Integrating sex and spirituality in the lifestyle
Articles on Ascension Massage
- by Nancy, latest on top

1/23/25 - Continuing to evolve hands of light
As I continue to connect into my larger infinite self under the Ascended Master mentors, I become more aware that this is not for women only as previously posted below. The Love Club has just been posted as a blog on this website and sent out as a GoddessSphere newsletter. Guidance is coming swiftly and moving me past my own limitations. I am open to having an ascension massage exchange with anyone who feels ready, per all the writing I've done (my house, no cost). Contact me HERE through the contact page and introduce yourself. Nancy Wilson, Naples, FLorida. I am an elder.
5/18/24 - For women only
For women only. This page was originally posted years ago, around 2014. Ascension massage never became a reality, probably because it's too far out for most people, at least in words. (Not in feelings, though) I am a student of the ascended masters and I learn in non-verbal ways how to connect with the light trapped in the bodies of the people I touch. I would like to share this touch with others but through massage exchange, not by word of mouth. I'd like to exchange with women only at this point, not with men, since men have a different energy that pulls me in uncomfortable directions. The divine feminine is different from the divine masculine. Are you a woman who is interested in exchanging massage with me? In the Naples, FL area? If so, contact me via the Contact page and introduce yourself. Personal and down-to-earth. No cost involved. I am guided by the Ascended Masters or angelics if you prefer, to exchange physical loving, uplifting, healing touch. To give and receive with someone who is also quietly inwardly more feminine focused as I am, and who is aware of the shift in consciousness referred to as ascension. Check my blog for more insight as to where I'm coming from. Exchanges would be done at my house in Naples, Florida. I radiate peace, comfort, kindness and gentleness. I don't hear from people ever since I stopped entertaining with parties. I have moved on from that era. They don't contact me any more, so this is an attempt to find people with whom to exchange higher love massage with. Love, Nancy (aka Diana, editor of this site)
7/9/21 - Ascension Massage Philosophy
The purpose of Ascension Massage, which is taking up so much of my thoughts lately, is a mindful exercise of becoming conscious of what's going on inside oneself. It is a healing process. Too much focus on “things” and “politics” and “confusions of the outside world" and other people have nothing to do with oneself. It only serves to pull you down and away from your natural peace and harmony. There is a need for some new techniques and teachings. The Masters have given me the title "Ascension Massage". It is up to me to fill it in with my understanding. A massage exchange club or network will be a fun way to gather and share these techniques with others. Where we have permission to practice and gain confidence in how to touch with respect, yet closely and intimately. To hug, cuddle, touch, stroke each other with caring, organically, chemically. But without safe techniques and guidance in how to touch one another with respect, we remain reserved, guarded, stiff and formal - or in the opposite direction - with loose morals to do whatever we feel like doing. There is a lot of confusion over "loving touch massage" and its aim or purpose.
The chaos energies that come from other people enter through breathing. We have to breathe so we inhale without thinking, unconsciously. Unconscious breathing is shallow breathing. Conscious breathing is the BIG KEY. It is a deep, conscious breath, drawing deeper down to the bottom of the lungs, pushing out the diaphragm. And then exhaling from the bottom of the lungs and drawing in the stomach. Stop and start focusing on conscious breathing. Count a number of inhales in this manner, and the same number of exhales in this manner, focusing on your heart and lung area. Focus on the sun in your heart/lungs. The toxic energies enter through unconscious, shallow breathing. We walk through city streets and stores filled with many energies that are not good for us. Yet, if you were to be conscioius of each breath, you would not inhale toxins, you would inhale pure light particles from the sun. It is your consciousness that filters out the toxins. It is your consciousness that changes the air to pure sun-lit prana.
People breathe unconsciously and the "not-self" particles in the air enter into your lungs. Your blood picks them up and distributes them throughout your body and you are not aware, unless you have been trained by a master to become a conscious breather. Not with every breath, but for a certain amount of time every day, to strengthen your awareness. People are unaware. They don’t know what to do about their ill feelings, bad feelings, wrong feelings. Most people don't even know about the diversity of energies in the air. They are invisible. How could they? But they are there and they are "not-self" particles. They are toxic to you because they are not your energies. Other people's ideas, thoughts, emotions and beliefs are not YOURS to cultivate. If they were your energies you would be able to organize them and manage them. You would be able to feel them and identify them. But because you don't know how to separate your energies from everyone else's energies, you can't do anything about it. If you find yourself confused and unable to do anything about it, then you need to get to know yourself better. It is the body that collects energies from other sources that aren’t yours, like dust in your house collects on furniture, floors and fan blades. We need to release them and let them go.
After a good massage or healing session, we feel really light and easy for a little while, because we had help in relaxing, and letting go. Someone else was here with us stroking us with kindness, so those "not-self" particles that don't belong to us drift away like dust that suffocates us and build up inside our skin. Ascension massage with uplifting thoughts will help us to relax. We are here to relax, not to change anything or persuade anybody. It is as simple as relaxing with the help of an understanding friend and soothing fingers. During this soothing relaxation process, our own body, mind, feelings and spirituality become aligned and integrated. Our OWN body is a storehouse of all our own energies, all of them combined. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies are OUR energies, and when we relax during a massage (if it is a safe massage) we can feel them fall into alignment. The peace we feel is our own physical, emotional, mental, spiritual energies falling into place. They are our own unique energies and they are YOU falling into harmony.
During normal active hours, most of us live in an environment of diversity. Whether we live alone or with family, we have TV, computers, internet, friends, neighbors, life goes on around us. We are continually exposed to the energies, desires and projects of other people. They are confusing to our body, mind and feelings. Where is the master in charge of this organism? Nobody taught us that WE are the master in charge. Nobody taught us how to manage our energies. We have fallen into a soup of billions of particles that don't know who they are or where they belong. Energetic particles are conscious. They are the "stuff" that builds worlds, suns and sentient creatures but they need a master mind to control them.
We need this greater teaching. We need each other with whom to practice and apply this greater teaching, to help re-establish peace. It’s scientific. Put your hands on someone and feel the presence of that other person. Feel the love that is possible. The kindness and the closeness and the nurturance of the other. A friend can help you stabilize if it is freely given and freely received, without expectation or fantasies to bog it down. It’s when people project their own desires onto someone else that there is a bog-down. That friend then becomes a drama in your life. It is impersonal kindness – free kindness - that is the love we need from each other. It is uplifting, nurturing and free-flowing kindness.
We are living in invisible energy clouds and its building up around us and inside of us. We are hanging onto these toxic energies without knowing it. We can’t escape it because we live in it, like fish live in water. We get it through our ears through sound, through our eyes what we see, through our mouth what we eat, through our noses what we breathe, and through our skin what we touch. We are not able to escape it except through love, which means connecting with higher planes. Ascended planes of consciousness. We have access to it. It is a teaching that we are missing. It is the ascended master teachings. This is what we mean by Love with a capital L. It is transcendental love, meaning beyond personal. It's on a level like the sun which shines its warm rays on everyone alike. The sun is impersonal. We are each growing ourself into a higher-level self by shining our light outward on people instead of hoarding it and keeping it secret. Freely give and freely receive what others give to you. When we shine our light out on others, when it strikes another solid body, it becomes love.
Higher love is higher vibrating energy. Higher qualities of energy are gratitude, appreciation, good will, trust, love, freedom, (giving someone ELSE their freedom), humility, kindness, respect. Higher vibrating energy raises everything you see up a notch to a more refined, more sophisticated, more elegant, more intelligent, more wise, more sensitive, planes. Raise it, raise it, raise it. This is how we protect ourselves and help others to protect themselves. As we give them our uplifting qualities of thought through intention and hands-on stroking, we help them raise their vibrations and spin off the heavier toxic energies. Otherwise, we just recycle the same chaotic negative day-to-day hum-drum quality of life that doesn’t ever seem to change. It builds and builds and builds up in the tissues and molecules of the body and becomes stress in your chemistry, your brain, your thoughts, your feelings, your nostrils, mouth, eyes, ears. These energies are bogging people down and confusing them and causing them diseases, chronic and incurable, nervous disorders, depressions, etc.
I want to start an Ascension Massage Exchange Network, where we get together and exchange body massages respectfully. Upliftingly. We need each other to practice raising the vibrations of our thoughts and feelings. We need to practice. Practice means getting together with others who are on the same wave length - meaning they too want to clean up their act and find a solution to life's woes. We don’t have to give up anything that is enjoyable. Just give up the energies that bog us down and confuse us. How do we know what is confusing? That takes self-awareness. By exchanging warm human massage we find out through feelings. Respectful, sensitive, loving massage provides opportunities for inner study in what's going on inside our skin. In our feelings. In our emotions. In how we think. In what we believe. Periodic get-togethers for social massage, hugs, cuddles and story telling done on a meaningful basis, is what I have in mind. Ascension Massage Exchanges.
Hug someone with sincerity and an open heart. What do you feel? Stroke them for a little while, give a shoulder rub. It’s not personal but it's closeness. It is intimate. It is warm body contact. It's scary at first but it’s healing as time goes on and we practice more and more. It’s a friendly healing session because no one is going to become offensive. There will be rules in place. Everyone is a healer when there is respect, with loving intentions. When a person stops thinking selfishly and starts thinking about how to hold respect and kindness in mind, it’s nourishing and supportive. It's the opposite of selfish. Ascension massage is a raising up of the body. If you are thinking massage will offer openings for romantic or sensual encounters, then think again. This is not the right activity for you.
Learn to connect with people from the heart or higher, not from below the heart. Each chakra in the body opens to a higher level of frequency - a higher, more refined plane of love. The first chakra is called the root chakra at the tailbone. It is pure earth power representing love for earth. The second chakra is located at the reproductive organs. It expands the root chakra to a higher level of love for others. The third chakra is at the solar plexus (navel). It expands the initial root energy to a higher level of love for self, which enhances personal power. The fourth chakra is at the heart. Here it expands the rising earth energy to purity of love. The fifth chakra is at the throat. It expands the rising earth energy to love of truth and expressions of the individual's truth of soul, which takes many forms. The sixth chakra is at the third eye or pineal gland. This chakra expands the earth energy to love for higher things beyond the earth. The seventh chakra is at the crown. It expands the earth energy to beyond the earth realm, sometimes called samadhi. One becomes a master of his or her energies then, and can come and go at will.
The goal in Ascension Massage is to open one's consciousness to an upward flow in a way that is comfortable, peaceful, serene which brings gifts of super powers, refined super powers that are blissful. This naturally takes him above his sexual zone which is a lower vibration. However, it does not end sexuality. Rather it transforms sexuality into enlightened lovemaking. As the original Tantra training did eons ago. The reward is transcendent peace or bliss, versus the sensation called lust or passionate sex. As a man or woman raises their vibrations to higher levels, they lose the sense of gender. Love becomes open-hearted caring for whoever they are with. Under such teachings one learns to adjust to higher vibrations. They learn what kindness feels like. The sensation of respect. The visceral sensation of nourishment. The plan is to build a network of friends to meet with this goal in mind. Ascension massage does not stop and focus on the sexual organs. It is open, honest, fun and enjoyable friendship on a higher scale. The kind of friendship with whom you can speak plainly and openly, without shame or guilt, and which puts a smile on your face when you leave to go home.
Sexuality is recognized as an honest and pleasurable appetite for human beings and should not be reduced to non-existence. But ascension massage is not the appropriate time to engage in it any more than you would start exercising your sweaty gym workout at a fancy restaurant. There's a time and place for everything. Ascension massage is a teaching workshop to practice raising, not lowering, one's physical vibrations. To create a sexual body response, one needs to contract one's focus and concentration to lower it to a sexual "heat" level. It is the opposite to raising and expanding one's focus to lift or raise one's vibrations. Sexual interaction is a normal human activity. However the ascended masters are showing us that it must be done with love if we are to ensure the continuation of the species along a positive timeline. We must learn how to raise our energies to the heart in order to bring in the soul connection. This reduces trouble and turmoil among the species and among the members of a household and community.
Ascension Massage is intended as a small group gathering or class to practice touching and interacting with others on a higher vibrational level - not expecting sex to be part of it. This is a BIG step, and it may be difficult for some to accept. We humans tend to think sexual thoughts when there is intimate touching involved. Among adults at least. We adults need to change our way of thinking to more uplifting love, joyous, happy and free - not secretive, shameful, guilty, possessive, jealous, vengeful or cheating. Sex activity requires downward movement of thought and feeling. It requires focus and concentration on lower, tighter, laborious body contact. Since it is a contraction, it is not free. Ascension massage is the opposite in that participants attend a meditation on uplifting attitudes prior to the massage. Attention is guided to expanding outward to the etheric envelope (aura). The power to love and heal another is done through the auric field. Physical sex does not engage the auric field but the physical genital organs only. This is a new teaching.
This is how we make love. You can literally "make" love or generate love only within yourself. You can't "make" love happen in another individual. You "make" love in yourself first, by thinking silently "I appreciate you, thank you, God bless you, I love you, you are so beautiful, you are so important to me, you are precious, thank you, and more words of that kind. Then the love you make within your own auric field expands to include the other person who receives it in THEIR auric field and they enjoy the love you shared with them. This is Tantric. It is the real meaning of loving someone and lifting them up and giving them the greatest lovemaking ever. You are giving them freedom, you are giving them space, you are giving them elevation and elation, you are giving them transcendence. You are giving them permission to feel the love within themselves. It turns them on. And they don't have to perform for you or give you something back. This is freedom. This is ascension. This is lovemaking.
Ascension massage is learning how to give in a selfless way. And when it's your turn to be massaged, you learn how to RECEIVE such a beautiful gift within yourself. Can you receive such great love? Can you absorb the love, absorb the healing, absorb the transcendence being offered to you? Many people are too tightly wound. This is practice time. Open your heart. Absorb the light. Absorb the trust. This will open doors to your own heart for yourself alone.
During the receiving of a massage, focus on yourself so you can tune into your own truth, whatever is happening within the emotions and thoughts. Your own guidance system will open up, which is your true self. It is your own protection system, to keep you from becoming lost in and distracted by the outer world of other people’s thoughts, desires and projects. Keep yourself from becoming “stuck” in someone else’s life plan, inadvertently. Unless you choose to become involved. Each person radiates neediness on some level, which is psychological. It is psychic. It is invisible. We have been trained to ignore the invisible pyschic radiations that are swirling all around us but we should not ignore them. If we could see them, we would be better able to avoid them, but we don’t see them. Therefore individuals can be psychically manipulated. We ourselves are doing it to others without realizing. It is in ignorance that we are being manipulated and doing the manipulation. We are a confused race. We need enlightenment. We need to learn these things and practice transcendence - raising the vibrational level of our body, mind and feelings. That is how we raise above the lower swirling energies that we don't know are there.
There are two ways to do this. First, find the radar equipment that is inside the heart. It is the only connecting link we have. Our precious life force is embedded within the heart as a frequency. It's like a musical note. Once you connect with it, you feel the thrill. It is in the heart. All of the teachings refer us to the heart. We must focus on the heart. The goal of the ascension massage exchanges is to become heart-based. People have been told NOT to go to the heart in many insidious, subtle ways. We’ve been told in our younger years in school not to day dream. "Think!" they told us. "Go to the mind. Use your logic. Don’t go to the heart because it’s emotional and you’ll get all messed up there." And so we were trained like little puppies growing up to follow the outer world's logic and forget our own inner logic which is heart-magic.
The second way is to act from the heart. Put the heart first in all that you do. Live from the heart, talk from the heart, respond from the heart, check into your own truth first before responding or doing anything. Your real self is the feeling of zing, of excitement, of truth, of noble qualities. Let your heart ring true in all that you do.
Yet the opposite is true. By using primarily thought-based logic, we get all messed up because the brain is the storehouse of OTHER knowledge, not our own. Knowledge from past lives are embedded in our hearts. The heart is the last organ to go when it is time to pass over. We need to find our way back to our hearts because that's where our longevity and health is found. We are heart-based creatures. When you're in your own heart resonance you feel peace and contentment. When you’re tuned into your natural heart-beat, you feel right, good, and wellness prevails. If only children were taught this early in life and were trained in it and supported to use it every day, the world would be a different place today.
If you’re out of sorts, if you are confused, if you are in panic attack, stop! Stop everything. Breathe, slow down, breathe slower, slow down more, breathe even slower, focus on your heart, imagine your heart brightening with an inner glow. Picture a small sun in your heart. Breathe slower still, breathe deeper, slow down. Slow. Slow. See the sun growing larger. Slow and imagine your heart beating, pump, thump, pump, thump, pump thump. When you’ve connected to your heart radar, you’ve connected with your individual life-force which is your own soul, not somebody else’s. You will know when you’re connected because you will feel peaceful. Even if it's just slightly more peaceful. It will grow if you continue to breathe into it and expand the sun there. Notice the degree of peace becoming stronger. Uncannily peaceful. It will be like a dimmer switch on a lamp. It starts out small and grows slowly more peaceful. It will be like somebody turned a switch on and you will suddenly feel peaceful. It’s a natural state of being when you connect with your own resonance, your life thread, which is embedded in your heart. It is not a physical thing. It is a consciousness connection. It takes time to figure it out. It takes practice time every day.
It is unnatural for people to feel physically depressed, or despondent, or going crazy or paranoid. It is your body cells that are going crazy, not you. The energy particles in your tissues are not in alignment. They are scattering and getting into a panic. They are boiling over and getting ready to explode. Take control over them. Make yourself slow down. Breathe. slow, breathe, slow, breathe slow. Count your breaths. Count to 50 or 100 inhales and exhales. Your individual life force is constantly flowing into you every second, and you've been pissing it away into the wind (pardon the vernacular). You've been wasting it and diverting your attention to the outside world which is a wild and crazy place. You have forsaken your individuality, your resonant signature - your soul. You haven't been connected. Listen to your heart beat. Stop listening to the outside world for an hour, or two hours. I would do sometimes 4 hours a day, sometimes 3, more often 2 hours a day is my average. It keeps me sane. Then the rest of the day belongs to the world. I can cope with the world because I have renewed and rebuilt my own life force. It is strong in me.
Do this periodically. The calm and peaceful feeling is your feminine side. Your masculine side is your active busy side. It belongs to the world. Your feminine peace belongs to the universal wholeness. Imagine that you are an appliance. You need to be plugged into an electrical outlet in order to function. As an intelligent human being your electrical outlet is the light in your heart. You are the master switch. Imagine a light in your heart and you must plug in every day to recharge yourself for an hour or so. Your heart is physical but surrounding your physical heart is a larger etheric heart. That’s where the river of life comes through into your physical heart. Your individual life force is flowing down into your body. When your heart stops beating, your river of life stops and you leave. Your body is not receiving life any more. Go to your heart. Make that your number one priority. Breathe into your heart, your etheric heart. Imagine your glowing etheric heart, transparent, surrounding and feeding life into your smaller physical heart.
We have not been trained to do this but it’s not too late, never too late, to learn how to go to the well-spring and drink from the oasis of life - the auric field that surrounds the physical body. It’s pumping into your body all the time but we’re diverting it and misusing it, which causes us to be confused. We don’t know ourselves because we are absorbing everybody else’s energies along with it that are being pumped out into the atmosphere and we breathe everyone else's lives in and it mixes with our own. Everybody is seeking to find themselves, and to find their place in life, and to find their mission, their purpose. Who am I? They are trying to sort themselves out, but other people’s energies are co-existing along with their own. They don’t realize that’s what is happening. Practice resurrecting your own heart beat, the place where peace prevails, and you will find your purpose. Your purpose is not something you “do”, it’s something you are. Your purpose is knowing yourself. We throw ourselves off the path by not following our heart and we end up following some other trail through the wild wood of earthly life. We get wrapped up in the dramas going on in the outer world around us, including through our own children. We should not do that. If we taught our own children how to focus on their heart and periodically tune into that peaceful river of life flowing into them every second, regenerating their own life force, they would be able to find their path much easier than they do by not knowing that secret. The mental and emotional debris that is floating around in the air everywhere is capturing our attention and keeping us fascinated and intrigued by it, but it’s also debilitating us and keeping us frozen in place, recycling the same energies over and over until we are bored to death.
There’s a reason why people meditate and do yoga and other inward-focused practices. They are the cool ones in our society. They are not sputtering and kicking out fumes of discontent. Ascension massage exchanges is for those who are not practicing meditation, yoga or other inward-focused disciplines. We have need to help those not inclined towards inner work. It will help turn our focus inward to nourish and align the forces within through body contact. This is planned to be a training program to create more helpers and assistants in a loving, kind way, to reach out and hold hands, hug, get close to, anchor the light and love by joining forces. People must be trained in how to channel universal love and respect. It's a matter of thinking higher thoughts. Learn and practice this and you will help create a network of more authentic, caring friends with whom you can connect. Who will lift and inspire you. Friends. New friends and old friends. Meet with them privately, invite them to your home away, learn how to raise your vibrations to ascension level. The human is accustomed to pretending kindness instead of being authentically kind. Don't bog yourself down with personal attachments, and holding onto selfish desires thinking you "need" something to make you whole.
Become more real by becoming more meaningful and more genuine. It is a responsibility to transform a superficial friend into a more authentic friend by raising your own sincerity level, your own consciousness, your own respect, candidness, honesty. Be real, not fake. Being real is the most important quality that you have that has been hiding. Be MORE real. When you begin making friends in a social atmosphere, you’re practicing using your innate abilities, your spiritual abilities, your super powers. You’re using what is natural and innate when you feel more comfortable while talking. Most people put on a face when they are in a social atmosphere. They act and say what they think others expect them to act and say. But what you will learn in ascension massage is how to tune into your inner self, your inner life force which is naturally peaceful when you can just be yourself. You will enjoy that sense of liberation when you can just “be yourself”.
When you make a private date with another couple (or person), you’re not exploring the other people, you’re exploring yourself. You’re catching yourself when you have a negative reaction, and you’re turning it to a positive. You’re exploring and discovering your own positive abilities and how to respond with kindness and respect. Even in the face of a negative reaction which came from YOU! You feel new feelings and receive new thoughts by interacting with a new person you’re not familiar with. This is why we want to interact with other people - to be stimulated. Remember to realize that it is YOU who is being stimulated. Don’t make the mistake of projecting your focus outward onto them. Focus on your Self. Self means soul. Your soul is responding to a new energy in this other person or persons. You can still enjoy them. Enjoy transforming yourself in awkward situations. Take the lead in being a positive, kind, wise person. You will stand out. You will shine. Find a way to realize your own responses. They are YOU! Be kind to the other person and respond to them appropriately. If you are in tune with your inner heart, you will know what to do. It’s not mysterious to be natural.
This new energy is helping you to see and experience new or long forgotten parts of yourself. The mistake made by many people is to “fall in love” with someone who has stimulated them. Don’t make it personal because it will go down hill from there. Falling in love only leads to confusion. You meld your two separate selves together and neither of you know who you are any more without the other one. You are “hooked” together. And if you are already in a committed relationship, a third party affair is going to complicate your life, not make it nicer. You don’t want to upset your life which you have carefully laid out and constructed to give you a nest to come home to, and to serve all of your needs. If you are hungry for interactions with other people, make room in your life to have interactions with other people but don’t fall in love. Focus on SELF. You are the most important person you have to consider. All others you behave appropriately with, out of respect and commitment. But you are the one to maintain integrity with. Your responsibility lies in you for yourself. If you do what all others have done in the past (cheat) because you were hungry for something different, then you will be complicating your life. Stay clean. Stay pure. Stay balanced. Stay heart-centered. If you become attached to another person and divorce your current mate to make a new life with someone different, all because you “fell in love“ and couldn‘t detach from them so you are hopelessly entangled, the chances are it is just a matter of time that you will again grow bored and seek stimulation from someone else. Again. And again. There are those people who make monogamy a serial action. One after another after another. Continually falling in love, then falling out of love, then falling newly in love, then falling out of love. It is time to learn about SELF love, and provide a protection around your SELF, so that you may enjoy the freedom of love from a trans-personal perspective.
Realize that you are the container of stimulation and excitement. You as a physical body and mind, you are constantly receiving new refreshing stimulation, ideas, exciting new thoughts, new awarenesses, every minute of the day. Every second you are being refreshed with infinite excitement energy. Are you wasting it by being distracted and sending your power out and away from you into some irrelevant subject? Hold onto your energy. Lift your energy. Light up your energy field. Love yourself. Learn how to do it. Your attention has been diverted away from the stimulating THRILLING energy that is flowing into your heart and being pumped into arteries, veins, organs, your nervous system, so your body can feel bliss, enlightenment, joy and even ecstasy - but you are being tempted away by the glamour of the world, the dramas of other people, the competition of sports, the entertainment, theaters, nightclubbing, projects, movies, television, ambitions.
Don’t get me wrong. You can have all of these things plus more by tuning into your SELF and tuning out the "not-self". Find your SELF first. Feel the natural peace of your inner self and don’t waste it on irrelevant matters. Tape back into your heart. That is where the SELF resides. End of story!
As I continue to connect into my larger infinite self under the Ascended Master mentors, I become more aware that this is not for women only as previously posted below. The Love Club has just been posted as a blog on this website and sent out as a GoddessSphere newsletter. Guidance is coming swiftly and moving me past my own limitations. I am open to having an ascension massage exchange with anyone who feels ready, per all the writing I've done (my house, no cost). Contact me HERE through the contact page and introduce yourself. Nancy Wilson, Naples, FLorida. I am an elder.
5/18/24 - For women only
For women only. This page was originally posted years ago, around 2014. Ascension massage never became a reality, probably because it's too far out for most people, at least in words. (Not in feelings, though) I am a student of the ascended masters and I learn in non-verbal ways how to connect with the light trapped in the bodies of the people I touch. I would like to share this touch with others but through massage exchange, not by word of mouth. I'd like to exchange with women only at this point, not with men, since men have a different energy that pulls me in uncomfortable directions. The divine feminine is different from the divine masculine. Are you a woman who is interested in exchanging massage with me? In the Naples, FL area? If so, contact me via the Contact page and introduce yourself. Personal and down-to-earth. No cost involved. I am guided by the Ascended Masters or angelics if you prefer, to exchange physical loving, uplifting, healing touch. To give and receive with someone who is also quietly inwardly more feminine focused as I am, and who is aware of the shift in consciousness referred to as ascension. Check my blog for more insight as to where I'm coming from. Exchanges would be done at my house in Naples, Florida. I radiate peace, comfort, kindness and gentleness. I don't hear from people ever since I stopped entertaining with parties. I have moved on from that era. They don't contact me any more, so this is an attempt to find people with whom to exchange higher love massage with. Love, Nancy (aka Diana, editor of this site)
7/9/21 - Ascension Massage Philosophy
The purpose of Ascension Massage, which is taking up so much of my thoughts lately, is a mindful exercise of becoming conscious of what's going on inside oneself. It is a healing process. Too much focus on “things” and “politics” and “confusions of the outside world" and other people have nothing to do with oneself. It only serves to pull you down and away from your natural peace and harmony. There is a need for some new techniques and teachings. The Masters have given me the title "Ascension Massage". It is up to me to fill it in with my understanding. A massage exchange club or network will be a fun way to gather and share these techniques with others. Where we have permission to practice and gain confidence in how to touch with respect, yet closely and intimately. To hug, cuddle, touch, stroke each other with caring, organically, chemically. But without safe techniques and guidance in how to touch one another with respect, we remain reserved, guarded, stiff and formal - or in the opposite direction - with loose morals to do whatever we feel like doing. There is a lot of confusion over "loving touch massage" and its aim or purpose.
The chaos energies that come from other people enter through breathing. We have to breathe so we inhale without thinking, unconsciously. Unconscious breathing is shallow breathing. Conscious breathing is the BIG KEY. It is a deep, conscious breath, drawing deeper down to the bottom of the lungs, pushing out the diaphragm. And then exhaling from the bottom of the lungs and drawing in the stomach. Stop and start focusing on conscious breathing. Count a number of inhales in this manner, and the same number of exhales in this manner, focusing on your heart and lung area. Focus on the sun in your heart/lungs. The toxic energies enter through unconscious, shallow breathing. We walk through city streets and stores filled with many energies that are not good for us. Yet, if you were to be conscioius of each breath, you would not inhale toxins, you would inhale pure light particles from the sun. It is your consciousness that filters out the toxins. It is your consciousness that changes the air to pure sun-lit prana.
People breathe unconsciously and the "not-self" particles in the air enter into your lungs. Your blood picks them up and distributes them throughout your body and you are not aware, unless you have been trained by a master to become a conscious breather. Not with every breath, but for a certain amount of time every day, to strengthen your awareness. People are unaware. They don’t know what to do about their ill feelings, bad feelings, wrong feelings. Most people don't even know about the diversity of energies in the air. They are invisible. How could they? But they are there and they are "not-self" particles. They are toxic to you because they are not your energies. Other people's ideas, thoughts, emotions and beliefs are not YOURS to cultivate. If they were your energies you would be able to organize them and manage them. You would be able to feel them and identify them. But because you don't know how to separate your energies from everyone else's energies, you can't do anything about it. If you find yourself confused and unable to do anything about it, then you need to get to know yourself better. It is the body that collects energies from other sources that aren’t yours, like dust in your house collects on furniture, floors and fan blades. We need to release them and let them go.
After a good massage or healing session, we feel really light and easy for a little while, because we had help in relaxing, and letting go. Someone else was here with us stroking us with kindness, so those "not-self" particles that don't belong to us drift away like dust that suffocates us and build up inside our skin. Ascension massage with uplifting thoughts will help us to relax. We are here to relax, not to change anything or persuade anybody. It is as simple as relaxing with the help of an understanding friend and soothing fingers. During this soothing relaxation process, our own body, mind, feelings and spirituality become aligned and integrated. Our OWN body is a storehouse of all our own energies, all of them combined. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies are OUR energies, and when we relax during a massage (if it is a safe massage) we can feel them fall into alignment. The peace we feel is our own physical, emotional, mental, spiritual energies falling into place. They are our own unique energies and they are YOU falling into harmony.
During normal active hours, most of us live in an environment of diversity. Whether we live alone or with family, we have TV, computers, internet, friends, neighbors, life goes on around us. We are continually exposed to the energies, desires and projects of other people. They are confusing to our body, mind and feelings. Where is the master in charge of this organism? Nobody taught us that WE are the master in charge. Nobody taught us how to manage our energies. We have fallen into a soup of billions of particles that don't know who they are or where they belong. Energetic particles are conscious. They are the "stuff" that builds worlds, suns and sentient creatures but they need a master mind to control them.
We need this greater teaching. We need each other with whom to practice and apply this greater teaching, to help re-establish peace. It’s scientific. Put your hands on someone and feel the presence of that other person. Feel the love that is possible. The kindness and the closeness and the nurturance of the other. A friend can help you stabilize if it is freely given and freely received, without expectation or fantasies to bog it down. It’s when people project their own desires onto someone else that there is a bog-down. That friend then becomes a drama in your life. It is impersonal kindness – free kindness - that is the love we need from each other. It is uplifting, nurturing and free-flowing kindness.
We are living in invisible energy clouds and its building up around us and inside of us. We are hanging onto these toxic energies without knowing it. We can’t escape it because we live in it, like fish live in water. We get it through our ears through sound, through our eyes what we see, through our mouth what we eat, through our noses what we breathe, and through our skin what we touch. We are not able to escape it except through love, which means connecting with higher planes. Ascended planes of consciousness. We have access to it. It is a teaching that we are missing. It is the ascended master teachings. This is what we mean by Love with a capital L. It is transcendental love, meaning beyond personal. It's on a level like the sun which shines its warm rays on everyone alike. The sun is impersonal. We are each growing ourself into a higher-level self by shining our light outward on people instead of hoarding it and keeping it secret. Freely give and freely receive what others give to you. When we shine our light out on others, when it strikes another solid body, it becomes love.
Higher love is higher vibrating energy. Higher qualities of energy are gratitude, appreciation, good will, trust, love, freedom, (giving someone ELSE their freedom), humility, kindness, respect. Higher vibrating energy raises everything you see up a notch to a more refined, more sophisticated, more elegant, more intelligent, more wise, more sensitive, planes. Raise it, raise it, raise it. This is how we protect ourselves and help others to protect themselves. As we give them our uplifting qualities of thought through intention and hands-on stroking, we help them raise their vibrations and spin off the heavier toxic energies. Otherwise, we just recycle the same chaotic negative day-to-day hum-drum quality of life that doesn’t ever seem to change. It builds and builds and builds up in the tissues and molecules of the body and becomes stress in your chemistry, your brain, your thoughts, your feelings, your nostrils, mouth, eyes, ears. These energies are bogging people down and confusing them and causing them diseases, chronic and incurable, nervous disorders, depressions, etc.
I want to start an Ascension Massage Exchange Network, where we get together and exchange body massages respectfully. Upliftingly. We need each other to practice raising the vibrations of our thoughts and feelings. We need to practice. Practice means getting together with others who are on the same wave length - meaning they too want to clean up their act and find a solution to life's woes. We don’t have to give up anything that is enjoyable. Just give up the energies that bog us down and confuse us. How do we know what is confusing? That takes self-awareness. By exchanging warm human massage we find out through feelings. Respectful, sensitive, loving massage provides opportunities for inner study in what's going on inside our skin. In our feelings. In our emotions. In how we think. In what we believe. Periodic get-togethers for social massage, hugs, cuddles and story telling done on a meaningful basis, is what I have in mind. Ascension Massage Exchanges.
Hug someone with sincerity and an open heart. What do you feel? Stroke them for a little while, give a shoulder rub. It’s not personal but it's closeness. It is intimate. It is warm body contact. It's scary at first but it’s healing as time goes on and we practice more and more. It’s a friendly healing session because no one is going to become offensive. There will be rules in place. Everyone is a healer when there is respect, with loving intentions. When a person stops thinking selfishly and starts thinking about how to hold respect and kindness in mind, it’s nourishing and supportive. It's the opposite of selfish. Ascension massage is a raising up of the body. If you are thinking massage will offer openings for romantic or sensual encounters, then think again. This is not the right activity for you.
Learn to connect with people from the heart or higher, not from below the heart. Each chakra in the body opens to a higher level of frequency - a higher, more refined plane of love. The first chakra is called the root chakra at the tailbone. It is pure earth power representing love for earth. The second chakra is located at the reproductive organs. It expands the root chakra to a higher level of love for others. The third chakra is at the solar plexus (navel). It expands the initial root energy to a higher level of love for self, which enhances personal power. The fourth chakra is at the heart. Here it expands the rising earth energy to purity of love. The fifth chakra is at the throat. It expands the rising earth energy to love of truth and expressions of the individual's truth of soul, which takes many forms. The sixth chakra is at the third eye or pineal gland. This chakra expands the earth energy to love for higher things beyond the earth. The seventh chakra is at the crown. It expands the earth energy to beyond the earth realm, sometimes called samadhi. One becomes a master of his or her energies then, and can come and go at will.
The goal in Ascension Massage is to open one's consciousness to an upward flow in a way that is comfortable, peaceful, serene which brings gifts of super powers, refined super powers that are blissful. This naturally takes him above his sexual zone which is a lower vibration. However, it does not end sexuality. Rather it transforms sexuality into enlightened lovemaking. As the original Tantra training did eons ago. The reward is transcendent peace or bliss, versus the sensation called lust or passionate sex. As a man or woman raises their vibrations to higher levels, they lose the sense of gender. Love becomes open-hearted caring for whoever they are with. Under such teachings one learns to adjust to higher vibrations. They learn what kindness feels like. The sensation of respect. The visceral sensation of nourishment. The plan is to build a network of friends to meet with this goal in mind. Ascension massage does not stop and focus on the sexual organs. It is open, honest, fun and enjoyable friendship on a higher scale. The kind of friendship with whom you can speak plainly and openly, without shame or guilt, and which puts a smile on your face when you leave to go home.
Sexuality is recognized as an honest and pleasurable appetite for human beings and should not be reduced to non-existence. But ascension massage is not the appropriate time to engage in it any more than you would start exercising your sweaty gym workout at a fancy restaurant. There's a time and place for everything. Ascension massage is a teaching workshop to practice raising, not lowering, one's physical vibrations. To create a sexual body response, one needs to contract one's focus and concentration to lower it to a sexual "heat" level. It is the opposite to raising and expanding one's focus to lift or raise one's vibrations. Sexual interaction is a normal human activity. However the ascended masters are showing us that it must be done with love if we are to ensure the continuation of the species along a positive timeline. We must learn how to raise our energies to the heart in order to bring in the soul connection. This reduces trouble and turmoil among the species and among the members of a household and community.
Ascension Massage is intended as a small group gathering or class to practice touching and interacting with others on a higher vibrational level - not expecting sex to be part of it. This is a BIG step, and it may be difficult for some to accept. We humans tend to think sexual thoughts when there is intimate touching involved. Among adults at least. We adults need to change our way of thinking to more uplifting love, joyous, happy and free - not secretive, shameful, guilty, possessive, jealous, vengeful or cheating. Sex activity requires downward movement of thought and feeling. It requires focus and concentration on lower, tighter, laborious body contact. Since it is a contraction, it is not free. Ascension massage is the opposite in that participants attend a meditation on uplifting attitudes prior to the massage. Attention is guided to expanding outward to the etheric envelope (aura). The power to love and heal another is done through the auric field. Physical sex does not engage the auric field but the physical genital organs only. This is a new teaching.
This is how we make love. You can literally "make" love or generate love only within yourself. You can't "make" love happen in another individual. You "make" love in yourself first, by thinking silently "I appreciate you, thank you, God bless you, I love you, you are so beautiful, you are so important to me, you are precious, thank you, and more words of that kind. Then the love you make within your own auric field expands to include the other person who receives it in THEIR auric field and they enjoy the love you shared with them. This is Tantric. It is the real meaning of loving someone and lifting them up and giving them the greatest lovemaking ever. You are giving them freedom, you are giving them space, you are giving them elevation and elation, you are giving them transcendence. You are giving them permission to feel the love within themselves. It turns them on. And they don't have to perform for you or give you something back. This is freedom. This is ascension. This is lovemaking.
Ascension massage is learning how to give in a selfless way. And when it's your turn to be massaged, you learn how to RECEIVE such a beautiful gift within yourself. Can you receive such great love? Can you absorb the love, absorb the healing, absorb the transcendence being offered to you? Many people are too tightly wound. This is practice time. Open your heart. Absorb the light. Absorb the trust. This will open doors to your own heart for yourself alone.
During the receiving of a massage, focus on yourself so you can tune into your own truth, whatever is happening within the emotions and thoughts. Your own guidance system will open up, which is your true self. It is your own protection system, to keep you from becoming lost in and distracted by the outer world of other people’s thoughts, desires and projects. Keep yourself from becoming “stuck” in someone else’s life plan, inadvertently. Unless you choose to become involved. Each person radiates neediness on some level, which is psychological. It is psychic. It is invisible. We have been trained to ignore the invisible pyschic radiations that are swirling all around us but we should not ignore them. If we could see them, we would be better able to avoid them, but we don’t see them. Therefore individuals can be psychically manipulated. We ourselves are doing it to others without realizing. It is in ignorance that we are being manipulated and doing the manipulation. We are a confused race. We need enlightenment. We need to learn these things and practice transcendence - raising the vibrational level of our body, mind and feelings. That is how we raise above the lower swirling energies that we don't know are there.
There are two ways to do this. First, find the radar equipment that is inside the heart. It is the only connecting link we have. Our precious life force is embedded within the heart as a frequency. It's like a musical note. Once you connect with it, you feel the thrill. It is in the heart. All of the teachings refer us to the heart. We must focus on the heart. The goal of the ascension massage exchanges is to become heart-based. People have been told NOT to go to the heart in many insidious, subtle ways. We’ve been told in our younger years in school not to day dream. "Think!" they told us. "Go to the mind. Use your logic. Don’t go to the heart because it’s emotional and you’ll get all messed up there." And so we were trained like little puppies growing up to follow the outer world's logic and forget our own inner logic which is heart-magic.
The second way is to act from the heart. Put the heart first in all that you do. Live from the heart, talk from the heart, respond from the heart, check into your own truth first before responding or doing anything. Your real self is the feeling of zing, of excitement, of truth, of noble qualities. Let your heart ring true in all that you do.
Yet the opposite is true. By using primarily thought-based logic, we get all messed up because the brain is the storehouse of OTHER knowledge, not our own. Knowledge from past lives are embedded in our hearts. The heart is the last organ to go when it is time to pass over. We need to find our way back to our hearts because that's where our longevity and health is found. We are heart-based creatures. When you're in your own heart resonance you feel peace and contentment. When you’re tuned into your natural heart-beat, you feel right, good, and wellness prevails. If only children were taught this early in life and were trained in it and supported to use it every day, the world would be a different place today.
If you’re out of sorts, if you are confused, if you are in panic attack, stop! Stop everything. Breathe, slow down, breathe slower, slow down more, breathe even slower, focus on your heart, imagine your heart brightening with an inner glow. Picture a small sun in your heart. Breathe slower still, breathe deeper, slow down. Slow. Slow. See the sun growing larger. Slow and imagine your heart beating, pump, thump, pump, thump, pump thump. When you’ve connected to your heart radar, you’ve connected with your individual life-force which is your own soul, not somebody else’s. You will know when you’re connected because you will feel peaceful. Even if it's just slightly more peaceful. It will grow if you continue to breathe into it and expand the sun there. Notice the degree of peace becoming stronger. Uncannily peaceful. It will be like a dimmer switch on a lamp. It starts out small and grows slowly more peaceful. It will be like somebody turned a switch on and you will suddenly feel peaceful. It’s a natural state of being when you connect with your own resonance, your life thread, which is embedded in your heart. It is not a physical thing. It is a consciousness connection. It takes time to figure it out. It takes practice time every day.
It is unnatural for people to feel physically depressed, or despondent, or going crazy or paranoid. It is your body cells that are going crazy, not you. The energy particles in your tissues are not in alignment. They are scattering and getting into a panic. They are boiling over and getting ready to explode. Take control over them. Make yourself slow down. Breathe. slow, breathe, slow, breathe slow. Count your breaths. Count to 50 or 100 inhales and exhales. Your individual life force is constantly flowing into you every second, and you've been pissing it away into the wind (pardon the vernacular). You've been wasting it and diverting your attention to the outside world which is a wild and crazy place. You have forsaken your individuality, your resonant signature - your soul. You haven't been connected. Listen to your heart beat. Stop listening to the outside world for an hour, or two hours. I would do sometimes 4 hours a day, sometimes 3, more often 2 hours a day is my average. It keeps me sane. Then the rest of the day belongs to the world. I can cope with the world because I have renewed and rebuilt my own life force. It is strong in me.
Do this periodically. The calm and peaceful feeling is your feminine side. Your masculine side is your active busy side. It belongs to the world. Your feminine peace belongs to the universal wholeness. Imagine that you are an appliance. You need to be plugged into an electrical outlet in order to function. As an intelligent human being your electrical outlet is the light in your heart. You are the master switch. Imagine a light in your heart and you must plug in every day to recharge yourself for an hour or so. Your heart is physical but surrounding your physical heart is a larger etheric heart. That’s where the river of life comes through into your physical heart. Your individual life force is flowing down into your body. When your heart stops beating, your river of life stops and you leave. Your body is not receiving life any more. Go to your heart. Make that your number one priority. Breathe into your heart, your etheric heart. Imagine your glowing etheric heart, transparent, surrounding and feeding life into your smaller physical heart.
We have not been trained to do this but it’s not too late, never too late, to learn how to go to the well-spring and drink from the oasis of life - the auric field that surrounds the physical body. It’s pumping into your body all the time but we’re diverting it and misusing it, which causes us to be confused. We don’t know ourselves because we are absorbing everybody else’s energies along with it that are being pumped out into the atmosphere and we breathe everyone else's lives in and it mixes with our own. Everybody is seeking to find themselves, and to find their place in life, and to find their mission, their purpose. Who am I? They are trying to sort themselves out, but other people’s energies are co-existing along with their own. They don’t realize that’s what is happening. Practice resurrecting your own heart beat, the place where peace prevails, and you will find your purpose. Your purpose is not something you “do”, it’s something you are. Your purpose is knowing yourself. We throw ourselves off the path by not following our heart and we end up following some other trail through the wild wood of earthly life. We get wrapped up in the dramas going on in the outer world around us, including through our own children. We should not do that. If we taught our own children how to focus on their heart and periodically tune into that peaceful river of life flowing into them every second, regenerating their own life force, they would be able to find their path much easier than they do by not knowing that secret. The mental and emotional debris that is floating around in the air everywhere is capturing our attention and keeping us fascinated and intrigued by it, but it’s also debilitating us and keeping us frozen in place, recycling the same energies over and over until we are bored to death.
There’s a reason why people meditate and do yoga and other inward-focused practices. They are the cool ones in our society. They are not sputtering and kicking out fumes of discontent. Ascension massage exchanges is for those who are not practicing meditation, yoga or other inward-focused disciplines. We have need to help those not inclined towards inner work. It will help turn our focus inward to nourish and align the forces within through body contact. This is planned to be a training program to create more helpers and assistants in a loving, kind way, to reach out and hold hands, hug, get close to, anchor the light and love by joining forces. People must be trained in how to channel universal love and respect. It's a matter of thinking higher thoughts. Learn and practice this and you will help create a network of more authentic, caring friends with whom you can connect. Who will lift and inspire you. Friends. New friends and old friends. Meet with them privately, invite them to your home away, learn how to raise your vibrations to ascension level. The human is accustomed to pretending kindness instead of being authentically kind. Don't bog yourself down with personal attachments, and holding onto selfish desires thinking you "need" something to make you whole.
Become more real by becoming more meaningful and more genuine. It is a responsibility to transform a superficial friend into a more authentic friend by raising your own sincerity level, your own consciousness, your own respect, candidness, honesty. Be real, not fake. Being real is the most important quality that you have that has been hiding. Be MORE real. When you begin making friends in a social atmosphere, you’re practicing using your innate abilities, your spiritual abilities, your super powers. You’re using what is natural and innate when you feel more comfortable while talking. Most people put on a face when they are in a social atmosphere. They act and say what they think others expect them to act and say. But what you will learn in ascension massage is how to tune into your inner self, your inner life force which is naturally peaceful when you can just be yourself. You will enjoy that sense of liberation when you can just “be yourself”.
When you make a private date with another couple (or person), you’re not exploring the other people, you’re exploring yourself. You’re catching yourself when you have a negative reaction, and you’re turning it to a positive. You’re exploring and discovering your own positive abilities and how to respond with kindness and respect. Even in the face of a negative reaction which came from YOU! You feel new feelings and receive new thoughts by interacting with a new person you’re not familiar with. This is why we want to interact with other people - to be stimulated. Remember to realize that it is YOU who is being stimulated. Don’t make the mistake of projecting your focus outward onto them. Focus on your Self. Self means soul. Your soul is responding to a new energy in this other person or persons. You can still enjoy them. Enjoy transforming yourself in awkward situations. Take the lead in being a positive, kind, wise person. You will stand out. You will shine. Find a way to realize your own responses. They are YOU! Be kind to the other person and respond to them appropriately. If you are in tune with your inner heart, you will know what to do. It’s not mysterious to be natural.
This new energy is helping you to see and experience new or long forgotten parts of yourself. The mistake made by many people is to “fall in love” with someone who has stimulated them. Don’t make it personal because it will go down hill from there. Falling in love only leads to confusion. You meld your two separate selves together and neither of you know who you are any more without the other one. You are “hooked” together. And if you are already in a committed relationship, a third party affair is going to complicate your life, not make it nicer. You don’t want to upset your life which you have carefully laid out and constructed to give you a nest to come home to, and to serve all of your needs. If you are hungry for interactions with other people, make room in your life to have interactions with other people but don’t fall in love. Focus on SELF. You are the most important person you have to consider. All others you behave appropriately with, out of respect and commitment. But you are the one to maintain integrity with. Your responsibility lies in you for yourself. If you do what all others have done in the past (cheat) because you were hungry for something different, then you will be complicating your life. Stay clean. Stay pure. Stay balanced. Stay heart-centered. If you become attached to another person and divorce your current mate to make a new life with someone different, all because you “fell in love“ and couldn‘t detach from them so you are hopelessly entangled, the chances are it is just a matter of time that you will again grow bored and seek stimulation from someone else. Again. And again. There are those people who make monogamy a serial action. One after another after another. Continually falling in love, then falling out of love, then falling newly in love, then falling out of love. It is time to learn about SELF love, and provide a protection around your SELF, so that you may enjoy the freedom of love from a trans-personal perspective.
Realize that you are the container of stimulation and excitement. You as a physical body and mind, you are constantly receiving new refreshing stimulation, ideas, exciting new thoughts, new awarenesses, every minute of the day. Every second you are being refreshed with infinite excitement energy. Are you wasting it by being distracted and sending your power out and away from you into some irrelevant subject? Hold onto your energy. Lift your energy. Light up your energy field. Love yourself. Learn how to do it. Your attention has been diverted away from the stimulating THRILLING energy that is flowing into your heart and being pumped into arteries, veins, organs, your nervous system, so your body can feel bliss, enlightenment, joy and even ecstasy - but you are being tempted away by the glamour of the world, the dramas of other people, the competition of sports, the entertainment, theaters, nightclubbing, projects, movies, television, ambitions.
Don’t get me wrong. You can have all of these things plus more by tuning into your SELF and tuning out the "not-self". Find your SELF first. Feel the natural peace of your inner self and don’t waste it on irrelevant matters. Tape back into your heart. That is where the SELF resides. End of story!