Formerly known as Anakosha
(Why the change in title? Click HERE 1/4/25)
Awakening the divine feminine
The heart is the new baseline
Naples, Florida, USA
(Why the change in title? Click HERE 1/4/25)
Awakening the divine feminine
The heart is the new baseline
Naples, Florida, USA
Galactic Messages Full Article - 2/19/25
Galactic Messages by Video - 2/19/25
Diana's Blog - 2/17/25
Today's posts - 2/17/25
Newsletters - 2/2/25
Master DK's online book - 2/2/25
Galactic Messages Full Article - 2/19/25
Galactic Messages by Video - 2/19/25
Diana's Blog - 2/17/25
Today's posts - 2/17/25
Newsletters - 2/2/25
Master DK's online book - 2/2/25
This website is being upgraded slowly, day by day. This home page was updated two years ago on 2/7/22. On 5/3/22 the domain Anakakosha.org was switched over to GoddessSphere by accident, which was a subdomain of Anakosha. I am the only person working this site and I Diana am not very technical. That is why the url showed up as GoddessSphere but still showed Anakosha as its primary name. Today I am working up the courage to make upgrades! I Diana maintain this website alone. No one else works on it but me, so I do my best.
Anakosha's original website was posted in 1994 as an active couples swing site by Diana and her husband. It focused on positive, friendly sexual sharing between couples. Many parties were hosted, couples entertained, events and mini-conventions shared. Diana's husband maintained the site until 2012. In 2012 the website was taken over by Diana who learned the technicalities of website editing. She expanded Anakosha to include her perspective on spiritual love, as a student of the esoteric and the ascended masters. Gradually her writings changed the feeling of the website. Swing events continued to take place but gradually declined, and all events stopped in 2017. Diana's writings continued as a blend of sex, spirituality and love. Three sister websites were added as Diana's interests expanded. (1) the galacticfederation-naplesfl.org in 2012. (2) The worldmeditiations.org website in 2013 and (3) the GoddessSphere.org in 2019. All of these were linked to Anakosha, but have all been removed as of 2021 as Diana found them too much to handle as separate entities. Anakosha is now Diana's only website. It is her personal platform for blogs, newsletters and re-postings of galactic and spiritual channelings. Anakosha is Diana's name in higher realms, given to her in a most unusual way (story HERE). Her journey into the light began many years prior (story HERE). Her spiritual interests have continued to expand and she has recorded much of her journey in these pages. You may contact her (me) via the contact page. Thank you, bless you. My personal comments on love Love on a personal level inspired my journey and eventually led me, via my spiritual practices, inward and away from engaging sexually with other people, which is a way for men and women to bring balance to themselves. The more masculine-prone person needs some feminine energy and vice versa. The inner disciplines began bringing me a more peaceful and calm balance, which caused me to not want to engage any more with others in that way. The inner studies and practices I was doing brought me peace, balance and harmony between my inner male and inner female. Love is the primary determiner. Though I am still married and living peacefully with my third husband going on 28 years, I engage physically with him through ascension and tantra techniques. I have been a student of the Ascended Masters since age 15, and have been connected to the Galactic Federation of Light since age 26. I had a breakdown at age 30, which caused me to leave my family, and at age 38 the Kundalini awakened full-blown in me suddenly and unexpectedly. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word which refers to the holy spirit of Christianity. This force is one of love. It has led me to investigate further what the Ascended Masters have been saying all along. The Ascended Master Djwal Khul is my chief number one mentor. He continues to guide me today and I have posted a number of articles by him. Love is the key note of kundalini. Love is the embodied aspect of Light. Light is information. When Light (information) is received by the mind, it becomes love when it is applied to the person's life in some way. It must be expressed outwardly, physically, for the light to become part of the life. The body transforms abstract information into Love. I learned that Love is much bigger than personal love, or sex. The concept of universal love expanded in me dramatically and sex became a shallow shell of a thing after a while. Love always starts as personal love but it expands from there. Or should. Learning how to expand Love is the great work of the ages. It will expand if it is genuine and real. Feeling love within oneself leads to expanding love to everyone you meet, which does not mean having sex with everyone you meet! Love becomes wider, deeper, more enriching, more pure, more noble, more healthy. Love takes on a more sacred feeling as one allows oneself to express what one feels. It is a loving connection with oneself and complicated issues tend to fall away as the heart connection expands. Personal love as dictated by cultural laws of possessiveness, jealousy and sin becomes selfish love, which shows up as neediness and not very nice to live with. Insecurity, low self esteem and other complicated issues take over the person who does not share and expand from the heart. It is a natural evolution for all human beings to share love freely with others through noble, higher-minded honesty, integrity and intentions. Love doesn't mean sexual connection. As I discovered this I began writing about it in the Anakosha website. Human consciousness expands with age and experience if one is willing to use the forgiveness process of letting go of whatever bothers you. We lift ourselves up and over the challenges or bad spots, or we suffer by going over the same ground, repeating over and over what hurt us. When we try to find answers in the past and the future is still unknown, the only place to go for relief is to the heart. The heart contains the purity of the original divine plan of the person, the original nature of the person. Go back to the beginning. I am Diana and I use this site to record my personal experiences which began with personal love, and then grew larger by engaging in the swinging lifestyle with other couples, and then grew larger by going inward to reconnect with my transcendent higher self. Sex was a remarkable stepping stone on my journey and I advocate it for anyone who consents, but never ever engage under pressure or duress. While I expand into areas beyond which most people want to go, I am still human and am learning to express my truth and wisdom more and more every day. This is what is meant by "grounding". Bringing it into action. Intimacy via the erotic lifestyle is a grounding process. It is challenging. It forces realization and discernment. But it is only good if it is not forced on anyone. Thus I am able to speak of controversial subjects by way of sharing my story. I have not abandoned sex, I have expanded it to its original nature, which is a sacred force. Sex is the physical act of rubbing it until it awakens and blossoms and rises to the crown of the head in full bloom. Sex is the corner stone of physicality. It cannot be abandoned but it must be anchored into one's reality with love, otherwise it is abusive. Love cannot to be set aside during the act of sex, or karmic backlashes will occur. It is in the application of love that physical sex becomes wondrous and evolves the spiritual nature of the two lovers. There are challenges in every human relationship. There is loneliness, depression, frustration and suffocation that borders on madness because of lack of love, kindness, acceptance, fairness, patience and understanding. These are among the feelings I have observed in people and seen the miraculous turn-arounds in swinging. Within every life and in every moment, no matter how bad it is, there is a way to break out of deep depression into refreshing clear air. I welcome contact if a reader is so moved to write to me. The ego is a strong, steel-like belt around the whole body and mind that has a strong hold on a person. But there is an easy-going, natural, warm and loving presence inside that is the person's original nature. It is fluid and caring once the heart connection is allowed to expand. Heaven really does exist behind the steel-like belt that holds us to limited beliefs imposed by tradition, culture and laws. This loving presence manages to break out from time to time in freedom, sort of like when the sun comes out from behind a cloud. Sometimes fear holds us back, in which case take a deep breath and determine to plunge into action mode. Tell the truth. The REAL truth. The truth that you have been wanting to say or do but have been holding back because you didn't want to hurt someone. Tell the truth and this will bring you back in good graces with universal law. It is universal law that holds us together in peace and harmony. Truth hurts only the small ego. It mends the divine Ego and pulls things back together in peace. Try it and see. This takes courage. Be a warrior of courage. This is forgiveness. Stop holding a truth back. Stop holding a feeling back. Your heart builds a shell around itself. When you stop holding it back you will feel amazing release and relief. Open your arms and let it fly free. Clear the air. Break the chain that binds you to an untruth Untruth and lies are the prison. Wisdom and guidance are then at your beck and call. Forgive, release and let go and huge barriers become tiny things that crumble into dust and blow away. Things get better. Relaxation occurs. Peace enters. A deep and abiding peace. In this website, sex and swinging has been a main theme. Many wrote in out of frustration. "How can I get my wife or husband into swinging?" Or something related. Polyamory, cheating, having illicit affairs, single people searching for the right person, so many issues that are fundamental and basic to the mental health of a human being have come before me. Experimenting in swinging or open dating or taking a lover on the side - all of this is good for a little while. It helps loosen the shackles and shake things up. Many people are enjoying this phase. But in the end these are bandaids to cover a broken heart. A heart that is in prison. It's a dead-end search. There is no savior except one's own nobler self. The solution is to bring balance between the INNER male and female tendencies. Every human being has both male and female abilities. We have become lopsided by choosing to be either passive or active, meaning female or male. Very few of us have combined both sides of us and therefore, balanced. We have not learned to balance ourselves. We haven't been educated. It was not in our cultural training, but we are in the midst of change. The next lesson is coming into play. Introducing the Divine Androgyny When it is time, we find ourselves moving on. Giving up. We pick up our own marbles and go home. The next stage is self-awareness. We look into the esoteric by whatever name that means. It is spiritual. We are led to explore deeper. Deep in the depths is love. We may not call it that, but love lies waiting. We still enjoy sensual intimacies. That doesn't change, but we grow up a little. We take charge of ourselves more. We assert ourselves a little more. There is no savior. We realize that. We have to adjust to our own inadequacies and accept them. It brings us peace. We learn to love ourselves as we are. And then doors open. We learn. We evolve. We stop running. We leave the herd mentality and start thinking for ourselves. The relationship of 30 or 40 years which has grown stale, boring and frustrating because "I can't get what I want from my partner" is not the partner's fault. Running away to another partner is not the answer. There is a kinder, gentler, more homogenous way. The ancient Tantra masters knew and taught the rare student who knocked on their door. They knew the student had to be ready first. They taught that the home life provides comfort and safety, and to stop dreaming for that which is not there. The home is a warm nest for physical well-being, protection, companionship and security while adventuring with the inner mind and making new inroads in consciousness, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. We are each on a solitary journey along with our brothers and sisters who are also on a solitary journey. We are learning from each other - not to fulfill each other but to exchange ideas and to reflect with each other, objectively. We have a place in the universe. We are here to secure our place in the sun. Like the plant which takes root and blossoms into its fullest nature for all to appreciate. Our home is our anchor. Be kind to your companions you live with. Your knowledge will be respected to the degree you respect others. We find the greater love comes from within, not from other people. We are wanderers and explorers across the face of the land. We have lived in many bodies, different races, different genders and different cultures. We are alone in our journey to find inner peace, inner love, inner light, and we have companions all along the way to share with. This is a journey of discovery about love. How to enhance the feelings of love. It is important for me to face my challenges today and suck it up, whatever is bothering me. Find a reasonable solution to give me a better feeling. It will change tomorrow. Yesterday needs to be reeled in, wrapped up and put away while I keep my heart open to receive more insight. I must do this even while I fill my role as a wife, mother, friend, neighbor to those around me because I am traveling my OWN journey. My path is different from theirs. I cannot expect them to walk in my shoes, because I cannot walk in theirs. We must remain connected to the feeling of love, connection, purity and truth in our OWN heart, for that is the primary reason we are here - to expand our love moment by moment even while we live, work and play with the others around us. I am learning. I find liberation in my ability to do this. We each have a secret inner life. We don't have to explain it to others. We find acceptable ways of expressing it. I feel free writing. Writing is my chosen path. I find a sense of fulfillment to share my secret inner life by posting my writings. I find tenderness, fulfillment, joy and clarity when I stop and go alone and soar into heights beyond everyone else because no one else is here with me. I am the first one to see this - me and my God self. I am alone and visions come. The smog clears and I am no longer needy. No longer lonely. I am blessed with a sense of belonging. My home provides me security. I make sure that my husband also feels content. I privately ray light and love to him, from my heart to his heart. Every one is gifted with self consciousness and it is up to them whether to expand it or not expand it. Their own God self is guiding them to follow the light and love within. Feelings of intimacy is the light in one body connecting with the light in another body. When light connects with light in two or three bodies, it is felt as love. I am where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing as long as I follow the feeling of rightness in my heart. There is no more need to search. Anakosha is my journey. Until recently I thought of myself as a feminine being, but in January 2022 a change in perspective took place. I used to seek for something "more" after being in the lifestyle of swinging for 40 years. Seeking for something more than what sex had to offer. This website has been my platform where I could write out my thoughts without someone dissing me or finding fault or arguing with me. Anakosha has become my notebook. It's the real me writing but I am changing all the while. As I explore all aspects of love, from lust to romance to human to divine, love has become the path. Love is found everywhere that I place it. I is found in the negative situations because I put it there myself. I have been following the path of love for a long time. I used to think it was in another person, but I found it is in my own consciousoness. I myself create the love around me. I plant it into relationships with friends, the boss, the child, the parent, the God in me. I place it in the sacred and the mundane, in the emotional, the mental, the spiritual, the silence, the animals and mosquitoes and ugly things of this world that scratch and bite and torment. There are many petals unfolding from the center within me. My heart center has become a shining sun. The ascended master Saint Germain has been teaching me. And the ascended master Djwal Khul. I'm just a normal average woman of senior age getting older by the month and year, and I don't know where this will lead. I am the sum of my journey up to today. Tonight it folds up and I go to sleep and the next day I unfold again and the journey brings me new things to be aware of. Life is constantly changing as I keep my mind still. A new process ALWAYS pops up. Always. And I make it normal and ordinary. It's not "pie in the sky" as in a fantasy. I love my way through the day. I don't have to leave the world to find heaven, happiness or fulfillment. I am living it every day because I am the one who casts either a shadow on it or a light. I own it to myself. I make it part of myself. If it is a negative I shine my consciousness into it until the negative disappears inside of me and becomes part of me, to live within me forever. Shifting to a higher dimension This website is not for everyone. Those who remember it as a couples swing site will stop visiting it. There's not much sex in it any more. I find many websites disappearing. They change when the owner changes or dies. Or they change names so you don't know what happened to the original. So often we lose connection with people who change and move on. I do not want to lose my connection to the past. I want people to find me. My beginning was important. The sexual journey launched me into higher planes of thought. It was the start of something beautiful, so I won't drop the thread. Instead I'm integrating new understandings into my old way of thinking. The human personality is constantly changing but the soul is the same all the way through the journey. My new understanding has changed from a linear approach to a circular approach. It is a broadening, widening, tolerating acceptance that includes other dimensions. It is natural to expand and evolve. We see things differently from one dimension to another but we don't forget where we came from. In the circular approach there are no dots to connect. Awareness expands like a light radiating from a light bulb being turned up. It expands in all directions at once, not just in one direction. It is similar to seeing from an airplane looking down and around in all directions, as compared to being on the ground. On the ground you can only see in one direction - where your eyes are looking. From the higher plane you can see the whole terrain. Clarity comes forth in a circular fashion, 360 degrees. In a flash sight expands as far as one is willing to go. In the fifth dimension we aren't forced to conform to physical senses. We are connected to the circular vision which is heart centered. The heart is the central control. We can see above us and we can see below us, and we can see further away and we can stop wherever we want to. We can stop and give ourself a rest from the expansion but we need to be in our hearts to do that. This is the new era we are entering today in 2022. It is an era of love and the heart is the hub of all that we do. The heart rests between the known and the unknown. That is the reason for becoming self-conscious in the heart by focusing often on the physical heart. Resting in the heart is a pause - a time out. It is enjoyable to pause and reflect. The heart is home, it is like a nest. Love is there, and the comfort of friends, family, close ones. Perhaps a cuddle awaits, which I love to do at night with my husband. The human journey is meant to be filled with loving companions and the fifth dimension provides this. There are no negatives in 5D. We are both spiritual AND physical. It is the realm of joining. It is our new reality and we are in charge when we are there, when we live by considering our hearts. Journaling is important, which is why I blog on Anakosha. It is putting the unknown feelings outside of oneself on paper or digital. It is a recording. I encourage everyone to do it because you can go back and remind yourself what your thinking was a year ago, five years ago, twenty years ago. My journals go back over 40 years. It has helped me to retain connection to myself, where I come from and where I am going. I am posting some of my old journals on this website. They begin when kundalini first awakened and I was mystified. Kundalini is a mystery. By recording my feelings I can recall what I was aware of back then. It is helping me now. I am able to connect the dots. I am carrying the love forward. I urge everyone to journal in some way that can be revisited later. We tend to forget our highs and achievements, and focus too much on our lows and our failures. It is important to remember the high points reached along the way and hold them up as a light to follow. They are new highs of spiritual growth and we have marked them. We tend to lose them in the mundane. The journey is one of Love unfolding The journey through life is a journey of love unfolding from within our own self conscious awareness. From that place we identify as "me". Heart and mind must be connected. We must spend time in the heart or we recycle the same old, same old thoughts in the mind. The journey is to connect the heart and the mind. They are really ONE. They're divided in a human being but the heart is more important because love comes through joining. Through flowing together. The mind is not designed to feel love. It is designed to be abstract intelligence. It perceives, thinks, analyzes and forms conclusions. It can form hateful conclusions or it can form loving conclusions but it doesn't FEEL them. Therefore, the mind cannot not feel its own conclusions. Often those conclusions are wrong. That's the problem. One does not know whether One has made a right conclusion or a wrong conclusion if they cannot feel the results through sensual feedback. Does it feel right? Or wrong? To know whether it is a right or wrong conclusion, one must own it by softening and opening the gate to the heart, which is the center of the chest. There is an etheric light in the heart that radiates but is often shut down. From the heart, which beats a steady rhythm, it takes those thoughts and sends them out into the body through the circulation system and feeds the nerves, muscles and tissues. Our body then FEELS the thoughts we entertained. Hateful thoughts cause us to feel angry. Loving thoughts cause us to feel warm and cuddly. It is our body, the intelligent cells in the body, that gives forth feeling, emotion and passion to our thoughts and perceptions. We use the heart to weaving thought downward into our body so we can feel what we are thinking. Those who do not use the heart to feel, are thinking the same thoughts over and over, producing a dangerous rut in the analyzing brain. The vehicle is spinning its wheels and going nowhere. It is important to take those thoughts and release them, empty them, down into the body to be measured and decided upon. It is this feedback upon which we make our choice whether to continue along this path or release it and turn in another direction. This is the process of free will decision-making. We are self-consciousness expanding or contracting. If you have a frustration going on in your life, then use your feelings to guide you. Back track and see where you are repeating a pattern of thought that you don't like. It takes effort and courage to change a long-established pattern of behavior, but that is what we must do to move ourselves out of a rut of spinning our wheels and going nowhere. Spinning wheels is building frustration and anger into the body, which continues to build to breaking point. We are owning a thing that is wrong for us. A wrong has nowhere to go. Talk about it to yourself. Journal. What are you repeating that is wrong? Tell someone or release it to the wild in nature by speaking it into the wind and sky with the words, "I release this (whatever), I forgive myself for holding on to it." To make it firm, burn the paper upon which you wrote the words. Love is clarity consciousness This website explores the process of love and how it unifies and clears the air of that which is not good for the self. There are energies and ways of life that are good for us, and there are energies that are NOT good for us. We need clarity to make the right decisions. The process of love is moving away the clouds of doubt that have gotten in the way, lodged inside us. How can we feel love when divisive issues are in the way? We begin with ourselves. The division that needs more clarity is the confusion between male and female (for me). This has been a great obstacle for me. My journey into love has brought me to where I am today. I see that I am one whole being with abilities to be sweetlly feminine and boldly masculine. I didn't know that in my early life. Now I do. I have been seeing through female eyes all my life, not male eyes. I felt unable to make decisions. This put me in the opposite corner from men most of the time. Today that has changed. I have grown in understanding this truth in myself. I am no longer split down the middle. My understanding has been healed. It has taken me a long time! A whole lifetime! This is the spiritual path of love which clears the air of negatives and doubts. Love is a spiritual energy. It is not physical energy. It is something one considers through thought and then tries it out on relatives and friends. The application of love is what changes perspectives. It is evolutionary. It is a spiritual journey that we are on, each of us. I play out my process in real life with real people, and you are doing the same. We learn by applying love to situations. I learned the most through the lifestyle of swinging and sexual intimacy because it was so up close and in my face. I learned not to judge other people but to look to myself for relief and ways out of situations. I have learned more about love through the sexual field than anywhere else. It is the closest. It is the holy aspect of the body but it is not to be misused or it turns negative. It was the greatest single-most important lesson of this entire life. The people in our lives consistently reflect back to us what we do not like. Usually these are "hot button" issues. They trigger intense responses. Whether we bite our tongue and remain silent or respond by lashing out, either way we do further damage to ourselves. The lesson is to lighten the world we live in by applying love. It neutralizes problems. Love is awareness. It's not a "thing". Applying love helps us and it helps those around us. Love is intelligent and knows exactly what to do at any given moment. Love can be radiated. Learning to radiate love is a secret skill. We need to practice radiating love. Applying love is a conscious act of choosing. Like choosing to pick up a tube of healing ointment instead of continuing to argue. Love is stopping the argument and radiating silent awareness. This is applying love to animosity. Love is what we are children of. You are a child of love but you need to activate it in yourself. No one else can do it for you. We are a child of God/Goddess, father/mother God. We MUST use it in our life if we want to become more stable, more real, more clear, and more loving and at peace with our lives. This website is all about love. Love is both human and divine. It is an awareness. It is the glue that keeps the human and divine connected. There is a web of life which weaves through all of us. It is very real. This web of life is consciousness and that is who we are: consciousness. The web of life is unseen because we are it! We are blind to our own powers. But it is what we are. We are consciousness. We can be asleep and not realize that, or we can be awake and realize the great potential of change that we carry around with us everywhere we go. can apply to our life. When we are asleep, we feel love only when we are happy or in love with someone. It feels good and it feels natural, as though we belong in that state. The web of life is always there. The natural state of happiness and love is always there in and around us. Falling in love doesn't last because we remain ignorant to who we are - that we are the cause of love. We start losing the "falling in love" feeling because we take it for granted that it will always be there. But it does not last. We diminish the consciousness of love by shifting our focus to external objects and letting our awareness drop, descending into negative problems. In India the word for web is "tantra". There is a rich legacy in India on Tantra that was left by ancient masters. Teachers of the tantric tradition have moved out across the globe in recent years, attempting to teach us, but analytic Westerners have objectified it and created a whole different meaning around Tantra. We have colored it sexual. The original teaching is about the applying love by maintaining a focus on love. We have the powers within us. Love and light (they are the same thing) permeates all things, creates all things, all creatures, all humans. It ties us together through the web of consciousness. Sex is physical, love is not Sex is what we call the act of human penetration through focus on the lower two chakras of the body. It is a physical act. In contrast, love is not an act but a state of awareness. It is a plane of existence - a web of life that connects us to all that is around us. The only way to reach that oneness state as a human being wanting sex with another human being, is to slow down the body, slow the mind to a standstill, cease all focus, drop all expectations. Then, in that open state of mind, whatever is outside of you enters in and merges with you and you and she or he become one. The shift in consciousness is not desire to ravish her or him sexually, but a loving reverence for life. It is a surrendering of the small self which is needy, to the greater self which is whole and connected to everything - the air, the leaf on the tree, the birds singing, the bed on which you sit and most of all, your lover. The word "sex" doesn't have any meaning then, because you are in a state in oneness. What happens then is beautiful. The evolution of Anakosha Anakosha used to be a swing site promoting couples swinging. When I was co-hosting swing parties for couples, I was also studying spiritual law (metaphysics) and practiced trance meditation, yoga and massage. Swinging was my nemesis. It was my teacher and my master. I can see this now from hindsight. As I worked and played in the lifestyle of swinging (along with my husband) I experienced many ups and downs. Many out-of-body raptures and many plummets into dark places. It was rigorous training. Socially, fun and liberating, it was also emotionally painful at times but I persevered. What was being pulled apart in me to cause discomfort was my old programming. The way I was raised. My old beliefs. Swinging is a powerful spiritual path because it IS sexual. Most people hide their sexual issues. In swinging you have to face them. It is not all fun, orgasms and laughter where you can do whatever you want. In order to get along with others in the same boat you have to exert self-discipline. It is inner work. You can't have it your way all of the time because there are others involved. It's a close family and you're all trying to fit in and work it out So you modify your behavior. You must adapt if you're going to be liked and accepted. Many people have difficulty doing that and drop out, but those who remain become more proficient in social graces. You are then part of the inner group. This was the arena where I practiced and grew up. I grew up more in the lifestyle of swinging than I did in the years prior. There is resistance in every walk of life. I had resistances. They kept popping up. My resistances needed to be broken down, but I learned to apply love to these difficult situations which was my background training in meditation. Sex vs. love I recognized early in my swinging career that swingers do not like the word "love". They do not want to use it, nor do they apply it. In swinging people use the first two chakras only, the sex chakras and the root chakra which contains the power of the body, the kundalini that is trying to rise but runs into blocks. Swingers don't face those blocks. Instead they play within the parameters of the first two chakras, hardly ever rising to the five other chakras higher up, including the heart. A few people are more cognizant of their higher realms and have been able to integrate their higher nature with their lower nature, but by and large, swingers remain focused in the lower two chakras. Although women have needs that are not met at the average swing party. Much of my writing comes from that sense of lack, which is a feminine need for more emotional connection than most men care to give. Swinging is more male orientated. There is a basic decency that runs through people in swinging, however, and it is this that inspires me. The reason for swing gatherings is to provide a safe and welcome environment for open sexuality to be explored. It was a good place for me to practice applying love to difficult sexual challenges. In secret, of course, and never talking about it, and being careful not to mention the L word, which swingers don't like to hear or deal with. Now that I have been integrating sex and spirituality for years and applying love to all sorts of encounters successfully, I feel it is time to open the door and introduce the L word and the teachings about love to the world of swinging. That means introducing the concept of chakras and meridians and the spiritual aura. What are chakras? Many people today have at least heard the word before. They might not know much about them and those who have enrolled in personal growth classes, like yoga, are perhaps more aware than others. But many do not understand the meaning of chakras. What they do, why are they here? The chakras are portals that, when opened or accessed, release pure loving, spiritual qualities of the soul. Each individual is in the process of working with their higher self, and the chakras are the portals through which the higher self is accessed. There are seven levels or dimensions that can be accessed while in a human body. They open when a person is ready to bring forth more refined, more pure and noble energies into their life. It is one's own higher self that is accessed by opening chakras. More of one's spiritual nature comes through. Chakras are pure spirit and when it's time, one may open spontaneously - for they open and close like eyes, emitting light or shutting light out. When open pure spirit then intermingles with normal human life and a certain softness or smoothness appears, adding more gentleness, beauty and happiness to life. Diminishing problems and other issues. There are seven major chakras, and many smaller ones. They are portals through which the life force enters the body and world. They heighten the quality of life. The energy is clean, pure and refreshing. The energy maintains the body in good healthy condition when the chakras are open and flowing. When one or more of them is closed, it is wise to do some inner work. Massage and meditation helps. There are certain exercises that can be practiced to open the chakras. They need to be acknowledged for it is consciousness work. With focused attention given to certain exercises, one can freshen or fluff up the energy around the chakra, and thus cleanse, soften and polish the tissues of the body so the energy is better prepared to activate. One does not usually notice when a chakra opens, it is too subtle. But living a more refined, loving and considerate life, would produce a loving response from one's own body. The body longs for more considerate attention and responds well to such attention. A more wonderful cosmic love arises and the quality of life improves in subtle ways. It is the next step in human evolution to integrate spirit and matter. Physical life is experienced in a more loving and beautiful way. Committing time to doing exercises as a daily practice opens the chakras and expands the auric field. We are going through a paradigm shift today. As people are becoming more aware on every level, Earth itself is rising to new levels of awareness. The atomic structure of trees, animals and humans is vibrating faster, spinning out new light and refinement. The effects are seen as earth changes, but our own bodies are feeling it too, as being too small, restrictive and confining. We seek more freedom. We are stretching ourselves into new parameters, opening chakras and spirit is entering our world, liberating the spiritual life that has been locked away for thousands upon thousands of years. This is an amazing new paradigm for humanity. We are on the brink of new discoveries, moving ourselves to a higher, more evolved intelligence. About this website This website is first of all a platform for my writings. This is my way of expressing myself. Everyone must find their own way to express who they are and what they know. This website has promoted quite a few events over the years, starting out with swing parties, then mini-conventions, beach parties, dinners, discussions, dances, massage parties and more. None of that is happening any more as I move from promoting events to channeling greater love and understanding. It is difficult to channel larger love and tolerance into a world that has become fixed into solid structures. Everything in our world is stretching itself and tearing itself apart, from economics, to educational systems, to social traditions, to health care and more. There are no walls or barriers in the greater consciousness that we are moving into, but there is resistance in the person who defends himself against change. In my experience hands-on loving, caring touch is the best way to soothe a body enough that it can FEEL the love being administered and allow it to spread throughout the body. But sex is an issue. Every human being carries stress within it and men especially feel the pressure to have sex whenever loving, caring touch is applied. This belief can be changed but it will take some education. Most everyone believes that sex is important to relieve stress and pressure, but this is a false belief. It is simply ingrained into the average person. But there are ancient Taoist and Tantra practices that can transform this belief into a more healthy and elevated way of loving and caring. Without this education and explanation, loving, caring massage brings sexual response automatically, habitually, up! This presents a problem to the one applying such loving, caring massage. I have just posted on this website an offering to give ascension massage, which is exactly this type of loving, caring massage I've been talking about. Click HERE to read about it. But as I step delicately out onto the public platform with this proposal and offering, I see that it is a work not finished. There is a growing need to present further education about sex. Activating the chakras and the light body clears confusions (blocks) in the spinal column. There is confusion around the area of the reproductive organs. Ascension massage will help melt the blocks if the person is consciously aware of what the process is and is prepared for it. Otherwise it won't do any good. The man or woman expecting someone to facilitate an orgasm for him or her will end up frustrated. It is not as prevalent in a woman for her body is designed differently but it can happen in women who are needy and expecting someone to relieve her needs. Her body is built as a receiver, not a pusher, and is more inward focused than a man. For men, ascension massage may be a challenge since it is a healing, cleansing and melting of blocks process. It is amazing how clean and refreshed one can feel when the etheric channels are open sufficiently to allow the raising of the energy up the spine to the heart, without sexual pressure pressing for release. Another issue that pops up with the ascension massage is on the women's side. A few women have closed off to massage because of their fear of sexual advances. Maybe they have closed off to lovemaking entirely, which contributes to even MORE stress in their life. Women also have a block at the sexual chakra, of a reverse nature. A woman's block is one of fear. A man's block is one of frustration at not getting what he wants. It is obvious that more instruction and understanding is needed in the sexual area. When everyone agrees before the massage not to expect sex or press for it, when they learn more about how to relax and allow the massage to do what it is supposed to do - RAISE the energies of the lower body up through the spinal canal clearing blocks as it goes - the effect is profound. Welcome to my website. Feel free to roam around. ______________________________________________________ Copyright © Nancy Adler Wilson 2001-2022 |