Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
Personal Empowerment Practices
Connect to your Mighty "I Am" Presence
INTRODUCTION: Connecting to your "I Am" Presence on a daily basis is the most powerful self-purifying, de-toxing and clearing practice that is possible anywhere on the planet. Ascended Master Saint German made a study of this 200 years before he made his ascension. These instructions were given by Saint Germain to the messenger, Guy Ballard in the 1930's. They are now published and available by the Saint Germain Press in a series referred to as the Green Books.
I recommend reading Volume VIII because a certain amount of information is required to build up a belief in these instructions. The information is incredulous, which is why the books have been overlooked by the average person who has not an inkling of what this is about. They have been stored away in the religious/spiritual/ metaphysical category far removed from daily life. But there is power in exposure to these words.
I've listed the calls and decrees below that I have used for over 40 years. I began receiving instructions after going into the Light in 1976. I suggest choosing a few from the list that you like and start making these calls and/or decrees out loud every day for 15 or 20 minutes, and create your own routine as you feel led to. The important part is that YOU make the routine yourself. It is your own consciousness that is being cultivated, grown and expanded by working it into a daily practice. Twice a day is good, but don't make it too rigid so that it creates a pressure on you. Go easy on yourself while creating a smooth discipline that you can work with. Night time decreeing helps you to go to sleep with these frequencies embedded into your consciousness. See what happens. You will notice increased awareness. It will draw your "Mighty I Am Presence" closer into your daily human life. But it does require daily practice because we live in a very dark and dense atmosphere which encroaches as a heavy fog upon us, especially when we drop our attention and go to sleep. We need to build a momentum with these calls very day, if we are to transform our lives.
These calls and decrees are addressing your "I Am" Presence, the source of your life. Saying them out loud will raise your focus and attention upward. Picture a column or tube of light going up to between 12 and 40 feet above your head to a sun shining there. That is your Mighty "I AM Presence". It is your individual God self, one with the Almighty Oneness - the supreme, infinite and ever expanding intelligence of immortality. You are a unique piece of the Almighty but you have lost the connection. This helps build your pipeline back to the eternal immortal You. You must do this with your attention - your complete and full attention. It will raise your frequency. Whether you believe it or not, it happens anyway when you say the words with focused intention. All words carry energy.
Saint Germain has provided us with the RIGHT words. They will open channels called meridians, which compose chakras, portals and the etheric web of light that is sadly diminished from lack of awareness. Increasing this awareness helps to pump up and nourish this web of light that runs through your physical, etheric, emotional and mental body. This web of light surrounds and interpenetrates the body on increasingly lighter and lighter levels or bands of light. Our consciousness expands with this practice, to link in with the lower levels of the higher self. Which, with practice, expands to become closer to the individual God self. There is an infinite range to our consciousness. We just have to link in and begin raising our attention to greater levels.
These light channels have long been closed to earthlings. They are now being made more available since the 1930's. By speaking these empowered words out loud every day, a transformation begins which is recognizable. It helps to read the green books (links above). They contain power which has been outside the boundaries of normal human awareness. We have been cut off from the higher realms called heaven, but heaven realms are more real than our earthly realm, which is in constant negativity (which fixes us to limitations). The Mighty "I AM" Presence surrounds each human body as a transparent auric field, nourishing the body with life. Most people are unaware that God surrounds them every single day as an ideal perfect body which each person can feel in their heart of hearts by clearing away the ignorance and slime that covers us from negative programming. This ideal perfection is our own higher self and it can be tapped into through daily application.
I recommend reading Volume VIII because a certain amount of information is required to build up a belief in these instructions. The information is incredulous, which is why the books have been overlooked by the average person who has not an inkling of what this is about. They have been stored away in the religious/spiritual/ metaphysical category far removed from daily life. But there is power in exposure to these words.
I've listed the calls and decrees below that I have used for over 40 years. I began receiving instructions after going into the Light in 1976. I suggest choosing a few from the list that you like and start making these calls and/or decrees out loud every day for 15 or 20 minutes, and create your own routine as you feel led to. The important part is that YOU make the routine yourself. It is your own consciousness that is being cultivated, grown and expanded by working it into a daily practice. Twice a day is good, but don't make it too rigid so that it creates a pressure on you. Go easy on yourself while creating a smooth discipline that you can work with. Night time decreeing helps you to go to sleep with these frequencies embedded into your consciousness. See what happens. You will notice increased awareness. It will draw your "Mighty I Am Presence" closer into your daily human life. But it does require daily practice because we live in a very dark and dense atmosphere which encroaches as a heavy fog upon us, especially when we drop our attention and go to sleep. We need to build a momentum with these calls very day, if we are to transform our lives.
These calls and decrees are addressing your "I Am" Presence, the source of your life. Saying them out loud will raise your focus and attention upward. Picture a column or tube of light going up to between 12 and 40 feet above your head to a sun shining there. That is your Mighty "I AM Presence". It is your individual God self, one with the Almighty Oneness - the supreme, infinite and ever expanding intelligence of immortality. You are a unique piece of the Almighty but you have lost the connection. This helps build your pipeline back to the eternal immortal You. You must do this with your attention - your complete and full attention. It will raise your frequency. Whether you believe it or not, it happens anyway when you say the words with focused intention. All words carry energy.
Saint Germain has provided us with the RIGHT words. They will open channels called meridians, which compose chakras, portals and the etheric web of light that is sadly diminished from lack of awareness. Increasing this awareness helps to pump up and nourish this web of light that runs through your physical, etheric, emotional and mental body. This web of light surrounds and interpenetrates the body on increasingly lighter and lighter levels or bands of light. Our consciousness expands with this practice, to link in with the lower levels of the higher self. Which, with practice, expands to become closer to the individual God self. There is an infinite range to our consciousness. We just have to link in and begin raising our attention to greater levels.
These light channels have long been closed to earthlings. They are now being made more available since the 1930's. By speaking these empowered words out loud every day, a transformation begins which is recognizable. It helps to read the green books (links above). They contain power which has been outside the boundaries of normal human awareness. We have been cut off from the higher realms called heaven, but heaven realms are more real than our earthly realm, which is in constant negativity (which fixes us to limitations). The Mighty "I AM" Presence surrounds each human body as a transparent auric field, nourishing the body with life. Most people are unaware that God surrounds them every single day as an ideal perfect body which each person can feel in their heart of hearts by clearing away the ignorance and slime that covers us from negative programming. This ideal perfection is our own higher self and it can be tapped into through daily application.
My personal decrees
Decrees - Set 1 (Crown chakra)
MIGHTY VICTORIOUS PRESENCE OF GOD I AM IN ME, I call forth the sacred first born, the holy Christ Self who remains true to the Father always and forever true. I Am Nancy. I come with reverence to the altar of the Holy Presence within me. With the power vested in me by Almighty God I draw a ring of fire around the circumference of my aura, a sacred ring pass not, and into this ring of fire I breathe the color Love to nourish and protect me against invasion of all that is not of the light and free. Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
I AM THE LIGHT OF THE HEART SHINING IN THE DARKNESS of being and changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of the Crystal One. I Am projecting my Love out into the world to erase all errors and to break down all barriers. I Am the power of infinite Love amplifying Itself until it is victorious world without end. Amen.
I AM LIGHT, GLOWING LIGHT, RADIATING LIGHT, INTENSIFIED LIGHT! God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into Light! This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought and feeling. I am an outpost of the divine. Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up by the Light which I Am! * I Am! I Am! I Am Light! I Live! I Live! I Live in Light! I Am Light's fullest dimension, I Am Light's purest intention. I Am Light! Light! Light! Flooding the world everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven!
FROM THE POINT OF LIGHT WITHIN THE MIND OF GOD LET LIGHT descend into the minds of men, let Light return to Earth. From the Point of Love within the Heart of God, let Love descend into the hearts of men, let Love return to Earth. From the center where the will of God is known, let purpose guide the little wills of men, the Purpose that the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
OH, MIGHTY COSMIC LIGHT, MY OWN I AM PRESENCE BRIGHT, proclaim freedom everywhere in order and by God control I am making all things whole! Mighty cosmic Light, stop the lawless hordes of night, proclaim freedom everywhere, in justice and inservice true I Am coming, God, to you! Mighty Cosmic Light, I Am Law's prevailing might, proclaim freedom everywhere, in magnifying all good will I Am freedom living still! Mighty Cosmic Light, now make all things right, proclaim freedom everywhere; in Love's victory all shall go, I Am the wisdom all shall know! I Am Freedom's holy light nevermore despairing, I Am Freedom's holy light ever more I'm sharing. Freedom, freedom, freedom, expand, expand, expand! I Am, I Am, I Am, forevermore I Am Freedom!
LOVELY GOD PRESENCE I AM IN ME, hear me now I do decree: Bring to pass each blessing for which I call upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all! Let violet fire of freedom roll round the world to make all whole; saturate the earth and its people too, with increasing Christ radiance shining through. I Am this action from God above, sustained by the hand of Heaven's Love, transmuting the causes of discord here, removing the cores so that none do fear. I Am, I Am, I Am the full power of heaven's love raising all earth to heaven above. Violet fire now blazing bright, in living beauty is God's own Light which right now and forever sets the world, myself, and all life eternally free in ascended-master perfection. Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am.
Oh ARCTURUS, BLESSED BEING BRIGHT, flood, flood, flood our world with Light. Bring forth perfection everywhere, hear, oh hear our earnest prayer. Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Oh Arcturus, blessed Elohim, let thy light all through us stream! Complement our souls with love from thy stronghold up above. Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Oh Arcturus, violet flame's great master, keep us safe from all disaster; Secure us in the cosmic stream, help expand God's loving dream. Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Oh Arcturus, dearest lord of might, by thy star radiance, beaming bright, Fill us with thy cosmic light, raise, oh raise us to thy height! Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Decrees - Set 2 (Third eye chakra)
RADIANT SPIRAL VIOLET FLAME DESCEND, now blaze through me. Radiant spiral violet flame set free, set free, set free. Radiant violet flame Oh come! Drive and blaze thy light through me! Radiant violet flame Oh come! Reveal God's power for all to see! Radiant violet flame Oh come! Awake the earth and set it free! Radiance of the violet flame, explode and boil through me! Radiance of the violet flame, expand for all to see! Radiance of the violet flame, establish mercy's outpost here! Radiance of the violet flame, come! Transmute now all fear!
VIOLET FIRE ENFOLD US! Violet fire enfold us! Violet fire enfold us! Violet fire hold us! Violet fire hold us! Violet fire hold us! Violet fire set us free! Violet fire set us free! Violet fire set us free! I Am, I Am, I Am surrounded by a pillar of violet flame. I Am, I Am, I Am abounding in pure love for God's great name, I Am, I Am, I Am complete by thy pattern of perfection so fair, I Am, I Am, I Am God's radiant flame of love gently falling through the air. Fall on us, fall on us, fall on us! Blaze through us, blaze through us, blaze through us, Saturate us, saturate us, saturate us.
OH VIOLET FLAME, COME VIOLET FLAME! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The earth and all thereon, the earth and all thereon, the earth and all thereon.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The children and their teachers, the children and their teachers, the children and their teachers.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The plants and elemental creatures, the plants and elemental creatures, the plants and elemental creatures.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The air, the sea, the land. The air, the sea, the land. The air, the sea, the land.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! Make all to understand. Make all to understand. Make all to understand.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! Bless all by Omri-Tas' hand! Bless all by Omri-Tas' hand! Bless all by Omri-Tas' hand!
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! I am, I am, I am the fullness of God's plan, fulfilled right now and forever! I am, I am, I am the fullness of God's plan, fulfilled right now and forever! I am, I am, I am the fullness of God's plan, fulfilled right now and forever!
VIOLET FLAME PASS UP THROUGH ME, with each center keep me free! Love's like a flower, unfolds each hour. Wisdom and action releases God's power! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to think! God's in me! I Am free! Now and for eternity! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to drink, Electric hue flashing through into all I think and say and do. Violet flame rise up and heal. With each center my being seal. Love is flowing, increasing knowing, wisdom and action God is bestowing. Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to think! God's in me, I am free, now and for eternity! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to drink. Electric hue flashing through into all I think and say and do. Violet flame take control today. With each center flash forth thy ray. Love's power sealing, the real revealing. Wisdom and action, it's God I Am Feeling! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to think! God's in me, I am free, now and for eternity! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to drink. Electric hue flashing through into all I think and say and do.
I AM THE VIOLET FLAME IN ACTION IN ME NOW! I Am the violet flame, to Light alone I bow. I Am the violet flame in mighty cosmic power, I Am the Light of God shining every hour. I Am the violet flame blazing like a Sun, I Am God's sacred power freeing everyone. Violet Flame in the Heart of God! Violet Flame in the Heart of God! Violet Flame in the Heart of God!
VIOLET FIRE, THOU LOVE DIVINE, Blaze within this heart of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you. Violet fire, thou love divine, blaze within this soul of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you. Violet fire, thou love divine, blaze within this body of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you.
I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I am the purity God desires. I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires. I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires.
Decrees - Set 3 (Throat chakra)
I AM THE RESURRECTION and the life of every cell and atom of my four lower bodies now made manifest.
I AM THE OPEN DOOR WHICH no man can shut into the great opulence of God waiting, surging to press forward to heal, to bless and to prosper abundantly.
I AM THE MIGHTY MAGIC CIRCLE of protection about me which is invincible and repels from me all discordant thought and feeling which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself.
I AM THE UNLIMITED MIGHTY POWER of God transforming and healing my world.
I AM THE VISIBLE PRESENCE of those greatly beloved ascended masters whom I wish to have appear here to me and whose assistance I desire.
I AM THE OMNIPRESENT all powerful protecting intelligence governing this mind and body.
I AM THE MIGHTY ELECTRONIC energy flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body right now.
Decrees - Set 4 (Heart chakra)
I GO FORTH WHILE MY body sleeps and through the Mighty Power and Intelligence which I Am I make conscious contact with and abundantly fulfill the requirements of this body, and I remember every experience I had when I awake.
I AM THE MIGHTY CONSUMING flame that now and forever consumes all past and present mistakes, their cause and effect, and all undesirable creation for which my outer is responsible.
I AM THE SUPREMACY of man; everywhere I go I Am God in action.
I AM THE MASTER OF MY WORLD, I am the Victorious, Intelligence Governing it.
I AM NO LONGER THE BABE of Christ, but the Master Presence grown to full stature and I speak and command with authority.
I AM THE INVINCIBLE GUARD established, sustained and maintained over my mind, my body, my home, by being, my world.
THROUGH THE INTELLIGENCE and beauty which I Am, I command you to take on perfect beauty of form, for I Am the beauty in every cell of which you are composed. You shall respond to my command and become radiantly beautiful in every way, in thought, word, feeling and form. I am the fire and beauty in your eyes and I carry this Radiant Energy into everything into which I look.
Decrees - Set 5 (Solar Plexus chakra)
I AM EVERYTHING THAT IS CONTAINED IN THE UNIVERSE, the earth elements, subtle elements, divine spiritual elements, the celestial worlds, the effulgent glory of the Great Central Sun. I become the universal receiver into which pours the holy golden light of immortality. I am the evocation, meditation, embodiment of that Light. May we be absorbed in the contemplation of that effulgent glory of the Divine Presence within the Great Central Sun where I dwell as the I Am Presence that it may illuminate all the worlds of our existence. (Gayatri mantra in sanskrit: Aum bhur bhuva suvah ha tat savi tur varenyan bargo de vasya di ma hi di yo yo na pracodyat.) Oldest prayer.
SAINT MICHAEL, SAINT MICHAEL, I CALL UNTO THEE, wield thy sword of blue flame and now cut me free. Blaze God power protection now into my world. The banner of faith above me unfurl. Transcendent blue lightening now flash through my soul. I am by God's mercy made radiant and whole. Saint Michael, Saint Michael, I love thee I do. With all Thy great faith my being embue. Saint Michael, Saint Michael and legions of Blue, come seal me, now keep me faithful and true. I am with thy blue fire now full-charged and blest, I am now in Michael’s blue-flame armor dressed. (3x)
FORTUNA, GODDESS OF SUPPLY of all God's wealth from realms on high, Release thy treasures from the sun and now bestow on everyone whose heart beats one with God's own light, the power to draw from heaven's height. Abundance to expand the plan the masters hold for every man. Tune our consciousness with thee, expand our vision now to see that all abundance is meant for all, look to God and make the call. We now demand, we do command abundant manna from God's hand, That now below as is above, all mankind shall express God's love.
NAMO ARIHUNTANUM, namo siddhanum, namo ayariunam, namo uvajayanam. Namo loe savva sahunam, eso pancha namo carro, savva pava panasano. Mangala namche save sim, padamum havai mangalum. (Ancient Sanskrit prayer. English version is 4th paragraph from bottom, “I Bow to....” Namo is Sanskrit for “I bow to”)
HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sons and daughters of God, now and at the hour of our victory of sin, disease and death.
OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily guilt and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thou art the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
LOVELY POWERFUL SHIVA, God of sweeping change, sweep away the lesser, shut it out of range, leave the beauty and the light bright and clean and fair, remove all vibrations of misery and despair. Leave this place and these fine things fresh and bright and pure, holy as your own fine Self, bright, complete and sure. Lovely powerful Shiva, our thanks to you we give, that from your sweeping power in beauty may we live.
Decrees - Set 6 (Sacral chakra)
MIGHTY GOD IN ME, I face thy eternal sunrise and receive thy mighty radiance into my life and action! Thou might infinite radiant One whose mighty I Am Presence I bow before! Thou mighty ruler of the universe, I bow before thy all-conquering power. I accept fully thy radiating presence. I call to thee that thy Presence go before me everywhere, mastering all conditions I contact and making me a channel through which thy mighty Presence pours.
MIGHTY MASTER PRESENCE WITHIN ME, sustain the atomic structure of perfection in my four lower bodies. Mighty God in me, I know that the forcefield around my electrons is naturally perfection. See that the forcefield between the atoms in my bodies is constantly charged with your perfect radiance. Set thy intelligent conscious thought and golden light vision free within my body as the power of the Christ.
THOU MIGHTY MAJESTIC PRESENCE IN ME, keep thy Love Radiance burning as a Holy Fire within my heart and circulation system. See that only the ascended Master Host of Light contact me mentally this day. Every other condition I set aside for the inflow of your Mighty Presence. God alone is here and I see and feel nothing else.
FROM THE GOD/GODDNESS OF MY BEING I give thanks for the love that I am and for the love that I see all around me. Thank you. Thank you for the miracle of life that I am and for the miracle of life that I see reflected all around me. Thank you. Thank you for my perfect body, health and vitality. Thank you. Thank you for the abundance of life that I am and for the abundance of life that I see all about me. Thank you. Thank you for the riches and the richness of my life and thank you for the river of money that flows to me. Thank you. Thank you for the excitement and the adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and probabilities. Thank you. Thank you for the beauty and the harmony. Thank you for the peace and tranquility. Thank you for the wonderment and thank you for the joy. Thank you for the laughter and the play. And thank you for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift of life that I am. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
IN THE NAME OF MY OWN MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and the power of the ascended masteres, I say to all human creation: You have no power! Mighty I am Presence and Great Cosmic Light, project thy mighty light rays in and through the earth, establishing thy mighty currents throughout the atmosphere of earth, that all destructive qualities and activities there cease to exist.
MIGHTY LUMINOUS PRESENCE, I am the radiant intelligent flooding into the hearts of all mankind and into all official places, commanding justice, bringing relief, love and compassion to all of humanity everywhere. I am the divine splendor filling all manifestations.
IN THE NAME OF MY OWN MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, I call upon the law of forgiveness for all of my mistakes and errors. Please forgive me for the harm I have done to others in this life and in all my past lives. I ask forgiveness for myself and for all of mankind everywhere. Beloved Mighty I Am Presence, take out of me every discordant feeling of every kind. Charge and fill my mind and body with your great peace, your great happiness, your great strength. Hold your dominion over my feeling and let the power of your glorious presence flood forth and through into my world to harmonize and perfect it. Take command and produce your perfection everywhere.
Decrees - Set 7 (Root chakra)
I CALL UPON ST. GERMAIN TO BE MY INSPIRATION. I claim the gift of the violet consuming flame, the divine alchemical energy of transformation and transmutation. I accept the challenge to be the full embodiment of the masculine and feminine energy showing all what it means to walk in power and strength while personifying love and compassion. I claim and pronounce my masterhood now.
VIOLET FLAME FROM THE HEART OF GOD! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Expand thy mercy to me today. Expand thy mercy to me today. Expand they mercy to me today.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Transmute all wrong by forgiveness ray. Transmute all wrong by forgiveness ray. Transmute all wrong by forgiveness ray.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Blaze into action to all this day. Blaze into action to all this day. Blaze into action to all this day.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Mercy's flame forever obey. Mercy's flame forever obey. Mercy's flame forever obey.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Sweep all the earth by Christ's command. Sweep all the earth by Christ's command. Sweep all the earth by Christ's command
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest, right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and Free! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
LIGHT COMMAND, light command, light command, command, command! Light demand, light demand, light demand, demand, demand! Light expand, light expand, light expand, expand, expand. Light I Am, Light I Am, Light I Am, I Am, I Am! Light set me free! Light set me free! Light set me free!
I BOW TO THE PERFECTED HUMAN BEINGS, God men and God women (arihantas). I bow to the liberated bodiless souls, God. I bow to the masters and heads of congregations. I bow to the spiritual teachers. I bow to the spiritual practitioners in the universe. This five-fold obeisance mantra destroys all sins and obstacles, and of all auspicious repetitions is the first and foremost.
A CIRCLE OF LIGHT I SEND FROM ME, protecting all within. A sparkling light of purity, of love and innocence. And as I do a great white light moves through me from above, washes through my body-mind, absorbs me in its love. And nothing less than total love can live within this orb of selfless all-consuming love, I yield to thee, my Lord.
LITTLE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, your fun and love I seek to share. Gronkydoddles hear my call, lebrechauns come one and all. Leader Gob of gnome and troll, come and share your humor droll. Neckna and your undines bold, play with me your games of old. Paralda, zephyrs of the air, caress me while my skin is bare. Salamanders led by Djin, the candle flames you may play in. Nature spirits of all all sort, in friendship let us now cavort. A child of love for you I’ll be, my mood is light as you can see. And always when you sing and play, I feel my problems fade away. Your laughter, love and fun come through and make me feel alive like you! (a wiccan prayer)
LITTLE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, I pray you make our land so fair. Build a garden full of trees, streams and flowers, birds and bees. Lush and pure and clean and green, prepare the soil, the air, the scene. Tune our consciousness with thee, we Anakoshans do decree. Settled in and peaceful now we gather here to make our vow, to love each other all the way, to sing and laugh and dance and play. To think and talk and share our dreams, or just be still in peace serene. Dispelling dark and heavy hurt, love and laughter’s now our work! Come sing and dance and spark our land and lead us gently by the hand to love supreme, compel our minds to shed the past and close behind. We gather around the fires at night to pledge our love to God’s pure light. Little people everywhere, we thank you for our land so fair. Thank you for the trees so clean, the birds, the flowers, bees and greens. Thank you for this land complete where we can plant the freedom seed! Of love and joy in human form, where love and freedom are the norm!
IN THE NAME OF THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS, I call forth light into this body to clear all human conditions. I command obedience and harmony into this body. Mighty I Am Presence, silence the human quality in this body. It has no power! I call forth Light! Light blaze forth! Light blaze forth! Light blaze forth! Blaze forth Mighty Radiance. Blaze forth Mighty Radiance. Blaze forth Mighty Radiance. Cut loose everything that has attached to this body that disturbs its harmony. I call forth this light to expand in and through every cell of this body. My human self humbly and willingly opens and allows this light to spread its dynamic powerful radiance through my entire being. . Praise the Lord I Am That I am, Praise the Lord I Am That I am, Praise the Lord I Am That I am. Peace to the planet. Peace and love to all beings on the planet. Blessings to all creatures. Praise thy holy name, oh Light of Immortality that lives within all beings. Peace, love, peace, peace, peace.
Decrees - Set 1 (Crown chakra)
MIGHTY VICTORIOUS PRESENCE OF GOD I AM IN ME, I call forth the sacred first born, the holy Christ Self who remains true to the Father always and forever true. I Am Nancy. I come with reverence to the altar of the Holy Presence within me. With the power vested in me by Almighty God I draw a ring of fire around the circumference of my aura, a sacred ring pass not, and into this ring of fire I breathe the color Love to nourish and protect me against invasion of all that is not of the light and free. Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
I AM THE LIGHT OF THE HEART SHINING IN THE DARKNESS of being and changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of the Crystal One. I Am projecting my Love out into the world to erase all errors and to break down all barriers. I Am the power of infinite Love amplifying Itself until it is victorious world without end. Amen.
I AM LIGHT, GLOWING LIGHT, RADIATING LIGHT, INTENSIFIED LIGHT! God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into Light! This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought and feeling. I am an outpost of the divine. Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up by the Light which I Am! * I Am! I Am! I Am Light! I Live! I Live! I Live in Light! I Am Light's fullest dimension, I Am Light's purest intention. I Am Light! Light! Light! Flooding the world everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven!
FROM THE POINT OF LIGHT WITHIN THE MIND OF GOD LET LIGHT descend into the minds of men, let Light return to Earth. From the Point of Love within the Heart of God, let Love descend into the hearts of men, let Love return to Earth. From the center where the will of God is known, let purpose guide the little wills of men, the Purpose that the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
OH, MIGHTY COSMIC LIGHT, MY OWN I AM PRESENCE BRIGHT, proclaim freedom everywhere in order and by God control I am making all things whole! Mighty cosmic Light, stop the lawless hordes of night, proclaim freedom everywhere, in justice and inservice true I Am coming, God, to you! Mighty Cosmic Light, I Am Law's prevailing might, proclaim freedom everywhere, in magnifying all good will I Am freedom living still! Mighty Cosmic Light, now make all things right, proclaim freedom everywhere; in Love's victory all shall go, I Am the wisdom all shall know! I Am Freedom's holy light nevermore despairing, I Am Freedom's holy light ever more I'm sharing. Freedom, freedom, freedom, expand, expand, expand! I Am, I Am, I Am, forevermore I Am Freedom!
LOVELY GOD PRESENCE I AM IN ME, hear me now I do decree: Bring to pass each blessing for which I call upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all! Let violet fire of freedom roll round the world to make all whole; saturate the earth and its people too, with increasing Christ radiance shining through. I Am this action from God above, sustained by the hand of Heaven's Love, transmuting the causes of discord here, removing the cores so that none do fear. I Am, I Am, I Am the full power of heaven's love raising all earth to heaven above. Violet fire now blazing bright, in living beauty is God's own Light which right now and forever sets the world, myself, and all life eternally free in ascended-master perfection. Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am.
Oh ARCTURUS, BLESSED BEING BRIGHT, flood, flood, flood our world with Light. Bring forth perfection everywhere, hear, oh hear our earnest prayer. Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Oh Arcturus, blessed Elohim, let thy light all through us stream! Complement our souls with love from thy stronghold up above. Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Oh Arcturus, violet flame's great master, keep us safe from all disaster; Secure us in the cosmic stream, help expand God's loving dream. Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Oh Arcturus, dearest lord of might, by thy star radiance, beaming bright, Fill us with thy cosmic light, raise, oh raise us to thy height! Charge us with thy violet flame, charge, oh charge us in God's name; Anchor in us all secure; cosmic radiance make us pure.
Decrees - Set 2 (Third eye chakra)
RADIANT SPIRAL VIOLET FLAME DESCEND, now blaze through me. Radiant spiral violet flame set free, set free, set free. Radiant violet flame Oh come! Drive and blaze thy light through me! Radiant violet flame Oh come! Reveal God's power for all to see! Radiant violet flame Oh come! Awake the earth and set it free! Radiance of the violet flame, explode and boil through me! Radiance of the violet flame, expand for all to see! Radiance of the violet flame, establish mercy's outpost here! Radiance of the violet flame, come! Transmute now all fear!
VIOLET FIRE ENFOLD US! Violet fire enfold us! Violet fire enfold us! Violet fire hold us! Violet fire hold us! Violet fire hold us! Violet fire set us free! Violet fire set us free! Violet fire set us free! I Am, I Am, I Am surrounded by a pillar of violet flame. I Am, I Am, I Am abounding in pure love for God's great name, I Am, I Am, I Am complete by thy pattern of perfection so fair, I Am, I Am, I Am God's radiant flame of love gently falling through the air. Fall on us, fall on us, fall on us! Blaze through us, blaze through us, blaze through us, Saturate us, saturate us, saturate us.
OH VIOLET FLAME, COME VIOLET FLAME! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The earth and all thereon, the earth and all thereon, the earth and all thereon.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The children and their teachers, the children and their teachers, the children and their teachers.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The plants and elemental creatures, the plants and elemental creatures, the plants and elemental creatures.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! The air, the sea, the land. The air, the sea, the land. The air, the sea, the land.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! Make all to understand. Make all to understand. Make all to understand.
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! Bless all by Omri-Tas' hand! Bless all by Omri-Tas' hand! Bless all by Omri-Tas' hand!
Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now blaze and blaze and blaze! Oh violet flame, come violet flame! Now raise and raise and raise! I am, I am, I am the fullness of God's plan, fulfilled right now and forever! I am, I am, I am the fullness of God's plan, fulfilled right now and forever! I am, I am, I am the fullness of God's plan, fulfilled right now and forever!
VIOLET FLAME PASS UP THROUGH ME, with each center keep me free! Love's like a flower, unfolds each hour. Wisdom and action releases God's power! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to think! God's in me! I Am free! Now and for eternity! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to drink, Electric hue flashing through into all I think and say and do. Violet flame rise up and heal. With each center my being seal. Love is flowing, increasing knowing, wisdom and action God is bestowing. Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to think! God's in me, I am free, now and for eternity! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to drink. Electric hue flashing through into all I think and say and do. Violet flame take control today. With each center flash forth thy ray. Love's power sealing, the real revealing. Wisdom and action, it's God I Am Feeling! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to think! God's in me, I am free, now and for eternity! Violet, purple, pink! Help me now to drink. Electric hue flashing through into all I think and say and do.
I AM THE VIOLET FLAME IN ACTION IN ME NOW! I Am the violet flame, to Light alone I bow. I Am the violet flame in mighty cosmic power, I Am the Light of God shining every hour. I Am the violet flame blazing like a Sun, I Am God's sacred power freeing everyone. Violet Flame in the Heart of God! Violet Flame in the Heart of God! Violet Flame in the Heart of God!
VIOLET FIRE, THOU LOVE DIVINE, Blaze within this heart of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you. Violet fire, thou love divine, blaze within this soul of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you. Violet fire, thou love divine, blaze within this body of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you.
I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I am the purity God desires. I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires. I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires.
Decrees - Set 3 (Throat chakra)
I AM THE RESURRECTION and the life of every cell and atom of my four lower bodies now made manifest.
I AM THE OPEN DOOR WHICH no man can shut into the great opulence of God waiting, surging to press forward to heal, to bless and to prosper abundantly.
I AM THE MIGHTY MAGIC CIRCLE of protection about me which is invincible and repels from me all discordant thought and feeling which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself.
I AM THE UNLIMITED MIGHTY POWER of God transforming and healing my world.
I AM THE VISIBLE PRESENCE of those greatly beloved ascended masters whom I wish to have appear here to me and whose assistance I desire.
I AM THE OMNIPRESENT all powerful protecting intelligence governing this mind and body.
I AM THE MIGHTY ELECTRONIC energy flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body right now.
Decrees - Set 4 (Heart chakra)
I GO FORTH WHILE MY body sleeps and through the Mighty Power and Intelligence which I Am I make conscious contact with and abundantly fulfill the requirements of this body, and I remember every experience I had when I awake.
I AM THE MIGHTY CONSUMING flame that now and forever consumes all past and present mistakes, their cause and effect, and all undesirable creation for which my outer is responsible.
I AM THE SUPREMACY of man; everywhere I go I Am God in action.
I AM THE MASTER OF MY WORLD, I am the Victorious, Intelligence Governing it.
I AM NO LONGER THE BABE of Christ, but the Master Presence grown to full stature and I speak and command with authority.
I AM THE INVINCIBLE GUARD established, sustained and maintained over my mind, my body, my home, by being, my world.
THROUGH THE INTELLIGENCE and beauty which I Am, I command you to take on perfect beauty of form, for I Am the beauty in every cell of which you are composed. You shall respond to my command and become radiantly beautiful in every way, in thought, word, feeling and form. I am the fire and beauty in your eyes and I carry this Radiant Energy into everything into which I look.
Decrees - Set 5 (Solar Plexus chakra)
I AM EVERYTHING THAT IS CONTAINED IN THE UNIVERSE, the earth elements, subtle elements, divine spiritual elements, the celestial worlds, the effulgent glory of the Great Central Sun. I become the universal receiver into which pours the holy golden light of immortality. I am the evocation, meditation, embodiment of that Light. May we be absorbed in the contemplation of that effulgent glory of the Divine Presence within the Great Central Sun where I dwell as the I Am Presence that it may illuminate all the worlds of our existence. (Gayatri mantra in sanskrit: Aum bhur bhuva suvah ha tat savi tur varenyan bargo de vasya di ma hi di yo yo na pracodyat.) Oldest prayer.
SAINT MICHAEL, SAINT MICHAEL, I CALL UNTO THEE, wield thy sword of blue flame and now cut me free. Blaze God power protection now into my world. The banner of faith above me unfurl. Transcendent blue lightening now flash through my soul. I am by God's mercy made radiant and whole. Saint Michael, Saint Michael, I love thee I do. With all Thy great faith my being embue. Saint Michael, Saint Michael and legions of Blue, come seal me, now keep me faithful and true. I am with thy blue fire now full-charged and blest, I am now in Michael’s blue-flame armor dressed. (3x)
FORTUNA, GODDESS OF SUPPLY of all God's wealth from realms on high, Release thy treasures from the sun and now bestow on everyone whose heart beats one with God's own light, the power to draw from heaven's height. Abundance to expand the plan the masters hold for every man. Tune our consciousness with thee, expand our vision now to see that all abundance is meant for all, look to God and make the call. We now demand, we do command abundant manna from God's hand, That now below as is above, all mankind shall express God's love.
NAMO ARIHUNTANUM, namo siddhanum, namo ayariunam, namo uvajayanam. Namo loe savva sahunam, eso pancha namo carro, savva pava panasano. Mangala namche save sim, padamum havai mangalum. (Ancient Sanskrit prayer. English version is 4th paragraph from bottom, “I Bow to....” Namo is Sanskrit for “I bow to”)
HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sons and daughters of God, now and at the hour of our victory of sin, disease and death.
OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily guilt and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thou art the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
LOVELY POWERFUL SHIVA, God of sweeping change, sweep away the lesser, shut it out of range, leave the beauty and the light bright and clean and fair, remove all vibrations of misery and despair. Leave this place and these fine things fresh and bright and pure, holy as your own fine Self, bright, complete and sure. Lovely powerful Shiva, our thanks to you we give, that from your sweeping power in beauty may we live.
Decrees - Set 6 (Sacral chakra)
MIGHTY GOD IN ME, I face thy eternal sunrise and receive thy mighty radiance into my life and action! Thou might infinite radiant One whose mighty I Am Presence I bow before! Thou mighty ruler of the universe, I bow before thy all-conquering power. I accept fully thy radiating presence. I call to thee that thy Presence go before me everywhere, mastering all conditions I contact and making me a channel through which thy mighty Presence pours.
MIGHTY MASTER PRESENCE WITHIN ME, sustain the atomic structure of perfection in my four lower bodies. Mighty God in me, I know that the forcefield around my electrons is naturally perfection. See that the forcefield between the atoms in my bodies is constantly charged with your perfect radiance. Set thy intelligent conscious thought and golden light vision free within my body as the power of the Christ.
THOU MIGHTY MAJESTIC PRESENCE IN ME, keep thy Love Radiance burning as a Holy Fire within my heart and circulation system. See that only the ascended Master Host of Light contact me mentally this day. Every other condition I set aside for the inflow of your Mighty Presence. God alone is here and I see and feel nothing else.
FROM THE GOD/GODDNESS OF MY BEING I give thanks for the love that I am and for the love that I see all around me. Thank you. Thank you for the miracle of life that I am and for the miracle of life that I see reflected all around me. Thank you. Thank you for my perfect body, health and vitality. Thank you. Thank you for the abundance of life that I am and for the abundance of life that I see all about me. Thank you. Thank you for the riches and the richness of my life and thank you for the river of money that flows to me. Thank you. Thank you for the excitement and the adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and probabilities. Thank you. Thank you for the beauty and the harmony. Thank you for the peace and tranquility. Thank you for the wonderment and thank you for the joy. Thank you for the laughter and the play. And thank you for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift of life that I am. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
IN THE NAME OF MY OWN MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and the power of the ascended masteres, I say to all human creation: You have no power! Mighty I am Presence and Great Cosmic Light, project thy mighty light rays in and through the earth, establishing thy mighty currents throughout the atmosphere of earth, that all destructive qualities and activities there cease to exist.
MIGHTY LUMINOUS PRESENCE, I am the radiant intelligent flooding into the hearts of all mankind and into all official places, commanding justice, bringing relief, love and compassion to all of humanity everywhere. I am the divine splendor filling all manifestations.
IN THE NAME OF MY OWN MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, I call upon the law of forgiveness for all of my mistakes and errors. Please forgive me for the harm I have done to others in this life and in all my past lives. I ask forgiveness for myself and for all of mankind everywhere. Beloved Mighty I Am Presence, take out of me every discordant feeling of every kind. Charge and fill my mind and body with your great peace, your great happiness, your great strength. Hold your dominion over my feeling and let the power of your glorious presence flood forth and through into my world to harmonize and perfect it. Take command and produce your perfection everywhere.
Decrees - Set 7 (Root chakra)
I CALL UPON ST. GERMAIN TO BE MY INSPIRATION. I claim the gift of the violet consuming flame, the divine alchemical energy of transformation and transmutation. I accept the challenge to be the full embodiment of the masculine and feminine energy showing all what it means to walk in power and strength while personifying love and compassion. I claim and pronounce my masterhood now.
VIOLET FLAME FROM THE HEART OF GOD! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Expand thy mercy to me today. Expand thy mercy to me today. Expand they mercy to me today.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Transmute all wrong by forgiveness ray. Transmute all wrong by forgiveness ray. Transmute all wrong by forgiveness ray.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Blaze into action to all this day. Blaze into action to all this day. Blaze into action to all this day.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Mercy's flame forever obey. Mercy's flame forever obey. Mercy's flame forever obey.
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Sweep all the earth by Christ's command. Sweep all the earth by Christ's command. Sweep all the earth by Christ's command
Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! Violet flame from the heart of God! And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest, right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and Free! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
LIGHT COMMAND, light command, light command, command, command! Light demand, light demand, light demand, demand, demand! Light expand, light expand, light expand, expand, expand. Light I Am, Light I Am, Light I Am, I Am, I Am! Light set me free! Light set me free! Light set me free!
I BOW TO THE PERFECTED HUMAN BEINGS, God men and God women (arihantas). I bow to the liberated bodiless souls, God. I bow to the masters and heads of congregations. I bow to the spiritual teachers. I bow to the spiritual practitioners in the universe. This five-fold obeisance mantra destroys all sins and obstacles, and of all auspicious repetitions is the first and foremost.
A CIRCLE OF LIGHT I SEND FROM ME, protecting all within. A sparkling light of purity, of love and innocence. And as I do a great white light moves through me from above, washes through my body-mind, absorbs me in its love. And nothing less than total love can live within this orb of selfless all-consuming love, I yield to thee, my Lord.
LITTLE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, your fun and love I seek to share. Gronkydoddles hear my call, lebrechauns come one and all. Leader Gob of gnome and troll, come and share your humor droll. Neckna and your undines bold, play with me your games of old. Paralda, zephyrs of the air, caress me while my skin is bare. Salamanders led by Djin, the candle flames you may play in. Nature spirits of all all sort, in friendship let us now cavort. A child of love for you I’ll be, my mood is light as you can see. And always when you sing and play, I feel my problems fade away. Your laughter, love and fun come through and make me feel alive like you! (a wiccan prayer)
LITTLE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, I pray you make our land so fair. Build a garden full of trees, streams and flowers, birds and bees. Lush and pure and clean and green, prepare the soil, the air, the scene. Tune our consciousness with thee, we Anakoshans do decree. Settled in and peaceful now we gather here to make our vow, to love each other all the way, to sing and laugh and dance and play. To think and talk and share our dreams, or just be still in peace serene. Dispelling dark and heavy hurt, love and laughter’s now our work! Come sing and dance and spark our land and lead us gently by the hand to love supreme, compel our minds to shed the past and close behind. We gather around the fires at night to pledge our love to God’s pure light. Little people everywhere, we thank you for our land so fair. Thank you for the trees so clean, the birds, the flowers, bees and greens. Thank you for this land complete where we can plant the freedom seed! Of love and joy in human form, where love and freedom are the norm!
IN THE NAME OF THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS, I call forth light into this body to clear all human conditions. I command obedience and harmony into this body. Mighty I Am Presence, silence the human quality in this body. It has no power! I call forth Light! Light blaze forth! Light blaze forth! Light blaze forth! Blaze forth Mighty Radiance. Blaze forth Mighty Radiance. Blaze forth Mighty Radiance. Cut loose everything that has attached to this body that disturbs its harmony. I call forth this light to expand in and through every cell of this body. My human self humbly and willingly opens and allows this light to spread its dynamic powerful radiance through my entire being. . Praise the Lord I Am That I am, Praise the Lord I Am That I am, Praise the Lord I Am That I am. Peace to the planet. Peace and love to all beings on the planet. Blessings to all creatures. Praise thy holy name, oh Light of Immortality that lives within all beings. Peace, love, peace, peace, peace.