9/15/24 - Your heart is your balance between physical and spiritual
This is a channeling from the Master DK concerning ascension massage, which is still in my dreaming to start an ascension massage exchange network. I've been scanning the endless numbers of files I've collected over the years, which have a lot of DK's advice and input. This is one such piece of advice from him.
(DK in 2017) If you are not in your heart drawing and allowing in your pure self, you are getting the information from your mind/brain which is a store house of accumulated learned experiences from the past. I saw during meditation that below the heart is human and above the heart is divine. The heart is where the pure original consciousness of you comes in through the portal of the three-fold flame in the heart. The heart is YOU in all your uniqueness. There is not another you. You are the only you in existence. If you are drawing from either above or below the heart, you are drawing on other influences. From above, you are drawing on higher influences, angels, masters, etc., and from below the heart you are drawing on earth experience, both error and pristine.
Your heart is the balance in you between physical and spiritual. Within your etheric heart, superimposed over your physical heart, is a portal through which perfection comes into manifestation. Then, there is a river of light and love that enters through the top of your head and runs down your spinal column and into earth and anchors you into the earth to create your physical. There is an attraction above you that is drawn magnetically down to the physical earth, and there is an attraction below you in the earth that is drawn upward to space and the higher planes above you. It is your heart that balances these two attractions.
Feelings on the lower denser side of you, the more physical side of you, are called lower emotions like sadness, jealousy, survival issues, anger, fear, frustration, depression and more. Feelings on the higher side beyond your human need for survival, are called spiritual longings and reachings. They are sometimes called feelings, and sometimes called mind. Mind and feelings merge into oneness. At that high place you experience visionary things because you are going up beyond the physical, mental and emotional levels of activity.
Within your heart, your etheric heart, lies the perfection that keeps the balance that keeps you grounded between physical and non-physical. It keeps you sane and rational. But you are the one who must find this location, or this particular place in your conscious focus. You are the one who does the searching and the discovering. Wherever you go, you are the one who brings you there. While it is confusing to the mind and the logic of the survival of the fittest, hands-on massage will help you locate your true and authentic self through feelings. Choose the good feelings over the bad feelings. If you feel bad, adjust and make the feeling become good. (DK channeling 10/29/17)
9/14/24 - A helpful message about the ascension from the Arcturians
This is a wonderful message from the Arcturians, copied here from this video which was posted by the GFL.com youtube. Because it so resonated with me, as I am experiencing these things that he talks about, this is extremely helpful. Many, many people are having the same kinds of symptoms, I am sure, without realizing that it is indeed a grand cosmic event. No one told us! Please enjoy. And here is the Video if you want to listen to it.
"Dearest star seeds, I am Laayti and I am very pleased to be with all of you today. We understand that many of you are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. As the energies of ascension amplify. so too do the feelings of chaos, confusion and fear. This is a natural response as the old energies rise to the surface to be acknowledged, healed and released. Ascension is a transformative journey. When you step into new vibrational frequencies everything within you that is not aligned with these higher frequencies coes up for review. This can bring about moments of enlightenment, joy and freedom, but also moments of fear, unease and emotional wounds resurfacing. The key is to recognize that these feelings are part of the process. What no longer serves you is being brought to your attention to be healed. Fear confusion and worry are aspects of your human experience, and as your vibration continues to rise, these emotions will become less dominant. The more you ground yourself in your inner truth, the more you will notice a shift in how you interact with your reality.
"While the world around you may still present challenges, your ability to remain centered, calm and balanced will increase, allowing you to navigate these experiences with greater ease. Humanity is going through a collective shedding of old energies and, as such, this message will come with a trigger warning. As a result many of you are picking up on the collective anxiety and fear. Even if only a small amount this amplification of energy can feel overwhelming, but it is important to know that you are not alone in this journey. We, the Arcturians offer you a simple yet precise practice to assist you. Whether you are currently feeling anxiety or not, this tool will serve as a foundation for peace in times of inner turmoil. Much of the fear and anxiety you experience is deeply ingrained within the subconscious mind, pathways that have been formed over lifetimes. The mind is conditioned to follow these pathways of worry and fear, but we are here to help you rewire them with love and peace.
"As you breathe deeply we invite you to call upon the highest vibration of loe from your soul group and the creator. Allow this love to pour into your being like a warm comforting wave. We will place our energetic hands upon your head, sending a concentrated flow of love into your brain mind and subconscious. This energy rewires the neural pathways, replacing fear-based reactions with new pathways grounded in love. As this energy flows bring to mind the areas of your life that cause you stress or fear. Visualize those pathways dissolving, being erased by the loving energy in their place. See new pathways being created. Pathways that bring peace, clarity and understanding. In these times of accelerated ascension know that all is unfolding as it should. You are moving rapidly through your spiritual evolution, and though the pace may feel overwhelming, it is in perfect alignment with your soul's journey. Release what no longer serves you. Align with the vibration of love and trust that you are exactly where you need to be. I am Laayti and I have enjoyed being with you all today."
9/13/24 - Ascension symptoms - a personal update
Many changes have been taking place within my consciousness. Ascension symptoms are huge, dizziness is number one. Crazy fluctuations in brain and body, with periodic feelings of wanting to give up and die. However, the Master DK has been guiding me. What a wonderful Master he is! I am so grateful that he entered my life 48, near 49 years ago.
It is not easy to define this consciousness shift, but it is going on everywhere on the planet. There are many people like me who are accessing the higher realms, but there are MORE who are not. So this that I am talking about will not make sense to the reader. In essence, the consciousness shift I'm referring to is a first-time ever evolution from animal man to god-man. It's called ascension. We are ascending consciousness in body, mind and feelings. Animal man only knew the earth physical. The God-men and women of the universe have evolved beyond physical limits. They started out physical too, like us, but evolved beyond to become aware of cosmic consciousness and intelligence. "We come from the stars!" And we are being visited today, increasingly so, by those more highly evolved than ourselves. UFO disclosure is underway.
Back to the ascension symptoms. We have been evolving right along, decade after decade, century after century, learning as we go and expanding brain cells. Enough of us have now reached that higher realm of understanding that breaks through the ceiling into a wondrous new reality. Each of us experiences it privately, alone, deep within our spiritual heart. Every planet in the universe has its own evolution going on, within its own culture. We, as one such planet, are experiencing one of those extraordinary "break thru the ceiling" events. It is a very big step for mankind, a shift up and out of the focus on "physical-only", which is limited and confined to the belief that the physical body is all there is and there is nothing more. The ascension breaks us out of that focus into wondrous awareness of higher, vaster universal understanding. It's a consciousoness shift. In this shift we leave behind - they naturally fade away - negative attitudes, thoughts and behaviors. This is the big work that each individual is currently experiencing today, silently and alone, within the privacy of their own thoughts and feelings. And they are discombobulating. Confusion. Maybe causes for medical treatment.
The soul is breaking through. The soul wants to be in charge. And the soul is made of love, spiritual integrity, dignity, grace, beauty and harmony. And the soul is unity consciousness. We are accustomed to being brain-oriented, but the soul is felt through body feelings, sensations. as in heavy or light, depressing or loving. Individual motives and interests weigh into this ascension shift. Self-interest is the mighty dividing line. Can one continue to perform and serve in a self-interest way, where greed or money comes first? Or is one ready to make decisions that follow a more humanitarian path? The shift is privately decided. No one can decide for someone else. It's a shift from limited self-only focus to being more compassionate which benefits all.
Ever since I went into the light in an OBE, when kundalini awakened in me in 1976, I have been a student of the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. I have been initiated into higher levels of consciousness, which are not of this world. Everything was going very smoothly for me up until three years ago. It was fun and exciting until then When the ascension symptoms began in my brain, and then my heart, followed by hospital stays, doctors and medicines, it became quite challenging. However I was lucky. I had the Master DK to fall back on. So far, so good. But I'm still struggling with it.
Meanwhile, because I still live here in the physical with a husband who doesn't identify with "highrr consciousness" ascension teachings, I have to shift back and forth a lot. Dizziness and disorientation is the number one problem, but there are ascension teachings. One of the dreams I've had for a long time is to have some gatherings of lightworkers here at my house. This hasn't changed. It may yet happen. Just a thought planted in the middle of my blog for those who check in on my website. Such gatherings would be for those who live nearby, because I don't want to drive far or often, or do zoom meetings (not tech-oriented.)
I have been guided to continue posting blogs and newsletters. This is one way to share the ascension teachings, through a simple blog. It lets others know they are not alone. There are many beautiful messages coming from the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians and Lyrans - plus others, but those are the main ones. They are showing up on Facebook. If you click "like" you may get a slew of new messages to your phone. Our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters are here for us and embed certain frequencies into their messages, so that you might "get" it in your own unique way and time. We are each unique. Every soul is divinely inspired and when it hears a note that resonates, it clicks into the brain. You will hear it. We have each followed a unique individual pathway of evolution from lower realms to this point in our evolution. It has been, up to now, an evolution of brain or mind. Now it is time to make the leap into love.
From the day kundalini awakened in me, I have been linked into higher spiritual love. It is celestial, or cosmic, universal. For many years I have been writing about it as something different than human sexual love. However, the Master DK is a Tantric Master and he has many teachings that build on sexual human love so it is understandable. He explains the universal concept in terms that can be understood by we humans. I have been guided to create an Ascension Massage offering, but I wasn't ready to carry it through at the time (2012). However soon there will come an Ascension Massage Exchange Network. AMEN for short. This is a program where higher love teachings precede the actual doing of the massage. Light and love lives in every cell of the physical body, and that light and love can draw forth the light and love in another person, when properly prepared. An exchange of partners in hands-on loving touch will build a wonderful community of caring individuals. It will be different from swinging and sexual sharing. It must be, to allow the light to be elevated and not "used" in sex. This will assist in bringing people safely through the ascension into happier, more fulfilled lifestyles on earth.
The third dimension is the lower dimension which focuses on physical only. The fourth dimension is where you start to question the limitations of physical focus only. There must be more, and there are many who are spiritually aware and wise to the higher planes. But many more who are not. As the sun and earth move into higher locations in the galaxy and start receiving higher energies, we humans are also getting higher energies in and though our bodies. We are beginning to see further and have thoughts that go beyond what we were raised up with. We are evolving without any work done on our part. It's happening automatically. We are becoming wiser and more attuned to feelings of more naturalness, more innocence, more spiritually aware. Each individual is going through this awareness adjustment in their own way, alone. It can't be defined well. That is why I would like to initiate some gatherings at my house, so we can share our inner-most visions and concepts that we seldom talk about. We are trying to understand but it is VERY confusing.
If you are one who is experiencing strange symptoms, you are not alone. Writing blogs and newsletters is my way of getting a load off MY mind and preventing a mental jam-up. I would love to share with a real live human being, but since there are none around, I write. So do others. It helps to share what you know, what you are perceiving. And it helps others to know what you're feeling. We are not alone in this. Gathering in groups with others of like minds and hearts, is a good way of building a new community within a community, without bothering others who are not interested (like myo husband). We could go on and on about how we've all lived countless lives before, and how we have suppressed this knowledge by not talking about what we know and feel - but let's save that for later.
Because each of us must work through this alone, privately, it would be wonderful to gather once a week and share higher perspectives. What is going on? And how can we alleviate the confusion? Some have answers for those who don't. We can share. In a sense, we are each alone in this because it's a soul journey between physical brain and non-physical spirit. But we are not really alone because we're all going through the shift together as a race living on one planet in the universe. We are learning how to manage our own bodies and brains alone, but we have neighbors and friends we can talk with. Maybe they know something WE don't know. A round-robin of introductions and discussions would start off a gathering. And also a hugging circle.
The physical brain has been raised with a lot of false programming from birth. We were raised to live a certain way with certain laws and certain politics. Now these systems are fading and more natural feelings of goodness, innocence, peace and love are being felt. Maybe not recognized as such, but they are coming forth regardless. These are the qualities of higher universal laws which keep the planets and suns in their locations. They are superior to earthly laws, and more refined. More beautiful, more reasonable and more loving and intelligent.
Please feel free to communicate with me. Share your thoughts and feelings. I love to talk about it. To all my friends who check this website, yes, I'm still here. Sending much love and wishes for peace, comfort and happiness. Come join me in the fifth dimension. If I spend too much time listening to 3rd dimensional words and discussions, I get dizzy and zone out into the fifth. But being with people of like-mind, WOW! I'll stay here forever in the third if I can have some friends who think like me!
The divine soul wants to live in a human world. It wants to enter into the physical body but it can’t because of so many negative thoughts and feelings. The vibrations don’t match. Our job as human beings is to prepare our physical body and mind to speak more goodness and happiness and more loving attitudes and phrases of kindness. Then we adjust our vibrations and our divine self can enter and be a physical human being. More connected, more clear, more clean and wholesome. The divine self has a body too, but it’s too refined to enter into the human body with its negativity still repressed and stuck inside it. We must raise our consciousness to be more loving, and we do that by sharing uplifting, happy thoughts with each other, and some hands-on healing with light.
9/9/24 - Soften the outer senses to awaken the inner
This is DK channeling 41 years ago in 1983. I just discovered it hidden amongst my other writings. There are so many, I'm still scanning through them. This one is especially good. It is very important to remind everyone that we have TWO minds working in us, not just one. We have the brain mind which is only as old as the body (86 years for me), and we have the soul mind which is the REAL us, the one that lives eternally and foreverk and has had many physical embodiments. The brain mind is always brand new with each new body - baby we are born as. We are brand new and the brain is brand new. So our brain doesn't know all the things that WE know in our gut feelinigs, our deeper soul mind that is our actual life force buried in the tailbone as instinct, intuition, gut feeling, natural feelings of harmony, love, truth, etc. I'm sharing this today because I think it is SO importat to remember this, and I will also add it to DK's book in progress posted HERE)
(Master Djwhal Khul) In order to awaken the inner senses, the outer senses must be softened and changed. This does not mean you have to make dramatic changes, but little changes here and there. All it requires is a little time and certain daily practice. The first change is to practice meditation. It is necessary to go alone behind closed doors for several minutes periodically throughout the day. This is to keep your mind in low gear and to prevent it from racing. As you begin slowing down your mind [brain mind] you will begin hearing your inner moods better and develop an attitude of greater respect.
The second change is to practice expressing your true feelings more. It is necessary to express at least once during the day, one thought, idea or emotion that you would normally have kept secret and unexpressed. This is to soften the habit of mechanical action and mechanical response to situations. As you soften you become more responsive to your inner emotions and urges. You will activate the inner power which is dormant inside, except on occasion when it explodes in a carnival of expression.
The third change is to start changing your hard-nosed attitudes to softer, more understanding ones. Love is the greatest power in the universe. Do not underestimate the power of love, for it is a true power, and its hand-maidens are mercy, compassion, tolerance, understanding, truth, justice and freedom. These are the attitudes that will, when inserted here and there into your daily life, begin the magic of changing your inner feelings from coldness, isolation and loneliness, which is so common among humanity today, to softness when confronted with situations that once caused you to respond in a mechanical way.”
9/6/24 - In support of feminine qualities (men too!)
Recently The Anakosha website was changed to "GoddessSphere".org, and the question was asked "What about the men?" This is the direction we are moving toward today. The feminine needs to be expressed in ALL beings, not just women but men too. The men have 50% feminine in them as women have 50% masculine in them. Feminine is the goodness in us, the miracle-maker in us, the super-power in us, the light and the love within us that has been oppressed and suppressed for eons of time as if it was an evil.
It is time for the feminine aspects with us to be strengthened and supported, noticed, identified and allowed to exist on its own merits. It is time for our tendernss, grace, nourishment of each other and nobility to come forth into actions, words and responses. These qualities are not just in women but in ALL humans. The feminine nature is the godly nature, the comforting nature, the caring nature, the heart-felt emotional nature of compassion and understanding. It is very big, very wide, and is the governing intelligence of the whole universe. It has been said. It guides the planets and the stars with a rhythm that defies the evil ones who hate. It is time to wake up to our full nature.
So we changed the title page and the picture. Feminine vs. masculine as opposite aspects, exist only in worlds of form and duality. It does not exist in the world of spirit for there is no gender separation in spirit. Spirit is Oneness, wholeness, holiness. It expresses in qualities of different textures and vibrations but always in harmony. Each being has a unique vibrational signature so that all of creation knows that being by its vibration. All of creation knows you and me by our vibration. Our vibration is neither female nor male. It is a vibration within the sea of wholeness, allness, all One.
From Hindu texts - "The Four Principles of Spirituality"
The First Principle states: “Whomsoever you encounter is the right one” This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.
The Second Principle states: "Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened” Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…”. No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life, which we encounter, is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.
The Third Principle states: “Each moment in which something begins is the right moment”
Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin.
The Fourth and Final Principle states: “What is over, is over” It is that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on.
9/1/24 - The Urge to Worship
The following is something that was channeled thru me back in 1994. This past week I've been doing some intense research into the Master's writings, which are getting ready for publication. Today during my inner time I heard "Immortal" clear and sharp in my mind, and immediately remembered an article he wrote. I checked into the collection of writings and sure enough. There is a 6-part series on "The Making of an Immortal". Now, the interesting part is, I've read this a number of times but never has it stood out so clear and perfect as it did today. I understand it penetrated my thick skull. Perhaps it is time to publish it? He is talking to me now and giving me further instructions. As I scanned the rich collection of his writings I found this one (below) and wanted to share it with you. The urge to worship.
(DK) On the animal body and the state of worshiping upwards, it is not the body which is animal in nature, it is the attitude that is the unpleasant part. In your worship and prayer you focus upward, and indeed there is a holy draft that sings upward into the heights. It is within every man, woman and child that this sacred flame burns upward, and it is the center of the urge to worship. A mistake has been made in judging the body as gross. It is not the body, which is mindless in and of itself that becomes gross, it is the mind that lives in that body. And so we lend attention to the mind.
Let us turn the mind in an upward direction in all that we do and the body becomes holy - a temple housing a holy mind. We are here to awaken the body temple and the mental temple and the emotional temple and all of the layers of the body to the fact that God lives here within. God is the good within man. It is God, not the little i who lives here within these walls of flesh and psychic turmoil. And so the need for prayer, meditation and the lifting of the mind upward, upward, into the elevated state of worship. We must learn to worship as we perform our daily tasks, worship as we play, worship as we work, worship as we play with pets, tend gardens, make love. Our bodies are holy temples, let us worship as we swim, and talk with friends and eat our food and work at desks. Let us worship the holy One, God, good, within, and thus we shall refine our bodies and accomplish God's tasks.
It is time for dramatic change. It is time to assert yourself. Take each morning and dedicate yourself to the Cause that fathered you. The dense matter which entraps you is not listening to your words. Assertion is required. Assert yourself to make a space, a time, a place for your words. Dedicate each hour to a cause. Each hour is dedicated to a purpose and reason for YOU being here. You have a purpose above and beyond the density of matter, of being lost in matter. Cleanse and purify yourself, your body first. THAT is the first order of the day. The second hour is dedicated to your Father Cause, your own Holiness. I am the Holiness, thus say, “I Am the Holiness of this body and I dedicate this body, I consecrate this body to the will that I Am.” Believe on Me the Holiness of my body and all things will come to pass.
8/26/24 - My I AM Presence gives me a massage
The Master DK once wrote: "There is a circuitry embedded into the human being that is an actual piece of God, the infinite and supreme intelligence, love and mercy. One is not created by God, one IS literally God. But, because no one has ever taught the child that this is so or how to reject the non-God substance that clings to him from the first moment of physical life, one becomes buried inside the dead layers of left-over negativity. Memory of one’s radiant God consciousness becomes dulled and soon lost within the heaviness of physical life. And the land of living light out of which you came of infinite love and reasoning is but a dim instinct towards “good”. This is the real you as opposed to the surface you. It is the power circuitry of God which is part of an infinite network, a delicate microscopic electronic network which interpenetrates all of life’s organisms, and all minds, from man to microbe, from planet to moons to suns to whole galaxies and makes the quantum leap from one dimension to another in a single flow of thought, defying the physical boundaries that segregate both worlds."
DK's words reminds me. The other night while I lay and rolled on tennis balls for my back in a self-myofascial release treatment, I had a most unusual experience. I first felt that wonderful feeling of being present all thru my body, being alive and well and all in the right place. I thought of a friend who always gives me that impression of being so well grounded. While I moved the balls up my spine this really good feeling spread, and I saw myself standing OUTSIDE of myself, giving myself a most beautiful warm loving hands-on treatment. Her touch went deep into me, so lovingly that I yearned for more, deeper. It was oh so beautiful. This was, I am sure, my higher self, the I AM Presence of myself, My ME! And this body I was working on is my solid ground body, not the real me. My I am Presence was working on my solid physical body. The real me who has the knowledge of light and love is working on the solid physical me.
Then, during the night around 2 or 3 am, I had the most powerful download of revelations. I can’t remember them all but they definitely made an impact. It was like being in school. The words and concepts and teachings kept coming and coming and coming, I was so overwhelmed with love and light that I couldn’t resist, and rolled over and stroked Doug and told him about my experience of myself stroking me lovingly. I know he thinks I'm weird but it's so much fun.
8/25/24 - Sharing a happy experience this morning!
The Mother Flame is so awesome! I wrote about it in the last two newsletters, both of which are now posted on this website. There is so much happening. So much revealing. The ceiling continues to crack open, I'm breaking through, and the sun is brighter than ever. Time is speeding up for me so fast there is little time to complete all that is on the growing wish list. The revelations are like simply appearing. They are here within me. I see them. I know them. Each thread is another piece in the overall puzzle that is unfolding. How does one capture it all? Where does one go with so much golden inspirations?
Well, it's not all roses. How do you blend or integrate bliss with the hard core reality of life as it exists today, right now? Life on earth is not blissful. It's a struggle. There are a lot of things not yet finished, that have yet to be worked with. This morning my effort was to complete the exercise routine without being distracted into another direction. My spontaneity tends to take over. But this morning I finished. I was determined to stick with it to the end. I did not deviate. Feeling good with myself I stood still and enjoyed the feeling of completion. Still standing I turned inward. A mistake. A GOOD mistake, don't get me wrong. But it wasn't the plan. I didn't want to fall into bliss again.
The bliss was already. The mother flame was moving. It seeped through my body and I felt a swooning sensation. This sweet inner sensation is like no other. The ancients called it the nectar of the gods. I resisted the swoon because I'm trying to blend this inner sweetness with my solid physical body cells. It is tricky. It is difficult. My physical body is aging and so I must work hard at keeping it active. It is very easy to succumb to rest. But lying down causes too much comfort, too much nectar of the gods. I am determined not to yield until I have completed my activities. The more I receive from higher planes, the more active I become because I must put this energy to good use. Otherwise it will stop coming. Higher consciousness is higher awareness is higher energy is higher motivation is more vitality and more excitement. Or so is my thinking. I don't really know. I am only a student learning how to handle cosmic energies that keep coming and revealing and pushing me upward.
Should I lie down? Should I force myself to get physically active? The swooning sensation is tempting. I want to lie down but I don't want to. What should I do? I asked my guides. One said, "No, don't lie down". Another said, "Yes, lie down!" (I'm paraphrasing here.) So I yielded. I lay down on the massage table and allowed myself to go with it. OMG! I did not lose consciousness but I swooned and went into the wildest, most awesome, most delicious celestial place ever. There are no words. I remained conscious until I felt it was time to come back. Remaining conscious I agreed and told myself to return to the room I was in. Part of the lesson is to remain conscious. As I was slowly returning to normal consciousness I heard a faint song begin, "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily! Life is but a dream!" The nursery rhyme continued to repeat as I slowly gathered my limbs together and sat up. I began laughing at myself as often I do. The happiness is so real. Wow! The joy was huge and I continued to giggle as I pulled myself together and
went downstairs. Doug was in the kitchen making pasta shells. Still laughing, I asked him, "Do you know the song, "Row, row, row your boat...."? And I sang it to him. He said, "Of course!" and continued working with his pasta.
But I couldn't stop giggling. The happiness was so radiant that I couldn't stop talking. I continued talking and telling him about it. He was polite and listened while completing his pasta dish. I am hugely grateful for his presence because I can tell him things and he listens. It is so important that he listen, and I listen to him too. It is important to tell and share what is happening to us, because we are here to build lifelines with each other. Inner happenings should not be reserved for ourselves alone, and only for sacred quiet times. The inner happenings need to be shared, to come out into the open for others to see for there are similar happenings in them too. I see it taking place.
This is the sum of the teachings from the Master Djwhal Khul. I am preparing the title page for his book that I am preparing. After near 50 years of working with him it is almost done. It will take time to complete but it's so awesome. I am still feeling the happiness from this morning. I send happiness to all who read this.
8/18/24 - The chakras are in the spine, not the organs
The chakra system is a cosmic energy system of pure light. Chakras are portals or you could say gateways. They lead to different realities. In each reality (dimension) the father consciousness or grand consciousness either rises or falls. It rises / broadens to a wider horizon, or contracts to a smaller focus. These portals or gateways are called “chakras” in modern language. They are located in the center of the spinal column, NOT in the soft tissues of the organs out in front of the spine as so many think. We have access to many dimensions and realities through these chakras. And we fluctuate often between realities, without knowing. We may switch to a daydream state for a while, or we may sink into a doom and gloom period, or a fearful anxiety period, or maybe have a sudden happiness and joy feeling for awhile. Or a warm intimate love feeling for no reason. These are all different realities, called dimensions, and we can access them more easily if we were aware of them. During certain silent times I go (consciously) to the Ascended Master dimension and communicate there. There are many dimensions that rise into infinity, but we as humans have only been told about seven.
The seven chakra portals are located in the spinal column, not in the organs themselves. Some of the graphic pictures on the internet do not make that clear. This is an important point because the pure light of the creator (and YOU are an aspect of creator) flows down from above the body through the spine to earth, and back up again from earth to heaven. From the spine the pure light moves out into the various parts of the body through the nerves. Pure light reaches into the soft tissues and cells of all the organs everywhere in the body, to keep them healthy, thriving and multiplying. That's how the system works. The life force feeds pure life / light to the physical body in order to keep the body functioning.
It has been recommended that we "spin" the chakras. I for one did not know which way to spin them. Nor did I know where they were located until recently. I didn’t attend a school in my early life, but I have had a master guide in my later life, and slowly I have been guided. This piece of information is important only to those who have an interest in the spiritual body. It has not been explained very well in our third dimensional class rooms (!) but as we enter the spiritual path and when we are ready to listen, the necessary information comes forth.
Without knowing where the life force and vitality comes from (in the spine itself) we have been misusing the pure spiritual light that is vital to our health. This light is efficient. It flows where it is needed. The human body is a well-designed system by the creator. We have not been told much about it but we are learning. We’ve been using it wrongly. We’ve allowed this precious life force, this light, to leak out into the soft tissues and become entangled with the emotional and mental castoffs from other people. We’ve become deeply enmeshed in the lives of other people so that at times we are like slugs crawling thru the mud. We have been hanging onto junk stuff that we should have washed away long ago. It’s still hanging there in our cellular tissues, passed on thru our ancestor's genetics and we pass on to our children. It causes us grief in the form of disease and bad habits, bad feelings, feelings of fright, terror and panic. We wish we could get clear of these things. Just once be clear-minded and not so confused.
Well, that’s the point of learning about the chakras, and about SPINNING the chakras. Spinning can “wash” out clogged energy and open the body to other dimensions. We are about to learn more about them and how to spin. This is relatively new to me recently, so I will speak more about it. Most everyone has their own interpretations and follow their own spiritual path. But where does one go for information to begin? Where does one go for clarity? Some think they should go UP into space for clarity. Others think they should go DOWN into earth for clarity. Still others think they should go outside to teachers or masters for clarity. What DK has been teaching me is to go inside to your own body's feelings. Learn about the multiplicity of who we are. There are times and situations where one well-practiced method does not work as well as another. We are built to be multi-dimensional. We have access to different dimensions, each of which provide alternative FEELINGS and ideas to consider. We do have options and we should learn more about them to achieve better effects on our body.
Different parts of the body need different boosts once in awhile. Disease creeps in when a body part is not getting enough of the pure life force. Maybe it is stuck with some jammed-up trauma. That is the reason for learning how to spin the chakras. Google it and learn more. The Eastern masters have better advice. Focus on them. There is more information coming in today from the higher energies from the sun, providing clearer inner vision. Clearer inner vision is attained through periods of silent meditation.
We have a tendency to hold back trauma experiences in our gut. Out front in the soft tissues of the digestive tract. It causes problems there. These heavy energies are drawn down by gravity to the lowest parts of our bodies. Spinning the navel chakra can assist with clearing old energies. Success is not reached overnight, but it does help lighten the load. Focus on the SPINE, not on the gut itself, to open that particular portal. Be aware that the REAL light and power is flowing through the spine itself – the backbone. This should be explored more deeply through inner meditation. Feelings are the best guide.
We’ve been literally wasting the pure light by letting it drain off like a leaky valve, and become used by parasitic fears and traumas that are lodged there. Usually from our association with the outer world and other people. We allow our light / life force to become entangled with others (outsiders) emotionally or mentally or spiritually. As we learn to conserve our pure light inside our own bodies and not drain it away or give it away needlessly, we can become more healthy, with better vitality. And we notice an increase in excitement and interest in living and creating. This is the super-power that we have within us that is leaking away unnoticed. By conserving this pure light and utilizing it in the correct way, the clear light and clear understanding that flows through the spinal column itself, can start to flow out to body parts with greater vigor and strength. We notice a "boost" in vitality then.
Dull, dead, traumatized energies are being held in the soft tissues still to this day in many people. It is rare that one is so clean and pure that they remain untouched by the world in which they live. However, there are methods to assist as we learn about them. We are flowing with creator energy up and down our spine. Clean as the driven snow. We are designed to use that pure clean light. We were not designed to worship it as if it were sacred on a pedestal. We were born to use it to live a clean, moral, ethical, fair, balanced, happy, abundant and beautiful life with others on a daily basis. This pure clear energy is waiting for us to discover it and tap into it with our minds and use it. The light is flowing through the spine and nerves. The chakras are entryways to a magnificent grid of enlightened happineness, health and joy.
8/14/24 - Moving between dimensions causes confusion
It's been difficult to understand but I'm slowly getting it. It's my brain that needs to be educated. As a student of the ascended masters for many years, my brain as a third-dimensional organ has not kept up with my more expansive, subtle and refined awareness of the higher realms. Moving back and forth between the fifth and third dimensions, I am often caught in the inbetween - the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is where confusion exists because that is where we haven't figured it out yet. Where are we? What do we believe? Which way do I go? What direction should I go in? What is right? What is wrong?
The higher dimensions are accessed as we let go of stress-filled thoughts and feelings, like old traumas, fears wrong beliefs (they're just plain wrong!) and illusions of all kinds. As we recognize they are holding us down in mud and we let them go, we are purifying ourselves. Then we can drift easily upward to a cleaner place. We can feel it. It's a consciousness shift. That's what meditation is all about. But after spending time in a quiet, relaxing state of calmness and feeling really good and peaceful, it's difficult to return to the lower density. What has been called "the real world". The real world of tension, problems, chaos, TV news broadcasting bombs, murders, crime, lack and other mayhem. Trying to switch from one dimension to another is what I have been experiencing for the last three years. It finally dawned on me. I understand it better today.
Unbalanced, unable to remember where I put something, disorientation, dizziness - I am not alone in this. It's too easy to call it Alzheimers or old age. It's ascension symptoms. We are moving from third dimension into fourth dimension and fifth dimension for MANY people. It's not just me. For me, fortunately, I'm married to a practical man, a lawyer, and he has filled in for me where I was lacking. He still can't believe I don't know the names of famous rock stars of yesterday, or the more common figureheads of history. But I am gaining on it.
Now that we are moving into the fifth dimension, I see that everyone else is also becoming more spiritually inclined. I see it on the social media, like youtube and other platforms. There is a huge rise and expansion like a wider horizon in everyone's perception. At one time I couldn't talk to anyone about these things, especially about the galactic visitors from off-world planets (they have been here forever in disguise). But now it seems everyone is lightening up and becoming more aware about past life memories and more. This helps me to feel more at home here. I'm no longer a mis-fit! Others are also like me. It is starting to become more clear. And I'm losing my dizziness. My brain is functioning better. There is less disorientation. My practical, down-to-earth reality husband and I are closer than ever. He is mellowing and I am becoming more practical. He is less stress-filled which steps up my happiness and joy. There is a clearing going on all around the planet. That is, if you ignore the TV news and crime shows. The gentle relaxed ways of the feminine, in both women and men, are showing through the personalities that used to be abrasive.
As we move back and forth between the lower, denser, more compacted, hard-shelled third dimension (old reality) and move on into the higher fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions, it is causing confusion. What's happening? Those who have no metaphysical training or experience may be stuck, thinking that this physical reality is all there is, but it's NOT TRUE! There is more to become aware of. It's happening now. It is casing confusion. My experience and advice is to take time out - even one minute, 60 seconds - close your eyes and imagine the sun shining in your chest, in your physical heart and lungs. The lungs surround the heart, so they are one unified area. And count slowly 1, 2, 3, 4 while focusing sun in that area. Everytime we do this, we are radiating healing light vitality into the cells and tissues. The longer we can hold the visual on it the better. But don't force it. Never, ever force it or you'll lose interest and won't do it again. Remember it with a good feeling. Becoming motivated to do it again. Give yourself a 60 second blast of sunlight into our heart-lungs several times during the day and when you wake up in the morning, first thing.
Be good to yourself. Love your body several times during the day, night, whenever you can think of it. It will slowly help you to feel more comfortable and at peace. You can also do the same visualization of the sun in your brain. But the heart is the more important location. It is too complicated to explain but there is a reason why the ancient teachers, gurus and spiritual masters all have left their advice to focus on the heart and trust your heart. It's because there is a spark of life there in the heart, which is a divine immaculate concept. But it has been neglected and forgotten. The human race has only begun to become aware of this. It is finally sinking in. This spark needs to be blown on so it will built up to flare into a burning fire. Then it will be a "voice" in the heart speaking more loudly. This divine spark needs to be consciously focused on, in the same way that you would blow on dying embers of a fire to bring it back to life again. Blessings to all.
8/12/24 - Changes and upgrades are coming in strong
Two days ago I made a change on the Home page of this website and showed it to my husband. I changed the name from "Anakosha" to "GoddessSphere" and changed the picture of a man and woman to a classical painting of seven women dancing. The motto of Anakosha has always been "Awakening the divine feminine, the heart is the new baseline." Thus, the transfer of title is appropriate. The feminine is officially number one. But his response is terrific and appropriate: "What about the men?" he asked. Today I was led to a wonderful channeled message from spirit which explains the transfer of power. I have posted HERE. It has taken many years of study, learning, growing and channeled messages have been received over the years and are recorded here on this webiste. Please enjoy reading.
Many changes continue to come forth. They seep up from deep within. Seemingly out of thin air words break out in my mind. I suddenly hear words speak to me. For example, Shaktipat. The eastern guru's have been known to give shaktpat - spiritual blessings to students who study with them. I tried to remember the word but it escaped me. For two days I tried to remember. Suddenly it came to me. Shaktipat. I googled it. It means feminine. It is feminine love, not human love, but goddess love. This is the changeover on my website. Anakosha represented human love. The GoddessSphere represents Oneness love. Universal Love. Celestrial Love. And it includes men, aniomals, plants, suns, galaxies. Shakti is the holy spirit in all thigs. Nothing is made without the feminine mother love. The Mother Flame. This is the new direction of my website.
My website Anakosha was switched over accidentally to GoddessSphere two years ago, but now it turns out it wasn't a mistake after all. It was part of the bigger plan. And so are we being switched over to a more upgraded model of human being. We are confused over this. It is planet-wide. Ascension symptoms are headaches, dizziness, confusion, chaos and more. The world seems in chaos. What is happening? The old paradigm is fading and a new harmony is sliding into our DNA. The planet Earth is ascending. And don't forget the Galactics, the Galactic Federation of Light is also here. I am connected. Many are. Many are deciding they don't want to stay and are giving up, But it is time for new unity communities to form - those of higher quality respect, joy, genuine open heartedness, along with the sharing of secret health practices. There is no "one" teacher. There are 8 billion people on the planet and each one has a special skill to share - a unique wealth of knowledge built in because he or she is one of a kind. There are no duplicates.
My impulse is to start sharing the sacred within, the ancient SECRETS within, the forgotten memories of higher knowledge that have been buried under thick layers of cultural programming. Male-female gender programming, religious programming, political and economic programming, limited science programming. The ancient SECRET knowledge is a lot more fun and interesting. It's spontaneous knowledge. It bursts on the scene with brilliant light radiating. It's an inner knowing. You have had it happen, and so have I. It's the happiness force, the force that springs into gaiety and you say something before thinking it. It doesn't pass through your brain. It's out your mouth in the twinkling of an eye, and it's right on the mark in an instant's notice. It's rare, but it happens. It's built inside us. It's the spirit of LIFE. It is the one unified life that we are all a part of together. We've been separated and isolated for eons, but the walls are starting to crumble and break down. We will find ourselves standing side by side someone we knew a long time ago.
These are very old ancient memories. We've been covered over by dirt and sludge. A vision once of something emerging out of the mud, a scary monster at first but it turned out to be me! Soul memories are covered over in mud. Culturally we were trained to bury them from baby-hood due to strict patriarchal rules of "do what you're told or else". Now, as the divine feminine is coming back and stepping up onto the front stage, there will be more showings of these original values of happiness, joyfulness, dignity, respect, kindness, spontaneous, refreshing, compassion, mothering, nurturing and more. Blessings and love to all. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts via the Contact page.
8/10/24 - Be careful - forming habits are difficult to break!
After texting someone about he shouldn’t feel bad about not being able to stick to his routine because of his damn phone, I texted him he should go with the flow and not try to force himself. A few minutes later I started getting a spirit message - an excellent piece of advice because I'm guilty of the same thing.
“If you’re disgusted with yourself because you can’t keep to your routine, consider not forming habits. Go with the larger flow, the BIGGER flow. Because that is where you want to go. Go where you are are being drawn to go. Your interest is your bigger flow. It is your vitality. It is your joy. Go where your joy and your interest take you. That is your consciousness. Interest is your bigger flow. Go where your interest takes you, not your mind.
"Habits are formed by the brain. The brain is the mind. The brain is limited. Your interest is what is attracting you, what is drawing you, what is calling to you. Go where you are called to go. It is the bigger flow in you. It is your higher intelligence. Your consciousness has lived before and you will live again after this death (unless you become an ascended being, which is not impossible.) You are an eternally flowing consciousness and an aspect of the Almighty, which we call the ALL-THAT-IS or Prime Creator. You as an aspect of the ALL-THAT-IS and you are having fun with these adventures descending down into physicality as you walk about in flesh and blood. You are not confined to the brain if you knew the truth. You just think you are. You have been programmed to think you are. You have lived before and before that and before that.
"You have been around for a long time, my child, but your brain has not. Your brain is an organ of this body only. It will die with this body. This body you live in today was pre-prgrammed by your ancestors, their DNA, which gave you the ability to know how to walk, talk, breath, eat, drink, think, digest and eliminate poop and urine. That’s why everyone does it the same way, so you all can rely on your body to carry you thru your life in THIS body. And now that you are all grown up and had your youthful adventures, you can spend a little more time expanding on that and exploring the side paths and wider fields of spiritual knowledge - and explore who you REALLY are. You are the survivor who lives past the births and deaths of your bodies, one body after another after another. You are the REAL of you, and you will discover that you are more real upon your death bed as you leave this body.
"This is the way of the Prime Creator, the Almighty, the ALL-THAT-IS. He planned it this way. He created it this way. And even the Almighty is growing wiser because it has aspects out in the field, away on missions of discovery, enjoying physicality - the pleasures and pains and struggles - and becoming wiser with each new situation."
So you and I and our friends, loved ones, neighbors and enemies – we are all growing wiser and stronger through our adventures. Beware! Evolution is fraught with change and upgrades!
8/5/24 - A personal invitation for Ascension Massage
If you are reading this and feel an interest in exchanging a soft, gentle ascension massage with me - Nancy, aka Diana of Anakosha which is now called GoddessSphere - please contact me via my Contact page HERE. It will take place in my home out in the pasturelands of northeast Naples, Florida. I am going thru the ascension process quite rapidly and needing to put my hands on other people to help stabilize and ground me. Surely there must be others experiencing the same thing? Man or women?
Breakthroughs are happening very fast and I find it difficult to keep up. The key is to put hands on other people to share the light. Keep it flowing outward to others. Having been under the guidance of Ascended Master Djwhal Khul for many years, there is no question or doubt that this is the "next step" for all of us - to break the formidable isolation and separation and start sharing the light and love. We all need to break the spell that binds us to isolation and loneliness. We need NEED the supportive encouragement and happiness of others who are on the same wavelength. This is my attempt to reach out and find others who may resonate with these words.
The plan is to put my hands on people who are feminine-oriented. In other words, those who are heart-based and inner-orented to spiritual, peaceful grace and higher inner consciousness, versus a lot of talking, mental intellectualism, political comparisons, competitions and needless opinions that debate. Soft, quiet, inner focus. Are you attuned to the quiet, more refined consciousness? This can include a man (if he is not looking for something "more".) The purpose is to gently awaken the higher light and love within the physical body, on a cellular level. Cells that have been frozen, locked tight inside a shell of repeated beliefs and habits.
The motivation is to put hands on other bodies not to receive, but to GIVE light to others. If after the session is done, the receiver is willing to put their hands on me, I would love it and welcome the exchange. However, the primary reason for offering this is to GIVE my light to others. In Hinduism it would be called a "puja" meaning a ceremonial worship or offering to an image of a god, a spiritual sharing and uplifting of light, flowers and water in reverence, honor, adoration or worship. In this instance it is a hands-on worship of the LIGHT within the body.
I am a retired massage therapist. I gave up the practice because of negative male pressure for more than I wanted to give. The sharing of feminine loving touch apparently stimulates that in a men. Also, I understand, when a man massages a women. It has been an age-old problem between the sexes. I was sad to have to give up massage practice but it bothered me too much. As I continued studying with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, I came to greater understanding, intellectually. After many years of writing and posting on my website about the presence of divine love and how it's locked frozen inside physical bodies, I have had enough writing about it. It's time to get back to practicing hands-on massage, but THIS time it will be enlightened massage. I am now offering to try this out with people who resonate with these words. Both men and women, young or old. Anyone interested in sweet, gentle, loving, healing, uplifting loving touch massage without sexual pressure are invited to contact me and ask further questions. This is what Ascension Massage is. Please note the subtle difference.
Several things of importance. (1) This is a quiet session. We don't talk too much, except for the introductory stage as the spirit moves us. An uplifting attitude is important. Personal opinions about politics, religion and personal history, etc., are not necessary. The sessions are more like professional therapy, except ours will be more personal, comforting and nurturing, for it is the spirit within we are activating. We share the light of the beautiful higher transcendence within. We may use verbal words as the spirit moves us. (2) The treatment room is on the second floor of our house so there are stairs to climb. My husband also lives here but he will not be involved. (3) One may use the shower before the session. The session may be nude with a sheet, or a loose flowing garment that is comfortable. I am a nudist myself so nudity is not a problem. (4) No money changes hands. It's a free exchange, experimental in nature.
My motivation is experimental. I want to GIVE hands-on touch to people, first and foremost. It is a primary urge to start the flow going of the divine feminine presence within, which is sacred. By my giving love to someone else from an attitude that is more elevated than personal, sensual or romantic, I draw the light out from that person. It is pure spirit and we are grounding it, connecting through physical forms. This is extremely rare. It is hoped that it can be done through skin-to-skin, hands-on massage. I will be doing spiritual chanting silently all the while, elevating and connecting with spirit. It is a spiritually-inspired motivation, backed by years of preparation and study with the Ascended Master Djwahl Khul. In return, I will receive the light from the person I'm touching if it is available to be reached. That is the whole point of the experiment. Hopefully this will generate healing and elevation of consciousness. AND interest in those who experience it to want to contribute their own loving light to others in return. It is hoped that an exchange network will evolve from this experiment. That is the plan coming from the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy. So, I will not expect to receive a full Ascension Massage in return. Only if and unless the person is truly motivated to try their hand at it.
Again, this is an experiment that I am offering, following the nudges and guidance of the Masters. The plan is to offer this as a gentle persuasion to activate the crystalline light body in those who receive. Our world has been full of head-tripping, intellectualizing, opinionating, debating, gossiping, separating into factions against one another. This is an attempt to return to unity consciousness thru the common venue of loving touch and comfort. The tool we are using is FEELING. The action is in the feelings. Emotions and feelings. Let the feelings and emotions stir but don't act on them. Don't express them. Don't talk about them. It's not talk therapy, it's inner feeling therapy. Let the emotions and feelings stir and be felt freely. But don't express them in words or action.
Let's return to loving nurturing comforting touch. And hugs where appropriate. Smile, be kind, be open-hearted and elevating in thought and mind. We connect light heart to light heart. The light in me receives the light in the body I am touching, and vice versa. Light flows then. There is an exchange of light on higher levels of conscious awareness. This type of session is motivated by SPIRIT, not by human ego. We contain and hold back our ego (the brain). The egos want to spew and talk, and gossip and compare, and compete and express opinions. But we will hold these urges back because there is a larger consciousness behind it. I have been nudged to do this. It is something personal for me. It is part of my lessons to understand and experience how light and love flow from one person to another. It is an activation in BOTH bodies - mine and the one I am touching. It is not one doing something to the other. It is consciousness weaving together, but not on the finite level of personal ego. The benefits are far-reaching, such as health, vitality, peace, abundance, calmness, creativity and a certain sense of graciousness and expansive consciousness.
The light within our physical bodies is the I AM consciousness. It is linked to the great I AM, the big I AM that is the father of all life. We human beings do not understand that we are a larger consciousness. We are not just a "brain" talking. The brain is a physical organ. It is an important physical organ, but it is not the ONLY intelligence of the body. We are THE inteligence of the body. We are the spirit of the body which survives death and moves on to a greater reality. We are the god that lives in the body. We are the LIGHT of the body. We are the LIGHT of the heart. We are the LIGHT of the organs, lungs, stomach. We are the LIGHT. I am the Light. You are the Light.
When the light starts to activate and we become aware of it, we feel more loving. Our consciousness becomes more aware of love and loving sensation. The light in us has been frozen, locked in, surrounded by physical concrete matter. We hope to move it with our loving touch massage. There is light in everyone's bodies which is not moving. It is time to move the light. It is time to activate the light. The light is what is causing the illness deteriorating, loneliness and separation. And fear. Fear of death. We fear death because the cells fear death. WE are the BIG light in the body. We need to identify with the BIG light that is in us. We need to start moving it, activating it, becoming more clear and lucid. We can do this through kind, caring, nurturing, loving sessioins. The light has been frozen inside our body cells, locked up and confined like prisoners. Stuck. It can't move. The cells start to die at a certain age-point, when they know they're supposed to die. The life force begins to dwindle at a certain age because that's what everyone says it's supposed to do. We've been programmed to live a certain age and no longer, and our cells get that message. They begin to die.
The Ascension massage has been inspired by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Masters. I have been a student for the last 50 years. It is a new method that is being suggested and promoted. Activate the light inside the body and it will change the world. The divine feminine is coming out of the closet. Women are starting to impact the world. The Dalai Lama said as much: "Western women will change the world!" And we are seeing it now taking place in various fields. It is a powerful sign of change when a woman dares do what she wants to do. She moves on past the patriarchal mind-set which has held women back for eons. Loving kindness FOR ALL, shown through action, will bring peace to the planet. It will have an impact. First we must FEEL it within ourselves. Then we can show it to others. I am seeking support from other feminine thinkers, men may be included. Feel free to contact me. Please read a lovely article on the divine feminine by Emmanuel Dagher posted today in TODAY'S POSTS.
8/3/24 - Many changes are happening - symptoms of upgrading
The many changes that are occurring in our world are ALL POSITIVE. Please believe that! Our finite focus on material existence - and especially on our own failing body like the muscles that ache and complain at the end of the day - these are signs that the physical is shifting and changing. Things are changing to keep up with the higher resonating fields of energy coming onto our planet now. As a planet spinning in its orbit we are moving into greater cosmic awareness. This is information coming from our star brothers and sisters, the Galactics who are assisting from beyond our ability to see them. We are moving into fourth and fifth dimensions of consciousness and higher.
Dimensions are not a location in space but an awareness. We as individuals are awareness. We are spiritual awareness that has been dumbed down. Our spiritual awareness is now expanding and starting to radiate. Dimensions are not a location somewhere other than earth. Our awareness is right here in our own backyard, anchored into our physical body. Our awareness, our spiritual awareness, is simply going through a refinement process. We are refining and thus becoming more sensitive. We are beginning to register more delicate information from higher regions in space. As we resonate higher in awareness the more together we grow. We all come from the same Home, the same Heart, the same Father/Mother creator, we call God/Goddess or all that is. We are moving closer to Home and we feel it as we draw near. It feels warm and good.
Meanwhile, the cells of our body are having a hard time during this transition to higher consciousness. They are used to the comfortable stability of their density. They know how to operate as a physical earth cell. But our cells are becoming more aware of the light that is within them. As they become more aware of the light within, the light in them MOVES, and takes on feelings of warmth and sweetness. I rubs shoulders with the light in their neighboring cells. The Light in the cells FEEL the Light. Light is abstract knowledge. It is a pattern. It is stillness, holding potential for movement. But when light MOVES it causes sensation. It causes Love to be felt. And love is a magnetic force. It simulates. This is how love moves in human beings. This is how we feel it.
So the cells of our physical body are groaning and griping because they have to move to a higher, faster orbit. They spin in their location and movement happens. I'm not a scientist but I have been shown by the Ascended Masters that there is a real science to this. They explain how it works. Cells have to speed up if they want to stay alive and continue thriving in the body they are a part of. Because there is a consciousness in the cells. Our physical cells are conscious and aware. The light patterns are their life force. But the cells have been dumbed down, because WE the resident holy spirit of the body, did not teach them well. We have been dumbed down as well. So now we, the holy spirit of the body, is ascending to higher awareness and becoming more conscious as individuals, more UNIQUE individuals. We are learning that we can THINK for ourselves. That we are sovereign and do not have to follow a "master" controller. There is much yet to learn but information is spreading like proverbial wildfire across the expanse of internet and other venues. Disclosure is underway. Truth is on the rise and individuals are coming forth to share what they know, revealing the "more" of themselves.
For fifty years I have been studying with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, who introduced himself after the mother flame kundalini awakened in me. It was a rare occurrence for kundalini to awaken without training, but today more people are experiencing the rise of the mother flame. The Master DK has prepared me well, so that I understand what is happening in the world today. But my body too is groaning and complaining so I have to do certain exercises every day to assure my aging body that it is loved. I love myself thrugh certain rituals and techniques most days. Yoga, tai chi, conscious breathing and mantra singing and omming all help the body to quicken and align with the incoming Light. These are very important techniques.
Many people are privately, quietly going through their own transformation and adapting process. The DNA is shifting around and letting go. Ancestral DNA is being upgraded by the modern soul who is now residing in place (you!) The electrons are spinning faster. throwing off accumulated toxins and debris from the past, no longer needed. It's a purification process. That's why new understanding is coming in. It can! There's more room for light! Clouds are moving out of the way. It is a quiet, underground process that is taking place in individuals, beyond the ability to put into words. The brain doesn't have the words yet. We have not been given the words. But the body we live in is becoming more awake, so that we wake up a little different than when we went to sleep. This body that complains of aches, pains and tiredness (mine!) is actually a very small part of who I am. You are so much vaster than you think you are. You have a bubble of light surrounding your body that has seven layers of density, and the three uppermost layers (higher in refinement) are pure uncontaminated LIGHT! We are abstract intelligence on the higher levels. We are pure consciousness and we descended down into the four lower denser layers (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). These four are contaminated with accuulationis of errors, mistakes and wrong-doings. These four lower layers are being purified even as I type these words. So that the three higher layers can flow more easily downward into our physical bodies.
We are an everlasting eternal consciousness - a cell in the body of God/Goddess/Infinity. The accumulated debris from many lifetimes is now in the process of leaving us. It will take time as we are in the ascension stage of humanities journey. We are expanding our vision because we are clearing old genetics that don't work for us any more. We are a new breed not yet fully blossomed, but we are in the safe hands and guidance of our space brothers and sisters for we came from the same family.
This eternal mind that we have shows up clear and brilliant sometimes as imagination, when we are in the right mood. It breaks thru when we least expect it like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. It is a gift from the stars and we wonder where it came from. This eternal mind can also be felt as warm love at a moment when we are close to someone dear. Sweet feelings of nourishment and tenderness. Where do such feelings come from? It comes from within us, it is who we are. We are that loving innocent natuare hiding inside a tough outer shell and sometimes it breaks through the shell. It has been covered over and dumbed down from birth in this hardened world. This eternal mind breaks breaks thru on occasion as sharp clear lucid reality which surprises us because it is more real than we give ourselves credit for. It is more real than the outer environmental reality we live in and have grown accustomed to. These breakthroughs are like a gift from the stars but they are the more real in us. You and I are simply breaking through the clouds as the old toxic riff-raff leaves us free and clear, and the reality breaks thru. It is truly a gift but YOU are the gift! You are the gift to the world, breaking through the grayness of a chaotic world. You are an aspect of the eternal mind. You are an innocent full of love that has been made to feel ashamed and guilty. But you are starting to become clear again, and you will discover that there is more to you than you thought. As my sister said on her death bed, "I'm not who I thought I was!" What we have grown accustomed to think of as the real world, is not. There is more behind the outer environment than is currently apparent. It's not all houses, stores, businesses, TVs and internet politics. There is a vast intelligence that will surprise you. And you are a piece of that great intelligence, flowing through your dulled down mind and body trying to wake it up.
Everyone is experiencing their own personal transformation upgrade. However, too much emphasis has been put on the mind and mental faculties of thought, which is the ego. The ego could be defined as the sum total of data fed into the brain. The brain thinks it knows everything, but all it knows is what has been fed into it. The brain is trying to make sense of the new incoming messages of peace, unity, love, togetherness, knowledge it has never known before. It is trying to understand but it is confused. The ego (the brain) is trying to make sense of it all. But you are the LARGER intelligence that is flowing through and around the brain. It is causing tipsiness, dizziness, disorientation. You are not sure what's going on. I am telling you: new information of vastly superior nature is flowing through you.
You, your larger consciousness as spirit awakening within you, are like a river flowing in and around and thru your brain flowing towards the sea. Imagine hopping into a canoe without a paddle and just drifing with the flowing river to the sea. You are safe in the arms of the mother river. She is Mother Nature and she takes care of you. Just go with your natural flow. Please don't be confused by the babble of tongues that the brain tries to speak. It will try to intercede and give dire warnings of danger. But you are safe flowing with the river to the sea. Allow the flowing to within your daily tasks and circumstances. You will be surprised. Time will transcend your focus on petty details. Don't resist the natural occurrences. Observe and appreciate.
Today I am aware of a general urge to gather in community. I would like to reach out to our neighborhood for friendly support, not for me but for all of us. It is a widening of interest to include others, but in simple neighborly fashion. Not for political reasons, or religious or spiritual reasons, or any special interest reason. Just a general community network of friends and neighbors. A basic, fundamental support system, weaving humanity together. There are also special interest friends. They are different. They are a separate support system. These are the people I resonate more closely with. They are marked with a boundary. They are classified differently from neighbors. A conversation with my husband brought this to my attention today. I am interested in people from MY special interest group, and he is interested in meeting with people with whom HE has a special interest. And that is OK. We are all different in our special interests and attractions.
My "special interest friends" are different from his "special interest friends". But as a neighborhood of human beings who live nearby, this is a basic community of generally strangers. I feel this is an important point to make because behind all the special interests that people have, which keeps us separate and apart from each other, there is one thing that draws us together - and that is we are all human. We have a common interest in upgrading our comforts, our happiness, peace, abundance and better ways of living. These are basic considerations. It doesn't matter our politics or religion or special interests. We are simply humans trying to improve our physical survival as an intelligent species in ways that are uplifting and better for all. That makes us different from the animals, plants and other star systems. We have the same DNA in our blood and tissues. It is intelligent and practical that we should draw together with meaningful intentions to uplift and support one another with love and kindness. And find ways to transcend the warring and politics and selfishness that has kept humanity separated and suffering for eons of time.
We don't need special interest groups to draw us together. We need merely intelligent respect, love, support and good will to create a feeling of family and togetherness. We do not have to form deep friendships to feel good. Within our human psyche there are physical cells waiting to unite. They have a special power within them that has been damaged. They are each unique, each cell. Each cell has a "Presence". The resident soul - the individual dwelling within the body - is the Presence that we call "neighbor". Or "brother" or "sister". It is the intelligence of that unique person. He or she is unique in that they are jam-packed full of knowledge gathered from many incarnations, many embodiments, many lifetimes. Both on this earth planet and on other planets of the galaxy and beyond. We are old, old, OLD souls, and we have knowledge in each cell. We are here uncover that knowledge. We are here to utilize that knowledge and draw together to form local communities. That is our responsibility. Our mission. To gather together and form peaceful communities, and co-mingle with other peaceful communities around the planet.
We are here to build anew and co-create with light and love and intelligence. We have it in our body cells. We have it inbred, indwelling. It is within us, within our reach and within our conscious awareness. We just need wake up and listen and learn. The light in our body's cells are waiting to be loved. I have a special interest in massage for that reason. I have been drawn to it for a long time. That people keep turning it sexual has been the biggest single problem!? The laying on of hands lightly, without sexual inuendo or pressure is my great desire. This is MY special interest. But that's just me. Everyone has a special gift, a special talent, a special interest to share with others. We are assigned the task of coming out of the closet and offering our special gift or talent to the world. This is mine. Does anyone want to accept my offer? Just contact me via the contact page HERE.
Let us share our special interest, no matter what it is. As long as it does not harm or hurt another person. Let us be UPlifting, with our eyes on betterment. Bettering for all concerned. Shame, guilt, selfishness and fear-mongering has gone on far enough. The scales are tipping toward transcendence, unity and peace, even while we live in physically beautiful, youthful and attractive bodies. Let us rejuvenate and resurrect the beauty of our innate intelligence and harmony. Believe in yourself. It is the majority now of the population who wants to draw together in uplifting peace and communities of more joy and creativity. To feel more uplifting, more positive, more helpful, more proactive, rebuilding a new Earth culture together. Let us remove competitiveness and ego selfishness. We are on the path of resurrection. We do that with higher, more benevolent intentions. Let us resurrect the beautiful human being, not as an imaginary creature of fantasy in dream world, but on the ground, solid, safe, secure, abundantly happy together as a worldwide culture. No one lacking. We will build with blood, skin and bones - skin walkers we are. We have a true physical heart and physical nervous system to build anew. We have a living intelligence and a respect for ALL life. And ALL life respects us back in a never-ending cycle of give and take. (A spontaneous message from higher realms!)
8/1/24 - Wandering around in left brain and right brain
One morning recently I decided I needed to set my vibrations with the ascended masters. I began getting revelations while showering. The left brain and the right brain were shown to represent the human and the divine. It was clear to me that the right brain was my divine side and the divine created the human. This is the huge mystery - that we are first of all divine beings and our right brain is wired to receive the divine into flesh and blood. We have been operating with a split brain when we should be operating with a whole brain, undivided. We can’t think straight with a dual or divided brain. The divine created the human and planted a divine “plug” in the brain. We have a divided brain.
The left brain is logical, right brain is artistic and spacey, according to our understanding of human. The finite side of the brain is the human side. Through it we focus on only the human, which is faulty. The left side is the part of us that manifests our divine thoughts and expresses them in the physical. It is through the left brain that we can control our actions and choose which direction we want to go in, and how we approach it. It is the human in us that sets the direction and is therefore the creator of the body but it creates when it is not complementary with the right brain. We create errors through left-brain thinking and experimenting, but all the while, the God of the body is accessed through the right brain. Most people are aligned with either one side of the brain or the other. I have been aligned with the right brain and have not accessed the left brain well. I do use it but only in connection with the right brain. I believe I am more whole-brained than most people. But I am not an earthy human in the sense I cannot focus on a dual subject. I cannot separate myself from the whole as most people appear to do. I think of men as being left brain predominantly. They focus on physical circumstances only, and don’t take into consideration the right-brain or divine intentions.
The divine can be accessed by anyone by becoming receptive. Right brain surrenders to the stillness of the cosmos. It is the open-mind side of the brain, and so one can go into the silence and feel reverence for life, love for all life and have the intelligence to work with all life. One can experience the wisdom to do things the right way vs. the limited wrong way. We are supposed to work with a whole brain. The divine, of which humanity is a part, rules the universe, galaxies, stars and star systems, planets and creatures on planets. By following the left brain we create and express what the right brain brings to us but many people don’t access the right brain and therefore they are faulty in their actions. We express in a myriad ways by following the ideas passed down from the universe. It is how the divine manifests in form, by giving ideas to humans and then, using the LEFT brain, we put those ideas in action. If we stay in the right brain too much without acting or expressing, then the ideas back up on us and we feel “nobody understands me”. We become spacey, aery, light. We may be loving, nurturing and kind on the surface, but without expressing and defining ourselves, we become ruled and dominated by other left brain people.
Again, we are supposed to receive from the right brain and then put into action those ideas and revelations using the left brain. The right and left should not be divided by a split in the middle. The ultimate design is a whole brain but we separated it by becoming dominant masculine, mental society. The perfect pattern of who we are meant to become is available to us through the right brain access. This means we should spend half of our time in the right brain, listening in stillness, or worshiping in reverence. We are each an individual manifestor or creator of our reality. We have a piece of infinity in us and we have direct access to the almighty’s perfect design for us as an individual creation. The allness is forever widening and evolving because everyone is contributing to it. Everyone is a creator. The almighty is composed of individual intelligences - gods and goddesses who are living the separate life of an individual. But we are all linked into the allness in our heart of hearts. The right brain is considered the feminine side of us, the divine side. We are half human and half divine, or put another way, half masculine and half feminine. Masculine represents the action side of us and the feminine represents the receiving side of us. An open-minded person who is in worship is open like a chalice to the highest good in order to receive the highest picture to express ourselves.
When we are here in the flesh, born of human parents, the right brain should work in complementary fashion with the left brain. If we were educated to see life as a wholeness, our brain would not have that division down the middle. We were originally designed to be a whole brain species. Just as a man and wife are designed to be a whole unit and work together, so the right and left brain are supposed to work together. We have gotten off track. Many people are prone to focus on the errors and problems of our race, but I am more of a receiver. I come from the feminine side of life. I have been receiving all these years from higher consciousness, engaging with cosmic love and laws of life. But I wondered why I couldn’t focus on any one thing long enough to manifest it. I questioned who am I? and found that I was too much feminine, too much a receiver.
So now I am awakening my left brain. I am activating my masculine side. And just today I was led to sign up for a webinar in which the very same thing was said. It was a validation. I am re-discovering that I have a left brain and can control my own decisions. I had lost that ability by being too feminine, too vacuous, too empty, too prone to listen to others. In my prior lifetimes, I was too open and too focused on the infinite, which is not a force but a stillness. I loved the stillness and the peace. And so I allowed the more forces of other people who were more physical and more vocal and more persuasive to choose my direction for me. In so doing, I relinquished responsibility to be my own creator and create my own life’s circumstances. I let others create my circumstances for me. In some lifetimes I followed along and was happy, and other lifetimes I followed but was unhappy and rebelled against others as best I could, but I was not very skilled in doing that. So others would dominate me. I did try to change somewhat and be more forceful but I wasn’t very good at it. Or I was too forceful and didn’t listen to my higher self to use the wisdom available to me, like as the monk in the dungeon life.
Now I see that I am whole brained and I must call upon the seven attributes that were built in – namely those that the seven chakras radiate when opened – will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. I am working with these seven now. They are the laws of universe. We must bring these qualities forth into our expression in the physical. But in order to do that I must assert myself, define my wishes and not consent to the dictates of others. It is not a matter of choosing between spiritual or human, but rather of integrating spiritual with human expression. If I integrate the divine qualities into my human life, which is filled with erroneous beliefs and karmic blockages, then I can make my life and relationships better and better and better. If I can properly express myself and define myself, and be willing to and have the courage to say what I mean and feel and think, in a way that is appropriate, so as not to hurt anyone else, then I can evolve myself to a better representative of the divine.
Speaking up for myself was what I was missing. I suppressed myself in favor of other people, and my anger and frustration built up and did not reveal it to anyone. It continued to build up the longer I did not speak myself firmly. That was the wrong of me. I had to learn this. I am writing this today to my son Roland, with whom we are bridging the gap I created by leaving him as a child. I was buried and locked into the right brain without the ability to speak my own truth. I didn’t know. I was ignorant. I was frozen and locked into the right brain. It is the plight of many women, but today the divine feminine is coming forth strongly. Some women are now emerging into the spotlight making themselves seen and heard. They are speaking for themselves. Until I do that, I remain a pawn of other people and continue to hold back my divine right to express my choices and opinions. That equates to rejecting my divinity, which I am calling my light body. But the light body is eternally forgiving, and it only takes an admission and acknowledgement of the mistake, and an action which turns me around to go in the right direction. An act of personal choice to begin the realignment with my divine light body. Writing is my way of righting the wrong of keeping silent. I am pushing this information that I know, out into the open. Whether I publish it in my newsletters or not, it is me expressing myself. But I like to share it with others.
7/26/24 - Yesterday's blog updated and revised: "Empowerment does not come from within, it comes from above"
As the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul said, "Empowerment does not come from within, it comes from above." It comes from our potential, it comes from what we are capable of, what lies beyond us that we have not yet manifested in our lives. Empowerment comes from our higher self. Our higher potential is not here yet but it is waiting for us to reach up to it, grab hold of it and use it in our livingness. We have descended into embodiment from a pure and holy place, and we were momentarily distracted by all the goins on around us, but we are drawn inevitable to our potential. We want to bring it down to us here on the earth plane. We know we can.! It is our ideal. That is what the Master DK has been telling me all along but I didn't quite get it until now, today.
We wish we had these ideals already - our higher better self knows we can do it. It is waiting for us to use it. But we haven't reached it yet. The world hasn't been ready to receive our goodness. It is our destiny to bring these high pure wholesome ideals down into our every day life, and we are designed to do just that. We reach for better ways to manage our lives, more attractive ways, more enriching ways to feel good with ourself, but it is a struggle. We do not know HOW to do it. The challenge is HOW? How are we to be more gracious when the world around us is not? How do we act with dignity and sensitivity when others do not recognize it? It's difficult. But that is the work we are designed for - to bring these beautiful ideal feelings down into our daily lives and manifest them in our actions.
These are the teachings left by more enlightened beings. Power doesn't come from within BECAUSE we are still filled with memories and energies of mistakes, disparities and left-over traumas that we haven't resolved yet. What does it mean to "resolve" a mistake? Words bog us down. These energies still tumble and grumble inside us. We are not aware just how much we have accumulated from wrong choices, and we haven't figured out how to purge them from us. We are not bad or evil people, we are simply unaware. We THINK we have mastered something but we retain the memories, which are the emotions left from experiencing them. These memories and emotions are clogging our freedom. They weigh us down. They are heavy. Can we transcend them? Can we overcome them? Can we reach higher so that we can flow downwad past them, without them blocking the roadway? Can we let these memories go with graciousness? With dignity, with happiness that we are done with them? Thanking them for their lessons? Can we say, "Thank you" to old mistakes as we let them go? These are the struggles we are going through right now. We are learning by considering them. As DK says, "empowerment comes from above." It comes from that which we KNOW we can do because we've done it before. We have been there and done that before. We came from that beautiful Edenic place called the Garden of Eden, where all life was lived in beauty, grace and a fun-loving childlike innocent way. And so we are to wired to honor ourselves and pure our old habits and return to that wholesome way of life and living pure and beautiful again while here on Earth, with our friends and neighbors and community. "Empowerment comes from above, not within."
In order to transcend these thick muddy layers that clog our pores, the most ideal way to do that is to form communities of happy, supportive people. We need the support of good people. Happy people. Where do we find them? We make them! We must practice being uplifting, happy and supportive. That is my dream - to create a 5D Love Club to practice being uplifting, nurturing and happy for each other. It is a fifth dimensional concept so I'm calling it the 5D Love Club. That which means we must practice happiness and joy as we do things together, practice how to be spontaneously uplifting and freely so. It will take time together to practice this. We'll have to learn. Among the practices that we will do is healing touch massage while transcending the sex impulse. This will be a biggie for some people, perhaps the men more than the women. But this is what keeps us recycling old problem areas. Recycle it over and and over, back down to the lower levels again and again, sputtering and fuming over the same issues. We are to transcend the lower vibrations of sex. That is what the Ascended Master DK has been teaching all these years. Not that lovemaking is wrong, but the attitude is to be raised. That is what Tantra teachings are all about. Tantra is not a sexual technique, it is a higher spiritual attitude technique. Sex as it is done still today is selfish. We will learn through loving healing sessioins how to develop love within our own attitudes. And how to approach one another with innocence, without judgment, without a "need" to cum, without expectation, and without secretly hoping and wishing and pushing someone to do it for us. Sexual attitudes have been the big kink in our evolution to higher planes of consciousness, joy, freedom, happiness and abundance, where we can have it all without working for it. This is where we are headed - to higher dimensions. It is a dream of mine. It is the dream of many, I know.
We can support each other by practicing being free, loving, nurturing and supportive without pressuring anyone to "give us something". It's a wonderful feeling to be so free and so glad in heart and spirit that joy fills us like a child. Swapping healing loving touch is my greatest urge, and helping others to practice with me. I seek partner swaps for this purpose. To be in such joy without expecting anything in return allows the spirit to SOAR! It is joyful. I've experienced it. It is also deeply calming and relaxing. To put hands on others in an uplifting way, laying hands lightly on another person and stroking them with warmth and sparkling light fingers - it washes out old clunky, dirty memories of traumas long past. Be happy! Be in joy! Be in the child-like nature of spontaneous light-hearted fun. This is more of a feminine thing, but men could enjoy it too, if they gave themselves permission to relax into it. It is what the 5D Love Club plans to do. It is a healing love exchange without the customary EXPECTED sex after. Sexual expectations are a heavy feeling to a lot of women, as if we "must" do it to finish the session. I can hear the moans and groans over that statement, but it will be worth it to experience the transcendent quality of loving touch sessions.
To get to that place we first need to strip away the feelings of loneliness and lack, which causes the need to be selfish and urges us to push on other people to give us what we want. This is a pressure on them. It is what makes us feel wrong about a lot of things. Pressure from others does the same thing in reverse. So the mission of the 5D Love Club is to practice transcending those unfulfilled selfish needs that never gets fulfilled anyway, except temporarily, no matter how much we press for it we go away still empty. Why? Because we are not in love with our true nature yet.
We will practice in the 5D Love Club to look UP and identify what makes us happy, truly happy. What makes YOU truly happy? What makes ME truly happy? We are in the throes of learning this, each individually. How to lift ourself up to higher ground, so that we FEEL we are flowing and floating higher. Our life then becomes an enlightened life. We smile, interact and enjoy ourselves more easily. We celebrate more. Even when we are alone a secret smile plays upon our lips and in our sparkling eyes. Let us form a community of people who are willing to try this. Who are willing to practice hands-on light-love exchanges, receiving and giving and then receiving again and then giving again. Drawing ever closer together as a tribe. Interacting with love and higher concepts, spiritual concepts and principles without expectations to do anything that would lower it to lesser levels.
My favorite pastime is to put my hands on people freely and feel the light activate in them. It is an experiment. A trial and an exploration to see if we can activate the light. You know, light becomes love when it moves. Light alone is an abstract. It doesn't have feelings or visceral sensations. Light has to move in order to have what we call a "sensation" of warmth and love. Light is being blocked, frozen. It has been so for eons. People are holding back the light-love that is who they REALLY are! So that is what we want to do - activate the light-love in people, and allow the person on the table to feel it. And let them put their hands on us afterwards, as a trade. A swap. Not sexually, no. Just gently, softly, sweetly, motherly, nurturingly. This raises the bar infinitely more than it has been doing. It is not noisy, not loud, not wordy. It is a quiet healing session and it is a refining process. Like in a refining manufacturing facility where they refine certain products of earth - this is where human beings refine the elements of their bodies to a more elevated inner quality of feeling. Turning it from outward (which is a noisy clamour) to an inner calm through our tender exchanging of loving touch. This is what empowering means, as DK says, by "looking UP!" Looking up to higher, more saintly attitudes. It is the way of raising the vibrations of our inner bodies. The warmth in a room full of people rises exponentially when this takes place. It opens hearts and smooths the wrinkled tensionis. It is a consciousness-raising process. It raises and expands our inner FEELING. And the gladness in our hearts. It is a hope. It is exciting and it motivates people to exciting new realms of insight and ideas. to give more, to invent, to expand. It is difficult to keep up with the level of excitement that occurs. I know. I have felt it.
A more expansive fulfilling love is available. Sensations of being more deeply connected expands. The community spirit expands. We are part of a loving tribe, a larger tribe. Because we FEEL the others connecting with us. I am speaking now of a common vision shared by many people. Perhaps it has not been put into such words as I am speaking, but the wish and hope is there. You can read between the lines on the social media. Unfortunately there are many who don't realize how much they are weighed down by past negative emotions. Lifetimes of memories are hidden in unconscious habits that were passed on from ancestors and parents. Sharing openly and flowing from the heart spontaneously is how we release those heavy depressing energies as we tell each other stories.
Tell about yourself freely and openly. ("Uh oh, no, no," I hear readers saying.) But it will be a sacred environment, the 5D Love Club. We won't need to hold back when there is trust in the environment. It will be like a celebration of spirit. It will be fun. It will be joyful. This as how we will begin the 5D Love Club. Let us begin the gatherings and share insight and ideas about how we might go ahead and start forming such a community locally. Not through zoom though. We need the physical presence of people, so that we can share warm hugs, handshakes and swap massages. It cannot be done through computer technology with bodies sitting in another town or state. I am planting seeds by talking about this. We will see this starting soon.
7/24/24 - Welcome to the new Earth! Are you still here?
I don't know where to begin with today's blog but one must be posted. There is a constant movement flowing through me, with many insights. The sensation is one of floating through clouds that thin as I approach and greater light reveals more of what I had been thinking. So, what finite words can I use to write? I will stop the floating and think for a moment. There is a desperate urge to connect with people in person - to hug, to greet, to laugh, to enjoy the presence of real, live bodies again. It has been a long period of isolation. The only time I see people is when I go to the store for groceries, and of course my dear husband who is ever present for me, as I am for him. But the need to form community of like-minded souls is ever present. A need, a desire, a want, that makes me STOP! Stop the wanting and go silent again. Breathe deeply, consciously, there are techniques that fill the loneliness. It is a reconnection to the allness. The oneness. It's an inner technique.
"he Ancient order of the Mother Flame is a phrase that continues to haunt me. It flits and floats through my visions. It calls me because the Mother Flame is in everyone, calling to me to recognize them, to hug them and hold them close to me like a Mother holds her daughter and son. The Mother Flame is in men and boys too. It is not just for women. But I musn't get off track here. It is easy to wander that trail into the fine mist of light, the mystical presence of love that is beyond human endurance but calls sweetly, lovingly, like a moth is drawn to a flame, or a deer to green grass. I've been working on the newsletter to go out soon. It will be an introduction to The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame, which is soft, warm, tender and feminine. The qualities of nurturing, love, gentle, kindly, motherly. And it is celestial. It is the cosmic thread that connects us to the allness everywhere. All the suns, planets, moons and embodied creatures and other humans like us.
It is the Mother Flame that connects us, it is the Father Flame who holds the Mother Flame in place. Father God is disemodied and so He took a piece of himself and sent it out into form. He remains Prime Creator but his counterpart lives in forms like you and me. The Mother Flame is located at the bottom of the spine at the tail bone, the coccyx, known as the root chakra. It is ethereal of course, not physical. It is the life force that breathes through us, and each one of us is a unique individual because of it. Within us is the ultimate creative force but we do not know it, yet we draw ever closer as the ascension continues to elevate us to higher levels of insight and perspective. We are rising upwards into clouds that are thinning as we approach. And the light grows brighter because we are entering an infinite ocean of knowledge and information.
The living Presence that dwells in the root chakra as the Mother Flame in you and me, connects us together. We are all part of the great sea of oneness. That's where love comes from. Hate comes from closing it off. There is no chance of separating from it because we are all part of the oneness thru the Mother Flame. We are one. We are the love and the light together there. It is only what we have each DONE individually with that life force, that makes us different and unique. We have each followed our own path of understanding. We've done many things, accomplished many things, experienced many adventures over the past (or other) lifetimes, but we are still connected. We cannot become disconnected because we are all One Life. The spiritual path is the path of studying this One Life.
The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul has been teaching me for 48 years now. He channels words to me telepathically but only when I ask him. Never does he intrude on my "free will". But if I ask, he gives me answers. I have kept track of how many years I've been a student. It was only yesterday that I was shown that I am no longer a student. I am able to relate to myself as the real presence, known as the Mother Flame. I can now address it and use common terms because I've been to the lowest and have built a solid foundation below surface level. The spiritual path is an inner and an underground path. Like a construction company whose workers build downward under the earth to create solid foundations to support the buildings on the surface.
Each person is a unique presence in the world, contributing knowledge and wisdom to support the whole civilization of humanity. Each is an individual who has no equal. You are a unique intelligence who has traveled extensively, and only YOU know what you know. Only you have your particular perspective on things. And you have the memories to prove it. The talents, the wisdom, the knowledge, the inner feelings and emotions that give you signs and signals of right and wrong. But you are connected through the Mother Flame in the pelvic bowl. The Mother Kundalini rests there, a permanent presence while you are embodied, the presence of eternal love and life. Not separate from the whole, but connected to the cosmic and galactic intelligences that surround us. You are the child of the father and mother who made you and cared for you. And you have NEVER been alone or beyond their reach - except that you did not know. Humor and fun is the name of the human game. Enjoy it. Laugh at the wrongness and imperfections that occur, because humor and upliftment brings delight - the Light!
Remember the Mother Flame at the base of the spine. The newsletter will explain more. This is a brief spontaneous message to fill the spaces on my computer screen. To say Hello to the few who might check to see if I am still here. Yes, I AM here. Are you? Let me know through the CONTACT page.
7/21/24 - How sunlight can heal
Close your eyes and imagine the bright dazzling sun over the area of the body that needs healing. It is difficult to hold attention quietly still for long moments of time - but this is the discipline that is recommended by those who know. To hold an image of the sun as bright and dazzling as you can over that specific area needing correction, miracles can happen. Do one minute at a time. Hold focus and count 60 seconds of light, then stop and do it again later. If you can do for longer, well and good, but most people don't have the ability to hold such a strong image very long and become distracted. Then it's a waste of time and they won't try again, thinking it doesn't work.
The sunlight carries knowledge. It knows everything that the Creator knows so holding an image of the sunlight on an area is like holding a laser beam in it. It's equivalent to burning a bad spot with healing energy. There's a solution in the light for that particular situation. So holding the light steady on it allows the light to find the solution. What I just found out (after just doing it for myself on my foot) is that connecting the light, the imagined picture of the sun, with the image of the foot is the hard part. I found that connecting the two images took a little more effort - like superimposing one image on top of another image so they match up - my counting started to slow down, 1 --- 2 --- 3 ---. This happened automatically.
When we focus light on a part of the body and the light actually enters the area, or makes contact with it, then it turns to love. Light is abstract, it's not in physical form. When it enters the physical body (under a master's conscious guidance) it becomes love. Love must be guided to entera the thick density of a physical body, otherwise the hard shell keeps it out. Love is light are the same thing. But light is abstract, a thought, not yet materialized, the masters call it free-roaming particles all throughout the universe. The light is available to use but SOMEONE has to use it! This is what we are here for - to learn how to use the light that is available to us. It is what we call "the spiritual path". But it's practical. We just have to know how to use it and apply it.
It has to be directed in some way into physical for the sunlight to heal or make a difference. The plants do it, the trees do it and the little insects and animals go it because it's natural for them. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to use the light from the sun. Mother nature does it for them, but for we humans, we have an ego that forms judgments. Like "That's nonsense!" And so we humans have to develop more of a kinship with Mother Earth before we can trust that she knows what she's doing. We humans have been taught not to believe in natural healing. Many people form judgments, like, "That's nonsense!" I've heard this many times in my life. And that's OK. Everyone must grow their own wisdom.
Light has to be guided into the physical body by a master (meaning the intelligence within) because the light is abstract and form is a heavily dense creature. There is a shell around it, blocking out the light. It takes a conscious effort to "hold still the light" so it can penetrate the outer shell that resists. Then other cells also get the light and join in with. This is how form is built. Light stabilizes by sharing. By reaching out its light and holding hands with other cells so light can enter into the other cells. If there are "bad" cells growing in there, the pure light (guided by a conscious master intelligence) can fizzle it out and make it go away. This is how meditation works too. Holding thoughts and body movements still, and picturing something pure in its place. Light comes in and rubs shoulders with the light in the other cells and it becomes a healing modality.
Sharing with other people is how the light and love is passed from person to person. This kind of knowledge should be shared. It is actually a way to heal YOURSELF, by sharing what you know with others. That is why I write so much. It makes me feel good to do it. We all have skills that have learned over the many lives we have lived, but these skills are buried deep, deep, deep within. They are unconscious skills. What interests you the most? That is a clue to follow up on it. Cultivate it. You already have knowledge concerning this or you wouldn't be so interested.
My particular interest is hands-on healing. I love to give loving healing touch but I learned a great lesson which has taken me years to figure out what's wrong. In this darkened, shamed, perverted world, loving touch is so lacking that it turns men into sexual maniacs. No pun intended. It's true. And not only men, but women too. We have been so hungry for love, due to shame teachings, that the natural powers of rejuvenation have been held back. I had to learn this lesson. It has taken a lifetime but it was worth it. I can now share what I know.
Instead of holding this knowledge to myself and hoarding it like a little person hides coins in a jar on the kitchen shelf, we are meant to share. For me, my deepest desire is to hug, hold and put my hands on others thru the healing modality, thru the touch of caring and uplifting kindnes. To share the light thru touch is a way of teaching without words. Because words just get in the way. They mean different things to each one of us. But not the touch. The touch is a feeling and feelings can be shared without words. It is a beautiful way to teach this beautiful gift by simply touching caringly, kindly and compassionately. Pass on the light! Share it through loving acts of kindness. It's not enough to preach about love and light. We have to DO SOMETHING with it. Do something with this universal power that will affect other people who live here. This is the natural power that comes from universal oneness.
A true story: A close woman friend and her sister, when they were younger, lay down beside their dying mother in the hospital. The doctors said she would not last into the morning. Her organs were shutting down. The two sisters in their grief, each decided to focus attention on their mother's failing organs. One focused on the kidneys and the other focused on another organ, I can't remember which now. And long story short - the mother went home and lived for another ten years. This is a true story recently told to me during conversation. It reminds me that we don't need the sunlight to heal. Our conscious attention is like the sun. We too are children of the light, just as the sun is. And we have it within us if we get serious enough to use it. We ARE the life and light of our bodies.
7/18/24 - Introducing the ancient order of the mother flame
It was about nine months ago that I heard the phrase "the ancient order of the mother flame". It was during a sweet silent meditation and I was swept up into such a gentle serene loving place that was so soft, so sweet, I barely noticed the transition. It felt like I was home again, cradled in the arms of Mother. A very unusual experience. And now, nine months later, I am here to talk about the Mother Flame.
On that day nine months ago, I had just finished a book lesson on how to hold my attention on dazzling white light INSIDE my body, not above the body but INSIDE the body, in the organs themselves. The many guides teach this but Master Djwhal Khul actually takes it a step further and teaches techniques on how to do it. How to bring the spiritual consciousness down into density, to INSIDE the physical body. It’s a difficult concept to grasp.
The Mother Flame refers to the kundalini, which is an awakening, or activation of the Mother Flame. I experienced its awakening - ummm - now 48 years ago. It was a supernatural experience, a mystical experience that no one could really explain at the time, nor even today very well, although there are a few. But Master DK has guided me through it most wisely and patiently thru the many years of its unfolding within my consciousness. The Mother Flame is in you too. It is in everyone but it is seldom discussed so only the rare few know of its existence. It is the God energy held locked into the pelvic root chakra of the human body. It is the source of the beautiful heart-warming feelings of the orgasm. The Mother Flame is on the ETHERIC level, it is not physical. A pathologist doing an autopsy wouldn’t find it because it's not on the physical level. It is the life force of the body which leaves at the time of death.
During a quiet guided meditation 48 years ago I had an unusual experience during which I transcended into what I have been calling “the light” but it was more like bliss or rapture. That day was the beginning of my transformation. It took years with the guide Master Djwhal Khul leading me, and I’ve journaled my experiences and written about them on Anakosha.org (now called GoddessSphere.org). But the reason for introducing it today, is because I have been guided to reveal information about this beautiful gem that everyone is carrying around within them. I will be revealing what I have personally learned about this bliss energy and why it has been blocked in so many people. We have been kept in the dark about it and it is kept from rising all the way of the spine to the head and enlightenment because the orgasmic release during sex shuts it down and stops it from flowing up its destined path to awaken the brain. Sex is the block, or rather the way we handle sex is the block.
The Mother Flame is pure, unadulterated sweetness, love and light. It is an evolutionary force when it reaches the head and thus informs the individual thru brain understanding. Information about it is available but is hidden from the general public. It is not talked about in practical terms. Religion has made it so sacred or shameful or mystical that it seems beyond reach when it is the most natural energy in the whole human experience. But it is hidden in flowery poetic sacred mystical language in ancient transcripts and mystery schools and many call it demonic. The truth is hard to come by. We can't decipher it or understand its meaning.
I can talk about it only because I have had personal experiences with it. First, the kundalini awakening. Second, an ascended master was assigned to me to guide me and teach me. And third, I was led into the lifestyle called swinging where I had firsthand intimacy experiences of loving and being loved by other people.
Several years later, during daily meditations, I saw the kundalini as a crystal ball of light. It looked just like the real crystal balls you can buy in a store but it was from a most sacred and ethereal perspective. A most amazing experience. There is a picture on the internet today which shows it exactly as I saw it, so someone else has seen it too, not just me. It is located in the pelvic bowl formed by the pelvic bones and it sits cradled in the pelvic bowl, with the tail bone (the coccyx) just below it. From the coccyx (the root chakra) comes an etheric flame, like a pilot light, which sizzles the pure crystal ball into action at a certain time, unknown to us, thus triggering the kundalini in to action. The crystal ball then sends impulses of pure sweetness and angelic love-light up thru the etheric nerves which, under certain conditions connect to PHYSICAL nerves, and thus heads up the spine or down the legs thru the feet into the earth. This is, of course, all dependant upon the conscousness and intellectual or mental preparation of the individual living in the body! There must be training beforehand because it is the PERSON who lives in the body that must prepare him/herself to be open.
The crystal ball known as the Mother Flame is thus activated and beautiful things happen if the person is ready. A woman has a much better chance of doing this successfully than a man. That is why I have been led to draw together the women. The men need more training in how to allow their inner feelings to flow. Women are better at it by nature. Women are permissive, nurturing and loving by nature.
The crystal ball of the Mother Flame is surrounded by nerves that look like roots of a tree that have grown thick and heavy around it, protecting it and keeping it safe. The etheric crystal ball is snuggled up inside amongst the roots of the tree of life - your life and my life and the life of every human you know. It is there dripping slowly little droplets of life up the spine to keep the body alive, and you can "quicken" the drops so they dribble quicker up the spine. There are methods that have been taught through the centuries by those who know.
My experience with kundalini activating in this life took me out of body without any prior preparation in THIS life. But I have since learned that I've had training in many past lives. And so have others who have had kundalini activated. There are buried memories we don't know we have!
Meanwhile, after the kundalini awakened in me it took many years to learn how to get back down into normal human consciousness again, because it left me high as a kite, in a quickened state. It COULD have driven me insane if I did not have the right man in my life who asked me questions about it. He had me talking. He wanted to get into swinging and I was led in that direction, fortunately. Obviously it was with the Master DK's help.
But it has taken years for me to learn how to manage a higher metabolism and higher consciousness to be able to live a practical life with other people. I have been learning various ways. As I study and re-read DK’s channeled lessons - there are many of the 48 years - I am learning how to bring my conscious attention, my focus, down into my physical heart, lungs, spleen, stomach, kidneys, etc., and hold it there. Hold it still. Don't let it move. Don't be distracted. It's a discipline to hold the attention still and not let it move. The physical body cells, the organs and tissues of the body need a master to direct them in what to do, and when, and where to go. This has been more difficult than it sounds. My normal consciousness is just so naturally high that my husband jokes sometimes trying to get my attention: “Earth to Nancy!” So now it has been mostly done and final signals and signs are coming to me to gather the women. The women must be gathered first, for they are more naturally suited for the new age that is upon us. The ancient order of the Mother Flame is a sisterhood of the divine feminine. It is so loving, so warm, so sweet, so gentle, so soothing, so nurturing - it is like the near-death experiences I’ve been hearing about on Youtube. People who have physically died and left their bodies, gone to heaven and then returned to tell about it! It is like that.
Nine months ago I was given the phrase "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame" during a very sacred meditational experience, but I have had to question it. I have had to validate it. Is it real? Or is it a figment of my imagination as I am often accused of making? I googled it and there is nothing on the internet about it except some digital networks among the younger generation. I have been feeling as if I could lift off any day now and leave my body behind, but I asked the Ascended Masters for help. Namely DK, Jeshua and others whom I know. “I want, NEED, to feel more grounded, practical and clear-brained,” I said, and asked them what THEY did to stay in body when they were on the verge of lifting off.
“Cap off the crown of your head,” they said “And hold focus INSIDE the body. Don’t let your attention go out into space and breathe through your feet.” And so I continue to get instructions. I will share these instructions with women only at first. Because it is all about inner feelings and I have discovered that men do not easily access their inner feelings. Men tend to look to women to help them access their inner feelings and this won't do. Women need to be alone to access their OWN inner feelings without having to support and continue to nurture the men in their lives.
This morning I was rewarded with a warm healthy greeting from Mother Kundalini, for that is what I call her. I experience her as that. I have since learned that the Mother Flame is identical to what Christians call the holy spirit. But the word is not important. Words have been used to distract us. We have been "worded" to death! Words have programmed us to the dark side. Defining something like "sex". The pure unadulterated immaculine concept of divine nature is a FEELING, not a word. Let us open up our feelings and not try to explain it to those who cannot feel yet. This loving, beautiful, devotional energy of feeling is the God/Goddess force at the base of the spine. DK has been giving me instructions for years, and I am ready to start sharing it with those of the same mind and heart. Let it become public knowledge for those who can hear.
7/14/24 - Some hints on how to make love - focus on the heart
Love is felt when we focus on the heart with conscious intention to be loving. When we focus on sexuality or the genital or other places on the body, the heart is not getting full attention. Energy follows thought. When we are randomly moving our attention around, the miraculous mother energy in the pelvis goes back down to where it is stored - in the earth. This miraculous primal life energy has been called the kundalini, also known as shakti and other names. It is what keeps us alive, and when we make love it has the power to create ecstasy, whether with a partner or alone, as in deep stillness.
The kundalini's destiny is to rise up the spine to the heart. Not beyond the heart, but to the heart itself because the heart is the center between heaven and earth. I saw this during a meditation as if to confirm what I had read in the book "Sexual Secrets". I saw two triangles, one up facing up and one down, interlaced on top of one another with the heart at the center. The heaven energies are coming down thru the downward-focing triangle, and the earth energies are coming up thru the upward-turned triangle. They don’t meet until the heart is opened and focused upon. When we focus on the heart with intentions of love, beautiful feeling love - or at least holding that intention - the heart opens. The cells open and our thoughts embed the blood with intentional love. The heart then pumps the blood with love in it to all parts of the body. Not empty random blood, but blood filled with the energies of love within it.
The primal life force energy comes up to the heart and the heavenly energy comes down to the heart and they blend in the mystical marriage. Earth and heaven meet in the heart and become love in the heart. The body wants to be loved all over, not just on the surface at skin level or genital level, but also inside, all over, everywhere. The cells, organs, glands, muscles, bone, tissues of all kinds, all want to feel the love, for they have been neglected. We do not normally give them attention. Love-making is not just reserved for the genitals and skin, but for all the various parts of the body - the face, arms, hands, legs, feet, toes, the muscles, glands nerves and arteries that feed these parts inside, deep, deep inside. Feed ALL the cells so all of the body can feel the love. The heart pumps blood out to ALL the cells in the body. And when we make love with our partner, if we focus our loving attention on the heart, they too will feel the love. Be the maker of love and share it with your body cells and your partner's body cells. We can do that by focusing our conscious intention on the heart. "My heart to your heart!" The body feels lonely when it is neglected. It wants to feel loved inside and not just down there at the genitals. WE will feel loved all over and our partner will feel loved all over when OUR body cells feel loved. Genuinely appreciated and loved from within.
7/11/24 - The galactic connection - shifting from vaguery to more solid
A big shift is underway. I am experiencing going from being vague and passive, primarily feminine serving nature, to being more proactive, solid and real. It feels as if my masculine or active nature is coming online. It is producing a more solid feeling of reality and grounding. I am aware that I've been feminine in many of my lifetimes, always loving and nurturing others. This role has reached a dead end. It's boring for me, the feeling of "enough is enough here!" is ringing like a bell in my mind! I want some action! I'm tired of waiting around for others to do something. I believe this shift is coming from a closer connection with the interplanetary or galactic reality. The continued ongoing disclosure that flying saucers are real and therefore visitors from other worlds are real and attempting to reach us is making a mark on me as well as many others. Our minds are changing and becoming more open and accepting that the visitors are really human and solidly physical.
Visitors from other worlds are called extraterrestrials or ETs, but George Adamski referred to them as space brothers. I met Mr. Adamski 60 years ago, in 1963. I was pregnant with my first child at the time, age 25. Adamski was the most famous contactee of modern times, or slowly becoming one. He was often referred to as simply "GA". His most famous books were "Flying Saucers have Landed" in 1963, co-authored with Desmond Leslie, and "Inside the Space Ships" 1965, changed later to "Inside the Flying Saucers". He told the true story of how he met first Orthon on the desert in California in 1952, and then met with the space brothers frequently after that. Their mission (and his) was to reveal life on other worlds, just as ancient scriptures tried to do. Adamski wrote books about his very real encounters with space people, and traveled the world lecturing and showing his photographs. Also delivering messages to the government and other important people. Even though he was often denounced as a fraud by official sources, he had audience with very important people and entered through side doors.
My personal story started germinating about two months ago. It is a big shift for me, for I have been for many lifetimes as a gentle, passive, feminine healer-priestess type being who was not outwardly assertive. I healed and loved, that's all I did. And then 60 years ago I met GA and, lost soul that I was, seeds began to germinate. I continued my life as a feminine being up until about two months ago, when I was re-introduced to an old, old friend. I came back into contact with Glenn Steckling, director of the George Adamski Foundation. Glenn today is a retired airline pilot, but I knew him as a little boy of 10 when I lived with his parents in Mexico, who were helpers of Adamski. Raised in the atmosphere of Adamski and his parents, Glenn today is the sole owner and director of the legacy left by GA who died in 1965. Glenn is today continuing to tell the story of the space brothers. And it is Glenn who made me think. I could not identify with PHYSICAL flying saurcers. I thought they were from another dimension. Suddenly a new perception of reality is unfolding with this new, or renewed, connection. There is a shift in conscious awareness going on that is, to put it into words, like connecting wishes and desires and frustrations and struggles - they are connecting. I feel younger, healthier, more alive. And remembering things I had forgotten. See Glenn Steckling's youtube channel (HERE) speaking for the George Adamski Foundation.
Continuing with MY story - when I met Mr. Adamski I wasn't interested in physical spaceships. I was from the Light. I was taken into the light in 1976, ten years after meeting GA, when the kundalini awakened and blew my mind wide open, obliterating all that I was before. It took another ten years to come back to normalcy again, which I did with the help of a cultural phenomenon called "swinging". In swinging I could hug and hold people and I became grounded again back to being human. Life continued with me trying to write about it. An insane idea. How can you possibly write about these things?
Well, anyway, I never understood that flying saucers were real and physical. I was enthralled with Mr. Adamski when I met him, transported to other worlds just by being around him, but I could not accept that these "space people" were human. I did not accept it. I dismissed it and continued to believe they were angels and beyond our ability to reach them. Yet, Mr. Adamski drew crowds. He told the real truth while I did not understand and did not accept. Why did they make such a big deal out of the flying saucers? I wasn't connected. I was one of those mystics of the spacey kind. And then Glenn Steckling appeared from my past, now a grown-up man. Such amazing threads of reconnection. They had faded into oblivion and suddenly they are back stronger than ever. A few nights later I saw something in the night sky which could not be real. A large spotlight came in the night as I looked out my bedroom window to close the curtain, and I saw the "spotlight" capture a big bright star, swallowed it up and carried it away. The star was gone. Only the night sky remained. The star had been there night after night for months. How can this be? And then I knew, I had been contacted. Without a shadow of a doubt. Just as I knew during the hurricane when a big bright "star" led us back home after being evacuated from our house. And other "stars" blinking at me in the night sky, moving and shape-shifting, making me wonder, "Is it?" And the dreams. More and more dreams, connections with space ships of light.
The biggest shift is transitioning away from being passive. The "wait and see" reactive person who waits for others to make the moves. Suddenly I am bored with waiting. I want to tell my story(ies). They are piling up, waiting to be talked about. I am grounding and feeling inspired. Fear has held me back. But I saw online today Michael Love, a wonderful channel for the Pleiadians. He said, "I believe in transparency and openness" and told how he has lost everything in a major shift. And so I am suddenly shifting - not losing but gaining something I haven't had in a long time. My proactive side. I am learning that the space brothers are real and human. They are not angels, ghosts, saints or mystical apparitions as I have believed all of my life. They are real. They are more real than we humans know how to be. The angels of the Bible are human angels. The people of the time did not know how to say it. But we have evolved. We can say it out loud now. The space brothers are human, and they fly in physical ships. They know how to embody physicality more fully, and they know how to advance their technology and their beautiful inner beings and their social skills are remarkably sweet and graceful. They interact with love of the ultimate supreme source. And they travel thru space without fuel, by riding currents that are natural to the planets. They are tapped into the rhythms and harmonies of universal intelligence and love. And they are coming closer, ever closer to the one mind behind it all. They are kind, and beautiful, and intelligent and, yes, even saintly, but they are human. They have evolved their human skills and they want to share these skills with us. They are more like us than we realize. Or perhaps we are becoming more like them.
This is knocking my socks off, literally. My feet are enjoying being bare-foot. My brain has been righting itself and the dizziness and disorientation is going away. It is not over yet but the symptoms are changing quickly as I feel more solid and real. Invisible roots are growing down, as if I wee a tree extending myself down into the earth to join with other roots. I saw a circle of feminine beings in the center of the earth the other day, a flash of insight, and I became one of them, settling down among them, joining in with their silent singing. Resonating with their optimism and gladness of spirit. I am more alive inside my skin now.
It has been a wild change. Reality is becoming more real. Not fixed but fluid. As if I am a bridge between stillness and solidarity. Neither state is a "fixed" or immovable state of being but rather a blending in and out, and I am the bridge that chooses where I want to go in the moment. Reality is becoming. Confusion reigned for approximately three years, starting with a hospital stay and heart palpitations triggered by a new meditation technique. I learned what caused it later, as we all learn later, after the fact, from experiences of testing thru trial and error.
I was spiritual, prepared from prior life training for the kundalini activation in 1976 which blew my mind wide open. It then took 10 years to come back to being human again, able to interact with people. But I had an ascended master guide, which I interpreted as being a supernatural intelligence. Now my exposure to the Adamski legacy thru Glenn Steckling, along with further continued disclosures from other sources, I am learning that they are human, just like us. More human and more humane, which means more heart, more soul, more naturally beautiful. They have solid physical bodies like us. Their ships are physical and operate on universal laws backed by higher scientific laws. Quantum? I don't know. They have advanced beyond us by joining with the harmonies of the one universal mind which ties life together if we draw closer to it. And they are here to guide us, teach us, redirect our thinking to these more harmonious laws and more humane ways of living. If we will welcome them. The 5D love club is my greatest desire - to bring our local community together and welcome our galactic friends to come down and celebrate with us. I invite them to land in our back pasture.
As I dare speak of this out loud thru my writings and postings, it makes me feel strong, physically strong, and more vitalized. Enthusiastic and excited! I don't care if people think I'm crazy. It doesn't matter because I'm walking my own path. And I love all the people around me. I wish I could put my hands on them and say, "You are beautiful, I love you!" The more I give appreciation, the stronger I feel. And more stable and rooted and fulfilled. Sixty years ago it started when I met George Adamski, the contactee of the Venusians, but I didn't understand that he was talking about them being REAL. I couldn't accept it then. Now today I do accept. He was a true contact for the extraterrestrials who have tried from pre-biblilcal days to reach men of earth. But each time the prophets were considered cuckoo or insane or dangerous and had to be taken out. I think that danger is over. Those who are still afraid of being locked up or killed (repressed traumas from past lives) perhaps will come out of the closet now and tell their stories. The 5D love club will be gathering those who want to tell what they know.
I have begun copying some of Adamski's excerpts from his books in TODAY'S POSTS. The channeled articles I have been reading online for many years that used to enthrall me, are fading into the background. My own path is lighting up more strikingly, becoming the more significant way for me to go. All others are blending into the landscape around me for they too are part of the whole. They are each creating their own strikingly beautiful golden path. It is a path that appears with each conscious breath. Sometimes it is unconscious and I lose it, and that's OK. It is slowly taking shape thru experience, trial and error. When I remember to appreciate and give thanks, it solidifies under my feet. When I forget it dulls me down. It is the universe that breathes thru me when I think of it, and when I don't, I lose the fire that could have sparked me. We are all participants in the one breath of the universal prime creator. Even as it does through the space brothers who are visiting us and who wish to guide us to greater horizons. Are we ready for this? Are we all together in this? Perhaps not. It is OK. It is all OK. You are blessed. As the space people say, "You are loved beyond measure."
7/9/24 - Rest and Relax to bring balance and feel more clear
After the hip swings today - an exercise I don't enjoy - I was told “Rest!” and the reason why. "Just rest. Relax and feel the fragmented light particles coming back together again. Feel into it. During action they are riled up and get chaotic, trying to understand what to do. During rest time they return to their comfort zone. You in your outer mind feel comfortable and identify with it. You feel good resting. But too much comfort and rest produces stagnation and decay. So up and into action again to move the light particles. This is to give the light in your cells the opportunity to evolve and experience. They are the ones evolving thru matter. You are the God within learning how to be responsible for your light particles, for your physical body. You are learning in your own way, your own lessons, how to bring your light particles (your body) in line, in alignment, so they all work together, in a coordinated way, under your masterful control and will power.
As I rested this new understanding began to dawn on me. I felt a deeper sense of reality. I felt more “me”. I felt more solid and clear. More "here now". This in a minor way but it was enough to give me a hint, a clue, pointing to the reality that this is how it works. You become more balanced, more whole, more complete and more real thru this melding of rest and action, action and rest. It is the way to bring balance to the confused state of the body's cells. We were born into a world presenting lots of confusion, lots of diversity, lots of opposites. We were born into it to learn how to master the conditions we find ourselves in. It is a very confusing and upsetting world, but it presents many opportunities to learn masterful control over situations.
We are here to learn and to grow in wisdom and understanding. But we have to work with our OWN forces, we have no control over others. Except for the use of love. Love is the ultimate power source for change, healing and transformation. And so we must start by loving our own body cells, the inner physical, mental and emotional forces that are within us. This is how we heal the feelings (yesterday's blog). There are two different lessons playing out here - me (God) and my body cells (also God but imprisoned and masked in cellular form). The cells of my body parts contain light particles in the form of electrons. But they do not know themselves yet. They are fragmented and randomly chaotic, without a master to guide them.
I am here to learn how to guide and control them – er - TEACH them. As I grow in understanding, I am actually teaching my SELF. My body learns discipline thru my consistent routine and attention and I am also learning by my own discipline of myself. It helps my body cells to grow awareness and as they feel good with themselves, I feel good with MYself. We are inter-related. We are woven together. We are learning together. We are evolving each within own conscious intelligence and awareness, even as we are entwining with those who live with us and in our communities. Under my masterful attention as the resident soul living in this body, I enlarge and widen myself to become a more masterful guide. I can better instruct my body to do what I want it to do, plus I am interweaving with others around me, sharing my wisdom and receiving THEIR wisdom they reflect to me. e. This is universal harmony playing out -rhythm and love in action. We are growing and joining the galactic community of higher worlds.
7/8/24 - Healing the feelings - preparing for the 5D Love Club
Healing the feelings means don’t act on them, don’t express them, don’t repress them, don’t suppress them. FEEL them. This will take practice. When you act on feelings without thinking, you are not feeling them. You are spewing those energies out and away from you. To FEEL your feelings means stop and focus. Pay attention. Allow them to penetrate through your body-mind. Allow them to distribute through the appropriate nerves, channels and passageways to saturate your entire being. Accept, allow and surrender yourself to the feelings, no matter what the feelings are. Perhaps you judge them as bad or traumatic, or perhaps you judge them as beautiful and good. It doesn't matter WHAT the feelings are, allow them to saturate you. In other words, give up trying to avoid them.
Tears are a sign that you gave in to your feelings. We try every trick and manipulation in the book to avoid letting our feelings in. We don’t let them in. We are continuously rejecting feelings from entering our lives. What is meant by "healing the feelings" is a fulfilling act of mercy. You become fulfilled. You feel complete, whole, perfect, calm. This is the peace that passes understanding. You are filled full of acceptance. You are loved. You are whole as you were always meant to be. On October 23, 2017 the following message was dictated to me by the Master DK. I found it yesterday as I researched old files. I am considering starting a 5D Love Club using loving touch ascension massage (not sexual). This is Master DK is speaking:
“Intimacy has always been reserved for the primary partner, the one you live with. Primary partnerships have always been considered exclusive, but how many of you have retained the ability to be truly intimate? Intimacy means connecting. Connecting with someone else also in physical form requires a slowing down process, both mentally and physically, so that feelings can be shared. If you are feeling something and your partner is not, the feelings are not being shared. Only one of you is feeling.
"Connecting means sharing feelings. This is the meaning of intimacy. Sharing feelings with someone other than your primary partner has always been considered a sacrilege. You have kept feelings hidden for that reason. You have even kept feelings for yourself hidden. How often have you masturbated alone, in private, and had someone come in on you. Did that not give you feelings of shame? The feelings of shame were a condition laid on you from those in authority who have tried to keep you from feeling your own feelings.
"This practice of massaging a stranger is an exercise in breaking open those forbidden cultural taboos, and simply sharing feelings with a stranger. [I had been considering how to do this, so he is addressing this for me] This is the reason why we are here to swap massages alone. Not as a couple, but alone at a table with a partner of the opposite gender. You will have feelings. You will have all sorts of feelings. You might have repugnant feelings. Or feelings of guilt. Or feelings of shame for having GOOD feelings. You might have sexual feelings and you might feel confused because you’re not supposed to go there during these massages. Feelings are beautiful. Let them be. Feel them. Allow them. Enjoy them. Don’t act upon them. Just feel them. Let them exist within you.
"As you feel your feelings you will also be processing them. You will be saying, ‘It’s OK to have this feeling. I will keep moving my hands on this person.’ Whatever the feeling is, just own it. It’s yours. Don’t expect the other person to have the same feelings you are having. The act of massaging a stranger person allows you to feel better than when you are massaging a friend. Because when you are massaging a friend, you drop your guard and relax into the KNOWN feelings that you have had with this person before. That will come about as lesson Number 2, as you practice expanding on known feelings.
"The first part of this practice is learning how to feel within yourself, alone, and owning what you are feeling. It‘s not just skin on skin. It‘s opening up to forces within you that have been turned off due to cultural laws and rules. We are breaking the law and the rule here by allowing feelings to surface. Do you understand? That is why we will be swapping partners. You will not be able to relax your guard and 'flow' with this person, so you will have to simply feel. It is a breakthrough, to feel. Intimacy has been shut off in all of you because you are a dangerous species if you are allowed to be free and happy. We are breaking the rules here and this goes beyond gender. It is about you getting in touch with free and happy forces within you. Own them and let them be.”
7/6/24 - Meditation techniques - using affirmations & mantras
This morning I woke up to the words: “I AM the holiness of this body, and I dedicate this body, I consecrate this body to the will that I AM.” Further I was told: "You are being encroached upon. Do this to set the words/qualities in stone around you. Do this 50x upon waking, 50x mid-day and 50x before sleep. Breathe 50x from the coccyx down to 12 feet below the feet. Then 50x from coccyx up above the head 12 feet, following the spinal column of light.”
I went to the med room and followed instructions. With beads in hand I lay on the acu-mat, the one with little plastic points sticking into my back, and did breath work 50x. Then the mantra out loud, then silently, and ended up in the unusual peaceful state that I wish I could find more often. I am impressed that I am being guided by spirit.
“Focus on the tip of the coccyx. There is a permanent atom there. Speak the words from there. See your lips moving at the coccyx saying the mantra, see the sun shining out and expanding, expanding, expanding. See the aura expanding all around you down below your feet and above your head 12 feet in both directions." Then I did the fire breath, the alt fire (left and right nostril alternatively). "See the ida and pingala - the left and right channels of the spine - wrapped around each other as in a cord of light, up close around the central sushumna nestled up close to it." Then I did the PC and instead of the violet flame, I visualized the BLUE flame of El Morya and AA Michael's sword of blue flame, replacing the violet flame purification. This has been coming to me the last day or two, to change to blue flame purification to receive more concentration, strength, will power, and determination.
It was shown to me that the permanent atom in the body is at the tip of the coccyx. When the embryo is formed in the mother's body, scientists explain this on youtube, how the embryo folds over on itself and its the spinal column which does it. So the heart of the body is the coccyx, the tail bone or root chakra. So from there, we have an aura that goes down to a certain point equal to how far up it goes. We have been focusing only on the UP side, and we have been neglecting the down side of our aura. That has become an entry point for the negative energies to get into us. So I am being directed to use the coccyx as the heart of the body and imagine it as a sun that is expanding, expanding, expanding, in all directions, down as well as up. This is going to add a new level of protection against invasion of dark side.
I woke this morning seeing the Words - all English words- in clear graphics surrounding me like an aura, pushing the darker confused atmosphere away from me. It was a very clear picture of what saying mantras do for a person. I never had that shown to me before. It's very real, what saying holy words do out loud. So I renewed my efforts today. One has to SEE IT to believe it. It's crystal clear saying holy words out loud, that they create a barrier around you that protects you. A friend asked me yesterday how do you prevent the dark ones from invading? I told her to stop thinking about them. Instead, say affirmations, mantras out loud. That is the technique. We've been told by the old ones how to do it. We must learn and practice these methods again and again and agin. We must learn them and practice. After I told her that, this graphic picture was shown to me. We are meant to tell, teach, do and share this knowledge. People don't know. The dark has taken over people's lives because they don't know how to use affirmations of holy words.
7/2/24 - Bringing together opposites - Father Sky & Mother Earth
Revelations from my higher self today started before I woke up, and continued as I became semi-awake and then fully awake. It was teaching me more of what I learned yesterday - how I have the ability to remove dead toxic energies that cause disturbances and stifled, suffocating feelings of aging and dying. It is all in my ability to focus. It involves the activating of the THIRD eye, which is the ability to rise above duality and opposites. Learning to balance opposites removes confusion. It is an ability that comes from elevating ones own troubling thoughts to a higher plane of transcendence. It is an intellectual movement of "working it out" and reaching an understanding. It is not a "thing" to work on physically, as once I thought.
Mother Earth is a living intelligence and provides the living life force that breathes thru the skin for ALL life on the planet. When humans reproduce, Mother Earth’s living life force enters into the seed of the man and woman to enable the embryo to grow and mature, like any other seed. Source intelligence itself cannot create a solid form alone, it needs the skill and knowledge of a pre-existing living life form, which is a planet, for a planet knows how to build a living form. Father source is the source of life. It is the creator but it has never been in form. It has CREATED form but has never been in form itself. Father source is consciousness only. So it is that Source intelligence, which we call Father God, creator of all that is, works together with a planetary form. Earth and heaven work together, spirit and matter are equals in building new form life.
Source Intelligence is abstract, the Father of all of creation. The planetary intelligence is the construction worker, the intelligent builder of all form life on body. So, when humans make love and conceive a baby, the planet’s life force enters the seeded embryo to oversee its growth, maintains the embryo and grows the baby to full maturity. This I was shown today during my spiritual practice. However, the planetary intelligence (Mother Earth) does not know what Father Source has in mind for this new embryo. Is it a tree? A flower? A bear? A wolf? Mother Earth must have a pattern to follow, otherwise it would not know what to build?!. This is where Father source is involved. Father Source of all Creation is the designer of ALL life, so Father Source sends down the pattern or blueprint for Mother Earth (or any other planet) to follow. Father Intelligence provides the blueprint, the Earth Mother (or any other planet) follows the blueprint and builds the form accordingly. In other words, Father Sky and Mother Earth work together in building the form life, including human beings.
It is the equivalent to the architect giving a construction company a blueprint to follow, to build a new building. The construction company doesn’t know what the architect has in mind so it must have a blueprint to follow. So it is with Mother Earth. She needs a pattern to follow. Father Creator provides the blueprint for the form, and Mother Earth uses her life force to construct the form. Both Father Sky and Mother Earth together build the embryo, whether it be an ant, a snake, a mountain lion or a man or woman. Mother Earth is the breath of life in us. She gives us the earth, air, fire and water PLUS she knows how to construct the form so it is a perfect form and is able to fulfill the mission Father Creator planned for it. It becomes a breathing, living form (whether an ant, moose, fish, tree or human).
So we have the Earth Mother as the life force and builder of form for the body, and Father abstract intelligence providing the pattern for her to follow. It is Father Himself who actually wants to live in the form that is being built by the Mother, because he can’t build the form himself.
This is hard to put into words. I received it not thru mental processes, like a thought, but more like I WAS the process as a form was building. I could feel it and know how it form is made. This partnership of Mother Earth and Father Intelligence working together is the power of creation. They together are what we call the kundalini, or shakti, or the mother flame, or the divine feminine (many names for it), which awakened in me in 1976 and an exquisite light took me out of my body. A few years later I saw it again during a sacred moment, it looked like a transparent crystal ball at the pelvic region embedded inside of nerves, like roots of a tree. The crystal ball “squeezed” drops of life force up my spine each time I did the PC muscle squeeze (Keegle exercise). It was a most sacred moment of revelation and I wrote about it at the time in my journal. I wish to share this knowledge.
Kundalini, the sacred power of life, is a blend of both heaven and earth, father sky and motherearth. The earth force alone would not know what to build if it did not have a blueprint to follow. And Father Creator alone would not have the knowledge and skill to build a solid form without the Mother Earth’s skill in building form life. There is a blueprint for each species on the planet. Father Sky or Father Intelligence is the designer of form, and each form is endowed with the Father’s intelligence itself. Form begins at the lowest level, such as a mineral or rock, and evolves from there to higher form life. Father source is the great intelligence, the All Intelligence, the one infinite creator intelligence of which we are all a part, a piece, a facet of the wholeness. The Father Source is the power of evolution itself within each unique self consciousness, on a deep and intimate personal level. We CAN communicate with Father God within us if we know how. This intelligence is innate within us.
Each form, from amoeba to ant to wolf, to elephant to human evolves in greater SELF awareness. Each self grows to greater levels of understanding of the God within one’s self. It is SELF awareness that grows, and that SELF is Father God itself as a piece of the whole growing closer and bigger and larger and more aware with the passing experiences of life. By the time the SELF has gone through the eons of evolution from mineral to rock to plant, etc., and finally embodies as the highest, most advanced life form on the planet - a human being – its understanding is SO great that it is humbled with the awareness. It learns to respect itself as the highest form of intelligence on the planet – but further – it becomes aware that there are even HIGHER forms of life beyond it. And so it grows in response ability. The ability to unite with others like itself. It learns compassion, forgiveness, respect and most of all love that cannot be contained by a single form. It must radiate out to all of life and all beneath him/her. The human becomes the steward, the protector, the guardian, the shepherd of all lesser forms evolving beneath it – nature plants, animals. He becomes more and more aware, more and more expansive, more and more unified with all other life forms. Each human is destined to become a human master, growing more light as more consciousness of the whole blends with his separate consciousness.
The planet is an advanced form life itself and at a certain stage in its evolution develops the ability to grow forms itself. In effect, reproducing as little forms grow out of big forms. The self-awareness of a planet develops understanding how to produce baby form life. The universe is a nursery of life-building forms, growing in self-awareness. It is a literal garden of intelligence-building - planets, moons and asteroids, down to minerals, waters, stones, plants, insects and animals and man or equivalent of man. Some species may not look like human but have equal or superior intelligence – could be a horse or lion on two legs with arms and fingers, or so the Galactics tells us. But all must serve the love and light or else it turns dark and misshapen. The highest and most intelligent forms of love and light are in harmony and peace. The race grows an intelligent brain which knows how to distribute and care for itself, and becomes the highest “solid” form to walk on the planet.
Thus man on Earth is becoming a fully conscious and responsible steward guiding the lesser plants and animals. This is what indeed is taking place on the more evolved planets who are visiting us as extraterrestrials. They are coming closer to us and are making contact even now, today. Life in form thrives throughout the universe. The consciousness of the Creator (the All-That-Is) is expressing through form life. The consciousness of the Creator is having FUN! Joyfully exciting and enthusiastic FUN experimenting with form-building. It is interacting with itself through the myriad solid diverse forms. It is drawn upward by the very light that lives within the cells of the bodies around it, no matter what form it is taking, the love shines thru, whether it be a one-celled amoeba, a horse, a tree, fish or plant. Cows, dogs, each of us represents a wonderful contrast as compared to a neighbor.
The vitality of the planet itself co-exists alongside the Creator Source light. A self consciousness (you, me and our loved ones) evolve separately apart from our form. Our bodies each have a different parent source, different DNA, which contains differences in mental intelligence and skills. But our bodies also have the pattern of the Earth Mother, the solid planet on which we stand, for we are composed of its elements. We are a composite of the Earth, we are an Earth human and therefore we are brothers and sisters of the same planet. We came during this embodiment from the same parent source but we have each grown up to pursue our own personal missions. We each chose this life. Each intelligent life form has an individuality, from a planet to a tree to a human, to a dog and a cat. Uniqueness is the name of the game in the universe and we owe allegiance to our Father Mother God of the highest intelligence.
It is important to note that we humans are maintaining our physical body at the same time as we are maintaining and growing our own uniqueness and individuality. We must pay homage to our SELF for God lives within. We do this by honoring and growing our OWN self awareness above and beyond giving our power away to others who do not resonate with us. Let us use wisdom and discernment. But we have had many bodies. We have reimbodied more than we can count, but we have only ONE consciousness, which continues to grow in self awareness with each NEW embodiment. We are growing and maintaining a positive track thru our many experiences in many bodies. But it is important to remember that the mother of the planet guides the BODY, not our mind. Our higher self or spiritual self guides our mind and intelligence. The mother feeds information up from earth through the spine to the brain, showing us how to maintain our physical wellness and health – and there are many techniques left behind by masters - but it is the Father source that feeds us individually from our own higher light. We receive higher clarity as we respect our own source intelligence, which is innate and intuitive. As we live in this solid body we are often confused about which way to go, but the Master DK has been guiding me in how to “fuse” the opposites. Whenever there is confusion, step back, he says. Allow the opposites to “fuse” together. They will do so if you allow it, he says, and not fight against the confusion. We are in a body to meld the two opposites together – body sensations and mental thoughts. Confusion results from not understanding, so step back and ALLOW understanding to blend together.
The mother of the planet feeds us information thru sensations – thru feelings and physical nudges of good and bad responses. As we go thru experiences of feelings of “good” and “bad”, they tell us what to do. It is thru trial and error that we learn. Abstract thoughts do not have feelings, so we must rely on sensations, visceral feedback from the body to give us direction. Should we do “this”? or “that”? We learn from the experience of being in a body. The life within the body feeds back signals. The body is our mother. She feels back signals of right or wrong. The male body is also a feminine body, not just women’s bodies. All feelings are mother feelings that offer direction – good? Or bad? Either nice feelings or a bad feeling. A nice feeling means “yes, go in this direction”. If it is a wrong or painful feeling it means “No, don’t do that!” No matter what other people think or suggest, we must follow our “heart”. Our heart is a feeling heart. We can tell by the feelings we have from a certain situation. Our heart is our guide, our motherly guidance.
The mother of form I learned recently is called “The ancient order of the Mother Flame.” This term is not found on the internet (yet). I suspect it will come soon, with the proper definition. Meanwhile, just know that your body is the Mother of your form. She will guide you through NICE feelings! Feelings of appreciation, respect, joy, happiness, health (vs. pain), and other beautiful uplifting feelings or responses. Our bodies tell us which way to go. They are sensual, visceral, tender and loving. They guide us in how to treat others, which we build first within ourself. Self awareness is Source awareness. Father Source is learning AND ENJOYING its experience thru the actions of our own personal body, mind and actions, by interacting and bumping up against other forms of itself.
Higher self taught me this morning why there are two separate “me’s” The body is one thing, my conscious self awareness is another. I am consciously evolving to higher levels of understanding separate from the body, but my body feels it and expresses my growing awareness to a certain extent. Not all, not by a long shot! There is more to learn! But my body benefits from my growing awareness and does bend to my will better these days. My higher Self brought me outside my body this morning so I could experience being separate from my body. I was an observer of my body as a mechanical creature for a brief time. I saw my body as a creature beneath me being constructed and constantly changing. Whereas I, as a non-physical intelligence, never change. I NEVER change! I have no form to change. I am rather the designer and maintainer of the vessel that I live in. But we do evolve in understanding this fact and this truth. We are becoming more aware. (End of missile. Sorry it took so long!)
6/30/24 - Your physical heart - how to focus on it and why
Over the centuries the teachers of wisdom have been telling us to go to our heart. I have had an ongoing debate with myself as to why. Why is the heart so important? Well, I can't summarize my conclusions because they are not mental conclusions, nor are they logical conclusions. There is something else involved here. This something else is ingrained, or you could say, innate. It happens on a much deeper level than conscious awareness. It is a movement that is built on FEELING. The heart is a feeling organ. After a while, a long time perhaps lifetimes, the feelings bring an individual to a point of understanding. This is not mental. It is a genuine feeling of compassion and understanding of the whole picture. I have reached that point of understanding for myself. And all I can say is, the reason why the gurus and teachers of wisdom guide us toward the heart is to bring us in closer touch with our feelings, our emotions. These are embedded into our organs and tissues of the physical body. We can't mentally image something beautiful and perfect unless we include the body. The physical parts of the body itself, for each cell is encoded with that "something special", else we wouldn't be here breathing and walking and acting on impulse.
A personal note here for the record: These words in my blogs are given to ME first as teachings. I then write them as blogs so I can remember and go back and re-read them later. It has taken me awhile to understand this. That they are for ME to learn from! Just for the record!
The teachers of ancient knowledge are telling us to at least START to change focus to one of love and feelings of compassion and tenderness, because by doing so we touch closer to the key SPARKLE that is embedded there. It is not a physical spark. It is an immortal, eternal spark from the creator. This spark needs to be touched into and attached to by the will of the individual in whom it is planted. No one else can do the attaching for you. If you do not attach to it in one life, you will re-embody in another life, anywhere, maybe not Earth but one that will help you to see the truth. There is something within you that is trying to reach you, but only YOU can respond and make that decision to come closer and attach to it. It is a humbling gesture of being receptive to a higher, mightier power.
We as a human being were born on this planet, were born into the darker threads of negativity which this planet Earth is made of for many centuries. We were born into limited understanding through our parents. No matter how enlightened or spiritual our parents were, they too carried the genetics of THEIR parents, and they too grew up with tainted genetics, limited or perhaps false beliefs. In other words, we were born into a not-pure world and we've been dealing with it all our life. We've been drawn to "something better", something more pure and more idealistic all our life, trying to make a good life for ourselves and our families, trying to understand. And little by little we DO make moves in the right direction, often to be pulled back away from that direction again and again. What are we missing? The efforts are useless unless we attach to our original source of life - which is the ultra-pure spark of the creator, embedded in our heart, our physical heart.
Trying to change other people by telling them things that confront and make them angry, does not work. You only push them away from you. Love is the only way to change people. Then you draw them closer to their REAL self by showing acts of love, kindness, forgiveness, appreciation, sweet warm feelings of connection and nurturance. This is what will turn our own life around. We should be doing it every day, a little more each day. Not for others but for ourself. A little kinder, a little more empathetic, a little more of hugs and smiles and expressions of good will. It is time to change tactics and come closer to feelings of warm goodness. When we EXPRESS them, we become them. We come closer to the original source of life itself. The heart contains that secret coded spark. It is in the action that we do while in physical embodiment that we move closer into that spark in our heart. The ancient gurus and teachers were trying to tell us. Light and love are the same energy. Light is full knowledge of the creator but it is abstract knowledge, high mental knowledge. It is not embodied knowledge (yet). It is "out there like the sun" shining down on us. Love is how we USE the light. By using that knowledge while we are fully embodied in a physical form living with other people in physical forms - only then do we actually embody the high beautiful immortal knowledge of the creator's light. By sharing it and expressing it through our own skin and tissues. Then we become "in-lightened". Lightened up from the inside.
Expressing loving kindness, even if it's only with a simple smile, can change what we consider "bad" or "negative" to overnight healing and miracles. But they must be true loving intentions, not pretend. That is why going to the heart is the great teaching advice. We have to be in touch with our authentic true self. It requires humbleness. Humility. A bowed head and knee. Using that image is helpful to start a meditation. Humbling oneself to the light that is in your heart is how we get in touch with that spark of who we really are. We are the God within us. This God within lives again and again, unnoticed, until the soul finally "gets it" and wakes up and understands. It is an inner love for the light that is within. Love is all there is in the end. We can't give it unless we first attach to it and embody it in our actions.
6/26/24 - Disclosure, Ascension, Galactics, Starships, UFOs
Last night on Youtube I stumbled upon an interview of a young starseed, Kelly Tyler, a vivacious young woman around 30 or so. (Click HERE.) The headline was "Starseeds are coming out on MSM!" She was so cool, talking about her walk-in experience as an 8 year old soul, and I was immediately impressed. She's coming out of the closet, I realized. The interviewers had Kelly talking freely. She was eager to tell how she's an Arcturian now living in a human body and that there are many starseeds here to help humanity raise themselves up and be united, that we are all one together, that there is great peace and harmony among us all.
There are more disclosures coming out on the media channels than ever before. News is breaking that the galactics are here and I'm excited. I have known for 50 years but thought I was the only one who knew! I've been talking about it too, a little. But after seeing this wonderful interview iit suddenly dawned on me: Of course! The UFO disclosure is coming from the people, not from the military or the government. We've been waiting for the wrong people to step forth. They're not going to do it. They've been hiding it because they don't have the knowledge that starseeds do. There are MANY souls here today, disguised as human beings because they were born to human parents. But their souls are awake and aware and they are eternal souls. They have memories. Each human being has a souls with advanced training and memories beyond what this one life. We have bought into the dumbed-down version of human intelligence. We have commonly concluded we are dumb and don't know much. But deep down we know more than we dare speak. Now we are realizing it. It is taking more sophisticated people to reflect to us the beauty, harmony, rightness of high ideals and kindness. It is taking the younger generation to speak out. They can't help it. They know what they know and they are not bogged down by "Shhh, don't tell!" - the weight of the ages.
As the younger generation starseeds start talking, watch out. Contact will not be far behind. The landings are coming more and more, and out in the open. That's what the extraterrestrials are waiting for - us to welcome them with open arms and stop being afraid of the rules of "Shhh, don't tell!" They are more advanced socially, morally, ethically, as well as technologically. They follow the universal law of non-interference (the prime directive) and so they must wait for the earthlings to initiate the contact. And we must do it with freedom and an open heart, with love and intelligence and truth within us. Recent channeled messages from the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians and other Galactic Federation members, are increasing by the day. Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Can you sense it? They are asking us gently but firmly to step up to the plate. They are behind the scenes like a mother hen clucking away at her brood, trying to get them to move.
We know what we have to do. We feel it when excitement and enthusiasm break out and we could sing and dance in the right environment. The low-down droopiness is disappearing. The individual contacts have been ongoing. They have been ridiculed. The stories on TV are more acceptable. Startrek and Voyager are inspired to wake us up. They can't initiate physical landings until we ask them to come and land. Until we, enough of us, open our welcoming arms, hearts and minds to them, with love and kindness, not as cowards fearing for our lives if anyone finds out who we are.
They are waiting for us to stop pretending we are afraid. Deep down we are not afraid. So let us come out of the closet and gather together and talk freely, openly, each according to our own understanding. Each of us is an individual with individual memories. We have been here before. Let us share. We have common ground in that we are each a human being from Earth. Let us welcome them with a hands-on hug! I myself am privately asking for them to please land in our back pasture, those of light and love. I have seen them in the skies for years.
Today I just couldn't resist blogging about it. Thank you to Kelly Tyler for coming out on The Morning Show and being interviewed. May God bless you in the work you do - and all the other starseeds who are sharing their knowledge.
6/24/24 - Raise the qualities you already have instead of praying into space
Instead of praying up above your head into nebulous space to “God” out beyond the physical body - focus on raising dreams, hopes, visions, courage, inspiration, truth, purity, will power, happiness and other attributes that come to mind as you read this. Raise the qualities you already know instead of trying to climb an invisible ladder that is vague and beyond you. Instead of trying to go up into spaces you are not sure of, raise up the qualities that you ARE sure of. Elevate the qualities you know you already have because you have named them and used them before now. You have already been using these qualities right along from your beginning of this journey in form. Why leave them behind because you were trained, programmed and taught to pray to a "God" above and beyond you?
This does not mean leaving God behind, but rather recognizing that God (Good) is already implanted inside of you. You have already been grounding Good into your body cells. Why have you allowed the churches and other/outer instructors tempt you away from your own inner truth? You know what you know. You cannot leave that knowledge behind because it IS you. You ARE the truth in you.
Instead of leaving that truth behind and climbing up outside of your solid foundation (your body mind) and to climb this invisible ladder to unknown stars - because you were told to follow blind faith - stay inside your body. It is OK to turn around and go back to your foundation, your body-mind, and blend that new higher perspective with your more solid and real body-mind. Blend ALL that occurs to you. Blend who you are with all that is happening. Be here in the present moment and realize that you are the holy one that lives within your cells. You have been led astray, led away, led down a rosy path to an unknown. Now it is time to return to your REAL self, and bring back what you have discovered "out there in space". Bring all that you have learned back into your body cells. Be present in the now moment and blend your new discoveries with your solid foundation. Build on your solid foundation, just as a construction builder builds from the ground up. He follows a blueprint, and so do you. You have a built-in blueprint which knows what to do. Be humble.
Don’t leave yourself behind. Separation and discomfort occurs when you abandon your body and mind. Your known mind is part of your foundation. Build on your body and mind. Blend your new discoveries with your solid body and your solid mind. This raises your frequency to higher speed and higher intelligence, As my body elemental told me yesterday (see blog yesterday), raising up does not mean praying up into the empty sky. Raising up means praying to your own body cells with higher, happier, more elevated hope. It is your body cells that you are teaching. Feel into them. Your SELF is contained in your body cells. The SELF that you are seeking is the parts you are gathering together within you. You are gathering the different parts of yourself that have been randomly, haphazardly, moving without coordination. Without direction. They are disorganized. That is why YOU feel disorganized. It is not the REAL you that feels disorganized, it is your body cells that are rudderless, moving without guidance within a swirling, whirling matrix of tumultuous energies. They need a master intelligence to show them which way to go and what to do.
Gather your various body parts together - mind, feelings, hopes and aspirations - with love and caring. You are not here to gather the people together under one roof (my previous desire) - you are here with only one mission: to gather your SELF together. Everyone else is here to gather THEIR self together too. They each have their own inner work to do. That is the spiritual path, the path to higher understanding. You cannot be holy by helping, teaching or assisting others unless you first pull your own many disorganized random parts together into one unified whole. How to do this is what draws you. Follow your feelings. Follow your own inner feelings. They will direct you. Don't follow others. Your goal is to feel into and strengthen into what you already have built within you. Your own foundation. Your own solidarity. What you already know has served you well. The seven dimensions have served you well. I will name them. They are: courage and will power, love for yourself alone, intelligent reasoning, purity and innocence of thought, your own truth (not someone else's), your comfort zone and peace (not someone else's), your freedom (not someone else's).
You only have power over your OWN body, mind and feelings. You have been a healer in other lifetimes. You have carried this desire over into this life and you have tried to repeat yourself but you have advanced your understanding. (This message is speaking to me personally.) You are ready to move on past the old ways. You are no longer a healer of others but a healer of your SELF. Pull your parts together as only you can do. No one else can do it for you. You are contained in a bubble of light which is not physical. Your mind and feelings have been muddied and filled with junk and mud. Clear them up by using your master mind, your enlightened intelligence - the highest mind you can reach within you. Raise yourself up above the junk and mud and the junk and mud will fade and disappear as you learn to hold yourself steady within this higher realm.
Blend the low into your highest light of understanding - that which feels right and good and true and pure to you. And innocent. Be kinder with yourself. Be more flexible with yourself. More bendable, less rigid, less demanding. Be lighter and easier on yourself. Be more real with yourself. Respect yourself more. Respect your body more. Be humble before your body cells. Bend the knee to your body cells. Revere your body cells. They contain the wholistic light within them. They are a spark of the father intelligence. Don’t push your body. Give to your body the respect it deserves. Humility and TLC go a long way when it is delivered with a bowed head, reverence and a bent knee. Can you find that feeling in you? Your body gives back what it receives. You will feel the love return to you as you do this. You will feel the kindness, the love, the sweetness. It will want to serve you more, even as the Father in heaven longs to serve its children so will your body want to serve you.
But first you must believe this. It all begins with accepting a premise. A new concept must grow gently, naturally, no different than a seed in the garden. It takes time to germinate. Perhaps you are not ready to accept this idea. If not, allow a foot in the door. Be patient. Simply consider it. Absorb little by little. It is like absorbing a new vitamin pill. Give it time to work. See if your body will accept it. Practice humility. See what happens when you practice humility for yourself.
6/23/24 - I talked with my body elemental today
Today I was conversing with my body elemental. Everyone has ONE overseer elemental which takes care of overseeing the lesser elementals in maintaining the physical vessel. After making contact with it and asking questions, this is what it told me:
“Intelligence is a frequency. I match up energies according to frequency. Their ability to “keep up” or “blend in” and match the other’s frequency is like running a marathon, where one runner is waiting on the side to “step in” to take the place of another runner who is going to drop out of the race. Keeping up the frequency to a high place takes practice because the others around them have different functions. All are at different rates of frequency, some higher, some lower, and one may be pulled off track by the efforts of another, so it is a training ground for the elementals to learn to do this."
It continued to talk to me. Keep your spine flexible. Take breaths while imagining your spine expanding and contracting. As you bend over backward at the end of the bed (was asking about this), relax into it. Blend into it and it will blend you into the frequency with Mother Earth’s kundalini, the life force, which is flowing through your spine. Bending and blending will allow your spine to adapt and open to the upward flow and out thru the side nerves extending into your organs, muscles and other tissues. Feel the calm enter you. Allow it and blend with it. You are taken into the arms of Mother Earth herself (and you won’t want to get up!)
I felt that yesterday, this deep repose during a 6-minute backbend over the big orange medicine ball. And today I have been seeing, talking, interacting or weaving into many life forms, other people and other unique intelligences. As the Ascended Master book points out - Electrons are the building blocks of life. They are conscious, super conscious. They are God sparks. We are composed of God sparks, each one intelligent. They can never diel, but they are random and directionless in the physical body. They require a higher intelligence to give them direction, guide them and teach telll them where to go and how to move in formation together. The little god-sparks need a drill sargent in the Army who trains his troops to march together in step. Each one is by themselves a unique intelligence, just as we are, but we all need to learn how to work with others. It is a learning experience. Like a mother who lovingly teaches her children how to behave. Without training they go go off in their own direction. It is a learning experience.
So the electrons in our bodies have been random, floating haphazardly all over without coordination, without a master guiding them. We are supposed to be that master guide but we ourselves have not been taught. Who knew? Our bodies need to be trained by a master intelligence, and that is US! You and me. Our one job is to take care of guiding and training our bodies to become more graceful, kind and coordinated with others around us. We direct them by being ever present, not abandoning our mission by distracting appetites or unhealthy habits. We are to be ever-present in our responsibilty. This is why the use of affirmations and mantras are recommended, and daily exercise practices. We are the overlord of our bodies.
6/22/24 - Your bubble of consciousness is all around you
Behind you and all around you the bubble of consciousness is all around you. You are magnificent! A.I. is following the lower mind, the brain mind, without considering emotional nurturance and feeling. Higher mind pertains to the consciousness or spirit of life force of the individual who is more aware of his higher aspects that extends beyond him, beyond the physical. Don’t just look up, look inside and all around you. That is the more advanced/evolved definition of “looking up”. "Looking up" is a linear phrase used by those trapped in a 3D linear world, trapped and confined to a physical-substance body.
The energy field of your soul is much larger than your physical reality. Feel that field. Use feelings. Emotional nurturance (tender sensitive lovingness) will help you feel into that field. It is not aggressive. It is slowing down and feeling for the right approach. This skill includes knowledge and experience gained in other incarnations on Earth. It is feminine. Feel that field. It surrounds you. It is not far away. Your consciousness has been focused on your outer physical life and concrete situations. Your focus has been crunched down to a smaller size. To get in touch with your feelings, which is your soul, it is necessary to take a step backward. Behind you is a loving presence that is silent that spreads out around you, wider than you and over you. Your soul is connected in turn to a larger whole, weaving into a web of energies that spreads out even further. Feel into this web. Go as far as you can with your feelings. Sense your own body as part of this webbing. The presence of your soul behind you extends within you and further out beyond you into an even larger field of spirit. You are united both within and without, into an allness that you cannot see but you can feel into it. Feel as far as you can. Feel this link.
The physical feeling connection to this field is down low in the body at the root chakra, because humanity has repressed love and loving emotions. They drift down in the body because they are stagnant and not moving. They drift down by gravity to lower levels, closer to the ground and the earth. They are trapped there, immovable. They cause sensual love feelings whenever someone touches you with caring kindness or love, or taps you from an external sousrce. Then you may become aroused. You think the love you feel is coming from them and that it is they that have done this to you or for you, and only THEY can do it and release those trapped emotions, but it is not true. It is you that has responded to the loving kindness, the light touch. It is now an inner job, an inner work.
Unlock the door to your trapped emotions thru continued inner work once it has begun. Take time to be silent and thru inner spiritual practice read the teachings that lead you in this direction. Allow these trapped emotions to flow by being loving throughout your day, both to yourself and to your tasks. Love your work assignments. Love your Self by taking care of your body with more attention, with loving attention. This is not the work of another person to do for you, from an outside source. Do not ask or expect someone else to give you loving attention because you will only squander it and waste it. No. You must learn how to develop and cultivate the love that has suddenly awakened, however or whenever it awakens. Thru tenderness, cultivate it within yourself. It has been trapped, locked up inside of you. It is now awakened.
Continue with the awakening alone, by yourself, with full attention on your feelings. Release the loving feelings, that are eager to reach out to others. Be aware that the love within you is impersonal and desires only to be free. It does not look for a "one other". Cultivate these loving feelings as your own. Own them and apply them to your everyday movements and moments. They are for YOU and you alone. Allow them to return to you and cultivate YOU. These loving feelings are the true gardener and you are the receiver of their attention. You are not in charge, they are. Love is in control. Love is in charge. Love is universal and exists on all levels. Let it expand in you as the father/mother creator of all life.
Thru focus on inner awareness and inner feelings, allow the expansion to raise you up to higher levels of consideration, of compassion, of truth, of kindness, of understanding, of refinement, of justice, or ethcis, of what is right and good for the whole. Do not make it personal, or greedy, or selfish. Expand with the love as it expands you. Agree to expand with it. The disciplines that have been handed down by the mystics over the ages are mysterious to the common mind, but understandable to the one who bends the knee to it. Humbleness is an inner road to travel. Those who learned for themselves did so alone, without a teacher. They are the ones who have ascended to higher love. Be humble on an hourly basis. This is a new road to travel and you will forget if you do not continue to remind yourself on a daily basis. Remind yourself of your trapped love and spring them free little by little, with a bowed head and reverent atmosphere. It is not just with interactions with others that this is done, but with yourself. Accept and allow this flow to occur.
Visualize you are drifting downstream in a canoe without a paddle, lazily. The river is your loving emotions carrying you to the great sea beyond your sight, closer and closer to the heart of the great love. Be in your lower abdomen, not your higher abdomen. Repressed emotions are a gift. They dwell in the lower abdomen, way down low. Be there with them. Drift lazily downward to them. Open them, invite them, play with them, feel them, flow in ana around them, nurture them, talk to them. Connect with them as they invite you to connect.
6/20/24 - The two halves of the brain give us opposite information, but there's a third part of the brain we are missing
A sharp clear light-filled image of the brain came to me during a recent meditation. And the suggestion came to keep them intact, "don't try to blend them". In a mistaken belief, I have been envisioning them both merging together to become one whole brain unified. This new concept came from a video lecture yesterday. The two halves of the brain were drawn on the whiteboard, with the center of the brain highlighted. A circle was drawn around the center as the "emotional brain". We must retain the two opposite hemispheres of the brain so they can successfully receive and process the two opposing energies - masculine/active and feminine/passive - for both are important in our physical day-to-day life.
This involves prior knowledge on my part, for I have been studying the male/female energies for a long time, and THIS is a piece of new information that I just learned about yesterday. I thought it was balance that we needed, that the problems humanity has suffered over eons, would disappear by balancing or blending the left and right hemispheres so they were in equal measure and in harmony. But my inner guidance said NO! You need to have the two sides of the brain healthy as they are, to process the two energies. "You are not seeing the whole picture," I am being told. "You need the duality of two opposing sides, two hemispheres in the brain, to create a physical body and keep it functioning. The form world is created out of many energies working together. Form is upheld by a world of duality. It will not hold up well if there is not opposing force to keeping it active. You need opposites to give you experiences. You must live through your experiences, both the good and the bad, to help you to know which one is best for you. You have choices to make every day. Now, choosing the RIGHT choice is what is holding you up. Mankind is not making good choices because he does not know the mechanisms of HOW to make a choice. When you are unable to make a choice the many energies that you consider remain "in place", in the brain, muddled and stuck in the brain. Where is it stuck? Deep in the center of the brain in what has been called the emotional brain.
(See the lecture by Barbara O'Neill, naturopath, HERE. Posted 6/19/24 on TODAY'S POSTS.)
After listening to Barbara ONeill's lecture on the brain, suddenly it makes complete sense. The third eye is an ancient mystical symbol that appears in spiritual studies. What is it? I had never heard a satisfactory explanation of what it was and what it referred to. My higher guides explained. The two halves of the brain receive input from many sources, not only the kundalini energy from the root chakra, but also through the ears, as sound, the eyes as sight, the touch through feeling, and the taste through food. Both active strong powerful energy, and soft, tender, gentle energy. The brain itself doesn't know what to do with the incoming data stream that pours into it. It requires an overlord, a master, to oversee how to use this energy. That overlord or master is the king or queen of the castle. It is up to him or her to make wise decisions. Not detailed choices. No, of course not. But the presence of one who is mighty and powerful and confidence in his presence on earth is the wise one who maintains harmony in the body. If the brain does not have a powerful master presence, it will deteriorate.
That master is US! The individual who lives in the body. Make a choice. Do something with the information coming into the brain. Make a choice. What is your wish? How do you want this information handled? What is your preference? Normally there is no answer (in me). I didn't know I had to make such choices. I am learning. This lecture highlighted the need for having a firmer decision-making process in my life.
Data streaming into the brain accumulates in the emotional center of the brain, accumulating into a mixed assortment of old memories resulting in confusions, both toxic and good, pleasant and horrible, abusive and happy. Can we think through all of that? But, here's the thing. We are not just a physical body. The body is a mechanical creation, like a building or a bridge or a structure of any kind made of solid substance.
Our bodies are made of solid substance and held together with a pre-destined plan. It operates according to a design. The designers are not known to us but it turns out that WE are one with the designers. We are the spiritual overlords on a mission to live and work within a physical body. We are part of the design team on a spiritual level and have been from the beginning. Being born on a "dark" planet (Earth) we had the veils drawn and the wool pulled over our eyes so we could not see well at first. But we are gaining in knowledge as we (as a race) grow and advance in self-knowledge. New information is coming through various individuals as they step forward and offer what they know, what they've learned and discovered. They want to share their knowledge. They are being creative. They are the ones who have more male action energy than female passive energy and are therefore more daring and bold than someone like myself.
What is YOUR interest? What makes you firey and excited? What creates a thrill of enthusiasm? What turns you on so you can't stop doing it once you get started? That is the sacred fire that needs managing and acting upon with wisdom and control. Not to hold it back, but to identify with it and acknowledge it with a firm commitment.
Because this combines both modern science and ancient spiritual knowledge, I will not attempt to explain it. See the video HERE. The third eye is involved. The third eye refers to a singular focus. The third eye focus is a single-eye focus overriding duality and opposing focus that the brain is designed for. And which causes individuals to make decisions between two opposing ways of handling life: become proactive and assertive, or mellow and laid back. These are my terms and how I perceive it, but you get the idea. This is the first time I understood what the third eye was for. I love it! And then, my guides and ancient gurus explain that this third-eye can be projected out through the forehead (between the two eyes) to a destination of choice.
But now I find in yesterday's video lecture, a whole new approach to a long and happy life in form, on earth. It falls in line with the ancient hermetic tradition of occult mysticism. It is mysterious only because it is not popularly known. We as a culture and a race have not evolved to that point of knowing. We have not been educated. Only a few here and there are teaching it. I see it as a whole new way of maintaining this mechanical structure of a physical body. WE the resident agent, are a spiritual intelligence living in the body and are the master of the body. WE are the one who must govern, rule and make ultimate decisions for the body. We are the ones guiding the body to mastery. If the body did not have a governing power living in it with more power than IT has, the body would degenerate and die. Which is what it has been doing. We are now being told in many new teachings that we can prolong the life of this body if we took better care of it and managed it better. It would require us to be more disciplined and grown-up, not the children that we have been following leaders as if we didn't know how to take care of ourselves. This is how masters are made. WE are the one who must resurrect the body's life force and enthusiasm or it will continue to crumble and grow old.
My higher self said as she joined her presence with me, "The body is a solid, fixed structure. We together are the spark of eternal life, the fire of life, that enters into the body at birth. It is built of the earth, we are non-physical consciousness, at one with the creator. WE are the one that built this body from the beginning of conception. You are the steward. You have come before me to build and prepare this body to receive me, yur higher consciousness. When the body is made ready thru refinement, a finer consciousness can enter in more easily. The higher self of each individual will join with its lower aspect when the body is prepared, nurtured and refined. Your higher God/Goddess self cannot enter so much density. It cannot get thru. So there is first a portion of the ONE consciousness which descends first to prepare the ground for the next higher, vaster consciousness to join. This you have done. Together we will continue to refine this mecchanical structure so that more our ONENESS may enter this body and raise its vibrations even higher. We flow through the DNA of the altering structure of the cells, which bend and obey our will. We are the ones embuing the sacred fire of immortality into these cells. These cells are VERY happy to have us, but we are the consciousness that must continue to work with the principles of harmony, love, light and cosmic consciousness, so that the joy of the universe may be felt within its physicality."
When you feel sad, it is the body that feels sad. It has been deglected. When you feel happy, your body is happy. It has been made peaceful. You have been confusing the body with who YOU are. You are NOT your body. You are distinctly separate from your body. You are not a mechanical machine, but your body is. Yu are the resident soul operating the body. It is your responsibility to teach it manners, like you would teach a child. It will listen unless there are too many addictions already built into its cells. The body will follow your instructions if there is repetition and consistency.
6/19/24 - Staying present is staying grounded - "be a living part of it"
There is so much change taking place in my focus of interest that I find it difficult to keep up with posting the wonderful new messages that are coming in. The ascension process is well underway, meaning the incoming NEW revelations. They cannot be held back (for me) but it is an individual thing. Everyone is experiencing the expanding consciousness in their own personal ways. I can see this in the comments underneath articles. There is a lot of confusion about the higher light and love messages. But my personal goal is to stay grounded and as real and practical as I can be. As I "ascend" out of my former beliefs and ways of doing things, which was mainly to find comfort and peace in everything, I have found it is more exciting, if I may use that word, to join in with the confusion. It is more envigorating to stay present in the moment and be a living contributing part of each moment that comes before me. I feel more energy, more vitality, more fire. Blessings to all. May you feel the peace and good will that is coming forth from our sun. Must run now. There is a change coming and it is my job to stay present and the world turns on its axis.
6/16/24 - Ascension does not mean leaving the planet
There have been numerous articles on the ascension lately, many of which point to our leaving the planet in some fashion. As if there will be a sudden flash event, and those who are “ready” will be taken up into the air or go to somewhere else. This is not what ascension means. I have been wanting to address this for a while now, but was unsure of my own thoughts on the subject. Perhaps I am wrong? But gradually new knowledge is coming forth and my understanding is on “rising”! Now I am sure that I am right. Such deep inner understanding cannot be ignored.
Did you know that when they talk about “the Light” it means “information”? When someone is taken into the light, as happened to me in 1976 when kundalini awakened, I was not “taken up” literally, as in my body, I was simply exposed to new information which obliterated my surrundings and my mind was wiped. I was in pure unadulterated, cosmic consciousness. That was only the beginning of 50 years of learning more about it. I have sense learned that we are ALL, bar none - even the most ignorant and uneducated people of the world - have this pure unadulterated knowledge within them. It all depends on the person’s consciousness. When we are born here we are programmed to focus only on the external body and world around us. The purity is covered up. It is a consciousness, though, and it doesn’t disappear. It is part of who we are. There is a purity, a divinity, a grace and a holiness, wholeness of love within us that is covered by how we are programmed to look only outside of ourselves. We have a shell, seven shells, actually, built around us. It is called an aura. Our physical focus and beliefs as we grow up, and experiences and relationships from prior life experiences, all go into our memory files and we carry those around with us, too. They dim and dull the purity that we are at the highest most profound level – our spiritual essence which contains our individual uniqueness.
When channeled or uplifting messages speak of being “taken up” in an ascension, the implication is misinterpreted because we see it through the linear system of measurement – in inches, feet, miles, etc. Raising and ascending means to physically go up above the ground. Most of us lose increduality when we listen to strange words. Most have not studied the spiritual sciences (cosmic science), to understand the refined subtleties of the seven levels of consciousness that we carry around with us as a bubble of light. Our aura. Our auric field at the top level is pure consciousness, then descends down six levels and ends at the physical level. Our physical bodies are a physical focus shell into which all other six levels flow or contribute (if they can get in!) But if we don’t open our minds they cannot influence our physical awareness. We don’t know hear them or perceive them because our focus has been looking outward on the outer shell, the physical body itself and other physical bodies. We are sensing and seeing only with the physical body mostly. We notice when it doesn’t feel well so we do something physical to make us feel better. We have learned to shift our physical world around to suit us. We have learned to go to the “experts” for help when we need help. But there are six other levels of consciousness that WOULD help if we knew they are there. They WOULD flow into us if we knew to open our minds to them because we are actually multildimenional intelligent beings who can access the world’s solutions if we took the time to prepare ourselves.
So when the ascension talk comes around, be aware that what they are referring to is actually stepping up in LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, not raising the body off the ground and going to another planet or realm. It means to raise up the physical focus to more inspired, elevated focus. This takes time to understand, but understanding comes once the door is opened. Then the mind is exposed to an awareness of higher, brighter, more beautiful sights and exciting energies. There is more refinement on the higher levels. And even when one is in a stressed situation, one can, with practice learn how to access a higher level to solve and relax the stressed situation. In other words, resolve it. Every moment brings shifts in consciousness because we are a mobile people. We have lots of different things we think about and act upon, but mainly we are stuck – literally STUCK - in the consciousness of being physical and having problems. We see what’s wrong but we don’t see what’s right (in us). It takes getting past the physical focus and stepping back to consider refining ones outlook. Refining it with a stepped-back, higher FEELING. Feeling is the next level up. Emotions are more intense, but there are subtler emotions that move in us that inform us. These are very subtle perceptions. We must feel for the subtleties.
Love is a subtlety. It is a faster, speeded-up frequency. The electrons spin faster and the electrons are literally sparks of intelligence. Love is charmingly sweet and lifts the mood when it is touched into. One might feel a sudden softness so that the whole body is exposed to loving consciousness. The feeling of love may not last, for we are constantly shifting and changing our moods, but it is possible to make changes on the spot. For example, if an argument is brewing but hasn’t broken out yet, maybe a discordant thought is being telepathically picked up - it is possible to feel that discordancy and shift focus to one of love. We feel into a higher realm and “touch” it. This is what is known as ascending – to practice using higher feelings that elevate and raise situations up.
Many of us are experiencing ascension symptoms but interpret them as something wrong. We go to the doctor, or are persuaded to go when we really don’t sense we need to. Sometimes an inner sense tells us that we are shifting and we want to work with it ourselves alone. The symptom may not last if we have time to play with it. This is occurring to me all the time. I don’t like to mention a strange new feeling to my husband because he thinks “medical” in most instances. Gradually, if left to myself I can feel it out. I may not be able to resolve it, but I DO learn from it. These are experiences to learn from. Most often it is a consciousness elevation. I find ways to adapt and move past it. Other times, yes, it IS physical. The physical body DOES have certain physical or medical needs. But there is also a shift going on planet-wide unlike any other time in our history (so say the galactics and ascended guides). We are advancing as a race to higher levels of consciousness. Many are not aware, many ARE but we don’t know which ones are aware and which ones are not!
We are the ones in control of our lives and our bodies. We are the high intelligence that is learning to become a master. We are the one (the “one”) we must listen to and learn about. No one else lives inside us. Only we do. We are a singular entity, sovereign and unique. What we are conscious of is how it plays out for us. Our bodies are ascending through the seven levels of consciousness, piercing the veils one by one as we grow to finer awareness. The veils have covered us with pre-programmed beliefs. Now we are experiencing our old beliefs dwindling and fading as new knowledge, new light, comes in. We are gathering new light, new information. It is coming to us whether we search for it or not, because the planet itself is going through a consciousness shift. There is more here than meets the physical eye. The advice is to open your mind and consider the higher level of love. Love is the greatest healer and “eye-opener”. It will open eyes into a situation that is going badly. It will bring forth understanding and how to proceed. It will bring forth tears of forgiveness and love that is so powerful that you cannot hold back. Or sometimes it comes forth in the form of chills, like goosebumps. Love is an awareness of something within that is so pure it is beyond physical definition.
There are seven levels of love that surround an individual. We call it the aura. It is actually a bubble of light but the levels are different colors, they dim down as they descend to lower levels. The highest level is pure love and light without form. It is known as God/Goddess, All There is. The next two levels are also pure love and light known as the causal body and the crystalline light body, aka the christ body. The next four levels descending into physicality are – mental, emotional, etheric (aka spiritual) and physical. These four are colored with unique experiences. Some call them toxins but they are lessons and memories of individual experiences and have either traumas that need healing, or beliefs that need correcting. This is our uniqueness. We are one in all infinity like no other. The study of spirituality provides insight into these seven bodies and how individuality is created through experiences. As we expose ourselves to spiritual study and prayer/meditation/contemplation, we are raising our consciousness by piecing the veils that closed us down when we were born on this planet.
6/14/24 - The downpour washes toxins to earth - and the sun after!
This past week of drenching rain has filled up the back pasture like a lake. The rains have also brought depressed moods. It is understandable, seeing the pool water turn from clear to murky with the rains, even with plenty of clorine in it. Now I understand why I was so depressed the last few days with a new level of low. Without the sun to keep us shining, we too have been putting out toxic energies into the air. Toxins float around in the atmosphere and we can't help but breathe it in.
Last night was SO bad that I had to take a break and have a serious discussion with my higher self. She has been showing herself to me this last few weeks, through inner sight. I am aware of her as a real figure, the way visions come to me. She represents me but she is more pure. I talked to her as a girlfriend and asked her questions last night. And she answered me with the sweetest, nicest feelings of love. I haven't felt this wonderful in a long time. She showed me without words at first, but then she explained more precisely when I asked her questions. This is what she said. I'll just summarize what I got from her communication in my own words.
"You have been focusing so much on your physical life that I have not been able to reach you and communicate my love and inspiration to you. Your whole body has been shutting down, focusing on what's wrong with you instead of what's RIGHT with you! You have been focusing on wrong feelings and thinking of end times. It is your physical body that is feeling the end times, not YOU! You know that you are part of the eternal oneness. But your body does not know that. It is feeling the crunch. You have forsaken your larger truth. You must now release that finite focus and become wider in focus. Allow ME to enter into your consciousness. Picture ME. I Am your greater self. I Am closer to you than you realize but you have forgotten. I am the bearer of the light that you have shut out. I am the information that you seek that is contained in the light. I am aware of the wholeness of love that pervades the universes. You have been shutting it down. Think of me during the day when you are working. Remember me. Picture me. Picture the dawn on the horizon. There is light coming into the earth, coming into you. You have seen this before. Keep this visual ever present in your mind. Widen yourself. Breathe wider. Breathe into the open space around you that is above your physical eyesight. Imagine. See the clarity. You are the consciousness of light behind your small confined focus on the body. Raise yourself to higher standards and join with me. We are one. I am you and you are me but you have isolated yourself from me. You were beginning to shut down."
The above is in my own words, summarizing an inner awareness. This morning I am clear again and feeling lighter and more alert. The heaviness has shifted. I sense a once-in-a-lifetime shift. Like it's time to move on (but not to die!) I share this openly for others to take what they will from it. We are all on our own individual journeys. We don't tell others about such things, but it helps to read the accounts of others who do write. Our higher selves are really US. We are the part of that consciousness that took up a physical incarnation. But we have a larger Self, a more wonderful, gracious, loving and motherly consciousness that will guide us if we are open to it. The purpose of meditation is to get in touch with that higher self. Remember to relax and breathe wider, while imagining a golden glow around you above normal vision. A sunlit glow of freedom and happinenss.
Also the recommendation is to constantly read inspirational books, more spiritual writings. Reading spiritual books daily provides new information and new "food" for thought. This kind of "food" nurtures your body so it is more receptive to higher information. It is the other half of a physical exercise, such as yoga or gym workouts, which are important for the body. Absorbing inspirational concepts is a workout for the mind. It requires opening the mind. Mind and body workouts feed the soul.
Another message from DK: I kept wondering – there are so many techniques it is making me dizzy trying to keep up with all of them. DK is telling me that consciousness is a constantly moving thing. Use different techniques. Do not become attached and bogged down with one technique. Then it is too much like a relationship. You “cement” it into your body. No, don’t do that, he is telling me. Be free, be open, be spontaneous, be flowing as when you were doing your movements with Mother Kundalini.
Another revelation: The other day I experienced an unusual perspective. It was just a flash, but such a clear, wonderful, beautiful flash – that life in heaven with God as part of the everlasting sea of oneness is the NORMAL REALITY! It’s not something sacred. Although of course it IS sacred, but not like we think of it here, as something far far far away to strive for. Rather, it’s really normal when we are there within it. The everlasting sea of infinity is what we refer to as heaven, but the "afterlife" was shown to me as being the "normal". Not the other way around. It is NOT normal here! It is far more real, clear, happy and beautiful THERE!
There are no words to express this reality, this comparative perspective from the earth perspective. This glimpse into normalcy of heaven was super clear. It showed me that THIS is our real life, this sea of infinite life we call heaven. The life we have here in a sentient physical body is not our real life, but we are the consciousness that sustains this life in the body. WE are part of the infinite eternal life and we do return there inbetween bouts of embodiment. But this body were are in today, whether we enjoy it or not, constricts and confines us, our real consciousness, which is a super consciousness, eternal and forever. We are imprisoned when we are here, but we are also enjoying our adventures. That's why we are here - to learn, grow and imagine all sorts of things which we use to be creative and constructive. We contribute. Even with the problems we face, we grow through the experiencing of them. But there is another wider life to which we belong, a family of oneness, and we all return there at the end of a physical incarnation. Plus, we can visit any time we want to during silent times of daydreaming, blissing out, meditating, walking through nature or sharing with loved friends.
Life in heaven is far more real and good and clean and perfectly normal than we think it is. And we have friends and family there waiting for us to come home. We think life here as being normal but there it is far MORE normal, natural, free and happy there. It is normal there to be happy. You don’t consider it sacred there. lt is life on a grander scale, more than we can realize here from the earth perspective. There is socializing and interaction as one chooses, and projects to become involved in, and schools of learning, and advanced graduate schools. The universe is one verse playing itself out. It is a powerful vibrating place of peace, hope and clearity, and we are all part of it. We just don't know about it here in an earth body.
6/9/24 - Playing with Tantra
This is from a letter written to a man back in 1981, when the kundalini was very active in me. I just found it in my hall of records and thought "this is good", I will post this and share it. Skipping over the opening and closing of the letter, this is what I wrote from newly-awakened past-life memories. Knowledge was continuing to flow from the kundalini awakening 5 years earlier. I had not had any experience of Tantra in this life - and still haven't!
The art of Tantra takes the intangible body and attitude into consideration. It is not a physical art. One must go through a series of perceptions in order to be successful in Tantra, for the sexual organs respond not to an outside situation but to an inside one. One must find the connection with the other party on an invisible and abstract plane. One feels the connection through a delicate sensing device, like radar beams. At the point of connection, one is merged with the other. The two, now one, then play with this connection and bring it then down into the zone of physical feeling, but not much. Then they bring it back up to the edge of physical feeling. Then they bring it back down into the midst of the feeling again, but this time not so far down. Then they bring it back up again. The movement creates friction in the invisible spheres which react in the physical spheres and in the physical organs. Again, this is not done with the mind. This is all done through a deeper place in the mind, the place the meditators look for. But you don’t have to be a meditator, you need merely fall into the state of daydreaming. Don’t try. Play with it. Don’t think. Keep it light. Maintain an unwavering but light connection with your mate and play with it.
The glowing sensual feeling felt in the body is like a teacher. Notice when the sensual feeling goes away and notice when it comes back. Stay within this zone but move around in it. It can teach you a lot about yourselves, each within your own consciousness. Tantra is the worship of your own divinity as it descends into the physical to take up residence. And it is always moving through it. It desires to reunite with your mind. It wants to become one with your consciousness, but at that point of union, you are no longer in control. You as a practical mind are only a small piece of a larger whole. Through Tantra you can learn who you are, what you are, and what more you are than you previously thought. The lesson is all in the play. Then, at the end, you may go through the good feeling climax together and end the session. (End of letter)
This information is beyond me today. I would not have known this today if we were talking about Tantra. When kundalini awakened in me in 1976 I was flooded - literally washed away with information. That's why I write so much. I like to "capture" a conscious download in writing so I can go back and find it again later. The kundalini is just a Sanskrit word meaning life force, or that which is the presence of life in the physical body. It is also called divine, or shakti, or the holy spirit. It is also called the kanda, a Thailanese word meaning beloved. There are many references to it, but the MOST important thing about this is that it is an experience. You are the kundalini flowing through you, but you may not have had any teachings or guides to express it to you. That is part of my role, it appears. I love to talk about it! You may contact me and ask me questions by going to the contact page. I would love to talk about it!
6/8/24 - A graphic picture of the etheric body separating at death
The following is a wonderful description of the etheric body leaving its physical vehicle at the moment of death. (re: my blog of 6/3/24). This is an excerpt from the book "Angels in Starships" by Georgia Dibitonto, pages 87-89) This scene took place onboard a starship.
"This is a scene on Earth," said Kalna. "It is going on right at this moment somewhere on your planet. We can, if we choose, show you scenes from the past, from the present, and sometimes even from the future. Watch, and see what happens now!"
I watched with great curiosity, and suddenly it seemed to me that the one man became two. A figure exactly like the man, but very light, rose up horizontally from the bed, and after turning in the air, slowly lowered itself until its feet were touching the floor. At the same time, the man in the bed stopped his heavy breathing and lay very still, while the members of the family began to weep and wail. The body of the man on the bed lay lifeless, motionless, eyes closed, while the duplicate figure looked at the body on the bed and the crying relatives with an expression of surprise. He tried to comfort the people, and make them realize that he was not really and finally 'dead'; but they paid no attention to him and continued their lamentations by the body on the bed.
Kalna now explained the scene to us as follows: "This man, this Earth brother, has now come to the end of his earthly existence. Now he is living in a new body, in a new, higher frequency of life-vibration. He is astonished to see his coarse-material body lying lifeless on the bed, and it took him several minutes to realize the true state of affairs. He wanted to be in union with his relatives, who were bemoaning his physical death, but did not yet realize that he was now living in another dimension, different from the material one. This brother is now learning two new realities through direct experience. First, he has made the wonderful discovery that there is life after death, without the physical suffering that had so plagued him at the end. Second, that he can not make himself understaod to his loved ones, who are still in the material life. He realizes that, although he can still see and hear them, it is no longer possible for them to ascertain his living presence directly."
Kalna interrupted her talk long enough for us to see how useless were his efforts to get those people to realize that he was still alive, and that bodily death did not extinguish life.
"Now you will see another scene," Kalna announced, "the first meeting with the brothers of other dimensions, brought there from other worlds, to receive this brother who has just made the transition from the dimension of gross materiality to a different form of life. We have already told you that, throughout creation, no one is left all alone in his time of need."
We saw men an women arrive at that place, as though they had come through the walls. Their ages seemed to be between fifteen and forty years old. The youngest, who still seemed like a boy, walked up to the man, who at this point looked to be perhaps forty, (although his body on the bed looked significantly older), and embraced him. He called him 'Papa', and the man threw his arms around his neck with the words, "My child! How happy I am to see you again! I have missed you so very much! But how is it that you are here?" The boy didn't answer directly, but said that things were going well with him, and that he had been waiting for him for a long time. There were embraces and moving words exchanged between the man and all who had come to receive him.
The man looked again at his lifeless body in the bed, and wanted to speak with the mourning relatives, but the others explained to him that this was not possible, and they added that they would later show him how one could keep in touch with those who remained on Earth, through thoughts and love.
Footnote by me: I am so very excited to have found this book and highly recommend it to any who are interested. The author confirms and validates the contactee, George Adamski (who I met in 1963) by describing the same space brothers and starships that Adamski wrote about in his books.
6/7/24 - Just a reminder: Love is not in the physical body
Love is contained not in the physical body itself but in the consciousness that resides in the physical body, or is moving through the physical body like electricity moves through a light bulb lighting it up and casting a radiance around it. We are that consciousness that is streaming non-stop through this body. Much of what we radiate out into the atmosphere is not constructive, which means it is destructive. It is no wonder that the earth is hurting and in pain and is revolting through earthquakes and storms. The love is not contained in the physical body of the tree, love is contained in the consciousness of the tree. Love is not contained in the body of the fish or the blade of grass, but in the consciousness of the fish and the blade of grass. Consciousness is alive and loving. Consciousness is the life force. Consciousness is the livingness and the lovingness and the peacefulness that supports the physical and the physical thrives upon it but we don’t see it. We take the physical like we take a piece of meat and hold it in our hands and examine it for flaws. We don’t see that it is the consciousness that is the light of the body and the love of the body. We only see it when it leaves the body at death.
6/3/24 - About the Astral/Etheric Body
I've been researching old files and found this one about the four lower bodies. Thought I would share. It's really a good reminder of who and what we are dealing with during this current ascension process. Solar flares are upgrading our consciousness but we have not been taught about the four troublesome areas that we each carry around with us. These are Master teachings. In former ages they were not readily available. One had to find a teacher who would accept them into what was called a "mystery school", containing secrets and mysteries unknown to the common man.
The astral or etheric "body" is one of the four lower or densest bodies of the human being. You can see them in classic diagrams online of the auric field. The first of the four layers is the astral/etheric body. It is closest to your skin. It is called by various people astral, others call it the etheric body. By either name it is defined by texture, density and color. It is blue. It is the most dense before descending one more level to enter the physical body which we walk around in. The astral/etheric body looks like you in the physical. Remove the physical as in death and this astral/etheric body would be seen by a sensitive person walking around while the physical body lay dead on the bed. It would appear the same age as the person who died, whether 70 or 7, but gradually the astral body would disintegrate because it has accumulated a large part of the person during the life. It is an exact double of the living physical body. After the physical body dies, the astral/etheric body gradually releases the human debris - the negative that is of no use to spirit that it collected during life - and is in fact a burden to the soul. At the same time of releasing the negative, the astral/etheric body absorbs the finer and good material that the person accomplished during life. The good done by the person is considered the treasures of heaven. The soul gets credit for that.
It is considered the astral body as long as it contains some of the gross matter of the life, but once it is cleared of the gross it is called the etheric body. The etheric body will not disintegrate, ever. This astral/etheric body interpenetrates your physical body while you are alive and every experience you ever had, good or bad, including every thought, feeling and intention. Through this body you have innate skills you developed in past lives. You can tap into them in this life. This is one reason why you should know about these four lower bodies and respect them. Trust yourself. You also have fears and memories of unpleasant experiences from past lives that have not been dealt with, that carry over into this life. They need closure. You need to address them. They will keep popping up in your life and draw situations to you that cause you pain. But in reality these unpleasant memories are a gift, an opportunity to see mistakes again through clearer eyes so you can heal and resolve this weakness that has been repeating over and over. The masters teach, “What you don’t like, that is where you need to go. Walk into the den of lions and deal with it. Don’t avoid it or it will just get repressed and pop up again at a future time.”
The astral/etheric body is the entire living history of you. Who you have been as a human, and where you have lived, and from before being human - the experiences you have been before you evolved into a human being. I myself have experienced being a leaf at the end of a tree limb. I felt what it feels like to be moved by the movement of the tree and nourished from the sap of the mother tree, with no will of my own. I was simply there being moved by the forces around me but I was conscious of myself and my place on that tree, as a part of the whole. We are full of memories of this kind because we have been there and experienced that. We have been growing and evolving our self awareness for a long long time.
There are seven layers that we descend through to become embodied as human beings. Negative memories are dense and drift down close to the physical and become compacted, while good memories are less dense and drift further out toward lighter freer air, with more space between the swirling electrons. The astral body functions on the astral plane and interacts with other astral bodies there. There is a lower astral which is a horrible place full of bad people, and a higher astral which is beautiful and spacious with good people. There are seven sub-levels to each dimension/realm. What you experience and settle into is a matter of where your thoughts go and what you dwell upon with your attention. That is why meditation and prayer is a must during embodiment if you want to clear yourself of negative thoughts and feelings.
At night when your body sleeps your astral/etheric body slips out of your physical and travels, goes to visit, goes to school, meets with angelic guides, etc. You don’t need words in the astral/etheric body. Communication is done through feeling. You are drawn to the same type of people as yourself by natural affinity. If you don’t like the people around you, you can change that by thinking higher more refined and elevated thoughts. Thoughts create feelings. What you think, you will bring to yourself. You will feel them as either bad and depressive or positive and uplifting. Change your thoughts to more positive ones and you will enjoy more beautiful uplifting, elevated feelings, loving kindness feelings. Thinking is how we direct our thoughts, as in pre-planning a direction we want to go in. But once we have directed our thoughts and hold them there, then we begin to FEEL the results. By thinking and acting caringly, lovingly and acting with more compassion, kindness and benevolence, we draw similar feelings back to us. We can raise our own frequency in this manner and build up treasures in heaven.
6/1/24 - Born of the Earth, heading for the Stars
A re-post from a year ago. After a session with the chiropractor and having my tightness released and once again flowing, I slept a long nap at home. Then I began re-reading old journals and messages from the Master Djwhal Khul. Suddenly I am inspired and learning more on this second, third or umpteenth time of re-reading an old journal - a deeper meaning is coming to light. This blog from April last year sounded like a new messge I had never heard before, but then I discovered I had blogged about it. Where did my mind? Why didn't I see this before? I couldn't believe I missed it. New understandings are constantly surfacing in these days of ascension. I am in the throes of consciousness rising so fast I can't believe it! Could I have missed this the first time? Am I really that different from a year ago? I re-post it here for my own sake, so I can re-read it easily - and share it with those who might enjoy it.
"I am born of the Earth, the Earth gave me form. The substance of old matter built my form. This old matter was discarded by others when they died and it went back into the earth. The Earth recycles matter that was once used by others. The Earth provides a home for self-aware beings to start out as basic form. The first basic form is mineral, sand and rock. It is a dull consciousness at first. It then grows in self awareness to learn movement, like the one-celled amoeba, then two-celled and more. Then self-consciousness grows into larger substances like grass and then into fruit and then into trees. Then self-consciousness grows into crawling things on the ground, then into animals with four legs, then into higher animal forms, each round of evolultion for this SELF awareness taking on more and more alertness.
"Then self consciousness grows upright to stand on two legs, and all the while earth is home, born of the earth. We are that self-aware human who is now standing up, walking, talking and growing more civilized. We are looking up beyond earth, wondering what's out there, building telescopes, learning more about space and other planets, other galactic civilizations, wondering about inhabitants, about the sun, the galaxy and more. The mother flame kundalini has started expanding in us. Geniuses have come forward. Children are showing signs of knowing more than the parents. New brain cells are growing beyond earth’s former limits. The upright spine has opened in some, not in others, and the mother flame is giving birth to the pouch of life called the christ or crystal at the tailbone. The tail bone flame is heating up and burning through the veils, obstructions called chakras, and the heat is radiating a vaster intelligence as it flows up the spine. That which was called "the christ" in religious terms has been activated by certain movements, disciplines taught by teachers coming suddenly forward.
"The physiology, muscles, nerves and tissues, are activated. Movement is felt throughout the body, organs. There is mystery, there is confusion, there is pain, disease, problems. We must struggle through it. The evolution from earth human to divine human is underway. It is SELF consciousness. No one can do it for us. We are the intelligence inside the shell. We are breaking free of the shell. Hysteria and fear walk hand in hand with awesome elation and excitement. The human is reaching beyond the earth. He can't help it. It is in his nature. He is intelligence walking the earth. There is a greater intelligence beyond him and he is reaching for it, drawn like a moth to a flame. Like a female to a male. The spine is an open channel from earth to sky. Out of the sides grow smaller nerves to feed the vital organs with awareness. The body is waking up. We have drunk the elixer of life and we don't know what to do with it. What do we do with the old ways? When it reaches the brain it creates headaches and dizziness and it pounds - knock, knock, knock - against the skull, building pressure. Trying to get free, to find the father. It is self-aware now. The brain is activated to more intelligence, to the need for more control over the mind. The craziness, the dizziness, the hypocondriac CAN BE controlled. My mind is clearing now. New insight is coming.
"The pure crystal light pattern (known in relgion as the Christ Light) has been with me forever, but today for the first time I am accepting it. I am realizing it. I received instruction in the night. I asked about it as I went to sleep - I asked Yeshua how did HE find it and how and could he give me some instruction. And I got it in the night, both in printed form, words after words after words printed, and also in spoken words. I am shown the seven layers of attributes, the gifts that we parrot the words of but don't apply. These need to be applied regularly, hourly, outwardly in daily life. I saw the multi-colored spheres around me in the oval shape of the auric field and I was shown the words - will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, mind and freedom. These are to be applied in real life silently, under conscious control and managed to perfection.
"The pure crystal light is unfolding in me. I already know it as a pattern for the human. It was shown to me as a tree of life, as a web of pure gold light. And it was also shown to me how a darker web of limited sight has created an artificial web over it. A darker web has grown over in front of it, around it and is feeding off it like a parasite. We are the ego, gaining in understanding as we live through circumstances and pressures. The pure gold light is still there or we wouldn't be alive. It takes care of our bodily systems and needs to breathe, eat and eliminate. The pure gold light is the same pattern in everyone. It is what we as individuals that builds character over on top of it. Infuses our unique ways into the pure gold of our life force. The pure gold is the template we all live off of without exception, but it is we who must perfect our life through conscious managing of the details. As we become more in touch with our own internal nature we follow the pure gold pattern within. We nbecome more knowledgeable, more patient, more peaceful, more gracious, more refined. We are a combination of divine and human.
"The crystal pure light (the Holy Christ Self) is the same in everyone. It is the individual who gives it character and builds into it the unique experiences which we entertain through our life on earth. We "color" our divine pure gold light with our personality. It is not wrong. It is meant to be. We are meant to become living individual masters of our lives. We have much to offer from our accumulated skills. There is no other like me or you. We alone are the creator of our perfection.
"We are becoming an individual that is unique in the whole living sea of the One. You are connected to the One life through the gold and crystal pattern within. It looks like a web of gold. It is the link to the One intelligence - the only ONE intelligence in existence - out of which all life springs. This link lies within the human frame, within the human cells, the atoms and, yes, even the space between the swirling electrons of the atoms. The space is the consciousness. God consciousness means the Good consciousness. The right consciousness. The Father-Mother consciousness. Father is the abstract intelligence, and Mother is the form-building consciousness. She holds the atoms and molecules together like glue to form the solid structure of the human body, cells and tissues.
"She is known as Mother Shakti, or Mother Kundalini. She resides in the ethers around the coccyx (tailbone) at the base of the spine. She feeds intelligence and life up the spine to keep the body alive. She will enlarge the dose of life if the individual will turn inward and ask for it. She is intelligent and will listen and respond. She is the divine feminine. She receives abstract intelligence from the One and gives form and life to the individual from birth through until death of the form. She will provide not only life but intelligent answers and instructions if the being will listen and follow through. If the individual will not listen or pay attention, then the flow remains the same. But if the individual will become silent and carry on a conversation with the Mother Shakti who is intelligent, she will increase the dose of life. It is the same type of relationship as a good child listening and talking with a good responsive mother.
5/27/24 - Many threads of connection
Many many connections are taking place and I do not want to begin a long rambling blog like I did yesterday - and then losing it at the end!? Energies are swirling and not stopping or standing still long enough. I am moving to higher ground constantly by focusing on my HIGHER mind, which has been labeled by many channels recently as the crystalline light body. But there is more to do with this "back-and-forth". I was electrified yesterday, as if an electricity was running through my body and I couldn't make myself stop! It was exciting. I felt so much vitality and aliveness. But I sizzled out in the end and my brain was fried. I did everything in my power to cool my brain, using ice packs on top of my head and when that didn't work, I went into the pool and kept dunking down under. That worked! I share this to let everyone know that, if you are having difficulties maintaining balance, you're not alone. It's the cosmic waves that are coming in - in spades. The earth is rising to a higher, more refined place and all the animals including humans have to adjust and adapt. The problem we humans face is that we are filled with ego-centric toxic energies.
Human toxic energies are not bad. They are simply normal emotions or thoughts that have been repressed. We are supposed to learn how to FLOW our thoughts, feelings and emotions when they happen. But for countless generations humanity has been holding their emotions down under. Repressing them. We know what we know but we don't say it because we think it's either wrong or shameful or we'll be judged as crazy or arrested or punished or have some form of negative kick-back. We humans are full of held-back emotions and we have become putrid. Sick, toxic. So what do we do about it. St. Germain's violet flame is one technique. I have posted a recent channeling by St. Germain on TODAY'S POSTS. Please read it if it is of interest. And another thing one can do is simply start talking about your feelings. Share them. Share them in a kind way so that it doesn't create a negative response, either in you or another person. It is all about re-discovering love.
I am studying the Master Djwhal Khul's channelings thru me, and finding so much good information. It is keeping continually growing more and more into understanding. It is all about Love. I SO wish I could hold a gathering of like-minded people but it is not time. I'm not ready yet. I welcome contact thru the contact page.
Further threads of connection are from the Galactic community, the extraterrestrials who are visiting and showing increasing signs of their presence. They are not ready to land physically. It would be too disruptive since there are those who would panic at the sight of flying saucers landing in their backyard (as I have requested!) But for those who are on the ascension ladder and are open to meet them and inviting them to come to our home, we are receivers and knowers of these, our galactic brothers and sisters. There are more and more of the public making comments as such. I have posted some short videos on TODAY'S POSTS on Anakosha recently. These are channeled messages from the galactics themselves, that have been channeled by various individuals. They are being picked up and reproduced by David & Kelly of www.GFLstation.com, using human voices and professional videos. Very nice presentations, like a Hollywood film making industry but these are real messages being shared with the public. See for yourself: Youtube channel "GFLstation.com".
5/23/24 - Inner work is not just spiritual
Inner work doesn’t necessarily mean "just" spiritual. Perhaps to those who are deeply rooted in the muck and mire of gross, limited and crude ways of life, yes. Then it would require a more spiritual focus to begin lifting oneself up and out of such grossness. But there is a time and place where inner work means bringing the mind and feelings together, Mind involves mental abstract thinking and planing. Feelings do not have words and does not plan. Feelings follow along where the mind directs it to go. It is important to bring mind and feelings together and make a harmonious blend between them, so they work together for a more positive and happy life. Which is what yoga was designed to do. It is all about learning how your physical organs, muscles and limbs work and function while, at the same time, being involved with your visceral or sensual feelings within. A good blend of mind and body brings harmony, calm, peace and genuine inner love for yourself. Your body feels as if it's in love. It is even possible to feel blissful or in rapture.
If one has not made a study of how blood flows, or how the capillaries work, or how the veins attach or the arteries, or where the brain synapses go, how they live and how they die, how the pituitary gland interacts with the pineal gland, for example, then one is missing a whole half of the inner lesson. We are meant to bring mind and body parts together in a blend. MOVING the body while paying rapt attention to what is happening, will bring FEELINGS that are crucial to getting to know yourself. Feeling the movements while doing them is inner work. Then the brain receives instruction too. The mind is involved.
For example, what causes the glands to increase or diminish the flow of certain hormones? Mindless gym work does not give much information. But paying attention while moving, as in slow methodic moves, one can FEEL the parts humming or groaning in pain. A spiritual practice is like going to medical school to learn the mechanics of the body, but you're learning while being INSIDE your body while it's moving. The body parts begin to talk to you while you're participating in breath control, holding the breath, pumping the breath, FEELING the breath and what is happening while air flows or doesn't flow, depending. Learning from a book in a school room atmosphere is mental learning. But FEELING viscerally what is happening while the body is moving - even if only breathing or in stillness concentrating - is enlightening. One is doing inner work. Then the brain gets the information too. Bringing them together is what the Eastern yogis and mystics have been doing for centuries.
You can feel when there’s a blockage in the life force - what we call energy but it's actually the spirit moving thru dense physical substance. This can be measured with instruments but the spirit cannot be measured. When you feel a blockage, tug or constriction in one area, or when you feel a surge of energy or vitality, your life force (spirit) is affected and is telling you. You are communicating. It is a good way to get to know your body and work with it in a primal way. Inner work is following the path of the life force with BOTH the inner feelings and the mind (brain) gets it too. You get either visceral communication, giving off either pain or surges of bliss or vitality.
I've been focusing more on feelings, trying to maintain a comfort zone, but I have been neglecting the mental study. I haven't been very good at that. Other people are better at mental study and have closed off to feeling their emotions. We each have our own special way of doing things. My practice with chants, affirmations and mantras using repeated LIGHT-filled words, has elevated and deepened my understanding. Doors are opening. Light is a crucial part of inner work.
When I was s young woman I wanted to go to medical school and began taking pre-med classes to prepare myself. But I met a man in class and got married instead, so I never made it to medical school. However, I have continued my study of the human body, which is what I wanted to do initially. And I've been doing my own homework, starting with the LIGHT. Chants with Light-filled words, such as "I AM Light, glowing Light, radiating Light" is a wonderful way to begin inner work. I highly recommend it. Light is the absolute perfection. Light is all that is. Light is the supreme creator, Father Source, that which we call God. Light is all knowledge and contains the seed of universal truth, perfection, purity and harmony. So by using simply "Light" we have all of the supreme intelligence wrapped up in one word. We're saying, "I AM information. I AM universal knowledge. I am supreme perfection. And don't worry, it's not an ego statement to think this or say this. A separate ego cannot live within the Light.
Each body cell has a universal inteligence of its own. It has an identity. It is the life force of the universe. By saying an "I AM Light" affirmation, we are empowering our body cells to come alive, to activate, cooperate and work together for perfection, harmony and all good things. It has been proven over the ages. The inner body is the best teacher. It gives us feelings of blockages or free-flow, dizziness or vitality. Sickness or vigorous health. The body is our Mother. Mother Earth provides our body for us. She provides the physical substance for our spirit to descend into it and She helps us to live here, on Earth, in a solid physical body. Now it is our turn as grown-ups to take responsibility and engage the LIGHT within the Earth substance, to make our bodies into a more masterful work of art. It takes practice, time and energy. It is time we upped our spiritual practice to do inner work.
5/18/24 - Well, let's see what shows up in my blog today!
There are so may ideas passing and moving thru me that I have no one thing to report or blog about. Well, yes. there is one thing that is coming to my attention now that I am thinking about it. I did not know that I had some deep unconscious repressions in me. This has been slowly emerging in a way that cannot be defined. It has been a continual unfolding of awareness, like unraveling threads in a sweater. One is attached to another and another. Something is moving closer to the surface and it is continuing. It surprised me when, suddenly, as I was talking with Doug it just popped out that I have been depressed. It surprised me because I am in the habit of putting forth only positive ideas and feelings, not negative. Hiding my feelings? I did not realize.
It has been an ongoing work for many years to bring in the light of higher consciousness. Spiritual practices may surprise you at times, suddenly yielding a positive benefit. Uncovering deep, deeper and still deeper whatever it is one is chasing down, goes beyond conscious understanding. It is a mystery. What are we looking for? These are subconscious wonderings, and when you get close to them you may start to tremble or have weird feelings. The closer you get to whatever it is, you might get the shakes, or sickish feelings, or lonely feelings, or abandonment, or terror feelings or cold feelings. There were times recently when I felt as if I was freezing on the inside, while it was actually a nice day, and I would continue conversing in a normal way, not to draw attention to myself. These are not just ascension symptoms, they are sweeping the dust away from dark corners of old, perhaps very ancient memories that have been repressed. We cover them over with a "face" and a positive attitude. We brush them over like painting an old peeling building with a fresh coat of paint, while underneath the peeling and deterioration is still going on unnoticed.
And so I am sharing something that I would normally keep private. Private feelings are repressed feelings. They are the underlying causes of loneliness, feelings of abandonment, depression, fear, horror, sickness, chronic illness, debilitation, aging, and so forth. In my case there are past lifetimes. I have counted 19 past lifetimes, so far, mostly as a submissive woman. There were a few lifetimes as men, but mostly I took the feminine role. Revelation upon revelation upon revelation has unfolded over the many years that I have been actively studying with the Masters. Today I seem to suddenly be touching some deep-seated memories or issues. A therapist would call it "shadow" work. Dealing with your shadows. I didn't know I had any, so I am surprised. I am seeing, sensing, knowing, identifying, understanding something new. I am being enlightened and I am grateful. I am glad to know that I have touched "bottom", so to speak. I am trembling as I type this. Inner shakes have been coming often lately. Apparently I am acknowledging these ancient memories. That is the sense I am receiving. Spiritual work goes beyond mental control. We don't have a say in the matter, as long as we are open and receptive. The soul is in charge. The higher self is doing the work. I am merely allowing it. I have done my homework. Now these ancient traumas are surfacing like bubbles and steam in a boiling pot on the stove. I am experiencing the trembles, shakes and bad feelings as they surface into my every day life. I thought there was something wrong with me. Could it be a virus? A cold? A stroke? A heart attack? But no. I am being alerted. So now I no longer question myself. By acknowledging ancient traumas surfacing I am no longer brushing them aside with a flick of a wrist and determination to hide it. I am not covering it over. Many lifetimes worth of suppression. As a female I experienced a lot of suppression of emotions and feelings, but men have repressed their feminine side too. The feminine in men is their truth, their tenderness, their nurturing, loving nature. This is the age of enlightenment. Of disclosure. Of revealings. It is time for the DIVINE feminine to come forth. Divine feminine is the term used in contrast to human feminine. It is the pure and natural loving, graceful side of the human species. Men and women both have it, as both genders have the divine masculine in them.
A special note for the men: No matter how macho, strong and warrior-like he is, every man and every boy who is growing to maturity has a tender, nurturing side. It MUST be acknowledged or he will suffer from repressing it. He doesn't have to give up his maleness or his strength or machismo. He need only be aware of not holding back his loving nature when a kind, gentle or generous mood comes upon him. Express it. Don't repress it. It will make you stronger. When we repress an emotion, we use vital, important energy to keep holding it back. We therefore lose energy when we stifle our emotions. That's why we get sick and debilitated. 'Nuff said.
All beings are 50% male and 50% feminine, but historically, culturally, socially, we have repressed our feminine side (pushed it down under and refused to express it) while we have magnified our male controlling side (the selfish egoistic side). We have been indoctrinated and programmed by the culture. Everyone does it so why not me? So the new training and teaching is to LEARN how to bring balance to our male and female sides. We live in a duality world because male and female are constantly playing games with each other, manipulating the opposite gender. As we learn to balance our OWN male and female aspects, we will become gentler people. We will enjoy harmony and peace within. The Master Djwhal Khul has been a teacher of Tantra, which is all about balancing and merging the male and female aspects. There is much to be said about the life force that feeds life and vitality into our body cells, into every atom and molecule. I feel the fire starting to burn more brightly as my fingers fly across the keyboard, giving me more vitality as I try to say what I wish to say here. But it's not time. There is more in me wanting to talk than I can organize through my brain. My brain sputters and coughs and kinks up with dizziness. Meanwhile there are sensations going on that are bursting to be set free. It is close to the surface now so I must work with it. Everyone who allows their shadow side to come forth will experience ascension symptoms. We are entering a new age with new cosmic forces entering the earth's atmosphere; It's like a fire storm getting ready to break out and threaten to overwhelm. But we are learning to become masters. This is where mastery training comes in, and we have been in training for the past year or so, more so every month. We have been learning how to maintain a gentle and kind composure while being brutally honest and forthright. We are on the verge of ascending to higher consciousness as we let go of our tight control on everything. Relax and be happy. Let life flow. Pay attention to feelings. They are very important. They are the life blood of soul. Soul is leading us to be kinder and to share freely with one another.
There are feelings in everyone who reads this. Feelings that are pressing to come out and tell someone. Do you feel it? Allow it to be there gently, caringly, and look for ways to fulfill that need to express. We must not go too quickly or we will cause harm with too much, too soon without proper preparation, setting the stage, will do damage. We must learn to be aware, astute, wise and discerning. First for our own good, then as we interact with others. We will learn how to care for one another in more modest ways, gently, with a caring quality of consideration, without pushing or trying to "fix" something or control the outcome. Compassion is part of the interaction with others. It is with a pure and considerate intention that we move into higher consciousness that goes beyond what humans normally do. We are learning to be more than automatons, following control guidelines.
There is a holy fire burning within everyone in these days, wishing to come out and enjoy the more natural beauty of the world around us, the sunshine, the rain, the natural flora and fauna and the people who are beautiful in their own right. This fire threatens to burn out of control in all directions at once if we let it. We must not let it but be aware that it is burning within us. Ascension symptoms? Yes. There are many. Secret. Hidden. People are having them and keeping them private. Don't keep them private any longer. Let's share them more openly with the right-minded friends. Learn how to love above and beyond the intimations of sexual. There is a time and place for sexuality, of course, just as there is a time and place for sitting down to eat, or for sleep. And there is a time for allowing for repressed emotions to come forth and be shared with supportive friends over coffee or thru gentle healing massage or chat sessions that are private between soul sisters and brothers. Repressed traumatic emotions are deep, very deep, and centuries old. They live in most people. It is time to bring them forth and let them go. Let them flow. Let them breathe. Let them be acknowledged with compassion and graceful dignity, with friendly hugs and nods and upliftment. Do not resist. Resistance only creates more trauma. Allow them freedom of expression. Kindness, loving gestures, compliments, smiles, encouragement, make love, not war. T he sharing of deep personal stories is gradually healing our communities.
As I work with my shadow side, I do not try for perfection, to do it "right". Instead, I bring my focus down out of my head, out of my brain, down into my heart and lower, down into my feet and deep into the earth beneath my feet. I am anchoring my consciousness into the ground, into the earth. It is stabilizing me. At the same time I am releasing life force that was used for repressing, and it is giving me more vitality. I am gaining more power. It's hard to explain, but there is a renewal of sorts. A regeneration or a vitality that wasn't there before. It's like a new life is growing inside of me. A regeneration. And all because I am recognizing and honoring my own negatives. The parts I was hiding from myself and didn't want to express. They could be anything.
Now I know what I know. I am gaining knowledge and the knowledge is ME! I am the knowledge! This is fascinating! As I share information about ascension symptoms I am continuing to do inner work. It is inner work to tell stories. It helps to have an ascension partner to share trauma or hidden stories with. Do you have one? I will be one with you if you like. There are huge changes going on but let's not rush it. Let's remain cool and patient. We shall maintain personal control - soul control, not ego control - over our ways of life and do it our way. There is a related article that I'd like to point readers to: See Jeshua's article which I just posted today on TODAY'S POSTS HERE. It's a beautiful message with today's date 5/18/24. Please read it.
Also please check Ascension Massage by Diana HERE. I posted an update at the top, inviting women (only) to contact me for an ascension massage exchange. Love to all, Diana.
5/12/24 - A Mother's Day gift - and let there be love freely flowing!
The words started flowing before I got out of bed. I am seeing a small gathering of friends for massage exchange but we are going to be fully clothed. I have been thinking about how to spring this on people for a long time, more years than I can count. These are fully clothed healing love sessions. It is unusual. The words are telling me what to say. They are coming from beyond me because I went to sleep thinking about it - a channeling from my higher self.
“We are here to love, to learn the truth about love. WE are the love. We are here to feel the love within us. We are here to move the love within us. We are here to be selfless, not to hold back the love, not to want it “our” way but freely giving, flowing out out out to all around. Freely flowing past the ego that wants to hold back and control it and do it “my” way, the selfish way. Freely giving, freely loving, not the small petty pouting foot-stomping childish ego, but the great big huge love that feels like the sun shining down on us, wrapping us in its warmth. This great love when it moves in us, in our bodies, in our lungs, in our hearts, and legs and muscles and backs and toes and fingers, it feels so full and complete – it feels like that’s all there is. It is wonderful! It feels loving. It feels SO good, it feels like we’re Home. This is humble love, selfless love, true love, free love, love that has been set free. What was intended to be from the beginning. WE, you and me, we are the love. We have always been the love, unselfish, unguarded, unprotected – we are the love.
“And now we are gathering here to practice letting that love flow free. Letting it awaken our body from inside, the organs, muscles, nerves and tissues inside, as we give each other nourishment of loving touches. The love is flowing downward in a single shaft of light from directly over our heads, like a shaft of sunlight breaking thru the clouds, crystal transparent light coming down and entering our heads. We are the love. We’ve been taught to hold it back but now we’re going to let it flow freely. You are the sun over your head coming into the world of mankind, womankind, warm, clear, pure kindness, caringness, gentleness, happiness, peacefulness, joy. It enters at the top of the head because it is more refined than our bodies and more clear, more perfect, more pure. It comes down and comes thru the brain down into the spine and enters into the heart and goes down further into the upper stomach and the lower stomach and down into the sex organs and the legs and feet, and it enters down into the earth, deep, deep, deep down into the solid body of Mother Earth.
“Your love is becoming solid with your body and with the earth, connecting with the earth, connecting with all the other shafts of love that are coming from the suns above the heads of your friends, which comes down from our solar sun, which comes down from the great central sun of our galaxy, which comes down from the greater sun beyond that and the one beyond that. We are the final distribution center of this great pure immortal love because we are solid physical human beings and we were designed to express love. We have been held back but we are now going to let our love flow freely because we are ready now. The light is light until it enters the physical realm, then it becomes love. The light is an endless river of light turned into love, which manifests as purity and joy and truth, the most exquisite truth imaginable, coming down into solid human earth bodies to sparkle and radiate and sweep away the false impressions that have caused so much suffering and pain and loneliness.
Love clears it all out, cleans out everything that is not pure, is not clean, is not joyful, is not healthy and at peace. Why have we been holding it back? Why indeed! We have no answer but we know now that we can let it flow free. Let us begin. Let us practice being kinder and more reverent today, more giving, more selfless, more uplifting, more generous with our love and kindness. It is wholesome love, whole and complete and perfect and fulfilled and happy and free. And so it is. Amen. Let it be so. (From a loving, laughing, generous spirit today who simply wanted to let go and give it all!)
5/5/24 - Galactics, angels in starships & masters of the Far East
Today I have made a few more entries into my book, "Mystical Movements" which is shown as a link under ARTICLES on my website. The book is nowhere near finished, but I am using my Anakosha website as a worksheet. Since I'm accustomed to posting on the website, it is much easier for me to work on it than to add yet another file to the thousands I already have. If you are interested in reading it so far, you can click HERE and then page down to the bottom of that page. Enjoy, if you are so inclined. It is mostly spiritual work, not human drama and intrigue. My love and blessings to you.
As ascension continues to raise the consciousness of the planet and the people, my own personal perspective is changing. I have less interest in reading other people's articles and channelings and posting them. I am instead focusing more on my own personal life story, which has been full indeed, and continues to reveal new depth and meaning. I am being led to go ahead and work on this now, the final edition of my life's work. The book is mostly channeling about sex, love, the power of the kundalini which is the life force. The awakening of kundalini in 1976 brought me into the light and exposed me to the higher realms, and then began the teachings.
I have been shown many things that could not be easily shared in words, so I journaled them into my own private journal. Many pages. It is all about the unfolding of the human race, like peeling the skin off the onion, and exposing the truth that is buried within the DNA as the purity of the living life force, the ideals, the power, the glory, sweet divine love, ecstasy, bliss, rapture and the mysticsm behind all religions. The spiritual life is real and personal and closer than hands and feet. It's the human life. It is possible to know oneself while being in a physical body. That's the whole point. It brings happiness and joy. It is comforting, like being home inside your skin. The spiritual life is far more sane and real than what we have believed. The truth is coming out now. Many stories are hitting the press of individuals who have died and returned to tell their story. And of starseeds and lightworkers who are normal, average people like you and me. Many of us have been in contact with the galactics. They are waiting to come forward officially, as in landing their craft, but they are waiting for individuals to be more accepting so they don't go crazy and fearful. Have I been in contact? There are seven levels on which one can connect with them. The physical level is the most concrete level but, yes, I've seen them in physical but it's rare and not like meeting someone in Publix to say "Hi!" to them. It is done in a discreet way. But here is something unusual....
Last night when Doug and I went upstairs to bed, as I closed the curtain of the south window, I noticed the usual star shining in the south. I stopped to look at it and as I did I saw a large round white light in the sky next to it, to the right of it (west). I took a double look. It looked like a searchlight shining on the sky, but how could that be? What would it be reflecting against? It was a sharp bright light, but as I watched, it became softer and more translucent and took on the appearance of a cloud, and continuing to fade so that it was a fuzzy cloud now as it moved closer to the star and seemingly "touched" it and draw it into itself. The star disappeared into the "cloud" but it seemed to start flashing and flickering from within the cloud like an airplane coming in for a landing at the airport. It continued flickering as the star became absorbed into the translucent fuzzy cloud and then the whole thing moved westward and disappeared from sight. The star was now gone and so was the searchlight and the cloud. Only the blackness of the southern sky. It all happened very quickly. From the moment I noticed the star, then the searchlight, it covered a span of only 10 or 15 seconds I would guess.
I said to Doug, "I just saw the most amazing thing! I've never seen anything like it before!" And told him what I saw. I then realized I had seen a UFO, a mothership picking up a smaller craft, but why show me? Perhaps it was another contact. I've had a few over the years. I've been a follower of the space people for a long time, ever since meeting George Adamski in the 1960's, and have been connected to them in more non-physical ways, telepathically and consicously, receiving a few messages and channelings from them. But this was a first-time experience and the most recent. It is being said that the landings will soon follow.
And on that note, I will close and leave it to the reader how to receive this and what to think. We are each following our own path into the higher realms. It is a VERY personal journey for we have lived before and have had many adventures. A month ago I re-connected with an old friend who is now director of the Adamskifoundation.com (link). Adamski was one of the most famous contactees of all time. This has re-inspired me to take down the books about him on my shelf. One especially is a world-class book, validating Adamski's reports, photos and writings - plus more. It is titled "Angels in Starships" by Georgio Dibitonto. The space people identify themselves as the same ones who met with Adamski. Plus there is more to this story than I knew 57 years ago. The connection has been upgraded. Now, today, from my upgraded perspective, I am seeing the merging, the blending of the universal principles of love, harmony, truth, understanding and unity between all humans, all space people including earthlings, and the extraterrestrials of LIGHT, and the masters of the Far East - the mystics of old whose teachings have come down to us as the holy scriptures of the world.
Well, enough said for now. Blessings to all. If you are interested in sharing stories, contact me via the contact page. I would love to meet you. I am alone in this regard and do not have up close personal friends to share this information with. That's why I write about it! We are in a strange time cycle, extending the period of the pandemic isolation, as we each go thru individual upgrades of growth in conscious awareness. We can help each other by connecting within our own private community.
5/3/24 - Ascension is well underway, expect a happier life
While many people may not know or understand what this means, I suspect many DO know, even if it is semi-conscious. The last few weeks and months leading up to today, have seen an extraordinary inflow of high fifth dimensional love and light onto our Mother Earth. We have all been receiving this gentle inflowing into our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, upgrading us as well. Perhaps without our recognizing it, or perhaps making us dizzy like crazy (like me!) or maybe worse.
It is part of the Plan to bring mankind, the highest intelligence on Earth with the greatest brain capacity, into his truer nature. We are One with the ultimate supreme intelligence; we've just been blocked from knowing it. It is an individual journey for each of us to be upgraded and have our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields refined and transformed. Changed. We as physical beings are composed of many, many memories of lifetimes before this life. This knowledge is who we are. It has been become part of our sub-routines, as the good doctor on Voyager would say (in his words). Some of the new ideas and concepts may seem familiar to us, as if we've seen them before, while others may seem foreign and we will resist them, or try to. Please don't. Allow the changes to waft in, through and around and out of your life. You will be pleasantly surprised if you don't "fight back". Allow the make-over. Consciously upgrade your responses and reactions to the happenings, with a wise and gentle compassion. Know that it is all good. Welcome the changes with love and appreciation - you will understand later when they welcome YOU to their environment. They are not the bad guys. We are.
4/27/24 - There are no answers in the brain-mind, stop recycling opposites
As mental beings we have been taught from infancy to use our brain and head as our master control for intelligence. As a student of the Ascended Masters from an early age, I have learned and experienced that the brain-mind is only an organic tool of the real mind, the background intelligence that gives life to the body. We are the spirit of the physical body. We actually created the physical body so we could walk and talk here on the ground. We have a lot to learn the vastness of who and what we really are. We are actually the master of our physical body, a vast universal consciousness that flows thru our finite physical body giving it life.
It is time to let go of the fierce and unnatural focus on the brain, and return to the vast underground center of our true and real conscious self. There is, in the geometric center of our physical body, an energy of consciousness, of wholeness, who understands who we are. It feels good to tap into it. It feels like Home. It's actually the power behind sex, but there is more to the story, not just sex. The wholeness of good feelings can be experienced much better when we stop "thinking" so much - about sex and other things! By releasing the excessive focus on the brain-mind we can drop down gently, deeper into the vastness of where we originally came from, and tap into the who and what we really are. There is a sense of stillness there, and upliftment, blissful and innocent and peaceful. Wholeness is a good word to use for it, the word holiness of the religions.
Our focus on the brain-mind has become too powerful. It has taken over our human life and created great and difficult dilemmas, problems, confusions and arguments resulting in wars and upheavals. It is the focus on our mental brain-mind that has done this to us. Opposite perspectives of the two hemispheres of the brain, which is merely a physical organ, no more, confuse us. Different perspectives make us wonder which is true? Which is right? Focus on the mental brain-mind is constantly presenting new information to consider. It is swirling and twirling like a storm out there in the world. Staggering confusion fills the air and it's all in our head, our mind-brain. It's not in our physical tissues at all, it's all in our head. We are recycling things, over and over, adding new food for thought with each new cycle. The same questions with different words adding different perspectives. And it's all in our head. The only way to stop the whirling mental activity of the brain-mind is by relinquishing focus and attention there. We have been taught by teachers coming out of the East how to "still" our minds. And it is truth. We must learn to let go of the extreme focus on the brain/head. It's simply too much.
The Earth is a conscious living being of vast intelligence. It could not support life without it, and there are many teachings to back this up. She has already ascended to a higher dimension, according to the latest information from higher realms. She has prepared a more refined atmosphere for we earth humans, animals and plant life to live free of disease and problems, where the confusions created by the two hemispheres of the physical brain do not apply. There is only the wholesome (wholly) light of individual consciousness. We are much more clear and lucid without the physical brain trying to control us, from the control which we ourselves give to it. The stillness of nature is a peaceful environment which is all around us. It lives in harmony and interacts with intelligence far superior to the physical brain which we have allowed to control us now for many thousands of years. This is the turn-around time, 2024, where we are beginning to understand there is more to our intelligence than mental logic. We have been literally captured and held prisoner by the small physical two-sided brain, and giving it our power. "My way or the highway!" We have become SELF oriented. In other words, selfish and greedy and far too one-sided and personal. The mental brain-mind has objectified everything into a physical solid object. It does not know how to see the vastness of universal intelligence and knowledge which we have brought with us thru the ages. For we are superior to that which is put forth by the brain-mind.
As I tap into this vaster intelligence within me I am starting to see the wholeness of this love radiating up from the earth. It is like an aura of light glowing around the trees, and a feeling of caring coming from the grass and ground. I can see it with my inner sight of imagination, especially during the hours of dusk and stillness. Tapping into this wholeness (holiness) diverts focus away from the confining structure of the brain and allows focus to descend or expand into the interior of the physical body. Into the tissues, blood, liquids, nerves and energies of the finer mechanism of the physical. We are much more than an "outer shell", as in a walnut. It's difficult to stop the whirling in the brain, but consistent practice in meditation or simply spending time in contemplation or stillness, takes away the worries of the brain-mind. The drifting downwards or expanding outwards, is natural. Let it be. Let nature take its natural course. Let yourself go natural. Letting go of mental worries and machinations, wonderings, problems, etc., brings peace.
I am hearing the words, "Let it go. Let it be. I AM everywhere. I AM the peace within the storm. I AM the freedom within the confinement. I AM the joy within the depression." Silent words are reverberating within me. They are saying, "Don't try to figure it out. Stop the trying. Stop searching for answers. You are arguing against yourself. You have been divided into a two-sided creature with a dual nature. One side of your organic brain is arguing with the other side. It does not do you justice. It does not know what truth is because it was made to be dualistic. Stop entertaining it. Stop focusing on it. Let it go. Let it be what it was meant to be and no more than that. Allow yourself to fall away into the vastness that is your body tissues. You are larger. There is space between the cells of your body. Enter into them. Our scientists have discovered those spaces. They are real. They are logical. Find the stillness within the spaces between the atoms of your cellular structure. Bring yourself to center. You are the creator of your life thru your focus. Where you focus your attention, there you create what you are aware of. You are the one that started the action plan of your life. You are the only one who can finish it and bring it to a close. To a peaceful, happy, loving close, and to the opening of a new path to a broader, vaster, lighter, happier world. Become conscious of this happy world. It is yours for the taking.
The center point where it all began lies in the pelvic region. Imagine going into the geometric center of your own body. Peace begins by being willing to drop down out of the head into the heart - and lower, into the pelvic region. There is another heart at the pelvic region, in the geometric center of the physical body. By relinquishing control of the brain mind and dropping awareness down into the geometric center of the pelvic bowl, the lower abdomen area of the body, with practice one begins to feel the peace. You are the creator. Your focus is how you create and manifest in the physical world. Find your center. Fighting opposite polarities in the brain-mind and arguing between the two halves of the brain, is like a game of tennis. You bat the ball over the net and the ball comes back to you and you bat it again and again it comes back to you in a repeated back-and-forth effort. After many generations of ancestors, we are following the same old patterns. True, we have built a better world, but we still use the same old-world tactics of battling opposites. We have not learned the peace and harmony and prosperity that lies within us. We have become, fundamentally, brain-washed.
Money/no money. Truth/not true. Prison/freedom. Hate/love. Married/single. Yes/no. This/that. Problem/solution. We recycle opposites. We weigh, judge and choose sides against each other. Pros and cons have created wars, political intrigue and deep underground spy rings. A true mess of the dark side. This has gone on for many thousands of years, and all because we are physical brain oriented. Our lower body consisting of the legs and feet have not been rooted properly to the earth. We do not have that essential magnetism of earth. The groundedness. We have only the electric part in the brain. The native peoples, indigenous peoples of the planet, can vouch for this beautiful groundedness, as they walk the earth with reverence and inner sense and feeling for the spirit of earth. This same energy of the ground is in the geometric center of our bodies, anchored there to give us life. This energy is not physical but spiritual. It is not detectable by earth science but has a distinct flavor of calm and peace. I can feel it. Here the soul is anchored to the body until the time of death. Then the soul leaves. But while it is alive, as long as the soul lives in the body, we can and should tune into this geometric center and learn to draw on the rich vital forces of universal love, light, understanding and refinement. Practice in meditation is the way to do this. Spiritual harmony, universal love and exquisite sensations may be felt during this time, and results in quickening the body with vitality and energy. Feelings of bliss, rapture and miracle unfoldings can take place in one's life, and assurance that heaven is real.
True peace can be found by relinquishing control, focus and attention in the head, and surrendering to the natural innocence of the physical body. The drifting downward provides a sensation of relaxation and peace. The tailbone, known as the first root chakra, is the geometric center of the physical body. It could be called the "first cause". The anchor of heaven on earth. Spiritual masters have pointed in this direction but it has failed to take root in our civilization. Instead, sex has become the prominent theme and we stop there. But further investigation will show a vastness like no other in the human experience. It is the "next step" for humans to discover this sacred inner power of oneness, sweetness and light. It lies in the geometric center of the physical body. You can measure it physically with your yard stick. It is the same distance from the tailbone to the bottoms of the feet, as it is from the tailbone to the crown of the head.
The brain is merely an organ like the heart, spleen, liver, stomach and kidneys. It has a job to do in order to keep the body healthy and functioning. But that's all. It is not the Allness that we are. We are the spirit and consciousness of the body. We are the ONE that keeps the body running. By giving our full attention to only the brain, we ignore the rest of the body and thus do not utilize the power it contains. The brain has a left side and a right side, which maintains an action-oriented side to us, and a passive, spiritual side of us. These two oppose each other on the physical level. It is how we maintain a physical focus on the world of today. It carries us on eternally, generation after generation, and logic has prevented us from knowing our greater spiritual nature, which quietly lingers in the spaces between our physical body cells.
Your brain mind is your child mind. It does not have the answers. YOU have the answers. Your brain is an organic tissue arguing with itself. We have given our brains that kind of awesome power and we do not know it. We are essentially arguing with ourself. I have come to that conclusion as I enter deeper into the quietness of the inner life. Meanwhile the struggle to find answers to guilt, shame, envy, hatred continue to exist within the human theatre. There are many wise teachers who have discovered this truth and left us their teachings. We as a civilization are slowly listening and learning how to leave the mind and drop down into the quietness of our physical bodies.
The brain is only a tool of the body, a useful tool by all means. We need it. But it does not have all the answers. It is merely an organ of the physical world. It is a child offshoot of the real you. We must stop the infernal struggle between the two halves of the brain mind. It has become a tool of the dark side. It is a genius tool, no question about it. Those who are darkly motivated have learned that, by keeping everyone's focus on the brain mind, keeps people fighting themselves, internally. The physical brain is a reflection of the owner-resident of the body. Where we focus our attention, there we are, day and night. We have created our own monster of confusion by focusing so much on the brain. It is copying us, where we put our attention. It is a mirror reflecting our desires and wishes, but it is only a mirror. It has no power of its own. It cannot find an answer because we are not giving it an answer. The brain, when it is used correctly by an enlightened being, it is a wonderful tool. But in the hands of the unenlightened it continues to argue back and forth between the left and right hemisphere of the brain. Shadows pop in and out of the darkness. There is no light in the brain-mind except that radiated in by the enlightened one.
4/25/24 - Reconnections
Boundaries are fading, limits are dropping away, and wholeness is becoming apparent. It is a linking up or melding of ancient knowledge coming forth and blending with current knowledge - which is boring as all hell. . The sense of "ancient" is transforming into "newness" and starting to breathe again the fresh air and sunshine. It is becoming real and present, very fast. The ancient science or knowledge has been hiding, as if undercover. I get the words "sleeping cell". I have been a sleeping cell waiting for the right time to allow this ancient knowledge to come forth. This is a most amazing time, for this knowledge is inner knowledge. Not something that can be written out in words.
I have linked up with a childhood friend who is now the director of the George Adamski Foundation.com, which is as if a trigger has been pulled, or a fire in my soul has been lit. Tonight there will be a zoom meeting resurrecting the knowledge and material of George Adamski of the early 40's, 50's and 60's. He was in his early years in contact with the space brothers. Later, as he grew in wisdom, spending time in Tibet and learning the mysteries, he linked up with them, took photographs of them, authored books and went on lecture tours presenting this informaiton to the public. I also knew him and listened to him lecture. I was only 26 at the time, shy, quiet, reserved, married and pregnant at the time. But he woke me up. Ever since, I have been awake to this but it was not something to talk about. It was inner knowledge that I gained from George Adamski. Soul-to-soul, mind-to-mind, heart-to-heart, knowledge-to-knowledge. It wasn't my time to talk about it. Now I am remembering. I suspect that many other people are having reawakenings too, of past knowledge, for this is the time of the ascension out of the limitations of 3D into the 5th dimension of 5D, even as we remain in our physical bodies. Stay tuned! Feel free to write me your story. I would love to compare notes.
4/22/24 - The dark web vs. the web of light
The first time I used this term, the dark web, was during a channeling in 2016. The words appeared to me, “You are love, conscious love, descending down step by step into a physical body, forgetting that you are love. You are an exquisite design all built out of love.” It is a continuation of teachings on tantra. As the words came into my mind I felt the feelings of the chakras in place, as centers of warm love, warm suns, shining love out into me, as the basic and fundamental structure of who I am, myself, my light body. I am seeing this love sending out the lines of light we call meridians that form a massive web of light all through my body. I wondered about the psychic connections that people have with each other that trap them and bog them down. How does this relate to the warm love and light that is pure and holy? Then I saw the darker lines of light alongside the pure lines of light. And I decided to write this down so I wouldn’t lose the moment. This is what I wrote.
It is all about warmth - love. The centers are centers of divine love. The meridians are lines of warmth, love, pure, holy. These get closed down for lack of conscious use. Instead, there are other lines running alongside the pure lines. These are darker and contain not-pure thoughts. Continual thinking of the not-pure thoughts turn these into hardened wires of not-pure beliefs. I saw them. These mimic the web of life in that they run through the body in a web-like structure and reach out to connect with others across space and time and with other off-planet beings who are not pure and holy..
This becomes a web of darkness, we call the matrix. It is created by using these byways and highways over and over again. We cement the matrix into our reality and it influences us in negative ways that are not pure. It is all about usage. It is like cutting a separate path through the forest, away from the well-trod path of our ancestors. Which thoughts do we travel upon today? Energy follows thought. As we continue to take the separate path the dark thoughts continue to grow stronger, and cement the matrix of not-pure into our lives. The pure, warm goodness is also traveling along a network of light to keep the body alive within us. It is always there, but which highway do we strengthen today with our thoughts and attention? The light highways or the secondary darker highways which we have created within ourselves and our world?
Mantras, decrees, affirmations said over and over again all day long strengthens the highway of light within us and weakens the darker pathways from lack of use. The darker matrix will disappear in time because the light is influencing more of the thoughts of the people. But those who do not want to leave their wrong thinking and start aligning with the love, light and warm goodness available to them, will suffer. When the darkness shrivels up so will their lives shrivel up if they have not supported the light within them with goodness, love, light and warmth which is the more real of their nature, the more humane. The earth itself is taking on more light and thus the dark in the earth is shriveling too.
The light is what we are created out of. We are children of intelligence, warmth, goodness, love and light. It feels wonderful to be close to it. It feels natural to us when we are in close proximity to someone who is filled with love and light and goodness. Like the galactics of light. We want to stay in their presence. They are thriving and radiating warmth at the same time the darker hosts are weakening. There is a displacement happening within our bodies as we align more and more with thoughts of love and light and goodness and gratitude.
The incomplete thinking that was influenced by the dark has created a duplicate network within us over which negative thoughts travel, which mimics the natural wholesome lines of light that is the good and pure anatomy of the light body within us, the spirit within. The dark circulates through the body too and carries fear, doubt, frustration, anger, judgment, intolerance - everything that is not-pure love and not normal to a healthy human being. This dark network will disintegrate faster by replacing “normal” thinking with enlightened statements, decrees, affirmations, mantras, prayers, all day long. The more the better. It will speed up the process of ascension by killing off the dark matrix that is an actual real network of dark that runs through our bodies to the degree we have allowed it.
Because today we have a mouse in our house, I looked in the Medicine book to see what message “mouse” has for me. Mouse represents paying attention to details on a small scale. The advice is “Work towards wholeness. See the big picture but assimilate it in small doses. The big picture gives you a little at a time. Expansiveness can be overwhelming if you forget to take it step by step. Confusion is a product of too much too soon. Slow down and stop being confused by the maze. Observe the details of your present pathway.” (This from the Medicine book today.)
Yesterday an ascended master spoke to me: “The consciousness that a man evolves from the beginning of time is the only intelligent possession he has which endures through the cycles of birth and death. An individual consciousness is the only focus through which the godhead can increase the wealth of the individual and his world. Each individual endowed with a consciousness, the faculties of intuition, of spiritual perception and inner sight can, by self-conscious effort, raise his own consciousness to union with the Cosmic Christ [the light body] and become a valuable instrument in fulfilling the divine plan through cooperation with the will of the Father.”
It is the will of the Father that is circulating inside our bodies in a golden river of warmth, love, light and goodness. It is our natural heritage. It is the spirit that feeds our bodies with the spark of life, the wholeness we are to be working towards. It is a very, very big picture but in small doses, as mouse medicine says, we take it step by step so as not to be overwhelmed by it. I am back on track again after a period of down time. There is love circulating within me that has no interest in the political scene or anything that needs work. There is a natural flow of strength and substance within the light body. It doesn’t require working at it. It just takes affirmation, prayer and meditation. So I am back on track, not worrying about it. As Djwhal Khul said a couple of days ago, “I am giving you the pathway to follow.” I think I am attending some kind of school at night when I sleep because I am waking up with instructions.
4/17/24 - Update short and sweet!
Truly sorry. There is no time today to post. But just to lend my presence to the world around me. I am still here. Blessings, love, light and strength to all. A lot is happening on inner levels. Picture - visualize - the sun shining in your heart. It helps to keep your heart strong.
4/14/24 - Inspirations from this morning
An important insight: I can’t mix both dimensions at the same time!!!! This is what’s causing my dizziness. I had wild fluctuations of dizziness and disorientation this morning until at the last minute during the backbend off the end of the bed, I got this insight - you can’t talk to two different people at the same time! You have to choose to talk to one or the other but not both at the same time. You’ll go crazy. I asked the Masters, is this how YOU do it? When you come down to take physical form? Someone sent me a message. Thank you! OK, got it. Now I’m ready to move. Going to focus on the 3rd/4th dimension. (Note: I understand we are half way between 3rd and 4th dimension as a planet.)
4/13/24 - The male and female forces within us
Your outer physicality is not outer, it’s inner. The outer is just a reflection of you at any given moment, individually and collectively. So if there are things about your reality you don‘t like, all you need to do is change something in yourself. Some little thing. It’s all about changing your idea of how you see yourself. The path of evolution is living in the here and now. Our body form is located inside our spirit, not the other way around. New information is not any more valid than what you already know. You already know things that you don't know you know. It's inside of you. New information is coming to you as a reminder, from everyone else, it's coming to you as a mass consciousness, a collective. This cannot be rejected because you are swimming inside the collective and can’t miss it. You are breathing in the collective mind.
The male and female inside us are two separate forces. Two separate currents of energies. They travel on different pathways but they are complimentary. They work hand in hand together. We need both the passive and the active assertive forces because passively we receive the purity and love of life, the devotion to life. That’s why meditation and sitting in silence is an important daily practice. And likewise, we need the active assertive force to distribute what we receive during the silent time. We distribute what we receive through movement and activity. It must be distributed through the body, in action, in order to create and be helpful and productive to the world around us, and not have it jam up to become blocked.
This purity of love and light is from the creator but we need to access the creator’s intentions first and listen to what it has to say before we can distribute it. Otherwise we distribute in error. We create in error, using misaligned energies. We are here to create a beautiful world that is cohesive and in harmony, together in cooperation and love, in excellence. It comes to us from the creator of all-that-is, the one infinite creator of all of us. We are here to carry out its plan. We are part of the plan. If we refuse to follow thru with our plan, we might as will give up and die. We are not needed. We feel good when we contribute and we feel bad when we don't. We must follow thru with our responsibility, what is our destiny to do. We do this by channeling the purity we receive during our silent time. We receive it from higher realms above. It comes down to us thru our minds and hearts and feelings and we then send it outward, through our actions. .
4/12/24 - The ascension process, we are ascending
You may not know that you are ascending, but everyone is within range and possibility. When you are ascending, when you get the ascension symptoms, you will need to expand. How does one do that? By imagining your body expanding on all sides like a balloon, becoming bigger and more airy and expansive. It's a meditative procedure, requiring you to focus mentally on this visualization because you are expanding into a higher realm of consciousness and airy lightness. To release the pressure, you will need to relax and VISUALIZE yourself expanding. Because you are the one who is holding yourself tightly inside the confines of your physicalness. Now, you may not be a candidate for this ascension so you may not experience the uncomfortable symptoms. But for those who are (sensing it) you will need to adapt.
What happens if you DON’T expand yourself is, you’ll get the bends. Do you know what the bends are? When a deep sea diver goes to the bottom of the ocean he takes in heavy pressure into his suit to withstand the pressure at deeper levels. When he rises back up to the surface again he needs to release that pressure or everything inside will expand and try to burst open, causing him deep pain on the inside. This is called “the bends”. They have to rush him to the hospital to de-pressurize him. The same thing is happening to those people on Earth who have been preparing themselves with higher consciousness methods. They are becoming lighter and airier and more loving, and NOW that the whole planet is moving into a lighter region in space, and we are being hit with gamma rays (light and love rays) from the great central sun, we are getting hit with very high light-love rays. This light-love is consciousness. We are entering a new consciousness of space. One which is more alive, more lucid, more clear, more connected, more loving, more united, more graceful, more oneness-oriented, more regal, more grand, more in touch with the allness, the all-knowingness. Etc.
This process is for those who have already been moving in that direction, and not everyone is. But yet the process is the same. Everyone should be doing something like this. It will help adjust the physical body "tightness" which has been restricting us from being more open, loose and free with ourselves. Lighten up! The way to depressurize from a heavy atmosphere is to lighten up. Let go. The whole planet is moving into lighter-lovelier conscious space, and the way we can "keep up" is to consciously do our part. Meditate on expanding yourself. Imagination is a product of intelligent application of thought power from a more beautiful peaceful attitude. A higher attitude brings with it a higher frequency and a higher vibration. We want to heighten our vibration, not lower it. You lower your vibration by being ugly, selfish, hateful, arrogant and mean to others.
We are conscious intelligent beings who operated on one particular level. It is our comfort zone at our level. Well, this ascension process is "boosting" your comfort level to a higher degree. It will be uncomfortable at first. You will have to adapt. As Seven of Nine says on Star Trek Voyager "I will adapt". She represents human intelligence. We must adapt or suffer the consequences. If we have been comfortable all our lives at this level, and suddenly we are suffering in ways we don't understand, the first thing we think is, "There's something wrong with me!" Most people think it's the aging process, or a disease of some kind, and they begin all sorts of questioning. But what if it's none of those things?
What if we are rising up from the bottom of a very dense level planet (Earth is known as very dense, a third dimension planet) and now we are rising upward to higher levels. It is as if we are rising up from the bottom of the sea like deep-sea divers. Our bodies, including the crucial brain, heart and lungs, are not adapting well. There are signs. Symptoms of disorientation. Our physical bodies are accustomed to the heavier pressure atmosphere. But here’s the thing. This ascension process has never been done before by people who are STILL IN THEIR BODIES! We're here now still alive and conscious and healthy, or trying to be. What's happening? We have not been told. We have been kept uninformed. No preparation has been given us. This is a living extinction process. Science says we are going thru an extinction process, and always in the past everyone was annhilated, killed off and then earth started up again from scratch. Well, this time, we are going to stay alive and continue on after the so-called extinction was supposed to happen. We are going to live thru it, at least some of us will. We as a race will not become extinct because there is a certain level of intelligence that has become stabilized in thehuman race. There are thinkers of higher quality on the planet. Many of us have already begun the lightening-up process, meaning the turning towards peace and love process, before we even knew about ascension. We have been preparing for this before we learned about it.
The story of ascension is in the unfolding stage, meaning it is coming out in spurts and spams. Not everyone is ready to hear it. People tap into it when they choose to and who knows when that will be? I’ve been tapping into it for a long time now, ever since I went into the light (ascended in a sense without knowing) and was assigned an ascended master to guide me afterwards. I am getting new information daily now, after many years of "Duh! What's happening to me!"
The first signs that you're on the cusp is you’ll start thinking “there's something wrong!" Your body is not operating the way it's supposed to. Your natural conclusion is to worry about it. You may start googling for answers, or call a doctor or talk with a close friend, or take a pill in the medicine cabinet or start exercising. (like I did) thinking old age. Or upgrade the meditation routine (also like I did). You do this because you fear the loss of your physical capacity. Your focus is on your physical body's survival. You have so long believed that your physical body is the ,MOST IMPORTANT aspect of yourself, that you have boxed yourself into physical boundaries and reinforced those boundaries with expert medical advice and recommendations. Physicality has become the first and last word in your life expectancy. And yet we are expanding out of that realm of consciousness!? We really believe that the body is all that we are.
We are consciously, mentally, emotionally stuck in this belief, and it has become a steel-like girder molded all around our physicality. We could not break out of it without help from outsiders. Gurus, masters, mystics have gone before us to show us the way, but most of us are “stuck” in the belief that physical body is all that we are. We have limited our awareness. So the only way out is to EXPAND our limited awareness to higher ground. Hence, visualize expanding your physical body like a helium balloon. Become softer, airier, lighter, tenderer, more sensitive, take on more light, reflect on more love. This is an ascension process.
You are ascending to a higher lighter consciousness level, meaning gentler, more nobler and more dignified, but it is happening on the inside. In the cells of your body. Your body is expanding from the inside just like a diver's body expands coming up from the bottom of the sea. If he doesn't release the pressure he experiences the bends.
In my case, it's been the opposite than most. Ever since going into the light many years ago, I’ve been trying to come DOWN from higher altitudes, from the light and love regions of high planes. I've been trying to GROUND myself and it's taken years to get back to normal, back to "before ascending". I had help from an ascended master in doing this, so I have been prepared. Now I am stabilized back on Earth and back to normal, and NOW I too am experiencing the ascension symptoms. All over again, but in a different way. At least I have knowledge that most people haven't had yet. I just have the added advantage of knowing what is happening, just not quite sure what to do about it. That's why I write about it.
So, to sum it all up. The bottom line is - whenever you feel strange and you don't know what's happening to you. Try the expanding visualization process. Of course, see a doctor and do what seems practical to do. There may be a very simple explanation. But you might try this anyway. It will not hurt you, and it will definitely help you to become more calm, relaxed and gentler on yourself. On your body, mind and feelings. Take some time out to sit still and imagine your body expanding. Work at creating a mental picture of yourself inflating with love and light, like a helium balloon expands with artificial means. But you do it mentally, consciously, from within your own will power and focus. And hold positive, happy thoughts too. Expand with grace, with dignity, with a calm, peaceful attitude. This is a very powerful meditation that can relax ANY discomfort or worrisome situation.
There is light in every cell, and the light is you on a higher level. The light knows what to do. The light in your body cells knows what to do. It's inherent. The brain is merely a data bank. It has collected a lot of information from many places, from other people, the beginning of your life as a baby. But the REAL you is not your brain. It is your consciousness. Your life. Your strength of purpose. Your mission. Your sense of "I'm OK the way I Am. You are your own innate intelligence. Your spirit. Your knowledge. You are what you are. You know what you know. Your body reflects what you believe you know, but most people don't trust themselves and don't believe in themselves. Most people don't believe what they know in their own hearts. They would rather believe some expert out there who holds a PhD and has a website. But you DO know what you know on deeper sub-conscious levels. You are connected to all-knowledge. As you practice expanding into higher levels of intelligence, you develop the faith and trust in yourself. You begin to understand that you are much more than a follower of "experts", and you can change the course of your life by simply expanding your mind in a better direction than the one you were on.
YOU are the one holding the pressure in. You are the only one who can let the pressure out. Let go. Step out of the enclosed, tight-fitting box and expand to lighter, airier attitudes. Relax and open. Relax upwardly, freely. Find freedom in the spaces above you. Relax with a sense of relaxing. Relax with a laid-back attitude. Relax with a big sigh of relief. Relax with a certain joyfulness. Relax with a sense of celebrating yourself. Allow yourself to expand into a more comfortable freedom. The strange uncomfortable feelings will eventually go away. Maybe not right away, but if you keep at it. It is a method of getting there, it is a process. You adapt. Don’t forget, you’ve been at this heavier pressured level of life since the beginning of this life. Maybe you've been lightening up gradually. Maybe you are very close to graduating. Maybe it will take a little more time to adjust into a comfort zone, but the more joy, happiness, gladness and feeling of light-heartedness, relaxation and relief you give yourself, the quicker you will feel the benefits. Don't worry about other people. They each have to take care of themselves. You help the most by becoming beautifully you. The higher dimensions are going to be MUCH more gentle on the soul, beautiful and peaceful and more loving than what we’ve been accustomed to here on these lower denser levels of worrisome ways. We are graduating. Expect the unexpected.
4/11/24 - Anchoring exquisite light-love energies
So sorry, I haven't had time to post much the last few days. I have been so busy learning, processing, receiving, adjusting, correcting new information. It has been an extraordinary time, but I know that some people check this site and so I just want to post that all is well here in our homestead in North Naples. Doug and I are good, happy and at peace as well, if not better, than can be expected. Energies are coming from both sides of the spectrum now - the dark heavies as people are confused and unsure and changing direction, and the light and love energies coming in from heaven's beautiful Home base. They are stronger than ever. There is SO much going on. I have committed to staying grounded as best I can - anchoring the high light-love energies that are beaming down onto and into the earth.
f you are feeling confused, it's not you. You're just picking up confusions. There are energies in the atmosphere which are coming from all over. Protect yourself with positive thoughts, words and intentions. If you need a technique to follow, if you don't know how to do this, contact me. There are methods. Old beliefs are spinning out of people left and right. Many don't know what to do. We are all releasing past beliefs. Everyone on the planet. It is a mass shift and transition we are going thru. Focus on your heart area. Ground yourself with calmness. Imagine roots growing down from your legs and feet, deep into the earth and hang on for dear life. These are powerful stabilizing roots when you do it. Read some of my blogs. The heart is the portal through which your higher self, your wonderful, happy, calm, peaceful REAL self, your God/Goddess Self comes thru to communicate with your conscious mind. Your heart is a stargate. Take 5, 10 minutes or an hour and sit still. Focus on stilling your mind and your body and visualize a brilliant sun shining in your heart/lung chest area. Imagining the sun actuallly puts it there. And the LIGHT knows what to do. It has all the answers. If you want some methods or routines to follow, contact me thru the Contact page. I love to talk about it from my own experiences. Blessings to you today. Be well. Be safe. Be calm. Be positive. Use positive words as a mantra. Like Grace, Gratitude, Joy, Happiness, Celebrate!
4/8/24 - Grounding techniques, bring too-high mental energies down to earth
First, this is the big solar eclipse today. I am wishing you a happy, warm, comforting day of feeling alive and balanced. If you are having a hard time, read the following advice and counsel on balancing. We as a planet are being shorn of old stuck energies that have been held subconsciously. They are moving to the surface and shedding like old skin. Don't pay any attention. Let them go. The next few days, weeks, months and on into the future, we will be moving to happier, more elevating, uplifting planes where everything is more "good". More peaceful, caring and everyone wants to give and share and interact truthfully with others. First do this for yourself, you are the most important. Then on to others.
Grounding is important to bring your Almighty God self down to earth so it can express thru your physical actions. When you work to raise, constantly raise and raise and raise, it's like your escaping the earth, trying to. You forget to connect with your earthiness. It is important to bring your God self down to meet your human needs, warmth and comfort. Come down half way. The connection is in the heart. The heart is the half-way point. The central column with light above and light below. There must be a meeting of the two separate parts of the body self. The upper body is designed to reach skyward towards spirit and home, the lower body is designed to stay connected with the Earth. VERY IMPORTANT! The human race has a responsibility to fill in the inbetween and bring balance to one's OWN body. We're not responsible for someone else's body, other than educating our children until they are grown wise enough to do it themselves.
Humanity has six places that get hung up. The chakras become obstructions because of unconsciousness and ignorance. Education is needed to enlighten the mind, so the human can begin to imagine and visualize the central column and make the connection. Sometimes I get too much of a download of inspirational ideas and it keeps me hopping as if I have electricity running thru me. When I'm connected to high spiritual sources, it becomes too much of a download, and I go crazy. Dizzy brain. This is when I am learning (still learning) how to turn MYSELF around and reach down. Make the ‘down” earth connection. This links up the higher self intelligence with the lower self intelligence. Sharing information helps immensely, I am learning, With other people. Finding words to communicate thoughts, is just as important as hands-on healing. We each have to find a way to evolve ourself upward (because we are eager to learn) while anchoring this tendency to the lower denser earthier parts of us - the human vessel itself. It needs attention and it grounds us to communicate with it.
I experience often a “rushing” upward, and then a dizziness which requires me to "think" about grounding to the lower denser worlds of my own body. I must find ways. Petting animals helps. My female cat Amy hops up onto the table and insists on petting, so I take 10” to pet her and she is soothed, then she gets up and hops back down again and I resume what I was doing. Gardening also helps. Hands in soil, hugging a tree, hands on someone else like massage (I love massage) or cuddling, or doing tai chi (my spontaneous inner wind movements), or dancing.
It is interesting to read about the infamous GRAYS, the alien abductors of some humans. After listening to music while laying on the floor with earphones for 35 minutes, I felt wonderful afterward, grounded yet in higher consciousness. Really listening to music, not doing anything else, just close your eyes and listen. Let it enter into you. To be conscious with the music and feel it enter your brain and make new pathways of vibration. connects the new high mind energy to physical brain cells, the dense brain cells. Gaia is a massive density. She is there for us to channel our new growth down into. She needs it. She is the heavy anchor for us to connect with. She’s waiting for new light vibrations, so when we have them and we think we're going crazy, start breathing down into Gaia. This puts roots down into our physicalness. The grays made that mistake in the evolution. They became too advanced too quickly and did not ground it. They are coming back to correct the wrong, using our DNA to create hybrids.
They are missing the physicalness and the emotional aspects. They weaned themselves away from physical and emotional and became too intelligent. Big heads and little skinny bodies. They lost the ability to reproduce and their race is dying out. They are us in the future. They are returning. They forgot to ground and balance their high, high intelligence, and bring it down to ground. The growth we experience in higher intelligence, needs to be anchored into the physical in order to advance the physical and make it a better place to live. Not a chaotic place to escape from. Creator is trying to become physical and create new expressions by pushing the boundaries of form, in vital, exciting, refreshing, creative ways. To NOT ground, the infamous Grays became too large a head/brain/knowledge and the body grew feeble and unable to reproduce. There was too much knowledge that kept coming and coming (is this me?) and it was so exciting, that it kept their attention focused on the above and beyond. They forgot to ground.
I am getting that THIS is why earth is so important. The galactics are all saying the same thing: we are important. Earth is important. Earth is the crux of the whole galaxy moving on. The connection must be done on both ends - the above and beyond spiritual higher intelligence needs to reach down and bring that intelligence down into the lower denser sentient forms. And the lower denser forms need to reach up at the same time. It is a mutual relationship that we each are involved with. And sometimes it's a real love-hate relaitonship! It takes both ends of the burning candle to meet in the middle and create the sacred union, the mystical marriage. Find ways to ground and put roots down - like Tai Chi, yoga or slow conscious body movements - or find ways to reach UP and become more highly conscious of refinement, for those who are stuck in the mud and spinning their wheels hopelessly.
SOME GROUNDING TECHNIQUES FROM DK: I am asking, What are other ways of grounding? Chanting? A: It depends on what you chant and how you chant. Oming with feeling is good. Om mani padme om is good if it is done with sacred feeling. Decreeing is good if done with sacred feeling. The point is to connect the sound of words, the vibrations to resonate in the body cells. The toning is important to create vibrations in the body cells, the dense part of the body.
Is magnetic mat good for grounding? A: 25% as effective as bare skin on grass and earth. 20” with bare feet on earth is good. Grounding mat is 50% as effective, half as effective as 20” bare skin on grass and earth.
Is breathing a good grounding technique? A: Yes, 30 deep, slow, conscious breaths is equal to 20” skin on mother earth. It must be firmly conscious, a concentrating on the breath to be in the here-now-in-the-moment grounding. (I did 60 deep slow conscious breaths then, it took 20”. I feel physically grounded after. The ideas keep coming but I am smoother, less electrical. At the 34th breath I inhaled UP from Earth instead of down from sky. And on the exhale I exhaled DOWN to earth. The focus was on earth, never the brain. Up from earth, down to earth, inhale up from earth, exhale down to earth. After a few I see a woman in the earth holding her hands up to receive my breath. I wasn’t thinking love before this, but now I started to think love. But it didn’t seem important that I “think” love. I just breathe down and was conscious of love. After a few more, I noticed a circle of women were receiving me, down inside the earth. And after a few more breaths, now there are men in the circle. This changed the feeling. It suddenly felt warm and cozy and good and loving. There was more love present in the circle now. Is it men who are the missing link? Women alone can’t create love? They need men to give love to? Just musing. Do we need the men for this exercise in grounding?
When I reached breath number 60, on the last two breaths, a thought occured: “I need to call forth men and women who want to heal the gap in their sexuality by moving past sexuality.” As this thought rolled out I felt the brief stumbling block in my lower body, the desire block. Getting past the tendency towards sex is the goal and the purpose of my journey. Moving ones self up from earth, up through the central canal to the upper body without stopping and being waylaid at the sex center, is the purpose of the exercise which I just had a thought about. It is the same motivation I have felt all these many years, and the latest attempt to create a massage group, which failed.
The breath work is smooth from the center of the earth up through the lower body to the heart or head. The heart must be reached. At least as far as the heart. Inhale up from the earth, then exhale down to earth without stopping. The feeling of love is warm, accepting, comforting, compassionate, kind, like being cradled in a loving parents arms. This is what I’ve been looking for with others. This is creator’s love for SELF. Not for someone else.
Another question: is sweet pastry a good grounding from too high energy? A: Insofar as it comforts the denser parts of the physical body, yes. But comforting the physical body is not enough. There must also be comforting of the higher physical, the etheric and the astral.
4/5/24 - Why is the physical heart so important in spiritual matters?
Energy from the sun is mental, high mental, very high mental which becomes inner awareness, cosmic awareness, universal or galactic awareness or even source awareness, God awareness. Energy from the Earth is physical sensation, awareness through the senses, providing sensual feelings in the body. The mental activity is from the sun and without emotion, while the emotional feeling is from the earth and without mental activity. These two - feeling and mental - are manifesting separately, meaning they are experienced separately in the human being. They represent the duality in which we live. They are like polar opposites. Man represents mind, woman represents feeling.
But there is a place where they join. They merge in the Heart. The physical heart is located mid-point between the top of the head (7th chakra) and the bottom of the spine (1st chakra). Mind and feelings merge in the human heart and become mind/feeling joined. Male/female joined. How does the physical heart do this? How can a physical organ accomplish such high states?
Aaaahhh! This is where the etheric body comes into play. The auric field which surrounds us is composed of pure light, bogged down by toxic energies we had no idea we were carrying around with us. As we focus attention on the heart, spending time holding attention there, an energy begins to glow around, in and through the physical heart. At first, we have no concept of the etheric body or the invisiblel aura that surrounds as like a bubble of light. We are taught that it is a heart, that's all. A physical organ that pumps blood to the rest of the body. The idea of an invisible body or an etheric heart is still out of range of possibility at an early age. And yet such invisible bodies are there, surrounding us and feeding us LIFE. The etheric body is the light body. There is a light body surrounding every part, particle, cell, organ and tissue of the physical body, but it is not seen or even thought of until it begins to be activated thru the mysterious process of "quickening" thru meditation and/or other spiritual practices. The heart begins to glow when one focuses attention on it. The energy of the light body that becomes quickened through focused attention on the heart muscle. By spending time focusing attention on the heart. we bring the light particles that are ALWAYS there circulating through our system, but normally drifting haphazardly around randomly without direction, we bring into focus to the light in the heart. This is inner work, called internal exercises by the ancient Tao refers to it.
The continuing emphasis on the heart, as recommended by masters, gurus and teachers of old, is to guide the unaware student in the direction of the heart. Why the heart? Why not, say, the liver or the kidneys? The heart is in a neutral position half way between the mother flame in the pelvis (root chakra) and the head (crown chakra). It has been carefully designed by the creator long ago. The design of the human body is a perfect design, made to function perfectly well, once it is understood HOW to use it properly. Now, all we have to do is follow the guidelines and practice some of the methods that activate the etheric body.
We had no idea, did we? Keep focusing on your heart and build an etheric glow around and thru the heart. This activates the crystalline light body. The particles of light that are now randomly drifting around aimlessly, will be guided to come together thru your focused attention. It takes time but with learning and practice it will happen. It doesn't activate overnight with one sitting, but there are definite signals that one receives once starting the practice. The heart is a crucial piece of our anatomy, both physically to pump blood and etherically, to gather light into the center of our heart. It continues to send good thoughts and good feelings to us mentally, to keep us on the right track. It desires very much to merge with our mental thoughts. It is thru the etheric heart that we merge the mental abstract thought (that does not have feelings), with physical sensual feelings. We love to have warm, loving feelings, don't we? It makes us feel loved, wanted, cherished and calm inside, all comfy and cozy. Feelings are our reward. We want the good feelings. We don't like feeling lonely or separated. That's the whole purpose of the heart. It was designed to be both mother and father protector of our good feelings. Emotional sensual loving feelings merged with high abstract intelligent thought (which has no feelings) thus are merged together to become one whole heart, mind, body and soul complete.
Abstract intelligence merges with physicality and physicality merges with abstract intelligence. The result, according to the wisemen of old, is bliss, rapture and the supreme experience of samadhi (heaven on earth) while still living in a human physical body.
4/2/24 - Moving from linear (outer) to center (inner)
Yesterday's blog focused on the heart being in the center of a circle to provide a linear perspective outward. Today's blog focuses on sub-space or inner space. The book by Dr. Stephen Chang, which I use on occasion, "The Book of Internal Exercises", explains very simple techniques. However what the book does NOT spell out is how focusing on inner space helps you access higher space or higher consciousness. I am going to introduce only 1% of this theme today, otherwise I will jumble myself into a mess of knots. I must go slow. I am used to a linear perspective, the outer world perspective like everyone else. For example, we can stand in the center of a room or outdoors in a field and turn 360 degrees and see different objects out there, around us. That is the outer world of physicality. But to looking into the inner world of sub-space or higher space is another matter entirely.
The term "sub-space" intrigued me as it was introduced in the Star Trek series on TV. I often wondered what that term meant. Now I know. To explore it we need to start with one of the smallest elements of physical matter, so let's start with a living cell from a human body. Put it under a microscope, a wonderful device for magnifying very small things. Scientists can examine living cells and trace what happens inside them and how they function - at the level of physical reality, that is. A lot of knowledge has been obtained thru microscopes. But what we don't see under the magnifier is the expanded bubble of sub-atomic particles that radiates off of the physical cell and surrounds the physical cell. Maybe you don't believe in the auric field but many DO know and believe that human beings are surrounded by a normally invisible field that may be detected at certain times or by specially gifted people. It is a living force field, as clairvoyants and psychics have reported.
Trying to explain this invisible force field in common language is tricky, but it is my desire to do so. It helps ME to understand. It helps me to grow my understanding when I try to define my understanding. And what I understand is that every cell in our body - not just our whole body but every individual cell - is also surrounded by an auric field. Its OWN auric field as a single living intelligent being in its own right. This is what I have learned from the ascended masters, under whose guidance I have been studying. Each cell is a single entity with its own aura or field of radiation surrounding it. And it doesn't stop there. Around THAT invisible bubble there is an even LARGER auric bubble, similar but more expanded. In other words, the sub-atomic particles - namely electrons - are spinning around central cores with even MORE space between them. They are in a more expanded phase of livingness. They are spinning at a higher frequency, or at a higher dimension.
And it doesn't stop there either. Around that second bubble of radiation is a third larger bubble, and beyond that a fourth bubble, and a fifth bubble and a sixth bubble. In total, there are six bubbles of invisible light surrounding the physical cell, but the microscope does not "see" it because we all are living in the dense third dimensional level of livingness. The eletrons that compose our physical substance, our bodies, the wood of the trees, the grasses, the metals, the stones, everything that is manmade - all is vibrating at our dimensional level. The densest dimension that we call "the 3rd dimension". It is compacted to the heaviest, thickets, densest degree possible. And the electrons are spinning very very slow, closely packed together (according to what I've learned).
Imagine if you can, the physical cell that we are theoretically looking at under the microscope, surrounded by not just one invisible bubble of energy, but six invisible bubbles of energy. One invisible bubble enclosed by a larger invisible bubble, enclosed by an even larger invisible bubble, enclosed by a yet larger invisible bubble (that's 4 invisible bubbles so far), and still there is an even larger invisible bubble around that one, and a final invisible bubble to complete the seven.
The masters explain that there are seven levels to the human being incarnate. The physical vehicle radiates the first invisible bubble (1) which is known as the etheric double, or the etheric body. It looks exactly like the physical body but it is seen as a blue glow extending out beyond the skin. The second bubble (2) is the emotional body. The third bubble (3) is the mental body where thoughts are created. The fourth bubble (4) is the higher mental body aka known as the spiritual body. The fifth bubble (5) is the crystalline light body. The sixth bubble (6) is the causal body which contains the seven attributes aka gifts of the creator. The seventh bubble (7) is the creator self, aka the monad or the I Am Presence, the pure spirit spark or God consciousness.
The first four levels - physical, etheric, emotional and mental - are heavy with contaminations that slow you down and cause despair and struggle. These four dysfunctional layers need to be redeemed. Lifetimes are repeated as a result of not recognizing this problem. The top three perfected layers - the light body, causal body and I Am Presence - hold the answers and solutions to all of life's problems. They are the higher self, the REAL you and the YOU that is waiting for the embodied you to turn within and communicate.
So, bottom line, there is the physical cell which radiates an invisible glow called the etheric body. These are often spoken of as two separate "bodies" but all seven levels are "one body" after the contaminants are redeemed. Then the individual may ascend and no longer needs to return to an earthly life again because all its problems are done away with. The microscope is looking a physical shell but does not see the six or seven increasingly larger fields (bubbles) of energy that surround it. The physical and etheric body are sometimes labeled as two separate bodies, thus the phrase "six or seven bubbles" surround the physical. These fields are the "sub-space" spoken of by the Star Trek explorers. Together with the physical, there are seven energy fields. We on the Earth plane live in the densest layer of all seven, and so we do not acknowledge or "see" the other six layers. We in our reality are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching only our reality, the 3rd dimension, because our physical senses vibrate within the physical or densest level.
I'm not a scientist, I am a student of metaphysics. I study with the ascended masters. They are my teachers. I have learned from them ever since I pierced all seven layers and went into "the light" and exerienced massive changes in consciousness. I was led to rare ascended master books after that, and I've been learning ever since. One ascended master was assigned to me, the Master Djwhal Khul, who I have been channeling all these years. Each master has his or her own unique individuality and therefore can speak from his or her own perspective. Taken all together, their teachings (channelings) are invaluable. They present life in a far more intelligent and wholistic way than our Earthly teachers.
Thru these seven levels or dimensions, we humans can grow and learn if we apply ourselves to the study of the masters. Living in the third dimension, however, is very distracting! There is turmoil, lack, problems every which way, but fortunately we are on the rise. Consciousness is expanding. We are in the third dimension right now, moving into or already into the fourth dimension, and we as a planetary civilization are now on the verge of moving into the fifth dimension. Some of us are already consciously seeing through fifth dimensional eyes, so to speak, meaning, we are peace-lovers. Those of us who are seldom focused or interested in the politics of war or opposing theories that cause friction and stir up negative feedback, are already enjoying the fifth dimensional life.
There are seven levels of consciousness are the seven dimensions of reality. The seven chakras are portals into these dimensions. It is an inner study of ONESELF to gain more information. Each dimension has more space between its electrons.
Electrons are teeny-tiny little intelligent beings of LIGHT that whirl around central cores. These electrons add their light to wherever they are guided to go by higher intelligent beings, creator beings. The universe is filled with these higher intelligences. We are surrounded by them but many of us did not know that in our younger years. We are growing more aware today. These teeny-tiny little spinning electrons EXPAND their orbits around their central cores when the guiding intelligence tells them to expand. We are the guiding intelligence of our own bodies. That is, if we come to understand that we have control over our bodily vehicles. This takes time to learn that this is, in fact, a truth. We DO have control over our bodies cells and tissues. We CAN make changes in our physical bodies.
The more expanded the electrons spread out and increase the size of the orbit as they spin around their central sun, the more light comes into our physical vehicle. We feel it as enthusiasm, excitement, celebration, joy, freedom, exaltation, vigor, health, you name it. Call it anything you like. It is exuberance! Enjoy life more. Let more light into your body. It starts at the cell level. Each of your cells has an expanded or contracted orbit. Too tight an orbit, cuts down the amount of life force that enters your body. Breathe free, as the Master DK advises, and appreciate, send gratitude and thanks-giving to all that you meet and do, and you call in more life force. You provide more space between the electrons.
This space is called "sub-space" in the Star Trek series, an important teaching series for those of us who catch the drift. The seven chakras are portals to higher sub-space or higher dimensions. It is INNER SPACE, not outer space. We can't find it by looking outside with our physical eyes searching the horizon. We have to look INSIDE, with our inner eye and it starts with sitting in stillness and grows as our awareness grows. Then we can use our inner eye when we are in action, too. We start with stillness and use our imagination. We have to imagine it. We have to explore with our imagination. We can be guided. I have been guided. It took many years for me to "get it" but eventually my working at it produced rewards. An inner world began to appear to me. Understanding dawned llittle by little. I had to work at understanding what they were giving me. They were teachers, I was the student. I had to "imagine" what they were trying to explain to me. for I wasn't at their level of understanding.
So, that is why our aura cannot be seen by the naked eye, except on rare occasions. Each little cell is functioning at its own level of vibration. A clairvoyant can sometimes see an auric field. Or Kirlian photography can pick it up on camera. The electrons in our auric field are spinning with wider spaces between them than the electrons in our physical body. Our physical body's electrons are spinning slower, thus creating a denser, more compacted substance that looks and feels solid, but is now, as science can tell us. There are scientific articles showing that the physical substance of our body is not solid, but is energy moving, swirling, changing from particles to waves and back again to particles. Our bodies are constantly in motion, changing even as we stand still and think different thoughts. It is because we ourselves are consciously moving and our attention span does not stop. We are distracted often. Then we are at rest. Then we are moving again. Our attention is the LIGHT within our bodies.
Intelligence is abstract. It does not have form, but this intelligence, this LIGHT of awareness that we carry within the cells of our tissues, can be used to build forms with if we apply ourselves. The closer the electrons spin together, the less space between them and thus, the less intelligence. Does this make sense? The electrons are the intelligence. They are sparks of light within us but they are random and fragmented. It is up to us to give them intelligent direction. They are the sparks of light moving about haphazardly. They require a guiding force to give them direction. Tell them what to do and where to go and what to build. The guiding intelligence is we ourselves. We are the creator force in our bodies. We are the awareness. We are the consciousness. We are the Father. Father is abstract intelligence.
It is the love and light of the creator that lives in us as awareness. Wake it up! It has formed a bubble of seven lights around us that we can expand into to access higher intelligence. I am speaking from my own vantage point now, and unsure if this makes sense. Inner sub-space surrounds us. It is our auric field. We can access it by imagining it as a huge sphere of light. We can fill it in with God's gifts of love, peace, truth, freedom, purity, intelligence and will power. There are techniques to show us how to do this. The inner space that surrounds us (the aura) is greater than the more solid substance that we call our physical body, but it has the potential of increasing our understanding if we tap into it. As we expand into it and "Breathe" into it as the Master DK reminds us. "Breathe free and expand yourself. Let go of tightness in the chest."
To summarize, the third and fourth dimensions are where most of us operate now in 2024. We are moving upward in conscious understanding very quickly. We are ascending in consciousness. We are sharing thru social media and the internet. This is good, not bad, as some say. It is good if you follow your own heart and the good feelings that your heart tells you to follow. Once we enter fifth dimensional consciousness, violence, wars, fears and negativity will not express there. They are not supported there. If an individual still harbors those toxic negative energies in their auric field, then start right now to practice using love, kindness and happy, joyful thoughts. Take the time out in your day to sit and focus on upliftment, betterment and grace.
Create and practice spiritual techniques an hour a day if not more. I usually do four hours a day unless I am called to practical duties. Many of us spend more time in the fifth dimension even now. We do not pay attention to outer conflicts or problems. Caring and nurturing, listening and supporting the positive side of life is our greatest interest. This creates a boundary around us, as the auric fields are filled with higher qualities which block out negatives. Practice, practice, practice the higher values. This is done in a practical way. Not a spiritual way, but following a list of techniques and spending a certain amount of time on each technique. It is done thru will power and determination to succeed. You will notice that even physical problems begin to fade. They may not go away, they may still be there, but they fade from attention. They fall into the background of life and do not cause suffering the way consistent focus on hurt, pain and suffering causes!
4/1/24 - The neutral heart
This is a new perspective on the heart. Just received yesterday. The heart is the most talked about organ in the body. The spiritual masters, all channeled material from higher realms point us to the heart. Go into your heart", they say. And I was told to change the motto on my Anakosha site years ago to "The heart is the new base line." And the religions all say the same thing - Christ is in the heart. Let Christ into your heart. This is very confusing information! How in the world do you do this? These directions are not practical at all!
Well, I had a new insight. A new perspective was given to me. I guess it's just a matter of continuing to plug away at it until you finally knock a hole in the wall and let the information flow thru. This is what I learned yesterday. Not during a "deep meditation" but while I was doing breathing exercises. Coupled with information received prior to yesterday, it all clicked together
The heart is a neutral zone. The spinal column is the elevator shaft over which the abstract information comes down from above us, and the lower Mothe Flame, called Goddess Kundalini or Shakti or Holy Spirit located in the pelvic zone below, GOES UP the spinal column. If you measure between the top of the head and the pelvic zone, the first chakra or tail bone, the heart is precisely half way between them. The Father God comes down, Mother God comes up and they meet in the heart. There are three dimensions below the heart, and three dimensions above the heart. The heart itself is the neutral zone, like the pivot point.
A vital piece of information is this: Father God is unformed intelligence that rules the universe, IS the universe, and Mother God is a piece of Father God placed down there in the pelvic zone, known as the tail bone or root chakra. She is like the emissary of Father God. She represents Father God in the sentient form. This Mother God is known as the divine feminine. She is Mother of all forms. She resides inside the form But not as a physical "thing". She is a thought, a principle, an intelligence - a piece of Father God's intelligence, in the pelvic zone. This piece of Father God's intelligence is unique. It is an individual, separate baby intelligence, with all of Father God's potential within it. BUT, the individual has to discover it for itself. This will take time. It will take lifetimes. Many, many, many lifetimes. And so it grows in awareness and intelligence over many lifetimes because there is a piece of Father God down there in the tail bone. Mankind has searched for it for eons. It has been located by gurus and spiritual teachers. They became masters after they discovered it and shared their discoveries with others. One of the names for it is kundalini. Another name for it is Holy Spirit. Another name for it is Shekinah, Shakti, Mother God. There are other names too.
It is difficult to understand, it is beyond our current human understanding. But higher evolved civilizations have come to know it well. It is known as Light and Love. It is all-knowing information. Light is information and Love is information felt as a feeling. Light is abstract and doesn't have feeling, but when love is born, there is then a feeling, an emotion, an emotion of very high caliber. God in human form can be felt as love but only when it MOVES! If the all-intelligence is not MOVED, that intelligence cannot be felt. Therefore, the purpose of a human being is to take that light and MOVE it. It must be expressed, or put out into some action. It must be shared and seen by someone other than oneself. Otherwise it remains motionless and cannot be shared or felt by anyone else. And, worse, it becomes a drag on the one who locks it up and keeps it all to him/herself.
So we need to share this light as a loving, sharing, caring, acting, moving grace out to other people. To show others this wonderful gift that we have found within us. If we haven't found it yet, then we can't share it. We stay locked up, stagnant, dull, ordinary, growing older and older until we finally die. No. We are meant to share and care and hug each other and collaborate, cojoin, work, play, negotiate, reason with each other. Interact and participate with each other. This is our purpose.
So, now where was I? Well, most people have been told to not express their emotions. That means "Don't show your feelings to other people." We have been programmed and trained to stuff our emotions down inside and not show them. Both the good and the bad emotions. Bad emotions come from stuffing and refusing to share the GOOD emotions. Stuffing good emotions creates feelings of suffocation, tightness of the chest, boredom, loneliness, depression. We are designed to flow and share our inner emotions. That's where we are today: on the brink of learning how to speak out, to talk out our problems with others. It is a new age, a new era we live in. It is time to stop hiding our light under a bushel, as the scripture says. We are God in action and that which has been under lock and key is ready to burst open. There is some confusion going on right now, but look again. Look INSIDE yourself. There is a need to share something. Tell someone. Express something. It is pounding on the door to get out. Let it out! Let it speak. Let it show. Let it be free. We are God in action. God as in a little g. We are the children of Father God and Mother God. We find ourselves by going into the neutral heart.
Oh, yes, we were talking about neutral. It is a neutral zone, the heart is. The center is where all sides are balanced. If you go into the center of a circle you will see all the various differences out there on the edge of the circle. Everyone is different and holds a different history. But in the center of the circle there is a oneness. Everyone has a oneness in them in the center of their circle. The pelvic zone is the Mother Goddess. The crown of the head is where the Father God enters the human vessel thru the crown chakra. The heart is square in the middle between these two parental figures. Father comes down, Mother comes up, and the child is born between their blended love. The child is the individual intelligence born out of the parents. The child has been labeled the "Christ" but it is really an individual. It is a child learning between its father and its mother. So when you go into your heart, you enter a neutral zone where you can make your OWN decisions. It is up to you how you will handle any particular situation or make a choice of which path to follow. Father and Mother guide you if you ask for their guidance, but they always allow you to make your own choices. You have free will to decide what to do in any given moment like a good parent does.
The heart is the neutral point. It is not a special light in the heart. It is simply the center of all the opposing, differences and perspectives of life that are going on around you from other people. When you go into your heart, you walk into the center of your own unique intelligence, your God intelligence. It is a neutral place. Go there often and sit calmly, composed in stillness. Feel your own intelligence - the intelligence that your mother and father gave you. You were birthed from out of them. Out of their love and you are unique. You are a child of their love. You were created in a moment of uniqueness. You have the capacity to make intelligent decisions on your own. You can ask your mother and father for advice, and you will FEEL which way to go. Because love is a feeling. It is not a mental/brain thing. It is a FEELING. Become aware of your feelings. A good feeling is a positive. A bad feeling is a "no-no", better not go that way. It will lead to more bad feelings. Follow the good feelings.
This is a rambling tirade off the top of my head. I will close for now, and edit it later. Bless you. I love you and want to share this latest piece of information. I have learned to go into my heart - not the physical heart - but into the glow that radiates around the heart. Look for the glow. There is a light radiating around the heart. It is etheric. It is a force field of living light around the heart on a higher level. You can see it if you look for it. I have learned to go into the glowing of my heart and sit down on the throne that is there. I own my own heart now and I can ask it questions and make my own decisions. Picture a throne in your heart glow. You can design it any way you like, but be sure to sit on it after you design it. It is meant for you and you alone. You are the one who sits in your heart glow and makes the final decision. Which can be no decision at all. You are not required to make a decision but to only feel yourself breathing and knowing that you are a child of your God parents still learning, still breathing, still enjoying life.
3/31/24 - Resurrecting White Tantra
Today is Easter Sunday and a time for resurrection and joy. We will not be attending any church services ourselves but we (I) send blessings and joy to all who are inspired, whether a church goer or not. As I continue researching past journals which speak of resurrecting the vitality and spirit of the body through internal exercises, I am being led back into the concept of Tantra.
Ten years ago I wrote a lot about Tantra. As I re-read these old journals I realize that I have lost a most important connection in my internal exercisees. I've been distracted by the outer world of other people. My main interest is internal connections. Love, and how love has become distorted, confused, angry, rebellious, argumentative and hurt. The Tantric approach is the weaving and blending together of opposite and outside disturbing approaches. The Master DK (Ascended Master Djwhal Khul) has been teaching me for nearly 50 years after my OBE. I have been writing his words down to save them. They are my journals. There are many words recorded. Sometimes I don't know if it is HE who is speaking the words in my mind or if it is my own consciousness. It is like a blend of knowledge that is becoming deeper and more refined, more subtle, more transparent, so "oneness" oriented. It's becoming so blended it is difficult to know who is speaking. The information simply appears as the "who" disappears. Separation disappears.
And yet the knowledge remains that I am still me. I know more who and what I am. I don't disappear. I seem to have gained more of myself. I'm just blended with more knowledge now. In fact, I reconnected with my old personality from back in the 1980's when I was hosting parties with my late husband. I was so open-hearted, free and easy back then and very caring and loving. Versus today feeling alone and isolated and disconnected from everyone else. At least that's how I feel. As I reconnect and feel the incoming presence of my long lost self from the old days again, I feel like revisiting that time line. The parties were so much fun. I discussed it with Doug and he is all for it. So perhaps an invitation will be going out soon to special friends. If the connection still holds to the freedom-seeker within me. I am a freedom-seeker, a joy-seeker of free love. Love and freedom go hand in hand. The pure love is free. It is warm and inviting and free. Love in the current day and age has unfortunately become a closed loop and only sex let's it out for a little while. If only we could get out of the closed loop that fixes attention on problems instead of free joyful love. For example, this 10-year-old journal which I found yesterday. It reminds me of the love that is within all of us, in everyone's body cells, but which is being held down under various locks and keys called rules and cultural beliefs in "right and wrong", religious shame, guilt, anger, jealousy, depression, loneliness, fear and - well, you name it. This is a reminder of the love that we could access if we gave it a chance.
"The aim of Tantric yoga is to restrain the passion but not subdue it. To weave it and work it up from the lower body, up through the awakening nadis [etheric nerves] to the heart and higher. The love of Shakti, the female, to make love is tempting to Shiva, the intellectual mind who seeks not to give in. The goal is oneness, to bring Shakti up from the lower realms to the heart, and Shiva to descend down from the higher realms to the heart where they may join together [in the neutral zone] and bathe in the secret embrace of universal power loving itself. The universal love is ever flowing but branching off into habitual patterns that we have learned from infancy, and therefore either predominantly male or predominantly female. Tantra is the pathway to bring these two tendencies into equal balance.
"The only way to bathe in the secret flow is to cease all movement in the mind and all movement in the feelings and all movement in the body, which requires the preparation of a just-right setting and atmosphere. We create a time and place to practice and determine to sit in silence every day. Without this practice the positive and negative poles continue to flow along the habitual rut and play the same routine over and over, playing the same games of control and manipulation every day in every situation so that we never seem to grow beyond them."
Perhaps I will revisit the couples swinging lifestyle with a new attitude - a Tantric attitude. Wouldn't that be a fun way to move forward and break out of these doldrums of stagnation? Is there anyone out there who would like to join me?
3/28/24 - The super powers released during exercise
What awaits you within is amazing! These thoughts came to me during this morning's exercise routine. Each morning new revelations occur when I exercise. Exercise is generally not heavy, but it IS routine. It has to be routine in order to work. A consistent routine of moving body parts is what pushes the envelope. Not the surface envelope or outer physical obvious part of me, but the inner parts as well – the tissues, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs. These are activated and pressured to pick up their rate of speed when I exercise.
The particles of light are speeded up. Electrons move faster around their central core because there is direction being sent to them. I am conscious of sending direction: “Move, muscles!” Or while doing the fire breath I am focusing on the deep inner muscles of respiration. I speak to them by paying conscious attention. Before exercising, they were traveling at old speeds, fixed and stable and comfortable, so everyone around me was used to me being a certain “way”, sending out a certain "frequency". Like the 55 mph road signs that keep cars moving at the same rate of speed, so did my body send out a certain rate of frequency. Everyone conforms to the speed limit when they drive their cars. so they all move along at the same pace. The rules are laws and therefore well established and obeyed. The same holds true in human beings. The same rate of speed of the electrons in a person’s body runs at the same speed day in and day out. But no one ever taught us that. I have learned this from the Masters over the years. They have guided me deeper and deeper into the subterranean levels of my own being.
The particles of light are the life force that keeps me breathing and living. They whirl around the central core of the atom which is stable, and they pick up speed, and lower speed, according to moods and other factors in life. So, when I start a new exercise routine, my body feels it. Maybe it triggers a pain or an ache, but if I continue going with it, my body adapts. I either press on with the routine or I quit because it's uncomfortable. Continuing the routine causes the body to grow stronger. It adapts. I adapt. It takes a little time, but the light in the cells DO turn on and turn up. These little lights called electrons gain speed and change the frequency, like moving to 70 mph instead of 55 on the highway. And other light particles join in with those nearby. They like it! They want to form new patterns together. It’s exciting to them. They are renewing their energies, feeling enthusiastic. On the surface level I feel excited and good with myself after exercising. Actually lit's the light in me that feels good but I don't know that. I just think it's me. I am revving up inside and it feels good.
But it is like training a dog or a horse, it takes consistency also for training the little electrons, the sub-atomic particles of life force inside the cells of the body, and they are everywhere. Those little particles of light are what makes the body live and move, breathe and receive cosmic energy from the sun, wind and earth. Where the electrons were bored before I started an exercise routine, they were slow and sluggish and running at a random up-down, active-inactive manner, and probably going to sleep during the bored stagnant inactive priods. Does the body go to sleep? Yes, of course it does, when we are dumbed down and sluggish. But when I start moving with exercise routinely, I start feeling more alive and awake. My body starts picking up speed and feels more enthusiastic and vigorous.
The routine of every day or every other day, some form of consistent routine is important, otherwise the little electrons fall back into their pre-assigned place from many years of habit. They need to have a permanent NEW routine to increase their speed. They literally need to be “trained” like any other pet animal. Our body is a living pet or partner to us, and we need to cultivate it. With exercise routines, cross-currents start to happen, sparks here there jumping around and start hooking up, joining hands, start twinkling and dancing together with each other. Just imagine. Electrons are conscious entities, so the Masters tell us. I have a wonderful book by the Masters on my shelves here. Ask me and I'll give you the title and where to find it. But for right now, I am downloading lots of new ideas and having a difficult time writing it all down. For that's my role right now - sharing this information.
It occurred to me this morning just how busy I have been trying to "capture" this deeper information. Whenever I start exercising my physical body, both on outer levels of muscles and inner levels of glandular tissues, I start thoughts moving. A feeling here and another sensation there, they flash and twinkle, sometimes an old memory pops up with a newer realization. Old stagnant energies I didn't know I had, are moving where they were stuck before in a monotone, the same, day in and day out. Now, with new exercise changes happening, and they DO happen because they ask to change. They propose new adaptations themselves. It's an inner awakening. A quickening is taking place. Revelations deepen, they simply go deeper into vaster spaces so I see more. These start surfacing. The conscious mind starts getting downloads. What to do with these downloads of revelations? How does one proceed?
I was having difficulty for awhile because I relied so much on simply following spontaneity, inner instincts. Ever since kundalini awakened years ago I learned to listen to natural instinct - the inner wind that starts flowing whenever I think of it and ask it. Then an inner movement of sweet bliss begins. It has been my greatest guiding light and so I learned to follow that. However, I was led to start using my mind to change some of my ways of life. I was guided to "pick up speed". As I followed that advice I needed to assert more control. It was difficult for me to assert mental control over what had become an easy, spontaneous, free-flow life. But I listened and I began to test the waters of mental control and will power. This has led me to become more of an energy worker, an energy healer of my own body. Now I follow inner the super power as it tells me what to do and when. I have learned that I, my brain mind, is not the controller of this body. My mind doesn't know how life works in me. My BODY does a much better job of running my life, and nurturing my good feelings (my soul).
These natural, spontaneous inner urges, feelings, sensations, are very warm and comforting. I have learned to trust them. They are natural feelings. Very, very natural. Like a child has natural feelings to run and play, so do I. But as an adult I have to play by the outer rules too, so I can get along with everyone else. But, still. The natural innocence of childhood lives within me, and it is THIS that I would like to tell the world about. It is called Mother Kundalini in my book. It is also called Shekinah, or the holy spirit in other books. There are many names for it. I haven't made a study of the different names, but it is the life force. So, over the years I have fluctuated between following the inner wind of the inner kundalini current, and asserting mental control as a mature adult, both as a way of conforming with the world around me, and also for advancing my own study and research, for there is more to learn. There is ALWAYS more to learn about oneself. We never stop growing or learning how to do something better, more efficient, more advanced, more intelligent, more abundant, more joyful, more sweet, or loving, or trusting, or helpful.
We must live with other people and it’s important to stay abreast of those I live with. So it has been disconcerting for me to know exactly how much I should follow natural instinct and to question "Is this natural or this a fantasy?" The inner instinct can be detected by the whiff of joy. There is always joy in the natural instinct. Joy is the number one quality to look for. If it lacks joy or enthusiasm or excitement, then it's not natural. It's something less than natural. This natural joy can be detected during many different moments of the day and night. It is worth paying attention to one such moment of joy and excitement. It is how the pure and innocent soul speaks to the outer shell of the body and brain mind. We have been educated to ignore it, to put a lid on it because it's not "adult" to be so joyful or so in love with life and so eager. We have been "properly educated" to put on a face and stuff any natural tendencies down below the surface so others can't see it.
It's time we got this natural teaching of kundalini out into the open, where people can start researching for themselves, with their own bodies, minds and exercise routines. Have faith. The little child will lead you, so the great one said. The little children don't ask. They simply do - until the parents smack them down. Until them the children are innocent. Their natural instinct are good. They follow what feels good. Let the little child feelings lead you. They will lead an adult to bliss, to love, to ecstasy, to rapture and heavenly experiences, PLUS at the same time they strengthen and empower the mind and body by clearing away toxins that have built up and built up and built up and we don't realize just how much toxicity and stagnation we are holding inside our tissues. "The issues are in the tissues", the massage therapists claim. And so we will be learning more and more about Mother Kundalini as time goes on. It is time. The super power is Mother Kundalini, not the devil as religion has claimed. She is locked into the cells of the body as the life force, as the light force. And the webof life is like a webbing of light, of crystalline light that runs all through the body on subatomic levels.
3/26/24 - I see a workshop coming soon to discuss Kundalini
Reading old journals from 10 years ago it showed that on that particular morning I made a conscious decision to do the inner kundalini movements rather than regular disciplines. I had stopped doing the inner wind movements and had shifted to more regular, controlled exercises. So on that day I gave into the inner wind the way I used to. I am researching and discovering new excitement about revisiting kundalini. As I did the inner movements that day, 10 years ago, I rediscovered, remembered, the joy that came withit. There was a soft, pleasing, warmth that wafted thru me and I moved with the inner current, waiting for the “fuzzies” to appear. They did. It feels as if my hands are surrounded by cotton. Then a voice started talking to me, perhaps DK, perhaps Mother Kundalini, I suspect DK. I wrote it down. I'll suspect I'll be starting a workshop soon to introduce this amazing mysterious inner power. I've waited a long time, I'll wait until the spirit moves me stronger way.
(DK:) "Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body. It has a purpose. One does not know the purpose because it is another mind, not your own. You can’t read it but you can work with it and communicate with it. It has your own best interests at heart. It is here to serve life, not you in your mortal form, but the life that is trying to blossom in you. It is trying to push the stones and rocks and roots out of the way so it can pierce through the top soil into the light of day. Like a seed that is sprouting from within. Your body has grown old and tired and dense with pollution and poisons. Your belief system is also blocked with walls and limits on what you believe, and rigid thinking of “my way is the right way”. Kundalini is pushing those rigid beliefs out of the way. If you struggle and resist you feel pain. The advice is to yield, surrender, even if you are afraid and don’t understand, yet you must open yourself to this expansion that is going on. Open to this inner sensation the way you would open to a lover. The sensation is expansive, light and buoyant, and blissful and you can feel every cell as if your cells are each one waking up and signaling they are awake. Expanding and pushing outward through the cell walls, as if something is growing larger from inside them and the cell wall is feeling the pressure to expand and open. If you were a seed you would burst your shell and grow a little shoot to grow up through the soil.
"This is a real power. You can feel it pressing on your physical cells and you have no clue what it is. It is disturbing to one who does not know these things. It is another part of you that is being born. You do not know this part yet but you will. You should be aware of it before it happens, to be prepared for it. It is a larger intelligence and a larger power. It is both mental and feeling. You can talk to it silently or out loud, mind to mind. And you should. If you don’t, it will expand arbitrarily through your body and leave you in its wake, not knowing, no clue. Stay with it. Agree to it. Ride with it. Yield to it consciously. Say, “Yes, I will go with you. Teach me.” Don’t be left behind. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed by how big it is. It’s greater than you. Keep up with it. Work with it. When you talk with it it will answer and listen to you. But if you don’t talk to it it will carry on without you. It will give you guidance, like to go to a certain area for calmness, or what foods to eat, or what drinks, or when to get up and when to sleep. To show you what you need to do to connect with it. It is a power moving in your body. Talk to it as if it were a friend on the outside of you and you need to communicate with this person who has a different mind than yours. But this friend is on the inside and it is the unborn part you. You are being born a second time now. You are being born again."
I started doing the inner wind movements again several days ago. They look like Tai Chi movements. Wow! I haven't done them for years and years. Doing them again is amazing. Yesterday out in the pasture barefoot I sang light language as I did them for an hour. Afterwards I was more solidly "home" inside my body than ever. Wow! I wish to share with you. With those who are interested. Perhaps only a few. I am writing spontaneously, now, off the top of my head (smile!)
3/23/24 - The life force of aliveness - stay excited!
Don’t hold back. Life with a capital L is the aliveness in you. Keep it loving. It will take you into rest periods. It’s not the staying physically busy or active. No. It is staying ALIVE. Let life flow. Let LIFE flow in you and through you, keeping you alive. The LIFE in you is the excitement that keeps you alive, the creativity in you, keeps you enthusiastic about living. When you are ALIVE you are excited to be alive, whether you are resting or moving or working or sitting and talking or reading, it is being ALIVE that is your fun. You want to stay excited and enthusiastic whether you’re lying still and relaxing or moving about. Find that LIFE in you . Notice when it is there, and when it is gone. Stay in the aliveness of life. Keep it active whether you are resting or moving. LIFE is LIFE, not dead or dull.
Impatience is the gremlin in the works. Don’t project ahead of yourself. Stay in the moment, stay in the center of the moment, the center of the spine vertically, or center of your heart horizontally. The downfall of man is feeling SO good, SO alive, SO real, that he jumps ahead of himself and gets impatient to get to – where? Where is he going? He is not “going” anywhere. That is the problem. He is leaving his aliveness when he projects away from himself, out in front of himself, or behind himself thru remembering the past. Aliveness is here in the moment of action, He gets impatient, Impatience cuts the connection to the life force of aliveness. Don’t disconnect. (Thoughts from DK)
3/22/24 - Balancing masculine & feminine tendencies
This was an inspired automatic writing one morning in 2022. It is worthy of reposting. As a submissive feminine trying to strengthen my masculine assertive side, I appreciated this message from my higher self.
The masculine way is to focus and press. The feminine way is to receive, remain open, and be spontaneous. Men shut out extraneous thoughts and influences to get the job done. He has an objective and a goal. He strives for the end result. The feminine opens to all and everything in order to connect and pull in everything that belongs to her and enhances her vibrational level of life, whatever it is. She allows it. She doesn’t want to exclude anything because she doesn’t know what will enhance her. This automatically draws to her what she needs and wants and repels what she doesn’t need or want. The two opposite approaches to life and living, often causes friction. It’s been a journey of trying to find balance with the others we live with. I used to think my way was the best way but thru the swinging experience of yielding to ALL men, even those I didn’t like, and too soon, I learned that by being so totally open I allowed myself to surrender my own inner discretion and discernment. I lost the ability to feel what is right and what is wrong. I accepted ALL men and they all left a mark on my energy field so I ended up confused, frustrated and on the edge of hating men.
The planet Earth has been a male world for centuries, I don’t know when it all began. This allowed the evil doers to come and take control of human lives. Because, without the balancing love and spontaneous freedom and happiness of the feminine, evil will always take over the masculine focus through logic. The universe functions on balance, equal balance between contraction, or fixed focus, and expansion, or loose freedom. Today a new era is dawning, the age of Aquarius, where love rules the stars. Think “grace, graceful”, and bending and blending. For the men it is time to lighten up and pay attention to the feminine approach, take on and try out some of the feminine approaches. And for the women it is time to learn to focus their attention onto an end result, create an agenda, a plan of action, be pro-active.
It is time for the male souls to step down from leadership and bend and blend with their feminine counterparts as equals. To listen to their ideas and notice how they approach things. It is not meant for them to give up their approach but to expand and blend their approach with some of the feminine approaches. It is a mix of both feminine and masculine that creates balance. Think “grace”, “dignity” to help find the right angle of approach. Or you could say the exact right degree of sensitivity. It is a meld of both approaches. There are signs that you are improving your approach. A yawn for example. Notice when you yawn or take a sudden deep breath. These are two signs signaling a switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system which controls rest and relax. As a person consciously relaxes their strict hard-lined focus, they expand their consciousness deeper into subconscious or unconscious areas, called the parasympathetic nervous system. The entire bodily structure of mental, emotional and unnamed other forces hidden within the body, relax and adjust, balance and align, meld and blend into more of a wholeness. Tears may be felt gathering as heart-felt emotions are stirred. Yay! It’s a good sign! Go for it. Don’t shut it off!
The women who are too soft, too feminine, too open and too yielding, have an opposite job to do. They need to harden their focus and create an agenda for themselves. It is as hard for a woman to do this, as it is for a man to do the opposite. Living together as a couple of opposites requires sensitivity. It is best to cultivate inner discernment. Notice body habits. Care for one another. Help each other to find inner balance. Inner balance is the sacred work. Nobody can do it for you. You can’t do it for another. Only love will help. Trying to tell our partner what to do “better” just creates guilt and adds to their low self esteem. They’ll put up resistance subconsciously. They’ll build a shell so they can’t be hurt more than they have been. Instead, help each other with silent acts of kindness, caring and ALWAYS with wisdom. Notice. Be aware. I notice that my husband yawns sometimes when we are discussing a meaningful topic. He yawns repeatedly when he hits the maximum point, and I know it is time to bring the conversation to an end without telling him why. I am aware of this subconscious response in him. There is no more need to explain or keep talking. I just slow down and come to an end. His yawn communicated to me without words that he had reached his maximum level of expansion. Enough!
His normal and natural nature is primal man, and shuts me off with sharp words if he’s not in a receptive mood. It is an automatic reaction to interruption of his flow. He doesn’t intend to bark at me and apologizes later, or he just keeps moving on past me to continue with what he was doing, usually in a noticeable huff. I might as well stop talking mid-sentence, he won’t even notice and doesn’t. He is on automatic response. I have learned to be aware, and over time, sensitive. And also to be kind and gentle. I have learned a lot about a man’s nature by spending 28 years living with him. Wives are much better at noticing than husbands are, although there are a growing number of men who are becoming self aware and wise about women. When he’s not in the mood to pause what he’s doing, his body language tells me but it takes sensitivity on my part to be careful. Many women may not agree or understand this. Then it is up to the man to become acutely aware of his wife’s focused resistance, caused from low self-esteem and self-awareness. She has put up a wall to defend herself from being hurt.
3/17/24 - You are a rare jewel walking the Earth
Realize that you are standing alone here and are rare. No one else is at this place with you. You are unique. One of a kind. No one else has your history or memories or feelings or thoughts as you. Nor can they. They have their own history, memories, feelings and thoughts. They cannot string YOUR thoughts and feelings together in the same manner that you do. You are a creator force all by yourself and this is your soul journey. You are a soul first and foremost. One that has lived many lives before this one. It is a private journey of discovery that you are on, this self-awareness journey. You cannot explain it to someone else in words, but you can communicate in thought, attitude and action. Be kind and understanding if others do not agree or understand you. Give them space to grow into their own awareness. Be kind and respectful, patient and graceful.
This is the purpose of your experience here in a body of flesh and blood, fun and adventure. You are here to create a more efficient, loving, happy Earth life. A beautiful, comfortable, intelligently managed Earth life. First for yourself and secondly for those with whom you live. It is MORE important that you care for your own health, harmony and comfort first so that you buid a solid foundation from which to work outward. If you deplete your own storehouse of power and fuel, you will be unable to radiate health, harmony and intelligence to others. Make life comfortable for yourself first, within, quietlly, without complaining. Then radiate it out around you in your daily and hourly life. This is the love and comfort from Home. Share it as you build it. If you build it they will come closer to you and you will feel the warmth and security of closer friendship.
You are a jewel, a gem, a diamond, walking on the Earth. Do not expect others to know the things you know. Do not expect them to come to the same conclusion that you arrive at. They are on their own journey. However, in every heart there burns a flame from Home, from the Allness which everyone carries within. You are one in your Heart. Each one is on his or her own discovery process of that one Heart that burns within every Heart, All are connected within a solid, rigid, flesh and blood body, They too are trying to figure it out.
The best you can do to help others is to simply and lovingly reflect goodness, love, kindness and patience in all situations, all circumstances, no matter how it appears to you. Hold onto that love from Home. Be a steady and persistent anchor for love, light and understanding. Be that love and light in all that you do. Be the best that you can be. That is the harvest you will take with you when you leave this earth plane. (Thoughts from DK)
3/16/24 - The twin flames of Kundalini
One morning several years ago I came awake from far, far away, hearing words that were so far away that I didn’t have the strength or presence to reach for a pen. I am reading thru my journals now, sifting for the more precious experiences for my planned book. I was just aware of an understanding – an understanding before there were words. I understood that the old SSG project of teaching, counseling and holding gatherings for couples during Bob's lifetime, before I met Doug, was about to enter phase two. I am with Doug now, and the expansion of the sex project which I have been chasing down, the understanding of what sex is, and what forces drive it - the kundalini and what that is all about - this is for couples who have a relationship. It is not for the singles who are on a different emotional and spiritual path. When two people couple up, then they are on a different path. So what I’ve been chasing down here through old journals, is about the sex force. About the Mother force. As DK wrote long ago, the nature of sex is love and more. It’s the “more” now that I’m working on compiling, composing and putting together articles that I myself have written, that make sense.
It is difficult to put it into words. But this was me waking up hearing this or knowing this. Then, during exercises that morning, as I wrote about it, I became aware that the two currents that flow through me, the two pilot flames that I saw in 1981 at the base of the spine that I continue to return to as a base foundation, are the magnetism and the electrifying currents. The female current is the magnetic current – a stillness - and the male current is the electrifying current - a fire that burns. I stopped to consider this and impulsively started writing a new mantra: "I love my spirituality, I love my physicality, I am the shell, You are the Person. I am you, you are me, we are One." And then I received a channeling from DK. I will post that channeled message in his online book. You can read it HERE.
3/13/24 - What is an initiation?
An initiation is when you go thru something that you don’t like but you stick with it until you can't go any further and you go, “ARRRGGGHHHHH!” and start pulling your hair out. You’re in danger of running away from that situation or exploding on the spot which you’ll regret later. An initiation is one where you don’t run and you don't explode. You stick with it and gain control over your emotions. I had such a feeling the other night while Doug listened to a fiery political speech. I wanted to leave and felt deep turmoil and conflict, because I hate the incessant political speeches. I was getting ready to explode, but instead I stayed with it and remained quiet. What I learned later was this:
By staying with a situation you don’t like you allow your inner self to receive what that situation (or personal) had to offer. You allow yourself to receive more of it. You expand your tolerance level. It is a step in the right direction, tho I realize many who read this may not agree with me. But this is a higher consciousness lesson. As you allow yourself to receive input which you normally don't like, you are giving it validity. You are giving it the right to exist alongside you. You are giving it the right to express itself, the right to BE and the right to live. It is a kindness and it is a grace.
You expand your boundaries of intolerance. You allow your antipathy to melt a little more. That “other” has a right to express too, just as you have the right to express YOUR self. It is a personal choice to allow yourself to expand to a larger acceptance or to fight and even commit a violent act. Which is the right way for you to go? It is a choice, and an opportunity to advance yourself. It is a test of your ability to be a better person. It is an evolution opportunity for your soul. By allowing yourself to listen while at the same time keeping your emotions under control, something in you merges with that other, which you hated before, whatever or whoever it is. By allowing it room, space, near you, in your presence, you bring yourself one step closer to source, to kindness, to love, to unity, to peace and the Oneness from which we ALL call Home. Nirvana. Heaven. It is a step towards the higher you. As more of your higher self moves into place within you, you became a more whole person inside. More complete. You feel better about yourself. You might think of that the next time you feel a hated situation arise within.
Human beings have limited themselves by forming judgments and intolerances. It has been the way of the world, although we are currently going thru a change in atmosphere and a new world is arising. There are new energies in the air which are causing doubts and confusions. Forming judgments against others has been the cause of much suffering and wars in the past. We are now being confronted with options. The new energies are giving us pause to think about this. When a human being makes judgments against another, it limits oneself. It is oneSELF that one must consider first and foremost. By opposing another form of life we oppose our SELF, for we are all One entity in our heart of hearts. Most of us are unaware of that fact but the same life force resides in our physical cells as resides in every other person. We just don't know about it yet. We will. In time. We are on an evolutionary path toward higher consciousness as we speak.
When we oppose and create a resisting judgment force against someone else, we are causing a separation within our own inner life force. This separation is how human beings have been living for eons. We maintain strict judgments against that which we deem intolerable. That is how the human condition has maintained such a low level of painful existence for eons. Between suffering, lack, being unhappy, feeling lonely, isolated, often depressed which causes chronic illness - this division between ourselves and others is done thru shutting down our OWN life force deep within. Our most wonderful, precious beautiful happy joyful FREE life force that is the divinity within every cell. The lack is maintained by not loving and allowing others to have their space. This is the greatest cause of stress and tension.
We are LIFE! We carry divinity within every physical cell. The teachings of the Master Djwhal Khul has been guiding me for 48 years and I have been slowly understanding what he means. The same life force lives in every cell of MY body as lives in my neighbors, family and friends. When I make a judgment against someone - anything less than kindness and acceptance - if I see them as anything less I am hurting myself first of all. They get the hurt only secondarily, after me. I am the first one to feel the hatred and anger which causes the separation. This judgment causes me to be divided against myself. Against MYSELF! It is THIS that causes the feelings of loneliness and of being shut down. When I experience anger at someone else, it is only ME I am being angry with. I am doing it to myself. That is what I learned about myself with the fiery political speech. It is not the outer circumstance or person that is to blame. It is me. It is my own rigidity and intolerance. In that moment while listening to the fiery speech and hating it so much, factors set in which caused me to stick with it and not close down. It was a switch in my normal response. The information was allowed in. Just a little more than usual, and my feelings softened. It was done thru simple exposure. I didn’t have to do a lot of mental calculating or thinking - just allowing a little time of exposure. Allowing myself to fuse with it. It expanded me. I had a revelation the next day. I am having lots of revelations these days. I was shown the other side of the equation, my selfish equation. It has been all about "me". Very selfish. Allowing time to listen to someone else is an opportunity for change. I will be more aware in the future. I had a lesson in Oneness, tolerance and grace, tho I didn’t feel very graceful at the time. But lessons come with turmoil and conflict. We just have to live thru it to get to the other side. Live thru it without erupting, while considering. Considering what is going on within yourself. The soul is feeding some new influences. They are subtle. Watch for them. Your consciousness is expanding its rigid hard lines.
I had another heated situation recently brought to my attention. My husband was angry with me for not taking my pills - I was trying to wean myself off of them - and he had had enough of me complaining. He became suddenly explosive and angry with me. Once again I was about to argue back but his anger shocked me as I listened to his outburst. I changed my thoughts to love. I didn't want him to be so tormented. He was more important to me than the pills. I felt this switch at first within myself. A shot of caring for him surge thru me. I went to my husband and sat next to him and took his hand and kissed him on the cheek. I expressed my love and appreciation for him and said, “Yes, I will take the pills, I know you want to help me.” And I truly meant it and I am grateful for his caring. I felt that emotion of love deeply. And that feeling - you know the feeling how tears start to come up in your eyes? Yes, I felt that. I was swept with that emotion of not wanting to resist him. I wanted to join with him and make peace and be happy with him. How powerful love can be when it sweeps thru you like that. And how fast it can change your thought from anger to softening and agreeing and loving acceptance. It is such a powerful thing and without it, resistance, torment and frustration continue, even to the point of violence in some cases. So now I am taking the pills prescribed now because there is a time and place for all things. I will wean from them over time. Meanwhile I have become a bigger person, a better person within myself. I am pleased with my decision. The pills are such a small thing. Our relationship and love is the bigger part of my life.. I must expand my selfish boundaries if I want to enjoy the love and peace that I now do within my home. It is not a sacrifice that I make, it is a gift from the stars. A larger part of me has been born. Love is the most powerful tool in the universe.
I encourage all who read this to know this for a fact. Consider love as an alternative response to hated situations. Raise your thoughts to higher grounds of acceptance. By staying in the presence of that which bothers you instead of running away – this is a precious opportunity to grow. Butting up against a wall with no alternative – soften. Relax, Use love as the powerful force that it is. I cut and ran from my family years ago, during a dark night of the soul situation. I wish I had known then what I know now. But it is only thru life experience that we grow into bigger and better people and conquer those darker portions of the psyche that we can’t see. Allow a little time to soften the restriction, like the myofascial release therapist did on me Monday this week. It was amazing what I felt after he finished melting trigger points in my hip. Allow enough time for your precious life force to seep out into your outer life and mind. It is a test of the soul.
3/9/24 - Empowerment - What is it?
You don’t want to empower your outer self. OMG! That has been empowered enough! Everyone has too big a personal ego which is full of its own mistakes and doubts. You’ve empowered THAT enough. No. Your empowerment - true empowerment, real empowerment, comes from empowering your REAL self, your DIVINE self, your GOD self, which is really, really, really you, all the way through and through. You as a human being, not as a fake human being but a REAL human being direct from the heart of the Godhead. You are a beautiful extraordinary exquisite and perfect human being, called the crystal light being IN FORM!
Your real dreams, your real truth, your real will power, your real strength, your courage, your determination, your intelligence, your wisdom, your discernment, your ideas, your intuitions, your love, your true inner love for and with yourself, your belief in yourself, your strength and determination to believe in yourself so strongly that you can say it out loud to others - your opinions. Your opinions matter. Your thoughts on subject matters. It has been missing from the scene, Your purity and perfection uncompromised has been missing, not allowing someone else’s opinion to supersede and bury your opinion. Hold to your opinion strong, not rigid or inflexible, but firmly with kindness, with heart, with honesty, with sensitivity to others, with genuine caring for yourself and others. You are not pushing because you don’t have to push when you are centered in your own ball park. This is your territory when you empower your REAL self. Be your REAL self in all ways, no matter what you are engaging in.
You have seven qualities. All seven qualities are to be expressed through your living actions. This is how you empower yourself because these seven qualities are GOOD qualities, God qualities. Bring them forth into your life and action. You will be a queen, a noble or a king and a noble. These seven qualities are your empowerment. They are the seven chakras but they are not merely words, they are attributes, qualities, colors, tones, sounds.
They have been defined by DK in his books and teachings as: will power (blue), intelligence (gold), love (pink), purity (white), truth (green), peace (ruby), freedom (violet). And underneath these main categories comes other words that are subtle innuendos, describing the beautiful nature of human beings. BLUE: will power, strength, courage, determination. GOLD: enlightened intelligence, wisdom & discernment. PINK: unconditional love, reverence, adoration, devotion. WHITE: purity, perfection, the immaculate conception. GREEN: truth, science, healing. RUBY: peace, comfort, ministration. VIOLET: freedom, mercy, forgiveness, compassion. These are what empower you. These are the qualities we are to express through our daily actions, thoughts and intentions.
During this morning's meditation I was told - The power of rituals and ceremonies comes from being fully present. Make everything you do a ritual and ceremony. You already have your morning rituals when you wake up, but you are not fully present and they become mundane. When fully present, they become holy. Work with the seven rays. Your holy energy is moved by intention and then by thought. You don’t have to feel energy in order to move it. You have to intend it first. Then hold the thought on it for that becomes the direction of intention. In the morning intend to set your intentions and then thought.
3/7/24 - We are in a physical ascension process
Someone wrote recently asking me if I had days feeling weird, like almost artificial, like something is off, like everything is different yet it all looks the same. But something is off and you can't put yur finger on it. This is what I wrote back. I won't bother editing it or rephrasing it. It's simply the truth.
"The articles I read all say the same thing. It's the ascension symptoms. Are you familiar with that word? Do you read articles pertaining to it? We are globally moving to higher, lighter, density levels which is why we feel "weird" or "off", not real, different but the same. They say this is the FIRST time ever that physical sentient beings are going through the ascension process without dying. We are living through this process and we have a lot of help from higher level beings. Both Ascended, angelic and galactic. We are all experiencing these weird feelings but a lot of people probably don't know, and may be keeping it to themselves, thinking there is something wrong with them. I have no idea who is aware of the ascension process. My husband isn't and he doesn't like to talk about it. So who is aware? I don't know.
"People are afraid of saying something that will make them look crazy. That's why I'm writing on my website. Moving to higher levels of consciousness, means the older levels of beliefs and traditional ways of doing things are breaking up and fading from our awareness. That leaves - what? What else is there to continue breathing and remaining conscious? Most people think that when their minds go, it means death. No, it doesn't. There is more life in you than you know. The dizziness I experience started when, after upgrading a mantra to higher levels, two hours later I couldn't breathe. Had to go to hospital. Get on pills. My heart wasn't prepared physically. I didn't know, I did it all alone, by myself, no teacher. Plus I was in my early 80's so my body was already aging, along with ascension symptoms. Younger people shouldn't have this type of problem, BUT - big but here - there is eternal light in the cells.
"The body is supported by a life force that is not physical [but is in the physical cells]. This light can be accessed and vitality can be increased. Strength can be increased. Love can be increased. Understanding, wisdom, peace, riches, happiness - can all be increased once you access the light in your own body cells. This was taught in ages past in mystery schools. Once accessed thru conscious spiritual practices, the life force increases your understanding why you're here. One becomes more at peace within themself. You can regenerate your body, no matter what age, and purify the brain of confusion. The light in your own cells of your own body brings clarity thru daily practice. I've discovered this little by little, which is why I write and share it. But it is a private thing, one does it alone, not in group because everyone is on their own individual soul journey. The trick is to not listen to other people's advice (like mine!) but to follow your own heart's light.
"It's truly amazing how much strength and vitality you can generate thru certain practices - physical practices. It's not what religion tries to tell us. It's not holy or perfect - this is a natural and normal evolution of learning about ourselves. We have all been led down a false trail by religion which put spirituality and God on a pedestal. God is not on a pedestal or a throne. God is in the people, in their hearts and bodies, enjoying the physical "rush". We were separated from our own nature."
3/5/24 - The profound importance of connecting with the physical body
One morning recently as I was cuddling with Doug, I felt once again that old familiar feeling of bliss-type love deep inside, all over. We had not had sex. We were just quietly wrapped close together. THIS is what drives me onward. THIS is the ultimate goal - to merge and marry the divine with the human. It is an amazing feeling. I feel the love in me wanting to connect even DEEPER with the love that is in him, yet I am aware that there is further cultivation to do for me, for myself. We humans on the earth plane are still caught in the lowest, densest parts of us, caught in the ambiguity and confusion of the physical sensations. I asked my guidance (DK) for an answer to my question, “Why do I feel cut in half?" It’s at the level of the diaphragm. I have been feeling this a long time now. I thought maybe there was something wrong in me physically. And I was told...
“Your body is trying to show you that you are made of two substances – spiritual and of the earth. One is the old and incomplete yet, the other is eternal and forever. You are spirit living temporarily in a form body which imprisons you. You can feel the sensation in your lower body as deadening, dull, the tendency to die, the end of life energies, as you call it. But the upper part of your body is on fire, as you say, you are inspired, enthused, awake, aware and allowing for the best and the positive. You are pulling on the lower energies. Your body is showing you this. There is love-light particles in your lower body, in your physical body, and there is love-light particles in your upper body, your spiritual body. You are trying to make sense of it. You are trying to “fix” your body. Don’t “fix” it. Celebrate it. Enjoy it. Be in love with all of your life.
“Let reality govern your every thought. It is the positive. Stay always in the positive and you will call your diamonds [light in the cells] home. Your atoms, your atomic particles are full of love-light. You are home when you are in love-light. Yes, the sex is the problem. You have known this for many years and have tried to write about it, define it, explain it to yourself and to others. This effort is holding back your hugs. It is an attraction to the earth body that is not complete yet. There is more “earth” in them than light. You are to move your consciousness of the light DOWN into the earthy particles that are lonely and separated from the wholeness. 'Let reality govern!' The love-light in the physical body is seeking your love and your acceptance. It wants to move to higher ground. It is seeking love-light. It is attracted by the love-light in your upper realms. It wants MORE! Allow your love to encapsulate or go down – consciously go down - into the dense physical without losing your spiritual connection. Repeat that sentence. Allow your love to encapsulate into the physicality without losing its spirituality. Explain this."
(Me:) And so I understand that the whole purpose of the human experience is to connect the spiritual with the PHYSICAL body. It was always my goal to connect with my body but I wasn’t very good at it. I kept soaring upward to the higher realms, the realms of light where I was first taken when kundalini awakened so long ago. I relied on the upper realms to save me and pull me back up to itself. In other words, to escape the physical, or overcome it somehow. The breakthrough came thru the DK books and teachings. Now I see, sense, feel, or perhaps CONNECT is the better word for it, the understanding that light is not only above but also below. The light is stuck in my physical body like little diamonds of sparkly fire, and they are ALL OVER! Not just below the diaphragm but above the diaphragm as well, in my dense physical heart, dense physical throat, head and brain. These little diamond cores of love-light are everywhere and in everything physical, in all form life, in people everywhere, my husband, in aliens from other worlds, in planets, trees, animals, my computer, home devices like refrigerator, furniture, car, stores and shops, everything. It is THIS physical world that is my reality and I am here to resuscitate and rejuvenate it SIMPLY by acknowledging its presence. Recognizing it. Being grateful for this experience of awakening to it. Remembering the light in all things physical. It is a profound FACT. Thus I lift it, redeem it, and my own sparkles of light cry in joy and I feel the joy in me. The love in me. The light in me is mine, they are my children. They come in the form of living electrons. The masters teach this. The light is the atoms in my body, the atomic structure of my body, and as long as I am unaware, my light remains locked and frozen in me, imprisoned due to my ignorance, due to my failure to know. I was not connected, not informed, I didn't realize. Now I am realizing and talking about it. I am my own savior of my own heart, my body, my soul and my life.
During the Torus breath I have been gradually seeing this. Understanding has been building in me. It has taken awhile. It is not a one-time practice. It takes lots of focus time. Each time I open inner doors a bit more. When I’m doing the Torus breath I consciously imagine going down into the earth and rising up the central etheric column of the spine. While I am down in the density of earth I am increasingly aware of little flashing lights, "my" light that has been catacombed, buried and entombed in the earth along with old cadavers of mine after death. Living diamond light that cannot die, not ever, because they are the eternal light of source. They were also buried in the earth along with my dead bodies, past lives. These little diamond lights are mine, they have my signature in them. I have lived before here on this planet and abandoned them when I died and left them unrecognized. Now I am recognizing them and calling them to me. It is a natural calling. I do not know I am calling them but I was ready to see this after long years of practice. My deeper mind is opening.
With the Torus breath I see these little lights attracting my attention and they flow to me and attach to me go with me up through the central channel of the spine. The spiritual path is directly to the top of the crown and out. The Torus breath is a technique being taught today. It has been handed down. There are many techniques handed down. They are not "woo-woo" techniques. They are solid techniques that matter, involving MATTER. They are the intelligence of our real self coming down closer into matter, into density, closer to the physical properties. It is done thru practice. These techniques help us get in touch with our solid body, our physicality, and our emotionality that has been locked up and stuck in our subconscious. We are destined to bring the subconscious into full consciousness. When we are ready. When we ask for new techniques. Our beautiful senses then open and download new information into our daily reality life - the life we are living now. We are on the road to becoming the divine physical body - and be able to FEEL divine! I am gathering my light particles now. I am calling them Home to me by way of my awareness. I am higher awareness going DOWN into my lower awareness and melding the high and low together. Home is where the heart is. The physical heart is the bridge between the higher light in us, the ideal dreams in us, and the lower light in us, the uncomfortable and sickish feelings in us.
As I do my conscious breath work and visualize while physically exercising, I picture myself down there in the heavy denseness of Mother Earth, calling to them and gathering them to me, these little flashes of living diamond light here and there, and they answer my call that I don't know I'm making. It is a natural, automatic calling and an automatic gathering and lifting up through the spinal column, for they are aspects of ME! My own awareness calls to them and attaches to them and brings them up with me. They inspire me and infuse me. They attach to me and soar up the central channel as ME! as I continue conscious visualization.
On the way home the other day I found myself telling Doug about the kundalini and my going into the light. What started this conversation I can’t remember now, but suddenly there was a download of fiery speech coming thru me telling Doug about it and he listened. He said, “Well, I hope you’re right. I hope there is some sort of sexual lovemaking and I said, “Oh, yes! Definitely! And I told hm more about the galactic life on other planets, how there is definitely lovemaking there. It’s ALL about love, in all forms and aspects, and that kundalini is the evolutionary force of love in people. Love is the ultimate melting pot. Everyone has the seed of love in them. It is expressed thru ALL aspects of life, from teaching to warring and science. It is the evolutionary force. We call it kundalini, but it is really the Mother of all creation.
There are words other than kundalini, but this is the one I learned. Love is the reason we strive for betterment. And I told him that I was fortunate that it happened in the presence of my sister Shirley because she knew what was going on in me. She saw me jumping up and down and she waited until I returned from being "gone into the light". She gave me the word, “kundalini”, which I didn't know about. If I had had kundalini awaken in me without knowing this word, I wouldn’t have known how to search for more information. We need WORDS! Words are how we communicate with our physicality, our reality. We do it with our brain. And the brain distributes the knowledge to the rest of our body via the blood, and to the more solid aspects of our body, which has been left out. Our lower body desperately wants and needs the light, conscious recognition, stillness of mind and body in deep relaxation.
We need “words” to define what’s going on inside of us. We are SPIRITS, non-physical intelligences living in hard physical bodies. Imprisoned in a sense. We need words and they come in the form of wisdom and the light of knowledge. We are bringing forth non-physical knowledge to our hard bodies thru subtle feelings and mental telepathy. We are communicating thru meditation and quiet times between spirit and matter. It’s very subtle, very refined. The meaning of occult is subjective. It is a sensing. There are no words in sensing, so we need to interpret thru the brain via WORDS. In the higher realms it is done thru thought alone, mental telepathy. This is what I’m learning from DK’s writings - how to meld non-physical spirit with solid matter.
2/26/24 - Master DK on Anxious Thoughts
A conversation with Master DK last month: Dear Master Djwhal Khul, I ask your advice and counsel. I have so many anxious thoughts. I don’t know how to work with them.
A: Integrate them, my dear. [Q: How? Please give me direction.] A: Allow your mind to dwaddle. It is breaking thru long-held systems and doesn’t know what to do. You are caught between your mind breaking up these old illusions and thought patterns, and your holy divinity, which you are. You know. But your old mental belief system is breaking up. The posting you did yesterday is apt for you. You said it well with your words. Again, I say, allow your mind to go thru its process. It is dying and fading. Allow it its processing. It is a living being. It WAS a living being for a time. Its time is over now. Allow it to pass peacefully. Love it. Tell it, “Thank you for serving me.” It is well to give gratitude to those who have served you. Their time with you was valuable. It helped you to have an experience that you could not have in the bliss state of divine consciousness and splendor. We are truly grateful for the time allotted to us who make the downward journey into physical sentience where we can enjoy the fruits that grow on trees of our own knowledge. You yourself are a tree in full bloom of knowledge from galactic worlds which you do not remember with your mind, but your tree of life grew firm and tall and strong thru sentient life of many planets, fathered and mothered by many suns. You have grown deep and wise and comfortable in your SELF, for you are a child of God, of Creator, and you are one of the wise ones. You are an elder. You have forgotten temporarily, but you are remembering. Ascension is a unique and individual process for you alone to go thru your OWN remembering process. Allow your mind, your own mental construct, your own personality for this world, this life, this journey, to fade now and you will remember why you chose to come.
[Q: I have wanted to host a gathering of other sentient beings, is that a product of my fading mind? I can’t decide if it is the REAL me or a figment of desire from the past. Can you tell me about this?]
You must discover this for yourself, my dear. It is your soul who is guiding you. It is neither left nor right, but the powerful togetherness of both, perhaps. Do you not also think that? To bring the desire built out of many past lives, and the forever divine nature of a kind and loving God to integrate these natures? These desires? The broken dreams of the past are fragments of attempts by a gracious, compassionate God. You who failed but who tried and could not make it to the manifestation stage - now perhaps you can! I believe you can, my dear. It is in your hands. It is in your will. It is in your heart. Be well, my dear. Be safe. Be kind and gentle with your fading mental body. Give it love of the eternal everlasting kind. It is a beautiful mind. Go now and pick up the pieces that are shattering, with loving hands and fingers and hold them to your open heart and offer them to the universal mind - the Father-Mother God of all that is, infinitely creating from broken dreams. Expand on their previous attempts, raising them higher and higher. This is a world of magnificent creators, every one. I will end this now so you may prepare for your hospital procedure in peace. May God-Goddess bless you my lovely child. You are a dear to my heart and soul. I am with you always. I AM you and you are me. We are one as all are one. (Thank you, dear, dear Master, I love you. Thank you.)
[Another question popped up after the above faded away. How and why do energies back up in the legs and feet and head? Where does this energy come from?]
A: It is the life energy. As long as you are conscious you are aware of sensation. You feel your life energy moving thru the substance of your physical body. YOU are consciousness. YOU are aware. As long as you are awake you feel sensations but when you go to sleep you become unconscious. You are no longer aware of sensation. Your senses don’t register. When you are awake you need to move. Rest, periodically, yes, but you need to move. Imagine being restrained by some outside force, pinned down or tied up. You would become very uncomfortable. When an arm or leg goes to sleep when it has been pinned down, you have to move it to get the blood flowing again, and the life force moving.
[Q: But where does this life force come from?]
A: Where indeed? It comes from the first root chakra, the tail bone chakra, which is a male energy, being will power, strength, courage and determination to be here. It gathers force from the earth and sky and feeds it to the second chakra, which is a feminine chakra, a loving, nurturing, sensitive energy which seeks oneness with all. (End of conversation, it was a rather rapid exchange of information done quickly.]
2/20/24 - Soul mates
The following is a quote from the book I'm reading: "Anna, Grandmother of Jesus". by Claire Heartsong, available on Amazon. She was a physical immortal and tells her story. She lived 600 years in the same body and reveals how she did that. After several hundred years, looking like a young woman, she gave birth to the one called Mother Mary who gave birth to Jesus. For those who can't believe,, too bad for you! Perhaps it is time to get with the new empowerment teachings. You may be missing a part of life that is very important to understand. Many of us are tuning in. Yes, it is blowing our minds, but it is backed by ancient science. SO much ancient history is now coming to light through the channeling of people no different than you and me. We are ordinary and so was Anna. I am urged to share (copy) what Anna says about soul mate relationships. This is just a few excerpts. Anna says...
"Soulmates, like divine complementary mirrors, perfectly reflect your consciousness in every moment. Sometimes the reflection may express as the opposite polarity from the one that you are consciously experiencing, but what you perceive is still mirroring your energy, which is expressing through the same resonance. You attract these experiences so that both of you can be conscious of your subconscious or shadow material. Then you have the opportunity to harmonize and balance the polarities within self as well as those that emerge within the chemistry of your combined relationship.
"Soulmates are not liimited to sexually intimate relationships. They can be relatives, teachers, friends, and even enemies. Always, they come into your life, and you into theirs, at the perfect time when your soul desires accelerated growth and healing of separation consciousness. Because there is so much love between you on a soul level, your souls agree before you incarnate that you will find one another and that you will play the most approprirate roles in your life's dramas.
"These relationships prepare each of you for your highest empowerment and destiny. Sometimes those roles are very loving and harmonious. Sometimes there can be extreme suffering. Nevertheless, the ultimate purpose of soulmate relationships is to enter into a divine relationship in which the self is at first mirrored. Then once clarified through forgiveness and compassionate love, the Beloved who has always been present is revealed. Through self-knowledge and self-empowerment gained in conscious relationship, each soul remembers how to be present for both self and the perceived other.
(Skipped a paragraph)
"I could go on and on about the empowerment that comes through conscious, sacred relationship with the whole of life, which by the way, is constantly immersed in the free-flow of divine sexual expression. Indeed, I have come to celebrate all life as sexual! Human sexuality, when it is consciously and compassionately expressed through an awakened heart, becomes a powerful spiritual path in which you may come to know your Self as the Love, Lover, and the Beloved."
2/17/24 - Inner energy practices
Inner energy practices on a daily basis help shift focus from depending on the outer world for emotional upliftment and fulfillment, to the inner world of feeling love, peace, comfort and a positive attitude. It draws on inner love which is housed in every cell of the body. With practice we don't require another person to give us love, we have it all within. Mystics are the proof that it can be done alone, with or without a partner. Nurturance comes from within.
There are many books on the market today with really good techniques to sample and try out. The one that I have been reading supports what I've been doing over the years. I keep forgetting and need constant reminders, which is why I keep reading what attracts my attention. Distractions affect the nature of consciousness. It can pull it down or raise it up.
Love comes from within. Love is celestial, heavenly, divine and connected to the All-That-Is. Everyone is connected at the heart of life. All hearts are one. All hearts are attuned to celestial oneness. If we just remember to go silent and go within, into our own hearts and visualize, imagine, re-create the light of the sun in the heart - there is a noticeable calming effect. These are my words only. Others have their own words, different words, but at the heart of all beings there is the one connection of pure peace, joy, love and light. . Oneness, unity, joy, fulfillment, communication with higher beings or other beings, enlightenment, celestial love. There are many words to use but it's not the word itself, which is a limited focus on one particular energy, it's the desire behind the words that does the job of reaching and contacting and connecting with what is desired. It is subtle. The mind can remain silent - and should - because it's the silence and the desire to connect that does the job. This is a peaceful meditation, not one that is forced. It is done in a relaxed, dreamy state, where the mind becomes quiet and mellow. Imagine putting the mind outside on your left shoulder and tell it to be still.
This connection with the heart gives me a sense of being warmly embraced. There is something cozy and heart-warming. Celestial love are words that mean something to me so I may use them in the beginning of my meditation and then let them drift away. Everyone is a unique creator in his or her own domain. We each have a different history that is comfortable. We must use our own path to achieve the comfort, not try to switch or change. Words can be comforting, but they can also be distracting and cause discomfort.
I recommend spending at least 10 minutes at one sitting or lying down time to test the theory. See how much calmness it brings. Ten minutes is a good start. This is just one technique. There are thousands of techniques. One must try out a technique to see what it produces. Follow the good ones. Make them into a daily practice. Practice raises the vibration of the body. Raising the vibration means becoming more positive, feeling more loving, forgiving, more joyful, happy as a normal state of mind.
The absolute best technique for me is to start out using words and then dropping them as calmness enters. Then picturing the sun shining in my physical heart. The heart is a portal. As I picture the sun shining in my heart, the heart is pumping blood out to the rest of the body and it's carrying the energies of the sunlight out with it. It is a science but of the metaphysical kind. As you practice this type of work on a regular basis, you begin opening doors to deeper truths. Daily practice deepens the study of inner energy exercises. You begin to receive inner revelations that expand your knowledge and understanding. You are taught by God.
Imagine yourself as a child, innocent, care-free, wonder-struck by the world of variety, and you are joyful and laugh a lot because it's so much fun. Life is fun. Be a child again. Reconnect with your inner child and let the love build and grow from within, meaning your sense of playfulfness, freedom, happiness, laughter, light-heartedness. As a child you are taken care of by parents, sheltered, fed, clothed and nourished. As an aging adult, the same sense of security and peace will emerge gently into conscious awareness. Peace. No one is demanding anything from you because you are still a child in your consciousness and your heart. No one can rattle your senses or shock you when you are embraced by the celestial love that you, yourself, have cultivated within your own consciousness. Find that inner child – the one you disconnected from when you became an adult and stopped being in love and wonderment with life.
2/14/24 - Happy Valentine's Day - Remember the Love!
There is a most interesting book on my book shelf which I cannot remember when I bought it. I was led to pick it up two days ago and start reading it. It is a miracle that has landed on my doorstep. It is opening doors like crazy. It is automatic. I don't have to do a thing. Just read it. The celestial light and love waft right out of the pages like perfume. It is called "Anna, Grandmother of Jesus". It was channeled directly by Anna herself thru Claire Heartsong. For those on the spiritual path it is a recommended reading. It is a history of the divine feminine legacy of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jesus and the Grandmother who started it all. It is profound.
The divine feminine has been making a comeback in recent years. Actually one could leave off the word "divine" and simply say "feminine" in truth, for the feminine side of life is half of this world's polarized belief system, and the masculine is the other half. We live in a world of dualities where there is an opposite to everything. Anna reveals the oneness that lies BEHIND every opposite in existence. She represents the Mother in her deeply personal story about herself and her life on earth. Every word is a word filled with perfume of elegance and understanding. It seems to come from the highest of the highest point possible. The highest source, and she reveals in her own way the beautiful fact that every human being is full of this celestial light and love.
Her story is personal, human, and she does not leave out the painful parts, but rather does not dwell on them. There is too much of the higher story to relate to the reader, and she moves on to tell it. About how the light within us has been fragmented, cut down, dosed out, switched off and how we are here to re-ignite it. She helps us to re-ignite our light for it has been masked and covered over with lifetimes of forgetfulness. This light is now being uncovered by such sources as Anna and others. She lived as an immortal in an earth body, and gave birth to the one we call Mother Mary today, who then gave birth to Jesus. And how that lineage started with one lone woman living amongst the disciplined Essenes in Judea.
This book can be found on Amazon. It is not too expensive.
Not only have I uncovered this long-lost book from my book shelves, but I have discovered other sources thru Anna. One is about the DNA and helping your body to heal itself by looking into the genetics, the genome of your ancestral DNA. The author of the book "The DNA Way" is Kashif Kahn. Mr. Kahn presents a semi-metaphysical peek into the "light" of the body (as I see it) which he calls the "codes" of the body, and gives ideas how to make corrective changes in your life to correct problems such as ill health or bad behavior. It is very interesting. I will post a Ted Talk on TODAY'S POSTS so you can link into it. This information is bound to be discredited by those who are firmly fixed in the world's current belief system. But for those who are eagerly researching and reaching beyond the firm and fixed science to what draws them higher and further, this may be an exciting discovery.
That's all for today. In closing, please remember to love YOURSELF. You are the only one that you are here to serve, to nurture, to inspire, to fulfill and to re-create love within and around your environment to please yourself. Stabilize yourself by loving every object you pick up - telephone, pen, keyboard, car keys, child, husband, wife. Hold and cherish this person or object and radiate it as you walk alone in the pasture, as I do. Send it to Father-Mother Sun. By doing this, you are being kind to YOURSELF. For as you give, you receive back in multliple ways. By giving, you open the flow. See that the door stays open.
Sit in the sun and breathe "Thanks You's" toward Father Sun and receive Father Sun's rays back again, into your heart, mind and body. Link yourself up to that which is beyond the physical world's fixed and limited belief system, for that is how we grow happier, more pleasurable, more comfortable, more solid in our body, mind and skin. And more loving to those we live with. Keep focusing on the light ABOVE you, above your head. Picture a sun above your head, I think of it about 11,000 feet, as the Masters said, but it can be anywhere you choose to place it. That sun is a bright pure perfect celestial "genome" - your personal genome with your personal name on it, up there in the open space of the sky. It is connected to forever and therefore drawing on infinity, and it is shining directly down through the crown of your head because it has your name on it. It comes straight down through your crown to your brain, throat, heart, abdomen, pelvis, legs, feet, and into the very heart of mother Earth. Mother Earth receives your beautiful light with your name on it, because she is expecting you. For she is connected to infinity and she knows all. When she receives your conscious connection of "thank you, Mother", she then sends it back up to you and through your feet into your body as you inhale and exhale. You draw Mother Earth in with every CONSCIOUS breath. Be aware. Be attentive. Be conscious. Breath through your feet. Imagine nostrils in the bottom of both feet. Open your nostrils and BREATHE!
When in doubt or confusion, stop and imagine the sun above your head in the sky. Take a moment to connect. Imagine a connection. Tune in and listen. Follow the logic and common sense of this, the highest degree of intelligence, love and light you can muster. It is there for you. This is your own personal golden thread to follow. As you imagine it, it is imagining you. Your higher self light is connecting with you at the same time. This is the golden thread connecting into to you. Follow the golden thread. The highest morality, the highest ethic, the highest truth, the highest way. It will lead you thru the moment.
It is a moment-to-moment journey that we are on, each one of us. There is no "safe place" to land or to find or to discover. We each build it as we go, out of the golden strands of that elegant magnificent golden rope that is connected to your own personal sun in the sky. It is referred to as the silver cord. Yes, it could be seen as silver. Bless you. Love to you on this Valentine Day - now Evening!
2/10/24 - The seven approaches of love open the chakra gates
The seven chakras are actually gates to higher consciousness. As we learn how to manifest and express love in our life, the chakra gates open automatically. Love EXPRESSED is what opens them. Every one of the dimensions is governed by love. If we have not been taught how to express love in all circumstances, the chakra gates do not open easily. We have been given many words pertaining to love, kindness and good will, and we've been taught many techniques, how to use textures, sounds, touches, and develop understandings, colors, energies and perspectives. But we tend to get lost in our head, intellectualizing. It's really all about loving feelings. If we could only make it simply about loving feelings, we could manifest miracles. It all boils down to love. Love is all there is.
Over the years I have been given many slants and ideas, teachings about this, by the Master Djwhal Khul. He is an excellent teacher. But he cannot change my perspective. How I see things is up to me. He can only give me information, then I have to apply it. As I get closer to understanding about love, I realize that these chakras that everyone talks about are really all different aspects of Love. Everything we do is an aspect of love. There is also an aspect called "not love", which takes a downward turn into negativity. But it comes from Source creator and Love is all there is. It is what we DO with it that manifests into the physical reality and environment we live in. It's all made of love thru different eyes, opinions and perspectives. But in the end there is nothing but love.
Today I posted in Today's Posts, an article I ran across by a great being named Atmar. I haven't seen any former reference to this great being before, but a well-known channel (Jahn J. Kassl of Germany) channeled the article. Atmar speaks about Love which has clicked into my perspective today. Love is all there is. We are made of love. The seven flames, the seven colors, the seven attributes and gifts from the Father-Mother God are all different perspectives of loves. This is being confirmed by Atmar. The seven planes of existence for us in our reality, are all different aspects and perspectives of love. With this understanding, we can experiment with reshaping our world reality through feelings of love. Feelings of being fulfilled, abundant, comfortable, happy, at peace and cozily nestled into our rightful place in the world. We can bring Home down to earth. The plan is to unite heaven and earth as one. As above, so below.
An interesting thing happened for me this morning. As I was focusing on building my auric field around me as a sphere of light, I imagined my central spinal column as a hollow tube being filled with dazzling radiating white light. A hollow tube filled with sparkling iridescent light. As I continued focusing on this, along with the seven rays of light intermingling in it - a process that takes awhile - it culminated in a mystical experience of being totally fulfilled and of being in the heavens, at peace, at Home with celestial friends and family. This was amazing, the first time of being Home while still on earth, and feeling totally complete inside the celestial spacious mansion of Father-Mother God Source's heart. Words of course don't do it justice, but I record it here because it was the first time I felt the beautiful warm embrace of supreme contentment and peace.
As I understand it, the light flows down from higher dimensions step by step to increasingly lower dimensions. As the particles of conscious light descends, they become closer and closer together, so they are touching shoulders. As if jammed into a box. The Masters call these conscious particles of light "electrons" and they are here to serve the guiding force of the creator gods (we humans). As the little electrons become closer and closer together, pushed together, they begin rubbing against one another, eventually they take the shape they are ordained to become - the shape of our organs, skin, blood, bone and other tissues. This is done under the greater guidance of magnificent creator beings. As the light particles become more densely packed together, they have sensations. They feel loving. They become love. When light particles are free in space (I imagine) they are not rubbing shoulders. But when they come\ closer and closer together, as they would descending down into denser dimensions, they become sensual. They become loving. They become solid light particles clumped together to form heart, lungs, brain, stomachs and other organs.
Light is information. Pure and perfect information from Source, but when unified together and touching closely together, I imagine they can't help but feel the love, for they are already perfection and purity to begin with, floating free in space. This I learn from the Masters' teachings. The light particles don't become pressed together until they descend in density, crowded together, drawn down thru a tunnel or a funnel, as the Masters have described it. They are squeezed together like too many people on an elevator. The light particles become enamored with each other and fall in love with each other. They are one and the same: Love and Light go together.
Well, that's just an imaginative story on my part, but I experienced it this morning. A vision of my higher self accompanied it, a beautiful blue angelic being who actually held a magic wand in her hand. But I don't want to get too carried away into the magic of heaven. I would rather stay with the technique. Even as human beings, when we come too close together, we can't help but fall in love - or repulsion, as the case might be. Because love is inside us. We were made of love. The seven chakras are simply different perspectives of love, or different ways that love is applied. We are all so different and unique in our makeup. The seven rays have been called the rainbow rays, as taught by the Masters, also called the Antahkarana, the rainbow bridge to heaven. These seven attributes are what we are made of, that we are destined to externalize and express in our daily lives, namely:
The first ray is blue for will power. To have the will power and courage to love. The second ray is pink for love. To have and enjoy the reverence and devotion to love. The third ray is gold for enlightened intelligence. To have and enjoy the wisdom and discernment to love. The fourth ray is white for purity and perfection. To hold and enjoy the purity and perfection of love. The fifth ray is green for truth, science and healing. To hold and enjoy the truth of love for it is a science and it can heal all. The sixth ray is ruby flecked with gold for peace and comfort. To enjoy the peace and comfort of love. The seventh ray is violet for freedom. To have and enjoy the freedom to love.
2/9/24 - Allowing the light to descend into the physical body
Two nights ago I sat before St. Germain and asked for assistance for my dizziness. His response was that I’m trying too hard to stay in the physical body. I have been following instructions from the Master DK, who is guiding me. So now I have a new thought. I understand there are constant changes. Nothing ever remains the same during these ascension times. We are each on our own, trying to figure out what to do next. So I understood this new piece of information. By following outdated instructions of trying to stay in the physical body I am resisting the move into the planes of higher, freer, more loving, more accepting, more peaceful way of life of the higher planes. So I went to sleep on that note, thinking to change my routine next day. Instead of following the exercise program I’ve been working on, the next morning I communed with my Higher Self and turned my day over to the freer, more loving, more spontaneous, go-with-the-flow of my Higher Self. I asked it to make decisions for me. I turned away from my ego mind, which is a limited mind always trying to stay in control by keeping me focused on detail stuff. It keeps me from expanding. So I began my day two days ago moving with the more natural forces of spontaneity, not trying to direct my actions. I skipped the pills again and stopped worrying about following the doctor’s orders. I skipped the pills yesterday too, because the dizziness was so bad, but I was worried that I’m doing something wrong. Am I hurting myself? I have no one to ask.
Yesterday morning I asked the Master DK because the dizziness was SO bad. It was a quick question, on the run because I’m working the house. “What can I do? I’m so dizzy!” He answered “Live thru it, dear. You have to live thru it.” I said, “OK, then, I will! I will live thru it and be in joy and light-hearted and happy about it then!” A feeling of something clicking-in when I made that statement to myself. I am sure that my Higher Self was the one who responded. I gave all decision-making over to my higher Presence and my higher mental body earlier. And DK said, “Yes! Exactly! Good for you. Be in joy, be in happiness – and thoughts came pouring into me – “Share it Share the happiness, share the joy, the excitement. The more you give out to others, the more will come back to you.” I must recycle joy and happiness instead of trying to do all of this alone by myself. I must not hold onto these inner revelations for I am doing the same kind of work that many others are doing. Share the process. Give the ideas out to others. Share the information. The more the merrier. Move them, keep this energy alive and active. Recycle the teachings and the awareness. Then there was a sudden release of dizziness and pressure in my head. It started to fade and the goosebumps and tingles went through me, which always indicates receiving a truth.
Last night I went to sleep holding a folded piece of paper in my hand. I had written a brief letter to Master DK asking, “Please, what can I do about this dizziness? What advice can you give me to help me? I am going crazy with this dizzy brain, not knowing what to do.” During the night last night I had dreams, but they were fragments, broken up, and they didn’t make sense. I couldn’t understand. Until later.
When I woke up this morning I lay there becoming aware of revelations being given to me. They came in the form of pictures. DK tried different analogies to show me something. Again fragments. Then finally a pipe, no, a hose or tube of water. The water is the light and life force coming down into me from above. I am the ground crew, low man on the totem pole. There is pressure coming down the hose from above and pressure down here below, in my body, of ancient origins. These two pressures, one, light, free, and easy flowing from above, and one encrusted and imprisoned down here below in my body, need to merge. They need to blend together in a nice, smooth, compatible way, so they can become one conscious light. These two sources of light are memories. They are knowledge that has been separated.
I am low man on the ground, I am operating the switches, levers, buttons and control mechanisms. My Higher Self is way over my head in higher planes. It is up to me on the ground to flip the switches for more light or less light. More pressure or less pressure. I am the only one who can do it since I am the one grounded and anchored to the earth and the earth body. It is up to me to shut down or open doors and let more light in. Because I was not aware, I did not control the “on-off” switches. Thus the dizziness and disorientation. The ones above in the light realms could not make the decisions for me, since they did not know when the discomfort started. When DK said, “You have to do it yourself” even he could not control the “on-off” switch to let the light flow or stop flowing.
The revelation I received last night is very helpful indeed. Information of such importance is not easy reading for those who are not prepared. I have been slowly preparing myself for this ascension process. The dizziness was a piece of added teaching that I needed. I am very grateful to the Masters for their help. Please know this: YOU CAN ASK FOR ADVICE! They won’t do it for you, but they can give some insight. It is our job as the ground crew controlling the switch for our own body, to be aware and to be ready to signal when it’s time to shut down the light. The light is knowledge. It is openness. It is spaciousness. It is freedom. But our bodies are not prepared for such vast openness, spaciousness and freedom. It’s too much for the old brain that has not been prepared. It creates pressure on the brain, on the head, and on the rest of the body too. Each body, each person is unique. Only WE can process these sensations ourselves, and open or close the valves to start or stop the flow. Oh, there is so much to learn!
Little by little we are growing more accepting of the new lighter energies. It is slowly infiltrating our mass consciousness, the planet itself. There are many lightworkers working through this process, but there are those who are only in the beginning preparatory stages. There are Masters here and also Galactics and Angelic guides and helpers. There are many helpers but WE are the only ones who can do this job of opening and closing the inner values. It is our DECISION. We must notice what is happening internally. That’s why I write about these things. Please feel free to contact me for more personal advice. Reach out to me through the CONTACT page in the menu. I am happy to respond as best I can.
Shutting down means taking a rest. When we are physically and mentally active during the day, performing our tasks of the day no matter what they are, the body is open to receiving more light and energy because it is moving. Moving allows the cells to be open and flexible. It also receives confusion, which is also present in the atmosphere. Our world is being riled up as it is being cleansed. It all depends on where we are located. Doug and I live out in the pasture lands of North Naples, Florida, but still there are pockets of contamination floating around. In the night last night I woke up to write a reminder note to myself - “Every hour – no, make that every 2 hours lie down and become still, to allow the body to fall back into place." The body needs to rest often in total stillness, both physically and mentally. No mind activities. Put the phone down and make still the mind. Let nature perform its duties of resting. Just 10 or 20 minutes every two hours. Then get up and move again. I did that today and IT WORKED! I felt so good this evening I made dinner the way I used to 3 years ago. I haven’t had the interest or the desire or the enthusiasm for three years, since all this started.
The resting time is a natural healing time for the physical, mental, emotional body. All aspects can flow smoothly back together again and be entirely united and at peace. Then get up and carry on with your day. Just 10 or 20 minutes or so. We are then adapting to the inflow of new light coming down the line. I saw beings pressing on the hose above me and others down below feeling the adjustment and co-responding. There is a coordinated effort going on here, that we are not aware of. The elemental beings that are alive and functioning in our physical bodies are maintaining the life force for us. We don’t have to “think” about breathing or shutting down or getting up or moving our limbs. The little elementals are conscious, intelligent beings that empower our muscles, nerves, blood, organs, everything physical. Allow these little elementals to rest and bring our bodies back to normal functioning again. Those above us on higher planes feed the light and memories (they are our own unique memories coming down the line to us) and those below in our bodies receive the light, but “too much too soon” causes pressure on the brain. Allow the back and fill time. The little elementals in our body cells will signal to the higher elementals to release the pressure when it is time. It must be done slowly and carefully and with coordination. There is need for more light to come into the body, but it has to be measured and done carefully. The allegory as I saw it in my vision was that it was “water” coming down a hose. And there is a need to stop the water (the light) from flowing when it builds up to be too much for the body to handle. Rest and allow the body to adapt and adjust, to allow the new light and cosmic memories to enter into the brain. We then enjoy downloads of information we did not have before. This is our expansion of consciousness. (The end. Thank you, DK!)
2/5/24 - The importance of will power
Being comfortable is nice. Being comfortable in my skin is what I have always used to guide me. If I felt comfortable in my skin and in my mind, I felt I was on the right path. It simply felt good. But somewhere along life's path I began to understand that I needed to develop will power. This took a long time. Being comfortable and following my heart was all that I knew. It was my nature. I was a feminine creature, after all. I had always seen will power and assertiveness as a man thing. It was DK, my beloved mentor, guide and friend that began feeding me information in a way that I could accept it. It was now a more mature time in my life and I needed to either learn how to use will power to keep going, or give up the ghost and let myself fade away like so many older folks.
As a student of metaphysics and with a wonderful spiritual guide nudging (the Master Djwhal Khul), I began learning about will power in my later years (in my 80's). I have been transformed by the use of will power and I can't say enough about it. This is only a brief introduction. The importance of will power is shown in the order of which it is presented. It is the first of the seven gifts imprinted into us as baby spirit sparks when we reach the point of wanting to leave the compound and venture further out. It is the first God power we are given to support us on our journey in down into physical sentient life. We are required to go to school before we can leave the safe warm nest of Home with our Father-Mother Source Creator parents. This information has been presented by the Ascended Masters but has been kept to mystery school teachings, so not many people get to learn about it.
We were given seven powers to keep us on the right track when we left home and went out into the darkness. These powers are part of our makeup. We cannot lose them but we can forget about them if they are not brought to our attention by teachers. And you know, here on earth we are not taught about our celestial beginnings so we do not get these teachings early in life. Our inner powers have been shut down by our distraction on outer material forms and actions. We know these powers well, but we forget them when we are born here on Earth.
These seven powers are embedded into us early and become part of our soul if we want to leave home and go exploring. Those who don't want to leave home but would rather stay in the warmth of the parent's home, do not have these powers imprinted. They remain pure white light and serve on higher planes. For those of us who venture downward into physicality, these powers are known as chakras, which are like gates into higher dimensions . They open when we are ready. There are only seven main gates called chakras. In order, these powers as explained to us are: (1) will power, strength, courage and determination. (2) love, reverence, adoration and devotion. (3) enlightened intelligence, wisdom and discernment. (4) Purity, perfection and the immaculate concept. (5) Truth, science and healing. (6) Peace, comfort and ministration. (7) Freedom, mercy and forgiveness. These words are given by the Master DK.
Will power is the first power to be activated because we need the will power and courage to want to descend into physicality. Especially to Earth, it being such a low density planet. When the going gets rough, it is will power, strength, courage, tenacity and fortitude that takes us through to the end - not comfort. The other six powers are all part of will power. Each is part of the others. There is no separation. All seven are one and the same. It is just the way we use it or apply it that makes the difference. The other six powers are also present in will power.
The importance of will power became important to me on a personal level when, after a heart condition and hospital stay, I began to rest a lot. It was then that a sickish type of feeling would seep in when I rested too long. A certain amount of time was OK to rest, but beyond that I felt bad. It took will power, strength and fortitude to make myself get up and move. I had to do it. It made me feel better but I had to get beyond my usual comfort zone. I had never had to face that before. My younger healthier body didn't know about will power. I learned that my body was a conscious being separate from my mind. I had grown soft in my mind and had forgotten that it takes a will of steel to move a body when it's down. I took love, peace and comfort for granted. It was only then that DK's messages began to reach me about mental will power, using the mind to direct oneself into action. This is a masculine trait and I did not have it at first. I had to develop it. It took practice. The Master DK is a wonderfully enlightened guide. He has balanced his training for his students by integrating both masculine aspects and feminine aspects. Both are required, he says. I had to learn the use of will power. I had to become forceful with myself. No one else was going to do it for me. I had to do it myself.
The use of will power has served me well now for over three years. Between heart issues (a-fib), disorientation (I think caused by pharmaceuticals) and the isolation of the pandemic, I have become proactive, using masculine attributes of will power and strength. Not of my original nature! My male side is now assertive and a daily regimen of exercises similar to gentle yoga for my age is now producing results. It doesn't appear to matter the age of a body, it is capable of being resurrected.
Will power regenerates life when it is in danger of fading out and dying. We watch Star Trek. Seven of Nine is a good example of one who becomes a unique individual after being an automaton hooked into the hive mind. The implication is one must learn to become a self-motivator. In other words, one must learn new skills if they are to regenerate new life. I've had to develop a new skill and practice it. I have to remind myself that peace and comfort are not the only gifts of spirit, but they are one and may be enjoyed on the right occasion. It is important that I push myself beyond the comfort zone. There is a time for all things. Each power needs to be utilized to be fully activated. Today I have activated will power and am enjoying more strength and aliveness than I've had in years. There is renewed interest, excitement and a new career in the planning stage. Actively engaging with others is what keeps the life force flowing.
2/4/24 - About the two hearts - one in the chest and one in the pelvis
There are two hearts in the body: one in the chest and one in the geometric center of the body at the pelvis. You can measure from the tailbone to the top of the head and from the tailbone to the bottom of the feet, and you will discover they are approximately the same distance. The pelvic tailbone is the geometric center of the body. And then all of the spiritual teachers and masters refer to "the heart". I have been confused which one to focus on. I've been asking for clarification. Finally, after years of asking, I learned which “Heart” to focus on - the heart in the chest or the heart in the pelvis? The information came forth yesterday. Now I understand. I want to share it here.
The tailbone chakra in the pelvis is the God flame. It is the same I AM in everyone. It is the one connection that draws all into oneness, except we don't know about it. It is somethin that I have been shown and taught for many years by the Masters. Everyone carries Father Source energy as Oneness in their crystal ball at the pelvis, nestled perfectly in the cradle of the pelvic bones just above the coccyx, called the tailbone. I saw it myself during a transcendental meditation back in the early days. Everyone and everything has this crystal ball embedded in the center of its physical form. Even the minerals, grass, rocks, plants, trees, birds, animals, insects, fish, humans, galactics, everyone who is in a sentient separated form. It is the only way life can enter into an otherwise dead physical form. There must be a package of “God” embedded inside it to give it life and it is implanted at the geometric center. The form is built around it. This is the battery of life for the physical form. The heart in the pelvis carries the I AM Oneness. The Father source. We call it the Mother flame because once it is closed about by a form it is the mother that now nurtures that form and cradles it with love and feeds it with life.
The experience of descending into physical or sentient form requires awareness to descend down, step by step through denser and more concrete layers to the lowest density possible. This lowest density appears to be a solid physical substance but it really isn’t. The levels of consciousness simply become tighter and narrower, smaller and more focused on detail so that they literally rub shoulders. The particles of light rub shoulders with each other, they are that close and no longer floating free as they do in the vastness of space and higher dimensions. The pure consciousness that resides in the cradle of the pelvic bones is Source itself - Father god. It is confined now inside what appears to be a solid form which it built for itself by itself. This is how Father Source creates, manifests, its creation. It is now referred to as Mother God because it nourishes the form and guides it as a unique individual, separate from the onenss. It will become it’s own intelligent, reasoning being, yet it will always be a part of the God consciousness. The Mother God in the pelvic cradle nourishes and feeds the material body with life and cradles it with love and caring by guiding it through instinct and inner warm heart feelings. The God flame within guides thru instinct and love, the one who is now called a soul. The soul begins to have individual experiences as it grows up in a solid form from babyhood to boyhood to adulthood and old age under the guidance of the Mother flame in the pelvic cradle.
The physical heart in the chest cavity has a different role to play in its life as a human being. It is located in the chest cavity of the human being. There are 3 densities called dimensions BELOW the physical heart. The heaviest and densest is at the tail bone. A less heavy density is at the sacrum enlightening the lower abdomen and lower back. An even less density is at the solar plexus region below the physical heart.
There are 3 higher densities ABOVE the physical heart. The first one above the heart is the throat. Above the throat is the head center localized at the pituitary gland. Above the pituitary is the crown, localized at the pineal gland. The physical human heart is located between the lower densities and the higher densities on the spinal column. The lower densities draw from the earth energy; the higher densities draw from the celestial energies. The soul draws on both heaven and earth for its conscious awareness. This allows for evolution of consciousness. Conscious awareness grows. Consciousness is its “food” and nourishment. Earth is a low-density planet. Its vibrations are very low compared to other planets. Many other planets are of higher awareness and have more light and sophisticated knowledge. The soul on Earth grows into a unique individual by having unique experiences in a world of bumping into others and comparing notes with others. But all the while, deeply embedded inside itself, Father God Source is the one having the experience. We just don’t know that. We think we are separate. And indeed we are separate for as long as we are in a physical body. At death we remember where we came from and we, as consciousness, return to the heavenly realms to rejoin family, friends, teachers and guides and enjoy being back in the heart of source where we are greatly loved.
Because we have stepped away from the vast oneness of a loving family, we are aware only that we are separate and loneliness is a natural by-product of an earthly life. This is the making of a unique individual. But all along our journey as a soul, God the Father Source is at the heart of our being. We ARE God the Father having a unique and separate experience. The soul (who is really Father God) is conscious and aware and has experiences but it has forgotten. It has amnesia. The veil covers its awareness but then it begins to grow in awareness as a result of being a separate human being. It learns thru trial and error the ways of love, wisdom, truth and purity. It moves up to higher awareness through inner intuition and doors in the chakra system open and allow new awareness to flood into the mind. Thus we enter the higher dimensions step by step. Or maybe he/she doesn’t move upward right away. Maybe he/she decides to stay at a lower level for a longer time. Regardless, he/she will learn because it will bump into unpleasant situations and learn thru harsh experience. It evolves and matures either quickly or slowly, depending on choices made from love or refusal to love. Love is the guiding light.
All the while it is the ONE God, the Father-Mother Source of all that is having the experience. The vast universal mind sees thru the eyes of the soul, each plant, animal and creature it embodies thru. God the Father lives in all beings. God is the one having the experience, but the illusion is that it is separate and unique. What we call soul. The heart in the human chest has a unique role to play due to its location in the body. It is located along the central channel of the spinal column between the pelvis and the crown. It is the separation point between heaven and earth. Where God the Father enters the body from above, God the Mother enters upward from the earth. When the soul’s awareness grows and blossoms into the heart center, it experiences the loving meeting of the Father with the Mother, and a wonderful celebration takes place. It is a spiritual awakening. One does not understand with the brain, but a wonderment of joyful feeling takes place. The Father comes down from above, the Mother as soul comes up from the feet thru the pelvic cradle and heaven and earth enjoy the mystical marriage.
The Father Source in heaven has never been incased in a body, where the Mother God has been encased. She as the soul consciousness is ecstatic when she reconnects with Father God for she is he and he is she. They are the Source. The soul is the child growing between them. They are both feeding and nourishing the child soul, born from their separate union. Now they are back together again in their heavenly home and they watch their child mature into an adult god itself. The soul is still in an earth body. It is mortal but the new enlightenment causes changes to take place and a new era begins for this soul as it becomes a baby Christ.
We call God the Father Source by many names. The names tend to confuse us, but the Father Source that is held in the crystal ball in the pelvis is also God the Father playing the role of Mother as it feeds life to the physical body, now operating as a soul. The physical body is a created effect or product of God the Father and God the Mother. This soul gathers memories and wisdom as it grows thru many lifetimes. When the meeting takes place between heaven and earth, when balance is achieved, a new brilliance takes place. A flash of knowing and instant memory of Home floods the soul. This is the birth of what is called “the Christ”. It is a consciousness blend between earth and heaven.
The Christ has been called a mediator by formal religions, for it knows both heaven and earth and can draw on both energies, high and low, to perform miracles. The soul, now on an enlightened spiritual journey, remains in an earth body to continue its learning how to be a young god or goddess. It is not the end of the journey, but rather a new beginning. There is more to enjoy as an earth being. When the consciousness of earth and heaven meet and explode in ecstasy and knowing, it is the beginning of paradise on earth. There is wonderment and pleasure beyond belief. The coming together of God the Father who is abstract and God the Mother who has been confined to care for an individual embodiment, is an amazing, brilliant, transcendental reunion of love beyond comprehension. I remember when it happened to me. And I still live in an earthly form with earthly experiences and frustrations too from time to time, but it is a charmed life. This is NOT supernatural! This is a natural evolutionary process. It is how life works.
In the Star Trek series, Seven of Nine represents the human who steps away from the allness or oneness (the hive mind is a rather negative connotation but....) it is an apt analogy for Seven becomes a unique individual by having her own separate experiences. The Star Trek series is a wonderful gift to us from higher galactics. Enjoy!
2/2/24 - Reach for the Light while staying rooted to the ground
After re-reading this 5-year-old channeling from my higher self (below), I have come into a greater realization. When the Ascendeds say go UP to the higher regions, as in reaching up for the light, they do not mean go up into the sky above our heads. We who are grounded on earth in time and space, interpret "going UP" to mean leaving our body and going up into the sky as a spiritual being, by thinking and visualizing up in the wild blue. At least that is how I have interpreted it. Lately however I've been coming into a deeper understanding. It has been a very slow learning for me. DK has been helping me all along. Now I am understanding that they who are ascended see things differently than we do, down here anchored to the ground. They mean go up in VALUE and in QUALITY and betterment. Specifically, DK has been teaching me NOT to go up into the sky but to remain in the body and, in fact, how to go DOWN into the Earth to connect with Mother Earth.
This has been terribly confusing to me, and I'm sure for others who read such material. We mortals are so accustomed to thinking linear and measure everything with a yardstick or a ruler. From our perspective standing on the ground, we are hooked into gravity forces. But those on higher planes are not confined to the earth and do not experience things as we do. That is what makes us so different. It has been difficult to talk with them because of this difference. But slowly I have come to see this truth. There has been a mis-translation. The Ascendeds do not see things as we do. In fact, they say that God has no idea what dark or evil or suffering is, for all is perfect from his point of view.
As you read the channeling from my higher self below, you might see it a little differently now. Try it out for yourself. Perhaps you will catch my drift. When they say go UP into the Light, consider that they mean go UP in nobility of thought, in dignity, in grace, in love, in freedom, in higher standards, higher kindness, higher mercy, higher vibration, higher purity, higher sparkle, higher happiness, higher transparency, higher compassion - yet while standing on the ground in your body. Not focusing "up there" above your body. You might be standing in the middle of an argument or a tense situation, or even in a physical battle. It is then that they advise us to go IN and UP. Turn your thoughts inward and re-focus your awareness. Go "up" in your own sense of dignity, kindness, compassion, or in some form of higher value and higher quality of life. It may be hard to do at first, but with practice a person CAN learn. We adapt to a better way and manage our emotioins better thru practice.
In this way, we bring to our physical life a sense of worth and a purpose that makes us feel good. This is how we evolve ourselves to a better, finer, more pleasurable, richer life, and enjoy the abundance of higher attractiveness and attraction. It is how humans grow wise. We install betterment wherever we go, thru our own efforts, and others wonder how we do it. It is an effort, believe me! But by bringing the light of our best and highest intentions, and folding it carefully into situations that we find ourselves in, is how we add love and harmony to the world. And sophistication. And warmth. And pleasure. By radiating our higher CONSCIOUS intentions into everday circumstances. Just ordinary, everyday activities. It is our way of harmonizing the world we live in.
Channeled from my higher self in 2019
"How can your higher self connect with you, your mortal self, except by you the mortal, reaching up and being the best you can be? In every moment? Then your immortal self can reach down to connect with you, for, having been born into the lower vibrational world you had to descend to fit in with the lower vibrations. It is through giving of yourself in the best way possible that the honorable, compassionate, forgiving you will become reintegrated with the real you again. Become the most honest you can be, the most pure you can be, the most perfect you can be, the most wise, the most intelligent, the most modest, the most selfless. Then you become your highest and best and your Christ body can make that connection with you. Your connection to your higher self is like any other friend you have in your life. To maintain communication with it you must direct attention to your friend. A telephone line opening, a glance in its direction, a remembrance of its presence, talking to it, asking it questions, listening to its answers, fitting in with it, knowing and respecting its qualities, its nature - that’s how you connect with your higher self. Your higher self is buttoned in through your chakras. [I saw this vividly]
"Higher self is all around you like a bubble. It is not only up in the sky but around you on all sides and below you. It is you as you appear on the higher dimensions that vibrate faster and purer. You are a small dark and dense form suspended and floating inside a bubble of clarity, love, perfection, like crystal clear waters twinkling as sunlight splashes colors through the water like a diamond flashes prismed light. You are the rich yolk inside the egg of your higher self bubble. You are the child inside the womb of your Divine Mother. You are the figure inside the glass snow ball. You are the seed germinating. You are surrounded on all sides by your very own God/Goddess/Divinity. Expand yourself to connect with the answers to your question. Touch the hem of the garment of your higher self and listen to its advice and counsel. All your needs are answered when you go IN and then UP to higher self, higher dimensions where purity and everything you need is available to you. When you are lonely, hungry, depressed, inadequate, afraid, failing, confused, hurt, suffering, overwhelmed, shut down, frozen, go in and UP. Up in the higher realms, you are none of these depressed things. You are perfect, complete and ascended.
"Go IN and then UP to your higher regions to feel the peace and assurance. You adopted the low vibrations so you could fit into the world and work here. To re-adopt your former glory, go IN and UP to your higher self. Focus on your higher self. Give attention to your higher self. Contemplate your higher self and release your adopted vibrations that are less than who you are. Simply touch the hem of the garment and you will receive a sense of your greatness. Do not be afraid. Release the fear. Become ME for I am your true self. The Self you want to become.. The self you dream about. As you move up the frequency range to higher, more noble sense of self, you will not be able to connect with those who are on the lower frequency range except through love. They become static to your ears and disharmonious to your sensitivities. If you want to stay in contact with the lower frequency range of people, then you must bring my love down with you into lower frequencies and not compromise yourself. Your loving can influence others."
1/31/24 - Be kind to yourself as old ways shatter and break
There is a switchover taking place. It is not easily explained in words but a situation - a hospital procedure - comes along with deep anxiety and stress. I asked Master DK for some advice this morning about it and he said, "Be kind to the fading mind. It served you well. Allow your mind to process out as your divinity steps forward into view."
He continued to say, "Allow your mind to dwaddle in its way. It is the only way it knows. It is breaking thru long-held systems and doesn't know what to do. It has not been taught. Perhaps you can teach it a new, forgiving way. You are caught between your mind's cracking under a system that has been long held fixed and solid in place, and your holy pure clean transparent divinity which is the REAL you underneath. You know this. You are aware on a deep unconscious or semi-conscious level. It is becoming more apparent to you by the day. Your mental belief system is breaking up. Allow it. Allow your mind to go thru its process of dying and fading. Allow it its time to process. It is a living being. It WAS a living being. Its time is over now. Allow it to pass peacefully, with kindness. Love it as you would a long-time friend or family member. Tell it, "Thank you for serving me." Give gratitude to all who have served you. Their time with you was valuable. It helped you to have an experience that you could not have had in the heavens of divine splendor and exalted consciousness.
"We in the Master realms are truly grateful for the time allotted us who make the downward journey into physical sentience where we can enjoy the fruits that grow on the trees of our own knowledge. You yourself are a tree in full bloom of knowledge gained from galactic worlds which you do not remember. Your tree of life grew firm, tall and strong thru sentient lives on many planets, fathered and mothered by many suns. You have grown deep and wise and knowledgeable, for you are a child of God, of Creator. You are an elder. You have forgotten but you are now remembering.
"Ascension is a unique and individual process. You alone must go thru your own remembering process. Allow your mind, which was your own individual personality constructed for this world, its journey and its process of dying. Allow it to fade as you remember your longer history and why you came to be here. Be at peace with all that comes your way now, both the old and the new. You are part of the greater wisdom and the greater oneness. There is no "future" that is separate from you. There is constant evolution and enjoyment. There is nothing to "fear" because you are already here, solidly in place, in presence, in the body, in the vehicle which has been prepared for you, by you. You are learning to be the master of your life. Are you ready to step boldly forth as the Star Trek series encourages - to go where no one has gone before? Because you are doing it YOUR way? As an individual, not as part of a collective as Seven of Nine portrays. Breaking away from the collective is what we are here to do - to master the art of growing uniqueness and individual higher consciousness, not to follow the old regime of dullness and gray non-entities. Grow and blossom the fruits and flowers that are yours alone, as your divine nature has dreamed and seeded all along. Allow your dreams to prosper by giving them encouragement, love and gratitude, not worry and fear. Give them continual "Thank you's", that they continue to blossom and ripen into delicious fruit and beautiful flowers and pleasures for all to enjoy abundantly.
(Q: I have wanted to host a gathering of other sentient beings, is that a product of my fading mind? I can’t decide if it is the REAL me or a figment of desire from the past. Can you tell me about this?)
"You must discover this for yourself, my dear. It is your soul who is guiding you. Perhaps it is neither one or the other, but the togetherness of both. Do you not also think that? To bring the desires built out of many past lives, and the divine nature of a kind and loving God, to integrate these natures? These desires? The broken dreams of the past are fragments of attempts by a gracious, compassionate God. You who tried but failed to manifest those ideas, perhaps now you can! I believe you can, my dear. It is in your hands. It is in your will. It is in your heart.
"Be well, my dear. Be safe. Be kind and gentle with your fading mental body. Give it love of the eternal everlasting kind. It is a beautiful mind. Go now and pick up the pieces that are shattering, with loving hands and fingers and hold them to your open heart and offer them to the universal mind. The Father-Mother God of all that is, infinitely creating from broken dreams, expanding on previous attempts and raising them higher and higher. This is a world of magnificent creators, every one. May God-Goddess bless you my lovely child. You are a dear to my heart and soul. I am with you always. I AM you and you ARE me. We are one as all are one." (End)
1/30/24 - Grounding the ascension energies
This was inspired after a dream that was absolutely crazy, back some months ago. It's about the ascension symptoms and energies that we all are going through. Or some of us are going thru. It's hard to say who is experiencing these things. That's why I write about them. That's my job. My mission is to share these unusual experiences. My dreams in the night remind me that I still have some old energies floating around in my subconscious. I am not clear yet. There is more work to do but there is also a promise of freedom and a beautiful new day at the end of the tunnel. This bright light comes thru in every crazy dream, like a backdrop of pure light.
After these crazy dreams and after reading articles of others lifting up out of their bodies, I am going light-headed myself at times to the point of being dysfunctional. Our bodies are heavy with old stuff that clings tenaciously to gravity like iron bars to a refrigerator door. The sun meanwhile is beaming happy thoughts down upon us, amping up thoughts coming from HIS father down the chain of command, calling us home. Yaay! We’re going Home! It’s time to leave the body and this heavy messed-up planet, I hear the voices calling and they’re messing up my brain. I half-heartedly hear the mainstream news and read the online alternative news, the spiritual disclosure news, negative and positive, and I can’t make heads or tails out of it all. My brain can’t handle it. I’m gone. Out of here. It’s not working.
And suddenly the ascending wave is gone and I’m back, vitalized like superman, stronger than ever, sane, clear-headed, powerful. The rhythms of nature have re-established once again, as they always do, leaving me wondering what happened? I’m at the keyboard typing like crazy because the revelations are flowing faster than I can type. I have to force myself to slow down or I trip over my own feet and fingers. It’s a new normal. The waves come and go. They almost take me with them but not quite. Because I’ve been doing the inner work for a long time. I’ve been grounding, and dissolving cords that used to hook me into the outside world. They are pretty much unimportant to me today. They are not important to my well-being. Extraneous. They don’t matter any more. This includes everything, including people. Well, not the people themselves, but their issues and problems. I love the people and hug them to me like life rafts whenever I get the opportunity. But I don’t care about their issues or problems. The social graces are gone but the inner sensitivity and tenderness has turned up a notch.
When the ascending waves come, they are invisible. I don’t see them but I feel them. They sweep through me and take from me my solidarity. They lift me up like a balloon. My brain feels it first. I am empty inside my head. Heaviness moves around in me. My body feels like a ton. I wonder why my body is so heavy? Past life stuff comes now. It’s just energy. Old, old energy. Not scenes but I know things about myself. It’s easy to know things when my head is empty. I know what went wrong and where I’ve been. I catch glimpses as the energies disengage and start flying away like pieces of lumber in a fierce hurricane. Irrelevant stuff, not needed any more. After the wave passes I am clearer and more vitally alive than ever. I feel on top of the world. I don’t understand why I feel so high. I feel like racing around the block. I am clearer than I’ve ever been, clearer even than as a child when I ran innocent and free without cares. And I know things. I just know. I can’t tell anyone what I know because I am the knowing.
Others may be talking about confusions and chaos but to me life is clean and I know it is going to become cleaner and brighter soon. The brightness, the horizon, is endless. I might have said at one time “the future” but it’s not really the future. It more like the dawn. The dawn is not the future, we’re simply moving into the dawn along with the rotation of the earth. The dawn is always there, the sun is always there, we’re moving around the sun, so it’s not the future. I am standing in my space on this plot of ground and I am grounded. I feel my feet. They are tender. They no longer hurt. I feel a sweetness in my feet that is tender and warm and embracing me. I’m connected to the earth in ways I have NEVER experienced before. I am grounding the energies in a way that feels solid. It’s solid and real. It’s not spiritual any more. And I want to hug all of the people who come close to me. I felt it in my husband the other night when we cuddled before sleep. My hands melted into him while he was absorbed in a TV story. He wasn't trying to do anything. But I saw and felt golden sparks coming from him. He is solid and the love he is holding is solid and I am melting into him to connect with him.
1/28/24 - Seeing the light coming down
(This is a repost from a year ago, but it is worth reposting.) I woke this morn with remnants of broken dreams. They were of me reaching up to the light that is coming down into the top of my head in a stream of dazzling white light. It is ME coming down! My own I AM Presence, or higher self, my greater self. My ME! It is not anyone else but ME! I AM my own greater self. It has been broken up and shattered, this stream of light that is ME!. Of elegance, pure, crystal clear knowing of myself. It is me in clarity but it is broken and shattered as soon as it reaches my dense bodily head and brain, my body. This body has been educated to close it off and think of myself and others as “just a form”, just physical, here today, gone tomorrow. I’ve been raised in a garden and a home that is like solid prison walls, shutting out this clarity and everlasting knowledge. I keep it out by distraction. Getting up in the morning and focusing on what happened yesterday. Picking up where I left off yesterday. I keep reconnecting into the broken past, the illusion of the past, the drama and problems of yesterday.
They mean well, my family and friends, but I am now bored with it. I am now connecting back into my brilliance. It is streaming during the night as I sleep. But now I’m waking up to this reality and old drama and I am back in the broken world again, and my stream of brilliance and clarity and knowingness, and being connected to brightness, light, joy, wonderment and enlightenment flowing, streaming my I AM Presence – but it is breaking up now as I move to get out of bed. This flowing of light and knowing lingering from my dream is now dissipating, breaking up, shattering. I am losing it. It is disappearing into dullness again. Grayness. Ordinariness is taking over. I wake up with a sigh, saying “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within all beings.” It is a left-over from where I came from. I am still saying it, trying to hang on to the fading glow and glory in an attempt to hold onto it, the connection to this power, this light, this joy which is so refreshing and revitalizing.
Suddenly I am seeing the faces of people everywhere, all who like me are looking up at themselves with joy and rapture on their faces, people everywhere radiating and looking up, with light pouring down in a single beam dazzling pure light entering into the crown of their head. We are all trying to hold onto the connection with the light, but it is wavering and breaking up. Distortions are entering. I continue to call out the words silently, “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within all beings.” I try to hold onto the vision of the people all doing the same thing. Repeating the call, holding onto the light by looking up, seeing the pure stream of light coming down into us, holding that connection, speaking words up into the light above us, and holding, holding, holding the connection with the pure, untainted divine light of our REAL selves, our God Selves, our truth, our abundance, our clarity, our ideal, our perfection, our joy, our ecstasy, our rapture. “I praise thy holy name oh light of immortality that lives within all beings.”
I repeat this as I sit up on the side of the bed. I try to keep repeating it as the vision starts to waver and break up. I get up and go to the bathroom for my usual routine while saying the words over and over silently in my mind, even though it is fading, but I keep holding onto it as I brush my teeth and start the shower and step in. This I know will help me build the momentum, my clarity, my connection with my own individual God I AM that I Am. I suggest to myself to say the words silently, “I Am that I Am” 40, 50 times, focusing this light down into my heart, seeing the picture of the light streaming down through the top of my head, and see it come down into my heart and anchor it there, see my heart building the light into a fire. “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within ME!”
In the bathroom I suddenly see the hollow tube going down my spine. It is gifted to me. It goes down through the center of my body. It is hollow. There is nothing in it to obstruct the flow. The hollow tube goes all the way down to – where? I don’t see. My vision is obscure below a certain point, below the heart. I continue with the words “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within MY BODY!” My body is important. I am drawing my consciousness and my ability to visualize down inside of me, lower into my body. Lower than I’ve gone before. The walls of this inner hollow tube are not solid, as I thought at first they were. They are soft, softly subtle. They are made of light. So subtle I didn’t see it at first. I couldn’t make it out at first. Only the main channel extending down from the crown of my head was open to my vision. I will continue holding the visual of light, dazzling light streaming down from somewhere above me, lighting up this main tube that runs down to my lower parts. It is my ability to hold my attention on the lower parts of my body that will do the trick. I must consciously lower the light down into my body, deeper and deeper into the earth plane. Then the obscurity opens up to me and I can see more. My light is anchoring into my physical body. It is MY light that does it. My attention. No one else can do it for me.
1/27/24 - Personal update
There is a lot of change taking place in my body. It's weird. I'm in contact with other, higher dimensions, receiving downloads continuously. It is safe there, but I'm TRYING to stay focused here in THIS reality. It's a trip, this physical ascension process. Doug is a wonderful help. He keeps me grounded as best he can (and I him too.) I'll be going in for a heart ablation next Thursday to correct atrial fibrillation. A minor surgery, same day hospital procedure. I am trying to keep this old body functioning without pharmaceuticals which causes disorientation. The doctors confirmed that for me. I'm doing internal exercises every day, about four hours a day, which is keeping me feeling strong, physically, and integrating the spiritual and physical aspects of life. Healthy and creative. If only the dizziness would stop. The medicines are playing havoc with my brain. Dizziness comes and goes. I have to get off the meds. The doctors say I'll be able to, once they get the a-fib under control which the ablation is designed to do.
I'll keep my readers posted in the coming days. Bless you all, every one. I miss socializing. Wouldn't it be nice a party together? A celebration and social togetherness? Until then, be safe, be well, be upbeat, be positive and have a light heart. Take time out to be alone in the sun and out in nature barefoot, just for a little while. 20 minutes or so, and tune in to Mother Nature's stillness. She is the great healer of mind, body and soul.
1/24/24 - Use the "I AM" Mantra for a Better Life
Over the last few weeks I have been using the "I AM" mantra and want to share it. It is quite amazing. Most people suffer from low self esteem and this particular mantra or affirmation has created astounding benefits for me. Use ONLY uplifting positive words after "I AM". Don't ever say a negative word after saying or thinking, "I AM". Don't ever say, for example, "I AM sorry" or "I AM feeling bad" or "I AM hurting" or "I AM in pain" or "I AM angry" or "I AM sick". Because then you are programming or imprinting your body (through your mental attention and conscious focus) to become that which you just thought or said. This is how we humans keep recycling our own sickness and bad feelings - because we keep thinking it over and over to ourselves. All the self-help books, gurus and teachers talk about this, increasingly so. It is becoming a world-wide phenomena to re-program yourself with positive thoughts. Stop programming yourself with thoughts of "I am old" or "I will die soon" or "I won't live beyond such and such a date". Stop being so negative. Start today to use positive "I AM" statements.
Start today to use the "I AM" mantra. A mantra is simply an Eastern word meaning affirmation. It affirms you. It is a positive, uplifting word. Say "I AM divine". I will list a string of words for suggestions. It doesn't matter who you are, what state of mind you are in, or even if you are a good person. You can MAKE yourself over if you feel you are a "bad" person. This affirmation said over and over repeatedly during the day WILL start to take hold. You will start the ball rolling towards feeling better. It doesn't happen overnight but small changes begin immediately. It takes awhile to change over a body that has lived for 30, 40, 70 years of negative recycled thoughts. So it will begin very soon - within minute - after you start doing it. I also recommend doing it outdoors in nature for some minutes, 5, 10 or 20 minutes. Get out of the building where the old energies live and breathe in fresh outdoor energy. Become serene and watch how your inner life changes for you.
About six months ago I started doing this on a regular basis after reading it and it clicked in for me. It was an "AhHA" moment and it has produced results. Again, I reiterate: it doesn't matter how low down you feel, how dull or ineffective you feel, or how stupid it sounds or how illogical you believe it to be. It works for those who put the effort in. All teachers, leaders and guides of self-improvement techniques say, "You have to put the time in." Following are some suggested positive words to use after saying "I AM".
I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Peace, I AM Joy, I AM Healthy, Energized, Comfortable, Calm, Beautiful, Sacred, Divine, Celestial, Uplifting, Nurturing, Creative, Successful, Abundant, Kind, Merciful, Grace, Truth, Balance, Blesed, Magnificence, Grateful, Celebration, Harmony, Holy, Uplifting, Patient, Compassionate, Purity, Perfection, Blissful, Stillness, Oneness, Friendly, Freedom, Benevolent, Generous, Tender, Strong, Courageous, Determined, Tenacious, Faithful, Clear-minded, Humble, Caring,, Dignity, Thoughtful - and more that you can think of.
1/19/24 - The light in your body cells is encapsulated by six layers
This morning as I re-read my blog of yesterday I started imagining the light being enclosed inside my body cells. Then I drew a picture of a sparkling light symbol surrounded by a circle, representing a physical body cell. And then drew a second circle around that, representing the etheric body. Then a third circle representing the emotional body. Then a fourth circle representing the mental body, then a fifth representing the higher mental body known as the Christ body, per the Ascended Masters. It is the pure crystalline body in us - the higher mental body. It is not contaminated. All the heavier bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, lower mental) are layers of density that hold human world together. They contain the human belief system and mistakes we've made that are not good for us and passed down parent to child. Drawing the pictures gave me a better "feel" for, and understanding of, what I am dealing with here. Light inside my body cells? Still thinking about this I started my stretching routine.
It was then that it hit home why moving and stretching makes me feel good. Moving my body is helping me break the seals that create the belief that my body is a solid physical. My belief in it is like a decree, a law, a “seal” that makes it true. It seals me into that belief. My belief fixes it solid. So as I read the spiritual master material and think about these things, I expand my belief beyond the traditional "fixed" belief that the body is all there is. I am breaking up the solid fixed beliefs that I was raised in. Yoga does the same thing. A teacher feeds to students higher, truer information about being spiritually aware in an ongoing stream of education. The student then does physical stretching exercises and visualizes while considering this information. He or she imprints the information on the now-moving physical particles in the body. When they move they get imprinted better than when they are still and stagnant. Not moving. Stretching opens the pores, the muscles, the skin and moves the electrons and molecules around that make up the body cells so the BODY receives the information too, not just the brain, like when we were young children sitting at a desk in school.
I asked DK: Is it possible to remain in the physical body and still break all the seals so the light is shining from the physical? A: Of course! God didn’t create the physical worlds as a joke, just to play havoc with himself. He wants a more beautiful physical form to manifest through, to move THROUGH, not have to fight his way through a stagnant stop-still energy but move thru an open flowing enthusiastic energy body which is responsive to inner feelings and desires. He too wants to enjoy himself (God the Father) by moving fingers and toes and legs and feet. As the seals are broken and the light shines through the physical and expresses thru the physical body, the person will feel more alive, not so confined or weighed down as if in a prison with bars and doors locked down tight. As you learn to lift the weights off yourself, you will feel freer and not feel compelled to conform to outside rules that someone else has made and continues to enforce, as you have now. No one else’s rules are required - only your own sense of being free, freedom, gaiety, happiness, joy, spontaneity of movement. It feels natural, wholly natural, to be free to move yourself around spontaneously, as you feel to.
This is where you are heading, you and the whole human race is heading for the freedom of joy, of movement, of freedom from having to “comply” as the Borg story on Star Trek. Be natural! Be free. The rules of the controlling “authorities” are keeping you imprisoned. The naturalness of breaking rules causes your body to feel guilty, you suffer strangeness because your body has obeyed for many incarnations the controllers rules. You are therefore out of alignment with your naturalness, even sick, or disoriented, out of sorts in other ways. Awakened people, known as healers, can put their hands on you and speed up the adaptation process, bringing you more into alignment and help you to feel more whole again, more alive and healthy again, faster. Putting hands on others is a wonderful way of helping others. Those of you who are awake and aware of the light that is already inside of you are inclined to do this. It supports the light in someone else to settle in and adapt, as I did with Doug yesterday when he experienced a flushing and sick feeling in his stomach, and whoozy in his head.
He had a download of light, but I should not have said it out loud because it went against his belief system. It is better to do this without words because confusing belief systems can be hazardous to your health. But hands on healing, skin to skin, can help bring a misaligned body back to normal again. The body will adjust. The body is a package of energies "held" in place by a belief system. These beliefs can change from the inside, by the soul itself doing the changing. Energies are fluidic. In order to change a fixed belief system that causes problems, one needs to prepare oneself with good, true, proper, light-filled information. The body needs a master to tell it what is right and what needs to change. YOU are the master of your body. Speak to it. Tell it that it is loved. Soothe it when it is broken or feeling bad. Encourage it as you would a child. Use the same kind of language and tone of voice. Tell it, “It’s OK, you can relax now. Be at peace. I will hold you, hug you, you feel better now.”
This is what you should tell your own body when it starts to complain with hurts, pains, and despondent feel-bad emotions. Change the energies that cause the hurting. It’s a false BELIEF that the physical body is fixed and solid and here to stay. It is not. It is changing by the minute, as one can see if they stop to consider it. It is the BELIEF in what is causing the hurt that is a hard shell and must be broken up and replaced with a brighter, lighter belief. Belief is only the beginning step. Belief changes into knowing when it is a "true" belief. An educated awareness brings more power to manifest health and vitality. It is the only power we have – our awareness. Awareness is the power of life to change things for the better, for more comfort, for more pleasing, more abundant quality of life.
It’s the same power that keeps the universe on course. Everyone is aware of what they are aware of, and as they bring their awareness to the highest possible level, they merge together into more wholeness, more togetherness, more singularity. So that multiple awarenesses remain unique and individual, yet connected into a wholeness that plans and plays together, creates together, interacts with one another for further, more beautiful creations and enjoyable activities. Each is a unique Self on higher levels and yet One with all others. It is possible. Yes.
But while we are here encapsulated in form, we each believe what we believe, and sometimes we are wrong. So if we believe in separateness, we shall be separate and feel lonely. Loneliness is a feeling of being disconnected. We are influenced by what others tell us. We were born into a separatist world. We were told from birth, or it was implied, that the physical body is all there is, so take care of it and follow the rules or else, implying death is all there is. It is not true. There is a reality that is so astonishing that it will blow our minds right out of our skull when we see it! (I've caught glimpses of it!)
1/18/24 - A second kundalini awakening
More downloads from higher realms and grounding the information into the physical body and the practical everyday life creates all sorts of sensations, dizziness, disorientation, abilities to handle things. Life is complicated! The doors are opening and closing. I would not have been able to keep going without the continuing validations that come forth through other channeled writers, authors and internet articles. It has been difficult to keep up with blogs because I'm so busy handling LIFE! I love reading what other people are saying. regarding ascension symptoms. I can borrow words from them to explain these downloads.
This morning while doing physical exercises I asked my higher self a sudden inspiration, "Is there a SECOND kundalini awakening? Meaning in the same body. The answer was an immediate "Yes! The first awakening was your body releasing the kundalini energy, a supernatural force contained in the root chakra. The second awakening is occurring now, as your mind or physical brain understands how to work with it. As you gain understanding, you enlarge your brain to adapt and expand. You are now learning to ground your understanding directly into your physical body. This is causing a second awakening as the light is anchoring into your body. There is a transformation going on." This understanding was given to me as a sudden flash of seeing. I saw the golden network light up in me, as major solid lines of light flashed on and lit up. As if a light switch had been turned on. It is done through the inner eye, the third eye.
This occurred while I was on the floor stretching. As I told my husband the other day, yoga is a combination of listening to words of instruction (from a guru for example), and then stretching the body while thinking and considering it. When I am in motion and stretching, my body is open to receiving words I am thinking about. Otherwise, when the body is not stretching but going thru automatic (non-thinking) motions, it is stagnant and closed. Not open. So it is that by following a physical routine every day while considering high/positive/light thoughts, is a combination mind/body exercise like yoga. One does not have to be enrolled in yoga school to create ones own home study course. It is a strengthening exercise that allows revitalizing energy (kundalini energy) to move up from the root chakra where it is normally held locked down.
If I didn't do the physical stretchings, I imagine the psychic energy fluctuations would slow down then and stop, and I would again feel the old sickish feelings I used to feel, the old past encroaching and making me feel bad. I complained a lot about them over the past few years. Now I don't feel them hardly any more because I am actively engaged in moving my body while considering and thinking about words of positive spiritual advice. I urge others to try this home remedy by creating your OWN routine of physical practices and follow it every day. They do not have to be diffuclt, but keep the mind open and seek positive input, encouraging words that uplift and excite. Reach to more ideal heights and excellent words to consider, to think about while stretching and exercising. Positive, uplifting words contain light. Light is information of the uplifting positive kind. It is positive information that you are building into your own body while stretching and your awareness is hearing it. Don't listen to the news. It contains too many negative words which radiate negative energy, which you start thinking about instead of positive words. Most human words radiate dark issues. Look for words of Light.
Put lighter information into the body. Positive light-filled words raise the frequency. The energies (electrons) of the body speed up at the sound and touch of positive energy. Electrons get excited. Light-filled words is like putting them on a heated stove. They start to spin faster. It is all about raising the frequencies, spinning the electrons faster in the physical body. The brain contains "old" energy so the brain becomes the enemy - feeding "old" energy back to you. It tries to get us to go back to the "old" ways of the past. The brain is the enemy until new expanded synapses are built into it. Until then, the brain will keep feeding back words like "impossible". "Not logical". "No way;!" "Don't listen to that crap!"
But words of a positive uplifting nature, like love, peace, compassion, beautiful, happiness, joy, etc., are innocent words of wholeness. They are elevating. We are being told to surrender to the light because we ARE the light in us. We've been covered over with dark attitudes that weigh us down and make us somber. We ARE the sweetness in us. Let's bring that sweetness out. We are the child in us, the inner child. Let's let the inner child come out and play. It wants to be playful. We are the crystal purity in us. It tries to flow thru our physical cells but can't get thru the heavy dense shells that block it. The light is natural in us. Surrender to the naturalness in you. It is the innocence in you. It is the purity in you. There is a greater Self in you that is taking charge when you fall into naturalness. It feels easier, lighter, happier. It is a greater Power, a greater Father, a greater Mother taking charge. Yield to the greater power in you by surrendering to the happiness in you, whatever causes the happiness, the joy, the love, the warmth. When the warmth begins to shine, go with it. The responsibility is to be loving, kind, warm and safe to yourself first, before to others. Be kind to your own body. first. Don't make life hard for yourself. Make life easy for yourself. For your own physical pleasure and comfot.
Last night I broke my cell phone. It fell to the tiled floor as I was standing on the vibrating machine. I accidently caught my arm in the wire leading to the ear plug, resulting in a smash to the floor. Uh oh, Funk. Doug ordered me a new one right away, which turned out to be a miracle in disguise, less expensive and an upgrade at the same time. It took several hours for the funk to go away. Thanks to Saint Germain who is coming thru strong thru various channelers, including Tara Arnold on Youtube. He is the grand leader of the current age of ascension. I recommend listening to Tara.
Another good channel is Aluna Joy. Several hours later this morning I read Aluna Joy’s article which I posted on Today’s Post. It confirms what I received earlier - that we are ascending in the SAME physical body. That means we are experiencing very strange, even serious symptoms, as I did. I, however, had ascension training. Many people have not had any education on ascension at all, and don't understand that their bodies are changing, switching over to a faster track. A faster speeded-up electronic energy. This world is in great need of spiritual education. How the body is made out of energies and spirit and that spirit is speeding up. Many people have not received proper information by their parents.
Aluna Joy refers to a twice-born spirituality which even I had not heard of before today. My Higher Self told me first, then I read it on Alluna Joy. She refers to the first time when we are born into physical form, as in a past age, and now today we are moving forward with the SAME physical body into the next cycle. This means after thousands of years of reincarnating and repeating the same physical habits as a human being over and over and over and over, ad infinitum. The New Age information has taken us as far as it can, offering good growth and necessary preparation, but it has become stuck in the old world belief and contaminated with the belief in separateness, grandiosity and specialness.
This old creaky mindset is being flushed to the surface as many of us are evolving to a higher, cleaner, more modern understanding of building community, togetherness, cooperation and loving kindness with one another. Aluna suggests we are going through a global dark night of the soul as this change-over takes place, bringing on a time of death and REBIRTH. The way forward is radical surrender and absolute trust in the spirit that guides us naturally forward. We are standing firmly on the bridge of our ship, going forward into the unknown, into initiation and transfiguration. We each carry the immaculate concept within us as LIGHT! We were created with a plan and a purpose, but we were taken over by dark, complicated issues that held our Light back from expressing.
Know that you are safe and all is in divine order. Trust the good that is in you and continue moving into that natural goodness. Be the goodness in you. It is felt as an uplift and a joy. Bless you, I love you! Nancy
1/16/24 - Dull? Void? Lacking? Despondent?
After calling ascended masters and having high visionary, ASTOUNDING experiences identifying with that high realm, I find coming back to earth afterward to be dull, void, lacking. I feel empty and I don’t know what to do about this. I’m stuck frozen in place, paralyzed, unable to move. I call to my higher self. I know the feeling of my higher self, I've seen it, felt it, experienced it, but how do I reconcile coming back down? Being in this low energy field? Then thoughts start to come.
This is what I’m here for. To bring light to the planet. Not to others but to myself. To MOVE things into a better more harmonious environment for myself. It is not all subtle work that you do (someone is talking to me.) You also pick up objects with your fingers, smell the baking goods or the fowl smells. You also walk in spaces that are dusty and make you sneeze (I hear “Achoo!”) and so you hold and run a vacuum cleaner. You are equipped with a physical body to manually move physical things. THIS is the part where people become divided. They go into different paths, each one differently. Some go to extremes, one way or the other.
I have given you a title for a book – OUR book. (AhHA! It is DK talking to me!) We shall write and publish it together. “Tantra as a way of Life”. Tantra is the melding or conjoining of extreme opposites. Yes, you are doing it in your daily practice and life. Now, let us move up a level to one of more refinement. Call it a “tune-up”. The engines run slow without a periodic tune-up. You have deduced more refinement from Tara who speaks for Saint Germain. We Masters speak from a higher altitude, a higher at-it-tude and as you identify with us, you absorb or take on some of this higher at-it-tudes but YOU can make the changes in your world, WE cannot. YOU can manage and control the tune-up, make adjustments so that things run more smoothly. More efficiently for you and others in physical form. WE cannot make those changes. Only YOU can make them while you are in a physical body. When you leave the body temple you will not be able to make those changes or give that “tune-up”. Do you see? It is a matter of seeing and understanding.
Do NOT fall into lack, fall UPWARD into grace and gratitude. Thankful that you are still here in a body so that you CAN make changes. You CAN move around at will and pick objects up off the floor. Call on your Mother Flame to send a runner to help you. You carry the powers of the universe around with you, everywhere you go. In a pouch, a pure crystalline pouch at the center of your body – as you well know! (He is smiling. Yes, I know. I ask a question: What do you recommend as a quick “turn-around” method, to get out of a funk?) He answers: Breathe deeply into Mother Flame and ask her for a runner – a wisp of excitement, vitality and enthusiasm. She has a lot to share!! I think a question and he responds. No. You don’t have to perform Tai Chi poses to achieve a runner. (End)
After DK voice fades away, more thoughts filter into my consciousness. I am identifying with his higher consciousness. He has lifted me out of my funk. Do the Torus breath 20 times but picture your I AM Presence as you yourself in your white caftan going up into the air instead of a vague spark of light. YOU are the light, in person. You are a real personality. Be the light going up into space, clearing the air ahead of you as the Torus breath does, and out and down around yourself into the earth again as the Torus does, refreshing your body. Send your personal image out into space and allow your image to sprinkle through the atmosphere down around you into the earth. It is YOU, the light in you, that is clearing the debris out of the way. You are a light on many levels. This is a technique approved of by the Mother Flame, the God Flame in you.
I remembered how I started my morning meditation. I began by focusing on forming a solid ball of light in my mind, above me, waaaay above in the high skies above me. A solid ball of light as I worked at imaging it, building it in my mind. It cannot be done in a moment. It takes time to concentrate on building. It’s all about focusing on imagining and building a form out of mind, out of consciousness, out of intention. It takes time. So once again, I am reminded to take the time to work at it. Focus at building a more beautiful world out of my own mind. Instead of a funk, get to work and start doing something with these high energies that I connect with during my morning routine.
I focus first on forming a solid ball of light high, high, high in the sky above me, using beautiful words of high vibration - peace, love, light, truth, joy, excitement, laughter, fun-filled celebration. Then I bring an extention of that light-form down to my crown, half in and half out, as DK has told me. And I spend time repeating words of high beauty, grace, compassion and wisdom, excelling in every word while focusing on building a round spherical ball of light at my crown. It takes time. This is ME! I am building light into my own head and crown. If I just say the word quickly and not spend time feeling and concentrating and imagining the feeling of that word, what energy it gives off, what sensation, just saying the word in a quick monotone, it is worthless. There is no value being imprinted into my body cells. It is then just a shadow of the thing. An artificial shadow on the wall that is not real, just something passing thru quickly. The shadow then becames worthless data that clogs the synapses of my brain. Particles of digital electrons that have no spark of life in them. They get stuck in the brain along with other meaningless words. It adds to the dirty confusion that builds up in me, that I carry around with me, everywhere I go. This is the reason for my sitting in silence and emptying my mind into the higher realms of silence. I see I cannot step down out of my silent time, as if stepping down stairs into the low density of the past actions. I must build NEW light forms with my mind and intentions. New light forms to carry me into more vitality, energy, quickness, alertness and interest in life and living.
Today I am using the sord “sacred” and "grace" as feeling words to associate with, along with others as they pop up. I am feel for the feelings within these words. I don't have to stop and concentrate. I do them on the run, as I work my day. I say the words over repeatedly, mentally, consciously, while feeling for the sensation of energy, the vibrations they carry. I build a sphere of light, a pure clear ball of light first at the crown, a ball of light as real as I can make it, so that it looks solid and physical in my mind. Then do the same thing for the whole brain. Then for the throat, then for the heart-lung organ, they are a unit together. Then the solar plexus area. There is no one particular organ here to focus on, so I build a large ball of solid light covering this area.
Then the sacral area, the sex center, a ball of light surrounding the sacrum. Here I received break-through revelations about the singularity, the oneness, the wholeness of the life force, and how sex divides into two separate genders here. There is a "Y" in the road. One goes off to the right, one to the left. A male side and the other a female side. I see that I am to become a whole single energy, not divided. I am to weave them together to create a non-duality energy here. I repeat "non-duality" in my mind. Along with love, trust, truth, sacred, non-duality words.
Sex as a physical problem issue in humanity creates heavy dividing energy in the consciousness. Humanity has been caught in this confusion of separation for eons and eons, which continues to divide the singularity into two separate and opposing genders. It keeps us weighed down in complexities. It is not simple. We are all weighed down trying to sort it out. But non-dual words of truth, love, joy, celebration, compassion, smiling, kindness, non-gender issues brings us back to unity consciousness, a higher consciousness, and we build that into our bodies as we do the light work.
The dividing point is at the second chakra. Then I go down to the first chakra and build the Mother Flame around the coccyx and tail bone. The Mother Flame. The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame. I received a most beautiful experience here several months ago. And then I went down to the knees and built light forms into the knees. And then down to the feet and build light forms into my feet. As I put the mental work into building light into my body, I am rewarded with subtle revelations. Easy to handle revelations. Soft and warm and natural. They continue to flow into my mind and my funk is over. I get on with my day with enthusiasm and renewed interest.
1/13/24 - The body is not a thing to fix, it is constantly changing
The body is not a thing to fix or medicate, it’s a process that is constantly changing. There are cells within larger cells enfolded within larger cells, embedded inside even larger cells. Your physical body is the heaviest and densest and most solid of seven bodies. You are a pure and holy spirit. Your waking consciousness is pure and your holy spirit is descending into heavier more clingy “matter” step by step.
The first descension from holy and pure spirit is the causal body. Seven gifts are given to you from the birth of your consciousness, and you retain them, absorb them into what is called your causal body. Then you descend another step down into density. This is called the higher mental body, called the Christ body by the church. Each cell is surrounded by a higher mental body cell. This is still pure and holy but becoming more aware of density and physicality. Thus your higher mental body takes on an understanding, a perspective of the limitations you are descending into. And then you descend down another step into your lower mental body. And here is where you lose it. You lose the perspective that you are pure and holy and are plunged into the mix and matter of seething human thought and feeling.
Your pure and holy consciousness is still there but is covered over with forgetfulness. It is ordained that you forget and each cell is encased round about in the practical body/mind or thought/mind pertaining to the physical reality world only. You next take another downward step into MORE of density, where cells rub shoulders with other cells nearby, and you form and feel a sensuality between you which you could not feel before. This is the emotional feeling body and each cell is embedded inside the emotional body that prepares you for an intense emotional/pain/pleasure life of duality. And then you take another stop down into density and here you gather ALL of your awarenesses together, all perspectives and experiences together into one lump storage compartment or reservoir of energy, called the etheric body - called soul by the masters - and you feed it into your physical body. This is the final receiver of all your awareness to date. Your physical body receives all that you have learned, experienced, become consciously aware of, in your journey downward into density and outward in expression into the physical reality world of manifestation. So you are continuing to process every moment through every movement of your day.
Will you repeat the past or move on to something new? Repeating the same cycle again and again is how you keep building more density and confusion into your physical reality. To break out of physical confusion you must try something new. You are nudged to try something new. Newness is freshness is aliveness is adventure and excitement. Try something new instead of repeating the same old cycle over and over. Allow your purity and innocence and holy (the light) to come out into manifestation - the manifestation that you are in your original immaculate state - so that you shine through the physical exterior of your skin and action. The question to each person is, Will you be more authentic and real and true to yourself in your response and reactions to circumstances? Or will you fall back on yesterday’s belief system and recycle the same old stuff? (Received as automatic channeling on 10/21/23)
1/11/24 - Coming down thru the sun
After re-reading the DK message I posted on his book yesterday, (Listen to your body, it is a mixture of refined and unrefined materials), I asked "Does DEEP breathing help me to blend the refined and unrefined materials in my body for better vitality?" I am feeling an odd sensation of being out of alignment and wondered if really DEEP cleansing breathing into the lungs would help, because I don't do that very often. DK responded:
(DK:) Yes. Deep breathing does indeed help, breathe as deeply as you can consciously, so that your consciousness brings in the power of your SELF. Your REAL self as you discovered this morning riding in with glee from the Sun. You have done excellent work in this regard. Good for you. You have done well to share your knowledge. Yes. Breathe deeply, breathe consciously. Your breath will balance your refined energies and bring in your unrefined energies to a greater level of peace. It is YOUR consciousness that does the healing. YOU are the Master consciousness within your body, achieving the healing. Do more of this. Spend more time breathing deeply, my dear. Yes, you have read and received this correctly.
(Me:) Thank you. Is there anything more you might tell me that would pertain to this thought? I had a thought a moment ago to ask you. You said “If you call me 'we can continue with the lesson.' I wonder – does that mean I should call you through my conscious ego mind, or are you referring to my soul calling to you which is often sub-conscious and I'm not aware? Is there such a thing as calling you subconsciously?
(DK:) No, my dear, be conscious of calling me. I will come when you are fully conscious of calling to me, as you are doing now.
(Me:) Dear Master DK, thank you so much for answering my questions.
As I was doing the hold breath today (inhale to count of 8, hold to count of 8, exhale to count of 8, hold to count of 8), something phenomenal happened. It was when I expelled air that I saw or actually experienced myself coming out of the sun as a living personification of light and riding downward, coming down into my body with supreme happiness and glee, as if I had just been set free and was celebrating. I can't describe how brilliant, bright and exquisitely beautiful and bright I was. It was an extraordinary feeling and it was ME! I had EXPELLED the air in my lungs and it was as if an explosion occurred. I had been holding my lungs and now let it go. Wow! I felt the freedom but I also saw myself become free too, as if a light exploded inside of me and turned me into radiance. I saw myself in a way that was more real than physical. As a youthful totally resurrected and vitalized BEING of living light. I felt as if I was breaking out of the maze, out of the smog, the dark, and that I was coming home to myself as I entered into my body with such GUSTO, it's hard to portray the feeling, as if this was the first time I had ever broken free. I was a kid again!. Happy, joyful, kid again. Innocent, happy and full of excitement and eager to get started. I came down out of the sun, or thru the sun. I am a ray of light coming through the sun. I am a unique light, a unique intelligence out of all the other rays coming through the sun. How could this be? I do not know.
This is a first experience, and I wonder now - Is my I AM Presence? I knew myself as a distinct and separate ray of light in that split moment or flash of insight. Gleeful, happy, beyond describing the happiness. I am my OWN ray of light, my OWN spirit, my OWN energy, my own consciousness, and yet a part of the great light which is my source light. I am a part of the sun and a part of the great light behind the sun that is beyond my reach. I can actually experience myself - my own self coming through the sun and it is uniquely ME! I am ME! I can feel ME! Coming out of the sun’s light and descending into my fixed solid body.
And then the work began, the heavy lifting, the healing, the (ooooff) hard work of removing the covers that imprinted into me. But that's for later. I don't want to ruin a good story - the coming in from the sun!
Now, today, remarkably, I have discovered Kerry K on Youtube. It is as if her appearance in my life is precisely on queue. A soul sister who knows exactly what's happening and can support my experience. She validates what I have just experienced. For those who are ready for Kerry K and more truth about the Ascension, see Today's Posts I posted on 1/9/24. She knows things nobody else seems to know. I am so grateful to have her validation.
I believe that many people are experiencing one-of-a-kind unusual experiences and don't know what they mean or whether to believe them or not. Maybe they are fantasies or illusions? That is why I write - to share MY story. It may validate someone else's experiences. I urge others to do the same. Speak up! Tell! Share! Believe in yourself. You are an immortal life-giving, life-inspiring, conscious intelligence, a LIGHT who has a fabulous intellect and knowledge to share. You have lived forever. You know things that have been kept hidden and under cover. You are perhaps only beginning to remember. Or perhaps you have known all along, as I have. But no one has validated them for you. This is an era of validation and support. We are sisters and brothers of the same race, the same planet, the same loving community. We are breaking out, breaking out of the maze and beginning to remember who we are. We are opening to the light that is already in us but covered over. We have always been that light. We know what we know. We may not say it out loud but we know what we know. We were just covered over by smog, or fog, or dirt, or artificially-enduced traumas.
Bless you. I love you. I love the whole world today and you're in it! Contact me thru the contact page if you are inclined.
1/7/24 - Chop wood, carry water
Lao Tsu said in a post yesterday: “You have heard the expression: Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. Do you understand why this was said? On the base level, one must continue to provide for themselves sustenance and warmth no matter their spiritual development. At a much deeper level, it is the act of DOING that provides the greatest grounding. One must stay anchored into the act of living and being on earth. It is recommended that people anchor themselves very stro
This is a channeling from the Master DK concerning ascension massage, which is still in my dreaming to start an ascension massage exchange network. I've been scanning the endless numbers of files I've collected over the years, which have a lot of DK's advice and input. This is one such piece of advice from him.
(DK in 2017) If you are not in your heart drawing and allowing in your pure self, you are getting the information from your mind/brain which is a store house of accumulated learned experiences from the past. I saw during meditation that below the heart is human and above the heart is divine. The heart is where the pure original consciousness of you comes in through the portal of the three-fold flame in the heart. The heart is YOU in all your uniqueness. There is not another you. You are the only you in existence. If you are drawing from either above or below the heart, you are drawing on other influences. From above, you are drawing on higher influences, angels, masters, etc., and from below the heart you are drawing on earth experience, both error and pristine.
Your heart is the balance in you between physical and spiritual. Within your etheric heart, superimposed over your physical heart, is a portal through which perfection comes into manifestation. Then, there is a river of light and love that enters through the top of your head and runs down your spinal column and into earth and anchors you into the earth to create your physical. There is an attraction above you that is drawn magnetically down to the physical earth, and there is an attraction below you in the earth that is drawn upward to space and the higher planes above you. It is your heart that balances these two attractions.
Feelings on the lower denser side of you, the more physical side of you, are called lower emotions like sadness, jealousy, survival issues, anger, fear, frustration, depression and more. Feelings on the higher side beyond your human need for survival, are called spiritual longings and reachings. They are sometimes called feelings, and sometimes called mind. Mind and feelings merge into oneness. At that high place you experience visionary things because you are going up beyond the physical, mental and emotional levels of activity.
Within your heart, your etheric heart, lies the perfection that keeps the balance that keeps you grounded between physical and non-physical. It keeps you sane and rational. But you are the one who must find this location, or this particular place in your conscious focus. You are the one who does the searching and the discovering. Wherever you go, you are the one who brings you there. While it is confusing to the mind and the logic of the survival of the fittest, hands-on massage will help you locate your true and authentic self through feelings. Choose the good feelings over the bad feelings. If you feel bad, adjust and make the feeling become good. (DK channeling 10/29/17)
9/14/24 - A helpful message about the ascension from the Arcturians
This is a wonderful message from the Arcturians, copied here from this video which was posted by the GFL.com youtube. Because it so resonated with me, as I am experiencing these things that he talks about, this is extremely helpful. Many, many people are having the same kinds of symptoms, I am sure, without realizing that it is indeed a grand cosmic event. No one told us! Please enjoy. And here is the Video if you want to listen to it.
"Dearest star seeds, I am Laayti and I am very pleased to be with all of you today. We understand that many of you are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. As the energies of ascension amplify. so too do the feelings of chaos, confusion and fear. This is a natural response as the old energies rise to the surface to be acknowledged, healed and released. Ascension is a transformative journey. When you step into new vibrational frequencies everything within you that is not aligned with these higher frequencies coes up for review. This can bring about moments of enlightenment, joy and freedom, but also moments of fear, unease and emotional wounds resurfacing. The key is to recognize that these feelings are part of the process. What no longer serves you is being brought to your attention to be healed. Fear confusion and worry are aspects of your human experience, and as your vibration continues to rise, these emotions will become less dominant. The more you ground yourself in your inner truth, the more you will notice a shift in how you interact with your reality.
"While the world around you may still present challenges, your ability to remain centered, calm and balanced will increase, allowing you to navigate these experiences with greater ease. Humanity is going through a collective shedding of old energies and, as such, this message will come with a trigger warning. As a result many of you are picking up on the collective anxiety and fear. Even if only a small amount this amplification of energy can feel overwhelming, but it is important to know that you are not alone in this journey. We, the Arcturians offer you a simple yet precise practice to assist you. Whether you are currently feeling anxiety or not, this tool will serve as a foundation for peace in times of inner turmoil. Much of the fear and anxiety you experience is deeply ingrained within the subconscious mind, pathways that have been formed over lifetimes. The mind is conditioned to follow these pathways of worry and fear, but we are here to help you rewire them with love and peace.
"As you breathe deeply we invite you to call upon the highest vibration of loe from your soul group and the creator. Allow this love to pour into your being like a warm comforting wave. We will place our energetic hands upon your head, sending a concentrated flow of love into your brain mind and subconscious. This energy rewires the neural pathways, replacing fear-based reactions with new pathways grounded in love. As this energy flows bring to mind the areas of your life that cause you stress or fear. Visualize those pathways dissolving, being erased by the loving energy in their place. See new pathways being created. Pathways that bring peace, clarity and understanding. In these times of accelerated ascension know that all is unfolding as it should. You are moving rapidly through your spiritual evolution, and though the pace may feel overwhelming, it is in perfect alignment with your soul's journey. Release what no longer serves you. Align with the vibration of love and trust that you are exactly where you need to be. I am Laayti and I have enjoyed being with you all today."
9/13/24 - Ascension symptoms - a personal update
Many changes have been taking place within my consciousness. Ascension symptoms are huge, dizziness is number one. Crazy fluctuations in brain and body, with periodic feelings of wanting to give up and die. However, the Master DK has been guiding me. What a wonderful Master he is! I am so grateful that he entered my life 48, near 49 years ago.
It is not easy to define this consciousness shift, but it is going on everywhere on the planet. There are many people like me who are accessing the higher realms, but there are MORE who are not. So this that I am talking about will not make sense to the reader. In essence, the consciousness shift I'm referring to is a first-time ever evolution from animal man to god-man. It's called ascension. We are ascending consciousness in body, mind and feelings. Animal man only knew the earth physical. The God-men and women of the universe have evolved beyond physical limits. They started out physical too, like us, but evolved beyond to become aware of cosmic consciousness and intelligence. "We come from the stars!" And we are being visited today, increasingly so, by those more highly evolved than ourselves. UFO disclosure is underway.
Back to the ascension symptoms. We have been evolving right along, decade after decade, century after century, learning as we go and expanding brain cells. Enough of us have now reached that higher realm of understanding that breaks through the ceiling into a wondrous new reality. Each of us experiences it privately, alone, deep within our spiritual heart. Every planet in the universe has its own evolution going on, within its own culture. We, as one such planet, are experiencing one of those extraordinary "break thru the ceiling" events. It is a very big step for mankind, a shift up and out of the focus on "physical-only", which is limited and confined to the belief that the physical body is all there is and there is nothing more. The ascension breaks us out of that focus into wondrous awareness of higher, vaster universal understanding. It's a consciousoness shift. In this shift we leave behind - they naturally fade away - negative attitudes, thoughts and behaviors. This is the big work that each individual is currently experiencing today, silently and alone, within the privacy of their own thoughts and feelings. And they are discombobulating. Confusion. Maybe causes for medical treatment.
The soul is breaking through. The soul wants to be in charge. And the soul is made of love, spiritual integrity, dignity, grace, beauty and harmony. And the soul is unity consciousness. We are accustomed to being brain-oriented, but the soul is felt through body feelings, sensations. as in heavy or light, depressing or loving. Individual motives and interests weigh into this ascension shift. Self-interest is the mighty dividing line. Can one continue to perform and serve in a self-interest way, where greed or money comes first? Or is one ready to make decisions that follow a more humanitarian path? The shift is privately decided. No one can decide for someone else. It's a shift from limited self-only focus to being more compassionate which benefits all.
Ever since I went into the light in an OBE, when kundalini awakened in me in 1976, I have been a student of the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. I have been initiated into higher levels of consciousness, which are not of this world. Everything was going very smoothly for me up until three years ago. It was fun and exciting until then When the ascension symptoms began in my brain, and then my heart, followed by hospital stays, doctors and medicines, it became quite challenging. However I was lucky. I had the Master DK to fall back on. So far, so good. But I'm still struggling with it.
Meanwhile, because I still live here in the physical with a husband who doesn't identify with "highrr consciousness" ascension teachings, I have to shift back and forth a lot. Dizziness and disorientation is the number one problem, but there are ascension teachings. One of the dreams I've had for a long time is to have some gatherings of lightworkers here at my house. This hasn't changed. It may yet happen. Just a thought planted in the middle of my blog for those who check in on my website. Such gatherings would be for those who live nearby, because I don't want to drive far or often, or do zoom meetings (not tech-oriented.)
I have been guided to continue posting blogs and newsletters. This is one way to share the ascension teachings, through a simple blog. It lets others know they are not alone. There are many beautiful messages coming from the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians and Lyrans - plus others, but those are the main ones. They are showing up on Facebook. If you click "like" you may get a slew of new messages to your phone. Our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters are here for us and embed certain frequencies into their messages, so that you might "get" it in your own unique way and time. We are each unique. Every soul is divinely inspired and when it hears a note that resonates, it clicks into the brain. You will hear it. We have each followed a unique individual pathway of evolution from lower realms to this point in our evolution. It has been, up to now, an evolution of brain or mind. Now it is time to make the leap into love.
From the day kundalini awakened in me, I have been linked into higher spiritual love. It is celestial, or cosmic, universal. For many years I have been writing about it as something different than human sexual love. However, the Master DK is a Tantric Master and he has many teachings that build on sexual human love so it is understandable. He explains the universal concept in terms that can be understood by we humans. I have been guided to create an Ascension Massage offering, but I wasn't ready to carry it through at the time (2012). However soon there will come an Ascension Massage Exchange Network. AMEN for short. This is a program where higher love teachings precede the actual doing of the massage. Light and love lives in every cell of the physical body, and that light and love can draw forth the light and love in another person, when properly prepared. An exchange of partners in hands-on loving touch will build a wonderful community of caring individuals. It will be different from swinging and sexual sharing. It must be, to allow the light to be elevated and not "used" in sex. This will assist in bringing people safely through the ascension into happier, more fulfilled lifestyles on earth.
The third dimension is the lower dimension which focuses on physical only. The fourth dimension is where you start to question the limitations of physical focus only. There must be more, and there are many who are spiritually aware and wise to the higher planes. But many more who are not. As the sun and earth move into higher locations in the galaxy and start receiving higher energies, we humans are also getting higher energies in and though our bodies. We are beginning to see further and have thoughts that go beyond what we were raised up with. We are evolving without any work done on our part. It's happening automatically. We are becoming wiser and more attuned to feelings of more naturalness, more innocence, more spiritually aware. Each individual is going through this awareness adjustment in their own way, alone. It can't be defined well. That is why I would like to initiate some gatherings at my house, so we can share our inner-most visions and concepts that we seldom talk about. We are trying to understand but it is VERY confusing.
If you are one who is experiencing strange symptoms, you are not alone. Writing blogs and newsletters is my way of getting a load off MY mind and preventing a mental jam-up. I would love to share with a real live human being, but since there are none around, I write. So do others. It helps to share what you know, what you are perceiving. And it helps others to know what you're feeling. We are not alone in this. Gathering in groups with others of like minds and hearts, is a good way of building a new community within a community, without bothering others who are not interested (like myo husband). We could go on and on about how we've all lived countless lives before, and how we have suppressed this knowledge by not talking about what we know and feel - but let's save that for later.
Because each of us must work through this alone, privately, it would be wonderful to gather once a week and share higher perspectives. What is going on? And how can we alleviate the confusion? Some have answers for those who don't. We can share. In a sense, we are each alone in this because it's a soul journey between physical brain and non-physical spirit. But we are not really alone because we're all going through the shift together as a race living on one planet in the universe. We are learning how to manage our own bodies and brains alone, but we have neighbors and friends we can talk with. Maybe they know something WE don't know. A round-robin of introductions and discussions would start off a gathering. And also a hugging circle.
The physical brain has been raised with a lot of false programming from birth. We were raised to live a certain way with certain laws and certain politics. Now these systems are fading and more natural feelings of goodness, innocence, peace and love are being felt. Maybe not recognized as such, but they are coming forth regardless. These are the qualities of higher universal laws which keep the planets and suns in their locations. They are superior to earthly laws, and more refined. More beautiful, more reasonable and more loving and intelligent.
Please feel free to communicate with me. Share your thoughts and feelings. I love to talk about it. To all my friends who check this website, yes, I'm still here. Sending much love and wishes for peace, comfort and happiness. Come join me in the fifth dimension. If I spend too much time listening to 3rd dimensional words and discussions, I get dizzy and zone out into the fifth. But being with people of like-mind, WOW! I'll stay here forever in the third if I can have some friends who think like me!
The divine soul wants to live in a human world. It wants to enter into the physical body but it can’t because of so many negative thoughts and feelings. The vibrations don’t match. Our job as human beings is to prepare our physical body and mind to speak more goodness and happiness and more loving attitudes and phrases of kindness. Then we adjust our vibrations and our divine self can enter and be a physical human being. More connected, more clear, more clean and wholesome. The divine self has a body too, but it’s too refined to enter into the human body with its negativity still repressed and stuck inside it. We must raise our consciousness to be more loving, and we do that by sharing uplifting, happy thoughts with each other, and some hands-on healing with light.
9/9/24 - Soften the outer senses to awaken the inner
This is DK channeling 41 years ago in 1983. I just discovered it hidden amongst my other writings. There are so many, I'm still scanning through them. This one is especially good. It is very important to remind everyone that we have TWO minds working in us, not just one. We have the brain mind which is only as old as the body (86 years for me), and we have the soul mind which is the REAL us, the one that lives eternally and foreverk and has had many physical embodiments. The brain mind is always brand new with each new body - baby we are born as. We are brand new and the brain is brand new. So our brain doesn't know all the things that WE know in our gut feelinigs, our deeper soul mind that is our actual life force buried in the tailbone as instinct, intuition, gut feeling, natural feelings of harmony, love, truth, etc. I'm sharing this today because I think it is SO importat to remember this, and I will also add it to DK's book in progress posted HERE)
(Master Djwhal Khul) In order to awaken the inner senses, the outer senses must be softened and changed. This does not mean you have to make dramatic changes, but little changes here and there. All it requires is a little time and certain daily practice. The first change is to practice meditation. It is necessary to go alone behind closed doors for several minutes periodically throughout the day. This is to keep your mind in low gear and to prevent it from racing. As you begin slowing down your mind [brain mind] you will begin hearing your inner moods better and develop an attitude of greater respect.
The second change is to practice expressing your true feelings more. It is necessary to express at least once during the day, one thought, idea or emotion that you would normally have kept secret and unexpressed. This is to soften the habit of mechanical action and mechanical response to situations. As you soften you become more responsive to your inner emotions and urges. You will activate the inner power which is dormant inside, except on occasion when it explodes in a carnival of expression.
The third change is to start changing your hard-nosed attitudes to softer, more understanding ones. Love is the greatest power in the universe. Do not underestimate the power of love, for it is a true power, and its hand-maidens are mercy, compassion, tolerance, understanding, truth, justice and freedom. These are the attitudes that will, when inserted here and there into your daily life, begin the magic of changing your inner feelings from coldness, isolation and loneliness, which is so common among humanity today, to softness when confronted with situations that once caused you to respond in a mechanical way.”
9/6/24 - In support of feminine qualities (men too!)
Recently The Anakosha website was changed to "GoddessSphere".org, and the question was asked "What about the men?" This is the direction we are moving toward today. The feminine needs to be expressed in ALL beings, not just women but men too. The men have 50% feminine in them as women have 50% masculine in them. Feminine is the goodness in us, the miracle-maker in us, the super-power in us, the light and the love within us that has been oppressed and suppressed for eons of time as if it was an evil.
It is time for the feminine aspects with us to be strengthened and supported, noticed, identified and allowed to exist on its own merits. It is time for our tendernss, grace, nourishment of each other and nobility to come forth into actions, words and responses. These qualities are not just in women but in ALL humans. The feminine nature is the godly nature, the comforting nature, the caring nature, the heart-felt emotional nature of compassion and understanding. It is very big, very wide, and is the governing intelligence of the whole universe. It has been said. It guides the planets and the stars with a rhythm that defies the evil ones who hate. It is time to wake up to our full nature.
So we changed the title page and the picture. Feminine vs. masculine as opposite aspects, exist only in worlds of form and duality. It does not exist in the world of spirit for there is no gender separation in spirit. Spirit is Oneness, wholeness, holiness. It expresses in qualities of different textures and vibrations but always in harmony. Each being has a unique vibrational signature so that all of creation knows that being by its vibration. All of creation knows you and me by our vibration. Our vibration is neither female nor male. It is a vibration within the sea of wholeness, allness, all One.
From Hindu texts - "The Four Principles of Spirituality"
The First Principle states: “Whomsoever you encounter is the right one” This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.
The Second Principle states: "Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened” Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…”. No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life, which we encounter, is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.
The Third Principle states: “Each moment in which something begins is the right moment”
Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin.
The Fourth and Final Principle states: “What is over, is over” It is that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on.
9/1/24 - The Urge to Worship
The following is something that was channeled thru me back in 1994. This past week I've been doing some intense research into the Master's writings, which are getting ready for publication. Today during my inner time I heard "Immortal" clear and sharp in my mind, and immediately remembered an article he wrote. I checked into the collection of writings and sure enough. There is a 6-part series on "The Making of an Immortal". Now, the interesting part is, I've read this a number of times but never has it stood out so clear and perfect as it did today. I understand it penetrated my thick skull. Perhaps it is time to publish it? He is talking to me now and giving me further instructions. As I scanned the rich collection of his writings I found this one (below) and wanted to share it with you. The urge to worship.
(DK) On the animal body and the state of worshiping upwards, it is not the body which is animal in nature, it is the attitude that is the unpleasant part. In your worship and prayer you focus upward, and indeed there is a holy draft that sings upward into the heights. It is within every man, woman and child that this sacred flame burns upward, and it is the center of the urge to worship. A mistake has been made in judging the body as gross. It is not the body, which is mindless in and of itself that becomes gross, it is the mind that lives in that body. And so we lend attention to the mind.
Let us turn the mind in an upward direction in all that we do and the body becomes holy - a temple housing a holy mind. We are here to awaken the body temple and the mental temple and the emotional temple and all of the layers of the body to the fact that God lives here within. God is the good within man. It is God, not the little i who lives here within these walls of flesh and psychic turmoil. And so the need for prayer, meditation and the lifting of the mind upward, upward, into the elevated state of worship. We must learn to worship as we perform our daily tasks, worship as we play, worship as we work, worship as we play with pets, tend gardens, make love. Our bodies are holy temples, let us worship as we swim, and talk with friends and eat our food and work at desks. Let us worship the holy One, God, good, within, and thus we shall refine our bodies and accomplish God's tasks.
It is time for dramatic change. It is time to assert yourself. Take each morning and dedicate yourself to the Cause that fathered you. The dense matter which entraps you is not listening to your words. Assertion is required. Assert yourself to make a space, a time, a place for your words. Dedicate each hour to a cause. Each hour is dedicated to a purpose and reason for YOU being here. You have a purpose above and beyond the density of matter, of being lost in matter. Cleanse and purify yourself, your body first. THAT is the first order of the day. The second hour is dedicated to your Father Cause, your own Holiness. I am the Holiness, thus say, “I Am the Holiness of this body and I dedicate this body, I consecrate this body to the will that I Am.” Believe on Me the Holiness of my body and all things will come to pass.
8/26/24 - My I AM Presence gives me a massage
The Master DK once wrote: "There is a circuitry embedded into the human being that is an actual piece of God, the infinite and supreme intelligence, love and mercy. One is not created by God, one IS literally God. But, because no one has ever taught the child that this is so or how to reject the non-God substance that clings to him from the first moment of physical life, one becomes buried inside the dead layers of left-over negativity. Memory of one’s radiant God consciousness becomes dulled and soon lost within the heaviness of physical life. And the land of living light out of which you came of infinite love and reasoning is but a dim instinct towards “good”. This is the real you as opposed to the surface you. It is the power circuitry of God which is part of an infinite network, a delicate microscopic electronic network which interpenetrates all of life’s organisms, and all minds, from man to microbe, from planet to moons to suns to whole galaxies and makes the quantum leap from one dimension to another in a single flow of thought, defying the physical boundaries that segregate both worlds."
DK's words reminds me. The other night while I lay and rolled on tennis balls for my back in a self-myofascial release treatment, I had a most unusual experience. I first felt that wonderful feeling of being present all thru my body, being alive and well and all in the right place. I thought of a friend who always gives me that impression of being so well grounded. While I moved the balls up my spine this really good feeling spread, and I saw myself standing OUTSIDE of myself, giving myself a most beautiful warm loving hands-on treatment. Her touch went deep into me, so lovingly that I yearned for more, deeper. It was oh so beautiful. This was, I am sure, my higher self, the I AM Presence of myself, My ME! And this body I was working on is my solid ground body, not the real me. My I am Presence was working on my solid physical body. The real me who has the knowledge of light and love is working on the solid physical me.
Then, during the night around 2 or 3 am, I had the most powerful download of revelations. I can’t remember them all but they definitely made an impact. It was like being in school. The words and concepts and teachings kept coming and coming and coming, I was so overwhelmed with love and light that I couldn’t resist, and rolled over and stroked Doug and told him about my experience of myself stroking me lovingly. I know he thinks I'm weird but it's so much fun.
8/25/24 - Sharing a happy experience this morning!
The Mother Flame is so awesome! I wrote about it in the last two newsletters, both of which are now posted on this website. There is so much happening. So much revealing. The ceiling continues to crack open, I'm breaking through, and the sun is brighter than ever. Time is speeding up for me so fast there is little time to complete all that is on the growing wish list. The revelations are like simply appearing. They are here within me. I see them. I know them. Each thread is another piece in the overall puzzle that is unfolding. How does one capture it all? Where does one go with so much golden inspirations?
Well, it's not all roses. How do you blend or integrate bliss with the hard core reality of life as it exists today, right now? Life on earth is not blissful. It's a struggle. There are a lot of things not yet finished, that have yet to be worked with. This morning my effort was to complete the exercise routine without being distracted into another direction. My spontaneity tends to take over. But this morning I finished. I was determined to stick with it to the end. I did not deviate. Feeling good with myself I stood still and enjoyed the feeling of completion. Still standing I turned inward. A mistake. A GOOD mistake, don't get me wrong. But it wasn't the plan. I didn't want to fall into bliss again.
The bliss was already. The mother flame was moving. It seeped through my body and I felt a swooning sensation. This sweet inner sensation is like no other. The ancients called it the nectar of the gods. I resisted the swoon because I'm trying to blend this inner sweetness with my solid physical body cells. It is tricky. It is difficult. My physical body is aging and so I must work hard at keeping it active. It is very easy to succumb to rest. But lying down causes too much comfort, too much nectar of the gods. I am determined not to yield until I have completed my activities. The more I receive from higher planes, the more active I become because I must put this energy to good use. Otherwise it will stop coming. Higher consciousness is higher awareness is higher energy is higher motivation is more vitality and more excitement. Or so is my thinking. I don't really know. I am only a student learning how to handle cosmic energies that keep coming and revealing and pushing me upward.
Should I lie down? Should I force myself to get physically active? The swooning sensation is tempting. I want to lie down but I don't want to. What should I do? I asked my guides. One said, "No, don't lie down". Another said, "Yes, lie down!" (I'm paraphrasing here.) So I yielded. I lay down on the massage table and allowed myself to go with it. OMG! I did not lose consciousness but I swooned and went into the wildest, most awesome, most delicious celestial place ever. There are no words. I remained conscious until I felt it was time to come back. Remaining conscious I agreed and told myself to return to the room I was in. Part of the lesson is to remain conscious. As I was slowly returning to normal consciousness I heard a faint song begin, "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily! Life is but a dream!" The nursery rhyme continued to repeat as I slowly gathered my limbs together and sat up. I began laughing at myself as often I do. The happiness is so real. Wow! The joy was huge and I continued to giggle as I pulled myself together and
went downstairs. Doug was in the kitchen making pasta shells. Still laughing, I asked him, "Do you know the song, "Row, row, row your boat...."? And I sang it to him. He said, "Of course!" and continued working with his pasta.
But I couldn't stop giggling. The happiness was so radiant that I couldn't stop talking. I continued talking and telling him about it. He was polite and listened while completing his pasta dish. I am hugely grateful for his presence because I can tell him things and he listens. It is so important that he listen, and I listen to him too. It is important to tell and share what is happening to us, because we are here to build lifelines with each other. Inner happenings should not be reserved for ourselves alone, and only for sacred quiet times. The inner happenings need to be shared, to come out into the open for others to see for there are similar happenings in them too. I see it taking place.
This is the sum of the teachings from the Master Djwhal Khul. I am preparing the title page for his book that I am preparing. After near 50 years of working with him it is almost done. It will take time to complete but it's so awesome. I am still feeling the happiness from this morning. I send happiness to all who read this.
8/18/24 - The chakras are in the spine, not the organs
The chakra system is a cosmic energy system of pure light. Chakras are portals or you could say gateways. They lead to different realities. In each reality (dimension) the father consciousness or grand consciousness either rises or falls. It rises / broadens to a wider horizon, or contracts to a smaller focus. These portals or gateways are called “chakras” in modern language. They are located in the center of the spinal column, NOT in the soft tissues of the organs out in front of the spine as so many think. We have access to many dimensions and realities through these chakras. And we fluctuate often between realities, without knowing. We may switch to a daydream state for a while, or we may sink into a doom and gloom period, or a fearful anxiety period, or maybe have a sudden happiness and joy feeling for awhile. Or a warm intimate love feeling for no reason. These are all different realities, called dimensions, and we can access them more easily if we were aware of them. During certain silent times I go (consciously) to the Ascended Master dimension and communicate there. There are many dimensions that rise into infinity, but we as humans have only been told about seven.
The seven chakra portals are located in the spinal column, not in the organs themselves. Some of the graphic pictures on the internet do not make that clear. This is an important point because the pure light of the creator (and YOU are an aspect of creator) flows down from above the body through the spine to earth, and back up again from earth to heaven. From the spine the pure light moves out into the various parts of the body through the nerves. Pure light reaches into the soft tissues and cells of all the organs everywhere in the body, to keep them healthy, thriving and multiplying. That's how the system works. The life force feeds pure life / light to the physical body in order to keep the body functioning.
It has been recommended that we "spin" the chakras. I for one did not know which way to spin them. Nor did I know where they were located until recently. I didn’t attend a school in my early life, but I have had a master guide in my later life, and slowly I have been guided. This piece of information is important only to those who have an interest in the spiritual body. It has not been explained very well in our third dimensional class rooms (!) but as we enter the spiritual path and when we are ready to listen, the necessary information comes forth.
Without knowing where the life force and vitality comes from (in the spine itself) we have been misusing the pure spiritual light that is vital to our health. This light is efficient. It flows where it is needed. The human body is a well-designed system by the creator. We have not been told much about it but we are learning. We’ve been using it wrongly. We’ve allowed this precious life force, this light, to leak out into the soft tissues and become entangled with the emotional and mental castoffs from other people. We’ve become deeply enmeshed in the lives of other people so that at times we are like slugs crawling thru the mud. We have been hanging onto junk stuff that we should have washed away long ago. It’s still hanging there in our cellular tissues, passed on thru our ancestor's genetics and we pass on to our children. It causes us grief in the form of disease and bad habits, bad feelings, feelings of fright, terror and panic. We wish we could get clear of these things. Just once be clear-minded and not so confused.
Well, that’s the point of learning about the chakras, and about SPINNING the chakras. Spinning can “wash” out clogged energy and open the body to other dimensions. We are about to learn more about them and how to spin. This is relatively new to me recently, so I will speak more about it. Most everyone has their own interpretations and follow their own spiritual path. But where does one go for information to begin? Where does one go for clarity? Some think they should go UP into space for clarity. Others think they should go DOWN into earth for clarity. Still others think they should go outside to teachers or masters for clarity. What DK has been teaching me is to go inside to your own body's feelings. Learn about the multiplicity of who we are. There are times and situations where one well-practiced method does not work as well as another. We are built to be multi-dimensional. We have access to different dimensions, each of which provide alternative FEELINGS and ideas to consider. We do have options and we should learn more about them to achieve better effects on our body.
Different parts of the body need different boosts once in awhile. Disease creeps in when a body part is not getting enough of the pure life force. Maybe it is stuck with some jammed-up trauma. That is the reason for learning how to spin the chakras. Google it and learn more. The Eastern masters have better advice. Focus on them. There is more information coming in today from the higher energies from the sun, providing clearer inner vision. Clearer inner vision is attained through periods of silent meditation.
We have a tendency to hold back trauma experiences in our gut. Out front in the soft tissues of the digestive tract. It causes problems there. These heavy energies are drawn down by gravity to the lowest parts of our bodies. Spinning the navel chakra can assist with clearing old energies. Success is not reached overnight, but it does help lighten the load. Focus on the SPINE, not on the gut itself, to open that particular portal. Be aware that the REAL light and power is flowing through the spine itself – the backbone. This should be explored more deeply through inner meditation. Feelings are the best guide.
We’ve been literally wasting the pure light by letting it drain off like a leaky valve, and become used by parasitic fears and traumas that are lodged there. Usually from our association with the outer world and other people. We allow our light / life force to become entangled with others (outsiders) emotionally or mentally or spiritually. As we learn to conserve our pure light inside our own bodies and not drain it away or give it away needlessly, we can become more healthy, with better vitality. And we notice an increase in excitement and interest in living and creating. This is the super-power that we have within us that is leaking away unnoticed. By conserving this pure light and utilizing it in the correct way, the clear light and clear understanding that flows through the spinal column itself, can start to flow out to body parts with greater vigor and strength. We notice a "boost" in vitality then.
Dull, dead, traumatized energies are being held in the soft tissues still to this day in many people. It is rare that one is so clean and pure that they remain untouched by the world in which they live. However, there are methods to assist as we learn about them. We are flowing with creator energy up and down our spine. Clean as the driven snow. We are designed to use that pure clean light. We were not designed to worship it as if it were sacred on a pedestal. We were born to use it to live a clean, moral, ethical, fair, balanced, happy, abundant and beautiful life with others on a daily basis. This pure clear energy is waiting for us to discover it and tap into it with our minds and use it. The light is flowing through the spine and nerves. The chakras are entryways to a magnificent grid of enlightened happineness, health and joy.
8/14/24 - Moving between dimensions causes confusion
It's been difficult to understand but I'm slowly getting it. It's my brain that needs to be educated. As a student of the ascended masters for many years, my brain as a third-dimensional organ has not kept up with my more expansive, subtle and refined awareness of the higher realms. Moving back and forth between the fifth and third dimensions, I am often caught in the inbetween - the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is where confusion exists because that is where we haven't figured it out yet. Where are we? What do we believe? Which way do I go? What direction should I go in? What is right? What is wrong?
The higher dimensions are accessed as we let go of stress-filled thoughts and feelings, like old traumas, fears wrong beliefs (they're just plain wrong!) and illusions of all kinds. As we recognize they are holding us down in mud and we let them go, we are purifying ourselves. Then we can drift easily upward to a cleaner place. We can feel it. It's a consciousness shift. That's what meditation is all about. But after spending time in a quiet, relaxing state of calmness and feeling really good and peaceful, it's difficult to return to the lower density. What has been called "the real world". The real world of tension, problems, chaos, TV news broadcasting bombs, murders, crime, lack and other mayhem. Trying to switch from one dimension to another is what I have been experiencing for the last three years. It finally dawned on me. I understand it better today.
Unbalanced, unable to remember where I put something, disorientation, dizziness - I am not alone in this. It's too easy to call it Alzheimers or old age. It's ascension symptoms. We are moving from third dimension into fourth dimension and fifth dimension for MANY people. It's not just me. For me, fortunately, I'm married to a practical man, a lawyer, and he has filled in for me where I was lacking. He still can't believe I don't know the names of famous rock stars of yesterday, or the more common figureheads of history. But I am gaining on it.
Now that we are moving into the fifth dimension, I see that everyone else is also becoming more spiritually inclined. I see it on the social media, like youtube and other platforms. There is a huge rise and expansion like a wider horizon in everyone's perception. At one time I couldn't talk to anyone about these things, especially about the galactic visitors from off-world planets (they have been here forever in disguise). But now it seems everyone is lightening up and becoming more aware about past life memories and more. This helps me to feel more at home here. I'm no longer a mis-fit! Others are also like me. It is starting to become more clear. And I'm losing my dizziness. My brain is functioning better. There is less disorientation. My practical, down-to-earth reality husband and I are closer than ever. He is mellowing and I am becoming more practical. He is less stress-filled which steps up my happiness and joy. There is a clearing going on all around the planet. That is, if you ignore the TV news and crime shows. The gentle relaxed ways of the feminine, in both women and men, are showing through the personalities that used to be abrasive.
As we move back and forth between the lower, denser, more compacted, hard-shelled third dimension (old reality) and move on into the higher fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions, it is causing confusion. What's happening? Those who have no metaphysical training or experience may be stuck, thinking that this physical reality is all there is, but it's NOT TRUE! There is more to become aware of. It's happening now. It is casing confusion. My experience and advice is to take time out - even one minute, 60 seconds - close your eyes and imagine the sun shining in your chest, in your physical heart and lungs. The lungs surround the heart, so they are one unified area. And count slowly 1, 2, 3, 4 while focusing sun in that area. Everytime we do this, we are radiating healing light vitality into the cells and tissues. The longer we can hold the visual on it the better. But don't force it. Never, ever force it or you'll lose interest and won't do it again. Remember it with a good feeling. Becoming motivated to do it again. Give yourself a 60 second blast of sunlight into our heart-lungs several times during the day and when you wake up in the morning, first thing.
Be good to yourself. Love your body several times during the day, night, whenever you can think of it. It will slowly help you to feel more comfortable and at peace. You can also do the same visualization of the sun in your brain. But the heart is the more important location. It is too complicated to explain but there is a reason why the ancient teachers, gurus and spiritual masters all have left their advice to focus on the heart and trust your heart. It's because there is a spark of life there in the heart, which is a divine immaculate concept. But it has been neglected and forgotten. The human race has only begun to become aware of this. It is finally sinking in. This spark needs to be blown on so it will built up to flare into a burning fire. Then it will be a "voice" in the heart speaking more loudly. This divine spark needs to be consciously focused on, in the same way that you would blow on dying embers of a fire to bring it back to life again. Blessings to all.
8/12/24 - Changes and upgrades are coming in strong
Two days ago I made a change on the Home page of this website and showed it to my husband. I changed the name from "Anakosha" to "GoddessSphere" and changed the picture of a man and woman to a classical painting of seven women dancing. The motto of Anakosha has always been "Awakening the divine feminine, the heart is the new baseline." Thus, the transfer of title is appropriate. The feminine is officially number one. But his response is terrific and appropriate: "What about the men?" he asked. Today I was led to a wonderful channeled message from spirit which explains the transfer of power. I have posted HERE. It has taken many years of study, learning, growing and channeled messages have been received over the years and are recorded here on this webiste. Please enjoy reading.
Many changes continue to come forth. They seep up from deep within. Seemingly out of thin air words break out in my mind. I suddenly hear words speak to me. For example, Shaktipat. The eastern guru's have been known to give shaktpat - spiritual blessings to students who study with them. I tried to remember the word but it escaped me. For two days I tried to remember. Suddenly it came to me. Shaktipat. I googled it. It means feminine. It is feminine love, not human love, but goddess love. This is the changeover on my website. Anakosha represented human love. The GoddessSphere represents Oneness love. Universal Love. Celestrial Love. And it includes men, aniomals, plants, suns, galaxies. Shakti is the holy spirit in all thigs. Nothing is made without the feminine mother love. The Mother Flame. This is the new direction of my website.
My website Anakosha was switched over accidentally to GoddessSphere two years ago, but now it turns out it wasn't a mistake after all. It was part of the bigger plan. And so are we being switched over to a more upgraded model of human being. We are confused over this. It is planet-wide. Ascension symptoms are headaches, dizziness, confusion, chaos and more. The world seems in chaos. What is happening? The old paradigm is fading and a new harmony is sliding into our DNA. The planet Earth is ascending. And don't forget the Galactics, the Galactic Federation of Light is also here. I am connected. Many are. Many are deciding they don't want to stay and are giving up, But it is time for new unity communities to form - those of higher quality respect, joy, genuine open heartedness, along with the sharing of secret health practices. There is no "one" teacher. There are 8 billion people on the planet and each one has a special skill to share - a unique wealth of knowledge built in because he or she is one of a kind. There are no duplicates.
My impulse is to start sharing the sacred within, the ancient SECRETS within, the forgotten memories of higher knowledge that have been buried under thick layers of cultural programming. Male-female gender programming, religious programming, political and economic programming, limited science programming. The ancient SECRET knowledge is a lot more fun and interesting. It's spontaneous knowledge. It bursts on the scene with brilliant light radiating. It's an inner knowing. You have had it happen, and so have I. It's the happiness force, the force that springs into gaiety and you say something before thinking it. It doesn't pass through your brain. It's out your mouth in the twinkling of an eye, and it's right on the mark in an instant's notice. It's rare, but it happens. It's built inside us. It's the spirit of LIFE. It is the one unified life that we are all a part of together. We've been separated and isolated for eons, but the walls are starting to crumble and break down. We will find ourselves standing side by side someone we knew a long time ago.
These are very old ancient memories. We've been covered over by dirt and sludge. A vision once of something emerging out of the mud, a scary monster at first but it turned out to be me! Soul memories are covered over in mud. Culturally we were trained to bury them from baby-hood due to strict patriarchal rules of "do what you're told or else". Now, as the divine feminine is coming back and stepping up onto the front stage, there will be more showings of these original values of happiness, joyfulness, dignity, respect, kindness, spontaneous, refreshing, compassion, mothering, nurturing and more. Blessings and love to all. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts via the Contact page.
8/10/24 - Be careful - forming habits are difficult to break!
After texting someone about he shouldn’t feel bad about not being able to stick to his routine because of his damn phone, I texted him he should go with the flow and not try to force himself. A few minutes later I started getting a spirit message - an excellent piece of advice because I'm guilty of the same thing.
“If you’re disgusted with yourself because you can’t keep to your routine, consider not forming habits. Go with the larger flow, the BIGGER flow. Because that is where you want to go. Go where you are are being drawn to go. Your interest is your bigger flow. It is your vitality. It is your joy. Go where your joy and your interest take you. That is your consciousness. Interest is your bigger flow. Go where your interest takes you, not your mind.
"Habits are formed by the brain. The brain is the mind. The brain is limited. Your interest is what is attracting you, what is drawing you, what is calling to you. Go where you are called to go. It is the bigger flow in you. It is your higher intelligence. Your consciousness has lived before and you will live again after this death (unless you become an ascended being, which is not impossible.) You are an eternally flowing consciousness and an aspect of the Almighty, which we call the ALL-THAT-IS or Prime Creator. You as an aspect of the ALL-THAT-IS and you are having fun with these adventures descending down into physicality as you walk about in flesh and blood. You are not confined to the brain if you knew the truth. You just think you are. You have been programmed to think you are. You have lived before and before that and before that.
"You have been around for a long time, my child, but your brain has not. Your brain is an organ of this body only. It will die with this body. This body you live in today was pre-prgrammed by your ancestors, their DNA, which gave you the ability to know how to walk, talk, breath, eat, drink, think, digest and eliminate poop and urine. That’s why everyone does it the same way, so you all can rely on your body to carry you thru your life in THIS body. And now that you are all grown up and had your youthful adventures, you can spend a little more time expanding on that and exploring the side paths and wider fields of spiritual knowledge - and explore who you REALLY are. You are the survivor who lives past the births and deaths of your bodies, one body after another after another. You are the REAL of you, and you will discover that you are more real upon your death bed as you leave this body.
"This is the way of the Prime Creator, the Almighty, the ALL-THAT-IS. He planned it this way. He created it this way. And even the Almighty is growing wiser because it has aspects out in the field, away on missions of discovery, enjoying physicality - the pleasures and pains and struggles - and becoming wiser with each new situation."
So you and I and our friends, loved ones, neighbors and enemies – we are all growing wiser and stronger through our adventures. Beware! Evolution is fraught with change and upgrades!
8/5/24 - A personal invitation for Ascension Massage
If you are reading this and feel an interest in exchanging a soft, gentle ascension massage with me - Nancy, aka Diana of Anakosha which is now called GoddessSphere - please contact me via my Contact page HERE. It will take place in my home out in the pasturelands of northeast Naples, Florida. I am going thru the ascension process quite rapidly and needing to put my hands on other people to help stabilize and ground me. Surely there must be others experiencing the same thing? Man or women?
Breakthroughs are happening very fast and I find it difficult to keep up. The key is to put hands on other people to share the light. Keep it flowing outward to others. Having been under the guidance of Ascended Master Djwhal Khul for many years, there is no question or doubt that this is the "next step" for all of us - to break the formidable isolation and separation and start sharing the light and love. We all need to break the spell that binds us to isolation and loneliness. We need NEED the supportive encouragement and happiness of others who are on the same wavelength. This is my attempt to reach out and find others who may resonate with these words.
The plan is to put my hands on people who are feminine-oriented. In other words, those who are heart-based and inner-orented to spiritual, peaceful grace and higher inner consciousness, versus a lot of talking, mental intellectualism, political comparisons, competitions and needless opinions that debate. Soft, quiet, inner focus. Are you attuned to the quiet, more refined consciousness? This can include a man (if he is not looking for something "more".) The purpose is to gently awaken the higher light and love within the physical body, on a cellular level. Cells that have been frozen, locked tight inside a shell of repeated beliefs and habits.
The motivation is to put hands on other bodies not to receive, but to GIVE light to others. If after the session is done, the receiver is willing to put their hands on me, I would love it and welcome the exchange. However, the primary reason for offering this is to GIVE my light to others. In Hinduism it would be called a "puja" meaning a ceremonial worship or offering to an image of a god, a spiritual sharing and uplifting of light, flowers and water in reverence, honor, adoration or worship. In this instance it is a hands-on worship of the LIGHT within the body.
I am a retired massage therapist. I gave up the practice because of negative male pressure for more than I wanted to give. The sharing of feminine loving touch apparently stimulates that in a men. Also, I understand, when a man massages a women. It has been an age-old problem between the sexes. I was sad to have to give up massage practice but it bothered me too much. As I continued studying with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, I came to greater understanding, intellectually. After many years of writing and posting on my website about the presence of divine love and how it's locked frozen inside physical bodies, I have had enough writing about it. It's time to get back to practicing hands-on massage, but THIS time it will be enlightened massage. I am now offering to try this out with people who resonate with these words. Both men and women, young or old. Anyone interested in sweet, gentle, loving, healing, uplifting loving touch massage without sexual pressure are invited to contact me and ask further questions. This is what Ascension Massage is. Please note the subtle difference.
Several things of importance. (1) This is a quiet session. We don't talk too much, except for the introductory stage as the spirit moves us. An uplifting attitude is important. Personal opinions about politics, religion and personal history, etc., are not necessary. The sessions are more like professional therapy, except ours will be more personal, comforting and nurturing, for it is the spirit within we are activating. We share the light of the beautiful higher transcendence within. We may use verbal words as the spirit moves us. (2) The treatment room is on the second floor of our house so there are stairs to climb. My husband also lives here but he will not be involved. (3) One may use the shower before the session. The session may be nude with a sheet, or a loose flowing garment that is comfortable. I am a nudist myself so nudity is not a problem. (4) No money changes hands. It's a free exchange, experimental in nature.
My motivation is experimental. I want to GIVE hands-on touch to people, first and foremost. It is a primary urge to start the flow going of the divine feminine presence within, which is sacred. By my giving love to someone else from an attitude that is more elevated than personal, sensual or romantic, I draw the light out from that person. It is pure spirit and we are grounding it, connecting through physical forms. This is extremely rare. It is hoped that it can be done through skin-to-skin, hands-on massage. I will be doing spiritual chanting silently all the while, elevating and connecting with spirit. It is a spiritually-inspired motivation, backed by years of preparation and study with the Ascended Master Djwahl Khul. In return, I will receive the light from the person I'm touching if it is available to be reached. That is the whole point of the experiment. Hopefully this will generate healing and elevation of consciousness. AND interest in those who experience it to want to contribute their own loving light to others in return. It is hoped that an exchange network will evolve from this experiment. That is the plan coming from the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy. So, I will not expect to receive a full Ascension Massage in return. Only if and unless the person is truly motivated to try their hand at it.
Again, this is an experiment that I am offering, following the nudges and guidance of the Masters. The plan is to offer this as a gentle persuasion to activate the crystalline light body in those who receive. Our world has been full of head-tripping, intellectualizing, opinionating, debating, gossiping, separating into factions against one another. This is an attempt to return to unity consciousness thru the common venue of loving touch and comfort. The tool we are using is FEELING. The action is in the feelings. Emotions and feelings. Let the feelings and emotions stir but don't act on them. Don't express them. Don't talk about them. It's not talk therapy, it's inner feeling therapy. Let the emotions and feelings stir and be felt freely. But don't express them in words or action.
Let's return to loving nurturing comforting touch. And hugs where appropriate. Smile, be kind, be open-hearted and elevating in thought and mind. We connect light heart to light heart. The light in me receives the light in the body I am touching, and vice versa. Light flows then. There is an exchange of light on higher levels of conscious awareness. This type of session is motivated by SPIRIT, not by human ego. We contain and hold back our ego (the brain). The egos want to spew and talk, and gossip and compare, and compete and express opinions. But we will hold these urges back because there is a larger consciousness behind it. I have been nudged to do this. It is something personal for me. It is part of my lessons to understand and experience how light and love flow from one person to another. It is an activation in BOTH bodies - mine and the one I am touching. It is not one doing something to the other. It is consciousness weaving together, but not on the finite level of personal ego. The benefits are far-reaching, such as health, vitality, peace, abundance, calmness, creativity and a certain sense of graciousness and expansive consciousness.
The light within our physical bodies is the I AM consciousness. It is linked to the great I AM, the big I AM that is the father of all life. We human beings do not understand that we are a larger consciousness. We are not just a "brain" talking. The brain is a physical organ. It is an important physical organ, but it is not the ONLY intelligence of the body. We are THE inteligence of the body. We are the spirit of the body which survives death and moves on to a greater reality. We are the god that lives in the body. We are the LIGHT of the body. We are the LIGHT of the heart. We are the LIGHT of the organs, lungs, stomach. We are the LIGHT. I am the Light. You are the Light.
When the light starts to activate and we become aware of it, we feel more loving. Our consciousness becomes more aware of love and loving sensation. The light in us has been frozen, locked in, surrounded by physical concrete matter. We hope to move it with our loving touch massage. There is light in everyone's bodies which is not moving. It is time to move the light. It is time to activate the light. The light is what is causing the illness deteriorating, loneliness and separation. And fear. Fear of death. We fear death because the cells fear death. WE are the BIG light in the body. We need to identify with the BIG light that is in us. We need to start moving it, activating it, becoming more clear and lucid. We can do this through kind, caring, nurturing, loving sessioins. The light has been frozen inside our body cells, locked up and confined like prisoners. Stuck. It can't move. The cells start to die at a certain age-point, when they know they're supposed to die. The life force begins to dwindle at a certain age because that's what everyone says it's supposed to do. We've been programmed to live a certain age and no longer, and our cells get that message. They begin to die.
The Ascension massage has been inspired by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Masters. I have been a student for the last 50 years. It is a new method that is being suggested and promoted. Activate the light inside the body and it will change the world. The divine feminine is coming out of the closet. Women are starting to impact the world. The Dalai Lama said as much: "Western women will change the world!" And we are seeing it now taking place in various fields. It is a powerful sign of change when a woman dares do what she wants to do. She moves on past the patriarchal mind-set which has held women back for eons. Loving kindness FOR ALL, shown through action, will bring peace to the planet. It will have an impact. First we must FEEL it within ourselves. Then we can show it to others. I am seeking support from other feminine thinkers, men may be included. Feel free to contact me. Please read a lovely article on the divine feminine by Emmanuel Dagher posted today in TODAY'S POSTS.
8/3/24 - Many changes are happening - symptoms of upgrading
The many changes that are occurring in our world are ALL POSITIVE. Please believe that! Our finite focus on material existence - and especially on our own failing body like the muscles that ache and complain at the end of the day - these are signs that the physical is shifting and changing. Things are changing to keep up with the higher resonating fields of energy coming onto our planet now. As a planet spinning in its orbit we are moving into greater cosmic awareness. This is information coming from our star brothers and sisters, the Galactics who are assisting from beyond our ability to see them. We are moving into fourth and fifth dimensions of consciousness and higher.
Dimensions are not a location in space but an awareness. We as individuals are awareness. We are spiritual awareness that has been dumbed down. Our spiritual awareness is now expanding and starting to radiate. Dimensions are not a location somewhere other than earth. Our awareness is right here in our own backyard, anchored into our physical body. Our awareness, our spiritual awareness, is simply going through a refinement process. We are refining and thus becoming more sensitive. We are beginning to register more delicate information from higher regions in space. As we resonate higher in awareness the more together we grow. We all come from the same Home, the same Heart, the same Father/Mother creator, we call God/Goddess or all that is. We are moving closer to Home and we feel it as we draw near. It feels warm and good.
Meanwhile, the cells of our body are having a hard time during this transition to higher consciousness. They are used to the comfortable stability of their density. They know how to operate as a physical earth cell. But our cells are becoming more aware of the light that is within them. As they become more aware of the light within, the light in them MOVES, and takes on feelings of warmth and sweetness. I rubs shoulders with the light in their neighboring cells. The Light in the cells FEEL the Light. Light is abstract knowledge. It is a pattern. It is stillness, holding potential for movement. But when light MOVES it causes sensation. It causes Love to be felt. And love is a magnetic force. It simulates. This is how love moves in human beings. This is how we feel it.
So the cells of our physical body are groaning and griping because they have to move to a higher, faster orbit. They spin in their location and movement happens. I'm not a scientist but I have been shown by the Ascended Masters that there is a real science to this. They explain how it works. Cells have to speed up if they want to stay alive and continue thriving in the body they are a part of. Because there is a consciousness in the cells. Our physical cells are conscious and aware. The light patterns are their life force. But the cells have been dumbed down, because WE the resident holy spirit of the body, did not teach them well. We have been dumbed down as well. So now we, the holy spirit of the body, is ascending to higher awareness and becoming more conscious as individuals, more UNIQUE individuals. We are learning that we can THINK for ourselves. That we are sovereign and do not have to follow a "master" controller. There is much yet to learn but information is spreading like proverbial wildfire across the expanse of internet and other venues. Disclosure is underway. Truth is on the rise and individuals are coming forth to share what they know, revealing the "more" of themselves.
For fifty years I have been studying with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, who introduced himself after the mother flame kundalini awakened in me. It was a rare occurrence for kundalini to awaken without training, but today more people are experiencing the rise of the mother flame. The Master DK has prepared me well, so that I understand what is happening in the world today. But my body too is groaning and complaining so I have to do certain exercises every day to assure my aging body that it is loved. I love myself thrugh certain rituals and techniques most days. Yoga, tai chi, conscious breathing and mantra singing and omming all help the body to quicken and align with the incoming Light. These are very important techniques.
Many people are privately, quietly going through their own transformation and adapting process. The DNA is shifting around and letting go. Ancestral DNA is being upgraded by the modern soul who is now residing in place (you!) The electrons are spinning faster. throwing off accumulated toxins and debris from the past, no longer needed. It's a purification process. That's why new understanding is coming in. It can! There's more room for light! Clouds are moving out of the way. It is a quiet, underground process that is taking place in individuals, beyond the ability to put into words. The brain doesn't have the words yet. We have not been given the words. But the body we live in is becoming more awake, so that we wake up a little different than when we went to sleep. This body that complains of aches, pains and tiredness (mine!) is actually a very small part of who I am. You are so much vaster than you think you are. You have a bubble of light surrounding your body that has seven layers of density, and the three uppermost layers (higher in refinement) are pure uncontaminated LIGHT! We are abstract intelligence on the higher levels. We are pure consciousness and we descended down into the four lower denser layers (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). These four are contaminated with accuulationis of errors, mistakes and wrong-doings. These four lower layers are being purified even as I type these words. So that the three higher layers can flow more easily downward into our physical bodies.
We are an everlasting eternal consciousness - a cell in the body of God/Goddess/Infinity. The accumulated debris from many lifetimes is now in the process of leaving us. It will take time as we are in the ascension stage of humanities journey. We are expanding our vision because we are clearing old genetics that don't work for us any more. We are a new breed not yet fully blossomed, but we are in the safe hands and guidance of our space brothers and sisters for we came from the same family.
This eternal mind that we have shows up clear and brilliant sometimes as imagination, when we are in the right mood. It breaks thru when we least expect it like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. It is a gift from the stars and we wonder where it came from. This eternal mind can also be felt as warm love at a moment when we are close to someone dear. Sweet feelings of nourishment and tenderness. Where do such feelings come from? It comes from within us, it is who we are. We are that loving innocent natuare hiding inside a tough outer shell and sometimes it breaks through the shell. It has been covered over and dumbed down from birth in this hardened world. This eternal mind breaks breaks thru on occasion as sharp clear lucid reality which surprises us because it is more real than we give ourselves credit for. It is more real than the outer environmental reality we live in and have grown accustomed to. These breakthroughs are like a gift from the stars but they are the more real in us. You and I are simply breaking through the clouds as the old toxic riff-raff leaves us free and clear, and the reality breaks thru. It is truly a gift but YOU are the gift! You are the gift to the world, breaking through the grayness of a chaotic world. You are an aspect of the eternal mind. You are an innocent full of love that has been made to feel ashamed and guilty. But you are starting to become clear again, and you will discover that there is more to you than you thought. As my sister said on her death bed, "I'm not who I thought I was!" What we have grown accustomed to think of as the real world, is not. There is more behind the outer environment than is currently apparent. It's not all houses, stores, businesses, TVs and internet politics. There is a vast intelligence that will surprise you. And you are a piece of that great intelligence, flowing through your dulled down mind and body trying to wake it up.
Everyone is experiencing their own personal transformation upgrade. However, too much emphasis has been put on the mind and mental faculties of thought, which is the ego. The ego could be defined as the sum total of data fed into the brain. The brain thinks it knows everything, but all it knows is what has been fed into it. The brain is trying to make sense of the new incoming messages of peace, unity, love, togetherness, knowledge it has never known before. It is trying to understand but it is confused. The ego (the brain) is trying to make sense of it all. But you are the LARGER intelligence that is flowing through and around the brain. It is causing tipsiness, dizziness, disorientation. You are not sure what's going on. I am telling you: new information of vastly superior nature is flowing through you.
You, your larger consciousness as spirit awakening within you, are like a river flowing in and around and thru your brain flowing towards the sea. Imagine hopping into a canoe without a paddle and just drifing with the flowing river to the sea. You are safe in the arms of the mother river. She is Mother Nature and she takes care of you. Just go with your natural flow. Please don't be confused by the babble of tongues that the brain tries to speak. It will try to intercede and give dire warnings of danger. But you are safe flowing with the river to the sea. Allow the flowing to within your daily tasks and circumstances. You will be surprised. Time will transcend your focus on petty details. Don't resist the natural occurrences. Observe and appreciate.
Today I am aware of a general urge to gather in community. I would like to reach out to our neighborhood for friendly support, not for me but for all of us. It is a widening of interest to include others, but in simple neighborly fashion. Not for political reasons, or religious or spiritual reasons, or any special interest reason. Just a general community network of friends and neighbors. A basic, fundamental support system, weaving humanity together. There are also special interest friends. They are different. They are a separate support system. These are the people I resonate more closely with. They are marked with a boundary. They are classified differently from neighbors. A conversation with my husband brought this to my attention today. I am interested in people from MY special interest group, and he is interested in meeting with people with whom HE has a special interest. And that is OK. We are all different in our special interests and attractions.
My "special interest friends" are different from his "special interest friends". But as a neighborhood of human beings who live nearby, this is a basic community of generally strangers. I feel this is an important point to make because behind all the special interests that people have, which keeps us separate and apart from each other, there is one thing that draws us together - and that is we are all human. We have a common interest in upgrading our comforts, our happiness, peace, abundance and better ways of living. These are basic considerations. It doesn't matter our politics or religion or special interests. We are simply humans trying to improve our physical survival as an intelligent species in ways that are uplifting and better for all. That makes us different from the animals, plants and other star systems. We have the same DNA in our blood and tissues. It is intelligent and practical that we should draw together with meaningful intentions to uplift and support one another with love and kindness. And find ways to transcend the warring and politics and selfishness that has kept humanity separated and suffering for eons of time.
We don't need special interest groups to draw us together. We need merely intelligent respect, love, support and good will to create a feeling of family and togetherness. We do not have to form deep friendships to feel good. Within our human psyche there are physical cells waiting to unite. They have a special power within them that has been damaged. They are each unique, each cell. Each cell has a "Presence". The resident soul - the individual dwelling within the body - is the Presence that we call "neighbor". Or "brother" or "sister". It is the intelligence of that unique person. He or she is unique in that they are jam-packed full of knowledge gathered from many incarnations, many embodiments, many lifetimes. Both on this earth planet and on other planets of the galaxy and beyond. We are old, old, OLD souls, and we have knowledge in each cell. We are here uncover that knowledge. We are here to utilize that knowledge and draw together to form local communities. That is our responsibility. Our mission. To gather together and form peaceful communities, and co-mingle with other peaceful communities around the planet.
We are here to build anew and co-create with light and love and intelligence. We have it in our body cells. We have it inbred, indwelling. It is within us, within our reach and within our conscious awareness. We just need wake up and listen and learn. The light in our body's cells are waiting to be loved. I have a special interest in massage for that reason. I have been drawn to it for a long time. That people keep turning it sexual has been the biggest single problem!? The laying on of hands lightly, without sexual inuendo or pressure is my great desire. This is MY special interest. But that's just me. Everyone has a special gift, a special talent, a special interest to share with others. We are assigned the task of coming out of the closet and offering our special gift or talent to the world. This is mine. Does anyone want to accept my offer? Just contact me via the contact page HERE.
Let us share our special interest, no matter what it is. As long as it does not harm or hurt another person. Let us be UPlifting, with our eyes on betterment. Bettering for all concerned. Shame, guilt, selfishness and fear-mongering has gone on far enough. The scales are tipping toward transcendence, unity and peace, even while we live in physically beautiful, youthful and attractive bodies. Let us rejuvenate and resurrect the beauty of our innate intelligence and harmony. Believe in yourself. It is the majority now of the population who wants to draw together in uplifting peace and communities of more joy and creativity. To feel more uplifting, more positive, more helpful, more proactive, rebuilding a new Earth culture together. Let us remove competitiveness and ego selfishness. We are on the path of resurrection. We do that with higher, more benevolent intentions. Let us resurrect the beautiful human being, not as an imaginary creature of fantasy in dream world, but on the ground, solid, safe, secure, abundantly happy together as a worldwide culture. No one lacking. We will build with blood, skin and bones - skin walkers we are. We have a true physical heart and physical nervous system to build anew. We have a living intelligence and a respect for ALL life. And ALL life respects us back in a never-ending cycle of give and take. (A spontaneous message from higher realms!)
8/1/24 - Wandering around in left brain and right brain
One morning recently I decided I needed to set my vibrations with the ascended masters. I began getting revelations while showering. The left brain and the right brain were shown to represent the human and the divine. It was clear to me that the right brain was my divine side and the divine created the human. This is the huge mystery - that we are first of all divine beings and our right brain is wired to receive the divine into flesh and blood. We have been operating with a split brain when we should be operating with a whole brain, undivided. We can’t think straight with a dual or divided brain. The divine created the human and planted a divine “plug” in the brain. We have a divided brain.
The left brain is logical, right brain is artistic and spacey, according to our understanding of human. The finite side of the brain is the human side. Through it we focus on only the human, which is faulty. The left side is the part of us that manifests our divine thoughts and expresses them in the physical. It is through the left brain that we can control our actions and choose which direction we want to go in, and how we approach it. It is the human in us that sets the direction and is therefore the creator of the body but it creates when it is not complementary with the right brain. We create errors through left-brain thinking and experimenting, but all the while, the God of the body is accessed through the right brain. Most people are aligned with either one side of the brain or the other. I have been aligned with the right brain and have not accessed the left brain well. I do use it but only in connection with the right brain. I believe I am more whole-brained than most people. But I am not an earthy human in the sense I cannot focus on a dual subject. I cannot separate myself from the whole as most people appear to do. I think of men as being left brain predominantly. They focus on physical circumstances only, and don’t take into consideration the right-brain or divine intentions.
The divine can be accessed by anyone by becoming receptive. Right brain surrenders to the stillness of the cosmos. It is the open-mind side of the brain, and so one can go into the silence and feel reverence for life, love for all life and have the intelligence to work with all life. One can experience the wisdom to do things the right way vs. the limited wrong way. We are supposed to work with a whole brain. The divine, of which humanity is a part, rules the universe, galaxies, stars and star systems, planets and creatures on planets. By following the left brain we create and express what the right brain brings to us but many people don’t access the right brain and therefore they are faulty in their actions. We express in a myriad ways by following the ideas passed down from the universe. It is how the divine manifests in form, by giving ideas to humans and then, using the LEFT brain, we put those ideas in action. If we stay in the right brain too much without acting or expressing, then the ideas back up on us and we feel “nobody understands me”. We become spacey, aery, light. We may be loving, nurturing and kind on the surface, but without expressing and defining ourselves, we become ruled and dominated by other left brain people.
Again, we are supposed to receive from the right brain and then put into action those ideas and revelations using the left brain. The right and left should not be divided by a split in the middle. The ultimate design is a whole brain but we separated it by becoming dominant masculine, mental society. The perfect pattern of who we are meant to become is available to us through the right brain access. This means we should spend half of our time in the right brain, listening in stillness, or worshiping in reverence. We are each an individual manifestor or creator of our reality. We have a piece of infinity in us and we have direct access to the almighty’s perfect design for us as an individual creation. The allness is forever widening and evolving because everyone is contributing to it. Everyone is a creator. The almighty is composed of individual intelligences - gods and goddesses who are living the separate life of an individual. But we are all linked into the allness in our heart of hearts. The right brain is considered the feminine side of us, the divine side. We are half human and half divine, or put another way, half masculine and half feminine. Masculine represents the action side of us and the feminine represents the receiving side of us. An open-minded person who is in worship is open like a chalice to the highest good in order to receive the highest picture to express ourselves.
When we are here in the flesh, born of human parents, the right brain should work in complementary fashion with the left brain. If we were educated to see life as a wholeness, our brain would not have that division down the middle. We were originally designed to be a whole brain species. Just as a man and wife are designed to be a whole unit and work together, so the right and left brain are supposed to work together. We have gotten off track. Many people are prone to focus on the errors and problems of our race, but I am more of a receiver. I come from the feminine side of life. I have been receiving all these years from higher consciousness, engaging with cosmic love and laws of life. But I wondered why I couldn’t focus on any one thing long enough to manifest it. I questioned who am I? and found that I was too much feminine, too much a receiver.
So now I am awakening my left brain. I am activating my masculine side. And just today I was led to sign up for a webinar in which the very same thing was said. It was a validation. I am re-discovering that I have a left brain and can control my own decisions. I had lost that ability by being too feminine, too vacuous, too empty, too prone to listen to others. In my prior lifetimes, I was too open and too focused on the infinite, which is not a force but a stillness. I loved the stillness and the peace. And so I allowed the more forces of other people who were more physical and more vocal and more persuasive to choose my direction for me. In so doing, I relinquished responsibility to be my own creator and create my own life’s circumstances. I let others create my circumstances for me. In some lifetimes I followed along and was happy, and other lifetimes I followed but was unhappy and rebelled against others as best I could, but I was not very skilled in doing that. So others would dominate me. I did try to change somewhat and be more forceful but I wasn’t very good at it. Or I was too forceful and didn’t listen to my higher self to use the wisdom available to me, like as the monk in the dungeon life.
Now I see that I am whole brained and I must call upon the seven attributes that were built in – namely those that the seven chakras radiate when opened – will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. I am working with these seven now. They are the laws of universe. We must bring these qualities forth into our expression in the physical. But in order to do that I must assert myself, define my wishes and not consent to the dictates of others. It is not a matter of choosing between spiritual or human, but rather of integrating spiritual with human expression. If I integrate the divine qualities into my human life, which is filled with erroneous beliefs and karmic blockages, then I can make my life and relationships better and better and better. If I can properly express myself and define myself, and be willing to and have the courage to say what I mean and feel and think, in a way that is appropriate, so as not to hurt anyone else, then I can evolve myself to a better representative of the divine.
Speaking up for myself was what I was missing. I suppressed myself in favor of other people, and my anger and frustration built up and did not reveal it to anyone. It continued to build up the longer I did not speak myself firmly. That was the wrong of me. I had to learn this. I am writing this today to my son Roland, with whom we are bridging the gap I created by leaving him as a child. I was buried and locked into the right brain without the ability to speak my own truth. I didn’t know. I was ignorant. I was frozen and locked into the right brain. It is the plight of many women, but today the divine feminine is coming forth strongly. Some women are now emerging into the spotlight making themselves seen and heard. They are speaking for themselves. Until I do that, I remain a pawn of other people and continue to hold back my divine right to express my choices and opinions. That equates to rejecting my divinity, which I am calling my light body. But the light body is eternally forgiving, and it only takes an admission and acknowledgement of the mistake, and an action which turns me around to go in the right direction. An act of personal choice to begin the realignment with my divine light body. Writing is my way of righting the wrong of keeping silent. I am pushing this information that I know, out into the open. Whether I publish it in my newsletters or not, it is me expressing myself. But I like to share it with others.
7/26/24 - Yesterday's blog updated and revised: "Empowerment does not come from within, it comes from above"
As the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul said, "Empowerment does not come from within, it comes from above." It comes from our potential, it comes from what we are capable of, what lies beyond us that we have not yet manifested in our lives. Empowerment comes from our higher self. Our higher potential is not here yet but it is waiting for us to reach up to it, grab hold of it and use it in our livingness. We have descended into embodiment from a pure and holy place, and we were momentarily distracted by all the goins on around us, but we are drawn inevitable to our potential. We want to bring it down to us here on the earth plane. We know we can.! It is our ideal. That is what the Master DK has been telling me all along but I didn't quite get it until now, today.
We wish we had these ideals already - our higher better self knows we can do it. It is waiting for us to use it. But we haven't reached it yet. The world hasn't been ready to receive our goodness. It is our destiny to bring these high pure wholesome ideals down into our every day life, and we are designed to do just that. We reach for better ways to manage our lives, more attractive ways, more enriching ways to feel good with ourself, but it is a struggle. We do not know HOW to do it. The challenge is HOW? How are we to be more gracious when the world around us is not? How do we act with dignity and sensitivity when others do not recognize it? It's difficult. But that is the work we are designed for - to bring these beautiful ideal feelings down into our daily lives and manifest them in our actions.
These are the teachings left by more enlightened beings. Power doesn't come from within BECAUSE we are still filled with memories and energies of mistakes, disparities and left-over traumas that we haven't resolved yet. What does it mean to "resolve" a mistake? Words bog us down. These energies still tumble and grumble inside us. We are not aware just how much we have accumulated from wrong choices, and we haven't figured out how to purge them from us. We are not bad or evil people, we are simply unaware. We THINK we have mastered something but we retain the memories, which are the emotions left from experiencing them. These memories and emotions are clogging our freedom. They weigh us down. They are heavy. Can we transcend them? Can we overcome them? Can we reach higher so that we can flow downwad past them, without them blocking the roadway? Can we let these memories go with graciousness? With dignity, with happiness that we are done with them? Thanking them for their lessons? Can we say, "Thank you" to old mistakes as we let them go? These are the struggles we are going through right now. We are learning by considering them. As DK says, "empowerment comes from above." It comes from that which we KNOW we can do because we've done it before. We have been there and done that before. We came from that beautiful Edenic place called the Garden of Eden, where all life was lived in beauty, grace and a fun-loving childlike innocent way. And so we are to wired to honor ourselves and pure our old habits and return to that wholesome way of life and living pure and beautiful again while here on Earth, with our friends and neighbors and community. "Empowerment comes from above, not within."
In order to transcend these thick muddy layers that clog our pores, the most ideal way to do that is to form communities of happy, supportive people. We need the support of good people. Happy people. Where do we find them? We make them! We must practice being uplifting, happy and supportive. That is my dream - to create a 5D Love Club to practice being uplifting, nurturing and happy for each other. It is a fifth dimensional concept so I'm calling it the 5D Love Club. That which means we must practice happiness and joy as we do things together, practice how to be spontaneously uplifting and freely so. It will take time together to practice this. We'll have to learn. Among the practices that we will do is healing touch massage while transcending the sex impulse. This will be a biggie for some people, perhaps the men more than the women. But this is what keeps us recycling old problem areas. Recycle it over and and over, back down to the lower levels again and again, sputtering and fuming over the same issues. We are to transcend the lower vibrations of sex. That is what the Ascended Master DK has been teaching all these years. Not that lovemaking is wrong, but the attitude is to be raised. That is what Tantra teachings are all about. Tantra is not a sexual technique, it is a higher spiritual attitude technique. Sex as it is done still today is selfish. We will learn through loving healing sessioins how to develop love within our own attitudes. And how to approach one another with innocence, without judgment, without a "need" to cum, without expectation, and without secretly hoping and wishing and pushing someone to do it for us. Sexual attitudes have been the big kink in our evolution to higher planes of consciousness, joy, freedom, happiness and abundance, where we can have it all without working for it. This is where we are headed - to higher dimensions. It is a dream of mine. It is the dream of many, I know.
We can support each other by practicing being free, loving, nurturing and supportive without pressuring anyone to "give us something". It's a wonderful feeling to be so free and so glad in heart and spirit that joy fills us like a child. Swapping healing loving touch is my greatest urge, and helping others to practice with me. I seek partner swaps for this purpose. To be in such joy without expecting anything in return allows the spirit to SOAR! It is joyful. I've experienced it. It is also deeply calming and relaxing. To put hands on others in an uplifting way, laying hands lightly on another person and stroking them with warmth and sparkling light fingers - it washes out old clunky, dirty memories of traumas long past. Be happy! Be in joy! Be in the child-like nature of spontaneous light-hearted fun. This is more of a feminine thing, but men could enjoy it too, if they gave themselves permission to relax into it. It is what the 5D Love Club plans to do. It is a healing love exchange without the customary EXPECTED sex after. Sexual expectations are a heavy feeling to a lot of women, as if we "must" do it to finish the session. I can hear the moans and groans over that statement, but it will be worth it to experience the transcendent quality of loving touch sessions.
To get to that place we first need to strip away the feelings of loneliness and lack, which causes the need to be selfish and urges us to push on other people to give us what we want. This is a pressure on them. It is what makes us feel wrong about a lot of things. Pressure from others does the same thing in reverse. So the mission of the 5D Love Club is to practice transcending those unfulfilled selfish needs that never gets fulfilled anyway, except temporarily, no matter how much we press for it we go away still empty. Why? Because we are not in love with our true nature yet.
We will practice in the 5D Love Club to look UP and identify what makes us happy, truly happy. What makes YOU truly happy? What makes ME truly happy? We are in the throes of learning this, each individually. How to lift ourself up to higher ground, so that we FEEL we are flowing and floating higher. Our life then becomes an enlightened life. We smile, interact and enjoy ourselves more easily. We celebrate more. Even when we are alone a secret smile plays upon our lips and in our sparkling eyes. Let us form a community of people who are willing to try this. Who are willing to practice hands-on light-love exchanges, receiving and giving and then receiving again and then giving again. Drawing ever closer together as a tribe. Interacting with love and higher concepts, spiritual concepts and principles without expectations to do anything that would lower it to lesser levels.
My favorite pastime is to put my hands on people freely and feel the light activate in them. It is an experiment. A trial and an exploration to see if we can activate the light. You know, light becomes love when it moves. Light alone is an abstract. It doesn't have feelings or visceral sensations. Light has to move in order to have what we call a "sensation" of warmth and love. Light is being blocked, frozen. It has been so for eons. People are holding back the light-love that is who they REALLY are! So that is what we want to do - activate the light-love in people, and allow the person on the table to feel it. And let them put their hands on us afterwards, as a trade. A swap. Not sexually, no. Just gently, softly, sweetly, motherly, nurturingly. This raises the bar infinitely more than it has been doing. It is not noisy, not loud, not wordy. It is a quiet healing session and it is a refining process. Like in a refining manufacturing facility where they refine certain products of earth - this is where human beings refine the elements of their bodies to a more elevated inner quality of feeling. Turning it from outward (which is a noisy clamour) to an inner calm through our tender exchanging of loving touch. This is what empowering means, as DK says, by "looking UP!" Looking up to higher, more saintly attitudes. It is the way of raising the vibrations of our inner bodies. The warmth in a room full of people rises exponentially when this takes place. It opens hearts and smooths the wrinkled tensionis. It is a consciousness-raising process. It raises and expands our inner FEELING. And the gladness in our hearts. It is a hope. It is exciting and it motivates people to exciting new realms of insight and ideas. to give more, to invent, to expand. It is difficult to keep up with the level of excitement that occurs. I know. I have felt it.
A more expansive fulfilling love is available. Sensations of being more deeply connected expands. The community spirit expands. We are part of a loving tribe, a larger tribe. Because we FEEL the others connecting with us. I am speaking now of a common vision shared by many people. Perhaps it has not been put into such words as I am speaking, but the wish and hope is there. You can read between the lines on the social media. Unfortunately there are many who don't realize how much they are weighed down by past negative emotions. Lifetimes of memories are hidden in unconscious habits that were passed on from ancestors and parents. Sharing openly and flowing from the heart spontaneously is how we release those heavy depressing energies as we tell each other stories.
Tell about yourself freely and openly. ("Uh oh, no, no," I hear readers saying.) But it will be a sacred environment, the 5D Love Club. We won't need to hold back when there is trust in the environment. It will be like a celebration of spirit. It will be fun. It will be joyful. This as how we will begin the 5D Love Club. Let us begin the gatherings and share insight and ideas about how we might go ahead and start forming such a community locally. Not through zoom though. We need the physical presence of people, so that we can share warm hugs, handshakes and swap massages. It cannot be done through computer technology with bodies sitting in another town or state. I am planting seeds by talking about this. We will see this starting soon.
7/24/24 - Welcome to the new Earth! Are you still here?
I don't know where to begin with today's blog but one must be posted. There is a constant movement flowing through me, with many insights. The sensation is one of floating through clouds that thin as I approach and greater light reveals more of what I had been thinking. So, what finite words can I use to write? I will stop the floating and think for a moment. There is a desperate urge to connect with people in person - to hug, to greet, to laugh, to enjoy the presence of real, live bodies again. It has been a long period of isolation. The only time I see people is when I go to the store for groceries, and of course my dear husband who is ever present for me, as I am for him. But the need to form community of like-minded souls is ever present. A need, a desire, a want, that makes me STOP! Stop the wanting and go silent again. Breathe deeply, consciously, there are techniques that fill the loneliness. It is a reconnection to the allness. The oneness. It's an inner technique.
"he Ancient order of the Mother Flame is a phrase that continues to haunt me. It flits and floats through my visions. It calls me because the Mother Flame is in everyone, calling to me to recognize them, to hug them and hold them close to me like a Mother holds her daughter and son. The Mother Flame is in men and boys too. It is not just for women. But I musn't get off track here. It is easy to wander that trail into the fine mist of light, the mystical presence of love that is beyond human endurance but calls sweetly, lovingly, like a moth is drawn to a flame, or a deer to green grass. I've been working on the newsletter to go out soon. It will be an introduction to The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame, which is soft, warm, tender and feminine. The qualities of nurturing, love, gentle, kindly, motherly. And it is celestial. It is the cosmic thread that connects us to the allness everywhere. All the suns, planets, moons and embodied creatures and other humans like us.
It is the Mother Flame that connects us, it is the Father Flame who holds the Mother Flame in place. Father God is disemodied and so He took a piece of himself and sent it out into form. He remains Prime Creator but his counterpart lives in forms like you and me. The Mother Flame is located at the bottom of the spine at the tail bone, the coccyx, known as the root chakra. It is ethereal of course, not physical. It is the life force that breathes through us, and each one of us is a unique individual because of it. Within us is the ultimate creative force but we do not know it, yet we draw ever closer as the ascension continues to elevate us to higher levels of insight and perspective. We are rising upwards into clouds that are thinning as we approach. And the light grows brighter because we are entering an infinite ocean of knowledge and information.
The living Presence that dwells in the root chakra as the Mother Flame in you and me, connects us together. We are all part of the great sea of oneness. That's where love comes from. Hate comes from closing it off. There is no chance of separating from it because we are all part of the oneness thru the Mother Flame. We are one. We are the love and the light together there. It is only what we have each DONE individually with that life force, that makes us different and unique. We have each followed our own path of understanding. We've done many things, accomplished many things, experienced many adventures over the past (or other) lifetimes, but we are still connected. We cannot become disconnected because we are all One Life. The spiritual path is the path of studying this One Life.
The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul has been teaching me for 48 years now. He channels words to me telepathically but only when I ask him. Never does he intrude on my "free will". But if I ask, he gives me answers. I have kept track of how many years I've been a student. It was only yesterday that I was shown that I am no longer a student. I am able to relate to myself as the real presence, known as the Mother Flame. I can now address it and use common terms because I've been to the lowest and have built a solid foundation below surface level. The spiritual path is an inner and an underground path. Like a construction company whose workers build downward under the earth to create solid foundations to support the buildings on the surface.
Each person is a unique presence in the world, contributing knowledge and wisdom to support the whole civilization of humanity. Each is an individual who has no equal. You are a unique intelligence who has traveled extensively, and only YOU know what you know. Only you have your particular perspective on things. And you have the memories to prove it. The talents, the wisdom, the knowledge, the inner feelings and emotions that give you signs and signals of right and wrong. But you are connected through the Mother Flame in the pelvic bowl. The Mother Kundalini rests there, a permanent presence while you are embodied, the presence of eternal love and life. Not separate from the whole, but connected to the cosmic and galactic intelligences that surround us. You are the child of the father and mother who made you and cared for you. And you have NEVER been alone or beyond their reach - except that you did not know. Humor and fun is the name of the human game. Enjoy it. Laugh at the wrongness and imperfections that occur, because humor and upliftment brings delight - the Light!
Remember the Mother Flame at the base of the spine. The newsletter will explain more. This is a brief spontaneous message to fill the spaces on my computer screen. To say Hello to the few who might check to see if I am still here. Yes, I AM here. Are you? Let me know through the CONTACT page.
7/21/24 - How sunlight can heal
Close your eyes and imagine the bright dazzling sun over the area of the body that needs healing. It is difficult to hold attention quietly still for long moments of time - but this is the discipline that is recommended by those who know. To hold an image of the sun as bright and dazzling as you can over that specific area needing correction, miracles can happen. Do one minute at a time. Hold focus and count 60 seconds of light, then stop and do it again later. If you can do for longer, well and good, but most people don't have the ability to hold such a strong image very long and become distracted. Then it's a waste of time and they won't try again, thinking it doesn't work.
The sunlight carries knowledge. It knows everything that the Creator knows so holding an image of the sunlight on an area is like holding a laser beam in it. It's equivalent to burning a bad spot with healing energy. There's a solution in the light for that particular situation. So holding the light steady on it allows the light to find the solution. What I just found out (after just doing it for myself on my foot) is that connecting the light, the imagined picture of the sun, with the image of the foot is the hard part. I found that connecting the two images took a little more effort - like superimposing one image on top of another image so they match up - my counting started to slow down, 1 --- 2 --- 3 ---. This happened automatically.
When we focus light on a part of the body and the light actually enters the area, or makes contact with it, then it turns to love. Light is abstract, it's not in physical form. When it enters the physical body (under a master's conscious guidance) it becomes love. Love must be guided to entera the thick density of a physical body, otherwise the hard shell keeps it out. Love is light are the same thing. But light is abstract, a thought, not yet materialized, the masters call it free-roaming particles all throughout the universe. The light is available to use but SOMEONE has to use it! This is what we are here for - to learn how to use the light that is available to us. It is what we call "the spiritual path". But it's practical. We just have to know how to use it and apply it.
It has to be directed in some way into physical for the sunlight to heal or make a difference. The plants do it, the trees do it and the little insects and animals go it because it's natural for them. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to use the light from the sun. Mother nature does it for them, but for we humans, we have an ego that forms judgments. Like "That's nonsense!" And so we humans have to develop more of a kinship with Mother Earth before we can trust that she knows what she's doing. We humans have been taught not to believe in natural healing. Many people form judgments, like, "That's nonsense!" I've heard this many times in my life. And that's OK. Everyone must grow their own wisdom.
Light has to be guided into the physical body by a master (meaning the intelligence within) because the light is abstract and form is a heavily dense creature. There is a shell around it, blocking out the light. It takes a conscious effort to "hold still the light" so it can penetrate the outer shell that resists. Then other cells also get the light and join in with. This is how form is built. Light stabilizes by sharing. By reaching out its light and holding hands with other cells so light can enter into the other cells. If there are "bad" cells growing in there, the pure light (guided by a conscious master intelligence) can fizzle it out and make it go away. This is how meditation works too. Holding thoughts and body movements still, and picturing something pure in its place. Light comes in and rubs shoulders with the light in the other cells and it becomes a healing modality.
Sharing with other people is how the light and love is passed from person to person. This kind of knowledge should be shared. It is actually a way to heal YOURSELF, by sharing what you know with others. That is why I write so much. It makes me feel good to do it. We all have skills that have learned over the many lives we have lived, but these skills are buried deep, deep, deep within. They are unconscious skills. What interests you the most? That is a clue to follow up on it. Cultivate it. You already have knowledge concerning this or you wouldn't be so interested.
My particular interest is hands-on healing. I love to give loving healing touch but I learned a great lesson which has taken me years to figure out what's wrong. In this darkened, shamed, perverted world, loving touch is so lacking that it turns men into sexual maniacs. No pun intended. It's true. And not only men, but women too. We have been so hungry for love, due to shame teachings, that the natural powers of rejuvenation have been held back. I had to learn this lesson. It has taken a lifetime but it was worth it. I can now share what I know.
Instead of holding this knowledge to myself and hoarding it like a little person hides coins in a jar on the kitchen shelf, we are meant to share. For me, my deepest desire is to hug, hold and put my hands on others thru the healing modality, thru the touch of caring and uplifting kindnes. To share the light thru touch is a way of teaching without words. Because words just get in the way. They mean different things to each one of us. But not the touch. The touch is a feeling and feelings can be shared without words. It is a beautiful way to teach this beautiful gift by simply touching caringly, kindly and compassionately. Pass on the light! Share it through loving acts of kindness. It's not enough to preach about love and light. We have to DO SOMETHING with it. Do something with this universal power that will affect other people who live here. This is the natural power that comes from universal oneness.
A true story: A close woman friend and her sister, when they were younger, lay down beside their dying mother in the hospital. The doctors said she would not last into the morning. Her organs were shutting down. The two sisters in their grief, each decided to focus attention on their mother's failing organs. One focused on the kidneys and the other focused on another organ, I can't remember which now. And long story short - the mother went home and lived for another ten years. This is a true story recently told to me during conversation. It reminds me that we don't need the sunlight to heal. Our conscious attention is like the sun. We too are children of the light, just as the sun is. And we have it within us if we get serious enough to use it. We ARE the life and light of our bodies.
7/18/24 - Introducing the ancient order of the mother flame
It was about nine months ago that I heard the phrase "the ancient order of the mother flame". It was during a sweet silent meditation and I was swept up into such a gentle serene loving place that was so soft, so sweet, I barely noticed the transition. It felt like I was home again, cradled in the arms of Mother. A very unusual experience. And now, nine months later, I am here to talk about the Mother Flame.
On that day nine months ago, I had just finished a book lesson on how to hold my attention on dazzling white light INSIDE my body, not above the body but INSIDE the body, in the organs themselves. The many guides teach this but Master Djwhal Khul actually takes it a step further and teaches techniques on how to do it. How to bring the spiritual consciousness down into density, to INSIDE the physical body. It’s a difficult concept to grasp.
The Mother Flame refers to the kundalini, which is an awakening, or activation of the Mother Flame. I experienced its awakening - ummm - now 48 years ago. It was a supernatural experience, a mystical experience that no one could really explain at the time, nor even today very well, although there are a few. But Master DK has guided me through it most wisely and patiently thru the many years of its unfolding within my consciousness. The Mother Flame is in you too. It is in everyone but it is seldom discussed so only the rare few know of its existence. It is the God energy held locked into the pelvic root chakra of the human body. It is the source of the beautiful heart-warming feelings of the orgasm. The Mother Flame is on the ETHERIC level, it is not physical. A pathologist doing an autopsy wouldn’t find it because it's not on the physical level. It is the life force of the body which leaves at the time of death.
During a quiet guided meditation 48 years ago I had an unusual experience during which I transcended into what I have been calling “the light” but it was more like bliss or rapture. That day was the beginning of my transformation. It took years with the guide Master Djwhal Khul leading me, and I’ve journaled my experiences and written about them on Anakosha.org (now called GoddessSphere.org). But the reason for introducing it today, is because I have been guided to reveal information about this beautiful gem that everyone is carrying around within them. I will be revealing what I have personally learned about this bliss energy and why it has been blocked in so many people. We have been kept in the dark about it and it is kept from rising all the way of the spine to the head and enlightenment because the orgasmic release during sex shuts it down and stops it from flowing up its destined path to awaken the brain. Sex is the block, or rather the way we handle sex is the block.
The Mother Flame is pure, unadulterated sweetness, love and light. It is an evolutionary force when it reaches the head and thus informs the individual thru brain understanding. Information about it is available but is hidden from the general public. It is not talked about in practical terms. Religion has made it so sacred or shameful or mystical that it seems beyond reach when it is the most natural energy in the whole human experience. But it is hidden in flowery poetic sacred mystical language in ancient transcripts and mystery schools and many call it demonic. The truth is hard to come by. We can't decipher it or understand its meaning.
I can talk about it only because I have had personal experiences with it. First, the kundalini awakening. Second, an ascended master was assigned to me to guide me and teach me. And third, I was led into the lifestyle called swinging where I had firsthand intimacy experiences of loving and being loved by other people.
Several years later, during daily meditations, I saw the kundalini as a crystal ball of light. It looked just like the real crystal balls you can buy in a store but it was from a most sacred and ethereal perspective. A most amazing experience. There is a picture on the internet today which shows it exactly as I saw it, so someone else has seen it too, not just me. It is located in the pelvic bowl formed by the pelvic bones and it sits cradled in the pelvic bowl, with the tail bone (the coccyx) just below it. From the coccyx (the root chakra) comes an etheric flame, like a pilot light, which sizzles the pure crystal ball into action at a certain time, unknown to us, thus triggering the kundalini in to action. The crystal ball then sends impulses of pure sweetness and angelic love-light up thru the etheric nerves which, under certain conditions connect to PHYSICAL nerves, and thus heads up the spine or down the legs thru the feet into the earth. This is, of course, all dependant upon the conscousness and intellectual or mental preparation of the individual living in the body! There must be training beforehand because it is the PERSON who lives in the body that must prepare him/herself to be open.
The crystal ball known as the Mother Flame is thus activated and beautiful things happen if the person is ready. A woman has a much better chance of doing this successfully than a man. That is why I have been led to draw together the women. The men need more training in how to allow their inner feelings to flow. Women are better at it by nature. Women are permissive, nurturing and loving by nature.
The crystal ball of the Mother Flame is surrounded by nerves that look like roots of a tree that have grown thick and heavy around it, protecting it and keeping it safe. The etheric crystal ball is snuggled up inside amongst the roots of the tree of life - your life and my life and the life of every human you know. It is there dripping slowly little droplets of life up the spine to keep the body alive, and you can "quicken" the drops so they dribble quicker up the spine. There are methods that have been taught through the centuries by those who know.
My experience with kundalini activating in this life took me out of body without any prior preparation in THIS life. But I have since learned that I've had training in many past lives. And so have others who have had kundalini activated. There are buried memories we don't know we have!
Meanwhile, after the kundalini awakened in me it took many years to learn how to get back down into normal human consciousness again, because it left me high as a kite, in a quickened state. It COULD have driven me insane if I did not have the right man in my life who asked me questions about it. He had me talking. He wanted to get into swinging and I was led in that direction, fortunately. Obviously it was with the Master DK's help.
But it has taken years for me to learn how to manage a higher metabolism and higher consciousness to be able to live a practical life with other people. I have been learning various ways. As I study and re-read DK’s channeled lessons - there are many of the 48 years - I am learning how to bring my conscious attention, my focus, down into my physical heart, lungs, spleen, stomach, kidneys, etc., and hold it there. Hold it still. Don't let it move. Don't be distracted. It's a discipline to hold the attention still and not let it move. The physical body cells, the organs and tissues of the body need a master to direct them in what to do, and when, and where to go. This has been more difficult than it sounds. My normal consciousness is just so naturally high that my husband jokes sometimes trying to get my attention: “Earth to Nancy!” So now it has been mostly done and final signals and signs are coming to me to gather the women. The women must be gathered first, for they are more naturally suited for the new age that is upon us. The ancient order of the Mother Flame is a sisterhood of the divine feminine. It is so loving, so warm, so sweet, so gentle, so soothing, so nurturing - it is like the near-death experiences I’ve been hearing about on Youtube. People who have physically died and left their bodies, gone to heaven and then returned to tell about it! It is like that.
Nine months ago I was given the phrase "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame" during a very sacred meditational experience, but I have had to question it. I have had to validate it. Is it real? Or is it a figment of my imagination as I am often accused of making? I googled it and there is nothing on the internet about it except some digital networks among the younger generation. I have been feeling as if I could lift off any day now and leave my body behind, but I asked the Ascended Masters for help. Namely DK, Jeshua and others whom I know. “I want, NEED, to feel more grounded, practical and clear-brained,” I said, and asked them what THEY did to stay in body when they were on the verge of lifting off.
“Cap off the crown of your head,” they said “And hold focus INSIDE the body. Don’t let your attention go out into space and breathe through your feet.” And so I continue to get instructions. I will share these instructions with women only at first. Because it is all about inner feelings and I have discovered that men do not easily access their inner feelings. Men tend to look to women to help them access their inner feelings and this won't do. Women need to be alone to access their OWN inner feelings without having to support and continue to nurture the men in their lives.
This morning I was rewarded with a warm healthy greeting from Mother Kundalini, for that is what I call her. I experience her as that. I have since learned that the Mother Flame is identical to what Christians call the holy spirit. But the word is not important. Words have been used to distract us. We have been "worded" to death! Words have programmed us to the dark side. Defining something like "sex". The pure unadulterated immaculine concept of divine nature is a FEELING, not a word. Let us open up our feelings and not try to explain it to those who cannot feel yet. This loving, beautiful, devotional energy of feeling is the God/Goddess force at the base of the spine. DK has been giving me instructions for years, and I am ready to start sharing it with those of the same mind and heart. Let it become public knowledge for those who can hear.
7/14/24 - Some hints on how to make love - focus on the heart
Love is felt when we focus on the heart with conscious intention to be loving. When we focus on sexuality or the genital or other places on the body, the heart is not getting full attention. Energy follows thought. When we are randomly moving our attention around, the miraculous mother energy in the pelvis goes back down to where it is stored - in the earth. This miraculous primal life energy has been called the kundalini, also known as shakti and other names. It is what keeps us alive, and when we make love it has the power to create ecstasy, whether with a partner or alone, as in deep stillness.
The kundalini's destiny is to rise up the spine to the heart. Not beyond the heart, but to the heart itself because the heart is the center between heaven and earth. I saw this during a meditation as if to confirm what I had read in the book "Sexual Secrets". I saw two triangles, one up facing up and one down, interlaced on top of one another with the heart at the center. The heaven energies are coming down thru the downward-focing triangle, and the earth energies are coming up thru the upward-turned triangle. They don’t meet until the heart is opened and focused upon. When we focus on the heart with intentions of love, beautiful feeling love - or at least holding that intention - the heart opens. The cells open and our thoughts embed the blood with intentional love. The heart then pumps the blood with love in it to all parts of the body. Not empty random blood, but blood filled with the energies of love within it.
The primal life force energy comes up to the heart and the heavenly energy comes down to the heart and they blend in the mystical marriage. Earth and heaven meet in the heart and become love in the heart. The body wants to be loved all over, not just on the surface at skin level or genital level, but also inside, all over, everywhere. The cells, organs, glands, muscles, bone, tissues of all kinds, all want to feel the love, for they have been neglected. We do not normally give them attention. Love-making is not just reserved for the genitals and skin, but for all the various parts of the body - the face, arms, hands, legs, feet, toes, the muscles, glands nerves and arteries that feed these parts inside, deep, deep inside. Feed ALL the cells so all of the body can feel the love. The heart pumps blood out to ALL the cells in the body. And when we make love with our partner, if we focus our loving attention on the heart, they too will feel the love. Be the maker of love and share it with your body cells and your partner's body cells. We can do that by focusing our conscious intention on the heart. "My heart to your heart!" The body feels lonely when it is neglected. It wants to feel loved inside and not just down there at the genitals. WE will feel loved all over and our partner will feel loved all over when OUR body cells feel loved. Genuinely appreciated and loved from within.
7/11/24 - The galactic connection - shifting from vaguery to more solid
A big shift is underway. I am experiencing going from being vague and passive, primarily feminine serving nature, to being more proactive, solid and real. It feels as if my masculine or active nature is coming online. It is producing a more solid feeling of reality and grounding. I am aware that I've been feminine in many of my lifetimes, always loving and nurturing others. This role has reached a dead end. It's boring for me, the feeling of "enough is enough here!" is ringing like a bell in my mind! I want some action! I'm tired of waiting around for others to do something. I believe this shift is coming from a closer connection with the interplanetary or galactic reality. The continued ongoing disclosure that flying saucers are real and therefore visitors from other worlds are real and attempting to reach us is making a mark on me as well as many others. Our minds are changing and becoming more open and accepting that the visitors are really human and solidly physical.
Visitors from other worlds are called extraterrestrials or ETs, but George Adamski referred to them as space brothers. I met Mr. Adamski 60 years ago, in 1963. I was pregnant with my first child at the time, age 25. Adamski was the most famous contactee of modern times, or slowly becoming one. He was often referred to as simply "GA". His most famous books were "Flying Saucers have Landed" in 1963, co-authored with Desmond Leslie, and "Inside the Space Ships" 1965, changed later to "Inside the Flying Saucers". He told the true story of how he met first Orthon on the desert in California in 1952, and then met with the space brothers frequently after that. Their mission (and his) was to reveal life on other worlds, just as ancient scriptures tried to do. Adamski wrote books about his very real encounters with space people, and traveled the world lecturing and showing his photographs. Also delivering messages to the government and other important people. Even though he was often denounced as a fraud by official sources, he had audience with very important people and entered through side doors.
My personal story started germinating about two months ago. It is a big shift for me, for I have been for many lifetimes as a gentle, passive, feminine healer-priestess type being who was not outwardly assertive. I healed and loved, that's all I did. And then 60 years ago I met GA and, lost soul that I was, seeds began to germinate. I continued my life as a feminine being up until about two months ago, when I was re-introduced to an old, old friend. I came back into contact with Glenn Steckling, director of the George Adamski Foundation. Glenn today is a retired airline pilot, but I knew him as a little boy of 10 when I lived with his parents in Mexico, who were helpers of Adamski. Raised in the atmosphere of Adamski and his parents, Glenn today is the sole owner and director of the legacy left by GA who died in 1965. Glenn is today continuing to tell the story of the space brothers. And it is Glenn who made me think. I could not identify with PHYSICAL flying saurcers. I thought they were from another dimension. Suddenly a new perception of reality is unfolding with this new, or renewed, connection. There is a shift in conscious awareness going on that is, to put it into words, like connecting wishes and desires and frustrations and struggles - they are connecting. I feel younger, healthier, more alive. And remembering things I had forgotten. See Glenn Steckling's youtube channel (HERE) speaking for the George Adamski Foundation.
Continuing with MY story - when I met Mr. Adamski I wasn't interested in physical spaceships. I was from the Light. I was taken into the light in 1976, ten years after meeting GA, when the kundalini awakened and blew my mind wide open, obliterating all that I was before. It took another ten years to come back to normalcy again, which I did with the help of a cultural phenomenon called "swinging". In swinging I could hug and hold people and I became grounded again back to being human. Life continued with me trying to write about it. An insane idea. How can you possibly write about these things?
Well, anyway, I never understood that flying saucers were real and physical. I was enthralled with Mr. Adamski when I met him, transported to other worlds just by being around him, but I could not accept that these "space people" were human. I did not accept it. I dismissed it and continued to believe they were angels and beyond our ability to reach them. Yet, Mr. Adamski drew crowds. He told the real truth while I did not understand and did not accept. Why did they make such a big deal out of the flying saucers? I wasn't connected. I was one of those mystics of the spacey kind. And then Glenn Steckling appeared from my past, now a grown-up man. Such amazing threads of reconnection. They had faded into oblivion and suddenly they are back stronger than ever. A few nights later I saw something in the night sky which could not be real. A large spotlight came in the night as I looked out my bedroom window to close the curtain, and I saw the "spotlight" capture a big bright star, swallowed it up and carried it away. The star was gone. Only the night sky remained. The star had been there night after night for months. How can this be? And then I knew, I had been contacted. Without a shadow of a doubt. Just as I knew during the hurricane when a big bright "star" led us back home after being evacuated from our house. And other "stars" blinking at me in the night sky, moving and shape-shifting, making me wonder, "Is it?" And the dreams. More and more dreams, connections with space ships of light.
The biggest shift is transitioning away from being passive. The "wait and see" reactive person who waits for others to make the moves. Suddenly I am bored with waiting. I want to tell my story(ies). They are piling up, waiting to be talked about. I am grounding and feeling inspired. Fear has held me back. But I saw online today Michael Love, a wonderful channel for the Pleiadians. He said, "I believe in transparency and openness" and told how he has lost everything in a major shift. And so I am suddenly shifting - not losing but gaining something I haven't had in a long time. My proactive side. I am learning that the space brothers are real and human. They are not angels, ghosts, saints or mystical apparitions as I have believed all of my life. They are real. They are more real than we humans know how to be. The angels of the Bible are human angels. The people of the time did not know how to say it. But we have evolved. We can say it out loud now. The space brothers are human, and they fly in physical ships. They know how to embody physicality more fully, and they know how to advance their technology and their beautiful inner beings and their social skills are remarkably sweet and graceful. They interact with love of the ultimate supreme source. And they travel thru space without fuel, by riding currents that are natural to the planets. They are tapped into the rhythms and harmonies of universal intelligence and love. And they are coming closer, ever closer to the one mind behind it all. They are kind, and beautiful, and intelligent and, yes, even saintly, but they are human. They have evolved their human skills and they want to share these skills with us. They are more like us than we realize. Or perhaps we are becoming more like them.
This is knocking my socks off, literally. My feet are enjoying being bare-foot. My brain has been righting itself and the dizziness and disorientation is going away. It is not over yet but the symptoms are changing quickly as I feel more solid and real. Invisible roots are growing down, as if I wee a tree extending myself down into the earth to join with other roots. I saw a circle of feminine beings in the center of the earth the other day, a flash of insight, and I became one of them, settling down among them, joining in with their silent singing. Resonating with their optimism and gladness of spirit. I am more alive inside my skin now.
It has been a wild change. Reality is becoming more real. Not fixed but fluid. As if I am a bridge between stillness and solidarity. Neither state is a "fixed" or immovable state of being but rather a blending in and out, and I am the bridge that chooses where I want to go in the moment. Reality is becoming. Confusion reigned for approximately three years, starting with a hospital stay and heart palpitations triggered by a new meditation technique. I learned what caused it later, as we all learn later, after the fact, from experiences of testing thru trial and error.
I was spiritual, prepared from prior life training for the kundalini activation in 1976 which blew my mind wide open. It then took 10 years to come back to being human again, able to interact with people. But I had an ascended master guide, which I interpreted as being a supernatural intelligence. Now my exposure to the Adamski legacy thru Glenn Steckling, along with further continued disclosures from other sources, I am learning that they are human, just like us. More human and more humane, which means more heart, more soul, more naturally beautiful. They have solid physical bodies like us. Their ships are physical and operate on universal laws backed by higher scientific laws. Quantum? I don't know. They have advanced beyond us by joining with the harmonies of the one universal mind which ties life together if we draw closer to it. And they are here to guide us, teach us, redirect our thinking to these more harmonious laws and more humane ways of living. If we will welcome them. The 5D love club is my greatest desire - to bring our local community together and welcome our galactic friends to come down and celebrate with us. I invite them to land in our back pasture.
As I dare speak of this out loud thru my writings and postings, it makes me feel strong, physically strong, and more vitalized. Enthusiastic and excited! I don't care if people think I'm crazy. It doesn't matter because I'm walking my own path. And I love all the people around me. I wish I could put my hands on them and say, "You are beautiful, I love you!" The more I give appreciation, the stronger I feel. And more stable and rooted and fulfilled. Sixty years ago it started when I met George Adamski, the contactee of the Venusians, but I didn't understand that he was talking about them being REAL. I couldn't accept it then. Now today I do accept. He was a true contact for the extraterrestrials who have tried from pre-biblilcal days to reach men of earth. But each time the prophets were considered cuckoo or insane or dangerous and had to be taken out. I think that danger is over. Those who are still afraid of being locked up or killed (repressed traumas from past lives) perhaps will come out of the closet now and tell their stories. The 5D love club will be gathering those who want to tell what they know.
I have begun copying some of Adamski's excerpts from his books in TODAY'S POSTS. The channeled articles I have been reading online for many years that used to enthrall me, are fading into the background. My own path is lighting up more strikingly, becoming the more significant way for me to go. All others are blending into the landscape around me for they too are part of the whole. They are each creating their own strikingly beautiful golden path. It is a path that appears with each conscious breath. Sometimes it is unconscious and I lose it, and that's OK. It is slowly taking shape thru experience, trial and error. When I remember to appreciate and give thanks, it solidifies under my feet. When I forget it dulls me down. It is the universe that breathes thru me when I think of it, and when I don't, I lose the fire that could have sparked me. We are all participants in the one breath of the universal prime creator. Even as it does through the space brothers who are visiting us and who wish to guide us to greater horizons. Are we ready for this? Are we all together in this? Perhaps not. It is OK. It is all OK. You are blessed. As the space people say, "You are loved beyond measure."
7/9/24 - Rest and Relax to bring balance and feel more clear
After the hip swings today - an exercise I don't enjoy - I was told “Rest!” and the reason why. "Just rest. Relax and feel the fragmented light particles coming back together again. Feel into it. During action they are riled up and get chaotic, trying to understand what to do. During rest time they return to their comfort zone. You in your outer mind feel comfortable and identify with it. You feel good resting. But too much comfort and rest produces stagnation and decay. So up and into action again to move the light particles. This is to give the light in your cells the opportunity to evolve and experience. They are the ones evolving thru matter. You are the God within learning how to be responsible for your light particles, for your physical body. You are learning in your own way, your own lessons, how to bring your light particles (your body) in line, in alignment, so they all work together, in a coordinated way, under your masterful control and will power.
As I rested this new understanding began to dawn on me. I felt a deeper sense of reality. I felt more “me”. I felt more solid and clear. More "here now". This in a minor way but it was enough to give me a hint, a clue, pointing to the reality that this is how it works. You become more balanced, more whole, more complete and more real thru this melding of rest and action, action and rest. It is the way to bring balance to the confused state of the body's cells. We were born into a world presenting lots of confusion, lots of diversity, lots of opposites. We were born into it to learn how to master the conditions we find ourselves in. It is a very confusing and upsetting world, but it presents many opportunities to learn masterful control over situations.
We are here to learn and to grow in wisdom and understanding. But we have to work with our OWN forces, we have no control over others. Except for the use of love. Love is the ultimate power source for change, healing and transformation. And so we must start by loving our own body cells, the inner physical, mental and emotional forces that are within us. This is how we heal the feelings (yesterday's blog). There are two different lessons playing out here - me (God) and my body cells (also God but imprisoned and masked in cellular form). The cells of my body parts contain light particles in the form of electrons. But they do not know themselves yet. They are fragmented and randomly chaotic, without a master to guide them.
I am here to learn how to guide and control them – er - TEACH them. As I grow in understanding, I am actually teaching my SELF. My body learns discipline thru my consistent routine and attention and I am also learning by my own discipline of myself. It helps my body cells to grow awareness and as they feel good with themselves, I feel good with MYself. We are inter-related. We are woven together. We are learning together. We are evolving each within own conscious intelligence and awareness, even as we are entwining with those who live with us and in our communities. Under my masterful attention as the resident soul living in this body, I enlarge and widen myself to become a more masterful guide. I can better instruct my body to do what I want it to do, plus I am interweaving with others around me, sharing my wisdom and receiving THEIR wisdom they reflect to me. e. This is universal harmony playing out -rhythm and love in action. We are growing and joining the galactic community of higher worlds.
7/8/24 - Healing the feelings - preparing for the 5D Love Club
Healing the feelings means don’t act on them, don’t express them, don’t repress them, don’t suppress them. FEEL them. This will take practice. When you act on feelings without thinking, you are not feeling them. You are spewing those energies out and away from you. To FEEL your feelings means stop and focus. Pay attention. Allow them to penetrate through your body-mind. Allow them to distribute through the appropriate nerves, channels and passageways to saturate your entire being. Accept, allow and surrender yourself to the feelings, no matter what the feelings are. Perhaps you judge them as bad or traumatic, or perhaps you judge them as beautiful and good. It doesn't matter WHAT the feelings are, allow them to saturate you. In other words, give up trying to avoid them.
Tears are a sign that you gave in to your feelings. We try every trick and manipulation in the book to avoid letting our feelings in. We don’t let them in. We are continuously rejecting feelings from entering our lives. What is meant by "healing the feelings" is a fulfilling act of mercy. You become fulfilled. You feel complete, whole, perfect, calm. This is the peace that passes understanding. You are filled full of acceptance. You are loved. You are whole as you were always meant to be. On October 23, 2017 the following message was dictated to me by the Master DK. I found it yesterday as I researched old files. I am considering starting a 5D Love Club using loving touch ascension massage (not sexual). This is Master DK is speaking:
“Intimacy has always been reserved for the primary partner, the one you live with. Primary partnerships have always been considered exclusive, but how many of you have retained the ability to be truly intimate? Intimacy means connecting. Connecting with someone else also in physical form requires a slowing down process, both mentally and physically, so that feelings can be shared. If you are feeling something and your partner is not, the feelings are not being shared. Only one of you is feeling.
"Connecting means sharing feelings. This is the meaning of intimacy. Sharing feelings with someone other than your primary partner has always been considered a sacrilege. You have kept feelings hidden for that reason. You have even kept feelings for yourself hidden. How often have you masturbated alone, in private, and had someone come in on you. Did that not give you feelings of shame? The feelings of shame were a condition laid on you from those in authority who have tried to keep you from feeling your own feelings.
"This practice of massaging a stranger is an exercise in breaking open those forbidden cultural taboos, and simply sharing feelings with a stranger. [I had been considering how to do this, so he is addressing this for me] This is the reason why we are here to swap massages alone. Not as a couple, but alone at a table with a partner of the opposite gender. You will have feelings. You will have all sorts of feelings. You might have repugnant feelings. Or feelings of guilt. Or feelings of shame for having GOOD feelings. You might have sexual feelings and you might feel confused because you’re not supposed to go there during these massages. Feelings are beautiful. Let them be. Feel them. Allow them. Enjoy them. Don’t act upon them. Just feel them. Let them exist within you.
"As you feel your feelings you will also be processing them. You will be saying, ‘It’s OK to have this feeling. I will keep moving my hands on this person.’ Whatever the feeling is, just own it. It’s yours. Don’t expect the other person to have the same feelings you are having. The act of massaging a stranger person allows you to feel better than when you are massaging a friend. Because when you are massaging a friend, you drop your guard and relax into the KNOWN feelings that you have had with this person before. That will come about as lesson Number 2, as you practice expanding on known feelings.
"The first part of this practice is learning how to feel within yourself, alone, and owning what you are feeling. It‘s not just skin on skin. It‘s opening up to forces within you that have been turned off due to cultural laws and rules. We are breaking the law and the rule here by allowing feelings to surface. Do you understand? That is why we will be swapping partners. You will not be able to relax your guard and 'flow' with this person, so you will have to simply feel. It is a breakthrough, to feel. Intimacy has been shut off in all of you because you are a dangerous species if you are allowed to be free and happy. We are breaking the rules here and this goes beyond gender. It is about you getting in touch with free and happy forces within you. Own them and let them be.”
7/6/24 - Meditation techniques - using affirmations & mantras
This morning I woke up to the words: “I AM the holiness of this body, and I dedicate this body, I consecrate this body to the will that I AM.” Further I was told: "You are being encroached upon. Do this to set the words/qualities in stone around you. Do this 50x upon waking, 50x mid-day and 50x before sleep. Breathe 50x from the coccyx down to 12 feet below the feet. Then 50x from coccyx up above the head 12 feet, following the spinal column of light.”
I went to the med room and followed instructions. With beads in hand I lay on the acu-mat, the one with little plastic points sticking into my back, and did breath work 50x. Then the mantra out loud, then silently, and ended up in the unusual peaceful state that I wish I could find more often. I am impressed that I am being guided by spirit.
“Focus on the tip of the coccyx. There is a permanent atom there. Speak the words from there. See your lips moving at the coccyx saying the mantra, see the sun shining out and expanding, expanding, expanding. See the aura expanding all around you down below your feet and above your head 12 feet in both directions." Then I did the fire breath, the alt fire (left and right nostril alternatively). "See the ida and pingala - the left and right channels of the spine - wrapped around each other as in a cord of light, up close around the central sushumna nestled up close to it." Then I did the PC and instead of the violet flame, I visualized the BLUE flame of El Morya and AA Michael's sword of blue flame, replacing the violet flame purification. This has been coming to me the last day or two, to change to blue flame purification to receive more concentration, strength, will power, and determination.
It was shown to me that the permanent atom in the body is at the tip of the coccyx. When the embryo is formed in the mother's body, scientists explain this on youtube, how the embryo folds over on itself and its the spinal column which does it. So the heart of the body is the coccyx, the tail bone or root chakra. So from there, we have an aura that goes down to a certain point equal to how far up it goes. We have been focusing only on the UP side, and we have been neglecting the down side of our aura. That has become an entry point for the negative energies to get into us. So I am being directed to use the coccyx as the heart of the body and imagine it as a sun that is expanding, expanding, expanding, in all directions, down as well as up. This is going to add a new level of protection against invasion of dark side.
I woke this morning seeing the Words - all English words- in clear graphics surrounding me like an aura, pushing the darker confused atmosphere away from me. It was a very clear picture of what saying mantras do for a person. I never had that shown to me before. It's very real, what saying holy words do out loud. So I renewed my efforts today. One has to SEE IT to believe it. It's crystal clear saying holy words out loud, that they create a barrier around you that protects you. A friend asked me yesterday how do you prevent the dark ones from invading? I told her to stop thinking about them. Instead, say affirmations, mantras out loud. That is the technique. We've been told by the old ones how to do it. We must learn and practice these methods again and again and agin. We must learn them and practice. After I told her that, this graphic picture was shown to me. We are meant to tell, teach, do and share this knowledge. People don't know. The dark has taken over people's lives because they don't know how to use affirmations of holy words.
7/2/24 - Bringing together opposites - Father Sky & Mother Earth
Revelations from my higher self today started before I woke up, and continued as I became semi-awake and then fully awake. It was teaching me more of what I learned yesterday - how I have the ability to remove dead toxic energies that cause disturbances and stifled, suffocating feelings of aging and dying. It is all in my ability to focus. It involves the activating of the THIRD eye, which is the ability to rise above duality and opposites. Learning to balance opposites removes confusion. It is an ability that comes from elevating ones own troubling thoughts to a higher plane of transcendence. It is an intellectual movement of "working it out" and reaching an understanding. It is not a "thing" to work on physically, as once I thought.
Mother Earth is a living intelligence and provides the living life force that breathes thru the skin for ALL life on the planet. When humans reproduce, Mother Earth’s living life force enters into the seed of the man and woman to enable the embryo to grow and mature, like any other seed. Source intelligence itself cannot create a solid form alone, it needs the skill and knowledge of a pre-existing living life form, which is a planet, for a planet knows how to build a living form. Father source is the source of life. It is the creator but it has never been in form. It has CREATED form but has never been in form itself. Father source is consciousness only. So it is that Source intelligence, which we call Father God, creator of all that is, works together with a planetary form. Earth and heaven work together, spirit and matter are equals in building new form life.
Source Intelligence is abstract, the Father of all of creation. The planetary intelligence is the construction worker, the intelligent builder of all form life on body. So, when humans make love and conceive a baby, the planet’s life force enters the seeded embryo to oversee its growth, maintains the embryo and grows the baby to full maturity. This I was shown today during my spiritual practice. However, the planetary intelligence (Mother Earth) does not know what Father Source has in mind for this new embryo. Is it a tree? A flower? A bear? A wolf? Mother Earth must have a pattern to follow, otherwise it would not know what to build?!. This is where Father source is involved. Father Source of all Creation is the designer of ALL life, so Father Source sends down the pattern or blueprint for Mother Earth (or any other planet) to follow. Father Intelligence provides the blueprint, the Earth Mother (or any other planet) follows the blueprint and builds the form accordingly. In other words, Father Sky and Mother Earth work together in building the form life, including human beings.
It is the equivalent to the architect giving a construction company a blueprint to follow, to build a new building. The construction company doesn’t know what the architect has in mind so it must have a blueprint to follow. So it is with Mother Earth. She needs a pattern to follow. Father Creator provides the blueprint for the form, and Mother Earth uses her life force to construct the form. Both Father Sky and Mother Earth together build the embryo, whether it be an ant, a snake, a mountain lion or a man or woman. Mother Earth is the breath of life in us. She gives us the earth, air, fire and water PLUS she knows how to construct the form so it is a perfect form and is able to fulfill the mission Father Creator planned for it. It becomes a breathing, living form (whether an ant, moose, fish, tree or human).
So we have the Earth Mother as the life force and builder of form for the body, and Father abstract intelligence providing the pattern for her to follow. It is Father Himself who actually wants to live in the form that is being built by the Mother, because he can’t build the form himself.
This is hard to put into words. I received it not thru mental processes, like a thought, but more like I WAS the process as a form was building. I could feel it and know how it form is made. This partnership of Mother Earth and Father Intelligence working together is the power of creation. They together are what we call the kundalini, or shakti, or the mother flame, or the divine feminine (many names for it), which awakened in me in 1976 and an exquisite light took me out of my body. A few years later I saw it again during a sacred moment, it looked like a transparent crystal ball at the pelvic region embedded inside of nerves, like roots of a tree. The crystal ball “squeezed” drops of life force up my spine each time I did the PC muscle squeeze (Keegle exercise). It was a most sacred moment of revelation and I wrote about it at the time in my journal. I wish to share this knowledge.
Kundalini, the sacred power of life, is a blend of both heaven and earth, father sky and motherearth. The earth force alone would not know what to build if it did not have a blueprint to follow. And Father Creator alone would not have the knowledge and skill to build a solid form without the Mother Earth’s skill in building form life. There is a blueprint for each species on the planet. Father Sky or Father Intelligence is the designer of form, and each form is endowed with the Father’s intelligence itself. Form begins at the lowest level, such as a mineral or rock, and evolves from there to higher form life. Father source is the great intelligence, the All Intelligence, the one infinite creator intelligence of which we are all a part, a piece, a facet of the wholeness. The Father Source is the power of evolution itself within each unique self consciousness, on a deep and intimate personal level. We CAN communicate with Father God within us if we know how. This intelligence is innate within us.
Each form, from amoeba to ant to wolf, to elephant to human evolves in greater SELF awareness. Each self grows to greater levels of understanding of the God within one’s self. It is SELF awareness that grows, and that SELF is Father God itself as a piece of the whole growing closer and bigger and larger and more aware with the passing experiences of life. By the time the SELF has gone through the eons of evolution from mineral to rock to plant, etc., and finally embodies as the highest, most advanced life form on the planet - a human being – its understanding is SO great that it is humbled with the awareness. It learns to respect itself as the highest form of intelligence on the planet – but further – it becomes aware that there are even HIGHER forms of life beyond it. And so it grows in response ability. The ability to unite with others like itself. It learns compassion, forgiveness, respect and most of all love that cannot be contained by a single form. It must radiate out to all of life and all beneath him/her. The human becomes the steward, the protector, the guardian, the shepherd of all lesser forms evolving beneath it – nature plants, animals. He becomes more and more aware, more and more expansive, more and more unified with all other life forms. Each human is destined to become a human master, growing more light as more consciousness of the whole blends with his separate consciousness.
The planet is an advanced form life itself and at a certain stage in its evolution develops the ability to grow forms itself. In effect, reproducing as little forms grow out of big forms. The self-awareness of a planet develops understanding how to produce baby form life. The universe is a nursery of life-building forms, growing in self-awareness. It is a literal garden of intelligence-building - planets, moons and asteroids, down to minerals, waters, stones, plants, insects and animals and man or equivalent of man. Some species may not look like human but have equal or superior intelligence – could be a horse or lion on two legs with arms and fingers, or so the Galactics tells us. But all must serve the love and light or else it turns dark and misshapen. The highest and most intelligent forms of love and light are in harmony and peace. The race grows an intelligent brain which knows how to distribute and care for itself, and becomes the highest “solid” form to walk on the planet.
Thus man on Earth is becoming a fully conscious and responsible steward guiding the lesser plants and animals. This is what indeed is taking place on the more evolved planets who are visiting us as extraterrestrials. They are coming closer to us and are making contact even now, today. Life in form thrives throughout the universe. The consciousness of the Creator (the All-That-Is) is expressing through form life. The consciousness of the Creator is having FUN! Joyfully exciting and enthusiastic FUN experimenting with form-building. It is interacting with itself through the myriad solid diverse forms. It is drawn upward by the very light that lives within the cells of the bodies around it, no matter what form it is taking, the love shines thru, whether it be a one-celled amoeba, a horse, a tree, fish or plant. Cows, dogs, each of us represents a wonderful contrast as compared to a neighbor.
The vitality of the planet itself co-exists alongside the Creator Source light. A self consciousness (you, me and our loved ones) evolve separately apart from our form. Our bodies each have a different parent source, different DNA, which contains differences in mental intelligence and skills. But our bodies also have the pattern of the Earth Mother, the solid planet on which we stand, for we are composed of its elements. We are a composite of the Earth, we are an Earth human and therefore we are brothers and sisters of the same planet. We came during this embodiment from the same parent source but we have each grown up to pursue our own personal missions. We each chose this life. Each intelligent life form has an individuality, from a planet to a tree to a human, to a dog and a cat. Uniqueness is the name of the game in the universe and we owe allegiance to our Father Mother God of the highest intelligence.
It is important to note that we humans are maintaining our physical body at the same time as we are maintaining and growing our own uniqueness and individuality. We must pay homage to our SELF for God lives within. We do this by honoring and growing our OWN self awareness above and beyond giving our power away to others who do not resonate with us. Let us use wisdom and discernment. But we have had many bodies. We have reimbodied more than we can count, but we have only ONE consciousness, which continues to grow in self awareness with each NEW embodiment. We are growing and maintaining a positive track thru our many experiences in many bodies. But it is important to remember that the mother of the planet guides the BODY, not our mind. Our higher self or spiritual self guides our mind and intelligence. The mother feeds information up from earth through the spine to the brain, showing us how to maintain our physical wellness and health – and there are many techniques left behind by masters - but it is the Father source that feeds us individually from our own higher light. We receive higher clarity as we respect our own source intelligence, which is innate and intuitive. As we live in this solid body we are often confused about which way to go, but the Master DK has been guiding me in how to “fuse” the opposites. Whenever there is confusion, step back, he says. Allow the opposites to “fuse” together. They will do so if you allow it, he says, and not fight against the confusion. We are in a body to meld the two opposites together – body sensations and mental thoughts. Confusion results from not understanding, so step back and ALLOW understanding to blend together.
The mother of the planet feeds us information thru sensations – thru feelings and physical nudges of good and bad responses. As we go thru experiences of feelings of “good” and “bad”, they tell us what to do. It is thru trial and error that we learn. Abstract thoughts do not have feelings, so we must rely on sensations, visceral feedback from the body to give us direction. Should we do “this”? or “that”? We learn from the experience of being in a body. The life within the body feeds back signals. The body is our mother. She feels back signals of right or wrong. The male body is also a feminine body, not just women’s bodies. All feelings are mother feelings that offer direction – good? Or bad? Either nice feelings or a bad feeling. A nice feeling means “yes, go in this direction”. If it is a wrong or painful feeling it means “No, don’t do that!” No matter what other people think or suggest, we must follow our “heart”. Our heart is a feeling heart. We can tell by the feelings we have from a certain situation. Our heart is our guide, our motherly guidance.
The mother of form I learned recently is called “The ancient order of the Mother Flame.” This term is not found on the internet (yet). I suspect it will come soon, with the proper definition. Meanwhile, just know that your body is the Mother of your form. She will guide you through NICE feelings! Feelings of appreciation, respect, joy, happiness, health (vs. pain), and other beautiful uplifting feelings or responses. Our bodies tell us which way to go. They are sensual, visceral, tender and loving. They guide us in how to treat others, which we build first within ourself. Self awareness is Source awareness. Father Source is learning AND ENJOYING its experience thru the actions of our own personal body, mind and actions, by interacting and bumping up against other forms of itself.
Higher self taught me this morning why there are two separate “me’s” The body is one thing, my conscious self awareness is another. I am consciously evolving to higher levels of understanding separate from the body, but my body feels it and expresses my growing awareness to a certain extent. Not all, not by a long shot! There is more to learn! But my body benefits from my growing awareness and does bend to my will better these days. My higher Self brought me outside my body this morning so I could experience being separate from my body. I was an observer of my body as a mechanical creature for a brief time. I saw my body as a creature beneath me being constructed and constantly changing. Whereas I, as a non-physical intelligence, never change. I NEVER change! I have no form to change. I am rather the designer and maintainer of the vessel that I live in. But we do evolve in understanding this fact and this truth. We are becoming more aware. (End of missile. Sorry it took so long!)
6/30/24 - Your physical heart - how to focus on it and why
Over the centuries the teachers of wisdom have been telling us to go to our heart. I have had an ongoing debate with myself as to why. Why is the heart so important? Well, I can't summarize my conclusions because they are not mental conclusions, nor are they logical conclusions. There is something else involved here. This something else is ingrained, or you could say, innate. It happens on a much deeper level than conscious awareness. It is a movement that is built on FEELING. The heart is a feeling organ. After a while, a long time perhaps lifetimes, the feelings bring an individual to a point of understanding. This is not mental. It is a genuine feeling of compassion and understanding of the whole picture. I have reached that point of understanding for myself. And all I can say is, the reason why the gurus and teachers of wisdom guide us toward the heart is to bring us in closer touch with our feelings, our emotions. These are embedded into our organs and tissues of the physical body. We can't mentally image something beautiful and perfect unless we include the body. The physical parts of the body itself, for each cell is encoded with that "something special", else we wouldn't be here breathing and walking and acting on impulse.
A personal note here for the record: These words in my blogs are given to ME first as teachings. I then write them as blogs so I can remember and go back and re-read them later. It has taken me awhile to understand this. That they are for ME to learn from! Just for the record!
The teachers of ancient knowledge are telling us to at least START to change focus to one of love and feelings of compassion and tenderness, because by doing so we touch closer to the key SPARKLE that is embedded there. It is not a physical spark. It is an immortal, eternal spark from the creator. This spark needs to be touched into and attached to by the will of the individual in whom it is planted. No one else can do the attaching for you. If you do not attach to it in one life, you will re-embody in another life, anywhere, maybe not Earth but one that will help you to see the truth. There is something within you that is trying to reach you, but only YOU can respond and make that decision to come closer and attach to it. It is a humbling gesture of being receptive to a higher, mightier power.
We as a human being were born on this planet, were born into the darker threads of negativity which this planet Earth is made of for many centuries. We were born into limited understanding through our parents. No matter how enlightened or spiritual our parents were, they too carried the genetics of THEIR parents, and they too grew up with tainted genetics, limited or perhaps false beliefs. In other words, we were born into a not-pure world and we've been dealing with it all our life. We've been drawn to "something better", something more pure and more idealistic all our life, trying to make a good life for ourselves and our families, trying to understand. And little by little we DO make moves in the right direction, often to be pulled back away from that direction again and again. What are we missing? The efforts are useless unless we attach to our original source of life - which is the ultra-pure spark of the creator, embedded in our heart, our physical heart.
Trying to change other people by telling them things that confront and make them angry, does not work. You only push them away from you. Love is the only way to change people. Then you draw them closer to their REAL self by showing acts of love, kindness, forgiveness, appreciation, sweet warm feelings of connection and nurturance. This is what will turn our own life around. We should be doing it every day, a little more each day. Not for others but for ourself. A little kinder, a little more empathetic, a little more of hugs and smiles and expressions of good will. It is time to change tactics and come closer to feelings of warm goodness. When we EXPRESS them, we become them. We come closer to the original source of life itself. The heart contains that secret coded spark. It is in the action that we do while in physical embodiment that we move closer into that spark in our heart. The ancient gurus and teachers were trying to tell us. Light and love are the same energy. Light is full knowledge of the creator but it is abstract knowledge, high mental knowledge. It is not embodied knowledge (yet). It is "out there like the sun" shining down on us. Love is how we USE the light. By using that knowledge while we are fully embodied in a physical form living with other people in physical forms - only then do we actually embody the high beautiful immortal knowledge of the creator's light. By sharing it and expressing it through our own skin and tissues. Then we become "in-lightened". Lightened up from the inside.
Expressing loving kindness, even if it's only with a simple smile, can change what we consider "bad" or "negative" to overnight healing and miracles. But they must be true loving intentions, not pretend. That is why going to the heart is the great teaching advice. We have to be in touch with our authentic true self. It requires humbleness. Humility. A bowed head and knee. Using that image is helpful to start a meditation. Humbling oneself to the light that is in your heart is how we get in touch with that spark of who we really are. We are the God within us. This God within lives again and again, unnoticed, until the soul finally "gets it" and wakes up and understands. It is an inner love for the light that is within. Love is all there is in the end. We can't give it unless we first attach to it and embody it in our actions.
6/26/24 - Disclosure, Ascension, Galactics, Starships, UFOs
Last night on Youtube I stumbled upon an interview of a young starseed, Kelly Tyler, a vivacious young woman around 30 or so. (Click HERE.) The headline was "Starseeds are coming out on MSM!" She was so cool, talking about her walk-in experience as an 8 year old soul, and I was immediately impressed. She's coming out of the closet, I realized. The interviewers had Kelly talking freely. She was eager to tell how she's an Arcturian now living in a human body and that there are many starseeds here to help humanity raise themselves up and be united, that we are all one together, that there is great peace and harmony among us all.
There are more disclosures coming out on the media channels than ever before. News is breaking that the galactics are here and I'm excited. I have known for 50 years but thought I was the only one who knew! I've been talking about it too, a little. But after seeing this wonderful interview iit suddenly dawned on me: Of course! The UFO disclosure is coming from the people, not from the military or the government. We've been waiting for the wrong people to step forth. They're not going to do it. They've been hiding it because they don't have the knowledge that starseeds do. There are MANY souls here today, disguised as human beings because they were born to human parents. But their souls are awake and aware and they are eternal souls. They have memories. Each human being has a souls with advanced training and memories beyond what this one life. We have bought into the dumbed-down version of human intelligence. We have commonly concluded we are dumb and don't know much. But deep down we know more than we dare speak. Now we are realizing it. It is taking more sophisticated people to reflect to us the beauty, harmony, rightness of high ideals and kindness. It is taking the younger generation to speak out. They can't help it. They know what they know and they are not bogged down by "Shhh, don't tell!" - the weight of the ages.
As the younger generation starseeds start talking, watch out. Contact will not be far behind. The landings are coming more and more, and out in the open. That's what the extraterrestrials are waiting for - us to welcome them with open arms and stop being afraid of the rules of "Shhh, don't tell!" They are more advanced socially, morally, ethically, as well as technologically. They follow the universal law of non-interference (the prime directive) and so they must wait for the earthlings to initiate the contact. And we must do it with freedom and an open heart, with love and intelligence and truth within us. Recent channeled messages from the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians and other Galactic Federation members, are increasing by the day. Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Can you sense it? They are asking us gently but firmly to step up to the plate. They are behind the scenes like a mother hen clucking away at her brood, trying to get them to move.
We know what we have to do. We feel it when excitement and enthusiasm break out and we could sing and dance in the right environment. The low-down droopiness is disappearing. The individual contacts have been ongoing. They have been ridiculed. The stories on TV are more acceptable. Startrek and Voyager are inspired to wake us up. They can't initiate physical landings until we ask them to come and land. Until we, enough of us, open our welcoming arms, hearts and minds to them, with love and kindness, not as cowards fearing for our lives if anyone finds out who we are.
They are waiting for us to stop pretending we are afraid. Deep down we are not afraid. So let us come out of the closet and gather together and talk freely, openly, each according to our own understanding. Each of us is an individual with individual memories. We have been here before. Let us share. We have common ground in that we are each a human being from Earth. Let us welcome them with a hands-on hug! I myself am privately asking for them to please land in our back pasture, those of light and love. I have seen them in the skies for years.
Today I just couldn't resist blogging about it. Thank you to Kelly Tyler for coming out on The Morning Show and being interviewed. May God bless you in the work you do - and all the other starseeds who are sharing their knowledge.
6/24/24 - Raise the qualities you already have instead of praying into space
Instead of praying up above your head into nebulous space to “God” out beyond the physical body - focus on raising dreams, hopes, visions, courage, inspiration, truth, purity, will power, happiness and other attributes that come to mind as you read this. Raise the qualities you already know instead of trying to climb an invisible ladder that is vague and beyond you. Instead of trying to go up into spaces you are not sure of, raise up the qualities that you ARE sure of. Elevate the qualities you know you already have because you have named them and used them before now. You have already been using these qualities right along from your beginning of this journey in form. Why leave them behind because you were trained, programmed and taught to pray to a "God" above and beyond you?
This does not mean leaving God behind, but rather recognizing that God (Good) is already implanted inside of you. You have already been grounding Good into your body cells. Why have you allowed the churches and other/outer instructors tempt you away from your own inner truth? You know what you know. You cannot leave that knowledge behind because it IS you. You ARE the truth in you.
Instead of leaving that truth behind and climbing up outside of your solid foundation (your body mind) and to climb this invisible ladder to unknown stars - because you were told to follow blind faith - stay inside your body. It is OK to turn around and go back to your foundation, your body-mind, and blend that new higher perspective with your more solid and real body-mind. Blend ALL that occurs to you. Blend who you are with all that is happening. Be here in the present moment and realize that you are the holy one that lives within your cells. You have been led astray, led away, led down a rosy path to an unknown. Now it is time to return to your REAL self, and bring back what you have discovered "out there in space". Bring all that you have learned back into your body cells. Be present in the now moment and blend your new discoveries with your solid foundation. Build on your solid foundation, just as a construction builder builds from the ground up. He follows a blueprint, and so do you. You have a built-in blueprint which knows what to do. Be humble.
Don’t leave yourself behind. Separation and discomfort occurs when you abandon your body and mind. Your known mind is part of your foundation. Build on your body and mind. Blend your new discoveries with your solid body and your solid mind. This raises your frequency to higher speed and higher intelligence, As my body elemental told me yesterday (see blog yesterday), raising up does not mean praying up into the empty sky. Raising up means praying to your own body cells with higher, happier, more elevated hope. It is your body cells that you are teaching. Feel into them. Your SELF is contained in your body cells. The SELF that you are seeking is the parts you are gathering together within you. You are gathering the different parts of yourself that have been randomly, haphazardly, moving without coordination. Without direction. They are disorganized. That is why YOU feel disorganized. It is not the REAL you that feels disorganized, it is your body cells that are rudderless, moving without guidance within a swirling, whirling matrix of tumultuous energies. They need a master intelligence to show them which way to go and what to do.
Gather your various body parts together - mind, feelings, hopes and aspirations - with love and caring. You are not here to gather the people together under one roof (my previous desire) - you are here with only one mission: to gather your SELF together. Everyone else is here to gather THEIR self together too. They each have their own inner work to do. That is the spiritual path, the path to higher understanding. You cannot be holy by helping, teaching or assisting others unless you first pull your own many disorganized random parts together into one unified whole. How to do this is what draws you. Follow your feelings. Follow your own inner feelings. They will direct you. Don't follow others. Your goal is to feel into and strengthen into what you already have built within you. Your own foundation. Your own solidarity. What you already know has served you well. The seven dimensions have served you well. I will name them. They are: courage and will power, love for yourself alone, intelligent reasoning, purity and innocence of thought, your own truth (not someone else's), your comfort zone and peace (not someone else's), your freedom (not someone else's).
You only have power over your OWN body, mind and feelings. You have been a healer in other lifetimes. You have carried this desire over into this life and you have tried to repeat yourself but you have advanced your understanding. (This message is speaking to me personally.) You are ready to move on past the old ways. You are no longer a healer of others but a healer of your SELF. Pull your parts together as only you can do. No one else can do it for you. You are contained in a bubble of light which is not physical. Your mind and feelings have been muddied and filled with junk and mud. Clear them up by using your master mind, your enlightened intelligence - the highest mind you can reach within you. Raise yourself up above the junk and mud and the junk and mud will fade and disappear as you learn to hold yourself steady within this higher realm.
Blend the low into your highest light of understanding - that which feels right and good and true and pure to you. And innocent. Be kinder with yourself. Be more flexible with yourself. More bendable, less rigid, less demanding. Be lighter and easier on yourself. Be more real with yourself. Respect yourself more. Respect your body more. Be humble before your body cells. Bend the knee to your body cells. Revere your body cells. They contain the wholistic light within them. They are a spark of the father intelligence. Don’t push your body. Give to your body the respect it deserves. Humility and TLC go a long way when it is delivered with a bowed head, reverence and a bent knee. Can you find that feeling in you? Your body gives back what it receives. You will feel the love return to you as you do this. You will feel the kindness, the love, the sweetness. It will want to serve you more, even as the Father in heaven longs to serve its children so will your body want to serve you.
But first you must believe this. It all begins with accepting a premise. A new concept must grow gently, naturally, no different than a seed in the garden. It takes time to germinate. Perhaps you are not ready to accept this idea. If not, allow a foot in the door. Be patient. Simply consider it. Absorb little by little. It is like absorbing a new vitamin pill. Give it time to work. See if your body will accept it. Practice humility. See what happens when you practice humility for yourself.
6/23/24 - I talked with my body elemental today
Today I was conversing with my body elemental. Everyone has ONE overseer elemental which takes care of overseeing the lesser elementals in maintaining the physical vessel. After making contact with it and asking questions, this is what it told me:
“Intelligence is a frequency. I match up energies according to frequency. Their ability to “keep up” or “blend in” and match the other’s frequency is like running a marathon, where one runner is waiting on the side to “step in” to take the place of another runner who is going to drop out of the race. Keeping up the frequency to a high place takes practice because the others around them have different functions. All are at different rates of frequency, some higher, some lower, and one may be pulled off track by the efforts of another, so it is a training ground for the elementals to learn to do this."
It continued to talk to me. Keep your spine flexible. Take breaths while imagining your spine expanding and contracting. As you bend over backward at the end of the bed (was asking about this), relax into it. Blend into it and it will blend you into the frequency with Mother Earth’s kundalini, the life force, which is flowing through your spine. Bending and blending will allow your spine to adapt and open to the upward flow and out thru the side nerves extending into your organs, muscles and other tissues. Feel the calm enter you. Allow it and blend with it. You are taken into the arms of Mother Earth herself (and you won’t want to get up!)
I felt that yesterday, this deep repose during a 6-minute backbend over the big orange medicine ball. And today I have been seeing, talking, interacting or weaving into many life forms, other people and other unique intelligences. As the Ascended Master book points out - Electrons are the building blocks of life. They are conscious, super conscious. They are God sparks. We are composed of God sparks, each one intelligent. They can never diel, but they are random and directionless in the physical body. They require a higher intelligence to give them direction, guide them and teach telll them where to go and how to move in formation together. The little god-sparks need a drill sargent in the Army who trains his troops to march together in step. Each one is by themselves a unique intelligence, just as we are, but we all need to learn how to work with others. It is a learning experience. Like a mother who lovingly teaches her children how to behave. Without training they go go off in their own direction. It is a learning experience.
So the electrons in our bodies have been random, floating haphazardly all over without coordination, without a master guiding them. We are supposed to be that master guide but we ourselves have not been taught. Who knew? Our bodies need to be trained by a master intelligence, and that is US! You and me. Our one job is to take care of guiding and training our bodies to become more graceful, kind and coordinated with others around us. We direct them by being ever present, not abandoning our mission by distracting appetites or unhealthy habits. We are to be ever-present in our responsibilty. This is why the use of affirmations and mantras are recommended, and daily exercise practices. We are the overlord of our bodies.
6/22/24 - Your bubble of consciousness is all around you
Behind you and all around you the bubble of consciousness is all around you. You are magnificent! A.I. is following the lower mind, the brain mind, without considering emotional nurturance and feeling. Higher mind pertains to the consciousness or spirit of life force of the individual who is more aware of his higher aspects that extends beyond him, beyond the physical. Don’t just look up, look inside and all around you. That is the more advanced/evolved definition of “looking up”. "Looking up" is a linear phrase used by those trapped in a 3D linear world, trapped and confined to a physical-substance body.
The energy field of your soul is much larger than your physical reality. Feel that field. Use feelings. Emotional nurturance (tender sensitive lovingness) will help you feel into that field. It is not aggressive. It is slowing down and feeling for the right approach. This skill includes knowledge and experience gained in other incarnations on Earth. It is feminine. Feel that field. It surrounds you. It is not far away. Your consciousness has been focused on your outer physical life and concrete situations. Your focus has been crunched down to a smaller size. To get in touch with your feelings, which is your soul, it is necessary to take a step backward. Behind you is a loving presence that is silent that spreads out around you, wider than you and over you. Your soul is connected in turn to a larger whole, weaving into a web of energies that spreads out even further. Feel into this web. Go as far as you can with your feelings. Sense your own body as part of this webbing. The presence of your soul behind you extends within you and further out beyond you into an even larger field of spirit. You are united both within and without, into an allness that you cannot see but you can feel into it. Feel as far as you can. Feel this link.
The physical feeling connection to this field is down low in the body at the root chakra, because humanity has repressed love and loving emotions. They drift down in the body because they are stagnant and not moving. They drift down by gravity to lower levels, closer to the ground and the earth. They are trapped there, immovable. They cause sensual love feelings whenever someone touches you with caring kindness or love, or taps you from an external sousrce. Then you may become aroused. You think the love you feel is coming from them and that it is they that have done this to you or for you, and only THEY can do it and release those trapped emotions, but it is not true. It is you that has responded to the loving kindness, the light touch. It is now an inner job, an inner work.
Unlock the door to your trapped emotions thru continued inner work once it has begun. Take time to be silent and thru inner spiritual practice read the teachings that lead you in this direction. Allow these trapped emotions to flow by being loving throughout your day, both to yourself and to your tasks. Love your work assignments. Love your Self by taking care of your body with more attention, with loving attention. This is not the work of another person to do for you, from an outside source. Do not ask or expect someone else to give you loving attention because you will only squander it and waste it. No. You must learn how to develop and cultivate the love that has suddenly awakened, however or whenever it awakens. Thru tenderness, cultivate it within yourself. It has been trapped, locked up inside of you. It is now awakened.
Continue with the awakening alone, by yourself, with full attention on your feelings. Release the loving feelings, that are eager to reach out to others. Be aware that the love within you is impersonal and desires only to be free. It does not look for a "one other". Cultivate these loving feelings as your own. Own them and apply them to your everyday movements and moments. They are for YOU and you alone. Allow them to return to you and cultivate YOU. These loving feelings are the true gardener and you are the receiver of their attention. You are not in charge, they are. Love is in control. Love is in charge. Love is universal and exists on all levels. Let it expand in you as the father/mother creator of all life.
Thru focus on inner awareness and inner feelings, allow the expansion to raise you up to higher levels of consideration, of compassion, of truth, of kindness, of understanding, of refinement, of justice, or ethcis, of what is right and good for the whole. Do not make it personal, or greedy, or selfish. Expand with the love as it expands you. Agree to expand with it. The disciplines that have been handed down by the mystics over the ages are mysterious to the common mind, but understandable to the one who bends the knee to it. Humbleness is an inner road to travel. Those who learned for themselves did so alone, without a teacher. They are the ones who have ascended to higher love. Be humble on an hourly basis. This is a new road to travel and you will forget if you do not continue to remind yourself on a daily basis. Remind yourself of your trapped love and spring them free little by little, with a bowed head and reverent atmosphere. It is not just with interactions with others that this is done, but with yourself. Accept and allow this flow to occur.
Visualize you are drifting downstream in a canoe without a paddle, lazily. The river is your loving emotions carrying you to the great sea beyond your sight, closer and closer to the heart of the great love. Be in your lower abdomen, not your higher abdomen. Repressed emotions are a gift. They dwell in the lower abdomen, way down low. Be there with them. Drift lazily downward to them. Open them, invite them, play with them, feel them, flow in ana around them, nurture them, talk to them. Connect with them as they invite you to connect.
6/20/24 - The two halves of the brain give us opposite information, but there's a third part of the brain we are missing
A sharp clear light-filled image of the brain came to me during a recent meditation. And the suggestion came to keep them intact, "don't try to blend them". In a mistaken belief, I have been envisioning them both merging together to become one whole brain unified. This new concept came from a video lecture yesterday. The two halves of the brain were drawn on the whiteboard, with the center of the brain highlighted. A circle was drawn around the center as the "emotional brain". We must retain the two opposite hemispheres of the brain so they can successfully receive and process the two opposing energies - masculine/active and feminine/passive - for both are important in our physical day-to-day life.
This involves prior knowledge on my part, for I have been studying the male/female energies for a long time, and THIS is a piece of new information that I just learned about yesterday. I thought it was balance that we needed, that the problems humanity has suffered over eons, would disappear by balancing or blending the left and right hemispheres so they were in equal measure and in harmony. But my inner guidance said NO! You need to have the two sides of the brain healthy as they are, to process the two energies. "You are not seeing the whole picture," I am being told. "You need the duality of two opposing sides, two hemispheres in the brain, to create a physical body and keep it functioning. The form world is created out of many energies working together. Form is upheld by a world of duality. It will not hold up well if there is not opposing force to keeping it active. You need opposites to give you experiences. You must live through your experiences, both the good and the bad, to help you to know which one is best for you. You have choices to make every day. Now, choosing the RIGHT choice is what is holding you up. Mankind is not making good choices because he does not know the mechanisms of HOW to make a choice. When you are unable to make a choice the many energies that you consider remain "in place", in the brain, muddled and stuck in the brain. Where is it stuck? Deep in the center of the brain in what has been called the emotional brain.
(See the lecture by Barbara O'Neill, naturopath, HERE. Posted 6/19/24 on TODAY'S POSTS.)
After listening to Barbara ONeill's lecture on the brain, suddenly it makes complete sense. The third eye is an ancient mystical symbol that appears in spiritual studies. What is it? I had never heard a satisfactory explanation of what it was and what it referred to. My higher guides explained. The two halves of the brain receive input from many sources, not only the kundalini energy from the root chakra, but also through the ears, as sound, the eyes as sight, the touch through feeling, and the taste through food. Both active strong powerful energy, and soft, tender, gentle energy. The brain itself doesn't know what to do with the incoming data stream that pours into it. It requires an overlord, a master, to oversee how to use this energy. That overlord or master is the king or queen of the castle. It is up to him or her to make wise decisions. Not detailed choices. No, of course not. But the presence of one who is mighty and powerful and confidence in his presence on earth is the wise one who maintains harmony in the body. If the brain does not have a powerful master presence, it will deteriorate.
That master is US! The individual who lives in the body. Make a choice. Do something with the information coming into the brain. Make a choice. What is your wish? How do you want this information handled? What is your preference? Normally there is no answer (in me). I didn't know I had to make such choices. I am learning. This lecture highlighted the need for having a firmer decision-making process in my life.
Data streaming into the brain accumulates in the emotional center of the brain, accumulating into a mixed assortment of old memories resulting in confusions, both toxic and good, pleasant and horrible, abusive and happy. Can we think through all of that? But, here's the thing. We are not just a physical body. The body is a mechanical creation, like a building or a bridge or a structure of any kind made of solid substance.
Our bodies are made of solid substance and held together with a pre-destined plan. It operates according to a design. The designers are not known to us but it turns out that WE are one with the designers. We are the spiritual overlords on a mission to live and work within a physical body. We are part of the design team on a spiritual level and have been from the beginning. Being born on a "dark" planet (Earth) we had the veils drawn and the wool pulled over our eyes so we could not see well at first. But we are gaining in knowledge as we (as a race) grow and advance in self-knowledge. New information is coming through various individuals as they step forward and offer what they know, what they've learned and discovered. They want to share their knowledge. They are being creative. They are the ones who have more male action energy than female passive energy and are therefore more daring and bold than someone like myself.
What is YOUR interest? What makes you firey and excited? What creates a thrill of enthusiasm? What turns you on so you can't stop doing it once you get started? That is the sacred fire that needs managing and acting upon with wisdom and control. Not to hold it back, but to identify with it and acknowledge it with a firm commitment.
Because this combines both modern science and ancient spiritual knowledge, I will not attempt to explain it. See the video HERE. The third eye is involved. The third eye refers to a singular focus. The third eye focus is a single-eye focus overriding duality and opposing focus that the brain is designed for. And which causes individuals to make decisions between two opposing ways of handling life: become proactive and assertive, or mellow and laid back. These are my terms and how I perceive it, but you get the idea. This is the first time I understood what the third eye was for. I love it! And then, my guides and ancient gurus explain that this third-eye can be projected out through the forehead (between the two eyes) to a destination of choice.
But now I find in yesterday's video lecture, a whole new approach to a long and happy life in form, on earth. It falls in line with the ancient hermetic tradition of occult mysticism. It is mysterious only because it is not popularly known. We as a culture and a race have not evolved to that point of knowing. We have not been educated. Only a few here and there are teaching it. I see it as a whole new way of maintaining this mechanical structure of a physical body. WE the resident agent, are a spiritual intelligence living in the body and are the master of the body. WE are the one who must govern, rule and make ultimate decisions for the body. We are the ones guiding the body to mastery. If the body did not have a governing power living in it with more power than IT has, the body would degenerate and die. Which is what it has been doing. We are now being told in many new teachings that we can prolong the life of this body if we took better care of it and managed it better. It would require us to be more disciplined and grown-up, not the children that we have been following leaders as if we didn't know how to take care of ourselves. This is how masters are made. WE are the one who must resurrect the body's life force and enthusiasm or it will continue to crumble and grow old.
My higher self said as she joined her presence with me, "The body is a solid, fixed structure. We together are the spark of eternal life, the fire of life, that enters into the body at birth. It is built of the earth, we are non-physical consciousness, at one with the creator. WE are the one that built this body from the beginning of conception. You are the steward. You have come before me to build and prepare this body to receive me, yur higher consciousness. When the body is made ready thru refinement, a finer consciousness can enter in more easily. The higher self of each individual will join with its lower aspect when the body is prepared, nurtured and refined. Your higher God/Goddess self cannot enter so much density. It cannot get thru. So there is first a portion of the ONE consciousness which descends first to prepare the ground for the next higher, vaster consciousness to join. This you have done. Together we will continue to refine this mecchanical structure so that more our ONENESS may enter this body and raise its vibrations even higher. We flow through the DNA of the altering structure of the cells, which bend and obey our will. We are the ones embuing the sacred fire of immortality into these cells. These cells are VERY happy to have us, but we are the consciousness that must continue to work with the principles of harmony, love, light and cosmic consciousness, so that the joy of the universe may be felt within its physicality."
When you feel sad, it is the body that feels sad. It has been deglected. When you feel happy, your body is happy. It has been made peaceful. You have been confusing the body with who YOU are. You are NOT your body. You are distinctly separate from your body. You are not a mechanical machine, but your body is. Yu are the resident soul operating the body. It is your responsibility to teach it manners, like you would teach a child. It will listen unless there are too many addictions already built into its cells. The body will follow your instructions if there is repetition and consistency.
6/19/24 - Staying present is staying grounded - "be a living part of it"
There is so much change taking place in my focus of interest that I find it difficult to keep up with posting the wonderful new messages that are coming in. The ascension process is well underway, meaning the incoming NEW revelations. They cannot be held back (for me) but it is an individual thing. Everyone is experiencing the expanding consciousness in their own personal ways. I can see this in the comments underneath articles. There is a lot of confusion about the higher light and love messages. But my personal goal is to stay grounded and as real and practical as I can be. As I "ascend" out of my former beliefs and ways of doing things, which was mainly to find comfort and peace in everything, I have found it is more exciting, if I may use that word, to join in with the confusion. It is more envigorating to stay present in the moment and be a living contributing part of each moment that comes before me. I feel more energy, more vitality, more fire. Blessings to all. May you feel the peace and good will that is coming forth from our sun. Must run now. There is a change coming and it is my job to stay present and the world turns on its axis.
6/16/24 - Ascension does not mean leaving the planet
There have been numerous articles on the ascension lately, many of which point to our leaving the planet in some fashion. As if there will be a sudden flash event, and those who are “ready” will be taken up into the air or go to somewhere else. This is not what ascension means. I have been wanting to address this for a while now, but was unsure of my own thoughts on the subject. Perhaps I am wrong? But gradually new knowledge is coming forth and my understanding is on “rising”! Now I am sure that I am right. Such deep inner understanding cannot be ignored.
Did you know that when they talk about “the Light” it means “information”? When someone is taken into the light, as happened to me in 1976 when kundalini awakened, I was not “taken up” literally, as in my body, I was simply exposed to new information which obliterated my surrundings and my mind was wiped. I was in pure unadulterated, cosmic consciousness. That was only the beginning of 50 years of learning more about it. I have sense learned that we are ALL, bar none - even the most ignorant and uneducated people of the world - have this pure unadulterated knowledge within them. It all depends on the person’s consciousness. When we are born here we are programmed to focus only on the external body and world around us. The purity is covered up. It is a consciousness, though, and it doesn’t disappear. It is part of who we are. There is a purity, a divinity, a grace and a holiness, wholeness of love within us that is covered by how we are programmed to look only outside of ourselves. We have a shell, seven shells, actually, built around us. It is called an aura. Our physical focus and beliefs as we grow up, and experiences and relationships from prior life experiences, all go into our memory files and we carry those around with us, too. They dim and dull the purity that we are at the highest most profound level – our spiritual essence which contains our individual uniqueness.
When channeled or uplifting messages speak of being “taken up” in an ascension, the implication is misinterpreted because we see it through the linear system of measurement – in inches, feet, miles, etc. Raising and ascending means to physically go up above the ground. Most of us lose increduality when we listen to strange words. Most have not studied the spiritual sciences (cosmic science), to understand the refined subtleties of the seven levels of consciousness that we carry around with us as a bubble of light. Our aura. Our auric field at the top level is pure consciousness, then descends down six levels and ends at the physical level. Our physical bodies are a physical focus shell into which all other six levels flow or contribute (if they can get in!) But if we don’t open our minds they cannot influence our physical awareness. We don’t know hear them or perceive them because our focus has been looking outward on the outer shell, the physical body itself and other physical bodies. We are sensing and seeing only with the physical body mostly. We notice when it doesn’t feel well so we do something physical to make us feel better. We have learned to shift our physical world around to suit us. We have learned to go to the “experts” for help when we need help. But there are six other levels of consciousness that WOULD help if we knew they are there. They WOULD flow into us if we knew to open our minds to them because we are actually multildimenional intelligent beings who can access the world’s solutions if we took the time to prepare ourselves.
So when the ascension talk comes around, be aware that what they are referring to is actually stepping up in LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, not raising the body off the ground and going to another planet or realm. It means to raise up the physical focus to more inspired, elevated focus. This takes time to understand, but understanding comes once the door is opened. Then the mind is exposed to an awareness of higher, brighter, more beautiful sights and exciting energies. There is more refinement on the higher levels. And even when one is in a stressed situation, one can, with practice learn how to access a higher level to solve and relax the stressed situation. In other words, resolve it. Every moment brings shifts in consciousness because we are a mobile people. We have lots of different things we think about and act upon, but mainly we are stuck – literally STUCK - in the consciousness of being physical and having problems. We see what’s wrong but we don’t see what’s right (in us). It takes getting past the physical focus and stepping back to consider refining ones outlook. Refining it with a stepped-back, higher FEELING. Feeling is the next level up. Emotions are more intense, but there are subtler emotions that move in us that inform us. These are very subtle perceptions. We must feel for the subtleties.
Love is a subtlety. It is a faster, speeded-up frequency. The electrons spin faster and the electrons are literally sparks of intelligence. Love is charmingly sweet and lifts the mood when it is touched into. One might feel a sudden softness so that the whole body is exposed to loving consciousness. The feeling of love may not last, for we are constantly shifting and changing our moods, but it is possible to make changes on the spot. For example, if an argument is brewing but hasn’t broken out yet, maybe a discordant thought is being telepathically picked up - it is possible to feel that discordancy and shift focus to one of love. We feel into a higher realm and “touch” it. This is what is known as ascending – to practice using higher feelings that elevate and raise situations up.
Many of us are experiencing ascension symptoms but interpret them as something wrong. We go to the doctor, or are persuaded to go when we really don’t sense we need to. Sometimes an inner sense tells us that we are shifting and we want to work with it ourselves alone. The symptom may not last if we have time to play with it. This is occurring to me all the time. I don’t like to mention a strange new feeling to my husband because he thinks “medical” in most instances. Gradually, if left to myself I can feel it out. I may not be able to resolve it, but I DO learn from it. These are experiences to learn from. Most often it is a consciousness elevation. I find ways to adapt and move past it. Other times, yes, it IS physical. The physical body DOES have certain physical or medical needs. But there is also a shift going on planet-wide unlike any other time in our history (so say the galactics and ascended guides). We are advancing as a race to higher levels of consciousness. Many are not aware, many ARE but we don’t know which ones are aware and which ones are not!
We are the ones in control of our lives and our bodies. We are the high intelligence that is learning to become a master. We are the one (the “one”) we must listen to and learn about. No one else lives inside us. Only we do. We are a singular entity, sovereign and unique. What we are conscious of is how it plays out for us. Our bodies are ascending through the seven levels of consciousness, piercing the veils one by one as we grow to finer awareness. The veils have covered us with pre-programmed beliefs. Now we are experiencing our old beliefs dwindling and fading as new knowledge, new light, comes in. We are gathering new light, new information. It is coming to us whether we search for it or not, because the planet itself is going through a consciousness shift. There is more here than meets the physical eye. The advice is to open your mind and consider the higher level of love. Love is the greatest healer and “eye-opener”. It will open eyes into a situation that is going badly. It will bring forth understanding and how to proceed. It will bring forth tears of forgiveness and love that is so powerful that you cannot hold back. Or sometimes it comes forth in the form of chills, like goosebumps. Love is an awareness of something within that is so pure it is beyond physical definition.
There are seven levels of love that surround an individual. We call it the aura. It is actually a bubble of light but the levels are different colors, they dim down as they descend to lower levels. The highest level is pure love and light without form. It is known as God/Goddess, All There is. The next two levels are also pure love and light known as the causal body and the crystalline light body, aka the christ body. The next four levels descending into physicality are – mental, emotional, etheric (aka spiritual) and physical. These four are colored with unique experiences. Some call them toxins but they are lessons and memories of individual experiences and have either traumas that need healing, or beliefs that need correcting. This is our uniqueness. We are one in all infinity like no other. The study of spirituality provides insight into these seven bodies and how individuality is created through experiences. As we expose ourselves to spiritual study and prayer/meditation/contemplation, we are raising our consciousness by piecing the veils that closed us down when we were born on this planet.
6/14/24 - The downpour washes toxins to earth - and the sun after!
This past week of drenching rain has filled up the back pasture like a lake. The rains have also brought depressed moods. It is understandable, seeing the pool water turn from clear to murky with the rains, even with plenty of clorine in it. Now I understand why I was so depressed the last few days with a new level of low. Without the sun to keep us shining, we too have been putting out toxic energies into the air. Toxins float around in the atmosphere and we can't help but breathe it in.
Last night was SO bad that I had to take a break and have a serious discussion with my higher self. She has been showing herself to me this last few weeks, through inner sight. I am aware of her as a real figure, the way visions come to me. She represents me but she is more pure. I talked to her as a girlfriend and asked her questions last night. And she answered me with the sweetest, nicest feelings of love. I haven't felt this wonderful in a long time. She showed me without words at first, but then she explained more precisely when I asked her questions. This is what she said. I'll just summarize what I got from her communication in my own words.
"You have been focusing so much on your physical life that I have not been able to reach you and communicate my love and inspiration to you. Your whole body has been shutting down, focusing on what's wrong with you instead of what's RIGHT with you! You have been focusing on wrong feelings and thinking of end times. It is your physical body that is feeling the end times, not YOU! You know that you are part of the eternal oneness. But your body does not know that. It is feeling the crunch. You have forsaken your larger truth. You must now release that finite focus and become wider in focus. Allow ME to enter into your consciousness. Picture ME. I Am your greater self. I Am closer to you than you realize but you have forgotten. I am the bearer of the light that you have shut out. I am the information that you seek that is contained in the light. I am aware of the wholeness of love that pervades the universes. You have been shutting it down. Think of me during the day when you are working. Remember me. Picture me. Picture the dawn on the horizon. There is light coming into the earth, coming into you. You have seen this before. Keep this visual ever present in your mind. Widen yourself. Breathe wider. Breathe into the open space around you that is above your physical eyesight. Imagine. See the clarity. You are the consciousness of light behind your small confined focus on the body. Raise yourself to higher standards and join with me. We are one. I am you and you are me but you have isolated yourself from me. You were beginning to shut down."
The above is in my own words, summarizing an inner awareness. This morning I am clear again and feeling lighter and more alert. The heaviness has shifted. I sense a once-in-a-lifetime shift. Like it's time to move on (but not to die!) I share this openly for others to take what they will from it. We are all on our own individual journeys. We don't tell others about such things, but it helps to read the accounts of others who do write. Our higher selves are really US. We are the part of that consciousness that took up a physical incarnation. But we have a larger Self, a more wonderful, gracious, loving and motherly consciousness that will guide us if we are open to it. The purpose of meditation is to get in touch with that higher self. Remember to relax and breathe wider, while imagining a golden glow around you above normal vision. A sunlit glow of freedom and happinenss.
Also the recommendation is to constantly read inspirational books, more spiritual writings. Reading spiritual books daily provides new information and new "food" for thought. This kind of "food" nurtures your body so it is more receptive to higher information. It is the other half of a physical exercise, such as yoga or gym workouts, which are important for the body. Absorbing inspirational concepts is a workout for the mind. It requires opening the mind. Mind and body workouts feed the soul.
Another message from DK: I kept wondering – there are so many techniques it is making me dizzy trying to keep up with all of them. DK is telling me that consciousness is a constantly moving thing. Use different techniques. Do not become attached and bogged down with one technique. Then it is too much like a relationship. You “cement” it into your body. No, don’t do that, he is telling me. Be free, be open, be spontaneous, be flowing as when you were doing your movements with Mother Kundalini.
Another revelation: The other day I experienced an unusual perspective. It was just a flash, but such a clear, wonderful, beautiful flash – that life in heaven with God as part of the everlasting sea of oneness is the NORMAL REALITY! It’s not something sacred. Although of course it IS sacred, but not like we think of it here, as something far far far away to strive for. Rather, it’s really normal when we are there within it. The everlasting sea of infinity is what we refer to as heaven, but the "afterlife" was shown to me as being the "normal". Not the other way around. It is NOT normal here! It is far more real, clear, happy and beautiful THERE!
There are no words to express this reality, this comparative perspective from the earth perspective. This glimpse into normalcy of heaven was super clear. It showed me that THIS is our real life, this sea of infinite life we call heaven. The life we have here in a sentient physical body is not our real life, but we are the consciousness that sustains this life in the body. WE are part of the infinite eternal life and we do return there inbetween bouts of embodiment. But this body were are in today, whether we enjoy it or not, constricts and confines us, our real consciousness, which is a super consciousness, eternal and forever. We are imprisoned when we are here, but we are also enjoying our adventures. That's why we are here - to learn, grow and imagine all sorts of things which we use to be creative and constructive. We contribute. Even with the problems we face, we grow through the experiencing of them. But there is another wider life to which we belong, a family of oneness, and we all return there at the end of a physical incarnation. Plus, we can visit any time we want to during silent times of daydreaming, blissing out, meditating, walking through nature or sharing with loved friends.
Life in heaven is far more real and good and clean and perfectly normal than we think it is. And we have friends and family there waiting for us to come home. We think life here as being normal but there it is far MORE normal, natural, free and happy there. It is normal there to be happy. You don’t consider it sacred there. lt is life on a grander scale, more than we can realize here from the earth perspective. There is socializing and interaction as one chooses, and projects to become involved in, and schools of learning, and advanced graduate schools. The universe is one verse playing itself out. It is a powerful vibrating place of peace, hope and clearity, and we are all part of it. We just don't know about it here in an earth body.
6/9/24 - Playing with Tantra
This is from a letter written to a man back in 1981, when the kundalini was very active in me. I just found it in my hall of records and thought "this is good", I will post this and share it. Skipping over the opening and closing of the letter, this is what I wrote from newly-awakened past-life memories. Knowledge was continuing to flow from the kundalini awakening 5 years earlier. I had not had any experience of Tantra in this life - and still haven't!
The art of Tantra takes the intangible body and attitude into consideration. It is not a physical art. One must go through a series of perceptions in order to be successful in Tantra, for the sexual organs respond not to an outside situation but to an inside one. One must find the connection with the other party on an invisible and abstract plane. One feels the connection through a delicate sensing device, like radar beams. At the point of connection, one is merged with the other. The two, now one, then play with this connection and bring it then down into the zone of physical feeling, but not much. Then they bring it back up to the edge of physical feeling. Then they bring it back down into the midst of the feeling again, but this time not so far down. Then they bring it back up again. The movement creates friction in the invisible spheres which react in the physical spheres and in the physical organs. Again, this is not done with the mind. This is all done through a deeper place in the mind, the place the meditators look for. But you don’t have to be a meditator, you need merely fall into the state of daydreaming. Don’t try. Play with it. Don’t think. Keep it light. Maintain an unwavering but light connection with your mate and play with it.
The glowing sensual feeling felt in the body is like a teacher. Notice when the sensual feeling goes away and notice when it comes back. Stay within this zone but move around in it. It can teach you a lot about yourselves, each within your own consciousness. Tantra is the worship of your own divinity as it descends into the physical to take up residence. And it is always moving through it. It desires to reunite with your mind. It wants to become one with your consciousness, but at that point of union, you are no longer in control. You as a practical mind are only a small piece of a larger whole. Through Tantra you can learn who you are, what you are, and what more you are than you previously thought. The lesson is all in the play. Then, at the end, you may go through the good feeling climax together and end the session. (End of letter)
This information is beyond me today. I would not have known this today if we were talking about Tantra. When kundalini awakened in me in 1976 I was flooded - literally washed away with information. That's why I write so much. I like to "capture" a conscious download in writing so I can go back and find it again later. The kundalini is just a Sanskrit word meaning life force, or that which is the presence of life in the physical body. It is also called divine, or shakti, or the holy spirit. It is also called the kanda, a Thailanese word meaning beloved. There are many references to it, but the MOST important thing about this is that it is an experience. You are the kundalini flowing through you, but you may not have had any teachings or guides to express it to you. That is part of my role, it appears. I love to talk about it! You may contact me and ask me questions by going to the contact page. I would love to talk about it!
6/8/24 - A graphic picture of the etheric body separating at death
The following is a wonderful description of the etheric body leaving its physical vehicle at the moment of death. (re: my blog of 6/3/24). This is an excerpt from the book "Angels in Starships" by Georgia Dibitonto, pages 87-89) This scene took place onboard a starship.
"This is a scene on Earth," said Kalna. "It is going on right at this moment somewhere on your planet. We can, if we choose, show you scenes from the past, from the present, and sometimes even from the future. Watch, and see what happens now!"
I watched with great curiosity, and suddenly it seemed to me that the one man became two. A figure exactly like the man, but very light, rose up horizontally from the bed, and after turning in the air, slowly lowered itself until its feet were touching the floor. At the same time, the man in the bed stopped his heavy breathing and lay very still, while the members of the family began to weep and wail. The body of the man on the bed lay lifeless, motionless, eyes closed, while the duplicate figure looked at the body on the bed and the crying relatives with an expression of surprise. He tried to comfort the people, and make them realize that he was not really and finally 'dead'; but they paid no attention to him and continued their lamentations by the body on the bed.
Kalna now explained the scene to us as follows: "This man, this Earth brother, has now come to the end of his earthly existence. Now he is living in a new body, in a new, higher frequency of life-vibration. He is astonished to see his coarse-material body lying lifeless on the bed, and it took him several minutes to realize the true state of affairs. He wanted to be in union with his relatives, who were bemoaning his physical death, but did not yet realize that he was now living in another dimension, different from the material one. This brother is now learning two new realities through direct experience. First, he has made the wonderful discovery that there is life after death, without the physical suffering that had so plagued him at the end. Second, that he can not make himself understaod to his loved ones, who are still in the material life. He realizes that, although he can still see and hear them, it is no longer possible for them to ascertain his living presence directly."
Kalna interrupted her talk long enough for us to see how useless were his efforts to get those people to realize that he was still alive, and that bodily death did not extinguish life.
"Now you will see another scene," Kalna announced, "the first meeting with the brothers of other dimensions, brought there from other worlds, to receive this brother who has just made the transition from the dimension of gross materiality to a different form of life. We have already told you that, throughout creation, no one is left all alone in his time of need."
We saw men an women arrive at that place, as though they had come through the walls. Their ages seemed to be between fifteen and forty years old. The youngest, who still seemed like a boy, walked up to the man, who at this point looked to be perhaps forty, (although his body on the bed looked significantly older), and embraced him. He called him 'Papa', and the man threw his arms around his neck with the words, "My child! How happy I am to see you again! I have missed you so very much! But how is it that you are here?" The boy didn't answer directly, but said that things were going well with him, and that he had been waiting for him for a long time. There were embraces and moving words exchanged between the man and all who had come to receive him.
The man looked again at his lifeless body in the bed, and wanted to speak with the mourning relatives, but the others explained to him that this was not possible, and they added that they would later show him how one could keep in touch with those who remained on Earth, through thoughts and love.
Footnote by me: I am so very excited to have found this book and highly recommend it to any who are interested. The author confirms and validates the contactee, George Adamski (who I met in 1963) by describing the same space brothers and starships that Adamski wrote about in his books.
6/7/24 - Just a reminder: Love is not in the physical body
Love is contained not in the physical body itself but in the consciousness that resides in the physical body, or is moving through the physical body like electricity moves through a light bulb lighting it up and casting a radiance around it. We are that consciousness that is streaming non-stop through this body. Much of what we radiate out into the atmosphere is not constructive, which means it is destructive. It is no wonder that the earth is hurting and in pain and is revolting through earthquakes and storms. The love is not contained in the physical body of the tree, love is contained in the consciousness of the tree. Love is not contained in the body of the fish or the blade of grass, but in the consciousness of the fish and the blade of grass. Consciousness is alive and loving. Consciousness is the life force. Consciousness is the livingness and the lovingness and the peacefulness that supports the physical and the physical thrives upon it but we don’t see it. We take the physical like we take a piece of meat and hold it in our hands and examine it for flaws. We don’t see that it is the consciousness that is the light of the body and the love of the body. We only see it when it leaves the body at death.
6/3/24 - About the Astral/Etheric Body
I've been researching old files and found this one about the four lower bodies. Thought I would share. It's really a good reminder of who and what we are dealing with during this current ascension process. Solar flares are upgrading our consciousness but we have not been taught about the four troublesome areas that we each carry around with us. These are Master teachings. In former ages they were not readily available. One had to find a teacher who would accept them into what was called a "mystery school", containing secrets and mysteries unknown to the common man.
The astral or etheric "body" is one of the four lower or densest bodies of the human being. You can see them in classic diagrams online of the auric field. The first of the four layers is the astral/etheric body. It is closest to your skin. It is called by various people astral, others call it the etheric body. By either name it is defined by texture, density and color. It is blue. It is the most dense before descending one more level to enter the physical body which we walk around in. The astral/etheric body looks like you in the physical. Remove the physical as in death and this astral/etheric body would be seen by a sensitive person walking around while the physical body lay dead on the bed. It would appear the same age as the person who died, whether 70 or 7, but gradually the astral body would disintegrate because it has accumulated a large part of the person during the life. It is an exact double of the living physical body. After the physical body dies, the astral/etheric body gradually releases the human debris - the negative that is of no use to spirit that it collected during life - and is in fact a burden to the soul. At the same time of releasing the negative, the astral/etheric body absorbs the finer and good material that the person accomplished during life. The good done by the person is considered the treasures of heaven. The soul gets credit for that.
It is considered the astral body as long as it contains some of the gross matter of the life, but once it is cleared of the gross it is called the etheric body. The etheric body will not disintegrate, ever. This astral/etheric body interpenetrates your physical body while you are alive and every experience you ever had, good or bad, including every thought, feeling and intention. Through this body you have innate skills you developed in past lives. You can tap into them in this life. This is one reason why you should know about these four lower bodies and respect them. Trust yourself. You also have fears and memories of unpleasant experiences from past lives that have not been dealt with, that carry over into this life. They need closure. You need to address them. They will keep popping up in your life and draw situations to you that cause you pain. But in reality these unpleasant memories are a gift, an opportunity to see mistakes again through clearer eyes so you can heal and resolve this weakness that has been repeating over and over. The masters teach, “What you don’t like, that is where you need to go. Walk into the den of lions and deal with it. Don’t avoid it or it will just get repressed and pop up again at a future time.”
The astral/etheric body is the entire living history of you. Who you have been as a human, and where you have lived, and from before being human - the experiences you have been before you evolved into a human being. I myself have experienced being a leaf at the end of a tree limb. I felt what it feels like to be moved by the movement of the tree and nourished from the sap of the mother tree, with no will of my own. I was simply there being moved by the forces around me but I was conscious of myself and my place on that tree, as a part of the whole. We are full of memories of this kind because we have been there and experienced that. We have been growing and evolving our self awareness for a long long time.
There are seven layers that we descend through to become embodied as human beings. Negative memories are dense and drift down close to the physical and become compacted, while good memories are less dense and drift further out toward lighter freer air, with more space between the swirling electrons. The astral body functions on the astral plane and interacts with other astral bodies there. There is a lower astral which is a horrible place full of bad people, and a higher astral which is beautiful and spacious with good people. There are seven sub-levels to each dimension/realm. What you experience and settle into is a matter of where your thoughts go and what you dwell upon with your attention. That is why meditation and prayer is a must during embodiment if you want to clear yourself of negative thoughts and feelings.
At night when your body sleeps your astral/etheric body slips out of your physical and travels, goes to visit, goes to school, meets with angelic guides, etc. You don’t need words in the astral/etheric body. Communication is done through feeling. You are drawn to the same type of people as yourself by natural affinity. If you don’t like the people around you, you can change that by thinking higher more refined and elevated thoughts. Thoughts create feelings. What you think, you will bring to yourself. You will feel them as either bad and depressive or positive and uplifting. Change your thoughts to more positive ones and you will enjoy more beautiful uplifting, elevated feelings, loving kindness feelings. Thinking is how we direct our thoughts, as in pre-planning a direction we want to go in. But once we have directed our thoughts and hold them there, then we begin to FEEL the results. By thinking and acting caringly, lovingly and acting with more compassion, kindness and benevolence, we draw similar feelings back to us. We can raise our own frequency in this manner and build up treasures in heaven.
6/1/24 - Born of the Earth, heading for the Stars
A re-post from a year ago. After a session with the chiropractor and having my tightness released and once again flowing, I slept a long nap at home. Then I began re-reading old journals and messages from the Master Djwhal Khul. Suddenly I am inspired and learning more on this second, third or umpteenth time of re-reading an old journal - a deeper meaning is coming to light. This blog from April last year sounded like a new messge I had never heard before, but then I discovered I had blogged about it. Where did my mind? Why didn't I see this before? I couldn't believe I missed it. New understandings are constantly surfacing in these days of ascension. I am in the throes of consciousness rising so fast I can't believe it! Could I have missed this the first time? Am I really that different from a year ago? I re-post it here for my own sake, so I can re-read it easily - and share it with those who might enjoy it.
"I am born of the Earth, the Earth gave me form. The substance of old matter built my form. This old matter was discarded by others when they died and it went back into the earth. The Earth recycles matter that was once used by others. The Earth provides a home for self-aware beings to start out as basic form. The first basic form is mineral, sand and rock. It is a dull consciousness at first. It then grows in self awareness to learn movement, like the one-celled amoeba, then two-celled and more. Then self-consciousness grows into larger substances like grass and then into fruit and then into trees. Then self-consciousness grows into crawling things on the ground, then into animals with four legs, then into higher animal forms, each round of evolultion for this SELF awareness taking on more and more alertness.
"Then self consciousness grows upright to stand on two legs, and all the while earth is home, born of the earth. We are that self-aware human who is now standing up, walking, talking and growing more civilized. We are looking up beyond earth, wondering what's out there, building telescopes, learning more about space and other planets, other galactic civilizations, wondering about inhabitants, about the sun, the galaxy and more. The mother flame kundalini has started expanding in us. Geniuses have come forward. Children are showing signs of knowing more than the parents. New brain cells are growing beyond earth’s former limits. The upright spine has opened in some, not in others, and the mother flame is giving birth to the pouch of life called the christ or crystal at the tailbone. The tail bone flame is heating up and burning through the veils, obstructions called chakras, and the heat is radiating a vaster intelligence as it flows up the spine. That which was called "the christ" in religious terms has been activated by certain movements, disciplines taught by teachers coming suddenly forward.
"The physiology, muscles, nerves and tissues, are activated. Movement is felt throughout the body, organs. There is mystery, there is confusion, there is pain, disease, problems. We must struggle through it. The evolution from earth human to divine human is underway. It is SELF consciousness. No one can do it for us. We are the intelligence inside the shell. We are breaking free of the shell. Hysteria and fear walk hand in hand with awesome elation and excitement. The human is reaching beyond the earth. He can't help it. It is in his nature. He is intelligence walking the earth. There is a greater intelligence beyond him and he is reaching for it, drawn like a moth to a flame. Like a female to a male. The spine is an open channel from earth to sky. Out of the sides grow smaller nerves to feed the vital organs with awareness. The body is waking up. We have drunk the elixer of life and we don't know what to do with it. What do we do with the old ways? When it reaches the brain it creates headaches and dizziness and it pounds - knock, knock, knock - against the skull, building pressure. Trying to get free, to find the father. It is self-aware now. The brain is activated to more intelligence, to the need for more control over the mind. The craziness, the dizziness, the hypocondriac CAN BE controlled. My mind is clearing now. New insight is coming.
"The pure crystal light pattern (known in relgion as the Christ Light) has been with me forever, but today for the first time I am accepting it. I am realizing it. I received instruction in the night. I asked about it as I went to sleep - I asked Yeshua how did HE find it and how and could he give me some instruction. And I got it in the night, both in printed form, words after words after words printed, and also in spoken words. I am shown the seven layers of attributes, the gifts that we parrot the words of but don't apply. These need to be applied regularly, hourly, outwardly in daily life. I saw the multi-colored spheres around me in the oval shape of the auric field and I was shown the words - will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, mind and freedom. These are to be applied in real life silently, under conscious control and managed to perfection.
"The pure crystal light is unfolding in me. I already know it as a pattern for the human. It was shown to me as a tree of life, as a web of pure gold light. And it was also shown to me how a darker web of limited sight has created an artificial web over it. A darker web has grown over in front of it, around it and is feeding off it like a parasite. We are the ego, gaining in understanding as we live through circumstances and pressures. The pure gold light is still there or we wouldn't be alive. It takes care of our bodily systems and needs to breathe, eat and eliminate. The pure gold light is the same pattern in everyone. It is what we as individuals that builds character over on top of it. Infuses our unique ways into the pure gold of our life force. The pure gold is the template we all live off of without exception, but it is we who must perfect our life through conscious managing of the details. As we become more in touch with our own internal nature we follow the pure gold pattern within. We nbecome more knowledgeable, more patient, more peaceful, more gracious, more refined. We are a combination of divine and human.
"The crystal pure light (the Holy Christ Self) is the same in everyone. It is the individual who gives it character and builds into it the unique experiences which we entertain through our life on earth. We "color" our divine pure gold light with our personality. It is not wrong. It is meant to be. We are meant to become living individual masters of our lives. We have much to offer from our accumulated skills. There is no other like me or you. We alone are the creator of our perfection.
"We are becoming an individual that is unique in the whole living sea of the One. You are connected to the One life through the gold and crystal pattern within. It looks like a web of gold. It is the link to the One intelligence - the only ONE intelligence in existence - out of which all life springs. This link lies within the human frame, within the human cells, the atoms and, yes, even the space between the swirling electrons of the atoms. The space is the consciousness. God consciousness means the Good consciousness. The right consciousness. The Father-Mother consciousness. Father is the abstract intelligence, and Mother is the form-building consciousness. She holds the atoms and molecules together like glue to form the solid structure of the human body, cells and tissues.
"She is known as Mother Shakti, or Mother Kundalini. She resides in the ethers around the coccyx (tailbone) at the base of the spine. She feeds intelligence and life up the spine to keep the body alive. She will enlarge the dose of life if the individual will turn inward and ask for it. She is intelligent and will listen and respond. She is the divine feminine. She receives abstract intelligence from the One and gives form and life to the individual from birth through until death of the form. She will provide not only life but intelligent answers and instructions if the being will listen and follow through. If the individual will not listen or pay attention, then the flow remains the same. But if the individual will become silent and carry on a conversation with the Mother Shakti who is intelligent, she will increase the dose of life. It is the same type of relationship as a good child listening and talking with a good responsive mother.
5/27/24 - Many threads of connection
Many many connections are taking place and I do not want to begin a long rambling blog like I did yesterday - and then losing it at the end!? Energies are swirling and not stopping or standing still long enough. I am moving to higher ground constantly by focusing on my HIGHER mind, which has been labeled by many channels recently as the crystalline light body. But there is more to do with this "back-and-forth". I was electrified yesterday, as if an electricity was running through my body and I couldn't make myself stop! It was exciting. I felt so much vitality and aliveness. But I sizzled out in the end and my brain was fried. I did everything in my power to cool my brain, using ice packs on top of my head and when that didn't work, I went into the pool and kept dunking down under. That worked! I share this to let everyone know that, if you are having difficulties maintaining balance, you're not alone. It's the cosmic waves that are coming in - in spades. The earth is rising to a higher, more refined place and all the animals including humans have to adjust and adapt. The problem we humans face is that we are filled with ego-centric toxic energies.
Human toxic energies are not bad. They are simply normal emotions or thoughts that have been repressed. We are supposed to learn how to FLOW our thoughts, feelings and emotions when they happen. But for countless generations humanity has been holding their emotions down under. Repressing them. We know what we know but we don't say it because we think it's either wrong or shameful or we'll be judged as crazy or arrested or punished or have some form of negative kick-back. We humans are full of held-back emotions and we have become putrid. Sick, toxic. So what do we do about it. St. Germain's violet flame is one technique. I have posted a recent channeling by St. Germain on TODAY'S POSTS. Please read it if it is of interest. And another thing one can do is simply start talking about your feelings. Share them. Share them in a kind way so that it doesn't create a negative response, either in you or another person. It is all about re-discovering love.
I am studying the Master Djwhal Khul's channelings thru me, and finding so much good information. It is keeping continually growing more and more into understanding. It is all about Love. I SO wish I could hold a gathering of like-minded people but it is not time. I'm not ready yet. I welcome contact thru the contact page.
Further threads of connection are from the Galactic community, the extraterrestrials who are visiting and showing increasing signs of their presence. They are not ready to land physically. It would be too disruptive since there are those who would panic at the sight of flying saucers landing in their backyard (as I have requested!) But for those who are on the ascension ladder and are open to meet them and inviting them to come to our home, we are receivers and knowers of these, our galactic brothers and sisters. There are more and more of the public making comments as such. I have posted some short videos on TODAY'S POSTS on Anakosha recently. These are channeled messages from the galactics themselves, that have been channeled by various individuals. They are being picked up and reproduced by David & Kelly of www.GFLstation.com, using human voices and professional videos. Very nice presentations, like a Hollywood film making industry but these are real messages being shared with the public. See for yourself: Youtube channel "GFLstation.com".
5/23/24 - Inner work is not just spiritual
Inner work doesn’t necessarily mean "just" spiritual. Perhaps to those who are deeply rooted in the muck and mire of gross, limited and crude ways of life, yes. Then it would require a more spiritual focus to begin lifting oneself up and out of such grossness. But there is a time and place where inner work means bringing the mind and feelings together, Mind involves mental abstract thinking and planing. Feelings do not have words and does not plan. Feelings follow along where the mind directs it to go. It is important to bring mind and feelings together and make a harmonious blend between them, so they work together for a more positive and happy life. Which is what yoga was designed to do. It is all about learning how your physical organs, muscles and limbs work and function while, at the same time, being involved with your visceral or sensual feelings within. A good blend of mind and body brings harmony, calm, peace and genuine inner love for yourself. Your body feels as if it's in love. It is even possible to feel blissful or in rapture.
If one has not made a study of how blood flows, or how the capillaries work, or how the veins attach or the arteries, or where the brain synapses go, how they live and how they die, how the pituitary gland interacts with the pineal gland, for example, then one is missing a whole half of the inner lesson. We are meant to bring mind and body parts together in a blend. MOVING the body while paying rapt attention to what is happening, will bring FEELINGS that are crucial to getting to know yourself. Feeling the movements while doing them is inner work. Then the brain receives instruction too. The mind is involved.
For example, what causes the glands to increase or diminish the flow of certain hormones? Mindless gym work does not give much information. But paying attention while moving, as in slow methodic moves, one can FEEL the parts humming or groaning in pain. A spiritual practice is like going to medical school to learn the mechanics of the body, but you're learning while being INSIDE your body while it's moving. The body parts begin to talk to you while you're participating in breath control, holding the breath, pumping the breath, FEELING the breath and what is happening while air flows or doesn't flow, depending. Learning from a book in a school room atmosphere is mental learning. But FEELING viscerally what is happening while the body is moving - even if only breathing or in stillness concentrating - is enlightening. One is doing inner work. Then the brain gets the information too. Bringing them together is what the Eastern yogis and mystics have been doing for centuries.
You can feel when there’s a blockage in the life force - what we call energy but it's actually the spirit moving thru dense physical substance. This can be measured with instruments but the spirit cannot be measured. When you feel a blockage, tug or constriction in one area, or when you feel a surge of energy or vitality, your life force (spirit) is affected and is telling you. You are communicating. It is a good way to get to know your body and work with it in a primal way. Inner work is following the path of the life force with BOTH the inner feelings and the mind (brain) gets it too. You get either visceral communication, giving off either pain or surges of bliss or vitality.
I've been focusing more on feelings, trying to maintain a comfort zone, but I have been neglecting the mental study. I haven't been very good at that. Other people are better at mental study and have closed off to feeling their emotions. We each have our own special way of doing things. My practice with chants, affirmations and mantras using repeated LIGHT-filled words, has elevated and deepened my understanding. Doors are opening. Light is a crucial part of inner work.
When I was s young woman I wanted to go to medical school and began taking pre-med classes to prepare myself. But I met a man in class and got married instead, so I never made it to medical school. However, I have continued my study of the human body, which is what I wanted to do initially. And I've been doing my own homework, starting with the LIGHT. Chants with Light-filled words, such as "I AM Light, glowing Light, radiating Light" is a wonderful way to begin inner work. I highly recommend it. Light is the absolute perfection. Light is all that is. Light is the supreme creator, Father Source, that which we call God. Light is all knowledge and contains the seed of universal truth, perfection, purity and harmony. So by using simply "Light" we have all of the supreme intelligence wrapped up in one word. We're saying, "I AM information. I AM universal knowledge. I am supreme perfection. And don't worry, it's not an ego statement to think this or say this. A separate ego cannot live within the Light.
Each body cell has a universal inteligence of its own. It has an identity. It is the life force of the universe. By saying an "I AM Light" affirmation, we are empowering our body cells to come alive, to activate, cooperate and work together for perfection, harmony and all good things. It has been proven over the ages. The inner body is the best teacher. It gives us feelings of blockages or free-flow, dizziness or vitality. Sickness or vigorous health. The body is our Mother. Mother Earth provides our body for us. She provides the physical substance for our spirit to descend into it and She helps us to live here, on Earth, in a solid physical body. Now it is our turn as grown-ups to take responsibility and engage the LIGHT within the Earth substance, to make our bodies into a more masterful work of art. It takes practice, time and energy. It is time we upped our spiritual practice to do inner work.
5/18/24 - Well, let's see what shows up in my blog today!
There are so may ideas passing and moving thru me that I have no one thing to report or blog about. Well, yes. there is one thing that is coming to my attention now that I am thinking about it. I did not know that I had some deep unconscious repressions in me. This has been slowly emerging in a way that cannot be defined. It has been a continual unfolding of awareness, like unraveling threads in a sweater. One is attached to another and another. Something is moving closer to the surface and it is continuing. It surprised me when, suddenly, as I was talking with Doug it just popped out that I have been depressed. It surprised me because I am in the habit of putting forth only positive ideas and feelings, not negative. Hiding my feelings? I did not realize.
It has been an ongoing work for many years to bring in the light of higher consciousness. Spiritual practices may surprise you at times, suddenly yielding a positive benefit. Uncovering deep, deeper and still deeper whatever it is one is chasing down, goes beyond conscious understanding. It is a mystery. What are we looking for? These are subconscious wonderings, and when you get close to them you may start to tremble or have weird feelings. The closer you get to whatever it is, you might get the shakes, or sickish feelings, or lonely feelings, or abandonment, or terror feelings or cold feelings. There were times recently when I felt as if I was freezing on the inside, while it was actually a nice day, and I would continue conversing in a normal way, not to draw attention to myself. These are not just ascension symptoms, they are sweeping the dust away from dark corners of old, perhaps very ancient memories that have been repressed. We cover them over with a "face" and a positive attitude. We brush them over like painting an old peeling building with a fresh coat of paint, while underneath the peeling and deterioration is still going on unnoticed.
And so I am sharing something that I would normally keep private. Private feelings are repressed feelings. They are the underlying causes of loneliness, feelings of abandonment, depression, fear, horror, sickness, chronic illness, debilitation, aging, and so forth. In my case there are past lifetimes. I have counted 19 past lifetimes, so far, mostly as a submissive woman. There were a few lifetimes as men, but mostly I took the feminine role. Revelation upon revelation upon revelation has unfolded over the many years that I have been actively studying with the Masters. Today I seem to suddenly be touching some deep-seated memories or issues. A therapist would call it "shadow" work. Dealing with your shadows. I didn't know I had any, so I am surprised. I am seeing, sensing, knowing, identifying, understanding something new. I am being enlightened and I am grateful. I am glad to know that I have touched "bottom", so to speak. I am trembling as I type this. Inner shakes have been coming often lately. Apparently I am acknowledging these ancient memories. That is the sense I am receiving. Spiritual work goes beyond mental control. We don't have a say in the matter, as long as we are open and receptive. The soul is in charge. The higher self is doing the work. I am merely allowing it. I have done my homework. Now these ancient traumas are surfacing like bubbles and steam in a boiling pot on the stove. I am experiencing the trembles, shakes and bad feelings as they surface into my every day life. I thought there was something wrong with me. Could it be a virus? A cold? A stroke? A heart attack? But no. I am being alerted. So now I no longer question myself. By acknowledging ancient traumas surfacing I am no longer brushing them aside with a flick of a wrist and determination to hide it. I am not covering it over. Many lifetimes worth of suppression. As a female I experienced a lot of suppression of emotions and feelings, but men have repressed their feminine side too. The feminine in men is their truth, their tenderness, their nurturing, loving nature. This is the age of enlightenment. Of disclosure. Of revealings. It is time for the DIVINE feminine to come forth. Divine feminine is the term used in contrast to human feminine. It is the pure and natural loving, graceful side of the human species. Men and women both have it, as both genders have the divine masculine in them.
A special note for the men: No matter how macho, strong and warrior-like he is, every man and every boy who is growing to maturity has a tender, nurturing side. It MUST be acknowledged or he will suffer from repressing it. He doesn't have to give up his maleness or his strength or machismo. He need only be aware of not holding back his loving nature when a kind, gentle or generous mood comes upon him. Express it. Don't repress it. It will make you stronger. When we repress an emotion, we use vital, important energy to keep holding it back. We therefore lose energy when we stifle our emotions. That's why we get sick and debilitated. 'Nuff said.
All beings are 50% male and 50% feminine, but historically, culturally, socially, we have repressed our feminine side (pushed it down under and refused to express it) while we have magnified our male controlling side (the selfish egoistic side). We have been indoctrinated and programmed by the culture. Everyone does it so why not me? So the new training and teaching is to LEARN how to bring balance to our male and female sides. We live in a duality world because male and female are constantly playing games with each other, manipulating the opposite gender. As we learn to balance our OWN male and female aspects, we will become gentler people. We will enjoy harmony and peace within. The Master Djwhal Khul has been a teacher of Tantra, which is all about balancing and merging the male and female aspects. There is much to be said about the life force that feeds life and vitality into our body cells, into every atom and molecule. I feel the fire starting to burn more brightly as my fingers fly across the keyboard, giving me more vitality as I try to say what I wish to say here. But it's not time. There is more in me wanting to talk than I can organize through my brain. My brain sputters and coughs and kinks up with dizziness. Meanwhile there are sensations going on that are bursting to be set free. It is close to the surface now so I must work with it. Everyone who allows their shadow side to come forth will experience ascension symptoms. We are entering a new age with new cosmic forces entering the earth's atmosphere; It's like a fire storm getting ready to break out and threaten to overwhelm. But we are learning to become masters. This is where mastery training comes in, and we have been in training for the past year or so, more so every month. We have been learning how to maintain a gentle and kind composure while being brutally honest and forthright. We are on the verge of ascending to higher consciousness as we let go of our tight control on everything. Relax and be happy. Let life flow. Pay attention to feelings. They are very important. They are the life blood of soul. Soul is leading us to be kinder and to share freely with one another.
There are feelings in everyone who reads this. Feelings that are pressing to come out and tell someone. Do you feel it? Allow it to be there gently, caringly, and look for ways to fulfill that need to express. We must not go too quickly or we will cause harm with too much, too soon without proper preparation, setting the stage, will do damage. We must learn to be aware, astute, wise and discerning. First for our own good, then as we interact with others. We will learn how to care for one another in more modest ways, gently, with a caring quality of consideration, without pushing or trying to "fix" something or control the outcome. Compassion is part of the interaction with others. It is with a pure and considerate intention that we move into higher consciousness that goes beyond what humans normally do. We are learning to be more than automatons, following control guidelines.
There is a holy fire burning within everyone in these days, wishing to come out and enjoy the more natural beauty of the world around us, the sunshine, the rain, the natural flora and fauna and the people who are beautiful in their own right. This fire threatens to burn out of control in all directions at once if we let it. We must not let it but be aware that it is burning within us. Ascension symptoms? Yes. There are many. Secret. Hidden. People are having them and keeping them private. Don't keep them private any longer. Let's share them more openly with the right-minded friends. Learn how to love above and beyond the intimations of sexual. There is a time and place for sexuality, of course, just as there is a time and place for sitting down to eat, or for sleep. And there is a time for allowing for repressed emotions to come forth and be shared with supportive friends over coffee or thru gentle healing massage or chat sessions that are private between soul sisters and brothers. Repressed traumatic emotions are deep, very deep, and centuries old. They live in most people. It is time to bring them forth and let them go. Let them flow. Let them breathe. Let them be acknowledged with compassion and graceful dignity, with friendly hugs and nods and upliftment. Do not resist. Resistance only creates more trauma. Allow them freedom of expression. Kindness, loving gestures, compliments, smiles, encouragement, make love, not war. T he sharing of deep personal stories is gradually healing our communities.
As I work with my shadow side, I do not try for perfection, to do it "right". Instead, I bring my focus down out of my head, out of my brain, down into my heart and lower, down into my feet and deep into the earth beneath my feet. I am anchoring my consciousness into the ground, into the earth. It is stabilizing me. At the same time I am releasing life force that was used for repressing, and it is giving me more vitality. I am gaining more power. It's hard to explain, but there is a renewal of sorts. A regeneration or a vitality that wasn't there before. It's like a new life is growing inside of me. A regeneration. And all because I am recognizing and honoring my own negatives. The parts I was hiding from myself and didn't want to express. They could be anything.
Now I know what I know. I am gaining knowledge and the knowledge is ME! I am the knowledge! This is fascinating! As I share information about ascension symptoms I am continuing to do inner work. It is inner work to tell stories. It helps to have an ascension partner to share trauma or hidden stories with. Do you have one? I will be one with you if you like. There are huge changes going on but let's not rush it. Let's remain cool and patient. We shall maintain personal control - soul control, not ego control - over our ways of life and do it our way. There is a related article that I'd like to point readers to: See Jeshua's article which I just posted today on TODAY'S POSTS HERE. It's a beautiful message with today's date 5/18/24. Please read it.
Also please check Ascension Massage by Diana HERE. I posted an update at the top, inviting women (only) to contact me for an ascension massage exchange. Love to all, Diana.
5/12/24 - A Mother's Day gift - and let there be love freely flowing!
The words started flowing before I got out of bed. I am seeing a small gathering of friends for massage exchange but we are going to be fully clothed. I have been thinking about how to spring this on people for a long time, more years than I can count. These are fully clothed healing love sessions. It is unusual. The words are telling me what to say. They are coming from beyond me because I went to sleep thinking about it - a channeling from my higher self.
“We are here to love, to learn the truth about love. WE are the love. We are here to feel the love within us. We are here to move the love within us. We are here to be selfless, not to hold back the love, not to want it “our” way but freely giving, flowing out out out to all around. Freely flowing past the ego that wants to hold back and control it and do it “my” way, the selfish way. Freely giving, freely loving, not the small petty pouting foot-stomping childish ego, but the great big huge love that feels like the sun shining down on us, wrapping us in its warmth. This great love when it moves in us, in our bodies, in our lungs, in our hearts, and legs and muscles and backs and toes and fingers, it feels so full and complete – it feels like that’s all there is. It is wonderful! It feels loving. It feels SO good, it feels like we’re Home. This is humble love, selfless love, true love, free love, love that has been set free. What was intended to be from the beginning. WE, you and me, we are the love. We have always been the love, unselfish, unguarded, unprotected – we are the love.
“And now we are gathering here to practice letting that love flow free. Letting it awaken our body from inside, the organs, muscles, nerves and tissues inside, as we give each other nourishment of loving touches. The love is flowing downward in a single shaft of light from directly over our heads, like a shaft of sunlight breaking thru the clouds, crystal transparent light coming down and entering our heads. We are the love. We’ve been taught to hold it back but now we’re going to let it flow freely. You are the sun over your head coming into the world of mankind, womankind, warm, clear, pure kindness, caringness, gentleness, happiness, peacefulness, joy. It enters at the top of the head because it is more refined than our bodies and more clear, more perfect, more pure. It comes down and comes thru the brain down into the spine and enters into the heart and goes down further into the upper stomach and the lower stomach and down into the sex organs and the legs and feet, and it enters down into the earth, deep, deep, deep down into the solid body of Mother Earth.
“Your love is becoming solid with your body and with the earth, connecting with the earth, connecting with all the other shafts of love that are coming from the suns above the heads of your friends, which comes down from our solar sun, which comes down from the great central sun of our galaxy, which comes down from the greater sun beyond that and the one beyond that. We are the final distribution center of this great pure immortal love because we are solid physical human beings and we were designed to express love. We have been held back but we are now going to let our love flow freely because we are ready now. The light is light until it enters the physical realm, then it becomes love. The light is an endless river of light turned into love, which manifests as purity and joy and truth, the most exquisite truth imaginable, coming down into solid human earth bodies to sparkle and radiate and sweep away the false impressions that have caused so much suffering and pain and loneliness.
Love clears it all out, cleans out everything that is not pure, is not clean, is not joyful, is not healthy and at peace. Why have we been holding it back? Why indeed! We have no answer but we know now that we can let it flow free. Let us begin. Let us practice being kinder and more reverent today, more giving, more selfless, more uplifting, more generous with our love and kindness. It is wholesome love, whole and complete and perfect and fulfilled and happy and free. And so it is. Amen. Let it be so. (From a loving, laughing, generous spirit today who simply wanted to let go and give it all!)
5/5/24 - Galactics, angels in starships & masters of the Far East
Today I have made a few more entries into my book, "Mystical Movements" which is shown as a link under ARTICLES on my website. The book is nowhere near finished, but I am using my Anakosha website as a worksheet. Since I'm accustomed to posting on the website, it is much easier for me to work on it than to add yet another file to the thousands I already have. If you are interested in reading it so far, you can click HERE and then page down to the bottom of that page. Enjoy, if you are so inclined. It is mostly spiritual work, not human drama and intrigue. My love and blessings to you.
As ascension continues to raise the consciousness of the planet and the people, my own personal perspective is changing. I have less interest in reading other people's articles and channelings and posting them. I am instead focusing more on my own personal life story, which has been full indeed, and continues to reveal new depth and meaning. I am being led to go ahead and work on this now, the final edition of my life's work. The book is mostly channeling about sex, love, the power of the kundalini which is the life force. The awakening of kundalini in 1976 brought me into the light and exposed me to the higher realms, and then began the teachings.
I have been shown many things that could not be easily shared in words, so I journaled them into my own private journal. Many pages. It is all about the unfolding of the human race, like peeling the skin off the onion, and exposing the truth that is buried within the DNA as the purity of the living life force, the ideals, the power, the glory, sweet divine love, ecstasy, bliss, rapture and the mysticsm behind all religions. The spiritual life is real and personal and closer than hands and feet. It's the human life. It is possible to know oneself while being in a physical body. That's the whole point. It brings happiness and joy. It is comforting, like being home inside your skin. The spiritual life is far more sane and real than what we have believed. The truth is coming out now. Many stories are hitting the press of individuals who have died and returned to tell their story. And of starseeds and lightworkers who are normal, average people like you and me. Many of us have been in contact with the galactics. They are waiting to come forward officially, as in landing their craft, but they are waiting for individuals to be more accepting so they don't go crazy and fearful. Have I been in contact? There are seven levels on which one can connect with them. The physical level is the most concrete level but, yes, I've seen them in physical but it's rare and not like meeting someone in Publix to say "Hi!" to them. It is done in a discreet way. But here is something unusual....
Last night when Doug and I went upstairs to bed, as I closed the curtain of the south window, I noticed the usual star shining in the south. I stopped to look at it and as I did I saw a large round white light in the sky next to it, to the right of it (west). I took a double look. It looked like a searchlight shining on the sky, but how could that be? What would it be reflecting against? It was a sharp bright light, but as I watched, it became softer and more translucent and took on the appearance of a cloud, and continuing to fade so that it was a fuzzy cloud now as it moved closer to the star and seemingly "touched" it and draw it into itself. The star disappeared into the "cloud" but it seemed to start flashing and flickering from within the cloud like an airplane coming in for a landing at the airport. It continued flickering as the star became absorbed into the translucent fuzzy cloud and then the whole thing moved westward and disappeared from sight. The star was now gone and so was the searchlight and the cloud. Only the blackness of the southern sky. It all happened very quickly. From the moment I noticed the star, then the searchlight, it covered a span of only 10 or 15 seconds I would guess.
I said to Doug, "I just saw the most amazing thing! I've never seen anything like it before!" And told him what I saw. I then realized I had seen a UFO, a mothership picking up a smaller craft, but why show me? Perhaps it was another contact. I've had a few over the years. I've been a follower of the space people for a long time, ever since meeting George Adamski in the 1960's, and have been connected to them in more non-physical ways, telepathically and consicously, receiving a few messages and channelings from them. But this was a first-time experience and the most recent. It is being said that the landings will soon follow.
And on that note, I will close and leave it to the reader how to receive this and what to think. We are each following our own path into the higher realms. It is a VERY personal journey for we have lived before and have had many adventures. A month ago I re-connected with an old friend who is now director of the Adamskifoundation.com (link). Adamski was one of the most famous contactees of all time. This has re-inspired me to take down the books about him on my shelf. One especially is a world-class book, validating Adamski's reports, photos and writings - plus more. It is titled "Angels in Starships" by Georgio Dibitonto. The space people identify themselves as the same ones who met with Adamski. Plus there is more to this story than I knew 57 years ago. The connection has been upgraded. Now, today, from my upgraded perspective, I am seeing the merging, the blending of the universal principles of love, harmony, truth, understanding and unity between all humans, all space people including earthlings, and the extraterrestrials of LIGHT, and the masters of the Far East - the mystics of old whose teachings have come down to us as the holy scriptures of the world.
Well, enough said for now. Blessings to all. If you are interested in sharing stories, contact me via the contact page. I would love to meet you. I am alone in this regard and do not have up close personal friends to share this information with. That's why I write about it! We are in a strange time cycle, extending the period of the pandemic isolation, as we each go thru individual upgrades of growth in conscious awareness. We can help each other by connecting within our own private community.
5/3/24 - Ascension is well underway, expect a happier life
While many people may not know or understand what this means, I suspect many DO know, even if it is semi-conscious. The last few weeks and months leading up to today, have seen an extraordinary inflow of high fifth dimensional love and light onto our Mother Earth. We have all been receiving this gentle inflowing into our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, upgrading us as well. Perhaps without our recognizing it, or perhaps making us dizzy like crazy (like me!) or maybe worse.
It is part of the Plan to bring mankind, the highest intelligence on Earth with the greatest brain capacity, into his truer nature. We are One with the ultimate supreme intelligence; we've just been blocked from knowing it. It is an individual journey for each of us to be upgraded and have our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields refined and transformed. Changed. We as physical beings are composed of many, many memories of lifetimes before this life. This knowledge is who we are. It has been become part of our sub-routines, as the good doctor on Voyager would say (in his words). Some of the new ideas and concepts may seem familiar to us, as if we've seen them before, while others may seem foreign and we will resist them, or try to. Please don't. Allow the changes to waft in, through and around and out of your life. You will be pleasantly surprised if you don't "fight back". Allow the make-over. Consciously upgrade your responses and reactions to the happenings, with a wise and gentle compassion. Know that it is all good. Welcome the changes with love and appreciation - you will understand later when they welcome YOU to their environment. They are not the bad guys. We are.
4/27/24 - There are no answers in the brain-mind, stop recycling opposites
As mental beings we have been taught from infancy to use our brain and head as our master control for intelligence. As a student of the Ascended Masters from an early age, I have learned and experienced that the brain-mind is only an organic tool of the real mind, the background intelligence that gives life to the body. We are the spirit of the physical body. We actually created the physical body so we could walk and talk here on the ground. We have a lot to learn the vastness of who and what we really are. We are actually the master of our physical body, a vast universal consciousness that flows thru our finite physical body giving it life.
It is time to let go of the fierce and unnatural focus on the brain, and return to the vast underground center of our true and real conscious self. There is, in the geometric center of our physical body, an energy of consciousness, of wholeness, who understands who we are. It feels good to tap into it. It feels like Home. It's actually the power behind sex, but there is more to the story, not just sex. The wholeness of good feelings can be experienced much better when we stop "thinking" so much - about sex and other things! By releasing the excessive focus on the brain-mind we can drop down gently, deeper into the vastness of where we originally came from, and tap into the who and what we really are. There is a sense of stillness there, and upliftment, blissful and innocent and peaceful. Wholeness is a good word to use for it, the word holiness of the religions.
Our focus on the brain-mind has become too powerful. It has taken over our human life and created great and difficult dilemmas, problems, confusions and arguments resulting in wars and upheavals. It is the focus on our mental brain-mind that has done this to us. Opposite perspectives of the two hemispheres of the brain, which is merely a physical organ, no more, confuse us. Different perspectives make us wonder which is true? Which is right? Focus on the mental brain-mind is constantly presenting new information to consider. It is swirling and twirling like a storm out there in the world. Staggering confusion fills the air and it's all in our head, our mind-brain. It's not in our physical tissues at all, it's all in our head. We are recycling things, over and over, adding new food for thought with each new cycle. The same questions with different words adding different perspectives. And it's all in our head. The only way to stop the whirling mental activity of the brain-mind is by relinquishing focus and attention there. We have been taught by teachers coming out of the East how to "still" our minds. And it is truth. We must learn to let go of the extreme focus on the brain/head. It's simply too much.
The Earth is a conscious living being of vast intelligence. It could not support life without it, and there are many teachings to back this up. She has already ascended to a higher dimension, according to the latest information from higher realms. She has prepared a more refined atmosphere for we earth humans, animals and plant life to live free of disease and problems, where the confusions created by the two hemispheres of the physical brain do not apply. There is only the wholesome (wholly) light of individual consciousness. We are much more clear and lucid without the physical brain trying to control us, from the control which we ourselves give to it. The stillness of nature is a peaceful environment which is all around us. It lives in harmony and interacts with intelligence far superior to the physical brain which we have allowed to control us now for many thousands of years. This is the turn-around time, 2024, where we are beginning to understand there is more to our intelligence than mental logic. We have been literally captured and held prisoner by the small physical two-sided brain, and giving it our power. "My way or the highway!" We have become SELF oriented. In other words, selfish and greedy and far too one-sided and personal. The mental brain-mind has objectified everything into a physical solid object. It does not know how to see the vastness of universal intelligence and knowledge which we have brought with us thru the ages. For we are superior to that which is put forth by the brain-mind.
As I tap into this vaster intelligence within me I am starting to see the wholeness of this love radiating up from the earth. It is like an aura of light glowing around the trees, and a feeling of caring coming from the grass and ground. I can see it with my inner sight of imagination, especially during the hours of dusk and stillness. Tapping into this wholeness (holiness) diverts focus away from the confining structure of the brain and allows focus to descend or expand into the interior of the physical body. Into the tissues, blood, liquids, nerves and energies of the finer mechanism of the physical. We are much more than an "outer shell", as in a walnut. It's difficult to stop the whirling in the brain, but consistent practice in meditation or simply spending time in contemplation or stillness, takes away the worries of the brain-mind. The drifting downwards or expanding outwards, is natural. Let it be. Let nature take its natural course. Let yourself go natural. Letting go of mental worries and machinations, wonderings, problems, etc., brings peace.
I am hearing the words, "Let it go. Let it be. I AM everywhere. I AM the peace within the storm. I AM the freedom within the confinement. I AM the joy within the depression." Silent words are reverberating within me. They are saying, "Don't try to figure it out. Stop the trying. Stop searching for answers. You are arguing against yourself. You have been divided into a two-sided creature with a dual nature. One side of your organic brain is arguing with the other side. It does not do you justice. It does not know what truth is because it was made to be dualistic. Stop entertaining it. Stop focusing on it. Let it go. Let it be what it was meant to be and no more than that. Allow yourself to fall away into the vastness that is your body tissues. You are larger. There is space between the cells of your body. Enter into them. Our scientists have discovered those spaces. They are real. They are logical. Find the stillness within the spaces between the atoms of your cellular structure. Bring yourself to center. You are the creator of your life thru your focus. Where you focus your attention, there you create what you are aware of. You are the one that started the action plan of your life. You are the only one who can finish it and bring it to a close. To a peaceful, happy, loving close, and to the opening of a new path to a broader, vaster, lighter, happier world. Become conscious of this happy world. It is yours for the taking.
The center point where it all began lies in the pelvic region. Imagine going into the geometric center of your own body. Peace begins by being willing to drop down out of the head into the heart - and lower, into the pelvic region. There is another heart at the pelvic region, in the geometric center of the physical body. By relinquishing control of the brain mind and dropping awareness down into the geometric center of the pelvic bowl, the lower abdomen area of the body, with practice one begins to feel the peace. You are the creator. Your focus is how you create and manifest in the physical world. Find your center. Fighting opposite polarities in the brain-mind and arguing between the two halves of the brain, is like a game of tennis. You bat the ball over the net and the ball comes back to you and you bat it again and again it comes back to you in a repeated back-and-forth effort. After many generations of ancestors, we are following the same old patterns. True, we have built a better world, but we still use the same old-world tactics of battling opposites. We have not learned the peace and harmony and prosperity that lies within us. We have become, fundamentally, brain-washed.
Money/no money. Truth/not true. Prison/freedom. Hate/love. Married/single. Yes/no. This/that. Problem/solution. We recycle opposites. We weigh, judge and choose sides against each other. Pros and cons have created wars, political intrigue and deep underground spy rings. A true mess of the dark side. This has gone on for many thousands of years, and all because we are physical brain oriented. Our lower body consisting of the legs and feet have not been rooted properly to the earth. We do not have that essential magnetism of earth. The groundedness. We have only the electric part in the brain. The native peoples, indigenous peoples of the planet, can vouch for this beautiful groundedness, as they walk the earth with reverence and inner sense and feeling for the spirit of earth. This same energy of the ground is in the geometric center of our bodies, anchored there to give us life. This energy is not physical but spiritual. It is not detectable by earth science but has a distinct flavor of calm and peace. I can feel it. Here the soul is anchored to the body until the time of death. Then the soul leaves. But while it is alive, as long as the soul lives in the body, we can and should tune into this geometric center and learn to draw on the rich vital forces of universal love, light, understanding and refinement. Practice in meditation is the way to do this. Spiritual harmony, universal love and exquisite sensations may be felt during this time, and results in quickening the body with vitality and energy. Feelings of bliss, rapture and miracle unfoldings can take place in one's life, and assurance that heaven is real.
True peace can be found by relinquishing control, focus and attention in the head, and surrendering to the natural innocence of the physical body. The drifting downward provides a sensation of relaxation and peace. The tailbone, known as the first root chakra, is the geometric center of the physical body. It could be called the "first cause". The anchor of heaven on earth. Spiritual masters have pointed in this direction but it has failed to take root in our civilization. Instead, sex has become the prominent theme and we stop there. But further investigation will show a vastness like no other in the human experience. It is the "next step" for humans to discover this sacred inner power of oneness, sweetness and light. It lies in the geometric center of the physical body. You can measure it physically with your yard stick. It is the same distance from the tailbone to the bottoms of the feet, as it is from the tailbone to the crown of the head.
The brain is merely an organ like the heart, spleen, liver, stomach and kidneys. It has a job to do in order to keep the body healthy and functioning. But that's all. It is not the Allness that we are. We are the spirit and consciousness of the body. We are the ONE that keeps the body running. By giving our full attention to only the brain, we ignore the rest of the body and thus do not utilize the power it contains. The brain has a left side and a right side, which maintains an action-oriented side to us, and a passive, spiritual side of us. These two oppose each other on the physical level. It is how we maintain a physical focus on the world of today. It carries us on eternally, generation after generation, and logic has prevented us from knowing our greater spiritual nature, which quietly lingers in the spaces between our physical body cells.
Your brain mind is your child mind. It does not have the answers. YOU have the answers. Your brain is an organic tissue arguing with itself. We have given our brains that kind of awesome power and we do not know it. We are essentially arguing with ourself. I have come to that conclusion as I enter deeper into the quietness of the inner life. Meanwhile the struggle to find answers to guilt, shame, envy, hatred continue to exist within the human theatre. There are many wise teachers who have discovered this truth and left us their teachings. We as a civilization are slowly listening and learning how to leave the mind and drop down into the quietness of our physical bodies.
The brain is only a tool of the body, a useful tool by all means. We need it. But it does not have all the answers. It is merely an organ of the physical world. It is a child offshoot of the real you. We must stop the infernal struggle between the two halves of the brain mind. It has become a tool of the dark side. It is a genius tool, no question about it. Those who are darkly motivated have learned that, by keeping everyone's focus on the brain mind, keeps people fighting themselves, internally. The physical brain is a reflection of the owner-resident of the body. Where we focus our attention, there we are, day and night. We have created our own monster of confusion by focusing so much on the brain. It is copying us, where we put our attention. It is a mirror reflecting our desires and wishes, but it is only a mirror. It has no power of its own. It cannot find an answer because we are not giving it an answer. The brain, when it is used correctly by an enlightened being, it is a wonderful tool. But in the hands of the unenlightened it continues to argue back and forth between the left and right hemisphere of the brain. Shadows pop in and out of the darkness. There is no light in the brain-mind except that radiated in by the enlightened one.
4/25/24 - Reconnections
Boundaries are fading, limits are dropping away, and wholeness is becoming apparent. It is a linking up or melding of ancient knowledge coming forth and blending with current knowledge - which is boring as all hell. . The sense of "ancient" is transforming into "newness" and starting to breathe again the fresh air and sunshine. It is becoming real and present, very fast. The ancient science or knowledge has been hiding, as if undercover. I get the words "sleeping cell". I have been a sleeping cell waiting for the right time to allow this ancient knowledge to come forth. This is a most amazing time, for this knowledge is inner knowledge. Not something that can be written out in words.
I have linked up with a childhood friend who is now the director of the George Adamski Foundation.com, which is as if a trigger has been pulled, or a fire in my soul has been lit. Tonight there will be a zoom meeting resurrecting the knowledge and material of George Adamski of the early 40's, 50's and 60's. He was in his early years in contact with the space brothers. Later, as he grew in wisdom, spending time in Tibet and learning the mysteries, he linked up with them, took photographs of them, authored books and went on lecture tours presenting this informaiton to the public. I also knew him and listened to him lecture. I was only 26 at the time, shy, quiet, reserved, married and pregnant at the time. But he woke me up. Ever since, I have been awake to this but it was not something to talk about. It was inner knowledge that I gained from George Adamski. Soul-to-soul, mind-to-mind, heart-to-heart, knowledge-to-knowledge. It wasn't my time to talk about it. Now I am remembering. I suspect that many other people are having reawakenings too, of past knowledge, for this is the time of the ascension out of the limitations of 3D into the 5th dimension of 5D, even as we remain in our physical bodies. Stay tuned! Feel free to write me your story. I would love to compare notes.
4/22/24 - The dark web vs. the web of light
The first time I used this term, the dark web, was during a channeling in 2016. The words appeared to me, “You are love, conscious love, descending down step by step into a physical body, forgetting that you are love. You are an exquisite design all built out of love.” It is a continuation of teachings on tantra. As the words came into my mind I felt the feelings of the chakras in place, as centers of warm love, warm suns, shining love out into me, as the basic and fundamental structure of who I am, myself, my light body. I am seeing this love sending out the lines of light we call meridians that form a massive web of light all through my body. I wondered about the psychic connections that people have with each other that trap them and bog them down. How does this relate to the warm love and light that is pure and holy? Then I saw the darker lines of light alongside the pure lines of light. And I decided to write this down so I wouldn’t lose the moment. This is what I wrote.
It is all about warmth - love. The centers are centers of divine love. The meridians are lines of warmth, love, pure, holy. These get closed down for lack of conscious use. Instead, there are other lines running alongside the pure lines. These are darker and contain not-pure thoughts. Continual thinking of the not-pure thoughts turn these into hardened wires of not-pure beliefs. I saw them. These mimic the web of life in that they run through the body in a web-like structure and reach out to connect with others across space and time and with other off-planet beings who are not pure and holy..
This becomes a web of darkness, we call the matrix. It is created by using these byways and highways over and over again. We cement the matrix into our reality and it influences us in negative ways that are not pure. It is all about usage. It is like cutting a separate path through the forest, away from the well-trod path of our ancestors. Which thoughts do we travel upon today? Energy follows thought. As we continue to take the separate path the dark thoughts continue to grow stronger, and cement the matrix of not-pure into our lives. The pure, warm goodness is also traveling along a network of light to keep the body alive within us. It is always there, but which highway do we strengthen today with our thoughts and attention? The light highways or the secondary darker highways which we have created within ourselves and our world?
Mantras, decrees, affirmations said over and over again all day long strengthens the highway of light within us and weakens the darker pathways from lack of use. The darker matrix will disappear in time because the light is influencing more of the thoughts of the people. But those who do not want to leave their wrong thinking and start aligning with the love, light and warm goodness available to them, will suffer. When the darkness shrivels up so will their lives shrivel up if they have not supported the light within them with goodness, love, light and warmth which is the more real of their nature, the more humane. The earth itself is taking on more light and thus the dark in the earth is shriveling too.
The light is what we are created out of. We are children of intelligence, warmth, goodness, love and light. It feels wonderful to be close to it. It feels natural to us when we are in close proximity to someone who is filled with love and light and goodness. Like the galactics of light. We want to stay in their presence. They are thriving and radiating warmth at the same time the darker hosts are weakening. There is a displacement happening within our bodies as we align more and more with thoughts of love and light and goodness and gratitude.
The incomplete thinking that was influenced by the dark has created a duplicate network within us over which negative thoughts travel, which mimics the natural wholesome lines of light that is the good and pure anatomy of the light body within us, the spirit within. The dark circulates through the body too and carries fear, doubt, frustration, anger, judgment, intolerance - everything that is not-pure love and not normal to a healthy human being. This dark network will disintegrate faster by replacing “normal” thinking with enlightened statements, decrees, affirmations, mantras, prayers, all day long. The more the better. It will speed up the process of ascension by killing off the dark matrix that is an actual real network of dark that runs through our bodies to the degree we have allowed it.
Because today we have a mouse in our house, I looked in the Medicine book to see what message “mouse” has for me. Mouse represents paying attention to details on a small scale. The advice is “Work towards wholeness. See the big picture but assimilate it in small doses. The big picture gives you a little at a time. Expansiveness can be overwhelming if you forget to take it step by step. Confusion is a product of too much too soon. Slow down and stop being confused by the maze. Observe the details of your present pathway.” (This from the Medicine book today.)
Yesterday an ascended master spoke to me: “The consciousness that a man evolves from the beginning of time is the only intelligent possession he has which endures through the cycles of birth and death. An individual consciousness is the only focus through which the godhead can increase the wealth of the individual and his world. Each individual endowed with a consciousness, the faculties of intuition, of spiritual perception and inner sight can, by self-conscious effort, raise his own consciousness to union with the Cosmic Christ [the light body] and become a valuable instrument in fulfilling the divine plan through cooperation with the will of the Father.”
It is the will of the Father that is circulating inside our bodies in a golden river of warmth, love, light and goodness. It is our natural heritage. It is the spirit that feeds our bodies with the spark of life, the wholeness we are to be working towards. It is a very, very big picture but in small doses, as mouse medicine says, we take it step by step so as not to be overwhelmed by it. I am back on track again after a period of down time. There is love circulating within me that has no interest in the political scene or anything that needs work. There is a natural flow of strength and substance within the light body. It doesn’t require working at it. It just takes affirmation, prayer and meditation. So I am back on track, not worrying about it. As Djwhal Khul said a couple of days ago, “I am giving you the pathway to follow.” I think I am attending some kind of school at night when I sleep because I am waking up with instructions.
4/17/24 - Update short and sweet!
Truly sorry. There is no time today to post. But just to lend my presence to the world around me. I am still here. Blessings, love, light and strength to all. A lot is happening on inner levels. Picture - visualize - the sun shining in your heart. It helps to keep your heart strong.
4/14/24 - Inspirations from this morning
An important insight: I can’t mix both dimensions at the same time!!!! This is what’s causing my dizziness. I had wild fluctuations of dizziness and disorientation this morning until at the last minute during the backbend off the end of the bed, I got this insight - you can’t talk to two different people at the same time! You have to choose to talk to one or the other but not both at the same time. You’ll go crazy. I asked the Masters, is this how YOU do it? When you come down to take physical form? Someone sent me a message. Thank you! OK, got it. Now I’m ready to move. Going to focus on the 3rd/4th dimension. (Note: I understand we are half way between 3rd and 4th dimension as a planet.)
4/13/24 - The male and female forces within us
Your outer physicality is not outer, it’s inner. The outer is just a reflection of you at any given moment, individually and collectively. So if there are things about your reality you don‘t like, all you need to do is change something in yourself. Some little thing. It’s all about changing your idea of how you see yourself. The path of evolution is living in the here and now. Our body form is located inside our spirit, not the other way around. New information is not any more valid than what you already know. You already know things that you don't know you know. It's inside of you. New information is coming to you as a reminder, from everyone else, it's coming to you as a mass consciousness, a collective. This cannot be rejected because you are swimming inside the collective and can’t miss it. You are breathing in the collective mind.
The male and female inside us are two separate forces. Two separate currents of energies. They travel on different pathways but they are complimentary. They work hand in hand together. We need both the passive and the active assertive forces because passively we receive the purity and love of life, the devotion to life. That’s why meditation and sitting in silence is an important daily practice. And likewise, we need the active assertive force to distribute what we receive during the silent time. We distribute what we receive through movement and activity. It must be distributed through the body, in action, in order to create and be helpful and productive to the world around us, and not have it jam up to become blocked.
This purity of love and light is from the creator but we need to access the creator’s intentions first and listen to what it has to say before we can distribute it. Otherwise we distribute in error. We create in error, using misaligned energies. We are here to create a beautiful world that is cohesive and in harmony, together in cooperation and love, in excellence. It comes to us from the creator of all-that-is, the one infinite creator of all of us. We are here to carry out its plan. We are part of the plan. If we refuse to follow thru with our plan, we might as will give up and die. We are not needed. We feel good when we contribute and we feel bad when we don't. We must follow thru with our responsibility, what is our destiny to do. We do this by channeling the purity we receive during our silent time. We receive it from higher realms above. It comes down to us thru our minds and hearts and feelings and we then send it outward, through our actions. .
4/12/24 - The ascension process, we are ascending
You may not know that you are ascending, but everyone is within range and possibility. When you are ascending, when you get the ascension symptoms, you will need to expand. How does one do that? By imagining your body expanding on all sides like a balloon, becoming bigger and more airy and expansive. It's a meditative procedure, requiring you to focus mentally on this visualization because you are expanding into a higher realm of consciousness and airy lightness. To release the pressure, you will need to relax and VISUALIZE yourself expanding. Because you are the one who is holding yourself tightly inside the confines of your physicalness. Now, you may not be a candidate for this ascension so you may not experience the uncomfortable symptoms. But for those who are (sensing it) you will need to adapt.
What happens if you DON’T expand yourself is, you’ll get the bends. Do you know what the bends are? When a deep sea diver goes to the bottom of the ocean he takes in heavy pressure into his suit to withstand the pressure at deeper levels. When he rises back up to the surface again he needs to release that pressure or everything inside will expand and try to burst open, causing him deep pain on the inside. This is called “the bends”. They have to rush him to the hospital to de-pressurize him. The same thing is happening to those people on Earth who have been preparing themselves with higher consciousness methods. They are becoming lighter and airier and more loving, and NOW that the whole planet is moving into a lighter region in space, and we are being hit with gamma rays (light and love rays) from the great central sun, we are getting hit with very high light-love rays. This light-love is consciousness. We are entering a new consciousness of space. One which is more alive, more lucid, more clear, more connected, more loving, more united, more graceful, more oneness-oriented, more regal, more grand, more in touch with the allness, the all-knowingness. Etc.
This process is for those who have already been moving in that direction, and not everyone is. But yet the process is the same. Everyone should be doing something like this. It will help adjust the physical body "tightness" which has been restricting us from being more open, loose and free with ourselves. Lighten up! The way to depressurize from a heavy atmosphere is to lighten up. Let go. The whole planet is moving into lighter-lovelier conscious space, and the way we can "keep up" is to consciously do our part. Meditate on expanding yourself. Imagination is a product of intelligent application of thought power from a more beautiful peaceful attitude. A higher attitude brings with it a higher frequency and a higher vibration. We want to heighten our vibration, not lower it. You lower your vibration by being ugly, selfish, hateful, arrogant and mean to others.
We are conscious intelligent beings who operated on one particular level. It is our comfort zone at our level. Well, this ascension process is "boosting" your comfort level to a higher degree. It will be uncomfortable at first. You will have to adapt. As Seven of Nine says on Star Trek Voyager "I will adapt". She represents human intelligence. We must adapt or suffer the consequences. If we have been comfortable all our lives at this level, and suddenly we are suffering in ways we don't understand, the first thing we think is, "There's something wrong with me!" Most people think it's the aging process, or a disease of some kind, and they begin all sorts of questioning. But what if it's none of those things?
What if we are rising up from the bottom of a very dense level planet (Earth is known as very dense, a third dimension planet) and now we are rising upward to higher levels. It is as if we are rising up from the bottom of the sea like deep-sea divers. Our bodies, including the crucial brain, heart and lungs, are not adapting well. There are signs. Symptoms of disorientation. Our physical bodies are accustomed to the heavier pressure atmosphere. But here’s the thing. This ascension process has never been done before by people who are STILL IN THEIR BODIES! We're here now still alive and conscious and healthy, or trying to be. What's happening? We have not been told. We have been kept uninformed. No preparation has been given us. This is a living extinction process. Science says we are going thru an extinction process, and always in the past everyone was annhilated, killed off and then earth started up again from scratch. Well, this time, we are going to stay alive and continue on after the so-called extinction was supposed to happen. We are going to live thru it, at least some of us will. We as a race will not become extinct because there is a certain level of intelligence that has become stabilized in thehuman race. There are thinkers of higher quality on the planet. Many of us have already begun the lightening-up process, meaning the turning towards peace and love process, before we even knew about ascension. We have been preparing for this before we learned about it.
The story of ascension is in the unfolding stage, meaning it is coming out in spurts and spams. Not everyone is ready to hear it. People tap into it when they choose to and who knows when that will be? I’ve been tapping into it for a long time now, ever since I went into the light (ascended in a sense without knowing) and was assigned an ascended master to guide me afterwards. I am getting new information daily now, after many years of "Duh! What's happening to me!"
The first signs that you're on the cusp is you’ll start thinking “there's something wrong!" Your body is not operating the way it's supposed to. Your natural conclusion is to worry about it. You may start googling for answers, or call a doctor or talk with a close friend, or take a pill in the medicine cabinet or start exercising. (like I did) thinking old age. Or upgrade the meditation routine (also like I did). You do this because you fear the loss of your physical capacity. Your focus is on your physical body's survival. You have so long believed that your physical body is the ,MOST IMPORTANT aspect of yourself, that you have boxed yourself into physical boundaries and reinforced those boundaries with expert medical advice and recommendations. Physicality has become the first and last word in your life expectancy. And yet we are expanding out of that realm of consciousness!? We really believe that the body is all that we are.
We are consciously, mentally, emotionally stuck in this belief, and it has become a steel-like girder molded all around our physicality. We could not break out of it without help from outsiders. Gurus, masters, mystics have gone before us to show us the way, but most of us are “stuck” in the belief that physical body is all that we are. We have limited our awareness. So the only way out is to EXPAND our limited awareness to higher ground. Hence, visualize expanding your physical body like a helium balloon. Become softer, airier, lighter, tenderer, more sensitive, take on more light, reflect on more love. This is an ascension process.
You are ascending to a higher lighter consciousness level, meaning gentler, more nobler and more dignified, but it is happening on the inside. In the cells of your body. Your body is expanding from the inside just like a diver's body expands coming up from the bottom of the sea. If he doesn't release the pressure he experiences the bends.
In my case, it's been the opposite than most. Ever since going into the light many years ago, I’ve been trying to come DOWN from higher altitudes, from the light and love regions of high planes. I've been trying to GROUND myself and it's taken years to get back to normal, back to "before ascending". I had help from an ascended master in doing this, so I have been prepared. Now I am stabilized back on Earth and back to normal, and NOW I too am experiencing the ascension symptoms. All over again, but in a different way. At least I have knowledge that most people haven't had yet. I just have the added advantage of knowing what is happening, just not quite sure what to do about it. That's why I write about it.
So, to sum it all up. The bottom line is - whenever you feel strange and you don't know what's happening to you. Try the expanding visualization process. Of course, see a doctor and do what seems practical to do. There may be a very simple explanation. But you might try this anyway. It will not hurt you, and it will definitely help you to become more calm, relaxed and gentler on yourself. On your body, mind and feelings. Take some time out to sit still and imagine your body expanding. Work at creating a mental picture of yourself inflating with love and light, like a helium balloon expands with artificial means. But you do it mentally, consciously, from within your own will power and focus. And hold positive, happy thoughts too. Expand with grace, with dignity, with a calm, peaceful attitude. This is a very powerful meditation that can relax ANY discomfort or worrisome situation.
There is light in every cell, and the light is you on a higher level. The light knows what to do. The light in your body cells knows what to do. It's inherent. The brain is merely a data bank. It has collected a lot of information from many places, from other people, the beginning of your life as a baby. But the REAL you is not your brain. It is your consciousness. Your life. Your strength of purpose. Your mission. Your sense of "I'm OK the way I Am. You are your own innate intelligence. Your spirit. Your knowledge. You are what you are. You know what you know. Your body reflects what you believe you know, but most people don't trust themselves and don't believe in themselves. Most people don't believe what they know in their own hearts. They would rather believe some expert out there who holds a PhD and has a website. But you DO know what you know on deeper sub-conscious levels. You are connected to all-knowledge. As you practice expanding into higher levels of intelligence, you develop the faith and trust in yourself. You begin to understand that you are much more than a follower of "experts", and you can change the course of your life by simply expanding your mind in a better direction than the one you were on.
YOU are the one holding the pressure in. You are the only one who can let the pressure out. Let go. Step out of the enclosed, tight-fitting box and expand to lighter, airier attitudes. Relax and open. Relax upwardly, freely. Find freedom in the spaces above you. Relax with a sense of relaxing. Relax with a laid-back attitude. Relax with a big sigh of relief. Relax with a certain joyfulness. Relax with a sense of celebrating yourself. Allow yourself to expand into a more comfortable freedom. The strange uncomfortable feelings will eventually go away. Maybe not right away, but if you keep at it. It is a method of getting there, it is a process. You adapt. Don’t forget, you’ve been at this heavier pressured level of life since the beginning of this life. Maybe you've been lightening up gradually. Maybe you are very close to graduating. Maybe it will take a little more time to adjust into a comfort zone, but the more joy, happiness, gladness and feeling of light-heartedness, relaxation and relief you give yourself, the quicker you will feel the benefits. Don't worry about other people. They each have to take care of themselves. You help the most by becoming beautifully you. The higher dimensions are going to be MUCH more gentle on the soul, beautiful and peaceful and more loving than what we’ve been accustomed to here on these lower denser levels of worrisome ways. We are graduating. Expect the unexpected.
4/11/24 - Anchoring exquisite light-love energies
So sorry, I haven't had time to post much the last few days. I have been so busy learning, processing, receiving, adjusting, correcting new information. It has been an extraordinary time, but I know that some people check this site and so I just want to post that all is well here in our homestead in North Naples. Doug and I are good, happy and at peace as well, if not better, than can be expected. Energies are coming from both sides of the spectrum now - the dark heavies as people are confused and unsure and changing direction, and the light and love energies coming in from heaven's beautiful Home base. They are stronger than ever. There is SO much going on. I have committed to staying grounded as best I can - anchoring the high light-love energies that are beaming down onto and into the earth.
f you are feeling confused, it's not you. You're just picking up confusions. There are energies in the atmosphere which are coming from all over. Protect yourself with positive thoughts, words and intentions. If you need a technique to follow, if you don't know how to do this, contact me. There are methods. Old beliefs are spinning out of people left and right. Many don't know what to do. We are all releasing past beliefs. Everyone on the planet. It is a mass shift and transition we are going thru. Focus on your heart area. Ground yourself with calmness. Imagine roots growing down from your legs and feet, deep into the earth and hang on for dear life. These are powerful stabilizing roots when you do it. Read some of my blogs. The heart is the portal through which your higher self, your wonderful, happy, calm, peaceful REAL self, your God/Goddess Self comes thru to communicate with your conscious mind. Your heart is a stargate. Take 5, 10 minutes or an hour and sit still. Focus on stilling your mind and your body and visualize a brilliant sun shining in your heart/lung chest area. Imagining the sun actuallly puts it there. And the LIGHT knows what to do. It has all the answers. If you want some methods or routines to follow, contact me thru the Contact page. I love to talk about it from my own experiences. Blessings to you today. Be well. Be safe. Be calm. Be positive. Use positive words as a mantra. Like Grace, Gratitude, Joy, Happiness, Celebrate!
4/8/24 - Grounding techniques, bring too-high mental energies down to earth
First, this is the big solar eclipse today. I am wishing you a happy, warm, comforting day of feeling alive and balanced. If you are having a hard time, read the following advice and counsel on balancing. We as a planet are being shorn of old stuck energies that have been held subconsciously. They are moving to the surface and shedding like old skin. Don't pay any attention. Let them go. The next few days, weeks, months and on into the future, we will be moving to happier, more elevating, uplifting planes where everything is more "good". More peaceful, caring and everyone wants to give and share and interact truthfully with others. First do this for yourself, you are the most important. Then on to others.
Grounding is important to bring your Almighty God self down to earth so it can express thru your physical actions. When you work to raise, constantly raise and raise and raise, it's like your escaping the earth, trying to. You forget to connect with your earthiness. It is important to bring your God self down to meet your human needs, warmth and comfort. Come down half way. The connection is in the heart. The heart is the half-way point. The central column with light above and light below. There must be a meeting of the two separate parts of the body self. The upper body is designed to reach skyward towards spirit and home, the lower body is designed to stay connected with the Earth. VERY IMPORTANT! The human race has a responsibility to fill in the inbetween and bring balance to one's OWN body. We're not responsible for someone else's body, other than educating our children until they are grown wise enough to do it themselves.
Humanity has six places that get hung up. The chakras become obstructions because of unconsciousness and ignorance. Education is needed to enlighten the mind, so the human can begin to imagine and visualize the central column and make the connection. Sometimes I get too much of a download of inspirational ideas and it keeps me hopping as if I have electricity running thru me. When I'm connected to high spiritual sources, it becomes too much of a download, and I go crazy. Dizzy brain. This is when I am learning (still learning) how to turn MYSELF around and reach down. Make the ‘down” earth connection. This links up the higher self intelligence with the lower self intelligence. Sharing information helps immensely, I am learning, With other people. Finding words to communicate thoughts, is just as important as hands-on healing. We each have to find a way to evolve ourself upward (because we are eager to learn) while anchoring this tendency to the lower denser earthier parts of us - the human vessel itself. It needs attention and it grounds us to communicate with it.
I experience often a “rushing” upward, and then a dizziness which requires me to "think" about grounding to the lower denser worlds of my own body. I must find ways. Petting animals helps. My female cat Amy hops up onto the table and insists on petting, so I take 10” to pet her and she is soothed, then she gets up and hops back down again and I resume what I was doing. Gardening also helps. Hands in soil, hugging a tree, hands on someone else like massage (I love massage) or cuddling, or doing tai chi (my spontaneous inner wind movements), or dancing.
It is interesting to read about the infamous GRAYS, the alien abductors of some humans. After listening to music while laying on the floor with earphones for 35 minutes, I felt wonderful afterward, grounded yet in higher consciousness. Really listening to music, not doing anything else, just close your eyes and listen. Let it enter into you. To be conscious with the music and feel it enter your brain and make new pathways of vibration. connects the new high mind energy to physical brain cells, the dense brain cells. Gaia is a massive density. She is there for us to channel our new growth down into. She needs it. She is the heavy anchor for us to connect with. She’s waiting for new light vibrations, so when we have them and we think we're going crazy, start breathing down into Gaia. This puts roots down into our physicalness. The grays made that mistake in the evolution. They became too advanced too quickly and did not ground it. They are coming back to correct the wrong, using our DNA to create hybrids.
They are missing the physicalness and the emotional aspects. They weaned themselves away from physical and emotional and became too intelligent. Big heads and little skinny bodies. They lost the ability to reproduce and their race is dying out. They are us in the future. They are returning. They forgot to ground and balance their high, high intelligence, and bring it down to ground. The growth we experience in higher intelligence, needs to be anchored into the physical in order to advance the physical and make it a better place to live. Not a chaotic place to escape from. Creator is trying to become physical and create new expressions by pushing the boundaries of form, in vital, exciting, refreshing, creative ways. To NOT ground, the infamous Grays became too large a head/brain/knowledge and the body grew feeble and unable to reproduce. There was too much knowledge that kept coming and coming (is this me?) and it was so exciting, that it kept their attention focused on the above and beyond. They forgot to ground.
I am getting that THIS is why earth is so important. The galactics are all saying the same thing: we are important. Earth is important. Earth is the crux of the whole galaxy moving on. The connection must be done on both ends - the above and beyond spiritual higher intelligence needs to reach down and bring that intelligence down into the lower denser sentient forms. And the lower denser forms need to reach up at the same time. It is a mutual relationship that we each are involved with. And sometimes it's a real love-hate relaitonship! It takes both ends of the burning candle to meet in the middle and create the sacred union, the mystical marriage. Find ways to ground and put roots down - like Tai Chi, yoga or slow conscious body movements - or find ways to reach UP and become more highly conscious of refinement, for those who are stuck in the mud and spinning their wheels hopelessly.
SOME GROUNDING TECHNIQUES FROM DK: I am asking, What are other ways of grounding? Chanting? A: It depends on what you chant and how you chant. Oming with feeling is good. Om mani padme om is good if it is done with sacred feeling. Decreeing is good if done with sacred feeling. The point is to connect the sound of words, the vibrations to resonate in the body cells. The toning is important to create vibrations in the body cells, the dense part of the body.
Is magnetic mat good for grounding? A: 25% as effective as bare skin on grass and earth. 20” with bare feet on earth is good. Grounding mat is 50% as effective, half as effective as 20” bare skin on grass and earth.
Is breathing a good grounding technique? A: Yes, 30 deep, slow, conscious breaths is equal to 20” skin on mother earth. It must be firmly conscious, a concentrating on the breath to be in the here-now-in-the-moment grounding. (I did 60 deep slow conscious breaths then, it took 20”. I feel physically grounded after. The ideas keep coming but I am smoother, less electrical. At the 34th breath I inhaled UP from Earth instead of down from sky. And on the exhale I exhaled DOWN to earth. The focus was on earth, never the brain. Up from earth, down to earth, inhale up from earth, exhale down to earth. After a few I see a woman in the earth holding her hands up to receive my breath. I wasn’t thinking love before this, but now I started to think love. But it didn’t seem important that I “think” love. I just breathe down and was conscious of love. After a few more, I noticed a circle of women were receiving me, down inside the earth. And after a few more breaths, now there are men in the circle. This changed the feeling. It suddenly felt warm and cozy and good and loving. There was more love present in the circle now. Is it men who are the missing link? Women alone can’t create love? They need men to give love to? Just musing. Do we need the men for this exercise in grounding?
When I reached breath number 60, on the last two breaths, a thought occured: “I need to call forth men and women who want to heal the gap in their sexuality by moving past sexuality.” As this thought rolled out I felt the brief stumbling block in my lower body, the desire block. Getting past the tendency towards sex is the goal and the purpose of my journey. Moving ones self up from earth, up through the central canal to the upper body without stopping and being waylaid at the sex center, is the purpose of the exercise which I just had a thought about. It is the same motivation I have felt all these many years, and the latest attempt to create a massage group, which failed.
The breath work is smooth from the center of the earth up through the lower body to the heart or head. The heart must be reached. At least as far as the heart. Inhale up from the earth, then exhale down to earth without stopping. The feeling of love is warm, accepting, comforting, compassionate, kind, like being cradled in a loving parents arms. This is what I’ve been looking for with others. This is creator’s love for SELF. Not for someone else.
Another question: is sweet pastry a good grounding from too high energy? A: Insofar as it comforts the denser parts of the physical body, yes. But comforting the physical body is not enough. There must also be comforting of the higher physical, the etheric and the astral.
4/5/24 - Why is the physical heart so important in spiritual matters?
Energy from the sun is mental, high mental, very high mental which becomes inner awareness, cosmic awareness, universal or galactic awareness or even source awareness, God awareness. Energy from the Earth is physical sensation, awareness through the senses, providing sensual feelings in the body. The mental activity is from the sun and without emotion, while the emotional feeling is from the earth and without mental activity. These two - feeling and mental - are manifesting separately, meaning they are experienced separately in the human being. They represent the duality in which we live. They are like polar opposites. Man represents mind, woman represents feeling.
But there is a place where they join. They merge in the Heart. The physical heart is located mid-point between the top of the head (7th chakra) and the bottom of the spine (1st chakra). Mind and feelings merge in the human heart and become mind/feeling joined. Male/female joined. How does the physical heart do this? How can a physical organ accomplish such high states?
Aaaahhh! This is where the etheric body comes into play. The auric field which surrounds us is composed of pure light, bogged down by toxic energies we had no idea we were carrying around with us. As we focus attention on the heart, spending time holding attention there, an energy begins to glow around, in and through the physical heart. At first, we have no concept of the etheric body or the invisiblel aura that surrounds as like a bubble of light. We are taught that it is a heart, that's all. A physical organ that pumps blood to the rest of the body. The idea of an invisible body or an etheric heart is still out of range of possibility at an early age. And yet such invisible bodies are there, surrounding us and feeding us LIFE. The etheric body is the light body. There is a light body surrounding every part, particle, cell, organ and tissue of the physical body, but it is not seen or even thought of until it begins to be activated thru the mysterious process of "quickening" thru meditation and/or other spiritual practices. The heart begins to glow when one focuses attention on it. The energy of the light body that becomes quickened through focused attention on the heart muscle. By spending time focusing attention on the heart. we bring the light particles that are ALWAYS there circulating through our system, but normally drifting haphazardly around randomly without direction, we bring into focus to the light in the heart. This is inner work, called internal exercises by the ancient Tao refers to it.
The continuing emphasis on the heart, as recommended by masters, gurus and teachers of old, is to guide the unaware student in the direction of the heart. Why the heart? Why not, say, the liver or the kidneys? The heart is in a neutral position half way between the mother flame in the pelvis (root chakra) and the head (crown chakra). It has been carefully designed by the creator long ago. The design of the human body is a perfect design, made to function perfectly well, once it is understood HOW to use it properly. Now, all we have to do is follow the guidelines and practice some of the methods that activate the etheric body.
We had no idea, did we? Keep focusing on your heart and build an etheric glow around and thru the heart. This activates the crystalline light body. The particles of light that are now randomly drifting around aimlessly, will be guided to come together thru your focused attention. It takes time but with learning and practice it will happen. It doesn't activate overnight with one sitting, but there are definite signals that one receives once starting the practice. The heart is a crucial piece of our anatomy, both physically to pump blood and etherically, to gather light into the center of our heart. It continues to send good thoughts and good feelings to us mentally, to keep us on the right track. It desires very much to merge with our mental thoughts. It is thru the etheric heart that we merge the mental abstract thought (that does not have feelings), with physical sensual feelings. We love to have warm, loving feelings, don't we? It makes us feel loved, wanted, cherished and calm inside, all comfy and cozy. Feelings are our reward. We want the good feelings. We don't like feeling lonely or separated. That's the whole purpose of the heart. It was designed to be both mother and father protector of our good feelings. Emotional sensual loving feelings merged with high abstract intelligent thought (which has no feelings) thus are merged together to become one whole heart, mind, body and soul complete.
Abstract intelligence merges with physicality and physicality merges with abstract intelligence. The result, according to the wisemen of old, is bliss, rapture and the supreme experience of samadhi (heaven on earth) while still living in a human physical body.
4/2/24 - Moving from linear (outer) to center (inner)
Yesterday's blog focused on the heart being in the center of a circle to provide a linear perspective outward. Today's blog focuses on sub-space or inner space. The book by Dr. Stephen Chang, which I use on occasion, "The Book of Internal Exercises", explains very simple techniques. However what the book does NOT spell out is how focusing on inner space helps you access higher space or higher consciousness. I am going to introduce only 1% of this theme today, otherwise I will jumble myself into a mess of knots. I must go slow. I am used to a linear perspective, the outer world perspective like everyone else. For example, we can stand in the center of a room or outdoors in a field and turn 360 degrees and see different objects out there, around us. That is the outer world of physicality. But to looking into the inner world of sub-space or higher space is another matter entirely.
The term "sub-space" intrigued me as it was introduced in the Star Trek series on TV. I often wondered what that term meant. Now I know. To explore it we need to start with one of the smallest elements of physical matter, so let's start with a living cell from a human body. Put it under a microscope, a wonderful device for magnifying very small things. Scientists can examine living cells and trace what happens inside them and how they function - at the level of physical reality, that is. A lot of knowledge has been obtained thru microscopes. But what we don't see under the magnifier is the expanded bubble of sub-atomic particles that radiates off of the physical cell and surrounds the physical cell. Maybe you don't believe in the auric field but many DO know and believe that human beings are surrounded by a normally invisible field that may be detected at certain times or by specially gifted people. It is a living force field, as clairvoyants and psychics have reported.
Trying to explain this invisible force field in common language is tricky, but it is my desire to do so. It helps ME to understand. It helps me to grow my understanding when I try to define my understanding. And what I understand is that every cell in our body - not just our whole body but every individual cell - is also surrounded by an auric field. Its OWN auric field as a single living intelligent being in its own right. This is what I have learned from the ascended masters, under whose guidance I have been studying. Each cell is a single entity with its own aura or field of radiation surrounding it. And it doesn't stop there. Around THAT invisible bubble there is an even LARGER auric bubble, similar but more expanded. In other words, the sub-atomic particles - namely electrons - are spinning around central cores with even MORE space between them. They are in a more expanded phase of livingness. They are spinning at a higher frequency, or at a higher dimension.
And it doesn't stop there either. Around that second bubble of radiation is a third larger bubble, and beyond that a fourth bubble, and a fifth bubble and a sixth bubble. In total, there are six bubbles of invisible light surrounding the physical cell, but the microscope does not "see" it because we all are living in the dense third dimensional level of livingness. The eletrons that compose our physical substance, our bodies, the wood of the trees, the grasses, the metals, the stones, everything that is manmade - all is vibrating at our dimensional level. The densest dimension that we call "the 3rd dimension". It is compacted to the heaviest, thickets, densest degree possible. And the electrons are spinning very very slow, closely packed together (according to what I've learned).
Imagine if you can, the physical cell that we are theoretically looking at under the microscope, surrounded by not just one invisible bubble of energy, but six invisible bubbles of energy. One invisible bubble enclosed by a larger invisible bubble, enclosed by an even larger invisible bubble, enclosed by a yet larger invisible bubble (that's 4 invisible bubbles so far), and still there is an even larger invisible bubble around that one, and a final invisible bubble to complete the seven.
The masters explain that there are seven levels to the human being incarnate. The physical vehicle radiates the first invisible bubble (1) which is known as the etheric double, or the etheric body. It looks exactly like the physical body but it is seen as a blue glow extending out beyond the skin. The second bubble (2) is the emotional body. The third bubble (3) is the mental body where thoughts are created. The fourth bubble (4) is the higher mental body aka known as the spiritual body. The fifth bubble (5) is the crystalline light body. The sixth bubble (6) is the causal body which contains the seven attributes aka gifts of the creator. The seventh bubble (7) is the creator self, aka the monad or the I Am Presence, the pure spirit spark or God consciousness.
The first four levels - physical, etheric, emotional and mental - are heavy with contaminations that slow you down and cause despair and struggle. These four dysfunctional layers need to be redeemed. Lifetimes are repeated as a result of not recognizing this problem. The top three perfected layers - the light body, causal body and I Am Presence - hold the answers and solutions to all of life's problems. They are the higher self, the REAL you and the YOU that is waiting for the embodied you to turn within and communicate.
So, bottom line, there is the physical cell which radiates an invisible glow called the etheric body. These are often spoken of as two separate "bodies" but all seven levels are "one body" after the contaminants are redeemed. Then the individual may ascend and no longer needs to return to an earthly life again because all its problems are done away with. The microscope is looking a physical shell but does not see the six or seven increasingly larger fields (bubbles) of energy that surround it. The physical and etheric body are sometimes labeled as two separate bodies, thus the phrase "six or seven bubbles" surround the physical. These fields are the "sub-space" spoken of by the Star Trek explorers. Together with the physical, there are seven energy fields. We on the Earth plane live in the densest layer of all seven, and so we do not acknowledge or "see" the other six layers. We in our reality are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching only our reality, the 3rd dimension, because our physical senses vibrate within the physical or densest level.
I'm not a scientist, I am a student of metaphysics. I study with the ascended masters. They are my teachers. I have learned from them ever since I pierced all seven layers and went into "the light" and exerienced massive changes in consciousness. I was led to rare ascended master books after that, and I've been learning ever since. One ascended master was assigned to me, the Master Djwhal Khul, who I have been channeling all these years. Each master has his or her own unique individuality and therefore can speak from his or her own perspective. Taken all together, their teachings (channelings) are invaluable. They present life in a far more intelligent and wholistic way than our Earthly teachers.
Thru these seven levels or dimensions, we humans can grow and learn if we apply ourselves to the study of the masters. Living in the third dimension, however, is very distracting! There is turmoil, lack, problems every which way, but fortunately we are on the rise. Consciousness is expanding. We are in the third dimension right now, moving into or already into the fourth dimension, and we as a planetary civilization are now on the verge of moving into the fifth dimension. Some of us are already consciously seeing through fifth dimensional eyes, so to speak, meaning, we are peace-lovers. Those of us who are seldom focused or interested in the politics of war or opposing theories that cause friction and stir up negative feedback, are already enjoying the fifth dimensional life.
There are seven levels of consciousness are the seven dimensions of reality. The seven chakras are portals into these dimensions. It is an inner study of ONESELF to gain more information. Each dimension has more space between its electrons.
Electrons are teeny-tiny little intelligent beings of LIGHT that whirl around central cores. These electrons add their light to wherever they are guided to go by higher intelligent beings, creator beings. The universe is filled with these higher intelligences. We are surrounded by them but many of us did not know that in our younger years. We are growing more aware today. These teeny-tiny little spinning electrons EXPAND their orbits around their central cores when the guiding intelligence tells them to expand. We are the guiding intelligence of our own bodies. That is, if we come to understand that we have control over our bodily vehicles. This takes time to learn that this is, in fact, a truth. We DO have control over our bodies cells and tissues. We CAN make changes in our physical bodies.
The more expanded the electrons spread out and increase the size of the orbit as they spin around their central sun, the more light comes into our physical vehicle. We feel it as enthusiasm, excitement, celebration, joy, freedom, exaltation, vigor, health, you name it. Call it anything you like. It is exuberance! Enjoy life more. Let more light into your body. It starts at the cell level. Each of your cells has an expanded or contracted orbit. Too tight an orbit, cuts down the amount of life force that enters your body. Breathe free, as the Master DK advises, and appreciate, send gratitude and thanks-giving to all that you meet and do, and you call in more life force. You provide more space between the electrons.
This space is called "sub-space" in the Star Trek series, an important teaching series for those of us who catch the drift. The seven chakras are portals to higher sub-space or higher dimensions. It is INNER SPACE, not outer space. We can't find it by looking outside with our physical eyes searching the horizon. We have to look INSIDE, with our inner eye and it starts with sitting in stillness and grows as our awareness grows. Then we can use our inner eye when we are in action, too. We start with stillness and use our imagination. We have to imagine it. We have to explore with our imagination. We can be guided. I have been guided. It took many years for me to "get it" but eventually my working at it produced rewards. An inner world began to appear to me. Understanding dawned llittle by little. I had to work at understanding what they were giving me. They were teachers, I was the student. I had to "imagine" what they were trying to explain to me. for I wasn't at their level of understanding.
So, that is why our aura cannot be seen by the naked eye, except on rare occasions. Each little cell is functioning at its own level of vibration. A clairvoyant can sometimes see an auric field. Or Kirlian photography can pick it up on camera. The electrons in our auric field are spinning with wider spaces between them than the electrons in our physical body. Our physical body's electrons are spinning slower, thus creating a denser, more compacted substance that looks and feels solid, but is now, as science can tell us. There are scientific articles showing that the physical substance of our body is not solid, but is energy moving, swirling, changing from particles to waves and back again to particles. Our bodies are constantly in motion, changing even as we stand still and think different thoughts. It is because we ourselves are consciously moving and our attention span does not stop. We are distracted often. Then we are at rest. Then we are moving again. Our attention is the LIGHT within our bodies.
Intelligence is abstract. It does not have form, but this intelligence, this LIGHT of awareness that we carry within the cells of our tissues, can be used to build forms with if we apply ourselves. The closer the electrons spin together, the less space between them and thus, the less intelligence. Does this make sense? The electrons are the intelligence. They are sparks of light within us but they are random and fragmented. It is up to us to give them intelligent direction. They are the sparks of light moving about haphazardly. They require a guiding force to give them direction. Tell them what to do and where to go and what to build. The guiding intelligence is we ourselves. We are the creator force in our bodies. We are the awareness. We are the consciousness. We are the Father. Father is abstract intelligence.
It is the love and light of the creator that lives in us as awareness. Wake it up! It has formed a bubble of seven lights around us that we can expand into to access higher intelligence. I am speaking from my own vantage point now, and unsure if this makes sense. Inner sub-space surrounds us. It is our auric field. We can access it by imagining it as a huge sphere of light. We can fill it in with God's gifts of love, peace, truth, freedom, purity, intelligence and will power. There are techniques to show us how to do this. The inner space that surrounds us (the aura) is greater than the more solid substance that we call our physical body, but it has the potential of increasing our understanding if we tap into it. As we expand into it and "Breathe" into it as the Master DK reminds us. "Breathe free and expand yourself. Let go of tightness in the chest."
To summarize, the third and fourth dimensions are where most of us operate now in 2024. We are moving upward in conscious understanding very quickly. We are ascending in consciousness. We are sharing thru social media and the internet. This is good, not bad, as some say. It is good if you follow your own heart and the good feelings that your heart tells you to follow. Once we enter fifth dimensional consciousness, violence, wars, fears and negativity will not express there. They are not supported there. If an individual still harbors those toxic negative energies in their auric field, then start right now to practice using love, kindness and happy, joyful thoughts. Take the time out in your day to sit and focus on upliftment, betterment and grace.
Create and practice spiritual techniques an hour a day if not more. I usually do four hours a day unless I am called to practical duties. Many of us spend more time in the fifth dimension even now. We do not pay attention to outer conflicts or problems. Caring and nurturing, listening and supporting the positive side of life is our greatest interest. This creates a boundary around us, as the auric fields are filled with higher qualities which block out negatives. Practice, practice, practice the higher values. This is done in a practical way. Not a spiritual way, but following a list of techniques and spending a certain amount of time on each technique. It is done thru will power and determination to succeed. You will notice that even physical problems begin to fade. They may not go away, they may still be there, but they fade from attention. They fall into the background of life and do not cause suffering the way consistent focus on hurt, pain and suffering causes!
4/1/24 - The neutral heart
This is a new perspective on the heart. Just received yesterday. The heart is the most talked about organ in the body. The spiritual masters, all channeled material from higher realms point us to the heart. Go into your heart", they say. And I was told to change the motto on my Anakosha site years ago to "The heart is the new base line." And the religions all say the same thing - Christ is in the heart. Let Christ into your heart. This is very confusing information! How in the world do you do this? These directions are not practical at all!
Well, I had a new insight. A new perspective was given to me. I guess it's just a matter of continuing to plug away at it until you finally knock a hole in the wall and let the information flow thru. This is what I learned yesterday. Not during a "deep meditation" but while I was doing breathing exercises. Coupled with information received prior to yesterday, it all clicked together
The heart is a neutral zone. The spinal column is the elevator shaft over which the abstract information comes down from above us, and the lower Mothe Flame, called Goddess Kundalini or Shakti or Holy Spirit located in the pelvic zone below, GOES UP the spinal column. If you measure between the top of the head and the pelvic zone, the first chakra or tail bone, the heart is precisely half way between them. The Father God comes down, Mother God comes up and they meet in the heart. There are three dimensions below the heart, and three dimensions above the heart. The heart itself is the neutral zone, like the pivot point.
A vital piece of information is this: Father God is unformed intelligence that rules the universe, IS the universe, and Mother God is a piece of Father God placed down there in the pelvic zone, known as the tail bone or root chakra. She is like the emissary of Father God. She represents Father God in the sentient form. This Mother God is known as the divine feminine. She is Mother of all forms. She resides inside the form But not as a physical "thing". She is a thought, a principle, an intelligence - a piece of Father God's intelligence, in the pelvic zone. This piece of Father God's intelligence is unique. It is an individual, separate baby intelligence, with all of Father God's potential within it. BUT, the individual has to discover it for itself. This will take time. It will take lifetimes. Many, many, many lifetimes. And so it grows in awareness and intelligence over many lifetimes because there is a piece of Father God down there in the tail bone. Mankind has searched for it for eons. It has been located by gurus and spiritual teachers. They became masters after they discovered it and shared their discoveries with others. One of the names for it is kundalini. Another name for it is Holy Spirit. Another name for it is Shekinah, Shakti, Mother God. There are other names too.
It is difficult to understand, it is beyond our current human understanding. But higher evolved civilizations have come to know it well. It is known as Light and Love. It is all-knowing information. Light is information and Love is information felt as a feeling. Light is abstract and doesn't have feeling, but when love is born, there is then a feeling, an emotion, an emotion of very high caliber. God in human form can be felt as love but only when it MOVES! If the all-intelligence is not MOVED, that intelligence cannot be felt. Therefore, the purpose of a human being is to take that light and MOVE it. It must be expressed, or put out into some action. It must be shared and seen by someone other than oneself. Otherwise it remains motionless and cannot be shared or felt by anyone else. And, worse, it becomes a drag on the one who locks it up and keeps it all to him/herself.
So we need to share this light as a loving, sharing, caring, acting, moving grace out to other people. To show others this wonderful gift that we have found within us. If we haven't found it yet, then we can't share it. We stay locked up, stagnant, dull, ordinary, growing older and older until we finally die. No. We are meant to share and care and hug each other and collaborate, cojoin, work, play, negotiate, reason with each other. Interact and participate with each other. This is our purpose.
So, now where was I? Well, most people have been told to not express their emotions. That means "Don't show your feelings to other people." We have been programmed and trained to stuff our emotions down inside and not show them. Both the good and the bad emotions. Bad emotions come from stuffing and refusing to share the GOOD emotions. Stuffing good emotions creates feelings of suffocation, tightness of the chest, boredom, loneliness, depression. We are designed to flow and share our inner emotions. That's where we are today: on the brink of learning how to speak out, to talk out our problems with others. It is a new age, a new era we live in. It is time to stop hiding our light under a bushel, as the scripture says. We are God in action and that which has been under lock and key is ready to burst open. There is some confusion going on right now, but look again. Look INSIDE yourself. There is a need to share something. Tell someone. Express something. It is pounding on the door to get out. Let it out! Let it speak. Let it show. Let it be free. We are God in action. God as in a little g. We are the children of Father God and Mother God. We find ourselves by going into the neutral heart.
Oh, yes, we were talking about neutral. It is a neutral zone, the heart is. The center is where all sides are balanced. If you go into the center of a circle you will see all the various differences out there on the edge of the circle. Everyone is different and holds a different history. But in the center of the circle there is a oneness. Everyone has a oneness in them in the center of their circle. The pelvic zone is the Mother Goddess. The crown of the head is where the Father God enters the human vessel thru the crown chakra. The heart is square in the middle between these two parental figures. Father comes down, Mother comes up, and the child is born between their blended love. The child is the individual intelligence born out of the parents. The child has been labeled the "Christ" but it is really an individual. It is a child learning between its father and its mother. So when you go into your heart, you enter a neutral zone where you can make your OWN decisions. It is up to you how you will handle any particular situation or make a choice of which path to follow. Father and Mother guide you if you ask for their guidance, but they always allow you to make your own choices. You have free will to decide what to do in any given moment like a good parent does.
The heart is the neutral point. It is not a special light in the heart. It is simply the center of all the opposing, differences and perspectives of life that are going on around you from other people. When you go into your heart, you walk into the center of your own unique intelligence, your God intelligence. It is a neutral place. Go there often and sit calmly, composed in stillness. Feel your own intelligence - the intelligence that your mother and father gave you. You were birthed from out of them. Out of their love and you are unique. You are a child of their love. You were created in a moment of uniqueness. You have the capacity to make intelligent decisions on your own. You can ask your mother and father for advice, and you will FEEL which way to go. Because love is a feeling. It is not a mental/brain thing. It is a FEELING. Become aware of your feelings. A good feeling is a positive. A bad feeling is a "no-no", better not go that way. It will lead to more bad feelings. Follow the good feelings.
This is a rambling tirade off the top of my head. I will close for now, and edit it later. Bless you. I love you and want to share this latest piece of information. I have learned to go into my heart - not the physical heart - but into the glow that radiates around the heart. Look for the glow. There is a light radiating around the heart. It is etheric. It is a force field of living light around the heart on a higher level. You can see it if you look for it. I have learned to go into the glowing of my heart and sit down on the throne that is there. I own my own heart now and I can ask it questions and make my own decisions. Picture a throne in your heart glow. You can design it any way you like, but be sure to sit on it after you design it. It is meant for you and you alone. You are the one who sits in your heart glow and makes the final decision. Which can be no decision at all. You are not required to make a decision but to only feel yourself breathing and knowing that you are a child of your God parents still learning, still breathing, still enjoying life.
3/31/24 - Resurrecting White Tantra
Today is Easter Sunday and a time for resurrection and joy. We will not be attending any church services ourselves but we (I) send blessings and joy to all who are inspired, whether a church goer or not. As I continue researching past journals which speak of resurrecting the vitality and spirit of the body through internal exercises, I am being led back into the concept of Tantra.
Ten years ago I wrote a lot about Tantra. As I re-read these old journals I realize that I have lost a most important connection in my internal exercisees. I've been distracted by the outer world of other people. My main interest is internal connections. Love, and how love has become distorted, confused, angry, rebellious, argumentative and hurt. The Tantric approach is the weaving and blending together of opposite and outside disturbing approaches. The Master DK (Ascended Master Djwhal Khul) has been teaching me for nearly 50 years after my OBE. I have been writing his words down to save them. They are my journals. There are many words recorded. Sometimes I don't know if it is HE who is speaking the words in my mind or if it is my own consciousness. It is like a blend of knowledge that is becoming deeper and more refined, more subtle, more transparent, so "oneness" oriented. It's becoming so blended it is difficult to know who is speaking. The information simply appears as the "who" disappears. Separation disappears.
And yet the knowledge remains that I am still me. I know more who and what I am. I don't disappear. I seem to have gained more of myself. I'm just blended with more knowledge now. In fact, I reconnected with my old personality from back in the 1980's when I was hosting parties with my late husband. I was so open-hearted, free and easy back then and very caring and loving. Versus today feeling alone and isolated and disconnected from everyone else. At least that's how I feel. As I reconnect and feel the incoming presence of my long lost self from the old days again, I feel like revisiting that time line. The parties were so much fun. I discussed it with Doug and he is all for it. So perhaps an invitation will be going out soon to special friends. If the connection still holds to the freedom-seeker within me. I am a freedom-seeker, a joy-seeker of free love. Love and freedom go hand in hand. The pure love is free. It is warm and inviting and free. Love in the current day and age has unfortunately become a closed loop and only sex let's it out for a little while. If only we could get out of the closed loop that fixes attention on problems instead of free joyful love. For example, this 10-year-old journal which I found yesterday. It reminds me of the love that is within all of us, in everyone's body cells, but which is being held down under various locks and keys called rules and cultural beliefs in "right and wrong", religious shame, guilt, anger, jealousy, depression, loneliness, fear and - well, you name it. This is a reminder of the love that we could access if we gave it a chance.
"The aim of Tantric yoga is to restrain the passion but not subdue it. To weave it and work it up from the lower body, up through the awakening nadis [etheric nerves] to the heart and higher. The love of Shakti, the female, to make love is tempting to Shiva, the intellectual mind who seeks not to give in. The goal is oneness, to bring Shakti up from the lower realms to the heart, and Shiva to descend down from the higher realms to the heart where they may join together [in the neutral zone] and bathe in the secret embrace of universal power loving itself. The universal love is ever flowing but branching off into habitual patterns that we have learned from infancy, and therefore either predominantly male or predominantly female. Tantra is the pathway to bring these two tendencies into equal balance.
"The only way to bathe in the secret flow is to cease all movement in the mind and all movement in the feelings and all movement in the body, which requires the preparation of a just-right setting and atmosphere. We create a time and place to practice and determine to sit in silence every day. Without this practice the positive and negative poles continue to flow along the habitual rut and play the same routine over and over, playing the same games of control and manipulation every day in every situation so that we never seem to grow beyond them."
Perhaps I will revisit the couples swinging lifestyle with a new attitude - a Tantric attitude. Wouldn't that be a fun way to move forward and break out of these doldrums of stagnation? Is there anyone out there who would like to join me?
3/28/24 - The super powers released during exercise
What awaits you within is amazing! These thoughts came to me during this morning's exercise routine. Each morning new revelations occur when I exercise. Exercise is generally not heavy, but it IS routine. It has to be routine in order to work. A consistent routine of moving body parts is what pushes the envelope. Not the surface envelope or outer physical obvious part of me, but the inner parts as well – the tissues, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs. These are activated and pressured to pick up their rate of speed when I exercise.
The particles of light are speeded up. Electrons move faster around their central core because there is direction being sent to them. I am conscious of sending direction: “Move, muscles!” Or while doing the fire breath I am focusing on the deep inner muscles of respiration. I speak to them by paying conscious attention. Before exercising, they were traveling at old speeds, fixed and stable and comfortable, so everyone around me was used to me being a certain “way”, sending out a certain "frequency". Like the 55 mph road signs that keep cars moving at the same rate of speed, so did my body send out a certain rate of frequency. Everyone conforms to the speed limit when they drive their cars. so they all move along at the same pace. The rules are laws and therefore well established and obeyed. The same holds true in human beings. The same rate of speed of the electrons in a person’s body runs at the same speed day in and day out. But no one ever taught us that. I have learned this from the Masters over the years. They have guided me deeper and deeper into the subterranean levels of my own being.
The particles of light are the life force that keeps me breathing and living. They whirl around the central core of the atom which is stable, and they pick up speed, and lower speed, according to moods and other factors in life. So, when I start a new exercise routine, my body feels it. Maybe it triggers a pain or an ache, but if I continue going with it, my body adapts. I either press on with the routine or I quit because it's uncomfortable. Continuing the routine causes the body to grow stronger. It adapts. I adapt. It takes a little time, but the light in the cells DO turn on and turn up. These little lights called electrons gain speed and change the frequency, like moving to 70 mph instead of 55 on the highway. And other light particles join in with those nearby. They like it! They want to form new patterns together. It’s exciting to them. They are renewing their energies, feeling enthusiastic. On the surface level I feel excited and good with myself after exercising. Actually lit's the light in me that feels good but I don't know that. I just think it's me. I am revving up inside and it feels good.
But it is like training a dog or a horse, it takes consistency also for training the little electrons, the sub-atomic particles of life force inside the cells of the body, and they are everywhere. Those little particles of light are what makes the body live and move, breathe and receive cosmic energy from the sun, wind and earth. Where the electrons were bored before I started an exercise routine, they were slow and sluggish and running at a random up-down, active-inactive manner, and probably going to sleep during the bored stagnant inactive priods. Does the body go to sleep? Yes, of course it does, when we are dumbed down and sluggish. But when I start moving with exercise routinely, I start feeling more alive and awake. My body starts picking up speed and feels more enthusiastic and vigorous.
The routine of every day or every other day, some form of consistent routine is important, otherwise the little electrons fall back into their pre-assigned place from many years of habit. They need to have a permanent NEW routine to increase their speed. They literally need to be “trained” like any other pet animal. Our body is a living pet or partner to us, and we need to cultivate it. With exercise routines, cross-currents start to happen, sparks here there jumping around and start hooking up, joining hands, start twinkling and dancing together with each other. Just imagine. Electrons are conscious entities, so the Masters tell us. I have a wonderful book by the Masters on my shelves here. Ask me and I'll give you the title and where to find it. But for right now, I am downloading lots of new ideas and having a difficult time writing it all down. For that's my role right now - sharing this information.
It occurred to me this morning just how busy I have been trying to "capture" this deeper information. Whenever I start exercising my physical body, both on outer levels of muscles and inner levels of glandular tissues, I start thoughts moving. A feeling here and another sensation there, they flash and twinkle, sometimes an old memory pops up with a newer realization. Old stagnant energies I didn't know I had, are moving where they were stuck before in a monotone, the same, day in and day out. Now, with new exercise changes happening, and they DO happen because they ask to change. They propose new adaptations themselves. It's an inner awakening. A quickening is taking place. Revelations deepen, they simply go deeper into vaster spaces so I see more. These start surfacing. The conscious mind starts getting downloads. What to do with these downloads of revelations? How does one proceed?
I was having difficulty for awhile because I relied so much on simply following spontaneity, inner instincts. Ever since kundalini awakened years ago I learned to listen to natural instinct - the inner wind that starts flowing whenever I think of it and ask it. Then an inner movement of sweet bliss begins. It has been my greatest guiding light and so I learned to follow that. However, I was led to start using my mind to change some of my ways of life. I was guided to "pick up speed". As I followed that advice I needed to assert more control. It was difficult for me to assert mental control over what had become an easy, spontaneous, free-flow life. But I listened and I began to test the waters of mental control and will power. This has led me to become more of an energy worker, an energy healer of my own body. Now I follow inner the super power as it tells me what to do and when. I have learned that I, my brain mind, is not the controller of this body. My mind doesn't know how life works in me. My BODY does a much better job of running my life, and nurturing my good feelings (my soul).
These natural, spontaneous inner urges, feelings, sensations, are very warm and comforting. I have learned to trust them. They are natural feelings. Very, very natural. Like a child has natural feelings to run and play, so do I. But as an adult I have to play by the outer rules too, so I can get along with everyone else. But, still. The natural innocence of childhood lives within me, and it is THIS that I would like to tell the world about. It is called Mother Kundalini in my book. It is also called Shekinah, or the holy spirit in other books. There are many names for it. I haven't made a study of the different names, but it is the life force. So, over the years I have fluctuated between following the inner wind of the inner kundalini current, and asserting mental control as a mature adult, both as a way of conforming with the world around me, and also for advancing my own study and research, for there is more to learn. There is ALWAYS more to learn about oneself. We never stop growing or learning how to do something better, more efficient, more advanced, more intelligent, more abundant, more joyful, more sweet, or loving, or trusting, or helpful.
We must live with other people and it’s important to stay abreast of those I live with. So it has been disconcerting for me to know exactly how much I should follow natural instinct and to question "Is this natural or this a fantasy?" The inner instinct can be detected by the whiff of joy. There is always joy in the natural instinct. Joy is the number one quality to look for. If it lacks joy or enthusiasm or excitement, then it's not natural. It's something less than natural. This natural joy can be detected during many different moments of the day and night. It is worth paying attention to one such moment of joy and excitement. It is how the pure and innocent soul speaks to the outer shell of the body and brain mind. We have been educated to ignore it, to put a lid on it because it's not "adult" to be so joyful or so in love with life and so eager. We have been "properly educated" to put on a face and stuff any natural tendencies down below the surface so others can't see it.
It's time we got this natural teaching of kundalini out into the open, where people can start researching for themselves, with their own bodies, minds and exercise routines. Have faith. The little child will lead you, so the great one said. The little children don't ask. They simply do - until the parents smack them down. Until them the children are innocent. Their natural instinct are good. They follow what feels good. Let the little child feelings lead you. They will lead an adult to bliss, to love, to ecstasy, to rapture and heavenly experiences, PLUS at the same time they strengthen and empower the mind and body by clearing away toxins that have built up and built up and built up and we don't realize just how much toxicity and stagnation we are holding inside our tissues. "The issues are in the tissues", the massage therapists claim. And so we will be learning more and more about Mother Kundalini as time goes on. It is time. The super power is Mother Kundalini, not the devil as religion has claimed. She is locked into the cells of the body as the life force, as the light force. And the webof life is like a webbing of light, of crystalline light that runs all through the body on subatomic levels.
3/26/24 - I see a workshop coming soon to discuss Kundalini
Reading old journals from 10 years ago it showed that on that particular morning I made a conscious decision to do the inner kundalini movements rather than regular disciplines. I had stopped doing the inner wind movements and had shifted to more regular, controlled exercises. So on that day I gave into the inner wind the way I used to. I am researching and discovering new excitement about revisiting kundalini. As I did the inner movements that day, 10 years ago, I rediscovered, remembered, the joy that came withit. There was a soft, pleasing, warmth that wafted thru me and I moved with the inner current, waiting for the “fuzzies” to appear. They did. It feels as if my hands are surrounded by cotton. Then a voice started talking to me, perhaps DK, perhaps Mother Kundalini, I suspect DK. I wrote it down. I'll suspect I'll be starting a workshop soon to introduce this amazing mysterious inner power. I've waited a long time, I'll wait until the spirit moves me stronger way.
(DK:) "Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body. It has a purpose. One does not know the purpose because it is another mind, not your own. You can’t read it but you can work with it and communicate with it. It has your own best interests at heart. It is here to serve life, not you in your mortal form, but the life that is trying to blossom in you. It is trying to push the stones and rocks and roots out of the way so it can pierce through the top soil into the light of day. Like a seed that is sprouting from within. Your body has grown old and tired and dense with pollution and poisons. Your belief system is also blocked with walls and limits on what you believe, and rigid thinking of “my way is the right way”. Kundalini is pushing those rigid beliefs out of the way. If you struggle and resist you feel pain. The advice is to yield, surrender, even if you are afraid and don’t understand, yet you must open yourself to this expansion that is going on. Open to this inner sensation the way you would open to a lover. The sensation is expansive, light and buoyant, and blissful and you can feel every cell as if your cells are each one waking up and signaling they are awake. Expanding and pushing outward through the cell walls, as if something is growing larger from inside them and the cell wall is feeling the pressure to expand and open. If you were a seed you would burst your shell and grow a little shoot to grow up through the soil.
"This is a real power. You can feel it pressing on your physical cells and you have no clue what it is. It is disturbing to one who does not know these things. It is another part of you that is being born. You do not know this part yet but you will. You should be aware of it before it happens, to be prepared for it. It is a larger intelligence and a larger power. It is both mental and feeling. You can talk to it silently or out loud, mind to mind. And you should. If you don’t, it will expand arbitrarily through your body and leave you in its wake, not knowing, no clue. Stay with it. Agree to it. Ride with it. Yield to it consciously. Say, “Yes, I will go with you. Teach me.” Don’t be left behind. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed by how big it is. It’s greater than you. Keep up with it. Work with it. When you talk with it it will answer and listen to you. But if you don’t talk to it it will carry on without you. It will give you guidance, like to go to a certain area for calmness, or what foods to eat, or what drinks, or when to get up and when to sleep. To show you what you need to do to connect with it. It is a power moving in your body. Talk to it as if it were a friend on the outside of you and you need to communicate with this person who has a different mind than yours. But this friend is on the inside and it is the unborn part you. You are being born a second time now. You are being born again."
I started doing the inner wind movements again several days ago. They look like Tai Chi movements. Wow! I haven't done them for years and years. Doing them again is amazing. Yesterday out in the pasture barefoot I sang light language as I did them for an hour. Afterwards I was more solidly "home" inside my body than ever. Wow! I wish to share with you. With those who are interested. Perhaps only a few. I am writing spontaneously, now, off the top of my head (smile!)
3/23/24 - The life force of aliveness - stay excited!
Don’t hold back. Life with a capital L is the aliveness in you. Keep it loving. It will take you into rest periods. It’s not the staying physically busy or active. No. It is staying ALIVE. Let life flow. Let LIFE flow in you and through you, keeping you alive. The LIFE in you is the excitement that keeps you alive, the creativity in you, keeps you enthusiastic about living. When you are ALIVE you are excited to be alive, whether you are resting or moving or working or sitting and talking or reading, it is being ALIVE that is your fun. You want to stay excited and enthusiastic whether you’re lying still and relaxing or moving about. Find that LIFE in you . Notice when it is there, and when it is gone. Stay in the aliveness of life. Keep it active whether you are resting or moving. LIFE is LIFE, not dead or dull.
Impatience is the gremlin in the works. Don’t project ahead of yourself. Stay in the moment, stay in the center of the moment, the center of the spine vertically, or center of your heart horizontally. The downfall of man is feeling SO good, SO alive, SO real, that he jumps ahead of himself and gets impatient to get to – where? Where is he going? He is not “going” anywhere. That is the problem. He is leaving his aliveness when he projects away from himself, out in front of himself, or behind himself thru remembering the past. Aliveness is here in the moment of action, He gets impatient, Impatience cuts the connection to the life force of aliveness. Don’t disconnect. (Thoughts from DK)
3/22/24 - Balancing masculine & feminine tendencies
This was an inspired automatic writing one morning in 2022. It is worthy of reposting. As a submissive feminine trying to strengthen my masculine assertive side, I appreciated this message from my higher self.
The masculine way is to focus and press. The feminine way is to receive, remain open, and be spontaneous. Men shut out extraneous thoughts and influences to get the job done. He has an objective and a goal. He strives for the end result. The feminine opens to all and everything in order to connect and pull in everything that belongs to her and enhances her vibrational level of life, whatever it is. She allows it. She doesn’t want to exclude anything because she doesn’t know what will enhance her. This automatically draws to her what she needs and wants and repels what she doesn’t need or want. The two opposite approaches to life and living, often causes friction. It’s been a journey of trying to find balance with the others we live with. I used to think my way was the best way but thru the swinging experience of yielding to ALL men, even those I didn’t like, and too soon, I learned that by being so totally open I allowed myself to surrender my own inner discretion and discernment. I lost the ability to feel what is right and what is wrong. I accepted ALL men and they all left a mark on my energy field so I ended up confused, frustrated and on the edge of hating men.
The planet Earth has been a male world for centuries, I don’t know when it all began. This allowed the evil doers to come and take control of human lives. Because, without the balancing love and spontaneous freedom and happiness of the feminine, evil will always take over the masculine focus through logic. The universe functions on balance, equal balance between contraction, or fixed focus, and expansion, or loose freedom. Today a new era is dawning, the age of Aquarius, where love rules the stars. Think “grace, graceful”, and bending and blending. For the men it is time to lighten up and pay attention to the feminine approach, take on and try out some of the feminine approaches. And for the women it is time to learn to focus their attention onto an end result, create an agenda, a plan of action, be pro-active.
It is time for the male souls to step down from leadership and bend and blend with their feminine counterparts as equals. To listen to their ideas and notice how they approach things. It is not meant for them to give up their approach but to expand and blend their approach with some of the feminine approaches. It is a mix of both feminine and masculine that creates balance. Think “grace”, “dignity” to help find the right angle of approach. Or you could say the exact right degree of sensitivity. It is a meld of both approaches. There are signs that you are improving your approach. A yawn for example. Notice when you yawn or take a sudden deep breath. These are two signs signaling a switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system which controls rest and relax. As a person consciously relaxes their strict hard-lined focus, they expand their consciousness deeper into subconscious or unconscious areas, called the parasympathetic nervous system. The entire bodily structure of mental, emotional and unnamed other forces hidden within the body, relax and adjust, balance and align, meld and blend into more of a wholeness. Tears may be felt gathering as heart-felt emotions are stirred. Yay! It’s a good sign! Go for it. Don’t shut it off!
The women who are too soft, too feminine, too open and too yielding, have an opposite job to do. They need to harden their focus and create an agenda for themselves. It is as hard for a woman to do this, as it is for a man to do the opposite. Living together as a couple of opposites requires sensitivity. It is best to cultivate inner discernment. Notice body habits. Care for one another. Help each other to find inner balance. Inner balance is the sacred work. Nobody can do it for you. You can’t do it for another. Only love will help. Trying to tell our partner what to do “better” just creates guilt and adds to their low self esteem. They’ll put up resistance subconsciously. They’ll build a shell so they can’t be hurt more than they have been. Instead, help each other with silent acts of kindness, caring and ALWAYS with wisdom. Notice. Be aware. I notice that my husband yawns sometimes when we are discussing a meaningful topic. He yawns repeatedly when he hits the maximum point, and I know it is time to bring the conversation to an end without telling him why. I am aware of this subconscious response in him. There is no more need to explain or keep talking. I just slow down and come to an end. His yawn communicated to me without words that he had reached his maximum level of expansion. Enough!
His normal and natural nature is primal man, and shuts me off with sharp words if he’s not in a receptive mood. It is an automatic reaction to interruption of his flow. He doesn’t intend to bark at me and apologizes later, or he just keeps moving on past me to continue with what he was doing, usually in a noticeable huff. I might as well stop talking mid-sentence, he won’t even notice and doesn’t. He is on automatic response. I have learned to be aware, and over time, sensitive. And also to be kind and gentle. I have learned a lot about a man’s nature by spending 28 years living with him. Wives are much better at noticing than husbands are, although there are a growing number of men who are becoming self aware and wise about women. When he’s not in the mood to pause what he’s doing, his body language tells me but it takes sensitivity on my part to be careful. Many women may not agree or understand this. Then it is up to the man to become acutely aware of his wife’s focused resistance, caused from low self-esteem and self-awareness. She has put up a wall to defend herself from being hurt.
3/17/24 - You are a rare jewel walking the Earth
Realize that you are standing alone here and are rare. No one else is at this place with you. You are unique. One of a kind. No one else has your history or memories or feelings or thoughts as you. Nor can they. They have their own history, memories, feelings and thoughts. They cannot string YOUR thoughts and feelings together in the same manner that you do. You are a creator force all by yourself and this is your soul journey. You are a soul first and foremost. One that has lived many lives before this one. It is a private journey of discovery that you are on, this self-awareness journey. You cannot explain it to someone else in words, but you can communicate in thought, attitude and action. Be kind and understanding if others do not agree or understand you. Give them space to grow into their own awareness. Be kind and respectful, patient and graceful.
This is the purpose of your experience here in a body of flesh and blood, fun and adventure. You are here to create a more efficient, loving, happy Earth life. A beautiful, comfortable, intelligently managed Earth life. First for yourself and secondly for those with whom you live. It is MORE important that you care for your own health, harmony and comfort first so that you buid a solid foundation from which to work outward. If you deplete your own storehouse of power and fuel, you will be unable to radiate health, harmony and intelligence to others. Make life comfortable for yourself first, within, quietlly, without complaining. Then radiate it out around you in your daily and hourly life. This is the love and comfort from Home. Share it as you build it. If you build it they will come closer to you and you will feel the warmth and security of closer friendship.
You are a jewel, a gem, a diamond, walking on the Earth. Do not expect others to know the things you know. Do not expect them to come to the same conclusion that you arrive at. They are on their own journey. However, in every heart there burns a flame from Home, from the Allness which everyone carries within. You are one in your Heart. Each one is on his or her own discovery process of that one Heart that burns within every Heart, All are connected within a solid, rigid, flesh and blood body, They too are trying to figure it out.
The best you can do to help others is to simply and lovingly reflect goodness, love, kindness and patience in all situations, all circumstances, no matter how it appears to you. Hold onto that love from Home. Be a steady and persistent anchor for love, light and understanding. Be that love and light in all that you do. Be the best that you can be. That is the harvest you will take with you when you leave this earth plane. (Thoughts from DK)
3/16/24 - The twin flames of Kundalini
One morning several years ago I came awake from far, far away, hearing words that were so far away that I didn’t have the strength or presence to reach for a pen. I am reading thru my journals now, sifting for the more precious experiences for my planned book. I was just aware of an understanding – an understanding before there were words. I understood that the old SSG project of teaching, counseling and holding gatherings for couples during Bob's lifetime, before I met Doug, was about to enter phase two. I am with Doug now, and the expansion of the sex project which I have been chasing down, the understanding of what sex is, and what forces drive it - the kundalini and what that is all about - this is for couples who have a relationship. It is not for the singles who are on a different emotional and spiritual path. When two people couple up, then they are on a different path. So what I’ve been chasing down here through old journals, is about the sex force. About the Mother force. As DK wrote long ago, the nature of sex is love and more. It’s the “more” now that I’m working on compiling, composing and putting together articles that I myself have written, that make sense.
It is difficult to put it into words. But this was me waking up hearing this or knowing this. Then, during exercises that morning, as I wrote about it, I became aware that the two currents that flow through me, the two pilot flames that I saw in 1981 at the base of the spine that I continue to return to as a base foundation, are the magnetism and the electrifying currents. The female current is the magnetic current – a stillness - and the male current is the electrifying current - a fire that burns. I stopped to consider this and impulsively started writing a new mantra: "I love my spirituality, I love my physicality, I am the shell, You are the Person. I am you, you are me, we are One." And then I received a channeling from DK. I will post that channeled message in his online book. You can read it HERE.
3/13/24 - What is an initiation?
An initiation is when you go thru something that you don’t like but you stick with it until you can't go any further and you go, “ARRRGGGHHHHH!” and start pulling your hair out. You’re in danger of running away from that situation or exploding on the spot which you’ll regret later. An initiation is one where you don’t run and you don't explode. You stick with it and gain control over your emotions. I had such a feeling the other night while Doug listened to a fiery political speech. I wanted to leave and felt deep turmoil and conflict, because I hate the incessant political speeches. I was getting ready to explode, but instead I stayed with it and remained quiet. What I learned later was this:
By staying with a situation you don’t like you allow your inner self to receive what that situation (or personal) had to offer. You allow yourself to receive more of it. You expand your tolerance level. It is a step in the right direction, tho I realize many who read this may not agree with me. But this is a higher consciousness lesson. As you allow yourself to receive input which you normally don't like, you are giving it validity. You are giving it the right to exist alongside you. You are giving it the right to express itself, the right to BE and the right to live. It is a kindness and it is a grace.
You expand your boundaries of intolerance. You allow your antipathy to melt a little more. That “other” has a right to express too, just as you have the right to express YOUR self. It is a personal choice to allow yourself to expand to a larger acceptance or to fight and even commit a violent act. Which is the right way for you to go? It is a choice, and an opportunity to advance yourself. It is a test of your ability to be a better person. It is an evolution opportunity for your soul. By allowing yourself to listen while at the same time keeping your emotions under control, something in you merges with that other, which you hated before, whatever or whoever it is. By allowing it room, space, near you, in your presence, you bring yourself one step closer to source, to kindness, to love, to unity, to peace and the Oneness from which we ALL call Home. Nirvana. Heaven. It is a step towards the higher you. As more of your higher self moves into place within you, you became a more whole person inside. More complete. You feel better about yourself. You might think of that the next time you feel a hated situation arise within.
Human beings have limited themselves by forming judgments and intolerances. It has been the way of the world, although we are currently going thru a change in atmosphere and a new world is arising. There are new energies in the air which are causing doubts and confusions. Forming judgments against others has been the cause of much suffering and wars in the past. We are now being confronted with options. The new energies are giving us pause to think about this. When a human being makes judgments against another, it limits oneself. It is oneSELF that one must consider first and foremost. By opposing another form of life we oppose our SELF, for we are all One entity in our heart of hearts. Most of us are unaware of that fact but the same life force resides in our physical cells as resides in every other person. We just don't know about it yet. We will. In time. We are on an evolutionary path toward higher consciousness as we speak.
When we oppose and create a resisting judgment force against someone else, we are causing a separation within our own inner life force. This separation is how human beings have been living for eons. We maintain strict judgments against that which we deem intolerable. That is how the human condition has maintained such a low level of painful existence for eons. Between suffering, lack, being unhappy, feeling lonely, isolated, often depressed which causes chronic illness - this division between ourselves and others is done thru shutting down our OWN life force deep within. Our most wonderful, precious beautiful happy joyful FREE life force that is the divinity within every cell. The lack is maintained by not loving and allowing others to have their space. This is the greatest cause of stress and tension.
We are LIFE! We carry divinity within every physical cell. The teachings of the Master Djwhal Khul has been guiding me for 48 years and I have been slowly understanding what he means. The same life force lives in every cell of MY body as lives in my neighbors, family and friends. When I make a judgment against someone - anything less than kindness and acceptance - if I see them as anything less I am hurting myself first of all. They get the hurt only secondarily, after me. I am the first one to feel the hatred and anger which causes the separation. This judgment causes me to be divided against myself. Against MYSELF! It is THIS that causes the feelings of loneliness and of being shut down. When I experience anger at someone else, it is only ME I am being angry with. I am doing it to myself. That is what I learned about myself with the fiery political speech. It is not the outer circumstance or person that is to blame. It is me. It is my own rigidity and intolerance. In that moment while listening to the fiery speech and hating it so much, factors set in which caused me to stick with it and not close down. It was a switch in my normal response. The information was allowed in. Just a little more than usual, and my feelings softened. It was done thru simple exposure. I didn’t have to do a lot of mental calculating or thinking - just allowing a little time of exposure. Allowing myself to fuse with it. It expanded me. I had a revelation the next day. I am having lots of revelations these days. I was shown the other side of the equation, my selfish equation. It has been all about "me". Very selfish. Allowing time to listen to someone else is an opportunity for change. I will be more aware in the future. I had a lesson in Oneness, tolerance and grace, tho I didn’t feel very graceful at the time. But lessons come with turmoil and conflict. We just have to live thru it to get to the other side. Live thru it without erupting, while considering. Considering what is going on within yourself. The soul is feeding some new influences. They are subtle. Watch for them. Your consciousness is expanding its rigid hard lines.
I had another heated situation recently brought to my attention. My husband was angry with me for not taking my pills - I was trying to wean myself off of them - and he had had enough of me complaining. He became suddenly explosive and angry with me. Once again I was about to argue back but his anger shocked me as I listened to his outburst. I changed my thoughts to love. I didn't want him to be so tormented. He was more important to me than the pills. I felt this switch at first within myself. A shot of caring for him surge thru me. I went to my husband and sat next to him and took his hand and kissed him on the cheek. I expressed my love and appreciation for him and said, “Yes, I will take the pills, I know you want to help me.” And I truly meant it and I am grateful for his caring. I felt that emotion of love deeply. And that feeling - you know the feeling how tears start to come up in your eyes? Yes, I felt that. I was swept with that emotion of not wanting to resist him. I wanted to join with him and make peace and be happy with him. How powerful love can be when it sweeps thru you like that. And how fast it can change your thought from anger to softening and agreeing and loving acceptance. It is such a powerful thing and without it, resistance, torment and frustration continue, even to the point of violence in some cases. So now I am taking the pills prescribed now because there is a time and place for all things. I will wean from them over time. Meanwhile I have become a bigger person, a better person within myself. I am pleased with my decision. The pills are such a small thing. Our relationship and love is the bigger part of my life.. I must expand my selfish boundaries if I want to enjoy the love and peace that I now do within my home. It is not a sacrifice that I make, it is a gift from the stars. A larger part of me has been born. Love is the most powerful tool in the universe.
I encourage all who read this to know this for a fact. Consider love as an alternative response to hated situations. Raise your thoughts to higher grounds of acceptance. By staying in the presence of that which bothers you instead of running away – this is a precious opportunity to grow. Butting up against a wall with no alternative – soften. Relax, Use love as the powerful force that it is. I cut and ran from my family years ago, during a dark night of the soul situation. I wish I had known then what I know now. But it is only thru life experience that we grow into bigger and better people and conquer those darker portions of the psyche that we can’t see. Allow a little time to soften the restriction, like the myofascial release therapist did on me Monday this week. It was amazing what I felt after he finished melting trigger points in my hip. Allow enough time for your precious life force to seep out into your outer life and mind. It is a test of the soul.
3/9/24 - Empowerment - What is it?
You don’t want to empower your outer self. OMG! That has been empowered enough! Everyone has too big a personal ego which is full of its own mistakes and doubts. You’ve empowered THAT enough. No. Your empowerment - true empowerment, real empowerment, comes from empowering your REAL self, your DIVINE self, your GOD self, which is really, really, really you, all the way through and through. You as a human being, not as a fake human being but a REAL human being direct from the heart of the Godhead. You are a beautiful extraordinary exquisite and perfect human being, called the crystal light being IN FORM!
Your real dreams, your real truth, your real will power, your real strength, your courage, your determination, your intelligence, your wisdom, your discernment, your ideas, your intuitions, your love, your true inner love for and with yourself, your belief in yourself, your strength and determination to believe in yourself so strongly that you can say it out loud to others - your opinions. Your opinions matter. Your thoughts on subject matters. It has been missing from the scene, Your purity and perfection uncompromised has been missing, not allowing someone else’s opinion to supersede and bury your opinion. Hold to your opinion strong, not rigid or inflexible, but firmly with kindness, with heart, with honesty, with sensitivity to others, with genuine caring for yourself and others. You are not pushing because you don’t have to push when you are centered in your own ball park. This is your territory when you empower your REAL self. Be your REAL self in all ways, no matter what you are engaging in.
You have seven qualities. All seven qualities are to be expressed through your living actions. This is how you empower yourself because these seven qualities are GOOD qualities, God qualities. Bring them forth into your life and action. You will be a queen, a noble or a king and a noble. These seven qualities are your empowerment. They are the seven chakras but they are not merely words, they are attributes, qualities, colors, tones, sounds.
They have been defined by DK in his books and teachings as: will power (blue), intelligence (gold), love (pink), purity (white), truth (green), peace (ruby), freedom (violet). And underneath these main categories comes other words that are subtle innuendos, describing the beautiful nature of human beings. BLUE: will power, strength, courage, determination. GOLD: enlightened intelligence, wisdom & discernment. PINK: unconditional love, reverence, adoration, devotion. WHITE: purity, perfection, the immaculate conception. GREEN: truth, science, healing. RUBY: peace, comfort, ministration. VIOLET: freedom, mercy, forgiveness, compassion. These are what empower you. These are the qualities we are to express through our daily actions, thoughts and intentions.
During this morning's meditation I was told - The power of rituals and ceremonies comes from being fully present. Make everything you do a ritual and ceremony. You already have your morning rituals when you wake up, but you are not fully present and they become mundane. When fully present, they become holy. Work with the seven rays. Your holy energy is moved by intention and then by thought. You don’t have to feel energy in order to move it. You have to intend it first. Then hold the thought on it for that becomes the direction of intention. In the morning intend to set your intentions and then thought.
3/7/24 - We are in a physical ascension process
Someone wrote recently asking me if I had days feeling weird, like almost artificial, like something is off, like everything is different yet it all looks the same. But something is off and you can't put yur finger on it. This is what I wrote back. I won't bother editing it or rephrasing it. It's simply the truth.
"The articles I read all say the same thing. It's the ascension symptoms. Are you familiar with that word? Do you read articles pertaining to it? We are globally moving to higher, lighter, density levels which is why we feel "weird" or "off", not real, different but the same. They say this is the FIRST time ever that physical sentient beings are going through the ascension process without dying. We are living through this process and we have a lot of help from higher level beings. Both Ascended, angelic and galactic. We are all experiencing these weird feelings but a lot of people probably don't know, and may be keeping it to themselves, thinking there is something wrong with them. I have no idea who is aware of the ascension process. My husband isn't and he doesn't like to talk about it. So who is aware? I don't know.
"People are afraid of saying something that will make them look crazy. That's why I'm writing on my website. Moving to higher levels of consciousness, means the older levels of beliefs and traditional ways of doing things are breaking up and fading from our awareness. That leaves - what? What else is there to continue breathing and remaining conscious? Most people think that when their minds go, it means death. No, it doesn't. There is more life in you than you know. The dizziness I experience started when, after upgrading a mantra to higher levels, two hours later I couldn't breathe. Had to go to hospital. Get on pills. My heart wasn't prepared physically. I didn't know, I did it all alone, by myself, no teacher. Plus I was in my early 80's so my body was already aging, along with ascension symptoms. Younger people shouldn't have this type of problem, BUT - big but here - there is eternal light in the cells.
"The body is supported by a life force that is not physical [but is in the physical cells]. This light can be accessed and vitality can be increased. Strength can be increased. Love can be increased. Understanding, wisdom, peace, riches, happiness - can all be increased once you access the light in your own body cells. This was taught in ages past in mystery schools. Once accessed thru conscious spiritual practices, the life force increases your understanding why you're here. One becomes more at peace within themself. You can regenerate your body, no matter what age, and purify the brain of confusion. The light in your own cells of your own body brings clarity thru daily practice. I've discovered this little by little, which is why I write and share it. But it is a private thing, one does it alone, not in group because everyone is on their own individual soul journey. The trick is to not listen to other people's advice (like mine!) but to follow your own heart's light.
"It's truly amazing how much strength and vitality you can generate thru certain practices - physical practices. It's not what religion tries to tell us. It's not holy or perfect - this is a natural and normal evolution of learning about ourselves. We have all been led down a false trail by religion which put spirituality and God on a pedestal. God is not on a pedestal or a throne. God is in the people, in their hearts and bodies, enjoying the physical "rush". We were separated from our own nature."
3/5/24 - The profound importance of connecting with the physical body
One morning recently as I was cuddling with Doug, I felt once again that old familiar feeling of bliss-type love deep inside, all over. We had not had sex. We were just quietly wrapped close together. THIS is what drives me onward. THIS is the ultimate goal - to merge and marry the divine with the human. It is an amazing feeling. I feel the love in me wanting to connect even DEEPER with the love that is in him, yet I am aware that there is further cultivation to do for me, for myself. We humans on the earth plane are still caught in the lowest, densest parts of us, caught in the ambiguity and confusion of the physical sensations. I asked my guidance (DK) for an answer to my question, “Why do I feel cut in half?" It’s at the level of the diaphragm. I have been feeling this a long time now. I thought maybe there was something wrong in me physically. And I was told...
“Your body is trying to show you that you are made of two substances – spiritual and of the earth. One is the old and incomplete yet, the other is eternal and forever. You are spirit living temporarily in a form body which imprisons you. You can feel the sensation in your lower body as deadening, dull, the tendency to die, the end of life energies, as you call it. But the upper part of your body is on fire, as you say, you are inspired, enthused, awake, aware and allowing for the best and the positive. You are pulling on the lower energies. Your body is showing you this. There is love-light particles in your lower body, in your physical body, and there is love-light particles in your upper body, your spiritual body. You are trying to make sense of it. You are trying to “fix” your body. Don’t “fix” it. Celebrate it. Enjoy it. Be in love with all of your life.
“Let reality govern your every thought. It is the positive. Stay always in the positive and you will call your diamonds [light in the cells] home. Your atoms, your atomic particles are full of love-light. You are home when you are in love-light. Yes, the sex is the problem. You have known this for many years and have tried to write about it, define it, explain it to yourself and to others. This effort is holding back your hugs. It is an attraction to the earth body that is not complete yet. There is more “earth” in them than light. You are to move your consciousness of the light DOWN into the earthy particles that are lonely and separated from the wholeness. 'Let reality govern!' The love-light in the physical body is seeking your love and your acceptance. It wants to move to higher ground. It is seeking love-light. It is attracted by the love-light in your upper realms. It wants MORE! Allow your love to encapsulate or go down – consciously go down - into the dense physical without losing your spiritual connection. Repeat that sentence. Allow your love to encapsulate into the physicality without losing its spirituality. Explain this."
(Me:) And so I understand that the whole purpose of the human experience is to connect the spiritual with the PHYSICAL body. It was always my goal to connect with my body but I wasn’t very good at it. I kept soaring upward to the higher realms, the realms of light where I was first taken when kundalini awakened so long ago. I relied on the upper realms to save me and pull me back up to itself. In other words, to escape the physical, or overcome it somehow. The breakthrough came thru the DK books and teachings. Now I see, sense, feel, or perhaps CONNECT is the better word for it, the understanding that light is not only above but also below. The light is stuck in my physical body like little diamonds of sparkly fire, and they are ALL OVER! Not just below the diaphragm but above the diaphragm as well, in my dense physical heart, dense physical throat, head and brain. These little diamond cores of love-light are everywhere and in everything physical, in all form life, in people everywhere, my husband, in aliens from other worlds, in planets, trees, animals, my computer, home devices like refrigerator, furniture, car, stores and shops, everything. It is THIS physical world that is my reality and I am here to resuscitate and rejuvenate it SIMPLY by acknowledging its presence. Recognizing it. Being grateful for this experience of awakening to it. Remembering the light in all things physical. It is a profound FACT. Thus I lift it, redeem it, and my own sparkles of light cry in joy and I feel the joy in me. The love in me. The light in me is mine, they are my children. They come in the form of living electrons. The masters teach this. The light is the atoms in my body, the atomic structure of my body, and as long as I am unaware, my light remains locked and frozen in me, imprisoned due to my ignorance, due to my failure to know. I was not connected, not informed, I didn't realize. Now I am realizing and talking about it. I am my own savior of my own heart, my body, my soul and my life.
During the Torus breath I have been gradually seeing this. Understanding has been building in me. It has taken awhile. It is not a one-time practice. It takes lots of focus time. Each time I open inner doors a bit more. When I’m doing the Torus breath I consciously imagine going down into the earth and rising up the central etheric column of the spine. While I am down in the density of earth I am increasingly aware of little flashing lights, "my" light that has been catacombed, buried and entombed in the earth along with old cadavers of mine after death. Living diamond light that cannot die, not ever, because they are the eternal light of source. They were also buried in the earth along with my dead bodies, past lives. These little diamond lights are mine, they have my signature in them. I have lived before here on this planet and abandoned them when I died and left them unrecognized. Now I am recognizing them and calling them to me. It is a natural calling. I do not know I am calling them but I was ready to see this after long years of practice. My deeper mind is opening.
With the Torus breath I see these little lights attracting my attention and they flow to me and attach to me go with me up through the central channel of the spine. The spiritual path is directly to the top of the crown and out. The Torus breath is a technique being taught today. It has been handed down. There are many techniques handed down. They are not "woo-woo" techniques. They are solid techniques that matter, involving MATTER. They are the intelligence of our real self coming down closer into matter, into density, closer to the physical properties. It is done thru practice. These techniques help us get in touch with our solid body, our physicality, and our emotionality that has been locked up and stuck in our subconscious. We are destined to bring the subconscious into full consciousness. When we are ready. When we ask for new techniques. Our beautiful senses then open and download new information into our daily reality life - the life we are living now. We are on the road to becoming the divine physical body - and be able to FEEL divine! I am gathering my light particles now. I am calling them Home to me by way of my awareness. I am higher awareness going DOWN into my lower awareness and melding the high and low together. Home is where the heart is. The physical heart is the bridge between the higher light in us, the ideal dreams in us, and the lower light in us, the uncomfortable and sickish feelings in us.
As I do my conscious breath work and visualize while physically exercising, I picture myself down there in the heavy denseness of Mother Earth, calling to them and gathering them to me, these little flashes of living diamond light here and there, and they answer my call that I don't know I'm making. It is a natural, automatic calling and an automatic gathering and lifting up through the spinal column, for they are aspects of ME! My own awareness calls to them and attaches to them and brings them up with me. They inspire me and infuse me. They attach to me and soar up the central channel as ME! as I continue conscious visualization.
On the way home the other day I found myself telling Doug about the kundalini and my going into the light. What started this conversation I can’t remember now, but suddenly there was a download of fiery speech coming thru me telling Doug about it and he listened. He said, “Well, I hope you’re right. I hope there is some sort of sexual lovemaking and I said, “Oh, yes! Definitely! And I told hm more about the galactic life on other planets, how there is definitely lovemaking there. It’s ALL about love, in all forms and aspects, and that kundalini is the evolutionary force of love in people. Love is the ultimate melting pot. Everyone has the seed of love in them. It is expressed thru ALL aspects of life, from teaching to warring and science. It is the evolutionary force. We call it kundalini, but it is really the Mother of all creation.
There are words other than kundalini, but this is the one I learned. Love is the reason we strive for betterment. And I told him that I was fortunate that it happened in the presence of my sister Shirley because she knew what was going on in me. She saw me jumping up and down and she waited until I returned from being "gone into the light". She gave me the word, “kundalini”, which I didn't know about. If I had had kundalini awaken in me without knowing this word, I wouldn’t have known how to search for more information. We need WORDS! Words are how we communicate with our physicality, our reality. We do it with our brain. And the brain distributes the knowledge to the rest of our body via the blood, and to the more solid aspects of our body, which has been left out. Our lower body desperately wants and needs the light, conscious recognition, stillness of mind and body in deep relaxation.
We need “words” to define what’s going on inside of us. We are SPIRITS, non-physical intelligences living in hard physical bodies. Imprisoned in a sense. We need words and they come in the form of wisdom and the light of knowledge. We are bringing forth non-physical knowledge to our hard bodies thru subtle feelings and mental telepathy. We are communicating thru meditation and quiet times between spirit and matter. It’s very subtle, very refined. The meaning of occult is subjective. It is a sensing. There are no words in sensing, so we need to interpret thru the brain via WORDS. In the higher realms it is done thru thought alone, mental telepathy. This is what I’m learning from DK’s writings - how to meld non-physical spirit with solid matter.
2/26/24 - Master DK on Anxious Thoughts
A conversation with Master DK last month: Dear Master Djwhal Khul, I ask your advice and counsel. I have so many anxious thoughts. I don’t know how to work with them.
A: Integrate them, my dear. [Q: How? Please give me direction.] A: Allow your mind to dwaddle. It is breaking thru long-held systems and doesn’t know what to do. You are caught between your mind breaking up these old illusions and thought patterns, and your holy divinity, which you are. You know. But your old mental belief system is breaking up. The posting you did yesterday is apt for you. You said it well with your words. Again, I say, allow your mind to go thru its process. It is dying and fading. Allow it its processing. It is a living being. It WAS a living being for a time. Its time is over now. Allow it to pass peacefully. Love it. Tell it, “Thank you for serving me.” It is well to give gratitude to those who have served you. Their time with you was valuable. It helped you to have an experience that you could not have in the bliss state of divine consciousness and splendor. We are truly grateful for the time allotted to us who make the downward journey into physical sentience where we can enjoy the fruits that grow on trees of our own knowledge. You yourself are a tree in full bloom of knowledge from galactic worlds which you do not remember with your mind, but your tree of life grew firm and tall and strong thru sentient life of many planets, fathered and mothered by many suns. You have grown deep and wise and comfortable in your SELF, for you are a child of God, of Creator, and you are one of the wise ones. You are an elder. You have forgotten temporarily, but you are remembering. Ascension is a unique and individual process for you alone to go thru your OWN remembering process. Allow your mind, your own mental construct, your own personality for this world, this life, this journey, to fade now and you will remember why you chose to come.
[Q: I have wanted to host a gathering of other sentient beings, is that a product of my fading mind? I can’t decide if it is the REAL me or a figment of desire from the past. Can you tell me about this?]
You must discover this for yourself, my dear. It is your soul who is guiding you. It is neither left nor right, but the powerful togetherness of both, perhaps. Do you not also think that? To bring the desire built out of many past lives, and the forever divine nature of a kind and loving God to integrate these natures? These desires? The broken dreams of the past are fragments of attempts by a gracious, compassionate God. You who failed but who tried and could not make it to the manifestation stage - now perhaps you can! I believe you can, my dear. It is in your hands. It is in your will. It is in your heart. Be well, my dear. Be safe. Be kind and gentle with your fading mental body. Give it love of the eternal everlasting kind. It is a beautiful mind. Go now and pick up the pieces that are shattering, with loving hands and fingers and hold them to your open heart and offer them to the universal mind - the Father-Mother God of all that is, infinitely creating from broken dreams. Expand on their previous attempts, raising them higher and higher. This is a world of magnificent creators, every one. I will end this now so you may prepare for your hospital procedure in peace. May God-Goddess bless you my lovely child. You are a dear to my heart and soul. I am with you always. I AM you and you are me. We are one as all are one. (Thank you, dear, dear Master, I love you. Thank you.)
[Another question popped up after the above faded away. How and why do energies back up in the legs and feet and head? Where does this energy come from?]
A: It is the life energy. As long as you are conscious you are aware of sensation. You feel your life energy moving thru the substance of your physical body. YOU are consciousness. YOU are aware. As long as you are awake you feel sensations but when you go to sleep you become unconscious. You are no longer aware of sensation. Your senses don’t register. When you are awake you need to move. Rest, periodically, yes, but you need to move. Imagine being restrained by some outside force, pinned down or tied up. You would become very uncomfortable. When an arm or leg goes to sleep when it has been pinned down, you have to move it to get the blood flowing again, and the life force moving.
[Q: But where does this life force come from?]
A: Where indeed? It comes from the first root chakra, the tail bone chakra, which is a male energy, being will power, strength, courage and determination to be here. It gathers force from the earth and sky and feeds it to the second chakra, which is a feminine chakra, a loving, nurturing, sensitive energy which seeks oneness with all. (End of conversation, it was a rather rapid exchange of information done quickly.]
2/20/24 - Soul mates
The following is a quote from the book I'm reading: "Anna, Grandmother of Jesus". by Claire Heartsong, available on Amazon. She was a physical immortal and tells her story. She lived 600 years in the same body and reveals how she did that. After several hundred years, looking like a young woman, she gave birth to the one called Mother Mary who gave birth to Jesus. For those who can't believe,, too bad for you! Perhaps it is time to get with the new empowerment teachings. You may be missing a part of life that is very important to understand. Many of us are tuning in. Yes, it is blowing our minds, but it is backed by ancient science. SO much ancient history is now coming to light through the channeling of people no different than you and me. We are ordinary and so was Anna. I am urged to share (copy) what Anna says about soul mate relationships. This is just a few excerpts. Anna says...
"Soulmates, like divine complementary mirrors, perfectly reflect your consciousness in every moment. Sometimes the reflection may express as the opposite polarity from the one that you are consciously experiencing, but what you perceive is still mirroring your energy, which is expressing through the same resonance. You attract these experiences so that both of you can be conscious of your subconscious or shadow material. Then you have the opportunity to harmonize and balance the polarities within self as well as those that emerge within the chemistry of your combined relationship.
"Soulmates are not liimited to sexually intimate relationships. They can be relatives, teachers, friends, and even enemies. Always, they come into your life, and you into theirs, at the perfect time when your soul desires accelerated growth and healing of separation consciousness. Because there is so much love between you on a soul level, your souls agree before you incarnate that you will find one another and that you will play the most approprirate roles in your life's dramas.
"These relationships prepare each of you for your highest empowerment and destiny. Sometimes those roles are very loving and harmonious. Sometimes there can be extreme suffering. Nevertheless, the ultimate purpose of soulmate relationships is to enter into a divine relationship in which the self is at first mirrored. Then once clarified through forgiveness and compassionate love, the Beloved who has always been present is revealed. Through self-knowledge and self-empowerment gained in conscious relationship, each soul remembers how to be present for both self and the perceived other.
(Skipped a paragraph)
"I could go on and on about the empowerment that comes through conscious, sacred relationship with the whole of life, which by the way, is constantly immersed in the free-flow of divine sexual expression. Indeed, I have come to celebrate all life as sexual! Human sexuality, when it is consciously and compassionately expressed through an awakened heart, becomes a powerful spiritual path in which you may come to know your Self as the Love, Lover, and the Beloved."
2/17/24 - Inner energy practices
Inner energy practices on a daily basis help shift focus from depending on the outer world for emotional upliftment and fulfillment, to the inner world of feeling love, peace, comfort and a positive attitude. It draws on inner love which is housed in every cell of the body. With practice we don't require another person to give us love, we have it all within. Mystics are the proof that it can be done alone, with or without a partner. Nurturance comes from within.
There are many books on the market today with really good techniques to sample and try out. The one that I have been reading supports what I've been doing over the years. I keep forgetting and need constant reminders, which is why I keep reading what attracts my attention. Distractions affect the nature of consciousness. It can pull it down or raise it up.
Love comes from within. Love is celestial, heavenly, divine and connected to the All-That-Is. Everyone is connected at the heart of life. All hearts are one. All hearts are attuned to celestial oneness. If we just remember to go silent and go within, into our own hearts and visualize, imagine, re-create the light of the sun in the heart - there is a noticeable calming effect. These are my words only. Others have their own words, different words, but at the heart of all beings there is the one connection of pure peace, joy, love and light. . Oneness, unity, joy, fulfillment, communication with higher beings or other beings, enlightenment, celestial love. There are many words to use but it's not the word itself, which is a limited focus on one particular energy, it's the desire behind the words that does the job of reaching and contacting and connecting with what is desired. It is subtle. The mind can remain silent - and should - because it's the silence and the desire to connect that does the job. This is a peaceful meditation, not one that is forced. It is done in a relaxed, dreamy state, where the mind becomes quiet and mellow. Imagine putting the mind outside on your left shoulder and tell it to be still.
This connection with the heart gives me a sense of being warmly embraced. There is something cozy and heart-warming. Celestial love are words that mean something to me so I may use them in the beginning of my meditation and then let them drift away. Everyone is a unique creator in his or her own domain. We each have a different history that is comfortable. We must use our own path to achieve the comfort, not try to switch or change. Words can be comforting, but they can also be distracting and cause discomfort.
I recommend spending at least 10 minutes at one sitting or lying down time to test the theory. See how much calmness it brings. Ten minutes is a good start. This is just one technique. There are thousands of techniques. One must try out a technique to see what it produces. Follow the good ones. Make them into a daily practice. Practice raises the vibration of the body. Raising the vibration means becoming more positive, feeling more loving, forgiving, more joyful, happy as a normal state of mind.
The absolute best technique for me is to start out using words and then dropping them as calmness enters. Then picturing the sun shining in my physical heart. The heart is a portal. As I picture the sun shining in my heart, the heart is pumping blood out to the rest of the body and it's carrying the energies of the sunlight out with it. It is a science but of the metaphysical kind. As you practice this type of work on a regular basis, you begin opening doors to deeper truths. Daily practice deepens the study of inner energy exercises. You begin to receive inner revelations that expand your knowledge and understanding. You are taught by God.
Imagine yourself as a child, innocent, care-free, wonder-struck by the world of variety, and you are joyful and laugh a lot because it's so much fun. Life is fun. Be a child again. Reconnect with your inner child and let the love build and grow from within, meaning your sense of playfulfness, freedom, happiness, laughter, light-heartedness. As a child you are taken care of by parents, sheltered, fed, clothed and nourished. As an aging adult, the same sense of security and peace will emerge gently into conscious awareness. Peace. No one is demanding anything from you because you are still a child in your consciousness and your heart. No one can rattle your senses or shock you when you are embraced by the celestial love that you, yourself, have cultivated within your own consciousness. Find that inner child – the one you disconnected from when you became an adult and stopped being in love and wonderment with life.
2/14/24 - Happy Valentine's Day - Remember the Love!
There is a most interesting book on my book shelf which I cannot remember when I bought it. I was led to pick it up two days ago and start reading it. It is a miracle that has landed on my doorstep. It is opening doors like crazy. It is automatic. I don't have to do a thing. Just read it. The celestial light and love waft right out of the pages like perfume. It is called "Anna, Grandmother of Jesus". It was channeled directly by Anna herself thru Claire Heartsong. For those on the spiritual path it is a recommended reading. It is a history of the divine feminine legacy of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jesus and the Grandmother who started it all. It is profound.
The divine feminine has been making a comeback in recent years. Actually one could leave off the word "divine" and simply say "feminine" in truth, for the feminine side of life is half of this world's polarized belief system, and the masculine is the other half. We live in a world of dualities where there is an opposite to everything. Anna reveals the oneness that lies BEHIND every opposite in existence. She represents the Mother in her deeply personal story about herself and her life on earth. Every word is a word filled with perfume of elegance and understanding. It seems to come from the highest of the highest point possible. The highest source, and she reveals in her own way the beautiful fact that every human being is full of this celestial light and love.
Her story is personal, human, and she does not leave out the painful parts, but rather does not dwell on them. There is too much of the higher story to relate to the reader, and she moves on to tell it. About how the light within us has been fragmented, cut down, dosed out, switched off and how we are here to re-ignite it. She helps us to re-ignite our light for it has been masked and covered over with lifetimes of forgetfulness. This light is now being uncovered by such sources as Anna and others. She lived as an immortal in an earth body, and gave birth to the one we call Mother Mary today, who then gave birth to Jesus. And how that lineage started with one lone woman living amongst the disciplined Essenes in Judea.
This book can be found on Amazon. It is not too expensive.
Not only have I uncovered this long-lost book from my book shelves, but I have discovered other sources thru Anna. One is about the DNA and helping your body to heal itself by looking into the genetics, the genome of your ancestral DNA. The author of the book "The DNA Way" is Kashif Kahn. Mr. Kahn presents a semi-metaphysical peek into the "light" of the body (as I see it) which he calls the "codes" of the body, and gives ideas how to make corrective changes in your life to correct problems such as ill health or bad behavior. It is very interesting. I will post a Ted Talk on TODAY'S POSTS so you can link into it. This information is bound to be discredited by those who are firmly fixed in the world's current belief system. But for those who are eagerly researching and reaching beyond the firm and fixed science to what draws them higher and further, this may be an exciting discovery.
That's all for today. In closing, please remember to love YOURSELF. You are the only one that you are here to serve, to nurture, to inspire, to fulfill and to re-create love within and around your environment to please yourself. Stabilize yourself by loving every object you pick up - telephone, pen, keyboard, car keys, child, husband, wife. Hold and cherish this person or object and radiate it as you walk alone in the pasture, as I do. Send it to Father-Mother Sun. By doing this, you are being kind to YOURSELF. For as you give, you receive back in multliple ways. By giving, you open the flow. See that the door stays open.
Sit in the sun and breathe "Thanks You's" toward Father Sun and receive Father Sun's rays back again, into your heart, mind and body. Link yourself up to that which is beyond the physical world's fixed and limited belief system, for that is how we grow happier, more pleasurable, more comfortable, more solid in our body, mind and skin. And more loving to those we live with. Keep focusing on the light ABOVE you, above your head. Picture a sun above your head, I think of it about 11,000 feet, as the Masters said, but it can be anywhere you choose to place it. That sun is a bright pure perfect celestial "genome" - your personal genome with your personal name on it, up there in the open space of the sky. It is connected to forever and therefore drawing on infinity, and it is shining directly down through the crown of your head because it has your name on it. It comes straight down through your crown to your brain, throat, heart, abdomen, pelvis, legs, feet, and into the very heart of mother Earth. Mother Earth receives your beautiful light with your name on it, because she is expecting you. For she is connected to infinity and she knows all. When she receives your conscious connection of "thank you, Mother", she then sends it back up to you and through your feet into your body as you inhale and exhale. You draw Mother Earth in with every CONSCIOUS breath. Be aware. Be attentive. Be conscious. Breath through your feet. Imagine nostrils in the bottom of both feet. Open your nostrils and BREATHE!
When in doubt or confusion, stop and imagine the sun above your head in the sky. Take a moment to connect. Imagine a connection. Tune in and listen. Follow the logic and common sense of this, the highest degree of intelligence, love and light you can muster. It is there for you. This is your own personal golden thread to follow. As you imagine it, it is imagining you. Your higher self light is connecting with you at the same time. This is the golden thread connecting into to you. Follow the golden thread. The highest morality, the highest ethic, the highest truth, the highest way. It will lead you thru the moment.
It is a moment-to-moment journey that we are on, each one of us. There is no "safe place" to land or to find or to discover. We each build it as we go, out of the golden strands of that elegant magnificent golden rope that is connected to your own personal sun in the sky. It is referred to as the silver cord. Yes, it could be seen as silver. Bless you. Love to you on this Valentine Day - now Evening!
2/10/24 - The seven approaches of love open the chakra gates
The seven chakras are actually gates to higher consciousness. As we learn how to manifest and express love in our life, the chakra gates open automatically. Love EXPRESSED is what opens them. Every one of the dimensions is governed by love. If we have not been taught how to express love in all circumstances, the chakra gates do not open easily. We have been given many words pertaining to love, kindness and good will, and we've been taught many techniques, how to use textures, sounds, touches, and develop understandings, colors, energies and perspectives. But we tend to get lost in our head, intellectualizing. It's really all about loving feelings. If we could only make it simply about loving feelings, we could manifest miracles. It all boils down to love. Love is all there is.
Over the years I have been given many slants and ideas, teachings about this, by the Master Djwhal Khul. He is an excellent teacher. But he cannot change my perspective. How I see things is up to me. He can only give me information, then I have to apply it. As I get closer to understanding about love, I realize that these chakras that everyone talks about are really all different aspects of Love. Everything we do is an aspect of love. There is also an aspect called "not love", which takes a downward turn into negativity. But it comes from Source creator and Love is all there is. It is what we DO with it that manifests into the physical reality and environment we live in. It's all made of love thru different eyes, opinions and perspectives. But in the end there is nothing but love.
Today I posted in Today's Posts, an article I ran across by a great being named Atmar. I haven't seen any former reference to this great being before, but a well-known channel (Jahn J. Kassl of Germany) channeled the article. Atmar speaks about Love which has clicked into my perspective today. Love is all there is. We are made of love. The seven flames, the seven colors, the seven attributes and gifts from the Father-Mother God are all different perspectives of loves. This is being confirmed by Atmar. The seven planes of existence for us in our reality, are all different aspects and perspectives of love. With this understanding, we can experiment with reshaping our world reality through feelings of love. Feelings of being fulfilled, abundant, comfortable, happy, at peace and cozily nestled into our rightful place in the world. We can bring Home down to earth. The plan is to unite heaven and earth as one. As above, so below.
An interesting thing happened for me this morning. As I was focusing on building my auric field around me as a sphere of light, I imagined my central spinal column as a hollow tube being filled with dazzling radiating white light. A hollow tube filled with sparkling iridescent light. As I continued focusing on this, along with the seven rays of light intermingling in it - a process that takes awhile - it culminated in a mystical experience of being totally fulfilled and of being in the heavens, at peace, at Home with celestial friends and family. This was amazing, the first time of being Home while still on earth, and feeling totally complete inside the celestial spacious mansion of Father-Mother God Source's heart. Words of course don't do it justice, but I record it here because it was the first time I felt the beautiful warm embrace of supreme contentment and peace.
As I understand it, the light flows down from higher dimensions step by step to increasingly lower dimensions. As the particles of conscious light descends, they become closer and closer together, so they are touching shoulders. As if jammed into a box. The Masters call these conscious particles of light "electrons" and they are here to serve the guiding force of the creator gods (we humans). As the little electrons become closer and closer together, pushed together, they begin rubbing against one another, eventually they take the shape they are ordained to become - the shape of our organs, skin, blood, bone and other tissues. This is done under the greater guidance of magnificent creator beings. As the light particles become more densely packed together, they have sensations. They feel loving. They become love. When light particles are free in space (I imagine) they are not rubbing shoulders. But when they come\ closer and closer together, as they would descending down into denser dimensions, they become sensual. They become loving. They become solid light particles clumped together to form heart, lungs, brain, stomachs and other organs.
Light is information. Pure and perfect information from Source, but when unified together and touching closely together, I imagine they can't help but feel the love, for they are already perfection and purity to begin with, floating free in space. This I learn from the Masters' teachings. The light particles don't become pressed together until they descend in density, crowded together, drawn down thru a tunnel or a funnel, as the Masters have described it. They are squeezed together like too many people on an elevator. The light particles become enamored with each other and fall in love with each other. They are one and the same: Love and Light go together.
Well, that's just an imaginative story on my part, but I experienced it this morning. A vision of my higher self accompanied it, a beautiful blue angelic being who actually held a magic wand in her hand. But I don't want to get too carried away into the magic of heaven. I would rather stay with the technique. Even as human beings, when we come too close together, we can't help but fall in love - or repulsion, as the case might be. Because love is inside us. We were made of love. The seven chakras are simply different perspectives of love, or different ways that love is applied. We are all so different and unique in our makeup. The seven rays have been called the rainbow rays, as taught by the Masters, also called the Antahkarana, the rainbow bridge to heaven. These seven attributes are what we are made of, that we are destined to externalize and express in our daily lives, namely:
The first ray is blue for will power. To have the will power and courage to love. The second ray is pink for love. To have and enjoy the reverence and devotion to love. The third ray is gold for enlightened intelligence. To have and enjoy the wisdom and discernment to love. The fourth ray is white for purity and perfection. To hold and enjoy the purity and perfection of love. The fifth ray is green for truth, science and healing. To hold and enjoy the truth of love for it is a science and it can heal all. The sixth ray is ruby flecked with gold for peace and comfort. To enjoy the peace and comfort of love. The seventh ray is violet for freedom. To have and enjoy the freedom to love.
2/9/24 - Allowing the light to descend into the physical body
Two nights ago I sat before St. Germain and asked for assistance for my dizziness. His response was that I’m trying too hard to stay in the physical body. I have been following instructions from the Master DK, who is guiding me. So now I have a new thought. I understand there are constant changes. Nothing ever remains the same during these ascension times. We are each on our own, trying to figure out what to do next. So I understood this new piece of information. By following outdated instructions of trying to stay in the physical body I am resisting the move into the planes of higher, freer, more loving, more accepting, more peaceful way of life of the higher planes. So I went to sleep on that note, thinking to change my routine next day. Instead of following the exercise program I’ve been working on, the next morning I communed with my Higher Self and turned my day over to the freer, more loving, more spontaneous, go-with-the-flow of my Higher Self. I asked it to make decisions for me. I turned away from my ego mind, which is a limited mind always trying to stay in control by keeping me focused on detail stuff. It keeps me from expanding. So I began my day two days ago moving with the more natural forces of spontaneity, not trying to direct my actions. I skipped the pills again and stopped worrying about following the doctor’s orders. I skipped the pills yesterday too, because the dizziness was so bad, but I was worried that I’m doing something wrong. Am I hurting myself? I have no one to ask.
Yesterday morning I asked the Master DK because the dizziness was SO bad. It was a quick question, on the run because I’m working the house. “What can I do? I’m so dizzy!” He answered “Live thru it, dear. You have to live thru it.” I said, “OK, then, I will! I will live thru it and be in joy and light-hearted and happy about it then!” A feeling of something clicking-in when I made that statement to myself. I am sure that my Higher Self was the one who responded. I gave all decision-making over to my higher Presence and my higher mental body earlier. And DK said, “Yes! Exactly! Good for you. Be in joy, be in happiness – and thoughts came pouring into me – “Share it Share the happiness, share the joy, the excitement. The more you give out to others, the more will come back to you.” I must recycle joy and happiness instead of trying to do all of this alone by myself. I must not hold onto these inner revelations for I am doing the same kind of work that many others are doing. Share the process. Give the ideas out to others. Share the information. The more the merrier. Move them, keep this energy alive and active. Recycle the teachings and the awareness. Then there was a sudden release of dizziness and pressure in my head. It started to fade and the goosebumps and tingles went through me, which always indicates receiving a truth.
Last night I went to sleep holding a folded piece of paper in my hand. I had written a brief letter to Master DK asking, “Please, what can I do about this dizziness? What advice can you give me to help me? I am going crazy with this dizzy brain, not knowing what to do.” During the night last night I had dreams, but they were fragments, broken up, and they didn’t make sense. I couldn’t understand. Until later.
When I woke up this morning I lay there becoming aware of revelations being given to me. They came in the form of pictures. DK tried different analogies to show me something. Again fragments. Then finally a pipe, no, a hose or tube of water. The water is the light and life force coming down into me from above. I am the ground crew, low man on the totem pole. There is pressure coming down the hose from above and pressure down here below, in my body, of ancient origins. These two pressures, one, light, free, and easy flowing from above, and one encrusted and imprisoned down here below in my body, need to merge. They need to blend together in a nice, smooth, compatible way, so they can become one conscious light. These two sources of light are memories. They are knowledge that has been separated.
I am low man on the ground, I am operating the switches, levers, buttons and control mechanisms. My Higher Self is way over my head in higher planes. It is up to me on the ground to flip the switches for more light or less light. More pressure or less pressure. I am the only one who can do it since I am the one grounded and anchored to the earth and the earth body. It is up to me to shut down or open doors and let more light in. Because I was not aware, I did not control the “on-off” switches. Thus the dizziness and disorientation. The ones above in the light realms could not make the decisions for me, since they did not know when the discomfort started. When DK said, “You have to do it yourself” even he could not control the “on-off” switch to let the light flow or stop flowing.
The revelation I received last night is very helpful indeed. Information of such importance is not easy reading for those who are not prepared. I have been slowly preparing myself for this ascension process. The dizziness was a piece of added teaching that I needed. I am very grateful to the Masters for their help. Please know this: YOU CAN ASK FOR ADVICE! They won’t do it for you, but they can give some insight. It is our job as the ground crew controlling the switch for our own body, to be aware and to be ready to signal when it’s time to shut down the light. The light is knowledge. It is openness. It is spaciousness. It is freedom. But our bodies are not prepared for such vast openness, spaciousness and freedom. It’s too much for the old brain that has not been prepared. It creates pressure on the brain, on the head, and on the rest of the body too. Each body, each person is unique. Only WE can process these sensations ourselves, and open or close the valves to start or stop the flow. Oh, there is so much to learn!
Little by little we are growing more accepting of the new lighter energies. It is slowly infiltrating our mass consciousness, the planet itself. There are many lightworkers working through this process, but there are those who are only in the beginning preparatory stages. There are Masters here and also Galactics and Angelic guides and helpers. There are many helpers but WE are the only ones who can do this job of opening and closing the inner values. It is our DECISION. We must notice what is happening internally. That’s why I write about these things. Please feel free to contact me for more personal advice. Reach out to me through the CONTACT page in the menu. I am happy to respond as best I can.
Shutting down means taking a rest. When we are physically and mentally active during the day, performing our tasks of the day no matter what they are, the body is open to receiving more light and energy because it is moving. Moving allows the cells to be open and flexible. It also receives confusion, which is also present in the atmosphere. Our world is being riled up as it is being cleansed. It all depends on where we are located. Doug and I live out in the pasture lands of North Naples, Florida, but still there are pockets of contamination floating around. In the night last night I woke up to write a reminder note to myself - “Every hour – no, make that every 2 hours lie down and become still, to allow the body to fall back into place." The body needs to rest often in total stillness, both physically and mentally. No mind activities. Put the phone down and make still the mind. Let nature perform its duties of resting. Just 10 or 20 minutes every two hours. Then get up and move again. I did that today and IT WORKED! I felt so good this evening I made dinner the way I used to 3 years ago. I haven’t had the interest or the desire or the enthusiasm for three years, since all this started.
The resting time is a natural healing time for the physical, mental, emotional body. All aspects can flow smoothly back together again and be entirely united and at peace. Then get up and carry on with your day. Just 10 or 20 minutes or so. We are then adapting to the inflow of new light coming down the line. I saw beings pressing on the hose above me and others down below feeling the adjustment and co-responding. There is a coordinated effort going on here, that we are not aware of. The elemental beings that are alive and functioning in our physical bodies are maintaining the life force for us. We don’t have to “think” about breathing or shutting down or getting up or moving our limbs. The little elementals are conscious, intelligent beings that empower our muscles, nerves, blood, organs, everything physical. Allow these little elementals to rest and bring our bodies back to normal functioning again. Those above us on higher planes feed the light and memories (they are our own unique memories coming down the line to us) and those below in our bodies receive the light, but “too much too soon” causes pressure on the brain. Allow the back and fill time. The little elementals in our body cells will signal to the higher elementals to release the pressure when it is time. It must be done slowly and carefully and with coordination. There is need for more light to come into the body, but it has to be measured and done carefully. The allegory as I saw it in my vision was that it was “water” coming down a hose. And there is a need to stop the water (the light) from flowing when it builds up to be too much for the body to handle. Rest and allow the body to adapt and adjust, to allow the new light and cosmic memories to enter into the brain. We then enjoy downloads of information we did not have before. This is our expansion of consciousness. (The end. Thank you, DK!)
2/5/24 - The importance of will power
Being comfortable is nice. Being comfortable in my skin is what I have always used to guide me. If I felt comfortable in my skin and in my mind, I felt I was on the right path. It simply felt good. But somewhere along life's path I began to understand that I needed to develop will power. This took a long time. Being comfortable and following my heart was all that I knew. It was my nature. I was a feminine creature, after all. I had always seen will power and assertiveness as a man thing. It was DK, my beloved mentor, guide and friend that began feeding me information in a way that I could accept it. It was now a more mature time in my life and I needed to either learn how to use will power to keep going, or give up the ghost and let myself fade away like so many older folks.
As a student of metaphysics and with a wonderful spiritual guide nudging (the Master Djwhal Khul), I began learning about will power in my later years (in my 80's). I have been transformed by the use of will power and I can't say enough about it. This is only a brief introduction. The importance of will power is shown in the order of which it is presented. It is the first of the seven gifts imprinted into us as baby spirit sparks when we reach the point of wanting to leave the compound and venture further out. It is the first God power we are given to support us on our journey in down into physical sentient life. We are required to go to school before we can leave the safe warm nest of Home with our Father-Mother Source Creator parents. This information has been presented by the Ascended Masters but has been kept to mystery school teachings, so not many people get to learn about it.
We were given seven powers to keep us on the right track when we left home and went out into the darkness. These powers are part of our makeup. We cannot lose them but we can forget about them if they are not brought to our attention by teachers. And you know, here on earth we are not taught about our celestial beginnings so we do not get these teachings early in life. Our inner powers have been shut down by our distraction on outer material forms and actions. We know these powers well, but we forget them when we are born here on Earth.
These seven powers are embedded into us early and become part of our soul if we want to leave home and go exploring. Those who don't want to leave home but would rather stay in the warmth of the parent's home, do not have these powers imprinted. They remain pure white light and serve on higher planes. For those of us who venture downward into physicality, these powers are known as chakras, which are like gates into higher dimensions . They open when we are ready. There are only seven main gates called chakras. In order, these powers as explained to us are: (1) will power, strength, courage and determination. (2) love, reverence, adoration and devotion. (3) enlightened intelligence, wisdom and discernment. (4) Purity, perfection and the immaculate concept. (5) Truth, science and healing. (6) Peace, comfort and ministration. (7) Freedom, mercy and forgiveness. These words are given by the Master DK.
Will power is the first power to be activated because we need the will power and courage to want to descend into physicality. Especially to Earth, it being such a low density planet. When the going gets rough, it is will power, strength, courage, tenacity and fortitude that takes us through to the end - not comfort. The other six powers are all part of will power. Each is part of the others. There is no separation. All seven are one and the same. It is just the way we use it or apply it that makes the difference. The other six powers are also present in will power.
The importance of will power became important to me on a personal level when, after a heart condition and hospital stay, I began to rest a lot. It was then that a sickish type of feeling would seep in when I rested too long. A certain amount of time was OK to rest, but beyond that I felt bad. It took will power, strength and fortitude to make myself get up and move. I had to do it. It made me feel better but I had to get beyond my usual comfort zone. I had never had to face that before. My younger healthier body didn't know about will power. I learned that my body was a conscious being separate from my mind. I had grown soft in my mind and had forgotten that it takes a will of steel to move a body when it's down. I took love, peace and comfort for granted. It was only then that DK's messages began to reach me about mental will power, using the mind to direct oneself into action. This is a masculine trait and I did not have it at first. I had to develop it. It took practice. The Master DK is a wonderfully enlightened guide. He has balanced his training for his students by integrating both masculine aspects and feminine aspects. Both are required, he says. I had to learn the use of will power. I had to become forceful with myself. No one else was going to do it for me. I had to do it myself.
The use of will power has served me well now for over three years. Between heart issues (a-fib), disorientation (I think caused by pharmaceuticals) and the isolation of the pandemic, I have become proactive, using masculine attributes of will power and strength. Not of my original nature! My male side is now assertive and a daily regimen of exercises similar to gentle yoga for my age is now producing results. It doesn't appear to matter the age of a body, it is capable of being resurrected.
Will power regenerates life when it is in danger of fading out and dying. We watch Star Trek. Seven of Nine is a good example of one who becomes a unique individual after being an automaton hooked into the hive mind. The implication is one must learn to become a self-motivator. In other words, one must learn new skills if they are to regenerate new life. I've had to develop a new skill and practice it. I have to remind myself that peace and comfort are not the only gifts of spirit, but they are one and may be enjoyed on the right occasion. It is important that I push myself beyond the comfort zone. There is a time for all things. Each power needs to be utilized to be fully activated. Today I have activated will power and am enjoying more strength and aliveness than I've had in years. There is renewed interest, excitement and a new career in the planning stage. Actively engaging with others is what keeps the life force flowing.
2/4/24 - About the two hearts - one in the chest and one in the pelvis
There are two hearts in the body: one in the chest and one in the geometric center of the body at the pelvis. You can measure from the tailbone to the top of the head and from the tailbone to the bottom of the feet, and you will discover they are approximately the same distance. The pelvic tailbone is the geometric center of the body. And then all of the spiritual teachers and masters refer to "the heart". I have been confused which one to focus on. I've been asking for clarification. Finally, after years of asking, I learned which “Heart” to focus on - the heart in the chest or the heart in the pelvis? The information came forth yesterday. Now I understand. I want to share it here.
The tailbone chakra in the pelvis is the God flame. It is the same I AM in everyone. It is the one connection that draws all into oneness, except we don't know about it. It is somethin that I have been shown and taught for many years by the Masters. Everyone carries Father Source energy as Oneness in their crystal ball at the pelvis, nestled perfectly in the cradle of the pelvic bones just above the coccyx, called the tailbone. I saw it myself during a transcendental meditation back in the early days. Everyone and everything has this crystal ball embedded in the center of its physical form. Even the minerals, grass, rocks, plants, trees, birds, animals, insects, fish, humans, galactics, everyone who is in a sentient separated form. It is the only way life can enter into an otherwise dead physical form. There must be a package of “God” embedded inside it to give it life and it is implanted at the geometric center. The form is built around it. This is the battery of life for the physical form. The heart in the pelvis carries the I AM Oneness. The Father source. We call it the Mother flame because once it is closed about by a form it is the mother that now nurtures that form and cradles it with love and feeds it with life.
The experience of descending into physical or sentient form requires awareness to descend down, step by step through denser and more concrete layers to the lowest density possible. This lowest density appears to be a solid physical substance but it really isn’t. The levels of consciousness simply become tighter and narrower, smaller and more focused on detail so that they literally rub shoulders. The particles of light rub shoulders with each other, they are that close and no longer floating free as they do in the vastness of space and higher dimensions. The pure consciousness that resides in the cradle of the pelvic bones is Source itself - Father god. It is confined now inside what appears to be a solid form which it built for itself by itself. This is how Father Source creates, manifests, its creation. It is now referred to as Mother God because it nourishes the form and guides it as a unique individual, separate from the onenss. It will become it’s own intelligent, reasoning being, yet it will always be a part of the God consciousness. The Mother God in the pelvic cradle nourishes and feeds the material body with life and cradles it with love and caring by guiding it through instinct and inner warm heart feelings. The God flame within guides thru instinct and love, the one who is now called a soul. The soul begins to have individual experiences as it grows up in a solid form from babyhood to boyhood to adulthood and old age under the guidance of the Mother flame in the pelvic cradle.
The physical heart in the chest cavity has a different role to play in its life as a human being. It is located in the chest cavity of the human being. There are 3 densities called dimensions BELOW the physical heart. The heaviest and densest is at the tail bone. A less heavy density is at the sacrum enlightening the lower abdomen and lower back. An even less density is at the solar plexus region below the physical heart.
There are 3 higher densities ABOVE the physical heart. The first one above the heart is the throat. Above the throat is the head center localized at the pituitary gland. Above the pituitary is the crown, localized at the pineal gland. The physical human heart is located between the lower densities and the higher densities on the spinal column. The lower densities draw from the earth energy; the higher densities draw from the celestial energies. The soul draws on both heaven and earth for its conscious awareness. This allows for evolution of consciousness. Conscious awareness grows. Consciousness is its “food” and nourishment. Earth is a low-density planet. Its vibrations are very low compared to other planets. Many other planets are of higher awareness and have more light and sophisticated knowledge. The soul on Earth grows into a unique individual by having unique experiences in a world of bumping into others and comparing notes with others. But all the while, deeply embedded inside itself, Father God Source is the one having the experience. We just don’t know that. We think we are separate. And indeed we are separate for as long as we are in a physical body. At death we remember where we came from and we, as consciousness, return to the heavenly realms to rejoin family, friends, teachers and guides and enjoy being back in the heart of source where we are greatly loved.
Because we have stepped away from the vast oneness of a loving family, we are aware only that we are separate and loneliness is a natural by-product of an earthly life. This is the making of a unique individual. But all along our journey as a soul, God the Father Source is at the heart of our being. We ARE God the Father having a unique and separate experience. The soul (who is really Father God) is conscious and aware and has experiences but it has forgotten. It has amnesia. The veil covers its awareness but then it begins to grow in awareness as a result of being a separate human being. It learns thru trial and error the ways of love, wisdom, truth and purity. It moves up to higher awareness through inner intuition and doors in the chakra system open and allow new awareness to flood into the mind. Thus we enter the higher dimensions step by step. Or maybe he/she doesn’t move upward right away. Maybe he/she decides to stay at a lower level for a longer time. Regardless, he/she will learn because it will bump into unpleasant situations and learn thru harsh experience. It evolves and matures either quickly or slowly, depending on choices made from love or refusal to love. Love is the guiding light.
All the while it is the ONE God, the Father-Mother Source of all that is having the experience. The vast universal mind sees thru the eyes of the soul, each plant, animal and creature it embodies thru. God the Father lives in all beings. God is the one having the experience, but the illusion is that it is separate and unique. What we call soul. The heart in the human chest has a unique role to play due to its location in the body. It is located along the central channel of the spinal column between the pelvis and the crown. It is the separation point between heaven and earth. Where God the Father enters the body from above, God the Mother enters upward from the earth. When the soul’s awareness grows and blossoms into the heart center, it experiences the loving meeting of the Father with the Mother, and a wonderful celebration takes place. It is a spiritual awakening. One does not understand with the brain, but a wonderment of joyful feeling takes place. The Father comes down from above, the Mother as soul comes up from the feet thru the pelvic cradle and heaven and earth enjoy the mystical marriage.
The Father Source in heaven has never been incased in a body, where the Mother God has been encased. She as the soul consciousness is ecstatic when she reconnects with Father God for she is he and he is she. They are the Source. The soul is the child growing between them. They are both feeding and nourishing the child soul, born from their separate union. Now they are back together again in their heavenly home and they watch their child mature into an adult god itself. The soul is still in an earth body. It is mortal but the new enlightenment causes changes to take place and a new era begins for this soul as it becomes a baby Christ.
We call God the Father Source by many names. The names tend to confuse us, but the Father Source that is held in the crystal ball in the pelvis is also God the Father playing the role of Mother as it feeds life to the physical body, now operating as a soul. The physical body is a created effect or product of God the Father and God the Mother. This soul gathers memories and wisdom as it grows thru many lifetimes. When the meeting takes place between heaven and earth, when balance is achieved, a new brilliance takes place. A flash of knowing and instant memory of Home floods the soul. This is the birth of what is called “the Christ”. It is a consciousness blend between earth and heaven.
The Christ has been called a mediator by formal religions, for it knows both heaven and earth and can draw on both energies, high and low, to perform miracles. The soul, now on an enlightened spiritual journey, remains in an earth body to continue its learning how to be a young god or goddess. It is not the end of the journey, but rather a new beginning. There is more to enjoy as an earth being. When the consciousness of earth and heaven meet and explode in ecstasy and knowing, it is the beginning of paradise on earth. There is wonderment and pleasure beyond belief. The coming together of God the Father who is abstract and God the Mother who has been confined to care for an individual embodiment, is an amazing, brilliant, transcendental reunion of love beyond comprehension. I remember when it happened to me. And I still live in an earthly form with earthly experiences and frustrations too from time to time, but it is a charmed life. This is NOT supernatural! This is a natural evolutionary process. It is how life works.
In the Star Trek series, Seven of Nine represents the human who steps away from the allness or oneness (the hive mind is a rather negative connotation but....) it is an apt analogy for Seven becomes a unique individual by having her own separate experiences. The Star Trek series is a wonderful gift to us from higher galactics. Enjoy!
2/2/24 - Reach for the Light while staying rooted to the ground
After re-reading this 5-year-old channeling from my higher self (below), I have come into a greater realization. When the Ascendeds say go UP to the higher regions, as in reaching up for the light, they do not mean go up into the sky above our heads. We who are grounded on earth in time and space, interpret "going UP" to mean leaving our body and going up into the sky as a spiritual being, by thinking and visualizing up in the wild blue. At least that is how I have interpreted it. Lately however I've been coming into a deeper understanding. It has been a very slow learning for me. DK has been helping me all along. Now I am understanding that they who are ascended see things differently than we do, down here anchored to the ground. They mean go up in VALUE and in QUALITY and betterment. Specifically, DK has been teaching me NOT to go up into the sky but to remain in the body and, in fact, how to go DOWN into the Earth to connect with Mother Earth.
This has been terribly confusing to me, and I'm sure for others who read such material. We mortals are so accustomed to thinking linear and measure everything with a yardstick or a ruler. From our perspective standing on the ground, we are hooked into gravity forces. But those on higher planes are not confined to the earth and do not experience things as we do. That is what makes us so different. It has been difficult to talk with them because of this difference. But slowly I have come to see this truth. There has been a mis-translation. The Ascendeds do not see things as we do. In fact, they say that God has no idea what dark or evil or suffering is, for all is perfect from his point of view.
As you read the channeling from my higher self below, you might see it a little differently now. Try it out for yourself. Perhaps you will catch my drift. When they say go UP into the Light, consider that they mean go UP in nobility of thought, in dignity, in grace, in love, in freedom, in higher standards, higher kindness, higher mercy, higher vibration, higher purity, higher sparkle, higher happiness, higher transparency, higher compassion - yet while standing on the ground in your body. Not focusing "up there" above your body. You might be standing in the middle of an argument or a tense situation, or even in a physical battle. It is then that they advise us to go IN and UP. Turn your thoughts inward and re-focus your awareness. Go "up" in your own sense of dignity, kindness, compassion, or in some form of higher value and higher quality of life. It may be hard to do at first, but with practice a person CAN learn. We adapt to a better way and manage our emotioins better thru practice.
In this way, we bring to our physical life a sense of worth and a purpose that makes us feel good. This is how we evolve ourselves to a better, finer, more pleasurable, richer life, and enjoy the abundance of higher attractiveness and attraction. It is how humans grow wise. We install betterment wherever we go, thru our own efforts, and others wonder how we do it. It is an effort, believe me! But by bringing the light of our best and highest intentions, and folding it carefully into situations that we find ourselves in, is how we add love and harmony to the world. And sophistication. And warmth. And pleasure. By radiating our higher CONSCIOUS intentions into everday circumstances. Just ordinary, everyday activities. It is our way of harmonizing the world we live in.
Channeled from my higher self in 2019
"How can your higher self connect with you, your mortal self, except by you the mortal, reaching up and being the best you can be? In every moment? Then your immortal self can reach down to connect with you, for, having been born into the lower vibrational world you had to descend to fit in with the lower vibrations. It is through giving of yourself in the best way possible that the honorable, compassionate, forgiving you will become reintegrated with the real you again. Become the most honest you can be, the most pure you can be, the most perfect you can be, the most wise, the most intelligent, the most modest, the most selfless. Then you become your highest and best and your Christ body can make that connection with you. Your connection to your higher self is like any other friend you have in your life. To maintain communication with it you must direct attention to your friend. A telephone line opening, a glance in its direction, a remembrance of its presence, talking to it, asking it questions, listening to its answers, fitting in with it, knowing and respecting its qualities, its nature - that’s how you connect with your higher self. Your higher self is buttoned in through your chakras. [I saw this vividly]
"Higher self is all around you like a bubble. It is not only up in the sky but around you on all sides and below you. It is you as you appear on the higher dimensions that vibrate faster and purer. You are a small dark and dense form suspended and floating inside a bubble of clarity, love, perfection, like crystal clear waters twinkling as sunlight splashes colors through the water like a diamond flashes prismed light. You are the rich yolk inside the egg of your higher self bubble. You are the child inside the womb of your Divine Mother. You are the figure inside the glass snow ball. You are the seed germinating. You are surrounded on all sides by your very own God/Goddess/Divinity. Expand yourself to connect with the answers to your question. Touch the hem of the garment of your higher self and listen to its advice and counsel. All your needs are answered when you go IN and then UP to higher self, higher dimensions where purity and everything you need is available to you. When you are lonely, hungry, depressed, inadequate, afraid, failing, confused, hurt, suffering, overwhelmed, shut down, frozen, go in and UP. Up in the higher realms, you are none of these depressed things. You are perfect, complete and ascended.
"Go IN and then UP to your higher regions to feel the peace and assurance. You adopted the low vibrations so you could fit into the world and work here. To re-adopt your former glory, go IN and UP to your higher self. Focus on your higher self. Give attention to your higher self. Contemplate your higher self and release your adopted vibrations that are less than who you are. Simply touch the hem of the garment and you will receive a sense of your greatness. Do not be afraid. Release the fear. Become ME for I am your true self. The Self you want to become.. The self you dream about. As you move up the frequency range to higher, more noble sense of self, you will not be able to connect with those who are on the lower frequency range except through love. They become static to your ears and disharmonious to your sensitivities. If you want to stay in contact with the lower frequency range of people, then you must bring my love down with you into lower frequencies and not compromise yourself. Your loving can influence others."
1/31/24 - Be kind to yourself as old ways shatter and break
There is a switchover taking place. It is not easily explained in words but a situation - a hospital procedure - comes along with deep anxiety and stress. I asked Master DK for some advice this morning about it and he said, "Be kind to the fading mind. It served you well. Allow your mind to process out as your divinity steps forward into view."
He continued to say, "Allow your mind to dwaddle in its way. It is the only way it knows. It is breaking thru long-held systems and doesn't know what to do. It has not been taught. Perhaps you can teach it a new, forgiving way. You are caught between your mind's cracking under a system that has been long held fixed and solid in place, and your holy pure clean transparent divinity which is the REAL you underneath. You know this. You are aware on a deep unconscious or semi-conscious level. It is becoming more apparent to you by the day. Your mental belief system is breaking up. Allow it. Allow your mind to go thru its process of dying and fading. Allow it its time to process. It is a living being. It WAS a living being. Its time is over now. Allow it to pass peacefully, with kindness. Love it as you would a long-time friend or family member. Tell it, "Thank you for serving me." Give gratitude to all who have served you. Their time with you was valuable. It helped you to have an experience that you could not have had in the heavens of divine splendor and exalted consciousness.
"We in the Master realms are truly grateful for the time allotted us who make the downward journey into physical sentience where we can enjoy the fruits that grow on the trees of our own knowledge. You yourself are a tree in full bloom of knowledge gained from galactic worlds which you do not remember. Your tree of life grew firm, tall and strong thru sentient lives on many planets, fathered and mothered by many suns. You have grown deep and wise and knowledgeable, for you are a child of God, of Creator. You are an elder. You have forgotten but you are now remembering.
"Ascension is a unique and individual process. You alone must go thru your own remembering process. Allow your mind, which was your own individual personality constructed for this world, its journey and its process of dying. Allow it to fade as you remember your longer history and why you came to be here. Be at peace with all that comes your way now, both the old and the new. You are part of the greater wisdom and the greater oneness. There is no "future" that is separate from you. There is constant evolution and enjoyment. There is nothing to "fear" because you are already here, solidly in place, in presence, in the body, in the vehicle which has been prepared for you, by you. You are learning to be the master of your life. Are you ready to step boldly forth as the Star Trek series encourages - to go where no one has gone before? Because you are doing it YOUR way? As an individual, not as part of a collective as Seven of Nine portrays. Breaking away from the collective is what we are here to do - to master the art of growing uniqueness and individual higher consciousness, not to follow the old regime of dullness and gray non-entities. Grow and blossom the fruits and flowers that are yours alone, as your divine nature has dreamed and seeded all along. Allow your dreams to prosper by giving them encouragement, love and gratitude, not worry and fear. Give them continual "Thank you's", that they continue to blossom and ripen into delicious fruit and beautiful flowers and pleasures for all to enjoy abundantly.
(Q: I have wanted to host a gathering of other sentient beings, is that a product of my fading mind? I can’t decide if it is the REAL me or a figment of desire from the past. Can you tell me about this?)
"You must discover this for yourself, my dear. It is your soul who is guiding you. Perhaps it is neither one or the other, but the togetherness of both. Do you not also think that? To bring the desires built out of many past lives, and the divine nature of a kind and loving God, to integrate these natures? These desires? The broken dreams of the past are fragments of attempts by a gracious, compassionate God. You who tried but failed to manifest those ideas, perhaps now you can! I believe you can, my dear. It is in your hands. It is in your will. It is in your heart.
"Be well, my dear. Be safe. Be kind and gentle with your fading mental body. Give it love of the eternal everlasting kind. It is a beautiful mind. Go now and pick up the pieces that are shattering, with loving hands and fingers and hold them to your open heart and offer them to the universal mind. The Father-Mother God of all that is, infinitely creating from broken dreams, expanding on previous attempts and raising them higher and higher. This is a world of magnificent creators, every one. May God-Goddess bless you my lovely child. You are a dear to my heart and soul. I am with you always. I AM you and you ARE me. We are one as all are one." (End)
1/30/24 - Grounding the ascension energies
This was inspired after a dream that was absolutely crazy, back some months ago. It's about the ascension symptoms and energies that we all are going through. Or some of us are going thru. It's hard to say who is experiencing these things. That's why I write about them. That's my job. My mission is to share these unusual experiences. My dreams in the night remind me that I still have some old energies floating around in my subconscious. I am not clear yet. There is more work to do but there is also a promise of freedom and a beautiful new day at the end of the tunnel. This bright light comes thru in every crazy dream, like a backdrop of pure light.
After these crazy dreams and after reading articles of others lifting up out of their bodies, I am going light-headed myself at times to the point of being dysfunctional. Our bodies are heavy with old stuff that clings tenaciously to gravity like iron bars to a refrigerator door. The sun meanwhile is beaming happy thoughts down upon us, amping up thoughts coming from HIS father down the chain of command, calling us home. Yaay! We’re going Home! It’s time to leave the body and this heavy messed-up planet, I hear the voices calling and they’re messing up my brain. I half-heartedly hear the mainstream news and read the online alternative news, the spiritual disclosure news, negative and positive, and I can’t make heads or tails out of it all. My brain can’t handle it. I’m gone. Out of here. It’s not working.
And suddenly the ascending wave is gone and I’m back, vitalized like superman, stronger than ever, sane, clear-headed, powerful. The rhythms of nature have re-established once again, as they always do, leaving me wondering what happened? I’m at the keyboard typing like crazy because the revelations are flowing faster than I can type. I have to force myself to slow down or I trip over my own feet and fingers. It’s a new normal. The waves come and go. They almost take me with them but not quite. Because I’ve been doing the inner work for a long time. I’ve been grounding, and dissolving cords that used to hook me into the outside world. They are pretty much unimportant to me today. They are not important to my well-being. Extraneous. They don’t matter any more. This includes everything, including people. Well, not the people themselves, but their issues and problems. I love the people and hug them to me like life rafts whenever I get the opportunity. But I don’t care about their issues or problems. The social graces are gone but the inner sensitivity and tenderness has turned up a notch.
When the ascending waves come, they are invisible. I don’t see them but I feel them. They sweep through me and take from me my solidarity. They lift me up like a balloon. My brain feels it first. I am empty inside my head. Heaviness moves around in me. My body feels like a ton. I wonder why my body is so heavy? Past life stuff comes now. It’s just energy. Old, old energy. Not scenes but I know things about myself. It’s easy to know things when my head is empty. I know what went wrong and where I’ve been. I catch glimpses as the energies disengage and start flying away like pieces of lumber in a fierce hurricane. Irrelevant stuff, not needed any more. After the wave passes I am clearer and more vitally alive than ever. I feel on top of the world. I don’t understand why I feel so high. I feel like racing around the block. I am clearer than I’ve ever been, clearer even than as a child when I ran innocent and free without cares. And I know things. I just know. I can’t tell anyone what I know because I am the knowing.
Others may be talking about confusions and chaos but to me life is clean and I know it is going to become cleaner and brighter soon. The brightness, the horizon, is endless. I might have said at one time “the future” but it’s not really the future. It more like the dawn. The dawn is not the future, we’re simply moving into the dawn along with the rotation of the earth. The dawn is always there, the sun is always there, we’re moving around the sun, so it’s not the future. I am standing in my space on this plot of ground and I am grounded. I feel my feet. They are tender. They no longer hurt. I feel a sweetness in my feet that is tender and warm and embracing me. I’m connected to the earth in ways I have NEVER experienced before. I am grounding the energies in a way that feels solid. It’s solid and real. It’s not spiritual any more. And I want to hug all of the people who come close to me. I felt it in my husband the other night when we cuddled before sleep. My hands melted into him while he was absorbed in a TV story. He wasn't trying to do anything. But I saw and felt golden sparks coming from him. He is solid and the love he is holding is solid and I am melting into him to connect with him.
1/28/24 - Seeing the light coming down
(This is a repost from a year ago, but it is worth reposting.) I woke this morn with remnants of broken dreams. They were of me reaching up to the light that is coming down into the top of my head in a stream of dazzling white light. It is ME coming down! My own I AM Presence, or higher self, my greater self. My ME! It is not anyone else but ME! I AM my own greater self. It has been broken up and shattered, this stream of light that is ME!. Of elegance, pure, crystal clear knowing of myself. It is me in clarity but it is broken and shattered as soon as it reaches my dense bodily head and brain, my body. This body has been educated to close it off and think of myself and others as “just a form”, just physical, here today, gone tomorrow. I’ve been raised in a garden and a home that is like solid prison walls, shutting out this clarity and everlasting knowledge. I keep it out by distraction. Getting up in the morning and focusing on what happened yesterday. Picking up where I left off yesterday. I keep reconnecting into the broken past, the illusion of the past, the drama and problems of yesterday.
They mean well, my family and friends, but I am now bored with it. I am now connecting back into my brilliance. It is streaming during the night as I sleep. But now I’m waking up to this reality and old drama and I am back in the broken world again, and my stream of brilliance and clarity and knowingness, and being connected to brightness, light, joy, wonderment and enlightenment flowing, streaming my I AM Presence – but it is breaking up now as I move to get out of bed. This flowing of light and knowing lingering from my dream is now dissipating, breaking up, shattering. I am losing it. It is disappearing into dullness again. Grayness. Ordinariness is taking over. I wake up with a sigh, saying “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within all beings.” It is a left-over from where I came from. I am still saying it, trying to hang on to the fading glow and glory in an attempt to hold onto it, the connection to this power, this light, this joy which is so refreshing and revitalizing.
Suddenly I am seeing the faces of people everywhere, all who like me are looking up at themselves with joy and rapture on their faces, people everywhere radiating and looking up, with light pouring down in a single beam dazzling pure light entering into the crown of their head. We are all trying to hold onto the connection with the light, but it is wavering and breaking up. Distortions are entering. I continue to call out the words silently, “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within all beings.” I try to hold onto the vision of the people all doing the same thing. Repeating the call, holding onto the light by looking up, seeing the pure stream of light coming down into us, holding that connection, speaking words up into the light above us, and holding, holding, holding the connection with the pure, untainted divine light of our REAL selves, our God Selves, our truth, our abundance, our clarity, our ideal, our perfection, our joy, our ecstasy, our rapture. “I praise thy holy name oh light of immortality that lives within all beings.”
I repeat this as I sit up on the side of the bed. I try to keep repeating it as the vision starts to waver and break up. I get up and go to the bathroom for my usual routine while saying the words over and over silently in my mind, even though it is fading, but I keep holding onto it as I brush my teeth and start the shower and step in. This I know will help me build the momentum, my clarity, my connection with my own individual God I AM that I Am. I suggest to myself to say the words silently, “I Am that I Am” 40, 50 times, focusing this light down into my heart, seeing the picture of the light streaming down through the top of my head, and see it come down into my heart and anchor it there, see my heart building the light into a fire. “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within ME!”
In the bathroom I suddenly see the hollow tube going down my spine. It is gifted to me. It goes down through the center of my body. It is hollow. There is nothing in it to obstruct the flow. The hollow tube goes all the way down to – where? I don’t see. My vision is obscure below a certain point, below the heart. I continue with the words “I praise thy holy name, oh light of immortality that lives within MY BODY!” My body is important. I am drawing my consciousness and my ability to visualize down inside of me, lower into my body. Lower than I’ve gone before. The walls of this inner hollow tube are not solid, as I thought at first they were. They are soft, softly subtle. They are made of light. So subtle I didn’t see it at first. I couldn’t make it out at first. Only the main channel extending down from the crown of my head was open to my vision. I will continue holding the visual of light, dazzling light streaming down from somewhere above me, lighting up this main tube that runs down to my lower parts. It is my ability to hold my attention on the lower parts of my body that will do the trick. I must consciously lower the light down into my body, deeper and deeper into the earth plane. Then the obscurity opens up to me and I can see more. My light is anchoring into my physical body. It is MY light that does it. My attention. No one else can do it for me.
1/27/24 - Personal update
There is a lot of change taking place in my body. It's weird. I'm in contact with other, higher dimensions, receiving downloads continuously. It is safe there, but I'm TRYING to stay focused here in THIS reality. It's a trip, this physical ascension process. Doug is a wonderful help. He keeps me grounded as best he can (and I him too.) I'll be going in for a heart ablation next Thursday to correct atrial fibrillation. A minor surgery, same day hospital procedure. I am trying to keep this old body functioning without pharmaceuticals which causes disorientation. The doctors confirmed that for me. I'm doing internal exercises every day, about four hours a day, which is keeping me feeling strong, physically, and integrating the spiritual and physical aspects of life. Healthy and creative. If only the dizziness would stop. The medicines are playing havoc with my brain. Dizziness comes and goes. I have to get off the meds. The doctors say I'll be able to, once they get the a-fib under control which the ablation is designed to do.
I'll keep my readers posted in the coming days. Bless you all, every one. I miss socializing. Wouldn't it be nice a party together? A celebration and social togetherness? Until then, be safe, be well, be upbeat, be positive and have a light heart. Take time out to be alone in the sun and out in nature barefoot, just for a little while. 20 minutes or so, and tune in to Mother Nature's stillness. She is the great healer of mind, body and soul.
1/24/24 - Use the "I AM" Mantra for a Better Life
Over the last few weeks I have been using the "I AM" mantra and want to share it. It is quite amazing. Most people suffer from low self esteem and this particular mantra or affirmation has created astounding benefits for me. Use ONLY uplifting positive words after "I AM". Don't ever say a negative word after saying or thinking, "I AM". Don't ever say, for example, "I AM sorry" or "I AM feeling bad" or "I AM hurting" or "I AM in pain" or "I AM angry" or "I AM sick". Because then you are programming or imprinting your body (through your mental attention and conscious focus) to become that which you just thought or said. This is how we humans keep recycling our own sickness and bad feelings - because we keep thinking it over and over to ourselves. All the self-help books, gurus and teachers talk about this, increasingly so. It is becoming a world-wide phenomena to re-program yourself with positive thoughts. Stop programming yourself with thoughts of "I am old" or "I will die soon" or "I won't live beyond such and such a date". Stop being so negative. Start today to use positive "I AM" statements.
Start today to use the "I AM" mantra. A mantra is simply an Eastern word meaning affirmation. It affirms you. It is a positive, uplifting word. Say "I AM divine". I will list a string of words for suggestions. It doesn't matter who you are, what state of mind you are in, or even if you are a good person. You can MAKE yourself over if you feel you are a "bad" person. This affirmation said over and over repeatedly during the day WILL start to take hold. You will start the ball rolling towards feeling better. It doesn't happen overnight but small changes begin immediately. It takes awhile to change over a body that has lived for 30, 40, 70 years of negative recycled thoughts. So it will begin very soon - within minute - after you start doing it. I also recommend doing it outdoors in nature for some minutes, 5, 10 or 20 minutes. Get out of the building where the old energies live and breathe in fresh outdoor energy. Become serene and watch how your inner life changes for you.
About six months ago I started doing this on a regular basis after reading it and it clicked in for me. It was an "AhHA" moment and it has produced results. Again, I reiterate: it doesn't matter how low down you feel, how dull or ineffective you feel, or how stupid it sounds or how illogical you believe it to be. It works for those who put the effort in. All teachers, leaders and guides of self-improvement techniques say, "You have to put the time in." Following are some suggested positive words to use after saying "I AM".
I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Peace, I AM Joy, I AM Healthy, Energized, Comfortable, Calm, Beautiful, Sacred, Divine, Celestial, Uplifting, Nurturing, Creative, Successful, Abundant, Kind, Merciful, Grace, Truth, Balance, Blesed, Magnificence, Grateful, Celebration, Harmony, Holy, Uplifting, Patient, Compassionate, Purity, Perfection, Blissful, Stillness, Oneness, Friendly, Freedom, Benevolent, Generous, Tender, Strong, Courageous, Determined, Tenacious, Faithful, Clear-minded, Humble, Caring,, Dignity, Thoughtful - and more that you can think of.
1/19/24 - The light in your body cells is encapsulated by six layers
This morning as I re-read my blog of yesterday I started imagining the light being enclosed inside my body cells. Then I drew a picture of a sparkling light symbol surrounded by a circle, representing a physical body cell. And then drew a second circle around that, representing the etheric body. Then a third circle representing the emotional body. Then a fourth circle representing the mental body, then a fifth representing the higher mental body known as the Christ body, per the Ascended Masters. It is the pure crystalline body in us - the higher mental body. It is not contaminated. All the heavier bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, lower mental) are layers of density that hold human world together. They contain the human belief system and mistakes we've made that are not good for us and passed down parent to child. Drawing the pictures gave me a better "feel" for, and understanding of, what I am dealing with here. Light inside my body cells? Still thinking about this I started my stretching routine.
It was then that it hit home why moving and stretching makes me feel good. Moving my body is helping me break the seals that create the belief that my body is a solid physical. My belief in it is like a decree, a law, a “seal” that makes it true. It seals me into that belief. My belief fixes it solid. So as I read the spiritual master material and think about these things, I expand my belief beyond the traditional "fixed" belief that the body is all there is. I am breaking up the solid fixed beliefs that I was raised in. Yoga does the same thing. A teacher feeds to students higher, truer information about being spiritually aware in an ongoing stream of education. The student then does physical stretching exercises and visualizes while considering this information. He or she imprints the information on the now-moving physical particles in the body. When they move they get imprinted better than when they are still and stagnant. Not moving. Stretching opens the pores, the muscles, the skin and moves the electrons and molecules around that make up the body cells so the BODY receives the information too, not just the brain, like when we were young children sitting at a desk in school.
I asked DK: Is it possible to remain in the physical body and still break all the seals so the light is shining from the physical? A: Of course! God didn’t create the physical worlds as a joke, just to play havoc with himself. He wants a more beautiful physical form to manifest through, to move THROUGH, not have to fight his way through a stagnant stop-still energy but move thru an open flowing enthusiastic energy body which is responsive to inner feelings and desires. He too wants to enjoy himself (God the Father) by moving fingers and toes and legs and feet. As the seals are broken and the light shines through the physical and expresses thru the physical body, the person will feel more alive, not so confined or weighed down as if in a prison with bars and doors locked down tight. As you learn to lift the weights off yourself, you will feel freer and not feel compelled to conform to outside rules that someone else has made and continues to enforce, as you have now. No one else’s rules are required - only your own sense of being free, freedom, gaiety, happiness, joy, spontaneity of movement. It feels natural, wholly natural, to be free to move yourself around spontaneously, as you feel to.
This is where you are heading, you and the whole human race is heading for the freedom of joy, of movement, of freedom from having to “comply” as the Borg story on Star Trek. Be natural! Be free. The rules of the controlling “authorities” are keeping you imprisoned. The naturalness of breaking rules causes your body to feel guilty, you suffer strangeness because your body has obeyed for many incarnations the controllers rules. You are therefore out of alignment with your naturalness, even sick, or disoriented, out of sorts in other ways. Awakened people, known as healers, can put their hands on you and speed up the adaptation process, bringing you more into alignment and help you to feel more whole again, more alive and healthy again, faster. Putting hands on others is a wonderful way of helping others. Those of you who are awake and aware of the light that is already inside of you are inclined to do this. It supports the light in someone else to settle in and adapt, as I did with Doug yesterday when he experienced a flushing and sick feeling in his stomach, and whoozy in his head.
He had a download of light, but I should not have said it out loud because it went against his belief system. It is better to do this without words because confusing belief systems can be hazardous to your health. But hands on healing, skin to skin, can help bring a misaligned body back to normal again. The body will adjust. The body is a package of energies "held" in place by a belief system. These beliefs can change from the inside, by the soul itself doing the changing. Energies are fluidic. In order to change a fixed belief system that causes problems, one needs to prepare oneself with good, true, proper, light-filled information. The body needs a master to tell it what is right and what needs to change. YOU are the master of your body. Speak to it. Tell it that it is loved. Soothe it when it is broken or feeling bad. Encourage it as you would a child. Use the same kind of language and tone of voice. Tell it, “It’s OK, you can relax now. Be at peace. I will hold you, hug you, you feel better now.”
This is what you should tell your own body when it starts to complain with hurts, pains, and despondent feel-bad emotions. Change the energies that cause the hurting. It’s a false BELIEF that the physical body is fixed and solid and here to stay. It is not. It is changing by the minute, as one can see if they stop to consider it. It is the BELIEF in what is causing the hurt that is a hard shell and must be broken up and replaced with a brighter, lighter belief. Belief is only the beginning step. Belief changes into knowing when it is a "true" belief. An educated awareness brings more power to manifest health and vitality. It is the only power we have – our awareness. Awareness is the power of life to change things for the better, for more comfort, for more pleasing, more abundant quality of life.
It’s the same power that keeps the universe on course. Everyone is aware of what they are aware of, and as they bring their awareness to the highest possible level, they merge together into more wholeness, more togetherness, more singularity. So that multiple awarenesses remain unique and individual, yet connected into a wholeness that plans and plays together, creates together, interacts with one another for further, more beautiful creations and enjoyable activities. Each is a unique Self on higher levels and yet One with all others. It is possible. Yes.
But while we are here encapsulated in form, we each believe what we believe, and sometimes we are wrong. So if we believe in separateness, we shall be separate and feel lonely. Loneliness is a feeling of being disconnected. We are influenced by what others tell us. We were born into a separatist world. We were told from birth, or it was implied, that the physical body is all there is, so take care of it and follow the rules or else, implying death is all there is. It is not true. There is a reality that is so astonishing that it will blow our minds right out of our skull when we see it! (I've caught glimpses of it!)
1/18/24 - A second kundalini awakening
More downloads from higher realms and grounding the information into the physical body and the practical everyday life creates all sorts of sensations, dizziness, disorientation, abilities to handle things. Life is complicated! The doors are opening and closing. I would not have been able to keep going without the continuing validations that come forth through other channeled writers, authors and internet articles. It has been difficult to keep up with blogs because I'm so busy handling LIFE! I love reading what other people are saying. regarding ascension symptoms. I can borrow words from them to explain these downloads.
This morning while doing physical exercises I asked my higher self a sudden inspiration, "Is there a SECOND kundalini awakening? Meaning in the same body. The answer was an immediate "Yes! The first awakening was your body releasing the kundalini energy, a supernatural force contained in the root chakra. The second awakening is occurring now, as your mind or physical brain understands how to work with it. As you gain understanding, you enlarge your brain to adapt and expand. You are now learning to ground your understanding directly into your physical body. This is causing a second awakening as the light is anchoring into your body. There is a transformation going on." This understanding was given to me as a sudden flash of seeing. I saw the golden network light up in me, as major solid lines of light flashed on and lit up. As if a light switch had been turned on. It is done through the inner eye, the third eye.
This occurred while I was on the floor stretching. As I told my husband the other day, yoga is a combination of listening to words of instruction (from a guru for example), and then stretching the body while thinking and considering it. When I am in motion and stretching, my body is open to receiving words I am thinking about. Otherwise, when the body is not stretching but going thru automatic (non-thinking) motions, it is stagnant and closed. Not open. So it is that by following a physical routine every day while considering high/positive/light thoughts, is a combination mind/body exercise like yoga. One does not have to be enrolled in yoga school to create ones own home study course. It is a strengthening exercise that allows revitalizing energy (kundalini energy) to move up from the root chakra where it is normally held locked down.
If I didn't do the physical stretchings, I imagine the psychic energy fluctuations would slow down then and stop, and I would again feel the old sickish feelings I used to feel, the old past encroaching and making me feel bad. I complained a lot about them over the past few years. Now I don't feel them hardly any more because I am actively engaged in moving my body while considering and thinking about words of positive spiritual advice. I urge others to try this home remedy by creating your OWN routine of physical practices and follow it every day. They do not have to be diffuclt, but keep the mind open and seek positive input, encouraging words that uplift and excite. Reach to more ideal heights and excellent words to consider, to think about while stretching and exercising. Positive, uplifting words contain light. Light is information of the uplifting positive kind. It is positive information that you are building into your own body while stretching and your awareness is hearing it. Don't listen to the news. It contains too many negative words which radiate negative energy, which you start thinking about instead of positive words. Most human words radiate dark issues. Look for words of Light.
Put lighter information into the body. Positive light-filled words raise the frequency. The energies (electrons) of the body speed up at the sound and touch of positive energy. Electrons get excited. Light-filled words is like putting them on a heated stove. They start to spin faster. It is all about raising the frequencies, spinning the electrons faster in the physical body. The brain contains "old" energy so the brain becomes the enemy - feeding "old" energy back to you. It tries to get us to go back to the "old" ways of the past. The brain is the enemy until new expanded synapses are built into it. Until then, the brain will keep feeding back words like "impossible". "Not logical". "No way;!" "Don't listen to that crap!"
But words of a positive uplifting nature, like love, peace, compassion, beautiful, happiness, joy, etc., are innocent words of wholeness. They are elevating. We are being told to surrender to the light because we ARE the light in us. We've been covered over with dark attitudes that weigh us down and make us somber. We ARE the sweetness in us. Let's bring that sweetness out. We are the child in us, the inner child. Let's let the inner child come out and play. It wants to be playful. We are the crystal purity in us. It tries to flow thru our physical cells but can't get thru the heavy dense shells that block it. The light is natural in us. Surrender to the naturalness in you. It is the innocence in you. It is the purity in you. There is a greater Self in you that is taking charge when you fall into naturalness. It feels easier, lighter, happier. It is a greater Power, a greater Father, a greater Mother taking charge. Yield to the greater power in you by surrendering to the happiness in you, whatever causes the happiness, the joy, the love, the warmth. When the warmth begins to shine, go with it. The responsibility is to be loving, kind, warm and safe to yourself first, before to others. Be kind to your own body. first. Don't make life hard for yourself. Make life easy for yourself. For your own physical pleasure and comfot.
Last night I broke my cell phone. It fell to the tiled floor as I was standing on the vibrating machine. I accidently caught my arm in the wire leading to the ear plug, resulting in a smash to the floor. Uh oh, Funk. Doug ordered me a new one right away, which turned out to be a miracle in disguise, less expensive and an upgrade at the same time. It took several hours for the funk to go away. Thanks to Saint Germain who is coming thru strong thru various channelers, including Tara Arnold on Youtube. He is the grand leader of the current age of ascension. I recommend listening to Tara.
Another good channel is Aluna Joy. Several hours later this morning I read Aluna Joy’s article which I posted on Today’s Post. It confirms what I received earlier - that we are ascending in the SAME physical body. That means we are experiencing very strange, even serious symptoms, as I did. I, however, had ascension training. Many people have not had any education on ascension at all, and don't understand that their bodies are changing, switching over to a faster track. A faster speeded-up electronic energy. This world is in great need of spiritual education. How the body is made out of energies and spirit and that spirit is speeding up. Many people have not received proper information by their parents.
Aluna Joy refers to a twice-born spirituality which even I had not heard of before today. My Higher Self told me first, then I read it on Alluna Joy. She refers to the first time when we are born into physical form, as in a past age, and now today we are moving forward with the SAME physical body into the next cycle. This means after thousands of years of reincarnating and repeating the same physical habits as a human being over and over and over and over, ad infinitum. The New Age information has taken us as far as it can, offering good growth and necessary preparation, but it has become stuck in the old world belief and contaminated with the belief in separateness, grandiosity and specialness.
This old creaky mindset is being flushed to the surface as many of us are evolving to a higher, cleaner, more modern understanding of building community, togetherness, cooperation and loving kindness with one another. Aluna suggests we are going through a global dark night of the soul as this change-over takes place, bringing on a time of death and REBIRTH. The way forward is radical surrender and absolute trust in the spirit that guides us naturally forward. We are standing firmly on the bridge of our ship, going forward into the unknown, into initiation and transfiguration. We each carry the immaculate concept within us as LIGHT! We were created with a plan and a purpose, but we were taken over by dark, complicated issues that held our Light back from expressing.
Know that you are safe and all is in divine order. Trust the good that is in you and continue moving into that natural goodness. Be the goodness in you. It is felt as an uplift and a joy. Bless you, I love you! Nancy
1/16/24 - Dull? Void? Lacking? Despondent?
After calling ascended masters and having high visionary, ASTOUNDING experiences identifying with that high realm, I find coming back to earth afterward to be dull, void, lacking. I feel empty and I don’t know what to do about this. I’m stuck frozen in place, paralyzed, unable to move. I call to my higher self. I know the feeling of my higher self, I've seen it, felt it, experienced it, but how do I reconcile coming back down? Being in this low energy field? Then thoughts start to come.
This is what I’m here for. To bring light to the planet. Not to others but to myself. To MOVE things into a better more harmonious environment for myself. It is not all subtle work that you do (someone is talking to me.) You also pick up objects with your fingers, smell the baking goods or the fowl smells. You also walk in spaces that are dusty and make you sneeze (I hear “Achoo!”) and so you hold and run a vacuum cleaner. You are equipped with a physical body to manually move physical things. THIS is the part where people become divided. They go into different paths, each one differently. Some go to extremes, one way or the other.
I have given you a title for a book – OUR book. (AhHA! It is DK talking to me!) We shall write and publish it together. “Tantra as a way of Life”. Tantra is the melding or conjoining of extreme opposites. Yes, you are doing it in your daily practice and life. Now, let us move up a level to one of more refinement. Call it a “tune-up”. The engines run slow without a periodic tune-up. You have deduced more refinement from Tara who speaks for Saint Germain. We Masters speak from a higher altitude, a higher at-it-tude and as you identify with us, you absorb or take on some of this higher at-it-tudes but YOU can make the changes in your world, WE cannot. YOU can manage and control the tune-up, make adjustments so that things run more smoothly. More efficiently for you and others in physical form. WE cannot make those changes. Only YOU can make them while you are in a physical body. When you leave the body temple you will not be able to make those changes or give that “tune-up”. Do you see? It is a matter of seeing and understanding.
Do NOT fall into lack, fall UPWARD into grace and gratitude. Thankful that you are still here in a body so that you CAN make changes. You CAN move around at will and pick objects up off the floor. Call on your Mother Flame to send a runner to help you. You carry the powers of the universe around with you, everywhere you go. In a pouch, a pure crystalline pouch at the center of your body – as you well know! (He is smiling. Yes, I know. I ask a question: What do you recommend as a quick “turn-around” method, to get out of a funk?) He answers: Breathe deeply into Mother Flame and ask her for a runner – a wisp of excitement, vitality and enthusiasm. She has a lot to share!! I think a question and he responds. No. You don’t have to perform Tai Chi poses to achieve a runner. (End)
After DK voice fades away, more thoughts filter into my consciousness. I am identifying with his higher consciousness. He has lifted me out of my funk. Do the Torus breath 20 times but picture your I AM Presence as you yourself in your white caftan going up into the air instead of a vague spark of light. YOU are the light, in person. You are a real personality. Be the light going up into space, clearing the air ahead of you as the Torus breath does, and out and down around yourself into the earth again as the Torus does, refreshing your body. Send your personal image out into space and allow your image to sprinkle through the atmosphere down around you into the earth. It is YOU, the light in you, that is clearing the debris out of the way. You are a light on many levels. This is a technique approved of by the Mother Flame, the God Flame in you.
I remembered how I started my morning meditation. I began by focusing on forming a solid ball of light in my mind, above me, waaaay above in the high skies above me. A solid ball of light as I worked at imaging it, building it in my mind. It cannot be done in a moment. It takes time to concentrate on building. It’s all about focusing on imagining and building a form out of mind, out of consciousness, out of intention. It takes time. So once again, I am reminded to take the time to work at it. Focus at building a more beautiful world out of my own mind. Instead of a funk, get to work and start doing something with these high energies that I connect with during my morning routine.
I focus first on forming a solid ball of light high, high, high in the sky above me, using beautiful words of high vibration - peace, love, light, truth, joy, excitement, laughter, fun-filled celebration. Then I bring an extention of that light-form down to my crown, half in and half out, as DK has told me. And I spend time repeating words of high beauty, grace, compassion and wisdom, excelling in every word while focusing on building a round spherical ball of light at my crown. It takes time. This is ME! I am building light into my own head and crown. If I just say the word quickly and not spend time feeling and concentrating and imagining the feeling of that word, what energy it gives off, what sensation, just saying the word in a quick monotone, it is worthless. There is no value being imprinted into my body cells. It is then just a shadow of the thing. An artificial shadow on the wall that is not real, just something passing thru quickly. The shadow then becames worthless data that clogs the synapses of my brain. Particles of digital electrons that have no spark of life in them. They get stuck in the brain along with other meaningless words. It adds to the dirty confusion that builds up in me, that I carry around with me, everywhere I go. This is the reason for my sitting in silence and emptying my mind into the higher realms of silence. I see I cannot step down out of my silent time, as if stepping down stairs into the low density of the past actions. I must build NEW light forms with my mind and intentions. New light forms to carry me into more vitality, energy, quickness, alertness and interest in life and living.
Today I am using the sord “sacred” and "grace" as feeling words to associate with, along with others as they pop up. I am feel for the feelings within these words. I don't have to stop and concentrate. I do them on the run, as I work my day. I say the words over repeatedly, mentally, consciously, while feeling for the sensation of energy, the vibrations they carry. I build a sphere of light, a pure clear ball of light first at the crown, a ball of light as real as I can make it, so that it looks solid and physical in my mind. Then do the same thing for the whole brain. Then for the throat, then for the heart-lung organ, they are a unit together. Then the solar plexus area. There is no one particular organ here to focus on, so I build a large ball of solid light covering this area.
Then the sacral area, the sex center, a ball of light surrounding the sacrum. Here I received break-through revelations about the singularity, the oneness, the wholeness of the life force, and how sex divides into two separate genders here. There is a "Y" in the road. One goes off to the right, one to the left. A male side and the other a female side. I see that I am to become a whole single energy, not divided. I am to weave them together to create a non-duality energy here. I repeat "non-duality" in my mind. Along with love, trust, truth, sacred, non-duality words.
Sex as a physical problem issue in humanity creates heavy dividing energy in the consciousness. Humanity has been caught in this confusion of separation for eons and eons, which continues to divide the singularity into two separate and opposing genders. It keeps us weighed down in complexities. It is not simple. We are all weighed down trying to sort it out. But non-dual words of truth, love, joy, celebration, compassion, smiling, kindness, non-gender issues brings us back to unity consciousness, a higher consciousness, and we build that into our bodies as we do the light work.
The dividing point is at the second chakra. Then I go down to the first chakra and build the Mother Flame around the coccyx and tail bone. The Mother Flame. The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame. I received a most beautiful experience here several months ago. And then I went down to the knees and built light forms into the knees. And then down to the feet and build light forms into my feet. As I put the mental work into building light into my body, I am rewarded with subtle revelations. Easy to handle revelations. Soft and warm and natural. They continue to flow into my mind and my funk is over. I get on with my day with enthusiasm and renewed interest.
1/13/24 - The body is not a thing to fix, it is constantly changing
The body is not a thing to fix or medicate, it’s a process that is constantly changing. There are cells within larger cells enfolded within larger cells, embedded inside even larger cells. Your physical body is the heaviest and densest and most solid of seven bodies. You are a pure and holy spirit. Your waking consciousness is pure and your holy spirit is descending into heavier more clingy “matter” step by step.
The first descension from holy and pure spirit is the causal body. Seven gifts are given to you from the birth of your consciousness, and you retain them, absorb them into what is called your causal body. Then you descend another step down into density. This is called the higher mental body, called the Christ body by the church. Each cell is surrounded by a higher mental body cell. This is still pure and holy but becoming more aware of density and physicality. Thus your higher mental body takes on an understanding, a perspective of the limitations you are descending into. And then you descend down another step into your lower mental body. And here is where you lose it. You lose the perspective that you are pure and holy and are plunged into the mix and matter of seething human thought and feeling.
Your pure and holy consciousness is still there but is covered over with forgetfulness. It is ordained that you forget and each cell is encased round about in the practical body/mind or thought/mind pertaining to the physical reality world only. You next take another downward step into MORE of density, where cells rub shoulders with other cells nearby, and you form and feel a sensuality between you which you could not feel before. This is the emotional feeling body and each cell is embedded inside the emotional body that prepares you for an intense emotional/pain/pleasure life of duality. And then you take another stop down into density and here you gather ALL of your awarenesses together, all perspectives and experiences together into one lump storage compartment or reservoir of energy, called the etheric body - called soul by the masters - and you feed it into your physical body. This is the final receiver of all your awareness to date. Your physical body receives all that you have learned, experienced, become consciously aware of, in your journey downward into density and outward in expression into the physical reality world of manifestation. So you are continuing to process every moment through every movement of your day.
Will you repeat the past or move on to something new? Repeating the same cycle again and again is how you keep building more density and confusion into your physical reality. To break out of physical confusion you must try something new. You are nudged to try something new. Newness is freshness is aliveness is adventure and excitement. Try something new instead of repeating the same old cycle over and over. Allow your purity and innocence and holy (the light) to come out into manifestation - the manifestation that you are in your original immaculate state - so that you shine through the physical exterior of your skin and action. The question to each person is, Will you be more authentic and real and true to yourself in your response and reactions to circumstances? Or will you fall back on yesterday’s belief system and recycle the same old stuff? (Received as automatic channeling on 10/21/23)
1/11/24 - Coming down thru the sun
After re-reading the DK message I posted on his book yesterday, (Listen to your body, it is a mixture of refined and unrefined materials), I asked "Does DEEP breathing help me to blend the refined and unrefined materials in my body for better vitality?" I am feeling an odd sensation of being out of alignment and wondered if really DEEP cleansing breathing into the lungs would help, because I don't do that very often. DK responded:
(DK:) Yes. Deep breathing does indeed help, breathe as deeply as you can consciously, so that your consciousness brings in the power of your SELF. Your REAL self as you discovered this morning riding in with glee from the Sun. You have done excellent work in this regard. Good for you. You have done well to share your knowledge. Yes. Breathe deeply, breathe consciously. Your breath will balance your refined energies and bring in your unrefined energies to a greater level of peace. It is YOUR consciousness that does the healing. YOU are the Master consciousness within your body, achieving the healing. Do more of this. Spend more time breathing deeply, my dear. Yes, you have read and received this correctly.
(Me:) Thank you. Is there anything more you might tell me that would pertain to this thought? I had a thought a moment ago to ask you. You said “If you call me 'we can continue with the lesson.' I wonder – does that mean I should call you through my conscious ego mind, or are you referring to my soul calling to you which is often sub-conscious and I'm not aware? Is there such a thing as calling you subconsciously?
(DK:) No, my dear, be conscious of calling me. I will come when you are fully conscious of calling to me, as you are doing now.
(Me:) Dear Master DK, thank you so much for answering my questions.
As I was doing the hold breath today (inhale to count of 8, hold to count of 8, exhale to count of 8, hold to count of 8), something phenomenal happened. It was when I expelled air that I saw or actually experienced myself coming out of the sun as a living personification of light and riding downward, coming down into my body with supreme happiness and glee, as if I had just been set free and was celebrating. I can't describe how brilliant, bright and exquisitely beautiful and bright I was. It was an extraordinary feeling and it was ME! I had EXPELLED the air in my lungs and it was as if an explosion occurred. I had been holding my lungs and now let it go. Wow! I felt the freedom but I also saw myself become free too, as if a light exploded inside of me and turned me into radiance. I saw myself in a way that was more real than physical. As a youthful totally resurrected and vitalized BEING of living light. I felt as if I was breaking out of the maze, out of the smog, the dark, and that I was coming home to myself as I entered into my body with such GUSTO, it's hard to portray the feeling, as if this was the first time I had ever broken free. I was a kid again!. Happy, joyful, kid again. Innocent, happy and full of excitement and eager to get started. I came down out of the sun, or thru the sun. I am a ray of light coming through the sun. I am a unique light, a unique intelligence out of all the other rays coming through the sun. How could this be? I do not know.
This is a first experience, and I wonder now - Is my I AM Presence? I knew myself as a distinct and separate ray of light in that split moment or flash of insight. Gleeful, happy, beyond describing the happiness. I am my OWN ray of light, my OWN spirit, my OWN energy, my own consciousness, and yet a part of the great light which is my source light. I am a part of the sun and a part of the great light behind the sun that is beyond my reach. I can actually experience myself - my own self coming through the sun and it is uniquely ME! I am ME! I can feel ME! Coming out of the sun’s light and descending into my fixed solid body.
And then the work began, the heavy lifting, the healing, the (ooooff) hard work of removing the covers that imprinted into me. But that's for later. I don't want to ruin a good story - the coming in from the sun!
Now, today, remarkably, I have discovered Kerry K on Youtube. It is as if her appearance in my life is precisely on queue. A soul sister who knows exactly what's happening and can support my experience. She validates what I have just experienced. For those who are ready for Kerry K and more truth about the Ascension, see Today's Posts I posted on 1/9/24. She knows things nobody else seems to know. I am so grateful to have her validation.
I believe that many people are experiencing one-of-a-kind unusual experiences and don't know what they mean or whether to believe them or not. Maybe they are fantasies or illusions? That is why I write - to share MY story. It may validate someone else's experiences. I urge others to do the same. Speak up! Tell! Share! Believe in yourself. You are an immortal life-giving, life-inspiring, conscious intelligence, a LIGHT who has a fabulous intellect and knowledge to share. You have lived forever. You know things that have been kept hidden and under cover. You are perhaps only beginning to remember. Or perhaps you have known all along, as I have. But no one has validated them for you. This is an era of validation and support. We are sisters and brothers of the same race, the same planet, the same loving community. We are breaking out, breaking out of the maze and beginning to remember who we are. We are opening to the light that is already in us but covered over. We have always been that light. We know what we know. We may not say it out loud but we know what we know. We were just covered over by smog, or fog, or dirt, or artificially-enduced traumas.
Bless you. I love you. I love the whole world today and you're in it! Contact me thru the contact page if you are inclined.
1/7/24 - Chop wood, carry water
Lao Tsu said in a post yesterday: “You have heard the expression: Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. Do you understand why this was said? On the base level, one must continue to provide for themselves sustenance and warmth no matter their spiritual development. At a much deeper level, it is the act of DOING that provides the greatest grounding. One must stay anchored into the act of living and being on earth. It is recommended that people anchor themselves very stro
There are seven levels to the aura. See the various charts showing up on the internet. These are just symbolic. The truth is more real and subject to one's own sense of right and wrong. Each level shown expanding wider and wider on the chart is on a higher frequency than the one below it. Higher frequency means the electrons that whirl around its central sun whirl faster than the level below. The tighter into the body the level is, the heavier its density and the slower the frequency. On the physical body level, the electrons are slowed down to a bare crawl in order to hold the body fixed in place on the earth. But the electrons are still whirling, have not doubt about it. We CAN change our bodies as we become more aware. On the lower frequency levels the electrons slow down through the process of focusing small, tiny and becoming detail-oriented. This is how we pick up wrong thoughts and we cling onto them, thinking they are "right". They then become stuck in time and space. It is done because we THINK them over and over in our time and space. They become "stuck". When we clear up the errors in thinking and believing, through intelligent thought and analysis, the electrons start to spin faster. By surrendering tightly held thoughts and turning it over to love and light, we can change our lives very quickly and move ourselves on. This is a brief summary of the teachings.
The four lower bodies are filled with contaminated beliefs that may not necessarily be wrong, but they are stuck in a holding pattern. They have been built from childhood and held in the consciousness of the person without the person realizing it. Becoming aware of a wrongly held mistake and letting that old belief go, release it, is how we cleanse our time and space. And the electrons can spin faster. Our frequency raises higher because the electrons start whirling and throwing off the heavy yoke of pressure. Elation, happiness, enthusiam, freedom, excitement, vitality is among the many feelings that might result. It is a raising of frequency, the number of times an electron spins around its central sun. This causes a higher feeling of vibration, a thrill you could say, throughout the body. Notice feelings of "thrill"!
Each human has three HIGHER bodies on higher levels that are not contaminated ever. And never will be. They are pure God-light. As we click into our own God-light which is on the higher enthusiasm levels, you could say, we become more aware of happiness, peace, elation, inspiration, reverence, even holiness. But realization comes slowly because we are so weighed down with the human condition. We live inside the human condition. We are a product of the human condition, which is heavy indeed, compared to the three HIGHER bodies.
While we have a total of seven levels in our aura, it is not easy to click into them or understand them because we were born into very, very low self-esteem. We were born into sin, guilt, shame and fear. We were not told that we had a God source flowing within us. This is what the Ascended Masters teach through their presence. The three higher levels of our auric field can't be contaminated because they are pure God. We are pure God. These three higher levels are our own pure God SELF animating us from higher levels. It is our own God-light that is our life force. When we die our God-life goes back home again. But while we live in a human body, the God SELF is animating us. It is alive within us. It can be accessed if someone points it out to you. It lives vibrantly within you. Each human being has a body, emotions, mental thoughts and spiritual beliefs. These are the four levels that are weighed down. The pure God Self is hard to access from within the human life, because we don't believe it's real. We weren't taught. We were taught the opposite and are continuing to be taught through the media and the average systems of earth life. We receive distraction from every which way and these distractions continue to bog us down. Why do you suppose some people retire to monestaries, mountains and caves? The seven levels of the human aura are:
1. The physical body - the heaviest and lowest and densest part of us
2. The emotional body - a level higher in frequency where feelings interact with other form life
3. The mental body - a level higher in frequency where abstract thoughts interact with other form life
4. The spiritual body - a level higher in frequency where abstract thoughts interact with angelics
5. The crystalline light body - the pure uncontaminated pattern of God-light unique to the individual soul
6. The causal light body - the pure uncontaminated purity of the seven God attributes we are to discover
7. The monad light body - the unique God self as an individual offspring of the creator
Words are poor expressions for these seven great dimensions. I share them as I have come to understand them. The four lower bodies are referred to by the Masters through ALL of their teachings. Their primary goal and focus is to teach us how to cleanse our four lower bodies. As humans born into finite bodies we each have these four levels that are laden with errors from the past. While it may seem like a heavy burden to carry for any human being, the way to cleanse these erroneous beliefs and ideas can be done rather rapidly through application of the seven virtues contained in the causal light body.
These seven virtues are: (1) will power/moral courage, (2) enlightened intelligence, (3) love/reverence, (4) purity/innocence, (5) truth/honesty, (6) peace/comfort, and (7) freedom/both giving and receiving. The seven chakras have been recognized as sealed doors that need to be opened to access the flood of truth that would be released. A chakra door is opened by applying one of these virtues in one's outer life. It is in the application of will power and moral courage, for example that one opens the door and invites more of that will power and moral courage to enter in.
Applying it in one's life is why I write and post blogs. It makes me feel good about myself. It helps me to grow and expand. As I give outward, I make room for more to move into my life. My posting of this information is to share what I have learned from the ascension teachings over the years of accessing works by the Ascended Masters. I have been applying these teachings quietly to my own life and have been learning astounding things. Instead of promoting my work as others have done, I have strengthened and enriched my SELF!
7/13/23 - Introducing the background consciousness
The power to change for the better lies in our background consciousness - not the forefront consciousness but the BACKGROUND consciousness. This is my latest self-discovery. Background consciousness is not obvious. It is hidden behind the surface movements of life. The immediate environment is the people and things in my life that capture my attention. They are family, neighbors, friends, strangers, co-workers, playmates, animals, objects, nature and situations. As an elder I am mostly at home, either in the kitchen or in the office or outside in the yard, or upstairs cleaning. These are my physical environments as I move through the day. This is the conglomerate "nest" in which I find myself, day in and day out. It takes up most of my exterior awareness. However, I have discovered there is a background consciousness that doesn't give a damn about my exterior environment. It cares only how I react and respond throughout the day and night. It cares only how I bounce back and feed information back into whatever caused me to react and respond. What type of game am I playing? A negative one? Or a positive one?
You could think of a Native American Indian hiding in the trees, peering through the foliage to see what you are doing. You cannot see the Indian because he is very good at staying hidden, but he is observing you and whether you know it or not he has an influence on you. He nudges you in directions that you aren't even aware of. This is my BACKGROUND consciousness. It is now creating havoc with my life because I didn't know it was there. I had no idea. I have been following exercise routines that are keeping my body in shape but my mind or rather the brain itself has not been prepared for this. I am experiencing the strangest, weirdest, most uncomfortable dizziness, wondering what is going on. And now I am learning.
After trying everything I can think of to correct the fuzziness in my brain and it's not working, I am discovering something about myself that I did not know. After trying many different techniques learned over the years to correct the distortions in my brain, I have hit upon a truth that I had forgotten. Not really forgotten, but ignored as fantasy or frivolous. I don't have any power whatsoever over the life force in me. It is greater than me. I am a passing personality that keeps changing and growing and dying and being reborn in another body. I am a temporary thing. A tomato on a vine that will perish one day and a new tomato will take its place. Yet I AM the eternal power that never dies that is flowing through me currently as the background consciousness.
My body feels great, it's just the brain that's acting out of phase with my surroundings. My surroundings keep changing but I have not recognized that I must keep pace with the changes going on around me. I can't hold on forever to who I think I am - a fixed stable person. I'm changing. Other people are also having dizziness issues, so I am not alone with it. But it's MY problem to deal with ME, and I alone can fix it. I'm learning about how important the flow of this eternal something within. It is a discovery process and an expansion is reqired to embrace it. Relinquishing control over who I am is only part of it. A blending and acceptance is required that there is greater aspect of "me" seeping through and I must allow it, integrate with it, blend with it and agree, to bend the knee to it, to this greater aspect of me as it tries to incarnate in this body. This is advanced science and many people reading this won't understand. It has been called mystical in the old ways. But that's OK if you don't understand. It's Tantric and Tantra is not understood. Tantra is not about winning vs. losing or about sickness vs. health, or about sex. It is about accepting the flow that is taking place - WHATEVER is taking place - could be anything, could be something truly bad - and joining in with it. It is about becoming one with it thru love and by harmonizing with it. It is about becoming MORE. It is called evolution - evolution of soul, of body, mind, emotions and spirit and acceptance of the greater life.
Meanwhile, I hear echoes of "Go to the doctor!" Yes, yes, yes. I made an appointment with the doctor for a checkup, OK? I've done that. My husband took care of that. And later this month I'll have the checkup. Now can I get back to the REAL work? The work of discovering who I am and what I can do for myself? Which is why I'm here in the first place, in a body incarnate on Earth as a soul, learning lessons of self mastery and self discovery.
What I've been discovering is that my BACKGROUND consciousness is not just a theory or piece of intellectual information. My background consciousness is the bigger me and it is influencing me. I am my own background consciousness lurking behind the foliage of the trees. I am the greater me flowing through my body, watching, observing, nudging my outer smaller self to "try this" or "try that". I am the hidden part that supports the outer part and I didn't know. Wasn't aware. It is below my subconscious. It is way beneath my exterior conscious mind, thought and feelings and external decisions I make. I am the sub-sub-cconsciousness that lives on after this body dies. I am the hidden part of me that is learning through superficial outer trials, errors and experiments. It's a game of hide and seek. Surface thoughts come and go easily. I can switch them on and switch them off, using various techniques. But what I can't switch off is that elusive consciousness that is in charge and lurks in the background behind a veil, peering from behind a curtain. THIS is the real me. This is the real power of me. Its reality has been breaking through to me, causing me some headaches and dizziness. I have to adapt.
There are times when my brain is clear and not dizzy, not fuzzy. What is it that causes clarity? I am dying to know the truth about this. Why am I suddenly clear-brained and later again fuzzy-brained? Most people think a pill is the answer, and I'll consider that. But I know there is more to this than a pill or a drug. I am on the road of discovery. I have already discovered that I'm not who I thought I was over the last 40 or so years. I've been believing a lie about myself. I thought I was "this" or "that" but I've discovered more truths about who I am. So I've been learning to let go of this image about myself and adapting to the unknown. Could this be one of the reasons for my bouts of clarity and sanity? Accepting the unknown? The clear vision that happens here and there? And then, again, fuzzy brain returns. It is fluctuating wildly. I want to die, then I don't want to die. I am willing to allow the truth to take over and bend me back into shape. But we will see. There is more to uncover. Pardon my frankness - just sharing some thoughts from an elder!
7/8/23 - Unlocking the doors to powers within
I started receiving while in the shower this morning, writing notes to myself. Feeling super energies, too much, in fact, must slow myself down. This is coming in very strong, intense, powerful. Tuning into the powers within, how to get past the locked door. The doors are all through the body – in the hands and feet, the stomach, the back muscles, the solid body that we focus on so intently so that we run to the doctor whenever something goes wrong. We get some medicine to take and seal up the door again, our prison door that keeps us safely locked up inside so we can’t get out.
A little later, I can’t breathe. After the backbend and cobra I sit and connect, remembering I must bring it UP, up, up. "Meet your higher self! She’s there in the coccyx. Bring it UP to the heart and the brain." Step out of the box of limited thinking that you’re only a physical body. Step out of the box into freedom and sunlight flooding. Do it slowly. Bring it up the spine via the Torus breath and fountain it out and around and down. Repeat it. Flow it. Keep it loose and flowing. The brain has been blocking the flow. All that “ME” knowledge is blocking the flow. The focus on “Me” as if I’m important! As if what this body feels is important. But that’s exactly what is causing the pain, the heart aches, the body aches, the disabilities, the aging, the discomfort, the brain fog – it’s the focus on the physical deterioration that is causing the “sick” feelings that are slowly creeping in and insidiously invading the Self, the body cells, to make us think we are dying. It’s focusing our thinking process on dying and disintegration.
The eternal spirit, the holy spirit, the pure life-giving spirit is NOT dying! It can’t die! It has been simply held back from expressing. We’ve been focusing so much on the body dying that we are causing our own dying process. The holy spirit, the pure life-giving spirit is still there inside a crystal ball in the pelvic bowl, and we are holding it back from releasing. It needs to be invited out to flow again, to express. It needs to be released. Let go! Relax! Breathe in and breath out through the sacrum. Picture the sacrum. Bring it into focus, flow it, imagine it, pure crystalline light sparkles flowing up the spine, breaking through the obstacles. This purity can smash right through them when it is flowing, melt right on through them to the top of the head.
We are talking about the life force known as kundalini. It is also known by other names in other cultures, such as Christians call it the holy spirit, or the Christ. Shakti, Shekinah, Krishna and other names in other parts of the world. It has been locked in down there in the coccyx and sacrum, not allowed to flow up the spine. Sin, sex, guilt and shame has had us, as if in bondage tied to limited thinking, and we had no idea. We were imprinted with a massive conspiracy imprinting of fear, shame and guilt and we had no clue. We were babes in the wood being programmed before we could walk and talk. We did not understand. How could we? This has been going on for many centuries. Now kundalini is here. It is a big word. An unknown word but I am going to introduce it to the culture. Other people are introducing it, I see. Yes, the word is coming out into the public eye. There is a plan brewing. It is very close now, close enough to begin the group gatherings. Tantra is part of the kundalini instruction. The word Tantra needs to be straightened out. It has been ignorantly misunderstood. There have not been enough true teachers or healers. We are introducing it now because it’s time. Simply that it’s time. The universe has lined up some people to bring this forth.
I did the back bend off the bed and the cobra. I’m working with forces beyond traditional thinking. The kundalini, the holy spirit, is opening for everyone at a different pace. It is opening with LOVE. The teaching is about LOVE. The emphasis is on love. The first emphasis is on love. There is only one energy in all of creation and it is LOVE. Creation in the form world is done by playing with different aspects of love. Moving with it or moving away from it by rejecting it. It is the moving and shaking, exploring and defining the various perspectives and understandings of LOVE. The ultimate love is wholeness, completion, fulfillment, hence the word “holy”. But love doesn’t end there, to rest and relax and be forgotten, because there are more people coming up behind us who are still experimenting with LOVE, hesitant and unsure but experimenting. The building of more and more love is a continuing, ongoing, eternal process of life that never ends but continues building more. There is no end to love because it keeps adding more to itself. There are an infinite number of consciousnesses who are evolving in love and each is unique, one of a kind, discovering yet another new way to experience love – the primal energy of creation that we are ALL using in our creating.
As I was bringing the energy up to the heart thru the throat to the brain, I was on fire again and stopped to write, “Get the energy to the brain!” realizing that the brain is getting this message and I must write it! We think there is hate, violence and anger, depression, sickness and death, but it is all created from love - out of a desire for more love, or what one thinks is love. Whether it be from a selfish controlling perspective or from a benevolent way of sacrifice and martyrdom, we are all focusing on love. And BALANCE is what brings us closer to it. Balance the extremes that appear, balance them with love. Find the unity, the harmony, the way of merging the extremes and you will experience love.
My brain is sprouting colors now, coming up from the coccyx and the pelvic bowl, clearing a channel through the sushumna, the central etheric channel all the way to the brain. It is clearing. There are two arcs in the brain now, going left and right of the central channel to the pituitary. The colors are sprouting up, one here, one there, faster and faster and all at once! It’s not the brain that is coming alive, it is ME that is sprouting the awareness and the colors. I AM the awareness in the brain bringing conscious awareness up the spine to my organ of the brain. I Am the incandescent surreal colors sprouting many different aspects of divinity as they unfold into my brain.
I Am the divinity that has been held locked in down below, prior to this moment. I Am bringing it up to the brain so this body can recognize itself in the physical form and the physical world and use it here! (I am doing the neck exercises now.) I am activating my male side. The sparks, the angels, the devas are in the trees. I used to think it was the sun catching and glinting off the moisture on the leaves but it’s the faeries or elementals, whatever name they might be called. I first think it’s the sun but it looks a bit too bright and it twinkles at me as if it’s sending a message. I pause and connect with it and then I know.
7/7/23 - Breathing difficulties
This was a month ago. In the night I woke with the message that galactic ships were sending positive energies into the Earth atmosphere, making it difficult for negative thinking people to breathe and to please post this. This is why we have to think more love-light thoughts. We must work at cultivating more light into our bodies, minds and feelings to elevate our frequencies, or we won’t survive these higher energies that are flooding the planet. I have posted a link HERE (page down to "my personal decrees") to find some mantras and affirmations to use - prayers and positive decrees. Do use them. Select some that appeal to you and say them out loud 15 minutes a day or more often. The more the better. It will help to lighten your body’s energies. This will elevate you to higher vibrations. It brings in vitality, cosmic energy that will surprise you if you do it enough to notice. Most people will not do it because they are lazy and too embedded in the routine of their lives. But the work WILL have an effect. The intergalactic ships are actively assisting the solar ascension rays and they are warning that it will be hard to breathe.
I've been having a hard time catching my breath, and a friend writes that he has been having difficulties too. It helps to spend time doing the light affirmations. Say them out loud, so the sound reverberates into your auric field that surrounds you. It is your auric field that needs lifting, not the physical body. The physical body is the "shell" in which your personal energies are floating. It is the ENERGIES that need lifting. Routine day-to-day energies are the ones that lag behind and droop like wilting flowers. They become dull and lifeless energies. These are the energies that are your life force. Lift them with higher prayers and light-filled, love-filled, praise-filled words of higher qualities and tones. The light that is hitting the planet through the sun and the greater sun is so much higher than what it has been previously, that people who are not aware will not know what is happening to them. This is a message from the galactics. Please do this. Become more light-endowed by chanting these higher words into the air every day. If a person hasn't activated the light in their physical body, it's going to be difficult to catch a breath. The body needs to be elevated and take in some of this higher energy to match the incoming light.
I got up and went into the meditation room and participated in the uplifting of the earth, cleansing the earth and all inhabitants, waking up the light. With my inner sight I sensed the Earth starting to separate. This is on an etheric level. I was aware of it. A lot took place last night. It was a major step in the separation of old and new earth. An hour and 20 minutes later I felt it was over and I could go back to bed.
Additional revelations: Routine is so boring! It is the same old, same old stuff, day in, day out, always the same. When I write new information from higher up, I get excited. It is creative. Tantra is the sacred art of growing new links by conjoining opposites. Not by replacing or substituting one for another. It is like grafting a different plant onto another plant to create a more advanced evolved plant from two separate species. Opposites can be grafted together to create something new and more advanced. More evolved. My higher self is divine and holy. I am not. It is coming closer down to me as I use enlightened words that are higher and purer than my normal words. My higher self links with these higher holy words and can come closer to me. I can see my higher aspect more closely as I do this. It is more brilliant than me. More colorful, it is bluish and with other colors mixed in, transparent colors, divine, holy, pure. It is coming closer and it is connecting my awareness to itself. I feel myself becoming more elevated. I am merging with my higher self. I am an opposite of my higher self. I am human. It is divine. We are grafting together like two species. One not pure, the other pure. This is Tantra.
7/5/23 - Settle in with the forces of nature
The forces of nature are not wild. They are soothing and calm. And when we acknowledge that feeling it is like coming home to the ancestral hearth. Relax into it. Coming home is a settling in feeling. It is a stopping of the struggle in the outer-world journey. It is accepting where you came from, your ancient lineage is nature. Natural. It feels at peace. Remember the feeling of walking in the forest? The wood? The quiet of dawn or the late night after dark? There is a quietness in nature. It is the coming home to what THE BODY feels is natural. After all, we are first of all the body. A solid form made of the substance of earth. And Mother Earth is the intelligent mother who oversees her brood - the kingdoms of nature. Mankind and womankind are part of that kingdom of her nature. We can feel the "coming home" at certain times when we are alone and not being distracted. We are drawn naturally, inexplicably, inward. It is similar to the ripening of a fruit. It is impossible to ripen fruit in an artificial environment. It is not natural. But falling in step with the forces of nature provides a feeling of settling in and relaxing into a flow that is almost always forgotten during the active hours of human activity. Relinquish the struggle in those opportunities to fall in step with nature. It knows what you need. This is an advanced teaching. We think we are so smart and intelligent to be in our brains, but the greater intelligence is in the WHOLE BODY. In the DNA of each tiny cell that makes up the liver, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the prostate gland, the ovaries,, the muscles, and the bones and blood. And the brain itself. This is far removed from the controlling ego which does not provide peace and calm. This is how we follow the spirit, the higher angel of our own divine nature. It is the coming together of our own heavenly nature with the earth's nature. When we agree to surrender our controlling ego and allow ourselves to walk in the natural way of the earth-walker, the skin-walker, we bring our heavenly nature in harmony with the earth nature. Look for nature's signs that come to you - the bird that swoops out of the sky, the snake that crawls unexpectedly nearby, the call of the owl, the feather that drops at your feet, the many movements in the air, unexpectedly. Stop and acknowledge RECEIPT of the contact. This is disclosure of the Earth kind. There is no need to look for it. No need to struggle. No need to work at it. We are one with nature.
7/3/23 - Me and my four lower bodies!
Yes, I'm still here! It's been a week since my last blog. I've hit a new stuck point in the transition of my life, moving out of 3D into 4D and 5D, and it's taking all my attention to work it out. How best can I align my four lower (denser) bodies? The consciousness evolution that is taking place is affecting everyone, but perhaps not like it's affecting me right now. I'm getting whoozy, dizzy and have strange sickish-type feelings. It is causing a lot of confusion but I know what the cause is and it has affected me physically, mentally and emotionally. Ugh! It's very draining and disturbing.
The four lower bodies are the four densest consciousness levels of a person. There are seven levels of consciousness in all (picture the aura) but the three higher levels are saintly, holy and perfect. It is the four lower, tighter, denser levels that are the problem. These are the human conditions composed of errors and mistakes that need correcting or leaving behind. This is an advanced peek into a larger truth, so we won't go any further than that. It's just background food for thought as we tackle the more local issue of these four dense levels of the human apparatus, and what I am currently struggling with.
The four lower denser levels are the (1) emotional level, (2) the mental level, (3) the spiritual or higher mind level and (4) the physical body level. Old energies (issues) that have not been redeemed or released yet, are still stuck in the auric field, which is our consciousness. These are now being affected because we are going through a major shift in consciousness to a higher, lighter dimension. These old energies (issues) are holding us back. They are knots in our consciousness. They are causing (me) dizziness problems and sickish feelings - and keeping me busy trying to figure out what next to try to correct it because I'm an energy worker. I do my own energy corrections to keep healthy and active.
Other people are experiencing this too, I see, as I read the articles. But we each have to work it out alone, by ourselves, because no two people have the same issues going on from the past, including past lives. Not everyone is aware of this physical shift from the 3rd to the next higher dimension of consciousness, be it the 4th or the 5th. The shift is taking place on inner levels of consciousness that, unfortunately, many people are unaware of. How many people have been educated about their four lower bodies? The lowest and densest body is the physical body, which we can see and touch, but the other three are on a finer frequency level. We can't "see" them per se. So the shift is affecting these three finer bodies that we don't even know we have. We think it's the physical body that is having the problem and it's not! We might go to a doctor and learn that nothing is the matter since the instruments don't pick up on it, but there is a lot more going on than doctors are aware of. If you have not been filled in about how these four lower bodies operate, for example, your emotional body and your mental body, then it's time we started to address it.
Imagine yourself as you are right now, doing what you're doing (like I am sitting at my laptop), imagine how you look right now but twice as large and as a transparent figure hovering over you or around you. This is your emotional body. This is the energy body where all your emotions and feelings take place. Your emotions and feelings do NOT take place in your physical body, nor in your mental body. They take place at a certain frequency level. Your emotional body is the plane where all your feelings occur. This transparent body (you don't see it so you don't realize it's there) is hovering around every cell in your physical body. When you feel a surge of anger, for example, your emotional body feels, not your physical body. This is a long complicated story to explain.
Next, imagine yourself again, as you are right now, but three times as large and also a transparent figure, hovering over your emotional body or around you. Use your imagination. This is your mental body. It is functioning at an even HIGHER frequency level than your emotional body. This is where thought takes place. This is your mind, where you think things through and come to decisions. This body does NOT have feelings like your emotional body does. It is a separate frequency that operates on a specific plane for the specific purpose of working out mental processes pertaining to human practical life.
Next, imagine yourself again as you are right now but four times as large and also a transparent figure, hovering over your mental body. This is your spiritual body, sometimes known as the etheric body. This is on a still HIGHER frequency than either your emotional or mental body. This is a larger aspect of you which is in touch with MORE of who you are as a spiritual intelligence. This body does not have feelings per se, as we define feelings in the human realm, but it is closer to love, harmony, unity and the higher cosmic laws of the universe. This is closer to heaven than the other two denser realms, but it is not perfect either. It is designed for the purpose of working out and understanding what spirit is as compared with human. That takes care of three of the four lower bodies. The fourth lower body that gets out of alignment is the physical body.
The three invisible bodies - emotional, mental and spiritual - are all operating within the physical body and most people know nothing about them. This is information that is taught in the mystery schools, esoteric and metaphysical classes. Emotions and feelings get tangled up with our thoughts, and our thoughts get tangled up with our religious and spiritual beliefs, and our bodies get confused over which is which and how to deal with it. This has been going on for a long time. We have been kept uneducated about this. Now there is a consciousness evolution taking place. We are growing up and out of the third dimension and into the fourth dimension and the fifth. Everyone is different. Your family, friends and neighbors aren't aware of what you are aware of, because consciousness is unique to each person. What I know is what I know. What YOU know is what YOU know. We know different things, pertaining to different areas of our lives. But the biggest single problem we have is that these four lower bodies are entangled. Like four different balls of yarn, each with a different color, has been allowed to become unwound and bunched into knots. Our consciousness has become all twisted up together, including issues from past life experiences that are not yet resolved.
It is the end of past times and the beginning of a new time - one that is happy and peaceful. The transition from the old times requires putting an end to the problems of the past. We don't have to solve the problems, we simply have to stop worrying about them. All of the advice from the masters is to "let go". Stop worring. Stop fixating. Stop hanging on to the old life. Let go. Relax. Find something fun to do. Put your attention on fun and happy projects that make you excited. Then the problems of the past disappear. Because what you are aware of is what we focus on. Our emotions and feelings are a separate part of our life, quite different from the thoughts we think. Our spiritual thoughts about God and the universe, and about E.T.'s are different from our thoughts about the practical life, like politics, money, hospitalization, sending kids to school, etc. We have four different consciousnesses taking place simultaneously in us every day. Each one of them needs to be examined separately. Untangle them. We have only one consciousness but it has become tangled and twisted and it torments us because we don't understand. Why? But this one consciousness that we are, goes higher and higher and higher and higher, as we look to the higher aspects of ourself. As we learn about these four lower bodies we will begin to notice the changes. Become conscious.
6/25/23 - Love is not an emotion - it's the life force
During my morning meditations today I was shown that love is the life force. It is not an emotion. The life force called love is everywhere. The universe is composed of living, breathing, conscious electrons and atoms, and the masters speak of them often. How they are eager little beings of love desirous to serve in positive ways. They are filled with love, light, warmth and goodness and they bring this warmth and comfort to all who attract them. These little beings are not to be confused as an emotion. They are the life force.
Yes, personal love is an emotion because it is being directed to someone specifically. The sender draws on the ocean of life that exists everywhere and focuses his attention on a person of his or her choice. Love is available to be used, and we do use love for all that we do. We even use love to hate someone or be jealous, envious, controlling, violent and to engage in personal drama with. Everything we do is done with the power of love because love powers the universe, the planets, suns and all life everywhere. That is why we are capable of growing past a difficult situation that is bogging us down. Since love is the motivating force behind all creation and it is within us, and within our own consciousness, it IS possible to change a difficult situation by imagining or reaching beyond the difficulty or the down side of something, and apply a higher, better, more ebullient application of love.
Love is the sea of life that exists everywhere. It is circulating even now within our own bodies and is available to use but we have to KNOW this first, before we can make such changes. It was shown to me this morning to be aware of it, to make this message public so others can be aware of the sea of life is actually LOVE. Then perhaps a person can make changes in their life by boosting, reaching, imagining, raising their attitude to a higher level. It is up to us to make the changes in how we apply the law of life, the law of love. It is intelligence that directs love into action. It is will power that directs it. It is a change in how we think, a change in how we want to be. But first we must believe this is true. There have been vague references to such a powerful law of but very few truly understand it. We have been massively programmed to believe in loss, lack, poverty and disempowerment.
Yet, we are the master intelligences. This is proven by the fact that we can think for ourselves, and we can change our minds when we want to. We often just don't think it is possible. We have been weighed down under the weight of dark beliefs, when the brilliant, dazzling truth of love is a conscious choice. We can make a change for ourself through WILL POWER any time we want - conscious will power - instead of accepting the "down" feeling of despair, low self confidence or hopelessness. It takes concentrated effort and every day practice, which is the backbone philosophy of doing spiritual practice every day. Benefits can be seen almost immediately by those who practice consistently. They are drawing on the sea of love, which is the sea consciousness. Every human being is conscious and therefore can reach UP and draw on a higher level of thought. But it must be done every day and often several times a day to make serious changes.
Changes have to be directed. Most emotions are not directed. There is a horrendous lack of understanding about the conscious sea of life in which we swim. We remain ignorant and vulnerable to the random emotions that are spewed out by our neighbors, families and friends. All emotions less than love are not well thought out. It "just happens" to someone and the emotion radiates out to invade a passer by. Someone has to direct a feeling of goodness to make changes and raise the level of consciousness, and maintain that direction for awhile to set it into motion. Love is a feeling of life. It is encouraging, exciting, vitalizing, uplifting, creative, productive, life-giving, warm, comforting, nurturing, living, breathing. And there is more of the same higher up. There is no end to how high you can reach on the ladder of goodness and love. The mystics and saints will tell you.
For example, when we pray to God and experience love as worship. It is an open door that brings forth even more worshipful feelings of song, praise and goodness. There is a very high form of love to be had through private worship and praise. But we can also experience love for the earth, too, the trees, the waters, the sunset, the grass, the people we pass on the street, cars, babies, buildings, pets, careers, sciences, music, art- there is no end of the love that mankind can experience in his earthly life. We are preparing to bring forth a new earth and a new WAY of life through the power of our loving one another in this way. Not sexual, personal love, but immense, universal love that goes far, far, far, when we open our minds to the highest in us. We can experience love at any time of the day or night because love is not only inside us, and inside the objects that we have created that populate our homes and villages, but love is in the air itself. Love is the life force. Love is known as prana or chi when we BECOME CONSCIOUS of it. When we USE conscious consciousness to wake it up.
This was revealed to me after an ongoing discussion with someone about sex, romance and the falling in and out of love, with divorces and separation. How does love work on a personal level? From the perspective of most people love has been considered a human emotion. And of course I have too. But I have experienced love from the plane of spirit, from the mystical side of life that goes beyond understanding, when you open up to higher realms and are brought to tears and deep, overwhelming states. Then you become like the kitchen strainer - you just let the water pour through without trying to catch it and you disappear in the flowing rapture.
I was shown this morning that love is the life force of the universe, I suppose, because I was ready to understand the difference. Love is like water. It doesn't really move. It simply flows around waiting to be used. We exist in the ocean of its movement. Love is available to hold everything together, but it doesn't have to move because it already is everywhere. When someone sends a message it quivers through the sea of love and the sea of love responds. The awareness of love can move into a person's life through that person's consciousness of it. Or as that person lowers it to a lower emotion it will respond in kind and provide the lower emotion. Whatever the person wants to do with it, the love force is available to be used. It is consciousness that raises or lowers the life force to a high place or brings it down low to a low place. It is all done with consciousness. That is the reason for spending time in meditation and practicing the art of stillness and mastering of one's own consciousness.
Most human emotions are less than love. This morning feelings of all kinds flashed before me, revealing the great diversity of emotions and feelings that we humans are privy to that influence us. Love is not an emotion. Love is the power behind emotion. It is the source of emotion. It creates life, empowers life, thrills life, pushes life onward to higher planes of understanding. Motivates, vitalizes, excites, kindles, ignites, enflames. All else is less than that but we have the capability of working ourselves up to higher levels. It was shown to me how we can rise above emotion to greater and greater feelings that thrill us and inspire us. USE EMOTION, it said to me, of a higher nature. Allow emotion to work for you and bring you the thrills and pleasures that you enjuoy the most. Whatever emotion is being felt, raise it higher by conscious will power. Love is the life force. Do not confuse emotion with the life force. Love is the source of life. Reach for the source of life. Do not settle for less than love. Love is not an emotion. It is life itself. It circulates within our physical body right now. If there is a "down" feeling, raise it up higher by any word, thought, feeling or action you can find. It is within your power to do that, to create a warmer, safer, more security, loving feeling for yourself and your home by reaching higher.
6/24/23 - The fifth dimension is an attitude adjustment
The concept of moving from the third to the fifth dimension has become such a big deal - many articles have been shining the light on it and helping us to understand what this means. But it all boils down to the fact that it's an attitude adjustment. Attitudes are being affected. We are being nudged to make changes. Small changes are easier, so make them sooner. It's not such a big deal after all unless, of course, we don't want to make any changes at all. Yes, then it is a big deal. Working against the tide takes work. An attitude of resisting takes a lot of work. I would like to add my two-cents worth here - changing your attitude in small ways is much easier than the work that must be done later from resisting the change. Making a few changes along the way actually makes you feel good. The changes are going to happen anyway, sooner or later. So why not allow for the changes now, today? Relax and expand and accept the changes that are sneaking in through your back door and you're trying to avoid them. You don't want to change your way of life. You have always done it your way - approached life the way you have always done. But if you are flexible and open to accepting small changes, you will be taking small steps up the multi-layered ladder to the higher plane, where it is MUCH more comfortable than the lower plane below.
6/23/23 - Experiencing physical ascension
The ascension process is a removal of old energies. Old energies in the body and mind. We don't think of them as old, we think of ourselves as simply who we are. But it's been happening for me that who I am is disappearing and there is a renewed vitality taking place. Only at certain times. It fluctuates. It takes concentration but I am being revitalized. My body is experiencing a renewal of energy that is somehow different from what I'm used to. I have to keep physical engaged with the world to experience this, otherwise, I fade in that energy. The energy fades and I am left feeling hopeless. It's like running a marathon. I have to keep going, not strong, but simply keep active. It is very important to keep physically active. My old way of thinking, my old belief was that it was important always to be comfortable. No matter what, find comfort. That belief is disappearing. Because comfort in the old way meant resting, passive. There is a new kind of comfort to be experienced which is up, alert with things running smoothly. Like the motor is at its best and it's purring! It is vitality but it is a ccomfortable vitality. My old views on what is important is changing. My understanding is changing. My belief in what is important is changing. They are fading and there is a new me coming forward.
There is a new goal now. I'm seeing past the comfort zone to the "more" of me. It's all tied in with the kundalini that awakened in me 47 years ago when I went into the light. Ever since then I have been struggling to understand. Oh my! It is deepening - er, no. It is an expanding and elevating. It's an expanding. elevating, lightening, rising upward process, and it is revealing more and more. As long as I don't give up.
The most important thing I have discovered on the journey of ascending consciousness is - there’s too much focusing on the genitals. The focus on the genitals and the whole sex thing has to change to flowing. Lift the sluice gates. Allow the flowing to continue on. The flow is the flow of love, tenderness, sympathies, compassion, innocence, goodness, sharing, and the whole nine yards of giving and sharing and feeling the love as it flows from person to person, non-stop. This is the flowing that has been stopped by the gates. There is a solid vitality feeling that flows at times, and at other times a feeling of death and dying sweeps through me and my knees buckle. Weakness enters. Death enters. The greater picture is unfolding. It comes in and shows me that I am the life of the body. The body is just a mechanical object. It has a low consciousness. It has been trained to do certain things automatically. But I am the driving force of this body and I have to put my full concentration on it.
There is no one technique, No one method of doing the work of resurrecting the body which is failing, because it requires the full flowing of the life force. I had cut it off, cut down, just like everyone else. Now I am learning to not follow the program I was trained to do. Now I am flowing the light within me. I am flowing the energies but I am also releasing the old and dying energies. I feel as if I am old and dying but I know better. I am not. New light power is being injected into the inner spaces that make up my body organs and muscles. The old and new energies are swirling and mixing together and I see more and more, and further and further. Deeper and deeper. The power which is me, my eternal soul or spirit, whatever you want to call it, is immense. Just like everyone's power is immense. It is so immense that it can only make its appearance in stages, little by little, or it would overwhelm the body and blow it apart. This power is known today as kundalini, but it is really the Mother. Mother Kundalini. She is the power behind the throne. She is what makes the life happen or, if withheld, to wither and die. She is the cosmic mother of all life everywhere. She is held locked inside the form body, all forms, all bodies, even insects and birds and plants and water.
In bits and pieces the awareness is expanding. Form life happens by closing the focus down to one thing. To bring movement to a halt. To make a piece of furniture or a house or bridge, it requires a solid, non-movalbe structure. Mother kundalini is showing me how to open my focus now and release that focus on immobility. Let go of the focus and let the flow begin again. Resurrect the body. Most specifically, stop focusing on the genitals. This has affected the lower abdomen, the digestive tract, the ovaries, the prostate, the urinary tract, the whole pelvic/hip area. This is where the flowing of the life force, the love force has been blocked. We need to release the excessive focus on sex because it is the main cause. It is the one main reason there is suffering in the world. Love has been prevented from flowing. The focus has been on the genitals and the love stops there, another agenda has been structured around this area. This massive overwhelming focus and obsession on sex has impacted the hips, the legs, the knees, the feet, everything below the heart. Plus it has impacted the intelligence and good sense of the person. It has thrown the body out of kilter and introduced sickness, old age, dying, disintegration and death. It is LOVE that has been compacted in one way or the other. Love is what holds things together. By focusing too much on the material building of forms, love has been prevented from flowing up the spinal column to the heart, to the voice which would tell the truth if it were able, and to the brain which would be enlightened, and out the top of the head into the welcoming arms of the Cosmic Father and Mother of all that is.
Love has been held back and compacted. Two alternative routes have been established. Detours, if you will. In Sanskrit these two routes are called the IDA and the PINGALA. The Ida is the feminine route, the left-hand route. The Pingala is the masculine route, the right-hand route. Love needs to flow to keep the body alive, so when the alternative routes were built into the body, the main route to the top of the head was shut down. In Sanskrit the main spinal channel to the top of the head is called the SUSHUMNA. So the soul goes either up the Pingala, the assertive side which is the masculine side, or it takes the alternative route and goes up the Ida, which is the submissive feminine side. The soul withdraws from being active and follows her masculine soul mate instead. This choice, whether to go up the feminine side or the masculine side, affects the whole body and the circuitry and programming of the body. How it operates and how it approaches life. It is the Mother Kundalini that is flowing up the left hand or the right hand path. (Mystery school teachings teach students how to bring these two paths together, but that's another article.)
Breathing complications occur during this ascension process. I cannot speak too much on it because I am still learning myself. I am sharing this information for maybe some hints and clues to others. I have discovered some methods of alleviating the sensation of not being able to breathe. The blockage is occurring around the diaphragm area, just under the heart. This morning I had some good feedback, working on this area with light, with the knowledge I've received so far. There is massive amounts of information coming through. I wish I could share it with others, but it's so deeply personal. It is all about raising the attitude to a more refined state of being, a more pristine state of awareness, a cleaner, more holy state of awareness. It uses visions of sparkling dazzling purity. When I follow the guidance to "expand higher", after a while this opens the blocks. It is quite amazing, working with the light and watching (later) as the old energies close back up again. Then I work with the light again and the visualizations. There is WORK involved. It is about concentrating on higher, purer visions.
Two years ago I had to go to the hospital because I couldn't breathe. It happened within hours of my using a new mantra of purity. How could I know? It brought too much light into my body and my body closed down. It couldn't handle it. Now I know. I see what happened back then. So, OK. I now have to take heart pills but no big deal. It's part of being human. But there is a deeper instruction going on within, that is telling me far more than the doctors and pharmacists are. There is a new life force coming alive in me. I am learning how to use it. I can feel it taking place in alternating currents. Awareness is increasing by leaps and bounds. This old body is resurrecting from the inside out. It may be too late. After all it's 85 years old! But the vitality I am feeling is superb. I have to stay active and let the light of life flow. Flowing the life through the muscles, tissues, brain and heart is important. And to be conscious. We must be MORE conscious. Not less. Put the light of conscious awareness into every action. Or as best you can. Move yourself into action through conscious intention. Through will power. The phrase, "Thy will be done" takes on new meaning. Move the light of awareness into outward action through will power. Will power is the Light of the body.
Plus live a clean healthy diet. Eat enough food but only what I want to eat. Not according to the world and what the doctors say, but what I feel is in my best interest (instinct) to eat. I am negotiating between my physical needs and the needs of the higher self which has different needs in order to be properly reconnected with the body. The higher ME is shining through the old muck and drudgery of yesteryear and the old muck and mud has to be released and allowed to leave. Then exercise. Fulfill the needs of the lower body to be active, activate the hips, the lower back muscles, legs and feet. Fulfill the desires of the lower body to be active. That's why they are built into the body.
My original urge was to do lower back massages with people, through the use of yantras and mantras. This means holding the light in your mind and speaking it softly into the body with your hands. This original urge is still with me. I am piecing the new higher self information together. The light must flow through the body that is murky and dark in order to bring relief and vitality back to the aging tissues. We have been ignorant of it. The body does not know about the light that is moving through it. The light is the light of the higher self, what has been called the light body, or the christ body, the crystalline body. If we don't activate the crystalline body, the diamond light grids in the body, the body will die. It is only a temporary vehicle until the residing soul wakes up and starts managing it properly, meaning resurrecting it properly. We are here on a mission to learn how to maintain a physical body in good health for a long time. There is no expiration date on a body that can maintain its youth. That is what the ascended masters learn how to do. We are here temporarily to expand and explore who we are, and when done to move on to greater things. But only when WE decide to move on.
Well, that's the end of my lecture for today. I wanted to share this because it is SO exciting and invigarating to experience resurrecting the body. My time may yet come but I'm filling in every moment with new information. Filling it with light! It is an amazing experience. I asked my Higher Self yesterday what to do when I can't catch my breath, when my diaphragm locks up on me. The answer was: “Relax, expand, let go, surrender, hold love in your mind. Surrender into love”. So I've been practicing. It takes time and concentration. It doesn’t work in a moment’s notice. What causes it, I asked? "The lowering of vibrations. It is the loss of life force when you move from higher lighter density to lower heavier density. Train yourself to hold the light. Be aware of your higher and lower vibrations."
6/20/23 - Loving touch massage swaps
During a bonding session recently there was a beautiful download of cosmic love information from higher spheres. Let me try to put it into easy language. He was energized and my energies were not peaceful but highly active so I slowed him down by rubbing my hands on him. I could feel my energies starting to come more into harmony. It is obvious that the man’s energies are focused so much on the outer world, thrusting outward, seeing the goal in front of him like a carrot, that he isn’t able to pay attention to lining up his inner energies. The woman, on the other hand, that is her role. She must manage the inner energies, especially during lovemaking times, when the purpose is to integrate and heal the divisions. They are to come together and mesh their two separate and diverse energies, which, in a duality world, is a constant. There is divisiveness. But the reason there is a male and a female in the first place is to create things physically. So the physical thrust is necessary, and the inner maintenance of harmony is also necessary to keep it together. During bonding I could see myself trying to harmonize the energies in the form of atoms and molecules. These tiny particles which make up our physicality and our mentality and emotionality, are imbued with “not-self” and “not comfortable”. There is “not right” in our atomic structure, so we have to MAKE them right. We need to take the time to harmonize them and soothe them and comfort them. These are the energies of our bodies that we are harmonizing and soothing. Through loving administration we line up first our mental.
We “think” harmonizing thoughts. This can be done in an instant if we know how to do it. It doesn’t take a long time. Then we have to line up our feelings, our sensations, because the mental does not feel. Mental arranges and controls our energies by thinking them. Then when we allow ourselves to feel softness, warmness, comfort, lovingness. First the mental, then the emotional feeling. Then there is the etheric body, or spiritual body. These are the energies (atoms and molecules) that are from prior lives. We’ve had many prior lives that our culture doesn’t acknowledge but they still exist in us. Traumatic and unresolved issues that we have not a clue about. But they exist in us in the form of tendencies. A tendency towards anger at men, or anger at women, or hatred towards another race, or fear of sex, or fear of love or fear of fire or of falling off a cliff or dislike of children or tendency towards addiction to alcohol, or tendency towards violence, or - on the other hand - tendencies toward grace, beauty, art, great music, dance, invention, holiness, religion, spiritual. We carry these forward into our current life and they are inside us, as the saying goes, “the issues are in our tissues”. I would say “our history is in our tissues”.
Anyway, it is like two separate colors. While we were bonding I could see the male outer thrusting as the color blue, and the female inner harmonizing as the color red. When mixed together blue and red make purple or violet, depending on the subtleties of the hues. If the blue bangs into the red the colors do not mix. The inner harmonizing does not take place. It becomes yet more of a separation and more of a trauma that becomes stored in the tissue as frustration and unresolved energy. So what we have to do is learn how to harmonize the male and female bodies. What we are doing in my theoretical loving touch massage is learning what it feels like to touch opposite gender bodies. How it feels to each person is an inner experience that has no words to it, but as we introduce LOVING touch, I would point out that there is a reason why we don’t go into sexuality here, because we are practicing the harmonizing of male to female. Harmonizing the feelings we experience when we are touched by a strange man, or a strange woman. Feel what is going on with your energies inside.
Imagine, if you’re a man, that your energies (mind, emotions and body) are the color blue. And imagine the woman massaging you as the color red or if you like, pink. Some shade of the red/pink hue. Imagine your two colors mixing and blending. You do this by accepting and allowing. You do this by trusting and receiving. You do this by relaxing and letting go. Never mind what it is you’re letting go of. Just let go. Let it be. Surrender. Jump off the cliff and feel the free fall. And manage your feelings. If you feel like screaming and jumping off the table as I did once, manage that. Harmonize that. Get a grip on that. Soothe that feeling within yourself. That is an old, old, ancient frustration or issue that is being released. Allow it its freedom. Let it go. Love it and bless it and soon it will pass because, by your application of soothing love, you are gaining mastery over very old issues that have been stored in your tissues. A great phrase. Let’s remember that our ancient, past life issues are stored in our tissues. Loving touch massage without an agenda of sex is healing and softening. It is a lesson and a practice in self mastery and releasing old blockages.
I am trying to get a large poster of the human body - man and woman - to show where the chakras are. The chakras are portals through which divinity flows down through the mental, emotional and etheric bodies into the physical body. There are issues blocking this flow on each of the three levels above. There are issues in the mental body, issues in the emotional body and issues in the etheric (past life) body, that block pure love, happiness and spontaneity from coming into our lives. So that’s why we are doing this loving touch massage. It’s a healing practice and it will help us to get to where we want to go. But this is practice time. We’ve got to practice loving touch and let that melt the barriers that have been there for thousands of years and lifetimes. This is the end time. It’s time to graduate from the school of hard knocks and it’s time to give all those issues in the tissues some freedom and relief. (inspired by DK several years ago. We may start this up again soon.)
6/16/23 - A collaboration is unfolding between....
I'm borrowing words from another article I just read - a Collaboration is unfolding between all sentient life on Earth and the non-physical realms - the cosmos. This is SO Tantric! Yes! I've been following the Ascended Master Djwahl Khul for 47 years and he has led me true. Blend the physical with the non-physical and BE HERE NOW! There is much happening in these days. There is a dramatic rise in consciousness among all the people on the planet. For those who follow the ascension drama and all the articles that go along that theme, YES! It is happening. But it is happening here on Earth. We don't have to leave. The light is coming into the earth plane. There are many of us conscious of the light coming in and holding space for it, pulling it in like pulling in the helium balloon which floats in the sky. We are here in physical bodies and we are pulling in the light from higher planes. This light is buoying the planet up. The result is a dramatic consciousness expansion. Don't give up! Keep the faith!
One result is felt right here in our house. Doug switched our internet provider a couple weeks ago and this new provider is downloading capacities of speed never experienced before. I'm not into technology so I don't know the proper words for it, but the electronic devices here - computers, TVs and cell phones - are going a bit crazy. They are going up, down and shutting off, then up, then down, then shutting off. They are trying to adjust. The electrons are trying to adapt to the lower freqencies here. The electrons are the living matter that makes up the universe. The Ascended Masters have informed me over the years. Electrons, as in "electronic" gadgets and devices are the little workers that give us life. They obey the commands of the living masters. We are the living masters here. We must learn to respect them. We thought they were just non-living particles that we could use any way we wanted to. But, no. It turns out that these little eletrons power our bodies, our homes, our refrigerators, cars, factories, traffic lights and etc. Electrons power the universe. Electrons power the suns. Electrons power the planets and our very own divine nature.
We are flowing with electrons and electrons are love and light. We are ready to start learning the truth: that we are the masters who have brought our lives down into muck, confusion and depression, and it's time to become more enlightened. It's time to turn things around and start raising ourselves up into the light with new knowledge and with the love embedded in the knowledge. We are the ones who have to do it in our own minds and hearts. We are the love. We are the sense of rightness, of justice, of truth, of freedom, of peace, of unity, of courage, of joy and happiness and gratitude for our lives. (Or not.) Electrons obey the light in us. They also obey the dark in us. They have to because they are programmed to obey the master intelligences and that is who we are - master intelligences. We just don't know it yet. WAKE UP! Realize it. And start to use that intelligence. If we do something wrong that is against our nature - and we KNOW it - well then. Be prepared to pay the price. What you know will hurt you or help you. Be on the right side or things could go wrong. An injustice will bring an injustice. Let us learn our lesson and quickly, because we are rising to a higher dimension where the laws of the universe are quick to respond. It is harmony that we need to become aware of. Be in harmony.
We are the masters of our lives. We are the ones who have set out the Plan for ourselves. Be sure you set out a positive plan. Be happy! Be glad of heart. Be light and in joy and at peace with the world. Be in collaboration with the sentient world. If there is something really, really bad and uncomfortable in your life, change it right now. Love it to death. Say it out loud. "I love you to death!" Anything that fills you with depression, muck and mud. Give it love and light immediately. Say it out loud. Find some words to use. They will start coming to you as you stumble over a beginning word. Build the momentum of light and love.
As we lighten ourself every morning when we get up, we lay out a path to follow. It spreads out around us so that no matter which direction you go in, there is a path of happy light leading there. Be sure to start the day off right. Take up meditation. Just a 15-minute connection with your higher self. Lay out a path of gladness and see what happens. The world is changing and rising upward to lighter dimensions. There is more harmony and happiness in the higher dimensions. Be a part of it. The electrons that are coming into your house and my house are the same electrons. They are seeking the light and the love. Give them light and love. Light is abstract, not yet used. Love is when you use the abstract light. When you take a theory and put it to a test and act on it, that's when you're applying love.
This is an "off-the-top-of-my head" message. I am connecting this morning with everyone's blue-white light of courage, strength, tenacity and joy for life and living. Be glad that you are here. Spread gladness around everywhere you go today. BE HERE FULLY. Notice what is going on around you and lift it up even more.
6/15/23 - Sexual energy is soul energy awakening in the body
Soul energy seeks expression in the body through sexual balance. It is ironic that while meditation travels the road of non-attachment to physical things, yet all the while it leads you back to your own humanness, and to a better knowledge of how to use your physical body with greater finesse and with the deft skill of a master perfecting his art – the art of being human with a divine soul. We are here to learn these things, not to be dictated to nor conditioned to obey the whims of the masses.
We don’t want to separate the soul from the body. We are living in a body. We must not throw it away. We must understand the body and its needs so that we can make it healthy and balanced. We must learn how to operate it, as we must learn how to operate an automobile and maintain it in good working condition. Meditation is not removing ourselves from the world. It is learning how to live in the world. We are spirits already. We are spiritually complete right now. We do not need to become more spiritual. We need to EXPRESS our spirituality, this purity of soul in physical form, awake and alive and full of the vibrancy of health and spontaneous, child-like joy for adventure and action of goodwill towards all life. Only then can we transform our world from one of confusion to one of light and beauty and rich and flavorful colors and tastes.
(Excerpt from the Master Djwahl Khul, HERE "The 7 veils of attachment".
6/12/23 - Re-activating Kundalini
The idea of holding weekly gatherings has come up recently as a way of introducing Kundalini in a formal way. No schedule has been set yet. It will take more time to allow the idea to expand. How many have heard the word "kundalini" before today? Perhaps it was heard in relation to Tantra, but that has been a somewhat misguided focus on the physical body. There are deeper roots leading down to subterranean influences that that have not been presented yet. After 47 years of trying to write about it, I have been shifted to a new level. It is time to hold in-person meetings to spark the auric field of those within ear-shot. It is the auric field that is influenced by this delicate subject. Auric field "sparking" has been known as shaktipat in the era before computers were invented. Now, with computers, we read articles with our brain and think with our brain, and analyze and deduce with our brain, and the rest of the body remains pretty much untouched.
Thoughts are coming to the fore in the last few weeks letting me know that my time is nearly up. I'll have to get on with the mission or miss my chance to present it. When Kundalini activated in me it circulated through me and changed me. It took about 7 years or more. The body is made of consciousness but it takes on other beliefs that are not pure or holy, as the kundalini is. Kundalini realigned me. Consciousness is a beautiful life force. It is a common element in all of life and we have access to everything through our consciousness, but the human being in his busy-ness takes on a lot of unimportant thoughts and beliefs. The purity of his consciousness disappears in favor of the overly-active mind, peripheral thoughts and brain activities. We are busy little bees, having our dramas, traumas and situational learning experiences. We are always trying to overcome something that bothers us. Kundalini has not been formally addressed as a most beautiful part of who we are. It has never been presented as a "real thing". That is what I am here to do - to expose kundalini as something real and very active within us. How to pan for the gold.
I am here to show those who will listen, and to tease it, coax it, seduce it out of hiding so it can be known, highlighted, appreciated and raised to the highest possible level. Kundalini is right now circulating through us as breath. I don't pay any more attention than anyone else - until I remember. Then I stop what I am doing and return to it. Awakening the kundalini has been the main goal in the East Indian spiritual tradition. They worked hard at creating a science of yoga and meditation to be taught. But kundalini awakened in me without any training or knowledge beforehand. It was during a guided meditation by a follower of a guru, it's true, but I had to learn what to do with it all alone by myself. I was then approached by an Ascended Master, the Master Djwahl Khul. The ascended hierarchy, known as the spiritual brotherhood, are aware of everyone on the planet and will step forward as needed. So from an early stage I had a guide to assist me.
Becoming aware of kundalini is a most wonderful, happy, exhilarating experience for those who are naturally feminine in nature. They will recognize themselves in it. For those who are more masculine than feminine in their dominant nature and personality, it will not be so natural. However, for those men who are interested, awakening his feminine nature does not take away from his masculinity. Rather it enhances his masculine nature by balancing it with divine love. In fact, only recently have I learned how to "pump" up my own masculine nature with divine love, for I have certain masculine tendencies too. We all are ambidextrous, to use a common term.
So, bottom line, I will point out to you how you can tap into your beautiful, natural kundalini life force - which is uniquely YOU different from anyone else - and use it in your daily life. If you are willing and if you dare. It is the science of divine love. I am thinking about how to properly introduce this science through the spoken word. Digital articles do not reach people. We read with our brain, not our body, and our brain censors most everything out that it is not programmed for. The kundalini remains unrecognized because it is a sensation, a feeling, and an elevated one at that. Of peace, comfort and loving inner warmth. It takes the chill of loneliness off, but once felt it is usually ignored or forgotten, since we are too busy to pay attention.
See the article I posted today on DK's online book HERE. He channeled this message to me back in 1981, when kundalini was highly active. Kundalini is the mother flame in the body, the feminine life force or divine love force. It is pure and innocent, childlike and happy all the time. It is untouched by human beliefs, self-doubts, depression and wrong attitudes. It's a pure flame that can't be extinguished but it's ignored. It's too pure to be recognized by our worldly focus. It is your ultimate real identity and it's closer than hands and feet and breathing. People who have near-death experiences discover that they still exist without their body and then come back to tell the story to others.
The you that you THINK you are, is a make-over that has taken years to create. This artificial you has dulled down the beautiful crystal kundalini in you but it is still there. You are a human personality but underneath you are a celestial intelligence. We created this artificial mask in order to survive here, to fit into the world and be accountable, but our real undergirds us and keeps us alive. It is powerful and still operating or we wouldn't be here today. My role, my mission, which I have grown to understand it, is that of a gatherer. I have put roots down here in Naples and I'm here to invite people to socialize with me. To stimulate conversation and make introductions. I can talk about kundalini from the ground floor of the commoner because I didn't go through any spiritual or religious tradition. I grounded kundalini by becoming involved in couples swinging, which proved to be an excellent first step opening into the second, third and fourth chakra.
I will keep posting information on these weekly gatherings as they come to me. It is a work in progress, instructions coming from higher planes.
6/7/23 - Merging with your Higher Self
Tantra is the sacred art of conjoining opposites. Not by replacing or substituting one for another. It is like grafting a different plant onto another plant to create a more advanced evolved plant from two separate species. Opposites can be grafted together to create something new and more advanced. More evolved. My higher self is divine and holy. I am not. I am human built of mistakes by trial and error. But when I take 30 minutes to chant higher holy words, my higher self can come closer to me. It is like opening a window to the higher dimensions. I can sense my higher aspect more closely as I do this. It is more brilliant than me. More alive and more colorful. It is bluish and with other colors mixed in, transparent colors, divine, holy, pure. Once or twice I got a flash of a brilliant picture. Very quick. Flashed in and then flashed out. It is coming closer to me and it is connecting into my normal human awareness. I feel myself becoming more elevated when this happens. I am merging with my higher self in small steps. Or it is merging with me. I am an opposite of my higher self. I am human. It is divine, but we are grafting together like two different species. One not pure, the other pure. DK said this is what Tantra does. It conjoins two opposites. They are not alike at first but with effort and time spent together they become one. I never thought about it before, but that's what the higher self does with its lower, imperfect self. It's human self.
6/6/23 - Some revelations during exercise routine
During my spiritual practice I often get revelations. It is a time when I focus attention on myself, I go inward. I thought I would share some from yesterday. During the cobra stance I saw/felt/knew there is no peeling away of negative forces held locked and frozen in my painful achy body and deteriorating parts. No! These pains are the lost bits and pieces of ME from past ages that have not been appreciated or raised up in their glory to the highest as they should have been. I must find them again in every little sharp pain I get, and dizziness, and immediately start to love them and care for them. This is what yoga does if there is a good teacher to instruct the student. I did not have an instructor. I learned this on my own.
It seems the standard tradition is to focus on the physical body and we totally miss the most important and crucial aspects of ourselves – that there are powers within us that have been forgotten. They need to be uncovered and raised up. The first three powers are: Love is the most important, wisdom is the next, and power the third. The power is actually the first. It is at the base of the spine. The power to move and the will to move, the desire to be here in a body. Wisdom is the second power to uncover, it is the power to apply intelligence to the movements that the body does, the intelligence to skillfully manage the action, to be wise how to fit the action into life so it fits well, with finesse, how fast, how slow, how long, when to perform it, how intense, how precise. It takes wisdom to do it right. When it fits well into place the energy of the action rises upward with gladness in its heart to be so well used and appreciated. For the power is intelligent. The third power is to LOVE the action, being kind while performing the action, being caring and considerate, supportive, alert, ever alert to changes, bearing in mind the power of love to heal and hold everything in place. These are subtle powers. I feel them moving through me as I move my body into postures.
Another awareness: The mother flame in me at the tailbone holds all seven of the powers and attributes in her sacred pouch of divinity. She is the life force. As we grow in SELF consciousness and SELF awareness, we use these seven powers (known as chakras) one at a time in order (usually in order, sometimes not in order) best if done in order but a guide or teacher is needed or we would not know this. The Mother Flame is the first chakra holding the pouch of perfection and purity with the seven powers intact. The power to move this physical vessel, its limbs, arms, legs, voice - it CAN move! Yes, it can and with precision, under the masterful control of the resident soul. The power of acting and expressing in voice and movement must be done with awareness and conscious attention. It cannot do this in a coma or sleeping, then the power is shut off. But when awake the power of action is there in the vessel. It is held locked in the tail bone and literally drips the life force gently, up the spine drop by drop, feeding life to the organs as needed, as the resident soul calls on them and opens to them. The second power to become aware of is intelligence and wisdom. The third to become aware of is love and appreciation, caring, gentleness, kindness, precision of movement. These three are the three-fold powers that need to be brought up to the heart, and from the heart to the head, for the brain serves its function by distributing the power to where it is needed the most in the body.
While doing the deer-crane-turtle I started losing consciousness, I started zoning out. I felt to lie down. I was sitting on the massage table so I lay back, feeling like swooning, thankfully blessing the softness of the blanket under me and closed my eyes. Eighteen minutes later (I always check the clock when I do this) I became conscious again. Something woke me but I can’t recall now what it was. I lay there wondering. Then an eye appeared to my inner eye. A big eye looked at me. At first it was fuzzy, then it became a clear, sharp, strangely intimate eye, like sending me a message. I think it was my higher self. Then suddenly a shift of some kind and sparkles of light started floating upward, like dainty little bubbles in gentle swirling motion. There was a sense of happiness, of gleefulness. A child’s happiness and clapping of hands in delight, in excitement and joy. Could this be long lost particles of light being released from lock-down? YES! I am getting. YES, YES, YES.
During the stomach exercises I am hearing words: “The powers of creation are beyond your ability to comprehend, but the powers of healing are not. It is through healing yourself and letting go of the past creations that you built into your bodies, that you will come back into knowing and remembering how you created them in the first place. And how you have held onto them to keep yourself in the world of form and duality. And hence, the suffering and the pleasure of finding yourself again and again. For you are the Light that you are drawn to. You are uncovering your own Light through this process of healing and letting go.” (Earlier during meditation I had surrendered my human artificial qualities, the not-real qualities, back to the Light within. I kept saying "I release the not-light in me and send them home with thanksgiving for serving their purpose.")
During back exercises, “Don’t force yourself. Rest a lot in the arms of love and comfortable feelings. Wait until your body is recovered for the next action. This way you create with love, peace and kindness for yourself, not force. Actions which are devoid of love, unconscious actions, go downward, pulled down to lower frequencies. Beware."
6/5/23 - Everything you do goes "down" unless....
Everything that I “do” as a physical action leaves a mark of energy in me or on me somewhere, not sure exactly how, but it is how we use the sub-atomic light particles that are the source of all life. These particles are intelligent, living, conscious particles of light. They compose the vastness of the sea of life, according to the Masters. They are what we build with. They are the life force within our bodies. They are created to obey the conscious direction of the master who uses them, or calls them into action. So everything I do and you do with the body, without thinking, in an unconscious manner, drifts downward by gravity. Because it is attracted to the rest of the earth's dust and dirt. Like attracts like. Chaos attracts chaos and energy drifts meaninglessly into the planet's soil UNLESS .....
If you consciously apply an uplifting thought of positivity, such as love and light, to the “doing” of whatever action you're taking, it lifts or elevates the sub-atomic particles of light. They are happily, even gleefully, attracted upward to the source of all Light, which is on a higher frequency level. The power of light is that it is lighter and happier, unified and in harmony with ALL of life. There is power here. It is a higher dimension. We don't know yet what that means, but it is above the 50-50 line. The neutral line, the zero line, which is equality and balance and represents stillness. Above the zero line is positive action. Below the zero line is negative action. Negative action drifts downward to join with the planetary body, while positive action drifts upward to join with the sea of life of the one infinite creator. The zero line is the quantum field - the balance between the light and the not-light.
So if we apply love and light to our tasks, we uplift the task that we are doing to a higher dimensional level. The higher dimension is Source and it goes on and on beyond our ability to see or understand, but it is good. It is uplifting, elevating, inspiring, and vitalizing. We come from that highest of levels. We were created by the Source of all that is alive in form. We were born out of the highest levels of purity. We had to learn how to descend into form life. We had to slow down our light particles to create or fit into the physical world. We did it because we wanted to. We chose it. We put effort into it because we wanted to experience being in finite form. We were taught by great celestial beings of intelligence who themselves had been where we are today. We learned from them the art of descending light particles. By dropping our vibration, slowing it down, the light particles of which we are composed cling together and make a denser substance. And then we begin to pick up wrong attitudes and beliefs. And then we forget who we are. But underneath and behind the solid substance of our physical form we are Light. It is all Light. Light particles clinging together and holding us inside a solid form. This is how we form physical bodies. It is how we manifest concrete forms. Our forms are made of light. We’ve crunched our light particles down so much that they cling together and they also pick up false ideas and concepts that don't ring true to the real within. The way water clings together to form ice and can trap dirty water too. We therefore look and FEEL solid and heavy. And often feel in pain and we struggle to be free.
In order to reverse the process of this descent into solid concrete bodies, in order to start the ascension process, we need to apply uplifting light - CONSCIOUS uplifting thought and feeling - to everything we do. Think love. Love is light being felt in the solidarity of bodies. Feel the love. Light is love and love is light. Love and light are one and the same. By applying CONSCIOUSLY light and love to the tasks that we do will "lift" the task to higher purpose. Doing kind deeds to other people also "lifts" everyone involved, the giver, the receiver and the surrounding others. Every "thing", object, animal, plant, person, grass, tree - everything - is lifted up when someone "lifts" their tasks upward to higher purpose. The sub-atomic light particles in every solid body nearby, recognizes an "upliftment" and is attracted to go upward.
This will take practice. We haven't been taught how to do this process. “Think Light and Love" when doing a task, whatever it is, however you feel to do it. For me, when washing dishes. When walking grocery stores or clothing stores. When driving the car, or talking on the phone, or visiting with a friend in person, or working with machinery, or using the computer or cellphone, or doing yardwork, or even resting on the couch with Doug. Periodically, if I remember to do it, I will withdraw my focus and lift the MOMENT upward - the TV and the characters on the screen and the noise and sounds coming from the TV. It will take practice, real-time practice, hands-on practice in the NOW time. It really is amazing. I'm getting some serious uplifting feedback. I urge you to try it.
6/4/23 - Pathways are not created for you but BY you
Pathways are not created for you, they are created BY you. See Divine Mother's message HERE in Today's Posts. For years I've been trying to understand why the spiritual path puts so much emphasis on the heart. It has been called the three-fold flame within the heart, and it refers to the seed of the divine that is there. The Masters speak of it in their lessons and I have tried to understand that connection and to feel something there, something meaningful that "clicks", but I have failed. After all these years of study and channeling and having a spiritual mentor, the three-fold flame has escaped me.
Yesterday something wonderful happened. It required a turn-around. Something bad happened first and I had to turn the situation around and I was rewarded with the revelation. And as if to underline the lesson to me, this morning the same information appeared on the internet from the Divine Mother, who addressed the same thing.
The power of the three-fold flame in the heart is a well-known phrase among metaphysical students. It refers to the divine connection in the heart of every living being. The Masters refer to it sometimes as "the unfed flame" in the heart, which is a curious phrase. Why is it unfed? Who feeds it? It turns out that the reason I haven't been able to find meaning is because I've been looking in the wrong direction! I thought it would come down from above. I've been inviting it down as though it would be "given" to me. I assumed that it was a divine power because all the religions and spiritual gurus refer to God as being above us, higher than us. Naturally I thought it had to be "bestowed" upon me.
Well, it turns out, like so many other lessons, I was wrong. The three-fold flame in the heart must be built from powers that already exist in the human body. There are energies that are already in us but they are so very dense and coagulated and stuck together, that they need to be sorted through and understood. To feel them and consider them and raise them up. But we've been prevented from going there due to cultural "sin and shame". The three-fold flame is composed of love, wisdom and power - the first three chakras. They are portals leading to dimensional realities that we have been kept away from exploring. They are the most dense energies because they are the most compacted, by gravity and by our own repressions. They are physical, emotional and past-life wisdom gained (memories and instincts). These energies must be straightened out and recognized for their value. They can be felt when entered into. There has been no therapy designed yet to do this, but it is coming. They must be felt first, and then they will fall into manageable alignment and control. Then they will be brought up easily, the first divine energy brought up to the second to merge together and become one. And then that power will be brought up to the third to merge together and become one. And then that power will be brought up to the fourth, which is the heart, and the three become one in the heart. The three-fold flame in the heart. The divine connection is built. Wonders open and flood the soul.
It sounds complicated when I put words to it, but energies are feelings and one must deep-dive into rarefied feelings. Fine, beautiful feelings. Allowing oneself to become open to them. We move feelings around with our consciousness. With awareness. When each one - physical, emotional and mental energies - are honored, respected and appreciated, they are raised up to higher standards. It is a refinement process. Purifying the old, negative memories and feelings from the gold. Refining for gold is an apt expression. By appreciating these energies, as feelings and as memories, we are making them more beautiful and honorable. Then they merge together out of natural attunement and rise up to enter into the heart. The three-fold flame is ignited and starts to burn there, the seed of the divine as it was intended from the beginning. Then things begin to happen we would consider totally miraculous.
I have to bring it up by myself with my own conscious effort, understanding what I'm doing. Who would know this? I did not. A person has to build the three-fold flame of divinity in his or her own heart with conscious effort. Time must be spent working with the energies that are literally "stuck" down there below the heart, in the lower dense regions of the body where our feeling nature resides, along with sin and guilt and resentment. But once an action is taken towards this end, it leads to more learning which lead to more revelations. It is a fast track to enlightenment through the discovery process. The chakras are not something pretty to look at on poster boards. The drawings merely represent doors to other dimensions. The first dimensional door is the etheric tail bone (the coccyx). The second one is the etheric sacrum (pelvic bowl). The third one is the etheric navel (belly button). They are portals to higher, finer, more subtle realities. Once you spend time roaming around within this idea, for it IS an idea, a concept, an abstract thought which leads to a feeling if enough time is spent at it, then revelations, sensations and memories will occur.
Love, Wisdom and Power. Each runs on automatic in a random way, causing havoc in our daily lives because we are too busy in our heads to go down and connect with what is happening down there in our lower bodies. The reality is locked up in the power that we hold in the vicinity of the coccyx. The reality and sensation of past-life wisdom and memories is held in the vicinity of the sacrum. The reality and sensation of love is held locked in the vicinity of the navel. All three powers when blended together are clarifying powers. They need to blend together to become clear. There is much more to tell. Feelings and sensations must be touched into. For me, I couldn't connect with the three-fold flame in my heart because it hadn't been built yet. I was too busy asking God for them, from my mind, my brain. The powers are waiting for me below, in the lower body. I should have known. The Master DK has given me enough hints. But we humans are a complicated species. Hints are too simple.
I would be glad to soundboard with anyone by email. Perhaps a round robin on the subject would help. More later. I just wanted to get this into the record before it gets lost in the shuffle. Turning everything around and looking down into our own bodies - it's a beginning. We have powers built into us as human beings that we have no idea about. They are spiritual powers available to be manifest in physical form. For eons of time our ancestors didn't know. We are now waking up to things we would love to share with them now!
6/3/23 - How to build inspiration and vitality
Every morning upon awaking, think “Light to all beings!” Instead of focusing on yourself and how bad you feel, think of the world around you with positivity. Say it out loud "Light to all beings on the planet!". Put your vocal chords into action. Clap your hands while saying it to put your body into action. Move from your hips even before getting out of bed and start the chant - "Peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace, gratitude". Say each word multiple times over and over, out loud, "peace - peace - peace - peace", clapping your hands to the rhythm. Once you start the action going your body WILL follow suit. Unless you can't make yourself do it because it's silly.
This is a brand new technique. It works. I've tried it. I invented it. I'm working with it now. The physical body is getting tired, old, dull and gray from doing the same old same old same old same old routine. Give it something new to do. Something UPLIFTING. There is no better way to uplift yourself than to give something to someone else. If you spend your time stewing in your own depressing juices, you won't ever get any better. Just thinking with the brain matter won't get you better. Your body has to move and change its routine for a better, sweeter, pleasanter routine. If you ever feel bad again, like if you ever have a very, very bad problem, turn around and give something to someone else. See how much better you feel in a little while. It's a turn-around. It's a total BIG reversal in the way we're used to, how we've been taught and trained.
Your body needs some upliftment and this is the way to do it. Move, clap your hands, radiate happy words OUT and away from yourself so you don't have time to think about how bad you feel. Just saying the words out loud and clapping your hands and swinging your hips alone will start the action. New vitality and interest will kick in. It will surprise you. "Peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace, gratitude!" These are my words. You can substitute your own uplifting words. I'm just sharing what I use. But each person has a uniquely different value system with focus on special meanings. Use your OWN meaningful words. What turns you to comfort and upliftment? What makes you feel good? What brings pleasant memories to the surface? And last but not least - add a visual picture to this. Form a picture of the planet Earth with you radiating like a sun from where you are located. Hold that picture in your mind. See the sun radiataing across the globe, covering larger and larger territory as you continue to spread the good words out loud.
Beware that your ego will probably not like this. It may say to you, “Stop that! That’s silly and a waste of time.” It may make you feel insecure, as if you're wasting valuable time (check the clock) and shouldn’t be spending time on this. Or it's stupid and somebody might hear you and think you crazy. KILL THAT THOUGHT and continue with the program if you want to get some vitality back into your life. Excitement and positive change in attitude are gained by giving from a high place. From a higher altitude. From a place where everyone is part of the bigger life. Reach for the sun. It's not the devil giving you false information to stop. It's your own brain waves running on automatic. Replaying monotony. Gray. Depressing. Same old same old. Don’t listen. Your ego wants to keep you on track, the way it's always been, day in, day out. It's an artificial intelligence. It's not the real you. It doesn’t know how to change and it doesn't want you to change. Its comfort is doing the same routine. It is hard-wired into the body. You may think it's your mind but it's not. It's only the flesh part of you - the robot part of you. It does what it's been programmed for. But YOU are the master of the body, the intelligence behind the body. And when YOU decide to change a sub-routine, you'll do it. You'll work it out. The body will resist for awhile, and the brain will sput and sputter for awhile old cranky thoughts, but not for too long. If we are tenacious and stick to the new program it won't take too long to get it to comply. It is, after all, only flesh. It's changeable and flexible. It is not eternal or immortal as the master intelligence which you are.
We saw a great documentary today about the brain's ability to focus on what the CONSCIOUSNESS wants. The brain is not the consciousness. You are the consciousness. You can be in a coma, as the documentary said, and still pick up on what is going on in the room. The brain may not register it but your consciousness is always there. Otherwise the body wouldn't be alive and breathing. Now, as the documentary showed, new instruments are being used to register the CONSCIOUSNESS which is the spirit or intelligence that runs the body's systems. It can upgrade the body when it - the master consciousness - decides that it is time to do so. This may be the soul. I think it is. The body is just a robot and it is constantly changing and upgrading as we experience new situations in life. It is fortunate that the body is made of living cells and not metal. Otherwise, if it were metal, it would keep you in the same locked-down routine day after day until the end of your time. Doing the same things every day, thinking the same thoughts, focusing on the same words, not improving or bettering yourself. Artificial intelligence, not real or alive. We are real and alive and we can change our programming.
This that I am advising you to do may sound like a big change in routine, or maybe not. Maybe you are already a yoga practioner or follow a betterment program every day. If so, wonderful! Congratulations. You are already doing something to serve others around you. If not (yet) consider that a person has to change if you want to upgrade your whole system and stay with the earth as it moves into higher planes. Higher orbit, higher space. We are being visited by extraterrestrials who are more advanced than we are. They've already been through their evolution to higher realms and they are reaching back to quietly assist us in making the same evolutionary change in our old ways. Extraterrestrials operate from shielded ships beyond our sight. I am in touch. I am connected. Meanwhile, I'm just a normal earthling and we are feeling the changes from many quarters of life. The pressure is on betterment, on refinement, on sophistication, on benevolence, kindness, caring, supporting each other without making a big fuss about it. The pressure is LIGHT. Be light in everything you do. Go with the lighter flow. Tell your body to radiate peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace and gratitude. Or use your own words of meaning and value. Use words and speak them out loud to increase the inflow of energy and vitality that you can actually feel in your skin and muscles and mind. Enthusiasm, excitement, desire to serve the greater good - it comes in faster and quicker when you do this. Be a NEW human. Let the old human rut and routine go. Train yourself with new habits. This will take time to practice. Be patient. Relax while doing it. Don't make a big deal out of it. Know that it is a timeless effort. An ongoing effort. One that never ends so relaxing and feeling good about it is important. It is not limited by time, space or fences.
You HAVE to change if you want to feel like you belong here because the world is changing. The planet is changing to higher realms. We must change along with it. We do that by becoming a more pleasant person to be around, both to our SELF and to others. Think positive. Think happy. Think pleasurable. Kindness. Be kind to yourself. Do something right now that is comforting to you. You upgrade your DNA by upgrading your belief in comfort and relaxation. Then all segments of life fall into place. It balances out because comfort and relaxation are love for oneself. DNA is built out of old belief systems. It comes from our ancestors when we were babies. This DNA was passed on to you at your birth, but it has subsequently changed since then. Now you are going to change it some more because the belief systems you grew up with are now outdated. The old beliefs are too depressing. To stay with the new earth’s changes we must all become more caring, more balanced, more trustworthy, more sensitive, more refined, more uplifting, more real, more truthful, more positive in thought, word and action - happy, kind, uplifting action.
The earth is moving to higher altitudes (attitudes) where the atmosphere is lighter and more spacious, and provides more room for relaxing and stretching out and believing in dreams and ideals, and that it's OK to take your time in just about everything you do. You just don't have to rush any more. The Earth herself, Mother Nature, is also bringing balance to her shores and mountains. She too is settling into the new higher ways of living more relaxed and peaceful. There is more balance taking place. Mother Earth is already in the higher altitudes but we, mankind, are lagging behind. The higher altitudes provide more time for talking, sharing, dreaming, relaxing. Then justice is better served, truthfulness is better expressed, integrity is better felt. There is no rush to be somewhere. The whole realm is settling into a finer, lighter space in orbit around Father-Sun and Mother Earth is attuned to her counterpart. We are adorned with easiness now and light-heartedness. There are no devils here.
5/29/23 - Tantra, the gentle art of making love
(From the Ascended Master Djwahl Khul. Following yesterday's blog that condemns the old male dominant sex model of eras gone by, a more civilized way of making love is taught here. This was channeled thru me on November 9, 2017 by Master DK after I asked him to tell me more about the primal divine earth energies that come up and gather at the first root chakra, but what happens at the second chakra?)
"In the animal kingdom the flow of primal energy divides out at the second chakra in order to create a division into two separate genders. There must be separate genders, male and female, to create a hunger for reuniting. Separation at the second chakra is necessary for duality to play out. There is engagement and play between the two forces which makes the world go around. And create babies. Reproduction is important to perpetuate the species. The animal kingdom operates on animal instinct. Now, the human being is also an animal but it has been cultivated with altered DNA to become more conscious than the animal. It has evolved to become self-conscious and it continues to evolve to become God conscious.
"It knows that there is a refinement that draws him to seek into the spiritual realms. But his sexuality and reproductive functions remain as an animal. The human has allowed himself to retain the animal drive to copulate as all animals do. The mechanism to overcome this drive lies in the second chakra, where the division takes place in the animal kingdom. When the primal divine life force comes up to the first root chakra, to overcome this drive, instead of dividing out left and right, the mechanism is to remain WITHIN the second chakra and not allow the division to take place. The division that takes place is the male pushing out and the female withdrawing or receiving. When the human male stops pushing and the female stops receiving, they both can integrate and experience union. This is difficult to explain to a 3D consciousness.
"I heard this in a 5D altered state and was able to retain this information. What we are doing with the Love Club massage swaps is teaching them how to integrate their male and female in peaceful embrace, rather than the male pushing and the female dancing around trying to attract his attention or running away. To overcome this animal instinct to push and run away (male and female animal instinct) we humans are to learn how to not do that by way of reducing or diminishing our outward actions. When we slow down to a full conscious stillness and allow ourselves to integrate, then we overcome the animal instinct to push and dance. Do you understand?"
(Whenever I see the words "Do you understand?" at the end of a channeling, I then know for sure that it is DK talking. Because I would never use such a phrase myself. It is presumptuous. It makes me sound like a Know-it-all and I do NOT know it all! I am a student still learning.)
5/28/23 - A new way of looking at sex
In yesterday's blog I said I would share some things that I myself am doing to bring in more cosmic energy - energy that is literally "out of this world". It comes in when I do something against my nature. Something that I haven't done before because I was either afraid or perhaps didn't believe it was right or good for people to know. My nature is to be very careful about I reveal to others. Most of which are too high for me to put words to anyway. I don't want to disturb the natural order of things, or rattle the cages of other people. Well, after living with an ascended master guide for 47 years, I know things that I don't talk about, except if spirit moves me to, then I will.
Spirit moved me to spill the beans this morning about something I have hesitated to speak about. I've been holding it back and the knowledge is building and backing up in me. It's got to be said. And now that I've said it to someone and it's out there in the atmosphere, here it is. I am truly sorry to have to say this out loud. You can reject it as preposterous, it won't bother me.
Did you know that when a man penetrates a woman sexually - or another man or a child - whether he has an orgasm or not, he deposits his accumulated dirty toxic energies inside her or him? He is an action guy, born a male who has shut off his sensitivities and emotions in order to be assertive and a builder of hard material. He devotes all his attention on the bottom line, and therefore builds stress, tension, frustration, disappointments, failures, insecurities and the whole nine yards. He NEEDS the soft feminine to help him out. Sex is a relief for him. He feels much better after he makes love, even if he doesn't climax, because he rubs his toxicity against the warm inner membranes of another human being who willingly or unwillingly receives them. And absorbs them into herself unknowingly. The feminine person is by nature a receiver, where he is the driving force in the world of form, and doesn't know how to balance himself.
Women for eons have served in this capacity. However, times are changing. The human race is evolving and learning through trial, error and experience a higher way. How to live joyfully together, two genders having a life together as equals, without one dominating the other. But we are lagging behind in this issue of sex. The truth has yet to be told. New information is ready to be released in the form of workshop training. Kundalini training is one such workshop. Many knowledgeable teachers are humbly waiting for the right time to begin expanding their teachings to the world. It is information that must be released with kindness, for we don't want to damage the male confidence in themselves. This information will ADD to a man's self esteem if he allows it to tenderize him and soften him. But at first it will be hard to swallow. Consider this merely a heads-up. It should not be difficult to accept as a clue, a hint, a whiff of change in social behavior that is coming.
Fortunately, the new girl growing up is less likely than her predecessor to fall into the subservient role. She will be stronger and more self-empowered. She will not "fall in love and get married" only to find herself chained to the role of toxicity receiver. She will have more power to alter her life. She have more understanding. The women of the past (and I am one of them) who have been in service to men have learned a great lesson. A truly GREAT lesson. One that will never be forgotten, ever. We have born the brunt of receiving far too much toxicity, including anger and violence, without understanding why or how to deal with it. All we knew was lack of love and kindness. It was usually always "falling in love" in the beginning but deteriorating from there because the man did not understand either. It was just the way it was. It was designed that way to teach right from wrong. We learn from experiencing feelings and emotions.
Sex is an important lesson in the evolution of a race. All races, no matter what the civilization looks like. The truth is, there is no such thing as a "man" or a "woman" in the higher consciousness realms. Souls are born to experience CONSCIOUSLY, the right way to do things and the wrong way to do things. It is the way of learning through feeling the emotions. Understanding the right use of a physical body. Souls are born as a man in one life and then a woman in another, depending upon the soul's needs or choices. We move back and forth between lifetimes, experiencing a male body and then we experience a female body. We will get it. Eventually. And that time is NOW! The ages have turned.
I'm sharing this information because, in yesterday's blog I said I would tell some things that I myself am doing to bring in more cosmic energy - energy that is literally "out of this world". New energy comes in when I do something against my own nature. I dare to be bold. I dare to reveal something that I never revealed before. I did that yesterday and, sure enough, I was rewarded with an upsurge of powerful new energy today. Wish I could tell you more (smile!)
5/27/23 - The turn-around has begun
There is a vast turn-around happening, planet-wise, for the human race. It has caught everyone by surprise. At least it caught ME by surprise. Apparently others, as well, for I am reading all sorts of articles, each different. We all thought ascension was a move UP to a higher dimension but it's the opposite!! It is a DOWNWARD move! Ascension is a DESCENSION. We are from higher planes already. We are spirit, God, eternal, everlasting, evolving souls, and we are here to bring the light of our knowledge DOWN into the solid ground and manifest it here. Build it here. We are each different and so there are no two alike. We each have a different perspective, but we're all part of the giant jigsaw puzzle. We're all part of the big Plan. We all have knowledge that contributes to the ultimate manifesting of the Garden of Eden. We are here to build it, or re-create it, in physical concrete form.
It has taken me a long time to understand this. And I've had the benefit of an ascended master guide for the last 47 years. How could this have escaped me? Why has it taken me so long to "get it"? The answer is simple: we've been caught in the old dark matrix. We've been fooled and manipulated into believing the opposite, that we are poor sinners and we don't know anything so we have to go UP for answers. Wrong. We've been caught in the old system of reaching UP that the religious systems taught us. But in our efforts of reaching up we've been pushing the light away from us. The way to go is down into the roots of our beingness, and the roots of our beingness are INSIDE our bodies. There is more here to uncover and make known. The way to go is not just INSIDE ourselves, but to communicate what we know to others and work ideas together in order to manifest the illusive dream into a concrete reality. To express ourselves is to express our true nature, our true feelings, our truth on all levels, and to become who we are within, outward for all to see and know and appreciate and respect. The goal is to manifest our reality in the outer world of form. The gurus and masters have done their part. They have taught us how to seek within for it. Now it is up to us to take charge of becoming that which we know.
Now it is the time, the time is ripe, the turn-around is happening. We are ready to put our roots down, plant them solidly into the dirt of the earth, but this time with harmony, love, caring, kindness, wisdom and respect for others around us and the earth itself. We must do this with feeling, with knowing, with confidence and grace. With the knowledge of who we are and knowing that we are right. There is no doubt left in us. We came here to do this - to plant our Self, our higher, principled self - down into the earth. There are many ways of doing this. Each one must decide how it will be done. We come to work together and to express ourselves in solid matter, in form, on earth with others building with us. We are here to stop seeking and start using the skills we have worked so hard to accumulate. The intuitive wisdom, confidence and faith in ourselves that we've accumulated are instinct and inner knowledge. It is who we are. It is our nature. We are here to prove ourselves.
Our basic knowledge is heart-felt, strong and we are skilled. We are balanced, or soon will be when we begin using and moving the energies that have been backing up and stagnating inside us, causing frustration and depression. We've been manipulated to think we are poor sinners and lack judgment, when all along we have been building understanding and clear thinking. We do not doubt ourselves, we are just holding it back and keeping it a big secret. We are actually an amazing people, we humans of earth. And we are here to prove it to ourselves. That we can do this. We are here to build a Garden of Eden in physical concrete form, where everyone is happy and no one lacking. We've been wishing for it and dreaming about it. This is what we're heading to - the building of a world of harmony, beauty, peace and balance and we'll do it with love and wisdom. The frustration is being held back. By whom? There is no one to blame but ourselves. When I am ready, I will move into action and so will you. When it is time we will turn around and move forward.
Forces that are not of the light have done this. Evil is that which is born without love, without a sense of unity and caring or connection to the one supreme creator. There are such things, you know. It is called artificial intelligence. People with souls, with heart and the ability to love who also enjoy technology and enjoy fiddling around with it, must beware. Artificial intelligence has been around a long time, and has taken away our connection to the heart, to soul, to our sense of unity and the divine within. That is why we must return to the feelings that flow within us, and begin expressing them. Expressing outwardly is the key to the turn-around. If we continue to keep our feelings secret and locked away, we are becoming artificial intelligences ourselves.
Artificial intelligence has no connection to the sea of life and love from which we have descended. We have the seven bodies to prove it. Seven bodies wrap around us in an aura of livingness that we are mostly unaware of. We descend down from a world of perfection and purity to build in form. It is a descension of light that we are. We have descended to experiment building with purity, light and love in concrete form. We have had many lifetimes in form, learning now to build in form, and we have learned a lot. We have learned the feeling of right and the feeling of wrong. We know the difference. We have the experiential knowledge and the intuitive skills to prove it. All we have now to do is turn around and begin expressing them outwardly to each other. That means focusing on building on earth based on faith in yourself. You already have the accumulated wisdom within you. It flows in your blood stream and nerves. We are here to use the knowledge accumulated, and the FEELINGS and emotions we have accumulated. They belong to us, we must express them. Go inward and start using inner strength, inner feelings of right and wrong, inner faith, inner confidence and inner intuitive skills. Then we will be going in the right direction. Stop seeking someone else to do it for us.
We were taught to reach UP to find God or something resembling God but we have actually been gods in training. It has been said over and over by the Master guides. We are gods in training. And the time has come to start acting like the god authority that we are. Everything we were taught has brought us to this turn-around point. A god is one who lives with love and wisdom. Instead of looking for love and wisdom from someone else, we must start using love and wisdom for ourselves. I am the one that I've been looking for all these years. All the tools are mine now, here within me. We have the inbuilt intuitiveness, built-in feelings, build-in sense of truth, fairness, justice and rightness. We are here to LIVE this sense of rightness in our every day. It is a comfortable feeling. It is a good feeling. We will change our lives around. Healings will take place on subtle levels. They are not miraculous. They are nature falling into place and harmony. It is an inner work. An innocence that the religious systems have taken away from us. On purpose, I suspect, to lead us to more lessons - until we have had enough. Until the instinct kicks in and the dream to build a community of fairness and love starts to take form. A community of fairness, a village of freedom, a city of harmony and togetherness. A community of supporters and unifiers, where no one lacks. A land of vitality and excitement, of creative impulses and ideas continually flowing. It is ours to build.
There is a fire burning in me today. We have the faith. We have the love. We have the urge to support and contribute to the upliftment, not to enable weakness but to teach self-empowerment. Why has it taken so long? Because there are still too many people seeking for help outside of themselves. They have not been self-empowered. Education is needed. Turning around is not easy. Habits are in place. To look within - what does that even mean? This is the beginning of the U-turn. The willingness to change and to wonder HOW to change. To think about it and learn self-help techniques. We've been looking to saviors for answers, when the savior is our Self. There are techniques. They require effort and time out to work them. It will take time to learn a new technique and practice it, try a different approach. Communicate and soundboard. Tomorrow I'll tell about what I've been doing to help myself.
Instead of me wishing someone else would come and give me money, or give me love, or give me a better home, a better life, a better career, or to heal my broken body and so on -- in other words, being a dependent on others for something I am lacking - instead of me wishing the correct solution is to exert effort to do something to help myself. That's when something mysterious happens. A new kind of energy comes to mind. I become aware of something I never thought about before. This is an occult secret knowledge. It's available to be used. It's a principle of life that is accessible to those who know enough to use it. More later. I'll tell more.
5/18/23 - Today is a most beautiful day
I am elated and so very happy to be alive today. I just finished typing DK's course on meditation - with one change. The title is now "A class on personal power". It really is all about personal power and how to improve on it. It's about ten pages long and it's so amazing to me, what this Master has taught me over the years. And the fact that I haven't read it in over 40 years because this is priceless (to me anyway). It was channeled through me by the Master Djwahl Khul back in 1982 and it's like a time capsule waiting to be opened. Again after being buried so long ago. The personal power he refers to HERE is imploding and exploding in me right now. I can vouch for his wisdom and knowledge that he is passing on. There are a lot of hints in it that will be disturbing to some who read it, but only because we humans tend to be complicated. Personal power is childlike, innocent, simple and refreshing. We are the REAL underneath our masks. This is a real and authentic message for those who are trying to find a way to be happy in this world amid what we "think" is confusion. We have so complicted ourselves when we're really children at heart and not sophisticated at all. Be happy and go frolic in the fields of life. BTW, the real power is our lower parts. This doesn't come out until the last page. To make peace with the world you have to make peace with your own sexuality. And there are simple ways of doing that.
5/16/23 - Uploading another Master DK project
Today a new project has been uploaded onto the website HERE by the Tibetan Master DK. It is a course on meditation from 40 years ago, when I was still a babe in the woods learning about the secret language of light and kundalini (aka the holy spirit) that was causing so many changes in my life. This course has some very interesting twists in it that is sexually related, and it validates and confirms all that I have been understudying with him. He is saying it in clear language here. There is no ambiguity. This could be called a secret discovery, as if it was in a time-capsule, waiting for the right day to surface. I've had the papers all along but did not realize what they were. They were stored away in a big old notebook that I hadn't looked at for years. I have only partially typed it in here, but DO check it out.
5/15/23 - Will power by the Master Djwahl Khul
(Part of a longer message DK gave me in answer to some questions I had) Will power is cultivated by sticking to a regular routine on a daily basis. Do some practices every day. Build a routine and follow it every day without fail. This is what you have been doing. You are starting to succeed so that your body starts to remember and want to do it every day. Without a regular routine your body stays lazy and thinks it is doing the right thing for itself. The body operates on habit. It is sluggish, its cells are from the earth. It is not a high consciousness machine. It likes routine. It likes to know what is expected of it. If you change your habits and follow it every day, your body will remember and will change over a short period of time. You must use will power on yourself. If you feel lazy, it is your body that feels lazy, not you, but you let your mind follow suit. You interpret wrongly. You think it is you but it is your body. You are not your body. You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like it today, I will go to the computer instead. I am excited and want to write this down.”
But that means you have let your body take control over your commitment. You must force your body to do what you have decided to do, and not succumb to your body’s wants. This takes will power. It is a struggle at first. The body operates on habit, which is a feeling. But you are the consciousness of the body. You built the body, your higher self did. If you have decided to change yourself then you must use discipline and will power. Take your power back from your body. Know the difference between your body wanting to feel good, and your commitment to make a change. This does not mean you won’t enjoy the "feel good” feelings at times, but you will not let your body tell you what IT wants. You will teach it better manners. You will teach it what it feels like to be refined and more sensitive. It is the body who has the “feelings”. You are the abstract intelligence that uses the body as a vehicle, as an avatar. This is the reason for a daily routine – to work with your body and raise its consciousness level to better express your higher intelligence. Build new habits into your body and it will become more refined, stronger, healthier and feel better with itself. It will thank you by responding with a sense of freedom and lightness.
The body is a mechanism. I is a machine. Even though it is organic and a breathing, living machine and it has a consciousness, yet it is still exquisitely designed to function under the orders and control of a higher mind. That higher mind is you. We learn to use it from the outside in. The hands, feet, legs, mouth, eating, brushing teeth, putting it to sleep at night and washing it so it feels clean. This is what we learn as a child, how to take care of the body and use it properly. In past ages we did not learn how to care for the inner parts of the body, but that time is now changing. We are going through an evolutionary shift to higher consciousness. How the inner parts of the body work is done through yoga. Learning how they function is a three-part education. We study the machine to see how it functions, and we practice it through yoga postures, and we read scholarly reports and experiences of other people.
Up to now it has been left to the professionals and experts to know how your body works, how to maintain it, what to do when it goes wrong. But you have given them the power over your body. They do not know what you are feeling and aligning with, or misaligning with. This only you can tell from being inside the body. When something goes wrong with your heart or lungs or stomach, most people go to the doctor or another expert. But those who have chosen the inner path of their choice, which is natural and organic, have discovered better health and are more intuitively well, happy and at peace. Yoga is an ancient science and covers many facets. It is an inner path that is starting to spread across the planet and bring changes to those who practice it. It is how people are taking their power back from outside authorities. There is untold wisdom contained in the human intellect, will and love.
Gopi Krishna advises a path of (1) healthy diet & journal/document (2) yoga postures & journal/document (3) meditate & journal/document. In other words make yourself an experimental subject and keep documenting. Consider it research. He advises a research institute but I’m saying, make yourself the research. Routine, regular discipline, apply control, conscious control, the evolutionary force for the future of mankind. This prevents psychopathy and psychosis. The evolutionary mechanism goes wrong when the body is not clean and not maintained in a healthy manner. It must be kept up on a regular basis with conscious application of certain habits. In the case of the wayward man who is ignorant, it means to become more disciplined.
5/14/23 - Father sun as a warm loving personality
As I lay on the acupressure mat this morning - a mat with little plastic needles sticking up all over - I focused on Father Sun. Father Sun is amazing. It was two years ago that I was introduced to the sun as an individual. Two columns of Ascended Masters appeared in the sky, each with an arm pointing upward toward the sun, creating an open path between them . The meaning was clear. Ever since then I have been working with Father Sun during special silence times.
Last night I did 50 inhales through my feet down into the earth, and again this morning I did 50 more, holding focus on burrowing down, seeing my intentional light going down deeper into Mother Gaia, reaching for her and touching finger tips with Mother Gaia. I am connecting slowly, reclaiming bits and pieces of lost light that I left behind in former lives. I have been too far above my head in the stratosphere. I sense Father Sun trying to reach through me to enter deeper into the earth through me. I asked for help and guidance in the silence of my thought, to close down the top of my head. Then I began to see and sense more stability. I am feeling Father Sun. As I call to Father Sun I see him as a loving father. He is a wise elderly face with a warm, loving, countenance, a smile, caring, love emanates from him. He is intelligent and wise. He is showing me these qualities as a radiation entering into me.
I am receiving pictures of these words that identify them to me, and the feelings behind the words. I am feeling warmed and cared for, nourished by him. I am feeling calmed and peaceful from his presence. I am understanding that Mother Sun is also there. Father Sun is the abstract quality coming down from the sky and that Mother Sun is here inside of me, holding space in me. It is she who receives the warm countenance of her counterpart. She holds space for me while I process this. I can FEEL the abstract quality in my body focusing, densifying, becoming real to me. Mother Sun is Mother Earth to me. They are one and the same. I am now feeling these qualities as I think about them. They are working in tandem with me. Guiding me, assisting me.
I am like a plant growing here on earth. Just as they absorb the sun to grow their vegetation, so do I absorb the sun to grow roots into the earth so I can adapt here and enjoy life on the earth. I have been too long whirling about in the atmosphere NOT rooting myself. I must root myself. I want to grow roots into the earth and stabilize. I am learning that I must hold my mind still and focused long enough so that the sun's qualities can enter and penetrate my organs, skin, blood and tissues, otherwise they bounce off me and I don't benefit from them. I have to do this because I am a more complex being than plants. I have a mind that is diverted and distracted and busy all the time. I am a more advanced life form and I grow dizzy without roots to stabilize me. There is too much input from my human brothers and sisters. I need to grow roots and stabilize myself. The Masters have been showing me how to do that.
Sensuality is a beautiful feeling of being wanted, grounded, stabilized to become a living part of the earth's heritage. I am here to also grow and root myself. I am a more complex being so I must do more work than the tree and the plant. I am a thinking, mobile intelligent being with muscles, tissues, nerves and emotions. I have to hold focused thought long enough to absorb the loving qualities from the sun and FEEL it. I am now feeling the sensual feelings of love, wisdom, intelligence and nurturance and being supported. Mother Sun holds space for me. She lives in between the atoms and electrons of my solid body. She is pure intelligence and she holds them for as long as I am willing to hold them in my mind as she transfers these loving qualities over to me. I have to be awake and alert to do this and to receive them and appreciate them. They are the living life force to my body. These qualities help me to stabilize, breathe, ground, feel solid on earth. These qualities have to be densified to be felt by my body and me. Father Sun appears to me as person, wise and beaming fatherly confidence to me. "You can do it!" he says to me.
5/11/23 - Ascending waves to higher consciousness
It is difficult to post open articles knowing that everyone is on a different scale with different beliefs, attitudes, past history and understandings, but this is what I am called to do. My particular slant on things is from the angle of ascension. My husband's is from the angle of a civil rights lawyer fighting for justice of the underdog. Having studied the "four dense bodies" as taught by the Ascended Masters, I am better equipped than many people, perhaps than the majority. But I am still a quite normal person, however.
From my perspective my physical body is thinning away. The CONCEPT of the physical body is thinning away. The body is merely a wrapping, like a gift wrapping. It was made to look like it belongs here. We don't want any alien-looking creatures running around to disturb the natives! So we are all human on the outoside. But the REAL substance is not the visible outer shell, but the invisible that is flowing through it.
The substance that animates the physical body is not substance but consciousness. Awareness. Intelligence.
Alertness. What we are conscious of at every moment of the day or night casts either a negative or a positive glow to our presence. The four dense bodies mentioned above are - defined from densest to least dense - the etheric body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body, and then after that - the LIGHT body. And there are more beyond these. The light body is pure crystalline. Someone nick-named it "christ-aligned". It is pure and undefiled consciousness, connected to the ONE supreme consciousness.
The etheric body is the soul, the individual consciousness that animates the body as "me" or "you". It is feminine in nature, sensitive and receptive to all other influences it comes in contact with. We are responsible in our etheric body for taking on wrong attitudes and beliefs, and it is up to us to purge them by learning what is right and what is wrong.
Our emotional body is composed of our desires. We have many desires and they shift and change with the wind. And with basic needs, like food, water, clothing and shelter. Many people are without these basics but are still positive-leaning people and help others in spite of their lacks. How do they do that? With will power. They choose to think bigger, wider, broader, vaster, wiser and holier. Will power is a higher power than emotions because it is lighter and less dense.
Our mental body is composed of our choices of thoughts we think. Will power is a product of the mental body. What we think about, matters. And how strongly we think them. And where we direct our thoughts, and with what emotion we color them. We can color our thoughts dark, selfish and evil, or bright, happy, positive and compassionate.
The spiritual body is a higher mental body which reaches into greater levels of intelligence beyond ground level or practical level. There is sky and space beyond physical matter and various sciences grow up to explore them. There is only ONE intelligence which creates ALL of life and science itself is drawn to reach for it. It is the one common ingredient that ties the many schools of thought together. Our own individual spiritual nature draws us to reach to the one Father intelligence. Mother is the matter force. Father is the abstract intelligence which the matter reaches for. Father fills the mother with his abstract thoughts and desires and the mother (matter) receives them and grows wise by entertaining them. But most of the time we are too busy and distracted by the world around us to indulge in such thinking. We are conscious beings. Some of us are only semi-conscious, and others are very dull in consciousness, falling into mostly mechanical habits, not really thinking at all. And then there are the geniuses, super-conscious beings who are bringing new ideas into the world.
Consciousness changes as we live longer. We begin to wonder. We are drawn by our own thoughts, the elusive power within - the electricity that powers the machine, and the magnetics that attract us or repel us away from circumstances and situations. It is consciousness that is growing stronger in me. I am becoming aware that my body is not all that I am. I am what I am thinking, where I spend my awareness time. My awareness is on a higher level than it was 10, 15, 20 years ago. It is more consistently thinking, pondering, changing perspectives on love, benevolence, kindness, wisdom. My desires are of a higher nature, not of material objects. My wishes are for peace and that all people be happy. My dreams are to hug everyone and make them feel wanted and appreciated, and to help wherever I can so they are not in pain. My memories are of the good things that happened in my life. The negative memories have gone away. I am more aware than I have ever been before. What does my body have to do with this? It is a human body that holds me in check so I fit into the world and no one is the wiser. And so it is with you.
Ascension waves are upon us in these days and it is tumultuous and chaotic. It is causing changes in the way we see things or perceive. Let the waves pass on by and go with the flow it leaves behind. Rest often in peace while picturing rays from the sun coming down and entering into your physical heart. Father sun is the distributor of the ONE intelligence in our system. The ONE intelligence whose greatest power is love.
5/8/23 - Precious jewels in unexpected places
During a morning exercise and meditation recently I had an interesting experience. I called in my I AM Presence and also the violet flame. I asked the violet flame to enter into my subconscious areas that are normally hidden to me, expecting to begin a purging process of some old dark stuff. Instead, I saw a chest, like a treasure chest, and I am opening it and looking inside. But what’s inside is not old stuff but jewels, gem stones, diamonds, glittery things, and I realize that these are the things I have held closest to me, not revealing them but holding onto them because they are so valuable. I see them as beautiful. They are not sinful or bad or evil at all. They are precious and that is why I have held onto them and not revealed them. They are sacred to me. And now I am releasing them upward into the light. I am sending them Home. I am saying, “Here, take these. These are my stories. I am giving them to you so that you may add them to the overall sea of consciousness. I release them, I let them go. Take them.
And I see the glittering diamonds going upward out of the darkness of my cellar, my underground, where they were hidden away. These are my stories and I am releasing them back Home to the light. I am adding to the Light my adventures and my wisdoms gained. And then I am seeing further down into the darkness of my subconscious and I am seeing treasure chest after treasure chest after treasure chest going off into the darkness until I can no longer see them any more. And I say, “Abracadabra - Open!” And all of the chests fly open and out of them come more jewels, more diamonds, pearls, rubies, precious stones of all kinds. They are just a little dusty because they have been carefully hidden away and preserved. Totally beyond my sight. I didn’t know they were there. This morning I released them all. I opened all of the chests and let the gems and jewels free to fly upward into the light to go Home. This was done very methodically and consciously. I spoke the words out loud as they came to me. And then I resumed my exercises. This took place on 6/17/14.
5/5/23 - Uniting your feminine & masculine sides
The four lower bodies are filled with contaminated beliefs that may not necessarily be wrong, but they are stuck in a holding pattern. They have been built from childhood and held in the consciousness of the person without the person realizing it. Becoming aware of a wrongly held mistake and letting that old belief go, release it, is how we cleanse our time and space. And the electrons can spin faster. Our frequency raises higher because the electrons start whirling and throwing off the heavy yoke of pressure. Elation, happiness, enthusiam, freedom, excitement, vitality is among the many feelings that might result. It is a raising of frequency, the number of times an electron spins around its central sun. This causes a higher feeling of vibration, a thrill you could say, throughout the body. Notice feelings of "thrill"!
Each human has three HIGHER bodies on higher levels that are not contaminated ever. And never will be. They are pure God-light. As we click into our own God-light which is on the higher enthusiasm levels, you could say, we become more aware of happiness, peace, elation, inspiration, reverence, even holiness. But realization comes slowly because we are so weighed down with the human condition. We live inside the human condition. We are a product of the human condition, which is heavy indeed, compared to the three HIGHER bodies.
While we have a total of seven levels in our aura, it is not easy to click into them or understand them because we were born into very, very low self-esteem. We were born into sin, guilt, shame and fear. We were not told that we had a God source flowing within us. This is what the Ascended Masters teach through their presence. The three higher levels of our auric field can't be contaminated because they are pure God. We are pure God. These three higher levels are our own pure God SELF animating us from higher levels. It is our own God-light that is our life force. When we die our God-life goes back home again. But while we live in a human body, the God SELF is animating us. It is alive within us. It can be accessed if someone points it out to you. It lives vibrantly within you. Each human being has a body, emotions, mental thoughts and spiritual beliefs. These are the four levels that are weighed down. The pure God Self is hard to access from within the human life, because we don't believe it's real. We weren't taught. We were taught the opposite and are continuing to be taught through the media and the average systems of earth life. We receive distraction from every which way and these distractions continue to bog us down. Why do you suppose some people retire to monestaries, mountains and caves? The seven levels of the human aura are:
1. The physical body - the heaviest and lowest and densest part of us
2. The emotional body - a level higher in frequency where feelings interact with other form life
3. The mental body - a level higher in frequency where abstract thoughts interact with other form life
4. The spiritual body - a level higher in frequency where abstract thoughts interact with angelics
5. The crystalline light body - the pure uncontaminated pattern of God-light unique to the individual soul
6. The causal light body - the pure uncontaminated purity of the seven God attributes we are to discover
7. The monad light body - the unique God self as an individual offspring of the creator
Words are poor expressions for these seven great dimensions. I share them as I have come to understand them. The four lower bodies are referred to by the Masters through ALL of their teachings. Their primary goal and focus is to teach us how to cleanse our four lower bodies. As humans born into finite bodies we each have these four levels that are laden with errors from the past. While it may seem like a heavy burden to carry for any human being, the way to cleanse these erroneous beliefs and ideas can be done rather rapidly through application of the seven virtues contained in the causal light body.
These seven virtues are: (1) will power/moral courage, (2) enlightened intelligence, (3) love/reverence, (4) purity/innocence, (5) truth/honesty, (6) peace/comfort, and (7) freedom/both giving and receiving. The seven chakras have been recognized as sealed doors that need to be opened to access the flood of truth that would be released. A chakra door is opened by applying one of these virtues in one's outer life. It is in the application of will power and moral courage, for example that one opens the door and invites more of that will power and moral courage to enter in.
Applying it in one's life is why I write and post blogs. It makes me feel good about myself. It helps me to grow and expand. As I give outward, I make room for more to move into my life. My posting of this information is to share what I have learned from the ascension teachings over the years of accessing works by the Ascended Masters. I have been applying these teachings quietly to my own life and have been learning astounding things. Instead of promoting my work as others have done, I have strengthened and enriched my SELF!
7/13/23 - Introducing the background consciousness
The power to change for the better lies in our background consciousness - not the forefront consciousness but the BACKGROUND consciousness. This is my latest self-discovery. Background consciousness is not obvious. It is hidden behind the surface movements of life. The immediate environment is the people and things in my life that capture my attention. They are family, neighbors, friends, strangers, co-workers, playmates, animals, objects, nature and situations. As an elder I am mostly at home, either in the kitchen or in the office or outside in the yard, or upstairs cleaning. These are my physical environments as I move through the day. This is the conglomerate "nest" in which I find myself, day in and day out. It takes up most of my exterior awareness. However, I have discovered there is a background consciousness that doesn't give a damn about my exterior environment. It cares only how I react and respond throughout the day and night. It cares only how I bounce back and feed information back into whatever caused me to react and respond. What type of game am I playing? A negative one? Or a positive one?
You could think of a Native American Indian hiding in the trees, peering through the foliage to see what you are doing. You cannot see the Indian because he is very good at staying hidden, but he is observing you and whether you know it or not he has an influence on you. He nudges you in directions that you aren't even aware of. This is my BACKGROUND consciousness. It is now creating havoc with my life because I didn't know it was there. I had no idea. I have been following exercise routines that are keeping my body in shape but my mind or rather the brain itself has not been prepared for this. I am experiencing the strangest, weirdest, most uncomfortable dizziness, wondering what is going on. And now I am learning.
After trying everything I can think of to correct the fuzziness in my brain and it's not working, I am discovering something about myself that I did not know. After trying many different techniques learned over the years to correct the distortions in my brain, I have hit upon a truth that I had forgotten. Not really forgotten, but ignored as fantasy or frivolous. I don't have any power whatsoever over the life force in me. It is greater than me. I am a passing personality that keeps changing and growing and dying and being reborn in another body. I am a temporary thing. A tomato on a vine that will perish one day and a new tomato will take its place. Yet I AM the eternal power that never dies that is flowing through me currently as the background consciousness.
My body feels great, it's just the brain that's acting out of phase with my surroundings. My surroundings keep changing but I have not recognized that I must keep pace with the changes going on around me. I can't hold on forever to who I think I am - a fixed stable person. I'm changing. Other people are also having dizziness issues, so I am not alone with it. But it's MY problem to deal with ME, and I alone can fix it. I'm learning about how important the flow of this eternal something within. It is a discovery process and an expansion is reqired to embrace it. Relinquishing control over who I am is only part of it. A blending and acceptance is required that there is greater aspect of "me" seeping through and I must allow it, integrate with it, blend with it and agree, to bend the knee to it, to this greater aspect of me as it tries to incarnate in this body. This is advanced science and many people reading this won't understand. It has been called mystical in the old ways. But that's OK if you don't understand. It's Tantric and Tantra is not understood. Tantra is not about winning vs. losing or about sickness vs. health, or about sex. It is about accepting the flow that is taking place - WHATEVER is taking place - could be anything, could be something truly bad - and joining in with it. It is about becoming one with it thru love and by harmonizing with it. It is about becoming MORE. It is called evolution - evolution of soul, of body, mind, emotions and spirit and acceptance of the greater life.
Meanwhile, I hear echoes of "Go to the doctor!" Yes, yes, yes. I made an appointment with the doctor for a checkup, OK? I've done that. My husband took care of that. And later this month I'll have the checkup. Now can I get back to the REAL work? The work of discovering who I am and what I can do for myself? Which is why I'm here in the first place, in a body incarnate on Earth as a soul, learning lessons of self mastery and self discovery.
What I've been discovering is that my BACKGROUND consciousness is not just a theory or piece of intellectual information. My background consciousness is the bigger me and it is influencing me. I am my own background consciousness lurking behind the foliage of the trees. I am the greater me flowing through my body, watching, observing, nudging my outer smaller self to "try this" or "try that". I am the hidden part that supports the outer part and I didn't know. Wasn't aware. It is below my subconscious. It is way beneath my exterior conscious mind, thought and feelings and external decisions I make. I am the sub-sub-cconsciousness that lives on after this body dies. I am the hidden part of me that is learning through superficial outer trials, errors and experiments. It's a game of hide and seek. Surface thoughts come and go easily. I can switch them on and switch them off, using various techniques. But what I can't switch off is that elusive consciousness that is in charge and lurks in the background behind a veil, peering from behind a curtain. THIS is the real me. This is the real power of me. Its reality has been breaking through to me, causing me some headaches and dizziness. I have to adapt.
There are times when my brain is clear and not dizzy, not fuzzy. What is it that causes clarity? I am dying to know the truth about this. Why am I suddenly clear-brained and later again fuzzy-brained? Most people think a pill is the answer, and I'll consider that. But I know there is more to this than a pill or a drug. I am on the road of discovery. I have already discovered that I'm not who I thought I was over the last 40 or so years. I've been believing a lie about myself. I thought I was "this" or "that" but I've discovered more truths about who I am. So I've been learning to let go of this image about myself and adapting to the unknown. Could this be one of the reasons for my bouts of clarity and sanity? Accepting the unknown? The clear vision that happens here and there? And then, again, fuzzy brain returns. It is fluctuating wildly. I want to die, then I don't want to die. I am willing to allow the truth to take over and bend me back into shape. But we will see. There is more to uncover. Pardon my frankness - just sharing some thoughts from an elder!
7/8/23 - Unlocking the doors to powers within
I started receiving while in the shower this morning, writing notes to myself. Feeling super energies, too much, in fact, must slow myself down. This is coming in very strong, intense, powerful. Tuning into the powers within, how to get past the locked door. The doors are all through the body – in the hands and feet, the stomach, the back muscles, the solid body that we focus on so intently so that we run to the doctor whenever something goes wrong. We get some medicine to take and seal up the door again, our prison door that keeps us safely locked up inside so we can’t get out.
A little later, I can’t breathe. After the backbend and cobra I sit and connect, remembering I must bring it UP, up, up. "Meet your higher self! She’s there in the coccyx. Bring it UP to the heart and the brain." Step out of the box of limited thinking that you’re only a physical body. Step out of the box into freedom and sunlight flooding. Do it slowly. Bring it up the spine via the Torus breath and fountain it out and around and down. Repeat it. Flow it. Keep it loose and flowing. The brain has been blocking the flow. All that “ME” knowledge is blocking the flow. The focus on “Me” as if I’m important! As if what this body feels is important. But that’s exactly what is causing the pain, the heart aches, the body aches, the disabilities, the aging, the discomfort, the brain fog – it’s the focus on the physical deterioration that is causing the “sick” feelings that are slowly creeping in and insidiously invading the Self, the body cells, to make us think we are dying. It’s focusing our thinking process on dying and disintegration.
The eternal spirit, the holy spirit, the pure life-giving spirit is NOT dying! It can’t die! It has been simply held back from expressing. We’ve been focusing so much on the body dying that we are causing our own dying process. The holy spirit, the pure life-giving spirit is still there inside a crystal ball in the pelvic bowl, and we are holding it back from releasing. It needs to be invited out to flow again, to express. It needs to be released. Let go! Relax! Breathe in and breath out through the sacrum. Picture the sacrum. Bring it into focus, flow it, imagine it, pure crystalline light sparkles flowing up the spine, breaking through the obstacles. This purity can smash right through them when it is flowing, melt right on through them to the top of the head.
We are talking about the life force known as kundalini. It is also known by other names in other cultures, such as Christians call it the holy spirit, or the Christ. Shakti, Shekinah, Krishna and other names in other parts of the world. It has been locked in down there in the coccyx and sacrum, not allowed to flow up the spine. Sin, sex, guilt and shame has had us, as if in bondage tied to limited thinking, and we had no idea. We were imprinted with a massive conspiracy imprinting of fear, shame and guilt and we had no clue. We were babes in the wood being programmed before we could walk and talk. We did not understand. How could we? This has been going on for many centuries. Now kundalini is here. It is a big word. An unknown word but I am going to introduce it to the culture. Other people are introducing it, I see. Yes, the word is coming out into the public eye. There is a plan brewing. It is very close now, close enough to begin the group gatherings. Tantra is part of the kundalini instruction. The word Tantra needs to be straightened out. It has been ignorantly misunderstood. There have not been enough true teachers or healers. We are introducing it now because it’s time. Simply that it’s time. The universe has lined up some people to bring this forth.
I did the back bend off the bed and the cobra. I’m working with forces beyond traditional thinking. The kundalini, the holy spirit, is opening for everyone at a different pace. It is opening with LOVE. The teaching is about LOVE. The emphasis is on love. The first emphasis is on love. There is only one energy in all of creation and it is LOVE. Creation in the form world is done by playing with different aspects of love. Moving with it or moving away from it by rejecting it. It is the moving and shaking, exploring and defining the various perspectives and understandings of LOVE. The ultimate love is wholeness, completion, fulfillment, hence the word “holy”. But love doesn’t end there, to rest and relax and be forgotten, because there are more people coming up behind us who are still experimenting with LOVE, hesitant and unsure but experimenting. The building of more and more love is a continuing, ongoing, eternal process of life that never ends but continues building more. There is no end to love because it keeps adding more to itself. There are an infinite number of consciousnesses who are evolving in love and each is unique, one of a kind, discovering yet another new way to experience love – the primal energy of creation that we are ALL using in our creating.
As I was bringing the energy up to the heart thru the throat to the brain, I was on fire again and stopped to write, “Get the energy to the brain!” realizing that the brain is getting this message and I must write it! We think there is hate, violence and anger, depression, sickness and death, but it is all created from love - out of a desire for more love, or what one thinks is love. Whether it be from a selfish controlling perspective or from a benevolent way of sacrifice and martyrdom, we are all focusing on love. And BALANCE is what brings us closer to it. Balance the extremes that appear, balance them with love. Find the unity, the harmony, the way of merging the extremes and you will experience love.
My brain is sprouting colors now, coming up from the coccyx and the pelvic bowl, clearing a channel through the sushumna, the central etheric channel all the way to the brain. It is clearing. There are two arcs in the brain now, going left and right of the central channel to the pituitary. The colors are sprouting up, one here, one there, faster and faster and all at once! It’s not the brain that is coming alive, it is ME that is sprouting the awareness and the colors. I AM the awareness in the brain bringing conscious awareness up the spine to my organ of the brain. I Am the incandescent surreal colors sprouting many different aspects of divinity as they unfold into my brain.
I Am the divinity that has been held locked in down below, prior to this moment. I Am bringing it up to the brain so this body can recognize itself in the physical form and the physical world and use it here! (I am doing the neck exercises now.) I am activating my male side. The sparks, the angels, the devas are in the trees. I used to think it was the sun catching and glinting off the moisture on the leaves but it’s the faeries or elementals, whatever name they might be called. I first think it’s the sun but it looks a bit too bright and it twinkles at me as if it’s sending a message. I pause and connect with it and then I know.
7/7/23 - Breathing difficulties
This was a month ago. In the night I woke with the message that galactic ships were sending positive energies into the Earth atmosphere, making it difficult for negative thinking people to breathe and to please post this. This is why we have to think more love-light thoughts. We must work at cultivating more light into our bodies, minds and feelings to elevate our frequencies, or we won’t survive these higher energies that are flooding the planet. I have posted a link HERE (page down to "my personal decrees") to find some mantras and affirmations to use - prayers and positive decrees. Do use them. Select some that appeal to you and say them out loud 15 minutes a day or more often. The more the better. It will help to lighten your body’s energies. This will elevate you to higher vibrations. It brings in vitality, cosmic energy that will surprise you if you do it enough to notice. Most people will not do it because they are lazy and too embedded in the routine of their lives. But the work WILL have an effect. The intergalactic ships are actively assisting the solar ascension rays and they are warning that it will be hard to breathe.
I've been having a hard time catching my breath, and a friend writes that he has been having difficulties too. It helps to spend time doing the light affirmations. Say them out loud, so the sound reverberates into your auric field that surrounds you. It is your auric field that needs lifting, not the physical body. The physical body is the "shell" in which your personal energies are floating. It is the ENERGIES that need lifting. Routine day-to-day energies are the ones that lag behind and droop like wilting flowers. They become dull and lifeless energies. These are the energies that are your life force. Lift them with higher prayers and light-filled, love-filled, praise-filled words of higher qualities and tones. The light that is hitting the planet through the sun and the greater sun is so much higher than what it has been previously, that people who are not aware will not know what is happening to them. This is a message from the galactics. Please do this. Become more light-endowed by chanting these higher words into the air every day. If a person hasn't activated the light in their physical body, it's going to be difficult to catch a breath. The body needs to be elevated and take in some of this higher energy to match the incoming light.
I got up and went into the meditation room and participated in the uplifting of the earth, cleansing the earth and all inhabitants, waking up the light. With my inner sight I sensed the Earth starting to separate. This is on an etheric level. I was aware of it. A lot took place last night. It was a major step in the separation of old and new earth. An hour and 20 minutes later I felt it was over and I could go back to bed.
Additional revelations: Routine is so boring! It is the same old, same old stuff, day in, day out, always the same. When I write new information from higher up, I get excited. It is creative. Tantra is the sacred art of growing new links by conjoining opposites. Not by replacing or substituting one for another. It is like grafting a different plant onto another plant to create a more advanced evolved plant from two separate species. Opposites can be grafted together to create something new and more advanced. More evolved. My higher self is divine and holy. I am not. It is coming closer down to me as I use enlightened words that are higher and purer than my normal words. My higher self links with these higher holy words and can come closer to me. I can see my higher aspect more closely as I do this. It is more brilliant than me. More colorful, it is bluish and with other colors mixed in, transparent colors, divine, holy, pure. It is coming closer and it is connecting my awareness to itself. I feel myself becoming more elevated. I am merging with my higher self. I am an opposite of my higher self. I am human. It is divine. We are grafting together like two species. One not pure, the other pure. This is Tantra.
7/5/23 - Settle in with the forces of nature
The forces of nature are not wild. They are soothing and calm. And when we acknowledge that feeling it is like coming home to the ancestral hearth. Relax into it. Coming home is a settling in feeling. It is a stopping of the struggle in the outer-world journey. It is accepting where you came from, your ancient lineage is nature. Natural. It feels at peace. Remember the feeling of walking in the forest? The wood? The quiet of dawn or the late night after dark? There is a quietness in nature. It is the coming home to what THE BODY feels is natural. After all, we are first of all the body. A solid form made of the substance of earth. And Mother Earth is the intelligent mother who oversees her brood - the kingdoms of nature. Mankind and womankind are part of that kingdom of her nature. We can feel the "coming home" at certain times when we are alone and not being distracted. We are drawn naturally, inexplicably, inward. It is similar to the ripening of a fruit. It is impossible to ripen fruit in an artificial environment. It is not natural. But falling in step with the forces of nature provides a feeling of settling in and relaxing into a flow that is almost always forgotten during the active hours of human activity. Relinquish the struggle in those opportunities to fall in step with nature. It knows what you need. This is an advanced teaching. We think we are so smart and intelligent to be in our brains, but the greater intelligence is in the WHOLE BODY. In the DNA of each tiny cell that makes up the liver, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the prostate gland, the ovaries,, the muscles, and the bones and blood. And the brain itself. This is far removed from the controlling ego which does not provide peace and calm. This is how we follow the spirit, the higher angel of our own divine nature. It is the coming together of our own heavenly nature with the earth's nature. When we agree to surrender our controlling ego and allow ourselves to walk in the natural way of the earth-walker, the skin-walker, we bring our heavenly nature in harmony with the earth nature. Look for nature's signs that come to you - the bird that swoops out of the sky, the snake that crawls unexpectedly nearby, the call of the owl, the feather that drops at your feet, the many movements in the air, unexpectedly. Stop and acknowledge RECEIPT of the contact. This is disclosure of the Earth kind. There is no need to look for it. No need to struggle. No need to work at it. We are one with nature.
7/3/23 - Me and my four lower bodies!
Yes, I'm still here! It's been a week since my last blog. I've hit a new stuck point in the transition of my life, moving out of 3D into 4D and 5D, and it's taking all my attention to work it out. How best can I align my four lower (denser) bodies? The consciousness evolution that is taking place is affecting everyone, but perhaps not like it's affecting me right now. I'm getting whoozy, dizzy and have strange sickish-type feelings. It is causing a lot of confusion but I know what the cause is and it has affected me physically, mentally and emotionally. Ugh! It's very draining and disturbing.
The four lower bodies are the four densest consciousness levels of a person. There are seven levels of consciousness in all (picture the aura) but the three higher levels are saintly, holy and perfect. It is the four lower, tighter, denser levels that are the problem. These are the human conditions composed of errors and mistakes that need correcting or leaving behind. This is an advanced peek into a larger truth, so we won't go any further than that. It's just background food for thought as we tackle the more local issue of these four dense levels of the human apparatus, and what I am currently struggling with.
The four lower denser levels are the (1) emotional level, (2) the mental level, (3) the spiritual or higher mind level and (4) the physical body level. Old energies (issues) that have not been redeemed or released yet, are still stuck in the auric field, which is our consciousness. These are now being affected because we are going through a major shift in consciousness to a higher, lighter dimension. These old energies (issues) are holding us back. They are knots in our consciousness. They are causing (me) dizziness problems and sickish feelings - and keeping me busy trying to figure out what next to try to correct it because I'm an energy worker. I do my own energy corrections to keep healthy and active.
Other people are experiencing this too, I see, as I read the articles. But we each have to work it out alone, by ourselves, because no two people have the same issues going on from the past, including past lives. Not everyone is aware of this physical shift from the 3rd to the next higher dimension of consciousness, be it the 4th or the 5th. The shift is taking place on inner levels of consciousness that, unfortunately, many people are unaware of. How many people have been educated about their four lower bodies? The lowest and densest body is the physical body, which we can see and touch, but the other three are on a finer frequency level. We can't "see" them per se. So the shift is affecting these three finer bodies that we don't even know we have. We think it's the physical body that is having the problem and it's not! We might go to a doctor and learn that nothing is the matter since the instruments don't pick up on it, but there is a lot more going on than doctors are aware of. If you have not been filled in about how these four lower bodies operate, for example, your emotional body and your mental body, then it's time we started to address it.
Imagine yourself as you are right now, doing what you're doing (like I am sitting at my laptop), imagine how you look right now but twice as large and as a transparent figure hovering over you or around you. This is your emotional body. This is the energy body where all your emotions and feelings take place. Your emotions and feelings do NOT take place in your physical body, nor in your mental body. They take place at a certain frequency level. Your emotional body is the plane where all your feelings occur. This transparent body (you don't see it so you don't realize it's there) is hovering around every cell in your physical body. When you feel a surge of anger, for example, your emotional body feels, not your physical body. This is a long complicated story to explain.
Next, imagine yourself again, as you are right now, but three times as large and also a transparent figure, hovering over your emotional body or around you. Use your imagination. This is your mental body. It is functioning at an even HIGHER frequency level than your emotional body. This is where thought takes place. This is your mind, where you think things through and come to decisions. This body does NOT have feelings like your emotional body does. It is a separate frequency that operates on a specific plane for the specific purpose of working out mental processes pertaining to human practical life.
Next, imagine yourself again as you are right now but four times as large and also a transparent figure, hovering over your mental body. This is your spiritual body, sometimes known as the etheric body. This is on a still HIGHER frequency than either your emotional or mental body. This is a larger aspect of you which is in touch with MORE of who you are as a spiritual intelligence. This body does not have feelings per se, as we define feelings in the human realm, but it is closer to love, harmony, unity and the higher cosmic laws of the universe. This is closer to heaven than the other two denser realms, but it is not perfect either. It is designed for the purpose of working out and understanding what spirit is as compared with human. That takes care of three of the four lower bodies. The fourth lower body that gets out of alignment is the physical body.
The three invisible bodies - emotional, mental and spiritual - are all operating within the physical body and most people know nothing about them. This is information that is taught in the mystery schools, esoteric and metaphysical classes. Emotions and feelings get tangled up with our thoughts, and our thoughts get tangled up with our religious and spiritual beliefs, and our bodies get confused over which is which and how to deal with it. This has been going on for a long time. We have been kept uneducated about this. Now there is a consciousness evolution taking place. We are growing up and out of the third dimension and into the fourth dimension and the fifth. Everyone is different. Your family, friends and neighbors aren't aware of what you are aware of, because consciousness is unique to each person. What I know is what I know. What YOU know is what YOU know. We know different things, pertaining to different areas of our lives. But the biggest single problem we have is that these four lower bodies are entangled. Like four different balls of yarn, each with a different color, has been allowed to become unwound and bunched into knots. Our consciousness has become all twisted up together, including issues from past life experiences that are not yet resolved.
It is the end of past times and the beginning of a new time - one that is happy and peaceful. The transition from the old times requires putting an end to the problems of the past. We don't have to solve the problems, we simply have to stop worrying about them. All of the advice from the masters is to "let go". Stop worring. Stop fixating. Stop hanging on to the old life. Let go. Relax. Find something fun to do. Put your attention on fun and happy projects that make you excited. Then the problems of the past disappear. Because what you are aware of is what we focus on. Our emotions and feelings are a separate part of our life, quite different from the thoughts we think. Our spiritual thoughts about God and the universe, and about E.T.'s are different from our thoughts about the practical life, like politics, money, hospitalization, sending kids to school, etc. We have four different consciousnesses taking place simultaneously in us every day. Each one of them needs to be examined separately. Untangle them. We have only one consciousness but it has become tangled and twisted and it torments us because we don't understand. Why? But this one consciousness that we are, goes higher and higher and higher and higher, as we look to the higher aspects of ourself. As we learn about these four lower bodies we will begin to notice the changes. Become conscious.
6/25/23 - Love is not an emotion - it's the life force
During my morning meditations today I was shown that love is the life force. It is not an emotion. The life force called love is everywhere. The universe is composed of living, breathing, conscious electrons and atoms, and the masters speak of them often. How they are eager little beings of love desirous to serve in positive ways. They are filled with love, light, warmth and goodness and they bring this warmth and comfort to all who attract them. These little beings are not to be confused as an emotion. They are the life force.
Yes, personal love is an emotion because it is being directed to someone specifically. The sender draws on the ocean of life that exists everywhere and focuses his attention on a person of his or her choice. Love is available to be used, and we do use love for all that we do. We even use love to hate someone or be jealous, envious, controlling, violent and to engage in personal drama with. Everything we do is done with the power of love because love powers the universe, the planets, suns and all life everywhere. That is why we are capable of growing past a difficult situation that is bogging us down. Since love is the motivating force behind all creation and it is within us, and within our own consciousness, it IS possible to change a difficult situation by imagining or reaching beyond the difficulty or the down side of something, and apply a higher, better, more ebullient application of love.
Love is the sea of life that exists everywhere. It is circulating even now within our own bodies and is available to use but we have to KNOW this first, before we can make such changes. It was shown to me this morning to be aware of it, to make this message public so others can be aware of the sea of life is actually LOVE. Then perhaps a person can make changes in their life by boosting, reaching, imagining, raising their attitude to a higher level. It is up to us to make the changes in how we apply the law of life, the law of love. It is intelligence that directs love into action. It is will power that directs it. It is a change in how we think, a change in how we want to be. But first we must believe this is true. There have been vague references to such a powerful law of but very few truly understand it. We have been massively programmed to believe in loss, lack, poverty and disempowerment.
Yet, we are the master intelligences. This is proven by the fact that we can think for ourselves, and we can change our minds when we want to. We often just don't think it is possible. We have been weighed down under the weight of dark beliefs, when the brilliant, dazzling truth of love is a conscious choice. We can make a change for ourself through WILL POWER any time we want - conscious will power - instead of accepting the "down" feeling of despair, low self confidence or hopelessness. It takes concentrated effort and every day practice, which is the backbone philosophy of doing spiritual practice every day. Benefits can be seen almost immediately by those who practice consistently. They are drawing on the sea of love, which is the sea consciousness. Every human being is conscious and therefore can reach UP and draw on a higher level of thought. But it must be done every day and often several times a day to make serious changes.
Changes have to be directed. Most emotions are not directed. There is a horrendous lack of understanding about the conscious sea of life in which we swim. We remain ignorant and vulnerable to the random emotions that are spewed out by our neighbors, families and friends. All emotions less than love are not well thought out. It "just happens" to someone and the emotion radiates out to invade a passer by. Someone has to direct a feeling of goodness to make changes and raise the level of consciousness, and maintain that direction for awhile to set it into motion. Love is a feeling of life. It is encouraging, exciting, vitalizing, uplifting, creative, productive, life-giving, warm, comforting, nurturing, living, breathing. And there is more of the same higher up. There is no end to how high you can reach on the ladder of goodness and love. The mystics and saints will tell you.
For example, when we pray to God and experience love as worship. It is an open door that brings forth even more worshipful feelings of song, praise and goodness. There is a very high form of love to be had through private worship and praise. But we can also experience love for the earth, too, the trees, the waters, the sunset, the grass, the people we pass on the street, cars, babies, buildings, pets, careers, sciences, music, art- there is no end of the love that mankind can experience in his earthly life. We are preparing to bring forth a new earth and a new WAY of life through the power of our loving one another in this way. Not sexual, personal love, but immense, universal love that goes far, far, far, when we open our minds to the highest in us. We can experience love at any time of the day or night because love is not only inside us, and inside the objects that we have created that populate our homes and villages, but love is in the air itself. Love is the life force. Love is known as prana or chi when we BECOME CONSCIOUS of it. When we USE conscious consciousness to wake it up.
This was revealed to me after an ongoing discussion with someone about sex, romance and the falling in and out of love, with divorces and separation. How does love work on a personal level? From the perspective of most people love has been considered a human emotion. And of course I have too. But I have experienced love from the plane of spirit, from the mystical side of life that goes beyond understanding, when you open up to higher realms and are brought to tears and deep, overwhelming states. Then you become like the kitchen strainer - you just let the water pour through without trying to catch it and you disappear in the flowing rapture.
I was shown this morning that love is the life force of the universe, I suppose, because I was ready to understand the difference. Love is like water. It doesn't really move. It simply flows around waiting to be used. We exist in the ocean of its movement. Love is available to hold everything together, but it doesn't have to move because it already is everywhere. When someone sends a message it quivers through the sea of love and the sea of love responds. The awareness of love can move into a person's life through that person's consciousness of it. Or as that person lowers it to a lower emotion it will respond in kind and provide the lower emotion. Whatever the person wants to do with it, the love force is available to be used. It is consciousness that raises or lowers the life force to a high place or brings it down low to a low place. It is all done with consciousness. That is the reason for spending time in meditation and practicing the art of stillness and mastering of one's own consciousness.
Most human emotions are less than love. This morning feelings of all kinds flashed before me, revealing the great diversity of emotions and feelings that we humans are privy to that influence us. Love is not an emotion. Love is the power behind emotion. It is the source of emotion. It creates life, empowers life, thrills life, pushes life onward to higher planes of understanding. Motivates, vitalizes, excites, kindles, ignites, enflames. All else is less than that but we have the capability of working ourselves up to higher levels. It was shown to me how we can rise above emotion to greater and greater feelings that thrill us and inspire us. USE EMOTION, it said to me, of a higher nature. Allow emotion to work for you and bring you the thrills and pleasures that you enjuoy the most. Whatever emotion is being felt, raise it higher by conscious will power. Love is the life force. Do not confuse emotion with the life force. Love is the source of life. Reach for the source of life. Do not settle for less than love. Love is not an emotion. It is life itself. It circulates within our physical body right now. If there is a "down" feeling, raise it up higher by any word, thought, feeling or action you can find. It is within your power to do that, to create a warmer, safer, more security, loving feeling for yourself and your home by reaching higher.
6/24/23 - The fifth dimension is an attitude adjustment
The concept of moving from the third to the fifth dimension has become such a big deal - many articles have been shining the light on it and helping us to understand what this means. But it all boils down to the fact that it's an attitude adjustment. Attitudes are being affected. We are being nudged to make changes. Small changes are easier, so make them sooner. It's not such a big deal after all unless, of course, we don't want to make any changes at all. Yes, then it is a big deal. Working against the tide takes work. An attitude of resisting takes a lot of work. I would like to add my two-cents worth here - changing your attitude in small ways is much easier than the work that must be done later from resisting the change. Making a few changes along the way actually makes you feel good. The changes are going to happen anyway, sooner or later. So why not allow for the changes now, today? Relax and expand and accept the changes that are sneaking in through your back door and you're trying to avoid them. You don't want to change your way of life. You have always done it your way - approached life the way you have always done. But if you are flexible and open to accepting small changes, you will be taking small steps up the multi-layered ladder to the higher plane, where it is MUCH more comfortable than the lower plane below.
6/23/23 - Experiencing physical ascension
The ascension process is a removal of old energies. Old energies in the body and mind. We don't think of them as old, we think of ourselves as simply who we are. But it's been happening for me that who I am is disappearing and there is a renewed vitality taking place. Only at certain times. It fluctuates. It takes concentration but I am being revitalized. My body is experiencing a renewal of energy that is somehow different from what I'm used to. I have to keep physical engaged with the world to experience this, otherwise, I fade in that energy. The energy fades and I am left feeling hopeless. It's like running a marathon. I have to keep going, not strong, but simply keep active. It is very important to keep physically active. My old way of thinking, my old belief was that it was important always to be comfortable. No matter what, find comfort. That belief is disappearing. Because comfort in the old way meant resting, passive. There is a new kind of comfort to be experienced which is up, alert with things running smoothly. Like the motor is at its best and it's purring! It is vitality but it is a ccomfortable vitality. My old views on what is important is changing. My understanding is changing. My belief in what is important is changing. They are fading and there is a new me coming forward.
There is a new goal now. I'm seeing past the comfort zone to the "more" of me. It's all tied in with the kundalini that awakened in me 47 years ago when I went into the light. Ever since then I have been struggling to understand. Oh my! It is deepening - er, no. It is an expanding and elevating. It's an expanding. elevating, lightening, rising upward process, and it is revealing more and more. As long as I don't give up.
The most important thing I have discovered on the journey of ascending consciousness is - there’s too much focusing on the genitals. The focus on the genitals and the whole sex thing has to change to flowing. Lift the sluice gates. Allow the flowing to continue on. The flow is the flow of love, tenderness, sympathies, compassion, innocence, goodness, sharing, and the whole nine yards of giving and sharing and feeling the love as it flows from person to person, non-stop. This is the flowing that has been stopped by the gates. There is a solid vitality feeling that flows at times, and at other times a feeling of death and dying sweeps through me and my knees buckle. Weakness enters. Death enters. The greater picture is unfolding. It comes in and shows me that I am the life of the body. The body is just a mechanical object. It has a low consciousness. It has been trained to do certain things automatically. But I am the driving force of this body and I have to put my full concentration on it.
There is no one technique, No one method of doing the work of resurrecting the body which is failing, because it requires the full flowing of the life force. I had cut it off, cut down, just like everyone else. Now I am learning to not follow the program I was trained to do. Now I am flowing the light within me. I am flowing the energies but I am also releasing the old and dying energies. I feel as if I am old and dying but I know better. I am not. New light power is being injected into the inner spaces that make up my body organs and muscles. The old and new energies are swirling and mixing together and I see more and more, and further and further. Deeper and deeper. The power which is me, my eternal soul or spirit, whatever you want to call it, is immense. Just like everyone's power is immense. It is so immense that it can only make its appearance in stages, little by little, or it would overwhelm the body and blow it apart. This power is known today as kundalini, but it is really the Mother. Mother Kundalini. She is the power behind the throne. She is what makes the life happen or, if withheld, to wither and die. She is the cosmic mother of all life everywhere. She is held locked inside the form body, all forms, all bodies, even insects and birds and plants and water.
In bits and pieces the awareness is expanding. Form life happens by closing the focus down to one thing. To bring movement to a halt. To make a piece of furniture or a house or bridge, it requires a solid, non-movalbe structure. Mother kundalini is showing me how to open my focus now and release that focus on immobility. Let go of the focus and let the flow begin again. Resurrect the body. Most specifically, stop focusing on the genitals. This has affected the lower abdomen, the digestive tract, the ovaries, the prostate, the urinary tract, the whole pelvic/hip area. This is where the flowing of the life force, the love force has been blocked. We need to release the excessive focus on sex because it is the main cause. It is the one main reason there is suffering in the world. Love has been prevented from flowing. The focus has been on the genitals and the love stops there, another agenda has been structured around this area. This massive overwhelming focus and obsession on sex has impacted the hips, the legs, the knees, the feet, everything below the heart. Plus it has impacted the intelligence and good sense of the person. It has thrown the body out of kilter and introduced sickness, old age, dying, disintegration and death. It is LOVE that has been compacted in one way or the other. Love is what holds things together. By focusing too much on the material building of forms, love has been prevented from flowing up the spinal column to the heart, to the voice which would tell the truth if it were able, and to the brain which would be enlightened, and out the top of the head into the welcoming arms of the Cosmic Father and Mother of all that is.
Love has been held back and compacted. Two alternative routes have been established. Detours, if you will. In Sanskrit these two routes are called the IDA and the PINGALA. The Ida is the feminine route, the left-hand route. The Pingala is the masculine route, the right-hand route. Love needs to flow to keep the body alive, so when the alternative routes were built into the body, the main route to the top of the head was shut down. In Sanskrit the main spinal channel to the top of the head is called the SUSHUMNA. So the soul goes either up the Pingala, the assertive side which is the masculine side, or it takes the alternative route and goes up the Ida, which is the submissive feminine side. The soul withdraws from being active and follows her masculine soul mate instead. This choice, whether to go up the feminine side or the masculine side, affects the whole body and the circuitry and programming of the body. How it operates and how it approaches life. It is the Mother Kundalini that is flowing up the left hand or the right hand path. (Mystery school teachings teach students how to bring these two paths together, but that's another article.)
Breathing complications occur during this ascension process. I cannot speak too much on it because I am still learning myself. I am sharing this information for maybe some hints and clues to others. I have discovered some methods of alleviating the sensation of not being able to breathe. The blockage is occurring around the diaphragm area, just under the heart. This morning I had some good feedback, working on this area with light, with the knowledge I've received so far. There is massive amounts of information coming through. I wish I could share it with others, but it's so deeply personal. It is all about raising the attitude to a more refined state of being, a more pristine state of awareness, a cleaner, more holy state of awareness. It uses visions of sparkling dazzling purity. When I follow the guidance to "expand higher", after a while this opens the blocks. It is quite amazing, working with the light and watching (later) as the old energies close back up again. Then I work with the light again and the visualizations. There is WORK involved. It is about concentrating on higher, purer visions.
Two years ago I had to go to the hospital because I couldn't breathe. It happened within hours of my using a new mantra of purity. How could I know? It brought too much light into my body and my body closed down. It couldn't handle it. Now I know. I see what happened back then. So, OK. I now have to take heart pills but no big deal. It's part of being human. But there is a deeper instruction going on within, that is telling me far more than the doctors and pharmacists are. There is a new life force coming alive in me. I am learning how to use it. I can feel it taking place in alternating currents. Awareness is increasing by leaps and bounds. This old body is resurrecting from the inside out. It may be too late. After all it's 85 years old! But the vitality I am feeling is superb. I have to stay active and let the light of life flow. Flowing the life through the muscles, tissues, brain and heart is important. And to be conscious. We must be MORE conscious. Not less. Put the light of conscious awareness into every action. Or as best you can. Move yourself into action through conscious intention. Through will power. The phrase, "Thy will be done" takes on new meaning. Move the light of awareness into outward action through will power. Will power is the Light of the body.
Plus live a clean healthy diet. Eat enough food but only what I want to eat. Not according to the world and what the doctors say, but what I feel is in my best interest (instinct) to eat. I am negotiating between my physical needs and the needs of the higher self which has different needs in order to be properly reconnected with the body. The higher ME is shining through the old muck and drudgery of yesteryear and the old muck and mud has to be released and allowed to leave. Then exercise. Fulfill the needs of the lower body to be active, activate the hips, the lower back muscles, legs and feet. Fulfill the desires of the lower body to be active. That's why they are built into the body.
My original urge was to do lower back massages with people, through the use of yantras and mantras. This means holding the light in your mind and speaking it softly into the body with your hands. This original urge is still with me. I am piecing the new higher self information together. The light must flow through the body that is murky and dark in order to bring relief and vitality back to the aging tissues. We have been ignorant of it. The body does not know about the light that is moving through it. The light is the light of the higher self, what has been called the light body, or the christ body, the crystalline body. If we don't activate the crystalline body, the diamond light grids in the body, the body will die. It is only a temporary vehicle until the residing soul wakes up and starts managing it properly, meaning resurrecting it properly. We are here on a mission to learn how to maintain a physical body in good health for a long time. There is no expiration date on a body that can maintain its youth. That is what the ascended masters learn how to do. We are here temporarily to expand and explore who we are, and when done to move on to greater things. But only when WE decide to move on.
Well, that's the end of my lecture for today. I wanted to share this because it is SO exciting and invigarating to experience resurrecting the body. My time may yet come but I'm filling in every moment with new information. Filling it with light! It is an amazing experience. I asked my Higher Self yesterday what to do when I can't catch my breath, when my diaphragm locks up on me. The answer was: “Relax, expand, let go, surrender, hold love in your mind. Surrender into love”. So I've been practicing. It takes time and concentration. It doesn’t work in a moment’s notice. What causes it, I asked? "The lowering of vibrations. It is the loss of life force when you move from higher lighter density to lower heavier density. Train yourself to hold the light. Be aware of your higher and lower vibrations."
6/20/23 - Loving touch massage swaps
During a bonding session recently there was a beautiful download of cosmic love information from higher spheres. Let me try to put it into easy language. He was energized and my energies were not peaceful but highly active so I slowed him down by rubbing my hands on him. I could feel my energies starting to come more into harmony. It is obvious that the man’s energies are focused so much on the outer world, thrusting outward, seeing the goal in front of him like a carrot, that he isn’t able to pay attention to lining up his inner energies. The woman, on the other hand, that is her role. She must manage the inner energies, especially during lovemaking times, when the purpose is to integrate and heal the divisions. They are to come together and mesh their two separate and diverse energies, which, in a duality world, is a constant. There is divisiveness. But the reason there is a male and a female in the first place is to create things physically. So the physical thrust is necessary, and the inner maintenance of harmony is also necessary to keep it together. During bonding I could see myself trying to harmonize the energies in the form of atoms and molecules. These tiny particles which make up our physicality and our mentality and emotionality, are imbued with “not-self” and “not comfortable”. There is “not right” in our atomic structure, so we have to MAKE them right. We need to take the time to harmonize them and soothe them and comfort them. These are the energies of our bodies that we are harmonizing and soothing. Through loving administration we line up first our mental.
We “think” harmonizing thoughts. This can be done in an instant if we know how to do it. It doesn’t take a long time. Then we have to line up our feelings, our sensations, because the mental does not feel. Mental arranges and controls our energies by thinking them. Then when we allow ourselves to feel softness, warmness, comfort, lovingness. First the mental, then the emotional feeling. Then there is the etheric body, or spiritual body. These are the energies (atoms and molecules) that are from prior lives. We’ve had many prior lives that our culture doesn’t acknowledge but they still exist in us. Traumatic and unresolved issues that we have not a clue about. But they exist in us in the form of tendencies. A tendency towards anger at men, or anger at women, or hatred towards another race, or fear of sex, or fear of love or fear of fire or of falling off a cliff or dislike of children or tendency towards addiction to alcohol, or tendency towards violence, or - on the other hand - tendencies toward grace, beauty, art, great music, dance, invention, holiness, religion, spiritual. We carry these forward into our current life and they are inside us, as the saying goes, “the issues are in our tissues”. I would say “our history is in our tissues”.
Anyway, it is like two separate colors. While we were bonding I could see the male outer thrusting as the color blue, and the female inner harmonizing as the color red. When mixed together blue and red make purple or violet, depending on the subtleties of the hues. If the blue bangs into the red the colors do not mix. The inner harmonizing does not take place. It becomes yet more of a separation and more of a trauma that becomes stored in the tissue as frustration and unresolved energy. So what we have to do is learn how to harmonize the male and female bodies. What we are doing in my theoretical loving touch massage is learning what it feels like to touch opposite gender bodies. How it feels to each person is an inner experience that has no words to it, but as we introduce LOVING touch, I would point out that there is a reason why we don’t go into sexuality here, because we are practicing the harmonizing of male to female. Harmonizing the feelings we experience when we are touched by a strange man, or a strange woman. Feel what is going on with your energies inside.
Imagine, if you’re a man, that your energies (mind, emotions and body) are the color blue. And imagine the woman massaging you as the color red or if you like, pink. Some shade of the red/pink hue. Imagine your two colors mixing and blending. You do this by accepting and allowing. You do this by trusting and receiving. You do this by relaxing and letting go. Never mind what it is you’re letting go of. Just let go. Let it be. Surrender. Jump off the cliff and feel the free fall. And manage your feelings. If you feel like screaming and jumping off the table as I did once, manage that. Harmonize that. Get a grip on that. Soothe that feeling within yourself. That is an old, old, ancient frustration or issue that is being released. Allow it its freedom. Let it go. Love it and bless it and soon it will pass because, by your application of soothing love, you are gaining mastery over very old issues that have been stored in your tissues. A great phrase. Let’s remember that our ancient, past life issues are stored in our tissues. Loving touch massage without an agenda of sex is healing and softening. It is a lesson and a practice in self mastery and releasing old blockages.
I am trying to get a large poster of the human body - man and woman - to show where the chakras are. The chakras are portals through which divinity flows down through the mental, emotional and etheric bodies into the physical body. There are issues blocking this flow on each of the three levels above. There are issues in the mental body, issues in the emotional body and issues in the etheric (past life) body, that block pure love, happiness and spontaneity from coming into our lives. So that’s why we are doing this loving touch massage. It’s a healing practice and it will help us to get to where we want to go. But this is practice time. We’ve got to practice loving touch and let that melt the barriers that have been there for thousands of years and lifetimes. This is the end time. It’s time to graduate from the school of hard knocks and it’s time to give all those issues in the tissues some freedom and relief. (inspired by DK several years ago. We may start this up again soon.)
6/16/23 - A collaboration is unfolding between....
I'm borrowing words from another article I just read - a Collaboration is unfolding between all sentient life on Earth and the non-physical realms - the cosmos. This is SO Tantric! Yes! I've been following the Ascended Master Djwahl Khul for 47 years and he has led me true. Blend the physical with the non-physical and BE HERE NOW! There is much happening in these days. There is a dramatic rise in consciousness among all the people on the planet. For those who follow the ascension drama and all the articles that go along that theme, YES! It is happening. But it is happening here on Earth. We don't have to leave. The light is coming into the earth plane. There are many of us conscious of the light coming in and holding space for it, pulling it in like pulling in the helium balloon which floats in the sky. We are here in physical bodies and we are pulling in the light from higher planes. This light is buoying the planet up. The result is a dramatic consciousness expansion. Don't give up! Keep the faith!
One result is felt right here in our house. Doug switched our internet provider a couple weeks ago and this new provider is downloading capacities of speed never experienced before. I'm not into technology so I don't know the proper words for it, but the electronic devices here - computers, TVs and cell phones - are going a bit crazy. They are going up, down and shutting off, then up, then down, then shutting off. They are trying to adjust. The electrons are trying to adapt to the lower freqencies here. The electrons are the living matter that makes up the universe. The Ascended Masters have informed me over the years. Electrons, as in "electronic" gadgets and devices are the little workers that give us life. They obey the commands of the living masters. We are the living masters here. We must learn to respect them. We thought they were just non-living particles that we could use any way we wanted to. But, no. It turns out that these little eletrons power our bodies, our homes, our refrigerators, cars, factories, traffic lights and etc. Electrons power the universe. Electrons power the suns. Electrons power the planets and our very own divine nature.
We are flowing with electrons and electrons are love and light. We are ready to start learning the truth: that we are the masters who have brought our lives down into muck, confusion and depression, and it's time to become more enlightened. It's time to turn things around and start raising ourselves up into the light with new knowledge and with the love embedded in the knowledge. We are the ones who have to do it in our own minds and hearts. We are the love. We are the sense of rightness, of justice, of truth, of freedom, of peace, of unity, of courage, of joy and happiness and gratitude for our lives. (Or not.) Electrons obey the light in us. They also obey the dark in us. They have to because they are programmed to obey the master intelligences and that is who we are - master intelligences. We just don't know it yet. WAKE UP! Realize it. And start to use that intelligence. If we do something wrong that is against our nature - and we KNOW it - well then. Be prepared to pay the price. What you know will hurt you or help you. Be on the right side or things could go wrong. An injustice will bring an injustice. Let us learn our lesson and quickly, because we are rising to a higher dimension where the laws of the universe are quick to respond. It is harmony that we need to become aware of. Be in harmony.
We are the masters of our lives. We are the ones who have set out the Plan for ourselves. Be sure you set out a positive plan. Be happy! Be glad of heart. Be light and in joy and at peace with the world. Be in collaboration with the sentient world. If there is something really, really bad and uncomfortable in your life, change it right now. Love it to death. Say it out loud. "I love you to death!" Anything that fills you with depression, muck and mud. Give it love and light immediately. Say it out loud. Find some words to use. They will start coming to you as you stumble over a beginning word. Build the momentum of light and love.
As we lighten ourself every morning when we get up, we lay out a path to follow. It spreads out around us so that no matter which direction you go in, there is a path of happy light leading there. Be sure to start the day off right. Take up meditation. Just a 15-minute connection with your higher self. Lay out a path of gladness and see what happens. The world is changing and rising upward to lighter dimensions. There is more harmony and happiness in the higher dimensions. Be a part of it. The electrons that are coming into your house and my house are the same electrons. They are seeking the light and the love. Give them light and love. Light is abstract, not yet used. Love is when you use the abstract light. When you take a theory and put it to a test and act on it, that's when you're applying love.
This is an "off-the-top-of-my head" message. I am connecting this morning with everyone's blue-white light of courage, strength, tenacity and joy for life and living. Be glad that you are here. Spread gladness around everywhere you go today. BE HERE FULLY. Notice what is going on around you and lift it up even more.
6/15/23 - Sexual energy is soul energy awakening in the body
Soul energy seeks expression in the body through sexual balance. It is ironic that while meditation travels the road of non-attachment to physical things, yet all the while it leads you back to your own humanness, and to a better knowledge of how to use your physical body with greater finesse and with the deft skill of a master perfecting his art – the art of being human with a divine soul. We are here to learn these things, not to be dictated to nor conditioned to obey the whims of the masses.
We don’t want to separate the soul from the body. We are living in a body. We must not throw it away. We must understand the body and its needs so that we can make it healthy and balanced. We must learn how to operate it, as we must learn how to operate an automobile and maintain it in good working condition. Meditation is not removing ourselves from the world. It is learning how to live in the world. We are spirits already. We are spiritually complete right now. We do not need to become more spiritual. We need to EXPRESS our spirituality, this purity of soul in physical form, awake and alive and full of the vibrancy of health and spontaneous, child-like joy for adventure and action of goodwill towards all life. Only then can we transform our world from one of confusion to one of light and beauty and rich and flavorful colors and tastes.
(Excerpt from the Master Djwahl Khul, HERE "The 7 veils of attachment".
6/12/23 - Re-activating Kundalini
The idea of holding weekly gatherings has come up recently as a way of introducing Kundalini in a formal way. No schedule has been set yet. It will take more time to allow the idea to expand. How many have heard the word "kundalini" before today? Perhaps it was heard in relation to Tantra, but that has been a somewhat misguided focus on the physical body. There are deeper roots leading down to subterranean influences that that have not been presented yet. After 47 years of trying to write about it, I have been shifted to a new level. It is time to hold in-person meetings to spark the auric field of those within ear-shot. It is the auric field that is influenced by this delicate subject. Auric field "sparking" has been known as shaktipat in the era before computers were invented. Now, with computers, we read articles with our brain and think with our brain, and analyze and deduce with our brain, and the rest of the body remains pretty much untouched.
Thoughts are coming to the fore in the last few weeks letting me know that my time is nearly up. I'll have to get on with the mission or miss my chance to present it. When Kundalini activated in me it circulated through me and changed me. It took about 7 years or more. The body is made of consciousness but it takes on other beliefs that are not pure or holy, as the kundalini is. Kundalini realigned me. Consciousness is a beautiful life force. It is a common element in all of life and we have access to everything through our consciousness, but the human being in his busy-ness takes on a lot of unimportant thoughts and beliefs. The purity of his consciousness disappears in favor of the overly-active mind, peripheral thoughts and brain activities. We are busy little bees, having our dramas, traumas and situational learning experiences. We are always trying to overcome something that bothers us. Kundalini has not been formally addressed as a most beautiful part of who we are. It has never been presented as a "real thing". That is what I am here to do - to expose kundalini as something real and very active within us. How to pan for the gold.
I am here to show those who will listen, and to tease it, coax it, seduce it out of hiding so it can be known, highlighted, appreciated and raised to the highest possible level. Kundalini is right now circulating through us as breath. I don't pay any more attention than anyone else - until I remember. Then I stop what I am doing and return to it. Awakening the kundalini has been the main goal in the East Indian spiritual tradition. They worked hard at creating a science of yoga and meditation to be taught. But kundalini awakened in me without any training or knowledge beforehand. It was during a guided meditation by a follower of a guru, it's true, but I had to learn what to do with it all alone by myself. I was then approached by an Ascended Master, the Master Djwahl Khul. The ascended hierarchy, known as the spiritual brotherhood, are aware of everyone on the planet and will step forward as needed. So from an early stage I had a guide to assist me.
Becoming aware of kundalini is a most wonderful, happy, exhilarating experience for those who are naturally feminine in nature. They will recognize themselves in it. For those who are more masculine than feminine in their dominant nature and personality, it will not be so natural. However, for those men who are interested, awakening his feminine nature does not take away from his masculinity. Rather it enhances his masculine nature by balancing it with divine love. In fact, only recently have I learned how to "pump" up my own masculine nature with divine love, for I have certain masculine tendencies too. We all are ambidextrous, to use a common term.
So, bottom line, I will point out to you how you can tap into your beautiful, natural kundalini life force - which is uniquely YOU different from anyone else - and use it in your daily life. If you are willing and if you dare. It is the science of divine love. I am thinking about how to properly introduce this science through the spoken word. Digital articles do not reach people. We read with our brain, not our body, and our brain censors most everything out that it is not programmed for. The kundalini remains unrecognized because it is a sensation, a feeling, and an elevated one at that. Of peace, comfort and loving inner warmth. It takes the chill of loneliness off, but once felt it is usually ignored or forgotten, since we are too busy to pay attention.
See the article I posted today on DK's online book HERE. He channeled this message to me back in 1981, when kundalini was highly active. Kundalini is the mother flame in the body, the feminine life force or divine love force. It is pure and innocent, childlike and happy all the time. It is untouched by human beliefs, self-doubts, depression and wrong attitudes. It's a pure flame that can't be extinguished but it's ignored. It's too pure to be recognized by our worldly focus. It is your ultimate real identity and it's closer than hands and feet and breathing. People who have near-death experiences discover that they still exist without their body and then come back to tell the story to others.
The you that you THINK you are, is a make-over that has taken years to create. This artificial you has dulled down the beautiful crystal kundalini in you but it is still there. You are a human personality but underneath you are a celestial intelligence. We created this artificial mask in order to survive here, to fit into the world and be accountable, but our real undergirds us and keeps us alive. It is powerful and still operating or we wouldn't be here today. My role, my mission, which I have grown to understand it, is that of a gatherer. I have put roots down here in Naples and I'm here to invite people to socialize with me. To stimulate conversation and make introductions. I can talk about kundalini from the ground floor of the commoner because I didn't go through any spiritual or religious tradition. I grounded kundalini by becoming involved in couples swinging, which proved to be an excellent first step opening into the second, third and fourth chakra.
I will keep posting information on these weekly gatherings as they come to me. It is a work in progress, instructions coming from higher planes.
6/7/23 - Merging with your Higher Self
Tantra is the sacred art of conjoining opposites. Not by replacing or substituting one for another. It is like grafting a different plant onto another plant to create a more advanced evolved plant from two separate species. Opposites can be grafted together to create something new and more advanced. More evolved. My higher self is divine and holy. I am not. I am human built of mistakes by trial and error. But when I take 30 minutes to chant higher holy words, my higher self can come closer to me. It is like opening a window to the higher dimensions. I can sense my higher aspect more closely as I do this. It is more brilliant than me. More alive and more colorful. It is bluish and with other colors mixed in, transparent colors, divine, holy, pure. Once or twice I got a flash of a brilliant picture. Very quick. Flashed in and then flashed out. It is coming closer to me and it is connecting into my normal human awareness. I feel myself becoming more elevated when this happens. I am merging with my higher self in small steps. Or it is merging with me. I am an opposite of my higher self. I am human. It is divine, but we are grafting together like two different species. One not pure, the other pure. DK said this is what Tantra does. It conjoins two opposites. They are not alike at first but with effort and time spent together they become one. I never thought about it before, but that's what the higher self does with its lower, imperfect self. It's human self.
6/6/23 - Some revelations during exercise routine
During my spiritual practice I often get revelations. It is a time when I focus attention on myself, I go inward. I thought I would share some from yesterday. During the cobra stance I saw/felt/knew there is no peeling away of negative forces held locked and frozen in my painful achy body and deteriorating parts. No! These pains are the lost bits and pieces of ME from past ages that have not been appreciated or raised up in their glory to the highest as they should have been. I must find them again in every little sharp pain I get, and dizziness, and immediately start to love them and care for them. This is what yoga does if there is a good teacher to instruct the student. I did not have an instructor. I learned this on my own.
It seems the standard tradition is to focus on the physical body and we totally miss the most important and crucial aspects of ourselves – that there are powers within us that have been forgotten. They need to be uncovered and raised up. The first three powers are: Love is the most important, wisdom is the next, and power the third. The power is actually the first. It is at the base of the spine. The power to move and the will to move, the desire to be here in a body. Wisdom is the second power to uncover, it is the power to apply intelligence to the movements that the body does, the intelligence to skillfully manage the action, to be wise how to fit the action into life so it fits well, with finesse, how fast, how slow, how long, when to perform it, how intense, how precise. It takes wisdom to do it right. When it fits well into place the energy of the action rises upward with gladness in its heart to be so well used and appreciated. For the power is intelligent. The third power is to LOVE the action, being kind while performing the action, being caring and considerate, supportive, alert, ever alert to changes, bearing in mind the power of love to heal and hold everything in place. These are subtle powers. I feel them moving through me as I move my body into postures.
Another awareness: The mother flame in me at the tailbone holds all seven of the powers and attributes in her sacred pouch of divinity. She is the life force. As we grow in SELF consciousness and SELF awareness, we use these seven powers (known as chakras) one at a time in order (usually in order, sometimes not in order) best if done in order but a guide or teacher is needed or we would not know this. The Mother Flame is the first chakra holding the pouch of perfection and purity with the seven powers intact. The power to move this physical vessel, its limbs, arms, legs, voice - it CAN move! Yes, it can and with precision, under the masterful control of the resident soul. The power of acting and expressing in voice and movement must be done with awareness and conscious attention. It cannot do this in a coma or sleeping, then the power is shut off. But when awake the power of action is there in the vessel. It is held locked in the tail bone and literally drips the life force gently, up the spine drop by drop, feeding life to the organs as needed, as the resident soul calls on them and opens to them. The second power to become aware of is intelligence and wisdom. The third to become aware of is love and appreciation, caring, gentleness, kindness, precision of movement. These three are the three-fold powers that need to be brought up to the heart, and from the heart to the head, for the brain serves its function by distributing the power to where it is needed the most in the body.
While doing the deer-crane-turtle I started losing consciousness, I started zoning out. I felt to lie down. I was sitting on the massage table so I lay back, feeling like swooning, thankfully blessing the softness of the blanket under me and closed my eyes. Eighteen minutes later (I always check the clock when I do this) I became conscious again. Something woke me but I can’t recall now what it was. I lay there wondering. Then an eye appeared to my inner eye. A big eye looked at me. At first it was fuzzy, then it became a clear, sharp, strangely intimate eye, like sending me a message. I think it was my higher self. Then suddenly a shift of some kind and sparkles of light started floating upward, like dainty little bubbles in gentle swirling motion. There was a sense of happiness, of gleefulness. A child’s happiness and clapping of hands in delight, in excitement and joy. Could this be long lost particles of light being released from lock-down? YES! I am getting. YES, YES, YES.
During the stomach exercises I am hearing words: “The powers of creation are beyond your ability to comprehend, but the powers of healing are not. It is through healing yourself and letting go of the past creations that you built into your bodies, that you will come back into knowing and remembering how you created them in the first place. And how you have held onto them to keep yourself in the world of form and duality. And hence, the suffering and the pleasure of finding yourself again and again. For you are the Light that you are drawn to. You are uncovering your own Light through this process of healing and letting go.” (Earlier during meditation I had surrendered my human artificial qualities, the not-real qualities, back to the Light within. I kept saying "I release the not-light in me and send them home with thanksgiving for serving their purpose.")
During back exercises, “Don’t force yourself. Rest a lot in the arms of love and comfortable feelings. Wait until your body is recovered for the next action. This way you create with love, peace and kindness for yourself, not force. Actions which are devoid of love, unconscious actions, go downward, pulled down to lower frequencies. Beware."
6/5/23 - Everything you do goes "down" unless....
Everything that I “do” as a physical action leaves a mark of energy in me or on me somewhere, not sure exactly how, but it is how we use the sub-atomic light particles that are the source of all life. These particles are intelligent, living, conscious particles of light. They compose the vastness of the sea of life, according to the Masters. They are what we build with. They are the life force within our bodies. They are created to obey the conscious direction of the master who uses them, or calls them into action. So everything I do and you do with the body, without thinking, in an unconscious manner, drifts downward by gravity. Because it is attracted to the rest of the earth's dust and dirt. Like attracts like. Chaos attracts chaos and energy drifts meaninglessly into the planet's soil UNLESS .....
If you consciously apply an uplifting thought of positivity, such as love and light, to the “doing” of whatever action you're taking, it lifts or elevates the sub-atomic particles of light. They are happily, even gleefully, attracted upward to the source of all Light, which is on a higher frequency level. The power of light is that it is lighter and happier, unified and in harmony with ALL of life. There is power here. It is a higher dimension. We don't know yet what that means, but it is above the 50-50 line. The neutral line, the zero line, which is equality and balance and represents stillness. Above the zero line is positive action. Below the zero line is negative action. Negative action drifts downward to join with the planetary body, while positive action drifts upward to join with the sea of life of the one infinite creator. The zero line is the quantum field - the balance between the light and the not-light.
So if we apply love and light to our tasks, we uplift the task that we are doing to a higher dimensional level. The higher dimension is Source and it goes on and on beyond our ability to see or understand, but it is good. It is uplifting, elevating, inspiring, and vitalizing. We come from that highest of levels. We were created by the Source of all that is alive in form. We were born out of the highest levels of purity. We had to learn how to descend into form life. We had to slow down our light particles to create or fit into the physical world. We did it because we wanted to. We chose it. We put effort into it because we wanted to experience being in finite form. We were taught by great celestial beings of intelligence who themselves had been where we are today. We learned from them the art of descending light particles. By dropping our vibration, slowing it down, the light particles of which we are composed cling together and make a denser substance. And then we begin to pick up wrong attitudes and beliefs. And then we forget who we are. But underneath and behind the solid substance of our physical form we are Light. It is all Light. Light particles clinging together and holding us inside a solid form. This is how we form physical bodies. It is how we manifest concrete forms. Our forms are made of light. We’ve crunched our light particles down so much that they cling together and they also pick up false ideas and concepts that don't ring true to the real within. The way water clings together to form ice and can trap dirty water too. We therefore look and FEEL solid and heavy. And often feel in pain and we struggle to be free.
In order to reverse the process of this descent into solid concrete bodies, in order to start the ascension process, we need to apply uplifting light - CONSCIOUS uplifting thought and feeling - to everything we do. Think love. Love is light being felt in the solidarity of bodies. Feel the love. Light is love and love is light. Love and light are one and the same. By applying CONSCIOUSLY light and love to the tasks that we do will "lift" the task to higher purpose. Doing kind deeds to other people also "lifts" everyone involved, the giver, the receiver and the surrounding others. Every "thing", object, animal, plant, person, grass, tree - everything - is lifted up when someone "lifts" their tasks upward to higher purpose. The sub-atomic light particles in every solid body nearby, recognizes an "upliftment" and is attracted to go upward.
This will take practice. We haven't been taught how to do this process. “Think Light and Love" when doing a task, whatever it is, however you feel to do it. For me, when washing dishes. When walking grocery stores or clothing stores. When driving the car, or talking on the phone, or visiting with a friend in person, or working with machinery, or using the computer or cellphone, or doing yardwork, or even resting on the couch with Doug. Periodically, if I remember to do it, I will withdraw my focus and lift the MOMENT upward - the TV and the characters on the screen and the noise and sounds coming from the TV. It will take practice, real-time practice, hands-on practice in the NOW time. It really is amazing. I'm getting some serious uplifting feedback. I urge you to try it.
6/4/23 - Pathways are not created for you but BY you
Pathways are not created for you, they are created BY you. See Divine Mother's message HERE in Today's Posts. For years I've been trying to understand why the spiritual path puts so much emphasis on the heart. It has been called the three-fold flame within the heart, and it refers to the seed of the divine that is there. The Masters speak of it in their lessons and I have tried to understand that connection and to feel something there, something meaningful that "clicks", but I have failed. After all these years of study and channeling and having a spiritual mentor, the three-fold flame has escaped me.
Yesterday something wonderful happened. It required a turn-around. Something bad happened first and I had to turn the situation around and I was rewarded with the revelation. And as if to underline the lesson to me, this morning the same information appeared on the internet from the Divine Mother, who addressed the same thing.
The power of the three-fold flame in the heart is a well-known phrase among metaphysical students. It refers to the divine connection in the heart of every living being. The Masters refer to it sometimes as "the unfed flame" in the heart, which is a curious phrase. Why is it unfed? Who feeds it? It turns out that the reason I haven't been able to find meaning is because I've been looking in the wrong direction! I thought it would come down from above. I've been inviting it down as though it would be "given" to me. I assumed that it was a divine power because all the religions and spiritual gurus refer to God as being above us, higher than us. Naturally I thought it had to be "bestowed" upon me.
Well, it turns out, like so many other lessons, I was wrong. The three-fold flame in the heart must be built from powers that already exist in the human body. There are energies that are already in us but they are so very dense and coagulated and stuck together, that they need to be sorted through and understood. To feel them and consider them and raise them up. But we've been prevented from going there due to cultural "sin and shame". The three-fold flame is composed of love, wisdom and power - the first three chakras. They are portals leading to dimensional realities that we have been kept away from exploring. They are the most dense energies because they are the most compacted, by gravity and by our own repressions. They are physical, emotional and past-life wisdom gained (memories and instincts). These energies must be straightened out and recognized for their value. They can be felt when entered into. There has been no therapy designed yet to do this, but it is coming. They must be felt first, and then they will fall into manageable alignment and control. Then they will be brought up easily, the first divine energy brought up to the second to merge together and become one. And then that power will be brought up to the third to merge together and become one. And then that power will be brought up to the fourth, which is the heart, and the three become one in the heart. The three-fold flame in the heart. The divine connection is built. Wonders open and flood the soul.
It sounds complicated when I put words to it, but energies are feelings and one must deep-dive into rarefied feelings. Fine, beautiful feelings. Allowing oneself to become open to them. We move feelings around with our consciousness. With awareness. When each one - physical, emotional and mental energies - are honored, respected and appreciated, they are raised up to higher standards. It is a refinement process. Purifying the old, negative memories and feelings from the gold. Refining for gold is an apt expression. By appreciating these energies, as feelings and as memories, we are making them more beautiful and honorable. Then they merge together out of natural attunement and rise up to enter into the heart. The three-fold flame is ignited and starts to burn there, the seed of the divine as it was intended from the beginning. Then things begin to happen we would consider totally miraculous.
I have to bring it up by myself with my own conscious effort, understanding what I'm doing. Who would know this? I did not. A person has to build the three-fold flame of divinity in his or her own heart with conscious effort. Time must be spent working with the energies that are literally "stuck" down there below the heart, in the lower dense regions of the body where our feeling nature resides, along with sin and guilt and resentment. But once an action is taken towards this end, it leads to more learning which lead to more revelations. It is a fast track to enlightenment through the discovery process. The chakras are not something pretty to look at on poster boards. The drawings merely represent doors to other dimensions. The first dimensional door is the etheric tail bone (the coccyx). The second one is the etheric sacrum (pelvic bowl). The third one is the etheric navel (belly button). They are portals to higher, finer, more subtle realities. Once you spend time roaming around within this idea, for it IS an idea, a concept, an abstract thought which leads to a feeling if enough time is spent at it, then revelations, sensations and memories will occur.
Love, Wisdom and Power. Each runs on automatic in a random way, causing havoc in our daily lives because we are too busy in our heads to go down and connect with what is happening down there in our lower bodies. The reality is locked up in the power that we hold in the vicinity of the coccyx. The reality and sensation of past-life wisdom and memories is held in the vicinity of the sacrum. The reality and sensation of love is held locked in the vicinity of the navel. All three powers when blended together are clarifying powers. They need to blend together to become clear. There is much more to tell. Feelings and sensations must be touched into. For me, I couldn't connect with the three-fold flame in my heart because it hadn't been built yet. I was too busy asking God for them, from my mind, my brain. The powers are waiting for me below, in the lower body. I should have known. The Master DK has given me enough hints. But we humans are a complicated species. Hints are too simple.
I would be glad to soundboard with anyone by email. Perhaps a round robin on the subject would help. More later. I just wanted to get this into the record before it gets lost in the shuffle. Turning everything around and looking down into our own bodies - it's a beginning. We have powers built into us as human beings that we have no idea about. They are spiritual powers available to be manifest in physical form. For eons of time our ancestors didn't know. We are now waking up to things we would love to share with them now!
6/3/23 - How to build inspiration and vitality
Every morning upon awaking, think “Light to all beings!” Instead of focusing on yourself and how bad you feel, think of the world around you with positivity. Say it out loud "Light to all beings on the planet!". Put your vocal chords into action. Clap your hands while saying it to put your body into action. Move from your hips even before getting out of bed and start the chant - "Peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace, gratitude". Say each word multiple times over and over, out loud, "peace - peace - peace - peace", clapping your hands to the rhythm. Once you start the action going your body WILL follow suit. Unless you can't make yourself do it because it's silly.
This is a brand new technique. It works. I've tried it. I invented it. I'm working with it now. The physical body is getting tired, old, dull and gray from doing the same old same old same old same old routine. Give it something new to do. Something UPLIFTING. There is no better way to uplift yourself than to give something to someone else. If you spend your time stewing in your own depressing juices, you won't ever get any better. Just thinking with the brain matter won't get you better. Your body has to move and change its routine for a better, sweeter, pleasanter routine. If you ever feel bad again, like if you ever have a very, very bad problem, turn around and give something to someone else. See how much better you feel in a little while. It's a turn-around. It's a total BIG reversal in the way we're used to, how we've been taught and trained.
Your body needs some upliftment and this is the way to do it. Move, clap your hands, radiate happy words OUT and away from yourself so you don't have time to think about how bad you feel. Just saying the words out loud and clapping your hands and swinging your hips alone will start the action. New vitality and interest will kick in. It will surprise you. "Peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace, gratitude!" These are my words. You can substitute your own uplifting words. I'm just sharing what I use. But each person has a uniquely different value system with focus on special meanings. Use your OWN meaningful words. What turns you to comfort and upliftment? What makes you feel good? What brings pleasant memories to the surface? And last but not least - add a visual picture to this. Form a picture of the planet Earth with you radiating like a sun from where you are located. Hold that picture in your mind. See the sun radiataing across the globe, covering larger and larger territory as you continue to spread the good words out loud.
Beware that your ego will probably not like this. It may say to you, “Stop that! That’s silly and a waste of time.” It may make you feel insecure, as if you're wasting valuable time (check the clock) and shouldn’t be spending time on this. Or it's stupid and somebody might hear you and think you crazy. KILL THAT THOUGHT and continue with the program if you want to get some vitality back into your life. Excitement and positive change in attitude are gained by giving from a high place. From a higher altitude. From a place where everyone is part of the bigger life. Reach for the sun. It's not the devil giving you false information to stop. It's your own brain waves running on automatic. Replaying monotony. Gray. Depressing. Same old same old. Don’t listen. Your ego wants to keep you on track, the way it's always been, day in, day out. It's an artificial intelligence. It's not the real you. It doesn’t know how to change and it doesn't want you to change. Its comfort is doing the same routine. It is hard-wired into the body. You may think it's your mind but it's not. It's only the flesh part of you - the robot part of you. It does what it's been programmed for. But YOU are the master of the body, the intelligence behind the body. And when YOU decide to change a sub-routine, you'll do it. You'll work it out. The body will resist for awhile, and the brain will sput and sputter for awhile old cranky thoughts, but not for too long. If we are tenacious and stick to the new program it won't take too long to get it to comply. It is, after all, only flesh. It's changeable and flexible. It is not eternal or immortal as the master intelligence which you are.
We saw a great documentary today about the brain's ability to focus on what the CONSCIOUSNESS wants. The brain is not the consciousness. You are the consciousness. You can be in a coma, as the documentary said, and still pick up on what is going on in the room. The brain may not register it but your consciousness is always there. Otherwise the body wouldn't be alive and breathing. Now, as the documentary showed, new instruments are being used to register the CONSCIOUSNESS which is the spirit or intelligence that runs the body's systems. It can upgrade the body when it - the master consciousness - decides that it is time to do so. This may be the soul. I think it is. The body is just a robot and it is constantly changing and upgrading as we experience new situations in life. It is fortunate that the body is made of living cells and not metal. Otherwise, if it were metal, it would keep you in the same locked-down routine day after day until the end of your time. Doing the same things every day, thinking the same thoughts, focusing on the same words, not improving or bettering yourself. Artificial intelligence, not real or alive. We are real and alive and we can change our programming.
This that I am advising you to do may sound like a big change in routine, or maybe not. Maybe you are already a yoga practioner or follow a betterment program every day. If so, wonderful! Congratulations. You are already doing something to serve others around you. If not (yet) consider that a person has to change if you want to upgrade your whole system and stay with the earth as it moves into higher planes. Higher orbit, higher space. We are being visited by extraterrestrials who are more advanced than we are. They've already been through their evolution to higher realms and they are reaching back to quietly assist us in making the same evolutionary change in our old ways. Extraterrestrials operate from shielded ships beyond our sight. I am in touch. I am connected. Meanwhile, I'm just a normal earthling and we are feeling the changes from many quarters of life. The pressure is on betterment, on refinement, on sophistication, on benevolence, kindness, caring, supporting each other without making a big fuss about it. The pressure is LIGHT. Be light in everything you do. Go with the lighter flow. Tell your body to radiate peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace and gratitude. Or use your own words of meaning and value. Use words and speak them out loud to increase the inflow of energy and vitality that you can actually feel in your skin and muscles and mind. Enthusiasm, excitement, desire to serve the greater good - it comes in faster and quicker when you do this. Be a NEW human. Let the old human rut and routine go. Train yourself with new habits. This will take time to practice. Be patient. Relax while doing it. Don't make a big deal out of it. Know that it is a timeless effort. An ongoing effort. One that never ends so relaxing and feeling good about it is important. It is not limited by time, space or fences.
You HAVE to change if you want to feel like you belong here because the world is changing. The planet is changing to higher realms. We must change along with it. We do that by becoming a more pleasant person to be around, both to our SELF and to others. Think positive. Think happy. Think pleasurable. Kindness. Be kind to yourself. Do something right now that is comforting to you. You upgrade your DNA by upgrading your belief in comfort and relaxation. Then all segments of life fall into place. It balances out because comfort and relaxation are love for oneself. DNA is built out of old belief systems. It comes from our ancestors when we were babies. This DNA was passed on to you at your birth, but it has subsequently changed since then. Now you are going to change it some more because the belief systems you grew up with are now outdated. The old beliefs are too depressing. To stay with the new earth’s changes we must all become more caring, more balanced, more trustworthy, more sensitive, more refined, more uplifting, more real, more truthful, more positive in thought, word and action - happy, kind, uplifting action.
The earth is moving to higher altitudes (attitudes) where the atmosphere is lighter and more spacious, and provides more room for relaxing and stretching out and believing in dreams and ideals, and that it's OK to take your time in just about everything you do. You just don't have to rush any more. The Earth herself, Mother Nature, is also bringing balance to her shores and mountains. She too is settling into the new higher ways of living more relaxed and peaceful. There is more balance taking place. Mother Earth is already in the higher altitudes but we, mankind, are lagging behind. The higher altitudes provide more time for talking, sharing, dreaming, relaxing. Then justice is better served, truthfulness is better expressed, integrity is better felt. There is no rush to be somewhere. The whole realm is settling into a finer, lighter space in orbit around Father-Sun and Mother Earth is attuned to her counterpart. We are adorned with easiness now and light-heartedness. There are no devils here.
5/29/23 - Tantra, the gentle art of making love
(From the Ascended Master Djwahl Khul. Following yesterday's blog that condemns the old male dominant sex model of eras gone by, a more civilized way of making love is taught here. This was channeled thru me on November 9, 2017 by Master DK after I asked him to tell me more about the primal divine earth energies that come up and gather at the first root chakra, but what happens at the second chakra?)
"In the animal kingdom the flow of primal energy divides out at the second chakra in order to create a division into two separate genders. There must be separate genders, male and female, to create a hunger for reuniting. Separation at the second chakra is necessary for duality to play out. There is engagement and play between the two forces which makes the world go around. And create babies. Reproduction is important to perpetuate the species. The animal kingdom operates on animal instinct. Now, the human being is also an animal but it has been cultivated with altered DNA to become more conscious than the animal. It has evolved to become self-conscious and it continues to evolve to become God conscious.
"It knows that there is a refinement that draws him to seek into the spiritual realms. But his sexuality and reproductive functions remain as an animal. The human has allowed himself to retain the animal drive to copulate as all animals do. The mechanism to overcome this drive lies in the second chakra, where the division takes place in the animal kingdom. When the primal divine life force comes up to the first root chakra, to overcome this drive, instead of dividing out left and right, the mechanism is to remain WITHIN the second chakra and not allow the division to take place. The division that takes place is the male pushing out and the female withdrawing or receiving. When the human male stops pushing and the female stops receiving, they both can integrate and experience union. This is difficult to explain to a 3D consciousness.
"I heard this in a 5D altered state and was able to retain this information. What we are doing with the Love Club massage swaps is teaching them how to integrate their male and female in peaceful embrace, rather than the male pushing and the female dancing around trying to attract his attention or running away. To overcome this animal instinct to push and run away (male and female animal instinct) we humans are to learn how to not do that by way of reducing or diminishing our outward actions. When we slow down to a full conscious stillness and allow ourselves to integrate, then we overcome the animal instinct to push and dance. Do you understand?"
(Whenever I see the words "Do you understand?" at the end of a channeling, I then know for sure that it is DK talking. Because I would never use such a phrase myself. It is presumptuous. It makes me sound like a Know-it-all and I do NOT know it all! I am a student still learning.)
5/28/23 - A new way of looking at sex
In yesterday's blog I said I would share some things that I myself am doing to bring in more cosmic energy - energy that is literally "out of this world". It comes in when I do something against my nature. Something that I haven't done before because I was either afraid or perhaps didn't believe it was right or good for people to know. My nature is to be very careful about I reveal to others. Most of which are too high for me to put words to anyway. I don't want to disturb the natural order of things, or rattle the cages of other people. Well, after living with an ascended master guide for 47 years, I know things that I don't talk about, except if spirit moves me to, then I will.
Spirit moved me to spill the beans this morning about something I have hesitated to speak about. I've been holding it back and the knowledge is building and backing up in me. It's got to be said. And now that I've said it to someone and it's out there in the atmosphere, here it is. I am truly sorry to have to say this out loud. You can reject it as preposterous, it won't bother me.
Did you know that when a man penetrates a woman sexually - or another man or a child - whether he has an orgasm or not, he deposits his accumulated dirty toxic energies inside her or him? He is an action guy, born a male who has shut off his sensitivities and emotions in order to be assertive and a builder of hard material. He devotes all his attention on the bottom line, and therefore builds stress, tension, frustration, disappointments, failures, insecurities and the whole nine yards. He NEEDS the soft feminine to help him out. Sex is a relief for him. He feels much better after he makes love, even if he doesn't climax, because he rubs his toxicity against the warm inner membranes of another human being who willingly or unwillingly receives them. And absorbs them into herself unknowingly. The feminine person is by nature a receiver, where he is the driving force in the world of form, and doesn't know how to balance himself.
Women for eons have served in this capacity. However, times are changing. The human race is evolving and learning through trial, error and experience a higher way. How to live joyfully together, two genders having a life together as equals, without one dominating the other. But we are lagging behind in this issue of sex. The truth has yet to be told. New information is ready to be released in the form of workshop training. Kundalini training is one such workshop. Many knowledgeable teachers are humbly waiting for the right time to begin expanding their teachings to the world. It is information that must be released with kindness, for we don't want to damage the male confidence in themselves. This information will ADD to a man's self esteem if he allows it to tenderize him and soften him. But at first it will be hard to swallow. Consider this merely a heads-up. It should not be difficult to accept as a clue, a hint, a whiff of change in social behavior that is coming.
Fortunately, the new girl growing up is less likely than her predecessor to fall into the subservient role. She will be stronger and more self-empowered. She will not "fall in love and get married" only to find herself chained to the role of toxicity receiver. She will have more power to alter her life. She have more understanding. The women of the past (and I am one of them) who have been in service to men have learned a great lesson. A truly GREAT lesson. One that will never be forgotten, ever. We have born the brunt of receiving far too much toxicity, including anger and violence, without understanding why or how to deal with it. All we knew was lack of love and kindness. It was usually always "falling in love" in the beginning but deteriorating from there because the man did not understand either. It was just the way it was. It was designed that way to teach right from wrong. We learn from experiencing feelings and emotions.
Sex is an important lesson in the evolution of a race. All races, no matter what the civilization looks like. The truth is, there is no such thing as a "man" or a "woman" in the higher consciousness realms. Souls are born to experience CONSCIOUSLY, the right way to do things and the wrong way to do things. It is the way of learning through feeling the emotions. Understanding the right use of a physical body. Souls are born as a man in one life and then a woman in another, depending upon the soul's needs or choices. We move back and forth between lifetimes, experiencing a male body and then we experience a female body. We will get it. Eventually. And that time is NOW! The ages have turned.
I'm sharing this information because, in yesterday's blog I said I would tell some things that I myself am doing to bring in more cosmic energy - energy that is literally "out of this world". New energy comes in when I do something against my own nature. I dare to be bold. I dare to reveal something that I never revealed before. I did that yesterday and, sure enough, I was rewarded with an upsurge of powerful new energy today. Wish I could tell you more (smile!)
5/27/23 - The turn-around has begun
There is a vast turn-around happening, planet-wise, for the human race. It has caught everyone by surprise. At least it caught ME by surprise. Apparently others, as well, for I am reading all sorts of articles, each different. We all thought ascension was a move UP to a higher dimension but it's the opposite!! It is a DOWNWARD move! Ascension is a DESCENSION. We are from higher planes already. We are spirit, God, eternal, everlasting, evolving souls, and we are here to bring the light of our knowledge DOWN into the solid ground and manifest it here. Build it here. We are each different and so there are no two alike. We each have a different perspective, but we're all part of the giant jigsaw puzzle. We're all part of the big Plan. We all have knowledge that contributes to the ultimate manifesting of the Garden of Eden. We are here to build it, or re-create it, in physical concrete form.
It has taken me a long time to understand this. And I've had the benefit of an ascended master guide for the last 47 years. How could this have escaped me? Why has it taken me so long to "get it"? The answer is simple: we've been caught in the old dark matrix. We've been fooled and manipulated into believing the opposite, that we are poor sinners and we don't know anything so we have to go UP for answers. Wrong. We've been caught in the old system of reaching UP that the religious systems taught us. But in our efforts of reaching up we've been pushing the light away from us. The way to go is down into the roots of our beingness, and the roots of our beingness are INSIDE our bodies. There is more here to uncover and make known. The way to go is not just INSIDE ourselves, but to communicate what we know to others and work ideas together in order to manifest the illusive dream into a concrete reality. To express ourselves is to express our true nature, our true feelings, our truth on all levels, and to become who we are within, outward for all to see and know and appreciate and respect. The goal is to manifest our reality in the outer world of form. The gurus and masters have done their part. They have taught us how to seek within for it. Now it is up to us to take charge of becoming that which we know.
Now it is the time, the time is ripe, the turn-around is happening. We are ready to put our roots down, plant them solidly into the dirt of the earth, but this time with harmony, love, caring, kindness, wisdom and respect for others around us and the earth itself. We must do this with feeling, with knowing, with confidence and grace. With the knowledge of who we are and knowing that we are right. There is no doubt left in us. We came here to do this - to plant our Self, our higher, principled self - down into the earth. There are many ways of doing this. Each one must decide how it will be done. We come to work together and to express ourselves in solid matter, in form, on earth with others building with us. We are here to stop seeking and start using the skills we have worked so hard to accumulate. The intuitive wisdom, confidence and faith in ourselves that we've accumulated are instinct and inner knowledge. It is who we are. It is our nature. We are here to prove ourselves.
Our basic knowledge is heart-felt, strong and we are skilled. We are balanced, or soon will be when we begin using and moving the energies that have been backing up and stagnating inside us, causing frustration and depression. We've been manipulated to think we are poor sinners and lack judgment, when all along we have been building understanding and clear thinking. We do not doubt ourselves, we are just holding it back and keeping it a big secret. We are actually an amazing people, we humans of earth. And we are here to prove it to ourselves. That we can do this. We are here to build a Garden of Eden in physical concrete form, where everyone is happy and no one lacking. We've been wishing for it and dreaming about it. This is what we're heading to - the building of a world of harmony, beauty, peace and balance and we'll do it with love and wisdom. The frustration is being held back. By whom? There is no one to blame but ourselves. When I am ready, I will move into action and so will you. When it is time we will turn around and move forward.
Forces that are not of the light have done this. Evil is that which is born without love, without a sense of unity and caring or connection to the one supreme creator. There are such things, you know. It is called artificial intelligence. People with souls, with heart and the ability to love who also enjoy technology and enjoy fiddling around with it, must beware. Artificial intelligence has been around a long time, and has taken away our connection to the heart, to soul, to our sense of unity and the divine within. That is why we must return to the feelings that flow within us, and begin expressing them. Expressing outwardly is the key to the turn-around. If we continue to keep our feelings secret and locked away, we are becoming artificial intelligences ourselves.
Artificial intelligence has no connection to the sea of life and love from which we have descended. We have the seven bodies to prove it. Seven bodies wrap around us in an aura of livingness that we are mostly unaware of. We descend down from a world of perfection and purity to build in form. It is a descension of light that we are. We have descended to experiment building with purity, light and love in concrete form. We have had many lifetimes in form, learning now to build in form, and we have learned a lot. We have learned the feeling of right and the feeling of wrong. We know the difference. We have the experiential knowledge and the intuitive skills to prove it. All we have now to do is turn around and begin expressing them outwardly to each other. That means focusing on building on earth based on faith in yourself. You already have the accumulated wisdom within you. It flows in your blood stream and nerves. We are here to use the knowledge accumulated, and the FEELINGS and emotions we have accumulated. They belong to us, we must express them. Go inward and start using inner strength, inner feelings of right and wrong, inner faith, inner confidence and inner intuitive skills. Then we will be going in the right direction. Stop seeking someone else to do it for us.
We were taught to reach UP to find God or something resembling God but we have actually been gods in training. It has been said over and over by the Master guides. We are gods in training. And the time has come to start acting like the god authority that we are. Everything we were taught has brought us to this turn-around point. A god is one who lives with love and wisdom. Instead of looking for love and wisdom from someone else, we must start using love and wisdom for ourselves. I am the one that I've been looking for all these years. All the tools are mine now, here within me. We have the inbuilt intuitiveness, built-in feelings, build-in sense of truth, fairness, justice and rightness. We are here to LIVE this sense of rightness in our every day. It is a comfortable feeling. It is a good feeling. We will change our lives around. Healings will take place on subtle levels. They are not miraculous. They are nature falling into place and harmony. It is an inner work. An innocence that the religious systems have taken away from us. On purpose, I suspect, to lead us to more lessons - until we have had enough. Until the instinct kicks in and the dream to build a community of fairness and love starts to take form. A community of fairness, a village of freedom, a city of harmony and togetherness. A community of supporters and unifiers, where no one lacks. A land of vitality and excitement, of creative impulses and ideas continually flowing. It is ours to build.
There is a fire burning in me today. We have the faith. We have the love. We have the urge to support and contribute to the upliftment, not to enable weakness but to teach self-empowerment. Why has it taken so long? Because there are still too many people seeking for help outside of themselves. They have not been self-empowered. Education is needed. Turning around is not easy. Habits are in place. To look within - what does that even mean? This is the beginning of the U-turn. The willingness to change and to wonder HOW to change. To think about it and learn self-help techniques. We've been looking to saviors for answers, when the savior is our Self. There are techniques. They require effort and time out to work them. It will take time to learn a new technique and practice it, try a different approach. Communicate and soundboard. Tomorrow I'll tell about what I've been doing to help myself.
Instead of me wishing someone else would come and give me money, or give me love, or give me a better home, a better life, a better career, or to heal my broken body and so on -- in other words, being a dependent on others for something I am lacking - instead of me wishing the correct solution is to exert effort to do something to help myself. That's when something mysterious happens. A new kind of energy comes to mind. I become aware of something I never thought about before. This is an occult secret knowledge. It's available to be used. It's a principle of life that is accessible to those who know enough to use it. More later. I'll tell more.
5/18/23 - Today is a most beautiful day
I am elated and so very happy to be alive today. I just finished typing DK's course on meditation - with one change. The title is now "A class on personal power". It really is all about personal power and how to improve on it. It's about ten pages long and it's so amazing to me, what this Master has taught me over the years. And the fact that I haven't read it in over 40 years because this is priceless (to me anyway). It was channeled through me by the Master Djwahl Khul back in 1982 and it's like a time capsule waiting to be opened. Again after being buried so long ago. The personal power he refers to HERE is imploding and exploding in me right now. I can vouch for his wisdom and knowledge that he is passing on. There are a lot of hints in it that will be disturbing to some who read it, but only because we humans tend to be complicated. Personal power is childlike, innocent, simple and refreshing. We are the REAL underneath our masks. This is a real and authentic message for those who are trying to find a way to be happy in this world amid what we "think" is confusion. We have so complicted ourselves when we're really children at heart and not sophisticated at all. Be happy and go frolic in the fields of life. BTW, the real power is our lower parts. This doesn't come out until the last page. To make peace with the world you have to make peace with your own sexuality. And there are simple ways of doing that.
5/16/23 - Uploading another Master DK project
Today a new project has been uploaded onto the website HERE by the Tibetan Master DK. It is a course on meditation from 40 years ago, when I was still a babe in the woods learning about the secret language of light and kundalini (aka the holy spirit) that was causing so many changes in my life. This course has some very interesting twists in it that is sexually related, and it validates and confirms all that I have been understudying with him. He is saying it in clear language here. There is no ambiguity. This could be called a secret discovery, as if it was in a time-capsule, waiting for the right day to surface. I've had the papers all along but did not realize what they were. They were stored away in a big old notebook that I hadn't looked at for years. I have only partially typed it in here, but DO check it out.
5/15/23 - Will power by the Master Djwahl Khul
(Part of a longer message DK gave me in answer to some questions I had) Will power is cultivated by sticking to a regular routine on a daily basis. Do some practices every day. Build a routine and follow it every day without fail. This is what you have been doing. You are starting to succeed so that your body starts to remember and want to do it every day. Without a regular routine your body stays lazy and thinks it is doing the right thing for itself. The body operates on habit. It is sluggish, its cells are from the earth. It is not a high consciousness machine. It likes routine. It likes to know what is expected of it. If you change your habits and follow it every day, your body will remember and will change over a short period of time. You must use will power on yourself. If you feel lazy, it is your body that feels lazy, not you, but you let your mind follow suit. You interpret wrongly. You think it is you but it is your body. You are not your body. You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like it today, I will go to the computer instead. I am excited and want to write this down.”
But that means you have let your body take control over your commitment. You must force your body to do what you have decided to do, and not succumb to your body’s wants. This takes will power. It is a struggle at first. The body operates on habit, which is a feeling. But you are the consciousness of the body. You built the body, your higher self did. If you have decided to change yourself then you must use discipline and will power. Take your power back from your body. Know the difference between your body wanting to feel good, and your commitment to make a change. This does not mean you won’t enjoy the "feel good” feelings at times, but you will not let your body tell you what IT wants. You will teach it better manners. You will teach it what it feels like to be refined and more sensitive. It is the body who has the “feelings”. You are the abstract intelligence that uses the body as a vehicle, as an avatar. This is the reason for a daily routine – to work with your body and raise its consciousness level to better express your higher intelligence. Build new habits into your body and it will become more refined, stronger, healthier and feel better with itself. It will thank you by responding with a sense of freedom and lightness.
The body is a mechanism. I is a machine. Even though it is organic and a breathing, living machine and it has a consciousness, yet it is still exquisitely designed to function under the orders and control of a higher mind. That higher mind is you. We learn to use it from the outside in. The hands, feet, legs, mouth, eating, brushing teeth, putting it to sleep at night and washing it so it feels clean. This is what we learn as a child, how to take care of the body and use it properly. In past ages we did not learn how to care for the inner parts of the body, but that time is now changing. We are going through an evolutionary shift to higher consciousness. How the inner parts of the body work is done through yoga. Learning how they function is a three-part education. We study the machine to see how it functions, and we practice it through yoga postures, and we read scholarly reports and experiences of other people.
Up to now it has been left to the professionals and experts to know how your body works, how to maintain it, what to do when it goes wrong. But you have given them the power over your body. They do not know what you are feeling and aligning with, or misaligning with. This only you can tell from being inside the body. When something goes wrong with your heart or lungs or stomach, most people go to the doctor or another expert. But those who have chosen the inner path of their choice, which is natural and organic, have discovered better health and are more intuitively well, happy and at peace. Yoga is an ancient science and covers many facets. It is an inner path that is starting to spread across the planet and bring changes to those who practice it. It is how people are taking their power back from outside authorities. There is untold wisdom contained in the human intellect, will and love.
Gopi Krishna advises a path of (1) healthy diet & journal/document (2) yoga postures & journal/document (3) meditate & journal/document. In other words make yourself an experimental subject and keep documenting. Consider it research. He advises a research institute but I’m saying, make yourself the research. Routine, regular discipline, apply control, conscious control, the evolutionary force for the future of mankind. This prevents psychopathy and psychosis. The evolutionary mechanism goes wrong when the body is not clean and not maintained in a healthy manner. It must be kept up on a regular basis with conscious application of certain habits. In the case of the wayward man who is ignorant, it means to become more disciplined.
5/14/23 - Father sun as a warm loving personality
As I lay on the acupressure mat this morning - a mat with little plastic needles sticking up all over - I focused on Father Sun. Father Sun is amazing. It was two years ago that I was introduced to the sun as an individual. Two columns of Ascended Masters appeared in the sky, each with an arm pointing upward toward the sun, creating an open path between them . The meaning was clear. Ever since then I have been working with Father Sun during special silence times.
Last night I did 50 inhales through my feet down into the earth, and again this morning I did 50 more, holding focus on burrowing down, seeing my intentional light going down deeper into Mother Gaia, reaching for her and touching finger tips with Mother Gaia. I am connecting slowly, reclaiming bits and pieces of lost light that I left behind in former lives. I have been too far above my head in the stratosphere. I sense Father Sun trying to reach through me to enter deeper into the earth through me. I asked for help and guidance in the silence of my thought, to close down the top of my head. Then I began to see and sense more stability. I am feeling Father Sun. As I call to Father Sun I see him as a loving father. He is a wise elderly face with a warm, loving, countenance, a smile, caring, love emanates from him. He is intelligent and wise. He is showing me these qualities as a radiation entering into me.
I am receiving pictures of these words that identify them to me, and the feelings behind the words. I am feeling warmed and cared for, nourished by him. I am feeling calmed and peaceful from his presence. I am understanding that Mother Sun is also there. Father Sun is the abstract quality coming down from the sky and that Mother Sun is here inside of me, holding space in me. It is she who receives the warm countenance of her counterpart. She holds space for me while I process this. I can FEEL the abstract quality in my body focusing, densifying, becoming real to me. Mother Sun is Mother Earth to me. They are one and the same. I am now feeling these qualities as I think about them. They are working in tandem with me. Guiding me, assisting me.
I am like a plant growing here on earth. Just as they absorb the sun to grow their vegetation, so do I absorb the sun to grow roots into the earth so I can adapt here and enjoy life on the earth. I have been too long whirling about in the atmosphere NOT rooting myself. I must root myself. I want to grow roots into the earth and stabilize. I am learning that I must hold my mind still and focused long enough so that the sun's qualities can enter and penetrate my organs, skin, blood and tissues, otherwise they bounce off me and I don't benefit from them. I have to do this because I am a more complex being than plants. I have a mind that is diverted and distracted and busy all the time. I am a more advanced life form and I grow dizzy without roots to stabilize me. There is too much input from my human brothers and sisters. I need to grow roots and stabilize myself. The Masters have been showing me how to do that.
Sensuality is a beautiful feeling of being wanted, grounded, stabilized to become a living part of the earth's heritage. I am here to also grow and root myself. I am a more complex being so I must do more work than the tree and the plant. I am a thinking, mobile intelligent being with muscles, tissues, nerves and emotions. I have to hold focused thought long enough to absorb the loving qualities from the sun and FEEL it. I am now feeling the sensual feelings of love, wisdom, intelligence and nurturance and being supported. Mother Sun holds space for me. She lives in between the atoms and electrons of my solid body. She is pure intelligence and she holds them for as long as I am willing to hold them in my mind as she transfers these loving qualities over to me. I have to be awake and alert to do this and to receive them and appreciate them. They are the living life force to my body. These qualities help me to stabilize, breathe, ground, feel solid on earth. These qualities have to be densified to be felt by my body and me. Father Sun appears to me as person, wise and beaming fatherly confidence to me. "You can do it!" he says to me.
5/11/23 - Ascending waves to higher consciousness
It is difficult to post open articles knowing that everyone is on a different scale with different beliefs, attitudes, past history and understandings, but this is what I am called to do. My particular slant on things is from the angle of ascension. My husband's is from the angle of a civil rights lawyer fighting for justice of the underdog. Having studied the "four dense bodies" as taught by the Ascended Masters, I am better equipped than many people, perhaps than the majority. But I am still a quite normal person, however.
From my perspective my physical body is thinning away. The CONCEPT of the physical body is thinning away. The body is merely a wrapping, like a gift wrapping. It was made to look like it belongs here. We don't want any alien-looking creatures running around to disturb the natives! So we are all human on the outoside. But the REAL substance is not the visible outer shell, but the invisible that is flowing through it.
The substance that animates the physical body is not substance but consciousness. Awareness. Intelligence.
Alertness. What we are conscious of at every moment of the day or night casts either a negative or a positive glow to our presence. The four dense bodies mentioned above are - defined from densest to least dense - the etheric body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body, and then after that - the LIGHT body. And there are more beyond these. The light body is pure crystalline. Someone nick-named it "christ-aligned". It is pure and undefiled consciousness, connected to the ONE supreme consciousness.
The etheric body is the soul, the individual consciousness that animates the body as "me" or "you". It is feminine in nature, sensitive and receptive to all other influences it comes in contact with. We are responsible in our etheric body for taking on wrong attitudes and beliefs, and it is up to us to purge them by learning what is right and what is wrong.
Our emotional body is composed of our desires. We have many desires and they shift and change with the wind. And with basic needs, like food, water, clothing and shelter. Many people are without these basics but are still positive-leaning people and help others in spite of their lacks. How do they do that? With will power. They choose to think bigger, wider, broader, vaster, wiser and holier. Will power is a higher power than emotions because it is lighter and less dense.
Our mental body is composed of our choices of thoughts we think. Will power is a product of the mental body. What we think about, matters. And how strongly we think them. And where we direct our thoughts, and with what emotion we color them. We can color our thoughts dark, selfish and evil, or bright, happy, positive and compassionate.
The spiritual body is a higher mental body which reaches into greater levels of intelligence beyond ground level or practical level. There is sky and space beyond physical matter and various sciences grow up to explore them. There is only ONE intelligence which creates ALL of life and science itself is drawn to reach for it. It is the one common ingredient that ties the many schools of thought together. Our own individual spiritual nature draws us to reach to the one Father intelligence. Mother is the matter force. Father is the abstract intelligence which the matter reaches for. Father fills the mother with his abstract thoughts and desires and the mother (matter) receives them and grows wise by entertaining them. But most of the time we are too busy and distracted by the world around us to indulge in such thinking. We are conscious beings. Some of us are only semi-conscious, and others are very dull in consciousness, falling into mostly mechanical habits, not really thinking at all. And then there are the geniuses, super-conscious beings who are bringing new ideas into the world.
Consciousness changes as we live longer. We begin to wonder. We are drawn by our own thoughts, the elusive power within - the electricity that powers the machine, and the magnetics that attract us or repel us away from circumstances and situations. It is consciousness that is growing stronger in me. I am becoming aware that my body is not all that I am. I am what I am thinking, where I spend my awareness time. My awareness is on a higher level than it was 10, 15, 20 years ago. It is more consistently thinking, pondering, changing perspectives on love, benevolence, kindness, wisdom. My desires are of a higher nature, not of material objects. My wishes are for peace and that all people be happy. My dreams are to hug everyone and make them feel wanted and appreciated, and to help wherever I can so they are not in pain. My memories are of the good things that happened in my life. The negative memories have gone away. I am more aware than I have ever been before. What does my body have to do with this? It is a human body that holds me in check so I fit into the world and no one is the wiser. And so it is with you.
Ascension waves are upon us in these days and it is tumultuous and chaotic. It is causing changes in the way we see things or perceive. Let the waves pass on by and go with the flow it leaves behind. Rest often in peace while picturing rays from the sun coming down and entering into your physical heart. Father sun is the distributor of the ONE intelligence in our system. The ONE intelligence whose greatest power is love.
5/8/23 - Precious jewels in unexpected places
During a morning exercise and meditation recently I had an interesting experience. I called in my I AM Presence and also the violet flame. I asked the violet flame to enter into my subconscious areas that are normally hidden to me, expecting to begin a purging process of some old dark stuff. Instead, I saw a chest, like a treasure chest, and I am opening it and looking inside. But what’s inside is not old stuff but jewels, gem stones, diamonds, glittery things, and I realize that these are the things I have held closest to me, not revealing them but holding onto them because they are so valuable. I see them as beautiful. They are not sinful or bad or evil at all. They are precious and that is why I have held onto them and not revealed them. They are sacred to me. And now I am releasing them upward into the light. I am sending them Home. I am saying, “Here, take these. These are my stories. I am giving them to you so that you may add them to the overall sea of consciousness. I release them, I let them go. Take them.
And I see the glittering diamonds going upward out of the darkness of my cellar, my underground, where they were hidden away. These are my stories and I am releasing them back Home to the light. I am adding to the Light my adventures and my wisdoms gained. And then I am seeing further down into the darkness of my subconscious and I am seeing treasure chest after treasure chest after treasure chest going off into the darkness until I can no longer see them any more. And I say, “Abracadabra - Open!” And all of the chests fly open and out of them come more jewels, more diamonds, pearls, rubies, precious stones of all kinds. They are just a little dusty because they have been carefully hidden away and preserved. Totally beyond my sight. I didn’t know they were there. This morning I released them all. I opened all of the chests and let the gems and jewels free to fly upward into the light to go Home. This was done very methodically and consciously. I spoke the words out loud as they came to me. And then I resumed my exercises. This took place on 6/17/14.
5/5/23 - Uniting your feminine & masculine sides
A revelation occurred recently while doing breathing exercises. While breathing up and down the spine I was again conscious of a tendency to lean to the left, as if my right side is too dominant and pushes over into my left side, making it appear that my left side is too weak to stand up for itself. I thought it was because I was too feminine and submissive, and I've been trying to strengthen it through certain practices.
Suddenly I realized that my left side - my feminine side - is not supposed to be equal to my right side. At least not in the way I thought it should be. My left side is composed of Light! Pure divine crystal light. Duh! I should have known. I knew it theoretically, but never connected with it before. My mind thinks it knows everything, but it only knows what it knows. It knows about linear logic and human ways, but it does not know the higher dimensions at all. This is what I am here to study. My left side, my feminine or passive side, is higher dimensional. And it is true for everyone, not just me.
After recognizing this while doing my breathing, then I began seeing the two sides of me - the female and male sides - entwined together like a corded rope, thick and tight, like a cord running up and down my spine. In yoga science the left feminine is called Ida and the right masculine is called Pingala. Ida and Pingala are Sanskrit terms from ancient teachings. Both start out at the same root, the tailbone chakra, and separate out immediately upon leaving the root. They each travel up and around the central column separately and in opposite directions - the symbol of the caduceus in medicine. As one continues evolving in sacred knowledge of the inner science and through the practices of yoga, breathing or other disciplines taught by metaphysical schools, one learns more about it. That's where I am today, after many years of study. I am still learning and receiving inner revelations.
As I continued the breathing exercise, now seeing the corded rope running up my spinal column, I saw it thicken. It runs upward, tightly wound together. This is a new revelation to me. They used to spiral separately, AROUND the central column. They never ever entered INTO the central column, because each had their separate path they followed, up around the spine in opposite directions for they opposed each other. They represented the dualities and challenges of different opinions and ways of life. But as I continued breathing the exercise, the pure light of the ida and the darker light of the pingala came together as one rope. They grew closer and tighter together, so that I could SEE it happen. The rope of the central column is now stronger, thicker and wider. It is covering more territory in the central trunk. They still go in opposite directions but but they wrap around each other, adding support to each other, one divine, the other human who makes mistakes.
When I saw the two sides entwined together like this - one pure crystal light and one darker more concentrated energy - I had a new awareness. Why I always felt as if I was tipping over to the left. Why it was so difficult for me to balance my left and right. I couldn't do it by mind power alone. I had to go to the next higher level to understand it from a higher, or you could say deeper, level. Higher or deeper are one and the same thing, a merge of two opposites. The mind is used to opposites, it fights and resists against opposites. But the mind is not used to merging opposites! This is the rare gift that Tantra brings to us. But that's another story for another day.
The great mystery to us humans who think we are so rational and logical (!) is that consciousness is the power, not the mind. The mind does not have the same power to change things that consciousness does. Consciousness is the silent power behind the mind. It is vaster. It is supreme. Through the practice of meditation and sitting in silence and observing oneself, one becomes conscious of this vaster consciousness and intelligence. It is more powerful than the mind. Consciousness is attention. Wherever attention goes, there is consciousness. This fact is overlooked by the vast majority, if they don't practice sitting in silence and observing. Our mental powers are important for producing thoughts and directing thought to specific areas that we want to explore. We can concentrate on one area over and above another area. We can shut out distractions through the power of our concentration. But there is a silent consciousness behind our thinking. Thinking is forceful. We "push" it out into areas. But consciousness remains silent behind the thought. It is called the spirit flowing through the body.
I am here to learn this truth and to dig deeper into who I am. I see that I am the larger aspect that moves through my body. I can control my body's leanings left and right better when I am aware of this. I am the power of consciousness behind my body, and behind my mind and emotions. The ida and pingala are the two energy pathways that spiral up around my spinal trunk in opposite directions, causing me to struggle with myself. I am both divine AND human. I didn't know that. People have been saying it, but just reading it is not enough. I had to come to realize it for myself, within. It is important to study it and feel its effects sensually, in a practical manner, and watch for the goosebumps and chills that run over your skin when you connect with the truth.
We are here to work 50-50 with the divine in us. We are born human but the divine is there underneath, supporting the human. We didn't know. Our parents and teachers didn't tell us because they didn't know either. We as a race of intelligent creatures are evolving our consciousness, our intelligence, our awareness. . We are entering the higher dimensions and becoming more enlightened. The light within is beginning to glow and radiate. We are becoming INNER-lightened. Our personality has lived before, in many other bodies, gaining experience in how to better drive a human body. It is a vehicle. How do the parts work? We have to practice with them, consciously. The divine is always here to guide us. It is the immortal aspect that has never been influenced by human faults or failures. It cannot be contaminated by failure. The divine aspect has been called the Christ by the Christian religion, and Krishna by the Hindu religion. It means the divine aspect. It remains pure. It is the God-self. It is what creates the human body in the first place.
It is the power behind the throne. It is here to support, advise and counsel the human as it grows stronger and better at mastering the functions of the physical body. The human is the masculine side, the right side, the divine is the feminine side, the left side. Men and women have both aspects running through them. The feminine side is soft, tender, supportive and nourishing, but never pushy. It allows the human to have free will and do it "his" way, "her" way. But it never abandons us. We would die if it did. It is ALWAYS there. Deeply personal, ready and waiting for the human to connect with it, to ask it questions and to then listen to it. It is an ever sacred, ever private, persoal guide.
When the human practicality and the divine work in harmony together, a happier, more peaceful life is experienced. This is true for every man, woman and child. It would be good to pass this information along to the next generation. Both sides of us have always been there, as long as we are in physical embodiment. I have grown wiser through trial, error and mistakes, but the divine has always been there in the pattern of the right, the true and honorable way to go - a higher guide to my human side. But I have to ask and I have to listen in time-out mode. We must ask and then take time to sit quietly and pay attention. If only I had known earlier in life! It is consciousness that does the work of growing up and balancing, not mind alone. Getting to know the difference takes practice, sitting in silence and observing the difference. Mental thinking is a thrusting, pushy effort, whereas silence is like listening to the void. Thought is a forced movement that is started like one starts the engine of a car and starts driving it off in a direction. But consciousness does not start nor does it move. It observes. It is a silent wise counselor. It doesn't move at all. It just is. It is the intelligence of the one infinite creator. Vast and infinite and we humans have it running through us. We are one with the infinite, even while we are unique and one of a kind. There is no duplicate because we have had many lives to create our personality and our uniqueness. We can be picked out by Those Who Know among the gray masses of the many.
Silent awareness is how we connect to our divine feminine side. Men, you have a divine feminine side. Women, you have a divine masculine side. Don't be fooled. You are androgynous. I am more impressed today with yoga disciplines than I was in my earlier life. I did not know back then. Today I would advise everyone to take up one of the disciplines that appeals to you and to which you are drawn by magnetic attraction. A sign of knowing when you've hit on a truth is when goosebumps run up and down your body, giving you chills. It is a "clicking" in of the human with the divine in you. It is as if you were slightly off kilter and suddenly now you hit the right key note on the keyboard. The download begins then from the divine side, and the upload begins from the human side and the link-up takes place. Trust it. Revelations may or may not occur immediately, but they will appear in days to come. This inner connection between the divine and human is symbolized in the beautiful picture of the androgynous statue shown above.
4/28/23 Updating...
Suddenly I realized that my left side - my feminine side - is not supposed to be equal to my right side. At least not in the way I thought it should be. My left side is composed of Light! Pure divine crystal light. Duh! I should have known. I knew it theoretically, but never connected with it before. My mind thinks it knows everything, but it only knows what it knows. It knows about linear logic and human ways, but it does not know the higher dimensions at all. This is what I am here to study. My left side, my feminine or passive side, is higher dimensional. And it is true for everyone, not just me.
After recognizing this while doing my breathing, then I began seeing the two sides of me - the female and male sides - entwined together like a corded rope, thick and tight, like a cord running up and down my spine. In yoga science the left feminine is called Ida and the right masculine is called Pingala. Ida and Pingala are Sanskrit terms from ancient teachings. Both start out at the same root, the tailbone chakra, and separate out immediately upon leaving the root. They each travel up and around the central column separately and in opposite directions - the symbol of the caduceus in medicine. As one continues evolving in sacred knowledge of the inner science and through the practices of yoga, breathing or other disciplines taught by metaphysical schools, one learns more about it. That's where I am today, after many years of study. I am still learning and receiving inner revelations.
As I continued the breathing exercise, now seeing the corded rope running up my spinal column, I saw it thicken. It runs upward, tightly wound together. This is a new revelation to me. They used to spiral separately, AROUND the central column. They never ever entered INTO the central column, because each had their separate path they followed, up around the spine in opposite directions for they opposed each other. They represented the dualities and challenges of different opinions and ways of life. But as I continued breathing the exercise, the pure light of the ida and the darker light of the pingala came together as one rope. They grew closer and tighter together, so that I could SEE it happen. The rope of the central column is now stronger, thicker and wider. It is covering more territory in the central trunk. They still go in opposite directions but but they wrap around each other, adding support to each other, one divine, the other human who makes mistakes.
When I saw the two sides entwined together like this - one pure crystal light and one darker more concentrated energy - I had a new awareness. Why I always felt as if I was tipping over to the left. Why it was so difficult for me to balance my left and right. I couldn't do it by mind power alone. I had to go to the next higher level to understand it from a higher, or you could say deeper, level. Higher or deeper are one and the same thing, a merge of two opposites. The mind is used to opposites, it fights and resists against opposites. But the mind is not used to merging opposites! This is the rare gift that Tantra brings to us. But that's another story for another day.
The great mystery to us humans who think we are so rational and logical (!) is that consciousness is the power, not the mind. The mind does not have the same power to change things that consciousness does. Consciousness is the silent power behind the mind. It is vaster. It is supreme. Through the practice of meditation and sitting in silence and observing oneself, one becomes conscious of this vaster consciousness and intelligence. It is more powerful than the mind. Consciousness is attention. Wherever attention goes, there is consciousness. This fact is overlooked by the vast majority, if they don't practice sitting in silence and observing. Our mental powers are important for producing thoughts and directing thought to specific areas that we want to explore. We can concentrate on one area over and above another area. We can shut out distractions through the power of our concentration. But there is a silent consciousness behind our thinking. Thinking is forceful. We "push" it out into areas. But consciousness remains silent behind the thought. It is called the spirit flowing through the body.
I am here to learn this truth and to dig deeper into who I am. I see that I am the larger aspect that moves through my body. I can control my body's leanings left and right better when I am aware of this. I am the power of consciousness behind my body, and behind my mind and emotions. The ida and pingala are the two energy pathways that spiral up around my spinal trunk in opposite directions, causing me to struggle with myself. I am both divine AND human. I didn't know that. People have been saying it, but just reading it is not enough. I had to come to realize it for myself, within. It is important to study it and feel its effects sensually, in a practical manner, and watch for the goosebumps and chills that run over your skin when you connect with the truth.
We are here to work 50-50 with the divine in us. We are born human but the divine is there underneath, supporting the human. We didn't know. Our parents and teachers didn't tell us because they didn't know either. We as a race of intelligent creatures are evolving our consciousness, our intelligence, our awareness. . We are entering the higher dimensions and becoming more enlightened. The light within is beginning to glow and radiate. We are becoming INNER-lightened. Our personality has lived before, in many other bodies, gaining experience in how to better drive a human body. It is a vehicle. How do the parts work? We have to practice with them, consciously. The divine is always here to guide us. It is the immortal aspect that has never been influenced by human faults or failures. It cannot be contaminated by failure. The divine aspect has been called the Christ by the Christian religion, and Krishna by the Hindu religion. It means the divine aspect. It remains pure. It is the God-self. It is what creates the human body in the first place.
It is the power behind the throne. It is here to support, advise and counsel the human as it grows stronger and better at mastering the functions of the physical body. The human is the masculine side, the right side, the divine is the feminine side, the left side. Men and women have both aspects running through them. The feminine side is soft, tender, supportive and nourishing, but never pushy. It allows the human to have free will and do it "his" way, "her" way. But it never abandons us. We would die if it did. It is ALWAYS there. Deeply personal, ready and waiting for the human to connect with it, to ask it questions and to then listen to it. It is an ever sacred, ever private, persoal guide.
When the human practicality and the divine work in harmony together, a happier, more peaceful life is experienced. This is true for every man, woman and child. It would be good to pass this information along to the next generation. Both sides of us have always been there, as long as we are in physical embodiment. I have grown wiser through trial, error and mistakes, but the divine has always been there in the pattern of the right, the true and honorable way to go - a higher guide to my human side. But I have to ask and I have to listen in time-out mode. We must ask and then take time to sit quietly and pay attention. If only I had known earlier in life! It is consciousness that does the work of growing up and balancing, not mind alone. Getting to know the difference takes practice, sitting in silence and observing the difference. Mental thinking is a thrusting, pushy effort, whereas silence is like listening to the void. Thought is a forced movement that is started like one starts the engine of a car and starts driving it off in a direction. But consciousness does not start nor does it move. It observes. It is a silent wise counselor. It doesn't move at all. It just is. It is the intelligence of the one infinite creator. Vast and infinite and we humans have it running through us. We are one with the infinite, even while we are unique and one of a kind. There is no duplicate because we have had many lives to create our personality and our uniqueness. We can be picked out by Those Who Know among the gray masses of the many.
Silent awareness is how we connect to our divine feminine side. Men, you have a divine feminine side. Women, you have a divine masculine side. Don't be fooled. You are androgynous. I am more impressed today with yoga disciplines than I was in my earlier life. I did not know back then. Today I would advise everyone to take up one of the disciplines that appeals to you and to which you are drawn by magnetic attraction. A sign of knowing when you've hit on a truth is when goosebumps run up and down your body, giving you chills. It is a "clicking" in of the human with the divine in you. It is as if you were slightly off kilter and suddenly now you hit the right key note on the keyboard. The download begins then from the divine side, and the upload begins from the human side and the link-up takes place. Trust it. Revelations may or may not occur immediately, but they will appear in days to come. This inner connection between the divine and human is symbolized in the beautiful picture of the androgynous statue shown above.
4/28/23 Updating...
Well, the vastness energies are swirling like crazy, widening me and updating my brain. I am being expanded from the old me to a newer model and it's dizzying. My abilities to handle the lighter, more expanded energies are working overtime. I am adapting very slowly, but adapting I am. It is extremely difficult to think straight but determination to see it through to the end is the only way to deal with it. Determined to stay standing and talk normally and don't give in to what other people say. I am my own authority. I know what I'm doing. The downloads of new revelations continue create new brain cells as long as I stay determined and keep my mind open. I am OK even though my brain swirls and bumps against the walls of my skull. I have received instructions and am allowing it. The goal is to bring the "far out" in closer,, narrower, more focused, more real, with boundaries. Every morning I wake up with new information talking to me and my brain is accepting unbelievable information. As I journal each day my own revealings, I don't have time to read and post beautiful, awesome articles by other people, though I scan through them and am educated by them. We are all working this spiritual widening process together, each in our own way.
On the physical level, today Doug switched us over from one internet provider who is an older one, to another, newer, younger company who can provide faster service. The technicians were here installing and explaining to Doug as I listened, and my mind exploded into their space and reeled dizzily with unfamiliar energies. But I continued to listen like a normal person.
Wednesday Doug created a zoom meeting with my family to celebrate my 85th birthday. I haven't been in contact with them much over the years, but it was fabulous and awesome because, while talking with them on a mundane level I was also connecting with them in the starry planes of their higher selves. I saw their energies and merged with them, becoming one with them in their vastness. There is no way to say it better than that. I was able to participate with each of my family on both the ground level and in the vastness of their higher intelligence. Afterward, while sleeping, I saw even more and further, and I woke up the next morning with more connection. The connection is solid and real with them. Even after all these years.
I cannot begin to say here in words the experience but I'm trying. I want to share what I know. The result of all this unfolding contact with higher dimensional space is overwhelming, would be overwhelming if I didn't know that it's a normal process of consciousness evolution. And that it IS natural and we ARE protected by an infinitely compassionate God who is pulling the strings and has a Plan. Do not fear it. I am being told that I'm simply widening my abilities to handle it. Nerve synapses are expanding and upgrading the limitations I have been carrying. A dizzy, empty mind is a temporary inconvenience. Accommodate it with faith. The higher dimensional insights are worth it. It is my job, my duty, my mission to write my story to encourage others that it is OK, that it is normal and natural, and to go with the circumstances. They will pass and you will be better for it. I want to help. I wish I could help those who may be going through a difficult time right now. It could be any number of things that cause confusion, pain or upheavals. Please know, if you are reading this, that you are not alone. We are all part of the process of an immaculate evolution for the Earth. There is far, far, far, far more than we understand that is behind this evolution to higher planes. We are going to be the winners if we can get through it without crumbling. It WILL pass. Be strong and be determined. It changes quickly if you let it. No matter what the world is going through outside your front door, if you stay standing and stay centered in your own body and spinal column, and agree to let every one else take care of their own problems, it will pass on by you. Keep your connection to the ground you stand on. Go outside and sit or lie down on the grass for half an hour. Mother Earth will nourish you and take away your confusion.
There is a tube of etheric light that runs up and down around your spinal column. Breathe up and down it, from Sun to Earth. It comes in from above your head and down into your brain and your brain squeezes it to fit. Let it squeeze. Pretend you are normal and it's OK. It will pass. Give it a little time. Lie down and rest while picturing this tube of light going down your spinal cord into the earth beneath you (even when you're lying down). It is the main trunk of your REAL self. You are flowing into your body through your spine and going down to connect with the Earth who is your Mother life force. Your brain is flowering as you hold this picture in your mind. The top of your tree of life is a flowering of new leaves and branches growing. And the dove of peace and love is sitting in those top-most branches giving you comfort.
Repeat the OM or Aum. The symbol is pictured at the top of this page. The Om is a long drawn-out sound "ooooommmmm", which is comforting to the body. It is like a mother's lullaby. It is the universal music of the spheres. Picture the symbol of the OM, memorize it. Hold it in your mind's eye as you silently or slightly louder chant the Om. This will help to stabilize your physical body, all the parts will feel nourished and soothed. Lie down and do this as often as you feel the need to. But then get up and move, again, because moving stretches your muscles and your brain cells so that your true and authentic spiritual, mental, emotional self can flow through into your body and enlarge the parts that need enlarging. This is an alignment process. Align your various levels so they are in harmony. Do this often. Do it before sleep or in the night when you can't sleep. And if you need some encouraging words, contact me via the contact page and I'll write you back. Bless you. Peace and love. You are not alone.
4/25/23 - You are a sphere of light!
I woke up this morning hearing words in my mind: “You are not a body but a sphere of light, of consciousness." As the words continued I took the note pad and began writing.
You had time during embryo stage to become accustomed to it. You helped it, or saw it being built cell by cell, atom by atom, so you are aware of how your body looks and operates. You know its purpose intimately, and after your body – not YOU but your body - was born you had time in the new world of people and objects to learn how to use your new body. You learned how to move the legs, the arms, the head, stomach, the mouth to eat, to make noise, to respond to the feel of arms holding you. And slowly you identified with your body and became familiar with it. You did it before with other bodies, many other lifetimes in the past, but you have forgotten that now, in your dedicated focus on this one body.
So you are not your body. You are the conscious sphere of light and intelligence that moves your body and enjoys its sensations. There are seven layers of specific gifts that you have built into your sphere of light. If your culture doesn’t teach you about these qualities – love is one of them – then they remain in the background of your life as a feature that you long for. You dream of love. Truth is another natural quality in you but often the culture doesn’t value truth or high-light it, so it too reains in the background.
As I said, there are seven gifts that you are embedded with, that are given to you to use and to learn how to activate during your life in form. You are here to learn how. There are only seven. These ae called the seven bodies and the seven chakras. There are many other names that have been given for them, for there are many shades, colors and approaches you may use. Names are important to learn, but how you apply these gifts and qualities in your daily life is what matters the most. Your creative ability is put to the test. Do you apply them to your life and actions? You are here in a body of form to learn how to USE these qualities every day, for they are YOU. This is the hard part. You have to figure it out because these gifts are who you are. They are built into you. They ARE you. You ARE the gifts. You came here to gift them to the world of form. There are forces against you to stop you from manifesting these gifts, so you get frustrated. But you have intelligence and stubbornness and patience and love and purity and truth and kindness and determination and wisdom from past life experiences. You have skills that you have acquired over many lives in form.
You have logical, mathematical, scientific methods that you have proven to yourself that work for you. Your innate sense of right and wrong is your own personal nature, there for you to use as needed. You have already experienced the form life. You know how it works. You experience peace as it contrasts against pain, and comfort vs. discomfort. You have learned. You know this instinctively. As you continue to organize and apply your seven virtues and qualities - the gifts given you by the creator - so they are functioning well together, aligned together and harmonized together, then you will feel more and more free, happy and in the right place to fulfill yourself. You are becoming more free to live your life the way you want to live it, happily and with creativity, comfort, pleasure and love. You have it all. You have all that you need to live in form, on earth, in harmony and in peace with others. You are not missing anything or feeling lack anywhere. You are fulfilling your desire to be here. Your will to live is strong. You are using your intelligence to figure out the best way to accomplish what you want to accomplish. You are using love, kindness and patience to work well with others. You are using your purity, your truth, your sense of peace and comfort to tell you when you are on the right path.
As you apply, manifest and express all of yourself, your gifts and qualities freely, to reach that point of perfection while in body, then you are home free. The seventh gift is freedom in form. The seven chakras have been broken. They were the closed gates until you mastered them, one by one, and opened them from your inside knowledge. Not by what other people told you, but by applying yourself, your own innate knowings to situations. Always the freedom to express your OWN truth, not someone else's truth, is the right way to go to order to correct the disfigurement that had to play out in your life. It had to draw your attention to it. You had to find the right approach to take and it was within you all the time. Distraction caused by outsiders caused you to forget yourself. This distraction had to be mastered before you could turn within and listen to your own guidance. You had to reach that point of listening to your heart, your heart's intelligence, your feeling channels of comfort and peace and knowledge. Then circumstances changes. Then you are done with it. And life becomes ,more beautiful.
Learning to live whole and free in form life, especially on planet Earth, has been a hard school. But you have learned. You had tricks up your sleeve. You were not sent here without guides. You are your father’s child. You have his qualities in you. These qualities ring like a crystal clear bell striking another inside you in purity. You know when you have the right solution. Your mother is with you all the way through the form life. She is the mother of form life. She is your innate intelligence, holding your body together. Pain tells you one thing, peace and kindness tells you another. You have learned to be discerning. And to listen. To follow the rightness, and turn away from the wrongness. Struggle tells which way to go. Your mother is there to tell you, for she lives in your feelings and your innate body intelligence.
Kirlian photography has captured proof of the real you in the form of pictures of glowing radiation around you. You are not your body. You are the radiation that moves through your body with intelligence. You are the space holding your body together, which requires atoms and electrons to cling together to form cells and molecules and larger organs, bones and muscles that gives shape and function to your body. You are the intelligence holding these cells together. And when you sleep at night, you travel to other realities and meet and enjoy interacting with others, learning and teaching as you go, as appropriate. Life is harmonious. Life flows together as needs are expressed and answered.
The more refined you become in your ability to express your seven gifts, manifest your seven gifts into your outer life, the better your life adjusts to harmony and happiness. Harmony is the natural order of life. You no longer need to seek answers because solutions just appear naturally. You are becoming balanced, just as the planets are balanced in their orbits around the suns. As your own life improves you may notice that you are less able to feel good around certain people. They do not belong to your natural resonance - your home energies. Then it is that your inner gifts may begin to be seen by others who have not yet mastered their own inner qualities. You then become a light to the world around you. By sharing your truth openly and freely, daringly and courageously, frankly and truthfully, then the more you will notice vitality creeping into your day-to-day life. The vitality of youth and vigor. Life becomes more powerful when things are harmonized. When thoughts and emotions harmonize and don't conflict. Then the urge and excitement to serve the world around you increases. You find solutions more quickly. You find people responding to you more readily. You do not want to lie down and rest so much because there is a quickening of interest. Life is moving more swiftly through your body as you enter the higher regions of thought, feeling and mind.
4/23/23 - Born of the Earth, heading for the Stars
I am born of the Earth, the Earth gave me form. The substance of old matter built my form. This old matter was discarded by others when they died and it went back into the earth. The Earth recycles matter that was once used by others. The Earth provides a home for self-aware beings to start out as basic form. The first basic form is mineral, sand and rock. It is a dull consciousness at first. It then grows in self awareness to learn movement, like the one-celled amoeba, then two-celled and more. Then self-consciousness grows into larger substances like grass and then into fruit and then into trees. Then self-consciousness grows into crawling things on the ground, then into animals with four legs, then into higher animal forms, each round of evolultion for this SELF awareness taking on more and more alertness.
Then self consciousness grows upright to stand on two legs, and all the while earth is home, born of the earth. We are that self-aware human who is now standing up, walking, talking and growing more civilized. We are looking up beyond earth, wondering what's out there, building telescopes, learning more about space and other planets, other galactic civilizations, wondering about inhabitants, about the sun, the galaxy and more. The mother flame kundalini has started expanding in us. Geniuses have come forward. Children are showing signs of knowing more than the parents. New brain cells are growing beyond earth’s former limits. The upright spine has opened in some, not in others, and the mother flame is giving birth to the pouch of life called the christ or crystal at the tailbone. The tail bone flame is heating up and burning through the veils, obstructions called chakras, and the heat is radiating a vaster intelligence as it flows up the spine. That which was called "the christ" in religious terms has been activated by certain movements, disciplines taught by teachers coming suddenly forward.
The physiology, muscles, nerves and tissues, are activated. Movement is felt throughout the body, organs. There is mystery, there is confusion, there is pain, disease, problems. We must struggle through it. The evolution from earth human to divine human is underway. It is SELF consciousness. No one can do it for us. We are the intelligence inside the shell. We are breaking free of the shell. Hysteria and fear walk hand in hand with awesome elation and excitement. The human is reaching beyond the earth. He can't help it. It is in his nature. He is intelligence walking the earth. There is a greater intelligence beyond him and he is reaching for it, drawn like a moth to a flame. Like a female to a male. The spine is an open channel from earth to sky. Out of the sides grow smaller nerves to feed the vital organs with awareness. The body is waking up. We have drunk the elixer of life and we don't know what to do with it. What do we do with the old ways? When it reaches the brain it creates headaches and dizziness and it pounds - knock, knock, knock - against the skull, building pressure. Trying to get free, to find the father. It is self-aware now. The brain is activated to more intelligence, to the need for more control over the mind. The craziness, the dizziness, the hypocondriac CAN BE controlled. My mind is clearing now. New insight is coming.
The pure crystal light pattern has been with me forever, but today for the first time I am accepting it. I am realizing it. I received instruction in the night. I asked about it as I went to sleep - I asked Yeshua how did HE find it and how and could he give me some instruction. And I got it in the night, both in printed form, words after words after words printed, and also in spoken words. I am shown the seven layers of attributes, the gifts that we parrot the words of but don't apply. These need to be applied regularly, hourly, outwardly in daily life. I saw the multi-colored spheres around me in the oval shape of the auric field and I was shown the words - will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, mind and freedom. These are to be applied in real life silently, under conscious control and managed to perfection.
The pure crystal light is unfolding in me. I already know it as a pattern for the human. It was shown to me as a tree of life, as a web of pure gold light. And it was also shown to me how a darker web of limited sight has created an artificial web over it. A darker web has grown over in front of it, around it and is feeding off it like a parasite. We are the ego, gaining in understanding as we live through circumstances and pressures. The pure gold light is still there or we wouldn't be alive. It takes care of our bodily systems and needs to breathe, eat and eliminate. The pure gold light is the same pattern in everyone. It is what we as individuals that builds character over on top of it. Infuses our unique ways into the pure gold of our life force. The pure gold is the template we all live off of without exception, but it is we who must perfect our life through conscious managing of the details. As we become more in touch with our own internal nature we follow the pure gold pattern within. We nbecome more knowledgeable, more patient, more peaceful, more gracious, more refined. We are a combination of divine and human.
The crystal pure light is the same in everyone. It is the individual who gives it character and builds into it the unique experiences which we entertain through our life on earth. We "color" our divine pure gold light with our personality. It is not wrong. It is meant to be. We are meant to become living individual masters of our lives. We have much to offer from our accumulated skills. There is no other like me or you. We alone are the creator of our perfection.
We are becoming an individual that is unique in the whole living sea of the One. You are connected to the One life through the gold and crystal pattern within. It looks like a web of gold. It is the link to the One intelligence - the only ONE intelligence in existence - out of which all life springs. This link lies within the human frame, within the human cells, the atoms and, yes, even the space between the swirling electrons of the atoms. The space is the consciousness. God consciousness means the Good consciousness. The right consciousness. The Father-Mother consciousness. Father is the abstract intelligence, and Mother is the form-building consciousness. She holds the atoms and molecules together like glue to form the solid structure of the human body, cells and tissues.
She is known as Mother Shakti, or Mother Kundalini. She resides in the ethers around the coccyx (tailbone) at the base of the spine. She feeds intelligence and life up the spine to keep the body alive. She will enlarge the dose of life if the individual will turn inward and ask for it. She is intelligent and will listen and respond. She is the divine feminine. She receives abstract intelligence from the One and gives form and life to the individual from birth through until death of the form. She will provide not only life but intelligent answers and instructions if the being will listen and follow through. If the individual will not listen or pay attention, then the flow remains the same. But if the individual will become silent and carry on a conversation with the Mother Shakti who is intelligent, she will increase the dose of life. It is the same type of relationship as a good child listening and talking with a good responsive mother.
4/19/23 - Why do we go to the heart?
Imagine being in a black room. You can’t see anything. You reach out to feel your way around. You can feel walls and objects but they are foreign to you. You continue fumbling for a long time. It is very confusing and unfamiliar. You feel scared. Finally, after some length of time and fumbling, your hands run across a button, you push it and suddenly there is light! It is a light switch! You find that you are in a beautiful room with windows that you did not see before. You see friends, familiar friends, waiting for you outside, and more friends behind them, and even more friends, as if there is a gathering of family. And you see a door which you did not see before. It is open. It was never locked to you. You just didn’t know it was there. The feelings of loss, confusion and panic that covered you and smothered you are now gone. You feel free and happy because - all because you can see. And because you can see your friends happily waiting for you, happy that you found the right switch. The secret switch in human beings is the heart.
These revelations are sent to me, I just realized, in one fell-swoop blast. I get the information all at once, in words, but not in words. It is as if I receive the information from all over everywhere at once. Like when the light turns on in a completely black room. It doesn’t require "time" to receive this information, as in one word after another after another, which we need in 3D. It takes "time" to read words, to use our senses or listen to someone speak, but when we go into the heart and look up, with patience we can turn on the light. I just realized that this morning.
4/13/23 - The holy spirit as a radiating sun in the body
In the last few days I have been led to find answers, click-click-click, that I've been searching for since 1976. It was in 1976 that I went into the light during a meditation in an OBE - out-of-body experience. When I returned to normalcy (although a new normal) I had questions. What just happened? Today I'm filled with excitement because, again, click-click-click, things are linking up like wild fire. Yesterday I found something in my journals and want to share it (Click HERE). This was a channeling from the Master DK. I had forgotten about it and revisiting it was mind-blowing. I see with new eyes. I'm linking in better to it. Each of us is on our own unique one-of-a-kind spiritual journey to higher understanding. We are evolving our understanding. It's a new age and the new age is dawning fast. It is an age of sharing, revealing and telling each other what is going on in our lives. Hearing other people's stories helps us. They remind us that we are all connected. They fill in gaps in our understanding. We are linking up. Even though we are each different and our paths take different routes up the mountain (and through rocky places) still, we are on the same journey to the same destination. We are part of one vast elegant superior mind that holds the suns, planets and people in orbit around the sun - plus we are human too. We are meant to know this about ourselves. There is a sun within us trying to shine.
The process of kundalini awakening is the process of the sun trying to shine outward into manifestation from inside us. The holy spirit is awakening in the human body, and it is causing a lot of havoc and confusion. We don't understand what is happening. It has ALWAYS been here. It has ALWAYS been operating. We just weren't evolved enough to see it, as a race of humans evolving. We didn't realize that puberty and the sexual arousal had anything to do with the holy spirit trying to shine. We didn't know the word "kundalini". But today we are learning about it. There is research going on behind the scenes which we don't know about. There are lights in the sky, aurora borealis and star ships and other unknowns - radiations from beyond us. There is a cosmic story unfolding and we're starting to become aware of it. Suddenly it is breaking free of the closet in which it has been hiding. Suddenly there are headlines. And there are people talking about it. There are books being written. Youtubes being aired. Scholars writing about it.
And here's the thing: Behind every young person's puberty, around age 10, 12 or so, the kundalini stirs. It is also known as the holy spirit. It stirs and sends radiations up the spine to adjust and prepare the body - making it tender for love - because what is to come is loving beyond measure. It is time for the body to quicken for love. The fruit has ripened. This body has grown and is ready to bring forth the first glimmerings of the holy life that is held within. That gave it life to begin with. Can you remember back to that day of puberty? When the feelings started? There was a warmth, a loving goodness that needed to be expressed, shared, allowed to grow. Perhaps there was abuse or something worse. But we, humanity, did not know. There was ignorance. It was insinuated that it was bad, evil, and to stifle it, put it back down, ignore it. We became divided then.
Meanwhile the sages of the East were developing their enlightenment techniques, following ancient texts. Today they have spread those techniques around the world and have drawn millions into practicing yoga, meditation and inner spiritual studies. The planet is moving slowly but surely out of the dark ages. We as a race are evolving consciously from animal man to God man, turning animal grunts to refined noises of song, love and reverence. The awakening of kundalini brings betterment, sophistication, intelligence, beauty and truth. There is a higher power now moving through our lives. It is active, for good or for bad because there are misalignments and misconceptions that need clearing. Detox is a purging. Shortly after my dramatic awakening of kundalini in 1976 and my journey into the light, I was led in a higher way. I felt it. I found the Gopi Krishna interview tapes which preceded his books. Gopi Krishna had a similar awakening experience prior to me, but it was a bad one. He had a terrible time adjusting to the pure God-like energy. He had not prepared for it. I had been better prepared without realizing.
Gopi Krishna was so haunted by his years-long trauma with kundalini, that he began a study of the ancient texts and pushed for scientific research. In the 1970's John White published a book of many sources, writings of many teachers, gurus and scholars on the subject of kundalini awakening. He was not the author but the editor. Gopi Krishna comes out on top, remaining the scholarly leader of the pack by bringing the mysterious subject into modern terms. It is natural, he says. We must understand how it functions biologically. It is this other-worldly radiation that begins quickening in every child around the age of 10 or 11 at puberty. It is the breaking free of the light within, the love within. The consciousness of the child is getting ready to expand and reach the brain. It first awakens the body, then the brain and delivers new insight and information about who he/she is, and what he is capable of, his destined place among the stars, enlightened. But he is told to bury it. Hide it. It is sex and it is sinful.
Yet the sun still shines within. The mystery is still unexplored and unexplained. Our bodies are still in confusion, our minds unsure which way to go. All the while there is a sun shining and breaking up the false ideas that have led us wrong, down negative paths into bad ways that hurt us. The sun that is shining is trying to reach out and connect with others, to share the stories so we can bring love, joy and freedom back to the planet. The plan is to become a radiating planet of happiness, peace among all the people, with intelligent, benevolent leaders. The shining comes and goes and comes back again. We haven't been paying attention. We haven't gotten the message yet - that we are a people of light, not darkness. It is the plan that we evolve OURSELVES. We don't have a savior. We are the one who saves our bodies from wrack and ruin, by operating together, peacefully, harmoniously, sharing as a team.
And the wonderful, beautiful human bodies of my friends and peers whom I have held and loved and stroked all through my adult life, were the ones that kept me grounded, sane, happy and moving forward with my own plan. So I am here today to talk about the kundalini and tell my story. Many stories. Others had to go through horror stories because they didn't have the insight that I had been given - to follow my instincts, my heart, my feelings of goodness that arose naturally from within. Follow your GOOD feelings. The feelings of rightness. It is the love within the human body that is trying to be born. Not to save others, but to save ourself. We are the first one to save, our own body. Be selfish about loving your own body. Make sure you are the first one to take care of. Then you can reach out and care for others. Be kind. Be aware. Love is the guiding light. Love is what we must follow in everything we touch, hold and do. Love is not what we used to think. Love is not personal. It can't be closed down and locked inside a narrow box. It can't be fixed like that. The love in us has to expand to others or it becomes warped. Love has to be opened up INSIDE the marriage or the marriage will fail. Truth, freedom, balance of power, openness, respect for individuality, of kindness, sharing experiences, sensitivity, and all the rest of the good qualities also need to be present inside the relationship or it won't work.
Love is much bigger than the words "I love you." Love is kind and highly aware of right and wrong. It keeps the peace and the precision of things moving orderly through life. There is a balance to all things. It keeps the universe running smoothly and our personal lives as human beings can also be run smoothly. Tuning into the sun within - the love within - is the answer to whatever might be hindering or blocking us from moving on. It is the bigger part of our humanness. Its the OLD thoughts and restrictions that cause the problems. Sharing stories openly can help. That's why I'm posting articles about kundalini here. One of the more beautiful ones, was channeled by Master DK and can be read HERE, in my new "Kundalini Blog".
4/11/23 - Your tailbone holds the key to your identity
On the physical level, today Doug switched us over from one internet provider who is an older one, to another, newer, younger company who can provide faster service. The technicians were here installing and explaining to Doug as I listened, and my mind exploded into their space and reeled dizzily with unfamiliar energies. But I continued to listen like a normal person.
Wednesday Doug created a zoom meeting with my family to celebrate my 85th birthday. I haven't been in contact with them much over the years, but it was fabulous and awesome because, while talking with them on a mundane level I was also connecting with them in the starry planes of their higher selves. I saw their energies and merged with them, becoming one with them in their vastness. There is no way to say it better than that. I was able to participate with each of my family on both the ground level and in the vastness of their higher intelligence. Afterward, while sleeping, I saw even more and further, and I woke up the next morning with more connection. The connection is solid and real with them. Even after all these years.
I cannot begin to say here in words the experience but I'm trying. I want to share what I know. The result of all this unfolding contact with higher dimensional space is overwhelming, would be overwhelming if I didn't know that it's a normal process of consciousness evolution. And that it IS natural and we ARE protected by an infinitely compassionate God who is pulling the strings and has a Plan. Do not fear it. I am being told that I'm simply widening my abilities to handle it. Nerve synapses are expanding and upgrading the limitations I have been carrying. A dizzy, empty mind is a temporary inconvenience. Accommodate it with faith. The higher dimensional insights are worth it. It is my job, my duty, my mission to write my story to encourage others that it is OK, that it is normal and natural, and to go with the circumstances. They will pass and you will be better for it. I want to help. I wish I could help those who may be going through a difficult time right now. It could be any number of things that cause confusion, pain or upheavals. Please know, if you are reading this, that you are not alone. We are all part of the process of an immaculate evolution for the Earth. There is far, far, far, far more than we understand that is behind this evolution to higher planes. We are going to be the winners if we can get through it without crumbling. It WILL pass. Be strong and be determined. It changes quickly if you let it. No matter what the world is going through outside your front door, if you stay standing and stay centered in your own body and spinal column, and agree to let every one else take care of their own problems, it will pass on by you. Keep your connection to the ground you stand on. Go outside and sit or lie down on the grass for half an hour. Mother Earth will nourish you and take away your confusion.
There is a tube of etheric light that runs up and down around your spinal column. Breathe up and down it, from Sun to Earth. It comes in from above your head and down into your brain and your brain squeezes it to fit. Let it squeeze. Pretend you are normal and it's OK. It will pass. Give it a little time. Lie down and rest while picturing this tube of light going down your spinal cord into the earth beneath you (even when you're lying down). It is the main trunk of your REAL self. You are flowing into your body through your spine and going down to connect with the Earth who is your Mother life force. Your brain is flowering as you hold this picture in your mind. The top of your tree of life is a flowering of new leaves and branches growing. And the dove of peace and love is sitting in those top-most branches giving you comfort.
Repeat the OM or Aum. The symbol is pictured at the top of this page. The Om is a long drawn-out sound "ooooommmmm", which is comforting to the body. It is like a mother's lullaby. It is the universal music of the spheres. Picture the symbol of the OM, memorize it. Hold it in your mind's eye as you silently or slightly louder chant the Om. This will help to stabilize your physical body, all the parts will feel nourished and soothed. Lie down and do this as often as you feel the need to. But then get up and move, again, because moving stretches your muscles and your brain cells so that your true and authentic spiritual, mental, emotional self can flow through into your body and enlarge the parts that need enlarging. This is an alignment process. Align your various levels so they are in harmony. Do this often. Do it before sleep or in the night when you can't sleep. And if you need some encouraging words, contact me via the contact page and I'll write you back. Bless you. Peace and love. You are not alone.
4/25/23 - You are a sphere of light!
I woke up this morning hearing words in my mind: “You are not a body but a sphere of light, of consciousness." As the words continued I took the note pad and began writing.
You had time during embryo stage to become accustomed to it. You helped it, or saw it being built cell by cell, atom by atom, so you are aware of how your body looks and operates. You know its purpose intimately, and after your body – not YOU but your body - was born you had time in the new world of people and objects to learn how to use your new body. You learned how to move the legs, the arms, the head, stomach, the mouth to eat, to make noise, to respond to the feel of arms holding you. And slowly you identified with your body and became familiar with it. You did it before with other bodies, many other lifetimes in the past, but you have forgotten that now, in your dedicated focus on this one body.
So you are not your body. You are the conscious sphere of light and intelligence that moves your body and enjoys its sensations. There are seven layers of specific gifts that you have built into your sphere of light. If your culture doesn’t teach you about these qualities – love is one of them – then they remain in the background of your life as a feature that you long for. You dream of love. Truth is another natural quality in you but often the culture doesn’t value truth or high-light it, so it too reains in the background.
As I said, there are seven gifts that you are embedded with, that are given to you to use and to learn how to activate during your life in form. You are here to learn how. There are only seven. These ae called the seven bodies and the seven chakras. There are many other names that have been given for them, for there are many shades, colors and approaches you may use. Names are important to learn, but how you apply these gifts and qualities in your daily life is what matters the most. Your creative ability is put to the test. Do you apply them to your life and actions? You are here in a body of form to learn how to USE these qualities every day, for they are YOU. This is the hard part. You have to figure it out because these gifts are who you are. They are built into you. They ARE you. You ARE the gifts. You came here to gift them to the world of form. There are forces against you to stop you from manifesting these gifts, so you get frustrated. But you have intelligence and stubbornness and patience and love and purity and truth and kindness and determination and wisdom from past life experiences. You have skills that you have acquired over many lives in form.
You have logical, mathematical, scientific methods that you have proven to yourself that work for you. Your innate sense of right and wrong is your own personal nature, there for you to use as needed. You have already experienced the form life. You know how it works. You experience peace as it contrasts against pain, and comfort vs. discomfort. You have learned. You know this instinctively. As you continue to organize and apply your seven virtues and qualities - the gifts given you by the creator - so they are functioning well together, aligned together and harmonized together, then you will feel more and more free, happy and in the right place to fulfill yourself. You are becoming more free to live your life the way you want to live it, happily and with creativity, comfort, pleasure and love. You have it all. You have all that you need to live in form, on earth, in harmony and in peace with others. You are not missing anything or feeling lack anywhere. You are fulfilling your desire to be here. Your will to live is strong. You are using your intelligence to figure out the best way to accomplish what you want to accomplish. You are using love, kindness and patience to work well with others. You are using your purity, your truth, your sense of peace and comfort to tell you when you are on the right path.
As you apply, manifest and express all of yourself, your gifts and qualities freely, to reach that point of perfection while in body, then you are home free. The seventh gift is freedom in form. The seven chakras have been broken. They were the closed gates until you mastered them, one by one, and opened them from your inside knowledge. Not by what other people told you, but by applying yourself, your own innate knowings to situations. Always the freedom to express your OWN truth, not someone else's truth, is the right way to go to order to correct the disfigurement that had to play out in your life. It had to draw your attention to it. You had to find the right approach to take and it was within you all the time. Distraction caused by outsiders caused you to forget yourself. This distraction had to be mastered before you could turn within and listen to your own guidance. You had to reach that point of listening to your heart, your heart's intelligence, your feeling channels of comfort and peace and knowledge. Then circumstances changes. Then you are done with it. And life becomes ,more beautiful.
Learning to live whole and free in form life, especially on planet Earth, has been a hard school. But you have learned. You had tricks up your sleeve. You were not sent here without guides. You are your father’s child. You have his qualities in you. These qualities ring like a crystal clear bell striking another inside you in purity. You know when you have the right solution. Your mother is with you all the way through the form life. She is the mother of form life. She is your innate intelligence, holding your body together. Pain tells you one thing, peace and kindness tells you another. You have learned to be discerning. And to listen. To follow the rightness, and turn away from the wrongness. Struggle tells which way to go. Your mother is there to tell you, for she lives in your feelings and your innate body intelligence.
Kirlian photography has captured proof of the real you in the form of pictures of glowing radiation around you. You are not your body. You are the radiation that moves through your body with intelligence. You are the space holding your body together, which requires atoms and electrons to cling together to form cells and molecules and larger organs, bones and muscles that gives shape and function to your body. You are the intelligence holding these cells together. And when you sleep at night, you travel to other realities and meet and enjoy interacting with others, learning and teaching as you go, as appropriate. Life is harmonious. Life flows together as needs are expressed and answered.
The more refined you become in your ability to express your seven gifts, manifest your seven gifts into your outer life, the better your life adjusts to harmony and happiness. Harmony is the natural order of life. You no longer need to seek answers because solutions just appear naturally. You are becoming balanced, just as the planets are balanced in their orbits around the suns. As your own life improves you may notice that you are less able to feel good around certain people. They do not belong to your natural resonance - your home energies. Then it is that your inner gifts may begin to be seen by others who have not yet mastered their own inner qualities. You then become a light to the world around you. By sharing your truth openly and freely, daringly and courageously, frankly and truthfully, then the more you will notice vitality creeping into your day-to-day life. The vitality of youth and vigor. Life becomes more powerful when things are harmonized. When thoughts and emotions harmonize and don't conflict. Then the urge and excitement to serve the world around you increases. You find solutions more quickly. You find people responding to you more readily. You do not want to lie down and rest so much because there is a quickening of interest. Life is moving more swiftly through your body as you enter the higher regions of thought, feeling and mind.
4/23/23 - Born of the Earth, heading for the Stars
I am born of the Earth, the Earth gave me form. The substance of old matter built my form. This old matter was discarded by others when they died and it went back into the earth. The Earth recycles matter that was once used by others. The Earth provides a home for self-aware beings to start out as basic form. The first basic form is mineral, sand and rock. It is a dull consciousness at first. It then grows in self awareness to learn movement, like the one-celled amoeba, then two-celled and more. Then self-consciousness grows into larger substances like grass and then into fruit and then into trees. Then self-consciousness grows into crawling things on the ground, then into animals with four legs, then into higher animal forms, each round of evolultion for this SELF awareness taking on more and more alertness.
Then self consciousness grows upright to stand on two legs, and all the while earth is home, born of the earth. We are that self-aware human who is now standing up, walking, talking and growing more civilized. We are looking up beyond earth, wondering what's out there, building telescopes, learning more about space and other planets, other galactic civilizations, wondering about inhabitants, about the sun, the galaxy and more. The mother flame kundalini has started expanding in us. Geniuses have come forward. Children are showing signs of knowing more than the parents. New brain cells are growing beyond earth’s former limits. The upright spine has opened in some, not in others, and the mother flame is giving birth to the pouch of life called the christ or crystal at the tailbone. The tail bone flame is heating up and burning through the veils, obstructions called chakras, and the heat is radiating a vaster intelligence as it flows up the spine. That which was called "the christ" in religious terms has been activated by certain movements, disciplines taught by teachers coming suddenly forward.
The physiology, muscles, nerves and tissues, are activated. Movement is felt throughout the body, organs. There is mystery, there is confusion, there is pain, disease, problems. We must struggle through it. The evolution from earth human to divine human is underway. It is SELF consciousness. No one can do it for us. We are the intelligence inside the shell. We are breaking free of the shell. Hysteria and fear walk hand in hand with awesome elation and excitement. The human is reaching beyond the earth. He can't help it. It is in his nature. He is intelligence walking the earth. There is a greater intelligence beyond him and he is reaching for it, drawn like a moth to a flame. Like a female to a male. The spine is an open channel from earth to sky. Out of the sides grow smaller nerves to feed the vital organs with awareness. The body is waking up. We have drunk the elixer of life and we don't know what to do with it. What do we do with the old ways? When it reaches the brain it creates headaches and dizziness and it pounds - knock, knock, knock - against the skull, building pressure. Trying to get free, to find the father. It is self-aware now. The brain is activated to more intelligence, to the need for more control over the mind. The craziness, the dizziness, the hypocondriac CAN BE controlled. My mind is clearing now. New insight is coming.
The pure crystal light pattern has been with me forever, but today for the first time I am accepting it. I am realizing it. I received instruction in the night. I asked about it as I went to sleep - I asked Yeshua how did HE find it and how and could he give me some instruction. And I got it in the night, both in printed form, words after words after words printed, and also in spoken words. I am shown the seven layers of attributes, the gifts that we parrot the words of but don't apply. These need to be applied regularly, hourly, outwardly in daily life. I saw the multi-colored spheres around me in the oval shape of the auric field and I was shown the words - will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, mind and freedom. These are to be applied in real life silently, under conscious control and managed to perfection.
The pure crystal light is unfolding in me. I already know it as a pattern for the human. It was shown to me as a tree of life, as a web of pure gold light. And it was also shown to me how a darker web of limited sight has created an artificial web over it. A darker web has grown over in front of it, around it and is feeding off it like a parasite. We are the ego, gaining in understanding as we live through circumstances and pressures. The pure gold light is still there or we wouldn't be alive. It takes care of our bodily systems and needs to breathe, eat and eliminate. The pure gold light is the same pattern in everyone. It is what we as individuals that builds character over on top of it. Infuses our unique ways into the pure gold of our life force. The pure gold is the template we all live off of without exception, but it is we who must perfect our life through conscious managing of the details. As we become more in touch with our own internal nature we follow the pure gold pattern within. We nbecome more knowledgeable, more patient, more peaceful, more gracious, more refined. We are a combination of divine and human.
The crystal pure light is the same in everyone. It is the individual who gives it character and builds into it the unique experiences which we entertain through our life on earth. We "color" our divine pure gold light with our personality. It is not wrong. It is meant to be. We are meant to become living individual masters of our lives. We have much to offer from our accumulated skills. There is no other like me or you. We alone are the creator of our perfection.
We are becoming an individual that is unique in the whole living sea of the One. You are connected to the One life through the gold and crystal pattern within. It looks like a web of gold. It is the link to the One intelligence - the only ONE intelligence in existence - out of which all life springs. This link lies within the human frame, within the human cells, the atoms and, yes, even the space between the swirling electrons of the atoms. The space is the consciousness. God consciousness means the Good consciousness. The right consciousness. The Father-Mother consciousness. Father is the abstract intelligence, and Mother is the form-building consciousness. She holds the atoms and molecules together like glue to form the solid structure of the human body, cells and tissues.
She is known as Mother Shakti, or Mother Kundalini. She resides in the ethers around the coccyx (tailbone) at the base of the spine. She feeds intelligence and life up the spine to keep the body alive. She will enlarge the dose of life if the individual will turn inward and ask for it. She is intelligent and will listen and respond. She is the divine feminine. She receives abstract intelligence from the One and gives form and life to the individual from birth through until death of the form. She will provide not only life but intelligent answers and instructions if the being will listen and follow through. If the individual will not listen or pay attention, then the flow remains the same. But if the individual will become silent and carry on a conversation with the Mother Shakti who is intelligent, she will increase the dose of life. It is the same type of relationship as a good child listening and talking with a good responsive mother.
4/19/23 - Why do we go to the heart?
Imagine being in a black room. You can’t see anything. You reach out to feel your way around. You can feel walls and objects but they are foreign to you. You continue fumbling for a long time. It is very confusing and unfamiliar. You feel scared. Finally, after some length of time and fumbling, your hands run across a button, you push it and suddenly there is light! It is a light switch! You find that you are in a beautiful room with windows that you did not see before. You see friends, familiar friends, waiting for you outside, and more friends behind them, and even more friends, as if there is a gathering of family. And you see a door which you did not see before. It is open. It was never locked to you. You just didn’t know it was there. The feelings of loss, confusion and panic that covered you and smothered you are now gone. You feel free and happy because - all because you can see. And because you can see your friends happily waiting for you, happy that you found the right switch. The secret switch in human beings is the heart.
These revelations are sent to me, I just realized, in one fell-swoop blast. I get the information all at once, in words, but not in words. It is as if I receive the information from all over everywhere at once. Like when the light turns on in a completely black room. It doesn’t require "time" to receive this information, as in one word after another after another, which we need in 3D. It takes "time" to read words, to use our senses or listen to someone speak, but when we go into the heart and look up, with patience we can turn on the light. I just realized that this morning.
4/13/23 - The holy spirit as a radiating sun in the body
In the last few days I have been led to find answers, click-click-click, that I've been searching for since 1976. It was in 1976 that I went into the light during a meditation in an OBE - out-of-body experience. When I returned to normalcy (although a new normal) I had questions. What just happened? Today I'm filled with excitement because, again, click-click-click, things are linking up like wild fire. Yesterday I found something in my journals and want to share it (Click HERE). This was a channeling from the Master DK. I had forgotten about it and revisiting it was mind-blowing. I see with new eyes. I'm linking in better to it. Each of us is on our own unique one-of-a-kind spiritual journey to higher understanding. We are evolving our understanding. It's a new age and the new age is dawning fast. It is an age of sharing, revealing and telling each other what is going on in our lives. Hearing other people's stories helps us. They remind us that we are all connected. They fill in gaps in our understanding. We are linking up. Even though we are each different and our paths take different routes up the mountain (and through rocky places) still, we are on the same journey to the same destination. We are part of one vast elegant superior mind that holds the suns, planets and people in orbit around the sun - plus we are human too. We are meant to know this about ourselves. There is a sun within us trying to shine.
The process of kundalini awakening is the process of the sun trying to shine outward into manifestation from inside us. The holy spirit is awakening in the human body, and it is causing a lot of havoc and confusion. We don't understand what is happening. It has ALWAYS been here. It has ALWAYS been operating. We just weren't evolved enough to see it, as a race of humans evolving. We didn't realize that puberty and the sexual arousal had anything to do with the holy spirit trying to shine. We didn't know the word "kundalini". But today we are learning about it. There is research going on behind the scenes which we don't know about. There are lights in the sky, aurora borealis and star ships and other unknowns - radiations from beyond us. There is a cosmic story unfolding and we're starting to become aware of it. Suddenly it is breaking free of the closet in which it has been hiding. Suddenly there are headlines. And there are people talking about it. There are books being written. Youtubes being aired. Scholars writing about it.
And here's the thing: Behind every young person's puberty, around age 10, 12 or so, the kundalini stirs. It is also known as the holy spirit. It stirs and sends radiations up the spine to adjust and prepare the body - making it tender for love - because what is to come is loving beyond measure. It is time for the body to quicken for love. The fruit has ripened. This body has grown and is ready to bring forth the first glimmerings of the holy life that is held within. That gave it life to begin with. Can you remember back to that day of puberty? When the feelings started? There was a warmth, a loving goodness that needed to be expressed, shared, allowed to grow. Perhaps there was abuse or something worse. But we, humanity, did not know. There was ignorance. It was insinuated that it was bad, evil, and to stifle it, put it back down, ignore it. We became divided then.
Meanwhile the sages of the East were developing their enlightenment techniques, following ancient texts. Today they have spread those techniques around the world and have drawn millions into practicing yoga, meditation and inner spiritual studies. The planet is moving slowly but surely out of the dark ages. We as a race are evolving consciously from animal man to God man, turning animal grunts to refined noises of song, love and reverence. The awakening of kundalini brings betterment, sophistication, intelligence, beauty and truth. There is a higher power now moving through our lives. It is active, for good or for bad because there are misalignments and misconceptions that need clearing. Detox is a purging. Shortly after my dramatic awakening of kundalini in 1976 and my journey into the light, I was led in a higher way. I felt it. I found the Gopi Krishna interview tapes which preceded his books. Gopi Krishna had a similar awakening experience prior to me, but it was a bad one. He had a terrible time adjusting to the pure God-like energy. He had not prepared for it. I had been better prepared without realizing.
Gopi Krishna was so haunted by his years-long trauma with kundalini, that he began a study of the ancient texts and pushed for scientific research. In the 1970's John White published a book of many sources, writings of many teachers, gurus and scholars on the subject of kundalini awakening. He was not the author but the editor. Gopi Krishna comes out on top, remaining the scholarly leader of the pack by bringing the mysterious subject into modern terms. It is natural, he says. We must understand how it functions biologically. It is this other-worldly radiation that begins quickening in every child around the age of 10 or 11 at puberty. It is the breaking free of the light within, the love within. The consciousness of the child is getting ready to expand and reach the brain. It first awakens the body, then the brain and delivers new insight and information about who he/she is, and what he is capable of, his destined place among the stars, enlightened. But he is told to bury it. Hide it. It is sex and it is sinful.
Yet the sun still shines within. The mystery is still unexplored and unexplained. Our bodies are still in confusion, our minds unsure which way to go. All the while there is a sun shining and breaking up the false ideas that have led us wrong, down negative paths into bad ways that hurt us. The sun that is shining is trying to reach out and connect with others, to share the stories so we can bring love, joy and freedom back to the planet. The plan is to become a radiating planet of happiness, peace among all the people, with intelligent, benevolent leaders. The shining comes and goes and comes back again. We haven't been paying attention. We haven't gotten the message yet - that we are a people of light, not darkness. It is the plan that we evolve OURSELVES. We don't have a savior. We are the one who saves our bodies from wrack and ruin, by operating together, peacefully, harmoniously, sharing as a team.
And the wonderful, beautiful human bodies of my friends and peers whom I have held and loved and stroked all through my adult life, were the ones that kept me grounded, sane, happy and moving forward with my own plan. So I am here today to talk about the kundalini and tell my story. Many stories. Others had to go through horror stories because they didn't have the insight that I had been given - to follow my instincts, my heart, my feelings of goodness that arose naturally from within. Follow your GOOD feelings. The feelings of rightness. It is the love within the human body that is trying to be born. Not to save others, but to save ourself. We are the first one to save, our own body. Be selfish about loving your own body. Make sure you are the first one to take care of. Then you can reach out and care for others. Be kind. Be aware. Love is the guiding light. Love is what we must follow in everything we touch, hold and do. Love is not what we used to think. Love is not personal. It can't be closed down and locked inside a narrow box. It can't be fixed like that. The love in us has to expand to others or it becomes warped. Love has to be opened up INSIDE the marriage or the marriage will fail. Truth, freedom, balance of power, openness, respect for individuality, of kindness, sharing experiences, sensitivity, and all the rest of the good qualities also need to be present inside the relationship or it won't work.
Love is much bigger than the words "I love you." Love is kind and highly aware of right and wrong. It keeps the peace and the precision of things moving orderly through life. There is a balance to all things. It keeps the universe running smoothly and our personal lives as human beings can also be run smoothly. Tuning into the sun within - the love within - is the answer to whatever might be hindering or blocking us from moving on. It is the bigger part of our humanness. Its the OLD thoughts and restrictions that cause the problems. Sharing stories openly can help. That's why I'm posting articles about kundalini here. One of the more beautiful ones, was channeled by Master DK and can be read HERE, in my new "Kundalini Blog".
4/11/23 - Your tailbone holds the key to your identity
The sacrum and coccyx at the bottom of the spinal column in the pelvic region is the geometric center of the human body. This is an ancient occult secret that has never been brought forth in a public platform until recently. Suddenly, over the last six months youtubes by different individuals have appeared, pointing in the direction of this most wondrous secret. The key word is kundalini, also known as the holy spirit. Watch for more articles about kundalini but take care. This is a subject that deserves discretion and inner wisdom. The holy spirit is breaking through the dark web that covers the human soul, so there are obscurities that will arise. Be careful and follow the sweetness of your breath, not the sour notes that hurt and damage. I have been witness to the magnificence and brilliance of what is to come. I will tell more as the days go on. There is a crystal sphere surrounding the coccyx and sacrum ("sacred bone") that is uncontaminated by human life, feelings and thought. It is pure beyond imagination. It is this sphere that holds the keynote of who you are. It is the purity that is seeping forth into the lives of people in strange and mysterious ways. It brings miracles. Trust it and allow it. It brings with it a breath of innocence, love beyond measure, gentleness, calmness and peace that is undiluted by what has gone before. Allow this purity to breathe through you. It is your own cosmic identity coming forth. If it feels good, it IS good! Allow it freedom to breathe through you. Take a moment to feel it. Focus your love in that area of your body, knowing it is the heart of you. The geometric heart of your body.
4/8/23 - Your spinal column holds love
4/8/23 - Your spinal column holds love
The following is a direct quote from the Maha Chohan, delivered through the channel Geraldine Innocente on 3/20/60, and published through the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation (AMTF). It is a wonderful, clear explanation of how important the human spinal column is. The Maha Chohan is the GRAND chohan. Chohan means master, chief, leader, lord or guide. In other words, friend who assists those coming up behind him on the ladder of ascension or consciousness evolution.
"The spinal column is the central pole of the body around which the various organisms and electrons spin. It is like unto the axis of the physical earth held in place by Polaris and Magnus. Within this spinal column is the magnetic core of love that holds the physical vehicle itself in manifest expression. Within the spinal column is the cosmic keynote for each lifestream. The tone and the natural harmony of the vehicle are constantly flowing through the nervous system from the spinal column; and that harmony is the sustaining power of the outer self of each such chela [student].
"When harmony in the physical form is temporarily broken through strain and tension, it may be acquired again if the chela will lie quietly upon his bed with a low headrest (or none) and visualize his spinal column as the "pole." Then, in relaxation, let the light from the spinal column go through the nervous system and the entire physical vehicle carrying the light into every cell and atom of his being. If this can be done for 15 minutes daily, the chela breathing deeply and rhythmically, holding the thought and feel of LIGHT, he can again adjust his physical body and arise refreshed and relaxed."
4/7/23 - Inspiration and ascension
Energies have been swirling very fast the last few weeks, and picking up more and more speed. I tend to think it is planetary because I know we are in the middle of a planetary shift to higher consciousness, but this is personal. I want to share today what I have learned about GROUNDING the light. The light waves that are coming in are sweeping like a little old lady with a big broom, sweeping up the old dusty energies that have settled down into our carpets and furniture, and it’s causing a great deal of dust The dust is swirling and I was experiencing dizziness to the extreme, I couldn’t think.
Then the Master Djwahl Kuhl stepped in. What he told me I should have known but didn’t. He tells me again and this is something very important to remember and to pass on to others. Whenever I have an inspiration that thrills me and lifts my excitement up so much that it fills me with elation and quickness, then I better use it RIGHT AWAY. I must get rid of it or my brain will be filled with vital force and it will scatter and shatter my brain cells. It is no different than when a balloon is filled up with helium. It causes the balloon to fly away. The brain cells lose contact with their normal abode. The light fills in the spaces and moves them apart. There is too much light coming into the body’s cells and tissues.
This is good on one hand, but bad on the other. I have vitality and excitement filling me but my head is not cooperating. And when the brain is not performing its normal function of maintaining control, I am useless. DK says “share the light”. Tell someone, incorporate it into your practical life. Find a way to use the knowledge that is exciting you. It is a passion for life. Use it for life-giving purposes. Something beneficial, benevolent, to help your neighbors, family, friends, community. If nothing else, get up and do some gardening, or a project that needs muscle and labor. Use the light, the vitality, the excitement and passion until you run out of gas. Otherwise you will be like the helium balloon and rise upward, lift off the ground and float away. Your spirit is drawn to its father light on higher consciousness dimensions unless it is used right here on earth.
What I discovered was, when I lay down to rest to let it pass was NOT good. It caused me bad feelings, as if death were waiting to take me. This is a very subtle point that might be overlooked. And it is this. The spirit wants to return to its father. It is a powerful draw to leave the body when the mission is done. It wants to go home. However, if there is more work to be done, the spirit can be drawn back into action and WILL revitalize the body again if it is determined by the individual to do so. It takes will power and desire to overcome the feeling to “lie down and rest”. The light is the light of spirit, and the light of spirit tends to want to go home where it is welcomed by the father-parent. But this CAN be overcome, according to DK. He spent many years teaching these methods to his students. He has been showing me how to do it.
Many people have not had the benefit of the Ascended Masters’ teacings about death and dying. So when death comes knocking and the swooning starts, most people give in to it. But there is another way. It is important that I pass this information on to the world via my writings. It is how I contribute. Ascension symptoms can be alarmingly tempting to give up and give in, but you don’t have to if you know more about the higher consciousoness that is lifting you to higher realms. You CAN take the body up with you. This is the embodiment stage of ascension. Bring the light down into the body by sharing the knowledge that you have. In any way that feels right to you.
If the physical body - the tissues, muscles, organs, lungs, heart - if they cannot keep up with the higher light that is sweeping through the earth in cycles and waves (and it does cycle, it’s cyclical) the body wants to swoon. It is so tempted to lie down and rest. But when I lay down to rest I started feeling the old sick feeling again. I don’t like that feeling. It feels really bad. I used to blame someone else for the sick feeling, but it’s my own flagging, lagging energies that are causing it. They are failing to keep up with the light. There are methods. I have been using ancient Tao methods for a long while. These are helpful. There are many other ways that can be shared. Share the knowledge. That is what I am doinng. A light worker is one who shares the knowledge. Light is refreshing new knowledge. It fills in the gaps of empty unknowns. Bad feelings like “I’m going to die”, the death and dying feeling, also come in cycles. They can be filled in with new knowledge. So I have learned NOT to lie down when I am swooning, but to get up and move. Do something physical.
It is important that you get this. This has never been written about before. I haven’t seen it in any of the ascension articles. So what do I do? DK tells me to get active. Do something to use the light up. Use it. Distribute it. Share it. Tell the people in some way. Figure out a practical way to contribute. You are a lightworker. You are here to contribute light to the world, a lighter way of living IN the world. It is a more loving realm that we are moving into. Find a more beautiful, refined way to do something positive and constructive. Do not fall back down into the old ways of grunt work. Do not let yourself float away either. Find the balance between the two ways. Ground the balanced way into the earth. Give balance to the earth to lighten the earth and the people. If you are an artist, paint! If you are a construction worker, construct. If you are a gardener, weed and plant. If you are a writer, write. I am a writer. I WAS a massage therapist at one time but I had to stop doing that because male energies kept dragging me down into sexual areas, by sheer magnetism, and I didn’t want to go there so I resigned massage therapy.
So now writing is my way of contributing. I write about what I am experiencing and there are many. Too many to get them all into written words. But everyone is different. Everyone must find their own way of becoming a light USER. USE the light, which is information. Use it in a way that benefits the world around you. Radiate the knowledge that is coming through you.
My dizziness and swirling energies have mostly gone away. Not entirely but mostly. The main cause was too much light and I couldn’t use it fast enough. I began recognizing it slowly. Whenever I sit down at the computer and send a newsletter or post an article by DK or a channeling from the Presence, or communicate with someone or swap a massage with someone, I feel more alert, vital and alive, filled with renewed energy. I became more aware as time went on that THIS was the answer to renewing myself. It is vital that we stay active, but only doing that which brings us a feeling of goodness. Not to waste time doing mundane, dull stuff. It just drains our vitality away. Feeling good with yourself is the most crucial part of living. It keeps you sane, clear-headed, not dizzy as I was starting to feel. I couldn’t believe it. I began to notice the difference, whereas when I went through a day doing ordinary mundane things that didn't elevate me in spirit-led fashion, I felt dull, empty, and the sickish feeling would come to remind me, "this is not right". It would hover over me nearby until I found something exciting to do.
The earth is going through an ascension shift. We need to get onboard with it and go WITH the ascending flow, the exciting flow, not hold ourselves against it. Quantum field energies are sweeping the planet bringing us closer to zero energy, balance energy. Most people are not aware of this. I am writing about something from a more advanced understanding. I’m sorry but I must speak of these things. I know them. They must be shared. They are pure light, pure knowledge, pure love, pure order and harmony. It is how the planets stay on course and how the sun rises every day and sets at night. We are rising to join the galactic knowledge but currently it is beyond what most of the population has been prepared for. But we can work with it. We can handle it. We can open our minds and relax inward for 15 minutes and reconnect with the light that is flowing through us. It WILL sustain the body if we do that periodically. .
For the benefit of those reading this, the solution to swirling energies that are causing turmoil, whether light-headedness or depression and moroseness, the solution is not a mental solution, but a practical body solution. Do something active that takes physical energy movement. When I tried to ground my bad feelings with mental techniques, as in meditation, it wasn’t working. Slowly, gradually, I became dissatisfied with meditation. Meditation is rapidly going away for the new-age light worker. It was used to bring us into the modern age, but now it is giving way to practical work – the work of grounding and growing roots into the mainstream community. Help the world change through practical applications. Most important is sharing stories openly. Stop hoarding and being secretive. Open the heart and mind and become sincere, become authentic, become real. Share who you are and what you know. You know things that others don’t know.
The new world system we are moving into is a fairer system, it is more tender, more considerate, more loving, more wholesome, more natural, more organic, more emotional and of a feeling nature, more supportive, more connected to the whole human race without judging those who are different. There is more vitality felt when this approach is taken. It is simplistically alive. It is not a mental method. It is a heart and gut method. We are here to use our hearts and guts. When you want to know more, when the solution evades you and you’re just not getting it and you’re up against a blank wall, it’s because you’re up there in your brain. Old thoughts run through the brain. The brain is not the mind. The mind covers you like a sheath, from head to toe. It is your consciousness.
The solution will not come from the brain, it will come from your consciousness that covers you like a sheath, from head to toe. It’s a physical solution that will give you an answer and dissolve the blank wall that you’ve run into. It is a whole-consciousness solution that is needed. Plant some of YOUR seeds, YOUR knowledge out there in the world, but do it humbly, with humility, with compassion. Figure out how to do that in a way that causes you to feel good about yourself. Find the passion in you. Your passion is the thread that will start your motor running again. You will be amazed. I was. As you share some of who you are, your inner talents, your innate skills, you will feel it. It will feel good. Follow your feelings. Cast your seeds out around you in your own special way. Become a new kind of Johnny Appleseed on a practical level. Don’t let it smoulder up there in the higher mind without some balancing ground work. Build channels into the soil. It can’t help you
“up there”. Or me. Tell ME what you know!
3/26/23 - Stirring the pot of energies that surround you
I had extreme dizziness when I entered the kitchen this morning. After reading an article about divine love and what that really reams, it confirmed what's going on with me. I wasn't sure. I am all alone in my transformation but this article hit home and validated what was happening for me.
See, I have been connecting with the sun for the past years. Connecting with the sun is connecting with light. Light means information. So when I connect with the sun I am downloading cosmic information into my body. However, I live with a man who doesn't know anything about this, so I am alone in handling it my way. If I were to tell him my uncomfortable feelings he would insist I go to the hospital where they would insist on giving me "something" that I don't want to take. I'm working on aligning my seven layers of consciousness. They are not in alignment. Drugs would cause worse misalignment.
So anyway, the article confirmed for me what was happening. I immediately started to REAFFIRM what I was doing and within 5 minutes my dizziness cleared up. It was my belief that was not strong enough. I had doubts. This is inner work. Inner work is sacred. It is totally private. I can't tell anyone what I am doing within myself because then they would express THEIR doubts, and they would influence my confidence in what I am doing on a supremely subjective level. Because we are all ONE. You are connected to me and I am connect to you but I don't want to hear what you are going through, because it is YOUR journey. It is YOUR sacred inner work that you are trying to develop into fuller awareness.
I have started a new mantra of bringing the light down from the sun. It uses visualization. I can share this part because it is generalized. The reader may be at the right place in consciousness to be able to read between the lines and interpret for him/herself, tap into it, pick up on it and carry it further. This is partially channeled information from the sun. There is a cosmic order in the universe and humanity is on a cusp, a threshold of learning something new. So new that it can easily be rejected as fantasy. But it is not a fantasy. It is a step into another dimension. and it is done with conscious awareness. Where you put your focus and STAY with your focus concentrated there for a period of time, even for one minute is a long time to hold focus on a new dimensional level that you've never held focus on before. (Only in flashes.)
Consciousness is our intelligent spirit. It is our individuality. We are each different from our neighbors. We have evolved on our own individual path to where we are today. What we are conscious of, we influence our bodies and minds with. Needless to say, don't focus on anything negative! When I focus on the sun I visualize the brilliant, dazzling sun at zenith in the sky overhead and hold that visualization in my mind's eye for a small period of time. The new higher light comes down through the crown of the head and into the brain. The part of the visual that is above the head is abstract, not yet in form. But when you hold the visual of the dazzling light there above the crown, as if it is sitting on top of the crown, even for the span of 60 seconds, you are inviting the light to enter down into the brain. When the light enters into the brain, it starts to move through the physical body. The longer you can hold that light on top of the head, the longer time it has to seep downward, coalesce or condense downward into the physical matter of the body and brain. The brain is an important part of the physical body structure. From the brain the light impulses descend further down through the nerves and other mechanisms of the human body. Everything is involved, blood, circulation, hormones, everything. But it starts with YOU, the resident intelligence, holding consciousness on the dazzling light of the sun above your head.
As for me, I had this information years ago, but no one to verify it for me from the human physical realm. I've been working with this information alone, except for my invisible guides. Guides come from higher dimensions. They are always available when you ask for it, or when you start using and believe in the light coming down from the greater expanses. The sun is a distributor of the light from source. It is how we all grow here on earth, from mineral, plant, animal to human. We look to the light for our life, for happiness, for knowledge and understanding. All suns are distributors of light from source. And even we humans have a sun growing in our hearts of SELF consciousness. We too are growing into suns. The process works through self consciousness. When you are conscious of the light and believe in the light coming down from higher realms, then it DOES come down into the brain. It becomes part of the body's physical structure and physical consciousness and mental understanding. Then it gets distributed through the nervous system, blood, hormones, all the other systems into the lower, heavier, denser regions of the body, down into the feet and the denser earth below our feet. We literally bring the light down into the earth and we help the earth and other bodies and forms that we live with during our daily incarnation. So I consciously bring the visualization of the sun down into my body through my belief system coupled with my concentration. It comes down through the crown of my head, down through my brain, and down into my body. But it does alter things in the body. It changes the body and we have to learn how to manage these changes. It speeds things up. The atomic structure speeds up.
So there is a second step. The second stop is to visualize the space between the atoms and electrons of my physical body. I am altering my physical body by bringing the information from the sun down into the SPACE BETWEEN THE ATOMS AND ELECTRONS of my physicality. Because I am the intelligence that lives in that space between the atoms and electrons. I am part of the cosmic order and intelligence. I am the harmony. I am the awareness of my physical form. I've been trapped here, thinking this form is all there is, but now I am awaking to the fact that I am the intelligent spirit behind this form. And I am bringing more light (more information) from source into my physical brain cells and body cells. The fact that the terrible dizziness started to go away when I did that this morning, was further evidence that it works. I have to align my inner space with the light. My physical body has become old and deteriorated. It was created out of finite material. I now am reconstructing it, realigning it with the light from source. I am the one doing this. I am doing this with my consciousness and my physical body starts straightening out for me. This is new information and new validlation. I am in the process of transforming my old body into a new light body. This takes time. It is a meshing process. You can't just snap your fingers and have it done instantly. You have to believe in this process.
Things are fast changing. I was not privy to this before. This is the time of revealing hidden information formerly known as occult, which merely means "hidden". It is not a secret. It was never a secret. It just was not understood and therefore not accepted by the mass population. Now there is an acceptance of formerly hidden knowledge. I am hearing about it. I am reading about it. I am having my own visions and downloads about it. I am integrating my physical body with this new knowledge. This body of light information. I am believing it. As I do, my dizziness and spaciness clears but I have to keep doing it. Dizziness or sick feelings are caused by misalignments. The body was built on old intel. Intel is changing. I am therefore changing. I must keep up with the changes in alignment. It is now a way of life for me. I am bringing the light of my new knowledge down into the concrete matter of my body. I am manifestation a new body. I am allowing the light to influence my old deteriorating physical body. The light is weaving back and forth a new network into my old network. It is meshing new and old together. It is blending what was and what is now coming in - newer understandings. It is like blending new spices to an old soup that has grown old and tasteless. It improves the flavor. It brings "oomph" to the taste. It adds spice, pleasure and enjoyment to the body's senses. It brings excitement. It brings enthusiastic responses of laughter and fun. It brings bliss sometimes, joy other times, rapture other times, creative projects other times. Upgrading the body physical is a work in process. We don't know where it will end up, but we are promised that it will end up happy for us.
It is a process of alignment. There are energies in us that we did not know were there. We just didn't know. And they are still there. By visualizing dazzling sunlight entering into the brain from above the head, new information comes in, too. It brings alignment. Spend time alone, quietly, visualzing a sun at the crown of your head. Visualize your brain and body as a root system in the earth. The sun is pouring down now into this tree of light and resurrecting the cells of the body. It is a newer, spacious understanding entering into the blood stream of my former finite body, built with clumsy understanding. The transformation takes place in the space BETWEEN the atoms and electrons and feeds into the physical nervous system. Say, "I AM the consciousness of this body and I dedicate this body to the higher will that I AM."
My consciousness is widening. I am allowing myself to accept this as fact. I am exerpeincing the ascension process. Ascension means lightening the heaviness of the former condition. I feel like a bird taking to the air. Perhaps not literally, but consciously feeling airy and light-hearted, joyful even. Peaceful. Contented. There is open sky ahead. There are possibilities and I am heading into it. I am no longer confined to former beliefs. At the same time I am merging my former beliefs with contentment, with peace and with love. Just as lovers do when they unite and hold each other and continue to hold their love together. So do I unite and merge with my former self. In that way I expand my former self and alleviate the misalignments of dizziness, feeling out of sorts, off kilter and feeling poorly, not well, as if there is something wrong. Those feelings disappear as I breathe the light from the sun into my brain and body, visualizing that I am stepping into the space between the atoms and electrons of my physicality.
Readers may not have the years of training I’ve had but you can create your own phrases from words that make you smile and say AhHA! Use your own words to create a mantra, a repetitive phrase that you say out loud, 10 or 15 times at a sitting. The sound of the words will ‘ping’ and ‘resonate’ on your physical body cells and ‘shake’ them up, loosen them from their rusty old hinges. It's like shaking loose an old stuck door after years of no change, no action. Break them loose with words of encouragement.
3/23/23 - About the dark intelligences, who are they?
(From a journal 7/10/20, I just found this today, and decided to share it.)
Just as light forces have infiltrated every field of endeavor of this dark-infested planet, so have light souls infiltrated the sex field to bring healthy loving change to the human race who, unknowingly, have been led into a distorted program to be slaves to the elite cabalists who are human in appearance but are run by dark ET intelligence forces. How did this happen you ask? [I was channeling but didn't recognize it at the time.] The dark ETs are intelligences, not physical. They can manipulate physicals to do their bidding. It’s fun and games for them. They are the dark gods of the universe (little g) and the light gods of the universe (little g) are fighting for the freedom of the immature races who don’t know any better, using the big God’s laws of harmony, abundance, freedom, love and good will. The dark gods are the fallen angels spoken of in the scriptures. The light gods are the ascendeds and beings from far regions of space. We term them “galactics” who are also not physical, being high intelligences. There are many levels of physicality, many different forms in the universe. Physicality is a descending of vibration, a cohesion of closer-knitted atoms. Similar vibrating atoms are attracted to each other and gather into groups. Higher intelligences direct them with a mental blueprint, as such. The formation of physical organisms is divinely directed. It is a science built on divine understanding of cosmic laws of cohesion through attunement. It is done in harmony, through peaceful, natural attunement. There are countless levels of physicality. The light is intelligence coupled with balance between all the powers, and the greatest of these is love. The light intelligences is chasing down the dark intelligences because dark intel has rejected love and God’s laws requiring balance.
The dark intelligences use and abuse the immature physicals who don’t know any better. Earth is such an immature world. It was originally a garden of great beauty and refinement. It was etheric in the beginning but it was invaded by dark intelligence forces, without love or empathy. A long complex history evolved that requires much background information to understand what happened. The bottom line is God the Father-mother gives everyone a chance to redeem itself. We, the light intelligences, are infiltrated into the dark-infested planets by being born among them. Light souls are being born into dark cabal families on Earth. The light forces are you and me who are drawn to love mankind and womankind. We care for each other. We do not have an inclination to hurt people or torture or manipulate or kill people. We are among those who are being born here to cultivate and grow the human race, the human bodies, the human garden of paradise from within the physical environment.
The dark intelligences are aware that we are here and they attack whenever they can. Most of us are of higher vibration and cannot be damaged, unless we let our vibrations fall down into lower realities. Then we can be hurt. The dark intelligences are aware but they have been unable to stop the infiltration of light souls because the light souls are protected and surrounded by higher light forces. We are therefore more powerful than the dark-infested humans who have not yet learned how to align with the light. Instructions must be accepted. Instructions on the light are available, but they are not seen until a soul is ready to receive. Then such souls are drawn to discover light instructions, often called metaphysical instructions or mystery school instructions. The light is unified. All the powers of the universe are unified in orderly fashion. That is the nutshell of how to do it: use love and harmony.
Intelligence is everywhere. Intelligence is Father God. Love is Mother God. Intelligence can reject love and does. That makes it inferior to the light forces, except that free will is given to ALL life, which allows dark to exist. It is a choice to align with dark and negative forces such as greed and selfishness which does not have empathy for other life forms. Light has love and the dark does not. That makes the dark a cutting edge intelligence who can go against the laws of God but only to a certain extent. Like a rebellious teenager can join a gang of thieves and do violence, rape and murder until the system steps in and ends it. So does the greater cosmic law have greater forces on its side and is more powerful, love being the greatest power because it is the element that binds all life together. Love is the Mother force.
Love heals by not interfering but by giving free will choice to everyone. When it is time for a dark soul to return to Mother Father God, it is forgiven and embraced. The only punishment is the dark soul’s own facing of its own deeds, for it is responsible for everything it has ever done. Life is a playing out of free will and also a responsibility to own every act, thought and feeling it sent out. That is the great learning. Each spirit spark has free will to choose what it wants to do next, but the realization that it must pay for everything it does, has not dawned upon it yet. It must learn this through trial and error. It feels free to play out its fun life the way it wants to, but it is responsible for the damage it causes others. Whatever impact it has on others will return to him so he too experiences what he caused others. Good comes back as good, negative comes back as negative. Whatever his actions, thoughts and feelings caused to others returns back to the sender, and often many times over because on its return journey it picks up similar energies to build a greater mass. So when the backlash comes it often has a more powerful kick than the original act done, seemingly, in fun. The dark is on its way to realizing that.
The dark is dark because it rejects that concept. It does not believe it so it is limited in how far it can evolve. But it can cause mayhem in the lower stages of life and basically it can infest and takeover whole worlds which is what happened to Earth. That is why the light forces, the Galactic Federation and other federations of light, are here, to countermand the dark intelligences. The light must stay within the boundaries of cosmic law – the Star Trek’s Prime Directive – so it must work within certain parameters. The goal is to get rid of the dark-infested intelligences that have held humanity in lock-down to physical, without allowing the soul to gain access to love, light, truth, other dimensional powers, which humanity does have, but under programmed manipulation humanity does not know the powers it has locked up within its own muscles, tissues, blood and bones as a species.
Humanity is an amazing species but it has been held back. The light forces are here to help humanity get back on course of growing its amazing properties WITHIN each body into full-bloom physical expression, to bring about an actual garden of love, light, joy, pleasure and freedom of expression and creation. Today we TALK noble words like justice, truth, peace, love, freedom, wisdom, faith, purity, will, enlightenment, but we do not live them. When the dark intelligences who have been ruling the planet are removed, these qualities will no longer need to be spoken and written in poetry and scripture for they will be lived daily, hourly, moment by moment. The original garden of paradise will return as all who are different on the outside - skin color, language, culture and history – are honored, elevated, appreciated and held in high esteem. Where there will be no more a higher or lower people, or a better or worse people, or a left-leaning or right-leaning people. There will be freedom of expression to be WHO YOU ARE. There is acceptance by all, because all are recognized as a child of the Light and Love within. They have all chosen to live in alignment with that which is in their own heart and soul, which makes them equal to all life no matter WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE OR ACT LIKE!
3/22/23 - There is a science of love
There is a science of love. It comes down from above and enters into the human body but it follows pathways that are not linear or physical. Love involves higher qualities and higher values. Principles, not mental thoughts, but mental thought activates the principles. If held long enough in the consciousness love is invited through higher thought, words, actions and intentions. Love flows along with the use of kindness, givingness, affectionate touch along with a moral and ethical foundation. Love can be enduced by the use of colors, prayers and visualizations, not in a mechanical way, but in a spontaneous way. It must come from intentional will power and choice. A person begins to open to love by turning thoughts in an upward direction, consciously. Because mankind has been brought low and blocked off by negative thinking, erroneous actions and beliefs which have colored him dark, it has shut down the flow of love. Our culture today is mechanical with finite laws and strict rules and punishment which diminish the flow of love - the flow of life itself which keeps us healthy and young. No wonder we grow old, diseased and die!
We must learn how to draw on love from within and cultivate it as we would a garden of vegetables, fruit or flowers. Life is constantly flowing as a river of life into the body but the body is constantly shutting it down because of the rules. We are obliged to follow rules. Society demands we follow the rules but there is a way to break through the ceiling and become liberated.
Love is flowing IN but not out. We are blocking it. We need to find ways to let it flow OUT. We need to find ways to break the blocks that hold us back from feeling love and freedom because they are flowing in. Love and life are constantly flowing into us as a river of life. Tantra teaches this. Currently, we are in a state of need. We must find ways to live this spontaneous love and light OUT into our daily affairs. Most people have experienced those unguarded moments when the heart opened and love flowed along with tears. We don’t reveal this love because it is too intimate, too private, too vulnerable, too sensitive, too tender, too innocent. And feeling like a child that needs protecting, we move to stop it. We think we are defending ourself from the cruelties of the outer world, but we are holding back the very love that will transform our life. We must find ways to release this love to others who will reciprocate in kind and build on it. Others are hungry to receive love. We need to start somewhere, and that somewhere is with people who resonate with these words.
3/19/23 - The Mother Light in the tailbone
Your mother is in the earth, your mother light. Mother is in the earth, father is in the sky. Our brain waves take us into multiple dimensions where we think we are out of body, but we are still in the body, just on higher frequencies. There is another reality in these higher dimensions but it is all taking place “here and now”. There is no “other” place. Higher dimensions are not “in the sky” but we who are rooted in the physical dimension, because we inhabit a body with 5 senses, live in duality where there is space between physical bodies. The etheric body is in a different reality. It is the akashic, where all records and memories are kept of your past lives, the good, the bad and the holy. Although the holy returns to the Holy, leaving the duality experiences in your etheric body, or etheric double which surrounds you and which keeps seeping through into your life because you have to resolve them, you use your innate wisdom to teach you and take you through the dissolution of the unpleasant in you.
The emotional body is another reality. You work with your feelings, sensations, good and bad, and you play with others also working and playing in emotions and feelings. The mental body the same. It is another reality world, a world of thought which contains low thoughts on the lower levels, higher thoughts on the higher levels and exquisite thoughts on the exquisite upper levels that take us into the mystical and sublime, which is the light body known as the Christ body. Bring father light and mother light together in the heart. Sex keeps them apart. Sex siphons the mother light off to feel good and have orgasms. Your consciousness is the key to bringing father light and mother light together in the heart. Conscious breathwork as I am doing now is bringing the mother light up to the heart. Today I had a most wonderful experience feeling that. Unconscious breathing is barely keeping the body alive, but conscious breathing exercises quickens your mother light and awakens her, brings her up into the body. She is the divine mother of you that is embedded in the earth. She is part of the dullness and sleepiness of mother Gaia. Quicken her, wake her up through your own breathing technique and through your OWN mother light, and Gaia wakes up too. As you do this, you remove some of the heaviness that has kept the planet in low vibrations. (Partial of DK's online book, see 7/23/19)
3/16/23 - The desire to give - stop trying
I’ve met some amazingly loving people recently who are frustrated because they want to give so badly so deeply that their hearts are on the verge of breaking because it all seems so futile, lost. They are trying to figure it out. But it can’t be figured out from the level of mind. It has to be a surrender to the higher self. I have been tracking the divine feminine for this reason. It is taking me to a higher level, yet I am still on the lower level too. I have learned that we must merge divine love with the human level. The human level is the result of worldly programming but the divine level is within us too. It’s within our consciousness. My path in this life has taken me deeper into this divine level than any life prior, and I've had quite a few prior lives. I am now breaking new ground and having entirely new experiences which I've never had before. This is a new experience for me - to let go of my dreams of helping people. There is a higher level to love, it can’t be figured out by the ego, by mental effort. One must give up trying to figure it out and stop projecting the need to help outward. Only by stop wanting and trying, yearning for what you don't have, can you stop the hurt, the pain of heartbreak and struggle. This is a next-step teaching for humanity. Give up the struggle for what you don't have. Surrender to the love and peace within. It is there on a higher level.
Recently I had communication with my higher self in which my thoughts were directed to the warmth and goodness of love. I was told the word "Feminine" and I felt the echoes and essence of women down through the ages since the beginning. I felt the essence of women, not their outer human shells which struggled through life, but the soft resilient intelligent tender femininity at the heart of each woman or girl child who ever lived. Warm femininity swirled around me. I touched it as I would touch a raw warm human organ with my fingers, liquid and pulsing with life. I felt its soul enter me. I felt feminine and sensual. I felt the love and joy and nurturing that each of these women brought to the planet, whether they were fulfilled or died in pain. It didn't matter because they brought with them a living potential of love that they left here as a gift to the earth, and it's still here.
I said to myself softly, "Love." I felt love and femininity as one, including the feminine side of men. Love is reconnecting to the soul. It's the inner warmth that is accomplished by turning within to stoke the fires of one's own hearth (heart). After having thrust outward in competition and aggression and driven by ambition, love as good intention is the returning home. Love begins at home for oneself. The turning within to the heart is the female in us who wants to nest and wrap ourselves in a warm and cozy cocoon, in a sense of completion and a work well done and completed. Love is the one gift that we can give to ourselves that does not require anyone else. It is the hour of meditation and prayer in solitude, inward directed devotion and praise for the highest in us. We can feel love even if we are alone, homeless and stricken with cancer. Love is a choice to return to the heart to elevate our very own self, our higher self, to appreciate ourself and say, "I love you." There is a strange and wonderful power that comes forth at this time that soothes and calms the outer storm. It goes beyond logic. Loving oneself does not deny the world, the death, sickness, poverty and emotional pain. Rather it fulfills them. It includes them and puts them all to rest within the heart. Comforting it to completion. There is no exception. There is nothing bad enough that can't be loved and put to rest in the human heart. Love is unconditional.
This was my vision not too long ago. I am hearing a song by Nicholas John, one of my favorites: "Oh, my darlings! You were never out of place! You belong to eternity. What you are is amazing grace!” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. You are here in this body enclosed in a cocoon, a little child protected against the powers that are locked within you, until the day you break the seal of your heart. When that day comes it will bring this power forward into your conscious mind to be worked with. This power is a consciousness expansion. You are not being given this power to save anyone else but to work this realization into your own life. You must empower yourself first. If you try to give to others before you are ready it will only bring frustration to you and to those others. You must come to empower yourself first by turning your outer consciousness inward and strengthening your heart center before attempting to help others.
It is an egotistical effort, a small and petty effort that is self-serving, to try to help others before you have grown yourself to full strength, maturity and wisdom. Turn around and go back in/within where there is refinement, grace, peace and comfort and build into that inner peace and knowledge so that you will grow strong and begin to overflow it outward to others. This is the new 5D teaching. We must learn it intellectually and then feel the peace and love within. Love is eager to move through you. You do not have to work at it and you should not, but wait until love moves within you. This does not take long if you do your homework. It takes a disciplined morning practice to weave yourself inward, ever inward, ever upward, for this is the evolutionary force that you are administering to yourself, to your body, mind and emotions. When you get started on that, you will find amazing progress at hand. Then you will feel first a sense of peace at home. The self love is growing and strengthening. You will fall into alignment with that amazing grace without effort.
Love is infinite but it is held back until one builds it first-hand and practices it at home. I have been practicing it. I have withdrawn my efforts to help others outwardly, and am instead focusing on building the deeper understanding. It is an effort to discipline oneself, but one must apply the higher unconditional love to oneself first. This is the home study course. They say it takes a guru, but the guru may be invisible. I had an invisible guru who came to me to teach me. Higher love will expand upward and call forth the teacher who can guide you. Who will listen to your questions and respond from the higher regions of thought. The higher impulses of self calls for the higher guru. Then love radiates from your heart and brings to you those who will attract from you that which THEY need, not what you think they need. You cannot fail to attract those who are ready to be close to you. The sea of conscious love is infinite and eternal, and out of mercy it is kept beyond reach until you are ready to drop your selfish ego pride which in itself is needy. When you have made strides in this direction, then you will break the seal of your heart and feel the love start to blossom. Conscious love is everywhere.
Then grace, love and peace will move to the forefront of your consciousness. You are aware and you love all things. Even the dark so-called evil ones will be affected by your loving presence because you are this amazing being and you are idiotically happy and unreasonably buoyant. You are uplifting, excited and illogically positive while others around you are in trouble. God-intoxicated, some might call it. What accounts for this idiocy? You who do the inner work every day will understand as you continue to prune back the undesirable. Not repress. No! But allow it into your transformation and it will melt away. You as a human being can’t do this with your little mind because it does not know how. It is enclosed inside a brain, a skull, a head. Instead, merge with the happiness, love, joy that is locked up inside you. Do this any way you can, without analyzing, without logic, without reason, without human ego, without mental effort. Step off the cliff into mid-air, into the arms of joy. This is a metaphor. Jump off the cliff because if you cling to the cliff you cling to logic and the ways of the world that demands reason. You will never get there with reason and logic.
The little seed in the ground bursts its outer casing and is seen above ground when it finally germinates a little sprout. You do too. You must surrender to the power of the joy within you. It is happiness and unfounded reason that sprouts and expands within you. You can’t do it with logic. Give up trying. Stop trying. Trying holds everyone back from the joy of love. You can’t be free as long as you are continuing to try to accomplish something of your own making. Surrender to the flow of the living light, the waters of spontaneous joy. This is the story of opening to the evolutionary force within. It is not of your own mental making. It is the power of infinity. It is taking you up on a wave, lifting you up higher on the top of a wave that is being sent to you out of love, because you are ready. Because the ego in you is letting go and jumping off the cliff, metaphorically speaking. The you that is letting go thus blends with the cosmic order of harmony and unity. The merge takes place. Whenever you as a human being “try” to do something, you are trying to be something smaller, lesser and more confined inside the nutshell.
You are a part of the sea of life that is eternal and immortal. As long as you remain separate from that you must continue to die and be reborn as separate, until comes this day that you break the cosmic seal and you pop out of that field of separation back into unity with love. You are love and you come from love. Love is the sea of consciousness trapped inside of your form. Stop trying is the first step. Work on not trying.
3/11/23 - Becoming whole-brained, access your etheric body
An interesting new idea was given to me several years ago by the Ascended Master DK, but I totally missed it at the time. I ran across it again the other day and it clicked this time. I was ready to hear it. For years I have been operating under the belief that I am too feminine, and that I had been functioning out of my RIGHT brain. I suddenly realized that this is not true. A friend had told me as much, saying that I hadn't activated my left brain, so I began calling to activate my left brain at that time. And it was true. I was not a logical thinker. Ever since I went into the light in an out-of-body experience. So I have been activating my left brain, and I DID notice a difference. I picked up more vitality and more abilities that I had not had before. I did not give in so much to feeling easy, seeking body comfort and body pleasure. But it also caused me other problems that I never had before. Like being more stressed out than I used to be.
Well, I did ask for it. And it was a good experience to feel what it is like to be less feminine and more pro-active by activating my male side. I felt more constructive and as if I was earning my way more in the world and not being so passive. There is a certain amount of satisfaction that comes from that. But what happened to my cool? My peace? My calm? My loving nature? Do I really have to suffer the stress and tension in order to be more left-brain oriented? Does that have to be the price I pay? Then I ran across the message from DK of several years ago. He said, "Don't just activate your left brain, activate your WHOLE brain."
I have been doing that. I am learning. The heavens are re-opening for me. I am regaining my ability to feel the heavenly love and peace again. The right brain is connected to Home, the stars, the celestial peace of harmony, love and light - that is the highest yearning of every heart. The right brain is designed to tune into the harmony of the universal creator. It has been called the "feminine" side. It is the passive side of us. It harmonizes situations that have become unbalanced. It is humble, considerate, kind, just, honest and provides space, allows for everyone to be simply who they are without pressure.
The left brain is the other side of human nature. It is focused. It concentrates. It puts up boundaries and limits on just about everything. It provides the ability to think, form thoughts, conclusions, languages, string formulas together, make music, form patterns, designs, mathematics, bridges and buildings, invent machines. It has the ability to take the universal stream of ideas and build a solid world of form, so we can live and enjoy ourselves in increasingly more efficient and beautiful ways. However, the left brain shuts out the right brain and the cosmic connection in order to get the job done. It has no time for love or celestial ecstasies. He leaves that to the women.
The insidiousness of this (for me) is this. I was TOLD I was feminine, and I therefore fit myself into the energy pattern of the subservient female, as women have done before me. Weak and in need of male help to get by in the world. I should remain soft, warm, loving and take care of the house, children and husband. It is a way of life that I fell into without thinking or knowing what I was doing. From the time I was old enough to think for myself and form conclusions, it was too late. I was female. Men have the same thing happen to them. They begin following the male programming early in their life. They are prepared to be responsible, hold down a job, be the protector of women and children, and man-up to the hardships of life.
Yesterday as I was re-read the old journal from DK, a new awareness clicked in. I thought I was usingmy right brain but I haven't been using my right brain at all. Not at all. Maybe in the beginning, when I first went into the light during my OBE I did, but thereafter I began changing. I've been using my left brain all along. I've been concentrating, analyzing and trying too hard to be something that I'm not naturally. I've been trying to fit in. It is not my nature to be left-brained but I tried to be. It is not natural to me. I have been working at something that is not natural to me. I've been trying and getting nowhere. I've just been busy. Busy trying. I have not been utilizing the right side of my brain at all for I have not felt very natural. The peace and harmony has been missing, even though I've "tried" to find it as all of the outside advisors tell me I should do. "Try!" I am told. And in the processing of trying, I have been using my left brain, the analyzing, concentrating, logical side of my nature, not my cosmic peaceful side.
I don't know if the reader can catch the drift and meaning of this, but I am a perfect example of perhaps most people in the current generation. We're all trying too hard to be something that is not natural to us. The right brain is tuned into our higher self, who we are BY NATURE. Our natural homing device is the right brain. It was the male paradigm culture that challenged me to be more logical, more "with it", more worldly, more part of the Matrix. And I tried. It caused me to become most unnatural and unbalanced, but I DID try! And I experienced what it's like to be male-oriented. I allowed myself to be caught up in the insidious Matrix. I thought I was feminine but it was all a false belief. It was a lie. I am not feminine at all. I am simply me. Now can I go back to being me?
Beware what you THINK you are doing. You are probably not. If you activate your right brain, you'll become more at peace with yourself. The "you" that is natural is a balanced "you". Try balancing yourself by activating your WHOLE brain. It requires stepping down and back and resting periodically throughout the day to let your blood and nervous system flow back into harmony again. The universe is an orderly universe because there is balance in all things. The planets stay in their orbit and human beings are evolving to become more in harmony with the universal plan of peace, love, harmony and order.
It is a loving universe when one is at rest. And yet we are meant to be active too. That's why we have a left brain AND a right brain. We can be mightily active and creative on a genius level, but 50% of the time we need to allow our unbalanced half to withdraw and rest. Truly rest, not just party with the guys and gals, but rest. Withdraw to regenerate. That is the whole point of meditation. It is a method of withdrawing into the celestial realms of pace, love and light to regenerate, reharmonize, rebalance ourselves. Then we can become the genius again next day. The right side of our brain is naturally in tune with our higher self. It is an open channel to where we came from originally - from a Home among the celestial stars.
Activate your right brain. This is a special hint to men. Activate your right brain and see if it doesn't bring you a little more calm in your life, a little more peace, a little more welcome rest from the tension and confusion. All you have to do is say throughout the day, silently to yourself: 'Right brain activate!" Use it as a mantra, a chant that becomes embedded into your brain. Or, according to your own sense of rightness, use the words: "Whole brain activate!" It is where you put your attention that turns the right brain on, or the whole brain. It is always your consciousness, for "you" are the power behind the physical body mechanism. It is where you put your awareness that turns the key in the lock and opens the door. The secret is consciousness.
Becoming whole brained leads naturally and automatically into contact with our etheric body. The etheric body is the space between the swirling atoms and electrons that make up our physical body. The space between the electrons is where thought and perception gathers before coalescing into physical nerves, blood and tissue that forms our physical body. The etheric body is the auric field that surrounds us, that Kirlian photography has captured on special film. Thought, feeling and perception gathers in our field around us before sinking down and coalescing into form and substance of our body. Once thoughts, perceptions and emotions become physical we "own" them. They become manifest and it's too late to back out of it. At least it is difficult to back out of it once these thoughts and feelings have become form and substance, with errors built into them, such as anger or wrong thinking, wrong feeling, wrong concepts and attitudes. Imagine stepping out of the physical body into the field of your etheric body and breathe freer there. Give yourself a few minutes now and then to lighten yourself up and step outside your physical. Experience your larger self, your etheric body self.
As we practice being whole-brained, being balanced equally left and right working together as one functioning brain, the body will lose its tendency to work so hard and create stress. We will become more relaxed, more restful, more prone to harmony. Let the world get on without you. Close the door to the outer world and retreat into the right brain or the whole brain. You decide. It is a self-exploration. Only you can take this step into cosmic love, light and harmony. It is a natural gift from the creator of life.
Then the etheric body will not be so quick to feed anger, fear or stress into the nerve, blood and tissues of the physical body. This is what throws our bodies into confusion. The balanced body is a balanced body, no matter what gender it is. We can be female or male, but when we are functioning with a whole brain, we then have the ability to focus, concentrate, be pro-active and constructive, and at the same time, relaxed and operating in harmony with others around us, for we are connected. We are part of the whole and will be aware when someone is NOT balanced. We will be more aware of how to respond and interact with them. We will be better able to be responsive in benevolent ways, guided to do our constructive best with all concerned, enhancing the community in which we live.
3/8/23 - The Lovers' Archetype
There's a wonderful message on "Today's Updates" page by Saint Germain. This is exactly what Anakosha is trying to bring about with its new love community (posted yesterday). One by one, the green lights are flashing on as I travel down the highway of life letting me pass on through. Every day I am getting another validation that dovetails with the dream project that I once called "The Love Club". I've been writing about for so long - been frustrated for so long, being unable to get it started. But it just wasn't time. I wasn't ready and others weren't ready. The world is changing however, and speeding up, raising its consciousness, raising its head, raising its values and self esteem. There is love in the air. I love that Saint Germain gave us this message through Jennier Crokaert several days ago. Be sure to read it. It is amazing. Click HERE.
Another validation received this morning that we are on course to greater Love, greater Peace, greater Togetherness in harmony. From the book, "The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men" by Geoffrey Hodson, circa 1927:
"Can you conceive an eagerness to work so great that even our bodies seem near to breaking under its power, yet an eagerness combined with patience that can wait a thousand years? To that sublime patience you must attain, for within the quality of patience are enclosed a multitude of virtues: strength to control, power to restrain, vision of the Plan, knowledge of the real, detachment from results and co-ordination of the will, the mind, the body, so that when the time comes they act as one. Patience of this kind does not extinguish the fire of eagerness to serve, rather does it glow ever more fiercely within the compression exercised by will and mind. When at last the order comes, when, after the passing of an age, the day arrives when the restraints are to be released, then it is that the power stored up for so long flashes forth through us. We become the catapults of God.
"Now that day has come; stored-up energies, resulting from the power of the great ideal, have been released into your world. Fear not for the result; the end is sure. Not for nought have your Hierarchy and ours planned, from time beyond your power to count, ever waiting for the arrival of the day; so I say the end is sure. Still they plan, for ages yet unborn, great schemes, embodying the divine Will; in detail, too, down to the angels and the men they choose. What, then, are we but incidents, straws, blown by the breath of God (?) except that within those straws the self-same breath is found, so that breath answers to breath, and His Will is done.
"Remember always that the ultimate source of power is in the idea, the power we use in manifested worlds is but the force emanating from and the reflection of the divine Idea. If this be true, then no delay can reduce its potency, nor any circumstance prevent its ultimate expression. Upon this knowledge should patience be based."
3/7/23 - Calling all lightworkers and mystics
Calling all lightworkers, spiritual students, mystics, visionaries, dreamers, galactic starseeds and other celestials masquerading as humans – welcome to my world! This is a shift in direction. Anyone who is drawn to these words are invited - will be invited when it is time - to a future gathering at my house, date and time to be announced. The purpose of the gathering is to open the door to our higher self, our higher heart, the higher and more refined nature waiting within for release. Our higher self connection resides in our hearts, not our brains. Our brains are unaccustomed to speaking from the heart so we are going to have to learn new skills and new words. That is the reason for the gathering. I have been advised to go ahead and begin issuing the call. The call is done by making it a public call. I can blog it now. It has been a long time in coming.
At this gathering to come, we will practice communicating intelligently in words from our higher self, our higher, wiser, more divine self, who is far more knowledgeable and authentically real. We each know this but we haven't had it confirmed before now. We know who we are on deeper levels, subconscious levels. Each of us has a background of prior lives where we have gained experience, skills, knowledge and wisdom in how to maneuver the human body experience. We come from higher planes but we have been blocked out from knowing that. Now is the time to start sharing what we know. It has been culturally unacceptable until now. This gathering will require that we trust each other and be upward-focused. In other words, positive in our thinking. This will bring about our sweeter natures that are more vulnerable and innocent. The heart is all of these things: wise, non-judgmental, truthful, ethical, discerning, loving, sensitive - and powerful but never pushy. Never, ever pushy. That is why we tread lightly here. We walk in the light and love of the one infinite creator. We do not accept pushy, judgmental, opinionated souls who are not ready to open the heart.
While it is true that we all have opinions, they are third dimensional opinions, formed from third-dimensional laws on the books. This gathering is a calling to those who are ready to reach higher. I am calling for the mystic and the visionary and the student of the heart that is open or ready to open - ready for more. The calling is for those who are willing to participate in speaking the finer natures that yearn to be said, to be free. Communities have already been forming. This is the beginning of a new local heart-centered community. It is yet to come into existence. It is an invitation to learn what higher self means. It is an invitation to go beyond what is already known by the brain. The heart knows more than the brain. It is connected to the higher self and the higher plan. This is an invitation to learn how to trust and how to hold hands despite differences, no matter on what level those differences appear to be. Some can be really crude and harsh. But if the divine thread is there, then we are to find it and support it, and nurture it in others, because that is how we nurture it in ourselves. It is how we access our higher natures. We must assist others who are having difficulty expressing their higher natures, just as we are, and then we will be assisted too. It is a "coming together" in more ways than one.
We will be practicing how it feels to be non-judgmental. Most of all, we will learn how to trust ourselves and what we have always felt but could never speak or tell someone out loud. Our higher nature has been curtailed. In this new community gathering others will support us in return as we support them. There are higher forces at work. More than we know or can understand. Only as we practice and experience this for ourselves, can the light turn up a notch so we can see and feel the difference. This is a gathering to support the process of ascension. It is the evolution from animal man to spiritual man. The spiritual man will learn to live in grace, unified with his brothers and sisters. The use of the term "he" automatically implies "she". They will be more refined, more honest, more decent, more loving, more nourishing, more fulfilled, more peaceful, more comfortable, more powerful, more passionate, more kind, more pure, more whole and therefore more holy.
This started out as an invitation to a small gathering in my home but as I began writing, I see that my initial thought was only the beginning of a much larger project. The Master DK has taken over! It is pre-mature to set a date. The place of the meeting will be in our home in the outskirts of Naples when the time comes, and the purpose is to open the door to the fifth dimension. At least in the beginning stages, for there is much in the way of sharing information that must be done first. We will be sharing from the bosom of the vulnerable heart, the beautiful soul of the higher individual. It will be in a round-robin discussion. There will be no teacher, only a hostess and two co-facilitators. We are all students, no teachers. We are all seekers. All fingers on one hand. All brain cells activating in one brain. All heart cells in one heart. We are non-judgmental, we are listeners, we are observers, we are unifiers and harmonizers. We are positive thinkers. We are active and outgoing sometimes and quiet and passive other times. We are oriented to receiving more light from higher regions. Light from higher regions means information from higher regions. We are open to hearing more information from the higher nature of both ourselves and from others who are present with us.
Our purpose is to explore, learn, discover and practice speaking from our tender, vulnerable, more sensitive higher selves. There are no words for them. They must be felt as we speak them. We encode our words with our feelings. They are our inner-most thoughts that have not been accepted by the traditional world. We are opening doors to beyond the established traditions of the world, and we are feeling courageous and bold to do so. Will we be rejected? We are being supported and we are feeling urges to dare to say these words, these feelings. We have been afraid of rocking the boat so we have been wisely staying quiet. But now the time has come that we are openly seeking support from like-hearted friends. We are mostly female but we are of both genders, so there will be a few men among us at first. Men are welcome if they are capturing the meaning of the words.
Each meeting will start with silence. We will enter into the heart center through silence. Silence is the supreme number one method that we need here today. Meditation without anyone to guide us. No words, no electronic devices, so that each one of us may enter our own silent heart all by ourself. There is no leader. The higher self is our only guide. I as the hostess and gatherer will invite you into the silence but you will enter alone. I am being guided - instructed is the better word - by the Brotherhood of Light, the Ascended Masters. In the silence we are the small ego entering the holy of holies, the secret chamber of the heart. Feel the sacred ambiance of this chamber. We are the smallness surrendering to the highest in us. We are the lowest possible point within our own God/Goddess self which exists beyond the world of form, beyond the myriad stars and galaxies. And each of us has the only key to unlock the door.
After we return from our silence in the secret chamber of the heart, we will have an honoring ceremony, and then an introduction round-robin. Each person present can say as little or as much as they want (within reason!) about who they are. Perhaps a cue card will help with prompt questions. Then we will evolve into discussion with two people acting as moderators.
I am being guided by the Master Djwal Khul who is a member of the Brotherhood of Light or, as it was called in earlier days, the Great White Brotherhood. It is also referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy. There are many names for those who have mastered the form world as we know it. These great ones have all been where we are today at one time, and they have mastered its limitations and graduated. We are connected to these higher masters through our hearts. This gathering is a way for the masters to guide us through the next stages. This is why we are here - to learn more. This knowledge has been kept from us. Our higher self is a light within the heart. Our life is a conscious light but we didn't know that. We are being now exposed to the consciousness within our heart. It is the eternal living flame which keeps our bodies alive. There is so much to learn!
This knowledge will prolong our life on earth and raise it to the higher planes of love, abundance and happinness. It will bring us back into balance so we are not so stressed out living in pain and struggle for understanding. Those who are called ascended masters live in higher realms called higher dimensions. These dimensions are more refined, not so dense and concrete as we experience here. But they are able to zoom in on anyone who calls for help because we are a thread of life connected to all of life through the flame in our hearts. We will learn more as we open our hearts and access that flame through the process of sharing information. We did not understand. Our closed hearts were kept closed by the laws of former periods in our dark history. We were not free to express ourselves or our creativity or our free and enthusiastic loving nature.
We have been watched over through the dark periods of our history when mankind was in danger of destroying itself. We were guided as best we could be guided, but humanity was so closed down it just was out of reach. Still the ascended masters were there to help. They could see when a heart tried to open and called to God for help. There are bursts of sunlight when a call such as that appears. Shimmers of sunlight appear in the concrete exterior of a human body. There is no space or time in the universal oneness. The light reaches out and is heard throughout the lighted realms. Once, in the early days of my awakening when I was experiencing many odd things, I experienced an emergency rescue by an unknown source. Being ultra-sensitive to the outer environment, it was while I was in the car with my husband driving to downtown San Jose, when a huge semi-trailer truck came thundering past us blowing this incredible horn. I screamed, apparently in my etheric body because my husband didn't hear me, and I found myself sliding down the curvature of the earth into the blackness of space. Yes, you heard right - I was rolling down the curvature of this dark planet, solid black, into the even darker void of space - and suddenly someone or something grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and brought me back to the seat in the car with my husband driving. He didn't know what happened. I asked him. I was terribly shaken for a long time after. But how? Who did this? It has been forever registered on my brain. I will never forget it.
The universe operates in a harmony and order. We will ourselves know this once we are no longer confined in a concrete physical body. We are being watched over. Now all we have to do is learn how to respond. The universe is well organized and we are part of if. We will learn more soon. The earth has been a very difficult school but we have only been born here by the free will act of volunteering. Yes! We volunteered. That's what they say.
3/6/23 - Solar flare emissions cause dizziness - what to do
The following article was taken from a channeling 25 years ago, but it is so very relevant today. I love the concept of creating a buddy system to share feelings and awareness. Perhaps that is the next thing to do. I myself have been experiencing extreme changes in mood, both good and bad, distortions, out-of-body feelings, and flashes of cosmic clarity in-between. What a wild ride these ascension symptoms!
(Channeled:) When you identified with energies long ago that were not the same as your soul purpose, it pulled you out of alignment. The increase in light transmissions now are pulling you back to your soul purpose. The effect is a shifting in your mind causing some discomfort and dizziness. You are losing your separation consciousness in this time, which is the tendency to withdraw and turn inward. The new energy will not let you go into separation any more. Create a buddy system to talk about your awareness with.
Connecting with another person helps transmute the energy of separation that is being dislodged. During solar flares there will be depressions, sadness, loss of hope as the separation energy begins to float free. The sun is God-Love. During solar emissions, the first emissions are x-ray emanations from coronal mass ejections. Sensitive people will feel them in seconds but they go fast and don't impact your magnetosphere [the region surrounding the earth]. What comes next DOES impact. The actual magnetic plasma wave takes 48-72 hours to reach earth and it compresses and distorts the earth's electromagnetic field, and also the EM fields of all creatures including human. People will feel grief, anxiety, sadness, depression, not being yourself. This will pass in 90 days but during this time, reach out in a buddy system and share your feelings. The last emissions are M-class emissions (severe) and X-class emissions (very severe, like 10 on the Richter scale). When you hear NASA speak of X-class emissions coming from the sun, hang onto your hats and buckle your seat belts.
The solar emissions impacting earth is like squeezing a balloon and watching the balloon become distorted. So do the energies inside your EM fields. The physical body will also feel unbalanced, causing aches, pains, dizziness, falls and freak accidents. What you can do to stay balanced during solar maximum cycles - reach out in a buddy system and share your feelings. They will pass. Meanwhile, expose your body and consciousness to the light as much as you can to absorb what is being transmitted. There will be incredible sunsets. Use magnets taped to your skin and other grounding devices like copper bracelets and necklaces. Wear crystals and use visualizations. When you feel out of your body it's the result of one of these wave fronts. Carry black stones like hematite and obsidian, tourmaline.
Stand barefoot in the grass for two or more minutes a day, and anchor your earth chakra (6 inches below your feet) to the core of the planet. Do not anchor your light body. Sleep north to south, head at north. Or meditate two minutes head to north. Take salt baths to clear and protect your energy and ground you. Expose yourself to sunlight to attune to plasma waves. Let go of density. Do a body cleansing. Contractions are signs to expand yourself. Lighten up on your diet. Use fruits, light dairy (yogurts and light cheeses), more greens and raw foods, seeds and nuts. Do not use sugars, sweets and simple carbohydrates, they burn faster and are high-stimulus foods. They grow your system out of balance. Complex carbohydrates and fruit sugars are slower burning and keep you in balance. Back off of caffeine, and use herbal tea. Comfrey tea is excellent, also licorice and licorice tea.
It is important to connect mentally with others through the heart by saying what you feel. Say anything, it doesn't matter what. Mentally you will swing back and forth between high energy ambition and boredom or disgust, as patterns that relate to separation consciousness are dislodged. The solar storms are doing this. If you feel like you are losing hope or faith, it is the old separation consciousness being dislodged. The feeling of being "unconnected" is an ancient energy that is now floating free and moving out, making room for the great thing growing inside. Cut down on TV and overstimulation. Shorten your meditation times. Stay in the here and now and align your physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Your spiritual ego is realigning to become God in physicality. Even those who are asleep are experiencing it. Be non-judgmental. By detachment and non-judgment you detach your energies and support. When you judge, you participate in that which you judge. Detach from making judgments. You have been a part of all things, including war. You as God created war. You as people created war, you are not separate from All That Is. So you as God and People begin to heal the war by detaching your energies from it.
It is an illusion that you are going somewhere or becoming something. You are already all that you are. Detach from the illusions and projections you have created. You are simply awakening to your freedom and flowing forth without efforting, without judgment, without attaching or trying to be a certain way or do a certain thing.
3/5/23 - This is Tantra (Master Djwal Khul)
One day back in 2013 I received a message from DK that applies to what is happening in our world today. We definitely in the midst of the ascension process, moving into lighter atmospheres. There is much confusion by those who are not aware of the beautiful world that we are moving into. I wish to assure peace and calm. Be prepared for love and clarity and knowingness. People are confused because this information has been kept from the public's eye. As I am constantly reviewing DK's messages, he continues to inspire me and I wish to pass it on, reminding everyone of the hope and beauty that is on its way into our life. But it's not what you think. This is Tantra. I have been posting his messages received over the last 47 years HERE. Please check out his beautiful inspired teachings. The following instruction came when I asked him something but I don't remember what I asked him. I forgot to write it down!
"You have become fragmented into many pieces. You are not whole. You are learning to re-connect your four lower bodies - your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual or higher mind. You have been learning about integration and you have been practicing in your meditation room. Now you are getting the idea this morning. A new understanding is dawning. The others that you need are the fragments of yourself. You are learning how to expand your awareness to the higher plane of the emotions and from there to step up to the still higher plane of thought, the mental plane. And from there to the yet higher plane of higher mind. You are visualizing the expansion of your body to these higher planes. You are expanding your awareness to higher planes beyond the physical. You are waking yourself up on the higher plane of emotion and mental and spiritual and higher.
"As you consciously stepped out of your limited perception of being physical, and as you visualized yourself larger than physical, superimposed over your physical as you have been practicing, and then breathing consciously, allowing your breath to penetrate your larger self on the emotional and the next larger mental and the next larger spiritual and the next - as you breathed in and out of each plane while visualizing, you awakened and aligned these fragments of yourself with your physical. Many people are today working this process to bring their four lower bodies, anchored in the four lower chakras, into balance and alignment with the limited concrete physical body consciousness. This is what I meant by “you can’t do it alone.”
"Picture a line of people arriving to your house, each bearing gifts but they are stopped at the front door because you do not open the door or look out the window. You do not know the people are there with gifts for you, gifts that would make your life easier and more pleasant, more agreeable. Many riches await you when you stop trying to live your life as if you were all alone with no help. You have a network of help and helpers all around you but you do not see them. You have been living in a closet in the 3D world. You were kept from your own holy self and the powers of your full potential by the mass consciousness which is a fuzzy dark cloud which obscures your own light. This opening and piercing of the veils between your bodies which kept you locked as a prisoner in the physical material world is being broken as you practice awakening, enlarging, breathing, and calling upon your emotional, mental and spiritual self through the morning exercises. You are not alone because you have a wholeness that is connected to God and through that wholeness you are connected to all.
"You have been asking for guidance on Tantra. This is Tantra. This is awakening while in your physical body to the other planes of consciousness that you have access to but you have been kept locked away from. Tantra means a net or a web that connects all as one that has always existed. You were never alone in a separate body, but you were locked out and closed down from knowing this truth. Now you and others are piercing the veils. It is a conscious realization that connects you. The web of life is composed of conscious thought. Conscious awareness. Consciousness connects all that is. God enfolds all his creation alike in his arms and heart and mind. All is contained within the bosom of God. When you don’t know this, it is like being locked inside your closet and not opening the door to the people outside trying to reach you and give you the gifts, their hugs, their laughter and their joyous celebrations, and to invite you to party with them.
"Practice your awakening exercises every morning. When you do this, as you consciously awaken to your higher self and invite integration of your other dimensional you’s, mind, feelings, principles and values, you nourish and refresh your physical body. It is your physical body that grows old and tired because it is not being rejuvenated by spirit. When you enter 3D you enter a “time zone”. There is a beginning and an end locked in time. When you are born in 3D you agree to be closed off from the love and light of the Creator and all of the higher dimensions. You came to learn about darkness and what happens when you are without the light and love. As you remember how to pierce the darkness through the process of applying love and light, you can nourish the failing body and the physical cells will open and drink the divine nectar. Your body fills up, plumps up with life and your DNA expands as does your consciousness. This is how you align yourself with your own perfection, the Christ, known also as the Adam Kadmon, the divine perfect human being, designed as the original role model of each human being from the heart-mind of God.
3/4/23 - Use mantra and visualization to take control
Create a sacred seed thought to take control over your life. Sacred is the key word. It supplants the personal ego which is the little desire self which causes confusion by chasing and holding onto desires. The little desire self is limited and finite. We have been concentrating far too long on this small little self. Consider using the following mantra. I am sharing it today with whoever is drawn to it. I have been given permission. Anyone may use this mantra and guided words of instruction. This mantra must be made with repetition. It will access your personal God-self identity known as your Higher Self. The Higher Self is the ladder to the stars. It is a path that goes higher and higher and is endless, even while you are human living on Earth. Only you can walk the rungs of the ladder of the Higher Self. It is done by choice, free-will effort and concentration. This mantra was given to me by the Tibetan Master, Djwal Khul many years ago.
This mantra gives your power over to your higher God-self. It directs your Higher Self to take control over your finite body and make decisions for you, which you do not have the ability or vision to make yourself . You are asking for help from higher realms. You must ask for this help by relinquishing control over your smaller ego. Your human ego is in control until you consciously surrender control to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self requires that you ask for its help before it can step in and take control. This mantra does that, but you have to take the lead and establish a conscious repetitive daily practice. It doesn't take too long. Repetition is how we create habits. We humans are really good at establishing habits, but we have not created good habits. It is time to create some sacred habits. A rhythm of repetition. Plus a humble attitude.
Along with the mantra, use a visualization of yourself that is beautiful to you, that is attractive to you, that is an ideal image of yourself. Visualize this within a bright sun. Use the light from the sun to brighten this image of yourself. You can play with this image by brightening it to the degree that your image almost disappears, and then bring it back into sharper outlines. You are manifesting your Higher Self into your current life while repeating the sacred mantra. First find a photo or remember a photo that you saw one day long ago, one that you especially liked of yourself. That perhaps shows you in a better light than you are today. What you would like to BE today. Use that image to imprint on your inner mind as you repeat the mantra, "I am the holiness of this body and I dedicate this body, I consecrate this body to the will that I AM!"
Close your eyes, lower your gaze downward as if looking at the tip of your nose, and repeat the mantra while holding this image of your beautiful personal self in the light of the sun. Do this often. It will help stabilize your mind. It is like planting a seed thought in your subconscious mind. Repetition of the same thought plants a seed of ONE thought - remember, it is ONE thought, not many different thoughts - that becomes implanted. It will start to grow and become stronger and radiate further out with repetition. Repetition is the key to this technique. Repeated every day and at least three times a day is recommended. I recommend having at least three set times during the day that you do this mantra and visualization. Start at 5 minutes each time and increase it to 10, then 15, then 30 minutes each time.
If something happens shocking or traumatic, take several minutes to use it to stabilize. This mantra and visualization, with practice, will help bring your whirling thoughts to a central "seed thought", giving permission to your Higher Self to step in and take control with peace and calmness. A vortex is being created of a divine, sacred nature with the use of this mantra and visualization. But nobody can do it for you. Only YOU can create this for yourself through practice. Otherwise, random thoughts will continue to invade your psyche and energy field and swirl with chaos, which we consider the human condition today. A sacred "seed thought" will grow roots going throughout your whole entire body via the nervous system. Experts tell us that by repeating the same words and patterns every day, you mold your life into what it has become today. You created your life, this is how you can change your life. Build this sacred seed thought every day and you will grow roots into your life that start to change the way things work out for you.
Without a sacred seed thought, energies cast off by other people will continue to swirl randomly through you and your mind like a frenzied storm with no direction. You are the directing intelligence of your body. This mantra and visualization will provide a central seed thought, like a mother thought. It is a parent thought. You are a child of the one infinite creator, but you are human and you didn't know that, being born here. This is a technique that has been used for centuries in the East, with a strong influence on the culture there. Wise sages and spiritual leaders abound in the remote sections of the Himalayas. Now these lessons are becoming accepted in our Western societies. It has taken time to accept them, but they have taken root in our western culture. It is a "next step" to accept repetition of sacred words, as in a mantra.
It takes effort to take time out in our busy lives to concentrate and actually sit for 5 minutes at a time being silent and concentrating. I myself have had difficulty controlling my own mind, which whirled on its own. I believed I was doing the right thing to be spontaneous and follow my free will spontaneity. And I was right, as it turns out, to honor and respect my thoughts and feelings. But as East and West learn to merge with each other, so does spirituality and personal empowerment merge and become one whole entity. We are destined to become whole, a divine Ego human with individual skills, talents and knowledge unlike any other. We ARE individuals. As we call on our own Higher Self to merge with our lesser human self, we build integrity into our human self, and learn to control our life with a more refined vision. I have been learning this over the many yrs that the Master DK has been my guide and teacher. I did not know. He has taught me. I am passing on some of his teachings on this website. Yes, we learn from others, of course we do. But the one we have not been learning from and we MUST learn from at ALL times, over and above input from others, is our Higher Self. This is the one path that takes us ever higher beyond what we can see here, today, in this hour. No one can do this for us. Only we can do it for ourselves, by ourself. As long as we listen to other people, we are gathering more confusions to consider, more to analyze, more to weigh, more to consider, more to struggle to fit into our days. These storm clouds that come to us regularly - we live inside the storm clouds - run havoc through our bodies and minds without direction.
That was the purpose of the guru. A guru was a no-nonsense guide. He gave a mantra and said "repeat it!" Westerners didn't want to do that. The times changed and we became intellectual and rationalized everything with our minds. We didn't need a teacher. We can do it ourselves. And so the intellect came into being. We are now intellectualizing ourselves into a mess. We've created a mess without the spiritual teacher to guide us to our HIGHER SELF. We are swirling with storm clouds, chaos, fear and indecision. We are a lost race until we turn ourselves over to our HIGHER SELF. The higher self is our individual personal self but uncontaminated by human faults. It leads us up the ladder to greater understanding, keeping us connected to our Self. It is important not to give up our sense of personal identity. We are God in embodied form. It is important to build on what we know. The God Self is pure and uncontaminated by human errors. How does one connect with it? By assuming the pose of surrendering and repeating sacred words intended and aimed upward to the highest in us.
Most people are reluctant to give someone else charge over their life, but giving the Higher Self permission to take charge over your life is a whole different story. You ARE your higher self temporarily living confined in a limited body which doesn't know anything at all about "higher selves". Thus this body is surrounded by confused input from other people. The only way to access your Higher Self - your real Self - is to take the time to go alone and practice assuring it and communicating with it. Repeat the coded words to only your Higher Self, no other. Find a picture you like of yourself that is healthier and more beautiful, more noble, more wise, more ideal that you wish you were, and focus that intention through the sacred words, appealing for its intervention with your life.
Say the suggested mantra, either silently or out loud. Use a timer and set it for two minutes or three or five and increase it as your feel to expand the time. Start today. And do it two more times today. And tomorrow two more times, and every day do it three times during the day. The longer you can do it the quicker you will plant a seed thought and take control over the stabilizing of your mind. Even if you don't feel anything is wrong in your life, even if you feel you are healthy, wealthy and wise enough not to need any help from your Higher Self, you will be surprised at how much better life can be. How much life can be improved by relinquishing your limited ego control over your life and adding your Higher Self into the mix. We are here to live a 50/50 life as a human being having a human life on Earth with the inflow and input from the one infinite creator, your God/Goddess Self.
Close your eyes and drop your gaze as if to look at the tip of your nose. This tells your body to follow suit. Everything in your body is connected to the one intelligence - YOU! You are giving direction now to your body. You have assumed your body was you but you are NOT your body. You are wearing your body like a suit of clothes. You, your REAL self, is abstract mind, much more than a limited physical body. You are the mind. You are the mind that can expand infinitely to an ever greater intelligence. You are what controls your body by giving it a direction to go in. Perhaps you have not been doing because you didn't know how to. Concentrate your mind on this one sacred seed thought and see what happens over the next month. The Master DK is now guiding you as he has been guiding me over the last 47 years.
3/1/23 - Ascension Massage - "the bump in the road", Part 2
This morning (channeled 11/9/17) I had a download of information. I asked DK to please help me remember this information about the primal divine earth energies coming up and gathering at the first root chakra. Then it comes up to the 2nd chakra which is the reproductive or sexual chakra, and....? He answered:
In the animal kingdom the flow of primal energy divides out at the second chakra in order to create a division into two separate genders. There must be separate genders, male and female, to create a hunger for reuniting. Separation at the second chakra is necessary for duality to play out. There is engagement and play between the two forces which makes the world go around. And create babies. Reproduction is important to perpetuate the species. The animal kingdom operates on animal instinct. Now, the human being is also an animal but it has been cultivated with altered DNA to become more conscious than the animal. It has evolved to become self-conscious and it continues to evolve to become God conscious. It knows that there is a refinement that draws him to seek into the spiritual realms. But his sexuality and reproductive functions remain as an animal.
The human has allowed himself to retain the animal drive to copulate as all animals do. The mechanism to overcome this drive lies in the second chakra, where the division takes place in the animal kingdom. When the primal divine life force comes up to the first root chakra, to overcome this drive, instead of dividing out left and right, the mechanism is to remain WITHIN the second chakra and not allow the division to take place. The division that takes place is the male pushing out and the female withdrawing or receiving. When the human male stops pushing and the female stops receiving, they both can integrate and experience union. This is difficult to explain to a 3D consciousness.
I heard this in a 5D altered state and was able to retain this information. What we are doing with the Ascension Massage - originally I called it The Love Club massage swaps - is teaching people how to integrate their male and female sides in peaceful embrace, rather than the male pushing and the female dancing around trying to attract his attention or running away. To overcome this animal instinct to push and run away (male and female animal instinct) we humans are to learn how to not do that by way of reducing or diminishing our outward actions. When we slow down to a full conscious stillness and allow ourselves to integrate, then we overcome the animal instinct to push and dance. Do you understand? (DK talking. Channeled on 11/9/17)
2/28/23 - Ascension massage takes you over the "bump in the road" (part 1)
The bump in the road to which I refer is sexual tension. On this website there is page called "Massage", and under that page is a link to Ascension Massage. Ascension Massage has lately received an increase in the number of hits. Interest appears to be rising. The reason Ascension Massage has not been promoted lately (by me on this site) is because of the sexual issue. Issues over sex remain constant. They are puzzling. I've been unsure how to promote the divine love nature of Ascension Massage because sexual issues continue to rise and get in the way. Sex is a bump in the road. It is an obstruction to what I'm trying to present through Ascension Massage. And yet sex is not even real! It is a misnomer, a mislabeling. There is a divine nature that is being held back. Recent revelations are insisting I go ahead and start revealing what I know. "Don't worry", I am assured. "It is time to shake the tree and see what falls out."
Here is a simple example of what sex is. Imagine if you will someone who continues to beat you up with daily angry tirades. It doesn't hurt you physically, but it is a bother. It is part of your life and you have lived with it a long time but it creates an agitation. It is not a big deal but after a while it becomes irritating and you finally become physically disturbed by it. After days and weeks pass, maybe even months of this irrating way of life, suddenly the angry tirades stop! What happened? An emptiness rushes in bringing peace, tranquility, even bliss. Some might call it ecstasy or rapture. You suddenly experience the sensation of peace and you enjoy freedom like you haven't felt in a long, long time. This changes your life, your thoughts, your emotions, your appreciation and joy of life increases. You had an orgasm, a release of pressure that had built up.
This is what sex is - the cessation of continual pounding and beating at an internal door that was closed. Most people are unaware of this door. This is a new concept. You don't have to believe it, but this door is blocking the flow of the divine love that should be flowing up the spine and all through the body, maintaining your life in a constant state of harmony, peace, rightness, abundance and good relations. The spine is actually a pathway for divine energy to flow from the coccyx up to the crown of the head, and equally, for the life force to flow DOWN from the abstract intelligence of light and love, entering through the crown of the head and flowing into the soil of earth through the feet. We have not been introduced to this except for those of us who study the occult and esoteric sciences. Clairvoyants and mediums can see the energies moving, but not the average person with training or natural inclination.
This life force of which I speak is pure, unadulterated and uncontaminated by the human belief system. Human beliefs don't influence it or alter it. Humanity has built an artificial life around it, living off it like a parasite. But the divine life is flowing through us still. We just don't know about it. The divine life runs the show, breathes our breath for us, keeps the body functioning. And disease happens only when we block the flow.
We have been blocking the flow when it comes to sex, big time. Our ignorance causes all sorts of problems for us, and not just sexually. On all levels of life. Fortunately, we are on the brink of opening doors we have not had opened in eons of time. We have been held back so it's not our fault entirely. But we have resisted the natural flow of our own divine nature - the internal natural nature of love. We have fallen into dark hands and we have listened to them. We are now reaping the rewards today and learning to not listen. We are returning to our natural divine nature with slow, steady steps of awareness of love.
There is a waking up and transformation happening. Many people are prepared to shed light on the way sex has been mislabeled, mishandled and abused. We DO have the ability to fix it if we knew more about how it went wrong. This is merely a preliminary introduction to the problem of sex. We really didn't know!? We have no idea how badly we have messed up what could have been a most beautiful love affair with life and over the centuries. There is a natural flow of bliss, love and joy running through our bodies - we tune into it now and then (ask the lovers of the world!) - but there is a closed door when it comes to mechanical sex. There is more to come.
Ascension Massage is a new method to bring ecstatic divine love up through the body PAST the sex block, not repressing it but lifting it up, raising it up, with honor, love and respect, up past the bulge that we refer to as a sexual need to release. When we release the divine love at this lower level (by cumming) we spend it outward into the physical abdomen and intestines, and the rest of the body cells and tissues - the stomach, heart, lungs, brain and more - doesn't receive it. Which is why we stay at the same consciousness level and don't grow wiser and happier. There is a next step. Tomorrow there will be more. Tune in!
2/26/23 - Accessing your higher self - part 2
Close your eyes and concentrate on the picture of yourself that you have chosen, the one you really love above yourself. Use this photograph as an image to fix your attention upon. Close your eyes and recreate this image above you high in the sky, in the clear blue of the sky and inside a bright, dazzling sun, like the real sun we see every day. Imagine a clear blue sky and the sun at zenith. Imagine you inside the sun. You are coming through the sun right now as your immaculate, perfect self, streaming like the TV show streams through the televion set into your living room. Right this very moment your perfect self is streaming through the sun and down into your body through a radiant ray of light, alongside other radiant rays of light of others in form.
Imagine this image. Focus on it. You are being created as an endless stream of perfection - a human being in form - and you are being created eternally. We experience "time" where we are in our bodies, but the one infinite creator does not experience time. It is the creator in the eternal moment of now. And you are riding into the earth's atmosphere constantly as a perfect creation of ahuman being. You are the creation of the one infinite creator - the one we call "Father" or "Lord". You were not created in the past; you are being created eternally now. Always. It is difficult for us to understand this, but picture yourself over your head in the brilliant sun. There is no time in the sea of eternity. You are living in the now and you know you are living because you are breathing - inhaling and exhaling, pumping blood through your organs which are functioning - you are being created always, in the now moment. There is only one now moment in eternity and you are living in that one moment, right now. Even though we do not see or realize this brilliant perfect "Me" or "I", it is happening, nonetheless. It is the consciousness of "me" or "I". This consciousness cannot be taken from us. We are conscious. We are aware. And we can grow our consciousness. We can expand it. We can refine it. We can tune in to a more beautiful "me" or "I". We do this through the art of concentration and blocking out all other images. Just for a short while. With practice we learn to hold this positive image for longer periods.
You are now creating a picture of yourself in the most beautiful image you can find of yourself. Photographs work perfectly for a starter. You are using a photograph that you like about yourself, that pictures you in a way that pleases you. You are placing that image into the sky above you inside a sun that you are creating in your mind, using the powers of concentration but you are opening a channel to receive more. You have a mind, an intelligence, an awareness, that you are using to create this channel. You use your mind all day long in more finite ways but now you are using your mind to open to more than you know. So far you have used your mind to create worries, anxieties, illusions, projections, relationships and a way of life that suits you. You create through the ability to find comfort and peace. More and more, people are learning to relax and use their minds in more expansive ways. Still, there are any distractions. The world is going through an upheaval, a regurgitation of old ways and a transition to newer, more uplifting ways of living. The world is giving birth to greater light. The old ways are falling behind. Chaos is in the air because there are 8 billion people on the planet, and each one is going through their own transition.
We tend to consider the feelings of other people around us, we like to help. But we cannot help with the undercurrents that are flowing. Stick to your own game plan. Follow your own heart and dream. That is the reason for accessing your higher self. Only your higher self knows what is good for you. Your higher self is the immaculate self that is flowing continually through you. Tune into it. Let others find their own higher self. It is not your job to assist them, unless there is an obvious way that you can step in. Then, in that case, step in and help, but don't get distracted from your main job - that of tuning into your own higher self which has the answers and solutions for you alone.
The state of the world is in chaos as the light is causing us each to shift focus to ourself alone. Silent mediation on our self alone brings peace and contentment if we stabilize into the practice. You use your mind all day long on "other things" not yourself, so you seldom tap into your own perfection which is ever present, flowing in on your breath, inhaling it and exhaling it as we speak, as I type these words. Only the wisest of the wise human beings take the time to STOP! Stop focusing on "other things" and focus on the perfection that is flowing through you right now. The immaculate concept that would bring you awareness of peace and revelations concerning your own life. Everyone thinks the immaculate concept refers to Mother Mary of biblical scripture, the mother of Jesus. But it pertains to the perfection of every form flowing into existence. Your form is building and flowing along a perfect pattern - a pattern called the Adam Kadmon, the Christ. It is a perfect human shape. All the organs are in perfect place to perform their function. Every cell is in place, every molecule, every organ, the brain, your heart, your lungs, your spleen, liver, kidneys, toes, fingers, hands, blood flow, nerves - everything is perfect because you are being created from the mind of the one infinite creator in this very moment.
Tune into the photographic image that you are holding in your hands, close your eyes and recreate this image in your mind. See yourself in the brilliant dazzling white light of the sun. Your image is almost lost in the sunlight because the sun is SO bright, SO dazzling, SO brilliant, SO all consuming. Yet, you can see yourself inside that radiant light because you are coming through the light. You are a thought of the creator, just as the sun is a thought of the creator. You are a part of the light as a unique and separate creation. You are the perfect creation that is being radiated outword as we speak of it. The one infinite creator did not create you a "long time ago" so that you had "time" to become lost. There is no time in the infinite expanse of forever. It is all happening in the eternal now. Be HERE NOW and picture yourself densifying into your current human form. You are manifesting as an embodied form. Hold that image for as long as you can. If your mind wanders, pull it back to the image of your immaculate self coming into manifestation as your current you. This is coming through strongly to me as I release these words. The image of the immaculate concept is always streaming forth. No matter where you "think" yourself to be, no matter what situation you "think" yourself in, be aware of this perfect immaculate you. This beautiful image of yourself that you hold in your mind right now.
The reason for holding it above your head is so you reach up to it. Think up to it as an open chalice to receive the divine blueprint as it funnels down into your crown. Receive it and create a direct line, a link, a thread, a channel, a path from you on the earth plane in your physical body that is aging, upward to the more of you that you do not see. You are using a photograph to picture yourself, to plant your image in the open spaces of the sky as a portal. The image is not the real you, it represents a frequency, a divine idea, a master plan coming from the creator flowing down into concrete form. The immaculate concept cannot be understood by the finite personality ego, but it can be open to receive revelation from the divine. That is what we want to do here - receive revelation. We need to have a portal to fix our attention on with an open, eager mind. It has been eternally flowing down but we have not known about it, so we have missed it. It is constantly descending down, and manifesting as clumps of solar fire into concrete atoms, cells and molecules to form a human body. We are creating this open channel by visualizing it. Visualizations are a thousand more effective than words. They are like containers into which we receive the divine substance that is flowing. Visualizations are like buckets put out in the rain to collect water. Something has to hold the water or it will be lost in the fray.
Create this pathway by holding this picture for as long as you can in one sitting. Then release it and return to your normal life. Continue to live your life as you normally would, do not "try" to make it better or different. Let the divine handle the absorption and correction as it flows into your daily life. Periodically, sit in the quiet and alone time and hold the vision again. Your human nature is valuable. Continue to construct it with purpose and vision. Your human ego and understanding is growing stronger as you do this. You are learning as you grow through the life you live as (insert your name). Your friends and family are doing the same but on a different time line than you. Don't expect them to follow along beside you. They too have an immaculate concept breathing through them but their time for understanding is different from yours. The more you sit in quiet and peace, holding this immaculate image, the more you strengthen the river of universal harmony and abundance into your physicalness. Be here now. Hold this beautiful image of yourself and notice the merging and how it affects your life. Know that the real sun in the sky is a distribution center for your immaculate blueprint. Your knowledge of this will keep the channel open more and more. Keep strengthening the path of light that is coming through the sun. Both the "real" sun in the sky and the "imagined" sun that you create in your mind.
Concentrate. This is work. Work at picturing yourself. Hold this image. If your mind wanders, pull it back with will power and determination. Work at holding the picture of your immaculate self - or the best image of yourself that you can muster. It is above you coming down from an abstract intelligence and entering through the top of your head. Focus on the crown. Bring the image down through the crown of your head and into the brain so it can register on the physical cells of your brain and be distributed through physical nerve cells. Imagine a portal at the crown of your head and imagine the revelations flowing down through the opening at the top of your head. The crown portal is known as the Dweller on the Threshold. It is half inside the crown and half outside. It sits there as a sphere of light at the crown, half in and half out, an open portal that may be opened by your focused awareness with love and devotion for your higher self.
Imagine the flow of light flowing into your brain, picture your brain as it appears in graphic form, and see the light lighting up this brain. It flows through your brain and center of the head, manifesting as the pituitary gland, the master gland which activates the various functions of the body. The light flows easily through the channels designed in perfection by the master blueprint. The more often you picture the light flowing, the more perfection flows into your aging, deteriorating body. For those who study the yoga sutras, the pituitary gland is not the Ajna center. The Ajna center is projected out from the center of the head to the front of the forehead. It is used for sending or directing, like a laser beam.
Bring the image of your immaculate perfection down into your head center. See the brain and nervous system light up. The more you do this and the longer you hold this image of light manifesting in your physical, the more you solidify this truth into your finite physical body. Blend your divine immortal self with your fun-loving, pleasure-loving, excitable, ever changing humanity and you will notice an uptick in your sensations and life. You are creating a blend of your true self in the abstract and your physical body self as a concrete human being. With this practice we are channeling the abstract solar fire into the physical brain cells so they can carry the divine fire to other locations in the body. The solar fire is known as the Presence of God, the Dweller on the Threshold and the Christ. The divine wants to be in form. Unfortunately, we have been covered over with false impressions and projections of illusion and limited wrong beliefs. Focus more and more and for longer periods of time on the best version of yourself you can find, and hold that image in the sun. Strengthen the channel between the divine you and the mortal finite you.
2/25/23 - Accessing your higher self - part 1
Stamina comes from your Higher Self. You cannot create stamina without tapping into your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is all that you are up to date. It is all that you have experienced up to date. You have collected an amazing amount of stamina throughout the eons. You can call it vital life force or some other word, the word is not important. Understand what we mean by stamina. You have built it into yourself by the actual LIVING of it thru form life. After each form life you return to the non-form life, the heaven worlds. And then you return to form life again. You have experienced form life before this human life you are living now. Your mastery is built through living in form life, mastering the form life and growing from being in form and learning how to manage yourself in embodiment. Your spiritual self is actually built from living in an embodied planet. This stamina - you call it energy but there are different kinds of energy - comes from knowing how to maneuver in form. All that you have ever experienced in form is the excellent stamina that you wish you had more of.
You have lived on other planets too, not just on Earth. There are galaxies upon galaxies - solar communities of countless other planets - which host beings like humans and animals on their surfaces. Also you have had pre-human lives as animals, plants and even minerals before becoming human. From the beginning of your sojourn into form and substance, you have been a child of the one infinite creator experiencing embodied life in form and substance. You have been one consciousness, the same consciousness that you are enjoying now, today, and thinking you know it all. And you DO know it all. You know all that you know, but there is more that you don't know. There is always more to become known. And there are always others to guide you and talk to you telepathically. Stamina is knowledge lived. It comes from the accumulated "know it all" part of you. It is your innate knowledge. Your instinct. Your intuition. Your sense of being right. You can tap into that rightness, that knowingness starting now. It is all the knowledge and understanding that you have accumulated so far in the eons and eons of time living in embodied form. You can start right now, just as you are today, even if you have low self esteem and don't believe you can.
We call this innate self the Higher Self or the God Self. Or perhaps you call it the Lord. Whatever you are accustomed to calling it, it is above and beyond you because your body today is finite. It was built at your conception, so it is only one life old, where you have lived countless lives before. This body is only temporary, but you can train it if you learn how to access your prior life knowledge. This body will not last forever unless you feed it with your past life memories, and then it may live longer than you planned. This body was built just for you for THIS life. It was built at the time of your conception and birth by your earth mother. So this body that you are living in today does not have memory of your past lives. But YOU do, you as an everlasting eternal consciousness. Your consciousness is what we call the spiritual self. You are eternal. You live over and over again in different forms. You grow up and learn the current culture by living in that particular form, and then that form passes away and you go on to the heavenly fields to debrief and consider the next step in form. You have embodied in various forms and usually don't remember them. You learn how to maneuver that one particular form that you currently inhabit, and you tap into your prior knowledge through some kind of homing device called instinct. Instinct is inherent. It is prior knowledge that has accumulated in your consciousness - that which we refer to as soul.
You don’t remember your past lives unless you have tapped into your Higher Self. You can tap into your Higher Self right now, and I will teach you a method how to do that. Your higher self is best known as intuition. It is innate. It is not just inside of you, it is your life force, your consciousness, your breath of awareness with which you first come awake and aware in the morning after sleep. Or after a coma of long duration. You are all that you have EVER been and ever experienced. You are awareness. You just don’t remember prior lives easily. Some of us do. But it is in THIS body that we are primarily focused. Learning to maneuver in THIS body. THIS body is a new body. It doesn't have the memories that YOU have as an everlasting consciousness. You probably haven't had the opportunity to know this before now, or maybe you have. Many people are learning about their spiritual selves today. Humanity is growing by leaps and bounds into higher consciousness levels. But if you don’t know how to access your Higher Self, I will give you some hints tomorrow. You have been held back on this planet called Earth. It has been a dark planet up until recently. Earth is growing up and taking on more of HER higher self too. Mother Earth is also an intelligent entity who has been held back. She is of a different species than human. She belongs to the planetary tribe. All planets belong to the planetary tribe. They can communicate with each other through the solar system - their male counterpartner. They host the human, animal, plantlife and other species on their surfaces.
If you are willing I would like to share with you some ways to access your Higher Self. These are from my own personal experiences. I will tell you more tomorrow. This is a prelude to lay a foundation before beginning. All techniques have a basis of a foundation, a reason for being to share and pass on to others. One must be prepared in order to be open enough to receive. Otherwise, why would you waste your time? Search your photographs and scrapbooks tonight and find a photo of yourself that you really, really like of yourself. The one photo that gives you a good feeling about yourself. One that shows you in the way you would like to look today. What quality does it bring to mind? Beauty? Dignity? Nobleness, grace, power, strength, intelligence? Whatever quality you most admire and want to enhance in yourself. That feeling can be enhanced with the help of your Higher Self. You can access this quality by picturing your Higher Self in a certain way. The photo can be of any age, it doesn’t matter. It can be used as a reminder, a reflection, thru which to access skills that you have but are currently beyond reach because your physical body and brain never experienced them before. Tomorrow then.
2/24/23 - Don't suppress the ego, soften it, and Tantra
Don’t suppress the ego, soften it. Many people think the personal ego is bad, but the Masters say you don’t want to suppress or repress your personal ego, or deny it, or even subdue it. Rather, soften it. Care for it with the wise gentleness of a good mother, because your human ego is of personal value - to you and to others. It is your uniqueness. The great plan behind all plans is to integrate your personal value, your knowledge and unique individuality into the overall master plan - the Oneness out of which all springs forth into form. The divine Oneness is ever growing richer because of the individual minds merging into it.
It is this Oneness that is the I AM Presence that descends into form. The I AM God Presence created you and supports you on your individual journey. It is immortal. It is the One I AM that created all forms everywhere. The great mystery is how this is done. We are on the road of discovery, each one of us, learning how it is done. It is the ONE out of which life springs a'new every day, every moment, eternally refreshing us if we can understand that and tap into it. The I AM is eternally new and more than it was before, because individual minds are constantly returning home with their individualities vastly expanded with understanding.
The problem we all experience is this. We as an individual mind have grown an intelligent branch off of the ONE intelligence, separate and apart from the great ocean of love and unified ooneness. Yet we cannot escape it entirely, we can only go off separate and alone, away from it. We can reject it and refuse to listen to the guiding voice within, but we cannot escape it because we ARE the oneness having a separate temporary experience. We are still in the oneness, or rather, the one vast intelligence is still in us. Many have taken the dark road away from love and light, for we have free will. But the better advice is always to go within and listen to the still small voice of conscience, of heart, of love.
We have each had many experiences out in the darkness as separate intelligences, away from the light and the love of the one infinite creator. We not only can say "I did it my way!" - we MUST do it "my way". That is the only way to find the light and the love within. No one else can do it for you. You are on a separate path from your friends. That is why your personal ego is not bad. It just needs to be softened, blended with the love and light within so it can feel wanted, valued and held in high esteem. Bad criminal cruel mean behavior is not valued, it needs to be awakened to the value it is running away from.
We all did many things against our own inner conscience, light and loving heart, but it taught us the value of right and wrong. We benefitted from the results. Good results from good and right behavior, and bad results from wrong behavior. We learned as we traveled and experimented about the value of having friends and being kind and doing the morally right thing, even if no one noticed. And we learned it was not worth it to go against that inner knowing. We learn to maintain personal integrity over the long haul. We learn to be less selfish, or perhaps we learn to be MORE selfish - those of us who are constantly giving our power away to the point of exhaustion - for there is a constant balance we are seeking to maintain. The balance is done within, by noticing, acknowledging the truth and applying it. The spiritual life is the path of maintaining balance between our own dual natures.
When you get angry, tone it down, bring it back to gentleness with words and considerations. The separate ego thinks it is all alone in life and it maintains a stubbornness to survive, not unlike the child having a temper tantrum. When things don’t go its way, it strikes out in ways that are not good for the whole. It sheds violence on the neighbors and family. Tone it down. Treat it with love and kindness and show it respect, and the personal ego will respond in kind. It needs to be respected. It needs to feel valued because it is a part of us. It is not separate. Be patient and kind to yourself. On a higher level you are your own God, your own Father God and your own Mother God. Be nice to yourself. Find a way that is balanced and does not hurt someone else in your vicinity. Work on this. The soul is a work in progress. The soul is the child learning how to live life in form in a balanced way. Then happiness is felt. Joy is felt. Abundance is felt.
The ego is the human child being raised by the Father-Mother God within. Father is abstract intelligence without form; the Mother is abstract intelligence INSIDE the form, flowing through the form as the life blood, circulating through the heart, lungs, nerves, glands and organs. You have access to the Father-Mother God within, for you are both the ego as little child and the wise parents of spiritual nature. As the little child you don't know this until you begin connecting with the love and light within - the Father-Mother who is the one infinite creator flowing through you. Act more like the father-mother God within you and you will mature as an ego. At that point you begin changing into aspects of the Divine Ego, which is more loving, graceful, patient and kind. You will be noticed as becoing a more peaceful, refined personality.
There are many religious and spiritual names used to refer to the Divine Ego – Higher Self, God-Self, Spirit, Holy Christ Self, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, but it is not the word that matters. It is your understanding that matters. When we live in a solid body form, we are operating on a closed circuit, not knowing these things. We are using that program that we were born into. Everyone born here in the past uses that program. It is "time" and "space", closed off restricted area from the wide open fields of intelligence, harmony and love. Here on this planet called Earth we were oriented to feeling separate. We were taught survivalism as one alone. There were survival laws that helped guide us. But things are changing. We are growing so wise now, the inhabitants of Earth, that we have entered into a higher consciousness field. It is known as the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is one where we are sorting through things and making some choices and decisions that affect our future. We are choosing more wisely and with more unity consciousness. We want to live more peacefully and less in violence. As we find more and more self-enlightenment techniques on the net, we are stimulated to join classes or at least read about them and investigate a little further. Humanity is on the verge of raising the world's population to 5th density. In 5th density there is no violence. We leave violence behind us when we enter into that level of awareness.
Life continues on the 5th dimensional Earth differently than it did on the 3rd and 4th level of awareness. Too many people are now aware. Too many people want peace instead of fighting for survival. It is a different way. That is why your personal ego has value. IT is the one who is changing. The little egos are growing up and deciding in right ways that benefit everyone around them. We are integrating with our divine Father and Mother parent which is waiting for us. For we ARE the parent. We ARE the divine within, having a childhood lesson. Believe in a more unified and gracious way of life, considering the values and rights of others around you, and you will be valued in return more than you have been in the past. Rather than repress your personal needs, wants and desires, work with them and instill in them larger graciousness.
As a side note, for many years I have been seeking to understand the Tantra way of life, which is not sexual. The reason people think it’s about sex is because sex is the first door to open that allows the divinity to expand into the form body. The feeling is one of loving attraction which sort of overwhelms the young person in puberty. It is the beginning exposure to the power known as kundalini, or in the west known as the holy spirit. It is the secret power that lies in the etheric body at the base of the spine - specifically surrounding the coccyx. This area of the body is the geometric center of the human body. At a certain point in the aging of the body, it opens partially, gently, to allow these feelings to expand up the spine. Sexual feelings are the result. It is a touch of the divine nature within. The body feels it as sensually warm and loving. But since we have been born into a physical-only form of living, we seek an outward way to express it. With another person or through masturbation. We did not have teachers or guides to take us through this early stage of puberty. Unfortunately, in the dark ways of Earth, there were people (and still are) who became obsessed with the body feeling and abused younger ones and more vulnerable people. This has caused a lot of damage. Fortunately we are on the cusp of exposing this long abuse. New teachings are coming out fast in these days, especially about the kundalini or the sacred fire, as it is known. It is the divine nature that has been held locked inside the human body for eons. Now is the time for truth of the power behind sex to be revealed. Tantra is one of the paths that have an ancient grounding the sacred Vedas of India, I am told. I personally have not read them but the Masters have guided me. Kundalini is the Mother God flame at the base of the spine, called Shakti to the impersonal God Shiva which is abstract intelligence.
On a human level, yes, sex is the beginning. It is feeling so divine that if you are fortunate enough to have a Tantric master who will guide you, you will be led into a life of personal empowerment that no other spiritual path can match it. I was fortunate to have been given a Tantric Master 47 years ago, after I went into the Light by a dramatic awakening of Kundalini, without my having been prepared. When the shakti started to purify me of everything that I was made of that was embedded in me from childhood and previous lifetimes, it was a makeover which I didn't understand. I had no choice but to live through it. It was - and I love this phrase! - a blessing and a curse. My husband at the time and I were drawn into the lifestyle of swinging and through free intimate sex I became grounded back into normalcy, but with a lingering yearning for ever higher love which other people could not provide.
Bad situations and frustrations had to be confronted and dealt with, but in the long run the good benefits won out. I learned more through the swinging lifestyle than I could ever tell. I become more patient, more understanding, softer, kinder, gentler and more dignified. Tantra does not exclude sex but it does not focus on sex. Sex is not forbidden. It is a threshold over which a person passes to get to the larger room inside. It is a change in perspective. It changes the focus from hard bodies and hard outlines to softer, larger, more etheric bodies and outlines, and sensitivities. The sex act loses its crudity and matures into love-making. Sex becomes no longer a goal-oriented act. It becomes less physical and more sensual, more kind, more loving toward self and the other person. More considerate to self and the other, more elevating, more worshipful and reverent. There is a heavenly aspect that most do not quite reach but is available if one does not give up reaching for it. And also one becomes more discriminating and discerning about who you have sex with. You can feel a person’s motives and intentions when you are near them. You can read them. The energy fields overlap in close proximity and you can't fail to know what they are made of. And if you feel compatible you feel free to make love with a perfect stranger. That is, if your wife or husband doesn't resist.
The shakti (kundalini) is not directed towards the orgasm and physical penetration. It wants to go higher than that. It is energetically and magnetically attracted to beyond the heart and head to the Home from which it came. It wants to go Home so it expands up the spinal column in search of that ultimate blissful connection. Tantra is the path of learning about this mysterious power of enlightenment. The masters of Tantra teach how to build the power up and not to spend it on orgasm, but not to get lost in the shuffle either. It can go to the sun if you let it or it can be used with another human being in ecstatic lovemaking. Or it can rise up the spine and out the top of the head to reach ever higher levels of bliss and ecstasy alone, without a partner. Without a teacher who knows, a person will continue to want satisfaction from sex with someone else and will be driven by sex. Sex is not bad, but it can be misused to hold someone back from maturing into fulfillment. Sex is not the purpose of the kundalini. It is only the first step on the ladder to heaven. Tantra teachers guide a student into understanding both sides of the coin, both the spiritual and the human.
The power behind sex is a higher power of a divine, immaculate nature. It must be guided and understood how to work with it. When sex is first felt at puberty, it is felt as a loving thing. Without guidance it becomes focused on the physical body seeking something. Without wise teachers to guide the one in puberty, the young one stays with that focus - seeking the opposite gender for sex and penetration. How can he or she not know differently? So the all important focus is then finding a mate to help us fulfill ourselves. Or we are abused by someone else and thrown into trauma. The Tantric path is a path of spiritual enlightenment, not sex but may include sexual orientation. I have been writing about it for a long time.
2/23/23 - Rise above the stagnating energies of the body
This morning while showering I heard, "Rise above the stagnating energies of the body. The mind is your playground. Play! It brings you joy by discovery." The voice continued and I wrote on paper.
The world is a world of discovery. It is where you have the luxury of comparing differences. Only in the form life do you have differences. In the heavenly fields you don't have these differences. Let discovery be your game and your motto. You are learning how the great sages made their enlightenment. And why they are always in peace and joy. It is a lesson of discovery after discovery after discovery. Excitement of discovery, after excitement of discovery, after excitement of discovery. This is what grows your mind to happier planes and more fulfillment. It is a lesson of great importance. Make excitement your path. Your path to enlightenment is being highlighted with your discoveries and your excitements. Use your mind! Your master has led you thus far, now it is up to you to continue walking this path. Learn to do it yourself. Learn by trying it out for yourself. Instead of looking to your master every day and pouring over past journals, look to your OWN ability to discover excitement energy. Become your OWN master. Let your mastery over your dullness and boring stagnation emerge and guide you forward to discovery. Let excitement be your guide and dullness be a sign to turn around and go in another direction.
Life in form is filled with comparisons. The diversity is immense. This is the life of learning and growing. Of discovery that fills you with excitement. Discover what brings you down and what brings you up to high points. Discovery teaches you the proper use of your mind. The improper use of the mind is to let disappointment and frustration and bad attitudes stay inside you un-used, un-expressed and un-wanted. Don't hang onto them. Get ahead of your body’s tendency to stagnate. USE the discouraging energies and don’t let them sit and stew in you. Use them up. Use them as fuel. Use them in action. Put them to work. Do something with them. They are fuel for consumption. They are energies. That's all they are. Action is required to get rid of them. Don’t sit and stew in them. Get a grip on yourself. Make yourself get up and move in another direction. Don’t let bad energies sit inside of you bringing you down. Use bad energies to accomplish something positive. Spend them like money. Consider them fuel for your bank account. Whirl around like a spinning top if there is nothing else you can do.
Get them out of your system, out of your head, out of your muscles, they are holding your down. Get them out of your body and into the air and your energy field where they become free to disband into the light. Think AIR! Think UP! Think LIGHT! Send them UP and out into the air by the directing force of your conscious mind. Then stay open, stay ahead of stagnation. Don’t let old energies accumulate in your tissues. Be greater than your body. Your body is a shell composed of past energies that have accumulated and you did not know. Past energies from yesterday and last year and from childhood and prior lives. Be more than the accumulated energies of the past. The past has come and gone. Find NEW excitements. Be gentle with yourself as you walk slowly into new excitements. New excitements will move you in positive directions. They are like a flowing river. Follow the river of moving excitement. Let the river of your life teach you and guide you in a spontaneous and free way. But do not hurt anyone in your flowing. Be kind and be sensitive in your flowing. Be benevolent, be creative. Let freedom come and let freedom go out from your body. Don’t keep them close inside of you.
Share them with others. Tell your stories. Meet and converse openly with others. Share your discoveries. Spin them into action. Be a flowing river of stories and excitements as they come into your life and flow out, leaving you open-minded and open-hearted. Free to receive further flowing from the universe.
2/22/23 - Dissolving into larger love - don't turn it personal
I asked DK this morning, how do you be physically close without turning it personal or sexual? It's a philosophical question, intended to enlarge my intellectual understanding of this very major process. I was thinking of holding a women's session. He responded: "It requires silence. It’s not about touching. You don’t have to hug or lie down together. That would expose you to physical toxicities held in the body. Be close within the auric fields so they overlap."
He continued. "You can start with 4 or 6 women in a circle with a goal in mind, as you have been learning in the Tantra books. But this is not for sexual fulfillment. Its purpose is for grounding the holy light into the flesh body, as in the light body known as the christ body. This requires refinement of those impulses and tendencies when tend to rush, to reach, to stroke and to pull towards, which we call groping. The urge to reach for another body or to repel another body, comes up in people. It is the magnetic attraction of the earth forces. One must resist the earth force push and pull. You are to manage this impulse.
The practice is an inner practice to hold steady in the quiet in your body, in your mind, in your feelings. We use visualizations. Imagine a column of refined light coming down from above, through you and into the earth below. Know that this column of light is really a column of love. It is the ALL-THAT-IS direct from the heart of the sun behind the sun which comes from the creator, the father-mother God. An outsider’s touch or presence would be less than this holy light, holy love. This is the love-light of your own light body, your christ body. You swoon into it and everything human in you melts and dissolves in the light and love of your christ body. With practice you will not fall to the floor, as some have done, but contain it within your mind, body and feelings. This is the next step practice.
Anchor the light, which is actually love, into your human body, your physical flesh body which is composed of thoughts, beliefs, intentions, desires, tendencies, resentments, bitterness, hatreds, sorrows, weaknesses - all of the human stuff that is not holy. By allowing yourself to remain silent and centered, you will experience receiving the holiness of the love that is coming down into the ground through your visualization, you prepare your body to become the God-self in human form. All-knowing, all-wise, it dissolves all personal tendencies, involvements, attachments, etc. With each practice session it leaves you refreshed, open, aware, more knowledgeable, and infinitely more capable of FEELING love. Dissolving personal attachments is done without damage, effort or pain. There is never any pain when love dissolves personality stuff. Human relationships are possessive and controlling, so these are dissolved in the larger love. Your love enlarges to embrace so much more.
If you are connecting with your light body, christ body, it is a solitary process. You, the child, are becoming the grown-up now - one with your father-mother God. You are becoming the adult, the mature God-man or God-woman. The holy Christ self in physical form. Others will not have jurisdiction over you.
2/20/23 - How to eliminate a fuzzy head
After having a quiet household for years, just the two of us, we have a friend living with us who has been displaced from her home in the flood, and has many problems she is trying to resolve from our home. The house is buzzing with different energies, not our own. It is a time for learning. How to cope with other energies so close at hand? Not knowing what to do, I began searching among the hundreds of different methods offered by those who know, including the Ascended Masters, but which one? It's not like there are no solutioins. It's a matter of which solution to utilize, because it requires calmness and concentration to apply such methods that deal with out-of-balance energies that are disturbing. I have created my own buzzing energy field in the process, giving me a non-stop fuzzy brain.
Now I am finally getting it. It took a while. The correct answer is: I have to take charge of my own energies and not follow someone else's method. Stop looking for answers and start doing something. Nobody else's method applies to my situation because it is me and my own consciousness that creates the problem, and I have to do something about it myself. It's a consciousness thing. So no meditation today, just action is requried. I must consciously accelerate the electrons, atoms and cells in my own body, mind and energy field to bring in greater clarity and vision.
I am being told: Accelerate the body’s cells and feel the stimulation of interest. Become interested again in life. Speeding up the body’s cells, atoms and electrons clears away the effluvia, the debris, the old dead energy that weighs you down. Use this energy, don't let it stagnate. I can tell already - it works. Keep busy. It should not be manually difficult labor but be productively busy. Then lie down to rest, calmly and peacefully, for 20 or 30 minutes to allow the body to recuperate and fall back into its normal natural alignment. This part is crucial - to rest inbetween bouts of productivity and/or busy-ness. It prevents stress and tension from building up. Then get up and move again. You'll feel a lot better. It will clear the energies that are foreign to you. It will clear your head.
It helps to keep a running list of what you have accomplished during your active periods. Seeing the results of your productive and creative efforts not only boosts your energy, confidence, self-esteem and enthusiasm towards life and living, it actually increases the life force, allowing it to move through your blood, muscles and organs so you feel the building of stamina flowing through your physical body. Keep track of your good works. Journal your recovery process during your "down times" so you can remind yourself what to do again in the future.
2/18/23 - Nurturing Healing Love Massage Exchanges
A long time ago I was told by the Master Djwahl Khul: "Do not ask the male to change - just present the female.” A persistent dream nags at me to establish an ascension massage exchange network where individuals can meet others for mutual partner exchanges to assist in the growing need to overcome ascension symptoms. I have no idea how many people are aware of "ascension symptoms" but the world is going through not only climate changes but humans are too. There is a lightening process taking place worldwide, a consciousness elevation, a broadening, a widening, an awareness of one's personal space becoming more refined. Consciousness is becoming more spiritual, more rarified. Yet, the dense physical body and brain are the same. This is causing havoc on the coarse physical body which has been programmed to low expectations. Life has been restricted in many ways. There is an inner struggle going on, trying to understand. How to cope.
My desire for an ascension massage exchange network hasn't manifested yet, mostly because I haven't been ready before now. I have been advancing my understanding to the point where I have to do something soon or I'll leave my body and go elsewhere. (Just kidding.) I am by nature a passive person and a follower, not a leader so I've been doing lots of inner work, homework and opening myself up to specialized training. The ascension massage is a soft, gentle nurturing feminine approach, using priestess skills of ancient origin. It is not sexual. If there is a sexual body response, we simply ignore it and raise the energy up over the block and keep going. It is done consciously, mentally and intentionally. There are many lifetimes of training in this art.
The goal of ascension massage is to connect the pure uncontaminated light and love in one person to the pure uncontaminated light and love in another person. The light and love is the same in both persons, it is the HUMAN that makes us each different. The goal is to merge the uncontaminated light with the HUMAN. This is the hard part that we've been missing. Mutual body exchanges without sex or emotional attachment can do this. We are to merge the human with the divine so the human becomes the individualized god/goddess that is destined to be. We do it without emotionial or sexual involvement. When sexual response happens we direct our attention higher, that's all. We elevate it. We don't suppress it but raise it up higher. It takes some training to do this, and practice.
When we exchange ascending massage, the uncontaminated light and love from both giver and receiver combined is stronger than from just one person alone. It washes away the toxic energies in the system that cause confusion, sickness, pain and suffering. What most people are unaware of is that there is an immaculate blueprint within them, within everyone, including bad evil people. They wouldn't be alive, breathing and walking around if they did not have an immaculate divine blueprint functioning in their body. This divine blueprint has been covered over by imprinted false cultural programming from birth on up to the present day. This perfect immaculate blueprint can't be contaminated by human error or mistakes. It just can't. You can try but you can't contaminate it. It doesn't matter how bad a person is or what crimes they've committed, or how mean, cruel or vicious they are in life, they have a perfect immaculate divine blueprint that has been covered over by the culture. It can be uncovered with education, training and believing enough in it to do daily homework - and exchanging an ascension massage can help if they are willing to trust in the process. This immaculate blueprint is the life force of the body known historically as the christ, short for crystal or crystalline. Everyone has one.
The Ascended Masters have been guiding me to establish an ascension massage exchange for a long time. Click HERE to see the original posting back in 2014. An ascension massage leads to total bliss IF the receiver is ready to receive and can open to trusting the giver. The goal of receiving one is to become a giver of one. We will be creating a network of partner exchanges by starting one at a time, discussion and practice. I am starting it here, now, by writing about it.
If you are hungry for some loving touch, it requires giving loving touch in return, without sexual or romantic involvement or expectation. This is a higher form of love. A deeper form of love that goes to the bottom of the soul and collects the remnants of past action and brings them forth for redeeming. The result is feeling washed clean. It is divine nurturance. This is a spiritual technology that is older than the planet itself, and a teaching that comes from beyond the earth, beyond the galaxy and beyond the stars. There have ALWAYS been teachers of this ancient temple skill. Only those who were inclined to learn it, came again and again, over many lifetimes to the quiet cultures to be trained in out-of-the-way monasteries and underground sanctuaries, away from the noise and cloudy atmosphere of the evolving residents. It is a sacred art and a universal science. The universe operates on love. Love is the longing that everyone has in their deepest heart. We wish sometimes that our relationship partner would do this for us but it doesn’t happen. They haven't been taught. The art of feminine nurturing healing love is a higher science. The word feminine does not mean women only, it refers to the soul. It is the soul that is feminine.
If you are interested in learning and practicing it, contact me privately and we will plan. There is no cost involved. This is something new and exploratory. It is an exchange of loving soft nurturing energy, not to be compared with anything that has been experienced before. We will dip into ancient times when the planet was young, pure and full of the holy spirit unspoiled by humans. The world was quiet then. Serene. We will call upon the ancient land, peaceful and pure and warmed by the ancient sun. We will ask the sun to blow its ancient purity into this tired, weary body. We will call on ancient winds to blow through the cells and clear away the stress. We will call upon the ancient waters to wash away the tension in this body. We will ask the ancient trees to breath their green and pure oxygen through this body. We will ask the ancient flowers and herbs to sprinkle their healing fragrance deep into this soul and melt away the tightness in this body. We will ask the ancient sun to warm this body with its healing rays. We will call upon the ancient healing masters to place their sparkling spirit hands upon this body with nurturing love and light.
We will ask you to tune into the ancient quiet and tune out all outside thoughts. Focus on the here and now in this room. Stop thinking. Feel the quiet and trust the ancient peace that comes in. Develop the skill of tuning into harmony. One way to stop thoughts is to listen to your own breath. Notice the sound your breath makes. Feel your lungs and stomach inflating and deflating like balloons. Feel your hands with a thousand pores in the palm, inhaling clean white light and exhaling clean white light. Picture the bottoms of your feet with thousands of tiny pores opening and breathing in mother Earth on the inhale, and blowing out on the exhale. Imagine inhaling Earth magnetism up your legs to your heart and head, opening arteries and veins and exhaling down into the Earth again. Picture the pores in the skin on your back and spine opening as you inhale, and emptying out on the exhale. Picture your crown opening as you inhale, drawing in light from above, filling up your brain cells, and exhaling down the central column to Earth.
Imagine nurturing soft hands stroking your skin. Not heavy, not coarse, but light and airy. You might have a sheet covering your nakedness, or not, your choice, or light clothing. Expand into the air around you. Spiritual energy is all around you. Prana can be seen as sparkles. Manna is in the air. It is not mystical or mysterious. Prana and manna come from the sun. It is activated by your own consciousness. You are the one who creates manna and prana by connecting with the light and the love from the sun. You are the one who provides the force field of energy of light that encircles you and enfolds you. You are the one who refines it and makes it lighter than that of Earth atmosphere. Our bodies move inside this field of vitality which we create around us. It extends out to overlap with others. We are like fish swimming in an ocean of sparkling vitality. We were trained to focus on the physical world only - the hard edges of physical forms. Expand your eyesight and awareness beyond the form in a 360 degree circle so you can see into the heaven fields. You can with inner eyes and eyes that are beyond you. Picture yourself floating in a sea of pink light that extends into the distance. We are moving in a sea of energy like fish move in the sea. When we open our vision like this we stop thinking about day-to-day thoughts and begin drinking in the higher worlds. We allow the immaculate blueprint to sweep upward and outward around us, cleaning away the toxic energies, stress and tension that has been clinging to us. We are turning on our inner light and ascending our consciousness to higher realms.
2/15/23 - There is pure sweet love in the cells of your body
We are made of love. Love is everywhere. It governs the atoms and electrons of your body. Love is a conscious substance. It is intelligent. It is not felt as love when it is stuck and not moving, but it IS awake and aware. It is what moves your body around and your mind, brain and your feelings. It gives you breath and life. Inside the physical form made of substance, love is the atoms and swirling electrons that coalesce together and make up the cells, molecules and fibers of your body. If you did not have so many beliefs that cause you to be afraid, the atoms and electrons would be able to swirl and vibrate faster. The beliefs and thoughts are what restrict us. If we were more spontaneous and free we would feel lighter in body and happier in mind and feelings. It is limited belief - i.e., "I don't believe in such things" - and fear - i.e., "People are not to be trusted" - which leads to all sorts of negative attitudes that bog us down.
You use love to create because love drops your guard and expands your mind. Love is all there is. In the beginning creating something new is fun and exciting. You reduce love down into shape and form with substance and meat to it, by focusing with all your passion on your new creation. You take your ideas from infinite space and, with love, you mold and shape it into musical creations, artistic creations, relationships, school lessons, houses, tall buildings and bridges. You love to create. Your favorite creation is new relationships because old relationships tend to get dull and repetitious, repeating same old patterns over and over again is monotanous. New relationships feel good because you don't have any past memories or past mistakes to cast shadows. New relationships are pure love relationships. You glow when you think of your new lover or your new friend because nothing has spoiled it yet.
But creating in the world of form - our world of solid physicality - is pushing the envelope. We are each creating something new and so it is by trial and error. Our creations are experiments. We actually don't know how a new creation is going to work out. We plunge in with excitement, all aglow. Whether it be a workshop like my dream, or a new relationship that you have made. We are passionate. It is something NEW!
Why don't our old relationships and our old workshops feel like enough for us? Because we haven't continued to polish them with our love. Instead of polishing them up every morning with caring attention, respect and gratitude for their existence, we replay thoughts that had their day and they're now "old". Yesterday's oldness and mistakes creep into our thinking. The habits of the day before and the day before that and the day before that, until we are remembering all the mistakes, errors, and feelings of those mistakes and we are bogged down. What was originally a glowing exciting love affair of whatever - art, music, a class, a book - dulls down and becomes discarded. And we turn our attention to something new. That's why a new relationship, a new art piece, a new music CD, a new anything is so much more exciting. We are creating something new and there is no past to get in the way.
Is there a solution to this? The Galactics say it best: Learn to create with love in everything you do. Every moment of every hour of every day. It is a learning process. We are evolving into more advanced human beings by expanding our love and broadening our hearts. We need to love what we created YESTERDAY. Not discard it. Revivify it by picking it up again and caring for it, giving it loving attention. The most important creation of all is a primary relationship. I know many primary relationships that are not happy but they THINK they are. They could re-create their original love relationship by not following the same patterns and routines but taking a new approach today. Something different. Like taking a different road home from the store to provide new scenery, even if it takes longer time to get home. Forget the past and concentrate, meditate, focus on love. Make it new again.
Learn to create love every morning when you wake up in your mind. Say it to the walls, the ceilings, the floor, the bed sheets: "I love you windows, I love you carpet, I love you books, I love you bureau, I love you lamp!" Forget your tired old mundane responsibilities for an hour and spend time saying this new mantra: "I love you clothes!" And say it out loud if you dare. The sound of a word vibrating the air creates new energy in the air. "I love you, air!" If you don't have a partner, focus love on and into yourself. Love is in you already but it's not moving. If it's not moving, it's stuck and stagnant. Electrons never stop speeding in the subatomic structure of your body, but they slow down. The best love of all is love for yourself, your liver, your lungs, you stomach, your intestines. This is ancient yoga being revived in America today. You can do it o the run, as I do, or you can take an hour to sit quietly in a carefully designed location to give you peace of mind. You can add quiet music playing, perhaps a candle or two or three, and saying, "I love my heart, I love my brain, I love my blood flowing through my veins." But you can do it as you move about. I do. But do it. Start naming the parts of your body and putting your own hands on your own body and feel the love come alive. You can feel it! Allow the love to flow from your hands into your skin. Your legs, your feet, your arms, your stomach, the top of your head. Know that love is constantly pouring through you and love is the swirling atoms and electrons. Love never ceases flowing but it dumbs down when it's not being spoken or focused on. Think love for 5 or 10 minutes, or 30 minutes or an hour. It will help you to NOT go back to thinking negative. This is how to speed up the vibrations of the atomic structure of your body, brain and feeling world.
If you have a primary relationship, give your partner a massage once a week WITH LOVE. Buy a massage table and see what happens. Give your child a massage WITH LOVING HANDS and see what happens. Give your new born baby a massage WITH LOVE when it cries and see what happens. Give a friend a massage. A platonic massage. Give your SELF a loving massage. I do (on occasion!). Then you are re-creating something new. You become a god or goddess in training when you do this with love. Pick up discarded love objects off the floor and dust them off - with love. They too are composed of swirling electrons and nobody ever pays the kitchen chairs or table loving attention. You can transform your dull home into a sacred temple by doing this. Take an object over to the light blazing through the window and examine them. Hold them close to your lips. Smell the sweet fragrance of the love that is held locked inside the atoms and molecules. Revivify all in your life and love it back to excitement again. Be a happy god or goddess. Keep resurrecting that which was cast aside as old.
2/9/23 - Physically upgrading
There has been little time lately to visit the website and post articles. There have been changes. Many changes. A wonderful friend lives with us now, temporarily, until she gets her house back after the Hurricane Ian swept it away. And because we have opened our hearts and doors to give our friend sanctuary, we have taken on renewed responsibilities. We have expanded in different ways. There is a new dynamic in our house. As a result of our commitment to this, Doug and I have been upgraded. We are transforming, meaning we are changing the way we do things. There is additional understanding. We are wiser than we were before, and these create challenges. The challenges create opportunities to change if we are willing, and these bring on new responsibilities. Do we accept them? It's a test. I have found it comes with choices. It's a two-way street. One can refuse or one can suck it up and grow bigger. Get past it. Then I discovered that new energy comes along with it. This is not easy, so I wanted to write about it. I may be seen as an easy-going person to my friends, but I'm as stubborn as anyone else underneath where I live with myself. I have to do it "my way". And that's the part that needs "sucking up".
So now I've been given some specific yoga breathing techniques by my invisible sources, the Himalayan masters. I was guided to three separate books, all of which were tied together on higher levels. They were threaded together. What a privilege to be so connected to benefit from telepathic hints sent to me! It is mind-boggling to wake up with instructions to go here and there and get some new guidelines. However, it is always my choice to accept the guidance. I don't have to but I've learned over the years to pay attention and listen. I got down the three books. They were: Tibetan Tantric Mysticism, a book I didn't know I had - my sister boxed up all her books and sent them to me before she died. Another one led me to Swami Rama, also from my sister. Check him out on Amazon for books, and Youtube for glimpses from lectures. He was raised by the Himalayan masters from the age of three. The third book is a homemade item I made from collections of wisdoms by others. All three books were threaded together by a similar subject. They all contained a thread guiding me to yoga breathing techniques. I was ready and prepared through past practices, and this piece of information took me up another level. A most amazing higher level. One more precise, more refined, more detailed and specific. It is all about focusing and sharpening my focus to see more and better. It's a most interesting journey, the journey towards more enlightenment.
As I practice these techniques I am finding I can do more physical tasks. There is more power. Not muscle power but power of a greater nature. I am energized. It is surprising to me how excited I get. The excitement gives me sustainable power. Wanting to keep going even if it's painful. It's no longer boring. Doing tasks used to be boring. Now it's not boring any more as long as I am discerning. I have to do only those things that need doing, not get carried away into tasks that are not relevant. It's exciting to discover discernment. Stay in your own lane. Be single-minded. Don't let odds and ends creep in and distract. Wanting to get the tasks done is a power. There is a power overlighting me that is guiding me. It is my higher self wanting to get these tasks done. If I stray outside of the Plan of my higher self, I get tired. This is a most important point. If I stay with the Plan of my higher self, I am rewarded with enthusiasm and feel fulfilled and energized. There is an eternal presence around and over me. This presence is one of attention. I must be careful and stay in the present moment and the "presence". Then there is no room for boredom. There is too much aliveness and excitement happening. It comes flooding in, this aliveness. It is stimulating and revealing. Revelations happen on the go, as I move around.
Practicing these exercises, which are not new, but I have a new understanding of the NOW and the PRESENT, I am finding a new way to live. The benefits are without question the best ones I've seen. But they take time. Practicing breathing techniques requires time out to sit still and really do the breathing. I see there are huge benefits. There is a quickening and a resurrection of interest and joy of life. There is a reason why yoga has survived the eons. The techniques work.
The difference between the casual yoga practitioner and the one who carves out time every day to practice, is that there are provable benefits that show up physically. I am seeing them myself. I was the former practitioner before. Now I am following the masters' guidance. How they did it. Yoga can be done for fun and to socialize with others as a beginning. But eventually it leads to a commitment to one's self, to be done alone. One has to bite the bullet and shut off the world to do inner work. It's a focusing of the eternal mind. The mind has been allowed to be a follower of others. But now, feeding the mind with a specific job to concentrate upon is something quite different. The mind perks up and pays attention. It is a universal hook up with other cosmic minds and forces. It's a lineage. It's a thread to other minds who have gone before and can guide how to tweak a practice and make it even better. It's done through telepathy, mind to mind. There is a definite physical effect on the strengthening and vitality of the body. It's a linking into a power that we as limited creatures are not aware of normally. It's always been there but unless we take specific instructions, we would not know about it.
So I am upgrading. It is all done with the mind. The mind is eternal. It expands when we give it new direction. It relapses when we give up. We can expand it or reduce it. They say there is no end to mind, no final resting place, It is an expanding that goes beyond our traditional way of thinking, but we have to tap into it. The only way to get to the levels waaaaay-up-beyond where we are today is to start with the small, tightly closed end of our minds and agree to open that door and begin there. It's like opening a door of an abandoned old house, not very pleasant on the outside, not blissful at all, nor attractive. But by walking inside the front door and looking around inside (per instructions) one finds something interesting and attractive there. It is rather a simple thing to do. All we have to do is do it. It's tricky choosing to ignore the crowd outside yelling and trying to get our attention with trauma and drama on every side. But once we get past those distractions and carve out time to go alone to practice, one is well on the way to betterment. As the mind starts to focus on the the inner self, the muscles and tissues of our own body, including the brain, the better we feel. The body registers change and reaps the benefits, physically and energetically. One is upgraded.
2/1/23 - Moving closer to group ascension massage exchanges
Journaled six years ago. During meditations that morning I had a lot of realizations and had to write them down to remember them. First of all, I saw chaos this morning. It was in the form of different colored energies, little tiny particles. They were kind of lost and moving around and mixing in with other dissimilar colors, shapes and textures, seemingly at random. There was no order to the chaos. It was confusing. The feeling was that of being lost and trying to find their thread to home but didn’t know how. I realized that out of this confusing mix that it is up to me to sort them out. It is my job to make sense of the chaos. and yet how can I do it with my mind? I don’t know how. I can’t make sense of them but I can become peaceful.
I was shown that by becoming peaceful and not trying to make sense of them, I give them space to relax and spread out and slow down. By so doing they begin to sort them selves out. As they relax they come naturally into close vicinity of other familiar particles by natural attraction. By my becoming peaceful and serene, the chaos also becomes more peaceful. The restless particles slow down and are attracted to its own kind. They develop a bond with their family. They return home. They link and connect with their own families. As I become peaceful, I see that the chaos is coming from outside of me, and by becoming peaceful I produce a buffer zone that those little particles of chaotic energy cannot penetrate because I am not producing them. Therefore they are not returning to me. If I were producing them they would return to me, but I did not produce them so they are going away, by natural attraction, to someone else. I become like a mirror, reflecting the chaos away from me and sending it home to where it belongs.
Next, I see that my massage therapist friend, Marcus, is working with earth energies and the kundalini. I am working with the sky energies, the spirit or soul. We keep our soul, the same soul, from body to body but each new body gets a new spark of kundalini. We have been unsuccessful in bringing our soul down to meet our earth energy, the kundalini, which is the goal. We need to integrate our soul (our self) with the earth body’s energy in order to bring about an enlightened earth body. We fail to do this over and over and over. We live many lives to try again. We continually get a body and the body dies without having done the integration so we have to come back and try again. But my realization is that Marcus is here to work with the earth energies and I am focused on the sky energy, from which comes the formless light, which is abstract information. I like to write about spiritual law and spiritual light. I am in tune with and in touch with other ascended masters and the galactics. Both groups. Inner space and outer space. I invoke them every day. This is my source of information and my reason for being. Marcus is focused on love. He is a massage therapist and is focused on the physical body and the more practical, physical energies. He and his wife focus on the land around their property and they work with the elementals of trees, bushes, flowers, birds, bees and all within the nature kingdom. I do not have that interest. My interest is galactic and the ascended realms.
Marcus is male, focused on the physical and he is more mental than I am. I am female focused on the non-physical, and not mental at all. It would seem we are opposites but we both are focused on love and loving the body. It’s just that I am not interested in the physical muscles of the body where he is. I am interested in stroking the body in a subtle, loving way. Marcus can do that too, but he is different from me. We seem to be opposites and yet we are much the same. The differences are that he is focused on tantric massage, and getting the person’s consciousness to accept the kundalini so as to bring about the earth energies in a more real and benevolent way. Where I am interested in raising the person’s consciousness upward, above the dense lower vibrating body, to the higher heart and top of the head.
Marcus does both therapeutic massage and loving energy massage. I don’t know the physical very much and was not too interested when attending massage school. He knows both physical and non-physical modalities. He knows how to feel kundalini when the person allows it into her consciousness. Marcus can be contacted HERE.
My desire is to hold a layman’s massage workshop. Not to teach about muscles, and not to teach how to arouse erotically, and not to teach how energy works, and not to teach at all, actually. But simply to give each person in attendance the chance to feel what it’s like to touch other bodies openly and freely. We would start with clothes on as a beginning. It does not have to be in the nude. I want to give people the confidence in touching others. That it is OK and to give them assurances that it is OK and some simple encouragement. Go ahead and try it. As long as the receiver is giving their permission for you to touch them. When we all give permission, we can lay hands on each other. It is in the practice of this that we will become free. Don’t call it massage if you don’t want to . It is not really massage that we are doing. It is permission to touch, really. That’s all it is. And to experience what it feels like.
There is a mixing of energies when you touch someone else with caring. Slowly. Not just brushing them quickly, superficially, over the outer skin. The slowness makes it intimate. It allows YOUR energies to enter into the receiver’s energies through the skin. It’s not about arousing them for sex. It’s about connecting energies as an equal. It is an experience that cannot be defined in words. It is connecting up, linking up, joining, fusing and permission is needed. Each person is a piece of the sea of consciousness, what we call the creator or God. Each person is a piece of God’s consciousness. God wants to express itself in the physical. We have been holding it back. Our physical body houses a certain presence, a certain consciousness, a certain intelligence, a certain feeling that can’t be duplicated because each person has a unique pattern that is contained in the soul (the self). When we all get together for massage exchanges - ascension massage which has a higher goal than sexual arousal - we are broadening and expanding ourself by coming out of our private little isolated separated closet. When we blend openly this way with several others, we feel more free, more peaceful and more accepted into the fold of family. It is like coming home. We expand closer to the heaven world.
A Zoom meeting doesn’t provide the same feeling. Someone asked about having a Zoom meeting for this, but it wouldn't work. The Presence is housed inside the physical cells, blood, tissues, organs of the person's body and radiates outward. In some people it remains stifled and closed. We are each different. We are each a piece of the creator walking around on the earth feeling frustrated because of all these restrictions and limitations and taboos about not saying what you really feel and not being able to do what you really want to do, not feeling spontaneously free. In a carefully structured massage exchange, this sense of freedom can be taught and practiced. A zoom meeting would not allow this to happen. Our current societal laws prevent us from touching each other freely but this can change with some ground rules. We are blocking the creative intelligence that is within us wanting to express itself. Freedom to express is being blocked. Creativity is being blocked. Excitement is being blocked. The thrill of discoveries are being blocked. We are each here to bring it forth into the outer world. We’ve been blocked and held back from the time we were small children so that we have incorporated the taboos and cultural conditionings into our adult day-to-day life. We never get a chance to feel free because we are overly burdened to remember the laws. We are not allowed to be open, honest or able to touch freely and feel other people, even with caring loving intention.
I am saying here that there is a way to start moving outward from behind closed doors. There is a way to begin the process of shining our light, and our light is love.
I focus on light. I use the word “light” more often than Marcus does. Marcus focuses on love. He uses the love word more than I do. But they are the same thing. Light is unformed immaculate never-ending intelligence from the sky, and love is this light when it is owned by someone who applies it to their daily life. Then they make it physical and practical the light then becomes love. It becomes love when it is functioning and operating in a human body. No one knows who they really are underneath the pre-conditioned cultural restrictive mask until they start shining and expressing freely. It is about freedom. We each begin to know ourselves as we express freely during our daily life - with love, not violence! Not pushiness. Not demanding attention. Not egotistical or rude or arrogant. But quietly open and free and caring. (Journaled 2/9/17)
1/31/23 - Abortion, old age and other things
(From journal 9/26/81) I have such a desire to write but there is too much. I am seeing so many things. Yesterday on the way to our friend's house we drove past a cemetery and I saw – no, I KNEW, experienced something. I saw that the cemetery is a doorway, an opening through which the soul is freed. It is a marvelous threshold, but oh, these words are useless! It is so much more than that. It is a wonderful experience to be there, and after you have passed it, the threshold no longer exists. It is so unimportant – the cemetery!
Oh, the truth is so beautiful to know. It is so – merely there. It has never gone anywhere but it merely hides behind a little veil so we cannot see. But it is there, nonetheless. It is lovely, complete, like coming home whenever I see beyond that little veil. How I wish everyone could see as I do. I try to tell Bob but it sounds so useless, so out of place, and I am bursting with happiness but I must keep it to myself. I am overflowing with a sense of fulfillment, yet there is no one to share it with.
And I saw something else. Everyone has made such a big deal over abortions. How can you kill a living life? Others say, but there is no life there at all. I don’t know what caused me to see this but I did. At conception only a very small percentage of the spark of life that is the individual comes into the fetus. Only about 1 to 5%, so to abort it you are not killing anything, because 90 to 95% (more or less) remains where it was before coming. You haven’t killed anything because it has only just begun. The nine-month carrying period is too long for more than 1 to 5% of the living, breathing consciousness to be confined – shut up as it were with no way to express. This living flame of life which is our consciousness is too grand, too unique, too knowledgeable, to be cooped up like that. It cannot be cooped up in a prison. That is why it does not all gather at once at the moment of conception. It sends an advance guard to prepare its house – the house it shall move into when it is finished.
And then, at the grand moment of birth, the big exciting moment, the 90 or 95% of that vital living consciousness moves in, bag and baggage, like a monarch complete with troops. All together, alive, knowing, breathing, prepared to take over. And thus it is that the first breath of life is consciousness taking over the body. Thus it is that many people remember a long, dark tunnel with a light at the end. This is the moment of entering the body. It is a marvelous, psychic, conscious moment. And one not to be forgotten.
And I saw other things – I saw the reason consciousness sometimes seems to disconnect from the immediate problem of life – as when you daydream. This is living proof that the consciousness is a separate thing from the body and brain. How else could it drift away to some far off place and be conscious of other things? Because it is not anchored to the body – it is only using the body as a man uses a house and he may come and go at will. This is the majesty of man, he is a noble God that moves and breathes in living Light, in freedom and universality. How great it will be when he wakes up and realizes what he truly is!!!!
These things I see and more. I see that old age - I saw this, experienced it for a brief passing moment, for that is how I “see” – that old age is (I must be careful with my words) the flaming spirit that lives within the consciousness and is ALWAYS trying to manifest in the physical world and in the flesh. This is a preamble now. That is its purpose for coming – to realize itself in living flesh, in living solids, to UNITE with the physical world. It is attempting always to do this, that is its motivation, its reason for existence, that is the driving urge inside a man that yearns to be free. It matters not what avenue it takes, whether an intellectual like a professor, or a working man like a machinist – it doesn’t matter – a profession is only a colorful tool through which to express the INNER URGE. The inner urge is a spark which has been ignited and it is flaring now. Within the body of a man the living spirit is flaring and trying to find room in which to complete its pre-appointed task. And thus the living spirit in man is striving to come out into the world and be seen. Only that individual knows when the spark has succeeded. Only that individual knows the wonderful feeling of fulfillment, contentment, peace, which is the aftermath of an explosion that set him free. But for one reason or another he has failed. Failed to comply with the cosmic laws which say: yield! Bend! Hark! Listen! Follow your heart! The heart is speaking – the living spark within. But no. Man does not want to listen. He wants to do it HIS way, the way of his opinion. The way HE thinks is right. The way He has been trained. So long as a man says, “I think!” or “I know”, he does not know. He does not! Because when the day comes that he knows, he will not have to defend his right to know. He will step aside and smile the smile of knowingness.
And so old age is the giving up, the spark within knows that it is not going to accomplish its purpose in this life and so relinquishes its vitality over the cells of flesh. There is nothing a man can do, but look at himself in the mirror and watch old age creeping over his body. It is a sign that he will eventually die. Not his spark of consciousness – that will go on. But the chance of finding himself in this body has gone. Passed away. To try again in another body. Old age is the outer skin starting to decompose first. As the life is withdrawn it withdraws from the outer first, and it is slow, but steadily faster. Can it be checked? YES! It can be checked in midstream – at the age of 70, 80, or 90! All it takes is waking up! Determination to be free, determination to put aside the false habits of a false world and be oneself in living color! It is possible! It is desirable! But it is something one must do alone! No one will understand. And yet, there is a universe of living souls who know what you are doing. They are waiting to help. They are joined to the one who determines to succeed. They are there. They have talked to me. I have known them. (Journaled 9/26/81)
1/29/23 - Symbiosis
In the night the other night I woke with inspiration and began writing. "Symbiosis - allowing the laws of harmony vs. following the laws of separation. Symbiosis. The universe operates on the law of harmony or synthesis, whereas mankind has been operating on the law of separation. When you massage (friend staying with us) you allow a blend to occur between her energy field and yours. The normal human ego respects another person’s field and does not interfere with it. He or she stops short of blending with another, allowing the boundary to exist between them, the law of separation. Allowing the hard edges between one person and another. It is called respecting free will."
I went off to sleep and woke up again with more information. I wrote it down: "Symbiosis is tilting the law of gravity in favor of blending separate fields, whereas the law of gravity pulls toward the center of each being, whether man, animal, plant, etc., keeping each being separated from others."
I went off to sleep again and woke up a third time to write: "The flash event - when everyone will turn toward the law of harmony and away from the law of free will and separated boundaries. The harmony is expanding in the universe and it is hitting earth. It’s a shifting and the shift will reach that certain saturation point where everything will shift toward harmony."
I went off to sleep again and woke up a fourth time, with a realization that I have been following the light in my body rather than the dark in my body ever since I went into the light 47 years ago. Before that time, I too followed the dark in my body as the artificial laws of the culture lay heavy on me as they do on everyone I know, but after the kundalini awakened in 1976 I was changed by the ascension process. I didn't know what happened, but this realization was another added piece of information to inform me. Therefore, when I am close to another person I naturally attract the LIGHT in the other person rather than the dark or artificial or wrong beliefs in that person, often referred to as the artificial intelligence in that person. I understood that I have more light operating in me than most people, and this allows me to magnetize the light in the other person when I put myhands on them, as I have been doing with my friend since she has been staying with me.
It is not me giving something to her, but rather the light in me is connecting with the light in her. It is not anything that I am "doing" for her. It is a resonance, a universal law - the universal law of harmony - which was given to me in during my dream state, explaining it to me and shedding more light on my understanding. This explains why I feel so good at the end of my massage. It is a doubling effect of light, her light with my light increased for both of us. I have been feeling quite blissed out myself after giving the massage to my friend, and I wondered about this. It is the magic of the light moving within the cells and tissues of our bodies.
The light in me is getting stronger. It is seductive. I share this information knowing that it is happening with others, too. I yearn to reach out to other people and blend with the light in them, too, and so I reveal this inner happening. The light is growing stronger in people especially who meditate on spiritual concepts. Perhaps the time is coming when we can start the ascension massage exchange. I can't go forward with it until there is a "green light" that says "GO!" There are many signs coming through various spiritual channels. The physical body starts to glow. We can see it in some people. It is not a literal light, but it is a shining. You can see it in a person who captivates your attention. Someone you might like to get to know better but you don't know how to broach them. I believe transfiguration is a good word to use here. Perhaps it is a mild form of transfiguration. I am told that physical ascension may happen in a gentle manner, when light is triggered throughout the cells of the body and the body glows. As a person may master their light better as they become more aware of their inner thoughts and feelings and therefore are more gentle and careful how they express themselves. Becoming a master of their innermost self is the work that many people are going through in these days of mindfulness, meditation, yoga and other disciplines. There is a waking-up process taking place among many people. It is important to be aware of this.
A gradual understanding is taking place that the physical ascension that is being discussed more and more these days, is not necessarily a "disappearance" act. An individual might not be "taken up" as I once thought - as in "beam me up Scotty!" Rather, it is possible that an individual might become such a master of their thoughts and feelings that they can maintain a sufficient balance to stay grounded and present here. A balance between the light and dark within their physical cells, atoms and tissues that would allow them to maintain their physical presence here with the rest of us. This is an understanding that is gradually taking shape in my mind. The contrast is between the purity or holiness that is the actual life of the tissues of the body, versus the artificial beliefs, doubts and fears of the human ego that is constantly shifting and weighing outcomes.
The yearning to connect with others is growing ever stronger but so is my ability to discipline and control any selfish thought or desire that might pop up and lead me astray. Massaging my friend is natural and easy. It is a wonderful, blissful experience for both of us when it is done. She has a need for healing and I supply the hands, but there is healing in BOTH of us - I benefit from it too. I feel sure I will be led to connect with more people as time goes on. I welcome any comments and feedback from readers. Send it to me thru the contact page.
1/25/23 - Tantra teaches how to expand the rapture
During a new moon ceremony eleven years ago I began dreaming and chanting my hopes and wishes into a glass of water and subsequently poured it out into the earth outside the screen room. During this time I saw many visions and revelations. I saw that all of the rays of colors have to come down and reach the kundalini at the base of the spine in order to be complete down here in physical earth. It is called the Antahkarana, the rainbow bridge. The hard part is getting the vibrations of the colors to lower in density, for each color is vibrating at a different frequency, and it IS a light. It is an attribute in the form of light. Each color comes through the chakra portal. It needs to be brought down one by one to connect with kundalini, the light at the bottom of the tunnel, which is a portal to the reservoir of divinity within the root chakra.
I saw many many people bringing down these colored rays to connect with the etheric light at the base of the spine in what is termed “orgasm”. The orgasm is the connecting link. Then (WOW!) God is walking on earth! Each human being is a piece of God trying to reach earth from its high ethereal place and it is very difficult because earth is vibrating at such a low, dense level. This is a major project to bring down the light to earth, but when it does, the orgasm happens. God walks the earth when orgasm happens. How long the orgasm lasts is how long God-Goddess gets to walk in flesh. Can you hold it in the body? Can you prolong the rapture?
You can only do so by expanding your MIND. Your MIND allows the rapture to expand upward into the rest of the body above the pelvic zone. Don’t keep it down there but raise it up. Tantra masters try to teach this. As you work at this you will prolong the rapture of orgasm. The goal is to expand it so all the cells are bathed in this essence of divinity called the nectar of the Gods. I see it simply as an explosion of light that doesn’t die. It continues to shine and radiate.
Then I saw the master Djwal Khul. The pain that I see in his eyes are transformed now into deep humility, intelligence, adoration and gratitude is the highest vibration of all. It is the most exquisite, the most beautiful of all colors and textures and vibrations in all of God’s many vibrations. I see many people coming together and meeting in this “oneness” plane of God consciousness. They are making love by allowing love to expand between them. I do not know how this is accomplished, whether it is through sexual penetration or simply by tantric process. I see the light of God coming to human beings in a very real or surreal way.
And I am reminded not to forget the love. It is all about love. Love IS the body of God. God is Love. Words are speaking to me in my mind. Learn to use the higher road in choosing your words. Put sacred vibration into your words. Love of freedom is freedom to love. When love is coming through someone, God is coming through. The person is just the portal. God is coming through. God is love. That’s why love is the highest energy we can conceive as intelligent, thinking human beings. There is nothing higher. We are home when we are in love. It is our origin, and our source. Where we came from.
I am seeing a race of men and women who are graceful and walk with dignity and nobility AND they are human too. Can you imagine this? God walking around as a human? It’s happening right now and our lifestyle is allowing that because we are encouraging sexual exploration, which is the avenue for the divine to enter into the human body. We are playing with the essence of God Creator! (Journaled 6/2/11)
1/23/23 - The old timeline is disappearing
The old timeline is disappearing, a new timeline is coming into play. How do I process this? One timeline is grounded in the physical and traditional and is confusing. The typical solution when something is wrong is to go to the doctor. My husband keeps reminding me. But this thought is filled with doom and gloom for me. I don’t want to go to a doctor. It feels like more sickness to me. It confuses me. The other timeline is peaceful, blissful, warm, connected and loving. Is this what they call dementia? Or is this ascension? To me I feel best when I’m holding myself to my center, to the central column of my trunk and spine, leaning neither to the left or the right, or to the outside to someone else or to the heavens above to some unknown savior, but rather holding to neutrality, to balance, to oneness, to be fully present in the here and now. It feels like love to me. It is warm and comforting. Clarity fills my head and security fills my body, every cell and organ is more present and accounted for instead of confused and not knowing what to do. I am present in my body, I feel to be somewhere in the center of my heart and lung and lower body area. I feel as if everything is alright. It’s secure. There is a feeling of rightness. I move more easily to do what needs to be done, without thinking about it. This is what I’ve been feeling lately as I continue to use the two-tennis-balls-in-a-sock to press out the pain locked in my back. It is interesting to me because I am more detached. The DIY exercises at home, plus lying on the acupuncture mat every day, is changing me. I feel more alive, more able to respond, quick to react when I’m needed. What happened to my old sensation of, “Ohh, do I have to? I don’t want to!” What is going on in me? Whatever it is, I like it!
1/20/23 - The jewel in the lotus
This morning I had a most wonderful experience during my meditation. I saw what expectations are doing to people. To me. I saw expectations, many expectations and beliefs, in the form of a flower fully open. The flower petals were the expectations and beliefs, unfolding quite beautifully all around the central stamen, which appeared as a shining jewel in the center - the prize that has been overlooked by everyone who is seeking outside of themselves for answers. The expectations showed themselves to me as walls and barriers. Boundaries that block the way to the real within. Yet they are safe enough. They are OK. We search outside of ourselves, facing away from our real and authentic self - the ultimate prize at the center. By trying to define what we want, what we need, what we feel to others, we do not see the beauty that is lying within. We look and reach to others for what we want to have happen, and what we want the other person to do for us. And when we get together in little groups, each person has a different set of scenarios of what they want to have happen, and with who, and under what conditions, etc. Each person's expectation of the best possible outcome is hanging out there in his or her auric field, in the far reaches of our minds, and it blocks us from successfully getting it because it's too fixed, too narrow, too focused, too unattainable. Nobody could possibly fill that expectation. It is less than what our real self can provide if only we would stop expecting.
It is OK, though, because we are creators and we are here to learn by creating through trial and error and experimentation. We are here to experiment with other people as our mirrors. We have created a lot of wisdom through our experimentation and our travels with people, some special people, some accidental, some traumatic. We have been creating our life situations by defining what we want and then expecting it to work out that way. Sometimes it does, but often it doesn't because the real jewel is at the center of the flower. The jewel is in the lotus at the center but we are distracted by the beautiful, glamours petals of many colors and designs. The jewel in the lotus is our real self. The sovereign self who stands alone. We haven’t discovered it yet. We haven't learned the practice of sitting alone by ourselves and looking inside the treasure chest. When we start to open the jewel-encrusted chest, which we will learn later is the body itself, we are going to find the most extraordinary things. Within the physical body is an amazing ability to feel depths upon depths of feelings.
Expectations are a problem. Expectations are scenes and beliefs we hold in our minds of what we want to have happen. It's a planned scenario. We fix our mind on something and it stays there solid and immovable, like a barrier. We are seeking this thing to happen for us, but it's unattainable because every person has a different substructure than we do. Our infrastructures are all different. There are no two alike. We don't match. We can't fit. The only way we can fit together is to drop our expectations and allow the subconscious infrastructure (the soul) to find itself. We cannot know what that will be. It will be spontaneous because it doesn't come from pre-determination. It doesn't come from the mind. It comes from the flow between people. The chemistry can't be controlled. We can't imagine it. It is a feeling from a deeper place. A wider place. A cosmic place. We don't know what is to come because it hasn't arrived yet. We have to open ourselves to the flow first, and then it will arrive. The joyful experience of merging with others without expectations allows the moving of emotions, the sensation of feelings within us that have not surfaced yet and are therefore not restricted to a limited mental expectation. We can find this by coming together with others with an open HEART and an open mind, touching them and hugging them and interacting with them closely, yes, close and real but without expectations. Without demands on someone else to fulfill us. This is the hardest thing to understand, but understand we must. We are to drop our expectations which have fixed us on lesser things, narrow things which hold us trapped in petty goals, fixed like concrete. And they are holding us back.
Freedom is a sensation. We all want to feel free to enjoy ourselves, freedom to move around and freedom to feel the excitement that comes from no pressure, nobody demanding anything from us, freedom to move as we feel to move. But freedom does not come from someone outside. Freedom is a sensation that one must give to oneself, but dropping all expectations. Then the freedom can flow out and meet the ones who are on the same wave length. Freedom to be authentic is the jewel in the lotus. It's hard to imagine, although we've all had a momentary flash here and there. We know the potential is there. It's possible. What is holding it back? I saw this morning that it is expectations that are holding us back.
1/17/23 - The fully realized man
(From 9 years ago) This morning a wonderful vision was shown to me of a fully realized man. Uumm, lovely. This vision came as a feeling coupled with a picture. It affected me on levels that are wordless. I want to try to express the feeling because I am always focusing on the feminine qualities and, contrary to popular belief, a man who is fully in touch with his feminine side is waaaaay more attractive than one who is not. Most readers interpret feminine to mean woman or a gay man, but there is something powerfully masculine in a man who is whole and complete with both a gentle side and a strong masculine side. Every man has a feminine side, for he is 50% male and 50% female. Most men have been conditioned to hide their female side. Likewise, every woman is 50% female and 50% male, she just hides the 50% male side so she is not wholly empowered. But let's look at an empowered man.
A man's body is male, no question about it. But his body is only the vessel through which he moves and operates as an intelligent operating force. The body is a vehicle, just like his car that he gets into every day and drives. The body is not who he is. Who he is is intelligence manifesting as thought and feeling. This intelligent being is both male and female in thought and feeling. It is only when he is raised in a less-than-perfect society as ours is, that he is indoctrinated from infancy to hide his female side. A boy is taught from infancy to "be a man" and thus close off his delicate sensitivities which are his feminine side. Most boys are taught not to cry and not to express emotion or high ideals or a sense of justice or fairness, or appreciation for beauty or a taste for dance or the arts. These are too delicate, in our society, for a man to have. They are "gay". And yet these are very much a part of his wholeness. He cannot be complete without them. As he grows into adulthood and continues to deny expression to his own inner beauty and grace, he grows harder and more masculine. More macho. He develops a certain hunger for the feminine touch, for his body needs it. His body follows its natural growth pattern and at puberty there is a physical awakening of sex hormones in the genital region, indicating he can now reproduce, but there is a deeper and more intense hunger. He needs feminine energy for his soul, not just his body. He is lacking in that area - intimacy, gentleness, awe and wonder, because he has been trained to shut that side of him down and he is energetically out of balance. He is tilting too far over into the masculinity zone.
Perhaps the reader will disagree with me, but I am sharing a word picture of something I saw today - a fully-realized man. A whole man, not a screwed-up man with issues. We do not see such men in our society often, if ever. A fully realized man is not hungry for sex, nor is he hungry for a relationship. He is his own man and happy with his life. He is balanced between his heart (feminine) and his mind (masculine). He has learned to keep his heart open. He has not closed off his feminine side. His physical body is male and he is attracted to women in the same way as any normal man, for he loves to be in love and he loves beauty, grace and togetherness. But sex is not driving him. He has a respect for the whole person, and an appreciation of nature and ALL people everywhere - not just women. He has the ability to enjoy the many pleasures that the world has to offer, and the ability to be in joy and spontaneity as he feels, as well as to be serious, practical and a leader of men where needed. He can laugh and cry as he is moved to do so. And he can be the warrior when he is called upon, because he does not have unresolved issues plaguing him. He embodies his own wholeness in his skin, and he is comfortable with who he is. He is not operating at the 50% level, which we would call the macho male, but is the kind of man all men and all women would find attractive and likeable.
It's hard to describe the feeling of what I saw. It was a feeling. It was a presence. It was loving and warm and yet masculine in every way. It was wise and intelligent. Profoundly knowledgeable. He was like a god in a man's body. You could not help but stop and gaze at him in wonder, trying to figure out what it was that captivated you. But he was just a human being. I am trying to define the feeling, the impact, the glow and the presence of this man in my vision. He had a very powerful presence. You could imagine him being able to move mountains if he wanted to, but that he kept that power under wraps until needed. This gave an image of a very strong, very warm, very gentle, very human, and very attractive man.
I am painting this picture so that men who read this might understand - allowing your female side to express in your thoughts and emotions. This picture I paint is not being gay, and not being feminine. It is being more masculine, not less. It is important that a man realize how much he loses by not allowing his sensitive nature to co-exist along with his masculine. He has this energy within him. It is a powerful spiritual energy. I am articulating this for a reason. If men everywhere accepted his femaleness, the world would spring back to rightness immediately, for it has been the unbalanced male who has become unduly aggressive, mean and vicious without his feminine side. He would become in short time very comfortable with himself and at peace with his life. What at first feels vulnerable to him would eventually prove to be a wholeness that he has not experienced before, and it would give him more power, purpose and meaning.
The inner feminine is sometimes called the inner child. The inner child has been neglected. The inference is that the child has not grown up to adulthood, but here’s the thing: the inner female is always a child. It is happy and joyful and spontaneous and in love with life. It is the delightful twinkling in the eye at play. A man who has these qualities would be stronger than those men who do not express it. All men could express their inner child, with a little shift into solitary alone time to connect with it. He would be able to give expression to his inner, heretofore unexpressed inner thoughts and feelings. He would be MORE of a man, not less. He would find himself surprisingly stronger than he ever thought possible, because he would be operating on 100% fuel instead of only 50%.
The fuel is the spirit of the person, not the body itself. The fuel is the life force of an individual, not the body itself. The body is only the vehicle, the car, that the person gets into and drives around. When the person runs out of fuel, out of spirit, out of life force, then the car, the body, runs down and grows old. It cannot keep itself alive. It needs the fuel - the 100% octane. The macho male thinks he is so powerful and manly, but he can't do it alone without the spiritual fuel of 100% - the other half of himself which is hidden. One who has accepted his own gentleness, grace, vulnerability, beauty and refinement, would appear as a gentleman. That private acceptance within would flood his mind, body and feelings and saturate him with powerful confidence and inner knowledge. No amount of book learning or higher education gives that to a man. Only his willingness to connect with his heart, the feminine and spiritual side of himself.
The same is true with a woman. Most women operate on 50% of their life force, not 100% as they could. Yes, their physical bodies are feminine and they might be the most beautiful woman in the world. But their bodies are only a vessel, a vehicle. She herself is a non-physical, very powerful being using that beautiful body to operate through. When she, the powerful being, is raised as a young girl by her parents, she is more than likely being cultivated toward the feminine side. They are probably clipping and cutting back her male side, so she will fit in better with the world. Most girls are taught to be soft and gentle and to not express their intellectual side or their strengths or practicalities or tendencies for science, math, politicians, baseball or motorcycles. And yet she has all of these tendencies within her. They are skills and talents and abilities. Who knows what she would produce if she did not cut off her male side?
As young girls grow into womanhood they become increasingly hungry for male energy - the male energy that they rejected and were denied expression to. They grow unbalanced. She develops a certain hunger for boys. And when her body awakens at puberty with sex hormones flooding her nerves and tissues, she has no control over it. She needs and wants a boy man. Whereas if she had been allowed to be a fully-realized girl from childhood she would not be caught in the flood of emotions at puberty. Imbalance causes her intense desire for male energy, for she has refused to let it live and express in her. This hunger radiates out into the atmosphere around her and men and boys are attracted to it like a moth to a flame.
When a person blocks whole portions of themselves from expressing, which our society unfortunately requires, there is the beginning of imbalance. It manifests as inability to see clearly or choose wisely and as a hunger for the opposite sex or fighting with the opposite sex. Wholeness, on the other hand, is a feeling of being healthy, at peace and
"The spinal column is the central pole of the body around which the various organisms and electrons spin. It is like unto the axis of the physical earth held in place by Polaris and Magnus. Within this spinal column is the magnetic core of love that holds the physical vehicle itself in manifest expression. Within the spinal column is the cosmic keynote for each lifestream. The tone and the natural harmony of the vehicle are constantly flowing through the nervous system from the spinal column; and that harmony is the sustaining power of the outer self of each such chela [student].
"When harmony in the physical form is temporarily broken through strain and tension, it may be acquired again if the chela will lie quietly upon his bed with a low headrest (or none) and visualize his spinal column as the "pole." Then, in relaxation, let the light from the spinal column go through the nervous system and the entire physical vehicle carrying the light into every cell and atom of his being. If this can be done for 15 minutes daily, the chela breathing deeply and rhythmically, holding the thought and feel of LIGHT, he can again adjust his physical body and arise refreshed and relaxed."
4/7/23 - Inspiration and ascension
Energies have been swirling very fast the last few weeks, and picking up more and more speed. I tend to think it is planetary because I know we are in the middle of a planetary shift to higher consciousness, but this is personal. I want to share today what I have learned about GROUNDING the light. The light waves that are coming in are sweeping like a little old lady with a big broom, sweeping up the old dusty energies that have settled down into our carpets and furniture, and it’s causing a great deal of dust The dust is swirling and I was experiencing dizziness to the extreme, I couldn’t think.
Then the Master Djwahl Kuhl stepped in. What he told me I should have known but didn’t. He tells me again and this is something very important to remember and to pass on to others. Whenever I have an inspiration that thrills me and lifts my excitement up so much that it fills me with elation and quickness, then I better use it RIGHT AWAY. I must get rid of it or my brain will be filled with vital force and it will scatter and shatter my brain cells. It is no different than when a balloon is filled up with helium. It causes the balloon to fly away. The brain cells lose contact with their normal abode. The light fills in the spaces and moves them apart. There is too much light coming into the body’s cells and tissues.
This is good on one hand, but bad on the other. I have vitality and excitement filling me but my head is not cooperating. And when the brain is not performing its normal function of maintaining control, I am useless. DK says “share the light”. Tell someone, incorporate it into your practical life. Find a way to use the knowledge that is exciting you. It is a passion for life. Use it for life-giving purposes. Something beneficial, benevolent, to help your neighbors, family, friends, community. If nothing else, get up and do some gardening, or a project that needs muscle and labor. Use the light, the vitality, the excitement and passion until you run out of gas. Otherwise you will be like the helium balloon and rise upward, lift off the ground and float away. Your spirit is drawn to its father light on higher consciousness dimensions unless it is used right here on earth.
What I discovered was, when I lay down to rest to let it pass was NOT good. It caused me bad feelings, as if death were waiting to take me. This is a very subtle point that might be overlooked. And it is this. The spirit wants to return to its father. It is a powerful draw to leave the body when the mission is done. It wants to go home. However, if there is more work to be done, the spirit can be drawn back into action and WILL revitalize the body again if it is determined by the individual to do so. It takes will power and desire to overcome the feeling to “lie down and rest”. The light is the light of spirit, and the light of spirit tends to want to go home where it is welcomed by the father-parent. But this CAN be overcome, according to DK. He spent many years teaching these methods to his students. He has been showing me how to do it.
Many people have not had the benefit of the Ascended Masters’ teacings about death and dying. So when death comes knocking and the swooning starts, most people give in to it. But there is another way. It is important that I pass this information on to the world via my writings. It is how I contribute. Ascension symptoms can be alarmingly tempting to give up and give in, but you don’t have to if you know more about the higher consciousoness that is lifting you to higher realms. You CAN take the body up with you. This is the embodiment stage of ascension. Bring the light down into the body by sharing the knowledge that you have. In any way that feels right to you.
If the physical body - the tissues, muscles, organs, lungs, heart - if they cannot keep up with the higher light that is sweeping through the earth in cycles and waves (and it does cycle, it’s cyclical) the body wants to swoon. It is so tempted to lie down and rest. But when I lay down to rest I started feeling the old sick feeling again. I don’t like that feeling. It feels really bad. I used to blame someone else for the sick feeling, but it’s my own flagging, lagging energies that are causing it. They are failing to keep up with the light. There are methods. I have been using ancient Tao methods for a long while. These are helpful. There are many other ways that can be shared. Share the knowledge. That is what I am doinng. A light worker is one who shares the knowledge. Light is refreshing new knowledge. It fills in the gaps of empty unknowns. Bad feelings like “I’m going to die”, the death and dying feeling, also come in cycles. They can be filled in with new knowledge. So I have learned NOT to lie down when I am swooning, but to get up and move. Do something physical.
It is important that you get this. This has never been written about before. I haven’t seen it in any of the ascension articles. So what do I do? DK tells me to get active. Do something to use the light up. Use it. Distribute it. Share it. Tell the people in some way. Figure out a practical way to contribute. You are a lightworker. You are here to contribute light to the world, a lighter way of living IN the world. It is a more loving realm that we are moving into. Find a more beautiful, refined way to do something positive and constructive. Do not fall back down into the old ways of grunt work. Do not let yourself float away either. Find the balance between the two ways. Ground the balanced way into the earth. Give balance to the earth to lighten the earth and the people. If you are an artist, paint! If you are a construction worker, construct. If you are a gardener, weed and plant. If you are a writer, write. I am a writer. I WAS a massage therapist at one time but I had to stop doing that because male energies kept dragging me down into sexual areas, by sheer magnetism, and I didn’t want to go there so I resigned massage therapy.
So now writing is my way of contributing. I write about what I am experiencing and there are many. Too many to get them all into written words. But everyone is different. Everyone must find their own way of becoming a light USER. USE the light, which is information. Use it in a way that benefits the world around you. Radiate the knowledge that is coming through you.
My dizziness and swirling energies have mostly gone away. Not entirely but mostly. The main cause was too much light and I couldn’t use it fast enough. I began recognizing it slowly. Whenever I sit down at the computer and send a newsletter or post an article by DK or a channeling from the Presence, or communicate with someone or swap a massage with someone, I feel more alert, vital and alive, filled with renewed energy. I became more aware as time went on that THIS was the answer to renewing myself. It is vital that we stay active, but only doing that which brings us a feeling of goodness. Not to waste time doing mundane, dull stuff. It just drains our vitality away. Feeling good with yourself is the most crucial part of living. It keeps you sane, clear-headed, not dizzy as I was starting to feel. I couldn’t believe it. I began to notice the difference, whereas when I went through a day doing ordinary mundane things that didn't elevate me in spirit-led fashion, I felt dull, empty, and the sickish feeling would come to remind me, "this is not right". It would hover over me nearby until I found something exciting to do.
The earth is going through an ascension shift. We need to get onboard with it and go WITH the ascending flow, the exciting flow, not hold ourselves against it. Quantum field energies are sweeping the planet bringing us closer to zero energy, balance energy. Most people are not aware of this. I am writing about something from a more advanced understanding. I’m sorry but I must speak of these things. I know them. They must be shared. They are pure light, pure knowledge, pure love, pure order and harmony. It is how the planets stay on course and how the sun rises every day and sets at night. We are rising to join the galactic knowledge but currently it is beyond what most of the population has been prepared for. But we can work with it. We can handle it. We can open our minds and relax inward for 15 minutes and reconnect with the light that is flowing through us. It WILL sustain the body if we do that periodically. .
For the benefit of those reading this, the solution to swirling energies that are causing turmoil, whether light-headedness or depression and moroseness, the solution is not a mental solution, but a practical body solution. Do something active that takes physical energy movement. When I tried to ground my bad feelings with mental techniques, as in meditation, it wasn’t working. Slowly, gradually, I became dissatisfied with meditation. Meditation is rapidly going away for the new-age light worker. It was used to bring us into the modern age, but now it is giving way to practical work – the work of grounding and growing roots into the mainstream community. Help the world change through practical applications. Most important is sharing stories openly. Stop hoarding and being secretive. Open the heart and mind and become sincere, become authentic, become real. Share who you are and what you know. You know things that others don’t know.
The new world system we are moving into is a fairer system, it is more tender, more considerate, more loving, more wholesome, more natural, more organic, more emotional and of a feeling nature, more supportive, more connected to the whole human race without judging those who are different. There is more vitality felt when this approach is taken. It is simplistically alive. It is not a mental method. It is a heart and gut method. We are here to use our hearts and guts. When you want to know more, when the solution evades you and you’re just not getting it and you’re up against a blank wall, it’s because you’re up there in your brain. Old thoughts run through the brain. The brain is not the mind. The mind covers you like a sheath, from head to toe. It is your consciousness.
The solution will not come from the brain, it will come from your consciousness that covers you like a sheath, from head to toe. It’s a physical solution that will give you an answer and dissolve the blank wall that you’ve run into. It is a whole-consciousness solution that is needed. Plant some of YOUR seeds, YOUR knowledge out there in the world, but do it humbly, with humility, with compassion. Figure out how to do that in a way that causes you to feel good about yourself. Find the passion in you. Your passion is the thread that will start your motor running again. You will be amazed. I was. As you share some of who you are, your inner talents, your innate skills, you will feel it. It will feel good. Follow your feelings. Cast your seeds out around you in your own special way. Become a new kind of Johnny Appleseed on a practical level. Don’t let it smoulder up there in the higher mind without some balancing ground work. Build channels into the soil. It can’t help you
“up there”. Or me. Tell ME what you know!
3/26/23 - Stirring the pot of energies that surround you
I had extreme dizziness when I entered the kitchen this morning. After reading an article about divine love and what that really reams, it confirmed what's going on with me. I wasn't sure. I am all alone in my transformation but this article hit home and validated what was happening for me.
See, I have been connecting with the sun for the past years. Connecting with the sun is connecting with light. Light means information. So when I connect with the sun I am downloading cosmic information into my body. However, I live with a man who doesn't know anything about this, so I am alone in handling it my way. If I were to tell him my uncomfortable feelings he would insist I go to the hospital where they would insist on giving me "something" that I don't want to take. I'm working on aligning my seven layers of consciousness. They are not in alignment. Drugs would cause worse misalignment.
So anyway, the article confirmed for me what was happening. I immediately started to REAFFIRM what I was doing and within 5 minutes my dizziness cleared up. It was my belief that was not strong enough. I had doubts. This is inner work. Inner work is sacred. It is totally private. I can't tell anyone what I am doing within myself because then they would express THEIR doubts, and they would influence my confidence in what I am doing on a supremely subjective level. Because we are all ONE. You are connected to me and I am connect to you but I don't want to hear what you are going through, because it is YOUR journey. It is YOUR sacred inner work that you are trying to develop into fuller awareness.
I have started a new mantra of bringing the light down from the sun. It uses visualization. I can share this part because it is generalized. The reader may be at the right place in consciousness to be able to read between the lines and interpret for him/herself, tap into it, pick up on it and carry it further. This is partially channeled information from the sun. There is a cosmic order in the universe and humanity is on a cusp, a threshold of learning something new. So new that it can easily be rejected as fantasy. But it is not a fantasy. It is a step into another dimension. and it is done with conscious awareness. Where you put your focus and STAY with your focus concentrated there for a period of time, even for one minute is a long time to hold focus on a new dimensional level that you've never held focus on before. (Only in flashes.)
Consciousness is our intelligent spirit. It is our individuality. We are each different from our neighbors. We have evolved on our own individual path to where we are today. What we are conscious of, we influence our bodies and minds with. Needless to say, don't focus on anything negative! When I focus on the sun I visualize the brilliant, dazzling sun at zenith in the sky overhead and hold that visualization in my mind's eye for a small period of time. The new higher light comes down through the crown of the head and into the brain. The part of the visual that is above the head is abstract, not yet in form. But when you hold the visual of the dazzling light there above the crown, as if it is sitting on top of the crown, even for the span of 60 seconds, you are inviting the light to enter down into the brain. When the light enters into the brain, it starts to move through the physical body. The longer you can hold that light on top of the head, the longer time it has to seep downward, coalesce or condense downward into the physical matter of the body and brain. The brain is an important part of the physical body structure. From the brain the light impulses descend further down through the nerves and other mechanisms of the human body. Everything is involved, blood, circulation, hormones, everything. But it starts with YOU, the resident intelligence, holding consciousness on the dazzling light of the sun above your head.
As for me, I had this information years ago, but no one to verify it for me from the human physical realm. I've been working with this information alone, except for my invisible guides. Guides come from higher dimensions. They are always available when you ask for it, or when you start using and believe in the light coming down from the greater expanses. The sun is a distributor of the light from source. It is how we all grow here on earth, from mineral, plant, animal to human. We look to the light for our life, for happiness, for knowledge and understanding. All suns are distributors of light from source. And even we humans have a sun growing in our hearts of SELF consciousness. We too are growing into suns. The process works through self consciousness. When you are conscious of the light and believe in the light coming down from higher realms, then it DOES come down into the brain. It becomes part of the body's physical structure and physical consciousness and mental understanding. Then it gets distributed through the nervous system, blood, hormones, all the other systems into the lower, heavier, denser regions of the body, down into the feet and the denser earth below our feet. We literally bring the light down into the earth and we help the earth and other bodies and forms that we live with during our daily incarnation. So I consciously bring the visualization of the sun down into my body through my belief system coupled with my concentration. It comes down through the crown of my head, down through my brain, and down into my body. But it does alter things in the body. It changes the body and we have to learn how to manage these changes. It speeds things up. The atomic structure speeds up.
So there is a second step. The second stop is to visualize the space between the atoms and electrons of my physical body. I am altering my physical body by bringing the information from the sun down into the SPACE BETWEEN THE ATOMS AND ELECTRONS of my physicality. Because I am the intelligence that lives in that space between the atoms and electrons. I am part of the cosmic order and intelligence. I am the harmony. I am the awareness of my physical form. I've been trapped here, thinking this form is all there is, but now I am awaking to the fact that I am the intelligent spirit behind this form. And I am bringing more light (more information) from source into my physical brain cells and body cells. The fact that the terrible dizziness started to go away when I did that this morning, was further evidence that it works. I have to align my inner space with the light. My physical body has become old and deteriorated. It was created out of finite material. I now am reconstructing it, realigning it with the light from source. I am the one doing this. I am doing this with my consciousness and my physical body starts straightening out for me. This is new information and new validlation. I am in the process of transforming my old body into a new light body. This takes time. It is a meshing process. You can't just snap your fingers and have it done instantly. You have to believe in this process.
Things are fast changing. I was not privy to this before. This is the time of revealing hidden information formerly known as occult, which merely means "hidden". It is not a secret. It was never a secret. It just was not understood and therefore not accepted by the mass population. Now there is an acceptance of formerly hidden knowledge. I am hearing about it. I am reading about it. I am having my own visions and downloads about it. I am integrating my physical body with this new knowledge. This body of light information. I am believing it. As I do, my dizziness and spaciness clears but I have to keep doing it. Dizziness or sick feelings are caused by misalignments. The body was built on old intel. Intel is changing. I am therefore changing. I must keep up with the changes in alignment. It is now a way of life for me. I am bringing the light of my new knowledge down into the concrete matter of my body. I am manifestation a new body. I am allowing the light to influence my old deteriorating physical body. The light is weaving back and forth a new network into my old network. It is meshing new and old together. It is blending what was and what is now coming in - newer understandings. It is like blending new spices to an old soup that has grown old and tasteless. It improves the flavor. It brings "oomph" to the taste. It adds spice, pleasure and enjoyment to the body's senses. It brings excitement. It brings enthusiastic responses of laughter and fun. It brings bliss sometimes, joy other times, rapture other times, creative projects other times. Upgrading the body physical is a work in process. We don't know where it will end up, but we are promised that it will end up happy for us.
It is a process of alignment. There are energies in us that we did not know were there. We just didn't know. And they are still there. By visualizing dazzling sunlight entering into the brain from above the head, new information comes in, too. It brings alignment. Spend time alone, quietly, visualzing a sun at the crown of your head. Visualize your brain and body as a root system in the earth. The sun is pouring down now into this tree of light and resurrecting the cells of the body. It is a newer, spacious understanding entering into the blood stream of my former finite body, built with clumsy understanding. The transformation takes place in the space BETWEEN the atoms and electrons and feeds into the physical nervous system. Say, "I AM the consciousness of this body and I dedicate this body to the higher will that I AM."
My consciousness is widening. I am allowing myself to accept this as fact. I am exerpeincing the ascension process. Ascension means lightening the heaviness of the former condition. I feel like a bird taking to the air. Perhaps not literally, but consciously feeling airy and light-hearted, joyful even. Peaceful. Contented. There is open sky ahead. There are possibilities and I am heading into it. I am no longer confined to former beliefs. At the same time I am merging my former beliefs with contentment, with peace and with love. Just as lovers do when they unite and hold each other and continue to hold their love together. So do I unite and merge with my former self. In that way I expand my former self and alleviate the misalignments of dizziness, feeling out of sorts, off kilter and feeling poorly, not well, as if there is something wrong. Those feelings disappear as I breathe the light from the sun into my brain and body, visualizing that I am stepping into the space between the atoms and electrons of my physicality.
Readers may not have the years of training I’ve had but you can create your own phrases from words that make you smile and say AhHA! Use your own words to create a mantra, a repetitive phrase that you say out loud, 10 or 15 times at a sitting. The sound of the words will ‘ping’ and ‘resonate’ on your physical body cells and ‘shake’ them up, loosen them from their rusty old hinges. It's like shaking loose an old stuck door after years of no change, no action. Break them loose with words of encouragement.
3/23/23 - About the dark intelligences, who are they?
(From a journal 7/10/20, I just found this today, and decided to share it.)
Just as light forces have infiltrated every field of endeavor of this dark-infested planet, so have light souls infiltrated the sex field to bring healthy loving change to the human race who, unknowingly, have been led into a distorted program to be slaves to the elite cabalists who are human in appearance but are run by dark ET intelligence forces. How did this happen you ask? [I was channeling but didn't recognize it at the time.] The dark ETs are intelligences, not physical. They can manipulate physicals to do their bidding. It’s fun and games for them. They are the dark gods of the universe (little g) and the light gods of the universe (little g) are fighting for the freedom of the immature races who don’t know any better, using the big God’s laws of harmony, abundance, freedom, love and good will. The dark gods are the fallen angels spoken of in the scriptures. The light gods are the ascendeds and beings from far regions of space. We term them “galactics” who are also not physical, being high intelligences. There are many levels of physicality, many different forms in the universe. Physicality is a descending of vibration, a cohesion of closer-knitted atoms. Similar vibrating atoms are attracted to each other and gather into groups. Higher intelligences direct them with a mental blueprint, as such. The formation of physical organisms is divinely directed. It is a science built on divine understanding of cosmic laws of cohesion through attunement. It is done in harmony, through peaceful, natural attunement. There are countless levels of physicality. The light is intelligence coupled with balance between all the powers, and the greatest of these is love. The light intelligences is chasing down the dark intelligences because dark intel has rejected love and God’s laws requiring balance.
The dark intelligences use and abuse the immature physicals who don’t know any better. Earth is such an immature world. It was originally a garden of great beauty and refinement. It was etheric in the beginning but it was invaded by dark intelligence forces, without love or empathy. A long complex history evolved that requires much background information to understand what happened. The bottom line is God the Father-mother gives everyone a chance to redeem itself. We, the light intelligences, are infiltrated into the dark-infested planets by being born among them. Light souls are being born into dark cabal families on Earth. The light forces are you and me who are drawn to love mankind and womankind. We care for each other. We do not have an inclination to hurt people or torture or manipulate or kill people. We are among those who are being born here to cultivate and grow the human race, the human bodies, the human garden of paradise from within the physical environment.
The dark intelligences are aware that we are here and they attack whenever they can. Most of us are of higher vibration and cannot be damaged, unless we let our vibrations fall down into lower realities. Then we can be hurt. The dark intelligences are aware but they have been unable to stop the infiltration of light souls because the light souls are protected and surrounded by higher light forces. We are therefore more powerful than the dark-infested humans who have not yet learned how to align with the light. Instructions must be accepted. Instructions on the light are available, but they are not seen until a soul is ready to receive. Then such souls are drawn to discover light instructions, often called metaphysical instructions or mystery school instructions. The light is unified. All the powers of the universe are unified in orderly fashion. That is the nutshell of how to do it: use love and harmony.
Intelligence is everywhere. Intelligence is Father God. Love is Mother God. Intelligence can reject love and does. That makes it inferior to the light forces, except that free will is given to ALL life, which allows dark to exist. It is a choice to align with dark and negative forces such as greed and selfishness which does not have empathy for other life forms. Light has love and the dark does not. That makes the dark a cutting edge intelligence who can go against the laws of God but only to a certain extent. Like a rebellious teenager can join a gang of thieves and do violence, rape and murder until the system steps in and ends it. So does the greater cosmic law have greater forces on its side and is more powerful, love being the greatest power because it is the element that binds all life together. Love is the Mother force.
Love heals by not interfering but by giving free will choice to everyone. When it is time for a dark soul to return to Mother Father God, it is forgiven and embraced. The only punishment is the dark soul’s own facing of its own deeds, for it is responsible for everything it has ever done. Life is a playing out of free will and also a responsibility to own every act, thought and feeling it sent out. That is the great learning. Each spirit spark has free will to choose what it wants to do next, but the realization that it must pay for everything it does, has not dawned upon it yet. It must learn this through trial and error. It feels free to play out its fun life the way it wants to, but it is responsible for the damage it causes others. Whatever impact it has on others will return to him so he too experiences what he caused others. Good comes back as good, negative comes back as negative. Whatever his actions, thoughts and feelings caused to others returns back to the sender, and often many times over because on its return journey it picks up similar energies to build a greater mass. So when the backlash comes it often has a more powerful kick than the original act done, seemingly, in fun. The dark is on its way to realizing that.
The dark is dark because it rejects that concept. It does not believe it so it is limited in how far it can evolve. But it can cause mayhem in the lower stages of life and basically it can infest and takeover whole worlds which is what happened to Earth. That is why the light forces, the Galactic Federation and other federations of light, are here, to countermand the dark intelligences. The light must stay within the boundaries of cosmic law – the Star Trek’s Prime Directive – so it must work within certain parameters. The goal is to get rid of the dark-infested intelligences that have held humanity in lock-down to physical, without allowing the soul to gain access to love, light, truth, other dimensional powers, which humanity does have, but under programmed manipulation humanity does not know the powers it has locked up within its own muscles, tissues, blood and bones as a species.
Humanity is an amazing species but it has been held back. The light forces are here to help humanity get back on course of growing its amazing properties WITHIN each body into full-bloom physical expression, to bring about an actual garden of love, light, joy, pleasure and freedom of expression and creation. Today we TALK noble words like justice, truth, peace, love, freedom, wisdom, faith, purity, will, enlightenment, but we do not live them. When the dark intelligences who have been ruling the planet are removed, these qualities will no longer need to be spoken and written in poetry and scripture for they will be lived daily, hourly, moment by moment. The original garden of paradise will return as all who are different on the outside - skin color, language, culture and history – are honored, elevated, appreciated and held in high esteem. Where there will be no more a higher or lower people, or a better or worse people, or a left-leaning or right-leaning people. There will be freedom of expression to be WHO YOU ARE. There is acceptance by all, because all are recognized as a child of the Light and Love within. They have all chosen to live in alignment with that which is in their own heart and soul, which makes them equal to all life no matter WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE OR ACT LIKE!
3/22/23 - There is a science of love
There is a science of love. It comes down from above and enters into the human body but it follows pathways that are not linear or physical. Love involves higher qualities and higher values. Principles, not mental thoughts, but mental thought activates the principles. If held long enough in the consciousness love is invited through higher thought, words, actions and intentions. Love flows along with the use of kindness, givingness, affectionate touch along with a moral and ethical foundation. Love can be enduced by the use of colors, prayers and visualizations, not in a mechanical way, but in a spontaneous way. It must come from intentional will power and choice. A person begins to open to love by turning thoughts in an upward direction, consciously. Because mankind has been brought low and blocked off by negative thinking, erroneous actions and beliefs which have colored him dark, it has shut down the flow of love. Our culture today is mechanical with finite laws and strict rules and punishment which diminish the flow of love - the flow of life itself which keeps us healthy and young. No wonder we grow old, diseased and die!
We must learn how to draw on love from within and cultivate it as we would a garden of vegetables, fruit or flowers. Life is constantly flowing as a river of life into the body but the body is constantly shutting it down because of the rules. We are obliged to follow rules. Society demands we follow the rules but there is a way to break through the ceiling and become liberated.
Love is flowing IN but not out. We are blocking it. We need to find ways to let it flow OUT. We need to find ways to break the blocks that hold us back from feeling love and freedom because they are flowing in. Love and life are constantly flowing into us as a river of life. Tantra teaches this. Currently, we are in a state of need. We must find ways to live this spontaneous love and light OUT into our daily affairs. Most people have experienced those unguarded moments when the heart opened and love flowed along with tears. We don’t reveal this love because it is too intimate, too private, too vulnerable, too sensitive, too tender, too innocent. And feeling like a child that needs protecting, we move to stop it. We think we are defending ourself from the cruelties of the outer world, but we are holding back the very love that will transform our life. We must find ways to release this love to others who will reciprocate in kind and build on it. Others are hungry to receive love. We need to start somewhere, and that somewhere is with people who resonate with these words.
3/19/23 - The Mother Light in the tailbone
Your mother is in the earth, your mother light. Mother is in the earth, father is in the sky. Our brain waves take us into multiple dimensions where we think we are out of body, but we are still in the body, just on higher frequencies. There is another reality in these higher dimensions but it is all taking place “here and now”. There is no “other” place. Higher dimensions are not “in the sky” but we who are rooted in the physical dimension, because we inhabit a body with 5 senses, live in duality where there is space between physical bodies. The etheric body is in a different reality. It is the akashic, where all records and memories are kept of your past lives, the good, the bad and the holy. Although the holy returns to the Holy, leaving the duality experiences in your etheric body, or etheric double which surrounds you and which keeps seeping through into your life because you have to resolve them, you use your innate wisdom to teach you and take you through the dissolution of the unpleasant in you.
The emotional body is another reality. You work with your feelings, sensations, good and bad, and you play with others also working and playing in emotions and feelings. The mental body the same. It is another reality world, a world of thought which contains low thoughts on the lower levels, higher thoughts on the higher levels and exquisite thoughts on the exquisite upper levels that take us into the mystical and sublime, which is the light body known as the Christ body. Bring father light and mother light together in the heart. Sex keeps them apart. Sex siphons the mother light off to feel good and have orgasms. Your consciousness is the key to bringing father light and mother light together in the heart. Conscious breathwork as I am doing now is bringing the mother light up to the heart. Today I had a most wonderful experience feeling that. Unconscious breathing is barely keeping the body alive, but conscious breathing exercises quickens your mother light and awakens her, brings her up into the body. She is the divine mother of you that is embedded in the earth. She is part of the dullness and sleepiness of mother Gaia. Quicken her, wake her up through your own breathing technique and through your OWN mother light, and Gaia wakes up too. As you do this, you remove some of the heaviness that has kept the planet in low vibrations. (Partial of DK's online book, see 7/23/19)
3/16/23 - The desire to give - stop trying
I’ve met some amazingly loving people recently who are frustrated because they want to give so badly so deeply that their hearts are on the verge of breaking because it all seems so futile, lost. They are trying to figure it out. But it can’t be figured out from the level of mind. It has to be a surrender to the higher self. I have been tracking the divine feminine for this reason. It is taking me to a higher level, yet I am still on the lower level too. I have learned that we must merge divine love with the human level. The human level is the result of worldly programming but the divine level is within us too. It’s within our consciousness. My path in this life has taken me deeper into this divine level than any life prior, and I've had quite a few prior lives. I am now breaking new ground and having entirely new experiences which I've never had before. This is a new experience for me - to let go of my dreams of helping people. There is a higher level to love, it can’t be figured out by the ego, by mental effort. One must give up trying to figure it out and stop projecting the need to help outward. Only by stop wanting and trying, yearning for what you don't have, can you stop the hurt, the pain of heartbreak and struggle. This is a next-step teaching for humanity. Give up the struggle for what you don't have. Surrender to the love and peace within. It is there on a higher level.
Recently I had communication with my higher self in which my thoughts were directed to the warmth and goodness of love. I was told the word "Feminine" and I felt the echoes and essence of women down through the ages since the beginning. I felt the essence of women, not their outer human shells which struggled through life, but the soft resilient intelligent tender femininity at the heart of each woman or girl child who ever lived. Warm femininity swirled around me. I touched it as I would touch a raw warm human organ with my fingers, liquid and pulsing with life. I felt its soul enter me. I felt feminine and sensual. I felt the love and joy and nurturing that each of these women brought to the planet, whether they were fulfilled or died in pain. It didn't matter because they brought with them a living potential of love that they left here as a gift to the earth, and it's still here.
I said to myself softly, "Love." I felt love and femininity as one, including the feminine side of men. Love is reconnecting to the soul. It's the inner warmth that is accomplished by turning within to stoke the fires of one's own hearth (heart). After having thrust outward in competition and aggression and driven by ambition, love as good intention is the returning home. Love begins at home for oneself. The turning within to the heart is the female in us who wants to nest and wrap ourselves in a warm and cozy cocoon, in a sense of completion and a work well done and completed. Love is the one gift that we can give to ourselves that does not require anyone else. It is the hour of meditation and prayer in solitude, inward directed devotion and praise for the highest in us. We can feel love even if we are alone, homeless and stricken with cancer. Love is a choice to return to the heart to elevate our very own self, our higher self, to appreciate ourself and say, "I love you." There is a strange and wonderful power that comes forth at this time that soothes and calms the outer storm. It goes beyond logic. Loving oneself does not deny the world, the death, sickness, poverty and emotional pain. Rather it fulfills them. It includes them and puts them all to rest within the heart. Comforting it to completion. There is no exception. There is nothing bad enough that can't be loved and put to rest in the human heart. Love is unconditional.
This was my vision not too long ago. I am hearing a song by Nicholas John, one of my favorites: "Oh, my darlings! You were never out of place! You belong to eternity. What you are is amazing grace!” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. You are here in this body enclosed in a cocoon, a little child protected against the powers that are locked within you, until the day you break the seal of your heart. When that day comes it will bring this power forward into your conscious mind to be worked with. This power is a consciousness expansion. You are not being given this power to save anyone else but to work this realization into your own life. You must empower yourself first. If you try to give to others before you are ready it will only bring frustration to you and to those others. You must come to empower yourself first by turning your outer consciousness inward and strengthening your heart center before attempting to help others.
It is an egotistical effort, a small and petty effort that is self-serving, to try to help others before you have grown yourself to full strength, maturity and wisdom. Turn around and go back in/within where there is refinement, grace, peace and comfort and build into that inner peace and knowledge so that you will grow strong and begin to overflow it outward to others. This is the new 5D teaching. We must learn it intellectually and then feel the peace and love within. Love is eager to move through you. You do not have to work at it and you should not, but wait until love moves within you. This does not take long if you do your homework. It takes a disciplined morning practice to weave yourself inward, ever inward, ever upward, for this is the evolutionary force that you are administering to yourself, to your body, mind and emotions. When you get started on that, you will find amazing progress at hand. Then you will feel first a sense of peace at home. The self love is growing and strengthening. You will fall into alignment with that amazing grace without effort.
Love is infinite but it is held back until one builds it first-hand and practices it at home. I have been practicing it. I have withdrawn my efforts to help others outwardly, and am instead focusing on building the deeper understanding. It is an effort to discipline oneself, but one must apply the higher unconditional love to oneself first. This is the home study course. They say it takes a guru, but the guru may be invisible. I had an invisible guru who came to me to teach me. Higher love will expand upward and call forth the teacher who can guide you. Who will listen to your questions and respond from the higher regions of thought. The higher impulses of self calls for the higher guru. Then love radiates from your heart and brings to you those who will attract from you that which THEY need, not what you think they need. You cannot fail to attract those who are ready to be close to you. The sea of conscious love is infinite and eternal, and out of mercy it is kept beyond reach until you are ready to drop your selfish ego pride which in itself is needy. When you have made strides in this direction, then you will break the seal of your heart and feel the love start to blossom. Conscious love is everywhere.
Then grace, love and peace will move to the forefront of your consciousness. You are aware and you love all things. Even the dark so-called evil ones will be affected by your loving presence because you are this amazing being and you are idiotically happy and unreasonably buoyant. You are uplifting, excited and illogically positive while others around you are in trouble. God-intoxicated, some might call it. What accounts for this idiocy? You who do the inner work every day will understand as you continue to prune back the undesirable. Not repress. No! But allow it into your transformation and it will melt away. You as a human being can’t do this with your little mind because it does not know how. It is enclosed inside a brain, a skull, a head. Instead, merge with the happiness, love, joy that is locked up inside you. Do this any way you can, without analyzing, without logic, without reason, without human ego, without mental effort. Step off the cliff into mid-air, into the arms of joy. This is a metaphor. Jump off the cliff because if you cling to the cliff you cling to logic and the ways of the world that demands reason. You will never get there with reason and logic.
The little seed in the ground bursts its outer casing and is seen above ground when it finally germinates a little sprout. You do too. You must surrender to the power of the joy within you. It is happiness and unfounded reason that sprouts and expands within you. You can’t do it with logic. Give up trying. Stop trying. Trying holds everyone back from the joy of love. You can’t be free as long as you are continuing to try to accomplish something of your own making. Surrender to the flow of the living light, the waters of spontaneous joy. This is the story of opening to the evolutionary force within. It is not of your own mental making. It is the power of infinity. It is taking you up on a wave, lifting you up higher on the top of a wave that is being sent to you out of love, because you are ready. Because the ego in you is letting go and jumping off the cliff, metaphorically speaking. The you that is letting go thus blends with the cosmic order of harmony and unity. The merge takes place. Whenever you as a human being “try” to do something, you are trying to be something smaller, lesser and more confined inside the nutshell.
You are a part of the sea of life that is eternal and immortal. As long as you remain separate from that you must continue to die and be reborn as separate, until comes this day that you break the cosmic seal and you pop out of that field of separation back into unity with love. You are love and you come from love. Love is the sea of consciousness trapped inside of your form. Stop trying is the first step. Work on not trying.
3/11/23 - Becoming whole-brained, access your etheric body
An interesting new idea was given to me several years ago by the Ascended Master DK, but I totally missed it at the time. I ran across it again the other day and it clicked this time. I was ready to hear it. For years I have been operating under the belief that I am too feminine, and that I had been functioning out of my RIGHT brain. I suddenly realized that this is not true. A friend had told me as much, saying that I hadn't activated my left brain, so I began calling to activate my left brain at that time. And it was true. I was not a logical thinker. Ever since I went into the light in an out-of-body experience. So I have been activating my left brain, and I DID notice a difference. I picked up more vitality and more abilities that I had not had before. I did not give in so much to feeling easy, seeking body comfort and body pleasure. But it also caused me other problems that I never had before. Like being more stressed out than I used to be.
Well, I did ask for it. And it was a good experience to feel what it is like to be less feminine and more pro-active by activating my male side. I felt more constructive and as if I was earning my way more in the world and not being so passive. There is a certain amount of satisfaction that comes from that. But what happened to my cool? My peace? My calm? My loving nature? Do I really have to suffer the stress and tension in order to be more left-brain oriented? Does that have to be the price I pay? Then I ran across the message from DK of several years ago. He said, "Don't just activate your left brain, activate your WHOLE brain."
I have been doing that. I am learning. The heavens are re-opening for me. I am regaining my ability to feel the heavenly love and peace again. The right brain is connected to Home, the stars, the celestial peace of harmony, love and light - that is the highest yearning of every heart. The right brain is designed to tune into the harmony of the universal creator. It has been called the "feminine" side. It is the passive side of us. It harmonizes situations that have become unbalanced. It is humble, considerate, kind, just, honest and provides space, allows for everyone to be simply who they are without pressure.
The left brain is the other side of human nature. It is focused. It concentrates. It puts up boundaries and limits on just about everything. It provides the ability to think, form thoughts, conclusions, languages, string formulas together, make music, form patterns, designs, mathematics, bridges and buildings, invent machines. It has the ability to take the universal stream of ideas and build a solid world of form, so we can live and enjoy ourselves in increasingly more efficient and beautiful ways. However, the left brain shuts out the right brain and the cosmic connection in order to get the job done. It has no time for love or celestial ecstasies. He leaves that to the women.
The insidiousness of this (for me) is this. I was TOLD I was feminine, and I therefore fit myself into the energy pattern of the subservient female, as women have done before me. Weak and in need of male help to get by in the world. I should remain soft, warm, loving and take care of the house, children and husband. It is a way of life that I fell into without thinking or knowing what I was doing. From the time I was old enough to think for myself and form conclusions, it was too late. I was female. Men have the same thing happen to them. They begin following the male programming early in their life. They are prepared to be responsible, hold down a job, be the protector of women and children, and man-up to the hardships of life.
Yesterday as I was re-read the old journal from DK, a new awareness clicked in. I thought I was usingmy right brain but I haven't been using my right brain at all. Not at all. Maybe in the beginning, when I first went into the light during my OBE I did, but thereafter I began changing. I've been using my left brain all along. I've been concentrating, analyzing and trying too hard to be something that I'm not naturally. I've been trying to fit in. It is not my nature to be left-brained but I tried to be. It is not natural to me. I have been working at something that is not natural to me. I've been trying and getting nowhere. I've just been busy. Busy trying. I have not been utilizing the right side of my brain at all for I have not felt very natural. The peace and harmony has been missing, even though I've "tried" to find it as all of the outside advisors tell me I should do. "Try!" I am told. And in the processing of trying, I have been using my left brain, the analyzing, concentrating, logical side of my nature, not my cosmic peaceful side.
I don't know if the reader can catch the drift and meaning of this, but I am a perfect example of perhaps most people in the current generation. We're all trying too hard to be something that is not natural to us. The right brain is tuned into our higher self, who we are BY NATURE. Our natural homing device is the right brain. It was the male paradigm culture that challenged me to be more logical, more "with it", more worldly, more part of the Matrix. And I tried. It caused me to become most unnatural and unbalanced, but I DID try! And I experienced what it's like to be male-oriented. I allowed myself to be caught up in the insidious Matrix. I thought I was feminine but it was all a false belief. It was a lie. I am not feminine at all. I am simply me. Now can I go back to being me?
Beware what you THINK you are doing. You are probably not. If you activate your right brain, you'll become more at peace with yourself. The "you" that is natural is a balanced "you". Try balancing yourself by activating your WHOLE brain. It requires stepping down and back and resting periodically throughout the day to let your blood and nervous system flow back into harmony again. The universe is an orderly universe because there is balance in all things. The planets stay in their orbit and human beings are evolving to become more in harmony with the universal plan of peace, love, harmony and order.
It is a loving universe when one is at rest. And yet we are meant to be active too. That's why we have a left brain AND a right brain. We can be mightily active and creative on a genius level, but 50% of the time we need to allow our unbalanced half to withdraw and rest. Truly rest, not just party with the guys and gals, but rest. Withdraw to regenerate. That is the whole point of meditation. It is a method of withdrawing into the celestial realms of pace, love and light to regenerate, reharmonize, rebalance ourselves. Then we can become the genius again next day. The right side of our brain is naturally in tune with our higher self. It is an open channel to where we came from originally - from a Home among the celestial stars.
Activate your right brain. This is a special hint to men. Activate your right brain and see if it doesn't bring you a little more calm in your life, a little more peace, a little more welcome rest from the tension and confusion. All you have to do is say throughout the day, silently to yourself: 'Right brain activate!" Use it as a mantra, a chant that becomes embedded into your brain. Or, according to your own sense of rightness, use the words: "Whole brain activate!" It is where you put your attention that turns the right brain on, or the whole brain. It is always your consciousness, for "you" are the power behind the physical body mechanism. It is where you put your awareness that turns the key in the lock and opens the door. The secret is consciousness.
Becoming whole brained leads naturally and automatically into contact with our etheric body. The etheric body is the space between the swirling atoms and electrons that make up our physical body. The space between the electrons is where thought and perception gathers before coalescing into physical nerves, blood and tissue that forms our physical body. The etheric body is the auric field that surrounds us, that Kirlian photography has captured on special film. Thought, feeling and perception gathers in our field around us before sinking down and coalescing into form and substance of our body. Once thoughts, perceptions and emotions become physical we "own" them. They become manifest and it's too late to back out of it. At least it is difficult to back out of it once these thoughts and feelings have become form and substance, with errors built into them, such as anger or wrong thinking, wrong feeling, wrong concepts and attitudes. Imagine stepping out of the physical body into the field of your etheric body and breathe freer there. Give yourself a few minutes now and then to lighten yourself up and step outside your physical. Experience your larger self, your etheric body self.
As we practice being whole-brained, being balanced equally left and right working together as one functioning brain, the body will lose its tendency to work so hard and create stress. We will become more relaxed, more restful, more prone to harmony. Let the world get on without you. Close the door to the outer world and retreat into the right brain or the whole brain. You decide. It is a self-exploration. Only you can take this step into cosmic love, light and harmony. It is a natural gift from the creator of life.
Then the etheric body will not be so quick to feed anger, fear or stress into the nerve, blood and tissues of the physical body. This is what throws our bodies into confusion. The balanced body is a balanced body, no matter what gender it is. We can be female or male, but when we are functioning with a whole brain, we then have the ability to focus, concentrate, be pro-active and constructive, and at the same time, relaxed and operating in harmony with others around us, for we are connected. We are part of the whole and will be aware when someone is NOT balanced. We will be more aware of how to respond and interact with them. We will be better able to be responsive in benevolent ways, guided to do our constructive best with all concerned, enhancing the community in which we live.
3/8/23 - The Lovers' Archetype
There's a wonderful message on "Today's Updates" page by Saint Germain. This is exactly what Anakosha is trying to bring about with its new love community (posted yesterday). One by one, the green lights are flashing on as I travel down the highway of life letting me pass on through. Every day I am getting another validation that dovetails with the dream project that I once called "The Love Club". I've been writing about for so long - been frustrated for so long, being unable to get it started. But it just wasn't time. I wasn't ready and others weren't ready. The world is changing however, and speeding up, raising its consciousness, raising its head, raising its values and self esteem. There is love in the air. I love that Saint Germain gave us this message through Jennier Crokaert several days ago. Be sure to read it. It is amazing. Click HERE.
Another validation received this morning that we are on course to greater Love, greater Peace, greater Togetherness in harmony. From the book, "The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men" by Geoffrey Hodson, circa 1927:
"Can you conceive an eagerness to work so great that even our bodies seem near to breaking under its power, yet an eagerness combined with patience that can wait a thousand years? To that sublime patience you must attain, for within the quality of patience are enclosed a multitude of virtues: strength to control, power to restrain, vision of the Plan, knowledge of the real, detachment from results and co-ordination of the will, the mind, the body, so that when the time comes they act as one. Patience of this kind does not extinguish the fire of eagerness to serve, rather does it glow ever more fiercely within the compression exercised by will and mind. When at last the order comes, when, after the passing of an age, the day arrives when the restraints are to be released, then it is that the power stored up for so long flashes forth through us. We become the catapults of God.
"Now that day has come; stored-up energies, resulting from the power of the great ideal, have been released into your world. Fear not for the result; the end is sure. Not for nought have your Hierarchy and ours planned, from time beyond your power to count, ever waiting for the arrival of the day; so I say the end is sure. Still they plan, for ages yet unborn, great schemes, embodying the divine Will; in detail, too, down to the angels and the men they choose. What, then, are we but incidents, straws, blown by the breath of God (?) except that within those straws the self-same breath is found, so that breath answers to breath, and His Will is done.
"Remember always that the ultimate source of power is in the idea, the power we use in manifested worlds is but the force emanating from and the reflection of the divine Idea. If this be true, then no delay can reduce its potency, nor any circumstance prevent its ultimate expression. Upon this knowledge should patience be based."
3/7/23 - Calling all lightworkers and mystics
Calling all lightworkers, spiritual students, mystics, visionaries, dreamers, galactic starseeds and other celestials masquerading as humans – welcome to my world! This is a shift in direction. Anyone who is drawn to these words are invited - will be invited when it is time - to a future gathering at my house, date and time to be announced. The purpose of the gathering is to open the door to our higher self, our higher heart, the higher and more refined nature waiting within for release. Our higher self connection resides in our hearts, not our brains. Our brains are unaccustomed to speaking from the heart so we are going to have to learn new skills and new words. That is the reason for the gathering. I have been advised to go ahead and begin issuing the call. The call is done by making it a public call. I can blog it now. It has been a long time in coming.
At this gathering to come, we will practice communicating intelligently in words from our higher self, our higher, wiser, more divine self, who is far more knowledgeable and authentically real. We each know this but we haven't had it confirmed before now. We know who we are on deeper levels, subconscious levels. Each of us has a background of prior lives where we have gained experience, skills, knowledge and wisdom in how to maneuver the human body experience. We come from higher planes but we have been blocked out from knowing that. Now is the time to start sharing what we know. It has been culturally unacceptable until now. This gathering will require that we trust each other and be upward-focused. In other words, positive in our thinking. This will bring about our sweeter natures that are more vulnerable and innocent. The heart is all of these things: wise, non-judgmental, truthful, ethical, discerning, loving, sensitive - and powerful but never pushy. Never, ever pushy. That is why we tread lightly here. We walk in the light and love of the one infinite creator. We do not accept pushy, judgmental, opinionated souls who are not ready to open the heart.
While it is true that we all have opinions, they are third dimensional opinions, formed from third-dimensional laws on the books. This gathering is a calling to those who are ready to reach higher. I am calling for the mystic and the visionary and the student of the heart that is open or ready to open - ready for more. The calling is for those who are willing to participate in speaking the finer natures that yearn to be said, to be free. Communities have already been forming. This is the beginning of a new local heart-centered community. It is yet to come into existence. It is an invitation to learn what higher self means. It is an invitation to go beyond what is already known by the brain. The heart knows more than the brain. It is connected to the higher self and the higher plan. This is an invitation to learn how to trust and how to hold hands despite differences, no matter on what level those differences appear to be. Some can be really crude and harsh. But if the divine thread is there, then we are to find it and support it, and nurture it in others, because that is how we nurture it in ourselves. It is how we access our higher natures. We must assist others who are having difficulty expressing their higher natures, just as we are, and then we will be assisted too. It is a "coming together" in more ways than one.
We will be practicing how it feels to be non-judgmental. Most of all, we will learn how to trust ourselves and what we have always felt but could never speak or tell someone out loud. Our higher nature has been curtailed. In this new community gathering others will support us in return as we support them. There are higher forces at work. More than we know or can understand. Only as we practice and experience this for ourselves, can the light turn up a notch so we can see and feel the difference. This is a gathering to support the process of ascension. It is the evolution from animal man to spiritual man. The spiritual man will learn to live in grace, unified with his brothers and sisters. The use of the term "he" automatically implies "she". They will be more refined, more honest, more decent, more loving, more nourishing, more fulfilled, more peaceful, more comfortable, more powerful, more passionate, more kind, more pure, more whole and therefore more holy.
This started out as an invitation to a small gathering in my home but as I began writing, I see that my initial thought was only the beginning of a much larger project. The Master DK has taken over! It is pre-mature to set a date. The place of the meeting will be in our home in the outskirts of Naples when the time comes, and the purpose is to open the door to the fifth dimension. At least in the beginning stages, for there is much in the way of sharing information that must be done first. We will be sharing from the bosom of the vulnerable heart, the beautiful soul of the higher individual. It will be in a round-robin discussion. There will be no teacher, only a hostess and two co-facilitators. We are all students, no teachers. We are all seekers. All fingers on one hand. All brain cells activating in one brain. All heart cells in one heart. We are non-judgmental, we are listeners, we are observers, we are unifiers and harmonizers. We are positive thinkers. We are active and outgoing sometimes and quiet and passive other times. We are oriented to receiving more light from higher regions. Light from higher regions means information from higher regions. We are open to hearing more information from the higher nature of both ourselves and from others who are present with us.
Our purpose is to explore, learn, discover and practice speaking from our tender, vulnerable, more sensitive higher selves. There are no words for them. They must be felt as we speak them. We encode our words with our feelings. They are our inner-most thoughts that have not been accepted by the traditional world. We are opening doors to beyond the established traditions of the world, and we are feeling courageous and bold to do so. Will we be rejected? We are being supported and we are feeling urges to dare to say these words, these feelings. We have been afraid of rocking the boat so we have been wisely staying quiet. But now the time has come that we are openly seeking support from like-hearted friends. We are mostly female but we are of both genders, so there will be a few men among us at first. Men are welcome if they are capturing the meaning of the words.
Each meeting will start with silence. We will enter into the heart center through silence. Silence is the supreme number one method that we need here today. Meditation without anyone to guide us. No words, no electronic devices, so that each one of us may enter our own silent heart all by ourself. There is no leader. The higher self is our only guide. I as the hostess and gatherer will invite you into the silence but you will enter alone. I am being guided - instructed is the better word - by the Brotherhood of Light, the Ascended Masters. In the silence we are the small ego entering the holy of holies, the secret chamber of the heart. Feel the sacred ambiance of this chamber. We are the smallness surrendering to the highest in us. We are the lowest possible point within our own God/Goddess self which exists beyond the world of form, beyond the myriad stars and galaxies. And each of us has the only key to unlock the door.
After we return from our silence in the secret chamber of the heart, we will have an honoring ceremony, and then an introduction round-robin. Each person present can say as little or as much as they want (within reason!) about who they are. Perhaps a cue card will help with prompt questions. Then we will evolve into discussion with two people acting as moderators.
I am being guided by the Master Djwal Khul who is a member of the Brotherhood of Light or, as it was called in earlier days, the Great White Brotherhood. It is also referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy. There are many names for those who have mastered the form world as we know it. These great ones have all been where we are today at one time, and they have mastered its limitations and graduated. We are connected to these higher masters through our hearts. This gathering is a way for the masters to guide us through the next stages. This is why we are here - to learn more. This knowledge has been kept from us. Our higher self is a light within the heart. Our life is a conscious light but we didn't know that. We are being now exposed to the consciousness within our heart. It is the eternal living flame which keeps our bodies alive. There is so much to learn!
This knowledge will prolong our life on earth and raise it to the higher planes of love, abundance and happinness. It will bring us back into balance so we are not so stressed out living in pain and struggle for understanding. Those who are called ascended masters live in higher realms called higher dimensions. These dimensions are more refined, not so dense and concrete as we experience here. But they are able to zoom in on anyone who calls for help because we are a thread of life connected to all of life through the flame in our hearts. We will learn more as we open our hearts and access that flame through the process of sharing information. We did not understand. Our closed hearts were kept closed by the laws of former periods in our dark history. We were not free to express ourselves or our creativity or our free and enthusiastic loving nature.
We have been watched over through the dark periods of our history when mankind was in danger of destroying itself. We were guided as best we could be guided, but humanity was so closed down it just was out of reach. Still the ascended masters were there to help. They could see when a heart tried to open and called to God for help. There are bursts of sunlight when a call such as that appears. Shimmers of sunlight appear in the concrete exterior of a human body. There is no space or time in the universal oneness. The light reaches out and is heard throughout the lighted realms. Once, in the early days of my awakening when I was experiencing many odd things, I experienced an emergency rescue by an unknown source. Being ultra-sensitive to the outer environment, it was while I was in the car with my husband driving to downtown San Jose, when a huge semi-trailer truck came thundering past us blowing this incredible horn. I screamed, apparently in my etheric body because my husband didn't hear me, and I found myself sliding down the curvature of the earth into the blackness of space. Yes, you heard right - I was rolling down the curvature of this dark planet, solid black, into the even darker void of space - and suddenly someone or something grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and brought me back to the seat in the car with my husband driving. He didn't know what happened. I asked him. I was terribly shaken for a long time after. But how? Who did this? It has been forever registered on my brain. I will never forget it.
The universe operates in a harmony and order. We will ourselves know this once we are no longer confined in a concrete physical body. We are being watched over. Now all we have to do is learn how to respond. The universe is well organized and we are part of if. We will learn more soon. The earth has been a very difficult school but we have only been born here by the free will act of volunteering. Yes! We volunteered. That's what they say.
3/6/23 - Solar flare emissions cause dizziness - what to do
The following article was taken from a channeling 25 years ago, but it is so very relevant today. I love the concept of creating a buddy system to share feelings and awareness. Perhaps that is the next thing to do. I myself have been experiencing extreme changes in mood, both good and bad, distortions, out-of-body feelings, and flashes of cosmic clarity in-between. What a wild ride these ascension symptoms!
(Channeled:) When you identified with energies long ago that were not the same as your soul purpose, it pulled you out of alignment. The increase in light transmissions now are pulling you back to your soul purpose. The effect is a shifting in your mind causing some discomfort and dizziness. You are losing your separation consciousness in this time, which is the tendency to withdraw and turn inward. The new energy will not let you go into separation any more. Create a buddy system to talk about your awareness with.
Connecting with another person helps transmute the energy of separation that is being dislodged. During solar flares there will be depressions, sadness, loss of hope as the separation energy begins to float free. The sun is God-Love. During solar emissions, the first emissions are x-ray emanations from coronal mass ejections. Sensitive people will feel them in seconds but they go fast and don't impact your magnetosphere [the region surrounding the earth]. What comes next DOES impact. The actual magnetic plasma wave takes 48-72 hours to reach earth and it compresses and distorts the earth's electromagnetic field, and also the EM fields of all creatures including human. People will feel grief, anxiety, sadness, depression, not being yourself. This will pass in 90 days but during this time, reach out in a buddy system and share your feelings. The last emissions are M-class emissions (severe) and X-class emissions (very severe, like 10 on the Richter scale). When you hear NASA speak of X-class emissions coming from the sun, hang onto your hats and buckle your seat belts.
The solar emissions impacting earth is like squeezing a balloon and watching the balloon become distorted. So do the energies inside your EM fields. The physical body will also feel unbalanced, causing aches, pains, dizziness, falls and freak accidents. What you can do to stay balanced during solar maximum cycles - reach out in a buddy system and share your feelings. They will pass. Meanwhile, expose your body and consciousness to the light as much as you can to absorb what is being transmitted. There will be incredible sunsets. Use magnets taped to your skin and other grounding devices like copper bracelets and necklaces. Wear crystals and use visualizations. When you feel out of your body it's the result of one of these wave fronts. Carry black stones like hematite and obsidian, tourmaline.
Stand barefoot in the grass for two or more minutes a day, and anchor your earth chakra (6 inches below your feet) to the core of the planet. Do not anchor your light body. Sleep north to south, head at north. Or meditate two minutes head to north. Take salt baths to clear and protect your energy and ground you. Expose yourself to sunlight to attune to plasma waves. Let go of density. Do a body cleansing. Contractions are signs to expand yourself. Lighten up on your diet. Use fruits, light dairy (yogurts and light cheeses), more greens and raw foods, seeds and nuts. Do not use sugars, sweets and simple carbohydrates, they burn faster and are high-stimulus foods. They grow your system out of balance. Complex carbohydrates and fruit sugars are slower burning and keep you in balance. Back off of caffeine, and use herbal tea. Comfrey tea is excellent, also licorice and licorice tea.
It is important to connect mentally with others through the heart by saying what you feel. Say anything, it doesn't matter what. Mentally you will swing back and forth between high energy ambition and boredom or disgust, as patterns that relate to separation consciousness are dislodged. The solar storms are doing this. If you feel like you are losing hope or faith, it is the old separation consciousness being dislodged. The feeling of being "unconnected" is an ancient energy that is now floating free and moving out, making room for the great thing growing inside. Cut down on TV and overstimulation. Shorten your meditation times. Stay in the here and now and align your physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Your spiritual ego is realigning to become God in physicality. Even those who are asleep are experiencing it. Be non-judgmental. By detachment and non-judgment you detach your energies and support. When you judge, you participate in that which you judge. Detach from making judgments. You have been a part of all things, including war. You as God created war. You as people created war, you are not separate from All That Is. So you as God and People begin to heal the war by detaching your energies from it.
It is an illusion that you are going somewhere or becoming something. You are already all that you are. Detach from the illusions and projections you have created. You are simply awakening to your freedom and flowing forth without efforting, without judgment, without attaching or trying to be a certain way or do a certain thing.
3/5/23 - This is Tantra (Master Djwal Khul)
One day back in 2013 I received a message from DK that applies to what is happening in our world today. We definitely in the midst of the ascension process, moving into lighter atmospheres. There is much confusion by those who are not aware of the beautiful world that we are moving into. I wish to assure peace and calm. Be prepared for love and clarity and knowingness. People are confused because this information has been kept from the public's eye. As I am constantly reviewing DK's messages, he continues to inspire me and I wish to pass it on, reminding everyone of the hope and beauty that is on its way into our life. But it's not what you think. This is Tantra. I have been posting his messages received over the last 47 years HERE. Please check out his beautiful inspired teachings. The following instruction came when I asked him something but I don't remember what I asked him. I forgot to write it down!
"You have become fragmented into many pieces. You are not whole. You are learning to re-connect your four lower bodies - your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual or higher mind. You have been learning about integration and you have been practicing in your meditation room. Now you are getting the idea this morning. A new understanding is dawning. The others that you need are the fragments of yourself. You are learning how to expand your awareness to the higher plane of the emotions and from there to step up to the still higher plane of thought, the mental plane. And from there to the yet higher plane of higher mind. You are visualizing the expansion of your body to these higher planes. You are expanding your awareness to higher planes beyond the physical. You are waking yourself up on the higher plane of emotion and mental and spiritual and higher.
"As you consciously stepped out of your limited perception of being physical, and as you visualized yourself larger than physical, superimposed over your physical as you have been practicing, and then breathing consciously, allowing your breath to penetrate your larger self on the emotional and the next larger mental and the next larger spiritual and the next - as you breathed in and out of each plane while visualizing, you awakened and aligned these fragments of yourself with your physical. Many people are today working this process to bring their four lower bodies, anchored in the four lower chakras, into balance and alignment with the limited concrete physical body consciousness. This is what I meant by “you can’t do it alone.”
"Picture a line of people arriving to your house, each bearing gifts but they are stopped at the front door because you do not open the door or look out the window. You do not know the people are there with gifts for you, gifts that would make your life easier and more pleasant, more agreeable. Many riches await you when you stop trying to live your life as if you were all alone with no help. You have a network of help and helpers all around you but you do not see them. You have been living in a closet in the 3D world. You were kept from your own holy self and the powers of your full potential by the mass consciousness which is a fuzzy dark cloud which obscures your own light. This opening and piercing of the veils between your bodies which kept you locked as a prisoner in the physical material world is being broken as you practice awakening, enlarging, breathing, and calling upon your emotional, mental and spiritual self through the morning exercises. You are not alone because you have a wholeness that is connected to God and through that wholeness you are connected to all.
"You have been asking for guidance on Tantra. This is Tantra. This is awakening while in your physical body to the other planes of consciousness that you have access to but you have been kept locked away from. Tantra means a net or a web that connects all as one that has always existed. You were never alone in a separate body, but you were locked out and closed down from knowing this truth. Now you and others are piercing the veils. It is a conscious realization that connects you. The web of life is composed of conscious thought. Conscious awareness. Consciousness connects all that is. God enfolds all his creation alike in his arms and heart and mind. All is contained within the bosom of God. When you don’t know this, it is like being locked inside your closet and not opening the door to the people outside trying to reach you and give you the gifts, their hugs, their laughter and their joyous celebrations, and to invite you to party with them.
"Practice your awakening exercises every morning. When you do this, as you consciously awaken to your higher self and invite integration of your other dimensional you’s, mind, feelings, principles and values, you nourish and refresh your physical body. It is your physical body that grows old and tired because it is not being rejuvenated by spirit. When you enter 3D you enter a “time zone”. There is a beginning and an end locked in time. When you are born in 3D you agree to be closed off from the love and light of the Creator and all of the higher dimensions. You came to learn about darkness and what happens when you are without the light and love. As you remember how to pierce the darkness through the process of applying love and light, you can nourish the failing body and the physical cells will open and drink the divine nectar. Your body fills up, plumps up with life and your DNA expands as does your consciousness. This is how you align yourself with your own perfection, the Christ, known also as the Adam Kadmon, the divine perfect human being, designed as the original role model of each human being from the heart-mind of God.
3/4/23 - Use mantra and visualization to take control
Create a sacred seed thought to take control over your life. Sacred is the key word. It supplants the personal ego which is the little desire self which causes confusion by chasing and holding onto desires. The little desire self is limited and finite. We have been concentrating far too long on this small little self. Consider using the following mantra. I am sharing it today with whoever is drawn to it. I have been given permission. Anyone may use this mantra and guided words of instruction. This mantra must be made with repetition. It will access your personal God-self identity known as your Higher Self. The Higher Self is the ladder to the stars. It is a path that goes higher and higher and is endless, even while you are human living on Earth. Only you can walk the rungs of the ladder of the Higher Self. It is done by choice, free-will effort and concentration. This mantra was given to me by the Tibetan Master, Djwal Khul many years ago.
This mantra gives your power over to your higher God-self. It directs your Higher Self to take control over your finite body and make decisions for you, which you do not have the ability or vision to make yourself . You are asking for help from higher realms. You must ask for this help by relinquishing control over your smaller ego. Your human ego is in control until you consciously surrender control to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self requires that you ask for its help before it can step in and take control. This mantra does that, but you have to take the lead and establish a conscious repetitive daily practice. It doesn't take too long. Repetition is how we create habits. We humans are really good at establishing habits, but we have not created good habits. It is time to create some sacred habits. A rhythm of repetition. Plus a humble attitude.
Along with the mantra, use a visualization of yourself that is beautiful to you, that is attractive to you, that is an ideal image of yourself. Visualize this within a bright sun. Use the light from the sun to brighten this image of yourself. You can play with this image by brightening it to the degree that your image almost disappears, and then bring it back into sharper outlines. You are manifesting your Higher Self into your current life while repeating the sacred mantra. First find a photo or remember a photo that you saw one day long ago, one that you especially liked of yourself. That perhaps shows you in a better light than you are today. What you would like to BE today. Use that image to imprint on your inner mind as you repeat the mantra, "I am the holiness of this body and I dedicate this body, I consecrate this body to the will that I AM!"
Close your eyes, lower your gaze downward as if looking at the tip of your nose, and repeat the mantra while holding this image of your beautiful personal self in the light of the sun. Do this often. It will help stabilize your mind. It is like planting a seed thought in your subconscious mind. Repetition of the same thought plants a seed of ONE thought - remember, it is ONE thought, not many different thoughts - that becomes implanted. It will start to grow and become stronger and radiate further out with repetition. Repetition is the key to this technique. Repeated every day and at least three times a day is recommended. I recommend having at least three set times during the day that you do this mantra and visualization. Start at 5 minutes each time and increase it to 10, then 15, then 30 minutes each time.
If something happens shocking or traumatic, take several minutes to use it to stabilize. This mantra and visualization, with practice, will help bring your whirling thoughts to a central "seed thought", giving permission to your Higher Self to step in and take control with peace and calmness. A vortex is being created of a divine, sacred nature with the use of this mantra and visualization. But nobody can do it for you. Only YOU can create this for yourself through practice. Otherwise, random thoughts will continue to invade your psyche and energy field and swirl with chaos, which we consider the human condition today. A sacred "seed thought" will grow roots going throughout your whole entire body via the nervous system. Experts tell us that by repeating the same words and patterns every day, you mold your life into what it has become today. You created your life, this is how you can change your life. Build this sacred seed thought every day and you will grow roots into your life that start to change the way things work out for you.
Without a sacred seed thought, energies cast off by other people will continue to swirl randomly through you and your mind like a frenzied storm with no direction. You are the directing intelligence of your body. This mantra and visualization will provide a central seed thought, like a mother thought. It is a parent thought. You are a child of the one infinite creator, but you are human and you didn't know that, being born here. This is a technique that has been used for centuries in the East, with a strong influence on the culture there. Wise sages and spiritual leaders abound in the remote sections of the Himalayas. Now these lessons are becoming accepted in our Western societies. It has taken time to accept them, but they have taken root in our western culture. It is a "next step" to accept repetition of sacred words, as in a mantra.
It takes effort to take time out in our busy lives to concentrate and actually sit for 5 minutes at a time being silent and concentrating. I myself have had difficulty controlling my own mind, which whirled on its own. I believed I was doing the right thing to be spontaneous and follow my free will spontaneity. And I was right, as it turns out, to honor and respect my thoughts and feelings. But as East and West learn to merge with each other, so does spirituality and personal empowerment merge and become one whole entity. We are destined to become whole, a divine Ego human with individual skills, talents and knowledge unlike any other. We ARE individuals. As we call on our own Higher Self to merge with our lesser human self, we build integrity into our human self, and learn to control our life with a more refined vision. I have been learning this over the many yrs that the Master DK has been my guide and teacher. I did not know. He has taught me. I am passing on some of his teachings on this website. Yes, we learn from others, of course we do. But the one we have not been learning from and we MUST learn from at ALL times, over and above input from others, is our Higher Self. This is the one path that takes us ever higher beyond what we can see here, today, in this hour. No one can do this for us. Only we can do it for ourselves, by ourself. As long as we listen to other people, we are gathering more confusions to consider, more to analyze, more to weigh, more to consider, more to struggle to fit into our days. These storm clouds that come to us regularly - we live inside the storm clouds - run havoc through our bodies and minds without direction.
That was the purpose of the guru. A guru was a no-nonsense guide. He gave a mantra and said "repeat it!" Westerners didn't want to do that. The times changed and we became intellectual and rationalized everything with our minds. We didn't need a teacher. We can do it ourselves. And so the intellect came into being. We are now intellectualizing ourselves into a mess. We've created a mess without the spiritual teacher to guide us to our HIGHER SELF. We are swirling with storm clouds, chaos, fear and indecision. We are a lost race until we turn ourselves over to our HIGHER SELF. The higher self is our individual personal self but uncontaminated by human faults. It leads us up the ladder to greater understanding, keeping us connected to our Self. It is important not to give up our sense of personal identity. We are God in embodied form. It is important to build on what we know. The God Self is pure and uncontaminated by human errors. How does one connect with it? By assuming the pose of surrendering and repeating sacred words intended and aimed upward to the highest in us.
Most people are reluctant to give someone else charge over their life, but giving the Higher Self permission to take charge over your life is a whole different story. You ARE your higher self temporarily living confined in a limited body which doesn't know anything at all about "higher selves". Thus this body is surrounded by confused input from other people. The only way to access your Higher Self - your real Self - is to take the time to go alone and practice assuring it and communicating with it. Repeat the coded words to only your Higher Self, no other. Find a picture you like of yourself that is healthier and more beautiful, more noble, more wise, more ideal that you wish you were, and focus that intention through the sacred words, appealing for its intervention with your life.
Say the suggested mantra, either silently or out loud. Use a timer and set it for two minutes or three or five and increase it as your feel to expand the time. Start today. And do it two more times today. And tomorrow two more times, and every day do it three times during the day. The longer you can do it the quicker you will plant a seed thought and take control over the stabilizing of your mind. Even if you don't feel anything is wrong in your life, even if you feel you are healthy, wealthy and wise enough not to need any help from your Higher Self, you will be surprised at how much better life can be. How much life can be improved by relinquishing your limited ego control over your life and adding your Higher Self into the mix. We are here to live a 50/50 life as a human being having a human life on Earth with the inflow and input from the one infinite creator, your God/Goddess Self.
Close your eyes and drop your gaze as if to look at the tip of your nose. This tells your body to follow suit. Everything in your body is connected to the one intelligence - YOU! You are giving direction now to your body. You have assumed your body was you but you are NOT your body. You are wearing your body like a suit of clothes. You, your REAL self, is abstract mind, much more than a limited physical body. You are the mind. You are the mind that can expand infinitely to an ever greater intelligence. You are what controls your body by giving it a direction to go in. Perhaps you have not been doing because you didn't know how to. Concentrate your mind on this one sacred seed thought and see what happens over the next month. The Master DK is now guiding you as he has been guiding me over the last 47 years.
3/1/23 - Ascension Massage - "the bump in the road", Part 2
This morning (channeled 11/9/17) I had a download of information. I asked DK to please help me remember this information about the primal divine earth energies coming up and gathering at the first root chakra. Then it comes up to the 2nd chakra which is the reproductive or sexual chakra, and....? He answered:
In the animal kingdom the flow of primal energy divides out at the second chakra in order to create a division into two separate genders. There must be separate genders, male and female, to create a hunger for reuniting. Separation at the second chakra is necessary for duality to play out. There is engagement and play between the two forces which makes the world go around. And create babies. Reproduction is important to perpetuate the species. The animal kingdom operates on animal instinct. Now, the human being is also an animal but it has been cultivated with altered DNA to become more conscious than the animal. It has evolved to become self-conscious and it continues to evolve to become God conscious. It knows that there is a refinement that draws him to seek into the spiritual realms. But his sexuality and reproductive functions remain as an animal.
The human has allowed himself to retain the animal drive to copulate as all animals do. The mechanism to overcome this drive lies in the second chakra, where the division takes place in the animal kingdom. When the primal divine life force comes up to the first root chakra, to overcome this drive, instead of dividing out left and right, the mechanism is to remain WITHIN the second chakra and not allow the division to take place. The division that takes place is the male pushing out and the female withdrawing or receiving. When the human male stops pushing and the female stops receiving, they both can integrate and experience union. This is difficult to explain to a 3D consciousness.
I heard this in a 5D altered state and was able to retain this information. What we are doing with the Ascension Massage - originally I called it The Love Club massage swaps - is teaching people how to integrate their male and female sides in peaceful embrace, rather than the male pushing and the female dancing around trying to attract his attention or running away. To overcome this animal instinct to push and run away (male and female animal instinct) we humans are to learn how to not do that by way of reducing or diminishing our outward actions. When we slow down to a full conscious stillness and allow ourselves to integrate, then we overcome the animal instinct to push and dance. Do you understand? (DK talking. Channeled on 11/9/17)
2/28/23 - Ascension massage takes you over the "bump in the road" (part 1)
The bump in the road to which I refer is sexual tension. On this website there is page called "Massage", and under that page is a link to Ascension Massage. Ascension Massage has lately received an increase in the number of hits. Interest appears to be rising. The reason Ascension Massage has not been promoted lately (by me on this site) is because of the sexual issue. Issues over sex remain constant. They are puzzling. I've been unsure how to promote the divine love nature of Ascension Massage because sexual issues continue to rise and get in the way. Sex is a bump in the road. It is an obstruction to what I'm trying to present through Ascension Massage. And yet sex is not even real! It is a misnomer, a mislabeling. There is a divine nature that is being held back. Recent revelations are insisting I go ahead and start revealing what I know. "Don't worry", I am assured. "It is time to shake the tree and see what falls out."
Here is a simple example of what sex is. Imagine if you will someone who continues to beat you up with daily angry tirades. It doesn't hurt you physically, but it is a bother. It is part of your life and you have lived with it a long time but it creates an agitation. It is not a big deal but after a while it becomes irritating and you finally become physically disturbed by it. After days and weeks pass, maybe even months of this irrating way of life, suddenly the angry tirades stop! What happened? An emptiness rushes in bringing peace, tranquility, even bliss. Some might call it ecstasy or rapture. You suddenly experience the sensation of peace and you enjoy freedom like you haven't felt in a long, long time. This changes your life, your thoughts, your emotions, your appreciation and joy of life increases. You had an orgasm, a release of pressure that had built up.
This is what sex is - the cessation of continual pounding and beating at an internal door that was closed. Most people are unaware of this door. This is a new concept. You don't have to believe it, but this door is blocking the flow of the divine love that should be flowing up the spine and all through the body, maintaining your life in a constant state of harmony, peace, rightness, abundance and good relations. The spine is actually a pathway for divine energy to flow from the coccyx up to the crown of the head, and equally, for the life force to flow DOWN from the abstract intelligence of light and love, entering through the crown of the head and flowing into the soil of earth through the feet. We have not been introduced to this except for those of us who study the occult and esoteric sciences. Clairvoyants and mediums can see the energies moving, but not the average person with training or natural inclination.
This life force of which I speak is pure, unadulterated and uncontaminated by the human belief system. Human beliefs don't influence it or alter it. Humanity has built an artificial life around it, living off it like a parasite. But the divine life is flowing through us still. We just don't know about it. The divine life runs the show, breathes our breath for us, keeps the body functioning. And disease happens only when we block the flow.
We have been blocking the flow when it comes to sex, big time. Our ignorance causes all sorts of problems for us, and not just sexually. On all levels of life. Fortunately, we are on the brink of opening doors we have not had opened in eons of time. We have been held back so it's not our fault entirely. But we have resisted the natural flow of our own divine nature - the internal natural nature of love. We have fallen into dark hands and we have listened to them. We are now reaping the rewards today and learning to not listen. We are returning to our natural divine nature with slow, steady steps of awareness of love.
There is a waking up and transformation happening. Many people are prepared to shed light on the way sex has been mislabeled, mishandled and abused. We DO have the ability to fix it if we knew more about how it went wrong. This is merely a preliminary introduction to the problem of sex. We really didn't know!? We have no idea how badly we have messed up what could have been a most beautiful love affair with life and over the centuries. There is a natural flow of bliss, love and joy running through our bodies - we tune into it now and then (ask the lovers of the world!) - but there is a closed door when it comes to mechanical sex. There is more to come.
Ascension Massage is a new method to bring ecstatic divine love up through the body PAST the sex block, not repressing it but lifting it up, raising it up, with honor, love and respect, up past the bulge that we refer to as a sexual need to release. When we release the divine love at this lower level (by cumming) we spend it outward into the physical abdomen and intestines, and the rest of the body cells and tissues - the stomach, heart, lungs, brain and more - doesn't receive it. Which is why we stay at the same consciousness level and don't grow wiser and happier. There is a next step. Tomorrow there will be more. Tune in!
2/26/23 - Accessing your higher self - part 2
Close your eyes and concentrate on the picture of yourself that you have chosen, the one you really love above yourself. Use this photograph as an image to fix your attention upon. Close your eyes and recreate this image above you high in the sky, in the clear blue of the sky and inside a bright, dazzling sun, like the real sun we see every day. Imagine a clear blue sky and the sun at zenith. Imagine you inside the sun. You are coming through the sun right now as your immaculate, perfect self, streaming like the TV show streams through the televion set into your living room. Right this very moment your perfect self is streaming through the sun and down into your body through a radiant ray of light, alongside other radiant rays of light of others in form.
Imagine this image. Focus on it. You are being created as an endless stream of perfection - a human being in form - and you are being created eternally. We experience "time" where we are in our bodies, but the one infinite creator does not experience time. It is the creator in the eternal moment of now. And you are riding into the earth's atmosphere constantly as a perfect creation of ahuman being. You are the creation of the one infinite creator - the one we call "Father" or "Lord". You were not created in the past; you are being created eternally now. Always. It is difficult for us to understand this, but picture yourself over your head in the brilliant sun. There is no time in the sea of eternity. You are living in the now and you know you are living because you are breathing - inhaling and exhaling, pumping blood through your organs which are functioning - you are being created always, in the now moment. There is only one now moment in eternity and you are living in that one moment, right now. Even though we do not see or realize this brilliant perfect "Me" or "I", it is happening, nonetheless. It is the consciousness of "me" or "I". This consciousness cannot be taken from us. We are conscious. We are aware. And we can grow our consciousness. We can expand it. We can refine it. We can tune in to a more beautiful "me" or "I". We do this through the art of concentration and blocking out all other images. Just for a short while. With practice we learn to hold this positive image for longer periods.
You are now creating a picture of yourself in the most beautiful image you can find of yourself. Photographs work perfectly for a starter. You are using a photograph that you like about yourself, that pictures you in a way that pleases you. You are placing that image into the sky above you inside a sun that you are creating in your mind, using the powers of concentration but you are opening a channel to receive more. You have a mind, an intelligence, an awareness, that you are using to create this channel. You use your mind all day long in more finite ways but now you are using your mind to open to more than you know. So far you have used your mind to create worries, anxieties, illusions, projections, relationships and a way of life that suits you. You create through the ability to find comfort and peace. More and more, people are learning to relax and use their minds in more expansive ways. Still, there are any distractions. The world is going through an upheaval, a regurgitation of old ways and a transition to newer, more uplifting ways of living. The world is giving birth to greater light. The old ways are falling behind. Chaos is in the air because there are 8 billion people on the planet, and each one is going through their own transition.
We tend to consider the feelings of other people around us, we like to help. But we cannot help with the undercurrents that are flowing. Stick to your own game plan. Follow your own heart and dream. That is the reason for accessing your higher self. Only your higher self knows what is good for you. Your higher self is the immaculate self that is flowing continually through you. Tune into it. Let others find their own higher self. It is not your job to assist them, unless there is an obvious way that you can step in. Then, in that case, step in and help, but don't get distracted from your main job - that of tuning into your own higher self which has the answers and solutions for you alone.
The state of the world is in chaos as the light is causing us each to shift focus to ourself alone. Silent mediation on our self alone brings peace and contentment if we stabilize into the practice. You use your mind all day long on "other things" not yourself, so you seldom tap into your own perfection which is ever present, flowing in on your breath, inhaling it and exhaling it as we speak, as I type these words. Only the wisest of the wise human beings take the time to STOP! Stop focusing on "other things" and focus on the perfection that is flowing through you right now. The immaculate concept that would bring you awareness of peace and revelations concerning your own life. Everyone thinks the immaculate concept refers to Mother Mary of biblical scripture, the mother of Jesus. But it pertains to the perfection of every form flowing into existence. Your form is building and flowing along a perfect pattern - a pattern called the Adam Kadmon, the Christ. It is a perfect human shape. All the organs are in perfect place to perform their function. Every cell is in place, every molecule, every organ, the brain, your heart, your lungs, your spleen, liver, kidneys, toes, fingers, hands, blood flow, nerves - everything is perfect because you are being created from the mind of the one infinite creator in this very moment.
Tune into the photographic image that you are holding in your hands, close your eyes and recreate this image in your mind. See yourself in the brilliant dazzling white light of the sun. Your image is almost lost in the sunlight because the sun is SO bright, SO dazzling, SO brilliant, SO all consuming. Yet, you can see yourself inside that radiant light because you are coming through the light. You are a thought of the creator, just as the sun is a thought of the creator. You are a part of the light as a unique and separate creation. You are the perfect creation that is being radiated outword as we speak of it. The one infinite creator did not create you a "long time ago" so that you had "time" to become lost. There is no time in the infinite expanse of forever. It is all happening in the eternal now. Be HERE NOW and picture yourself densifying into your current human form. You are manifesting as an embodied form. Hold that image for as long as you can. If your mind wanders, pull it back to the image of your immaculate self coming into manifestation as your current you. This is coming through strongly to me as I release these words. The image of the immaculate concept is always streaming forth. No matter where you "think" yourself to be, no matter what situation you "think" yourself in, be aware of this perfect immaculate you. This beautiful image of yourself that you hold in your mind right now.
The reason for holding it above your head is so you reach up to it. Think up to it as an open chalice to receive the divine blueprint as it funnels down into your crown. Receive it and create a direct line, a link, a thread, a channel, a path from you on the earth plane in your physical body that is aging, upward to the more of you that you do not see. You are using a photograph to picture yourself, to plant your image in the open spaces of the sky as a portal. The image is not the real you, it represents a frequency, a divine idea, a master plan coming from the creator flowing down into concrete form. The immaculate concept cannot be understood by the finite personality ego, but it can be open to receive revelation from the divine. That is what we want to do here - receive revelation. We need to have a portal to fix our attention on with an open, eager mind. It has been eternally flowing down but we have not known about it, so we have missed it. It is constantly descending down, and manifesting as clumps of solar fire into concrete atoms, cells and molecules to form a human body. We are creating this open channel by visualizing it. Visualizations are a thousand more effective than words. They are like containers into which we receive the divine substance that is flowing. Visualizations are like buckets put out in the rain to collect water. Something has to hold the water or it will be lost in the fray.
Create this pathway by holding this picture for as long as you can in one sitting. Then release it and return to your normal life. Continue to live your life as you normally would, do not "try" to make it better or different. Let the divine handle the absorption and correction as it flows into your daily life. Periodically, sit in the quiet and alone time and hold the vision again. Your human nature is valuable. Continue to construct it with purpose and vision. Your human ego and understanding is growing stronger as you do this. You are learning as you grow through the life you live as (insert your name). Your friends and family are doing the same but on a different time line than you. Don't expect them to follow along beside you. They too have an immaculate concept breathing through them but their time for understanding is different from yours. The more you sit in quiet and peace, holding this immaculate image, the more you strengthen the river of universal harmony and abundance into your physicalness. Be here now. Hold this beautiful image of yourself and notice the merging and how it affects your life. Know that the real sun in the sky is a distribution center for your immaculate blueprint. Your knowledge of this will keep the channel open more and more. Keep strengthening the path of light that is coming through the sun. Both the "real" sun in the sky and the "imagined" sun that you create in your mind.
Concentrate. This is work. Work at picturing yourself. Hold this image. If your mind wanders, pull it back with will power and determination. Work at holding the picture of your immaculate self - or the best image of yourself that you can muster. It is above you coming down from an abstract intelligence and entering through the top of your head. Focus on the crown. Bring the image down through the crown of your head and into the brain so it can register on the physical cells of your brain and be distributed through physical nerve cells. Imagine a portal at the crown of your head and imagine the revelations flowing down through the opening at the top of your head. The crown portal is known as the Dweller on the Threshold. It is half inside the crown and half outside. It sits there as a sphere of light at the crown, half in and half out, an open portal that may be opened by your focused awareness with love and devotion for your higher self.
Imagine the flow of light flowing into your brain, picture your brain as it appears in graphic form, and see the light lighting up this brain. It flows through your brain and center of the head, manifesting as the pituitary gland, the master gland which activates the various functions of the body. The light flows easily through the channels designed in perfection by the master blueprint. The more often you picture the light flowing, the more perfection flows into your aging, deteriorating body. For those who study the yoga sutras, the pituitary gland is not the Ajna center. The Ajna center is projected out from the center of the head to the front of the forehead. It is used for sending or directing, like a laser beam.
Bring the image of your immaculate perfection down into your head center. See the brain and nervous system light up. The more you do this and the longer you hold this image of light manifesting in your physical, the more you solidify this truth into your finite physical body. Blend your divine immortal self with your fun-loving, pleasure-loving, excitable, ever changing humanity and you will notice an uptick in your sensations and life. You are creating a blend of your true self in the abstract and your physical body self as a concrete human being. With this practice we are channeling the abstract solar fire into the physical brain cells so they can carry the divine fire to other locations in the body. The solar fire is known as the Presence of God, the Dweller on the Threshold and the Christ. The divine wants to be in form. Unfortunately, we have been covered over with false impressions and projections of illusion and limited wrong beliefs. Focus more and more and for longer periods of time on the best version of yourself you can find, and hold that image in the sun. Strengthen the channel between the divine you and the mortal finite you.
2/25/23 - Accessing your higher self - part 1
Stamina comes from your Higher Self. You cannot create stamina without tapping into your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is all that you are up to date. It is all that you have experienced up to date. You have collected an amazing amount of stamina throughout the eons. You can call it vital life force or some other word, the word is not important. Understand what we mean by stamina. You have built it into yourself by the actual LIVING of it thru form life. After each form life you return to the non-form life, the heaven worlds. And then you return to form life again. You have experienced form life before this human life you are living now. Your mastery is built through living in form life, mastering the form life and growing from being in form and learning how to manage yourself in embodiment. Your spiritual self is actually built from living in an embodied planet. This stamina - you call it energy but there are different kinds of energy - comes from knowing how to maneuver in form. All that you have ever experienced in form is the excellent stamina that you wish you had more of.
You have lived on other planets too, not just on Earth. There are galaxies upon galaxies - solar communities of countless other planets - which host beings like humans and animals on their surfaces. Also you have had pre-human lives as animals, plants and even minerals before becoming human. From the beginning of your sojourn into form and substance, you have been a child of the one infinite creator experiencing embodied life in form and substance. You have been one consciousness, the same consciousness that you are enjoying now, today, and thinking you know it all. And you DO know it all. You know all that you know, but there is more that you don't know. There is always more to become known. And there are always others to guide you and talk to you telepathically. Stamina is knowledge lived. It comes from the accumulated "know it all" part of you. It is your innate knowledge. Your instinct. Your intuition. Your sense of being right. You can tap into that rightness, that knowingness starting now. It is all the knowledge and understanding that you have accumulated so far in the eons and eons of time living in embodied form. You can start right now, just as you are today, even if you have low self esteem and don't believe you can.
We call this innate self the Higher Self or the God Self. Or perhaps you call it the Lord. Whatever you are accustomed to calling it, it is above and beyond you because your body today is finite. It was built at your conception, so it is only one life old, where you have lived countless lives before. This body is only temporary, but you can train it if you learn how to access your prior life knowledge. This body will not last forever unless you feed it with your past life memories, and then it may live longer than you planned. This body was built just for you for THIS life. It was built at the time of your conception and birth by your earth mother. So this body that you are living in today does not have memory of your past lives. But YOU do, you as an everlasting eternal consciousness. Your consciousness is what we call the spiritual self. You are eternal. You live over and over again in different forms. You grow up and learn the current culture by living in that particular form, and then that form passes away and you go on to the heavenly fields to debrief and consider the next step in form. You have embodied in various forms and usually don't remember them. You learn how to maneuver that one particular form that you currently inhabit, and you tap into your prior knowledge through some kind of homing device called instinct. Instinct is inherent. It is prior knowledge that has accumulated in your consciousness - that which we refer to as soul.
You don’t remember your past lives unless you have tapped into your Higher Self. You can tap into your Higher Self right now, and I will teach you a method how to do that. Your higher self is best known as intuition. It is innate. It is not just inside of you, it is your life force, your consciousness, your breath of awareness with which you first come awake and aware in the morning after sleep. Or after a coma of long duration. You are all that you have EVER been and ever experienced. You are awareness. You just don’t remember prior lives easily. Some of us do. But it is in THIS body that we are primarily focused. Learning to maneuver in THIS body. THIS body is a new body. It doesn't have the memories that YOU have as an everlasting consciousness. You probably haven't had the opportunity to know this before now, or maybe you have. Many people are learning about their spiritual selves today. Humanity is growing by leaps and bounds into higher consciousness levels. But if you don’t know how to access your Higher Self, I will give you some hints tomorrow. You have been held back on this planet called Earth. It has been a dark planet up until recently. Earth is growing up and taking on more of HER higher self too. Mother Earth is also an intelligent entity who has been held back. She is of a different species than human. She belongs to the planetary tribe. All planets belong to the planetary tribe. They can communicate with each other through the solar system - their male counterpartner. They host the human, animal, plantlife and other species on their surfaces.
If you are willing I would like to share with you some ways to access your Higher Self. These are from my own personal experiences. I will tell you more tomorrow. This is a prelude to lay a foundation before beginning. All techniques have a basis of a foundation, a reason for being to share and pass on to others. One must be prepared in order to be open enough to receive. Otherwise, why would you waste your time? Search your photographs and scrapbooks tonight and find a photo of yourself that you really, really like of yourself. The one photo that gives you a good feeling about yourself. One that shows you in the way you would like to look today. What quality does it bring to mind? Beauty? Dignity? Nobleness, grace, power, strength, intelligence? Whatever quality you most admire and want to enhance in yourself. That feeling can be enhanced with the help of your Higher Self. You can access this quality by picturing your Higher Self in a certain way. The photo can be of any age, it doesn’t matter. It can be used as a reminder, a reflection, thru which to access skills that you have but are currently beyond reach because your physical body and brain never experienced them before. Tomorrow then.
2/24/23 - Don't suppress the ego, soften it, and Tantra
Don’t suppress the ego, soften it. Many people think the personal ego is bad, but the Masters say you don’t want to suppress or repress your personal ego, or deny it, or even subdue it. Rather, soften it. Care for it with the wise gentleness of a good mother, because your human ego is of personal value - to you and to others. It is your uniqueness. The great plan behind all plans is to integrate your personal value, your knowledge and unique individuality into the overall master plan - the Oneness out of which all springs forth into form. The divine Oneness is ever growing richer because of the individual minds merging into it.
It is this Oneness that is the I AM Presence that descends into form. The I AM God Presence created you and supports you on your individual journey. It is immortal. It is the One I AM that created all forms everywhere. The great mystery is how this is done. We are on the road of discovery, each one of us, learning how it is done. It is the ONE out of which life springs a'new every day, every moment, eternally refreshing us if we can understand that and tap into it. The I AM is eternally new and more than it was before, because individual minds are constantly returning home with their individualities vastly expanded with understanding.
The problem we all experience is this. We as an individual mind have grown an intelligent branch off of the ONE intelligence, separate and apart from the great ocean of love and unified ooneness. Yet we cannot escape it entirely, we can only go off separate and alone, away from it. We can reject it and refuse to listen to the guiding voice within, but we cannot escape it because we ARE the oneness having a separate temporary experience. We are still in the oneness, or rather, the one vast intelligence is still in us. Many have taken the dark road away from love and light, for we have free will. But the better advice is always to go within and listen to the still small voice of conscience, of heart, of love.
We have each had many experiences out in the darkness as separate intelligences, away from the light and the love of the one infinite creator. We not only can say "I did it my way!" - we MUST do it "my way". That is the only way to find the light and the love within. No one else can do it for you. You are on a separate path from your friends. That is why your personal ego is not bad. It just needs to be softened, blended with the love and light within so it can feel wanted, valued and held in high esteem. Bad criminal cruel mean behavior is not valued, it needs to be awakened to the value it is running away from.
We all did many things against our own inner conscience, light and loving heart, but it taught us the value of right and wrong. We benefitted from the results. Good results from good and right behavior, and bad results from wrong behavior. We learned as we traveled and experimented about the value of having friends and being kind and doing the morally right thing, even if no one noticed. And we learned it was not worth it to go against that inner knowing. We learn to maintain personal integrity over the long haul. We learn to be less selfish, or perhaps we learn to be MORE selfish - those of us who are constantly giving our power away to the point of exhaustion - for there is a constant balance we are seeking to maintain. The balance is done within, by noticing, acknowledging the truth and applying it. The spiritual life is the path of maintaining balance between our own dual natures.
When you get angry, tone it down, bring it back to gentleness with words and considerations. The separate ego thinks it is all alone in life and it maintains a stubbornness to survive, not unlike the child having a temper tantrum. When things don’t go its way, it strikes out in ways that are not good for the whole. It sheds violence on the neighbors and family. Tone it down. Treat it with love and kindness and show it respect, and the personal ego will respond in kind. It needs to be respected. It needs to feel valued because it is a part of us. It is not separate. Be patient and kind to yourself. On a higher level you are your own God, your own Father God and your own Mother God. Be nice to yourself. Find a way that is balanced and does not hurt someone else in your vicinity. Work on this. The soul is a work in progress. The soul is the child learning how to live life in form in a balanced way. Then happiness is felt. Joy is felt. Abundance is felt.
The ego is the human child being raised by the Father-Mother God within. Father is abstract intelligence without form; the Mother is abstract intelligence INSIDE the form, flowing through the form as the life blood, circulating through the heart, lungs, nerves, glands and organs. You have access to the Father-Mother God within, for you are both the ego as little child and the wise parents of spiritual nature. As the little child you don't know this until you begin connecting with the love and light within - the Father-Mother who is the one infinite creator flowing through you. Act more like the father-mother God within you and you will mature as an ego. At that point you begin changing into aspects of the Divine Ego, which is more loving, graceful, patient and kind. You will be noticed as becoing a more peaceful, refined personality.
There are many religious and spiritual names used to refer to the Divine Ego – Higher Self, God-Self, Spirit, Holy Christ Self, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, but it is not the word that matters. It is your understanding that matters. When we live in a solid body form, we are operating on a closed circuit, not knowing these things. We are using that program that we were born into. Everyone born here in the past uses that program. It is "time" and "space", closed off restricted area from the wide open fields of intelligence, harmony and love. Here on this planet called Earth we were oriented to feeling separate. We were taught survivalism as one alone. There were survival laws that helped guide us. But things are changing. We are growing so wise now, the inhabitants of Earth, that we have entered into a higher consciousness field. It is known as the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is one where we are sorting through things and making some choices and decisions that affect our future. We are choosing more wisely and with more unity consciousness. We want to live more peacefully and less in violence. As we find more and more self-enlightenment techniques on the net, we are stimulated to join classes or at least read about them and investigate a little further. Humanity is on the verge of raising the world's population to 5th density. In 5th density there is no violence. We leave violence behind us when we enter into that level of awareness.
Life continues on the 5th dimensional Earth differently than it did on the 3rd and 4th level of awareness. Too many people are now aware. Too many people want peace instead of fighting for survival. It is a different way. That is why your personal ego has value. IT is the one who is changing. The little egos are growing up and deciding in right ways that benefit everyone around them. We are integrating with our divine Father and Mother parent which is waiting for us. For we ARE the parent. We ARE the divine within, having a childhood lesson. Believe in a more unified and gracious way of life, considering the values and rights of others around you, and you will be valued in return more than you have been in the past. Rather than repress your personal needs, wants and desires, work with them and instill in them larger graciousness.
As a side note, for many years I have been seeking to understand the Tantra way of life, which is not sexual. The reason people think it’s about sex is because sex is the first door to open that allows the divinity to expand into the form body. The feeling is one of loving attraction which sort of overwhelms the young person in puberty. It is the beginning exposure to the power known as kundalini, or in the west known as the holy spirit. It is the secret power that lies in the etheric body at the base of the spine - specifically surrounding the coccyx. This area of the body is the geometric center of the human body. At a certain point in the aging of the body, it opens partially, gently, to allow these feelings to expand up the spine. Sexual feelings are the result. It is a touch of the divine nature within. The body feels it as sensually warm and loving. But since we have been born into a physical-only form of living, we seek an outward way to express it. With another person or through masturbation. We did not have teachers or guides to take us through this early stage of puberty. Unfortunately, in the dark ways of Earth, there were people (and still are) who became obsessed with the body feeling and abused younger ones and more vulnerable people. This has caused a lot of damage. Fortunately we are on the cusp of exposing this long abuse. New teachings are coming out fast in these days, especially about the kundalini or the sacred fire, as it is known. It is the divine nature that has been held locked inside the human body for eons. Now is the time for truth of the power behind sex to be revealed. Tantra is one of the paths that have an ancient grounding the sacred Vedas of India, I am told. I personally have not read them but the Masters have guided me. Kundalini is the Mother God flame at the base of the spine, called Shakti to the impersonal God Shiva which is abstract intelligence.
On a human level, yes, sex is the beginning. It is feeling so divine that if you are fortunate enough to have a Tantric master who will guide you, you will be led into a life of personal empowerment that no other spiritual path can match it. I was fortunate to have been given a Tantric Master 47 years ago, after I went into the Light by a dramatic awakening of Kundalini, without my having been prepared. When the shakti started to purify me of everything that I was made of that was embedded in me from childhood and previous lifetimes, it was a makeover which I didn't understand. I had no choice but to live through it. It was - and I love this phrase! - a blessing and a curse. My husband at the time and I were drawn into the lifestyle of swinging and through free intimate sex I became grounded back into normalcy, but with a lingering yearning for ever higher love which other people could not provide.
Bad situations and frustrations had to be confronted and dealt with, but in the long run the good benefits won out. I learned more through the swinging lifestyle than I could ever tell. I become more patient, more understanding, softer, kinder, gentler and more dignified. Tantra does not exclude sex but it does not focus on sex. Sex is not forbidden. It is a threshold over which a person passes to get to the larger room inside. It is a change in perspective. It changes the focus from hard bodies and hard outlines to softer, larger, more etheric bodies and outlines, and sensitivities. The sex act loses its crudity and matures into love-making. Sex becomes no longer a goal-oriented act. It becomes less physical and more sensual, more kind, more loving toward self and the other person. More considerate to self and the other, more elevating, more worshipful and reverent. There is a heavenly aspect that most do not quite reach but is available if one does not give up reaching for it. And also one becomes more discriminating and discerning about who you have sex with. You can feel a person’s motives and intentions when you are near them. You can read them. The energy fields overlap in close proximity and you can't fail to know what they are made of. And if you feel compatible you feel free to make love with a perfect stranger. That is, if your wife or husband doesn't resist.
The shakti (kundalini) is not directed towards the orgasm and physical penetration. It wants to go higher than that. It is energetically and magnetically attracted to beyond the heart and head to the Home from which it came. It wants to go Home so it expands up the spinal column in search of that ultimate blissful connection. Tantra is the path of learning about this mysterious power of enlightenment. The masters of Tantra teach how to build the power up and not to spend it on orgasm, but not to get lost in the shuffle either. It can go to the sun if you let it or it can be used with another human being in ecstatic lovemaking. Or it can rise up the spine and out the top of the head to reach ever higher levels of bliss and ecstasy alone, without a partner. Without a teacher who knows, a person will continue to want satisfaction from sex with someone else and will be driven by sex. Sex is not bad, but it can be misused to hold someone back from maturing into fulfillment. Sex is not the purpose of the kundalini. It is only the first step on the ladder to heaven. Tantra teachers guide a student into understanding both sides of the coin, both the spiritual and the human.
The power behind sex is a higher power of a divine, immaculate nature. It must be guided and understood how to work with it. When sex is first felt at puberty, it is felt as a loving thing. Without guidance it becomes focused on the physical body seeking something. Without wise teachers to guide the one in puberty, the young one stays with that focus - seeking the opposite gender for sex and penetration. How can he or she not know differently? So the all important focus is then finding a mate to help us fulfill ourselves. Or we are abused by someone else and thrown into trauma. The Tantric path is a path of spiritual enlightenment, not sex but may include sexual orientation. I have been writing about it for a long time.
2/23/23 - Rise above the stagnating energies of the body
This morning while showering I heard, "Rise above the stagnating energies of the body. The mind is your playground. Play! It brings you joy by discovery." The voice continued and I wrote on paper.
The world is a world of discovery. It is where you have the luxury of comparing differences. Only in the form life do you have differences. In the heavenly fields you don't have these differences. Let discovery be your game and your motto. You are learning how the great sages made their enlightenment. And why they are always in peace and joy. It is a lesson of discovery after discovery after discovery. Excitement of discovery, after excitement of discovery, after excitement of discovery. This is what grows your mind to happier planes and more fulfillment. It is a lesson of great importance. Make excitement your path. Your path to enlightenment is being highlighted with your discoveries and your excitements. Use your mind! Your master has led you thus far, now it is up to you to continue walking this path. Learn to do it yourself. Learn by trying it out for yourself. Instead of looking to your master every day and pouring over past journals, look to your OWN ability to discover excitement energy. Become your OWN master. Let your mastery over your dullness and boring stagnation emerge and guide you forward to discovery. Let excitement be your guide and dullness be a sign to turn around and go in another direction.
Life in form is filled with comparisons. The diversity is immense. This is the life of learning and growing. Of discovery that fills you with excitement. Discover what brings you down and what brings you up to high points. Discovery teaches you the proper use of your mind. The improper use of the mind is to let disappointment and frustration and bad attitudes stay inside you un-used, un-expressed and un-wanted. Don't hang onto them. Get ahead of your body’s tendency to stagnate. USE the discouraging energies and don’t let them sit and stew in you. Use them up. Use them as fuel. Use them in action. Put them to work. Do something with them. They are fuel for consumption. They are energies. That's all they are. Action is required to get rid of them. Don’t sit and stew in them. Get a grip on yourself. Make yourself get up and move in another direction. Don’t let bad energies sit inside of you bringing you down. Use bad energies to accomplish something positive. Spend them like money. Consider them fuel for your bank account. Whirl around like a spinning top if there is nothing else you can do.
Get them out of your system, out of your head, out of your muscles, they are holding your down. Get them out of your body and into the air and your energy field where they become free to disband into the light. Think AIR! Think UP! Think LIGHT! Send them UP and out into the air by the directing force of your conscious mind. Then stay open, stay ahead of stagnation. Don’t let old energies accumulate in your tissues. Be greater than your body. Your body is a shell composed of past energies that have accumulated and you did not know. Past energies from yesterday and last year and from childhood and prior lives. Be more than the accumulated energies of the past. The past has come and gone. Find NEW excitements. Be gentle with yourself as you walk slowly into new excitements. New excitements will move you in positive directions. They are like a flowing river. Follow the river of moving excitement. Let the river of your life teach you and guide you in a spontaneous and free way. But do not hurt anyone in your flowing. Be kind and be sensitive in your flowing. Be benevolent, be creative. Let freedom come and let freedom go out from your body. Don’t keep them close inside of you.
Share them with others. Tell your stories. Meet and converse openly with others. Share your discoveries. Spin them into action. Be a flowing river of stories and excitements as they come into your life and flow out, leaving you open-minded and open-hearted. Free to receive further flowing from the universe.
2/22/23 - Dissolving into larger love - don't turn it personal
I asked DK this morning, how do you be physically close without turning it personal or sexual? It's a philosophical question, intended to enlarge my intellectual understanding of this very major process. I was thinking of holding a women's session. He responded: "It requires silence. It’s not about touching. You don’t have to hug or lie down together. That would expose you to physical toxicities held in the body. Be close within the auric fields so they overlap."
He continued. "You can start with 4 or 6 women in a circle with a goal in mind, as you have been learning in the Tantra books. But this is not for sexual fulfillment. Its purpose is for grounding the holy light into the flesh body, as in the light body known as the christ body. This requires refinement of those impulses and tendencies when tend to rush, to reach, to stroke and to pull towards, which we call groping. The urge to reach for another body or to repel another body, comes up in people. It is the magnetic attraction of the earth forces. One must resist the earth force push and pull. You are to manage this impulse.
The practice is an inner practice to hold steady in the quiet in your body, in your mind, in your feelings. We use visualizations. Imagine a column of refined light coming down from above, through you and into the earth below. Know that this column of light is really a column of love. It is the ALL-THAT-IS direct from the heart of the sun behind the sun which comes from the creator, the father-mother God. An outsider’s touch or presence would be less than this holy light, holy love. This is the love-light of your own light body, your christ body. You swoon into it and everything human in you melts and dissolves in the light and love of your christ body. With practice you will not fall to the floor, as some have done, but contain it within your mind, body and feelings. This is the next step practice.
Anchor the light, which is actually love, into your human body, your physical flesh body which is composed of thoughts, beliefs, intentions, desires, tendencies, resentments, bitterness, hatreds, sorrows, weaknesses - all of the human stuff that is not holy. By allowing yourself to remain silent and centered, you will experience receiving the holiness of the love that is coming down into the ground through your visualization, you prepare your body to become the God-self in human form. All-knowing, all-wise, it dissolves all personal tendencies, involvements, attachments, etc. With each practice session it leaves you refreshed, open, aware, more knowledgeable, and infinitely more capable of FEELING love. Dissolving personal attachments is done without damage, effort or pain. There is never any pain when love dissolves personality stuff. Human relationships are possessive and controlling, so these are dissolved in the larger love. Your love enlarges to embrace so much more.
If you are connecting with your light body, christ body, it is a solitary process. You, the child, are becoming the grown-up now - one with your father-mother God. You are becoming the adult, the mature God-man or God-woman. The holy Christ self in physical form. Others will not have jurisdiction over you.
2/20/23 - How to eliminate a fuzzy head
After having a quiet household for years, just the two of us, we have a friend living with us who has been displaced from her home in the flood, and has many problems she is trying to resolve from our home. The house is buzzing with different energies, not our own. It is a time for learning. How to cope with other energies so close at hand? Not knowing what to do, I began searching among the hundreds of different methods offered by those who know, including the Ascended Masters, but which one? It's not like there are no solutioins. It's a matter of which solution to utilize, because it requires calmness and concentration to apply such methods that deal with out-of-balance energies that are disturbing. I have created my own buzzing energy field in the process, giving me a non-stop fuzzy brain.
Now I am finally getting it. It took a while. The correct answer is: I have to take charge of my own energies and not follow someone else's method. Stop looking for answers and start doing something. Nobody else's method applies to my situation because it is me and my own consciousness that creates the problem, and I have to do something about it myself. It's a consciousness thing. So no meditation today, just action is requried. I must consciously accelerate the electrons, atoms and cells in my own body, mind and energy field to bring in greater clarity and vision.
I am being told: Accelerate the body’s cells and feel the stimulation of interest. Become interested again in life. Speeding up the body’s cells, atoms and electrons clears away the effluvia, the debris, the old dead energy that weighs you down. Use this energy, don't let it stagnate. I can tell already - it works. Keep busy. It should not be manually difficult labor but be productively busy. Then lie down to rest, calmly and peacefully, for 20 or 30 minutes to allow the body to recuperate and fall back into its normal natural alignment. This part is crucial - to rest inbetween bouts of productivity and/or busy-ness. It prevents stress and tension from building up. Then get up and move again. You'll feel a lot better. It will clear the energies that are foreign to you. It will clear your head.
It helps to keep a running list of what you have accomplished during your active periods. Seeing the results of your productive and creative efforts not only boosts your energy, confidence, self-esteem and enthusiasm towards life and living, it actually increases the life force, allowing it to move through your blood, muscles and organs so you feel the building of stamina flowing through your physical body. Keep track of your good works. Journal your recovery process during your "down times" so you can remind yourself what to do again in the future.
2/18/23 - Nurturing Healing Love Massage Exchanges
A long time ago I was told by the Master Djwahl Khul: "Do not ask the male to change - just present the female.” A persistent dream nags at me to establish an ascension massage exchange network where individuals can meet others for mutual partner exchanges to assist in the growing need to overcome ascension symptoms. I have no idea how many people are aware of "ascension symptoms" but the world is going through not only climate changes but humans are too. There is a lightening process taking place worldwide, a consciousness elevation, a broadening, a widening, an awareness of one's personal space becoming more refined. Consciousness is becoming more spiritual, more rarified. Yet, the dense physical body and brain are the same. This is causing havoc on the coarse physical body which has been programmed to low expectations. Life has been restricted in many ways. There is an inner struggle going on, trying to understand. How to cope.
My desire for an ascension massage exchange network hasn't manifested yet, mostly because I haven't been ready before now. I have been advancing my understanding to the point where I have to do something soon or I'll leave my body and go elsewhere. (Just kidding.) I am by nature a passive person and a follower, not a leader so I've been doing lots of inner work, homework and opening myself up to specialized training. The ascension massage is a soft, gentle nurturing feminine approach, using priestess skills of ancient origin. It is not sexual. If there is a sexual body response, we simply ignore it and raise the energy up over the block and keep going. It is done consciously, mentally and intentionally. There are many lifetimes of training in this art.
The goal of ascension massage is to connect the pure uncontaminated light and love in one person to the pure uncontaminated light and love in another person. The light and love is the same in both persons, it is the HUMAN that makes us each different. The goal is to merge the uncontaminated light with the HUMAN. This is the hard part that we've been missing. Mutual body exchanges without sex or emotional attachment can do this. We are to merge the human with the divine so the human becomes the individualized god/goddess that is destined to be. We do it without emotionial or sexual involvement. When sexual response happens we direct our attention higher, that's all. We elevate it. We don't suppress it but raise it up higher. It takes some training to do this, and practice.
When we exchange ascending massage, the uncontaminated light and love from both giver and receiver combined is stronger than from just one person alone. It washes away the toxic energies in the system that cause confusion, sickness, pain and suffering. What most people are unaware of is that there is an immaculate blueprint within them, within everyone, including bad evil people. They wouldn't be alive, breathing and walking around if they did not have an immaculate divine blueprint functioning in their body. This divine blueprint has been covered over by imprinted false cultural programming from birth on up to the present day. This perfect immaculate blueprint can't be contaminated by human error or mistakes. It just can't. You can try but you can't contaminate it. It doesn't matter how bad a person is or what crimes they've committed, or how mean, cruel or vicious they are in life, they have a perfect immaculate divine blueprint that has been covered over by the culture. It can be uncovered with education, training and believing enough in it to do daily homework - and exchanging an ascension massage can help if they are willing to trust in the process. This immaculate blueprint is the life force of the body known historically as the christ, short for crystal or crystalline. Everyone has one.
The Ascended Masters have been guiding me to establish an ascension massage exchange for a long time. Click HERE to see the original posting back in 2014. An ascension massage leads to total bliss IF the receiver is ready to receive and can open to trusting the giver. The goal of receiving one is to become a giver of one. We will be creating a network of partner exchanges by starting one at a time, discussion and practice. I am starting it here, now, by writing about it.
If you are hungry for some loving touch, it requires giving loving touch in return, without sexual or romantic involvement or expectation. This is a higher form of love. A deeper form of love that goes to the bottom of the soul and collects the remnants of past action and brings them forth for redeeming. The result is feeling washed clean. It is divine nurturance. This is a spiritual technology that is older than the planet itself, and a teaching that comes from beyond the earth, beyond the galaxy and beyond the stars. There have ALWAYS been teachers of this ancient temple skill. Only those who were inclined to learn it, came again and again, over many lifetimes to the quiet cultures to be trained in out-of-the-way monasteries and underground sanctuaries, away from the noise and cloudy atmosphere of the evolving residents. It is a sacred art and a universal science. The universe operates on love. Love is the longing that everyone has in their deepest heart. We wish sometimes that our relationship partner would do this for us but it doesn’t happen. They haven't been taught. The art of feminine nurturing healing love is a higher science. The word feminine does not mean women only, it refers to the soul. It is the soul that is feminine.
If you are interested in learning and practicing it, contact me privately and we will plan. There is no cost involved. This is something new and exploratory. It is an exchange of loving soft nurturing energy, not to be compared with anything that has been experienced before. We will dip into ancient times when the planet was young, pure and full of the holy spirit unspoiled by humans. The world was quiet then. Serene. We will call upon the ancient land, peaceful and pure and warmed by the ancient sun. We will ask the sun to blow its ancient purity into this tired, weary body. We will call on ancient winds to blow through the cells and clear away the stress. We will call upon the ancient waters to wash away the tension in this body. We will ask the ancient trees to breath their green and pure oxygen through this body. We will ask the ancient flowers and herbs to sprinkle their healing fragrance deep into this soul and melt away the tightness in this body. We will ask the ancient sun to warm this body with its healing rays. We will call upon the ancient healing masters to place their sparkling spirit hands upon this body with nurturing love and light.
We will ask you to tune into the ancient quiet and tune out all outside thoughts. Focus on the here and now in this room. Stop thinking. Feel the quiet and trust the ancient peace that comes in. Develop the skill of tuning into harmony. One way to stop thoughts is to listen to your own breath. Notice the sound your breath makes. Feel your lungs and stomach inflating and deflating like balloons. Feel your hands with a thousand pores in the palm, inhaling clean white light and exhaling clean white light. Picture the bottoms of your feet with thousands of tiny pores opening and breathing in mother Earth on the inhale, and blowing out on the exhale. Imagine inhaling Earth magnetism up your legs to your heart and head, opening arteries and veins and exhaling down into the Earth again. Picture the pores in the skin on your back and spine opening as you inhale, and emptying out on the exhale. Picture your crown opening as you inhale, drawing in light from above, filling up your brain cells, and exhaling down the central column to Earth.
Imagine nurturing soft hands stroking your skin. Not heavy, not coarse, but light and airy. You might have a sheet covering your nakedness, or not, your choice, or light clothing. Expand into the air around you. Spiritual energy is all around you. Prana can be seen as sparkles. Manna is in the air. It is not mystical or mysterious. Prana and manna come from the sun. It is activated by your own consciousness. You are the one who creates manna and prana by connecting with the light and the love from the sun. You are the one who provides the force field of energy of light that encircles you and enfolds you. You are the one who refines it and makes it lighter than that of Earth atmosphere. Our bodies move inside this field of vitality which we create around us. It extends out to overlap with others. We are like fish swimming in an ocean of sparkling vitality. We were trained to focus on the physical world only - the hard edges of physical forms. Expand your eyesight and awareness beyond the form in a 360 degree circle so you can see into the heaven fields. You can with inner eyes and eyes that are beyond you. Picture yourself floating in a sea of pink light that extends into the distance. We are moving in a sea of energy like fish move in the sea. When we open our vision like this we stop thinking about day-to-day thoughts and begin drinking in the higher worlds. We allow the immaculate blueprint to sweep upward and outward around us, cleaning away the toxic energies, stress and tension that has been clinging to us. We are turning on our inner light and ascending our consciousness to higher realms.
2/15/23 - There is pure sweet love in the cells of your body
We are made of love. Love is everywhere. It governs the atoms and electrons of your body. Love is a conscious substance. It is intelligent. It is not felt as love when it is stuck and not moving, but it IS awake and aware. It is what moves your body around and your mind, brain and your feelings. It gives you breath and life. Inside the physical form made of substance, love is the atoms and swirling electrons that coalesce together and make up the cells, molecules and fibers of your body. If you did not have so many beliefs that cause you to be afraid, the atoms and electrons would be able to swirl and vibrate faster. The beliefs and thoughts are what restrict us. If we were more spontaneous and free we would feel lighter in body and happier in mind and feelings. It is limited belief - i.e., "I don't believe in such things" - and fear - i.e., "People are not to be trusted" - which leads to all sorts of negative attitudes that bog us down.
You use love to create because love drops your guard and expands your mind. Love is all there is. In the beginning creating something new is fun and exciting. You reduce love down into shape and form with substance and meat to it, by focusing with all your passion on your new creation. You take your ideas from infinite space and, with love, you mold and shape it into musical creations, artistic creations, relationships, school lessons, houses, tall buildings and bridges. You love to create. Your favorite creation is new relationships because old relationships tend to get dull and repetitious, repeating same old patterns over and over again is monotanous. New relationships feel good because you don't have any past memories or past mistakes to cast shadows. New relationships are pure love relationships. You glow when you think of your new lover or your new friend because nothing has spoiled it yet.
But creating in the world of form - our world of solid physicality - is pushing the envelope. We are each creating something new and so it is by trial and error. Our creations are experiments. We actually don't know how a new creation is going to work out. We plunge in with excitement, all aglow. Whether it be a workshop like my dream, or a new relationship that you have made. We are passionate. It is something NEW!
Why don't our old relationships and our old workshops feel like enough for us? Because we haven't continued to polish them with our love. Instead of polishing them up every morning with caring attention, respect and gratitude for their existence, we replay thoughts that had their day and they're now "old". Yesterday's oldness and mistakes creep into our thinking. The habits of the day before and the day before that and the day before that, until we are remembering all the mistakes, errors, and feelings of those mistakes and we are bogged down. What was originally a glowing exciting love affair of whatever - art, music, a class, a book - dulls down and becomes discarded. And we turn our attention to something new. That's why a new relationship, a new art piece, a new music CD, a new anything is so much more exciting. We are creating something new and there is no past to get in the way.
Is there a solution to this? The Galactics say it best: Learn to create with love in everything you do. Every moment of every hour of every day. It is a learning process. We are evolving into more advanced human beings by expanding our love and broadening our hearts. We need to love what we created YESTERDAY. Not discard it. Revivify it by picking it up again and caring for it, giving it loving attention. The most important creation of all is a primary relationship. I know many primary relationships that are not happy but they THINK they are. They could re-create their original love relationship by not following the same patterns and routines but taking a new approach today. Something different. Like taking a different road home from the store to provide new scenery, even if it takes longer time to get home. Forget the past and concentrate, meditate, focus on love. Make it new again.
Learn to create love every morning when you wake up in your mind. Say it to the walls, the ceilings, the floor, the bed sheets: "I love you windows, I love you carpet, I love you books, I love you bureau, I love you lamp!" Forget your tired old mundane responsibilities for an hour and spend time saying this new mantra: "I love you clothes!" And say it out loud if you dare. The sound of a word vibrating the air creates new energy in the air. "I love you, air!" If you don't have a partner, focus love on and into yourself. Love is in you already but it's not moving. If it's not moving, it's stuck and stagnant. Electrons never stop speeding in the subatomic structure of your body, but they slow down. The best love of all is love for yourself, your liver, your lungs, you stomach, your intestines. This is ancient yoga being revived in America today. You can do it o the run, as I do, or you can take an hour to sit quietly in a carefully designed location to give you peace of mind. You can add quiet music playing, perhaps a candle or two or three, and saying, "I love my heart, I love my brain, I love my blood flowing through my veins." But you can do it as you move about. I do. But do it. Start naming the parts of your body and putting your own hands on your own body and feel the love come alive. You can feel it! Allow the love to flow from your hands into your skin. Your legs, your feet, your arms, your stomach, the top of your head. Know that love is constantly pouring through you and love is the swirling atoms and electrons. Love never ceases flowing but it dumbs down when it's not being spoken or focused on. Think love for 5 or 10 minutes, or 30 minutes or an hour. It will help you to NOT go back to thinking negative. This is how to speed up the vibrations of the atomic structure of your body, brain and feeling world.
If you have a primary relationship, give your partner a massage once a week WITH LOVE. Buy a massage table and see what happens. Give your child a massage WITH LOVING HANDS and see what happens. Give your new born baby a massage WITH LOVE when it cries and see what happens. Give a friend a massage. A platonic massage. Give your SELF a loving massage. I do (on occasion!). Then you are re-creating something new. You become a god or goddess in training when you do this with love. Pick up discarded love objects off the floor and dust them off - with love. They too are composed of swirling electrons and nobody ever pays the kitchen chairs or table loving attention. You can transform your dull home into a sacred temple by doing this. Take an object over to the light blazing through the window and examine them. Hold them close to your lips. Smell the sweet fragrance of the love that is held locked inside the atoms and molecules. Revivify all in your life and love it back to excitement again. Be a happy god or goddess. Keep resurrecting that which was cast aside as old.
2/9/23 - Physically upgrading
There has been little time lately to visit the website and post articles. There have been changes. Many changes. A wonderful friend lives with us now, temporarily, until she gets her house back after the Hurricane Ian swept it away. And because we have opened our hearts and doors to give our friend sanctuary, we have taken on renewed responsibilities. We have expanded in different ways. There is a new dynamic in our house. As a result of our commitment to this, Doug and I have been upgraded. We are transforming, meaning we are changing the way we do things. There is additional understanding. We are wiser than we were before, and these create challenges. The challenges create opportunities to change if we are willing, and these bring on new responsibilities. Do we accept them? It's a test. I have found it comes with choices. It's a two-way street. One can refuse or one can suck it up and grow bigger. Get past it. Then I discovered that new energy comes along with it. This is not easy, so I wanted to write about it. I may be seen as an easy-going person to my friends, but I'm as stubborn as anyone else underneath where I live with myself. I have to do it "my way". And that's the part that needs "sucking up".
So now I've been given some specific yoga breathing techniques by my invisible sources, the Himalayan masters. I was guided to three separate books, all of which were tied together on higher levels. They were threaded together. What a privilege to be so connected to benefit from telepathic hints sent to me! It is mind-boggling to wake up with instructions to go here and there and get some new guidelines. However, it is always my choice to accept the guidance. I don't have to but I've learned over the years to pay attention and listen. I got down the three books. They were: Tibetan Tantric Mysticism, a book I didn't know I had - my sister boxed up all her books and sent them to me before she died. Another one led me to Swami Rama, also from my sister. Check him out on Amazon for books, and Youtube for glimpses from lectures. He was raised by the Himalayan masters from the age of three. The third book is a homemade item I made from collections of wisdoms by others. All three books were threaded together by a similar subject. They all contained a thread guiding me to yoga breathing techniques. I was ready and prepared through past practices, and this piece of information took me up another level. A most amazing higher level. One more precise, more refined, more detailed and specific. It is all about focusing and sharpening my focus to see more and better. It's a most interesting journey, the journey towards more enlightenment.
As I practice these techniques I am finding I can do more physical tasks. There is more power. Not muscle power but power of a greater nature. I am energized. It is surprising to me how excited I get. The excitement gives me sustainable power. Wanting to keep going even if it's painful. It's no longer boring. Doing tasks used to be boring. Now it's not boring any more as long as I am discerning. I have to do only those things that need doing, not get carried away into tasks that are not relevant. It's exciting to discover discernment. Stay in your own lane. Be single-minded. Don't let odds and ends creep in and distract. Wanting to get the tasks done is a power. There is a power overlighting me that is guiding me. It is my higher self wanting to get these tasks done. If I stray outside of the Plan of my higher self, I get tired. This is a most important point. If I stay with the Plan of my higher self, I am rewarded with enthusiasm and feel fulfilled and energized. There is an eternal presence around and over me. This presence is one of attention. I must be careful and stay in the present moment and the "presence". Then there is no room for boredom. There is too much aliveness and excitement happening. It comes flooding in, this aliveness. It is stimulating and revealing. Revelations happen on the go, as I move around.
Practicing these exercises, which are not new, but I have a new understanding of the NOW and the PRESENT, I am finding a new way to live. The benefits are without question the best ones I've seen. But they take time. Practicing breathing techniques requires time out to sit still and really do the breathing. I see there are huge benefits. There is a quickening and a resurrection of interest and joy of life. There is a reason why yoga has survived the eons. The techniques work.
The difference between the casual yoga practitioner and the one who carves out time every day to practice, is that there are provable benefits that show up physically. I am seeing them myself. I was the former practitioner before. Now I am following the masters' guidance. How they did it. Yoga can be done for fun and to socialize with others as a beginning. But eventually it leads to a commitment to one's self, to be done alone. One has to bite the bullet and shut off the world to do inner work. It's a focusing of the eternal mind. The mind has been allowed to be a follower of others. But now, feeding the mind with a specific job to concentrate upon is something quite different. The mind perks up and pays attention. It is a universal hook up with other cosmic minds and forces. It's a lineage. It's a thread to other minds who have gone before and can guide how to tweak a practice and make it even better. It's done through telepathy, mind to mind. There is a definite physical effect on the strengthening and vitality of the body. It's a linking into a power that we as limited creatures are not aware of normally. It's always been there but unless we take specific instructions, we would not know about it.
So I am upgrading. It is all done with the mind. The mind is eternal. It expands when we give it new direction. It relapses when we give up. We can expand it or reduce it. They say there is no end to mind, no final resting place, It is an expanding that goes beyond our traditional way of thinking, but we have to tap into it. The only way to get to the levels waaaaay-up-beyond where we are today is to start with the small, tightly closed end of our minds and agree to open that door and begin there. It's like opening a door of an abandoned old house, not very pleasant on the outside, not blissful at all, nor attractive. But by walking inside the front door and looking around inside (per instructions) one finds something interesting and attractive there. It is rather a simple thing to do. All we have to do is do it. It's tricky choosing to ignore the crowd outside yelling and trying to get our attention with trauma and drama on every side. But once we get past those distractions and carve out time to go alone to practice, one is well on the way to betterment. As the mind starts to focus on the the inner self, the muscles and tissues of our own body, including the brain, the better we feel. The body registers change and reaps the benefits, physically and energetically. One is upgraded.
2/1/23 - Moving closer to group ascension massage exchanges
Journaled six years ago. During meditations that morning I had a lot of realizations and had to write them down to remember them. First of all, I saw chaos this morning. It was in the form of different colored energies, little tiny particles. They were kind of lost and moving around and mixing in with other dissimilar colors, shapes and textures, seemingly at random. There was no order to the chaos. It was confusing. The feeling was that of being lost and trying to find their thread to home but didn’t know how. I realized that out of this confusing mix that it is up to me to sort them out. It is my job to make sense of the chaos. and yet how can I do it with my mind? I don’t know how. I can’t make sense of them but I can become peaceful.
I was shown that by becoming peaceful and not trying to make sense of them, I give them space to relax and spread out and slow down. By so doing they begin to sort them selves out. As they relax they come naturally into close vicinity of other familiar particles by natural attraction. By my becoming peaceful and serene, the chaos also becomes more peaceful. The restless particles slow down and are attracted to its own kind. They develop a bond with their family. They return home. They link and connect with their own families. As I become peaceful, I see that the chaos is coming from outside of me, and by becoming peaceful I produce a buffer zone that those little particles of chaotic energy cannot penetrate because I am not producing them. Therefore they are not returning to me. If I were producing them they would return to me, but I did not produce them so they are going away, by natural attraction, to someone else. I become like a mirror, reflecting the chaos away from me and sending it home to where it belongs.
Next, I see that my massage therapist friend, Marcus, is working with earth energies and the kundalini. I am working with the sky energies, the spirit or soul. We keep our soul, the same soul, from body to body but each new body gets a new spark of kundalini. We have been unsuccessful in bringing our soul down to meet our earth energy, the kundalini, which is the goal. We need to integrate our soul (our self) with the earth body’s energy in order to bring about an enlightened earth body. We fail to do this over and over and over. We live many lives to try again. We continually get a body and the body dies without having done the integration so we have to come back and try again. But my realization is that Marcus is here to work with the earth energies and I am focused on the sky energy, from which comes the formless light, which is abstract information. I like to write about spiritual law and spiritual light. I am in tune with and in touch with other ascended masters and the galactics. Both groups. Inner space and outer space. I invoke them every day. This is my source of information and my reason for being. Marcus is focused on love. He is a massage therapist and is focused on the physical body and the more practical, physical energies. He and his wife focus on the land around their property and they work with the elementals of trees, bushes, flowers, birds, bees and all within the nature kingdom. I do not have that interest. My interest is galactic and the ascended realms.
Marcus is male, focused on the physical and he is more mental than I am. I am female focused on the non-physical, and not mental at all. It would seem we are opposites but we both are focused on love and loving the body. It’s just that I am not interested in the physical muscles of the body where he is. I am interested in stroking the body in a subtle, loving way. Marcus can do that too, but he is different from me. We seem to be opposites and yet we are much the same. The differences are that he is focused on tantric massage, and getting the person’s consciousness to accept the kundalini so as to bring about the earth energies in a more real and benevolent way. Where I am interested in raising the person’s consciousness upward, above the dense lower vibrating body, to the higher heart and top of the head.
Marcus does both therapeutic massage and loving energy massage. I don’t know the physical very much and was not too interested when attending massage school. He knows both physical and non-physical modalities. He knows how to feel kundalini when the person allows it into her consciousness. Marcus can be contacted HERE.
My desire is to hold a layman’s massage workshop. Not to teach about muscles, and not to teach how to arouse erotically, and not to teach how energy works, and not to teach at all, actually. But simply to give each person in attendance the chance to feel what it’s like to touch other bodies openly and freely. We would start with clothes on as a beginning. It does not have to be in the nude. I want to give people the confidence in touching others. That it is OK and to give them assurances that it is OK and some simple encouragement. Go ahead and try it. As long as the receiver is giving their permission for you to touch them. When we all give permission, we can lay hands on each other. It is in the practice of this that we will become free. Don’t call it massage if you don’t want to . It is not really massage that we are doing. It is permission to touch, really. That’s all it is. And to experience what it feels like.
There is a mixing of energies when you touch someone else with caring. Slowly. Not just brushing them quickly, superficially, over the outer skin. The slowness makes it intimate. It allows YOUR energies to enter into the receiver’s energies through the skin. It’s not about arousing them for sex. It’s about connecting energies as an equal. It is an experience that cannot be defined in words. It is connecting up, linking up, joining, fusing and permission is needed. Each person is a piece of the sea of consciousness, what we call the creator or God. Each person is a piece of God’s consciousness. God wants to express itself in the physical. We have been holding it back. Our physical body houses a certain presence, a certain consciousness, a certain intelligence, a certain feeling that can’t be duplicated because each person has a unique pattern that is contained in the soul (the self). When we all get together for massage exchanges - ascension massage which has a higher goal than sexual arousal - we are broadening and expanding ourself by coming out of our private little isolated separated closet. When we blend openly this way with several others, we feel more free, more peaceful and more accepted into the fold of family. It is like coming home. We expand closer to the heaven world.
A Zoom meeting doesn’t provide the same feeling. Someone asked about having a Zoom meeting for this, but it wouldn't work. The Presence is housed inside the physical cells, blood, tissues, organs of the person's body and radiates outward. In some people it remains stifled and closed. We are each different. We are each a piece of the creator walking around on the earth feeling frustrated because of all these restrictions and limitations and taboos about not saying what you really feel and not being able to do what you really want to do, not feeling spontaneously free. In a carefully structured massage exchange, this sense of freedom can be taught and practiced. A zoom meeting would not allow this to happen. Our current societal laws prevent us from touching each other freely but this can change with some ground rules. We are blocking the creative intelligence that is within us wanting to express itself. Freedom to express is being blocked. Creativity is being blocked. Excitement is being blocked. The thrill of discoveries are being blocked. We are each here to bring it forth into the outer world. We’ve been blocked and held back from the time we were small children so that we have incorporated the taboos and cultural conditionings into our adult day-to-day life. We never get a chance to feel free because we are overly burdened to remember the laws. We are not allowed to be open, honest or able to touch freely and feel other people, even with caring loving intention.
I am saying here that there is a way to start moving outward from behind closed doors. There is a way to begin the process of shining our light, and our light is love.
I focus on light. I use the word “light” more often than Marcus does. Marcus focuses on love. He uses the love word more than I do. But they are the same thing. Light is unformed immaculate never-ending intelligence from the sky, and love is this light when it is owned by someone who applies it to their daily life. Then they make it physical and practical the light then becomes love. It becomes love when it is functioning and operating in a human body. No one knows who they really are underneath the pre-conditioned cultural restrictive mask until they start shining and expressing freely. It is about freedom. We each begin to know ourselves as we express freely during our daily life - with love, not violence! Not pushiness. Not demanding attention. Not egotistical or rude or arrogant. But quietly open and free and caring. (Journaled 2/9/17)
1/31/23 - Abortion, old age and other things
(From journal 9/26/81) I have such a desire to write but there is too much. I am seeing so many things. Yesterday on the way to our friend's house we drove past a cemetery and I saw – no, I KNEW, experienced something. I saw that the cemetery is a doorway, an opening through which the soul is freed. It is a marvelous threshold, but oh, these words are useless! It is so much more than that. It is a wonderful experience to be there, and after you have passed it, the threshold no longer exists. It is so unimportant – the cemetery!
Oh, the truth is so beautiful to know. It is so – merely there. It has never gone anywhere but it merely hides behind a little veil so we cannot see. But it is there, nonetheless. It is lovely, complete, like coming home whenever I see beyond that little veil. How I wish everyone could see as I do. I try to tell Bob but it sounds so useless, so out of place, and I am bursting with happiness but I must keep it to myself. I am overflowing with a sense of fulfillment, yet there is no one to share it with.
And I saw something else. Everyone has made such a big deal over abortions. How can you kill a living life? Others say, but there is no life there at all. I don’t know what caused me to see this but I did. At conception only a very small percentage of the spark of life that is the individual comes into the fetus. Only about 1 to 5%, so to abort it you are not killing anything, because 90 to 95% (more or less) remains where it was before coming. You haven’t killed anything because it has only just begun. The nine-month carrying period is too long for more than 1 to 5% of the living, breathing consciousness to be confined – shut up as it were with no way to express. This living flame of life which is our consciousness is too grand, too unique, too knowledgeable, to be cooped up like that. It cannot be cooped up in a prison. That is why it does not all gather at once at the moment of conception. It sends an advance guard to prepare its house – the house it shall move into when it is finished.
And then, at the grand moment of birth, the big exciting moment, the 90 or 95% of that vital living consciousness moves in, bag and baggage, like a monarch complete with troops. All together, alive, knowing, breathing, prepared to take over. And thus it is that the first breath of life is consciousness taking over the body. Thus it is that many people remember a long, dark tunnel with a light at the end. This is the moment of entering the body. It is a marvelous, psychic, conscious moment. And one not to be forgotten.
And I saw other things – I saw the reason consciousness sometimes seems to disconnect from the immediate problem of life – as when you daydream. This is living proof that the consciousness is a separate thing from the body and brain. How else could it drift away to some far off place and be conscious of other things? Because it is not anchored to the body – it is only using the body as a man uses a house and he may come and go at will. This is the majesty of man, he is a noble God that moves and breathes in living Light, in freedom and universality. How great it will be when he wakes up and realizes what he truly is!!!!
These things I see and more. I see that old age - I saw this, experienced it for a brief passing moment, for that is how I “see” – that old age is (I must be careful with my words) the flaming spirit that lives within the consciousness and is ALWAYS trying to manifest in the physical world and in the flesh. This is a preamble now. That is its purpose for coming – to realize itself in living flesh, in living solids, to UNITE with the physical world. It is attempting always to do this, that is its motivation, its reason for existence, that is the driving urge inside a man that yearns to be free. It matters not what avenue it takes, whether an intellectual like a professor, or a working man like a machinist – it doesn’t matter – a profession is only a colorful tool through which to express the INNER URGE. The inner urge is a spark which has been ignited and it is flaring now. Within the body of a man the living spirit is flaring and trying to find room in which to complete its pre-appointed task. And thus the living spirit in man is striving to come out into the world and be seen. Only that individual knows when the spark has succeeded. Only that individual knows the wonderful feeling of fulfillment, contentment, peace, which is the aftermath of an explosion that set him free. But for one reason or another he has failed. Failed to comply with the cosmic laws which say: yield! Bend! Hark! Listen! Follow your heart! The heart is speaking – the living spark within. But no. Man does not want to listen. He wants to do it HIS way, the way of his opinion. The way HE thinks is right. The way He has been trained. So long as a man says, “I think!” or “I know”, he does not know. He does not! Because when the day comes that he knows, he will not have to defend his right to know. He will step aside and smile the smile of knowingness.
And so old age is the giving up, the spark within knows that it is not going to accomplish its purpose in this life and so relinquishes its vitality over the cells of flesh. There is nothing a man can do, but look at himself in the mirror and watch old age creeping over his body. It is a sign that he will eventually die. Not his spark of consciousness – that will go on. But the chance of finding himself in this body has gone. Passed away. To try again in another body. Old age is the outer skin starting to decompose first. As the life is withdrawn it withdraws from the outer first, and it is slow, but steadily faster. Can it be checked? YES! It can be checked in midstream – at the age of 70, 80, or 90! All it takes is waking up! Determination to be free, determination to put aside the false habits of a false world and be oneself in living color! It is possible! It is desirable! But it is something one must do alone! No one will understand. And yet, there is a universe of living souls who know what you are doing. They are waiting to help. They are joined to the one who determines to succeed. They are there. They have talked to me. I have known them. (Journaled 9/26/81)
1/29/23 - Symbiosis
In the night the other night I woke with inspiration and began writing. "Symbiosis - allowing the laws of harmony vs. following the laws of separation. Symbiosis. The universe operates on the law of harmony or synthesis, whereas mankind has been operating on the law of separation. When you massage (friend staying with us) you allow a blend to occur between her energy field and yours. The normal human ego respects another person’s field and does not interfere with it. He or she stops short of blending with another, allowing the boundary to exist between them, the law of separation. Allowing the hard edges between one person and another. It is called respecting free will."
I went off to sleep and woke up again with more information. I wrote it down: "Symbiosis is tilting the law of gravity in favor of blending separate fields, whereas the law of gravity pulls toward the center of each being, whether man, animal, plant, etc., keeping each being separated from others."
I went off to sleep again and woke up a third time to write: "The flash event - when everyone will turn toward the law of harmony and away from the law of free will and separated boundaries. The harmony is expanding in the universe and it is hitting earth. It’s a shifting and the shift will reach that certain saturation point where everything will shift toward harmony."
I went off to sleep again and woke up a fourth time, with a realization that I have been following the light in my body rather than the dark in my body ever since I went into the light 47 years ago. Before that time, I too followed the dark in my body as the artificial laws of the culture lay heavy on me as they do on everyone I know, but after the kundalini awakened in 1976 I was changed by the ascension process. I didn't know what happened, but this realization was another added piece of information to inform me. Therefore, when I am close to another person I naturally attract the LIGHT in the other person rather than the dark or artificial or wrong beliefs in that person, often referred to as the artificial intelligence in that person. I understood that I have more light operating in me than most people, and this allows me to magnetize the light in the other person when I put myhands on them, as I have been doing with my friend since she has been staying with me.
It is not me giving something to her, but rather the light in me is connecting with the light in her. It is not anything that I am "doing" for her. It is a resonance, a universal law - the universal law of harmony - which was given to me in during my dream state, explaining it to me and shedding more light on my understanding. This explains why I feel so good at the end of my massage. It is a doubling effect of light, her light with my light increased for both of us. I have been feeling quite blissed out myself after giving the massage to my friend, and I wondered about this. It is the magic of the light moving within the cells and tissues of our bodies.
The light in me is getting stronger. It is seductive. I share this information knowing that it is happening with others, too. I yearn to reach out to other people and blend with the light in them, too, and so I reveal this inner happening. The light is growing stronger in people especially who meditate on spiritual concepts. Perhaps the time is coming when we can start the ascension massage exchange. I can't go forward with it until there is a "green light" that says "GO!" There are many signs coming through various spiritual channels. The physical body starts to glow. We can see it in some people. It is not a literal light, but it is a shining. You can see it in a person who captivates your attention. Someone you might like to get to know better but you don't know how to broach them. I believe transfiguration is a good word to use here. Perhaps it is a mild form of transfiguration. I am told that physical ascension may happen in a gentle manner, when light is triggered throughout the cells of the body and the body glows. As a person may master their light better as they become more aware of their inner thoughts and feelings and therefore are more gentle and careful how they express themselves. Becoming a master of their innermost self is the work that many people are going through in these days of mindfulness, meditation, yoga and other disciplines. There is a waking-up process taking place among many people. It is important to be aware of this.
A gradual understanding is taking place that the physical ascension that is being discussed more and more these days, is not necessarily a "disappearance" act. An individual might not be "taken up" as I once thought - as in "beam me up Scotty!" Rather, it is possible that an individual might become such a master of their thoughts and feelings that they can maintain a sufficient balance to stay grounded and present here. A balance between the light and dark within their physical cells, atoms and tissues that would allow them to maintain their physical presence here with the rest of us. This is an understanding that is gradually taking shape in my mind. The contrast is between the purity or holiness that is the actual life of the tissues of the body, versus the artificial beliefs, doubts and fears of the human ego that is constantly shifting and weighing outcomes.
The yearning to connect with others is growing ever stronger but so is my ability to discipline and control any selfish thought or desire that might pop up and lead me astray. Massaging my friend is natural and easy. It is a wonderful, blissful experience for both of us when it is done. She has a need for healing and I supply the hands, but there is healing in BOTH of us - I benefit from it too. I feel sure I will be led to connect with more people as time goes on. I welcome any comments and feedback from readers. Send it to me thru the contact page.
1/25/23 - Tantra teaches how to expand the rapture
During a new moon ceremony eleven years ago I began dreaming and chanting my hopes and wishes into a glass of water and subsequently poured it out into the earth outside the screen room. During this time I saw many visions and revelations. I saw that all of the rays of colors have to come down and reach the kundalini at the base of the spine in order to be complete down here in physical earth. It is called the Antahkarana, the rainbow bridge. The hard part is getting the vibrations of the colors to lower in density, for each color is vibrating at a different frequency, and it IS a light. It is an attribute in the form of light. Each color comes through the chakra portal. It needs to be brought down one by one to connect with kundalini, the light at the bottom of the tunnel, which is a portal to the reservoir of divinity within the root chakra.
I saw many many people bringing down these colored rays to connect with the etheric light at the base of the spine in what is termed “orgasm”. The orgasm is the connecting link. Then (WOW!) God is walking on earth! Each human being is a piece of God trying to reach earth from its high ethereal place and it is very difficult because earth is vibrating at such a low, dense level. This is a major project to bring down the light to earth, but when it does, the orgasm happens. God walks the earth when orgasm happens. How long the orgasm lasts is how long God-Goddess gets to walk in flesh. Can you hold it in the body? Can you prolong the rapture?
You can only do so by expanding your MIND. Your MIND allows the rapture to expand upward into the rest of the body above the pelvic zone. Don’t keep it down there but raise it up. Tantra masters try to teach this. As you work at this you will prolong the rapture of orgasm. The goal is to expand it so all the cells are bathed in this essence of divinity called the nectar of the Gods. I see it simply as an explosion of light that doesn’t die. It continues to shine and radiate.
Then I saw the master Djwal Khul. The pain that I see in his eyes are transformed now into deep humility, intelligence, adoration and gratitude is the highest vibration of all. It is the most exquisite, the most beautiful of all colors and textures and vibrations in all of God’s many vibrations. I see many people coming together and meeting in this “oneness” plane of God consciousness. They are making love by allowing love to expand between them. I do not know how this is accomplished, whether it is through sexual penetration or simply by tantric process. I see the light of God coming to human beings in a very real or surreal way.
And I am reminded not to forget the love. It is all about love. Love IS the body of God. God is Love. Words are speaking to me in my mind. Learn to use the higher road in choosing your words. Put sacred vibration into your words. Love of freedom is freedom to love. When love is coming through someone, God is coming through. The person is just the portal. God is coming through. God is love. That’s why love is the highest energy we can conceive as intelligent, thinking human beings. There is nothing higher. We are home when we are in love. It is our origin, and our source. Where we came from.
I am seeing a race of men and women who are graceful and walk with dignity and nobility AND they are human too. Can you imagine this? God walking around as a human? It’s happening right now and our lifestyle is allowing that because we are encouraging sexual exploration, which is the avenue for the divine to enter into the human body. We are playing with the essence of God Creator! (Journaled 6/2/11)
1/23/23 - The old timeline is disappearing
The old timeline is disappearing, a new timeline is coming into play. How do I process this? One timeline is grounded in the physical and traditional and is confusing. The typical solution when something is wrong is to go to the doctor. My husband keeps reminding me. But this thought is filled with doom and gloom for me. I don’t want to go to a doctor. It feels like more sickness to me. It confuses me. The other timeline is peaceful, blissful, warm, connected and loving. Is this what they call dementia? Or is this ascension? To me I feel best when I’m holding myself to my center, to the central column of my trunk and spine, leaning neither to the left or the right, or to the outside to someone else or to the heavens above to some unknown savior, but rather holding to neutrality, to balance, to oneness, to be fully present in the here and now. It feels like love to me. It is warm and comforting. Clarity fills my head and security fills my body, every cell and organ is more present and accounted for instead of confused and not knowing what to do. I am present in my body, I feel to be somewhere in the center of my heart and lung and lower body area. I feel as if everything is alright. It’s secure. There is a feeling of rightness. I move more easily to do what needs to be done, without thinking about it. This is what I’ve been feeling lately as I continue to use the two-tennis-balls-in-a-sock to press out the pain locked in my back. It is interesting to me because I am more detached. The DIY exercises at home, plus lying on the acupuncture mat every day, is changing me. I feel more alive, more able to respond, quick to react when I’m needed. What happened to my old sensation of, “Ohh, do I have to? I don’t want to!” What is going on in me? Whatever it is, I like it!
1/20/23 - The jewel in the lotus
This morning I had a most wonderful experience during my meditation. I saw what expectations are doing to people. To me. I saw expectations, many expectations and beliefs, in the form of a flower fully open. The flower petals were the expectations and beliefs, unfolding quite beautifully all around the central stamen, which appeared as a shining jewel in the center - the prize that has been overlooked by everyone who is seeking outside of themselves for answers. The expectations showed themselves to me as walls and barriers. Boundaries that block the way to the real within. Yet they are safe enough. They are OK. We search outside of ourselves, facing away from our real and authentic self - the ultimate prize at the center. By trying to define what we want, what we need, what we feel to others, we do not see the beauty that is lying within. We look and reach to others for what we want to have happen, and what we want the other person to do for us. And when we get together in little groups, each person has a different set of scenarios of what they want to have happen, and with who, and under what conditions, etc. Each person's expectation of the best possible outcome is hanging out there in his or her auric field, in the far reaches of our minds, and it blocks us from successfully getting it because it's too fixed, too narrow, too focused, too unattainable. Nobody could possibly fill that expectation. It is less than what our real self can provide if only we would stop expecting.
It is OK, though, because we are creators and we are here to learn by creating through trial and error and experimentation. We are here to experiment with other people as our mirrors. We have created a lot of wisdom through our experimentation and our travels with people, some special people, some accidental, some traumatic. We have been creating our life situations by defining what we want and then expecting it to work out that way. Sometimes it does, but often it doesn't because the real jewel is at the center of the flower. The jewel is in the lotus at the center but we are distracted by the beautiful, glamours petals of many colors and designs. The jewel in the lotus is our real self. The sovereign self who stands alone. We haven’t discovered it yet. We haven't learned the practice of sitting alone by ourselves and looking inside the treasure chest. When we start to open the jewel-encrusted chest, which we will learn later is the body itself, we are going to find the most extraordinary things. Within the physical body is an amazing ability to feel depths upon depths of feelings.
Expectations are a problem. Expectations are scenes and beliefs we hold in our minds of what we want to have happen. It's a planned scenario. We fix our mind on something and it stays there solid and immovable, like a barrier. We are seeking this thing to happen for us, but it's unattainable because every person has a different substructure than we do. Our infrastructures are all different. There are no two alike. We don't match. We can't fit. The only way we can fit together is to drop our expectations and allow the subconscious infrastructure (the soul) to find itself. We cannot know what that will be. It will be spontaneous because it doesn't come from pre-determination. It doesn't come from the mind. It comes from the flow between people. The chemistry can't be controlled. We can't imagine it. It is a feeling from a deeper place. A wider place. A cosmic place. We don't know what is to come because it hasn't arrived yet. We have to open ourselves to the flow first, and then it will arrive. The joyful experience of merging with others without expectations allows the moving of emotions, the sensation of feelings within us that have not surfaced yet and are therefore not restricted to a limited mental expectation. We can find this by coming together with others with an open HEART and an open mind, touching them and hugging them and interacting with them closely, yes, close and real but without expectations. Without demands on someone else to fulfill us. This is the hardest thing to understand, but understand we must. We are to drop our expectations which have fixed us on lesser things, narrow things which hold us trapped in petty goals, fixed like concrete. And they are holding us back.
Freedom is a sensation. We all want to feel free to enjoy ourselves, freedom to move around and freedom to feel the excitement that comes from no pressure, nobody demanding anything from us, freedom to move as we feel to move. But freedom does not come from someone outside. Freedom is a sensation that one must give to oneself, but dropping all expectations. Then the freedom can flow out and meet the ones who are on the same wave length. Freedom to be authentic is the jewel in the lotus. It's hard to imagine, although we've all had a momentary flash here and there. We know the potential is there. It's possible. What is holding it back? I saw this morning that it is expectations that are holding us back.
1/17/23 - The fully realized man
(From 9 years ago) This morning a wonderful vision was shown to me of a fully realized man. Uumm, lovely. This vision came as a feeling coupled with a picture. It affected me on levels that are wordless. I want to try to express the feeling because I am always focusing on the feminine qualities and, contrary to popular belief, a man who is fully in touch with his feminine side is waaaaay more attractive than one who is not. Most readers interpret feminine to mean woman or a gay man, but there is something powerfully masculine in a man who is whole and complete with both a gentle side and a strong masculine side. Every man has a feminine side, for he is 50% male and 50% female. Most men have been conditioned to hide their female side. Likewise, every woman is 50% female and 50% male, she just hides the 50% male side so she is not wholly empowered. But let's look at an empowered man.
A man's body is male, no question about it. But his body is only the vessel through which he moves and operates as an intelligent operating force. The body is a vehicle, just like his car that he gets into every day and drives. The body is not who he is. Who he is is intelligence manifesting as thought and feeling. This intelligent being is both male and female in thought and feeling. It is only when he is raised in a less-than-perfect society as ours is, that he is indoctrinated from infancy to hide his female side. A boy is taught from infancy to "be a man" and thus close off his delicate sensitivities which are his feminine side. Most boys are taught not to cry and not to express emotion or high ideals or a sense of justice or fairness, or appreciation for beauty or a taste for dance or the arts. These are too delicate, in our society, for a man to have. They are "gay". And yet these are very much a part of his wholeness. He cannot be complete without them. As he grows into adulthood and continues to deny expression to his own inner beauty and grace, he grows harder and more masculine. More macho. He develops a certain hunger for the feminine touch, for his body needs it. His body follows its natural growth pattern and at puberty there is a physical awakening of sex hormones in the genital region, indicating he can now reproduce, but there is a deeper and more intense hunger. He needs feminine energy for his soul, not just his body. He is lacking in that area - intimacy, gentleness, awe and wonder, because he has been trained to shut that side of him down and he is energetically out of balance. He is tilting too far over into the masculinity zone.
Perhaps the reader will disagree with me, but I am sharing a word picture of something I saw today - a fully-realized man. A whole man, not a screwed-up man with issues. We do not see such men in our society often, if ever. A fully realized man is not hungry for sex, nor is he hungry for a relationship. He is his own man and happy with his life. He is balanced between his heart (feminine) and his mind (masculine). He has learned to keep his heart open. He has not closed off his feminine side. His physical body is male and he is attracted to women in the same way as any normal man, for he loves to be in love and he loves beauty, grace and togetherness. But sex is not driving him. He has a respect for the whole person, and an appreciation of nature and ALL people everywhere - not just women. He has the ability to enjoy the many pleasures that the world has to offer, and the ability to be in joy and spontaneity as he feels, as well as to be serious, practical and a leader of men where needed. He can laugh and cry as he is moved to do so. And he can be the warrior when he is called upon, because he does not have unresolved issues plaguing him. He embodies his own wholeness in his skin, and he is comfortable with who he is. He is not operating at the 50% level, which we would call the macho male, but is the kind of man all men and all women would find attractive and likeable.
It's hard to describe the feeling of what I saw. It was a feeling. It was a presence. It was loving and warm and yet masculine in every way. It was wise and intelligent. Profoundly knowledgeable. He was like a god in a man's body. You could not help but stop and gaze at him in wonder, trying to figure out what it was that captivated you. But he was just a human being. I am trying to define the feeling, the impact, the glow and the presence of this man in my vision. He had a very powerful presence. You could imagine him being able to move mountains if he wanted to, but that he kept that power under wraps until needed. This gave an image of a very strong, very warm, very gentle, very human, and very attractive man.
I am painting this picture so that men who read this might understand - allowing your female side to express in your thoughts and emotions. This picture I paint is not being gay, and not being feminine. It is being more masculine, not less. It is important that a man realize how much he loses by not allowing his sensitive nature to co-exist along with his masculine. He has this energy within him. It is a powerful spiritual energy. I am articulating this for a reason. If men everywhere accepted his femaleness, the world would spring back to rightness immediately, for it has been the unbalanced male who has become unduly aggressive, mean and vicious without his feminine side. He would become in short time very comfortable with himself and at peace with his life. What at first feels vulnerable to him would eventually prove to be a wholeness that he has not experienced before, and it would give him more power, purpose and meaning.
The inner feminine is sometimes called the inner child. The inner child has been neglected. The inference is that the child has not grown up to adulthood, but here’s the thing: the inner female is always a child. It is happy and joyful and spontaneous and in love with life. It is the delightful twinkling in the eye at play. A man who has these qualities would be stronger than those men who do not express it. All men could express their inner child, with a little shift into solitary alone time to connect with it. He would be able to give expression to his inner, heretofore unexpressed inner thoughts and feelings. He would be MORE of a man, not less. He would find himself surprisingly stronger than he ever thought possible, because he would be operating on 100% fuel instead of only 50%.
The fuel is the spirit of the person, not the body itself. The fuel is the life force of an individual, not the body itself. The body is only the vehicle, the car, that the person gets into and drives around. When the person runs out of fuel, out of spirit, out of life force, then the car, the body, runs down and grows old. It cannot keep itself alive. It needs the fuel - the 100% octane. The macho male thinks he is so powerful and manly, but he can't do it alone without the spiritual fuel of 100% - the other half of himself which is hidden. One who has accepted his own gentleness, grace, vulnerability, beauty and refinement, would appear as a gentleman. That private acceptance within would flood his mind, body and feelings and saturate him with powerful confidence and inner knowledge. No amount of book learning or higher education gives that to a man. Only his willingness to connect with his heart, the feminine and spiritual side of himself.
The same is true with a woman. Most women operate on 50% of their life force, not 100% as they could. Yes, their physical bodies are feminine and they might be the most beautiful woman in the world. But their bodies are only a vessel, a vehicle. She herself is a non-physical, very powerful being using that beautiful body to operate through. When she, the powerful being, is raised as a young girl by her parents, she is more than likely being cultivated toward the feminine side. They are probably clipping and cutting back her male side, so she will fit in better with the world. Most girls are taught to be soft and gentle and to not express their intellectual side or their strengths or practicalities or tendencies for science, math, politicians, baseball or motorcycles. And yet she has all of these tendencies within her. They are skills and talents and abilities. Who knows what she would produce if she did not cut off her male side?
As young girls grow into womanhood they become increasingly hungry for male energy - the male energy that they rejected and were denied expression to. They grow unbalanced. She develops a certain hunger for boys. And when her body awakens at puberty with sex hormones flooding her nerves and tissues, she has no control over it. She needs and wants a boy man. Whereas if she had been allowed to be a fully-realized girl from childhood she would not be caught in the flood of emotions at puberty. Imbalance causes her intense desire for male energy, for she has refused to let it live and express in her. This hunger radiates out into the atmosphere around her and men and boys are attracted to it like a moth to a flame.
When a person blocks whole portions of themselves from expressing, which our society unfortunately requires, there is the beginning of imbalance. It manifests as inability to see clearly or choose wisely and as a hunger for the opposite sex or fighting with the opposite sex. Wholeness, on the other hand, is a feeling of being healthy, at peace and