6/18/20 - Forget the riots - love is everywhere! Love is in YOU!
What I am discovering through this stay-at-home time is that nobody thinks like me. I thought I was one of “them“, one of the people, like everyone else, just going along with. But I am discovering that others aren’t on the same page with me. This isn’t really too surprising in one sense, but it is a shock to have it come to the frontal cortex so I can actually SEE it face to face, like in a mirror. I was caught up in the mass consciousness - “groupthink” is a term used by Lisa Renee - focusing out at the world to watch what is happening, the disruption and all. But with this recognition I was going to share Lisa Renee’s recent NL but decided not to after all. It’s too much, and I don’t know who would appreciate it and who would have a knee-jerk reaction. My last newsletter brought back a couple responses - “Are you insane?” And “You’re psycho!” So I don’t want to cause that kind of reaction in people. If you want to read it, go HERE.
What I’d like to convey in this newsletter is that if you don’t hear from me for awhile, I have simply stepped back from sending further newsletters. Not sure at this point. My focus on love has led me to see things, as love inevitably will do. I've been chasing down the divine feminine, which led me to DIVINE love, unconditional love, galactic love, universal love, all of which is larger than human love and I fear I’ve left the planet. Doug calls it dimension X where I am. But love has brought me here. Brought me to looking into the mirror and seeing things up close that I guess most people don’t want to see. Not ready, perhaps. It’s a process that is unfolding today. It's a process to recognize something so outlandish, so shocking and so up close that it’s a struggle to accept and let it sink in. What to do with this information? Where do I go from seeing these things? Do I shout out about it? Do I write about them and share them via NL and postings? Some people are doing that, but I see that it's causing so much confusion, so many voices, it's overwhelming. Too much all at once.
Love has brought me to seeing with vision-eyes, beyond the surface. It’s like seeing what’s underneath the rock in the field without having to move the rock. You just know. And you don't want to go there. Love has brought me to face facts, truth, reality. I was just about to share it via NL but decided not to. I am focusing on love, and love is practical. The galactic kind of love is practical. Galactic love doesn’t shove the truth into someone’s face before they are ready. Galactic love cares for people, loves them when they're hurt, doesn't shove their faces into more of the same. Galactic love beams the comfort, peace and truth from a’far and allows a person to utilize it when they're ready. They are there for them.
The Galactic Federation of Light, to which I am - um, let's say - connected, is made up of many star systems and species. They won’t uncloak in front of us. They won't shove themselves into our face until we are ready to accept them. Humans have to display certain signs of maturity and willingness to acknowledge them first. They follow the universal law of "do no harm". They don’t want us to panic. It would shatter all their attempts to help us to show themselves. We have to be willing to accept certain truths about ourselves. We have to be willing to listen. To be quiet and see. Right now we are processing. We've been "seeing" and we are reacting. So I guess I’ll refrain from sending more into the mix.
Instead, I will continue to post the news that love is everywhere. It is light, actually. Love and light are synonymous. Light is abstract intelligence (not formed) and love is that same light in form. Light is what creates form. But it requires love to nurture that form and help it to grow. Light becomes love once it is planted into a human embryo. Love is sperads light out into human body cells, organs, blood, bones and tissues. Love and light is inside us, I am discovering. It’s not up to me to expose what I’m seeing through vision-eyes, including some pretty shocking things. I don't want to shove it into the face of readers who are not ready. Love will expose it to a person when it's time. When the subconscious is ready to release it, it will rise like a bubble and into the frontal cortex as easy as the morning sun seeps into our bedroom through dark curtains. It’s just there one moment when it wasn’t there before.
But here is where a caution is needed. How do we react, once we realize something that needs to be shared? The light and love that has been buried so deep in humanity is now releasing these hidden truths, and people are seeing things they didn't see before. Caution is needed so as not to rush into action involuntarily - like knee-jerk reactions. Without thinking first. You want to tell the whole world but to tell before someone is ready to hear it, only creates further damage. To oneself and to others. I think it best to follow the example of the Galactic Federation of Light. They are circling the Earth.
Some ships are stationary. Some are larger and higher up in orbit. Others send scouts down which zoom through the atmosphere scanning data into their computers. They are watching us, monitoring us. They don’t want to cause panic. Are we ready yet? Are we there yet? They operate on universal laws of peace which says “do no harm”. They are here to assist, not to save, not to rattle cages, but to assist. They are mature brothers and sisters. We have lived among them in past lifetimes. We’ll recognize them when we meet them when the time comes.
Love is everywhere, just as light is everywhere. Love is the light inside the seed when it’s planted. Love is what pushes out into germination to grow little green shoots which grow into trees. Love is what pushes out in the newborn baby to grow its limbs, to move its muscles, to test its voice through crying, to pull itself up to stand. Love is everywhere. Love doesn’t come from a human being, it comes THROUGH a human being. You can feel love in nature, alone, without anyone around. I felt it the other day in the pool. After an exhausting six-hour shopping trip (with my face shield) I stripped down and plunged into the water, leaving the groceries for my husband to unpack. It was a hot day and the water was 90 degrees. I wilted and drooped, lifeless, into the warm water. I rested my head on a foam noodle and let my legs dangle, going totally limp. Not a muscle moved. No thought. No agenda. No sound. Empty.
Floating aimlessly, my head bumped ever so gently against something. It was so soft and loving that it brought me alert. I wondered what it was. I looked to see. It was the cement overhang of the deck, but it was so loving, so gentle, so tender, as if a human being was touching me. I felt love wash through me. From the cement pool deck? It was as if a human being were caressing me minus the physical pressure of fingers and hands. I wondered about this. I‘ve been searching for this kind of love from human beings, but what if love has been here the whole time? And it comes every once in a while through a human being? We look to human beings to give us love but of all the people I’ve known in my long life I've only felt THIS kind of love once. Total, galactic love. It came once through my husband one day during a special kind of hug. It's rare, this kind of love. I think love is everywhere, and we humans are on the verge of learning how to tap into it. In the pool, I swear it was in the cement deck of the pool! It felt as if it love itself was a person and I thanked it, the cement, and the water and the sky and the trees, and the birds and the clouds, saying thank you to all of nature around me, invisible to my eyes.
It was probably because I was so empty, so depleted after my shopping trip, that my walls were down, my resistance was gone and I was hollow and empty and receptive. Maybe we have to learn how to be more receptive? More empty? Maybe that’s why we’re being reminded to meditate more often, to relax and get comfortable first. Getting comfortable is most important, I've learned. Be really comfortable before meditating. Be in love with yourself first. Be cozy with yourself first. then go into your heart or wherever you go when you meditate. Start with loving your body first and you activate love and light to start moving.
I send blessings and love and a wish that all remain sane, healthy, safe and aware. Love yourself and make love not war. Namaste from the ascended masters, celestials, angelics, galactics, and me!
6/12/20 - Ivo of Vega on the Seven Chakras via Sharon Stewart
(Prologue by Nancy: ) This is a nice easy-to-understand description of the seven chakras by Ivo and Sharon. Chakras are rather mysterious things and vague. We each have our own understanding, based on what we've read or experienced thus far. I've seen many different explanations of chakras over the years but this one, to me, is very practical. It should be easy to locate yourself on the scale that Ivo presents here. Where do YOU reside most of the hours of your day?
Ivo speaking
(Ivo:) You have a choice as to how you see current events on your planet. Great progress has been made for 3 of the world’s largest economies (countries): the United States, Russia and China.
Russia’s ascension began years ago, of course. When Eastern Germany was freed, the iron curtain countries became independent and the USSR was downsized to what is now Russia. They have gone through much transition.
With China it is a question of Hong Kong and Tibet being freed. They are in the hands of the Communist Illuminati at the moment.
As for the United States, it is close to NESARA compliancy. Politics is being fought at the state level versus the feds and these states will fall and become compliant.
For the individual, you live in your particular country for a reason. You have always brought light to this country, you have been a part of its collective karma for your lifetime. Now you have the choice, as you always did, of how you wish to see what is going on. Many of you are more activated in your higher chakras, so you have more information available to you to guide you to view your country’s progress at whichever level you wish to.
Level 1 - The physical level. This is a level which is devoid of emotion and intellect, yet there are some who continue to view life at this level, considering only the physical circumstances that might befall them. For example, the person who fears only the loss of property, but does not consider the loss of family or friends in any transaction.
Me: This sounds kind of weird but it also sounds like some people I know. I know even my father was more concerned about the car after the accident I got into instead of me and how I was faring.
Ivo: And this is my point, my love. When one represses the emotions and the intellect is strictly controlled through mind control, this is how a human will respond at the lowest level: materially.
Me: Interesting.
Ivo: Level 2 - Emotionally. This of course relates to the second chakra. While emotionally considering the circumstances one sees, the response might be of how this would affect the country as a whole emotionally, or how one’s emotions are being torn apart by viewing what they are viewing.
Level 3 - Intellectually. This relates to seeing circumstances with a purely thought-out perspective, not considering the emotional consequences or perhaps even the physical consequences of current events in your country. This comes across as rather “dry” and unemotional. And you will notice that many statements given by your leaders express the intellectual response. This is indicative of how your world runs: intellectually.
Me: Yes, I can relate to that too. Thought out with perspective on what is to come, also from an intellectual standpoint. So then, Ivo, what happens when the heart is opened to consider current circumstances?
Ivo: Ah, yes. This changes everything because the heart is the seat of the higher perspective. When higher perspective is considered rather than lower physical, emotional and intellectual perspectives, this indicates involvement of the soul in earthly matters, which is the goal of ascension. You are in the fourth dimension and for many they are working on issues of the heart in an attempt to keep it open in order to always achieve the soul-based energies and to stay out of the lower domain of the intellect, emotion and the material/physical perspective. When the heart is opened, the soul is connected.
When one has a heart-based perspective, on seeing the protesters, looting, and response by your leaders, the heart will see the love that lies behind all the behaviours and their responses. The heart of those rioters who embraced the policemen as they kneeled before them, and asked them to, “Walk with us,” “Join us!” This is heart. This is soul. The souls of the policemen and the souls of the protesters connecting. This has seldom happened before. But you are in a higher dimension now.
When the protesters protected the lone policeman from other protesters. When the protesters pointed out the Antifa people, when the bricks were photographed and spread across social media, this is heart. This is the heart that tells you not to fall for these tricks. It is not the mind. Your lower minds are very controlled. Your heart and higher minds are not. They see clearly. The third eye sees clearly.
Level 5 - the throat chakra. This is the chakra of expression and there are many on your social media whose aim it is simply to spread the truth. This is the function of the throat chakra, which is your soul spreading the truth. Not all are spreading truth, and these are not throat chakra-activated people. Their intent lies in the lower chakras which are imbalanced at best.
The soul of the people is being shown now. Yes, they are rioting. They are buying guns to protect their homes and their families. This is fear. You have a choice now to fear or not to fear.
As I have pointed out to Sharon so many times before (Me : LOL), how you choose to react indicates what you will experience. How many people have experienced getting out of bed to a problem, then decided it was going to be a bad day and the situations worsened as the day wore on. You are creating this. Because you fear having a bad day, you create it.
When you get out of bed to see that the dog has eaten your slipper overnight and you say, “It is going to be a bad day!” You set yourself up for that. Instead of saying, “I have enough money to buy new slippers,” or, “I’m glad the dog enjoyed himself overnight, I slept very well too,” or, “I love my dog. Sometimes he does things I don’t like, but I love him and could never think of living without him, so what’s one slipper?” You look at what you call the bad and you focus on creating more.
The same is happening now. Collectively many are focusing on the bad, and yes, the media complies by putting it on the TV (fear porn), and so you create more problems than need be. The Cabal knows it has your attention with the Antifa fighters, so it will put more out there. This is backfiring because of the citizen reporters who are showing this is being done and alerting others. The ones in the know must alert those who are ignorant.
However, everyone is functioning at their own predominant chakra level, some with the wisdom of soul and others without. You are a collective. You have the capability of calming others within the collective by infusing calming energies into your collective unconscious. There are calls for meditations to do exactly that, and at prime times within the lunar and galactic cycles to increase effectiveness. How do you wish to see your life?
At the physical level where you worry about the destruction of your house?
At the emotional level where you fear that your life will be irrevocably changed and you will suffer pain?
At the intellectual level where you stand back to draw conclusions that are devoid of the whole picture?
At the heart level where you see the love being exchanged between parties that otherwise would have been warring?
At the throat level where you express the truth and reveal the deceptions? You spread the word as an act of love for the people of your country and your world.
At the third eye level where you see all clearly from a soul perspective? And in so doing, you do not fear and thus do not need to attract any adversity to yourself or your family. You hold higher light within the collective to support those who are still learning.
At the crown level where you see the ramifications of this war on the rest of the universe and of consciousness? Where you see the wholeness of the One being returned to your planet, because you see people uniting, overlooking petty problems in order to unify your country and to restore peace? You see the rest of the universe working with you to restore the Oneness of Eden to earth again.
At this perspective you are untouchable. But you came to earth, so you came to give back, to hold the consciousness together in anticipation of the day that you can let it go again, and it will not break into pieces. You came to be the glue, you came to be the one who holds the higher vibration to help those who do not. This is a fourth dimensional perspective on the war going on on your planet now.
There are many metaphysical ramifications for the soul, the monad and the whole of consciousness. There are no enemies. The only reality is love. Anything that is not of love was never real, thus it should never be feared. It is all for the learning. All for the teaching. All for the loving.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, you are my only partner for eternity. We are One.
(Nancy speaking again:) According to another source which I read recently, chakras are not linear, like steps on a ladder, but are harmonic like musical instruments. They are connected to higher or lower notes. We call these notes dimensions. We open and close our chakras as we enter different dimensions and we might do this often during the day. It is similar to playing the flute or a saxophone, pushing various buttons to create a beautiful melody. Musical tones are vibrations and so are dimensions. It is becoming increasingly clear that we are multidimensional people and have been all along, but didn't know it. We were locked into a physical focus through our educational system. But we are not fixed into this one dimension after all. We have feelings and higher thoughts, beautiful visionary thoughts and dreams of perfection and other worlds accompanied by elation. We move back and forth between the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and higher. Although we tend to lose consciousness and go to sleep when we enter higher dimensions that we haven't had much experience with. It'scalled zoning or trancing out. People who meditate build higher brain synapses capable of accessing higher dimensions without going to sleep.
Having been locked down by a strictly physical-focused education system, most of us weren't schooled in this dimensional shifting. Those who attended metaphysical studies had a better chance or who were naturally gifted with awareness. We are all at different points of understanding. Another source I read this morning says that matter is light densified. And when light densifies it coagulates and clumps together which separates awareness from the allness or the One pure light, which is our natural home. Thus we experience loneliness. We seek love and don't understand why. It is a deep longing to return to that high state of oneness with all life.
The good news is that our bodies are PHYSICALLY ascending. We are not leaving our bodies behind. We are keeping our bodies but they are being refined. We do not know they are being refined, but they are because everything on Earth is quickening atomic vibration. We are becoming more sensitive to new vistas. We are becoming aware of new experiences. We are opening and closing our chakras, which are portals to other dimensions. We need some education on this. That's why I write about these things.
This is coming from higher realms. We are meant to enjoy our physicality with love and delight. The sensations that give us pleasure and exhilaration are natural to us. They feel good. Sensual love, individual dreams that excite the imagination, warm bubble baths, twilight campfires, sunning at the beach, walks in forests, climbing mountains, soaring into space, zoning out to music, caving down into the earth, exploring art, music, science, philosophy, healing, building, and on and on. Whatever thrills us, motivates us, challenges us, brings us to new vistas - this is in our future without the pain, suffering, lack and hunger that we've been experiencing up to now. We are meant to live free of the dark side, free to enjoy these bodies we have.
I'll never forget hearing Dr. Candice Pert speak at a symposium (on tape). She was a neuroscientist who spent many hours in the lab doing research. She said with excitement, "The human body is hard-wired for bliss! If you want to get out of depression go take a ride on Magic Mountain. Your body will release all the hormones you need (can't remember which ones at the moment). She was so excited to talk about how wonderfully designed the human body is. It's made to feel good. So don't think of spiritual as being someting vague and amorphous, without form. Spiritual enlightenment that is happening today does not take you away from your body, it brings you closer into it. It sensitizes you and your body so are better integrated into it. You and your body become one. Your thoughts, feelings and intentions all merge together with spiritual practices. You are brought into a more wholesome state of well-being, health and vitality. You lose your chronic diseases because you're vibrating faster and accessing higher dimensions. Spiritual practices have a quickening effect on every aspect of you, mind, body, feelings, emotions, soul, heart, everything. And it's the beginning of reversing the aging process.
Well, that's all for now. Blessings and much love to you. Make love not war! Namaste from the ascended masters, celestials, angelics, galactics, and me!
6/10/20 - A Message from George Floyd
Through Summer Bacon, trance medium for Dr. Peebles
(Nancy speaking:) This message from George Floyd is a most beautiful message, wonderfully poignant and worthy of sharing. But first a prologue is needed because it comes through two channels, not just one. While some may be skeptical, I share what rings true to me. I had vaguely heard of Dr. Peebles before but never Summer Bacon. I looked them both up. It is exciting. There is a world of new information coming available through the internet, including messages from the other side of the veil. Mediumship is what we today call channeling. It was at one time ridiculed but is growing in acceptance.
Dr. Peebles died in 1922 at the age of 99. He was a prolific writer, naturopath, medical doctor and spiritualist minister. He traveled the world healing, counseling and ministering to the masses. He was also U.S. Consulate to Turkey according to Wikipedia. Today he is still helping people from the other side by speaking through channels today, i.e., mental telepathic connection.
Summer Bacon has been a trance medium for Dr. Peebles since 1994. She is a natural-born mystic who was consciously aware of herself as spirit when she was a mere 11 months old. Today she has an international clientele who regularly seek wisdom and counsel from Dr. Peebles. During open sessions, people can write in their questions and Dr. Peebles answers. On June 3rd during an open session, someone wrote and asked about George Floyd and what he thinks of all the parades and protests since his death. This is what Dr. Peebles said. (Copied from Rev. Dennis Shipman's newsletter, "Planetary Ascension News" of
Dr. Peebles Speaking on June 3, 2020
Q: What does George Floyd have to say about the parades that honor his death all over the world?
Dr. Peebles: He's a beautiful spirit, and he's shaking his head and he just... he's beside himself with love for humanity. And he says, "I wish in honor of me, rather than having parades and marches and protests and other things," he says, "I wish you would just give each other a hug." He says, "I could not breathe," and he says that, "You're being asked not to breathe either," he says, "through your masks," and he says, "I don't necessarily mean the masks that you are being forced to wear at the current time, but the many masks that you wear: the facades that cover up your greater truth, the lies that come out of your mouths, the hatred that is not real."
And he wants everyone to know that he loves you and he wants you to go back to a simple way of living without massive expectations of everybody complying with what it is that you want them to do, he says instead, "Love them!" And he says "Ultimately I could not breathe, and what I wanted to really, express..." and what he has learned through this, he says, "If I could have had the understanding and wherewithal to do it, I would have instead said, 'I love you. I love you. I love you,' and would have spoken to the hearts of those who held him captive through their inaction, through the injustice that was given to him.
He was a very, very sweet, kind, and generous soul who wanted very much to be able to express all of that on the earth. And he says, "I would love to have the chance again. "
But, we will say, he doesn't have to come back, my dear friends. He stepped into his enlightenment because he put himself forth as a sacrifice on the earth. The words that he spoke, spoke to your hearts, because that's how human beings are feeling in so very many ways, that they cannot breathe, too much noise, too much technology, too much hard work, too little love, too little time with family, too few hugs without expectations around it.
So he spoke the words that are the truth within your hearts, and that is why there are the uprisings, because it has hit the core of humanity in a variety of ways. You understood the truth of his pain, because you are all suffering that in a variety of ways.
"Think about the ways in which you can't breathe in your life, and give love to it," he says. "Speak love into those relationships that are frustrating for you, stop fighting them, stop trying to change them and simply say, 'You may not understand this, but no matter what, I love you. I choose to serve that in my life.'"
Channeled by Summer Bacon
(Me speaking again.) My last newsletter (Message From Matthew) stimulated a conversation with someone about evil and darkness which was a very productive conversation. Debates are good. They are essential in confronting one's OWN belief system. not to argue but to dig deeper into yourself. I almost got carried away talking about the revelations that came to me, but I caught myself in time. It was for me alone to realize about myself. The tsunami that has followed George Floyd's death is producing amazing results. Look for the positives that are occurring.
The more important message is the message of love. Don't focus on evil. My core belief is to focus on love and light. Love is what is missing, has been missing, and probably never DID exist on the Earth, except for the attempts to bring it forth by the few extraordinary beings we worship today. But it hasn't caught hold yet, so yet another trigger has been pulled. Was I dancing too much with love and light not to see the evil? That was the question that stimulated the conversation. Yes, I was, I concluded. But it wasn't because I didn't see the evil - it was because I DID see the evil and didn't want to call attention to it, by choice. It's too easy to pull people's chains and set them off, so it was my choice to not do that. It is everyone's right to choose how to respond. Whether to skirt around something obnoxious and terrifying, or to confront. One must discern whether they have enough power to stand their ground or to confront. If a person is not strong enough to do battle they are wise to remain silent until the divine right time occurs.
The patriarchal rule has been heavily oppressive to the black community and women and the masses in general. A disempowered individual alone has difficulty to build up enough confidence to speak up for him or herself. One waits until others join in. One waits for more power, and eventually the divine right time comes for a gathering. The me-too movement, the Selma movement. Peace demonstrations are not riot demonstrations. The riots are coming from paid agitators from hate groups. It is not natural. It is intentional disruption of the peace movement.
George Floyd's message is about love and building up the power of love through linking and joining in forgiveness, peace and solidarity on "do no harm". Build love stronger and stronger and stronger. Build it up within, in the individual heart and mind, together in unity with others until it is a greater force than coming from the agitators and resisters. Build a greater force for good, he is saying, and I agree. I love this message that came through. I am glad the question was asked and that Dr. Peebles was there to serve as an usher for George so he could speak. Hug everyone you can and ground the love and peace into the Earth. Forget the evil. Link with the forces of love and light and peace and build it stronger and greater than the ones who are pushing back.
I liked the Arcturians' message today through Daniel Scranton: "You are there to be the receptors, to be the ones who anchor in the high frequency energies that we all provide from the higher realms, and yet we still have to remind you time and time again that this lifetime, and this time in particular in this lifetime, is all about receiving. It's not about doing, achieving, or even having, especially not having through hard work. You are there to become. You are there to blossom, to grow with ease, and you are there to do it in joy, while helping others."
In an earlier transmission the Arcturians said, also through Daniel Scranton: "That is why the energies coming in to support you at this time are once again being amplified by those of us in the higher realms who are looking out for humanity. We have formed many alliances in our desire to help all of you. The Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Alliance is perhaps the most powerful one in the galaxy, as we all have slightly different ways of helping you and slightly different ways of administering the help."
On a different note, just a reminder: There is a massive push being made to get 5 million people meditating on Saturday, June 20, for world peace. That's the day of the June summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The peak point in the Earth's maximum tilt toward the sun occurs at 5:43 pm eastern time. Earth's annual journey around the sun reaches a maximum tilt of 23.44 degrees. It means the longest day of the year for us in the northern hemisphere, where we will have the maximum amount of sunlight. The term "solstice" means the standing still of the sun, from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still) before starting back in the other direction (from our perspective standing on earth). It is a time of celebration around the world in many cultures.
Blessings to all. Make love not war. Namaste from the ascended masters, celestials, angelics, galactics, and me!
6/5/20 Message from Matthew on the Pandemic
Channeled by Suzanne Ward -
(Nancy speaking:) Message from Matthew is a popular newsletter. It began 14 years after Matthew died in a car accident at age 17 in the year 1980. Matthew didn't begin speaking until 14 years later when he began telepathic communication with his mother from the other side. He told her about their soul level agreement - that she was to prepare for publication transmissions from him and many other off-planet sources, which she has done. There are a number of books available on her website.
Their shared mission is to enlighten, encourage and guide humanity during this ascension, which is remarkable that it is happening at all. Ascension is moving from one dimension of consciousness to a more expanded, wider and more inclusive consciousness. It is an unprecedented time in the universe, for all life is linked to Earth and Earth has been a hold-out, locked at the lowest vibration possible for life to exist. No planet has gone this low and lived to turn itself around by it's own bootstraps. Though we have had help from higher planes, it is our own willingness to forgive, forget and change direction that it is now possible. It has been touch and go here on Earth for millennia. To be destroyed? Or to be saved? It was destined for destruction millions of years ago by the Karmic Board, but Sanat Kumara from Venus offered to come and live here and add his light to the planet, which saved the earth in pre-biblical times. He established a school which became the spiritual hierarchy of today, the Ascended Masters, but that's another story for another time. Today, June 4th, Matthew speaks directly about what is happening on Earth, the dark intentions of the cabal, and provides hope for the future
Matthew on June 4, 2020 thru his mother, Suzanne
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Especially in times of great upheaval such as now, please let whatever fills you with joy or inspiration or thankfulness be the beginning and ending of each day. The high vibrations of those sensations and visions do wonders for health in body, mind and spirit!
Now then, our last message about this “pandemic” serves equally well today, but we shall be more explicit about why mainstream media are keeping the coronavirus “in your face,” so to say. This is the mind control part of the dark ones’ agenda, and they combine it with the universal law of attraction. They know the energy of thoughts and feelings brings back what matches them. The extent to which they are using that combination to deceive and manipulate the populace is mind-boggling.
Their TV media repeatedly air films of patients with respirators so you will be fearful about contracting covid-19 and feel angry, scared and resentful about its adverse impact on your life and livelihood. The dark ones require the low vibrations of those negative reactions to sustain themselves and keep their “pandemic” going.
Their medical experts claim that testing, mask-wearing and social distancing are essential; and that crowds gathering, not wearing masks, and businesses reopening too quickly are endangering you and your loved ones. In addition to keeping the populace on edge by reporting that some test results are incorrect or inconclusive, they tell you again and again that disregarding CDC guidelines makes it even more likely that another wave of the disease, which could be worse than the first, will hit in a few months.
Those “experts” know that masks prevent normal inhalation and exhalation, normal respiratory functioning, and that weakens immune systems. Their “stay at home” mandate is creating stress, and stress also weakens immune systems. A populace with compromised immunity is very susceptible to illness, and that would result in more deaths, the second wave of covid-19. Like the false statistics that have been fed to you almost daily, deaths from any cause would be attributed to that disease or “a complication thereof.”
You are told that the virus will continue its killing spree until the entire populace is vaccinated. The dark ones need the public’s positive response to a vaccine ending this “pandemic” so the energy of those thoughts and feelings will bring to fruition their mandatory vaccination plan.
Originally, “experts” said that developing a vaccine would take at least two to three years. Maybe that wait time didn’t produce the fear energy that was expected or maybe the dark ones didn’t want to wait that long to annihilate you. Now, a few laboratories are being so successful in developing a vaccine that it might be available before the end of this year.
Indeed it will be! Vaccines laden with a deadly amount of pathogens and the programmed microchips that also would be the inoculation were ready well before the coronavirus was released. All aspects of this “pandemic” agenda of the dark ones - let us call them Deep State, the term now commonly used - were meticulously planned years ago, after their attempts with SARS, avian flu and other laboratory-designed viruses failed to produce the pandemics that, like the coronavirus, were intended to kill billions.
We add this vital point: Extraterrestrial scientists among you have greatly reduced the toxicity of that vaccine supply and erased the chips’ programming.
Dear family, the awakening souls who are questioning official statements need to know about mind control/law of attraction efforts underway, but relatively few have advanced sufficiently in conscious awareness to believe in off-planet messengers. You can refer friends, family and acquaintances to the Internet, which has a treasure trove of accurate information from medical specialists and researchers about the nature of viruses and the principals behind this “pandemic.” Deep State operatives who control the Internet remove everything they can that exposes them and their diabolical activities, but they cannot suppress all of the truth that is coming to light.
(Question submitted:) “I’ve never been a [US president] Trump supporter, but I found his comments surprising and encouraging. ‘Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back’ (he was referring to reopening businesses) and ‘Vaccine will be voluntary, not everyone will want it.’ Can Matthew please give us some insight here?”
President Trump is aware of the truth about this “pandemic.” Knowing that one of its aims is economic ruin of his country, he is acting to prevent that and derail the sinister plan for mandatory vaccination globally. He also is aware that Deep State operatives instigated the rioting and looting in what began as peaceful protests in his country.
While he could have handled these situations more skillfully and wisely, he cannot speak about his knowledge or act more forthrightly without jeopardizing what is happening behind the scenes. All dominoes in the prosecution process are being lined up so those who are responsible for covid-19 and many other crimes against humanity can be arrested and face judicial punishment.
The “pandemic” is the latest step in the march for global control by Deep State, and by going against that force, President Trump has made formidable enemies. Not only the individuals at the top of the alphabet agencies of the medical establishment like AMA, FDA, NIH and CDC; World Health Organization; Big Pharma; and medical equipment and supply manufacturers, but all their cohorts around the world that have been controlling life on Earth.
The president’s allies, the others in the international group of influential individuals whose efforts to end darkness in its entirety are undergirded by light, are more powerful.
Now we present a very different perspective of the coronavirus from what mainstream media are conditioning the society to believe. I asked my mother to copy the message she received from the virus.
The virus speaking to Suzanne on May 12, 2020
Yes, Suzanne, I asked you to talk with me. Of course it’s possible. Everything is energy, energy is consciousness. You think of me often, but never with fear and always with accuracy insofar as what information about me is deceptive by intention or by ignorance.
I am like other viruses, just part of life on Planet Earth, ubiquitous, and we have functions that have nothing at all to do with sickness. It’s by adding pathogens to us in laboratories that we become contagious and spread diseases that are not our true nature.
Yes, deaths have happened by malignant intention and many are not due to what scientists mutated us into. Fear and death are their two objectives, both emit low vibrations that dark ones feed on.
The evil of those who are deceiving everyone will be undone soon. This time Earth’s people are waking up. Matthew is helping, but it’s the brave medical specialists and respected researchers that people will believe. Telepathic communication isn’t understood yetthat will come, but still a virus speaking to a person is beyond the belief potential of most.
Thank you, Suzanne, for taking my message. Do you have a question you’d like to ask?
(Suzanne:) Thank you. Are you aware of deaths worldwide and precautions countries are taking to protect their citizens?
Oh yes, of course we are.
(Suzanne:) Are governments being sensible in what they’re doing, masks and “social distancing”?
They think they are, but we see the masks as counterproductive.
(Suzanne:) Do you know when the disease they’re calling covid-19 will end?
No, not in your time concept, but the current infections will end. You know the “mad scientists” can start another wave.
(Suzanne:) Yes. But will they be “caught” before they can do that and can develop vaccines in quantity to require vaccinations worldwide and put programmed microchips in them?
We understand that what you can call “divine intervention” will not permit that to happen.
(Suzanne:) What is your source of that information?
The originator of all life forms in this universe.
(Suzanne:) That’s the best source!
Yes. Evil has been ruling the planet too long. It’s being stopped.
(Suzanne:) Thank you for talking with me. Do you have a name?
We don’t like the name given us by the evil minds, the coronavirus. It’s not necessary that you call us anything.
(Suzanne:) Okay. Are you speaking as an individual virus or for the countless other viruses?
I’m speaking on behalf of all of us.
(Suzanne:) Thank you. I’ll share this with people who can understand.
Matthew understands and knows what I told you is true.
(Suzanne:) Yes, I agree. Many scientists know, too.
Yes, and they are the ones speaking out. They are the ones people on the planet will listen to. That’s what will be the downfall of the evil minds who are misrepresenting us as deadly. It is those minds that are being deadly to the people.
(Suzanne:) Thank you for talking with me.
Thank you for taking my message.
(Matthew speaking again:) A virus transmitting a message is highly unusual, to be sure, but not unique. Two others with whom the virus communicated wrote to my mother about their experiences. The following is from a highly evolved soul, a retired professor of biology, whom I know well in this lifetime and others. He and his wife are opening energy portals at sacred sites in South America and establishing a university program for indigenous communities.
(Professor writes:) “I was sitting in Sao Paul airport waiting for my plane to go to NY and seeing that the virus threat is in the minds and emotions of many, but not all the travelers. I started wondering why are we feeding the virus with our fears, or where is and what is fear?
“In some way, I could put aside the fears because we the people of light are mobilizing whatever we can to invite peace and compassion for us and for everybody else, love being the strongest element.
“I started pondering about the ‘poor’ virus that got stuck in a strange process. Putting aside the usual judgmental reaction to the trouble, I almost had a compassion for ‘it.’
“In a kind of silence-less silence I began to perceive, or to be in the presence of the coronavirus. It was not like you are in contact with a person or individual or entity, but with a dimensional reality unit, or something that you can feel or something you are with.
“I felt like an undefined compassion and love for ‘that reality’ that was with me, or I was in contact with it. In its essence, it certainly was not ‘evil.’ Our ‘communication and contact’ came soon. It was a sense, a feeling, an awareness that was not from a defined being but from a perceivable ‘defined reality.’
“The perceptible reality with ‘whom’ I was together, or with a piece of existence that we were sharing, was creating or ‘painting’ a communication that is a togetherness and not an apartness. In my mind or in my heart-mind reality was a written something that was filling my-our existence. The piece of the awareness unit came from the coronavirus:
“We are not good or bad. We are neutral because we are good-bad. It is the people that make us good and bad and with that they are defining us and our existence.
“My perception of ‘it’ was like a field of white light, like a soft fabric, like a gentle white towel, really undefined in its communication, reminding of sharing a reality.
“The coronavirus reality occasionally still ‘appears’ to me as if asking for understanding, help and confirming ‘friendship’ on some other dimension. I think its essence is deeply connected to the ‘total’ manifestation of life, nature and humanity. It is a server to the human life and to the ‘beyond life.’ To remember, biologically a virus can be life and can be no-life.
“I am still pondering about this encounter and trying to help ‘it’ and us to neutralize the unwilling impact ‘it’ generates. Inviting ‘it’ and urging ‘it’ to become neutral.” (end)
(Matthew:) Another radiant soul, a gardener whose loving interaction with plants produces amazing crops and flowers, described her experience:
(Gardener:) “The first truth I heard was that it was created with ill intent by the Illuminati in this country [the United States] and then taken over to China. And early on its journey, all of our light and help from the Galactic Federation joined the virus and changed its trajectory from a lethal weapon meant to kill billions to, instead, a means to wake up the entire planet through a dismantling and reset process. And the virus has gone home having evolved in the process.”
(Matthew:) Beloved family, be fearless and optimistic during this time of commotion and confusion. A peaceful, beauteous, healthy world is rising from the ashes of long ages of darkness. The world you are helping to manifest in your time is flourishing in the continuum. You and the light already are victorious.
Suzanne Ward
This message may disturb some people, but it is sent with universal love for all, with the wish that they pass every test (quoting St. Germain). Namaste, from the ascended masters, celestials, galactics, and me,
6/3/20 Joaquin of the Galactic Federation
Channeled by Galaxygirl
Joaquin speaking: We are representatives of the Galactic Federation. Last night we woke this one up to inform her that humanity was freed. We wish to elaborate upon this news bulletin. For you are currently experiencing a cacophony of energetic realities that we know, and can observe being felt as overwhelm. The light has overwhelmed the darkness. You are now seeing and feeling this expression of battle, of discord as energies separate and stretch higher or lower into different dimensional constructs and realities.
We are the Galactic Federation. We speak as one tonight. We are many, from many systems and we are holding light and love around your little world. For you are the center of our hearts’ focus in this most pregnant now and we offer you our solidarity, our condolences where appropriate, and most of all our love. We offer you our love and strength. We fill your skies with strength, with fortitude. The 4th dimensional construct is rending, tearing. You are seeing this in full expression in your realities with the chaos and noise, the loneliness, the grief, as the old is being ripped away. We assure you there is much better news to come, there is much joy on the horizon. But in the midst of this time of ‘not yet’ we surround you with our love and light. We wish to open a portal now at the crown so that you may feel this download of love. May we proceed? (Yes, please). We are fully aligned with the heart of Mother Father and the will of Creator. It is our will to be fully in tune with the music of the spheres of creation, of love, of bliss and to bring these energetics wherever there is lack of them. Gaia has been in an energetic prison matrix for millennia. But you know this. This is not new news to many. What will be news to many is that you are being liberated from within and from without for Creator has deemed enough is enough. We see incremental improvements within the energetic frequency constructs moment by moment. We see much change. You who are in the thick of it and feel the heavier muddy waters need to know that all is well, that all will be well, and all is most certainly well. Please feel this wellness, this assurance of faith, of solidarity, of strength in numbers. Feel our presence in your skies. Our love we extend to you freely, our technology we will share with you most gladly in the most opportune moment. Moment by moment we are closer to these happy times. We wish for you to feel our vibration of celebration and peace, of self assuredness that all will be most well.
I am Joaquin, a member of the Galactic Federation and a soldier of light. My planetary system is light years away. We have all come to join our energies, to watch and to lend our vibration of love and support. The dark ones are being cleared moment by moment. The riots are hollow noises, echoes of the past as they are removed. (I am seeing shadow beings being escorted away, the riots are their screaming as they exit).
I am Joaquin of the Galactic Federation. I have been with this group for 4 years of service but it has always been my aim to serve the light. I have been this one’s brother in many ages past. She feels my energy and is reminded of home. We are not just the Galactic Federation, friends, we are your family. We are eager to welcome you fully and completely into the higher realms and realties but know that you are doing a tremendous act of love by your service to the light. Your sacrifice is noted. Do not let these muddy waters weigh you down. (I am seeing a mighty river and how the sediment eventually sinks to the bottom and the clear waters float on top, clear and pure). We are surrounding your planet with the crystal clear waters of the higher vibrations. The Schumann spikes are yet another blessing of positive energies offered by the cosmos for you. Absorb in the light, the peace, the love, the hope. Absorb our tremendous love for you. Love is not weak. It is the strongest power in the universe and we are surrounding you with our love for you, now and always.
I am Joaquin of the Galactic Federation. It has been my privilege and honor to connect again with my sister and with you all. Light workers, fellow soldiers welcome home. We have infused your auras with more of the clear waters. May your soul drink them in and be soothed. Much is going on behind the scenes. The outer riots do not need to be your inner chaos. Inner peace will be the highest sought-after commodity and it is yours now should you make peace with these changes, with the adulterations of the past, bless them, and move ahead into the new. We see much joy and newness of creation for humanity. We are delighted to serve in this co-creative process. Life is eternal dear friends. This is but a moment of perceived insanity, but its is only such as the matrix that you have been within is insanity. Love is sanity. Service to others is sanity. Power within is sanity. Godliness, purity, truth, joy, camaraderie, fellowship is sanity and it is what is to come for this little space pocket that has drawn so much attention and has contained so much heartbreak for so many, yes, but also great joy. Peace brothers and sisters. Peace. The timing is right and it is close. That is all I am permitted to say. We offer our salute to you in service and our hearts to you in love, with tremendous respect. We all have tremendous respect for you. We love you. In service, I am Joaquin of the Galactic Federation. Out.
Nancy speaking: I hope you enjoyed this encouraging message full of hope, even if you don't know about the Galactic Fedeartion of Light These are tumultuous times and the Galactic Federation is coming closer to be seen. They have fleets of ships overhead, though cloaked to our perception. They are dear to my heart for I have known about them for over 50 years. They come from all over the galaxy to be here with us now in these tumultuous times. We are shifting dimensions. They are here to help us battle the dark ones who control the planet. The entire planet. It is beyond our understanding but we will know eventually, incrementally. They communicate spiritually, telepathically, and through the higher selves of each one.
Members of the Galactic Federation are like family to us. They are composed of many different species from many different planets and dimensions. Again, this is beyond our understanding, but their fleets are orbiting the planet evennow. They are close and moving closer. As the mass consciousness believes, hopes and prays for peace the planet lightens and allows them to move in closer. As we increase our vibration they can match us in frequency better. We can hear them better and sometimes even see them in the skies. They are trying to catch our attention and to stop fighting each other. The more we fight each other the more we tune them out. When we stop and go into stillness and listen to our own hearts, we can hear them better. I can vouch for that for I have personal experience.
They pop in at the right divine time and usually surprise you. They will wake you up in the night. The challenge is to BELIEVE! They are beings of very high love and light, and you can only see them when you are in a high enough state of mind. I have no idea how many are receiving them today, but only a minority right now. We who are aware of them are being asked to spread the word and post the channelings. Meanwhile they continue to beam love and light and messages down to us, communicating with increasing numbers of earthlings telepathically in the stillness of prayer or meditation.
Galaxygirl is one of my favorite channels. And recently I discovered Elizabeth April who also speaks for the Galactic Federation. She is an amazingly clear young master teacher, age 27. She has her own youtube channel and posts videos on many topics. On March 16, 2020 she astral traveled to the Galactic Federation's mother ship and asked questions of the Pleiadian Security Council there. Click the link to learn what they said about current happenings on Earth, and how Elizabeth does her astral traveling. It's a wonderful posting.
That's all for now. Sending love to all of you. I miss you!
Namaste, from the ascended masters, celestials, galactics, and me, Nancy (AKA Diana)
5/30/20 Snapping out of Complacency - Ivo of Vega
This article by Sharon & Ivo has a different tone from my usual, but the message speaks to me. As I wrote to someone yesterday I have been hesitant to send controversial articles but suddenly it feel OK. I'm in a new place. As a lover and peace maker, taking an opposing stand has never been done before. It's a foreign concept. This article however addresses rebellion and covert surveillance by the (shudder) cabal. Sinister activities indeed. People are growing restless and I have taken the transcendent position of holding the light.
When I first began reading it I had a negative reaction and almost stopped. Hmmm. But I continued reading and glad I did because it clicked something on in me. It answered a question. Or rather was the other half of a quest. A fulfillment. It's a soul thing. I'm using this article as a stepping stone to work out the puzzle I've been having. Why can't I just remain peaceful and simply hold the love and the light? Why is there need for duality? Opposition? Why can't I remain here in the gentle life and continue with the bliss? Continue to receive downloads of revelation? Why isn't this journey complete yet? Why must there be such a struggle? Why opposition? After cleansing all desires and dreams and needs, why am I being stirred into action?
Complacency. I am a lover and peace-maker and believe that love will conquer all. All there is is love, David said, and I agree. I hold the vision of a peaceful world. I do my part to mend disharmony and hold the light wherever I go. But Sharon & Ivo are the one subject I've been avoiding. Snapping out of complacency. Gulp. There comes a time when the inner need grows more powerful than what appears as restriction. Complacency can remain only as long as there is not enough inner growth to push break through the ceiling. The goddess movement is taking place in pockets as a way of bringing women together to build confidence, and it clicks in. It's an empowerment that is happening. It's not just me. It's many.
There is an inner force building in people. A quickening. The old power structure isn't strong enough to hold itself together so IT is what is fighting, not the people. The people are growing and the ceiling is cracking. The structure is falling. It's like the little green shoot that appears in the cement sidewalk. The old structure can't hold back new growth. The old structure is the status quo, the rules that are in place. It's not just in the USA but around the globe. Inner growth comes in many forms. Sharon & Ivo spell it out in words. Whatever has been missing is growing larger, stirring the embers of a fire that was thought to be long gone and put out.
My former perspective was 100% feminine. I was beginning to think, "Well, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I have to become more masculine." Study, read, pray, meditate. Finally I get it. No. I don't need to become masculine, I simply need to let my power be seen. Let the fire burn as it quickens, just like everyone else. Let the power be seen. Allow the complacency to snap and the new growth grow as nature intended, upward, like Jack and the beanstalk taking us to another level higher up.
It feels as if we are half way there, or more. I catch glimpses, more and more, like flashes of sunlight through a prism. But it's not here yet. The old structure still stands. It is crumbling but it's still there. Meanwhile, diamond-like flashes emit like rainbow rays in people planting images not easy to forget, of people being free, hugging, laughing, dancing, sharing concepts. Not dreams but work projects to build a new paradise.
At first I felt, upon reading Sharon & Ivo's article, that I was descending down into a lower dimension. It turns out it's not a lower dimension after all. It's not a higher dimension either. It's a completed dimension. As a 100% feminine being I couldn't go any further. I tried but there was a ceiling. I was missing something. I myself was experiencing peace, bliss most of the time, even rapture sometimes, physical rapture (yes, it can be done) but where are all the people? Why aren't they here with me as well? So this is the other half I've been searching for. I'm just a little ahead of most. I am here waiting for them. I will help them.
I've been wondering, "Is this all there is? What am I missing?" But there was no place else to go unless I left the planet to go into the light and I didn't want to do that. I refused. So in order to stay in a flesh and blood body, I have been shown what comes next. Don't hide your light under a bushel basket. To change direction, start shining. Start radiating. Stop hiding. This was what I got from Sharon & Ivo. It took me a while, but it seems things pop up at the divine right time. I am beginning to see the reason for polarity. There is a place for opposite viewpoints. They provide the stimulus for change. Diversity is here, why not express it?
Before, what I did as a 100% feminine was, I rose above it. I transcended. I made peace with it. That means I allowed the system that bothered me to remain in place. I didn't make much of a dent in it. I was one who let the system remain in place. Hmmm. Putting this out in words is helpful. It's not that a lover and peace maker is not a beautiful thing to be. It is of course very helpful, but isn't there more I can do? The fighting didn't affect me because I rose above them. It's a technique that has been around for thousands of years. The monks, rabbis, priests and gurus the world over have done that. We think ourselves "special" and pat ourselves on the back. But if I am to stay in a flesh and blood body and remain here on earth, then I have to start tilling the field and planting the seeds down here on the ground if I am going to enjoy the party of free people that I see in my visions.
Becoming aware of why there is duality and opposing views is enlightening. It's not just intellectual understanding. It's an emotional participation with, and allowance of, the many different views held by almost 8 billion people on the planet. It is God in action in the people coming to life. Now I slow down and listen to the news instead of tune it out. I become quiet and resonate with the dissonance without letting it disturb me because I'm holding the light, the love. I'm allowing it all to be here. It has a right to be here. And so do I. What I thought was a lower dimension to resist, is not a lower dimension after all. Since I'm at an equal par with it, it is neither lower nor higher.
I am learning to co-exist with it by holding my love and light dead center within. Not resisting, not ignoring. There is no effort. It is peaceful to be in the center of the battle and simply be who you are. Nothing more, nothing less. It's powerful. They can't touch you. Does that make any sense?
As a lover and peacemaker all my life I was essentially submissive to the powers that made the rules, along with everyone else. Now it seems there is a something internal that is growing inside the people. I'm experiencing it myself. Me, the peacemaker who lives in bliss and gentleness! Questioning authority? Controversial articles? Covert activities? They become not only palatable to me, they are essential. Everyone has a voice. Everyone has equal rights. I hear them and relate. I'm one of them, no longer rising above the fray to keep myself in bliss, which is what the divine feminine does - the 100% feminine - but entering the arena holding the glow of love and peace.
I probably wouldn't have re-posted this article of Sharon's and Ivo's a year ago. I'm not an activist but I'm not afraid to touch the subject. It's no longer a "hot potato". I love the way this is going. There is too much hatred in the world so I'll step into it and add my voice. I have a signature energy. YOU have a signature energy. Everyone's signature energy is unique and a critical piece in the cosmic symphony. If the people are wanting more peace, then I'll join in the dancing - not rise above it. I have a vision that keeps flashing on and off, of people emerging from houses and embracing, hugging freely, laughing and dancing in the street , and they resonate together as if they belong together. There is no "out of place".
As an elder in the community, my role is neutral. I stand on the sidelines as a witness to what I see occurring. It is not mine to react to it but simply to share my personal view of things. I have a role to fill. It's mine to complete it. I am enjoying being here now and I love talking about, now that I am not afraid. Writing is easy because no one argues with me. I'm not promoting anything, just expressing myself. I agree with Sharon and Ivo but not entirely. That's why I have prefaced the article with my own words. I see things differently. I'm not going to focus on the angry fragments but there are many who DO need to. Wrongs need to be hashed out. That doesn't fall to me. It's not my job. I come from a place where everything is transcendent every day. I've learned to carry it with me, thanks to my husband, partner and soul mate. But I am hopeful that others will join me in this special place, who are also peaceful. It is powerful to experience. It is the grand plan to integrate it into flesh and blood so that we can enjoy all the senses of our physicality, freely, without censorship, taboos and restrictions holding us back. There is an integration taking place even though many aren't aware of it. It is a dance of vibrations of opposites. Of love and hate. They come together for a kiss and swing apart to resist. It's creating chaos.
I am engaging in the rebellion. At least a little bit. Just beginning to allow it in. It is a good thing. It is a slow process. Something like stepping into a frigid lake in winter time. But I belong here and am participating if only a little bit at a time. I'm resisting the tendency to escape and run from it. I want to be part of the action. I don't want to float up into the sky. I am doing this by talking about it.
And I'm doing a little rebellion of my own this weekend, daring to step out and engage with a small group of goddess friends. This is a new group, women I don't know yet. While my husband doesn't agree, he respects my need to do this, God bless him. In years past. In years past I wouldn't have done this. This is spirit-led, however, and it's important. I'm so excited that I'm up in the night wide awake, writing this. It's exciting to meet with my kind of people instead of going to the grocery store with a mask on (not my choice but out of respect for others.) Soon private businesses will be open again, and controversy continues with authorities the ones in rebellion. According to the messages from the galactics who are here orbiting the planet (cloaked) and the ascended ones (also cloaked) all is moving forward according to plan. Now, after that lengthy preamble, here is Sharon Stewart and Ivo, her twin flame. Sharon is a star seed from the system of Vega. You can read about her on her website. Ivo of Vega, remains on the other side of the veil. His picture above was painted by an empathic artist who sees into the etheric realm. Sharon communicates with him etherically, which means telepathically. She is a channel and I love her down-to-earth comments, her abrupt, sometimes irascible, sometimes flippant responses while talking with Ivo who retains his cool objectivity and wise counsel. Sharon gives a preamble first.
Surveillance Technology by Ivo of Vega
Channeled by Sharon Stewart
May 28, 2020
Sharon: If you think people looting a Target store in Minneapolis is “bad,” stop following me. I would not loot a store, even if someone in my family was murdered by a dirty psycho cop. The people who looted the Target store were striking back at the establishment, many of them knowing full well who owns Target – the same “people” and I’ll use that term loosely, who own the judicial system and who operate it to their advantage. They are stealing from the Illuminati, and I don’t have an issue with them doing so.
The people who are doing this are sending a message to the Illuminati: “You can’t control us,” and I stand behind them. If you think it’s “bad” that they did this, you’re part of the problem. These people have no recourse to vent their anger other than by perpetrating criminal acts. They, however, DIDN’T kill anyone, but some of them have much nicer homes than they did before they looted the store, compliments of the deep state.
These are not people of high means, they’re the lowest class of the class system, probably impovershed many of them, so they took the opportunity to strike back at the machine in the way they have learned in a system that disadvantages them. Good for them. Oh yeah, BTW, this is why they want facial recognition technology everywhere – so they can identify looters.
Thanks Ivo. Police are being replaced with a technological control system based on facial recognition, cell phone location, security cameras and cameras at traffic lights so that cops can just sit back and do all the legwork in the office, then go out to your door and arrest you. Easy peezy. They’ve already done part of the job: you have license plates on your car and you pay fines and charges for pay tolls just by having these plates.
Oh yeah, and they’ll also just dispense with courts so you go straight to jail because they have your face and probably some kind of ID information from your cell phone or your microchip. You are busted before you even do anything. What they've been using to help us out in the past will now be used to convict us. They say that everyone is innocent til proven guilty, well why do they need all this surveillance technology if we’re so “innocent?” Wake up.
Interview with Ivo
Me: Ivo, this is being called out as a false flag attack on a black man in order to instigate racial tension. What do you think?
Ivo: My love, the Cabal is always trying to increase loosh and they are always trying to divide and conquer as we pointed out in yesterday’s video. Was this particular incident an Illuminati attack on African Americans? I would say so.
Me: Y’know it’s getting to be just normal to hear of these things. That’s the sad part.
Ivo: All is being done to discredit Donald Trump right now. The mayors and the city counsellors are speaking up to look like they know best. This happened just after it was pointed out that Donald Trump took a weekend to go golfing. Obviously, he does not feel there is such a crisis as many Americans do at this time.
Me: Or that was some kind of slap in the face to the cabal as well. You never know what messages are being relayed back and forth. The deep state is creating a major viral crisis and Donald flips them off by going golfing. It shows confidence on his part. And he may be laughing at the deep state because he knows he can take them down.
Ivo: Yes. The attack on George Floyd was a deep state initiative and they would be expecting a backlash.
Me: I think they may have been a bit surprised by the police station being attacked, then the Target store.
Ivo: The deep state are interested in increasing controls over your people, however, they have few resources compared to the Alliance right now. The Alliance holds the majority of the military as well as the reserve forces. Now they still are employed in the DUMBs and in arresting the Cabal across the world, so the cabal is more focused on rushing through technological controls such as cell phone tracking as they do not have the manpower. Just watch, there will be advances in facial recognition technology, vehicle scanning, and more attempts to take back weaponry from the citizens in the coming months.
The cabal wish to win the next election and should this happen, they will snap the cuffs on the American citizens immediately. Why do you think they have such a weak candidate in position? Because they believe that people are so fed up of Donald Trump that they will vote for anyone, but Biden will not lead the country. He is only a puppet.
They are on a short time frame and will be rushing through many of their new world order implementations now. Trump allows them because the people need to see who is really out to harm them and who isn’t. If you’ll notice politics are split out at a national level versus the individual states and cities right now.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: My love, as you know personally, as you can see by the responses on your Facebook posts, most people are sympathetic to the African American situation. You walked up to a man yesterday, a black man, in a truck and apologized on behalf of the white people who want to see this violence stopped. Your reaction was not an individual one. Many feel the same way. Sympathies are on the side of the people who, more and more, are seeing themselves as one regardless of appearance.
Whatever the cabal does now, it will unify people against them, not continue to separate people from each other. This is the effect their efforts are having now as too many are in the know. It can only backfire on them, and it is.
Unfortunately, there are some people who are victimized and who offer their lives so that others may see. George Floyd was one such person.
Me: It makes me sick.
Ivo: Understand, my love, that the Cabal do not have the resources they once had. They do not own the world any longer – that is back in the hands of the people. If money is power, then your banks are rich. The funds will be dispensed as the economy collapses. The Illuminati are losing more and more as we arrest more and more of them. Their underground stores are being pillaged by the Light and redistributed on earth’s surface to the needy.
They desire having complete control over you now so that when the time comes to dispense the funding, that they can take it out of your bank accounts. The last time these St Germain funds were to be issued, the 9/11 attacks took place. If they have complete control over you and your bank accounts, then they can retrieve the monies that were taken from them, or so they think. They cannot.
Me: Good. My interac charges are still high. Yes, I know, buy gift cards. I’ll get them when I can afford to.
Ivo: Good. My love, taking personal responsibility is key in all of this. When you continue to trust your government to provide to you on terms you find acceptable, you are participating in their game. They change the rules little by little to make life more uncomfortable for you, and before you know it, you are living on less, and have fewer options in life than you did before. All are going through this process, even the rich.
The cabal are losing power.
Me: What’s the next thing we can expect?
Ivo: I believe revealing pedogate to the people in general.
Me: How are they going to do that?
Ivo: Through the movies. They will produce movies to show the people this.
Me: A lot of people don’t care about Hollywood.
Ivo; Many do, though.
Me: Okay. So no economic collapse yet.
Ivo: No, not yet. It is looming.
Me: People are going to go back to work soon?
Ivo: Yes. Within a month or two we see people returning to their jobs.
Me: Oh, so this is what you’re telling me now…. videos will be shown of the Target store being looted and then they’re going to extol the virtues of facial recognition systems for store owners. They have to buy the technology. Then they can prosecute people. Oh sure, why do you think we switched to having driver’s licenses with our faces on them. And they say don’t smile. It has to do with facial recognition technology. Has to! So they sell it to the store owners and there you go – more control over the citizens and they’ll sell it to people on the premise that it will stop the prices from going higher because theft in stores will be easier to detect. Oh yeah, and those things you walk into when you go into a censored store, the scanners you walk through can take your photo at the same time. That’s probably part of it too.
So they figure if people can’t loot stores anymore, or riot, they have better control and the people who don’t know any better will okay it so they can feel safe.
Got it.
That’s probably the next big line of bull going down the pipes.
Ivo: Yes, my love. They always position themselves as trying to keep you safe.
Me: So why did that cop kill that man if he’s supposed to keep us safe? He did it right in front of a crowd of people.
Ivo: Yes. The exception. Different agenda, my love. When there are false flag events, these are attempts at further control initiatives, divide and conquer being one means of controlling the masses. It is failing. Many are beginning to side against the government as they see their liberties being removed. Some stubbornly adhere to wearing masks and believing the narrative. Future events will be carried out in order to snap them out of their complacency. Unfortunately, some will never believe they are being deceived. The majority will.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, it is difficult to stand by and watch when these events are carried out against the people, because they are attacks on everyone, not just George and his family. You must band together because united you are stronger. Imagine in America or Canada the entire country of people united to square off against governmental control. With your collective minds focused on one goal – to achieve unity and to achieve fairness and a humanitarian system, you are undefeatable.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
That's all for now. Thank you for reading all the way to the end. It is longer than usual. Bless you and please keep the faith. Hold on to the dream, whatever it is. There is a beautiful world seeping through the cracks. Fulfillment is the fulfillment of all that is dear to you, to each one of us. Do your part by holding onto faith in goodness and unity coming to the whole planet everywhere. Differences joining hands while laughing and enjoying the differences. Hold to your hearts desire and help shape the new world. It depends on a simple thing - just be you. Stop trying to be someone else. Love is who you are as a signature energy. Love is all there is.
Namaste from the Galactics, Ascended Masters, Angelics, Celestials - and me, Nancy
5/23/20 You are the Starseeds & Galactic Groundcrew by the Arcturians
The 9D Arcturian Council channeled by Daniel Scranton
danielscranton .com
Nancy speaking: In addition to the Pleiadians, the Arcturians are also sending messages to humanity. They are coming through a number of different channels. Daniel Scranton is my favorite channel for Arcturian messages, probably because he sends them out every day and they are consistent. You may subscribe to these daily messages by going to his website, above. There is a resonance that I feel through his channelings as compared to others. Channels are never 100% perfect conduits. I've heard it said that somewhere around 60% accuracy is likely the best channels, but don't take my word for that. The off-world speaker has to use the vehicle's consciousness and language skills, for better or worse. So I imagine the one who channels often refines and improves their receptivity.
There are more channeled messages being published today online than ever before. There are also more alternative news sources popping up online, of various content and leanings. I have not made a study of this but the internet is becoming a rich source of information we can't get anywhere else. We've been so dumbed down by the hum-drum monotany of "official" mainstream news drumming the same thing over and over (nothing new) that we have been blocked from intelligent sources, both from out there in space and on the ground. There are now channeled messages appearing from other countries being translated into English. These translations are not always perfect but the message gets through anyway.
The picture of the Arcturians (below) was painted by an unknown artist which made its way onto the internet. There are many beautiful pictures being posted on the web of surreal or celestial landscapes and beings - and even some not so lovely like lizard people - but they are all part of the vaster cosmos that we have been shielded from. Or blocked from knowing. These things are not to be feared or salivated over, but to learn from. We are in advanced training now, and knowledge is power. Once we know something, it's hard to un-know it, and we are expanded.
As for the beautiful celestial paintings being posted, just as there are voice channels so there are artistic channels - skilled artists who are able to paint on canvas what they see in their mind's eye. Some may say "it's all in your imagination", but imagination is a psychic ability. It is mental telepathy at work. It reveals truth through different senses. They could be the sixth sense or the seventh sense. Who knows? But it reveals more than our five senses do, which are limited to the physical.
I see celestial pictures too, sometimes, and not only through meditation. They flash in and out. But I'm not a painter. If I were a painter I would refine my skills but I'm a painter of words, not pictures. When I write, I seek for the right "feeling" of a word and for the feeling of how it fits in and connects with the surrounding words. It's just a feeling. I imagine a painter does the same thing. A painter receives the vision and then transmits the feeling down through the arm, hand, fingers, brush and onto the canvas. He becomes a channel, no different than a voice channel. Some paintings, when you look at them just "feel" right, while others feel flat and unappealing. And other paintings glow with a life of their own, with messages that you can't explain. You just know what it means.
So I imagine the higher worlds are communicating their messages to us through vibration and energy, however they can. And if we resonate with them we are receiving them. If we don't resonate, we let it pass and turn the page. But we are ALL receiving light codes, they say. Everyone on Earth is receiving increased light through the sun's rays, which are amplified by the higher dimensional ships, invisible to our eyes most of the time, and sometimes they are toned down to protect us, for this is an extraordinary time of major sun flashes. Galactics of very high advancement with very sophisticated technology, are watching over the surface population carefully. Whether or not we comprehend any of this with our brain, it doesn't matter because we're being protected as we receive this knowledge and not be harmed. It is the body that is receiving the light, by-passing the brain.
We have been limited to perceive only through our brain. The mantra "go into your heart" is a message to stop focusing with your brain. Feel what's happening in your physical body. The light codes are transforming our physical body, which is manifesting (outpicturing) the soul. The earth is receiving light and sentient bodies are registering it, like it or not, resistance is futile. Resistance causes pain and suffering. Better to go with the flow of the expansion. Go with the pain. The light is expanding the body. We've been programmed to stay inside the box of the cranium, but the real action is taking place in the body.
The internet is becoming the new democracy. It is the system of "we the people" finding a niche that better fits us. We can explore with resonating frequencies what interests us the most. Nobody is forcing the knowledge down our throats. We are finding what we need. It is freedom for the soul to find what it needs. The internet is a rich source of information, mixed in with a lot of disinformation, some of which is intentional. Use discernment. Intentional disinformation will fall away, little by little, as light increases and is absorbed into people. That's how it is going to work. There is censorship going on but bear with it. Be patient. Don't rush the system. Democracy is birthing through the higher hearts of the people. Disinformation, whether intentional or not, will wither like the fruit on the tree and dry up because nobody is paying it any attention. They are busy looking elsewhere.
I honestly don't know why I'm writing so much but it's coming out of my pores, like rays of light. I just have to let it shine. I'll do some editing to make sure it's OK. But so it is with everyone, everywhere. Individuals are experiencing the light expansion. Let it shine. That often means, open your mouth and say what you think or feel. Share your opinion. Your knowledge. Don't worry if it's "right" or not. The good and the bad have to start flowing to the surface to be recognized. The wrong will fall flat and be corrected, while the good will be amplified. It is a harvesting of what has been inside, buried. It is a bubbling out because there is heat going on inside, a raising of temperature. In the past we drilled to not talk about it. It was drilled into us that we were "wrong", or that "it's all in your imagination" or that "we must keep it secret" so we buried everything, both the good and the bad.
So much of who we are, legitimately and historically, has been buried. This is what is coming to the surface. It can't be pushed back down under because the heat is rising from inside. It will burn and be painful to try. Let what is inside shine out to be seen. Feelings of suffocation and frustration will wither away. Truth will feel free, whether good or bad. Truth will set you free, someone said. So let what is imagined shine. Fear-based or celestial-based, either way, let it shine. Truth is bleeding through. We are processing it. It isn't a big deal. It's a simple recognition. That's all. And following up with some corrective action. Not a big deal.
Imagination is a sense, a sixth sense, a psychic sense, that is more closely attuned to reality than the limited five senses we have been relying upon. 'Nuff said. Here is today's message from the 9D Arcturian Council:
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been in this galaxy for so very long, and we have been able to make connections from beings in every single star system, including of course yours. We have been able to determine that your star system, and your planet specifically, is a wonderful representation of all of the energies that we have ever encountered.
Now, the mixture of energies that you have there on your world is precisely what makes it so challenging to be there. Not only do you have access to all of the trauma, all of the emotions, all of the failures of the other star systems, but you also need to find a way for all of these different energies to co-exist harmoniously. And up until this point in human history there on Earth, you have not been able to achieve this lofty goal. You have not had world peace with a complete lack of interpersonal violence ever, and you might think that makes humanity low on the galactic totem pole, but it does not.
And the reason it does not is because you all have taken on so much that literally no one expected you to be in a place of world peace at this point in your evolutionary history. We all feel responsible for the chaos and the discord there on your planet because we all contributed our energies in the co-creative event that was putting sentient life there on planet Earth. And so, you do not have to feel at all like you are supposed to be doing it all yourselves. You can take the weight off of your shoulders and let the galactic help in, because we were always meant to be a part of the process of attaining world peace on Earth.
And when we refer to ourselves, we are talking about all of us who hail from other star systems. The Earth experiment is our responsibility, and those of you who are there in the flesh are the ground crew. You are the starseeds. You are the lightworkers. You are the changemakers for this galactic experiment, and we and the others like us are your helpers from far, far away. We implore you to lean on us more and to recognize that our help is not interference; it is collaboration. It is co-creation, and it is about time that those of us in other star systems and other dimensions took a bigger role in the creation of world peace there on Mother Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
5/22/20 A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
Channeled by Valerie Donner on May 3, 2020
Editor: I love Mira of the Pleiades and want to share a recent message with you. Maybe you cannot relate yet to the subject of extraterrestrials from outer space visiting Earth, but you will hear more about it in the near future. I am a little bit ahead of most people for I was introduced early in life. The Pleiadians are more like us than any other off-planet species. They helped genetically seed humanity long ago. There is a vast amount of hidden history now coming to light this and a soft disclosure of these truths is underway, even while great resistance is pushing back to keep the doors closed and locked.
Meanwhile, channelings are taking place through an increasing number of sensitive human beings, starseeds they are called, and alternative news sources are publishing their messages, in spite that main stream news refuses to acknowledge it. Becoming familiar with our long-lost galactic brothers and sisters is a current, new age phenomena. They are benevolent. They are not "bad". They are not here to eat us, kill us or control us. Look to the humans for that. Advanced races get to be advanced by aligning with universal law of oneness and respect for all life. It's the dark side of human nature that has made the galactics appear to be monsters.
So, after the dark nano technology article I wrote yesterday, I want to follow up with a heart-felt message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Get to know her. Feel her. Here she is:
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am serving full-time on the Earth Council to assist the earth with the Ascension process. We are masters of this process and help many other planets.
As you have discovered, the earth is full scale on with her ascension. Right now, she is treasuring some of the silence and the quiet as a result of the lockdown. I call it the lockdown because what you are living in right now is typical of a quarantined planet. We are sorry to say that this is the situation, however, it is what is necessary to awaken humanity and to free the earth.
Ascension is a painful process of birthing and releasing the old. There is simply no point of hanging onto a cocoon of familiarity when there is a golden opportunity of transformation and transfiguration. This applies individually and collectively. These opportunities only present themselves at the right divine timing and the right divine perfect moment.
Of course, the cast of characters is long and complex. One has to see and understand what is occurring on multiple levels and dimensions. The obstacles need to be removed so that the way can be cleared for the truth and revelations.
We understand what you are going through, the pain, the suffering, the stress, and anxiety. We bless every one of you and wish that we could alleviate your challenging experiences right now. We are watching over you along with many from the Light Alliance and all of creation. We are your greatest cheerleaders and are energetically assisting you to reach the destination. You are loved, respected, protected and admired beyond measure.
It has taken the best of you to make it possible for the ascension to occur. Please do not give up! You are nearly at the finish line. Do not succumb to the fear the dark forces are spreading. You are a part of the divine plan not the dark plan. They are acting out right now because they know they have already lost. Therefore, they are behaving badly and should be sent to their rooms but not on the earth.
Soon the day will come, and you will be uplifted into the light of the Golden Age. You will be free to love each other, touch, hug, kiss, and live heart to heart as you were intended to live. You will be free from fear and darkness. You will help heal each other and the earth in peace, love, joy, and freedom. We are aligned with you for this to happen. And so it is!
I am Mira and I love and bless you all.
5/21/20 Nano Technology vs. Natural Organic
Yesterday I listened to three well-known male leaders and channels of spiritual new age teachings. You will probably recognize their names: Jim Self who channels "The Team", Steve Rothers who channels "The Group", and Jeffrey Hoppes who channels Ascended Master Saint Germain. The moderator is Linda Hoppes, wife of Jeffrey.
What comes out of this three-way discussion is a ground-breaking new perspective to the struggle humanity is going through right now. The conversation took place in August 2018, before the pandemic, so this may shine a little light on what is taking place. The three world-renowned channelers and authors said in 2018 that humanity is in the midst of drastic change, not only in the outer world but also within our consciousness, biology and even DNA. They say that the homo sapiens species will no longer be the only "human" species on the planet. In fact, three new species will appear in the near future as nano-technology, gene editing and consciousness expansion take place. Listen to hear about the new attributes already beginning to appear in the species homo techno, homo robo and homo christo.
The new human species Part 1 - Discussion (8/26/18) (1'20")
The new human species Part 2 - Q&A (8/26/18) (1'14")
In reference to this presentation, I wrote to Ken in New Jersey with whom I am discussing these things. I was urged to write because I felt Saint Germain hovering nearby, so I pecked out the message on my phone one finger at a time. The emphasis that was coming to me was how important spiritual guidance is, that it provides triggers and pushes and I for one have not been treating it with the proper recognition. It was like, "Listen to spiritual guidance!"
Several days earlier I had asked Ken if he knew anything about the term "El Shaddai". Every time I hear or see that phrase I am thrilled to the core, triggered emotionally. When Jeffrey Hoppes spoke about homo christo, immediately I felt the thrill connection to El Shaddai as the fire of life, the spark, the spirit, the Godhead. I had such strong emotions that I sobbed outloud, an anquished cry from deep, deep inside.
Jeffrey Hoppes is the first to speak of three new versions of homo sapiens that are emerging on the planet. He tells how artificial intelligence and nano technology are changing humanity, and then he mentions as the third, Homo Christo, the light body human as the ultimate. You must listen to the conversation to get the whole meaning.
As new species of homo sapiens emerge, there will be only a few homo Christos at first. But they will anchor the light body into the flesh and blood world and assist in cleansing and raising the world. Flesh and blood will eventually disappear because we don't need a body. We are consciousness having a body experience. It is the great mission to dismantle the effluvia that has increased over the centuries, bogging the human race in deep muck like goopy thick molasses. The new species Homo Christos will melt away the goo that sticks to humans with light and love. The other two leaders agreed. They were all on the same page that nano technology is here to stay. They advised not to be afraid of it or resist it. Recognize it. It is what it is. Allow it. Respect it. It is another form of creation.
This was very helpful to me because I identify completely with the Christos light, the El Shaddai, though I didn't have those names before. Now I understand what I'm feeling is the pure spark of life from the Godhead, or Creator by whatever name. It is natural to a LOT of people. I'm not the only one. I have many sisters. I have been seeing the outer world state of affairs as dark shadows and mistakes that are taking humanity down a wrong path, away from innocence. But with this new perspective I see it in a different light. There are many different species here, many different thought processes emerging into the limelight and competing for attention. There are, in addition, many different galactic genes surfacing in people with new knowledge and information about our galactic forefathers. This is causing vast confusion with all the growing, learning, inventing and creating new technologies. And they are coming on line BEFORE we have understood our spiritual origins and lineage.
Now it is official. I heard it here. Three new age leaders all agree there are different species here walking around all looking like us. They are not us. They are not like me but they are human. We are all human even though I am of a different lineage. The important word here is that it is the HUMAN that is evolving. And each one of us is going to be drawn together with others like us. I am evolving along a different line. And so is everyone else being drawn to what best suits them. We can't tell from outer appearances so the only thing that matters is that we are HUMAN. My feelings guide me, not my thoughts, while others are guided in a different way.
I use AI in my day-to-day because I use a computer to connect with others, an android phone, listen to online podcasts and read online material. But I am organic and natural at my core. I choose the wholesome way of unconditional love. My attention is drawn to articles about light, spirituality, wholeness, joy, gratitude and learning more about this innate quality that is built into us. I don't want to fix broken people or broken things. I don't know how they got broken in the first place, so that's not up to me. I can only fix myself. So even though I am using artificial intelligence devices, I see organic, spiritual beings in each human being I meet. I believe in organic, natural innocence in people. That puts me in a different category from people who believe differently. It is this innate belief system that makes us different from each other, but we are all in HUMAN bodies, and it is the human body that needs to be treated with kindness, love and respect, no matter what the belief system or cultural difference.
It is when we do our spiritual due diligence that we find the deepest truths about ourselves. We are responsible to our body. We take up space on the earth because we have a body. We are accountable for living in a body in accordance with natural law, aka spiritual law. Human law drags us down because it lacks the whole perspective. The only way to be lifted above the storm is to find that wholeness within, which is discovered through stillness. There is stillness in the center of the storm and goodness is felt there. All dark emotion leaves in the center and all things good remain.
God works in mysterious ways through spiritual teams. There are many levels of spiritual teams available to help us raise the molecular substance of our bodies without adding or injecting artificial man-made technology to it. We either follow the human path of evolution or the spiritual path. My way is the spiritual path - organic, natural, love, light, peaceful and kind. I now have support from three new age leaders. It's official. I'm not alone after all. Working with light, love and kindness energy I just can't believe in the politics, the diseases, the horrors and fears that are flooding the land and emanating from people. I don't believe in it. That means I can't go there. I can't give it any thought. It is easy to feel lonely when you don't have a spiritual connection, but I'm not alone. In addition, there are people all around me. Human beings who are warm bodies. I don't care what they believe as long as they are kind and not pushy.
I told my husband yesterday during conversation, that the difference between us is he believes in the Corona virus and the political shenanigans, and I don't. But we respect each other and don't try to persuade or control the other's thoughts. It's a loving approach. In my world I don't need or want any help from man-made medicines or devices. Shudder. God forbid. But I recognize that others do and I wouldn't try to stop them. So they musn't try to stop me. We are a different species. We must be true to our lineage.
Man-made devices, robots, laboratory gene-splicing, nano bugs being implanted or injected, cloning efforts, it all seems so threatening and dark to me. I shudder. But El Shaddai is the pure God spark in every human being (as I believe, but maybe not?) and anyone can, in an instant, turn to it and call it by name and it will respond. It is the goddess in every one. Women are better at connecting with it because women are the creative element. The creative element made the earth and all beings upon it. However, there is a masculine element. Some people like to take things apart and explore the parts. Fragmenting them. Then they like to put them back together in a different way. So be it. If there are people so different from me, then we need to agree to disagree and still live in peace and not offend one another. If we are going to live on earth together in peace, I will stop pushing my way onto others, and ask that others stop pushing their way on me.
Thanks to Jim, Steve and Jeffrey, I no longer feel alone in the world. Knowing that there are others like me and different species evolving, I can put life into perspective. We are a global community with everyone on a different timeline. No one really knows what the other's timeline is. Or what they think or believe. Some are evolving up from lower realms trying different options, while others are descending down from higher realms with wholeness and love in their genes, come to assist humanity's evolution. Since few dare speak what they believe out loud, maybe we should start telling each other what we know and feel. It is our truth, after all. No one else's. If we are going to build a new world where peace prevails, then we should start being more honest and direct. With respect and self control so we stop pushing our agenda inadvertently onto others. And ramp up the kindness.
In addition to the spoken conversation, the three leaders presented the wonderful world of spirit that they brought with them. Early in the discussion, Jeffrey said, shaking his shoulders in a casting-off motion, "It's awfully crowded up here, we may need a bigger stage!" He was referring to the spiritual entities that accompanied the others. Being sensitive and intuitive, he could detect them.
Ken's response to my message this morning casts additional light on the subject, although it is deep. It may be undetectable but I'll share it with you anyway.
(Ken:) "If your frequency is such that you are smacked in the face by the virus , then it is very real to you. If your frequency is such that it passes by or through you, then it is not a reality for you. A difference in frequency along the path. Nano is a physical reality and [once] discovered, can be refined and used for manipulation of physical, perhaps into a higher frequency, perhaps not. In frequency reality it is unnecessary, for the light body has all the tools. So, it is a preoccupation with physical refinement and manipulation. The race lines not carrying the spark of EL SHADDAI - are very predisposed to this intellectual grasping at refined manipulation of the physical. This pathway can lead to taking the wrong fork in the road of research and jumping up and down and proclaiming it as THE breakthrough in evolution."
Namaste. Blessings, love and everlasting light from the Ascended Masters, spiritual guides, celestials, galactics and me!
5/12/20 A Message from Chief Geronimo
Through Star Hinman, Spiritual messenger for Lady Portia & St. Germain
This is a time of great learning on the Earth, where there are many voices talking. Many are confused - many are led into darkness and hatred. Do not be led like a lamb to the slaughter. Be a Warrior! Think for yourself!"
I was a great warrior for my people when I was on the Earth! And I am still a warrior -- and a spirit guide now for many of you -- my people on the Earth.
The tides of emotional intensity are running high in your world, and many people are choosing to participate in this now, whether or not it is beneficial to them! They have become like the lemmings who were swept toward the sea, in a great gathering of beings, unconscious of the results of their actions - each one following, and being led and influenced by the others!
The Way of the Warrior!
This is not the Way of the Warrior" that I would recommend to all of you! The warriors learn to think for themselves - to determine what the situation is, and how they will CHOOSE TO RESPOND TO IT - from a position of intelligence and power, not blindly and mindlessly FOLLOWING THE HERD, or reacting to others, on the basis of what others may be thinking or feeling!
The warrior is strategic, observing the entire situation carefully and in great detail. Then, and only then, you will make up your own mind about your plan of action based on the truth of the situation. Evaluate everything before you act! This is important, because many times, things are NOT as they seem on the surface! There is always a deeper truth and many hidden aspects to all situations. Also, be aware that many hidden motives and agendas may be present, and these may be influencing attitudes, events, and decisions.
Carefully Observe & Analyze All Situations
So, do not be hasty in your analysis of any situation! Take your time, and carefully observe it over a period time, if this is possible, before making up your mind about a course of action. It is easy to overlook many important details which have strong influence in the situation. It is better to delay decision-making and response until you are sure you have the correct information, rather than rushing to judgment and making a miscalculation in your response.
I learned this, and many other things, in my life -- as a warrior for my people. And I advise all of you now from a place of love and concern for your society, where I see many people losing control over themselves as they are being caught up in "mass hysteria" and non-intelligent, hasty reactions to events and conditions.
We in the spiritual realms have a different perspective about all that is happening on Earth. We see this as a time of great learning for your people - IF you will pay attention to your inner voice of guidance, and not allow yourselves to be manipulated and controlled by your mass media. Many times, they think they know what is best for you, but often, in reality, this is not the case. People are learning to think for themselves! They are learning how to be the Sacred Warriors for Light in their own lives! And, as they learn this, they will become stronger, and even more effective in holding the Light on Earth.
You all have important missions on this Earth! Some of you already know what your mission is, and others are still in the process of learning this. But, in order to advance in your studies and your knowledge, you MUST learn how to guard your consciousness from intrusion by other factors - whether this is states of high negative emotions in the general population, or whether this is incorrect influence by a friend or someone you trust. Anyone can be misled in their opinions, even a trusted comrade. I had to learn this by many hard knocks in my life! Many times, I trusted people that I should not have trusted - until I learned "THE SECRET!" And that is the fact that there is a great source of true knowledge WITHIN ME!
The Inner Voice of Truth
You ALL have this ability, but sometimes it seems hard to find it, and access this place. It takes trial and error! It takes repeated efforts to hear that "small inner voice of Truth!" But there is only one way to do this - through PRACTICE! You are not going to learn this through following other people and what they believe! That is what I learned! And when I learned it, I started following MY OWN KNOWLEDGE! I started learning how to use my OWN gifts of perception, combined with my intuition. And this process works! I learned to hear my Spirit Guides, and use their wisdom. You all have your own Spirit Guides, but if you don't listen to them, they are not going to talk to you!
Be sure to ask for the highest wisdom from Creator, to come from your spirit helpers. If they are not loving and kind, they are not from Creator, and get rid of them by sending them away. Once you have your group together, a good way to start with this is to acknowledge their presence and begin to talk to them. Thank them for their help, thank them for being with you! And the more you talk to them, the more they will talk to you. and I found that mine were always right! Sometimes I wouldn't listen, and then I would get into trouble for it! You have to learn this by "trial and error." There is no other way! But the more you practice, the better you will become at this - and I can guarantee that!
Find Your Own Truth and Strength!
You all need to connect with your own source of accurate information now. It is imperative that you do this, because there is so much misinformation and "mind control" in your society. Everyone is telling you what to think, telling you their version of "truth" -- so that, if you don't have your own Truth, it is easy to fall victim to this sort of thing.
Many of these people are not trying to be malicious - they just think they are "right!" They are very sure of it, and they can be very persuasive - and very dangerous to your autonomy and well-being! That is why I am bringing you this message - to help all of you stay on your own path - because that is where you are going to find YOUR TRUTH! And when you find that, you will also find your STRENGTH!
Be strong, my Warriors for the Light! Claim the Truth about yourselves in your own lives! This is a fight worth having!
I bring you this message in the energies of love,
I am Geronimo, Chief of My People
Chief Geronimo�s Wisdom
Keep your own council
Believe what you see
Trust yourself
Be strong!
I am with you!
A note from me: Since experiencing changes in perspective, I'm unsure what to put out via this newsletter. So much is happening which goes against the tide and trend, so I'll just follow my gut feeling, and I love this message from Geronimo. I am connecting with my male side finally, after going to the far side of being feminine. This is bringing more clarity and vitality. I'll continue to send newsletters because daring to expose my truth and my interest keeps me real and on the ground, which is so important in these days.
There are new voices coming forth on the internet, while others are being shadow-banned. But those being censored are springing back up again. The people are not taking this quarantine sitting down. There is movement everywhere. Downloads from higher realms are coming in torrents. It's a literal light storm, with a nod to Robert Allen, friend and author of "Light Storm", a journey into interdimensional consciousness with incredible photos he took of starships and other-realm peek-throughs. It's available on Amazon.
Check out Elizabeth April on youtube, a fresh young 26-year-old who is a voice for the Galactic Federation, and Lorie Ladd, also on youtube, also speaking for the Galactic Federation. I'm being guided to many disclosure youtubes which at one time I shunned like the plague. Now my male side is clearing the way for my previously too-sensitive ears so I am listening and learning about hidden truths. So much is going on. Disclosure is taking place. BUT - we are each being drawn to where we need to be in our own timing as Chief Geronimo says, and we should go at our own pace so that we are not overly pressured, damaged or hurt. It is important that you stay comfortable within your own skin. Stay inside your own lines and parameters. You are being guided. You have a team of spirit guides bobbing all around you. They will keep you on your own track. Don't let others - me included - pull you off your path. The unfolding of truth is individual and personal. No one is in charge except your own soul. Stay on your own vibrational track of learning. What feels right IS right. Listen to your feelings. A good feeling means it's good for you. A bad feeling means don't go there. Not now.
Namaste. Blessings, love and peace from the Ascended Masters, spiritual guides, celestials, galactics and me!
5/6/20 A message from my higher self
Good morning lovely friends and associates of many colorful personalities! I open with a message from my higher self which came to me unaided yesterday morning.
"Pushiness will no longer get you to the front of the line ahead of everyone else. A new age has officially dawned upon the Earth. The meek shall inherit this beautiful world. The St. Germain funds are being distributed now, behind the loud noise of the mainstream news. The kidnapped children are being rescued from the tunnels and cared for by multi-level professionals and experts. Debts are being forgiven and written off. The people are renewing their faith as they stay indoors at home. Hope is being rekindled. The stores are opening and Nesara is slowly being launched. It is all going as planned.
All is taking place on a level beyond the purview of the controlled media. The meek will inherit the Earth because they are the ones who don’t have pushiness, or the ability to manipulate with honeyed words filled with poison, or harbor disgust with a superior attitude over others, or have a need to control outcomes, or the need to express anger, or the need to be cruel because they themselves were cruelly treated as children.
The depressed, weak and broken ones will now be at the front of the line and treated with loving concern by those who are experts and qualified by light. The talking heads will continue to hold front and center stage for a while longer. They have a purpose, as clowns have purpose - to capture and hold the attention of the audience."
Back to Nancy speaking: I have been withdrawing from the internet this past week. I've stepped away from the computer more and found other stuff to do. Most importantly, I've shut off my cellphone and put the earphones away. I had become addicted. Even with so many articles of importance that I wanted to read, I let them go. I would love to read them. They are important, but I was becoming a zombie. Increasing headaches, wooziness, foggy brain, and unable to think, also with blurry, hurting eyes. I was losing vitality. I was becoming dumbed down. I was beginning to wonder if this is how it feels when you're getting ready to die.
Suddenly - it was just before falling asleep - a voice that was not a voice but a shocking realization: "Turn off the damn phone!" I jumped out of bed, grabbed the phone, shut it off and put it in another room entirely and went back to bed. The next day I left it shut down all day and far away from me. I was afraid of it! I also stayed away from the computer except to check emails, then run away again. Thus, this week I've been in withdrawal. I check things now and then, but this is to put everyone on notice, I'm not doing phones at the moment. Perhaps a little later for a pre-planned call. I am communicating by email or in person if someone wants to drop by and visit.
So now I am relaxing and staying quiet for the most part. I just got caught up in the fever of high energies coming in. Everybody is writing about them and I wanted to a part of that, just like everyone else. But, ahhhhh! The sweet peace of staying away from the feverish energies that get into your head and mess with your brain cells. Alone time again is peaceful witihout the blasted mix of electromagnetic frequencies that are not coherent, that are coming from manmade appliances and devices, and cross wires. Not good. But I so wanted to read what other people are experiencing! Alas, I'll just put them aside and focus on my own realizations.
Slowly clarity and vitality are coming back again. There is a direct correlation to the computer and phone that dumbs me down. I have noticed it. It's insidious.
Now I am more normally peaceful. Not perfect, but better. In the pasture several days ago I was humming and toning in the shade because it was a hot day. As the sun was going down behind the trees, it was flashing and winking through the leaves at me, drawing my attention and I wanted to follow the sun. It was an idle wish and before I knew it was up high above the earth looking directly into the sun now sliding down the curvature of the planet. The setting sun's rays were delicious, they always are at the this time of day. The sweetness of the moment was awesomely holy and golden. Words don't do it justice. Below me was - OMG! - I looked down and beneath me it was all dark. Dark with forces like a jungle of entanglements and entrapments. I then saw myself in contrast hovering in the atmosphere as a glowing white light. It looked like me. I've seen my higher self in flashes before and it looks like me somehow. Not sure how to put it. Not me as an aging human but me as pure radiant light.
If shutting down my smart phone and diminishing my time at the computer can elevate me to such an extent, then there is no loss. Only benefits. I am sharper, clearer, and have more vitality and energy. But here I am typing this out on my computer at midnight to send out in newsletter form, so who knows how long I'll be able to stay clear and sharp? I'm wired into the internet here below among the entanglements at ground level, even while I'm spending more time in the stratosphere above. But I must periodically tune in to ground level. It's important to stay grounded so I come and go between two worlds.
I've had a new perspective given to me on the seven-chakra system. It just clicked in one day. I felt it as spherical, not up-and-down vertical as we have seen the chakras portrayed on the internet - from the root up to the top of the head. There are seven concentric bubbles around us, the most compacted bubble being the etheric, which is close to the physical but is not physical. Then the second concentric bubble is less compacted as the emotions. The third is even LESS compacted and is the mental. And so on up to the seventh bubble which is pure light. And they are all our sheaths or layers that surround us as spirit.
Each bubble is a different quality from father-mother God, or source, given to us to use while we are in density, in physical form. There is so much to this story but I'll go into it another time. These qualities are FEELINGS. We have to embody them, not intellectualize them which I have a tendency to do. Like truth for example. We have to embody truth. Not talk about it but live it. This is how we create for ourself a more beautiful life. It is done in silence. We lighten our life on earth by becoming truth (as an example of one of the seven). The chakras are spheres of heaven surrounding us like bubbles of light.
Well, enough for now. There is a full moon above the Earth tonight. I just came in from the pool. It's after midnight. The local handyman came today to remove the ladder from the far end of the pool because the pool vac kept getting caught in it. So, while Doug went to sleep I came down and floated in the crystal clear water under the full moon. I heard there was a meteor shower the other night but I missed it. Trisha said she watched and enjoyed the falling stars. I hope we can be together again soon, all of us who are united in one way or another.
By the way, I had a wonderful new contact today through my galactic website and suddenly I wondered something. I checked and sure enough - there are now eight people on the Anakosha list who came through the galactic website. All starseeds? I don't know. I haven't met them all. But it is time to add a picture in honor of our sisters and brothers from the stars. Anakosha is pulling the separate interests together into one list. Anakosha is my higher self. It is growing into a unified field, broader, smoother and far-reaching, to encompass many different interests. We ARE each different in our outer personalities because we have come from different backgrounds and we think with different thought processes. But we are all the same in our hearts because that is where love comes in - the big mystery of life. We are all the same once we get out of our heads.
Tomorrow night is the peak of the full moon so I will be again in the pool. And that just reminded me - is this the Wesak full moon? (pause) I just checked. Yes, it is. The Wesak full moon is the first full moon in Taurus. That's tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. The moon will rise at 7:24 pm so I will definitely be out in the pool or perhaps in the fairy ring I made with solar lights. There is a legend which I copied years ago that tells about the Wesak festival. It says that the Wesak is in a remote valley in the Himalayan ranges, 390 miles west of Lhasa and not far from Nepal. Villagers and initiates gather there every year to receive the blessings of the Buddha and Christ who appear in their etheric bodies to bless the planet for the upliftment of the human race. To learn more about the Wesak full moon, click HERE. On that note, I will close this up for now.
Blessings, love and peace to you from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
4/29/20 Divine Feminine Roundtable (video)
Divine Feminine Roundtable Video
Even though I just sent a newsletter yesterday, here is another one so very important to share. It's new, it was recorded on April 26, 2020. I saw it on Six divine feminine spiritual teachers appear on screen. (1 hour, 55 min). It was hosted by Paula Connor, consciousness coach; along with Christianne van Wijk, world of consciousness investigative film maker; Magenta Pixie, intuitive consultant consciousness coach; Laura Eisenhower, global alchemist, researcher and medical intuitive astrologist; Tara Perry, master soul reader, author and speaker, and Nina Starsong, intuitive, channel, theta healer and channel of Pleiadian transmissions. Their individual websites are posted underneath the video. Nina Starsong is on Facebook and Instagram but no website that I could find.
Topics discussed include the importance of breath and supporting the body, crystal and indigo energies, divine feminine, our sovereignty, soul families, connecting, compassion and forgiveness, christ consciousness, body changes, feelings of lightness, buzziness, importance of listening to your inner voice, feeling vulnerable, reaching out for support, crisis in the lungs and throat, congestion, collective grief, dark night of the collective soul, importance of FEELING again, needing each other as a collective, humanity president Donald J Trump MMS Multi-Mineral solution, multiple dreams showing the truth of Trump guidance for those that have a great deal of hatred, knowing will come when in alignment with higher dimensions, must understand multi-dimensions to understand what is happening with Trump, we can make each other better people, unity consciousness, balance of light and dark within, creation, understanding duality, integration of polarity, higher dimensional perspectives, great reveal, removal of masks, small self, ego mask, true colors of souls are being revealed to each other, no more BS, return of the power of the feminine, global resurrection, power of coming together, meditate, self love is so important. There is a partial transcription by Kat posted on goldenageofgaia HERE.
Another tough love inspirational youtube is from Ann Albers, who normally channels the Angels but this is from her directly:
Ann Albers & the Angels - Dealing with Angry Vibes (Video) 4/25/20
Ann has been sending Angel messages for many years, sharing such beautiful messages of love and hope sprinkled with wisdom and truth. It is important to keep your spirits high - and her angel messages do that, but sometimes love and light aren't enough when hidden issues become exposed. Then each of us must face it alone and make peace with it. 28 minutes long. She says beneath the video, "This week my inbox has been filled with emails from people asking about the angry and frustrated vibe on the planet. Here is the angel's take on it, as well as tips from me on how to handle anger – both yours and anything aimed at you." Consider Ann Albers another divine feminine healer.
That's all for now. Enjoy. Blessings, love and peace to you from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me,
4/28/20 A message of hope from Ashtar
Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light
Good morning everyone! Diana speaking. How are you this bright cheerful morning during this self-isolation? I am learning so much that I want to share. I was delighted to find another message from Ashtar channeled through Sharon Stewart posted yesterday. I have come to love and trust Sharon Stewart. She is a very good, open, connected channel. While there are many other messages of hope and positive information surfacing, Ashtar looms large in my mind. He is a vast benevolent intelligence overseeing Earth's transformation. He comes from very high realms and is commissioned by heaven to lead this fight to save Earth.
Ashtar visited me in 2017 personally. It was in the dream state where all etheric contacts are taking place. This is happening to everyone. Remember your dreams! While our bodies sleep and releases its fixed attention on the world, our consciousness (soul) expands and continues to have adventures. We don't remember when we wake up, unless we train ourselves to remember, but the information is there within us - where we've been and with whom - and is part of our consciousness in ways we don't understand.
The dream of Ashtar was so real that I woke up at 3 am to write it down. It was a lengthy dream with a lot happening, but it was at the end that I remember the most. It is vivid even today. He was standing outside the door of the circular craft we had flown in, on the ground, leaning in against the door jam. He was saying goodbye. He looked at me in a way of looking into me. There was a feeling of warm camaraderie between us, a closeness, a brotherly love kind of feeling. He looked at me as if he was trying to pry me loose with his intention alone. From what? I think I know now, as I write this. He was leaning in for a last good-bye but he was watching my eyes, reading me through my eyes. I was very aware of his choosing me out of many, as a singular being alone. Like a spotlight was on me and a delicate surgery was being performed. It was just he and I. I felt his caution and I also felt his respect. It was a hug that was not physical. It was gentle, clean, careful and precise. The memory of this dream leaves me with a feeling of specialness, as if I am being watched over carefully. But here comes the REAL message which is unfolding as I type this. This is true for everyone. I am no different or special than anyone else on Earth. I didn't understand, but I was given this message because I was going to write about it some day, as I am doing now, for I am a writer of massive proportions, as everyone says. The specialness I was given was to be shared to everyone. We are ALL being ever so carefully watched over, cared for, guided, protected, trying to pry loose from the disintegrating ideas - they are only ideas - that are dragging us down. We are being shaken, "Wake up!" by very loving benevolent beings. It is so much deeper than we understand. Ashtar gave me a message that I am recalling today and sharing. It is deeply personal, deeply loving.
He is not a savior in the same way people think of Jesus/Yeshua. He is a member of the family. He is a brother. He is a friend and he cares so very much. Heaven put him in charge of the Galactic Federation composed of many different species of Light. It is said that he has a military presence. Though he doesn't have a body he can project an image of himself. He is an ascended consciousness who has evolved to very high ranks and, according to those who serve under him, it is his great humility and love that has placed him in charge of this heaven-directed mission to save Earth from destruction
Ashtar Speaking
Channeled by Sharon Stewart 4/25/20
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. With such a leader as Trump, who steadfastly holds his course despite many threats to his well being and that of his family, yes, he receives them even from the general public. Despite these threats, he stays his course.
We of the Light have sworn to protect his family from harm in return for his work to set your world straight. Many of you know it was end game as the New world order was to implement its final stages in order to enslave you.
You see the power struggle being played out in front of you. Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology. The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it.
This is about power for your world, and particularly for North America as the power holders shift from dark to Light. This is being carried out in front of you, the public, in order that your power too may swing and it has. Many more are awakening to the truth and they realize that all was not as it was professed to be.
In other parts of the world, world leaders are subjected to change as well. Kim Jong has been proclaimed to be dead but this is not the truth. In fact he is alive, however that it was indicated in the press that he was dead is a threat to him and you must realize that this is what is going on in your media – threats are being printed in American newspapers, knowing that they will be seen by the ones who the threat is directed towards. And the threateners were indeed the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati.
Any ally of the white hats is a threat to the illuminati and will be threatened in turn, if not taken out. That is the politics that is going on on your planet and has been for years. It is up to the people to be aware of this.
A few years ago, a missile was launched appearing to be from North Korea, aimed at Hawaii in an attempt to break off friendship between the White Hats and Kim Jong. It was not successful. Now this threat is another attempt at threatening Jong-un off. They don’t want to see Korea re-united as their prototype society would then be released to freedom. In the same way that Germany was re-united in 1990, fascism would take another hit. But it is due to happen.
As for CoVid 19, hardest hit areas are quarantined and measures are sufficient now to isolate them. The spread is minimal at this point. New measures are being sought and spoken of for the first time by the president. Why? To shift the power away from the pharmaceutical industry towards healing modalities that actually work. With the lockdown being so severe, people are now willing to embrace new ideas. They are seeing the old didn’t work and new measures are being embraced as they are being introduced by your leaders.
This will be one win at a time. We would love to see a grand wave of new awareness sweep over your planet but it won’t be like this. It will be one issue with new solutions, over and over until finally the cabal are powerless and the world has turned away from the old regime. This will take time and patience.
Relief funding is being issued to those who are not working and have lost income. This same network will be used in issuing the St Germaine funds when the time is ready. Were so much money to be issued to your people now, they would not understand. So it is being introduced slowly as relief money at a time when they are in need of it. It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.
With more payments comes also the ensuing upset to your society as people no longer need to work. Again, this is a large change and needs to be introduced slowly. There is also the suspicion that the government is attempting to control, and so these funds have to be introduced at a palatable rate when the timing indicates otherwise. We are attempting to quell any rioting or revolt against measures to liberate your planet.
People on the planet are ready to rebel to the imposed control over their lives, not understanding that working for a living is more controlling of their lives than requiring them to stay home and relax. To change the status quo that has been in place for so long takes small steps, and then observation of the result. Correction may be required. Your people will be asked to tolerate frequent small changes rather than fewer larger changes. We believe this is the way to acclimate them to the new GESARA based system that is coming in.
Again, We Are Here With You, Always.
Diana again. Recently while breathing into the sun, visualizing the sun while doing conscious breath, suddenly MANY suns appeared in my visualization. They gathered above me to shine their light and I realized the sun has a family too. He is a part of a network of suns throughout the universe. The sun is a conscious part of the universe too, just as Gaia who also has a family of extended relatives. Just as humans have star families, so does the sun. Since I use the light as a visual during meditation, I now have a new mantra: "I call forth light from a thousand suns into my heart. I am that I am." Whenever a frequency of discomfort or downright evil strikes me (seldom happens but on rare occasions) I use light. Darkness floats around in the atmosphere as a cloud and can invade if you attract it unknowingly. If ever you feel wrongness invading your body-mind-feelings, picture the sun and his family of suns all shining down on you, surrounding you with love-light, and decree the mantra outloud or silently. Out loud is more effective.
Anything that is wrong, bad, evil or not right belongs in the artificial category, meaning it's a force-field. Maintaining LIGHT for a period of time will get rid of it. Evil thoughts do exist in our maddening world, created by humans, but they don't belong. Get rid of them so you don't attract them further. They're floating around in the atmosphere like dirty clouds. That's why people meditate, to provide clean protection around themselves. Hold your mind quiet and still while visualizing and saying a mantra of positive and healthy light.
I've posted a few youtube links below that I have personally listened to and find enlightening. Let your instincts be your guide when or if to listen. Information gathering is important, but when you can't handle any more information, then simply focus on love. Light is information, love is peacefully surrendering and accepting all that is. Picture the sun above your head and breathe it into your heart. It is like throwing your golden lasso up into the sky to latch onto something firm up there. Trust it. Let your higher self be your guide. All the good that you have EVER done over many lifetimes rises upward to heaven and is gathered into your higher self. Trust yourself. Trust your higher self, if you can't trust your lower self. Love is all there is. Everything that is wrong is returned back to the light and is no more wrong
4/25/20 Gosia - Discussions with Extraterrestrials from Taygeta, Pleiades (1 hour 28 min)
(35:56) Q: Are the humans in this artificial 3D voluntarily? And have you also passed through this training? Answer: They are there of their own decision. And all races have gone through that too, in their own way. But they have been through the same thing. And on Earth and all races are experiencing the same as humans through their star seeds. Q: Svarru, you said that humans are contained so that they do not come out to manifest nightmares, but they manifest nightmares because they were cut from the source by 3D. Federation has cut their connection off, hasn't it? Answer: Connection was cut but not entirely. As I have explained countless times, there are no limits to consciousness. That of being trapped in 3D is just an excuse for not being and not exercising your power. That is the challenge to overcome from Earth. Returning home even with those apparent limitations. Finding enlightenment from a low, dense plane. Precisely for that, the connection with the original source was also limited. It is only apparent. As I said to exhaustion, the only thing that limits them is the IDEA that they are limited.
4/25/20 Aita Channeling her higher self (website)
Saying no to negativity is our job here on this Earth. It is the advanced Soul that can withstand the pressure of its environment to say no to the ideas it is born into. We are entrained into it to sort out what we prefer and what we don’t prefer. Lessons of love are brought up repeatedly for us to help us change our behavior.
4/24/20 Coralie at Ashtar Command Crew (Website)
Click link here. Speak up and change the system The Spiritual Hierarchy says there is a rare window of opportunity open for your voice to be heard. The voice of the people is now necessary to help the shift the planet into a more awakened state. Includes a letter you can modify to send out. Love Is always the answer
4/23/20 Lorie Ladd - Reconnect with your body, a message from the Lyrans (Video)
The human body is a consciousness and it knows exactly what to do. It's been designed to be a fine-tuned machine. The problem we have when we move into the body you feel everything, you hear everything, you become very sensitive. It's designed that way. So our role, as we are consciously ascending, especially right now because it's accelerating very quickly, is to consciously get into our body, over and over and over again so that we can connect it because everything is occurring INSIDE our bodies. Our ability to connect to our higher self, inside our body. Our ability to feel, energies higher dimensional consicousenss, star families, everything happens inside the body. Your multidimensional senses, your third eye, the abilities we're going to start receiving, inside the body. It's like a hard-drive in the computer. Our body holds everything.
That's all for now. Peace and stillness to you. Much love to all. Namaste from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
4/24/20 Peering behind the scenes of the pandemic
Love is all there is!
More people are coming forward to tell what they know - that the covid scare is a coverup for a battle that was at first non-existent, and then news started to seep slowly out into the open, through alternative media sources. What is going on, anyway. What's happening? Now from the four corners of the world, and also from extraterrestrial intelligence fleets overhead in the skies (and on the ground undercover), bits and pieces of the truth are starting to surface. Since we are come from different backgrounds and interests, no one person has all of the truth. But when many people start saying the same thing, the picture starts to become clearer. We have all contributed to the problem and yet, we all contain bits and pieces of the solution because we are conscious beings expanding our understanding. The solution is transcendence through love and light. Light is information. Trust your own feelings. Be your own guide. Check into some of the following links to gain more knowledge. Remember that love is all there is. Stay in the center of your heart where love comes through into the body and out into the world. Hold the calm center with a loving nature and an open mind. Watch the world picture unfold with gladness in your heart. Bless the world.
4/24/20 A Corona message from a spiritual leader from the Andes (video)
An inspiring message by a woman from Colombia who moved to Los Angeles at the end of March 2020, just at the time when the lockdown occurred due to the coronavirus. She speaks to the spiritual leaders of the Cordillera of the Andes in her native tongue, with English translations. Beautifully said and a reminder that lightworkers are all over the planet.
4/24/20 Steve Beckow - We the people (website)
Steve Beckow blogs every day on Goldenageofgaia about world affairs, and posts important contributions from others as well. Today's blog is about how "We the people" are winning the battle. He has posted many other articles on his website. It is a good source to check from time to time.
4/22/2 David Wilcock - Wikileaks Dumps All Files! (video 2 hours)
David Wilcock has many videos recently. I won't post them all here because they have been blocked and wouldn't go through in the past. But I'll try this one and see it works. It is the latest from him.
4/22/20 Gosia channeling Aneeka, Pleiadian - Global situation update (video)
Extraterrestrial intelligence reporting that the virus in addition to being just media disinformation, there are many cases of real deaths but they are caused by radiation same symptoms as sars virus - it is nano technology in the form of intelligent powder present in vaccines. Mainly influenza. Vaccines "contain heavy metals to increase reactivity to electromagnetic radiation so that the virus is a 5G-compatible, 60 megahertz technology-activated nano powder reaction."
4/21/20 David Icke Interview - Who's pulling the strings on this pandemic? (video)
David Icke has been talking about this for over 30 years. He has a huge following. Listen to this interview. He is passionate about what's happening.
4/16/20 Gosia channeling Swaruu D'Jedi Ronin, Pleiadian (video)
Swaruu of the Pleiades explains the esoteric causes of the reptilian mind as accumulations of fear built up into thoughtforms over time, which gain sufficient momentum to take on a collective group mind. They influence the thoughts of people who contribute to the forcefield. Swaruu says these appear as reality but are artificial creations. They have been created by humans, and humans have to dismantel them. Love overcomes shadow monsters and illusions. Lightworkers have embodied at this time to help dismantle, defuse and disarm the dark forces by radiating higher love vibrations. They are considered non-human.
4/10/20 Laura Eisenhower - Message to the Dark Controllers (video 14 min)
Granddaughter of President Eisenhower, tells how her grandfather met with extraterrestrials, both malevalent ones and benevolent ones. She gives a stern lecture to the dark ones who have harmed, tortured and abused people and reaffirms for us our sovereign rights as free individuals.
4/2/20 Matthew Ward - channeled thru his mother Suzie Ward (website)
Matthew speaks compassionately from heaven and the spirit world. "What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because [star] family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent." He goes on to speak about those who die as a result of the virus and soul contracts.
That's all I have time to gather for now. I've seen many more articles and youtubes that are SO exciting to read. I would list them all but collecting them takes time. There is more and more truth-tellers coming out every day. We are living in exciting times. I know there are hardships out there. Many people are hurting, suffering and having difficulties that seem hopeless. But I choose to focus the spotlight on the positive news and not the suffering. We all can do much more good for our communities by being being uplifting, happy, joyful and by blessing the world with our radiant love and light. Even a bad situation can be lightened by slowly down and calling one's higher self. Don't fall into the fear please. Enjoy the Now moment of being alive. Be with people who strengthen you, not people who drag you down. Joy eradicates bacteria in your body. Many blessings to all. Be true to yourself, stay grounded, stay centered and stay in love.
Much love to all. Namaste from all Lightworkers, Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
4/21/20 Rapid expansion of new information
This was a blog I posted on Sunday on Anakosha, and since it includes some new information I decided to send it out in newsletter form since many do not read the Anakosha site.
"A little catchup is in order. My attention which was originally put to blogging, has been spreading out to further and wider spaces. Lots of changes are taking place on the surface as inner awareness is expanding. Several weeks ago I posted a new page on this website called COUPLES, with plans for a glorious future for couples in love, but today I replaced it with DISCLOSURE.
Whew. This rapid expansion of new information that is coming out of the woodwork (not yet in the mainstream news but alternate sources) is very difficult to keep up with. But I am committed to the light and I can't NOT include it into my ongoing blog. The light is information. The light is truth. The light is love. The light is peace. Humanity is gearing up worldwide to changing over from a hostile world to a peaceful world. Plan for a period of chaos before we get there, but not military chaos as in a war. No. The chaos that is going to affect all of us is psychological and emotional. It is going to be very, very important to stay grounded. BREATHE!
As these ground-breaking, earth-shattering revelations come out - that we have had the wool pulled down over our eyes, it will be like a kick in the stomach. We trusted the authorities. They were our gods. We relied on them to do the right thing. We always have. So when they turn out to be small little people hiding behind a curtain, we need to suddenly grow up and not cry like babies. The role ahead of us is to be mature and discerning. Adults who can control our shock. The dark leaders of the world are being taken out. We will learn as the plan proceeds. It will out slowly.
We would never be able to accomplish this cleansing of the planet alone, humanity alone, without higher help since the earth and its population have become riddled through and through with shadow energy. It's part of our life now. There is "not light" in us. We could not survive here without the shadow running through us. So we are going to have to allow the "not light" to be drained away from us., and it's going to be difficult for those who have a LOT of it. Earth would have been long gone as a planet by now - it would have disappeared from the solar system - if it had not been for the celestials, galactics, ascended masters, archangels and others higher in evolution watching over us. The intervention that we are in the midst of right now, the change-over called the shift, has been very carefully planned by moderating the human race on a minute to minute and hour by hour basis. They are beaming love and light down at us from many ships orbiting the skies. We have been mercifully protected from knowing too much too fast, but at the same time we have been spoon fed information and love to wake us up. It had to be gentle and careful or it would injure our minds and our emotional stability.
But the truth has to be told and IS being told - that humanity has been living on a prison planet for millennia. We thought we were the only intelligent species in the universe but that was the dark's agenda who infiltrated our world. Steps were taken to keep us in the dark. But don't fret. It's not all bad. We are waking up and we are being blessed and loved and nurtured as we wake up to our own personal amazing truth that we are beautiful whole and complete human beings. We are not sinners after all. It was all a lie. We are coming into, slowly and gradually, the truth of our own identity. Who we are among the other celestials. We know what we know. We just didn't believe it. We are going to start believing it now. We are going to start trusting our own inner knowledge now. We are going to say, "I KNEW that was not right! I just KNEW it!"
On the same taken, we are going to have to accept the fact that we are mere babes in the wood, spiritually speaking. We ARE spiritual beings, after all. Even if we don't know that, we will soon find out. We will start remembering. Then we will have to say, "But which way is Home? Where is Home and where do we go from here? Where is our mother and father?" For there is a mother and father, and we instinctively know that. But we've been manipulated into thinking we were sinners by the leaders of orthodox religion who held us in their grip. I left the church when I was 21 because I saw it then, and many have, but there are still a lot of people who still trust the church. We've been in the hands of dark intelligences all of our life, and all our parent's lives, and all our grandparents lives, and all THEIR parents and grandparents lives and on down the ancestral line, we have carried over the dark side. But there is no one to blame. We should not blame. Instead, we need to pick up our marbles and turn around and go home. Look for the path that takes us Home. We are all going Home.
We are being led there. Trust the new lightening process taking place. News coming out will shock you. We are going back into the light, and the whistle-blowers and truth-tellers are helping us get there. We have to look the lie in the eye and see it for what it is and refuse to accept it. With grace. Through contacts with higher intelligent beings, we will learn not to fight against it but go with the flow, as the news unfolds and is lay out in front of us and everyone to see. The information is being disseminated. I posted two new videos that were released this month by well-educated doctors who are, as they say, pissed! They are talking. Humanity is unfolding its wings. We are intelligent. We are wise. We just didn't know. We can govern ourselves. We just were told we couldn't. We only need to start trusting our innate knowledge. Trust what is happening. It is a process unfolding. A few bumps here and there will not stop it. Just go with the flow and use your shock-absorbers. Rely on love and the comfort of your family and friends. Rely on your heart which is your feeling nature, your empathy and your instinct. These are leading us to trust in ourselves and to STOP trusting the so-called authorities. Let the collapse happen knowing it is only temporary because there is a backup plan by the higher light forces. They have it under control. The safety blankets are in place.
Seek the truth within yourself. Take time to contemplate and to listen to your self speak to you. Learn to love yourself. Love of self means taking time out to spend time with yourself. To get to know yourself. To feel what yourself is feeling and what it is saying. Take time to listen now. It's not selfish to be in love with yourself. It is not narcissistic to think of yourself first. It is not greedy to fill yourself with consideration and awareness and sensitivity and become vulnerable with yourself and to cry, because that's how you love yourself. Crying is a release and then more love can come in. When you have given yourself enough love you will feel peaceful and deep and grounded. Then you will have enough love and consideration to give to others. A dying man or woman is of no help to society or a family, so fill yourself with love each morning before going out the door. We are being told to help ourselves FIRST. To cultivate ourselves first and take responsibility for ourselves. And if you need help, ask. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Then someone else will feel genuinely proud to be of service. Meditate on this. Take time out to contemplate on this that is coming. Take time out to feel the peace within.
Beautiful, highly evolved, intelligent beings are working behind the scenes to help us grow up and take charge of our own lives so stop being vulnerable to the wrong people, and start rebuilding our communities with happiness. Don't be afraid to seek comfort with friends and with those you trust. Don't be afraid to open your heart to those who are in synergy with you.
Many blessings to all. Please check out the DISCLOSURE page when you have time. Be true to your Self and stay grounded. Much love to all. Namaste from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
4/18/20 Just an update - a stream of consciousness
Sending you all hugs, dear wonderful friends. Close intimate feelings of love and togetherness coming to you. It has been over a week since I wrote last. This is a simple update to keep my connections alive during the social distancing. It has been a quiet time during the pandemic. The request to self-quarantine has kept us appropriately away from each other. And while it is sad, there are benefits I think for all of us having this time to reflect. I have had many insights and evolutionary changes by myself alone, PLUS I have been absorbing articles and videos from many sources. They keep me informed of the underworld activities that are being supported and managed by the overworlds, the heavens, the light realms and celestials. I trust them implicitly.
Thank you to my goddess friends, Tamsen, Michele, Trisha, Elle, Deborah, Pat and Lisa. I have been in touch with all of you by email, except I have dropped the ball with Tamsen because I don't like telephones. Tamsen just had a hip replacement which took her away from her craft shows for a period of recuperation, but I see her on Facebook now that she is active again in Hawaii.
The peace and quiet here has not been boring. Doug has a project that he is intensely working on, and I have been spending my time in higher realms alone. Suddenly yesterday I had a visitor! Yay! Lisa came to, first, discuss some legal matters with Doug, but she stayed on for five hours. Doug's connection was important because he's a man, and the male energy is very grounding. He grounded us. But then we moved out onto the patio for girl talk without him. And from there we moved out to the pasture to watch the sun go down. What a wonderful time. Having that time alone with Lisa was actually freeing. For a few moments during our conversation, I actually felt as if I had been cut free from the body. I experienced that "cut loose" feeling where I could have conquered the world. For about five minutes I was reminded what life is going to be like in the near future, when we arrive in the fifth dimension and we'll still be here to enjoy our physicality. Have you ever felt totally free? I wish I could share that feeling. I've felt it before and it keeps drawing me ever onward to reach it.
Well, anyway, as a result of this extended and most wonderful time together, Lisa and I have decided to meet next week again. We don't know what day. That will be decided upon as the spirit moves us. While I would LOVE to offer a group meeting here, it is too soon, plus it would require an agenda. There are happenings going on below the surface world which signals discretion. Harmony has not yet arrived on the planet. It will. However, with that in mind, I invite anyone who feels the urge - the freedom urge - to come and visit me, to please obey that urge. Contact me for a date and time. We have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow, but by staying in the comfort of our own safety, we stay in comfort of NOW time. It's the best place to be in the know. We will know when it's time to move and become active. I do go out from time to time, like to the store for groceries. And Monday I'll go to the chiropractor who has remained open during the pandemic.
I have dedicated myself to the light, so there is no sense of hurry where I live. Having discarded the chase and dropped all plans for the future, there is no agenda pulling me. It's close to feeling in bliss, but I'm aware that the world is about to erupt into chaos. All is not in harmony but It is coming closer. It is descending from the higher realms down to meet those who are on the earth drawing it in. Those who are committed to the light are stationed all around the world and we are focusing on the beautiful garden of love, peace and harmony that is coming. We are bringing it down to the ground. I feel the presence of many people around me, on this property, in this section of Florida. I see them beyond sight. It is a presence,, like a shimmering something wavering in the air. It hasn't solidified yet, but it's coming. None of us knows when it's coming or how or what it will look like, but it is moving closer. That's why there is chaos. Education is needed. Education is light. The light is coming. It can't come too soon or it will blind people. So it comes in stages.
It is very interesting. Whenever I spend alone time with someone for genuine, honest reflection
together, I always come away from that meeting feeling free. Hello, Marcus, I miss you! When we meet in person, even without touching, we communicate. Our auras overlap when we sit within 4 or 5 feet from each other across a table. It's the quantum field the physicists talk about. It extends on out beyond us into the pastures and woods and towns and homes and beyond. It flows. We are in the flow. We are becoming conscious.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of "Biology of Belief" says that our thoughts are not confined to the brain. Our mental body covers us from head to toe. He says that we radiate our thoughts out into the wider space around us, and our electromagnetic field joins with the fields of others nearby. All together we have a collective. So when we meet together in person we are grounding the light better than when we are communicating by email or phone at a distance. Lisa and I felt grounded and at peace while sitting in the pasture with our bare feet on the soft rug which I brought out, because the grass is all dry and crispy.
The unseen things of the heart can be seen and felt better when we're in close proximity to each other. More of can be communicated in spirit when we are in the presence of a friend. And in moments of silence there is this on-going connection that continues to take place that is active on a higher level. The quantum field. I think it works better outdoors, actually, then inside four walls. When we stopped talking and looked into the sky in a pause, suddenly one of us erupts with a new thought just received. Moments of silence are nourishing when they can e had in the presence of friends, when our personal auras meld. Words cannot speak the language of soul, but souls do communicate. We are so much more than what we believe we are. My sister said on her death bed as she was leaving her body, "I'm not what I thought I was." We come from infinity, from space and we are constantly striving to bring that consciousness down into our finite physical present. I think we do it better when we are outdoors. I foresee a time when we can have group meetings here again, but I think it will be in a different manner than was done before. It will be more free, more fluid, more in harmony. It will be more fulfilling for everyone.
And on that note I'd like to introduce a video. Click this link to hear it but I'll provide a brief summary. There are three people talking. Just this morning they posted this request, April 18, around 8 am, on youtube. Ken sent it to me in NJ. Thanks, Ken. The three people are Nia Peeples, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Rashid Buttar. I transcribed some bits and pieces.
Nia begins: This is a very, very special announcement. The three of us have come together, me, I'm Nia Peeples, Dr. Buttar and Dr. Lipton. We are coming to you today to ask and invite you into something that is very powerful for very special reasons. It is a unique time on the planet as we all know. And ultimately when we drop right down into it, the most powerful place we can move from is from the state of love. And with that I'll move it over to Dr. Buttar.
Dr. Buttar says: I have a military background and I was aware of a very critical thing that may be happening on Sunday. Details are not important. The only thing that is important is that the energy that the planet experiences over the next 24-48 hours is as powerful as it can be, and we have the ability to shift, literally shift the planet. After I'm done with my spiel here then Dr. Lipton is going to show us exactly HOW to shift the planet. The point is that we need to have, hold that love and that gratitude and that compassion in our hearts, and starting at 11 pm or am wherever you are, the first time the clock hits 11 I want you to collectively hold the attention of love and gratitude for the rest of humanity for our planet, for the new evolutionary process that we are going towards. So that every hour there are millions of people that are setting that intention, holding that intention and it broadcasts every hour and takes us from Saturday night til Sunday. Wherever you are in the world just start at 11. In fact, just do it for 48 hours, every time the clock hits 11.
Dr. Lipton next says (author of "Biology of Belief"): How does having a thought in your head affect the world? Well, let's start with this most important scientific fact: The most valid truthful science on earth is quantum physics. There is no science that has been tested or affirmed more than quantum physics. So if we're going to question a science, the last one I would question is quantum physics and its relevance. Because quantum physics is the science that recognizes that consciousness is creating our life experiences. That we, through our mind, are manifesting a reality. And there's a collective reality through collective consciousness. You say, Well, how can my mind be influencing the outside world because it's in my head! And I say, Yes, you're right. If I put wires on your head I could read your brain activity through the electroencephlograph. I can read your brain functions inside. However there's a new technology called magnetoencephalography, MEG not EEG, and it reads brain function without touching the head! The probe is outside. I could read your internal brain functions with a probe on the outside. Our thoughts are not contained in our head. Our thoughts are broadcast. Our brains are like tuning forks. The more individuals share a common thought, the more power that vibration is given. The power of the vibration determines the unfoldment of life on this planet. How many people are sharing a belief system? And so what we are calling upon right now is, in the next couple of days at 11 am or pm wherever you are in either time, put your thoughts into a vision of a world of being healthy, happy, evolving into a beautiful community, a garden. If we collectively broadcast these thoughts, the amplitude of individuals, the numbers, millions of individuals will empower that thought to help facilitate a change in our evolution. Your thinking is not just a by-product of something going on. Your thinking is an active agent engaging in change on this planet. And what we're calling upon you right now is to recognize this. We must have new thoughts. The thoughts of fear from the covid virus is actually distorting who we are. And actually, in a real sense of biology, creating a bigger problem with the fear. It's time for us to change that. It's already been demonstrated through satellite studies of the electromagnetic fields of the earth, that when humans collectively are involved with a thought process, it actually changes the electromagnetic fields of the earth, which is giving shape to the physical reality. So, it's not just a nice suggestion, it's a scientific reality. Take the time. Focus your thoughts on health, harmony and a beautiful garden, and then
collectively we will manifest those. (end quote)
I love the concept of the quantum field that he speaks about. Perhaps I have been engaging in the quantum field whenever I talk about love being beyond sex, free of monogamy and free of emotional entanglements yet totally complete and fulfilling as a human being. I had a dream back in 2011 which I journaled back then. I'll copy it here:
"I had a wonderful experience last night. I can't even put it into words but will try. It's the new earth and the new energy. I connected with someone, it seemed like David Wilcock. It was his energy, a man, but it was all about freedom, openness, sky, light, and I was meeting up with him and talking with him in a way that was astounding. I was merging and blending with him and the information we were sharing - words were flowing like a river between us. I would say something and it would flow into him and he would add to it and flow it back to me and I would add to it and flow it back to him and he would add to it and flow it back to me and it went on and on like this, as if there were no separation between us. But there was. He was him and I was me. It was so astounding, there are no words for this. And the colors!! Magnificent light-filled colors, predominantly light-filled turquoise and light-filled yellow. These colors were flowing all around me when I woke up. I couldn't believe it. So fantastic. I feel this is how it's going to be in the new earth when we are wholey conscious beings. Pure joy and delight and connection and freedom." (end of dream)
The journey through life is a journey of love unfolding from within our own heart and mind. Our hearts and minds need to be connected more to bring about harmony for ourself. We are a simple spirit spark that built a body around us so we could walk on the earth and smell the fresh cut grass and feel the waters on our skin, but we are still a simple spirit spark coming from love and our journey is to unfold that love into our present earth life. We need loving nourishment from each other to help us ground it here. I am grateful that Lisa came to visit me and I hope others will come and visit too. We can start our own new earth community here. We receive inspirations all the time from our heavenly higher self, but they are easily forgotten where there is no one to share these inspirations with. We need each other to bring that love in and make it practical and real so we can use it and express it freely. We can only do that with our friends and people we trust of like mind, who don't argue with us or obstruct us. It is important to give yourself permission to spend time with someone you are drawn too, with care, understanding, honesty and discernment so as not to create arguments in your wake.
Much love to all. Namaste from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
4/9/20 A song and a message
The Song ....
There is no enemy (a message for humanity)
by Nicholas John Willoughby. More beautiful song links by Nicholas below the Message
The Message....
From Sandra Walters, ascension guide (partial excerpt from her newsletter today)
Weeping over the last week with a sense of deep release? The day before I left Mount Shasta, I received confirmation of what I had received a few days earlier. The children and slaves from the underground dark operations are being set free in the USA. I wept deeply with gratitude - and continue to shed tears of relief and gratitude that this unfoldment is happening right now.
I spoke of this publicly 5 years ago, when the negotiations were unfolding. A compromise was on the table. Rather than the handlers destroying the evidence of these crimes (ie: killing everyone involved), these children - many of whom look very disfigured or unusual - would be quietly released and spend many months in private facilities recovering from this deep trauma. Then they would be fostered by Lightworkers with strong skills and open hearts, and reintroduced to the collective after these operations were exposed. In exchange, many of the managers and handlers of these slaves are being quietly ushered to holding facilities, rather than be publicly exposed. I cannot say the same for their bosses, that was not part of the conversation I was involved in. Personally I have always felt the survival of these children was more important than exposing lesser agendas. Forgiveness rules the day with so many of these revelations, so we may all experience the healing and acceleration of heart-based unity consciousness.
To my dear Brothers and siSTARs who have been visiting these children and adults in Lightbody form, sending light, or involved in the clemency negotiations all of these years; take a moment to witness and feel the deep heart release through the collective.
All is collapsing in the photonic amplification, with as much ease and grace as possible. That is all I can say on this topic, this update is just going to my Newsletter list. I won’t be answering any questions about this. I have no intel on other countries.
Many have been focusing on arrests, rather than who is freed by the dismantling this year. You may etherically connect with these children and adults, and send some celebratory support. Let them know we are cheering their release and recovery. Let the freedom be felt and fostered by our Christed Hearts in this Now.
More songs by Nicholas
This effortless embrace
I am the wound
Love - deep as death
I will wait for you
Namaste! With love from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
4/7/20 - Introducing the light body and the layers of dark & light in us
Watch out! The LIGHT is winning!
Hello dear friends!
You might look old but you are exactly right and beautiful in your light body, eternally youthful and beautiful. You never age. You were created different from everyone else as a spirit spark. Each spirit spark is unique. Your light body is an immaculate blueprint of who you are intended to become in your body. You were created in the beginning and it will be forever you. It is now a matter of remembering. Learning about your Light body will help you connect with it. Use a photo of yourself as a beginning. A photo that you really love about yourself, maybe younger or taken at another time, but if it's one that you identify with and you love it, then it's a beginning. Your light body is a thousand times more beautiful, elegant and regal, but it's the feeling in you that counts. Cultivate the feeling. Mentally accept the feeling of you in the photo. Connect with the feeling of love in you. It is the light body but it doesn‘t come back to you automatically just by thinking. It requires you FEEL it. You have to cultivate the feeling of love for yourself. Accept it and own it. This was taught by the ancient ones in isolated mystery schools as the Christ body.
Fast forward. We have been living on a sub-planet. Think depth. Below. Sub-terrain. When I was in meditation back in the ‘70s I had a vision. I saw the earth as a ball of blackness in space, darker than space, slowly sinking. There was no light on the planet. It was as black as the ace of spades. Suddenly a beam of light came down from somewhere above, the source I couldn't see, and it embedded itself into the earth. And another light beam came down and embedded itself. And another. There were several. And the earth slowly stopped its sinking. It was a haunting revelation that I’ll never forget. But, I have been veiled. I didn’t know how dark the world was at the time. I was protected from knowing until last week.
The news is coming out now that our earth is riddled with caverns beneath the surface and really bad people live there. Myths and legends of monsters are real. We thought they were fun stories to entertain us, to scare us because they weren't real. Suddenly we are learning that they are real and we have been kept under hypnotic influences to not see it. Through TV, movies, media, internet and much much more. It‘s everywhere. It has been built into us in layers from childhood. Today the air is filled with even more sophisticated artificial frequencies tightly woven together so the atmosphere is filled with fumes and smog. They are not coming from factories but from us, the people. We are the ones breathing it in and spewing it out in anger and frustration because we can't stand it. We too are riddled with the smut. Discontent and hopelessness are rampant. But OK, enough of the dark side. I’m here to focus on the LIGHT and the light body.
When I was taken up into the light realms in 1976 it took me years to descend back down into what I didn’t realize was a darkness-soaked world. I didn’t see any dark out there with my physical eyes, but I felt it because I was buoyant. The feeling was similar to trying to dive 20 feet down in the water without weights. You can’t because your body is too light and the water is too heavy. I didn’t understand, but ever since then I have been chasing the light and following every lead, every clue, every suggestion, hint or sniggle of a feeling that promised, “This way back to the light.” So I follow the light-filled messages that are coming in today. What helped me immensely back in the 1970’s after my sojourn into the light, was hugging my way through the swinging lifestyle. Everyone at the time thought it was about sex but it was about being open, loving, honest and free. We cultivated people to be that way and I was able to connect with them in a natural honest way, physically. That saved me and I will never forget. Today I advocate the swinging lifestyle but ONLY if people are honest, free, trained and prepared by a loving teacher. A lot of education is needed. But, moving on and not get distracted.
With the help of affirming light-filled messages coming in today, I have settled into a peaceful lifestyle which is deeply calming. No matter what situation arises in front of me, I draw life support (light support) from the lighter side, the optimistic side, the humorous side, the peaceful side. There is goodness in the world and I latch onto it as a saving grace, no matter what - or try to. I am challenged too like everyone else. There is greater good coming into the world through these light-filled messages than in any classroom or text book. I started out thinking this would be a simple prelude to the Pleiadian transmission below, channeled through Michael Love (the mass meditation was a HUGE success, by the way) but I wanted to tell my side of the story first. Why the light is important. Why I’ve stopped being a striver and searcher because it only causes frenzy and the mind never stops wanting more of what it doesn’t have. With all these wonderful affirmations validating the light, I was able to give up all that striving and wishing for something better. There is nothing better, and I’ve nestled into a serene place, mind and body, with my husband who is also nestled nearby.
From this peaceful place last week I learned about the EVIL going on below us. It's through the light connection that I learned about this because the purging of the evil on the planet has begun. There is something mysterious called the Alliance. I've heard about it for years. They are composed of many people, real people, both of this world and other worlds. They are under the jurisdiction of even higher forces of light. The vision of 1976 comes back. There was a source from the light came from but I couldn't see it from my vantage point. It is light from beyond. I didn’t understand how evil this planet was. Not we the people, but the ones who hold the people in their hands. We have not understood how deeply it was entrenched. David Wilcock among others have been talking about it for years now. I’m not here to discuss the evils of the world but the pandemic is a cover-up for what is actually going on. The virus is real, no doubt, but it is not the real evil. It’s being used now as a cover-up and ruse to keep people inside and safe while an “end-of-the-world” purging is going on. It’s going on deep inside the tunnels beneath our homes and fancy lawns and gardens. It’s also going on inside our layered bodies, minds, feelings, souls.
The LIGHT is doing the work through the Alliance, under the orders of higher forces of Light. The people of the Alliance are those who have committed 100% to the light. I don’t want to talk about the evil, I want to talk about the light. But there is a youtube link at the bottom - the very bottom below my picture - if you really want to know the gory details. It will come out on the news anyway and maybe you‘ve already gotten some glimpses of. But the reason I'm writing is because it is my chosen task to draw attention to the light. People may call others like me and perhaps you, “airy fairy” or “goody two-shoes” but that kind of comment would come from - no offence - someone more aligned to the dark. This is a heads-up about the LIGHT. The light is coming, watch out!
When I went into the light in 1976, I was just a temporary visitor because I still had a physical body. Physical bodies are important to stay on planet earth. The Light does not take you out of your body. When I went into the Light I didn’t know how to get back. We are all here walking around and enjoying our bodies in various ways, but we are REALLY here to learn how to go up into the light and how to come back down and ground it. We are in physicality to learn how to integrate the low into the high, and the high into the low, so we can have it ALL. We are designed to become masters of our bodies. It’s a never-before-known process. You came from the realms of light originally as a unique consciousness, but you are designed to return to the light with a body! A more refined body, but still a body. That is the never-before-known-anywhere-in-the-universe process that we are going through. It's been labeled "ascension". Now there are degrees of light and degrees of darkness, so everyone is different. Every single one of us is different. There are no two of us alike. The dark and the light is our consciousness. Where we have chosen to put our attention and build on it. We have both sides enmeshed and woven into us. We don’t know that. We think all the bad guys are someone else outside of us, certainly not ME! Now we are going to find out. The light is coming. Watch for it.
There is a body of light that surrounds each human being (except for those who went totally evil so they severed their light body and now live off of artificial intelligence.) The body of light keeps us alive while we are in a shadow world like this one. We have all been suffering from amnesia but we DO know goodness when we see it. We are volunteers from the light and we are here to fight the good fight - not by actual fighting to kill but simply by being here in a physical body. We bring the light with us. We have struggled against the wrongness, but there is a huge benefit to not struggling and simply being still and quiet in love and peace. Then we become like a giant radiator sitting quietly on the desert or in a jungle or wherever and radiating. Just by sitting calmly and not moving about in busy-ness and frenzy, except for your essential tasks during this quarantine time, the light from your light body can come through and pierce the outer physical layers and do some physical healing. It can’t come through a person who is discontent and struggling.
We have a layered body. Think of a kitchen appliance called a sieve with holes in it. There are several sieves nestled inside another. If the holes line up, then liquid can pour through. If they don’t line up, the liquid can’t get through. Our bodies are like that. We have layers around us that don't line up. For example, there are invisible layers from our past that hang heavily on us. They would be subconscious to our minds but they are there, nonetheless. They influence how our bodies feel and act. They are tendencies that have carried over from past lives we have lived. The masters refer to this layer as the etheric body.
We also have layers of thought running through us, current thinking composed of confused thoughts, random thoughts, miscellaneous thoughts, angry thoughts, hopeful thoughts, in other words - a mess. We are not organized in our mental body. In addition we have layers of emotions that run through us. Each cell responds to the emotions we allow ourselves to entertain and those emotions often do not get expressed so they are REpressed and SUppressed and locked into the physical cells of our body. When an emotion is triggered the cells go wild and say, "Yeah! Look at me! Look at me!" and go crazy. Our bodies are dumping grounds of past emotions held prisoner inside our skin. We are a race not organized in our emotional body. It's called the astral body.
And higher up there is our spiritual body, which is our higher mental functioning. We think about God, spirit, soul and how it all works. And higher than that is our light body. The light body is our immaculate true self, our higher self. It is our happy self. Our dreams, hopes, plans and excitement are contained in the light body. Our excitement about creating something wonderful and new for the benefit of people, inventions that will make life easier and better for the world, refinements in the way things are done on the planet. how to bring about a better justice system, a better educational system, better healing modalities. We all crave to help the world become a better place. We are not naturally selfish but we've been curtailed. We've been held back from advancing. We've been struck dumb. And we have been so wanting to get started on our dreams and plans. There is SO much we want to see take place but we have been held back. Well, that is the light trying to get through muck and smut that has been bogging humanity back. We didn't know there was evil in the world. The artificial methods of holding back humanity has been layered into physicality through canned, commercialized, industrialized, mechanized methods for many centuries. It is an ancient system of layering and we have been born into it. We have been getting it day and night from birth. We are a product of a system that is now coming to an end. It is a dramatic shift of consciousness. We are the product. We are the consciousness of light burning through the veils. So watch out. The light is coming.
Be aware but do not be afraid. Be glad, not sad. Be astute, not shocked. Be aware of the light that is within and allow it. Step aside and allow it. The light has been systematically blotted out by the thickly woven artificially-created frequencies sent out into the atmosphere and into the people, but there is refinement coming. There is refinement coming that is a clear brain and true heart. It is noble of character, heroic in nature, loving in the extreme and truthful to the point of cutting like a laser of light. We each have a light body surrounding us like a bubble. It is actually a bubble of love. Light and love are synonymous. Light is masculine, love is feminine. We are both. Picture a bubble of pure love, bliss, nirvana, heaven in exquisite transparent rainbow colors. See it with your imagination, your third eye. Draw it in with every breath. You may draw in the frequencies of the dark too, but with free will choice we can choose to focus on the light. Discernment is required. Alertness is a tool. Do we focus our attention on justice or injustice? Do we focus on peace or anger? Do we focus on hate or love? What is our response when we hear news of shock and horror? Were do our thoughts go? Where do our emotions go as a first response to hearing something so horrible we go into shock? Let it not be of fear lest we be zapped into deeper attachment to that which shocked us. It's like being struck by the snake’s tongue which flicks out to a bug and back in to swallow it whole.
Practice responding to shock and horror with light-filled and love-filled responses. We are being prompted to arm ourselves with knowledge about the light as a power to inform and love as a power to heal. These are our origins where we came from. We came from goodness. The power of light and love are real, the dark is an artificially created “thing”.
During this pandemic as we undergo voluntary withdrawal and are sequestered inside our homes, let us cultivate stillness and peace. Meditate. Search the internet for meditation techniques that speak to you. Don’t kick the walls out of frustration. Suck it up and find a better way to use that energy. During this planetary cleansing process, the light is returning to ourselves and also to our neighbors as well. Even if we feel isolated without friends or family, the light is inside us. We have a light body. It is functioning as the consciousness of the plaent rises to higher ground. We only need to be aware and stay calm, not thrash out or be afraid. Peace and calm are returning to the planet in these days of self-isolation. If there are problems at home, turn to the graceful ways of the light and love and noble character. Be bigger than the problem. It is only the artificial ego that wants to fight back.
Now, at this point I had planned to include the message from the Pleiadians through Michael Love but I will send it immediately following in another email because this one is too long. It should be read fresh from the start. [Ed: Message is posted on the Galactic page, 4/7/20, no need to post it twice]
Namaste and many blessings to you wherever you are from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics and me!
(Link to military operations:
4/4/20 - Global meditation tonight at 10:45 pm to end coronavirus
FL time - Sat. 10:45 pm
Universal time UTC - Sun 2:45 am
Hello dear friends!
Though this is late, the world is being asked to join a 20 minute mass meditation tonight (Saturday, April 4) at 10:45 pm - Eastern Standard Time. There is a link below that you can tune into of a lovely guided meditation to help you focus on where to put your attention. It is for clearing the Earth of the corona virus specifically. It is 20 minutes long. So please add your light to the millions of others tonight who will be doing the same thing during this time. The corona virus cannot live in high vibrations. You can meditate before or after this time, or as often as you like, which would be very beneficial. But for this 20 minutes, there will be millions of people doing it, so add your light and we'll see how high we can go! There will be follow-up reports, I am sure. I'll pass them along. Guided meditation:
On another note, my ancient email program (Eurdora) is freezing up on me. It is allowing me to get this out to you today, but if you don't hear from me for a while, that's the reason. It is OK. I expect changes to take place in my world. The whole entire planet is undergoing a cleansing process. We are told that the internet will probably go down for a few days so that the light forces (the Alliance) can "de-bug" it. There is much we are not privy to. A battle of forces is taking place and the news media is not reporting it. As dark forces leave or are killed off, the Earth lightens up just that much more. This is affecting our physical bodies too, as well as our financial systems and businesses. Everything is being affected. Changes are inevitable. We have taken our life exceedingly for granted. We thought it would be this way forever. We wish for things to return to normal, but normal is not going to return, thank God. It will be better. Prepare for change. Prepare for betterment. Lift up your eyes to the sky and to the sun and to the creator and be thankful. Be glad, not sad. Ride with the tide and get ready to celebrate. There is a big party coming.
On yet another note, there is something I want to share. Our bodies are experiencing disentanglement from the matrix. You may be experiencing strange sensations that you don't understand. That are different and disturbing. Worrisome. We are fluctuating. The old energies are leaving us. Some may not notice it, but I am. Our bodies are not falling apart, they are being cleansed of parasites. We are part of the substance of the Earth so we are also part of the transformation that is underway. We have been watching the news about the melting of the ice caps, the earthquakes, the storms, droughts and fires that the Earth is going through, seeing them as something apart from ourselves. But we are part of the system. We too are a species living on the planet, just like all the other species that are disappearing and one by one becoming extinct. Our cells are feeling the Earth changes through visceral, sensual sensations, separate from our intellect.
I've been experiencing very unusual sensations. Sometimes I think I am leaving my body and going to faint. I'm not a fainting type of person but I have felt on occasion, especially after meditating, a disentangling that is weird. My knees buckle and I have to reach to hang onto something. Other times I have felt paralysis in one arm. There are too many incidents to name, and perhaps you have felt some too. Because I have a relationship with my higher self from practicing meditation over the years, I know it will pass but it is bothersome and worrisome. I don't understand it.
I asked the Master DK recently about these strange abnormalities. I don't like to bother him unless I have a really pressing question, but this was really bothering me and I needed an answer. (The Ascendeds say NEVER hesitate to ask but of course I do.) And this is what he told me.
The old matrix is leaving. The old energies are losing their power to stay attached to your cells. During your meditation you came into such high vibrations they could not stay attached and they left. Old energies leave when you raise your vibrations, but your divine presence is there behind it to support you. Don't be afraid. The real you cannot leave because you ARE you and you are the God of your being. When the old artificial matrix energies leave you, your spirit is there to keep you standing and fully intact. You will suffer a momentary shift as the artificial support is removed, but then you will stabilize as your pure spiritual self is felt. You are very much a part of this process. Be aware of this shift away from dependency on artificial structures to clearer, healthier, purer structure that underlies you. Your spiritual high Self. has always sustained your physical vehicle. The artificial matrix, which you are not aware of, is a parasite living off of pure spirit. It is good to have it leave you. When a strange sensation seems to "attack" you, it is not an attack. It is the old matrix disengaging from your physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual layers. When you rise in frequency and vibration, you can no longer sustain the lower frequencies. This is happening without your awareness or knowledge. This negative force has been structured into you in layers so that your real Self is difficult to find. You have adapted to its presence. It was your normal.
Now that it is leaving you will experience unusual sensations that will cause you to worry, but do not worry. It is a cleansing process. You are in the hands of heaven's realms. Angelic presences and galactic beings are here assisting this spectacular change-over from a dark shadow planet to a light-filled one. The shadows are leaving. This is a deeply personal journey. No one can take this journey for another human being. Even the children will know what to do. They are more aware than adults and closer to their God Self.
Sometimes you go to the doctor and he finds nothing wrong with you after undergoing tests. That is because the standard medical equipment is of the old matrix. While new higher energy machines are coming on line, many of them are not being used. The old energy machines cannot detect higher vibrations. They are not refined enough. They will come in time as high energies come into people. Meanwhile, doctors will say, “Nothing is wrong." And they tell you to go home. It is mystifying. Allow low energies to leave you. You may experience nausea, dizziness, momentary blackouts, paralysis, unusual sickening feelings, sensation of disentangling as if you are going to faint or lose consciousness. Sensations will differ. But not pain. Do not be afraid of pain. It is not about pain. The matrix is embedded deeply into layers beyond the physical. These are the sub-structures and sub-sub-structures that are disentangling. It is like pulling the rug out from under your feet. You have relied on these sub-sub-structures for support all your life. When they are suddenly pulled away, you will feel it. This is not cause to worry. It is cause to celebrate! Be happy and notice how you feel in the coming days that follow.
There are those who will question this for they have relied on doctors all their lives. Some do not know how to trust their higher Self. Then, follow your instincts. Do what you feel is right for you, especially in these days of self quarantine when you think twice about going to a doctor. Trust your instincts. Say, "Dear God, help me!" and listen. Take a moment to listen. Expand your mind out, out, out - far out around you like a big balloon inflating - and listen. Go softly out into the refined zones of your higher Self and ask "Dear God, what should I do?" And listen. There is a sparkling sun above your head that cannot be seen, and it comes down through the top of your head and goes directly into your heart. Your heart is highly intelligent. There is a light in your heart and a light above your head that is not on this material plane. Know that it is there. Ask it and then listen. Be receptive. That is the divine feminine in you. The feminine is that which is receptive, still, quiet and allows and embraces the wholeness. Within the wholeness that are answers. Just listen.
The real you is eternal immortal. Trust it. You have not known your real self for a long time. Soon you will begin to feel its Presence.
Blessings, love and light to you. Namaste, from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics, and me!
4/1/20 - The real reason the world has shut down
It won't be long - it's all positive and good news is coming
A big warm wonderful hug to everyone today, April 1st, 2020. Peace, love and light from me to you. We are in interesting times. The Zen master reminds us to stay in the moment. He laughs when he says, "Enlightenment is not on the path. The path is just a path. There can only be a path if there is somewhere to go, and there can only be somewhere to go if here and now is not perfect!" In other words, don't hurry to go somewhere. Stay at home and be in love. Love yourself. That is what we are being guided to do at this time. Spend time loving your body, your organs, heart, muscles and feel the peace that comes from that. Give yourself love now that you are not so busy. This is a test that is a blessing.
I am forwarding new information today. This comes from sources outside of traditional, and even outside the alternative news media. You may not resonate with it. If you don't, just move on and let it go, there are some who will resonate with it. Just follow your gut feelings and always stay safe within your own space.
The first two are channeled by Michael Love, the third is through Daniel Scranton. I've been following both for a while now. Michael Love receives transmissions from the Galactic Federation of Light, specifically the Pleiadians who are among the races working closely with the Earth Alliance to combat the darkness on the planet. A major plan has been underway for a long time and it is NOW that the trigger is being pulled to put it into action. We have been kept in the dark about it for our own sake, we don't need to know - as they say "it's complicated." I have posted the following on both and also on Check them for further updates.
4/1/20 The Arcturians via Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the shifts that are going on within you as individuals. We have noticed how the cabin fever effect has been forcing more humans to face what has been going on inside of you, and we want you to know that what you’ve been able to accomplish just by being cooped up there in your homes is quite astonishing. Many have had to face truths about themselves, their relationships, and where they get their sense of self worth from as a consequence of not being able to do as much.
By not being able to go out into the world and be so action-oriented, there has been a heightened awareness within many of their Divine Feminine Essence. You all have been taught from a very young age that what you do is what matters most, and there has been less of an emphasis on the importance of how you feel. That is all changing now that you have to do less and feel more. You have to operate more from your Divine Feminine Essence in order to receive help, in order to receive healing, in order to receive anything, and that is a very good thing.
When the virus became a pandemic, a lot of people began to think about shortage, a shortage of what they need in order to survive and to live comfortably. Very few were taking the perspective on that everything was going to be okay and that there is plenty of everything to go around. The truth is, however, that there were enough of you embracing that Divine Feminine Essence to increase the receiving factor in all of this. There is, of course, plenty to go around. You have had more than enough resources there on Earth to feed, clothe, and house every single human being comfortably, but that isn’t how it has played out there.
Now is a wonderful time for people to recognize that you not only have enough resources there on Earth for everyone, but you also have energetic help coming from the higher realms. When you allow yourselves to receive energetically, you will then be able to receive on the physical level. When you are only focused on the physical level, and you ignore the energetic, that’s when you start to feel the squeeze of the shortage mentality, and that is something that needs to change there on Earth. The fact that it is changing is yet another positive outcome that you are moving towards every single day.
Be excited about this time and about the opportunity that it is presenting you with, and be the leaders to the rest of humanity that you were born to be, as you go within, and as you do not panic, and as you access more of that Divine Feminine Essence that allows you to receive from this abundant world that you live on and the abundant universe that we all share together.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Namaste, from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics, and me!
4/1/20 - Earth Alliance Update - Pleiadian Light Forces Transmissions via Michael Love (3/29/20)
4/1/20 - Earth Alliance Update - Pleiadian Light Forces Transmission via Michael Love (3/25/20)
3/28/20 - Light language as a self-healing tool
Blessings, joy, peace and calm to all during this time of great fear and wonderment. Yesterday I read too much about the pandemic and ended up with a bad headache, not normal for me. I usually stay in higher planes where everything is calm and serene. But I've been trying to dip down into the lower vibrations and read what is going on in order to a part of it and engage, but it's taking a toll. I think I'll go back to where I belong! We are each one living inside our own created sphere of reality, and I have created a nice reality for myself. Since I have begun reading both sides of the coin - the high vibrational stuff and the lower vibrational stuff - last night I hit overwhelm. I had to excuse myself and retire to the meditation room. I shut off the electronics at 9:30, closed the door on the world and began toning light language.
If you don't know what light language is, I want to introduce you to it. You might find it useful in these days. It is a meditation with spirit. It has always been considered a GIFT from spirit but light language has become a very popular interest in this new age, like yoga and meditation and other spiritual techniques. It is being taught. If you google light language you will get 4 billion results, and youtubes of people showing how they do it. Spirit is coming out full-bore in normal average people. Spirit is thriving and light language is a healing tool.
First, you have to be alone. First, to avoid feeling embarrassed for you will sound strange practicing this. But secondly, you should be in a spiritually-focused state. Focus Godward, humble and contemplative. Find a quiet place, away from people and electronics, and assume a comfortable, relaxed position. Now meditation requires focusing your mind, this does not. You don't use your mind or have to imagine or visualize anything. Just start humming to yourself, hum in a soft sing-song way, loose and relaxed.
Humming soothes the brain, mind and body. It's relaxing. You have a divine matrix running through you and you have a human matrix running through you. The human is always in charge, blotting out the divine. The human matrix is the part that gets off-kilter. Humming soothes the human matrix, like singing a lullaby to a baby to put it to sleep. When the baby is still, its divine nature takes over. So it is with adults. The natural tendency to soothe and heal is natural in everyone.
After humming for awhile, let your lips part, move your tongue around and let yourself utter syllables of nonsensical sounds. Gibberish. You are only practicing. Don't expect spirit to take over. You are the human at this point setting the stage by letting your body know you are going to let it speak for itself. You are going to surrender being in control and let your body release its tensions and restraints. When you hear people on youtubes speaking light language, it is always different. No two people speak the same language because it is spirit in combination with that person's past accumulations of whatever they have been through that now is being released. The divine matrix (spirit) is returning you back to your natural self, healthy and feeling good. It is calming. It is soothing. Humming and light language is calming. It has also been called speaking in tongues in the Pentecostal religion.
The divinity in your body is subordinate to the human ideas that govern you during waking hours. Everyone born here is governed by the human matrix when they are actually divine on inner levels. And we know this because - don't you believe you're going to live forever? At least until you grow decrepit and then you accept you probably will die. But young people don't believe they are going to die! But we are all rather stuck here in human form and so we adapt to the human matrix and forget about our spiritual life within. Most of us have turned away from religion because so much of it was meaningless, but the spirit is still alive and thriving within. It keeps us alive and functioning even as we run around being disruptive, complaining, trying to control everything and being disorganized, fragmented, and all the while building tension and confusion.
The divine self within is loving, patient and wise. It won't interfere without an invitation, which is done by surrendering all activity. Stop the mind, stop the arms and legs from moving, stop the tension and bow the head to a greater force - and hummmmmm. Wrong thoughts invade your psyche if you are out in the world with other people. Even too much time with positive-thinking people will cause disturbance. After enough exposure to energies that do not belong to you, you want to explode or release. Some explode in anger. Most people are not aware that this is happening to them until it's too late. I caught myself in time last night. I was growing agitated and starting to spew negatives out loud. We forget ourselves. Most people are not aware that there is a divinity living within them. I do so there's no excuse for me to let it go so long.
So I retreated to my meditation room and withdrew into silence. Light language came abruptly. It just popped out and I allowed it to gentle me down. After an hour I was ready to lie down and go to sleep, but far away and out of earshot of electronics please! I needed the comfort of my own energies at peace and in harmony inside me. Light language is a wonderfully soothing and intimate connecting with oneself. There is no other person in the world who can match frequencies with YOU except your own spirit.
We love being with our friends and being out and about doing the work we are supposed to be doing. But even uplifting, positive messages within a group of other people, can draw you away from your own frequency. Then you get "tilted" somewhat by listening too much, too long to someone else's signature energy (frequency) that is not your own. . It may be compatible to a point, but it can never be totally yours because you have a unique spirit running through you. It is this naturalness that is the healing resonance you need the most to keep you healthy and safe. A nap can do the same thing but without your conscious participation.
I do many types of energy exercises which I lump into one phrase "meditation". It balances me.
It keeps me above the fray. I don't get pulled easily into other people's lives, unless spirit leads me to. I've learned to pay attention to my feeling of serenity and balance. But I am here to participate in the world, too, so I have to find a way to do that. I am hoping that when this pandemic diminishes so we don't have to keep our social distance from one another, I can once again have group meetings here. I have a vision and a dream to unfold.
This pandemic is bringing up a lot to deal with. We are being told by higher realms (not human) that it is going to get worse. Not through disease and not because of the coronavirus. It is fear and shock that will unsettle people unless they prepare themselves by becoming stable, centered, balanced and secure in their home life so there is love and emotional support to retreat to. We don't know what is coming - well, some people may know or have hints - but until it is here upon us emotionally we can't deal with it. It's going to bring up things that we'll have to deal with. I've had a few minor instants already, which didn't shock me but surprised me. I didn't know I harbored influences in me. I didn't see them before. Now I have to correct it. It is what comes forth within our SELF that we are going to be shocked by. The chickens coming home to roost. Or, in other words, karma, or past life unresolved things. This is a good place to introduce White Cloud channeled by Blossom Goodchild.
White Cloud through Blossom Goodchild
This is a video of Blossom Goodchild channeling White Cloud, a Native American Indian spirit. He expresses deep compassion and emotion for what we must prepare ourselves for, what we will have to endure before it is finished and the wonderful new world of love and light is here. We have to clean up the residuals within ourselves in this pandemic of fear. It's not "them" doing bad things to us. It is we ourselves who must face our own demons. They will be coming forth and no one is exempt. Who we think are leaders in the field have their demons too. Blossom has been a direct voice channel for White Cloud for 20 years. This was posted yesterday on youtube. White Cloud starts speaking at minute 4:30. Relax and enjoy. Be free.
Feel free to contact me by email if you have need of encouragement. I spend most of my days at the computer or in meditation. Namaste, from the Ascended Masters, Celestials, Galactics, and me,
3/25/20 There is a purging going on planet-wide
Stay indoors and support the purge
Hello dear friends! I am sending love and peace to you today. Messages have been coming to me very strongly, both in the night and during the day when I type personal emails. A message last night woke me up and, as usual I wrote it down. This time there was an strong alert to send it out to my list. I imagine many people are getting these messages and sharing them in whatever manner they have going for them. I have been getting messages for years but have hesitated to rock the boat, it has been too far outside the ordinary accepted ways of the world. Galactics, Ascendeds, Spiritual beings of Light - always with feeling. But now the feeling is, It's time. There is no more time to wait. People need to know what is happening. Last night I was told:
This world is divine. It is sacred, is holy beneath mankind’s creation. This world has been desecrated and is headed for destruction. That is why there is a purge going on. The earth is being saved. Intervened by forces from outside Earth beyond mankind’s understanding. Stay indoors.
Last Thursday I was told: The Goddess is the divine in you, both the men and the women. It is the feminine in you. It is the part of you that is connected directly to source. Religions call it God, and that is OK, but it is the receiver, not the doer in you. The doer is the masculine, the controller part of you. The demanding part, the part of you that wants to change the world and therefore tries to change everyone else. The controller and doer part of you is the judge and jury part who has gone off the rails into the deep end. He is the human that has gone off track. The Goddess in you is your innocence, the sweetness, the light, the good, the tender, the trusting, the divine. We are both human and divine but the human has gone off the track into wilderness and lost its way. We need to get back on track and the only way to do that is to reconnect with the divine, the feminine, the receiver and the truster, and the good and the innocence to feel once again the faith, hope and love. The human needs to shut down and go within and reconnect with its source. Reflect on who is in charge here. You the human are not in charge!
Go within and restore your faith in the arms of the one within and trust that one. You are safe no matter what happens in the outer world. In this time it is crucial to go within and receive. Open and receive. Receive and open and trust with your minds and your hearts and receive the rays from the sun and the great heart of the one who birthed you and knows your name and every hair on your head - your parent source. Go within often, and then, when it is time to go out and move around in the world, you are more balanced, more connected to your purpose, more knowledgeable and more forgiving of yourself and others who are also trying to find their way.
The shift is forcing you to reconnect with your truer self, your inner self. Take advantage of this opportunity, this pandemic. This is the meaning of the shift, to go within and reconnect with your divine source. This is the meaning of the new age of women, away from male control and the male patriarchal system of centuries. It's not pitting women against men. Nor is it about putting women higher than men or putting women in control. It's about putting the divine first over human. Men and women both have the divine in them, they have the ability to reconnect with the divine within them. If they choose not to, then that is to their peril. Humans all, both men and women have fallen out of sync with the divine within. They have fallen into loss and lack and they are trying too hard to fix it. They are not the ones to fix it. They cannot fix it from where they are today. The only way to fix it is to listen to the divine within. The divine is in control in this pandemic and this shift of the ages and what is to come soon.
It is a movement from dark to light. You can resist if you want to, but you won't survive as a physical body if you resist. The only way to survive in the physical is by releasing, relenting, giving up control. Stop trying to "fix it" with your human mind. God is in control here. Let him. Stop judging and hurting others with unkind words by thinking and acting without compassion and without considering that they too have a divine purpose and mission, which is to love, forgive and redeem all that is wrong IN THEM. You are in charge of redeeming only your own, nobody else's. Put the innocent one within back in charge.
Worship is not to a God that someone else created. Worship is becoming humble and taking the shoes from off your feet and getting down on your knees (symbolically, many of us have bad knees) and bowing your head in humility and retreating to the inner sanctuary. Go within to the inner place and find your own feelings of awe, wonder, reverence and, adoration for the source of life which is flowing through you. And if you don't feel it, wait for it until it comes. Feel for it until it comes. Life comes from above, from higher ground. Find it. Find it in this attitude of open heart and open mind and receiving. It is making oneself into a chalice, a holy grail, to receive from the Father of ALL. The Father of ALL. We are the feminine, we are the human receiving. It is not what we do physically that is the goddess, it is what we FEEL that is the goddess. The emotions of surrender, the tears, the quiet giving up to the greater power coming in now. It does not come from outside of you. It comes from inside of you. It is not out there in the stores or in the churches or ashrams, but it is coming from eternity and you are a part of eternity. It is greater than you and you cannot fix it. You cannot know how from a human perspective. You can only know how by surrendering to the eternal within, by receiving it. You know it when you are receiving it, when you are feeling it. You must FEEL it. That is the only time when you can know it fully - when you surrender to it and open to receive it and feel it.
Then you become the divine within and regenerate the body and you feel yourself coming back on track, back to the good in you, back to the God in you, to the faith in you and the knowing and the believing and the justice and the power and the - yes - the glory in you, because that's where it all began. You remember. It is good. The divine is then in control. You as a body and mind are simply the tool of the divine, not you standing alone. You cannot do it standing alone, but as a cell in the body of the divine God in you, you can move mountains and accomplish miracles. He is the doer in you. Not you the human, but you the God in you who is the God in everyone who allows it.
The human is the one who must surrender to this power, this I AM inside. Not to bow the knee to anyone else, only to the greatness that is above, beyond and within. This is what is meant by feminine. You are 50 percent feminine. You are 50 percent a receiver and a feeler, but the world has shut that side down and tried to stamp it out. The patriarchy, the human, is the patriarchy. It has forsaken the divine within. It believed itself to be all powerful and it is not. This is the meaning of the yin within yang. The yin, the feminine side of us is returning now, on a global scale. There are higher ones above us circling the planet to assist and help us, but we on the ground are having to do the hard work of shedding the past and trusting in the divine, and believing and allowing the crash to take place.
The planet is in the process of being saved. Allow it to be saved. The human and the human systems are being shut down, but the REAL human is returning to mastery. The lord of the manner is returning to the throne. Each body is a sacred planet in its own right. It has its own systems to manage, its own organs, thoughts, feelings, actions and words to reconsider and orchestrate from a divine perspective. The onus is on us. ON-US. Our divine mission is becoming back to our natural goodness.
Post script from me: Please relax. It really is in God's hands. You in your higher aspect are God - incarnated here and therefore brought into forgetfulness. It had to be that way in order to survive here and fit in. Relax and allow the process to unfold. Everyone is going through it. You are not alone. The more you relax and allow yourself to drift into the unknown, know that it is only unknown by your physical current body system. The more you relax, let go of fears and expectations and trust - trust what is happening - you are moving back into your higher systems. You come from a higher holy divine system and you know this. You remember this. You descended to forget but you are having help to remember where you come from. You will be happier and healthier and clearer. You will not lose anything. You will gain. It is all part of the divine plan.
You are blending into the unknown as far as your physical body and mind can see it. But you are not them. You are the divine and holy one within. As you release your attachments to everything you will retain what is truly yours. If you feel in bad shape it is because your body and mind are part of the past and the past is crashing, disintegrating and destructing. But YOU will not destruct. Allow this to happen. Do not make waves. Be still and know that I Am God - the I Am is you.
All that is in bad shape is the finite system, it is collapsing and degenerating. Let it degenerate. Let it go. You will not die. You are God I Am. It is in God's hands. You are in good hands. There are many, many personal guides around you who are supporting you in the invisible. Allow the support. Call to them by name as you think of them and absorb them into you. Blend with them. Feeling is touching them. You are receiving guidance from them when you feel them. Allow the feeling. Know that you are loved beyond measure.
One more thing I'd like to add here from a more grounded perspective. I have ignored the prolific messages of David Wilcock because he talks too much about politics, but since I've successfully connected with my yang, my masculine side, I have been trying to listen. He has a peculiar way of discussing both what's wrong with the world, and the beauty of the coming new age and the holiness of Mother Earth and we ourselves. Step by step I began listening. I am now transcribing his latest message on youtube from last Sunday. If you are interested, this is the link to it: It's 5 hours long, but he is explaining what is going on. His website is It is said that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, the 19th century mystic/healer, and he doesn't deny it.
Feel free to contact me by email if you have need of encouragement and support. Namaste, from the ascended masters, celestials, galactics, and me!
3/20/20 A Message from Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation
Ashtar's 2020 New Year's Message
I am Ashtar Sheran and I am here to pass a message on to all on Planet Eden.
It is now in your time, the end of the second decade of the new millenium 2000. So many are looking backwards to what was, when in fact there is so much to be looked forward to if you would only turn your heads to look at the bright future that lay ahead.
When I say you are looking backwards, you are looking into your pasts to see what the future might hold for you. Release the past. As your collective vibration increases your planet's collective past and your own individual past is being altered to a higher frequency. It is as if it never existed. Your past will seem surreal to some of you as you embrace your exciting multi-dimensional now. You will seem like a different person, and you are. The chances of you re-creating your past now, with your newly awakened DNA and your higher vibrational frequency, are quite remote.
The future will be grand for you and all who have decided to partake of it. You see our ships moving closer to your planet, embracing your world in our loving vibration more and more, while you see the buck has stopped for those thieves who sought to steal this glorious future from you all. The first indictment to be opened is that of Hillary Clinton, who once was chosen to step up for leadership in your world. That chance was whisked away in the flash of a moment by divine decree and she and her other cohorts will now stand trial for their unspeakable crimes against the people.
The people are rising. They are awakening to realize they are living in a new world. Many lie asleep still but this is of their own choosing. They have taken the slower route and this is their decision. Bless them and love them as they are, for you know that you can.
As for rumors of the end of days, I say to you, this is the beginning of a new time; the only end of days is the end for the old regime, the dark regime that sought to drive your planet into destruction for many many millennia. That is what is coming to an end. Those who see it as the end of times are unaware, they will see it as they see it but there are so many awakened who know better now. You know you will have a wonderful future as the divine beings that Terrans were meant to be - you know the future is one of love and that all fear will be cast off your planet.
Be strong in your knowledge as you undergo your own changes, light beings. Be strong. You know that the death of the old brings forth the birth of the new humanitarian system that your people have longed for for so long. It is decreed by the one himself that you too, will stop suffering and join your brethren out in the galaxy as superb divine beings of love, the holders of the knowledge and the guard of the Light. This was the role Terrans were to play in the galaxy so many millennia ago, that of the Edens, before your planet was overthrown and cast into darkness.
You can see when you look at the description of the end of days, that all of its distinctive traits have been fulfilled upon your planet now. There has been much suffering in this last age of darkness, much deterioration, famine, war, pestilence, disease, apathy and now ridicule of those who are the bringers of this new dawn. Your planet has known fear and this fear is to be no more. Your planet will be restored to the Eden it was in its tender beginning, and those christed ones upon your planet now are the first seeds of Eden's future.
You are the changers. You are the ones who seek out divine guidance and who will bring the divine to Earth again. You are the ones whose hearts are full of love, for the peoples of the planet, for the world upon which you walk, and for the universe you gaze upon in your night time.
You are the blessed ones who are put upon earth, who have volunteered to endure pain and suffering like no other has experienced, in order to help those there. You are the ones, the highest of the highest of this universe and more, who came to help when Terra was in such a terrible way. You, the guardians of the galaxy, who stepped into roles that no other would enact, will have your day yet. You will see the fruits of your labors, you will bring to fruition your divine projects, you will serve as you have longed to for so long.
The time is here. It is here now. All will be revealed to those who have waited so long; the grand plan will unfold and you will begin to sow the seeds of a new world of love, the Eden you have waited for all your lives.
You are in a period of transition from the dark to the light and there will be battles, bombing, and impeachment attempts..... however remember nobody upseats the creator, nobody. He holds the strings - the timelines you are now in, are held gently in his hands with love and care, never to allow what has transpired on your planet to happen again.
It is not the end of times. It is a new dawn. You have brought it forth, all of you, and for this we celebrate you. You are our team upon the earth, you are part of the divine plan whether you are aware of this or not, and for this we salute you.
We watch you all with care. We are always with you, guiding you, helping you, holding you close while you sleep.
I am Ashtar and I stand upon our promise to you and all those upon your planet - there will be victory of the Light, and love will reign supreme again.
Sharon: I wanted to get more clarification on Ashtar's wonderful message because when Ashtar says, "The time is now," then I feel we need to be more specific.
Ashtar: Politics is irrelevant to this liberation of the planet. Assigning a political affiliation to anyone involved in this liberation is illogical. We are changing your systems and one happens to be your political system, so it is being changed to higher benevolence across the world. Changes are being made across every system you use to control yourselves, in order to gain freedom for the people of Eden.
Me: When you say the time is now, what are you talking about specifically and what time period are you talking about?
Ashtar: As I said last night, Sharon, every moment has been pivotal throughout this process but going forward, the next 5 years will be particularly important. Everything is being lined up now so that the system falls like a house of cards. We are striving for a step by step implosion, rather than a full-out crash of all systems. One by one, we desire to bring the systems down. We have operatives in key places who will become active when parts of them fail. For example, if a bank is taken down, then its resurrection will be of the Light - new owners operating the QFS (Quantum Financial System). Old money will be replaced with new money as the financial collapse develops. Old system will be replaced by the new QFS system.
Me: Trying to envision how this would look but it's probably not as cut and dry as it seems....
Ashtar: Who do you think is funding your Alliance military operations? The dark?
Me: True. The QFS is! Awesome! So it's already operational on this planet at least in pockets. Yeah, they would've been cut off, wouldn't they? LOL
Ashtar: The military is split. Money - your financial system - is key because it is the primary vehicle of enslavement of the masses, simply because you all have to work. Your pay levels are set by the upper tier and inevitably are inadequate to see to your needs. Inflation is also a construction of the cabal which makes it harder for the ordinary person to survive. And there is so much being stolen from - then lauded in front of you. That money always belonged to the people. Your "law" makers simply steal or change the rules to give themselves the largest slice of the pie. Imagine being able to create laws that include yourself and your friends, yet few others benefit. This is about survival now. This is the level you're at right now - surviving, not thriving.
The QFS has been functional for quite a while already but attempts have been made to hack into it. Therefore we require you have a fifth dimensional frequency in order to access your project funds. Your password is your frequency, one of love, nothing else. When you have purified yourself to that extent, you'll be able to initiate your projects.
Me: Can we discuss the St Germaine funds, please Ashtar?
Ashtar: Yes, money will be provided to all upon the planet in order to alleviate the need of having to work. This will help those who are barely surviving in particular. Those funds are the monies which were stolen from you by the cabal.
Me: Yes, skimming off the lottery pot, taking it from your bank accounts, getting interest off your deposits and not repaying any to you, skimming off funds for countries hit by natural disasters, and other diabolical means. So then people don't need a 5D frequency for this, Ashtar?
Ashtar: No, they don't.
Me: I can really see that this is part of crashing the system - letting people walk away from it if they want to.
Ashtar: It is. The time is coming that dissatisfaction with politics, big business and the medical system is so high that people walk away from it.
Me: I've walked away from the medical system - I use alternatives all the time now.
Ashtar: That's an example. You also don't vote.
Me: No, why bother? It's rigged anyway. Everyone knew Justin was going to win.
Ashtar: And next will be the Conservative win because everyone will be fed up with Liberal politics, so then they'll switch to the other hand.
Me: I think some are consistent.
Ashtar: Yes, but many aren't. They switch back and forth and the system works because you don't understand your true needs.
Me: True. So who's to say they won't try to steal the St Germaine funds then?
Ashtar: It's possible, however we'll be watching for enormous tax hikes, for example. Also large increases in doctor's fees, for example, won't be tolerated by the people - there will be ombudsmen to help with situations like this. New legislation will be created to prevent this type of theft.
Me: So how does this relate to the financial crash?
Ashtar: When key elements of the financial system are ready to crash, these beneficial funds will roll out.
Me: Who's to say people won't start investing in the stock market then? They could just start injecting their funding back into the old system?
Ashtar: We have this in hand. Much of your old system won't be an option to you anymore.
Me: Okay. So you're saying the system will have had to change or at least legislation will have had to have changed in order that we don't misuse our benevolent funds. I'm even guessing, and this is a guess, that indictments have to be finished before these funds will be delivered. Get the crooks out of politics before the funds are handed out. Or hand the funds out and people walk away from the crooked system. It could work both ways. And of course you can't tell me the timing of this.
Ashtar: Within the next 5 years, most likely. It's not up to us; that decision comes from the highest one. And like I keep reminding you, it's all frequency related.
Me: Oh, so when the frequency of the political system rises, then it allows for more positive developments.
Ashtar: As an example.
Me: Hmm. I'm thinking it could go any way. There are a lot of different directions this could take.
Ashtar: And we're asking that you be prepared for them all.
Me: No less than that. LOL So the St Germaine Funds and the project monies are two separate things, really.
Ashtar: Yes. All get the St Germaine funds in order to relieve your impovershment and then a new system has to be created of getting out food supplies and other essentials. Some may decide to continue working. That's their choice. But those with project monies must have and must hold, a fifth dimensional frequency in order to initiate their projects. Some are already at this point and are carrying out their project work now.
Me: Okay, got it. So how about the indictments?
Ashtar: Indictments are still being researched, evidence is still being gathered. Therefore we cannot reveal much to the people at this point because of judicial system requirements for a fair trial. Trials will begin this year, and as I said, the first will be Hillary. This too, will be a logical process where scrutinization of each indictee will find others complicit as well. The network will be revealed. And as I said before, all roads lead to Rome. (see our video) The criminals of your entire world will be exposed, not just the U.S. It is a large process.
Me: Why are the ships getting so close to earth?
Ashtar: They always were, you're just seeing them now. Many more ships have come in closer in the last few years, but the ships you're seeing now were always there.
Me: If all dark ETs are to be taken off planet, what are we going to do with our royals?
Ashtar: Your royal families will decline in importance and increase in impotence as the power of the people is increased. It is that you give your power away to your royals and world leaders that you are in the predicament you are in. So taking your power back means the demotion of those currently in power. This system will fall. New world leaders will serve the public, not rule them.
Me: (Day 3) I hear you want to make more comments, Ashtar. I have to say, other than my books with Ivo, this is my first 3 day channeling. LOL
Ashtar: I thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak to your people, Sharon. I want to point out that even decades ago, people were coming forward and telling others they had been molested by members of the clergy, and yes, a few priests were thrown under the bus by the dark ones in order to appease those listening to these accounts. But you see now that that little trickle has opened up into a large flow - where pedophilia is now known to be practised by many in power whether it be politics, business, Hollywood or religion - pedophilia is a common practise. You cannot stop the Truth from coming out the higher the energies are raised.
And these trickles of truth will begin in many other areas, around your world, and as they are accepted by the public - as the public aligns with these truths, more and more will be revealed. Because this is the creation of the new reality for your planet - based on the truth. The lies must first be exposed and then a more beautiful reality will come from that.
We understand that when trials are aired that many will be shocked. Terrans will undergo a grieving process for some time. It will be up to those already in the know to carry on and help those dealing with these deceits.
Me: Yeah, it's hard to shock me anymore. I've heard so much!
Ashtar: And you were prepared. As was intended.
Me: I have noticed that every galactic I've spoken to lately has become more talkative. (If people want to know what the GFL commanders have told me, check out the disclosure page on our website. Also check out the account of Tamara the Pleiadian who was hostaged in Area 51).
Ashtar: These changes will be implemented within the next 5 years. Remember that all changes are made possible by the collective frequency of the people of Eden. As your vibration rises, more changes can be implemented.
Me: Thank you Ashtar.
Ashtar: Thank you Sharon. I wish all a happy 20/20.
A postscript from me: If you haven't heard of Ashtar before now, here is a little background information. Ashtar was first heard from in the 1950's when Tuella, a sensitive, began picking up messages telepathically. She then heard other sensitives had also picked up messages from an "Ashtar". She was prolific in her channeling and put together a many-page document entitled "A Tribute to Ashar" which gives insight to this person. It gives the reader an idea of who Ashtar is and where he comes from. I have heard he is from the 22nd dimension, other times the 26th. He is an ascended master, no question about it, but different from what I'm used to. He is said to be of a military nature with formidable skills, yet benevolent and wise beyond human imagination. There have been many messages from Ashtar since the 1950's, and also from commanders under him, whose names are recorded in Tuella's book.
Also, in 1952 George Adamski, whom I met in 1964, took photos of a mother ship and saucer-type crafts through his 6-inch telescope on Mt. Palomar. A few months later he and 4 other people saw a small craft hovering over the California desert, stopped the car, and watched as a man stepped out. Adamski went over and spoke to the man. He has authored several books about his experiences. The drawing of Ashtar above came from Adamski's files, which I copied when I visited his secretary in 1965, after his death. I got the chills when I ran across this drawing and a deep reverence came me. I asked the secretary who he was but she wouldn't comment. Told me not to copy it but I did anyway.
This drawing hangs in my meditation room today along with other ascended master portraits. But it was only recent that it occurred to me it was Ashtar, the man Adamski met in the desert. five years after Kenneth Arnold saw a string of "flying saucers" over Mt. Rainier, WA. There followed a rush of strange sightings, the term "UFO's" was coined, the Roswell ET crash was in 1947, followed by military coverups and whistleblowers stepping forward from the space and rocket industry. It all began around the same time that Ashtar's messages started coming telepathically to empaths. Tuella's "Tribute to Ashtar" can be accessed here for those interested:
Stay grounded. These are momentous times. The light forces are turning this epidemic around to positive advantage. Many changes are taking place. We don't know what's happening behind the scenes, so remain neutral and stay in high vibrations - happy, light, joyful and humorous. We are in good hands. Trust in the higher good that is coming, and have faith in the light forces. They are real. It will be over sooner than expected.
Namaste, from the ascended masters, celestials, galactics, and me,
3/18/20 A Message of Hope from the Arcturians via Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the lines of communication that have opened up around your society and how you operate as a human collective, because of the coronavirus outbreak. There have been discussions about what is needed there on Earth for quite some time, especially when it comes to changes within the various systems that you have in place. You are now beginning to see how important it is for each and every one of you to be able to depend on yourselves and on each other.
What you need is to feel for your fellow humans who are either sick or afraid, and many individuals need to overcome their fear of getting sick in order to help those in need. And what we have noticed is that more and more people are making those decisions to be of service to as many as they possibly can. You are seeing the heart of humanity open wide up as you look for ways to support one another through what has become a global crisis.
You are moving towards a time where you will be instant manifesters. You will not be dependent on the shelves at the grocery stores being stocked, but you are not there yet. Those of you who have been awake and aware of the shift in consciousness have been waiting patiently, and sometimes impatiently, for that day to come. What you have now is an acceleration of that desire for self-reliance, and you also have an opportunity to come together, in the communities in which you live, to help one another in whatever ways that you can.
And you are also going to be called upon to continue to do the wonderful gridwork that you’ve been doing and the sending of love, compassion, and healing energy where it is needed the most on your planet right now. We know that you, as a human collective, have evolved to the point where handling a situation like this one is absolutely possible. We know that you are all learning from the experience you are having right now, and you are also reaching within yourselves for the feeling of safety, security, and power, all of which really need to come from within if you are going to actually vibrate unconditionally in the way that you want.
Now is a time where you are all being called upon to go within and find that vibration that you know is of service to you and to all of your fellow humans. Keeping that vibration activated in spite of all that is being talked about and all of the intense energies that are around is the tricky part. But again, we see you all stepping up to the plate. We see you as the awakened collective, as the ones who are having the biggest impact that you have ever had on planet Earth at this time, and we are very proud to be transmitting to you and seeing how you receive our transmissions and take the love and light that we are spreading out into the human collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Blessings to all who read this. Positive messages are coming from many sources and I feel to pass on the many that are hitting my old PC computer screen. My search for the divine feminine has been absorbed into a larger whole, which I'll share notes on soon. But first, the world is changing so rapidly it's hard to keep up. Stay cool, calm and positive. The Arcturians are the most verbal right now in their encouragement. They are coming through many channels, Daniel Scranton being perhaps the most prolific. He posts youtubes and messages every day from the Arcturians who are coming from the 9th dimension. A dimension is a reality, which all who live there agree to support. Earth is experiencing a dramatic shift in its reality. We are shifting from the third dimension - which everyone agreed to coming in at birth, focusing entirely on physical parameters and nothing else - to recognizing non-physical realities such as love. Love was not even recognized in the old third dimensional earth because it could not be measured, yet everyone knew that love existed. Kindness was not recognized either in the third dimension and yet we knew kindness existed. Compassion and forgiveness were not recognized in the third dimension, yet we occasionally experienced them. Today more and more people are accepting, love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and trust as real. Reality is changing the face of the earth.
We are moving to higher dimensions. We haven't arrived yet at the fifth dimension, which is where negatives do not exist. It is difficult to understand how life can exist in such peace and harmony. We are about to find out. Those from higher dimensions are revealing themselves and talking to us. There is a dynamic universe "out there" beyond our limited understanding and we are fluctuating with flashes of insight from higher dimensions. We are sorting it out, trying to make sense, trying to fit the pieces together, listening to other people, then listening to our own hearts and making conscious choices about what to believe. It's a private, personal, individual sorting process.
The Arcturians are not the only ones connecting with us telepathically through human channels, the Pleiadians are too. And the Andromedans, Fendorians Lyrans, Yahyel and many more we've never heard of before, who are part of the Galactic Federation of Light working for benevolence, unity and cooperation with other races. The Ascended Masters and the Angelic realm is also a part of the greater universe. Earth science says these don't exist either because they cannot be measured. The earth school realists are having a difficult time with this. Each one is certainly having difficulties with the sorting process. Know that you are watched over and each one is counted. No one is lost in the shuffle because everyone is part of the whole.
The next newsletter will contain a message from Ashtar, commander of many fleets under the supreme command of Sananda, head of the Galactic Federation of Light. In the realms of light - light meaning "enlightened intelligence", the word "commander" means "in command of the Lord or in command of the Father". All serve God, otherwise known as the universal law - the law of One.
Namaste, from the ascended masters, celestials, galactics, and me!
Nancy (aka Diana)
3/15/20 Moving into the 5th dimension with your physical body
It was in April 1976 that I had a spiritual awakening by going up into the light. I didn't equate it with the fifth dimension back then. I didn't hear the words "fifth dimension" until much later. At the time it was an unknown experience which my sister labeled "kundalini". It was an out-of-body experience during an introductory guided meditation to yoga. That was 44 years ago. Returning to normal took approximately 10 years because I was so high I couldn't "descend" easily. What helped was my husband's closeness. Physical body closeness. During those 10 years my husband and I entered into what is today known as swinging. It was natural because I had all this love flowing through me.
Back then it was only for couples - couples with a love relationship. The focus was on loving connections. Through close loving body connections I was able to return to normalcy. It took a long time because it was a huge process and a struggle to maintain groundedness. I kept going out and having other-worldly experiences, transcendental experiences, encounters with visions, dancing to the sun's energies, all beyond my ability to control it or express it. Thank God for swinging! My ability to love people openly, nakedly, honestly, physically, was my gift to them. Their gift to me was their physicality. They had to learn to be free and they did, inside our closed group. My husband's and mine.
There are many spiritual messages coming to us today from higher realms, but they don't mention the physical aspect of the journey. That is my specialty and mission. I am here to discuss the how's and why's of physically becoming spiritual. The integration of mind, feelings, emotions and thoughts with higher, unconditional, trusting, free and safe love. For me, the physical IS the spiritual. And the spiritual IS the physical. They are not separate dimensions. I see very few references to this. Am I the only one who has made the connection?
It was wonderfully fulfilling to share this great love during those early years with other people, but eventually I ran out. I ran dry and was in danger of going into debit because the people weren't able to reciprocate and return the same quality of love back to me. This allowed me to land - bump and crash - on the ground and be normal like everyone else. Many people are unaware of the science of love, and how to express it openly, freely, joyfully, with innocent abandonment without sense of shame or guilt or sin. I see them already whole and perfect but they hadn't caught up with me. When people learn HOW to love, they will enjoy more health, sanity, wonderment and joy. But there is needed some education yet in how the body and mind work with spirit. There are integration techniques to get rid of thoughts of indecency, immorality, wrongness, jealousy, gender and racial inequality and things like that. I have become an expert in it! Not meaning to promote myself but just saying. We are moving into the fifth dimension and I've been there and back. It CAN be done! It's time to practice loving free.
Today everyone is going through the same process I did 44 years ago, except without FIRST going into the light the way I did. Everyone has a light inside them and the is breaking through the hard outer core from inside. It is a global phenomena. Everyone is receiving it in their consciousness. I at least had an experience and was immersed in the light, but most people have not had that experience. They're moving into consciousness without any direction whatsoever. They don't know how to integrate the high awareness that is coming to them, into this limited world that has so many physical problems. Leadership craziness, lack of money, ill health, drugs, inadequate food and water, criminals, violence, wars, poverty, racial tension, sexual violence, trafficking, domestic violence - daily life is physical life and it is limiting and confusing and narrow-minded. Yet there are glimmers of goodness piercing the consciousness. People are becoming aware of it. Pandemics, earthquakes, storms and tornadoes are stirring the emotions. Compassion and the desire to help a neighbor shines through the hopelessness and despair. And through the fear. Pandemics are part of the test of the human spirit. The heart wants to give and assist but it needs to break through and out into the open, and often there is no way to help. Still, there is a song breaking through and a shooting star and glimpses of freedom appearing almost like a rainbow in the sky.
Black and white, dark and light, two enemies dancing closer and closer together and soon they will merge and a new norm will be born. This dance is intense. Birth comes with extreme growing pains and hopeless premonitions of the end. Yet is awakening in people. Have you felt it? Have you seen it? I have. Many do not recognize it yet but they will when they stop focusing on the fear and turn attention to the love in the body. Betterment is finding love inside yourself, inside the body. Ignore the chaos and think "love" into the body. It's a meditation technique that heals. It brings comfort to the body, and when there is comfort in the body the immune system goes up. It increases. It wards off diseases. The earth itself is alive and ensouled by a celestial being, and SHE is doing the same thing. She is moving her attention to higher thought. We, our bodies, are made of earth substance so we are part of the shift to the fifth dimension. We won't be able to feel afraid much longer, or jealousy, or hatred, or sexual tension, or racial divides because those things are part of the old separation system and we're moving upward. The light in us is the same light as in everyone else. It's only the dark in us that keeps us separate. Change error thoughts to light and we come closer together as a people. By letting the light come forth (instead of things we don't like) we bring our bodies closer to the fifth dimension and others on the same wave length. We are here to assist in this process. We contribute by turning negative thoughts to positive ones. The old paradigm is still evident everywhere around us, but it is stimulating us, testing us, challenging us, to be stable in spite of it by holding to positivity and calmness. It is the sane way to go. Do the practical things that are necessary during this emotional chaos, but stay neutral and you stay within Mother Earth's auric field. Go with the flow. Allow the chaos to take its course without fighting it. It is in God's hands.
The dimensions are evenly layered going up into the light of allness. Dimensions are firmly fixed realities that everyone who lives there believes in. Inbetween the third dimension and the fifth dimension is a fourth dimension. This is where the sorting process is taking place. Each person is deciding what they want to do. It has been called "the harvest" in biblical times. Those who don't want to leave the third dimensional world is having a difficult time with this shift to higher thought. Those who DO want to leave the third dimensional world and move to higher thought, are turning their focus in that direction. To goodness, love and light. That's why there is so much confusion happening. Everyone has a different opinion about it and adding their voice to the mix. The solution is to go within, to one's own body processes and listen to the feelings of the body. Love the body. Love your own body parts and feel the peace there.
This is a journey for the physical body, not the spirit. We are already spirit. Spirit doesn't have to shift. It is already higher dimensional. It is already of the light. It is the body that needs to adjust to lighter attitudes and more refined thoughts. The mind is part of the physical body. It needs to change to lighter thoughts. Emotions are part of the physical body. They have to change to lighter feelings. We are the one who is making the decision for our body. We have to take charge of what is going on. Use love. The pandemic is saying, "Be afraid. Be very afraid." But the wise one says, "No thank you. I will remain neutral, stable and in love." It's a test. An initiation. Don't fall for it.
We are part of the physical world and to remain part of the physical world requires intimate contact with it. The first intimate contact is to love yourself and your own body. I go through my body, organ by organ and part by part, during my meditation period, and say, "I love you, lungs," (and each part) and I focus on it and imagine what love is like while doing that. Feeling love is very different from just saying the words. I spend time focusing. The end result is calmness and peace. We are part of the physical world and to remain grounded we must love the physical, starting with ourselves. Intimate physical connections with other people does not mean sex. It means taking time to be present with other people with respect, kindness and caring in our attitude, thoughts and actions. We need each other to help us adjust to being good physical human beings. The shift is physical. It takes friendly hand-holding and letting go of ancestral errors, family feuds and judgments that divide. Choose to go higher and your body will respond as narrow-minded cells melt into feelings of softness and peace. Feel the comfort as transcendence moves through you, changing the old to the new. We are morphing.
The skeptics may say, "Give me proof!" for that is the way of the old world. But there is no proof in the outer world. WE are the proof as we go through our physical changes. Proof is in the betterment of the physical body, mind, heart, feeling and soul. Betterment comes from loving the world and everyone in it. Have faith in the natural order of things. Evolution is natural. Human beings evolve, but we are not like a tree. We don't cycle through the seasons sheding our leaves and returning in spring. We move to higher realms of intelligence. It's physical.
This is an unknown process to us so we must trust in something. Have faith in nature. Our bodies are part of nature. Love an old decrepit aging body and see how it revitalizes. I've done it many times. Many. I could tell you stories. The physical body is capable of being resuscitated. It is living proof that there is a power within it which responds to love. It is the best miracle of all to see the revitalized glow of love on an wrinkled old face. Physical and spiritual are not two separate matrixes. They belong together. We must integrate them.
Below is an article which spoke to me because it mentions the physical body as being important. I don't see too many references to the physical body being part of the ascension process and the shift. The author says "The earth along with all its inhabitants planning to stay on the planet will be awakening to the Fifth Dimension within the next couple of decades, if not sooner." This has been a confusing point to all of us. Most spiritual thinkers believe they will leave the planet and disappear in a flash of light, leaving the earth behind. Nobody knows, but I am planning to stay and see it through to the other side. There is evidence that we can do this and keep our bodies intact, physically intact, but it's going to take some changing negatives to love and good will thoughts. This is what renews the body. And now the article.
Vidya Frazier is the author. She posted the following article two days ago, on 3/13/20. I had never heard of her before a friend sent me the link. Thank you Donna, I love you. Nancy
Awakening to the Fifth Dimension by Vidya Frazier
The Quantum Evolutionary Shift
We are living in exciting times. Visionaries, spiritual teachers and indigenous elders from traditions across the world are telling us we are entering the “Shift” a time of great transition for the human race. We are in the process of preparing for a quantum evolutionary leap in consciousness.
Many of us can see this shift beginning to take place in the world around us, as old paradigms and structures based on greed, exploitation and patriarchal ideals are slowly beginning to collapse. At the same time, new ones based on justice, compassion, and equality are beginning to arise.
People are uniting with greater and greater empowerment, asserting their desire for peace and respect for all beings on the planet. Humanity is awakening.
The Inner Shift. Many of us are also feeling extraordinary shifts happening within our own lives. We are awakening to a new consciousness. Old painful patterns are arising, along with unprecedented loss in our relationships, our work, and our financial situations.
Our old sense of identity and feeling of safety are being challenged. Intense emotions seem to arise out of nowhere. Yet, at the same time, exciting new experiences filled with awakening, joy and freedom are also showing up. At times, we feel love radiating from our hearts like never before. And a knowing of oneness with all that exists. Something both ancient and brand new is emerging within us, majestic, bold and powerful.
It’s clear something old is dying and something new is being born. A whole new era on earth is opening up before us. What an extraordinary time to be alive!
Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
Some have called this shift of consciousness occurring on the planet a “dimensional” shift: a shift from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension. It’s a shift into a consciousness infused with love, compassion, oneness, peace, and freedom. A shift into what has been called the “Golden Age” on earth. This process of shifting into the Fifth Dimension is known as “Ascension.”
In this dimensional paradigm, humanity is seen to be in the process of a profound awakening of the spiritual Heart. And the earth along with all its inhabitants planning to stay on the planet will be awakening to the Fifth Dimension within the next couple of decades, if not sooner.
This awakening process will begin with a powerful solar event that has been called the Event, which will lift both the Earth and humanity into a radically higher frequency of consciousness and begin the process of full ascension into the Fifth Dimension.
This radical shift ahead of us is the reason for the profound and rapid changes, both positive and negative, that people are experiencing during these times. Read more about awakening to the Fifth Dimension.
Transitional Times
Before we can enter fully into this new age of living in the Fifth Dimension, we must first move through a period of transition from third-dimensional consciousness. On the verge of rebirth, we are now moving through what the Mayans call the “time in between”. The old is beginning to crumble and the new has not yet fully arrived. It’s a time of confusion and uncertainty.
In many ways, humanity has come to the brink of disaster world-wise. We see over-population, polluted rain forests, rising unemployment, peak oil, global food shortages, severe climate changes, and ongoing escalation of conflict among countries.
We also see more and more clearly the huge inequities in wealth and power across the globe. And we watch as the world economy teeters on the verge of collapse. These are all signs of old structures dying.
And we will likely see more disaster-like scenarios for some time to come. This makes sense because we’re experiencing not only a death process, but a birth process as well. Chaos and confusion are to be expected.
Ushering in the New Earth. Those of us on a conscious spiritual path of awakening know that it is not wise to fall into negative, conditioned reactions during times such as these. Fear will not serve us.
This is a time rather to become prepared both spiritually and otherwise so we can be as strong, steady, and awake as possible to make it through the coming times with clarity and ease. And it’s a time to learn how to stay awake, no matter what is happening.
More than ever, it’s a time for us to step forward, in whatever ways we feel called, to do what we have come here to do this lifetime and help usher in this new era of human life on the planet.
But, even knowing all this, it is not always easy to do. Awakening to the Fifth Dimension is a huge step in evolution we’re taking. And during times of great change, it is natural for us to feel confusion, anxiety and unrest.
By Vidya Frazier from her website on 3/13/20
3/13/20 A self-check for corona virus
From a member of the Stanford hospital board, forwarded this morning from the son of a friend. Thank you Pat. This is their feedback from now on about the Corona virus.
The new Coronavirus may not show signs of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% fibrosis and it's too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning.
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air.
Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth and throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That's very dangerous.
(1) If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold (2) Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose. (3) This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun. (4) If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne. (5) If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours. So if you come into contact with any metal surface wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap. (6) On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. Normal laundry detergent will kill it. (7) Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice. (8) Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time. You can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on. (9) You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice. (10) Can't emphasis enough - drink plenty of water!
(1) It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days (2) The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further. (3) With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. (4) The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.
Blessings to all. You are greatly loved. Do be mindful yet positive. Namaste, from the masters, celestials, galactics, and me!
3/12/20 Message from the Galactics
Why is it so important that the governments of the world acknowledge the existence of extraterrestrials? Because most people look to government leaders as authorities and people believe them. But governments hold the lid on a struggling humanity, holding them down and, the people are growing restless and want to expand, world leaders have warned the ETs or aliens to stay away. Since governments are the official power on earth, ETs - at least those who operate within universal law - must comply. They wait for an invitation. They live in an orderly universe, in harmony and respect. There are many alliances among them. They are polite to each other.
Earth governments are paranoid about the growing interest in alien cultures. They are afraid of losing control over the people. The population has been kept narrowly focused on local earth life via education and media. Governments deny knowledge that extraterrestrials exist, but in a fact they know they are here. They've been visited privately and in person. This has been going on for a long time. I was introduced back in 1964 but it was not widely accepted then. Today acceptance is gaining ground so I will step in and add my voice. The mass consciousness is ready.
We are maturing as a young civilization among a cosmos teeming with civilizations, most of whom have had space travel from outside of time. There has been slow, careful, behind-the-scenes exposure of this fact for the last 60, 70 years. We are in the midst of a gradual shift in consciousness to learn there is a universe full of intelligent, heart-felt, rational beings. Some human, some rather strange-looking but loving nonetheless. They are revealing and disclosing Information to us through empaths and whistle-blowers from within the military and space tech industries who work side by side with them, here on mission to help. Our closed world belief system is thinning - the belief that we are the only intelligent beings in the whole entire universe. Little by little, one person at a time is beginning to think for him or herself and the governments' heavy-handed denial is beginning to look like a coverup.
There have been many contacts with ETs. Many, many. Valerie Donner whose picture is shown above received her first message six years ago from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. I love Mira's messages. She has grown on me and I want to introduce you to her. There have been so many others that she kind of got lost in the avalanche of cosmic information coming through. But yesterday I had an inkling to go back and find some of her earlier messages to share. Here is Mira of the Pleiades, speaking in 2012 through Valerie Donner.
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We meet you with our open hearts and are your family.
We come from the Pleiades and are close to the Earth. We visit in ships and are present with the Earth. We stand by with our ships for the time that we can physically present ourselves to the populace of Earth. Some of us actually live with you. We appear as you appear and we have different roles to play and jobs to do. We are resolved to create this part of our purpose, to become a part of you. We know there are still issues for some of you and your governments. We are patient but the time is coming when we will make ourselves obvious.
There are numerous components to prepare for and plan for prior to our visits. It will not just be us but many others from different planets and star systems. We ask you for your openness to our arrival and your welcome. We offer only the best of the Pleiades and in turn we will meet with only the highest degree of goodness from the Earth. This is the way that we work and we are certain that you understand our viewpoint.
We offer love, peace, communication and understanding. This will be our focus. This is our plan. Your governments are aware of us and other members of the Galactic Federation. We have been around for a long time, however this is the point at which we have been aiming for a long time. Our relationship with the Earth is of paramount concern and importance. We continue to know the significance of our connection for your well being as well as that of the Earth. Much is going to occur with the earth changes. We know that you could need our assistance and we are ready to provide it.
We tell the governments of the Earth that they can no longer hide the truth from you. This is the evolutionary time when all masks will be removed. You will see each other straight on and we will be there too. The process in which you now find the Earth is complex and will require co-operation for success. It means that only the truth and the Light will come through. You will begin to see that this is all that matters. What matters is important. The Light of a new day is upon you. We will make our advances together. You will know what unity and peace will be like.
We leave today in love and in anticipation of a magnificent future.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
The second message from Mira was posted a month later 2/29/12 by Valerie:
Greetings, I am Mira. I come to you today from the Pleiadian High Council.
We reach into your hearts to touch the very depth of your souls. We know you and honor you for who you are and who you are becoming. We are friends and have been friends for a long time. We love you and the Earth. Our connection is strong and growing stronger every day.
We review the piles and piles of energies and records for the Earth’s ascension. There is quite a long history and much is at stake. We want to assure you that the past will not be repeated. The old patterns are recorded in history and a lot has been learned. We are the keepers of history and have been involved with the Earth for eons of time. We have come and gone. We are committed to a happy reunion and to a time for us to transcend the past to put forth a new beginning. This is the trajectory that the Earth has been on and it is her foremost desire. The Earth is committed to you and you to her. This is a mutual resolve.
There is still plenty to be done. We encourage you to remember your roots and to fulfill your commitment to be a part of this great shift. Consciousness is everything. If the consciousness had been at this level where you are currently, a lot of suffering would have been alleviated. Such is the case right now. It is a time when you know that wars, greed, misdeeds, self-service and self-interest no longer fit. These energies are in juxtaposition to the future way of living on the Earth. They can no longer survive.
This should be a relief to all who read these words. We know that you want to see the manifestation of what we are telling you. It is only a matter of a short time period before you will know what we mean. We have the same divine intention in our hearts that you have so we are in accordance with the plan.
Soon the Earth and life upon her will be out of misery. You will begin to live according to a new template of rules that apply to universal laws. These are for the betterment and benefit of the whole. They are designed to restore the Earth to her original wholeness along with those who live with her. This is what we have been waiting for and we assure you it is in process.
We encourage you to go with the flow and to know that there is a steady sure course that will lead you and the Earth home. Each of you is important to the whole for you each carry a special part of the remembrance and knowledge of the tasks at hand. Your constant positive love and vigilance will lead all of us to the desired ascension. The prospects are great due to all of the hard work and energies that you bring to the project.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We are with you, in your skies and in your hearts.
And here is an excerpt from Mira on 11/9/13.....
We are watching at all levels to assist the Earth and all of life. What is at stake is beyond reason. Make no mistake we are with you along with the Light Realms and your galactic family. What happens on the Earth affects all of life. The Earth is in need of assistance. We are here for you. --- There will be a continuing focus on life beyond the Earth. This means there are openings and new truths to be told about our presence. The Earth can no longer be separate from the oneness of all of life. This truth will be told. There will be more activity with ships and other events. It has to happen for the safety of all life on the planet. --- Your planet is surrounded with the greatest force of Light from all of creation; all eyes are upon you. We are holding the energy with your assistance for the transformation of your planet. The Earth wants to free herself from the encumbrances that have been holding back her ascension for a very long time.
And another excerpt from Mira on 1/3/17.....
Your experience on the earth during this incarnation and others is one for the textbooks. It will be included in the teachings for eternity and will be used as an example of how far a planet can go when interfered with by the forces of darkness. You will also be acknowledged and honored for being committed, gifted lightworkers. After your ascension and you have fulfilled your time on earth, your services will be needed on other third dimensional planets that are also going through the ascension process. --- You know little of your true history or of your worth. You will begin to learn your true value and in so doing you will become unstoppable. This frightens the dark forces. You are and will be a force with which to be reckoned. We are with you every step of the way. It is time for you to stand up and to be counted.
This is last week's message posted by Valerie Donner on 3/4/20.....
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with love in my heart and promises from the light.
We know what you need and how you are being affected by the forces impacting the earth at this time. We are beholden to you, ground crew, for all that you are doing to hold the light in place and for the Ascension of the planet.
What you are doing is quite remarkable. Since we last spoke with you a tremendous amount of progress has been made. Even though you are not aware of all that we can see, we want you to know that your work and your dedication are making a profound difference for all of life.
Your DNA was programmed to be completely activated at this time and it is. You are stepping into your true empowerment and will not let anything prevent you from accomplishing what you came here to do. This is why I mentioned “dedication” for opportunities have come your way to do away with your life on the earth, yet you have weathered the storm.
So, what is happening now with the chaos, the communicable diseases of viruses and fear, along with the other violent attacks from the dark forces, will not to be a deterrent for you in any way. Your Ascension and the Ascension of the earth are a given!
We envelope you with love and a mighty force from the Light Alliance, including a magnificent Galactic presence. The dark forces already know that it is over for them. This is one reason they are stirring up their nastiness. None of their operations will be successful.
Do not let them fool you and please do not believe some of the trolls that would attempt to mislead you. Read deeply between the lines when you garner information. Anything that brings in fear, horror, hopelessness, or depression can be a sign that something is off. We understand your situation is not a pretty one, however, we will tell you that our Creator is in charge and this is changing.
The truth is the dark forces get great pleasure in seeing humanity respond to their fear-based tactics. You have little idea about how much they laugh at humanity and how well they know how they can manipulate you. We know our ground crew think more for themselves than most of humanity because you have been put to the test many times and have strength and wisdom that most humans lack. The dark ones do not favor this gift that you have.
Well, we say this is another one of the main reasons that we need you here at this time. Please continue to think for yourselves. Rise above the multitudes and to make your own choices according to what you know and feel. Soon you will be free to fly the skies with the Angels and your Galactic family and friends. We are waiting for you and we will have much to celebrate!
I am Mira sending you love and admiration.
3/10/20 A full moon tonight and can't sleep
There is a full moon out tonight and I can't sleep. Alert and raring to go, I am up and reading a message from the Arcturians, who are the loudest ones speaking right now of all the galactics surrounding the planet on higher dimensions, and I feel to share it. Again, this may not speak to everyone who reads it, but I sense there will be some who will appreciate it. Read it carefully. It's important for the "now" moment. The Arcturians are ninth dimensional and are beaming, aiming, directing, telepathing so much information to Earth that it's coming through many channels. While I would love to talk about what I've learned, these messages are much more important. I'll just say a few words to let you know I am feeling great and wishing you were here so I could hug you. By the way, my new phone is here, it's a bigger than my old one, a large-screened Samsung and the number is the same. I won't publish it out here because I don't like telephone calls. But if you have it you can text me or call. I'll need to enter numbers of friends in the new phone. Ahhhh! What a wonderful night tonight is. I am radiating! Now, the Arcturians, channeled to Marilyn on 3/8/20.
A message from the Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele
Welcome all readers! The time has arrived in which those who are ready are being guided to let go of all remaining concepts about how everything is or must to be in order to be correct and acceptable. All, not just the not so important ones. Good concepts are just as illusory as the bad ones, both must be seen through. No matter how comfortable or efficiently some concepts may have served you in the past, many can no longer do it because you have changed.
As individual consciousness evolves and begins to resonate with a higher frequency, much that resonated in the previous state of consciousness automatically shifts out of alignment. Many of you are discovering that favorite books, movies, friends, foods, even employment and much more, that up to now have been satisfying facets of your life, have suddenly begun to feel boring and empty. You no longer find satisfaction in them.
Allow the things that no longer resonate to fade away no matter how important they may have once seemed or may still be to those around you. This can take courage for usually these things, events, beliefs, systems of functioning, and activities, involve others - family traditions, business, church etc.
Letting go of that which no longer resonates with you need not be overt rejection which can easily slip into an ego exercise. Rather, simply, silently, and without fan-fare allow these things to gradually and gently fade out of your life without assigning power for good or bad to them. This does not mean you must no longer engage in an activity that once worked for you and may still be important to those around you, but rather engage if you choose but without attaching importance and necessity.
Ideas, projects, life issues more in alignment with your expanding consciousness will replace many of the things now fading away because everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in the third dimension is a material concept of its underlying spiritual reality. You cannot make something out of nothing.
Vehicles of transportation are actually Divine Omnipresence materially interpreted. A home is actually Consciousness. Therefore the Divine reality will always re-appear on new and higher levels if not blocked by false concepts and beliefs.
This is a process that does not take place over night. Never think you have failed if you find yourself in the midst of some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual dilemma. Old and finished energy is flowing up and out for everyone, the un-awakened as well as the awakened. Allow it to flow out, addressing any accompanying issues as needed. Try not to claim these energies as being yours personally. They may seem to be, but can never really be for they constitute the illusion, having no law to maintain or sustain them.
Stop fighting, struggling, or attempting to get things back to the way they once were, whether through learned metaphysical techniques or through the three dimensional belief system.
Allow the I that you now know you are to express, trusting that IT can only express ITSelf as ITSelf which is and forever has been infinite wholeness completeness, harmony, abundance, safety, security etc.
God is and this is all you can ever know about God until God reveals ITself to you. It is an exercise in futility to believe one can know what God is with the human mind. A finite mind cannot and will never comprehend an infinite God regardless of how many articles, experts, or religious leaders expound about having done it. Up to the point where God reveals ITSelf to you, simply know that God is, period.
Spiritual evolution is the gradual process of moving though and beyond the accumulated layers of illusion that overlay personal and collective awareness. This all happened over a long period of time and through many lifetimes lived in third dimensional frequencies that created collective alignment with those energies rather than with the higher frequencies of Light left behind when incarnating.
Clearing is simply the dissolving of those energies still sustaining and maintaining the shadow appearances and is individual. You are quickly evolving to new states of awareness and the high frequency energy is why clearing has become intense for some at this time. It is like shining a bright light into a dark room where much that was not seen before is suddenly exposed.
Alignment with duality and separation caused each to accumulate and store in cellular memory intense experiences of both good and bad from each lifetime until at some point every individual begins seeking for “more”. This is the meaning of the bible story that tells how Adam and Eve were forced out of Eden through their act of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Some of you are suffering intense physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual discord at this time. Allow… Trust…You are learning to let go of the need to struggle for control over everything. The mind is confused. It is trying to help you through what it knows but is limited, offering solutions based in the collective belief system as well as in the metaphysical knowledge you accumulated through years of study leading up to this point. Metaphysical knowledge is an important part of the journey for most, but must never be considered the end point.
Let go of trying to figure everything out and then heal, change, or fix it. Nothing needs fixing or healing. Allow your real Divine Self to be your reality without feeling that you need not tell it how. This is an extremely difficult process for those who are used to being efficient, organized problem solvers. The temptation remains to take charge, jumping in with solutions based on what has been learned over the years.
As the Divine Feminine energy integrates on earth and begins to more fully express in the world as balanced male/female energy, the aggressive, active, be-er, do-er, traits of unbalanced masculine energy will recede. As the receptive, intuitive nature of the Divine feminine aligns with the masculine, life will be easier for those men and women who have always been compelled to jump in and take charge of every situation whether they are needed or not.
The time has come to stand back and allow the I of your being to function through, in and as you rather than constantly trying to control everything through eyes unable to see the whole picture. Like it or not, it is an energetically powerful time for everyone who has chosen ascension. You must accept that many of the old ways are simply no longer valid in the presence of increasing more higher states of consciousness.
Many continue with attempts to make something that is complete and finished (often relationships) work according to the world’s concepts of how things must be in order to be correct, fulfilling, meaningful, or loving. These concepts are encouraged through your media, and a society that continues to embrace only third dimensional concepts based in duality and separation with regard to all issues of daily living.
At this time the world is experiencing a great deal of fear regarding the virus disease that has penetrated world consciousness. As the media continues its non stop promotion, it gives ever more reality and substance to the issue for you are creators. Do not fear and do not give it power and thus substance. As with all things that are not God ordained, maintained, or sustained, it will pass into the nothingness that it is, if allowed.
There never has been or could ever be death for you are spiritual consciousness and not physical bodies. When a person leaves their physical vehicle behind it is always with permission given on a deeper level. Stand back and allow, become a silent observer of unfolding consciousness rather than a participant in the illusions of sense.
Even if your work lies in some area of world discord, you can still maintain a objective stance, helping, and serving for the highest good of all, but not aligning with appearances.
Living spiritually does not mean you can not see a doctor if you feel the need, nor does it mean you stand back and simply ignore the fear and suffering of yourself or those around you in an attempt to live the absolute. Rather than pretending to a state of consciousness not yet attained, hold truth while lovingly ministering to self and others in the ways you are guided to which may simply be to do nothing but hold the Light.
It is a new time, new ways, new ideas, and change and to be a part of it you must allow and move with it. It is why you are on earth at this time. Align with and hold Light for Gaia as well, for she is a living soul and not an inanimate piece of dirt. She needs your love and support as she too is clearing old energy.
Let the past go. Let the present go. Let it all go and move into allowing. You are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/8/20
3/8/20 An Angel Message
I want to share this because this is a great follow-up to my newsletter of yesterday 3/7/20, "Love the Corona Virus". Keeping a positive thought process and also a a positive FEELING process going is important. Feel loving. Feel love for everything that you do. This was channeled on 3/7/20 through Ann Albers and posted on her website shown below.
A Message from the Angels via Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, In spite of a parasitic vibration of fear that seeks to separate you from one another and from your experience of the Source – for this is the nature of a virus when you look at its energy – we see an even greater force of love arising upon your planet earth.
We see streams of well-being flowing to each and every one of you, offered freely from the Source of Love and Creation itself. We see angels guiding each and every one of you. “Go here. Not there.” We see neighbors helping neighbors, people assisting total strangers as they wait in line at the supermarket, and your scientists sharing information in solidarity and the search for a cure.
While a virus, and the virus of fear seek to separate you, making you feel unsafe to touch and be near one another, there is a mightier force of love arising within human hearts that says, I will not be intimidated by a parasite! I will strengthen my light, my love, my body, and my soul. I choose health. I choose well-being. I choose to be light in the darkness of fear and stand strongly rooted in a faith that filters all ills.
By all means, take your human precautions but rather than doing so out of fear, do so in love. Do so, as guided. You have angels that care deeply about your joy, your health, your happiness, and your heart. You will hear our whispers in your natural feelings, “I feel like going here. I don’t feel like going there.” Trust those feelings. Don’t over analyze. In any given moment you are given the next step to fulfill all your desires. Your natural urges are the voices of your angels and the still small voices of the Divine.
There is, always and forevermore, only light, only Love, only One Divine. In times of financial trials, God is present. in times of plague, the Divine seeks to heal. In times of unrest upon your planet earth the Presence and Light of God remains steadfast, waiting for you to rest in its loving arms.
As world crises come and go, the reality of Love remains steadfast. Look for love dear ones in every moment of every day. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.” Better yet, be a loving force in your world. Take care of yourselves. Feed you mind a body with healthy thoughts and healthy foods. Take care of your spirit.
Connect, dear ones, frequently, to the Source of all love. There are so many ways! Sit in silent meditation. Watch guided meditations. Feel the Presence of love silently making itself known through the love between loved ones. Go out in nature and appreciate the majesty of Love cloaked in creation. Listen to music that elevates your heart into states of expanded bliss. Appreciate yourselves…
Even in the presence of viruses, unstable finances, politics, and a variety of other challenging situations on your planet, Divine love remains constant… waiting patiently for you to connect and receive its embrace. This connection, dear friends, offers the greatest immunity, the greatest abundance, and the greatest harmony of all.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
~ The Angels
(Forwarded through Anakosha)
3/7/20 Love the Corona Virus
The C-virus is making its rounds. I wrote this over a week ago but didn't send it. I'm glad I waited because I have integrated better with it. Yesterday my husband brought it up again and, instead of feeling resistance, I opened up and allowed it in. In the Lacota tribe there is a legend about a young fawn who hears the call of Great Spirit and heads on up the path to sacred mountain. She meets a demon on the path who is a big ugly monster breathing fire and belching smoke and making horrible noises to scare everyone away. But instead of being afraid, the fawn says to the big bully, "Please let me pass, I am heading up meet Great Spirit.” Her complete lack of fear melts the demon‘s heart, and to his horror he feels himself shrinking into a big puddle and he dissolves into nothingness.
I want to share this approach to the Corona virus because there is a hidden gift here. You don't have to believe it, but I write these newsletters simply to add my energy to the atmosphere at large which has so much fear, confusion and anger in it. Love is the new approach. It is an intelligent response to fear and anger. It raises self esteem. To love EVERYTHING means stop resisting what you don’t like. Don't run away from it. Consider making a little adjustment. It’s only a small adjustment, very subtle. I did that yesterday when my husband started lecturing me about the Corona virus. I used to resist these lectures but this time I made the subtle shift. I listened to him and I understood what he was saying. I opened my mind and my heart and embraced the fact that the corona virus is here instead of dismissing it. In essence, I embraced it. Unconditional love is all-inclusive. Nothing remains outside of its purview. I’ve been working from this angle for a while.
I've had many lectures over the course of my life. When the various flu’s come around every year the pressure is always on to get vaccinated. The reason I don’t get vaccinations is not out of conspiracy theories, I just don't want to put lower vibrational substances into my high-vibrational body. I have been maintaining my own good health for years. The proof is in the pudding. In my search for the divine feminine, I have discovered much. Following the instinctive trail of the divine feminine has brought me in touch with nature and all that is natural. Higher vibrations protect against viruses and other things.
Humanity has been living in a very dark planet as compared to lighter, more advanced planets and higher dimensions. We on earth are buried inside a dark energy field called an atmosphere. It takes a while for someone from a higher vibrational planet or plane who is born into this atmosphere, to hatch out of its shell and remember where it came from. There are many people here from higher consciousness planets or dimensions. I realize that not everyone will follow my thought, but I must say these things. It is time to reveal what I know.
On higher, more advanced planets, on higher dimensions than earth, it is natural to be openly loving and kind, but when they are born on Earth, they forget and often become lost because they are so empathic and open-hearted by nature. On their home planet or dimension, life is harmonious and easy. Differences are so refined, that they honor and respect each other. There is no one to resist or fight or defend against. There is no pain or disease or inconsistencies or criminals or hospitals or divorce courts. And yet, each one is unique and his or her gifts to the whole are striking. Pursuing different interests doesn’t separate people in groups and nations. It‘s only attitudes that separate. Like being judgmental and wanting to correct someone, or wanting to control, or hating someone or fearing people who are different. So loving the Corona virus is natural for people of a loving nature. It will be difficult to get them to become fearful.
Many higher vibrational people are being born today on Earth and are managing to maintain their high vibrations (remaining loving, sweet and kind), but many come from not-light planets and darker planes, less evolved. This is not a judgment, it's a fact. We live in a world where there is a huge difference in attitudes showing up, from black to white and the many shades inbetween. Our planet earth provides opportunities like nowhere else in the cosmos, to learn from and with each other. It is a time of unifying differences. We need the darkness and the light in each other to go through this process. To learn from each other.
In the past, the darkness was so great that those rare souls of a lighter, more evolved vibration were seen as different. They rattled the system and were often persecuted or put to death. But gradually the atmosphere is lightening. Hateful, fearful, angry, controlling ones with lower vibrations, try to bring down those with higher vibrations to their level. The light-and-love-filled ones try to raise up the lower-vibe people to higher levels. It's a battle of wills who wins. It's not a battle of blood and guns so much any more, it has evolved to become a push-pull between higher vibrations and lower vibrations. Lower vibrational people use violence, fear and sneaky, manipulative tactics to pull people down. The higher vibrational people use truth, love, forgiveness, wisdom, maturity, intelligence, honesty, compassion, kindness and the like. Who is going to win?
The practicality and truth is, we ALL were born out of light, even the darkest of the dark and the evil’st of the monsters. We were ALL created within that place which has no human name. Consciousness is a gift and we use it by free will in any way we like. Those who advance and progress, use consciousness in accordance with that which has no name. We call it universal law or God. And we are provided with a higher self that is stationed there in that higher plane. It provides guidance throughout the day and night, always, when we tune into it. It is our Home base and we are all drawn to reach higher because of it. Like the tree. The tree would never grow without the instinct to reach higher. Science calls it the sun but the sun is the higher self of earth. Those we call the dark ones or evil ones have chosen to shut off that natural instinct to reach higher. It is a choice to shut it off and they have (had) that choice because Earth is a free will planet. Or was - recently, there have been changes. (Another story.)
We have all tested that higher instinct in us as we ventured further out into the unknown, exploring, because that has been in our nature too, to explore. We too have felt the tug and ignored it at some point in our lives, to decide to go against it and see where it leads, against our better judgment. And those of us who learned our lesson not to do that again have opened the gates and allowed greater light to flow through us. A greater ability to love and not condemn others because we were there once too.
As the Corona virus makes its way around the world and the news channels report growing number of deaths, our thoughts are focusing and fear is the result. What choices do we have? Run away and dismiss it, avoiding the issue completely? Or focus on it and let fear build, fed by subconscious fears from lifetimes past? When my husband brought the subject up, it brought up my own fears and I decided to embrace them. Now I am experiencing integration. Fusing. Joining. Unifying are words I would use. By not resisting the idea of the C-virus, as I have done with other viruses before, but by accepting that it is real from a place of open heart and mind, I received it into my thought process. It was a subtle adjustment, but now there is something happening. I’m different. My body feels lighter.
The virus is not the enemy, it is a friend. I am my own worse enemy. Everything that pops up in my life is seeking my acceptance. If I resist it something I don‘t like, it comes back again and again, so I opened my heart and accepted it. I gave it a hug. It was an internal decision. Everything wrong in the world is seeking redemption, and whose going to give it but me. It’s the higher way which is intelligent, rational and proactive, not reactive.
The enemy is not coming from somebody else, although someone else can trigger it. But when it appears in front of our noses and we can't hide from it any longer, fighting is not an option to a higher vibrational person. It is an opportunity to melt it down with unconditional acceptance. Dissolve it. Go the extra mile. The subconscious mind holds memories we are not aware of, but they feed us with tendencies, likes and dislikes that we act on. By staying neutral we can see more clearly. By staying neutral we are more solid.
Becoming aware of an adversary, whether a thing or a person, we see an opportunity to put into play the higher angel of our being. Addressing and clearing our bodies of that old issue once and for all. Oh, yes. It may come back, but practice makes perfect. None of us is perfect. We must continue to practice because if we resist it and repress it, it will go underground again and pop up in the future. Avoidance and fear are the same number one enemy.
Innocence is a natural trait for humans. We ought to use more often. Innocence is not afraid. It is childlike with a many lifetimes of wisdom to support its faith. Embracing all that happens is much like having an open-hearted, open-minded hug at the ready at all times, with gratitude and a welcoming smile. This is how we get back on track with our natural goodness which brings forth the peace and comfort of being safe and free in our own skins. We are skin-walkers only temporarily. We come from a higher place. No matter how bad we have fallen, we are here to learn this truth: that we have come from a higher place.
Well, I started out speaking of the Corona virus, but as you can see I can’t stick with that focus. The higher vibration is what I need to speak about. I share it as a reminder that we do have this ability within us. More later. Thanks for listening.
2/25/20 Exploring Yin and Yang
As I continue to research and explore the divine feminine, I come to a point much like the top of a mountain. From the top of a mountain there is no place to go but back down. First, before going back down, one takes a wide sweeping look from the top to scan the horizon to see what's out there. This is where understanding takes place. One can see from the top better than from the bottom or half way. AHA! Continue looking. Another AHA! Understanding deepens. Comparisons are made. AHA! Revelations cannot be put into words. However there are some thoughts I'd like to share via this newsletter for I really do enjoy writing about it, even if it IS too wordy for most people. It helps to put the pieces together into sentences. I try to do it in the vernacular but don't always succeed. Just as in the beginning we learned our A-B-C's and then learned to put them into whole words and sentences, so have I been studying the divine feminine through tiny steps of A-B-C that led to the forming of whole words and sentences. I started out wanting to discuss with other women to try to find out what the divine feminine was - the depth and truth of feminine - and that led to my first discovery: that all women are not the same and they couldn't help me with the divine aspect.
Step by step I've been led to discover yin and yang. Male and female are two distinctly separate genders, but there is an underlying oneness that ties them together. Duality is composed of an imbalance between men and women. We live within the tension between the two opposites. If men and women were totally 100% balanced, all tension would cease. The world would come to a standstill in the throes of euphoria. This treatise on yin and yang was written in 1987 during a mystical experience I had. I re-discovered it several days ago and want to share it.
"2/9/87 - I realized today the meaning of yin and yang forces. It was a brief experience, but an immersion nonetheless. Let me see if I can recall, for it is worthy of remembering. The words have been no more than words until today, when I was touched and FELT the substances flowing within me. It is somewhat like a force, yes, a very definite force but which it was quick to point out to me (by the intelligence of the whole thing) that this force is created by my own consciousness. My mind. The direction of my thought, my own will power, is what creates the force.
The subtlety of my thought in the direction of the LESSER, or more COMPACT, seemed to me to be the female force, or the yin. It was as if my tendency to reel in and focus my awareness on detail tended to send my energies towards earth, in a downward direction. It was a subservient tendency, a recoiling action, or digging in process. The female? This was the message: that the female tendency to hold back and rebuild, or “nest”, or go back over to re-examine, to study, to withhold conclusions until ALL detail had been accounted for - that THIS was the famous “yin” of ancient teachings. It is not necessarily confined to women, but is more prominent in women than in men, culturally.
The other force activating in my body is an almost exact opposite, in the sense that it is surging outward to reach for something without thought of consequences. This force seemed to be the need to accomplish, to break free of the confines of the yin tendency, and to become free in totality. To cut away all restriction and soar uninhibited by ANY restraints. I was told that this was the “yang”, the male power drive and that it was necessary in order to counteract the negative yin tendencies of my personality.
The yin and the yang pull and push within the average individual like mood swings and operate uncontrollably, often unbeknownst to the conscious mind. Yet, one becomes slowly conscious of this push and pull, for undoubtedly the ancients did, to create terms “yin” and “yang”. They denote something substantially more than the terms “positive” and “negative”. It was made known to me that it is THIS duality that is to be understood and mastered by the mind as a person develops spiritually, for it is the surging yang that directs the consciousness UPWARD. If one could neutralize the restraining yin so that it were non-existent, without restraining the yang, the consciousness (the life force) would begin to flow more actively upward in search of its freedom. It would begin to enjoy greater happiness and freedom. How this is done was not made known to me, but for a brief glimpse at the end of the revelation.
I am overly yin. How does the restraining yin manifest in my daily life? Yin does not allow me to walk boldly out onto a platform to speak to people. It would remain a follower and hide its light under a bushel. Yin does not allow me to implement an idea out of fear that I will go out on a limb that will crack under my weight. Yin does not allow me to think that I am the sole authority of my life. Yin would have me believe that I must lean upon “another”. Who is this other unless it be the yang? Yin does not allow me to soar into the clouds, or to break free of the earth for I am of the earth and therefore earth bound. Yin is afraid to go public for it holds itself behind the screen of physical manifestation where it enjoys the privacy, the sacredness, the secrecy of the state of aloneness, or all-oneness. Yin admonishes yang for being so bold, yet yang is the doer and would make real what yin only contemplates in the privacy of thought.
THIS, the message said, is the force that must be understood and overcome, so that the living force of yang can drive upward and outward. It is its natural tendency to explore and experiment, to struggle and implement ideas without even a thought of failure. To strive ever onward to reach the goal. It is the life force returning to the heights from which it came, yet it cannot so long as yin is active in the organism. As long as yin is isolated from yang, in ignorance without understanding, it works in opposition to yang and the individual remains a victim of mood swings, a victim of fate and the lesser gods.
The yin and the yang are the negative and positive poles of all human life and interaction. It is the explanation for the sexual drive. For when there is too much yang active, too much striving and struggling taking place in a person, whether that person be a man or a woman, that person, lacking in yin, looks to another person with more prominent yin characteristics, to balance him or her out. The average person is unaware of the reasons why such attractions develop. In sex, the yang surges out to find relief and balance.
Likewise does the person with too much yin and not enough yang active in the life, seek a more yang-dominant sex partner, whether man or woman, to balance the inner propensity. Great and passionate is the sexual nature of one who has not balanced the yin and yang. Yet, as one matures and through life experience balances the two subtle counteracting forces, the sexual nature becomes more refined, with a tendency for gentleness and sharing. Sexual habits need not be given up when passion begins to subside through this balancing of forces, though this is often the case. Rather may begin the blossoming into new and higher fields of sharing and romantic lovemaking, as the old sex drive all but disappears. In this time of outgrowing of old sex appetites, there is often a giving up of physical love and a drifting into celibacy. Yet, unless there be an active interchange through physical joining, old age does creep fast upon a person."
Today is February 25, 2020. I am glad to have found this revelation of 30 years ago because time often washes away the baby in the bath water. As long as yin is working against yang, and vice versa, as long as yang is working against yin, the individual remains a victim of fate and the lesser gods for the truth is not apparent. The top of the mountain is an integration point where the feminine disappears in the understanding that it is all one. The broad expanse of a circular horizon shows one land. The two paths start out on separate sides of the mountain but they both lead to the top. Now I am questioning, "What are masculine traits?" And AHA! I now see the yang in me. I've had it all along. I didn't recognize it. So bottom line I searched until I put the pieces of the unknown into a pattern that I could understand. The formless is the unknown within, and I have to "fit it into a form". But I'll search for answers forever, but I have to put them into a pattern that makes sense to me. I have to create a form that is beautiufl to me. The A-B-C's of my confusion is worked out by questioning. I thought I was failing and weak, but I see that I was simply choosing to respond in the feminine way. I DO hav masculine traits in me. I just didn't use them. Maybe now I will. Men were a nemesis and sometimes an enemy, now I feel empathy and love for men. Many of my lifetimes were extremely feminine, loving, nurturing, healing. The modern space age discounts this beautiful divine feminine aspect that is apparent in ALL living creatures, but we should all watch out and not give in to the aggressive yang all over again. We are here to balance our yin and yang within our bodies, homes, work environments, and blossom as refined, healthy and wise human beings.
This is the age of the feminine in both men and women. Women used to enjoy being protected by the man of the family, but in the process she became lop-sided (too weak) and he became lop-sided (too strong). Balancing yin and yang in this largely over-rated mental world, is going to require looking into one's feminine traits to see how better to soften and gentle oneself down. Peace is only one of the benefits of a balanced yin and yang. Freedom is another, and ability to speak the truth without fear of guilt and shame.
2/21/20 Consecrating your precious body as the divine feminine
Please be advised that the women's empowerment gatherings that I previously scheduled for every 2nd and 4th Fridays from 1 to 5 pm in my home in Naples, Florida, free at no cost, are cancelled. Or, at least temporarily postponed. They may come around again but I'm moving into a more solitary phase at the moment. Still, I want to share what I have learned via newsletter form. It is my contribution to sacred relationships, sensuality, spirituality and love. My search for the divine feminine has brought me down to earth and grounded my awareness into physicality with a great sense of appreciation, empathy and love for what we take so for granted. As the world appears to be in chaos and upheaval and weather and continents shifting, our very own bodies are carrying us through an ascension process. We need to know what's going on because we are ALL feeling it. There is a sweet feeling of peace within the body.
I want to address men's empowerment circles too, for this past week I was inspired to search around to see how the divine feminine is playing out on the men's side, and I was rewarded. I discovered "The Rising Man Movement" . This website is very inspiring. It appears to be new this past year. It was founded by a young man, Jeddy Azuma. He and other men have posted podcasts to guide a new generation of men into responsible adulthood. This is a super rare find. I haven't seen anything like it and it made my heart sing. So I want to pass it along. Please go to this website and you will find podcasts such as "Embodied Men Can Express Their Feminine", "Fathering the Boy Inside", "Men are Not Broken" and many more interesting titles. They offer online fire circles, discussions and also outdoor vision quests.
What has been affirmed to me over and over, through links that come to me under mysterious circumstances, is how sacred our physical bodies are. The divine feminine pertains to the BODY. This body that we take so for granted and ignore most of the time as a place to hang clothes on, is the divine feminine. The divine masculine is the river of life and intelligence that flows into us from vast formless regions beyond. Our BODY is the sacred mother, the receiver of this awesome life force. It is feminine. Men's bodies are feminine too in the sense it is a receiver of vast intelligence, a magnificent living force. I will include an article I stumbled upon recently. It came to me during a meditational trance back in 1987.
It has been said that 5% of us is locked into the body to keep the body alive. Well, the kundalini IS that 5%. What is kundalini? It is the life force, a concentration of light that is captured in the pelvic region at the tail bone. Here it is like Mother Earth herself - a molten liquid blazing mass of light of a high intensity, but locked away inside the physical flesh. From it a main channel runs up to the brain and in smaller tributaries all over the land of the body through which flows in gentle motion this great river of light that feeds the body its intelligence and its awareness and sensings. However in most people the concentration of light is almost totally blocked off so that only small portions of the essence is dropped into the main stream of existence. In such tiny portions of flow, the person is what we call “normal”. He does not have sufficient Light moving through the body and brain to give him access to the wholeness of which he belongs. But little by little, over lifetimes of experience and hard knocks, he is forced, literally forced, to expand the blocks. They are pierced and melted away through continually butting against the walls of himself. The blocks are the chakras. As the light pierces each chakra, more of the Light moves upward to batter against the NEXT block. Meanwhile, though, as the Light is battering against the NEXT barrier, the individual is experiencing a transforming of his life, for he is now experiencing life on a new level. For instance.
The first chakra to be pierced, the one just above and in closest proximity to the pelvic region, is the sexual chakra. Once this is pierced the most important aspect is freedom. He works on freedom. He cares about all people being free. He is the freedom fighter, the martyr for freedom in every avenue of human life. She is the “scarlet” woman, the free woman, who is liberated from all sexual mores. But she is also working to bring peace into the world - her world - for peace is the next chakra to be pierced. It is the next level of life to be experienced. So freedom is the first, peace is the second. The peace chakra is located in the region of the naval. Until the peace chakra is penetrated and melted, there is emotional confusion and emotional problems. But once the peace chakra is opened up, the light flows in and brings stability. While experiencing life on this level, the person is apt to be a counselor and peace-maker in the many fields of human endeavor. There are many outlets for making peace. Ministers, educators, even laborers and housewives who work on a small discreet level, but this person’s priority in life, the one moving force in their life, is to make peace. While this is going on, they are also working on the love chakra, to pierce that barrier. The love chakra is located in the region of the heart. When the love chakra is pierced, they learn to love all people in all circumstances.
Until that time, they are having problems forgiving, they have not learned how to place love above all circumstances, but when they finally pierce the love chakra, light flows in and they are able to love freely. Then they live a life of total forgiveness. Their priority is to give and help and heal and love. And while they are experiencing life on the Love plane, they are working on the Power chakra. The power chakra is located in the region of the throat and the vocal chords. Power is created through the speaking of words. Before the power chakra is penetrated, they have problems saying what they want and feel. They are stumbling and hiding certain aspects of themselves from their neighbors and friends. But when they pierce the Power chakra, suddenly they find themselves saying what they want! And they are surprised and so are their friends and neighbors. Suddenly they are in more control of their lives than ever before, for the power chakra is a self control chakra. These are the orators of the world, those who speak before the multitudes, or the small insignificant places. If this power is misused, they become con artists, and dictators like Hitler who was charismatic. They are preachers and great industrial giants who can move others to their will. But while they are enjoying and experiencing life on the Power level, they are also working to batter down the doors to the Truth chakra.
This chakra is located in the region of the brain, often thought of as being connected to the pituitary gland. This chakra is the most complicated of all the chakras to explain, because it controls many things. But in essence, before this chakra is pierced, the person does not think so much about putting things into an order, such as logic or truth, and the world is in a state of chaos to him. But once this chakra is pierced the world begins to take on a semblance of order. HIS world. He begins to piece things together. The truth of things become important. He sees how things work and his priority in life is doing things according to his truth. These are the mental people of the world. They organize their truths and present them to the people as I am doing now. Through their work our world takes on a structure. These people are scientists, educators, researchers, whose top priority is work of a mental nature, sometimes so completely involved in their internal organizing they appear to be in an ivory tower. While these people are experiencing life in the mental plane, they are also battering against the doors of the highest chakra of all: the spiritual chakra located at the crown, for through the work on the mental plane they come to realize there is something higher and they become curious. So, when they cannot find the pieces to the mental puzzles they are working with in daily life, they begin to look higher.
The light flows in an upward direction, always, to something higher. The chakra at the crown is the one which will enhance and add greater value to the one most immediate. And so the ladder of life is piercing one barrier after another until finally the spiritual chakra is pierced and the union is made. In flows the light from the great sea of eternal life, the oneness from which the individual spark of the person first descended and subsequently forgot. These are the mystics who have the visions, see God, angels, other beings like themselves who have gone on to higher worlds. They know the truth of life and they are ready to move on, if they have left nothing undone behind them. However, most people have left much undone, unfinished business, and gaps are still evident. So they have to go back and reconnect once more with the spark that lies at the bottom of the spinal column. For in the climb up the ladder, one quite often forgets that 5% still buried down below. It is a conscious reunion. This 5% is what the Indian folklore calls “kundalini”. It is what the Christian world calls the “holy spirit”.
When kundalini is awakened, or when the holy spirit moves in an individual, it is dynamic. One can feel the presence of something holy moving through him. It is not easy to explain to another what it feels like, because it is so sweet, pure and gentle, so peaceful and miraculous, so healing and soft, so full of truth and wisdom and knowledge. It moves the person to transcend the outer world, for he is now being “wafted" upward on breezes of something mightier than himself. He is not in control, yet he is part of the greater one who IS in control and he knows this so he does not fear any longer outer conditions. He becomes absorbed into the onenss. Now, here is where the great challenge is. Here is where we have to return our attention to the physical body and consider it sacred. It's difficult to do because at this point we want to SOAR! Spiritual people don't want to deal with the physical world but we have to deal with the physical body. We cannot leave our body or it's all over. We will be lost.
Each person who is alive and walking about in a physical body, is operating on one of these seven levels, or in some individuals on more than one, for it is possible that a person is operating on two levels at the same time, through an overlap. A person can be operating on the peace level and the love level, both at the same time. Or a person can be operating on the freedom level and the peace level, both at the same time. Or on the freedom level and the love level, such as those who work with terrorist groups and freedom fighters, and who exemplify love. Or a person can be operating on the love level and the power level, such as the charismatic ministers who spread love around. Or a person can be operating on the power level and the mental level at the same time, such as Hitler who was charismatic and a dictator. Most often these people go astray and exhibit less than honorable personalities. Or a person can be operating on the mental and spiritual. Most often these people are the religious leaders and quite often they, too, exhibit less than honorable personalities. It is because there is so much Light that floods a particular region whenever a chakra is broken through, that a person becomes unbalanced and may go to extremes in that region, imposing his will on others, believing, KNOWING himself to have hit upon the Truth, but it's HIS truth and he has no business pounding it into others. Each person is responsible for our own truth and our own discoveries. So we each have to learn to balance this particular aspect that has broken through and caused such enlightenment. We have to balance it with the other six qualities of Life. There are seven major ones, which may be called by many names but are indicated in the paragraph above - the mother flame being the root chakra.
It is the work of all of us, this working through the chakras. It is our mission to open, acclimate and assimilate all of the divine qualities into our lives that are held behind what we call chakras. Our bodies are sacred. Each one of us is working on something that is profound to us. It is moving us, we are reaching for something, striving for something. We don't know not what it is. We can't name it or define it, but it is our directing force. It is a priority. Our daily tasks, our human relationships, our career and hobbies are all dedicated to the fulfilling of the problem so that we may pierce the barrier. Often our instincts place us in hard situations just so that we CAN learn. We could not break through a barrier unless we placed ourselves in front of an unmovable barrier on the physical level. We marry people who we know subconsciously to represent road blocks to us. We do it from a soul level, not a mind level (we think we‘re in love!) so that we can work on our blocks.
Now, when we have sufficiently done our work on each level, the next step is to coordinate ALL the levels. It is through the work of coordinating all the levels that we will experience the awakening of kundalini, or the washing of the holy spirit, which helps us to coordinate. Only by lining up all the openings into one unobstructed channel, can the Light flow down from the formless region of "empty" space through our physical bodies and join with the Mother Flame at the base of the spine. This concept is difficult to understand through words, but it is what they call the mystical marriage. To explain it a little better, I'm including a video by Lori Ladd that I just received this morning (another synchronicity) because it affirms so very well what I have been saying here: She starts out talking about strange mysterious symptoms that people are having as a result of higher frequency rays coming through the sun and hitting everyone on earth. But the most important part of all is in the last three or four minutes of the 16 minute tape, where she says:
Lori Ladd: "Just listen to your body 'cuz the body knows. You want to start listening to where your body's at, because your body's doing all the work, your body's ascending. Your body's shifting you, you being the ego personality, and it's the one that's hard at work doing this because you've already got all this high frequency light in you, moving around, and it's job is to shift you into the next highest version of you that's already in you. That's its job. It's got a massive job. Right? It's like the head of the choo-choo train. And it's the one pulling the entire train. The body is pulling the entire ascension process. And what is so magical about this now moment that we are in, and the magic of why so many of you are in physical form right now, is to experience the physicality of shifting consciousness in physical form. It's never been done before like this, in this density. We are shifting consciousness within the physical form. Whose in charge? The physical form! The physical form is doing this. We're just along for the ride to experience it. Right? The physical form deserves to be honored and cherished and loved and seen as a beautiful aspect of - not as an unconscious form that is just here to hold you - it's the one doing the work to move you into these higher frequencies. It's the one anchoring the light to get you to hold the higher frequencies. It's the one anchoring you into the fifth dimensional field. If the body doesn't do it, you're not going anywhere. And YOU can't tell the body anything. The body is going to tell you. So when you're moving through this process, acclimate, assimilate, anchor, honor everything you're feeling. Know there's nothing wrong when you're having these symptoms. There's a lot of physical symptoms that we're going to have. Just recognize that it's energy and it's not good, bad, right, wrong. You're not doing anything wrong. You're not doing anything bad. It's just the physical symptoms are part of the ascension path. So honor your beautiful physical forms. They are doing overtime right now for us. "
No newsletters prior to February 2020 as I, Diana, was trying to establish loving touch massage as in massage swapping. Periodic messages were sent out.
3/14/18 The Massage Club, Saturday, April 7, 2018
Naples, FL
4 to 9 pm
Small group
Reservations required
Gender balanced
Meet, mingle and select a massage partner
Introduction circle
Philosophical remarks
Donation $20 couple
We are very happy to report that the Massage Club is going well and. I am inspired by the responses of those who have attended. Actually, I am glowing with new insight. Thank you to those who participated and for offering feedback. The massage club is an evolutionary process, not a fixed program. I am taking reservations for April 7. Next, I want to comment on the above bullet points for everyone's consideration who reads this. This goes to the Anakosha email list - all who have written for one reason or another. Ask me to remove you if you don't want to receive it any more.
By "small group". It is not limited to a fixed number because there are people who don't show up. I don't want to turn away a couple if the maximum number has been reached. What if a couple "no-shows"? Then we're down one. So it must remain flexible at this time as we are in the beginning stages. The goal of the massage club is to assist individuals in expanding into more freedom. We do this by exchanging energies up close and hands-on with other people we would not normally meet in every day life. It's a cross-fertilization, like bees do with pollen. It provide us with new food for thought. It's a step outside the box. It is a rare few who are willing to engage in this way, so it's a new activity being offered, the massage club. And by now everyone understands that it is a non-sexual massage, yet loving and intimate.
"Reservations required". This means I must have several exchanges by email to convince me the couple is for real. Maybe a phone call too, but not necessary. There are no dues. This is not an income-producing club. The intention is to move past the money system into more freedom. I have received reservations in the past who never showed up, so I want to be convinced to accept a reservation and to fill a slot with their names. I want to be sure they are on board, and that they would fit. I understand the hesitancy and caution. I would be hesitant too if the situation were reversed. For that reason I am planning to offer private massage exchanges at no cost, up close and personal. This will be posted shortly on Anakosha with more explanation. It's to meet and build a rapport, anyone, woman or man.
"Gender balanced". This refers to either a live-together couple or a pair made up of a man and a woman. The pair could be friends. Since it is a non-sexual massage, two friends who have a platonic relationship might like to attend together. They could choose each other as their partner or other people. If erotic feelings arise, the guideline is to not act on those feelings but enjoy them. Expand them.
"Meet, mingle and select a massage partner". This will be something new this time. From 4 to 4:30 everyone will be asked to go around and meet the others freely, in a personal way. The house is open. Groups have a tendency to stay locked in a circle. Break the circle. It's refreshing. It opens people up and allows more space to be casual. Thirty minutes should provide enough time for everyone to meet. Same genders should meet too. In a group we typically go to people we are drawn to, following our comfortability. This is a request to personally shake hands or give a hug to everyone present whether you like them or not, to share your spark. Expand your auric field, but don't become attached. No time for attachments and conversations. There will be time later to round out conversation. You will be invited to stay until 10 pm (or later) to wind down whatever conversations are still unfinished.
"Introduction circle". I'm not sure we'll need this now, considering the meet and mingle process above. But, yes, I think we'll keep it on the agenda so everyone can provide pertinent information and the others can hear it all at one time.
"Philosophical remarks". I'll keep my presentation to a minimum, but it's important to pass on some information. In essence, a hands-on massage doesn't do much if the hands are not warm. How do we warm our hands? By finding love within yourself. By dwelling on loving thoughts. Kind thoughts about yourself. Welcoming thoughts. Beautiful thoughts. The recipient of the massage can feel what you are thinking. It comes through your hands. Feel love. These kinds of thoughts are not personal for the other person but the other person can feel them. They are a loving vibration coming from the quality of your thoughts. Touching with indwelling love in your heart makes you feel good and provides a warming sensation that soothes and relaxes the receiver. Love is not well understood. Self love is hard to come by. Most men especially shut it down because they are afraid to cause amorous feelings. Well, no. You should feel love inside of you. Don't act on these feelings if they should arise. Allow them to be there. Experience them. Let feelings happen. Enter into them and embrace them - and pass them on to others when circumstances allow.
"Demonstration". Just like the last time. There will be a massage table in the living room, set low so those across from each other can see each other. Someone will be on the table as either I or David massages the person as we talk and explain.
"Donation". $20 per couple or pair of friends. This takes care of the snacks which will come out around 6 pm. No alcohol please. There will be soft drinks available and water. The drinks and ice cooler is on the patio, but the screen room is open to the air so mosquitoes are present. The hot tub can be used afterwards, if you want to deal with mosquitoes. You can stay later than 9 if you want to.
One more thing. I would like to ask a question. What do you suggest for the massage club to evolve it into the future? Tell me your suggestions, comments and criticism because this is something that could continue on after I am gone if there is a plan in place. It is evolutionary in the sense that human touch cross-fertilizes, if there is a vehicle to allow it. It is a way to reach out across boundaries to wider and wider circles in a grass-roots sort of way that frees people up rather than bog them down with personal attachments. Non-sexual intimacy is elevating and expanding. Human touch is warming, supportive and idea-provoking. So tell me what thoughts cross your mind as you read this? What you would like to see happen? What if I am gone next month? How could this carry on? Plant a seed.
Feel free to write to me. And let me know if you are interested in attending April 7 as a couple. You can arrive any time after 3 pm. From 3 to 4 pm, which is official time, you can hang out on the patio. Thanks for reading. I send universal free love. RSVP to me directly.
Future massage parties
Sat., Apr. 7, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., May 5, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Jun. 2, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Jul. 7, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Aug. 4, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Sep. 8, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Oct. 6, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Nov. 3, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Dec. 1, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
1/14/18 The Love Club changes its name
January's massage party was stirring. It stirred up some realizations. The hosts and I met the following Wednesday. They gave me a four-handed massage and then after we cuddled (with clothes on) and shared our thoughts and feelings freely, afterwards. I wish all massage parties could be this way. It is liberating to speak freely after a massage. We all agreed that the word "Love" in Love Club is being misinterpreted by people in different ways. Some interpret it to mean sexual love, and some interpret the word "swapping" to mean sexual swapping as in swinging. So we are removing both words, Love and Swapping from our descriptions. We agreed that these words are a misrepresentation of what we are doing here. So the name change is from "Love Club" to "Massage Club", which was its original name anyway, before I got carried away into the esoteric. And the massage club hosts massage parties.
By removing "swapping" from the description doesn't mean a couple can't exchange massage partners by mutual consent. We simply want to remove the focus on what appears to be a rule. A couple doesn't have to swap, a couple may stay together and exchange massages between each other. The massage parties are first of all for committed couples to grow more loving together. Massage is a love technique. It helps your loved one experience a warm and wonderful feeling from your own loving hands. One woman said privately to me that she required a happy ending whenever she gets a massage. But that isn't going to happen here at the massage club because it would change the atmosphere. It would excite other men and intimidate other women. An orgasm at the end of a massage should be done in private, and therefore not here in a group.
The massage club is for massage, not a happy orgasmic ending. And now I am going to go into the deeper aspects of massage. The goal is to prolong the love sensation, where the bliss energy deepens and spreads throughout the body, releasing stress and blockages so feelings of love can waft all over. By bringing it to a head at climax, it's finished. It ends. It's over. We are here to learn, through the massage technique, to prolong these wonderful sensations. They are visceral, gut level and deeper. The massage club's focus is to practice this and extend it so that it is not ended prematurely, before the person is zoned out, which is what an orgasm does but faster, in a BANG sort of way, before the body has gone limp in ecstasy in the natural way.
It‘s not the intention of a massage party to teach physical sexual techniques. We are here to practice non-physical techniques through the vehicle of massage. It's a way of coming closer to your partner. It's a love technique, not a physical technique. Sex is physical. Love is non-physical. Love is the power that comes from beyond us. It's bigger than us and we limit it by keeping it focused on the physical. Love is like the electricity coming into our homes. We don't understand it but we can learn how to use it. We tap it and learn what it can do. So it is with love. We can tap into love and use it in a better way if we learn how.
So the massage club is NOT for sex and not for happy endings for a very practical reason. If the reader has his or her heart set on an orgasmic result, otherwise known as a happy ending, they should modify their expectation because it's not going to happen here. At least not at this time. We are keeping our focus on massage. Through massage we distribute what is actually the orgasmic energy all through the body instead of focusing it to a head and a climax. By distributing the orgasmic energy all through the body, we are scientifically opening the etheric meridians that have been long closed. These etheric meridians are not very well known to us westerners. Through the meridians our spirit or our consciousness flows down into our muscles and tissues. We are designed that way. They are in us for that purpose. But we keep them closed. That's why people feel so good when they are stressed out and they go get a massage. The meridians are opened up again. That is the intention. They feel good because they are flowing again with the love that is coming down from their higher self.
I'll tell you a cute story as an aside. I have given workshops from time to time over the years, and one day at a workshop, a man actually got it - what I was trying to get across. I saw his face light up in recognition, and then he closed it down again and said, "Oh, but you must be careful not to mix healing with sex." We were talking about how massage heals and is sensual at the same time and how the orgasm fits in.
What we're doing here in massage is, instead of focusing on the genitals and rubbing until the feeling explodes in climax, which means it's now all over, we continue massaging to prolong the good feelings. They are extended deeper and further and distributed all through the body and into every nook and cranny, cell, muscle and cartilage in the body. Some people long for this prolonged ecstasy feeling (women), while others don't understand because they've never felt it before (men). Men are not designed to internalize inner feelings like women are. And yet we live together. We are opposites. This causes a separation between the two of us who live together. This is the reason why the massage club is materializing. It is her to help integrate the two opposite approaches to love. Through massage we will prolong, deepen and expand the good feelings, which are actually orgasmic feelings in a mild and blissful way as compared to the explosive Bang.
It's healthy, it's healing, it's sensual, it nourishes the muscles and tissues like an orgasm does, but in a natural smooth easy way instead of in a large POW! way. It is wonderfully fulfilling to drink softly, vulnerably, sweetly, as a parched and dying man on the desert would drink a cold clear glass of water given to him, and savor every drop as it seeped lower and lower into his belly. This type of prolonged lovemaking clears energy blocks in a quiet and natural way, instead of in a loud noise way. Men are the ones who need this the most. Don't think of this as being for the women. It is actually for the men to experience it, to feel it, to understand it. Women have known it all their lives.
So, that is what we are doing in this massage. We are distributing feelings of love and bliss all through the body, both men and women, through the etheric meridians. When everyone has learned this technique, or have sufficiently experienced it so it is understood, then a more private massage party can be planned with a happy-ending gathering for partners. We are not going to turn this into a swing party, because couples first need to be on the same page when it comes to lovemaking. But couples can learn in a group of other couples through discussion and sharing knowledge and wisdom. Knowing about the etheric meridians is the secret knowledge of the tantras.
This energy can’t be distributed through the body if we don't know about it. If all focus is on the physical, and all effort is focused on the physical, the meridians remain closed. The deeper feelings are not realized because the conduits are still closed. We can't avoid saying these things. Denial does not help us. Sex is real. Sex is practical. Sex is natural. The way it has been done will continue. But we can expand our knowledge and we can enhance these beautiful feelings by opening the etheric meridians and include the whole body so it is flowing with the current of life. The massage club is being brought into being for purposes of preparing for deeper, better, more wholesome, beautiful love. Preparing requires taking time to learn. To study. To listen. To share. To expand. And to consider the needs of other people. It is training in how to not be selfish. We are changing the "me" to "we". It's a reaching out. A sharing of a wealth of information. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle locked up inside them. It's been hiding in there. Show yourself and tell yourself. Speak yourself. Be yourself.
It's OK to be selfish once in a while during lovemaking, but we are also learning how to merge our sensations of bliss with another and at the same time. It's called mutual fulfillment. Selfish sex takes care of one or the other but not both at the same time. Selfish sex has always been there and always will be, as long as there are men and women. So we don't have to worry that sex as we know it will disappear. But we can learn more. Each person's fulfillment is important, not just "mine". What we are presenting here is a sharing concept above and beyond what we're accustomed to. We are learning it through simple massage.
Massage is deceptive. There is more to it than is currently known. We are learning how orgasmic bliss feelings flow and melt blockages of old, old fixed habit patterns so clear fresh new insight flows. We've not been taught about meridians before. The etheric meridians is where the chakras are located. We've all heard about chakras but have we experienced them opening?
We can only learn about them through feeling them. Massage is one of the best ways to feel chakras open. It is not necessary to understand with your mind. It is all about experiencing it. How does it feel when you massage someone? When you receive from someone? It is all about YOU and what you are feeling. Identifying it by talking about it afterwards is part of the learning process. Share your stories with others. I have learned so much from listening to other people. I continue to learn. It reduces the "me" to which I have identified all my life, and expands my perception to "we". I am not alone. I am part of a larger whole. The body that you are living in is sacred but have you experienced feeling sacred? We can’t experience feeling sacred - which is love - until we open the meridians.
The Anakosha Massage Club is strictly social, not sexual. Social nudity and social massage is what we do here. A loving massage cultivates and activates love because it opens more refined levels that haven't been opened before in most people. Perhaps you have felt it on occasion. This is a love technique that very few know about. Rubbing the erotic physical parts on the body harder doesn’t open the etheric channels, it closes them. One fast orgasmic explosion opens the meridians rapidly, then closes back down again. Massage teaches the body to remain relaxed and open to allow the meridians to stay open and relaxed. The access is done through trust and trusting the one who is touching you. It is important that we expand the feelings of trust, not abort them by changing partners. Stay in trust so the body can relax and become soft, flexible and vulnerable. This deepens our love ability.
I studied spiritual law with the Masters for 40 years, and all during that time I was having sex with men and women and hosting swing parties. I blended sex and spiritual love together and brought them into harmony. I did this internally, for myself alone. It is time to bring forth a massage club so others can enhance their blending and bonding of opposites in their life. It's all about unity, unifying, integrating, sharing through togetherness. Alone at home we have no one to discuss these things with, if we are opposite sides of the fence. These are taboo subjects to one or the other. Let's join together and experience the blending of opposites together, through massage. It has to be felt. Rubbing genitals alone doesn’t do it, and spiritual love alone doesn’t do it. Love is a joining together of opposites.
To attend the Feburary 3rd massage party, contact me by return reply. If you want to be removed from these mailings, ask by reply email. I maintain the Anakosha website through which this is being promoted. All communication comes to me. Check Diana's Blog on the website for updates. I am Diana.
12/5/17 Not sent as newsletter but blogged
Yes, we DID have the second Love Club Massage Swap for couples only, last Saturday, December 2. There were three couples, all of whom had met before. And this time it was more intimate than the first time. We were more in tune with each other, and therefore more relaxed. There was more stories shared than the first time. We had once more three massage tables in the beautiful living room overlooking the golf course. The women laid on the tables first and the men massaged them, switching partners when we turned over, back to front. Then we broke for snacks and conversation, then an hour later the men were on the tables and the women massaged them, again switching partners when it was time to turn over. The event went according to the vision or the plan, in that the togetherness - all in the same room - provided a group comfort zone but yet the individual one-on-one massaging provided that personal connection that is SO needed.
It is hard to define the essence of what it is we are striving for. As I wrote to someone yesterday (a woman who is helping me publish the book Swing With Safety) - "The massage swapping is a new experience in that it's a half-way feeling between sterile therapeutic massage and swingers sensual or sexual massage. It's tricky to explain but I'm doing a lot of philosophical writing about it, the approach, and leaning heavily on my experience in swinging. Like, swing parties of 10 or 20 couples don't provide the right energy for personal intimate connections. It's too rushed. That's the scene I have been involved with most of my adult life. That's why a lot of couples stick with only one or two couples they know. You can spend a whole evening, night or day with them , even two days, and not feel rushed. But then, there's the other side of it - you might fall in love and cause relationship problems. That's when having a group of others around to enjoy and spend time with helps to curb that natural tendency to fall in love, or fall into attachment. Swingers pride themselves for not attaching, but that also bars them from enjoying intimacy. I'm seeking the half-way point in this massage swapping. So far, the people are responding nicely to it."
We are expecting 7 couples for the January 6 couples massage swap. How to sign up - contact me through the Contact page. I am Diana and I answer all emails.
11/12/17 The Love Club Newsletter
Heart-centered massage swaps with heart-centered people
This is the first official newsletter of the Love Club. I am Diana of Anakosha reporting on the first event held last Saturday, November 4, 2017. I will be promoting the Love Club more as time goes on. The concept of exchanging loving, nurturing massage in small groups has been brewing for at least 20 years. Healing with love energy is well known throughout the world in various cultures and religions, but it is often diverted into sex. Wonderful uplifting feelings and healings result from massage without sex. The reason is sexual activity draws the energy to the genital region and concentrates it there, which prevents the love energy from expanding and flowing through the entire body.
Massage is an excellent healing medium when love is allowed to flow. The idea of swapping massage in small groups is to allow this to take place in a safe environment, and to make this comforting agenda more available at no cost other than a $10 donation to help with lotions, etc. Also, it allows people to share in the giving. Giving is as much a benefit if not more, than receiving. When you put your hands on someone to massage them, and you wait a moment and just feel the energy move, this starts the flow from the universe. The more you give, the more you receive. When I give a massage to someone through a loving hands-on massage, I myself am fulfilled when the body I am working on is filled to overflowing with good feelings. This is a common experience for massage therapists. That is why the Love Club massages are for healing, not for arousal. We want to share this approach with laymen and laywomen so you can give massages to each other and to friends.
Our first Love Club event was held in a lovely home in Naples. There were four couples, plus me. We gathered at 4 pm and the last couple left at 9:30, later than we planned. Age-wise, there was no one under 40. Most of us were 50 and over but from that point I have no idea what the ages are and don't care. We were all mature people who were not under the pressure of racing hormones.
We began by sitting around in a circle with me introducing myself and moderating introductions. Discussions naturally flowed and we began speaking about massage. Massage experience of those in attendance was varied. In the instructions I said we would be doing one-on-one massaging by swapping partners. However, that changed as sometimes things do, and we ended up with three massage tables instead of four. With nine people - eight couples plus myself - we figured that would work quite nicely with three to a table, only the men rebelled. They didn't want to massage other men. So, mmmm. We discussed it with no solution so I took the women out to the lanai to talk girl talk, which is easily done when there are no men around.
This provided a breakthrough. It didn't take long. It is always amazing to me how well women can work together when allowed to. Let the women run the show and all will be well. It was decided to put the three men on the table and let the one man who wanted to sit out, sit it out for now (wanted to pace himself due to a bad back). And then all the women - five of us - started massaging the men. We lingered for a while over one man, then we moved to another man when we felt to, never leaving a man alone on a table. The women worked well together, signaling silent messages when it was time to change partners. We never got bored. To me, there was a sense of feminine energy sparkling freely and dancing around the room.
When everyone was complete, we drifted out for snacks and conversation. Later, we drifted back into the massage room and three women laid down on the three tables, two women sat out and the fourth man continued to sit out. By this time, there was a free flow happening - the kind of energy one would hope for in a well-organized group except this wasn't organized. It became spontaneous. The women were following their instincts, each one knowing instinctively what to do for the good of the whole. I was impressed.
The one woman sitting out until last was at last called in, and she received a wonderfully complete massage. And I, the other woman sitting it out, joined a gal who was working on the one man who had been sitting out. He had a bad back and wanted to space his time at the table giving, with his time on the table receiving, because his body scrunches up and contracts when he works his muscles. He needed to be last on the table or he wouldn't be able to walk to the car. He knows his body pretty well.
As I worked on the man with the bad back, I was able to get MY energies moving. I could feel the puffs of radiance flowing through my hands. As I laid my hands on him and made the connection with his energy, noticing the twisted muscles of his back, I looked around the room and felt a lump in my throat. There was something soft in the air. The bonding was happening. The mood music was playing gently as the men focused on the women, massaging them with care.
It was growing dark by now and a low light came on in the living room. The tinted glass wall allowed us to see out onto the golf course while nobody could see in. The river flowed by and the pool on the lanai lit up with a beautiful blue light. Several women had gone to the showers and were on their way to the hot tub. I continued with the man on the table until done, and then we lingered and talked with the lady on the next table who made no move to get up, smiling from ear to ear and glowing. The feeling was easy and connective. One by one we left the tables and went to shower off the oil and headed to the hot tub which was around 97 or 98, body temperature.
It was a lovely clear night. The golf course was now dark and empty. As we sat in the hot tub with a blue light reflecting off the watery walls, we noticed the full moon rising above the screened enclosure. We talked and shared thoughts and awareness as the warm water finished the job the massage had started. Then one by one we left and went home thanking our lovely, friendly hosts.
The Love Club concept is for couples for now. Two singles may attend if they do the work of finding each other. We are focusing on couples for now (or pairs of two singles) because we need gender balance. We can pair up a woman who is either single or whose partner is not interested, with a man who is single or whose partner is not interested, but we are not in a position to be match-makers. At least not at this point in time. If you as a couple have an interest in attending, then write to me and introduce yourselves as a couple, both man and woman. Since I am the one responsible for the invitations, it is important to know who you are. Contact me by return email.
A donation of $20 per couple helps with the minor costs that accrue. You can donate upon arrival. No dues are required. There is no formal membership. Attendance puts you on the membership roster, which I keep personally.
The first event proved it can work wonderfully. It is all about shedding the street persona and allowing the heart-centered focus to be present, which is the loving side of a person. It is a wonderful feeling to be part of a group of others who are on the same page. The next Love Club event will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 4 pm, and the following one on January 6. Future dates are shown below.
Just a reminder - love is theory from an intellectual perspective, but the body actually FEELS love. It is a sensation that is warming and comforting. The brain is not designed to feel. The brain's function is abstract thought. Since we are 99% a mental culture dwelling mostly in our heads, massage sharing teaches us to feel love. We lower our focus to our body when hands are put on us in a selfless, giving way. While the genitals are the most intense feeling organs in the body, and the head is the least feeling organ, the heart is the middle zone. It is positioned half way between head and groin. It is the balancer between abstract thought and feeling. The massage assists us in lowering our attention down to the heart level, but not all the way down to the genital level. At the heart level there is a portal to the divine in us. Here we are consciously balanced. We can shift attention either way, by choice, or we can simply relax and enjoy the sensations of loving hands connecting with our skin. Mmmmm! Let go and drift, knowing there is nothing expected of you. You are being given a gift. Relax and follow the feelings.
Love and hugs,
10/23/17 The Love Club Newsletter
As we consider massage in a loving way, intimacy naturally comes to mind. Intimacy has always been reserved for the primary partner, the one you live with. Primary partnerships are considered exclusive. How many couples retain the ability to be truly intimate with each other? Beyond discussing gossip or problems with family, neighbors and politics? Intimacy is an inner term. It means connecting with subtle forces within oneself and then, secondly, sharing those feelings with someone else. But the first part of intimacy is allowing feelings to take place. It is a deeper art that we as a culture have not mastered. To allow our feelings to exist and not condemn them or reject them. We have been trained to shut them off. Superficial sex is one way of avoiding intimacy and the feeling of feelings.
This is what we will be practicing at the Love Club. It requires a slowing down process, both mentally and physically, so that the third component - feelings - can be felt. There are three aspects to us: mind, body and feelings. The goal is to integrate them so these three mind-body-feelings function in harmony.
If, during the massage, you are feeling something and your partner is not, the feelings are not being shared. They are being kept to yourself, alone, hidden. Only you are feeling it. When you are uncomfortable with these feelings, you find ways to distract yourself, usually moving on to another subject or doing something physical to break those feelings off. This is how we reject our feelings. Sharing intimacy means to allow those feelings to exist, and to continue to flow with someone. This is sharing intimacy. It is what connection is. Many people have lost this ability to connect and to share feelings. Intimacy is not some holy act that is virtuous and must be kept hidden away for some future sacred moment. Intimacy is light and easy. It is flowing with someone. That's all it is. And it simply means letting yourself feel what is going on inside of you instead of hiding them. There is more to come. This is just the tip of iceburg as I am relating it here.
Sharing feelings with someone other than your primary partner has always been considered a sacrilege. It is taboo. It is cheating. This concept has been pounded into us by tradition. It is a way of keeping us from falling in love - inappropriately, it is said - but it's really a way of keeping us from love. It is a way of keeping us away from what makes us happy. So we were slapped down as children whenever we did something happy and free, which has served to remind us today, as adults, to keep our feelings hidden. It's time to break the rules. Getting caught masturbating alone in private causes feelings of shame, and yet these are your OWN feelings. The shame is a way of keeping you from enjoying yourself, of feeling free. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. We have been kept, by tradition and rules, from feeling the splendor of our own feelings.
Authority figures from time immemorial have issued laws to keep us away from these inner forces called feelings. This practice of massaging strangers who will become friends if you continue with the Love Club, provides a safe place to practice breaking the rules in an ethical and highly moral way. It is simple, fun and light-hearted because we are social animals and we need each other to have fun. Through social interaction we can practice feeling and sharing stories again, without reserve. Sharing stories and sharing Intimacy is one and the same thing. It is a natural state for we humans to be together and explore together and grow together. The authorities have made it unnatural and perverted.
We will be sharing feelings with a stranger simply through massage without turning it sexual. The reason we are not turning it sexual is so you can feel the feelings and stay in the feelings. Once you change the act into a physical act, you are no longer staying in the feelings but pursuing something that you don't have yet and you want it. This is not a put-down of the joys of sex, but a lesson in intimacy that will further expand the joy of sex.
The reason why we are here to swap massages one on one, alone, not with your own partner but with someone else of opposite gender, is to enable you to remain at your peak experience. You will not fall into the normal habit patterns that you have at home. You will have different feelings because you will be touching new vibrations from a new person. This will help you to activate feelings you don't normally activate at home. We are habitual creatures, all of us. We do the same things day in and day out. We all want stimulation, which is why people cheat and go outside their marriage, which causes feelings of guilt. We don't want feelings of guilt or betrayal. There is a better way to be stimulated. We haven't explored this yet, as a culture. It's time. How to be stimulated, feel joy and freedom, be creative and blossom where we're planted, without cheating?
Being bored and restless is caused by recycling the same feelings. Our OWN same feelings, over and over. It's habitual. The concept of the Love Club is to get people to interact with different people through massage. You will activate new and different feelings. You will not turn them sexual, which you might possibly do if you were alone with that person but, because that is not the purpose of the Love Club, we don't go there.
You will have all sorts of feelings when you massage a stranger. You might have repugnant feelings caused by an associated memory - but it will be YOUR memory surfacing - not coming from the person. Or you might have feelings of guilt because you are having some turn-on feelings - but you will not act on them. Just enjoy them. Or you might have feelings of shame from a long-repressed childhood memory. You might have confused feelings because you feel the turn-on feelings but you don't know what to do with them since you're not allowed to do anything with this person. This is intimacy. You are feeling intimate feelings within yourself. All feelings are intimate. We let them flow forth and on and on through us. Let them expand until they reach your conscious mind, where you can make a conscious decision that it's OK, I am receiving this and it's OK. That way, we don't repress the feeling as we did before. We allow it. Even the so-called negative feelings. Welcome the negative feeling. It is yours. It will not remain negative for long, once you accept them. They will be absorbed into wonderful feelings again so you can continue receiving feelings. Let them exist. Don't act on them.
Most people will not be able to do this at first. Most of us, including me, have built strong sturdy walls around our feelings. That is why we have chosen massage as a way to stimulate feelings within us. And don't kid yourself - feelings ARE powerful. They are forces that need to be dealt with and mastered. Right now, we are confused over this sex, love and intimacy thing. We need more practice, and with others besides our at-home lover. We don't easily activate new feelings at home, either alone or with our partner. Not because we don't love them but because we become habitualized. We do the same thing with them over and over. Activating new feelings sometimes requires outside different energies. It's going to turn your life around into more fun and more stimulation.
Thank you DK. And thank you P & J for offering the use of your beautiful home for this, our first Love Club meeting. Everything is supplied - tables, sheets, lotion and some light snacks and soft drinks. The $20 donation (per couple) will help defray costs. Give it to me upon arrival, not to P & J who don't want it and will refuse it. You will find them to be very friendly hosts who go out of their way to make sure you are comfortable. Future dates are posted below and also on the Anakosha website.
Let me know by return email if you want to participate, but talk to your partner to make sure he or she wants to engage in this manner. Directions to P & J's will come once confirmed. I am taking reservations, both firm or tentative, for future meetings too. I would also like to hear your comments and feedback. This is something unique and new that we are trying. I'm not sure anybody else is doing it quite this way anywhere in the world. Everyone is important. Each person there influences the meaning of the whole. It's definitely a way to meet other couples, if nothing else. Let me know if you want to participate - as a couple please!
Love and hugs,
Diana of Anakosha
9/7/17 The Love Club Newsletter
Hello everyone! You are invited to attend our very first massage swap for loving couples. It is going to take place in my home out on rural pastureland in North Collier County, Naples. Imagine, if you will, arriving at the door and being hugged through the front door by me and my partner David. We will have four massage tables set up in various rooms in the house, completely equipped with sheets, towels and lotion. We are friendly and love to host small gatherings. My husband who is not interested in massage will also be here in the background as protector. This gathering will be no more than 8 couples. A total of 16 people. It starts at 4 pm and goes until at least 8 pm but it may last longer. There will be light snacks and drinks to tide over the hunger pangs.
The first thing we'll do is give you time to mill around and meet the others who are here, and also have a tour of the house to locate the bathrooms and where to put your things. If you are the first couple here, then you can help us greet the next couple who arrives and give them a tour of the house. We do not know yet how many will be here, because this is only the first one and sometimes people wait to see how the first one goes before attending. And, yes, there will be more to come. They are scheduled for the first of every month on into the future. The schedule of dates is posted at the bottom. Mark your calendar if interested. .
The second thing we'll do is have a sit down introduction circle. We feel it is important to get to know everyone face-to-face and put a feeling to each face. Emotional feelings are what helps us to "read" someone. We read people better through our feelings and emotional responses than we do through eye and ear.
The third thing we'll do is have a discussion and demonstration about massage. David will demonstrate on someone on a massage table. This type of massage is loving and it feels sensual and is very, very nurturing and healing, but it is not sexual. We will not go in that direction so everyone can relax. I have to say this because some will want to go there, causing stress and anticipation, and others will NOT want to go there, causing stress and anticipation. That is why we keep it safely non-sexual. David is our in-house massage therapist. He is trained in all methods of massage and channels heavenly divine love.
The fourth thing we'll do is choose partners for the massage. Massage swaps are one-on-one. Two people to a table. You give to someone and you receive from that same person. You will be asked to choose a partner other than your own mate. It is important that you are OK with this so discuss it first before accepting. If you really need to stay together for the massage, you might as well stay home. By sharing massage with a stranger you'll step outside your comfort zone and enlarge your ability to interact intimately with others. This is a test. It is the price of admission to join the Love Club. There will be some flexibility in choosing massage partners. We will do everything we can to make sure everyone is comfortable and no one is pressured, but this is the whole point of the Love Club - stretching your boundaries and diminishing fear of intimate touch. Since there will only be four massage tables operating (we're limited by space) half of the group will massage while the other half will be in discussion. Then they'll swap places. I'll ask for questions ahead of time. They can be anonymous. No one will know it was you who asked it. You'll have a chance to ask any question you like, including very personal questions which are awkward to ask. We are equipped to handle it all.
Please reply directly to me by return email with questions or to register to attend on October 7. Each couple are potential friends and I'll treat them that way. We have single friends who would love to attend but at the moment we need to limit it to couples to assure gender balance. We can pair two singles together on a first-come number basis. Just let me know if you want to come without a partner. I'll keep track. I am personally hosting and monitoring the list of people. We will ask $20 pp to help with costs, pay on arrival. Free to a couple who can arrive early and stay late to help me. There is a certain amount of work to be done beforehand and after.
I look forward to hearing back from you. We'd love to have you join David and me on October 7.
8/14/17 Massage Club changed to The Love Club
Laying the ground work - an invitation
We invite anyone interested to come over and join David & me at my house this Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 4 pm to explore the idea of the new Love Club. We are at the point where we need feedback to expand on it. We've been discussing for over two years now. I've sent out a number of newsletters about a massage club, but our focus has broadened. It still involves massage but it is more. The focus is on love and flowing love to and from others. How to share love. What is love? This inevitably led us to Tantra. Tantra is based on the science of love - divine love, not personal love - but since this is an unfamiliar concept to most of us, it is an open door inviting us to come closer and explore.
David is already offering Tantric Massage. He is featured on the Anakosha website at this link. As for me, I am am studying the roots of Tantra, tracing it back to its hidden and unknown beginning. I am amazed at what I am finding. Both David and I want to begin building a group of friends who are interested in exploring this with us. He and I get together on Wednesday afternoons, as permitted, and we are now issuing this invitation for anyone to join us who lives nearby, who share this interest with us. Just to chat. Informal, laid back, spontaneous. We don't have an agenda. Meet us not leaders but as friends. We want to meet you. You are an immortal divine spark and you are beautiful and there is love residing within you. We would be most happy to have you, or both of you if you are both interested, join us. We meet every Wednesday. Contact me by return email to introduce yourself.
You are getting this because you wrote to Anakosha at one time. If you want to be removed from this e-list, let me know. It is a private list and I monitor it myself. If you have been following the Anakosha website and my blogs you know the general idea. The Love Club is written up here. Some of you know David and me by our real names. You may have been massaged by us, but if you are a snow bird and still up north we look forward to seeing you in the fall. Meanwhile, we don't want to wait. David and I are ready to proceed and start building a base of loving friends for the Love Club.
Diana of Anakosha
5/14/17 The Massage Club Newsletter
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and would-be mothers who read this. There is a happy upward movement of love going out and around the world today from offspring to Moms everywhere. A Mother's love is a special kind of love. It is feminine. It nurtures where things are not right and it helps to mend them.
Speaking of feminine, this week David and I will meet with a woman without her husband with the intention of inviting her into the massage swap group for loving couples. Apparently he is not ready, bless his soul. We love the men - our men - but many of them simply are not ready to receive nourishing, loving massage. It is perhaps the objectivity and physicality that men have worked with all their life which cannot understand what this that we do is all about. What is the purpose? How does it fit it into MY life? Why should I do it? Why should I trust it?
This that David and I are offering is educational. It's a demonstration in how to relax and receive. I guess that is difficult for men to do but we are hoping. We invite the men to participate with us to LEARN about it. Accompany their wives and find out more about it. Learn what it is like to receive love in a different way other than sensual or sexual. How to relax and be soothed by people who care without wanting anything back. How to be appreciated in a kindly fashion. The biological chemistry that men work on, I suspect, not being masculine, is having to be on guard and watching out for the dangers in life. They are the protectors of their women and children. It has been the cultural programming of men of our species for a long time. And under those conditions, yes, I can see where it is difficult to drop one's guard and to suddenly trust. That is the woman’s role, to trust and intuit and feel kindly towards others.
It is a difficult thing to do for men. That is why David and I invite couples to come in to meet us first, just to talk and share information. We don’t want to push massage on anyone, but that is our method of working with people and we do not charge money for it. It is free.
As I am beginning to understand it, men by and large have been so busy serving in the man's' role, that he cannot simply drop that role and open himself to receiving the support and nurturing from others. That is what we have decided to offer this to the women even if their men do not want to, or are not ready to accompany them. It is the women who are the leaders of the new age dawning upon us, the age of enlightenment or lighting up on the INSIDE. Light and love are synonymous, so when we light up the INSIDE, we are awakening the love inside. Women will be leading the way in the coming days.
Women have talents that men don't have. They just don’t have confidence in those talents. They have not been supported in those talents. They have been put down. Women have the softness that is inherent in human kind, and they are safeguarding that softness until it is time to bring it forth. David and I are offering to assist in bringing it forth. We love our men and we want to bring forth the softness in them. And the intuition and the feelings of being loved and cared for in our men. We have not been able to demonstrate that in the past ages because of the violence of our planet and cities.
Women have the inner connections that will help prepare the men to receive this finer activity of life, after they themselves have received the spiritual support and spiritual confidence that they are right and they have been all along. Now is the time for women to stop allowing themselves to be dismissed, and to be stronger and more daring and courageous in standing up for that softness that they represent in their inner hearts but have not dared express in their outer world.
It is a subtle but conscious act to press the will of love, kindness and nourishment outward onto life, after centuries of having been intimidated. Women are designed for this but have been forced to fold their wings because practical matters take precedence in a mentally-driven world. The divine feminine‘s purpose is to correct the mean and ugly and nourish the good and noble. Slow hands stroking with a warm heart is good for a person because there is a weaving together of both or all parties’ energies. It is used, not for foreplay, but for cellular healing, soul healing, which sensitizes a person to receive better, bigger, more and wiser. Slow massage is not foreplay for sex. Working the genitals is foreplay for sex. Slow massage with a warm heart all over the body is different. It prepares a person to receive love, to feel love, and to flow love back. This is the universal love. Love with a capital L. There is a “heart-of-God” feeling to it on a cosmic scale.
David and I work on the vibration of love. Love is not personal. Love is a universal principal. Is a spiritual intelligence. Most people think of love as something reserved for mates, lovers, families and very special friends, but it is actually the glue that holds everything together - galaxies and suns and planets and moons and the entire nature kingdom and allows civilizations to continue. And it holds people together, their relationships, communities and families, and neighbors and co-workers. When something is falling apart in life, think love. Shift the focus to love and picture love all around that part of life that is not working. Put some time into imagining Love.
Love has to be consciously applied and thought of. It's an effort to figure out what is the right vibration of love, how it feels, where to focus, what to do to bring it about. But finding the right feeling, texture or vibration of love is a worthwhile effort. When you hit on it you know. It’s transformational. It's a soothing, peaceful, mending vibration. The thing that is broken may not get fixed instantaneously, like magic, but YOU will be. And when YOU are soothed, mended and healed with the Love vibration, then your world begins to change. It will rearrange itself to conform to YOU. As David says, “After you have received this universal Love with a capital L, you will never be the same again.“ David channels more universal Love with a capital L than anyone else I know.
Diana of Anakosha
5/8/17 The Massage Club Newsletter
David and I met last Thursday on the mat in my sacred room with lovely quiet music playing and windows open to the breezes outdoors. It was a beautiful day and in my special room, which has seen a lot of action over the years, both group room action and spiritual silence with no movement, we cuddled warmly and told each other what was going on in our lives. What we were learning. What we were experiencing. What we were feeling. We have a sacred relationship.
And then we laid on our backs and in silence looked up past the ceiling where stars are glued - the kind that light up after the lights go out at night - watched our each our own visions unfold. Inner dreams that are unique to the soul. Then we talked. We had a lot to share. It was slow-down time with lengths of pause between us. And then we stopped talking all together and went into the timeless zone beyond movement. No, it wasn't sexual. It was Love. Ours is a sacred relationship that does not require sex.
The reason I describe our meeting is to let everyone know there is more to this than sexuality. The men are continuing to write to me asking about the sensual side of massage. They are interested in what women want, and how they can meet the requirements that women won't tell them. I responded to a man today in this vein. I posted my response (not his words, only mine) HERE. My mission - and David's mission - is to introduce the greater love, to remind everyone that there IS a greater love, a greater feeling of oneness, bliss, togetherness, rapture, and how to access it. Sex is irrelevant if you don't have love. It isn't accessed through the genitals. To have sex before making love, is like putting the cart before the horse and trying to figure out where to hook up the bridle and rains. It's not right. Make love first and then everything falls into place naturally.
It is a new era today as compared to 50 years ago when men (or male dominant thinking and control) ruled everything. The underground movement of feminine seeking more freedom, more space, more confidence has been a long-time struggle. It has been going on for a century or more, but only in the last 20 years or so have we noticed changes. Feminine power is the ability to love freely, without being controlled, owned, posses, ridiculed or repressed, like second-class citizens. Feminine power is not a fist raised in defiance. It is a warm embracing hug given from the heart without censoring it. Feminine power has been repressed in men too. They have a feminine side, also, and their ability to love freely has also been repressed and controlled by both women and authorities. We all need to grow the love that is within us, locked up.
It is still a male-dominant world. The struggle to be free of ridicule, repression and control is not a fight against authorities. It is a brutal fight with oneself, and one's own belief system and ingrained habit of lying to oneself. One's own hardened heart must be softened and melted from within the cage. That is the only way to breathe free. Then a great peace enters and loving others comes natural to us. Without jealousy and ownership and insecurity. Love awakens from within our own tissues, cells, fluids and bones of our bodies.
What our massage club for loving couples is all about, is getting together to swap massages and awaken the love within. We invite couples to join us. At the moment we are only seeking couples because we need organic balance for the sake of energies. Men's energies flow outward and downward to objectify relationships, and women's energies flow inward and upward to FEEL relationships. Too many men focus the energies towards physicality and sexuality; while too many women focus the energies inwardly. Our massage swap is practice in putting hands on other people with respect and caring. It's simply massage and it's happy and light without hidden agendas. It's simply massage.
I am communicating with people who write to Anakosha. We have been contacted by 11 couples. David and I have met three of them, well, four of them, and we will meet a fifth this week. We have massaged two couples. Well, actually three. Or four. It's hard to count because we have met people before we started counting and committing to the current protocol shown above. I know many more couples. There is a qualified list of people to reach out to. I am sharing this information in the spirit of transparency and openness, so the reader can get the idea of what this is all about. It's a new concept.
The rate of meeting couples is slow. We expected it to be slow because it's not a massage with hot sex tacked onto the end. A massage club with hot sex would bring swinging couples to us in droves. But, no. This is an introduction to love that could be considered ascension massage. Meaning lifting up to higher, more blissful realms. To another plane of being where you feel more whole, more vital, more relaxed, more loving and blissful. You feel the fetters fall away and you don't care if the fire alarm rings or the house is burning. You are beyond that. You feel free of the bonds that chain you to physicality. But it's also a human feeling. It is joyful, happy, and it enhances the love you feel for all people, everyone, and everything. Women love it, men are surprised by how good they feel.
Love is not only personal between a couple. Love is as wide as the ocean and deep as the sea. It does not have any boundaries. Love is a mysterious energy that can be accessed through human relatioinships. It flows when we know how to allow it to flow. No matter what situation you are in, you can access love. It can melt walls and barriers on every level. But - big but - we as a culture have been brainwashed to hold it back. We have put chain-link steel mesh around us to make sure we hold it back. You always have your personal relationship, but you expand your personal relationship in your own good time, when it's right for you and you are in agreement. When you expand your relationship to include others into it, then you expand it in a way that is unconditional and respectful. You don't expect anything back from them.
David and I are here to introduce you to this greater love which we are designed to enjoy as human beings. We are not designed to hold back on love but we need to learn how to expand it without hurting anyone. Or ourselves. We are doing this by offering readers to join a Massage Swap Club for Couples. We have to practice giving massage and receiving massage without expecting something in exchange - except a massage! We must experience it. Words are a poor substitute for experience.
The flowing begins with hands-on someone or receiving from someone. You can feel it almost immediately. A higher, wider, freer, happier state of bliss. It's not about sex but there is a second level to this club for loving couples, where you can take it further into physical lovemaking if each one chooses. There will never ever be a mandatory "have to" as in swinging. Access to the second level (at another time and place) is only gained by attending the first level preparatory training in the art of love. We are preparing people for greater ascending human love.
If you are interested, please contact us HERE and make an appointment to come in and meet with us. No cost, no expectations. Let's talk. If you as a woman alone or whose husband is not ready, we invite you to come in and meet us. No cost, no expectations. We need women to help us keep our focus on upward spiraling love.
Diana of Anakosha
5/1/17 Massage Club Newsletter
Loving Couples Massage Club Forming - Naples, Florida
A unique massage club for loving couples is forming in Naples for couples only. Contacts are being made. It will be a social atmosphere but a serious effort at massage, the main event, where couples can practice an exquisite type of massage with other couples. This is new. Never been done before. It's in a private home in Naples. There will be time to socialize, introduce yourself, ask questions, be prepped about behavior and etiquette. There are massage tables and lotions. It is sensual but not sexual. No prior experience is required to participate but it is for couples only. Singles later after a foundation is secured. David and I (Diana of Anakosha) are the leaders and we will demonstrate. No cost for this, no dues. To find out more, contact us HERE.
In addition, David is offering Tantric Massage
Tantric Massage for singles, and Tantric Training for couples. $100 a session for either. Tantric Massage is done in silence, with focus on the person on the table. There is a channeling of very high and refined energy into the body, moving through layers upon layers, bringing them into alignment for feelings of peace, bliss and love beyond normal. In contrast, a Tantric Training session is usually done with the woman on the table and her male partner assisting and learning. David's focus is divided then between the lady on the table and consciously explaining to the man what he is doing. To set an appointment contact David HERE.
Now, on to the newsletter, which means me flowing a stream of consciousness.
About Tantra
Tantra is becoming quite a popular subject these days, right alongside interest in the spiritual principles and cosmic law. Weaving spiritual love and sensual love together is something of a mystery. David and I have explored Tantra and its ramifications from various angles, and we have reached a conclusion. David is offering his services in Tantric Massage, which is mostly women clients though he will accept a male client. I do not offer Tantric Massage myself, because the sexual orientation in some men and women (more the men) is too great for me to work with.
David, on the other hand, is much better able to work with women because the feminine body, biologically, does not have the same urgency pushing outward. Women do not have the same blockages that men have. The male body shuts down the emotional nature which, in turn, causes a buildup and concentration of earth energy in the lower parts of the body. The chakras are closed down. We'll work with chakras in everyone. Women, generally speaking have a different kind of need - a need for a more elevated loving, nurturing energy. David can do this. This is his specialty and greatest gift.
More about us
David and I have been learning and growing, each separately, for we do not live together. For those who haven't kept up with my blog on Anakosha, David is not my husband, he is a soul-mate friend and we share a common dream. We are collaborators in loving massage. We are each married to other people and happy with our home lives. But we have a common goal and we are taking steps to implement it. We both have experience with the higher form of love which transcends personal love. Love with a capital L. This is what the Massage Club will build on.
Personal love vs. impersonal love
In the Massage Club, we use personal love to begin with - the loving bond between each couple. A couple is already in love. They have already mated together and have a commitment. Even if you don't think of it as love, it is. For example, some couples don't make physical love much any more but they share life on many levels. That does not make them any less in love if they are not sexual any more. They have moved to higher planes of understanding. They have woven their energies together and expanded beyond being two separate individuals. They know what bonding means.
But deep inside, on the interior at soul level, there is often a vacuum or void which is not understood. Where does it come from? And how do we fill it? It is often the man who feels the urge first for more excitement. It could be the woman, but whether it's him or her, there comes a time when they need to speak about it. Are they jointly ready to expand their love further out, by inviting other people in? They don't think of it as love. They think of it as sex or intimacy. They have not yet been introduced to this greater Love with a capital L.
So sexually, how do we do this? How do we reach out to other people intimately, without becoming attached to them? Without falling in love, or becoming emotionally entangled in their lives? How do we prevent damaging the relationship? That is what personal love is. But there is another form of interaction with mature adults who can move past the personal attachment stage and love many people. We haven't been shown how to do that yet, but that's what our massage club for loving couples is all about.
There are lots of opportunities for sex - swinging, dating, cheating, open relationships, poyamory - the internet is flooded with social networks catering to this need. But none that offer the higher aspects of responsible, easy, casual, social intimacy. I have been told that this is not going to work, but David and I know that it will. We have personally lived it ourselves. It is the dream we share - to have many, many people all free and liberated from the confines of restricted, socially accepted norms. We are going to have to practice, though, and learn what that means. The massage club for loving couples will give us that opportunity to practice. Words won't be able to explain it. It is something that has to be experienced and shared with other live bodies.
It's not about sex or giving up sex. It's about engaging with others with an open heart and mind, and receiving from others who are also opening their hearts and minds. It's about trust. A more liberated and easy way of interacting with others is available as we raise our abilities to receive and trust others. This is easy to say but not so easy to do. Each one of us has had to grow in our ability to do that. It can't be forced. Nobody has been able to force-feed anyone something new. It is a matter of experiencing and understanding.
That's why I'm writing so much. I write a lot. My fingers keep moving over the keyboard. Most people don't want to read all this stuff and that's OK. It is my way of preparing the readership to understand what the massage club is about. It filters out those who don't want it. Some will be attracted to it. We are attracted to something when we are ready for it. In the case of a couple, they will have to talk about it. Are they ready to try this?
Impersonal love is personal love that doesn't focus on one person to the exclusion of others. Personal love is exclusive. A relationship is personal love binding two people together. You love your mate over and above everyone else. Polyamory is a new movement of individuals exploring the possibilities of loving more than one person at a time. They are working at expanding love but it's hard work. So, yes, marriages do break up when one of them falls in love with a different person and leaves the former mate. It does happen.
They haven't yet learned all there is to know about the larger love. How to love many people is a spiritual evolution. It is an evolution in consciousness that includes physical intimacy. In the massage club we stop short of sex during the massage for a number of reasons. All of which helps us to become more loving with more people, without separating and focusing on just one person.
We can love many people at the same time, just as we can love many children at the same time. We do it by not becoming entangled with their personal emotional issues. There are people who are what we call "serial monogamists". They want to love many people but they become emotionally involved and nest down with one. Then they become bored and break that bond to move on to the next lover, to become entangled with them. I knew a woman who married 13 men, one after the other, because she kept falling in love and becoming emotionally involved, and then she would find a new lover to become attached to, and divorcing the former one. She eventually found swinging and went back to her first husband with whom she is today.
Swinging is a first step in this learning curve to learn about not becoming emotionally involved, however, swinging succeeds by leaving love out of the equation. Love is critically important. Emotions and feelings are very important to the wholeness, wellness and happiness in an individual . It is time we learn how to incorporate love, emotions and feelings into our friendships, so we can remain open and healthy WITHOUT becoming emotionally involved. How to enjoy the richness of close personal bonding and experience that huge "out-of-body" feeling of being connected. We all have the desire for that greater experience.
Our massage club for loving couples will provide opportunities to shift some of our attitudes so we can accomplish that. As we open the doors of inner feelings and emotions without making it personal (like sex does) we will grow exponentially. The massage swaps will help us to mingle with the "right" group of couples who also want to go in this direction. It's a soul expanding journey.
It is an emotional and mental preparation and training for profound intimacy experiences. It is all up to each person, however. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, the saying goes. When a person is ready, they're ready to open and feel. This massage swap idea provides opportunities. That's all. We are each a sovereign individual who gets it in his/her own right time. There is something magic in hands-on loving massage, and we can demonstrate it and practice it. Plus you'll meet others at a massage swap and what you do with those contacts is entirely up to you. You will meet people in this unusual group. Some will be compatible, others will not but we need each other to grow.
We need each other to expand our love and freedom
The massage club is being formed because we need each other. We need each other to expand our love and our freedom. We can't very well experience freedom at home alone with our primary mate. We already had our freedom time with them during our dating and honeymoon stage. Then we nested and settled down. It's time now for some more freedom. However, freedom with dignity and higher morals is different from the drunken "partying-til-dawn" kind of freedom. The latter is a road to disaster, while the first leads to feelings of exhilaration and ecstasy - the freedom to love many and all without restriction.
I realize this is a hard concept to grasp. If words alone could do it, we could stop right here. But it's going to take hands-on practicen. Hands-on engaging with experienced leaders in love to guide you. We need others to grow. Of course, we can join a bowling club, or a yoga club or rowing club, but intimate contact would not be part of the program, which is what we as a culture, as a people, as a world, need the most. Letting go of blockages we don't know we have. How to receive love. This is how we become more receptive to love.
Sensual but not sexual
Our planned massage club for loving couples is for the purpose of practicing love by engaging with people through hugs, strokes and touching. It is sensual but it's without emphasis on sex. It produces a larger sensation of being loved and cared for. There is nothing more intimate than stroking the naked body of a stranger with the stranger's spouse, and yours, alongside. We who have been to massage school have had practice massaging bodies, so we have the confidence. However, there are rules in massage school training. David and I have moved past that part. We have discovered something more liberating and connecting that we want to share with others so others can do it too. It's not a physical technique. It requires an inner shift of focus, from head (brain) to feelings within the body.
The fear of intimacy
This is hugely frightening to do for those who have no experience in body work. Being afraid of intimacy is common. Everybody is. Our culture trained us to be afraid. Walls have been carefully and expertly constructed to keep us safe from intimacy. And it's all an illusion We dissolve those fears by developing trust.We develop trust by the time to meet and talk first, and by sharing intimate information. In words. This opens the mind beyond what is normally accepted. Breaking the illusion of what's appropriate and acceptable is the first step in developing trust.
When we start engaging with others by sharing information we have already broken the first barrier of being intimate. The second barrier is physically touching. David and I share with you techniques that further help in building trust, because you don't want to inadvertently do something that will cause someone to close down. We really need to practice this. We all do. Me included.
As we practice swapping massage and melding energies, we are opening ourselves to more love. We are leaning to receive the honor and respect the others are giving to us. Our culture is awash with disrespect and suspicioni, but we are capable of higher qualities. We know we are, but we don't live them because social etiquette demands we be one of the guys or one of the girls. To show respect, honor, decency and principled behavior, we are seen as "she thinks she's better than us."
There are very simple guidelines. Everybody knows the principles in their heart. We just never get the opportunity to practice them "out loud". In the open where others can see them and be raised by them. Elevating thoughts bring elevating feelings. We practice stroking with sacredness. It is fulfilling. It melts barriers.
Personal love expands to impersonal love
Personal love is the first step in building love to something larger than "one". When two "ones" come together and become joined in a relationship, they have multiplied the love within them. They merge their personal love to become a larger love. A relationship has already begun the evolutionary step of expanding. A single person is not ready for this yet. That is why we are inviting couples to begin with in our massage club. The process is already underway.
When the time comes to start discussing what to do to enrich the relationship, there are many ways to go. The bottom line is a desire to expand the love they have between them to new heights and depths. It requires other people. It requires interacting and engaging other people more freely and loosely than what we've been programmed for. We're stepping outside of the box that our parents were in. We're ready to expand the rules and try something new and different.
It's not about sex
A couple talks about where did the excitement go? And it starts out being about sex. We get hung up over the sex thing but it's not about sex. It's rather sinister to think that we've been conditioned to think sex is all there is. But what's really going on in a monotonous monogamous relationship is a desire to have some freedom. It's about loosening the chains that bind, but the chains are out-dated belief systems. Boredom comes about from a need for fresh air. Innocent fresh air. The belief and programming of our culture is to find a new sex partner, or an additional sex partner or get into swinging for more sex.
But the truth is, we want to enjoy more excitement. To be free to spread our wings. Sex may be exciting for some people, but it's a turn-off for a lot of others. The greater desire is to engage with others more freely. And we can. We don't have to stay inside the box if we have a place to go to practice loosening our belts and enjoying more freedom with more people - and with guidelines in how to change our attitudes so we don't hurt ourselves or others. It's time we dismantled what has been drummed it into us. Sex is the most obvious. It comes at us from every angle, making us think if we don't have a romantic sexual person in our lives that we are losers. It is a depressing thought which leads many people to do terrible things. We must change the attitude to one that doesn't require sex as part of the need.
It's not about sex. It's about connection and the feeling of excitement. Let's loosen the clothes that restrict and be more natural. Nature does not conform to one species, but engages all species and a free-roaming blend of the law of attraction and rejection. By becoming more natural, we are drawn to those who are suited to us. It's important to engage with others without becoming emotionally entangled. The need to feel alive is not about sex, it's about feeling. Period. How do we get to feel more? By engaging with others more openly and freely. That is the reason for the massage club for loving couples. There is a bigger picture involved.
The Massage Club - how to join
Contact us by sending a message and introducing yourself. Couples only, please. A couple can be a dating couple who care for each other. We would like to meet you first, and demonstrate our unique method of massage. There is no cost. No dues. Once we meet, chat and demonstrate our massage, you will be placed on our invitation list to receive scheduled massage swap dates. At each massage swap, the only thing required is that you give one massage and receive one. For older people who have a difficult time standing, there are stools. It is possible to give loving strokes while sitting on a stool. I get tired myself sometimes and always have a stool nearby.
The "who to massage" will be up to each individual or couple. There will be time to get to know the others before going to the tables. David and I will demonstrate how to channel the highest form of love through your hands. You will see how gratifying it is to be in league with so many loving people. It is giving and receiving. Not just one sided.
We are asking couples to meet us at David's studio in Naples, one couple at a time. We are growing the Massage Club gently and sending our message out in a soft approach. This club is not open to the random public. There is a filtering process. We want us to meet first.
Well, it's time to stop this endless musing about it. I do tend to write a lot. But it is
how I get the message out. Through words. If you want to read more of my writing, go to my blog on Anakosha HERE.
I will be sending more newsletters in the future. If you don't want to receive them, let me know by returning this email with REMOVE ME on the subject line.
Thank you for listening.
Love and Light,
Diana of Anakosha
4/22/17 Massage Club Forming for Loving Couples
Anakosha is announcing the formation of a unique massage club for loving couples. This new club is for the purpose of expanding the energy of Love, with a capital L. All ages are welcome. Whether you are a newly-in-love relationship or a long-time married relationship seeking to spice things up - or a highly evolved couple who already know these things - all body types and nationalities are welcome. We are all SO different. But note: English is important.
I am Diana of Anakosha. I have been maintaining the Anakosha website for 20 years. I have tried to start a massage club in the past but I have not succeeded so far. Some of you know me as a long-time hostess of swing parties along with my husband. But swinging focuses on sex and, though I have enjoyed the many friends I met in swinging, my desire was not being fulfilled to expand the love side of my nature. A desire began to build in me to have a group of couples who also wanted to expand love beyond the sexual zones. Couples, because I needed women to help me; men always took it down into sex. This dream has continued to intensify over the years because swinging has become a barrier. It stops me. Swinging has an unspoken rule of "No love in the lifestyle; it's just sex."
I could not seem to break out of that solid belief structure for many, many years, tightly woven as it was into the hearts and minds and belief patterns of of everyone involved. But on the other hand it served as a rich cocoon in which a yearning grew in me for something more. This yearning popped out into the open in a surprising way.
I personally gave up swinging. And as soon as I went public that I was giving up swinging, I met a man who had the same dream. He is another massage therapist equally desirous of exploring and liberating Love. Notice the Capital L in Love because that is how we differentiate the higher form of Love from personal love.
David is my partner, not my husband. We are a couple, but not in the romantic sense. We are married to other people. We are soul mate friends whose love of massage and the higher form of Love brought us into collaboration and the sharing of a dream. It didn't come easy at first, we had to work at it. But we are both experienced in therapeutic massage and have expanded beyond what is taught in massage schools.
It's not only in swinging that Love is squelched. In our massage practices love blossoms often, easily, naturally. We are trained, both as professionals and private citizens, to squelch it because it simply isn't done. It isn't appropriate. It's against the rules of our culture to allow love to flow freely. We think it will lead to sex, but actually the reverse is true.
When we squelch love, we hold back a natural flow. The Love from Mother Earth travels upward through us to meet the downward flow coming from Father Sky. It is a feedback loop that keeps us alive. When we repress the flow of love in us, we block the flow. Blocking the flow builds desire. Desire builds up from our repression, bigger and bigger, and soon it demands release. And all because we block the natural flow within us. Love is innate and it demands to be free.
We think love is a spiritual quality, and it's true. But it is also a human quality. We have only explored personal love as a people, but there is a larger Love and a more advanced Love that has yet to be explored. Because we don't understand it, we are afraid of it. We are afraid of its power. We are afraid of its intimacy. We are afraid of what it might do to us. Yes, I have felt that fear, and the jealousy that comes from holding it back, but I have experienced the larger Love too, and I trust it now.
Swingers do not want to go there, and that's appropriate for them. But there are others who are ready to move past that and begin exploring the greater Love - the greater Love while in the physical. Our goal for this club is to practice flowing Love through massage. Massage is our language of communication. It is a silent language. Love is felt through feelings. Higher and more refined feelings that reach into bliss, ecstasy and more. Joy and liberation increases as we allow love to flow without stopping it. Love flows best when it's shared, like water when it's turned on at the faucet. It cannot flow if it's turned off.
Each couple who practices massage with others, probably strangers in the beginning, but later to become friends, will increase the flow of love between the two of them. They will then bring that largesse back home to the family. You can't help radiating love when it's active. I've seen it at the parties. Love radiates like a bulb in a lamp that has been turned up to high. The person glows. This is not from the average sexual encounter. I've seen plenty of those. This is when love is flowing.
David and I love that massage is available to us as a tool. We are grateful to have the training. We are ready. We love sharing massage. We have met with a few couples already and we have been validated. This is the way to go. There is a saying, "Love isn't something that was put here to stay; Love isn't Love 'til it's given away." We want to form a massage club so we can share massage with others. We are building a list of contact names who are on the same page as we are. When we have sufficient numbers, we will schedule a private meet n' greet with loving massages to go along with it. We are now reaching out to let others know what we are doing.
Our approach is sensual, but not sexual. Of the many couples who have contacted me in the past, quite a few are interested in Tantra. We are not teaching Tantra, but consider this a preliminary preparation. Like you have to learn English before you can get into kindergarten or the first grade. The step before the first step leading to Tantra is learning about Love with a capital L. It's an attitude. The quality of Love comes first. We all need to learn about Love with a capital L before learning the techniques of Tantra. Because Tantra is the flowing of Love with a capital L.
David and Diana are not our real names. We remain anonymous until we know you in person. We are not asking for money. There is no cost. No dues. We are unfolding a dream and we don't know where the dream is going to lead. We have an idea but we can't KNOW it until we start flowing it with more couples and sharing the dream so there is participation going on. We feel it has huge potential but we are going to have to learn as we go. I feel badly that several years ago I wasn't ready to respond to this couple when they wrote me several years ago:
(quote) "We have had a lifetime of experiences and have shared them with many along the way. We have discussed the nature of divine Love and its connection to sexual expression. We have visited several locations where invitations to participate in extra-sexual contact was offered but was purely that, sexual. We have not found a place or group of people that places their focus on loving relationships so we have not participated in the sharing that we are convinced has to be done through Love. We have much to share with others that goes beyond the sexual encounter and are careful with whom we share the adventures of this incredible lifetime. After reading your words in this website there is a feeling of understanding regarding the role sex is meant to be discussed and shared. We are divine creations and are here to learn and teach one another through loving relationships. We invite you to respond if you feel the energy and Love behind our intentions." (end quote)
I am sharing this message with you, and I think this couple won't mind because you won't know who they are anyway. But I'm sharing it because so much is portrayed here. You can FEEL it. There is more waiting for us to experience. In the beginning there will be only a few responding to this, but it will grow. The greater experience of love is ready to pour forth. We each have a different outer persona so we will not all be attracted to one another, but underneath the mask we are nameless cluster of feelings and knowings. The simple effort of massaging with kindness to and from a stranger provides a certain "quickening". A spark of recognition. A feeling. A perception. A prior life memory. That's when differences diminish and energy fields merge. It's all done in silence. Many, many spontaneous healings are accomplished in this manner, silently, without words.
Our location is Naples, Florida. We will meet first in David's professional studio to talk and then demonstrate massage. Contact us "" to set up an appointment. After that we will meet in a private home that has been prepared for this. It's out in the country. Groups will be small, probably under under 10 couples. Each time we meet we will include introductions and snacks and practice nudity, optionally. Swapping massage is the main reason we're getting together. Again, it is for couples only, with apologies to singles. Maybe later. We won't do any massaging on the first day we meet, but if we all feel good about it, we'll schedule a second meeting to demonstrate our energy approach.
Again, please send a message to us "" or simply reply to me above. Introduce yourselves. If you are not in the best of health, do not let that hold you back. Let it be an incentive. But you will need to help give too. We are seniors ourselves. And I can tell you that each time I give a massage I feel brighter, healthier and happier when done, than when I started. It is the flowing of love that improves the quality of our life force.
I will be sending more newsletters in the future. If you don't want to receive them, let me know by returning this email with REMOVE ME on the subject line.
Thank you for listening.
Love and Light,
Diana of Anakosha
3/14/18 The Massage Club, Saturday, April 7, 2018
Naples, FL
4 to 9 pm
Small group
Reservations required
Gender balanced
Meet, mingle and select a massage partner
Introduction circle
Philosophical remarks
Donation $20 couple
We are very happy to report that the Massage Club is going well and. I am inspired by the responses of those who have attended. Actually, I am glowing with new insight. Thank you to those who participated and for offering feedback. The massage club is an evolutionary process, not a fixed program. I am taking reservations for April 7. Next, I want to comment on the above bullet points for everyone's consideration who reads this. This goes to the Anakosha email list - all who have written for one reason or another. Ask me to remove you if you don't want to receive it any more.
By "small group". It is not limited to a fixed number because there are people who don't show up. I don't want to turn away a couple if the maximum number has been reached. What if a couple "no-shows"? Then we're down one. So it must remain flexible at this time as we are in the beginning stages. The goal of the massage club is to assist individuals in expanding into more freedom. We do this by exchanging energies up close and hands-on with other people we would not normally meet in every day life. It's a cross-fertilization, like bees do with pollen. It provide us with new food for thought. It's a step outside the box. It is a rare few who are willing to engage in this way, so it's a new activity being offered, the massage club. And by now everyone understands that it is a non-sexual massage, yet loving and intimate.
"Reservations required". This means I must have several exchanges by email to convince me the couple is for real. Maybe a phone call too, but not necessary. There are no dues. This is not an income-producing club. The intention is to move past the money system into more freedom. I have received reservations in the past who never showed up, so I want to be convinced to accept a reservation and to fill a slot with their names. I want to be sure they are on board, and that they would fit. I understand the hesitancy and caution. I would be hesitant too if the situation were reversed. For that reason I am planning to offer private massage exchanges at no cost, up close and personal. This will be posted shortly on Anakosha with more explanation. It's to meet and build a rapport, anyone, woman or man.
"Gender balanced". This refers to either a live-together couple or a pair made up of a man and a woman. The pair could be friends. Since it is a non-sexual massage, two friends who have a platonic relationship might like to attend together. They could choose each other as their partner or other people. If erotic feelings arise, the guideline is to not act on those feelings but enjoy them. Expand them.
"Meet, mingle and select a massage partner". This will be something new this time. From 4 to 4:30 everyone will be asked to go around and meet the others freely, in a personal way. The house is open. Groups have a tendency to stay locked in a circle. Break the circle. It's refreshing. It opens people up and allows more space to be casual. Thirty minutes should provide enough time for everyone to meet. Same genders should meet too. In a group we typically go to people we are drawn to, following our comfortability. This is a request to personally shake hands or give a hug to everyone present whether you like them or not, to share your spark. Expand your auric field, but don't become attached. No time for attachments and conversations. There will be time later to round out conversation. You will be invited to stay until 10 pm (or later) to wind down whatever conversations are still unfinished.
"Introduction circle". I'm not sure we'll need this now, considering the meet and mingle process above. But, yes, I think we'll keep it on the agenda so everyone can provide pertinent information and the others can hear it all at one time.
"Philosophical remarks". I'll keep my presentation to a minimum, but it's important to pass on some information. In essence, a hands-on massage doesn't do much if the hands are not warm. How do we warm our hands? By finding love within yourself. By dwelling on loving thoughts. Kind thoughts about yourself. Welcoming thoughts. Beautiful thoughts. The recipient of the massage can feel what you are thinking. It comes through your hands. Feel love. These kinds of thoughts are not personal for the other person but the other person can feel them. They are a loving vibration coming from the quality of your thoughts. Touching with indwelling love in your heart makes you feel good and provides a warming sensation that soothes and relaxes the receiver. Love is not well understood. Self love is hard to come by. Most men especially shut it down because they are afraid to cause amorous feelings. Well, no. You should feel love inside of you. Don't act on these feelings if they should arise. Allow them to be there. Experience them. Let feelings happen. Enter into them and embrace them - and pass them on to others when circumstances allow.
"Demonstration". Just like the last time. There will be a massage table in the living room, set low so those across from each other can see each other. Someone will be on the table as either I or David massages the person as we talk and explain.
"Donation". $20 per couple or pair of friends. This takes care of the snacks which will come out around 6 pm. No alcohol please. There will be soft drinks available and water. The drinks and ice cooler is on the patio, but the screen room is open to the air so mosquitoes are present. The hot tub can be used afterwards, if you want to deal with mosquitoes. You can stay later than 9 if you want to.
One more thing. I would like to ask a question. What do you suggest for the massage club to evolve it into the future? Tell me your suggestions, comments and criticism because this is something that could continue on after I am gone if there is a plan in place. It is evolutionary in the sense that human touch cross-fertilizes, if there is a vehicle to allow it. It is a way to reach out across boundaries to wider and wider circles in a grass-roots sort of way that frees people up rather than bog them down with personal attachments. Non-sexual intimacy is elevating and expanding. Human touch is warming, supportive and idea-provoking. So tell me what thoughts cross your mind as you read this? What you would like to see happen? What if I am gone next month? How could this carry on? Plant a seed.
Feel free to write to me. And let me know if you are interested in attending April 7 as a couple. You can arrive any time after 3 pm. From 3 to 4 pm, which is official time, you can hang out on the patio. Thanks for reading. I send universal free love. RSVP to me directly.
Future massage parties
Sat., Apr. 7, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., May 5, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Jun. 2, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Jul. 7, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Aug. 4, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Sep. 8, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Oct. 6, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Nov. 3, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
Sat., Dec. 1, 2018 - 4 to 8 pm
1/14/18 The Love Club changes its name
January's massage party was stirring. It stirred up some realizations. The hosts and I met the following Wednesday. They gave me a four-handed massage and then after we cuddled (with clothes on) and shared our thoughts and feelings freely, afterwards. I wish all massage parties could be this way. It is liberating to speak freely after a massage. We all agreed that the word "Love" in Love Club is being misinterpreted by people in different ways. Some interpret it to mean sexual love, and some interpret the word "swapping" to mean sexual swapping as in swinging. So we are removing both words, Love and Swapping from our descriptions. We agreed that these words are a misrepresentation of what we are doing here. So the name change is from "Love Club" to "Massage Club", which was its original name anyway, before I got carried away into the esoteric. And the massage club hosts massage parties.
By removing "swapping" from the description doesn't mean a couple can't exchange massage partners by mutual consent. We simply want to remove the focus on what appears to be a rule. A couple doesn't have to swap, a couple may stay together and exchange massages between each other. The massage parties are first of all for committed couples to grow more loving together. Massage is a love technique. It helps your loved one experience a warm and wonderful feeling from your own loving hands. One woman said privately to me that she required a happy ending whenever she gets a massage. But that isn't going to happen here at the massage club because it would change the atmosphere. It would excite other men and intimidate other women. An orgasm at the end of a massage should be done in private, and therefore not here in a group.
The massage club is for massage, not a happy orgasmic ending. And now I am going to go into the deeper aspects of massage. The goal is to prolong the love sensation, where the bliss energy deepens and spreads throughout the body, releasing stress and blockages so feelings of love can waft all over. By bringing it to a head at climax, it's finished. It ends. It's over. We are here to learn, through the massage technique, to prolong these wonderful sensations. They are visceral, gut level and deeper. The massage club's focus is to practice this and extend it so that it is not ended prematurely, before the person is zoned out, which is what an orgasm does but faster, in a BANG sort of way, before the body has gone limp in ecstasy in the natural way.
It‘s not the intention of a massage party to teach physical sexual techniques. We are here to practice non-physical techniques through the vehicle of massage. It's a way of coming closer to your partner. It's a love technique, not a physical technique. Sex is physical. Love is non-physical. Love is the power that comes from beyond us. It's bigger than us and we limit it by keeping it focused on the physical. Love is like the electricity coming into our homes. We don't understand it but we can learn how to use it. We tap it and learn what it can do. So it is with love. We can tap into love and use it in a better way if we learn how.
So the massage club is NOT for sex and not for happy endings for a very practical reason. If the reader has his or her heart set on an orgasmic result, otherwise known as a happy ending, they should modify their expectation because it's not going to happen here. At least not at this time. We are keeping our focus on massage. Through massage we distribute what is actually the orgasmic energy all through the body instead of focusing it to a head and a climax. By distributing the orgasmic energy all through the body, we are scientifically opening the etheric meridians that have been long closed. These etheric meridians are not very well known to us westerners. Through the meridians our spirit or our consciousness flows down into our muscles and tissues. We are designed that way. They are in us for that purpose. But we keep them closed. That's why people feel so good when they are stressed out and they go get a massage. The meridians are opened up again. That is the intention. They feel good because they are flowing again with the love that is coming down from their higher self.
I'll tell you a cute story as an aside. I have given workshops from time to time over the years, and one day at a workshop, a man actually got it - what I was trying to get across. I saw his face light up in recognition, and then he closed it down again and said, "Oh, but you must be careful not to mix healing with sex." We were talking about how massage heals and is sensual at the same time and how the orgasm fits in.
What we're doing here in massage is, instead of focusing on the genitals and rubbing until the feeling explodes in climax, which means it's now all over, we continue massaging to prolong the good feelings. They are extended deeper and further and distributed all through the body and into every nook and cranny, cell, muscle and cartilage in the body. Some people long for this prolonged ecstasy feeling (women), while others don't understand because they've never felt it before (men). Men are not designed to internalize inner feelings like women are. And yet we live together. We are opposites. This causes a separation between the two of us who live together. This is the reason why the massage club is materializing. It is her to help integrate the two opposite approaches to love. Through massage we will prolong, deepen and expand the good feelings, which are actually orgasmic feelings in a mild and blissful way as compared to the explosive Bang.
It's healthy, it's healing, it's sensual, it nourishes the muscles and tissues like an orgasm does, but in a natural smooth easy way instead of in a large POW! way. It is wonderfully fulfilling to drink softly, vulnerably, sweetly, as a parched and dying man on the desert would drink a cold clear glass of water given to him, and savor every drop as it seeped lower and lower into his belly. This type of prolonged lovemaking clears energy blocks in a quiet and natural way, instead of in a loud noise way. Men are the ones who need this the most. Don't think of this as being for the women. It is actually for the men to experience it, to feel it, to understand it. Women have known it all their lives.
So, that is what we are doing in this massage. We are distributing feelings of love and bliss all through the body, both men and women, through the etheric meridians. When everyone has learned this technique, or have sufficiently experienced it so it is understood, then a more private massage party can be planned with a happy-ending gathering for partners. We are not going to turn this into a swing party, because couples first need to be on the same page when it comes to lovemaking. But couples can learn in a group of other couples through discussion and sharing knowledge and wisdom. Knowing about the etheric meridians is the secret knowledge of the tantras.
This energy can’t be distributed through the body if we don't know about it. If all focus is on the physical, and all effort is focused on the physical, the meridians remain closed. The deeper feelings are not realized because the conduits are still closed. We can't avoid saying these things. Denial does not help us. Sex is real. Sex is practical. Sex is natural. The way it has been done will continue. But we can expand our knowledge and we can enhance these beautiful feelings by opening the etheric meridians and include the whole body so it is flowing with the current of life. The massage club is being brought into being for purposes of preparing for deeper, better, more wholesome, beautiful love. Preparing requires taking time to learn. To study. To listen. To share. To expand. And to consider the needs of other people. It is training in how to not be selfish. We are changing the "me" to "we". It's a reaching out. A sharing of a wealth of information. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle locked up inside them. It's been hiding in there. Show yourself and tell yourself. Speak yourself. Be yourself.
It's OK to be selfish once in a while during lovemaking, but we are also learning how to merge our sensations of bliss with another and at the same time. It's called mutual fulfillment. Selfish sex takes care of one or the other but not both at the same time. Selfish sex has always been there and always will be, as long as there are men and women. So we don't have to worry that sex as we know it will disappear. But we can learn more. Each person's fulfillment is important, not just "mine". What we are presenting here is a sharing concept above and beyond what we're accustomed to. We are learning it through simple massage.
Massage is deceptive. There is more to it than is currently known. We are learning how orgasmic bliss feelings flow and melt blockages of old, old fixed habit patterns so clear fresh new insight flows. We've not been taught about meridians before. The etheric meridians is where the chakras are located. We've all heard about chakras but have we experienced them opening?
We can only learn about them through feeling them. Massage is one of the best ways to feel chakras open. It is not necessary to understand with your mind. It is all about experiencing it. How does it feel when you massage someone? When you receive from someone? It is all about YOU and what you are feeling. Identifying it by talking about it afterwards is part of the learning process. Share your stories with others. I have learned so much from listening to other people. I continue to learn. It reduces the "me" to which I have identified all my life, and expands my perception to "we". I am not alone. I am part of a larger whole. The body that you are living in is sacred but have you experienced feeling sacred? We can’t experience feeling sacred - which is love - until we open the meridians.
The Anakosha Massage Club is strictly social, not sexual. Social nudity and social massage is what we do here. A loving massage cultivates and activates love because it opens more refined levels that haven't been opened before in most people. Perhaps you have felt it on occasion. This is a love technique that very few know about. Rubbing the erotic physical parts on the body harder doesn’t open the etheric channels, it closes them. One fast orgasmic explosion opens the meridians rapidly, then closes back down again. Massage teaches the body to remain relaxed and open to allow the meridians to stay open and relaxed. The access is done through trust and trusting the one who is touching you. It is important that we expand the feelings of trust, not abort them by changing partners. Stay in trust so the body can relax and become soft, flexible and vulnerable. This deepens our love ability.
I studied spiritual law with the Masters for 40 years, and all during that time I was having sex with men and women and hosting swing parties. I blended sex and spiritual love together and brought them into harmony. I did this internally, for myself alone. It is time to bring forth a massage club so others can enhance their blending and bonding of opposites in their life. It's all about unity, unifying, integrating, sharing through togetherness. Alone at home we have no one to discuss these things with, if we are opposite sides of the fence. These are taboo subjects to one or the other. Let's join together and experience the blending of opposites together, through massage. It has to be felt. Rubbing genitals alone doesn’t do it, and spiritual love alone doesn’t do it. Love is a joining together of opposites.
To attend the Feburary 3rd massage party, contact me by return reply. If you want to be removed from these mailings, ask by reply email. I maintain the Anakosha website through which this is being promoted. All communication comes to me. Check Diana's Blog on the website for updates. I am Diana.
12/5/17 Not sent as newsletter but blogged
Yes, we DID have the second Love Club Massage Swap for couples only, last Saturday, December 2. There were three couples, all of whom had met before. And this time it was more intimate than the first time. We were more in tune with each other, and therefore more relaxed. There was more stories shared than the first time. We had once more three massage tables in the beautiful living room overlooking the golf course. The women laid on the tables first and the men massaged them, switching partners when we turned over, back to front. Then we broke for snacks and conversation, then an hour later the men were on the tables and the women massaged them, again switching partners when it was time to turn over. The event went according to the vision or the plan, in that the togetherness - all in the same room - provided a group comfort zone but yet the individual one-on-one massaging provided that personal connection that is SO needed.
It is hard to define the essence of what it is we are striving for. As I wrote to someone yesterday (a woman who is helping me publish the book Swing With Safety) - "The massage swapping is a new experience in that it's a half-way feeling between sterile therapeutic massage and swingers sensual or sexual massage. It's tricky to explain but I'm doing a lot of philosophical writing about it, the approach, and leaning heavily on my experience in swinging. Like, swing parties of 10 or 20 couples don't provide the right energy for personal intimate connections. It's too rushed. That's the scene I have been involved with most of my adult life. That's why a lot of couples stick with only one or two couples they know. You can spend a whole evening, night or day with them , even two days, and not feel rushed. But then, there's the other side of it - you might fall in love and cause relationship problems. That's when having a group of others around to enjoy and spend time with helps to curb that natural tendency to fall in love, or fall into attachment. Swingers pride themselves for not attaching, but that also bars them from enjoying intimacy. I'm seeking the half-way point in this massage swapping. So far, the people are responding nicely to it."
We are expecting 7 couples for the January 6 couples massage swap. How to sign up - contact me through the Contact page. I am Diana and I answer all emails.
11/12/17 The Love Club Newsletter
Heart-centered massage swaps with heart-centered people
This is the first official newsletter of the Love Club. I am Diana of Anakosha reporting on the first event held last Saturday, November 4, 2017. I will be promoting the Love Club more as time goes on. The concept of exchanging loving, nurturing massage in small groups has been brewing for at least 20 years. Healing with love energy is well known throughout the world in various cultures and religions, but it is often diverted into sex. Wonderful uplifting feelings and healings result from massage without sex. The reason is sexual activity draws the energy to the genital region and concentrates it there, which prevents the love energy from expanding and flowing through the entire body.
Massage is an excellent healing medium when love is allowed to flow. The idea of swapping massage in small groups is to allow this to take place in a safe environment, and to make this comforting agenda more available at no cost other than a $10 donation to help with lotions, etc. Also, it allows people to share in the giving. Giving is as much a benefit if not more, than receiving. When you put your hands on someone to massage them, and you wait a moment and just feel the energy move, this starts the flow from the universe. The more you give, the more you receive. When I give a massage to someone through a loving hands-on massage, I myself am fulfilled when the body I am working on is filled to overflowing with good feelings. This is a common experience for massage therapists. That is why the Love Club massages are for healing, not for arousal. We want to share this approach with laymen and laywomen so you can give massages to each other and to friends.
Our first Love Club event was held in a lovely home in Naples. There were four couples, plus me. We gathered at 4 pm and the last couple left at 9:30, later than we planned. Age-wise, there was no one under 40. Most of us were 50 and over but from that point I have no idea what the ages are and don't care. We were all mature people who were not under the pressure of racing hormones.
We began by sitting around in a circle with me introducing myself and moderating introductions. Discussions naturally flowed and we began speaking about massage. Massage experience of those in attendance was varied. In the instructions I said we would be doing one-on-one massaging by swapping partners. However, that changed as sometimes things do, and we ended up with three massage tables instead of four. With nine people - eight couples plus myself - we figured that would work quite nicely with three to a table, only the men rebelled. They didn't want to massage other men. So, mmmm. We discussed it with no solution so I took the women out to the lanai to talk girl talk, which is easily done when there are no men around.
This provided a breakthrough. It didn't take long. It is always amazing to me how well women can work together when allowed to. Let the women run the show and all will be well. It was decided to put the three men on the table and let the one man who wanted to sit out, sit it out for now (wanted to pace himself due to a bad back). And then all the women - five of us - started massaging the men. We lingered for a while over one man, then we moved to another man when we felt to, never leaving a man alone on a table. The women worked well together, signaling silent messages when it was time to change partners. We never got bored. To me, there was a sense of feminine energy sparkling freely and dancing around the room.
When everyone was complete, we drifted out for snacks and conversation. Later, we drifted back into the massage room and three women laid down on the three tables, two women sat out and the fourth man continued to sit out. By this time, there was a free flow happening - the kind of energy one would hope for in a well-organized group except this wasn't organized. It became spontaneous. The women were following their instincts, each one knowing instinctively what to do for the good of the whole. I was impressed.
The one woman sitting out until last was at last called in, and she received a wonderfully complete massage. And I, the other woman sitting it out, joined a gal who was working on the one man who had been sitting out. He had a bad back and wanted to space his time at the table giving, with his time on the table receiving, because his body scrunches up and contracts when he works his muscles. He needed to be last on the table or he wouldn't be able to walk to the car. He knows his body pretty well.
As I worked on the man with the bad back, I was able to get MY energies moving. I could feel the puffs of radiance flowing through my hands. As I laid my hands on him and made the connection with his energy, noticing the twisted muscles of his back, I looked around the room and felt a lump in my throat. There was something soft in the air. The bonding was happening. The mood music was playing gently as the men focused on the women, massaging them with care.
It was growing dark by now and a low light came on in the living room. The tinted glass wall allowed us to see out onto the golf course while nobody could see in. The river flowed by and the pool on the lanai lit up with a beautiful blue light. Several women had gone to the showers and were on their way to the hot tub. I continued with the man on the table until done, and then we lingered and talked with the lady on the next table who made no move to get up, smiling from ear to ear and glowing. The feeling was easy and connective. One by one we left the tables and went to shower off the oil and headed to the hot tub which was around 97 or 98, body temperature.
It was a lovely clear night. The golf course was now dark and empty. As we sat in the hot tub with a blue light reflecting off the watery walls, we noticed the full moon rising above the screened enclosure. We talked and shared thoughts and awareness as the warm water finished the job the massage had started. Then one by one we left and went home thanking our lovely, friendly hosts.
The Love Club concept is for couples for now. Two singles may attend if they do the work of finding each other. We are focusing on couples for now (or pairs of two singles) because we need gender balance. We can pair up a woman who is either single or whose partner is not interested, with a man who is single or whose partner is not interested, but we are not in a position to be match-makers. At least not at this point in time. If you as a couple have an interest in attending, then write to me and introduce yourselves as a couple, both man and woman. Since I am the one responsible for the invitations, it is important to know who you are. Contact me by return email.
A donation of $20 per couple helps with the minor costs that accrue. You can donate upon arrival. No dues are required. There is no formal membership. Attendance puts you on the membership roster, which I keep personally.
The first event proved it can work wonderfully. It is all about shedding the street persona and allowing the heart-centered focus to be present, which is the loving side of a person. It is a wonderful feeling to be part of a group of others who are on the same page. The next Love Club event will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 4 pm, and the following one on January 6. Future dates are shown below.
Just a reminder - love is theory from an intellectual perspective, but the body actually FEELS love. It is a sensation that is warming and comforting. The brain is not designed to feel. The brain's function is abstract thought. Since we are 99% a mental culture dwelling mostly in our heads, massage sharing teaches us to feel love. We lower our focus to our body when hands are put on us in a selfless, giving way. While the genitals are the most intense feeling organs in the body, and the head is the least feeling organ, the heart is the middle zone. It is positioned half way between head and groin. It is the balancer between abstract thought and feeling. The massage assists us in lowering our attention down to the heart level, but not all the way down to the genital level. At the heart level there is a portal to the divine in us. Here we are consciously balanced. We can shift attention either way, by choice, or we can simply relax and enjoy the sensations of loving hands connecting with our skin. Mmmmm! Let go and drift, knowing there is nothing expected of you. You are being given a gift. Relax and follow the feelings.
Love and hugs,
10/23/17 The Love Club Newsletter
As we consider massage in a loving way, intimacy naturally comes to mind. Intimacy has always been reserved for the primary partner, the one you live with. Primary partnerships are considered exclusive. How many couples retain the ability to be truly intimate with each other? Beyond discussing gossip or problems with family, neighbors and politics? Intimacy is an inner term. It means connecting with subtle forces within oneself and then, secondly, sharing those feelings with someone else. But the first part of intimacy is allowing feelings to take place. It is a deeper art that we as a culture have not mastered. To allow our feelings to exist and not condemn them or reject them. We have been trained to shut them off. Superficial sex is one way of avoiding intimacy and the feeling of feelings.
This is what we will be practicing at the Love Club. It requires a slowing down process, both mentally and physically, so that the third component - feelings - can be felt. There are three aspects to us: mind, body and feelings. The goal is to integrate them so these three mind-body-feelings function in harmony.
If, during the massage, you are feeling something and your partner is not, the feelings are not being shared. They are being kept to yourself, alone, hidden. Only you are feeling it. When you are uncomfortable with these feelings, you find ways to distract yourself, usually moving on to another subject or doing something physical to break those feelings off. This is how we reject our feelings. Sharing intimacy means to allow those feelings to exist, and to continue to flow with someone. This is sharing intimacy. It is what connection is. Many people have lost this ability to connect and to share feelings. Intimacy is not some holy act that is virtuous and must be kept hidden away for some future sacred moment. Intimacy is light and easy. It is flowing with someone. That's all it is. And it simply means letting yourself feel what is going on inside of you instead of hiding them. There is more to come. This is just the tip of iceburg as I am relating it here.
Sharing feelings with someone other than your primary partner has always been considered a sacrilege. It is taboo. It is cheating. This concept has been pounded into us by tradition. It is a way of keeping us from falling in love - inappropriately, it is said - but it's really a way of keeping us from love. It is a way of keeping us away from what makes us happy. So we were slapped down as children whenever we did something happy and free, which has served to remind us today, as adults, to keep our feelings hidden. It's time to break the rules. Getting caught masturbating alone in private causes feelings of shame, and yet these are your OWN feelings. The shame is a way of keeping you from enjoying yourself, of feeling free. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. We have been kept, by tradition and rules, from feeling the splendor of our own feelings.
Authority figures from time immemorial have issued laws to keep us away from these inner forces called feelings. This practice of massaging strangers who will become friends if you continue with the Love Club, provides a safe place to practice breaking the rules in an ethical and highly moral way. It is simple, fun and light-hearted because we are social animals and we need each other to have fun. Through social interaction we can practice feeling and sharing stories again, without reserve. Sharing stories and sharing Intimacy is one and the same thing. It is a natural state for we humans to be together and explore together and grow together. The authorities have made it unnatural and perverted.
We will be sharing feelings with a stranger simply through massage without turning it sexual. The reason we are not turning it sexual is so you can feel the feelings and stay in the feelings. Once you change the act into a physical act, you are no longer staying in the feelings but pursuing something that you don't have yet and you want it. This is not a put-down of the joys of sex, but a lesson in intimacy that will further expand the joy of sex.
The reason why we are here to swap massages one on one, alone, not with your own partner but with someone else of opposite gender, is to enable you to remain at your peak experience. You will not fall into the normal habit patterns that you have at home. You will have different feelings because you will be touching new vibrations from a new person. This will help you to activate feelings you don't normally activate at home. We are habitual creatures, all of us. We do the same things day in and day out. We all want stimulation, which is why people cheat and go outside their marriage, which causes feelings of guilt. We don't want feelings of guilt or betrayal. There is a better way to be stimulated. We haven't explored this yet, as a culture. It's time. How to be stimulated, feel joy and freedom, be creative and blossom where we're planted, without cheating?
Being bored and restless is caused by recycling the same feelings. Our OWN same feelings, over and over. It's habitual. The concept of the Love Club is to get people to interact with different people through massage. You will activate new and different feelings. You will not turn them sexual, which you might possibly do if you were alone with that person but, because that is not the purpose of the Love Club, we don't go there.
You will have all sorts of feelings when you massage a stranger. You might have repugnant feelings caused by an associated memory - but it will be YOUR memory surfacing - not coming from the person. Or you might have feelings of guilt because you are having some turn-on feelings - but you will not act on them. Just enjoy them. Or you might have feelings of shame from a long-repressed childhood memory. You might have confused feelings because you feel the turn-on feelings but you don't know what to do with them since you're not allowed to do anything with this person. This is intimacy. You are feeling intimate feelings within yourself. All feelings are intimate. We let them flow forth and on and on through us. Let them expand until they reach your conscious mind, where you can make a conscious decision that it's OK, I am receiving this and it's OK. That way, we don't repress the feeling as we did before. We allow it. Even the so-called negative feelings. Welcome the negative feeling. It is yours. It will not remain negative for long, once you accept them. They will be absorbed into wonderful feelings again so you can continue receiving feelings. Let them exist. Don't act on them.
Most people will not be able to do this at first. Most of us, including me, have built strong sturdy walls around our feelings. That is why we have chosen massage as a way to stimulate feelings within us. And don't kid yourself - feelings ARE powerful. They are forces that need to be dealt with and mastered. Right now, we are confused over this sex, love and intimacy thing. We need more practice, and with others besides our at-home lover. We don't easily activate new feelings at home, either alone or with our partner. Not because we don't love them but because we become habitualized. We do the same thing with them over and over. Activating new feelings sometimes requires outside different energies. It's going to turn your life around into more fun and more stimulation.
Thank you DK. And thank you P & J for offering the use of your beautiful home for this, our first Love Club meeting. Everything is supplied - tables, sheets, lotion and some light snacks and soft drinks. The $20 donation (per couple) will help defray costs. Give it to me upon arrival, not to P & J who don't want it and will refuse it. You will find them to be very friendly hosts who go out of their way to make sure you are comfortable. Future dates are posted below and also on the Anakosha website.
Let me know by return email if you want to participate, but talk to your partner to make sure he or she wants to engage in this manner. Directions to P & J's will come once confirmed. I am taking reservations, both firm or tentative, for future meetings too. I would also like to hear your comments and feedback. This is something unique and new that we are trying. I'm not sure anybody else is doing it quite this way anywhere in the world. Everyone is important. Each person there influences the meaning of the whole. It's definitely a way to meet other couples, if nothing else. Let me know if you want to participate - as a couple please!
Love and hugs,
Diana of Anakosha
9/7/17 The Love Club Newsletter
Hello everyone! You are invited to attend our very first massage swap for loving couples. It is going to take place in my home out on rural pastureland in North Collier County, Naples. Imagine, if you will, arriving at the door and being hugged through the front door by me and my partner David. We will have four massage tables set up in various rooms in the house, completely equipped with sheets, towels and lotion. We are friendly and love to host small gatherings. My husband who is not interested in massage will also be here in the background as protector. This gathering will be no more than 8 couples. A total of 16 people. It starts at 4 pm and goes until at least 8 pm but it may last longer. There will be light snacks and drinks to tide over the hunger pangs.
The first thing we'll do is give you time to mill around and meet the others who are here, and also have a tour of the house to locate the bathrooms and where to put your things. If you are the first couple here, then you can help us greet the next couple who arrives and give them a tour of the house. We do not know yet how many will be here, because this is only the first one and sometimes people wait to see how the first one goes before attending. And, yes, there will be more to come. They are scheduled for the first of every month on into the future. The schedule of dates is posted at the bottom. Mark your calendar if interested. .
The second thing we'll do is have a sit down introduction circle. We feel it is important to get to know everyone face-to-face and put a feeling to each face. Emotional feelings are what helps us to "read" someone. We read people better through our feelings and emotional responses than we do through eye and ear.
The third thing we'll do is have a discussion and demonstration about massage. David will demonstrate on someone on a massage table. This type of massage is loving and it feels sensual and is very, very nurturing and healing, but it is not sexual. We will not go in that direction so everyone can relax. I have to say this because some will want to go there, causing stress and anticipation, and others will NOT want to go there, causing stress and anticipation. That is why we keep it safely non-sexual. David is our in-house massage therapist. He is trained in all methods of massage and channels heavenly divine love.
The fourth thing we'll do is choose partners for the massage. Massage swaps are one-on-one. Two people to a table. You give to someone and you receive from that same person. You will be asked to choose a partner other than your own mate. It is important that you are OK with this so discuss it first before accepting. If you really need to stay together for the massage, you might as well stay home. By sharing massage with a stranger you'll step outside your comfort zone and enlarge your ability to interact intimately with others. This is a test. It is the price of admission to join the Love Club. There will be some flexibility in choosing massage partners. We will do everything we can to make sure everyone is comfortable and no one is pressured, but this is the whole point of the Love Club - stretching your boundaries and diminishing fear of intimate touch. Since there will only be four massage tables operating (we're limited by space) half of the group will massage while the other half will be in discussion. Then they'll swap places. I'll ask for questions ahead of time. They can be anonymous. No one will know it was you who asked it. You'll have a chance to ask any question you like, including very personal questions which are awkward to ask. We are equipped to handle it all.
Please reply directly to me by return email with questions or to register to attend on October 7. Each couple are potential friends and I'll treat them that way. We have single friends who would love to attend but at the moment we need to limit it to couples to assure gender balance. We can pair two singles together on a first-come number basis. Just let me know if you want to come without a partner. I'll keep track. I am personally hosting and monitoring the list of people. We will ask $20 pp to help with costs, pay on arrival. Free to a couple who can arrive early and stay late to help me. There is a certain amount of work to be done beforehand and after.
I look forward to hearing back from you. We'd love to have you join David and me on October 7.
8/14/17 Massage Club changed to The Love Club
Laying the ground work - an invitation
We invite anyone interested to come over and join David & me at my house this Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 4 pm to explore the idea of the new Love Club. We are at the point where we need feedback to expand on it. We've been discussing for over two years now. I've sent out a number of newsletters about a massage club, but our focus has broadened. It still involves massage but it is more. The focus is on love and flowing love to and from others. How to share love. What is love? This inevitably led us to Tantra. Tantra is based on the science of love - divine love, not personal love - but since this is an unfamiliar concept to most of us, it is an open door inviting us to come closer and explore.
David is already offering Tantric Massage. He is featured on the Anakosha website at this link. As for me, I am am studying the roots of Tantra, tracing it back to its hidden and unknown beginning. I am amazed at what I am finding. Both David and I want to begin building a group of friends who are interested in exploring this with us. He and I get together on Wednesday afternoons, as permitted, and we are now issuing this invitation for anyone to join us who lives nearby, who share this interest with us. Just to chat. Informal, laid back, spontaneous. We don't have an agenda. Meet us not leaders but as friends. We want to meet you. You are an immortal divine spark and you are beautiful and there is love residing within you. We would be most happy to have you, or both of you if you are both interested, join us. We meet every Wednesday. Contact me by return email to introduce yourself.
You are getting this because you wrote to Anakosha at one time. If you want to be removed from this e-list, let me know. It is a private list and I monitor it myself. If you have been following the Anakosha website and my blogs you know the general idea. The Love Club is written up here. Some of you know David and me by our real names. You may have been massaged by us, but if you are a snow bird and still up north we look forward to seeing you in the fall. Meanwhile, we don't want to wait. David and I are ready to proceed and start building a base of loving friends for the Love Club.
Diana of Anakosha
5/14/17 The Massage Club Newsletter
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and would-be mothers who read this. There is a happy upward movement of love going out and around the world today from offspring to Moms everywhere. A Mother's love is a special kind of love. It is feminine. It nurtures where things are not right and it helps to mend them.
Speaking of feminine, this week David and I will meet with a woman without her husband with the intention of inviting her into the massage swap group for loving couples. Apparently he is not ready, bless his soul. We love the men - our men - but many of them simply are not ready to receive nourishing, loving massage. It is perhaps the objectivity and physicality that men have worked with all their life which cannot understand what this that we do is all about. What is the purpose? How does it fit it into MY life? Why should I do it? Why should I trust it?
This that David and I are offering is educational. It's a demonstration in how to relax and receive. I guess that is difficult for men to do but we are hoping. We invite the men to participate with us to LEARN about it. Accompany their wives and find out more about it. Learn what it is like to receive love in a different way other than sensual or sexual. How to relax and be soothed by people who care without wanting anything back. How to be appreciated in a kindly fashion. The biological chemistry that men work on, I suspect, not being masculine, is having to be on guard and watching out for the dangers in life. They are the protectors of their women and children. It has been the cultural programming of men of our species for a long time. And under those conditions, yes, I can see where it is difficult to drop one's guard and to suddenly trust. That is the woman’s role, to trust and intuit and feel kindly towards others.
It is a difficult thing to do for men. That is why David and I invite couples to come in to meet us first, just to talk and share information. We don’t want to push massage on anyone, but that is our method of working with people and we do not charge money for it. It is free.
As I am beginning to understand it, men by and large have been so busy serving in the man's' role, that he cannot simply drop that role and open himself to receiving the support and nurturing from others. That is what we have decided to offer this to the women even if their men do not want to, or are not ready to accompany them. It is the women who are the leaders of the new age dawning upon us, the age of enlightenment or lighting up on the INSIDE. Light and love are synonymous, so when we light up the INSIDE, we are awakening the love inside. Women will be leading the way in the coming days.
Women have talents that men don't have. They just don’t have confidence in those talents. They have not been supported in those talents. They have been put down. Women have the softness that is inherent in human kind, and they are safeguarding that softness until it is time to bring it forth. David and I are offering to assist in bringing it forth. We love our men and we want to bring forth the softness in them. And the intuition and the feelings of being loved and cared for in our men. We have not been able to demonstrate that in the past ages because of the violence of our planet and cities.
Women have the inner connections that will help prepare the men to receive this finer activity of life, after they themselves have received the spiritual support and spiritual confidence that they are right and they have been all along. Now is the time for women to stop allowing themselves to be dismissed, and to be stronger and more daring and courageous in standing up for that softness that they represent in their inner hearts but have not dared express in their outer world.
It is a subtle but conscious act to press the will of love, kindness and nourishment outward onto life, after centuries of having been intimidated. Women are designed for this but have been forced to fold their wings because practical matters take precedence in a mentally-driven world. The divine feminine‘s purpose is to correct the mean and ugly and nourish the good and noble. Slow hands stroking with a warm heart is good for a person because there is a weaving together of both or all parties’ energies. It is used, not for foreplay, but for cellular healing, soul healing, which sensitizes a person to receive better, bigger, more and wiser. Slow massage is not foreplay for sex. Working the genitals is foreplay for sex. Slow massage with a warm heart all over the body is different. It prepares a person to receive love, to feel love, and to flow love back. This is the universal love. Love with a capital L. There is a “heart-of-God” feeling to it on a cosmic scale.
David and I work on the vibration of love. Love is not personal. Love is a universal principal. Is a spiritual intelligence. Most people think of love as something reserved for mates, lovers, families and very special friends, but it is actually the glue that holds everything together - galaxies and suns and planets and moons and the entire nature kingdom and allows civilizations to continue. And it holds people together, their relationships, communities and families, and neighbors and co-workers. When something is falling apart in life, think love. Shift the focus to love and picture love all around that part of life that is not working. Put some time into imagining Love.
Love has to be consciously applied and thought of. It's an effort to figure out what is the right vibration of love, how it feels, where to focus, what to do to bring it about. But finding the right feeling, texture or vibration of love is a worthwhile effort. When you hit on it you know. It’s transformational. It's a soothing, peaceful, mending vibration. The thing that is broken may not get fixed instantaneously, like magic, but YOU will be. And when YOU are soothed, mended and healed with the Love vibration, then your world begins to change. It will rearrange itself to conform to YOU. As David says, “After you have received this universal Love with a capital L, you will never be the same again.“ David channels more universal Love with a capital L than anyone else I know.
Diana of Anakosha
5/8/17 The Massage Club Newsletter
David and I met last Thursday on the mat in my sacred room with lovely quiet music playing and windows open to the breezes outdoors. It was a beautiful day and in my special room, which has seen a lot of action over the years, both group room action and spiritual silence with no movement, we cuddled warmly and told each other what was going on in our lives. What we were learning. What we were experiencing. What we were feeling. We have a sacred relationship.
And then we laid on our backs and in silence looked up past the ceiling where stars are glued - the kind that light up after the lights go out at night - watched our each our own visions unfold. Inner dreams that are unique to the soul. Then we talked. We had a lot to share. It was slow-down time with lengths of pause between us. And then we stopped talking all together and went into the timeless zone beyond movement. No, it wasn't sexual. It was Love. Ours is a sacred relationship that does not require sex.
The reason I describe our meeting is to let everyone know there is more to this than sexuality. The men are continuing to write to me asking about the sensual side of massage. They are interested in what women want, and how they can meet the requirements that women won't tell them. I responded to a man today in this vein. I posted my response (not his words, only mine) HERE. My mission - and David's mission - is to introduce the greater love, to remind everyone that there IS a greater love, a greater feeling of oneness, bliss, togetherness, rapture, and how to access it. Sex is irrelevant if you don't have love. It isn't accessed through the genitals. To have sex before making love, is like putting the cart before the horse and trying to figure out where to hook up the bridle and rains. It's not right. Make love first and then everything falls into place naturally.
It is a new era today as compared to 50 years ago when men (or male dominant thinking and control) ruled everything. The underground movement of feminine seeking more freedom, more space, more confidence has been a long-time struggle. It has been going on for a century or more, but only in the last 20 years or so have we noticed changes. Feminine power is the ability to love freely, without being controlled, owned, posses, ridiculed or repressed, like second-class citizens. Feminine power is not a fist raised in defiance. It is a warm embracing hug given from the heart without censoring it. Feminine power has been repressed in men too. They have a feminine side, also, and their ability to love freely has also been repressed and controlled by both women and authorities. We all need to grow the love that is within us, locked up.
It is still a male-dominant world. The struggle to be free of ridicule, repression and control is not a fight against authorities. It is a brutal fight with oneself, and one's own belief system and ingrained habit of lying to oneself. One's own hardened heart must be softened and melted from within the cage. That is the only way to breathe free. Then a great peace enters and loving others comes natural to us. Without jealousy and ownership and insecurity. Love awakens from within our own tissues, cells, fluids and bones of our bodies.
What our massage club for loving couples is all about, is getting together to swap massages and awaken the love within. We invite couples to join us. At the moment we are only seeking couples because we need organic balance for the sake of energies. Men's energies flow outward and downward to objectify relationships, and women's energies flow inward and upward to FEEL relationships. Too many men focus the energies towards physicality and sexuality; while too many women focus the energies inwardly. Our massage swap is practice in putting hands on other people with respect and caring. It's simply massage and it's happy and light without hidden agendas. It's simply massage.
I am communicating with people who write to Anakosha. We have been contacted by 11 couples. David and I have met three of them, well, four of them, and we will meet a fifth this week. We have massaged two couples. Well, actually three. Or four. It's hard to count because we have met people before we started counting and committing to the current protocol shown above. I know many more couples. There is a qualified list of people to reach out to. I am sharing this information in the spirit of transparency and openness, so the reader can get the idea of what this is all about. It's a new concept.
The rate of meeting couples is slow. We expected it to be slow because it's not a massage with hot sex tacked onto the end. A massage club with hot sex would bring swinging couples to us in droves. But, no. This is an introduction to love that could be considered ascension massage. Meaning lifting up to higher, more blissful realms. To another plane of being where you feel more whole, more vital, more relaxed, more loving and blissful. You feel the fetters fall away and you don't care if the fire alarm rings or the house is burning. You are beyond that. You feel free of the bonds that chain you to physicality. But it's also a human feeling. It is joyful, happy, and it enhances the love you feel for all people, everyone, and everything. Women love it, men are surprised by how good they feel.
Love is not only personal between a couple. Love is as wide as the ocean and deep as the sea. It does not have any boundaries. Love is a mysterious energy that can be accessed through human relatioinships. It flows when we know how to allow it to flow. No matter what situation you are in, you can access love. It can melt walls and barriers on every level. But - big but - we as a culture have been brainwashed to hold it back. We have put chain-link steel mesh around us to make sure we hold it back. You always have your personal relationship, but you expand your personal relationship in your own good time, when it's right for you and you are in agreement. When you expand your relationship to include others into it, then you expand it in a way that is unconditional and respectful. You don't expect anything back from them.
David and I are here to introduce you to this greater love which we are designed to enjoy as human beings. We are not designed to hold back on love but we need to learn how to expand it without hurting anyone. Or ourselves. We are doing this by offering readers to join a Massage Swap Club for Couples. We have to practice giving massage and receiving massage without expecting something in exchange - except a massage! We must experience it. Words are a poor substitute for experience.
The flowing begins with hands-on someone or receiving from someone. You can feel it almost immediately. A higher, wider, freer, happier state of bliss. It's not about sex but there is a second level to this club for loving couples, where you can take it further into physical lovemaking if each one chooses. There will never ever be a mandatory "have to" as in swinging. Access to the second level (at another time and place) is only gained by attending the first level preparatory training in the art of love. We are preparing people for greater ascending human love.
If you are interested, please contact us HERE and make an appointment to come in and meet with us. No cost, no expectations. Let's talk. If you as a woman alone or whose husband is not ready, we invite you to come in and meet us. No cost, no expectations. We need women to help us keep our focus on upward spiraling love.
Diana of Anakosha
5/1/17 Massage Club Newsletter
Loving Couples Massage Club Forming - Naples, Florida
A unique massage club for loving couples is forming in Naples for couples only. Contacts are being made. It will be a social atmosphere but a serious effort at massage, the main event, where couples can practice an exquisite type of massage with other couples. This is new. Never been done before. It's in a private home in Naples. There will be time to socialize, introduce yourself, ask questions, be prepped about behavior and etiquette. There are massage tables and lotions. It is sensual but not sexual. No prior experience is required to participate but it is for couples only. Singles later after a foundation is secured. David and I (Diana of Anakosha) are the leaders and we will demonstrate. No cost for this, no dues. To find out more, contact us HERE.
In addition, David is offering Tantric Massage
Tantric Massage for singles, and Tantric Training for couples. $100 a session for either. Tantric Massage is done in silence, with focus on the person on the table. There is a channeling of very high and refined energy into the body, moving through layers upon layers, bringing them into alignment for feelings of peace, bliss and love beyond normal. In contrast, a Tantric Training session is usually done with the woman on the table and her male partner assisting and learning. David's focus is divided then between the lady on the table and consciously explaining to the man what he is doing. To set an appointment contact David HERE.
Now, on to the newsletter, which means me flowing a stream of consciousness.
About Tantra
Tantra is becoming quite a popular subject these days, right alongside interest in the spiritual principles and cosmic law. Weaving spiritual love and sensual love together is something of a mystery. David and I have explored Tantra and its ramifications from various angles, and we have reached a conclusion. David is offering his services in Tantric Massage, which is mostly women clients though he will accept a male client. I do not offer Tantric Massage myself, because the sexual orientation in some men and women (more the men) is too great for me to work with.
David, on the other hand, is much better able to work with women because the feminine body, biologically, does not have the same urgency pushing outward. Women do not have the same blockages that men have. The male body shuts down the emotional nature which, in turn, causes a buildup and concentration of earth energy in the lower parts of the body. The chakras are closed down. We'll work with chakras in everyone. Women, generally speaking have a different kind of need - a need for a more elevated loving, nurturing energy. David can do this. This is his specialty and greatest gift.
More about us
David and I have been learning and growing, each separately, for we do not live together. For those who haven't kept up with my blog on Anakosha, David is not my husband, he is a soul-mate friend and we share a common dream. We are collaborators in loving massage. We are each married to other people and happy with our home lives. But we have a common goal and we are taking steps to implement it. We both have experience with the higher form of love which transcends personal love. Love with a capital L. This is what the Massage Club will build on.
Personal love vs. impersonal love
In the Massage Club, we use personal love to begin with - the loving bond between each couple. A couple is already in love. They have already mated together and have a commitment. Even if you don't think of it as love, it is. For example, some couples don't make physical love much any more but they share life on many levels. That does not make them any less in love if they are not sexual any more. They have moved to higher planes of understanding. They have woven their energies together and expanded beyond being two separate individuals. They know what bonding means.
But deep inside, on the interior at soul level, there is often a vacuum or void which is not understood. Where does it come from? And how do we fill it? It is often the man who feels the urge first for more excitement. It could be the woman, but whether it's him or her, there comes a time when they need to speak about it. Are they jointly ready to expand their love further out, by inviting other people in? They don't think of it as love. They think of it as sex or intimacy. They have not yet been introduced to this greater Love with a capital L.
So sexually, how do we do this? How do we reach out to other people intimately, without becoming attached to them? Without falling in love, or becoming emotionally entangled in their lives? How do we prevent damaging the relationship? That is what personal love is. But there is another form of interaction with mature adults who can move past the personal attachment stage and love many people. We haven't been shown how to do that yet, but that's what our massage club for loving couples is all about.
There are lots of opportunities for sex - swinging, dating, cheating, open relationships, poyamory - the internet is flooded with social networks catering to this need. But none that offer the higher aspects of responsible, easy, casual, social intimacy. I have been told that this is not going to work, but David and I know that it will. We have personally lived it ourselves. It is the dream we share - to have many, many people all free and liberated from the confines of restricted, socially accepted norms. We are going to have to practice, though, and learn what that means. The massage club for loving couples will give us that opportunity to practice. Words won't be able to explain it. It is something that has to be experienced and shared with other live bodies.
It's not about sex or giving up sex. It's about engaging with others with an open heart and mind, and receiving from others who are also opening their hearts and minds. It's about trust. A more liberated and easy way of interacting with others is available as we raise our abilities to receive and trust others. This is easy to say but not so easy to do. Each one of us has had to grow in our ability to do that. It can't be forced. Nobody has been able to force-feed anyone something new. It is a matter of experiencing and understanding.
That's why I'm writing so much. I write a lot. My fingers keep moving over the keyboard. Most people don't want to read all this stuff and that's OK. It is my way of preparing the readership to understand what the massage club is about. It filters out those who don't want it. Some will be attracted to it. We are attracted to something when we are ready for it. In the case of a couple, they will have to talk about it. Are they ready to try this?
Impersonal love is personal love that doesn't focus on one person to the exclusion of others. Personal love is exclusive. A relationship is personal love binding two people together. You love your mate over and above everyone else. Polyamory is a new movement of individuals exploring the possibilities of loving more than one person at a time. They are working at expanding love but it's hard work. So, yes, marriages do break up when one of them falls in love with a different person and leaves the former mate. It does happen.
They haven't yet learned all there is to know about the larger love. How to love many people is a spiritual evolution. It is an evolution in consciousness that includes physical intimacy. In the massage club we stop short of sex during the massage for a number of reasons. All of which helps us to become more loving with more people, without separating and focusing on just one person.
We can love many people at the same time, just as we can love many children at the same time. We do it by not becoming entangled with their personal emotional issues. There are people who are what we call "serial monogamists". They want to love many people but they become emotionally involved and nest down with one. Then they become bored and break that bond to move on to the next lover, to become entangled with them. I knew a woman who married 13 men, one after the other, because she kept falling in love and becoming emotionally involved, and then she would find a new lover to become attached to, and divorcing the former one. She eventually found swinging and went back to her first husband with whom she is today.
Swinging is a first step in this learning curve to learn about not becoming emotionally involved, however, swinging succeeds by leaving love out of the equation. Love is critically important. Emotions and feelings are very important to the wholeness, wellness and happiness in an individual . It is time we learn how to incorporate love, emotions and feelings into our friendships, so we can remain open and healthy WITHOUT becoming emotionally involved. How to enjoy the richness of close personal bonding and experience that huge "out-of-body" feeling of being connected. We all have the desire for that greater experience.
Our massage club for loving couples will provide opportunities to shift some of our attitudes so we can accomplish that. As we open the doors of inner feelings and emotions without making it personal (like sex does) we will grow exponentially. The massage swaps will help us to mingle with the "right" group of couples who also want to go in this direction. It's a soul expanding journey.
It is an emotional and mental preparation and training for profound intimacy experiences. It is all up to each person, however. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, the saying goes. When a person is ready, they're ready to open and feel. This massage swap idea provides opportunities. That's all. We are each a sovereign individual who gets it in his/her own right time. There is something magic in hands-on loving massage, and we can demonstrate it and practice it. Plus you'll meet others at a massage swap and what you do with those contacts is entirely up to you. You will meet people in this unusual group. Some will be compatible, others will not but we need each other to grow.
We need each other to expand our love and freedom
The massage club is being formed because we need each other. We need each other to expand our love and our freedom. We can't very well experience freedom at home alone with our primary mate. We already had our freedom time with them during our dating and honeymoon stage. Then we nested and settled down. It's time now for some more freedom. However, freedom with dignity and higher morals is different from the drunken "partying-til-dawn" kind of freedom. The latter is a road to disaster, while the first leads to feelings of exhilaration and ecstasy - the freedom to love many and all without restriction.
I realize this is a hard concept to grasp. If words alone could do it, we could stop right here. But it's going to take hands-on practicen. Hands-on engaging with experienced leaders in love to guide you. We need others to grow. Of course, we can join a bowling club, or a yoga club or rowing club, but intimate contact would not be part of the program, which is what we as a culture, as a people, as a world, need the most. Letting go of blockages we don't know we have. How to receive love. This is how we become more receptive to love.
Sensual but not sexual
Our planned massage club for loving couples is for the purpose of practicing love by engaging with people through hugs, strokes and touching. It is sensual but it's without emphasis on sex. It produces a larger sensation of being loved and cared for. There is nothing more intimate than stroking the naked body of a stranger with the stranger's spouse, and yours, alongside. We who have been to massage school have had practice massaging bodies, so we have the confidence. However, there are rules in massage school training. David and I have moved past that part. We have discovered something more liberating and connecting that we want to share with others so others can do it too. It's not a physical technique. It requires an inner shift of focus, from head (brain) to feelings within the body.
The fear of intimacy
This is hugely frightening to do for those who have no experience in body work. Being afraid of intimacy is common. Everybody is. Our culture trained us to be afraid. Walls have been carefully and expertly constructed to keep us safe from intimacy. And it's all an illusion We dissolve those fears by developing trust.We develop trust by the time to meet and talk first, and by sharing intimate information. In words. This opens the mind beyond what is normally accepted. Breaking the illusion of what's appropriate and acceptable is the first step in developing trust.
When we start engaging with others by sharing information we have already broken the first barrier of being intimate. The second barrier is physically touching. David and I share with you techniques that further help in building trust, because you don't want to inadvertently do something that will cause someone to close down. We really need to practice this. We all do. Me included.
As we practice swapping massage and melding energies, we are opening ourselves to more love. We are leaning to receive the honor and respect the others are giving to us. Our culture is awash with disrespect and suspicioni, but we are capable of higher qualities. We know we are, but we don't live them because social etiquette demands we be one of the guys or one of the girls. To show respect, honor, decency and principled behavior, we are seen as "she thinks she's better than us."
There are very simple guidelines. Everybody knows the principles in their heart. We just never get the opportunity to practice them "out loud". In the open where others can see them and be raised by them. Elevating thoughts bring elevating feelings. We practice stroking with sacredness. It is fulfilling. It melts barriers.
Personal love expands to impersonal love
Personal love is the first step in building love to something larger than "one". When two "ones" come together and become joined in a relationship, they have multiplied the love within them. They merge their personal love to become a larger love. A relationship has already begun the evolutionary step of expanding. A single person is not ready for this yet. That is why we are inviting couples to begin with in our massage club. The process is already underway.
When the time comes to start discussing what to do to enrich the relationship, there are many ways to go. The bottom line is a desire to expand the love they have between them to new heights and depths. It requires other people. It requires interacting and engaging other people more freely and loosely than what we've been programmed for. We're stepping outside of the box that our parents were in. We're ready to expand the rules and try something new and different.
It's not about sex
A couple talks about where did the excitement go? And it starts out being about sex. We get hung up over the sex thing but it's not about sex. It's rather sinister to think that we've been conditioned to think sex is all there is. But what's really going on in a monotonous monogamous relationship is a desire to have some freedom. It's about loosening the chains that bind, but the chains are out-dated belief systems. Boredom comes about from a need for fresh air. Innocent fresh air. The belief and programming of our culture is to find a new sex partner, or an additional sex partner or get into swinging for more sex.
But the truth is, we want to enjoy more excitement. To be free to spread our wings. Sex may be exciting for some people, but it's a turn-off for a lot of others. The greater desire is to engage with others more freely. And we can. We don't have to stay inside the box if we have a place to go to practice loosening our belts and enjoying more freedom with more people - and with guidelines in how to change our attitudes so we don't hurt ourselves or others. It's time we dismantled what has been drummed it into us. Sex is the most obvious. It comes at us from every angle, making us think if we don't have a romantic sexual person in our lives that we are losers. It is a depressing thought which leads many people to do terrible things. We must change the attitude to one that doesn't require sex as part of the need.
It's not about sex. It's about connection and the feeling of excitement. Let's loosen the clothes that restrict and be more natural. Nature does not conform to one species, but engages all species and a free-roaming blend of the law of attraction and rejection. By becoming more natural, we are drawn to those who are suited to us. It's important to engage with others without becoming emotionally entangled. The need to feel alive is not about sex, it's about feeling. Period. How do we get to feel more? By engaging with others more openly and freely. That is the reason for the massage club for loving couples. There is a bigger picture involved.
The Massage Club - how to join
Contact us by sending a message and introducing yourself. Couples only, please. A couple can be a dating couple who care for each other. We would like to meet you first, and demonstrate our unique method of massage. There is no cost. No dues. Once we meet, chat and demonstrate our massage, you will be placed on our invitation list to receive scheduled massage swap dates. At each massage swap, the only thing required is that you give one massage and receive one. For older people who have a difficult time standing, there are stools. It is possible to give loving strokes while sitting on a stool. I get tired myself sometimes and always have a stool nearby.
The "who to massage" will be up to each individual or couple. There will be time to get to know the others before going to the tables. David and I will demonstrate how to channel the highest form of love through your hands. You will see how gratifying it is to be in league with so many loving people. It is giving and receiving. Not just one sided.
We are asking couples to meet us at David's studio in Naples, one couple at a time. We are growing the Massage Club gently and sending our message out in a soft approach. This club is not open to the random public. There is a filtering process. We want us to meet first.
Well, it's time to stop this endless musing about it. I do tend to write a lot. But it is
how I get the message out. Through words. If you want to read more of my writing, go to my blog on Anakosha HERE.
I will be sending more newsletters in the future. If you don't want to receive them, let me know by returning this email with REMOVE ME on the subject line.
Thank you for listening.
Love and Light,
Diana of Anakosha
4/22/17 Massage Club Forming for Loving Couples
Anakosha is announcing the formation of a unique massage club for loving couples. This new club is for the purpose of expanding the energy of Love, with a capital L. All ages are welcome. Whether you are a newly-in-love relationship or a long-time married relationship seeking to spice things up - or a highly evolved couple who already know these things - all body types and nationalities are welcome. We are all SO different. But note: English is important.
I am Diana of Anakosha. I have been maintaining the Anakosha website for 20 years. I have tried to start a massage club in the past but I have not succeeded so far. Some of you know me as a long-time hostess of swing parties along with my husband. But swinging focuses on sex and, though I have enjoyed the many friends I met in swinging, my desire was not being fulfilled to expand the love side of my nature. A desire began to build in me to have a group of couples who also wanted to expand love beyond the sexual zones. Couples, because I needed women to help me; men always took it down into sex. This dream has continued to intensify over the years because swinging has become a barrier. It stops me. Swinging has an unspoken rule of "No love in the lifestyle; it's just sex."
I could not seem to break out of that solid belief structure for many, many years, tightly woven as it was into the hearts and minds and belief patterns of of everyone involved. But on the other hand it served as a rich cocoon in which a yearning grew in me for something more. This yearning popped out into the open in a surprising way.
I personally gave up swinging. And as soon as I went public that I was giving up swinging, I met a man who had the same dream. He is another massage therapist equally desirous of exploring and liberating Love. Notice the Capital L in Love because that is how we differentiate the higher form of Love from personal love.
David is my partner, not my husband. We are a couple, but not in the romantic sense. We are married to other people. We are soul mate friends whose love of massage and the higher form of Love brought us into collaboration and the sharing of a dream. It didn't come easy at first, we had to work at it. But we are both experienced in therapeutic massage and have expanded beyond what is taught in massage schools.
It's not only in swinging that Love is squelched. In our massage practices love blossoms often, easily, naturally. We are trained, both as professionals and private citizens, to squelch it because it simply isn't done. It isn't appropriate. It's against the rules of our culture to allow love to flow freely. We think it will lead to sex, but actually the reverse is true.
When we squelch love, we hold back a natural flow. The Love from Mother Earth travels upward through us to meet the downward flow coming from Father Sky. It is a feedback loop that keeps us alive. When we repress the flow of love in us, we block the flow. Blocking the flow builds desire. Desire builds up from our repression, bigger and bigger, and soon it demands release. And all because we block the natural flow within us. Love is innate and it demands to be free.
We think love is a spiritual quality, and it's true. But it is also a human quality. We have only explored personal love as a people, but there is a larger Love and a more advanced Love that has yet to be explored. Because we don't understand it, we are afraid of it. We are afraid of its power. We are afraid of its intimacy. We are afraid of what it might do to us. Yes, I have felt that fear, and the jealousy that comes from holding it back, but I have experienced the larger Love too, and I trust it now.
Swingers do not want to go there, and that's appropriate for them. But there are others who are ready to move past that and begin exploring the greater Love - the greater Love while in the physical. Our goal for this club is to practice flowing Love through massage. Massage is our language of communication. It is a silent language. Love is felt through feelings. Higher and more refined feelings that reach into bliss, ecstasy and more. Joy and liberation increases as we allow love to flow without stopping it. Love flows best when it's shared, like water when it's turned on at the faucet. It cannot flow if it's turned off.
Each couple who practices massage with others, probably strangers in the beginning, but later to become friends, will increase the flow of love between the two of them. They will then bring that largesse back home to the family. You can't help radiating love when it's active. I've seen it at the parties. Love radiates like a bulb in a lamp that has been turned up to high. The person glows. This is not from the average sexual encounter. I've seen plenty of those. This is when love is flowing.
David and I love that massage is available to us as a tool. We are grateful to have the training. We are ready. We love sharing massage. We have met with a few couples already and we have been validated. This is the way to go. There is a saying, "Love isn't something that was put here to stay; Love isn't Love 'til it's given away." We want to form a massage club so we can share massage with others. We are building a list of contact names who are on the same page as we are. When we have sufficient numbers, we will schedule a private meet n' greet with loving massages to go along with it. We are now reaching out to let others know what we are doing.
Our approach is sensual, but not sexual. Of the many couples who have contacted me in the past, quite a few are interested in Tantra. We are not teaching Tantra, but consider this a preliminary preparation. Like you have to learn English before you can get into kindergarten or the first grade. The step before the first step leading to Tantra is learning about Love with a capital L. It's an attitude. The quality of Love comes first. We all need to learn about Love with a capital L before learning the techniques of Tantra. Because Tantra is the flowing of Love with a capital L.
David and Diana are not our real names. We remain anonymous until we know you in person. We are not asking for money. There is no cost. No dues. We are unfolding a dream and we don't know where the dream is going to lead. We have an idea but we can't KNOW it until we start flowing it with more couples and sharing the dream so there is participation going on. We feel it has huge potential but we are going to have to learn as we go. I feel badly that several years ago I wasn't ready to respond to this couple when they wrote me several years ago:
(quote) "We have had a lifetime of experiences and have shared them with many along the way. We have discussed the nature of divine Love and its connection to sexual expression. We have visited several locations where invitations to participate in extra-sexual contact was offered but was purely that, sexual. We have not found a place or group of people that places their focus on loving relationships so we have not participated in the sharing that we are convinced has to be done through Love. We have much to share with others that goes beyond the sexual encounter and are careful with whom we share the adventures of this incredible lifetime. After reading your words in this website there is a feeling of understanding regarding the role sex is meant to be discussed and shared. We are divine creations and are here to learn and teach one another through loving relationships. We invite you to respond if you feel the energy and Love behind our intentions." (end quote)
I am sharing this message with you, and I think this couple won't mind because you won't know who they are anyway. But I'm sharing it because so much is portrayed here. You can FEEL it. There is more waiting for us to experience. In the beginning there will be only a few responding to this, but it will grow. The greater experience of love is ready to pour forth. We each have a different outer persona so we will not all be attracted to one another, but underneath the mask we are nameless cluster of feelings and knowings. The simple effort of massaging with kindness to and from a stranger provides a certain "quickening". A spark of recognition. A feeling. A perception. A prior life memory. That's when differences diminish and energy fields merge. It's all done in silence. Many, many spontaneous healings are accomplished in this manner, silently, without words.
Our location is Naples, Florida. We will meet first in David's professional studio to talk and then demonstrate massage. Contact us "" to set up an appointment. After that we will meet in a private home that has been prepared for this. It's out in the country. Groups will be small, probably under under 10 couples. Each time we meet we will include introductions and snacks and practice nudity, optionally. Swapping massage is the main reason we're getting together. Again, it is for couples only, with apologies to singles. Maybe later. We won't do any massaging on the first day we meet, but if we all feel good about it, we'll schedule a second meeting to demonstrate our energy approach.
Again, please send a message to us "" or simply reply to me above. Introduce yourselves. If you are not in the best of health, do not let that hold you back. Let it be an incentive. But you will need to help give too. We are seniors ourselves. And I can tell you that each time I give a massage I feel brighter, healthier and happier when done, than when I started. It is the flowing of love that improves the quality of our life force.
I will be sending more newsletters in the future. If you don't want to receive them, let me know by returning this email with REMOVE ME on the subject line.
Thank you for listening.
Love and Light,
Diana of Anakosha