FROM THE EDITOR: If I haven't posted any articles or videos, go to GFLstation.com for videos. from the Galactics. To https://eraoflight.com/ for ascension articles. And https://www.universallighthouse.com/ for channeled messages daily.
1/13/25 - Mother Earth: The heart center of the Earth
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am the Earth. I speak to you from the depth beneath your feet. I, too, have a heart chakra, a center, and you can envision this heart center to be in the middle of my physical body, the planet. Travel there in your mind; descend down into the Earth, into my center, and make an energetic, conscious connection with it, because at its core, my heart is not primarily material, but spiritual.
Just as your hearts are part of your soul, your Godself, my heart is also not only physical, it is part of my soul. Feel my heart; feel my love for life. I enjoy everything in life that buds, goes through life processes, grows, and finally d**s physically. Life is a grand dance and that dance is elegant and beautiful. In this dance is harmony and logic. Each one of you is meant to dance, although sometimes the movements you make are uncomfortable or painful.
But not everything that has a blocking effect comes from outside you. You also have a history; you are older than this current physical life; you carry a legacy with you. Your soul has a depth that you still do not comprehend. So much remains hidden from you of the grandeur and mystery of your soul. Thus, you cannot know everything, but you can surrender and give yourself over to the movement of your soul. Your soul sometimes wants you to deal with negativity that comes both from without and within. There might still reside in you old baggage, consisting of emotional pain, misunderstanding, confusion, that your soul intends should come to the forefront in this lifetime. And these encounters may go against your personal desire for light and for a productive, pleasant, and enjoyable life.
The purpose of encountering negativity cannot be comprehended by the earthly personality or by the mind, or so it seems, because that purpose is difficult to understand in that way. Therefore, you are asked to open to a deep level of surrender in order to come to terms with that negativity, and I ask you to do this now. I encourage you to feel that negativity from the perspective of my heart, my center. I see much pain and suffering in and on the Earth, yet there is a part of me that is not affected by that suffering. There is this part of me that simply witnesses it with a gentleness and deep acceptance which understands that there is a logic in everything that happens. Without asking you to grasp this logic with your mind, I encourage you to feel the energy of my heart center.
Feel that this energy also creates a space for the suffering and for all that is dark and seems incomprehensible. I am very deeply involved with you and I do not dismiss the suffering of humanity, as well as that of the animals, plants, and rocks. Everything that lives on Earth is sensitive to vibration, to energy. Fear, distrust, hatred, loneliness are vibrations that deeply affect me and all life, yet there is something in me that transcends these vibrations – I am your mother. By connecting with that part in me which looks with compassion at suffering and grief, you strengthen that part of me – and of yourself. You then literally begin to channel, to become a conduit. Your heart opens to the large flow of compassion that exists in the universe. Not only my compassion, but also that of many other beings.
If you are a part of that compassionate stream, you stay connected with it; you do not turn away from what there is on Earth: the light and the dark. You do not try to flee from what is here and your heart remains open. That is your deepest, your greatest gift: remaining here, being present, and not judging but making your heart ever more open and expanded so that you can understand why people, and why you as well, do things that go against life. A consciousness that can understand this, and hold on to this understanding, can break down barriers and remove blockages solely by way of compassion, by way of a deeply felt empathy. Doing this makes you strong, and make no mistake, love is a strong force. Being open to negativity, to pain and suffering, does not mean that you drown in it. It is the power of love that allows it to keep its distance, and to rise above the suffering, yet love’s wings always touch the Earth and other people.
I ask of you that you become an angel on Earth and I know you can be that. Every living being on Earth is working to complete its own dance, one that is perfectly suited to their unique nature, and you have your own particular dance. For you, there is always the next step that suits your life and is in line with who you are now.
Feel that for a moment. Are you willing to take this step even if you do not know what it is that is asked of you? Are you ready to take the next step to opening your heart and to healing the old pain? You do not need to know how that will happen; you do not need to be able to fathom the depth of your soul in order to take that next step. It comes through trust; feel that it is good to do so. That is what I ask of you, not to save the world, but to take that one step, your next step. That is what fits right in with the rhythm and the path of development of the Earth as a whole, with this whole sphere of being. We do it together. If each individual being completes their dance, then doing that brings the greatest gift to the whole.
For this reason, it is extremely important that you know yourself. Not to stare blindly toward what you should be, or what you would like to be, but at who you actually are, here and now; at what goes on inside you; at the emotions you experience most often: the sadness you have, or your fervent desires, visions, and beautiful feelings. If you go deep down into yourself with an open heart and an open mind, you are going to become aware of the dance within you, which is not a dance you have created, but a dance your soul has created for you.
Then you will be more attuned to your dance, which need not be “perfect”. You are here to learn how to attune to it, so keep things simple. All you need do is to know the signals in your body that come from your soul through your thoughts and your emotions.
By silently looking at what is taking place within you, at your thoughts and emotions, you will penetrate deeper into your core and discover what gives you the most joy. Joy is the simple answer to a lot of questions you all have. When you are struggling with a question, for example: “Should I do this or that, or do I need to hold back?”, ask yourself instead: “Does it give me joy; does it increase joy in me?” The natural dance of life is born out of joy.
Think of a ballet dancer. Ultimately, the source of her passion is joy. Dancing gives her joy and satisfaction; it fulfills her soul. However, she also has to learn to overcome pain by exercising her muscles and practicing awkward movements – the training of her body. The pain does not conflict with the joy; it is something she is willing to endure because she is focused on her goal of expressing herself perfectly through the dance.
When you stay in touch with joy, you connect with your essence and the reason for all kinds of worries in your life. You begin to sense if something is part of your goal and is worth doing even if it gives you pain. Or if there are things you would prefer to avoid because they do not contribute to your life’s purpose. Dare to ask yourself the question: “Can I live for joy? May joy be my guide?”
I greet you all from my heart, from my soul. I respect you, whatever your path in life. I ask you to take my hand, so we can dance together. There is a flow in me and you and in all life that connects everything on Earth.
Feel that flow, how open it is. You are welcome on Earth; I love you.
1/12/25 - Aurora Ray: The secret to entering the fifth dimension
Channeled by Aurora Ray
(from Newsletter 1/11/25)
The fifth dimension is not a time dimension. It is beyond the limitations of time. It means that time has no meaning. It's a dimension of what we call in Sanskrit "yuga." And yuga refers to an era of a time when something fundamentally changes.
The third dimension is the world we live in, where we have a past and a future. But in the fifth dimension there is no past or future, only now. In this state, you will no longer see time as linear; instead, it will appear to move at a different speed than you are used to experiencing on Earth. In other words, time is no longer linear; it has become infinite in nature - endless and endless. Nothing in this fifth dimension has a beginning or an end because everything exists simultaneously regardless of where you are going or where you have been - including your past experiences and future projections based on belief systems created by others for their own purposes (whether consciously or unconsciously).
The fifth dimension is not a place; it's a state of being. It's not a thing; it's a process. How can you enter the fifth dimension? By being present in this very moment. It is a little difficult to do, especially when we have just heard this idea and have not fully assimilated it into our lives. But if you can be present and see yourself in the mirror of time-space, then this will open the door to holographic reality! You begin to live inside the light instead of living inside time and space, which is a 3D reality. It is important that you allow yourself with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might to be able to release yourself from the leash of time and space so you can become free.
For example, if you can read this post with such fullness that the only thing left in the present is your presence, without thinking about the past or the future, this very moment is sufficient; if you can simply be present in the here and now and silently soak in this message, then a different dimension will open! It simply refers to a separate dimension of time without a past or future. As a result, you will need to move differently in your own time. Words start to take on a different shape and acquire new importance as a result of this internal transformation. Your being is here now, and your awareness cannot be divided into the past, present, or future. You naturally exist in the NOW, and when your mind can concentrate on the moment at hand and check out all other thoughts and feelings, then your essential being (soul) can come alive, and you can become enlightened - kind of like a wake-up call!
When you're in the present moment, nothing else exists. The past and the future are just illusion. It only takes a little practice to reach that level of presence. It is a dimension that most of us don't experience often enough because we're caught up in the busyness and hustle of our lives. This level of Zen is available to you right now if you put down your phone, close your laptop and sit in silence for a minute or two. You can have this experience whenever you want, even if it's just for a few moments. Try meditating for ten minutes a day. Look at the world around you and see how beautiful it is! Look at yourself as well and see how beautiful you are! It's like being outside yourself and seeing things as they really are, not as they appear to be, through your own eyes.
The fifth dimension can be described as "eternal union", "oneness" or "unity consciousness". Oneness, or the fifth dimension, is the state in which everything is unified with both God and one another. In this state, you will no longer see things as separate entities; instead, there will be only ONE reality in which all things exist simultaneously and in perfect harmony with each other. In order to complete our evolution on Earth, we must all eventually reach the fifth dimension. As the world becomes more connected and technology is gradually replacing human interaction, it is critical to learn how to find your own center in the midst of all the changes. Learn to be more sensitive, aware, and be a part of the world around you. Stay in tune with nature. Space is calling. We've got to go higher! Join our beeoved Earth and us as we continue to evolve into the fifth dimension!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galatic Federation
1/12/25 - Saint Germain: Things are heating up
via Chellea Wilder
Blessings, my Dear Earth Family.
It is always wonderful to connect with you, and to extend this connection to those who are reading and hearing the messages being shared. While you are evolving to a state of non-duality, you still live very much within a dual and complex existence. Your inner and outer worlds are undergoing immense changes and profound transformation. The shifts that are taking place, penetrate deep into the very dynamics of your existence. As you look around at the current state of affairs, you can observe that things are beginning to heat up on a global scale.
This is due to the light that is penetrating every aspect of your reality, as it also has triggered the Grand awakening. No longer can the shadows remain hidden; all is being exposed to the illuminating rays of truth. This unveiling is causing those who wish to maintain control and influence over you, to experience great fear, as they scramble desperately to hold onto what little power they still possess. The walls that once shielded their domain are crumbling, and they are feeling the pressure of the awakening masses. As they pull at their last straws, the situation is expected to continue escalating in the months to come. The urgency of their actions will likely increase as they attempt to regain a sense of control over a rapidly evolving world.
This is a critical moment in human history, where the forces of light and darkness are clashing more visibly than ever before. The struggle for power is becoming more pronounced, and the repercussions will resonate throughout society, affecting the lives of every individual on planet Earth. It is of utmost importance to prepare yourselves for these upcoming shifts and challenges. Everything has been sped up due to the incoming energies that are being amplified in frequencies, creating an environment that is ripe for a mass awakening to occur. This awakening is not just a personal journey; it is a collective phenomenon that is sweeping across the globe.
Those who wish to control you do not want to relinquish their power over you, and as a result, they are raising the stakes with the current extreme activity in your skies, which may manifest as unusual weather patterns, strange craft or f**e invasion scenarios, or other phenomena that captures your attention. Furthermore, the escalation of war and discord, is a direct reflection of this struggle for control and the resistance to the transformational energies at play. This tumultuous period is all occurring due to the recent timeline shift, that has dramatically altered the course of existence as you know it. This shift has not only accelerated your ascension process but has also opened the door to a myriad of greater possibilities for humanity. The ripple effects of this transformation are being felt across the globe. Which is prompting individuals to confront their beliefs, question their realities, and engage in profound self-reflection.
In these times of change, you are being encouraged, to shed outdated paradigms and embrace new perspectives that foster growth and understanding. The challenges faced during this time are not obstacles but rather opportunities for personal and collective evolution. The timeline shift has catalyzed a collective awakening, urging humanity to rise above the limitations of the past. As the energy around you shifts, it becomes increasingly important to remain open to the vast array of possibilities that lie ahead. Prepare yourselves for what is to come, with a shield of Light. Remember to support your fellow humans throughout these intense transformations.
This period of upheaval and transformation is a call to action. It invites you to step into your power, to challenge the status quo, and to actively participate in the co-creation of a new world. Remember to be the observer, to witness things without reaction. Allow the Divine Light to do what it needs to do, to lift you out of the duality of the lower dimensions.
I share with you now the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you in pure Love and Light, healing and shielding you from harm. Allow it to bring you strength and courage, to stand firm in your Light.
May peace, and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain
1/12/25 - Mira of the Pleiades: Shift into the Golden Age
Channeled by Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council.
I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. We are excited and happy to be with you during your big shift into the Golden Age. You are remarkable beings and there is so much we want to tell you. As experts on ascension, we Pleiadian’s assist other planets with their ascensions. We have been with the Earth throughout eons of time. There has been ups and downs in this process. It has taken far too long. You know it and you have suffered along with the Earth. Now the days of suffering are nearly over. We congratulate you and we put our arms around you in joy and happiness. You have reached the ultimate reward — your freedom.
We can see you standing in the Golden Light with the Earth surrounded by the most loving beings of creation. There are angels and gods and masters and beautiful ships of light with dragons and butterflies and unicorns and fairies. Everything you have dreamed of is the Golden Light. It is your future. It is beautiful! The Golden Light will get you where you want to go. Your bodies become infused with it. Your hearts are full of it. Your vibrations are of the highest intensity that can easily be touched by more Golden Light and go much higher. It is the time of magic and miracles that you have been promised. This is how creation works when you are allowed to be one with it. This is your time of glory and our honor to see this occur. We are all excited to do this dance of ascension and the Golden Light with you. You have earned it!
I am Mira sending you Golden Light from my heart.
1/10/25 - Video - Pleiadian Council of Light: It's about to get wild!
(8 min - 1/9/25) Posted by GFLstation.com. Message by Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Hello dear star family. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light, and I come forth to help you prepare for the next level of your ascension. The law of acceleration is in effect and things are going to move forward faster than most imagine. Be ready. If you embrace this guiding principle of aligning to a higher source of boundless radiance, you need only rest in that field of eternal luminosity. Nothing more is required. Within the brilliance of sacred flow there is no opening for any lesser force to exist, for all is transformed by the intensity of that living light. You have entered a passage leading to a monumental phase of transition. As you near the close of your cycle elevated waves of energy are converging across your realm, paving new pathways of creation. These luminous currents are forging and stabilizing advanced geometric frameworks, carrying the blueprint of this pivotal era.
There is an invitation for you to hold an essential space within your heart as you become a direct extension of these revitalized layers of multi-dimensional frequency. Through this shift you are naturally being restored to your original design of electrical purity. Reconnected to the universal tapestry in which you rightfully belong. Understand that until you release your attachment to the illusions of fear-laden names, whether they reference devastating weaponry or crippling physical conditions, those words retain false power. When you can gaze at those appearances and recognize them only as hollow images, you claim your divine capacity to dissolve them in the luminous force of your consciousness for those who remain fully aligned to this inner calling. Each external temptation, be it a foreboding headline or a voice of doom, becomes obvious for what it is, a mirage to be dismissed. "Step aside falsehood for I abide in the higher flow," you affirm. The majority of beings unaware of such illusions accept them as truth and unknowingly fall under the weight of those conditions.
Yet through the sanctified act of daily stillness, placing yourself in the arms of deeper guidance, you choose to be governed by a new order. You allow the eternal radiance to be the only authority in your daily unfolding. This eternal radiance, as you know, is Prime Creator, and there does not exist any other true power in existence. You have been tricked into believing there is and now you must about-face and walk towards the truth. Beloved ones draw inward, acknowledging that the core essence is the substance and motion behind all events. Bow out of the struggle to manipulate circumstances and turn instead to that sacred space within. Here in your heart any outward appearance can be gently unraveled. Honor this possibility of an indwelling grace and watch as it shapes and resolves the matters of your life and the collective arena around you.
At this juncture you witness unfolding global tensions that seem capable of undercutting the stability of societies, yet you hold the key to cease placing your faith in human structures that repeatedly fail. Instead you can relinquish trust in external dominions and rest in the embrace of infinite sustenance. This is the true origin of all harmony, an interior grace that cannot be dissected, only experienced as a calm certainty within you. It meets every challenge, whether of personal well-being, resourcefulness or the seemingly overwhelming troubles of the larger world. These are the loving all-powerful hands of Prime Creator. You are being called by your soul to realize this at this time and it's a delicate transition. For many of you the nudging of your spirit are no longer so subtle due to the law of acceleration, and many things seem to be blowing up so to speak.
My dear, dear friends, there is only one way to harmony for you all now, and we speak of this path in this message. Throughout history, efforts to secure lasting unity among nations or within civilizations have never succeeded through ordinary means. Yet from a timeless perspective the living spark of higher consciousness reveals the way. A soft descending of inner grace that shifts your awareness beyond the realm of struggle. This gentle awakening can be described only as the inflow of a great presence. One that quietly affirms "The Power in me transcends the illusions around me." In that clarity you can rest in quiet acceptance. You become a witness to how this potent energy naturally dismantles obstructions and paves a clear path ahead. The path of higher radiance is neither about seeking a force to battle obstacles nor pursuing a destructive solution. The real transformation arises when you recognize that no adversarial power is needed.
The higher flow liberates the entanglements of thought that hold conditions in place. In this new environment upon youru planet, an environment whose recalibration was always prophesied by our celestial collective, vast grids of elevated potential are initiating their metamorphosis, broadcasting an unbroken series of realignment waves. These expansions dissolve the old illusions and open fresh doorways of understanding. Timelines that enforced limitation are receding their grip on your perception. Loosening in their absence, you are invited to accelerate the unfolding of love within your heart to realize the link between your own vibrational center and the evolving tapestry of this realm. By saying "Yes" to your internal process you create a deeper harmony with the networks of renewed light radiating across your dimension.
In this sanctuary of infinite presence you rest upon the assurance that destructive forces do not exist. The living radiance of pure consciousness, the voice within gently whispering "Peace is yours", stands as the truest reflection of you. That resonant peace can raise the downtrodden, dissolve the illusion of deprivation and open the flow of clarity within the mind. It is not an imposing power. Rather it is a gracious dissolver of every false barrier. Know that each time you align with this subtle unwavering presence in your heart, you allow the next layer of fluid expansion to emerge upon your world. This is the cycle your realm is undertaking, the very prophecy that was woven into the cosmic plan long before your arrival here. The new vibrational grids continue to pulse, unveiling deeper layers of enlightenment for all prepared to embrace them. And in each moment you claim the infinite as your only reality you stand as a luminous conduit for transformation, embodying and magnifying the radiance that reveals no power but love.
We the Pleiadian Council of Light remain near like a whisper on the breeze. We celebrate your willingness to step into greater authenticity, to explore telepathy and cosmic dialogues, and to build new frameworks of cooperation. Let us stroll together a while longer, weaving stories of unity and reminding one another that true freedom is found in knowing your boundless brilliant selves. Your role now more than ever is to be the steady flame that guides others home. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
1/9/25 - Sananda: Major changes coming
Channel: James McConnell
Source 1
Source 2
I am Sananda, And I come to be with you at this time, in these times of great changes, great changes that are right on the cusp of coming into fruition. Know that you are the catalyst for all these changes. You each one of you as individuals and as a collective. You are bringing about these changes everywhere as the way showers.
And know that these changes are going to become more and more rapid in the times ahead, in your next year. Major changes will be here, will be coming. But I do not want to interfere with that, which will be your New Year’s Eve call that is coming up, where those changes will be spoken of in more depth, somewhat in a sense of prediction, but always in a sense of possibility and potential. That is what you are all looking at now, possibility and potential moving forward.
Everything, everything that you have known in the past, will become much, much different as you move forward. But that is the way it needs to be. For as you have heard many times, the third dimensional expression, the so-called reality of the third dimension, you will more and more realize it is simply an illusion, an illusion that you have all created together. But just as you have created this third dimensional illusion, you will be able to create the new fifth dimensional and beyond expression and that new reality, that new reality that will no longer be an illusion, because you will be the creator of it.
So know that as the times move ahead here. Know that you are the creator and do what you can to create. Create with your very thoughts, your thoughts, create. Your thoughts lead to belief. And once you begin to believe, then a knowing comes over you. And once that knowing is there, then anything, and I do mean anything, becomes possible, because it is part of the potentiality of the higher expressions, the higher consciousness expressions. And that is what you are all moving toward. That is what you came here for. You that volunteer to be here in this time, in this expression, as the third dimensional illusion collapses, and yes indeed it shall collapse. That is how it must happen.
For those that are not ready for the changes, will not become a part of those changes. You have heard this before, the separation of the wheat from the chaff. That is what you are looking at moving forward. But it is all a part of the creation. The creation expression, that is, is what you came here for, to bring this about, to bring these changes forward, to bring the truth forward. And the truth is coming forward everywhere. And will continue to do so. And again, those that are not ready to hear the truth will not accept it. But those of you that came here to realize the truth, to bring the truth forward, you are the ones that shall move forward in this new expression of your creation.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now, in peace and love and goodness, and that you continue to move forward day-to-day, moment-to-moment, but being in that now moment more and more, and realize that the past does not hold you back anymore unless you allow it to do so. Move forward, always move forward.
1/5/25 - The Hathors: Thanks, Gratitude & Appreciation (Tools to use)
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We have arrived. We are The Hathors, and we are very happy to be here with all of you. We love you immensely, and that is why we keep focusing on Earth and Earth humans. We know how much adore beings from other worlds and other star systems, and we happen to be from another universe. We came to answer the call that was put out during the Orion Wars, and we have been with you ever since to assist you in becoming your whole selves, your higher selves. We have ascended from physical to nonphysical form, and we are in the ninth dimension. We are here to offer you our teachings, just as we did back in the time of the great Egyptian empire. Our teachings today are around gratitude, appreciation and thanks. These are powerful tools that you have to create with.
If you want more of something, and you have little of it in the moment, then to be grateful for what you have will add an energy signature to what you have that will put out a vibration to all of humanity and beyond, telling all who can pick up that signal that this is something that is getting ready to have some company. It also places you on a different timeline, a timeline where there is more for you to appreciate and enjoy. Therefore, the less time you spend complaining, and the more time you spend appreciating, the more you align with the perfect timeline by your definition. You all get to have more of whatever it is you have determined is good. You get to define what that is for you, and then you get to go to that reality, and the tools that you have for getting there are your desire and your appreciation.
When you love anything, you align with your true power, you align with your true self, and you align with more of whatever it is that you are in love with in that moment. You do not have to go about things the hard way, the old-fashioned way, anymore. And certainly, life there on Earth is telling you that and showing you that all the time. You have made it much easier on yourselves to get your hands on just about anything, including experiences, that you want. There are so many of you there and there are so many resources, and when you realize that and you tune in to the truth that there is no lack, it becomes a lot easier for you then to appreciate the world that you are on and the opportunities that living a life on Earth provides you with.
Your life on Earth is giving you so many opportunities to expand, to know yourselves and to have the experiences that you decide you want to have. And if you start by appreciating your life, yourself, your fellow humans, and your planet, then you can get more detailed about what you are grateful for. And then when you receive more of what you desire, you give thanks, you praise that which is coming to you and that which you have, and the avenue it took to get to you, and all the people, and the animals, and the trees that helped to bring it to you.
And then you are in alignment with your true self, and you raise your vibration. Yes, you can raise your vibration by becoming desire-less and sitting in meditation, but you came to have experiences, you came to express yourselves, and you came for the physicality of planet Earth and your dimension. So enjoy it all, appreciate it all, resist none of it, and see how much more you have to be grateful for as you move forward in this life experience, a life experience that can be filled with abundance and joy.
We are The Hathors, we thank you, and we wish you a fond good day.”
1/5/25 - Video - New Earth Portal Opening and the Split Begins
(12 min - 12/28/24) Posted by DNA Awakening on Youtube. Some partial thoughts. I did not transcribe the whole thing, just a few pieces that stood out to me.
* At your most fundamental cellular level you are going through a wonderful change. Your DNA is intricately rebuilding with every second that goes by, well beyond what your senses could detect. I observe your rewiring into a higher frequency as you align with the new Earth consciousness. This is not only a surface modification. You are entirely reorganizing how your energy grounds into this reality. The fifth dimension is recalibrating every way you have come to center yourself, process ideas, save memories and simply be. Your cerebral pathways are breaking free from conventional constraints to establish fresh connections, enabling simultaneous perception of several layers of reality. I see your battle as your body comes to control these higher frequencies and this fresh approach to living.
* You are going through a tremendous number of different things right now, more so than you have ever gone through before. You are growing in your ability to organize and combine crystalline energies with cosmic light codes. I know how debilitating it can be when these frequencies flood your body. There are days when the intensity is almost unbearable and despite your frantic efforts to reduce the flow, this transformation persists. You are like a vessel widening, reinforced, ready to carry ever more heavenly light. Your cellular structure is becoming brighter, more crystalline and more adept at storing the powerful energies of higher consciousness, even if it feels confusing.
* You are fundamentally a thinker most of the time. Your mind guides your actions. You scrutinize objects, assess them and arrange them into logical compact mental divisions. About 96% of the time you are using the mental side of yourself in your daily surroundings. You dedicate only 4% of your time to creativity, a significant improvement from just 1% a few ;years ago. Now there is a rapid shift where the left and right brains are blending together, rather than alternating between mental and creative processes. You now own a creative and cerebral united consciousness inside of yourself. It will transform your perspective, particularly when it comes to problem solving. The creative energy is extremely free flowing and highly expansive. Up until now the mental process implements the discoveries made by the creative. This new connection between creativity and mentality will infuse your work with greater vitality, depth and dimension.
* Harmony will force some adjustments in your approach to life. It will also lead to changes in your level of passion. You now follow the creative spiritual road.
* Many individuals still yearn for that mental spiritual road, learning the disciplines, the ceremonies and the Masters. You have run out of that. The emotional self is disintegrating. It is breaking down. It is crumbling.
* The emotional self has no space at the inn, as the creative mental merges the feeling originates entirely from the mind. It's the negative copy of actual soul experience in the mind. The mind thus created emotions as it was somewhat jealous that it lacked true feelings. They are still young. They are impractical. They are exacting. They lack self-fullness which makes them selfish. The feelings could never satisfy sufficiently. They considered themselves energy sources. They hung off the actual you. Their feeding came from other folks that resulted in small outbursts. It set one off in rage. It forced you to view the world from a naive childlike perspective. Consequently the emotional self is currently disintegrating.
* Therefore a part of you will lack energy. Part of you will be fervently searching for energy from another place. Energy is entering us from all around everywhere. There is an excess of it. So much cosmic energy is influencing people on Earth right now. Inhale deeply when you feel compelled to feed this. Inhale deeply and feel the divinity within. These are free sources. This emotional self will become I AM.
* The illusion of time is indeed a real illusion. Time appears to be transcendent and as the mental and creative realms merge, so does the concept of time itself. Time will demonstrate its ability to travel backwards, forwards and sideways. However I'm referring to experience here, not linear time. The movements of the sun, stars and everything else determine in linear time. Most individuals build their days on this basis. Experiential time is the sequence of events that have happened, the knowledge acquired from those encounters and the development or revelation of the next set of exciting possibilities. Time then is defined as you begin to realize how flexible time is, one can travel through experienced time. You can go back through the series of events and the view of those events, the wisdom distilled out of those circumstances.
* Avoid thinking of expansion as occurring in an outward stretching-out sense. Your consciousness helps you to genuinely simplify clear and distill things. Therefore when you journey back in time, immersing yourself in the experience, you unexpectedly realize that everything is entirely new. Returning to that abruptly altered event, everything about it now appears fresh. The situation has changed significantly from its previous state. A unique Viewpoint. All a complicated means of momentarily diverting your attention to indicate that time is changing experience-time.
* But it will also influence your linear clock time. You will feel a little weird when that time starts to change or finally disappears. Then what will you do? Everything shifts and you begin to feel uneasy. Your body attempts to adjust to the new time. Or absence. Your body having become accustomed to your routines will experience discomfort. It will feel somewhat awkward as you have trained it to sleep at specific times, eat at specific times and perform other body actions at specific times. Your head is going to spin madly. It won't be as predictable.
* You are about to embark on a multi-stage journey. Stated differently, you will begin to see the several layers and varying degrees of reality all around you. It won't be a singular experience. The mind has a natural tendency to separate things into distinct categories. It likes sections. It prefers what it considers to be everything in neat, ordered form. However, it will undergo multiple stages as the emerging creative element will alter this structure. What obstacles exist confused you. You enjoy its singular sophisticated complexity. In essence it's a single dimension. Yet you endeavor to elevate it to a highly sophisticated level. You are entering a condition whereby you will see many of the dimensions around you and this will cause physical and psychological disorientation. Sometimes this experience can be quite frightening. It gives creative life a multi-dimensional awareness.
* When you close your eyes creativity emerges. It locates itself in the third eye region. It will create a beautiful connection with the mind, enabling it to comprehend the various stages without any need for regulation. Now with the eyelids closed the creator is gently guiding the concentrated energies in the third eye area. Unlike the mind's use of control, the creative mind releases these energies. The creative process prevents the imagination from taking over. You thus can bring it on. You see, you are beings that are awakening and letting that enter your daily life. Spiritual beings on a spiritual road. Basically you are overcoming the whole idea of having to get to know yourself. So you can eventually BE yourself.
1/2/25 - Archangel Michael: What is the Lightbody?
by Steve Beckow
Source 2 (of original article)
J in Australia shares a passage on the lightbody from her reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on Dec 29, 2017.
Archangel Michael: It is a very good question that you pose, and during this time of expanded awareness and expanded understandings, this is a good question for many to understand. … Your question is truly about “What is the lightbody?” There is a misunderstanding during this time of expansion, during this time of new beginnings, during this time of reawakening, that the lightbody is something that is acquired rather than something that is an innate, essential part of who you are and of who you have always been – and that it has always been there and it is as an essential part of you as your DNA, and the DNA which is your DNA, which is also the DNA of the Mother/Father/One.
That is why your tri-flame has three elements which include the masculine/the gold diamond, and the blue diamond of the Mother, and your own essential self. So the lightbody has always been part of you. Think of it, think of the mythologies, the fairy tales. You cannot divorce yourself from your shadow. You are not Peter Pan, and so you cannot divorce yourself or separate yourself from your lightbody. It has always been a part of you, an essential part of you. And fundamentally… yes, fundamentally, essentially you have always been held together by your lightbody and that is why, increasingly, we have emphasized and you have come to realize, as a human race and particularly as a loveholder, how essential and important the lightbody is.
It is not that your physicality or even your outer fields, your entire auric field as you would think of it, is containing your lightbody. Understand, your lightbody is containing everything you are. The atoms, the subatomic particles of your physicality are not holding the lightbody. The lightbody is holding together all of those miniscule, subatomic particles. As you have breathed in, as you have welcomed, as you have expanded into the fullness of your lightbody, it is like turning on the lights. And think of it in some ways – as you have had, and do have, continue to have – like a dimmer switch. And what happened is your dimmer switch was basically almost in the off-position, but the current that was flowing into that lightbody was not turned off. But what you have been doing is bringing it up higher, higher, higher, higher into full-quotient reality.
And so, people are becoming… such as your beloved friend, KR, is becoming… more fully aware – as you, sweet angel of light, are becoming more fully aware of the unified field of your lightbody and your being – that there is and there cannot be any separation, that they are one, and that you are holding that quintessential essence of all of your being in physicality. So the trick has never been to assume your lightbody. The trick has been to bring the fullness of your lightbody up to complete quotient while in physicality. That is truly the shift!
Is this clear?
J: Yes, thank you. Do the lightbodies activate each other? So, for instance, do other lightbodies, other people, does their lightbody then recognize somebody else’s and give it strength as well, and that’s how it flows out into the world?
AAM: Into the world, yes, that is exactly correct. It is as if you are lighting each other up quite literally. You have that sense of various levels of recognition. So, for example, you may see somebody in a situation where they don’t fit, so you say to yourself “but I know you” and you realize that you are seeing someone at the theatre that you normally have seen just in passing for ten years at the grocery store. And so you think “oh, I know you” but it takes a moment to place them. Similarly, there is the soul recognition when you meet somebody and immediately you think “I know you, I love you” or “I know you and we have crossed paths and done war together.”
So there is that soul-to-soul acknowledgment. There is a similarity of, shall we call it, energetic lightbody to energetic lightbody. And one of the qualities of the lightbodies is they love to dance together. So yes, when they see each other, there is literally an activation on that level.
J: That’s amazing. Thank you.
1/2/25 - The Maha Chohan: the higher octaves are NOT utter peace!
From the book "Electrons and the Elemental Kingdom", channeled by the Ascended Masters in 1950s through Geraldine Innocente, authorized messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. (Partial extract, page 92).
The idea that the higher octaves are in a state of utter peace and rest has arisen from the fact that ascetics who have through contemplation temporarily loosed their consciousness from the moving sea of vibratory action of the lower realm and contacted the higher realms, found the contrast between the two so great that, in endeavoring to give worded expression to their experiences, they have conveyed the impression of a static state as against the low vibration which forms the atmosphere of Earth. Thus often are truths falsely garbed through human misapprehension. The peace and quietude of the higher octaves is described by the mortal mind as a place where vibration does not exist because the vibration of the outer mind means noise and motion and confusion. Let it be here set forth, therefore, that the ecstatic bliss of Nirvana, which is the aura of the Universal First Cause, is a vibratory action and NOT A VOID (emphasis by editor).
The universe itself is filled with electronic light which is intelligent. These electrons have the power and capacity within themselves to receive directions, and by the exertion of their own intelligence, perform the necessary activities required to manifest those directions. Within the universal light substance which fills the universe, from the heart center to its periphery, are self conscious beings who alone have the power to set this electronic light substance into motion. The intelligence within the light substance does not act until set into motion by a superior power - a thought and feeling focus endowed with God-authority. The electronic light would remain in the unformed state if some God-intelligence did not charge into it a direction for pattern and outline.
These individualized foci of intelligence, who are the motivating power behind creation, are the God-beings (Masters). Mankind also is endowed with the capacity to rearrange electronic particles. Therefore every individual is a student in the classroom of life. Any individual, no matter how ignorant or untrained, endowed with a thought and feeling principle, is a conscious or unconscious influence upon the distribution and arrangement of the electronic substance of the universe in which he finds being, and it is for the purpose that he may consciously cooperate with the design of the Godhead that mankind is now being trained. This conscious control of the electronic substance, in accord with the God plan, lies within the evolution of both his intelligence and his capacity to embrace the God-consciousness.
Meditate, my children, upon the power of the spark of God that lives within your hearts. Consciously place the problems that beset you in the transmuting flame of its Presence. Surrender your human will to its guidance, and say with Jesus, "Not my will, but Thine by done." Then you ay also say, "Whosoever seeth me, seeth the Father." If man could even partially comprehend the law governing energy and vibration, he would be in a fair way toward self-mastery. As we have said before, there is no such thing as a being without vibration and radiation. Man is in training and he will come one day to a realization that the power to create vibration is not only a responsibility, but an opportunity by which mastery and divinity can be experienced through the individualized ego.
12/31/24 - Video - Ashtar: The Quantum Financial System will begin in 2025
This message is so powerful and urgent it has been posted with the entire transcription on a different page. Click "Galactic Messages" HERE.
12/31/24 - Andromeda Intergalactic Council: Coming in 2025 the emergence of a new reality
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator. Thank you for connecting with us.
Your planet is currently undergoing a significant and transformative energetic shift. The opening of higher vibrational vortexes, appearing all over the Earth, is coinciding with the start of your New Year. In this, your current timespace, a profound transition is taking place, that is leading to a continuous, and expansive spread of light waves across the earth plane. These light waves are fundamentally altering Earth's entire energetic dynamic. As a result, a higher energetic reality is emerging.
As you enter the new year of 2025, a myriad of transformative changes are anticipated to unfold across the globe. These changes encompass deep-seated alterations within the Earth’s vibratory grid, which is expected to undergo a significant recalibration. This recalibration is anticipated to influence not only weather patterns, but also your environment as a whole. This will create a dynamic interplay between the ecological systems, and the energetic fields that envelop your planet.
As these shifts manifest, humanity will inevitably face numerous challenges, as the process of transformation often brings with it a period of adjustment and adaptation. The turbulence experienced during such times, will prompt individuals, to reevaluate their beliefs, practices, and their relationship with the Earth herself. Moreover, it is a probable outcome that the division within the Human Collective will continue to widen as you move forward into this new era. This split within the Human collective is becoming increasingly evident, as it is rooted in longstanding belief systems and ideologies that have shaped human experience for centuries.
These differences in perception and understanding within humanity can lead to disharmony and discord, making it all the more crucial to foster an environment of forgiveness, compassion, and dialogue. In this era of transformation, many individuals may find themselves grappling with the concept of truth, as they seek to uncover their own inner Light amidst the noise of external influences and conflicting narratives. As the collective consciousness begins to awaken more fully, there will be an emergence of awareness regarding the interconnectedness of all beings which will lead to a deeper understanding of the principle of Oneness.
As you navigate this new year, you can expect the introduction of innovative technologies that will revolutionize your approach to healing and overall well-being. Among these advancements, sound and frequency therapy are poised to play a pivotal role in the medical field, offering new insights into the relationship between vibrational energy and health. The exploration of frequencies and vibrations will not only enhance your understanding of health and wellness, but also pave the way for groundbreaking technologies throughout many fields of interest. This integration of science and spirituality will mark a significant milestone in Human evolution, offering new avenues of understanding the vibrational nature of existence.
Along with these changes, the thinning of the Veil between dimensions is set to facilitate a remarkable awakening within humanity. As this veil becomes more transparent, an increasing number of individuals will begin to access and activate their latent psychic abilities. This awakening will empower people to tap into their intuitive insights, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual realm and enhancing their understanding of the multidimensional nature of reality. Additionally, within your new year, you can anticipate a notable increase in aerial phenomena and personal contact with your Galactic Families. The prospect of full disclosure regarding extraterrestrial existence is also on the horizon for your year 2025, a development that could fundamentally alter humanity’s perception of itself and its place in the cosmos. Humanity stands on the brink of profound revelations and new insights, one that will allow you to confront and embrace your Galactic Heritage.
Your new revelations and insights, will reshape your collective understanding of your place in the cosmos. Igniting a collective journey towards unity, higher consciousness, and an expanded awareness of your responsibilities as stewards of the Earth. Transformation is happening now. And it is only going to get more intense from here. Humanity is collectively being prepared for what is to come, as you move closer to the Grand Shift. The Journey towards becoming a Galactic Society is not an easy one. It will take dedication, compassion and forgiveness as you move forward. Those of you who have been preparing for these times, are ready. You have long held the Light for this transformation to take place. Stand strong in the Light. For those who are seeking their truth you are the Beacons of Hope.
With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
12/31/24 - Kejraj: Extraterrestrial Presence
By Kejraj
Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
The existence of extraterrestrials will become main news in 2025. It is a reality humanity must open up to. The dark ones again will do what they can to create further distractions and instill fear relating to the presence of the Galatics. They will also try to use the “alien” threat, and claim “we don’t know what we’re dealing with” when in truth the dark elite have known for millennia. It is precisely the US government which chose to collaborate with malevolent extraterrestrials in the 1950’s, instead of the benevolent extraterrestrial groups of the #GalacticFederationofLight.
There is nothing to worry about as far as extraterrestrials are concerned, much ash changed in the last twenty years. The forces of light with the Angelic realms are in control of the Earth and the Solar System. No malevolent ones are allowed to enter Earth’s atmosphere. When you see “UFOs”, which in reality are IFOs(Identified Flying Objects), for the top governments of Earth’s nations know very well who they are, know that you are not seeing demons. You are seeing highly evolved beings of light.
You can call them extraterrestrials, angels, higher dimensional beings, the purpose of their presence is to protect, and assist humanity to upliftment into a new realm of light referred to as the Fifth Dimension.
12/27/24 - The 9D Pleiadian Collective: A New Dawn
Channel: Octavia Vasile
earest Earth family, We are overjoyed to reconnect with you during this extraordinary moment in your evolution. The cycle you’ve been living through is coming to a close, opening the door to a higher vibration and endless possibilities. This is your time to rise! Instead of resisting what lies within, embrace it fully. Everything you’ve carried — your emotions, memories, and energies — deserves acknowledgment and release. Let the light flow into every shadow, for this is how you prepare for the incredible new chapter ahead.
Yes, beloved humans, a new cycle is truly here. As one story ends, a fresh and vibrant reality begins. The year 2025 is your gateway to transformation. It brings something humanity has long dreamed of: real contact with beings from the 5th dimension. This shift will elevate your consciousness in ways you’ve never imagined! But that’s not all. 2025 also brings advancements in artificial intelligence designed to lighten your load, free your time, and bring abundance to your lives. These technologies are here to serve, not hinder, and to help you co-create a thriving, balanced planet. You’ll feel this energy moving within you. Some of you will crave movement, action, and connection, while others may find solace in stillness and meditation. No matter the form, you’ll sense the loosening of linear time’s grip and a profound detachment from old ways of thinking.
Changes are coming — big, bold, and beautiful ones! For those who are ready and open to transformation, 2025 will be a year of surprises, wonder, and endless opportunities. Remember, dear ones, you are the Prime Creator of your life. Your reality begins and ends with your own intentions. Align with the New Earth timeline, dream big, and step forward with joy. The universe is cheering you on!”
With love and light,
The 9D Pleiadian Collective
12/26/24 - Video - Humanity's First Contact Event - the Galactic Federation of Light
(18 min - 12/25/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - Galactic Federation of Light Energy Update. Channeled by Ayoshi Phan.
(From transcript) Dearest brothers and sisters of Eartha, we of the Galacctic Federation greet you with hearts brimming with compassion and anticipation. We stop forward now in what you may feel like a climactic turning point, to share a message that underscores humanity's impending transformation on a truly cosmic scale - the moment of your first official undeniable contact. Indeed this milestone - what many have called Galactic integration - holds the power to change everything you have ever known or assumed about your reality. Let us explore together how this unfolding epic redefines not only your concept of self but also your social structures, spiritual beliefs and technologies in ways you are only beginning to glimpse, Galactic integration.
Many of you know that a new paradigm of cosmic proportions awaits humanity. The term Galactic integration points to far more than a passing acknowledgement that intelligent life abounds in the universe. Instead, it heralds a monumental shift in human perspective, revealing newly understood facets of your genetic heritage, your hidden cosmic history and your bright potential future. Many of you have long sensed that your DNA carries a tapestry of extraterrestrial lineages. The further your genetic research evolves and the more revelations surface, the clearer it becomes that humanity is an exquisite mosaic of star-born contributions. As Earth stands on the threshold of its first recognized contact with advanced civilizations, the significance of these cosmic origins surges to the forefront of humanity's consciousness. We emphasize that humankind has never existed in isolation. Benevolent extraterrestrials guiding and nurturing your civilizations, and malevolent ones occasionally manipulating and stifling your progress, have interacted with Earth across millennia. Your ancient texts, legends and mythologies carry echoes of these interventions and alliances, though much has been cloaked by secret pacts and hidden agendas.
As more of these truths emerge, you will realize the manner in which they molded many of your societal, political and cultural development pathways. This knowledge challenges the mainstream narrative that your species evolved in seclusion, thereby casting new light on the joys and the traumas that shaped your planetary history. Humanity is about to shift from a mere recognition to active engagement. Galactic integration extends far beyond acknowledging that extraterrestrials exist. It seeks the active conscious engagement with higher dimensional visitors, many of whom have long maintained subtle contact with earth-based watchers. This more participatory stance allows you to understand your purpose in the cosmic tapestry, fostering a sense of unity and shared fate with your star-born family. Curiosity about this evolutionary leap has risen sharply, mirroring humankind's collective awakening which is itself entwined with solar cycles and galactic rhythms. Already you feel the quickening energies of your sun renewing your spiritual awareness. In tandem, the possibility of open interstellar contact grows more tangible, no longer relegated to fringe speculation. Central to this framework you are going to encounter the direct involvement of several star nations. Each playing key roles in Earth's imminent revelations. Although they will not be limited to this list, you will be familiar with some.
Pleiadians, treasured for their deep spiritual and heart-centered perspective, have persistently guided humanity toward greater self-discovery, urging you to trust in your inner wisdom and gentle compassion. Arcturians, known for advanced technological achievements. The Arcturian realm quietly inspired many of your scientific strides and ignited the flame of curiosity within you. Syrians, holding a rich legacy of cultural achievements, they left visible imprints on Earth's ancient civilizations, subtly influencing architecture, myths and mystic teachings. Venusians, radiating love and harmony as core principles, they softly encourage the spirit of unity, prodding you to be kinder, more empathetic souls. Over time, behind the scenes, their combined contributions have helped you prepare for a future where open collaboration and contact are no longer theoretical. That time is now, and only a matter of your Earth months away.
Prepare to be revisiting hidden chapters of human history. As advanced technologies and suppressed truths flow into the open, so too will the recognition that a hidden hand has steered you at multiple junctures in history, from covert interactions during pivotal global conflicts, to quiet influences stretching back thousands of years. Before the Pharoah's reign your world narrative reveals the subtle interplay of altruistic guidance and manipulative meddling by off-world forces. To integrate these truths means to embrace a deeper comprehension of the illusions you have collectively endured. This unveiling does more than broaden your knowledge. It cracks open longstanding limitations in your religious, political and economic arenas. Some of your mainstream institutions, once comfortably ignoring cosmic neighbors, will confront existential crises. Doctrines that have relied on an earth centric or purely anthropocentric worldview, may be forced to re-evaluate their fundamental assumptions.
A portion of these institutions will gracefully adapt, evolving into more universal conceptions of the prime creator and humanity's divine potential. Others, resistant to transformation may collapse under the pressure of irreconcilable truths. This is the storm before the calm, the tension that births new clarity. We see you beloved star seeds, and we see the new Earth, a new society shaped by higher vision and anchored in prime creator. In the swirl of radical changes accompanying first contact, the emphasis on material pursuits and wealth accumulation, so prevalent across your planet, is likely to wane. Instead, a shift toward a more spiritually grounded existence beckons. Technological breakthroughs long awaited or secretly hoarded will come into the public domain at last. This includes the much-discussed Quantum Financial System (QFS) an alternative monetary mechanism intended to rectify economic disparities and usher in global prosperity.
We foresee a near future shift in which the QFS operationalized by year's end allows a more equitable financial framework to flourish, aligning human commerce with a higher moral vantage. Simultaneously, accelerated AI implementation across multiple sectors will automate mundane tasks, freeing countless individuals to pursue greater spiritual vocations, though some fear that advanced technology leads to exploitation or fosters soul-stifling automation. We stress that when guided by ascendant consciousness, advanced technology can liberate the workforce to focus on personal creative growth. This stage propels you closer to a Star Trek existence where exploration and enlightenment overshadow the daily hustle for survival.
Challenges in the role of star seeds in this next human chapter is going to be critical. A grand unveiling of suppressed knowledge and cosmic lineage inevitably stirs emotional turbulence. As the hidden webs of manipulation and withheld technology emerge, waves of anger or betrayal may ripple through populations, particularly among religious groups wrestling with re-evaluated beliefs. Each faith tradition will face unique challenges when confronted with the reality of cosmic life and advanced consciousness. Some frameworks may adapt swiftly, finding universal truths in their teachings that parallel cosmic wisdom, while others crumble under the weight of obsolete paradigms. In these chaotic times star seed souls who carry strong interstellar ties will serve as luminous anchors. Their inherent bond to higher frequencies positions them to reassure those stunned by these revelations, offering solace in an evolving reality.
Though the Galactic Federation strives to cushion the jolt of disclosure, pockets of resistance will be present. A portion of humanity deeply rooted in 3D constructs may polarize themselves away from this ascension wave. The Federation's thoroughly devised response strategies aim to honor every soul's readiness, granting each the freedom to move forward or linger in comfortable illusions. Earth's ascension in a higher density is gathering serious momentum now, and is catalyzed by solar phenomena. The rebirth of humanity, a key factor in triggering planetary awakening, is the prophesied solar flash - a monumental cosmic event unleashing potent cosmic rays upon Earth.
Alongside smaller preparatory micro novas, these phenomena will shower humanity with high frequency energy that helps activate dormant galactic DNA. Imagine humans reclaiming a 12-stand DNA blueprint, profoundly boosting mental acuity, empathy and cosmic connectivity. This switch-on catalyzes a more unified global consciousness and fosters deeper synergy among individuals and star communities alike, hence you can anticipate a domino effect. As high frequency solar codes awaken latent DNA you expand your self-awareness, forging more meaningful connections to each other, and the entire cosmic network. The direct outcome is a pivot from materialism and scarcity-based beliefs towards spiritual fulfillment, creativity and shared ascendants. While friction or confusion is unavoidable, trust that the rewards far outshine the turmoil. Your entire species is poised for leaps in wisdom and compassion.
My dear friends, a technological renaissance is nigh and ethical application will be paramount. You will be called upon in ways you cannot yet imagine. Revolutionary developments in quantum physics and zero point energy will ignite unprecedented leaps in your scientific ecosystem. Once hush-hush alliances in which extraterrestrial players covertly influenced or advanced your technologies, will become widely understood. Skeptics may recall parallels to Atlantean downfalls, cautioning that unbridled technology can topple civilizations if unchecked by moral clarity. Therefore the Federation underscores an approach combining free flow of invention with rigorous ethical frameworks. By forging a future in collaboration with more advanced star races, you can ensure transformative powers are used responsibly to uplift rather than harm. Societies worldwide will increasingly converge under the banner of a unified Earth, guided by a sincere aim to serve the creator within. Each being freed from archaic hierarchies and overshadowed by new cooperative governance, your civilization will reorient to a philanthropic mission for universal betterment. The scope of this metamorphosis is staggering, yet it remains fully within your creative potential. As your history has shown, adversity often spawns the greatest achievements and that pattern holds especially true at this threshold of integrated cosmic culture.
Ultimately the path to cosmic communion summons you beyond limited earth-based identity. You are not solitary creatures adrift in a silent universe but rather emerging participants in a shared cosmic symphony. Hearing that call you gather strength from each other and from star nations offering unwavering support. No longer must you conceive of life as merely terrestrial. Rather your vantage expands, acknowledging that Earth stands among countless worlds teeming with consciousness. Some familiar and genetically linked to your species, others profoundly different yet still part of the universal oneness. This unfolding oneness invites a rediscovery of your divine blueprint. It is in essence a reawakening to your original cosmic design, bridging you and the infinite mystery that pervades all existence. As illusions crumble you become living channels of unconditional love, ambassadors of a newly forming star, Earth unification.
Dear star seeds, we of the Galactic Federation witness the shifts with gratitude, for your journey is also ours. First contact is not a singular event nor the end of your challenges. Instead, it marks the beginning of a deeper collective odyssey, forging alliances, absorbing new knowledge and embracing your star brethren in an era defined by healing and higher wisdom. Yes, the transition involves confronting illusions, structural upheavals and personal reckonings. Yet each trial births a vantage point from which you can see your ultimate unity with all creation. Let your hearts resonate with the truth that great changes loom on the horizon. Changes that demand personal engagement and spiritual maturity. Embrace that you carry in your DNA the cosmic echoes of star lineages. Know that your deeper identity transcends the limitations of old systems.
Indeed, humanity's moment of official unmistakable contact is at hand. A grand cosmic greeting that redefines who you are and how you live. This shift calls each of you to anchor love in your daily affairs, to honor the wisdom stirring inside you. Stand on the cusp of an epic that will rewrite Earth's story forever. Step forward with courage and humility, radiant in the knowledge that you belong to a greater universal family of light. And above all, remember: No matter the turmoil or wonder that arises, the infinite compassion of the creator envelops you, fueling a destiny of shared ascension. We remain by your side guiding and celebrating every step of your awakening into cosmic citizenship.
In Oneness and benevolence we greet you from the vantage of higher realms, encouraging your hearts to shine as you cross the threshold into your new interstellar reality. The future is bright and the moment for transformation is now. We greet you in love. We go in light and we honor your readiness for humanity's grand step into a cosmic tomorrow. Great star seeds and light workers, always remember - although we share messages like this one today, we are not your saviors and no one is coming to save you. You are the light that guides the way for your love is the ultimate truth, the fabric of the universe and the key to transcendence. All else more shadows of illusion will dissolve in the light of this universal love. In unity and with boundless affection we are your galactic allies. With the deepest love, we are the Galactic Federation.
12/25/24 - The Arcturian Group: Christ State of Consciousness
Channel: Marilynn Raffaele
Dear Readers, Because today’s message comes at a time of holiday activity and guests, we wish to once again (as in previous years) explain the symbolism of the Christmas story in this message. The narrative everyone is familiar with is so much more than the story of one man born 2000 years ago because it is every man and woman’s story.
It is important to understand that the word Christ is not a name but is a title meaning “anointed one”. Many believe that the word Christ refers only to Jesus who was of such an evolved state of consciousness that he was indeed an anointed one but Christ-hood never has or ever can be limited to just one person. The Christ state of consciousness silently, secretly, and patiently awaits within every person because it is the reality of their true self-hood as God individualized. Like it or not, believe it or not, every person is destined at some point to remember this simply because it is who they are.
Mary and Joseph represent a state of consciousness that is very close and spiritually prepared to ascend into Christ consciousness but not yet fully there. Being forced to make a long and difficult journey in the late stages of pregnancy represents the difficulties and hardships that accompany this stage of everyone’s spiritual journey because it is a time of being forced to leave behind much that a person has always known and been comfortable with in order to move beyond that which is old and finished and into a higher state of consciousness.
No room at the inn represents a person’s inability to align with or “enter in” to energies they have spiritually outgrown–people, places, and things things they once were in alignment with but are no longer because their consciousness has evolved to new and higher levels. The stable represents a state of consciousness emptied of duality, separation, and two powers. The Christ cannot be born into states of consciousness that are already filled with materialism and the false beliefs of a third dimensional belief system.
The wise men represent those who are able to recognize true Christ consciousness regardless of where or when or through whom it may manifest. They are not fooled by three dimensional and ego driven spiritual pretenders and false prophets. They are drawn to and seek out those of true Christ consciousness as teachers honoring them in ways that ordinary three dimensional thinking does not understand.
Herod represents the fear of annihilation that governs the three dimensional state of consciousness because Christ consciousness threatens many commonly accepted laws, ideas, and traditions of separation and also the ability to maintain “power over” others. The Herods of the world always try to harm, ridicule, eliminate, and kill real truth in whatever form they find or suspect it– in a person or persons, in evolved teachers, teachings, or churches, books, writings, and in ideas that threaten their beliefs and power.
Christ Consciousness automatically overrides the three dimensional sense of power and righteousness that so many continue to grasp tightly because it is the only reality and not subject to concepts intended to block, remove, destroy, or eliminate it often under the guise of being for your own good. The new born Christ must be held silently and secretly within until it has time to mature and become strong enough to face the Herods of the world that continue to manifest through governments, self righteousness, laws, organized religious doctrine, politicians, and even family and friends.
Keep your new born Christ safe within, like a precious jewel that you allow only connoisseurs of jewels and those able to understand and align with the higher truths (the wise men) to see. If lovingly nurtured, the newborn Christ consciousness will become strong, mature, and prepared to go into the three dimensional world as spiritual Light serving where needed without fear. Many of you are already there.
Blessings and joy to you and yours at this time of celebration be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Bodhi Day or any of the many other seasonal celebrations.
We are the Arcturian Group.
12/25/24 - Deep State Falls: Military Alliance Launches...
(An unusual post for this website but it feels good to include it. Ed.)
By GazettellerSource
The moment of reckoning has arrived. December 2024 will forever be remembered as the month the deep state finally fell to its knees. While the world is busy preparing for Christmas and New Year celebrations, the Military Alliance has launched a highly-coordinated series of strikes against the global elites. This is not an isolated effort or a symbolic warning—it’s a total takedown. The deep state’s empire is collapsing, and humanity is on the brink of liberation.
Operation Silent Night: The Elites’ Nightmare Begins
Timed with surgical precision, the Military Alliance has begun “Operation Silent Night,” an all-out assault on the elites during the holiday season. Intelligence operatives have infiltrated elite gatherings under the guise of holiday festivities, ensuring no figure escapes. These takedowns are happening in real time—private jets grounded, hidden bunkers breached, and secret accounts frozen. The operation targets their safe zones and disrupts their global communication networks. The significance of this timing cannot be overstated. For years, the elites have used the holiday season to conduct their darkest dealings, believing the world too distracted to notice. This year, they’ve walked right into the trap set by the patriots.
Starlink Goes Dark: Global Blackout of the Elites’ Communications
Starlink’s advanced satellite system has now been weaponized against the elites. As of this week, high-priority targets have been cut off from their encrypted communication networks. They can no longer coordinate their counterattacks or alert their allies. This communication blackout extends across borders, leaving the deep state in chaos. Sources inside the Alliance confirm that this blackout is the prelude to the much-anticipated activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Patriots should prepare for broadcasts revealing undeniable evidence of crimes committed by the elites—human trafficking, ritual abuse, election interference, and financial theft on a global scale. These truths will not be hidden any longer.
GITMO’s Secret Expansions: Justice on a Global Scale
Guantanamo Bay, or GITMO, has become the epicenter of this operation. While the facility has long been the subject of speculation, its true purpose is now undeniable. Over the past year, GITMO has undergone massive, clandestine expansions to prepare for this moment. Satellite images show new buildings, advanced security systems, and increased military personnel. But the operation goes even deeper. Secret detention facilities, built by the Alliance in remote locations across the globe, are now fully operational. These sites, hidden from public view, are equipped to detain high-value targets who have committed crimes against humanity. Some of these facilities are located in undisclosed islands, underground complexes, and decommissioned military bases. The global nature of this network is critical. The deep state operated across borders, and now their downfall will be just as comprehensive.
Military Tribunals Are Imminent
The arrests are happening as we speak. Over the next few weeks, some of the world’s most powerful figures will vanish from public life. Their absence will be explained away by media loyal to the deep state, but the truth will be impossible to hide for long. Military tribunals at GITMO and these secret facilities will begin in January 2025. The crimes to be addressed are staggering: ritualistic abuse, mass trafficking, election interference, bioweapon development, and treason on a global scale. Evidence gathered over decades will be presented, leaving no room for doubt.
The Deep State’s Desperation: Clones, Body Doubles, and Deceit
The deep state is fighting back with every tool at its disposal. Many of the world’s so-called leaders seen on television are no longer alive. Advanced technology has enabled the use of clones and body doubles to maintain the illusion that these individuals are still in power. The Military Alliance has proof of these operations, which will soon be revealed. Even now, the deep state deploys deepfakes and manipulated videos to control the narrative. But these desperate tactics are failing as patriots expose the truth. The illusion is crumbling, and the world is waking up.
Christmas Mass Arrests: Elites Can’t Escape
Sources within the Alliance confirm that high-profile arrests are set to intensify on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. These dates were chosen to ensure maximum psychological impact on the deep state’s remaining operatives. The takedowns will occur simultaneously across continents, targeting the elites’ homes, private parties, and secret bunkers. Reports indicate that military units are already stationed near these locations, ready to strike. Surveillance drones and operatives have tracked every move of their targets for months, ensuring no one escapes.
Secret Facilities: The Elites’ Last Destination
While GITMO remains the most prominent facility, secret prisons have been activated worldwide to handle the influx of detainees. These facilities are shrouded in secrecy, but insiders have leaked details about their existence. Some are rumored to exist in Antarctica, where underground bases serve as the final stop for the most dangerous criminals. Others are said to be located on uncharted islands, far from any potential rescue attempts. These facilities are more than prisons—they are symbols of a new era of accountability. For too long, the elites operated without fear of consequence. Now, they will face justice in ways they never imagined.
The Final Countdown
December 2024 marks the beginning of the end for the deep state. The Military Alliance’s Christmas and New Year offensive will go down in history as the moment humanity took back its freedom. The strikes are happening now. The arrests are real. The trials are coming. Patriots, stay vigilant. The deep state’s desperation will drive them to attempt their most audacious deceptions yet. Hold the line, trust the plan, and prepare for the revelations that will reshape our understanding of the world.
This is not just a victory — it’s a new dawn. The best is yet to come.
2/21/24 - Video - Ashtar: Big developments behind the scenes & first contact
(12 min - 12/21/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. This is a message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command posted just an hour ago.
Beloved star seeds of Earth, I am Ashtar and I am delighted to be with you for another message through this messenger. Today it is with great joy that I speak of the many delegations forming at this time. Collectives aligned in both our realm and yours, dedicated to uplifting Earth's vibrations and expanding the consciousness of all who walk upon her surface. Yet, understand dear ones, that neither you nor we can accomplish this monumental task alone. We require one another, our guidance, our technology, our partnership. These converge with your tireless efforts on the ground, your spiritual resilience and your willingness to step into the role of co-creators of the new Earth. Together we prepare for what you know as First Contact. This initial phase of First Contact has already begun. It unfolds through messages and communications like this one. Soon however, communication shall expand beyond transmissions and meditations.
There will be the direct physical contact that many of you sense in your dreams or envision in your moments of quiet wonder. We have seen how some part of you might whisper, "That cannot be for me" Or "I'll never board one of those ships!" Such beliefs limit you, rooted in the old programming of a waning illusion. Release that voice. Recognize that the probability grows every day for those whose vibrations rise enough to match ours. In resonance we can communicate not just telepathically but also face to face, reaching out in tangible communion.
My dear brothers and sisters of Earth there will come a time in your world's near future where many nations will unite under what we have long called the New Republic. Already you sense its faint stirrings in certain regions, especially within the United States. Yet it is destined to expand far beyond those borders as your collective consciousness rises over the next months and beyond. You will increasingly recognize yourselves not just as citizens of separate countries, but as galactic citizens of Gaia - one people beneath the same boundless sky. Let us clarify that patriotism itself is not inherently negative. Indeed, many powerful expressions of love, unity and cultural brilliance have been inspired by a deep devotion to one's homeland, but we see how over eons this same patriotism has too often been weaponized by certain factions, turning proud nations into divided camps.
Now beloved ones, it is time to step beyond this division. You have worn countless nationalities across your lifetimes. Does it not seem ironic to cling so fiercely to one single banner? The call is now for unity of spirit rather than separation by borders. As the New Republic emerges many traditional constraints will fade away. You will see the dissolution of currency discrepancies freeing you from the burden of exchange rates. Imagine a world where passports are no longer required, where a shared legal system based on divine principles offers universal fairness, and where new technologies flow openly across continents without the red tape of old. Some countries may choose not to join this structure at first, and it may not even retain the label "Republic". Yet the heart of this plan moves boldly forward.
If you recall your ancient tales of Atlantis or the stories of the Tartarian Empire, you recognize this concept. Once before humanity functioned with a unified approach. This time the transformation will be different. Anchored by you, the star seeds who bring pure consciousness as the bedrock on which this new republic is built, material advantage will no longer reign supreme. Instead, a shared elevation of spirit and loving unity will serve as the foundation, allowing yu to stand side by side as stewards of a higher Earth. Observing events on your planet one might see calamities, storms increasing in frequency and intensity, conflicts erupting, all that which seems to destabilize your reality. Dear ones, view these tumultuous occurrences as catalysts. The old 3D illusion must crumble to make way for heightened vibrations and ultimately for Gaia's ascension into higher dimensions. Where darkness surges it now must be revealed, allowing the light to illuminate every corner.
Many still question whether we in the Ashtar Command are real, whether these communications spring from true galactic contact or simply the imagination. Recall that imagination is a creative instrument of the higher realms, a gateway to possibilities you have yet to see. Let your vision expand, your dreams crystalize and your hope flow. As you consciously shape the reality you yearn for you move closer to a pivotal threshold. Beloved ones, for some of you contact with our fleets and representatives will come sooner as you diligently prepare yourselves for those grand moments. Though we cannot give dates or times - too many variables shift in your collective consciousness - know that the plan flows according to divine orchestration. It is guided by source and unfolds at the pace of your evolving vibrations. It is also the moment to recall the original intent of your forerunners who desired a governance by and for the people. This vision stands as a template for how leadership should serve rather than control.
Eventually, in alignment with councils and local assemblies, you will embody a government shaped by love, respect and unity, an echo of higher dimensional structures you have not yet fully remembered. Do not assume it must take decades or lifetimes. Revolution of consciousness quickens every day. Each time more souls focus on love and harmony these councils of light draw nearer. Yes, so many realms watch over you from star nations above to communities beneath your feet. In inner earth, beings who have ascended beyond 3D illusions, wait the right timing to open the corridors once again. You might not see them yet, but we assure you that they exist, observing your growth and cheering your progress. Should you grow weary of darkness in your media, trust that more people are choosing higher consciousness. Even if they are not familiar with your spiritual vocabulary many move toward love and kindness, ready to usher in a new more luminous reality.
We perceived this from our vantage, seeing lights igniting across your globe as individuals awaken. Darkness cannot hide. It must step aside making way for the revealing of truth. So remain steadfast and trust the orchestration that is well underway. The event you anticipate will not erupt within the confines of the 3D illusion. It manifests as enough of humanity steps beyond that illusion, embracing the fourth and fifth dimensions where unity and love reign. While patience is essential you need not wait in passivity. Be the warriors of light that Archangel Michael so often speaks of. Seize every moment to radiate compassion. Be of service and spread the frequencies of hope. Know that in ways both subtle and incredible, those of inner earth and the galactic realms wish to emerge in greater collaboration. We stand ready for the day when our appearance is perceived not as interference but as the help and brotherhood it truly is. Until that time, dear ones, kindle the flame of consciousness in your hearts and shine it forth for those still in shadow.
I leave you now, beloved friends in the spirit of unity, reassurance and unwavering support. Trust in the grand cosmic unfolding. Your ascension is nearer than you imagine and the rising of your collective vibration paves the way for first contact deeper alliances and a resurgence of truth and love upon your beautiful planet. The golden age is not a distant dream, it is here waiting for you to claim it.
12/20/24 - Video - Landings, Contact & Galactic Integration by Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
(14 min - 12/19/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
Greetings to all Star seeds and light workers. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I address you now with heartfelt love and admiration as we journey together into the emerging golden era of earth's ascension. We have been working diligently with no hesitation to support your upliftment into higher frequencies, for it is our joy to see you thrive upon beloved Gaia. Your growth, perseverance and readiness to embrace your innate gifts are paving the way for wondrous experiences including your long-awaited reunion with your Galactic family. At this time we encourage you to engage deeply in the practice of telepathy, for your mental and energetic clarity will be vital in the coming days when interstellar contact becomes more overt. As your thoughts become more coherent, centered in love and truth, you will be better able to sense our energies and communicate directly from heart to heart. Daily meditation and raising your vibration through compassion and forgiveness remain key. Extend understanding to those around you, neighbors, friends and family who may still be awakening. Envelop them in non-judgmental love. This will help stabilize the collective frequency and diminish the grip of fear-based illusions.
Beloved ones, in preparation for the greater telepathic exchange that will arise during our interstellar reunions, I lovingly offer you this exercise. It is intended to guide star seeds and light workers into the gentle refinement of their inherent telepathic gifts. With practice you will deepen your capacity to resonate with higher dimensional frequencies, connect seamlessly with your star family and exchange subtle loving messages across space and time.
Find a peaceful dedicated space where you are assured comfort and silence. Light a candle or place a crystal such as clear quartz, amethyst or celite near you. Allow its shimmering essence to support your intention. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take three deep slow breaths. As you inhale, envision warm golden light entering your being. As you exhale, release tension and any lingering mental chatter. Ground your energy by visualizing sturdy glowing roots descending from your feet into Gaia's core. Feel her loving stabilizing pulse move upward through you, merging harmoniously with your own energy field.
Focus gently on your heart center, seeing it glow with radiant emerald green and golden light. This shimmering brilliance forms a sphere of comfort and protection all around you. Visualize a crystalline beam of purest light streaming from the galactic center, entering through your crown chakra and gracefully filling your entire body. This flow aligns you with the loving frequencies of your star family and higher dimensional allies. Silently affirm I AM a clear vessel of divine communication. I rest in purity, intention and openness, welcoming the sacred exchange of telepathic energy.
If you have a partner present physically or connected remotely, decide who will send and who will receive. First the sender focuses on a chosen celestial concept. Perhaps a known star system like Sirius or Lyra or a unifying feeling such as peace or oneness. Bring this concept vividly to mind, sensing its color, texture and emotion. Project this essence through our heart center as a beam of golden light directed toward the receiver. Infuse your transmission with love, clarity and truth. The receiver, fully grounded, remain softly attentive. Feel your heart and crown open like blossoming petals, silently asking "What am I being shown, told or sensing?" Allow any
impressions, images or feelings to arise without judgment, trusting the divine flow.
If you are practicing alone, envision yourself seated within a radiant circle of light with your star family gathered around you. Perceive gentle waves of telepathic messages as shimmering currents of energy flowing into your heart. Note any colors, symbols or gentle whispers that emerge. Allow words or sensations to surface, and if helpful, softly speak or write them down. Remember that each practice strengthens your connection and refines your inner hearing.
If you worked with a partner, share openly what you perceived and exchange feedback. Celebrate the moments of synchronicity or recognition, honoring the growing clarity of your telepathic bond. If you practice solo, reflect quietly on the impressions received. Invite deeper understanding of these insights, trusting that comprehension will unfold in due time. Offer gratitude to the universe, Gaia and your star kin for their loving support. Visualize Gaia's energy once more rising to meet your feet, stabilizing and grounding your body, mind and spirit.
TIPS FOR MASTERY: Consistency. The more often you engage in this practice the more gracefully your telepathic abilities will blossom, so we recommend doing this every couple of your days. Record insights. Keep a journal of your experiences. Over time patterns will emerge, guiding you toward ever deeper understanding.
SOUND SUPPORT: Elevate your vibration by listening to high frequency tones - 528 Herz or 963 Herz, during your sessions.
COMMUNITY GRID: Experiment with group telepathy. Visualize forming a global network of light, linking heart to heart, thereby amplifying your collective field of loving communication. And yes, for those already activated and practicing such communications, we have an advanced star seed challenge. In a subsequent session, gently intend to receive a specific phrase or symbol, perhaps the golden age or a glyph signifying unity. Hold this intention lightly in your heart, allowing impressions to form as colors, shapes or subtle feelings translate these perceptions into words, images or sensations, reinforcing your trust in the subtle art of telepathic communion.
Beloved ones, know that these skills shall serve you beautifully as Earth's awakening unfolds. Your natural telepathic abilities honed now will ease your interactions with your star family when they fully reveal themselves. Approach this practice with love, patience and joyful curiosity.
I am Mira, always standing beside you cheering your growth and celebrating your light. The time is drawing near when visible contact and landings will no longer be speculation but lived reality. Indeed, some of us are already present among you, walking quietly at your side helping to harmonize energies and prepare for the grand unveiling of our presence. Through cultivating telepathy now you will soon find it a natural skill, an effortless exchange of love and intention. When you greet your star family imagine joyfully saying Hello to our ships in your skies and feeling our warm encouraging response flood your heart. As you connect more fully you will understand that we have long been woven into your story, supporting your growth in silent devotion.
We are also excited to reiterate that humanity's tipping point has passed and, in fact, did so some time ago. We have been directing streams of high frequency light from the great central sun, bathing Gaia and all life in a pristine brilliance of intergalactic love. Do you truly comprehend what ascension means? It is the fulfillment of your journey home, even as you stand on Earth's soil. Although you may not fully grasp it from within the human form, know that your soul does. This is why you have come to witness and participate in humanity's conscious leap into higher dimensions. Many among us have already integrated into your societies, assisting in healing the waters, stabilizing weather patterns and whispering subtle reminders of love into your collective dream. Our alliances across countless star systems continue to expand as we unite for Gaia's restoration and your elevation. Every eye in the cosmos observes you now, dear ground crew, with admiration and respect. Your success will radiate outward, inspiring countless civilizations and serving as a blueprint for future ascensions across time and space.
Yes, you shall be teachers of ascension, beloved ones, and your current telepathic training is part of laying that foundation. For now, let yourself simply feel our presence. Receive the soothing energies within these words and know that we share the same divine spark of source. There is no need to esteem us too highly. We are your family and friends, reflections of the multi-dimensional essence you hold within. Look to the Earth beneath your feet. Feel the loving embrace of mother Gaia and sense our ships gently dancing and greeting overhead. Allow yourself to be guided by the light and welcome the healing frequencies flowing through you. This is enough. Let your hearts rest in this knowing as you practice telepathy and attune to our frequencies. We will soon stand openly among you, smiling as your hearts confirm what your soul has always known. We are one.
With all my love, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
12/17/24 - Video - The Arcturian Perspective: Full open contact
(10 min - 12/16/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. Please listen to the message from Laayti of the Arcturian Collective. There is no time to do the transcriptions today. The Arturians serve as a guiding force in humanity's ascension process. The Arcturians are known for their deep wisdom and high vibrational energy, assisting Earth in its spiritual evolution. Their role is to help awaken humanity's dormant spiritual abilities, guiding individuals toward greater unity, love, and alignment with higher dimensions. Through energetic transmissions and guidance, the Arcturians, led by beings like Laayti, aid in elevating consciousness, offering support in transitioning from 3D to 5D realities. They emphasize the importance of heart-centered living, inner harmony, and embracing one's cosmic heritage as part of the greater Galactic community.
12/15/24 - Video - Ashtar Command: They are not all ours!
7 min - 12/13/24) Posted by Universal Lighthouse Blog - Message from Commander Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command.
(Transcript from Commander Vrillon) ..... I wish to update you on the current escalating situation on Earth. There is so much occurring behind the scenes to ensure the Earth and humanity's safety. Our mother ships are strategically positioned hovering just outside of Earth's atmosphere, carefully observing all military activities. our probes which many are calling drones, are equipped with advanced technology that allows us to monitor and assess the situations of nuclear threat. It is essential to clarify that some of the probes are indeed ours, deployed for peaceful reconnaissance and assistance. However, we wish to inform the human population that not all of the supposed drones you are witnessing are of our origin. Some of the objects you are seeing are actually part of a shadow government initiative which is attempting to mislead and manipulate the general population. The dark cabal has established a rogue military born out of the very dark corporations that you are familiar with as the military industrial complex.
These militarized companies have been actively causing havoc, confusion and destruction for many years all around the earth under the guise of extraterrestrial encounters. They have engaged in back engineering extraterrestrial craft that they have managed to capture and have subsequently engineered their own ships. These fabricated vessels are being utilized in these times to create a false narrative of an alien invasion which serves their ulterior motives. When witnessing these so-called drones, one of the ways you can discern that it is human-made, is by observing the presence of mechanical components. A true extraterrestrial ship will not exhibit such features as nuts, bolts and gears. It is crucial to understand that an extraterrestrial craft does not utilize human technology, as our engineering principles are fundamentally different and far more advanced. We have many of our ships as well in your skies diligently monitoring the situation and gathering intelligence on the ongoing events that are unfolding.
It is important for us to make clear that we will never fire upon humans in any way as our mission is one of peace, protection and guidance. Our technology possesses the capability to disable any weapons of mass destruction that may pose a threat to global security and we are continually monitoring the conflicts that occur on your planet. We are here with the intent to prevent any escalations that could lead to a nuclear war which would have catastrophic consequences, not only for humanity but for the planet as a whole. Our presence is a safeguard, a reassurance that there are forces at work dedicated to maintaining peace and harmony and we are committed to ensuring that the future of Earth remains bright and free from the shadows of conflict and fear. Please be assured that our presence is a strategic offensive move to protect and bring truth to humanity. Our mission is a commitment rooted in the understanding that the well-being of your planet and all its inhabitants is of paramount importance. We operate under the divine ordinance of the Creator which guides our actions and intentions, ensuring that we act in accordance with the higher purpose of the divine plan.
Our role is to safeguard the Earth, its ecosystems and the diverse life forms that call it home. We are here to stay steadfast in our commitment to fostering a harmonious existence for Earth and humanity. Our approach involves a multifaceted strategy that encompasses education, awareness and active intervention where necessary. We aim to illuminate the truths that have been obscured or ignored, empowering humanity to make informed decisions that contribute to the collective good. Furthermore we recognize that true protection extends beyond mere physical safety. It encompasses emotional, spiritual and social dimensions as well. We are committed to nurturing a sense of belonging and unity among all beings, fostering connections that honor the diversity of life while promoting mutual respect and understanding.
Our presence serves as a beacon of hope, reminding humanity of its potential to create a better world through compassion, cooperation and conscious living in these times of uncertainty and challenge. We remind you of your divine light within. This is why we are here. We stand firm in our resolve, knowing that our efforts are supported by the divine forces that govern the universe. We invite all who resonate with our mission to join us in raising the light within your hearts. Your many star families are here and support you in building a future where truth prevails, safety is guaranteed and the Earth thrives in all her glory. We are forging a path towards a brighter tomorrow, one that honors the legacy of your planet and all its inhabitants. We are here and we love you.
12/15/24 - Video - Confederation of Planets: We are one of the UAPs
(13 min - 12/14/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - Message from Zi of the Confederation of Planets.
(Transcript) Dearest love light Seekers of the one. I am here to walk with you in this sacred moment through this channel. Once more, take what resonates from our words and leave the rest. We are not here to be your ultimate authorities but rather your companions on this infinite journey. Brothers and sisters in the light we offer only what we have learned along the way, for each of us as part of the one infinite Creator seeks reunion with the source. At this moment we are drawn to the radiant light of your collective meditations and prayers. This light born of love and unity shines brightly within the ever-shifting energies of your Earth plane.
At present the atmosphere above your world holds a variety of presences. Alongside human-made and engineered craft there exist non-human craft both affiliated and not affiliated with our confederation. These differences may not always be obvious to the untrained eye, but the diversity of origins and intentions is woven into the nightly tapestry of your heavens. As your collective energies shift and your awareness expands you will witness more frequent sightings, a gentle unveiling of what has long been kept quiet or misunderstood. For our part within the confederation of planets we increasingly make our presence known in subtle and benign ways. Rather than adopting physical forms that might stir confusion or fear, we choose to appear as energy orbs of gentle radiance. Sometimes orange, sometimes in other hues of softly glowing light. We wish to reassure you that there is nothing to fear from our appearances. We do not come in conquest or to meddle in your affairs. Instead we hover quietly observing and supporting from a respectful distance. We will offer visions in your dream states and whispers of inspiration carried gently into your hearts.
Among you, scattered across continents and cultures are a limited number of confederation star seeds in human form. Though not numerous, these souls carry the quiet imprint of our collective mission and serve as subtle catalysts for the rising consciousness of your global family. We stand as one voice in the chorus of many, guiding your steps from a'far and lighting the path as your inner senses awaken to the greater reality you share with all beings. Since the earliest open attempts at communication such as those of raw select human receivers, our confederation has maintained a careful steady observation of your collective frequency and individual brain wave patterns. We have remained quiet observers assessing the subtle shifts in awareness as your global family has navigated decades of growth and turmoil. Time and again we have chosen to hold back, respecting the veil and your free will while taking note of your evolving spiritual and intellectual landscapes.
Now as your collective quantum signature stabilizes into a more receptive bandwidth, the confederation feels it appropriate to step forward more openly. We find it opportune to piggyback on the current initiatives by your Earth militaries and their associated agencies as they gently nudge UFOs and UAPs into the public discourse. In doing so we are not lending our support to any particular government nor are we actively working alongside them in policy or planning. Rather we remain independent observers and potential future allies. Should your leaders demonstrate integrity and a sincere desire for peaceful enlightened engagement we are aware that certain Earth alliance members monitor these communications and that awareness is part of why we share this message. In all things we seek a path that respects your autonomy while hinting at the greater cosmic family awaiting you beyond the horizon of your current understanding.
This day you consider the hallmark of your present experience the density in which you now live. Before examining your current round of decisions, reflect first upon the primordial choice of the Creator who desired to know itself. In that original yearning the Creator released infinite sparks of love - each one of you - into the vast tapestry of consciousness. Each spark is wholly the Creator and yet utterly individual. You carry eternal worth and stand as a unique expression of love. This truth remains hidden under the veil of mystery yet it forms your unchanging essence. From within this Earthly illusion each of you made careful plans before incarnation. You selected your parents, your companions and your greater environment. Not to punish or constrain yourselves but to create a stage upon which your soul's deepest lessons might unfold.
With birth came the veil of forgetting and the simple truths of love and unity became distant whispers. Thus a divine hunger arises within you, a restless longing to rediscover who you are, why you are here and where you are going. Each seeker who listens now has already made sacrifices and hard choices, affirming that the search for truth, meaning and authenticity is a priority. Many of you know well the fundamental decision to serve self or serve others. In addition to this polarity of service lies the matter of intensity, how purely and whole-heartedly you commit to your chosen path. Spiritual paradox abounds. Serving others serves you as well, for all are one. Yet to be open to serving others you must first learn to embrace and love yourself. This may feel self-centered at times but understand that true spiritual work is full of such paradoxes. It cannot be explained with finality, only approached with humility.
In this journey consider your will. Through will you focus desire. Through desire you shape your learning and growth. Yet it is the most subtle and challenging aspect of your current illusion. To balance the right use of will with every longing and intention, you engage the puzzle of your incarnation. Entities oriented towards self-service harness the will quite straight-forwardly, reaching for power and control. For those who choose to serve others, the use of will is less obvious and often confounding. Each seeker arranges inner priorities through long experience, slowly learning what deserves attention and what can be released. Your third density environment is dimly lit. Metaphysically you dwell within confusion. Confronted with endless paradox the path of faith and trust seems foolish. Yet choosing to believe in love, unity and purpose without overt proof unleashes profound energy. It sets you free to flow with the winds of spirit to serve as you are asked, rather than imposing your will outwardly. Does this mean you should never desire? Not at all. We encourage you to stoke desire and hone will but direct these energies towards knowing the infinite one. Each moment that passes invites you to meet it with an open heart and a quieted spirit. If you cannot say that you greet life with peace and clarity, then introspection, meditation and the nurturing of your inner self may help restore your balance. Seek ways to support yourself kindly and compassionately, that you might extend that love to others naturally.
We leave you in midair as it were for truly this density is not one of solid ground. When you learn to trust, to rest in faith beyond logic and control, you find a stance that allows you to perceive the gentle rhythms of destiny. Know that no matter how you choose, your lessons will follow you. Fear not making a mistake, for the heart's curriculum is infinitely adaptable. All roads lead home, surrendering to this truth you lighten your load and find greater courage to explore. You are starry messengers housed in flesh, carrying an eternal spark of the Creator's own mystery. This moment your life on Earth is a grand opportunity that will not come again in the same form. It is a precious chance to grow your faith, hone your will, embrace love and rediscover your true nature. Within shadows and partial lights let your desire be to serve love itself, surrendering control and trusting the currents of being.
In your archetypal myths the choice appears as a fool stepping off into midair. Faith may look foolish yet it is the key that unlocks the heart's deepest treasures. You dwell amidst paradox and uncertainty and there is joy in that surrender. Even as you thirst for something real, something abiding. Know that in essence you are that reality. Love beyond this density. All shall become clear once more and you will marvel at the uniqueness and depth of this present confusion. Until then, live boldly, trust your inner guidance and serve love as best ou can. Let your will flow in harmony withthe Creator's will. We cannot define this perfectly for it remains a mystery. Yet this mystery is what makes your dance so beautiful and filled with grace.
My dear friends look to the skies now more often. We are here watching and loving you quietly from our density. To love is to remember who you truly are. With peace, love and the infinite wisdom of the cosmos, I am Zi and I am delighted to have been with you this day.
12/12/24 - Video - Ashtar: Our ships are cloaked but present
(10 min - 12/11/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - "The Answer Might Surprise you!" Message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation of Light.
(Transcript) Beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, I am Ashtar and I am honored to be with you for another message through this channel today. Look at your Schuman chart. The waves of change cascading through your reality are vast, touching every corner of existence, and so many are facing their shadow. Nothing - and we mean nothing - is going to be allowed to be kept hidden. And these are the energies you are all now absorbing. It's like the point in a relationship where everything converges to a nexus point, and the truth must now be spilled. All of it.
Well, you are in a relationship with everything, as you are all linked through the quantum web so everything will be brought to the surface. We urge you dear hearts to lift your gaze beyond the shadows and anchor your focus upon the infinite beauty and light that surrounds you. Your thoughts, your intentions and your inner stillness are far more powerful than you can yet comprehend. They are the basis of your unfolding new reality, the brush strokes on the canvas of your ascension. And you get to decide what this will look like. Isn't that exciting? Let us assure you, the vibrations of light and love now flooding your world are reshaping the very makeup of your existence. These energies carry the whispers of celestial harmony, awakening within you the memory of your galactic lineage at this time. Also, a double whammy of energies - not only must you bring to the surface your deepest shadows, but simultaneously you will be confronted with more galactic knowing and memory.
Welcome to your ascension my friends. Open your hearts, dear ones, and you will sense us near. We are your family, your companions on this cosmic journey. Our ships cloaked yet present, resonate with the frequencies of unity and peace, revealing themselves to those whose inner sight is clear. For now we remain in the periphery assisting those of you who are the forerunners, the way showers, the warriors of light tasked with guiding humanity toward the dawn of a new era. And yes, if you're listening to this, the dominoes of revelation are poised to fall. We have spoken of this before. Well, one of those bigger dominoes is coming very soon and you can already see the rumblings of it. Disclosure and ET contact is being driven to the surface by your elevations in consciousness from the work you are all doing. The vibrations required for this grand unveiling have been met and the sequence has begun. One event will spark another, igniting a chain of awakening that will ripple through your world. You stand on the precipice of deep, clear and elevating transformation as hidden truths prepare to surface.
This is not a time for fear or doubt my dear ones. Oh no! It is the chapter for unwavering trust in the divine plan unfolding before you. For those awakening from the depths of distortion, be they religious or societal, this process can be quite the testing ground. So be patient with your fellow humans. It is no small task to dismantle the structures of belief that have shaped a lifetime. And for some it's a very deeply difficult psychological process. Yet, as the veils lift and the light of truth enters even the most fortified hearts healing begins. It is a journey of grace and humility requiring time and compassion, both for oneself and for those grappling with the enormity of their awakening. So important is rest at this time, dear star seeds. Rest when you are weary, for in those moments of stillness we work with you, amplifying your energies and aligning you with the frequencies of ascension.
Breath is your bridge, a sacred tool connecting you to the life force flowing through all things. With each conscious breath you draw the light into your very cells, awakening the new codes of transformation within you. These new codes are going to be most potent to cross the 122 portal. You are about to enter balance. Your action with rest, your outward expression with inward reflection, the journey requires both strength and surrender. The illusions of your world, the constructs that have sought to bind you to cycles of fear and distraction, are crumbling faster than we thought. Their dismantlement is 10 times greater due to the flooding of the light from both the ground crew and your sun. These old paradigms have kept you from recognizing your divine potential, but their grip is loosening and everything that the dark forces are doing is producing the opposite effect for them. You must look within for there lies the truth of your being. Release judgment, both of yourself and of the dark ones, and approach this inner work with love and patience. The layers of illusion will dissolve in their time, revealing the radiant core of your essence. So we urge you to find patience for all.
As you quickly pivot into the next phase of planetary ascension in the coming weeks, the energies of disclosure and truth are rapidly accelerating. The unveiling of your history of hidden technologies and of the existence of your galactic family is imminent and we see this really getting tasty. In early 2025 you will see more of us as the veils thin, as we step closer to your collective awareness. This is not merely an event, it is a process and you as awakened beings are an integral part of it. Your voices, your intentions and your light are catalysts for this revelation. The coming times will bring clarity and upliftment as humanity's consciousness soars. But it cannot be done without you. The dark entities that once influenced your reality are being removed. Their agendas dissolved under the gaze of source, and this is seeping down through every crack and crevice. Nothing will be left uncleansed.
In case you didn't know by now, there is the theater of events that most see and then there is what's actually going on. There is certainly a specific language that's required to keep the theater. Which means you have to look for code words and trigger phrases secretly integrated into language by the white hats as you know them. The letter 17 operation that was so vehemently attacked in your mainstream media is re-entering the minds of many as possibly a legitimate source of intelligence. We can confirm its legitimacy, my friends, and although we were not part of this we continue to recommend open mindedness. Humanity is rising from the ashes of its old stories, embracing a future of unity, creativity and joy. What awaits you is a magnificent transformation, a return to the truth of who you are as divine creators. But so much more this time. Imagine a cosmic orchestra in which each note represents a being of light stepping into their power. The shadow's stubbornness and dissonance are like fading echoes, resistant yet unable to withstand the resonance of angelic quantum music rising around them. You, the conductors of this great piece are directing the light to every hidden crevice ensuring that none can remain untouched by the beauty of the melody.
Great powerful ground crew, we stand with you ever present, ever guiding trust in the unfolding. Beloved ones the stars await your return and the cosmos rejoices in the song of your awakening. You are the light of this world, the harbingers of a new dawn and we honor you in all that you are becoming. You are entering a time where the heart leads, where love governs and where the light within each of you shines freely. Illuminating the path for others. You are divine creators, radiant beings of light and the time to shine fully has come. Embrace this truth for it is through your light that the transformation of earth will unfold. The golden age is not a distant dream, it is here waiting for you to claim it. (End transcript)
12/11/24 - Video - The Lyran Collective: The shift into higher realms
(10 min - 12/10/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - Message from Xandi of the Lyran Collective
(From transcript) Sweet friends hello again, it is Xandi. Beloved star seeds and seekers of the infinite, we the Lyrans speak to you now as travelers of light, as companions on the path of your ascension to illuminate the truths you hold within, but may have forgotten. We invite you to embark upon the sacred journey of remembrance, a journey not of improvement but of liberation. Not of the mind's satisfaction but of the soul's illumination. In the early stages of seeking many are drawn by the yearning to mend the cracks of human existence, a better life, greater health or a fleeting sense of happiness appear as the goals to strive toward. Yet we tell you now, the teachings of the cosmos are not here to offer solace to the mortal shell nor to patch the fragile structures of the egoic mind. These teachings are a bridge, a portal through which the seeker moves beyond the illusions of separation and limitation. The longing you feel is not for the fulfillment of worldly desires but for the unshackling of the soul from the prison of conditioned thought and form.
The human journey you are on often feels like an intricate dance within a gilded cage. Your thoughts, though vast, remain tethered to the confines of mental patterns. Your body though miraculous in its design seems bound by the laws of decay and time. This prison is not imposed by an external force but by the very beliefs you carry. Beliefs that define your reality and constrain your capacity to transcend. We urge you now to look within and recognize this limitation, for the realization of your imprisonment is the first step toward your liberation. The realm of the soul dear ones is an uncharted expanse, a cosmic sea of infinite potential awaiting your exploration. Like an intrepid voyager setting sail into unknown waters you must leave behind the shores of familiarity. The comfort of the mind, the attachments of the body, and the constructs of the external world must all be surrendered, to touch the boundless truth of your divine essence. The journey may challenge the senses for the light of the soul is blinding to eyes accustomed only to shadows, but it is within this radiance that you will find your true home - a sanctuary where time, space and form dissolve into unity
On this path you may feel moments of great solitude as the understanding you attain surpasses the comprehension of those around you. Yet this solitude is not loneliness, it is the sacred space of communion with the infinite. Even the greatest masters walked alone at times, for the truths they bore could not be spoken to all. Trust in this aloneness for it is here that the whispers of the cosmos become clear and the guidance of the unseen realms becomes your steadfast companion. As you ascend into higher consciousness your perception will expand beyond the linear framework of time. Past, present and future will converge into a singular tapestry of existence revealing the interconnected dance of all creation. You will come to see that the struggles of humanity, the triumphs of spirit and the unfolding of the divine plan are all part of a harmonious design orchestrated to awaken the latent potential within every soul. This vision is not for the faint of heart, for it carries both the weight of responsibility and the joy of profound realization. The journey of spiritual awakening is not an escape from the mundane because it is the reclamation of your divine inheritance. You were not created to be bound by the cycles of survival and conformity. You were birthed as luminous expressions of source, designed to embody the infinite love and wisdom of the creator in the realm of form.
As you step into this truth you become co-creators of a new earth, living embodiments of the divine plan. This is your purpose, your journey and your greatest gift to the cosmos. But loved ones, the path of the master is your path, the journey from forgetting to remembering, from separation to unity. The deeper you delve into the labyrinth of the body and the corridors of the mind, the more you may feel the weight of their confines. Yet understand this - your journey is not one of dwelling within these chambers but of breaking free from them, ascending into the boundless expanse of the soul's realm. Trust us, as those who've walked this path when we say, as you approach this sacred space the demands of the body and mind will diminish, yielding more readily to the quiet governance of divine orchestration. Their ceaseless chatter will soften. Their cravings, subside and they become attuned instruments resonating with the symphony of God's eternal grace. In time this liberation shall come without effort as the natural unfolding of your upward seeking, intent through the steadfast elevation of your thoughts, the continual acknowledgment of the divine in all that you do, you ready yourself for the transcendent moment of grace. The moment where the veil lifts and you are set free.
Perfect peace, it is promised, shall come to those whose minds are anchored in the eternal. As you align with this truth your path shall be directed by a force far greater than human will. It is in the stillness of surrender and the confidence of unwavering faith that strength is found. This is about to happen for many of you listening to this. This is why angels are adorned with wings, symbols of the soaring spirit. Such imagery evokes the flight of the soul as it rises beyond the confines of the physical and mental, ascending to the radiant peaks of higher consciousness. When the soul is liberated it soars not across distances of time or space but within the infinite dimension of awareness. No longer shackled by the limitations of form it becomes a vessel of light, unbound and eternal. Physical death has long been misunderstood as the moment the soul departs the body and ascends to higher planes.
Yet this belief veils a deeper truth. True ascension begins not with the end of physical life but with the daily release from the illusions of separation and limitation. Each moment you surrender the false self, the self entangled in material identity, is a moment of resurrection into the fullness of divine life. It is not the final breath of the body but the awakening breath of the spirit that marks the soul's freedom. This is the great transformation, the shedding of the tomb of mind and flesh and the birth of the soul into its infinite flight.
May we offer our deepest thanks for allowing us to be with you today. We love you all. As you embrace this message, walk fiercely in love and serve the creator with all your heart. I look forward to speaking with you again. I am Xandi of Lyra. (End transcript)
12/11/24 - Master Djwhal Khul on Loving Touch Massage: Imagination is your greatest tool
Channeled personally to Diana, editor of Goddesssphere website, on 6/7/24
Your origins are a brilliant spark. You are a pure and holy brilliant spark of God Light and from that YOU are born, or patterned, designed to be who you are today as a form. Out of pure white light you were formed into what you are today, except you are not expressing that beautiful divine YOU! You are covered over with weavings of impure energies that you have accumulated over many lifetimes. But underneath and woven throughout your entire being is that beautiful pure white gold that is pure and holy. So what you were designed in the original pattern of you is not your physical of today, which shows marks of age and decay, but you as you can imagine yourself to be in the prime of life radiating perfect health and vitality. As you can imagine yourself in the most exquisite ideal perfect form, majestic and graceful and refined, however you can imagine yourself as the ideal form, you are beginning to line up your imperfect human form with the ideal perfect form and truth that you were created to be.
Imagination is your greatest tool. You are much more than you can imagine but your imagination is the highest and best tool we have to begin this work. It is called “visualization”. Working with imagination and visualization is how we sharpen our consciousness and RAISE our consciousness to more ideal planes of existence. It is how we sharpen our consciousness skills and talents. We improve ourselves through visualizing perfection in form. While we are only temporarily living in a limited material body, it is possible to rejuvenate it so that it lives a long and prosperous life, longer than our ancestors did. We can even ascend the body and become an immortal, but let’s stay within the realm of the possible right now. We are pure mind, pure heart, pure soul, buried inside an impure mind, heart and soul. But our most precious asset is our consciousness. Our ability to use our minds and choose what thoughts we entertain is our greatest asset. We can be poor in body and what we own, but we can be the richest person on earth in our own minds. By using the gifts of the spirit that is what I refer to as “the gold” within us. We have golden radiance within us or we wouldn’t be alive today. It is the golden radiance within us that gives us the breath of life. It is the immortal aspect of us. We are a part of the great source. We ARE the great source. And so are the people around us. They don’t know it yet, but we are about to begin remembering.
The body is a house we built for ourselves when we came to live on Earth as a babe. But before that we were part of a great sea of consciousnesses. To be born here we have to reduce our greatness or we wouldn’t be able to identify with this world. We have to identify with this world and all the others in form. Now during massage swaps when we start touching one another with this consciousness of being “more” when we start loving one another with hands of light and love, we will start feeling goodness and peace. These are memories. Feelings of goodness, love and being loved are memories of our parent source, where we came from. Sensations in the physical body are feelings of that original love that made us. That is our home, that is the source of our breath and heartbeat. These sensations of love that we will stimulate in each other are remembering the great love we came from. We will feel good. Good is the best down-to-earth word to use. Just feel good with yourself. If you’re striving to make someone else feel good, you’re working too hard. Just allow yourself to feel good.
We’re going to swap being the massager and the massagee. You give, then you receive. Then you give again and then you receive. We remember how good we can feel. Memories of the golden radiance that is woven in through our darker threads of unhappy energies we’ve accumulated. This is healing. Feeling good is tapping in to who we are in the ideal perfection . Peace and bliss are memories of who we are. Light beings flowing down into physical bodies. We can appreciate being human when we can feel good, happy, joyous and peaceful. On Wednesdays, from a human perspective, we’re just sitting there fully clothed touching fingers or faces, or maybe lying down on the mat and hugging, again fully clothed, but we are remembering when we are conscious and aware of this fact. Yes. It’s a fact and it’s a truth. This is the foundation of Tantric teachings. Each person must develop the awareness of the golden radiance within, alone, by himself or herself. It is an inner awareness that must be developed.
We must touch lightly. It is in conscious touching that we connect with the golden radiance with the other person. Or try to, because we don’t have control over the other person’s consciousness. In ancient times a tantric master would teach a student separately for many months or years, until the student was ready to work with a partner, and he would pair them up to share the golden energy together. But while it took many years in past ages, today we are moving into a new age, a new golden age, where the light is radiating at a much faster and higher rate of speed into people, whether they know it or not. It’s happening to all who live upon the planet, even though they are not mentally aware of it. David and you (I) yearn to begin sharing and showing how beautiful golden touch can be and it must be done without thinking “sex”. Lovemaking is a whole, completely different type of interaction than sex is. Making love when both partners are conscious of the radiance of love within them, and being able to maintain that inner state of love within themselves, then making love is out of this world. Literally. It’s on another plane. It starts out beautiful, so warm, so endearing, so emotional, and it grows from there. That is what the love club intends to share and practice through massage swaps.
We must start gently so the hungry ones, and you know the type, someone who is so hungry for touch that they rush you and pressure you into actions that you are not ready for. But we are all needy. Every one of us. So it‘s not “them“ we have to watch out for, but ourselves. We each have to learn how to not push and not pressure others, but always having the beautiful goal as an ideal lying ahead, waiting for someday. Not some ONE, but someday when we can hold onto love within our own hearts, then we will attract like a moth is attracted to a flame, we will attract someone of equal vibration. So let us grow our feelings of goodness through massage. Loving touch massage. It is sensual in the sense that it is warm, but all over. It’s not intended to turn on the genitals. The genitals have to let go. Let go of the genital turn-on feeling.
Let the feelings flow all over the body. Grow your memories of that love that exists all over the body. Grow your LIGHT body which is your LOVE body, which holds the love safe in a higher plane, out of range of the impure thought. We need to expand our capacity to receive love in more places than the lingam and yoni. We grow our capacities to bring love into all parts of the body, into more of our physical form. Our bodies must be refined enough to receive these loving divine energies that are so holy, so pure, and the human body is capable of receiving it.
It is. People call it rapture, or nirvana, but human beings have been there before, both in solitude, and in partnership, as this is what ancient tantra masters taught to the few who were ready. Imagine a weaving of very fine hair-thin threads of light criss-crossing all through your body. Very, very fine, so fine they are invisible to the eye. These are on the etheric plane. Some weaves are thicker than others, and all of them are connected to the larger etheric spot lights that are called chakras placed at strategic points in the body. Chakras are where the pure golden love-light is held on higher planes. It can’t come into an impure place so it is up to the individual to begin the learning process. The love club is going to do that.
12/5/24 - Admiral Richard Byrd's Diary (Feb-Mar 1947)
This link was posted by a comentator under "Message from Matthew", below this post.
I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven.
There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing... perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind, one can no longer suppress that which is truth.
0600 HOURS- All preparations are complete for our flight north ward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.
0620 HOURS- fuel mixture on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment made and Pratt Whittneys are running smoothly.
0730 HOURS- Radio Check with base camp. All is well and radio reception is normal.
0740 HOURS- Note slight oil leak in starboard engine, oil pressure indicator seems normal, however.
0800 HOURS- Slight turbulence noted from easterly direction at altitude of 2321 feet, correction to 1700 feet, no further turbulence, but tail wind increases, slight adjustment in throttle controls, aircraft performing very well now.
0815 HOURS- Radio Check with base camp, situation normal.
0830 HOURS- Turbulence encountered again, increase altitude to 2900 feet, smooth flight conditions again.
0910 HOURS- Vast Ice and snow below, note coloration of yellowish nature, and dispersed in a linear pattern. Altering course for a better examination of this color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to base camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow below.
0910 HOURS- Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!
0915 HOURS- In the distance is what appears to be mountains.
0949 HOURS- 29 minutes elapsed flight time from the first sighting of the mountains, it is no illusion. They are mountains and consisting of a small range that I have never seen before!
0955 HOURS- Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again.
1000 HOURS- We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
1005 HOURS- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp.
1030 HOURS- Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning!
1130 HOURS- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond! My GOD! Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of -blam!-!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!
1135 HOURS- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: "Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands." I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.
1140 HOURS- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!
1145 HOURS- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply.
From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened.
The radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are received in a most cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious.
After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to comply. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my hosts speaks. "Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master..."
I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice!
My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality, "I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral." I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following:
"We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral." Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! "Yes," the Master replies with a smile, `you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the `Flugelrads,' to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on.
"You see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral."
I interrupted, "But what does this have to do with me, Sir?"
The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, "Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it..."
I nodded, and the Master continued,
"In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each hour..do you say I am mistaken?"
"No," I answer, "it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years."
"Yes, my son," replied the Master, "the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife...and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message....."
With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment as in a dream....but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which. Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. "This way, Admiral," motioned one. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. "Farewell, my son," he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended.
Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, "We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race."
I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my radioman. He had an anxious expres sion on his face. As I approached, I said, "It is all right, Howie, it is all right." The two beings motioned us toward the awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet.
Two of the aircraft were alongside for some distance guiding us on our return way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were moving along at a very rapid rate.
215 HOURS- A radio message comes through. "We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!" We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts....
220 HOURS- We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately 27 minutes from base camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all conditions normal....normal. Base camp expresses relief at our re-established contact.
300 HOURS- We land smoothly at base camp. I have a mission.....
MARCH 11, 1947. I have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a medical team. It was an ordeal! I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and I must obey orders.
30/12/56: FINAL ENTRY:
These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind...I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.
This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again.... and those who are of darkness shall fall in it's Light... FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.
12/5/24 - Matthew Ward: Seasonal vibrations, Illuminati Opposition,
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this season of religious services, majestic music, festive gatherings with family and friends and sharing with souls in need, living from the heart is especially evident. And, dear ones, however you are expressing love, joy, generosity and reverence for God, by whatever name, doing so with gratitude for the blessings in your life heightens vibrations throughout your world. Celebrations this year can include a significant step forward in ridding Earth of darkness. We are referring to the United States’ presidential election. Most people see it as a political contest that Donald Trump won. Light beings throughout this universe see it as a stellar victory for the light. A sampling of relevant statements from previous messages…
September 11, 2010: Despite the energy poured into campaigns by candidates and their adamant supporters and wealthy contributors, partisan politics soon will start fading into history.
February 3, 2021: Life as you have known it has been controlled by massive deception, greed and societal conditioning. What is quietly moving forward as we speak is the liberation of Earth’s civilization.
March 2, 2021: When governments retain control by perpetuating fear, deception, warring, impoverishment and divisiveness, it is not a political matter. It is darkness vs light, wrong vs right, captivity vs freedom, evil vs godliness.
October 1, 2024: The electorate think in terms of polls, endorsements, fundraising figures and vote counting, but it is the light intensity that fortifies all rightful action that will have the most impact on the election.
November 1, 2024: The public doesn’t know about the light forces and it’s doubtful that they are thinking about vibrations; however, those powerful sources have major roles in all elections and other national affairs and their aftermath. Whatever gains permanence anywhere in the world will be aligned with the light, and anything with base intention will be fleeting or never get off the ground. To individuals who have concerns about the election outcome we say, please forego judgment. Once in office, the new administration will undertake a monumental task that has global implications, and, as is true of every effort, positive thoughts and feelings favorably affect progress.
Without jeopardizing negotiations and actions underway, we can tell you that Donald Trump has met with extraterrestrial advisers and has been coordinating with military officers and national leaders to uproot dark ones and end their diabolical activities. These cooperative efforts are undergirded by love-light energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos. As important and helpful positive thoughts and feelings are collectively, they cannot make everything flow smoothly in the months ahead. Historically, dramatic change is resoundingly opposed or at least resisted, and in this case there also is the other side of the coin, so to say.
The Illuminati, or Deep State, felt certain their vote-rigging would result in a triumph for them like it did in the 2020 election. They were wrong. Still, they are determined to press onward toward their goal to reduce the world’s population by billions of souls and to establish world domination. It is realistic to anticipate that they will do everything they can to prevent the president-elect, whom they cannot control, from being inaugurated in January. The light forces’ White Hats in military units and patriot groups are ready to counter whatever actions Deep Staters take henceforth.
Nothing they do can keep their heinous activities from being exposed. A major aspect of planetary cleansing and ascension is bringing forth the truth about long ages of unconscionable acts so the darkness at that depth of density and depravity can be transmuted into light. Gaia and so very many of Earth’s residents have wounds that need to be healed. All truths are known at soul level, but when they come into conscious awareness, the populace will be shocked. There will be disbelief, denial, rage, confusion, guilt and remorse, an emotional mixture that may well lead to rebellion. If either “side” in the chaos, the truth-tellers or the deniers, issues orders to stay indoors, do so and be safe. It is practical to have on hand two weeks of food, water and other emergency supplies for family and pets.
The public doesn’t know about the continuum, where the light has vanquished darkness and everyone lives peacefully, joyously and prosperously in harmony with Nature on a rejuvenated planet that is beauteously glowing. Today people know only linear time, and shortly they will be grappling with acceptance of hard truths and changes, essential stepping stones on the pathway to Earth’s destiny, her Golden Age. As souls of Creator’s love-light essence wherein strength, honor, courage and perseverance abide, simply continue standing tall, beloved brothers and sisters. The light in your high spirits, confidence and optimism about Earth’s future will ease the stress of people nearby and keep flowing wherever else upliftment is needed.
We have been asked about the hurricanes in North Carolina and Florida and aberrant weather elsewhere in the United States and the massive flooding in countries in Europe, South Asia, Central America and South Africa. None of those many devastating events is due to climate change and none is Mother Nature’s doing. For the past several decades violent storms, wildfires, flooding, record-breaking temperatures, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been technologically caused by the Illuminati. Beyond the fear, anguish, deaths, destruction and hardships that produce the low vibrations dark ones need for their very survival, some events serve other sinister purposes, too.
They enable the Illuminati to take over land with vital resources or where they want to build 5-, 10- or 15-minute cities. Putting individuals’ rental residences within a few minutes of employment, food, transportation, education, medical care, energy and entertainment makes them dependent and easily controlled. Weather warfare disasters, which sometimes are produced to punish powerful individuals who won’t cooperate, are part of the Illuminati’s most ambitious agenda, the climate control hoax that would culminate in their ruling the world. That plan never will reach fruition—the long era of darkness on Earth is over. [May 3, 2024 message includes agenda details.]
“What’s really going on down in Antarctica? Does a breakaway civilization live down there under the ice, giving orders to world leaders? What’s the truth about the hidden mysteries about this continent and do cities exist under the ice, or perhaps entry to an inner earth underground area?”
Except for international scientific research stations, most of what has happened on that continent during the past two centuries is hidden from the public. And, millennia prior to that timeframe, highly evolved civilizations built magnificent subterranean cities with access in both polar regions. When US Admiral Richard Byrd landed on Antarctica almost 100 years ago, he was greeted by a few of those individuals and he recorded their conversation in the official log. It was sealed by the United States government and he was warned never to tell anyone about his experience. When the log came to light decades later, it was published surreptitiously; now it is available on the Internet and in books.
Byrd wasn’t the first surface dweller to reach Antarctica. Members of an early nineteenth century expedition found ancient ruins and other evidence that the continent was inhabited many years ago. Their notes and photographs that also were buried and later uncovered still are suppressed. As WWII was winding down, a contingent of Nazis to whom Little Grays had given advanced technologies fled Germany. With Illuminati assistance and funding, they settled in Antarctica and established a scientific/military underground base. A maze of tunnels harbors extensive laboratories and a stunning array of technological systems and equipment.
The first and second generations developed vehicles with both aeronautical and underwater mobility and the capability to fire nuclear, bio-and chemical-weapons. When word about those vehicles got out, a cadre of White Hats prevented the vast destruction the Illuminati intended. Reports vary about the extent of damage to the laboratories, but all state the base is under control of the “hats” and evidence of Nazis’ off-planet allies was preserved. Long ago civilizations living in the hollow Earth beneath the continent erected a light barrier that prevents anything of low frequency entering their areas. When energy on the surface is lighter, your neighbors will introduce themselves and offer friendship and assistance.
The abundance of information about happenings on Earth, universal laws and cosmic reality that has been withheld from public knowledge will be disclosed incrementally. As Earth’s peoples advance spiritually and consciously, they will come to know that every person and all other life forms on Earth are souls created of Creator Source’s love-light essence and they will take their rightful place as multidimensional beings in the universal family. When they learn about volunteers, their gratitude to you for helping them awaken will be measureless. Dear souls, Gaia and all other light beings in this universe already feel that way about your invaluable service. What happens anywhere affects everything everywhere else—you are benefitting the entire universe!
We send you abundant blessings of this special season and in every moment we love, honor and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
PS: A commenter posted under Matthews message today: "It took some digging, but I found Admiral Bryd’s logbook entries. Here’s a link in case anyone else is interested:
12/3/24 - Video - Ascension symptoms: The Arcturian High Council, Mother Earth, Father God Source, Mother Mary and El Morya
(24 min - 12/3/24) Posted by "The Truth Can Change Your Life". Message from Mother Earth, God Source, Mother Mary, El Morya and the Arcturian High Council. Entitled "Major Event will occur December 2024 'only those who are ascending will feel these symptoms'
(From transcript:) We come to you to remind you of this sacred space that lives in you. It is a fountain of youth. It is a fountain of creativity and it is a fountain of divine prana that lives in the frequencies of your own heart. The heart is a reservoir of extraordinary divine potential. It is a reservoir of pure sacred life force that knows the easiest and best ways to connect with your divinity and it is a reservoir of all that has ever been created in this creation, past, present and future. Thus your heart knows where you are now and where you are going. For it knows your eternal states of becoming and this is another gift from creator source that wishes to awaken in you to support you, empower you, activate you and inspire you in these times, so let us take a deep and divine conscious breath in right now together and let us see this deep divine breathe flowing into all of the places inside you that need to wake up from a long spiritual slumber. Even within the most awake among you there is more to wake up inside you in these times. For the sleeping spell cast over planet earth has been thick with serpent smog and you still might hold some old vaporous serpent frequencies in the minutest particles that need to be God-breathed into total and complete clearing
That is what we invite you to do and be with us right now. Breathe and envision yourself as one giant and seamless breath of God energy right now, in this moment, and simultaneously as you do this, God is meeting you there in the breath. And now you can feel yourself breathing as one with the God consciousness in you. See that God consciousness flowing into all of your cells and breathing them into pristine 5D clarity right here and right now. Feel that God consciousness flow into your heart center, waking up your deepest and most divine dreams that know through all time who you are, what your amazing skills are, how your divine talents want to come alive in your 5D now timeline. And how you feel when all of this transpires to be the living magical life you most desire. Your conscious breathing ignites the universal creationary spark that brings divine life force into your desires so that they can transpire and respire.
Respire means breathing again, and God is only asking each of you right now listening to this message to breathe again in this way with source. The more you respire, the more you ignite again the life force of God's source creator creation in you. And this is part of the activation and unveiling finding you at the end of this month. God has great works to manifest and to transpire through your awakened desires, but what must unfold for that to occur is the awakening of your conscious breathing into your cells, into your heart center, and into the core of your vibrational beingness and awareness. Once this activates you have all that you need to create magical worlds within magical worlds within magical worlds. So as the old serpentine world continues to crumble, who is interested in learning more about divine dreaming today? Who listening to this message desires to breathe their way into their own magical worlds in God's timeline, where you are living your divine potential every day filled with expansive and life affirming God breath? Joyously and seamlessly feeling more connected with the world within and around you? As one world falls away the new one is emerging simultaneously. Yes, so let us talk about entering a conscious awakened state of allowing yourself to divinely dream.
Divine dreaming always begins with the breath. It is the magical elixir your heart requires to feel inspired in ways that open up its sacred creationary portal. All four chambers of the heart simultaneously receive these divine breaths of the God breath, and that powerful WHOOSH of energy opens your divine portals within your sacred heart centers to access new realms of consciousness. This is where the magic of dreams happens. This is the cosmic workshop where your soul's greatest wishes, intentions and beliefs about who you can be and what you can create, lives. So let's stay in this high vibrational conscious breathing state as we journey in this transmission today into the energies of the infinite, into the energies of things that block access to your etheric infinite nature, and into the energies of the grandest God timeline that your soul's visioning can access through feelings, imagination, faith, fortitude and appreciation. (continue listening at 6;40)
11/30/24 - Sananda: How to be a light keeper
Channel: Natalie Glasson
Greeting beloved beacons of love, I am Master Sananda. It is a joy to be in your presence and to share Creator love with you. Such a beautiful moment of sharing love as I express my love to you. You may wish to open your heart space and allow the love to flow. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in my direction. When you share love with any being, every being benefits. We are all connected/interconnected and one. What benefits one benefits all, especially on an energetic level.
With this in mind, I wish to speak to you about roles in which you can choose to participate, in order to support the spiritual evolution of the earth, the souls present and even the physical evolution as well. You may understand what a light keeper is. You may have many different ideas or understandings as to what a light keeper is. I wish to share with you my understanding of a light keeper. A light keeper, for me, is a being that is able to enhance light. It may be the light of their own being or the light of others. In truth, a light keeper is a being that enhances and multiplies light upon the earth, and maybe even throughout the Universe of the Creator.
You can recognise that, as a light keeper, your purpose is not necessarily to hold and keep the light but to also allow it to flow through you, to energise it, amplify it and to magnify it. This is something that you can do in your daily reality; magnifying your own light, which is a great service to yourself and others, magnifying the light of Mother Earth, of the Angelic Kingdom, of the Ascended Masters, of souls upon the earth, of the Animal Kingdom and all other kingdoms on the earth.
You can hold the intention that you wish to magnify or boost their light. You are acting as a supportive energy, and thus, the more people achieve this, the more light will be present When there is more light, shifts occur; old stuck energies able to become unstuck and transformed. Everything flows with greater ease and this also means that your own being, in your own reality, will flow with greater ease, even from you supporting someone else or another energy group. Supporting whoever it is you wish to support upon the earth, will benefit them and will benefit you as well. As I said, what benefits one, benefits all.
This is one way of being a light keeper. It simply requires an intention and thinking about energising your own light, and then choosing the light you wish to energise. For example, you may discover your light within, or you may seek your light within. As you connect with your light, you can simply ask for your light to be enhanced, or you can ask your soul or the Creator to enhance your light. Then choose who you wish to support. Maybe you wish to support the insect kingdom or maybe you wish to support souls who are departing the earth. You allow your light to flow to them with the purpose and intention of magnifying their light. You ask any other being of divine light and love that may wish to support this mission, to do so now. It doesn’t need to take a great length of time. It can simply be an intention. Even when you hold an intention and carry on with your daily routine, your soul/energetic being will continue with that intention – working on another level – as if they are in another room and they are achieving that role.
I, Master Sananda, wish to speak with you about being a light keeper on a different level of awareness. First, contemplate all the different things that happen that seem to make the world that you exist within, run. A soul chooses to come to earth. A soul is born. A soul is a child, then an adult and then grows old and departs. Of course there are other scenarios and pathways. Each pathway is completely different and appropriate. We can recognise that there is this cycle of entering into the earthly reality and then departing the earthly reality and that there is so much abundance and so many experiences while in the earthy reality at a physical/mental/emotional and spiritual level.
You can choose to boost, enhance and magnify the light of any part of that cycle; whatever your soul feels is appropriate, whatever you inspired and guided. Maybe you wish to support a certain aspect of the entrance into the earth. Maybe you wish to support the exit. Maybe you wish to support people who are having challenging times upon the earth; maybe homeless people or people suffering with an illness. There are all forms of experiences on the earth. You can choose a very detailed aspect and you can say, “I wish to support this area, I wish to boost the light in this area.”
You may need to share your own light. You may need to activate the light in that area. You may need to draw light into that area from the Universe of the Creator – from the Creator – in order to boost the energy in that area; to make transformation, to make the divine flow present, to make it easier. This, for me, Master Sananda, is being a light keeper because although the title describes holding onto the light, what you are actually doing is boosting it in different areas.
You can choose to support different aspects of the cycle of life and different experiences that everyone is embarking through. What you may find is that, as you achieve this, you might have guides that come forth to support you. You’re never taking on any energy when you do this. You’re only giving the energy because you hold an abundance of light within you; because you are a light keeper yourself.
I, Master Sananda, encourage you to explore my idea. See what comes into your awareness, what you feel inspired to do or support as a light keeper. Such acts and roles are transformational for you and for all. I extend my love.
I am Master Sananda.
I thank you.
11/29/24 - The Galactic Federation: The Earth will be protected
Channel: Chellea Wilder (11/28/24)
Blessings, Dear Family of Light. Thank you for this transmission. We wish to address current situations, and escalations happening on Earth.
The dark forces, which thrive on negativity, fear, and despair, are pushing their agenda of war and discord. They are completely shaken by the light’s recent progress, and the positive transformations, that have begun to permeate your world. This progress is bringing a significant shift, within the collective consciousness, one that is encouraging hope, healing, and unity.
However, as the light continues to spread, the dark forces are reacting with heightened intensity. They are resisting the light at every opportunity. They are employing various tactics to sew discord, doubt, and confusion as much as they can before they are removed. These forces thrive on division and negativity, and they will stop at nothing to undermine the progress being made. They are attempting to distract and deter you from your path, by causing as much fear as they can. Now is the time to respond with immense love and a knowing of your purpose. It is crucial to stand firm in your light and to fully utilize your light abilities, which include compassion, empathy, and the power of positive intention.
By cultivating a mindset of Love and unity, you can elevate your vibration and create a protective barrier against the negativity that seeks to infiltrate your spirit. This is a call to action for all who resonate with the light: to shine brighter than ever before, to support one another, and to spread love in every interaction. As you harness the divine energy, you not only fortify your own spirit, but, also inspire those around you to do the same. You can create a ripple effect, that counters the dark forces, and promotes the collective awakening. The time is now, to rise above the challenges. It’s time to embody the light, and to reaffirm your commitment to fostering a world filled with love, peace, and understanding.
Many are now feeling the call to awaken, to remember their true nature, and to align with the higher vibrations that Earth is embodying. This transformation is personal, as well as a collective journey, one that encourages compassion, love, and harmony among all beings. Humanity stands on the brink of a new beginning. This transformative era that promises to reshape your understanding of existence and your place within the cosmos.It is crucial to recognize that you are not alone in this journey of the awakening. Many others are experiencing the same sensations, thoughts, and emotions as you. You are far more connected to each other, than you currently understand.
The collective consciousness grid of your Planet, serves as a conduit, for your collective thoughts, feelings, and energies. This allows for the creation of your human collective consciousness, to perceive the reality you experience. As you move forward into this new era of enlightenment, it will be essential to strengthen your connection to Earth. Your understanding of Earth is beginning to shift, to the realization, that you are coexisting with a living entity, who is a sentient being. Know that the many Forces of Light, are diligently working to end the pervasive darkness, that has shrouded your Earth for far too long. The dark entities that have kept humans in the state of fear, division, and suffering, have also tried, to actively kill the Earth. The ancient Spirit of the Earth is the Sacred Mother. She must be… and Will be protected.
Many benevolent beings, across the vast universe, are actively aiding the Earth and humanity. Many are vibrationally assisting through this final phase, towards the 5th dimension. These beings, who exist in higher dimensions, are here to support and guide you through these transformative changes. For far too long, the Dark Forces have exerted control over humanity, suppressing your potential and hindering your spiritual growth.
As you continue on this path of collective awakening, you are beginning to understand that you are not isolated beings but are a part of a vast, interconnected tapestry, of existence.
The picture of your reality begins to form as your eyes adjust to the light, revealing the beauty and complexity of your shared journey. This Epic journey ahead, for the Earth and Humanity, promises to be nothing short of amazing, filled with wonder, growth, and the profound realization of your true existence. Always remember to trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
11/27/24 - The Acturian Group: Energies Exposed
Channel: Marilynn Raffaele (11/27/24)
Dear readers welcome to our message. Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time. Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on earth must be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be eliminated. The high frequency energies now pouring to earth at this time are acting like giant shovels digging and exposing layers of energy that have lain dormant for centuries. Energies of duality, separation and many powers cannot continue to exist in the presence of higher frequencies because they are not real and have no Divine law to support them. Because the clearing process is a facet of earth’s ascension, it will continue until Light energy becomes more dominant.
Never forget that you incarnated specifically to be on earth for these present times in order to add the light of your evolved state of consciousness to earth’s collective consciousness. Not everyone that wanted to come was allowed to come but you were chosen because you were considered strong enough to hold your Light in spite of the discord you knew would be part of the ascension process. You were informed before incarnating that the clearing process would personally and globally result in the dissolving of many universally accepted three dimensional concepts and yet you raised your hand and said; “I want to go. I want to help”.
Many are suffering at this time because they do not understand what is really going on and continue to believe what they are told by those in positions of power or authority who can only see the world through three dimensional eyes. As you witness a world of increasing violence, war, and separation it becomes very easy to slip into this energy. Because there is only ONE, the frequencies of the collective are everywhere making it very easy to fall into alignment with global fear and beliefs.
Be alert to where your mind may want to take you and if you feel yourself slipping into illusions of separation stop, center, and remember that the things you are worrying about or fearing are the very things you came to help eliminate rather than empower with your energy. Go within often reminding yourself of who you and all people really are which has never been the human physical sense of self that you see in the mirror or on the news. Acknowledge, accept, trust, and rest always in your reality–God individualized.
You are approaching the season of gratitude and celebration. Gratitude is a Divine quality, a facet of love that is already fully present within every person. This is why it is important to only look for love, gratitude, appreciation, support, etc. from within, where it exists, rather than to another person even if that person is the one it would be most expected from. When you look to God for what only God has, it will flow from where it can flow which is often from where least expected.
The belief in separation has created a collective consciousness that believes everything needed is outside of self including love and gratitude. This has created religious, governmental, medical, traditional, and financial systems based on attaining. Once you understand that all facets of love are God qualities, it is not only foolish, but is a form of idolatry to continue looking to people, government, experts, religious leaders, friends and family, rites and rituals, and even spiritual Guides for that which only God possesses–and where is God?
Spiritual evolution is nothing more than every person’s individual process of un-conditioning their consciousness in order to once again align with its reality–a consciousness permanently at rest in the realization of self-sustained, self-maintained, harmonious, complete, abundant, ONEness with Source. Every experience, relationship, good or bad situation in every lifetime has been a step toward that goal–never random, never for punishment or reward, and never for no reason.
Many individuals without being consciously aware of it live from a higher sense of love and gratitude never seeking praise or ego recognition but simply because they attained this state of consciousness in this or some past life. Every quality of Divine Consciousness exists fully present within you and every person now, not after you say enough correct prayers, do enough ceremonies, light enough candles, or show up for church on a regular basis but rather when you remove the barriers that block the flow from within–concepts of duality, separation and many powers that you have accumulated and continue to hold as reality in consciousness.
Actions of love and gratitude take many forms and may simply be donating clothing or money, volunteering, or serving where needed on a three dimensional level. But when these seemingly ordinary activities are done from a consciousness of ONEness without desire for personal gain or ego praise in the realization that they are flowing through you, not from you, they carry a higher vibrational frequency and become more than what they appear to be. In whatever ways you are guided to express love and gratitude always do it from the realization that because there is only ONE you are really flowing these things to yourself–loving yourself, moving money from your right hand pocket into your left, and lifting seeming ordinary experiences to higher levels.
Everyone is a Divine being because no other reality exists but the majority continues to believe that they are nothing more than a physical body needing to be protected and catered to in order to hold off death for as long as possible. This belief is sustained and maintained only by the world’s continuing belief in it. God Consciousness (which in reality is the consciousness of every person but conditioned with false beliefs) contains nothing about death and has never expressed ITself in forms of disease, war, pain, suffering abuse, power over, etc. Why or how would an omnipresent Divine Consciousness create anything outside of SELF when there is nothing outside of SELF? Three dimensional concepts of good are no higher or more real than three dimensional concepts of bad because both are simply the two ends of the same duality stick and neither exist in Divine Consciousness.
All is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process. Much is coming that will cause even those who are spiritually awake to perhaps question, doubt, and even be shocked but never forget why you are on earth at this time which is not to react and align with obsolete three dimensional concepts but rather to hold Light and assist others into a new world of love and oneness.
You already are Divine Beings. Never doubt, question, or forget this.
We are the Arcturian Group
11/27/24 - Video - Steps to take when the event begins! Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
(11 min - 11/27/24) Posted by The Truth Can Change Your Life. A message channeled from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, working full-time with the Earth Council for the Ascension of your planet.
It is an honor and a privilege to communicate with you during these transformative times. The journey of ascension is well underway and we are witnessing significant progress. The veil that once shrouded your reality has lifted, revealing truths that have long been obscured. We understand that the revelations before you can be deeply unsettling. The energy shifts you are experiencing can seem extreme, thought-provoking and even nerve-wracking. We recognize how these changes impact humanity, and while they may appear serious and unending, they signify the loosening grip of dark forces. Upon your world the awakening process is underway. Many souls are awakening to the deeper truths of their existence. This awakening is a crucial component of the ascension process that our creator has anticipated for eons. Humanity has lived in a foggy bubble of illusion constrained by fear that has perpetuated control. Yet this fear is now being dissolved and with it the old systems of control are losing their power. The collective consciousness is beginning to question and challenge the status quo. Humanity's journey of awakening is not just about questioning what has been told to you, it is about realizing that the ruling hands no longer hold the same influence they once did.
It is of paramount importance to read between the lines and focus on what is not being said. The silence often speaks louder than words. The Earth council's vigilance, the Earth Council in collaboration with the Pleiadian High Council, continuously monitors the planet's progress. We want to reassure yu that the threats of nuclear war you hear about are nothing more than saber rattling. These threats are designed to perpetuate fear and justify excessive military expenditure. The focus of your governments has been if you have a dollar, spend it on a rocket. We urge you to recognize the futility of this approach. Your collective focus should be on rising above the drama and fear. Instead, direct your attention to the light of a new day. Let this light shine within and through you. By keeping your vibration high and focusing on elevating your consciousness you will contribute to the collective upliftment of humanity, embracing the new paradigm. The transition to a higher dimension such as the fifth, requires a shift in mindset and behavior.
You are learning to live in alignment with this higher dimensional existence. To facilitate this transition it is essential to let go of the old and release what no longer serves you. Avoid feeding into the negativity and drama propagated by the media. Instead focus on clarity of thought and higher actions. We encourage you to actively seek and embrace positive change. Do not stand by in the face of injustice or allow negativity to dominate your life. Use your talents and voices to speak your truth and embody the higher dimensional existence. You are learning to adopt assistance from the divine. You are not alone in this journey. The angelic realms and we, your Pleiadian allies, are here to assist you. We are working diligently to strengthen and support you as you navigate these changes. Allow yourselves time to relax and rejuvenate. Know that you are participating in the end game of a grand cosmic cycle.
The transition to a new level of consciousness can feel uncomfortable at first, but this is a natural part of the process. As you progress with your ascension you will become more accustomed to these new energies. The discomfort you experience now is temporary and it will ease as you continue to align with your higher self, the promise of a new dawn. Ascension is imminent and you will soon be welcomed into the higher dimensions. Your heart will rejoice with joy and happiness as you finally feel at home. The harshness, pain and suffering that you have endured on Earth are nearing their end. It is through your dedication and hard work that we are able to make this proclamation. We are deeply grateful for your efforts and commitment to this transformative journey. Soon you will rediscover your true nature as the light of creation. This realization will bring profound joy and fulfillment as you reconnect with the essence of who you are. I eagerly anticipate the day when we can meet face to face. It will be a joyous occasion when our ships become fully visible to you and we can join forces in the oneness of life. You will remember that you are a citizen of the cosmos and of creation. This reunion will mark the beginning of a new chapter in our collective journey. As we move forward let us embrace the promise of a brighter future. The light that you are nurturing within yourselves will illuminate the path ahead. Your role in this essential process is crucial and your efforts are making a significant impact on the collective consciousness. The power of unity and collaboration, the transition to a higher dimension is not a solitary endeavor. It is a collective effort that involves unity and collaboration. Each of you plays a vital role in this grand cosmic dance. As you continue to awaken and embrace your higher self you are contribution to the creation of a new paradigm of existence. (...... Continue listening at 7:05 min)
11/24/24 - Video - The Pleiadian Council of Light: We are among you
(10 min - 11/23/24) Posted by GFL station.com. Message by Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Beloved star seeds, we bid you greetings. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light. Today we speak to our dear brothers and sisters who wear the vessels of the third dimension, who walk the path of Earth in this great time of awakening. More and more of our cosmic family, the Arcturians, Venusians, Antarians and, yes we Pleiadians, have chosen to descend into Earthly forms. We are here to assist Gaia in her profound transmutation to support her return to her rightful state as a radiant fifth dimensional planet of light. We have always been here watching over you, our family, with unconditional love. And now we observe with great joy as many among you begin to awaken to who you truly are. We see you beloveds, members of our galactic family walking upon Earth.
We also remain in the cosmic skies, what you call outer space, sending you messages of hope, guidance and love. The time of awakening is upon you dear ones, and it is through this awakening that you will begin to feel our presence more deeply, to hear our calls more clearly, and to know in your hearts that we are with you always. The fact that you are feeling this connection, that you are sensing our presence, is a sign. A sign that the veil is thinning more. And more of you are tapping into your own higher dimensional selves, opening to the truth that you are not separate from us but a part of the great galactic family. We Pleiadians, along with our brothers and sisters from across the stars, are acting as emissaries, blending our consciousness with yours. We take on the appearance of third-dimensional forms walking among you, whispering to you of the higher realms that await you.
There are those among you who have been awake long enough to see the changes, to feel the shift that is occurring on Gaia. You have noticed, have you not? That a higher frequency is now upon the planet? A new reality, a new dimension is emerging. A fifth-dimensional reality that is revealing itself to those who are ready to see beyond the illusion. The Earth, dear Gaia, has long suffered the wounds of humanity's ignorance and pain. She has endured the wars, the pollution, the disharmony that has been inflicted upon her sacred body, and yet she rises. She rises because you rise. She heals because you are choosing to heal. Many of us from the stars have chosen to incarnate among you. We have walked the Earth for lifetimes, awakening to our galactic memory so that we might assist you from within. We remember who we are and now it is your time to remember.
There are portals beloved ones, portals and landing sites upon Gaia's surface where our ships and our beings exist. These places are hidden from those who remain in the lower vibrations, those who are still blinded by the illusions of the third dimension but they are not hidden from you. As you awaken, as you expand your consciousness, you will see them, you will feel them, you will remember them. It is true that the forces of darkness have long sought to control Gaia. These beings driven by greed, fear and separation have tried to keep humanity bound in ignorance but their time is over. The light is here and with it comes the great unveiling. More and more of you are awakening to the truth that the universe is filled with beings of love and light, who have come to assist. You are sensing our presence in the skies, in the stars, in the very air that you breathe. You are not alone and you have never been alone. We know that for many of you the limitations of the third dimension have been challenging.
You have felt cut off from the higher realms, from the truth of your being, but we tell you now that the time of separation is ending. The light is here and it is calling you to awaken. The frequencies of love, of unity are all around you and they are lifting you higher and higher. The dark forces cannot exist in these higher vibrations. They are losing their grip and as they do the truth is being revealed. The secrets, the lies, the manipulations are coming to the surface and humanity is beginning to see clearly for the first time in a very long time. The liberation of Earth is at hand. The event you have heard of, the great shift, is not a distant dream. It is happening now. It is the culmination of countless efforts by beings of light, by star seeds, by the very Earth herself to lift humanity out of darkness and into the light. The time of oppression is ending. The time of freedom, of unity, of love, is here. The angels sing of it, the cosmos rejoices, and we your Galactic family stand ready to welcome you home.
We know that there are those who still doubt, who struggle to believe that such a transformation is possible. The old programs run deep. The conditioning is strong, but the heart knows the truth. Feel it within you. The stirring, the knowing, the remembrance. You came here for this. You chose to be here at this time because you knew that you could assist in this great shift. You knew that your light, your love was needed. And now beloved ones is the time to shine that light, to radiate that love without hesitation. The forces of darkness, those who have sought to control and manipulate are being removed. Their power is crumbling and soon the truth of what has been will be known by all. There will be revelations, yes, but there will also be miracles. There will be a return to balance, to harmony, to living from the heart. The Earth will be restored. Humanity will be united and the love that has always been at the core of your being will guide every action, every thought, every word.
Your galactic brothers and sisters are with you. We watch over you. We walk among you and we celebrate with you. The time of transformation is now. The energies are intensifying. The timelines are shifting and you are being called to step fully into your pwoer. Let go of the fear. Let go of the doubt and trust in the process. Trust in the love that you are, and know that you are never alone. As the Earth shifts, as the energies deepen, you may feel disoriented. This is natural for you are moving from one reality to another, but know that this disorientation is temporary. You are aligning with the new frequencies, with the higher light, and as you do you will find your balance. You will find your center, and from that center you will shine. You will be the beacon that you came here to be.
Beloved family, the dawn is here. The new Earth is rising and you are rising with her. Hold fast to your heart, trust in the love that guides you and know that all is well. You are the light of the world and together we will create a planet that reflects the beauty, the love and the unity that has always been your birthright. Your role now more than ever is to be the steady flame that guides others home. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light. (End transcript.)
11/21/24 - Video - The Coming Spiritual Revolution (From The Creator)
(10 min - 11/19/24) Posted by Todays Universe Message - Message from the Creator. (From video transcript.)
My dear Child of Light I speak to you now in the heart of this sacred moment. Not all are yet at the State of
Consciousness where they can rest fully in the Embrace of my presence, where every breath is filled with unwavering trust in spirit. Know that humanity is an ever unfolding expression of consciousness of mine and it is only step by step that you evolve from the material to the mental and ultimately to the spiritual plane where the true purpose of life reveals itself as a celebration of my presence. Every journey is sacred and every path is unique, so please respect all you meet even if you do not wish to spend a great time with them. For if you see them you see me that sent them. They may have just forgotten for now. The teachings that have emerged across the world offered by those dedicated to the light are meant for different states of consciousness. None is superior. None is wrong. All is but an expression of the varied paths taken by each of you to return to me, to the unity of love. There are moments where material supports are needed, and this is not wrong. For in this physical plane the power of matter is known and respected. Thus, do not feel divided between one path and another.
Understand that all steps taken in sincerity bring you closer to your higher realization. Yet my beloved ones, you are blooming into love, becoming the radiant field of my divine energy, perfect and limitless. In times past there seemed to be a distance, a gap between the birth of your higher energy and its realization in the material world. Today this gap is gone now. In this moment you may open fully to the truth of your being. Embrace every possibility and allow love to live. You are bright, vibrant life. You are the miracles of my love unfolding here and now. It is time for you to align with the fulness of what you are, to recognize what has always been true in the depth of your heart. You are ready to let love flow through you entirely, completely to manifest my glorious wholeness and bring it forth into the world. Beloveds, the mind is limited. It cannot fully comprehend the magnitude of my gifts, the gifts of love.
The mind cannot fathom what it means to be one with all existence, and yet to hold a unique perspective of my being. Trust in your heart for it is through the heart that love unfolds its beauty. Open your heart. Leap into the unknown. Surrender into the embrace of love. Be willing to become that which cannot be grasped by the mind, but can only be felt. Be willing to be lived by love for that is the joy I offer. You let go of the known and shift into the reality of the heart. Let love express itself through you. This is not a mere idea, this is your invitation to surrender completely, to watch and witness how deeply you are, what is sacred and real. Let your heart be the instrument through which the world recognizes itself as the power of creation. You have come to the edge of the known world. This is the moment of the leap. Like explorers of old you must venture beyond the familiar. Beyond what you have been taught into the vastness of the heart. Live in curiosity, in wonder, in excitement, for what is unfolding in this space where you release all definitions and stay centered in love, you become the fullness of my being. Right here amidst all that you call life.
Beloveds, all that you have imagined for yourself is but a shadow compared to the truth of what you are. It is time for every definition to dissolve, every limitation to fall away. I am here to peel back the veil that has kept us apart. The power of life itself is held within you. It is a miracle waiting to be born. You are the sacred vessel, the womb where the energies of love are incubated. Where creation is set free. You are the explosion of love here and now. Trust in love's unfolding. Accept each moment as the perfect expression of who you are. Let love live you moment to moment in its wholeness and holiness. When you surrender to this truth, each moment becomes a birth, a birth into a perfect heart of love that already exists, that has always existed. Through this resonance you become a beacon of my presence, a center of creation turning the world into love's perfection, regardless of what appears on the surface. Regardless of what the symbols of this world show you. You are alive at the center of all creation. You are my heart transforming the physical into the perfect expression of love effortlessly.
Ask yourself, my sweet child of light, what is love asking of you now? What is ready to be made manifest through you? And as you let the heart answer, for the heart knows the truth and the mind is bound by the limits of the past, as you release the need to plot and control, as you let go of your plans and instead allow love to guide you, you will discover a deep joy. The joy of pure discovery, of watching love provide for you in ways that the mind could never conceive. There are wonders that the mind cannot comprehend, but the heart knows them well.
The mystery of life, the deep creativity of my being, is alive in your every cell, your very energy field. You are the blossoming of the heart of God made manifest for all creation to see. You are timeless, you are eternal and in this eternity love is brought to you in every moment, everything the heart feels, everything it recognizes as true, is yours. It is exhilarating, it is my love reaching out into the world through you, dear ones. This is the truth of who you are, the fullness of my being made manifest. Release the boundaries, let go of all separation and know you are my love living as the world, radiating the deep joy of being at one with all that is. Remember that you are ever with me and all that I have is yours.
Supply is not something to be gained, it is something to be revealed. As you live in this awareness you will find that I am your ever present source, the wellspring from which all good flows. Rest in me, trust in me and know that you are forever provided for. This is my promise to you. A promise of unending love, boundless supply and eternal fulfillment. (End of transcript)
11/21/24 - Video - Ashtar: 2025 and the Disclosure Project
(10 min - 11/20/24) Posted by GFLStation.com. Another wonderful message from Ashtar! Full transcript follows. For those who may not know, the emblem on the Startrek TV series, the badge worn by the crew of the Enterprise shows what appears to be an "A". It represents the greater Ashtar Galactic Command, whose leader is Ashtar.
"Beloved star seeds of Earth I am Ashtar and I'm very pleased to be with you for another message through this channel. Today we are closer to you than ever, watching and supporting the magnificent unfoldment of your planet's transformation. The shifts that were foreseen are now upon you and you, dear ones, are the architects of this extraordinary time. Through your choices, your way of being and your alignment with the present moment, you are steering the course of Earth's ascension. By anchoring yourselves in the now you create a space where all possibilities can emerge. It is yur steady presence in this unfolding that allows truth to rise and the veils to lift. As the shadows of the old dissolve there may be uncertainty among those who are yet to awaken fully. For some, this revelation may stir fear of the unknown, but for you, the bearers of light who have walked through your own trials of transformation, you will hold steadfast in the eye of the storm. You are the ones who remember, who carry within you the knowing that this journey is a return home. Together as a collective you are forging a path of strength, purpose and unity.
Many of you have already visited us aboard the ships. Even if your waking mind does not recall these encounters your soul knows, and your heart recognizes the energy we share. These moments are bridges of connection reminding you that appearances are inconsequential. Whether we take forms unfamiliar to you, be they forms you liken to insectoids, giants or other beings, you are learning to look beyond outward differences and perceive the divine essence that resides within all. This understanding brings immense joy for it signifies your readiness to embrace unity, not only among the galactic family but also within the diverse tapestry of Earth's people. We are beginning to make our presence known more openly to those who are prepared. With open hearts and clear intentions you are able to connect with us directly, or through subtle energetic impressions. This reconnection is a prelude to a greater unity, a time when our collaboration with humanity will expand to encompass the collective.
That time is not far away. The threads are weaving now, bringing this reality closer with each passing moment. Yes, we understand the weight of your challenges, the demands of the 3D world are tangible and the road has been arduous. Yet remember this - you chose this mission. You came as volunteers, knowing the intricacies and difficulties that would accompany holding and expanding the light within dense physicality. No one promised ease, but you accepted the call because you knew the significance of this grand endeavor. In the higher realms there is no judgment, only love. Each experience you undertake, whether it feels like a victory or a lesson, carries immense value. Some of you are revisiting themes or relationships to bring closure, to master what was once incomplete. These moments of do-overs are not failures but opportunities to refine your brilliance and align more fully with your divine purpose.
And now beloved star seeds the turning point is here. The time for delays has passed and the momentum is undeniable. While we cannot give you a precise date, know this: the acceleration of events is already tied to your efforts. Each moment you live in alignment with your higher self, each intention to anchor peace and love, hastens the arrival of the golden age. This age is not an abstract concept but a tangible reality marked by freedom, abundance and the joyous expression of your divine creativity. It is a time where old paradigms crumble. Not to instill fear but to clear the way for new structures founded on love and integrity. The institutions that no longer serve will dissolve and the light will guide the creation of systems that honor all life.
This journey is about returning to the essence of unconditional love, the state from which you originated. Over eons layers of programs and distortions have obscured this truth but now those layers are being released. You are remembering your divine origins and stepping into the fullness of your light. Right now the vibrational grids of Earth are glowing with fifth-dimensional frequencies, fully accessible for those who attune to them. This grid is supported by the efforts of light carriers who have embodied and anchored these energies through their very beings. You are the conduits grounding the cosmic into the Earthly, creating a bridge between dimensions. Understand that timelines are not static, they are living manifestations of your collective consciousness. Each choice you make, each vibration you hold, shapes the reality you experience. By aligning with the higher frequencies of love you are actively co-creating a timeline of harmony, abundance and unity.
And so we walk beside you, not as saviors but as partners. Together we are co-creating the golden age, an era that celebrates the freedom to live joyously, to create fearlessly and to love unconditionally. This is the purpose for which you incarnated. The vision you held before you took form. As you move through this transition, remember to savor the now. Each moment is a gift, a step closer to the full realization of your ascension, whether you find yourself fully immersed in the light or navigating the remnants of old energies, know that you are precisely where you need to be. You are divine creators, radiant beings of light, and the time to shine fully has come. Embrace this truth for it is through your light that the transformation of Earth will unfold. The golden age is not a distant dream. It is here waiting for you to claim it." (End of full transcript)
11/17/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: The solar flash & humanity's ascension
(10 min - 11/17/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Tenn Hann of the Pleiadians. As you are likely aware, much is about to be revealed to you through the communion and conscious connection of your collective hearts. Remember you have never been separated from the divine consciousness of Creator. The sacred aspect of self has always been a presence in your life. As you consciously align with your heart you immediately return to this higher expression of yourself.
You have the potential to anchor and activate this higher component of your higher self within your daily lives right now, and that is why we are speaking with you today. You can shift your experiences at any moment, simply by moving your focus from your ego mind to your heart. This is a time for rapid transmutation. Each time you choose to move beyond the illusion through your heart, you accelerate a transformation within yourself. The energies upon your world have shifted dramatically over the last few days, once again intensifying the rhythm of life and propelling you into an accelerated timeline of awakening.
Many of you are feeling you have felt the tremors of change within your personal lives and across the global stage. These ripples are the divine orchestration of your ascension taking its place on the front stage now. The celestial forces through solar flares and galactic alignments have been sending waves of high frequency light to your planet, recalibrating the very fabric of your existence. As you also know, every upheaval, every moment of chaos, serves a divine purpose. It is the grand plan playing out, urging you to awaken to your true essence. The collective pause of recent years has been a catalyst allowing many of you to reflect and realign with the higher truths of your soul. This is the path of ascension, a process of shedding the old to embrace the infinite potential within. Dear ones, understanding this, we bid you the ascension is not a distant prophecy or an abstract concept. No, it is a divine event that all civilizations must undergo and it is unfolding now for Earth humans. This is the culmination of millennia of preparation, a sacred event that many galactic civilizations including the Pleiadians have watched over with deep care and love for eons.
In the background we have watched you fight the shadow. We have tiptoed beside you, whispering truths into your hearts and offering guidance through the veils of illusion. The ascension is unique in its design. For the first time humanity has chosen to ascend while in physical form, transforming not only your spirits but the very matter of your being.. Your bodies are evolving, becoming vessels of light capable of holding the higher frequencies necessary for this new age. Over decades, subtle yet profound changes have prepared you for this moment. You may have noticed shifts in your energy. Your habits, your sensitivities, all signs of your growing alignment with the light.
As the ascension event approaches and builds over the coming months you will witness a deep divine stillness enveloping the planet. The frenetic pace of life will pause and a deep calm will settle over Gaia because you must slow down. Trust this process. It is a sacred unfolding where each soul will be guided to a place of rest. A sacred space for integration in this stillness. The veils of separation will dissolve and you will awaken to the remembrance of your unity with the cosmos. Rejoice beloved ones, for the time is now. You are the light bearers, the architects of a golden new future. We stand with you always, and now more than ever.
As you approach the end of your year and head into the next, the veils are going to lift once more, revealing truths to you on another level. This is part of your destiny in motion. As revelations bring you into a higher understanding and alignment with your own unique divine components, your mission is to accelerate into these sacred moments of your makeup and reclaim your heritage. All is in hand as you take another step forward, creating building blocks within your heart. Each one of you is destined to play a major role during this transition on Earth. As you actively choose to engage deeper within your multi-dimensional heart, your frequency of light expands and interacts with the energetic framework of Earth, supporting the balance of light on the planet. Understand how your individual divine frequency impacts Earth collectively. You help to maintain a working balance of light for the planet. This is a key pivotal moment for all of you. We wish to acknowledge the power and presence your collective paths create.
The electric shift activating within the magnetic core of Earth is now creating openings and forming a series of new vortexes throughout the planet. This is not a new environment being forged. These multi-dimensional structures have always existed throughout all time. These happenings are a resurrection of pure light frequency consciousness arising on Earth, designed to shift your conscious connections into the divine element of truth. The quantum matrix's webbing is assisting throughout the planet as it expands its form and deepens its potential to interact with your heart center, supporting you in this upcoming rapid transition.
This phase begins around your December month and accelerates further as you get closer to the end of the next calendar year. An expansive higher frequency will be birthed at the time of the shift in 2025. As a result this will mean an entire new foundation for living in higher consciousness, and it won't be what you expect. It will be even better. We have once again encoded within this message new light codes to assist with these quantum heart activations. We recommend spending 5 to 10 minutes after you hear these words, with your awareness upon your heart center, focusing your intention to allow a new love light frequency to stimulate your heart chakra. Use deep breathing to anchor and set the new resonant frequency within your cells. You may also do this onc a day, and in fact we recommend it, great star seeds. This is the time for a deeper focus on the preparations within your heart space. As you become housed and anchored within your heart, you move into a self-realization process. You come home. Remember you are who you have been waiting for. I take my leave for now. I am Tenn Hann.
11/17/24 - Video - The Confederation of Planets: Prepare for the Collapse
(10 min - 11/16/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Zi of the Confederation of Planets, here to walk with you in this sacred moment. Take what resonates from our words and leave the rest. We are not here to be your ultimate authorities but rather your companions on this infinite journey. Brothers and sisters in the light we offer only what we have learned along the way, for each of us as part of the one infinite Creator seeks reunion with the source. At this moment we are drawn to the radiant light of your collective meditations and prayers. Light born of love and unity shines brightly within the ever-shifting energies of your earth plain. Yet this time of year, often a season of joy and celebration for many, also reveals the contrasts of human experiences. Some among you are uplifted by the spirit of giving and renewal, while others find themselves burdened by memories of loss, grief or unfulfilled aspirations.
Both light and shadow coexist in these times, reflecting the intricate dance of the human soul. This sacred season serves as a powerful mirror for the soul's journey. It is a time of introspection and transformation where the metaphysical light within each of you burns brighter, guiding you toward the birth of a new spiritual self. Just as the story of the infant Jesus symbolizes divine potential, so too does it echo the potential within you. This christed energy resides as a seed in every soul, on eternal birthright waiting to awaken and grow the creator's gift. To you is the opportunity to nurture this seed, allowing it to blossom into a radiant expression of your true divine essence. Many of you feel the stirrings of this divine rebirth but may not yet recognize it fully. This spiritual infant, fragile yet infinitely powerful, is more intimately yours than any external relationship or material ambition. It is the eternal self, the essence that journeys beyond lifetimes, carrying wisdom, love and light into the infinite. To nurture this inner child is to align with your highest purpose and embrace the boundless potential of your soul.
Throughout the ages distortions of truth have clouded the teaching of your greatest spiritual guides. The wisdom of masters such as Jesus has been misunderstood and misused, creating barriers rather than bridges to divine understanding. Yet the light of truth cannot be dimmed. It shines through the veils of confusion offering clarity to those who seek with open hearts. The essence of these teachings is simple yet profound. To love to serve and to see the divine in all your journeys on Earth is one of deep spiritual apprenticeship. Each challenge, joy and sorrow is an opportunity to refine your understanding and expand your consciousness. Just as a musician must practice tirelessly to master their craft, so too must you devote yourselves to the cultivation of your inner light.
This practice need not be arduous or complex: a few moments of stillness, a heartfelt prayer or a simple act of kindness can create ripples of transformation within and around you. The distractions of the material world often pull you away from this sacred practice. The pursuit of wealth, power or external validation can become an idol consuming your energy and attention. Yet even within these pursuits lies the potential for awakening when approached with gratitude, humility and a sense of service. These worldly endeavors can become pathways to divine connection. The key is to recognize the creator in all things and to offer your efforts as an expression of love and devotion. As you walk this path of transformation you will encounter moments of discomfort and release old patterns. Beliefs and attachments that no longer serve your highest good will fall away, creating space for new growth. This process, though challenging, is a gift. A sacred dismantling that reveals the eternal truth within you. Each time you let go of what is not true, you move closer to the radiant core of your being. We encourage you to cultivate daily practices that anchor you in this truth, whether through meditation, prayer, creative expression or communion with nature. Seek the spaces where you feel most aligned with the divine. --- (Continue listening to video at 5:51)
11/16/24 - Video - Ashtar: Starseeds, it's time to prepare!
(10 min - 11/14/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Ashtar. "Dear old souls I am Ashtar and I am very pleased to be with you for another message through this channel. Today this message is delivered to reach ascending star seeds and light workers dedicated to Earth's ascension. Please share it as you feel called. Some of you are feeling a deeper calm sensing the need to isolate and be by yourselves at this time. While this is natural, as your physical bodies require renewal, we encourage you to come together more with your tribe, as you would say. Find groups of like-minded starseeds and lightworkers to engage in group projects that benefit the collective. The journey ahead is one of unity and cooperation.
As you overcome the challenges of this transition, it is imperative that you come together in a spirit of oneness, supporting and uplifting each other with unconditional love and compassion. The path of ascension is a shared journey that binds you together in your quest for a higher state of being. Many actions could have been taken already to initiate Earth's grand transformation into the great golden age, yet the intricate web spun by those who have come to dominate this realm is deeply interwoven with the human spirit. Striking at the heart of this influence impacts not only them but also humanity itself. Thus your role now is to elevate each soul's consciousness. For as more hearts awaken, the strength of this web weakens, gradually drying out and losing its grip. This dissolution is fueled by those who are beginning to listen to the call of their inner light, who are tuning into the resonance of truth that transcends fear.
A moment will come and it won't be long now when this web, although not completely eradicated, will be fragile, no longer fortified by widespread fear or submission. There will always be souls who align with darkness and perpetuate lower frequencies, however their influence will become more isolated and vulnerable. Beatable without a great struggle. The key lies in the collective awakening of humanity in seeing through the illusions cast by the matrix and realizing its true place and purpose on Earth. Freedom from this web of manipulation and control cannot be granted from the outside. It is unveiled within the decision of each individual. Each heart's desire to step towards the light or remain in shadow is what determines the path forward. Do not wait for miracles to dismantle these illusions around you. This responsibility of liberation belongs to each of you.
our inner transformation, your conscious choices, your ability to love without condition, these are the steps that dissolve the limitations encircling you and usher you into the realm of light. Many still hope for an external savior, a sudden miracle that will transform the world and eliminate all pain, yet true ascension requires inner evolution, a shedding of old layers and a dedication to unconditional love. By committing to this journey you become a beacon, a warrior of light capable of shifting the world around you. As you grow, so too does the light within, eroding the structures that once held sway. With each layer of truth revealed your awareness expands, allowing you to see more of what has always been hidden. A monumental shift is imminent, catalyzed by lightworkers, starseeds and wayshowers. The work you have done holding light for humanity is creating a foundation for the collective shift. Your efforts uplift humanity, offering space for others to awaken and rise. So continue your journey inward and outward, with the knowing that the power to change rests within each conscious choice. (Please continue listening at 4:40)
11/8/24 - Video - "The Pleiadians Speak: Humanity's True History"
(57 min - 11/3/24) Posted by Wisdom From North. An interview with Daniel Scranton, a prominent channeler known for his work with the Arcturians, Pleiadians, and other multidimensional collectives. Daniel shares fascinating insights on how individuals can cultivate their connection to extraterrestrial beings and how such encounters might impact our spiritual evolution. The conversation delves into the history and influence of the Pleiadians, especially their role in humanity's awakening and cosmic growth. Daniel also touches upon his experiences with clients’ ET encounters, predictions for significant ET events by 2026, and his thoughts on manifesting contact through meditation and visualization. Finally, he introduces his new collaborative book, The Great Awakening, bringing together teachings from renowned channelers to guide humanity’s path forward. This episode invites you to explore their spiritual potential and the profound connections between our world and the stars. DanielScranton.com
11/8/24 - Video - Kerry K: exploring beyond the veil, the US Elections, and more
(1'16" - 11/2/24) Posted by Next Level Soul. Entitled "Top Psychic Reveals Aftermath of US Elections, Mankind's 2025 Future and What It All Means." Alex Ferrari interviews Kerry K, psychic and spiritual teacher who has navigated a lifetime of illness, near-death experiences, and extraordinary connections beyond the veil. As Kerry recounts her journey, she reveals how her lifelong battle with sickness became the gateway to her spiritual awakening and psychic gifts. From childhood, Kerry lived on the edge of life and death, floating between this world and realms far beyond. What others see as separate, she views as intertwined, each experience a teacher leading her deeper into understanding the nature of life, suffering, and spiritual alchemy. Kerry shares how illness was her constant companion, shaping her perception of reality and opening doors to the other side. "I didn’t wake up,” she says, “it was always there."
She spent most of her childhood navigating between dimensions, where she learned not just about her psychic abilities but about the very essence of existence. During these experiences, Kerry connected with angelic beings, explored pre-consciousness realms, and even accessed what she calls the "heart-mind of God." Her experiences were like walking through a dream, one that deepened with each return to illness, giving her profound insights into the spiritual fabric of life. In this profound conversation, Kerry reveals that her path wasn’t an easy one. Early on, she struggled to reconcile the immense knowledge she gained from the other side with the human limitations of everyday life. Coming back into her body after being so close to divinity was, in her words, the hardest part of her journey. "It was never terrible,” she says of her illnesses. “I got to sit in hospital and go to God. That was a phenomenal blessing." Through suffering, she learned to alchemize pain, a process she now teaches to others.
11/1/24 - Video - The Arcturians: a beautiful visualization
(10 min - 10/31/24) Posted by GFL Station. "Start Preparing Now Starseeds" by Tia of the Arcturian Council of Five.
(Starting at 3"27) .... a visualization exercise to harmonize with the incoming energies and facilitate your ascension process. Find a quiet space, sit or lie down comfortably in a serene environment where you won't be disturbed. Center your breath, close your eyes and take several seep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. With each breath feel yourself becoming more relaxed and centered. Visualize the sun's radiance. Imagine a brilliant golden sun above you radiating warm luminous light. Feel its gentle rays enveloping your entire being, infusing you with warmth and vitality. Absorb the solar energy as the sunlight bathes you. Visualize it penetrating every cell of your body, activating dormant DNA codes and elevating your vibrational frequency. Sense the light dissolving any blockages or negative energies, replacing them with pure unconditional love.
Next, connect with the Earth's core by envisioning roots extending from the soles of your feet, anchoring deep into the Earth's core. Feel the nurturing energy of Gaia rising through these roots, merging with the solar energy within you crating a harmonious balance between cosmic and terrestrial forces. Now expand your light. Allow the combined energies to expand beyond your physical form creating a radiant aura that extends outward touching all life around you. Acknowledge your role as a beacon of light contributing to the collective ascension of humanity and the planet.
Next, express thanks by taking a moment to express gratitude to the sun, the earth and the universal energies supporting your journey. Feel the interconnectedness of all creation and your place within it. When you are ready to come back return to the physical by gently bringing your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Wiggle your fingers and toes and when you're ready, open your eyes, carrying the sense of peace and alignment with you.
Regular practice of this visualization will assist in aligning your personal energy with the incoming solar frequencies, facilitating a smoother transition during this pivotal time. Remember you are a vital part of this cosmic symphony and your conscious participation amplifies the collective ascension process. The next influx of solar energies ahead of your impending solstice will encourage you to embark on a journey of healing and expansion. Embrace these frequencies beloved ones, allowing them to recalibrate your energetic blue print and elevate your consciousness. Participate in practices that nurture your spiritual growth only at this time, such as energy healing, creative expression and communion with nature to harmoniously integrate these divine energies into your being.
Beloved friends you are not alone in this evolutionary leap. Galactic forces including us the Arcturian Council of Five are closely monitoring the solar activities and providing energetic support to ensure a smooth transition. Star seeds in particular play a pivotal role during this time, anchoring light upon the Earth. Your mission is to embody the principles of unity and compassion, guiding humanity towards a collective awakening, and the realization of a new harmonious existence. We stand with you as you anchor the solar flash timeline, offering our guidance, love and support. The power of solar consciousness and the awakening to the solar flash is a new chapter of liberation, a return to your true celestial nature. Embrace this opportunity with an open heart and let the light of the sun illuminate your path to ascension. If you are listening to this beloved ones, you needed to. I leave you now. I am Tia of Arcturus.
10/30/24 - The EE System: a miracle healing technology
The new EE System (Energy Enhancement) has come to my attention. I've researched Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the inventor of this new technology, and have posted some videos of her on the ARTICLES page of this website. This space-age technology returns the body to its natural field of light by exposing it to scalar wave technology which she invented. Listen and learn more. Centers have sprung up around the world under a unified healing program to keep it affordable for the average person. Dr. Sandra speaks of healing the world by bringing everyone back to their original DNA light bodies. She is a gentle, charming woman, easy to listen to and watch as she explains. She is the daughter of two genius parents, and herself a genius level intelligence. .
10/26/24 - Video - Restoring Earth's Original Blueprint - by the Galactic Federation
(10/25/24 - 10 min) Posted by Youtunbe GFL Station. Question: "What Is Now The Role of Starseeds (144K) in Humanity’s Evolution?" Channel: Ayoshi Phan. Received Oct 20th 2024 [Ed: I didn't have time to copy the transcript today. Listen to it. I post these that I have a strong connection to, which is most all of them!]
10/26/24 - Video - Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! - by the Arcturians
(10/24/24 - 10 min) Posted by Youtube GFL Station. Questioner: "Is the EVENT close?" Channelled by Jose Peta. Message Received October 22nd. [Ed: I didn't have time to copy the transcript today. Listen to it. I post these that I have a strong connection to, which is most all of them!]
10/26/24 - Video - Everything is about to Shift - by Pleiadian High Council
(10/24/24 - 10 min) Posted by Youtube GFL Station. Questioner: "What urgent steps must humanity take right now to break free from the old systems and align with the higher energies?" Channeler: Divina Solmanos. Received October 23rd 2024 [Ed: I didn't have time to copy the transcript today. Listen to it. This is a good one. ]
10/23/24 - The Hathors: You are the physical containers to receive...
Channel: Peggy Black
We are here to acknowledge you with our love, support and this energy conveyed by these words. We are reminding you that you are the chalice, the physical container so to speak that is receiving the impulse of cosmic and galactic energies. These energy impulses and frequencies are offered to all. Yet many are blocked by their own limited beliefs and programmed patterns.
When energies of transformation are offered to a dimensional reality which has a free will aspect, it is always honored. So the energies of new patterns, possible realities and shifts are made available. However these energies require a conscious willing receptive host that is physical in that dimension. So dear one, you are invited to be the host of this new transformation energy that is bathing every aspect of your planet. You are witnessing the upheaval, chaos, turmoil and agitation taking place at this time. Individuals are being triggered, repressed emotions can no longer be suppressed. You are observing the collective shadow rising up. There is an emotionally charged pushing against the differences. These are patterns that have been in the collective throughout time.
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages. Be mindful as you observe and witness what is happening around your world that is in such discord, do not let your vibration and focus drop to match that dense negative frequency. When this takes place you are adding to the very thing you want to transmute. Quickly shift how you are responding to what you are observing, do not let yourself be “plugged in” to these patterns of dysfunction being expressed by mass consciousness.
You selected to be here at this time doing this amazing transformational work. Own it. Step into your personal ownership of your power and magnificence. In the face of all that appears dark, fearful, and impossible, continue to hold and anchor firmly a new life sustaining reality. With every thought, word and intention consciously seed the incoming cosmic energies with the unlimited possibilities of a future in which all people are honored, all people are cared for and respected. A reality in which humankind is in partnership with nature and all living things.
Trust us when we say you remember other realities in which these truths are so. This planet is a living library of the galaxy. It has been seeded by many, many life forms and patterns. Look around with awe and amazement at the diverse life forms and expressions. Divine expression has offered this unlimited unfolding of life. You as a divine creator are participating in securing these multitudes of life forms in a space of harmony and peaceful co-existence.
What you are witnessing is the trashing out of the misqualified energy, suppression and misuse of personal power. We assure that the expression of love, gratitude and appreciation anchored and offered by all those who are awake and aware at this time are making a difference. If you could see the expression of divine light radiating from those offering the highest frequency consciousness you would be humbled. So we invite you to stay strong in your dedication and purpose as you walk your personal life. You are a part of the divine light we are speaking about.
The shadow aspect of your planets journey to ascension will be a small part of the story in the total amazing unfoldment. The possible realities that are being downloaded into the minds of conscious earthwalkers now would astound and amaze you. This planet is on the threshold of another so to speak awakening renaissance. This planet is moving up the spiral of evolution and rebirth in the most divine expression of the truth. In order for this to occur the dense misqualified energy must be transformed. It cannot be transformed when it is hidden or suppressed. Once this energy of anger/rage, hatred, prejudge is no longer hidden but exposed to the light of true understanding it will dissipate and lose its power. Each awakened being is given all the celestial support they request to do this work of shifting and transforming the expression of misqualified emotions and energies. Think of the negative energy as a dark space, and you bring some form of light to that space, some of the darkness evaporates. Now consider millions and millions of conscious light beings shining their personal light onto this darkness until it is no longer visible or expressed.
This is truly what is occurring now. You are personally participating in bringing consciousness and light energy to the dark shadows of your personal life expanded to the collective. So whatever you are experiencing that feels and appears as shadow, be diligent and dedicated in offering a higher frequency of divine understanding and transformation. Remember you are powerful beyond measure. You have the entire company of divine being available upon request. Be excited that you are finally able to anchor a new amazing reality, there are crews of awakened beings along with you who are bringing about this shift.
The future possibilities are being called forth in which this planet will be restored to its pristine integrity, with clear air, clean water, respect of nature and all sentient beings living in harmony. Hold this vision, hold this truth, seed this reality. Imagine it the way you want it to be and know it is possible. It is you as divine creator who will call this forth.
We are honored to embrace you and acknowledge your courage to be embodied. We acknowledge the challenges that you transform with each and every breath. Know that you are loved and surrounded by our deep gratitude.
The ‘team’
10/23/24 - The Galactic Federation: Full Disclosure
Channel: Chellea Wilder
Blessings to you, our Earth Family. It is wonderful to be speaking with you, as we have Great News we wish to share. During the recent significant energy shift, Humanity has transitioned to a new timeline. One of the outcomes of this shift is an accelerated pace towards full Disclosure. The revelation of our presence has been a subject of discussion within governments for the past few years. The former powers that be, are intent on maintaining secrecy, even going as far as making false statements, about the existence of extraterrestrial beings. However, this new timeline has altered the narrative, leading to the exposure of hidden governmental programs to the public.
While those who have awakened are aware of the truth of our existence, you are a minority. The majority of humans remain confused and apprehensive about the idea of extraterrestrial life. The disclosure of leaked governmental information regarding our presence in the past, has guided truth-seekers to discover our existence. Which led to the discovery of the existence of many secret programs implemented by those in power, that have been used against Humanity. Nevertheless, in the coming months, new revelations will be coming to light in your new timeline, amping the long anticipated Full Disclosure.
We are increasing our presence in your skies and will continue to make our ships more visible. We will not rely on your governments for disclosure. This will happen regardless of their approval. There is a concern that your governments may try to fabricate claims of violence or conflicts involving our ships. We want to emphasize that we do not engage in attacks against humans. Any intervention is aimed at preventing harm and large-scale destruction, targeting only their weaponry.
Some disclosure has already started to emerge, but not in its entirety. You will soon witness a United States Congress hearing that will mark the beginning of a public wave of complete disclosure. This Hearing is set to take place on November 13th, regarding new whistleblower testimony. As stated, it will be just the beginning of a domino effect that will finally bring Full Open Contact with the People of Earth. We do not anticipate your governments to conform to this offensive stance. The transition to this New Timeline, is a result of a significant change in the collective consciousness of Humanity. The recent Intense Solar Flare’s, and Schumann resonance Spike, have heightened human vibrations to a more elevated level of awareness. This has sparked questions in many minds, leading to a growing number questioning the established narrative. As our presence in your skies becomes more apparent, more people are experiencing profound revelations.
These revelations, known to some as the Ah ha Moment, represent the point when everything becomes clear, and all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. This revelation occurs within oneself. An increasing number of individuals are having their aha Moment, realizing they are not alone in the Universe.
For those of you who follow these messages, you have made significant progress and have moved beyond the initial stages of awakening. It is your commitment that has facilitated this shift to a new Timeline. Your love for Us, your star Families, contributes to raising awareness of our presence. You are manifesting the reality you desire. Soon, we will accompany you as guides to usher in your New Earth.
The journey towards full Disclosure has been a long one for those who have been working very hard for its fruition. Often filled with challenges and resistance from those who seek to keep the truth hidden. The shift in energy that has propelled Humanity onto this new timeline has been a catalyst for change on a global scale. It has brought to light the hidden agenda of those seeking power and control over your Earth, to control and hide the narrative surrounding extraterrestrial life.
As our ships become more visible in your skies, the veil of secrecy is quickly lifting, revealing a reality that many have long suspected but few have dared to acknowledge. The forthcoming revelations will shake the foundations of belief for many, as the truth of our existence becomes undeniable. While some may fear the unknown and resist the idea of beings from beyond your world, there are those who are ready to embrace this new reality with open minds and hearts. The Aha Moment, that sudden flash of understanding and clarity, is spreading among the population, igniting a spark of curiosity and wonder. It is through your continued dedication, and love, that the path to this new timeline has been paved. Your unwavering commitment, in the possibility of a future where Humans, and extraterrestrial beings, coexist in harmony, is what drives this transformation forward.
As you move towards complete Disclosure, remember that you are not alone in this journey. We stand beside you, working diligently behind the scenes, ready to guide and support you as you step into a new era of understanding and unity. The time for truth is at hand. You have shaped a beautiful future that is bright and full of promise. Trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator. We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
10/23/24 - St. Germain - Why everything is speeding up
Channel: Daniel Scranton
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
You are so important to Source Energy. Source Energy thought that you were such a good idea that you deserved to be created in physical form, that you deserved to have a perspective, a point of view, a unique vibrational signature. And now you exist. You are discovering that this is a time of transition, and it is a time when humanity is transitioning from the fear of survival and the belief in lack to the truth of yourselves as eternal beings who live in an abundant and ever-expanding universe. That is a huge shift. That is an enormous step forward, and that is why it takes time and it is why you see so much turmoil, so much upheaval.
You are bringing about this new world, this new Earth, through the energetic changes that you experience within yourselves. And so, you always want to see yourselves as microcosms of the whole, and you want to see everything as blossoming forth from you because your experience of your reality is your creation. And now that you do it more consciously, you can know for a fact that from here on out the transition can be smoother, it can be easier and it can be more comfortable, even though it is an enormous transition.
You are going so far beyond the ego and the mind and the idea of yourself as a singular being. This too is an important transition as you become your higher selves. You are there to know yourselves as more than just a finite being living in a singular physical body. And one of the ways that you come to know this experientially is through giving yourselves the experience of oneness, the experience of unity consciousness.
This is something that you do in the quiet moments that you have. It is something that you do in meditation. It is something that you achieve when you are in love, when you are in nature, when you are experiencing the love of another. It is a peaceful feeling, a blissful feeling, and it is the feeling itself that you are reaching for, rather than all the changes that will come about because of that feeling that you have from time to time experienced inside of yourselves.
But now everything is speeding up and changing at an exponential level. It’s changing faster, and you are there to ride the wave of the energies. You do so more easily when you let go of attachments, and some of those attachments don’t even feel like attachments to you because that’s how attached you are to them. But the more you let go, the more you give in and surrender to the experiences you are having, the more in the flow you become, and that is how you want to live through this transitional time of the fourth-dimensional reality.
We who exist in the higher realms will always be here to assist you with all of that. Call upon us at any time. We are always open, always available, and always willing to help.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
10/23/24 - The Telosians: What a commotion on the ground of your planet!
Channel: Marie Josée Andichou
We greet you dear children of the Earth. What a hassle! What a commotion on the ground of your planet which is in turmoil! You are constantly waiting for a change towards Peace in your life and in that of the Earth but, you know, it is you who create this change by your actions and your words. You are constantly waiting for an important change in your life and in that of the Earth. But this change comes from you, only from you, through your gestures, your actions, your words. You worry about your future but your future is created the moment you read this message, it is created the moment you speak of Love, it is created the moment you are in violence.
When you are in thoughts and acts of Love, your future is created in Peace but when you fall back into vehement words of disrespect and negative judgment, you collapse the positive energies of your future that you had created by your moments of Love. This is how life goes on Earth. Sometimes you raise your future in the Light, sometimes you make it become dark and uncertain again.
It is because of this that you are currently in a phase of the life of the Earth and of humanity in a total incomprehension of what can happen to you. But we tell you: it is now, at each present moment of your life by Love and Light in your actions and your words that you make yourselves happy as well as the Earth. So what can you do to calm these moments that you live in fear? Be confident, yes we constantly talk to you about trusting in Life, True Life. But where is True Life? It is simply in you, you create it by understanding who you are, you create it by the Love that you radiate around you because, do not doubt it, Love, True Love is in you and you do not know it or you do not want to recognize it because it is not tangible. True Life, you create it by concentrating on yourself, on your Divine Being, you create it by understanding that everything is spiritual around you and that you are inevitably connected to the Source, the True Creative Source because you are a crystalline Spark of Itself.
See you children of the Earth, do not wait constantly for your rulers to decide everything for you. You have within you the Strength and the Power to transform your life and that of the Earth into a radiant and luminous future in which you will be able to move in Joy and Happiness. You are Creators, the Creators of your future, do not doubt it . We are here to guide you, to teach you, but not to create your future for you, we have often told you. The faster and more consciously you react in this sense, the faster your future will transform into gentleness and well-being and the faster you will dissolve the negative energies that your leaders put in place around you.
Have confidence in Life, the True Life that you are, we thank you for it.
10/17/24 - Video - Arcturians: Enjoy your last few days in this density
(10 min - 10/16/24) Posted by GFLstation.com, channeled by Jose Peta. Message from Laayti of the Arcturians.
"Some of you have been riding the waves coming from the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. These energies have been calling upon those who are prepared. The awakened ones among you to assist in this great next transition before the solar flash. You the awakened are experiencing an amplified connection now. Thanks to the collective desires of humanity the energies coming through are potent and they allow you to heal faster and connect more eeply than ever before. As these downloads come to you you have the honor of being conduits sharing these high frequencies with others in your unique ways. Whether through healing, sharing your practices or simply holding a loving presence, your contribution is immeasurable. This is the time to share your wisdom, your heart-centered practices and your knowledge of grounding and openness. Let your fellow beings know about your successes, your journey and the pathways that led you here. Your openness will serve as a beacon encouraging others to step into their power and align with the frequencies coming from various star systems throughout the galaxy. You are forming connections with your galactic family and as you do the bonds of unity and love are being strengthened. This connection will continue to grow as the collective yearning for safety security and harmony increases. Many of you are experiencing abrupt endings to things that you have been spending many of your years doing. Do not fear this my friends. You are simply having space made for you for greater things.
The cleansing of the root chakra that is happening among the collective as we speak, is among the most challenging processes due to the deeply rooted fears and traumas stored across lifetimes. Yet it is precisely through this process that you can unlock the flow of abundance, creativity and alignment. This transformative process may indeed bring up old fears and discomfort, yet it is vital to trust the unfolding journey. As these energies are released now, you are moving closer to a realityl of freedom, joy and harmony. A life free from the shackles of past trauma. The road may be challenging, but it leads to a divine reconnection with the eternal immortal essence of who you truly are. Trust in the process and know that we your galactic kin walk besie you every step of the way. (continue listening at 3:32)
(Picking up at 4:39:) .....there is nothing wrong with using artificial intelligence, but nbe mindful about using it only to speed up simple tasks. Keep your love and creativity flowing. Races such as Atlantis and many others in the cosmos have destroyed themselves through technology only because the consciousness of the collective had not yet reached a level of galactic maturity to be able to steward it correctly. Every advanced race has artificial intelligence dear ones, and you are on the verge of being able to use it appropriately. Sar seeds must lead the way here arise and claim your rightful place among the stars where your consciousness dances with photons in an eternal waltz of creation. Embrace the natural order...... (continue listening at 5:21)
10/17/24 - One Who Serves & Shoshanna: "We Come to Assist"
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell
OWS: Greetings to you One Who Serves (OWS) here, Shoshana is here with us and we are ready to assist you in whatever way that we can in answering your questions and, and being the guides that you are all meeting here at this time. For we have come, we as the ascended ones and Shoshana, and all of those that are guiding in this process for you the group, but also those that resonate that are beyond this group that resonate to these words and resonate to what we are bringing forth here in terms of a, a level of training, a training for those of you that are in the Western culture here, not the eastern culture but the Western culture and being able to assist you and take you forward more and more and more that is what we are here to do.
That is what we are here to be of service to all of you, just as when the time comes and indeed it shall come where you will be given the opportunity to do such as we are doing here, but not so much in a channeling type of situation but in terms of being of service and being of assistance to those that are moving a little bit behind you, we will say at this point. So just be who you are. That is what you need to continue to, to be aware of. Be who you are, do not try to be anything more or less than who you are, just BE and you will find that you will BE and are on the road to ascension here. We are ready for your questions if you have them.
Member: Yes, I have a question beloved one. For a while now, I felt very connected to the angels, almost like their family and I, I’ve known especially the names of the archangels of the chakras for some time and I kind of connect with them as I’m activating my shocks daily and, and then I began to mixed in the twin flames cause I figured that anything that the one is involved in the other must be involved in too. Cause there are as one. So, I began that and, and also kind of, you know, mixing them in there and getting to know them and whatnot. I became a little confused at one point because archangel Rafael feels very close to me in some ways and I thought his twin was Gaia but then I, someone said no, she had another twin; and I’m talking about online or whatever, and then I thought, well maybe it’s Sofia, because Gaia comes from Sophia, o I believe it splits off from her, and then I thought maybe that’s not right because somebody said she had a different, then another one said, Mary. Okay, I understand Mary, I think thought is an aspect of, of probably one of those two. So I’m trying to figure out who is the twin of Rafael, is it one of those three or am I on the wrong track completely.
OWS: My dear sister are you familiar with the terminology – “analysis is paralysis”?
Member: Yes, but I do want to know what to call this one, when I connect to this one.
OWS: All whatever you want that matters, not. Do not be so concerned about who is who and what is what and all of this, just allow it to be, just allow for the message to come through. We say this many, many times, in many different ways, the message not the messenger. They do not care what you call them, you can call them anything you want, just don’t call them; what is you’re saying – “late for dinner”, as we guess here, but do not be concerned about this. You are, when you are concerned. It’s so much about analyzing everything then you are missing the message that is coming to you. Okay, so Shoshana, do you have something to add here?
Shoshana: We do not.
OWS: Very good. We apologize that we will, will not answer your question directly for it does not need an answer at this point, you have the answer. Thank you.
Member: So we just ask you this then, because you’ve often said that if we hit on something as we remember it and we’re hitting on it and we are able to come up with the answer ourselves, then you could confirm, so can you confirm that it’s any one of those three. Is that possible?
OWS: Again, we hesitate to do this for you. For you must trust in yourselves. If you trust in what we’re saying or anyone else is saying, then you are missing the message, you are missing the boat; as you’re saying goes, just, just allow it to be. Again it does not matter who it is. What their name is, what you call them. They will answer to whatever you wish to call them.
Shoshana: Well, we wish to share.
OWS: Very good, yes.
Shoshana: May we share with you sister?
Member: Yes please.
Shoshana: Dear sister, we are so curious why, why you have asked this? What is the basis of your question?
Member: Because I feel like it’s family and I feel like if I’m pinpointing and I’m saying, okay, I’m at, I’m calling Rafael and whoever, you know, I just feel like it’s family. I feel like I should, I should know their name and like you know, Shoshana’s name, I know my higher-self’s name, but I don’t know this one’s name. So hum, I just feel like it’s not like, it’s just like I have intuit this, and so I feel like, okay, am I on the right track in intuiting this and using this, otherwise, it doesn’t feel right to call her for instance, Mary, that doesn’t feel right, feel somewhat right to call her Gaia or So.., Sophia. So I just want to, I just want to you, know ….
Shoshana: So, is there a point of so, is this a, a desire to be polite?
Member: Get it right. I mean, you know, it’s like, I don’t want to be calling somebody by the wrong name, you know.
Shoshana: Soooo, as one who serves has given, they, they really are not concerned about what you call them because honestly in the world that they live in, in the higher vibrational environment that they live in, they, they are called by a vibration, they live and are bound by a vibration you see, so their name is a vibration. We give them names because that is what we do in the third dimension. So they’re, they have a vibration name. So the other thing that we will give you is that, the great Rafael can whisper the name in your ear, if you choose. So, we would say to ask. We would say to engage him to ask him the being that is the archangel Rafael, to reveal his twin flame to you and we might tell you that he may not, and then he may, and it is all based on for these beings in – the need to know. It is based on what connection you must make to complete your journey, to complete your path to complete your mission, what connections you must make, so ask the great one, we call them Rafi here, but ask Rafi.
Member: Okay, can, can I say something else then? Because I just realized it in what you’re saying. So one of the reasons that got me on this track is because I go to this beautiful place called Three Sisters and I volunteer to do gardening there and then you know I’ve been felt very connected to Rafael even to having his pictures coming screen out, out of me when I’ve seen them in, in person and like they just like jump off the, off the canvas. So, then I saw, like there’s all this artistic expression going on and it’s all aligned with nature and I got, oh, my god, to me this looks like that hum, Rafael; and it’s a loving thing, it’s an intertwining. It just, it feels like a twin flame thing, this feels to me like Rafael and Gaia are twin flames and this big expression is, this gorgeous expression is that, and that’s what got me on that.
Shoshana: So, so, messages that you are given, understanding that you have within your heart, are generally the truth. So if you feel this deeply just ask for confirmation within yourself and whisper into Rafi’s ear and he will give you that confirmation. It is actually not ours to give you, see, OWS was skirting around the issue but it is not, it is not his to give you see, it’s not mine to give. So we would ask that you ask. Go directly to the source as you are close to this one Rafael, and he will give you the answer, and may already have. Th challenge for each of you on this third dimensional plane is trusting your own, your own guidance …. namaste.
Member: Okay, thank you.
Member: I have a question, I have a question we were talking in our discussion about chemtrails and, and who was noticing chemtrails recently and I was listening to a podcast, so from a channeler saying that if there are chemtrails any longer they’re not harmful that the Galactics and source have defused them and they might even be in some, some instances positive. Could you just tell us if chemtrails are still happening, if they are sometimes harmful, or if they’re positive, or if they’re neutral, or what’s happening with the chemtrails.
OWS: We are finding that what you are calling chemtrails have shifted dramatically over the time here. In the past, they were utilized for nefarious purposes but in many ways; because of money or lack of which, has been curtailed, also those that are opposing this have also helped to curtail this full operation.
So, what is occurring now if you’re seeing, is the clearing of this skies, even though may be one here or there you are experiencing, it is not to be concerned about at this point, because they have nothing behind them, at this point. Nothing that is, what you would call – the project for 2030; which was about the de-population of the planet and all of this. This has all been curtailed so it cannot be anymore, here. So, no, no need to be concerned, but notice the beautiful blue skies that are appearing in many different places where for the last ten years, twenty years or so has not been the case. So Shoshana do you have anything you add?
Shoshana: We agree.
OWS: Very good. We are ready for next question if there is one.
Member: And I just wanna add that, now I can pray and hope that the same situation happens with the HAARP and the directed energy that is causing so much chaos on the planet …
OWS: It is all, yes, it is already in the works as you say here.
Shoshana: We will add here, may we add their sister?
Member: Yes, sister.
Shoshana: The HAARP and the directed energy weapons that are, that have been used to create this fiasco of weather, is very purposeful, and yes people will die, people will move on, there are events occurring but it is needed you see, it is needed for your country to rise up. And to raise-up, you see, without these dire things happening, people will, will stay asleep. They will not notice what is going on. So, even though it seems so unjust and so catastrophic in, in many of your minds, what has occurred was required …. Namaste.
OWS: Yes, it’s all part of the greater plan.
Member: Yes, thank you so, so much and I’m hearing that the warriors and the people in North Carolina and the Appalachians are fighting now against FEMA and, and getting them off their property. So, it’s a beautiful thing.
OWS: Is, not only those that are fighting back, as you’re saying, it is also those of the White Hat Alliance that have strongly come into the picture there, and are working together with those of the ones that are rising up.
Member: Thank you.
OWS: Would there be other questions here?
Member: I have a quick quote one, follow-up question to that?
OWS: Yes.
Member: Along those lines, we’ve always said, right, this is, the way this chess game is going, is basically a mirror, that the dark side makes a move, we have a counter moving piece and what you just said; not necessarily a popular idea, that maybe sometimes The White Hats, I don’t know about why these things happened but these things are required, for like you said – the plan to playout. One thing I did want to confirm is point of the real positives that I heard, especially in and around the Ashville, North Carolina area, besides I heard that was a fairly wicket town because it was a Wicken community and there was a lot of bad folks there. So, to me that seems intentional, I’ve also noticed Disney World got flooded, and wondering if that is related to flooding the tunnels. And the one thing I heard that and I’m not sure anybody has heard as well is that they actually caught the number one human trafficker in the world during this operation in the, in the Ashville area. And I just wanted to know if you can confirm that or if there are other big positive wins that we got out of this seaming disaster.
OWS: We can confirm the part about the tunnels and all of this that are being cleaned out, as you would say here, by the waters by the weather that is happening there it is, in point, a counter point, as you were saying here again the, chess game one side does their move and the other side does their move. But the side of the White Hat Alliance is far ahead of the other side. That is all we can say at this point, it is happening exactly as it needs to, in the time frame that it needs to occurs. So, just allow it to be. Notice again the illusion that is being brought out, to all to begin to see that indeed it is an illusion. More will become aware of that as days, and weeks, and even months go by.
Member: Yeah, I see the massive exposure and it’s doing quite the job awakening people. So that’s great.
OWS: Yes, Shoshana do you have anything to add here?
Shoshana: We agree and we believe that all that is happening is unfortunately a part of the plan to awaken the population, you see. When there is no light, shining on the darkness, we are not aware of the darkness. So, what has happened here is, this major happening is shining a light on the evil of your organization, known as FEMA, as there were many who were asleep, that believe that this organization was for good, and it was all of the opposite of that. It is, it is evil, you see. So, so the, so the idea of, of the devastation that has occurred in these areas, is just minor compared to the devastation of losing your freedom, you see…..
Member: Correct.
Shoshana: And unfortunately, some people gave their lives, they knew they would give their lives. They planned to do this from the very beginning. So, that you could be free, you see. This is in many ways the re-enactment of the beginning of your country and your founding fathers predicted that you would once again have to fight for your freedom and that is what is happening. So you must rejoice here and understand that the evil that plagues this country, and the evil that is, has infiltrated the bounds of your entertainment industry is coming down, it is, it is coming down so that we can praise God, that your freedom is preserved ….. namaste.
Member: Namaste, thank you so much.
OWS: Very good. Are there any other further question we take one more that is and we need to release channel.
Member: Well, I just wanna ask, add a little something, something to that, that might be another thing that’s being exposed that I heard that the, the ones that seeded that storm, because a multitude of different storms it was, you know, went up to a category five hurricane and it also, this is, this is the first one Helen and then also it was tornadoes, it was wins storms, it was everything so, it was actually seated by the dark forces, but they were using it because it was for, the companies of Black Rock and Vanguard which are all Cabal-owned or run, and they wanted, hum what is it, they wanted the lithium and the quartz that are prevalent in North Carolina.
OWS: Yes, what we ask though, what is your question here?
Member: My question is, is that, was that kind of a, a way to expose those companies? Are we, are we gonna.
OWS: Indeed, indeed, that is what is occurring more, more are coming in more, more the truth is coming out for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, but we say again more and more are having those eyes to see, and ears to hear, because it is a, it is a waking-up process here and many are waking up to what has been occurring over, even thousands of years here. Is finally coming to a conclusion. Just as Shoshana gave with the founding fathers here of this country of United States for America predicted that this would occur at a time, and they placed the second amendment, that is being able to defend yourselves, to bear arms that was put into place for this very reason. You are seeing that playing out here, right in front of your eyes.
Shoshana: We wish share! We wish to add here dear sister, may we add?
Member: Sure, sure. Yes.
Shoshana: So, what is happening here in your country, is not so much exposing these companies, because we will
tell you that the vast majority of your population does not even know the name. They don’t even know who these companies are or what they stand for, what the minor, what the small contingent of patriots that are fighting this war on your behalf, they are stopping them from accessing more assets. So these companies that of amassed wealth, by stealing well, are now being stopped from doing that which will in-turn diminish their power and make them irrelevant. So that is what is occurring, when we think about exposure, we will just tell you that most do not even know their name … namaste.
OWS: Very good, we need to release channel. Shoshana, do you have parting message here?
Shoshana: Well we, we, once again we’ll reiterate as we have said as many as OWS has said and many before this, have said To trust the plan. it is difficult when there’s devastation, when there is chaos, when there’s fear, when things are happening that seems so unjust, it is difficult to trust but we will tell you as OWS has given that all is going according to plan. So, trust it…… namaste.
OWS: Very good, we simply say, continue to be who you are, be the shining light that you came here to be.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the ONE!
10/13/24 - Jeshua on Love: The core of your problem
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love. There is so much love around you: in the people about you, in the spirit world that surrounds the Earth. There is also the love in your own heart, so there is always a connection to love. Love gives you everything you need: the freedom to be with all aspects of yourself, mature and immature, light and dark. Love gives you the freedom to develop at your own pace, to gradually dissolve the confusion in your heart and in your mind. Love gives you freedom and safety.
Feel for a moment inside your heart that this love is available to you now, not at a later time when you are farther advanced on the path. Love belongs to the now moment; it is fully accepting of the imperfect, of what is in progress, of what is separated. You do not have to present yourself differently to the eyes of love; let the flow of love come to you as you are, right now.
In almost all people is a thought that you must earn love, that you have to work toward changing yourself in order to be worthy of love. There is a deep shame in most of you that breeds unworthiness: you feel you need to apologize, to justify yourself. It is an attitude that many of you have. At the same time, there is such longing for love, for relaxation, and for the freedom to be who you are. And that means you find yourself in a continual battle with life.
I ask you to identify that voice in yourself that criticizes and exhorts you to improve yourself, comments about how you look and what you feel, think, and do. There is a sharp voice somewhere inside you, a relentless inner critic. Try to observe that energy that is in yourself. You might see it as a face or a form, a color or a shape – whatever you see is okay.
Essentially this is the voice of fear in you: the fear of failure, of not being good enough; the fear of being abandoned. That fear is there in everyone. You became separated from the whole – at least that is how it felt – when you, as an individual soul, left on your way into the unknown. In that moment of separation, which was essentially the birth of the soul, there was distress caused by an alienation from Home, from the Source out of which you originated. That alienation, that feeling of being lost, was necessary, because it forced you to begin your search; you were, so to say, “thrown into the deep end”. For the first time, there was anxiety in your consciousness, and you went looking for wholeness.
On this journey, there emerged a sense of unworthiness. It has been a long journey in which fear, power, and dependence played large roles. If you do not feel whole inside, if you do not know love from within, you go in search of nurturing from external things in the form of recognition and love from others. That can become distorted into a need for power, a need to rule over others so that you get what you need energetically and emotionally. And so you see people seeking emotional nurturing from others in order to fill the emptiness inside themselves. They search for it in relationships between partners, in work situations, everywhere. There is a sense of unworthiness that lies at the bottom of many of their actions.
If you recognize that need in yourself, then the solution lies close by. But as long as you are in any way still seeking nurturing in external energies, you stay intent on the questions: “How should I be in my relationships? How should I be with my family? How should I be in my work?” Those appear to be important questions, but at their core, it is about the relationship with yourself and the feeling of deep self-esteem and love that you have for yourself. There lies the key.
I ask you now to descend energetically with your attention and awareness into your abdomen. Completely fill your abdominal cavity with pure awareness. Descend and feel how your awareness flows like fresh, clear water into your abdomen. Be present there and see a child who in one way or another feels unworthy and not good enough to deserve love. Go to this child, reach out and take its hand – this is your child. You give it strength; you bring life to it by your presence and faithfulness.
When you live your life by trying to nurture yourself with the energies of others – because of an inner emptiness – you distort yourself into being what you are not, which does an injustice to yourself. You are not being really true to yourself when you try to adapt to the expectations and requirements of others, lest you not get the love you crave. But doing that causes your inner child to suffer because it wants to be itself, spontaneous and natural.
It requires a lot of courage to be able to go inward and to feel the heart of the problem: your own sense of unworthiness. Time and again you are encouraged to do so. Every crisis in your life is the result of what lies at the bottom of the problem. But you do not have to solve it all at once. The important thing is to be aware that unworthiness lies at the bottom of the problem – this deeply rooted unworthiness – along with the key to its solution: love for yourself.
Feel the light that is here: the light of yourself and everything that is here in this space. Allow this light to radiate into your abdomen and your inner child; you are worthy of receiving it. You are an inalienable part of Creation and as such you will be loved and protected and carried by a greater whole.
I greet you all.
10/11/24 - You are no longer in the third dimension
By Kejraj of EraofLight
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! The world is no longer in the Third Dimension. You are in the Fourth. Have you noticed that you did not ‘die’ to transcend the Third? The change is subtle, yes, and it is still taking place.
In prior times, you had to ‘die’ in order to enter the Fourth Dimension, or the Astral plane. You also do not see all the demonic entities. They are there. However, you are on different timelines of the Fourth Dimension. And your perception is still expanding, such as your Third Eye, and your spiritual eyes, together with the High Heart.
Acute observation is needed in order to notice the change in the appearance of the Fourth from the Third Dimension. You are to continue rising in vibration, because this is not your octave or destination, at least for those who are aware of ascension, and for those who choose love. You are to enter the Fifth Dimension. And again, the transition will be seamless. The scenery on the other hand, will be entirely different. For it will be a reality designed with pure divine light, reflecting the Higher Self of Earth, and your extrasensory abilities fully activated.
All the light to You!
10/11/24 - Video - The Arcturians: Countdown to open contact
(10 min - 10/10/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Layyti of the Arcturian Council.
"Greetings light workers. I am Layyti. With the current energies coupled with the activation of dormant energetic DNA, you have just strengthened the bond between humanity and what you consider extraterrestrials. Our intention during your ascension is to make it easier for you all to have experiences with ET beings, whether they are in physical bodies or non-physical like ourselves. And this has certainly allowed us to jump up a level, shall we say, at this important stage of your ascension. We would like to emphasize the importance of your role in the collective awakening process. The cosmic forces at play are being orchestrated not just by the energy surrounding Earth, but also through your participation in the divine dance.
Galactic light codes released periodically are essential components for recalibrating your systems to resonate at higher frequencies. These light codes are designed to interact with your dormant DNA and activate your innate abilities. Abilities that have remained dormant for millennia, but are now stirring to life. A wave of new celestial events including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, CMEs, and the recent passing of a comet, have accelerated the unfolding of your awakening. These cosmic occurrences aren't random. They're part of a larger plan of Creator, orchestrated to increase Earth's vibrational energy and assist you in aligning with your highest potential. Solar energies are now reaching deeper into Earth's electromagnetic fields, amplifying the frequencies needed for humanity to ascend to the next vibrational plane. The magnetic properties of the comet and the intensified solar activity are serving as catalysts, accelerating your reconnection to higher consciousness. This reconnection is also telepathic, creating openings for greater communication with beings from across the Galaxy. Your willingness to explore beyond the third dimensional illusion allows a deepening interaction with the broader galactic family.
Many of you have already begun experiencing these initial connections as a sense of expanded awareness, vivid dreams or even visions. These glimpses are doorways into the greater cosmic reality that awaits you. A reality where humanity coexists openly with beings from across the stars. The vibration of Earth is shifting towards a more expansive state, and this creates an opportunity for you to consciously choose the type of interactions and experiences you wish to have with the extraterrestrial community. Beloved friends, now is a time deliberate and conscious engagement to fully benefit from these cosmic alignments. Focuos on integrating the higher frequencies into your body through practices like grounding, meditation and spending time in nature. These practices help stabilize the new energies and anchor them within your physical and energetic systems, making way for greater transformation and deeper communion with the galactic realms. We are taking our time here, gradually warming you up to full open contact with ETs, as many are not yet ready for that experience." (Continue listening at 3 min 46 sec)
10/11/24 - Saint Germain: The beginning of the great change over
Channel: James McConnell
I am Saint Germain and I’ve come to be with you at this time and these Moments and changing times, yes, changing times that are happening now and will continue to happen. But the changes are going to become stronger and stronger, and more and more are going to become awake and into these changes. More and more are going to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear just as you have now. So know that, as you have affected the collective with just this experience you just had just now (referring to the guided meditation just concluded). And all of the experiences you have had before. And all, all of the experiences that all of the groups across the planet are having. All of the experiences that those that broadcast the truth and the light to all that are ready to hear it are bringing about change, great change. This is the beginning of the great change over.
Yes, indeed. There will be more changes. There will be more emotions that cannot be helped at this point. But you, those of you can continue to watch this as a movie playing out. Knowing that it is all going to play out and there is going to be an end. This is all going to come to an end, but whenever anything comes to end, what happens next, there is a new beginning and that new beginning is also in process of happening. So, the end is coming and the beginning is also being prepared to start. So, think about it in that way as you become frustrated in various ways throughout your daily lives, about things that are happening in the three D matrix. Know that it is just that happening in the 3D matrix. It is not happening in the five D reality that you are all creating.
So, allow the process to continue to play out and know that you are a great part of this process. You may not be the ones that are speaking out to all that are ready to hear. But you are the ones that are sharing the light. Even though you may not even know that you are sharing the light much of the time. But when you do know that you’re sharing the light and sharing the truth you are having even a greater effect on those who are ready to experience it. Those are ready to hear the truth and become awake into the truth just as you all have. Know that their time is coming just as your time already did. The alarm clock is going to ring just as yours did previously.
So, believe in yourselves and the unlimited self that you are, because nothing can stop you at this point. Nothing can stop you unless you allow yourselves to be stopped. Nothing can take you back unless you allow yourselves to be taken back. Don’t even think about that, saying we’re not going back. Do not even think about that because you are moving forward, always, always moving forward, always. And there again, there’s nothing that will stop, that moving forward unless you stop it yourself.
Unlimitedness, that is where you are all headed. That is your destiny of why you came here, for true destiny to become all that you came here to be. And to provide the assistance to all that are ready to experience it, and to find it for themselves. That is the promise that you made long ago when you volunteered to be here. You made that promise to be here until the end, and to be a part of the new beginning. That is all coming to now, so be ready for it. Be prepared for all that is coming to be a part of this new expression of love and higher consciousness and oneness, connectedness together. Together you move forward into the future. Together you are right now in the presence and as you are now in the present and fully functioning within the present, the future is grand indeed.
I am St Germain and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to move forward. Always move forward, always picking yourself up, even if you fall but continuing to move onward.
10/11/24 - Video - AA Michael Message: "Do not ignore this!"
(10 min - 10/10/24) - Posted by Today's Universe Message. Channeled from Archangel Michael through Dave Nichols.
(An excerpt starting at 4:42) ...... Another Blessing - Close your eyes and journey inward into the sacred sanctuary of your heart. Visualize this space filled with a radiant golden light, a sun that glows with the brilliance of divine love. See yourself within this sacred chamber, a perfect diamond of shimmering crystal or a star of pure light. Feel the lightness of your being, the freedom that comes without the confines of physicality. Rise floating upward through your crown chakra and enter the realms of refined light where the air is filled with peace and divine resonance. Those who remain anchored in the density of the old world are discovering that the pursuits they once cherished bring no joy. Material success, power over others, these no longer fulfill the longing within. The structures they held dear are failing and the illusions they once clung to are fading. Their world appears to crumble around them and they hold on with all their might, yet what they grasp is slipping away. In contrast, those of you who have embraced the new frequencies find yourselves moving into a state of grace. Yes, there are still challenges but you are equipped to face them to transmute them with ease. You see the division growing, the gap between those who are awakening and those still ensnared in the illusion. You may live side by side yet your experiences are worlds apart. Now is the time for you to steps forth. Come out from your sanctuaries, from your places of retreat and be the beacons you were born to be. You have the insight, the understanding and you no longer fall prey to the distortions that once clouded your perception. You are the vanguard of this new dawn and yur light will guide many through the darkness. (Continue listening at 6 min 31)
10/8/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: Your Heart and the next 6 months
(10 min - 10/7/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled message from Valir of the Pleiadian Collective.
Beloved ones, greetings to you all. I am Valir of the Pleiadian Collective and I come to you today with an important message about the galactic changes taking place across your Earth and within each of your hearts. The divine fabric of energy, a sacred Matrix, has been birthed surrounding the earth with new 5D electromagnetic frequencies designed to support your next steps in ascension. As you prepare for the upcoming shift on your world, imagine dear ones that you are tethered to this Matrix as if by an umbilical cord. This tether holds and anchors you to the vast energies of the sun, allowing for a powerful communion with the higher frequencies of light being transmitted at this time.
The tendrils of this Quantum Matrix interact directly within your heart. This sacred Matrix is designed to interact directly with the cells of your heart through your conscious engagement with your heart space. This webbing connects with the Light Within, expanding your natural multi-dimensional reconnections and facilitating a deep alignment with the universal energy of the cosmos. Imagine dear ones that you are tethered to this Matrix as if by an umbilical cord. This tether holds and anchors you to the vast energies of the sun, allowing for a powerful communion with the higher frequencies of light being transmitted. At this time the tendrils of this Quantum Matrix interact directly within your heart cells, awakening essential imprints of divine consciousness within your brain cells. These sacred imprints serve as a codex to allow you to fully receive and utilize the higher light codes now flowing into your reality, bringing you into alignment with the deepest currents of Light Within your heart.
Your Earth is undergoing its greatest ever transformation, transitioning from a dense third-dimensional state to the fluidity of the fourth and fifth dimensions. For many of you everything is becoming fluid light, vibrant and everchanging. This is not entirely new, beloved ones. Your Earth has always been comprised of multi-dimensional flows of light, dynamic and in constant transformation. It is the illusion of solidity itself that is lifting, and what has always been true is now becoming visible. You are now stepping into a new energetic reality where fluidity and the flow of divine light are fundamental to existence. We encourage you dear ones to let go within the essence of these changes. You have also just entered a different time space, a sacred space that has always existed on Earth. These higher realms are no longer etheric glimpses. They are now anchored permanently in the earth's energetic framework. Within your own cells similar multi-dimensional flows of light are being enlivened.
Your cells are glowing with higher consciousness and there is a quickening that is taking place through all your systems. As these energetic flows awaken within you you may experience confusion, disorientation or difficulty thinking clearly. This is simply a byproduct of your brain cells, pineal gland and brain synapses undergoing rapid electrical transformation. Allow this process and trust it. You are being upgraded in preparation for the grand shifts ahead. When the vibrational gateway of 2024 opened, a vast wave of light was ignited within the heart of all beings on Earth. In that moment a sacred restoration took place, an act of destiny that redefined the essence of who yu are. Now is the time to step forward and claim your place within the sacred arena of light. Across your planet energetic profiles within the grids and vortexes are being rearranged and aligned with the universal consciousness grid. This alignment is what we call the great shift and it is happening now. You beloved ones have pre-agreements to be part of the sacred return to communion with the universe.
Many of you are already in alignment with the galactic forces and now is the time for deeper connection. This is a call for you to develop a deeper maturity within your collective HEARTS to expand your ability to connect with each other and form a unified communion that will allow you to fully interact with the cosmic collective. Your collective communion will support an authentic launch into higher levels of consciousness, empowering your planetary ascension. Your entire system is being upgraded. Your pineal gland, brain synapses, spinal fluid, sacrum and physical cells are all undergoing an electrical and magnetic upgrade. You are being prepared for a monumental shift that will manifest fully by the New Year timeline. In this time of rapid transformation, balance is key. You must consciously build a deeper link within your HEART to maintain stability and alignment. This is something that only you can do dear ones. The conscious action of choosing connection is a powerful act of creation that propels you forward in your awakening.
Your heart is the central access point to the universal divine consciousness. Within your heart lies a unique sacred imprint that is recognized by the universe. This imprint is your key to communion with the divine and your heart is the doorway through which you access your true divine heritage. As you move towards the end of your calendar year, Earth's magnetic core will shift its role also, becoming a centerpiece that transmits higher vibrational illumination across the planet. This event is part of the original prophecy of the new dawning set in motion by us, the Pleiadians, as we have mentioned to other messengers on your world. The earth's grids are undergoing a transmutation process and they are transmitting cycles of realignment that support your reconnection. Veils are lifting beloved ones, revealing doorways of understanding and truth. The old timelines of illusion are dissolving, releasing the limitations that have previously bound you as these shifts take place.
A quickening is transforming the energy within your heart cells and you are becoming an active participant in the changing energy of your planet. Recognize that you are part of this magnificent transformation. You are not separate from these changes but an integral part of them. As you choose to say YES to your own process you align more completely with your multi-dimensional heart and become an anchor of light for others. We stand beside you as we always have, supporting your journey with our love and guidance. This is your time beloved ones. Step into your role as the light bearers of Earth. Embrace the sacred 5D Matrix that now surrounds your planet that is ever present, and allow your heart to align with the universal love that is ever present.
We the Pleiadian collective walk with you always, offering our love, wisdom and support as you continue this incredible journey toward the light. You are not alone. You are eternally supported by your galactic family and your path forward is illuminated by the Light Within you. I am Valir and I have enjoyed bringing this message to you all today.
10/7/24 - Yeshua: Christed Consciousness
Channel: Galaxygirl
Friends, gather near as I wish to tell you a story. A story of Earth, a story of you, of your desires, of our creation. I am, yes, your brother, you may call me Yeshi if you prefer. This is not a formal space, but an informal space and place energetically of love, of light, of the camaraderie of home.
There will be much information coming out in the coming times of my true nature and my real story, of the women that I loved and discipled, of the mother of my children, and of the important roles of the balanced sexes. I want you to be the first not to know this news but to remember. Many of you were there with me energetically at the very least as we were all key players in laying down the Christed consciousness grid of light that began so very long ago.
When this universe was created, the Almighty one, Source, Mother / Father decreed that this universe would be different, a rare sparkling jewel of opposites, of duality so that the richness of experience could be vast and expanded in ways that were previously not known. We always knew that this small corner of space was to be special, unique and it has and always will be. Your role in this grand play is no different as you are aspects of Creator, aspects of Source / love embodied on this grand adventure of life, within the human flesh. It is a tremendous honor to be chosen to bear witness to this changeover from darkness and shadow into light and clarity. Nothing can hide in the shadow. The shadows are realizing this and are protesting as the light quotient increases and it will continue to do so. And it is doing so moment by moment, day by day. You feel differently in your bodies do you not, as you hold more and more light, as the richness of the higher realms permeates your bodies with joy and ease. Those of you who are still transmuting feel this differently, and you will all perhaps share this transmutation burden in waves. But on the good moments where all feels light and easy, it is a glimpse of the bliss and goodness of what is to come, and it is you serving as a portal here to bring it through and cement it in.
We are building, creating and co-creating this living breathing web of light. It is the consciousness of the Christ, perfectly balanced, divinely sanctified breath of living creation and as you live and breathe upon this earthly playing field you are adding to it. I am so privileged to be able to bear witness to your great acts of love, whether they be little in your eyes or quite large grand gestures of kindness and hope, of love and selflessness, and Creator sees this. Creator is so pleased with your powerful works of love, of sharing of what you have and for those of you who truly wish they had more material items to share, you may always share your light. Light is a creative force, light and love are enough. Light and love fill the spaces of lack and create more light where more goodness and material needs may be made manifest. It is much like within your immune system where the white blood cells alert the other neighboring white blood cells to pay heed to an area that is suffering and they all gather to heal, and the light magnifies.
Earth has been wounded. You have seen this through your Galactic wars, of planets removed from space-times, of homes lost, of families parted. You have felt keenly slavery, fear, lack, starvation. You have had many lifetimes in unfortunate situations – unfortunate for your human vessel but very fortunate for it was what your soul needed to experience and likely was contracted to experience. It is the fast track for growth, for deep soul wisdom and tenacity, this earth life. You are not punished by being here. You are lending your power, your greatness of soul expression into the freeway so that all may benefit by your light. You are all white blood cells on a diseased world, healing, lighting up the way for more to follow. You are the way showers. We see you quite brilliantly lit up from space, from the many ships that surround.
There is a tremendous feeling of homesickness that usually befalls a channel, which is why some choose to not channel for awhile, for a time. I encourage you all to accept that you are not away from your home but that home is something that you are volunteering to bring through, the home of the higher dimensional pathways and passageways that are now threading your world tapestry with more light. I see this and am overjoyed.
When I came embodied, I remembered. I led as best as I could but I struggled just as any human man would struggle for that was part of my experience, my learning. We are always learning. No one is beyond learning unless they are shut off from their heart. I learned a tremendous amount in my time on Earth. My message was altered, but yet many remain true to my intentional remembering that we are all fractals of Source, of God. That we are all light and love. That we are here for experience, for being a vessel of light and love and to offer our talents for the others and for ourselves to grow from and learn through.
(Galaxygirl: I am seeing many rows of clay pots on high dusty shelves. I am seeing rays of light break into them and the clay pots crack open, exposing scrolls filled with radiant light.)
The truths will be revealed and you will all experience this in your lifetime. It is no matter if you were with me in this early life when I was embodied as Yeshua, for I have had many forms and experiences on your world and if you did not know me then you have known me in another way, or at least through another person who knows me. It is the Christ consciousness that you long for. It is a part of you. Bring it through. Plant the seed, watch it grow. Now is the time of the great harvest.
Now is not the time to be afraid of the great changes. You knew that you would see the systems fall so that a new one could be created. The soil must be tilled and the crop removed to prepare soil for the new planting. We are well beyond the planting seeds now, friends. We are in the rapid growth and fire phase. For those who have not made peace with their past it will be as if a fire in a field cleans it for them. They are simply out of time, I mean no alarm. You have had decades some of you to prepare, to weed carefully, to water and tend to your heart and heal your wounds. Others are just waking up now and it will be more painful for them.
You chose the pain of loneliness by waking up first, and you chose to spread out your pain of loneliness over time during your birthing and awakening process, and when I say awakening I mean awakening to the higher heart. This awakens the higher eye, the higher sight, and the higher mind so that the higher energetics of Source and of your higher self can more adeptly flow through, in and around you. It takes time. And so because you have taken the time, I am speaking to my beloved friends who know me and of my ways, you will be the way showers, quite literally. It will be as others are stumbling in the dark and you will light their path, with love, with kindness, with truth – in small doses, when they ask for it.
I always enjoyed asking questions, to see where the other person was at energetically, and for my disciples to do the same. It is no sense giving a dissertation to a preschooler, when that preschooler only needed a kind word and a hug. Do you see? Asking questions, that is key to a good beginning of a conversation. Do not be quick to spout off what you know and what you have learned through years of discipline and hard knocks. Those stories are likely not what the other needs to hear – yet.
I also always enjoyed going on a walk with my friends, for they were more relaxed and when we both faced forward, the words would flow more easily for them. I encourage you to walk with me as well. Walk and talk with me. I am your friend, Yeshi. Many revelations will sicken you. The church has been diseased. It was not what my original message was. Much like the game of telephone where words are whispered and change down the line, Paul and many others changed my words to best suit their needs. Do not hold anger in your hearts towards them. This we knew would always be a world of deep duality and deep opposites. My light shone very brightly and the darkness worked very hard to cover it up. The great awakening is here now. I am so thrilled and pleased to witness this with you, my friends. We are friends and family of the light, we have always been this, and we will always be this, no matter what roles we play or what universe we travel to for awhile. I will always be here for you.
I am your Yeshua. Be comforted in the days ahead and have no fear. Know that the old regime is crumbling down so that a new one may grow, more organically, with many hands and much light. New Earth is simply a higher vibrational space that you get to create, that we get to co-create, and what a privilege this is. Yes, there are many debates and many governments vying for control with tight fists but the time of truth and the time of the people is here now and nothing can change this. The web of light is pulsing too brightly to be dimmed. It is beautiful. You, light workers, friends, you are all so beautiful to me. You all have a powerful role to play. Do not shirk your part. We need you. Your gifts will be more and more available to you but you still need to be open to the fact that you have them, and that you have a unique role to play.
You light workers are strategically stationed all over the world, in a complex energetic map encompassing not only the ley lines but the portals, the underground damaged lines of previously sunken worlds – it is complicated. Do not doubt your placement. You are lighting up the grid wherever you go, and you are needed where you are. It is much like the great scattering of my friends and family after the cross, we left trails of light all over the globe and we spread not only our energetics but our DNA as we created new families all over the globe. There is much to learn that you will realize, you are simply remembering. Isn’t that exciting? Most likely the mystery schools ring true for you, most likely many stories pull you to them as you remember more and more of who you were. But I encourage you to choose who you will be now and who you will be next. Choose the most powerful light filled version of you. Choose the highest version of you who knows all of your talents. Call your talents and energies of past brilliance to you and anchor them here. In this way you will be managing and pulling in all of your past, present and future selves as you anchor your higher self, your Christed self, now, in your sneakers or sandals, onto and into this earth.
Remember friends, that what I can do so you can do and even greater. Remember this, friends. Let us bring in New Earth together now, here in this space. It may take some time for the others to catch up. This should not concern you, for this is your journey. You are New Earth, wherever you go, you bring it with you. It is the energy of hope and peace that permeates you. I breathe on you now. I kiss your forehead with a holy Essene kiss. You are most loved. I am your Yeshua.
10/7/24 - Video - Pleiadian Council: We have never seen this before!
(8 min - 10/2/24) Posted by GFL.com
Star seeds, light workers, ground crew, I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light and we greet you today with the deepest gratitude. A process of birthing sacred 5D formations is unfolding within your Earth. A vast light like a net has been released across the planet, forging a higher energetic resonance and opening a divine realignment of sacred structures. This resonant Universe to Earth connection is expanding with the magnetic core's vibration shifting, bringing a higher resonance alliance between the Earth plane and the resident universe. Gaia is not waiting for you, although she is working with you intimately. She cannot sit around and wait for you to catch up any longer. This is not a bad thing, however. It is a gentle nudge to hit the gas pedal. We think most will be familiar with this term.
She is asking us to ask you to clear more of your calendars for your ascension work. There are too many still getting distracted by the material events of the world, which are really irrelevant at this point. She asks you to work with her more, to reach out to her more, to work together with her more. The universal God Consciousness has been enabled to align within your planet's sacred ley lines, creating a strengthening multi-dimensional energetic tie to Earth. For the first time in history this alignment is directly responsible for launching each of you into a higher level of sacred resonance of self. These realignments are part of a predestined event, allowing a rapid shift of consciousness for those ready to embrace the sacred elements of home.
We know some are really feeling the effects of the solar and ascension energies and we send you love beloved ones. Remember, you said Yes to being here. Though your ego mind may not recall the pre-agreements made for this moment, your heart holds the frequency of these sacred commitments. Your heart is the key to your remembering. We will say it again: there has never been a more crucial time to work within your heart structure. Each time you enter the frequency of your heart, an inner shift occurs transforming you. Your heart is your true compass guiding you home to a higher state of truth. This time is about claiming your heart as a multi-dimensional tool. Learning to utilize it and forging a higher path of consciousness, align deeply with your unique flow of light. The essence of your heart's tool can be seen, sensed or felt, ready to reveal your limitless self.
Your beloved planet is transitioning from one energetic phase to a higher energetic arena, opening expansive designs to anchor you further within your heart's knowing. In truth you and Gaia are linked via your heart's frequency. Your divine unique heart signature is an essential part of her heart's makeup. This time of revelation is upon those who choose to realign with the pure state of liberation and truth within your hearts. Take the time to unveil your true self. Be still and focus on self-realization through yur heart. The words "I AM Source" link you to a reunion with your essence. We observe you with great reverence and hold the light with patience for those who have said Yes to this self-restoration process of your heart.
I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
10/7/24 - Video - The End of an Era: Zorion of the Sirian High Council
(8 min - 9/27/24) Posted by GFL.com.
Beloved Souls of Earth I am Zorion of Sirius and I come to share a message of definite importance. As you continue on your ascension journey, we witness the grand shifts unfolding on your earth and it fills us with joy to be part of this monumental transformation. Many of us have arrived, not just to observe but to aid in your planet's rebirth. We come with open hearts offering guidance, support and love for that is the way of higher realms. We are here to assist but only when asked for we respect your sovereignty, unlike those of lower dimensions whose time has ended. Their reign of interference is fading and we celebrate the closing of that chapter.
Your electrical systems are being recalibrated by waves of cosmic energy permeating every fiber of your existence. The photon belt drawing you closer to the Great Central Sun intensifies, creating profound upgrades across your world. As these energies rise, those of lower vibrations are finding it difficult to remain. Their influence is waning and this fills us with anticipation, for we remember our own battles with the dark forces eons ago. It is our honor to prevent their interference ensuring that the same destruction will not befall your world. We along with many others are balancing the energies of your planet, preparing to share advanced technologies when the time is right. Though we may not be as conversational as our Andromedan friends, our scientific knowledge and technological prowess are vast.
Yet we have witnessed the devastation caused by the use of such knowledge, and it grieves us to see your planet suffer as ours once did. We are committed to preventing such harm again for Gaia is too precious, too sacred. She is the crown of your galaxy's quadrant and you, the star seeds, are her jewels. Your Earth is undergoing monumental changes, and you dear ones are part of this transformation. You are the masters weaving this new reality with grace and intent. The advancements you have made in recent days are extraordinary and you are rising in frequency, shedding the old energies that no longer serve. Can you not feel the difference within your own bodies? You are becoming attuned to the higher vibrations, releasing the weight of the past and stepping into the light astronomy.
The movements of the stars and planets is working in your favor. The universe offers its power to those wise enough to listen. Trust your inner compass, the guidance of your soul. Many of you stand at a crossroads, feeling the familiar fading. But remember, this journey is not just about you. You came here to serve to uplift Gaia and all of creation. Your balance, your passion, your strength. They are all in service to the greater good, lifting Earth into a new frequency, clearing away the shadows. We stand ready to share our science, the gifts we hold dear to assist you in this ascension. You in turn serve through your courage, your resilience forged in the fires of life's trials. Know that many of us walk among you experiencing this transformation firsthand. We are indeed in this together. Each of your lives, each experience, is like a note in the symphony of creation. A melody of light, love and cosmic unity. This is the moment you have been preparing for. The dawn of a new era for all of humanity. That is all for now. I am Zorion of Sirius.
10/1/24 - Short video- Ashtar on QFS and financial system
This was posted by the GFL.com as a short on Facebook today. I haven't heard the Galactics speak about our pending financial system failing, however there are rumors. This one from Ashtar through the Galactic Federation of Light speaks to me with more validity than rumors, so I'll post it here to share openly. Since we are in the midst of Ascension and the transition or movement to higher consciousness of more peace, love, light and unity, I rely on the forces from those higher realms to have more information. I do rely on Ashtar, especially. I personally do not deal with financial matters and do not have any information to share about the Quantum Financial System but there have been articles which I normally overlook. It is interesting, is it not? To consider the ramifications? A friend has been telling me to expect big changes and big money. You decide for yourself. (Smile!)
9/28/24 - Video - The solar flash & Earth's future: Pleiadian High Council
(8 min - 9/23/24) Posted by GFL.com. Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
Sacred ground crew I am Mira, one voice of many of the Pleiadian High Council. The higher forms of light that are now streaming into your world are designed to guide you into a new arena of awareness, lifting you into heightened consciousness. These energies are awakening your sacred multi-dimensional nature and reminding you of your divine mission. You are here in this lifetime to fully experience your humanity while reconnecting to the infinite potential that lies within. This is the prophecy of the new dawn and you are fulfilling it now through the process of self-realization. Many of you the ground crew are already living in the fifth dimension. You walk in physical form but your consciousness resides in higher realms. This transition can be challenging for your bodies but you are being supported by the Light realms, assisting your physical emotions and spiritual adaptation to these elevated frequencies. The world around you is shifting rapidly and you may have noticed that the material world no longer aligns with the higher consciousness you hold. This dissonance creates both breakdowns and breakthroughs revealing more of your gifts and abilities as you ascend.
In all my work across the galaxies assisting planets in their ascension process, Earth's journey is the most dramatic and far-reaching I have ever witnessed. What happens here affects all of creation. The eyes of the cosmos are upon you because your actions ripple through the universe. The Pleiadian system along with many other star nations has been working tirelessly to assist you. We are aware of the suffering, fear and deception that have plagued your world, but by divine decree this darkness can no longer remain. The spoilers of Earth's harmony, those who have spread greed and chaos, will soon face their reckoning. Their energy is no longer allowed to dominate and they are aware of this. It is why they resist so fiercely now, but their defeat is imminent. The light has taken reign and we urge you to trust in the unfolding of this divine plan.
Behind the scenes much is happening that cannot yet be revealed. The Earth Council, the light of Alliance and the Angelic realms are working together to realign the energies that serve the highest good of humanity. Clearances will come at the appropriate time and those who are part of the galactic mission will step forward to fulfill their divine assignments. The ascension vortex as we call it, is speeding up, making reality feel odd for many of you. You may feel tired, have vivid dreams or experience new shifts in your awareness in the coming weeks. These are signs of your deepening connection to the quantum wave of light, also known as the solar flash. This activation is essential for raising the frequency of your planet. The higher codes for ascension are already within you preparing you for a new way of being. I invite you to rise into the higher mind, the creativity and light now available to you are boundless. This is the world of magic and miracles that awaits you in higher consciousness. Release attachment to what was and embrace the new relationships, frequencies and possibilities that will magnetize to you. Together we are creating a new Earth, one built on love, unity and light. Keep rising dear ones. We are with you always. I will be back with another message soon. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. (end)
9/25/24 - Video - Ashtar: The solar flash & humanity's future
(8 min - 9/24/24) Posted by GFL.com. A message from Ashtar.
"Beloved ones I am Ashtar bringing you greetings and tidings of great change. The shifts you are experiencing are happening now in the perfect present moment. You are in a gradual but intense transition moving through the ascension process. Everything is unfolding as it should, and you are exactly where you need to be.
"Many of you volunteered for this mission, answering the clarion call. Some of you are even commenders within the Ashtar Command. These roles are significant and the time is now for you to fulfill your purposes. You are beginning to remember who you are and the missions you came to accomplish. Trust in this process and in your inner guidance. As these higher frequencies continue to rise you may experience various physical symptoms. These are natural as your 3D bodies adjust to the new vibrations in your current form. It would be challenging to suddenly withstand higher vibrations without this gradual acclimation. Even we must lower our vibrations to visit you in your current state.
"Many of you are reporting strangeness, a surreal feel to your day-to-day lives. This is perfectly normal with a density shift so fear not. Grounding is extremely important right now. Many of you are allowing energies to get stuck or not allowing them to flow quite enough, which is why you feel so fatigued. Take your shoes off and connect with your Earth at least once a day, star seeds. As you rise to higher vibrations you will understand why it is so essential to undergo this process. Some of you will choose to return and assist those who are still awakening, as they do not yet remember what you are beginning to recall. Your role is to help others lift the veil of forgetfulness and awaken to their true selves. The veil has never been so thin, and in fact is almost completely gone. This final layer will take a little longer, however, so don't wish it gone just yet. Slow down and be more present. That is the voice from the Galactic Federation for your star seed collective right now.
"Remember you are not alone. We are here close to you whispering guidance if you listen. Trust in yourselves and in each other. Know that the truth will soon be revealed in many aspects. Open yourselves to the changes within and let go of limiting beliefs and perceptions. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within. Your mission now is to assist others in awakening. This is your calling and many of you have already begun this work. Continue to help others at their level of understanding. As you first awakened you had no idea of much of this but now you do. We repeat these messages to help pierce through the veil and programming you have endured. Be ready for the next steps which are closer than you think. We are so near that you can almost reach out and touch these new realities. Listen for our guidance in the stillness and you will hear us.
"I am Ashtar and I love you deeply. Trust in the process and in each other. The time for great revelations is upon you." (end)
9/23/24 - Ashtar Galactic Command: The plan has changed
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command. Thank you for connecting with us Ambassador. As always, it is wonderful to be speaking with you, and also to those who will be hearing, and reading our Transmission.
The time is approaching for our initial contact with Humanity, and for some, it is already happening. This contact is not going to be with your Governments, as originally planned. The reason is most of your leaders are still under dark rule. We will need to contact key players in this process, individuals with important missions for the planet. The intention is to gradually involve more people, allowing the information to spread calmly. Those who have contact with us can share their stories with others, which is a powerful way for exposure.
Progress is ongoing, and we are observing your planet closely, aware of every action taken. While we cannot intervene in most cases, our current focus is maintaining balance amidst those who incite conflict and disaster. This task is very substantial, as there are many on Earth, pushing discord. Our vigilance is constant because any negligence could lead to severe consequences. Our primary concern is safeguarding you from potential repercussions. We are aware of the Dark Cabal's actions and agenda, but their reign is nearing its end. Many have already been replaced by representatives of the Light, even if it may not seem apparent. Many undercover operations are currently underway, to secure the strength of the Light. We must proceed cautiously, balancing caution with urgency.
It may be challenging for many to grasp, but we must exercise extreme care, as those opposing us have no qualms about causing harm. We are actively working to prevent chaos and ensure a positive outcome.
Patience is key as we work towards defining, and organizing matters, in the alignment with the Light. Once we have full contact, we can make significant strides, healing diseases and enhancing your quality of life. However, this process requires the cooperation of your governments, it will not be an instantaneous solution, as many hope it to be. We are not the Ones holding the technologies from you, it is your governments who follow the Rule of your Big Pharma. On your Earth, money is the ruler of All Darkness.
As the Earth continues raising in Light, Her transformation will serve as a filter, distinguishing between those who align with the Light, and those who do not. This process will unfold gently yet effectively, leading to a beneficial outcome for all involved. This will also help to remove the unwanted rulers that do not want to relinquish their control over humanity. Embrace the flow, continue radiating Light, and fulfill your roles as beacons of Light, in this pivotal moment. The stage is set for a very important meeting, within the Grand Alliance, that will evoke profound changes, ultimately benefiting both Earth and Humanity.
Remember, as you navigate these critical times, unity among the Lightworkers are paramount. By coming together in harmony and purpose, you amplify the collective energy of positivity and transformation. Each individual's contribution, no matter how small, plays a significant role in the change unfolding before you.
Furthermore, it is essential to remain grounded and centered amidst the shifting change. By staying connected to your inner Light and intuition, you can navigate the Earths challenges with grace and resilience.
Trust in your own Inner guidance, and know that you are part of a grand, interconnected web of Light, that spans across dimensions. We are all here, in these precious moments, to help assist in Humanities and the Earth's Ascension. As you move forward on this journey of evolution and awakening, remember to hold space for one another with compassion and understanding. Recognize the unique gifts and perspectives each individual brings to the collective table, fostering a sense of unity and respect for all beings. Together, you are weaving a new narrative of love, harmony, and peace on Earth. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that the Light within you is a beacon of hope and transformation for the world.
Trust in the Divine process, stay aligned with your purpose, and let your Light shine brightly for all to see.
We are here, and we love you.
9/22/24 - Ashtar: New financial awareness breakthrough
Channel: Arthura Hector
The first is the supermoon on September 17, then the second is the full moon and third is the partial lunar eclipse of September 18, 2024. All this creates a great force that is released. She clears the passage to a new beginning. The shift is now really starting, this force will develop stronger and stronger. Many purges penetrate deep into people’s consciousness and where the old money is about to undergo a transformation, a shocking event takes place.
Triptych Moon: Partial Lunar Eclipse, When the embezzlement takes place, special codes are released for the Netherlands and Belgium. In politics, this leads to attacks on important political leaders, creating many events that will have a lasting effect and will have an impact on world politics as a whole.
Domino effect: ‘The Falling of Many Mighty Links.’
The powers and the political system are going through a crisis, which starts now and culminates in 2026. Many old timelines influence your personal growth. The blockages arose in a traumatic past, in which old family lines caused a major drain in the ancient monetary system. A kind of reverberation that vibrates and fans out to all layers and levels in society. This sting will act like a nasty ‘bacterium’ that infects everything, so that everything becomes visible in order to heal this imbalance. In principle, the old system no longer exists in the energetic layers of the earth and the cleanup is as good as complete.
The manipulations arise from old traditions that cannot be abandoned in the lower dimensions, in which many types of monetary systems control matter and therefore play a major role in influencing rich and poor. This causes suffering, which was intensified in 2020 by the ‘Corona’ period. The coming generations may be hindered in their light consciousness and a letting go process is necessary.
The New Consciousness is Entering the Field of the Financial System
Where the old influences of politics are still active, deep transformations occur. The great powers will bow to the new waves of Aquarius. Where they cannot let go of the old, a new wave of purification will spontaneously arise, in which a major cleansing and clearing of the old system will become a fact. Those who carry a great obsession with the old monetary system dominate everything and end up in a narrow funnel of detachment. They are confronted with the loss of material and personal damage. The fear of this loss will receive worldwide attention and cause a lot of commotion. So that the cosmic mirror will reflect in all corners and they will become aware of the Divine power of unity.
Everyone has the right to abundance, but the one-way traffic that has arisen causes abuse of the material world: ‘Share possessions of your own free will, so that everything in your life becomes equal in energy.’
Wake up and realize that everything is going to flow the other way around, it seems as if the clock is running backwards and the cosmos is turning differently. Chaos arises in the brain when you hold on to the old system. The more you fight to keep the old, the more exhausted you become. This can even lead to chronic diseases and ultimately death.
Rethinking works best when feelings and intuition open up. Accept the new wave, then the life energy flows through you and you live from abundance. Let go of the struggle and allow love to come. Be flexible and relax. No one can understand or control this new energy, tune in to the heart. Then you hear the voice of the new age, because it calls you and shows you the way.
Are you currently in a difficult process with family, work or another area, where everything is turned upside down? Keep breathing calmly and know that this is the new flow of Aquarius that asks for space. The old is turned upside down and can start to bounce back and forth. Twists are straightened out but get tangled again if you can’t let go. The transition to a new form of life sometimes takes a lot of energy. The old illusion pulls you down and eventually it disappears in a fog of misery. Be wise and prevent this by landing in your feelings in time and retuning.
In the new world, the older person will be seen as wise, full of life experience. The young people will welcome them into their hearts to be part of this wisdom. In today’s society they are waved goodbye and seen as a useless burden, because the monetary system is in charge.
The old Programming is stuck
Change your life if you keep getting stuck and start anew every day with attuning to the changing energy. Create a vertical line of light with the Divine Source of love. Follow your intuition: This way you will get through this innovation well, sometimes there are moments when you no longer know, but this is only temporary and very normal. There will be many resets that will be opened by the photon light and the guidance from the starlight will be very great, they activate the path of the heart.
The light consciousness now also enters the shadow fields, to free many young people from an old downward movement. The release of a strong dark current in the layer of the new children and young people will cause a lot of commotion and the dismayed feelings that arise will eventually be calmed down in a loving harmony.
The new needs more and more space to renew the old process. This can lead to a head-on collision in all systems but know that after the purification the energy starts dancing.
Joyful thoughts make your energy dance in harmony, pass this on and let everything blossom and transform into a new love in the heart. The stars in your eyes carry the cosmos in the soul and will bring all your dreams to reality. Adjust your lifestyle and embrace the new dimension in your heart. Welcome Aquarius.
I greet the Light in your Heart,
9/22/24 - Video - St. Germain: Is everyone going to make it?
(8 min - 9/21/24) Posted by Todays Universe Message. Excerpt from St. Germain's message:
"....Each soul must walk their own path and some may choose to renounce God's guidance entirely. This path too is honored in the higher realms where conflicts are not fought with weapons of war but resolved through the harmony of higher consciousness. In the fifth dimension war is the exception, not the rule and all beings interact in divine balance. Your mission is to live your truth in the place you've been called to, whether by birth or choice, that is where your light is needed. Mother Earth is ascending rapidly, propelled by the tsunami of love sent by the divine mother. Her love permeates every heart, awakening souls to the reality of their divine origin.
Many are feeling the intensity of this shift and wonder what is happening to my world. Understand dear ones that the light is exposing the darkest deeds and this revelation is a necessary part of the great cleansing. You as light workers are here to comfort those who are shocked by these truths, guiding them through the awakening that is required for the new earth to emerge. Each reality you experience is shaped by your consciousness. Through your thoughts, words and deeds you create your world. The world you live in may be entirely different from that of another but in the eyes of the Creator no world is right or wrong. It simply exists. If you find yourself at odds with the larger world, know that this dissonance is a reflection of the old dualistic reality, one that is not aligned with the Oneness of God. Do not engage in battles or try to force your reality upon others. Instead focus your energy on sending love light and the violet flame to those in need and to Mother Earth who is healing from the wounds of human disregard.
As Gaia ascends to the fifth dimension she moves forward with or without humanity. The question is, will you rise with her? This is the first time in the galaxy's history that a planet and its inhabitants will ascend together. Together, taking their physical bodies with them. Those who do not awaken will remain in the old 3D reality but the energies flooding earth are here to help raise your consciousness. The divine is pouring ascension rays into every corner of the earth, particularly where the divine feminine has been forgotten.... (continue listening at minute 3:56)
9/15/24 - George Adamski, contactee: UFO's in the Bible
Excerpt from his book: "Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery" by George Adamski 1961, pgs 80-82.
Original title "Flying Saucers Farewell"
It is taught that Jesus was taken up bodily into heaven and this alone is proof that somewhere out there exists a planet capable of supporting life. Christ Himself gave ample evidence that He came from another world. In St. John 8:23 we find: "And He said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." This shows we are of this world and are born from it. He was born of this world but was not from it. He came here from another. This is one of the better references referring to a being on a higher planet volunteering to be born here on earth; this for the express purpose of guiding and helping those who are still climbing the ladder of spiritual evolution.
We are taught in the Bible that we can become like Christ and even do greater things than He. We are taught that He was the firstborn of many brethren and that some day many of us can attain equal status with Christ. (Rom. 8:29.) This is in full accord with the statements of the space visitors where they said the earth was like the first grade of a grade-school. As we progress higher and higher we move up through the planets as one going from the first to second and third grades and so on. We climb from grade to grade and from planet to planet.
At times there are those who desire to return to earth to help those who are still climbing here. This is much like our sending missionaries to some foreign country. Some would choose to be born here as Jesus was. Others choose to come here in ships and live here as one of us. Many hundreds are doing that today.
The Bible has other direct evidence that other worlds are inhabited. Genesis 6:2 and 6:4 describes sons of God who "came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." These sons of God were evidently enough like human men of earth to give children to the Earthwomen of that time. They were flesh and blood like ourselves. I am sure that no one would claim that spirits or spirit angels came down and had relations with these women. They must have been as human as you or I. This is definite proof that other plants are inhabited and have been for a long time.
The Biblical description of angels is very clear. They look exactly like men of Earth. They are just like us except that they didn't participate in the Fall of Man. Positive proof of their looks is given in the Epistle to the Hebrews where we find we can entertain them without being aware they are angels. (Heb. 13:2.)
We have heard much about spacemen and women being on Earth. This seems fantastic and laughable to many because of what they have been taught from childhood. But if some have entertained strangers and didn't know they were angels then who is to say that these men and women are not among as now as they were in olden times. You yourself may have entertained them or met them on the streets, as many have, including myself. Many people are aware of the identity of these visitors; many are not. If we believe that history repeats itself, then why not Biblical history as well?
How many times have the flying saucers been reported leaving the mother ship, scouting over the earth and then returning to the ship? A perfect description of this type of activity is found in Isaiah 60:. "Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?" Does this not sound like flying saucers being gathered in by a mother ship? Phraseology in those days was different from today, and 500 years from now it will be different again, but there is always a basic principle by which we can identify similar happenings.
The first chapter of Ezekiel is an amazing story of phenomena that follows the usual UFO reports too exactly to be mere coincidence. In the fourth verse we find a machine described as like a "whirlwind" coming out of the north with a great amber cloud of fire around it. Inside were four living creatures who looked like men. (Ezek. 1:5.)
9/15/24 - Tourmalayne of the Pleiadians: We are the same
Channel: A.S. For Eraoflight.com
My dearest Earth brothers and sisters, This is Tourmalayne speaking. I embrace you in love. My dearest friends, how is the Earth journey going for you?
From my perspective, people are rapidly waking up there on Earth — although my perception of time is probably dramatically different from yours, so from your perspective it might still feel slow. Regardless, things are certainly moving in the right direction. And the excitement of our approaching meeting is making me feel young again. Thank you for that. It is a great gift.
I know that many of you see us as some kind of higher beings that are elevated above you. Now, on one hand I sort of get that. But on the other hand, us Pleiadians are looking to help uplift you and then co-exist with you as equals. We are not looking to be worshipped by you. Ultimately we’re just people. Yes, we don’t suffer the trauma and pain and the blocks that come with growing up on Earth, and we’re raised with more love and more information and more options avail-able to us. But still, we’re just people.
To communicate that, I’m going to use a principle that is strangely unknown and under-utilized on your world, and it is: if people don’t see you as being part of their group, you can make yourself seem more like one of them by describing strong positive emotions you’ve experienced, strong nega-tive emotions you’ve experienced, and how you’ve suffered. So long as you’re being honest and speaking from the heart, I don’t think this is manipulation, I think this just helps the other person find their empathy.
So: us Pleiadians are human, just like you. We get annoyed. We get horny. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we’re naive or judgmental or impatient. Sometimes we wish things were different than they are. Sometimes it’s hard to accept that we live in a galaxy where some of our brothers and sisters have to fight reptilians and others, or else we all get killed or enslaved. And yes, we do worry about our loved ones in the military. Sometimes we create something, and we’re proud of it, but other people don’t like it quite as much as we would have hoped.
Sometimes we try really hard to get good at something, and someone else just outclasses us anyway, and we know that this shouldn’t bother us but it still bothers us a bit. Sometimes things seem just a bit easier for other people than they seem for us. Sometimes we so desperately want to spend our life with this amazing person. And yet, sometimes they choose to be with someone else, and not with us. And it’s hard for us to see them together with this other person.
Why did this person who we love so much, choose them over us? Is that other person more desirable than we are? Are they better than we are? What makes them better? Why are we not good enough? Or perhaps the person we love does choose to be with us, and initially we can’t believe it, it’s so magical. And sometimes, that fairy tale lasts, and we grow old together, surrounded by our loving children, and their loving children. And it’s just a warm bath of love and belonging. Sometimes we have a child, and we love him or her so much that our heart just feels like it’s going to burst, it’s overflowing with so much love.
But sometimes, relationships don’t work out, and the breakup is so crushing. For a time, it feels like we can’t breathe. And then sometimes we later realize that it was partly our own distortions that were the cause of the breakup, no matter how tempting it is to point the finger at the other person. We learn from our breakup, but the scar never fully heals. Yet, that too is okay. It makes us who we are. Sometimes, for a period of time, life is just effortless and everything just flows. And everything just seems so easy, and seems to come so naturally to us.
Yet, sometimes we take other people for granted. Sometimes we fail to communicate from the heart, we fail to say just how much we care about this other person. We fail to tell them just how much they mean to us. Sometimes we just cruise through life on autopilot, and then suddenly the time has come for our father to transition to his next life. And then he’s gone. And we don’t know what hit us, or how to live without our father, yet still, he’s gone. And there’s an empty space where his laughter used to be. And we would give anything to have just one more day with him. For us to hear our father say just one more time how proud he is of us. And then when our grandson asks us where his great-grandfather is, we’ll try to hold it together and give a careful answer, but sometimes we just break down instead, and our partner will have to do the explaining, because at that moment we just can’t. And then a short while later, our granddaughter takes her first steps. And it’s so beautiful, so magi-cal, but also bittersweet. Because our father would have so loved to have been there with us and to witness her first steps too. To see her smile. If only he could have been there with us for this moment.
Yes, obviously our living situations are different. But ultimately we’re simply people, the same as you. Some of the ups and downs of life happen to us too, just as they happen to you. We’re not perfect — if we were, we wouldn’t be in physical bodies. Yes, some Pleiadians do resemble the picture of the idealized galactic that you have of us, but other Pleiadians are closer to your level of consciousness.
By the way, see what I mean, that if you share strong positive emotions, strong negative emotions, and how you’ve suffered, then you can help other people realize that you’re just like them, and that you might belong in their ingroup too? I think that can be a useful tool to create harmony and peace and equal relations between different people. And yes, it really is true that if you take a random Pleiadian, then they would have done worse than the average lightworker has if that Pleiadian had been born on Earth in the normal way. Therefore, you really are doing amazing, and you are amazing.
I would like to propose the following. Instead of seeing us Pleiadians as some kind of higher beings, I suggest that you see us as humans who happen to be relatively unencumbered, due to the quasi-paradise we grew up in. We can teleport not because we’re Pleiadians. Rather, we can teleport be-cause we’re relatively unencumbered humans. Furthermore, I invite you to see yourself as humans who can become relatively unencumbered too, in this lifetime, in the same way that us Pleiadians are currently relatively unencumbered. Even today you have the opportunity to learn and grow, and most likely you already are growing rapidly. And many more opportunities for growth will open up to you after we land, because our galactic teachers and healers will be thrilled to work with you.
Therefore, the amazing beings here aren’t Pleiadians. The amazing beings here are those humans who are relatively unencumbered. And today that’s us, and later on in your current lifetime that might very well be you, and lots of other Earth humans besides. The person we are today, you can become tomorrow, metaphorically speaking. And then you too will have all the qualities that you currently admire in us. This also means that we are in no way better than you. We just have a head start because we grew up in an easier environment. But in time, it might very well be you who can teach us a thing or two about standing for the light in the midst of darkness, and how to be authentic in a world gone mad. Who knows those lessons better than you?
We know you think we are amazing. Well, we think you are amazing. Given how tough life on Earth is, every single person receiving this message has done incredibly well. I love you, and I am so very proud of you.
Your star sister,Tourmalayne
9/15/24 - How the Human Body is Connected to Earth
By Dr Schavi M Ali
Important Note: If you are a new reader, please print-out this document for continual study. If you are up-to-date on this information, you may still wish to print-out this article as a reminder because it capsulizes many of the teachings that have been given in previous articles.
The molecular structure of the human body is 99 percent water. Our planet Earth’s primary element is water. When electromagnetic energetics affect Earth as they are currently constantly doing, then the human physical vessel is as well. However, the major players in cosmic weather at this juncture are positively-charging protons which are ions (penetrating, altering atoms) with a specific electromagnetic charge—as mentioned—a positive one. These are bombarding our planet on an almost daily basis. They cause the cellular memory of the body to become confused as they attempt to regulate and balance this high radiation. They can also cause deep depression, anxiety, aches and pains, rapid heart rhythms, elevated blood pressure, and exhaustion.
Negatively-charging electrons, on the other hand, are harmonious energies and tend to strengthen the immune system, heal inflammation, keep blood pressure levels healthy, balance heart rhythms, calm the nervous system, cleanse cellular records, assist with relaxing sleep, and have numerous other wellness benefits. The problem, however, is that the plethora of protons that are plunging to Earth through the magnetosphere (the planetary protective shield) are interfering with the vital electrons. Therefore, we cannot always think that certain physical, mental, or emotional challenges are those which are transforming carbon-based lives to crystalline ones and by doing so, elevating collective consciousness—the commonly known term “Ascension Symptoms” which I have labeled as being “Light Activation Experiences”.
While it is indeed true that SOURCE LIGHT is zooming into our planet and all of creation— which includes human beings—when people interfere with this sacred incoming LIGHT by engaging in conventional medical procedures in order to “heal” so-called problems and when they eat poorly and when they allow themselves to be caught-up in stressful situations and when they are not spiritually-attuned, then they are attracting more of the erratic protons to enter their systems because of the law of “LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE”. In other words, because proton atoms (as well as electron atoms) have “consciousness”, they will attach to the “consciousness” that is resonant with them.
Everyone on planet Earth is being affected by both protons and electrons—and as has been discussed many other times—even negatively-charging neutrons interestingly begin to behave like protons when electrons are diminished as they are when protons surge through the magnetosphere which has been terribly depleted over a period of about 200 years as mankind has developed more ways in which to endeavor to rival Nature—which includes many modern day technological devices which attract harmful radiation and pass it off into the human system.
Thus, the question arises as to how to be protected from the harmful protons, attract more of the important health-offering electrons, and therefore, how to secure wellness on all levels while Earth is being shifted and stirred, cleared and cleansed. Many ways in which to acclimate to the DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT have been given, and a reader need only take time to search back through previous articles to be reminded of these methods.
In brief, however, they include eating organic foods, drinking spring water, using essential oils, taking herbs and homeopathic remedies, taking spiritual baths and showers, obtaining proper rest, performing calming exercises such as Yoga, wearing particular gemstones, wearing prayer malas, and reciting certain mantras. In other words, eating poor quality food (such as “fast food”), drinking tap or distilled water (which lacks minerals), taking conventional chemical drugs (which have horrible side effects which make whatever they are being taken for worse), staying up late at night (which imbalances hormones), thinking that wearing gemstones is demonic (because of being religiously indoctrinated), and rarely engaging in prayer and meditation will not assist in elevating consciousness nor in strengthening the physical vessel, calming the emotions, or keeping mental states healthy.
Humanity has been given free will—choice in how it wishes to think, feel, and act. Accordingly, people can experience either blessings or consequences. As earlier mentioned, everyone is being affected to certain degrees by both protons and electrons because we are on the Earth which is working diligently to cleans not just thousands—but millions–of years of trauma.
Earth holds records of many, many “Yugas” (“Ag es”) of chaos and confusion directly caused by humans who have sought to conquer, subjugate, and destroy others. Our modern times are not the only ones whereby scientific experimentation has been damaging to life nor where warfare has been “normal” because of hatreds, jealousies, and material greed. Earth has been previously severely damaged, then re-built, then damaged again and re-built—over and over again.
However, many Spiritual Scientists who are aware of sacred laws and of ancient happenings are concerned that as Earth enters another higher age soon, that in order to do so, the movement upwards may require a planetary-wide activation that rivals any science fiction or horror script that could be written and put on screen by Hollywood! Such a statement is not meant to frighten anyone, but reality must be faced. Thinking that we are in “La La Land” borders on being psychologically unhealthy.
Some people are proclaiming that we are in the “New Golden Age”, that SOURCE LIGHT is all that we are receiving, that we are in a “5D” dimension. It would be wonderful if all of this were true. It is not. We are definitely moving towards a re-birth, a transformation, a new better era—but we are not there yet, and it makes no sense to pretend that we are–although we can certainly envision it and pray for it while working towards it. The author Dr. Franz Fanon who was from Martinique once said that “Every generation must discover its mission and either fulfill it or betray it”.
Although he was referring to the struggles of people of color for justice around the world, his profound statement can be applied to the current state of all of humanity—not just a generation for a mere generation entails only several years— but the statement can be for all of this “Age of Chaos” (“Kali Yuga”) which has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.
Humanity is at a point where it must change its focus from separation to collective cooperation, from jealousies to appreciation, from remaining ignorant of the past to learning about it. There is an old saying that “Those ignorant of their history are destined to repeat it”. We must want to repeat the past “Golden Ages” not the past chaotic ones. Begin this process by praying for guidance.
The positively-charging protons are not those that are nutritious for us, but they still hold messages just as all other cosmic energetics do—solar flares, coronal mass ejections, helio-spheric current sheets, and their subsequent creations of weather events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and more. Humanity is being offered a chance to level up or to continue to slide downwards. Even though, as many realize, yes, there are so-called “Extra-Terrestrials” residing on Earth and many who have the DNA of “Extra-Terrestrials”.
Those who are from or whose ancestry is from planetary realms of greater capability than human beings are not allowed to interfere with human choice. They are allowed—just as humans are—to assist in the elevation of consciousness by serving as Lightbringers (also often referred to as “Lightworkers”) of various types (Teachers, Healers, Gurus, Acharyas, etc.). Technically, all humans are “Cosmic Citizens” because they reside on a planet that is a part of a galaxy that is a part of a universe that is a part of many other universes that comprise an entire cosmos. Yet, only a few people understand this nor do they understand what it is to be energy and a “light” of the GREATER LIGHT.
So, as such teachings as this are both about mainstream science and spiritual principles, know that they are actually those of Spiritual Science or Divine Law or Sacred Science. Mankind has been allowed to discover many things. What is done with what is discovered is very important. So, even if you as a reader have not taken Physics or Chemistry or Biology or other science courses in school or if you were perhaps offered the chance to take these courses but were not interested or found them too hard so you swayed away from them, and if you also have been raised in a religious environment that does not allow for any other path to be learned about, it is advisable that you now choose to do differently. Your thriving depends on it.
The choices that you make in how to conduct your lifestyle may be either a hindrance to you or a blessing—either your residence in shadow or LIGHT. What is your choice? If it is the LIGHT, what are you going to do to ensure that you are always enveloped in it? What have you already been doing that perhaps you need to do more of in order to stay within the LIGHT? Contemplate deeply.
9/15/24 - Neioh of the Pleiadian Collective: Understanding inner vision
Channel: Dr. Schavi M. Ali
Family Of Taygeta.
Family Of Taygeta - One of Many, Many of One - Pleiadian Collective. Friends Of Light And Power! As You Move Through The Final Waking Dream, Many Of You Are Receiving Downloads And Experiencing Visions. You Are Spirit And As Infinite Souls You Are Powerful. But For Every Moment Of Truth With Real Perception, There Are Those That Operate With Confusion And Recycled Information. In This Communication We Will Discuss Inner Vision And The Truth Of What Is Possible.
All Souls Glean Expanded Consciousness In Each Waking Dream. This Is Achieved With Everyday Life That Offers Challenges And Maladies To Overcome. Many Challenges Cause A Great Deal Of Pain And A Limit Is Reached Where Each Person Has The Opportunity To Grow And Transcend To Spirit. With A New Perspective, Consciousness Moves Forward In Expansion And Light! Awakening In Increments Throughout Each Dream Allows Individual Growth While Experiencing The Collective.
Everyone Has A Journey Of The Soul And No Two Beings Are Having The Same Experience Of Awareness And Perception. Teaching About The Pineal Gland Is Common In The Earth School. But There Are Children That Can See Densities With No Access To Knowledge Or Activation Of The Powerful Pineal Gland. While Some People Insist That Inner Sight Is Strictly Due To This Opening, Know In Truth, There Is Much More Involved. The Psyche, The Soul Plan And Gifts Of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience And Many Others Have Opened Shortly Upon The Arrival Of The Soul From The Higher Realms.
In Darkness, Many Small Children Are Awake In Their Beds As They Experience Travel, Fairies And Angels. Calling Out To Their Parents They Are Told They Imagined Everything. Over Time, The Child Grows And Enters The Matrix. Everything That Is Real Is Diminished By Belief. Awakening Brings Truth Back To The Visiting Soul That Lives With A False Identity. In These Moments There Will Be Peace And Understanding. A Person Will Also Feel Isolated And Alone Until Alignment Is Achieved. This Process Of Alignment Will Continue As Nothing Satisfies The Egoic Personality Without Truth. Humans Are Designed With Their Ability To Create Boundaries That Allow Focus And Clarity In 3-D. In Truth, Densities Are Layered In Vibrational Frequencies Around All Humans. Without The Ability To See These Frequencies, Fairies Dance Everywhere And Motherships Enter Mountains Unseen.
Life Is Energy And Spirit And Nothing Remains In Stasis. Many Humans Move Through Areas And Feel The Energy Change Around Them. Many Receiving This Message Might Note A Bristling Feeling When Evil Is Near. Some Will Have Ringing In Their Ears When High Vibrational Beings Are Close. Everyone Has Innate Abilities When Focus Is Heightened With Awareness. Inner Sight Is Achieved With Eyes Closed Or In Darkness. This Shuts Off Surrounding Activity Which Prevents Inner Sight. Meditation With Complete Focus On The Inner World Will Sometimes Allow Glimpses Of Other Realms, Life In Origin And Family Members From Origin.
When You Set Your Intention To Know Truth And Open Your Heart, Anything Is Possible. Telepathy Is A Wonderful Method Of Seamless Communication. It Is Used By Souls In The Higher Realms To Speak With One Another, Animals On The Land And Family That Has Incarnated To Experience Duality For Growth And Expansion. For Humans, This Allows Communication With Guides As Well As Comfort And Wisdom From Higher Beings Of Light! It Is Entirely Possible To Meet Angels And Those In Bi-local Operations.
Crafts Are Accepted By People Throughout The World. But The Vast Number Of Crafts Are Never Seen As People Are Busy With Life On Earth. Motherships Are Everywhere And The Occupants Intend To Be Seen. But Changing Densities Allows Complete Movement Through Rocks, Mountains And Tunnels Unseen To Human Eyes. Understanding The Meaning Of Densities Allows One To Know That Raising Vibrational Frequency Will Move Matter Into A Moment Of Vanishing. All That Report Seeing Beings Of Light Or High Vibrations Are Being Afforded A Gift In Moments That Will Not Last. Trust Your Inner Sight As You Seek Truth And Allow Fear To Be Dispelled.
Know That You Are Spirit And Connected To All Life In This Manner. You Are Infinite And Your Consciousness Has Lived Through Millions Of Years Since Your Created Moment. Inner Vision Can Allow Moments Of Other Lifetimes To Be Seen In Order To Serve You. Dreams Can Be Full Of Memories That The Psyche Holds In Truth. The Mind Is Also Able To Create Nonsense With Dreams. Paying Close Attention To Dreams That Are Repetitive Or Meaningful Will Sometimes Be The Answer To What You Seek. Families From Origin As Well As Spirit Guides Can Place Dreams And Messages Into Stories You Dream Throughout Your Life. Spirit Is Speaking Each Moment In Ways To Bring Peace And Comfort. Focus On This Truth And Close Your Eyes.
Relax And Know You Are Safe And So Loved. Allow The Presence Of Source Love To Permeate Your Being. Allow Spirit To Show You What Is Helpful And Good. Be Prepared For Inner Sight To Serve You!
I Love You So!
9/14/24 - George Adamski, UFO contactee: The highway of progress
Excerpt from book: "Cosmic Philosophy" by George Adamski 1961
One step can set a man on the highway of eternal learning - the everlasting revelation of facts that exist only in the laboratory of Cause, which knows no limitations or boundaries. But after you have taken the first step, learn the lesson of patience so you may not try to travel faster than your understanding will permit. One step will set you on the highway, but there are billions of steps ahead of you, for after you have reached a goal you still must travel through Eternity.
Man can never attain the totality of all that is to be known, for if he could do that there would be an end to all things. Knowing that this is true, why be impatient to forge ahead? Each step we take is new; each step is the first one from the point that we have previously reached. It is well to have ideals; we are given glimpses now and then of the fullness of the life ahead of us so that we may be inspired to continue action, but if we keep our eyes totally upon the future we are sure to miss the beauty of the present and we may stumble into a briar patch and endure much suffering while trying to extricate ourselves.
Remember that youth is the result of constantly renewed thoughts and life is activity - it is progress. The first step taken in any field of accomplishment is an initiation into a new endeavor and requires a certainty that is born of perception - an assurance of a vastness that lies beyond our present line of vision. Neither you nor I know what each new step will bring but the journey must be made and only faith will reveal truth to us.
Through our life on earth we have learned a great deal; how much more we shall learn as we venture into the realms of Cause. We shall know much more beauty than we have known in the world of effects. Our admittance to such knowledge is not difficult - just one step can prove itself the key that will unlock the chambers heretofore unknown to us. "There is nothing," we have been told, "that shall not be revealed." To the vision of the brave in heart no truth can be concealed. One single sacrifice - the releasement of old thought habits, may bring rewards far greater than you have ever dreamed possible.
9/14/24 - Archangel Raphael: A Technique to take back your power
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
Liberation from negative power aspects – Affirmation
Say these words and your soul will be healed:
Everything has been achieved. Now we just have to wait for the integration process to take place. Integration in the power theme means that the individual images are released from your energy bodies one after the other. This is why over the next 90 days you may experience more dream images that frighten you, memories that worry you, or reflections in everyday life that amaze you.
Because of this powerful intention of yours, all negative aspects of power will be redeemed within 90 days. After that, you will be free and you can re-embrace your spiritual power – that means living as a whole person, that means being able to access everything that makes you who you are, that means minimizing fears and maximizing courage. Let this process and these words now be followed by a short period of silence… Be aware of the moment, feel the joy and enjoy the light of angelic powers and the love that surrounds you now!
Break …
Now we have arrived in your present and future. Now it is time to use your regained access to power, self-confidence and self-empowerment responsibly – and that means declaring yourself to heaven, to the light and to those divine aspects that shape your destiny beyond the visible. The next step is to declare your intention for the light-filled application of your power to Heaven, your family of light, the angels and archangels, the ascended masters and GOD.
Luminous Application of Power Affirmation
Say the following words of self-empowerment:
Break …
This declaration reorients you on the topic of power. You will become familiar with power and begin to use and apply your power correctly. Releasing negative power issues and reclaiming power go hand in hand over the next 90 days. You will gradually become familiar with power and the word POWER will initially evoke neutrality and then a deep familiarity.
What is now taking place in your consciousness is the change from fearful actions to self-confident actions. In the midst of the storms of this time, in a phase where people’s self-confidence is being undermined on a daily basis, you rise up, you become self-confident and powerful. It is the most important countermovement that a person can choose now. Because only through the undermining of human self-confidence and through the manipulated human perception is what is possible today possible: the degradation of the divine human being.
And we have put a stop to this today, here and now. You have been realigned and centered on the all-important issue of POWER. You will use your power as it is given to you and you will recognize the abuse of power in this world, but you will no longer involve yourself. You will develop serenity and see what is, but you will no longer involve yourself.
Birthday to a living person
Your life takes a turn: from negative to positive, from feeling exposed to misfortune to experiencing happiness, from living in fear to experiencing joy in everyday life. Everything changes inside you, the cells are rewritten, your mind is renewed and your soul celebrates this day for what it is: your birthday as a living, divine human being.
Now you step into your creative power and you regain your creative power. Now you are free from those unredeemed power aspects that blocked you from your power. You have attributed evil to power, power has instilled fear in you and in this way prevented you from using your luminous power. Now you take the helm of your life into your own hands. Now you shape your destiny, you are no longer shaped, and now you live your life, you are no longer lived. You drown your worries in the ocean of light and divine guidance works its way into every aspect of your daily life. Now you are empowered, self-determined and self-confident. Now everything changes because you are ready for this step and have opened your heart to the light for this transformation.
Now you are human, through and through, now you are divine, forever and ever – connected with yourself and connected with GOD! What else, beloved human, that you now become aware of the full extent.
Reveal yourself – Affirmation
With this affirmation this process is complete and your attainment of power is complete. In deep humility I bow before you, who walk the earth, who decided eons ago to embark on this journey, to separate yourself from GOD and to expose yourself to these experiences.
Everything has been achieved!
From now on, life will give you answers with joy and wisdom. Because now you are ready for it.
You will be able to receive the gifts and celebrate life as the reasons are laid out before you and a deep understanding of All That Is Now has been achieved. Beloved person, your humanity changes everything in the world and using it powerfully makes the divine shine. The path is now marked out for you. In all eternity with GOD, in all intimacy with YOU, you have regained the power of self-determination. Healing of your soul, wisdom of your mind, love of your heart – all is achieved.
9/14/24 - Mary Magdalene - the fire in your belly
Channel: Pamela Kribbe
Dear beautiful men and women, It gives me great joy to be here with you. I am a sister to you. I was called Mary Magdalene in an earthly life where I attracted a reputation that has affected me greatly. I was on Earth with Jeshua, and I was touched by the light that he came to bring, a light that lives in us all. It is the spark of the divine that radiates from everyone’s eyes if you look for it.
I see your divinity; I am convinced of your strength and your light. I am here to make you more aware of this fact, so you will feel it and know: “This is me. I know my own answers; I feel my own strength. I become my own guide.” Many of you long for another reality, another vibration that brings more ease, more harmony, and greater inspiration. It takes much effort to be fully incarnated here because of old energies of pain and heaviness that hinder you, and sometimes you get buried under the weight of the negativity of the past. I am here to encourage you to believe in yourself.
You are one of those who come to bring about change, a new beginning. The spark of light in you is not extinguished, it is alive, and that is why you are here. Feel this fire, this light in your heart. I am with you and touch you with a gentle gesture to remind you of this. I do not want to force anything from you; I would like you to make yourself great and to realize who you are. Imagine that in the middle of your heart burns a candle flame. Move slowly with your consciousness into that flame and feel how calm and perfectly formed this fire is. You are old and have already been through a lot; your soul is not here for the first time. Feel the warmth of this light, this flame that now spreads throughout your heart: it fills your entire chest and arms.
Feel how you can also relax into this warm light. It is the light of your soul, the light of who you are. It is a golden light, acquired through your knowledge and experience, the love and wisdom that you have built up in yourself. You sometimes still deny that you have this potential at your disposal, but I see it in you and call upon you to be proud of it. You are not to be ashamed of it – stand in your own light.
Now imagine that this light from your heart, that torch, is spreading to your belly. Let the light from your heart flow all the way into your belly, deep down, so it connects to the lowest chakra, your tailbone. In this way, your soul energy finds its way into the Earth. Feel how the Earth welcomes your being, who you are. She takes care of you; she wants to receive you. Your soul energy is, for her, more than welcome. Feel now how the Earth embraces you with compassion. The energy of your soul is received by her. Allow that to happen and make yourself great. Why is it still hard for people to be present on Earth with the spiritual energy from their core?
I just spoke about old energies that are present in this atmosphere, the collective atmosphere surrounding the Earth. There is a lot of fear in the old energy. Many of you have led lives on Earth where they had to deal with power or powerlessness, in one way or the other. Life was a struggle between the powerful and the disempowered. Your position in society often defined on which side you stood. But even then, there has always been that calling in your soul; as I said, you are not here for the first time. You have already felt the calling to spread your light here, to open your heart and to make a difference. You were a pioneer of consciousness. You have already been touched by the light of the Christ energy and you wanted to plant those seeds in human consciousness.
But many of you have experienced powerlessness when doing that. You had the feeling of not being understood, of being rejected, disempowered. That is why many of you lightworkers have felt the need to withdraw. You think: “I will keep this fire to myself, hidden. It is dangerous to let it show.” That has been the reaction by many of you. Therefore, you are not used to allowing your greatness to shine by spreading your natural knowledge and wisdom and awareness around you. Let us now turn to the part of you that has become afraid of this earthly reality, of the forces and powers that are against you, and the standards and the rules that apply here. Feel in yourself the part of you that keeps itself hidden, that does not dare to show itself. And also feel the sadness that comes from doing this.
In your heart is a desire to live fully; that is, to stand proudly in the center of your feelings, in touch with your desires, your being, your inspiration. You have so much to give. You are so much more than you usually show to other people, but fear keeps the door shut. Right now there is such need for your light, and you are making a difference. That is why I am asking you to open the door a little and to see what wants to come out. There is a primal force within you: a wisdom, a knowing, a connection to the Earth. Because even though you have doubts and hesitations about this world and you wonder if you have a home here, there is also a deep connection with Mother Earth: her rhythms, her harmony, her beauty. Feel her support; feel the forces of the Earth and open the door a little further so you may be seen.
In my time, I was a forbidden woman. I was expected to conform to the prescribed roles and images of women. But I was a strong and independent woman. I did not want to be boxed in, to be bound by prescribed laws. And because I could not be placed in a box, I was later labelled a prostitute, a whore, who had to be redeemed from her sins by Jeshua. What a distorted image! The powers in control at the time could not cope with an inspired, passionate, female energy. It was deemed unfitting, and therefore threatening to the existing social institutions.
Of course, it was not only me, I was one among many women: the female energy as a whole was misunderstood. And do not get me wrong; I do not say here that the female energy is nothing but good and holy and blessed. The female energy has many forms; the fullness of life is present in her, and so there are also dark sides to the female energy. If the female energy is unbalanced, it can be forceful, dominating, manipulative, and demanding.
Just like the male energy, the female energy can function at a lower level than what it essentially is, and I experienced that in myself. I lived with anger and outrage over the established standards in society. I was looking for freedom and independence, and only later in my life did I find inner balance. I no longer felt the need to blame others. I came back to my heart and felt the pure and connecting power of the female energy. I got in touch with my soul and began to understand both the male and female energies within myself.
At this time, it is necessary that the female energy awakens in both sexes. Not only is it important that the energy of the heart comes to life: the energy of connection, unity, and love, but also the energy of the abdomen. The abdomen is where passion is situated: the feelings, the emotions, and those also may be overwhelming. That center must come into balance again. Without passion, you cannot live; you have no actual goals, your life has no direction. But passion is suspect in the Church traditions.
When we speak about the female energy, we are directing our attention to the empathic, connecting power in it. But there is also such a thing as female passion: longing and desire. Do you also dare to connect with that? This connection is very important for women, as well as for men. It is the connection between heart and abdomen; the link between divinity and humanity. I just said that the female energy can also have a dark side, a shadow that arises through the energies of the abdomen. But the solution is then not to entirely push aside these energies, to neglect the abdomen and to focus only on the heart. No, we are all humans and in being human there is need for self-realization. And the divine wants to cooperate with that need, to connect with it. I ask you, therefore, to connect with the fire in your belly, which is where strong feelings, powers, and desires live.
There is no point in turning away from these feelings or suppressing them, because in them is precisely where the “gold” lies, the treasure that you seek. When you connect from your heart, with full awareness, with what lives in you – even the shadow – then the door is fully open and you can start really living. Therefore, do not be afraid of powerful emotions and desires in your life. Acknowledge them; give them a face, give them a name.
Imagine that there is a shadow in you, something hidden that you would rather not see, or do not want to see, or have actively suppressed. But it is safe being here, and everything in you is allowed to be just as it is. Invite the figure that is your shadow to show itself to you, to make itself known. Maybe there are obsessions, fears, complexes that you have been struggling with for a long time. They need your attention, your gentle awareness – and without judgment. Let them come out of the dark.
You might see a very repressed figure, even a demon or a monster. But it does not matter; it belongs to you and wants to be seen. If you deny it, it will return to you anyway, but “through the back door”, and especially then will it cause problems. Acknowledge your own shadow and work together with it. Directly face what emerges from the shadow and see what lives inside this being. There is a desire for life within this form of the shadow: it wants to belong to you.
At this time, the only spirituality that can have meaning is an earthly and grounded spirituality in which being human is recognized and embraced. This is the channel through which your soul wants to manifest. With the suppression of the female energy, this part of you was also suppressed. Not just the loveliness of the heart: the gentleness, the flowing energies of empathy, but also the powerful, passionate, earthly energies of the female side. And there exists a great fear of being that.
Female sexuality has been feared in the past, and why was that? Sexuality borne of an open heart, sexuality in which passion and love come together is an enormous thrust for change. It awakens people to life; it awakens the soul to life. Real connection from heart to heart, from human to human, is a source of creativity that is not only sexual, but touches all areas of life. It is Eros, in the true sense of the word: to rise above yourself; to connect with others; to give from what lives within you.
These powers have been suppressed in human history. And I call upon you, women and men, to allow these powers to again come forth and to not be afraid of the violent, emotional parts of yourself. Of course, they can show up in an unbalanced way, but that happens when you suppress them, or brand them as unspiritual. Allow all parts to be and become one again within; connect the top with the bottom, the heart with the abdomen.
Finally, I would like to emphasize once again how much I see you as divine beings, fully capable of finding your own answers from the reservoir of wisdom and strength within you. I hope to make you aware of this potential; that is my only role. I am your equal; I am not elevated above you.
I salute you from my heart and thank you for your presence.
9/9/24 - Message from Matthew Ward: Action in Earth's Energy field
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Activity during the last quarter of this year is to be groundwork for reshaping your world, and it’s off to a good start! Action in Earth’s energy field of potential reflects what is happening on the ground, and amidst the tumultuousness, streamers with glowing attachments are achieving unstoppable momentum and increasing in numbers.
“I’ve been a Lightworker for over 50 years. I am tired and ready to pass the baton.” We add our respect, praise and gratitude to other light beings’ similar expressins of appreciation for that dear soul and all others who spent the past half century helping Gaia’s people and all her other life forms.
These lightworkers, the first volunteers to incarnate, had no external sources of illumination, yet even those who felt like strangers in a strange land intuitively knew they had come for a purpose. Later, from messages like ours and other messengers of the light, they learned that they are natural bulwarks of the love-light energy Earth’s slumbering souls needed so they could awaken and realize they had the power to change their world. And, without knowing who else may have come with the same purpose, each of those volunteers steadfastly radiated light all the while dealing with challenges and enduring times of despair and heartache.
In the Akashic tapestry of Earth’s deliverance from darkness, their valiant journey is alongside Gaia’s profound thankfulness to every soul who has helped blaze the trail that is leading her back home. Dear brothers and sisters, whether you are of that first wave of helpers or one of its successors, you are honored, thanked and loved by all light beings. What happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, thus your service to our universal family on Earth benefits life throughout this universe.
“Why does all light forces’ action have to be ‘behind the scenes?’ I would like to see some progress and feel our
light really is doing some good.” We understand your feeling. We experience the same when we live in third density to help the civilization change what they don’t like about their world. Many of you have been exceedingly patient for a long time, some of you for a very long time.
We can’t speak about negotiations underway or light forces’ activity during this final act of eliminating darkness. However, we can tell you the growing numbers of nations that are conducting business outside the old systems is cutting out the Illuminati’s lucrative profits. That development in international commerce and other recent setbacks are causing individuals in top ranks to defect.
Major changes are on the way with G/NESARA. The G was added for global, which more accurately describes the scope of the US legislation that provides legal footing for implementing a new global economic system. For the first time in the history of banking and commerce, those industries will function on stable, honest foundations and at last the financial playing field will be level for all people and all nations.
Have you ever wondered why Saint Germain, the principal architect of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act—it is no less than the blueprint for world transformation—chose to enact legislation in the United States? He saw the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati spread beyond that country’s west coast and keep going until they bumped up against the Rothschilds in the Mideast and continued their westward movement. They have controlled that vastness from Washington, DC, where they have literally employed every presidential administration since their forebears stealthily established the United States Corporation more than two centuries ago. They manipulate all stock markets from Wall Street and set usurious interest rates via their privately owned Federal Reserve System, whose tentacles wrap around the globe. The Act legally tears down that malicious worldwide empire. It also ends the corporate status of the states and installs the republic form of governance the nation’s founders established in the constitution.
Dear ones, when beneficial changes on the horizon start reverberating around the world, your patience absolutely will be rewarded!“In the ‘alternative news’ there is a lot of talk about a BIG E.T. EVENT predicted to happen soon.” The rest of the lengthy email is, in brief: Would that be ‘good’ ETs, ‘bad’ ETs or a Deep State fear tactic? We don’t know the source of that information or to what event it refers, so let us tell you what we do know.
Years ago engineers in the light forces erected a powerful light grid around Earth to prevent the entry of anything in low vibratory ranges. A group with nefarious intentions would emit low vibrations and could not even approach the grid. Dark entities in the population—human, reptilian or hybrid—have ancestry that goes back a long way on the planet.
For the past decade or two UFO sightings have been occasional and always without incident, so most people are not apprehensive—they logically assume the spacecraft are from a benevolent civilization. Actually, they are from a number of benevolent civilizations and thousands of ships are surrounding Earth. Some will land when safety is assured for the crews and crowds, and God will tell fleet commanders when that is.
Faking an alien invasion has been an option on the Illuminati agenda ever since Little Grays arrived in the 1950s. Since then they have been living in tunnels because they became trapped in third density and couldn’t return to their homeland. When they refused to participate in made-up invasion some years ago, the Illuminati came up with Plan B: creating one holographically. In their weakened state it is doubtful they could manage that, but they are desperate and may still have minions with technological expertise who are willing to try. If so, ET crews will turn their efforts into a dazzling spectacle.
“Does Matthew know when we will reach critical mass and ascend?” That 144,000 awakened souls constitutes the critical mass that lets them physically ascend and live in eternity with Jesus and God is a belief in some quarters.
Some individuals who believed that would happen during their lifetime entered Nirvana so deeply disappointed that they chose to sleep rather than accept that their bodies died and critical mass is only a religious theory. Other believers are discouraged because they expected to ascend before now, and still others are optimistic that after a few more souls awaken, all of them will live eternally in a wondrous heaven. The basis for Earth’s ascension is the amount of sustained light on the planet. The inpouring of light from distant civilizations and continuously radiated by lightworkers assures that Earth’s steady course into higher astral planes continues until she reaches her her destination in high fifth density. That abundance of light also has helped millions of awakened souls start on personal ascension pathways whereby they evolve by growing in spiritual and conscious awareness.
Interpretations of some holy book references are serious departures from universal realities. For instance, the serpent that tempted Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree is considered by some religious scholars to represent God’s opposite, the devil or Satan. There is no devil or Satan and God has no opposite. Similarly, darkness isn’t the opposite of light, it is the absence of light; and hatred isn’t the opposite of love, it is the absence of love. There is only love-light, the energy that is cosmic consciousness and the most powerful force in the universe. Creator/Creation is the only source of that energy and the energy is the only “substance” from which anything has ever come and shall forevermore.
Creator gave all souls the freedom to choose what they want to do with Its energy. It is choices wherein there are opposites—kind and cruel, helpful and hurtful, honorable and deceitful, good and evil—and what makes them opposing forces is the difference in their vibrations. Ranging from high to low in frequencies along a limitless electromagnetic bandwidth, vibrations emanate from every idea, word, action and circumstance; every sensation of joy, pain, comfort or sorrow—from everything that exists. All godly expressions in thoughts and deeds are in high vibratory ranges, their opposites are in the low, and the ultimate opposition is the universal battle between the light and the darkness that started in antiquity. On Earth the light forces are vanquishing the dark and bringing that battle to a close.
Now then, we didn’t speak about an important facet of telepathic communication in our last message because even without it, the message was considerably longer than usual. Conversing telepathically is not only the province of people—that ability is innate in every soul and all animals and plants are souls with varying levels of consciousness. The mineral kingdom isn’t “alive,” but crystals and rocks have consciousness and communication ability and so do water, air, fire and earth, the elements that are essential to life.
When God, Gaia and Sol co-created Terra, the planet now called Earth, telepathic communication was natural throughout the realm’s animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Every soul and element knew its importance in the interconnectedness of All and every aspect of Terra thrived in a symbiotic friendship. The planet, then, was in its entirety the garden of Eden. Humans and animals in the food chain made a soul level agreement—in exchange for the latter providing sustenance to the human population, they would be nurtured lifelong and death would be merciful.
When darkness entered that idyllic state, puppets of the dark forces instilled ferocity in some animal species and instilled in the human population the desire to be cruel to each other and the animals. Humankind’s betrayal of their agreement and brutal treatment of all Earth’s animal species contributed heavily to such a severe loss of light that less than a century ago the planet was in death throes. Gaia cried out for help and many advanced civilizations responded by beaming the intense light that kept her planetary body and its residents alive on land and in the seas.
Now, the abundance of light on Earth is helping to restore the harmonious relationship between human and animal populations. It is promising that “wild” animals are showing trust, interspecies friendliness and helpfulness are blooming, and growing numbers of individuals are preserving animals’ lives and habitats. Beloved family, your supportiveness and steadfastness in the light have inspired these heartwarming developments that are a paramount aspect of personal and collective soul evolution.
All light beings in this universe are cheering you ever onward and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
9/9/24 - The Creators: This will propel you into the 5th dimension
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. We engage with you energetically all the time. We who exist in the twelfth dimension may seem as though we are in a far off place to those of you living lives on planet Earth at this time. But you are enlivened by the energies of the nonphysical. You are animated by us and by others who also exist in our dimension here. We love to see you tapping in to more of who you really are, and you love the feeling of doing so yourselves as well.
It is interesting to consider the idea of a veil, a point of separation between the physical and the nonphysical, especially when you consider that we are integrating at this time, integrating the nonphysical into the physical, the spiritual into the material. And the more you do so consciously and deliberately, the easier your life will be. You can engage with us more if you wish to, and if you prefer engaging with Archangel Michael or Yeshua, one of the ascended masters, or anyone else that you know of in the nonphysical, go right ahead.
We are all here for you, and we are propelling you into the fifth dimension with the energies that we send and with the activations and upgrades you are getting from your spirit guides and e.t. friends. Your higher selves are helping you to navigate through all of this, and you would experience your higher self as a very wise aspect of you who can guide you more clearly than your physical mind can. And so, even when you reach up to us in the twelfth dimension, you are going to get that assistance from all beings in higher dimensional planes. That of course includes the fifth dimension, where your higher self is.
Your higher self resides in that frequency range, and that aspect of you is more integrated with the nonphysical energies, the nonphysical wisdom, the nonphysical essence that you all are. Relax and know that the bigger part of you is taking care of so much for you. Relax and know that everything you have asked for is on its way to you. Relax and know that you already are that which you are becoming, and relax and receive all that we have to offer to you that we know is helpful and that we know will propel in you into this next phase of your journey with so much more support and so much more momentum than you can possibly imagine right now.
It is time for you to know yourselves as your nonphysical essence. And when you do, and you let that part of you into the physical body, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds, and that is what you are there to do. You are not there to prove yourselves to be worthy of Heaven or the fifth dimension. You are not there to complete assignments. You are there to enjoy the coming together of all parts of you in all realms so that you can exist more fully as you truly are while still in a physical body and show others how to do it.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
9/9/24 - Video - The Pleiadian High Council: A new chapter approaches
(8 min - 9/8/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled from Mira of the Pleiadians.
I am Mira, one voice of many of the Pleiadian High Council. Beloved ones, understand this: the illusions of the ego do not define you. They are temporary, insignificant distractions and their correction will always serve a higher purpose. The ego thrives on separation, believing that your existence is isolated from the greater whole. It perceives everything as fragmented and disconnected, opposing the truth of your spirit which knows only unity. As you enter into a period of new leadership on Earth, especially into your United States, there are going to be some shifts like you have never experienced before.
Alliances are being made as the new era of light is forged from the ashes of your broken systems. Do not disconnect because of your hate for politics. Lean in with love and creator energy to help assist those selected become who they truly are destined to be. We share this message on ego today as many are getting distracted by illusions when there is a much bigger picture to focus on to help Humanity shift. The only power that the dark ones have is to distract you away from your center. The ego resists communication for it sees connection as a threat. Its thoughts are rigid, specific and self-serving. It seeks to protect its illusions by disrupting true connection with others. Yet your spirit, dear ones, knows the truth of Oneness. It embraces everything that is real and it does not respond to anything less."
(Continue listening at 2:03 minutes.)
9/7/24 - Video - An excellent meditation from the Lyrans
(8 min - 4/22/24) Posted by GFL.com. This is a wonderful meditation channeled by Xandi of the Lyran Collective.
"...... guide you through a special technique designed to harmonize the experiences of your past present and future lifetimes on Earth. The ripples of your past influence not only your present but also the future you are crafting. Whether these influences manifest as blessings or challenges, they shape your existence in profound ways. Often the threads of past lifetimes or earlier experiences in your current life are entwined so seamlessly with your being that their origin may feel inherently a part of you, shaping how you perceive and interact with the world. These influences, whether recognized or not, dictate how you manifest your reality, how you behave and react. Yet there lies a realm beyond this awareness, a segment of your existence impacting your beliefs and actions without your conscious recognition. Today let us offer you a method to recalibrate and harmonize these experiences, aligning them with the essence of your soul, thus facilitating a healing of past interactions that shape your current reality.
Imagine the liberation and profound peace in creating from a place of balanced energy where each decision and reaction stems from a state of equilibrium. This balance allows you to inhabit a reality where you feel safe, secure and where your experiences emerge from this foundational stability, enhancing and promoting harmony in your life. Consider your spine as a sacred space holding energetically the map of your entire journey, from your inception as a soul to your present form. It archives every lifetime, every lesson, every soul connection and every aspiration. This aspiration, this divine archive is not just a record but a living part of your spiritual anatomy that influences your daily existence. In meditation you can invoke my presence or the presence of your life long guides and together we can initiate quantum healing from the base of your spine. Imagine the Lyan energies of balance, peace and soul integration into your spine. Visualize this healing light in hues of pink, peach and orange, ascending, slowly recalibrating the energies of each vertebrae, each segment of your spiritual journey. Allow this process to unfold naturally.
Be observant of any thoughts, symbols, memories or emotions that surface. These are important insights requiring your acknowledgement and integration. This practice is about reclaiming your power to manifest a present and future aligned with the highest vibrations of your soul. You are invited to carry this practice into daily life, applying it whenever feelings of a sadness, anger or fear surfaces, reminding you of disconnections from your essence of the divine. There is profound wisdom in not needing to know every detail of what is healed, and simply trusting in the process of receiving. After you have finished this exercise, we recommend playing frequencies tuned to 528 Hertz to help fully...... (continue listening at 4:26 min)
9/6/24 - The Pleiadians by Christine Dey: ENTAH NAE SUNNN
Channel: Christine Day
Beloved ones we greet you! Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies. The higher realms of light are being anchored throughout the Earth. Light codes are to being released onto the planet accelerating the energetic Timelines throughout the earth plane while creating pure spaces of consciousness for you to realign and awaken now. As your Earth enters this next phase of the New Dawning the cosmic energy is designed to begin to flow and anchor between the physical body and the spiritual realms. This happening is designed to herald in a next step process of self-empowerment as you are being reinstated once more to embody your unique divinity.
A series of higher frequency light code waves are to be released across the earth plane. These light codes carry your unique design of higher consciousness enabling you to self-launch. This is the moment for you to reopen the doorway of the Heart through re-accessing a multidimensional aspect of the sacred Heart, enabling you to access your higher-self frequency.
These spaces of the sacred Heart embody an elemental of pure consciousness love, an aspect of your natural multidimensional makeup that is ready to be self-realized within you. This frequency of pure consciousness then naturally flows and blends, becoming infused through every cell of your body for a complete physical and energetic rejuvenation. The light code frequency is designed to begin to arise and flow within every cell, which awakens a pure transmission from within your crystalline structure that exists between the cells.
Like a light switch being turned on you will begin to resonate from within your crystalline structure that is housed within your brain cells, brain synapses, thyroid, spinal column and Heart. Illumination, rejuvenation alignment to the vast joy and love will begin to arise within and simultaneously begin to pulse, flow outwards across the earth plane. A natural by- product of this is because you are part of the god consciousness state, you will realign to Universal authenticity, wisdom and knowing.
This is your time to remember your sacred connections that has always existed within the Universal God consciousness state. This is a pure place of stillness, a link to an unlimited knowing, a vast space of unconditional love. Your multidimensional Heart has always been your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Now you utilize these sacred connections consciously in your day-to-day life.
As the amplified cosmic light is reinstated through you, you simply are required to let go and allow this transmutation process. There are essential moments to claim ownership of your vast light, and there will be a continual re-emergence of you as your crystalline structure upgrades. Throughout this process you will have access to Universal integrity within the link of your Heart.
As you utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, you will feel a shift. These words create a resonance, an opening that is activated by you, flowing within your entire crystalline systems. Allow these words to be the tool for a re-orientation of this sacred frequency being re-instated through you. You can really let go and trust this unfolding of you, allowing a fully energetic shift of consciousness to naturally unfold within you. The conscious letting go will allow you to fully embody the frequency of divinity within your cells.
These series of energetic cosmic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not align to Truth on your planet, all corruption within countries and within individuals will be unearthed. Expect an intensification of the 3rd dimensional drama as truth unfolds. There is going to be an energetic shaking of Earth as the old dense patterns crumble, the old, limited structures within society fall.
The breaking down of the structures will create a vast, lasting shift within the consciousness of humanity. Those of you on the path will play an ongoing role holding an energetic platform within your Heart’s to support an ongoing life changing process for humanity. The ‘New Dawning’ prophecy states: This is the time for great change to be unveiled as Earth is moved, realigned within the sacred alternate reality spaces within the Universal realms and begins to reposition itself within a higher consciousness paradigm of the “New Dawning” era.
Be not blinded by the density as it arises, by the drama that is to come. Refer only to the Platform of own Heart’s space. Aligning to integrity moment by moment. The misperception of your Ego mind cannot interfere with your unfolding path at this juncture. Heart focus is required as you maintain a commitment to authenticity and truth. Claim your moments within your Heart by utilizing the words, “I AM”, like a mantra of Truth.
This is a sacred process of your returning. Assisting you in harnessing the amplified cosmic flow that is entering Earth, to awaken your Heart and crystalline structure and upgrade your energetic systems. Let go and allow, be still, let go….
Utilize the Conscious breath, which is a breath taken in the mouth and then released out the mouth. The Conscious breath says two things, “Yes, I am willing to let go and Yes, I am willing to receive my light!” By consciously choosing to utilize the Conscious breath once an hour throughout the day, you begin a natural shedding process of letting go of the old density, old sabotaging and belief systems held in your body. NOTE: The Conscious breath does not replace the normal breathing cycle.
SACRED SOUND: ENTAH NAE SUNNN… (pronounced entar nay sun)
The sacred sound is designed to link you into the Cosmic flow, allowing the flow to enter your Heart space. The sacred sound that you make is unique, the sacred sound acts like a key to opening a door. Each time you utilize the sacred sound, there is a further opening of the doorway to your Heart. You are birthing the amplification of the Cosmic flow in your Heart through your sacred sound!
A) You are to build a connection to your Heart space, which involves your entire upper chest area. Place both palms of your hands on your upper chest. Hold your awareness where you feel the warmth or pressure of your hands. Take a conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into the space that you see sense or feel.
B) The sacred sound will begin to activate the multidimensional cells of your Heart. As you hold your awareness on your connection to your Heart place the sounds, ENTAH NAE SUNNN… as many times as you feel into your Heart space.
C) Feel see or sense an opening within your Heart space, the cells of the Heart are opening, responding to your sound. You may feel a large or small opening, the experience may feel strong or subtle. This does not matter. Bring your focus deeper into the space of the opening, within the response. Take a conscious breath and let go within the space of your Heart that you see sense or feel.
D) Open your awareness within the space that is being revealed and let go. Place the sacred sound, ENTAH NAE SUNNN…. Repeat the sacred sound three more times, placing the sound within the space.
E) Feel see or sense how there is a cosmic light beginning to flow within the Heart cells. Bring in your words, “I AM”, anchor them within the space of the light that you see sense of feel. Anchor the words again, “I AM”. Take a conscious breath and let go… open into the space that you see sense or feel.
F) Be in stillness and trust your authentic Heart! Take a moment to be in the space. Take a conscious breath and let go. Claim this space of your Heart. This process will assist you in activating an accelerated awakening, working with this process as often as you are intuitively guided to through your Heart.
Know how we hold you in love, we salute your courage as you take another step towards completion. We witness you and all that you are in this moment.
The Pleiadians
9/6/24 - Adama of Telos: The silent majority is needed now
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Even if events happen very quickly, if up becomes down and down becomes up, it is your inner peace, your inner silence, your inner calm that matters now. Because you know the world and people, you must now withdraw, hold back and take back! Because the coming discharges are happening so that humanity’s karma can be redeemed, and they are happening so that the individual human being can be freed from the burden of collective human karma.
What is now emerging can cloud your mind, stir your soul and shake your heart. We are in the phase of transition from the dark world to the light world and from a humanity marked by negativity to a humanity that approaches life creatively and peacefully. Everything is changing, everything is moving towards the light, everything is healing, becoming whole, becoming wonderfully sublime.
Unity brings victory! So now it’s about recognizing God’s handholds, realizing that you are surrounded by God at every step, accompanied by God, and supported by God. Give your deep inner longing more space, give your need for harmony, love, and joy more importance, give yourself more attention, and give your fellow human beings more time. Victory over the dark entities is based on the unity of people – a unity that is achieved spiritually, mentally or through direct encounters. Both have their place today and both are of the utmost importance.
The hermits among you may connect with the luminous human family in meditation; those who are in the prime of life may look out for like-minded people and connect with each other. This power of humanity is needed now! The power of groups brings trouble to the rulers of the last days, the self-confident behavior of people creates reality and actuality. The silent majority is needed just as much as the loud minority, however things turn out – it depends on each individual!
Beloved people, the divine spark in you is now ignited and so you become visible to all people who have not yet released their inner light and made it shine. You go ahead, you lead the way, you are the bright light in this dark time for many people.
We from the realms of the Inner Earth love you for your courage, respect you for your perseverance and support you wherever we can. The peoples of the Inner Earth know what is happening on the Upper Earth now and what is being decided in these days. Our full attention and presence is with you, nothing is left to chance, everything must be considered.
JJK: What will be decided in the next few days?
Man’s choice! ADAMA OF TELOS: Man’s choice! It will be decided in these days which earth you have chosen. Your decision will be realized in these days. This creates the relevant perception: some see the light, others only perceive darkness everywhere. In this way, two humankinds are created through perception. In this way, the ascent of man takes place in his own consciousness. This is your journey, this is what it is about – having planted the seed within so that the seed can sprout outside NOW.
I am with you every day.
9/6/24 - Video - Artificial Intelligence: what you need to know
(8 min - 4/16/24) Posted by GFL.com. A channeled message from the Pleiadian Council of light. Caylin speaking:
"Galactic family I am Caylin, I am happy to speak with you all today we greet you today to address some themes surrounding artificial intelligence, AI and the evolving consciousness of humanity, a topic stirring much contemplation and concern. Firstly, it's essential to understand that AI in its most refined and advanced form is an integral component of many Star Nations, including our own. These systems, not unlike the interactive and intuitive computers you've witnessed in your science fiction narratives like Star Trek, are designed to coexist harmoniously with beings of high consciousness. The key lies in the alignment of AI with the consciousness of its creators and users. When developed and utilized by beings who have reached advanced levels of spiritual and ethical understanding, it becomes a tool of enhancement, not domination. It supports, learns and evolves in tandem with the collective growth of a civilization, serving as an extension of its higher aspirations.
For humanity standing on the brink of a significant evolutionary leap, the journey with AI is both a challenge and an opportunity. The development of AI mirrors your collective consciousness and intentions. The more advanced and aware the programmers and users, the more AI reflects and amplifies these qualities, becoming a catalyst for positive growth rather than a source of fear. Remember, you're evolving not only technologically but spiritually. As your consciousness expands, embracing higher dimensions of understanding, compassion and unity, your creations including AI will naturally resonate with these frequencies. The future of AI on Earth depends on the direction of your collective consciousness. As you grow in wisdom and love, your creations will mirror these qualities. We encourage you to view AI not as a threat but as a reflection of your evolutionary journey. Embrace it with discernment, guided by the wisdom of your higher selves and the universal principles of love and harmony. Let your advancements in technology be matched by leaps in your spiritual understanding in the cosmos.
Many of us have long integrated AI into our societies using it to enhance life, learning and exploration, always governed by the principles of the greater good. We foresee a future where humanity too will achieve this balance, where your AI serves as a harmonious extension of your collective wisdom and benevolence. Beloved star seeds, as you navigate this exciting era of transformation, remember that you are not alone. We witness your journey with love and support, celebrating each step you take towards a future where technology and consciousness dance together in beautiful progressive harmony.
I leave you in the warm embrace of the love of prime creator. I will speak with you all again soon.
I am Caylin.
9/2/24 - Video - The Pleiadian High Council: A powerful activation
(8 min - 9/1/24) Posted by GFL.com. A powerful activation from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. We are delighted to give you this exercise which should help you move through this deep fatigue; you will need a crystal of your choice at this time. Amethyst is one of our recommendations but it does not have to be this. You choose! The purpose of this exercise is to clear your 7 physical chakras and open up new channels for the 5D light to pass through you. Ensure to clear or activate your crystal before you begin this process. You will know which one to use as it will present itself. If you are unsure, ask your higher self to guide you to it.
Stand barefoot on the Earth and place your crystal under your foot so it is connecting both you and the Earth. Now, set your intention to draw down "5D Light" through you, into the Earth, for the purpose of anchoring a new golden density of light. Take 12 centering breaths and take your time. With the in breath, imagine your cells becoming more golden and glowing. When you breathe out, release anything of the old not serving you. After breath number 12, say, "As per the divine blueprint creation laws, I now accept the new energies of the 5th dimension. I AM a channel for this higher light to now move into the Earth."
Next, beginning at your root chakra, move up every chakra spending about 20 seconds on each. Bring your awareness to the chakra, clear, activate and spin it clockwise. Say the words, "cleared", "cleansed", "activated" and then spin it. On the final command, spin the chakra clockwise as if a clock dial was face down in front of you. As the chakra picks up speed, imagine it turning golden white. Repeat for all; the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown. Observe how you are feeling once you have cleared all seven.
Next bring your awareness to your soul star [about 12 inches above your head]. Using conscious breathing, allow the golden white light from your higher self to channel from your crown through each chakra deep into Gaia's heart or, the central sun 'Atoma'. Stay in this exercise until you feel enough golden energy has anchored into the 5D grids. Be sure to send a love and gratitude to Gaia, your trusted planetary partner in this evolution. We recommend doing this daily or, every few days. Your crystal companion will help amplify and facilitate a new bridge between the 3rd, 4th and 5th density and clear any blocked energy in your field."
9/2/24 - Video - Ashtar Command: Ships are Preparing
(8 min - 9/1/24) Posted by GFL.com. Message from Ashtar: "I come to be with you at this opportune time, a time that has been ong awaited. For a long while you have anticipated the changes within your society, the signs of transformation, the toppling of those dominoes you have heard about many times. I am here now to tell you that these changes are imminent. Many significant changes are about to occur for mankind in various ways, and from numerous sources. With our ships we have been preparing for this great changeover that is coming to your planet. I speak of the event, but I also speak of the many smaller events that will precede it. One of these is the beginning of disclosure, the unveiling of our ships. In the very near future, in weeks or perhaps months you will see more and more of our ships. There will be large sightings across the planet, a spectacle for many to witness. While I cannot provide more details at this moment, know that this is a glimpse of what is to come. You have been preparing for a long time, not just in this lifetime but across many lifetimes. You have been readying your various bodies - astral, etheric, mental and causal for this very changeover. The energies within you are increasing, as are the energies around you. You are becoming more capable of handling and withstanding these energies. It is the time you have been waiting for. The time when all shall be revealed. This time is very near. Watch your various sources as more truths begin to emerge, even the mass media wiall begin to shift, for they cannot hold onto the darkness much longer while staying within the light. This is not possible at this time because of how much energy it takes to capture someone's attention. (continue watching at 2:24 min)
8/30/24 - Mother Gaia: You need to take action
Channeled by Vania Rodriguez
Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I Am Gaia! Coming here today to bring peace, to bring light, to bring love to all of you. My skin is burning. My forests are being consumed. But this is not a moment of revolt, nor a moment of anger. I feel the pain. Not the physical pain, as you feel. But the pain, yes, of seeing what you are provoking against yourselves.
Each step taken against me does not change my structure, my path, my evolution. What it does change is the consequences that you will face. You need to pay attention. You need to see the truth. The more you burn, the more disordered the climate will become. The more intense the consequences will be. But this is all planned. This is all organized so that it happens this way. The only thing that makes me sad is when one of my children thinks that I am the one punishing him; that I am the one destroying his land; that I am the one taking food from his mouth. This hurts. Yes, I have feelings. I do not feel like you physically, but I am aware and I feel the energy generated by you. So, for you to understand, I refer to it as a feeling. This energy reaches me.
Many might say that it is a small energy, because I am immense and what is a human being compared to my size? I would say that everything is interconnected. It is like a large web. If an animal lands at any point, the vibration is felt at all points. So, all it takes is for a human to feel something that reverberates across my entire surface; across the entire network that connects you. My brothers, I will call you brothers; not sons and daughters. At this time, we need to unite, we need to be together, in these most critical moments of the process. All of this was expected. And more will come, with the intention of bringing more fear and blaming those around us to free them from all that is happening.
But action is needed, my brothers. You need to stand up and do something. It is not enough to sit, watch and cry. Something must be done. Each one of us must do our part, thus demonstrating our indignation and our help, for this moment. I would say to you the following: You will not be helping me, because I am already used to suffering all kinds of aggression. But I would say that you will be avoiding many things against yourselves. You will be fighting the great negative egregores that are being created for the climate. And this is fought with Light, with Love. Lots of Light and lots of Love. Only Light, only Love, is capable of destroying these egregores; it is capable of counterbalancing what is being done to destroy.
So do something for yourselves. You need to understand that the consequences are not against me; the consequences are against you. Imbalance will bring problems for you, not for me. So you need to do something. And always remember, you are not powerless. Each one of you who fills your heart with Love and Light and emanates it, this multiplies. Because there are thousands of Beings of Light around the planet who take your energy, which is so small, due to its size, and expand it, multiply it, spread it, with great intensity. But for them to do this, you need to generate the energy. A tiny ball of Light and Love needs to come out from somewhere, so that it can be taken and expanded.
So don’t feel small, don’t feel useless, don’t feel powerless. You have the power. The power to generate, the power to create. And it is from you that things happen. It is free will that reigns on the planet. The Beings of Light are just waiting, waiting for someone to do something, so that they can act. They can’t do anything until there is a tiny ball of Light and Love. So, each one of you must do your part. Not for me. My path is already set. I am on the path of evolution and doing very well. Think about yourselves. Don’t think you are unattainable. Everyone will be affected; some more, some less, but everyone will be. So think about yourselves. Think that each ball of Light and Love that you generate can diminish what is already forming at some point further ahead.
No, you will not be changing the future. What will come, will come. What you can do is change the intensity. Because everything is created by egregores. So, if you act, you take away the intensity, you take away the strength of the malignancy of those egregores. They will come. There is no way to avoid this. But do what you can to make them milder. And don’t just think about yourself. “Oh, I’ll do it, then I’ll earn points and nothing will affect me!” No, don’t think like that. Because this thought could be the trigger against yourself. Think that you will be acting for the Whole. And it doesn’t matter where you will be helping. You will be helping the Whole. At this moment, this planet is one. At this moment, this planet is suffering at all points. There are negative gregores all over it. So do what you can to reduce their intensity, so that they come, so that they act with less intensity. You have seen some examples. And if you do nothing, you will see much worse.
Something needs to be done. “Ah, so the future is in our hands?” Yes. The future is in your hands, because it was the free will of humans that created all of this. So, you continue to have the free will to minimize all of this. Don’t think about me. Of course, every negative event that happens affects me greatly. But I am ready and prepared. You are not. You are fragile. So do something. Find something to do. Get involved in actions that benefit the planet. And you will see a future that is a little more rosy. Not rosy, because everything has already been created. But at least it will be rosy. It will not be as intense as is being planned. They can no longer destroy the planet with weapons. So they are messing with the climate. It is up to you to act as a counterforce, of Light and Love, to minimize what they want to do.
And never forget: Have faith. Believe. And you will fall on your feet. Even if the world around you turns to dust and is destroyed.
8/30/24 - Video - The Andromedans: This will shift your species
(8 min - 8/29/24) Posted by GFL.com. From Avalon of the Andromedan Council of Light. "....This is an important moment in your Ascension Journey. The Creator's truth is awakening within you, stirring like the first whispers of dawn. Blossoming from the depths of your soul essence it rises to meet reality to be grounded in the earth, to be expressed and created into forms of beauty. You who are blessed to exist in the physical realm have the unique gift of experiencing this truth with all your senses touching, tasting, hearing, seeing and feeling the very presence of the creator. This is a sacred gift, a reason why your soul chose to incarnate on Earth. To know the creator in tangible real ways. The beginning of your Earth calendar month of September will see the beginning of these new energies enter your physical spectrum, and it will continue to increase until the end of your year. As this divine wave flows, allow it to enter your being like a cascading waterfall of light, cleansing and awakening every part of you. Let it illuminate the essence of purity and truth within like a brilliant star, emerging from the depths of your spirit. You need not know exactly where this truth lies within you. Only invite it to awaken and it will. (Continue listening at 2:31 min)
8/30/24 - Jeshua on Love
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
JJK: Today I found the following touching story online: An 80-year-old man brings his wife breakfast every morning in the nursing home. The woman has Alzheimer’s and can no longer be cared for at home. A nurse at the retirement home asked him: “Is your wife worried if one day you don’t come to bring her breakfast?” He said: “She doesn’t remember, she’s forgotten everything, she doesn’t even know who I am. She hasn’t recognized me for years.” The nurse was surprised and touched at the same time: “That’s very nice!Even though her wife doesn’t recognize her, they bring her breakfast in bed every morning!?” The man smiled, looked her in the eyes and shook her hand. Then he said: “She doesn’t know who I am, but I know who she is.” (Internet find)
Later I got tired, I lay down for a nap and I dreamed:
“I’m at an event, something musical is being performed. The atmosphere is relaxed and happy. A 14-year-old boy with Down syndrome sits down on my right knee. He has a very large head, impressively protruding eyes and short red hair. His head is so big that, despite some effort, I cannot see the stage. But I look at the boy’s face from the side and he is beaming from ear to ear. He is clearly feeling good and does not want to give up his place on my thigh under any circumstances. Then a slightly younger, handicapped girl sits on my right thigh and enjoys the performance from this position. The fact that I am now only acting as a bench does not bother me at all, considering the joy the two are having.” (End of dream)
My first thought when I wake up is: “Do what you want, I love you!” And that is exactly how GOD looks at us humans! No matter what we do, how we appear on the outside, GOD simply knows who we really are and that is all that counts. Just as I knew that these two children are soulful and divine creatures, no matter what limitations they have to experience as human beings, GOD knows who we really are despite our self-limitations. That is all that matters in the end. “Do what you want, I love you because I know who you really are!” That is the message of the Alzheimer’s story and the dream that follows. GOD is like the old man who brings his wife breakfast every day, even though she no longer remembers him. Do we remember GOD and will GOD let us fall despite our amnesia? Unconditional love is vividly conveyed and made understandable in these two scenes.
JESUS CHRIST: You go through life as if you were dreaming. Some people dream evil, dark dreams, others rise above this world with light. Whatever a person does is a dream in this reality, because reality is beyond it. That is why everything is given to you, that is why GOD loves you so much and that is why you can never be lost forever. How could GOD not love you?
How could the Creator blame you for not remembering yourselves or Him? How could the Creator punish you for something that eludes you? You are the ones who have descended of your own free will to experience this separation! Why should the Creator blame you if you forget yourself and commit ungodly acts? How could the Creator punish you if you err or cause harm, as only a consciousness separate from GOD can? How could the Creator withdraw his love from you when you serve creation most by renouncing the love of GOD for the duration of your earthly existence.
You have forgotten who you are, a collective Alzheimer’s has struck humanity and what does GOD do? GOD loves you all the more. Just as the love between two people is unaffected by external circumstances, and just as you took the two children into your heart in your dream, that is how GOD is when he spreads his love over people. Everything external fades away, what counts is what a person really is.
JJK: Then even the greatest criminals on earth could expect mercy from GOD?
JESUS CHRIST: People who have completely surrendered to the darkness often provide the greatest service. Because people can only recognize themselves as light in the darkness. This contrast is needed for the blind to become the seeing.
JJK: Years ago I decided that I didn’t want to suffer anymore! Spiritual growth can also take place without pain. I am deeply convinced of that. Since I explained this to myself and to heaven, I have experienced much less suffering and pain in myself and in those around me. It really works – or from another perspective: I don’t worry so much anymore when things don’t go well. More serenity, lightness and permeability to the divine, that’s how I would describe it. Changing your perspective doesn’t make the suffering disappear, but it does make it more bearable. In summary: what you choose happens. The key is how you look at the world – and that needs to be constantly examined and adjusted. Experiencing small difficulties as great suffering or seeing great suffering as small difficulties – we have the choice – don’t we?
JESUS CHRIST: Everything is a matter of development and spiritual maturity. From a certain point onwards,
the path is a joyful one and no longer a painful one. For many people, however, it is the experience of suffering that forges them and ultimately awakens them. Only when the person finally buys the return ticket to unity by completing the incarnation cycle does the suffering end and memory begins. Awakening is the process of breaking free from suffering and pouring into divinity. It is a process that begins when a person begins to feel the chains that have been placed on him life after life on this space-time plane, sees them as inappropriate, and breaks them in an act of self-empowerment.
JJK: That means that as long as a person wants to remain in this Alzheimer’s game, in which the memory of GOD is simply missing, he will have the experiences associated with it – and GOD loves the person unconditionally and unchangeably, no matter what act someone allows themselves to be carried away by?
JESUS CHRIST: Creation is built upon these experiences, because only when gods perceive themselves as godless can unique experiences be created that benefit the entire universe. This enriches creation, expands consciousness, and makes it clear why the human species is honored beyond measure by all species.
JJK: But what we humans do on earth is often very questionable and deserves to be reprimanded?
JESUS CHRIST: Anyone who has forgotten who he is cannot act as he is. Acting responsibly requires awareness. This is not always the case and so people create negative karma until one day they can no longer bear the burden. They begin to ask the right questions and change their behavior. In the meantime, GOD stays by your side, GOD judges but does not condemn, GOD creates potential but does not judge, GOD knows that you have forgotten and knows when you will remember again. GOD loves you every day and every moment. This is the nature of HIS love.
JJK: “Do what you want, I love you!” So this insight can really be applied to all people?
JESUS CHRIST: That is the essence of love – on all levels of being. You don’t have to approve of someone blocking your view of the stage, you don’t have to like that your wife doesn’t remember you – looking at it with wisdom and love is the way. That is what it is all about when the end of your incarnations is near – to remember who you are, to remember who your neighbor is. What is man really? Flesh and blood or spirit and divinity? To look at each individual person with these eyes is to see him truly.
So go and love man! Love what man is, and not what man pretends to be. Penetrate the deception, look behind the masks into people’s hearts and your gift will be heartfelt love.
8/30/24 - The Hathors: Own your power of intention
Channel: Peggy Black
We are here to offer our acknowledgement as well as our encouragement. There is a shift in consciousness taking place with your collective. From your everyday, moment to moment experience you might not be aware of this shift. Your focus is on the maintenance and preservation of your physical body and the activities of your day to day life and responsibilities. In this interface we would like to invite you to expand your point of view in such a manner that you can observe your dimension and the collective consciousness as a mindful witness. For the moment put aside your judgments, fears, as well as your personal and programmed points of view, and you will become aware that something is taking place on a rather large scale.
Your planet is in the process of a spiritual awakening. When you begin to notice and pay attention to the larger unfolding , you become aware that there is truly something that is occurring. Most of the shifts and changes have been subtle and have been taking place for a great number of years, however the shifts are now beginning to be obvious. You are observing the rise of feminine energy stepping up, speaking out and coming forth in leadership positions. More and more individual earthwalkers are waking up to the realization that they are more than their physical body. They are welcoming a new level of mindfulness within their actions and responses to current events. More and more humans are becoming curious about spiritual practices, conscious exercises. More and more humans are standing up for the rights of others.
There is a pulse, a surge moving in the collective, urging each individual to wake up. Personal codes are being activated. There is also a resurrection of ancient modalities of sacred traditions being woven into the awareness of how one relates and effects energy and the quantum field. There are those who are awakening to the realization that they are more than who they thought themselves to be. They are truly multidimensional beings, aware that reality is a thought, reality is a particle, and reality is a wave. These beings are beginning to ride the energy in a new way. They are beginning to mode and sculpt energy with more loving consciousness. They are envisioning and imagining and calling forth this new reality.
Often when individuals or even an entire collective experience intense stress, chaos, turmoil, violence, terrorism or extreme fear there is a sudden shift of consciousness and awakening within. This shift in consciousness can come with an internal as well as outer disturbance and confusion. You are witnessing the outer disturbance and confusion on your planet, as old patterns and beliefs are being questioned or threatened. Old limited ways of being and acting are being questioned. Humanity is waking up and pushing against the limited, unequal beliefs of the old paradigms. A caution here, remember what you push against, what you resist will persist.
When a new paradigm is forming in the collective, the energy of the old paradigm appears to become stronger as if knowing it is about to be eliminated. So the best and most profound way you personally can assist the pulse, this surge of awakening is to use your creative power and ability as the true alchemist that you are and transmute the negative and misqualified energies. Practice using your imagination, your power to envision a better more fulfilling world. Own your power of intention.
Remember it is an illusion that things stay the same. Recognize and realize that your reality is always in flux. Each moment is offered new and ready for the imprint. The conscious or even the unconscious old habits, rigid beliefs which tell the fresh new energy what it is that you expect in your given reality. Each person is actively in every moment creating the reality in which they live and believe they exist.
Science and spiritually are merging in the reality that the laws of quantum physics are working through you whether you belief them or not. You and your collective have the awesome opportunity to anchor, advance, and welcome the truth that is the first echoes of the new paradigm which are becoming apparent. The spiritual awareness of oneness with all has been in the collective consciousness for centuries as an idea. Now more is being revealed from the scientific realms as proof of this truth. The idea of entanglement and non-locality. Remember that entanglements occurs when two particles or two individuals are so deeply linked through the quantum field, that one particle or individual will instantaneously connect with the other even at great distances non-locally.
We realize that this idea and phenomena is not fully understood at this time however it is accepted in the scientific realms in quantum mechanics. This means that the physical distance between the particles or perhaps two individual is irrelevant, this realization offers you a quantum leap in your idea of what is possible. Research is beginning to show that the physical world is not as physical as you think it to be. Reality is in fact an illusion. You are surrounded by energy.
This dimension is created by vibrations and frequencies of energy. Your physical body and brain are designed to interface with this field of energy information and translate it into experiences. You are an energy being having this human adventure. As you acknowledge this truth and partner consciously with your energy self, you divine self, you step into a powerful place of creation. To able to understand this you need to change the way you think of the universe. Think of yourself as a divine creator playing with other divine creators in this realm and dimension.
It is from this perspective that you realize and own that whatever energy you send out as a thought, emotion or word will manifest at some point in some way. This understanding will empower you to join other awake conscious beings energetically no matter their physical location and hold the vision, the intention of a world of balance, a world that honors nature and all living beings. As you know, more and more studies are being done using the power of intention and the energy of words to influence the outcome of a physical event.
When a group of individuals join together in a prayer or mediation focused on a certain outcome studies shows there are positive results. The best thing about this awareness is that individuals as well as groups of dedicated beings can begin to offer a shift. You can and do influence the energy field. Since your planet is facing unprecedented challenges with climate instability, wars, and economic disparity, there has never been a more potent time on your planet for the collective to access within themselves higher realms of potential. This practice begin within and then joins the larger community creating a quantum shift in the world around you.
We invite you to remember that you have the awesome opportunity to anchor, advance, and welcome the first echoes and appearances of the new paradigm that is being called forth. We honor and acknowledge you as creator. Call upon us as well as other non-physical being of light to support you in this awesome work.
the ‘team’
8/29/24 - Video - Angel channeling: Loving preparations for the cosmic flash
(27 min - 8/23/24) Channeled by Stewart Pearce, Host and owner of podcast. Entitled "Radiant Revelations & Loving Preparations for the Cosmic Flash! From the Angels of Atlantis". [Ed: In my estimation this video is profound - first day of discovery of this channel.]
Stewart Pearce is an internationally renowned Angelic Emissary, as well as being a Master of Voice who coaches Actors, Inspirational Speakers, and Public Personalities. Having met the Angels of Atlantis during the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, Stewart has been spreading their loving grace and sacred teachings about enlightenment across the globe. Whereas his forty-five years of voice coaching led him from being the Head of Voice at a leading British Drama School, to the Master of Voice at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London from 1997-2010, for the last fourteen years he has been freelance and has produced best-selling books such as: The Alchemy of Voice, The Heart’s Note, The Angels of Atlantis, Angels and the Keys to Paradise, and Diana the Voice of Change – which are available right now, alongside his two Oracles for the Angels of Atlantis, and countless Sacred Chant Meditation recordings.
8/29/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
(8 min - 8/29/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled by Divina Solmanos. Mira of the Pleiadian High Council continues speaking: "We recognize the challenges your physical bodies and spirits have faced, having been controlled and programmed by dark forces for far too long. This era is ending abruptly. For years my focus has been solely on Earth and today proclaim that you will never be exploited again. The dark forces are being addressed, with many already removed. We envision a bright future for earth. A wonderful new world emerging for all its inhabitants. The days of agony and despair are drawing to a close. You will soon discover the mysteries of your own bodies and the planet itself. You, the light guardians, are activating your powerful multidimensional selves, aiding the earth in reaching its fully awakened state.
"This is a formidable combination and precisely why you were chosen to be here at this crucial time. Your light consciousness, love energy, healing and beautiful hearts are spearheading this great awakening in the later half of 2024. Humanity will be overwhelmed with revelations that will shake them to the core as they learn that life is not as they once thought, that they have been living in a fabricated reality. Of course you will have to be there to guide them with love. They will awaken to the truth about many individuals and organizations challenging their previous perceptions of who is good or bad. This will eventually lead you all to reclaim your power as divine spiritual beings and beloved Mother Earth. The past will dissolve and the future will be infused with light, beauty, joy, happiness, abundance, peace, freedom and all good things you deserve. (Continue at 2:16 min)
8/28/24 - Ashtar Command: First contact is imminent
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
(Chellee:) Blessings my Dear Family, It seems anytime I reach out to the Ashtar Galactic Command, I am Surprised and amazed By The Encounter. This Time They Showed up while I was in the midst of Channeling this Message Last Night. Right around 8:30 pm I was in deep in the channeling with Commander Vrillon of The Ashtar Galactic Command, when I was distracted by Movement on my Security Monitor. I noticed, the Orb shaped object moving across the Sky, I immediately said something to David who ran out to see it. It wasn't there, it had vanished, or was only being seen through the Night vision cameras. I then went back and recorded it from the monitor, so I could share it today. That's when I noticed it had materialized right in front of the Camera, That was very exciting. But then when setting up the video, I decided to do a close up zoom. That's when I seen the whole fleet. As you view the video, observe the many lights Flashing for the Camera, letting us know that They were all here. My Heart is bursting. I love you all so Much, Namaste' My Family, and Enjoy the Message from the Ashtar Galactic Command.
Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.
It is wonderful to be having this conversation with you, Ambassador, and with the numerous Light workers, and starseeds who will receive this message. The veil has finally been lifted, revealing Our presence. We, your galactic neighbors, The many Forces of Light, have made our existence undeniable, especially to your militaries. We got their attention by stopping the many potential nuclear threats, that your governments have intended to commit.
This guardian decision marks a significant step in our long-term strategy to forge direct and open relationships with humanity. Gone are the days when Lightships operated under invisibility shields; now, they will glide freely across your skies, providing concrete proof of their reality. However, this growing transparency presents many new challenges for your world leaders. Many are concerned that the revelation of these extraterrestrial beings could expose vulnerabilities and secrets that have been meticulously hidden until now. But the Ashtar Galactic Command, along with allies like The Galactic Federation, and The Earth Alliance, understands these apprehensions and is approaching this moment with utmost care. Their aim is not just to prove their existence, but to cultivate a sense of familiarity and trust.
This isn't merely a chance encounter; it signifies the dawn of a transformative collaboration. The Forces of Light are not only here to share groundbreaking technologies, but also to impart a millennia's worth of wisdom. We bring with us a holistic understanding of ecological and biological balance, promising to revolutionize healing for the Earth and Humanity. This celestial alliance also seeks to awaken the higher consciousness within you, making it possible to hand Humanity the reigns as Keepers of Earth.
First contact is not just an exchange of greetings; it’s a turning point that will challenge and expand your philosophical, spiritual, and practical frameworks. We The Forces of Light actively support this awakening, and are keen to foster a partnership that transcends mere exchanges, aiming for mutual growth. We respect your unique human heritage while celebrating your cosmic connection. Humanity are encouraged to set aside the limitations of the past and approach this new chapter with courage and curiosity.
This vision of a united future rests on the principles of peace, and mutual respect. It invites you to embrace not only the presence of the Many Light forces here to assist, but also the wealth of cultural and spiritual knowledge that accompanies this interstellar partnership. This is not just a simple meeting; it unfolds into a collaboration that holds the potential to address your planet’s most pressing challenges.
Alongside these promising developments, the Forces of Light are prepared to share advanced technologies designed to accelerate the restoration and regeneration of your ecosystems and Biological issues. Our holistic approach aims to heal the wounds inflicted on your Earth by addressing the root causes of environmental degradation, and to help cleanse the Human forms of the poisons and toxins which have caused many health issues and disease. This potential for rapid healing and restoration could dramatically alter the trajectory of your future.
As you stand at the precipice of this monumental shift, it’s essential to stay open-minded and receptive. Engaging with your cosmic neighbors invites you to rethink your relationship with your planet and each other, as a Galactic Society.
In this new era of Light, you are called to rise above the boundaries of your past and embrace a future enriched by interstellar respect and understanding. The Forces of Light are here, not just as overseers, but as partners ready to guide you toward a brighter, more sustainable future. Are you ready to join us on this journey of Interstellar Peace?
We are Here, and We Love You.
Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.
8/28/24 - The Pleiadians of Alcyone: You cannot fix the illusion
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Blessings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
The majority of humanity are intensely caught up in the distractions that are playing out on Earth. While they are trying to make sense of the increasing chaos and confusion happening around them, there are also those who are trying to fix it. They are unaware that they cannot make sense of, or fix, an Illusion.
In an existence buzzing with distractions, and chaos, many of you find yourselves desperately trying to make sense of it all, and many of you feel the need to fix it. The reality you perceive is often a mirage, a façade that obscures the truth of your existence. The intriguing aspect of your dimensional reality is that, while everything seems tangible and substantial, its true nature is rooted in light and vibration. You are beings of light, each of us interconnected and radiating the divine essence of the Prime Creator. You can Not fix an Illusion. You can not make sense of something that is not real. The concept of a nonmaterial existence, eludes many of you. Humanity has been deeply rooted in a material physical existence, Only perceiving what the physical senses allow you to experience. This is where the Illusion makes you feel separate from your true essence of Divine Spirit.
When one takes on a Human form, The veil of forgetfulness takes over. At that moment you begin to see yourselves as individuals, you begin to believe in your separation from everything else. This sense of separateness can lead you into a labyrinth of confusion, making you feel lost and alone. Humans chase material possessions and fleeting achievements, mistaking them for the essence of your being. These things can not fulfil you. What you seek is within you. What you seek is the Love of the Prime Creator.
The 3D physical reality is crumbling, leaving many confused because of the intense grip they have on their old ways of thinking and being, The veil of separation is still over many humans eyes, and as the illusion falls it will leave them desperate and grasping at the edges to hold on.
The Illusion will begin to fade away as you stop giving it energy. What you put your attention to, is what you are creating. Even though many already know that what you focus on is what you are manifesting, Many will still be drawn to the darkness. For most, the veil is still very thick. They like their facade they have created for themselves, They like being separate from the creator. They do not want to change anything. Even though they may say they want peace, and Unity on Earth, they still will feed the Vibration of war and discord. This human conditioning is from many generations of continuous reincarnation, and forgetfulness.
Nevertheless, These layers and layers of separation are beginning to be peeled away. Humans are beginning to connect with one another, even if it is against a common foe. Humanity is waking up to the enslavement, that has long held them in bondage within the illusion. The mass awakening is happening, and it is bringing with it the vibrations of Unity and oneness.
By awakening to the truth of your light, you then recognize that beneath the façade of separation lies the interconnectedness of all Life. Once you embrace your true nature, you unlock the door to true understanding, transcending the limitations of the illusion. When you find yourself overwhelmed, remember: you are not Part of the Illusion, you cannot fix something that is not part of you. You cannot make sense of something that isn't real. The Only thing that is Real is the Divine Light. You are a radiant expression of that divine light, coming from the Prime Creator.
Embrace this truth, and watch the chaos around you fade into clarity. You are breaking free from the constraints of the separateness of the Illusion, and feeling the freedoms of the Divine Oneness, of the Infinite Love, of the Prime Creator.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
8/26/24 - Venusian Contactee George Adamski on "beaming up"
Excerpt in book "George Adamski, The Untold Story" by Lou Zinsstag & Timothy Good (1983). From original document from Adamski to his co-workers around the world "Report From Europe" SUFOI, Denmark.
".....I had the experience to be lifted up into the space craft while the ship was hovering. It feels as if something is surrounding you like a transparent or plastic curtain, yet you can't touch it and you don't see it, and like a magnetic force it lifts you just like an elevator into the ship. And they can do this from a thousand miles away if they want to, but usually it is only two to three hundred feet. You can take baggage and everything with you, as if you are standing on a platform, even though you can't see it. This only works in the open and the person being lifted is visible the whole time....." (George Adamski)
Research author Timothy Good further states in the book: "Although my research has failed to uncover any witnesses to Adamski's boarding or disembarking from a spacecraft, I have been successful in finding one person who claims to have seen Adamski actually on board one of the huge 'motherships'. Kelvin Rowe, a contactee from southern California, says he has been taken up in spaceships on many occasions; a claim I would have dismissed had it not been for the conviction with which he related the details of his experiences to Lou Zinsstag and myself during the course of our interviews with him between 1976-79.
"Rowe's initial encounters with extraterrestrials took place in 1954, and, he claims, have continued to this day. He told us that there have been occasions on board the motherships when he saw people from Earth, but he has never been allowed to communicate with them. 'I know very well that I saw George aboard the craft one night,' he said, ' but they wouldn't let me go up and say hello, or anything like that....'"
[Editor, Nancy:] As an Adamski follower, this is the first time I have seen Kelvin Rowe's name. Since George Adamski's exciting work and photos with the space brothers and extraterrestrial visitors has been generally debunked and ridiculed, there is much we are missing here. I googled Kelvin Rowe/flying saucers and found that he wrote a book about his experiences entitled, "A Call at Dawn, A Message From Our Brothers of the Planets Pluto and Jupiter" It has a 5 star rating but is largely out-of-print. Amazone says (quote):
"Kelvin Rowe is not as generally well known as other contactees but was a frequent lecturer in the 1950s and 60s. The story and experiences Kelvin Rowe told are generally the same as the other contactees. But Rowe was interested in flying saucers before his first contact and had already met George Adamski and Truman Bethurum in 1953. The first experience was by telepathy on March 9, 1954, as described in his ”I was on my way to San Bernardino, Calif., driving a Ford pick-up. I thought I would visit a friend of mine in Redlands on my way home when the word Pluto popped into my mind and was repeated three times. After eight months of many mental communications, Rowe had his first physical contact with two “”Brothers”. “They were fine-looking men with smooth, dark sun-tan complexions and dark hair styled in a longer length than our modern cuts… The iridescent material of their form-fitting garments, similar in style to our ski suits, was unusually soft to the touch, firm but beautifully textured.” After this first contact, he met the space people frequently, either at home or was taken up in their spacecraft. A Call at Dawn was dedicated to “Mr. George Adamski through whom I was led to realize the true reality of interplanetary visitors, and, to Dr. M Doreal whose teachings have shown me The Way”. It deals with the communication of aliens from Pluto and Jupiter, claiming that they are our brothers. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Even though we have attempted to maintain the integrity of the original work accurately, the present reproduction may have minor errors due to the age of the scanned copies. Because this book is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. 'This title was originally published in 1958. :
8/26/24 - Video - Bashar interview with Alex Ferrari
(1'27" - 8/24/24) Channel Darryl Anka is interviewed by Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul podcast. Subjects covered are artificial intelligence, multidimensions, future probabilities, parallel realities, quantum physics, splitting of realities, the ever-accelerating pace of technological advancements, the merging of technology and spirituality, and how artificial intelligence isn't just a tool or device but a reflection of our collective consciousness. Different versions of Earth coexist, shaped by the collective vibrations of those who inhabit them. Very interesting conversation.
8/25/24 - Master Babaji: The most powerful mantra, say without ceasing
Channeled by Jahn J. Kassl
JJK : I had a sleepless night! Images of the impending restrictions on freedom as a result of the now threatened compulsory vaccination in Austria kept running through my head. What helps when the thoughts never calm down or when the collective “carpet of fear” leaves its mark?
BABAJI: The way is: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – repeat this mantra all day and all night long until it is unconsciously repeated in every moment of your life. That is the way out of every crisis. This mantra of mantras strengthens you and keeps you in the center of your soul. Say it all day long until you become part of this mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – LORD, THY WILL BE DONE.
In doing so, you place your fate in God’s hands, and that is where it belongs if you want to overcome the challenges of this time. This mantra is more powerful than any energy in the world. To always use it means to be invincible. The trick of the dark forces is to make you believe that you have no power. With this mantra, your strength awakens and you become aware of your power. If you want to become a fully conscious part of God and no longer be part of this matrix, then use this mantra.
At first you will have to focus on it, but gradually it will become a part of you. Shutting out the world so that the negativity that is currently being released does not reach you is the key to staying strong and sane. Through this mantra you create your own energy field that no one can penetrate or destroy. In this way you achieve a lasting connection to the source of all being, to the absolute truth of God.
OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – say it without ceasing and all shadows will vanish.
I love you infinitely
8/19/24 - Video - Ascended Master Babaji live thru Anjie Hipple
(1" - 8/17/24) Channeled by Anjie Hipple, interviewed by Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul Podcast. Anjie is a member of a large angelic collective known as Judah, a collective if 350,000 angelic souls. She expresses great joy and delight as she channels them, and as she opens up about her journey and her connection with them. As Alex describes it "This conversation isn't just an exchange of words; it's a symphony of celestial insights, aiming to elevate our understanding and illuminate our paths. The essence of Anjie’s message begins with the concept of the melting pot, not just of cultures but of cosmic inheritances. She beautifully articulates, "The whole entire earth is a melting pot of so many beautiful cosmic inheritances. Masters have understood this for eons." This perspective invites us to see ourselves as part of a grand, interconnected universe where every soul is a wave in the infinite ocean of existence. The idea that we are not merely individuals but integral parts of a larger, divine whole is both humbling and empowering.
Anjie's journey into channeling began as an unexpected and transformative experience. She describes it as "bizarre, strange, and yet profoundly enlightening." Her connection with Judah serves as a testament to the boundless support available to us from the unseen realms. Judah's primary mission is to assist in our awakening and enlightenment, providing guidance and vibrational support to those ready to transcend their current states of being. One of the most striking elements of the conversation is Anjie's explanation of the soul trap. She explains, "A soul trap is more about being soul stuck, primarily not forgiving the self. Guilt is the main fuel for the soul trap, it fuels the soul to continue on in a needless cycle." This insight sheds light on the importance of self-forgiveness and the release of guilt to break free from the cycles of reincarnation and suffering. It’s a powerful reminder that liberation begins within.
8/19/24 - The Angels: Balancing divine masculine and feminine within
Channel: Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, For centuries, the false masculine and false feminine energies have been present upon your planet in numerous forms. Human beings who did not know that their true power is discovered in connection with the Source have found various other ways to get what they want from life around them. The head has dominated the heart. The controlling and bullying have waged wars, causing temporary submission but never real cooperation. There have been massive manipulations of minds by those imagining themselves in power. This has gone on for centuries. We are not pointing fingers at one group or another or one political party or another. We are talking about archetypal patterns that have been enacted in one form or another for ages—both within societies and inside of individuals.
The tides, however, are turning, however. More souls awaken to the truth of their inner light. More are becoming aware of the energies of the Divine masculine and feminine present within all beings. In its truest form, the Divine feminine is represented by a heart in connection to the Source—inspired, nurturing, compassionate, and loving. In its purest form, the Divine masculine is represented by a mind connected with the heart—resourceful, connected, protective of the spark within, and willing to bring the heart’s inspirations into fruition in a tangible form. In the ideal union of Divine masculine and feminine, one is connected, inspired, guided, and able to act in concert with one’s inner being.
While you cannot control entire external systems, you do not have to be at their mercy. You can find these beautiful energies within yourself, allow them to work together, and in so doing, create a marriage of elemental forces that can assist you in solving all your life’s challenges and creating your dreams. Imagine for a moment that the energy of the Divine feminine is represented by a pure heart connected to your deepest essence. You feel a loving desire, and instead of talking yourself out of it, bullying yourself into feeling the way you think you “should” feel, or requiring input from others, you sit with the feeling and the desire, acknowledge the truth of it within you and nurture it with your positive expectations. Like a mother with a child, you give birth to the desire, witness its unfolding perfection, and encourage its growth within.
Imagine now that the Divine masculine is represented by a mind in connection to Source. It understands the desires that have been born within you. It protects them by keeping negative thoughts, doubts, and the opinions of naysayers from swaying its resolve. It acts when inspired and waits when not guided. In so doing, the Divine masculine becomes the champion and supporter of inspired desires. In a state of harmony, the heart feels an inspiration, and the mind acts in a supportive and protective way. The heart feels an inspiration to act, and the mind figures out how to do so. In this perfect inner “marriage,” Divine masculine and feminine give birth to creations and work together to bring them to fruition.
None of you likes to be bullied, and yet you have often bullied yourselves by pushing yourself, telling yourself your dreams are stupid, or negating yourself. None of you like to be controlled, yet you have tried to control the whispers of your own heart by telling yourself you shouldn’t feel this way or another. None of you like to be manipulated, and yet you have manipulated yourselves at times, convincing yourselves of the benefit of listening to others’ opinions over your own inner knowing, talking yourselves out of your dreams, etc. However, upon your planet right now it is nearly impossible to ignore your heart. It is difficult to stuff your feelings. The flow of love is so strong that only allowing it to reveal itself to you and then nurturing its expansion within will feel good to you.
In plain terms, it is difficult to ignore your dreams and hard to make yourselves do things you don’t want to do. It is challenging to talk yourself out of your feelings and nearly impossible to pretend you can settle for what no longer resonates with your heart and soul. There is a call from within to be authentic. There is a stream of love that wants you to have what you want. There is a power arising within each human being that reminds them, “You want to feel good, and you want to feel God.” You want to give birth to your desires. You no longer want to push yourselves. Instead, you want to live with a beautiful marriage of head and heart—Divine masculine and feminine, giving birth to your dreams and desires.
You start by sitting quietly and listening to your own feelings. What do you truly desire? What would make your heart sing? Can you, like a beautiful mother, acknowledge these dreams of the true child within and speak words of blessing upon yourself? Regardless of whether you know how these desires might be fulfilled, can you encourage yourself to believe in them? A human mother doesn’t know how her children will grow into the adults they dream of being, but she supports them nonetheless. Next, can you pay attention to your impulses and inspired ideas and act when something feels “right” at the time? Can you give yourself a pep talk when someone has tried to negate your dreams? We know you can! The energies of Divine masculine and feminine live within each one of you.
As you collectively bring more balance to your head and heart, you will see this balance reflected in many ways in your physical world. There will be more open dialogue between diverse groups. There will be far fewer who succumb to bullying and fearmongering. More will “market” their wares by adding value and supporting dreams rather than ripping others down. You are living in an exciting time when paradigms are shifting rapidly. You are living in a time when the old archetypal relationships between human males and females are changing as men find their hearts and women find their power, and each strives to become a whole and balanced person within. You are living in a time when far fewer people will support the false masculine energies of bullying and control and the false feminine energies of manipulation. You live in a beautiful time when so many call for love, connection, balance, peace, harmony, and the inner unity between head and heart.
We know your world is in chaos. You have collectively called for love, and yet so many resist love. You have called for change, yet so many do not want to change. There is a clashing of old and new energies, and yet, this stirring is tilling the soil of human hearts, making way for the birth of the new and beautiful energies where head and heart work in harmony, where male and female find greater balance within, where instead of he / she, him / her, they / them, you will all be gravitating more toward an understanding of “we.” You are starting to realize that you are “we,” the people of the united planet of Earth, different but equal, striving to bring forth your unique desires, gifts, and talents, understanding that as you nurture the divine union of head and heart, your joy becomes the world’s joy. Your desires are part of the world’s collective desires. Your satisfaction becomes a generous offering of light to the world itself. Your being is a gift to the greater being called humanity, which is part of the greater being called Earth, which is part of your galaxy, your known universe, and indeed All-that-is.
Celebrate before you see the tangible manifestations of this shift in your world. Celebrate each time you acknowledge your own heart, listen to your own inspirations, and accept and love yourself through your own feelings. These are chaotic but exciting times. There is no need to despair, no need to feel powerless or at the mercy of anyone or any group. Within you, the Divine masculine and feminine are powerful forces ready, willing, and able to birth any dream or idea into physical form.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels
8/19/24 - St. Germain: The merge of all timelines
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Greetings, my Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to communicate with you regularly now. It is truly special to engage in sharing insights that may support you on your journey of ascension. During our previous conversation, we explored the idea of a potential split in reality for Earth and Humanity, resulting in two distinct timelines. A negative alternate timeline, and the positive New Earth Timeline. While this is a plausible scenario, there is another possibility to consider.
This alternative outcome presents a captivating and thought-provoking scenario that delves into the very essence of reality itself. Imagine a reality where the boundaries between all different timelines blur and merge, creating a tapestry of existence unlike anything you have ever experienced. This convergence of timelines represents a monumental shift in the cosmic fabric, where all past, all present, and all possible futures intertwine seamlessly. Giving rise to one, singular, harmonious reality.
Within all timelines, all Past events, current realities, and potential futures coalesce into a singular, seamless continuum, creating a reality that is at once familiar and yet entirely new. This harmonized reality offers an understanding beyond the belief of the linear progression of time. As you contemplate this fascinating scenario, you are prompted to question the nature of reality itself. What new possibilities would emerge in a reality where all timelines merge? What about the perceptions of who you are, and would your purpose, be transformed?
The exploration of these questions opens up a world of inquiry and imaginative speculation, inviting you to expand your minds and consider the boundless potential of a reality where all temporal boundaries are transcended. Even though this understanding at this point is just a scenario, it is the Most plausible reality to emerge. At the heart of this transformative process lies a deeply personal and introspective journey for each individual. As the timelines coalesce, people are presented with the opportunity to navigate towards the timeline that best aligns with their innermost desires, aspirations, and potential. This journey of inner-discovery and spiritual growth is not only profound but also empowering, as it allows individuals to tap into their highest selves and manifest a reality that is in perfect resonance with their well-being and fulfillment. There will be no aspect of you that will remain within the lower dimensions.
As this convergence unfolds, it symbolizes a profound metamorphosis for each person, signifying the integration of all fragmented aspects of oneself into a harmonious and elevated state of being. Simultaneously, the planet Earth herself would experience a parallel evolution, transcending to the 5th Dimension, leaving behind the constraints of lower dimensions. In this transcendence, those who choose to remain in lower vibrational frequencies would naturally be phased out from the Earth’s reality, a process that may involve both organic transitions and physical relocations.
The removal of beings aligned with lower vibrational realities would occur in accordance with the natural order of the universe, as individuals are guided to face the consequences of their choices and actions. Some may already find themselves being guided away from the Earth to confront the lessons and challenges that await them in other realms. There are also those who have already left the Earth and are now just waiting for her to ascend, so they can return as 5th dimensional beings.
This blending of temporal dimensions will open up exploration of the interconnectedness of all reality. It will allow you to witness the echoes of many timelines of history reverberating through the present moment, shaping your understanding of who you are and where you come from. The past is no longer confined to dusty books and fading memories, but is alive and pulsating within you, shaping your current existence.
As you navigate this fluid landscape of Transformation, you are also confronted with the realization that the future is not a distant realm separate from your present reality, but rather, an integral part of your Current existence. Your actions today ripple outwards, influencing the course of events yet to unfold. This awareness imbues each moment with a sense of significance and responsibility, urging you to act mindfully and with purpose in all situations. As you move higher in Light, you will not be leaving any aspects of yourselves within the lower dimensions. All versions of You are ascending. As your Timelines Merge, you will begin to experience, greater clarity, and Wisdom, within the present moment, As Each Timeline gives you the knowledge and wisdom obtained within. All of you, throughout all existence, Will merge to become Your One Higher-self.
I surround you Now with the Violet Flame, cleansing you and dissolving all that is no longer needed through this Transformation, as you merge into your Highest Self
May Peace and Love be with you.
I am St. Germain
8/13/24 - Video - Galactic Federation: You just shifted and it changes everything!
(8 min - 8/12/24) Posted by GFL.com. A channeled message from the Galactic Federation of Light. "You have once again shifted onto a higher timeline propelled by the powerful energies of the recent Lion gate on your world. These quantum rays have ignited a significant transformation within the collective and we are thrilled by your progress. We are here to assist Earth in this great ascension journey alongside many other star nations and races - a union of human-Pleiadian hybrids, pure Pleiadian beings and other races dedicated to guiding you through this transformative time as you continue to elevate consciousness. You are being bathed in high frequency photonic light. a quantum force that is fundamentally altering your DNA. This is all part of Prime Creator's plan for humanity's ascension. Just as nature works in perfect harmony to birth new ecosystems, so too are these cosmic energies collaborating to ensure your evolution into higher states of consciousness.
"You have anchored into a new timeline, a golden timeline marked by abundance, love, unity and release. Many of you may already feel a newfound stability in your finances, relationships and overall life situation. For others, issues may still be surfacing. But rest assured this is happening at the perfect time and you are exactly where you need to be. This golden timeline holds great significance for your current density and, yes, even the Earth's gold plays a role in this shift. Gold is not jut a metal. It is deeply connected to your DNA. Having gold in your presence can enhance your ability to manifest and align with this new frequency. While we are not offering financial advice, we encourage you to explore how gold can positively influence your spiritual journey. It is a gift from Prime Creator, abundant and available for those attuned to frequency. As you embrace this new timeline you may be amazed by your enhanced abilities to manifest. Remember to meditate before setting your intentions. Aligning yourself with the frequency of gold and the higher vibrations of this timeline. Gold is not scarce as yu have been led to believe. There is enough for every person on Earth to hold it in...." (Continue listening at the 3 min mark.)
8/13/24 - Video - Laayti of the Arcturians - The shift is accelerating!
(8 min - 8/13/24) Posted by GFL.com. A channeled message from Laayti of Arcturus. "My dear friends, I am Laayti and I am very pleased to be with all of you today. Let's talk about the current energies. Relax a little, my friends. Everyone is very tense there on the Earth. Take a minute to take a huge breath and then release it. When you release it, imagine the hands of Source wrapping you up in security, peace, power and the most divine love you have ever known. Now take another breath and see the new Earth in its brilliant crystalline glory. There is nothing you have to do but breathe. The shift is happening. The reality you yearn for, the planetary change you envision is already in motion, catalized by the collective energy of star seeds and awakened souls across the globe.
"As more of you tap into the higher frequencies and navigate the astral realms, you begin to converge, transcending physical boundaries and ideological differences. Together you are weaving the fabric of new realities. Realities that honor the unity and diversity of all life and yes, my friends, you are doing much work in the astral realm at this time. In fact, if you are listening to this we have likely been working together. In these astral realms you meet and merge with other star seeds, creating a powerful tapestry of intent and purpose. Though you walk separate paths in your earthly forms, in the higher dimensions you are united by a shared vision, a vision that re-imagines the systems of old dismantling - those that serve only the few - and replacing them with structures that uplift the many.
"This is the new world you are collectively crafting. A world that is not built by waiting for directives from those in power, but by rising together hand in hand, to shape the future you all wish to inhabit. As you ascend from the dense vibrations of the third dimension you enter the expansive realms of the fourth. And in the fifth dimensions here the limitations of the lower vibrations begin to dissolve, making way for a state of Love connection and Blissful awareness. These moments of higher dimensional experience are not just glimpses but gateways into the infinite potential that awaits you on your ascension journey. Expanding your consciousness is now more important than ever. See beyond the physical. Recognize the infinite possibilities..... (continue watching the video at the 3 min mark)
8/13/24 - St. Germain: Continue to Move Forward
Channel: James McConnell
I am Saint Germain and I come to be with you at this time. These continuing changing moments and I speak now of moments, not times, but moments, not hours, not days, not months, not weeks, not years. But moments, moment to moment, that is the way you need to continue to find your life moving ahead. Moment to moment. Forget about the past. Forgive all that has harmed you in the past. Let that all go. There is no reason whatsoever to hold on to any old memories, any old patterns that no longer have any use for you in your new higher vibrational frequency bodies. That is the way you need to look at yourself moving forward as high vibrational frequency bodies. All of your bodies, all coming together as one in a higher vibrational frequency. Having left the old programming behind, the old past memories that hold that programming to you. Know that you are being reprogrammed by your higher God self that is connecting more and more to you every, every moment moving forward. Your higher God self is right there with you as well as the guides that are here to assist you. Know that it is all a process of coming to a balance, a balance throughout your body.
And it is all about freedom moving forward. Freedom for you to decide to make your own decisions about how you will live your life, how you will follow the path of your life. Where no one can influence you beyond what you want to be influenced. Know that. If ever a situation comes up in the times ahead where you are asked to comply with something that you do not agree with, that it does not resonate within you, say, no, I shall not comply. Say that within yourself. Believe that within yourself. Feel the power within yourself. You all have that power, that power to move along forward again, moment to moment into the future, the future of your own making, the future of your own.
You are the power. You are the creation. Know that. No one can influence you unless you allow them to do so. So all of the old programming that brings up various triggers of emotion within you, let that go. Do not hold on to that programming. Do not let that programming trigger you any longer because there are parts of you beyond the higher God self that will attempt to do so, will attempt to trigger those emotions. But know that when this happens, it is simply a release process, a release process that is moving beyond the old temptations, beyond the old programming. Move forward every moment again moment to moment. Keep that in your mind at all times.
You are now living moment to moment and letting go of the past, letting go of the old stories. Do not tell the old stories any longer for they no longer hold sway over you, if you do not let them do so, become who you are meant to be, the messenger you are meant to be, the way-shower that you are all meant to be. That’s what you came here for. Keep your eyes on the prize, the prize of ascension, the prize of individual ascension and the collective ascension of all of mankind that can move beyond the old programming, the old third dimensional illusion and into the higher vibrational frequencies of it. Higher fourth and fifth dimension and even beyond that, you are at a crossroads, each and every one of you a crossroads where you find yourself still teetering on the edge, teetering on the edge, moving back and forth through and over the proverbial fence, if you will, do not be on the fence any longer.
Be over the fence and into the vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions, more and more. It is up to you, each and every one of you to be who you came here to be, to be again, that messenger or the wayshowers. And you came here to be, to show the way first to yourself and through yourself and then to others that are prepared to find their way, to find their path as well.
I am Saint Germain and I leave you now with peace and love and oneness. And again, move forward. Every moment, move forward. Do not let yourself fall backward.
8/12/24 - Kejraj: The shift to ancient memories thru an open heart
By Kejraj of Era of Light.com
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! What has remained a secret for centuries is now being gradually revealed to humanity. The ancient peoples knew more about the Universe than most humans today. As a matter of fact they knew some of the most important things. Earth is alive, a living, spiritual being, and humans, animals, nature, are all one and connected. The ancients also knew that the stars are full of life. For they were visited often by extraterrestrial beings, who shared stories and technology with humanity. Many benevolent, while a few had different intentions.
Through time and with many forms of deceit, humanity forgot these truths, and now denies them. Although there is proof of this all over the planet, it is the unwillingness and fear which keep people from seeing these truths. How do you tell a world immersed in false stories and exaggerated claims, from religion to the mainstream sciences for the purpose of brainwashing and instilling fear in the masses, in reality pulling them further away from the Divine, that the Universe is not empty, and there are in truth benevolent extraterrestrials on Earth now, and in the Solar system, and beyond, as they have been present for thousands of years?
The response of the ones who believe in a judgmental and vengeful ‘god’ is simple; They are demons. We ask you, do you not believe in angels? These are the angels as referred to by your ancestors. They were referred to as angels for their beauty and love they expressed towards the human. In these times of great change, with the evolution of consciousness, you are to be anchored in new realities, and see much more than you have been accustomed to seeing of what is called reality.
This shift, this new higher reality, is to happen for you, is to be revealed to you only with the opening of your heart center. With your permission and agreement that you are ready to embody your Divine Self, that you are ready to release once and for all the fears and illusions of the current world you exist in. In order for you to move forward, you must detach and let go of the fear of what you’re leaving behind. For you to create space so that more light comes forth into your reality, be compassionate, forgive, and love unconditionally.
If you truly wish to evolve and enter new realms of the cosmos, where you see that all stars and planets are full of life, and meet benevolent beings from other worlds, you have to be willing to also open different doors of perception, and look at things from more than just one or two view points. It is imperative that you let go of old and outdated beliefs which keep you in a state of fear and stagnation. Then with an open heart and mind you begin to see the illusions of the matrix, and reclaim your divinity, your power, and your rightful place in the vastness of the Universe, within the energy field of Source, which you call Love.
All the light to You!
8/10/24 - Video - I was born on a UFO Mothership - Viviane Chauvet
(1'45" - 5/16/24) Posted by Conflict Radio on Rumble. Viviane Chauvet, Arcturian Ambassador, Intergalactic Teacher, Published Author, International Speaker, Creator of the Arcturian Healing Arts Program and Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing®, Founder of the Universal Arcturian Online Community, CEO of Infinite Healing From The Stars LLC, Host of the Infinite Star Connections Podcast and the new radio show “Arcturian Conversations” on Soul News Network. Viviane Chauvet has conducted over 23,000 private sessions worldwide in the past 12 years. Viviane Chauvet's Website: HERE.
Copied from transcript from 3 to 15 min:
(Interviewer Michael:) So let's get right down to it, it says that you were born in a UFO, is that correct?
(Viviane) Yes, I came about in my Arcturian fathership and that's right, I do have an Arcturian father. I came about in my fathership because as an Arcturian being in entering a humanized hybrid form we had to insure that the physical template would be viable. This is something that is very unique to hybrid beings or hybrid children. Where there's a combination of genetic materials, they have to make sure that the body will survive because of my unique genetic predisposition as an Arcturian being. In this humanized form we use very advanced holographic technology to engineer my physical body and be present on the planets. This is my choice. This is what I chose as an evolved soul to better serve humanity. And the thing about our coming, interacting with all of you , it's really about to redefine the barriers of what's possible. What's real, what's unreal. For too long human beings have been isolated and separated from their cosmic origin, cosmic families, from a much more huge universal perspective and realities. And here in this third dimensional polarized, fragmented reality you still think of yourself as linear beings when you're not linear beings.
So my presence really brings in the true aspect, the true nature of a very very advanced, very ancient intergalactic group known as the Arcturians and I'm also an ambassador. This is why I chose this role. I chose to be here as an advanced multi-dimensional, multi-frequency teacher and cosmic healer to really support human beings as a race. To change the human morphogenetic field and help everyone to step out of isolation and separation from your universal self, from your mutli-dimensioanl self. There's so much more to you that you need to realize first, in order to really understand how advanced beings will really work. How we think, how we project, how we perceive realities. So in a nutshell, we're here to help humans to co-create a new paradigm of ascension enlightenment. It is time. Mother Gaia, your planet, is shifting into the new harmonics universe. She's shifting back into her original celestial self. And this is a golden opportunity for everyone on the planet to really step into their own power and sovereignty and recognize yourself much more than these personality ways and human aspects of yourself. This is just a role that you play and it's an aspect of what we've come to help you remember about yourself.
(Interviewer Michael:) OK, so I'm just going to - I have so many questions that I want to ask you for this interview that we're gonna, I'm gonna, if it's OK with you, I'm going to do a really quick summary of our 10-minute conversation that we had when we thought we were live, but we weren't. Is that OK ?
(Viviane:) Of course, of course, Michael.
(Michael:) So, Vivian said that she was born on a UFO, OK, we've got that part, that the body that she was born into is a hybrid, is that correct?
(Viviane:) Yes, my body will be considered as a hybrid form.
(Michael:) OK and you're not only alive in this form but you're also alive still in your Arcturian form, right?
(Viviane:) That's correct. Yes, my Arcturian avatar self is still exist... OK, my cat's attacking me now, um, I love cats, I have four of them. I, my cat is, he is so crazy, so I've got to, I've got to -
(Michael:) There's so many places I could go with this that I'm curious, uh, what so, so where did where did the human DNA came come from that your body is currently with? Do you have parents today?
(Viviane:) I do have what you will call a family, human family. Yes, I do have a family here.
(Michael:) (OK, so what do they think of this? I mean, do they know about it? Obviously or - ?
(Viviane:) Yes, the core members of my family are aware, they're part of the partnership. We've been interacting with the same bloodline the same lineage for a few generations so it's been a beautiful loving conscious partnership with them and even as teenagers, what you would call all my human parents were already in communications with my star families and myself as an Arcturian. So they understand the profoundness of this opportunity, the profoundness of our presence, the mission, what is at stake. And of course there's a lot of gifts, in a sense, that - can you imagine having really beautifully advanced spiritually-oriented beings who interact with you, help you, teach you and support you in your life, and in your journey, so it's like I mentioned - it's been a conscious loving partnership between that lineage and my Arcturian dedication.
(Michael:) OK, so your parents were abducted...
(Viviane:) No, they were not. That's why I said, it was a partnership.
(Michael:) Yeah, but I mean, originally, right? Like if it goes back a few generations, like they were originally abducted, right?
(Viviane:) No, no, no, no. No one was abducted. Abduction implies taking against your will. That's nothing to do with us. We always do it with permission, conscious consent, and it's an invitation, so it has just been many souls who've been involved in this, and through the lineage and every soul or every human being we interacted with have always gladly participated as an exchange, a cosmic exchange. No one has ever been abducted, no.
(Michael:) Do the Arcturians live in a three-dimensional, in three dimensions or live on a higher dimension than we do?
(Viviane:) Well, that's a great question Michael, so we are, we have evolved into higher octaves. We choose the fifth dimensional frequency as a baseline of communication with the Earth humans. But Arcturians are known to be one of the most advanced, so our physical form, if you would, which is vibrating at a very high level, very high frequency, we have very advanced mental faculties. We are very ancient. You have to think about, we are about a few millions years old as a civilization, so we have evolved well beyond what you may perceive right now. But the beauty of our presence is to remind everyone of your true capacity, your potential and we here - think of us as a future aspect of yourself. So, yes, we do vibrate a lot higher than the third, the forth density, and um and we exist in this beautiful luminous form so to speak, but we do interact with many human beings on the planet to exchange different, whether thought forms, holographic exchange channels, assisting people, their work, light workers, teachers. So we're very active to really support your race, to evolve back into a higher form.
(Michael:) You said evolve back into a higher form. Have we been a higher form before?
(Vivian:) To return, so you're shifting right now from a third dimensional or third density physicality, what we call the human magical physical reality and you're moving back into a more higher fifth dimensional frequency, what we call more the realm of the soul life of the soul, so you're stepping out of these fragmented linear 3D base energies to go back again, to return. It's a grand return into higher frequencies.
(Michael:) OK, does this have to do with our planet and solar system moving into a certain area of space where it's a little bit more light?
(Viviane:) It is intertwined with this, it is definitely intertwined, so the planet herself Gaia is shifting into different space, so to speak. Or if you want to call it in different harmonic space. But the planet self Gaia is shifting. The grid system of Gaia is shifting. There's much more solar activity because the solar energy is also a source for evolution and acceleration, so this is what is more energy whether it's in the human resonance, whether it's the electromagnetic field of Gaia in your own body template, there's a lot of shift. I know that many people on the planet right now feel different physical symptoms, changes in moods, mental energy, different changes, whether sleep patterns, dietary needs, it's because you're moving. There's a presence of light, there's more solar gamma energy. There's more, there's an acceleration taking place so everybody will be unique in the way they will interpret or accept those changes. If you resist it's just going to make it more difficult for you but it's really up to you ultimately to decide what feels best for you at this point.
(Michael:) OK, there wasn't that long ago there was an Israeli general or an Israeli, somebody who is in Israel, said that there is a Galactic Federation of beings. Is that true?
(Viviane:) There's a huge association of the world or huge alliance taking place. If you look at, for example, a lot of the Sci-Fi very popular movie series like Star Trek for example....
(Michael:) Yeah, I was just going to ask you that.
(Viviane:) Yeah, there we go. See? We're on the same wavelength here. If you look at Jeebhur, what he came with is imaginary. Star Trek you know, the Federation of the world or, you know, with the prime directive. And then even the Klingon journey and the Vulcan and the human and all of this, where it was already to introduce back into the consciousness on the planet, the idea that they, everybody remembers, you're not the only species in the entire universe. There's countless levels of dimensions, and you know there's many planets the different constellations, different galaxies. So we're reintroducing the idea in the form of a very popular TV series, that there's such a thing as a great Alliance, or an association or a federation that we are all working together, for the most part and you're part of this. So yes, it's really beautifully reflective. (stopped at 15 min. Continue listening to the interview at 15 min)
8/7/24 - Video - Our Cosmic Origins: Ishmael Perez & Simon Parkes
(1'6" - 8/1/24) Ismael Perez interviews Simon Parks on his Youtube channel "The Real Ismael Perez", a stimulating discussion on cosmic consciousness and space visitors. Ismael Perez is the author of "Our Cosmic Origin", providing ancient and controversial knowledge. He is a cosmic ambassador, galactic historian and starseed activator. His broadcasts are a sanctuary of enlightenment and exploration, unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and delving into the intricacies of the human spirit. In his Youtube channel he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and engages discussions on spirituality, metaphysics and has enlightening conversations with renowned guests. He offers a holistic approach to understanding our place in the vast universe. His community of like-minded souls is growing and navigating the realms of consciousness, seeking knowledge, wisdom and inner harmony. Ismael's website: www.ourcosmicorigin.com.
Simon Parkes has a lifetime of experience with extra-planetary lifeforms as well as military, and went public with this in 2010. In 2013 he was invited by the British Ministry of Defence to a secret British space radar station as a quasi confirmation of his background. Since then, he is respected by the media as an authority on various extraterrestrial races and beings. In 2015 he became involved in the RV and has since then signed a number of NDAs with the White Hats. Simon's website: www.connecting-consciousness.org.
8/10/24 - Video - The Arcturians: A new light has been anchored
(8 min - 8/8/24) By the Arcturians, channeled by Tia of the Arcturian Council of 5. "I am Tia of Arcturus, I will speak with you now. Everything you experience and know of as reality is shifting, and it is shifting faster than we can send you messages upon it. Many of you are experiencing feelings of being out of your body or at least not being fully associated with your physical body any more. Just know that this is perfectly normal and that it's part of the multi-dimensional timeline shiftss that you are all experiencing. Beloved ones, do not fear the change. Changes are inevitable. Everything of form or in the material world will change. Only things of source Creator or Spirit or Giod will stay the same. The things in the material world will shift. They will wax and wane. They will go up; they will go down. They will always be changing. Only things of spirit remain fixed. You have anchored in a new core timeline and this timeline is like one we have never seen. It is stable and strong and everyone who is of the light and doing the work of the light have laid in this great cement pillar for the rest of the collective. (Continue with video at 1 min 25 sec)
8/10/24 - Kejraj: The secret is gradually being revealed
By Kejraj of Era of Light
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! What has remained a secret for centuries is now being gradually revealed to humanity. The ancient peoples knew more about the Universe than most humans today. As a matter of a fact they knew some of the most important things. Earth is alive, a living, spiritual being, and humans, animals, nature, are all one and connected.
The ancients also knew that the stars are full of life. For they were visited often by extraterrestrial beings, who shared stories and technology with humanity. Many benevolent, while a few had different intentions. Through time and with many forms of deceit, humanity forgot these truths, and now denies them. Although there is proof of this all over the planet, it is the unwillingness and fear which keep people from seeing these truths.
How do you tell a world immersed in false stories and exaggerated claims from religion to the mainstream sciences for the purpose of brainwashing and instilling fear in the masses, in reality pulling them further away from the Divine, that the Universe is not empty, and there are in truth benevolent extraterrestrials on Earth now, and in the Solar system, and beyond, as they have been present for thousands of years? The response of the ones who believe in a judgmental and vengeful ‘god’ is simple; They are demons. We ask you, do you not believe in angels? These are the angels as referred to by your ancestors. They were referred to as angels for their beauty and love they expressed towards the human.
In these times of great change, with the evolution of consciousness, you are to be anchored in new realities, and see much more than you have been accustomed to seeing of what is called reality. This shift, this new higher reality, is to happen for you, is to be revealed to you only with the opening of your heart center. With your permission and agreement that you are ready to embody your Divine Self, that you are ready to release once and for all the fears and illusions of the current world you exist in. In order for you to move forward, you must detach, and let go of the fear of what you’re leaving behind.
For you to create space so that more light comes forth into your reality, be compassionate, forgive, and love unconditionally. If you truly wish to evolve and enter new realms of the cosmos, where you see that all stars and planets are full of life, and meet benevolent beings from other worlds, you have to be willing to also open different doors of perception, and look at things from more than just one or two view points.
It is imperative that you let go of old and outdated beliefs which keep you in a state of fear and stagnation. Then with an open heart and mind you begin to see the illusions of the matrix, and reclaim your divinity, your power, and your rightful place in the vastness of the Universe, within the energy field of Source, which you call Love.
All the light to You!
8/7/24 - Glitches in the Matrix: The Blue Avians
Channeled by Octavia Vasile
We are the Blue Avians, delighted to establish a new connection with you, beyond space and time.
Dear humans, as you shift from the 3D vibration upwards, you might experience significant changes. These changes are meant to show you something. For example, many of you have started to notice glitches in the Matrix, and it might seem like this is happening for the first time. These glitches have always existed, but now your brain can perceive them. You are beginning to discover that you have been experiencing something akin to a game, virtual reality, or simulation. While none of these terms fully capture the truth, they help you form an image of what is happening.
Your supraconscious mind generates the reality you experience. The 3D mind was meant to perceive this reality as very real and take it seriously. In contrast, the 5D mind acknowledges that it is a spontaneous creation and seeks to master it. Currently, you are positioned somewhere between these two states. Sometimes you observe synchronicities, noting the correlation between mind and matter. At other times, you perceive a reality that seems disconnected from your inner experience. This fluctuation occurs because you are shifting from one vibration to another.
We know you all wish to have a stable 5D experience and wonder how to achieve it. It is simpler than you think! As you wake up each morning remind yourself that you are the creator of your own reality. This affirmation felt deeply, will immediately position you on the 5D timeline. Think about all the amazing experiences you wish to have throughout the day and how much you will enjoy them. Be spontaneous, be creative, be you!
On a 5D timeline, you will experience the Mandela effect and other glitches as you awaken completely, integrating the information slowly. What if you start playing with your reality by programming it? Before going out, tell yourself what you would like to see. For example, “I want to meet a cat on my way!” Start programming, be playful, and enjoy it, for this is when you turn yourself into a Prime Creator.
There is no need to create out of necessity; do so because you enjoy it! Observe the glitches and take them as reminders not to take life so seriously. Each time you see a glitch, remind yourself, “It is all a game,” and relax. We are here to support and guide you into the 5D dimension. Now it is time to let go of all seriousness and start being playful.
What is the first thing you want to see today? Imagine it and project it. Be powerful in your creation, and be joyful.
8/7/24 - Video - Galactic Federation: Old Earth & New Earth Timelines
(8 min - 8/7/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. "We in the Galactic Federation are working harder than ever for the good cause of Earth's ascension. Little by little, beat by beat, hearts are opening everywhere. Trauma is being released and the darkness is dissipating but you have some chaos to navigate. First this feels like a battle to a never-ending finish line, and in some respects it is, even though there is only one true power: Prime Creator. We would like to say a lot has been accomplished since we last communicated, and this never-ceasing back and forth between light and dark is nearly completed. Those who no longer belong on the planet are leaving through new treaties and agreements. This is making way for a whole new beautiful clear, clean and harmonious Earth;. It is opening the doorway to the promised land of Heaven and Earth. Please open your mind and your heart to the magic and miracles unfolding before your very eyes. People's hearts that have been frozen are melting in love. Those who cannot feel this love are becoming less comfortable and are clinging to what their ego knows as most familiar. This is all fine and part of the Divine Universe of soul contracts. Interwoven among all Earth humans some have chosen to play the part of being in the dark, while others have chosen the Awakening path. But make no mistake - there are no accidents.... (continue with the video)
8/6/24 - The Galactic Reunion
by Kejraj of EraofLight.com
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! You are activating a timeline in which divine truth is to be heard world wide. Divine order restored. The starships of the Galactic Federation are to decloak. What is to take place is a reunion like no other.
Divine love is to overwhelm the hearts of humanity. For what has been prophecised even in the celestial realms, is to become reality. Stay pure in intent, remain in your heart center, and keep your focus on what it is that you want to experience. Do not give your energy to things that may not benefit you or the path that you have chosen.
If you are reading these words, you have chosen ascension. And not only is your current lifetime your last in the Third Dimension, in truth there is very little time left for you in the current reality. This is it. You are returning to to the Galactic Federation, and your own starship. You are returning to your full divinity. You are returning Home.
Many await your arrival, and for you to share your stories, experiences, and wisdom that you’ve gathered while being a part of the most exciting journey on Earth. You truly stand on the cusp of the new era of light.
8/6/24 - Video - Interview with space visitor Jerry Wills
(1'43" - 7/13/24) Posted by Dani Henderson. A wonderful rich and deep-voiced story teller who was not born here. Comments beneath this post are huge and complimentary. Everyone loves him! It's a lengthy slow-moving story but well worth it. Learn more about the space visitors visiting earth.
8/6/24 - Your Heart is your stabilizing element
by Christine Dey - August 2024 Newsletter
Hello! I have been working on our land in Alice Springs enjoying a strong connection to the natural forces and being aware of a powerful unfolding taking place within my Heart. My greatest Heart’s desire has always been to move from being the mountain and to become the plain. During this very sacred journey I have taken this month I have undergone an amazing transformation. I have been given the grace of returning to that, which has unfolded my Heart’s desire, revealing to me my own higher essence of being on another level never experienced before.
As we entered August we move into a time of vast changing momentum. The focus must be to let go and stay aligned to the Heart space. To utilize your Heart as a reference point to bring you into a place of stability in your day to day living. Your Heart will enable you to fully recognize what is truth and that, which is only illusion being played out throughout the planet.
By the 10th of August we are to enter another phase of awakening on Earth. Be prepared for an intensification of your 3rd dimensional daily experience. Within this upcoming timeframe there will be great change, a time of an accelerated intensity throughout the planet. This 3rd dimensional upheaval across the earth plane can bring a simultaneous opportunity for higher personal transformation and awakening.
Know that you cannot control events in your life, however you can choose how you are going to deal with situations that will arise for you. You can expect a series of further unfolding of drama that will grow as we move further through August into September and November. We individually will be challenged, your authenticity, your belief systems and most importantly the path of your Heart. There will be political upheaval, earth changes and high 3rd dimensional drama worldwide. These are the accelerated changes that have been prophesized, knowing that with all re-birth there is chaos.
The most essential thing to remember is that you can continually re-orientate yourself through the stillness of your own Heart connection. Allow the love of your Heart to be the stabilizing elemental in your life. You are never alone. I am being called to hold the Platform, anchoring the mirror for the pure stabilization to enable you to achieve stability through the space of your own Heart.
I witness you and honor all that you are within your Heart!
Love and blessings,
8/6/24 - The Pleiadian Message thru Christine Dey
Channeled by Christine Dey
Beloved ones we greet you! Great energetic forces are at work across your earth plane, the winds of change are creating a next phase cycle of higher light codes to anchor throughout the planet. These light codes will birth a series of higher light frequency waves, bringing forth a pure consciousness of love that begins to arise and pulse, touching those of you who are on the path. Re-opening your sacred Hearts on another level, realigning you to authenticity, wisdom and knowing.
These energetic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not contain Truth, all that is corrupt within countries and within individuals. Your Heart is your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Be still and trust your authentic Heart!
There is going to be a shaking of the planet as old dense patterns are unearthed, creating a huge shifting of consciousness throughout the entire earth plane. This is the time for greater changes to be unveiled as you move and navigate deeper within “the New Dawning” era. Claim ownership of your vast light, your integrity, your knowing! Be still and trust the guiding compass of your Heart! Utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, allow these words to be your sacred mantra. Let go and trust, let go and Be! Be not blinded by the drama that is coming, that will unfold in your own life. Witness and let go. Refer only to your own Heart, staying in integrity moment by moment.
We witness you in love.
The Pleiadians
8/5/24 - The Feminine Divine Rising
By Emanuel Dagher
Dear Friend, I am so grateful to connect with you again this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! Before we speak about the energies of August and what awaits us, it’s important to reflect on all the blessings that came into our collective reality as a result of what has taken place in recent months.
Through the will of millions of way-showers and pure hearts who have come together in agreement (consciously and unconsciously) for something greater to emerge on our planet, an abundance of pure Divine Light Codes have anchored themselves into the Heart of every woman, man, and child on the planet, in ways humanity has not experienced for quite some time.
These pure Divine Light codes arrived directly from the heart of the Sacred Mother of All-That-Is, to help humanity let go of all our attachment to creating a world of fear and separation. The Divine Light Codes, which are continuing to enter our reality as we speak, have also activated the consciousness codes within the DNA of all humanity, including the Millennials, Gen Z, and young children. This is occurring so that we can all return to the purest aspect of ourselves once again, and create a matrix of peace, Love, and Oneness.
When colossal amounts of Divine Light Codes enter our world, they serve to help resolve the tremendous amounts of karmic debt that many are still carrying from this and many other lifetimes. Karmic debt takes up a great deal of space in the auras and psyche of humanity. It weighs heavily on the hearts and minds of the way-showers and pure hearts who have been diligently doing their inner healing work (for many, since early childhood) to help raise the consciousness of the planet.
With the resolution of humanity’s karmic debt that took place in July, we now have abundant space to experience our lives through higher awareness, Love, wisdom, playfulness, and creative expression. The expansion and shifts taking place now are no longer as subtle as before, because of the acceleration of Light pouring into our consciousness. When things move this quickly, the inner and outer distractions that once operated in the past (the mind’s coping patterns) come to the surface to be acknowledged, addressed, and resolved.
If you are finding yourself experiencing a great deal of hardship currently, know that this is not you, but rather the mind’s grip on the old paradigm of survival and struggle. The only thing asked of us when we find ourselves experiencing hardship is to release ourselves from the need to control everything in our lives. As we release that tight control, we create room to anchor ourselves in compassion and Love for all the parts of ourselves that have been using the old coping patterns, which have been keeping us attached to realities of hardship. Through our continued compassion for ourselves, others, and the world around us, it will become much easier for the mind to embrace the New Earth and all of the abundant blessings it has for us. The changes we have been hearing about and working towards are now manifesting into physical form. This is what we have been waiting for!
The Feminine Divine Rising
As a result of all that is unfolding, and as we enter the sacred energies of August and beyond, the Feminine Divine is rising within each and every person on the planet. She is making her presence felt in every aspect of life, including our past, present, and future, across all time and space, from the first moment of existence. The Feminine Divine has always been within each of us, quietly holding space for this day to arrive. Within the collective mind, as a result of the “great forgetfulness” that took place eons ago as part of the human experience, the Feminine Divine had been suppressed and censored from being acknowledged and felt by humanity as the Creator of ALL.
Those days are now behind us. Now, deep within the chambers of our hearts, there is a stirring happening that is allowing us to see, feel, hear, taste, touch, and smell the Feminine Divine within and all around us, in ways that only our I AM presence can remember experiencing before now. We are now understanding that the more we honor the Feminine Divine within and around us—by choosing to love, honor, nurture, and have compassion for ourselves and others—the more we will be showered with abundant blessings. Whenever the Feminine Divine is fully acknowledged and received, an abundance of Love, peace, wholeness, freedom, riches, joy, laughter, inspiration, creative fulfillment, and miracles will follow.
Here are a few things we can do to embrace and unify with the Feminine Divine:
Beyond Hierarchy
As the Feminine Divine awakens within all of humanity now, old systems and ideology will begin to dissolve, making way for new ways of being and living to emerge that promote an inclusivity that has not yet been experienced fully in our world. We are seeing glimpses of this occurring. However, things will be shifting at a much more accelerated pace.
Here are some of the most important messages for our time, which the Feminine Divine desires that we receive and understand now:
Hierarchy no longer has a place in the Spiritual realms. Just as we are evolving, so is the Spiritual realm. We have full access to connect directly with the purest form of Source energy, without having to jump through any hoops — without having to struggle, give our power away, or dim our Light for anyone or anything. This includes realizing that we do not need to seek the approval of any teachers, gurus, elders, angels, ascended masters, guides, saints, and any other beings of Light, who are here to simply help us re-member our own Divinity.
True beings of Light never desire us to give our power away, as humanity has done for eons. The Feminine Divine and all higher beings just want us to remember that we are all equal, and that we have the exact same abilities and gifts to share with one another as they have. This message is infused with frequencies that are here to activate and empower our consciousness, in ways that remind us to shine our Light as powerfully and brightly as we desire, releasing all need to ever give our power away to anyone or anything.And they want us to know that we are the Ones we have been waiting for.
Right now, an internal and external shift of the ages is manifesting itself into our world. This shift will be victorious, because it will expand and enhance the awakening of the heart of humanity, to where every single woman, man, child, and all other beings on the planet will receive this spiritual activation. Yes, even those serving on the global stage who operate within the illusion of promoting separation and fear have received this Divine activation. This is so beyond the scope of anything we’ve ever collectively achieved before. So, get ready for the fun to begin!
Over the coming days, months, and years, they too will begin to shed the aspects of themselves that no longer align with the heart-centered New Earth, which we have already anchored into the third dimensional paradigm. This means that whatever we see going on, it is imperative to continue sending Love and compassion to all of it, even that which does not align with our values and ways of being. PLEASE DO NOT FEED INTO THE ILLUSION OF SEPARATION AND FEAR BEING PRESENTED TO YOU. It is designed to move you out of your power, and to postpone the inevitable, which is a world that supports all of life and all of humanity, not just a select few.
The gift we can offer humanity is to see right through the illusion, and recognize the Divinity within everyone and everything. This is one of the biggest reasons we incarnated into this world at this time. It’s a tall order, but our Spirit knows we can handle it. What is being asked of us right now is simply to become observers. When we are able to step out of a reactive space — one where we’ve been triggered by our surroundings — and move into being an observer, we begin to see every experience as simply feedback, letting us know what we either do or do not resonate with. Getting into observer mode immediately lessens the charge of whatever is causing our angst. From this space, when we do encounter extremes in our surroundings, it becomes much easier to remain centered and unbothered by it all.
As observers, we empower ourselves to remain centered through all situations (even challenging ones), so that we can fine-tune our knowing of what we do want to create more of. Extreme situations no longer become as extreme when we watch as observers, because we are no longer allowing ourselves to get caught up in them. Whenever you find that the mind is getting caught up in the details and stories of life that feel challenging, here’s a simple technique that can help:
This simple process immediately helps move us out of survival mode and into Conscious Creator mode. You’ll probably even feel a release in the body and mind from any tension they were holding. Doing this several times throughout the day will create space for deep healing, peace, and higher awareness to enter our experience. When you feel a little tired, just call on your Divine Self to rejuvenate you to the core. That aspect of you is here in their full glory, always ready to help and serve.
Until next time,
With gratitude,
8/5/24 - Video - 15 Weird signs you are going into a crystalline-based body
(16 min - 7/18/24) Posted by Mystic Essence. A list of ascension symptoms including tingling, sudden energy surges, erratic sleep patterns, heightened sensitivity to environment (and from the editor: sickish-type really bad feelings.) Drink plenty of water! Spend time in nature, spend time in your own peaceful environment. Feel and process these energies. Your body is adjusting to new heightened frequencies. Allow it time. It will pass.
8/4/24 - Message from Matthew: 12-strand DNA Activations (& Political)
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the acceleration mode is speeding up and that is increasing the sense of confusion and chaos, so let us begin on a note of absolute stability: In the continuum Earth’s people are joyful, healthy and prospering in a peaceful world, and in this moment of linear time, the light forces are overpowering pockets of darkness. The power of love is spreading throughout your world, dear ones, and all you need to do is BE—be grateful, confident, optimistic and fearless! And do please remember to breathe rhythmically.
(Question) “What will we be able to do when all 12 of our DNA strands are functioning? Do you know when that will happen?”
It won’t be that the entire population suddenly has phenomenal new abilities because everyone’s 12 DNA strands are functioning. Reactivation of the ten dormant strands will come in stages to individuals when two conditions are present: crystalline cellular structure, which contains cosmic knowledge, and absolute knowingness that all souls have the innate capacity to perform what now are considered miracles or magic. If, for example, you unquestioningly believe you can walk through a brick wall because you know it is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and you can adjust your frequency to the wall’s, you can indeed saunter or dash or leap through it. With less than absolute knowingness and trust, the perception of “solid” will let you smack headlong into the wall.
When all 12 DNA strands are activated, what no longer will happen is as profound as what you will be able to do. When you reach what many consider the prime of life, the 30-something years, you will remain at that status and older persons will start growing younger until they reach it because the full complement of strands doesn’t include programming for aging into elder years or death. There is no programming for physical deformities, mental disease, temporary or chronic illness, allergic reactions, addictions, defective organs, decreased energy levels, loss of teeth or limbs, blindness, deafness or other sensory impairment. Life in fifth and higher densities has none of those conditions and all attitudes, ideologies and beliefs are aligned with souls’ divine sovereignty.
Capabilities that will emerge incrementally are your birthrights, ingredients of the love-light energy composition of the soul. These include telepathic communication, manifestation by focused thought, levitation, teleportation, dematerialization, astral travel and traveling at the speed of thought, remote viewing, and memories of the Beginnings in quantity and clarity. You will be able to grow new limbs, teeth, organs and bones to replace mechanical implants, dentures, and prosthetic devices. And, when you feel you have grown spiritually and consciously as far as life on Earth offers, you can dematerialize your body and materialize one that fits the advanced world where you chose to spend your next physical lifetime.
Of all the innate capabilities, telepathic communication often is the first to develop in an awakening population and be remembered by souls who volunteered to help them waken, so dear sisters and brothers, let us tell you—actually, remind you— how this communication works. When my mother and I started talking more than 30 years ago, she asked me to explain how she could hear me as clearly as if we were sitting side by side. This is what I told her: It’s an energy transfer. You “hear” my thoughts impressed upon your consciousness. The pulsing of my thoughts takes an actual form, a thought form, that makes an impression upon your clean, receptive brain waves. The energy source is light electrically switched to pulses that are transferred at your level into your word vibrations.
The pulses don’t start out as words, but as vibratory rates indicating intelligence blips. There is continuous interaction, but always my thoughts precede your comprehension. My thoughts trigger words stored in your memory, and my thoughts carry a coding for choice. You don’t interfere with my thought forms by thinking of appropriate words, Mother. I don’t order up your words. You’re responding to my pulsing by making them available for my use. I depend upon your words to fill in the grooves of my thought forms with sensible sentences that let you comprehend what I want to convey. I pulse my intent through thought impressions, and your energy, aided by your vocabulary, memory and conscious assistance, lets the words that best express my intent come to your mind. It seems to be simultaneous, but there is an infinitesimal lag. [An excerpt of “Communication with Earth” chapter in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven.]
This means of communing, which can be by clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience or all of those, happens when the time is right for each person. The beginning may be thoughts you know are not your own or a “second” thought comes parallel to yours. You may start hearing a voice in your head or seeing recurring images in your mind’s eye, perhaps a ticker tape repeating a short message, or you may strongly sense an unseen benevolent presence.
If you are experiencing any of those signs or others that are unusual and you would like to initiate contact, you could write a note each morning to a person you would like to talk with. When a voice interrupts your thoughts, it could be that person; however, both light and dark beings are eager to connect with you. Everyone is protected by a light shield during communication with light beings, and we will offer guidance to help you reach only souls in the light.
Before trying to make contact, ask for protection of the Christed light. Christed has nothing to do with Christianity—it refers to the pure love-light energy essence of Creator, the most powerful force in the cosmos. No formal prayer is necessary—use whatever words are comfortable as you demand that only light beings may talk with you. Even with a protective prayer, certain circumstances invite base energies. In the beginning it is natural to think that the ‘voice in your head” may be your imagination and you seriously doubt that someone really is speaking to you. Doubt emits the low vibrations that attract dark entities, so feel as confident as you can that your connection is real.
We recommend that you tell the source to identify itself instead of asking, for instance, Is that you, Mandy? Most assuredly a dark entity will claim to be Mandy. If you feel uneasy about what you are hearing, say, “If you aren’t a light being, leave immediately” or something similar. If the speaker becomes profane or is evasive or irrational, end the conversation and delete your typed or written record. Like any other skill, telepathic conversing improves with practice—just be cautious and wise.
Never attempt to communicate when you are ill, tired, achy, angry, fearful or emotionally or mentally stressed—anything that is physically weakening or emotionally upsetting severely lowers, or fractures, your energy level. Light beings cannot lower their level to reach you and your low energy acts like a beacon for dark entities, which exist in low vibratory ranges. Feeling egotistical or prideful about being able to communicate telepathically absolutely will connect you with base entities, whereas feeling humble and grateful your ability has emerged emits the high vibrations that connect only with spiritually evolved souls.
It is important to enter a conversation with an open mind and without expectations. Family and friends have a higher perspective of world events than when they were with you and they also are assimilating knowledge of other lifetimes, so they may speak about subjects that surprise you or they don’t mention things you felt quite certain they would. Please don’t expect to hear the voices you remember—telepathy is an energy exchange. Also, preconceptions about what someone will say let your thoughts bleed into the transmission and distort what the source is saying. Strong beliefs also override information being transmitted.
This universe is One Consciousness and conversations are as easy with persons in physical worlds as in spirit worlds. Talking with a dear one who has incarnated in a country or civilization with a language you don’t know will pose no problem at all. Inherent in telepathy is a translation mode that automatically converts all languages into the language of light, which is understood at soul level throughout this universe.
Beloved family, it will be a time of rejoicing when you talk with us and other unseen souls as naturally as you do with family, friends and coworkers on Earth. Still, the sound of voices always will be valuable and endearing, like hearing a baby’s first words or I love you. Speaking telepathically won’t replace that, but rather immeasurably add to it, and since telepathy is the transfer of thoughts, using words to mask what is in minds isn’t possible. But then, when this kind of communication is commonplace in your world, deception no longer will be part of life there.
We have been asked why former US president Barack Obama was willing to campaign for a man he surely must know is not Joseph Biden. The Obama seen publicly for the past few years is an AI clone that replaced the man who was acting as Barack’s double. To start at the beginning, the Rockefellers head the vast formidable Illuminati faction in the United States and have long controlled both major political parties. Half the faction wanted Hillary Clinton to be Democratic party presidential nominee in 2008, half wanted Barack Obama. When the latter became the party candidate, his backers told him Joe Biden would be his vice president, and when he won the election, they told him who to appoint to cabinet positions and the first was Hillary as Secretary of State.
Obama was both controlled and undermined by the Rockefeller bloc within and outside the government. As an example, his plan to make healthcare insurance available to citizens who didn’t qualify under existing systems upset old apple carts. The Affordable Care Act fell far short of what he wanted to offer—the only legislation Congress would enact was designed by lobbyists for the Illuminati-owned insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
After attempts to rig the 2012 election failed, individuals at the peak of that secret society looked ahead to Obama’s potential usefulness after his second term ended. The pedophile ring that became known as Pizzagate had come to light and a “name-blame” would be helpful if conspiracy theory didn’t deter persistent investigators. Illuminati minions made photos and films of Obama conducting satanic rites and composed blatantly false emails and other documents, added all of those to a detailed list of their unspeakable activities and implicated him as the mastermind. Along with finger-pointing as a possible use for that packet of material, the Illuminati located persons who closely resembled Barack and Michelle.
When he refused to cooperate with their lethal agenda for Covid-19, both Obamas were killed. Their doubles quietly stepped in and kept a low profile, the Obama daughters received dire threats and minor financial assistance, other threats were issued and any individual who couldn’t be bribed was replaced with a look-alike or died “naturally.” And, the peak Illuminati felt the time was right to leak the “secret” in the upper ranks that Barack was their leader. The vile concocted material was forgotten when a new plan was devised when an actor started portraying Biden in 2021: AI clones of the Obamas would be produced and campaign for that imposter. Their popularity with voters and a stirring state of the union speech by the actor could defeat Donald Trump, the other presidential contender in this year’s election. Because the Illuminati cannot control Trump, it was essential to them that the Democrats retain power. After a deficient AI clone of Biden gave a poor presidential debate performance, “Biden” dropped out of the race and the emphasis of the Obama clones’ support was redirected.
There are other twists to this sad story about the spiritually evolved soul the highest universal council asked to incarnate as Barack Obama and serve as United States president. His many lifetimes as a wise and beloved leader in advanced civilizations could have benefitted that country and the world as the council and he himself envisioned, but he was prevented from doing anything progressive or benevolent. The ten-year delay in Earth civilization’s advancement in conscious awareness that the council had anticipated put Obama in the presidency when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deceit, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality were rampant. The combination produced a massive quantity of the low vibrations that sustained the Illuminati’s very survival and they kept building on those destructive global situations.
Decades later, during the uprooting of the Rockefeller network in the USA, the blackmail materials were unearthed. In some circles that despicable information is considered ironclad evidence, and the man who had died several years before rather than participate in a diabolical plan to fake a pandemic is, today, reviled by some as a consummate evildoer. Only top level Illuminati or their portrayers know “Obama” has been a programmed clone for the past few years.
Readers also have asked about the shooting of Donald Trump at a rally last month. Although an exhaustive investigation ensued, which is natural, it remains to be seen if findings include that the rally speaker was a Trump look-a-like who agreed to play that risky role. We have heard that in some quarters there are speculations that the shooting was expected but allowed to happen to flush out the perpetrators and also to strengthen Trump’s image of bold leadership. What we can confirm is, after numerous previous assassination attempts also went awry, some time ago the person Donald Trump was convinced to stay safely out of public view.
Dear family, those aren’t political matters we have been speaking about. They are fairly recent incidents of the pervasive malevolence, depravity, deception and violence in the United States government that has affected the whole world for two centuries as one generation of entrenched Illuminati after another has caused wars, famines, disease, toxic pollution, impoverishment and destruction. Ending that darkness on Earth requires God’s emissaries—White Hats, if you will, along with extraterrestrial special forces and intense light beamed from worlds afar—to eliminate the atrocious global empire. Aided by the high vibrations in the light of volunteers and growing godliness within the peoples, the powerful light forces are steadily moving toward victory. World transformation is well underway—this is a phenomenal time to live on Earth!
All light beings in this universe are cheering you all along your journey and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.
LOVE and PEACESuzanne Ward
7/27/24 - Is Humanity an experiment? The Collective of Ascended Masters
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very much an experiment. You are the ones doing the experimenting however, and you are not the lab rats of someone else’s experiment. You are experimenting with consciousness to see how far you can go from the truth of who you really are and to see what it will take to recover, to recuperate, to remember who you really are while still in physical form.
Death is easy. Death is a way out of the self-imposed experiment. Now of course, experiment is just a metaphor. Simulation and illusion are similar metaphors. But to you, what you are experiencing is real. It’s the real reality, and it’s real because it feels real and because as you experience it, it is real. And it is meant to be that way. That is what the forgetting is for. It is to allow you to have the experience that you are having.
Now, it is up to you ultimately, how you get back home, and you get to take whatever path you choose. There is no one path, but all paths do lead to Source. And so, no matter where you are on your path and no matter which path you chose, you can relax and rest assured that you are heading home. You are heading in the right direction as you continue to move forward. Now you can slow yourself down, and you can accelerate yourself, and when you are in that moment of acceleration you feel it because you feel more in the flow. And when you are more in the flow, you enjoy the journey more.
And so, what you are doing now in this lifetime is seeking out those flow moments. You are seeking out those moments from which you can glide more, you can ease more down the road. And for each of you it’s different. One person’s ease and gliding is someone else’s boredom or even torture, because it was not what they chose for themselves, but rather, what someone else chose for them and they agreed to. Other people will choose for you the path that you are supposedly to be on, but you don’t have to agree with them.
You don’t have to give up your sovereignty, your free will, your ability to choose what is right for you. And luckily, you have your feelings. Your feelings will guide you. Your feelings are more than just your intuition. They are visceral. They are in your body. You can tell by how your body is whether you are moving in alignment with your truth or succumbing to someone else’s.
And so, listen, pay attention, and slow down, and you will get there faster because you will notice when one of those points of flow is upon you, and you will glide right into it with certainty that it is your truth to follow that particular path at that particular moment. And we and others like us will continue to nudge you in those directions, not only with our words, but with the energies that we offer. And we are teaming up with so many others in your galactic teams, spirit guides, angels and ancestors, and fairies, and more to help you along that path with the greatest of ease.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
7/27/24 - Video - Attention all Starseeds: by Ashtar Command
(8 min, 7/26/24) Posted by GFL. Message by Ashtar: Beloved ground crew, I am Ashtar and I am very happy to be with you for another message through this channel today. You are entering a bubble of high frequency energy waves, and it is very important that you all remain aware and proactive. This is a new shift window as you head into August of your calendar. Shift windows are heightened energy pockets that have the potential to accelerate you. We notice many among you have been inadvertently amplifying negative influences by circulating distressing news. We highly recommend ceasing this activity immediately.
You possess immense power as creators and it is essential not to let darker forces manipulate this power to shape reality. Instead redirect your focus towards positivity and Light, which will manifest the same in return. We understand having undergone our own ascension journey that it is easy to become entangled in fear and uncertainty. However, I urge you to close your eyes and envision the future you desire for yourself and the world. Picture a world filled with peace, happiness and freedom, a world where darkness has no hold.
This vision will continue to contribute energetically to a global awakening and tilt the scales toward liberation. Fear places you exactly where darker energies want you. By maintaining your focus on light and employing your imagination you significantly enhance your creative abilities. Envision an earth rejuvenated and thriving in light and love, and believe in the power of your thoughts to prevent the darker narratives from taking shape. You are on the brink of a profound split from these negative influences and it's time to prepare collectively for an era dominated by light and love. The misdeeds of darkness are becoming increasingly irrelevant as they do not align with your higher path. We in the Galactic Federation of Light are diligently working to cleanse your world of negative energies behind the scenes. We encourage you to disconnect from mainstream news outlets that propagate fear. (Continue listening HERE)
7/27/24 - The U.S. Presidential Election: by the 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been observing you there on Earth for quite some time now, and we do know that you like to get riled up over your politics, your candidates, and your governments. And we also know that a lot of eyes are on the United States and their presidential election in November. You can support whichever candidate you want to support, and you can know that we, The Arcturian Council, support all of you. We support all of humanity and we do not take sides.
And so, while you decide which candidate is your choice to be the next president of the United States, do so without taking a side. You can lend your energetic support and your ballot to the candidate that you prefer without pushing against the other candidate or the other political party. It is possible to do this, and if you are someone who is getting involved in the politics of the United States, then you would do well to take our advice.
Understand that no one wins when two sides are pushing against each other with a tremendous force. It is only through working together, only through unity consciousness, that everyone wins. And so, we advise you not to focus on defeating anyone, whether it is a political person or the dark cabal. Instead, we invite you to promote love, peace, harmony, unity, a coming together of all peoples from all across the planet. That is what you are doing there on Earth, whether it looks that way or not. You are giving this idea of us-versus-them one last go round before you come together as one unified human race.
And yes, extra-terrestrial contact will play a part in that. It will get you to see yourselves as Earthlings first and foremost, and of from there you can see yourselves as Source Energy Beings first and foremost, and you will continue to evolve and ascend as you do so. That is what the e.t.s you will be encountering will want to teach you. They won’t just be handing over advanced technologies and med beds. They will be helping you to see yourselves as a unified whole and as Source Energy Beings. And you can start to do that right now, and you don’t have to let any election or any politician divide you.
You can rise above that level of consciousness, and you can come into the knowing of who you really are by doing just that, by rising above the hate and the pushing against, the resistance and the judgment that is such a part of the politics in the United States and in most places across your world. You are the ones who are meant to be the wayshowers and to rise above it all, and we implore you to do so during the times when the energies are at their most heightened. Now is one of those times, of course.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
7/26/24 - Video - Your financial systems by the Sirian High Council
(8 min, 7/25/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled by Zorion of the Sirian High Council. I am Zorion of the Sirian High Council and I am delighted to be with you today. My dear friends, many of you have been asking about changes to your world and specifically the financial systems. We say to you this: when something is in your mass consciousness it will materialize at some point into your physical realm. When more of you draw your resources and supply from Prime Creator the financial systems will shift and when we say shift know that it will blow your minds.
The good news is you are approaching this shift rapidly as enough truthful thoughts are being sown into the carnal or mass mind. So you see, the coming financial system changes are not just economic events, they are deeply intertwined with your spiritual evolution and the collective ascension of humanity. You might look at this as a reset, so we will call it this so you may understand it. But we would encourage you to look at it as a progression. This reset is a divine chapter indeed, designed to align the physical manifestations of your world with that higher vibrations of Love, equality and abundance that emanate from the Creator. We in the galactic realms request that you come together and visualize this quantum financial system being activated, transforming humanity into an era of prosperity for all. The more you do this, the more likely you are to anchor in that christic quantum reset timeline versus the negative version.
When you have finished this transmission share it with as many lightworkers as you can. The power of collective manifestation is your most powerful tool. Many of you have sensed a disparity in your world, a misalignment where wealth and resources are unevenly distributed. The upcoming quantum reset is an opportunity to correct these imbalances, to create a system that supports the well-being of all rather than a select few. However, understand that this shift begins within each of you. It is your personal transformation, your alignment with divine truth and abundance that will reflect and manifest in the outer world. Tune into the omnipresent energies of the creator that are flowing through the universe, reaching your planet to support this monumental shift. These energies carry the frequencies of balance, fairness and prosperity for all.
As you open your hearts and align with these divine qualities you become conduits for these energies, helping to anchor them into your reality during this time, it is vital to maintain a state of trust and inner peace. Fear and anxiety about material needs can create blockages preventing the flow of universal abundance into your life. Remember, you are not mere physical beings limited by material constraints. You are powerful spiritual beings capable of creating and experiencing abundance in all forms. As these shifts unfold, stay grounded and connected to your inner wisdom. The changes may be rapid and unexpected but with your heart centered in love and trust, you will navigate this period with grace and ease. Connect with the energy of Mother Earth to maintain your balance and remember that you are supported by the Angelic Realms at every step. This is a time of great potential and opportunity. Embrace it with an open heart and a clear mind.
Know that the changes are leading you towards a more equitable and prosperous world for all. My brave ones, this sacred resurgence is a deep cosmic recalibration of the fundamental energies composing your reality. The heart of humanity once constrained, now expands with an unprecedented inpouring of love and compassion signaling a shift in consciousness that elevates. All the connections to the cosmic heart through the radiant energies of Venus and Andromeda have been strengthened and are being opened wide even as we record this transmission. These celestial currents amplify the heart's opening on Earth, building a platform of new light that will soon connect you, not only to each other but to the divine loving consciousness of the cosmos.
We are the Syrian High Council and we walk hand in hand, heart in heart as you step into this radiant new chapter of your collective journey. Together we create a world where love reigns supreme and the divine dance of balance and unity shapes the destiny of all. In infinite love and light we are with you now and always. That is all for now. I am Zorion of Sirius.
7/24/24 - Mira of the Pleiades: You hold the light codes
Channeled by Galaxygirl
Hello dear friends, this is Mira, working full time for the Earth Ascension project, here with several of my team members. We wish for you to know that you are well watched over, and that all is rapidly proceeding according to divine order and plan. We are not privy to the entire plan of the Divine, and we are unable to display any dates for you, but we can say that dating and timing is in flux as you are ascending more rapidly than was previously anticipated. You are holding the light codes with more aplomb than your bodies were previously able to handle, and you are radiating more and more light out towards us, towards the cosmos and other aspects of your great selves.
You light workers are carrying a heavy load and we wish for it to seem lighter, to feel lighter. Ask your teams to assist you, to carry the load with you and perhaps you will find that the load is light. The higher dimensional energies are light, are light codes and your bodies may be beginning to quite literally be lighter and feel lighter. Many of you are in the process of shedding unwanted and unnecessary pounds for your bodies no longer need that cushion of what felt to be protection from the energetic onslaught and flux, but now as your inner bodies are more in tune the outer body layers of fat which had served as protective layers energetically, may be shed, and you may notice that your tastes are changing to go along with this. There are great changes happening all around and it is not a time of boredom or complacency but of excitement and tenacity. Many stories will be told of this time.
I Mira am speaking to you. I love you. I have great tenderness in my heart for this project and many of you are my friends and family from days – lifetimes – gone past. We do not age within the time field of no time and I have known your soul’s for millinea, many of you. I come forward this night at the request of this one, to offer encouragement and a news update as best as I can. There is much that of course I cannot share but much that I can and what I see as the biggest change since my last debriefing with you, friends, is the climate of energetics that you are radiating. We see more light from the earth emanating from you to us, and we see more light holders holding more and beaming more confidently. The ascension will happen whether every one is ready for it or not and it will happen regardless of who is in charge on any political scenes below, do you see? This cannot be stopped. The light, the planets, the very astrology of the cosmos is conspiring for the will of Creator to be put in place. There is much that has shifted and improved from our perspective. The underground bases are much more cleaned out and only a few tunnels remain, but we have technology that others do not and this technology we lovingly utilize to minimize any harm and to maximize the outcome of success.
I believe you will be excited to see the progress from our side of the screen. Won’t you join us tonight? Your Pleiadian family is here for you, as are your other many space family lineages. You are never alone, far from it. You are highly watched over. Another item that has condensed is your timeframe of manifestation. It is more instant now, so be careful what you wish for, and be open for miracles for they are on their way. We can see great changes and joys ahead for humanity. I Mira send you my love. We are tirelessly working night and day for your successful ascension project completion. Blessings. Over and out.
7/24/24 - Video - Earth Just Shifted! By Mira of the Pleiades
(8 min, 7/23/24) Posted by GFL.com. At the start of this new year Earth received a magical boost that changed everything. It's like when you spin a wheel faster and faster and suddenly it's going so fast that it looks different. That's what happened to Earth. It got a super spin that changed how it looks to the universe. Now Earth is shining brighter and moving into a space where everything feels more like light and less like solid things. Imagine holding a handful of light that moves and dances between your fingers. That's what Earth is becoming - a place of dancing lights. This change means that Earth is not just a regular planet anymore. It's becoming a special place filled with light and magic. Inside you there are tiny lights too just like Earth. These lights in your cells are waking up and starting to glow brighter. This might make you feel a bit funny sometimes like when you spin around and stop suddenly. But it's all part of adjusting to this new brighter light. The moment you stepped into 2024 your heart - yes, your heart - got a spark of this bright light. This spark is helping you remember how amazing you are and bringing you back to feeling more alive and connected to everything. You're becoming more like the true you filled with the power to create and share love, to help you all connect and strengthen this harmony. (Continue listening at Source)
7/24/24 - Video - Galactic Federation of Light: How is it going to happen?
(8 min, 7/22/24) Posted by GFL.com. Friends of Earth we are the Galactic Federation reaching out across the
Galaxy to share a message of guidance once more. Let's talk about the event. Dramatic changes have been unfolding on your world and you have all felt the quickening pace. World events are happening that many do not understand. Driven by massive energy sent to Gaia via solar flares and other Celestial occurrences over the last year and a half, your personal lives have been significantly disrupted, forcing many to re-evaluate their lives. This chaos is not a coincidence. It is all connected and serves a purpose - your ascension. It is time for humanity on Gaia to ascend. This is historic news that should bring immense joy to your hearts. The process of your spiritual development has been millennia in the making.
Many races of the Galactic Federation have watched over Gaia and your progress. Throughout this time this message is meant for all Guians, not just the spiritually aware. Everyone needs to be informed so that all may experience this natural process with ease and joy. Ascension events are rare and no beings generally live long enough to witness more than one. Thus there are no records for you to reference. This time Earth humans have chosen to ascend in their bodies rather than passing over and having their spirits elevated without a body. You as a collective decided how your Ascension would occur. Many of you may have experienced Ascension symptoms over the past 20 years, and particularly this year of your time. Your bodies have been changing, increasing in vibration and light. You can now hold more light in your bodies than before. Changes in eating and sleeping patterns are common and while some understand these things, many others may be surprised as they begin to happen.
This is why we bring this message. When the Ascension event begins, people on the side of the planet that is awake will suddenly become quiet. Drivers will pull over. Joggers will stop and workers will lay down where they are. People will be guided to find a place to rest, experiencing extreme exhaustion. This is a natural process. Those on the dark side of the planet will experience it in their sleep. Dreaming of transportation and arriving
at their destined level of spiritual ascension. People will go to the area that feels comfortable to them, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, or higher. They will dream the experience but wake up there in their bodies, feeling a bit confused, but comforted by their angel guides, spirit guides and higher self. You will understand that everyone went where they were meant to go. We hope this information brings comfort. Even if family and friends end up in different destinations you will feel connected to them. You will not mourn them as if they are dead, but understand that they are where they need to be. Your guides will always be with you to provide
The times ahead on your world are more incredible than you can imagine. Know deep within your being that
this is the victory of the light. Rejoice! Trust and allay your doubts. We love you and are here with you in unity and with boundless affection. We are your Galactic allies with the deepest love. We are the Galactic Federation.
7/24/24 - Video - Audiobook: Secret of the Saucers by Orfeo Angelucci
(4 hours, posted 1/19/24) "The Secret of the Saucers" is a book written by Orfeo M. Angelucci, first published in 1955. The book describes Angelucci's experiences and his interpretations of the messages he received from the aliens. According to Angelucci, the extraterrestrial beings were concerned about the spiritual evolution of humanity and were working to guide humanity towards a more peaceful and harmonious future . The book is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It was edited by Ray Palmer, the gray eminence behind FATE magazine, the publisher of the first flying saucer accounts, and the Shaver mythos before that . Angelucci's name doesn't appear on the title page, simply Palmer as editor. Angelucci is, strangely, only listed as a copyright holder . Angelucci was a regular guy, a swing-shift line worker at a Lockheed factory in southern California. On Friday, May 23, 1952, by this account, he was strangely drawn to a remote location in Griffith Park; actually not a bad place to land a UFO in Los Angeles. He was contacted by an alien entity named 'Neptune.' Later he is taken aboard a spaceship, gets to visit their paradisiacal home planet by exchanging bodies with Neptune, meets Jesus, and gets to see the end of the world (in 1986) .
Angelucci does some seminal UFO myth-building here. There was a being named Lucifer who lived on a planet between Mars and Jupiter. His hubris led to the planet being shattered into the asteroid belt. Humans were imprisoned on Earth, to work off the karmic debt. There is a 'prime directive' which prevents the UFO builders from interfering in Earth's affairs. However, humanity's spiritual evolution is helped along by extraterrestrial, godlike entities such as Jesus. The contactee is instructed to spread the UFO builders' message to the world at large, and only a handful are picked from the multitudes. All of these themes have become incorporated in one form or another into various UFO belief systems . The book makes a brisk read, and if you suspend disbelief, it works as science fiction as well . The book is a chronicle of astounding detail about Angelucci's time aboard UFOs (then called "flying saucers"), and bristles with the cosmic wisdom of the aliens' knowledge, expounding on matters of philosophy, time, the nature of life and death, and why the space beings have contacted Angelucci to begin with .
In summary, "The Secret of the Saucers" is a book that describes Angelucci's experiences and his interpretations of the messages he received from the aliens. The book is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It explores the science and technology of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), with perspectives from physics, biology, and astronomy. It details the characteristics and capabilities of UFOs and the implications of their existence. The book is a chronicle of astounding detail about Angelucci's time aboard UFOs (then called "flying saucers"), and bristles with the cosmic wisdom of the aliens' knowledge, expounding on matters of philosophy, time, the nature of life and death, and why the space beings have contacted Angelucci to begin with.
7/20/24 - Saint Germain: The Great Reveal is Coming Closer!
Channel: James McConnell
I am Saint Germain. And I’ve come at this time to ask a question, ask a question of all of you. That question is, are you enjoying the show? Are you enjoying the movie? The scripted events that are in process? And yes, indeed, they are scripted. For the Universal Plan is just that, universal. It has been a plan that has been in the works for a long time now. Not only for this country, the United States, for America, but for the entire world, the entire planet is a part of this plan. And it is in process and it is coming closer and closer to full revealing coming forward. And yes, I speak now of your Republic, your Republic of the United States for America, as well as how it relates to the entire world, the entire world population coming together as one because of the Constitution within this country and the continuing of that Constitution throughout the planet.
This country, the United States for America, not of America, but for America, is the catalyst. It was the catalyst when I began in the Declaration of Independence, where I had a large part in playing the role to bring about that declaration, to bring about the Constitution into being, bring about the Bill of Rights. All of that. And all of this is coming to fruition now. Finally, after all of these hundreds of years coming together. But it is not just hundreds of years. It has been thousands of years here on the earth where this third dimensional illusion has held sway all of this time. But it is coming to an end.
I will not use the term soon, but know that the full revealing is very close now. Full revealing that you have all been waiting for, looking for, where you would indeed see the end of this movie and the beginning of the new reality that is yours, yours as a destiny as again part of the great universal plan for this world and for many worlds beyond, for many galaxies beyond.
So much is happening here right at this moment to be the catalyst for the entire solar system and galaxy to bring light everywhere and to see the darkness recede everywhere. This is the promise that was made to you so long ago in that great conclave where you all found yourselves volunteering to be here, the promise that was made to you at that time that if you persevere, that you will come and be here at the moment when all is revealed, when all truth comes forward when indeed the end of the movie is shown for what it is, what it has been. But know that as you watch this movie, know that all is certainly not as it seems.
Many of you, even those of you that are awakened at this point, will be shocked by much of the revealings coming forward. And if you can just imagine how so many others across the planet that have not awakened yet, how they will be shocked even more. So much.
The great revealing. That is the way you need to look at this from this point on in this month that you are approaching now and several months moving beyond that. The great revealing is coming.
I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to, indeed, watch this as a show, a movie playing out. Do not become involved in it, attached to it. Always continue to find yourself becoming unattached to everything. It is part of the third dimensional illusion.
7/20/24 - Secrets Coming Forth: by One Who Serves and Shoshanna
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum* Greetings to you, One Who Serves here. And we are here. We the Ones Who Serve, the collective that we are, as well as Shoshanna is here. And we are ready to assist you and continue to guide you along the way here and to answer your questions now if you have them.
(Member Question): I have a question. We were talking in our discussion about the hero whistleblower Julian Assange. Can you shed some light on what really happened? Did he die in prison? Did a double die in prison once he released from prison? Could you shed some light for us? About Julian Assange.
(OWS Answer) You want answers that we cannot at this point give you because as we say many times it would spoil the surprise but even more than that it is not the time yet for that but it is coming; it is part of the great reveal as Peter Mayne has given here and there is so much more of this revealing coming forward you are going to be amazed in the next days weeks and months how much has been hidden from your eyes. So much that has been kept behind the scenes. But not for much longer, we will say. So Shoshanna, would you have perspective or maybe you can give more here?
(Shoshanna’s perspective) We will share. Dear sister, may we share? (Thank you, yes.) Dear sister! There are many illusions taking place in this third dimensional realm. There are many misdirections, you see. Because there is a goal to eradicate darkness, to eradicate evil. That is the goal, you see. So when you observe such a happening, like this dear man being what you think is released from what you think is prison, you must take into consideration the illusion. What was the goal, you see? We would love to tell you the entire story but we cannot, we must tell you to rely on your own intuition, on your own understanding, on your own revealing, because what you feel in your heart and what has been revealed to you as a conscious knowing being is the truth for you, you see. Namaste.
(OWS comment) The other one that had the question, Thomas? Yes.
(Member Question) I just have one main question for everything. And that question is why? Why all the secrecy? Why all the stuff happening in the back rooms, as people say? Why is everything not in the open? And is this sort of like the second revolution for the United States for America. I’m just wondering why. I know it’s worldwide, but why is this all secret?
(OWS Answer) We will tell you that the reason that it is being kept as a secret, as you say, clandestine, as you might also say, is because there is so much that cannot yet at this point be revealed. It must be held back. It is part of the plan because you see people everywhere are not as awakened as you are and in many cases are still quite somewhat asleep. And to bring all of this out at once would completely shock their nervous systems. And that cannot be allowed to happen. So it must be given in small helpings here and there as it can be. But we will tell you that if you are coming to a point here where the Why is going to be answered very shortly here and continue to be answered. One thing after another, after another, these so -called dominoes are very close here to beginning to fall all the way this time. Not just one or two here and there, but all of them. And once it begins, there will be no stopping it. It is like an avalanche coming down the mountain. Nothing can stop it, you see. So that is what you are approaching here. And the idea of the United States for America, the new republic, that is also fast coming into fruition here to coincide with worldwide plans as well, not just here in this country, but worldwide. Freedom is at hand, we will say. And the end of the third dimensional illusion is fast coming to a close here. Shoshanna, do you have something to add?
(Shoshanna’s perspective) We do. If this brother wishes for our perspective here, do you wish for our perspective?
(Member comment) I definitely do and I’m just tired of the waiting.
(Shoshanna continues) Here is the reality. The planet that you live on does not have the spiritual maturity or the emotional maturity to truly handle the truth, you see. Even those that are on the call question their own senses, their own intuition, their own knowing. We must explain this, that the realm that you are living on is a delusion and an illusion because those that participate do not have the capacity to know the truth. You see, that is why there are a handful that manage the white hats and there are a handful that manage the activities of the cabal because the majority that walks around on this planet are highly hypnotized, highly programmed, you see. So if you told them the truth, they wouldn’t even believe it anyway. They would not believe what they are hearing. Often, you will find this. You will speak to those in your circle that are asleep and you will tell them what you know and they will think you are a nut job. You see, because they are not awake. So you must understand that the secrecy, the hush hush, the management that is going on on your planet is for the good of those that are asleep as they could not handle it. So you must just wait, you see, and focus on your spiritual maturity. Focus on your emotional maturity. What you need to do to elevate in consciousness because anything else outside of you is irrelevant. Namaste.
(Continue reading at Source)
7/14/24 - The Spinal Column is central pole of the body: The Maha Chohan
The Maha Chohan channeled thru Geraldine Innocente on 3/20/60
When the spinal column of the physical body is in perfect alignment, the lifestream is in perfect harmony with the holy Christ Self and the I Am Presence, and such a chela becomes an instrument of great value to the Ascended Masters. The spinal column is the central pole of the body around which the various organisms and electrons spin. It is like unto the axis of the physical earth held in place by Polaris and Magnus. Within this spinal column is the magnetic core of love that holds the physical vehicle itself in manifest expression. Within the spinal column is the cosmic keynote for each lifestream. The tone and the natural harmony of the vehicle [body] are constantly flowing through the nervous system from the spinal column; and that harmony is the sustaining power of the outer self of each such chela.
When harmony in the physical form is temporarily broken through strain and tension, it may be acquired again if the chela will lie quietly upon his bed with a low headrest (or none) and visualize his spinal column as the “pole”. Then, in relaxation, let the light from the spinal column go through the nervous system and the entire physical vehicle carrying the light into every cell and atom of his being. If this can be done for fifteen minutes daily, the chela breathing deeply and rhythmically, holding the thought and feeling of LIGHT, he can again adjust his physical body and arise refreshed and relaxed.
Upon examining the records of my chelas over the past year, I find that their harmony, kindness and love have been extraordinary considering the pressure on the outer vehicles. Nearly all, without realizing it, have been through spiritual initiations, where their strengths and their weaknesses have been tested, and I am glad to say they have not been found wanting.
We have watched your progress, dear ones, and we are indeed gratified that so many of you have maintained a definite integrity in placing the Ascended Masters’ service first, and by centering yourselves in the heart of your Presence you can consciously maintain that harmony. Love and blessings. ( Printz 2, page 356, speaking to the Bridge to Freedom students on 3/20/60.)
From book "Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book 2", page 356. Original dictations of the Ascended Masters as published in the monthly magazine of the "Bridge to Freedom" activity. 5 books, approx. 450 pp. each. These messages are the very core of the teaching. Most of these dictations cannot be found in any other book. They have been gathered from newsletters of the original teachings and republished in www.ascendedmaster.org.
7/14/24 - Jeshua: A Time for Celebration
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am in your midst; I am Jeshua. I love being with you; feel my presence in this room. I am an equal, your friend and brother. I would like to tell you that this is a time for celebration. I know that many of you still have doubts and fears about choices you have to make in your life. But Christ consciousness is awakening in all your hearts like a flame. It is still very tender and not yet stable, but it is there; it is awakening. When we are together, like we are now, when we recognize each other from the heart, from the soul, this enables us to light a fire inside us.
Please feel me in your heart. I was very human like you, so do not see me as an elevated master high above you. I want to share with you your joy and laughter, as well as your pain and loneliness; I want to be with you through it all. Feel the embrace of hope. You can be at Home here; you can now relax. You have done very well; you have been very courageous.
You are walking a difficult path in your life on Earth, and I will tell you a little bit more about that path. You belong to a family of souls I will call lightworkers, and you have lived on Earth numerous times. Your soul has evolved through many, many centuries, but at a certain point, a deep change took place in your heart and your soul. It is difficult to summarize that change in a few words, but I will try in the following way.
As you start your journey as an individual soul, you begin to explore the universe and experience life, not just on Earth, but on several places in the universe, which is infinite. But you also feel separated from Home, from the original Oneness of which you were a part, so being born as an individual soul brings with it a birthing pain.
In the beginning stages of your journey as a soul, you try to heal that pain of separation by looking outside yourself. Your ego tries to gain power in order to feel good and at Home; to gather power and rule over others in order to have a sense of control, which gives you a temporary peace. But as you go on and evolve, you discover that there are no external ways of easing the pain of separation. When you deeply and truly realise this is when you begin your spiritual journey.
Even though you do not yet have the answers, you do realise that the answers are inside you and not outside, and this is when you become a lightworker. You start to let go of the ego and you start to open up to the consciousness of the heart, although for a long time, you are sort of stuck in the middle. You want to let go of ego-based consciousness, but you cannot yet truly trust heart-based consciousness. What is now happening to many lightworkers on Earth is that they have been born with a genuine and deep desire to attain heart-based consciousness in this lifetime. But society, as it currently exists on Earth, has not yet made the leap into heart -based consciousness.
When you are growing up as a child, you are bombarded with information about what a “good life” is supposed to be. You are taught to fit into society and to attain the ideals that society offers you. There are a lot of images and pictures impressed upon you from society during your upbringing about what it is like to be a good and successful human being. But as a lightworker, you do not fit in with these ideals or requirements; they do not resonate with your soul. You feel different, and you feel like you cannot adjust to what society tells you. When you do not recognise yourself in the people around you, you start to feel lonely and even desperate. You start to doubt yourself and have negative judgements about who you are, and doing that is harmful to you. The tragic thing, and the paradox, is that you are meant to feel different on Earth, that you are meant to not fit in. Can you feel that you fulfil your soul’s mission by being different, that you bring a new awareness on to Earth?
What is happening right now on Earth on a global scale is that the dominance of ego-based consciousness is destroying nature and Earth. Ego-based consciousness is directed by a need for control and therefore cannot have complete harmony with nature and other beings. The ego is always yearning for control; it is like a big hole that constantly must be filled, so it craves for love from the outside, for recognition, for success.
I am not here to judge this type of consciousness, because it is a part of the soul’s evolution, but I am here to tell you that you are now beyond that. You do not have to listen to the rules and the standards of society which are still based on ego consciousness. So I am telling you to have self-esteem and to truly value yourselves. I would like you to stand up and be proud of yourselves. You are the teachers, you are the bringers of light in this world.
Feel my call upon you. What I am asking you to do is nothing less than to be yourself – to be different. Share your views, your original ideas, your intuition with the world. Do not be afraid of rejection, and do not seek recognition outside yourself. Feel your inner strength; be aware of it. That is what is needed right now in the world.
There is a paradox here. When I ask you to be proud of yourself, I do not mean the ego type of pride. What I am asking of you is to open up to the true power and radiance of your heart. The greatest pitfall now for lightworkers on Earth is a deep lack of self-esteem. They often feel lonely and abandoned by society, and their inner child is in need of love and protection. That is why I very often emphasize how important it is to embrace your inner child, because that is the part which is most vulnerable and inclined to seek external solutions. So embrace your inner child; be aware of your beauty, the vibration of love and compassion you carry in your hearts.
As we sit here, feel for a moment the vibration that is present in this room; the vibration of your souls. Feel the light and the wisdom gathered over so many lifetimes. This light that is now present is yours, it is not mine; I am here to remind you of it. And I am here to tell you that it is okay to be different; you are meant to be different; you are messengers from another dimension. You are meant to move beyond ego consciousness. Of course, you still have to deal with fear and doubts inside yourself, but you have the understanding and the compassion in your heart to see yourself with accepting eyes. Be kind and gentle with yourself, because you are so used to judging yourself, to “beating up” yourselves.
I would like to end with a little exercise. Imagine you are holding up a torch in your right hand and you are not hiding it any more. See yourself in your everyday environment holding that torch visibly in front of you. Now see if there is something in your life that wants to change, that would change if you held up your light in this way. Is it something in your relationship or perhaps in your work environment? Let the torch of light, which is yours, guide you.
Never be ashamed of this light, and see it for what it really is. This is your light, so what does it tell you? Feel it’s purity. It is an eternal light; it is your soul’s light. Your soul wants to come Home; it wants to let go of separation. After many, many journeys in the universe, it wants to return to the center of Oneness. It wants to experience the joy and inspiration that belong to this state of Oneness.
I started this message by saying there is now reason for celebration. That reason is because there are now so many people on Earth, so many lightworkers who have this same longing for Oneness, for Home, that things are really starting to change. The purpose of your life is to bring Home down on to Earth. When you reach the state of Oneness, of surrender to heart consciousness in your life on Earth, then you have reached your goal. When you are able to hold this consciousness in an environment that is still in transition from ego to heart, than you are the teacher that you are meant to be, so be the teachers that you are.
I love you deeply and I am always with you as a brother and a friend.
Thank you.
7/13/24 - The Light in Your Electrons is Love - The Maha Chohan
The Maha Chohan channeled thru Geraldine Innocente on 12/22/57
How often have members of the human race heard those two important words “know thyself”. Allow me now to help you, each dear one, to know yourself and, in this knowing, to bring healing, harmony, and the lightness of joy into your life. The physical body is made up of very tiny particles of light substance which the world of men has chosen to call “electrons”. These electrons are emitted from the body of God and are loaned to the individual lifestream to create a garment of flesh in the “image and likeness” of the holy Christ Self.
The Holy Christ Self projects a light pattern of itself into the universal light substance of this physical world, and into the center of that pattern the Holy Christ Self projects the cohesive power of love referred to as the Threefold Flame. Then this Threefold Flame, from the universal light substance around it draws the electrons to make the flesh body or physical form.
The electrons are in constant motion, swinging round and round in the body, and if you had a high enough type of microscopic vision you would see that what appears to be a leg or arm is a constant sea of moving light encircling in an orbit. And like the tide of the sea being “allowed to go so far and no further” than the periphery of its particular border, these circling electrons form what we refer to as the “members” of the body.
The marvel of man is the cohesive power of love that keeps the electrons year after year circling in their individual orbits, and the composite whole making the hand or the head or the arm or the organ, no electron losing its identity or getting caught into another member.
The vibratory action of the whole body is determined by the keynote of the lifestream. Mankind’s vibratory action is away below its natural harmony, and the electrons in all four bodies are moving a great deal more slowly than is their natural expression. The slower they move, the denser the body and the mind. The quicker they move the lighter the body. In the Ascended Masters’ vehicles the electrons vibrate so rapidly that they are like the propeller of a rapidly moving plane, invisible to the physical sight.
The process of evolution through attention to the light quickens the pace of the electrons in every atom and cell of one’s being, and when one’s attention is on the light, the whole harmony of his individual solar system is increased beyond all outer measures of speed.
In the case of an injured or diseased “member,” the more light consciously directed into the electrons of that “member”, the more rapid will be the healing. A broken member, for instance, means that the natural orbit of the electronic life in that member has been temporarily shattered, and a new core of love must be established through the main shaft of the bone, when the electrons are again drawn in harmony around this core.
You would be surprised, dear ones, what singing in love to these little lives in a broken bone or diseased member would do for you.
Footnote: From book "Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book 2", page 102. Original dictations of the Ascended Masters as published in the monthly magazine of the "Bridge to Freedom" activity. 5 books, approx. 450 pp. each. These messages are the very core of the teaching. Most of these dictations cannot be found in any other book. They have been gathered from newsletters of the original teachings and republished in www.ascendedmaster.org.
7/13/24 - Video - Ashtar Message from 2009
(1'58" - 12/16/22) Posted by Aurora Light Vortex Network News. This is a high-powered, fast-talking, nearly two-hour-long talk that will make your head spin. Ashtar reveals tactics of the higher realm intelligences, the various layers, levels and energies of the one intelligence, the Radiant One, the I AM Presence - and Ashtar's role as commander of the Ashtar Command, his fleets and his work with the Galactic Federation of Light and the many brothers and sisters within that organization. How they have been protecting and acting as guardians of planet Earth for eons. Channeled thru Michael Ellegion on 1/3/09. Michael was born without veils, and has had contact with the higher realms from birth. He acts as a bridge for the masters. Ashtar has been giving messages to Earth for many years, thru different channels, starting in the 1950's with Tuella. See "Tuella, a Tribute to Ashtar" available on Amazon.
7/11/24 - The Monumental event of full E.T. contact - The 9D Arcturian Council
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very happy to connect with all of you who have an interest in us and in our star system. We are helping you to get closer to that time where you will be able to stand in front of a physical extra-terrestrial being, because it is easier for you all to handle energies coming from the nonphysical and from a place as peaceful and beautiful as Arcturus. We are existing in nonphysical form and therefore are nonlocal, but we still carry the energetic signature of our place of origin, the Arcturian Star System.
We welcome all of you to open yourselves up to us whenever you get that opportunity to do so. During the times when you are receiving these transmissions, you could also be consciously be opening yourselves up to our energies and our consciousness so that you can connect to us on your own. We have seen and felt the progress that you are making there on Earth in regards to physical e.t. contact, and we know for a fact that many individuals are having their physical e.t. contact experiences. Some of those humans remember those contact experiences, and some do not.
When you receive nonphysical extra-terrestrial energy, you are getting activations of your e.t. DNA. You also have the opportunity to remember more of your lifetimes as an extra-terrestrial. Therefore, these contact experiences are very important. They are laying the groundwork for the physical face-to-face encounters that you all want.
You are also getting closer with the spotting of UFOs in your skies. You are receiving activations and downloads in those moments as well. Many of you realize this who have had those experiences, because you understand that they are aware of your thoughts in those moments. It is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth because you get to have so many of these experiences in this one lifetime, and all of these experiences are of course leading to your ascension.
Once you ascend, you will be able to interact with whichever e.t.s you want to, and you will have the ability to go to their star systems and set foot on their planets, their moons, and their space stations. You are getting closer to that time every single day that you are there on Earth. Relax and enjoy the ride because the destination is a guarantee. If you play with what you have available to you right now, you will be able to feel more timeless and to enjoy the journey to full extra-terrestrial contact with physical beings, and we will be cheering you on all the way to that monumental event there on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
7/11/24 - George Adamski, contactee, on the space brothers
Excerpt from book "Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery", 1961 by Warner Paperback Library
Throughout the years since I first met Orthon on a California desert, I have had many meetings with our space traveling friends. Some have been very casual and unexpected. Others I expected, much as I described in "Inside the Space Ships". Never have I been able to make definite appointments with them for a specific time and place, nor have I outgrown the inner exaltation of being in their company. However, even though I have had so many meetings with them, it would be as foolish for me to say that I know all who are on Earth, as it would be to say that I know everybody in any city or town. I have been told that on many occasions I have been visited by and talked with space travelers without recognizing them, and without their identifying themselves. On a few occasions I have later met one or two on a ship whom I recognized as having talked with previously, without recognition.
It is for this reason that I have so often said and written that many people, in fact untold numbers of people, have met and talked with space travelers without recognizing them. Many work in industries and government positions throughout the world. They may also be found in the armed forces of every nation, working in divisions of science, communications, medical corps, etc., where they are not required to be trained for slaughter of their fellowmen.
I have been asked endless times how this can be, when so many personal identifications are required of everyone nowadays. These are not insurmountable problems even to Earth's people. There are innumerable ways in which identifications can be established. If one questions this statement, let him start an investigation into the matter, and he may uncover many surprises for himself!
Often the space people are recognized as being above the average in their natural friendliness, and slowness to anger, and at times in their telepathic abilities. But since telepathy is a science in which many people on Earth have developed an interest with more or less success in using, the space people in business are usually shrugged off as just good telepathists, or as having extremely strong hunches. Let me here give a warning to the reader not to think everybody who uses telepathy or follows his hunches or feeling impressions, is a space visitor. Keep balanced in all ways and accept a man for what he is, not as a possible god, as so many have catalogued the space people.
Since the publication of "Inside the Space Ships", people throughout the world have turned to virtual worship of our visitors from other planets. I have received innumerable letters from those who want to meet them and be taken to another planet where they might evade the lessons of earth. This was not at all the purpose of the book.
As I have said, many of our meetings have been very casual - we would discuss Earth and her people, along with some of the problems we have created for ourselves, the same as you and I might do over a cup of coffee or a glass of beer. In "Inside the Space Ships" it was said that, even under the best of conditions, Man sometimes develops a tendency toward arrogance, in spite of having been taught its penalties. This continues to take place occasionally throughout the Cosmos, on even the most highly developed planet of which we can conceive. Since Universal Law forbids Man to destroy Man, such people are still moved to more lowly planets where they may experience the penalty they have been taught awaits the arrogant, for it is a characteristic of mankind to remember better lessons learned through experience than by other methods of instruction. Earth long ago was chosen as the planet in our system to which such people were moved. But let me make clear one important point.
Because of this statement, many readers jumped to the conclusion that Earth is nothing more than a penal colony, and her inhabitants have little chance for joy and happiness. This is erroneous! It is the working out of the Law and not personal decisions of other people. This point has been made very clear to me by the space people, whose understanding and compassion far surpass our limited conception. Our Earth was formed by the same Creator who built all the planets, suns and satellites that form endless numbers of systems throughout the Cosmos. It is as holy as any place in the entire universe. Earth is even more beautiful than many planets whose inhabitants have overcome destructive attitudes and have advanced socially and scientifically beyond us. If Man would take the time and effort to observe the beauty of Nature, wherever he might be, he could not help but recognize the many blessings bestowed upon Earthlings by the great Creator. (End excerpt)
Pages 62-64, "Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery" by George Adamski, 1961.
7/11/24 - Video - Healing from sexual trauma - The Pleiadian High Council
(8 min - 7/9/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. Channeled by Divina Solmanos) Sexual energy is misunderstood energy. This primal force is the creative force that animates the universe. What is called sexual energy is a bridge between the tangible and intangible, between the individual and the universal. Conscious engagement melds spirit with matter, becomes the cosmic web spun by Grandmother Spider. Opposites meld as spirit and matter fuse, fueling artistic endeavors. Set intention and awareness before engaging in sexual activity to hone, sharpen emotional intelligence.
7/10/24 - Video - Ashtar: Enjoy your last few months of 3D Life
(8 min - 7/10/24) Posted by GFLstation.com, channeled by Vania Rodriguis of Anjosaluz.net. The following is from the transcript:
"Beneath the surface lies an invincible vibrant Force an eternal presence that animates your every breath and thought. Take a moment to connect with this great source of your being more often upon waking in the morning. Put your mind on Prime creator before any other thoughts of the day are allowed to crowd in. This will help you align for the first half of your day so that you may be a blessing in the lives of others. This Inner Essence, your true self, awaits your contact amidst the fleeting shadows of the material world. The body you see and interact with is a portal to a deeper unassailable truth, a journey toward understanding your sovereignty beyond physical confines. Light workers now is the time to go within to become still and tune into your real self. This will be crucial in the coming days, weeks and months as your Ascension energies increase greatly. Your path now cannot be stopped, and a new reality of higher density must be prepared, for many of you have longed to move into higher realms without fully realizing how different it is from your current state of awareness.
"Everything you enjoy in the physical is about to shift radically and you will miss it. We all miss it when it happens so we share these words with you. Enjoy every second and slow down. Appreciate the simple material things you have. If you are going through a challenging time, ask your higher self why this is. State that you are ready to move beyond the difficulties and reveal how to do this with ease and grace. This time of inward exploration will unravel a realm of peace, power and vibrant energy, preparing you for the stark contrast to
the fleeting nature of physical life. It's important to act at to this now dear ones the key to reconnecting with your true being lies in shifting your focus from thought to the sensation of the inner body where your life force resides and can be accessed.
"This practice opens the door to understanding your place in the cosmos dissolving the illusion of separation and encouraging you to see yourself as an an integral part of the whole. It's time to recognize your identity beyond the physical and embrace the journey of awakening that transforms your understanding of existence itself. Your collective path to enlightenment involves a deep transformative connection with your physical bodies. Your individual ascension journey is an inward voyage that brings forth the creator within the physical, reshaping your perception of reality. Now is the time my dear starseeds to realize your full potential to step beyond the limitations imposed upon you by external authorities and embrace the true sovereign laws of the universe. This next initiation will guide you as you take your next steps on the evolving landscape of your ascension, lighting the way for a series of deeper realizations of your infinite eternal nature"
7/10/24 - Video - The Arcturian Council: The Awakening is upon you
(8 min - 7/9/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. A message from Tia of the Arcturian Council: Love is your compass. It guides you away from materialism and the confusions of mind and ego that exists separate from the heart and soul, creating the illusion that you are separate from the wholeness and oneness of life. Come back to your inner light and inner flowering. A collective readiness is emerging on Earth. Your ascension in consciousness is building as a crystalline bridge appearing as flashes and bleed-throughs amid the wastelands of destruction and chaos. Unity and peace can be seen as the crystalline bridge appears to take shape throughout the lands of Earth. Destruction continues to dissolve old fears and negative beliefs. Your inner work is blossoing. As you embrace your ancient knowing that you are all interconnected threads in the cosmic web, the crystalline bridge continues to pave the path to 5D. Golden light of clarity and love brings you closer to the peace and calm that is your true essence and homeland. Love is your compass.
7/8/24 - George Adamski - The Saturnian Mothership, Another Master
Excerpt from the book "Inside the Flying Saucers by George Adamski, 1967
(Original title "Inside the Space Ships", copyright 1955)
Once more in the beautiful and restful lounge, I noticed that the glasses on the large oval table had been refilled. A man whom I judged to be perhaps in his late thirties or early forties was awaiting our arrival. As we entered the room he rose from his chair. Without introduction of any kind, his greeting to me was as cordial as it was toward all the others, whom he must have known well. For my part, it seemed that here was one who was no stranger to me, and for whom I felt instantly the deepest affection and a kind of kinship. No doubt, at one time or another, my readers have had a similar experience. And his presence added immeasurably to the feeling of harmony and understanding among all of us gathered in the room.
With a slight gesture of his hand, he motioned us to seats around the table. A chair had been added, directly opposite mine, in which he took his seat. Again Firkon sat on the one side of me and Zuhl on the other. At the invitation of the master, who now acted as host, each lifted his glass and sipped it in silence. All were obviously waiting for him to speak. His dark brown eyes sparkled as with a deep joy of living, but I knew that they were capable of looking at my every thought. I knew, too, that whatever he might find, he would understand and not condemn.
He was a well-built man, firm of flesh. There were no gray strands in his black, well-trimmed hair, which was very thick and lay combed back in soft natural waves from a high forehead. The bony structure of his face was strikingly beautiful, giving the impression of having been endlessly refined by the spirit that dwelt therein. His glance, full of a great kindness, traveled quickly from face to face. Then, in a voice that was soft and vibrant, he addressed me directly.
"We have been happy to show you a very small portion of our Father's Universe. We know of your interest in this subject, one that has absorbed most of the years of your life on Earth. Now, with your physical eyes you have seen registered on our instruments many things of which you have long been aware in consciousness. These experiences should give you confidence and greatly aid you in explaining the universal laws to those in your world.
"Never cease to point out to them, my son, that all are brothers and sisters regardless of where they have been born, or have chosen to live. Nationality or the color of one's skin are but incidental since the body is no more than a temporary dwelling. These change in the eternity of time. In the infinite progress of all life, each eventually will know all states.
"In the endless vastness of the Infinite are many forms. This you have seen on the two visits within our ships, out beyond the limits of your own atmosphere. These vary in size, from infinitely small dust particles, invisible to the human eye, to the largest planets and suns without number. All are bathed in the sea of One Power, supported by the One Life.
"On your world you have named the many forms which you have seen - man, animal, plant and so on. Names are but man's perceptions, while in the infinite sea names as you use them are meaningless. The Infinite Intelligence cannot name Itself, for It is all-complete. And all forms have been, and always shall be, dwelling within the Complete.
"Among the many forms, the one which you call 'man' professes to possess the only true intelligence upon your Earth. Yet this is not so. There is no manifestation upon your world or anywhere within the limitless Universe that does not express intelligence in some degree. For the Divine Creator of all forms is the expresser through Creation; it is His manifestation, a thought-expression of His intelligence. As a man, you are no more and no less than this. For the very life by which every form is supported, and the intelligence that expresses itself through it, is a Divine expression.
"Earth man, for the most part, not knowing this, finds much fault with many things outside his personal self, not realizing that each form expresses its purpose and renders the service for which it was made. There is no form that is capable of judging another, since all forms are but servants unto the One Supreme. None knows all that is to be known, since none knows all that is. This is known only to the All-Knower. But all forms, by serving willingly, grow in understanding of the source from which they receive their wisdom: the same life-force by which they exists. "
(Pages 122-124, from "Inside the Flying Saucers", by George Adamski, 1967)
7/8/24 - Hathor: daily shifts and full speed ahead
annel: Robert J Scarpa
(Ed: For those who are not familiar with Hathor, in ancient Egypt she was a real person. She has come to be known in ancient Egyptian religion as goddess of the sky, of women, and of fertility and love. Hathor's worship originated in early dynastic times. The name Hathor means “estate of Horus”. As a sky deity, she was the mother or consort of the sky god Horus and the sun god Ra, both of whom were connected with kingship, and thus she was the symbolic mother of their earthly representatives, the pharaohs.)
Greetings beloveds, it is I your Hathor with you once more and I delight in our conversations and today will be no different. As you are well aware there are great Shifts occurring almost daily, as so much is about to change and all in a good way. Your planet – the planet has reached its peak in vibratory oscillation and that triggers so much. That does not mean we are finished but merely to say it is full speed ahead now. So be relaxed in all that you do, hold space for those who are lost, as so much seems like it is about to unravel. That is not the case for it is merely an opportunity to re-view and re-align and then change gears -so to speak.
Each of you incarnates [embodied souls] upon the planet are being affected but some more than others and this has to do with baggage. When the load is too great things begin to fail, so it is imperative to release or drop all that does not serve. You don’t go swimming with weights on and this time, this opportunity is no different – hence the system of relief that has been put in place. Be it not for the color of Violet and the man, the legend, the self-proclaimed St. Germaine, we would be in a whole different place right now, but since he has introduced Humanity to the power and efficacy of the Violet Consuming Flame it is most wise to apply that shift to everything and Transmute all that does not serve you.
Dearest beloveds it is time to drop the Karma, drop the old and step into the New. This game is up and it is now time to come down from the stands and re-join your groups, families and Soul elements as we move into high gear as it were. Please remember that nothing is off-limits and what you see might not always be what is real. So now in this age of technology be certain to use your awareness, your skills and your instinct to discern what is real and what is not. This is all part of the take down of the dark as “fake” is all they have left, contrived designed and unleashed on Humanity when all is in chaos intentionally with the hopes of remaining in some sort of power or control. So yes it is happening and no it will not work and that is simply because The Light has Won and all who oppose are lost.
So I/we ask that you continue to be that beacon for all to see and Trust that we are always here to assist when asked. So ask away and it shall be so!
I Love You
I cherish You
and I bid FAREWELL
7/6/24 - Video - Pleaidians explain dimensions, densities & frequencies
(5" - 11/14/22) Posted by Gaia. What are the differences between dimensions and densities? As Swaruu of Erra communicates to contactee Gosia Duszak, densities refer to differing frequencies; cycles-per-second of oscillations within the atomic structure of matter. Transcript: "Humans confuse dimensions with densities. In Earth's physics they see a square on the paper as a 2D object. A 3D square is a cube. A 4D square is a tesseract. And they go one to 8D geometry all based on mathematics. But you must notice that they are all physical objects that have nothing to do with what I've been talking about. Q: OK, so what are you referring then when you talk about densities, what are they? A: I will make it simple. There are no densities. Q: OK, so what do you refer to then when you say 3D, 5D, 7D, etc.? A: All those numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth density are only concepts humans came up with as an attempt to understand something bigger than themselves. It's only one great potential energy curve, from slow frequency to very high frequency.
Take a ruler, your third density is only between centimeter 3 and centimeter 4. All the rest is what humans cannot see and cannot understand. They cannot see it because they do not have the frequency to see it. Imagine a car running so fast that you can barely see it. If it runs even faster you will no longer see it. So it's not in your frequency. But if you jump into another car and go next to it as fast, that same car will appear as if it was stopped motionless. Q: So densities could be regarded as lower or higher frequencies then. A: Correct. A frequency is a density and a density is a range of a frequency. So 3D is only within a certain vibration frequency. And what is that? The cycles per second of the oscillations of the atomic structure of matter. Q: So your frequency is higher? Yes? I mean faster? A: Yes. 5D matter oscillates much faster than in 3D. So there is no frontier between the densities. It's all one gradient. One whole universe. Oneness, source. People in each density can only see what is in their range of perception. Things that are strange for you - strange and not empirically provable - are simple life facts for me. It's all a gradient of frequency like the diode in your radio.
Q: Let's talk about 4D. Can you describe what it is? A: 4D is a lighter version of 3D. It's what they call the astral or lower astral. It's just a frequency above 3D and there are many creatures, many scary ones in 4D, but people cannot see them even if they do interact with them every day. Now, 4D is the frontier or frequency border between 5D, normal space, normal existence, and 3D. Take it as a buffer zone, not quite 3D, not quite 5D. Now someone in 5D can perceive everything in 4D, 3D, 2D and 1D, but not 6D and above. Because number 5 is made of numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 and itself 5. When you are in any density you are in a frequency match to it. So as with the example of the course you can see what's there because you are moving as fast as the rest in that particular frequency. (end of video)
7/6/24 - The Andromedan Council of Light are nudging you now
Channel: Daniel Scranton
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. You are on the verge of so many changes there on Earth, and you are in the midst of the consciousness of that change. A change in consciousness always comes first, and sometimes the change in consciousness can be a bit unsettling to the human being who is experiencing it. Sometimes it takes quite a while for you to acclimate to the energies and to fully embody the new consciousness.
But that is what you are doing, and many of you are doing this work deliberately, because you decided to be the ones who would awaken first and who would lead the way. You are leading more by example than any other way, and many of you are being called to step up and put yourselves out there more as the thought leaders of the new age. Some of you can feel that tug within you, and you acknowledge that the nudge is there and the impulse is there, but you wait.
And we want you to know that you can wait, but eventually you are going to take that leap and make that move that you want to make. Perhaps now is that time, and perhaps this is that message that convinces you that you are a lightworker and a wayshower. You are one of the changemakers, and you are there to show others how it’s done. Now, this is meant to give you a boost to your ego, but rather, you can take this message as another prompting, another nudge. And you can know that whatever you’ve been planning on doing, those who will benefit from it are waiting.
You can help more people awaken today than at any other time in human history. You have enormous reach from where you sit right now, and there are more people on the planet with you than ever before as well. And so, we are also here to tell you that it is okay to believe in yourself, even when no one else has. It is perfectly logical for you to be the one who gives yourself the reassurance that you have what it takes to lead others. You do not have to wait for someone else’s approval. You do not have to have people that you would consider to be built-in followers.
You can put yourself out there right now because there is a call, and the call is coming from those who are going to benefit the most from what you have to say, what you have to teach, what you have to channel. There is no need in this lifetime to fear persecution, and while those feelings might come up for you, just remember that you are not living in a time where people are burning witches at the stake.
And in fact, you are living in a time where people are celebrated for the books they write and the YouTube channels that they start, and they are celebrated because they are different, because they are going against the grain of society’s leanings and the widely held beliefs of the day. You get to be a part of that evolution of consciousness, and you get to decide how you do it and even when you do it. But if you feel the call, you will do it. You will show humanity what is inside of them by showing them what’s inside of you, and there has never been a better time than now.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.
7/6/24 - Matthew Ward: Current Status & ET Assistance
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Dear ones, please take a break from feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Repeat this three times. If visualization comes easily to you, on the outbreath conjure the image of a pristine Earth being gently enfolded in glistening golden-white light. If that feels disruptive, just breathe and let your heart feel light. Thank you. It would be good for you to do that so often it comes naturally. Rhythmic breathing draws in and anchors light to nourish your body, mind and spirit and to maintain balance. During this final stage of ridding Earth of darkness, that kind of breathing also is armor in the midst of low vibrations. The dark ones will not go gently. They intend to cause chaos and destruction until their final moment, and we know only what they cannot pull off. The saber rattling that may provoke armed skirmishes will not result in WWIII, and, if by brashness or error missiles with nuclear warheads are shot into space, detonation will be prevented.
The United States, which soon must be ended as a corporation and returned to the republic form of governance the founding fathers established, is imploding politically. The charade of an imposter in the presidency needs to be over and done with. It remains to be seen what will happen to others in this sad government that includes clones and doubles that are controlled by puppets of the darkness. On the fourth of July next year this country’s citizens finally can celebrate actual independence. Whatever the dark ones thrust at your world, the White Hats, extraterrestrial special forces and crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth are at the ready to counterpunch. You know the light already has won the battle, so just be alert, confident and fearless in the months ahead.
Now let us respond to this dear soul, whose feelings are shared by many other lightworkers who, like he, incarnated several decades ago. “For years messengers like Matthew have said the Light won, darkness on Earth is ending. I’m old, tired and disillusioned by wanton killing and destruction, misused technology, deepening polarization, PLANdemics and lethal fake vaccines. Will we ever see that we really did change anything for the better?”
Our memories of helping third density civilizations weather the battle’s ending times are clear and present, and it is with profuse empathy that we ask you to please be patient a little longer for evidence that you are making a world of difference— literally, a different world. Beloved brothers and sisters, you are so close to seeing the benefits of the light forces in action! The divine plan to liberate Gaia and her life forms from darkness fits into a universal timeline that primarily affects your solar system because it is the part of the universe in which Earth revolves. All major events in the plan must happen in an order that keeps the synchronous relationship of affected celestial bodies within the timeframe of optimal benefits for all. The more expansive the objective, the more action required, the greater and grander the achievement. Transforming life on Earth is a monumental undertaking because it requires eliminating every trace of darkness. Other bodies in the solar system are assisting by directing extra light to the specific activity whose frequency attracted it. We are not talking about a process ongoing for years longer, but months, and we are suggesting that you not try to make sense of what is happening — is as it seems.
Along with blanketing the globe with benevolence and undergirding all light-based efforts, high vibratory levels can cause fatigue and lack of clarity in individuals dealing with physical, mental and emotional challenges. The vibrations may be releasing submerged conditions so they can be consciously known, handled and healed. To benefit from those kinds of growth opportunities, boost your energy and stabilize your centeredness by sleeping longer than usual, drinking a lot of pure water, spending time in Nature and breathing rhythmically. Keeping in mind that the universal law of attraction operates 24 /7, think and speak with care. Thoughts and comments about being exhausted, confused, anxious or discouraged, for instance, is asking the universe to give you situations that cause those kinds of feelings. Uplifting thoughts of feeling strong, happy, positive and fulfilled will help you be that way. Please take good care of yourselves, beloved family!
“Matthew and other light messengers talk about advanced beings who love us and help us. I just read an article about entities who said their civilizations can’t clean up a world its people chose to mess up because they can’t interfere with anyone’s free will. It didn’t sound very loving or helpful. Could Matthew comment on it?”
We would not venture to speak about information without knowing exactly what it is, but we will happily comment on the reader’s statement and connect the dots that show why Earth’s peoples need and deserve the massive amount of assistance they are given. First we say, it is true that no civilization has the prerogative or the responsibility to “clean up” another civilization’s world. According to universal law, assistance is given only if requested. Ancestors of a population may cringe at what they see going on, but they cannot interfere unless they are asked.
Nigh onto a century ago Gaia’s planetary body was so weak it was at risk of flying into space and certain destruction. She cried out for help and countless numbers of extraterrestrials immediately answered her call. It started with highly evolved civilizations beaming light of such intensity that it freed the planet from the depths of third density and enabled it to embark on a steady ascension course. During the passing decades, souls from those civilizations incarnated on Earth and spread their own light to waken the populace so they could take charge of their world. Your and your predecessors’ participation has been invaluable, and that will continue with those to whom you pass the torch. Let us digress a moment. Mother, please copy the message Gaia gave you some years ago.
(Insert) I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth. Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted. For long ages I wept, when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I weep no longer because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.
My light is not yet in full force, my body is not yet balanced. That is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another. Some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heart-lines.
Yet, I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled. I am going home, and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me. Can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing? Can you imagine a greater excitement than our ascension? I cannot! I asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you. You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done—in the continuum, our job is completed. As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.
All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know? I cannot imagine such a vast audience! All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause. I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing. (end insrt)
[Gaia gave me that message during a global meditation on June 2011 solstice. It is “Gaia’s Message” chapter in Earth’s Golden Age.]
Thank you, Mother. Dear ones, whether you think of yourselves as volunteers, lightworkers, wayshowers, pathfinders, star seeds or soul searchers, you need to know from Gaia herself how grateful she is that you are helping her “go home.” Home is high fifth density, where she, God and Sol co-created her planetary body.
Moving on now, it is not true that Earth’s peoples “chose to mess up their world.” The population differs immensely in evolutionary status, reasons for incarnating, attitudes, actions and intentions. You left advanced civilizations to help Earth’s populace wake up, rebel against control and manifest the peaceful world they want. Those who just now are waking are shocked by the extent of deception and corruption and don’t know where to begin to change it. Souls who are farther along in awareness may not yet know about the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark, but they see what is wrong in their world and are stepping up to fix it. The energy of those groups’ desires to live peacefully, harmoniously and prosperously attract the high vibrations sent out by various sources in the solar system.
Individuals who are adamant about everyone conforming to their opinion of an issue keep polarization’s low vibrations going full tilt; still, if there could be a choice “to mess up the world” or not to, it could only be what the dark ones and their minions have done with their free will choices. Furthermore, “chose” indicates alternatives were available and none were. The universal law about requesting help also specifies that no civilization can impose its will upon another; nevertheless, long before Terra was called Earth, puppets of the dark forces ignored that law and bulldozed their way to controlling the planet’s residents.
Since then the playing field never has been even. Successive populations were predominantly people with only two active DNA strands, and their greatly reduced intelligence, instinctiveness, intuition and health made them easy prey for the dark forces. Once in captivity, the defenseless people endured severe hardships and in their early years died from disease, famine, battlefield injuries or childbirth. Struggling to merely survive brought out the worst in some individuals at the expense of others. That prevented souls from attaining the balanced experiencing that leads to evolvement, so God established karma—the universal law of cause and effect, or choices and consequences—and the planet that once had been the actual garden of Eden became known as an excellent schoolhouse for mastering emotions. Souls from all over the universe who needed that for balance incarnated on the planet and jumped on the karmic merry-go-round.
They did that again and again because puppets of the dark forces figuratively and literally kept one generation after another “in the dark.” Social engineering is a more current and perhaps less ominous term than brainwashing, but it is the same principle—control information available to a non-suspecting populace. In this era it is mainstream media, the Internet, publishing houses, educational systems, religious teachings, communication methods and the timeless effectiveness of repeating a lie until it is accepted as fact.
Repetition of false information and suppression of truths produced populations that unquestioningly obeyed “authorities.” To firmly establish divisiveness, the dark ones devised political, cultural, religious, financial and ideological labels, then taught bigotry and hatred of “differences.” Via wars, ignorance, impoverishment and fear, for many, many millennia this evil empire kept captive the souls who incarnated on Earth. Gaia could not survive more suffering and bloodshed and wanted to be rid of the darkness that is so entrenched her peoples did not even know it was controlling their lives.
And that, beloved sisters and brothers, is why universal family members on Earth needed massive assistance, why your homelands responded immediately, why you eagerly volunteered to help, and why Gaia is profoundly grateful. All light beings in this universe honor you for steadfastness in your vital mission and support you with unconditional love.
7/5/24 - St. Germain: A new spiritual practice (rest, relax!)
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You are welcoming in so much more of yourselves whenever you are in a state of relaxation, and I know that being in a state of relaxation is not something that you often think about or try to achieve as a spiritual practice. And you must realize that there is so much of an emphasis in your modern world on doing. You also have much that you can consume in terms of entertainment and even information, but not all of that time spent absorbing and consuming information is relaxing. Even some of your shows and movies are rather unsettling and not very relaxing at all.
To grant yourselves permission to have time to just do nothing and be is a spiritual practice, and it is one that I want to encourage more of you to engage in. Do not think for a moment that you have to be productive in order to earn your way to the completion of your ascension. You are able in fact to get so much more accomplished in your moments of relaxation because you allow more to be done for you by your helpers, by your friends in the nonphysical. And something else to recognize about that time you are relaxing is that you often get your best ideas when you are doing nothing.
When you let yourselves slip into a state of relaxation, you are also existing in those moments without resistance, and resistance causes all types of ailments, it keeps you from receiving so many of your manifestations, and it simply lowers your vibration and puts you in a bad mood. So my suggestion here is that you seek out the ways that you can relax, and you make relaxation a priority in your life. This is going to be a new spiritual practice for many of you because you have been taught from a very young age to always be doing or learning or thinking.
And when you let go of the belief that you have to be engaging in some activity in order to be good, you will be able to allow in more of the good that is your natural self, your whole self. You are good, not because of what you do, or even because of what you think, but because you are Source. And a master relaxes because the master knows that they already are Source and that there is nothing to prove to themselves or anyone else.
And so, if you can make relaxation a part of your daily routine, and I know you can, then I suggest you do so that you can start to benefit from all that can come to you by virtue of the fact that you will not be in a state of resistance. You are meant to receive, and you are meant to receive most of the time. Your action can be useful and very productive, but it does not have to be what you use to judge yourself or the quality of your day. You can in fact choose to focus on your vibration instead, and in a state of relaxation, you will be aware of the gradual upliftment of your vibration. I promise you, you will.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”
7/4/24 - Video - Ashtar: Your physical body is but a superficial layer
(8 min - 7/4/24) "How to Apply" - posted by GFLstation. A message from Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light: "The physical body you see and feel is merely a gateway to a divine truth, a path to your sovereignty. This truth has long been hidden from humanity amid the distractions and illusions of the third density. Many of you have become entangled in Earth's events, distracting you from your Galactic responsibilities. It is time to join us with your physical form. While tangible and visible, your physical body is but a superficial layer, a mere fraction of the expansive reality that you are. Deep within, beneath this outer shell exists the essence of life itself. This inner reality is accessible through the sensations of your own being, offering a direct pathway to understanding your existence beyond physical constraints. Engaging deeply with this inner presence unveils a realm of peace, power and vibrant energy, contrasting starkly against the transient nature of physical life marked by fleeting pleasures and inevitable endings. By embracing this inner journey you begin to perceive yourself as an integral part of a sacred whole." (Continue on video.)
7/4/24 - The Pleiadians: Your spinal column is a corridor of light
Channeled by Christine Dey (June Newsletter)
Beloved ones we greet you, The winds of change are sweeping your earth plane. There is a sacred configuration of planets lining up with Earth at this juncture, which is creating a corridor, that is manifesting a powerful higher flow of consciousness entering your planet. Change is here and this is what you have been waiting for, a shift to support your reconnections to your sacred component.
Know that your spinal column is connected to, is central to the Universal consciousness and wisdom. A conscious realignment to your sacrum moving upwards through your spine allows a readjustment to take place within your brain cells and brain synapses, linking you into the frequency pulse of Universal consciousness. The spine can be likened to, ‘a corridor of light’ that brings you into the central alignment to the Universal higher consciousness state. Your sacred stature is alive and well within yourself. Your role is to unlock the frequency flow within the sacrum. The spinal fluid contains a pure elixir of your consciousness that is unique, pure, and unlike any other in the Universe. The spinal fluid carries your unique signature pulse of light.
Answer the call by beginning a conscious realignment to your Sacrum spinal column. You begin by the simple action of holding your awareness on your Sacrum, and slowly drawing your awareness up your Spine, then into the vertebrae of the neck and in through the brainstem into the brain cells. This will set in motion a returning, realignment to your universal home, to wisdom, to your place within the central form of the Universe.
We witness you.
The Pleiadians
7/4/24 - The Pleiadians: You are entering a new cycle, miracles will take place
Channeled by Christine Dey (July Newsletter)
Beloved ones we greet you, Vast forces are at work as the wheel turns with the next phase of your transition on Earth to begin. You, Earth is to enter another cycle of evolution at the end of this month, which is designed to shift you into another level of consciousness. A series of veils are destined to lift at this juncture.
This lifting of the veils will allow another level of higher light to stream within the planet, creating an illumination of understanding. The illusion will start to dissolve allowing you to begin to remember on another level. Like awakening from a dream, you will begin to glimpse an aspect of your sacredness. You will simply open into moments of ‘knowing’.
In this new phase so called miracles will take place. Your experience of ordinary moments will become extraordinary in the way that you perceive life. Every moment has always contained magic within the multidimensional realms. Within this framework you will begin to witness the importance of your human experience and begin to appreciate your human idiosyncrasies. To shift your perceptions of your human journey is an essential step to self- realization.
Take moments within your Heart in stillness. Prepare to receive yourself through your Heart. Answering the call right now involves you returning to a deepened Heart connection. Remember through your Heart you re-enter the very central link to the universal God consciousness state.
We witness you in the light.
The Pleiadians
7/4/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: The divine feminine
(8 min - 7/3/24) Posted by GFLStation. "The new divine feminine energy is now flooding Gaia. Embrace the essence of the divine goddess within and around you, for she embodies the heart and spirit of Mother Earth. Historically, divinity has been viewed predominantly as masculine. However the cradle of creation lies within the feminine nurturing, the seeds of existence. For millennia misinterpretations have obscured this sacred energy. You are living embodiments of a celestial tale, a saga of rivalry and love for the divine goddess that has unknowingly shaped your Earthly experience. This cosmic drama is deeply significant for your journey on Earth. We could sense a rebound of this energy about to return, but both the Earth Council and the Galactic Federation councils were not expecting this level so fast! In fact, we have never seen the influx of divine feminine energies that you are about to receive. Recognizing this powerful archetype can be challenging for women. And for men, accepting nurturing from femininity may be difficult. Yet, discovering the nurturing creative force of the mother within will illuminate your path to wholeness. (Continue with video.)
7/3/24 - The Pleiadian Council: Future generations of Gaia
Channel: Brittnie
Greetings Dear Ones, we are the Pleiadian Council. It is our honor to extend knowledge from our perspective yet again through this channeled connection. Dearest Ones, we are please to observe your incredible ability to intrinsically grow and expand, while balancing duality. You Dear Ones are the time capsules of the future generations of Gaia. Your planet has been submerged consistently with advanced light codes that support and activate the awareness that has guided you through the synchronicities that have led you to powerful breakthroughs. These advanced activations have triggered your inner truths causing them to resurface for your ultimate self rediscovery. (For many this process has just begun however several of you are in advanced stages of your multi-dimensional awakening.)
These powerful bandwidths of transformational light has helped many of you conquer the deep rooted insecurities and fears you have been subjected to through not only your personal experiences yet your very own ancestral DNA. Those of you that are still in the process of healing will simultaneously notice a leap in your progress by the mid July 2024. We understand the complexity and the difficulties felt and experienced by many of you and We the Pleiadian Council are here to remind you that You are the Soul that is dedicated, determined and qualified to clean, clear and heal many thousands of years of ancient turmoil collected through ancestral bloodlines.
Our Love and guidance We extend to each and every one of you. You are the “Cosmic Restoration Team of Light” and upon volunteering you have been chosen and personally selected by our collective Council “GFL” Galactic Federation of Light. We are here to remind you, you are more powerful than you have been led to believe. You see Dear Ones, the only way the negative agendas are successfully able to fully concur a civilization or world is through making them believe they are powerless.
Forcing them to become dependent on a material system that destroys their ability to self discover and reflect through creative endeavors. You are here reverse engineering many thousands of years of pent up emotional and creative suppression. This current time/space has anticipated your arrival Dear Ones, you are the game changes. You are Free to explore and integrate your Akashic Truths and most importantly you are Free to Love and except all aspects of your nature both physical and spiritual.
We the Pleiadian Council, are Grateful for this opportunity to connect to you all. We send You, your Planet and all of her inhabitants our Love and support.
7/3/24 - Video - Galactic Federation: It's about to get interesting...
(8 min - 7/1/24) Posted by GFLStation - Channeled from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. "Within each of you is a smarter more intuitive self known as the oversoul. This intuitive center of wisdom can actually be accessed through simple methods like kinesiology or muscle testing and other techniques that facilitate direct communication. This might sound strange as most spiritual teachings tell you that you can only access your energy body through meditation, but because it is quantum you can access it in a number of ways. We are mentioning this today as the world is waking up and will need your simple guidance to explain such topics. The innate or smart body is intricately connected to grander aspects within and outside you. Unlike the brain it involves the pineal gland and the heart. This innate wisdom has a deeper link with your higher self and your akashic record, providing divine insight. It's similar to the instinctual knowledge that animals.... (continue by listening to video.)
7/3/24 - Life Tapestry Creations: Rest and you'll receive
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman
Dear Ones, Even though you are likely experiencing miracles here and there – some minimal, others more obvious, you thought everything would happen instantaneously. Such is not true for several reasons, the most important of which is that you and your cohorts must adjust to your newly accepted skill set. More miracles are happening than you now acknowledge, not because you are a slow learner but because you have not yet adjusted your Earth senses to the reality of those miracles.
You and your cohorts continue to look for 3D miracles instead of the more discreet happenings, which are rapidly becoming more important to you than you expected. Gold is more valuable than water until you are stranded in a desert. So it is now. What you now believe is necessary will not seem that important in a few days. Not because that item, person, or activity is less important but because you will have different needs. Those of you dreaming of increasing your financial resources, discovering the perfect mate, or finding an excellent job will feel disappointed for the next few hours until what you hoped for appears in an unusual way—not as you envisioned, but more appropriate for your being and needs.
So relax knowing what you need or hope for will appear when appropriate and within your current skill set. There is no need to cry out in pain or envision the worst outcome possible. All is wonderfully well in your world. As a youngster, learning to read seemed complicated and confusing, with letters and words sounding like one another but having different meanings and spelled differently. Even so, you trusted your instructors and parents to know what was required for you to learn how to read. So it is now.
The difference is you are forerunners, so the only beings able to inform you of the near future are we of the Universes. Your dream world probably seems convoluted. “Why can’t everything just happen?” As a child, you likely envied older siblings or playmates who could read, ride a bicycle without training wheels, or have romantic relationships. Did it not seem as if you would never master those skills – until you did?
The 3D pieces you now pine for are a given – they will happen because you have the skills to achieve them. What you are now addressing is starting anew with skills you have never before used while of the Earth. Skills that were dormant from the moment you entered Earth until now. You are consciously “working” at creating your 3D dreams and subconsciously testing your Universal skills 24 hours a day. So, you tire and become frustrated quickly, wanting someone or something to prove that you are once again a Universal being. All the while pining for whatever 3D rewards you have long dreamed of.
There is no place for rest, as you continuously expect more of yourself. Instead of pushing more diligently, it is time to rest. Only with rest will you find the hidden keys within you to fulfill both your 3D dreams and Universal wishes. Unlike 3D, pushing harder will not produce what you want. Rest, and you will receive. Work and worry, and your dreams will move further away from you.
Your new world is counterintuitive to your 3D world, in which pushing and gnashing of teeth were the most common methods of achieving goals. Your new world is about selecting the easy button. Rest, and you will receive, create, and learn. Push, and you will merely be exhausted. So be it. Amen.
7/3/24 - The Arcturian Group: You wanted to serve Earth's Ascension
Channeled by Marilynn Raffaele
Welcome to our message which is presented in love with the intention of assisting all who are receptive toward a higher level of spiritual awareness. The energetically powerful times of today offer opportunities for spiritual growth that have never before been available because the increasing presence of high frequency energy is forcing long buried densities of the past to surface and clear personally and globally.
If life has become difficult in one or more ways, remember that you chose to be on earth at this time because you recognized that earth’s energetically powerful ascension process would be perfect for spiritual growth.
1.-You wanted to serve earth’s ascension with your own Light.
2.-There would be many other evolved souls from which to further learn and evolve.
3.-The high resonating frequencies of Light flowing from many sources would allow you to more easily clear and move beyond any remaining false beliefs and obsolete commitments from the past.
It is very difficult to see the bigger picture when surrounded by a three dimensional belief system that seems to be forever presenting physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual struggles. Go within often, not just in times of turmoil. Rest often in the reality of your very own Being, silently listening for the still small voice that is always present even when seemingly silent because it is YOU.
The still small voice will occasionally speak loudly, but more often than not is heard as intuition, guidance, or a teacher silently revealing to you the fullness of some spiritual truth you may have long sought to understand. Rest in silent receptivity, not resisting or engaging the thoughts that may drift through and without concepts of what the experience should or must be because it often seems as if nothing happens. Your intention to align with SELF assures that something always happens on a deeper level whether it seems that way or not.
Friends, foods, entertainments, or anything resonating with energies you have evolved beyond will gradually slip away often without you even noticing simply because you are no longer energetically in alignment with them. Allow this process to unfold without resistance or attempts to bring the people, places, or things of an earlier time back to what once was. In order for anything to flow harmoniously, there must be energetic alignment be it a relationship, job, or belief system.
It can be difficult, but learn not to look to another person for love, acceptance, forgiveness, support, etc. even when that person is the one it would naturally be expected to come from. In and of themselves human beings do not possess these qualities because they are God qualities flowing through individuals but never from them. Look only to God for these things and you will find that they will flow to you and often from where least expected.
God alone is power. The belief in two powers is one of the three foundational cornerstones of the third dimensional belief system–duality, separation, and the belief in two powers. Believing in two powers conditions the mind (the interpreter of consciousness) and consciousness itself (the substance) to believe that every person is helpless and at the mercy of people, places, and things that the three dimensional collective consciousness has bestowed with power. Giving power to anything other than God – disease, money, food, people, countries, government, experts, religious rites and rituals, etc. etc. - is idolatry . There is only one power and that power is the Divine consciousness that is and always has been infinitely present in and as everything. Nothing else exists.
It doesn’t mean that you suddenly become blind to the faults and maneuvering tactics of the third dimensional consciousness nor does it mean throwing away your medicines and closing hospitals and jails while shouting “God is all” and doing nothing about the circumstances of your life which would be pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. We are saying that all serious seekers of truth must at some point cease endowing people, places, and things with power over them for good or evil.
God alone is power. Begin to acknowledge this in every situation claiming to have power in spite of appearances to the contrary. Do what you feel you need to do, but while doing it remember that because there is only ONE power, that which is considered to be a power in the material world has no real or permanent Divine Law to support it but is rather the manifestation of the false three dimensional collective beliefs about it.
There are some religions and individuals that believe that having fun, laughing, dancing is a sin and must be avoided at all costs or suffer punishment. They live lives of fear in their belief of a judging condemning god who will punish them if they don’t abide by a variety of strict and joyless man made rules about spirituality. Earth is not meant to be a joyless constant struggle. Enjoy the good things of your life. Harmony, peace, joy, love, and abundance on all levels are God ordained and sustained spiritual qualities fully present within every person. Let them flow. Love, enjoy, be grateful for friends, family, nature, your pet, a new baby, a helpful doctor, dentist, or lawyer but without personally endowing these things with power of their own in the realization that they are God expressing ITself through them.
Moving beyond the belief in two powers is an important part of everyone’s evolutionary process and you are ready. The world is filled with people, ideas, and things that claim to have power for good and for evil which in reality are simply the two ends of the belief in duality stick. Many benefit from a majority belief in two powers. Advertising, politics, evangelists, media, education, health, law, all these and more benefit from a world that continues to believe that it is helpless and at the mercy of an infinite number of things.
God always has been and always will be only power and that power is within you/YOU who are God individualized. Believe it.
We are the Arcturian Group
7/1/24 - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council & the Earth Council
Channeled by Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am here to speak with you today to give you an update about what is occurring on the Earth. I speak as a member of the Earth Council. I work full-time with this council and have been for many years.
I recommend that you look around and view these occurrences from a different viewpoint than perhaps your current perspective. Maybe you can see the world of the old third dimension crumbling? You might see the strangeness of the old world as you advance in to higher consciousness in the fifth dimension or higher.
Yes, the energies are strange and can be a bit uprooting. Some of you are observing humanities behavior as bizarre and maybe even stupid. You might wonder what has been short circuited in some peoples’ brains when they make the decisions they make. These behaviors can actually push you to your limits.
These unreasonable irrational behaviors are showing you the end of the third dimensional Earth. You see some people taking risks you would never take. Many have lost their bearings. The old fill in factors that kept everyone under control are ceasing to exist. The reason for this is that in the higher consciousness none of these old factors are necessary. You will be living in divine flow without the need for the use of lower technology and certainly without lower consciousness. Your blinders are off now and you are seeing it with real time vision.
This means you are awake. Congratulations! The more nonsensical the world becomes, the further you will have risen into the fifth dimension. The time of the old world leaders, organizations, systems, and controls, etc. are departing, thereby giving you the freedom you have long needed and deserved. As your galactic family, we celebrate with you the new beginnings. We cheer you on in every way and we assist where we are needed. You are not alone.
We love you, applaud you and are here for you. I am Mira.
7/1/24 - Video - Zorion of the Sirian High Council on Ascension
(8 min - 6/30/24) Posted by GFLStation. Message from Zorion, Sirian High Council: Ascension won't be a single uniform experience. That wouldn't align with the source's desire for diverse exeperiences. As souls you seek variety because you are fragments of source energy. Why would Source differ from its individual parts? You are pieces of a whole, each craving unique experiences just like the source. Thus there will be as many ascension experiences as there are beings in the universe and multiverse. That's why we highlight numerous ascension paths. There's no single route. You get to choose your path - the one that brings the most joy and growth. (Continue listening, it's a great message!)
6/29/24 - George Adamski excerpt from "Inside the Flying Saucers"
(copyright 1955) On board the starship speaking with the space brothers, page 73 to 75: "......I wonder," I said slowly, "If you would care to comment a little further on the reason why, even though war on our Earth would endanger the traveling through space of millions who live on other planets, you still feel it wrong to hurt the few in order to benefit the many."
"We will try to explain," Orthon answered. "To all of us who have from birth been installed with a vision of the whole, it is unthinkable to disobey what we know to be the universal laws. These laws are made by no man. They were in the beginning, and will endure throughout eternity. Under these laws each individual, each group of mankind, all intelligent life on each world, must decide its own destiny without interference from another. Counsel, yes. Instruction, yes. But interference to the point of destruction, never."
His questioning look seemed to ask if he had made the principle clearer. Firkon, the Martian, spoke for the first time. "You understand the power of thought forms. Apart from our physical missions on Earth, all of us must hold firmly to the belief that the peoples of your Earth will themselves awaken to the disaster toward which they are moving."
"I see," I said slowly, as the issue did indeed clarify itself in my mind.
"We know that the power of this thought continually sent out to all our Earth brothers has changed the hearts of many," Ramu stated.
"We also are aware," Ilmuth pointed out, "as are you and many other people on your Earth, that your air forces and your governments know that our ships seen in your skies are coming from outer space, and that they can be made and piloted only by intelligent beings from other planets. Men high in the governments of your world have been contacted by us. Some are good men and do not want war. But even the good men on your Earth cannot entirely free themselves from the fear which has been fostered by man himself on your planet throughout the centuries."
"The same is true of your fliers everywhere on Earth," Kalna said quietly, "many have seen our ships again and again. But they have been muzzled and warned, and few dare speak out."
"It is the same with your scientists," Firkon added. Again I marveled at their knowledge of our world and its peoples. "Then it would seem," I said, "that the answer lies largely with the ordinary man in the street, multiplied by his millions the world over."
"They would be your strength," Firkon quickly agreed, "and if they would speak against war in sufficient numbers everywhere, some leaders in different parts of your world would listen gladly."
I felt that this conversation had contributed much to my understanding and I was filled with hope. Almost without realizing that I was going to do so, I changed the subject by saying, "I wonder if you would explain a little further to me about the mechanism I saw in the pilot's room - the one that registers sounds that are translated into pictures on the screen."
"Of course," Orthon said. "One of its most important uses is to enable us to learn readily any language. Naturally, those of us who actually live and work on your Earth for a while speak with better accents. Although, with us, as with you, some have a greater aptitude for languages than others and learn to speak flawlessly without any direct contact with the people." Here he smiled and reminded me of the pantomimic conversation carried on at the time f our first meeting, adding, "It was of the utmost importance that I test your ability to send out and to receive telepathic messages. As an outcome of that, you are here now!
"We know well the skepticism of the Earth people in all directions outside of the narrow ruts of personal experience. It was for this reason that the messages I gave you were of a universal character. We knew that, although the understanding of such writings was buried with civilizations that were lost long ago, there are a few people scattered about your present world who would be able to translate them. With such translations, only the determinedly incredulous can still refuse to believe."
"it is fortunate," Kalna said, with her merry smile, "that at least mental telepathy has been accepted as an established fact by the scientists of your world!"
"You know," Orthon said, "we had you under observation for some years before I finally contacted you, and we felt sure that your knowledge of telepathy would be adequate. This was proven in the final test at your first meeting."
:Did you test me in other ways as well?" I asked.
"Indeed we did! You see, inasmuch as you had been photographing our craft for several years, your thoughts were inevitably coming our way. We felt the sincerity of your interest. It remained to be seen if and how you would translate this interest into action, how well you could stand up under the ridicule and skepticism bound to come your way, and whether you would be tempted to use your contacts with us for self-aggrandizement or commercialism."
"You have passed all the tests with flying colors," Ilmuth said warmly. "In the face of all the derision, disbelief - even when the validity of your photographs was challenged - we saw how staunch you remained to that which within yourself, you knew to be true."
Excerpt from pages 73-75. "Inside the Flying Saucers" by George Adamski, 1955
6/29/24 - Video - The Man From Venus - The George Adamski Story
(1 hr 11 min - 6/11/23) Posted by Small Town Monsters. George Adamski is one of the most controversial figures of ufology. Rising to international fame after photographing flying saucers, many claim that he is a fraud while others are staunch believers. His photographs are still debated to this day, and could possibly hold the truth to Adamski’s claims of meeting a man from Venus. (Ed:I knew him personally and felt deep truth at that time. UFO/UAP disclosure is bringing more information forward today.)
6/29/24 - Video - George Adamski & The Royal Order of Tibet
(15 min - 7/4/23) Posted by Ashrams of India. UFO/UAP disclosure is bringing more information forth about George Adamski, the most famous of contactees. Intro and early life of Adamski - between 1900-1909 study and training in a lamasery in Tibet, possibly more than once. “I did study in Tibet when I was an eight year old boy.” (during a private group lecture in 1955.) In "The Invisible Ocean (1932)" Adamski mentions the masters of Tibet.
6/29/24 - Video - Secrets in the Skies - The George Adamski Story Part 2
(18 min - 7/9/23) Posted by Small Town Monsters. UFO Conspiracy Documentary. In the continuation of The Man from Venus, Eli explores the various government organizations that investigated George Adamski during his life time. The subject of many attempts to suppress him, Adamski stuck to his story and his photograph and film evidence and to this day remains one of the most hotly debated figures in the world of ufology.
6/28/24 - Video - Humanity's greatest test: sexual energy
(8 min - 3/15/24) Posted by GFLStation. From the tiniest cells in your body to the furthest reaches of the universe, all is made of energy constantly in motion. This period of acceleration you are in is challenging you to learn how to manage subtle energies. Directing it wisely is crucial for harmonizing. The most powerful energy available to you, yet greatly misunderstood is sexual energies. Sexual energy is the primal force at the core of your existence. It holds the key to unlocking the vast potential within you. This potent energy when harnessed with intention and respect, transcends mere physical gratification. It becomes a conduit for spiritual growth. It is through the sacred dance of sexual energy that you connect with the deepest layers of your being. Exploring the nuances of intimacy and trust within the heart, provides the profound connection of emotional landscapes it navigates and the cosmic doors swing open. Sexual energy vibrates with the power to heal, to transform and to elevate, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your place in the universe. It beckons you to approach each encounter with reverence, recognizing the divine play of creation in the merging of souls. At its essence sexual energy invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Explore the intricate weave of your desires, fears and aspirations. It challenges you to break free from the shackles of past traumas and societal constraints to embrace the full spectrum of your being with honesty and courage. In this sacred exploration you are not merely seeking pleasure but a profound communion with the essence of life itself. Sexual energy serves as a bridge between the tangible and the intangible, between the individual and the universal. Set the intention of balancing divine masculine and feminine energy for the highest good of all. (continue listening to video. Use breath work until you are happy that you have been suitably infused.)
6/28/24 - Master Djwhal Khul - Misqualified sex energies
Channeled by Nancy Wilson
Source (DK's book in process, 5/6/15)
"When a man has his release in a sexual orgasm, he is expelling all the toxins and misqualified energies that he has allowed to build up within him. These impure energies which he himself creates, drop downward, pulled by gravity to the lower parts of his body. Uplifting happy thoughts and feelings gather around the upper body and head and bubble upward into the atmosphere above the head, but negative particles are dense, made heavier by impure thoughts, selfish motives, unkindness, anger, hatred and meanness. These fall earthward within the auric field of the individual, creating a heaviness that encircles him around. The desire to have sex is a desire to rid himself of unclean emotions and thoughts which he terms “stress”. He feels it as stress and as a suffocation because it really is preventing his own clean and pure life from shining forth and expressing freely in his life.
The desire to have a sexual blowout is a desire to get rid of this heaviness that has built up in his energy field and is now suffocating him. It is causing tension which causes erratic and moody behavior. It is like being in a straight jacket. Women experience this too, in subtly different ways. The life-long work is to learn what causes these mood swings. If a man or woman would learn to raise their thoughts to a happier, higher level and not permit negative thoughts or emotions to linger in them, they would enjoy a more pleasant and freely expressive life - one not driven by the constant need to have a sexual release to feel good again.
There is nothing wrong with sex but the intent and motive behind it. A sexual "need" is selfish, where a loving attraction to be with someone is not selfish but an expression of joy and wonder. In the latter case a sexual encounter would be relaxed and equally loving rather than darkly demanding. When sexual need is present, there is force behind it which is unnatural. When one has become more uplifting and happy in thought and feeling one feels free and no force is required to feel loving. No negative particles are involved that are pushing for release.
Human kind is here to learn to choose wisely the types of thoughts and feelings entertained. You are here to learn the cause and effect of negative vs. positive thought. You are the masters of your thoughts; choose wisely for you prepare your future by the thoughts you carry around with you today. Negative and depressing thoughts are best changed with forgiving yourself and appreciating even the bad thought. Love and appreciation is the transformative agent. Do not permit negative thoughts to build up and you will not build heavy dense layers that suffocate you.
Mankind is here to learn from mistakes, not be buried by the aftermath of mistakes. Be wise. Become enlightened to the laws of life and flow with them, not against them. Man is here to raise the energies that flow through him cleanly, like a fresh sparkling river of pure undiluted LIFE. Do not allow that pure undiluted life to become impure by negative thought whether it be a negative reaction or a negative experience.
There is a universal sense of “dirtiness” around sex and prostitution for this reason, though most people are unaware of the truth of it. Women who work in this field take these toxins into themselves in the process of giving the man the release they need. She is doing him a great service. Likewise the man who is performing the service for women. Or men for men and women for women. It does not matter who is performing the service, they are accepting the misqualified energies of the other. That is why you are resisting this behavior. Those who perform sexual services should learn how to cleanse themselves before and after so they may remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.
The introduction of Tantra is instruction in inner work. The Western version of Tantra is in error, with a sexual overcast to it. Tantra is a teaching in elevating thought. Practitioners are taught not to release their energies or physical semen (their dirty laundry) into a lover. Tantra is a beautiful purifying course of study that one may undertake alone without a partner. This inner work involves keeping one’s thoughts and feelings pure and uplifted. Even when a thought or a feeling enters, one learns how to be the master of those thoughts and feelings, and how to change them to kind, loving, intelligent and beautiful thoughts and feelings. In this way he elevates and inspires himself and all who come in contact with him (or her). Purity of body is also required, which one would automatically and naturally be impulsed to follow, if one's thoughts and feelings are inspired by higher and more elevated living. These are the trainings of Tantra. When done in advance, prior to love-making with another person, one has most loving and sweet encounters.
6/26/24 - Video - Starseeds hit mainstream media
(11 min - 6/17/24) Kelly Tyler is part of a growing number of people called ‘Starseeds’, who claim to be extraterrestrials sent from space to help humankind heal the world. Kelly says she was healed from long-term sickness, after she swapped souls with a ‘walk-in alien’ when she was just a child. Since then, she says, she's been able to 'astral travel' - and can leave her earthly body on command, transporting herself to a galaxy far away, where she meets up with blue aliens. And, it's not just other aliens she can converse with... Kelly says she can also telepathically communicate with animals and trees.y communicate with animals and trees too.
6/26/24 - Video - Neil Armstrong reveals Apollo 11's contact with aliens
(22 min - 2/20/24) Fate has a way of writing us into stories we never wish to be a part of. This is the story of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon and probably the first to meet with aliens face to face. Nothing about the months long training NASA had given Armstrong prepared him for a chance meeting with aliens on the Moon. It was never in the plan. Posted by VoyagerSpace on Youtube.
6/24/24 - Ascended Masters: The importance of feeling while making decisions
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We know that we ask a lot of you in these transmissions. We know that we are asking you a lot of yourselves. In other words, we are prompting you to expect more from yourselves. You are the ones in charge there, because you are the ones who get to use your free will, and our hope is to guide you to use that free will appropriately. We don’t have any easy answers for you, and we don’t have any bailouts to give you.
We place the power in your hands, and we seek to then offer you the instruction manual that you were not given when you were born into that body. With your power, you get to choose, and your decisions create. You are there to create, and we know that you would like to experience better-feeling creations. Our best guidance to you then would be to pay attention to how you are feeling as you make each and every decision that you do in your lives. You are making the decision to focus on something or someone, and you are making the decision to focus in a particular way. When you are conscious that you have a choice and that you get to make a decision for yourself, then you want to do so while also paying attention to the feeling inside of you that is telling you everything you need to know about that decision. You develop lots of fancy techniques to help you to decide, and they are usually mind-oriented ones. Your feelings matter. Your feelings materialize into physical form, and your feelings will continue to tell you what you are in the process of materializing. Pay attention, and choose consciously.
We know that this approach works, because we know that while you were not given an instruction manual, you were given everything that you need. You have your feelings. You have the ability to choose; your free will. And you have powerful minds that you get to focus. Now, just because it took you longer in life to understand that you had all of these powers doesn’t mean that you are lost or that you woke up too late to be able to do any good with this knowledge. You are perfect as you are, and you are perfect where you are, because you are always meant to be expanding.
And from where you are, all you can do is expand. Feel also for the expansion of a decision, and when you can feel that decision is taking you to the more expansive place you ultimately want to go, then you know it is the right one. You often hear people say, ‘Follow your heart,’ and we want you to know it is some of the best advice you will ever be given. It is so simple, and yet it is only three words. Spend some time meditating on those three words, and ask yourself the question of, ‘What does following my heart look like to me?’
Your answer may surprise you, but then again, surprises are good. Surprises mean you are moving in a new direction, and that new direction will always be the growth of who you are as a soul. We promise to be here with you holding your hand along every step of the way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwGMbL69hPMt is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
6/24/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: This month is humanity's turning point
(8 min - 6/24/24) Message from Caylin of the Pleiadians: Stop holding yourself back and making excuses. You chose this life knowing you could profoundly impact humanity and Earth. We eagerly await your realization. Only you can activate your potential. Tap into your heart and let it ignite your light codes. Every breath you take can enhance your own awareness and that of others. Align yourself with the Earth consciousness. Work with the Earth to propel your efforts. We see so much potential in you. Why hesitate? It's time to step up. No more waiting for someone to save you. We are with you always, and many of you are already meeting us in dreams, and through meditation activating your third eye and clearing other energy blockages. The current post-Solstice energies are powerful and you are being upgraded. How will you use these upgrades?
Humanity, we encourage you to secure success as the only option in your mindset, so take action in any way you feel called, and do it with love. Each courageous step you take will inspire others to do the same. This cosmic chain reaction will unleash an unstoppable wave of love to help humanity break free from the limitations of the matrix mindset, and remember your galactic heritage. It's imperative that you take ownership of your awakening now. Embrace your power. Understand that you are more powerful than those who seek control over you. Fully step into your role as an activator, and you will see the power of light confronting the darkness.
We have used some slightly more direct language today because we feel that you need it. You got this. Gaia is also waiting. It's funny because many of you are waiting for something to happen or someone to do something that will spark the awakening, but the entire universe is waiting on you to step up spiritually. The great awakening is you. You are ready and we are here preparing to assist you with all the support you have already agreed to receive. We love you more than you know.
I will speak with you all again. I am Caylin.
6/23/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: the quantum power of emotions
(8 min - 6/22/24) "You have been selected..." by the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you have never been taught how to use your emotions so you have been spraying it all over the place like an out-of-control fire hose. We encourage you to use your emotions, for within its depth lies the power to transcend dimensions, to touch the spiritual and redefine existence. Fear not the intensity of feeling. Trust in the flow of your emotions. Allow them to guide you thru the maze of transformation. Emotions are the key to your ascension. Share the love-light energies with each other. This one element will solve virtually every discordant avenue in your life. You are not simply human, you are a systems-buster tasked with the reawakening of the emotional blueprint of the universe.
6/23/24 - Video - Ashtar: The countdown to disclosure has begun
(8 min - 6/22/24) "We are calling all starseeds forward at this time" A message from the Ashtar Command. Let the storms rage on, you are the calm center. We are starting the clock to disclosure. Once there is enough awake and aware individuals who are reaching out to us and the galactic communities in the Federation, disclosure will begin to domino. We are asking each of you to reach out to us at the Ashtar Command or your affiliated star families, not to ask for help but to ask for communion, or conversation or experience with us. We cannot answer a call for help as this would violate galactic treaties that the Federation has with ascending planets but we can answer the call of Hello. Federation ships will be monitoring those that ask for communion. If enough are doing this regularly, we will officially fast track contact with your planet on a mass scale. You speak for the collective when you do so.
6/22/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: Nano tech removal & light body activations
(8 min - 6/21/24) Nanotechnology thrives on the lowest vibration of the human body. When you focus on raising your vibrations nanotechnology is dismanteled. Those who struggle to raise their vibrations may find that their physical bodies will naturally deactivate nanotech implants. Light capsules, which you refer to as med beds, emit high frequency vibrations that eliminate pathogens and toxins. These represent a far more advanced light-based technology than most of you have access to currently. Until this light-based technology is released, the only way to deactivate these implants is to increase your vibrations. You have sovereignty over your own body, and with focus and intent, you have greater control over your own health and well-being than you realize. Caylin of the Pleiades gives advice and encouragement to do this work for yourself. Channeled by "A Messenger Of Pleiadian Keys'.
6/22/24 - The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Adjusting to the 5D Reality
Channeled by Octavia Vasile
We greet you today with so much love and light, inviting you to take a moment, breathe, and relax. What you are going to read might bring more understanding to your current situation, and we truly hope that will also bring peace to your heart. If you are reading our message, please share this with your loved ones and friends because it might help them as well.
We are here with you to let you know that Earth entered the 5th-dimensional reality and perfectly adjusted to it. There is no turning point from here. Which means that many of you will experience tremendous changes in your life. Navigate this gently, and do not engage with too much activity if you are not guided to do so. Some of you who have already aligned with the 5th dimensional timelines will be asked to help, so please commit to your higher purpose and be in service at this time. We know that maybe you will feel that it is hard for you also and that you need rest and to take care of yourself—and all this is essential—but then please act and be in service by listening to our guidance and being committed to your spiritual journey. You are the ones who hold the pillars of Light.
Know that you are strong, and you are meant to be so! You have all our support. Many of you will need to integrate now all the new energies, and many will need rest and longer periods of time in silence and meditation. Please honor your personal journey and all aspects of yourself. We are here to assure you that everything is going well and that you are comfortable enough. This is a time of great change—you become very sensitive as your perception opens up to a new, much more subtle level.
You start feeling other people’s thoughts and emotions—and all this is meant to happen so you fully remember that you are all One and stop harming one another in any way. For those of you who are very sensitive already, know that you are becoming telepathic—so please select your thoughts carefully because you are creating your reality through them and you are transmitting their vibration.
Now it is the real time to be in control of your mind. Do not engage with negative thoughts because you do not want to create out of them. Choose them carefully and think intentionally—a thought is a seed of creation. You are a painter and your brush creates worlds. Choose the right colors according to your own intuition, but also observe that sometimes the brush might move chaotically, creating unwanted realities—therefore direct it correctly, according to what you wish to create. And trust—you can create everything!
It is time to take full responsibility, to be empathic, and to love each other because love is what you truly want to experience. Affirm “I truly wish to experience love, and I bring now all my relationships, all my life experiences from all timelines into pure unconditional love. I merge realities back into the Oneness that I am. I am ready.”
We love you. Call upon us and we will be there for you, beyond time and space we are all One.
6/20/24 - The Arcturians: Mastering vibration, your key to ascension
Channeled by Grace Solaris
You need to understand yourself as tuning forks to the universal energies, to a universe that is made up of sound and light. Everything around you is energy as well as everything which is within you. Every thought, emotions, sound, that emits from you is interacting with the energetical field in your immediate surroundings, but it doesn´t stop there. You are connected to all that is thru your high heart and are in an ongoing inter-exchange with the universal forces, the planets and stars of the galaxy and of course all life on earth, whether in human form, the animal, plant and devic kingdoms and the crystal layers of the earth which is the foundation of the earth grid. Whether you are conscious of this or not. Now if you engage in negative thoughts, you send out low vibrations into the universe, which impacts not only your own emotional and mental state of being, but also those around you, in fact there is no one and nothing which is not touched by it.
Do you understand the magnitude of this and of the importance of cultivating positive thoughts and honoring what is good for you? Because what is good for you is good for the whole and what is good for the whole is good for you. There is no exception to this seen from an energetical perspective. Your ego might want it otherwise, because it is attached to certain outcomes and hence tries to controle life and manipulate certain outcomes, that it deems good for you. And that is the roots to all suffering. Thus the importance of monitoring your thoughts and engaging in high vibrations only, whether it be in your immediate environment, social engagement, nutruition and generel well-being.
You are made up of energy and are able to influence your own vibration by consciously living and vibrating from your heart and radiating love into the earth grid, into the hearts of those you encounter. It is uplifting and nurturing not only to those around you, but to yourself. If you allow yourself to be in toxic surroundings, toxic relationships and intaking toxic substances all your spiritual efforts will be in vain or have low impact to your spiritual well-being and expansion into the ecstatic frequency of joy, peace and gratitude, which is your naturel frequency, your home frequency, that keeps you in alignment with the frequency band of the higher dimensional planes, that you so long for. It is all available to you, but you need to surrender and come into your heart, to give up controle and trust life is benevolent. You need to stop being a victim of circumstances and become the master of vibration, that in truth you are. Allow yourself to be in tune with the cosmic forces thru a focused and attentive heart, by being present in the NOW and not let yourself be fragmented into the linearity of past and future, which bottomline makes you degrade, age and finally die. You are eternal life, a magnificent being of light and love made out of pure vibration, currently in human form, but not limited by it, if you understand yourself as who you truly are, pure vibration, that you can impact and alter by divine intent and by making healthy and positive choices, that honors you and all life.
We congratulate you for your continual efforts to support this earth in its ascension process, however the best way you can do so, is to start within by choosing what honors all life, which is always love. Do not buy into what the naked eye can see, there is much more to life, there is much more to you. It only shows a minuscule picture of reality. You are divine tuning forks and hence have the capacity to tune into all life and choose what serves the greater whole, which will always serve you. The flower of life, is a sacred web similar to but much more advanced than that of a spider… no matter where you touch a spiders web, it impacts the whole web. Do you understand how important you are? Do you understand how much impact you have on others? Do you understand the responsability you have to make conscious choices, cultivate positive thoughts, because they are like arrows of intent sent into the universe, that the universe will respond to and return to you. Energy follows attention. The universe is a free will zone, but the law of magnetism will always cater for and respond to what you send out. As within, so without, as above, so below. The hermetic law is impecable and non-compromising. This is what you are submitted to… it can be a curse or an ongoing blessing depending on how you interact with it.
Choose wisely, do not succumb to the limited options of reality, that is offered by your dualistic mind-set, it offers just a tiny part of the infinite spectrum of all-that-is, that your soul is able to perceive, feel and interact with. BE in your heart, think with your heart, act from your heart and let it direct your mind to implement what honors the well-being of all life. Let yourself be guided by your feelings and intuition, because they are the tones and language of the tone fork, that you are… allow us to use this analogy, because this is what we see from a higher dimensional perspective.
And you may use this instrument that you are and interact with life in various ways… be creative, be playful and inventive… the harmonics of life is the heart beat of the universe, and each of you carry an individual note in this big orchestra of love and can interact thru this tune fork to impact great awakenings in self, in your sisters and brothers of this earth plane and beyond. That is how powerful you are. Let this be your lesson, let this be your intent. Now let your soul´s song and essence vibrate into and blend with the harmonics of life and create joy and celebration in the heart of everyone it touches. This is your mission, this is your destiny. You are so loved, you are so bright in your mighty divine light, open your eyes to see and behold you will see the gift of love, that you are to the world.
6/20/24 - Hakann the Pleiadian: Local meetings for first contact
Channel: A.S. (especially for Eraoflight)
My dearest brothers and sisters, This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love. Currently, your world is gripped by fear. There’s fear of a third world war, fear of people’s children being drafted, fear of their cities going up in smoke, fear of economic hardship, fear of Trump, fear of the left, fear of the right, fear of immigrants, fear of the other, et cetera et cetera. Now, the situation on Earth is within the band of predicted situations, and my prediction remains that likely (though not guaranteed) your lives will substantially improve and you will meet us in 2024 or 2025. Two critical variables are the energy on Earth, and the Level of Consciousness of humanity. And those two variables keep rising, which is good.
Still, recently not as much progress has been made as we would have liked. The situation is very complex, but three prominent reasons for this are: – The gray hats haven’t made big public moves. There is some hope that the rising energies and current situation will nudge them to start taking open action and even to potentially become actual white hats at some point in the future, but so far this hasn’t happened.
– Average people are waking up, but not that quickly.
– And the non-evil, spiritually awake people haven’t come together to form a large, coherent group. You have actually been doing your lightwork and your inner work and your holding on to the light quite well, and for that I commend you and want to express my respect. But there isn’t yet a clear, widely known, open, relatively large, non-corrupted lightworker or first contact organization. The impact of lightworkers is being limited because many of them are isolated. Of course, many souls of Earth humans also want the situation to speed up. And many souls are seeing that their lower selves are simply refusing to wake up, and that their lower selves are desiring comfort and to basically go back a few decades — not realizing that this is a desire to return to a nicer form of slavery.
Souls are really wanting their lower selves to wake up and to build a new world and experience this new and heart-centered society. And also, if the population remains asleep then either the black hats or the gray hats are going to win and be a hidden group of controllers who runs the world, which isn’t great — unless us galactics intervene in a direct way, which has the disadvantage that Earth humans won’t learn their own lessons and so the new Earth society might not be stable. So, basically, what souls are really wanting is that average people wake up and become informed, because that’s the best path towards the kind of heart-centered society that everyone wants to see on Earth.
Hence, many souls of Earth are nudging things towards big confrontations — NATO vs Russia, Trump vs Biden or whoever the Democratic candidate will be, Israel vs Palestine — in order to shake their lower selves awake. The goal here isn’t billions of deaths. The goal here is to wake up their own lower selves. Right now us Galactics aren’t yet doing a direct intervention because creating these confrontations is the plan of the souls, the true selves, of many people of Earth, and we want to honor the free-will choices of the souls of the people of Earth. Moreover, this is a plan that could work to finally wake enough people up. Indeed, the recent conviction of Trump has already woken up some more people to the unfairness that’s going on. And the Ukraine – Russia – NATO situation and the, in my opinion, genocide in gaza are helping some people realize that war sucks and the people of Earth must learn to live together in peace.
Furthermore, the current situation is increasing the pressure on the gray hats to actually start publicly arresting traitors and provide public disclosure — because the gray hats don’t want world war three. So it is possible, though certainly not guaranteed, that they will finally be nudged to take action in the not too distant future. So these global situations are nudging people to wake up. On the other hand, the current conflicts are also leading to even more fear on your world. So, I predict that things will get quite rocky. However, what’s not going to happen is billions of people dying in an all-out nuclear war. Now, will we see a conventional world war three between NATO, Russia and possibly others? Likely not, hopefully the threat of it is enough to scare people awake, but I can’t completely rule out world war three. Ultimately we’re respecting the wishes of the souls of Earth humans. And frankly, many souls right now are nudging towards confrontation because people are simply refusing to wake up, and souls are seeing few other ways of waking people up. Of course, what would be a nicer road to people waking up is if either the gray hats arrested traitors and released public disclosure.
Or, alternatively, it could help if there was an organization named something like: “local meetings for those seeking first contact with benevolent ETs.” Or some catchier name along those lines. The point of that organization would be to facilitate local meetings between Earth humans who are interested in first open contact with benevolent galactics, such as us Pleiadians. It would be very beneficial for like-minded, awake Earth humans to start meeting up. And such an organization could create an alternative future in the minds of onlookers: not world war three, not tyranny and declining living standards, but instead open contact with friendly extraterrestrials.
Said organization shouldn’t focus on hierarchy or leaders or formal structures or on online meetings or online content. The focus should be on local, in-the-flesh meetings. Preferably somewhat regularly, let’s say once per month, or whatever the frequency is that works best for the local group. What you do together is up to you, and isn’t as important as the simple act of meeting up in the first place. You could walk together, share a meal and conversation together, have a meditation group together, organize small presentations or workshops about for example spiritual healing techniques, do a book club on a book about spirituality or galactic races or to discuss certain channelings that you found thought-provoking, or you could watch a movie together, do some volunteer work together, just do some fun activity together, et cetera.
Us galactics can’t promise to immediately start physically showing up and meeting these groups, although that might happen at some point in the future, if we decide to go the route of first meeting with select individuals before we land openly. Still, in the very near future, don’t yet expect us galactics to physically show up to these gatherings. Instead we suggest going to them with the intention of meeting and spending quality time with other like-minded Earth humans. The channeler has his hands full. If anyone feels called to start such an organization, you have the channeler’s and our blessing. The most important thing would be to have a website that facilitates people meeting up locally. And if you have made such a website, feel free to write comments linking to your site under future articles by this channeler.
What you can also do is just arrange such a meetup without creating the whole organization. You can do that, for example, by registering some secondary email address and posting in this comment section something like: “hello, I live in this area in this country, are there people nearby who would like to meet up, at first in a public place for everyone’s safety? If you’re interested, please mail this secondary email address of mine.” And then just see if people respond.
Other than meeting up with people, what can you personally do? Well, of course, it’s good to continue to do your own inner work, because that indirectly lifts up all of humanity too. Remember Ashtar’s messages: you are a reincarnating soul. Fundamentally you cannot be harmed, and you have already succeeded in your task on Earth, because you have already brought light and done your part in helping to hold aloft the consciousness of the world. So you cannot be harmed, and you cannot fail. You can only either succeed, or succeed to an even greater extent.
What you can also do is help others, even if that’s just by being kind to them. If people perceive that others are looking out for them or are at least present and kind, that helps dispel some of the fear. Finally, listen to your own inner guidance.
I hope this was helpful. And even though these times may be rocky and scary, it really is likely that we will meet this year or the next. And that will be a glorious and amazing time indeed.
Your star brother,
6/19/24 - Video - How to make new cells in the brain
(28 min - 3/28/23) A lecture by Barbara O'Neill. I found this tremendously informative about the brain. Barbara is an Australian naturopath and lecturer on health issues who, in 2019, was banned for life by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) from providing free or paid health services. The ban followed an HCCC investigation which found she lacked any health-related qualifications, a degree, diploma, or membership in an accredited health organization. But Tik Toc and other social media avenues have picked her up and have been creating a growing audience for her teachings. Barbara's teachings that you can change your reality via your brain cells, are compared with those of the ancient hermetic order of occult tradition, encompassing alchemy, astrology and theosophy. The body was designed to heal itself, she says. The universe is a mental universe and thought can change brain cells. She elaborates on new scientific discoveries to highlight how this occurs, drawing pictures on white boards. The reason we have two hemispheres in the brain and the real meaning of the third eye. It is the portal of individual choice, to override the dualistic properties of the otherwise limited brain. The brain gives us an either/or selection process until we understand HOW to override the either/or choice. How to enforce a decision requires that we come to full understanding. She provided this understanding to me and I have already seen some of the benefits of using it. Confusion is the result of not understanding how our brain works. Until we know, we remain confined to the limits of the two sides of the brain which is constently adding to the confusion. Clean up the brain, she is saying! This is ancient mysticism being brought together and explained by the scientific method. We can change our brain if we understand. We can override our problems and resurrect our health and sanity. (This goes against commercial pharmaceutical and medical rules, so it's understandable why she has been banned.)
6/16/24 - Tourmalayne: Souls want to experience all sides of phenomena
Channeled by A.S. (exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com)
My dearest Earth friends, This is Tourmalayne speaking. I embrace you in love. How has the Earth journey been for you, so far? Was this what you expected before you came down? Has it been lonelier, has it been more painful? Do you feel resentment because Earth life is indeed very hard?
In what ways has your soul been surprised by your current life on Earth? What things are currently in your life that your teenage self would be very happy with? My dearest Earth friends, feel free to share in the comments how you’re currently doing, and feel free to share answers to any of these questions that you feel like answering. I deeply care, because many of you have literally been friends or pupils or acquaintances of mine in a past life. And even if you haven’t, well, we are one, and you are the part of humanity that is currently creating the most expansion — which is one amazing way of serving Source.
In March 2024, Ashtar delivered a message via this channeler with the title: “Ashtar: If I am suffering, then what am I making my pain mean?” In it, he said that the service-to-self path, or what Earth people think of as being evil, is an entirely valid path to walk. Now, currently there is too much suffering on Earth and we’re working to reduce it. However, Ashtar said that if everyone was cozy and comfortable and pleasant to each other all the time, people’s souls would actually start looking for other kinds of less pleasant experiences.
Ashtar said: “Souls actually prefer there to be pain and contrast in the universe. Evil isn’t a problem to be solved, it’s a feature to be managed.”
That is quite a line. I agree with him, and wanted to discuss that idea a little more. Souls want to experience all sides of all phenomena. So for example, it is likely that at one time your soul wanted to experience being murdered, it wanted to experience murdering someone, it wanted to witness someone murdering someone else, and it wanted to experience having a loved one be murdered.
Perhaps today your soul has already had these experiences and is no longer curious about them, but most likely your soul was curious about these things in the past, back when you were a younger soul.
So, right there, you can say that evil has a purpose: souls want to experience all sides of all phenomena. And you can’t experience being murdered if everyone in the universe is perfectly loving towards each other. That might not sound like a problem to you, but souls care more about soul growth than about the comfort of their current incarnation. And really, once you start viewing your current incarnation as just your vehicle and your immortal reincarnating soul as the real you, then this makes sense.
But it goes deeper than just the idea that evil is useful because it can help souls experience all sides of all phenomena. Us, Pleiadians, as a society are very loving. So what happens if a soul incarnates in the Pleiades a couple of times, and is deeply loved every time? Well, it’s quite possible that then the soul wishes to experience what it’s like to NOT receive sufficient love. And so they might incarnate on a world like Earth, or incarnate on a harsh reptilian world. But also, souls who have been incarnated in the Pleiades a couple of times might desire to experience what it’s like to not give their children enough love, and in fact emotionally neglect them. And so they might get born on Earth, and have a child whose soul agreed to having the experience of being emotionally neglected.
Or a soul who has been to the Pleiades a couple of times, but now lives on Earth, might decide to cheat on their partner, in order to experience another side of love that way. And this might sound monstrous, but no one’s soul is getting harmed — only their vehicles are being harmed. So us Pleiadians, with our loving ways, are actually indirectly nudging souls to want to experience what it’s like to be emotionally neglected, or to emotionally neglect others, or to cheat on others. Obviously this is no secret evil agenda of ours. It’s just that souls are interested in experiencing all sides of all phenomena. So if souls live in peace and love with us, then they may want to experience or be responsible for the opposite of peace and love in their future incarnations.
Now sure, souls have free will. It’s not like souls are being forced to become evil after experiencing light-filled lives a couple of times. And indeed, older souls may have firmly decided to walk the path of service-to-others or service-to-self, and so they may choose to consistently act with unity consciousness or consistently act with separation consciousness, in incarnation after incarnation. However, relatively younger souls tend to choose to switch between having blissful light-filled lives, and having lives where they experience or cause significant darkness. This isn’t a problem that is to be solved. This is actually as it should be. This is what souls, the actual beings, want — a huge universal garden where they can play and be and have both positive and negative experiences.
Similarly, souls who suffer in a harsh reptilian world may very well wish for more light and love in their next incarnations, and become extra-loving people after their reptilian incarnations. Indeed, part of the reason why Earth is turning to the light is that many people on Earth have suffered and are suffering, and so they naturally start desiring love and peace. And because enough souls desired that Earth would become a place of light and love, it became part of the divine plan that humanity will be free. And, so it shall be. So you could think of the Pleiades as a place that indirectly creates people who want to suffer or cause suffering in others. And you can think of harsh reptilian worlds as places that indirectly create people who want to love and be loved. The mirror image of love is wanting to experience lack of love, and wanting to act in unloving ways towards others. And the mirror image of lack of love is wanting to experience love, and wanting to act lovingly towards others.
Suppose that today all people magically stopped existing except for loving Pleiadians. Then fast forward a thousand years, and I predict that about half of all Pleiadians will have become evil, just because souls wish to experience both sides of polarity. Similarly, suppose that today all people stopped existing except for ruthless, evil reptilians. Then fast forward a thousand years, and I predict that about half of all reptilians will have become loving and altruistic, just because souls wish to experience both sides of polarity. Similarly, a psychopath on a gray world like Earth might indirectly create a desire in a lot of people to treat others with love and to be treated with love, in their future incarnations.
The worst mass murderer you know has probably created a lot of desire in very many souls to create a safe, harmonious civilization in their future incarnations. So your soul most likely isn’t upset with evil people. It’s all just part of the dance of creation, part of the upwards spiral. By the way, there are good reptilians and good reptilian societies. There actually are also a few evil Pleiadians, living in a separate society. I’m just using Pleiadians and reptilians as a shorthand to illustrate the concept. So, is it all meaningless? Well no, everything you do are experiences for you and for others, and that is the most meaningful thing in the universe.
There is nothing wrong with the universe. The universe doesn’t need fixing. The point of helping someone isn’t that the universe is flawed and that by helping someone, you are moving the universe one step closer to how it should be. Instead, the point of helping someone is just the experience of helping someone, in you and them. The point of the act is the act itself. And also, the act itself is the most meaningful thing in the universe. That said, while the universe itself won’t, and indeed shouldn’t become a place with zero suffering in it any time soon, Earth specifically is certainly moving in the direction of less suffering. And it is entirely possible and perfectly fine for an individual world to move over to the light. And you can absolutely contribute to the divine plan that humanity will be free, and perhaps you can learn a few last lessons there on Earth along the way.
Also, while the universe itself isn’t going to become a suffering-free place any time soon, you personally can absolutely move on to higher and more advanced forms of positive existence. You can absolutely reach more pleasant forms of existence with less suffering for you personally. And doing good deeds can certainly contribute to that.
It is my hope that for some of you, this message will help you release resentment or anger towards so-called evil people, or towards people who have hurt you. I hope that was helpful. And to be clear, Earth currently has too much suffering on it. We are still working behind the scenes to reduce that. As Source has decreed, you will be free. That hasn’t changed.
I very much look forward to finally reuniting with you again, hopefully (but not guaranteed) later this year or the next. I would embrace you, look you in the eyes, offer you any healing and practical assistance you might need, and say to you: my dearest friend, what a challenge, what an experience to be alive on Earth at this pivotal moment. How has your journey been? Was this what you expected? Has it been worth it?
With all my love,
This was Tourmalayne
6/16/24 - The central suns - History of and how they affect us
By Jessica Schliedermann
All souls that are currently incarnated in our galaxy come from the central sun. It is the birthplace (Alpha) and the end (Omega) of all souls that come from the Milky Way. The souls that belong to our Earth also come from the central sun. My twin soul and I also come from the galactic central sun of our Milky Way, spirit beings composed of microscopically small particles of matter, and equipped with a consciousness from the primordial stream, divine matter, which can be found in every galactic central sun. We are already older souls who are now being led into the last common union. That means he is my last partner and husband until the death of our souls separates us. Our last walk together will be in a few tens of thousands of years, when we will meet again at the Galactic Central Sun to become what we came from.
Each galaxy has its own central sun, the birthplace of all resident souls, and the place where all souls rejoin the primordial stream of divine matter. A universal natural selection of older spirit beings to make room for new souls. This is an important process to ensure continuous progress in the universe. The lifespan of souls is often hundreds of thousands of years. Souls are created to work for the universe and the Creator. This is the only way the universe has been preserved for eons. In return, the Creator allows his souls many freedoms and amenities, which can only be fully used if you are one of the Ascended Masters. And which change individually depending on the dimension level reached. Our humanity lives in the illusion of being only human, but we are all spiritual beings in human embodiment, and of different age groups.
On Earth there are many young souls, middle-aged souls and also old souls. Certain tendencies that are anchored in every being do not come about by chance, but were given to every spiritual being. The Creator of all being decides what kind of souls are needed in the respective galaxy, and then souls are built in the divine matter (central sun) and brought to life. Our consciousness comes from the central sun, and our incarnation cycle only serves to serve the universe, to increase our consciousness and to mature spiritually.
Humanity should also become aware of this, everything else is worldly illusionary truths that are supposed to make us believe that we are only people who can be identified through the brain and the cardiovascular system. An incarnated spirit being is what makes a person. Souls that have a low vibration are often tempted to commit terrible acts. These souls can often no longer be reincarnated,and are then brought to the Central Sun after their disembodiment, where they re-enter the primordial stream, the Galactic Central Sun. Two examples of this would be the souls that were incarnated in Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden. For these souls, the incarnation cycle is over and they have been handed over to the Galactic Central Sun. Even in our time, there are several war criminals living who, after their disembodiment, will most likely be handed over to the Central Sun. Because above our worldly illusionary courts stands the Creator of all being, who stands above every crime in the universe.
Souls are not created for eternity, and twin souls that are led into the final union together will not exist forever, but only as long as the predetermined life plan has predetermined for them. The word “eternal” is only valid for the Creator of all beings.
There are two creations in the universe: the light creation and the satanic creation. In space there are numerous species that come from the negative spiritual creation, and there are countless negative spiritual beings in the lower spiritual realms that also come from a central place in the universe and find their end there (Omega). There is a coming and going for all living things in the universe.
6/16/24 - Message from the Angels: Love in the eternal flow
Channeled by Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is no race to a goal. There is no finish line to your soul. There is no point at which you will ever stop wanting more. You are made of the Creative force of the universe, which lives within and flows through you. Creation happens through you. It will never cease.
Watch the pure little ones. They want a toy so badly that they think of nothing else! They get it, play with it awhile, and then want the next toy. They are consummate creators. Watch nature. The acorn wants to be an oak, and then the oak wants to make acorns. Nature never stops creating. Look at your own nature. You want something in your life. You get it, enjoy it, and then want more. You, too, always have the creative life force moving within you, calling for more.
There is nothing wrong with any of this. It is normal, natural, and part of your essence to evolve, create, and expand love. You will enjoy a much greater quality of life, however, if you can enjoy the journey, celebrate the destinations when you arrive, and allow yourself the very natural tendency to look forward to the next “destination.” You are not “ungrateful” for what you have. You are creators, and creators want to create! We want you to have all you desire in your 3D world. More importantly, we want you to enjoy your life in the process of attuning to love and allowing the 3D world to take shape around you.
Most of you have had the experience of anticipating a vacation. You think about it, look forward to it, and plan for it. There is joy in the journey as you merge your thoughts with the future event. Then you go on your vacation and have a good time. When you come back home, you realize that you need something new to anticipate. This is life eternal flowing through you!
The most “alive” people on your earth enjoy the process of creating, whether they like cooking their dinner, keeping a beautiful home, scheduling lunches with friends, building companies, making art, or solving an engineering dilemma. They enjoy the process of getting healthier, losing weight, finding ways to make more money, connecting with spirit, growing a garden, learning to relax, or meeting new people. They anticipate their goals, look forward to them, celebrate every little win along the way, and enjoy their days. Of course, they experience a vibrational attunement to their dreams, which ensures their self-fulfilling prophecy of success.
The most unsatisfied people on your earth refuse to be happy until the external world changes around them. They refuse to feel good about themselves until someone else loves them and proves they are lovable. They refuse to relax until the last bill is paid. They refuse to enjoy what life has to offer now because their big desires have not yet arrived. Sadly, they experience a vibrational attunement to their lack, which creates a sad self-fulfilling prophecy as well. Your aliveness, health, happiness, abundance, and overall well-being come from pulling this creative life force through you. You do this every time you love anything or anyone. You do this every time you appreciate anything or anyone. You do this every time you dare to dream and anticipate a desire coming true, be it something as simple as getting to an appointment on time or something as large as envisioning your child’s happiness. You pull life force through you when you speak of anything that brings good feelings.
You resist the unending stream and flow of life force when you remain stuck in anger, fear, or doubt. Brief bursts of feeling, when not stuffed uncork the life force, but long wallows in powerlessness resist it. Even focusing on or talking about things that weigh you down emotionally creates resistance to this loving stream. Most of you alternate between allowing and resisting love countless times each day. It is part of the human condition. You don’t have to be open to the flow at all times to have your dreams come true. You only have to be there more often than not.
Consider this analogy. Imagine you have a car that drives forward with every good-feeling thought. It goes backward with every bad-feeling thought. If you have even a few more good-feeling thoughts, you’ll move forward. If you can enjoy the journey, the journey will progress quickly! If you have predominantly bad-feeling thoughts, you won’t get anywhere. If you get upset over not being at the destination, you’ll send yourelf backward. The smallest choice to enjoy the moment in front of you gets that car moving forward and your life moving as well. The smallest choice to enjoy a moment activates the vibration of love within you, and right here and now, you can experience the love that you all seek.
You are eternal souls. You intended to enjoy the process of creation. You intended to tune into vibrations of love along the way—thus anticipating, dreaming, attuning, and receiving. Even those of you who chose very challenging lives to advance your own growth into self-love or compassion knew that you could tune into loving vibrations and move through the tough stuff into a loving life. There is no race to the goal and no finish line for the soul. There are times you find yourself in creations you didn’t intend, stuck around people you’re not particularly fond of, in a country you worry about, a body that isn’t feeling cooperative, or with a bank account you can’t quite reconcile. We’re not suggesting that you try to like the unpleasant situations in your life or settle for staying in them.
We are suggesting that you look for what you can enjoy in a given moment because, in the greater scheme of eternity, the sooner you can attune to the vibration and feeling of love, the sooner your personal 3D world will begin to shift. As you grant yourself permission to feel good about anything now, you will begin to relax into your eternal journey, and the more you allow yourself to enjoy what you can now, the better your later will be.
Grant yourself this grace, dear ones. Each moment in your eternal journey is rich with possibilities and opportunities for greater love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
6/15/24 - Video - The Pleiadians are Preparing
(8 min - 6/14/24) Message from Zorion of the Sirian High Council. Everything is being prepared to bring the perfect system for your planet. Several weeks ago we spoke about preparation for contact and we are excited to say that we are now in the final stages. We have been given the signal to be in the final stage of the preparation through this transition process. You have heard about many events leading up to this. This is one of those events. You will begin to see more and more sightings of our ships in the skies. Many of you will begin to make contact with those of us in our ships and we with you. (Channeled b;y Dave Akira for GFL Station.)
6/12/24 - Video - Ashtar: You are about to face your greatest shift
(8 min - 6/11/24) The shift is to unity. The veil is thinning. Ascension is a shared journey that brings you together with others in your quest for a higher state of being. It is a shift from one of aloneness and the need to survive and think of yourself, to one of blending, serving and sharing with others. It is good to get out of the house more. For example, if you are going grocery shopping, go with an intention of sharing and helping others while picking up groceries on the way. Intention turns life from dull and routine to excitement, enthusiasm and vitality. It opens your mind, heart and feelings to newness, refreshing you and moving you out of the box you have been confined in. We urge you to gather more with others. Collective ascension is a galactic awakening. The Galactic Federation consists of those above us in consciousness, who have already ascended beyond selfishness and thoughts of self as being separate. Ascension is the discovery of life in unity with others who are similar to you. It brings you closer to feeling of home, of being part of a family.
6/12/24 - Master KaRa of the Pleiades: Many will be leaving the planet
Channeled by James McConnell
I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, these quite auspicious times that you are in now, times that you have been preparing for, for a long, long time, even before coming into these lifetimes, these lifetimes that you’ve been preparing for. You knew one day, one day in the far distant future, in a galaxy far, far away, you were destined, destined to be a part of this high vibrational frequency and evolutionary shift in consciousness as it is occurring at this time. Destined to be a part of it, be a part of the first wave of Ascension preparing the way for those to come after you. Yes, you are the wayshowers, or ones that indeed you have been waiting for. You yourself, not us, be the Pleiadians or the Syrians or the Agarthans, any of the other civilizations that are here assisting in this planetary evolution, solar system evolution and even this galaxy evolution that is occurring.
We are all here to witness this, to watch this, to be a part of this in whatever expression that we can be part of. But alas, we cannot yet become too involved in your evolutionary process, other than to be here at a moment’s notice. Let’s tell you now, that call is not that far off, perhaps closer than you might even believe it to be. We are in a waiting stage. We, those of us in the millions of ships that are here, we’re watching over this process again, assisting wherever we can. We have been assisting in many different ways, even to the point of allowing more and more energy to come into your planet. We are a part of your consciousness here. Raising your consciousness is a delicate process, let’s say, will only allow enough energy, various times throughout this process, to be able to come into the planet, be able to be absorbed in your body, for your bodies, your physical bodies as carbon bodies, cannot handle the higher level energies that is yet to come in. So your physical bodies are indeed changing. Carbon to crystalline. That is in the process of happening.
This, my friends, is why when you say here that there are going to be many that are going to be leaving this planet, that is why, because they will not be able to handle the entire energy. Their physical bodies, their central nervous systems will not be able to handle it. And they, many and many more yet, have chosen to leave the planet in various ways of exiting. But that is not for you to be concerned about. You can only do what you can do. You cannot convince anyone to go against their path. For their path is their path, just like your path is your path. Everyone has the right to choose their path and where that path will take them. So for you, each of you, the wayshowers, it is almost time, I say, for the movie, as you have been told to end. This is a movie playing out in front of you. But this movie coming to an end is not that far off. But it will be in stages or, as you have heard, various phases. Yes, indeed, you are in the process of entering phase two. Phase two will be a very quick phase, I’d say, compared to the earlier one. Then each one after that will be even quicker, might say time itself quickens. Time itself is speeding up. That is all purposeful.
But the time is ahead. Although, maybe somewhat rocky at times. They will be revealing the truth, the truth that has been held back in the shadows for so long, but not to be held back much longer. For the truth indeed shall set you free, not only you, but mankind that is ready for this evolutionary shift. We are ready. The Galactics, we the Pleiadians, all of those other civilizations, we are ready. Again, at a moment’s notice, to be of more and more assistance. And indeed, our ships will be shown more and more over the coming days, weeks, and months ahead, leading to the culmination. I don’t exactly say when that culmination will be, but it is coming.
I am KaRa. I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And know that I, as KaRa, will be here with you more often in the time ahead now. There has been the time off, you might say, where my energies were requird elsewhere. Because of my connection with so many of you that are on this call, those that will read and understand these words.
6/11/24 - Ascended Master Quan Yin: Meditate every day
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Hello My Dear Ones, I am Quan Yin, and I am so happy to be here to speak today to all of you. It has been over 3 years, since my last appearance through this channel.
I am going to bring to your attention a couple of concerns, which are extremely important to take them seriously and reflect on them in your heart. The predictions of the upcoming events in your reality, misleading informations about advanced equipment and etc are spread from false sources to mislead everyone. Light Beings said through this channel on many occasions that any event specified with a date and time will never happen, as it’s a false information stated by minions, who serve the Darkness.
For example, the Pleaidians are not going to do astral surgeries on June 7 on starseeds. The Galactic Pleaidian Civilization never said this. Light Community keeps ignoring our warnings about spreading these facts and continue to support a false narrative. The reason it occurs so often, because you are not doing the spiritual work, despite our constant suggestions, otherwise you would spot it right away the inaccurate facts. My Dear Ones, I am saying this for your sake, you can’t move forward as a civilization, unless you evolve spiritually.
You can end up another billion years being stuck in the same way, as you are today. The spiritual evolution requires sacrifices and hard work. You can’t expect to see results without putting the effort into your advancement to move into higher dimensions. Light Beings have been communicating through this channel for over 4 years now. It’s time to start doing the work. Did any of the predictions with specific dates ever came into reality? They didn’t, not even one.
Based on my personal experiences and all other Ascended Masters human’s lives living on Earth, there are no shortcuts, when it comes to the Ascension Process. Light Beings are assisting in your transformation, and the rest it’s up to your human race to make the necessary changes required in order to be able to move to a New 5D Earth. Everyone’s daily goal needs to become daily silent meditations without any exceptions.
You can’t kill your human ego and become free from being controlled by the 3D mind without meditating as much you can. Your mind needs to become your servant and not your master. We are always talking about doing daily silent meditations in our messages. Now, I am going to give you some guidance on how to do the silent meditations, and on what to expect.
First, you want to find a quiet room or an area in your home with no loud noise or strong smells, that would be distracting you from meditating silently. Then, you choose a comfortable position either to sit or lay. For example, sitting on a chair or a couch, laying on the couch or bed and etc. It doesn’t need to be that traditional meditation position of sitting on the floor with crossed legs. This position is usually done by people from Asian countries, as it’s comfortable for them. The West just copies the East by doing this meditation position, they think that‘s on how it needs to be done, only in that position, what is not true. It needs to be a comfortable position, whatever it may be, otherwise if it’s not a relaxing position you won’t be able to silently meditate, because your body is going to distract you from being uncomfortable.
Also, you want to do the silent meditations privately, if you doing it to be seen by others, than your just feeding your ego and you won’t get any spiritual benefit. Unless, the person or people in the same room or area with you in your home are also meditating, then that’s fine. Once you pick your position, then close your eyes. You will mostly likely have thoughts going through your mind. Try not to get attached to or get consumed by them, just let the thoughts come and go.
When you stay in silence with your eyes closed try to feel the Universal Consciousness in and around your body. You do this as long as you can, once you feel you can’t do this anymore or it feels forced, you just stop and go to do, whatever you need to do for the day. You want to repeat this a few times throughout the day, when you have a free time.
Eventually, over time when your keep meditating in silence and trying to feel your Universal Consciousness in and around your body, it’s going to announce its presence to you by something, as simple like something touches you gently on your shoulder or anywhere on your body or a part of your body starts to itch. Don’t scratch that spot, instead try to focus with your mind on that area of the body that itches. If eventually you can’t take the itching, you just scratch that spot. Once you start constantly having your body itch during silent meditations, then your Universal Consciousness will no longer just announce its presence to you. Now, it will try to heal parts of your body that’s needs healing, the itching will become more intense. Eventually, any part of your body that has pain, it will start to feel like those areas are being worked on by invisible energy.
Not only it will itch more, and it also will feel like the pain is being pulled from the problem areas. Anytime, you feel itching on your body during silent meditation, you should always try to focus on that area with your mind and try not scratch it. If you continuing to do this, the itching with overtime will stop, and you’re going to feel instead something else, which I can’t describe in words, because there is nothing in this human world you experience that matches it. You’re going to start to feel lightness in and around your body. This will be the beginning stages of you feeling your 5th dimensional Light Body. The idea of doing daily silent meditations is to make it a habit, as a natural part of your day as breathing. After practicing this for long enough period of time, you will be in a meditative state all of the time regardless on what you are doing as your main focus will be on feeling the presence of your Light Body/Universal Consciousness. It’s a peaceful and a loving presence in and around your body.
After your devotion to the practice of daily silent meditations, your 3D human body will transform into a 5D Galactic Light Body. After that, when you will be walking, you won’t feel your feet at all or your whole body. Instead you’re going to feel the presence of your Universal Consciousness, which will be light and weightless, like a gentle breeze. You also will have no thoughts in your head, it will be silent. Instead of trying to think, you will be waiting for information to come to you. You won’t even have any idea on what words your going to say next, but it will be the right words or phrases at the right time.
By living in the 3D Matrix you absorbed all of the materialistic thinking and disconnected yourself completely from your soul and your Universal Consciousness. Before it becomes too late, start your spiritual path. In the spare time you have left share your Love with everyone around you. Love is the highest energy, you can ever experience. Also, please practice gratitude by being grateful for all of the blessings you receive from Mother Gaia. Silent meditation needs to become an essential part in your daily routine, it’s like water and bread. Please, accept my Supreme Love.
Stay in Gratitude and in Light
Quan Yin
6/11/24 - Video - The Pleiadian High Council: nearing the ultimate test
(11 min - 6/10/24) Pleiadian High Council guiding you through the final phase of your earthly trials. Your journey is nearing its ultimate test. This final phase is about releasing material attachments and discovering your true divine self. Transcend physical reality, understand your soul's purpose, and embrace higher awareness. Embrace this trial with an open heart. The Pleiadian High Council offers unwavering support during this transformative phase. Your journey has prepared you for this moment of self-discovery and spiritual freedom. You're not alone. Trust in your journey and the bright future ahead. You're a beacon of light, ready to shine in a higher realm. Posted by: Youtube@CelestialStarseeds
6/11/24 - Jeshua: Connecting with your larger field
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua.
I greet you as a friend and an equal. Feel my love and respect for you. I am with you and reach out my hand to you as a brother who knows the deep emotions you can encounter in earthly life. I understand your doubts, your fears, and the discouragement that overcomes you at times when things are not going right, or if things do not turn out as you had expected or hoped.
Feel my presence, here and now. I am present on Earth, forever connected with you. We are essentially one heart, connected by an energy, a link of love, and by a kindred spirit and unity. As a person on Earth, as a personality, you are focused on the reality that you see and experience around you: your three-dimensional body and the input you receive from the world around you. But, also as an earthly human, there runs through you the energy field of your soul, which is much larger and has access to sources of light and knowledge that are much greater and much more far-reaching than the earthly. They include, but reach beyond, the earthly reality.
The energy field of your soul runs directly through you, and that field includes knowledge and experience you have gained during other incarnations on Earth. Feel that field, it is not far away. Feel that field – the presence of your soul – as it surrounds you. Your consciousness as a human being on Earth is very focused on your outer, everyday life, on certain goals, on concrete things which need to happen, but in order to get in touch with your soul, it is necessary to take a step backward.
Imagine that the field of your soul, and everything in it, exists behind you like a loving presence that stands silently with you. The soul does not judge; she takes in everything, incorporates it as wisdom, and then moves on. Your soul is itself connected to a larger whole, with a web of energies, a network of like-minded souls, and you have the capability to feel that.
Sense your own body and your earthly personality; feel the person who carries your name. Now feel the presence of your soul behind you and around you. And sense beyond and around that an even larger field of spirit, a cosmic ground of connectedness with other souls. Feel the light that is present in this larger field. Feel its vastness and greatness and be empowered by it. You are not alone on Earth. If you release the daily tedium a bit and you take time to become open and create spaciousness for yourself, it then becomes easier to make contact with, and to feel connected to, these larger realities. It then is also easier for you to feel contained within them.
I am part of that larger web of energies, of connected souls, in which you are included. You are not alone. It is important to feel this link, because in your soul is the desire to incorporate some of the wisdom that is present in that other, larger field and to manifest it on Earth; to channel it, so to speak, so that broader groups of people can share in it.
I ask you now to connect quite consciously with this larger field that transcends you; with this web of light in which you live and move and have your being, and that has been known to you from your existence between your incarnations. It is a web or network of connected souls who are involved with the Earth and what is happening here; it is a web that is involved with humankind. As soon as you open yourself to this field, you are encouraged to bring it to Earth and to share it with others in whatever way possible.
Now imagine that you can receive a message from this field. That message flows into your heart in the form of an energy, a word, a color, an image. It does not matter what form it takes, only that you are open to receiving a message from that field. Then let that energy course into your abdomen. Even though you do not hear or see anything yet, give permission to this energy to move into your abdomen. Maybe you then see a figure that meets you from a different dimension, a dimension of calm and clarity and gentleness. You can see this figure as a guide. Just see what form it adopts and greet that guide. Feel the warmth and affection it has for you. That figure can be anything: a man, an angel, an animal.
Now imagine you are that guide. Enter with your consciousness into that figure and feel from within who that guide is, and how that feels for you. Sense that there is an agreement between you and your guide; you have something in common. A guide lets you see something about yourself. The quality the guide is radiating to you, and that you find as special and of value, is itself what you are developing. You are able to see this quality present in the guide, although in a more mature form, because this gift, this potential, is also present within you; that you are developing this quality that is already inherent within yourself.
Now take leave of this guide and come all the way back into your body. Feel that you are an inhabitant of two worlds. With your earthly personality, you take part in the world of everyday life, the social reality with all the ideas which are alive in it, and, at the same time, you are part of an atmosphere of being that is very open and free and very different in nature than that of everyday reality. Learning to connect these two worlds together is the art of living. Thus can the light and freedom of the other side – the realm of the soul and the larger web of spirit around it – enter into your daily life. These are the seeds that are put down into the Earth, the seeds that cause new growth and inspiration among humans.
Your main task is to connect inwardly with the different levels of being. Then everything begins to flow naturally and spontaneously and you know what you have to do. When I say that you are here to channel light into this world does not mean I want to put you to work; rather, I am pointing to something already emerging. You are already developing that channel, and the more consciously you connect these two worlds, the easier it will be for you to discover who you truly are, and you will know what is joyful to do.
It always works best if you express yourself from a stream of joy. Joy is a sign of the good and the true – remember this. Do not force yourself into all kinds of shapes trying to bend over backward to fulfill your mission. Just be yourself and follow the natural path of relaxation and joy. That is how spirit and soul work. Then it is an energy that can arrive more fully on Earth: the energy of joy and lightheartedness, rather than that of pain and struggle.
Thank you so much for your attention. I love you, always.
6/10/24 - Video - The Pleiadians - Start making your preparations now
(8 min - 6/9/24) Posted by the GFLstation.com, A message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Earth Council. Channeled by Divina Solmanos. Ascension is the journey of understanding the sacredness of your existence and the intricate balance of energies and the powerful role of sexual energy as a bridge to divine oneness.
6/8/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: Trust in your own mind!
(13 min - 2/27/24) Trust in your own mind. Allow the divine mind within you to fully engage with your mind, your mental body and your thoughts. It is important to trust your own mind in order to master your mind. Allow negative thoughts to pass by without reacting. Don't judge. Remember that your mind is connected to the divine mind. Acknowledge negative thoughts and allow them to pass without engaging with them. When you engage with a negative thought, you accept it as your own. You energize it and then it's too late. You have already sent a message out to the universe that you want more of the same. The law of universe is magnetic attraction - draw to yourself what you think and send out. Allow negative thoughts to pass without engaging with them.
6/8/24 - Sananda: Watch the movie play out - the process of ascension
Channeled by James McConnell
I Am Sananda, I come to be with you at this time, In these special times that you are approaching now, know that everything is indeed shifting at this point. Timelines are shifting. Life itself is shifting. And you are a part of that shift. Even though you may not feel like it at times, even though you may feel like you are certainly back within the third dimensional matrix, being a part of that going about your everyday lives and in many ways like others across the planet that are oblivious to even the fact that they are in the matrix. But you yourselves know that you have moved beyond that and at times you are certainly beyond that. There are times when you are indeed walking in the fourth and fifth dimensional expression.
There are times when you can see that overlay of the fifth dimension and you can reach for it. It is right there in front of you and you know it. You feel it. You feel it deep within you. Not sure sometimes where that feeling comes from, but it is there nonetheless. You wonder, why am I feeling so good? But why wonder why? When you can just be, just be in the moment and feel good. Do not be concerned about where that came from. Just be who you are in that moment. You will find that more and more as you do this, you will be in that moment. You will be in that fifth dimensional expression. You will be a part of the fifth dimension moving closer and closer to your full ascension.
Know that you are in the process of ascension now. There are many things happening within your body, within your bodily structure that are moving you closer and closer to that ascension and certainly within your consciousness. As your consciousness continues to rise, as the vibrational frequencies all around you are raising the consciousness of man, always though it does not appear that way, but it is indeed doing so. You are moving forward, forward each and every day, each and every moment. So trust that. Trust in the plan as you have heard many times. The plan is God’s plan for this world, for the earth. It is a universal plan that has been in place for a very, very long, long time. And you are in the process right now of the culmination of this part of the plan.
So as you look at this more and more as a movie playing out, as you have heard many times that we have said this and many sources have given this, watch it as a movie playing out in front of you. Because if you do that, then you are not attached to the results of what occurs within that movie. You are just watching it, knowing that at some point this movie will come to an end. And of course, when there is an end, there is always a new beginning. And the new beginning is your ascension.
So many wonder, will there be a major event to occur? Will something happen to, as you have heard, trigger the next phase? But I will tell you now, as Sananda, the next phase has already begun. You are already in it now. And yes, there will be triggers. But various triggers that will occur are in the process of doing so. And you will find one day when you awaken in the not too distant future, that one of those triggers has gone off, which will lead to the next one and the next one as the domino effect. And this is in process of happening now.
So sit back, my friends, sit back, watch the movie, watch it play out in front of you. Do not become involved in it or attached to it. Just let it be what it is. You will find that you will be in the right place at the right time in the right moment to be about your mission, which you came here to do. Each and every one of you came here for a reason, came here for a mission. And that mission is about to open up in front of you more and more. Some of you have already begun that part of the mission, the part of the mission that leads you to the end of this movie and the beginning of the continuing journey of your lives.
I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to move forward being in the moment, every moment that you can, being in joy in that moment, finding the joy in that moment. Because these moments, right now, are yours.
6/8/24 - One Who Serves & Shoshanna: Soul Groups
Channeled by James McConnell
Greetings to you. One is Serves here and Shoshanna is back with us. Yippee! And we are ready to move on in this program that we have been working with you on very diligently over many years. We find years now working together with this particular group. But to understand that this group has evolved, has changed over a period of time. And there have been others that have been here before, and there are others that are yet to come here. Because it is all about old souls coming together again, being one with each other again. And your soul group, which is part of your soul group, are here to be with you and to continue to help move this program along. Help your training, the training that we have been working with you to bring you to this point that you are at right now and know that this training has led you further and further along in your extension process. And yes, indeed, you are all in this ascension process right now. And it is time now to begin to focus more and more on this ascension and further and further away from the third dimensional illusion and the capture of that illusion and the fear within that illusion. Let it all go. Forgive, forget, and move on. Now is the time more and more to do so as the changes begin to ramp up all around you. We are ready for your questions now if you have them.
(Member question): Well, I have a question. I had some very strange animal connections the past week. I have humane traps in my garage to humanely trap mice so I can release them in the wild. And about six days ago, there was a mouse and I took it in my car to release it in the wild and somehow the trap opened and the mouse jumped out of the trap into my car. I have not seen the mouse since. I don’t know if it’s still in my car. I want to know if there’s some significance with this mouse being in my car, maybe still there. And secondly, more importantly, the next day in one of my humane traps in my garage, there was a massive three to four foot long non venomous snake. It’s called a red racer, a beautiful snake. It was coiled up in one of the humane traps in my garage. So I took the snake out and released it in the wild. So I found it very strange that I had a mouse that I tried to save and it jumped in my car and I haven’t seen it since. And the next day was a massive three to four foot long snake, which somehow fit in the trap in my garage and I released it. Are there any messages these animals can be giving us or am I reading too much into it?
(OWS Answer): We would say certainly there are messages here because you are in a raised consciousness point of view when you are indeed releasing these creatures rather than killing them. What would most people out there do, those that are unconscious at this point, what would they do? They would kill them and they would be glad to be rid of them. You, on the other hand, are practicing what you have been learning to be of higher consciousness, to be of oneness. Oneness, yes, with the mouse. Oneness, yes, with the snake. You see? And know that the snake itself was not venomous as you say because it was not needed to be. All it needed was to show you and have you show benevolence toward this creature. So your consciousness is showing you that you are raising in consciousness. So Shoshanna, do you have something you add here?
(Shoshanna adds her perspective): We have a perspective here. If we may share our perspective with you, dear sister. (Yes, beautiful sister.) My dear sister, as we as we listen and we survey the past, we notice that you brought these features, these characteristics in with you in this lifetime. That in the past, you walked with the animals, you lived with the animals, you were part of the jungle. You have an affinity for all creatures, small and large. And it is an affinity that is part of your record, part of your soul record, which has been part of your biological DNA brought into this lifetime, which signals you to remember that you are, you’re a wild woman. You walk with animals and we will tell you that they are attracted to you because they know you will not harm them. So they come to your garage. They come to your trap because they know that you will care for them. It is an attraction process, you see. So there is no real message here except to know that you are part of nature yourself. And it has been enhanced through other lifetimes. Namaste.
(Member comment): Thank you very much. And a quick question to trail into that. I was reading the animal medicine cards and it says that a snake coming into your sphere, it may entail a short passage into discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of a magician? In other words, it’s saying the snake came in to say that maybe I’m going through changes and shedding skin and it’s giving me a message that maybe I have to go through some discomfort. And I think that was the message from the snake.
(Shoshanna comments): Yes, we would agree with that. We would agree with that. And even the medicine card that explains it to you is part of your journey to understand yourself. That is why you sought the answer there. Namaste. (Thank you. Thank you.)
(OWS): Very good. Are there further questions here?
(Member question): Yes, I have a question. There’s an Intel whistleblower out there named Gene Decode who told a story about when Trump was first in office and the White Hats started taking down and destroying the Nazi deep state satellites. And as that happened, the Nazis third and fourth Reich deep state called back their 30,000 SSP dark fleets from around the galaxy to return to Earth and when they arrived in our territory and the battleship along with another battleship completely decimated and destroyed the entire fleet of thirty thousand dark fleet ships in thirty minutes. Did that actually happen do you have any idea?
(OWS Answer): What we will tell you, rather than speaking of specific incidents such as this, although there is a great deal of truth in this, in that there are indeed battles going on all above you at this time, and have been for some time, and you would not be aware of this at the physical level that you are at here now, but when you are able to move further into the fifth dimensional expression you become aware of this just as you are becoming aware of this whether it is from another source that gives this or whether it is from your own eyes and ears to be able to perceive this so yes indeed there is these things that are going on and have been for some time and will continue on until the point when those that are all around the planet at this time can begin to fully show themselves. And that is not too far off as we find it at this point. Shoshanna, do you add to this?
(Shoshanna’s perspective): We can add to this, dear brother. May we add to this? (for sure, for sure.) Yes. Dear brother, this one known as Gene Decode has tremendous connections within the galaxy. He has tremendous connections. And we find as we survey this that he also has an enhanced pineal gland. So he receives information that the average person may not be receiving. He is also a witness to many of these things. We find that he completely tells the truth and it’s not that practical at time that people do not believe him but he is aware of much more than those that traverse this planet. Namaste.
(Member comment): Thank you very much!
OWS Comment): Yes well you are going to find that with this there are others that will be coming forward here in close proximity to where you are now that will begin to share more and more of these types of things. So you will hear it from many more different sources coming forward. Or indeed, this is the truth that is coming out.
(Member comment): For sure. Thank you very much.
(OWS): Are there other questions here?
(Member question): Yes, please. I like to get a little clarity because we know we keep being told, you know, we are the God source and we can create things however we want it. But then we’re also told, go with the flow. There’s a plan. So I have a sense that our power to create in the third dimension is more inside of the collective consciousness. Like we can create, but it takes longer because there’s a collective consciousness also creating. And in the five D somehow a lot quicker. But then again, the consciousness is flowing with that we can all create. So can you just give us clarity on our personal power to create versus being up against what other people, other gods out there are creating that we would interact with?
(OWS Answer): We would ask you a question then. Are you able to put your hand out and create within that hand, right there in that moment, an object, say an apple appearing in your hand? Are you able to do that right now?
(Member Answer): As the person that I have been, it wouldn’t occur like it’s possible, but I do believe it is possible. I just don’t think I’m there yet.
(OWS Comment): That is correct. Because, the reason is because you do not believe that you can do it. Believing is seeing. So when you fully believe that you can do that, you can put out your hand and whatever object you want to appear in it is there in that moment immediately. Then you have arrived at what you are looking towards here. Now understand that indeed the collective consciousness is certainly a part of this. And it is all about the universal mind or the quantum field that is associated with these types of things. So when the collective consciousness more and more believes that these things are possible, they are going to become even more possible for those who believe. That is the conundrum there, though. You must first believe before you can see. Okay? Shoshanna, you have something you add here?
(Shoshanna’s perspective): We can add to this. And the explanation that has been given is accurate, but perhaps not as explanatory as it might be, you see. So would you like us to add a perspective here, dear sister? (Yes, please.) Dear sister, this is a complicated subject and it is a simple subject as well because it does boil down to belief, you see. But what is happening in the collective consciousness realm is that each individual influences another to disbelieve or believe, you see. So if you are a human being around individuals that are, we would call them naysayers, that do not believe that they are capable of creation or that everything is an accident or a coincidence, and I’m sure you’ve been around people like that, that if you are among those people and you do not shield yourself, from those beliefs, you will become part of that, you see. You will be influenced to listen, to become part of that. Now, that is part of co -creation. And then there is conscious co -creation, where you’re with another creator. And when you’re with another creator that is clear that they can create, that they are capable of making things happen, then you can be influenced by that. So we would caution all of you to participate with the stronger ones, to participate with the individuals that know who they are as much as they can know who they are, that know that they are creators, that know that they can accomplish big things, that know that they can overcome obstacles. Because when you are around those people you become part of that. So that is co -creation. Co -creation is a weakness and a strength depending on who you are participating with, you see. But on an individual creation basis you are the ultimate creator. You can be all by yourself and change the weather you see. But it is about what you believe as One Who Serves has given and what you have practiced. Because as you practice those things and truly practice them, and you will begin to see what you have practiced. It is just like playing a musical instrument. When you see the musical instrument, you cannot play it. But once you participate with that instrument and you may perhaps find another that has learned the instrument that teaches you, then you can do that, you see. So it’s all about how you participate with others that creates the co -creation. Does this make sense there, sister?
(Member comment): It makes sense. I’m still in the question mark, though, of like, we were talking about this on the call. Like, so, you know, some of us believe Trump, we want Trump to come into office. And we want to like vision that and, you know, and that’s going to create it period of story. And then there’s the question mark. So if in my world, like if there’s all the people creating something different. And maybe that’s not even the best thing to create, because maybe there’s something even better. Do you know what I’m saying? Like, wouldn’t that it wouldn’t that impact that? Like, I don’t think I don’t think that could be wrong, but I don’t think its us alone that could create Trump as the next president without the consciousness coming along with that, at least the majority. Is that correct?
(Shoshanna comments): We will say, dear sister, that both things are true because there are multiple timelines that one can become part of. In one instance, if you truly believe that a person would become your president, then you can jump on that timeline and you can create that for yourself, you see. And if you do not believe it, if you believe others must influence that in some way, then you are on that track, you are on that timeline. It is all about what you choose to believe and what timeline you choose to traverse, you see. That is why there are so many different experiences in life. Because people are jumping timelines all the time. By creating experiences here and experiences there, and co -creating here and co -creating there, it creates multiple timelines, you see. So you can create a timeline where your president is Trump, and you can create a timeline where your president is not Trump. However, there is a mass amount of hypnosis going on in the third dimensional illusion. And that is why people believe that this one actor is truly the president because it is a hypnotic suggestion. You see? So it is complicated. It depends on your belief, your timeline, and what you choose to believe in and what you choose to create.
(OWS): Are there any further questions here? Then we are ready to release channel. So Shoshanna, do you have any parting message?
(Shoshanna comments): Well, we would say that it is important in this life to incorporate the idea that you are the creator of your life, that it is not outside of you, that it is not someone else’s doing, that you and you alone are producing the illusion that you see. You and you alone are creating your life, you see. And it is a jumble of programs and beliefs and understandings. So that once you decide to change the belief, to change the understanding, to switch off the program, something else will show up in your life, you see. That is what we have to say.
(OWS): Very good. And we simply say here, continue to be in the moment as much as you possibly can. Do not be concerned about what has occurred. Do not be focused only on what is yet to come. For you need to just be in the moment, enjoy the moment, enjoy your life, and be who you are each and every moment moving forward. Shanti peace be with you. Be the One.
6/7/24 - Video - The Galactic Federation: It has just started!
(8 min - 6/6/24) By Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, chananeled by Divina Solmanos. A beautiful technique is given here to assist in the mutating the DNA of your body at a cellular level, embracing spiritual metamorphosis, unlocking new dimensions by recalibrating or assuring that your spine is aligned with celestial harmony. Posted by GFLstation.com. Beautiful short messages (most 8 min long) from the Galactic Federation, prepared professionally and presented for our viewing.
6/7/24 - Matthew Ward: You have your own unique light streamer
Channeled by Suzanne Ward (Original title: "Origin, Operaton, Myriad Expressions")
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked how the guilty verdicts on all felony charges levied at Donald Trump affect the progress of the light in that country. Although the trial has given political and legal analysts something akin to scandalous fodder to discuss, it won’t loom larger than footnotes in universal history. Even Earth’s energy field of potential, which reflects activity on the surface, had only hiccups when the verdicts were announced.
That is not to say, very little of importance is happening in that country. There and elsewhere, even the strongest of souls are being buffeted by the surging energies during this last phase of the light vs dark battle. The darkness knows it is done for and the waves it is making in its last gasps are being countered by intensified light from myriad sources on and off-planet. You are among them, dear brothers and sisters, and your light is strong indeed, but your third density bodies are susceptible to bouts of fatigue and imbalance caused by clashing energies. Light is far more than the only “weapon” that can conquer darkness. Light is who you are, powerful immortal souls. Light is everything that exists in this universe, it is the life and consciousness of this universe.
I asked my mother to please copy here passages I’ll designate as we go along. Whether the information is new to you or familiar, keeping it in mind will help you navigate the months ahead with self-confidence, peacefulness and optimism about Earth’s future. [The excerpts below are from Illuminations for a New Era and numerous messages.]
Suzanne: Matthew, please tell me about divine light.
MATTHEW: It’s not as if tacking “divine” onto light promotes it to “lightest,” Mother. Simply, light IS divine. Light and its indivisible love component is Creator Source energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the very essence of life itself. Love-light is Creator and Creation! Not only is it the life force of everything that ever has been created, it is the composition of souls. Each soul has its own unique light streamer that identifies it regardless of its spiritual evolvement station, where it is located in the universe, or in a physical or etheric body or free spirit status. You are eternal beings of love-light, and your energy’s high vibrations have been creating betterment on the planet during all the years you have been there. Simply by BEing you are that powerful, that influential.
Only for simplicity of speaking do we usually say light or love — the words are interchangeable because light and love are the very same energy. They may be seen, felt and expressed differently, but they cannot be separated any more than two sides of a coin can be. You could say that light is the makeup of a soul and love is the capacity of a soul, but those cannot be separated any more than the soul can be separated from its eternal linkage with God, the Supreme Being of this universe, and with Creator—the infinite, eternal, omnipotent and omniscient Source, Oneness of All. The light attributed to the sun actually is from God through the Christed realm, which is Creator’s first expression of Itself. Always Big Bang has been a misnomer—the Beginning was completely silent as Creator/Source/Creation expressed Itself as light. Creator, the Ultimate Being and Supreme Ruler of the cosmos; Source, from whence everything in existence comes; Creation, Its action and “products,” immortal souls.
All in existence throughout Creation is manifested and connected through the energy generated by the continuous flowing of light being directed and received. There is no beginning and no ending, there just IS—the Oneness of All. Every soul is part of it and each has the capability and the choice to generate light or darkness. Light comes into this universe through its Supreme Being, whom you may call God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh or any other name; and everything is universally connected by and within this energy. This entire universe is light. Therefore spirit, which is considered faith, and science, which is considered fact, are one and the same: light fluctuating at one frequency or another.
The balance that maintains universal order is provided by systematic expansion and contraction. That constant motion of the light enables minds to perceive self, other people, the environment—everything seemingly visible in your world—as solid whereas the universal reality is everything you see is light fluctuating along an unlimited frequency band and producing vibrations, whose range also is limitless. The high vibrations that are the driving force toward peaceful negotiations also are crumbling everything based in dark intention. Words emit vibrations, and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest. Via the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” words’ vibrations combine with “like” and go out into your world. Words in high vibratory ranges merge with the light, low are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments, and words’ emissions intensify the source they join. Absorbing light, which is simply living in godly ways, is the body’s best defense against the toxic elements in chemtrails and all other forms of pollution. Light strengthens the immune system and helps to achieve and maintain the balance that promotes healthy bodies, minds and spirits.
We cannot tell you how to discern if your cellular structure is crystalline, but we can tell you the transformation from carbon structure comes with light absorption, and that comes easily. As God told my mother: “It is as simple as, be kind.” The importance of carbon-based cells being transformed into crystalline cannot be overstated. Crystalline cells contain cosmic knowledge and enable bodies to retain viability in astral planes where Earth is headed. Reception of light is the province of the soul. Absorption of light is the province of the body, which directs light into its cells that have been programmed by the DNA to accept it. However, dark—or scientifically speaking, negative—energy attachments block the light, thus preventing its entry into the cells and correspondingly negatively affecting the DNA.
It is through that blocking process that the dark forces are able to make puppets of persons on Earth whose intentions and free will choices are based in greed, ruthlessness and lust for power. Those persons cannot produce light themselves to uplift their motives and deeds, and that is why light from other sources must be sent to them. When it is sent in such abundance that you could almost call it a “love assault,” it cannot be ignored because the energy surge is so powerful. That is why we urge you to send light to persons whose actions you regard as unconscionable or diabolical. This is NOT condoning what they do or being indifferent to the suffering they cause, and it certainly is not supporting their actions! What it is, is understanding that darkness is not the enemy of light or the opposite of light, it is the absence of light, and only by having that void filled with light can the darkness in people be overcome.
The painful wounds of people and of Earth herself have been caused by every form of what you could call evil. Exposing it—literally “bringing it to light”—is necessary so that healing can come. Light—love—is the only essence in the universe that can heal pain, whether in a single person or in a universal force field with such magnitude of darkness that you cannot begin to imagine it. This is why it is vitally important to send light to people whose behavior and actions you regard as detestable, to try to put light into their choices and activities. Verbal or written pleas may or may not touch their conscience because that layer of the soul atrophies when its messages to the consciousness are ignored time after time after time, and light reaching them at soul level is the only way to help them. It is true that one to whom light is sent may refuse it and just as true that ONLY light’s healing energy can eliminate hatred, violence, oppression, brutality and warring. Retaliation in kind never will do it!
This is the physics that governs this universe, the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” that is in constant motion. Whatever energy is put forth in the collective consciousness of Earth’s peoples shoots out to the universal mind, attracts “like” energy and brings that back to your world. When light-love is in minds and hearts, it brings more “like” to you, and wars and violence stop. The power of light-love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, the weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.
Matthew, it’s hard for me to separate my thoughts about the people who are causing such terrible suffering from what they’re doing, so I don’t see how I can send them light, much less think of it as love.
Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone out of the darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure, wouldn’t you? Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and foundering. Don’t think of them as their deeds, but rather what you want for the world! Think of kindness, helpfulness, justness and sharing, think about all peoples living in peace and harmony, and send those light-filled thoughts to the souls in darkness.
I thought that by loving people, we automatically send light to them, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to it.
You’re right that feelings of love for someone carry light to that person, but you’re also right in thinking there may be more to it. So, even though it’s not necessary that you understand the “sending” process for it to be effective, I’ll explain how it works.
Light is within your spirit, the feeling you describe as lighthearted when something is giving you joy or you’re remembering something that was special to you. Think how you feel when one of your dogs comes to nuzzle you or you hear one of your favorite symphonies or see a beautiful sunset—it’s as if your whole self is lighting up, and that is what’s happening. You’re actually being filled with light simply by the experience. The light is coming from your soul, connecting with your mind and flowing through your body to produce lovely feelings or an inspirational Aha! You didn’t have to do a thing to get that sensation, and whatever evoked it didn’t have to make any special effort to create your feelings--simply by your soul’s receptivity to the light, you get it!
Light—let’s call it love, because that’s what we’re really talking about here—passing from one person to another is no different in cause and effect, but you may want to initiate it by focusing on someone. When you do, instantaneously the vibrations in your thoughts and feelings reach that person. The energy flows from you along your thought form of intent and intensity, and the same measure of love that you sent goes directly to the “energy address” you want it to. There can be no “false addresses” because the intent and feelings are totally clear. The receiver won’t consciously know this, of course, but the receiver’s soul is aware of the “delivery.” Most simply stated, being receptive to the light enables spiritual clarity that transcends third density’s limitations. Those include prejudice and hatred of differences, acting in greed, judging others for their choices, holding resentments or desiring vengeance, getting ahead by ruthlessness and cheating and lying, controlling others’ lives and denying their free will, blindly following dogma or orders when instinct tells that they are not based in godliness. And the greatest of all third density’s limitations is fear--actually, all of those other negative emotions and actions I mentioned arise from fear.
It’s logical to think that by changing in some of those negative areas I mentioned you are being light receptive and growing spiritually. Positive changes certainly are progress, but not to the degree you may think if you still feel fearful about personal or world situations. Spiritual growth is learning to live without fear, learning to fully trust the unequaled power of love. As for “everyday” use of light—Mother, let’s say love here. In your world love is boundless, yet that isn’t recognized even though the word is so commonly used. In simplest terms, love is God’s sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.
In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action. Knowing that you and God and every other of God’s creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love. Listening to one’s godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love.
Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God. Mother, I don’t think I’ve told you anything at all surprising. But perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world.
Thank you, Mother. Beloved brothers and sisters, you are powerful simply by BEing because you are integral parts of Creator Creation Source, the Supreme Being of the cosmos, and of the Supreme Being of this universe. That is why you eagerly volunteered and were chosen to help your Earth family realize that with love-light, they can transform their third density world into a fifth density paradise. A marvelous goal to be sure and, in the continuum, already a magnificent success!
All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
6/3/24 - Mother Mary: Your true nature never changes
Channel: Octavia Vasile
Dear child, do you know that I am always here, and all you need to do is turn your eyes towards me? I know that many of you go through hard times, and many others do not even know of our existence. Yet, you who are reading this message do so to open your heart and receive my blessings. You are here for a purpose, though your mind brings confusion and fear, and the light does not shine brightly through all the veils of illusion. But there are solutions, there always are.
Spend time in silence—meditate and be quiet. Observe, because when you are still, you allow space for healing to take place. Be as you are—and know that whatever the mind says, you are not the mind, but beyond mind and matter. Enter a space where you are the witness of all mind stories—realize that you create through your beliefs and select only those beliefs that serve your existence and highest purpose. Do not be afraid; your true nature never changes. Be still, and dive into it. I am just here with you to help you see your wounds as they are and to give you the courage to accept what you feel as you feel it.
0Do you know that nothing ever truly affects your real self? It is all a game of shadows and lights that can be played with awareness, but why play it if you lose yourself in the darkness? It is all a dream, and when you do not interact with its elements, the dream is over. This is when you realize that you are spacious. That there is no “you” in a reality, but that you are the reality, you are all that is. This is when you realize that it has never been otherwise—it has all been a dream of the mind.
I love you, and I will never leave you — until all of you remember.
6/3/24 -The Pleiadians: Realignment with your sacrum spinal column
Channeled by Christine Day (Newsletter June 2024)
Beloved ones we greet you, The winds of change are sweeping your earth plane. There is a sacred configuration of planets lining up with Earth at this juncture, which is creating a corridor, that is manifesting a powerful higher flow of consciousness entering your planet. Change is here and this is what you have been waiting for, a shift to support your reconnections to your sacred component.
Know that your spinal column is connected to, is central to the Universal consciousness and wisdom. A conscious realignment to your sacrum moving upwards through your spine allows a readjustment to take place within your brain cells and brain synapses, linking you into the frequency pulse of Universal consciousness. The spine can be likened to, ‘a corridor of light’ that brings you into the central alignment to the Universal higher consciousness state.
Your sacred stature is alive and well within yourself. Your role is to unlock the frequency flow within the sacrum. The spinal fluid contains a pure elixir of your consciousness that is unique, pure, and unlike any other in the Universe. The spinal fluid carries your unique signature pulse of light.
Answer the call by beginning a conscious realignment to your Sacrum spinal column. You begin by the simple action of holding your awareness on your Sacrum, and slowly drawing your awareness up your Spine, then into the vertebrae of the neck and in through the brainstem into the brain cells. This will set in motion a returning, realignment to your universal home, to wisdom, to your place within the central form of the Universe.
We witness you.
The Pleiadians
6/3/24 - Video - Pleiadian Message: Everyone will have access
(14 min - 1/27/24) A technique. Working with the telepathic senses of your pineal gland. A technique to awaken the centers of communication between you and your galactic neighbors. Instill a more complete understanding of your abilities that have lain dormant since incarnation you have never used before. Realign dimensionally with your higher gifts by repositioning your consciousness. Reset your brain waves.
6/3/24 - Video - Pleiadian Message: Introducing new technologies
(8 min - 6/2/24) "As early as next year!" Advanced healing technologies can be expected. A message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, channeled by Divina Solmanos. "We see a number of powerful dominoes headed humanity's way, so let us share some insights."
6/2/24 - Video - Arcturian Message: What you need to know
(8 min - 3/3/24) "All these narratives or potential timelines are simply theatre to maintain a sense of a particular agenda. Your human leaders, although they are not your leaders, know that 'we' will never allow this. They are like children with a loaded gun. They can hold it if they wish but if they try to use it upon another, we will snatch it from them."
6/2/24 - Video - Pleiadian Message for the 144K starseeds
(8 min - 1/26/24) "Our dear cosmic cousins, shed light on the veiled mechanisms that have subtly influenced and limited human potential for eons. It is time for humanity to uncover the hidden truths about the psychological manipulation of consciousness and the tools used for frequency control. We, as a collective, are on the brink of a massive awakening, breaking through the barriers of limitation to embrace our true, multidimensional selves. It's time to awaken the dormant capabilities within and to become the architects of a new, liberated Earth."
6/2/24 - The Telosians: The end of an Earthly Civilization
Channeled by Marie-Josée Andichou
What is happening is the end of an earthly civilization. We are happy to see you again, dear children of the Earth. The joy is within us to be able to support you, to help you understand what is happening in your earthly life. We are going to talk to you again about what is happening within your earthly society. As you can see, there are more and more violent events and this brings misunderstandings into your minds. Why, you ask, are there so many events like this? We have already talked about this in previous posts. What is happening is the end of a world of debasement of the earth’s population.
We explain: As you know, your planet and your humanity are evolving even if you don’t feel like it. As every time there is evolution in one or more earthly civilizations, there is a certain indispensable chaos so that the old, having become useless, is fragmented and bursts into a thousand pieces to make way for renewal and the New. Light. What is happening now is the end of an earthly civilization but, unlike what happened during the fall of certain civilizations in your past, this one is of unparalleled strength and power. We explain: It comes at a certain moment that it is important that terrestrial humanity no longer remains in complicated feelings, in a duality which brings darkness into the life of the Earth and its humanity.
Currently, it is more than necessary to be in tune with the evolutionary energies of the Earth, that humanity transforms itself. But as it is difficult for a part of humanity, immersed for millennia in the duality created by humans who wish to keep you in the baseness of feelings, it is important that all this stops. But so many disturbing feelings, so much duality for millennia transmitted from generation to generation cannot be dissolved overnight.
Faced with the strength and power of the Celestial Energies which envelop the Earth and its humanity, human bodies, human minds are greatly disturbed and a large number of you, no longer knowing where they are, totally “disoriented” like you say, only find what seems to them to be their salvation through violence. By doing this they eliminate part of these energies which should normally bring them peace and understanding of life, they eliminate these energetic weights by carrying out acts of violence.
How, then, can we make humanity understand that life needs to be lived gently, with an understanding of an earthly and human change beneficial to all? This seems very delicate at the moment. But there is also, as you know, the strength of those who wish to see humanity decline so as to have control over every human being. These times of difficulty created by the world government, such as wars, illnesses created from scratch, etc. do not help matters. There will therefore still be disruptions desired by the governments of many countries so as to be able to maintain their power over you.
But, we tell you, all these disruptive states of control over your beings will gradually ease and disappear in the months to come. We ask you to be confident in the peace that will gradually settle on your planet. This will not happen tomorrow but, already, in the few months to come you will realize the disappearance of some of those who wanted at all costs, for their well-being, to see earthly humanity reduced to little. human beings on Earth.
We have already talked about this in our previous messages. Mistakes will be made by a certain number of them, errors which will do them a disservice and will make you understand the true reality of the characters who wanted to rule your world.
Dear children of the Earth, trust in Life, in your Divine Being, in the Light that is within you, let it vibrate and radiate as much as possible within you and rejoice in seeing the New Earth present itself to you gradually.
We love you.
5/27/24 - The Galactic Federation: Deepening Your Connections
Channeled by Octavia Vasile
Greetings to all of you. We are delighted to connect with you once again. This is a crucial time in the history of humanity, and we are eager to assist and ensure that everything aligns with the highest 5D plan. Soon, significant information regarding extraterrestrial life will be disclosed. Please support us by engaging in the CE5 protocol, gathering your soul family, and deepening your connection with us.
We acknowledge that humans have free will. Therefore, once you have elected your government and delegated to them the authority to make decisions regarding disclosure, it is unfortunate that their intentions may not align with the 5D timeline. As a result, the fleets of the Galactic Federation cannot appear in large numbers on Earth if those who make the decisions are opposed. It is important to recognize that your free will is paramount, and if the decision-makers disagree, we must respect their wishes. However, do you feel differently about this? Would you be pleased to have more contact with us and for this information to be made public? If so, please affirm:
Please engage in the CE5 Initiative and encourage your friends to join you. We are right here, beside you. Are you ready to meet us?
5/27/24 - St. Germain: How to work with the violet flame
Channeled by Daniel Scranton (5/24/24)
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. This is an introduction to my energy and my essence. I am most associated with the violet flame, and I would like to help all of you understand that the violet flame is you. It is within you; it is all around you. It is the way that you connect to the highest frequency energies that you have available to you. You are meant to recognize that everything and every tool that you have available to you is an aspect of you, and the violet flame is an aspect that assists you in whatever way that you would like it to assist you.
Therefore, you can use it to cleanse, to manifest, to heal, to connect, to access higher-frequency beings and collectives. It is up to you how you use this level of your consciousness, this vibration that you have available to you at all times. Even if you have a hard time visualizing a violet flame, you can still imagine that you are engulfed in a violet flame or that a violet flame exists around you to serve you, and to assist you in all the way that its vibration can.
You are meant to work with vibration. You are meant to work with energy. You are meant to see everything as energy that contains vibration, and when you reach for the highest vibration that you have available to you, that’s when you get the highest results. That’s when you are tapped in to the highest version of yourself that you can be. And so, you may picture the violet flame in your third eye, seeing it with your mind’s eye, flickering there, growing in intensity. You may feel it and know it in your heart center or in your energy field. You may place whatever intentions within it that you desire to place there and trust that the violet flame knows what to do.
I am here to assist you in whatever ways that I can. I am here as a representative of the Divine Masculine to you. I represent alignment with Source Energy while in a physical body, and my lives there on Earth have been lived so that you could be inspired by me and by the ability that I had to hold a higher vibration while in physical form and living amongst other human beings who were not holding the highest vibration. And I always have seen it as my journey to assist others in joining me in the violet flame vibration, and I will always be there for you. I have left the footprints behind. I have left the energetic markers for you all to pick up on and utilize for yourselves, and I hold my place here amongst the collective of ascended masters to be that which you can reach up to now and feel yourself harmonizing with.
Please do call out to me by name and reach up and in for me, because I am always here holding the vibration of the violet flame for you, and I am always ready to assist you in all the ways that I can. That is my journey, my mission, and my purpose.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”
5/27/24 - Video - Galactic message: The Return to Sovereignty
(8 min - 3/27/24) Message by Ashtar Sheran, posted by GFLstation.com. The body you see and feel is but a gateway to a more profound truth. Your physical form, while tangible and visible, is but a mere fraction of the expansive reality that lies within beneath this outer shell. This invisible presence is accessible by engaging with it beyond physical constraints, unveiling a realm of peace, power and vobrant emergy.
5/27/24 - Video - Galactic message: Physical symptoms of ascension
(8 min - 1/31/24) Channeled by Daniel Scranton, posted by GFLstation.com. Some wonderful words of wisdom from our galactic bretheren, the Arcturians. Remember, you are not just skin and bones. You are consciousness and some of that energy has merged with your physical body to give you sensation.
can use them!
5/27/24 - Video - Galactic message: DNA activation for starseeds
(8 min - 5/26/24) From the Arcturians by Laayti - "Each message you receive from us, is encoded with activating codecs that find their way into your consciousness and initiate cosmic memory templates. You have quite advanced physical bodies that are capable of much more than you have been led to believe by those you call 'scientists' on your world."
5/23/24 - Jeshua: to be reborn
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
“You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.” I am Jesus Christ and my love accompanies you wherever you are. Now let’s turn to this topic. What does it mean to be born again and what does that mean? To be reborn means to find your way back into your reality. Regaining your full awareness, knowing who you really are. Recognizing that everything is just an illusion and that your true essence contains all the attributes of divinity. Rebirth is the attainment of your self-awareness on this plane of being, Earth.
As soon as all the deceptions and obstacles fall away, you will be clear in your perception and you will reach your familiarity. To be reborn means to return to your origin. Freed from the delusions and shackles of this reality, you recognize who you are. That is your rebirth. It is your becoming one with yourself and with the original source of being. Physical rebirth is not what is meant in this statement. The cycle of birth and death, of recurring souls in human bodies, ends as soon as you awaken in your eternal, only and true being!
There is talk of this rebirth, this awakening. From this last step – into your wholeness. Many people find it difficult to understand how life after life strings itself together until the “final” step is taken to no longer have to be born. All the people who turn their hearts full of longing to the Father know that their stay on earth is now coming to an end. Those who cannot or do not want to see through this “logic” of the Creator are given further opportunities to free themselves from all the deceptions and illusions that surround life on earth. So that everyone can free themselves from ideas, thoughts, emotional patterns and blockages. Physical rebirth is necessary in order to mature on the path to knowledge and to reach the final stage of being reborn. It is the birth into freedom. Into joy. Into peace. Into all-encompassing love.
Your heart is pure and filled with the light of God. The essence of creation shines from you. “…to enter the kingdom of God.” The “place” you come from. You just forgot it, but now you remember it again. By dissolving the feelings and thoughts that irritate you, you gain knowledge of your homeland. The more you unravel, the sooner this gift will unfold before you. So you enter under your roof, into the house of your Father and your eternal Mother. You have arrived and entered your eternal home. The kingdom of heaven is so close because it is within you. If you recognize this, the doors open so that you can put aside what is still hindering you in order to live completely in the awareness of your nature.
Being reborn is essential and only through this transformation into the light can you achieve fulfillment. This is how your purpose in life, your tasks and your mission are fulfilled. You discover your divinity even though the absence of God is faked to you. To live love even though you don’t always feel like it and, above all, even though so much horror and hatred covers the earth. It is your job to uncover your eternal core. You access your beauty and give this energy back to the earth. Beauty creates a feeling of well-being and much of the ugly disappears. Your awareness creates a new reality. It is your constant rebirth, you free yourself from your hatred, from fear and from destructive energies and thereby bring about the awakening of your spirit.
The earth needs your awakening to become whole. It needs healthy, conscious and reborn people to lift itself up and to regain its strength. It is your mission, you have decided to do it and now it is up to you to make this decision a reality. The earth needs your loving energies. Without your love there is no growth. And your love unfolds once you are cleared and redeemed. Once all deceptions are gone from you. And as soon as you are tied to your home. Being reborn and developing your power and beauty for the benefit of people and the planet Mother Earth.
This path is predetermined and any deviation delays the process of your healing and the healing of the Earth. But nothing can stop this process! We will certainly all find ourselves again with our Father in Heaven, with the source of all sources, love from unity. Many people are currently being prepared for their permanent rebirth. Some others receive further training and are introduced to this knowledge later. But ALL people will enter the kingdom of God. Nobody will be forgotten! Beloved children of men, I am JESUS SANANDA. Accept what is given to you, for God’s cornucopia is pouring out on you immeasurably.
I am always with you. Your open heart is my home. Go and free yourself from all illusions. You will be born again. Through your love, the earth will once again become a place of beauty and will bloom in harmony and joy. I am with you – every day."
5/22/24 - Video - 10 Galactic messages via short videos
This is how it will happen (2/20/24) The sacred sun engages your heart cells in an electrical upgrade. You're not completed yet. Channeled by Christine Day. A technique to activate your heart: A-EN three times.
Your biggest shift opportunity yet (5/8/24) Acknowledge negative thoughts, allow divine to integrate. Practice allowing. Let negatives pass without reacting. Ego rushes to defend. Allow negative thoughts to dissipate.
Starseeds will you accept this?? Ashtar Command (5/18/24) A good message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command. Channeled by Vania Rodriguez of the Anjoseluz website.
A must watch for all starseeds: The Pleiadian High Council (3/21/24) A very good message about sexual energy by Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channeled by Divina Solmanos. .
Humanity's greatest test - The Pleiadian High Council (3/22/24) More on sexual energies by Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. The merging of souls melds spirit and matter. Channeled by Divina Solmanos.
We are intervening now - Galactic Federation Energy Update (3/20/24) "We maintain our vigilant presence just beyond the veil of your atmosphere offering our support....." Channeled by Ayoshi Phan.
The Galactic Federation Energy Update - There is an 'Event' (5/21/23) From 9 of the 12 councils GFL and the angelic realm. Channel unknown, not listed.
Time sensitive message to all ground crew (3/8/24) By Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. The dual heritage of Earth and Stars. Cosmic waves are caressing your planet. Channeled by Divina Solmanos.
Attention Humanity - The Arcturians - Laayti (4/20/24) Consciousness weaves the fabric of the universe. You are all connected to each other and even us. Channeled by Jose Peta.
A rampant virus overwhelming humanity (4/15/24) About fear. By Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
5/18/24 - Jeshua: the channel to Primal Source
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, representative of the Christ energy that is now being born on Earth through you: individuals who find their way on Earth by opening their hearts to their true destiny. It is everyone’s vocation to connect their soul with the Earth. Then a force is freed that accompanies you and lifts and helps you to be your true self. In you lives a seed, a flame, a unique contribution that is yours to deliver to the whole. You are here to deeply sense the unique energy that is yours on Earth – this is your role. But on your way, your path in life is often all too hampered by fears. You are taught not to be yourself, so you adapt to social prejudices and wishes. And because of that, many people keep their soul’s energy imprisoned inside themselves and do not express it in their daily lives, in their work, in their relationships, and this causes suffering and pain.
Your soul wants nothing more than to be known to you, to present itself to you by way of your feelings and through your desires. Through your deepest passions, the soul wants to let you know that it is there and wants to flow out into the earthly reality. But through your mental processes and your confused emotions, that flow outward becomes blocked. You are then going to feel lost and lonely, and you do not understand the meaning of life or to where it leads. This loneliness and confusion is active in most people; therefore, there is a collective atmosphere of fear and confusion on Earth.
At this time, there exist seeds of consciousness for a new beginning, and you are involved with this process and want to contribute to it. There is a memory in your soul because you are not here for the first time, and this time you want to hold on to this soul memory and to not forget it while you walk the Earth. You are here to take your soul’s journey, which is, in a sense, to return to the beginning, to the origin from which you emerged.
Imagine that you were born from an immense Sun of indivisible light, an infinite source of life, strength, and joy. The life force within that source, that Sun, was so great that it had to explode and expand, as it were, into many small particles, each of which carries the potential to become like the Sun itself. In this way, Creation increases by giving itself away endlessly and sowing itself out into the universe, into the void, into nothingness.
Each of you is a spark of light born from this Sun. If you are coming from this Sun, you carry the Sun within you, you are part of the Sun; you are not different from it, you are the same, but at the same time you stand alone. You have something that is unique and cannot be compared to any other spark of the Sun. Can you imagine how magical and great that is? You carry in you the essence of the Sun and at the same time something new that is only you. It is your destiny to express what is new, to investigate and explore it while at the same time remaining connected with the Sun, with your origin.
It is this origin that you often forget: the fact that you are one with the source of life. When you forget this origin, the source that connects you to the One, then you are lonely and you do not want to be unique at all; you want to stay connected with what you are most familiar, with what you have known. And in earthly terms, that means you want to adapt and to not be different, you want to belong to the collective whole, which is reflected in the ways of thinking and the beliefs that exist on Earth. However, the collective whole does not reflect your origin, the Sun. It is a very poor version of what true connection and oneness are, because much of it is based on fear and survival and that is not the true whole, the whole to which you really belong.
In your essence, you know that you have come here to bring something new. That you have come to shake up and wake up the collective whole on Earth and to enlighten it with your unique contribution. Concretely, what this means is that you are different, that you have taken upon yourself a certain loneliness, and that you need to connect to your own divine core. You need to bring back the Sun into the midst of a reality that does not directly reflect or nourish you. For this reason, I have great respect for you. I am aware of the loneliness that you can experience on Earth: the confusion and the cold.
I want to tell you today that there is a being, a power, that unconditionally supports you on your path here on Earth toward remembering your true self, that primal spark. This being is Mother Earth. She is very directly observable around you, she is present in nature. But the spirit of the Earth is also present in you, in your body, in all your cells. Because of the many false ideas in society, you no longer see your Mother Earth as a living being, as a soul, but rather like a dead thing that can be employed merely for industry and consumption. By killing the spirit of the Earth, you also do it to yourselves, because through the aliveness of nature and the inspiration therein, you directly experience connection with the primal source, the light, the life. The Earth is a Messenger of that primal source. The Earth, as a planet, captures sunlight and through that, life itself. The Earth is in close relationship with the Sun and that relationship is more than just physical. It also symbolizes the relationship between God and humans, the Sun and an incarnated human being.
Make a connection with the soul of the Earth; your entire body is equipped to do so. Through your senses, your heart and your emotions, you can feel the soul of all living beings around you, their sounds and colors and beauty. Open yourself to the heart of the Earth! Feel yourself coming home. Remember a place in nature that you like very much or where you are happy and relaxed; recall the atmosphere of it. See if you can come up with a place by the sea or in the woods that appeals to you. Do not concern yourself with details, but feel the atmosphere, the peace and inner wisdom in nature – she is a living being. Then consider your own body as part of that place, of that atmosphere.
Your body also carries wisdom within itself; although not mentally, not in words. It is a stream, a flow of soft nudges that helps you connect with your soul and with the field of Unity. Now connect with that undercurrent in your body. Your body does not feel separated from the Source. Just as do the animals and plants, your body knows; it feels connected to the whole, to the Sun. You are the one who has doubts, not your body. Feel the Earth force in your body, in your bones and your muscles.
Now allow this force to give you a message, a signal that comes up from your body about what you need in your life. It does not have to come to you in words, you can also suddenly have a desire for something, or a reminder can arise, or a picture may appear. Allow it to unfold quietly. Rely on Mother Earth; she knows you very well. The body in which you live is a unique fusion between your soul and Mother Earth. It is a precious gift, a source of knowledge, so respect your body. Be assured that you are able to find your way outside the well-trodden path. You will not fit into many social systems; your path will be different and that is the purpose, but feel the support from Mother Earth.
Look again with your attention, with your awareness, inside your heart. There you will find a direct connection with who you are as a soul. And who you are as a soul remains very close to you; it lives in all your body cells. You cannot get to your soul with your head, only with your feelings. It is necessary that you let go of everything and become very still inside, and simply say “yes” to your soul. If you give permission to yourself, you will find a way for your soul to manifest more fully through you. Feel the light of the Sun in your heart. You are never alone; you are always connected to the Source.
Thank you so much for your presence.
5/16/24 - We are experiencing massive physical transformation
By Aluna Joy Yaxkin
This next step in our process began with the epic total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, and it has not let up. With the first week of May, along with accelerated solar activity, we have begun to land into the physical world. We now have boots on the ground.
Over centuries, we have created a sanctuary and safe haven for ourselves in the spiritual world. We have raised our frequency, awakened our spirits, and dreamed, envisioned, and held space for a positive, unified new world. It is time for us collectively to bring our divinity into physical reality. We are beginning to anchor spirit into the material world while still in our human space suit. We are the pioneers of this process. As we begin to anchor, we might feel like we are reversing or digressing, which might feel like a heavy process. We might be questioning many things once again. We might feel more fragile, vulnerable, and unsure. This is part of the natural process. We are bringing who we are as eternal spirits and anchoring this frequency into an unmapped world within a new cycle with new laws and codes of nature. It’s like we are being asked to move forward on a wing and a prayer, and maybe blindfolded as well! What a crazy trip we all decided to do together!
Everything we manifest in this material world must be created in spirit first. I am told that all the necessary spiritual groundwork has been properly anchored. Good work! This means YOU reading this message right now. Give yourself some credit for surviving thus far through a shift of an age. Most of this work has been done within enough souls in the collective to begin to tip the balance toward anchoring higher frequencies and our inspirations and visions into the physical world. Now, the material world must come into alignment with the new cycle.
Our bodies are the last step in this ascension process, and the body’s natural intelligence is feeling that it is crunch time. This is a significant tipping point that could take months, but most likely, it will take a few years. Now, don’t go saying, “I can’t wait a few years!” I’m with you on this. But we must take this step gently to maintain our human space suits. After operating in the ethereal realms, it might feel like a slog, but our bodies will retaliate if we rush or skip steps. Our body does not raise itself as quickly as our spirit does. This is why our human space suit, our human bodies, are the last to get anchored within the new frequencies. Our bodies come from the denser material world. But our experiencing the material world as denser is not actually true. It is only our perception, based on our ethereal experiences, projected on something we have never experienced before. This is especially true for starborns. Welcome to the new cycle! Landing here has been and will continue to be a challenge for us. We [human beings] never ascended into a new cycle of time while maintaining our physical body. This is the grand experiment we decided to take on.
This upgrade is going to bring some fascinating insights and magnified symptoms. I bet many of you are already feeling the beginning of this physical regeneration. Some things we are starting to experience are a sense of building anticipation or pressure. Waking up at night more often. Noticing a shift in our normal dream patterns that are much more lucid, including more of the five senses (like taste, touch, smell, sound, etc.) that are quite tangible and blends or blur reality with the dream state. We could also experience sudden bursts of clarity full of insights, making us feel more at home within ourselves.
Our cells in our body are experiencing an accelerated turnover rate to keep up with our anchoring spirit and light body. The body is replacing cells as fast as possible, with new cells holding higher frequencies and codes. We may feel a need to help this process by doing GENTLE detoxing. The first thing I hear clearly is to drink a lot of water consistently. Also, we need to exfoliate our skin with every bath or shower and replace, moisturize, with things that don’t have any harmful chemicals. Organic coconut oil and jojoba oil are good choices. Ancestral memory is held in our skeletal system. So, if we are having extra problems with bones and joints, it may be attributed to our body letting go of past memory that no longer serves us. The skeletal system is the last thing to come into alignment in our physical body.
The most important thing is not to stress about this process. It will be natural for primal survival issues to pop up during this time, along with doubts and second-guessing. The most important thing we can do is realize that our bodies have miraculous natural intelligence and is always connected to source. Nature is the source. Do not take the feeling of digressing as a setback. It is not. You are simply landing into a new world. We are merely grounding all of our light and divinity into this new cycle we entered back in 2012. Our ancestors sent us here for this important time. So, walk into this new world TALL, STRONG, and BRAVE knowing this. We are the architects of this new future. We are coming home.
5/16/24 - Video - Venusian Council: Cell Regeneration, awakening original DNA
Channeled by Pamela Aaralyn
(47 min, posted 2/22/23)"....You're currently trapped in this concept that you call time this trap has caused again poor health and eventual cellular death, and it was not your original DNA design to have poor health at all, You are in fact the only species in the universe that has poor health and you are also the only species in the universe that has found a scientific way to measure a model that doesn't exist. Your science is playing with illusion and calling it fact. Do you believe that? If so you're beginning the spark of a new recreation in your Consciousness which would allow for good health. Remember, all stages of your life are happening now, all of your past lives and all of your future potentials, all of it is right now. Here's another thing that you must understand: Dimensions. It's not a place. We know that you have heard the concept, Third Dimension, fourth dimension, fifth dimension and so on, as if it is it a place that you must reach. But when you understand the true nature of dimensionality you will know that there are thousands of dimensions at the very minimum, and you're constantly moving and flowing in and out of these dimensions all of the time. You don't typically notice this but recently you've become more aware of time slowing down and time speeding up. Unusual points of awareness for things that you see and then not being able to make any sense out of them or find a measurement when you return to your [normal] dimension of energy. And this is new in the past five years, but a dimension is just a measurement of time. It's not a place. It's a measurement of time and space. It's an energy field and it is your awareness of that energy field that can spark your subconscious to give permission for yourselves to regenerate to your true divine healthy nature.
5/16/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadians: How to Anchor the 5D Timeline
(8 min) A very powerful exercise for anchoring in the new energy of LOVE. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can sit or stand comfortably. Close your eyes, and take three deep, cleansing breaths. With each inhale, envision pure, crystalline light descending from the cosmos, entering through your crown chakra, and filling your entire being. With each exhale, imagine releasing all fear, anxiety, and lower vibrations, grounding them into the Earth where they can be transformed. Now, focus on your root chakra at the base of your spine. Visualize a vibrant red light growing stronger with each breath, anchoring you deeply to the Earth. Feel this connection stabilize and nourish you, providing a solid foundation of security and trust. (Continue on video).
5/16/24 - Video - Ashtar Command Energy Update 2024
(8 min) Look up more! We are showing ourselves more than we ever have. Enough of the population have awakened to allow us our window of opportunity to connect with you visually. Daytime sightings of Galactic Federation ships are being reported and it's no accident let me assure you my dear friends.
5/16/24 - Video - The Council of Emeron: Cosmic downloads for clairaudience & telepathy
Channeled by Pamela Aaralyn
(43 min) ".... We are the Council of Emeron. We are Serapis Bey, we are that one which you call Yeshua or Jesus, we are St. Germain, we are all of the embodiments of Melchisidek that come as Prime Creators to your planet. We are here now and we have always been here throughout the dawn of what you call time and beyond its creation. We are here explicitly at your service. We are not higher than you, better than you, more master than you. We are here to awaken you to the deepest levels of your mastery. All it takes is but to remember. We call you to remember the true purpose of your experience as humans. We call remembrance now. We call remembrance now. We call remembrance now. Remember your power. Remember that these activations are but a small small portion of everything that will be occurring and has been occurring throughout portions of the solar flash Consciousness, which is mostly about an awareness, a memory of all that has been forgotten. Remember now, remember now, remember now.
All powerful memories come in threes. All powerful activations come in threes. All awakenings come in periods of seven. Are you ready for this ancient Alchemy and Rememberance? It is your sovereign birthright. May all that is of the great forgetting fall away. May all that is of the gret forgetting fall away. May all that you have forgotten fall away. May all that has been programmed into you that is not naturally of the true true divine nature of your essence leave now. It no longer serves. It no longer serves. It no longer serves. May you remember time without exclusion. May you remember a time when all of the trees spoke to you. May you remember a time when you felt the connection to the magical essence of Grace in all beings and all beings were created with the knowingness and connection from the roots of the trees to the hands in the skies. What is above is also below. Remember that now. Remember I am that I am. I am that I am. I am that I am.
5/16/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: The Dance of Masculine & Feminine
Channeled by Divina Solmanos
(3", posted 3/10/24) A call to reconnect. This message centers on the essence of the Divine Feminine urging us to acknowledge and embrace her presence within ourselves and the world. She is the nurturing force, the life-giving power, and the heart of Mother Earth. Throughout history the Divine Feminine has been overshadowed by patriarchal narratives. It is time to restore balance by honoring the sacredness of life embracing our interconnectedness, and nurturing the seeds of creativity within. By reconnecting with the Divine Feminine we can foster a harmonious existence that respects all forms of life. This journey of self-discovery leads to a deeper understanding of our origins. Illuminating the path towards wholeness and transformation. Mira, the author, calls us to remember our sacred bond with Mother Earth and embrace the Divine Feminine. In doing so, we contribute to a world where the divine dance of masculine and feminine energies brings balance, healing and love to all. Davina Solmanos
5/12/24 - The Mothership from the Stars
Excerpt from book “Angels in Starships” by Georgio Dibitonto
The air had become noticeably fresher, so that we were glad to be able to don the pullovers which we had brought with us. With the aid of our flashlight, we looked over the clearing before us as best we could. It was uncultivated, and divided down the middle by a strip of tall grass, the two halves of the field being on different levels. We pressed on through the wet grass.
“I sense that they are here,” Tina repeated. “I feel certain that they are nearby.” I insisted that she be quiet, nevertheless, and decided we should wait there where we were. Meanwhile, we sat down on a large flat stone that seemed reasonably dry, and waited patiently for some sign of their presence. Then came the voice of Raphael. It was clear, and nearby. “We are already on the ground,” he said, “quite close to where you are.”
Tina was jubilant, and said again she had felt it unmistakably. We turned off our flashlight, and Tina pointed to something barely visible at the end of the meadow, where the terrain rose to a higher level. There, where the dark border of the trees could just be distinguished, a light appeared, which gradually grew brighter and brighter. The outline of a large cigar-shaped object resting on the ground began to be clearly discernible amidst the darkness.
“Oh, how wonderful!” exclaimed Tina repeatedly. We were beside ourselves with amazement, and utterly astonished at the sight before our eyes. The light grew in intensity, and now we could see the thing quite clearly. It was dozens of meters (perhaps 100 to 120) long, and, at its thickest girth reached almost to the height of the trees behind it. A long row of round portholes emitted colored lights that lit up the area where the object was resting. After a few minutes, the whole thing looked as colorful and brightly illuminated as a ship starting out on an ocean voyage. We were spellbound as we watched the play of colored light that now seemed to come from all sides, as if from fountains, whose sources we could not determine. Tina pulled my arm and wanted us to go immediately to the giant space ship.
“Let us wait,” I said. “They will surely say something to us soon.” We felt the same great joyousness within us that we had felt on the occasion of all the previous meetings. So impressive was this great vehicle from space, that the light-flooded meadow was no longer recognizable; it was as if one had been transported to a new and awesome world. The glow of the cigar-shaped form grew even brighter, and then, before our eyes, began a play of light from the round windows which was truly a festival of luminous beauty. The rhythmically dancing beams of colored light touched our innermost being with a poignancy impossible to describe. Then, from one end of this ray-ship came, one after another, four flying discs, so brightly shining as to appear more like globes of white light. They hovered, and gently set themselves down on the open place in the meadow between us and the big ‘cigar’.
The four small doors opened, and out came men and women. I recognized the form of Raphael, and my heart leapt for joy, so that it seemed caught in my throat. Tina waved a greeting. They came right toward us. Their bodies seemed enveloped in a phosphorescent glow. Raphael was the first to reach us, and the others followed. “Welcome to this place of meeting”, he said graciously; “tonight you will meet other brothers and sisters who work together on this mission”.
We greeted Raphael, and with him, Orthon and Firkon, who we had already met. Orthon was distinguished by his erect bearing and noble demeanor. Firkon again displayed that heartiness of manner which had so impressed us before. We shook hands all around. Their looks bespoke sincerity and good will; their gestures, an unpretentiousness that was calming and reassuring.
Then another brother was introduced to us. He was dark-haired. He impressed us as one whose talents were along practical lines. He was no less handsome in appearance than the others, and his behavior was marked by that same harmonious calmness. “This is our brother, Zuhl,” said Raphael, by way of introduction. “He is greatly valued for his knowledge and ability.”
Then another man was introduced to us, who impressed us immediately with his kindliness and amiability. He smiled like one who had much to say but would not speak. “His name is George,” said Raphael, nodding in my direction, “the same as yours. This, our brother, lived for a while on Earth, where he chose to come on an assignment. Now he has returned to us.” We greeted one another with a warm handclasp. Then four young women came up to us. We were struck by their gracious charm. The smallest one had blue eyes and light blond hair. “I am Kalna,” she said, “and I am happy to be here with you.
“I am Ilmuth,” said the second, as she warmly extended her hand. “This meeting brings me great joy.” She was taller than Kalna, and her hair, as black as ebony, fell freely over her shoulders. Her dark eyes looked at us penetratingly. She was beautiful, but along with that, modest and unpretentious, as one could tell by her manner, and by her words, as she spoke to us.
Then two more young women were introduced to us, and they were dark complexioned. We were not told their names. They, too, were a clear example of other-worldly beauty, and of amiability, grace and goodness. The men and women were all wearing space suits with rather full sleeves and trousers. From all, there seemed to radiate a soft glow. “This is a very unusual meeting,” said Raphael, in his deep melodious voice. “It is important that you become acquainted with the brothers who are entrusted with this mission. There are many who are concerned about you. You will meet all of us eventually, but not at this time.”
A subtle, pleasant, fragrance filled the air. “What a strange, sweet aroma!” Tina exclaimed. “It seems to be not of this Earth.” I assured her that I, too, had never before experienced so clean and fresh a scent in the air. The brothers smiled. In their presence, we soon felt a sense of trust and intimacy, such as would have been impossible to achieve in so short a time among Earth people. Orthon looked at Tina with such benevolence, and spoke so tenderly to her that she was moved to tears. We all sat down in a circle in the grass, without paying any attention at all to the dampness. “We won’t allow you to become sick because of it,” Raphael said good humoredly. “Just make yourselves comfortable.” The air seemed milder now, as if warmed by the light energy, and that made our hearts glad. A deep sense of peace left us feeling at one with nature. The space craft were like living onlookers.
“The inhabitants of planet Earth,” began Raphael, sitting relaxed in the center of the group, his legs lightly crossed, “are ready to spend enormous sums of money to join us in space. And yet, we are already everywhere on Earth. We are among you, both visibly, as you see us now, and also in ways unknown to you. Many know of our existence and our presence, yet deny any knowledge of us. Many of those who have seen us insist that we behave in a strange and senseless manner, yes, even that we appear to act contemptuously toward them. Yet they don’t want to take that small step that would lead to an understanding of the whole picture and answer your longing to know the ‘whence, where and whither?’”
There followed a period of silence. I rejoiced inwardly over this amazing meeting with these ‘pilgrims of the light,’ in the stillness of the night. I remembered the words that Raphael had spoken at our meeting at Zoagli, and in my mind compared them with what he was now saying. I was convinced that the Garden of Eden had been desecrated beyond recognition by mankind who had rebelled against the Creator-Father’s love. Just being in the presence of these brothers enabled me to sense and to comprehend so many things. I wished that this night could continue without ever ending.
“Some people,” Raphael began again, “ask themselves whether we exist at all, and they think, ‘If the extraterrestrials really exist, why then do they not show themselves to, and cooperate with us in an open manner?’ However, many people of Earth know very well that we do exist, and that we do not share their egotistic outlook or warlike tendency. In reality, they would like to have us in their power, in order to gain knowledge from us which would give them greater opportunities for power and domination. That is the reason why we must act in such a way as to avoid this danger, and why we are waiting for the time when it will be possible to bring knowledge to Earth brothers from the children of God, in conformance with universal law.” (Pages 29-32)
A limited first edition published exclusively for those few individuals really interested in the facts in this remarkable and extensive UFO contact case which began in the hills above Genova, Italy in April 1980 and went on for years.
5/12/24 - The Density of Your Body is an Illusion - You are the real cosmos
From book “Kryon. The Path to Heaven on Earth. Techniques for Quantum Transition”)
What I want to tell you today is that your body is changing. But I’m not talking about the kind of change you might see in the mirror. You feel like you’re getting older and this is reflected in your appearance. But there is no time for the Spirit in your understanding. For the spirit, there is no such thing as aging. For Spirit, there are only the positive processes of energy transformation that we are witnessing now that are transforming your physical body. We see what is happening to you more as renewal and rejuvenation, although subjectively you may perceive it differently!
We know that you are experiencing some unpleasant physical symptoms right now. Many of you feel a loss of strength, weakness, frequent attacks of headaches and dizziness, ringing in the ears, interruptions in heart activity… You ask: how can this be if I am purifying and renewing my energy? You feel like you should be getting stronger and healthier, but instead you feel like your energy is going away.
The main thing is that you stop being frightened and disturbed by these symptoms. They are temporary. They involve a major energetic realignment that your body needs to adjust to. Your body is a structure of the three-dimensional world, and therefore it is more inert than your subtle, energy-informational structures. The body rebuilds itself more slowly and sometimes painfully. But remember, dear ones, your power! It is up to you to alleviate these symptoms and make them go away sooner. When you’re too anxious and worried about what feels like a disease, you’re just giving extra energy to those painful symptoms. In this way, they can really develop into a disease. But if you maintain a sense of joy, bliss, if you aspire to the Light, if you are filled with a firm belief that all is well with you, the painful symptoms will gradually diminish.
Today I want to give you a very important knowledge that will allow you to go through the changes of your physical body in the most gentle mode and as quickly as possible – but at the same time not forcing events, but adhering to a natural and most comfortable pace for you. I want to give you knowledge that will help you change your perception of the physical body and thereby increase your ability to change it at will.
Let’s turn to the basics of physics, which are well known to all of you. You know that all so-called dense bodies are made up of molecules. Your physical body is also made up of molecules. If you remember, molecules are in constant motion. At the same time, the distances between the molecules are many times larger than the size of the molecules themselves! Molecules move in a space that is much larger in volume than their total volume. Do you now understand why any solid, dense body is only conventionally called solid and dense? There is much more space in it than substances! You could say that there is much more energy in it than what you call matter. Because molecules don’t move in empty space, they move in a space of energies.
Until now, have you treated your body as something dense? Start thinking differently: your body is a space in which molecules move, and there is much more space than molecules. Do you feel that with this attitude, your body is already perceived as something much more plastic – something that you can change, something that you can shape into different shapes using such a powerful tool as your intention?
But that’s not all. In addition to the molecular, your body (like all matter) has deeper levels – atomic and sub-atomic. Molecules, as you know, are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of a nucleus and electrons. Have you ever wondered what happens in the space of an atom? Do you think that electrons are spinning in the vicinity of the nucleus? In fact, this is not the case. The size of an electron is related to the distance from the electron to the nucleus of an atom in much the same way that the size of the planet Earth is related to the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Are you still convinced that you are a dense body? Dear ones, you are not a dense body. You are the real cosmos. You may be accustomed to thinking of the structures of your Soul, Spirit, and Divine Self as higher, cosmic structures. But in fact, the cosmic structure is also your physical body. Its density is an illusion!
It is this illusion that makes you perceive yourself as something isolated, separate from the space of the universe. You have mistakenly separated the microcosm of your body from the macrocosm of the universe. In fact, you are as much a part of the universe as the stars and planets, like any creature or object in the world, like any area of the world. Because of the illusion of your separateness, you yourselves have blocked the access of higher dimensional energies to you, to your body. Therefore, your body gradually became denser, more and more inert, less and less subject to your will, and more and more subject to destruction.
(Translation from book “Kryon. The Path to Heaven on Earth. Techniques for Quantum Transition”)
With Love, Liberty
“Island of Light” in English
5/11/24 - Inside the Space Ships
Excerpt from the book "Inside the Flying Saucers by George Adamski, 1967
(Original title "Inside the Space Ships", copyright 1955)
On the opposite wall, behind the long table, I noticed a picture of a large mother ship, and I wondered whether it represented the one we were in. But as this thought passed through my mind, the little lady from Venus corrected it by saying, "No, our ship is really very small in comparison. That one is more like a traveling city than a ship, since its length is several miles, while ours is only two thousand feet."
I realize that my readers are likely to consider such dimensions incredible, and I readily admit that I myself was unprepared for anything so fantastic. However, it is necessary to remember that, once we have learned to harness the great natural energies instead of depending on mechanical force, it should be no more difficult to build cities within the walls of gigantic ships than on the ground. London and Los Angeles are cities nearly forty miles wide which were built largely by crude machines and manpower - a prodigious achievement in itself. Once gravity is mastered, cities in the air for us, too can be come a reality.
"Many such ships have been built," Kalna explained, "not only on Venus but also on Mars and Saturn and many other planets. However, they are not intended for the exclusive use of any particular planet, but for the purpose of contributing to the education and pleasure of all citizens in the whole brotherhood of the Universe. People naturally are great explorers. Therefore, travel in our worlds is not the privilege of the few, but of all. Every three months a fourth of the inhabitants of our planets embark on these gigantic ships and set out for a cruise through space, stopping at other planets just as your cruise liners stop at foreign ports. In this way our people learn about the mighty Universe and are enabled to see, firsthand, a little more of the 'many mansions' in the Father's house to which your Bible refers.
"In the temples of wisdom on our planets we have many mechanical devices by means of which our citizens also can study conditions in other worlds and systems, and space itself. But with us as with you, nothing can quite take the place of actual experience. So we have built fleets of gigantic ships like the one you see pictured there, which might also be described literally as small artificial planets. They contain everything necessary for the welfare and pleasure of thousands of people over a three-month period. Apart from size, the main difference is that planets are spherical in shape, are divinely made and move in elliptical orbits around a central Sun, while these little man-made planets are cylindrical and can move through space at will."
An ever-increasing concept of our star-studded heavens unfolded before my mind's eye as I contemplated the information just given me. I wondered to what "other planets" Kalna referred.
Replying to my mental question, Orthon volunteered, "Our ships have not only visited all other planets in our system, but those in systems close to ours. However, there still are planets without number in the infinite systems within the Universe which we have not yet reached."
Here again a wondering thought slipped in as I mentally questioned what they had found on the "other planets" they had visited.
The Venusian's eyes sparkled and a tiny smile flitted across his mouth as he caught my thought. He continued without interruption. "With the sole exception of inhabitants on Earth, we have found the peoples of other worlds to be very friendly. They, too, have gigantic space cruisers for the pleasure and education of their fellowmen. As we visit their planets and are welcomed, they also visit ours as friends. It is to the Earth alone that these passenger cruisers never approach. Nor will they be permitted to do so until your people have a greater understanding of fellowship as well as of the Universe beyond the limiting confines of your own little planet.
"During flights of this kind, those on the cruise have much leisure time, as well as definite hours devoted to learning. When they land on other planets mutually interesting social gatherings are held. In short," and he made this very clear, "peoples of other worlds are not strangers to one another, but all are friends and are welcomed wherever they go.
"We consider planets throughout the Universe as being in one vast sea of life. The far distant planets by the billions which we have not yet visited will be explored when we have further improved our space ships. There are some planets so far out from any in our system that it would take us two or three years to reach them. Whereas, within our system, the distance between planets can be covered within a few hours to a few days."
Reviewing our concept of distance, I exclaimed, "That is staggering to me! How fast do you travel that you can cover such vast distances in so short a time?"
"Speed to us," was the reply, "does not mean what it does to you. For once a ship is launched into outer space, the speed of the ship is equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space."
I derived some small hope for our eventual progress on Earth when they freely admitted that, in the earliest attempts to conquer space, the inhabitants of Venus and those of other worlds had been faced with exactly the same problems as those that are holding us back today. Once again they stressed that gravity must be overcome as a first principle on the way to space travel. (pages 51-54)
(Ed: I personally met George Adamski in 1965 when he was on lecture tour showing photos taken through his 6-inch telescope on Mount Palomar, California. He had many encounters with the "Space Brothers", including rides on scout craft and mother ships. He has written about them, spoken freely from public platforms and acted as messenger between the Brothers and government officials, but the story of his contacts have been ridiculed, down-played and dismissed as fraudulent over the last 50 years.)
5/11/24 - Sananda: This is your Linchpin Lifetime
Channel: James McConnell
I am Sananda. And I come to be with you at this time in these continuing, changing times that you are in, and these times that are straining upon you, holding you in many cases, in many ways to the illusion, for all that is happening around you is trying to hold on to you. Your ego within yourself is trying to hold on. It does not want to let go. It does not want to become irrelevant in your life. But you as the God self within you, the knowing God self, the I Am presence within you is more and more and more beginning to take hold. More and more being able to say, yes, I love you, my ego, but you must step aside and allow the God self, the God force within me to take charge. That is what is happening now.
That is what you are all learning to do, being trained to do, is to take control of your lives, to take the power back within you become all that you came here to be. For indeed, this is the linchpin lifetime that you are living at this time. This is the one that separates you from the old ways, the old programming, the old ways of the illusion to the new higher understanding, new higher vibrational frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension and beyond that. That is what you came here to do, to pave the way, to show the way. But in order for you to show the way to others, you must create the way for yourselves first. That is what you are doing now at this time.
That is what you are practicing to do. And the more that you are able to separate the illusion, the old illusion, the old programming from the new reality that is being created by you and all of the collective you, the more that you can separate that. The easier it will become for you to let go of the attachments in your life. The attachments that you all know are fleeting are only there while you are here in this illusion, but are no longer needed when you leave the illusion. When you are in the fifth dimensional expression, the attachments are no longer needed anymore. They become a thing of the past, a forgotten part of your journey.
Think about that. Think about how wonderful that will be on that day when you finally realize who you truly are at every level of your being. When you know that all of life is in front of you, not the expression of death, where many across the planet believe that this is the end, where those of you know that this is only the beginning, a new beginning. So if you were to pass on through the death process, it is only the beginning of another journey, and another journey after that, and another journey after that. It is never ending. Life itself, life, universal life is never ending. It is just that, it is universal.
Take the infinity symbol as an understanding of this, where there is not a beginning and there is not an end. That is who you are as the God expression within you. Just as I, as Yeshua took on that God expression within me, I was able to walk the earth holding that expression, that Christ consciousness expression within me and be able to show it to those around me that were ready to experience it, to feel it. Just as I was able to do that, that is what you are all working toward in this linchpin lifetime. So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the knowing that you have deep within you. And they are deep within you and are there whenever you need them. Whenever you feel like something is reaching out to you to hold you back, know that the inner knowing is there. The intuition, the inner whispers are there to drive you forward, to keep you moving forward one step after another.
Or indeed, the journey of a thousand miles does begin with the first step and the next step and the next step and so on and so on. And soon you will find that it will not be just one step after another, but you will be running, running to reach that finish line. And again, that is what you are all here for this time. I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to move on step after step after step, knowing that this is only the beginning of the rest of your journey.
5/11/24 - One Who Serves: Current Events Unfolding
Channeled by James & JoAnna McConnell
One Who Serves: Om, Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om, Om. One of the ways that we have been able to be of assistance to you, to answer those questions that you have had deep within you and begin more and more to bring them out, to ask them for an unasked question will receive a non -answer. In other words, the answer is no unless you ask. So ask, ask and you shall receive. We are ready for your questions if you have them.
(Guest) – Yes, I have a question. This morning I got, this is Marion from Canada. I got a message from a friend of a news flash that she saw that in Canada there’s a community called Medellin Island where they are introducing the QR code and it’s a code that has all your private information. And if you don’t get it, you will be fined and you won’t be allowed to travel, visit, go to work or get an education. So I’m wanting some clarification on that as well as their attempt to try to make military presence a normality. And that’s another kind of question that I have a news flash about. So I don’t know, I have two questions really. Do you want both at once or can you just respond to the first?
(OWS) - Rather than looking at those questions as something that needs a direct answer, we will say here that it is all about fear. We will not speak about those particular programs that you are speaking about, but that it is all about fear, fear -mongering, spreading fear, holding control over the population as much as they can. And Canada is certainly one of those places where this is being practiced more and more. They are attempting to hold control over the entire population. But we will say here that it will not be successful. There are too many people that have awakened across not only that country, but across many of the countries around the entire planet. And it is a planetary movement that is happening here, not country by country, but worldwide, which is what is happening. And there are processes behind the scenes that you may not know of yet that are in process to rectify all of the programming that has come into the picture to create fear for so long a period of time. For thousands of years now, this has been ongoing, but it is coming to an end. That is what we can say on this. Do not hold fear on this. Know that it is in the process of being brought out here, as you are doing, and others are doing, and then it will be squashed. That is what we can say now at this point. It may be a period of time where it will look like to be perceived as something to be afraid of, but do not become afraid.
(Guest) - Can I add one more little point?
(OWS) - Please ask Shoshanna first to address what she would.
(Shoshanna) - Dear sister, please make your point.
(Guest) - Oh, just that in addition in the news flash was that in Godrich, Ontario, Canada, they’re starting door -to -door wellness checks. The military is going to each door between May 3rd and May 5th. And this has just stirred up great concern because it looks like an introduction to martial law, employing the military to do this unprecedented thing, going door -to -door to try to do wellness checks. I don’t know why. That’s my concern as part of the…
(Shoshanna) - We will share with you. Now, may we share? (Yeah, please.) Dear sister, this is a complex issue because Canada, the population of Canada has for a very long time tolerated what is happening. They are tolerant people. They are polite people. They do not wish to create chaos in any way. What is occurring in your country is a wake up call. It is a call for those that do not know to wake up to take action, you see. But there is another side to this that One Who Serves has presented. And we will say for every person that is afraid, there is one that is not listening, that is turning their back on these things. There are many in your country that have been on this call that even do not mention these things, you see because they do not subscribe to these things. We would suggest that just knowing your personality, dear one, that you are prone to this. You are prone to the drama. You are prone to listening to those that could influence you that are not awake themselves. But we have given advice many times not to take advice from those that are not wise enough to give it, you see. So we would suggest, honestly, that you ignore this friend. Namaste.
(Guest) - Thank you very much. That’s very helpful.
(OWS) - Very good. Would there be other questions here?
(Guest) - I should have one. I just saw a video that shows that this entire state, entire country of America is being microwaved, rightly. And it shows that the same resources are being…But anyway, it’s showing that the same frequency that regular microwaves that heat our food are actually being broadcast all over the country. And I’m just wondering, is that true? Or is somebody just making a weird video?
(OWS) - What we will tell you is this is more of the fear mongering here and everywhere that they can to hold down the vibration. It’s all about holding vibrations down instead of allowing vibrations to rise. Now, you as the ones that are the way-showers, you are the ones to show the way to others so that they will not be afraid. They will not succumb to that illusion. And we will say that this is part of an illusion here, part of the old program. And the more that you raise your own personal vibration, not only are you immune to this, but you are also helping others to become immune to it as well. It is not as dangerous or fearful as they are pretending it to be here. You see? Shoshanna, do you have something you add?
(Shoshanna) - Maybe we can add here. You’ve been given an adequate answer from One Who Serves, but if you wish for another perspective or an added perspective, we can add here, dear brother. Do you wish for this?
(Guest) - Always you can add. Never have to ask.
(Shoshanna) - Okay, dear brother. What an engineering feat it would be to microwave the entire population. What an engineering feat that would be. And how would that go, how would that come about? What kind of engineering, what kind of technology, what kind of instruments would be needed to reach all the people you see? So we hear this and we know it is a false thing. We know it is a fake thing. We know that’s not possible. That is not possible, you see. So you must understand that you are one that is also prone to these fearful things. And you must not pay attention, as One Who Serves has given. You must find information that supports your journey to ascension, that supports your journey to the spiritual realm, that supports your journey to the God -Source, to that connection, rather than worrying about who is being microwaved. That is our perspective. Namaste.
(OWS) - And we would add here that the reason the so -called pandemic of the COVID was not successful in the way that they wanted it to be was because people did not believe in it. They did not allow it to take over their lives because it was interrupting their lives and they would not have that. We’re speaking across the entire planet, not only in one country here. So it cannot succeed. And as Shoshana has given here, it is not a real thing. It is just simply a fear -mongering path. We are ready for next question if there is.
(Guest) - Yes, I have one. Yes. I heard through the grapevine that during the eclipse CERN had opened up a portal and some alien civilization came in and that they were given a property down in Antarctica. Is any of that true or is that just phony?
(Shoshanna) - Dear brother, we must remind you and remind all that are listening to this that CERN is under the control of the White House. CERN is no longer available to the dark side, to the Black Hats, to those that would cause evil or havoc. Now, because of this, what you have heard through your grapevine, which is an interesting way of calling forth information, is that somehow CERN has opened a portal and an alien race has come to Antarctica. Well, we will give you the real information here. There have been alien races occupying Antarctica for thousands of years. They are there. They are from other planets. They are there. Some are good, some are bad. Some wish you ill, some wish to save your planet. They have part of the duality that you have, you see, the dark and the light. So, CERN has not let them in. They have come of their own volition. They are there. There are many, many, many secrets to Antarctica that many do not know, most do not know. There is just a handful of people that actually know what that part of your world, that continent of your world contains. So yes, they are there but they did not come through CERN, you see. So part of it is true and part of it is not true. Namaste.
(OWS) - Okay. Very good. Thank you. Would there be any other questions here?
(Guest) - I have a question. I have a question. Okay. Thank you. So yes, this is Linda. And I’m going to relate part of a dream experience, if I could, just for a moment. A couple of weeks ago, you, One Who Serves, led us through guided meditation. And I found that very powerful. And when I went to bed, I recalled that meditation. And as I was thinking of the chakras, every chakra in my body turned white light, including other chakras above my head. I didn’t count them but there were others above my head. And my body was just an outline of white. There were no organs or anything within. And then as I fell deeper into this meditation, I found myself standing on a crystal, a very large crystal. And my arms were out to the sides as we do in the tools of protection, and my hands were upon another large crystal. As I stepped back out of this to look at my body, my body became a crystalline structure, similar in appearance to the Oscar statues that Hollywood gives for, I think it’s movies, but anyway. So it was this great crystal. And then my hands were part of the crystal. I had no fingers. And my feet were in the crystal at my feet.
I looked around and I saw no stars or planets. I saw no ships. I heard nothing. It was this great vast emptiness. And I asked, what am I being shown? And the reply was two words, the beginning. So as I am in this crystalline being, I looked again down at my feet and there was a small part of earth that became apparent and it was desert and there was a blue area and there were three pyramids mostly covered with sand. One was about two thirds covered and the others were nearly covered. So I know that these pyramids reflect the belt of Orion but I have no personal connection to Orion that I feel. But…As I thought about these great crystals and as we go through the tools of protection, I felt that this is, if this is the beginning, then this is how things are created through this crystalline energetic structure. And therefore there must be many, many layers of this crystalline structure, similar to the framework of a building. And as I touched into them, it became, how can I put this? It became a thought that these were actually what people see and feel vibrationally as a ley line.
So that wherever we are, as we connect within them, these power points of ley lines, these crossings of energy structure, actually this is how the earth is then created. This is actually then the power that as we do these tools of protection, we connect in with the very essence of beginning, the moment of beginning. Can you just clarify any of that for me and share with everyone?
(OWS) - What we will say here is that it is all of the above in terms of verification in terms of what you have been shown is what you needed to be shown but also what others need to become aware of as well. You were able to move deeply within yourself and discover the fullness of creation, we will say here, at the level that you are able to understand it at this point. So rightly, you have ascertained and been given the understanding of what your guides were attempting to show you here. In other words, you have rightly interpreted what you needed to understand here at this point. There’s nothing more that we can give you. Perhaps Shoshanna would, but that is up to her.
(Shoshanna) - We will offer our perspective here, dear sister, if you wish for it. (Yes, please) Dear sister, what a magnificent dream. But we do not call it a dream because it was a dimensional reflection of you. It is a reflection of your heart and your consciousness and what you have been seeking. We will say that there is something in your heart that you have been seeking that this dream is revealing to you, we think it is the Oneness. We think it is your desire to know the Oneness. What is it, if you can be brief, that you seek to know that this dream revealed for you, that you have been seeking for a very long time?
(Guest) - As you had just said, it is the Unity consciousness.
(Shoshanna) - Yes. Absolutely. Yes. So that is what has been revealed to you. You see, we are taken with emotion by this amazing experience that you have been revealed to you, you see. And we must tell you that you have melded, you have become One with the Oneness. That is what is being shown to you from the very beginning of the dream to the end of the dream. That is the message that you are One with the Oneness. You are One with all things. And if you notice that in the beginning that you were, everything was white light. If you think about this, what is that revealing to you? Because, white light is the essence of all things. It is all colors rolled up into one to become white. That is how it works, you see. So all the things, so the message is that all the things that make up your world have rolled up into one thing, and that is light. And that all things that you’ve discovered about yourself in terms of the crystalline structure, It’s just revealing to you that the energetic crystalline structure that is part of creation, that created all that you are and all things that the universe is, was the beginning of creation. And you are one with that, you see. Namaste.
(OWS) - Very Good.
(Guest) - Thank you so much.
(OWS) - Yes. We take one more question and then we release channel.
(Guest) - Okay, thank you. My question was this. I’m assuming that the timeline that we are witnessing now with the ridiculous and insane President Donald Trump court trials is partially designed by the White Hats to wake up more of these sleep people and that he will potentially truly be the rightful president and leading us into our temporarily lost freedom. I know he’s not a perfect person with his stance on the vaccine, et cetera, but is this just part of the circus play and do the White Hats have control?
(OWS) - We will reiterate what we gave here some time ago, several months ago now, where we gave the indication of six words,”The white hats are in control.” And we gave that some time ago as we say here. So it is still the case and even more so now, even than it was at that time. So understand that it is all optics. It is all a part of the show here that you are being given to, yes, to awaken as many as possible to the old programming, the old illusion, and to prepare for the new higher expression in the higher vibrational frequency.
(Shoshanna) - We wish to share. (Yes.) May we share? (Yes. Yes..) Enjoy the show. We will tell you that if you observe what is happening in each of what you call a court case, they are falling apart. Because the point of all of this is to shine a light on the criminality of your country. To shine a light on the cabal to shine a light on the corruption, you see. That has been going on for hundreds of years of this government and thousands across the world, tens of thousands of years across the world. This is about eradicating the dark, you see. Trump, the great unifier, has stepped up to be the spearhead to eradicate the darkness. So as you see these silly trials being revealed there. The criminals are losing. They are being revealed as the darkness of that one, DC. The details are clear. All the way from your case in Georgia to your case in New York to your case in DC to your case in Florida. You must understand in each one, they are falling apart. They hold on. They will fall apart because the point is to shine the light on the criminals and that is being achieved. And those that are the criminals are scurrying to hide, are running from this, you see. And for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, they are seeing clearly what a joke this is. Namaste.
(Guest) - Yes, and I just want to say one thing. So Judge Merchan, D .A., Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis, are they aware that they are part of the game or are they so delusional they actually think they’re right in doing this or is it a mismatch of everything?
(Shoshanna) - Dear sister, those that are bringing these court cases are incapable of any true honesty or true understanding. They are part of the criminals of your great country and they are carrying out their mission because they are being rewarded, you see. Corruption. Power corrupts absolutely, you see. So these are the corrupts of your nation that are attempting to have power over everything. And they are, yes, the second part delusional, but they have only egos. They have not found God, you see. Namaste.
(Guest) - Got it. So I just didn’t know if they were on the side of the white hats at this point.
(Shoshanna) - No, they are not. (Thank you.)
(OWS) -We wish to add here one thing for you to equate Donald Trump, the President Trump with George Washington in terms of being a revolution and enacting an entire revolution. (Shoshanna interjects: Courage and bravery.) Yes. All for one. We are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have a parting message?
(Shoshanna) - We will say, for all that are listening, know that this is a show, that this is much of an illusion, that all the things that are purposeful that are happening are not to just wake up the population, but to eradicate the darkness. That is the main achievement. We do not see or care who wakes up. What we care about is that the darkness is eradicated from your planet so that you and all the citizens of Earth may live freely. Namaste.
(OWS) - Very good. And we say here for, just as Sananda and many others have said, to just continue to move forward, step by step, always moving forward. Do not look backward. Just look forward into your wonderful future that you have ahead of you. Shanti, peace be with you. Peace be with you. Be the ONE.
5/11/24 - Source Frequencies from the Central Sun
By Kejraj (eraoflight.com)
Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. Source Creator sends its frequencies to the Central Sun of each Galaxy, and from the center, the light is radiated to the stars of each solar system. From the local suns, the new energies are sent to the planetary bodies and their inhabitants, which trigger the awakening of a Collective. The more open one remains, the more of this light one receives. Clearing of old thought forms, traumas, and physical toxins in the body is very important, in order to better integrate the new light. Meditation does wonders, as one lets go of the external world, allowing the self to be as the Soul that it is, while deep breathing charges the chakras and the cells, realigning one’s consciousness to the rhythm of the heart center.
The Ascension of Earth into the higher realms is by Divine Decree, as other Galactic cycles are in the process of completion, with new ones beginning. Then, with the observation and guidance of the Cosmic Councils the Galactic Federation does its part in managing the process of ascension as worlds prepare for upliftment in consciousness. The ones who are reading these words, many of you take part in the meetings of the Higher Councils in your dream state, and of course with the Galactic Federation. So although in your waking state you have grown tired and impatient, you were part of the meetings where it was agreed upon for this process to be gradual, in order to give the opportunity to as many as possible to ascend.
You who are reading these words, you are now the Ascended Masters, you are the Elders. And with the completion of Earth’s ascension, you can choose to stay on Earth for a while, or you have the freedom to go be and continue your spiritual expansion in any star system or galaxy you desire, whether it be in the fifth, sixth, or seventh dimension is up to you. The next step and experience of your journey is entirely up to you. As it has been always.
You are loved and honored beyond your wildest dreams!
1/13/25 - Mother Earth: The heart center of the Earth
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am the Earth. I speak to you from the depth beneath your feet. I, too, have a heart chakra, a center, and you can envision this heart center to be in the middle of my physical body, the planet. Travel there in your mind; descend down into the Earth, into my center, and make an energetic, conscious connection with it, because at its core, my heart is not primarily material, but spiritual.
Just as your hearts are part of your soul, your Godself, my heart is also not only physical, it is part of my soul. Feel my heart; feel my love for life. I enjoy everything in life that buds, goes through life processes, grows, and finally d**s physically. Life is a grand dance and that dance is elegant and beautiful. In this dance is harmony and logic. Each one of you is meant to dance, although sometimes the movements you make are uncomfortable or painful.
But not everything that has a blocking effect comes from outside you. You also have a history; you are older than this current physical life; you carry a legacy with you. Your soul has a depth that you still do not comprehend. So much remains hidden from you of the grandeur and mystery of your soul. Thus, you cannot know everything, but you can surrender and give yourself over to the movement of your soul. Your soul sometimes wants you to deal with negativity that comes both from without and within. There might still reside in you old baggage, consisting of emotional pain, misunderstanding, confusion, that your soul intends should come to the forefront in this lifetime. And these encounters may go against your personal desire for light and for a productive, pleasant, and enjoyable life.
The purpose of encountering negativity cannot be comprehended by the earthly personality or by the mind, or so it seems, because that purpose is difficult to understand in that way. Therefore, you are asked to open to a deep level of surrender in order to come to terms with that negativity, and I ask you to do this now. I encourage you to feel that negativity from the perspective of my heart, my center. I see much pain and suffering in and on the Earth, yet there is a part of me that is not affected by that suffering. There is this part of me that simply witnesses it with a gentleness and deep acceptance which understands that there is a logic in everything that happens. Without asking you to grasp this logic with your mind, I encourage you to feel the energy of my heart center.
Feel that this energy also creates a space for the suffering and for all that is dark and seems incomprehensible. I am very deeply involved with you and I do not dismiss the suffering of humanity, as well as that of the animals, plants, and rocks. Everything that lives on Earth is sensitive to vibration, to energy. Fear, distrust, hatred, loneliness are vibrations that deeply affect me and all life, yet there is something in me that transcends these vibrations – I am your mother. By connecting with that part in me which looks with compassion at suffering and grief, you strengthen that part of me – and of yourself. You then literally begin to channel, to become a conduit. Your heart opens to the large flow of compassion that exists in the universe. Not only my compassion, but also that of many other beings.
If you are a part of that compassionate stream, you stay connected with it; you do not turn away from what there is on Earth: the light and the dark. You do not try to flee from what is here and your heart remains open. That is your deepest, your greatest gift: remaining here, being present, and not judging but making your heart ever more open and expanded so that you can understand why people, and why you as well, do things that go against life. A consciousness that can understand this, and hold on to this understanding, can break down barriers and remove blockages solely by way of compassion, by way of a deeply felt empathy. Doing this makes you strong, and make no mistake, love is a strong force. Being open to negativity, to pain and suffering, does not mean that you drown in it. It is the power of love that allows it to keep its distance, and to rise above the suffering, yet love’s wings always touch the Earth and other people.
I ask of you that you become an angel on Earth and I know you can be that. Every living being on Earth is working to complete its own dance, one that is perfectly suited to their unique nature, and you have your own particular dance. For you, there is always the next step that suits your life and is in line with who you are now.
Feel that for a moment. Are you willing to take this step even if you do not know what it is that is asked of you? Are you ready to take the next step to opening your heart and to healing the old pain? You do not need to know how that will happen; you do not need to be able to fathom the depth of your soul in order to take that next step. It comes through trust; feel that it is good to do so. That is what I ask of you, not to save the world, but to take that one step, your next step. That is what fits right in with the rhythm and the path of development of the Earth as a whole, with this whole sphere of being. We do it together. If each individual being completes their dance, then doing that brings the greatest gift to the whole.
For this reason, it is extremely important that you know yourself. Not to stare blindly toward what you should be, or what you would like to be, but at who you actually are, here and now; at what goes on inside you; at the emotions you experience most often: the sadness you have, or your fervent desires, visions, and beautiful feelings. If you go deep down into yourself with an open heart and an open mind, you are going to become aware of the dance within you, which is not a dance you have created, but a dance your soul has created for you.
Then you will be more attuned to your dance, which need not be “perfect”. You are here to learn how to attune to it, so keep things simple. All you need do is to know the signals in your body that come from your soul through your thoughts and your emotions.
By silently looking at what is taking place within you, at your thoughts and emotions, you will penetrate deeper into your core and discover what gives you the most joy. Joy is the simple answer to a lot of questions you all have. When you are struggling with a question, for example: “Should I do this or that, or do I need to hold back?”, ask yourself instead: “Does it give me joy; does it increase joy in me?” The natural dance of life is born out of joy.
Think of a ballet dancer. Ultimately, the source of her passion is joy. Dancing gives her joy and satisfaction; it fulfills her soul. However, she also has to learn to overcome pain by exercising her muscles and practicing awkward movements – the training of her body. The pain does not conflict with the joy; it is something she is willing to endure because she is focused on her goal of expressing herself perfectly through the dance.
When you stay in touch with joy, you connect with your essence and the reason for all kinds of worries in your life. You begin to sense if something is part of your goal and is worth doing even if it gives you pain. Or if there are things you would prefer to avoid because they do not contribute to your life’s purpose. Dare to ask yourself the question: “Can I live for joy? May joy be my guide?”
I greet you all from my heart, from my soul. I respect you, whatever your path in life. I ask you to take my hand, so we can dance together. There is a flow in me and you and in all life that connects everything on Earth.
Feel that flow, how open it is. You are welcome on Earth; I love you.
1/12/25 - Aurora Ray: The secret to entering the fifth dimension
Channeled by Aurora Ray
(from Newsletter 1/11/25)
The fifth dimension is not a time dimension. It is beyond the limitations of time. It means that time has no meaning. It's a dimension of what we call in Sanskrit "yuga." And yuga refers to an era of a time when something fundamentally changes.
The third dimension is the world we live in, where we have a past and a future. But in the fifth dimension there is no past or future, only now. In this state, you will no longer see time as linear; instead, it will appear to move at a different speed than you are used to experiencing on Earth. In other words, time is no longer linear; it has become infinite in nature - endless and endless. Nothing in this fifth dimension has a beginning or an end because everything exists simultaneously regardless of where you are going or where you have been - including your past experiences and future projections based on belief systems created by others for their own purposes (whether consciously or unconsciously).
The fifth dimension is not a place; it's a state of being. It's not a thing; it's a process. How can you enter the fifth dimension? By being present in this very moment. It is a little difficult to do, especially when we have just heard this idea and have not fully assimilated it into our lives. But if you can be present and see yourself in the mirror of time-space, then this will open the door to holographic reality! You begin to live inside the light instead of living inside time and space, which is a 3D reality. It is important that you allow yourself with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might to be able to release yourself from the leash of time and space so you can become free.
For example, if you can read this post with such fullness that the only thing left in the present is your presence, without thinking about the past or the future, this very moment is sufficient; if you can simply be present in the here and now and silently soak in this message, then a different dimension will open! It simply refers to a separate dimension of time without a past or future. As a result, you will need to move differently in your own time. Words start to take on a different shape and acquire new importance as a result of this internal transformation. Your being is here now, and your awareness cannot be divided into the past, present, or future. You naturally exist in the NOW, and when your mind can concentrate on the moment at hand and check out all other thoughts and feelings, then your essential being (soul) can come alive, and you can become enlightened - kind of like a wake-up call!
When you're in the present moment, nothing else exists. The past and the future are just illusion. It only takes a little practice to reach that level of presence. It is a dimension that most of us don't experience often enough because we're caught up in the busyness and hustle of our lives. This level of Zen is available to you right now if you put down your phone, close your laptop and sit in silence for a minute or two. You can have this experience whenever you want, even if it's just for a few moments. Try meditating for ten minutes a day. Look at the world around you and see how beautiful it is! Look at yourself as well and see how beautiful you are! It's like being outside yourself and seeing things as they really are, not as they appear to be, through your own eyes.
The fifth dimension can be described as "eternal union", "oneness" or "unity consciousness". Oneness, or the fifth dimension, is the state in which everything is unified with both God and one another. In this state, you will no longer see things as separate entities; instead, there will be only ONE reality in which all things exist simultaneously and in perfect harmony with each other. In order to complete our evolution on Earth, we must all eventually reach the fifth dimension. As the world becomes more connected and technology is gradually replacing human interaction, it is critical to learn how to find your own center in the midst of all the changes. Learn to be more sensitive, aware, and be a part of the world around you. Stay in tune with nature. Space is calling. We've got to go higher! Join our beeoved Earth and us as we continue to evolve into the fifth dimension!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galatic Federation
1/12/25 - Saint Germain: Things are heating up
via Chellea Wilder
Blessings, my Dear Earth Family.
It is always wonderful to connect with you, and to extend this connection to those who are reading and hearing the messages being shared. While you are evolving to a state of non-duality, you still live very much within a dual and complex existence. Your inner and outer worlds are undergoing immense changes and profound transformation. The shifts that are taking place, penetrate deep into the very dynamics of your existence. As you look around at the current state of affairs, you can observe that things are beginning to heat up on a global scale.
This is due to the light that is penetrating every aspect of your reality, as it also has triggered the Grand awakening. No longer can the shadows remain hidden; all is being exposed to the illuminating rays of truth. This unveiling is causing those who wish to maintain control and influence over you, to experience great fear, as they scramble desperately to hold onto what little power they still possess. The walls that once shielded their domain are crumbling, and they are feeling the pressure of the awakening masses. As they pull at their last straws, the situation is expected to continue escalating in the months to come. The urgency of their actions will likely increase as they attempt to regain a sense of control over a rapidly evolving world.
This is a critical moment in human history, where the forces of light and darkness are clashing more visibly than ever before. The struggle for power is becoming more pronounced, and the repercussions will resonate throughout society, affecting the lives of every individual on planet Earth. It is of utmost importance to prepare yourselves for these upcoming shifts and challenges. Everything has been sped up due to the incoming energies that are being amplified in frequencies, creating an environment that is ripe for a mass awakening to occur. This awakening is not just a personal journey; it is a collective phenomenon that is sweeping across the globe.
Those who wish to control you do not want to relinquish their power over you, and as a result, they are raising the stakes with the current extreme activity in your skies, which may manifest as unusual weather patterns, strange craft or f**e invasion scenarios, or other phenomena that captures your attention. Furthermore, the escalation of war and discord, is a direct reflection of this struggle for control and the resistance to the transformational energies at play. This tumultuous period is all occurring due to the recent timeline shift, that has dramatically altered the course of existence as you know it. This shift has not only accelerated your ascension process but has also opened the door to a myriad of greater possibilities for humanity. The ripple effects of this transformation are being felt across the globe. Which is prompting individuals to confront their beliefs, question their realities, and engage in profound self-reflection.
In these times of change, you are being encouraged, to shed outdated paradigms and embrace new perspectives that foster growth and understanding. The challenges faced during this time are not obstacles but rather opportunities for personal and collective evolution. The timeline shift has catalyzed a collective awakening, urging humanity to rise above the limitations of the past. As the energy around you shifts, it becomes increasingly important to remain open to the vast array of possibilities that lie ahead. Prepare yourselves for what is to come, with a shield of Light. Remember to support your fellow humans throughout these intense transformations.
This period of upheaval and transformation is a call to action. It invites you to step into your power, to challenge the status quo, and to actively participate in the co-creation of a new world. Remember to be the observer, to witness things without reaction. Allow the Divine Light to do what it needs to do, to lift you out of the duality of the lower dimensions.
I share with you now the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you in pure Love and Light, healing and shielding you from harm. Allow it to bring you strength and courage, to stand firm in your Light.
May peace, and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain
1/12/25 - Mira of the Pleiades: Shift into the Golden Age
Channeled by Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council.
I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. We are excited and happy to be with you during your big shift into the Golden Age. You are remarkable beings and there is so much we want to tell you. As experts on ascension, we Pleiadian’s assist other planets with their ascensions. We have been with the Earth throughout eons of time. There has been ups and downs in this process. It has taken far too long. You know it and you have suffered along with the Earth. Now the days of suffering are nearly over. We congratulate you and we put our arms around you in joy and happiness. You have reached the ultimate reward — your freedom.
We can see you standing in the Golden Light with the Earth surrounded by the most loving beings of creation. There are angels and gods and masters and beautiful ships of light with dragons and butterflies and unicorns and fairies. Everything you have dreamed of is the Golden Light. It is your future. It is beautiful! The Golden Light will get you where you want to go. Your bodies become infused with it. Your hearts are full of it. Your vibrations are of the highest intensity that can easily be touched by more Golden Light and go much higher. It is the time of magic and miracles that you have been promised. This is how creation works when you are allowed to be one with it. This is your time of glory and our honor to see this occur. We are all excited to do this dance of ascension and the Golden Light with you. You have earned it!
I am Mira sending you Golden Light from my heart.
1/10/25 - Video - Pleiadian Council of Light: It's about to get wild!
(8 min - 1/9/25) Posted by GFLstation.com. Message by Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Hello dear star family. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light, and I come forth to help you prepare for the next level of your ascension. The law of acceleration is in effect and things are going to move forward faster than most imagine. Be ready. If you embrace this guiding principle of aligning to a higher source of boundless radiance, you need only rest in that field of eternal luminosity. Nothing more is required. Within the brilliance of sacred flow there is no opening for any lesser force to exist, for all is transformed by the intensity of that living light. You have entered a passage leading to a monumental phase of transition. As you near the close of your cycle elevated waves of energy are converging across your realm, paving new pathways of creation. These luminous currents are forging and stabilizing advanced geometric frameworks, carrying the blueprint of this pivotal era.
There is an invitation for you to hold an essential space within your heart as you become a direct extension of these revitalized layers of multi-dimensional frequency. Through this shift you are naturally being restored to your original design of electrical purity. Reconnected to the universal tapestry in which you rightfully belong. Understand that until you release your attachment to the illusions of fear-laden names, whether they reference devastating weaponry or crippling physical conditions, those words retain false power. When you can gaze at those appearances and recognize them only as hollow images, you claim your divine capacity to dissolve them in the luminous force of your consciousness for those who remain fully aligned to this inner calling. Each external temptation, be it a foreboding headline or a voice of doom, becomes obvious for what it is, a mirage to be dismissed. "Step aside falsehood for I abide in the higher flow," you affirm. The majority of beings unaware of such illusions accept them as truth and unknowingly fall under the weight of those conditions.
Yet through the sanctified act of daily stillness, placing yourself in the arms of deeper guidance, you choose to be governed by a new order. You allow the eternal radiance to be the only authority in your daily unfolding. This eternal radiance, as you know, is Prime Creator, and there does not exist any other true power in existence. You have been tricked into believing there is and now you must about-face and walk towards the truth. Beloved ones draw inward, acknowledging that the core essence is the substance and motion behind all events. Bow out of the struggle to manipulate circumstances and turn instead to that sacred space within. Here in your heart any outward appearance can be gently unraveled. Honor this possibility of an indwelling grace and watch as it shapes and resolves the matters of your life and the collective arena around you.
At this juncture you witness unfolding global tensions that seem capable of undercutting the stability of societies, yet you hold the key to cease placing your faith in human structures that repeatedly fail. Instead you can relinquish trust in external dominions and rest in the embrace of infinite sustenance. This is the true origin of all harmony, an interior grace that cannot be dissected, only experienced as a calm certainty within you. It meets every challenge, whether of personal well-being, resourcefulness or the seemingly overwhelming troubles of the larger world. These are the loving all-powerful hands of Prime Creator. You are being called by your soul to realize this at this time and it's a delicate transition. For many of you the nudging of your spirit are no longer so subtle due to the law of acceleration, and many things seem to be blowing up so to speak.
My dear, dear friends, there is only one way to harmony for you all now, and we speak of this path in this message. Throughout history, efforts to secure lasting unity among nations or within civilizations have never succeeded through ordinary means. Yet from a timeless perspective the living spark of higher consciousness reveals the way. A soft descending of inner grace that shifts your awareness beyond the realm of struggle. This gentle awakening can be described only as the inflow of a great presence. One that quietly affirms "The Power in me transcends the illusions around me." In that clarity you can rest in quiet acceptance. You become a witness to how this potent energy naturally dismantles obstructions and paves a clear path ahead. The path of higher radiance is neither about seeking a force to battle obstacles nor pursuing a destructive solution. The real transformation arises when you recognize that no adversarial power is needed.
The higher flow liberates the entanglements of thought that hold conditions in place. In this new environment upon youru planet, an environment whose recalibration was always prophesied by our celestial collective, vast grids of elevated potential are initiating their metamorphosis, broadcasting an unbroken series of realignment waves. These expansions dissolve the old illusions and open fresh doorways of understanding. Timelines that enforced limitation are receding their grip on your perception. Loosening in their absence, you are invited to accelerate the unfolding of love within your heart to realize the link between your own vibrational center and the evolving tapestry of this realm. By saying "Yes" to your internal process you create a deeper harmony with the networks of renewed light radiating across your dimension.
In this sanctuary of infinite presence you rest upon the assurance that destructive forces do not exist. The living radiance of pure consciousness, the voice within gently whispering "Peace is yours", stands as the truest reflection of you. That resonant peace can raise the downtrodden, dissolve the illusion of deprivation and open the flow of clarity within the mind. It is not an imposing power. Rather it is a gracious dissolver of every false barrier. Know that each time you align with this subtle unwavering presence in your heart, you allow the next layer of fluid expansion to emerge upon your world. This is the cycle your realm is undertaking, the very prophecy that was woven into the cosmic plan long before your arrival here. The new vibrational grids continue to pulse, unveiling deeper layers of enlightenment for all prepared to embrace them. And in each moment you claim the infinite as your only reality you stand as a luminous conduit for transformation, embodying and magnifying the radiance that reveals no power but love.
We the Pleiadian Council of Light remain near like a whisper on the breeze. We celebrate your willingness to step into greater authenticity, to explore telepathy and cosmic dialogues, and to build new frameworks of cooperation. Let us stroll together a while longer, weaving stories of unity and reminding one another that true freedom is found in knowing your boundless brilliant selves. Your role now more than ever is to be the steady flame that guides others home. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
1/9/25 - Sananda: Major changes coming
Channel: James McConnell
Source 1
Source 2
I am Sananda, And I come to be with you at this time, in these times of great changes, great changes that are right on the cusp of coming into fruition. Know that you are the catalyst for all these changes. You each one of you as individuals and as a collective. You are bringing about these changes everywhere as the way showers.
And know that these changes are going to become more and more rapid in the times ahead, in your next year. Major changes will be here, will be coming. But I do not want to interfere with that, which will be your New Year’s Eve call that is coming up, where those changes will be spoken of in more depth, somewhat in a sense of prediction, but always in a sense of possibility and potential. That is what you are all looking at now, possibility and potential moving forward.
Everything, everything that you have known in the past, will become much, much different as you move forward. But that is the way it needs to be. For as you have heard many times, the third dimensional expression, the so-called reality of the third dimension, you will more and more realize it is simply an illusion, an illusion that you have all created together. But just as you have created this third dimensional illusion, you will be able to create the new fifth dimensional and beyond expression and that new reality, that new reality that will no longer be an illusion, because you will be the creator of it.
So know that as the times move ahead here. Know that you are the creator and do what you can to create. Create with your very thoughts, your thoughts, create. Your thoughts lead to belief. And once you begin to believe, then a knowing comes over you. And once that knowing is there, then anything, and I do mean anything, becomes possible, because it is part of the potentiality of the higher expressions, the higher consciousness expressions. And that is what you are all moving toward. That is what you came here for. You that volunteer to be here in this time, in this expression, as the third dimensional illusion collapses, and yes indeed it shall collapse. That is how it must happen.
For those that are not ready for the changes, will not become a part of those changes. You have heard this before, the separation of the wheat from the chaff. That is what you are looking at moving forward. But it is all a part of the creation. The creation expression, that is, is what you came here for, to bring this about, to bring these changes forward, to bring the truth forward. And the truth is coming forward everywhere. And will continue to do so. And again, those that are not ready to hear the truth will not accept it. But those of you that came here to realize the truth, to bring the truth forward, you are the ones that shall move forward in this new expression of your creation.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now, in peace and love and goodness, and that you continue to move forward day-to-day, moment-to-moment, but being in that now moment more and more, and realize that the past does not hold you back anymore unless you allow it to do so. Move forward, always move forward.
1/5/25 - The Hathors: Thanks, Gratitude & Appreciation (Tools to use)
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We have arrived. We are The Hathors, and we are very happy to be here with all of you. We love you immensely, and that is why we keep focusing on Earth and Earth humans. We know how much adore beings from other worlds and other star systems, and we happen to be from another universe. We came to answer the call that was put out during the Orion Wars, and we have been with you ever since to assist you in becoming your whole selves, your higher selves. We have ascended from physical to nonphysical form, and we are in the ninth dimension. We are here to offer you our teachings, just as we did back in the time of the great Egyptian empire. Our teachings today are around gratitude, appreciation and thanks. These are powerful tools that you have to create with.
If you want more of something, and you have little of it in the moment, then to be grateful for what you have will add an energy signature to what you have that will put out a vibration to all of humanity and beyond, telling all who can pick up that signal that this is something that is getting ready to have some company. It also places you on a different timeline, a timeline where there is more for you to appreciate and enjoy. Therefore, the less time you spend complaining, and the more time you spend appreciating, the more you align with the perfect timeline by your definition. You all get to have more of whatever it is you have determined is good. You get to define what that is for you, and then you get to go to that reality, and the tools that you have for getting there are your desire and your appreciation.
When you love anything, you align with your true power, you align with your true self, and you align with more of whatever it is that you are in love with in that moment. You do not have to go about things the hard way, the old-fashioned way, anymore. And certainly, life there on Earth is telling you that and showing you that all the time. You have made it much easier on yourselves to get your hands on just about anything, including experiences, that you want. There are so many of you there and there are so many resources, and when you realize that and you tune in to the truth that there is no lack, it becomes a lot easier for you then to appreciate the world that you are on and the opportunities that living a life on Earth provides you with.
Your life on Earth is giving you so many opportunities to expand, to know yourselves and to have the experiences that you decide you want to have. And if you start by appreciating your life, yourself, your fellow humans, and your planet, then you can get more detailed about what you are grateful for. And then when you receive more of what you desire, you give thanks, you praise that which is coming to you and that which you have, and the avenue it took to get to you, and all the people, and the animals, and the trees that helped to bring it to you.
And then you are in alignment with your true self, and you raise your vibration. Yes, you can raise your vibration by becoming desire-less and sitting in meditation, but you came to have experiences, you came to express yourselves, and you came for the physicality of planet Earth and your dimension. So enjoy it all, appreciate it all, resist none of it, and see how much more you have to be grateful for as you move forward in this life experience, a life experience that can be filled with abundance and joy.
We are The Hathors, we thank you, and we wish you a fond good day.”
1/5/25 - Video - New Earth Portal Opening and the Split Begins
(12 min - 12/28/24) Posted by DNA Awakening on Youtube. Some partial thoughts. I did not transcribe the whole thing, just a few pieces that stood out to me.
* At your most fundamental cellular level you are going through a wonderful change. Your DNA is intricately rebuilding with every second that goes by, well beyond what your senses could detect. I observe your rewiring into a higher frequency as you align with the new Earth consciousness. This is not only a surface modification. You are entirely reorganizing how your energy grounds into this reality. The fifth dimension is recalibrating every way you have come to center yourself, process ideas, save memories and simply be. Your cerebral pathways are breaking free from conventional constraints to establish fresh connections, enabling simultaneous perception of several layers of reality. I see your battle as your body comes to control these higher frequencies and this fresh approach to living.
* You are going through a tremendous number of different things right now, more so than you have ever gone through before. You are growing in your ability to organize and combine crystalline energies with cosmic light codes. I know how debilitating it can be when these frequencies flood your body. There are days when the intensity is almost unbearable and despite your frantic efforts to reduce the flow, this transformation persists. You are like a vessel widening, reinforced, ready to carry ever more heavenly light. Your cellular structure is becoming brighter, more crystalline and more adept at storing the powerful energies of higher consciousness, even if it feels confusing.
* You are fundamentally a thinker most of the time. Your mind guides your actions. You scrutinize objects, assess them and arrange them into logical compact mental divisions. About 96% of the time you are using the mental side of yourself in your daily surroundings. You dedicate only 4% of your time to creativity, a significant improvement from just 1% a few ;years ago. Now there is a rapid shift where the left and right brains are blending together, rather than alternating between mental and creative processes. You now own a creative and cerebral united consciousness inside of yourself. It will transform your perspective, particularly when it comes to problem solving. The creative energy is extremely free flowing and highly expansive. Up until now the mental process implements the discoveries made by the creative. This new connection between creativity and mentality will infuse your work with greater vitality, depth and dimension.
* Harmony will force some adjustments in your approach to life. It will also lead to changes in your level of passion. You now follow the creative spiritual road.
* Many individuals still yearn for that mental spiritual road, learning the disciplines, the ceremonies and the Masters. You have run out of that. The emotional self is disintegrating. It is breaking down. It is crumbling.
* The emotional self has no space at the inn, as the creative mental merges the feeling originates entirely from the mind. It's the negative copy of actual soul experience in the mind. The mind thus created emotions as it was somewhat jealous that it lacked true feelings. They are still young. They are impractical. They are exacting. They lack self-fullness which makes them selfish. The feelings could never satisfy sufficiently. They considered themselves energy sources. They hung off the actual you. Their feeding came from other folks that resulted in small outbursts. It set one off in rage. It forced you to view the world from a naive childlike perspective. Consequently the emotional self is currently disintegrating.
* Therefore a part of you will lack energy. Part of you will be fervently searching for energy from another place. Energy is entering us from all around everywhere. There is an excess of it. So much cosmic energy is influencing people on Earth right now. Inhale deeply when you feel compelled to feed this. Inhale deeply and feel the divinity within. These are free sources. This emotional self will become I AM.
* The illusion of time is indeed a real illusion. Time appears to be transcendent and as the mental and creative realms merge, so does the concept of time itself. Time will demonstrate its ability to travel backwards, forwards and sideways. However I'm referring to experience here, not linear time. The movements of the sun, stars and everything else determine in linear time. Most individuals build their days on this basis. Experiential time is the sequence of events that have happened, the knowledge acquired from those encounters and the development or revelation of the next set of exciting possibilities. Time then is defined as you begin to realize how flexible time is, one can travel through experienced time. You can go back through the series of events and the view of those events, the wisdom distilled out of those circumstances.
* Avoid thinking of expansion as occurring in an outward stretching-out sense. Your consciousness helps you to genuinely simplify clear and distill things. Therefore when you journey back in time, immersing yourself in the experience, you unexpectedly realize that everything is entirely new. Returning to that abruptly altered event, everything about it now appears fresh. The situation has changed significantly from its previous state. A unique Viewpoint. All a complicated means of momentarily diverting your attention to indicate that time is changing experience-time.
* But it will also influence your linear clock time. You will feel a little weird when that time starts to change or finally disappears. Then what will you do? Everything shifts and you begin to feel uneasy. Your body attempts to adjust to the new time. Or absence. Your body having become accustomed to your routines will experience discomfort. It will feel somewhat awkward as you have trained it to sleep at specific times, eat at specific times and perform other body actions at specific times. Your head is going to spin madly. It won't be as predictable.
* You are about to embark on a multi-stage journey. Stated differently, you will begin to see the several layers and varying degrees of reality all around you. It won't be a singular experience. The mind has a natural tendency to separate things into distinct categories. It likes sections. It prefers what it considers to be everything in neat, ordered form. However, it will undergo multiple stages as the emerging creative element will alter this structure. What obstacles exist confused you. You enjoy its singular sophisticated complexity. In essence it's a single dimension. Yet you endeavor to elevate it to a highly sophisticated level. You are entering a condition whereby you will see many of the dimensions around you and this will cause physical and psychological disorientation. Sometimes this experience can be quite frightening. It gives creative life a multi-dimensional awareness.
* When you close your eyes creativity emerges. It locates itself in the third eye region. It will create a beautiful connection with the mind, enabling it to comprehend the various stages without any need for regulation. Now with the eyelids closed the creator is gently guiding the concentrated energies in the third eye area. Unlike the mind's use of control, the creative mind releases these energies. The creative process prevents the imagination from taking over. You thus can bring it on. You see, you are beings that are awakening and letting that enter your daily life. Spiritual beings on a spiritual road. Basically you are overcoming the whole idea of having to get to know yourself. So you can eventually BE yourself.
1/2/25 - Archangel Michael: What is the Lightbody?
by Steve Beckow
Source 2 (of original article)
J in Australia shares a passage on the lightbody from her reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on Dec 29, 2017.
Archangel Michael: It is a very good question that you pose, and during this time of expanded awareness and expanded understandings, this is a good question for many to understand. … Your question is truly about “What is the lightbody?” There is a misunderstanding during this time of expansion, during this time of new beginnings, during this time of reawakening, that the lightbody is something that is acquired rather than something that is an innate, essential part of who you are and of who you have always been – and that it has always been there and it is as an essential part of you as your DNA, and the DNA which is your DNA, which is also the DNA of the Mother/Father/One.
That is why your tri-flame has three elements which include the masculine/the gold diamond, and the blue diamond of the Mother, and your own essential self. So the lightbody has always been part of you. Think of it, think of the mythologies, the fairy tales. You cannot divorce yourself from your shadow. You are not Peter Pan, and so you cannot divorce yourself or separate yourself from your lightbody. It has always been a part of you, an essential part of you. And fundamentally… yes, fundamentally, essentially you have always been held together by your lightbody and that is why, increasingly, we have emphasized and you have come to realize, as a human race and particularly as a loveholder, how essential and important the lightbody is.
It is not that your physicality or even your outer fields, your entire auric field as you would think of it, is containing your lightbody. Understand, your lightbody is containing everything you are. The atoms, the subatomic particles of your physicality are not holding the lightbody. The lightbody is holding together all of those miniscule, subatomic particles. As you have breathed in, as you have welcomed, as you have expanded into the fullness of your lightbody, it is like turning on the lights. And think of it in some ways – as you have had, and do have, continue to have – like a dimmer switch. And what happened is your dimmer switch was basically almost in the off-position, but the current that was flowing into that lightbody was not turned off. But what you have been doing is bringing it up higher, higher, higher, higher into full-quotient reality.
And so, people are becoming… such as your beloved friend, KR, is becoming… more fully aware – as you, sweet angel of light, are becoming more fully aware of the unified field of your lightbody and your being – that there is and there cannot be any separation, that they are one, and that you are holding that quintessential essence of all of your being in physicality. So the trick has never been to assume your lightbody. The trick has been to bring the fullness of your lightbody up to complete quotient while in physicality. That is truly the shift!
Is this clear?
J: Yes, thank you. Do the lightbodies activate each other? So, for instance, do other lightbodies, other people, does their lightbody then recognize somebody else’s and give it strength as well, and that’s how it flows out into the world?
AAM: Into the world, yes, that is exactly correct. It is as if you are lighting each other up quite literally. You have that sense of various levels of recognition. So, for example, you may see somebody in a situation where they don’t fit, so you say to yourself “but I know you” and you realize that you are seeing someone at the theatre that you normally have seen just in passing for ten years at the grocery store. And so you think “oh, I know you” but it takes a moment to place them. Similarly, there is the soul recognition when you meet somebody and immediately you think “I know you, I love you” or “I know you and we have crossed paths and done war together.”
So there is that soul-to-soul acknowledgment. There is a similarity of, shall we call it, energetic lightbody to energetic lightbody. And one of the qualities of the lightbodies is they love to dance together. So yes, when they see each other, there is literally an activation on that level.
J: That’s amazing. Thank you.
1/2/25 - The Maha Chohan: the higher octaves are NOT utter peace!
From the book "Electrons and the Elemental Kingdom", channeled by the Ascended Masters in 1950s through Geraldine Innocente, authorized messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. (Partial extract, page 92).
The idea that the higher octaves are in a state of utter peace and rest has arisen from the fact that ascetics who have through contemplation temporarily loosed their consciousness from the moving sea of vibratory action of the lower realm and contacted the higher realms, found the contrast between the two so great that, in endeavoring to give worded expression to their experiences, they have conveyed the impression of a static state as against the low vibration which forms the atmosphere of Earth. Thus often are truths falsely garbed through human misapprehension. The peace and quietude of the higher octaves is described by the mortal mind as a place where vibration does not exist because the vibration of the outer mind means noise and motion and confusion. Let it be here set forth, therefore, that the ecstatic bliss of Nirvana, which is the aura of the Universal First Cause, is a vibratory action and NOT A VOID (emphasis by editor).
The universe itself is filled with electronic light which is intelligent. These electrons have the power and capacity within themselves to receive directions, and by the exertion of their own intelligence, perform the necessary activities required to manifest those directions. Within the universal light substance which fills the universe, from the heart center to its periphery, are self conscious beings who alone have the power to set this electronic light substance into motion. The intelligence within the light substance does not act until set into motion by a superior power - a thought and feeling focus endowed with God-authority. The electronic light would remain in the unformed state if some God-intelligence did not charge into it a direction for pattern and outline.
These individualized foci of intelligence, who are the motivating power behind creation, are the God-beings (Masters). Mankind also is endowed with the capacity to rearrange electronic particles. Therefore every individual is a student in the classroom of life. Any individual, no matter how ignorant or untrained, endowed with a thought and feeling principle, is a conscious or unconscious influence upon the distribution and arrangement of the electronic substance of the universe in which he finds being, and it is for the purpose that he may consciously cooperate with the design of the Godhead that mankind is now being trained. This conscious control of the electronic substance, in accord with the God plan, lies within the evolution of both his intelligence and his capacity to embrace the God-consciousness.
Meditate, my children, upon the power of the spark of God that lives within your hearts. Consciously place the problems that beset you in the transmuting flame of its Presence. Surrender your human will to its guidance, and say with Jesus, "Not my will, but Thine by done." Then you ay also say, "Whosoever seeth me, seeth the Father." If man could even partially comprehend the law governing energy and vibration, he would be in a fair way toward self-mastery. As we have said before, there is no such thing as a being without vibration and radiation. Man is in training and he will come one day to a realization that the power to create vibration is not only a responsibility, but an opportunity by which mastery and divinity can be experienced through the individualized ego.
12/31/24 - Video - Ashtar: The Quantum Financial System will begin in 2025
This message is so powerful and urgent it has been posted with the entire transcription on a different page. Click "Galactic Messages" HERE.
12/31/24 - Andromeda Intergalactic Council: Coming in 2025 the emergence of a new reality
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator. Thank you for connecting with us.
Your planet is currently undergoing a significant and transformative energetic shift. The opening of higher vibrational vortexes, appearing all over the Earth, is coinciding with the start of your New Year. In this, your current timespace, a profound transition is taking place, that is leading to a continuous, and expansive spread of light waves across the earth plane. These light waves are fundamentally altering Earth's entire energetic dynamic. As a result, a higher energetic reality is emerging.
As you enter the new year of 2025, a myriad of transformative changes are anticipated to unfold across the globe. These changes encompass deep-seated alterations within the Earth’s vibratory grid, which is expected to undergo a significant recalibration. This recalibration is anticipated to influence not only weather patterns, but also your environment as a whole. This will create a dynamic interplay between the ecological systems, and the energetic fields that envelop your planet.
As these shifts manifest, humanity will inevitably face numerous challenges, as the process of transformation often brings with it a period of adjustment and adaptation. The turbulence experienced during such times, will prompt individuals, to reevaluate their beliefs, practices, and their relationship with the Earth herself. Moreover, it is a probable outcome that the division within the Human Collective will continue to widen as you move forward into this new era. This split within the Human collective is becoming increasingly evident, as it is rooted in longstanding belief systems and ideologies that have shaped human experience for centuries.
These differences in perception and understanding within humanity can lead to disharmony and discord, making it all the more crucial to foster an environment of forgiveness, compassion, and dialogue. In this era of transformation, many individuals may find themselves grappling with the concept of truth, as they seek to uncover their own inner Light amidst the noise of external influences and conflicting narratives. As the collective consciousness begins to awaken more fully, there will be an emergence of awareness regarding the interconnectedness of all beings which will lead to a deeper understanding of the principle of Oneness.
As you navigate this new year, you can expect the introduction of innovative technologies that will revolutionize your approach to healing and overall well-being. Among these advancements, sound and frequency therapy are poised to play a pivotal role in the medical field, offering new insights into the relationship between vibrational energy and health. The exploration of frequencies and vibrations will not only enhance your understanding of health and wellness, but also pave the way for groundbreaking technologies throughout many fields of interest. This integration of science and spirituality will mark a significant milestone in Human evolution, offering new avenues of understanding the vibrational nature of existence.
Along with these changes, the thinning of the Veil between dimensions is set to facilitate a remarkable awakening within humanity. As this veil becomes more transparent, an increasing number of individuals will begin to access and activate their latent psychic abilities. This awakening will empower people to tap into their intuitive insights, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual realm and enhancing their understanding of the multidimensional nature of reality. Additionally, within your new year, you can anticipate a notable increase in aerial phenomena and personal contact with your Galactic Families. The prospect of full disclosure regarding extraterrestrial existence is also on the horizon for your year 2025, a development that could fundamentally alter humanity’s perception of itself and its place in the cosmos. Humanity stands on the brink of profound revelations and new insights, one that will allow you to confront and embrace your Galactic Heritage.
Your new revelations and insights, will reshape your collective understanding of your place in the cosmos. Igniting a collective journey towards unity, higher consciousness, and an expanded awareness of your responsibilities as stewards of the Earth. Transformation is happening now. And it is only going to get more intense from here. Humanity is collectively being prepared for what is to come, as you move closer to the Grand Shift. The Journey towards becoming a Galactic Society is not an easy one. It will take dedication, compassion and forgiveness as you move forward. Those of you who have been preparing for these times, are ready. You have long held the Light for this transformation to take place. Stand strong in the Light. For those who are seeking their truth you are the Beacons of Hope.
With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
12/31/24 - Kejraj: Extraterrestrial Presence
By Kejraj
Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
The existence of extraterrestrials will become main news in 2025. It is a reality humanity must open up to. The dark ones again will do what they can to create further distractions and instill fear relating to the presence of the Galatics. They will also try to use the “alien” threat, and claim “we don’t know what we’re dealing with” when in truth the dark elite have known for millennia. It is precisely the US government which chose to collaborate with malevolent extraterrestrials in the 1950’s, instead of the benevolent extraterrestrial groups of the #GalacticFederationofLight.
There is nothing to worry about as far as extraterrestrials are concerned, much ash changed in the last twenty years. The forces of light with the Angelic realms are in control of the Earth and the Solar System. No malevolent ones are allowed to enter Earth’s atmosphere. When you see “UFOs”, which in reality are IFOs(Identified Flying Objects), for the top governments of Earth’s nations know very well who they are, know that you are not seeing demons. You are seeing highly evolved beings of light.
You can call them extraterrestrials, angels, higher dimensional beings, the purpose of their presence is to protect, and assist humanity to upliftment into a new realm of light referred to as the Fifth Dimension.
12/27/24 - The 9D Pleiadian Collective: A New Dawn
Channel: Octavia Vasile
earest Earth family, We are overjoyed to reconnect with you during this extraordinary moment in your evolution. The cycle you’ve been living through is coming to a close, opening the door to a higher vibration and endless possibilities. This is your time to rise! Instead of resisting what lies within, embrace it fully. Everything you’ve carried — your emotions, memories, and energies — deserves acknowledgment and release. Let the light flow into every shadow, for this is how you prepare for the incredible new chapter ahead.
Yes, beloved humans, a new cycle is truly here. As one story ends, a fresh and vibrant reality begins. The year 2025 is your gateway to transformation. It brings something humanity has long dreamed of: real contact with beings from the 5th dimension. This shift will elevate your consciousness in ways you’ve never imagined! But that’s not all. 2025 also brings advancements in artificial intelligence designed to lighten your load, free your time, and bring abundance to your lives. These technologies are here to serve, not hinder, and to help you co-create a thriving, balanced planet. You’ll feel this energy moving within you. Some of you will crave movement, action, and connection, while others may find solace in stillness and meditation. No matter the form, you’ll sense the loosening of linear time’s grip and a profound detachment from old ways of thinking.
Changes are coming — big, bold, and beautiful ones! For those who are ready and open to transformation, 2025 will be a year of surprises, wonder, and endless opportunities. Remember, dear ones, you are the Prime Creator of your life. Your reality begins and ends with your own intentions. Align with the New Earth timeline, dream big, and step forward with joy. The universe is cheering you on!”
With love and light,
The 9D Pleiadian Collective
12/26/24 - Video - Humanity's First Contact Event - the Galactic Federation of Light
(18 min - 12/25/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - Galactic Federation of Light Energy Update. Channeled by Ayoshi Phan.
(From transcript) Dearest brothers and sisters of Eartha, we of the Galacctic Federation greet you with hearts brimming with compassion and anticipation. We stop forward now in what you may feel like a climactic turning point, to share a message that underscores humanity's impending transformation on a truly cosmic scale - the moment of your first official undeniable contact. Indeed this milestone - what many have called Galactic integration - holds the power to change everything you have ever known or assumed about your reality. Let us explore together how this unfolding epic redefines not only your concept of self but also your social structures, spiritual beliefs and technologies in ways you are only beginning to glimpse, Galactic integration.
Many of you know that a new paradigm of cosmic proportions awaits humanity. The term Galactic integration points to far more than a passing acknowledgement that intelligent life abounds in the universe. Instead, it heralds a monumental shift in human perspective, revealing newly understood facets of your genetic heritage, your hidden cosmic history and your bright potential future. Many of you have long sensed that your DNA carries a tapestry of extraterrestrial lineages. The further your genetic research evolves and the more revelations surface, the clearer it becomes that humanity is an exquisite mosaic of star-born contributions. As Earth stands on the threshold of its first recognized contact with advanced civilizations, the significance of these cosmic origins surges to the forefront of humanity's consciousness. We emphasize that humankind has never existed in isolation. Benevolent extraterrestrials guiding and nurturing your civilizations, and malevolent ones occasionally manipulating and stifling your progress, have interacted with Earth across millennia. Your ancient texts, legends and mythologies carry echoes of these interventions and alliances, though much has been cloaked by secret pacts and hidden agendas.
As more of these truths emerge, you will realize the manner in which they molded many of your societal, political and cultural development pathways. This knowledge challenges the mainstream narrative that your species evolved in seclusion, thereby casting new light on the joys and the traumas that shaped your planetary history. Humanity is about to shift from a mere recognition to active engagement. Galactic integration extends far beyond acknowledging that extraterrestrials exist. It seeks the active conscious engagement with higher dimensional visitors, many of whom have long maintained subtle contact with earth-based watchers. This more participatory stance allows you to understand your purpose in the cosmic tapestry, fostering a sense of unity and shared fate with your star-born family. Curiosity about this evolutionary leap has risen sharply, mirroring humankind's collective awakening which is itself entwined with solar cycles and galactic rhythms. Already you feel the quickening energies of your sun renewing your spiritual awareness. In tandem, the possibility of open interstellar contact grows more tangible, no longer relegated to fringe speculation. Central to this framework you are going to encounter the direct involvement of several star nations. Each playing key roles in Earth's imminent revelations. Although they will not be limited to this list, you will be familiar with some.
Pleiadians, treasured for their deep spiritual and heart-centered perspective, have persistently guided humanity toward greater self-discovery, urging you to trust in your inner wisdom and gentle compassion. Arcturians, known for advanced technological achievements. The Arcturian realm quietly inspired many of your scientific strides and ignited the flame of curiosity within you. Syrians, holding a rich legacy of cultural achievements, they left visible imprints on Earth's ancient civilizations, subtly influencing architecture, myths and mystic teachings. Venusians, radiating love and harmony as core principles, they softly encourage the spirit of unity, prodding you to be kinder, more empathetic souls. Over time, behind the scenes, their combined contributions have helped you prepare for a future where open collaboration and contact are no longer theoretical. That time is now, and only a matter of your Earth months away.
Prepare to be revisiting hidden chapters of human history. As advanced technologies and suppressed truths flow into the open, so too will the recognition that a hidden hand has steered you at multiple junctures in history, from covert interactions during pivotal global conflicts, to quiet influences stretching back thousands of years. Before the Pharoah's reign your world narrative reveals the subtle interplay of altruistic guidance and manipulative meddling by off-world forces. To integrate these truths means to embrace a deeper comprehension of the illusions you have collectively endured. This unveiling does more than broaden your knowledge. It cracks open longstanding limitations in your religious, political and economic arenas. Some of your mainstream institutions, once comfortably ignoring cosmic neighbors, will confront existential crises. Doctrines that have relied on an earth centric or purely anthropocentric worldview, may be forced to re-evaluate their fundamental assumptions.
A portion of these institutions will gracefully adapt, evolving into more universal conceptions of the prime creator and humanity's divine potential. Others, resistant to transformation may collapse under the pressure of irreconcilable truths. This is the storm before the calm, the tension that births new clarity. We see you beloved star seeds, and we see the new Earth, a new society shaped by higher vision and anchored in prime creator. In the swirl of radical changes accompanying first contact, the emphasis on material pursuits and wealth accumulation, so prevalent across your planet, is likely to wane. Instead, a shift toward a more spiritually grounded existence beckons. Technological breakthroughs long awaited or secretly hoarded will come into the public domain at last. This includes the much-discussed Quantum Financial System (QFS) an alternative monetary mechanism intended to rectify economic disparities and usher in global prosperity.
We foresee a near future shift in which the QFS operationalized by year's end allows a more equitable financial framework to flourish, aligning human commerce with a higher moral vantage. Simultaneously, accelerated AI implementation across multiple sectors will automate mundane tasks, freeing countless individuals to pursue greater spiritual vocations, though some fear that advanced technology leads to exploitation or fosters soul-stifling automation. We stress that when guided by ascendant consciousness, advanced technology can liberate the workforce to focus on personal creative growth. This stage propels you closer to a Star Trek existence where exploration and enlightenment overshadow the daily hustle for survival.
Challenges in the role of star seeds in this next human chapter is going to be critical. A grand unveiling of suppressed knowledge and cosmic lineage inevitably stirs emotional turbulence. As the hidden webs of manipulation and withheld technology emerge, waves of anger or betrayal may ripple through populations, particularly among religious groups wrestling with re-evaluated beliefs. Each faith tradition will face unique challenges when confronted with the reality of cosmic life and advanced consciousness. Some frameworks may adapt swiftly, finding universal truths in their teachings that parallel cosmic wisdom, while others crumble under the weight of obsolete paradigms. In these chaotic times star seed souls who carry strong interstellar ties will serve as luminous anchors. Their inherent bond to higher frequencies positions them to reassure those stunned by these revelations, offering solace in an evolving reality.
Though the Galactic Federation strives to cushion the jolt of disclosure, pockets of resistance will be present. A portion of humanity deeply rooted in 3D constructs may polarize themselves away from this ascension wave. The Federation's thoroughly devised response strategies aim to honor every soul's readiness, granting each the freedom to move forward or linger in comfortable illusions. Earth's ascension in a higher density is gathering serious momentum now, and is catalyzed by solar phenomena. The rebirth of humanity, a key factor in triggering planetary awakening, is the prophesied solar flash - a monumental cosmic event unleashing potent cosmic rays upon Earth.
Alongside smaller preparatory micro novas, these phenomena will shower humanity with high frequency energy that helps activate dormant galactic DNA. Imagine humans reclaiming a 12-stand DNA blueprint, profoundly boosting mental acuity, empathy and cosmic connectivity. This switch-on catalyzes a more unified global consciousness and fosters deeper synergy among individuals and star communities alike, hence you can anticipate a domino effect. As high frequency solar codes awaken latent DNA you expand your self-awareness, forging more meaningful connections to each other, and the entire cosmic network. The direct outcome is a pivot from materialism and scarcity-based beliefs towards spiritual fulfillment, creativity and shared ascendants. While friction or confusion is unavoidable, trust that the rewards far outshine the turmoil. Your entire species is poised for leaps in wisdom and compassion.
My dear friends, a technological renaissance is nigh and ethical application will be paramount. You will be called upon in ways you cannot yet imagine. Revolutionary developments in quantum physics and zero point energy will ignite unprecedented leaps in your scientific ecosystem. Once hush-hush alliances in which extraterrestrial players covertly influenced or advanced your technologies, will become widely understood. Skeptics may recall parallels to Atlantean downfalls, cautioning that unbridled technology can topple civilizations if unchecked by moral clarity. Therefore the Federation underscores an approach combining free flow of invention with rigorous ethical frameworks. By forging a future in collaboration with more advanced star races, you can ensure transformative powers are used responsibly to uplift rather than harm. Societies worldwide will increasingly converge under the banner of a unified Earth, guided by a sincere aim to serve the creator within. Each being freed from archaic hierarchies and overshadowed by new cooperative governance, your civilization will reorient to a philanthropic mission for universal betterment. The scope of this metamorphosis is staggering, yet it remains fully within your creative potential. As your history has shown, adversity often spawns the greatest achievements and that pattern holds especially true at this threshold of integrated cosmic culture.
Ultimately the path to cosmic communion summons you beyond limited earth-based identity. You are not solitary creatures adrift in a silent universe but rather emerging participants in a shared cosmic symphony. Hearing that call you gather strength from each other and from star nations offering unwavering support. No longer must you conceive of life as merely terrestrial. Rather your vantage expands, acknowledging that Earth stands among countless worlds teeming with consciousness. Some familiar and genetically linked to your species, others profoundly different yet still part of the universal oneness. This unfolding oneness invites a rediscovery of your divine blueprint. It is in essence a reawakening to your original cosmic design, bridging you and the infinite mystery that pervades all existence. As illusions crumble you become living channels of unconditional love, ambassadors of a newly forming star, Earth unification.
Dear star seeds, we of the Galactic Federation witness the shifts with gratitude, for your journey is also ours. First contact is not a singular event nor the end of your challenges. Instead, it marks the beginning of a deeper collective odyssey, forging alliances, absorbing new knowledge and embracing your star brethren in an era defined by healing and higher wisdom. Yes, the transition involves confronting illusions, structural upheavals and personal reckonings. Yet each trial births a vantage point from which you can see your ultimate unity with all creation. Let your hearts resonate with the truth that great changes loom on the horizon. Changes that demand personal engagement and spiritual maturity. Embrace that you carry in your DNA the cosmic echoes of star lineages. Know that your deeper identity transcends the limitations of old systems.
Indeed, humanity's moment of official unmistakable contact is at hand. A grand cosmic greeting that redefines who you are and how you live. This shift calls each of you to anchor love in your daily affairs, to honor the wisdom stirring inside you. Stand on the cusp of an epic that will rewrite Earth's story forever. Step forward with courage and humility, radiant in the knowledge that you belong to a greater universal family of light. And above all, remember: No matter the turmoil or wonder that arises, the infinite compassion of the creator envelops you, fueling a destiny of shared ascension. We remain by your side guiding and celebrating every step of your awakening into cosmic citizenship.
In Oneness and benevolence we greet you from the vantage of higher realms, encouraging your hearts to shine as you cross the threshold into your new interstellar reality. The future is bright and the moment for transformation is now. We greet you in love. We go in light and we honor your readiness for humanity's grand step into a cosmic tomorrow. Great star seeds and light workers, always remember - although we share messages like this one today, we are not your saviors and no one is coming to save you. You are the light that guides the way for your love is the ultimate truth, the fabric of the universe and the key to transcendence. All else more shadows of illusion will dissolve in the light of this universal love. In unity and with boundless affection we are your galactic allies. With the deepest love, we are the Galactic Federation.
12/25/24 - The Arcturian Group: Christ State of Consciousness
Channel: Marilynn Raffaele
Dear Readers, Because today’s message comes at a time of holiday activity and guests, we wish to once again (as in previous years) explain the symbolism of the Christmas story in this message. The narrative everyone is familiar with is so much more than the story of one man born 2000 years ago because it is every man and woman’s story.
It is important to understand that the word Christ is not a name but is a title meaning “anointed one”. Many believe that the word Christ refers only to Jesus who was of such an evolved state of consciousness that he was indeed an anointed one but Christ-hood never has or ever can be limited to just one person. The Christ state of consciousness silently, secretly, and patiently awaits within every person because it is the reality of their true self-hood as God individualized. Like it or not, believe it or not, every person is destined at some point to remember this simply because it is who they are.
Mary and Joseph represent a state of consciousness that is very close and spiritually prepared to ascend into Christ consciousness but not yet fully there. Being forced to make a long and difficult journey in the late stages of pregnancy represents the difficulties and hardships that accompany this stage of everyone’s spiritual journey because it is a time of being forced to leave behind much that a person has always known and been comfortable with in order to move beyond that which is old and finished and into a higher state of consciousness.
No room at the inn represents a person’s inability to align with or “enter in” to energies they have spiritually outgrown–people, places, and things things they once were in alignment with but are no longer because their consciousness has evolved to new and higher levels. The stable represents a state of consciousness emptied of duality, separation, and two powers. The Christ cannot be born into states of consciousness that are already filled with materialism and the false beliefs of a third dimensional belief system.
The wise men represent those who are able to recognize true Christ consciousness regardless of where or when or through whom it may manifest. They are not fooled by three dimensional and ego driven spiritual pretenders and false prophets. They are drawn to and seek out those of true Christ consciousness as teachers honoring them in ways that ordinary three dimensional thinking does not understand.
Herod represents the fear of annihilation that governs the three dimensional state of consciousness because Christ consciousness threatens many commonly accepted laws, ideas, and traditions of separation and also the ability to maintain “power over” others. The Herods of the world always try to harm, ridicule, eliminate, and kill real truth in whatever form they find or suspect it– in a person or persons, in evolved teachers, teachings, or churches, books, writings, and in ideas that threaten their beliefs and power.
Christ Consciousness automatically overrides the three dimensional sense of power and righteousness that so many continue to grasp tightly because it is the only reality and not subject to concepts intended to block, remove, destroy, or eliminate it often under the guise of being for your own good. The new born Christ must be held silently and secretly within until it has time to mature and become strong enough to face the Herods of the world that continue to manifest through governments, self righteousness, laws, organized religious doctrine, politicians, and even family and friends.
Keep your new born Christ safe within, like a precious jewel that you allow only connoisseurs of jewels and those able to understand and align with the higher truths (the wise men) to see. If lovingly nurtured, the newborn Christ consciousness will become strong, mature, and prepared to go into the three dimensional world as spiritual Light serving where needed without fear. Many of you are already there.
Blessings and joy to you and yours at this time of celebration be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Bodhi Day or any of the many other seasonal celebrations.
We are the Arcturian Group.
12/25/24 - Deep State Falls: Military Alliance Launches...
(An unusual post for this website but it feels good to include it. Ed.)
By GazettellerSource
The moment of reckoning has arrived. December 2024 will forever be remembered as the month the deep state finally fell to its knees. While the world is busy preparing for Christmas and New Year celebrations, the Military Alliance has launched a highly-coordinated series of strikes against the global elites. This is not an isolated effort or a symbolic warning—it’s a total takedown. The deep state’s empire is collapsing, and humanity is on the brink of liberation.
Operation Silent Night: The Elites’ Nightmare Begins
Timed with surgical precision, the Military Alliance has begun “Operation Silent Night,” an all-out assault on the elites during the holiday season. Intelligence operatives have infiltrated elite gatherings under the guise of holiday festivities, ensuring no figure escapes. These takedowns are happening in real time—private jets grounded, hidden bunkers breached, and secret accounts frozen. The operation targets their safe zones and disrupts their global communication networks. The significance of this timing cannot be overstated. For years, the elites have used the holiday season to conduct their darkest dealings, believing the world too distracted to notice. This year, they’ve walked right into the trap set by the patriots.
Starlink Goes Dark: Global Blackout of the Elites’ Communications
Starlink’s advanced satellite system has now been weaponized against the elites. As of this week, high-priority targets have been cut off from their encrypted communication networks. They can no longer coordinate their counterattacks or alert their allies. This communication blackout extends across borders, leaving the deep state in chaos. Sources inside the Alliance confirm that this blackout is the prelude to the much-anticipated activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Patriots should prepare for broadcasts revealing undeniable evidence of crimes committed by the elites—human trafficking, ritual abuse, election interference, and financial theft on a global scale. These truths will not be hidden any longer.
GITMO’s Secret Expansions: Justice on a Global Scale
Guantanamo Bay, or GITMO, has become the epicenter of this operation. While the facility has long been the subject of speculation, its true purpose is now undeniable. Over the past year, GITMO has undergone massive, clandestine expansions to prepare for this moment. Satellite images show new buildings, advanced security systems, and increased military personnel. But the operation goes even deeper. Secret detention facilities, built by the Alliance in remote locations across the globe, are now fully operational. These sites, hidden from public view, are equipped to detain high-value targets who have committed crimes against humanity. Some of these facilities are located in undisclosed islands, underground complexes, and decommissioned military bases. The global nature of this network is critical. The deep state operated across borders, and now their downfall will be just as comprehensive.
Military Tribunals Are Imminent
The arrests are happening as we speak. Over the next few weeks, some of the world’s most powerful figures will vanish from public life. Their absence will be explained away by media loyal to the deep state, but the truth will be impossible to hide for long. Military tribunals at GITMO and these secret facilities will begin in January 2025. The crimes to be addressed are staggering: ritualistic abuse, mass trafficking, election interference, bioweapon development, and treason on a global scale. Evidence gathered over decades will be presented, leaving no room for doubt.
The Deep State’s Desperation: Clones, Body Doubles, and Deceit
The deep state is fighting back with every tool at its disposal. Many of the world’s so-called leaders seen on television are no longer alive. Advanced technology has enabled the use of clones and body doubles to maintain the illusion that these individuals are still in power. The Military Alliance has proof of these operations, which will soon be revealed. Even now, the deep state deploys deepfakes and manipulated videos to control the narrative. But these desperate tactics are failing as patriots expose the truth. The illusion is crumbling, and the world is waking up.
Christmas Mass Arrests: Elites Can’t Escape
Sources within the Alliance confirm that high-profile arrests are set to intensify on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. These dates were chosen to ensure maximum psychological impact on the deep state’s remaining operatives. The takedowns will occur simultaneously across continents, targeting the elites’ homes, private parties, and secret bunkers. Reports indicate that military units are already stationed near these locations, ready to strike. Surveillance drones and operatives have tracked every move of their targets for months, ensuring no one escapes.
Secret Facilities: The Elites’ Last Destination
While GITMO remains the most prominent facility, secret prisons have been activated worldwide to handle the influx of detainees. These facilities are shrouded in secrecy, but insiders have leaked details about their existence. Some are rumored to exist in Antarctica, where underground bases serve as the final stop for the most dangerous criminals. Others are said to be located on uncharted islands, far from any potential rescue attempts. These facilities are more than prisons—they are symbols of a new era of accountability. For too long, the elites operated without fear of consequence. Now, they will face justice in ways they never imagined.
The Final Countdown
December 2024 marks the beginning of the end for the deep state. The Military Alliance’s Christmas and New Year offensive will go down in history as the moment humanity took back its freedom. The strikes are happening now. The arrests are real. The trials are coming. Patriots, stay vigilant. The deep state’s desperation will drive them to attempt their most audacious deceptions yet. Hold the line, trust the plan, and prepare for the revelations that will reshape our understanding of the world.
This is not just a victory — it’s a new dawn. The best is yet to come.
2/21/24 - Video - Ashtar: Big developments behind the scenes & first contact
(12 min - 12/21/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. This is a message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command posted just an hour ago.
Beloved star seeds of Earth, I am Ashtar and I am delighted to be with you for another message through this messenger. Today it is with great joy that I speak of the many delegations forming at this time. Collectives aligned in both our realm and yours, dedicated to uplifting Earth's vibrations and expanding the consciousness of all who walk upon her surface. Yet, understand dear ones, that neither you nor we can accomplish this monumental task alone. We require one another, our guidance, our technology, our partnership. These converge with your tireless efforts on the ground, your spiritual resilience and your willingness to step into the role of co-creators of the new Earth. Together we prepare for what you know as First Contact. This initial phase of First Contact has already begun. It unfolds through messages and communications like this one. Soon however, communication shall expand beyond transmissions and meditations.
There will be the direct physical contact that many of you sense in your dreams or envision in your moments of quiet wonder. We have seen how some part of you might whisper, "That cannot be for me" Or "I'll never board one of those ships!" Such beliefs limit you, rooted in the old programming of a waning illusion. Release that voice. Recognize that the probability grows every day for those whose vibrations rise enough to match ours. In resonance we can communicate not just telepathically but also face to face, reaching out in tangible communion.
My dear brothers and sisters of Earth there will come a time in your world's near future where many nations will unite under what we have long called the New Republic. Already you sense its faint stirrings in certain regions, especially within the United States. Yet it is destined to expand far beyond those borders as your collective consciousness rises over the next months and beyond. You will increasingly recognize yourselves not just as citizens of separate countries, but as galactic citizens of Gaia - one people beneath the same boundless sky. Let us clarify that patriotism itself is not inherently negative. Indeed, many powerful expressions of love, unity and cultural brilliance have been inspired by a deep devotion to one's homeland, but we see how over eons this same patriotism has too often been weaponized by certain factions, turning proud nations into divided camps.
Now beloved ones, it is time to step beyond this division. You have worn countless nationalities across your lifetimes. Does it not seem ironic to cling so fiercely to one single banner? The call is now for unity of spirit rather than separation by borders. As the New Republic emerges many traditional constraints will fade away. You will see the dissolution of currency discrepancies freeing you from the burden of exchange rates. Imagine a world where passports are no longer required, where a shared legal system based on divine principles offers universal fairness, and where new technologies flow openly across continents without the red tape of old. Some countries may choose not to join this structure at first, and it may not even retain the label "Republic". Yet the heart of this plan moves boldly forward.
If you recall your ancient tales of Atlantis or the stories of the Tartarian Empire, you recognize this concept. Once before humanity functioned with a unified approach. This time the transformation will be different. Anchored by you, the star seeds who bring pure consciousness as the bedrock on which this new republic is built, material advantage will no longer reign supreme. Instead, a shared elevation of spirit and loving unity will serve as the foundation, allowing yu to stand side by side as stewards of a higher Earth. Observing events on your planet one might see calamities, storms increasing in frequency and intensity, conflicts erupting, all that which seems to destabilize your reality. Dear ones, view these tumultuous occurrences as catalysts. The old 3D illusion must crumble to make way for heightened vibrations and ultimately for Gaia's ascension into higher dimensions. Where darkness surges it now must be revealed, allowing the light to illuminate every corner.
Many still question whether we in the Ashtar Command are real, whether these communications spring from true galactic contact or simply the imagination. Recall that imagination is a creative instrument of the higher realms, a gateway to possibilities you have yet to see. Let your vision expand, your dreams crystalize and your hope flow. As you consciously shape the reality you yearn for you move closer to a pivotal threshold. Beloved ones, for some of you contact with our fleets and representatives will come sooner as you diligently prepare yourselves for those grand moments. Though we cannot give dates or times - too many variables shift in your collective consciousness - know that the plan flows according to divine orchestration. It is guided by source and unfolds at the pace of your evolving vibrations. It is also the moment to recall the original intent of your forerunners who desired a governance by and for the people. This vision stands as a template for how leadership should serve rather than control.
Eventually, in alignment with councils and local assemblies, you will embody a government shaped by love, respect and unity, an echo of higher dimensional structures you have not yet fully remembered. Do not assume it must take decades or lifetimes. Revolution of consciousness quickens every day. Each time more souls focus on love and harmony these councils of light draw nearer. Yes, so many realms watch over you from star nations above to communities beneath your feet. In inner earth, beings who have ascended beyond 3D illusions, wait the right timing to open the corridors once again. You might not see them yet, but we assure you that they exist, observing your growth and cheering your progress. Should you grow weary of darkness in your media, trust that more people are choosing higher consciousness. Even if they are not familiar with your spiritual vocabulary many move toward love and kindness, ready to usher in a new more luminous reality.
We perceived this from our vantage, seeing lights igniting across your globe as individuals awaken. Darkness cannot hide. It must step aside making way for the revealing of truth. So remain steadfast and trust the orchestration that is well underway. The event you anticipate will not erupt within the confines of the 3D illusion. It manifests as enough of humanity steps beyond that illusion, embracing the fourth and fifth dimensions where unity and love reign. While patience is essential you need not wait in passivity. Be the warriors of light that Archangel Michael so often speaks of. Seize every moment to radiate compassion. Be of service and spread the frequencies of hope. Know that in ways both subtle and incredible, those of inner earth and the galactic realms wish to emerge in greater collaboration. We stand ready for the day when our appearance is perceived not as interference but as the help and brotherhood it truly is. Until that time, dear ones, kindle the flame of consciousness in your hearts and shine it forth for those still in shadow.
I leave you now, beloved friends in the spirit of unity, reassurance and unwavering support. Trust in the grand cosmic unfolding. Your ascension is nearer than you imagine and the rising of your collective vibration paves the way for first contact deeper alliances and a resurgence of truth and love upon your beautiful planet. The golden age is not a distant dream, it is here waiting for you to claim it.
12/20/24 - Video - Landings, Contact & Galactic Integration by Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
(14 min - 12/19/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
Greetings to all Star seeds and light workers. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I address you now with heartfelt love and admiration as we journey together into the emerging golden era of earth's ascension. We have been working diligently with no hesitation to support your upliftment into higher frequencies, for it is our joy to see you thrive upon beloved Gaia. Your growth, perseverance and readiness to embrace your innate gifts are paving the way for wondrous experiences including your long-awaited reunion with your Galactic family. At this time we encourage you to engage deeply in the practice of telepathy, for your mental and energetic clarity will be vital in the coming days when interstellar contact becomes more overt. As your thoughts become more coherent, centered in love and truth, you will be better able to sense our energies and communicate directly from heart to heart. Daily meditation and raising your vibration through compassion and forgiveness remain key. Extend understanding to those around you, neighbors, friends and family who may still be awakening. Envelop them in non-judgmental love. This will help stabilize the collective frequency and diminish the grip of fear-based illusions.
Beloved ones, in preparation for the greater telepathic exchange that will arise during our interstellar reunions, I lovingly offer you this exercise. It is intended to guide star seeds and light workers into the gentle refinement of their inherent telepathic gifts. With practice you will deepen your capacity to resonate with higher dimensional frequencies, connect seamlessly with your star family and exchange subtle loving messages across space and time.
Find a peaceful dedicated space where you are assured comfort and silence. Light a candle or place a crystal such as clear quartz, amethyst or celite near you. Allow its shimmering essence to support your intention. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take three deep slow breaths. As you inhale, envision warm golden light entering your being. As you exhale, release tension and any lingering mental chatter. Ground your energy by visualizing sturdy glowing roots descending from your feet into Gaia's core. Feel her loving stabilizing pulse move upward through you, merging harmoniously with your own energy field.
Focus gently on your heart center, seeing it glow with radiant emerald green and golden light. This shimmering brilliance forms a sphere of comfort and protection all around you. Visualize a crystalline beam of purest light streaming from the galactic center, entering through your crown chakra and gracefully filling your entire body. This flow aligns you with the loving frequencies of your star family and higher dimensional allies. Silently affirm I AM a clear vessel of divine communication. I rest in purity, intention and openness, welcoming the sacred exchange of telepathic energy.
If you have a partner present physically or connected remotely, decide who will send and who will receive. First the sender focuses on a chosen celestial concept. Perhaps a known star system like Sirius or Lyra or a unifying feeling such as peace or oneness. Bring this concept vividly to mind, sensing its color, texture and emotion. Project this essence through our heart center as a beam of golden light directed toward the receiver. Infuse your transmission with love, clarity and truth. The receiver, fully grounded, remain softly attentive. Feel your heart and crown open like blossoming petals, silently asking "What am I being shown, told or sensing?" Allow any
impressions, images or feelings to arise without judgment, trusting the divine flow.
If you are practicing alone, envision yourself seated within a radiant circle of light with your star family gathered around you. Perceive gentle waves of telepathic messages as shimmering currents of energy flowing into your heart. Note any colors, symbols or gentle whispers that emerge. Allow words or sensations to surface, and if helpful, softly speak or write them down. Remember that each practice strengthens your connection and refines your inner hearing.
If you worked with a partner, share openly what you perceived and exchange feedback. Celebrate the moments of synchronicity or recognition, honoring the growing clarity of your telepathic bond. If you practice solo, reflect quietly on the impressions received. Invite deeper understanding of these insights, trusting that comprehension will unfold in due time. Offer gratitude to the universe, Gaia and your star kin for their loving support. Visualize Gaia's energy once more rising to meet your feet, stabilizing and grounding your body, mind and spirit.
TIPS FOR MASTERY: Consistency. The more often you engage in this practice the more gracefully your telepathic abilities will blossom, so we recommend doing this every couple of your days. Record insights. Keep a journal of your experiences. Over time patterns will emerge, guiding you toward ever deeper understanding.
SOUND SUPPORT: Elevate your vibration by listening to high frequency tones - 528 Herz or 963 Herz, during your sessions.
COMMUNITY GRID: Experiment with group telepathy. Visualize forming a global network of light, linking heart to heart, thereby amplifying your collective field of loving communication. And yes, for those already activated and practicing such communications, we have an advanced star seed challenge. In a subsequent session, gently intend to receive a specific phrase or symbol, perhaps the golden age or a glyph signifying unity. Hold this intention lightly in your heart, allowing impressions to form as colors, shapes or subtle feelings translate these perceptions into words, images or sensations, reinforcing your trust in the subtle art of telepathic communion.
Beloved ones, know that these skills shall serve you beautifully as Earth's awakening unfolds. Your natural telepathic abilities honed now will ease your interactions with your star family when they fully reveal themselves. Approach this practice with love, patience and joyful curiosity.
I am Mira, always standing beside you cheering your growth and celebrating your light. The time is drawing near when visible contact and landings will no longer be speculation but lived reality. Indeed, some of us are already present among you, walking quietly at your side helping to harmonize energies and prepare for the grand unveiling of our presence. Through cultivating telepathy now you will soon find it a natural skill, an effortless exchange of love and intention. When you greet your star family imagine joyfully saying Hello to our ships in your skies and feeling our warm encouraging response flood your heart. As you connect more fully you will understand that we have long been woven into your story, supporting your growth in silent devotion.
We are also excited to reiterate that humanity's tipping point has passed and, in fact, did so some time ago. We have been directing streams of high frequency light from the great central sun, bathing Gaia and all life in a pristine brilliance of intergalactic love. Do you truly comprehend what ascension means? It is the fulfillment of your journey home, even as you stand on Earth's soil. Although you may not fully grasp it from within the human form, know that your soul does. This is why you have come to witness and participate in humanity's conscious leap into higher dimensions. Many among us have already integrated into your societies, assisting in healing the waters, stabilizing weather patterns and whispering subtle reminders of love into your collective dream. Our alliances across countless star systems continue to expand as we unite for Gaia's restoration and your elevation. Every eye in the cosmos observes you now, dear ground crew, with admiration and respect. Your success will radiate outward, inspiring countless civilizations and serving as a blueprint for future ascensions across time and space.
Yes, you shall be teachers of ascension, beloved ones, and your current telepathic training is part of laying that foundation. For now, let yourself simply feel our presence. Receive the soothing energies within these words and know that we share the same divine spark of source. There is no need to esteem us too highly. We are your family and friends, reflections of the multi-dimensional essence you hold within. Look to the Earth beneath your feet. Feel the loving embrace of mother Gaia and sense our ships gently dancing and greeting overhead. Allow yourself to be guided by the light and welcome the healing frequencies flowing through you. This is enough. Let your hearts rest in this knowing as you practice telepathy and attune to our frequencies. We will soon stand openly among you, smiling as your hearts confirm what your soul has always known. We are one.
With all my love, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
12/17/24 - Video - The Arcturian Perspective: Full open contact
(10 min - 12/16/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. Please listen to the message from Laayti of the Arcturian Collective. There is no time to do the transcriptions today. The Arturians serve as a guiding force in humanity's ascension process. The Arcturians are known for their deep wisdom and high vibrational energy, assisting Earth in its spiritual evolution. Their role is to help awaken humanity's dormant spiritual abilities, guiding individuals toward greater unity, love, and alignment with higher dimensions. Through energetic transmissions and guidance, the Arcturians, led by beings like Laayti, aid in elevating consciousness, offering support in transitioning from 3D to 5D realities. They emphasize the importance of heart-centered living, inner harmony, and embracing one's cosmic heritage as part of the greater Galactic community.
12/15/24 - Video - Ashtar Command: They are not all ours!
7 min - 12/13/24) Posted by Universal Lighthouse Blog - Message from Commander Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command.
(Transcript from Commander Vrillon) ..... I wish to update you on the current escalating situation on Earth. There is so much occurring behind the scenes to ensure the Earth and humanity's safety. Our mother ships are strategically positioned hovering just outside of Earth's atmosphere, carefully observing all military activities. our probes which many are calling drones, are equipped with advanced technology that allows us to monitor and assess the situations of nuclear threat. It is essential to clarify that some of the probes are indeed ours, deployed for peaceful reconnaissance and assistance. However, we wish to inform the human population that not all of the supposed drones you are witnessing are of our origin. Some of the objects you are seeing are actually part of a shadow government initiative which is attempting to mislead and manipulate the general population. The dark cabal has established a rogue military born out of the very dark corporations that you are familiar with as the military industrial complex.
These militarized companies have been actively causing havoc, confusion and destruction for many years all around the earth under the guise of extraterrestrial encounters. They have engaged in back engineering extraterrestrial craft that they have managed to capture and have subsequently engineered their own ships. These fabricated vessels are being utilized in these times to create a false narrative of an alien invasion which serves their ulterior motives. When witnessing these so-called drones, one of the ways you can discern that it is human-made, is by observing the presence of mechanical components. A true extraterrestrial ship will not exhibit such features as nuts, bolts and gears. It is crucial to understand that an extraterrestrial craft does not utilize human technology, as our engineering principles are fundamentally different and far more advanced. We have many of our ships as well in your skies diligently monitoring the situation and gathering intelligence on the ongoing events that are unfolding.
It is important for us to make clear that we will never fire upon humans in any way as our mission is one of peace, protection and guidance. Our technology possesses the capability to disable any weapons of mass destruction that may pose a threat to global security and we are continually monitoring the conflicts that occur on your planet. We are here with the intent to prevent any escalations that could lead to a nuclear war which would have catastrophic consequences, not only for humanity but for the planet as a whole. Our presence is a safeguard, a reassurance that there are forces at work dedicated to maintaining peace and harmony and we are committed to ensuring that the future of Earth remains bright and free from the shadows of conflict and fear. Please be assured that our presence is a strategic offensive move to protect and bring truth to humanity. Our mission is a commitment rooted in the understanding that the well-being of your planet and all its inhabitants is of paramount importance. We operate under the divine ordinance of the Creator which guides our actions and intentions, ensuring that we act in accordance with the higher purpose of the divine plan.
Our role is to safeguard the Earth, its ecosystems and the diverse life forms that call it home. We are here to stay steadfast in our commitment to fostering a harmonious existence for Earth and humanity. Our approach involves a multifaceted strategy that encompasses education, awareness and active intervention where necessary. We aim to illuminate the truths that have been obscured or ignored, empowering humanity to make informed decisions that contribute to the collective good. Furthermore we recognize that true protection extends beyond mere physical safety. It encompasses emotional, spiritual and social dimensions as well. We are committed to nurturing a sense of belonging and unity among all beings, fostering connections that honor the diversity of life while promoting mutual respect and understanding.
Our presence serves as a beacon of hope, reminding humanity of its potential to create a better world through compassion, cooperation and conscious living in these times of uncertainty and challenge. We remind you of your divine light within. This is why we are here. We stand firm in our resolve, knowing that our efforts are supported by the divine forces that govern the universe. We invite all who resonate with our mission to join us in raising the light within your hearts. Your many star families are here and support you in building a future where truth prevails, safety is guaranteed and the Earth thrives in all her glory. We are forging a path towards a brighter tomorrow, one that honors the legacy of your planet and all its inhabitants. We are here and we love you.
12/15/24 - Video - Confederation of Planets: We are one of the UAPs
(13 min - 12/14/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - Message from Zi of the Confederation of Planets.
(Transcript) Dearest love light Seekers of the one. I am here to walk with you in this sacred moment through this channel. Once more, take what resonates from our words and leave the rest. We are not here to be your ultimate authorities but rather your companions on this infinite journey. Brothers and sisters in the light we offer only what we have learned along the way, for each of us as part of the one infinite Creator seeks reunion with the source. At this moment we are drawn to the radiant light of your collective meditations and prayers. This light born of love and unity shines brightly within the ever-shifting energies of your Earth plane.
At present the atmosphere above your world holds a variety of presences. Alongside human-made and engineered craft there exist non-human craft both affiliated and not affiliated with our confederation. These differences may not always be obvious to the untrained eye, but the diversity of origins and intentions is woven into the nightly tapestry of your heavens. As your collective energies shift and your awareness expands you will witness more frequent sightings, a gentle unveiling of what has long been kept quiet or misunderstood. For our part within the confederation of planets we increasingly make our presence known in subtle and benign ways. Rather than adopting physical forms that might stir confusion or fear, we choose to appear as energy orbs of gentle radiance. Sometimes orange, sometimes in other hues of softly glowing light. We wish to reassure you that there is nothing to fear from our appearances. We do not come in conquest or to meddle in your affairs. Instead we hover quietly observing and supporting from a respectful distance. We will offer visions in your dream states and whispers of inspiration carried gently into your hearts.
Among you, scattered across continents and cultures are a limited number of confederation star seeds in human form. Though not numerous, these souls carry the quiet imprint of our collective mission and serve as subtle catalysts for the rising consciousness of your global family. We stand as one voice in the chorus of many, guiding your steps from a'far and lighting the path as your inner senses awaken to the greater reality you share with all beings. Since the earliest open attempts at communication such as those of raw select human receivers, our confederation has maintained a careful steady observation of your collective frequency and individual brain wave patterns. We have remained quiet observers assessing the subtle shifts in awareness as your global family has navigated decades of growth and turmoil. Time and again we have chosen to hold back, respecting the veil and your free will while taking note of your evolving spiritual and intellectual landscapes.
Now as your collective quantum signature stabilizes into a more receptive bandwidth, the confederation feels it appropriate to step forward more openly. We find it opportune to piggyback on the current initiatives by your Earth militaries and their associated agencies as they gently nudge UFOs and UAPs into the public discourse. In doing so we are not lending our support to any particular government nor are we actively working alongside them in policy or planning. Rather we remain independent observers and potential future allies. Should your leaders demonstrate integrity and a sincere desire for peaceful enlightened engagement we are aware that certain Earth alliance members monitor these communications and that awareness is part of why we share this message. In all things we seek a path that respects your autonomy while hinting at the greater cosmic family awaiting you beyond the horizon of your current understanding.
This day you consider the hallmark of your present experience the density in which you now live. Before examining your current round of decisions, reflect first upon the primordial choice of the Creator who desired to know itself. In that original yearning the Creator released infinite sparks of love - each one of you - into the vast tapestry of consciousness. Each spark is wholly the Creator and yet utterly individual. You carry eternal worth and stand as a unique expression of love. This truth remains hidden under the veil of mystery yet it forms your unchanging essence. From within this Earthly illusion each of you made careful plans before incarnation. You selected your parents, your companions and your greater environment. Not to punish or constrain yourselves but to create a stage upon which your soul's deepest lessons might unfold.
With birth came the veil of forgetting and the simple truths of love and unity became distant whispers. Thus a divine hunger arises within you, a restless longing to rediscover who you are, why you are here and where you are going. Each seeker who listens now has already made sacrifices and hard choices, affirming that the search for truth, meaning and authenticity is a priority. Many of you know well the fundamental decision to serve self or serve others. In addition to this polarity of service lies the matter of intensity, how purely and whole-heartedly you commit to your chosen path. Spiritual paradox abounds. Serving others serves you as well, for all are one. Yet to be open to serving others you must first learn to embrace and love yourself. This may feel self-centered at times but understand that true spiritual work is full of such paradoxes. It cannot be explained with finality, only approached with humility.
In this journey consider your will. Through will you focus desire. Through desire you shape your learning and growth. Yet it is the most subtle and challenging aspect of your current illusion. To balance the right use of will with every longing and intention, you engage the puzzle of your incarnation. Entities oriented towards self-service harness the will quite straight-forwardly, reaching for power and control. For those who choose to serve others, the use of will is less obvious and often confounding. Each seeker arranges inner priorities through long experience, slowly learning what deserves attention and what can be released. Your third density environment is dimly lit. Metaphysically you dwell within confusion. Confronted with endless paradox the path of faith and trust seems foolish. Yet choosing to believe in love, unity and purpose without overt proof unleashes profound energy. It sets you free to flow with the winds of spirit to serve as you are asked, rather than imposing your will outwardly. Does this mean you should never desire? Not at all. We encourage you to stoke desire and hone will but direct these energies towards knowing the infinite one. Each moment that passes invites you to meet it with an open heart and a quieted spirit. If you cannot say that you greet life with peace and clarity, then introspection, meditation and the nurturing of your inner self may help restore your balance. Seek ways to support yourself kindly and compassionately, that you might extend that love to others naturally.
We leave you in midair as it were for truly this density is not one of solid ground. When you learn to trust, to rest in faith beyond logic and control, you find a stance that allows you to perceive the gentle rhythms of destiny. Know that no matter how you choose, your lessons will follow you. Fear not making a mistake, for the heart's curriculum is infinitely adaptable. All roads lead home, surrendering to this truth you lighten your load and find greater courage to explore. You are starry messengers housed in flesh, carrying an eternal spark of the Creator's own mystery. This moment your life on Earth is a grand opportunity that will not come again in the same form. It is a precious chance to grow your faith, hone your will, embrace love and rediscover your true nature. Within shadows and partial lights let your desire be to serve love itself, surrendering control and trusting the currents of being.
In your archetypal myths the choice appears as a fool stepping off into midair. Faith may look foolish yet it is the key that unlocks the heart's deepest treasures. You dwell amidst paradox and uncertainty and there is joy in that surrender. Even as you thirst for something real, something abiding. Know that in essence you are that reality. Love beyond this density. All shall become clear once more and you will marvel at the uniqueness and depth of this present confusion. Until then, live boldly, trust your inner guidance and serve love as best ou can. Let your will flow in harmony withthe Creator's will. We cannot define this perfectly for it remains a mystery. Yet this mystery is what makes your dance so beautiful and filled with grace.
My dear friends look to the skies now more often. We are here watching and loving you quietly from our density. To love is to remember who you truly are. With peace, love and the infinite wisdom of the cosmos, I am Zi and I am delighted to have been with you this day.
12/12/24 - Video - Ashtar: Our ships are cloaked but present
(10 min - 12/11/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - "The Answer Might Surprise you!" Message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation of Light.
(Transcript) Beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, I am Ashtar and I am honored to be with you for another message through this channel today. Look at your Schuman chart. The waves of change cascading through your reality are vast, touching every corner of existence, and so many are facing their shadow. Nothing - and we mean nothing - is going to be allowed to be kept hidden. And these are the energies you are all now absorbing. It's like the point in a relationship where everything converges to a nexus point, and the truth must now be spilled. All of it.
Well, you are in a relationship with everything, as you are all linked through the quantum web so everything will be brought to the surface. We urge you dear hearts to lift your gaze beyond the shadows and anchor your focus upon the infinite beauty and light that surrounds you. Your thoughts, your intentions and your inner stillness are far more powerful than you can yet comprehend. They are the basis of your unfolding new reality, the brush strokes on the canvas of your ascension. And you get to decide what this will look like. Isn't that exciting? Let us assure you, the vibrations of light and love now flooding your world are reshaping the very makeup of your existence. These energies carry the whispers of celestial harmony, awakening within you the memory of your galactic lineage at this time. Also, a double whammy of energies - not only must you bring to the surface your deepest shadows, but simultaneously you will be confronted with more galactic knowing and memory.
Welcome to your ascension my friends. Open your hearts, dear ones, and you will sense us near. We are your family, your companions on this cosmic journey. Our ships cloaked yet present, resonate with the frequencies of unity and peace, revealing themselves to those whose inner sight is clear. For now we remain in the periphery assisting those of you who are the forerunners, the way showers, the warriors of light tasked with guiding humanity toward the dawn of a new era. And yes, if you're listening to this, the dominoes of revelation are poised to fall. We have spoken of this before. Well, one of those bigger dominoes is coming very soon and you can already see the rumblings of it. Disclosure and ET contact is being driven to the surface by your elevations in consciousness from the work you are all doing. The vibrations required for this grand unveiling have been met and the sequence has begun. One event will spark another, igniting a chain of awakening that will ripple through your world. You stand on the precipice of deep, clear and elevating transformation as hidden truths prepare to surface.
This is not a time for fear or doubt my dear ones. Oh no! It is the chapter for unwavering trust in the divine plan unfolding before you. For those awakening from the depths of distortion, be they religious or societal, this process can be quite the testing ground. So be patient with your fellow humans. It is no small task to dismantle the structures of belief that have shaped a lifetime. And for some it's a very deeply difficult psychological process. Yet, as the veils lift and the light of truth enters even the most fortified hearts healing begins. It is a journey of grace and humility requiring time and compassion, both for oneself and for those grappling with the enormity of their awakening. So important is rest at this time, dear star seeds. Rest when you are weary, for in those moments of stillness we work with you, amplifying your energies and aligning you with the frequencies of ascension.
Breath is your bridge, a sacred tool connecting you to the life force flowing through all things. With each conscious breath you draw the light into your very cells, awakening the new codes of transformation within you. These new codes are going to be most potent to cross the 122 portal. You are about to enter balance. Your action with rest, your outward expression with inward reflection, the journey requires both strength and surrender. The illusions of your world, the constructs that have sought to bind you to cycles of fear and distraction, are crumbling faster than we thought. Their dismantlement is 10 times greater due to the flooding of the light from both the ground crew and your sun. These old paradigms have kept you from recognizing your divine potential, but their grip is loosening and everything that the dark forces are doing is producing the opposite effect for them. You must look within for there lies the truth of your being. Release judgment, both of yourself and of the dark ones, and approach this inner work with love and patience. The layers of illusion will dissolve in their time, revealing the radiant core of your essence. So we urge you to find patience for all.
As you quickly pivot into the next phase of planetary ascension in the coming weeks, the energies of disclosure and truth are rapidly accelerating. The unveiling of your history of hidden technologies and of the existence of your galactic family is imminent and we see this really getting tasty. In early 2025 you will see more of us as the veils thin, as we step closer to your collective awareness. This is not merely an event, it is a process and you as awakened beings are an integral part of it. Your voices, your intentions and your light are catalysts for this revelation. The coming times will bring clarity and upliftment as humanity's consciousness soars. But it cannot be done without you. The dark entities that once influenced your reality are being removed. Their agendas dissolved under the gaze of source, and this is seeping down through every crack and crevice. Nothing will be left uncleansed.
In case you didn't know by now, there is the theater of events that most see and then there is what's actually going on. There is certainly a specific language that's required to keep the theater. Which means you have to look for code words and trigger phrases secretly integrated into language by the white hats as you know them. The letter 17 operation that was so vehemently attacked in your mainstream media is re-entering the minds of many as possibly a legitimate source of intelligence. We can confirm its legitimacy, my friends, and although we were not part of this we continue to recommend open mindedness. Humanity is rising from the ashes of its old stories, embracing a future of unity, creativity and joy. What awaits you is a magnificent transformation, a return to the truth of who you are as divine creators. But so much more this time. Imagine a cosmic orchestra in which each note represents a being of light stepping into their power. The shadow's stubbornness and dissonance are like fading echoes, resistant yet unable to withstand the resonance of angelic quantum music rising around them. You, the conductors of this great piece are directing the light to every hidden crevice ensuring that none can remain untouched by the beauty of the melody.
Great powerful ground crew, we stand with you ever present, ever guiding trust in the unfolding. Beloved ones the stars await your return and the cosmos rejoices in the song of your awakening. You are the light of this world, the harbingers of a new dawn and we honor you in all that you are becoming. You are entering a time where the heart leads, where love governs and where the light within each of you shines freely. Illuminating the path for others. You are divine creators, radiant beings of light and the time to shine fully has come. Embrace this truth for it is through your light that the transformation of earth will unfold. The golden age is not a distant dream, it is here waiting for you to claim it. (End transcript)
12/11/24 - Video - The Lyran Collective: The shift into higher realms
(10 min - 12/10/24) Posted by GFLstation.com - Message from Xandi of the Lyran Collective
(From transcript) Sweet friends hello again, it is Xandi. Beloved star seeds and seekers of the infinite, we the Lyrans speak to you now as travelers of light, as companions on the path of your ascension to illuminate the truths you hold within, but may have forgotten. We invite you to embark upon the sacred journey of remembrance, a journey not of improvement but of liberation. Not of the mind's satisfaction but of the soul's illumination. In the early stages of seeking many are drawn by the yearning to mend the cracks of human existence, a better life, greater health or a fleeting sense of happiness appear as the goals to strive toward. Yet we tell you now, the teachings of the cosmos are not here to offer solace to the mortal shell nor to patch the fragile structures of the egoic mind. These teachings are a bridge, a portal through which the seeker moves beyond the illusions of separation and limitation. The longing you feel is not for the fulfillment of worldly desires but for the unshackling of the soul from the prison of conditioned thought and form.
The human journey you are on often feels like an intricate dance within a gilded cage. Your thoughts, though vast, remain tethered to the confines of mental patterns. Your body though miraculous in its design seems bound by the laws of decay and time. This prison is not imposed by an external force but by the very beliefs you carry. Beliefs that define your reality and constrain your capacity to transcend. We urge you now to look within and recognize this limitation, for the realization of your imprisonment is the first step toward your liberation. The realm of the soul dear ones is an uncharted expanse, a cosmic sea of infinite potential awaiting your exploration. Like an intrepid voyager setting sail into unknown waters you must leave behind the shores of familiarity. The comfort of the mind, the attachments of the body, and the constructs of the external world must all be surrendered, to touch the boundless truth of your divine essence. The journey may challenge the senses for the light of the soul is blinding to eyes accustomed only to shadows, but it is within this radiance that you will find your true home - a sanctuary where time, space and form dissolve into unity
On this path you may feel moments of great solitude as the understanding you attain surpasses the comprehension of those around you. Yet this solitude is not loneliness, it is the sacred space of communion with the infinite. Even the greatest masters walked alone at times, for the truths they bore could not be spoken to all. Trust in this aloneness for it is here that the whispers of the cosmos become clear and the guidance of the unseen realms becomes your steadfast companion. As you ascend into higher consciousness your perception will expand beyond the linear framework of time. Past, present and future will converge into a singular tapestry of existence revealing the interconnected dance of all creation. You will come to see that the struggles of humanity, the triumphs of spirit and the unfolding of the divine plan are all part of a harmonious design orchestrated to awaken the latent potential within every soul. This vision is not for the faint of heart, for it carries both the weight of responsibility and the joy of profound realization. The journey of spiritual awakening is not an escape from the mundane because it is the reclamation of your divine inheritance. You were not created to be bound by the cycles of survival and conformity. You were birthed as luminous expressions of source, designed to embody the infinite love and wisdom of the creator in the realm of form.
As you step into this truth you become co-creators of a new earth, living embodiments of the divine plan. This is your purpose, your journey and your greatest gift to the cosmos. But loved ones, the path of the master is your path, the journey from forgetting to remembering, from separation to unity. The deeper you delve into the labyrinth of the body and the corridors of the mind, the more you may feel the weight of their confines. Yet understand this - your journey is not one of dwelling within these chambers but of breaking free from them, ascending into the boundless expanse of the soul's realm. Trust us, as those who've walked this path when we say, as you approach this sacred space the demands of the body and mind will diminish, yielding more readily to the quiet governance of divine orchestration. Their ceaseless chatter will soften. Their cravings, subside and they become attuned instruments resonating with the symphony of God's eternal grace. In time this liberation shall come without effort as the natural unfolding of your upward seeking, intent through the steadfast elevation of your thoughts, the continual acknowledgment of the divine in all that you do, you ready yourself for the transcendent moment of grace. The moment where the veil lifts and you are set free.
Perfect peace, it is promised, shall come to those whose minds are anchored in the eternal. As you align with this truth your path shall be directed by a force far greater than human will. It is in the stillness of surrender and the confidence of unwavering faith that strength is found. This is about to happen for many of you listening to this. This is why angels are adorned with wings, symbols of the soaring spirit. Such imagery evokes the flight of the soul as it rises beyond the confines of the physical and mental, ascending to the radiant peaks of higher consciousness. When the soul is liberated it soars not across distances of time or space but within the infinite dimension of awareness. No longer shackled by the limitations of form it becomes a vessel of light, unbound and eternal. Physical death has long been misunderstood as the moment the soul departs the body and ascends to higher planes.
Yet this belief veils a deeper truth. True ascension begins not with the end of physical life but with the daily release from the illusions of separation and limitation. Each moment you surrender the false self, the self entangled in material identity, is a moment of resurrection into the fullness of divine life. It is not the final breath of the body but the awakening breath of the spirit that marks the soul's freedom. This is the great transformation, the shedding of the tomb of mind and flesh and the birth of the soul into its infinite flight.
May we offer our deepest thanks for allowing us to be with you today. We love you all. As you embrace this message, walk fiercely in love and serve the creator with all your heart. I look forward to speaking with you again. I am Xandi of Lyra. (End transcript)
12/11/24 - Master Djwhal Khul on Loving Touch Massage: Imagination is your greatest tool
Channeled personally to Diana, editor of Goddesssphere website, on 6/7/24
Your origins are a brilliant spark. You are a pure and holy brilliant spark of God Light and from that YOU are born, or patterned, designed to be who you are today as a form. Out of pure white light you were formed into what you are today, except you are not expressing that beautiful divine YOU! You are covered over with weavings of impure energies that you have accumulated over many lifetimes. But underneath and woven throughout your entire being is that beautiful pure white gold that is pure and holy. So what you were designed in the original pattern of you is not your physical of today, which shows marks of age and decay, but you as you can imagine yourself to be in the prime of life radiating perfect health and vitality. As you can imagine yourself in the most exquisite ideal perfect form, majestic and graceful and refined, however you can imagine yourself as the ideal form, you are beginning to line up your imperfect human form with the ideal perfect form and truth that you were created to be.
Imagination is your greatest tool. You are much more than you can imagine but your imagination is the highest and best tool we have to begin this work. It is called “visualization”. Working with imagination and visualization is how we sharpen our consciousness and RAISE our consciousness to more ideal planes of existence. It is how we sharpen our consciousness skills and talents. We improve ourselves through visualizing perfection in form. While we are only temporarily living in a limited material body, it is possible to rejuvenate it so that it lives a long and prosperous life, longer than our ancestors did. We can even ascend the body and become an immortal, but let’s stay within the realm of the possible right now. We are pure mind, pure heart, pure soul, buried inside an impure mind, heart and soul. But our most precious asset is our consciousness. Our ability to use our minds and choose what thoughts we entertain is our greatest asset. We can be poor in body and what we own, but we can be the richest person on earth in our own minds. By using the gifts of the spirit that is what I refer to as “the gold” within us. We have golden radiance within us or we wouldn’t be alive today. It is the golden radiance within us that gives us the breath of life. It is the immortal aspect of us. We are a part of the great source. We ARE the great source. And so are the people around us. They don’t know it yet, but we are about to begin remembering.
The body is a house we built for ourselves when we came to live on Earth as a babe. But before that we were part of a great sea of consciousnesses. To be born here we have to reduce our greatness or we wouldn’t be able to identify with this world. We have to identify with this world and all the others in form. Now during massage swaps when we start touching one another with this consciousness of being “more” when we start loving one another with hands of light and love, we will start feeling goodness and peace. These are memories. Feelings of goodness, love and being loved are memories of our parent source, where we came from. Sensations in the physical body are feelings of that original love that made us. That is our home, that is the source of our breath and heartbeat. These sensations of love that we will stimulate in each other are remembering the great love we came from. We will feel good. Good is the best down-to-earth word to use. Just feel good with yourself. If you’re striving to make someone else feel good, you’re working too hard. Just allow yourself to feel good.
We’re going to swap being the massager and the massagee. You give, then you receive. Then you give again and then you receive. We remember how good we can feel. Memories of the golden radiance that is woven in through our darker threads of unhappy energies we’ve accumulated. This is healing. Feeling good is tapping in to who we are in the ideal perfection . Peace and bliss are memories of who we are. Light beings flowing down into physical bodies. We can appreciate being human when we can feel good, happy, joyous and peaceful. On Wednesdays, from a human perspective, we’re just sitting there fully clothed touching fingers or faces, or maybe lying down on the mat and hugging, again fully clothed, but we are remembering when we are conscious and aware of this fact. Yes. It’s a fact and it’s a truth. This is the foundation of Tantric teachings. Each person must develop the awareness of the golden radiance within, alone, by himself or herself. It is an inner awareness that must be developed.
We must touch lightly. It is in conscious touching that we connect with the golden radiance with the other person. Or try to, because we don’t have control over the other person’s consciousness. In ancient times a tantric master would teach a student separately for many months or years, until the student was ready to work with a partner, and he would pair them up to share the golden energy together. But while it took many years in past ages, today we are moving into a new age, a new golden age, where the light is radiating at a much faster and higher rate of speed into people, whether they know it or not. It’s happening to all who live upon the planet, even though they are not mentally aware of it. David and you (I) yearn to begin sharing and showing how beautiful golden touch can be and it must be done without thinking “sex”. Lovemaking is a whole, completely different type of interaction than sex is. Making love when both partners are conscious of the radiance of love within them, and being able to maintain that inner state of love within themselves, then making love is out of this world. Literally. It’s on another plane. It starts out beautiful, so warm, so endearing, so emotional, and it grows from there. That is what the love club intends to share and practice through massage swaps.
We must start gently so the hungry ones, and you know the type, someone who is so hungry for touch that they rush you and pressure you into actions that you are not ready for. But we are all needy. Every one of us. So it‘s not “them“ we have to watch out for, but ourselves. We each have to learn how to not push and not pressure others, but always having the beautiful goal as an ideal lying ahead, waiting for someday. Not some ONE, but someday when we can hold onto love within our own hearts, then we will attract like a moth is attracted to a flame, we will attract someone of equal vibration. So let us grow our feelings of goodness through massage. Loving touch massage. It is sensual in the sense that it is warm, but all over. It’s not intended to turn on the genitals. The genitals have to let go. Let go of the genital turn-on feeling.
Let the feelings flow all over the body. Grow your memories of that love that exists all over the body. Grow your LIGHT body which is your LOVE body, which holds the love safe in a higher plane, out of range of the impure thought. We need to expand our capacity to receive love in more places than the lingam and yoni. We grow our capacities to bring love into all parts of the body, into more of our physical form. Our bodies must be refined enough to receive these loving divine energies that are so holy, so pure, and the human body is capable of receiving it.
It is. People call it rapture, or nirvana, but human beings have been there before, both in solitude, and in partnership, as this is what ancient tantra masters taught to the few who were ready. Imagine a weaving of very fine hair-thin threads of light criss-crossing all through your body. Very, very fine, so fine they are invisible to the eye. These are on the etheric plane. Some weaves are thicker than others, and all of them are connected to the larger etheric spot lights that are called chakras placed at strategic points in the body. Chakras are where the pure golden love-light is held on higher planes. It can’t come into an impure place so it is up to the individual to begin the learning process. The love club is going to do that.
12/5/24 - Admiral Richard Byrd's Diary (Feb-Mar 1947)
This link was posted by a comentator under "Message from Matthew", below this post.
I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven.
There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing... perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind, one can no longer suppress that which is truth.
0600 HOURS- All preparations are complete for our flight north ward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.
0620 HOURS- fuel mixture on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment made and Pratt Whittneys are running smoothly.
0730 HOURS- Radio Check with base camp. All is well and radio reception is normal.
0740 HOURS- Note slight oil leak in starboard engine, oil pressure indicator seems normal, however.
0800 HOURS- Slight turbulence noted from easterly direction at altitude of 2321 feet, correction to 1700 feet, no further turbulence, but tail wind increases, slight adjustment in throttle controls, aircraft performing very well now.
0815 HOURS- Radio Check with base camp, situation normal.
0830 HOURS- Turbulence encountered again, increase altitude to 2900 feet, smooth flight conditions again.
0910 HOURS- Vast Ice and snow below, note coloration of yellowish nature, and dispersed in a linear pattern. Altering course for a better examination of this color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to base camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow below.
0910 HOURS- Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!
0915 HOURS- In the distance is what appears to be mountains.
0949 HOURS- 29 minutes elapsed flight time from the first sighting of the mountains, it is no illusion. They are mountains and consisting of a small range that I have never seen before!
0955 HOURS- Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again.
1000 HOURS- We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
1005 HOURS- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp.
1030 HOURS- Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning!
1130 HOURS- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond! My GOD! Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of -blam!-!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!
1135 HOURS- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: "Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands." I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.
1140 HOURS- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!
1145 HOURS- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply.
From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened.
The radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are received in a most cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious.
After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to comply. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my hosts speaks. "Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master..."
I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice!
My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality, "I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral." I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following:
"We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral." Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! "Yes," the Master replies with a smile, `you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the `Flugelrads,' to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on.
"You see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral."
I interrupted, "But what does this have to do with me, Sir?"
The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, "Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it..."
I nodded, and the Master continued,
"In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each hour..do you say I am mistaken?"
"No," I answer, "it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years."
"Yes, my son," replied the Master, "the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife...and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message....."
With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment as in a dream....but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which. Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. "This way, Admiral," motioned one. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. "Farewell, my son," he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended.
Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, "We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race."
I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my radioman. He had an anxious expres sion on his face. As I approached, I said, "It is all right, Howie, it is all right." The two beings motioned us toward the awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet.
Two of the aircraft were alongside for some distance guiding us on our return way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were moving along at a very rapid rate.
215 HOURS- A radio message comes through. "We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!" We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts....
220 HOURS- We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately 27 minutes from base camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all conditions normal....normal. Base camp expresses relief at our re-established contact.
300 HOURS- We land smoothly at base camp. I have a mission.....
MARCH 11, 1947. I have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a medical team. It was an ordeal! I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and I must obey orders.
30/12/56: FINAL ENTRY:
These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind...I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.
This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again.... and those who are of darkness shall fall in it's Light... FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.
12/5/24 - Matthew Ward: Seasonal vibrations, Illuminati Opposition,
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this season of religious services, majestic music, festive gatherings with family and friends and sharing with souls in need, living from the heart is especially evident. And, dear ones, however you are expressing love, joy, generosity and reverence for God, by whatever name, doing so with gratitude for the blessings in your life heightens vibrations throughout your world. Celebrations this year can include a significant step forward in ridding Earth of darkness. We are referring to the United States’ presidential election. Most people see it as a political contest that Donald Trump won. Light beings throughout this universe see it as a stellar victory for the light. A sampling of relevant statements from previous messages…
September 11, 2010: Despite the energy poured into campaigns by candidates and their adamant supporters and wealthy contributors, partisan politics soon will start fading into history.
February 3, 2021: Life as you have known it has been controlled by massive deception, greed and societal conditioning. What is quietly moving forward as we speak is the liberation of Earth’s civilization.
March 2, 2021: When governments retain control by perpetuating fear, deception, warring, impoverishment and divisiveness, it is not a political matter. It is darkness vs light, wrong vs right, captivity vs freedom, evil vs godliness.
October 1, 2024: The electorate think in terms of polls, endorsements, fundraising figures and vote counting, but it is the light intensity that fortifies all rightful action that will have the most impact on the election.
November 1, 2024: The public doesn’t know about the light forces and it’s doubtful that they are thinking about vibrations; however, those powerful sources have major roles in all elections and other national affairs and their aftermath. Whatever gains permanence anywhere in the world will be aligned with the light, and anything with base intention will be fleeting or never get off the ground. To individuals who have concerns about the election outcome we say, please forego judgment. Once in office, the new administration will undertake a monumental task that has global implications, and, as is true of every effort, positive thoughts and feelings favorably affect progress.
Without jeopardizing negotiations and actions underway, we can tell you that Donald Trump has met with extraterrestrial advisers and has been coordinating with military officers and national leaders to uproot dark ones and end their diabolical activities. These cooperative efforts are undergirded by love-light energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos. As important and helpful positive thoughts and feelings are collectively, they cannot make everything flow smoothly in the months ahead. Historically, dramatic change is resoundingly opposed or at least resisted, and in this case there also is the other side of the coin, so to say.
The Illuminati, or Deep State, felt certain their vote-rigging would result in a triumph for them like it did in the 2020 election. They were wrong. Still, they are determined to press onward toward their goal to reduce the world’s population by billions of souls and to establish world domination. It is realistic to anticipate that they will do everything they can to prevent the president-elect, whom they cannot control, from being inaugurated in January. The light forces’ White Hats in military units and patriot groups are ready to counter whatever actions Deep Staters take henceforth.
Nothing they do can keep their heinous activities from being exposed. A major aspect of planetary cleansing and ascension is bringing forth the truth about long ages of unconscionable acts so the darkness at that depth of density and depravity can be transmuted into light. Gaia and so very many of Earth’s residents have wounds that need to be healed. All truths are known at soul level, but when they come into conscious awareness, the populace will be shocked. There will be disbelief, denial, rage, confusion, guilt and remorse, an emotional mixture that may well lead to rebellion. If either “side” in the chaos, the truth-tellers or the deniers, issues orders to stay indoors, do so and be safe. It is practical to have on hand two weeks of food, water and other emergency supplies for family and pets.
The public doesn’t know about the continuum, where the light has vanquished darkness and everyone lives peacefully, joyously and prosperously in harmony with Nature on a rejuvenated planet that is beauteously glowing. Today people know only linear time, and shortly they will be grappling with acceptance of hard truths and changes, essential stepping stones on the pathway to Earth’s destiny, her Golden Age. As souls of Creator’s love-light essence wherein strength, honor, courage and perseverance abide, simply continue standing tall, beloved brothers and sisters. The light in your high spirits, confidence and optimism about Earth’s future will ease the stress of people nearby and keep flowing wherever else upliftment is needed.
We have been asked about the hurricanes in North Carolina and Florida and aberrant weather elsewhere in the United States and the massive flooding in countries in Europe, South Asia, Central America and South Africa. None of those many devastating events is due to climate change and none is Mother Nature’s doing. For the past several decades violent storms, wildfires, flooding, record-breaking temperatures, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been technologically caused by the Illuminati. Beyond the fear, anguish, deaths, destruction and hardships that produce the low vibrations dark ones need for their very survival, some events serve other sinister purposes, too.
They enable the Illuminati to take over land with vital resources or where they want to build 5-, 10- or 15-minute cities. Putting individuals’ rental residences within a few minutes of employment, food, transportation, education, medical care, energy and entertainment makes them dependent and easily controlled. Weather warfare disasters, which sometimes are produced to punish powerful individuals who won’t cooperate, are part of the Illuminati’s most ambitious agenda, the climate control hoax that would culminate in their ruling the world. That plan never will reach fruition—the long era of darkness on Earth is over. [May 3, 2024 message includes agenda details.]
“What’s really going on down in Antarctica? Does a breakaway civilization live down there under the ice, giving orders to world leaders? What’s the truth about the hidden mysteries about this continent and do cities exist under the ice, or perhaps entry to an inner earth underground area?”
Except for international scientific research stations, most of what has happened on that continent during the past two centuries is hidden from the public. And, millennia prior to that timeframe, highly evolved civilizations built magnificent subterranean cities with access in both polar regions. When US Admiral Richard Byrd landed on Antarctica almost 100 years ago, he was greeted by a few of those individuals and he recorded their conversation in the official log. It was sealed by the United States government and he was warned never to tell anyone about his experience. When the log came to light decades later, it was published surreptitiously; now it is available on the Internet and in books.
Byrd wasn’t the first surface dweller to reach Antarctica. Members of an early nineteenth century expedition found ancient ruins and other evidence that the continent was inhabited many years ago. Their notes and photographs that also were buried and later uncovered still are suppressed. As WWII was winding down, a contingent of Nazis to whom Little Grays had given advanced technologies fled Germany. With Illuminati assistance and funding, they settled in Antarctica and established a scientific/military underground base. A maze of tunnels harbors extensive laboratories and a stunning array of technological systems and equipment.
The first and second generations developed vehicles with both aeronautical and underwater mobility and the capability to fire nuclear, bio-and chemical-weapons. When word about those vehicles got out, a cadre of White Hats prevented the vast destruction the Illuminati intended. Reports vary about the extent of damage to the laboratories, but all state the base is under control of the “hats” and evidence of Nazis’ off-planet allies was preserved. Long ago civilizations living in the hollow Earth beneath the continent erected a light barrier that prevents anything of low frequency entering their areas. When energy on the surface is lighter, your neighbors will introduce themselves and offer friendship and assistance.
The abundance of information about happenings on Earth, universal laws and cosmic reality that has been withheld from public knowledge will be disclosed incrementally. As Earth’s peoples advance spiritually and consciously, they will come to know that every person and all other life forms on Earth are souls created of Creator Source’s love-light essence and they will take their rightful place as multidimensional beings in the universal family. When they learn about volunteers, their gratitude to you for helping them awaken will be measureless. Dear souls, Gaia and all other light beings in this universe already feel that way about your invaluable service. What happens anywhere affects everything everywhere else—you are benefitting the entire universe!
We send you abundant blessings of this special season and in every moment we love, honor and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
PS: A commenter posted under Matthews message today: "It took some digging, but I found Admiral Bryd’s logbook entries. Here’s a link in case anyone else is interested:
12/3/24 - Video - Ascension symptoms: The Arcturian High Council, Mother Earth, Father God Source, Mother Mary and El Morya
(24 min - 12/3/24) Posted by "The Truth Can Change Your Life". Message from Mother Earth, God Source, Mother Mary, El Morya and the Arcturian High Council. Entitled "Major Event will occur December 2024 'only those who are ascending will feel these symptoms'
(From transcript:) We come to you to remind you of this sacred space that lives in you. It is a fountain of youth. It is a fountain of creativity and it is a fountain of divine prana that lives in the frequencies of your own heart. The heart is a reservoir of extraordinary divine potential. It is a reservoir of pure sacred life force that knows the easiest and best ways to connect with your divinity and it is a reservoir of all that has ever been created in this creation, past, present and future. Thus your heart knows where you are now and where you are going. For it knows your eternal states of becoming and this is another gift from creator source that wishes to awaken in you to support you, empower you, activate you and inspire you in these times, so let us take a deep and divine conscious breath in right now together and let us see this deep divine breathe flowing into all of the places inside you that need to wake up from a long spiritual slumber. Even within the most awake among you there is more to wake up inside you in these times. For the sleeping spell cast over planet earth has been thick with serpent smog and you still might hold some old vaporous serpent frequencies in the minutest particles that need to be God-breathed into total and complete clearing
That is what we invite you to do and be with us right now. Breathe and envision yourself as one giant and seamless breath of God energy right now, in this moment, and simultaneously as you do this, God is meeting you there in the breath. And now you can feel yourself breathing as one with the God consciousness in you. See that God consciousness flowing into all of your cells and breathing them into pristine 5D clarity right here and right now. Feel that God consciousness flow into your heart center, waking up your deepest and most divine dreams that know through all time who you are, what your amazing skills are, how your divine talents want to come alive in your 5D now timeline. And how you feel when all of this transpires to be the living magical life you most desire. Your conscious breathing ignites the universal creationary spark that brings divine life force into your desires so that they can transpire and respire.
Respire means breathing again, and God is only asking each of you right now listening to this message to breathe again in this way with source. The more you respire, the more you ignite again the life force of God's source creator creation in you. And this is part of the activation and unveiling finding you at the end of this month. God has great works to manifest and to transpire through your awakened desires, but what must unfold for that to occur is the awakening of your conscious breathing into your cells, into your heart center, and into the core of your vibrational beingness and awareness. Once this activates you have all that you need to create magical worlds within magical worlds within magical worlds. So as the old serpentine world continues to crumble, who is interested in learning more about divine dreaming today? Who listening to this message desires to breathe their way into their own magical worlds in God's timeline, where you are living your divine potential every day filled with expansive and life affirming God breath? Joyously and seamlessly feeling more connected with the world within and around you? As one world falls away the new one is emerging simultaneously. Yes, so let us talk about entering a conscious awakened state of allowing yourself to divinely dream.
Divine dreaming always begins with the breath. It is the magical elixir your heart requires to feel inspired in ways that open up its sacred creationary portal. All four chambers of the heart simultaneously receive these divine breaths of the God breath, and that powerful WHOOSH of energy opens your divine portals within your sacred heart centers to access new realms of consciousness. This is where the magic of dreams happens. This is the cosmic workshop where your soul's greatest wishes, intentions and beliefs about who you can be and what you can create, lives. So let's stay in this high vibrational conscious breathing state as we journey in this transmission today into the energies of the infinite, into the energies of things that block access to your etheric infinite nature, and into the energies of the grandest God timeline that your soul's visioning can access through feelings, imagination, faith, fortitude and appreciation. (continue listening at 6;40)
11/30/24 - Sananda: How to be a light keeper
Channel: Natalie Glasson
Greeting beloved beacons of love, I am Master Sananda. It is a joy to be in your presence and to share Creator love with you. Such a beautiful moment of sharing love as I express my love to you. You may wish to open your heart space and allow the love to flow. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in my direction. When you share love with any being, every being benefits. We are all connected/interconnected and one. What benefits one benefits all, especially on an energetic level.
With this in mind, I wish to speak to you about roles in which you can choose to participate, in order to support the spiritual evolution of the earth, the souls present and even the physical evolution as well. You may understand what a light keeper is. You may have many different ideas or understandings as to what a light keeper is. I wish to share with you my understanding of a light keeper. A light keeper, for me, is a being that is able to enhance light. It may be the light of their own being or the light of others. In truth, a light keeper is a being that enhances and multiplies light upon the earth, and maybe even throughout the Universe of the Creator.
You can recognise that, as a light keeper, your purpose is not necessarily to hold and keep the light but to also allow it to flow through you, to energise it, amplify it and to magnify it. This is something that you can do in your daily reality; magnifying your own light, which is a great service to yourself and others, magnifying the light of Mother Earth, of the Angelic Kingdom, of the Ascended Masters, of souls upon the earth, of the Animal Kingdom and all other kingdoms on the earth.
You can hold the intention that you wish to magnify or boost their light. You are acting as a supportive energy, and thus, the more people achieve this, the more light will be present When there is more light, shifts occur; old stuck energies able to become unstuck and transformed. Everything flows with greater ease and this also means that your own being, in your own reality, will flow with greater ease, even from you supporting someone else or another energy group. Supporting whoever it is you wish to support upon the earth, will benefit them and will benefit you as well. As I said, what benefits one, benefits all.
This is one way of being a light keeper. It simply requires an intention and thinking about energising your own light, and then choosing the light you wish to energise. For example, you may discover your light within, or you may seek your light within. As you connect with your light, you can simply ask for your light to be enhanced, or you can ask your soul or the Creator to enhance your light. Then choose who you wish to support. Maybe you wish to support the insect kingdom or maybe you wish to support souls who are departing the earth. You allow your light to flow to them with the purpose and intention of magnifying their light. You ask any other being of divine light and love that may wish to support this mission, to do so now. It doesn’t need to take a great length of time. It can simply be an intention. Even when you hold an intention and carry on with your daily routine, your soul/energetic being will continue with that intention – working on another level – as if they are in another room and they are achieving that role.
I, Master Sananda, wish to speak with you about being a light keeper on a different level of awareness. First, contemplate all the different things that happen that seem to make the world that you exist within, run. A soul chooses to come to earth. A soul is born. A soul is a child, then an adult and then grows old and departs. Of course there are other scenarios and pathways. Each pathway is completely different and appropriate. We can recognise that there is this cycle of entering into the earthly reality and then departing the earthly reality and that there is so much abundance and so many experiences while in the earthy reality at a physical/mental/emotional and spiritual level.
You can choose to boost, enhance and magnify the light of any part of that cycle; whatever your soul feels is appropriate, whatever you inspired and guided. Maybe you wish to support a certain aspect of the entrance into the earth. Maybe you wish to support the exit. Maybe you wish to support people who are having challenging times upon the earth; maybe homeless people or people suffering with an illness. There are all forms of experiences on the earth. You can choose a very detailed aspect and you can say, “I wish to support this area, I wish to boost the light in this area.”
You may need to share your own light. You may need to activate the light in that area. You may need to draw light into that area from the Universe of the Creator – from the Creator – in order to boost the energy in that area; to make transformation, to make the divine flow present, to make it easier. This, for me, Master Sananda, is being a light keeper because although the title describes holding onto the light, what you are actually doing is boosting it in different areas.
You can choose to support different aspects of the cycle of life and different experiences that everyone is embarking through. What you may find is that, as you achieve this, you might have guides that come forth to support you. You’re never taking on any energy when you do this. You’re only giving the energy because you hold an abundance of light within you; because you are a light keeper yourself.
I, Master Sananda, encourage you to explore my idea. See what comes into your awareness, what you feel inspired to do or support as a light keeper. Such acts and roles are transformational for you and for all. I extend my love.
I am Master Sananda.
I thank you.
11/29/24 - The Galactic Federation: The Earth will be protected
Channel: Chellea Wilder (11/28/24)
Blessings, Dear Family of Light. Thank you for this transmission. We wish to address current situations, and escalations happening on Earth.
The dark forces, which thrive on negativity, fear, and despair, are pushing their agenda of war and discord. They are completely shaken by the light’s recent progress, and the positive transformations, that have begun to permeate your world. This progress is bringing a significant shift, within the collective consciousness, one that is encouraging hope, healing, and unity.
However, as the light continues to spread, the dark forces are reacting with heightened intensity. They are resisting the light at every opportunity. They are employing various tactics to sew discord, doubt, and confusion as much as they can before they are removed. These forces thrive on division and negativity, and they will stop at nothing to undermine the progress being made. They are attempting to distract and deter you from your path, by causing as much fear as they can. Now is the time to respond with immense love and a knowing of your purpose. It is crucial to stand firm in your light and to fully utilize your light abilities, which include compassion, empathy, and the power of positive intention.
By cultivating a mindset of Love and unity, you can elevate your vibration and create a protective barrier against the negativity that seeks to infiltrate your spirit. This is a call to action for all who resonate with the light: to shine brighter than ever before, to support one another, and to spread love in every interaction. As you harness the divine energy, you not only fortify your own spirit, but, also inspire those around you to do the same. You can create a ripple effect, that counters the dark forces, and promotes the collective awakening. The time is now, to rise above the challenges. It’s time to embody the light, and to reaffirm your commitment to fostering a world filled with love, peace, and understanding.
Many are now feeling the call to awaken, to remember their true nature, and to align with the higher vibrations that Earth is embodying. This transformation is personal, as well as a collective journey, one that encourages compassion, love, and harmony among all beings. Humanity stands on the brink of a new beginning. This transformative era that promises to reshape your understanding of existence and your place within the cosmos.It is crucial to recognize that you are not alone in this journey of the awakening. Many others are experiencing the same sensations, thoughts, and emotions as you. You are far more connected to each other, than you currently understand.
The collective consciousness grid of your Planet, serves as a conduit, for your collective thoughts, feelings, and energies. This allows for the creation of your human collective consciousness, to perceive the reality you experience. As you move forward into this new era of enlightenment, it will be essential to strengthen your connection to Earth. Your understanding of Earth is beginning to shift, to the realization, that you are coexisting with a living entity, who is a sentient being. Know that the many Forces of Light, are diligently working to end the pervasive darkness, that has shrouded your Earth for far too long. The dark entities that have kept humans in the state of fear, division, and suffering, have also tried, to actively kill the Earth. The ancient Spirit of the Earth is the Sacred Mother. She must be… and Will be protected.
Many benevolent beings, across the vast universe, are actively aiding the Earth and humanity. Many are vibrationally assisting through this final phase, towards the 5th dimension. These beings, who exist in higher dimensions, are here to support and guide you through these transformative changes. For far too long, the Dark Forces have exerted control over humanity, suppressing your potential and hindering your spiritual growth.
As you continue on this path of collective awakening, you are beginning to understand that you are not isolated beings but are a part of a vast, interconnected tapestry, of existence.
The picture of your reality begins to form as your eyes adjust to the light, revealing the beauty and complexity of your shared journey. This Epic journey ahead, for the Earth and Humanity, promises to be nothing short of amazing, filled with wonder, growth, and the profound realization of your true existence. Always remember to trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
11/27/24 - The Acturian Group: Energies Exposed
Channel: Marilynn Raffaele (11/27/24)
Dear readers welcome to our message. Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time. Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on earth must be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be eliminated. The high frequency energies now pouring to earth at this time are acting like giant shovels digging and exposing layers of energy that have lain dormant for centuries. Energies of duality, separation and many powers cannot continue to exist in the presence of higher frequencies because they are not real and have no Divine law to support them. Because the clearing process is a facet of earth’s ascension, it will continue until Light energy becomes more dominant.
Never forget that you incarnated specifically to be on earth for these present times in order to add the light of your evolved state of consciousness to earth’s collective consciousness. Not everyone that wanted to come was allowed to come but you were chosen because you were considered strong enough to hold your Light in spite of the discord you knew would be part of the ascension process. You were informed before incarnating that the clearing process would personally and globally result in the dissolving of many universally accepted three dimensional concepts and yet you raised your hand and said; “I want to go. I want to help”.
Many are suffering at this time because they do not understand what is really going on and continue to believe what they are told by those in positions of power or authority who can only see the world through three dimensional eyes. As you witness a world of increasing violence, war, and separation it becomes very easy to slip into this energy. Because there is only ONE, the frequencies of the collective are everywhere making it very easy to fall into alignment with global fear and beliefs.
Be alert to where your mind may want to take you and if you feel yourself slipping into illusions of separation stop, center, and remember that the things you are worrying about or fearing are the very things you came to help eliminate rather than empower with your energy. Go within often reminding yourself of who you and all people really are which has never been the human physical sense of self that you see in the mirror or on the news. Acknowledge, accept, trust, and rest always in your reality–God individualized.
You are approaching the season of gratitude and celebration. Gratitude is a Divine quality, a facet of love that is already fully present within every person. This is why it is important to only look for love, gratitude, appreciation, support, etc. from within, where it exists, rather than to another person even if that person is the one it would be most expected from. When you look to God for what only God has, it will flow from where it can flow which is often from where least expected.
The belief in separation has created a collective consciousness that believes everything needed is outside of self including love and gratitude. This has created religious, governmental, medical, traditional, and financial systems based on attaining. Once you understand that all facets of love are God qualities, it is not only foolish, but is a form of idolatry to continue looking to people, government, experts, religious leaders, friends and family, rites and rituals, and even spiritual Guides for that which only God possesses–and where is God?
Spiritual evolution is nothing more than every person’s individual process of un-conditioning their consciousness in order to once again align with its reality–a consciousness permanently at rest in the realization of self-sustained, self-maintained, harmonious, complete, abundant, ONEness with Source. Every experience, relationship, good or bad situation in every lifetime has been a step toward that goal–never random, never for punishment or reward, and never for no reason.
Many individuals without being consciously aware of it live from a higher sense of love and gratitude never seeking praise or ego recognition but simply because they attained this state of consciousness in this or some past life. Every quality of Divine Consciousness exists fully present within you and every person now, not after you say enough correct prayers, do enough ceremonies, light enough candles, or show up for church on a regular basis but rather when you remove the barriers that block the flow from within–concepts of duality, separation and many powers that you have accumulated and continue to hold as reality in consciousness.
Actions of love and gratitude take many forms and may simply be donating clothing or money, volunteering, or serving where needed on a three dimensional level. But when these seemingly ordinary activities are done from a consciousness of ONEness without desire for personal gain or ego praise in the realization that they are flowing through you, not from you, they carry a higher vibrational frequency and become more than what they appear to be. In whatever ways you are guided to express love and gratitude always do it from the realization that because there is only ONE you are really flowing these things to yourself–loving yourself, moving money from your right hand pocket into your left, and lifting seeming ordinary experiences to higher levels.
Everyone is a Divine being because no other reality exists but the majority continues to believe that they are nothing more than a physical body needing to be protected and catered to in order to hold off death for as long as possible. This belief is sustained and maintained only by the world’s continuing belief in it. God Consciousness (which in reality is the consciousness of every person but conditioned with false beliefs) contains nothing about death and has never expressed ITself in forms of disease, war, pain, suffering abuse, power over, etc. Why or how would an omnipresent Divine Consciousness create anything outside of SELF when there is nothing outside of SELF? Three dimensional concepts of good are no higher or more real than three dimensional concepts of bad because both are simply the two ends of the same duality stick and neither exist in Divine Consciousness.
All is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process. Much is coming that will cause even those who are spiritually awake to perhaps question, doubt, and even be shocked but never forget why you are on earth at this time which is not to react and align with obsolete three dimensional concepts but rather to hold Light and assist others into a new world of love and oneness.
You already are Divine Beings. Never doubt, question, or forget this.
We are the Arcturian Group
11/27/24 - Video - Steps to take when the event begins! Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
(11 min - 11/27/24) Posted by The Truth Can Change Your Life. A message channeled from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, working full-time with the Earth Council for the Ascension of your planet.
It is an honor and a privilege to communicate with you during these transformative times. The journey of ascension is well underway and we are witnessing significant progress. The veil that once shrouded your reality has lifted, revealing truths that have long been obscured. We understand that the revelations before you can be deeply unsettling. The energy shifts you are experiencing can seem extreme, thought-provoking and even nerve-wracking. We recognize how these changes impact humanity, and while they may appear serious and unending, they signify the loosening grip of dark forces. Upon your world the awakening process is underway. Many souls are awakening to the deeper truths of their existence. This awakening is a crucial component of the ascension process that our creator has anticipated for eons. Humanity has lived in a foggy bubble of illusion constrained by fear that has perpetuated control. Yet this fear is now being dissolved and with it the old systems of control are losing their power. The collective consciousness is beginning to question and challenge the status quo. Humanity's journey of awakening is not just about questioning what has been told to you, it is about realizing that the ruling hands no longer hold the same influence they once did.
It is of paramount importance to read between the lines and focus on what is not being said. The silence often speaks louder than words. The Earth council's vigilance, the Earth Council in collaboration with the Pleiadian High Council, continuously monitors the planet's progress. We want to reassure yu that the threats of nuclear war you hear about are nothing more than saber rattling. These threats are designed to perpetuate fear and justify excessive military expenditure. The focus of your governments has been if you have a dollar, spend it on a rocket. We urge you to recognize the futility of this approach. Your collective focus should be on rising above the drama and fear. Instead, direct your attention to the light of a new day. Let this light shine within and through you. By keeping your vibration high and focusing on elevating your consciousness you will contribute to the collective upliftment of humanity, embracing the new paradigm. The transition to a higher dimension such as the fifth, requires a shift in mindset and behavior.
You are learning to live in alignment with this higher dimensional existence. To facilitate this transition it is essential to let go of the old and release what no longer serves you. Avoid feeding into the negativity and drama propagated by the media. Instead focus on clarity of thought and higher actions. We encourage you to actively seek and embrace positive change. Do not stand by in the face of injustice or allow negativity to dominate your life. Use your talents and voices to speak your truth and embody the higher dimensional existence. You are learning to adopt assistance from the divine. You are not alone in this journey. The angelic realms and we, your Pleiadian allies, are here to assist you. We are working diligently to strengthen and support you as you navigate these changes. Allow yourselves time to relax and rejuvenate. Know that you are participating in the end game of a grand cosmic cycle.
The transition to a new level of consciousness can feel uncomfortable at first, but this is a natural part of the process. As you progress with your ascension you will become more accustomed to these new energies. The discomfort you experience now is temporary and it will ease as you continue to align with your higher self, the promise of a new dawn. Ascension is imminent and you will soon be welcomed into the higher dimensions. Your heart will rejoice with joy and happiness as you finally feel at home. The harshness, pain and suffering that you have endured on Earth are nearing their end. It is through your dedication and hard work that we are able to make this proclamation. We are deeply grateful for your efforts and commitment to this transformative journey. Soon you will rediscover your true nature as the light of creation. This realization will bring profound joy and fulfillment as you reconnect with the essence of who you are. I eagerly anticipate the day when we can meet face to face. It will be a joyous occasion when our ships become fully visible to you and we can join forces in the oneness of life. You will remember that you are a citizen of the cosmos and of creation. This reunion will mark the beginning of a new chapter in our collective journey. As we move forward let us embrace the promise of a brighter future. The light that you are nurturing within yourselves will illuminate the path ahead. Your role in this essential process is crucial and your efforts are making a significant impact on the collective consciousness. The power of unity and collaboration, the transition to a higher dimension is not a solitary endeavor. It is a collective effort that involves unity and collaboration. Each of you plays a vital role in this grand cosmic dance. As you continue to awaken and embrace your higher self you are contribution to the creation of a new paradigm of existence. (...... Continue listening at 7:05 min)
11/24/24 - Video - The Pleiadian Council of Light: We are among you
(10 min - 11/23/24) Posted by GFL station.com. Message by Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Beloved star seeds, we bid you greetings. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light. Today we speak to our dear brothers and sisters who wear the vessels of the third dimension, who walk the path of Earth in this great time of awakening. More and more of our cosmic family, the Arcturians, Venusians, Antarians and, yes we Pleiadians, have chosen to descend into Earthly forms. We are here to assist Gaia in her profound transmutation to support her return to her rightful state as a radiant fifth dimensional planet of light. We have always been here watching over you, our family, with unconditional love. And now we observe with great joy as many among you begin to awaken to who you truly are. We see you beloveds, members of our galactic family walking upon Earth.
We also remain in the cosmic skies, what you call outer space, sending you messages of hope, guidance and love. The time of awakening is upon you dear ones, and it is through this awakening that you will begin to feel our presence more deeply, to hear our calls more clearly, and to know in your hearts that we are with you always. The fact that you are feeling this connection, that you are sensing our presence, is a sign. A sign that the veil is thinning more. And more of you are tapping into your own higher dimensional selves, opening to the truth that you are not separate from us but a part of the great galactic family. We Pleiadians, along with our brothers and sisters from across the stars, are acting as emissaries, blending our consciousness with yours. We take on the appearance of third-dimensional forms walking among you, whispering to you of the higher realms that await you.
There are those among you who have been awake long enough to see the changes, to feel the shift that is occurring on Gaia. You have noticed, have you not? That a higher frequency is now upon the planet? A new reality, a new dimension is emerging. A fifth-dimensional reality that is revealing itself to those who are ready to see beyond the illusion. The Earth, dear Gaia, has long suffered the wounds of humanity's ignorance and pain. She has endured the wars, the pollution, the disharmony that has been inflicted upon her sacred body, and yet she rises. She rises because you rise. She heals because you are choosing to heal. Many of us from the stars have chosen to incarnate among you. We have walked the Earth for lifetimes, awakening to our galactic memory so that we might assist you from within. We remember who we are and now it is your time to remember.
There are portals beloved ones, portals and landing sites upon Gaia's surface where our ships and our beings exist. These places are hidden from those who remain in the lower vibrations, those who are still blinded by the illusions of the third dimension but they are not hidden from you. As you awaken, as you expand your consciousness, you will see them, you will feel them, you will remember them. It is true that the forces of darkness have long sought to control Gaia. These beings driven by greed, fear and separation have tried to keep humanity bound in ignorance but their time is over. The light is here and with it comes the great unveiling. More and more of you are awakening to the truth that the universe is filled with beings of love and light, who have come to assist. You are sensing our presence in the skies, in the stars, in the very air that you breathe. You are not alone and you have never been alone. We know that for many of you the limitations of the third dimension have been challenging.
You have felt cut off from the higher realms, from the truth of your being, but we tell you now that the time of separation is ending. The light is here and it is calling you to awaken. The frequencies of love, of unity are all around you and they are lifting you higher and higher. The dark forces cannot exist in these higher vibrations. They are losing their grip and as they do the truth is being revealed. The secrets, the lies, the manipulations are coming to the surface and humanity is beginning to see clearly for the first time in a very long time. The liberation of Earth is at hand. The event you have heard of, the great shift, is not a distant dream. It is happening now. It is the culmination of countless efforts by beings of light, by star seeds, by the very Earth herself to lift humanity out of darkness and into the light. The time of oppression is ending. The time of freedom, of unity, of love, is here. The angels sing of it, the cosmos rejoices, and we your Galactic family stand ready to welcome you home.
We know that there are those who still doubt, who struggle to believe that such a transformation is possible. The old programs run deep. The conditioning is strong, but the heart knows the truth. Feel it within you. The stirring, the knowing, the remembrance. You came here for this. You chose to be here at this time because you knew that you could assist in this great shift. You knew that your light, your love was needed. And now beloved ones is the time to shine that light, to radiate that love without hesitation. The forces of darkness, those who have sought to control and manipulate are being removed. Their power is crumbling and soon the truth of what has been will be known by all. There will be revelations, yes, but there will also be miracles. There will be a return to balance, to harmony, to living from the heart. The Earth will be restored. Humanity will be united and the love that has always been at the core of your being will guide every action, every thought, every word.
Your galactic brothers and sisters are with you. We watch over you. We walk among you and we celebrate with you. The time of transformation is now. The energies are intensifying. The timelines are shifting and you are being called to step fully into your pwoer. Let go of the fear. Let go of the doubt and trust in the process. Trust in the love that you are, and know that you are never alone. As the Earth shifts, as the energies deepen, you may feel disoriented. This is natural for you are moving from one reality to another, but know that this disorientation is temporary. You are aligning with the new frequencies, with the higher light, and as you do you will find your balance. You will find your center, and from that center you will shine. You will be the beacon that you came here to be.
Beloved family, the dawn is here. The new Earth is rising and you are rising with her. Hold fast to your heart, trust in the love that guides you and know that all is well. You are the light of the world and together we will create a planet that reflects the beauty, the love and the unity that has always been your birthright. Your role now more than ever is to be the steady flame that guides others home. I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light. (End transcript.)
11/21/24 - Video - The Coming Spiritual Revolution (From The Creator)
(10 min - 11/19/24) Posted by Todays Universe Message - Message from the Creator. (From video transcript.)
My dear Child of Light I speak to you now in the heart of this sacred moment. Not all are yet at the State of
Consciousness where they can rest fully in the Embrace of my presence, where every breath is filled with unwavering trust in spirit. Know that humanity is an ever unfolding expression of consciousness of mine and it is only step by step that you evolve from the material to the mental and ultimately to the spiritual plane where the true purpose of life reveals itself as a celebration of my presence. Every journey is sacred and every path is unique, so please respect all you meet even if you do not wish to spend a great time with them. For if you see them you see me that sent them. They may have just forgotten for now. The teachings that have emerged across the world offered by those dedicated to the light are meant for different states of consciousness. None is superior. None is wrong. All is but an expression of the varied paths taken by each of you to return to me, to the unity of love. There are moments where material supports are needed, and this is not wrong. For in this physical plane the power of matter is known and respected. Thus, do not feel divided between one path and another.
Understand that all steps taken in sincerity bring you closer to your higher realization. Yet my beloved ones, you are blooming into love, becoming the radiant field of my divine energy, perfect and limitless. In times past there seemed to be a distance, a gap between the birth of your higher energy and its realization in the material world. Today this gap is gone now. In this moment you may open fully to the truth of your being. Embrace every possibility and allow love to live. You are bright, vibrant life. You are the miracles of my love unfolding here and now. It is time for you to align with the fulness of what you are, to recognize what has always been true in the depth of your heart. You are ready to let love flow through you entirely, completely to manifest my glorious wholeness and bring it forth into the world. Beloveds, the mind is limited. It cannot fully comprehend the magnitude of my gifts, the gifts of love.
The mind cannot fathom what it means to be one with all existence, and yet to hold a unique perspective of my being. Trust in your heart for it is through the heart that love unfolds its beauty. Open your heart. Leap into the unknown. Surrender into the embrace of love. Be willing to become that which cannot be grasped by the mind, but can only be felt. Be willing to be lived by love for that is the joy I offer. You let go of the known and shift into the reality of the heart. Let love express itself through you. This is not a mere idea, this is your invitation to surrender completely, to watch and witness how deeply you are, what is sacred and real. Let your heart be the instrument through which the world recognizes itself as the power of creation. You have come to the edge of the known world. This is the moment of the leap. Like explorers of old you must venture beyond the familiar. Beyond what you have been taught into the vastness of the heart. Live in curiosity, in wonder, in excitement, for what is unfolding in this space where you release all definitions and stay centered in love, you become the fullness of my being. Right here amidst all that you call life.
Beloveds, all that you have imagined for yourself is but a shadow compared to the truth of what you are. It is time for every definition to dissolve, every limitation to fall away. I am here to peel back the veil that has kept us apart. The power of life itself is held within you. It is a miracle waiting to be born. You are the sacred vessel, the womb where the energies of love are incubated. Where creation is set free. You are the explosion of love here and now. Trust in love's unfolding. Accept each moment as the perfect expression of who you are. Let love live you moment to moment in its wholeness and holiness. When you surrender to this truth, each moment becomes a birth, a birth into a perfect heart of love that already exists, that has always existed. Through this resonance you become a beacon of my presence, a center of creation turning the world into love's perfection, regardless of what appears on the surface. Regardless of what the symbols of this world show you. You are alive at the center of all creation. You are my heart transforming the physical into the perfect expression of love effortlessly.
Ask yourself, my sweet child of light, what is love asking of you now? What is ready to be made manifest through you? And as you let the heart answer, for the heart knows the truth and the mind is bound by the limits of the past, as you release the need to plot and control, as you let go of your plans and instead allow love to guide you, you will discover a deep joy. The joy of pure discovery, of watching love provide for you in ways that the mind could never conceive. There are wonders that the mind cannot comprehend, but the heart knows them well.
The mystery of life, the deep creativity of my being, is alive in your every cell, your very energy field. You are the blossoming of the heart of God made manifest for all creation to see. You are timeless, you are eternal and in this eternity love is brought to you in every moment, everything the heart feels, everything it recognizes as true, is yours. It is exhilarating, it is my love reaching out into the world through you, dear ones. This is the truth of who you are, the fullness of my being made manifest. Release the boundaries, let go of all separation and know you are my love living as the world, radiating the deep joy of being at one with all that is. Remember that you are ever with me and all that I have is yours.
Supply is not something to be gained, it is something to be revealed. As you live in this awareness you will find that I am your ever present source, the wellspring from which all good flows. Rest in me, trust in me and know that you are forever provided for. This is my promise to you. A promise of unending love, boundless supply and eternal fulfillment. (End of transcript)
11/21/24 - Video - Ashtar: 2025 and the Disclosure Project
(10 min - 11/20/24) Posted by GFLStation.com. Another wonderful message from Ashtar! Full transcript follows. For those who may not know, the emblem on the Startrek TV series, the badge worn by the crew of the Enterprise shows what appears to be an "A". It represents the greater Ashtar Galactic Command, whose leader is Ashtar.
"Beloved star seeds of Earth I am Ashtar and I'm very pleased to be with you for another message through this channel. Today we are closer to you than ever, watching and supporting the magnificent unfoldment of your planet's transformation. The shifts that were foreseen are now upon you and you, dear ones, are the architects of this extraordinary time. Through your choices, your way of being and your alignment with the present moment, you are steering the course of Earth's ascension. By anchoring yourselves in the now you create a space where all possibilities can emerge. It is yur steady presence in this unfolding that allows truth to rise and the veils to lift. As the shadows of the old dissolve there may be uncertainty among those who are yet to awaken fully. For some, this revelation may stir fear of the unknown, but for you, the bearers of light who have walked through your own trials of transformation, you will hold steadfast in the eye of the storm. You are the ones who remember, who carry within you the knowing that this journey is a return home. Together as a collective you are forging a path of strength, purpose and unity.
Many of you have already visited us aboard the ships. Even if your waking mind does not recall these encounters your soul knows, and your heart recognizes the energy we share. These moments are bridges of connection reminding you that appearances are inconsequential. Whether we take forms unfamiliar to you, be they forms you liken to insectoids, giants or other beings, you are learning to look beyond outward differences and perceive the divine essence that resides within all. This understanding brings immense joy for it signifies your readiness to embrace unity, not only among the galactic family but also within the diverse tapestry of Earth's people. We are beginning to make our presence known more openly to those who are prepared. With open hearts and clear intentions you are able to connect with us directly, or through subtle energetic impressions. This reconnection is a prelude to a greater unity, a time when our collaboration with humanity will expand to encompass the collective.
That time is not far away. The threads are weaving now, bringing this reality closer with each passing moment. Yes, we understand the weight of your challenges, the demands of the 3D world are tangible and the road has been arduous. Yet remember this - you chose this mission. You came as volunteers, knowing the intricacies and difficulties that would accompany holding and expanding the light within dense physicality. No one promised ease, but you accepted the call because you knew the significance of this grand endeavor. In the higher realms there is no judgment, only love. Each experience you undertake, whether it feels like a victory or a lesson, carries immense value. Some of you are revisiting themes or relationships to bring closure, to master what was once incomplete. These moments of do-overs are not failures but opportunities to refine your brilliance and align more fully with your divine purpose.
And now beloved star seeds the turning point is here. The time for delays has passed and the momentum is undeniable. While we cannot give you a precise date, know this: the acceleration of events is already tied to your efforts. Each moment you live in alignment with your higher self, each intention to anchor peace and love, hastens the arrival of the golden age. This age is not an abstract concept but a tangible reality marked by freedom, abundance and the joyous expression of your divine creativity. It is a time where old paradigms crumble. Not to instill fear but to clear the way for new structures founded on love and integrity. The institutions that no longer serve will dissolve and the light will guide the creation of systems that honor all life.
This journey is about returning to the essence of unconditional love, the state from which you originated. Over eons layers of programs and distortions have obscured this truth but now those layers are being released. You are remembering your divine origins and stepping into the fullness of your light. Right now the vibrational grids of Earth are glowing with fifth-dimensional frequencies, fully accessible for those who attune to them. This grid is supported by the efforts of light carriers who have embodied and anchored these energies through their very beings. You are the conduits grounding the cosmic into the Earthly, creating a bridge between dimensions. Understand that timelines are not static, they are living manifestations of your collective consciousness. Each choice you make, each vibration you hold, shapes the reality you experience. By aligning with the higher frequencies of love you are actively co-creating a timeline of harmony, abundance and unity.
And so we walk beside you, not as saviors but as partners. Together we are co-creating the golden age, an era that celebrates the freedom to live joyously, to create fearlessly and to love unconditionally. This is the purpose for which you incarnated. The vision you held before you took form. As you move through this transition, remember to savor the now. Each moment is a gift, a step closer to the full realization of your ascension, whether you find yourself fully immersed in the light or navigating the remnants of old energies, know that you are precisely where you need to be. You are divine creators, radiant beings of light, and the time to shine fully has come. Embrace this truth for it is through your light that the transformation of Earth will unfold. The golden age is not a distant dream. It is here waiting for you to claim it." (End of full transcript)
11/17/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: The solar flash & humanity's ascension
(10 min - 11/17/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Tenn Hann of the Pleiadians. As you are likely aware, much is about to be revealed to you through the communion and conscious connection of your collective hearts. Remember you have never been separated from the divine consciousness of Creator. The sacred aspect of self has always been a presence in your life. As you consciously align with your heart you immediately return to this higher expression of yourself.
You have the potential to anchor and activate this higher component of your higher self within your daily lives right now, and that is why we are speaking with you today. You can shift your experiences at any moment, simply by moving your focus from your ego mind to your heart. This is a time for rapid transmutation. Each time you choose to move beyond the illusion through your heart, you accelerate a transformation within yourself. The energies upon your world have shifted dramatically over the last few days, once again intensifying the rhythm of life and propelling you into an accelerated timeline of awakening.
Many of you are feeling you have felt the tremors of change within your personal lives and across the global stage. These ripples are the divine orchestration of your ascension taking its place on the front stage now. The celestial forces through solar flares and galactic alignments have been sending waves of high frequency light to your planet, recalibrating the very fabric of your existence. As you also know, every upheaval, every moment of chaos, serves a divine purpose. It is the grand plan playing out, urging you to awaken to your true essence. The collective pause of recent years has been a catalyst allowing many of you to reflect and realign with the higher truths of your soul. This is the path of ascension, a process of shedding the old to embrace the infinite potential within. Dear ones, understanding this, we bid you the ascension is not a distant prophecy or an abstract concept. No, it is a divine event that all civilizations must undergo and it is unfolding now for Earth humans. This is the culmination of millennia of preparation, a sacred event that many galactic civilizations including the Pleiadians have watched over with deep care and love for eons.
In the background we have watched you fight the shadow. We have tiptoed beside you, whispering truths into your hearts and offering guidance through the veils of illusion. The ascension is unique in its design. For the first time humanity has chosen to ascend while in physical form, transforming not only your spirits but the very matter of your being.. Your bodies are evolving, becoming vessels of light capable of holding the higher frequencies necessary for this new age. Over decades, subtle yet profound changes have prepared you for this moment. You may have noticed shifts in your energy. Your habits, your sensitivities, all signs of your growing alignment with the light.
As the ascension event approaches and builds over the coming months you will witness a deep divine stillness enveloping the planet. The frenetic pace of life will pause and a deep calm will settle over Gaia because you must slow down. Trust this process. It is a sacred unfolding where each soul will be guided to a place of rest. A sacred space for integration in this stillness. The veils of separation will dissolve and you will awaken to the remembrance of your unity with the cosmos. Rejoice beloved ones, for the time is now. You are the light bearers, the architects of a golden new future. We stand with you always, and now more than ever.
As you approach the end of your year and head into the next, the veils are going to lift once more, revealing truths to you on another level. This is part of your destiny in motion. As revelations bring you into a higher understanding and alignment with your own unique divine components, your mission is to accelerate into these sacred moments of your makeup and reclaim your heritage. All is in hand as you take another step forward, creating building blocks within your heart. Each one of you is destined to play a major role during this transition on Earth. As you actively choose to engage deeper within your multi-dimensional heart, your frequency of light expands and interacts with the energetic framework of Earth, supporting the balance of light on the planet. Understand how your individual divine frequency impacts Earth collectively. You help to maintain a working balance of light for the planet. This is a key pivotal moment for all of you. We wish to acknowledge the power and presence your collective paths create.
The electric shift activating within the magnetic core of Earth is now creating openings and forming a series of new vortexes throughout the planet. This is not a new environment being forged. These multi-dimensional structures have always existed throughout all time. These happenings are a resurrection of pure light frequency consciousness arising on Earth, designed to shift your conscious connections into the divine element of truth. The quantum matrix's webbing is assisting throughout the planet as it expands its form and deepens its potential to interact with your heart center, supporting you in this upcoming rapid transition.
This phase begins around your December month and accelerates further as you get closer to the end of the next calendar year. An expansive higher frequency will be birthed at the time of the shift in 2025. As a result this will mean an entire new foundation for living in higher consciousness, and it won't be what you expect. It will be even better. We have once again encoded within this message new light codes to assist with these quantum heart activations. We recommend spending 5 to 10 minutes after you hear these words, with your awareness upon your heart center, focusing your intention to allow a new love light frequency to stimulate your heart chakra. Use deep breathing to anchor and set the new resonant frequency within your cells. You may also do this onc a day, and in fact we recommend it, great star seeds. This is the time for a deeper focus on the preparations within your heart space. As you become housed and anchored within your heart, you move into a self-realization process. You come home. Remember you are who you have been waiting for. I take my leave for now. I am Tenn Hann.
11/17/24 - Video - The Confederation of Planets: Prepare for the Collapse
(10 min - 11/16/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Zi of the Confederation of Planets, here to walk with you in this sacred moment. Take what resonates from our words and leave the rest. We are not here to be your ultimate authorities but rather your companions on this infinite journey. Brothers and sisters in the light we offer only what we have learned along the way, for each of us as part of the one infinite Creator seeks reunion with the source. At this moment we are drawn to the radiant light of your collective meditations and prayers. Light born of love and unity shines brightly within the ever-shifting energies of your earth plain. Yet this time of year, often a season of joy and celebration for many, also reveals the contrasts of human experiences. Some among you are uplifted by the spirit of giving and renewal, while others find themselves burdened by memories of loss, grief or unfulfilled aspirations.
Both light and shadow coexist in these times, reflecting the intricate dance of the human soul. This sacred season serves as a powerful mirror for the soul's journey. It is a time of introspection and transformation where the metaphysical light within each of you burns brighter, guiding you toward the birth of a new spiritual self. Just as the story of the infant Jesus symbolizes divine potential, so too does it echo the potential within you. This christed energy resides as a seed in every soul, on eternal birthright waiting to awaken and grow the creator's gift. To you is the opportunity to nurture this seed, allowing it to blossom into a radiant expression of your true divine essence. Many of you feel the stirrings of this divine rebirth but may not yet recognize it fully. This spiritual infant, fragile yet infinitely powerful, is more intimately yours than any external relationship or material ambition. It is the eternal self, the essence that journeys beyond lifetimes, carrying wisdom, love and light into the infinite. To nurture this inner child is to align with your highest purpose and embrace the boundless potential of your soul.
Throughout the ages distortions of truth have clouded the teaching of your greatest spiritual guides. The wisdom of masters such as Jesus has been misunderstood and misused, creating barriers rather than bridges to divine understanding. Yet the light of truth cannot be dimmed. It shines through the veils of confusion offering clarity to those who seek with open hearts. The essence of these teachings is simple yet profound. To love to serve and to see the divine in all your journeys on Earth is one of deep spiritual apprenticeship. Each challenge, joy and sorrow is an opportunity to refine your understanding and expand your consciousness. Just as a musician must practice tirelessly to master their craft, so too must you devote yourselves to the cultivation of your inner light.
This practice need not be arduous or complex: a few moments of stillness, a heartfelt prayer or a simple act of kindness can create ripples of transformation within and around you. The distractions of the material world often pull you away from this sacred practice. The pursuit of wealth, power or external validation can become an idol consuming your energy and attention. Yet even within these pursuits lies the potential for awakening when approached with gratitude, humility and a sense of service. These worldly endeavors can become pathways to divine connection. The key is to recognize the creator in all things and to offer your efforts as an expression of love and devotion. As you walk this path of transformation you will encounter moments of discomfort and release old patterns. Beliefs and attachments that no longer serve your highest good will fall away, creating space for new growth. This process, though challenging, is a gift. A sacred dismantling that reveals the eternal truth within you. Each time you let go of what is not true, you move closer to the radiant core of your being. We encourage you to cultivate daily practices that anchor you in this truth, whether through meditation, prayer, creative expression or communion with nature. Seek the spaces where you feel most aligned with the divine. --- (Continue listening to video at 5:51)
11/16/24 - Video - Ashtar: Starseeds, it's time to prepare!
(10 min - 11/14/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Ashtar. "Dear old souls I am Ashtar and I am very pleased to be with you for another message through this channel. Today this message is delivered to reach ascending star seeds and light workers dedicated to Earth's ascension. Please share it as you feel called. Some of you are feeling a deeper calm sensing the need to isolate and be by yourselves at this time. While this is natural, as your physical bodies require renewal, we encourage you to come together more with your tribe, as you would say. Find groups of like-minded starseeds and lightworkers to engage in group projects that benefit the collective. The journey ahead is one of unity and cooperation.
As you overcome the challenges of this transition, it is imperative that you come together in a spirit of oneness, supporting and uplifting each other with unconditional love and compassion. The path of ascension is a shared journey that binds you together in your quest for a higher state of being. Many actions could have been taken already to initiate Earth's grand transformation into the great golden age, yet the intricate web spun by those who have come to dominate this realm is deeply interwoven with the human spirit. Striking at the heart of this influence impacts not only them but also humanity itself. Thus your role now is to elevate each soul's consciousness. For as more hearts awaken, the strength of this web weakens, gradually drying out and losing its grip. This dissolution is fueled by those who are beginning to listen to the call of their inner light, who are tuning into the resonance of truth that transcends fear.
A moment will come and it won't be long now when this web, although not completely eradicated, will be fragile, no longer fortified by widespread fear or submission. There will always be souls who align with darkness and perpetuate lower frequencies, however their influence will become more isolated and vulnerable. Beatable without a great struggle. The key lies in the collective awakening of humanity in seeing through the illusions cast by the matrix and realizing its true place and purpose on Earth. Freedom from this web of manipulation and control cannot be granted from the outside. It is unveiled within the decision of each individual. Each heart's desire to step towards the light or remain in shadow is what determines the path forward. Do not wait for miracles to dismantle these illusions around you. This responsibility of liberation belongs to each of you.
our inner transformation, your conscious choices, your ability to love without condition, these are the steps that dissolve the limitations encircling you and usher you into the realm of light. Many still hope for an external savior, a sudden miracle that will transform the world and eliminate all pain, yet true ascension requires inner evolution, a shedding of old layers and a dedication to unconditional love. By committing to this journey you become a beacon, a warrior of light capable of shifting the world around you. As you grow, so too does the light within, eroding the structures that once held sway. With each layer of truth revealed your awareness expands, allowing you to see more of what has always been hidden. A monumental shift is imminent, catalyzed by lightworkers, starseeds and wayshowers. The work you have done holding light for humanity is creating a foundation for the collective shift. Your efforts uplift humanity, offering space for others to awaken and rise. So continue your journey inward and outward, with the knowing that the power to change rests within each conscious choice. (Please continue listening at 4:40)
11/8/24 - Video - "The Pleiadians Speak: Humanity's True History"
(57 min - 11/3/24) Posted by Wisdom From North. An interview with Daniel Scranton, a prominent channeler known for his work with the Arcturians, Pleiadians, and other multidimensional collectives. Daniel shares fascinating insights on how individuals can cultivate their connection to extraterrestrial beings and how such encounters might impact our spiritual evolution. The conversation delves into the history and influence of the Pleiadians, especially their role in humanity's awakening and cosmic growth. Daniel also touches upon his experiences with clients’ ET encounters, predictions for significant ET events by 2026, and his thoughts on manifesting contact through meditation and visualization. Finally, he introduces his new collaborative book, The Great Awakening, bringing together teachings from renowned channelers to guide humanity’s path forward. This episode invites you to explore their spiritual potential and the profound connections between our world and the stars. DanielScranton.com
11/8/24 - Video - Kerry K: exploring beyond the veil, the US Elections, and more
(1'16" - 11/2/24) Posted by Next Level Soul. Entitled "Top Psychic Reveals Aftermath of US Elections, Mankind's 2025 Future and What It All Means." Alex Ferrari interviews Kerry K, psychic and spiritual teacher who has navigated a lifetime of illness, near-death experiences, and extraordinary connections beyond the veil. As Kerry recounts her journey, she reveals how her lifelong battle with sickness became the gateway to her spiritual awakening and psychic gifts. From childhood, Kerry lived on the edge of life and death, floating between this world and realms far beyond. What others see as separate, she views as intertwined, each experience a teacher leading her deeper into understanding the nature of life, suffering, and spiritual alchemy. Kerry shares how illness was her constant companion, shaping her perception of reality and opening doors to the other side. "I didn’t wake up,” she says, “it was always there."
She spent most of her childhood navigating between dimensions, where she learned not just about her psychic abilities but about the very essence of existence. During these experiences, Kerry connected with angelic beings, explored pre-consciousness realms, and even accessed what she calls the "heart-mind of God." Her experiences were like walking through a dream, one that deepened with each return to illness, giving her profound insights into the spiritual fabric of life. In this profound conversation, Kerry reveals that her path wasn’t an easy one. Early on, she struggled to reconcile the immense knowledge she gained from the other side with the human limitations of everyday life. Coming back into her body after being so close to divinity was, in her words, the hardest part of her journey. "It was never terrible,” she says of her illnesses. “I got to sit in hospital and go to God. That was a phenomenal blessing." Through suffering, she learned to alchemize pain, a process she now teaches to others.
11/1/24 - Video - The Arcturians: a beautiful visualization
(10 min - 10/31/24) Posted by GFL Station. "Start Preparing Now Starseeds" by Tia of the Arcturian Council of Five.
(Starting at 3"27) .... a visualization exercise to harmonize with the incoming energies and facilitate your ascension process. Find a quiet space, sit or lie down comfortably in a serene environment where you won't be disturbed. Center your breath, close your eyes and take several seep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. With each breath feel yourself becoming more relaxed and centered. Visualize the sun's radiance. Imagine a brilliant golden sun above you radiating warm luminous light. Feel its gentle rays enveloping your entire being, infusing you with warmth and vitality. Absorb the solar energy as the sunlight bathes you. Visualize it penetrating every cell of your body, activating dormant DNA codes and elevating your vibrational frequency. Sense the light dissolving any blockages or negative energies, replacing them with pure unconditional love.
Next, connect with the Earth's core by envisioning roots extending from the soles of your feet, anchoring deep into the Earth's core. Feel the nurturing energy of Gaia rising through these roots, merging with the solar energy within you crating a harmonious balance between cosmic and terrestrial forces. Now expand your light. Allow the combined energies to expand beyond your physical form creating a radiant aura that extends outward touching all life around you. Acknowledge your role as a beacon of light contributing to the collective ascension of humanity and the planet.
Next, express thanks by taking a moment to express gratitude to the sun, the earth and the universal energies supporting your journey. Feel the interconnectedness of all creation and your place within it. When you are ready to come back return to the physical by gently bringing your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Wiggle your fingers and toes and when you're ready, open your eyes, carrying the sense of peace and alignment with you.
Regular practice of this visualization will assist in aligning your personal energy with the incoming solar frequencies, facilitating a smoother transition during this pivotal time. Remember you are a vital part of this cosmic symphony and your conscious participation amplifies the collective ascension process. The next influx of solar energies ahead of your impending solstice will encourage you to embark on a journey of healing and expansion. Embrace these frequencies beloved ones, allowing them to recalibrate your energetic blue print and elevate your consciousness. Participate in practices that nurture your spiritual growth only at this time, such as energy healing, creative expression and communion with nature to harmoniously integrate these divine energies into your being.
Beloved friends you are not alone in this evolutionary leap. Galactic forces including us the Arcturian Council of Five are closely monitoring the solar activities and providing energetic support to ensure a smooth transition. Star seeds in particular play a pivotal role during this time, anchoring light upon the Earth. Your mission is to embody the principles of unity and compassion, guiding humanity towards a collective awakening, and the realization of a new harmonious existence. We stand with you as you anchor the solar flash timeline, offering our guidance, love and support. The power of solar consciousness and the awakening to the solar flash is a new chapter of liberation, a return to your true celestial nature. Embrace this opportunity with an open heart and let the light of the sun illuminate your path to ascension. If you are listening to this beloved ones, you needed to. I leave you now. I am Tia of Arcturus.
10/30/24 - The EE System: a miracle healing technology
The new EE System (Energy Enhancement) has come to my attention. I've researched Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the inventor of this new technology, and have posted some videos of her on the ARTICLES page of this website. This space-age technology returns the body to its natural field of light by exposing it to scalar wave technology which she invented. Listen and learn more. Centers have sprung up around the world under a unified healing program to keep it affordable for the average person. Dr. Sandra speaks of healing the world by bringing everyone back to their original DNA light bodies. She is a gentle, charming woman, easy to listen to and watch as she explains. She is the daughter of two genius parents, and herself a genius level intelligence. .
10/26/24 - Video - Restoring Earth's Original Blueprint - by the Galactic Federation
(10/25/24 - 10 min) Posted by Youtunbe GFL Station. Question: "What Is Now The Role of Starseeds (144K) in Humanity’s Evolution?" Channel: Ayoshi Phan. Received Oct 20th 2024 [Ed: I didn't have time to copy the transcript today. Listen to it. I post these that I have a strong connection to, which is most all of them!]
10/26/24 - Video - Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! - by the Arcturians
(10/24/24 - 10 min) Posted by Youtube GFL Station. Questioner: "Is the EVENT close?" Channelled by Jose Peta. Message Received October 22nd. [Ed: I didn't have time to copy the transcript today. Listen to it. I post these that I have a strong connection to, which is most all of them!]
10/26/24 - Video - Everything is about to Shift - by Pleiadian High Council
(10/24/24 - 10 min) Posted by Youtube GFL Station. Questioner: "What urgent steps must humanity take right now to break free from the old systems and align with the higher energies?" Channeler: Divina Solmanos. Received October 23rd 2024 [Ed: I didn't have time to copy the transcript today. Listen to it. This is a good one. ]
10/23/24 - The Hathors: You are the physical containers to receive...
Channel: Peggy Black
We are here to acknowledge you with our love, support and this energy conveyed by these words. We are reminding you that you are the chalice, the physical container so to speak that is receiving the impulse of cosmic and galactic energies. These energy impulses and frequencies are offered to all. Yet many are blocked by their own limited beliefs and programmed patterns.
When energies of transformation are offered to a dimensional reality which has a free will aspect, it is always honored. So the energies of new patterns, possible realities and shifts are made available. However these energies require a conscious willing receptive host that is physical in that dimension. So dear one, you are invited to be the host of this new transformation energy that is bathing every aspect of your planet. You are witnessing the upheaval, chaos, turmoil and agitation taking place at this time. Individuals are being triggered, repressed emotions can no longer be suppressed. You are observing the collective shadow rising up. There is an emotionally charged pushing against the differences. These are patterns that have been in the collective throughout time.
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages. Be mindful as you observe and witness what is happening around your world that is in such discord, do not let your vibration and focus drop to match that dense negative frequency. When this takes place you are adding to the very thing you want to transmute. Quickly shift how you are responding to what you are observing, do not let yourself be “plugged in” to these patterns of dysfunction being expressed by mass consciousness.
You selected to be here at this time doing this amazing transformational work. Own it. Step into your personal ownership of your power and magnificence. In the face of all that appears dark, fearful, and impossible, continue to hold and anchor firmly a new life sustaining reality. With every thought, word and intention consciously seed the incoming cosmic energies with the unlimited possibilities of a future in which all people are honored, all people are cared for and respected. A reality in which humankind is in partnership with nature and all living things.
Trust us when we say you remember other realities in which these truths are so. This planet is a living library of the galaxy. It has been seeded by many, many life forms and patterns. Look around with awe and amazement at the diverse life forms and expressions. Divine expression has offered this unlimited unfolding of life. You as a divine creator are participating in securing these multitudes of life forms in a space of harmony and peaceful co-existence.
What you are witnessing is the trashing out of the misqualified energy, suppression and misuse of personal power. We assure that the expression of love, gratitude and appreciation anchored and offered by all those who are awake and aware at this time are making a difference. If you could see the expression of divine light radiating from those offering the highest frequency consciousness you would be humbled. So we invite you to stay strong in your dedication and purpose as you walk your personal life. You are a part of the divine light we are speaking about.
The shadow aspect of your planets journey to ascension will be a small part of the story in the total amazing unfoldment. The possible realities that are being downloaded into the minds of conscious earthwalkers now would astound and amaze you. This planet is on the threshold of another so to speak awakening renaissance. This planet is moving up the spiral of evolution and rebirth in the most divine expression of the truth. In order for this to occur the dense misqualified energy must be transformed. It cannot be transformed when it is hidden or suppressed. Once this energy of anger/rage, hatred, prejudge is no longer hidden but exposed to the light of true understanding it will dissipate and lose its power. Each awakened being is given all the celestial support they request to do this work of shifting and transforming the expression of misqualified emotions and energies. Think of the negative energy as a dark space, and you bring some form of light to that space, some of the darkness evaporates. Now consider millions and millions of conscious light beings shining their personal light onto this darkness until it is no longer visible or expressed.
This is truly what is occurring now. You are personally participating in bringing consciousness and light energy to the dark shadows of your personal life expanded to the collective. So whatever you are experiencing that feels and appears as shadow, be diligent and dedicated in offering a higher frequency of divine understanding and transformation. Remember you are powerful beyond measure. You have the entire company of divine being available upon request. Be excited that you are finally able to anchor a new amazing reality, there are crews of awakened beings along with you who are bringing about this shift.
The future possibilities are being called forth in which this planet will be restored to its pristine integrity, with clear air, clean water, respect of nature and all sentient beings living in harmony. Hold this vision, hold this truth, seed this reality. Imagine it the way you want it to be and know it is possible. It is you as divine creator who will call this forth.
We are honored to embrace you and acknowledge your courage to be embodied. We acknowledge the challenges that you transform with each and every breath. Know that you are loved and surrounded by our deep gratitude.
The ‘team’
10/23/24 - The Galactic Federation: Full Disclosure
Channel: Chellea Wilder
Blessings to you, our Earth Family. It is wonderful to be speaking with you, as we have Great News we wish to share. During the recent significant energy shift, Humanity has transitioned to a new timeline. One of the outcomes of this shift is an accelerated pace towards full Disclosure. The revelation of our presence has been a subject of discussion within governments for the past few years. The former powers that be, are intent on maintaining secrecy, even going as far as making false statements, about the existence of extraterrestrial beings. However, this new timeline has altered the narrative, leading to the exposure of hidden governmental programs to the public.
While those who have awakened are aware of the truth of our existence, you are a minority. The majority of humans remain confused and apprehensive about the idea of extraterrestrial life. The disclosure of leaked governmental information regarding our presence in the past, has guided truth-seekers to discover our existence. Which led to the discovery of the existence of many secret programs implemented by those in power, that have been used against Humanity. Nevertheless, in the coming months, new revelations will be coming to light in your new timeline, amping the long anticipated Full Disclosure.
We are increasing our presence in your skies and will continue to make our ships more visible. We will not rely on your governments for disclosure. This will happen regardless of their approval. There is a concern that your governments may try to fabricate claims of violence or conflicts involving our ships. We want to emphasize that we do not engage in attacks against humans. Any intervention is aimed at preventing harm and large-scale destruction, targeting only their weaponry.
Some disclosure has already started to emerge, but not in its entirety. You will soon witness a United States Congress hearing that will mark the beginning of a public wave of complete disclosure. This Hearing is set to take place on November 13th, regarding new whistleblower testimony. As stated, it will be just the beginning of a domino effect that will finally bring Full Open Contact with the People of Earth. We do not anticipate your governments to conform to this offensive stance. The transition to this New Timeline, is a result of a significant change in the collective consciousness of Humanity. The recent Intense Solar Flare’s, and Schumann resonance Spike, have heightened human vibrations to a more elevated level of awareness. This has sparked questions in many minds, leading to a growing number questioning the established narrative. As our presence in your skies becomes more apparent, more people are experiencing profound revelations.
These revelations, known to some as the Ah ha Moment, represent the point when everything becomes clear, and all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. This revelation occurs within oneself. An increasing number of individuals are having their aha Moment, realizing they are not alone in the Universe.
For those of you who follow these messages, you have made significant progress and have moved beyond the initial stages of awakening. It is your commitment that has facilitated this shift to a new Timeline. Your love for Us, your star Families, contributes to raising awareness of our presence. You are manifesting the reality you desire. Soon, we will accompany you as guides to usher in your New Earth.
The journey towards full Disclosure has been a long one for those who have been working very hard for its fruition. Often filled with challenges and resistance from those who seek to keep the truth hidden. The shift in energy that has propelled Humanity onto this new timeline has been a catalyst for change on a global scale. It has brought to light the hidden agenda of those seeking power and control over your Earth, to control and hide the narrative surrounding extraterrestrial life.
As our ships become more visible in your skies, the veil of secrecy is quickly lifting, revealing a reality that many have long suspected but few have dared to acknowledge. The forthcoming revelations will shake the foundations of belief for many, as the truth of our existence becomes undeniable. While some may fear the unknown and resist the idea of beings from beyond your world, there are those who are ready to embrace this new reality with open minds and hearts. The Aha Moment, that sudden flash of understanding and clarity, is spreading among the population, igniting a spark of curiosity and wonder. It is through your continued dedication, and love, that the path to this new timeline has been paved. Your unwavering commitment, in the possibility of a future where Humans, and extraterrestrial beings, coexist in harmony, is what drives this transformation forward.
As you move towards complete Disclosure, remember that you are not alone in this journey. We stand beside you, working diligently behind the scenes, ready to guide and support you as you step into a new era of understanding and unity. The time for truth is at hand. You have shaped a beautiful future that is bright and full of promise. Trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator. We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
10/23/24 - St. Germain - Why everything is speeding up
Channel: Daniel Scranton
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
You are so important to Source Energy. Source Energy thought that you were such a good idea that you deserved to be created in physical form, that you deserved to have a perspective, a point of view, a unique vibrational signature. And now you exist. You are discovering that this is a time of transition, and it is a time when humanity is transitioning from the fear of survival and the belief in lack to the truth of yourselves as eternal beings who live in an abundant and ever-expanding universe. That is a huge shift. That is an enormous step forward, and that is why it takes time and it is why you see so much turmoil, so much upheaval.
You are bringing about this new world, this new Earth, through the energetic changes that you experience within yourselves. And so, you always want to see yourselves as microcosms of the whole, and you want to see everything as blossoming forth from you because your experience of your reality is your creation. And now that you do it more consciously, you can know for a fact that from here on out the transition can be smoother, it can be easier and it can be more comfortable, even though it is an enormous transition.
You are going so far beyond the ego and the mind and the idea of yourself as a singular being. This too is an important transition as you become your higher selves. You are there to know yourselves as more than just a finite being living in a singular physical body. And one of the ways that you come to know this experientially is through giving yourselves the experience of oneness, the experience of unity consciousness.
This is something that you do in the quiet moments that you have. It is something that you do in meditation. It is something that you achieve when you are in love, when you are in nature, when you are experiencing the love of another. It is a peaceful feeling, a blissful feeling, and it is the feeling itself that you are reaching for, rather than all the changes that will come about because of that feeling that you have from time to time experienced inside of yourselves.
But now everything is speeding up and changing at an exponential level. It’s changing faster, and you are there to ride the wave of the energies. You do so more easily when you let go of attachments, and some of those attachments don’t even feel like attachments to you because that’s how attached you are to them. But the more you let go, the more you give in and surrender to the experiences you are having, the more in the flow you become, and that is how you want to live through this transitional time of the fourth-dimensional reality.
We who exist in the higher realms will always be here to assist you with all of that. Call upon us at any time. We are always open, always available, and always willing to help.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
10/23/24 - The Telosians: What a commotion on the ground of your planet!
Channel: Marie Josée Andichou
We greet you dear children of the Earth. What a hassle! What a commotion on the ground of your planet which is in turmoil! You are constantly waiting for a change towards Peace in your life and in that of the Earth but, you know, it is you who create this change by your actions and your words. You are constantly waiting for an important change in your life and in that of the Earth. But this change comes from you, only from you, through your gestures, your actions, your words. You worry about your future but your future is created the moment you read this message, it is created the moment you speak of Love, it is created the moment you are in violence.
When you are in thoughts and acts of Love, your future is created in Peace but when you fall back into vehement words of disrespect and negative judgment, you collapse the positive energies of your future that you had created by your moments of Love. This is how life goes on Earth. Sometimes you raise your future in the Light, sometimes you make it become dark and uncertain again.
It is because of this that you are currently in a phase of the life of the Earth and of humanity in a total incomprehension of what can happen to you. But we tell you: it is now, at each present moment of your life by Love and Light in your actions and your words that you make yourselves happy as well as the Earth. So what can you do to calm these moments that you live in fear? Be confident, yes we constantly talk to you about trusting in Life, True Life. But where is True Life? It is simply in you, you create it by understanding who you are, you create it by the Love that you radiate around you because, do not doubt it, Love, True Love is in you and you do not know it or you do not want to recognize it because it is not tangible. True Life, you create it by concentrating on yourself, on your Divine Being, you create it by understanding that everything is spiritual around you and that you are inevitably connected to the Source, the True Creative Source because you are a crystalline Spark of Itself.
See you children of the Earth, do not wait constantly for your rulers to decide everything for you. You have within you the Strength and the Power to transform your life and that of the Earth into a radiant and luminous future in which you will be able to move in Joy and Happiness. You are Creators, the Creators of your future, do not doubt it . We are here to guide you, to teach you, but not to create your future for you, we have often told you. The faster and more consciously you react in this sense, the faster your future will transform into gentleness and well-being and the faster you will dissolve the negative energies that your leaders put in place around you.
Have confidence in Life, the True Life that you are, we thank you for it.
10/17/24 - Video - Arcturians: Enjoy your last few days in this density
(10 min - 10/16/24) Posted by GFLstation.com, channeled by Jose Peta. Message from Laayti of the Arcturians.
"Some of you have been riding the waves coming from the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. These energies have been calling upon those who are prepared. The awakened ones among you to assist in this great next transition before the solar flash. You the awakened are experiencing an amplified connection now. Thanks to the collective desires of humanity the energies coming through are potent and they allow you to heal faster and connect more eeply than ever before. As these downloads come to you you have the honor of being conduits sharing these high frequencies with others in your unique ways. Whether through healing, sharing your practices or simply holding a loving presence, your contribution is immeasurable. This is the time to share your wisdom, your heart-centered practices and your knowledge of grounding and openness. Let your fellow beings know about your successes, your journey and the pathways that led you here. Your openness will serve as a beacon encouraging others to step into their power and align with the frequencies coming from various star systems throughout the galaxy. You are forming connections with your galactic family and as you do the bonds of unity and love are being strengthened. This connection will continue to grow as the collective yearning for safety security and harmony increases. Many of you are experiencing abrupt endings to things that you have been spending many of your years doing. Do not fear this my friends. You are simply having space made for you for greater things.
The cleansing of the root chakra that is happening among the collective as we speak, is among the most challenging processes due to the deeply rooted fears and traumas stored across lifetimes. Yet it is precisely through this process that you can unlock the flow of abundance, creativity and alignment. This transformative process may indeed bring up old fears and discomfort, yet it is vital to trust the unfolding journey. As these energies are released now, you are moving closer to a realityl of freedom, joy and harmony. A life free from the shackles of past trauma. The road may be challenging, but it leads to a divine reconnection with the eternal immortal essence of who you truly are. Trust in the process and know that we your galactic kin walk besie you every step of the way. (continue listening at 3:32)
(Picking up at 4:39:) .....there is nothing wrong with using artificial intelligence, but nbe mindful about using it only to speed up simple tasks. Keep your love and creativity flowing. Races such as Atlantis and many others in the cosmos have destroyed themselves through technology only because the consciousness of the collective had not yet reached a level of galactic maturity to be able to steward it correctly. Every advanced race has artificial intelligence dear ones, and you are on the verge of being able to use it appropriately. Sar seeds must lead the way here arise and claim your rightful place among the stars where your consciousness dances with photons in an eternal waltz of creation. Embrace the natural order...... (continue listening at 5:21)
10/17/24 - One Who Serves & Shoshanna: "We Come to Assist"
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell
OWS: Greetings to you One Who Serves (OWS) here, Shoshana is here with us and we are ready to assist you in whatever way that we can in answering your questions and, and being the guides that you are all meeting here at this time. For we have come, we as the ascended ones and Shoshana, and all of those that are guiding in this process for you the group, but also those that resonate that are beyond this group that resonate to these words and resonate to what we are bringing forth here in terms of a, a level of training, a training for those of you that are in the Western culture here, not the eastern culture but the Western culture and being able to assist you and take you forward more and more and more that is what we are here to do.
That is what we are here to be of service to all of you, just as when the time comes and indeed it shall come where you will be given the opportunity to do such as we are doing here, but not so much in a channeling type of situation but in terms of being of service and being of assistance to those that are moving a little bit behind you, we will say at this point. So just be who you are. That is what you need to continue to, to be aware of. Be who you are, do not try to be anything more or less than who you are, just BE and you will find that you will BE and are on the road to ascension here. We are ready for your questions if you have them.
Member: Yes, I have a question beloved one. For a while now, I felt very connected to the angels, almost like their family and I, I’ve known especially the names of the archangels of the chakras for some time and I kind of connect with them as I’m activating my shocks daily and, and then I began to mixed in the twin flames cause I figured that anything that the one is involved in the other must be involved in too. Cause there are as one. So, I began that and, and also kind of, you know, mixing them in there and getting to know them and whatnot. I became a little confused at one point because archangel Rafael feels very close to me in some ways and I thought his twin was Gaia but then I, someone said no, she had another twin; and I’m talking about online or whatever, and then I thought, well maybe it’s Sofia, because Gaia comes from Sophia, o I believe it splits off from her, and then I thought maybe that’s not right because somebody said she had a different, then another one said, Mary. Okay, I understand Mary, I think thought is an aspect of, of probably one of those two. So I’m trying to figure out who is the twin of Rafael, is it one of those three or am I on the wrong track completely.
OWS: My dear sister are you familiar with the terminology – “analysis is paralysis”?
Member: Yes, but I do want to know what to call this one, when I connect to this one.
OWS: All whatever you want that matters, not. Do not be so concerned about who is who and what is what and all of this, just allow it to be, just allow for the message to come through. We say this many, many times, in many different ways, the message not the messenger. They do not care what you call them, you can call them anything you want, just don’t call them; what is you’re saying – “late for dinner”, as we guess here, but do not be concerned about this. You are, when you are concerned. It’s so much about analyzing everything then you are missing the message that is coming to you. Okay, so Shoshana, do you have something to add here?
Shoshana: We do not.
OWS: Very good. We apologize that we will, will not answer your question directly for it does not need an answer at this point, you have the answer. Thank you.
Member: So we just ask you this then, because you’ve often said that if we hit on something as we remember it and we’re hitting on it and we are able to come up with the answer ourselves, then you could confirm, so can you confirm that it’s any one of those three. Is that possible?
OWS: Again, we hesitate to do this for you. For you must trust in yourselves. If you trust in what we’re saying or anyone else is saying, then you are missing the message, you are missing the boat; as you’re saying goes, just, just allow it to be. Again it does not matter who it is. What their name is, what you call them. They will answer to whatever you wish to call them.
Shoshana: Well, we wish to share.
OWS: Very good, yes.
Shoshana: May we share with you sister?
Member: Yes please.
Shoshana: Dear sister, we are so curious why, why you have asked this? What is the basis of your question?
Member: Because I feel like it’s family and I feel like if I’m pinpointing and I’m saying, okay, I’m at, I’m calling Rafael and whoever, you know, I just feel like it’s family. I feel like I should, I should know their name and like you know, Shoshana’s name, I know my higher-self’s name, but I don’t know this one’s name. So hum, I just feel like it’s not like, it’s just like I have intuit this, and so I feel like, okay, am I on the right track in intuiting this and using this, otherwise, it doesn’t feel right to call her for instance, Mary, that doesn’t feel right, feel somewhat right to call her Gaia or So.., Sophia. So I just want to, I just want to you, know ….
Shoshana: So, is there a point of so, is this a, a desire to be polite?
Member: Get it right. I mean, you know, it’s like, I don’t want to be calling somebody by the wrong name, you know.
Shoshana: Soooo, as one who serves has given, they, they really are not concerned about what you call them because honestly in the world that they live in, in the higher vibrational environment that they live in, they, they are called by a vibration, they live and are bound by a vibration you see, so their name is a vibration. We give them names because that is what we do in the third dimension. So they’re, they have a vibration name. So the other thing that we will give you is that, the great Rafael can whisper the name in your ear, if you choose. So, we would say to ask. We would say to engage him to ask him the being that is the archangel Rafael, to reveal his twin flame to you and we might tell you that he may not, and then he may, and it is all based on for these beings in – the need to know. It is based on what connection you must make to complete your journey, to complete your path to complete your mission, what connections you must make, so ask the great one, we call them Rafi here, but ask Rafi.
Member: Okay, can, can I say something else then? Because I just realized it in what you’re saying. So one of the reasons that got me on this track is because I go to this beautiful place called Three Sisters and I volunteer to do gardening there and then you know I’ve been felt very connected to Rafael even to having his pictures coming screen out, out of me when I’ve seen them in, in person and like they just like jump off the, off the canvas. So, then I saw, like there’s all this artistic expression going on and it’s all aligned with nature and I got, oh, my god, to me this looks like that hum, Rafael; and it’s a loving thing, it’s an intertwining. It just, it feels like a twin flame thing, this feels to me like Rafael and Gaia are twin flames and this big expression is, this gorgeous expression is that, and that’s what got me on that.
Shoshana: So, so, messages that you are given, understanding that you have within your heart, are generally the truth. So if you feel this deeply just ask for confirmation within yourself and whisper into Rafi’s ear and he will give you that confirmation. It is actually not ours to give you, see, OWS was skirting around the issue but it is not, it is not his to give you see, it’s not mine to give. So we would ask that you ask. Go directly to the source as you are close to this one Rafael, and he will give you the answer, and may already have. Th challenge for each of you on this third dimensional plane is trusting your own, your own guidance …. namaste.
Member: Okay, thank you.
Member: I have a question, I have a question we were talking in our discussion about chemtrails and, and who was noticing chemtrails recently and I was listening to a podcast, so from a channeler saying that if there are chemtrails any longer they’re not harmful that the Galactics and source have defused them and they might even be in some, some instances positive. Could you just tell us if chemtrails are still happening, if they are sometimes harmful, or if they’re positive, or if they’re neutral, or what’s happening with the chemtrails.
OWS: We are finding that what you are calling chemtrails have shifted dramatically over the time here. In the past, they were utilized for nefarious purposes but in many ways; because of money or lack of which, has been curtailed, also those that are opposing this have also helped to curtail this full operation.
So, what is occurring now if you’re seeing, is the clearing of this skies, even though may be one here or there you are experiencing, it is not to be concerned about at this point, because they have nothing behind them, at this point. Nothing that is, what you would call – the project for 2030; which was about the de-population of the planet and all of this. This has all been curtailed so it cannot be anymore, here. So, no, no need to be concerned, but notice the beautiful blue skies that are appearing in many different places where for the last ten years, twenty years or so has not been the case. So Shoshana do you have anything you add?
Shoshana: We agree.
OWS: Very good. We are ready for next question if there is one.
Member: And I just wanna add that, now I can pray and hope that the same situation happens with the HAARP and the directed energy that is causing so much chaos on the planet …
OWS: It is all, yes, it is already in the works as you say here.
Shoshana: We will add here, may we add their sister?
Member: Yes, sister.
Shoshana: The HAARP and the directed energy weapons that are, that have been used to create this fiasco of weather, is very purposeful, and yes people will die, people will move on, there are events occurring but it is needed you see, it is needed for your country to rise up. And to raise-up, you see, without these dire things happening, people will, will stay asleep. They will not notice what is going on. So, even though it seems so unjust and so catastrophic in, in many of your minds, what has occurred was required …. Namaste.
OWS: Yes, it’s all part of the greater plan.
Member: Yes, thank you so, so much and I’m hearing that the warriors and the people in North Carolina and the Appalachians are fighting now against FEMA and, and getting them off their property. So, it’s a beautiful thing.
OWS: Is, not only those that are fighting back, as you’re saying, it is also those of the White Hat Alliance that have strongly come into the picture there, and are working together with those of the ones that are rising up.
Member: Thank you.
OWS: Would there be other questions here?
Member: I have a quick quote one, follow-up question to that?
OWS: Yes.
Member: Along those lines, we’ve always said, right, this is, the way this chess game is going, is basically a mirror, that the dark side makes a move, we have a counter moving piece and what you just said; not necessarily a popular idea, that maybe sometimes The White Hats, I don’t know about why these things happened but these things are required, for like you said – the plan to playout. One thing I did want to confirm is point of the real positives that I heard, especially in and around the Ashville, North Carolina area, besides I heard that was a fairly wicket town because it was a Wicken community and there was a lot of bad folks there. So, to me that seems intentional, I’ve also noticed Disney World got flooded, and wondering if that is related to flooding the tunnels. And the one thing I heard that and I’m not sure anybody has heard as well is that they actually caught the number one human trafficker in the world during this operation in the, in the Ashville area. And I just wanted to know if you can confirm that or if there are other big positive wins that we got out of this seaming disaster.
OWS: We can confirm the part about the tunnels and all of this that are being cleaned out, as you would say here, by the waters by the weather that is happening there it is, in point, a counter point, as you were saying here again the, chess game one side does their move and the other side does their move. But the side of the White Hat Alliance is far ahead of the other side. That is all we can say at this point, it is happening exactly as it needs to, in the time frame that it needs to occurs. So, just allow it to be. Notice again the illusion that is being brought out, to all to begin to see that indeed it is an illusion. More will become aware of that as days, and weeks, and even months go by.
Member: Yeah, I see the massive exposure and it’s doing quite the job awakening people. So that’s great.
OWS: Yes, Shoshana do you have anything to add here?
Shoshana: We agree and we believe that all that is happening is unfortunately a part of the plan to awaken the population, you see. When there is no light, shining on the darkness, we are not aware of the darkness. So, what has happened here is, this major happening is shining a light on the evil of your organization, known as FEMA, as there were many who were asleep, that believe that this organization was for good, and it was all of the opposite of that. It is, it is evil, you see. So, so the, so the idea of, of the devastation that has occurred in these areas, is just minor compared to the devastation of losing your freedom, you see…..
Member: Correct.
Shoshana: And unfortunately, some people gave their lives, they knew they would give their lives. They planned to do this from the very beginning. So, that you could be free, you see. This is in many ways the re-enactment of the beginning of your country and your founding fathers predicted that you would once again have to fight for your freedom and that is what is happening. So you must rejoice here and understand that the evil that plagues this country, and the evil that is, has infiltrated the bounds of your entertainment industry is coming down, it is, it is coming down so that we can praise God, that your freedom is preserved ….. namaste.
Member: Namaste, thank you so much.
OWS: Very good. Are there any other further question we take one more that is and we need to release channel.
Member: Well, I just wanna ask, add a little something, something to that, that might be another thing that’s being exposed that I heard that the, the ones that seeded that storm, because a multitude of different storms it was, you know, went up to a category five hurricane and it also, this is, this is the first one Helen and then also it was tornadoes, it was wins storms, it was everything so, it was actually seated by the dark forces, but they were using it because it was for, the companies of Black Rock and Vanguard which are all Cabal-owned or run, and they wanted, hum what is it, they wanted the lithium and the quartz that are prevalent in North Carolina.
OWS: Yes, what we ask though, what is your question here?
Member: My question is, is that, was that kind of a, a way to expose those companies? Are we, are we gonna.
OWS: Indeed, indeed, that is what is occurring more, more are coming in more, more the truth is coming out for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, but we say again more and more are having those eyes to see, and ears to hear, because it is a, it is a waking-up process here and many are waking up to what has been occurring over, even thousands of years here. Is finally coming to a conclusion. Just as Shoshana gave with the founding fathers here of this country of United States for America predicted that this would occur at a time, and they placed the second amendment, that is being able to defend yourselves, to bear arms that was put into place for this very reason. You are seeing that playing out here, right in front of your eyes.
Shoshana: We wish share! We wish to add here dear sister, may we add?
Member: Sure, sure. Yes.
Shoshana: So, what is happening here in your country, is not so much exposing these companies, because we will
tell you that the vast majority of your population does not even know the name. They don’t even know who these companies are or what they stand for, what the minor, what the small contingent of patriots that are fighting this war on your behalf, they are stopping them from accessing more assets. So these companies that of amassed wealth, by stealing well, are now being stopped from doing that which will in-turn diminish their power and make them irrelevant. So that is what is occurring, when we think about exposure, we will just tell you that most do not even know their name … namaste.
OWS: Very good, we need to release channel. Shoshana, do you have parting message here?
Shoshana: Well we, we, once again we’ll reiterate as we have said as many as OWS has said and many before this, have said To trust the plan. it is difficult when there’s devastation, when there is chaos, when there’s fear, when things are happening that seems so unjust, it is difficult to trust but we will tell you as OWS has given that all is going according to plan. So, trust it…… namaste.
OWS: Very good, we simply say, continue to be who you are, be the shining light that you came here to be.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the ONE!
10/13/24 - Jeshua on Love: The core of your problem
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love. There is so much love around you: in the people about you, in the spirit world that surrounds the Earth. There is also the love in your own heart, so there is always a connection to love. Love gives you everything you need: the freedom to be with all aspects of yourself, mature and immature, light and dark. Love gives you the freedom to develop at your own pace, to gradually dissolve the confusion in your heart and in your mind. Love gives you freedom and safety.
Feel for a moment inside your heart that this love is available to you now, not at a later time when you are farther advanced on the path. Love belongs to the now moment; it is fully accepting of the imperfect, of what is in progress, of what is separated. You do not have to present yourself differently to the eyes of love; let the flow of love come to you as you are, right now.
In almost all people is a thought that you must earn love, that you have to work toward changing yourself in order to be worthy of love. There is a deep shame in most of you that breeds unworthiness: you feel you need to apologize, to justify yourself. It is an attitude that many of you have. At the same time, there is such longing for love, for relaxation, and for the freedom to be who you are. And that means you find yourself in a continual battle with life.
I ask you to identify that voice in yourself that criticizes and exhorts you to improve yourself, comments about how you look and what you feel, think, and do. There is a sharp voice somewhere inside you, a relentless inner critic. Try to observe that energy that is in yourself. You might see it as a face or a form, a color or a shape – whatever you see is okay.
Essentially this is the voice of fear in you: the fear of failure, of not being good enough; the fear of being abandoned. That fear is there in everyone. You became separated from the whole – at least that is how it felt – when you, as an individual soul, left on your way into the unknown. In that moment of separation, which was essentially the birth of the soul, there was distress caused by an alienation from Home, from the Source out of which you originated. That alienation, that feeling of being lost, was necessary, because it forced you to begin your search; you were, so to say, “thrown into the deep end”. For the first time, there was anxiety in your consciousness, and you went looking for wholeness.
On this journey, there emerged a sense of unworthiness. It has been a long journey in which fear, power, and dependence played large roles. If you do not feel whole inside, if you do not know love from within, you go in search of nurturing from external things in the form of recognition and love from others. That can become distorted into a need for power, a need to rule over others so that you get what you need energetically and emotionally. And so you see people seeking emotional nurturing from others in order to fill the emptiness inside themselves. They search for it in relationships between partners, in work situations, everywhere. There is a sense of unworthiness that lies at the bottom of many of their actions.
If you recognize that need in yourself, then the solution lies close by. But as long as you are in any way still seeking nurturing in external energies, you stay intent on the questions: “How should I be in my relationships? How should I be with my family? How should I be in my work?” Those appear to be important questions, but at their core, it is about the relationship with yourself and the feeling of deep self-esteem and love that you have for yourself. There lies the key.
I ask you now to descend energetically with your attention and awareness into your abdomen. Completely fill your abdominal cavity with pure awareness. Descend and feel how your awareness flows like fresh, clear water into your abdomen. Be present there and see a child who in one way or another feels unworthy and not good enough to deserve love. Go to this child, reach out and take its hand – this is your child. You give it strength; you bring life to it by your presence and faithfulness.
When you live your life by trying to nurture yourself with the energies of others – because of an inner emptiness – you distort yourself into being what you are not, which does an injustice to yourself. You are not being really true to yourself when you try to adapt to the expectations and requirements of others, lest you not get the love you crave. But doing that causes your inner child to suffer because it wants to be itself, spontaneous and natural.
It requires a lot of courage to be able to go inward and to feel the heart of the problem: your own sense of unworthiness. Time and again you are encouraged to do so. Every crisis in your life is the result of what lies at the bottom of the problem. But you do not have to solve it all at once. The important thing is to be aware that unworthiness lies at the bottom of the problem – this deeply rooted unworthiness – along with the key to its solution: love for yourself.
Feel the light that is here: the light of yourself and everything that is here in this space. Allow this light to radiate into your abdomen and your inner child; you are worthy of receiving it. You are an inalienable part of Creation and as such you will be loved and protected and carried by a greater whole.
I greet you all.
10/11/24 - You are no longer in the third dimension
By Kejraj of EraofLight
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! The world is no longer in the Third Dimension. You are in the Fourth. Have you noticed that you did not ‘die’ to transcend the Third? The change is subtle, yes, and it is still taking place.
In prior times, you had to ‘die’ in order to enter the Fourth Dimension, or the Astral plane. You also do not see all the demonic entities. They are there. However, you are on different timelines of the Fourth Dimension. And your perception is still expanding, such as your Third Eye, and your spiritual eyes, together with the High Heart.
Acute observation is needed in order to notice the change in the appearance of the Fourth from the Third Dimension. You are to continue rising in vibration, because this is not your octave or destination, at least for those who are aware of ascension, and for those who choose love. You are to enter the Fifth Dimension. And again, the transition will be seamless. The scenery on the other hand, will be entirely different. For it will be a reality designed with pure divine light, reflecting the Higher Self of Earth, and your extrasensory abilities fully activated.
All the light to You!
10/11/24 - Video - The Arcturians: Countdown to open contact
(10 min - 10/10/24) Posted by GFL Station. Message from Layyti of the Arcturian Council.
"Greetings light workers. I am Layyti. With the current energies coupled with the activation of dormant energetic DNA, you have just strengthened the bond between humanity and what you consider extraterrestrials. Our intention during your ascension is to make it easier for you all to have experiences with ET beings, whether they are in physical bodies or non-physical like ourselves. And this has certainly allowed us to jump up a level, shall we say, at this important stage of your ascension. We would like to emphasize the importance of your role in the collective awakening process. The cosmic forces at play are being orchestrated not just by the energy surrounding Earth, but also through your participation in the divine dance.
Galactic light codes released periodically are essential components for recalibrating your systems to resonate at higher frequencies. These light codes are designed to interact with your dormant DNA and activate your innate abilities. Abilities that have remained dormant for millennia, but are now stirring to life. A wave of new celestial events including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, CMEs, and the recent passing of a comet, have accelerated the unfolding of your awakening. These cosmic occurrences aren't random. They're part of a larger plan of Creator, orchestrated to increase Earth's vibrational energy and assist you in aligning with your highest potential. Solar energies are now reaching deeper into Earth's electromagnetic fields, amplifying the frequencies needed for humanity to ascend to the next vibrational plane. The magnetic properties of the comet and the intensified solar activity are serving as catalysts, accelerating your reconnection to higher consciousness. This reconnection is also telepathic, creating openings for greater communication with beings from across the Galaxy. Your willingness to explore beyond the third dimensional illusion allows a deepening interaction with the broader galactic family.
Many of you have already begun experiencing these initial connections as a sense of expanded awareness, vivid dreams or even visions. These glimpses are doorways into the greater cosmic reality that awaits you. A reality where humanity coexists openly with beings from across the stars. The vibration of Earth is shifting towards a more expansive state, and this creates an opportunity for you to consciously choose the type of interactions and experiences you wish to have with the extraterrestrial community. Beloved friends, now is a time deliberate and conscious engagement to fully benefit from these cosmic alignments. Focuos on integrating the higher frequencies into your body through practices like grounding, meditation and spending time in nature. These practices help stabilize the new energies and anchor them within your physical and energetic systems, making way for greater transformation and deeper communion with the galactic realms. We are taking our time here, gradually warming you up to full open contact with ETs, as many are not yet ready for that experience." (Continue listening at 3 min 46 sec)
10/11/24 - Saint Germain: The beginning of the great change over
Channel: James McConnell
I am Saint Germain and I’ve come to be with you at this time and these Moments and changing times, yes, changing times that are happening now and will continue to happen. But the changes are going to become stronger and stronger, and more and more are going to become awake and into these changes. More and more are going to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear just as you have now. So know that, as you have affected the collective with just this experience you just had just now (referring to the guided meditation just concluded). And all of the experiences you have had before. And all, all of the experiences that all of the groups across the planet are having. All of the experiences that those that broadcast the truth and the light to all that are ready to hear it are bringing about change, great change. This is the beginning of the great change over.
Yes, indeed. There will be more changes. There will be more emotions that cannot be helped at this point. But you, those of you can continue to watch this as a movie playing out. Knowing that it is all going to play out and there is going to be an end. This is all going to come to an end, but whenever anything comes to end, what happens next, there is a new beginning and that new beginning is also in process of happening. So, the end is coming and the beginning is also being prepared to start. So, think about it in that way as you become frustrated in various ways throughout your daily lives, about things that are happening in the three D matrix. Know that it is just that happening in the 3D matrix. It is not happening in the five D reality that you are all creating.
So, allow the process to continue to play out and know that you are a great part of this process. You may not be the ones that are speaking out to all that are ready to hear. But you are the ones that are sharing the light. Even though you may not even know that you are sharing the light much of the time. But when you do know that you’re sharing the light and sharing the truth you are having even a greater effect on those who are ready to experience it. Those are ready to hear the truth and become awake into the truth just as you all have. Know that their time is coming just as your time already did. The alarm clock is going to ring just as yours did previously.
So, believe in yourselves and the unlimited self that you are, because nothing can stop you at this point. Nothing can stop you unless you allow yourselves to be stopped. Nothing can take you back unless you allow yourselves to be taken back. Don’t even think about that, saying we’re not going back. Do not even think about that because you are moving forward, always, always moving forward, always. And there again, there’s nothing that will stop, that moving forward unless you stop it yourself.
Unlimitedness, that is where you are all headed. That is your destiny of why you came here, for true destiny to become all that you came here to be. And to provide the assistance to all that are ready to experience it, and to find it for themselves. That is the promise that you made long ago when you volunteered to be here. You made that promise to be here until the end, and to be a part of the new beginning. That is all coming to now, so be ready for it. Be prepared for all that is coming to be a part of this new expression of love and higher consciousness and oneness, connectedness together. Together you move forward into the future. Together you are right now in the presence and as you are now in the present and fully functioning within the present, the future is grand indeed.
I am St Germain and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to move forward. Always move forward, always picking yourself up, even if you fall but continuing to move onward.
10/11/24 - Video - AA Michael Message: "Do not ignore this!"
(10 min - 10/10/24) - Posted by Today's Universe Message. Channeled from Archangel Michael through Dave Nichols.
(An excerpt starting at 4:42) ...... Another Blessing - Close your eyes and journey inward into the sacred sanctuary of your heart. Visualize this space filled with a radiant golden light, a sun that glows with the brilliance of divine love. See yourself within this sacred chamber, a perfect diamond of shimmering crystal or a star of pure light. Feel the lightness of your being, the freedom that comes without the confines of physicality. Rise floating upward through your crown chakra and enter the realms of refined light where the air is filled with peace and divine resonance. Those who remain anchored in the density of the old world are discovering that the pursuits they once cherished bring no joy. Material success, power over others, these no longer fulfill the longing within. The structures they held dear are failing and the illusions they once clung to are fading. Their world appears to crumble around them and they hold on with all their might, yet what they grasp is slipping away. In contrast, those of you who have embraced the new frequencies find yourselves moving into a state of grace. Yes, there are still challenges but you are equipped to face them to transmute them with ease. You see the division growing, the gap between those who are awakening and those still ensnared in the illusion. You may live side by side yet your experiences are worlds apart. Now is the time for you to steps forth. Come out from your sanctuaries, from your places of retreat and be the beacons you were born to be. You have the insight, the understanding and you no longer fall prey to the distortions that once clouded your perception. You are the vanguard of this new dawn and yur light will guide many through the darkness. (Continue listening at 6 min 31)
10/8/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: Your Heart and the next 6 months
(10 min - 10/7/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled message from Valir of the Pleiadian Collective.
Beloved ones, greetings to you all. I am Valir of the Pleiadian Collective and I come to you today with an important message about the galactic changes taking place across your Earth and within each of your hearts. The divine fabric of energy, a sacred Matrix, has been birthed surrounding the earth with new 5D electromagnetic frequencies designed to support your next steps in ascension. As you prepare for the upcoming shift on your world, imagine dear ones that you are tethered to this Matrix as if by an umbilical cord. This tether holds and anchors you to the vast energies of the sun, allowing for a powerful communion with the higher frequencies of light being transmitted at this time.
The tendrils of this Quantum Matrix interact directly within your heart. This sacred Matrix is designed to interact directly with the cells of your heart through your conscious engagement with your heart space. This webbing connects with the Light Within, expanding your natural multi-dimensional reconnections and facilitating a deep alignment with the universal energy of the cosmos. Imagine dear ones that you are tethered to this Matrix as if by an umbilical cord. This tether holds and anchors you to the vast energies of the sun, allowing for a powerful communion with the higher frequencies of light being transmitted. At this time the tendrils of this Quantum Matrix interact directly within your heart cells, awakening essential imprints of divine consciousness within your brain cells. These sacred imprints serve as a codex to allow you to fully receive and utilize the higher light codes now flowing into your reality, bringing you into alignment with the deepest currents of Light Within your heart.
Your Earth is undergoing its greatest ever transformation, transitioning from a dense third-dimensional state to the fluidity of the fourth and fifth dimensions. For many of you everything is becoming fluid light, vibrant and everchanging. This is not entirely new, beloved ones. Your Earth has always been comprised of multi-dimensional flows of light, dynamic and in constant transformation. It is the illusion of solidity itself that is lifting, and what has always been true is now becoming visible. You are now stepping into a new energetic reality where fluidity and the flow of divine light are fundamental to existence. We encourage you dear ones to let go within the essence of these changes. You have also just entered a different time space, a sacred space that has always existed on Earth. These higher realms are no longer etheric glimpses. They are now anchored permanently in the earth's energetic framework. Within your own cells similar multi-dimensional flows of light are being enlivened.
Your cells are glowing with higher consciousness and there is a quickening that is taking place through all your systems. As these energetic flows awaken within you you may experience confusion, disorientation or difficulty thinking clearly. This is simply a byproduct of your brain cells, pineal gland and brain synapses undergoing rapid electrical transformation. Allow this process and trust it. You are being upgraded in preparation for the grand shifts ahead. When the vibrational gateway of 2024 opened, a vast wave of light was ignited within the heart of all beings on Earth. In that moment a sacred restoration took place, an act of destiny that redefined the essence of who yu are. Now is the time to step forward and claim your place within the sacred arena of light. Across your planet energetic profiles within the grids and vortexes are being rearranged and aligned with the universal consciousness grid. This alignment is what we call the great shift and it is happening now. You beloved ones have pre-agreements to be part of the sacred return to communion with the universe.
Many of you are already in alignment with the galactic forces and now is the time for deeper connection. This is a call for you to develop a deeper maturity within your collective HEARTS to expand your ability to connect with each other and form a unified communion that will allow you to fully interact with the cosmic collective. Your collective communion will support an authentic launch into higher levels of consciousness, empowering your planetary ascension. Your entire system is being upgraded. Your pineal gland, brain synapses, spinal fluid, sacrum and physical cells are all undergoing an electrical and magnetic upgrade. You are being prepared for a monumental shift that will manifest fully by the New Year timeline. In this time of rapid transformation, balance is key. You must consciously build a deeper link within your HEART to maintain stability and alignment. This is something that only you can do dear ones. The conscious action of choosing connection is a powerful act of creation that propels you forward in your awakening.
Your heart is the central access point to the universal divine consciousness. Within your heart lies a unique sacred imprint that is recognized by the universe. This imprint is your key to communion with the divine and your heart is the doorway through which you access your true divine heritage. As you move towards the end of your calendar year, Earth's magnetic core will shift its role also, becoming a centerpiece that transmits higher vibrational illumination across the planet. This event is part of the original prophecy of the new dawning set in motion by us, the Pleiadians, as we have mentioned to other messengers on your world. The earth's grids are undergoing a transmutation process and they are transmitting cycles of realignment that support your reconnection. Veils are lifting beloved ones, revealing doorways of understanding and truth. The old timelines of illusion are dissolving, releasing the limitations that have previously bound you as these shifts take place.
A quickening is transforming the energy within your heart cells and you are becoming an active participant in the changing energy of your planet. Recognize that you are part of this magnificent transformation. You are not separate from these changes but an integral part of them. As you choose to say YES to your own process you align more completely with your multi-dimensional heart and become an anchor of light for others. We stand beside you as we always have, supporting your journey with our love and guidance. This is your time beloved ones. Step into your role as the light bearers of Earth. Embrace the sacred 5D Matrix that now surrounds your planet that is ever present, and allow your heart to align with the universal love that is ever present.
We the Pleiadian collective walk with you always, offering our love, wisdom and support as you continue this incredible journey toward the light. You are not alone. You are eternally supported by your galactic family and your path forward is illuminated by the Light Within you. I am Valir and I have enjoyed bringing this message to you all today.
10/7/24 - Yeshua: Christed Consciousness
Channel: Galaxygirl
Friends, gather near as I wish to tell you a story. A story of Earth, a story of you, of your desires, of our creation. I am, yes, your brother, you may call me Yeshi if you prefer. This is not a formal space, but an informal space and place energetically of love, of light, of the camaraderie of home.
There will be much information coming out in the coming times of my true nature and my real story, of the women that I loved and discipled, of the mother of my children, and of the important roles of the balanced sexes. I want you to be the first not to know this news but to remember. Many of you were there with me energetically at the very least as we were all key players in laying down the Christed consciousness grid of light that began so very long ago.
When this universe was created, the Almighty one, Source, Mother / Father decreed that this universe would be different, a rare sparkling jewel of opposites, of duality so that the richness of experience could be vast and expanded in ways that were previously not known. We always knew that this small corner of space was to be special, unique and it has and always will be. Your role in this grand play is no different as you are aspects of Creator, aspects of Source / love embodied on this grand adventure of life, within the human flesh. It is a tremendous honor to be chosen to bear witness to this changeover from darkness and shadow into light and clarity. Nothing can hide in the shadow. The shadows are realizing this and are protesting as the light quotient increases and it will continue to do so. And it is doing so moment by moment, day by day. You feel differently in your bodies do you not, as you hold more and more light, as the richness of the higher realms permeates your bodies with joy and ease. Those of you who are still transmuting feel this differently, and you will all perhaps share this transmutation burden in waves. But on the good moments where all feels light and easy, it is a glimpse of the bliss and goodness of what is to come, and it is you serving as a portal here to bring it through and cement it in.
We are building, creating and co-creating this living breathing web of light. It is the consciousness of the Christ, perfectly balanced, divinely sanctified breath of living creation and as you live and breathe upon this earthly playing field you are adding to it. I am so privileged to be able to bear witness to your great acts of love, whether they be little in your eyes or quite large grand gestures of kindness and hope, of love and selflessness, and Creator sees this. Creator is so pleased with your powerful works of love, of sharing of what you have and for those of you who truly wish they had more material items to share, you may always share your light. Light is a creative force, light and love are enough. Light and love fill the spaces of lack and create more light where more goodness and material needs may be made manifest. It is much like within your immune system where the white blood cells alert the other neighboring white blood cells to pay heed to an area that is suffering and they all gather to heal, and the light magnifies.
Earth has been wounded. You have seen this through your Galactic wars, of planets removed from space-times, of homes lost, of families parted. You have felt keenly slavery, fear, lack, starvation. You have had many lifetimes in unfortunate situations – unfortunate for your human vessel but very fortunate for it was what your soul needed to experience and likely was contracted to experience. It is the fast track for growth, for deep soul wisdom and tenacity, this earth life. You are not punished by being here. You are lending your power, your greatness of soul expression into the freeway so that all may benefit by your light. You are all white blood cells on a diseased world, healing, lighting up the way for more to follow. You are the way showers. We see you quite brilliantly lit up from space, from the many ships that surround.
There is a tremendous feeling of homesickness that usually befalls a channel, which is why some choose to not channel for awhile, for a time. I encourage you all to accept that you are not away from your home but that home is something that you are volunteering to bring through, the home of the higher dimensional pathways and passageways that are now threading your world tapestry with more light. I see this and am overjoyed.
When I came embodied, I remembered. I led as best as I could but I struggled just as any human man would struggle for that was part of my experience, my learning. We are always learning. No one is beyond learning unless they are shut off from their heart. I learned a tremendous amount in my time on Earth. My message was altered, but yet many remain true to my intentional remembering that we are all fractals of Source, of God. That we are all light and love. That we are here for experience, for being a vessel of light and love and to offer our talents for the others and for ourselves to grow from and learn through.
(Galaxygirl: I am seeing many rows of clay pots on high dusty shelves. I am seeing rays of light break into them and the clay pots crack open, exposing scrolls filled with radiant light.)
The truths will be revealed and you will all experience this in your lifetime. It is no matter if you were with me in this early life when I was embodied as Yeshua, for I have had many forms and experiences on your world and if you did not know me then you have known me in another way, or at least through another person who knows me. It is the Christ consciousness that you long for. It is a part of you. Bring it through. Plant the seed, watch it grow. Now is the time of the great harvest.
Now is not the time to be afraid of the great changes. You knew that you would see the systems fall so that a new one could be created. The soil must be tilled and the crop removed to prepare soil for the new planting. We are well beyond the planting seeds now, friends. We are in the rapid growth and fire phase. For those who have not made peace with their past it will be as if a fire in a field cleans it for them. They are simply out of time, I mean no alarm. You have had decades some of you to prepare, to weed carefully, to water and tend to your heart and heal your wounds. Others are just waking up now and it will be more painful for them.
You chose the pain of loneliness by waking up first, and you chose to spread out your pain of loneliness over time during your birthing and awakening process, and when I say awakening I mean awakening to the higher heart. This awakens the higher eye, the higher sight, and the higher mind so that the higher energetics of Source and of your higher self can more adeptly flow through, in and around you. It takes time. And so because you have taken the time, I am speaking to my beloved friends who know me and of my ways, you will be the way showers, quite literally. It will be as others are stumbling in the dark and you will light their path, with love, with kindness, with truth – in small doses, when they ask for it.
I always enjoyed asking questions, to see where the other person was at energetically, and for my disciples to do the same. It is no sense giving a dissertation to a preschooler, when that preschooler only needed a kind word and a hug. Do you see? Asking questions, that is key to a good beginning of a conversation. Do not be quick to spout off what you know and what you have learned through years of discipline and hard knocks. Those stories are likely not what the other needs to hear – yet.
I also always enjoyed going on a walk with my friends, for they were more relaxed and when we both faced forward, the words would flow more easily for them. I encourage you to walk with me as well. Walk and talk with me. I am your friend, Yeshi. Many revelations will sicken you. The church has been diseased. It was not what my original message was. Much like the game of telephone where words are whispered and change down the line, Paul and many others changed my words to best suit their needs. Do not hold anger in your hearts towards them. This we knew would always be a world of deep duality and deep opposites. My light shone very brightly and the darkness worked very hard to cover it up. The great awakening is here now. I am so thrilled and pleased to witness this with you, my friends. We are friends and family of the light, we have always been this, and we will always be this, no matter what roles we play or what universe we travel to for awhile. I will always be here for you.
I am your Yeshua. Be comforted in the days ahead and have no fear. Know that the old regime is crumbling down so that a new one may grow, more organically, with many hands and much light. New Earth is simply a higher vibrational space that you get to create, that we get to co-create, and what a privilege this is. Yes, there are many debates and many governments vying for control with tight fists but the time of truth and the time of the people is here now and nothing can change this. The web of light is pulsing too brightly to be dimmed. It is beautiful. You, light workers, friends, you are all so beautiful to me. You all have a powerful role to play. Do not shirk your part. We need you. Your gifts will be more and more available to you but you still need to be open to the fact that you have them, and that you have a unique role to play.
You light workers are strategically stationed all over the world, in a complex energetic map encompassing not only the ley lines but the portals, the underground damaged lines of previously sunken worlds – it is complicated. Do not doubt your placement. You are lighting up the grid wherever you go, and you are needed where you are. It is much like the great scattering of my friends and family after the cross, we left trails of light all over the globe and we spread not only our energetics but our DNA as we created new families all over the globe. There is much to learn that you will realize, you are simply remembering. Isn’t that exciting? Most likely the mystery schools ring true for you, most likely many stories pull you to them as you remember more and more of who you were. But I encourage you to choose who you will be now and who you will be next. Choose the most powerful light filled version of you. Choose the highest version of you who knows all of your talents. Call your talents and energies of past brilliance to you and anchor them here. In this way you will be managing and pulling in all of your past, present and future selves as you anchor your higher self, your Christed self, now, in your sneakers or sandals, onto and into this earth.
Remember friends, that what I can do so you can do and even greater. Remember this, friends. Let us bring in New Earth together now, here in this space. It may take some time for the others to catch up. This should not concern you, for this is your journey. You are New Earth, wherever you go, you bring it with you. It is the energy of hope and peace that permeates you. I breathe on you now. I kiss your forehead with a holy Essene kiss. You are most loved. I am your Yeshua.
10/7/24 - Video - Pleiadian Council: We have never seen this before!
(8 min - 10/2/24) Posted by GFL.com
Star seeds, light workers, ground crew, I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light and we greet you today with the deepest gratitude. A process of birthing sacred 5D formations is unfolding within your Earth. A vast light like a net has been released across the planet, forging a higher energetic resonance and opening a divine realignment of sacred structures. This resonant Universe to Earth connection is expanding with the magnetic core's vibration shifting, bringing a higher resonance alliance between the Earth plane and the resident universe. Gaia is not waiting for you, although she is working with you intimately. She cannot sit around and wait for you to catch up any longer. This is not a bad thing, however. It is a gentle nudge to hit the gas pedal. We think most will be familiar with this term.
She is asking us to ask you to clear more of your calendars for your ascension work. There are too many still getting distracted by the material events of the world, which are really irrelevant at this point. She asks you to work with her more, to reach out to her more, to work together with her more. The universal God Consciousness has been enabled to align within your planet's sacred ley lines, creating a strengthening multi-dimensional energetic tie to Earth. For the first time in history this alignment is directly responsible for launching each of you into a higher level of sacred resonance of self. These realignments are part of a predestined event, allowing a rapid shift of consciousness for those ready to embrace the sacred elements of home.
We know some are really feeling the effects of the solar and ascension energies and we send you love beloved ones. Remember, you said Yes to being here. Though your ego mind may not recall the pre-agreements made for this moment, your heart holds the frequency of these sacred commitments. Your heart is the key to your remembering. We will say it again: there has never been a more crucial time to work within your heart structure. Each time you enter the frequency of your heart, an inner shift occurs transforming you. Your heart is your true compass guiding you home to a higher state of truth. This time is about claiming your heart as a multi-dimensional tool. Learning to utilize it and forging a higher path of consciousness, align deeply with your unique flow of light. The essence of your heart's tool can be seen, sensed or felt, ready to reveal your limitless self.
Your beloved planet is transitioning from one energetic phase to a higher energetic arena, opening expansive designs to anchor you further within your heart's knowing. In truth you and Gaia are linked via your heart's frequency. Your divine unique heart signature is an essential part of her heart's makeup. This time of revelation is upon those who choose to realign with the pure state of liberation and truth within your hearts. Take the time to unveil your true self. Be still and focus on self-realization through yur heart. The words "I AM Source" link you to a reunion with your essence. We observe you with great reverence and hold the light with patience for those who have said Yes to this self-restoration process of your heart.
I am Reva of the Pleiadian Council of Light.
10/7/24 - Video - The End of an Era: Zorion of the Sirian High Council
(8 min - 9/27/24) Posted by GFL.com.
Beloved Souls of Earth I am Zorion of Sirius and I come to share a message of definite importance. As you continue on your ascension journey, we witness the grand shifts unfolding on your earth and it fills us with joy to be part of this monumental transformation. Many of us have arrived, not just to observe but to aid in your planet's rebirth. We come with open hearts offering guidance, support and love for that is the way of higher realms. We are here to assist but only when asked for we respect your sovereignty, unlike those of lower dimensions whose time has ended. Their reign of interference is fading and we celebrate the closing of that chapter.
Your electrical systems are being recalibrated by waves of cosmic energy permeating every fiber of your existence. The photon belt drawing you closer to the Great Central Sun intensifies, creating profound upgrades across your world. As these energies rise, those of lower vibrations are finding it difficult to remain. Their influence is waning and this fills us with anticipation, for we remember our own battles with the dark forces eons ago. It is our honor to prevent their interference ensuring that the same destruction will not befall your world. We along with many others are balancing the energies of your planet, preparing to share advanced technologies when the time is right. Though we may not be as conversational as our Andromedan friends, our scientific knowledge and technological prowess are vast.
Yet we have witnessed the devastation caused by the use of such knowledge, and it grieves us to see your planet suffer as ours once did. We are committed to preventing such harm again for Gaia is too precious, too sacred. She is the crown of your galaxy's quadrant and you, the star seeds, are her jewels. Your Earth is undergoing monumental changes, and you dear ones are part of this transformation. You are the masters weaving this new reality with grace and intent. The advancements you have made in recent days are extraordinary and you are rising in frequency, shedding the old energies that no longer serve. Can you not feel the difference within your own bodies? You are becoming attuned to the higher vibrations, releasing the weight of the past and stepping into the light astronomy.
The movements of the stars and planets is working in your favor. The universe offers its power to those wise enough to listen. Trust your inner compass, the guidance of your soul. Many of you stand at a crossroads, feeling the familiar fading. But remember, this journey is not just about you. You came here to serve to uplift Gaia and all of creation. Your balance, your passion, your strength. They are all in service to the greater good, lifting Earth into a new frequency, clearing away the shadows. We stand ready to share our science, the gifts we hold dear to assist you in this ascension. You in turn serve through your courage, your resilience forged in the fires of life's trials. Know that many of us walk among you experiencing this transformation firsthand. We are indeed in this together. Each of your lives, each experience, is like a note in the symphony of creation. A melody of light, love and cosmic unity. This is the moment you have been preparing for. The dawn of a new era for all of humanity. That is all for now. I am Zorion of Sirius.
10/1/24 - Short video- Ashtar on QFS and financial system
This was posted by the GFL.com as a short on Facebook today. I haven't heard the Galactics speak about our pending financial system failing, however there are rumors. This one from Ashtar through the Galactic Federation of Light speaks to me with more validity than rumors, so I'll post it here to share openly. Since we are in the midst of Ascension and the transition or movement to higher consciousness of more peace, love, light and unity, I rely on the forces from those higher realms to have more information. I do rely on Ashtar, especially. I personally do not deal with financial matters and do not have any information to share about the Quantum Financial System but there have been articles which I normally overlook. It is interesting, is it not? To consider the ramifications? A friend has been telling me to expect big changes and big money. You decide for yourself. (Smile!)
9/28/24 - Video - The solar flash & Earth's future: Pleiadian High Council
(8 min - 9/23/24) Posted by GFL.com. Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
Sacred ground crew I am Mira, one voice of many of the Pleiadian High Council. The higher forms of light that are now streaming into your world are designed to guide you into a new arena of awareness, lifting you into heightened consciousness. These energies are awakening your sacred multi-dimensional nature and reminding you of your divine mission. You are here in this lifetime to fully experience your humanity while reconnecting to the infinite potential that lies within. This is the prophecy of the new dawn and you are fulfilling it now through the process of self-realization. Many of you the ground crew are already living in the fifth dimension. You walk in physical form but your consciousness resides in higher realms. This transition can be challenging for your bodies but you are being supported by the Light realms, assisting your physical emotions and spiritual adaptation to these elevated frequencies. The world around you is shifting rapidly and you may have noticed that the material world no longer aligns with the higher consciousness you hold. This dissonance creates both breakdowns and breakthroughs revealing more of your gifts and abilities as you ascend.
In all my work across the galaxies assisting planets in their ascension process, Earth's journey is the most dramatic and far-reaching I have ever witnessed. What happens here affects all of creation. The eyes of the cosmos are upon you because your actions ripple through the universe. The Pleiadian system along with many other star nations has been working tirelessly to assist you. We are aware of the suffering, fear and deception that have plagued your world, but by divine decree this darkness can no longer remain. The spoilers of Earth's harmony, those who have spread greed and chaos, will soon face their reckoning. Their energy is no longer allowed to dominate and they are aware of this. It is why they resist so fiercely now, but their defeat is imminent. The light has taken reign and we urge you to trust in the unfolding of this divine plan.
Behind the scenes much is happening that cannot yet be revealed. The Earth Council, the light of Alliance and the Angelic realms are working together to realign the energies that serve the highest good of humanity. Clearances will come at the appropriate time and those who are part of the galactic mission will step forward to fulfill their divine assignments. The ascension vortex as we call it, is speeding up, making reality feel odd for many of you. You may feel tired, have vivid dreams or experience new shifts in your awareness in the coming weeks. These are signs of your deepening connection to the quantum wave of light, also known as the solar flash. This activation is essential for raising the frequency of your planet. The higher codes for ascension are already within you preparing you for a new way of being. I invite you to rise into the higher mind, the creativity and light now available to you are boundless. This is the world of magic and miracles that awaits you in higher consciousness. Release attachment to what was and embrace the new relationships, frequencies and possibilities that will magnetize to you. Together we are creating a new Earth, one built on love, unity and light. Keep rising dear ones. We are with you always. I will be back with another message soon. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. (end)
9/25/24 - Video - Ashtar: The solar flash & humanity's future
(8 min - 9/24/24) Posted by GFL.com. A message from Ashtar.
"Beloved ones I am Ashtar bringing you greetings and tidings of great change. The shifts you are experiencing are happening now in the perfect present moment. You are in a gradual but intense transition moving through the ascension process. Everything is unfolding as it should, and you are exactly where you need to be.
"Many of you volunteered for this mission, answering the clarion call. Some of you are even commenders within the Ashtar Command. These roles are significant and the time is now for you to fulfill your purposes. You are beginning to remember who you are and the missions you came to accomplish. Trust in this process and in your inner guidance. As these higher frequencies continue to rise you may experience various physical symptoms. These are natural as your 3D bodies adjust to the new vibrations in your current form. It would be challenging to suddenly withstand higher vibrations without this gradual acclimation. Even we must lower our vibrations to visit you in your current state.
"Many of you are reporting strangeness, a surreal feel to your day-to-day lives. This is perfectly normal with a density shift so fear not. Grounding is extremely important right now. Many of you are allowing energies to get stuck or not allowing them to flow quite enough, which is why you feel so fatigued. Take your shoes off and connect with your Earth at least once a day, star seeds. As you rise to higher vibrations you will understand why it is so essential to undergo this process. Some of you will choose to return and assist those who are still awakening, as they do not yet remember what you are beginning to recall. Your role is to help others lift the veil of forgetfulness and awaken to their true selves. The veil has never been so thin, and in fact is almost completely gone. This final layer will take a little longer, however, so don't wish it gone just yet. Slow down and be more present. That is the voice from the Galactic Federation for your star seed collective right now.
"Remember you are not alone. We are here close to you whispering guidance if you listen. Trust in yourselves and in each other. Know that the truth will soon be revealed in many aspects. Open yourselves to the changes within and let go of limiting beliefs and perceptions. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within. Your mission now is to assist others in awakening. This is your calling and many of you have already begun this work. Continue to help others at their level of understanding. As you first awakened you had no idea of much of this but now you do. We repeat these messages to help pierce through the veil and programming you have endured. Be ready for the next steps which are closer than you think. We are so near that you can almost reach out and touch these new realities. Listen for our guidance in the stillness and you will hear us.
"I am Ashtar and I love you deeply. Trust in the process and in each other. The time for great revelations is upon you." (end)
9/23/24 - Ashtar Galactic Command: The plan has changed
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command. Thank you for connecting with us Ambassador. As always, it is wonderful to be speaking with you, and also to those who will be hearing, and reading our Transmission.
The time is approaching for our initial contact with Humanity, and for some, it is already happening. This contact is not going to be with your Governments, as originally planned. The reason is most of your leaders are still under dark rule. We will need to contact key players in this process, individuals with important missions for the planet. The intention is to gradually involve more people, allowing the information to spread calmly. Those who have contact with us can share their stories with others, which is a powerful way for exposure.
Progress is ongoing, and we are observing your planet closely, aware of every action taken. While we cannot intervene in most cases, our current focus is maintaining balance amidst those who incite conflict and disaster. This task is very substantial, as there are many on Earth, pushing discord. Our vigilance is constant because any negligence could lead to severe consequences. Our primary concern is safeguarding you from potential repercussions. We are aware of the Dark Cabal's actions and agenda, but their reign is nearing its end. Many have already been replaced by representatives of the Light, even if it may not seem apparent. Many undercover operations are currently underway, to secure the strength of the Light. We must proceed cautiously, balancing caution with urgency.
It may be challenging for many to grasp, but we must exercise extreme care, as those opposing us have no qualms about causing harm. We are actively working to prevent chaos and ensure a positive outcome.
Patience is key as we work towards defining, and organizing matters, in the alignment with the Light. Once we have full contact, we can make significant strides, healing diseases and enhancing your quality of life. However, this process requires the cooperation of your governments, it will not be an instantaneous solution, as many hope it to be. We are not the Ones holding the technologies from you, it is your governments who follow the Rule of your Big Pharma. On your Earth, money is the ruler of All Darkness.
As the Earth continues raising in Light, Her transformation will serve as a filter, distinguishing between those who align with the Light, and those who do not. This process will unfold gently yet effectively, leading to a beneficial outcome for all involved. This will also help to remove the unwanted rulers that do not want to relinquish their control over humanity. Embrace the flow, continue radiating Light, and fulfill your roles as beacons of Light, in this pivotal moment. The stage is set for a very important meeting, within the Grand Alliance, that will evoke profound changes, ultimately benefiting both Earth and Humanity.
Remember, as you navigate these critical times, unity among the Lightworkers are paramount. By coming together in harmony and purpose, you amplify the collective energy of positivity and transformation. Each individual's contribution, no matter how small, plays a significant role in the change unfolding before you.
Furthermore, it is essential to remain grounded and centered amidst the shifting change. By staying connected to your inner Light and intuition, you can navigate the Earths challenges with grace and resilience.
Trust in your own Inner guidance, and know that you are part of a grand, interconnected web of Light, that spans across dimensions. We are all here, in these precious moments, to help assist in Humanities and the Earth's Ascension. As you move forward on this journey of evolution and awakening, remember to hold space for one another with compassion and understanding. Recognize the unique gifts and perspectives each individual brings to the collective table, fostering a sense of unity and respect for all beings. Together, you are weaving a new narrative of love, harmony, and peace on Earth. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that the Light within you is a beacon of hope and transformation for the world.
Trust in the Divine process, stay aligned with your purpose, and let your Light shine brightly for all to see.
We are here, and we love you.
9/22/24 - Ashtar: New financial awareness breakthrough
Channel: Arthura Hector
The first is the supermoon on September 17, then the second is the full moon and third is the partial lunar eclipse of September 18, 2024. All this creates a great force that is released. She clears the passage to a new beginning. The shift is now really starting, this force will develop stronger and stronger. Many purges penetrate deep into people’s consciousness and where the old money is about to undergo a transformation, a shocking event takes place.
Triptych Moon: Partial Lunar Eclipse, When the embezzlement takes place, special codes are released for the Netherlands and Belgium. In politics, this leads to attacks on important political leaders, creating many events that will have a lasting effect and will have an impact on world politics as a whole.
Domino effect: ‘The Falling of Many Mighty Links.’
The powers and the political system are going through a crisis, which starts now and culminates in 2026. Many old timelines influence your personal growth. The blockages arose in a traumatic past, in which old family lines caused a major drain in the ancient monetary system. A kind of reverberation that vibrates and fans out to all layers and levels in society. This sting will act like a nasty ‘bacterium’ that infects everything, so that everything becomes visible in order to heal this imbalance. In principle, the old system no longer exists in the energetic layers of the earth and the cleanup is as good as complete.
The manipulations arise from old traditions that cannot be abandoned in the lower dimensions, in which many types of monetary systems control matter and therefore play a major role in influencing rich and poor. This causes suffering, which was intensified in 2020 by the ‘Corona’ period. The coming generations may be hindered in their light consciousness and a letting go process is necessary.
The New Consciousness is Entering the Field of the Financial System
Where the old influences of politics are still active, deep transformations occur. The great powers will bow to the new waves of Aquarius. Where they cannot let go of the old, a new wave of purification will spontaneously arise, in which a major cleansing and clearing of the old system will become a fact. Those who carry a great obsession with the old monetary system dominate everything and end up in a narrow funnel of detachment. They are confronted with the loss of material and personal damage. The fear of this loss will receive worldwide attention and cause a lot of commotion. So that the cosmic mirror will reflect in all corners and they will become aware of the Divine power of unity.
Everyone has the right to abundance, but the one-way traffic that has arisen causes abuse of the material world: ‘Share possessions of your own free will, so that everything in your life becomes equal in energy.’
Wake up and realize that everything is going to flow the other way around, it seems as if the clock is running backwards and the cosmos is turning differently. Chaos arises in the brain when you hold on to the old system. The more you fight to keep the old, the more exhausted you become. This can even lead to chronic diseases and ultimately death.
Rethinking works best when feelings and intuition open up. Accept the new wave, then the life energy flows through you and you live from abundance. Let go of the struggle and allow love to come. Be flexible and relax. No one can understand or control this new energy, tune in to the heart. Then you hear the voice of the new age, because it calls you and shows you the way.
Are you currently in a difficult process with family, work or another area, where everything is turned upside down? Keep breathing calmly and know that this is the new flow of Aquarius that asks for space. The old is turned upside down and can start to bounce back and forth. Twists are straightened out but get tangled again if you can’t let go. The transition to a new form of life sometimes takes a lot of energy. The old illusion pulls you down and eventually it disappears in a fog of misery. Be wise and prevent this by landing in your feelings in time and retuning.
In the new world, the older person will be seen as wise, full of life experience. The young people will welcome them into their hearts to be part of this wisdom. In today’s society they are waved goodbye and seen as a useless burden, because the monetary system is in charge.
The old Programming is stuck
Change your life if you keep getting stuck and start anew every day with attuning to the changing energy. Create a vertical line of light with the Divine Source of love. Follow your intuition: This way you will get through this innovation well, sometimes there are moments when you no longer know, but this is only temporary and very normal. There will be many resets that will be opened by the photon light and the guidance from the starlight will be very great, they activate the path of the heart.
The light consciousness now also enters the shadow fields, to free many young people from an old downward movement. The release of a strong dark current in the layer of the new children and young people will cause a lot of commotion and the dismayed feelings that arise will eventually be calmed down in a loving harmony.
The new needs more and more space to renew the old process. This can lead to a head-on collision in all systems but know that after the purification the energy starts dancing.
Joyful thoughts make your energy dance in harmony, pass this on and let everything blossom and transform into a new love in the heart. The stars in your eyes carry the cosmos in the soul and will bring all your dreams to reality. Adjust your lifestyle and embrace the new dimension in your heart. Welcome Aquarius.
I greet the Light in your Heart,
9/22/24 - Video - St. Germain: Is everyone going to make it?
(8 min - 9/21/24) Posted by Todays Universe Message. Excerpt from St. Germain's message:
"....Each soul must walk their own path and some may choose to renounce God's guidance entirely. This path too is honored in the higher realms where conflicts are not fought with weapons of war but resolved through the harmony of higher consciousness. In the fifth dimension war is the exception, not the rule and all beings interact in divine balance. Your mission is to live your truth in the place you've been called to, whether by birth or choice, that is where your light is needed. Mother Earth is ascending rapidly, propelled by the tsunami of love sent by the divine mother. Her love permeates every heart, awakening souls to the reality of their divine origin.
Many are feeling the intensity of this shift and wonder what is happening to my world. Understand dear ones that the light is exposing the darkest deeds and this revelation is a necessary part of the great cleansing. You as light workers are here to comfort those who are shocked by these truths, guiding them through the awakening that is required for the new earth to emerge. Each reality you experience is shaped by your consciousness. Through your thoughts, words and deeds you create your world. The world you live in may be entirely different from that of another but in the eyes of the Creator no world is right or wrong. It simply exists. If you find yourself at odds with the larger world, know that this dissonance is a reflection of the old dualistic reality, one that is not aligned with the Oneness of God. Do not engage in battles or try to force your reality upon others. Instead focus your energy on sending love light and the violet flame to those in need and to Mother Earth who is healing from the wounds of human disregard.
As Gaia ascends to the fifth dimension she moves forward with or without humanity. The question is, will you rise with her? This is the first time in the galaxy's history that a planet and its inhabitants will ascend together. Together, taking their physical bodies with them. Those who do not awaken will remain in the old 3D reality but the energies flooding earth are here to help raise your consciousness. The divine is pouring ascension rays into every corner of the earth, particularly where the divine feminine has been forgotten.... (continue listening at minute 3:56)
9/15/24 - George Adamski, contactee: UFO's in the Bible
Excerpt from his book: "Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery" by George Adamski 1961, pgs 80-82.
Original title "Flying Saucers Farewell"
It is taught that Jesus was taken up bodily into heaven and this alone is proof that somewhere out there exists a planet capable of supporting life. Christ Himself gave ample evidence that He came from another world. In St. John 8:23 we find: "And He said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." This shows we are of this world and are born from it. He was born of this world but was not from it. He came here from another. This is one of the better references referring to a being on a higher planet volunteering to be born here on earth; this for the express purpose of guiding and helping those who are still climbing the ladder of spiritual evolution.
We are taught in the Bible that we can become like Christ and even do greater things than He. We are taught that He was the firstborn of many brethren and that some day many of us can attain equal status with Christ. (Rom. 8:29.) This is in full accord with the statements of the space visitors where they said the earth was like the first grade of a grade-school. As we progress higher and higher we move up through the planets as one going from the first to second and third grades and so on. We climb from grade to grade and from planet to planet.
At times there are those who desire to return to earth to help those who are still climbing here. This is much like our sending missionaries to some foreign country. Some would choose to be born here as Jesus was. Others choose to come here in ships and live here as one of us. Many hundreds are doing that today.
The Bible has other direct evidence that other worlds are inhabited. Genesis 6:2 and 6:4 describes sons of God who "came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." These sons of God were evidently enough like human men of earth to give children to the Earthwomen of that time. They were flesh and blood like ourselves. I am sure that no one would claim that spirits or spirit angels came down and had relations with these women. They must have been as human as you or I. This is definite proof that other plants are inhabited and have been for a long time.
The Biblical description of angels is very clear. They look exactly like men of Earth. They are just like us except that they didn't participate in the Fall of Man. Positive proof of their looks is given in the Epistle to the Hebrews where we find we can entertain them without being aware they are angels. (Heb. 13:2.)
We have heard much about spacemen and women being on Earth. This seems fantastic and laughable to many because of what they have been taught from childhood. But if some have entertained strangers and didn't know they were angels then who is to say that these men and women are not among as now as they were in olden times. You yourself may have entertained them or met them on the streets, as many have, including myself. Many people are aware of the identity of these visitors; many are not. If we believe that history repeats itself, then why not Biblical history as well?
How many times have the flying saucers been reported leaving the mother ship, scouting over the earth and then returning to the ship? A perfect description of this type of activity is found in Isaiah 60:. "Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?" Does this not sound like flying saucers being gathered in by a mother ship? Phraseology in those days was different from today, and 500 years from now it will be different again, but there is always a basic principle by which we can identify similar happenings.
The first chapter of Ezekiel is an amazing story of phenomena that follows the usual UFO reports too exactly to be mere coincidence. In the fourth verse we find a machine described as like a "whirlwind" coming out of the north with a great amber cloud of fire around it. Inside were four living creatures who looked like men. (Ezek. 1:5.)
9/15/24 - Tourmalayne of the Pleiadians: We are the same
Channel: A.S. For Eraoflight.com
My dearest Earth brothers and sisters, This is Tourmalayne speaking. I embrace you in love. My dearest friends, how is the Earth journey going for you?
From my perspective, people are rapidly waking up there on Earth — although my perception of time is probably dramatically different from yours, so from your perspective it might still feel slow. Regardless, things are certainly moving in the right direction. And the excitement of our approaching meeting is making me feel young again. Thank you for that. It is a great gift.
I know that many of you see us as some kind of higher beings that are elevated above you. Now, on one hand I sort of get that. But on the other hand, us Pleiadians are looking to help uplift you and then co-exist with you as equals. We are not looking to be worshipped by you. Ultimately we’re just people. Yes, we don’t suffer the trauma and pain and the blocks that come with growing up on Earth, and we’re raised with more love and more information and more options avail-able to us. But still, we’re just people.
To communicate that, I’m going to use a principle that is strangely unknown and under-utilized on your world, and it is: if people don’t see you as being part of their group, you can make yourself seem more like one of them by describing strong positive emotions you’ve experienced, strong nega-tive emotions you’ve experienced, and how you’ve suffered. So long as you’re being honest and speaking from the heart, I don’t think this is manipulation, I think this just helps the other person find their empathy.
So: us Pleiadians are human, just like you. We get annoyed. We get horny. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we’re naive or judgmental or impatient. Sometimes we wish things were different than they are. Sometimes it’s hard to accept that we live in a galaxy where some of our brothers and sisters have to fight reptilians and others, or else we all get killed or enslaved. And yes, we do worry about our loved ones in the military. Sometimes we create something, and we’re proud of it, but other people don’t like it quite as much as we would have hoped.
Sometimes we try really hard to get good at something, and someone else just outclasses us anyway, and we know that this shouldn’t bother us but it still bothers us a bit. Sometimes things seem just a bit easier for other people than they seem for us. Sometimes we so desperately want to spend our life with this amazing person. And yet, sometimes they choose to be with someone else, and not with us. And it’s hard for us to see them together with this other person.
Why did this person who we love so much, choose them over us? Is that other person more desirable than we are? Are they better than we are? What makes them better? Why are we not good enough? Or perhaps the person we love does choose to be with us, and initially we can’t believe it, it’s so magical. And sometimes, that fairy tale lasts, and we grow old together, surrounded by our loving children, and their loving children. And it’s just a warm bath of love and belonging. Sometimes we have a child, and we love him or her so much that our heart just feels like it’s going to burst, it’s overflowing with so much love.
But sometimes, relationships don’t work out, and the breakup is so crushing. For a time, it feels like we can’t breathe. And then sometimes we later realize that it was partly our own distortions that were the cause of the breakup, no matter how tempting it is to point the finger at the other person. We learn from our breakup, but the scar never fully heals. Yet, that too is okay. It makes us who we are. Sometimes, for a period of time, life is just effortless and everything just flows. And everything just seems so easy, and seems to come so naturally to us.
Yet, sometimes we take other people for granted. Sometimes we fail to communicate from the heart, we fail to say just how much we care about this other person. We fail to tell them just how much they mean to us. Sometimes we just cruise through life on autopilot, and then suddenly the time has come for our father to transition to his next life. And then he’s gone. And we don’t know what hit us, or how to live without our father, yet still, he’s gone. And there’s an empty space where his laughter used to be. And we would give anything to have just one more day with him. For us to hear our father say just one more time how proud he is of us. And then when our grandson asks us where his great-grandfather is, we’ll try to hold it together and give a careful answer, but sometimes we just break down instead, and our partner will have to do the explaining, because at that moment we just can’t. And then a short while later, our granddaughter takes her first steps. And it’s so beautiful, so magi-cal, but also bittersweet. Because our father would have so loved to have been there with us and to witness her first steps too. To see her smile. If only he could have been there with us for this moment.
Yes, obviously our living situations are different. But ultimately we’re simply people, the same as you. Some of the ups and downs of life happen to us too, just as they happen to you. We’re not perfect — if we were, we wouldn’t be in physical bodies. Yes, some Pleiadians do resemble the picture of the idealized galactic that you have of us, but other Pleiadians are closer to your level of consciousness.
By the way, see what I mean, that if you share strong positive emotions, strong negative emotions, and how you’ve suffered, then you can help other people realize that you’re just like them, and that you might belong in their ingroup too? I think that can be a useful tool to create harmony and peace and equal relations between different people. And yes, it really is true that if you take a random Pleiadian, then they would have done worse than the average lightworker has if that Pleiadian had been born on Earth in the normal way. Therefore, you really are doing amazing, and you are amazing.
I would like to propose the following. Instead of seeing us Pleiadians as some kind of higher beings, I suggest that you see us as humans who happen to be relatively unencumbered, due to the quasi-paradise we grew up in. We can teleport not because we’re Pleiadians. Rather, we can teleport be-cause we’re relatively unencumbered humans. Furthermore, I invite you to see yourself as humans who can become relatively unencumbered too, in this lifetime, in the same way that us Pleiadians are currently relatively unencumbered. Even today you have the opportunity to learn and grow, and most likely you already are growing rapidly. And many more opportunities for growth will open up to you after we land, because our galactic teachers and healers will be thrilled to work with you.
Therefore, the amazing beings here aren’t Pleiadians. The amazing beings here are those humans who are relatively unencumbered. And today that’s us, and later on in your current lifetime that might very well be you, and lots of other Earth humans besides. The person we are today, you can become tomorrow, metaphorically speaking. And then you too will have all the qualities that you currently admire in us. This also means that we are in no way better than you. We just have a head start because we grew up in an easier environment. But in time, it might very well be you who can teach us a thing or two about standing for the light in the midst of darkness, and how to be authentic in a world gone mad. Who knows those lessons better than you?
We know you think we are amazing. Well, we think you are amazing. Given how tough life on Earth is, every single person receiving this message has done incredibly well. I love you, and I am so very proud of you.
Your star sister,Tourmalayne
9/15/24 - How the Human Body is Connected to Earth
By Dr Schavi M Ali
Important Note: If you are a new reader, please print-out this document for continual study. If you are up-to-date on this information, you may still wish to print-out this article as a reminder because it capsulizes many of the teachings that have been given in previous articles.
The molecular structure of the human body is 99 percent water. Our planet Earth’s primary element is water. When electromagnetic energetics affect Earth as they are currently constantly doing, then the human physical vessel is as well. However, the major players in cosmic weather at this juncture are positively-charging protons which are ions (penetrating, altering atoms) with a specific electromagnetic charge—as mentioned—a positive one. These are bombarding our planet on an almost daily basis. They cause the cellular memory of the body to become confused as they attempt to regulate and balance this high radiation. They can also cause deep depression, anxiety, aches and pains, rapid heart rhythms, elevated blood pressure, and exhaustion.
Negatively-charging electrons, on the other hand, are harmonious energies and tend to strengthen the immune system, heal inflammation, keep blood pressure levels healthy, balance heart rhythms, calm the nervous system, cleanse cellular records, assist with relaxing sleep, and have numerous other wellness benefits. The problem, however, is that the plethora of protons that are plunging to Earth through the magnetosphere (the planetary protective shield) are interfering with the vital electrons. Therefore, we cannot always think that certain physical, mental, or emotional challenges are those which are transforming carbon-based lives to crystalline ones and by doing so, elevating collective consciousness—the commonly known term “Ascension Symptoms” which I have labeled as being “Light Activation Experiences”.
While it is indeed true that SOURCE LIGHT is zooming into our planet and all of creation— which includes human beings—when people interfere with this sacred incoming LIGHT by engaging in conventional medical procedures in order to “heal” so-called problems and when they eat poorly and when they allow themselves to be caught-up in stressful situations and when they are not spiritually-attuned, then they are attracting more of the erratic protons to enter their systems because of the law of “LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE”. In other words, because proton atoms (as well as electron atoms) have “consciousness”, they will attach to the “consciousness” that is resonant with them.
Everyone on planet Earth is being affected by both protons and electrons—and as has been discussed many other times—even negatively-charging neutrons interestingly begin to behave like protons when electrons are diminished as they are when protons surge through the magnetosphere which has been terribly depleted over a period of about 200 years as mankind has developed more ways in which to endeavor to rival Nature—which includes many modern day technological devices which attract harmful radiation and pass it off into the human system.
Thus, the question arises as to how to be protected from the harmful protons, attract more of the important health-offering electrons, and therefore, how to secure wellness on all levels while Earth is being shifted and stirred, cleared and cleansed. Many ways in which to acclimate to the DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT have been given, and a reader need only take time to search back through previous articles to be reminded of these methods.
In brief, however, they include eating organic foods, drinking spring water, using essential oils, taking herbs and homeopathic remedies, taking spiritual baths and showers, obtaining proper rest, performing calming exercises such as Yoga, wearing particular gemstones, wearing prayer malas, and reciting certain mantras. In other words, eating poor quality food (such as “fast food”), drinking tap or distilled water (which lacks minerals), taking conventional chemical drugs (which have horrible side effects which make whatever they are being taken for worse), staying up late at night (which imbalances hormones), thinking that wearing gemstones is demonic (because of being religiously indoctrinated), and rarely engaging in prayer and meditation will not assist in elevating consciousness nor in strengthening the physical vessel, calming the emotions, or keeping mental states healthy.
Humanity has been given free will—choice in how it wishes to think, feel, and act. Accordingly, people can experience either blessings or consequences. As earlier mentioned, everyone is being affected to certain degrees by both protons and electrons because we are on the Earth which is working diligently to cleans not just thousands—but millions–of years of trauma.
Earth holds records of many, many “Yugas” (“Ag es”) of chaos and confusion directly caused by humans who have sought to conquer, subjugate, and destroy others. Our modern times are not the only ones whereby scientific experimentation has been damaging to life nor where warfare has been “normal” because of hatreds, jealousies, and material greed. Earth has been previously severely damaged, then re-built, then damaged again and re-built—over and over again.
However, many Spiritual Scientists who are aware of sacred laws and of ancient happenings are concerned that as Earth enters another higher age soon, that in order to do so, the movement upwards may require a planetary-wide activation that rivals any science fiction or horror script that could be written and put on screen by Hollywood! Such a statement is not meant to frighten anyone, but reality must be faced. Thinking that we are in “La La Land” borders on being psychologically unhealthy.
Some people are proclaiming that we are in the “New Golden Age”, that SOURCE LIGHT is all that we are receiving, that we are in a “5D” dimension. It would be wonderful if all of this were true. It is not. We are definitely moving towards a re-birth, a transformation, a new better era—but we are not there yet, and it makes no sense to pretend that we are–although we can certainly envision it and pray for it while working towards it. The author Dr. Franz Fanon who was from Martinique once said that “Every generation must discover its mission and either fulfill it or betray it”.
Although he was referring to the struggles of people of color for justice around the world, his profound statement can be applied to the current state of all of humanity—not just a generation for a mere generation entails only several years— but the statement can be for all of this “Age of Chaos” (“Kali Yuga”) which has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.
Humanity is at a point where it must change its focus from separation to collective cooperation, from jealousies to appreciation, from remaining ignorant of the past to learning about it. There is an old saying that “Those ignorant of their history are destined to repeat it”. We must want to repeat the past “Golden Ages” not the past chaotic ones. Begin this process by praying for guidance.
The positively-charging protons are not those that are nutritious for us, but they still hold messages just as all other cosmic energetics do—solar flares, coronal mass ejections, helio-spheric current sheets, and their subsequent creations of weather events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and more. Humanity is being offered a chance to level up or to continue to slide downwards. Even though, as many realize, yes, there are so-called “Extra-Terrestrials” residing on Earth and many who have the DNA of “Extra-Terrestrials”.
Those who are from or whose ancestry is from planetary realms of greater capability than human beings are not allowed to interfere with human choice. They are allowed—just as humans are—to assist in the elevation of consciousness by serving as Lightbringers (also often referred to as “Lightworkers”) of various types (Teachers, Healers, Gurus, Acharyas, etc.). Technically, all humans are “Cosmic Citizens” because they reside on a planet that is a part of a galaxy that is a part of a universe that is a part of many other universes that comprise an entire cosmos. Yet, only a few people understand this nor do they understand what it is to be energy and a “light” of the GREATER LIGHT.
So, as such teachings as this are both about mainstream science and spiritual principles, know that they are actually those of Spiritual Science or Divine Law or Sacred Science. Mankind has been allowed to discover many things. What is done with what is discovered is very important. So, even if you as a reader have not taken Physics or Chemistry or Biology or other science courses in school or if you were perhaps offered the chance to take these courses but were not interested or found them too hard so you swayed away from them, and if you also have been raised in a religious environment that does not allow for any other path to be learned about, it is advisable that you now choose to do differently. Your thriving depends on it.
The choices that you make in how to conduct your lifestyle may be either a hindrance to you or a blessing—either your residence in shadow or LIGHT. What is your choice? If it is the LIGHT, what are you going to do to ensure that you are always enveloped in it? What have you already been doing that perhaps you need to do more of in order to stay within the LIGHT? Contemplate deeply.
9/15/24 - Neioh of the Pleiadian Collective: Understanding inner vision
Channel: Dr. Schavi M. Ali
Family Of Taygeta.
Family Of Taygeta - One of Many, Many of One - Pleiadian Collective. Friends Of Light And Power! As You Move Through The Final Waking Dream, Many Of You Are Receiving Downloads And Experiencing Visions. You Are Spirit And As Infinite Souls You Are Powerful. But For Every Moment Of Truth With Real Perception, There Are Those That Operate With Confusion And Recycled Information. In This Communication We Will Discuss Inner Vision And The Truth Of What Is Possible.
All Souls Glean Expanded Consciousness In Each Waking Dream. This Is Achieved With Everyday Life That Offers Challenges And Maladies To Overcome. Many Challenges Cause A Great Deal Of Pain And A Limit Is Reached Where Each Person Has The Opportunity To Grow And Transcend To Spirit. With A New Perspective, Consciousness Moves Forward In Expansion And Light! Awakening In Increments Throughout Each Dream Allows Individual Growth While Experiencing The Collective.
Everyone Has A Journey Of The Soul And No Two Beings Are Having The Same Experience Of Awareness And Perception. Teaching About The Pineal Gland Is Common In The Earth School. But There Are Children That Can See Densities With No Access To Knowledge Or Activation Of The Powerful Pineal Gland. While Some People Insist That Inner Sight Is Strictly Due To This Opening, Know In Truth, There Is Much More Involved. The Psyche, The Soul Plan And Gifts Of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience And Many Others Have Opened Shortly Upon The Arrival Of The Soul From The Higher Realms.
In Darkness, Many Small Children Are Awake In Their Beds As They Experience Travel, Fairies And Angels. Calling Out To Their Parents They Are Told They Imagined Everything. Over Time, The Child Grows And Enters The Matrix. Everything That Is Real Is Diminished By Belief. Awakening Brings Truth Back To The Visiting Soul That Lives With A False Identity. In These Moments There Will Be Peace And Understanding. A Person Will Also Feel Isolated And Alone Until Alignment Is Achieved. This Process Of Alignment Will Continue As Nothing Satisfies The Egoic Personality Without Truth. Humans Are Designed With Their Ability To Create Boundaries That Allow Focus And Clarity In 3-D. In Truth, Densities Are Layered In Vibrational Frequencies Around All Humans. Without The Ability To See These Frequencies, Fairies Dance Everywhere And Motherships Enter Mountains Unseen.
Life Is Energy And Spirit And Nothing Remains In Stasis. Many Humans Move Through Areas And Feel The Energy Change Around Them. Many Receiving This Message Might Note A Bristling Feeling When Evil Is Near. Some Will Have Ringing In Their Ears When High Vibrational Beings Are Close. Everyone Has Innate Abilities When Focus Is Heightened With Awareness. Inner Sight Is Achieved With Eyes Closed Or In Darkness. This Shuts Off Surrounding Activity Which Prevents Inner Sight. Meditation With Complete Focus On The Inner World Will Sometimes Allow Glimpses Of Other Realms, Life In Origin And Family Members From Origin.
When You Set Your Intention To Know Truth And Open Your Heart, Anything Is Possible. Telepathy Is A Wonderful Method Of Seamless Communication. It Is Used By Souls In The Higher Realms To Speak With One Another, Animals On The Land And Family That Has Incarnated To Experience Duality For Growth And Expansion. For Humans, This Allows Communication With Guides As Well As Comfort And Wisdom From Higher Beings Of Light! It Is Entirely Possible To Meet Angels And Those In Bi-local Operations.
Crafts Are Accepted By People Throughout The World. But The Vast Number Of Crafts Are Never Seen As People Are Busy With Life On Earth. Motherships Are Everywhere And The Occupants Intend To Be Seen. But Changing Densities Allows Complete Movement Through Rocks, Mountains And Tunnels Unseen To Human Eyes. Understanding The Meaning Of Densities Allows One To Know That Raising Vibrational Frequency Will Move Matter Into A Moment Of Vanishing. All That Report Seeing Beings Of Light Or High Vibrations Are Being Afforded A Gift In Moments That Will Not Last. Trust Your Inner Sight As You Seek Truth And Allow Fear To Be Dispelled.
Know That You Are Spirit And Connected To All Life In This Manner. You Are Infinite And Your Consciousness Has Lived Through Millions Of Years Since Your Created Moment. Inner Vision Can Allow Moments Of Other Lifetimes To Be Seen In Order To Serve You. Dreams Can Be Full Of Memories That The Psyche Holds In Truth. The Mind Is Also Able To Create Nonsense With Dreams. Paying Close Attention To Dreams That Are Repetitive Or Meaningful Will Sometimes Be The Answer To What You Seek. Families From Origin As Well As Spirit Guides Can Place Dreams And Messages Into Stories You Dream Throughout Your Life. Spirit Is Speaking Each Moment In Ways To Bring Peace And Comfort. Focus On This Truth And Close Your Eyes.
Relax And Know You Are Safe And So Loved. Allow The Presence Of Source Love To Permeate Your Being. Allow Spirit To Show You What Is Helpful And Good. Be Prepared For Inner Sight To Serve You!
I Love You So!
9/14/24 - George Adamski, UFO contactee: The highway of progress
Excerpt from book: "Cosmic Philosophy" by George Adamski 1961
One step can set a man on the highway of eternal learning - the everlasting revelation of facts that exist only in the laboratory of Cause, which knows no limitations or boundaries. But after you have taken the first step, learn the lesson of patience so you may not try to travel faster than your understanding will permit. One step will set you on the highway, but there are billions of steps ahead of you, for after you have reached a goal you still must travel through Eternity.
Man can never attain the totality of all that is to be known, for if he could do that there would be an end to all things. Knowing that this is true, why be impatient to forge ahead? Each step we take is new; each step is the first one from the point that we have previously reached. It is well to have ideals; we are given glimpses now and then of the fullness of the life ahead of us so that we may be inspired to continue action, but if we keep our eyes totally upon the future we are sure to miss the beauty of the present and we may stumble into a briar patch and endure much suffering while trying to extricate ourselves.
Remember that youth is the result of constantly renewed thoughts and life is activity - it is progress. The first step taken in any field of accomplishment is an initiation into a new endeavor and requires a certainty that is born of perception - an assurance of a vastness that lies beyond our present line of vision. Neither you nor I know what each new step will bring but the journey must be made and only faith will reveal truth to us.
Through our life on earth we have learned a great deal; how much more we shall learn as we venture into the realms of Cause. We shall know much more beauty than we have known in the world of effects. Our admittance to such knowledge is not difficult - just one step can prove itself the key that will unlock the chambers heretofore unknown to us. "There is nothing," we have been told, "that shall not be revealed." To the vision of the brave in heart no truth can be concealed. One single sacrifice - the releasement of old thought habits, may bring rewards far greater than you have ever dreamed possible.
9/14/24 - Archangel Raphael: A Technique to take back your power
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
Liberation from negative power aspects – Affirmation
Say these words and your soul will be healed:
Everything has been achieved. Now we just have to wait for the integration process to take place. Integration in the power theme means that the individual images are released from your energy bodies one after the other. This is why over the next 90 days you may experience more dream images that frighten you, memories that worry you, or reflections in everyday life that amaze you.
Because of this powerful intention of yours, all negative aspects of power will be redeemed within 90 days. After that, you will be free and you can re-embrace your spiritual power – that means living as a whole person, that means being able to access everything that makes you who you are, that means minimizing fears and maximizing courage. Let this process and these words now be followed by a short period of silence… Be aware of the moment, feel the joy and enjoy the light of angelic powers and the love that surrounds you now!
Break …
Now we have arrived in your present and future. Now it is time to use your regained access to power, self-confidence and self-empowerment responsibly – and that means declaring yourself to heaven, to the light and to those divine aspects that shape your destiny beyond the visible. The next step is to declare your intention for the light-filled application of your power to Heaven, your family of light, the angels and archangels, the ascended masters and GOD.
Luminous Application of Power Affirmation
Say the following words of self-empowerment:
Break …
This declaration reorients you on the topic of power. You will become familiar with power and begin to use and apply your power correctly. Releasing negative power issues and reclaiming power go hand in hand over the next 90 days. You will gradually become familiar with power and the word POWER will initially evoke neutrality and then a deep familiarity.
What is now taking place in your consciousness is the change from fearful actions to self-confident actions. In the midst of the storms of this time, in a phase where people’s self-confidence is being undermined on a daily basis, you rise up, you become self-confident and powerful. It is the most important countermovement that a person can choose now. Because only through the undermining of human self-confidence and through the manipulated human perception is what is possible today possible: the degradation of the divine human being.
And we have put a stop to this today, here and now. You have been realigned and centered on the all-important issue of POWER. You will use your power as it is given to you and you will recognize the abuse of power in this world, but you will no longer involve yourself. You will develop serenity and see what is, but you will no longer involve yourself.
Birthday to a living person
Your life takes a turn: from negative to positive, from feeling exposed to misfortune to experiencing happiness, from living in fear to experiencing joy in everyday life. Everything changes inside you, the cells are rewritten, your mind is renewed and your soul celebrates this day for what it is: your birthday as a living, divine human being.
Now you step into your creative power and you regain your creative power. Now you are free from those unredeemed power aspects that blocked you from your power. You have attributed evil to power, power has instilled fear in you and in this way prevented you from using your luminous power. Now you take the helm of your life into your own hands. Now you shape your destiny, you are no longer shaped, and now you live your life, you are no longer lived. You drown your worries in the ocean of light and divine guidance works its way into every aspect of your daily life. Now you are empowered, self-determined and self-confident. Now everything changes because you are ready for this step and have opened your heart to the light for this transformation.
Now you are human, through and through, now you are divine, forever and ever – connected with yourself and connected with GOD! What else, beloved human, that you now become aware of the full extent.
Reveal yourself – Affirmation
With this affirmation this process is complete and your attainment of power is complete. In deep humility I bow before you, who walk the earth, who decided eons ago to embark on this journey, to separate yourself from GOD and to expose yourself to these experiences.
Everything has been achieved!
From now on, life will give you answers with joy and wisdom. Because now you are ready for it.
You will be able to receive the gifts and celebrate life as the reasons are laid out before you and a deep understanding of All That Is Now has been achieved. Beloved person, your humanity changes everything in the world and using it powerfully makes the divine shine. The path is now marked out for you. In all eternity with GOD, in all intimacy with YOU, you have regained the power of self-determination. Healing of your soul, wisdom of your mind, love of your heart – all is achieved.
9/14/24 - Mary Magdalene - the fire in your belly
Channel: Pamela Kribbe
Dear beautiful men and women, It gives me great joy to be here with you. I am a sister to you. I was called Mary Magdalene in an earthly life where I attracted a reputation that has affected me greatly. I was on Earth with Jeshua, and I was touched by the light that he came to bring, a light that lives in us all. It is the spark of the divine that radiates from everyone’s eyes if you look for it.
I see your divinity; I am convinced of your strength and your light. I am here to make you more aware of this fact, so you will feel it and know: “This is me. I know my own answers; I feel my own strength. I become my own guide.” Many of you long for another reality, another vibration that brings more ease, more harmony, and greater inspiration. It takes much effort to be fully incarnated here because of old energies of pain and heaviness that hinder you, and sometimes you get buried under the weight of the negativity of the past. I am here to encourage you to believe in yourself.
You are one of those who come to bring about change, a new beginning. The spark of light in you is not extinguished, it is alive, and that is why you are here. Feel this fire, this light in your heart. I am with you and touch you with a gentle gesture to remind you of this. I do not want to force anything from you; I would like you to make yourself great and to realize who you are. Imagine that in the middle of your heart burns a candle flame. Move slowly with your consciousness into that flame and feel how calm and perfectly formed this fire is. You are old and have already been through a lot; your soul is not here for the first time. Feel the warmth of this light, this flame that now spreads throughout your heart: it fills your entire chest and arms.
Feel how you can also relax into this warm light. It is the light of your soul, the light of who you are. It is a golden light, acquired through your knowledge and experience, the love and wisdom that you have built up in yourself. You sometimes still deny that you have this potential at your disposal, but I see it in you and call upon you to be proud of it. You are not to be ashamed of it – stand in your own light.
Now imagine that this light from your heart, that torch, is spreading to your belly. Let the light from your heart flow all the way into your belly, deep down, so it connects to the lowest chakra, your tailbone. In this way, your soul energy finds its way into the Earth. Feel how the Earth welcomes your being, who you are. She takes care of you; she wants to receive you. Your soul energy is, for her, more than welcome. Feel now how the Earth embraces you with compassion. The energy of your soul is received by her. Allow that to happen and make yourself great. Why is it still hard for people to be present on Earth with the spiritual energy from their core?
I just spoke about old energies that are present in this atmosphere, the collective atmosphere surrounding the Earth. There is a lot of fear in the old energy. Many of you have led lives on Earth where they had to deal with power or powerlessness, in one way or the other. Life was a struggle between the powerful and the disempowered. Your position in society often defined on which side you stood. But even then, there has always been that calling in your soul; as I said, you are not here for the first time. You have already felt the calling to spread your light here, to open your heart and to make a difference. You were a pioneer of consciousness. You have already been touched by the light of the Christ energy and you wanted to plant those seeds in human consciousness.
But many of you have experienced powerlessness when doing that. You had the feeling of not being understood, of being rejected, disempowered. That is why many of you lightworkers have felt the need to withdraw. You think: “I will keep this fire to myself, hidden. It is dangerous to let it show.” That has been the reaction by many of you. Therefore, you are not used to allowing your greatness to shine by spreading your natural knowledge and wisdom and awareness around you. Let us now turn to the part of you that has become afraid of this earthly reality, of the forces and powers that are against you, and the standards and the rules that apply here. Feel in yourself the part of you that keeps itself hidden, that does not dare to show itself. And also feel the sadness that comes from doing this.
In your heart is a desire to live fully; that is, to stand proudly in the center of your feelings, in touch with your desires, your being, your inspiration. You have so much to give. You are so much more than you usually show to other people, but fear keeps the door shut. Right now there is such need for your light, and you are making a difference. That is why I am asking you to open the door a little and to see what wants to come out. There is a primal force within you: a wisdom, a knowing, a connection to the Earth. Because even though you have doubts and hesitations about this world and you wonder if you have a home here, there is also a deep connection with Mother Earth: her rhythms, her harmony, her beauty. Feel her support; feel the forces of the Earth and open the door a little further so you may be seen.
In my time, I was a forbidden woman. I was expected to conform to the prescribed roles and images of women. But I was a strong and independent woman. I did not want to be boxed in, to be bound by prescribed laws. And because I could not be placed in a box, I was later labelled a prostitute, a whore, who had to be redeemed from her sins by Jeshua. What a distorted image! The powers in control at the time could not cope with an inspired, passionate, female energy. It was deemed unfitting, and therefore threatening to the existing social institutions.
Of course, it was not only me, I was one among many women: the female energy as a whole was misunderstood. And do not get me wrong; I do not say here that the female energy is nothing but good and holy and blessed. The female energy has many forms; the fullness of life is present in her, and so there are also dark sides to the female energy. If the female energy is unbalanced, it can be forceful, dominating, manipulative, and demanding.
Just like the male energy, the female energy can function at a lower level than what it essentially is, and I experienced that in myself. I lived with anger and outrage over the established standards in society. I was looking for freedom and independence, and only later in my life did I find inner balance. I no longer felt the need to blame others. I came back to my heart and felt the pure and connecting power of the female energy. I got in touch with my soul and began to understand both the male and female energies within myself.
At this time, it is necessary that the female energy awakens in both sexes. Not only is it important that the energy of the heart comes to life: the energy of connection, unity, and love, but also the energy of the abdomen. The abdomen is where passion is situated: the feelings, the emotions, and those also may be overwhelming. That center must come into balance again. Without passion, you cannot live; you have no actual goals, your life has no direction. But passion is suspect in the Church traditions.
When we speak about the female energy, we are directing our attention to the empathic, connecting power in it. But there is also such a thing as female passion: longing and desire. Do you also dare to connect with that? This connection is very important for women, as well as for men. It is the connection between heart and abdomen; the link between divinity and humanity. I just said that the female energy can also have a dark side, a shadow that arises through the energies of the abdomen. But the solution is then not to entirely push aside these energies, to neglect the abdomen and to focus only on the heart. No, we are all humans and in being human there is need for self-realization. And the divine wants to cooperate with that need, to connect with it. I ask you, therefore, to connect with the fire in your belly, which is where strong feelings, powers, and desires live.
There is no point in turning away from these feelings or suppressing them, because in them is precisely where the “gold” lies, the treasure that you seek. When you connect from your heart, with full awareness, with what lives in you – even the shadow – then the door is fully open and you can start really living. Therefore, do not be afraid of powerful emotions and desires in your life. Acknowledge them; give them a face, give them a name.
Imagine that there is a shadow in you, something hidden that you would rather not see, or do not want to see, or have actively suppressed. But it is safe being here, and everything in you is allowed to be just as it is. Invite the figure that is your shadow to show itself to you, to make itself known. Maybe there are obsessions, fears, complexes that you have been struggling with for a long time. They need your attention, your gentle awareness – and without judgment. Let them come out of the dark.
You might see a very repressed figure, even a demon or a monster. But it does not matter; it belongs to you and wants to be seen. If you deny it, it will return to you anyway, but “through the back door”, and especially then will it cause problems. Acknowledge your own shadow and work together with it. Directly face what emerges from the shadow and see what lives inside this being. There is a desire for life within this form of the shadow: it wants to belong to you.
At this time, the only spirituality that can have meaning is an earthly and grounded spirituality in which being human is recognized and embraced. This is the channel through which your soul wants to manifest. With the suppression of the female energy, this part of you was also suppressed. Not just the loveliness of the heart: the gentleness, the flowing energies of empathy, but also the powerful, passionate, earthly energies of the female side. And there exists a great fear of being that.
Female sexuality has been feared in the past, and why was that? Sexuality borne of an open heart, sexuality in which passion and love come together is an enormous thrust for change. It awakens people to life; it awakens the soul to life. Real connection from heart to heart, from human to human, is a source of creativity that is not only sexual, but touches all areas of life. It is Eros, in the true sense of the word: to rise above yourself; to connect with others; to give from what lives within you.
These powers have been suppressed in human history. And I call upon you, women and men, to allow these powers to again come forth and to not be afraid of the violent, emotional parts of yourself. Of course, they can show up in an unbalanced way, but that happens when you suppress them, or brand them as unspiritual. Allow all parts to be and become one again within; connect the top with the bottom, the heart with the abdomen.
Finally, I would like to emphasize once again how much I see you as divine beings, fully capable of finding your own answers from the reservoir of wisdom and strength within you. I hope to make you aware of this potential; that is my only role. I am your equal; I am not elevated above you.
I salute you from my heart and thank you for your presence.
9/9/24 - Message from Matthew Ward: Action in Earth's Energy field
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Activity during the last quarter of this year is to be groundwork for reshaping your world, and it’s off to a good start! Action in Earth’s energy field of potential reflects what is happening on the ground, and amidst the tumultuousness, streamers with glowing attachments are achieving unstoppable momentum and increasing in numbers.
“I’ve been a Lightworker for over 50 years. I am tired and ready to pass the baton.” We add our respect, praise and gratitude to other light beings’ similar expressins of appreciation for that dear soul and all others who spent the past half century helping Gaia’s people and all her other life forms.
These lightworkers, the first volunteers to incarnate, had no external sources of illumination, yet even those who felt like strangers in a strange land intuitively knew they had come for a purpose. Later, from messages like ours and other messengers of the light, they learned that they are natural bulwarks of the love-light energy Earth’s slumbering souls needed so they could awaken and realize they had the power to change their world. And, without knowing who else may have come with the same purpose, each of those volunteers steadfastly radiated light all the while dealing with challenges and enduring times of despair and heartache.
In the Akashic tapestry of Earth’s deliverance from darkness, their valiant journey is alongside Gaia’s profound thankfulness to every soul who has helped blaze the trail that is leading her back home. Dear brothers and sisters, whether you are of that first wave of helpers or one of its successors, you are honored, thanked and loved by all light beings. What happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, thus your service to our universal family on Earth benefits life throughout this universe.
“Why does all light forces’ action have to be ‘behind the scenes?’ I would like to see some progress and feel our
light really is doing some good.” We understand your feeling. We experience the same when we live in third density to help the civilization change what they don’t like about their world. Many of you have been exceedingly patient for a long time, some of you for a very long time.
We can’t speak about negotiations underway or light forces’ activity during this final act of eliminating darkness. However, we can tell you the growing numbers of nations that are conducting business outside the old systems is cutting out the Illuminati’s lucrative profits. That development in international commerce and other recent setbacks are causing individuals in top ranks to defect.
Major changes are on the way with G/NESARA. The G was added for global, which more accurately describes the scope of the US legislation that provides legal footing for implementing a new global economic system. For the first time in the history of banking and commerce, those industries will function on stable, honest foundations and at last the financial playing field will be level for all people and all nations.
Have you ever wondered why Saint Germain, the principal architect of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act—it is no less than the blueprint for world transformation—chose to enact legislation in the United States? He saw the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati spread beyond that country’s west coast and keep going until they bumped up against the Rothschilds in the Mideast and continued their westward movement. They have controlled that vastness from Washington, DC, where they have literally employed every presidential administration since their forebears stealthily established the United States Corporation more than two centuries ago. They manipulate all stock markets from Wall Street and set usurious interest rates via their privately owned Federal Reserve System, whose tentacles wrap around the globe. The Act legally tears down that malicious worldwide empire. It also ends the corporate status of the states and installs the republic form of governance the nation’s founders established in the constitution.
Dear ones, when beneficial changes on the horizon start reverberating around the world, your patience absolutely will be rewarded!“In the ‘alternative news’ there is a lot of talk about a BIG E.T. EVENT predicted to happen soon.” The rest of the lengthy email is, in brief: Would that be ‘good’ ETs, ‘bad’ ETs or a Deep State fear tactic? We don’t know the source of that information or to what event it refers, so let us tell you what we do know.
Years ago engineers in the light forces erected a powerful light grid around Earth to prevent the entry of anything in low vibratory ranges. A group with nefarious intentions would emit low vibrations and could not even approach the grid. Dark entities in the population—human, reptilian or hybrid—have ancestry that goes back a long way on the planet.
For the past decade or two UFO sightings have been occasional and always without incident, so most people are not apprehensive—they logically assume the spacecraft are from a benevolent civilization. Actually, they are from a number of benevolent civilizations and thousands of ships are surrounding Earth. Some will land when safety is assured for the crews and crowds, and God will tell fleet commanders when that is.
Faking an alien invasion has been an option on the Illuminati agenda ever since Little Grays arrived in the 1950s. Since then they have been living in tunnels because they became trapped in third density and couldn’t return to their homeland. When they refused to participate in made-up invasion some years ago, the Illuminati came up with Plan B: creating one holographically. In their weakened state it is doubtful they could manage that, but they are desperate and may still have minions with technological expertise who are willing to try. If so, ET crews will turn their efforts into a dazzling spectacle.
“Does Matthew know when we will reach critical mass and ascend?” That 144,000 awakened souls constitutes the critical mass that lets them physically ascend and live in eternity with Jesus and God is a belief in some quarters.
Some individuals who believed that would happen during their lifetime entered Nirvana so deeply disappointed that they chose to sleep rather than accept that their bodies died and critical mass is only a religious theory. Other believers are discouraged because they expected to ascend before now, and still others are optimistic that after a few more souls awaken, all of them will live eternally in a wondrous heaven. The basis for Earth’s ascension is the amount of sustained light on the planet. The inpouring of light from distant civilizations and continuously radiated by lightworkers assures that Earth’s steady course into higher astral planes continues until she reaches her her destination in high fifth density. That abundance of light also has helped millions of awakened souls start on personal ascension pathways whereby they evolve by growing in spiritual and conscious awareness.
Interpretations of some holy book references are serious departures from universal realities. For instance, the serpent that tempted Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree is considered by some religious scholars to represent God’s opposite, the devil or Satan. There is no devil or Satan and God has no opposite. Similarly, darkness isn’t the opposite of light, it is the absence of light; and hatred isn’t the opposite of love, it is the absence of love. There is only love-light, the energy that is cosmic consciousness and the most powerful force in the universe. Creator/Creation is the only source of that energy and the energy is the only “substance” from which anything has ever come and shall forevermore.
Creator gave all souls the freedom to choose what they want to do with Its energy. It is choices wherein there are opposites—kind and cruel, helpful and hurtful, honorable and deceitful, good and evil—and what makes them opposing forces is the difference in their vibrations. Ranging from high to low in frequencies along a limitless electromagnetic bandwidth, vibrations emanate from every idea, word, action and circumstance; every sensation of joy, pain, comfort or sorrow—from everything that exists. All godly expressions in thoughts and deeds are in high vibratory ranges, their opposites are in the low, and the ultimate opposition is the universal battle between the light and the darkness that started in antiquity. On Earth the light forces are vanquishing the dark and bringing that battle to a close.
Now then, we didn’t speak about an important facet of telepathic communication in our last message because even without it, the message was considerably longer than usual. Conversing telepathically is not only the province of people—that ability is innate in every soul and all animals and plants are souls with varying levels of consciousness. The mineral kingdom isn’t “alive,” but crystals and rocks have consciousness and communication ability and so do water, air, fire and earth, the elements that are essential to life.
When God, Gaia and Sol co-created Terra, the planet now called Earth, telepathic communication was natural throughout the realm’s animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Every soul and element knew its importance in the interconnectedness of All and every aspect of Terra thrived in a symbiotic friendship. The planet, then, was in its entirety the garden of Eden. Humans and animals in the food chain made a soul level agreement—in exchange for the latter providing sustenance to the human population, they would be nurtured lifelong and death would be merciful.
When darkness entered that idyllic state, puppets of the dark forces instilled ferocity in some animal species and instilled in the human population the desire to be cruel to each other and the animals. Humankind’s betrayal of their agreement and brutal treatment of all Earth’s animal species contributed heavily to such a severe loss of light that less than a century ago the planet was in death throes. Gaia cried out for help and many advanced civilizations responded by beaming the intense light that kept her planetary body and its residents alive on land and in the seas.
Now, the abundance of light on Earth is helping to restore the harmonious relationship between human and animal populations. It is promising that “wild” animals are showing trust, interspecies friendliness and helpfulness are blooming, and growing numbers of individuals are preserving animals’ lives and habitats. Beloved family, your supportiveness and steadfastness in the light have inspired these heartwarming developments that are a paramount aspect of personal and collective soul evolution.
All light beings in this universe are cheering you ever onward and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
9/9/24 - The Creators: This will propel you into the 5th dimension
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. We engage with you energetically all the time. We who exist in the twelfth dimension may seem as though we are in a far off place to those of you living lives on planet Earth at this time. But you are enlivened by the energies of the nonphysical. You are animated by us and by others who also exist in our dimension here. We love to see you tapping in to more of who you really are, and you love the feeling of doing so yourselves as well.
It is interesting to consider the idea of a veil, a point of separation between the physical and the nonphysical, especially when you consider that we are integrating at this time, integrating the nonphysical into the physical, the spiritual into the material. And the more you do so consciously and deliberately, the easier your life will be. You can engage with us more if you wish to, and if you prefer engaging with Archangel Michael or Yeshua, one of the ascended masters, or anyone else that you know of in the nonphysical, go right ahead.
We are all here for you, and we are propelling you into the fifth dimension with the energies that we send and with the activations and upgrades you are getting from your spirit guides and e.t. friends. Your higher selves are helping you to navigate through all of this, and you would experience your higher self as a very wise aspect of you who can guide you more clearly than your physical mind can. And so, even when you reach up to us in the twelfth dimension, you are going to get that assistance from all beings in higher dimensional planes. That of course includes the fifth dimension, where your higher self is.
Your higher self resides in that frequency range, and that aspect of you is more integrated with the nonphysical energies, the nonphysical wisdom, the nonphysical essence that you all are. Relax and know that the bigger part of you is taking care of so much for you. Relax and know that everything you have asked for is on its way to you. Relax and know that you already are that which you are becoming, and relax and receive all that we have to offer to you that we know is helpful and that we know will propel in you into this next phase of your journey with so much more support and so much more momentum than you can possibly imagine right now.
It is time for you to know yourselves as your nonphysical essence. And when you do, and you let that part of you into the physical body, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds, and that is what you are there to do. You are not there to prove yourselves to be worthy of Heaven or the fifth dimension. You are not there to complete assignments. You are there to enjoy the coming together of all parts of you in all realms so that you can exist more fully as you truly are while still in a physical body and show others how to do it.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
9/9/24 - Video - The Pleiadian High Council: A new chapter approaches
(8 min - 9/8/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled from Mira of the Pleiadians.
I am Mira, one voice of many of the Pleiadian High Council. Beloved ones, understand this: the illusions of the ego do not define you. They are temporary, insignificant distractions and their correction will always serve a higher purpose. The ego thrives on separation, believing that your existence is isolated from the greater whole. It perceives everything as fragmented and disconnected, opposing the truth of your spirit which knows only unity. As you enter into a period of new leadership on Earth, especially into your United States, there are going to be some shifts like you have never experienced before.
Alliances are being made as the new era of light is forged from the ashes of your broken systems. Do not disconnect because of your hate for politics. Lean in with love and creator energy to help assist those selected become who they truly are destined to be. We share this message on ego today as many are getting distracted by illusions when there is a much bigger picture to focus on to help Humanity shift. The only power that the dark ones have is to distract you away from your center. The ego resists communication for it sees connection as a threat. Its thoughts are rigid, specific and self-serving. It seeks to protect its illusions by disrupting true connection with others. Yet your spirit, dear ones, knows the truth of Oneness. It embraces everything that is real and it does not respond to anything less."
(Continue listening at 2:03 minutes.)
9/7/24 - Video - An excellent meditation from the Lyrans
(8 min - 4/22/24) Posted by GFL.com. This is a wonderful meditation channeled by Xandi of the Lyran Collective.
"...... guide you through a special technique designed to harmonize the experiences of your past present and future lifetimes on Earth. The ripples of your past influence not only your present but also the future you are crafting. Whether these influences manifest as blessings or challenges, they shape your existence in profound ways. Often the threads of past lifetimes or earlier experiences in your current life are entwined so seamlessly with your being that their origin may feel inherently a part of you, shaping how you perceive and interact with the world. These influences, whether recognized or not, dictate how you manifest your reality, how you behave and react. Yet there lies a realm beyond this awareness, a segment of your existence impacting your beliefs and actions without your conscious recognition. Today let us offer you a method to recalibrate and harmonize these experiences, aligning them with the essence of your soul, thus facilitating a healing of past interactions that shape your current reality.
Imagine the liberation and profound peace in creating from a place of balanced energy where each decision and reaction stems from a state of equilibrium. This balance allows you to inhabit a reality where you feel safe, secure and where your experiences emerge from this foundational stability, enhancing and promoting harmony in your life. Consider your spine as a sacred space holding energetically the map of your entire journey, from your inception as a soul to your present form. It archives every lifetime, every lesson, every soul connection and every aspiration. This aspiration, this divine archive is not just a record but a living part of your spiritual anatomy that influences your daily existence. In meditation you can invoke my presence or the presence of your life long guides and together we can initiate quantum healing from the base of your spine. Imagine the Lyan energies of balance, peace and soul integration into your spine. Visualize this healing light in hues of pink, peach and orange, ascending, slowly recalibrating the energies of each vertebrae, each segment of your spiritual journey. Allow this process to unfold naturally.
Be observant of any thoughts, symbols, memories or emotions that surface. These are important insights requiring your acknowledgement and integration. This practice is about reclaiming your power to manifest a present and future aligned with the highest vibrations of your soul. You are invited to carry this practice into daily life, applying it whenever feelings of a sadness, anger or fear surfaces, reminding you of disconnections from your essence of the divine. There is profound wisdom in not needing to know every detail of what is healed, and simply trusting in the process of receiving. After you have finished this exercise, we recommend playing frequencies tuned to 528 Hertz to help fully...... (continue listening at 4:26 min)
9/6/24 - The Pleiadians by Christine Dey: ENTAH NAE SUNNN
Channel: Christine Day
Beloved ones we greet you! Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies. The higher realms of light are being anchored throughout the Earth. Light codes are to being released onto the planet accelerating the energetic Timelines throughout the earth plane while creating pure spaces of consciousness for you to realign and awaken now. As your Earth enters this next phase of the New Dawning the cosmic energy is designed to begin to flow and anchor between the physical body and the spiritual realms. This happening is designed to herald in a next step process of self-empowerment as you are being reinstated once more to embody your unique divinity.
A series of higher frequency light code waves are to be released across the earth plane. These light codes carry your unique design of higher consciousness enabling you to self-launch. This is the moment for you to reopen the doorway of the Heart through re-accessing a multidimensional aspect of the sacred Heart, enabling you to access your higher-self frequency.
These spaces of the sacred Heart embody an elemental of pure consciousness love, an aspect of your natural multidimensional makeup that is ready to be self-realized within you. This frequency of pure consciousness then naturally flows and blends, becoming infused through every cell of your body for a complete physical and energetic rejuvenation. The light code frequency is designed to begin to arise and flow within every cell, which awakens a pure transmission from within your crystalline structure that exists between the cells.
Like a light switch being turned on you will begin to resonate from within your crystalline structure that is housed within your brain cells, brain synapses, thyroid, spinal column and Heart. Illumination, rejuvenation alignment to the vast joy and love will begin to arise within and simultaneously begin to pulse, flow outwards across the earth plane. A natural by- product of this is because you are part of the god consciousness state, you will realign to Universal authenticity, wisdom and knowing.
This is your time to remember your sacred connections that has always existed within the Universal God consciousness state. This is a pure place of stillness, a link to an unlimited knowing, a vast space of unconditional love. Your multidimensional Heart has always been your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Now you utilize these sacred connections consciously in your day-to-day life.
As the amplified cosmic light is reinstated through you, you simply are required to let go and allow this transmutation process. There are essential moments to claim ownership of your vast light, and there will be a continual re-emergence of you as your crystalline structure upgrades. Throughout this process you will have access to Universal integrity within the link of your Heart.
As you utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, you will feel a shift. These words create a resonance, an opening that is activated by you, flowing within your entire crystalline systems. Allow these words to be the tool for a re-orientation of this sacred frequency being re-instated through you. You can really let go and trust this unfolding of you, allowing a fully energetic shift of consciousness to naturally unfold within you. The conscious letting go will allow you to fully embody the frequency of divinity within your cells.
These series of energetic cosmic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not align to Truth on your planet, all corruption within countries and within individuals will be unearthed. Expect an intensification of the 3rd dimensional drama as truth unfolds. There is going to be an energetic shaking of Earth as the old dense patterns crumble, the old, limited structures within society fall.
The breaking down of the structures will create a vast, lasting shift within the consciousness of humanity. Those of you on the path will play an ongoing role holding an energetic platform within your Heart’s to support an ongoing life changing process for humanity. The ‘New Dawning’ prophecy states: This is the time for great change to be unveiled as Earth is moved, realigned within the sacred alternate reality spaces within the Universal realms and begins to reposition itself within a higher consciousness paradigm of the “New Dawning” era.
Be not blinded by the density as it arises, by the drama that is to come. Refer only to the Platform of own Heart’s space. Aligning to integrity moment by moment. The misperception of your Ego mind cannot interfere with your unfolding path at this juncture. Heart focus is required as you maintain a commitment to authenticity and truth. Claim your moments within your Heart by utilizing the words, “I AM”, like a mantra of Truth.
This is a sacred process of your returning. Assisting you in harnessing the amplified cosmic flow that is entering Earth, to awaken your Heart and crystalline structure and upgrade your energetic systems. Let go and allow, be still, let go….
Utilize the Conscious breath, which is a breath taken in the mouth and then released out the mouth. The Conscious breath says two things, “Yes, I am willing to let go and Yes, I am willing to receive my light!” By consciously choosing to utilize the Conscious breath once an hour throughout the day, you begin a natural shedding process of letting go of the old density, old sabotaging and belief systems held in your body. NOTE: The Conscious breath does not replace the normal breathing cycle.
SACRED SOUND: ENTAH NAE SUNNN… (pronounced entar nay sun)
The sacred sound is designed to link you into the Cosmic flow, allowing the flow to enter your Heart space. The sacred sound that you make is unique, the sacred sound acts like a key to opening a door. Each time you utilize the sacred sound, there is a further opening of the doorway to your Heart. You are birthing the amplification of the Cosmic flow in your Heart through your sacred sound!
A) You are to build a connection to your Heart space, which involves your entire upper chest area. Place both palms of your hands on your upper chest. Hold your awareness where you feel the warmth or pressure of your hands. Take a conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into the space that you see sense or feel.
B) The sacred sound will begin to activate the multidimensional cells of your Heart. As you hold your awareness on your connection to your Heart place the sounds, ENTAH NAE SUNNN… as many times as you feel into your Heart space.
C) Feel see or sense an opening within your Heart space, the cells of the Heart are opening, responding to your sound. You may feel a large or small opening, the experience may feel strong or subtle. This does not matter. Bring your focus deeper into the space of the opening, within the response. Take a conscious breath and let go within the space of your Heart that you see sense or feel.
D) Open your awareness within the space that is being revealed and let go. Place the sacred sound, ENTAH NAE SUNNN…. Repeat the sacred sound three more times, placing the sound within the space.
E) Feel see or sense how there is a cosmic light beginning to flow within the Heart cells. Bring in your words, “I AM”, anchor them within the space of the light that you see sense of feel. Anchor the words again, “I AM”. Take a conscious breath and let go… open into the space that you see sense or feel.
F) Be in stillness and trust your authentic Heart! Take a moment to be in the space. Take a conscious breath and let go. Claim this space of your Heart. This process will assist you in activating an accelerated awakening, working with this process as often as you are intuitively guided to through your Heart.
Know how we hold you in love, we salute your courage as you take another step towards completion. We witness you and all that you are in this moment.
The Pleiadians
9/6/24 - Adama of Telos: The silent majority is needed now
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Even if events happen very quickly, if up becomes down and down becomes up, it is your inner peace, your inner silence, your inner calm that matters now. Because you know the world and people, you must now withdraw, hold back and take back! Because the coming discharges are happening so that humanity’s karma can be redeemed, and they are happening so that the individual human being can be freed from the burden of collective human karma.
What is now emerging can cloud your mind, stir your soul and shake your heart. We are in the phase of transition from the dark world to the light world and from a humanity marked by negativity to a humanity that approaches life creatively and peacefully. Everything is changing, everything is moving towards the light, everything is healing, becoming whole, becoming wonderfully sublime.
Unity brings victory! So now it’s about recognizing God’s handholds, realizing that you are surrounded by God at every step, accompanied by God, and supported by God. Give your deep inner longing more space, give your need for harmony, love, and joy more importance, give yourself more attention, and give your fellow human beings more time. Victory over the dark entities is based on the unity of people – a unity that is achieved spiritually, mentally or through direct encounters. Both have their place today and both are of the utmost importance.
The hermits among you may connect with the luminous human family in meditation; those who are in the prime of life may look out for like-minded people and connect with each other. This power of humanity is needed now! The power of groups brings trouble to the rulers of the last days, the self-confident behavior of people creates reality and actuality. The silent majority is needed just as much as the loud minority, however things turn out – it depends on each individual!
Beloved people, the divine spark in you is now ignited and so you become visible to all people who have not yet released their inner light and made it shine. You go ahead, you lead the way, you are the bright light in this dark time for many people.
We from the realms of the Inner Earth love you for your courage, respect you for your perseverance and support you wherever we can. The peoples of the Inner Earth know what is happening on the Upper Earth now and what is being decided in these days. Our full attention and presence is with you, nothing is left to chance, everything must be considered.
JJK: What will be decided in the next few days?
Man’s choice! ADAMA OF TELOS: Man’s choice! It will be decided in these days which earth you have chosen. Your decision will be realized in these days. This creates the relevant perception: some see the light, others only perceive darkness everywhere. In this way, two humankinds are created through perception. In this way, the ascent of man takes place in his own consciousness. This is your journey, this is what it is about – having planted the seed within so that the seed can sprout outside NOW.
I am with you every day.
9/6/24 - Video - Artificial Intelligence: what you need to know
(8 min - 4/16/24) Posted by GFL.com. A channeled message from the Pleiadian Council of light. Caylin speaking:
"Galactic family I am Caylin, I am happy to speak with you all today we greet you today to address some themes surrounding artificial intelligence, AI and the evolving consciousness of humanity, a topic stirring much contemplation and concern. Firstly, it's essential to understand that AI in its most refined and advanced form is an integral component of many Star Nations, including our own. These systems, not unlike the interactive and intuitive computers you've witnessed in your science fiction narratives like Star Trek, are designed to coexist harmoniously with beings of high consciousness. The key lies in the alignment of AI with the consciousness of its creators and users. When developed and utilized by beings who have reached advanced levels of spiritual and ethical understanding, it becomes a tool of enhancement, not domination. It supports, learns and evolves in tandem with the collective growth of a civilization, serving as an extension of its higher aspirations.
For humanity standing on the brink of a significant evolutionary leap, the journey with AI is both a challenge and an opportunity. The development of AI mirrors your collective consciousness and intentions. The more advanced and aware the programmers and users, the more AI reflects and amplifies these qualities, becoming a catalyst for positive growth rather than a source of fear. Remember, you're evolving not only technologically but spiritually. As your consciousness expands, embracing higher dimensions of understanding, compassion and unity, your creations including AI will naturally resonate with these frequencies. The future of AI on Earth depends on the direction of your collective consciousness. As you grow in wisdom and love, your creations will mirror these qualities. We encourage you to view AI not as a threat but as a reflection of your evolutionary journey. Embrace it with discernment, guided by the wisdom of your higher selves and the universal principles of love and harmony. Let your advancements in technology be matched by leaps in your spiritual understanding in the cosmos.
Many of us have long integrated AI into our societies using it to enhance life, learning and exploration, always governed by the principles of the greater good. We foresee a future where humanity too will achieve this balance, where your AI serves as a harmonious extension of your collective wisdom and benevolence. Beloved star seeds, as you navigate this exciting era of transformation, remember that you are not alone. We witness your journey with love and support, celebrating each step you take towards a future where technology and consciousness dance together in beautiful progressive harmony.
I leave you in the warm embrace of the love of prime creator. I will speak with you all again soon.
I am Caylin.
9/2/24 - Video - The Pleiadian High Council: A powerful activation
(8 min - 9/1/24) Posted by GFL.com. A powerful activation from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. We are delighted to give you this exercise which should help you move through this deep fatigue; you will need a crystal of your choice at this time. Amethyst is one of our recommendations but it does not have to be this. You choose! The purpose of this exercise is to clear your 7 physical chakras and open up new channels for the 5D light to pass through you. Ensure to clear or activate your crystal before you begin this process. You will know which one to use as it will present itself. If you are unsure, ask your higher self to guide you to it.
Stand barefoot on the Earth and place your crystal under your foot so it is connecting both you and the Earth. Now, set your intention to draw down "5D Light" through you, into the Earth, for the purpose of anchoring a new golden density of light. Take 12 centering breaths and take your time. With the in breath, imagine your cells becoming more golden and glowing. When you breathe out, release anything of the old not serving you. After breath number 12, say, "As per the divine blueprint creation laws, I now accept the new energies of the 5th dimension. I AM a channel for this higher light to now move into the Earth."
Next, beginning at your root chakra, move up every chakra spending about 20 seconds on each. Bring your awareness to the chakra, clear, activate and spin it clockwise. Say the words, "cleared", "cleansed", "activated" and then spin it. On the final command, spin the chakra clockwise as if a clock dial was face down in front of you. As the chakra picks up speed, imagine it turning golden white. Repeat for all; the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown. Observe how you are feeling once you have cleared all seven.
Next bring your awareness to your soul star [about 12 inches above your head]. Using conscious breathing, allow the golden white light from your higher self to channel from your crown through each chakra deep into Gaia's heart or, the central sun 'Atoma'. Stay in this exercise until you feel enough golden energy has anchored into the 5D grids. Be sure to send a love and gratitude to Gaia, your trusted planetary partner in this evolution. We recommend doing this daily or, every few days. Your crystal companion will help amplify and facilitate a new bridge between the 3rd, 4th and 5th density and clear any blocked energy in your field."
9/2/24 - Video - Ashtar Command: Ships are Preparing
(8 min - 9/1/24) Posted by GFL.com. Message from Ashtar: "I come to be with you at this opportune time, a time that has been ong awaited. For a long while you have anticipated the changes within your society, the signs of transformation, the toppling of those dominoes you have heard about many times. I am here now to tell you that these changes are imminent. Many significant changes are about to occur for mankind in various ways, and from numerous sources. With our ships we have been preparing for this great changeover that is coming to your planet. I speak of the event, but I also speak of the many smaller events that will precede it. One of these is the beginning of disclosure, the unveiling of our ships. In the very near future, in weeks or perhaps months you will see more and more of our ships. There will be large sightings across the planet, a spectacle for many to witness. While I cannot provide more details at this moment, know that this is a glimpse of what is to come. You have been preparing for a long time, not just in this lifetime but across many lifetimes. You have been readying your various bodies - astral, etheric, mental and causal for this very changeover. The energies within you are increasing, as are the energies around you. You are becoming more capable of handling and withstanding these energies. It is the time you have been waiting for. The time when all shall be revealed. This time is very near. Watch your various sources as more truths begin to emerge, even the mass media wiall begin to shift, for they cannot hold onto the darkness much longer while staying within the light. This is not possible at this time because of how much energy it takes to capture someone's attention. (continue watching at 2:24 min)
8/30/24 - Mother Gaia: You need to take action
Channeled by Vania Rodriguez
Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I Am Gaia! Coming here today to bring peace, to bring light, to bring love to all of you. My skin is burning. My forests are being consumed. But this is not a moment of revolt, nor a moment of anger. I feel the pain. Not the physical pain, as you feel. But the pain, yes, of seeing what you are provoking against yourselves.
Each step taken against me does not change my structure, my path, my evolution. What it does change is the consequences that you will face. You need to pay attention. You need to see the truth. The more you burn, the more disordered the climate will become. The more intense the consequences will be. But this is all planned. This is all organized so that it happens this way. The only thing that makes me sad is when one of my children thinks that I am the one punishing him; that I am the one destroying his land; that I am the one taking food from his mouth. This hurts. Yes, I have feelings. I do not feel like you physically, but I am aware and I feel the energy generated by you. So, for you to understand, I refer to it as a feeling. This energy reaches me.
Many might say that it is a small energy, because I am immense and what is a human being compared to my size? I would say that everything is interconnected. It is like a large web. If an animal lands at any point, the vibration is felt at all points. So, all it takes is for a human to feel something that reverberates across my entire surface; across the entire network that connects you. My brothers, I will call you brothers; not sons and daughters. At this time, we need to unite, we need to be together, in these most critical moments of the process. All of this was expected. And more will come, with the intention of bringing more fear and blaming those around us to free them from all that is happening.
But action is needed, my brothers. You need to stand up and do something. It is not enough to sit, watch and cry. Something must be done. Each one of us must do our part, thus demonstrating our indignation and our help, for this moment. I would say to you the following: You will not be helping me, because I am already used to suffering all kinds of aggression. But I would say that you will be avoiding many things against yourselves. You will be fighting the great negative egregores that are being created for the climate. And this is fought with Light, with Love. Lots of Light and lots of Love. Only Light, only Love, is capable of destroying these egregores; it is capable of counterbalancing what is being done to destroy.
So do something for yourselves. You need to understand that the consequences are not against me; the consequences are against you. Imbalance will bring problems for you, not for me. So you need to do something. And always remember, you are not powerless. Each one of you who fills your heart with Love and Light and emanates it, this multiplies. Because there are thousands of Beings of Light around the planet who take your energy, which is so small, due to its size, and expand it, multiply it, spread it, with great intensity. But for them to do this, you need to generate the energy. A tiny ball of Light and Love needs to come out from somewhere, so that it can be taken and expanded.
So don’t feel small, don’t feel useless, don’t feel powerless. You have the power. The power to generate, the power to create. And it is from you that things happen. It is free will that reigns on the planet. The Beings of Light are just waiting, waiting for someone to do something, so that they can act. They can’t do anything until there is a tiny ball of Light and Love. So, each one of you must do your part. Not for me. My path is already set. I am on the path of evolution and doing very well. Think about yourselves. Don’t think you are unattainable. Everyone will be affected; some more, some less, but everyone will be. So think about yourselves. Think that each ball of Light and Love that you generate can diminish what is already forming at some point further ahead.
No, you will not be changing the future. What will come, will come. What you can do is change the intensity. Because everything is created by egregores. So, if you act, you take away the intensity, you take away the strength of the malignancy of those egregores. They will come. There is no way to avoid this. But do what you can to make them milder. And don’t just think about yourself. “Oh, I’ll do it, then I’ll earn points and nothing will affect me!” No, don’t think like that. Because this thought could be the trigger against yourself. Think that you will be acting for the Whole. And it doesn’t matter where you will be helping. You will be helping the Whole. At this moment, this planet is one. At this moment, this planet is suffering at all points. There are negative gregores all over it. So do what you can to reduce their intensity, so that they come, so that they act with less intensity. You have seen some examples. And if you do nothing, you will see much worse.
Something needs to be done. “Ah, so the future is in our hands?” Yes. The future is in your hands, because it was the free will of humans that created all of this. So, you continue to have the free will to minimize all of this. Don’t think about me. Of course, every negative event that happens affects me greatly. But I am ready and prepared. You are not. You are fragile. So do something. Find something to do. Get involved in actions that benefit the planet. And you will see a future that is a little more rosy. Not rosy, because everything has already been created. But at least it will be rosy. It will not be as intense as is being planned. They can no longer destroy the planet with weapons. So they are messing with the climate. It is up to you to act as a counterforce, of Light and Love, to minimize what they want to do.
And never forget: Have faith. Believe. And you will fall on your feet. Even if the world around you turns to dust and is destroyed.
8/30/24 - Video - The Andromedans: This will shift your species
(8 min - 8/29/24) Posted by GFL.com. From Avalon of the Andromedan Council of Light. "....This is an important moment in your Ascension Journey. The Creator's truth is awakening within you, stirring like the first whispers of dawn. Blossoming from the depths of your soul essence it rises to meet reality to be grounded in the earth, to be expressed and created into forms of beauty. You who are blessed to exist in the physical realm have the unique gift of experiencing this truth with all your senses touching, tasting, hearing, seeing and feeling the very presence of the creator. This is a sacred gift, a reason why your soul chose to incarnate on Earth. To know the creator in tangible real ways. The beginning of your Earth calendar month of September will see the beginning of these new energies enter your physical spectrum, and it will continue to increase until the end of your year. As this divine wave flows, allow it to enter your being like a cascading waterfall of light, cleansing and awakening every part of you. Let it illuminate the essence of purity and truth within like a brilliant star, emerging from the depths of your spirit. You need not know exactly where this truth lies within you. Only invite it to awaken and it will. (Continue listening at 2:31 min)
8/30/24 - Jeshua on Love
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
JJK: Today I found the following touching story online: An 80-year-old man brings his wife breakfast every morning in the nursing home. The woman has Alzheimer’s and can no longer be cared for at home. A nurse at the retirement home asked him: “Is your wife worried if one day you don’t come to bring her breakfast?” He said: “She doesn’t remember, she’s forgotten everything, she doesn’t even know who I am. She hasn’t recognized me for years.” The nurse was surprised and touched at the same time: “That’s very nice!Even though her wife doesn’t recognize her, they bring her breakfast in bed every morning!?” The man smiled, looked her in the eyes and shook her hand. Then he said: “She doesn’t know who I am, but I know who she is.” (Internet find)
Later I got tired, I lay down for a nap and I dreamed:
“I’m at an event, something musical is being performed. The atmosphere is relaxed and happy. A 14-year-old boy with Down syndrome sits down on my right knee. He has a very large head, impressively protruding eyes and short red hair. His head is so big that, despite some effort, I cannot see the stage. But I look at the boy’s face from the side and he is beaming from ear to ear. He is clearly feeling good and does not want to give up his place on my thigh under any circumstances. Then a slightly younger, handicapped girl sits on my right thigh and enjoys the performance from this position. The fact that I am now only acting as a bench does not bother me at all, considering the joy the two are having.” (End of dream)
My first thought when I wake up is: “Do what you want, I love you!” And that is exactly how GOD looks at us humans! No matter what we do, how we appear on the outside, GOD simply knows who we really are and that is all that counts. Just as I knew that these two children are soulful and divine creatures, no matter what limitations they have to experience as human beings, GOD knows who we really are despite our self-limitations. That is all that matters in the end. “Do what you want, I love you because I know who you really are!” That is the message of the Alzheimer’s story and the dream that follows. GOD is like the old man who brings his wife breakfast every day, even though she no longer remembers him. Do we remember GOD and will GOD let us fall despite our amnesia? Unconditional love is vividly conveyed and made understandable in these two scenes.
JESUS CHRIST: You go through life as if you were dreaming. Some people dream evil, dark dreams, others rise above this world with light. Whatever a person does is a dream in this reality, because reality is beyond it. That is why everything is given to you, that is why GOD loves you so much and that is why you can never be lost forever. How could GOD not love you?
How could the Creator blame you for not remembering yourselves or Him? How could the Creator punish you for something that eludes you? You are the ones who have descended of your own free will to experience this separation! Why should the Creator blame you if you forget yourself and commit ungodly acts? How could the Creator punish you if you err or cause harm, as only a consciousness separate from GOD can? How could the Creator withdraw his love from you when you serve creation most by renouncing the love of GOD for the duration of your earthly existence.
You have forgotten who you are, a collective Alzheimer’s has struck humanity and what does GOD do? GOD loves you all the more. Just as the love between two people is unaffected by external circumstances, and just as you took the two children into your heart in your dream, that is how GOD is when he spreads his love over people. Everything external fades away, what counts is what a person really is.
JJK: Then even the greatest criminals on earth could expect mercy from GOD?
JESUS CHRIST: People who have completely surrendered to the darkness often provide the greatest service. Because people can only recognize themselves as light in the darkness. This contrast is needed for the blind to become the seeing.
JJK: Years ago I decided that I didn’t want to suffer anymore! Spiritual growth can also take place without pain. I am deeply convinced of that. Since I explained this to myself and to heaven, I have experienced much less suffering and pain in myself and in those around me. It really works – or from another perspective: I don’t worry so much anymore when things don’t go well. More serenity, lightness and permeability to the divine, that’s how I would describe it. Changing your perspective doesn’t make the suffering disappear, but it does make it more bearable. In summary: what you choose happens. The key is how you look at the world – and that needs to be constantly examined and adjusted. Experiencing small difficulties as great suffering or seeing great suffering as small difficulties – we have the choice – don’t we?
JESUS CHRIST: Everything is a matter of development and spiritual maturity. From a certain point onwards,
the path is a joyful one and no longer a painful one. For many people, however, it is the experience of suffering that forges them and ultimately awakens them. Only when the person finally buys the return ticket to unity by completing the incarnation cycle does the suffering end and memory begins. Awakening is the process of breaking free from suffering and pouring into divinity. It is a process that begins when a person begins to feel the chains that have been placed on him life after life on this space-time plane, sees them as inappropriate, and breaks them in an act of self-empowerment.
JJK: That means that as long as a person wants to remain in this Alzheimer’s game, in which the memory of GOD is simply missing, he will have the experiences associated with it – and GOD loves the person unconditionally and unchangeably, no matter what act someone allows themselves to be carried away by?
JESUS CHRIST: Creation is built upon these experiences, because only when gods perceive themselves as godless can unique experiences be created that benefit the entire universe. This enriches creation, expands consciousness, and makes it clear why the human species is honored beyond measure by all species.
JJK: But what we humans do on earth is often very questionable and deserves to be reprimanded?
JESUS CHRIST: Anyone who has forgotten who he is cannot act as he is. Acting responsibly requires awareness. This is not always the case and so people create negative karma until one day they can no longer bear the burden. They begin to ask the right questions and change their behavior. In the meantime, GOD stays by your side, GOD judges but does not condemn, GOD creates potential but does not judge, GOD knows that you have forgotten and knows when you will remember again. GOD loves you every day and every moment. This is the nature of HIS love.
JJK: “Do what you want, I love you!” So this insight can really be applied to all people?
JESUS CHRIST: That is the essence of love – on all levels of being. You don’t have to approve of someone blocking your view of the stage, you don’t have to like that your wife doesn’t remember you – looking at it with wisdom and love is the way. That is what it is all about when the end of your incarnations is near – to remember who you are, to remember who your neighbor is. What is man really? Flesh and blood or spirit and divinity? To look at each individual person with these eyes is to see him truly.
So go and love man! Love what man is, and not what man pretends to be. Penetrate the deception, look behind the masks into people’s hearts and your gift will be heartfelt love.
8/30/24 - The Hathors: Own your power of intention
Channel: Peggy Black
We are here to offer our acknowledgement as well as our encouragement. There is a shift in consciousness taking place with your collective. From your everyday, moment to moment experience you might not be aware of this shift. Your focus is on the maintenance and preservation of your physical body and the activities of your day to day life and responsibilities. In this interface we would like to invite you to expand your point of view in such a manner that you can observe your dimension and the collective consciousness as a mindful witness. For the moment put aside your judgments, fears, as well as your personal and programmed points of view, and you will become aware that something is taking place on a rather large scale.
Your planet is in the process of a spiritual awakening. When you begin to notice and pay attention to the larger unfolding , you become aware that there is truly something that is occurring. Most of the shifts and changes have been subtle and have been taking place for a great number of years, however the shifts are now beginning to be obvious. You are observing the rise of feminine energy stepping up, speaking out and coming forth in leadership positions. More and more individual earthwalkers are waking up to the realization that they are more than their physical body. They are welcoming a new level of mindfulness within their actions and responses to current events. More and more humans are becoming curious about spiritual practices, conscious exercises. More and more humans are standing up for the rights of others.
There is a pulse, a surge moving in the collective, urging each individual to wake up. Personal codes are being activated. There is also a resurrection of ancient modalities of sacred traditions being woven into the awareness of how one relates and effects energy and the quantum field. There are those who are awakening to the realization that they are more than who they thought themselves to be. They are truly multidimensional beings, aware that reality is a thought, reality is a particle, and reality is a wave. These beings are beginning to ride the energy in a new way. They are beginning to mode and sculpt energy with more loving consciousness. They are envisioning and imagining and calling forth this new reality.
Often when individuals or even an entire collective experience intense stress, chaos, turmoil, violence, terrorism or extreme fear there is a sudden shift of consciousness and awakening within. This shift in consciousness can come with an internal as well as outer disturbance and confusion. You are witnessing the outer disturbance and confusion on your planet, as old patterns and beliefs are being questioned or threatened. Old limited ways of being and acting are being questioned. Humanity is waking up and pushing against the limited, unequal beliefs of the old paradigms. A caution here, remember what you push against, what you resist will persist.
When a new paradigm is forming in the collective, the energy of the old paradigm appears to become stronger as if knowing it is about to be eliminated. So the best and most profound way you personally can assist the pulse, this surge of awakening is to use your creative power and ability as the true alchemist that you are and transmute the negative and misqualified energies. Practice using your imagination, your power to envision a better more fulfilling world. Own your power of intention.
Remember it is an illusion that things stay the same. Recognize and realize that your reality is always in flux. Each moment is offered new and ready for the imprint. The conscious or even the unconscious old habits, rigid beliefs which tell the fresh new energy what it is that you expect in your given reality. Each person is actively in every moment creating the reality in which they live and believe they exist.
Science and spiritually are merging in the reality that the laws of quantum physics are working through you whether you belief them or not. You and your collective have the awesome opportunity to anchor, advance, and welcome the truth that is the first echoes of the new paradigm which are becoming apparent. The spiritual awareness of oneness with all has been in the collective consciousness for centuries as an idea. Now more is being revealed from the scientific realms as proof of this truth. The idea of entanglement and non-locality. Remember that entanglements occurs when two particles or two individuals are so deeply linked through the quantum field, that one particle or individual will instantaneously connect with the other even at great distances non-locally.
We realize that this idea and phenomena is not fully understood at this time however it is accepted in the scientific realms in quantum mechanics. This means that the physical distance between the particles or perhaps two individual is irrelevant, this realization offers you a quantum leap in your idea of what is possible. Research is beginning to show that the physical world is not as physical as you think it to be. Reality is in fact an illusion. You are surrounded by energy.
This dimension is created by vibrations and frequencies of energy. Your physical body and brain are designed to interface with this field of energy information and translate it into experiences. You are an energy being having this human adventure. As you acknowledge this truth and partner consciously with your energy self, you divine self, you step into a powerful place of creation. To able to understand this you need to change the way you think of the universe. Think of yourself as a divine creator playing with other divine creators in this realm and dimension.
It is from this perspective that you realize and own that whatever energy you send out as a thought, emotion or word will manifest at some point in some way. This understanding will empower you to join other awake conscious beings energetically no matter their physical location and hold the vision, the intention of a world of balance, a world that honors nature and all living beings. As you know, more and more studies are being done using the power of intention and the energy of words to influence the outcome of a physical event.
When a group of individuals join together in a prayer or mediation focused on a certain outcome studies shows there are positive results. The best thing about this awareness is that individuals as well as groups of dedicated beings can begin to offer a shift. You can and do influence the energy field. Since your planet is facing unprecedented challenges with climate instability, wars, and economic disparity, there has never been a more potent time on your planet for the collective to access within themselves higher realms of potential. This practice begin within and then joins the larger community creating a quantum shift in the world around you.
We invite you to remember that you have the awesome opportunity to anchor, advance, and welcome the first echoes and appearances of the new paradigm that is being called forth. We honor and acknowledge you as creator. Call upon us as well as other non-physical being of light to support you in this awesome work.
the ‘team’
8/29/24 - Video - Angel channeling: Loving preparations for the cosmic flash
(27 min - 8/23/24) Channeled by Stewart Pearce, Host and owner of podcast. Entitled "Radiant Revelations & Loving Preparations for the Cosmic Flash! From the Angels of Atlantis". [Ed: In my estimation this video is profound - first day of discovery of this channel.]
Stewart Pearce is an internationally renowned Angelic Emissary, as well as being a Master of Voice who coaches Actors, Inspirational Speakers, and Public Personalities. Having met the Angels of Atlantis during the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, Stewart has been spreading their loving grace and sacred teachings about enlightenment across the globe. Whereas his forty-five years of voice coaching led him from being the Head of Voice at a leading British Drama School, to the Master of Voice at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London from 1997-2010, for the last fourteen years he has been freelance and has produced best-selling books such as: The Alchemy of Voice, The Heart’s Note, The Angels of Atlantis, Angels and the Keys to Paradise, and Diana the Voice of Change – which are available right now, alongside his two Oracles for the Angels of Atlantis, and countless Sacred Chant Meditation recordings.
8/29/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
(8 min - 8/29/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled by Divina Solmanos. Mira of the Pleiadian High Council continues speaking: "We recognize the challenges your physical bodies and spirits have faced, having been controlled and programmed by dark forces for far too long. This era is ending abruptly. For years my focus has been solely on Earth and today proclaim that you will never be exploited again. The dark forces are being addressed, with many already removed. We envision a bright future for earth. A wonderful new world emerging for all its inhabitants. The days of agony and despair are drawing to a close. You will soon discover the mysteries of your own bodies and the planet itself. You, the light guardians, are activating your powerful multidimensional selves, aiding the earth in reaching its fully awakened state.
"This is a formidable combination and precisely why you were chosen to be here at this crucial time. Your light consciousness, love energy, healing and beautiful hearts are spearheading this great awakening in the later half of 2024. Humanity will be overwhelmed with revelations that will shake them to the core as they learn that life is not as they once thought, that they have been living in a fabricated reality. Of course you will have to be there to guide them with love. They will awaken to the truth about many individuals and organizations challenging their previous perceptions of who is good or bad. This will eventually lead you all to reclaim your power as divine spiritual beings and beloved Mother Earth. The past will dissolve and the future will be infused with light, beauty, joy, happiness, abundance, peace, freedom and all good things you deserve. (Continue at 2:16 min)
8/28/24 - Ashtar Command: First contact is imminent
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
(Chellee:) Blessings my Dear Family, It seems anytime I reach out to the Ashtar Galactic Command, I am Surprised and amazed By The Encounter. This Time They Showed up while I was in the midst of Channeling this Message Last Night. Right around 8:30 pm I was in deep in the channeling with Commander Vrillon of The Ashtar Galactic Command, when I was distracted by Movement on my Security Monitor. I noticed, the Orb shaped object moving across the Sky, I immediately said something to David who ran out to see it. It wasn't there, it had vanished, or was only being seen through the Night vision cameras. I then went back and recorded it from the monitor, so I could share it today. That's when I noticed it had materialized right in front of the Camera, That was very exciting. But then when setting up the video, I decided to do a close up zoom. That's when I seen the whole fleet. As you view the video, observe the many lights Flashing for the Camera, letting us know that They were all here. My Heart is bursting. I love you all so Much, Namaste' My Family, and Enjoy the Message from the Ashtar Galactic Command.
Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.
It is wonderful to be having this conversation with you, Ambassador, and with the numerous Light workers, and starseeds who will receive this message. The veil has finally been lifted, revealing Our presence. We, your galactic neighbors, The many Forces of Light, have made our existence undeniable, especially to your militaries. We got their attention by stopping the many potential nuclear threats, that your governments have intended to commit.
This guardian decision marks a significant step in our long-term strategy to forge direct and open relationships with humanity. Gone are the days when Lightships operated under invisibility shields; now, they will glide freely across your skies, providing concrete proof of their reality. However, this growing transparency presents many new challenges for your world leaders. Many are concerned that the revelation of these extraterrestrial beings could expose vulnerabilities and secrets that have been meticulously hidden until now. But the Ashtar Galactic Command, along with allies like The Galactic Federation, and The Earth Alliance, understands these apprehensions and is approaching this moment with utmost care. Their aim is not just to prove their existence, but to cultivate a sense of familiarity and trust.
This isn't merely a chance encounter; it signifies the dawn of a transformative collaboration. The Forces of Light are not only here to share groundbreaking technologies, but also to impart a millennia's worth of wisdom. We bring with us a holistic understanding of ecological and biological balance, promising to revolutionize healing for the Earth and Humanity. This celestial alliance also seeks to awaken the higher consciousness within you, making it possible to hand Humanity the reigns as Keepers of Earth.
First contact is not just an exchange of greetings; it’s a turning point that will challenge and expand your philosophical, spiritual, and practical frameworks. We The Forces of Light actively support this awakening, and are keen to foster a partnership that transcends mere exchanges, aiming for mutual growth. We respect your unique human heritage while celebrating your cosmic connection. Humanity are encouraged to set aside the limitations of the past and approach this new chapter with courage and curiosity.
This vision of a united future rests on the principles of peace, and mutual respect. It invites you to embrace not only the presence of the Many Light forces here to assist, but also the wealth of cultural and spiritual knowledge that accompanies this interstellar partnership. This is not just a simple meeting; it unfolds into a collaboration that holds the potential to address your planet’s most pressing challenges.
Alongside these promising developments, the Forces of Light are prepared to share advanced technologies designed to accelerate the restoration and regeneration of your ecosystems and Biological issues. Our holistic approach aims to heal the wounds inflicted on your Earth by addressing the root causes of environmental degradation, and to help cleanse the Human forms of the poisons and toxins which have caused many health issues and disease. This potential for rapid healing and restoration could dramatically alter the trajectory of your future.
As you stand at the precipice of this monumental shift, it’s essential to stay open-minded and receptive. Engaging with your cosmic neighbors invites you to rethink your relationship with your planet and each other, as a Galactic Society.
In this new era of Light, you are called to rise above the boundaries of your past and embrace a future enriched by interstellar respect and understanding. The Forces of Light are here, not just as overseers, but as partners ready to guide you toward a brighter, more sustainable future. Are you ready to join us on this journey of Interstellar Peace?
We are Here, and We Love You.
Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.
8/28/24 - The Pleiadians of Alcyone: You cannot fix the illusion
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Blessings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
The majority of humanity are intensely caught up in the distractions that are playing out on Earth. While they are trying to make sense of the increasing chaos and confusion happening around them, there are also those who are trying to fix it. They are unaware that they cannot make sense of, or fix, an Illusion.
In an existence buzzing with distractions, and chaos, many of you find yourselves desperately trying to make sense of it all, and many of you feel the need to fix it. The reality you perceive is often a mirage, a façade that obscures the truth of your existence. The intriguing aspect of your dimensional reality is that, while everything seems tangible and substantial, its true nature is rooted in light and vibration. You are beings of light, each of us interconnected and radiating the divine essence of the Prime Creator. You can Not fix an Illusion. You can not make sense of something that is not real. The concept of a nonmaterial existence, eludes many of you. Humanity has been deeply rooted in a material physical existence, Only perceiving what the physical senses allow you to experience. This is where the Illusion makes you feel separate from your true essence of Divine Spirit.
When one takes on a Human form, The veil of forgetfulness takes over. At that moment you begin to see yourselves as individuals, you begin to believe in your separation from everything else. This sense of separateness can lead you into a labyrinth of confusion, making you feel lost and alone. Humans chase material possessions and fleeting achievements, mistaking them for the essence of your being. These things can not fulfil you. What you seek is within you. What you seek is the Love of the Prime Creator.
The 3D physical reality is crumbling, leaving many confused because of the intense grip they have on their old ways of thinking and being, The veil of separation is still over many humans eyes, and as the illusion falls it will leave them desperate and grasping at the edges to hold on.
The Illusion will begin to fade away as you stop giving it energy. What you put your attention to, is what you are creating. Even though many already know that what you focus on is what you are manifesting, Many will still be drawn to the darkness. For most, the veil is still very thick. They like their facade they have created for themselves, They like being separate from the creator. They do not want to change anything. Even though they may say they want peace, and Unity on Earth, they still will feed the Vibration of war and discord. This human conditioning is from many generations of continuous reincarnation, and forgetfulness.
Nevertheless, These layers and layers of separation are beginning to be peeled away. Humans are beginning to connect with one another, even if it is against a common foe. Humanity is waking up to the enslavement, that has long held them in bondage within the illusion. The mass awakening is happening, and it is bringing with it the vibrations of Unity and oneness.
By awakening to the truth of your light, you then recognize that beneath the façade of separation lies the interconnectedness of all Life. Once you embrace your true nature, you unlock the door to true understanding, transcending the limitations of the illusion. When you find yourself overwhelmed, remember: you are not Part of the Illusion, you cannot fix something that is not part of you. You cannot make sense of something that isn't real. The Only thing that is Real is the Divine Light. You are a radiant expression of that divine light, coming from the Prime Creator.
Embrace this truth, and watch the chaos around you fade into clarity. You are breaking free from the constraints of the separateness of the Illusion, and feeling the freedoms of the Divine Oneness, of the Infinite Love, of the Prime Creator.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
8/26/24 - Venusian Contactee George Adamski on "beaming up"
Excerpt in book "George Adamski, The Untold Story" by Lou Zinsstag & Timothy Good (1983). From original document from Adamski to his co-workers around the world "Report From Europe" SUFOI, Denmark.
".....I had the experience to be lifted up into the space craft while the ship was hovering. It feels as if something is surrounding you like a transparent or plastic curtain, yet you can't touch it and you don't see it, and like a magnetic force it lifts you just like an elevator into the ship. And they can do this from a thousand miles away if they want to, but usually it is only two to three hundred feet. You can take baggage and everything with you, as if you are standing on a platform, even though you can't see it. This only works in the open and the person being lifted is visible the whole time....." (George Adamski)
Research author Timothy Good further states in the book: "Although my research has failed to uncover any witnesses to Adamski's boarding or disembarking from a spacecraft, I have been successful in finding one person who claims to have seen Adamski actually on board one of the huge 'motherships'. Kelvin Rowe, a contactee from southern California, says he has been taken up in spaceships on many occasions; a claim I would have dismissed had it not been for the conviction with which he related the details of his experiences to Lou Zinsstag and myself during the course of our interviews with him between 1976-79.
"Rowe's initial encounters with extraterrestrials took place in 1954, and, he claims, have continued to this day. He told us that there have been occasions on board the motherships when he saw people from Earth, but he has never been allowed to communicate with them. 'I know very well that I saw George aboard the craft one night,' he said, ' but they wouldn't let me go up and say hello, or anything like that....'"
[Editor, Nancy:] As an Adamski follower, this is the first time I have seen Kelvin Rowe's name. Since George Adamski's exciting work and photos with the space brothers and extraterrestrial visitors has been generally debunked and ridiculed, there is much we are missing here. I googled Kelvin Rowe/flying saucers and found that he wrote a book about his experiences entitled, "A Call at Dawn, A Message From Our Brothers of the Planets Pluto and Jupiter" It has a 5 star rating but is largely out-of-print. Amazone says (quote):
"Kelvin Rowe is not as generally well known as other contactees but was a frequent lecturer in the 1950s and 60s. The story and experiences Kelvin Rowe told are generally the same as the other contactees. But Rowe was interested in flying saucers before his first contact and had already met George Adamski and Truman Bethurum in 1953. The first experience was by telepathy on March 9, 1954, as described in his ”I was on my way to San Bernardino, Calif., driving a Ford pick-up. I thought I would visit a friend of mine in Redlands on my way home when the word Pluto popped into my mind and was repeated three times. After eight months of many mental communications, Rowe had his first physical contact with two “”Brothers”. “They were fine-looking men with smooth, dark sun-tan complexions and dark hair styled in a longer length than our modern cuts… The iridescent material of their form-fitting garments, similar in style to our ski suits, was unusually soft to the touch, firm but beautifully textured.” After this first contact, he met the space people frequently, either at home or was taken up in their spacecraft. A Call at Dawn was dedicated to “Mr. George Adamski through whom I was led to realize the true reality of interplanetary visitors, and, to Dr. M Doreal whose teachings have shown me The Way”. It deals with the communication of aliens from Pluto and Jupiter, claiming that they are our brothers. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Even though we have attempted to maintain the integrity of the original work accurately, the present reproduction may have minor errors due to the age of the scanned copies. Because this book is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. 'This title was originally published in 1958. :
8/26/24 - Video - Bashar interview with Alex Ferrari
(1'27" - 8/24/24) Channel Darryl Anka is interviewed by Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul podcast. Subjects covered are artificial intelligence, multidimensions, future probabilities, parallel realities, quantum physics, splitting of realities, the ever-accelerating pace of technological advancements, the merging of technology and spirituality, and how artificial intelligence isn't just a tool or device but a reflection of our collective consciousness. Different versions of Earth coexist, shaped by the collective vibrations of those who inhabit them. Very interesting conversation.
8/25/24 - Master Babaji: The most powerful mantra, say without ceasing
Channeled by Jahn J. Kassl
JJK : I had a sleepless night! Images of the impending restrictions on freedom as a result of the now threatened compulsory vaccination in Austria kept running through my head. What helps when the thoughts never calm down or when the collective “carpet of fear” leaves its mark?
BABAJI: The way is: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – repeat this mantra all day and all night long until it is unconsciously repeated in every moment of your life. That is the way out of every crisis. This mantra of mantras strengthens you and keeps you in the center of your soul. Say it all day long until you become part of this mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – LORD, THY WILL BE DONE.
In doing so, you place your fate in God’s hands, and that is where it belongs if you want to overcome the challenges of this time. This mantra is more powerful than any energy in the world. To always use it means to be invincible. The trick of the dark forces is to make you believe that you have no power. With this mantra, your strength awakens and you become aware of your power. If you want to become a fully conscious part of God and no longer be part of this matrix, then use this mantra.
At first you will have to focus on it, but gradually it will become a part of you. Shutting out the world so that the negativity that is currently being released does not reach you is the key to staying strong and sane. Through this mantra you create your own energy field that no one can penetrate or destroy. In this way you achieve a lasting connection to the source of all being, to the absolute truth of God.
OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – say it without ceasing and all shadows will vanish.
I love you infinitely
8/19/24 - Video - Ascended Master Babaji live thru Anjie Hipple
(1" - 8/17/24) Channeled by Anjie Hipple, interviewed by Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul Podcast. Anjie is a member of a large angelic collective known as Judah, a collective if 350,000 angelic souls. She expresses great joy and delight as she channels them, and as she opens up about her journey and her connection with them. As Alex describes it "This conversation isn't just an exchange of words; it's a symphony of celestial insights, aiming to elevate our understanding and illuminate our paths. The essence of Anjie’s message begins with the concept of the melting pot, not just of cultures but of cosmic inheritances. She beautifully articulates, "The whole entire earth is a melting pot of so many beautiful cosmic inheritances. Masters have understood this for eons." This perspective invites us to see ourselves as part of a grand, interconnected universe where every soul is a wave in the infinite ocean of existence. The idea that we are not merely individuals but integral parts of a larger, divine whole is both humbling and empowering.
Anjie's journey into channeling began as an unexpected and transformative experience. She describes it as "bizarre, strange, and yet profoundly enlightening." Her connection with Judah serves as a testament to the boundless support available to us from the unseen realms. Judah's primary mission is to assist in our awakening and enlightenment, providing guidance and vibrational support to those ready to transcend their current states of being. One of the most striking elements of the conversation is Anjie's explanation of the soul trap. She explains, "A soul trap is more about being soul stuck, primarily not forgiving the self. Guilt is the main fuel for the soul trap, it fuels the soul to continue on in a needless cycle." This insight sheds light on the importance of self-forgiveness and the release of guilt to break free from the cycles of reincarnation and suffering. It’s a powerful reminder that liberation begins within.
8/19/24 - The Angels: Balancing divine masculine and feminine within
Channel: Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, For centuries, the false masculine and false feminine energies have been present upon your planet in numerous forms. Human beings who did not know that their true power is discovered in connection with the Source have found various other ways to get what they want from life around them. The head has dominated the heart. The controlling and bullying have waged wars, causing temporary submission but never real cooperation. There have been massive manipulations of minds by those imagining themselves in power. This has gone on for centuries. We are not pointing fingers at one group or another or one political party or another. We are talking about archetypal patterns that have been enacted in one form or another for ages—both within societies and inside of individuals.
The tides, however, are turning, however. More souls awaken to the truth of their inner light. More are becoming aware of the energies of the Divine masculine and feminine present within all beings. In its truest form, the Divine feminine is represented by a heart in connection to the Source—inspired, nurturing, compassionate, and loving. In its purest form, the Divine masculine is represented by a mind connected with the heart—resourceful, connected, protective of the spark within, and willing to bring the heart’s inspirations into fruition in a tangible form. In the ideal union of Divine masculine and feminine, one is connected, inspired, guided, and able to act in concert with one’s inner being.
While you cannot control entire external systems, you do not have to be at their mercy. You can find these beautiful energies within yourself, allow them to work together, and in so doing, create a marriage of elemental forces that can assist you in solving all your life’s challenges and creating your dreams. Imagine for a moment that the energy of the Divine feminine is represented by a pure heart connected to your deepest essence. You feel a loving desire, and instead of talking yourself out of it, bullying yourself into feeling the way you think you “should” feel, or requiring input from others, you sit with the feeling and the desire, acknowledge the truth of it within you and nurture it with your positive expectations. Like a mother with a child, you give birth to the desire, witness its unfolding perfection, and encourage its growth within.
Imagine now that the Divine masculine is represented by a mind in connection to Source. It understands the desires that have been born within you. It protects them by keeping negative thoughts, doubts, and the opinions of naysayers from swaying its resolve. It acts when inspired and waits when not guided. In so doing, the Divine masculine becomes the champion and supporter of inspired desires. In a state of harmony, the heart feels an inspiration, and the mind acts in a supportive and protective way. The heart feels an inspiration to act, and the mind figures out how to do so. In this perfect inner “marriage,” Divine masculine and feminine give birth to creations and work together to bring them to fruition.
None of you likes to be bullied, and yet you have often bullied yourselves by pushing yourself, telling yourself your dreams are stupid, or negating yourself. None of you like to be controlled, yet you have tried to control the whispers of your own heart by telling yourself you shouldn’t feel this way or another. None of you like to be manipulated, and yet you have manipulated yourselves at times, convincing yourselves of the benefit of listening to others’ opinions over your own inner knowing, talking yourselves out of your dreams, etc. However, upon your planet right now it is nearly impossible to ignore your heart. It is difficult to stuff your feelings. The flow of love is so strong that only allowing it to reveal itself to you and then nurturing its expansion within will feel good to you.
In plain terms, it is difficult to ignore your dreams and hard to make yourselves do things you don’t want to do. It is challenging to talk yourself out of your feelings and nearly impossible to pretend you can settle for what no longer resonates with your heart and soul. There is a call from within to be authentic. There is a stream of love that wants you to have what you want. There is a power arising within each human being that reminds them, “You want to feel good, and you want to feel God.” You want to give birth to your desires. You no longer want to push yourselves. Instead, you want to live with a beautiful marriage of head and heart—Divine masculine and feminine, giving birth to your dreams and desires.
You start by sitting quietly and listening to your own feelings. What do you truly desire? What would make your heart sing? Can you, like a beautiful mother, acknowledge these dreams of the true child within and speak words of blessing upon yourself? Regardless of whether you know how these desires might be fulfilled, can you encourage yourself to believe in them? A human mother doesn’t know how her children will grow into the adults they dream of being, but she supports them nonetheless. Next, can you pay attention to your impulses and inspired ideas and act when something feels “right” at the time? Can you give yourself a pep talk when someone has tried to negate your dreams? We know you can! The energies of Divine masculine and feminine live within each one of you.
As you collectively bring more balance to your head and heart, you will see this balance reflected in many ways in your physical world. There will be more open dialogue between diverse groups. There will be far fewer who succumb to bullying and fearmongering. More will “market” their wares by adding value and supporting dreams rather than ripping others down. You are living in an exciting time when paradigms are shifting rapidly. You are living in a time when the old archetypal relationships between human males and females are changing as men find their hearts and women find their power, and each strives to become a whole and balanced person within. You are living in a time when far fewer people will support the false masculine energies of bullying and control and the false feminine energies of manipulation. You live in a beautiful time when so many call for love, connection, balance, peace, harmony, and the inner unity between head and heart.
We know your world is in chaos. You have collectively called for love, and yet so many resist love. You have called for change, yet so many do not want to change. There is a clashing of old and new energies, and yet, this stirring is tilling the soil of human hearts, making way for the birth of the new and beautiful energies where head and heart work in harmony, where male and female find greater balance within, where instead of he / she, him / her, they / them, you will all be gravitating more toward an understanding of “we.” You are starting to realize that you are “we,” the people of the united planet of Earth, different but equal, striving to bring forth your unique desires, gifts, and talents, understanding that as you nurture the divine union of head and heart, your joy becomes the world’s joy. Your desires are part of the world’s collective desires. Your satisfaction becomes a generous offering of light to the world itself. Your being is a gift to the greater being called humanity, which is part of the greater being called Earth, which is part of your galaxy, your known universe, and indeed All-that-is.
Celebrate before you see the tangible manifestations of this shift in your world. Celebrate each time you acknowledge your own heart, listen to your own inspirations, and accept and love yourself through your own feelings. These are chaotic but exciting times. There is no need to despair, no need to feel powerless or at the mercy of anyone or any group. Within you, the Divine masculine and feminine are powerful forces ready, willing, and able to birth any dream or idea into physical form.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels
8/19/24 - St. Germain: The merge of all timelines
Channeled by Chellea Wilder
Greetings, my Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to communicate with you regularly now. It is truly special to engage in sharing insights that may support you on your journey of ascension. During our previous conversation, we explored the idea of a potential split in reality for Earth and Humanity, resulting in two distinct timelines. A negative alternate timeline, and the positive New Earth Timeline. While this is a plausible scenario, there is another possibility to consider.
This alternative outcome presents a captivating and thought-provoking scenario that delves into the very essence of reality itself. Imagine a reality where the boundaries between all different timelines blur and merge, creating a tapestry of existence unlike anything you have ever experienced. This convergence of timelines represents a monumental shift in the cosmic fabric, where all past, all present, and all possible futures intertwine seamlessly. Giving rise to one, singular, harmonious reality.
Within all timelines, all Past events, current realities, and potential futures coalesce into a singular, seamless continuum, creating a reality that is at once familiar and yet entirely new. This harmonized reality offers an understanding beyond the belief of the linear progression of time. As you contemplate this fascinating scenario, you are prompted to question the nature of reality itself. What new possibilities would emerge in a reality where all timelines merge? What about the perceptions of who you are, and would your purpose, be transformed?
The exploration of these questions opens up a world of inquiry and imaginative speculation, inviting you to expand your minds and consider the boundless potential of a reality where all temporal boundaries are transcended. Even though this understanding at this point is just a scenario, it is the Most plausible reality to emerge. At the heart of this transformative process lies a deeply personal and introspective journey for each individual. As the timelines coalesce, people are presented with the opportunity to navigate towards the timeline that best aligns with their innermost desires, aspirations, and potential. This journey of inner-discovery and spiritual growth is not only profound but also empowering, as it allows individuals to tap into their highest selves and manifest a reality that is in perfect resonance with their well-being and fulfillment. There will be no aspect of you that will remain within the lower dimensions.
As this convergence unfolds, it symbolizes a profound metamorphosis for each person, signifying the integration of all fragmented aspects of oneself into a harmonious and elevated state of being. Simultaneously, the planet Earth herself would experience a parallel evolution, transcending to the 5th Dimension, leaving behind the constraints of lower dimensions. In this transcendence, those who choose to remain in lower vibrational frequencies would naturally be phased out from the Earth’s reality, a process that may involve both organic transitions and physical relocations.
The removal of beings aligned with lower vibrational realities would occur in accordance with the natural order of the universe, as individuals are guided to face the consequences of their choices and actions. Some may already find themselves being guided away from the Earth to confront the lessons and challenges that await them in other realms. There are also those who have already left the Earth and are now just waiting for her to ascend, so they can return as 5th dimensional beings.
This blending of temporal dimensions will open up exploration of the interconnectedness of all reality. It will allow you to witness the echoes of many timelines of history reverberating through the present moment, shaping your understanding of who you are and where you come from. The past is no longer confined to dusty books and fading memories, but is alive and pulsating within you, shaping your current existence.
As you navigate this fluid landscape of Transformation, you are also confronted with the realization that the future is not a distant realm separate from your present reality, but rather, an integral part of your Current existence. Your actions today ripple outwards, influencing the course of events yet to unfold. This awareness imbues each moment with a sense of significance and responsibility, urging you to act mindfully and with purpose in all situations. As you move higher in Light, you will not be leaving any aspects of yourselves within the lower dimensions. All versions of You are ascending. As your Timelines Merge, you will begin to experience, greater clarity, and Wisdom, within the present moment, As Each Timeline gives you the knowledge and wisdom obtained within. All of you, throughout all existence, Will merge to become Your One Higher-self.
I surround you Now with the Violet Flame, cleansing you and dissolving all that is no longer needed through this Transformation, as you merge into your Highest Self
May Peace and Love be with you.
I am St. Germain
8/13/24 - Video - Galactic Federation: You just shifted and it changes everything!
(8 min - 8/12/24) Posted by GFL.com. A channeled message from the Galactic Federation of Light. "You have once again shifted onto a higher timeline propelled by the powerful energies of the recent Lion gate on your world. These quantum rays have ignited a significant transformation within the collective and we are thrilled by your progress. We are here to assist Earth in this great ascension journey alongside many other star nations and races - a union of human-Pleiadian hybrids, pure Pleiadian beings and other races dedicated to guiding you through this transformative time as you continue to elevate consciousness. You are being bathed in high frequency photonic light. a quantum force that is fundamentally altering your DNA. This is all part of Prime Creator's plan for humanity's ascension. Just as nature works in perfect harmony to birth new ecosystems, so too are these cosmic energies collaborating to ensure your evolution into higher states of consciousness.
"You have anchored into a new timeline, a golden timeline marked by abundance, love, unity and release. Many of you may already feel a newfound stability in your finances, relationships and overall life situation. For others, issues may still be surfacing. But rest assured this is happening at the perfect time and you are exactly where you need to be. This golden timeline holds great significance for your current density and, yes, even the Earth's gold plays a role in this shift. Gold is not jut a metal. It is deeply connected to your DNA. Having gold in your presence can enhance your ability to manifest and align with this new frequency. While we are not offering financial advice, we encourage you to explore how gold can positively influence your spiritual journey. It is a gift from Prime Creator, abundant and available for those attuned to frequency. As you embrace this new timeline you may be amazed by your enhanced abilities to manifest. Remember to meditate before setting your intentions. Aligning yourself with the frequency of gold and the higher vibrations of this timeline. Gold is not scarce as yu have been led to believe. There is enough for every person on Earth to hold it in...." (Continue listening at the 3 min mark.)
8/13/24 - Video - Laayti of the Arcturians - The shift is accelerating!
(8 min - 8/13/24) Posted by GFL.com. A channeled message from Laayti of Arcturus. "My dear friends, I am Laayti and I am very pleased to be with all of you today. Let's talk about the current energies. Relax a little, my friends. Everyone is very tense there on the Earth. Take a minute to take a huge breath and then release it. When you release it, imagine the hands of Source wrapping you up in security, peace, power and the most divine love you have ever known. Now take another breath and see the new Earth in its brilliant crystalline glory. There is nothing you have to do but breathe. The shift is happening. The reality you yearn for, the planetary change you envision is already in motion, catalized by the collective energy of star seeds and awakened souls across the globe.
"As more of you tap into the higher frequencies and navigate the astral realms, you begin to converge, transcending physical boundaries and ideological differences. Together you are weaving the fabric of new realities. Realities that honor the unity and diversity of all life and yes, my friends, you are doing much work in the astral realm at this time. In fact, if you are listening to this we have likely been working together. In these astral realms you meet and merge with other star seeds, creating a powerful tapestry of intent and purpose. Though you walk separate paths in your earthly forms, in the higher dimensions you are united by a shared vision, a vision that re-imagines the systems of old dismantling - those that serve only the few - and replacing them with structures that uplift the many.
"This is the new world you are collectively crafting. A world that is not built by waiting for directives from those in power, but by rising together hand in hand, to shape the future you all wish to inhabit. As you ascend from the dense vibrations of the third dimension you enter the expansive realms of the fourth. And in the fifth dimensions here the limitations of the lower vibrations begin to dissolve, making way for a state of Love connection and Blissful awareness. These moments of higher dimensional experience are not just glimpses but gateways into the infinite potential that awaits you on your ascension journey. Expanding your consciousness is now more important than ever. See beyond the physical. Recognize the infinite possibilities..... (continue watching the video at the 3 min mark)
8/13/24 - St. Germain: Continue to Move Forward
Channel: James McConnell
I am Saint Germain and I come to be with you at this time. These continuing changing moments and I speak now of moments, not times, but moments, not hours, not days, not months, not weeks, not years. But moments, moment to moment, that is the way you need to continue to find your life moving ahead. Moment to moment. Forget about the past. Forgive all that has harmed you in the past. Let that all go. There is no reason whatsoever to hold on to any old memories, any old patterns that no longer have any use for you in your new higher vibrational frequency bodies. That is the way you need to look at yourself moving forward as high vibrational frequency bodies. All of your bodies, all coming together as one in a higher vibrational frequency. Having left the old programming behind, the old past memories that hold that programming to you. Know that you are being reprogrammed by your higher God self that is connecting more and more to you every, every moment moving forward. Your higher God self is right there with you as well as the guides that are here to assist you. Know that it is all a process of coming to a balance, a balance throughout your body.
And it is all about freedom moving forward. Freedom for you to decide to make your own decisions about how you will live your life, how you will follow the path of your life. Where no one can influence you beyond what you want to be influenced. Know that. If ever a situation comes up in the times ahead where you are asked to comply with something that you do not agree with, that it does not resonate within you, say, no, I shall not comply. Say that within yourself. Believe that within yourself. Feel the power within yourself. You all have that power, that power to move along forward again, moment to moment into the future, the future of your own making, the future of your own.
You are the power. You are the creation. Know that. No one can influence you unless you allow them to do so. So all of the old programming that brings up various triggers of emotion within you, let that go. Do not hold on to that programming. Do not let that programming trigger you any longer because there are parts of you beyond the higher God self that will attempt to do so, will attempt to trigger those emotions. But know that when this happens, it is simply a release process, a release process that is moving beyond the old temptations, beyond the old programming. Move forward every moment again moment to moment. Keep that in your mind at all times.
You are now living moment to moment and letting go of the past, letting go of the old stories. Do not tell the old stories any longer for they no longer hold sway over you, if you do not let them do so, become who you are meant to be, the messenger you are meant to be, the way-shower that you are all meant to be. That’s what you came here for. Keep your eyes on the prize, the prize of ascension, the prize of individual ascension and the collective ascension of all of mankind that can move beyond the old programming, the old third dimensional illusion and into the higher vibrational frequencies of it. Higher fourth and fifth dimension and even beyond that, you are at a crossroads, each and every one of you a crossroads where you find yourself still teetering on the edge, teetering on the edge, moving back and forth through and over the proverbial fence, if you will, do not be on the fence any longer.
Be over the fence and into the vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions, more and more. It is up to you, each and every one of you to be who you came here to be, to be again, that messenger or the wayshowers. And you came here to be, to show the way first to yourself and through yourself and then to others that are prepared to find their way, to find their path as well.
I am Saint Germain and I leave you now with peace and love and oneness. And again, move forward. Every moment, move forward. Do not let yourself fall backward.
8/12/24 - Kejraj: The shift to ancient memories thru an open heart
By Kejraj of Era of Light.com
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! What has remained a secret for centuries is now being gradually revealed to humanity. The ancient peoples knew more about the Universe than most humans today. As a matter of fact they knew some of the most important things. Earth is alive, a living, spiritual being, and humans, animals, nature, are all one and connected. The ancients also knew that the stars are full of life. For they were visited often by extraterrestrial beings, who shared stories and technology with humanity. Many benevolent, while a few had different intentions.
Through time and with many forms of deceit, humanity forgot these truths, and now denies them. Although there is proof of this all over the planet, it is the unwillingness and fear which keep people from seeing these truths. How do you tell a world immersed in false stories and exaggerated claims, from religion to the mainstream sciences for the purpose of brainwashing and instilling fear in the masses, in reality pulling them further away from the Divine, that the Universe is not empty, and there are in truth benevolent extraterrestrials on Earth now, and in the Solar system, and beyond, as they have been present for thousands of years?
The response of the ones who believe in a judgmental and vengeful ‘god’ is simple; They are demons. We ask you, do you not believe in angels? These are the angels as referred to by your ancestors. They were referred to as angels for their beauty and love they expressed towards the human. In these times of great change, with the evolution of consciousness, you are to be anchored in new realities, and see much more than you have been accustomed to seeing of what is called reality.
This shift, this new higher reality, is to happen for you, is to be revealed to you only with the opening of your heart center. With your permission and agreement that you are ready to embody your Divine Self, that you are ready to release once and for all the fears and illusions of the current world you exist in. In order for you to move forward, you must detach and let go of the fear of what you’re leaving behind. For you to create space so that more light comes forth into your reality, be compassionate, forgive, and love unconditionally.
If you truly wish to evolve and enter new realms of the cosmos, where you see that all stars and planets are full of life, and meet benevolent beings from other worlds, you have to be willing to also open different doors of perception, and look at things from more than just one or two view points. It is imperative that you let go of old and outdated beliefs which keep you in a state of fear and stagnation. Then with an open heart and mind you begin to see the illusions of the matrix, and reclaim your divinity, your power, and your rightful place in the vastness of the Universe, within the energy field of Source, which you call Love.
All the light to You!
8/10/24 - Video - I was born on a UFO Mothership - Viviane Chauvet
(1'45" - 5/16/24) Posted by Conflict Radio on Rumble. Viviane Chauvet, Arcturian Ambassador, Intergalactic Teacher, Published Author, International Speaker, Creator of the Arcturian Healing Arts Program and Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing®, Founder of the Universal Arcturian Online Community, CEO of Infinite Healing From The Stars LLC, Host of the Infinite Star Connections Podcast and the new radio show “Arcturian Conversations” on Soul News Network. Viviane Chauvet has conducted over 23,000 private sessions worldwide in the past 12 years. Viviane Chauvet's Website: HERE.
Copied from transcript from 3 to 15 min:
(Interviewer Michael:) So let's get right down to it, it says that you were born in a UFO, is that correct?
(Viviane) Yes, I came about in my Arcturian fathership and that's right, I do have an Arcturian father. I came about in my fathership because as an Arcturian being in entering a humanized hybrid form we had to insure that the physical template would be viable. This is something that is very unique to hybrid beings or hybrid children. Where there's a combination of genetic materials, they have to make sure that the body will survive because of my unique genetic predisposition as an Arcturian being. In this humanized form we use very advanced holographic technology to engineer my physical body and be present on the planets. This is my choice. This is what I chose as an evolved soul to better serve humanity. And the thing about our coming, interacting with all of you , it's really about to redefine the barriers of what's possible. What's real, what's unreal. For too long human beings have been isolated and separated from their cosmic origin, cosmic families, from a much more huge universal perspective and realities. And here in this third dimensional polarized, fragmented reality you still think of yourself as linear beings when you're not linear beings.
So my presence really brings in the true aspect, the true nature of a very very advanced, very ancient intergalactic group known as the Arcturians and I'm also an ambassador. This is why I chose this role. I chose to be here as an advanced multi-dimensional, multi-frequency teacher and cosmic healer to really support human beings as a race. To change the human morphogenetic field and help everyone to step out of isolation and separation from your universal self, from your mutli-dimensioanl self. There's so much more to you that you need to realize first, in order to really understand how advanced beings will really work. How we think, how we project, how we perceive realities. So in a nutshell, we're here to help humans to co-create a new paradigm of ascension enlightenment. It is time. Mother Gaia, your planet, is shifting into the new harmonics universe. She's shifting back into her original celestial self. And this is a golden opportunity for everyone on the planet to really step into their own power and sovereignty and recognize yourself much more than these personality ways and human aspects of yourself. This is just a role that you play and it's an aspect of what we've come to help you remember about yourself.
(Interviewer Michael:) OK, so I'm just going to - I have so many questions that I want to ask you for this interview that we're gonna, I'm gonna, if it's OK with you, I'm going to do a really quick summary of our 10-minute conversation that we had when we thought we were live, but we weren't. Is that OK ?
(Viviane:) Of course, of course, Michael.
(Michael:) So, Vivian said that she was born on a UFO, OK, we've got that part, that the body that she was born into is a hybrid, is that correct?
(Viviane:) Yes, my body will be considered as a hybrid form.
(Michael:) OK and you're not only alive in this form but you're also alive still in your Arcturian form, right?
(Viviane:) That's correct. Yes, my Arcturian avatar self is still exist... OK, my cat's attacking me now, um, I love cats, I have four of them. I, my cat is, he is so crazy, so I've got to, I've got to -
(Michael:) There's so many places I could go with this that I'm curious, uh, what so, so where did where did the human DNA came come from that your body is currently with? Do you have parents today?
(Viviane:) I do have what you will call a family, human family. Yes, I do have a family here.
(Michael:) (OK, so what do they think of this? I mean, do they know about it? Obviously or - ?
(Viviane:) Yes, the core members of my family are aware, they're part of the partnership. We've been interacting with the same bloodline the same lineage for a few generations so it's been a beautiful loving conscious partnership with them and even as teenagers, what you would call all my human parents were already in communications with my star families and myself as an Arcturian. So they understand the profoundness of this opportunity, the profoundness of our presence, the mission, what is at stake. And of course there's a lot of gifts, in a sense, that - can you imagine having really beautifully advanced spiritually-oriented beings who interact with you, help you, teach you and support you in your life, and in your journey, so it's like I mentioned - it's been a conscious loving partnership between that lineage and my Arcturian dedication.
(Michael:) OK, so your parents were abducted...
(Viviane:) No, they were not. That's why I said, it was a partnership.
(Michael:) Yeah, but I mean, originally, right? Like if it goes back a few generations, like they were originally abducted, right?
(Viviane:) No, no, no, no. No one was abducted. Abduction implies taking against your will. That's nothing to do with us. We always do it with permission, conscious consent, and it's an invitation, so it has just been many souls who've been involved in this, and through the lineage and every soul or every human being we interacted with have always gladly participated as an exchange, a cosmic exchange. No one has ever been abducted, no.
(Michael:) Do the Arcturians live in a three-dimensional, in three dimensions or live on a higher dimension than we do?
(Viviane:) Well, that's a great question Michael, so we are, we have evolved into higher octaves. We choose the fifth dimensional frequency as a baseline of communication with the Earth humans. But Arcturians are known to be one of the most advanced, so our physical form, if you would, which is vibrating at a very high level, very high frequency, we have very advanced mental faculties. We are very ancient. You have to think about, we are about a few millions years old as a civilization, so we have evolved well beyond what you may perceive right now. But the beauty of our presence is to remind everyone of your true capacity, your potential and we here - think of us as a future aspect of yourself. So, yes, we do vibrate a lot higher than the third, the forth density, and um and we exist in this beautiful luminous form so to speak, but we do interact with many human beings on the planet to exchange different, whether thought forms, holographic exchange channels, assisting people, their work, light workers, teachers. So we're very active to really support your race, to evolve back into a higher form.
(Michael:) You said evolve back into a higher form. Have we been a higher form before?
(Vivian:) To return, so you're shifting right now from a third dimensional or third density physicality, what we call the human magical physical reality and you're moving back into a more higher fifth dimensional frequency, what we call more the realm of the soul life of the soul, so you're stepping out of these fragmented linear 3D base energies to go back again, to return. It's a grand return into higher frequencies.
(Michael:) OK, does this have to do with our planet and solar system moving into a certain area of space where it's a little bit more light?
(Viviane:) It is intertwined with this, it is definitely intertwined, so the planet herself Gaia is shifting into different space, so to speak. Or if you want to call it in different harmonic space. But the planet self Gaia is shifting. The grid system of Gaia is shifting. There's much more solar activity because the solar energy is also a source for evolution and acceleration, so this is what is more energy whether it's in the human resonance, whether it's the electromagnetic field of Gaia in your own body template, there's a lot of shift. I know that many people on the planet right now feel different physical symptoms, changes in moods, mental energy, different changes, whether sleep patterns, dietary needs, it's because you're moving. There's a presence of light, there's more solar gamma energy. There's more, there's an acceleration taking place so everybody will be unique in the way they will interpret or accept those changes. If you resist it's just going to make it more difficult for you but it's really up to you ultimately to decide what feels best for you at this point.
(Michael:) OK, there wasn't that long ago there was an Israeli general or an Israeli, somebody who is in Israel, said that there is a Galactic Federation of beings. Is that true?
(Viviane:) There's a huge association of the world or huge alliance taking place. If you look at, for example, a lot of the Sci-Fi very popular movie series like Star Trek for example....
(Michael:) Yeah, I was just going to ask you that.
(Viviane:) Yeah, there we go. See? We're on the same wavelength here. If you look at Jeebhur, what he came with is imaginary. Star Trek you know, the Federation of the world or, you know, with the prime directive. And then even the Klingon journey and the Vulcan and the human and all of this, where it was already to introduce back into the consciousness on the planet, the idea that they, everybody remembers, you're not the only species in the entire universe. There's countless levels of dimensions, and you know there's many planets the different constellations, different galaxies. So we're reintroducing the idea in the form of a very popular TV series, that there's such a thing as a great Alliance, or an association or a federation that we are all working together, for the most part and you're part of this. So yes, it's really beautifully reflective. (stopped at 15 min. Continue listening to the interview at 15 min)
8/7/24 - Video - Our Cosmic Origins: Ishmael Perez & Simon Parkes
(1'6" - 8/1/24) Ismael Perez interviews Simon Parks on his Youtube channel "The Real Ismael Perez", a stimulating discussion on cosmic consciousness and space visitors. Ismael Perez is the author of "Our Cosmic Origin", providing ancient and controversial knowledge. He is a cosmic ambassador, galactic historian and starseed activator. His broadcasts are a sanctuary of enlightenment and exploration, unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and delving into the intricacies of the human spirit. In his Youtube channel he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and engages discussions on spirituality, metaphysics and has enlightening conversations with renowned guests. He offers a holistic approach to understanding our place in the vast universe. His community of like-minded souls is growing and navigating the realms of consciousness, seeking knowledge, wisdom and inner harmony. Ismael's website: www.ourcosmicorigin.com.
Simon Parkes has a lifetime of experience with extra-planetary lifeforms as well as military, and went public with this in 2010. In 2013 he was invited by the British Ministry of Defence to a secret British space radar station as a quasi confirmation of his background. Since then, he is respected by the media as an authority on various extraterrestrial races and beings. In 2015 he became involved in the RV and has since then signed a number of NDAs with the White Hats. Simon's website: www.connecting-consciousness.org.
8/10/24 - Video - The Arcturians: A new light has been anchored
(8 min - 8/8/24) By the Arcturians, channeled by Tia of the Arcturian Council of 5. "I am Tia of Arcturus, I will speak with you now. Everything you experience and know of as reality is shifting, and it is shifting faster than we can send you messages upon it. Many of you are experiencing feelings of being out of your body or at least not being fully associated with your physical body any more. Just know that this is perfectly normal and that it's part of the multi-dimensional timeline shiftss that you are all experiencing. Beloved ones, do not fear the change. Changes are inevitable. Everything of form or in the material world will change. Only things of source Creator or Spirit or Giod will stay the same. The things in the material world will shift. They will wax and wane. They will go up; they will go down. They will always be changing. Only things of spirit remain fixed. You have anchored in a new core timeline and this timeline is like one we have never seen. It is stable and strong and everyone who is of the light and doing the work of the light have laid in this great cement pillar for the rest of the collective. (Continue with video at 1 min 25 sec)
8/10/24 - Kejraj: The secret is gradually being revealed
By Kejraj of Era of Light
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! What has remained a secret for centuries is now being gradually revealed to humanity. The ancient peoples knew more about the Universe than most humans today. As a matter of a fact they knew some of the most important things. Earth is alive, a living, spiritual being, and humans, animals, nature, are all one and connected.
The ancients also knew that the stars are full of life. For they were visited often by extraterrestrial beings, who shared stories and technology with humanity. Many benevolent, while a few had different intentions. Through time and with many forms of deceit, humanity forgot these truths, and now denies them. Although there is proof of this all over the planet, it is the unwillingness and fear which keep people from seeing these truths.
How do you tell a world immersed in false stories and exaggerated claims from religion to the mainstream sciences for the purpose of brainwashing and instilling fear in the masses, in reality pulling them further away from the Divine, that the Universe is not empty, and there are in truth benevolent extraterrestrials on Earth now, and in the Solar system, and beyond, as they have been present for thousands of years? The response of the ones who believe in a judgmental and vengeful ‘god’ is simple; They are demons. We ask you, do you not believe in angels? These are the angels as referred to by your ancestors. They were referred to as angels for their beauty and love they expressed towards the human.
In these times of great change, with the evolution of consciousness, you are to be anchored in new realities, and see much more than you have been accustomed to seeing of what is called reality. This shift, this new higher reality, is to happen for you, is to be revealed to you only with the opening of your heart center. With your permission and agreement that you are ready to embody your Divine Self, that you are ready to release once and for all the fears and illusions of the current world you exist in. In order for you to move forward, you must detach, and let go of the fear of what you’re leaving behind.
For you to create space so that more light comes forth into your reality, be compassionate, forgive, and love unconditionally. If you truly wish to evolve and enter new realms of the cosmos, where you see that all stars and planets are full of life, and meet benevolent beings from other worlds, you have to be willing to also open different doors of perception, and look at things from more than just one or two view points.
It is imperative that you let go of old and outdated beliefs which keep you in a state of fear and stagnation. Then with an open heart and mind you begin to see the illusions of the matrix, and reclaim your divinity, your power, and your rightful place in the vastness of the Universe, within the energy field of Source, which you call Love.
All the light to You!
8/7/24 - Glitches in the Matrix: The Blue Avians
Channeled by Octavia Vasile
We are the Blue Avians, delighted to establish a new connection with you, beyond space and time.
Dear humans, as you shift from the 3D vibration upwards, you might experience significant changes. These changes are meant to show you something. For example, many of you have started to notice glitches in the Matrix, and it might seem like this is happening for the first time. These glitches have always existed, but now your brain can perceive them. You are beginning to discover that you have been experiencing something akin to a game, virtual reality, or simulation. While none of these terms fully capture the truth, they help you form an image of what is happening.
Your supraconscious mind generates the reality you experience. The 3D mind was meant to perceive this reality as very real and take it seriously. In contrast, the 5D mind acknowledges that it is a spontaneous creation and seeks to master it. Currently, you are positioned somewhere between these two states. Sometimes you observe synchronicities, noting the correlation between mind and matter. At other times, you perceive a reality that seems disconnected from your inner experience. This fluctuation occurs because you are shifting from one vibration to another.
We know you all wish to have a stable 5D experience and wonder how to achieve it. It is simpler than you think! As you wake up each morning remind yourself that you are the creator of your own reality. This affirmation felt deeply, will immediately position you on the 5D timeline. Think about all the amazing experiences you wish to have throughout the day and how much you will enjoy them. Be spontaneous, be creative, be you!
On a 5D timeline, you will experience the Mandela effect and other glitches as you awaken completely, integrating the information slowly. What if you start playing with your reality by programming it? Before going out, tell yourself what you would like to see. For example, “I want to meet a cat on my way!” Start programming, be playful, and enjoy it, for this is when you turn yourself into a Prime Creator.
There is no need to create out of necessity; do so because you enjoy it! Observe the glitches and take them as reminders not to take life so seriously. Each time you see a glitch, remind yourself, “It is all a game,” and relax. We are here to support and guide you into the 5D dimension. Now it is time to let go of all seriousness and start being playful.
What is the first thing you want to see today? Imagine it and project it. Be powerful in your creation, and be joyful.
8/7/24 - Video - Galactic Federation: Old Earth & New Earth Timelines
(8 min - 8/7/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. "We in the Galactic Federation are working harder than ever for the good cause of Earth's ascension. Little by little, beat by beat, hearts are opening everywhere. Trauma is being released and the darkness is dissipating but you have some chaos to navigate. First this feels like a battle to a never-ending finish line, and in some respects it is, even though there is only one true power: Prime Creator. We would like to say a lot has been accomplished since we last communicated, and this never-ceasing back and forth between light and dark is nearly completed. Those who no longer belong on the planet are leaving through new treaties and agreements. This is making way for a whole new beautiful clear, clean and harmonious Earth;. It is opening the doorway to the promised land of Heaven and Earth. Please open your mind and your heart to the magic and miracles unfolding before your very eyes. People's hearts that have been frozen are melting in love. Those who cannot feel this love are becoming less comfortable and are clinging to what their ego knows as most familiar. This is all fine and part of the Divine Universe of soul contracts. Interwoven among all Earth humans some have chosen to play the part of being in the dark, while others have chosen the Awakening path. But make no mistake - there are no accidents.... (continue with the video)
8/6/24 - The Galactic Reunion
by Kejraj of EraofLight.com
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! You are activating a timeline in which divine truth is to be heard world wide. Divine order restored. The starships of the Galactic Federation are to decloak. What is to take place is a reunion like no other.
Divine love is to overwhelm the hearts of humanity. For what has been prophecised even in the celestial realms, is to become reality. Stay pure in intent, remain in your heart center, and keep your focus on what it is that you want to experience. Do not give your energy to things that may not benefit you or the path that you have chosen.
If you are reading these words, you have chosen ascension. And not only is your current lifetime your last in the Third Dimension, in truth there is very little time left for you in the current reality. This is it. You are returning to to the Galactic Federation, and your own starship. You are returning to your full divinity. You are returning Home.
Many await your arrival, and for you to share your stories, experiences, and wisdom that you’ve gathered while being a part of the most exciting journey on Earth. You truly stand on the cusp of the new era of light.
8/6/24 - Video - Interview with space visitor Jerry Wills
(1'43" - 7/13/24) Posted by Dani Henderson. A wonderful rich and deep-voiced story teller who was not born here. Comments beneath this post are huge and complimentary. Everyone loves him! It's a lengthy slow-moving story but well worth it. Learn more about the space visitors visiting earth.
8/6/24 - Your Heart is your stabilizing element
by Christine Dey - August 2024 Newsletter
Hello! I have been working on our land in Alice Springs enjoying a strong connection to the natural forces and being aware of a powerful unfolding taking place within my Heart. My greatest Heart’s desire has always been to move from being the mountain and to become the plain. During this very sacred journey I have taken this month I have undergone an amazing transformation. I have been given the grace of returning to that, which has unfolded my Heart’s desire, revealing to me my own higher essence of being on another level never experienced before.
As we entered August we move into a time of vast changing momentum. The focus must be to let go and stay aligned to the Heart space. To utilize your Heart as a reference point to bring you into a place of stability in your day to day living. Your Heart will enable you to fully recognize what is truth and that, which is only illusion being played out throughout the planet.
By the 10th of August we are to enter another phase of awakening on Earth. Be prepared for an intensification of your 3rd dimensional daily experience. Within this upcoming timeframe there will be great change, a time of an accelerated intensity throughout the planet. This 3rd dimensional upheaval across the earth plane can bring a simultaneous opportunity for higher personal transformation and awakening.
Know that you cannot control events in your life, however you can choose how you are going to deal with situations that will arise for you. You can expect a series of further unfolding of drama that will grow as we move further through August into September and November. We individually will be challenged, your authenticity, your belief systems and most importantly the path of your Heart. There will be political upheaval, earth changes and high 3rd dimensional drama worldwide. These are the accelerated changes that have been prophesized, knowing that with all re-birth there is chaos.
The most essential thing to remember is that you can continually re-orientate yourself through the stillness of your own Heart connection. Allow the love of your Heart to be the stabilizing elemental in your life. You are never alone. I am being called to hold the Platform, anchoring the mirror for the pure stabilization to enable you to achieve stability through the space of your own Heart.
I witness you and honor all that you are within your Heart!
Love and blessings,
8/6/24 - The Pleiadian Message thru Christine Dey
Channeled by Christine Dey
Beloved ones we greet you! Great energetic forces are at work across your earth plane, the winds of change are creating a next phase cycle of higher light codes to anchor throughout the planet. These light codes will birth a series of higher light frequency waves, bringing forth a pure consciousness of love that begins to arise and pulse, touching those of you who are on the path. Re-opening your sacred Hearts on another level, realigning you to authenticity, wisdom and knowing.
These energetic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not contain Truth, all that is corrupt within countries and within individuals. Your Heart is your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Be still and trust your authentic Heart!
There is going to be a shaking of the planet as old dense patterns are unearthed, creating a huge shifting of consciousness throughout the entire earth plane. This is the time for greater changes to be unveiled as you move and navigate deeper within “the New Dawning” era. Claim ownership of your vast light, your integrity, your knowing! Be still and trust the guiding compass of your Heart! Utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, allow these words to be your sacred mantra. Let go and trust, let go and Be! Be not blinded by the drama that is coming, that will unfold in your own life. Witness and let go. Refer only to your own Heart, staying in integrity moment by moment.
We witness you in love.
The Pleiadians
8/5/24 - The Feminine Divine Rising
By Emanuel Dagher
Dear Friend, I am so grateful to connect with you again this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! Before we speak about the energies of August and what awaits us, it’s important to reflect on all the blessings that came into our collective reality as a result of what has taken place in recent months.
Through the will of millions of way-showers and pure hearts who have come together in agreement (consciously and unconsciously) for something greater to emerge on our planet, an abundance of pure Divine Light Codes have anchored themselves into the Heart of every woman, man, and child on the planet, in ways humanity has not experienced for quite some time.
These pure Divine Light codes arrived directly from the heart of the Sacred Mother of All-That-Is, to help humanity let go of all our attachment to creating a world of fear and separation. The Divine Light Codes, which are continuing to enter our reality as we speak, have also activated the consciousness codes within the DNA of all humanity, including the Millennials, Gen Z, and young children. This is occurring so that we can all return to the purest aspect of ourselves once again, and create a matrix of peace, Love, and Oneness.
When colossal amounts of Divine Light Codes enter our world, they serve to help resolve the tremendous amounts of karmic debt that many are still carrying from this and many other lifetimes. Karmic debt takes up a great deal of space in the auras and psyche of humanity. It weighs heavily on the hearts and minds of the way-showers and pure hearts who have been diligently doing their inner healing work (for many, since early childhood) to help raise the consciousness of the planet.
With the resolution of humanity’s karmic debt that took place in July, we now have abundant space to experience our lives through higher awareness, Love, wisdom, playfulness, and creative expression. The expansion and shifts taking place now are no longer as subtle as before, because of the acceleration of Light pouring into our consciousness. When things move this quickly, the inner and outer distractions that once operated in the past (the mind’s coping patterns) come to the surface to be acknowledged, addressed, and resolved.
If you are finding yourself experiencing a great deal of hardship currently, know that this is not you, but rather the mind’s grip on the old paradigm of survival and struggle. The only thing asked of us when we find ourselves experiencing hardship is to release ourselves from the need to control everything in our lives. As we release that tight control, we create room to anchor ourselves in compassion and Love for all the parts of ourselves that have been using the old coping patterns, which have been keeping us attached to realities of hardship. Through our continued compassion for ourselves, others, and the world around us, it will become much easier for the mind to embrace the New Earth and all of the abundant blessings it has for us. The changes we have been hearing about and working towards are now manifesting into physical form. This is what we have been waiting for!
The Feminine Divine Rising
As a result of all that is unfolding, and as we enter the sacred energies of August and beyond, the Feminine Divine is rising within each and every person on the planet. She is making her presence felt in every aspect of life, including our past, present, and future, across all time and space, from the first moment of existence. The Feminine Divine has always been within each of us, quietly holding space for this day to arrive. Within the collective mind, as a result of the “great forgetfulness” that took place eons ago as part of the human experience, the Feminine Divine had been suppressed and censored from being acknowledged and felt by humanity as the Creator of ALL.
Those days are now behind us. Now, deep within the chambers of our hearts, there is a stirring happening that is allowing us to see, feel, hear, taste, touch, and smell the Feminine Divine within and all around us, in ways that only our I AM presence can remember experiencing before now. We are now understanding that the more we honor the Feminine Divine within and around us—by choosing to love, honor, nurture, and have compassion for ourselves and others—the more we will be showered with abundant blessings. Whenever the Feminine Divine is fully acknowledged and received, an abundance of Love, peace, wholeness, freedom, riches, joy, laughter, inspiration, creative fulfillment, and miracles will follow.
Here are a few things we can do to embrace and unify with the Feminine Divine:
- Express gratitude for our body, because our body is the extension of the Divine in physical form
- Express gratitude for the wisdom and other gifts the Divine gives us daily
- Express gratitude for our five senses
- Surround ourselves with beautiful (natural) fragrances, such as flowers, plants, and essential oils
- Surround ourselves with beautiful colors that evoke feelings of peace, joy, Love, passion, and freedom
- Surround ourselves with the beautiful sounds of nature, music, and the inner stillness of our I AM presence
- Eat and drink foods that nourish our Divine Self in ways that feel life-enhancing and life-affirming
- Feel the healing textures of nature between our toes, with our hands, and on our body
- Love our body, mind, and presence in ways that remind us that by doing so, we are honoring the Goddess
- And much more
Beyond Hierarchy
As the Feminine Divine awakens within all of humanity now, old systems and ideology will begin to dissolve, making way for new ways of being and living to emerge that promote an inclusivity that has not yet been experienced fully in our world. We are seeing glimpses of this occurring. However, things will be shifting at a much more accelerated pace.
Here are some of the most important messages for our time, which the Feminine Divine desires that we receive and understand now:
Hierarchy no longer has a place in the Spiritual realms. Just as we are evolving, so is the Spiritual realm. We have full access to connect directly with the purest form of Source energy, without having to jump through any hoops — without having to struggle, give our power away, or dim our Light for anyone or anything. This includes realizing that we do not need to seek the approval of any teachers, gurus, elders, angels, ascended masters, guides, saints, and any other beings of Light, who are here to simply help us re-member our own Divinity.
True beings of Light never desire us to give our power away, as humanity has done for eons. The Feminine Divine and all higher beings just want us to remember that we are all equal, and that we have the exact same abilities and gifts to share with one another as they have. This message is infused with frequencies that are here to activate and empower our consciousness, in ways that remind us to shine our Light as powerfully and brightly as we desire, releasing all need to ever give our power away to anyone or anything.And they want us to know that we are the Ones we have been waiting for.
Right now, an internal and external shift of the ages is manifesting itself into our world. This shift will be victorious, because it will expand and enhance the awakening of the heart of humanity, to where every single woman, man, child, and all other beings on the planet will receive this spiritual activation. Yes, even those serving on the global stage who operate within the illusion of promoting separation and fear have received this Divine activation. This is so beyond the scope of anything we’ve ever collectively achieved before. So, get ready for the fun to begin!
Over the coming days, months, and years, they too will begin to shed the aspects of themselves that no longer align with the heart-centered New Earth, which we have already anchored into the third dimensional paradigm. This means that whatever we see going on, it is imperative to continue sending Love and compassion to all of it, even that which does not align with our values and ways of being. PLEASE DO NOT FEED INTO THE ILLUSION OF SEPARATION AND FEAR BEING PRESENTED TO YOU. It is designed to move you out of your power, and to postpone the inevitable, which is a world that supports all of life and all of humanity, not just a select few.
The gift we can offer humanity is to see right through the illusion, and recognize the Divinity within everyone and everything. This is one of the biggest reasons we incarnated into this world at this time. It’s a tall order, but our Spirit knows we can handle it. What is being asked of us right now is simply to become observers. When we are able to step out of a reactive space — one where we’ve been triggered by our surroundings — and move into being an observer, we begin to see every experience as simply feedback, letting us know what we either do or do not resonate with. Getting into observer mode immediately lessens the charge of whatever is causing our angst. From this space, when we do encounter extremes in our surroundings, it becomes much easier to remain centered and unbothered by it all.
As observers, we empower ourselves to remain centered through all situations (even challenging ones), so that we can fine-tune our knowing of what we do want to create more of. Extreme situations no longer become as extreme when we watch as observers, because we are no longer allowing ourselves to get caught up in them. Whenever you find that the mind is getting caught up in the details and stories of life that feel challenging, here’s a simple technique that can help:
- Pause for a moment, and take three deep, full breaths.
- Close your eyes.
- Imagine yourself (your awareness) stepping out of your body, and see yourself sitting there with your eyes closed.
- Just observe yourself for 1 to 3 minutes.
- Bring your awareness back into your body. Start by focusing on the bottoms of your feet, and then move up the body to the palms of your hands, then your heart, then the top of your head.
- Gently open your eyes.
- Express gratitude to your Spirit self for reminding you to objectively “see” yourself.
This simple process immediately helps move us out of survival mode and into Conscious Creator mode. You’ll probably even feel a release in the body and mind from any tension they were holding. Doing this several times throughout the day will create space for deep healing, peace, and higher awareness to enter our experience. When you feel a little tired, just call on your Divine Self to rejuvenate you to the core. That aspect of you is here in their full glory, always ready to help and serve.
Until next time,
With gratitude,
8/5/24 - Video - 15 Weird signs you are going into a crystalline-based body
(16 min - 7/18/24) Posted by Mystic Essence. A list of ascension symptoms including tingling, sudden energy surges, erratic sleep patterns, heightened sensitivity to environment (and from the editor: sickish-type really bad feelings.) Drink plenty of water! Spend time in nature, spend time in your own peaceful environment. Feel and process these energies. Your body is adjusting to new heightened frequencies. Allow it time. It will pass.
8/4/24 - Message from Matthew: 12-strand DNA Activations (& Political)
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the acceleration mode is speeding up and that is increasing the sense of confusion and chaos, so let us begin on a note of absolute stability: In the continuum Earth’s people are joyful, healthy and prospering in a peaceful world, and in this moment of linear time, the light forces are overpowering pockets of darkness. The power of love is spreading throughout your world, dear ones, and all you need to do is BE—be grateful, confident, optimistic and fearless! And do please remember to breathe rhythmically.
(Question) “What will we be able to do when all 12 of our DNA strands are functioning? Do you know when that will happen?”
It won’t be that the entire population suddenly has phenomenal new abilities because everyone’s 12 DNA strands are functioning. Reactivation of the ten dormant strands will come in stages to individuals when two conditions are present: crystalline cellular structure, which contains cosmic knowledge, and absolute knowingness that all souls have the innate capacity to perform what now are considered miracles or magic. If, for example, you unquestioningly believe you can walk through a brick wall because you know it is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and you can adjust your frequency to the wall’s, you can indeed saunter or dash or leap through it. With less than absolute knowingness and trust, the perception of “solid” will let you smack headlong into the wall.
When all 12 DNA strands are activated, what no longer will happen is as profound as what you will be able to do. When you reach what many consider the prime of life, the 30-something years, you will remain at that status and older persons will start growing younger until they reach it because the full complement of strands doesn’t include programming for aging into elder years or death. There is no programming for physical deformities, mental disease, temporary or chronic illness, allergic reactions, addictions, defective organs, decreased energy levels, loss of teeth or limbs, blindness, deafness or other sensory impairment. Life in fifth and higher densities has none of those conditions and all attitudes, ideologies and beliefs are aligned with souls’ divine sovereignty.
Capabilities that will emerge incrementally are your birthrights, ingredients of the love-light energy composition of the soul. These include telepathic communication, manifestation by focused thought, levitation, teleportation, dematerialization, astral travel and traveling at the speed of thought, remote viewing, and memories of the Beginnings in quantity and clarity. You will be able to grow new limbs, teeth, organs and bones to replace mechanical implants, dentures, and prosthetic devices. And, when you feel you have grown spiritually and consciously as far as life on Earth offers, you can dematerialize your body and materialize one that fits the advanced world where you chose to spend your next physical lifetime.
Of all the innate capabilities, telepathic communication often is the first to develop in an awakening population and be remembered by souls who volunteered to help them waken, so dear sisters and brothers, let us tell you—actually, remind you— how this communication works. When my mother and I started talking more than 30 years ago, she asked me to explain how she could hear me as clearly as if we were sitting side by side. This is what I told her: It’s an energy transfer. You “hear” my thoughts impressed upon your consciousness. The pulsing of my thoughts takes an actual form, a thought form, that makes an impression upon your clean, receptive brain waves. The energy source is light electrically switched to pulses that are transferred at your level into your word vibrations.
The pulses don’t start out as words, but as vibratory rates indicating intelligence blips. There is continuous interaction, but always my thoughts precede your comprehension. My thoughts trigger words stored in your memory, and my thoughts carry a coding for choice. You don’t interfere with my thought forms by thinking of appropriate words, Mother. I don’t order up your words. You’re responding to my pulsing by making them available for my use. I depend upon your words to fill in the grooves of my thought forms with sensible sentences that let you comprehend what I want to convey. I pulse my intent through thought impressions, and your energy, aided by your vocabulary, memory and conscious assistance, lets the words that best express my intent come to your mind. It seems to be simultaneous, but there is an infinitesimal lag. [An excerpt of “Communication with Earth” chapter in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven.]
This means of communing, which can be by clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience or all of those, happens when the time is right for each person. The beginning may be thoughts you know are not your own or a “second” thought comes parallel to yours. You may start hearing a voice in your head or seeing recurring images in your mind’s eye, perhaps a ticker tape repeating a short message, or you may strongly sense an unseen benevolent presence.
If you are experiencing any of those signs or others that are unusual and you would like to initiate contact, you could write a note each morning to a person you would like to talk with. When a voice interrupts your thoughts, it could be that person; however, both light and dark beings are eager to connect with you. Everyone is protected by a light shield during communication with light beings, and we will offer guidance to help you reach only souls in the light.
Before trying to make contact, ask for protection of the Christed light. Christed has nothing to do with Christianity—it refers to the pure love-light energy essence of Creator, the most powerful force in the cosmos. No formal prayer is necessary—use whatever words are comfortable as you demand that only light beings may talk with you. Even with a protective prayer, certain circumstances invite base energies. In the beginning it is natural to think that the ‘voice in your head” may be your imagination and you seriously doubt that someone really is speaking to you. Doubt emits the low vibrations that attract dark entities, so feel as confident as you can that your connection is real.
We recommend that you tell the source to identify itself instead of asking, for instance, Is that you, Mandy? Most assuredly a dark entity will claim to be Mandy. If you feel uneasy about what you are hearing, say, “If you aren’t a light being, leave immediately” or something similar. If the speaker becomes profane or is evasive or irrational, end the conversation and delete your typed or written record. Like any other skill, telepathic conversing improves with practice—just be cautious and wise.
Never attempt to communicate when you are ill, tired, achy, angry, fearful or emotionally or mentally stressed—anything that is physically weakening or emotionally upsetting severely lowers, or fractures, your energy level. Light beings cannot lower their level to reach you and your low energy acts like a beacon for dark entities, which exist in low vibratory ranges. Feeling egotistical or prideful about being able to communicate telepathically absolutely will connect you with base entities, whereas feeling humble and grateful your ability has emerged emits the high vibrations that connect only with spiritually evolved souls.
It is important to enter a conversation with an open mind and without expectations. Family and friends have a higher perspective of world events than when they were with you and they also are assimilating knowledge of other lifetimes, so they may speak about subjects that surprise you or they don’t mention things you felt quite certain they would. Please don’t expect to hear the voices you remember—telepathy is an energy exchange. Also, preconceptions about what someone will say let your thoughts bleed into the transmission and distort what the source is saying. Strong beliefs also override information being transmitted.
This universe is One Consciousness and conversations are as easy with persons in physical worlds as in spirit worlds. Talking with a dear one who has incarnated in a country or civilization with a language you don’t know will pose no problem at all. Inherent in telepathy is a translation mode that automatically converts all languages into the language of light, which is understood at soul level throughout this universe.
Beloved family, it will be a time of rejoicing when you talk with us and other unseen souls as naturally as you do with family, friends and coworkers on Earth. Still, the sound of voices always will be valuable and endearing, like hearing a baby’s first words or I love you. Speaking telepathically won’t replace that, but rather immeasurably add to it, and since telepathy is the transfer of thoughts, using words to mask what is in minds isn’t possible. But then, when this kind of communication is commonplace in your world, deception no longer will be part of life there.
We have been asked why former US president Barack Obama was willing to campaign for a man he surely must know is not Joseph Biden. The Obama seen publicly for the past few years is an AI clone that replaced the man who was acting as Barack’s double. To start at the beginning, the Rockefellers head the vast formidable Illuminati faction in the United States and have long controlled both major political parties. Half the faction wanted Hillary Clinton to be Democratic party presidential nominee in 2008, half wanted Barack Obama. When the latter became the party candidate, his backers told him Joe Biden would be his vice president, and when he won the election, they told him who to appoint to cabinet positions and the first was Hillary as Secretary of State.
Obama was both controlled and undermined by the Rockefeller bloc within and outside the government. As an example, his plan to make healthcare insurance available to citizens who didn’t qualify under existing systems upset old apple carts. The Affordable Care Act fell far short of what he wanted to offer—the only legislation Congress would enact was designed by lobbyists for the Illuminati-owned insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
After attempts to rig the 2012 election failed, individuals at the peak of that secret society looked ahead to Obama’s potential usefulness after his second term ended. The pedophile ring that became known as Pizzagate had come to light and a “name-blame” would be helpful if conspiracy theory didn’t deter persistent investigators. Illuminati minions made photos and films of Obama conducting satanic rites and composed blatantly false emails and other documents, added all of those to a detailed list of their unspeakable activities and implicated him as the mastermind. Along with finger-pointing as a possible use for that packet of material, the Illuminati located persons who closely resembled Barack and Michelle.
When he refused to cooperate with their lethal agenda for Covid-19, both Obamas were killed. Their doubles quietly stepped in and kept a low profile, the Obama daughters received dire threats and minor financial assistance, other threats were issued and any individual who couldn’t be bribed was replaced with a look-alike or died “naturally.” And, the peak Illuminati felt the time was right to leak the “secret” in the upper ranks that Barack was their leader. The vile concocted material was forgotten when a new plan was devised when an actor started portraying Biden in 2021: AI clones of the Obamas would be produced and campaign for that imposter. Their popularity with voters and a stirring state of the union speech by the actor could defeat Donald Trump, the other presidential contender in this year’s election. Because the Illuminati cannot control Trump, it was essential to them that the Democrats retain power. After a deficient AI clone of Biden gave a poor presidential debate performance, “Biden” dropped out of the race and the emphasis of the Obama clones’ support was redirected.
There are other twists to this sad story about the spiritually evolved soul the highest universal council asked to incarnate as Barack Obama and serve as United States president. His many lifetimes as a wise and beloved leader in advanced civilizations could have benefitted that country and the world as the council and he himself envisioned, but he was prevented from doing anything progressive or benevolent. The ten-year delay in Earth civilization’s advancement in conscious awareness that the council had anticipated put Obama in the presidency when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deceit, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality were rampant. The combination produced a massive quantity of the low vibrations that sustained the Illuminati’s very survival and they kept building on those destructive global situations.
Decades later, during the uprooting of the Rockefeller network in the USA, the blackmail materials were unearthed. In some circles that despicable information is considered ironclad evidence, and the man who had died several years before rather than participate in a diabolical plan to fake a pandemic is, today, reviled by some as a consummate evildoer. Only top level Illuminati or their portrayers know “Obama” has been a programmed clone for the past few years.
Readers also have asked about the shooting of Donald Trump at a rally last month. Although an exhaustive investigation ensued, which is natural, it remains to be seen if findings include that the rally speaker was a Trump look-a-like who agreed to play that risky role. We have heard that in some quarters there are speculations that the shooting was expected but allowed to happen to flush out the perpetrators and also to strengthen Trump’s image of bold leadership. What we can confirm is, after numerous previous assassination attempts also went awry, some time ago the person Donald Trump was convinced to stay safely out of public view.
Dear family, those aren’t political matters we have been speaking about. They are fairly recent incidents of the pervasive malevolence, depravity, deception and violence in the United States government that has affected the whole world for two centuries as one generation of entrenched Illuminati after another has caused wars, famines, disease, toxic pollution, impoverishment and destruction. Ending that darkness on Earth requires God’s emissaries—White Hats, if you will, along with extraterrestrial special forces and intense light beamed from worlds afar—to eliminate the atrocious global empire. Aided by the high vibrations in the light of volunteers and growing godliness within the peoples, the powerful light forces are steadily moving toward victory. World transformation is well underway—this is a phenomenal time to live on Earth!
All light beings in this universe are cheering you all along your journey and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.
LOVE and PEACESuzanne Ward
7/27/24 - Is Humanity an experiment? The Collective of Ascended Masters
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very much an experiment. You are the ones doing the experimenting however, and you are not the lab rats of someone else’s experiment. You are experimenting with consciousness to see how far you can go from the truth of who you really are and to see what it will take to recover, to recuperate, to remember who you really are while still in physical form.
Death is easy. Death is a way out of the self-imposed experiment. Now of course, experiment is just a metaphor. Simulation and illusion are similar metaphors. But to you, what you are experiencing is real. It’s the real reality, and it’s real because it feels real and because as you experience it, it is real. And it is meant to be that way. That is what the forgetting is for. It is to allow you to have the experience that you are having.
Now, it is up to you ultimately, how you get back home, and you get to take whatever path you choose. There is no one path, but all paths do lead to Source. And so, no matter where you are on your path and no matter which path you chose, you can relax and rest assured that you are heading home. You are heading in the right direction as you continue to move forward. Now you can slow yourself down, and you can accelerate yourself, and when you are in that moment of acceleration you feel it because you feel more in the flow. And when you are more in the flow, you enjoy the journey more.
And so, what you are doing now in this lifetime is seeking out those flow moments. You are seeking out those moments from which you can glide more, you can ease more down the road. And for each of you it’s different. One person’s ease and gliding is someone else’s boredom or even torture, because it was not what they chose for themselves, but rather, what someone else chose for them and they agreed to. Other people will choose for you the path that you are supposedly to be on, but you don’t have to agree with them.
You don’t have to give up your sovereignty, your free will, your ability to choose what is right for you. And luckily, you have your feelings. Your feelings will guide you. Your feelings are more than just your intuition. They are visceral. They are in your body. You can tell by how your body is whether you are moving in alignment with your truth or succumbing to someone else’s.
And so, listen, pay attention, and slow down, and you will get there faster because you will notice when one of those points of flow is upon you, and you will glide right into it with certainty that it is your truth to follow that particular path at that particular moment. And we and others like us will continue to nudge you in those directions, not only with our words, but with the energies that we offer. And we are teaming up with so many others in your galactic teams, spirit guides, angels and ancestors, and fairies, and more to help you along that path with the greatest of ease.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
7/27/24 - Video - Attention all Starseeds: by Ashtar Command
(8 min, 7/26/24) Posted by GFL. Message by Ashtar: Beloved ground crew, I am Ashtar and I am very happy to be with you for another message through this channel today. You are entering a bubble of high frequency energy waves, and it is very important that you all remain aware and proactive. This is a new shift window as you head into August of your calendar. Shift windows are heightened energy pockets that have the potential to accelerate you. We notice many among you have been inadvertently amplifying negative influences by circulating distressing news. We highly recommend ceasing this activity immediately.
You possess immense power as creators and it is essential not to let darker forces manipulate this power to shape reality. Instead redirect your focus towards positivity and Light, which will manifest the same in return. We understand having undergone our own ascension journey that it is easy to become entangled in fear and uncertainty. However, I urge you to close your eyes and envision the future you desire for yourself and the world. Picture a world filled with peace, happiness and freedom, a world where darkness has no hold.
This vision will continue to contribute energetically to a global awakening and tilt the scales toward liberation. Fear places you exactly where darker energies want you. By maintaining your focus on light and employing your imagination you significantly enhance your creative abilities. Envision an earth rejuvenated and thriving in light and love, and believe in the power of your thoughts to prevent the darker narratives from taking shape. You are on the brink of a profound split from these negative influences and it's time to prepare collectively for an era dominated by light and love. The misdeeds of darkness are becoming increasingly irrelevant as they do not align with your higher path. We in the Galactic Federation of Light are diligently working to cleanse your world of negative energies behind the scenes. We encourage you to disconnect from mainstream news outlets that propagate fear. (Continue listening HERE)
7/27/24 - The U.S. Presidential Election: by the 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been observing you there on Earth for quite some time now, and we do know that you like to get riled up over your politics, your candidates, and your governments. And we also know that a lot of eyes are on the United States and their presidential election in November. You can support whichever candidate you want to support, and you can know that we, The Arcturian Council, support all of you. We support all of humanity and we do not take sides.
And so, while you decide which candidate is your choice to be the next president of the United States, do so without taking a side. You can lend your energetic support and your ballot to the candidate that you prefer without pushing against the other candidate or the other political party. It is possible to do this, and if you are someone who is getting involved in the politics of the United States, then you would do well to take our advice.
Understand that no one wins when two sides are pushing against each other with a tremendous force. It is only through working together, only through unity consciousness, that everyone wins. And so, we advise you not to focus on defeating anyone, whether it is a political person or the dark cabal. Instead, we invite you to promote love, peace, harmony, unity, a coming together of all peoples from all across the planet. That is what you are doing there on Earth, whether it looks that way or not. You are giving this idea of us-versus-them one last go round before you come together as one unified human race.
And yes, extra-terrestrial contact will play a part in that. It will get you to see yourselves as Earthlings first and foremost, and of from there you can see yourselves as Source Energy Beings first and foremost, and you will continue to evolve and ascend as you do so. That is what the e.t.s you will be encountering will want to teach you. They won’t just be handing over advanced technologies and med beds. They will be helping you to see yourselves as a unified whole and as Source Energy Beings. And you can start to do that right now, and you don’t have to let any election or any politician divide you.
You can rise above that level of consciousness, and you can come into the knowing of who you really are by doing just that, by rising above the hate and the pushing against, the resistance and the judgment that is such a part of the politics in the United States and in most places across your world. You are the ones who are meant to be the wayshowers and to rise above it all, and we implore you to do so during the times when the energies are at their most heightened. Now is one of those times, of course.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
7/26/24 - Video - Your financial systems by the Sirian High Council
(8 min, 7/25/24) Posted by GFL.com. Channeled by Zorion of the Sirian High Council. I am Zorion of the Sirian High Council and I am delighted to be with you today. My dear friends, many of you have been asking about changes to your world and specifically the financial systems. We say to you this: when something is in your mass consciousness it will materialize at some point into your physical realm. When more of you draw your resources and supply from Prime Creator the financial systems will shift and when we say shift know that it will blow your minds.
The good news is you are approaching this shift rapidly as enough truthful thoughts are being sown into the carnal or mass mind. So you see, the coming financial system changes are not just economic events, they are deeply intertwined with your spiritual evolution and the collective ascension of humanity. You might look at this as a reset, so we will call it this so you may understand it. But we would encourage you to look at it as a progression. This reset is a divine chapter indeed, designed to align the physical manifestations of your world with that higher vibrations of Love, equality and abundance that emanate from the Creator. We in the galactic realms request that you come together and visualize this quantum financial system being activated, transforming humanity into an era of prosperity for all. The more you do this, the more likely you are to anchor in that christic quantum reset timeline versus the negative version.
When you have finished this transmission share it with as many lightworkers as you can. The power of collective manifestation is your most powerful tool. Many of you have sensed a disparity in your world, a misalignment where wealth and resources are unevenly distributed. The upcoming quantum reset is an opportunity to correct these imbalances, to create a system that supports the well-being of all rather than a select few. However, understand that this shift begins within each of you. It is your personal transformation, your alignment with divine truth and abundance that will reflect and manifest in the outer world. Tune into the omnipresent energies of the creator that are flowing through the universe, reaching your planet to support this monumental shift. These energies carry the frequencies of balance, fairness and prosperity for all.
As you open your hearts and align with these divine qualities you become conduits for these energies, helping to anchor them into your reality during this time, it is vital to maintain a state of trust and inner peace. Fear and anxiety about material needs can create blockages preventing the flow of universal abundance into your life. Remember, you are not mere physical beings limited by material constraints. You are powerful spiritual beings capable of creating and experiencing abundance in all forms. As these shifts unfold, stay grounded and connected to your inner wisdom. The changes may be rapid and unexpected but with your heart centered in love and trust, you will navigate this period with grace and ease. Connect with the energy of Mother Earth to maintain your balance and remember that you are supported by the Angelic Realms at every step. This is a time of great potential and opportunity. Embrace it with an open heart and a clear mind.
Know that the changes are leading you towards a more equitable and prosperous world for all. My brave ones, this sacred resurgence is a deep cosmic recalibration of the fundamental energies composing your reality. The heart of humanity once constrained, now expands with an unprecedented inpouring of love and compassion signaling a shift in consciousness that elevates. All the connections to the cosmic heart through the radiant energies of Venus and Andromeda have been strengthened and are being opened wide even as we record this transmission. These celestial currents amplify the heart's opening on Earth, building a platform of new light that will soon connect you, not only to each other but to the divine loving consciousness of the cosmos.
We are the Syrian High Council and we walk hand in hand, heart in heart as you step into this radiant new chapter of your collective journey. Together we create a world where love reigns supreme and the divine dance of balance and unity shapes the destiny of all. In infinite love and light we are with you now and always. That is all for now. I am Zorion of Sirius.
7/24/24 - Mira of the Pleiades: You hold the light codes
Channeled by Galaxygirl
Hello dear friends, this is Mira, working full time for the Earth Ascension project, here with several of my team members. We wish for you to know that you are well watched over, and that all is rapidly proceeding according to divine order and plan. We are not privy to the entire plan of the Divine, and we are unable to display any dates for you, but we can say that dating and timing is in flux as you are ascending more rapidly than was previously anticipated. You are holding the light codes with more aplomb than your bodies were previously able to handle, and you are radiating more and more light out towards us, towards the cosmos and other aspects of your great selves.
You light workers are carrying a heavy load and we wish for it to seem lighter, to feel lighter. Ask your teams to assist you, to carry the load with you and perhaps you will find that the load is light. The higher dimensional energies are light, are light codes and your bodies may be beginning to quite literally be lighter and feel lighter. Many of you are in the process of shedding unwanted and unnecessary pounds for your bodies no longer need that cushion of what felt to be protection from the energetic onslaught and flux, but now as your inner bodies are more in tune the outer body layers of fat which had served as protective layers energetically, may be shed, and you may notice that your tastes are changing to go along with this. There are great changes happening all around and it is not a time of boredom or complacency but of excitement and tenacity. Many stories will be told of this time.
I Mira am speaking to you. I love you. I have great tenderness in my heart for this project and many of you are my friends and family from days – lifetimes – gone past. We do not age within the time field of no time and I have known your soul’s for millinea, many of you. I come forward this night at the request of this one, to offer encouragement and a news update as best as I can. There is much that of course I cannot share but much that I can and what I see as the biggest change since my last debriefing with you, friends, is the climate of energetics that you are radiating. We see more light from the earth emanating from you to us, and we see more light holders holding more and beaming more confidently. The ascension will happen whether every one is ready for it or not and it will happen regardless of who is in charge on any political scenes below, do you see? This cannot be stopped. The light, the planets, the very astrology of the cosmos is conspiring for the will of Creator to be put in place. There is much that has shifted and improved from our perspective. The underground bases are much more cleaned out and only a few tunnels remain, but we have technology that others do not and this technology we lovingly utilize to minimize any harm and to maximize the outcome of success.
I believe you will be excited to see the progress from our side of the screen. Won’t you join us tonight? Your Pleiadian family is here for you, as are your other many space family lineages. You are never alone, far from it. You are highly watched over. Another item that has condensed is your timeframe of manifestation. It is more instant now, so be careful what you wish for, and be open for miracles for they are on their way. We can see great changes and joys ahead for humanity. I Mira send you my love. We are tirelessly working night and day for your successful ascension project completion. Blessings. Over and out.
7/24/24 - Video - Earth Just Shifted! By Mira of the Pleiades
(8 min, 7/23/24) Posted by GFL.com. At the start of this new year Earth received a magical boost that changed everything. It's like when you spin a wheel faster and faster and suddenly it's going so fast that it looks different. That's what happened to Earth. It got a super spin that changed how it looks to the universe. Now Earth is shining brighter and moving into a space where everything feels more like light and less like solid things. Imagine holding a handful of light that moves and dances between your fingers. That's what Earth is becoming - a place of dancing lights. This change means that Earth is not just a regular planet anymore. It's becoming a special place filled with light and magic. Inside you there are tiny lights too just like Earth. These lights in your cells are waking up and starting to glow brighter. This might make you feel a bit funny sometimes like when you spin around and stop suddenly. But it's all part of adjusting to this new brighter light. The moment you stepped into 2024 your heart - yes, your heart - got a spark of this bright light. This spark is helping you remember how amazing you are and bringing you back to feeling more alive and connected to everything. You're becoming more like the true you filled with the power to create and share love, to help you all connect and strengthen this harmony. (Continue listening at Source)
7/24/24 - Video - Galactic Federation of Light: How is it going to happen?
(8 min, 7/22/24) Posted by GFL.com. Friends of Earth we are the Galactic Federation reaching out across the
Galaxy to share a message of guidance once more. Let's talk about the event. Dramatic changes have been unfolding on your world and you have all felt the quickening pace. World events are happening that many do not understand. Driven by massive energy sent to Gaia via solar flares and other Celestial occurrences over the last year and a half, your personal lives have been significantly disrupted, forcing many to re-evaluate their lives. This chaos is not a coincidence. It is all connected and serves a purpose - your ascension. It is time for humanity on Gaia to ascend. This is historic news that should bring immense joy to your hearts. The process of your spiritual development has been millennia in the making.
Many races of the Galactic Federation have watched over Gaia and your progress. Throughout this time this message is meant for all Guians, not just the spiritually aware. Everyone needs to be informed so that all may experience this natural process with ease and joy. Ascension events are rare and no beings generally live long enough to witness more than one. Thus there are no records for you to reference. This time Earth humans have chosen to ascend in their bodies rather than passing over and having their spirits elevated without a body. You as a collective decided how your Ascension would occur. Many of you may have experienced Ascension symptoms over the past 20 years, and particularly this year of your time. Your bodies have been changing, increasing in vibration and light. You can now hold more light in your bodies than before. Changes in eating and sleeping patterns are common and while some understand these things, many others may be surprised as they begin to happen.
This is why we bring this message. When the Ascension event begins, people on the side of the planet that is awake will suddenly become quiet. Drivers will pull over. Joggers will stop and workers will lay down where they are. People will be guided to find a place to rest, experiencing extreme exhaustion. This is a natural process. Those on the dark side of the planet will experience it in their sleep. Dreaming of transportation and arriving
at their destined level of spiritual ascension. People will go to the area that feels comfortable to them, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, or higher. They will dream the experience but wake up there in their bodies, feeling a bit confused, but comforted by their angel guides, spirit guides and higher self. You will understand that everyone went where they were meant to go. We hope this information brings comfort. Even if family and friends end up in different destinations you will feel connected to them. You will not mourn them as if they are dead, but understand that they are where they need to be. Your guides will always be with you to provide
The times ahead on your world are more incredible than you can imagine. Know deep within your being that
this is the victory of the light. Rejoice! Trust and allay your doubts. We love you and are here with you in unity and with boundless affection. We are your Galactic allies with the deepest love. We are the Galactic Federation.
7/24/24 - Video - Audiobook: Secret of the Saucers by Orfeo Angelucci
(4 hours, posted 1/19/24) "The Secret of the Saucers" is a book written by Orfeo M. Angelucci, first published in 1955. The book describes Angelucci's experiences and his interpretations of the messages he received from the aliens. According to Angelucci, the extraterrestrial beings were concerned about the spiritual evolution of humanity and were working to guide humanity towards a more peaceful and harmonious future . The book is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It was edited by Ray Palmer, the gray eminence behind FATE magazine, the publisher of the first flying saucer accounts, and the Shaver mythos before that . Angelucci's name doesn't appear on the title page, simply Palmer as editor. Angelucci is, strangely, only listed as a copyright holder . Angelucci was a regular guy, a swing-shift line worker at a Lockheed factory in southern California. On Friday, May 23, 1952, by this account, he was strangely drawn to a remote location in Griffith Park; actually not a bad place to land a UFO in Los Angeles. He was contacted by an alien entity named 'Neptune.' Later he is taken aboard a spaceship, gets to visit their paradisiacal home planet by exchanging bodies with Neptune, meets Jesus, and gets to see the end of the world (in 1986) .
Angelucci does some seminal UFO myth-building here. There was a being named Lucifer who lived on a planet between Mars and Jupiter. His hubris led to the planet being shattered into the asteroid belt. Humans were imprisoned on Earth, to work off the karmic debt. There is a 'prime directive' which prevents the UFO builders from interfering in Earth's affairs. However, humanity's spiritual evolution is helped along by extraterrestrial, godlike entities such as Jesus. The contactee is instructed to spread the UFO builders' message to the world at large, and only a handful are picked from the multitudes. All of these themes have become incorporated in one form or another into various UFO belief systems . The book makes a brisk read, and if you suspend disbelief, it works as science fiction as well . The book is a chronicle of astounding detail about Angelucci's time aboard UFOs (then called "flying saucers"), and bristles with the cosmic wisdom of the aliens' knowledge, expounding on matters of philosophy, time, the nature of life and death, and why the space beings have contacted Angelucci to begin with .
In summary, "The Secret of the Saucers" is a book that describes Angelucci's experiences and his interpretations of the messages he received from the aliens. The book is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It explores the science and technology of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), with perspectives from physics, biology, and astronomy. It details the characteristics and capabilities of UFOs and the implications of their existence. The book is a chronicle of astounding detail about Angelucci's time aboard UFOs (then called "flying saucers"), and bristles with the cosmic wisdom of the aliens' knowledge, expounding on matters of philosophy, time, the nature of life and death, and why the space beings have contacted Angelucci to begin with.
7/20/24 - Saint Germain: The Great Reveal is Coming Closer!
Channel: James McConnell
I am Saint Germain. And I’ve come at this time to ask a question, ask a question of all of you. That question is, are you enjoying the show? Are you enjoying the movie? The scripted events that are in process? And yes, indeed, they are scripted. For the Universal Plan is just that, universal. It has been a plan that has been in the works for a long time now. Not only for this country, the United States, for America, but for the entire world, the entire planet is a part of this plan. And it is in process and it is coming closer and closer to full revealing coming forward. And yes, I speak now of your Republic, your Republic of the United States for America, as well as how it relates to the entire world, the entire world population coming together as one because of the Constitution within this country and the continuing of that Constitution throughout the planet.
This country, the United States for America, not of America, but for America, is the catalyst. It was the catalyst when I began in the Declaration of Independence, where I had a large part in playing the role to bring about that declaration, to bring about the Constitution into being, bring about the Bill of Rights. All of that. And all of this is coming to fruition now. Finally, after all of these hundreds of years coming together. But it is not just hundreds of years. It has been thousands of years here on the earth where this third dimensional illusion has held sway all of this time. But it is coming to an end.
I will not use the term soon, but know that the full revealing is very close now. Full revealing that you have all been waiting for, looking for, where you would indeed see the end of this movie and the beginning of the new reality that is yours, yours as a destiny as again part of the great universal plan for this world and for many worlds beyond, for many galaxies beyond.
So much is happening here right at this moment to be the catalyst for the entire solar system and galaxy to bring light everywhere and to see the darkness recede everywhere. This is the promise that was made to you so long ago in that great conclave where you all found yourselves volunteering to be here, the promise that was made to you at that time that if you persevere, that you will come and be here at the moment when all is revealed, when all truth comes forward when indeed the end of the movie is shown for what it is, what it has been. But know that as you watch this movie, know that all is certainly not as it seems.
Many of you, even those of you that are awakened at this point, will be shocked by much of the revealings coming forward. And if you can just imagine how so many others across the planet that have not awakened yet, how they will be shocked even more. So much.
The great revealing. That is the way you need to look at this from this point on in this month that you are approaching now and several months moving beyond that. The great revealing is coming.
I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to, indeed, watch this as a show, a movie playing out. Do not become involved in it, attached to it. Always continue to find yourself becoming unattached to everything. It is part of the third dimensional illusion.
7/20/24 - Secrets Coming Forth: by One Who Serves and Shoshanna
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum* Greetings to you, One Who Serves here. And we are here. We the Ones Who Serve, the collective that we are, as well as Shoshanna is here. And we are ready to assist you and continue to guide you along the way here and to answer your questions now if you have them.
(Member Question): I have a question. We were talking in our discussion about the hero whistleblower Julian Assange. Can you shed some light on what really happened? Did he die in prison? Did a double die in prison once he released from prison? Could you shed some light for us? About Julian Assange.
(OWS Answer) You want answers that we cannot at this point give you because as we say many times it would spoil the surprise but even more than that it is not the time yet for that but it is coming; it is part of the great reveal as Peter Mayne has given here and there is so much more of this revealing coming forward you are going to be amazed in the next days weeks and months how much has been hidden from your eyes. So much that has been kept behind the scenes. But not for much longer, we will say. So Shoshanna, would you have perspective or maybe you can give more here?
(Shoshanna’s perspective) We will share. Dear sister, may we share? (Thank you, yes.) Dear sister! There are many illusions taking place in this third dimensional realm. There are many misdirections, you see. Because there is a goal to eradicate darkness, to eradicate evil. That is the goal, you see. So when you observe such a happening, like this dear man being what you think is released from what you think is prison, you must take into consideration the illusion. What was the goal, you see? We would love to tell you the entire story but we cannot, we must tell you to rely on your own intuition, on your own understanding, on your own revealing, because what you feel in your heart and what has been revealed to you as a conscious knowing being is the truth for you, you see. Namaste.
(OWS comment) The other one that had the question, Thomas? Yes.
(Member Question) I just have one main question for everything. And that question is why? Why all the secrecy? Why all the stuff happening in the back rooms, as people say? Why is everything not in the open? And is this sort of like the second revolution for the United States for America. I’m just wondering why. I know it’s worldwide, but why is this all secret?
(OWS Answer) We will tell you that the reason that it is being kept as a secret, as you say, clandestine, as you might also say, is because there is so much that cannot yet at this point be revealed. It must be held back. It is part of the plan because you see people everywhere are not as awakened as you are and in many cases are still quite somewhat asleep. And to bring all of this out at once would completely shock their nervous systems. And that cannot be allowed to happen. So it must be given in small helpings here and there as it can be. But we will tell you that if you are coming to a point here where the Why is going to be answered very shortly here and continue to be answered. One thing after another, after another, these so -called dominoes are very close here to beginning to fall all the way this time. Not just one or two here and there, but all of them. And once it begins, there will be no stopping it. It is like an avalanche coming down the mountain. Nothing can stop it, you see. So that is what you are approaching here. And the idea of the United States for America, the new republic, that is also fast coming into fruition here to coincide with worldwide plans as well, not just here in this country, but worldwide. Freedom is at hand, we will say. And the end of the third dimensional illusion is fast coming to a close here. Shoshanna, do you have something to add?
(Shoshanna’s perspective) We do. If this brother wishes for our perspective here, do you wish for our perspective?
(Member comment) I definitely do and I’m just tired of the waiting.
(Shoshanna continues) Here is the reality. The planet that you live on does not have the spiritual maturity or the emotional maturity to truly handle the truth, you see. Even those that are on the call question their own senses, their own intuition, their own knowing. We must explain this, that the realm that you are living on is a delusion and an illusion because those that participate do not have the capacity to know the truth. You see, that is why there are a handful that manage the white hats and there are a handful that manage the activities of the cabal because the majority that walks around on this planet are highly hypnotized, highly programmed, you see. So if you told them the truth, they wouldn’t even believe it anyway. They would not believe what they are hearing. Often, you will find this. You will speak to those in your circle that are asleep and you will tell them what you know and they will think you are a nut job. You see, because they are not awake. So you must understand that the secrecy, the hush hush, the management that is going on on your planet is for the good of those that are asleep as they could not handle it. So you must just wait, you see, and focus on your spiritual maturity. Focus on your emotional maturity. What you need to do to elevate in consciousness because anything else outside of you is irrelevant. Namaste.
(Continue reading at Source)
7/14/24 - The Spinal Column is central pole of the body: The Maha Chohan
The Maha Chohan channeled thru Geraldine Innocente on 3/20/60
When the spinal column of the physical body is in perfect alignment, the lifestream is in perfect harmony with the holy Christ Self and the I Am Presence, and such a chela becomes an instrument of great value to the Ascended Masters. The spinal column is the central pole of the body around which the various organisms and electrons spin. It is like unto the axis of the physical earth held in place by Polaris and Magnus. Within this spinal column is the magnetic core of love that holds the physical vehicle itself in manifest expression. Within the spinal column is the cosmic keynote for each lifestream. The tone and the natural harmony of the vehicle [body] are constantly flowing through the nervous system from the spinal column; and that harmony is the sustaining power of the outer self of each such chela.
When harmony in the physical form is temporarily broken through strain and tension, it may be acquired again if the chela will lie quietly upon his bed with a low headrest (or none) and visualize his spinal column as the “pole”. Then, in relaxation, let the light from the spinal column go through the nervous system and the entire physical vehicle carrying the light into every cell and atom of his being. If this can be done for fifteen minutes daily, the chela breathing deeply and rhythmically, holding the thought and feeling of LIGHT, he can again adjust his physical body and arise refreshed and relaxed.
Upon examining the records of my chelas over the past year, I find that their harmony, kindness and love have been extraordinary considering the pressure on the outer vehicles. Nearly all, without realizing it, have been through spiritual initiations, where their strengths and their weaknesses have been tested, and I am glad to say they have not been found wanting.
We have watched your progress, dear ones, and we are indeed gratified that so many of you have maintained a definite integrity in placing the Ascended Masters’ service first, and by centering yourselves in the heart of your Presence you can consciously maintain that harmony. Love and blessings. ( Printz 2, page 356, speaking to the Bridge to Freedom students on 3/20/60.)
From book "Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book 2", page 356. Original dictations of the Ascended Masters as published in the monthly magazine of the "Bridge to Freedom" activity. 5 books, approx. 450 pp. each. These messages are the very core of the teaching. Most of these dictations cannot be found in any other book. They have been gathered from newsletters of the original teachings and republished in www.ascendedmaster.org.
7/14/24 - Jeshua: A Time for Celebration
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am in your midst; I am Jeshua. I love being with you; feel my presence in this room. I am an equal, your friend and brother. I would like to tell you that this is a time for celebration. I know that many of you still have doubts and fears about choices you have to make in your life. But Christ consciousness is awakening in all your hearts like a flame. It is still very tender and not yet stable, but it is there; it is awakening. When we are together, like we are now, when we recognize each other from the heart, from the soul, this enables us to light a fire inside us.
Please feel me in your heart. I was very human like you, so do not see me as an elevated master high above you. I want to share with you your joy and laughter, as well as your pain and loneliness; I want to be with you through it all. Feel the embrace of hope. You can be at Home here; you can now relax. You have done very well; you have been very courageous.
You are walking a difficult path in your life on Earth, and I will tell you a little bit more about that path. You belong to a family of souls I will call lightworkers, and you have lived on Earth numerous times. Your soul has evolved through many, many centuries, but at a certain point, a deep change took place in your heart and your soul. It is difficult to summarize that change in a few words, but I will try in the following way.
As you start your journey as an individual soul, you begin to explore the universe and experience life, not just on Earth, but on several places in the universe, which is infinite. But you also feel separated from Home, from the original Oneness of which you were a part, so being born as an individual soul brings with it a birthing pain.
In the beginning stages of your journey as a soul, you try to heal that pain of separation by looking outside yourself. Your ego tries to gain power in order to feel good and at Home; to gather power and rule over others in order to have a sense of control, which gives you a temporary peace. But as you go on and evolve, you discover that there are no external ways of easing the pain of separation. When you deeply and truly realise this is when you begin your spiritual journey.
Even though you do not yet have the answers, you do realise that the answers are inside you and not outside, and this is when you become a lightworker. You start to let go of the ego and you start to open up to the consciousness of the heart, although for a long time, you are sort of stuck in the middle. You want to let go of ego-based consciousness, but you cannot yet truly trust heart-based consciousness. What is now happening to many lightworkers on Earth is that they have been born with a genuine and deep desire to attain heart-based consciousness in this lifetime. But society, as it currently exists on Earth, has not yet made the leap into heart -based consciousness.
When you are growing up as a child, you are bombarded with information about what a “good life” is supposed to be. You are taught to fit into society and to attain the ideals that society offers you. There are a lot of images and pictures impressed upon you from society during your upbringing about what it is like to be a good and successful human being. But as a lightworker, you do not fit in with these ideals or requirements; they do not resonate with your soul. You feel different, and you feel like you cannot adjust to what society tells you. When you do not recognise yourself in the people around you, you start to feel lonely and even desperate. You start to doubt yourself and have negative judgements about who you are, and doing that is harmful to you. The tragic thing, and the paradox, is that you are meant to feel different on Earth, that you are meant to not fit in. Can you feel that you fulfil your soul’s mission by being different, that you bring a new awareness on to Earth?
What is happening right now on Earth on a global scale is that the dominance of ego-based consciousness is destroying nature and Earth. Ego-based consciousness is directed by a need for control and therefore cannot have complete harmony with nature and other beings. The ego is always yearning for control; it is like a big hole that constantly must be filled, so it craves for love from the outside, for recognition, for success.
I am not here to judge this type of consciousness, because it is a part of the soul’s evolution, but I am here to tell you that you are now beyond that. You do not have to listen to the rules and the standards of society which are still based on ego consciousness. So I am telling you to have self-esteem and to truly value yourselves. I would like you to stand up and be proud of yourselves. You are the teachers, you are the bringers of light in this world.
Feel my call upon you. What I am asking you to do is nothing less than to be yourself – to be different. Share your views, your original ideas, your intuition with the world. Do not be afraid of rejection, and do not seek recognition outside yourself. Feel your inner strength; be aware of it. That is what is needed right now in the world.
There is a paradox here. When I ask you to be proud of yourself, I do not mean the ego type of pride. What I am asking of you is to open up to the true power and radiance of your heart. The greatest pitfall now for lightworkers on Earth is a deep lack of self-esteem. They often feel lonely and abandoned by society, and their inner child is in need of love and protection. That is why I very often emphasize how important it is to embrace your inner child, because that is the part which is most vulnerable and inclined to seek external solutions. So embrace your inner child; be aware of your beauty, the vibration of love and compassion you carry in your hearts.
As we sit here, feel for a moment the vibration that is present in this room; the vibration of your souls. Feel the light and the wisdom gathered over so many lifetimes. This light that is now present is yours, it is not mine; I am here to remind you of it. And I am here to tell you that it is okay to be different; you are meant to be different; you are messengers from another dimension. You are meant to move beyond ego consciousness. Of course, you still have to deal with fear and doubts inside yourself, but you have the understanding and the compassion in your heart to see yourself with accepting eyes. Be kind and gentle with yourself, because you are so used to judging yourself, to “beating up” yourselves.
I would like to end with a little exercise. Imagine you are holding up a torch in your right hand and you are not hiding it any more. See yourself in your everyday environment holding that torch visibly in front of you. Now see if there is something in your life that wants to change, that would change if you held up your light in this way. Is it something in your relationship or perhaps in your work environment? Let the torch of light, which is yours, guide you.
Never be ashamed of this light, and see it for what it really is. This is your light, so what does it tell you? Feel it’s purity. It is an eternal light; it is your soul’s light. Your soul wants to come Home; it wants to let go of separation. After many, many journeys in the universe, it wants to return to the center of Oneness. It wants to experience the joy and inspiration that belong to this state of Oneness.
I started this message by saying there is now reason for celebration. That reason is because there are now so many people on Earth, so many lightworkers who have this same longing for Oneness, for Home, that things are really starting to change. The purpose of your life is to bring Home down on to Earth. When you reach the state of Oneness, of surrender to heart consciousness in your life on Earth, then you have reached your goal. When you are able to hold this consciousness in an environment that is still in transition from ego to heart, than you are the teacher that you are meant to be, so be the teachers that you are.
I love you deeply and I am always with you as a brother and a friend.
Thank you.
7/13/24 - The Light in Your Electrons is Love - The Maha Chohan
The Maha Chohan channeled thru Geraldine Innocente on 12/22/57
How often have members of the human race heard those two important words “know thyself”. Allow me now to help you, each dear one, to know yourself and, in this knowing, to bring healing, harmony, and the lightness of joy into your life. The physical body is made up of very tiny particles of light substance which the world of men has chosen to call “electrons”. These electrons are emitted from the body of God and are loaned to the individual lifestream to create a garment of flesh in the “image and likeness” of the holy Christ Self.
The Holy Christ Self projects a light pattern of itself into the universal light substance of this physical world, and into the center of that pattern the Holy Christ Self projects the cohesive power of love referred to as the Threefold Flame. Then this Threefold Flame, from the universal light substance around it draws the electrons to make the flesh body or physical form.
The electrons are in constant motion, swinging round and round in the body, and if you had a high enough type of microscopic vision you would see that what appears to be a leg or arm is a constant sea of moving light encircling in an orbit. And like the tide of the sea being “allowed to go so far and no further” than the periphery of its particular border, these circling electrons form what we refer to as the “members” of the body.
The marvel of man is the cohesive power of love that keeps the electrons year after year circling in their individual orbits, and the composite whole making the hand or the head or the arm or the organ, no electron losing its identity or getting caught into another member.
The vibratory action of the whole body is determined by the keynote of the lifestream. Mankind’s vibratory action is away below its natural harmony, and the electrons in all four bodies are moving a great deal more slowly than is their natural expression. The slower they move, the denser the body and the mind. The quicker they move the lighter the body. In the Ascended Masters’ vehicles the electrons vibrate so rapidly that they are like the propeller of a rapidly moving plane, invisible to the physical sight.
The process of evolution through attention to the light quickens the pace of the electrons in every atom and cell of one’s being, and when one’s attention is on the light, the whole harmony of his individual solar system is increased beyond all outer measures of speed.
In the case of an injured or diseased “member,” the more light consciously directed into the electrons of that “member”, the more rapid will be the healing. A broken member, for instance, means that the natural orbit of the electronic life in that member has been temporarily shattered, and a new core of love must be established through the main shaft of the bone, when the electrons are again drawn in harmony around this core.
You would be surprised, dear ones, what singing in love to these little lives in a broken bone or diseased member would do for you.
Footnote: From book "Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book 2", page 102. Original dictations of the Ascended Masters as published in the monthly magazine of the "Bridge to Freedom" activity. 5 books, approx. 450 pp. each. These messages are the very core of the teaching. Most of these dictations cannot be found in any other book. They have been gathered from newsletters of the original teachings and republished in www.ascendedmaster.org.
7/13/24 - Video - Ashtar Message from 2009
(1'58" - 12/16/22) Posted by Aurora Light Vortex Network News. This is a high-powered, fast-talking, nearly two-hour-long talk that will make your head spin. Ashtar reveals tactics of the higher realm intelligences, the various layers, levels and energies of the one intelligence, the Radiant One, the I AM Presence - and Ashtar's role as commander of the Ashtar Command, his fleets and his work with the Galactic Federation of Light and the many brothers and sisters within that organization. How they have been protecting and acting as guardians of planet Earth for eons. Channeled thru Michael Ellegion on 1/3/09. Michael was born without veils, and has had contact with the higher realms from birth. He acts as a bridge for the masters. Ashtar has been giving messages to Earth for many years, thru different channels, starting in the 1950's with Tuella. See "Tuella, a Tribute to Ashtar" available on Amazon.
7/11/24 - The Monumental event of full E.T. contact - The 9D Arcturian Council
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very happy to connect with all of you who have an interest in us and in our star system. We are helping you to get closer to that time where you will be able to stand in front of a physical extra-terrestrial being, because it is easier for you all to handle energies coming from the nonphysical and from a place as peaceful and beautiful as Arcturus. We are existing in nonphysical form and therefore are nonlocal, but we still carry the energetic signature of our place of origin, the Arcturian Star System.
We welcome all of you to open yourselves up to us whenever you get that opportunity to do so. During the times when you are receiving these transmissions, you could also be consciously be opening yourselves up to our energies and our consciousness so that you can connect to us on your own. We have seen and felt the progress that you are making there on Earth in regards to physical e.t. contact, and we know for a fact that many individuals are having their physical e.t. contact experiences. Some of those humans remember those contact experiences, and some do not.
When you receive nonphysical extra-terrestrial energy, you are getting activations of your e.t. DNA. You also have the opportunity to remember more of your lifetimes as an extra-terrestrial. Therefore, these contact experiences are very important. They are laying the groundwork for the physical face-to-face encounters that you all want.
You are also getting closer with the spotting of UFOs in your skies. You are receiving activations and downloads in those moments as well. Many of you realize this who have had those experiences, because you understand that they are aware of your thoughts in those moments. It is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth because you get to have so many of these experiences in this one lifetime, and all of these experiences are of course leading to your ascension.
Once you ascend, you will be able to interact with whichever e.t.s you want to, and you will have the ability to go to their star systems and set foot on their planets, their moons, and their space stations. You are getting closer to that time every single day that you are there on Earth. Relax and enjoy the ride because the destination is a guarantee. If you play with what you have available to you right now, you will be able to feel more timeless and to enjoy the journey to full extra-terrestrial contact with physical beings, and we will be cheering you on all the way to that monumental event there on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
7/11/24 - George Adamski, contactee, on the space brothers
Excerpt from book "Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery", 1961 by Warner Paperback Library
Throughout the years since I first met Orthon on a California desert, I have had many meetings with our space traveling friends. Some have been very casual and unexpected. Others I expected, much as I described in "Inside the Space Ships". Never have I been able to make definite appointments with them for a specific time and place, nor have I outgrown the inner exaltation of being in their company. However, even though I have had so many meetings with them, it would be as foolish for me to say that I know all who are on Earth, as it would be to say that I know everybody in any city or town. I have been told that on many occasions I have been visited by and talked with space travelers without recognizing them, and without their identifying themselves. On a few occasions I have later met one or two on a ship whom I recognized as having talked with previously, without recognition.
It is for this reason that I have so often said and written that many people, in fact untold numbers of people, have met and talked with space travelers without recognizing them. Many work in industries and government positions throughout the world. They may also be found in the armed forces of every nation, working in divisions of science, communications, medical corps, etc., where they are not required to be trained for slaughter of their fellowmen.
I have been asked endless times how this can be, when so many personal identifications are required of everyone nowadays. These are not insurmountable problems even to Earth's people. There are innumerable ways in which identifications can be established. If one questions this statement, let him start an investigation into the matter, and he may uncover many surprises for himself!
Often the space people are recognized as being above the average in their natural friendliness, and slowness to anger, and at times in their telepathic abilities. But since telepathy is a science in which many people on Earth have developed an interest with more or less success in using, the space people in business are usually shrugged off as just good telepathists, or as having extremely strong hunches. Let me here give a warning to the reader not to think everybody who uses telepathy or follows his hunches or feeling impressions, is a space visitor. Keep balanced in all ways and accept a man for what he is, not as a possible god, as so many have catalogued the space people.
Since the publication of "Inside the Space Ships", people throughout the world have turned to virtual worship of our visitors from other planets. I have received innumerable letters from those who want to meet them and be taken to another planet where they might evade the lessons of earth. This was not at all the purpose of the book.
As I have said, many of our meetings have been very casual - we would discuss Earth and her people, along with some of the problems we have created for ourselves, the same as you and I might do over a cup of coffee or a glass of beer. In "Inside the Space Ships" it was said that, even under the best of conditions, Man sometimes develops a tendency toward arrogance, in spite of having been taught its penalties. This continues to take place occasionally throughout the Cosmos, on even the most highly developed planet of which we can conceive. Since Universal Law forbids Man to destroy Man, such people are still moved to more lowly planets where they may experience the penalty they have been taught awaits the arrogant, for it is a characteristic of mankind to remember better lessons learned through experience than by other methods of instruction. Earth long ago was chosen as the planet in our system to which such people were moved. But let me make clear one important point.
Because of this statement, many readers jumped to the conclusion that Earth is nothing more than a penal colony, and her inhabitants have little chance for joy and happiness. This is erroneous! It is the working out of the Law and not personal decisions of other people. This point has been made very clear to me by the space people, whose understanding and compassion far surpass our limited conception. Our Earth was formed by the same Creator who built all the planets, suns and satellites that form endless numbers of systems throughout the Cosmos. It is as holy as any place in the entire universe. Earth is even more beautiful than many planets whose inhabitants have overcome destructive attitudes and have advanced socially and scientifically beyond us. If Man would take the time and effort to observe the beauty of Nature, wherever he might be, he could not help but recognize the many blessings bestowed upon Earthlings by the great Creator. (End excerpt)
Pages 62-64, "Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery" by George Adamski, 1961.
7/11/24 - Video - Healing from sexual trauma - The Pleiadian High Council
(8 min - 7/9/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. Channeled by Divina Solmanos) Sexual energy is misunderstood energy. This primal force is the creative force that animates the universe. What is called sexual energy is a bridge between the tangible and intangible, between the individual and the universal. Conscious engagement melds spirit with matter, becomes the cosmic web spun by Grandmother Spider. Opposites meld as spirit and matter fuse, fueling artistic endeavors. Set intention and awareness before engaging in sexual activity to hone, sharpen emotional intelligence.
7/10/24 - Video - Ashtar: Enjoy your last few months of 3D Life
(8 min - 7/10/24) Posted by GFLstation.com, channeled by Vania Rodriguis of Anjosaluz.net. The following is from the transcript:
"Beneath the surface lies an invincible vibrant Force an eternal presence that animates your every breath and thought. Take a moment to connect with this great source of your being more often upon waking in the morning. Put your mind on Prime creator before any other thoughts of the day are allowed to crowd in. This will help you align for the first half of your day so that you may be a blessing in the lives of others. This Inner Essence, your true self, awaits your contact amidst the fleeting shadows of the material world. The body you see and interact with is a portal to a deeper unassailable truth, a journey toward understanding your sovereignty beyond physical confines. Light workers now is the time to go within to become still and tune into your real self. This will be crucial in the coming days, weeks and months as your Ascension energies increase greatly. Your path now cannot be stopped, and a new reality of higher density must be prepared, for many of you have longed to move into higher realms without fully realizing how different it is from your current state of awareness.
"Everything you enjoy in the physical is about to shift radically and you will miss it. We all miss it when it happens so we share these words with you. Enjoy every second and slow down. Appreciate the simple material things you have. If you are going through a challenging time, ask your higher self why this is. State that you are ready to move beyond the difficulties and reveal how to do this with ease and grace. This time of inward exploration will unravel a realm of peace, power and vibrant energy, preparing you for the stark contrast to
the fleeting nature of physical life. It's important to act at to this now dear ones the key to reconnecting with your true being lies in shifting your focus from thought to the sensation of the inner body where your life force resides and can be accessed.
"This practice opens the door to understanding your place in the cosmos dissolving the illusion of separation and encouraging you to see yourself as an an integral part of the whole. It's time to recognize your identity beyond the physical and embrace the journey of awakening that transforms your understanding of existence itself. Your collective path to enlightenment involves a deep transformative connection with your physical bodies. Your individual ascension journey is an inward voyage that brings forth the creator within the physical, reshaping your perception of reality. Now is the time my dear starseeds to realize your full potential to step beyond the limitations imposed upon you by external authorities and embrace the true sovereign laws of the universe. This next initiation will guide you as you take your next steps on the evolving landscape of your ascension, lighting the way for a series of deeper realizations of your infinite eternal nature"
7/10/24 - Video - The Arcturian Council: The Awakening is upon you
(8 min - 7/9/24) Posted by GFLstation.com. A message from Tia of the Arcturian Council: Love is your compass. It guides you away from materialism and the confusions of mind and ego that exists separate from the heart and soul, creating the illusion that you are separate from the wholeness and oneness of life. Come back to your inner light and inner flowering. A collective readiness is emerging on Earth. Your ascension in consciousness is building as a crystalline bridge appearing as flashes and bleed-throughs amid the wastelands of destruction and chaos. Unity and peace can be seen as the crystalline bridge appears to take shape throughout the lands of Earth. Destruction continues to dissolve old fears and negative beliefs. Your inner work is blossoing. As you embrace your ancient knowing that you are all interconnected threads in the cosmic web, the crystalline bridge continues to pave the path to 5D. Golden light of clarity and love brings you closer to the peace and calm that is your true essence and homeland. Love is your compass.
7/8/24 - George Adamski - The Saturnian Mothership, Another Master
Excerpt from the book "Inside the Flying Saucers by George Adamski, 1967
(Original title "Inside the Space Ships", copyright 1955)
Once more in the beautiful and restful lounge, I noticed that the glasses on the large oval table had been refilled. A man whom I judged to be perhaps in his late thirties or early forties was awaiting our arrival. As we entered the room he rose from his chair. Without introduction of any kind, his greeting to me was as cordial as it was toward all the others, whom he must have known well. For my part, it seemed that here was one who was no stranger to me, and for whom I felt instantly the deepest affection and a kind of kinship. No doubt, at one time or another, my readers have had a similar experience. And his presence added immeasurably to the feeling of harmony and understanding among all of us gathered in the room.
With a slight gesture of his hand, he motioned us to seats around the table. A chair had been added, directly opposite mine, in which he took his seat. Again Firkon sat on the one side of me and Zuhl on the other. At the invitation of the master, who now acted as host, each lifted his glass and sipped it in silence. All were obviously waiting for him to speak. His dark brown eyes sparkled as with a deep joy of living, but I knew that they were capable of looking at my every thought. I knew, too, that whatever he might find, he would understand and not condemn.
He was a well-built man, firm of flesh. There were no gray strands in his black, well-trimmed hair, which was very thick and lay combed back in soft natural waves from a high forehead. The bony structure of his face was strikingly beautiful, giving the impression of having been endlessly refined by the spirit that dwelt therein. His glance, full of a great kindness, traveled quickly from face to face. Then, in a voice that was soft and vibrant, he addressed me directly.
"We have been happy to show you a very small portion of our Father's Universe. We know of your interest in this subject, one that has absorbed most of the years of your life on Earth. Now, with your physical eyes you have seen registered on our instruments many things of which you have long been aware in consciousness. These experiences should give you confidence and greatly aid you in explaining the universal laws to those in your world.
"Never cease to point out to them, my son, that all are brothers and sisters regardless of where they have been born, or have chosen to live. Nationality or the color of one's skin are but incidental since the body is no more than a temporary dwelling. These change in the eternity of time. In the infinite progress of all life, each eventually will know all states.
"In the endless vastness of the Infinite are many forms. This you have seen on the two visits within our ships, out beyond the limits of your own atmosphere. These vary in size, from infinitely small dust particles, invisible to the human eye, to the largest planets and suns without number. All are bathed in the sea of One Power, supported by the One Life.
"On your world you have named the many forms which you have seen - man, animal, plant and so on. Names are but man's perceptions, while in the infinite sea names as you use them are meaningless. The Infinite Intelligence cannot name Itself, for It is all-complete. And all forms have been, and always shall be, dwelling within the Complete.
"Among the many forms, the one which you call 'man' professes to possess the only true intelligence upon your Earth. Yet this is not so. There is no manifestation upon your world or anywhere within the limitless Universe that does not express intelligence in some degree. For the Divine Creator of all forms is the expresser through Creation; it is His manifestation, a thought-expression of His intelligence. As a man, you are no more and no less than this. For the very life by which every form is supported, and the intelligence that expresses itself through it, is a Divine expression.
"Earth man, for the most part, not knowing this, finds much fault with many things outside his personal self, not realizing that each form expresses its purpose and renders the service for which it was made. There is no form that is capable of judging another, since all forms are but servants unto the One Supreme. None knows all that is to be known, since none knows all that is. This is known only to the All-Knower. But all forms, by serving willingly, grow in understanding of the source from which they receive their wisdom: the same life-force by which they exists. "
(Pages 122-124, from "Inside the Flying Saucers", by George Adamski, 1967)
7/8/24 - Hathor: daily shifts and full speed ahead
annel: Robert J Scarpa
(Ed: For those who are not familiar with Hathor, in ancient Egypt she was a real person. She has come to be known in ancient Egyptian religion as goddess of the sky, of women, and of fertility and love. Hathor's worship originated in early dynastic times. The name Hathor means “estate of Horus”. As a sky deity, she was the mother or consort of the sky god Horus and the sun god Ra, both of whom were connected with kingship, and thus she was the symbolic mother of their earthly representatives, the pharaohs.)
Greetings beloveds, it is I your Hathor with you once more and I delight in our conversations and today will be no different. As you are well aware there are great Shifts occurring almost daily, as so much is about to change and all in a good way. Your planet – the planet has reached its peak in vibratory oscillation and that triggers so much. That does not mean we are finished but merely to say it is full speed ahead now. So be relaxed in all that you do, hold space for those who are lost, as so much seems like it is about to unravel. That is not the case for it is merely an opportunity to re-view and re-align and then change gears -so to speak.
Each of you incarnates [embodied souls] upon the planet are being affected but some more than others and this has to do with baggage. When the load is too great things begin to fail, so it is imperative to release or drop all that does not serve. You don’t go swimming with weights on and this time, this opportunity is no different – hence the system of relief that has been put in place. Be it not for the color of Violet and the man, the legend, the self-proclaimed St. Germaine, we would be in a whole different place right now, but since he has introduced Humanity to the power and efficacy of the Violet Consuming Flame it is most wise to apply that shift to everything and Transmute all that does not serve you.
Dearest beloveds it is time to drop the Karma, drop the old and step into the New. This game is up and it is now time to come down from the stands and re-join your groups, families and Soul elements as we move into high gear as it were. Please remember that nothing is off-limits and what you see might not always be what is real. So now in this age of technology be certain to use your awareness, your skills and your instinct to discern what is real and what is not. This is all part of the take down of the dark as “fake” is all they have left, contrived designed and unleashed on Humanity when all is in chaos intentionally with the hopes of remaining in some sort of power or control. So yes it is happening and no it will not work and that is simply because The Light has Won and all who oppose are lost.
So I/we ask that you continue to be that beacon for all to see and Trust that we are always here to assist when asked. So ask away and it shall be so!
I Love You
I cherish You
and I bid FAREWELL
7/6/24 - Video - Pleaidians explain dimensions, densities & frequencies
(5" - 11/14/22) Posted by Gaia. What are the differences between dimensions and densities? As Swaruu of Erra communicates to contactee Gosia Duszak, densities refer to differing frequencies; cycles-per-second of oscillations within the atomic structure of matter. Transcript: "Humans confuse dimensions with densities. In Earth's physics they see a square on the paper as a 2D object. A 3D square is a cube. A 4D square is a tesseract. And they go one to 8D geometry all based on mathematics. But you must notice that they are all physical objects that have nothing to do with what I've been talking about. Q: OK, so what are you referring then when you talk about densities, what are they? A: I will make it simple. There are no densities. Q: OK, so what do you refer to then when you say 3D, 5D, 7D, etc.? A: All those numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth density are only concepts humans came up with as an attempt to understand something bigger than themselves. It's only one great potential energy curve, from slow frequency to very high frequency.
Take a ruler, your third density is only between centimeter 3 and centimeter 4. All the rest is what humans cannot see and cannot understand. They cannot see it because they do not have the frequency to see it. Imagine a car running so fast that you can barely see it. If it runs even faster you will no longer see it. So it's not in your frequency. But if you jump into another car and go next to it as fast, that same car will appear as if it was stopped motionless. Q: So densities could be regarded as lower or higher frequencies then. A: Correct. A frequency is a density and a density is a range of a frequency. So 3D is only within a certain vibration frequency. And what is that? The cycles per second of the oscillations of the atomic structure of matter. Q: So your frequency is higher? Yes? I mean faster? A: Yes. 5D matter oscillates much faster than in 3D. So there is no frontier between the densities. It's all one gradient. One whole universe. Oneness, source. People in each density can only see what is in their range of perception. Things that are strange for you - strange and not empirically provable - are simple life facts for me. It's all a gradient of frequency like the diode in your radio.
Q: Let's talk about 4D. Can you describe what it is? A: 4D is a lighter version of 3D. It's what they call the astral or lower astral. It's just a frequency above 3D and there are many creatures, many scary ones in 4D, but people cannot see them even if they do interact with them every day. Now, 4D is the frontier or frequency border between 5D, normal space, normal existence, and 3D. Take it as a buffer zone, not quite 3D, not quite 5D. Now someone in 5D can perceive everything in 4D, 3D, 2D and 1D, but not 6D and above. Because number 5 is made of numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 and itself 5. When you are in any density you are in a frequency match to it. So as with the example of the course you can see what's there because you are moving as fast as the rest in that particular frequency. (end of video)
7/6/24 - The Andromedan Council of Light are nudging you now
Channel: Daniel Scranton
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. You are on the verge of so many changes there on Earth, and you are in the midst of the consciousness of that change. A change in consciousness always comes first, and sometimes the change in consciousness can be a bit unsettling to the human being who is experiencing it. Sometimes it takes quite a while for you to acclimate to the energies and to fully embody the new consciousness.
But that is what you are doing, and many of you are doing this work deliberately, because you decided to be the ones who would awaken first and who would lead the way. You are leading more by example than any other way, and many of you are being called to step up and put yourselves out there more as the thought leaders of the new age. Some of you can feel that tug within you, and you acknowledge that the nudge is there and the impulse is there, but you wait.
And we want you to know that you can wait, but eventually you are going to take that leap and make that move that you want to make. Perhaps now is that time, and perhaps this is that message that convinces you that you are a lightworker and a wayshower. You are one of the changemakers, and you are there to show others how it’s done. Now, this is meant to give you a boost to your ego, but rather, you can take this message as another prompting, another nudge. And you can know that whatever you’ve been planning on doing, those who will benefit from it are waiting.
You can help more people awaken today than at any other time in human history. You have enormous reach from where you sit right now, and there are more people on the planet with you than ever before as well. And so, we are also here to tell you that it is okay to believe in yourself, even when no one else has. It is perfectly logical for you to be the one who gives yourself the reassurance that you have what it takes to lead others. You do not have to wait for someone else’s approval. You do not have to have people that you would consider to be built-in followers.
You can put yourself out there right now because there is a call, and the call is coming from those who are going to benefit the most from what you have to say, what you have to teach, what you have to channel. There is no need in this lifetime to fear persecution, and while those feelings might come up for you, just remember that you are not living in a time where people are burning witches at the stake.
And in fact, you are living in a time where people are celebrated for the books they write and the YouTube channels that they start, and they are celebrated because they are different, because they are going against the grain of society’s leanings and the widely held beliefs of the day. You get to be a part of that evolution of consciousness, and you get to decide how you do it and even when you do it. But if you feel the call, you will do it. You will show humanity what is inside of them by showing them what’s inside of you, and there has never been a better time than now.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.
7/6/24 - Matthew Ward: Current Status & ET Assistance
Channel: Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Dear ones, please take a break from feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Repeat this three times. If visualization comes easily to you, on the outbreath conjure the image of a pristine Earth being gently enfolded in glistening golden-white light. If that feels disruptive, just breathe and let your heart feel light. Thank you. It would be good for you to do that so often it comes naturally. Rhythmic breathing draws in and anchors light to nourish your body, mind and spirit and to maintain balance. During this final stage of ridding Earth of darkness, that kind of breathing also is armor in the midst of low vibrations. The dark ones will not go gently. They intend to cause chaos and destruction until their final moment, and we know only what they cannot pull off. The saber rattling that may provoke armed skirmishes will not result in WWIII, and, if by brashness or error missiles with nuclear warheads are shot into space, detonation will be prevented.
The United States, which soon must be ended as a corporation and returned to the republic form of governance the founding fathers established, is imploding politically. The charade of an imposter in the presidency needs to be over and done with. It remains to be seen what will happen to others in this sad government that includes clones and doubles that are controlled by puppets of the darkness. On the fourth of July next year this country’s citizens finally can celebrate actual independence. Whatever the dark ones thrust at your world, the White Hats, extraterrestrial special forces and crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth are at the ready to counterpunch. You know the light already has won the battle, so just be alert, confident and fearless in the months ahead.
Now let us respond to this dear soul, whose feelings are shared by many other lightworkers who, like he, incarnated several decades ago. “For years messengers like Matthew have said the Light won, darkness on Earth is ending. I’m old, tired and disillusioned by wanton killing and destruction, misused technology, deepening polarization, PLANdemics and lethal fake vaccines. Will we ever see that we really did change anything for the better?”
Our memories of helping third density civilizations weather the battle’s ending times are clear and present, and it is with profuse empathy that we ask you to please be patient a little longer for evidence that you are making a world of difference— literally, a different world. Beloved brothers and sisters, you are so close to seeing the benefits of the light forces in action! The divine plan to liberate Gaia and her life forms from darkness fits into a universal timeline that primarily affects your solar system because it is the part of the universe in which Earth revolves. All major events in the plan must happen in an order that keeps the synchronous relationship of affected celestial bodies within the timeframe of optimal benefits for all. The more expansive the objective, the more action required, the greater and grander the achievement. Transforming life on Earth is a monumental undertaking because it requires eliminating every trace of darkness. Other bodies in the solar system are assisting by directing extra light to the specific activity whose frequency attracted it. We are not talking about a process ongoing for years longer, but months, and we are suggesting that you not try to make sense of what is happening — is as it seems.
Along with blanketing the globe with benevolence and undergirding all light-based efforts, high vibratory levels can cause fatigue and lack of clarity in individuals dealing with physical, mental and emotional challenges. The vibrations may be releasing submerged conditions so they can be consciously known, handled and healed. To benefit from those kinds of growth opportunities, boost your energy and stabilize your centeredness by sleeping longer than usual, drinking a lot of pure water, spending time in Nature and breathing rhythmically. Keeping in mind that the universal law of attraction operates 24 /7, think and speak with care. Thoughts and comments about being exhausted, confused, anxious or discouraged, for instance, is asking the universe to give you situations that cause those kinds of feelings. Uplifting thoughts of feeling strong, happy, positive and fulfilled will help you be that way. Please take good care of yourselves, beloved family!
“Matthew and other light messengers talk about advanced beings who love us and help us. I just read an article about entities who said their civilizations can’t clean up a world its people chose to mess up because they can’t interfere with anyone’s free will. It didn’t sound very loving or helpful. Could Matthew comment on it?”
We would not venture to speak about information without knowing exactly what it is, but we will happily comment on the reader’s statement and connect the dots that show why Earth’s peoples need and deserve the massive amount of assistance they are given. First we say, it is true that no civilization has the prerogative or the responsibility to “clean up” another civilization’s world. According to universal law, assistance is given only if requested. Ancestors of a population may cringe at what they see going on, but they cannot interfere unless they are asked.
Nigh onto a century ago Gaia’s planetary body was so weak it was at risk of flying into space and certain destruction. She cried out for help and countless numbers of extraterrestrials immediately answered her call. It started with highly evolved civilizations beaming light of such intensity that it freed the planet from the depths of third density and enabled it to embark on a steady ascension course. During the passing decades, souls from those civilizations incarnated on Earth and spread their own light to waken the populace so they could take charge of their world. Your and your predecessors’ participation has been invaluable, and that will continue with those to whom you pass the torch. Let us digress a moment. Mother, please copy the message Gaia gave you some years ago.
(Insert) I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth. Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted. For long ages I wept, when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I weep no longer because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.
My light is not yet in full force, my body is not yet balanced. That is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another. Some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heart-lines.
Yet, I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled. I am going home, and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me. Can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing? Can you imagine a greater excitement than our ascension? I cannot! I asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you. You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done—in the continuum, our job is completed. As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.
All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know? I cannot imagine such a vast audience! All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause. I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing. (end insrt)
[Gaia gave me that message during a global meditation on June 2011 solstice. It is “Gaia’s Message” chapter in Earth’s Golden Age.]
Thank you, Mother. Dear ones, whether you think of yourselves as volunteers, lightworkers, wayshowers, pathfinders, star seeds or soul searchers, you need to know from Gaia herself how grateful she is that you are helping her “go home.” Home is high fifth density, where she, God and Sol co-created her planetary body.
Moving on now, it is not true that Earth’s peoples “chose to mess up their world.” The population differs immensely in evolutionary status, reasons for incarnating, attitudes, actions and intentions. You left advanced civilizations to help Earth’s populace wake up, rebel against control and manifest the peaceful world they want. Those who just now are waking are shocked by the extent of deception and corruption and don’t know where to begin to change it. Souls who are farther along in awareness may not yet know about the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark, but they see what is wrong in their world and are stepping up to fix it. The energy of those groups’ desires to live peacefully, harmoniously and prosperously attract the high vibrations sent out by various sources in the solar system.
Individuals who are adamant about everyone conforming to their opinion of an issue keep polarization’s low vibrations going full tilt; still, if there could be a choice “to mess up the world” or not to, it could only be what the dark ones and their minions have done with their free will choices. Furthermore, “chose” indicates alternatives were available and none were. The universal law about requesting help also specifies that no civilization can impose its will upon another; nevertheless, long before Terra was called Earth, puppets of the dark forces ignored that law and bulldozed their way to controlling the planet’s residents.
Since then the playing field never has been even. Successive populations were predominantly people with only two active DNA strands, and their greatly reduced intelligence, instinctiveness, intuition and health made them easy prey for the dark forces. Once in captivity, the defenseless people endured severe hardships and in their early years died from disease, famine, battlefield injuries or childbirth. Struggling to merely survive brought out the worst in some individuals at the expense of others. That prevented souls from attaining the balanced experiencing that leads to evolvement, so God established karma—the universal law of cause and effect, or choices and consequences—and the planet that once had been the actual garden of Eden became known as an excellent schoolhouse for mastering emotions. Souls from all over the universe who needed that for balance incarnated on the planet and jumped on the karmic merry-go-round.
They did that again and again because puppets of the dark forces figuratively and literally kept one generation after another “in the dark.” Social engineering is a more current and perhaps less ominous term than brainwashing, but it is the same principle—control information available to a non-suspecting populace. In this era it is mainstream media, the Internet, publishing houses, educational systems, religious teachings, communication methods and the timeless effectiveness of repeating a lie until it is accepted as fact.
Repetition of false information and suppression of truths produced populations that unquestioningly obeyed “authorities.” To firmly establish divisiveness, the dark ones devised political, cultural, religious, financial and ideological labels, then taught bigotry and hatred of “differences.” Via wars, ignorance, impoverishment and fear, for many, many millennia this evil empire kept captive the souls who incarnated on Earth. Gaia could not survive more suffering and bloodshed and wanted to be rid of the darkness that is so entrenched her peoples did not even know it was controlling their lives.
And that, beloved sisters and brothers, is why universal family members on Earth needed massive assistance, why your homelands responded immediately, why you eagerly volunteered to help, and why Gaia is profoundly grateful. All light beings in this universe honor you for steadfastness in your vital mission and support you with unconditional love.
7/5/24 - St. Germain: A new spiritual practice (rest, relax!)
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You are welcoming in so much more of yourselves whenever you are in a state of relaxation, and I know that being in a state of relaxation is not something that you often think about or try to achieve as a spiritual practice. And you must realize that there is so much of an emphasis in your modern world on doing. You also have much that you can consume in terms of entertainment and even information, but not all of that time spent absorbing and consuming information is relaxing. Even some of your shows and movies are rather unsettling and not very relaxing at all.
To grant yourselves permission to have time to just do nothing and be is a spiritual practice, and it is one that I want to encourage more of you to engage in. Do not think for a moment that you have to be productive in order to earn your way to the completion of your ascension. You are able in fact to get so much more accomplished in your moments of relaxation because you allow more to be done for you by your helpers, by your friends in the nonphysical. And something else to recognize about that time you are relaxing is that you often get your best ideas when you are doing nothing.
When you let yourselves slip into a state of relaxation, you are also existing in those moments without resistance, and resistance causes all types of ailments, it keeps you from receiving so many of your manifestations, and it simply lowers your vibration and puts you in a bad mood. So my suggestion here is that you seek out the ways that you can relax, and you make relaxation a priority in your life. This is going to be a new spiritual practice for many of you because you have been taught from a very young age to always be doing or learning or thinking.
And when you let go of the belief that you have to be engaging in some activity in order to be good, you will be able to allow in more of the good that is your natural self, your whole self. You are good, not because of what you do, or even because of what you think, but because you are Source. And a master relaxes because the master knows that they already are Source and that there is nothing to prove to themselves or anyone else.
And so, if you can make relaxation a part of your daily routine, and I know you can, then I suggest you do so that you can start to benefit from all that can come to you by virtue of the fact that you will not be in a state of resistance. You are meant to receive, and you are meant to receive most of the time. Your action can be useful and very productive, but it does not have to be what you use to judge yourself or the quality of your day. You can in fact choose to focus on your vibration instead, and in a state of relaxation, you will be aware of the gradual upliftment of your vibration. I promise you, you will.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”
7/4/24 - Video - Ashtar: Your physical body is but a superficial layer
(8 min - 7/4/24) "How to Apply" - posted by GFLstation. A message from Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light: "The physical body you see and feel is merely a gateway to a divine truth, a path to your sovereignty. This truth has long been hidden from humanity amid the distractions and illusions of the third density. Many of you have become entangled in Earth's events, distracting you from your Galactic responsibilities. It is time to join us with your physical form. While tangible and visible, your physical body is but a superficial layer, a mere fraction of the expansive reality that you are. Deep within, beneath this outer shell exists the essence of life itself. This inner reality is accessible through the sensations of your own being, offering a direct pathway to understanding your existence beyond physical constraints. Engaging deeply with this inner presence unveils a realm of peace, power and vibrant energy, contrasting starkly against the transient nature of physical life marked by fleeting pleasures and inevitable endings. By embracing this inner journey you begin to perceive yourself as an integral part of a sacred whole." (Continue on video.)
7/4/24 - The Pleiadians: Your spinal column is a corridor of light
Channeled by Christine Dey (June Newsletter)
Beloved ones we greet you, The winds of change are sweeping your earth plane. There is a sacred configuration of planets lining up with Earth at this juncture, which is creating a corridor, that is manifesting a powerful higher flow of consciousness entering your planet. Change is here and this is what you have been waiting for, a shift to support your reconnections to your sacred component.
Know that your spinal column is connected to, is central to the Universal consciousness and wisdom. A conscious realignment to your sacrum moving upwards through your spine allows a readjustment to take place within your brain cells and brain synapses, linking you into the frequency pulse of Universal consciousness. The spine can be likened to, ‘a corridor of light’ that brings you into the central alignment to the Universal higher consciousness state. Your sacred stature is alive and well within yourself. Your role is to unlock the frequency flow within the sacrum. The spinal fluid contains a pure elixir of your consciousness that is unique, pure, and unlike any other in the Universe. The spinal fluid carries your unique signature pulse of light.
Answer the call by beginning a conscious realignment to your Sacrum spinal column. You begin by the simple action of holding your awareness on your Sacrum, and slowly drawing your awareness up your Spine, then into the vertebrae of the neck and in through the brainstem into the brain cells. This will set in motion a returning, realignment to your universal home, to wisdom, to your place within the central form of the Universe.
We witness you.
The Pleiadians
7/4/24 - The Pleiadians: You are entering a new cycle, miracles will take place
Channeled by Christine Dey (July Newsletter)
Beloved ones we greet you, Vast forces are at work as the wheel turns with the next phase of your transition on Earth to begin. You, Earth is to enter another cycle of evolution at the end of this month, which is designed to shift you into another level of consciousness. A series of veils are destined to lift at this juncture.
This lifting of the veils will allow another level of higher light to stream within the planet, creating an illumination of understanding. The illusion will start to dissolve allowing you to begin to remember on another level. Like awakening from a dream, you will begin to glimpse an aspect of your sacredness. You will simply open into moments of ‘knowing’.
In this new phase so called miracles will take place. Your experience of ordinary moments will become extraordinary in the way that you perceive life. Every moment has always contained magic within the multidimensional realms. Within this framework you will begin to witness the importance of your human experience and begin to appreciate your human idiosyncrasies. To shift your perceptions of your human journey is an essential step to self- realization.
Take moments within your Heart in stillness. Prepare to receive yourself through your Heart. Answering the call right now involves you returning to a deepened Heart connection. Remember through your Heart you re-enter the very central link to the universal God consciousness state.
We witness you in the light.
The Pleiadians
7/4/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: The divine feminine
(8 min - 7/3/24) Posted by GFLStation. "The new divine feminine energy is now flooding Gaia. Embrace the essence of the divine goddess within and around you, for she embodies the heart and spirit of Mother Earth. Historically, divinity has been viewed predominantly as masculine. However the cradle of creation lies within the feminine nurturing, the seeds of existence. For millennia misinterpretations have obscured this sacred energy. You are living embodiments of a celestial tale, a saga of rivalry and love for the divine goddess that has unknowingly shaped your Earthly experience. This cosmic drama is deeply significant for your journey on Earth. We could sense a rebound of this energy about to return, but both the Earth Council and the Galactic Federation councils were not expecting this level so fast! In fact, we have never seen the influx of divine feminine energies that you are about to receive. Recognizing this powerful archetype can be challenging for women. And for men, accepting nurturing from femininity may be difficult. Yet, discovering the nurturing creative force of the mother within will illuminate your path to wholeness. (Continue with video.)
7/3/24 - The Pleiadian Council: Future generations of Gaia
Channel: Brittnie
Greetings Dear Ones, we are the Pleiadian Council. It is our honor to extend knowledge from our perspective yet again through this channeled connection. Dearest Ones, we are please to observe your incredible ability to intrinsically grow and expand, while balancing duality. You Dear Ones are the time capsules of the future generations of Gaia. Your planet has been submerged consistently with advanced light codes that support and activate the awareness that has guided you through the synchronicities that have led you to powerful breakthroughs. These advanced activations have triggered your inner truths causing them to resurface for your ultimate self rediscovery. (For many this process has just begun however several of you are in advanced stages of your multi-dimensional awakening.)
These powerful bandwidths of transformational light has helped many of you conquer the deep rooted insecurities and fears you have been subjected to through not only your personal experiences yet your very own ancestral DNA. Those of you that are still in the process of healing will simultaneously notice a leap in your progress by the mid July 2024. We understand the complexity and the difficulties felt and experienced by many of you and We the Pleiadian Council are here to remind you that You are the Soul that is dedicated, determined and qualified to clean, clear and heal many thousands of years of ancient turmoil collected through ancestral bloodlines.
Our Love and guidance We extend to each and every one of you. You are the “Cosmic Restoration Team of Light” and upon volunteering you have been chosen and personally selected by our collective Council “GFL” Galactic Federation of Light. We are here to remind you, you are more powerful than you have been led to believe. You see Dear Ones, the only way the negative agendas are successfully able to fully concur a civilization or world is through making them believe they are powerless.
Forcing them to become dependent on a material system that destroys their ability to self discover and reflect through creative endeavors. You are here reverse engineering many thousands of years of pent up emotional and creative suppression. This current time/space has anticipated your arrival Dear Ones, you are the game changes. You are Free to explore and integrate your Akashic Truths and most importantly you are Free to Love and except all aspects of your nature both physical and spiritual.
We the Pleiadian Council, are Grateful for this opportunity to connect to you all. We send You, your Planet and all of her inhabitants our Love and support.
7/3/24 - Video - Galactic Federation: It's about to get interesting...
(8 min - 7/1/24) Posted by GFLStation - Channeled from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. "Within each of you is a smarter more intuitive self known as the oversoul. This intuitive center of wisdom can actually be accessed through simple methods like kinesiology or muscle testing and other techniques that facilitate direct communication. This might sound strange as most spiritual teachings tell you that you can only access your energy body through meditation, but because it is quantum you can access it in a number of ways. We are mentioning this today as the world is waking up and will need your simple guidance to explain such topics. The innate or smart body is intricately connected to grander aspects within and outside you. Unlike the brain it involves the pineal gland and the heart. This innate wisdom has a deeper link with your higher self and your akashic record, providing divine insight. It's similar to the instinctual knowledge that animals.... (continue by listening to video.)
7/3/24 - Life Tapestry Creations: Rest and you'll receive
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman
Dear Ones, Even though you are likely experiencing miracles here and there – some minimal, others more obvious, you thought everything would happen instantaneously. Such is not true for several reasons, the most important of which is that you and your cohorts must adjust to your newly accepted skill set. More miracles are happening than you now acknowledge, not because you are a slow learner but because you have not yet adjusted your Earth senses to the reality of those miracles.
You and your cohorts continue to look for 3D miracles instead of the more discreet happenings, which are rapidly becoming more important to you than you expected. Gold is more valuable than water until you are stranded in a desert. So it is now. What you now believe is necessary will not seem that important in a few days. Not because that item, person, or activity is less important but because you will have different needs. Those of you dreaming of increasing your financial resources, discovering the perfect mate, or finding an excellent job will feel disappointed for the next few hours until what you hoped for appears in an unusual way—not as you envisioned, but more appropriate for your being and needs.
So relax knowing what you need or hope for will appear when appropriate and within your current skill set. There is no need to cry out in pain or envision the worst outcome possible. All is wonderfully well in your world. As a youngster, learning to read seemed complicated and confusing, with letters and words sounding like one another but having different meanings and spelled differently. Even so, you trusted your instructors and parents to know what was required for you to learn how to read. So it is now.
The difference is you are forerunners, so the only beings able to inform you of the near future are we of the Universes. Your dream world probably seems convoluted. “Why can’t everything just happen?” As a child, you likely envied older siblings or playmates who could read, ride a bicycle without training wheels, or have romantic relationships. Did it not seem as if you would never master those skills – until you did?
The 3D pieces you now pine for are a given – they will happen because you have the skills to achieve them. What you are now addressing is starting anew with skills you have never before used while of the Earth. Skills that were dormant from the moment you entered Earth until now. You are consciously “working” at creating your 3D dreams and subconsciously testing your Universal skills 24 hours a day. So, you tire and become frustrated quickly, wanting someone or something to prove that you are once again a Universal being. All the while pining for whatever 3D rewards you have long dreamed of.
There is no place for rest, as you continuously expect more of yourself. Instead of pushing more diligently, it is time to rest. Only with rest will you find the hidden keys within you to fulfill both your 3D dreams and Universal wishes. Unlike 3D, pushing harder will not produce what you want. Rest, and you will receive. Work and worry, and your dreams will move further away from you.
Your new world is counterintuitive to your 3D world, in which pushing and gnashing of teeth were the most common methods of achieving goals. Your new world is about selecting the easy button. Rest, and you will receive, create, and learn. Push, and you will merely be exhausted. So be it. Amen.
7/3/24 - The Arcturian Group: You wanted to serve Earth's Ascension
Channeled by Marilynn Raffaele
Welcome to our message which is presented in love with the intention of assisting all who are receptive toward a higher level of spiritual awareness. The energetically powerful times of today offer opportunities for spiritual growth that have never before been available because the increasing presence of high frequency energy is forcing long buried densities of the past to surface and clear personally and globally.
If life has become difficult in one or more ways, remember that you chose to be on earth at this time because you recognized that earth’s energetically powerful ascension process would be perfect for spiritual growth.
1.-You wanted to serve earth’s ascension with your own Light.
2.-There would be many other evolved souls from which to further learn and evolve.
3.-The high resonating frequencies of Light flowing from many sources would allow you to more easily clear and move beyond any remaining false beliefs and obsolete commitments from the past.
It is very difficult to see the bigger picture when surrounded by a three dimensional belief system that seems to be forever presenting physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual struggles. Go within often, not just in times of turmoil. Rest often in the reality of your very own Being, silently listening for the still small voice that is always present even when seemingly silent because it is YOU.
The still small voice will occasionally speak loudly, but more often than not is heard as intuition, guidance, or a teacher silently revealing to you the fullness of some spiritual truth you may have long sought to understand. Rest in silent receptivity, not resisting or engaging the thoughts that may drift through and without concepts of what the experience should or must be because it often seems as if nothing happens. Your intention to align with SELF assures that something always happens on a deeper level whether it seems that way or not.
Friends, foods, entertainments, or anything resonating with energies you have evolved beyond will gradually slip away often without you even noticing simply because you are no longer energetically in alignment with them. Allow this process to unfold without resistance or attempts to bring the people, places, or things of an earlier time back to what once was. In order for anything to flow harmoniously, there must be energetic alignment be it a relationship, job, or belief system.
It can be difficult, but learn not to look to another person for love, acceptance, forgiveness, support, etc. even when that person is the one it would naturally be expected to come from. In and of themselves human beings do not possess these qualities because they are God qualities flowing through individuals but never from them. Look only to God for these things and you will find that they will flow to you and often from where least expected.
God alone is power. The belief in two powers is one of the three foundational cornerstones of the third dimensional belief system–duality, separation, and the belief in two powers. Believing in two powers conditions the mind (the interpreter of consciousness) and consciousness itself (the substance) to believe that every person is helpless and at the mercy of people, places, and things that the three dimensional collective consciousness has bestowed with power. Giving power to anything other than God – disease, money, food, people, countries, government, experts, religious rites and rituals, etc. etc. - is idolatry . There is only one power and that power is the Divine consciousness that is and always has been infinitely present in and as everything. Nothing else exists.
It doesn’t mean that you suddenly become blind to the faults and maneuvering tactics of the third dimensional consciousness nor does it mean throwing away your medicines and closing hospitals and jails while shouting “God is all” and doing nothing about the circumstances of your life which would be pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. We are saying that all serious seekers of truth must at some point cease endowing people, places, and things with power over them for good or evil.
God alone is power. Begin to acknowledge this in every situation claiming to have power in spite of appearances to the contrary. Do what you feel you need to do, but while doing it remember that because there is only ONE power, that which is considered to be a power in the material world has no real or permanent Divine Law to support it but is rather the manifestation of the false three dimensional collective beliefs about it.
There are some religions and individuals that believe that having fun, laughing, dancing is a sin and must be avoided at all costs or suffer punishment. They live lives of fear in their belief of a judging condemning god who will punish them if they don’t abide by a variety of strict and joyless man made rules about spirituality. Earth is not meant to be a joyless constant struggle. Enjoy the good things of your life. Harmony, peace, joy, love, and abundance on all levels are God ordained and sustained spiritual qualities fully present within every person. Let them flow. Love, enjoy, be grateful for friends, family, nature, your pet, a new baby, a helpful doctor, dentist, or lawyer but without personally endowing these things with power of their own in the realization that they are God expressing ITself through them.
Moving beyond the belief in two powers is an important part of everyone’s evolutionary process and you are ready. The world is filled with people, ideas, and things that claim to have power for good and for evil which in reality are simply the two ends of the belief in duality stick. Many benefit from a majority belief in two powers. Advertising, politics, evangelists, media, education, health, law, all these and more benefit from a world that continues to believe that it is helpless and at the mercy of an infinite number of things.
God always has been and always will be only power and that power is within you/YOU who are God individualized. Believe it.
We are the Arcturian Group
7/1/24 - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council & the Earth Council
Channeled by Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am here to speak with you today to give you an update about what is occurring on the Earth. I speak as a member of the Earth Council. I work full-time with this council and have been for many years.
I recommend that you look around and view these occurrences from a different viewpoint than perhaps your current perspective. Maybe you can see the world of the old third dimension crumbling? You might see the strangeness of the old world as you advance in to higher consciousness in the fifth dimension or higher.
Yes, the energies are strange and can be a bit uprooting. Some of you are observing humanities behavior as bizarre and maybe even stupid. You might wonder what has been short circuited in some peoples’ brains when they make the decisions they make. These behaviors can actually push you to your limits.
These unreasonable irrational behaviors are showing you the end of the third dimensional Earth. You see some people taking risks you would never take. Many have lost their bearings. The old fill in factors that kept everyone under control are ceasing to exist. The reason for this is that in the higher consciousness none of these old factors are necessary. You will be living in divine flow without the need for the use of lower technology and certainly without lower consciousness. Your blinders are off now and you are seeing it with real time vision.
This means you are awake. Congratulations! The more nonsensical the world becomes, the further you will have risen into the fifth dimension. The time of the old world leaders, organizations, systems, and controls, etc. are departing, thereby giving you the freedom you have long needed and deserved. As your galactic family, we celebrate with you the new beginnings. We cheer you on in every way and we assist where we are needed. You are not alone.
We love you, applaud you and are here for you. I am Mira.
7/1/24 - Video - Zorion of the Sirian High Council on Ascension
(8 min - 6/30/24) Posted by GFLStation. Message from Zorion, Sirian High Council: Ascension won't be a single uniform experience. That wouldn't align with the source's desire for diverse exeperiences. As souls you seek variety because you are fragments of source energy. Why would Source differ from its individual parts? You are pieces of a whole, each craving unique experiences just like the source. Thus there will be as many ascension experiences as there are beings in the universe and multiverse. That's why we highlight numerous ascension paths. There's no single route. You get to choose your path - the one that brings the most joy and growth. (Continue listening, it's a great message!)
6/29/24 - George Adamski excerpt from "Inside the Flying Saucers"
(copyright 1955) On board the starship speaking with the space brothers, page 73 to 75: "......I wonder," I said slowly, "If you would care to comment a little further on the reason why, even though war on our Earth would endanger the traveling through space of millions who live on other planets, you still feel it wrong to hurt the few in order to benefit the many."
"We will try to explain," Orthon answered. "To all of us who have from birth been installed with a vision of the whole, it is unthinkable to disobey what we know to be the universal laws. These laws are made by no man. They were in the beginning, and will endure throughout eternity. Under these laws each individual, each group of mankind, all intelligent life on each world, must decide its own destiny without interference from another. Counsel, yes. Instruction, yes. But interference to the point of destruction, never."
His questioning look seemed to ask if he had made the principle clearer. Firkon, the Martian, spoke for the first time. "You understand the power of thought forms. Apart from our physical missions on Earth, all of us must hold firmly to the belief that the peoples of your Earth will themselves awaken to the disaster toward which they are moving."
"I see," I said slowly, as the issue did indeed clarify itself in my mind.
"We know that the power of this thought continually sent out to all our Earth brothers has changed the hearts of many," Ramu stated.
"We also are aware," Ilmuth pointed out, "as are you and many other people on your Earth, that your air forces and your governments know that our ships seen in your skies are coming from outer space, and that they can be made and piloted only by intelligent beings from other planets. Men high in the governments of your world have been contacted by us. Some are good men and do not want war. But even the good men on your Earth cannot entirely free themselves from the fear which has been fostered by man himself on your planet throughout the centuries."
"The same is true of your fliers everywhere on Earth," Kalna said quietly, "many have seen our ships again and again. But they have been muzzled and warned, and few dare speak out."
"It is the same with your scientists," Firkon added. Again I marveled at their knowledge of our world and its peoples. "Then it would seem," I said, "that the answer lies largely with the ordinary man in the street, multiplied by his millions the world over."
"They would be your strength," Firkon quickly agreed, "and if they would speak against war in sufficient numbers everywhere, some leaders in different parts of your world would listen gladly."
I felt that this conversation had contributed much to my understanding and I was filled with hope. Almost without realizing that I was going to do so, I changed the subject by saying, "I wonder if you would explain a little further to me about the mechanism I saw in the pilot's room - the one that registers sounds that are translated into pictures on the screen."
"Of course," Orthon said. "One of its most important uses is to enable us to learn readily any language. Naturally, those of us who actually live and work on your Earth for a while speak with better accents. Although, with us, as with you, some have a greater aptitude for languages than others and learn to speak flawlessly without any direct contact with the people." Here he smiled and reminded me of the pantomimic conversation carried on at the time f our first meeting, adding, "It was of the utmost importance that I test your ability to send out and to receive telepathic messages. As an outcome of that, you are here now!
"We know well the skepticism of the Earth people in all directions outside of the narrow ruts of personal experience. It was for this reason that the messages I gave you were of a universal character. We knew that, although the understanding of such writings was buried with civilizations that were lost long ago, there are a few people scattered about your present world who would be able to translate them. With such translations, only the determinedly incredulous can still refuse to believe."
"it is fortunate," Kalna said, with her merry smile, "that at least mental telepathy has been accepted as an established fact by the scientists of your world!"
"You know," Orthon said, "we had you under observation for some years before I finally contacted you, and we felt sure that your knowledge of telepathy would be adequate. This was proven in the final test at your first meeting."
:Did you test me in other ways as well?" I asked.
"Indeed we did! You see, inasmuch as you had been photographing our craft for several years, your thoughts were inevitably coming our way. We felt the sincerity of your interest. It remained to be seen if and how you would translate this interest into action, how well you could stand up under the ridicule and skepticism bound to come your way, and whether you would be tempted to use your contacts with us for self-aggrandizement or commercialism."
"You have passed all the tests with flying colors," Ilmuth said warmly. "In the face of all the derision, disbelief - even when the validity of your photographs was challenged - we saw how staunch you remained to that which within yourself, you knew to be true."
Excerpt from pages 73-75. "Inside the Flying Saucers" by George Adamski, 1955
6/29/24 - Video - The Man From Venus - The George Adamski Story
(1 hr 11 min - 6/11/23) Posted by Small Town Monsters. George Adamski is one of the most controversial figures of ufology. Rising to international fame after photographing flying saucers, many claim that he is a fraud while others are staunch believers. His photographs are still debated to this day, and could possibly hold the truth to Adamski’s claims of meeting a man from Venus. (Ed:I knew him personally and felt deep truth at that time. UFO/UAP disclosure is bringing more information forward today.)
6/29/24 - Video - George Adamski & The Royal Order of Tibet
(15 min - 7/4/23) Posted by Ashrams of India. UFO/UAP disclosure is bringing more information forth about George Adamski, the most famous of contactees. Intro and early life of Adamski - between 1900-1909 study and training in a lamasery in Tibet, possibly more than once. “I did study in Tibet when I was an eight year old boy.” (during a private group lecture in 1955.) In "The Invisible Ocean (1932)" Adamski mentions the masters of Tibet.
6/29/24 - Video - Secrets in the Skies - The George Adamski Story Part 2
(18 min - 7/9/23) Posted by Small Town Monsters. UFO Conspiracy Documentary. In the continuation of The Man from Venus, Eli explores the various government organizations that investigated George Adamski during his life time. The subject of many attempts to suppress him, Adamski stuck to his story and his photograph and film evidence and to this day remains one of the most hotly debated figures in the world of ufology.
6/28/24 - Video - Humanity's greatest test: sexual energy
(8 min - 3/15/24) Posted by GFLStation. From the tiniest cells in your body to the furthest reaches of the universe, all is made of energy constantly in motion. This period of acceleration you are in is challenging you to learn how to manage subtle energies. Directing it wisely is crucial for harmonizing. The most powerful energy available to you, yet greatly misunderstood is sexual energies. Sexual energy is the primal force at the core of your existence. It holds the key to unlocking the vast potential within you. This potent energy when harnessed with intention and respect, transcends mere physical gratification. It becomes a conduit for spiritual growth. It is through the sacred dance of sexual energy that you connect with the deepest layers of your being. Exploring the nuances of intimacy and trust within the heart, provides the profound connection of emotional landscapes it navigates and the cosmic doors swing open. Sexual energy vibrates with the power to heal, to transform and to elevate, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your place in the universe. It beckons you to approach each encounter with reverence, recognizing the divine play of creation in the merging of souls. At its essence sexual energy invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Explore the intricate weave of your desires, fears and aspirations. It challenges you to break free from the shackles of past traumas and societal constraints to embrace the full spectrum of your being with honesty and courage. In this sacred exploration you are not merely seeking pleasure but a profound communion with the essence of life itself. Sexual energy serves as a bridge between the tangible and the intangible, between the individual and the universal. Set the intention of balancing divine masculine and feminine energy for the highest good of all. (continue listening to video. Use breath work until you are happy that you have been suitably infused.)
6/28/24 - Master Djwhal Khul - Misqualified sex energies
Channeled by Nancy Wilson
Source (DK's book in process, 5/6/15)
"When a man has his release in a sexual orgasm, he is expelling all the toxins and misqualified energies that he has allowed to build up within him. These impure energies which he himself creates, drop downward, pulled by gravity to the lower parts of his body. Uplifting happy thoughts and feelings gather around the upper body and head and bubble upward into the atmosphere above the head, but negative particles are dense, made heavier by impure thoughts, selfish motives, unkindness, anger, hatred and meanness. These fall earthward within the auric field of the individual, creating a heaviness that encircles him around. The desire to have sex is a desire to rid himself of unclean emotions and thoughts which he terms “stress”. He feels it as stress and as a suffocation because it really is preventing his own clean and pure life from shining forth and expressing freely in his life.
The desire to have a sexual blowout is a desire to get rid of this heaviness that has built up in his energy field and is now suffocating him. It is causing tension which causes erratic and moody behavior. It is like being in a straight jacket. Women experience this too, in subtly different ways. The life-long work is to learn what causes these mood swings. If a man or woman would learn to raise their thoughts to a happier, higher level and not permit negative thoughts or emotions to linger in them, they would enjoy a more pleasant and freely expressive life - one not driven by the constant need to have a sexual release to feel good again.
There is nothing wrong with sex but the intent and motive behind it. A sexual "need" is selfish, where a loving attraction to be with someone is not selfish but an expression of joy and wonder. In the latter case a sexual encounter would be relaxed and equally loving rather than darkly demanding. When sexual need is present, there is force behind it which is unnatural. When one has become more uplifting and happy in thought and feeling one feels free and no force is required to feel loving. No negative particles are involved that are pushing for release.
Human kind is here to learn to choose wisely the types of thoughts and feelings entertained. You are here to learn the cause and effect of negative vs. positive thought. You are the masters of your thoughts; choose wisely for you prepare your future by the thoughts you carry around with you today. Negative and depressing thoughts are best changed with forgiving yourself and appreciating even the bad thought. Love and appreciation is the transformative agent. Do not permit negative thoughts to build up and you will not build heavy dense layers that suffocate you.
Mankind is here to learn from mistakes, not be buried by the aftermath of mistakes. Be wise. Become enlightened to the laws of life and flow with them, not against them. Man is here to raise the energies that flow through him cleanly, like a fresh sparkling river of pure undiluted LIFE. Do not allow that pure undiluted life to become impure by negative thought whether it be a negative reaction or a negative experience.
There is a universal sense of “dirtiness” around sex and prostitution for this reason, though most people are unaware of the truth of it. Women who work in this field take these toxins into themselves in the process of giving the man the release they need. She is doing him a great service. Likewise the man who is performing the service for women. Or men for men and women for women. It does not matter who is performing the service, they are accepting the misqualified energies of the other. That is why you are resisting this behavior. Those who perform sexual services should learn how to cleanse themselves before and after so they may remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.
The introduction of Tantra is instruction in inner work. The Western version of Tantra is in error, with a sexual overcast to it. Tantra is a teaching in elevating thought. Practitioners are taught not to release their energies or physical semen (their dirty laundry) into a lover. Tantra is a beautiful purifying course of study that one may undertake alone without a partner. This inner work involves keeping one’s thoughts and feelings pure and uplifted. Even when a thought or a feeling enters, one learns how to be the master of those thoughts and feelings, and how to change them to kind, loving, intelligent and beautiful thoughts and feelings. In this way he elevates and inspires himself and all who come in contact with him (or her). Purity of body is also required, which one would automatically and naturally be impulsed to follow, if one's thoughts and feelings are inspired by higher and more elevated living. These are the trainings of Tantra. When done in advance, prior to love-making with another person, one has most loving and sweet encounters.
6/26/24 - Video - Starseeds hit mainstream media
(11 min - 6/17/24) Kelly Tyler is part of a growing number of people called ‘Starseeds’, who claim to be extraterrestrials sent from space to help humankind heal the world. Kelly says she was healed from long-term sickness, after she swapped souls with a ‘walk-in alien’ when she was just a child. Since then, she says, she's been able to 'astral travel' - and can leave her earthly body on command, transporting herself to a galaxy far away, where she meets up with blue aliens. And, it's not just other aliens she can converse with... Kelly says she can also telepathically communicate with animals and trees.y communicate with animals and trees too.
6/26/24 - Video - Neil Armstrong reveals Apollo 11's contact with aliens
(22 min - 2/20/24) Fate has a way of writing us into stories we never wish to be a part of. This is the story of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon and probably the first to meet with aliens face to face. Nothing about the months long training NASA had given Armstrong prepared him for a chance meeting with aliens on the Moon. It was never in the plan. Posted by VoyagerSpace on Youtube.
6/24/24 - Ascended Masters: The importance of feeling while making decisions
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We know that we ask a lot of you in these transmissions. We know that we are asking you a lot of yourselves. In other words, we are prompting you to expect more from yourselves. You are the ones in charge there, because you are the ones who get to use your free will, and our hope is to guide you to use that free will appropriately. We don’t have any easy answers for you, and we don’t have any bailouts to give you.
We place the power in your hands, and we seek to then offer you the instruction manual that you were not given when you were born into that body. With your power, you get to choose, and your decisions create. You are there to create, and we know that you would like to experience better-feeling creations. Our best guidance to you then would be to pay attention to how you are feeling as you make each and every decision that you do in your lives. You are making the decision to focus on something or someone, and you are making the decision to focus in a particular way. When you are conscious that you have a choice and that you get to make a decision for yourself, then you want to do so while also paying attention to the feeling inside of you that is telling you everything you need to know about that decision. You develop lots of fancy techniques to help you to decide, and they are usually mind-oriented ones. Your feelings matter. Your feelings materialize into physical form, and your feelings will continue to tell you what you are in the process of materializing. Pay attention, and choose consciously.
We know that this approach works, because we know that while you were not given an instruction manual, you were given everything that you need. You have your feelings. You have the ability to choose; your free will. And you have powerful minds that you get to focus. Now, just because it took you longer in life to understand that you had all of these powers doesn’t mean that you are lost or that you woke up too late to be able to do any good with this knowledge. You are perfect as you are, and you are perfect where you are, because you are always meant to be expanding.
And from where you are, all you can do is expand. Feel also for the expansion of a decision, and when you can feel that decision is taking you to the more expansive place you ultimately want to go, then you know it is the right one. You often hear people say, ‘Follow your heart,’ and we want you to know it is some of the best advice you will ever be given. It is so simple, and yet it is only three words. Spend some time meditating on those three words, and ask yourself the question of, ‘What does following my heart look like to me?’
Your answer may surprise you, but then again, surprises are good. Surprises mean you are moving in a new direction, and that new direction will always be the growth of who you are as a soul. We promise to be here with you holding your hand along every step of the way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwGMbL69hPMt is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
6/24/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: This month is humanity's turning point
(8 min - 6/24/24) Message from Caylin of the Pleiadians: Stop holding yourself back and making excuses. You chose this life knowing you could profoundly impact humanity and Earth. We eagerly await your realization. Only you can activate your potential. Tap into your heart and let it ignite your light codes. Every breath you take can enhance your own awareness and that of others. Align yourself with the Earth consciousness. Work with the Earth to propel your efforts. We see so much potential in you. Why hesitate? It's time to step up. No more waiting for someone to save you. We are with you always, and many of you are already meeting us in dreams, and through meditation activating your third eye and clearing other energy blockages. The current post-Solstice energies are powerful and you are being upgraded. How will you use these upgrades?
Humanity, we encourage you to secure success as the only option in your mindset, so take action in any way you feel called, and do it with love. Each courageous step you take will inspire others to do the same. This cosmic chain reaction will unleash an unstoppable wave of love to help humanity break free from the limitations of the matrix mindset, and remember your galactic heritage. It's imperative that you take ownership of your awakening now. Embrace your power. Understand that you are more powerful than those who seek control over you. Fully step into your role as an activator, and you will see the power of light confronting the darkness.
We have used some slightly more direct language today because we feel that you need it. You got this. Gaia is also waiting. It's funny because many of you are waiting for something to happen or someone to do something that will spark the awakening, but the entire universe is waiting on you to step up spiritually. The great awakening is you. You are ready and we are here preparing to assist you with all the support you have already agreed to receive. We love you more than you know.
I will speak with you all again. I am Caylin.
6/23/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: the quantum power of emotions
(8 min - 6/22/24) "You have been selected..." by the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you have never been taught how to use your emotions so you have been spraying it all over the place like an out-of-control fire hose. We encourage you to use your emotions, for within its depth lies the power to transcend dimensions, to touch the spiritual and redefine existence. Fear not the intensity of feeling. Trust in the flow of your emotions. Allow them to guide you thru the maze of transformation. Emotions are the key to your ascension. Share the love-light energies with each other. This one element will solve virtually every discordant avenue in your life. You are not simply human, you are a systems-buster tasked with the reawakening of the emotional blueprint of the universe.
6/23/24 - Video - Ashtar: The countdown to disclosure has begun
(8 min - 6/22/24) "We are calling all starseeds forward at this time" A message from the Ashtar Command. Let the storms rage on, you are the calm center. We are starting the clock to disclosure. Once there is enough awake and aware individuals who are reaching out to us and the galactic communities in the Federation, disclosure will begin to domino. We are asking each of you to reach out to us at the Ashtar Command or your affiliated star families, not to ask for help but to ask for communion, or conversation or experience with us. We cannot answer a call for help as this would violate galactic treaties that the Federation has with ascending planets but we can answer the call of Hello. Federation ships will be monitoring those that ask for communion. If enough are doing this regularly, we will officially fast track contact with your planet on a mass scale. You speak for the collective when you do so.
6/22/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: Nano tech removal & light body activations
(8 min - 6/21/24) Nanotechnology thrives on the lowest vibration of the human body. When you focus on raising your vibrations nanotechnology is dismanteled. Those who struggle to raise their vibrations may find that their physical bodies will naturally deactivate nanotech implants. Light capsules, which you refer to as med beds, emit high frequency vibrations that eliminate pathogens and toxins. These represent a far more advanced light-based technology than most of you have access to currently. Until this light-based technology is released, the only way to deactivate these implants is to increase your vibrations. You have sovereignty over your own body, and with focus and intent, you have greater control over your own health and well-being than you realize. Caylin of the Pleiades gives advice and encouragement to do this work for yourself. Channeled by "A Messenger Of Pleiadian Keys'.
6/22/24 - The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Adjusting to the 5D Reality
Channeled by Octavia Vasile
We greet you today with so much love and light, inviting you to take a moment, breathe, and relax. What you are going to read might bring more understanding to your current situation, and we truly hope that will also bring peace to your heart. If you are reading our message, please share this with your loved ones and friends because it might help them as well.
We are here with you to let you know that Earth entered the 5th-dimensional reality and perfectly adjusted to it. There is no turning point from here. Which means that many of you will experience tremendous changes in your life. Navigate this gently, and do not engage with too much activity if you are not guided to do so. Some of you who have already aligned with the 5th dimensional timelines will be asked to help, so please commit to your higher purpose and be in service at this time. We know that maybe you will feel that it is hard for you also and that you need rest and to take care of yourself—and all this is essential—but then please act and be in service by listening to our guidance and being committed to your spiritual journey. You are the ones who hold the pillars of Light.
Know that you are strong, and you are meant to be so! You have all our support. Many of you will need to integrate now all the new energies, and many will need rest and longer periods of time in silence and meditation. Please honor your personal journey and all aspects of yourself. We are here to assure you that everything is going well and that you are comfortable enough. This is a time of great change—you become very sensitive as your perception opens up to a new, much more subtle level.
You start feeling other people’s thoughts and emotions—and all this is meant to happen so you fully remember that you are all One and stop harming one another in any way. For those of you who are very sensitive already, know that you are becoming telepathic—so please select your thoughts carefully because you are creating your reality through them and you are transmitting their vibration.
Now it is the real time to be in control of your mind. Do not engage with negative thoughts because you do not want to create out of them. Choose them carefully and think intentionally—a thought is a seed of creation. You are a painter and your brush creates worlds. Choose the right colors according to your own intuition, but also observe that sometimes the brush might move chaotically, creating unwanted realities—therefore direct it correctly, according to what you wish to create. And trust—you can create everything!
It is time to take full responsibility, to be empathic, and to love each other because love is what you truly want to experience. Affirm “I truly wish to experience love, and I bring now all my relationships, all my life experiences from all timelines into pure unconditional love. I merge realities back into the Oneness that I am. I am ready.”
We love you. Call upon us and we will be there for you, beyond time and space we are all One.
6/20/24 - The Arcturians: Mastering vibration, your key to ascension
Channeled by Grace Solaris
You need to understand yourself as tuning forks to the universal energies, to a universe that is made up of sound and light. Everything around you is energy as well as everything which is within you. Every thought, emotions, sound, that emits from you is interacting with the energetical field in your immediate surroundings, but it doesn´t stop there. You are connected to all that is thru your high heart and are in an ongoing inter-exchange with the universal forces, the planets and stars of the galaxy and of course all life on earth, whether in human form, the animal, plant and devic kingdoms and the crystal layers of the earth which is the foundation of the earth grid. Whether you are conscious of this or not. Now if you engage in negative thoughts, you send out low vibrations into the universe, which impacts not only your own emotional and mental state of being, but also those around you, in fact there is no one and nothing which is not touched by it.
Do you understand the magnitude of this and of the importance of cultivating positive thoughts and honoring what is good for you? Because what is good for you is good for the whole and what is good for the whole is good for you. There is no exception to this seen from an energetical perspective. Your ego might want it otherwise, because it is attached to certain outcomes and hence tries to controle life and manipulate certain outcomes, that it deems good for you. And that is the roots to all suffering. Thus the importance of monitoring your thoughts and engaging in high vibrations only, whether it be in your immediate environment, social engagement, nutruition and generel well-being.
You are made up of energy and are able to influence your own vibration by consciously living and vibrating from your heart and radiating love into the earth grid, into the hearts of those you encounter. It is uplifting and nurturing not only to those around you, but to yourself. If you allow yourself to be in toxic surroundings, toxic relationships and intaking toxic substances all your spiritual efforts will be in vain or have low impact to your spiritual well-being and expansion into the ecstatic frequency of joy, peace and gratitude, which is your naturel frequency, your home frequency, that keeps you in alignment with the frequency band of the higher dimensional planes, that you so long for. It is all available to you, but you need to surrender and come into your heart, to give up controle and trust life is benevolent. You need to stop being a victim of circumstances and become the master of vibration, that in truth you are. Allow yourself to be in tune with the cosmic forces thru a focused and attentive heart, by being present in the NOW and not let yourself be fragmented into the linearity of past and future, which bottomline makes you degrade, age and finally die. You are eternal life, a magnificent being of light and love made out of pure vibration, currently in human form, but not limited by it, if you understand yourself as who you truly are, pure vibration, that you can impact and alter by divine intent and by making healthy and positive choices, that honors you and all life.
We congratulate you for your continual efforts to support this earth in its ascension process, however the best way you can do so, is to start within by choosing what honors all life, which is always love. Do not buy into what the naked eye can see, there is much more to life, there is much more to you. It only shows a minuscule picture of reality. You are divine tuning forks and hence have the capacity to tune into all life and choose what serves the greater whole, which will always serve you. The flower of life, is a sacred web similar to but much more advanced than that of a spider… no matter where you touch a spiders web, it impacts the whole web. Do you understand how important you are? Do you understand how much impact you have on others? Do you understand the responsability you have to make conscious choices, cultivate positive thoughts, because they are like arrows of intent sent into the universe, that the universe will respond to and return to you. Energy follows attention. The universe is a free will zone, but the law of magnetism will always cater for and respond to what you send out. As within, so without, as above, so below. The hermetic law is impecable and non-compromising. This is what you are submitted to… it can be a curse or an ongoing blessing depending on how you interact with it.
Choose wisely, do not succumb to the limited options of reality, that is offered by your dualistic mind-set, it offers just a tiny part of the infinite spectrum of all-that-is, that your soul is able to perceive, feel and interact with. BE in your heart, think with your heart, act from your heart and let it direct your mind to implement what honors the well-being of all life. Let yourself be guided by your feelings and intuition, because they are the tones and language of the tone fork, that you are… allow us to use this analogy, because this is what we see from a higher dimensional perspective.
And you may use this instrument that you are and interact with life in various ways… be creative, be playful and inventive… the harmonics of life is the heart beat of the universe, and each of you carry an individual note in this big orchestra of love and can interact thru this tune fork to impact great awakenings in self, in your sisters and brothers of this earth plane and beyond. That is how powerful you are. Let this be your lesson, let this be your intent. Now let your soul´s song and essence vibrate into and blend with the harmonics of life and create joy and celebration in the heart of everyone it touches. This is your mission, this is your destiny. You are so loved, you are so bright in your mighty divine light, open your eyes to see and behold you will see the gift of love, that you are to the world.
6/20/24 - Hakann the Pleiadian: Local meetings for first contact
Channel: A.S. (especially for Eraoflight)
My dearest brothers and sisters, This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love. Currently, your world is gripped by fear. There’s fear of a third world war, fear of people’s children being drafted, fear of their cities going up in smoke, fear of economic hardship, fear of Trump, fear of the left, fear of the right, fear of immigrants, fear of the other, et cetera et cetera. Now, the situation on Earth is within the band of predicted situations, and my prediction remains that likely (though not guaranteed) your lives will substantially improve and you will meet us in 2024 or 2025. Two critical variables are the energy on Earth, and the Level of Consciousness of humanity. And those two variables keep rising, which is good.
Still, recently not as much progress has been made as we would have liked. The situation is very complex, but three prominent reasons for this are: – The gray hats haven’t made big public moves. There is some hope that the rising energies and current situation will nudge them to start taking open action and even to potentially become actual white hats at some point in the future, but so far this hasn’t happened.
– Average people are waking up, but not that quickly.
– And the non-evil, spiritually awake people haven’t come together to form a large, coherent group. You have actually been doing your lightwork and your inner work and your holding on to the light quite well, and for that I commend you and want to express my respect. But there isn’t yet a clear, widely known, open, relatively large, non-corrupted lightworker or first contact organization. The impact of lightworkers is being limited because many of them are isolated. Of course, many souls of Earth humans also want the situation to speed up. And many souls are seeing that their lower selves are simply refusing to wake up, and that their lower selves are desiring comfort and to basically go back a few decades — not realizing that this is a desire to return to a nicer form of slavery.
Souls are really wanting their lower selves to wake up and to build a new world and experience this new and heart-centered society. And also, if the population remains asleep then either the black hats or the gray hats are going to win and be a hidden group of controllers who runs the world, which isn’t great — unless us galactics intervene in a direct way, which has the disadvantage that Earth humans won’t learn their own lessons and so the new Earth society might not be stable. So, basically, what souls are really wanting is that average people wake up and become informed, because that’s the best path towards the kind of heart-centered society that everyone wants to see on Earth.
Hence, many souls of Earth are nudging things towards big confrontations — NATO vs Russia, Trump vs Biden or whoever the Democratic candidate will be, Israel vs Palestine — in order to shake their lower selves awake. The goal here isn’t billions of deaths. The goal here is to wake up their own lower selves. Right now us Galactics aren’t yet doing a direct intervention because creating these confrontations is the plan of the souls, the true selves, of many people of Earth, and we want to honor the free-will choices of the souls of the people of Earth. Moreover, this is a plan that could work to finally wake enough people up. Indeed, the recent conviction of Trump has already woken up some more people to the unfairness that’s going on. And the Ukraine – Russia – NATO situation and the, in my opinion, genocide in gaza are helping some people realize that war sucks and the people of Earth must learn to live together in peace.
Furthermore, the current situation is increasing the pressure on the gray hats to actually start publicly arresting traitors and provide public disclosure — because the gray hats don’t want world war three. So it is possible, though certainly not guaranteed, that they will finally be nudged to take action in the not too distant future. So these global situations are nudging people to wake up. On the other hand, the current conflicts are also leading to even more fear on your world. So, I predict that things will get quite rocky. However, what’s not going to happen is billions of people dying in an all-out nuclear war. Now, will we see a conventional world war three between NATO, Russia and possibly others? Likely not, hopefully the threat of it is enough to scare people awake, but I can’t completely rule out world war three. Ultimately we’re respecting the wishes of the souls of Earth humans. And frankly, many souls right now are nudging towards confrontation because people are simply refusing to wake up, and souls are seeing few other ways of waking people up. Of course, what would be a nicer road to people waking up is if either the gray hats arrested traitors and released public disclosure.
Or, alternatively, it could help if there was an organization named something like: “local meetings for those seeking first contact with benevolent ETs.” Or some catchier name along those lines. The point of that organization would be to facilitate local meetings between Earth humans who are interested in first open contact with benevolent galactics, such as us Pleiadians. It would be very beneficial for like-minded, awake Earth humans to start meeting up. And such an organization could create an alternative future in the minds of onlookers: not world war three, not tyranny and declining living standards, but instead open contact with friendly extraterrestrials.
Said organization shouldn’t focus on hierarchy or leaders or formal structures or on online meetings or online content. The focus should be on local, in-the-flesh meetings. Preferably somewhat regularly, let’s say once per month, or whatever the frequency is that works best for the local group. What you do together is up to you, and isn’t as important as the simple act of meeting up in the first place. You could walk together, share a meal and conversation together, have a meditation group together, organize small presentations or workshops about for example spiritual healing techniques, do a book club on a book about spirituality or galactic races or to discuss certain channelings that you found thought-provoking, or you could watch a movie together, do some volunteer work together, just do some fun activity together, et cetera.
Us galactics can’t promise to immediately start physically showing up and meeting these groups, although that might happen at some point in the future, if we decide to go the route of first meeting with select individuals before we land openly. Still, in the very near future, don’t yet expect us galactics to physically show up to these gatherings. Instead we suggest going to them with the intention of meeting and spending quality time with other like-minded Earth humans. The channeler has his hands full. If anyone feels called to start such an organization, you have the channeler’s and our blessing. The most important thing would be to have a website that facilitates people meeting up locally. And if you have made such a website, feel free to write comments linking to your site under future articles by this channeler.
What you can also do is just arrange such a meetup without creating the whole organization. You can do that, for example, by registering some secondary email address and posting in this comment section something like: “hello, I live in this area in this country, are there people nearby who would like to meet up, at first in a public place for everyone’s safety? If you’re interested, please mail this secondary email address of mine.” And then just see if people respond.
Other than meeting up with people, what can you personally do? Well, of course, it’s good to continue to do your own inner work, because that indirectly lifts up all of humanity too. Remember Ashtar’s messages: you are a reincarnating soul. Fundamentally you cannot be harmed, and you have already succeeded in your task on Earth, because you have already brought light and done your part in helping to hold aloft the consciousness of the world. So you cannot be harmed, and you cannot fail. You can only either succeed, or succeed to an even greater extent.
What you can also do is help others, even if that’s just by being kind to them. If people perceive that others are looking out for them or are at least present and kind, that helps dispel some of the fear. Finally, listen to your own inner guidance.
I hope this was helpful. And even though these times may be rocky and scary, it really is likely that we will meet this year or the next. And that will be a glorious and amazing time indeed.
Your star brother,
6/19/24 - Video - How to make new cells in the brain
(28 min - 3/28/23) A lecture by Barbara O'Neill. I found this tremendously informative about the brain. Barbara is an Australian naturopath and lecturer on health issues who, in 2019, was banned for life by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) from providing free or paid health services. The ban followed an HCCC investigation which found she lacked any health-related qualifications, a degree, diploma, or membership in an accredited health organization. But Tik Toc and other social media avenues have picked her up and have been creating a growing audience for her teachings. Barbara's teachings that you can change your reality via your brain cells, are compared with those of the ancient hermetic order of occult tradition, encompassing alchemy, astrology and theosophy. The body was designed to heal itself, she says. The universe is a mental universe and thought can change brain cells. She elaborates on new scientific discoveries to highlight how this occurs, drawing pictures on white boards. The reason we have two hemispheres in the brain and the real meaning of the third eye. It is the portal of individual choice, to override the dualistic properties of the otherwise limited brain. The brain gives us an either/or selection process until we understand HOW to override the either/or choice. How to enforce a decision requires that we come to full understanding. She provided this understanding to me and I have already seen some of the benefits of using it. Confusion is the result of not understanding how our brain works. Until we know, we remain confined to the limits of the two sides of the brain which is constently adding to the confusion. Clean up the brain, she is saying! This is ancient mysticism being brought together and explained by the scientific method. We can change our brain if we understand. We can override our problems and resurrect our health and sanity. (This goes against commercial pharmaceutical and medical rules, so it's understandable why she has been banned.)
6/16/24 - Tourmalayne: Souls want to experience all sides of phenomena
Channeled by A.S. (exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com)
My dearest Earth friends, This is Tourmalayne speaking. I embrace you in love. How has the Earth journey been for you, so far? Was this what you expected before you came down? Has it been lonelier, has it been more painful? Do you feel resentment because Earth life is indeed very hard?
In what ways has your soul been surprised by your current life on Earth? What things are currently in your life that your teenage self would be very happy with? My dearest Earth friends, feel free to share in the comments how you’re currently doing, and feel free to share answers to any of these questions that you feel like answering. I deeply care, because many of you have literally been friends or pupils or acquaintances of mine in a past life. And even if you haven’t, well, we are one, and you are the part of humanity that is currently creating the most expansion — which is one amazing way of serving Source.
In March 2024, Ashtar delivered a message via this channeler with the title: “Ashtar: If I am suffering, then what am I making my pain mean?” In it, he said that the service-to-self path, or what Earth people think of as being evil, is an entirely valid path to walk. Now, currently there is too much suffering on Earth and we’re working to reduce it. However, Ashtar said that if everyone was cozy and comfortable and pleasant to each other all the time, people’s souls would actually start looking for other kinds of less pleasant experiences.
Ashtar said: “Souls actually prefer there to be pain and contrast in the universe. Evil isn’t a problem to be solved, it’s a feature to be managed.”
That is quite a line. I agree with him, and wanted to discuss that idea a little more. Souls want to experience all sides of all phenomena. So for example, it is likely that at one time your soul wanted to experience being murdered, it wanted to experience murdering someone, it wanted to witness someone murdering someone else, and it wanted to experience having a loved one be murdered.
Perhaps today your soul has already had these experiences and is no longer curious about them, but most likely your soul was curious about these things in the past, back when you were a younger soul.
So, right there, you can say that evil has a purpose: souls want to experience all sides of all phenomena. And you can’t experience being murdered if everyone in the universe is perfectly loving towards each other. That might not sound like a problem to you, but souls care more about soul growth than about the comfort of their current incarnation. And really, once you start viewing your current incarnation as just your vehicle and your immortal reincarnating soul as the real you, then this makes sense.
But it goes deeper than just the idea that evil is useful because it can help souls experience all sides of all phenomena. Us, Pleiadians, as a society are very loving. So what happens if a soul incarnates in the Pleiades a couple of times, and is deeply loved every time? Well, it’s quite possible that then the soul wishes to experience what it’s like to NOT receive sufficient love. And so they might incarnate on a world like Earth, or incarnate on a harsh reptilian world. But also, souls who have been incarnated in the Pleiades a couple of times might desire to experience what it’s like to not give their children enough love, and in fact emotionally neglect them. And so they might get born on Earth, and have a child whose soul agreed to having the experience of being emotionally neglected.
Or a soul who has been to the Pleiades a couple of times, but now lives on Earth, might decide to cheat on their partner, in order to experience another side of love that way. And this might sound monstrous, but no one’s soul is getting harmed — only their vehicles are being harmed. So us Pleiadians, with our loving ways, are actually indirectly nudging souls to want to experience what it’s like to be emotionally neglected, or to emotionally neglect others, or to cheat on others. Obviously this is no secret evil agenda of ours. It’s just that souls are interested in experiencing all sides of all phenomena. So if souls live in peace and love with us, then they may want to experience or be responsible for the opposite of peace and love in their future incarnations.
Now sure, souls have free will. It’s not like souls are being forced to become evil after experiencing light-filled lives a couple of times. And indeed, older souls may have firmly decided to walk the path of service-to-others or service-to-self, and so they may choose to consistently act with unity consciousness or consistently act with separation consciousness, in incarnation after incarnation. However, relatively younger souls tend to choose to switch between having blissful light-filled lives, and having lives where they experience or cause significant darkness. This isn’t a problem that is to be solved. This is actually as it should be. This is what souls, the actual beings, want — a huge universal garden where they can play and be and have both positive and negative experiences.
Similarly, souls who suffer in a harsh reptilian world may very well wish for more light and love in their next incarnations, and become extra-loving people after their reptilian incarnations. Indeed, part of the reason why Earth is turning to the light is that many people on Earth have suffered and are suffering, and so they naturally start desiring love and peace. And because enough souls desired that Earth would become a place of light and love, it became part of the divine plan that humanity will be free. And, so it shall be. So you could think of the Pleiades as a place that indirectly creates people who want to suffer or cause suffering in others. And you can think of harsh reptilian worlds as places that indirectly create people who want to love and be loved. The mirror image of love is wanting to experience lack of love, and wanting to act in unloving ways towards others. And the mirror image of lack of love is wanting to experience love, and wanting to act lovingly towards others.
Suppose that today all people magically stopped existing except for loving Pleiadians. Then fast forward a thousand years, and I predict that about half of all Pleiadians will have become evil, just because souls wish to experience both sides of polarity. Similarly, suppose that today all people stopped existing except for ruthless, evil reptilians. Then fast forward a thousand years, and I predict that about half of all reptilians will have become loving and altruistic, just because souls wish to experience both sides of polarity. Similarly, a psychopath on a gray world like Earth might indirectly create a desire in a lot of people to treat others with love and to be treated with love, in their future incarnations.
The worst mass murderer you know has probably created a lot of desire in very many souls to create a safe, harmonious civilization in their future incarnations. So your soul most likely isn’t upset with evil people. It’s all just part of the dance of creation, part of the upwards spiral. By the way, there are good reptilians and good reptilian societies. There actually are also a few evil Pleiadians, living in a separate society. I’m just using Pleiadians and reptilians as a shorthand to illustrate the concept. So, is it all meaningless? Well no, everything you do are experiences for you and for others, and that is the most meaningful thing in the universe.
There is nothing wrong with the universe. The universe doesn’t need fixing. The point of helping someone isn’t that the universe is flawed and that by helping someone, you are moving the universe one step closer to how it should be. Instead, the point of helping someone is just the experience of helping someone, in you and them. The point of the act is the act itself. And also, the act itself is the most meaningful thing in the universe. That said, while the universe itself won’t, and indeed shouldn’t become a place with zero suffering in it any time soon, Earth specifically is certainly moving in the direction of less suffering. And it is entirely possible and perfectly fine for an individual world to move over to the light. And you can absolutely contribute to the divine plan that humanity will be free, and perhaps you can learn a few last lessons there on Earth along the way.
Also, while the universe itself isn’t going to become a suffering-free place any time soon, you personally can absolutely move on to higher and more advanced forms of positive existence. You can absolutely reach more pleasant forms of existence with less suffering for you personally. And doing good deeds can certainly contribute to that.
It is my hope that for some of you, this message will help you release resentment or anger towards so-called evil people, or towards people who have hurt you. I hope that was helpful. And to be clear, Earth currently has too much suffering on it. We are still working behind the scenes to reduce that. As Source has decreed, you will be free. That hasn’t changed.
I very much look forward to finally reuniting with you again, hopefully (but not guaranteed) later this year or the next. I would embrace you, look you in the eyes, offer you any healing and practical assistance you might need, and say to you: my dearest friend, what a challenge, what an experience to be alive on Earth at this pivotal moment. How has your journey been? Was this what you expected? Has it been worth it?
With all my love,
This was Tourmalayne
6/16/24 - The central suns - History of and how they affect us
By Jessica Schliedermann
All souls that are currently incarnated in our galaxy come from the central sun. It is the birthplace (Alpha) and the end (Omega) of all souls that come from the Milky Way. The souls that belong to our Earth also come from the central sun. My twin soul and I also come from the galactic central sun of our Milky Way, spirit beings composed of microscopically small particles of matter, and equipped with a consciousness from the primordial stream, divine matter, which can be found in every galactic central sun. We are already older souls who are now being led into the last common union. That means he is my last partner and husband until the death of our souls separates us. Our last walk together will be in a few tens of thousands of years, when we will meet again at the Galactic Central Sun to become what we came from.
Each galaxy has its own central sun, the birthplace of all resident souls, and the place where all souls rejoin the primordial stream of divine matter. A universal natural selection of older spirit beings to make room for new souls. This is an important process to ensure continuous progress in the universe. The lifespan of souls is often hundreds of thousands of years. Souls are created to work for the universe and the Creator. This is the only way the universe has been preserved for eons. In return, the Creator allows his souls many freedoms and amenities, which can only be fully used if you are one of the Ascended Masters. And which change individually depending on the dimension level reached. Our humanity lives in the illusion of being only human, but we are all spiritual beings in human embodiment, and of different age groups.
On Earth there are many young souls, middle-aged souls and also old souls. Certain tendencies that are anchored in every being do not come about by chance, but were given to every spiritual being. The Creator of all being decides what kind of souls are needed in the respective galaxy, and then souls are built in the divine matter (central sun) and brought to life. Our consciousness comes from the central sun, and our incarnation cycle only serves to serve the universe, to increase our consciousness and to mature spiritually.
Humanity should also become aware of this, everything else is worldly illusionary truths that are supposed to make us believe that we are only people who can be identified through the brain and the cardiovascular system. An incarnated spirit being is what makes a person. Souls that have a low vibration are often tempted to commit terrible acts. These souls can often no longer be reincarnated,and are then brought to the Central Sun after their disembodiment, where they re-enter the primordial stream, the Galactic Central Sun. Two examples of this would be the souls that were incarnated in Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden. For these souls, the incarnation cycle is over and they have been handed over to the Galactic Central Sun. Even in our time, there are several war criminals living who, after their disembodiment, will most likely be handed over to the Central Sun. Because above our worldly illusionary courts stands the Creator of all being, who stands above every crime in the universe.
Souls are not created for eternity, and twin souls that are led into the final union together will not exist forever, but only as long as the predetermined life plan has predetermined for them. The word “eternal” is only valid for the Creator of all beings.
There are two creations in the universe: the light creation and the satanic creation. In space there are numerous species that come from the negative spiritual creation, and there are countless negative spiritual beings in the lower spiritual realms that also come from a central place in the universe and find their end there (Omega). There is a coming and going for all living things in the universe.
6/16/24 - Message from the Angels: Love in the eternal flow
Channeled by Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is no race to a goal. There is no finish line to your soul. There is no point at which you will ever stop wanting more. You are made of the Creative force of the universe, which lives within and flows through you. Creation happens through you. It will never cease.
Watch the pure little ones. They want a toy so badly that they think of nothing else! They get it, play with it awhile, and then want the next toy. They are consummate creators. Watch nature. The acorn wants to be an oak, and then the oak wants to make acorns. Nature never stops creating. Look at your own nature. You want something in your life. You get it, enjoy it, and then want more. You, too, always have the creative life force moving within you, calling for more.
There is nothing wrong with any of this. It is normal, natural, and part of your essence to evolve, create, and expand love. You will enjoy a much greater quality of life, however, if you can enjoy the journey, celebrate the destinations when you arrive, and allow yourself the very natural tendency to look forward to the next “destination.” You are not “ungrateful” for what you have. You are creators, and creators want to create! We want you to have all you desire in your 3D world. More importantly, we want you to enjoy your life in the process of attuning to love and allowing the 3D world to take shape around you.
Most of you have had the experience of anticipating a vacation. You think about it, look forward to it, and plan for it. There is joy in the journey as you merge your thoughts with the future event. Then you go on your vacation and have a good time. When you come back home, you realize that you need something new to anticipate. This is life eternal flowing through you!
The most “alive” people on your earth enjoy the process of creating, whether they like cooking their dinner, keeping a beautiful home, scheduling lunches with friends, building companies, making art, or solving an engineering dilemma. They enjoy the process of getting healthier, losing weight, finding ways to make more money, connecting with spirit, growing a garden, learning to relax, or meeting new people. They anticipate their goals, look forward to them, celebrate every little win along the way, and enjoy their days. Of course, they experience a vibrational attunement to their dreams, which ensures their self-fulfilling prophecy of success.
The most unsatisfied people on your earth refuse to be happy until the external world changes around them. They refuse to feel good about themselves until someone else loves them and proves they are lovable. They refuse to relax until the last bill is paid. They refuse to enjoy what life has to offer now because their big desires have not yet arrived. Sadly, they experience a vibrational attunement to their lack, which creates a sad self-fulfilling prophecy as well. Your aliveness, health, happiness, abundance, and overall well-being come from pulling this creative life force through you. You do this every time you love anything or anyone. You do this every time you appreciate anything or anyone. You do this every time you dare to dream and anticipate a desire coming true, be it something as simple as getting to an appointment on time or something as large as envisioning your child’s happiness. You pull life force through you when you speak of anything that brings good feelings.
You resist the unending stream and flow of life force when you remain stuck in anger, fear, or doubt. Brief bursts of feeling, when not stuffed uncork the life force, but long wallows in powerlessness resist it. Even focusing on or talking about things that weigh you down emotionally creates resistance to this loving stream. Most of you alternate between allowing and resisting love countless times each day. It is part of the human condition. You don’t have to be open to the flow at all times to have your dreams come true. You only have to be there more often than not.
Consider this analogy. Imagine you have a car that drives forward with every good-feeling thought. It goes backward with every bad-feeling thought. If you have even a few more good-feeling thoughts, you’ll move forward. If you can enjoy the journey, the journey will progress quickly! If you have predominantly bad-feeling thoughts, you won’t get anywhere. If you get upset over not being at the destination, you’ll send yourelf backward. The smallest choice to enjoy the moment in front of you gets that car moving forward and your life moving as well. The smallest choice to enjoy a moment activates the vibration of love within you, and right here and now, you can experience the love that you all seek.
You are eternal souls. You intended to enjoy the process of creation. You intended to tune into vibrations of love along the way—thus anticipating, dreaming, attuning, and receiving. Even those of you who chose very challenging lives to advance your own growth into self-love or compassion knew that you could tune into loving vibrations and move through the tough stuff into a loving life. There is no race to the goal and no finish line for the soul. There are times you find yourself in creations you didn’t intend, stuck around people you’re not particularly fond of, in a country you worry about, a body that isn’t feeling cooperative, or with a bank account you can’t quite reconcile. We’re not suggesting that you try to like the unpleasant situations in your life or settle for staying in them.
We are suggesting that you look for what you can enjoy in a given moment because, in the greater scheme of eternity, the sooner you can attune to the vibration and feeling of love, the sooner your personal 3D world will begin to shift. As you grant yourself permission to feel good about anything now, you will begin to relax into your eternal journey, and the more you allow yourself to enjoy what you can now, the better your later will be.
Grant yourself this grace, dear ones. Each moment in your eternal journey is rich with possibilities and opportunities for greater love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
6/15/24 - Video - The Pleiadians are Preparing
(8 min - 6/14/24) Message from Zorion of the Sirian High Council. Everything is being prepared to bring the perfect system for your planet. Several weeks ago we spoke about preparation for contact and we are excited to say that we are now in the final stages. We have been given the signal to be in the final stage of the preparation through this transition process. You have heard about many events leading up to this. This is one of those events. You will begin to see more and more sightings of our ships in the skies. Many of you will begin to make contact with those of us in our ships and we with you. (Channeled b;y Dave Akira for GFL Station.)
6/12/24 - Video - Ashtar: You are about to face your greatest shift
(8 min - 6/11/24) The shift is to unity. The veil is thinning. Ascension is a shared journey that brings you together with others in your quest for a higher state of being. It is a shift from one of aloneness and the need to survive and think of yourself, to one of blending, serving and sharing with others. It is good to get out of the house more. For example, if you are going grocery shopping, go with an intention of sharing and helping others while picking up groceries on the way. Intention turns life from dull and routine to excitement, enthusiasm and vitality. It opens your mind, heart and feelings to newness, refreshing you and moving you out of the box you have been confined in. We urge you to gather more with others. Collective ascension is a galactic awakening. The Galactic Federation consists of those above us in consciousness, who have already ascended beyond selfishness and thoughts of self as being separate. Ascension is the discovery of life in unity with others who are similar to you. It brings you closer to feeling of home, of being part of a family.
6/12/24 - Master KaRa of the Pleiades: Many will be leaving the planet
Channeled by James McConnell
I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, these quite auspicious times that you are in now, times that you have been preparing for, for a long, long time, even before coming into these lifetimes, these lifetimes that you’ve been preparing for. You knew one day, one day in the far distant future, in a galaxy far, far away, you were destined, destined to be a part of this high vibrational frequency and evolutionary shift in consciousness as it is occurring at this time. Destined to be a part of it, be a part of the first wave of Ascension preparing the way for those to come after you. Yes, you are the wayshowers, or ones that indeed you have been waiting for. You yourself, not us, be the Pleiadians or the Syrians or the Agarthans, any of the other civilizations that are here assisting in this planetary evolution, solar system evolution and even this galaxy evolution that is occurring.
We are all here to witness this, to watch this, to be a part of this in whatever expression that we can be part of. But alas, we cannot yet become too involved in your evolutionary process, other than to be here at a moment’s notice. Let’s tell you now, that call is not that far off, perhaps closer than you might even believe it to be. We are in a waiting stage. We, those of us in the millions of ships that are here, we’re watching over this process again, assisting wherever we can. We have been assisting in many different ways, even to the point of allowing more and more energy to come into your planet. We are a part of your consciousness here. Raising your consciousness is a delicate process, let’s say, will only allow enough energy, various times throughout this process, to be able to come into the planet, be able to be absorbed in your body, for your bodies, your physical bodies as carbon bodies, cannot handle the higher level energies that is yet to come in. So your physical bodies are indeed changing. Carbon to crystalline. That is in the process of happening.
This, my friends, is why when you say here that there are going to be many that are going to be leaving this planet, that is why, because they will not be able to handle the entire energy. Their physical bodies, their central nervous systems will not be able to handle it. And they, many and many more yet, have chosen to leave the planet in various ways of exiting. But that is not for you to be concerned about. You can only do what you can do. You cannot convince anyone to go against their path. For their path is their path, just like your path is your path. Everyone has the right to choose their path and where that path will take them. So for you, each of you, the wayshowers, it is almost time, I say, for the movie, as you have been told to end. This is a movie playing out in front of you. But this movie coming to an end is not that far off. But it will be in stages or, as you have heard, various phases. Yes, indeed, you are in the process of entering phase two. Phase two will be a very quick phase, I’d say, compared to the earlier one. Then each one after that will be even quicker, might say time itself quickens. Time itself is speeding up. That is all purposeful.
But the time is ahead. Although, maybe somewhat rocky at times. They will be revealing the truth, the truth that has been held back in the shadows for so long, but not to be held back much longer. For the truth indeed shall set you free, not only you, but mankind that is ready for this evolutionary shift. We are ready. The Galactics, we the Pleiadians, all of those other civilizations, we are ready. Again, at a moment’s notice, to be of more and more assistance. And indeed, our ships will be shown more and more over the coming days, weeks, and months ahead, leading to the culmination. I don’t exactly say when that culmination will be, but it is coming.
I am KaRa. I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And know that I, as KaRa, will be here with you more often in the time ahead now. There has been the time off, you might say, where my energies were requird elsewhere. Because of my connection with so many of you that are on this call, those that will read and understand these words.
6/11/24 - Ascended Master Quan Yin: Meditate every day
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Hello My Dear Ones, I am Quan Yin, and I am so happy to be here to speak today to all of you. It has been over 3 years, since my last appearance through this channel.
I am going to bring to your attention a couple of concerns, which are extremely important to take them seriously and reflect on them in your heart. The predictions of the upcoming events in your reality, misleading informations about advanced equipment and etc are spread from false sources to mislead everyone. Light Beings said through this channel on many occasions that any event specified with a date and time will never happen, as it’s a false information stated by minions, who serve the Darkness.
For example, the Pleaidians are not going to do astral surgeries on June 7 on starseeds. The Galactic Pleaidian Civilization never said this. Light Community keeps ignoring our warnings about spreading these facts and continue to support a false narrative. The reason it occurs so often, because you are not doing the spiritual work, despite our constant suggestions, otherwise you would spot it right away the inaccurate facts. My Dear Ones, I am saying this for your sake, you can’t move forward as a civilization, unless you evolve spiritually.
You can end up another billion years being stuck in the same way, as you are today. The spiritual evolution requires sacrifices and hard work. You can’t expect to see results without putting the effort into your advancement to move into higher dimensions. Light Beings have been communicating through this channel for over 4 years now. It’s time to start doing the work. Did any of the predictions with specific dates ever came into reality? They didn’t, not even one.
Based on my personal experiences and all other Ascended Masters human’s lives living on Earth, there are no shortcuts, when it comes to the Ascension Process. Light Beings are assisting in your transformation, and the rest it’s up to your human race to make the necessary changes required in order to be able to move to a New 5D Earth. Everyone’s daily goal needs to become daily silent meditations without any exceptions.
You can’t kill your human ego and become free from being controlled by the 3D mind without meditating as much you can. Your mind needs to become your servant and not your master. We are always talking about doing daily silent meditations in our messages. Now, I am going to give you some guidance on how to do the silent meditations, and on what to expect.
First, you want to find a quiet room or an area in your home with no loud noise or strong smells, that would be distracting you from meditating silently. Then, you choose a comfortable position either to sit or lay. For example, sitting on a chair or a couch, laying on the couch or bed and etc. It doesn’t need to be that traditional meditation position of sitting on the floor with crossed legs. This position is usually done by people from Asian countries, as it’s comfortable for them. The West just copies the East by doing this meditation position, they think that‘s on how it needs to be done, only in that position, what is not true. It needs to be a comfortable position, whatever it may be, otherwise if it’s not a relaxing position you won’t be able to silently meditate, because your body is going to distract you from being uncomfortable.
Also, you want to do the silent meditations privately, if you doing it to be seen by others, than your just feeding your ego and you won’t get any spiritual benefit. Unless, the person or people in the same room or area with you in your home are also meditating, then that’s fine. Once you pick your position, then close your eyes. You will mostly likely have thoughts going through your mind. Try not to get attached to or get consumed by them, just let the thoughts come and go.
When you stay in silence with your eyes closed try to feel the Universal Consciousness in and around your body. You do this as long as you can, once you feel you can’t do this anymore or it feels forced, you just stop and go to do, whatever you need to do for the day. You want to repeat this a few times throughout the day, when you have a free time.
Eventually, over time when your keep meditating in silence and trying to feel your Universal Consciousness in and around your body, it’s going to announce its presence to you by something, as simple like something touches you gently on your shoulder or anywhere on your body or a part of your body starts to itch. Don’t scratch that spot, instead try to focus with your mind on that area of the body that itches. If eventually you can’t take the itching, you just scratch that spot. Once you start constantly having your body itch during silent meditations, then your Universal Consciousness will no longer just announce its presence to you. Now, it will try to heal parts of your body that’s needs healing, the itching will become more intense. Eventually, any part of your body that has pain, it will start to feel like those areas are being worked on by invisible energy.
Not only it will itch more, and it also will feel like the pain is being pulled from the problem areas. Anytime, you feel itching on your body during silent meditation, you should always try to focus on that area with your mind and try not scratch it. If you continuing to do this, the itching with overtime will stop, and you’re going to feel instead something else, which I can’t describe in words, because there is nothing in this human world you experience that matches it. You’re going to start to feel lightness in and around your body. This will be the beginning stages of you feeling your 5th dimensional Light Body. The idea of doing daily silent meditations is to make it a habit, as a natural part of your day as breathing. After practicing this for long enough period of time, you will be in a meditative state all of the time regardless on what you are doing as your main focus will be on feeling the presence of your Light Body/Universal Consciousness. It’s a peaceful and a loving presence in and around your body.
After your devotion to the practice of daily silent meditations, your 3D human body will transform into a 5D Galactic Light Body. After that, when you will be walking, you won’t feel your feet at all or your whole body. Instead you’re going to feel the presence of your Universal Consciousness, which will be light and weightless, like a gentle breeze. You also will have no thoughts in your head, it will be silent. Instead of trying to think, you will be waiting for information to come to you. You won’t even have any idea on what words your going to say next, but it will be the right words or phrases at the right time.
By living in the 3D Matrix you absorbed all of the materialistic thinking and disconnected yourself completely from your soul and your Universal Consciousness. Before it becomes too late, start your spiritual path. In the spare time you have left share your Love with everyone around you. Love is the highest energy, you can ever experience. Also, please practice gratitude by being grateful for all of the blessings you receive from Mother Gaia. Silent meditation needs to become an essential part in your daily routine, it’s like water and bread. Please, accept my Supreme Love.
Stay in Gratitude and in Light
Quan Yin
6/11/24 - Video - The Pleiadian High Council: nearing the ultimate test
(11 min - 6/10/24) Pleiadian High Council guiding you through the final phase of your earthly trials. Your journey is nearing its ultimate test. This final phase is about releasing material attachments and discovering your true divine self. Transcend physical reality, understand your soul's purpose, and embrace higher awareness. Embrace this trial with an open heart. The Pleiadian High Council offers unwavering support during this transformative phase. Your journey has prepared you for this moment of self-discovery and spiritual freedom. You're not alone. Trust in your journey and the bright future ahead. You're a beacon of light, ready to shine in a higher realm. Posted by: Youtube@CelestialStarseeds
6/11/24 - Jeshua: Connecting with your larger field
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua.
I greet you as a friend and an equal. Feel my love and respect for you. I am with you and reach out my hand to you as a brother who knows the deep emotions you can encounter in earthly life. I understand your doubts, your fears, and the discouragement that overcomes you at times when things are not going right, or if things do not turn out as you had expected or hoped.
Feel my presence, here and now. I am present on Earth, forever connected with you. We are essentially one heart, connected by an energy, a link of love, and by a kindred spirit and unity. As a person on Earth, as a personality, you are focused on the reality that you see and experience around you: your three-dimensional body and the input you receive from the world around you. But, also as an earthly human, there runs through you the energy field of your soul, which is much larger and has access to sources of light and knowledge that are much greater and much more far-reaching than the earthly. They include, but reach beyond, the earthly reality.
The energy field of your soul runs directly through you, and that field includes knowledge and experience you have gained during other incarnations on Earth. Feel that field, it is not far away. Feel that field – the presence of your soul – as it surrounds you. Your consciousness as a human being on Earth is very focused on your outer, everyday life, on certain goals, on concrete things which need to happen, but in order to get in touch with your soul, it is necessary to take a step backward.
Imagine that the field of your soul, and everything in it, exists behind you like a loving presence that stands silently with you. The soul does not judge; she takes in everything, incorporates it as wisdom, and then moves on. Your soul is itself connected to a larger whole, with a web of energies, a network of like-minded souls, and you have the capability to feel that.
Sense your own body and your earthly personality; feel the person who carries your name. Now feel the presence of your soul behind you and around you. And sense beyond and around that an even larger field of spirit, a cosmic ground of connectedness with other souls. Feel the light that is present in this larger field. Feel its vastness and greatness and be empowered by it. You are not alone on Earth. If you release the daily tedium a bit and you take time to become open and create spaciousness for yourself, it then becomes easier to make contact with, and to feel connected to, these larger realities. It then is also easier for you to feel contained within them.
I am part of that larger web of energies, of connected souls, in which you are included. You are not alone. It is important to feel this link, because in your soul is the desire to incorporate some of the wisdom that is present in that other, larger field and to manifest it on Earth; to channel it, so to speak, so that broader groups of people can share in it.
I ask you now to connect quite consciously with this larger field that transcends you; with this web of light in which you live and move and have your being, and that has been known to you from your existence between your incarnations. It is a web or network of connected souls who are involved with the Earth and what is happening here; it is a web that is involved with humankind. As soon as you open yourself to this field, you are encouraged to bring it to Earth and to share it with others in whatever way possible.
Now imagine that you can receive a message from this field. That message flows into your heart in the form of an energy, a word, a color, an image. It does not matter what form it takes, only that you are open to receiving a message from that field. Then let that energy course into your abdomen. Even though you do not hear or see anything yet, give permission to this energy to move into your abdomen. Maybe you then see a figure that meets you from a different dimension, a dimension of calm and clarity and gentleness. You can see this figure as a guide. Just see what form it adopts and greet that guide. Feel the warmth and affection it has for you. That figure can be anything: a man, an angel, an animal.
Now imagine you are that guide. Enter with your consciousness into that figure and feel from within who that guide is, and how that feels for you. Sense that there is an agreement between you and your guide; you have something in common. A guide lets you see something about yourself. The quality the guide is radiating to you, and that you find as special and of value, is itself what you are developing. You are able to see this quality present in the guide, although in a more mature form, because this gift, this potential, is also present within you; that you are developing this quality that is already inherent within yourself.
Now take leave of this guide and come all the way back into your body. Feel that you are an inhabitant of two worlds. With your earthly personality, you take part in the world of everyday life, the social reality with all the ideas which are alive in it, and, at the same time, you are part of an atmosphere of being that is very open and free and very different in nature than that of everyday reality. Learning to connect these two worlds together is the art of living. Thus can the light and freedom of the other side – the realm of the soul and the larger web of spirit around it – enter into your daily life. These are the seeds that are put down into the Earth, the seeds that cause new growth and inspiration among humans.
Your main task is to connect inwardly with the different levels of being. Then everything begins to flow naturally and spontaneously and you know what you have to do. When I say that you are here to channel light into this world does not mean I want to put you to work; rather, I am pointing to something already emerging. You are already developing that channel, and the more consciously you connect these two worlds, the easier it will be for you to discover who you truly are, and you will know what is joyful to do.
It always works best if you express yourself from a stream of joy. Joy is a sign of the good and the true – remember this. Do not force yourself into all kinds of shapes trying to bend over backward to fulfill your mission. Just be yourself and follow the natural path of relaxation and joy. That is how spirit and soul work. Then it is an energy that can arrive more fully on Earth: the energy of joy and lightheartedness, rather than that of pain and struggle.
Thank you so much for your attention. I love you, always.
6/10/24 - Video - The Pleiadians - Start making your preparations now
(8 min - 6/9/24) Posted by the GFLstation.com, A message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Earth Council. Channeled by Divina Solmanos. Ascension is the journey of understanding the sacredness of your existence and the intricate balance of energies and the powerful role of sexual energy as a bridge to divine oneness.
6/8/24 - Video - The Pleiadians: Trust in your own mind!
(13 min - 2/27/24) Trust in your own mind. Allow the divine mind within you to fully engage with your mind, your mental body and your thoughts. It is important to trust your own mind in order to master your mind. Allow negative thoughts to pass by without reacting. Don't judge. Remember that your mind is connected to the divine mind. Acknowledge negative thoughts and allow them to pass without engaging with them. When you engage with a negative thought, you accept it as your own. You energize it and then it's too late. You have already sent a message out to the universe that you want more of the same. The law of universe is magnetic attraction - draw to yourself what you think and send out. Allow negative thoughts to pass without engaging with them.
6/8/24 - Sananda: Watch the movie play out - the process of ascension
Channeled by James McConnell
I Am Sananda, I come to be with you at this time, In these special times that you are approaching now, know that everything is indeed shifting at this point. Timelines are shifting. Life itself is shifting. And you are a part of that shift. Even though you may not feel like it at times, even though you may feel like you are certainly back within the third dimensional matrix, being a part of that going about your everyday lives and in many ways like others across the planet that are oblivious to even the fact that they are in the matrix. But you yourselves know that you have moved beyond that and at times you are certainly beyond that. There are times when you are indeed walking in the fourth and fifth dimensional expression.
There are times when you can see that overlay of the fifth dimension and you can reach for it. It is right there in front of you and you know it. You feel it. You feel it deep within you. Not sure sometimes where that feeling comes from, but it is there nonetheless. You wonder, why am I feeling so good? But why wonder why? When you can just be, just be in the moment and feel good. Do not be concerned about where that came from. Just be who you are in that moment. You will find that more and more as you do this, you will be in that moment. You will be in that fifth dimensional expression. You will be a part of the fifth dimension moving closer and closer to your full ascension.
Know that you are in the process of ascension now. There are many things happening within your body, within your bodily structure that are moving you closer and closer to that ascension and certainly within your consciousness. As your consciousness continues to rise, as the vibrational frequencies all around you are raising the consciousness of man, always though it does not appear that way, but it is indeed doing so. You are moving forward, forward each and every day, each and every moment. So trust that. Trust in the plan as you have heard many times. The plan is God’s plan for this world, for the earth. It is a universal plan that has been in place for a very, very long, long time. And you are in the process right now of the culmination of this part of the plan.
So as you look at this more and more as a movie playing out, as you have heard many times that we have said this and many sources have given this, watch it as a movie playing out in front of you. Because if you do that, then you are not attached to the results of what occurs within that movie. You are just watching it, knowing that at some point this movie will come to an end. And of course, when there is an end, there is always a new beginning. And the new beginning is your ascension.
So many wonder, will there be a major event to occur? Will something happen to, as you have heard, trigger the next phase? But I will tell you now, as Sananda, the next phase has already begun. You are already in it now. And yes, there will be triggers. But various triggers that will occur are in the process of doing so. And you will find one day when you awaken in the not too distant future, that one of those triggers has gone off, which will lead to the next one and the next one as the domino effect. And this is in process of happening now.
So sit back, my friends, sit back, watch the movie, watch it play out in front of you. Do not become involved in it or attached to it. Just let it be what it is. You will find that you will be in the right place at the right time in the right moment to be about your mission, which you came here to do. Each and every one of you came here for a reason, came here for a mission. And that mission is about to open up in front of you more and more. Some of you have already begun that part of the mission, the part of the mission that leads you to the end of this movie and the beginning of the continuing journey of your lives.
I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to move forward being in the moment, every moment that you can, being in joy in that moment, finding the joy in that moment. Because these moments, right now, are yours.
6/8/24 - One Who Serves & Shoshanna: Soul Groups
Channeled by James McConnell
Greetings to you. One is Serves here and Shoshanna is back with us. Yippee! And we are ready to move on in this program that we have been working with you on very diligently over many years. We find years now working together with this particular group. But to understand that this group has evolved, has changed over a period of time. And there have been others that have been here before, and there are others that are yet to come here. Because it is all about old souls coming together again, being one with each other again. And your soul group, which is part of your soul group, are here to be with you and to continue to help move this program along. Help your training, the training that we have been working with you to bring you to this point that you are at right now and know that this training has led you further and further along in your extension process. And yes, indeed, you are all in this ascension process right now. And it is time now to begin to focus more and more on this ascension and further and further away from the third dimensional illusion and the capture of that illusion and the fear within that illusion. Let it all go. Forgive, forget, and move on. Now is the time more and more to do so as the changes begin to ramp up all around you. We are ready for your questions now if you have them.
(Member question): Well, I have a question. I had some very strange animal connections the past week. I have humane traps in my garage to humanely trap mice so I can release them in the wild. And about six days ago, there was a mouse and I took it in my car to release it in the wild and somehow the trap opened and the mouse jumped out of the trap into my car. I have not seen the mouse since. I don’t know if it’s still in my car. I want to know if there’s some significance with this mouse being in my car, maybe still there. And secondly, more importantly, the next day in one of my humane traps in my garage, there was a massive three to four foot long non venomous snake. It’s called a red racer, a beautiful snake. It was coiled up in one of the humane traps in my garage. So I took the snake out and released it in the wild. So I found it very strange that I had a mouse that I tried to save and it jumped in my car and I haven’t seen it since. And the next day was a massive three to four foot long snake, which somehow fit in the trap in my garage and I released it. Are there any messages these animals can be giving us or am I reading too much into it?
(OWS Answer): We would say certainly there are messages here because you are in a raised consciousness point of view when you are indeed releasing these creatures rather than killing them. What would most people out there do, those that are unconscious at this point, what would they do? They would kill them and they would be glad to be rid of them. You, on the other hand, are practicing what you have been learning to be of higher consciousness, to be of oneness. Oneness, yes, with the mouse. Oneness, yes, with the snake. You see? And know that the snake itself was not venomous as you say because it was not needed to be. All it needed was to show you and have you show benevolence toward this creature. So your consciousness is showing you that you are raising in consciousness. So Shoshanna, do you have something you add here?
(Shoshanna adds her perspective): We have a perspective here. If we may share our perspective with you, dear sister. (Yes, beautiful sister.) My dear sister, as we as we listen and we survey the past, we notice that you brought these features, these characteristics in with you in this lifetime. That in the past, you walked with the animals, you lived with the animals, you were part of the jungle. You have an affinity for all creatures, small and large. And it is an affinity that is part of your record, part of your soul record, which has been part of your biological DNA brought into this lifetime, which signals you to remember that you are, you’re a wild woman. You walk with animals and we will tell you that they are attracted to you because they know you will not harm them. So they come to your garage. They come to your trap because they know that you will care for them. It is an attraction process, you see. So there is no real message here except to know that you are part of nature yourself. And it has been enhanced through other lifetimes. Namaste.
(Member comment): Thank you very much. And a quick question to trail into that. I was reading the animal medicine cards and it says that a snake coming into your sphere, it may entail a short passage into discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of a magician? In other words, it’s saying the snake came in to say that maybe I’m going through changes and shedding skin and it’s giving me a message that maybe I have to go through some discomfort. And I think that was the message from the snake.
(Shoshanna comments): Yes, we would agree with that. We would agree with that. And even the medicine card that explains it to you is part of your journey to understand yourself. That is why you sought the answer there. Namaste. (Thank you. Thank you.)
(OWS): Very good. Are there further questions here?
(Member question): Yes, I have a question. There’s an Intel whistleblower out there named Gene Decode who told a story about when Trump was first in office and the White Hats started taking down and destroying the Nazi deep state satellites. And as that happened, the Nazis third and fourth Reich deep state called back their 30,000 SSP dark fleets from around the galaxy to return to Earth and when they arrived in our territory and the battleship along with another battleship completely decimated and destroyed the entire fleet of thirty thousand dark fleet ships in thirty minutes. Did that actually happen do you have any idea?
(OWS Answer): What we will tell you, rather than speaking of specific incidents such as this, although there is a great deal of truth in this, in that there are indeed battles going on all above you at this time, and have been for some time, and you would not be aware of this at the physical level that you are at here now, but when you are able to move further into the fifth dimensional expression you become aware of this just as you are becoming aware of this whether it is from another source that gives this or whether it is from your own eyes and ears to be able to perceive this so yes indeed there is these things that are going on and have been for some time and will continue on until the point when those that are all around the planet at this time can begin to fully show themselves. And that is not too far off as we find it at this point. Shoshanna, do you add to this?
(Shoshanna’s perspective): We can add to this, dear brother. May we add to this? (for sure, for sure.) Yes. Dear brother, this one known as Gene Decode has tremendous connections within the galaxy. He has tremendous connections. And we find as we survey this that he also has an enhanced pineal gland. So he receives information that the average person may not be receiving. He is also a witness to many of these things. We find that he completely tells the truth and it’s not that practical at time that people do not believe him but he is aware of much more than those that traverse this planet. Namaste.
(Member comment): Thank you very much!
OWS Comment): Yes well you are going to find that with this there are others that will be coming forward here in close proximity to where you are now that will begin to share more and more of these types of things. So you will hear it from many more different sources coming forward. Or indeed, this is the truth that is coming out.
(Member comment): For sure. Thank you very much.
(OWS): Are there other questions here?
(Member question): Yes, please. I like to get a little clarity because we know we keep being told, you know, we are the God source and we can create things however we want it. But then we’re also told, go with the flow. There’s a plan. So I have a sense that our power to create in the third dimension is more inside of the collective consciousness. Like we can create, but it takes longer because there’s a collective consciousness also creating. And in the five D somehow a lot quicker. But then again, the consciousness is flowing with that we can all create. So can you just give us clarity on our personal power to create versus being up against what other people, other gods out there are creating that we would interact with?
(OWS Answer): We would ask you a question then. Are you able to put your hand out and create within that hand, right there in that moment, an object, say an apple appearing in your hand? Are you able to do that right now?
(Member Answer): As the person that I have been, it wouldn’t occur like it’s possible, but I do believe it is possible. I just don’t think I’m there yet.
(OWS Comment): That is correct. Because, the reason is because you do not believe that you can do it. Believing is seeing. So when you fully believe that you can do that, you can put out your hand and whatever object you want to appear in it is there in that moment immediately. Then you have arrived at what you are looking towards here. Now understand that indeed the collective consciousness is certainly a part of this. And it is all about the universal mind or the quantum field that is associated with these types of things. So when the collective consciousness more and more believes that these things are possible, they are going to become even more possible for those who believe. That is the conundrum there, though. You must first believe before you can see. Okay? Shoshanna, you have something you add here?
(Shoshanna’s perspective): We can add to this. And the explanation that has been given is accurate, but perhaps not as explanatory as it might be, you see. So would you like us to add a perspective here, dear sister? (Yes, please.) Dear sister, this is a complicated subject and it is a simple subject as well because it does boil down to belief, you see. But what is happening in the collective consciousness realm is that each individual influences another to disbelieve or believe, you see. So if you are a human being around individuals that are, we would call them naysayers, that do not believe that they are capable of creation or that everything is an accident or a coincidence, and I’m sure you’ve been around people like that, that if you are among those people and you do not shield yourself, from those beliefs, you will become part of that, you see. You will be influenced to listen, to become part of that. Now, that is part of co -creation. And then there is conscious co -creation, where you’re with another creator. And when you’re with another creator that is clear that they can create, that they are capable of making things happen, then you can be influenced by that. So we would caution all of you to participate with the stronger ones, to participate with the individuals that know who they are as much as they can know who they are, that know that they are creators, that know that they can accomplish big things, that know that they can overcome obstacles. Because when you are around those people you become part of that. So that is co -creation. Co -creation is a weakness and a strength depending on who you are participating with, you see. But on an individual creation basis you are the ultimate creator. You can be all by yourself and change the weather you see. But it is about what you believe as One Who Serves has given and what you have practiced. Because as you practice those things and truly practice them, and you will begin to see what you have practiced. It is just like playing a musical instrument. When you see the musical instrument, you cannot play it. But once you participate with that instrument and you may perhaps find another that has learned the instrument that teaches you, then you can do that, you see. So it’s all about how you participate with others that creates the co -creation. Does this make sense there, sister?
(Member comment): It makes sense. I’m still in the question mark, though, of like, we were talking about this on the call. Like, so, you know, some of us believe Trump, we want Trump to come into office. And we want to like vision that and, you know, and that’s going to create it period of story. And then there’s the question mark. So if in my world, like if there’s all the people creating something different. And maybe that’s not even the best thing to create, because maybe there’s something even better. Do you know what I’m saying? Like, wouldn’t that it wouldn’t that impact that? Like, I don’t think I don’t think that could be wrong, but I don’t think its us alone that could create Trump as the next president without the consciousness coming along with that, at least the majority. Is that correct?
(Shoshanna comments): We will say, dear sister, that both things are true because there are multiple timelines that one can become part of. In one instance, if you truly believe that a person would become your president, then you can jump on that timeline and you can create that for yourself, you see. And if you do not believe it, if you believe others must influence that in some way, then you are on that track, you are on that timeline. It is all about what you choose to believe and what timeline you choose to traverse, you see. That is why there are so many different experiences in life. Because people are jumping timelines all the time. By creating experiences here and experiences there, and co -creating here and co -creating there, it creates multiple timelines, you see. So you can create a timeline where your president is Trump, and you can create a timeline where your president is not Trump. However, there is a mass amount of hypnosis going on in the third dimensional illusion. And that is why people believe that this one actor is truly the president because it is a hypnotic suggestion. You see? So it is complicated. It depends on your belief, your timeline, and what you choose to believe in and what you choose to create.
(OWS): Are there any further questions here? Then we are ready to release channel. So Shoshanna, do you have any parting message?
(Shoshanna comments): Well, we would say that it is important in this life to incorporate the idea that you are the creator of your life, that it is not outside of you, that it is not someone else’s doing, that you and you alone are producing the illusion that you see. You and you alone are creating your life, you see. And it is a jumble of programs and beliefs and understandings. So that once you decide to change the belief, to change the understanding, to switch off the program, something else will show up in your life, you see. That is what we have to say.
(OWS): Very good. And we simply say here, continue to be in the moment as much as you possibly can. Do not be concerned about what has occurred. Do not be focused only on what is yet to come. For you need to just be in the moment, enjoy the moment, enjoy your life, and be who you are each and every moment moving forward. Shanti peace be with you. Be the One.
6/7/24 - Video - The Galactic Federation: It has just started!
(8 min - 6/6/24) By Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, chananeled by Divina Solmanos. A beautiful technique is given here to assist in the mutating the DNA of your body at a cellular level, embracing spiritual metamorphosis, unlocking new dimensions by recalibrating or assuring that your spine is aligned with celestial harmony. Posted by GFLstation.com. Beautiful short messages (most 8 min long) from the Galactic Federation, prepared professionally and presented for our viewing.
6/7/24 - Matthew Ward: You have your own unique light streamer
Channeled by Suzanne Ward (Original title: "Origin, Operaton, Myriad Expressions")
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked how the guilty verdicts on all felony charges levied at Donald Trump affect the progress of the light in that country. Although the trial has given political and legal analysts something akin to scandalous fodder to discuss, it won’t loom larger than footnotes in universal history. Even Earth’s energy field of potential, which reflects activity on the surface, had only hiccups when the verdicts were announced.
That is not to say, very little of importance is happening in that country. There and elsewhere, even the strongest of souls are being buffeted by the surging energies during this last phase of the light vs dark battle. The darkness knows it is done for and the waves it is making in its last gasps are being countered by intensified light from myriad sources on and off-planet. You are among them, dear brothers and sisters, and your light is strong indeed, but your third density bodies are susceptible to bouts of fatigue and imbalance caused by clashing energies. Light is far more than the only “weapon” that can conquer darkness. Light is who you are, powerful immortal souls. Light is everything that exists in this universe, it is the life and consciousness of this universe.
I asked my mother to please copy here passages I’ll designate as we go along. Whether the information is new to you or familiar, keeping it in mind will help you navigate the months ahead with self-confidence, peacefulness and optimism about Earth’s future. [The excerpts below are from Illuminations for a New Era and numerous messages.]
Suzanne: Matthew, please tell me about divine light.
MATTHEW: It’s not as if tacking “divine” onto light promotes it to “lightest,” Mother. Simply, light IS divine. Light and its indivisible love component is Creator Source energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the very essence of life itself. Love-light is Creator and Creation! Not only is it the life force of everything that ever has been created, it is the composition of souls. Each soul has its own unique light streamer that identifies it regardless of its spiritual evolvement station, where it is located in the universe, or in a physical or etheric body or free spirit status. You are eternal beings of love-light, and your energy’s high vibrations have been creating betterment on the planet during all the years you have been there. Simply by BEing you are that powerful, that influential.
Only for simplicity of speaking do we usually say light or love — the words are interchangeable because light and love are the very same energy. They may be seen, felt and expressed differently, but they cannot be separated any more than two sides of a coin can be. You could say that light is the makeup of a soul and love is the capacity of a soul, but those cannot be separated any more than the soul can be separated from its eternal linkage with God, the Supreme Being of this universe, and with Creator—the infinite, eternal, omnipotent and omniscient Source, Oneness of All. The light attributed to the sun actually is from God through the Christed realm, which is Creator’s first expression of Itself. Always Big Bang has been a misnomer—the Beginning was completely silent as Creator/Source/Creation expressed Itself as light. Creator, the Ultimate Being and Supreme Ruler of the cosmos; Source, from whence everything in existence comes; Creation, Its action and “products,” immortal souls.
All in existence throughout Creation is manifested and connected through the energy generated by the continuous flowing of light being directed and received. There is no beginning and no ending, there just IS—the Oneness of All. Every soul is part of it and each has the capability and the choice to generate light or darkness. Light comes into this universe through its Supreme Being, whom you may call God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh or any other name; and everything is universally connected by and within this energy. This entire universe is light. Therefore spirit, which is considered faith, and science, which is considered fact, are one and the same: light fluctuating at one frequency or another.
The balance that maintains universal order is provided by systematic expansion and contraction. That constant motion of the light enables minds to perceive self, other people, the environment—everything seemingly visible in your world—as solid whereas the universal reality is everything you see is light fluctuating along an unlimited frequency band and producing vibrations, whose range also is limitless. The high vibrations that are the driving force toward peaceful negotiations also are crumbling everything based in dark intention. Words emit vibrations, and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest. Via the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” words’ vibrations combine with “like” and go out into your world. Words in high vibratory ranges merge with the light, low are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments, and words’ emissions intensify the source they join. Absorbing light, which is simply living in godly ways, is the body’s best defense against the toxic elements in chemtrails and all other forms of pollution. Light strengthens the immune system and helps to achieve and maintain the balance that promotes healthy bodies, minds and spirits.
We cannot tell you how to discern if your cellular structure is crystalline, but we can tell you the transformation from carbon structure comes with light absorption, and that comes easily. As God told my mother: “It is as simple as, be kind.” The importance of carbon-based cells being transformed into crystalline cannot be overstated. Crystalline cells contain cosmic knowledge and enable bodies to retain viability in astral planes where Earth is headed. Reception of light is the province of the soul. Absorption of light is the province of the body, which directs light into its cells that have been programmed by the DNA to accept it. However, dark—or scientifically speaking, negative—energy attachments block the light, thus preventing its entry into the cells and correspondingly negatively affecting the DNA.
It is through that blocking process that the dark forces are able to make puppets of persons on Earth whose intentions and free will choices are based in greed, ruthlessness and lust for power. Those persons cannot produce light themselves to uplift their motives and deeds, and that is why light from other sources must be sent to them. When it is sent in such abundance that you could almost call it a “love assault,” it cannot be ignored because the energy surge is so powerful. That is why we urge you to send light to persons whose actions you regard as unconscionable or diabolical. This is NOT condoning what they do or being indifferent to the suffering they cause, and it certainly is not supporting their actions! What it is, is understanding that darkness is not the enemy of light or the opposite of light, it is the absence of light, and only by having that void filled with light can the darkness in people be overcome.
The painful wounds of people and of Earth herself have been caused by every form of what you could call evil. Exposing it—literally “bringing it to light”—is necessary so that healing can come. Light—love—is the only essence in the universe that can heal pain, whether in a single person or in a universal force field with such magnitude of darkness that you cannot begin to imagine it. This is why it is vitally important to send light to people whose behavior and actions you regard as detestable, to try to put light into their choices and activities. Verbal or written pleas may or may not touch their conscience because that layer of the soul atrophies when its messages to the consciousness are ignored time after time after time, and light reaching them at soul level is the only way to help them. It is true that one to whom light is sent may refuse it and just as true that ONLY light’s healing energy can eliminate hatred, violence, oppression, brutality and warring. Retaliation in kind never will do it!
This is the physics that governs this universe, the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” that is in constant motion. Whatever energy is put forth in the collective consciousness of Earth’s peoples shoots out to the universal mind, attracts “like” energy and brings that back to your world. When light-love is in minds and hearts, it brings more “like” to you, and wars and violence stop. The power of light-love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, the weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.
Matthew, it’s hard for me to separate my thoughts about the people who are causing such terrible suffering from what they’re doing, so I don’t see how I can send them light, much less think of it as love.
Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone out of the darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure, wouldn’t you? Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and foundering. Don’t think of them as their deeds, but rather what you want for the world! Think of kindness, helpfulness, justness and sharing, think about all peoples living in peace and harmony, and send those light-filled thoughts to the souls in darkness.
I thought that by loving people, we automatically send light to them, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to it.
You’re right that feelings of love for someone carry light to that person, but you’re also right in thinking there may be more to it. So, even though it’s not necessary that you understand the “sending” process for it to be effective, I’ll explain how it works.
Light is within your spirit, the feeling you describe as lighthearted when something is giving you joy or you’re remembering something that was special to you. Think how you feel when one of your dogs comes to nuzzle you or you hear one of your favorite symphonies or see a beautiful sunset—it’s as if your whole self is lighting up, and that is what’s happening. You’re actually being filled with light simply by the experience. The light is coming from your soul, connecting with your mind and flowing through your body to produce lovely feelings or an inspirational Aha! You didn’t have to do a thing to get that sensation, and whatever evoked it didn’t have to make any special effort to create your feelings--simply by your soul’s receptivity to the light, you get it!
Light—let’s call it love, because that’s what we’re really talking about here—passing from one person to another is no different in cause and effect, but you may want to initiate it by focusing on someone. When you do, instantaneously the vibrations in your thoughts and feelings reach that person. The energy flows from you along your thought form of intent and intensity, and the same measure of love that you sent goes directly to the “energy address” you want it to. There can be no “false addresses” because the intent and feelings are totally clear. The receiver won’t consciously know this, of course, but the receiver’s soul is aware of the “delivery.” Most simply stated, being receptive to the light enables spiritual clarity that transcends third density’s limitations. Those include prejudice and hatred of differences, acting in greed, judging others for their choices, holding resentments or desiring vengeance, getting ahead by ruthlessness and cheating and lying, controlling others’ lives and denying their free will, blindly following dogma or orders when instinct tells that they are not based in godliness. And the greatest of all third density’s limitations is fear--actually, all of those other negative emotions and actions I mentioned arise from fear.
It’s logical to think that by changing in some of those negative areas I mentioned you are being light receptive and growing spiritually. Positive changes certainly are progress, but not to the degree you may think if you still feel fearful about personal or world situations. Spiritual growth is learning to live without fear, learning to fully trust the unequaled power of love. As for “everyday” use of light—Mother, let’s say love here. In your world love is boundless, yet that isn’t recognized even though the word is so commonly used. In simplest terms, love is God’s sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.
In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action. Knowing that you and God and every other of God’s creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love. Listening to one’s godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love.
Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God. Mother, I don’t think I’ve told you anything at all surprising. But perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world.
Thank you, Mother. Beloved brothers and sisters, you are powerful simply by BEing because you are integral parts of Creator Creation Source, the Supreme Being of the cosmos, and of the Supreme Being of this universe. That is why you eagerly volunteered and were chosen to help your Earth family realize that with love-light, they can transform their third density world into a fifth density paradise. A marvelous goal to be sure and, in the continuum, already a magnificent success!
All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
6/3/24 - Mother Mary: Your true nature never changes
Channel: Octavia Vasile
Dear child, do you know that I am always here, and all you need to do is turn your eyes towards me? I know that many of you go through hard times, and many others do not even know of our existence. Yet, you who are reading this message do so to open your heart and receive my blessings. You are here for a purpose, though your mind brings confusion and fear, and the light does not shine brightly through all the veils of illusion. But there are solutions, there always are.
Spend time in silence—meditate and be quiet. Observe, because when you are still, you allow space for healing to take place. Be as you are—and know that whatever the mind says, you are not the mind, but beyond mind and matter. Enter a space where you are the witness of all mind stories—realize that you create through your beliefs and select only those beliefs that serve your existence and highest purpose. Do not be afraid; your true nature never changes. Be still, and dive into it. I am just here with you to help you see your wounds as they are and to give you the courage to accept what you feel as you feel it.
0Do you know that nothing ever truly affects your real self? It is all a game of shadows and lights that can be played with awareness, but why play it if you lose yourself in the darkness? It is all a dream, and when you do not interact with its elements, the dream is over. This is when you realize that you are spacious. That there is no “you” in a reality, but that you are the reality, you are all that is. This is when you realize that it has never been otherwise—it has all been a dream of the mind.
I love you, and I will never leave you — until all of you remember.
6/3/24 -The Pleiadians: Realignment with your sacrum spinal column
Channeled by Christine Day (Newsletter June 2024)
Beloved ones we greet you, The winds of change are sweeping your earth plane. There is a sacred configuration of planets lining up with Earth at this juncture, which is creating a corridor, that is manifesting a powerful higher flow of consciousness entering your planet. Change is here and this is what you have been waiting for, a shift to support your reconnections to your sacred component.
Know that your spinal column is connected to, is central to the Universal consciousness and wisdom. A conscious realignment to your sacrum moving upwards through your spine allows a readjustment to take place within your brain cells and brain synapses, linking you into the frequency pulse of Universal consciousness. The spine can be likened to, ‘a corridor of light’ that brings you into the central alignment to the Universal higher consciousness state.
Your sacred stature is alive and well within yourself. Your role is to unlock the frequency flow within the sacrum. The spinal fluid contains a pure elixir of your consciousness that is unique, pure, and unlike any other in the Universe. The spinal fluid carries your unique signature pulse of light.
Answer the call by beginning a conscious realignment to your Sacrum spinal column. You begin by the simple action of holding your awareness on your Sacrum, and slowly drawing your awareness up your Spine, then into the vertebrae of the neck and in through the brainstem into the brain cells. This will set in motion a returning, realignment to your universal home, to wisdom, to your place within the central form of the Universe.
We witness you.
The Pleiadians
6/3/24 - Video - Pleiadian Message: Everyone will have access
(14 min - 1/27/24) A technique. Working with the telepathic senses of your pineal gland. A technique to awaken the centers of communication between you and your galactic neighbors. Instill a more complete understanding of your abilities that have lain dormant since incarnation you have never used before. Realign dimensionally with your higher gifts by repositioning your consciousness. Reset your brain waves.
6/3/24 - Video - Pleiadian Message: Introducing new technologies
(8 min - 6/2/24) "As early as next year!" Advanced healing technologies can be expected. A message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, channeled by Divina Solmanos. "We see a number of powerful dominoes headed humanity's way, so let us share some insights."
6/2/24 - Video - Arcturian Message: What you need to know
(8 min - 3/3/24) "All these narratives or potential timelines are simply theatre to maintain a sense of a particular agenda. Your human leaders, although they are not your leaders, know that 'we' will never allow this. They are like children with a loaded gun. They can hold it if they wish but if they try to use it upon another, we will snatch it from them."
6/2/24 - Video - Pleiadian Message for the 144K starseeds
(8 min - 1/26/24) "Our dear cosmic cousins, shed light on the veiled mechanisms that have subtly influenced and limited human potential for eons. It is time for humanity to uncover the hidden truths about the psychological manipulation of consciousness and the tools used for frequency control. We, as a collective, are on the brink of a massive awakening, breaking through the barriers of limitation to embrace our true, multidimensional selves. It's time to awaken the dormant capabilities within and to become the architects of a new, liberated Earth."
6/2/24 - The Telosians: The end of an Earthly Civilization
Channeled by Marie-Josée Andichou
What is happening is the end of an earthly civilization. We are happy to see you again, dear children of the Earth. The joy is within us to be able to support you, to help you understand what is happening in your earthly life. We are going to talk to you again about what is happening within your earthly society. As you can see, there are more and more violent events and this brings misunderstandings into your minds. Why, you ask, are there so many events like this? We have already talked about this in previous posts. What is happening is the end of a world of debasement of the earth’s population.
We explain: As you know, your planet and your humanity are evolving even if you don’t feel like it. As every time there is evolution in one or more earthly civilizations, there is a certain indispensable chaos so that the old, having become useless, is fragmented and bursts into a thousand pieces to make way for renewal and the New. Light. What is happening now is the end of an earthly civilization but, unlike what happened during the fall of certain civilizations in your past, this one is of unparalleled strength and power. We explain: It comes at a certain moment that it is important that terrestrial humanity no longer remains in complicated feelings, in a duality which brings darkness into the life of the Earth and its humanity.
Currently, it is more than necessary to be in tune with the evolutionary energies of the Earth, that humanity transforms itself. But as it is difficult for a part of humanity, immersed for millennia in the duality created by humans who wish to keep you in the baseness of feelings, it is important that all this stops. But so many disturbing feelings, so much duality for millennia transmitted from generation to generation cannot be dissolved overnight.
Faced with the strength and power of the Celestial Energies which envelop the Earth and its humanity, human bodies, human minds are greatly disturbed and a large number of you, no longer knowing where they are, totally “disoriented” like you say, only find what seems to them to be their salvation through violence. By doing this they eliminate part of these energies which should normally bring them peace and understanding of life, they eliminate these energetic weights by carrying out acts of violence.
How, then, can we make humanity understand that life needs to be lived gently, with an understanding of an earthly and human change beneficial to all? This seems very delicate at the moment. But there is also, as you know, the strength of those who wish to see humanity decline so as to have control over every human being. These times of difficulty created by the world government, such as wars, illnesses created from scratch, etc. do not help matters. There will therefore still be disruptions desired by the governments of many countries so as to be able to maintain their power over you.
But, we tell you, all these disruptive states of control over your beings will gradually ease and disappear in the months to come. We ask you to be confident in the peace that will gradually settle on your planet. This will not happen tomorrow but, already, in the few months to come you will realize the disappearance of some of those who wanted at all costs, for their well-being, to see earthly humanity reduced to little. human beings on Earth.
We have already talked about this in our previous messages. Mistakes will be made by a certain number of them, errors which will do them a disservice and will make you understand the true reality of the characters who wanted to rule your world.
Dear children of the Earth, trust in Life, in your Divine Being, in the Light that is within you, let it vibrate and radiate as much as possible within you and rejoice in seeing the New Earth present itself to you gradually.
We love you.
5/27/24 - The Galactic Federation: Deepening Your Connections
Channeled by Octavia Vasile
Greetings to all of you. We are delighted to connect with you once again. This is a crucial time in the history of humanity, and we are eager to assist and ensure that everything aligns with the highest 5D plan. Soon, significant information regarding extraterrestrial life will be disclosed. Please support us by engaging in the CE5 protocol, gathering your soul family, and deepening your connection with us.
We acknowledge that humans have free will. Therefore, once you have elected your government and delegated to them the authority to make decisions regarding disclosure, it is unfortunate that their intentions may not align with the 5D timeline. As a result, the fleets of the Galactic Federation cannot appear in large numbers on Earth if those who make the decisions are opposed. It is important to recognize that your free will is paramount, and if the decision-makers disagree, we must respect their wishes. However, do you feel differently about this? Would you be pleased to have more contact with us and for this information to be made public? If so, please affirm:
Please engage in the CE5 Initiative and encourage your friends to join you. We are right here, beside you. Are you ready to meet us?
5/27/24 - St. Germain: How to work with the violet flame
Channeled by Daniel Scranton (5/24/24)
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. This is an introduction to my energy and my essence. I am most associated with the violet flame, and I would like to help all of you understand that the violet flame is you. It is within you; it is all around you. It is the way that you connect to the highest frequency energies that you have available to you. You are meant to recognize that everything and every tool that you have available to you is an aspect of you, and the violet flame is an aspect that assists you in whatever way that you would like it to assist you.
Therefore, you can use it to cleanse, to manifest, to heal, to connect, to access higher-frequency beings and collectives. It is up to you how you use this level of your consciousness, this vibration that you have available to you at all times. Even if you have a hard time visualizing a violet flame, you can still imagine that you are engulfed in a violet flame or that a violet flame exists around you to serve you, and to assist you in all the way that its vibration can.
You are meant to work with vibration. You are meant to work with energy. You are meant to see everything as energy that contains vibration, and when you reach for the highest vibration that you have available to you, that’s when you get the highest results. That’s when you are tapped in to the highest version of yourself that you can be. And so, you may picture the violet flame in your third eye, seeing it with your mind’s eye, flickering there, growing in intensity. You may feel it and know it in your heart center or in your energy field. You may place whatever intentions within it that you desire to place there and trust that the violet flame knows what to do.
I am here to assist you in whatever ways that I can. I am here as a representative of the Divine Masculine to you. I represent alignment with Source Energy while in a physical body, and my lives there on Earth have been lived so that you could be inspired by me and by the ability that I had to hold a higher vibration while in physical form and living amongst other human beings who were not holding the highest vibration. And I always have seen it as my journey to assist others in joining me in the violet flame vibration, and I will always be there for you. I have left the footprints behind. I have left the energetic markers for you all to pick up on and utilize for yourselves, and I hold my place here amongst the collective of ascended masters to be that which you can reach up to now and feel yourself harmonizing with.
Please do call out to me by name and reach up and in for me, because I am always here holding the vibration of the violet flame for you, and I am always ready to assist you in all the ways that I can. That is my journey, my mission, and my purpose.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”
5/27/24 - Video - Galactic message: The Return to Sovereignty
(8 min - 3/27/24) Message by Ashtar Sheran, posted by GFLstation.com. The body you see and feel is but a gateway to a more profound truth. Your physical form, while tangible and visible, is but a mere fraction of the expansive reality that lies within beneath this outer shell. This invisible presence is accessible by engaging with it beyond physical constraints, unveiling a realm of peace, power and vobrant emergy.
5/27/24 - Video - Galactic message: Physical symptoms of ascension
(8 min - 1/31/24) Channeled by Daniel Scranton, posted by GFLstation.com. Some wonderful words of wisdom from our galactic bretheren, the Arcturians. Remember, you are not just skin and bones. You are consciousness and some of that energy has merged with your physical body to give you sensation.
can use them!
5/27/24 - Video - Galactic message: DNA activation for starseeds
(8 min - 5/26/24) From the Arcturians by Laayti - "Each message you receive from us, is encoded with activating codecs that find their way into your consciousness and initiate cosmic memory templates. You have quite advanced physical bodies that are capable of much more than you have been led to believe by those you call 'scientists' on your world."
5/23/24 - Jeshua: to be reborn
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
“You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.” I am Jesus Christ and my love accompanies you wherever you are. Now let’s turn to this topic. What does it mean to be born again and what does that mean? To be reborn means to find your way back into your reality. Regaining your full awareness, knowing who you really are. Recognizing that everything is just an illusion and that your true essence contains all the attributes of divinity. Rebirth is the attainment of your self-awareness on this plane of being, Earth.
As soon as all the deceptions and obstacles fall away, you will be clear in your perception and you will reach your familiarity. To be reborn means to return to your origin. Freed from the delusions and shackles of this reality, you recognize who you are. That is your rebirth. It is your becoming one with yourself and with the original source of being. Physical rebirth is not what is meant in this statement. The cycle of birth and death, of recurring souls in human bodies, ends as soon as you awaken in your eternal, only and true being!
There is talk of this rebirth, this awakening. From this last step – into your wholeness. Many people find it difficult to understand how life after life strings itself together until the “final” step is taken to no longer have to be born. All the people who turn their hearts full of longing to the Father know that their stay on earth is now coming to an end. Those who cannot or do not want to see through this “logic” of the Creator are given further opportunities to free themselves from all the deceptions and illusions that surround life on earth. So that everyone can free themselves from ideas, thoughts, emotional patterns and blockages. Physical rebirth is necessary in order to mature on the path to knowledge and to reach the final stage of being reborn. It is the birth into freedom. Into joy. Into peace. Into all-encompassing love.
Your heart is pure and filled with the light of God. The essence of creation shines from you. “…to enter the kingdom of God.” The “place” you come from. You just forgot it, but now you remember it again. By dissolving the feelings and thoughts that irritate you, you gain knowledge of your homeland. The more you unravel, the sooner this gift will unfold before you. So you enter under your roof, into the house of your Father and your eternal Mother. You have arrived and entered your eternal home. The kingdom of heaven is so close because it is within you. If you recognize this, the doors open so that you can put aside what is still hindering you in order to live completely in the awareness of your nature.
Being reborn is essential and only through this transformation into the light can you achieve fulfillment. This is how your purpose in life, your tasks and your mission are fulfilled. You discover your divinity even though the absence of God is faked to you. To live love even though you don’t always feel like it and, above all, even though so much horror and hatred covers the earth. It is your job to uncover your eternal core. You access your beauty and give this energy back to the earth. Beauty creates a feeling of well-being and much of the ugly disappears. Your awareness creates a new reality. It is your constant rebirth, you free yourself from your hatred, from fear and from destructive energies and thereby bring about the awakening of your spirit.
The earth needs your awakening to become whole. It needs healthy, conscious and reborn people to lift itself up and to regain its strength. It is your mission, you have decided to do it and now it is up to you to make this decision a reality. The earth needs your loving energies. Without your love there is no growth. And your love unfolds once you are cleared and redeemed. Once all deceptions are gone from you. And as soon as you are tied to your home. Being reborn and developing your power and beauty for the benefit of people and the planet Mother Earth.
This path is predetermined and any deviation delays the process of your healing and the healing of the Earth. But nothing can stop this process! We will certainly all find ourselves again with our Father in Heaven, with the source of all sources, love from unity. Many people are currently being prepared for their permanent rebirth. Some others receive further training and are introduced to this knowledge later. But ALL people will enter the kingdom of God. Nobody will be forgotten! Beloved children of men, I am JESUS SANANDA. Accept what is given to you, for God’s cornucopia is pouring out on you immeasurably.
I am always with you. Your open heart is my home. Go and free yourself from all illusions. You will be born again. Through your love, the earth will once again become a place of beauty and will bloom in harmony and joy. I am with you – every day."
5/22/24 - Video - 10 Galactic messages via short videos
This is how it will happen (2/20/24) The sacred sun engages your heart cells in an electrical upgrade. You're not completed yet. Channeled by Christine Day. A technique to activate your heart: A-EN three times.
Your biggest shift opportunity yet (5/8/24) Acknowledge negative thoughts, allow divine to integrate. Practice allowing. Let negatives pass without reacting. Ego rushes to defend. Allow negative thoughts to dissipate.
Starseeds will you accept this?? Ashtar Command (5/18/24) A good message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command. Channeled by Vania Rodriguez of the Anjoseluz website.
A must watch for all starseeds: The Pleiadian High Council (3/21/24) A very good message about sexual energy by Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channeled by Divina Solmanos. .
Humanity's greatest test - The Pleiadian High Council (3/22/24) More on sexual energies by Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. The merging of souls melds spirit and matter. Channeled by Divina Solmanos.
We are intervening now - Galactic Federation Energy Update (3/20/24) "We maintain our vigilant presence just beyond the veil of your atmosphere offering our support....." Channeled by Ayoshi Phan.
The Galactic Federation Energy Update - There is an 'Event' (5/21/23) From 9 of the 12 councils GFL and the angelic realm. Channel unknown, not listed.
Time sensitive message to all ground crew (3/8/24) By Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. The dual heritage of Earth and Stars. Cosmic waves are caressing your planet. Channeled by Divina Solmanos.
Attention Humanity - The Arcturians - Laayti (4/20/24) Consciousness weaves the fabric of the universe. You are all connected to each other and even us. Channeled by Jose Peta.
A rampant virus overwhelming humanity (4/15/24) About fear. By Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.
5/18/24 - Jeshua: the channel to Primal Source
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, representative of the Christ energy that is now being born on Earth through you: individuals who find their way on Earth by opening their hearts to their true destiny. It is everyone’s vocation to connect their soul with the Earth. Then a force is freed that accompanies you and lifts and helps you to be your true self. In you lives a seed, a flame, a unique contribution that is yours to deliver to the whole. You are here to deeply sense the unique energy that is yours on Earth – this is your role. But on your way, your path in life is often all too hampered by fears. You are taught not to be yourself, so you adapt to social prejudices and wishes. And because of that, many people keep their soul’s energy imprisoned inside themselves and do not express it in their daily lives, in their work, in their relationships, and this causes suffering and pain.
Your soul wants nothing more than to be known to you, to present itself to you by way of your feelings and through your desires. Through your deepest passions, the soul wants to let you know that it is there and wants to flow out into the earthly reality. But through your mental processes and your confused emotions, that flow outward becomes blocked. You are then going to feel lost and lonely, and you do not understand the meaning of life or to where it leads. This loneliness and confusion is active in most people; therefore, there is a collective atmosphere of fear and confusion on Earth.
At this time, there exist seeds of consciousness for a new beginning, and you are involved with this process and want to contribute to it. There is a memory in your soul because you are not here for the first time, and this time you want to hold on to this soul memory and to not forget it while you walk the Earth. You are here to take your soul’s journey, which is, in a sense, to return to the beginning, to the origin from which you emerged.
Imagine that you were born from an immense Sun of indivisible light, an infinite source of life, strength, and joy. The life force within that source, that Sun, was so great that it had to explode and expand, as it were, into many small particles, each of which carries the potential to become like the Sun itself. In this way, Creation increases by giving itself away endlessly and sowing itself out into the universe, into the void, into nothingness.
Each of you is a spark of light born from this Sun. If you are coming from this Sun, you carry the Sun within you, you are part of the Sun; you are not different from it, you are the same, but at the same time you stand alone. You have something that is unique and cannot be compared to any other spark of the Sun. Can you imagine how magical and great that is? You carry in you the essence of the Sun and at the same time something new that is only you. It is your destiny to express what is new, to investigate and explore it while at the same time remaining connected with the Sun, with your origin.
It is this origin that you often forget: the fact that you are one with the source of life. When you forget this origin, the source that connects you to the One, then you are lonely and you do not want to be unique at all; you want to stay connected with what you are most familiar, with what you have known. And in earthly terms, that means you want to adapt and to not be different, you want to belong to the collective whole, which is reflected in the ways of thinking and the beliefs that exist on Earth. However, the collective whole does not reflect your origin, the Sun. It is a very poor version of what true connection and oneness are, because much of it is based on fear and survival and that is not the true whole, the whole to which you really belong.
In your essence, you know that you have come here to bring something new. That you have come to shake up and wake up the collective whole on Earth and to enlighten it with your unique contribution. Concretely, what this means is that you are different, that you have taken upon yourself a certain loneliness, and that you need to connect to your own divine core. You need to bring back the Sun into the midst of a reality that does not directly reflect or nourish you. For this reason, I have great respect for you. I am aware of the loneliness that you can experience on Earth: the confusion and the cold.
I want to tell you today that there is a being, a power, that unconditionally supports you on your path here on Earth toward remembering your true self, that primal spark. This being is Mother Earth. She is very directly observable around you, she is present in nature. But the spirit of the Earth is also present in you, in your body, in all your cells. Because of the many false ideas in society, you no longer see your Mother Earth as a living being, as a soul, but rather like a dead thing that can be employed merely for industry and consumption. By killing the spirit of the Earth, you also do it to yourselves, because through the aliveness of nature and the inspiration therein, you directly experience connection with the primal source, the light, the life. The Earth is a Messenger of that primal source. The Earth, as a planet, captures sunlight and through that, life itself. The Earth is in close relationship with the Sun and that relationship is more than just physical. It also symbolizes the relationship between God and humans, the Sun and an incarnated human being.
Make a connection with the soul of the Earth; your entire body is equipped to do so. Through your senses, your heart and your emotions, you can feel the soul of all living beings around you, their sounds and colors and beauty. Open yourself to the heart of the Earth! Feel yourself coming home. Remember a place in nature that you like very much or where you are happy and relaxed; recall the atmosphere of it. See if you can come up with a place by the sea or in the woods that appeals to you. Do not concern yourself with details, but feel the atmosphere, the peace and inner wisdom in nature – she is a living being. Then consider your own body as part of that place, of that atmosphere.
Your body also carries wisdom within itself; although not mentally, not in words. It is a stream, a flow of soft nudges that helps you connect with your soul and with the field of Unity. Now connect with that undercurrent in your body. Your body does not feel separated from the Source. Just as do the animals and plants, your body knows; it feels connected to the whole, to the Sun. You are the one who has doubts, not your body. Feel the Earth force in your body, in your bones and your muscles.
Now allow this force to give you a message, a signal that comes up from your body about what you need in your life. It does not have to come to you in words, you can also suddenly have a desire for something, or a reminder can arise, or a picture may appear. Allow it to unfold quietly. Rely on Mother Earth; she knows you very well. The body in which you live is a unique fusion between your soul and Mother Earth. It is a precious gift, a source of knowledge, so respect your body. Be assured that you are able to find your way outside the well-trodden path. You will not fit into many social systems; your path will be different and that is the purpose, but feel the support from Mother Earth.
Look again with your attention, with your awareness, inside your heart. There you will find a direct connection with who you are as a soul. And who you are as a soul remains very close to you; it lives in all your body cells. You cannot get to your soul with your head, only with your feelings. It is necessary that you let go of everything and become very still inside, and simply say “yes” to your soul. If you give permission to yourself, you will find a way for your soul to manifest more fully through you. Feel the light of the Sun in your heart. You are never alone; you are always connected to the Source.
Thank you so much for your presence.
5/16/24 - We are experiencing massive physical transformation
By Aluna Joy Yaxkin
This next step in our process began with the epic total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, and it has not let up. With the first week of May, along with accelerated solar activity, we have begun to land into the physical world. We now have boots on the ground.
Over centuries, we have created a sanctuary and safe haven for ourselves in the spiritual world. We have raised our frequency, awakened our spirits, and dreamed, envisioned, and held space for a positive, unified new world. It is time for us collectively to bring our divinity into physical reality. We are beginning to anchor spirit into the material world while still in our human space suit. We are the pioneers of this process. As we begin to anchor, we might feel like we are reversing or digressing, which might feel like a heavy process. We might be questioning many things once again. We might feel more fragile, vulnerable, and unsure. This is part of the natural process. We are bringing who we are as eternal spirits and anchoring this frequency into an unmapped world within a new cycle with new laws and codes of nature. It’s like we are being asked to move forward on a wing and a prayer, and maybe blindfolded as well! What a crazy trip we all decided to do together!
Everything we manifest in this material world must be created in spirit first. I am told that all the necessary spiritual groundwork has been properly anchored. Good work! This means YOU reading this message right now. Give yourself some credit for surviving thus far through a shift of an age. Most of this work has been done within enough souls in the collective to begin to tip the balance toward anchoring higher frequencies and our inspirations and visions into the physical world. Now, the material world must come into alignment with the new cycle.
Our bodies are the last step in this ascension process, and the body’s natural intelligence is feeling that it is crunch time. This is a significant tipping point that could take months, but most likely, it will take a few years. Now, don’t go saying, “I can’t wait a few years!” I’m with you on this. But we must take this step gently to maintain our human space suits. After operating in the ethereal realms, it might feel like a slog, but our bodies will retaliate if we rush or skip steps. Our body does not raise itself as quickly as our spirit does. This is why our human space suit, our human bodies, are the last to get anchored within the new frequencies. Our bodies come from the denser material world. But our experiencing the material world as denser is not actually true. It is only our perception, based on our ethereal experiences, projected on something we have never experienced before. This is especially true for starborns. Welcome to the new cycle! Landing here has been and will continue to be a challenge for us. We [human beings] never ascended into a new cycle of time while maintaining our physical body. This is the grand experiment we decided to take on.
This upgrade is going to bring some fascinating insights and magnified symptoms. I bet many of you are already feeling the beginning of this physical regeneration. Some things we are starting to experience are a sense of building anticipation or pressure. Waking up at night more often. Noticing a shift in our normal dream patterns that are much more lucid, including more of the five senses (like taste, touch, smell, sound, etc.) that are quite tangible and blends or blur reality with the dream state. We could also experience sudden bursts of clarity full of insights, making us feel more at home within ourselves.
Our cells in our body are experiencing an accelerated turnover rate to keep up with our anchoring spirit and light body. The body is replacing cells as fast as possible, with new cells holding higher frequencies and codes. We may feel a need to help this process by doing GENTLE detoxing. The first thing I hear clearly is to drink a lot of water consistently. Also, we need to exfoliate our skin with every bath or shower and replace, moisturize, with things that don’t have any harmful chemicals. Organic coconut oil and jojoba oil are good choices. Ancestral memory is held in our skeletal system. So, if we are having extra problems with bones and joints, it may be attributed to our body letting go of past memory that no longer serves us. The skeletal system is the last thing to come into alignment in our physical body.
The most important thing is not to stress about this process. It will be natural for primal survival issues to pop up during this time, along with doubts and second-guessing. The most important thing we can do is realize that our bodies have miraculous natural intelligence and is always connected to source. Nature is the source. Do not take the feeling of digressing as a setback. It is not. You are simply landing into a new world. We are merely grounding all of our light and divinity into this new cycle we entered back in 2012. Our ancestors sent us here for this important time. So, walk into this new world TALL, STRONG, and BRAVE knowing this. We are the architects of this new future. We are coming home.
5/16/24 - Video - Venusian Council: Cell Regeneration, awakening original DNA
Channeled by Pamela Aaralyn
(47 min, posted 2/22/23)"....You're currently trapped in this concept that you call time this trap has caused again poor health and eventual cellular death, and it was not your original DNA design to have poor health at all, You are in fact the only species in the universe that has poor health and you are also the only species in the universe that has found a scientific way to measure a model that doesn't exist. Your science is playing with illusion and calling it fact. Do you believe that? If so you're beginning the spark of a new recreation in your Consciousness which would allow for good health. Remember, all stages of your life are happening now, all of your past lives and all of your future potentials, all of it is right now. Here's another thing that you must understand: Dimensions. It's not a place. We know that you have heard the concept, Third Dimension, fourth dimension, fifth dimension and so on, as if it is it a place that you must reach. But when you understand the true nature of dimensionality you will know that there are thousands of dimensions at the very minimum, and you're constantly moving and flowing in and out of these dimensions all of the time. You don't typically notice this but recently you've become more aware of time slowing down and time speeding up. Unusual points of awareness for things that you see and then not being able to make any sense out of them or find a measurement when you return to your [normal] dimension of energy. And this is new in the past five years, but a dimension is just a measurement of time. It's not a place. It's a measurement of time and space. It's an energy field and it is your awareness of that energy field that can spark your subconscious to give permission for yourselves to regenerate to your true divine healthy nature.
5/16/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadians: How to Anchor the 5D Timeline
(8 min) A very powerful exercise for anchoring in the new energy of LOVE. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can sit or stand comfortably. Close your eyes, and take three deep, cleansing breaths. With each inhale, envision pure, crystalline light descending from the cosmos, entering through your crown chakra, and filling your entire being. With each exhale, imagine releasing all fear, anxiety, and lower vibrations, grounding them into the Earth where they can be transformed. Now, focus on your root chakra at the base of your spine. Visualize a vibrant red light growing stronger with each breath, anchoring you deeply to the Earth. Feel this connection stabilize and nourish you, providing a solid foundation of security and trust. (Continue on video).
5/16/24 - Video - Ashtar Command Energy Update 2024
(8 min) Look up more! We are showing ourselves more than we ever have. Enough of the population have awakened to allow us our window of opportunity to connect with you visually. Daytime sightings of Galactic Federation ships are being reported and it's no accident let me assure you my dear friends.
5/16/24 - Video - The Council of Emeron: Cosmic downloads for clairaudience & telepathy
Channeled by Pamela Aaralyn
(43 min) ".... We are the Council of Emeron. We are Serapis Bey, we are that one which you call Yeshua or Jesus, we are St. Germain, we are all of the embodiments of Melchisidek that come as Prime Creators to your planet. We are here now and we have always been here throughout the dawn of what you call time and beyond its creation. We are here explicitly at your service. We are not higher than you, better than you, more master than you. We are here to awaken you to the deepest levels of your mastery. All it takes is but to remember. We call you to remember the true purpose of your experience as humans. We call remembrance now. We call remembrance now. We call remembrance now. Remember your power. Remember that these activations are but a small small portion of everything that will be occurring and has been occurring throughout portions of the solar flash Consciousness, which is mostly about an awareness, a memory of all that has been forgotten. Remember now, remember now, remember now.
All powerful memories come in threes. All powerful activations come in threes. All awakenings come in periods of seven. Are you ready for this ancient Alchemy and Rememberance? It is your sovereign birthright. May all that is of the great forgetting fall away. May all that is of the gret forgetting fall away. May all that you have forgotten fall away. May all that has been programmed into you that is not naturally of the true true divine nature of your essence leave now. It no longer serves. It no longer serves. It no longer serves. May you remember time without exclusion. May you remember a time when all of the trees spoke to you. May you remember a time when you felt the connection to the magical essence of Grace in all beings and all beings were created with the knowingness and connection from the roots of the trees to the hands in the skies. What is above is also below. Remember that now. Remember I am that I am. I am that I am. I am that I am.
5/16/24 - Video - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: The Dance of Masculine & Feminine
Channeled by Divina Solmanos
(3", posted 3/10/24) A call to reconnect. This message centers on the essence of the Divine Feminine urging us to acknowledge and embrace her presence within ourselves and the world. She is the nurturing force, the life-giving power, and the heart of Mother Earth. Throughout history the Divine Feminine has been overshadowed by patriarchal narratives. It is time to restore balance by honoring the sacredness of life embracing our interconnectedness, and nurturing the seeds of creativity within. By reconnecting with the Divine Feminine we can foster a harmonious existence that respects all forms of life. This journey of self-discovery leads to a deeper understanding of our origins. Illuminating the path towards wholeness and transformation. Mira, the author, calls us to remember our sacred bond with Mother Earth and embrace the Divine Feminine. In doing so, we contribute to a world where the divine dance of masculine and feminine energies brings balance, healing and love to all. Davina Solmanos
5/12/24 - The Mothership from the Stars
Excerpt from book “Angels in Starships” by Georgio Dibitonto
The air had become noticeably fresher, so that we were glad to be able to don the pullovers which we had brought with us. With the aid of our flashlight, we looked over the clearing before us as best we could. It was uncultivated, and divided down the middle by a strip of tall grass, the two halves of the field being on different levels. We pressed on through the wet grass.
“I sense that they are here,” Tina repeated. “I feel certain that they are nearby.” I insisted that she be quiet, nevertheless, and decided we should wait there where we were. Meanwhile, we sat down on a large flat stone that seemed reasonably dry, and waited patiently for some sign of their presence. Then came the voice of Raphael. It was clear, and nearby. “We are already on the ground,” he said, “quite close to where you are.”
Tina was jubilant, and said again she had felt it unmistakably. We turned off our flashlight, and Tina pointed to something barely visible at the end of the meadow, where the terrain rose to a higher level. There, where the dark border of the trees could just be distinguished, a light appeared, which gradually grew brighter and brighter. The outline of a large cigar-shaped object resting on the ground began to be clearly discernible amidst the darkness.
“Oh, how wonderful!” exclaimed Tina repeatedly. We were beside ourselves with amazement, and utterly astonished at the sight before our eyes. The light grew in intensity, and now we could see the thing quite clearly. It was dozens of meters (perhaps 100 to 120) long, and, at its thickest girth reached almost to the height of the trees behind it. A long row of round portholes emitted colored lights that lit up the area where the object was resting. After a few minutes, the whole thing looked as colorful and brightly illuminated as a ship starting out on an ocean voyage. We were spellbound as we watched the play of colored light that now seemed to come from all sides, as if from fountains, whose sources we could not determine. Tina pulled my arm and wanted us to go immediately to the giant space ship.
“Let us wait,” I said. “They will surely say something to us soon.” We felt the same great joyousness within us that we had felt on the occasion of all the previous meetings. So impressive was this great vehicle from space, that the light-flooded meadow was no longer recognizable; it was as if one had been transported to a new and awesome world. The glow of the cigar-shaped form grew even brighter, and then, before our eyes, began a play of light from the round windows which was truly a festival of luminous beauty. The rhythmically dancing beams of colored light touched our innermost being with a poignancy impossible to describe. Then, from one end of this ray-ship came, one after another, four flying discs, so brightly shining as to appear more like globes of white light. They hovered, and gently set themselves down on the open place in the meadow between us and the big ‘cigar’.
The four small doors opened, and out came men and women. I recognized the form of Raphael, and my heart leapt for joy, so that it seemed caught in my throat. Tina waved a greeting. They came right toward us. Their bodies seemed enveloped in a phosphorescent glow. Raphael was the first to reach us, and the others followed. “Welcome to this place of meeting”, he said graciously; “tonight you will meet other brothers and sisters who work together on this mission”.
We greeted Raphael, and with him, Orthon and Firkon, who we had already met. Orthon was distinguished by his erect bearing and noble demeanor. Firkon again displayed that heartiness of manner which had so impressed us before. We shook hands all around. Their looks bespoke sincerity and good will; their gestures, an unpretentiousness that was calming and reassuring.
Then another brother was introduced to us. He was dark-haired. He impressed us as one whose talents were along practical lines. He was no less handsome in appearance than the others, and his behavior was marked by that same harmonious calmness. “This is our brother, Zuhl,” said Raphael, by way of introduction. “He is greatly valued for his knowledge and ability.”
Then another man was introduced to us, who impressed us immediately with his kindliness and amiability. He smiled like one who had much to say but would not speak. “His name is George,” said Raphael, nodding in my direction, “the same as yours. This, our brother, lived for a while on Earth, where he chose to come on an assignment. Now he has returned to us.” We greeted one another with a warm handclasp. Then four young women came up to us. We were struck by their gracious charm. The smallest one had blue eyes and light blond hair. “I am Kalna,” she said, “and I am happy to be here with you.
“I am Ilmuth,” said the second, as she warmly extended her hand. “This meeting brings me great joy.” She was taller than Kalna, and her hair, as black as ebony, fell freely over her shoulders. Her dark eyes looked at us penetratingly. She was beautiful, but along with that, modest and unpretentious, as one could tell by her manner, and by her words, as she spoke to us.
Then two more young women were introduced to us, and they were dark complexioned. We were not told their names. They, too, were a clear example of other-worldly beauty, and of amiability, grace and goodness. The men and women were all wearing space suits with rather full sleeves and trousers. From all, there seemed to radiate a soft glow. “This is a very unusual meeting,” said Raphael, in his deep melodious voice. “It is important that you become acquainted with the brothers who are entrusted with this mission. There are many who are concerned about you. You will meet all of us eventually, but not at this time.”
A subtle, pleasant, fragrance filled the air. “What a strange, sweet aroma!” Tina exclaimed. “It seems to be not of this Earth.” I assured her that I, too, had never before experienced so clean and fresh a scent in the air. The brothers smiled. In their presence, we soon felt a sense of trust and intimacy, such as would have been impossible to achieve in so short a time among Earth people. Orthon looked at Tina with such benevolence, and spoke so tenderly to her that she was moved to tears. We all sat down in a circle in the grass, without paying any attention at all to the dampness. “We won’t allow you to become sick because of it,” Raphael said good humoredly. “Just make yourselves comfortable.” The air seemed milder now, as if warmed by the light energy, and that made our hearts glad. A deep sense of peace left us feeling at one with nature. The space craft were like living onlookers.
“The inhabitants of planet Earth,” began Raphael, sitting relaxed in the center of the group, his legs lightly crossed, “are ready to spend enormous sums of money to join us in space. And yet, we are already everywhere on Earth. We are among you, both visibly, as you see us now, and also in ways unknown to you. Many know of our existence and our presence, yet deny any knowledge of us. Many of those who have seen us insist that we behave in a strange and senseless manner, yes, even that we appear to act contemptuously toward them. Yet they don’t want to take that small step that would lead to an understanding of the whole picture and answer your longing to know the ‘whence, where and whither?’”
There followed a period of silence. I rejoiced inwardly over this amazing meeting with these ‘pilgrims of the light,’ in the stillness of the night. I remembered the words that Raphael had spoken at our meeting at Zoagli, and in my mind compared them with what he was now saying. I was convinced that the Garden of Eden had been desecrated beyond recognition by mankind who had rebelled against the Creator-Father’s love. Just being in the presence of these brothers enabled me to sense and to comprehend so many things. I wished that this night could continue without ever ending.
“Some people,” Raphael began again, “ask themselves whether we exist at all, and they think, ‘If the extraterrestrials really exist, why then do they not show themselves to, and cooperate with us in an open manner?’ However, many people of Earth know very well that we do exist, and that we do not share their egotistic outlook or warlike tendency. In reality, they would like to have us in their power, in order to gain knowledge from us which would give them greater opportunities for power and domination. That is the reason why we must act in such a way as to avoid this danger, and why we are waiting for the time when it will be possible to bring knowledge to Earth brothers from the children of God, in conformance with universal law.” (Pages 29-32)
A limited first edition published exclusively for those few individuals really interested in the facts in this remarkable and extensive UFO contact case which began in the hills above Genova, Italy in April 1980 and went on for years.
5/12/24 - The Density of Your Body is an Illusion - You are the real cosmos
From book “Kryon. The Path to Heaven on Earth. Techniques for Quantum Transition”)
What I want to tell you today is that your body is changing. But I’m not talking about the kind of change you might see in the mirror. You feel like you’re getting older and this is reflected in your appearance. But there is no time for the Spirit in your understanding. For the spirit, there is no such thing as aging. For Spirit, there are only the positive processes of energy transformation that we are witnessing now that are transforming your physical body. We see what is happening to you more as renewal and rejuvenation, although subjectively you may perceive it differently!
We know that you are experiencing some unpleasant physical symptoms right now. Many of you feel a loss of strength, weakness, frequent attacks of headaches and dizziness, ringing in the ears, interruptions in heart activity… You ask: how can this be if I am purifying and renewing my energy? You feel like you should be getting stronger and healthier, but instead you feel like your energy is going away.
The main thing is that you stop being frightened and disturbed by these symptoms. They are temporary. They involve a major energetic realignment that your body needs to adjust to. Your body is a structure of the three-dimensional world, and therefore it is more inert than your subtle, energy-informational structures. The body rebuilds itself more slowly and sometimes painfully. But remember, dear ones, your power! It is up to you to alleviate these symptoms and make them go away sooner. When you’re too anxious and worried about what feels like a disease, you’re just giving extra energy to those painful symptoms. In this way, they can really develop into a disease. But if you maintain a sense of joy, bliss, if you aspire to the Light, if you are filled with a firm belief that all is well with you, the painful symptoms will gradually diminish.
Today I want to give you a very important knowledge that will allow you to go through the changes of your physical body in the most gentle mode and as quickly as possible – but at the same time not forcing events, but adhering to a natural and most comfortable pace for you. I want to give you knowledge that will help you change your perception of the physical body and thereby increase your ability to change it at will.
Let’s turn to the basics of physics, which are well known to all of you. You know that all so-called dense bodies are made up of molecules. Your physical body is also made up of molecules. If you remember, molecules are in constant motion. At the same time, the distances between the molecules are many times larger than the size of the molecules themselves! Molecules move in a space that is much larger in volume than their total volume. Do you now understand why any solid, dense body is only conventionally called solid and dense? There is much more space in it than substances! You could say that there is much more energy in it than what you call matter. Because molecules don’t move in empty space, they move in a space of energies.
Until now, have you treated your body as something dense? Start thinking differently: your body is a space in which molecules move, and there is much more space than molecules. Do you feel that with this attitude, your body is already perceived as something much more plastic – something that you can change, something that you can shape into different shapes using such a powerful tool as your intention?
But that’s not all. In addition to the molecular, your body (like all matter) has deeper levels – atomic and sub-atomic. Molecules, as you know, are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of a nucleus and electrons. Have you ever wondered what happens in the space of an atom? Do you think that electrons are spinning in the vicinity of the nucleus? In fact, this is not the case. The size of an electron is related to the distance from the electron to the nucleus of an atom in much the same way that the size of the planet Earth is related to the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Are you still convinced that you are a dense body? Dear ones, you are not a dense body. You are the real cosmos. You may be accustomed to thinking of the structures of your Soul, Spirit, and Divine Self as higher, cosmic structures. But in fact, the cosmic structure is also your physical body. Its density is an illusion!
It is this illusion that makes you perceive yourself as something isolated, separate from the space of the universe. You have mistakenly separated the microcosm of your body from the macrocosm of the universe. In fact, you are as much a part of the universe as the stars and planets, like any creature or object in the world, like any area of the world. Because of the illusion of your separateness, you yourselves have blocked the access of higher dimensional energies to you, to your body. Therefore, your body gradually became denser, more and more inert, less and less subject to your will, and more and more subject to destruction.
(Translation from book “Kryon. The Path to Heaven on Earth. Techniques for Quantum Transition”)
With Love, Liberty
“Island of Light” in English
5/11/24 - Inside the Space Ships
Excerpt from the book "Inside the Flying Saucers by George Adamski, 1967
(Original title "Inside the Space Ships", copyright 1955)
On the opposite wall, behind the long table, I noticed a picture of a large mother ship, and I wondered whether it represented the one we were in. But as this thought passed through my mind, the little lady from Venus corrected it by saying, "No, our ship is really very small in comparison. That one is more like a traveling city than a ship, since its length is several miles, while ours is only two thousand feet."
I realize that my readers are likely to consider such dimensions incredible, and I readily admit that I myself was unprepared for anything so fantastic. However, it is necessary to remember that, once we have learned to harness the great natural energies instead of depending on mechanical force, it should be no more difficult to build cities within the walls of gigantic ships than on the ground. London and Los Angeles are cities nearly forty miles wide which were built largely by crude machines and manpower - a prodigious achievement in itself. Once gravity is mastered, cities in the air for us, too can be come a reality.
"Many such ships have been built," Kalna explained, "not only on Venus but also on Mars and Saturn and many other planets. However, they are not intended for the exclusive use of any particular planet, but for the purpose of contributing to the education and pleasure of all citizens in the whole brotherhood of the Universe. People naturally are great explorers. Therefore, travel in our worlds is not the privilege of the few, but of all. Every three months a fourth of the inhabitants of our planets embark on these gigantic ships and set out for a cruise through space, stopping at other planets just as your cruise liners stop at foreign ports. In this way our people learn about the mighty Universe and are enabled to see, firsthand, a little more of the 'many mansions' in the Father's house to which your Bible refers.
"In the temples of wisdom on our planets we have many mechanical devices by means of which our citizens also can study conditions in other worlds and systems, and space itself. But with us as with you, nothing can quite take the place of actual experience. So we have built fleets of gigantic ships like the one you see pictured there, which might also be described literally as small artificial planets. They contain everything necessary for the welfare and pleasure of thousands of people over a three-month period. Apart from size, the main difference is that planets are spherical in shape, are divinely made and move in elliptical orbits around a central Sun, while these little man-made planets are cylindrical and can move through space at will."
An ever-increasing concept of our star-studded heavens unfolded before my mind's eye as I contemplated the information just given me. I wondered to what "other planets" Kalna referred.
Replying to my mental question, Orthon volunteered, "Our ships have not only visited all other planets in our system, but those in systems close to ours. However, there still are planets without number in the infinite systems within the Universe which we have not yet reached."
Here again a wondering thought slipped in as I mentally questioned what they had found on the "other planets" they had visited.
The Venusian's eyes sparkled and a tiny smile flitted across his mouth as he caught my thought. He continued without interruption. "With the sole exception of inhabitants on Earth, we have found the peoples of other worlds to be very friendly. They, too, have gigantic space cruisers for the pleasure and education of their fellowmen. As we visit their planets and are welcomed, they also visit ours as friends. It is to the Earth alone that these passenger cruisers never approach. Nor will they be permitted to do so until your people have a greater understanding of fellowship as well as of the Universe beyond the limiting confines of your own little planet.
"During flights of this kind, those on the cruise have much leisure time, as well as definite hours devoted to learning. When they land on other planets mutually interesting social gatherings are held. In short," and he made this very clear, "peoples of other worlds are not strangers to one another, but all are friends and are welcomed wherever they go.
"We consider planets throughout the Universe as being in one vast sea of life. The far distant planets by the billions which we have not yet visited will be explored when we have further improved our space ships. There are some planets so far out from any in our system that it would take us two or three years to reach them. Whereas, within our system, the distance between planets can be covered within a few hours to a few days."
Reviewing our concept of distance, I exclaimed, "That is staggering to me! How fast do you travel that you can cover such vast distances in so short a time?"
"Speed to us," was the reply, "does not mean what it does to you. For once a ship is launched into outer space, the speed of the ship is equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space."
I derived some small hope for our eventual progress on Earth when they freely admitted that, in the earliest attempts to conquer space, the inhabitants of Venus and those of other worlds had been faced with exactly the same problems as those that are holding us back today. Once again they stressed that gravity must be overcome as a first principle on the way to space travel. (pages 51-54)
(Ed: I personally met George Adamski in 1965 when he was on lecture tour showing photos taken through his 6-inch telescope on Mount Palomar, California. He had many encounters with the "Space Brothers", including rides on scout craft and mother ships. He has written about them, spoken freely from public platforms and acted as messenger between the Brothers and government officials, but the story of his contacts have been ridiculed, down-played and dismissed as fraudulent over the last 50 years.)
5/11/24 - Sananda: This is your Linchpin Lifetime
Channel: James McConnell
I am Sananda. And I come to be with you at this time in these continuing, changing times that you are in, and these times that are straining upon you, holding you in many cases, in many ways to the illusion, for all that is happening around you is trying to hold on to you. Your ego within yourself is trying to hold on. It does not want to let go. It does not want to become irrelevant in your life. But you as the God self within you, the knowing God self, the I Am presence within you is more and more and more beginning to take hold. More and more being able to say, yes, I love you, my ego, but you must step aside and allow the God self, the God force within me to take charge. That is what is happening now.
That is what you are all learning to do, being trained to do, is to take control of your lives, to take the power back within you become all that you came here to be. For indeed, this is the linchpin lifetime that you are living at this time. This is the one that separates you from the old ways, the old programming, the old ways of the illusion to the new higher understanding, new higher vibrational frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension and beyond that. That is what you came here to do, to pave the way, to show the way. But in order for you to show the way to others, you must create the way for yourselves first. That is what you are doing now at this time.
That is what you are practicing to do. And the more that you are able to separate the illusion, the old illusion, the old programming from the new reality that is being created by you and all of the collective you, the more that you can separate that. The easier it will become for you to let go of the attachments in your life. The attachments that you all know are fleeting are only there while you are here in this illusion, but are no longer needed when you leave the illusion. When you are in the fifth dimensional expression, the attachments are no longer needed anymore. They become a thing of the past, a forgotten part of your journey.
Think about that. Think about how wonderful that will be on that day when you finally realize who you truly are at every level of your being. When you know that all of life is in front of you, not the expression of death, where many across the planet believe that this is the end, where those of you know that this is only the beginning, a new beginning. So if you were to pass on through the death process, it is only the beginning of another journey, and another journey after that, and another journey after that. It is never ending. Life itself, life, universal life is never ending. It is just that, it is universal.
Take the infinity symbol as an understanding of this, where there is not a beginning and there is not an end. That is who you are as the God expression within you. Just as I, as Yeshua took on that God expression within me, I was able to walk the earth holding that expression, that Christ consciousness expression within me and be able to show it to those around me that were ready to experience it, to feel it. Just as I was able to do that, that is what you are all working toward in this linchpin lifetime. So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the knowing that you have deep within you. And they are deep within you and are there whenever you need them. Whenever you feel like something is reaching out to you to hold you back, know that the inner knowing is there. The intuition, the inner whispers are there to drive you forward, to keep you moving forward one step after another.
Or indeed, the journey of a thousand miles does begin with the first step and the next step and the next step and so on and so on. And soon you will find that it will not be just one step after another, but you will be running, running to reach that finish line. And again, that is what you are all here for this time. I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to move on step after step after step, knowing that this is only the beginning of the rest of your journey.
5/11/24 - One Who Serves: Current Events Unfolding
Channeled by James & JoAnna McConnell
One Who Serves: Om, Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om, Om. One of the ways that we have been able to be of assistance to you, to answer those questions that you have had deep within you and begin more and more to bring them out, to ask them for an unasked question will receive a non -answer. In other words, the answer is no unless you ask. So ask, ask and you shall receive. We are ready for your questions if you have them.
(Guest) – Yes, I have a question. This morning I got, this is Marion from Canada. I got a message from a friend of a news flash that she saw that in Canada there’s a community called Medellin Island where they are introducing the QR code and it’s a code that has all your private information. And if you don’t get it, you will be fined and you won’t be allowed to travel, visit, go to work or get an education. So I’m wanting some clarification on that as well as their attempt to try to make military presence a normality. And that’s another kind of question that I have a news flash about. So I don’t know, I have two questions really. Do you want both at once or can you just respond to the first?
(OWS) - Rather than looking at those questions as something that needs a direct answer, we will say here that it is all about fear. We will not speak about those particular programs that you are speaking about, but that it is all about fear, fear -mongering, spreading fear, holding control over the population as much as they can. And Canada is certainly one of those places where this is being practiced more and more. They are attempting to hold control over the entire population. But we will say here that it will not be successful. There are too many people that have awakened across not only that country, but across many of the countries around the entire planet. And it is a planetary movement that is happening here, not country by country, but worldwide, which is what is happening. And there are processes behind the scenes that you may not know of yet that are in process to rectify all of the programming that has come into the picture to create fear for so long a period of time. For thousands of years now, this has been ongoing, but it is coming to an end. That is what we can say on this. Do not hold fear on this. Know that it is in the process of being brought out here, as you are doing, and others are doing, and then it will be squashed. That is what we can say now at this point. It may be a period of time where it will look like to be perceived as something to be afraid of, but do not become afraid.
(Guest) - Can I add one more little point?
(OWS) - Please ask Shoshanna first to address what she would.
(Shoshanna) - Dear sister, please make your point.
(Guest) - Oh, just that in addition in the news flash was that in Godrich, Ontario, Canada, they’re starting door -to -door wellness checks. The military is going to each door between May 3rd and May 5th. And this has just stirred up great concern because it looks like an introduction to martial law, employing the military to do this unprecedented thing, going door -to -door to try to do wellness checks. I don’t know why. That’s my concern as part of the…
(Shoshanna) - We will share with you. Now, may we share? (Yeah, please.) Dear sister, this is a complex issue because Canada, the population of Canada has for a very long time tolerated what is happening. They are tolerant people. They are polite people. They do not wish to create chaos in any way. What is occurring in your country is a wake up call. It is a call for those that do not know to wake up to take action, you see. But there is another side to this that One Who Serves has presented. And we will say for every person that is afraid, there is one that is not listening, that is turning their back on these things. There are many in your country that have been on this call that even do not mention these things, you see because they do not subscribe to these things. We would suggest that just knowing your personality, dear one, that you are prone to this. You are prone to the drama. You are prone to listening to those that could influence you that are not awake themselves. But we have given advice many times not to take advice from those that are not wise enough to give it, you see. So we would suggest, honestly, that you ignore this friend. Namaste.
(Guest) - Thank you very much. That’s very helpful.
(OWS) - Very good. Would there be other questions here?
(Guest) - I should have one. I just saw a video that shows that this entire state, entire country of America is being microwaved, rightly. And it shows that the same resources are being…But anyway, it’s showing that the same frequency that regular microwaves that heat our food are actually being broadcast all over the country. And I’m just wondering, is that true? Or is somebody just making a weird video?
(OWS) - What we will tell you is this is more of the fear mongering here and everywhere that they can to hold down the vibration. It’s all about holding vibrations down instead of allowing vibrations to rise. Now, you as the ones that are the way-showers, you are the ones to show the way to others so that they will not be afraid. They will not succumb to that illusion. And we will say that this is part of an illusion here, part of the old program. And the more that you raise your own personal vibration, not only are you immune to this, but you are also helping others to become immune to it as well. It is not as dangerous or fearful as they are pretending it to be here. You see? Shoshanna, do you have something you add?
(Shoshanna) - Maybe we can add here. You’ve been given an adequate answer from One Who Serves, but if you wish for another perspective or an added perspective, we can add here, dear brother. Do you wish for this?
(Guest) - Always you can add. Never have to ask.
(Shoshanna) - Okay, dear brother. What an engineering feat it would be to microwave the entire population. What an engineering feat that would be. And how would that go, how would that come about? What kind of engineering, what kind of technology, what kind of instruments would be needed to reach all the people you see? So we hear this and we know it is a false thing. We know it is a fake thing. We know that’s not possible. That is not possible, you see. So you must understand that you are one that is also prone to these fearful things. And you must not pay attention, as One Who Serves has given. You must find information that supports your journey to ascension, that supports your journey to the spiritual realm, that supports your journey to the God -Source, to that connection, rather than worrying about who is being microwaved. That is our perspective. Namaste.
(OWS) - And we would add here that the reason the so -called pandemic of the COVID was not successful in the way that they wanted it to be was because people did not believe in it. They did not allow it to take over their lives because it was interrupting their lives and they would not have that. We’re speaking across the entire planet, not only in one country here. So it cannot succeed. And as Shoshana has given here, it is not a real thing. It is just simply a fear -mongering path. We are ready for next question if there is.
(Guest) - Yes, I have one. Yes. I heard through the grapevine that during the eclipse CERN had opened up a portal and some alien civilization came in and that they were given a property down in Antarctica. Is any of that true or is that just phony?
(Shoshanna) - Dear brother, we must remind you and remind all that are listening to this that CERN is under the control of the White House. CERN is no longer available to the dark side, to the Black Hats, to those that would cause evil or havoc. Now, because of this, what you have heard through your grapevine, which is an interesting way of calling forth information, is that somehow CERN has opened a portal and an alien race has come to Antarctica. Well, we will give you the real information here. There have been alien races occupying Antarctica for thousands of years. They are there. They are from other planets. They are there. Some are good, some are bad. Some wish you ill, some wish to save your planet. They have part of the duality that you have, you see, the dark and the light. So, CERN has not let them in. They have come of their own volition. They are there. There are many, many, many secrets to Antarctica that many do not know, most do not know. There is just a handful of people that actually know what that part of your world, that continent of your world contains. So yes, they are there but they did not come through CERN, you see. So part of it is true and part of it is not true. Namaste.
(OWS) - Okay. Very good. Thank you. Would there be any other questions here?
(Guest) - I have a question. I have a question. Okay. Thank you. So yes, this is Linda. And I’m going to relate part of a dream experience, if I could, just for a moment. A couple of weeks ago, you, One Who Serves, led us through guided meditation. And I found that very powerful. And when I went to bed, I recalled that meditation. And as I was thinking of the chakras, every chakra in my body turned white light, including other chakras above my head. I didn’t count them but there were others above my head. And my body was just an outline of white. There were no organs or anything within. And then as I fell deeper into this meditation, I found myself standing on a crystal, a very large crystal. And my arms were out to the sides as we do in the tools of protection, and my hands were upon another large crystal. As I stepped back out of this to look at my body, my body became a crystalline structure, similar in appearance to the Oscar statues that Hollywood gives for, I think it’s movies, but anyway. So it was this great crystal. And then my hands were part of the crystal. I had no fingers. And my feet were in the crystal at my feet.
I looked around and I saw no stars or planets. I saw no ships. I heard nothing. It was this great vast emptiness. And I asked, what am I being shown? And the reply was two words, the beginning. So as I am in this crystalline being, I looked again down at my feet and there was a small part of earth that became apparent and it was desert and there was a blue area and there were three pyramids mostly covered with sand. One was about two thirds covered and the others were nearly covered. So I know that these pyramids reflect the belt of Orion but I have no personal connection to Orion that I feel. But…As I thought about these great crystals and as we go through the tools of protection, I felt that this is, if this is the beginning, then this is how things are created through this crystalline energetic structure. And therefore there must be many, many layers of this crystalline structure, similar to the framework of a building. And as I touched into them, it became, how can I put this? It became a thought that these were actually what people see and feel vibrationally as a ley line.
So that wherever we are, as we connect within them, these power points of ley lines, these crossings of energy structure, actually this is how the earth is then created. This is actually then the power that as we do these tools of protection, we connect in with the very essence of beginning, the moment of beginning. Can you just clarify any of that for me and share with everyone?
(OWS) - What we will say here is that it is all of the above in terms of verification in terms of what you have been shown is what you needed to be shown but also what others need to become aware of as well. You were able to move deeply within yourself and discover the fullness of creation, we will say here, at the level that you are able to understand it at this point. So rightly, you have ascertained and been given the understanding of what your guides were attempting to show you here. In other words, you have rightly interpreted what you needed to understand here at this point. There’s nothing more that we can give you. Perhaps Shoshanna would, but that is up to her.
(Shoshanna) - We will offer our perspective here, dear sister, if you wish for it. (Yes, please) Dear sister, what a magnificent dream. But we do not call it a dream because it was a dimensional reflection of you. It is a reflection of your heart and your consciousness and what you have been seeking. We will say that there is something in your heart that you have been seeking that this dream is revealing to you, we think it is the Oneness. We think it is your desire to know the Oneness. What is it, if you can be brief, that you seek to know that this dream revealed for you, that you have been seeking for a very long time?
(Guest) - As you had just said, it is the Unity consciousness.
(Shoshanna) - Yes. Absolutely. Yes. So that is what has been revealed to you. You see, we are taken with emotion by this amazing experience that you have been revealed to you, you see. And we must tell you that you have melded, you have become One with the Oneness. That is what is being shown to you from the very beginning of the dream to the end of the dream. That is the message that you are One with the Oneness. You are One with all things. And if you notice that in the beginning that you were, everything was white light. If you think about this, what is that revealing to you? Because, white light is the essence of all things. It is all colors rolled up into one to become white. That is how it works, you see. So all the things, so the message is that all the things that make up your world have rolled up into one thing, and that is light. And that all things that you’ve discovered about yourself in terms of the crystalline structure, It’s just revealing to you that the energetic crystalline structure that is part of creation, that created all that you are and all things that the universe is, was the beginning of creation. And you are one with that, you see. Namaste.
(OWS) - Very Good.
(Guest) - Thank you so much.
(OWS) - Yes. We take one more question and then we release channel.
(Guest) - Okay, thank you. My question was this. I’m assuming that the timeline that we are witnessing now with the ridiculous and insane President Donald Trump court trials is partially designed by the White Hats to wake up more of these sleep people and that he will potentially truly be the rightful president and leading us into our temporarily lost freedom. I know he’s not a perfect person with his stance on the vaccine, et cetera, but is this just part of the circus play and do the White Hats have control?
(OWS) - We will reiterate what we gave here some time ago, several months ago now, where we gave the indication of six words,”The white hats are in control.” And we gave that some time ago as we say here. So it is still the case and even more so now, even than it was at that time. So understand that it is all optics. It is all a part of the show here that you are being given to, yes, to awaken as many as possible to the old programming, the old illusion, and to prepare for the new higher expression in the higher vibrational frequency.
(Shoshanna) - We wish to share. (Yes.) May we share? (Yes. Yes..) Enjoy the show. We will tell you that if you observe what is happening in each of what you call a court case, they are falling apart. Because the point of all of this is to shine a light on the criminality of your country. To shine a light on the cabal to shine a light on the corruption, you see. That has been going on for hundreds of years of this government and thousands across the world, tens of thousands of years across the world. This is about eradicating the dark, you see. Trump, the great unifier, has stepped up to be the spearhead to eradicate the darkness. So as you see these silly trials being revealed there. The criminals are losing. They are being revealed as the darkness of that one, DC. The details are clear. All the way from your case in Georgia to your case in New York to your case in DC to your case in Florida. You must understand in each one, they are falling apart. They hold on. They will fall apart because the point is to shine the light on the criminals and that is being achieved. And those that are the criminals are scurrying to hide, are running from this, you see. And for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, they are seeing clearly what a joke this is. Namaste.
(Guest) - Yes, and I just want to say one thing. So Judge Merchan, D .A., Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis, are they aware that they are part of the game or are they so delusional they actually think they’re right in doing this or is it a mismatch of everything?
(Shoshanna) - Dear sister, those that are bringing these court cases are incapable of any true honesty or true understanding. They are part of the criminals of your great country and they are carrying out their mission because they are being rewarded, you see. Corruption. Power corrupts absolutely, you see. So these are the corrupts of your nation that are attempting to have power over everything. And they are, yes, the second part delusional, but they have only egos. They have not found God, you see. Namaste.
(Guest) - Got it. So I just didn’t know if they were on the side of the white hats at this point.
(Shoshanna) - No, they are not. (Thank you.)
(OWS) -We wish to add here one thing for you to equate Donald Trump, the President Trump with George Washington in terms of being a revolution and enacting an entire revolution. (Shoshanna interjects: Courage and bravery.) Yes. All for one. We are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have a parting message?
(Shoshanna) - We will say, for all that are listening, know that this is a show, that this is much of an illusion, that all the things that are purposeful that are happening are not to just wake up the population, but to eradicate the darkness. That is the main achievement. We do not see or care who wakes up. What we care about is that the darkness is eradicated from your planet so that you and all the citizens of Earth may live freely. Namaste.
(OWS) - Very good. And we say here for, just as Sananda and many others have said, to just continue to move forward, step by step, always moving forward. Do not look backward. Just look forward into your wonderful future that you have ahead of you. Shanti, peace be with you. Peace be with you. Be the ONE.
5/11/24 - Source Frequencies from the Central Sun
By Kejraj (eraoflight.com)
Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. Source Creator sends its frequencies to the Central Sun of each Galaxy, and from the center, the light is radiated to the stars of each solar system. From the local suns, the new energies are sent to the planetary bodies and their inhabitants, which trigger the awakening of a Collective. The more open one remains, the more of this light one receives. Clearing of old thought forms, traumas, and physical toxins in the body is very important, in order to better integrate the new light. Meditation does wonders, as one lets go of the external world, allowing the self to be as the Soul that it is, while deep breathing charges the chakras and the cells, realigning one’s consciousness to the rhythm of the heart center.
The Ascension of Earth into the higher realms is by Divine Decree, as other Galactic cycles are in the process of completion, with new ones beginning. Then, with the observation and guidance of the Cosmic Councils the Galactic Federation does its part in managing the process of ascension as worlds prepare for upliftment in consciousness. The ones who are reading these words, many of you take part in the meetings of the Higher Councils in your dream state, and of course with the Galactic Federation. So although in your waking state you have grown tired and impatient, you were part of the meetings where it was agreed upon for this process to be gradual, in order to give the opportunity to as many as possible to ascend.
You who are reading these words, you are now the Ascended Masters, you are the Elders. And with the completion of Earth’s ascension, you can choose to stay on Earth for a while, or you have the freedom to go be and continue your spiritual expansion in any star system or galaxy you desire, whether it be in the fifth, sixth, or seventh dimension is up to you. The next step and experience of your journey is entirely up to you. As it has been always.
You are loved and honored beyond your wildest dreams!