Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
About Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters are speaking through many channels today (2021). We do not know who is authentic and who not, so use discernment. It was an extremely gifted and prepared channel who was initially chosen as a messenger for the Ascended Beings of Light. The masters first came forth to speak to unascended humanity in the 1930's through Guy Ballard, who was approached and prepared by Ascended Master Saint Germain. These powerful messages can be purchased in the green books of the Lucis Trust (green covers with gold leaf). When Mr. Ballard died/ascended, their next messenger was Geraldine Innocente in the 1950's under the sponsorship of Ascended Master El Morya, in the Bridge to Freedom movement. Geraldine was El Morya's twin flame. He approached her and requested she train to be a messenger. When Ms. Innocente died/ascended in 1961, these valuable messages scattered to the four winds, until Werner & Annette Schroader traveled the globe to retrieve over 6,000 pages. These have been republished in all white covers with gold leaf, and can be purchased through the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation in Mt. Shasta. After Ms. Innocente died/ascended, the Masters next spoke through Mark Prophet of the Summit Lighthouse through the late 1950's to early 1970's. When he died/ascended, his wife Elizabeth Prophet became the official messenger for the Masters, having trained under Mark. When Elizabeth died/ascended in 2009, no other official channel came forth, but by then the internet was becoming wide-spread and a few people started appearing as channels for the Masters.
Ascension is a multi-leveled topic and complex. The Earth is going through an ascension process today, 2021, that has never been done before. It has been said by higher intelligences channeling this information, that what we are going through as a planet today has never been done anywhere before in the entire universe(s). This refers to experiencing ascension to the next higher dimension - the 5th dimension from our current 3rd - without having to die in the process. That means our bodies will live through a metamorphosis. We are now, today, going through challenging experiences in our individual lives as we undergo these changes, for we are shedding the old, obsolete ways of corrupted mankind. If we want to stay alive and not disappear as other civilizations have done in the past, such as the Mayans, we are to raise our vibrations to higher, more noble ways of living. Humanity today is undergoing cellular changes. There are techniques that we will be practicing as we become ready to hear them. The Ascended Masters are attempting to reach us and guide us through this process. The new Earth will be a paradise, they say, compared to what we have known in the past. It requires us to become more conscious and responsible for our actions, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors, and to live in more ethical, kinder, more principled ways as we treat our fellow beings.
Many lightworkers and spiritual students are aware of what is happening. They have been long-time students of universal law, cosmic law, and the teachings of the ascended masters. They are the ones who are, one by one, stepping forward as leaders and teachers to help those who are unaware to adjust to what is happening to them. Without an explanation, people become lost and destabilized. A little understanding goes a long way. Teachers are required. The Earth is a living conscious being and her body, the planet, is also going through cellular, molecular changes which we have been seeing as troubling earth changes. More highly evolved species known as extraterrestrials who were born on other planets, have been here right along assisting us. They would be more openly engaging with humanity if it weren't for the dark powers that are in control of Earth, which most of us have been unaware of until recently. The truth is coming out. The governments have been under the control of these dark powers, and therefore have been resisting extraterrestrial help. Government leaders have been doing everything in their power to ridicule, deny, feed disinformation to the public. But an Alliance has been formed, called the Light Forces or White Hats, to assist in getting rid of the dark powers that are obstructing the ascension process. The Alliance is composed of benevolent extraterrestrials, benevolent humans, and very high celestial beings.
More light from the sun is streaming onto the planet, accelerating the electrons, atoms and molecules of physical substance. The ascension process is affecting the physical bodies of everyone living here. Those who are basically honest and good people accept what is happening and their bodies have what is known as ascension symptoms. Those who are more than 50% controlled by the dark forces on the planet (bad, dishonest, manipulative people) resist the light consciously or subconsciously and suffer various negative symptoms. They get angry, violent or otherwise disturbed physically, mentally and emotionally. They become upset. Those who have lived a life of more than 50% darkness, cannot live when light is accelerated. They rebel. It is uncomfortable to them. They have not had the benefit of knowledge or training towards the good and decent life. Compassion and understanding has been the number one method of treating the dark, but now that time is over. The ascension process is mid-way through. The light is becoming so strong it is equivalent to turning the rocks over and the cockroaches are scurrying like mad. They who are not accustomed to the brilliance of the light run for dark cover or lash out blindly. If you are living with a more than 50% dark person, be aware of this. Be kind but realize they can be dangerous as their bodies and minds have been resisting the light (truth, honor, compassion, love)
Living through an ascension process and keeping your physical body requires that you consciously forgive, have mercy on all living things, and most especially yourself. Be kind to yourself. Your body needs your tenderness and understanding. Give yourself love, lots of rest, and stop blaming other people for the ills that befall you. Be responsible for yourself. The skills required to make it through ascension is your ability to adapt to the changes. Don't resist what's going on. Be grateful for the opportunity to live through this amazing experience, never ever known before by any living being ever. What YOU experience is a first anywhere because you are unique and will handle it in your own way, not like anyone else. Cosmic truth is at hand. Truth is goodness, respect, mercy, forgiveness, caring, sensitivity, receptivity, compassion, kindness, honesty, love (divine love over human love), all the higher values that are evolving in mankind.
In past ages individuals ascended by leaving their bodies behind. A few managed to transform their bodies so nothing of physical substance was left behind. Some ascended masters we've heard about - such as St. Germain, Jesus, Buddha, Kuthumi, El Morya, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary - left their bodies behind to be buried, others took their bodies with them. They raised the vibration of their cells, known as "quickening", so no residuals were left behind. Their bodies raised up and disappeared from mortal sight. This has been happening to a few people over the centuries, but it has been kept from us by the iron grip of dark powers. We have been basically living on a prison planet and not known it. We have been held back from knowing the higher order we come from and knowing what we are capable of. It takes exposure to this knowledge, and education. That's all. It is knowledge that gives a human being the power to move himself - and mountains. It is keeping that person in the dark that keeps him disempowered, weak and frightened.
Today we are receiving many enlightened messages from more evolved higher beings. The truth is flooding the planet. We are in times of truth-telling. Those who resist, resist because they believe (naively) what they've been taught from childhood which has been reinforced through media, books, schools, movies and dark government systems.
The body is designed to become immortal. It is done by spiritualizing the body, which is what ascension is all about. We are being taught. It is impossible to accomplish without the help of higher ascended beings. They stand above us reaching down with a helping hand. One cannot climb out of a deep, deep, deep pit, without someone above to assist. We are living on an anomaly of a planet. It was at one time so completely darkened that the creator decided to destroy it. It was to become lost, along with whoever was living on it, but one enlightened being, Sanat Kumara from Venus, offered to come and live here, eons ago. He is known as the Ancient of Days in the Christian scriptures. His light alone saved the earth from being destroyed and began drawing souls to him to learn a better way. The ascended masters of Earth are referred to as the Great White Brotherhood, or the spiritual hierarchy.
Jesus is an ascended master but not the only one. The Taoists of China studied the ways to longevity 6000 years ago and in their historical records there are personal histories of 2000 Taoists who have spiritualized their bodies, ascended and disappeared from view. The bible records a few - Enoch, Elijah, Jesus.
By being under the heavy hand of dark forces and brainwashed into dull stupidity, the human race is given body after body through the reincarnation cycle, to learn how to live according to universal law of harmony. We have not only been obstructed, but the teachers could not get through. Our limited beliefs had us conforming to the dark's agenda. Galactic assistance has also been thwarted. We have been denied assistance from higher forces and did not know it. We did not know just how dark a world we had been living in. How could we have? We didn't have a chance. Now it is changing.
The Dark
The way things work was darkly designed to pit one side against another side, and keep them fighting each other. The tactic of the dark is divide and conquer. Without understanding this form of manipulation, we have been trying to reason with the other side. It will never work. It is a genius plan to keep mankind at low levels, unaware that there is a higher realm to which we can appeal and invoke. The soul of humanity is far more powerful than the stupid forces who are keeping them imprisoned.
They do it by keeping our attention on what's happening with OTHER people. This keeps us from taking responsibility for ourself. It is through the inner sense of responsibility and control that the truly great powers are accessed. The electrons that compose our bodies and minds are alive and conscious with God's own light but we pay no attention to our bodies or the feelings that our bodies are saying to us. They are imprisoned too. Our cells are stuck and frozen because we don't pay attention to them.
The Feminine energy brings light
The goddess energy has arrived to teach us how to love ourselves. Not other people - that's secondary - first love ourselves. Spend time alone. Be still. Breathe in fresh winds outdoors. Be in nature. because it is filled with light. Goddess energy is not human. It is divine. It is not gender-specific. Every male body has a direct connection to the creator, God, source of all life and goodness, truth, valor, love beyond measure. It is the feminine side of God. Mother God.
We are designed to bring balance to our human nature. It is composed of masculine energy which is the driving force to be active, constructive, creative, and feminine energy which is the innate stillness of love and connection with the creator. Both energies run through us as yin and yang. We have become distorted and it was done through sex. The male energy took control over the feminine energy in BOTH genders. As we turn back towards kindness we will bring balance once more to our bodies, souls and thus the world.
We are designed to live free of pain and suffering, in full health, happiness, freedom and safety, with abundance for all, and without needing to labor for it. But we have to learn how to do that. It is our responsibility to learn how to live in a way that does not cause pain and suffering - first to our Self - and secondly to all other people we live with and meet. This is how a race evolves and eventually ascends and joins the rest of the universe in harmony. There are natural laws in place. We have in the past learned them through trial and error. Now we are being tested in these final days of the old regime, the old paradigm - either step up and do it right or lose out and be demoted.
Lessons in natural law are not forced on us. Free will means we have to choose. We must choose between serving the larger whole first, or serving self first. Benevolence is considering the whole human race before considering oneself. Malevolence is considering oneself first before considering other people. This is the measurement between right and wrong, as seen by the higher celestial beings who oversee life on earth. It used to be called the spiritual path, giving humanity time to gain wisdom through trial and error. Now that time is over. It is now critical that everyone understand the urgency. There is no time left, we are being told. Humanity is growing up and we are the ones who have been prepared to be the new human. Our right choices are the new human. We are the accountable ones. We will fill our shoes now and hold our heads high because we following the universal law of harmony, peace, tolerance and respect. We have been pulled out of the pit and we are now standing tall. It's the beginning of a new world in a new dimension and a new time line. We are not perfect. We don't have to be perfect. We are human in a healthy and wholesome way. We are learning how to live the natural laws in a physical human body. We can create, enjoy, make love, make friends freely, without anyone looking over our shoulder because we are each accountable and noble. The dark is being curtailed by the galactic forces of light. It is our destiny as human beings to enjoy sentient life on a scale of happiness, cooperation and abundance - enough for everyone - instead of poverty, lack and cruelty by tyrants. We are earning our immortality by remaining true to universal law of harmony. The future humanity that is being born right now will live in joy and freedom with our sensory organs more sensitive and loving. We are just beginning to awaken to these refinements. We are a unique and amazing - even miraculous - species.
Sex and reproduction assures that we have new physical bodies if one should die accidently. There will be no more disease. Sex is part of the rejuvenation process. When we use our bodies in the right way, mutually respectful and with love and compassion, we are ennobled and enriched. In the old days when we used sex wrongly, without love, respect and honesty, we were diminished. We suffered. The Taoists call the reproductive organs the root and foundation of the ascension process. In all the centuries that humanity has been engaging in sex, most have not been using love along with it. They have been using selfishness, neediness and lust.
Those same organs that were used in imbalanced ways that hurt people, when balanced, they glow warm from harmonic love together, and erection is natural for the man. No need for pills, pumps or physical manipulation. The human body radiates warmly with love when love is SELF-generated and doesn't require somebody else to do it for them. And when two human bodies radiate warmly with love that is, each one, self-generated, they don't need the other one to rub them ferociously (!) to bring them to orgasm. For them, lovemaking is the result. It is much more refined and exquisite. The sex organs are a physical part of the body. It is up to the human being to learn how to use these precious organs with love, sensitivity, freedom and mutual respect. Self-generated love is how this is accomplished. Higher forms of discipline and inner self-help techniques are to be applied. As we learn how to love freely from our hearts, amazing new experiences will be known. The goddess movement is bringing our attention to this higher self love. If we don't love our SELF, then we can't love anyone.
The Taoists taught practical and healthy use of the sexual glands to rejuvenate the cells and tissues of the body by pumping the earth energy up through the body, with specific internal exercises. The pumping of the earth energy done in the correct way fills up the seven glands, one at a time, starting with the lowest one. This, they say, is how one transforms and spiritualizes one's body. However, what is missing from the Taoist teachings is the love aspect. The spiritual energy within the seven glands is what is called the "chakras". The chakras are etheric and pure. They are closed in most bodies because the education has been missing. We do not understand what chakras are. It has been absent from our schooling. Opening the chakras requires connection with the divine principle of love. In practical language, it's an attitude thing.
The Tantric masters have given us similar teachings in how to create longevity in the human body. Religious and spiritual teachers advise us to put our attention on God, or the divine self, but they are not clear how this is done. The text books talk a lot about romance and how to turn a woman on, but it does not mention divine love. The ancients either did not understand it, or they felt they could not describe it at that time. Today we are being shown how to awaken to the highest, most pure, most unconditional, most wondrous love, which yet living in a physical body. I was drawn to study these two schools of thought - Tao and Tantra - because they seemed to be more down to earth and practical.
While researching through the pages of these and the ascended master instructions, I discovered it all boils down to three or four areas that we human beings need to clean up within ourselves. Namely the physical body, the etheric body (subconscious and unconscious habits), the emotional body and the mental body, both low mental and higher mental which is often referred to as the spiritual body. It all comes down to each person. You and I are responsible for cleaning up our own messes, which contain low habits, low emotions, negative mental thoughts and subconscious habits, wrong beliefs, patterns of behavior, guilt, shame, judgment and more. We are a befuddled and toxic race. All four of these aspects which we use every day are formed of intelligent substances. They are subtle energies that surround us, which we call the aura, or the auric field. They are layered in increasingly heavier energies the closer they are to the physical body. These are the four lower bodies that the Ascended Masters refer to that need cleansing and purifying. These are our own mistakes and it is up to us to clean these habits and patterns up up. We will feel better and better as we do. These "bodies" are layers upon layers of refined and invisible energies that we can't see. They are invisible to our physical senses, so we just think we are a physical body and let it go at that. We are literally "stuck" in the physical plane and do not know that we are multidimensional. Emotions are a different dimension. Mind and thought are different dimensions. The mental body has the capacity of reaching high into the ascended master realms to make connection with God, the universe, the cosmos by whatever name the culture has assigned the "all that is". These four dimensions have been contaminated by the limits of human thinking. We have created our own pain and suffering and hard-wired it into our genetics to pass on to our children, while eternal endless love resides within us.
While ignorance may be bliss, our bodies suffer when we eat foods that are dangerous to our health, and breathe air that is contaminated with hundreds of different electromagnetic waves that are not compatible to each other. And when we fill our emotions with perverted desires, hungers and addicted behaviors that weigh us down, we suffer as we stew in our own embittered juices. Mentally, we think thoughts that go round and round seeking answers on the physical plane from physical science, and do not find relief in the elevated harmonies that we are capable of reaching. The Goddess energy is the connection we are all seeking to find happiness, joy, love and fulfillment. Every man, woman and child has the feminine connection through its heart. The heart is multidimensional. Within the physical heart is the "I Am Presence" of the Father-Mother God.
Part Two
The Taoists and Tantras teach us that these three areas need to be cleaned up through conscious application and specific exercises if we want to spiritualize our bodies and lift ourselves into wholeness. This is the ascension process. We are evolving. Each person is responsible for taking steps in the direction of his or her own evolution. It is the spiritual path. It is the great work. It requires connection with the inner energy of SELF love. It takes focus and determination to stick to this path, and can be done incrementally while living a fulfilling creative human life with stimulating friends and loved ones. The inner connection paves the way to more harmony. This is what we call the Goddess. When the mental, emotional and spiritual energies are brought into harmony, the body flourishes. When the body flourishes, the soul has a clean soil in which to blossom and radiate outward into the community. When the soul blossoms it blesses everyone within the vicinity.
Ascension is not vacating the body; it is fulfilling the body. We are destined to be happy and sovereign human beings, safe and free to live the way we want to and doing the things we most love doing. We get there by consciously taking steps to raise ourselves to higher, more evolved states of awareness. This includes turning from being selfish creatures to being selfLESS creatures. We do this by understanding the nature of love. It is a personal choice. We can choose not to, we are certainly free to NOT evolve, but why would we do that? Taking the higher road means we get more of what is good for us, more enjoyment, more love, more acceptance. But we have to make changes. We have to remove doubt. We have to remove cynicism. We have to turn ourselves from a skeptic or bigot or narrow-minded person, to a more open-minded person. We have to do this alone. It's an inner work. It's getting in touch with the goddess within, which means the feminine side of us.
There comes a time for everyone when we get bored with the outer world of drama and adventure which attracts us because they are exciting, and when we are bored enough we'll be drawn to ancient wisdoms. Who knows how it will appear, but appear it will. And we take notice. Books start to fall off of shelves in front of you. Or a person stops you on the street to hand you a pamphlet. Or a long-time friend reveals something you never knew about them before. Or you'll get invited to a lecture. Or you'll have a dream. Or you'll meet someone new who tugs your heart with light. That is when we turn inward onto the ascension path. It is the reason we are here enjoying the adventures. By our actions we learn right from wrong. By trial and error we are drawn to a universal code of harmony and love by which all advanced civilizations learn.
The goddess is within. It is the connection to spirit, to source, to home. It is here and it plays right along with us. It is ever present within our instincts and consciousness. But as long as we are distracted by outer excitements we don't pay attention. Until we start to get bored with it all. We have been taught to be ashamed and guilty by religion, but our hearts know better. There is a light within and a love within and a happiness and joy within when we leave the old paradigm behind and make good decisions for our self. And when it is time, we take steps that lead us up the mountain trail to new terrain - one that is inspired by a living light that teaches.
It starts by opening the heart to honesty and authenticity. while most spiritual paths lead "up", this website starts with the physical and leads us to explore "down". The ascension path is a human path, not a spiritual path. Humans are on it every day of their lives in the physical world, but they don't know it. Let us become aware of what ascension REALLY is all about. It is about uniting the spiritual with the physical. Not leaving the body but entering deeper into the body and thus clearing it and lifting it and spiritualizing it.
Anakosha has been leading me into massage as a way to bring the high spiritual down low into the human physical and into the normal, average, every day life and LIFTING it up. Cleaning it up. Blowing out the old dead debris of the past. Washing it away by focusing on light and love in human affairs. Ascension is being written about as one big event that will happen on a certain date. But to me it is a slow, methodical, mindful process of becoming aware of goodness in life. Instead of analyzing the bad and the fearful and what's wrong with the world and ourselves, it is accentuating the positive and beautiful. It is focusing on co-existence, not problems. It is drawing on the unlimited power that spirituality promises, that is right there in our very human lives. Instead of waiting for whatever we are waiting for, in this very moment, a focus can be gathered together in the mind and radiated out to accomplish something. The power is right here in me.
The ascension path is doing what's right, instead of what's half-right or explicitly wrong. Thus we inch closer to the higher self and let in more light, more consciousness, more inspiration, more idealism. Ascension is the process that goes along with us from lifetime to lifetime, learning how to discern better between what is right for us and what is wrong for us. There is no room for judgment on others. It is important to learn kindness, compassion and mercy. Slowly, we align with the values of our own higher self which is us. You and me. We are not there yet or we would know it. But it is reaching for us and trying to draw us to it, to immortality, to freedom, to truth and eternal light and life. The ascension path is hard to stick with because we are interwoven with our friends, neighbors and lovers. They overlap our motives and we take on their motives and intentions without knowing it.
Ascension doesn't happen instantly; it happens incrementally. Ascension is not a spiritual process, it is a human process. We are already spiritual, we just forgot we are. We forgot when we were born into a small child and grew up in a limited education system. We were have been programmed to have walls built around us. The walls are belief systems. We live inside our beliefs which can be changed and broken out of. Ascension is the process of breaking out of the human beliefs and shedding them, peeling them away like a snake leaves its skin behind as it moves on the ground. It is how we unfold and begin feeling and seeing glimpses of the divine immortal eternal being that we are underneath and within. We have the equipment to do this but it takes waking up the old stodgy lethargic human that is slowly deteriorating. Seeing an inspirational movie or attending a yoga class or a personal growth class could be the beginning.
Many, many individuals have graduated from the earth school and do not have to repeat the cycle of living, dying, and being reborn again only to die again. These individuals are referred to as ascended masters. Jesus is one of them but not the only one. I understand there are 63 ascended masters who are watching over us. That's just a rumor. I can't vouch for that. The others have moved on to higher roles beyond earth, but these 63 remain with earth to guide us. They are referred to as the Great White Brotherhood - white referring to the light that radiates from them, not the color of their "skin". We can call on them by name once we get to know them.