Integrating the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
Massage by David
Tantric & Therapeutic
Naples, Florida, USA
Contact for appointment
Marcus Blakemore
3811 Airport No., Suite 202A
Naples, FL 34105

About David
Updated 9/4/22
David's real name is Marcus Blakemore. Since Tantric massage had for many years been considered a sexual massage, it was expedient to use a pseudonym when first writing about him. But, since times are changing and the culture is cleaning up its naughty thoughts and replacing them with clean happy healthy thoughts, we felt it was time to provide his real name. His sessions are $100 for approximately 90 minutes.
David is a professional massage therapist who has a rare and additional skill in what is called Tantric massage. I am Diana of Anakosha who maintain this website. Diana is also not my real name. I have been studying both Tantra and Taoism as wellness and spiritual love techniques for perhaps 46 years, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters. I did not have an embodied teacher but I had an out-of-body experience when kundalini awakened in 1976. I met David in 2015 when he found my website and contacted me. He offered to give me a massage and I accepted. We developed a friendship and we began practicing four-handed massages on others. At the time I was also a massage therapist. Eventually I dropped out of the four-handed massages but we maintained a close friendship.
David has been practicing in Naples for over 25 years. During the years that I collaborated with him, his ability to channel universal love expanded considerably. His energy quickened and kundalini began to flow, igniting responses in his clients. After David's first massage on me I experienced a surprising feeling of freedom, like floating a bit off the ground. This happened again and again, every time we met, which was weekly for over a year. Each time after he left, I was not only floating, but unusually happy and liberated. Plus my mind was expanded. I began getting downloads of revelations out of the blue. Click, click, click, things became clear. Bear in mind, we did not have a sexual connection. I believe it was because it was not sexual that I experienced this unusual after-effect. Those who are excitedly sexual and drawn to express sexually, are using only the lower three chakras. Because kundalini was active in me, I have gone up through the higher chakras, awakening them, and now go too far up and out of body at the crown. I do not have a blocked sex center. I need to find a way to come back down. David's hands on me, male to female, give me something that mixes with mine. The result is more balance. His energy has helped me integrate my too-high non-physical energy with my physical. My physical absolutely LOVES it! Afterward I feel more at home in my skin. More "perfect" if I could use that word.
Since kundalini is not well known, least of all understood, I felt this would be an ideal time to start writing about it, and introduce David. He would not write about it himself but writing is my calling. Tantra utilizes kundalini energies. It is a mysterious force and sacred. In the far distant past, disciplined people learned the art of awakening it and directing it, in secret. It cannot be promoted commercially or professionally because it is an inner science. It fits better into private instruction. When kundalini quickens, or awakens in a person, an inner relationship begins to take place between the divine within and the outer, limited, social personality. Someone who is already awakened can pass a spark through touch. This is what David does. He passes a spark simply through touch to one who is less quickened - or more quickened and too far out of body (spacey). Tantric massage is totally misunderstood in our culture today. It is thought to be a sexual massage. It could be, if the divine directs it in that way, it all depends on the divine within. But, if someone comes to David expecting a sex massage, it won't work. It will be an awkward encounter. The divine within is the kundalini energy, also known as the holy spirit of Christian scriptures. David is a direct channel of this energy.
He has high integrity and is a good person to go to for ascension work. Whether the imbalance is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, he can assist in bringing about integration. His expertise is especially good for women because most females need healing from lifetimes of abuse and persecution by the masculine patriarchy. Memories of abuse are still locked in the cells and tissues of many women. For the same reason, men too may benefit from David's massage, for men have been abused in different ways. Trauma is locked frozen inside all forms and all need the healing. The healing touch of a divinely-inspired massage would help heal these memories and restore inner peace. Husbands and boyfriends who are supportive of their ladies can help by giving reverence and respect at home for the soft feminine, and not be so harsh on them. Do not diminish or put down the feminine. Encourage her through adoration, caring, kindness, acceptance and love, and men will begin to feel lifted and adored in return.
These are divine principles. By focusing on them, women eventually respond in kind by elevating their men to higher, more inspired planes. Human beings are linked together on levels not understood. We can't help it, we live together. We are solid human beings. We are not gods. When the female is quickened by the kundalini energies, which are stored in the root chakra, she will become more empowered. She will begin feeling different, more subtle, more subjective, and show more of her authentic nature. She may walk out the door a little blissed out, but she will become more normal in an hour or so. Keep the kindness flowing. The magic will continue to expand the relationship.
David's studio is in a professional building on Airport Road in Naples, and he is available for new clients. Most of his clients are women since he also provides endermologie treatments, which is a suction massage for reducing cellulite. He is a gifted practitioner of the healing arts and can do most all of the known modalities that are taught today in massage school. Tantric massage is an added skill that comes naturally from his spiritual nature.
Updated 9/4/22
David's real name is Marcus Blakemore. Since Tantric massage had for many years been considered a sexual massage, it was expedient to use a pseudonym when first writing about him. But, since times are changing and the culture is cleaning up its naughty thoughts and replacing them with clean happy healthy thoughts, we felt it was time to provide his real name. His sessions are $100 for approximately 90 minutes.
David is a professional massage therapist who has a rare and additional skill in what is called Tantric massage. I am Diana of Anakosha who maintain this website. Diana is also not my real name. I have been studying both Tantra and Taoism as wellness and spiritual love techniques for perhaps 46 years, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters. I did not have an embodied teacher but I had an out-of-body experience when kundalini awakened in 1976. I met David in 2015 when he found my website and contacted me. He offered to give me a massage and I accepted. We developed a friendship and we began practicing four-handed massages on others. At the time I was also a massage therapist. Eventually I dropped out of the four-handed massages but we maintained a close friendship.
David has been practicing in Naples for over 25 years. During the years that I collaborated with him, his ability to channel universal love expanded considerably. His energy quickened and kundalini began to flow, igniting responses in his clients. After David's first massage on me I experienced a surprising feeling of freedom, like floating a bit off the ground. This happened again and again, every time we met, which was weekly for over a year. Each time after he left, I was not only floating, but unusually happy and liberated. Plus my mind was expanded. I began getting downloads of revelations out of the blue. Click, click, click, things became clear. Bear in mind, we did not have a sexual connection. I believe it was because it was not sexual that I experienced this unusual after-effect. Those who are excitedly sexual and drawn to express sexually, are using only the lower three chakras. Because kundalini was active in me, I have gone up through the higher chakras, awakening them, and now go too far up and out of body at the crown. I do not have a blocked sex center. I need to find a way to come back down. David's hands on me, male to female, give me something that mixes with mine. The result is more balance. His energy has helped me integrate my too-high non-physical energy with my physical. My physical absolutely LOVES it! Afterward I feel more at home in my skin. More "perfect" if I could use that word.
Since kundalini is not well known, least of all understood, I felt this would be an ideal time to start writing about it, and introduce David. He would not write about it himself but writing is my calling. Tantra utilizes kundalini energies. It is a mysterious force and sacred. In the far distant past, disciplined people learned the art of awakening it and directing it, in secret. It cannot be promoted commercially or professionally because it is an inner science. It fits better into private instruction. When kundalini quickens, or awakens in a person, an inner relationship begins to take place between the divine within and the outer, limited, social personality. Someone who is already awakened can pass a spark through touch. This is what David does. He passes a spark simply through touch to one who is less quickened - or more quickened and too far out of body (spacey). Tantric massage is totally misunderstood in our culture today. It is thought to be a sexual massage. It could be, if the divine directs it in that way, it all depends on the divine within. But, if someone comes to David expecting a sex massage, it won't work. It will be an awkward encounter. The divine within is the kundalini energy, also known as the holy spirit of Christian scriptures. David is a direct channel of this energy.
He has high integrity and is a good person to go to for ascension work. Whether the imbalance is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, he can assist in bringing about integration. His expertise is especially good for women because most females need healing from lifetimes of abuse and persecution by the masculine patriarchy. Memories of abuse are still locked in the cells and tissues of many women. For the same reason, men too may benefit from David's massage, for men have been abused in different ways. Trauma is locked frozen inside all forms and all need the healing. The healing touch of a divinely-inspired massage would help heal these memories and restore inner peace. Husbands and boyfriends who are supportive of their ladies can help by giving reverence and respect at home for the soft feminine, and not be so harsh on them. Do not diminish or put down the feminine. Encourage her through adoration, caring, kindness, acceptance and love, and men will begin to feel lifted and adored in return.
These are divine principles. By focusing on them, women eventually respond in kind by elevating their men to higher, more inspired planes. Human beings are linked together on levels not understood. We can't help it, we live together. We are solid human beings. We are not gods. When the female is quickened by the kundalini energies, which are stored in the root chakra, she will become more empowered. She will begin feeling different, more subtle, more subjective, and show more of her authentic nature. She may walk out the door a little blissed out, but she will become more normal in an hour or so. Keep the kindness flowing. The magic will continue to expand the relationship.
David's studio is in a professional building on Airport Road in Naples, and he is available for new clients. Most of his clients are women since he also provides endermologie treatments, which is a suction massage for reducing cellulite. He is a gifted practitioner of the healing arts and can do most all of the known modalities that are taught today in massage school. Tantric massage is an added skill that comes naturally from his spiritual nature.
More About Tantra and Kundalini

When I first experienced David's massage, I didn't understand the sense of freedom and elation I felt afterwards. It took awhile to reach a conclusion. Years prior, during my kundalini awakening, I was taken out of body into the light, and it took years for me to descend back down again to normal earth consciousness. I had never experienced the touch of someone else who also had the kundalini moving in them. When we sat and discussed spiritual concepts the first time, it was elevating. But when he touched me during massage, something more happened. It is the physical touch that creates the spark. Most everyone assumes it is sexual, but it is the power BEHIND sex that is the healing element. It is the kundalini, which is known in Christian scriptures as the holy spirit. This was given to me by the ascended masters. The power behind sex is what heals, repairs, corrects and rejuvenates. It is divine innocence. Mankind does not know about this power. It does not come from the physical act of sex. In fact, sex obstructs it. But it DOES pass between bodies. One body that has more of this energy quickened in it, can transmit it to another body that does not have enough of it flowing or is locked down. Most people are locked down. In eastern religions it has been called "shaktipat", where a guru will put his hands on someone and they are quickened into bliss. There is so much we do not know about it. It is the very life of the body and is uncontaminated by human error. It cannot be contaminated.
We call it love but it is holy, not human. It melts energy blocks caused by trauma because it is pure and undefiled. Humans can't provide this innocence. We can only be channels for it through training and practice. It comes from more refined realms. When the light locked in the body's muscles and organs is released, it is felt as warmth. It causes feelings of love and it can expand to become bliss and, with further expertise, rapture. These are my thoughts on the subject based on personal experience and study. Our bodies are composed of condensed light in the form of sub-atomic particles. Negative energy from stress gets stuck in the space inbetween the sub-atomic particles. It is scientific. It is a universal power. It is not mysterious once understanding takes place.
Since we human beings have not been informed about this wonderful power, we remain in a limited understanding. The light in us remains locked in place. The human condition is frozen in place. Meditation and esoteric training triggers the light within. Also an enlightened being can trigger it through touch in someone else. Very little is understood yet, but we are learning. One of my missions is to understand it and write about it. These are my thoughts only. This borders on eastern teachings but it comes from my personal experience. . The body is a treasure chest waiting to be opened. The power is locked in the body but not moving. We must find a way to start moving it. Then the celestial fireworks begin within a person's consciousness, mind, body and feelings.
I am convinced that David has a rare gift. Not that he's a saint. He's human like the rest of us, but he is able to channel universal love that seems to trigger a response when he touches another person. He opens himself to be a conduit. The result is liberation of the life force within the client, depending on the ability of the client to receive it. When he is conducting a healing session, he sets his ego aside to become transparent. This is especially good for women clients, because the unawakened man responds to the stirring of kundalini in a sexual way. He feels it as lust and presses for sex. The male and female bodies are agitated by reverse polarity flows. Men flow in one way and women flow in another. David makes a good healer because he becomes a channel. He sets his personal needs aside and does not act like a man wanting sex. He is true to his mission and acts impersonally, as a therapist. This is an important aspect of a healer.
We call it love but it is holy, not human. It melts energy blocks caused by trauma because it is pure and undefiled. Humans can't provide this innocence. We can only be channels for it through training and practice. It comes from more refined realms. When the light locked in the body's muscles and organs is released, it is felt as warmth. It causes feelings of love and it can expand to become bliss and, with further expertise, rapture. These are my thoughts on the subject based on personal experience and study. Our bodies are composed of condensed light in the form of sub-atomic particles. Negative energy from stress gets stuck in the space inbetween the sub-atomic particles. It is scientific. It is a universal power. It is not mysterious once understanding takes place.
Since we human beings have not been informed about this wonderful power, we remain in a limited understanding. The light in us remains locked in place. The human condition is frozen in place. Meditation and esoteric training triggers the light within. Also an enlightened being can trigger it through touch in someone else. Very little is understood yet, but we are learning. One of my missions is to understand it and write about it. These are my thoughts only. This borders on eastern teachings but it comes from my personal experience. . The body is a treasure chest waiting to be opened. The power is locked in the body but not moving. We must find a way to start moving it. Then the celestial fireworks begin within a person's consciousness, mind, body and feelings.
I am convinced that David has a rare gift. Not that he's a saint. He's human like the rest of us, but he is able to channel universal love that seems to trigger a response when he touches another person. He opens himself to be a conduit. The result is liberation of the life force within the client, depending on the ability of the client to receive it. When he is conducting a healing session, he sets his ego aside to become transparent. This is especially good for women clients, because the unawakened man responds to the stirring of kundalini in a sexual way. He feels it as lust and presses for sex. The male and female bodies are agitated by reverse polarity flows. Men flow in one way and women flow in another. David makes a good healer because he becomes a channel. He sets his personal needs aside and does not act like a man wanting sex. He is true to his mission and acts impersonally, as a therapist. This is an important aspect of a healer.

How universal energy heals
When a quickened healer like David places his hands on a client, love energy flows into the body of his client and goes where it is needed most. It goes to the emptiness. Or it goes to the jammed up tangled blockage. Love is universal and when there is an open channel (the healer), love is drawn instinctively to where it is needed. Love is the healing balm, not David. He is merely the conduit. All past life traumas are distortions and tangled messes that need dissolving. Our medical system treats problems with drugs and surgeries, but the damage is in the etheric body. In the space between the sub-atomic particles of light where stress is held locked in the form of negative energy.
Someone who has the sight to see into the etheric plane, can see energy entanglements. They are not necessarily healers themselves, but they can see and report. The diagram above shows the layers of energy that surround the human body. There are six levels of energies that completely enclose the body round about, through which filters cosmic light to the body. The body itself is the seventh level, being the most dense to appear like solid. The etheric layer is the next most dense and invisible to the naked eye. It carries past life memories that are unresolved negative energy. These energies are real things and need to be cleared because they are heavy and weigh a person down. It carries forward from life to life attracting karmic kickback. The etheric body is considered the body double. It looks just like the physical body, and at death it is seen wandering or hovering around the body until it dissipates. When our physical body sleeps, we travel in it and visit one another. We remember these visits through dreams. The six invisible layers are, from most dense to lightest or light: etheric body, emotional body, mental body, light body, causal body and the I Am Presence. These seven layers compose our whole body. We are spiritual beings.
As we focus on women, we find they have a natural ability to heal, and they could heal if they had more confidence. The entire world as it exists today is in chaos because the feminine has been dismissed over the ages to the point of having no power. The feminine has not had a voice in world affairs until recently. It's on the rise though. It was almost killed off in the dark ages which would not have been good for the race, the persecution was horrendous, but fortunately we've made a turn-around. Women carry that memory in their genes, unknowingly, for it is passed from mother to daughter. It needs to be resolved and healed. Some day women will once again be clear channels for divine love and will heal with their hands naturally and easily. Women are the future healers and lovers of the race, the peacemakers and the nurturers. Women are instinctively drawn to unify problems, and to make it whole again. What a blessing women are for this planet! They will bring back the sacredness of sensuality. David is a healer of women's inner empowerment. Below, a woman's root chakra in the etheric body is opening, sending waves of universal love upward through the body to balance and heal. The color is red, the bottom of the rainbow spectrum. It's natural flow is up towards the heavens. It would do the same for a man if men were not distracted by feelings of sex and interrupt the flow.
When a quickened healer like David places his hands on a client, love energy flows into the body of his client and goes where it is needed most. It goes to the emptiness. Or it goes to the jammed up tangled blockage. Love is universal and when there is an open channel (the healer), love is drawn instinctively to where it is needed. Love is the healing balm, not David. He is merely the conduit. All past life traumas are distortions and tangled messes that need dissolving. Our medical system treats problems with drugs and surgeries, but the damage is in the etheric body. In the space between the sub-atomic particles of light where stress is held locked in the form of negative energy.
Someone who has the sight to see into the etheric plane, can see energy entanglements. They are not necessarily healers themselves, but they can see and report. The diagram above shows the layers of energy that surround the human body. There are six levels of energies that completely enclose the body round about, through which filters cosmic light to the body. The body itself is the seventh level, being the most dense to appear like solid. The etheric layer is the next most dense and invisible to the naked eye. It carries past life memories that are unresolved negative energy. These energies are real things and need to be cleared because they are heavy and weigh a person down. It carries forward from life to life attracting karmic kickback. The etheric body is considered the body double. It looks just like the physical body, and at death it is seen wandering or hovering around the body until it dissipates. When our physical body sleeps, we travel in it and visit one another. We remember these visits through dreams. The six invisible layers are, from most dense to lightest or light: etheric body, emotional body, mental body, light body, causal body and the I Am Presence. These seven layers compose our whole body. We are spiritual beings.
As we focus on women, we find they have a natural ability to heal, and they could heal if they had more confidence. The entire world as it exists today is in chaos because the feminine has been dismissed over the ages to the point of having no power. The feminine has not had a voice in world affairs until recently. It's on the rise though. It was almost killed off in the dark ages which would not have been good for the race, the persecution was horrendous, but fortunately we've made a turn-around. Women carry that memory in their genes, unknowingly, for it is passed from mother to daughter. It needs to be resolved and healed. Some day women will once again be clear channels for divine love and will heal with their hands naturally and easily. Women are the future healers and lovers of the race, the peacemakers and the nurturers. Women are instinctively drawn to unify problems, and to make it whole again. What a blessing women are for this planet! They will bring back the sacredness of sensuality. David is a healer of women's inner empowerment. Below, a woman's root chakra in the etheric body is opening, sending waves of universal love upward through the body to balance and heal. The color is red, the bottom of the rainbow spectrum. It's natural flow is up towards the heavens. It would do the same for a man if men were not distracted by feelings of sex and interrupt the flow.

A Tantric Massage helps connect spirit with the body by dissolving blocks as the client allows it. Ancient texts describe it as the mystical marriage. There's tons of information in the esoteric field, much of which is confusing. But when it's time to know, you know. During David's Tantric Massage, the person's spirit is channeled into the person's physical vehicle. Universal love is the carrier wave. It takes a special healer to channel universal love. A person could do it for him/herself, but it's a rare individual who knows how. Meanwhile, gifted healers come forth to assist. They melt barriers. Heal broken parts. Bring us in touch with our humanness. Avatars have come forth over the ages to put hands on people and bring wholeness to the body and mind. They do it by connecting with universal love and directing it through the person's vehicle. The client feels it and knows it through the body's inner senses. It's sensual. Sensuality refers to ALL the senses. The inner senses connect us to universal love, the ultimate love. Love is all there is. A session produces feelings of togetherness, joy, liberation, honor, truth, integrity, compassion, justice, the noble virtues, for they are love. Opening the inner senses includes clairvoyance, clairaudience and more, labeled the sixth sense. The body has this ability. Our culture has programmed us to think through our brains, not through our inner senses. We are taught to reduce everything to finite existence and we miss the underlying richness, the source of life itself. The woman in the next paragraph is opening her solar plexus chakra, color yellow, which is the third color up from the bottom on the color spectrum.

Many practitioners misuse the label "Tantric Massage". Websites offering a tantric massage might show pornographic pictures. They are operating from the limits of their knowledge. Esoteric principles of Tantra remain a mystery to all but those in the know. However, they are serving a purpose by distributing a little bit of knowledge to the world. We can then wonder about, What is Tantra? It is a highly prized ascension tool that is not well presented. But soon the real knowledge will become available. Meanwhile, be aware of the vultures circling, ready to pick the meat off the bones of the willing. David assisted me in my feminine empowerment process, my coming out, and I want to help others have the chance to benefit from his sessions also. That's why I'm promoting him. A word of caution to husbands and boyfriends - please do not see him as a sex partner for your wife or girlfriend. That has been done in the past and it just lowers the standards. Approach him in a higher frame of mind. Open your mind to the highest possible position. Otherwise the treatment will be common.

This is true for men too. When it is time for a man to receive a Tantric Massage, he will feel the urge. He will want it. It is soul whispering to him, "It's time." And if he goes for a session with David, he will emerge more balanced and integrated too. Universal love is feminine energy, not masculine, but it balances a person's body whichever way it needs to go. A meek, mild-manner man will feel stronger and more sure of himself. This body work is beyond our human understanding. Just as women have lost their voice over the centuries, so have men lost theirs. Their emotional, tender, softer voice - the ability to express gentleness - has been squashed. A tantric massage will bring balance to a man so he is more in tune with his feminine side. Most men do not understand about their feminine side. There is fear that he will lose his masculinity. No need to be afraid. Men tend to hold onto their dominant male behaviors because that's the default program. They were raised that way, except for those who decided not to. But even the strong macho man has a feminine side within. A puppy love waiting to be awakened. Universal healing love brings this back into the picture so the man can FEEL again the subtle richness of life, the under fabric which builds confidence, surety, and allows him to feel at home inside his skin. Tenderness to people and situations as he is confronted by them in normal daily life, will be smoother as his feminine side clicks in. He is no less a man. He feels on a cellular level but he still lives in a male body. A stronger one internally. This is a connection to the soul. So, when the urge comes to have a Tantric Massage, a man may enjoy the same healing integration process that a woman does. Wait to be in the right frame of mind and for your feelings to really want to do this..
I have written about David as I have come to know him and the subject matter. These are not his words. He would use different words. Each person will have their own words to describe their experience. We are all so vastly different. We are walking libraries full of past life experiences that most of us are not aware of. (Diana of Anakosha)
I have written about David as I have come to know him and the subject matter. These are not his words. He would use different words. Each person will have their own words to describe their experience. We are all so vastly different. We are walking libraries full of past life experiences that most of us are not aware of. (Diana of Anakosha)