Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
Messages From the Ascended Masters
4/14/22 - One Who Serves & Shoshanna: Group Meeting
Channeled by James McConnell & JoAnna McConnel
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna is here. And we will begin your question and answer time in just a moment.But we need to share this with you: it is important for you to take this message that has been given, and to share it with everyone that you can, anyone that has an inkling of opening up to the higher truths within them, and who begins to understand that there is so much more than what they have been told. Anyone that is in that beginning awakening process, or has already begun the awakening and is moving further along, share this message with them. Let it go out across your internet to everywhere that it can. But do not become concerned with the results here. Let the Universe provide here, as it would need to do. And understand that you are those messengers, those Messengers of Light.
You are The Way-Showers, as you have heard, and certainly the System-Busters. Because just in your refusing to comply to those edicts, those mandates coming from your government, you have been spreading the Light and opening up more and more people’s eyes and ears to see and hear just by your not complying. And that is important for you to continue to do, because you cannot be a part of the system, and break the system at the same time. It does not happen. You must find yourself more and more beyond the system.
Now that does not mean to leave the system. It means to move beyond it. To be aware of the system as it is, but not become a part of it. Not allow the attachment to it. And more and more of you are doing that. And when we speak to more and more of you, we are speaking not only to this group that is hearing these words now, but to all of those that hear and read these words after. That is important, because you are all in this together, to bring about the great Change-Over that is just around the corner here. We are ready for your questions if you have them. You can unmute your phones now. Would there be questions here?
Guest: I have a question, One Who Serves.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Thank you. Some years ago I was doing a ceremony in Mexico and I jumped into a cenote that was really, rally, really dark. As I went down and came back up into the surface of the water, I started having this very strong image of the sun being completely dark. And I saw two suns: a really, really black one in the front, and a really bright one behind the dark sun. I kept that image, but I never thought any longer about it. Lately, when I practice my sun-gazing, I start seeing that behind the bright sun. I see the bright sun in the front, but I also perceive that behind the bright sun that I see every day, there is a tiny little piece of the dark sun that I have been. Can you help me understand this?
OWS: We can tell you that you are experiencing what we spoke of earlier, or we gave to The James to give on your discussion period that you are experiencing the fifth-dimensional sun here that is in some cases as you would look at it here behind your physical sun here, your third-dimensional sun. And you had a vision of seeing this other sun, the one that is seemingly behind it. It is not really behind it, it is along-side of it in a higher dimensional frequency here. And more and more of you will begin to experience this fifth-dimensional sun as you continue to rise in vibration and you continue to more and more have the eyes to see here in terms of working through your third-eye center. Shoshanna, do you have something to add?
Shoshanna: (JoAnna McConnell’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We do not have more.
OWS: Very good. Was this sufficient for you then?
Guest: One Who Serves, can you please help me understand this: Before, when I jumped into that cenote and I saw in the front the black sun, the black sun was in the sun. And I saw the bright sun on the back.
OWS: Yes.
Guest: And now I am seeing the bright sun in the front, but I still see a little tiny miniscule site of the black sun. Can you explain that different location. Before, it was the black sun in the front, and now it is the bright sun. But I still see the black sun.
OWS: When you say ‘the black sun,’ that is what some have called this in terms of when they experience it, it appears to be that. Because it is unknown. Black, dark is also often unknown here when you express, or when you have vision in this sense. So you are experiencing an unknown version, we will say here, of the sun here. But also some would see it as a white sun, as your one that spoke earlier here on your call. It is not something to be concerned about, whether it is dark or light, or whatever. Just know that it is the fifth-dimensional sun that is expressing through as vibrational frequencies continue to rise here on the planet. And again, more and more of you will begin to experience this. Okay?
Guest: Okay. Thank you.
OWS: Very good. Would there be other questions here?
Guest: Yes, I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: In doing the great work of continuing to clear, I would call past life traumas, for me at least, it always seems Atlantis, and the time of Atlantis, is deeply suppressed. And I’ve always known, sort of personally, at least for me, that something pretty traumatic of the soul happened to me at that point. I can recall Lemuria with no problem. But it seems to be a veil that I’ve thrown over it. And now it has come time to start to uncover and kind of poke back into Atlantis and deal with that trauma, whether it is a soul fragment that I need to retrieve, or other things of that nature. I was hoping that you can enlighten me or shed some light on whether. And I read this recently in a book, which really resonated with me, that part of that trauma could have been sort of an extreme or abrupt separation from the twin flame. And then, of course, the other trauma we would know is that Atlantis perished very quickly because we used the energy for something that we should not have used the energy for. Can you enlighten me, maybe not personally, but more for the group, what that deep trauma is? Was it the end of civilization that happened so quickly, or was it more the separation from our twin flame?
OWS: What we can tell you is, as you say here, more for the group rather than for you as an individual, for we cannot share this experience with you, you must come to this on your own. But we can tell you that many of you on this call had your experiences in both Lemuria and Atlantis, and you had many different expressions moving through that. And, yes, you went through the fall of Atlantis here, as well as the fall of Lemuria before that. So you had those deep within your soul. And the idea that you are beginning to be guided to experience this, to remember this, then that is saying that it is time for you to do so. So do not shy away from it, because at this point you can handle it. Prior to this, maybe not so much. But you are ready to be able to accept what you went through there, and how you expressed into that fall of Atlantis here. Okay? That is a hint for you.
GUEST: Perfect. Thank you.
OWS: Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
Shoshanna: We can share on this. May we share, Dear Brother?
Guest: Absolutely.
Shoshanna: We will ask, what is it that you wish to gain from understanding these experiences?
Guest: Well, much like clearing karma, I want to clear any trauma, any blocks, programs, traumas, and retrieve any blocked soul fragments specifically, because it is that time as far as healing my soul, healing all expressions that I’ve ever had upon the Earth plane, which is a lot. But this one is coming up because this one is semi-traumatic, I think. I think it is, because there is no reason I would have suppressed this deeply. But just like One Who Serves has indicated, I do feel like it’s time to address it. And it’s part of the process of clearing, really.
Shoshanna: Dear Brother, healing occurs through acceptance, and through nonjudgment, and through an understanding that all that has occurred in the evolution of a being, of a soul, was purposeful, you see.
Trauma is an assigned value that the third-dimensional consciousness programming gives you. There is no trauma. There is no real…how do we…we are having trouble here… There is trauma due to emotions that are expressed through a being in the third-dimension that this being that expresses these emotions believes that they are real. They are not. To say that you wish to clear some experience or some emotion or some trauma, you just make it so through your words. You can detach or unattach yourself by not allowing the emotions that you think are prevalent here to exist. This is difficult. You must not allow for these prevalent emotions, or fear of trauma, or fear of looking at something, or fear that something went deeply wrong. Even though these things may be true, they were the evolution that was required to move your soul forward in consciousness. That’s how it works.
So once again, we must say that the idea of trauma is a 3-D idea. It is not a fifth-dimensional idea or a reality in the higher dimensions. These are only experiences. Your soul could be fragmented because you say it is. You believe it is. We find you intact. We find you completely intact. We find your soul whole and complete, and ready to move forward. And moving forward requires that the being that you are allows and accepts all experiences as necessary, and not in any way judging them. The fragmentation occurs through judgment and fear, not through understanding your divine reality, your divine God-self. You are complete, Dear Brother. Now use that power to move forward. Namaste.
OWS: And we would just add here, remember: forgive, forget, and move on. That is what you need to do.
Guest: Yeah. Thank you so much. Part of that was to determine whether I had soul fragments or things that needed to be brought back into my soul for completion.
Shoshanna: Dear Brother, may we share?
Guest: Of course. Yes.
Shoshanna: Fragmentation occurs from judgment. The fragmentation, or losing part of yourself, is through the judgment of yourself, through the fear of yourself. Once that is given up and those emotions cannot be prevalent in your life, your soul will be whole. But your soul is complete. It is the idea of judgment that fragments your soul. Although, this is not a true reality, it is a perceived reality. Does this make sense, Dear Brother?
Guest: It does. Thank you very much.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Very good. Are there any further questions here?
Guest: Yes, please. My question seems to be somewhat answered through what Shoshanna has shared with the prior guest’s question. I have become aware of ‘archetypes.’ This may apply for others as well who are aware of their archetype, personality, or behavior. So what I would like to know, other than things I have already been working on as far as moving past the chaos archetype, but I am open to receiving any additional information that can support me and others to move further into managing once’s archetype. So guidance please.
Shoshanna: We will share here. May we share, Dear Sister?
Guest: Yes, Dear.
Shoshanna: We cannot manage an archetype. That is not how one moves forward. Management of an archetype is saying that there is something wrong with this archetype, “I must manage it; I must manage its behavior; I must manage its thinking; I must manage it.” This is a third-dimensional concept that corporations use: “When an employee gets out of whack, we will manage this employee.” It is not a positive thing. So we must not attempt to manage an archetype. You must attempt to be the archetype without judgment. Without judging it. Once the archetype is free to be, it will organize itself into a more perfected archetype. Namaste.
OWS: Good. Are there any other further questions here?
Guest: I have a question, please.
OWS: Yes.
Guest: I have been waking up in the last month or two, not every night, and a song is coming in my mind, and I’m singing it, ‘Auld Lang Syne.’ And I can’t breathe. At the time I can’t hardly get my breath. And ‘should old acquaintants be forgot’ are the words. I don’t know or understand why that keeps coming up, and I’m singing it, but I’m crying, and I can hardly breathe. Could you possibly maybe help me?
OWS: What we can tell you is there are two things here. One is the ‘Auld Lang Syne,’ as you are saying it, in a different language, of course, but with a similar meaning to it was utilized in that time of Lemuria as Lemuria was going down. So that is part of this here. And the other expression, though, is how one feels when they are using this in your New Year’s Eve time when you are getting ready, when you are saying good-bye to the last year and bringing on the new year, and how you’ll feel, and feel together and one with each other, and happy, and joyful, and all of this. So that it is both here going on, you see? That is all we can say on this. Perhaps Shoshanna has more?
Shoshanna: We can share. We will share, Dear Sister, may we share?
Guest: You may, yes, please.
Shoshanna: Would you like to answer a question here? We have a question for you.
Guest: Okay.
Shoshanna: The question that we have is, what do you think it means?
Guest: Well, as the One Who Serves was speaking, I got it. I was back there in Lemuria going down. When that continent was being destroyed, I was in the water and I was going down with it, and we were in the group singing that song that I think it originated from there too, and that’s why I can’t breathe in the morning with it, because I’m drowning. That’s how I feel.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, is this a memory?
Guest: Yes! The memory came back while the One Who Serves was talking to me. I/’m sorry, I’m crying because I can still feel it, singing that song that we were dying, we were going to drown. Yes, Ma’am.
Shoshanna: We will say that you must allow yourself the process of moving through the memory and moving through the feeling, and then you must let it go. If you continue to see the memory, feel the memory, it is for naught. It is not to your benefit. For you must allow for the memory, let it pass through you, and then resolve to let it go. It is over. It is not who you are now. Namaste.
Guest: Well I understand that, but I keep dreaming it. I can’t seem to help that. And that’s why I’m asking it today is because I wish it would stop. Like I know, I have the power to tell myself not to dream it any more and it won’t happen, that’s what you’re telling me right now. So, okay, I’ll do that. Okay, thank you.
Shoshanna: Yes. Namaste.
OWS: Very good. We take one more question if there is, then we need to release channel.
Guest: Greetings, One Who Serves. I had a dream, and in this dream something very vivid happened. You know, in the meditations, I always imagine leaving the body, and I visualize this, etc., etc. But in this dream, I was whisked through a very nice environment, and in this dream I actually felt myself leaving the body and floating around in whatever body you float around in. And I came across a mirror. As I glanced in the mirror, there was nothing, maybe just specks of light. I was wondering what was this very vivid feeling I experienced as I left my body during the meditation in my dream. And is that what we look like on the other side? Are we just formless energy? Thank you.
OWS: We would ask you a question here. What were you feeling when you awakened from this dream? What did it express to you?
Guest: I was shaken because I could feel that this had been a real experience that I had really left my body for the first time. But it had happened in a dream. It felt very good, and I was able to see and perceive things. But it left me kind of puzzled why I had no form. And I can only imagine that perhaps that is how we really are when we are not in the 3D or when we are not necessarily in 3D yet; we are formless, or we can take whatever form we want, or… I don’t know.
OWS: We find that in your waking experience, whenever you do meditation or guided meditation and you leave the body, there is a question within you, ‘are you really doing it, are you really leaving your body.’ Is this not correct?
Guest: That is very precise, yes. I imagine it. But it was not something I could feel, like I felt in my dream.
OWS: That is what we are understanding here. And because of that, when you experience this in your dream state, it was more real for you. And we would say to you that what you are experiencing in your dream state, and what you are experiencing in your meditative or guided meditation state when you leave your body, they are one in the same. Even though you feel you are imaging it, you are imaging it. You are creating it, so you are being it. Just that in your dream state, your conscious knowing self is not so involved in it, so therefore it can appear and feel more real to you. Okay? Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We will share here, Dear Brother. May we share?
Guest: Of course.
Shoshanna: Dear Brother, what One Who Serves has given is true for all humans that cannot release their third-dimensional analytical mind so easily, and that is many. So in the process of a meditation of letting go of your body, the third-dimensional analytical mind hangs on because that is what it thinks it is supposed to do. So in the process of a dream, as One Who Serves has given, the third-dimensional conscious analytical mind is a fluke, and it cannot interfere with that which you can do. So that is why you experienced it, as the One Who Serves has given, real, or a true experience.
Now, when you pass by a mirror and see nothing, that is because the body is an illusion. The body is illusory. It is an illusion. It’s a vehicle. It is not who we are. Now, what the trick is, is that your power to give yourself a form is just that. You can have the dream again and give yourself a form, you see. What we do not realize in the third-dimensional experience is that we have given ourselves the body that we have. We have designed it. We have decided what it will be. We have decided how it will experience life. We have decided how it will add to the soul’s record and what our mission is, and this is our vehicle here on this planet. It is the same anywhere else. As the architect of your experience, you may design whatever you wish to design within that mirror. It could be anything you wish for. And as the consciousness of each being is elevated, the design that you may give it is a being of light, and that is true too. We hope that this is not confusing. Namaste.
Guest: That was amazing. As always, very grateful.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Very good. Then we are ready to release channel. Shoshanna, do you have parting message?
Shoshanna: We will give the message that you give, Dear One Who Serves: be who you are. Be that which you are meant to be, and then be it. Namaste.
OWS: Very good. And we would say here begin more and more to take your mission seriously here.
Amidst all the chaos and everything that is going on, find yourself moving ahead more and more with your mission to share the Light, spread the Light, share the truth, spread the truth wherever you can. beginning with this message that was given by the Ascension Energy here. Allow it to spread wherever it can. It is important. And you will find that as we continue to move along here. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
4/13/22 - Saint Germain: NESARA
Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today. We are aware that much on Earth appears to be either at a “wobble,” in utter chaos, or somewhere in between. And we are aware that many of you are fighting if not outright panic, feelings of real uncertainty. There are moments when you wonder if you and all of humanity have been abandoned. And though you pray for the Light to illuminate all you are not yet seeing, you wonder at times if even that would be of assistance. And so our writer speaks again today with Ascended Master Saint Germain, on this very subject, of dealing with the uncertainty of life at the moment . . .
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! Thank you for speaking with us today.
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, all! We are, as always, honored to assist.
COR: So many are wondering whether NESARA is just a pipe dream at this point. Or they might fully accept that it is real, yet feel that too much is in the way of its full enactment, so that we are held in limbo, knowing our freedom and sovereignty are at hand, yet not quite here. Many feel that much suffering will occur—more than has already occurred—before that moment can arrive. So my question today would be: Could you enlighten us on that point? And what can we do to speed the enactment, as more dense actions from the old powers-that-were loom on the horizon?
SAINT GERMAIN: We are of course happy to speak on these matters, as it is not a positive for any of you to live in the air of supposition, and perhaps come to the inaccurate conclusion that things are “stuck” in some way—that NESARA cannot come forward, or will be greatly delayed, or only partially enacted. None of this is true. Despite appearances, and much dark programming and dense energy being transmitted against humanity, great progress is being made, and will continue to be made, until that moment when the announcement is made on every available screen that NESARA is here.
We will say, that what you have intuited—that there is tremendous opposition to that moment—is correct. Yet that does not equal defeat in this matter. Humanity has already chosen en masse to experience its sovereignty, and to experience that moment when Earth rejoins the Galactic and Intergalactic Confederations. It is not so that apparent delays, or a timeline that unfolds in ways that differ from human preference, equal defeat. You live now in a kind of void—a moment of transition from one plane to the next—where it appears that perhaps, though not all is lost, much is lost. That can be very wearing, very trying. This is the part of human Ascension into higher thought, higher experience, higher matter, that you had perhaps hoped to avoid. Yet you cannot. This moment is not in the way. It is the way.
COR: Yes, I had a feeling you would say that! I was listening to one of Jennifer Ruth Russell’s Morning Light Meditations today, and because so much of the world is shifting so quickly now, and in ways that feel rather perilous at times, I was drawn to the one titled “The Gift of Uncertainty.” In that, Jennifer shares that it is one of your own teachings that tells us, “There are two doors humanity must walk through to reach Ascension: Doubt and Fear.” What is hard for many of us who have left traditional religious dogma behind us, is that that kind of density feels like it should no longer exist! We’ve gone into denial about all the healing that still remains on a mass level. I could not count the number of people who have emailed me the last few years, and said, “Why are we in such a time of flux and uncertainty, and shock and trauma? Shouldn’t the move to 5D mean more Joy, more certainty—not less?”
SAINT GERMAIN: Ah, an excellent point! And to be sure, it does mean all of that. Were you, any of you, to consider where you were even a year or two ago in terms of how you view Nature, music (including the sound healings), the colors in art, the shapes of clouds in the sky—you would find that you have been moving into new states of Appreciation and Joy, without even realizing it! Yet you are distracted from realizing it, partly due to the pressures of the external world, and partly due to the need for healing your own hidden wounds, which have been rising to the surface.
The old dark invader energy, whose time is up, would prefer to keep you constantly distracted and caught up in the density of loss, sadness, fear—the possibility of being imprisoned or restricted into a sort of non-life for not doing as they say. And so all of your old survival fears also come up—trauma experienced in this and other lives, on this and other planets and star systems. Old buried memories of plague, war, natural disaster, sudden impoverishment, death, personal losses. The list goes on. They are aware of exactly what buttons to push, one might say, in the human psyche—the subconscious—to engender not only uncertainty and stress, but in some, feelings of hopelessness, fear, and isolation. You have seen their intentional use of media, false authority structures, religion, political and social labeling, and many other constructs to affect and control humanity. And yet, still they cannot hold back the flow of Light codes pouring in, reminding and awakening you to your Creator god/goddess aspect.
Still they cannot stem the tide of Light that fills your being with the realization that miracles are afoot, whether you physically see them around you now or not. And still they cannot stop you from choosing to live in a place of Thanks and Appreciation, even for these tenuous moments—as if you had chosen Earth’s current re-Birth and re-Creation crises yourself. There is your power, dear ones! Grasp it with both hands!
COR: I greatly value that teaching, lord. I have endeavored to steep my own consciousness in that these last few years. Yet let’s look at your teaching about how we must go through the doors of Doubt and Fear—did humanity create that path? Many feel that what we are experiencing now is a sort of mistake—that the old powers-that-were are reacting with rage at the many high-level arrests being made. And at NESARA drawing closer, and Full Disclosure of the ET presence growing closer. I have no doubt that they are incredibly desperate right now. Yet it still feels like we should be claiming our full freedom on this planet, and feeling jubilant about that—yet here we are, walking through Doubt and Fear, and feeling very weak at times! But you’re saying, that’s no coincidence?
SAINT GERMAIN: Naturally. There are no coincidences. You have all actively chosen this, as the purifying flame you walk through, so as to leave all vestiges of the third dimension behind you.
COR: To release the ego-mind? To release survival thinking?
SAINT GERMAIN: To release that which is a great hindrance to the Ascension path. Some of that has to do with the survival instinct of the lower mind, yes. And the separateness human beings have lived in for centuries. You have been trained against unity thought and experience. Now you increasingly desire it. That journey is a great part of it. Yet much of it also has to do with releasing those aspects of the third dimension that by now, you are so familiar with and comfortable with, that you actually prefer it to higher dimensional living.
COR: What in the world—! What aspects what those be?!
SAINT GERMAIN: Life as you knew it. Having only to grow so much, to know and experience so much, and then you die after an incredibly short amount of time. Even 100 years on the planet is not long at all. That is barely enough time to realize the basics! The basics of why you are alive, who you are, what you have to contribute. You have noted that many Light Bringers awaken to their true purpose at a time called “relatively late” in life—middle age or later. That is because that is to many cultures in the cosmos, what being a five-year-old is to you! You are just getting started at that age! And you will note that many are using that exact phrase now, to describe their life after age 60.
COR: Yes, I’ve been saying that myself—”I’m just getting started.”
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course! Because you realize that life lies spread out before you, more than ever it has! It isn’t closing down at all. Yet humanity is well used to jumping into the water and soon after, jumping back out again. Now, with Ascension, a far longer and more dedicated involvement is required of you. Another area humans addict to, is the reincarnation cycle. You are well used to coming into an Earth life, trying this or that interest, action, or fascination, then leaving after a mere 80 or 90 years (or far less), without having had sufficient time or resources to remember why in the world you came in to begin with. And so you depart—and then you return, falling into many of the same pitfalls, often with the same persons you have known in other lives, and had determined you would learn to love and understand this time. Yet generally, the soul’s preferences do not go according to plan. And so you return . . .
COR: How could we be addicted to that, lord? That whole cycle is quite frustrating!
SAINT GERMAIN: Because it’s one mad adventure after another. Just as so many enjoy the Westerner films. They recall Earth life experience as being like racing madly on a horse, living so fully in the moment, so recklessly and haphazardly, that the thrill of the physical, even with all its shocks and discomforts, becomes a sort of mad day out in the holodeck. You desire more, always—more adventure, more knowledge of who you are, more depth of understanding, more inner growth, more Love expressed and experienced. And so you return, over and over, in different guises, wearing various costumes. Though the color, shape, education, finances, location, ego-based preferences, soul-based preferences may vary—you are still you, and must begin to grasp that you your own “savior” in life.
All of that excitement has beckoned you for so long! And so, most shrink back at the thought of releasing that. Of dedicating themselves to this one life (or the next one—whenever they choose to Ascend). The thought of Peaceful and Abundant life experience? Wonderful—fully welcome. Giving up all aspects of third dimension—not quite yet, no. For many. And so there is a sort of split occurring in human experience, where some will continue in third dimensional life, and some will move on to the next higher dimensional experience. Those decisions are being made now.
COR: Is that what’s holding things up? So we haven’t reached critical mass for NESARA yet? Are we at least close to it?
SAINT GERMAIN: You have nearly done so, and yet—the hour remains unknown.
COR: And the Doubt and the Fear?
SAINT GERMAIN: Walk through, dear ones! Walk right through those doors you yourselves knew would be there, and in part helped to fashion. Walk through and say, “I accept you, Uncertainty. I accept you, the Unknown. For this too, I came!” Embrace all that confounds you, frustrates you, enrages you about Earth life now. And there is much to be bothered by. We comprehend this fully. Send it Love, all of it. Give it Thanks. In that moment, you hold the power, dear ones. Not some unseen force, or some dark group of former controllers conspiring behind closed doors. That image strikes you as childish and amusing, quite soon now. Yet bless them as well.
COR: Walk through the doors—accept all we are feeling now, then release it?
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course! How else? You wish to release the density of third dimensional life. Of all the many lives you have lived at this level. And so as with anything you wish to bless and release, come to a place of utter Love and compassion—for yourselves, for Earth—for the madness of Earthly incarnations, and the reckless unpredictability, roughness, strangeness of third dimensional life. Say to these, “Yes, I see you. Thank you for all you have given us. We bless you, Love you, and release you to your higher good.” Then give Thanks! Whether or not you see the world suddenly shift all around you. Do not expect anything, other than that you have tended your own garden. Always, that must take precedence over whatever else you do in this life.
COR: Thank you, lord. Very helpful, though I feel like crying at all you have said!
SAINT GERMAIN: This too is release. Allow. Accept. Let go. All is well, dear ones! We are, all of us, with you all, at all times.
COR: Namaste, Master Saint Germain! Thank you for your kindness today.
SAINT GERMAIN: [Bowing deeply] We are honored to assist. Namaste! Your journey Home, nearly done.
4/13/22 - Mike Quinsey's Higher Self
Channeled by Mike Quinsey, 4/8/22
Events on Earth have brought about yet another consideration as to how things are best carried out. It is becoming clear that the old ways are no longer adequate for your needs to operate in a more fair and generous manner. It is also apparent that the people are rising up against the War Lords, and look for leaders who also want a peaceful co-existence. The bullies of Earth no longer have the support of the majority of people and their wishes will be fulfilled. It has to come as the New Age has no place for rule by fear or dictatorship. The power for change lies with the people who have much more influence than they realise.
Your destiny was mapped out long ago but because of your freewill, you have been allowed to make your own way to this point in time. You have a history of war and bloodshed and learnt the hard way that using force is never the solution to your problems. Whilst it is true that you have still evolved, the fact remains that you could have reached this point in time a lot earlier if you had learned to live together peacefully. However, you have earned the opportunity to move on to the higher levels, and those souls who are ready and vibrating the highest are assured of ascending.
It has been a long journey of many lives as both male and female that ensures you are a balanced being. That may not be realised by the majority of you but in the far future you will experience a new way of introducing another soul into your family. You will actually choose the souls who will join you. After all even now you are a mixture of male/female, although some souls tend to be much more inclined towards one gender. It may help you understand why some souls feel that they are in the wrong body, and is probably the result of having too many incarnations running as the same sex. Such problems only exist in the present times and will disappear in due course.
No experiences are without value and all help you build your character so that eventually you become balanced. As you evolve you begin to have more influence as to how your lives develop and what path you follow. At each stage you always have greatly experienced souls who guide you so as to gain the maximum progress. Your life may at times seem to have no real purpose but that would be far from the truth. No opportunity is wasted to help you move further along your chosen path. Naturally there are also souls who have incarnated to be with you as part of your experiences and they too have their Guides who are aware of your life plan and help it along.
You can go astray but sooner or later you will be returned to your intended path that you agreed upon before you incarnated. You could of course totally disassociate yourself from your plan but that would be highly unlikely. One thing you can be sure of is that by the end of your life you will have experienced the key points of what was planned for you. Between lives you will have discussed matters before you incarnated, and you can therefore be sure that important experiences will have been prearranged. So take all opportunities to experience seriously as it is most likely they will be intended for your spiritual growth.
You have family and friends and wonder what will happen to them if their consciousness has not been developed. As you may imagine, they are like any other soul that is simply experiencing life on Earth, but are presented with challenges that are intended to help them evolve. Their lives are planned just like any other souls except they are unaware of them, but their Guides are on hand to help them through them. In fact they will overshadow them to encourage the right approach to achieve a successful experience. People do not realise how much attention is given to them to help achieve the right outcome.
Some souls do not respond to the help they are being given, but in subsequent lives the same attempts are made to “wake them up” and given time they will usually respond. Spirit has unending patience but if ultimately the soul will not respond at all another course of action is taken, as no one is ignored or left on their own. So you see that every effort is made to help you keep on your path to completion, and few if any realise that once you have ascended you have no need to incarnate into the lower vibrations. In fact you eventually choose each lifetime and your life plan.
Can you see by now that the reality of life is so different to what you imagine and you will enter those realms when you ascend. Everything you can do to lift yourselves up will be well worthwhile as we could say that you haven’t lived yet until you do. You have existed in vibrations that are so low they have very little light, and that is apparent from the degree of negativity that exists within them. You who have lifted your vibrations bring more light into them that helps keep the negativity at a lower level. People often realise that you have something about you that makes them feel good and at peace with the world, while the reverse makes them feel uncomfortable and on edge.
Helping others is a natural thing for humans to do as they have an innate feeling of the oneness of all life. They see in other themselves and feel responsibility for their wellbeing. How wonderful it would be if all souls understood their connection to each other – like brothers and sisters in one big family. Yet it will gradually take shape as the vibrations lift up and each soul feels love for all others. Each soul can help achieve such a level by remaining positive and not giving their energy to others who would abuse it. However, just your very presence can have a profound effect on others that helps lift them up.
You are all now beginning to move out of the lower vibrations but it will take time to be acknowledged and it is part of the plan to lift you all up, and eventually into a period of true peace and friendship that will be lasting. You who have gone through so much deserve it and will no doubt appreciate it after all of the trauma you have experienced.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
4/13/22 - God: From Where Fear Comes - Your Thoughts
God said:
When you lay yourself down at night to sleep, you don’t have to ask Me to keep your soul safe. Beloveds, your soul is already safe. Your soul can only be safe. There is something you do need to be kept safe from, and it is not death, beloveds. While you are on Earth, there is one thing to be en garde about. Just one thing to be kept safe from, and that is something you have a million of, a million of over and over again. I speak of your thoughts. I would spare you from your thoughts, your mingling meddling cautionary thoughts. Your thoughts have become like a gang of hoods that stick their foot out to trip you. These bullies follow you around every corner.
All your fears are thoughts, and fearful thoughts are the danger I would save you from. Some of your thoughts make you seethe and blow up, and other thoughts freeze you, and you are frozen. From your thoughts, you quake and tremble. The bogeyman exists. He blows himself up into thoughts of fear and pretends to be your friend. What a huge shadow your fearful thoughts cast. No wonder you are frightened. You are impaled by fearing thoughts. They would reduce you to timidity.
Consider your thoughts a high-priced consultant you have hired. If you were thinking aright, would you really pay a high price for a consultant who warns you over and over again of what to be afraid of and forgets to tell you which way to go? “Don’t go there,” your repetitive mental consultant says. “Whatever you do, watch out. Watch out here. Watch out there. Watch out everywhere. Don’t take a step without warning sirens.”
Hire a different consultant who will calm himself and take you on a different track. Hire a consultant who will say: “Hey, stop looking for the brambles. Don’t worry about falling on slippery ice. Think of skating. Do not spend your life tying the laces on your skates. Enjoy skating.”
Beloveds, when you walk through the fields of life, don’t send mine detectors out in front of you to prevent life. The mine detectors are the trap. Beloveds, let not “Caution above all” be your theme song. If you are going to spend your life playing the odds, you stack the odds against yourself. Frantic thoughts countermand your life. The art of playing the odds often prevents you from betting.
Your fear thoughts rage: “Wear a coat, or you’ll catch cold. Don’t smoke. Don’t be early. Don’t be late. Watch out for germs. Don’t talk to strangers. Be careful. Above all, be careful.”
What do all the preventions prevent but life? What are all the preventions but ideas? They are ideas of cause and effect. They are conclusions your mind has come to that you accept as fact. You have been going around in a rotating door of your thoughts. No wonder you have been afraid. You have wrapped fears around your neck like a scarf. What are fears but restrictions you have put on yourself?
Prevent dangers by putting less attention on them. Do not foresee danger right and left. Sense of danger is a dinosaur. It is a dragon shooting fire. Danger does not have to follow you all the days of your life. You can get up and leave it. Stars are supposed to star in your life, not danger. Let stars not fears be the magnets that pull you to them. Down with fears. What are fears but thoughts out of proportion, fearsome thoughts magnified and put on slide after slide and projected onto the world before you?
Get up from your fears. Shake them off. Bid them adieu. And mean it.
4/11/22 - Sananda: The Great Awakening Conclusion
Channeled via James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to share and bring further and further understanding of all that is happening now across the planet. As many of you (if not all of you) know now, this illusion of separation is continuing on by those of the forces of darkness. As much as they can, they continue to attempt to separate you. Separate you through fear, that you cannot be with one another, that you cannot be in proximity of another, in a sense with that distancing they had you do for some time. But many of you, all of you, knew that this was completely unnecessary. Because it is just simply a matter of division, holding you from being with one another and feeling the oneness within each of you. They knew that fear would do this for them.
But their plans have been foiled, one right after another. Because there are forces involved here that are far, far beyond that of those forces of darkness. Where they have no claim whatsoever to the Earth any longer. That has passed.
The decree has gone out across the entire solar system and even the galaxy, that they will no longer hold sway here on this planet. It is not for them to control any longer. It is for those of you, the Boots on the Ground, the forces at work here to work for the Light. It is for all of you to have the planet for yourselves. And to prepare this planet for all of those that will come here in the times to come. Many will be making their sojourn here from many different plants, many different systems, as this planet becomes once again wide open to those throughout the galaxy and even beyond. For this will become a great point of Light within the galaxy, whereas previously it has been a point of darkness for the galaxy. But that has all changed.
And you are approaching that time very shortly, as the frequency vibrations continue to rise, where everything that you are seeing now will become wide open in terms of the truth coming forward. For as you have heard many, many times: the truth cannot be held back; it cannot be stopped from coming forward. And you are seeing many of the glimpses now doing exactly that, bringing the truth forward. But it is coming in waves, and waves, and waves now. It’s not in trickles any longer. And you are noticing that. Many of you are seeing that, because you do have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
And you are the Way-Showers, the ones that are going before, that are preparing the way, preparing the way so that many can come after you, after the Great Awakening has come to a conclusion. And the Great Awakening is now coming to a conclusion. You will see that in the weeks and months ahead here as things come more and more of a crescendo, more and more of a climax. Because the dominos, as you have heard, are beginning to now fall. Small, still at this point, but the larger ones are about to make their great fall, leading to the next one, and the next one after that. So be patient just a little bit longer.
And continue to look beyond the illusion that is there. And know that it is simply an illusion. Nothing is as it appears to be. And you must come to fully understand that. Everything that you are seeing from your media sources is falsehood, and you must come to understand that. Yes, there are trickles here and there of the truth coming forward, because they cannot completely lie and not tell the truth. They must sprinkle it here and there with the truths. But even that is becoming less and less now. For they are becoming extremely desperate in these times. They, of course, being those forces of darkness, which you know of as the ‘cabal’ or the ‘deep state.’ They are fast losing their control, fast losing their ability to manipulate and change anything throughout the planet.
Even though the illusion continues, there are more, and more, and more of you that are seeing now beyond this illusion and realizing that it is a falsehood that they are portraying. So again, be patient. Continue to see through all of their schemes, all of their plans. And know that there are greater plans at work here. And the greatest plan is becoming fulfilled, even now as we speak here. So be ready. Everything is opening up to all of you.
All of my peace and love be with all of you.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now to continue to follow your way. Continue to be who you are, and remember fully who you are.
4/11/22 - Yeshua: Fear Empowers Your Egos
Channeled via John Smallman 4/6/22
Life is about Love, and nothing else! Yes, I do keep talking about Love, and that’s because all that exists is enfolded most lovingly within It because It is All That Exists. There is not and could not possibly be anything or anywhere else because It is infinitely vast, enveloping all sentient life, all of creation, and thereby satisfying every need and desire, and, of course, all that exists is alive. Every one of God’s infinite number of creations is alive, is sentient, although humanity has chosen to believe that most of the apparently inanimate matter or basic elements which makes up the world of form – in fact the whole universe – is without life, consciousness, or sentience of any kind.
Your mainstream science still believes and continues to spread the message that life just arose by chance for no reason and with no purpose, even though the statistical chance of that happening is beyond the bounds of possibility. Matter and form are no way as simple and basic as they appear when viewed through the very limited lens of perception with which your human forms provide you. What appears to you to be dead matter is not dead, and modern physics has shown very clearly everything is in constant motion, but as to why this is so they have no answer. The truth is that all that exists is eternally connected to the infinite field of energy – LOVE – and is at One with It! And that is why I keep talking about Love!
As you go about your daily lives be aware of how often you seek, are hoping for approval . . . for Love. Most of the time you do not do it consciously, but when you complete a task, mental or physical, there is very often an underlying hope that someone will notice and appreciate you for what you have achieved. In Reality, at One with and fully aware of your existence constantly in the Presence of Mother/Father/God, you always know that you are infinitely loved and appreciated by your Source and you, of course, infinitely love and appreciate Yourself. That is your natural and unchangeable state. As humans in form, the pain of not experiencing or knowing that is overwhelming, and that is why you are always seeking it, even though you mostly do not admit this to yourselves. After all, you believe yourselves to be independent beings, and so you attempt to present an image of yourselves to others that demonstrates this.
I am reminding you that you are Love, presently incarnate in a severely restricted human form, and that you at all times need to be open to Love – Vulnerable! Love is the energy that eternally enlivens existence, and blocking Love due to feelings of unworthiness reduces the life force that empowers beings in form, which is why the thought of being vulnerable terrifies most people, as they identify it, incorrectly, as a loss of their power, whereas in fact to be openly vulnerable by your own choice is to be fully in your power and to demonstrate it to others. And because so many of you feel unworthy, unlovable, unseen, of little value, you present an unreal image or mask to others that your egos have concocted, hoping that they will not see the frightened little you hidden inside. Over time, as you grow from infancy to adulthood, you come to believe that you are the mask that you are presenting to the world, making it extremely difficult for you to see and understand that being in form is an opportunity for you evolve spiritually, for you to become aware of your true nature – Christ Consciousness – eternally at One with Source.
Therefore embrace yourselves! Know yourselves as you truly are, as God knows you and sees you eternally. What God creates is always perfect and remains eternally and unchangeably in that state of perfection. You are as God created You . . . FOREVER. That never changes. When you make your daily journey deep within yourselves, to your own holy inner sanctuaries – and you do need to do this at least once daily – and when there set the intent to open your hearts to Love and invite It in, Love will bring to your conscious awareness a sense, a knowing deep within you of the divine truth that you have never been separated from your loving Source.
Your sense of separation is illusory, unreal, and yet it gets stronger as you grow from infancy towards adulthood as your egos insist that you are your bodies and nothing more, organisms that are very easily hurt or damaged, and which are eventually destroyed. You value your lives, which is good, but because you believe life is short, temporary, and is terminated at the moment of physical bodily death, you live in terror of losing it. You make great efforts to disguise or bury this fear, because being consciously aware of it drains your energy even further, and confirms for you your ingrained and totally invalid belief in your unworthiness and insignificance, andyour egos encourage this because it gives them great power over you.
You need to tame your egos, and you learn to do this by going within daily and inviting Love into your hearts. When you feel Love within you, you become aware that you have no need of your egos. Fear empowers your egos, but Love dissolves fear. So be with Love, be Love, be vulnerable, thus showing yourselves as you truly are, and in so doing uplifting and inspiring many others, far more than you will be aware of, and thus assisting in bringing the collective awakening process to its most glorious fulfillment. This is why you incarnated, so now complete the process by opening fully to Love and being your true perfect selves – vulnerable, and unconditionally accepting of all others – thus empowering them to open themselves fully and delight in the sense of peace and freedom that this knowing brings them.
Your loving bother, Jesus.
4/7/22 - Sananda: you are the savior, you are the second coming and OWS (One Who Serves)
Channeled by James McConnell & JoAnna McConnell as Shoshanna (Sunday call 4/3/22)
I am Sananda. Again, I come to you at this time, to continue to bring to you the new expression. The new expression of love and oneness that is overtaking all of life here on the planet, even though you do not realize it. Maybe you do. But many across the planet to not realize this, or even know anything about this. But this indeed is a great expression of the Great Plan that is in the works. And all of you are the ones that are bringing this plan forward. And you must continue to understand, even though it appears to not be so, that the plan is not working out the way you wanted it to. Know that perhaps in a round-about-way, but it is still coming forward. For you do not know the full ramifications of all that is involved. Your three-dimensional consciousness is not yet ready to experience it or express it. But your fifth-dimensional consciousness, which you find yourselves in from time to time, can accept this, and is accepting this. And not only accepting this, but being the creator of all that is yet to come.
So you are all the ones that you have been waiting for. You are not waiting for those from the skies to come and save you. You are not waiting for those deep within the Earth to come save you. You are not waiting for a savior. You are the savior. You are the Second Coming of the Christ Consciousness here on this planet. And all have been waiting for you. Think about that. Express that within yourself. Feel it within yourself. For you are much more than you appear to be, or that you think you are.
You have heard this many times, that you have come from many different systems prior to this. And all that you are doing now, you have done before in many different ways, and in many different expressions. This is one more time you’ve come together as souls coming back together again. You are those souls coming back. Coming back together, and forming the legions of the Light Workers and Light Warriors here on the planet. And you are a legion together. You must come to fully understand that.
This, my friends, is the times you have been preparing for. You are right on the verge now, as the Spring comes forth. The Spring springs forth and brings new life. But for that new life to come forward, the old must fall apart. It must come down. And that is what you are experiencing now, as the many truths come forward, and the darkness is revealed for what it is: an illusion. A part of the illusion that you yourselves as the creators, have created.
So let it all go now. Let the illusion fall apart within you. And as it falls apart within each of you, as an individual and as a group, it falls apart on all across the planet more and more. For you are the catalysts. Just as I, as Yeshua, walked the Earth and drew to me many to follow me, you are that Christ Consciousness now, calling many forward to come to you and to find the expression that you have within yourself for themselves. And they now follow you, even though they do not yet know it. They are following you. Not you individually necessarily, but you as a collective you, they are following now, more and more. They are beginning to see the truths come forward, for those cannot be hidden much longer.
And as again, this is the Spring with everything coming forth, springing forth, this is the time where all things are coming together to be revealed. Can we tell you exactly how they are going to be revealed? No. But you are seeing the beginnings of all of that now. Many of the dominos that you have been looking for are beginning to fall.
Can we tell you the order that they will fall? No. For we do not fully know the order that it will happen, because it is all based on man’s consciousness here on the planet, your collective humanity consciousness. And not only the consciousness of humanity, but the consciousness of the animals, and the plants, and the minerals themselves, all are coming together as one to create the new Golden Age that is upon you now. Can we tell you when it is going to be fully upon you? No, we cannot. Because, again, we do not know.
But we do know that the Christ Consciousness has come forward here on the planet to be accepted by more, and more, and more of you. And as more of you accept the Christ Consciousness within you, then all will be revealed momentarily. And I use that term purposefully. For again, you are on the verge, on the cusp, upon the crescendo, of a Great Happening. A Great Happening, indeed, that has been hinted at by many of your leaders. Not the leaders of the darkness, but the leaders within the Light.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love. That you would all continue to come together as one. And know that you are indeed The One.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here. And was that not a wonderful message for all of you to take within yourself and contemplate it!
Feel it. Know it. Believe it. Because all that Sananda has said, and all that the many ones that have come forward to speak to this group and to all of those that resonate to these words, we have all been coming forward and saying the same thing over, and over, and over again.
And we know that it is getting in there. Not into your head. We are not working with your head, with your mind. We are working with your heart, or even your heart-mind, if you will. So trust. Continue to trust and know that everything indeed is happening exactly as it needs to, exactly in the time-frame that it needs to. It may not be your time-frame, but it is the time-frame of those that are mentoring to you here, that are working with you to bring this entire process, this entire ascension process, about. And you are indeed right here now within the ascension. Going through the transition, though, as you move closer and closer to more of a full ascension for yourselves here.
We are ready for your questions if you have them.
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes? You always have a question, Dear One, always No. One.
Guest: Yes. I can be.
OWS: Very good. Yes?
Guest: My mother has dementia. I was wondering if you might be able to tell all of us what the cure for that is.
OWS: You are asking for a cure for your mother for dementia, is that correct?
Guest: Correct.
OWS: Please understand that we cannot give you a cure. Because this one may not truly want a cure at this point. She may be at the point now where she is ready to move on. We are not saying directly that that is going to occur, but it is up to her, and her own higher guidance, her own higher God Self, to continue to bring about whatever needs to be for her to fully complete her sojourn on her planet at this time. But understand that no matter what happens, it is still a continuing sojourn, a continuing journey, that never stops. So take comfort in that, that it is always a continuing journey for everyone, no exception. Okay? Shoshanna, maybe you have perspective here?
Shoshanna: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We do not. We agree.
OWS: Yes. We are sorry, we cannot give more. But we can tell you, this is for all, though, not only for this one that has asked the question, but for all: those experiences of higher technological medical help, and we speak of help here, not sickness, help is not that far off. It is around the corner, you might say. So be ready for that.
Guest: Are you talking about med-beds?
OWS: Very possibly, yes. Without saying that directly.
Shoshanna: We would like to share.
OWS: Yes?
Shoshanna: We would like to share an uncommon perspective with you, Dear Brother. May we share?
Guest: Of course.
Shoshanna: Dear Brother, those humans that experience the idea that you have given of dementia, and it is sometimes called Alzheimer’s, they are experiencing something that you cannot share with them. They have gone past third-dimensional reality. They are enjoying other dimensions in their mind.
OWS: Yes.
Shoshanna: They are traversing other realities that they cannot share with you, nor can they explain this to you. From the perspective of the third-dimensional conscious reality, it looks like there is something wrong with them. But in reality, they have gone past what you consider reality here. Namaste.
OWS: Yes. And we would here that it is wonderful what Shoshanna has given, and now we can say here that even those ones of children that are considered on a spectrum, perhaps an autistic spectrum, are the same thing here. They are not within the third-dimensional expression. They are beyond this. They are in their own world. And their own world is of a higher expression, a higher dimensional expression. What all of you are moving toward as you move beyond the third-dimensional expression and begin to understand more fully the universe. That is all we can say on that for now. Would there be other questions here?
Guest: Yes. Hello, Dear Ones. I’d love to have your guidance. It’s time to start planting flowers, and I’m going to be doing a garden this year that I feel very moved to do, things to eat. But I have some organic fertilizer, and it just came to my attention shockingly that these organic fertilizers are made from animal parts, and some of them blood and all this other stuff. So I’m not feeling good about that at all. Of course, I’m not going to buy any more. And I bought myself a new kind of fertilizer which is from earthworms which is doesn’t harm them or anything, and it’s supposed to be very, very potent. But I want to know, in terms of keeping my vibration high in the grounds around me, what to do with the rest of this. Here’s the thing: I don’t feel right to just throw it away, because the animals did give up their essence. On the other hand, I’m not sure I feel right about putting it in my garden with my flowers, or definitely my food. So what can be done of the higher vibration and how should it be done in terms of maybe sprinkling it at the park or on the lawn, and maybe with a reference of prayer, or something. What do you think?
OWS: Dear Sister, we think you have really already answered your question. Because you already know the answer, because you are already discerning the answer here. You are not going by what others say, or what the package might say, or anything of this nature, and thinking that it is good for the environment or for your flower garden, or whatever it might be. You already know this. You have already moved beyond this what you have already bought, and are utilizing something that you feel vibrationally is much higher for you and indeed for your flower garden, or vegetable garden, or whatever it might be, you see? You already know this. So as to what to do with what you already have, you also already know this. You have already said it. So there is no need for us to give any further guidance beyond what you already know within. Shoshanna, do you have other perspective?
Shoshanna: We have perspective, and we hesitate in many ways to share this. We will say this: all is one, Dear One. All is one thing. The physical material that is born of an earthworm is the physical material born of a cow. It is all the same. It is in the way in which the being is treated, the being is transformed, that creates the vibration, and that, you know. The idea of an earthworm creating a fertilizer is why they are born to the Earth. The earthworm is born to create more dirt, more enrichment of the soil. The cow is not made for that purpose. For you see, you are exactly on the right track. Now, if you have in your possession the vibration of a being that was taken not for the purpose that the being was born, this animal was born, it is a good idea to give it back to the Earth. Give it back. And it will once again thrive within the Earth realm. The Earth will take it in. And it does not matter where you put it, it is the idea, the prayer, the reverence, the very idea of vigilance that you are offering this being that creates the vibration for the Earth to accept it. So you can do what you wish with it, and it will once again thrive in another form. Namaste.
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Wonderful. You have a saying, “from dust to dust.” So everything comes from the Earth here, and returns to the Earth. So yes, we completely agree with how Shoshanna has given here. Would there be other questions here? Anything further?
Guest: Yes, please.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I have been pondering and asking myself intermittently for a long time where in the heck my passion went to. And there may be a different response perspective from Shoshanna. Right now I feel like I am really straddling a fence, of what to do with myself. And my personality tends to be chaotic. So learning to be more quiet and gentle. But the ego mind wants to just take me and put a hook in my being and drag me all over the place. So I have some ideas, because I create my own passion. And yet, to create a passion within me rather than in the outer world, that’s where I feel split. I’m asking for some guidance here, please.
OWS: And Shoshanna, she has asked for your specific guidance here. Would you wish to go first?
Shoshanna: We will share here. And we wish, Dear Sister, for permission to share? May we have this?
Guest: Yes.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister. What you present here is somewhat difficult to speak about, but we will give it our best shot. Dear Sister, you must be who you are. You must accept all facets of your individuality, all nooks and all crannies, all that you value, and all that you do not value about yourself, as this is your individuality and your gift to the world. You have steeped yourself far, far too much in judgment of yourself. You can no longer thrive within this judgment. You are who you are! And if your personality takes you here, and takes you there, and brings you over here, and then over there, that is what you are meant to do until you are no longer meant to do it, you see. What occurs in all beings is what is called ‘resistance.’ Resistance is futile. You must be who you are without regard to whomever is judging you, including yourself. We say be free, Dear Sister, to do all that you wish to do, without judging it. Be who you are. And if you do not find passion in your life, allow for that! Allow for it! And if you find passion in your life, allow for that! There is no wrong. There is no right. There is just you. Namaste.
Guest: (Laughs) Thank you.
OWS: Very good. Would there be any other further questions here before we release channel?
Guest: Greetings.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I have a question about reincarnation. We have been in this group for a while now, and I was wondering if you could offer us a report card on how we are doing as far as meeting the guidelines for not having to reincarnate involuntarily after having followed the guidance in this group. Thank you.
OWS: Very good. We would say here, Dear One, and to all of the others here that are on this call and that resonate to these words: you are in what you might call the graduation process from this reincarnation cycle here on this Earth. That is what we can say here. It is not complete yet, but it is coming to that point. And that’s what you came here to do: to finish this once and for all. So get ready, you are in that graduation process, and you will, at one point, in the not-too-distant future here, walk across that stage and receive your diploma, if you will. Okay?
Guest: Thank you! (Laughs) Can’t wait!
Shoshanna: This one has another question.
Guest: Do you have any recommendations for the group as we continue to get closer and closer to graduation day?
OWS: We would say here, just as Shoshanna has just given to that Sister, which was really meant for all though, just be yourself. Be who you are in this process now, exactly as you need to be. And your Higher Guidance is working very diligently with you, as well as all the Guides that work with you, to bring this Changeover within you, and also the Changeover throughout the entire planet, bringing it all together. So you are all, as we have said many, many times, exactly where you need to be right now. Just continue to be yourself and everything will work its way through. Just be that Higher Expression of yourself whenever you are able to do that. Okay? Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We will ask this one a question. May we ask a question, Dear One?
Guest: Okay, Sister, okay.
Shoshanna: What do you wish for yourself?
Guest: I had a moment of doubt, and that made me wonder whether I would be able to not have to reincarnate. I was just looking for some reassurance or guidance.
Shoshanna: And where is this doubt borne from?
Guest: A conversation with a close friend. Perhaps I wasn’t doing enough, or I was not affording enough.
Shoshanna: Yes. This doubt occurred from judgment. If you judge that, which you are, and if you judge that which you do, and if you judge in general your life path, you will find many difficulties and flaws within that. So we must tell you: do not have conversations with people that doubt you, as they sew a seed of doubt. Namaste.
OWS: And you have heard many times perhaps from the Yeshua where he said, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” It was not “judge not, lest ye be judged,” it was “judge not, lest you judge yourself.” And that is what Shoshanna is speaking of, of do not be in judgment of yourself or anyone else either.
Guest: Okay.
Shoshanna: And we will say one more thing, Dear Brother: we give all of you A+!
Guest: (Laughs) Thank you!
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Very good. Are there any other further questions here? Then we are ready to release channel. Shoshanna, do you have parting message?
Shoshanna: We do not.
OWS: Very good. Then we wish to say, as you had in your earlier discussion, everything is not as it appears to be. Please understand that that is completely true here. That everything that is happening around you is not a part of the higher expression of the fifth dimension. It is all about the third-dimensional illusion. And you are all moving beyond that third-dimensional illusion more and more each and every day; as a matter of fact, even more than that with every single thought that you have. For your thoughts are becoming much higher expression more and more here, as we find it. So just know this: you are certainly on the right track. And yes, you are nearing the graduation process here. Graduation, of course, being your ascension. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
4/7/22 - Master Kuthumi: Lost in the Source
Channeled by Natalie Glasson
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Master Kuthumi, my energy explodes and blossoms with love. I share the love of my being, the love of all the ascended masters, and the Creator with you, to embrace you and act as a healing balm for all that you are moving through in your Ascension process on the Earth. We love you dearly and we are present to support you in all ways that are possible.
I, Master Kuthumi, wish to speak of being lost in the source of the Creator today. As you are accelerating your Ascension, your heart chakra is expanding. You are grounding more fully into the presence of your truth as you exist upon the Earth. You are navigating your reality from the space of truth within you, while also expressing the vibration and frequency of the Creator through your being in a way that is unique and appropriate for you.
The speed at which you are ascending is quickening as we are entering into new realms of Ascension. You have been moving through your Ascension process through many lifetimes. In this lifetime you are achieving more advanced initiations and activations than you have in other lifetimes, and so, the pathway that you walk upon now is new. There are new energies, understandings, skills, and abilities to become accustomed to. You are entering into a more expansive nature of your being therefore, a more expansive vibration of the Creator. When you step into new vibrations of light, you can become very disorientating because of the expansion of light, your body, your physical body, and your energy bodies, even your chakras are not accustomed to the expansive nature that is available to you.
It is the light that is expansive, that continues, and is limitless. Therefore, your thoughts, your emotions, everything that you are becomes more expansive, more able to connect with the limitless nature of your being so, new possibilities arise. As you enter into an expansive vibration, where everything around you is expansive and everything within you is expansive, you may feel as if you are lost. All of a sudden maybe you cannot connect with the people around you or even yourself in the same way. Maybe meditation does not work as it used to, skills or abilities or healings that you give may seem more powerful or less powerful, your reality becomes topsy-turvy and things that you relied on, that you anchored yourself into no longer serve you or work in the same way.
It may feel as if everything is moving around you and there is nowhere to hold on to, to stabilize yourself. You might find that the reality you once loved no longer has the same appeal or a dream that you were aspiring to no longer seems to captivate you in the same way. You might find that your body is tired or weary or that it becomes ill in some way. When you make a change of expansion, which you do and are doing several times now through your Ascension because of moving so quickly, you enter into this space where you may feel lost, disorientated or confused. It is very important to acknowledge this because it is the first step in entering into the new expansive vibration of your being and of your reality. Once you accept that you may be lost, you may be confused or disoriented. You will find you feel more settled, then there will be a need for grounding which is immensely important.
Many people believe that they do not need to ground themselves. However, each time you ground yourself, especially now in this Era of Ascension, you are grounding yourself into all of the energy frequencies, all the skills, tools, and all the dimensions that you are accessing. It is as if you are collecting with them all and grounding them into your current reality. Each time you ground it is like anchoring everything that you are in that moment. Due to everything that you are being in a constant momentum of change and evolution, as you anchor, as you ground, you are bringing more and more of the life, the love, the truth of the Creator into your being and into your reality. You are allowing yourself to meet Mother Earth, to be supported by Mother Earth and assisted so she may serve you in your Ascension upon the Earth.
As well as grounding and anchoring, this process also supports you in realizing your truth. It brings you into a space of clarity and stillness so you may understand the new you that is dawning. With this understanding, recognition and acknowledgement, so you do not feel so confused or lost, you begin to become accustomed to the new expansion within your being and the new expansion of your reality. With grounding you collect everything that you are, all the vibrations, skills and dimensions. You sit in that energy and you become clear. You understand everything, you embody it. You become the embodiment of your Ascension thus you no longer feel lost.
The remembrance, the knowledge, and the wisdom that you require is within you and you are able to access it with greater ease and greater perfection. You feel loved and love. Thus, you feel supported, comforted, assisted, healed and revitalized. A new aspect of yourself downloads into your being, and this new aspect of yourself enjoys the expansion, supports you in understanding how to use the expansion of your being and reality, so that you may serve yourself and serve others.
I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to observe yourself and your reality at this time. I also invite you to observe others around you. Observe whether others are hysterical, whether they are running around confused, whether they are unsettled or uncomfortable. Whether they seem lost or maybe they are walking upon a pathway that is inappropriate for them. Maybe they are being governed by habits, or negative thoughts are causing great anxiety. They may be lost.
Allow yourself to observe, to acknowledge, to realize on their behalf. They may be lost in the new transition of expansion. If you recognize this, I invite you to ground yourself, to feel the floor beneath you, to be so aware of the ground, the soil, the Earth, whatever is beneath you. As you focus on grounding yourself, extend your energy to the other and invite their being to ground also. You can do it silently, they do not need to know. Remain in that focus until you feel them letting go, letting go of that energy of being lost. It may even feel that they come down onto the Earth with a thud.
Then give them space and observe them another time and if needs to be then practice this again until you notice them stepping into the expansion. You will realize when they step into the expansion because they will be happy, they will be relaxed, and they will be more grounded. You may worry about achieving work with others without their consent, you can always ask for their consent energetically or physically. However, be aware that if you practice this and they do not give their consent, it may not result in the outcome that you wish for. That is fine because they have free will. When they are ready and willing, they will accept that energy. It is almost as if it has been stored waiting for them.
It is time to observe the expansion within your being and reality. It is time to support yourself and others so that you can feel secure, centered, and filled with clarity as you enter into the vibration of expansion.
My love is with you always, I thank you.
I am Master Kuthumi.
3/31/22 - Master Hilarion - Feeling weary and tired?
Channeled thru Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones,
There is another frequency shift that is taking place at this time. Many of you have been feeling the need to go inward to sit in quietness, meditate, contemplate, and renew yourselves and this is excellent for it means that you are absorbing the higher energies and are utilizing them in the correct manner. For the world and the people on it are feeling very weary and tired, they are feeling the need to live in a world that is secure, where everyone feels safe, where there is no need to fear one another.
The cleansing and purging that has been happening for many years is something that humanity needs to go through but it is a process that fills one with a sense of overwhelm while it is occurring. It is occurring almost non-stop now and for the foreseeable future. Ultimately, Dear Ones, this is a good thing, this is something that is needed and required before each person is able to traverse the two worlds, the two dimensions into a higher octave which will bring about more peace within themselves and which will ultimately bring about peace on the planet.
The powers that be who are in control of the systems upon your planet are finding themselves exposed at every turn to every move they make and this is creating a sense of desperation within them. There is a sense that everything is falling apart which in effect and in reality is falling apart. All the old paradigms are no longer working. As we have said many times before in our messages to you, as the frequencies rise, all that was taking place behind the scenes in the old paradigms will no longer be effective, for now the energies are new, the energies are of the new Earth reality and this reality demands peace, demands cooperation, demands harmony. There is still much that needs to fall away before this can happen.
Take heart and know that at the end of all of this will be a more hopeful existence for all. There are many lands that are being cleansed and cleared so that these lands are freed from the energies of negativity, fear, and hatred and as these are cleared by Lightworkers, those who know how to do this work, there is something better that is put into its place which enhances and supports each person on the planet and the beautiful planet itself. Each of you who is reading this message are those who have often and/or at some time contributed your energies to cleanse the planet of negativity.
Each of you is, in actuality, doing this every time you work upon yourself to release all that is within you that is not for the enhancement of your physical life on Earth and as you cleanse yourselves, you cleanse the atmosphere of this planet. Wherever you are, you are doing this work. That is why sometimes you feel tired and discouraged, for it is during those times that you who do this work have absorbed and transmuted much that is not really yours, that is not really your responsibility, however, you have taken on this task in agreements made on the higher levels in order to accelerate the cleansing process and take the Earth and everyone upon her into the higher states of being.
So take heart, do not become discouraged, you are the ones who are creating positive changes. We look upon each of you and send you our love, support and energy to help you, to uplift you, to maintain your ascension level frequencies. We are always with you, we, the ascended masters, are always working with the Divine Plan, with the Prime Creator’s directives and those are always for the highest good of all. Look upon each other as sisters and brothers for that is what you are. What happens to one of you happens to all and it is important to remember this, that life on Earth is a collective experience in many ways.
All that each person experiences, that each soul experiences and learns is something that is recorded in the akashic records that surround the planet and then that knowledge and those lessons learned are available for others to tap into. It becomes easier as more and more people contribute their energies in this way until one day there will come a moment when all are freed from the lower vibratory fields into a more positive energetic field that is more supportive and filled with encouragement and things will just seem easier than before.
We ask you to not lose heart, we ask you to continue in whatever work that you feel called to do. To continue to hold your Light, feel love, for it is the experience of the heart that is the focus for everyone upon the planet at this time. Feel into everything that is occurring for you, feel it, express it, BE it!
3/31/22 - Master El Morya - The human factor makes the decision
Channeled via Jahn J Kassl (Translation by
You are the way. Love is the only power in the world that in the end will put together everything that now needs to be destroyed and taken down. Love is the solution to all problems and the answer to all questions. Love is the way and this way is YOU!
Beloved human being, in all that now presents itself to you, remain in love and nourish it through good deeds. Stay inwardly focused on peace and end days that have upset you with a silent prayer or a short meditation. It is insignificant if you sometimes lapse into anger or rage, but it has great effects if you remain in anger or rage. An angry warrior has lost the battle even before it has begun. Anger and rage cloud your vision and poison your judgment.
The view of the whole and a superior perception are essential if you want to exist in the confrontation between fear and love and emerge victorious. Judge and discriminate, but do not condemn! Call the things with names and the people with the names, however, don’t stop yourself thereby any longer! Speak truthfully and be truthful without waiting for understanding. Live your divine orders without looking back. Be determined and courageous and trust completely in God. Love your neighbors even if they commit injustice. Condemn the act, but not the person. Be aware of what is happening, but be equally aware that there is a natural end to today’s events, because injustice and hatred have a limited life span in this world.
You are the change! People are awakening and every day there are more! You turn away from these machinations with all your strength and you become more aware of the power of your love with every day. The dark rulers of this matrix have not reckoned with it, they could not calculate with it. The human factor brings the decision, the human who stays in love and decides an initially hopeless fight for himself with the sword of truth.
You are empowered to accomplish great things, and you are about to do it! In the middle of the fight, in the middle of the world events, a cosmic game between LIGHT and DARK, between FEAR and LOVE is decided. You are here today and now on earth – and you are right here! Be always conscious of it. You carry the change, which was triggered now on the upper earth, in you! Because you are the change.
In infinite love,
3/17/22 - Archangel Michael: The Heart Chakra explodes & implodes
Channeled by Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love extend from my being to you, I am Archangel Michael. It is a joy to be in your presence, this is such a tender and sensitive time of your ascension. It is a time where immense love, unconditional and self-love is required. Therefore, we the Angelic Kingdom surround you and embrace you in pure love. We invite you as often as you can to call upon us, the Angelic Kingdom to surround, embrace and bathe you in love. We invite you to inhale love and exhale love into your being, inhale love from outside of you, from the Angelic Kingdom, from your guides, inhale love from your soul within you, from the love of the Creator that is within you and exhale it into your being. Imagine that you are filling your entire being, your body, auric field and so forth with love.
Every aspect of your being is now craving love, love is the vitamins, the minerals that are required in this moment to aid your ascension. There is a reason for the need for love at this time because the heart chakra and higher heart chakra above, are going through an immense transformation, upgrade, and healing process. The heart chakra is so expansive, it is filled with love. It supports you in acting in and as the space of love. The heart chakra holds memories and wounds, some that serve you and some that need or require to be resolved. Your heart chakra is about to transform into the powerhouse that you are. Into the powerful love vibration that is your soul and your essence. The higher heart chakra supports the integration of the love of the soul, and the wisdom of the soul, and the Creator. Therefore, it is a time when wounds will be transformed and released. The heart chakra will be empowered. Love within your being and self-love will be empowered and thus, the heart will bring forth its wisdom into your awareness to support your actions and your reactions in and from a space of love.
The heart chakra is at the core of your spiritual growth and your reality; thus, its transformation will be magnificent, major, and may even be earth-shaking. This is why I have entitled this transformation, the heart chakra implodes and explodes, because it may feel as if the heart chakra is doing both. It is shattering, it is falling to pieces, it is caving in. It may also be as if your heart chakra is exploding with the power that you recognise as your love, your self love, your unconditional love, your pure love and your love in action.
The power of your love is dawning, and it will feel as if it is an explosion, like your heart chakra is expanding, radiating outwards its power, and its presence. Your heart chakra will become grounded, far more grounded than ever before into your spiritual evolution, and even into your physical reality, which will mean that you will recognise the power of love. When you express your love, it will be powerful for you and others, and it will have an impact. You will be more sensitive to love, and maybe even the wounds of love. You will feel the love of others more deeply and you may even feel the rejection of others with greater pain, you may even notice how thought forms empower your heart chakra or crush it.
The simple things that you do, say or think have an impact on the love that you express, the expansive powerful nature of your being and how you allow its freedom and liberation. In this moment where the heart chakra implodes and explodes, it is a time of nursing old wounds, and taking care of yourself, your heart, your love, and your power while realising and recognising how you act and react to others in your reality. You may be able to empathise with others or yourself with greater depth, you may feel as if you are crying for the entire world due to the pain and suffering that is being experienced.
The sensitivity of your heart chakra as it expands, and steps into your power can leave you feeling burdened by the wounds, the pains, the suffering of others in the world and maybe yourself. You will become accustomed to the sensitivity; it will evolve, and you will not feel it in the same way as you may at the beginning. When the heart chakra implodes, explodes and transforms, that is when you will feel the sensitivity the most. You will be sensitive to the world around you and within you as this transformation takes place, the sensitivity will lessen because your power will come into play. You may feel inspired to radiate your powerful love, to share it with others, to put it into actions, to put it into thoughts, and to express the power of your love. This will support the transformation because as the heart chakra implodes and explodes wounds will be healed, thus rebuilding the heart chakra. The higher heart chakra aligns with your truth, your soul, the Creator and everything that is the destiny of your spiritual journey, and so, you will experience your heart chakra being rebuilt with power, with the power of your love. Your heart chakra will be more resilient. You will be more able to deal with the wounds that are created by experiences in your reality. You will be able to empathise with others, and yet still remain in your power. You will be able to bring healing when it is necessary and needed to yourself and others.
What can you do in the meantime? I Archangel Michael, invite you, if you can, in your home or wherever, even if it is in your mind to create a space of love, a space where you can sit or be, that you know emanates love. Let this space remind you to love yourself, to draw upon the love of the Universe of the Cretor, to draw upon the love of the Creator filling yourself with love and taking time each day to recognize that you are bathingin love and that love is your power.
You may experience tenderness within your heart chakra. If this is the case, sit with it, acknowledge it, breathe deeply as you observe it. If old wounds come up to be released again, breathe deeply, sit with them, and observe them. You may wish to ask the wounds for their message, what they wish for you to understand or resolve, or what action is required? You may find yourself feeling incredibly sensitive to the world around you, and if this is the case, let it be so. Let yourself cry or feel vulnerable while you sit in that space of love, knowing that you are supported by pillars of love, the Angelic Kingdom love, the Creator’s love, and your own love. You might experience sensations in your heart chakra, again sit with these and observe them. Know you are supported with and as the love, just before you finish the process imagine, sense, acknowledge your heart chakra and new upgraded filled with the power of your love, unconditional love, self-love, and active love. These practices will support you in moving through this stage of ascension and transformation.
It is a time to be very loving with yourself, very delicate, very supportive, very gentle and we will do the same.
We love you unconditionally.
I thank you,
I am Archangel Michael
3/12/22 - Message from Mother Gaia
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends,
I am the voice of Earth. Feel my energy encircling your feet and legs. I welcome you. Please enter into your bodies by allowing your muscles to relax. Remember that you are always carried by my energy. I want to carry you, like a mother. You are one with me, because you are living inside a physical body, and at the same time you bring in something new, something not of the Earth. It is your star light, your consciousness, which is the gift to this plane of existence. You bring life to this planet, to me, not physical life but the inner life.
You are meant to bring awareness and consciousness to all living beings on Earth. For instance, if you have a garden that you love to attend, or if you have animals in or around your house, you radiate energies toward them. By connecting with them, they feel something that is new to them. They do have their own beauty and innocence, but all creatures of nature yearn for a more rich inner life. They want to grow and evolve into conscious beings.
Each has a uniqueness, just as do you, and you are actually assisting them by being here. The energy that will help them most is the energy of love. For example, the flowers in the field do not know how beautiful they are, but when you look at them with admiration and appreciation, they feel a spark in their soul of something awakening. And this is essentially symbolic of your relationship with all of Earth.
You are like angels descending here with a torch of light. But as you descended to Earth, you went through a long evolutionary process, and I am speaking here of many, many lifetimes, a vast expanse of time. You can imagine when an angel leaves heaven it can become confused and bewildered, because for the first time the angel gets acquainted with the energies of fear and separation. So even though its essence is still an angel, at the level it is incarnated, it is like a child.
There is this difference and, to some extent, even a big gap between what people are in their inner being and how they manifest themselves in the three dimensional world. When you look at the world around you and at how the Earth is treated by humanity, it does not seem like angels are running this world. It is more like confused children who have lost their way. And actually, I, the spirit of Earth, will allow a lot from these children.
You are allowed to lose your way and to misbehave for a certain period of time. In fact, it is part of your path to explore different ways of relating to yourself and to the world, and that is because your consciousness is so powerful, it has free will and the ability to choose. You have to get to know darkness and to make mistakes before you understand the true nature of light.
I, myself, am connected with cosmic energies and forces who are assisting me, and together, we feel that a new step in the evolution of humanity is happening. It is like the childlike part of humanity is now evolving and becoming wiser and more mature. But the situation at this moment is quite critical, and at a certain point, children will have been allowed enough room to explore. It is time for them to surrender to a bigger truth which they already know in their hearts.
Humanity is now actually being torn apart. Groups of souls want very much to move forward, while others remain stuck in pain and struggle. And you who are here, and who are sensitive on the inner level, can feel that anguish of being torn inside. I want you to take a step back and to look at the whole situation from a bit more distance, because even though you are a part of this whole movement, you are also a unique individual unto yourself. And I want you to realise who you are, and what your place is in this world.
Imagine that you now literally take that step back and can feel behind you the presence of the original angel that you are, just behind your physical body. Try to see how much this angel is affected by the pain and suffering on this planet. I am asking you to do this, because I want you to distinguish between the pain and suffering of humanity and the people around you, and your own pain, your own position in all this.
I am asking you to now release from your energy field the pain that is not yours, because it is essential that you remember who you are, and that you are free and independent of this world. It is when you feel completely free and independent that you can contribute most to this world. So feel free to connect again with the feeling of being an angel.
You often make yourselves so small. You are hiding your true strength and even dare not show the joy and the light in your heart. But I am now telling you what your mission is on Earth – it is to be an angel on Earth. You do not have to change the people around you; you do not have to get involved in politics, or that kind of activity. What you are meant to do here as a lightworker is to anchor a certain vibration.
I told you before that there are different groups of souls on Earth right now. And as you express yourself in this world, and be who you are, some groups of people will not respond to you, will perhaps not even notice you. But you should not be bothered by that, because there are actually groups of people who do respond strongly to your vibration. Sometimes your effect on them is invisible – you are not aware of it, but your task, so to speak, your mission, is to be as true as possible to your purest vibration, and to do what really inspires you and gives you joy.
Earth and nature will respond to your doing that. I am inspired by humans who follow their soul. Remember that there is a connection between us, independent of human society. Being truly present on Earth is about connecting with me, feeling safe in your body, feeling free to be yourself, so you can take a step back and look at the human world from a distance. You do not have to be warriors fighting for a new world; your work is more subtle than that. And you are allowed to have more fun, even if there is suffering around you, and hardship. The energy of joy and smiling and making jokes is so welcome here on Earth.
I would like to end by asking you to visualise that you are somewhere in nature that you really enjoy. Maybe you see yourself walking along the ocean shore, or walking or sitting in the forest. And in your imagination, touch me; touch Earth, the sand or the soil. Sense how it feels to your skin, to your hands, or feel the wind on your skin.
You are a physical being, and the physical contains so much energy that is not physical. I want to nurture you, and not just on the physical level, but also all your energy. That is my gift to you. I want you to experience the joy and the bliss of being in a human body.
I want you to know that you are very welcome on Earth. You are carrying the energy of a new world inside you, and that is all you have to do – carry it proudly inside you. Thank you very much.
© Pamela Kribbe
2/21/22 - Jeshua: The Atlantis Heritage
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
This time of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from times long gone by, times in which you were incarnate and had lives in which you experienced much. All these old layers now resurface. I would like to speak of these old times today, to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of who you are here-and-now. You are old, ancient beings, who carry within a great deal of experience. Long journeys through time and space you have made, and not just on planet Earth.
Please let me take you back to the beginning. There was never a beginning, but for the sake of this story, I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point to the large cycle of lifetimes in which you are now caught up. I am taking you to the time of your birth as an individual soul, as a separate ‘I’. The ‘I-ness’ that is so familiar to you now, was an altogether new phenomenon in the universe. Being separate and individual, enables you to gather a multitude of experiences, and yes, illusions as well. But that does not make it less valuable. It is precisely in being an ‘I’, in being separate from the whole, and experiencing the illusions that go with it, that you can discover what is not. You can discover an illusion and experience it from the inside out. At first, this was not possible. At first, there was the One and nothing outside of it, like an undifferentiated ocean of love and oneness. Now try and experience fear and ignorance from in there!
In being vulnerable and prone to illusion, you gather an enormous amount of experience, which enables you to really understand what oneness means, what love means at the level of experience.
You will understand what love is, not as an abstract concept, but as a living, creative force that moves you and fills your heart and spirit with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. This is the end goal of your journey, the Homecoming you are longing for: to be God-as-you, to experience oneness as an ‘I’. You do not want to give up your ‘I’ness. It is through the connection of your ‘I’ with the whole, that you experience the deepest joy and that you add your own unique energy stamp to the whole of creation. God-as-you adds something new and precious to creation.
I ask you to go back to the time that this ‘being an I’ took shape for the first time. Back then you were, or were created as, angels. Can you feel the tenderness and innocence of that original energy, that distant beginning in which you were first ‘moulded’, got to know ‘form’. All of a sudden you were ‘you’, distinct and separate from the others around you, and you experienced the miracle of being an individual. You were still so close to the source of divine light, that you were filled with love and overflowed with joy and creativity. There was an incredible desire in you to experience, to know, to feel and to create. Please go within for a moment, and see whether you can sense the truth of it: that you are an angel in the deepest part of you….
I now take a big leap in time, as I can only give a broad outline of this extensive history. I take you to the beginning of planet Earth.
You were present there, you are older than the existence of Earth as a physical planet. Your birth as a pristine I-consciousness, lies much further back than the origin of Earth. Now imagine that you were contributing to the development of life on Earth. Slowly, life evolved on Earth, through the presence of material elements which offered a broad range of possibilities for consciousnesses to incarnate in material forms or bodies: minerals, plants, and later on, animals. And you were deeply involved in this process of creation. How?
You were the angels and devas who supported and nurtured the vegetable kingdom, who knew the ‘web of life’ on Earth intimately and cared for it deeply. You have also provided animal life forms with love, care and etheric nourishment.
Memories you carry of paradise or the Garden of Eden, of a perfectly balanced nature in which you participated as caregiver and keeper of life, stem from this ancient age. You were not incarnate yet then, but hovering between the ethereal and physical realms. You were an angel on the verge of being born into matter.
Remember the innocence of that age, remember what it was like to be this angel-deva-consciousness and how dearly you loved the Earth and all manifestations of life on it. Feel the childlike aspect of your consciousness back then. You were like children playing in paradise, always in the mood for adventures, kidding around, laughing, experiencing the joy of freely expressing yourself in a safe environment. Despite your playfulness, you were in great awe of the guiding laws of life and you would not think of treating life forms with anything less than deep fondness and respect. So, you have been in some sense the parents of life on Earth. This explains why you can be thoroughly shocked by the disturbances of nature by modern technologies, and the general abuse of the forces of nature.
Why does it affect you so?
It is because you have cherished and nurtured these very energies from the beginning. From your essence you are connected to it, to Earth and its many life forms, as a parent is to her child and a creator to his creation. And back then, when you were angels nurturing Earth life, you knew not why you were doing it. You acted as children who felt drawn by the calling of yet another adventure, the thrill of the new, and you let yourself be guided simply by what felt joyful and exciting to you. You planted your energy wherever it felt welcome.
Thus, you helped create paradise on Earth: the splendour of life, the abundance of the plant and animal kingdoms, the diversity of life forms and the unconstrained development of it all. Please hold on to this image for a moment……. remember who you are. Even if it seems too grandiose, when I tell you this, just allow yourself to fantasize that you were part of this, that you were present as an angel in that Garden of Life, playful, innocent, nurturing and cherishing life. Out of paradise – the first Fall into Experience. Many developments occurred on Earth over millions of years, which are hard to describe in a nutshell. But, at a certain point in time, your blissful adventure in the Garden of Eden was disturbed by an outside influence, which might be termed ‘bad’ or ‘dark’.
From other dimensions in the universe, beings started to meddle with Earth. Their purpose was to exert power and influence over life on Earth.
This happening, the interference of powerful dark energies which emerged out of nothing from your point of view, deeply shocked your angel-selves. You were not prepared. This was your first encounter with ‘evil’ and it shook your world to its foundations. For the first time, you experienced what it was like to not feel safe anymore. You got to know ‘human emotions’: fear, shock, anger, disappointment, grief, outrage: what is this?, what is happening here?!
Sense how the shadows fell upon you in that encounter with darkness, the dark side of duality
Slowly, the craving for power, which had shocked and horrified you, started to take possession of you yourself. This was because you felt indignation and outrage towards the attackers, and you wanted to defend and protect the Earth against this strange invasion.
I speak of an extraterrestrial influence, a certain race so to speak, the origin of which does not matter much for our tale.
What matters is that you partly absorbed the energy of these beings, and thus made a fall. I do not speak of a biblical Fall, as this phrase is associated with sin and guilt, but a fall into experience, into darkness, which was in a sense ‘predestined’ because you were part of the world of duality. By being an ‘I’, by experiencing separateness from the whole, the seeds for duality were born inside of you. It is part of the logic of creation that you will explore all extremes of duality, once you are in it. You gradually became warriors yourselves, as you desired the power to protect your ‘territory’.
A new stage ensued in your history, in which you got caught up in various galactic wars and struggles.
Please take a moment to feel this happening, the fall from the playful energy of the angel-child to the harsh and angry energy of the galactic warrior. We are speaking of long periods of time. It may seem grand and unfathomable that you have gone through all this, yet I ask you to allow your imagination to travel with me for a while.
❥ You got caught up in a fierce and grand battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is actually inspired by real events in a distant past. It is not mere fiction. Much has actually happened and you were deeply involved in it. You lost yourselves in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you thoroughly experienced the energy of the ego.
I have talked of this before in the Lightworker series, and I now want to take another huge leap and tell you what the next important stage was. After a long, long time, you got tired of fighting. You had had enough. You were getting sad and battle-weary, and a kind of homesickness crept into your hearts. You had long been obsessed with the wars and conflicts you were involved in. The illusion of power can exert an hypnotic influence over an untested, naïve mind. You were naïve and untested when you experienced your first fall into darkness.
But then, at a certain point, an awakening occured within you. A vague memory of the old days in Paradise stirred in your minds and hearts, reminding you of the joy and innocence you once knew. You wished you could go back there and did not desire to fight anymore.
One might say that the energies of the ego had been exhausted in you, by the full experience of it. You had known all sides of the battle, the whole range of emotions having to do with winning and losing, controlling and surrendering, being slayer and slain. You had become disillusioned with power and had discovered that power does not give you what it promises to: love, happiness, fulfilment. You awoke from your hypnotic slumber and yearned for something new. When you reached out to rise above the energy of struggle, and connect to the energy of the heart, you were again naïve and ‘untested’. You were like children who popped your head over the wall of an altogether new country, in which not struggle or power were the leading forces but love and connection. You followed the calling of your soul and climbed over the wall. And you started to meet each other again and to recognize each other as soulmates, members of the same family. Once you had played together as angels in the Garden of Eden.
The members of the lightworker family, who are part of the same birth wave of souls, looked up on each other again and felt drawn by common calling, a shared mission.
You knew you had to do something to make the major step towards heart consciousness, the return to Paradise, actually happen for you. You felt you had dealings with Earth once again, but this time as a human being, incarnated in a human body, to experience from within what had happened on Earth due to the galactic wars, and your abuse of power. In your struggle for power, the Earth had always been the focal point of attention. Many galactic parties battled for dominion on Earth and this negatively affected the Earth, all life upon her and the collective soul of evolving humanity.
The reason why Earth was such an important target for all these warring parties is not so easily explained.
Briefly put, Earth is the starting point of something new: it is a place that brings many different dimensions and realities together and therefore constitutes a crossroads toward the future. Many, many energies meet and mix together on Earth – within the plant, animal, and especially the human kingdom. This is very special. When these energies can peacefully coexist together, it will bring about a huge explosion of light throughout the cosmos. That is why Earth is playing a key role and why she had been in the centre of a great Battle
You were once part of this battle, as offenders, trying to manipulate life and consciousness on Earth in quite an aggressive manner. This caused harm to the developing human being. Humanity was then in its infant stage, the ‘stage of innocence’. Humanity was ‘inhabited’ by souls who were from a different birth wave than you. We have called them ‘Earth souls’ in the Lightworker Series. It was a group of souls younger than you were, who had manifested on Earth from early on and had to deal with outside, extraterrestrial manipulations which narrowed down the capabilities of the human being. The extraterrestrial forces projected energies of fear and inferiority into the open and young consciousness of man. This enabled them to gain control over them.
I return now to your decision to incarnate on Earth as a human being.
You had two motives. First, you sensed you were ready for an inner change and transformation. You wanted to let go of the ego’s battling attitude and grow towards another way of ‘being’. You did not know what exactly this meant; you could not grasp it fully yet, but you sensed that incarnating on Earth would offer you precisely the challenges and possibilities you needed. Secondly, you knew you had to make up for things that happened on Earth, partly because of your doing. You somehow sensed that, originally, you had a deep bond with Earth based on love and mutual respect, and it had gotten corrupted when you let yourself be enmeshed in war and battle for this very Earth.
The two extremes of you, of angel-child and hardened warrior, needed to be brought together and transformed, and what place could be more suitable for this than Earth?
You felt deeply connected to this planet and you also sensed a ‘karmic obligation’ to improve conditions on Earth. You wished to change and lift the state of consciousness on Earth. So you became ‘lightworkers’.
You incarnated on Earth at the time of Atlantis. Atlantis – the second Fall into Experience. Atlantis was a civilisation that lies much further back in time than the familiar historical era’s. Atlantis gradually came into being about 100.000 years ago and it ended about 10.000 years ago. The first beginnings even predate 100.000 years.
Atlantis gradually evolved when extraterrestrial races started to invade Earth bu actually incarnating in human bodies. These souls in general had a high level of mental development.
At that time, societies and communities on Earth were largely made up of Earth souls, and they were ‘primitive societies’ as you call them. There were, even before Atlantis, many extraterrestrial influences on Earth, from galactic realms that sent thought forms to Earth in different ways. Thought forms are energies that connect themselves to humans at the ethereal or auric level, and thus influence the thoughts and emotions of people.
This happens continuously as you absorb ideas and beliefs from your upbringing and society. These surround you as an infectious web. But it can also happen from the ‘astral levels’ surrounding you.
The thought forms projected unto you by the galactic warriors were in general controlling and manipulative, but there have always been influences of light and gentleness as well. It is the human himself who decides what he allows in and what not. At a certain moment, the galactic parties wished to have a more profound influence on Earth and there was an opportunity for them to actually inhabit human bodies, in short to incarnate on Earth. Spirit or Life opened up this possibility for them because it fit into their inner path of development. You were one of these parties. In your spiritual literature, folks that stem from these galactic realms are often referred to as ‘star people’ or ‘starseeds’.
Atlantis was the result of a coming together, a mixture of the native Earth societies and the influx of souls that came from the outside. You, the wave of the lightworker souls, incarnated on Earth because you wished to bring about change and progress and because you wanted to grow yourselves, from an ego-based consciousness to a heart-based consciousness.
When you arrived, it felt very awkward and uncomfortable at first, to be inside of phyiscal human bodies
Living in such dense physical matter gave you a sense of oppression and imprisonment, as you were used to much more fluid and volatile bodies, that possessed more psychic power. In higher (less material or dense) frequencies or dimensions, your psyche has a much greater direct influence on the material environment. By simply thinking of, or wanting something, you can create or attract it immediately to you on these planes. Your mind was used to creating much faster than was possible on Earth.
You might say that the reaction time on Earth is much slower.
So when you are here for the first time, you have the sensation that you are somehow locked into a solid and unyielding body and you get insecure, since what you desire and aspire does not materialise so easily anymore and your hold over your life and circumstances seems to be quite limited.
So you were confused when you got here. At the same time, you had highly trained mental abilities that were developed during your previous galactic lifetimes.
To send out thought forms and project them unto other living beings, requires that you own quite some psychic power. Your mind was like a set of sharp knives, which had to prove their value in an altogether different environment. Your trained mental capacities were an old attainment, and because of the sense of alienation and oppression you experienced on Earth, you instinctively tried to find your way here by using this old attainment. You thus started to exert your mental powers on Earth. Originally, your intention had been to connect with Earth reality from the heart. Before you incarnated, you knew that, despite your formidable analytical and psychic powers, the grounds of your heart lay fallow and were in need of seeds, little seedlings of light. This, however, you ‘forgot’ when you plunged into Earth reality and your consciousness got veiled. On earth, you had to deal with the Earth souls, who lived there as human beings, and you did not understand them well. You thought they were instinctive and barbaric beings. You did not understand their direct, spontaneous way of expressing emotions. They were primitive in your eyes, they were attuned to their emotions and instincts more than to their minds. You had abilities and gifts that were different from the natural dispositions of the people on Earth. Even though you were frequently born and raised as their children (when you were born to Earth soul parents) there gradually developed a social divide between you and them. Because of your superior mental skills, you developed technologies that were formerly unknown. This all happened slowly and naturally. We speak of thousands, even ten thousand years of time.
Without going into the details of this process, I want to ask you to feel the essence of what was happening there.
Can you imagine you were part of that? Can you imagine what it must have felt like to end up somewhere you do not truly feel at home and to know: there’s something I planned to do here, but what was it…?
Let me see, I have certain abilities and powers at my command……this distinguishes me from many others in my environment……I will make use of these talents to assert myself. Do you recognise this kind of pride and ambition within you? Can you remember it was yours?
This is a typical Atlantean energy.
Gradually, a new culture came into being on Earth, a civilisation that brought forth an unprecedented technological development which affected all parts of society. I would like to say a little more about the kind of technology that evolved in Atlantis. What you as ‘star people’ still remembered brightly, despite the veil of forgetfulness, was that you can influence material reality by using the power of your mind, specifically the third eye. The third eye is the energy centre (chakra) of intuition and psychic awareness, and it is located behind your two physical eyes. The power of the third eye was still very familiar to you in those first incarnations, like a second nature to your soul. You knew ‘how it worked’. You knew that matter (physical reality) has a form of consciousness, is consciousness in a certain state of being. Through this essential insight into the oneness of consciousness and matter, you could affect and form matter, by making inner contact with the consciousness in the piece of matter. In this way, you could literally move matter, manipulate it from the mind.
You knew a secret that was forgotten in more recent times.
Presently, you see matter (physical reality) as separated from consciousness (the mind). Influenced by modern science, you have forgotten that all beings are ensouled: all that is has some form of consciousness that you can connect with and cooperate with in a creative way. This knowledge was self evident to you in those ancient times.
But during Atlantis, when your heart centres had not been awakened fully, your third ete was predominantly controlled by the centre of the will or ego (the solar plexus or third eye chakra).
You stood on the doorway of a new inner reality, the reality of heart-based consciousness, but due to the shock of being submerged in the dense reality of Earth, your tender and resh inspirations got lost temporarily. You allowed yourselves to be led astray by the excessive use of the will mixed with the power of the third eye. You did aspire to make things better on a larger scale (‘lightwork’) but you did it in a self-centered way, with an authoritarian attitude toward the Earth souls and nature. In the hey-day of Atlantis, there were many possibilities and the technology was highly advanced, in some areas even more than your present technology, because the power of telepathy and psychic manipulation was much better used and understood. Instantaneous, telepathic communication could take place between different persons at great distance from each other. It was possible to leave your body consciously and travel around. Communication with extraterrestrial civilisations was pursued and effected. Much became possible during Atlantis, but much went wrong as well. There generally was a divide between the political-spiritual elite and the ‘common people’, which were made up of Earth souls predominantly. They were looked upon as inferior beings, means to an end, and they were actually used for genetic experiments that were part of the Atlantean ambition to manipulate life on the biological level, so that more superior life forms could be created. A positive aspect of the Atlantean society, by the way, was the equality of men and women during that age. The power struggle of man and woman, in which women were horribly oppressed during the last stage, was not a part of Atlantis. The feminine energy was fully respected, especially because it is directly related to the power of the third eye (intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual power).
I wish to take you to the downfall of Atlantis. Energies were at work there that you are still trying to come to terms with. You were deeply involved in what went wrong at that stage.
In Atlantis, you lived from the centres of the will and the third eye. Your heart energy did not open up significantly. At a certain point, you fell in love with the possibilities of your own technology and the ambition of creating more superior life forms. You applied genetic engineering and experimented on several life forms, and you were unable to understand, to feel, that you were disrespectful to Life in this. The ones you experimented upon could not count on your empathy and compassion.
The energy present at this stage of perversion in the Atlantean civilisation specifically returned in the 20th century as the Nazi regime in Germany.
Cruel experimenting and a general attitude of clinical coldness towards ‘inferior life forms’ was a substantial part of that regime. The lack of compassion and empathy displayed towards the perpetrated, the lack of emotion and the mechanical way of ‘dealing with’ the victims, was similar to the Atlantean attitude. This now fills you with a deep sense of horror. You have seen and felt the other side of it, the victim side, in lifetimes that came after Atlantis. But during Atlantis, you were the offender. That’s where a particular ‘karma’ ensued. Atlantis is the key to your ‘offender lifetimes’, your dark side. I’m telling you this, not to make you feel ashamed or guilty, not at all. We are all part of this history, taking on various roles and disguises, and this is what it is like to be in duality. It is to experience and play all thinkable roles, from very light to very dark. If you allow yourself to know your dark side, if you can accept that you played the role of perpetrator as well, you will be more balanced, free and joyful. That is why I tell you this. At one point, the technological developments that you – and other soul groups – pursued, had such a great impact upon nature, that the ecological systems on Earth got disrupted. The downfall of Atlantis did not take place all at once. There were many warning signs – nature’s beckoning – but when they were not heeded, enormous natural disasters occurred through which the Atlantean civilisation got flooded and destructed.
How did it affect you on the inner level? It was a shocking experience, a traumatic experience; it was another Fall, a second Fall of Experience into the deep.
During your incarnations on Earth, you had eventually lost the connection to the heart energy that you had reached out to. Stronger than ever, you realized after the downfall of Atlantis that truth was not to be found in the controlling of life, even if the purpose seemed noble. You then really began to open up to the still voice of the heart, which tells you that there is a wisdom working through Life itself, that needs no managing or controlling. In the flow of life itself, in the flow of the heart and the feelings, there is a wisdom that you can attune to, or align with, by listening and surrendering. It is not a wisdom created from the head or by the will, it is a wisdom that comes from allowing in a higher perspective, the voice of love. This mystical knowing, which is accompanied by a sense of humbleness and surrender, you slowly started to feel from within. But even then, the time was not yet ripe for a joyful awakening of the heart energies. A shadow had fallen upon you during Atlantis, the shadow of having affected other beings negatively.
The effects of this would have to be deeply felt and experienced by you before the awakening could take place.
Again I take another huge step in this old history, and I take you to the moment you return to Earth, after Atlantis had vanished, washed away by ocean waves. Once again you incarnated in human bodies, the memory of Atlantis buried deep within your soul memory, tied with a sense of shame and self-doubt. The downfall of Atlantis had stunned and perplexed you, but it had also opened up your hearts a little wider.
What immense developments taking place on such a grand scale of time!
Rejection as a lightworker – the third Fall in Experience. The next important cycle started with the coming of the Christ energy on Earth, most visibly represented by me. Many of you were present then or around that time. A few centuries before my birth, you started to incarnate again in great numbers. A voice from your heart enticed you, summoned you. You sensed that ‘you had to be there’, that it was time for you to take another step on your spiritual journey, which got so intertwined with Earth. The coming of the Christ energy, my coming to Earth, was partly prepared by you. I could not have come without a layer of energy present on Earth that would receive me, ‘catch me’ so to speak.
The energy provide the channel through which I could anchor the Christ energy on Earth. It was a joint effort, truly.
Your hearts had opened up to me, to what I represented. At that time, you were the part of humanity most open to receive the love and wisdom from the heart. A certain humbleness had arisen within you, in the best sense of the word: a surrender to not-knowing, not wanting to control or ‘manage’ things, and a genuine openness to something new, something that stands apart from power and control, something different.
And because of this trust and openness in your hearts, you could receive me.
I was like a light beam falling on Earth, reminding the ones who were ready of their angelic nature, their divine core. You were moved by me, by what I expressed and radiated to you from my inner core, and the Christ energy has thenceforth affected you deeply, in that lifetime around Christ and in the lifetimes after it, up to now. In all of those lives, you have tried to bring the Christ energy down to Earth, spread it through teaching and healing in different forms.
You were inspired and passionate lightworkers, working hard to bring more justice, fairness and love to this planet.
In that era, the era of the awakening Christ energy, you were the ones who were opposed to religions that were too tightly organized, to authoritarian ways of subduing people. You fought for freedom, emancipation of the female energy, heart-based values in an age that was still barely aware of it.
In the past two thousand years, you were freedom fighters and you were rejected and persecuted for it. You were punished and tortured for who you were, and frequently ended up on the stake or the scaffold. You carry a lot of emotional trauma from this episode of history.
In the struggles and the resistance you met, the Atlantean (and galactic) karma was working. The roles were now reversed. You became victims and went through the depths of loneliness, fear and despair. You got intimately acquainted with the deep emotion pain of rejection. This was your third Fall, a third Fall into Experience, and the one that brought you to the heart of your mission: understanding the oneness underlying both Light and Dark, learning what Love truly means. This third Fall has led you to the present, to who you are now.
Today, at the edge of a new cycle, in these transformative times, you are truly open to the meaning of the Christ energy.
In your heart, a wisdom is sprouting that embraces and transcends opposites and recognizes the one divine flow in all different manifestations. Your love is not a mere abstract knowing, but a real, pure and sincere flow from the heart, that reaches out to others, and to Earth.
You now recognize yourself in the countenance of the other, whether they are ‘light’ or ‘dark’, rich or poor, lightworker or earth soul, man, animal or plant.
The love embedded in the Christ consciousness bridges the gap between opposites and gives you a palpable sense of the interconnectedness of all that is. As an angel, you once guarded paradise on Earth. You cut yourself off from this state of innocence, when you engaged in the dance of power with energies that wanted to steal paradise from you. Through this, you abandoned the spiritual realm and incarnated deeper into the material reality of form and illusion. From angel you became warrior. When you incarnated on Earth and went to experience what it was like to be human, you were again tempted by the desire to control things and this led to the downfall of Atlantis and of you as a warrior.
You came back to Earth to experience the downside of the power play, to feel what it is like to fall prey to aggression and violence.
The aftermath of this latter part of the cycle is still clearly present in your way of experiencing things and you are all working hard to overcome the trauma of rejection inside of you. With that, you are coming full circle, to the point where it began. You come back to your true nature as an angel, but now a fully incarnate angel, with a real and alive knowledge of the extremes of light and dark, love and fear. You are a wise and compassionate angel, a human angel. I have great respect for you, for the incredible journey you have made. I stand before you now as your equal. I am here as a teacher and guide, but also as a brother and a friend. I would like to offer you my love and friendship, not in an abstract manner, but as a tangible energy of companionship and understanding. I know who you are. Now recognise yourself in my countenance. You are at the end of great cycles of time, in which you have gone through many experiences.
Today I wanted to speak of Atlantis, as the recognition of the energies that you embodied there can help you get into a state of peace and wholeness with yourself.
The Atlantean energy is the energy of great mental power, combined with a distinctive pride and arrogance.
Dare to recognise this ‘dark energy’ within, dare to accept that you have experienced and lived it once. Feel that you have been offender and perpetrator as well as victim. Allowing this fact into your consciousness opens the gateway to the greatest wisdom you can embrace in your life: the wisdom of non-judgmentalness. By being aware of your dark side, you will let go of judging others, for being right or wrong, or even yourself. All grounds for judgment will fall away. Judgment makes way for understanding and compassion. Then you really start to understand what love is, what ‘light work’ means. The word ‘light work’ in fact suggests falsely that there is some kind of struggle going on between the light and the dark, and that the lightworker is the one beating the dark. But true light work is none of that. Real light work entails that you are able to recognise the light of love and consciousness in all that is, even if it is hiding behind masks of hatred and aggression. You are still often tempted to pass judgments on the reality of Earth, for instance on the way politics work or the way people are treating the environment. It is easy to say that it’s all wrong and to feel yourself a stranger on this planet Earth, alienated and homeless.
Try to make contact with the offender energy within you in such moments.
Allow yourself to access the Atlantean energy, which is still there in your soul memory, and feel that you have been that too, and even that it was okay. All of your ‘falls into experience’ eventually bring you full circle and open up your heart to the essence of God’s creation: love, creativity, innocence. You, who have experienced the extremes of darkness and light, have all along your journey been none other than an innocent child from paradise, setting out with a spirit of frankness, bold curiosity and zest for life. On this journey, you could only learn from experience. The ‘falls into experience’ could not have been avoided, as they were the means to reach out for something new and more fulfilling. The essence of your journey is that you reach wisdom through experience. Therefore, please recognise and honour the courage of this angel-child that you were. See its vitality, courage and perseverance in venturing into the unknown, and then feel your own innocence, even in your darkest side. I ask you to respect yourself, including the dark side of you.
Just feel the power and self-consciousness of the Atlantean energy for a moment. There is a positive side to it as well. You were gifted in many ways. Invite that energy in, here and now.
Allow the sense of self-esteem and self-command to return to you, and forgive yourself for the atrocities that took place in the past. Yes, you have inflicted pain on others, you were the aggressor there……but feel also how you have come to regret this deeply, and how much you have opened up now to genuine respect for all that lives.
When you forgive yourself, you open up to the joy of letting go of judgement. That is the consequence, you see: if you recognise the dark part of you and are able to forgive yourself for it, you need not judge either yourself or others any more. This is such a delight for your soul. So often you still put yourself on the rack of your judgments. You tell yourself there is so much you have to accomplish yet. Today, I ask you to look back and see what you have accomplished already. Be aware of the profundity of your journey throughout these great cycles of time. And do not look up to me as a master anymore. I have fulfilled that role, two thousand years ago, but that time is over.
You are the Christs of this new era, you will bring peace in a world of duality and polarity, by radiating the peace that lies within your own hearts.
Feel how you are ready for this role and let me simply offer you some support and encouragement as your friend and brother. We are one. Jeshua
2/6/22 - Mother Mary: True Beginnings by Mary
via Pamela Kribbe
In your life, you are influenced by your own personal cycles of development, depending on your age, gender and soul agreements. You are however also influenced by broader energy currents, which have to do with processes that the Earth, and humanity, as a whole are involved in.
There are energy currents at work in this time, which propel old and dark energies to the surface in a pace that may seem relentless if you do not trust the process. Humanity as a whole is not prepared for the release of the old energy that now comes to the surface. The majority of people do not know how to handle deep emotional pain and the destructive energy that may result from it. You are adept at this. Still, it may overwhelm you as well.
You may feel submerged into layers of yourself which seem utterly unmanageable and alien to you. You may seem to go crazy. Perhaps you thought you had already dealt with the majority of issues that were on your plate in this life, and now another layer of fear or darkness is banging on your door, one you did not expect.
You may feel indignant about it, feel that you have processed enough and are ready to move on to a lighter life. This new pit of darkness may seem too hard to deal with.
I am here today to tell you not to lose heart and to keep faith in your journey. You are now entering a stage of your development in which you can no longer control your growth. The area of consciousness expansion that you are entering is about surrendering and letting go. It’s not about doing certain exercises or visualizations, following a certain diet, or pursuing any discipline through which you seek to control life.
It is impossible to control the huge wave of energy that now wants to flow through your being. Your soul wants to lift you up to this flow of energy because it is aware that it is a good flow. However, your human personality is not able to see where it is leading up to. The human mind cannot understand where the flow of the soul is heading towards, so therefore you may feel desperate and out of tune with your intuition, your passion and general sense of direction.
If this is how you feel, please know that you’re not doing anything wrong. This sense of disorientation and chaos is always there when you are about to make a new start. Truly new beginnings are always preceded by a period of chaos and crisis. The new cannot enter before the old falls apart. You thought you had already let go of so much, and now you have to let go of even more. Please be aware this is a meaningful process even if it doesn’t seem so. Try to remain in a space of trust and surrender, because that way you align yourself with the flow of your soul and you make the ride a bit easier for yourself.
Dear friend, you are wise. From your deepest core, where you are Spirit, where you are shining light, eternal and lovely, reach out to the fear that is inside of you. You are much larger and stronger than your fear. You can reach out to it, like you would with a child, and tell it that it is safe with you, that you do not fear it, that you do not fear your own fear. Do not try to get rid of it, because the intention to eliminate fear holds judgment in it. The fearful part of you will get more fearful if you take up battle with it, for then it gets the message that it is no good and that it is unworthy.
We are close to you. I represent the mother energy of Christ consciousness. Feel yourself enveloped by it. Perhaps you see it as a soft shining pink, a playful, yet very tender energy, gentle and soft. Allow it into your energy space, it can bring you healing. And by healing I do not mean “taking away your fear”, I mean accepting it, accepting it as the doorway to another reality, a more loving and light reality. Be yourself, simply be yourself. Do not try to change yourself. You are already perfect. You are lovely. We see you, and recognize your struggle. We have much respect and honor for you.
Please allow my energy to comfort you. I do not want to change anything inside of you. I just want you to look at yourself in a different way. Even in the midst of your struggle you are an angel. You are beautiful. Remember: after every night, a new day will come. The sun will shine again. It is inevitable. It is life resuming its natural course. Just like you cannot prevent the night from falling, you cannot prevent the day from coming. So, allow yourself to go through that motion and you will find yourself in a splendid new day-break.
By undertaking this journey within, you are helping many people on Earth, who are trying to find their inner road to freedom. You are paving the way for other lightworkers, who are in the beginning stages of their awakening, and they in turn will help people who are becoming more sensitive, wanting to open up to the reality of their soul.
We thank you for your work, your light work on Earth right now. You are never alone. We are joining you from the other side, please accept our love. It is our greatest joy to remember you of who you are.
2/2/22 - Sangeeta Handa - Life on earth (3D matrix) is like a Coin
God channeled by Sangeeta Handa
You win on one side only. However, if you make it One (holding the coin vertically and viewing from the between two sides), you win tails and heads. To make it One (non-dual) you need to attain Freedom. To attain Freedom you need to Ascend out of the 3rd Dimension. A prerequisite to Ascension is attainment of Androgyneity! A state where your Kundalini has fully risen, sexual organs are no longer needed for gratification, you are not any gender, you are in fact No Division within nor outside. You have mastered the lower 3 chakras, merged from the Heart Chakra up into the Higher Chakras. You have collapsed the divisional bodies (physical, mental emotional body) and merged into One White Body (one White Flame) of Ascension. You have become ANDROGYNOUS
You have become SHIVA!
Life then is a winner, whether it be tails or heads because ... you are no longer a coin! Lord Shiva in the picture is creating Universes and thru His right hand He is about to dispatch one planet into His Multi-Universes. The symbology you know well if you have read His "Blue Sapphire Tablet".
2/1/22 - Grandmother Anna: You are cracking the matrix
Channeled via Galaxygirl 1/30/22
Dear children of my heart, this is your Grandmother Anna. I see your weariness - and I see your strength! Now is not the time to dwell on the external, that which you can see, but on the internal knowing that directs you, that guides your heart amidst whatever may come. I am with you. We, your extended family of the stars, we are with you and we love you. It is always darkest before the dawn and it is dawning now. The sunrise of humanity’s awakening is well underway. It will occur during your lifetimes because yes, it is occurring now. Do not be despondent. Be filled with the life force of Source, that is you, that is within you. A simple yet hard teaching within this Earth realm. I know, I have lived there many times and my last incarnation was a lengthy one.
But know that you are surrounded by us, that you have always been surrounded by us, but it is perhaps more exciting now because this will begin to be more clearly evident to you. For your awareness of ‘the beyond’ (she is laughing) is becoming heightened, more aware. Your third eyes will be buzzing and your awareness will be more on point. Within the higher dimensions it is very easy to sense and to feel the presence of another and of course their intentions are clear. And in the higher dimensions intentions are pure, are clear of any of the dross that you are so used to sludging into. In the Earth realm you are always on guard. Are you not? This is to be changed, this is changing. Thoughts of “Am I safe here?” will be replaced with “Can I fully experience the joy in this moment, here? What else can I experience here? How else may I be of service in this joy-filled place, here?” Do you see? Do you feel the elevation of those questions? Thriving will replace surviving.
I am your Grandmother Anna. Many of you have had loving grandmothers in your lives, and some have not. I can be that force of nature for you if you like. I have so many children, what is one more? I have a boundless love for my children for I am plugged deeply into the flow of love that permeates the heartbeat of Creator, of the Great Mother and I listen to her whisperings. I see that many of you are listening intently now to the inner whisperings on the breezes of your hearts, and this is good. This is how it should be. This shows me you are advancing as I knew you would! I knew you would graduate with honors and accolades and you are! Oh my children, you are! And we are so proud of you here in the rafters. When you feel the hardness of this realm, for there is much going on and it is a challenging place to be embodied, we know. When you feel the rushing around you, stop and feel the inner calm within you. You are like the energetic crystals that ground deeply these higher dimensional energies. (I am seeing a hammer representing the light and we are the ice picks cracking the rock underneath us. We are literally the conduit of energy of change.) Yes, you are cracking the matrix. How else could heaven ground it? If the change could not be absorbed then what was to be done? And so you are the shock absorbers, the brave ones, the strong ones, you are my heart and oh children, I love you so much. I am so proud of you!
Now children, are you taking care of yourselves? Are you eating your barley soup and drinking clean pure water? Now is not the time for heavy things to be consumed. Now is the time for foods with light in them for you are becoming more and more light. Ground with the grounded root vegetables, those are excellent soups and stews at this time and they will not bog you down as the lemon poppyseed coffee cake that this one just ate. Oh child, you know I love you! We Magdalenes are ever so intrigued by the beautiful variety of foods that you have at your disposal here in this time. We ate simply. But it was a simpler time. We were not constantly bombarded with the chemicals and chakra pollution. We had our struggles to be sure and I am well aware of the feeling of needing to be safe, for I lived over 600 years in my last human incarnation and we were frequently on the move or working underground in the catacombs translating literature into the vaults of knowledge. (I am seeing scrolls being copied and given to many hands, distributed widely. What a treasure they were to the world.) Yeshua’s words and many others were copied. Children, I am equally proud of you as my grandchildren as I was (and am!) with Yeshua’s works and words. Oh, how his energy would light up the room! And I am seeing that you - you!- are doing this same thing. Open yourselves up to more joy, to more light and more will flow to you.
Children, I am your Grandmother Anna. I love you with my whole heart. I am always here for consultation and friendship. Know that you are not alone and that you are keenly watched after and over. Take care of yourselves, keep warm, chins up and light up the path that you are on with confidence. One step leads to the next. Remember that. Your heart will lead you. Listen to the inner whisperings of your higher self, of the Great Mother and be at peace in the process. You are so tremendously loved. I am your Grandmother Anna.
2/1/22 - Buddha: Ascension first time ever with physical bodies
Channeled via Erena Velazquez - January 31, 2022
My Dear Ones,
I am Siddhartha Gautama, called by everyone Lord Buddha, delighted to speak today to humanity through the Universal Channel. It makes me very happy that many of you still using my teachings. The Ascended Masters and I overlooking the process of the Ascension first time ever with physical bodies to New Golden Age to 5D reality. The chaotic times on Mother Earth are going to be dissolved. Everyone who is ready to move to higher dimensions leaving behind the illusions, dualities, deceptions and the lies. You are going to discover the real truth about yourselves and the planet. All of you came here for a specific reason to rescue Mother Gaia.
During my lifetime here, I wrote teachings, which were written with the mind to help understand your surroundings and to see the truth. It’s only one Universal Truth, which applies to all living beings anywhere in the Cosmos. Unfortunately, your world never allowed you to speak your mind and follow your own path to self discovery of learning and experiencing. Humanity got trapped in the false reality called Matrix. Today still many are stuck and refuse to see, what is happening around them. These past two years the Dark Souls have been aggressively dictating and controlling almost every aspect of your lives and continuously trying to tell, what is right and what is wrong.
The truth is breaking the chains of the control, and people start seeing beyond the fake veil. The Darkness doesn’t want to accept that the truth is only one. All living beings are connected to each other through the Universal Consciousness. We are one big family and no separation between us.
Love is a driven force to the creation of New Worlds, destruction of the Darkness, manifestations of the peace and prosperity, and well being for everyone. Each day you can see the domino is falling down, and nothing can stop it. This planet suffered long enough to become liberated and finally experience and feel, what is a real happiness and joy.
I am very happy that humankind is winning over the Darkness. All of you are powerful spiritual beings and can create any reality you want. Please, stay in the Now and do your daily meditation, as I did under my favorite Bodhi tree. Please, open yourself to new possibilities and never put a limit on anything. Thank you Universal Channel. Let Judgment Go, Greet Everyone with Your Heart Not Your Mind.
1/26/22 - Kryon on the Silver Cord
Channeled by Lee Carroll, January 21, 2022, via email
Dear Kryon: I read a book some 30 years ago that when the body dies, the silver cord is severed. If the body is cremated before the silver cord is severed, the spiritual body suffers pain. What is the truth in the current energy? Do we still need some days to allow the silver cord to sever?
Dear one, the “silver cord” is a metaphor of the multidimensional connection of Human and Higher-Self. In the new energy, it is now PART of the Human, and the connection is no longer what it used to be.
Think of it like this. In the older energy, in order to take your power you might have needed an extension cord to connect you to the power socket of God. Now, in the new energy, you ARE the power source. Therefore the entire silver cord metaphor has graduated into something far grander that is filled with promise.
And, by the way, there never was a “severing process.” When you pass on you have a reunification process. The body is just a carcass… nothing more. Your essence is reconnected to the Cosmic Lattice of God, and is again whole.
Believe me, you don’t miss the Human body, and don’t ever even think about it. It passes from your being just as the birth sac ~ your home for nine months ~ passes from your consciousness after you are born. It’s no more important.
~ Kryon of Magnetic Service
1/25/22 - Jeshua - "You are Forefunners"
Channeled via Pamela Kribbe
Dear Friends, I am Jeshua.
I was once the birth of the Christ energy on Earth. I was a start, but that beginning needs to be completed, and that is what is happening at this time in which you are living. Now this wave of the Christ energy, which I was at its beginning, is gaining momentum. It has the capability to carry with it the entire consciousness on Earth, including that of planet Earth.
In the consciousness of both humanity and the Earth itself, there are now pressures that point to the need for inner change. You can see, on the external level, that many things are going wrong or getting stuck. This is especially seen in political developments: the power struggles between countries, groups of people, and cultures. But this change also affects the fate of the Earth itself and humanity’s relationship with the life of nature.
Certain issues and dilemmas are being pushed to the fore in this day and age, and you have come at this time to help that increasingly intense change to be born in the most loving way possible. At this moment, the change is so intense and tangible in the hearts of all people that it leads to crisis and often to thinking based on extreme views and adversarial positions on a global scale.
There is a need for a balanced awareness as the basis for this transformation. A need for people who are far-sighted and understand the voice of love. Love encompasses the extremes of human seeing with all its different kinds of behaviors and forms of expression. Love brings you back to the source. Ultimately, that source is carried in every one of you as an indestructible divine spark, a living light that is creative. That light is you! And your light is unique and individual, has its own glow, its own depth, its own nature.
What is most needed on Earth is for people who start listening again to their own divine nature, to who they really are; who are not determined by all the learned social influences, fears, and limitations. You are forerunners. Somewhere in the memory of your soul is a remembrance that makes you know that here is where you now have to be. You know that there is a drive in you to go along with this wave of change and to support it.
I ask you to take a moment to distance yourself from your daily worries, from the daily themes that your mind is usually working on – those things you worry about – and to now feel your more spacious self. You are not only a body, and not just a personality shaped by the past, by learned ideas and conditioned reflexes. You are infinitely more than that! You have led many lives on Earth and in the universe. You are really much greater than you usually think or even can comprehend.
To make this feeling, this awareness of your divine core, somewhat more tangible, I ask you to bring your attention to your spine and to feel it very consciously for a moment. Sit upright and feel a light flowing down through you: an energy that starts at your crown and flows down your spine through your head, your neck, your upuper back – and follow that flow. Maybe you feel a tingling sensation. Guide that flow with your attention down to your heart and welcome it. Remember who you are by connecting with the sparkling light in that stream.
Then let the light flow down your spine through your stomach and abdomen to your tailbone. See a clear energy there, which appears like a crystal. A crystal is very clear, similar to an open and unbiased consciousness: all encompassing and without judgment. Feel how nice it is to be in this field of consciousness where you can let go becasue you no longer have to be afraid of your fears. You can see them, look at them, yet stay calm. Let that field of crystal brightness grow larger around you, until it envelops your entire body.
Through this crystal clear consciousness you are joined with the great and deep forces of the universe. You are not alone. That is always an illusion. As soon as you feel separated and alone, you have in fact lost touch with yourself – but you can correct that by connecting with a more expanded perspecrtive.
To experience that connection in a tangible way, ask if a guide will appear to you who is connected to you; a guide who helps you, who forms a bridge between you and that larger reality of which you are a part. You can feel that guide, and maybe you see a color, a symbol, or a shape, a face. Let that guide restore the connection between you and your greater self, your soul: the infinite part of you.
Ask that guide what you need now in order to trust yourself more; what you need in order to follow the path of your soul. The answer can come in the form of a feeling, or something you are given, or a message in words – it does not matter. Feel that there are helping forces who always want to give you a clue as to where to go, or where the road is that allows your light to shine the most.
It is often the case that you are inwardly drawn in a certain direction by something that attracts you, feels right for you, and gives you an inspired feeling, and that is where your soul wants you to go so you can manifest and express yourself. Finding that “something” initially evokes feelings of joy and enthusiasm, as if you are a child who dreams and becomes filled with something, and that “something” is the voice of your soul. It brings life and renewal, rejuvenation, inspiration.
But at the same time, you have taken in all kinds of ideas from the society in which you live. And these ideas often tell you negative things, such as that something cannot happen because there are all kinds of limitations and objections; that what you want is naïve and unrealistic, and is not possible.
I encourage you to look at your greatest fear in this area. You all have a certain dream in you, an inspiration, something that makes your heart beat faster, while at the same time, it evokes fear. And I can tell you why: because you are different. Your dreams, your inspirations, usually do not fit in with the prevailing consciousness of society and your surroundings. You are different precisely because you are a forerunner. You are someone who has come to bring in something new, and that new thing is extremely welcome and necessary on Earth.
However, on an everyday level, and from the perspective of the old prevailing structures in society, that which is new is not at all welcome. And your knowing that makes it uncomfortable for you to manifest this new form of energy. In addition to your inspiration, you – almost every one of you – have a great fear of actually manifesting the thrusts of that inner urge that you feel.
Now look, very simply, at your body or at the energy field around your body. See if you feel or see a place that is constricted, that feels darker, where your fear is: the fear of breaking out of the old and entering into the new. Your body holds on to what you feel, which is why it can be an excellent tool for self-knowledge. So look from the clear crystal consciousness within you to that which stops you, and let it come forth.
Summon that fear; invite it to show itself. “What scares me the most and prevents me from really following my soul?” Make the fear tangible by giving words to it: ”I’m afraid of…” Name it for yourself. Is it fear of rejection, deficiency, vulnerability, loneliness, not being understood? Try to put words to it. Realize that there is a great strength in being able to stand up to your fears and to name them. By doing that, you create a space that is greater than the fear, and you rise above it. The more direct and honest you are when looking at your fears, the easier it is to be free of them. Work with your fear, with that darkest part within yourself. Then an inner alchemy arises, a transformation that helps you and that also opens you to receive help.
You are pioneers of the new and that is not an easy task because you have a human self that has become conditioned by the past. You have fears and vulnerability, and it is important not to deny them. Nevertheless, your soul wants to put something into this earthly atmosphere and to prepare the way for a new consciousness on Earth. Recognize yourself as a part of this new consciousness. It is important to understand who you are, to be aware of the light you carry within yourself.
I salute you from our deep connection. I am one with you. Thank you very much.
1/21/22 - Message from Animani, a Solar Being: Vibrate above the Problems
Channeled by Vania Rodriguez
Dear brothers and friends of planet Earth! I am Animani! For those who don't remember, I am a Solar Being. Being here today is to bring good news, to bring good energy, to bring love and light. The Light is all around your planet. There is no longer a little piece, a little hole or hole that is not illuminated by this Light. For it is not a Light as you know it, where you meet an obstacle and it refracts; it is a light that corresponds to a frequency, where there is no obstacle, no limit that prevents it from acting. Within the technology that you know on your planet, nothing is not receiving this Light. But there are still beings on your planet who know how to protect themselves from it, for it is not something from this dimension. But I can assure you, they are trapped, they have nowhere to go. And little by little, each one of these beings is being removed from the planet. Within the divine laws and always respecting what they decide to do with their walks.
Many wonder, if there is so much light coming to the planet, why everything still seems so dark? I would say that on a windy day, if your windows are open, dust will come in; dirt, sand, whatever is floating in the air will come in. Passing any object where you visually see the particles will not clean the whole environment. Only if you are willing and able to pull out your furniture, your utensils, will you be able to effectively clean every little dust that has entered your home.
So what is this incoming Light doing? I assure you that the visible dust has already been removed, it has already been cleaned. Only you have no idea of the extent of the dark part, the hidden part. You populate half of your planet; no, not even half. To make it easier for you to understand, 2/3 of your planet is water, and the half of this 1/3 that is left, which is earth, you populate. The part where you don’t populate has already been cleaned up. Because we had the chance to treat each point, without having to worry at any time about hitting you.
So this work is still being done, which is the treatment of the animals, the marine animals and all the animals that still populate your Earth. All the fauna and all the flora. It is being returned, all the original structure of every living being on this planet, removing all the genetic modifications that have been done. So what is still missing? The part where you are living. So for this Light to work, every piece of furniture, every utensil, must be taken out of place, for the cleansing to take place. Bringing it into your world, every action, every existing problem has to surface, to be cleaned.
There is no way to clean up something that doesn’t show up, everything has to come to the surface to be dealt with. So this feeling that your world is getting worse or worse is not true; this has always been your world. It’s just that you didn’t see it, didn’t realize it, or didn’t want to see it. It was comfortable for you to live with all that dirt and let it go. Now you need to clean up that mess. But a lot of it we can’t clean up, because it is part of the consciousness of humanity, it is part of everything that you believe and still worship. So we can’t just come along and clean it all up, you have to learn on your own to clean up the mess you have created. And how is this all done? By raising the consciousness of the people on the planet, for when that consciousness is raised, problems are dealt with definitively and they go away.
So as long as you don’t raise the consciousness in relation to the existing problems, the cleansing is not done. Not everything we can do, and when I say we, not only we the Solar Beings, but all the Beings of Light who are committed to raising this planet. As long as you keep your consciousnesses vibrating at the same frequency as the problems, nothing will change, you will keep feeding the problem. So the great wisdom is to rise above the problem, to see the problem with the eyes of Light, with the eyes of the heart. Not with anger, not with disdain, not with malice.
Everything anywhere in the universe is vibrational frequency. So whoever vibrates at the frequency of the problem, feeds the problem. Whoever vibrates above, stops feeding the problem. And if everyone raises their consciousness, the problem disappears because it can no longer be fed. Perhaps this is the great wisdom that the people of this planet need to learn. You vibrate the problems. You don’t see a solution to anything, you just complain and vibrate in the same frequency range as the problem. And those who are still in hiding, trying to do just that on the planet, continue to act through the tools that they have.
So do this homework. Stop vibrating in the same band as the problem; don’t comment on the problem, don’t complain about the problem, take the focus off the problem, and the problem will die, because no one else will feed it. As long as you vibrate in the range of the problems, they will only increase. And the feeling that nothing happens, that everything only gets worse, is true, and it will be so more and more, until you learn not to feed what bothers you.
Just never forget one important factor: The planet is rising, and it is a process that cannot be stopped. Then there will come a time when you will pass into the Fifth Dimension. And who will? Those who have learned not to vibrate problems, those who have learned to vibrate love, those who have learned to vibrate harmony, the beauty of the world. And those who continued to feed the problems, unfortunately will not have this chance, they will continue feeding the problems in another orb beyond, in the universe. This is the path, and there is no turning back.
Gaia is walking her path and will take those who are ready with her at the final moment. Make your choices. You want to evolve, so learn to vibrate above the problems, not with them. Stop feeding the problem and it dies. Look at all the tools in your world that have just that intention, to feed the problem, and you will easily recognize there where there is still the action of those who want to get in the way of the whole process.
Open your hearts, let the Light in, and be assured that it will effectively help you to vibrate above the problems.
1/16/22 - Lady Kuan Yin - The importance of your emotions
Channeled via Sylvain Didelot
Repost & Translation
Souls of Light and Love, good evening. I am Lady Kuan Yin. My role, on your plan and in your space, is to free you, to free you from your tears, to free you from your sadness, to free you from certain anxieties, to free you from certain fears. How do I do this?
By first being close to you, by associating myself in compassion with everything you experience. Emotional management is something that helps you move forward, and it shouldn’t stop you, it shouldn’t stop you .
So, certain beings like me, like the Archangel Chamuel, like the Archangel Michael also sometimes, certain saints, are there to let you experience these emotions in a sensible and fair way. For many of you, when you experience an emotion, the first emotional signal is not enough for you. So you generate, re-amplify again and again, and again, and again, these emotional signals, in futile, useless ways, very often.
Dear souls, it is a little like amplifying the light needed in a room by ten. You end up being blinded by the light that was just supposed to illuminate the place. It becomes too strong and then you are dazzled. So my role is to re-stabilize this light, to re-stabilize these emotions, and to ensure that you manage to see the scene, to see what is happening, without exposing it too much, without being dazzled by your own emotions, because if the light in the room is too strong, you end up looking at the too strong light rather than perceiving what is around. I am not expressing the word light here of course in opposition to anything else, but just as an example.
Thus, when you perceive too much emotion, when the emotional charge seems too strong to you, I invite you to call me, I invite you to perceive me, to receive me.
Many call me saying, “ Lady Kuan Yin, I lay my sadness down on you . At that moment I diffuse, I transform your emotion and recycle it. I give it back to those who don’t experience emotion, because those who don’t experience any emotion can’t go anywhere other than where they are. So emotions are necessary, and for those who feel too much, I redistribute to those who don’t feel enough.
It’s a bit hard to hear and maybe understand for some of you. Truly here you are invited to your own mastery, a simple mastery, a quiet mastery. As a result, these fields of emotions have to be managed. If the emotion is caused outside of you or by an event outside of you, understand this, you have control and power over your emotions . In other words, if you give power to someone, to something, to circumstances, it is to this gift of your energy that the emotional overload is due. So the solution , indeed, of emotional management, is to refocus your energies towards a goal, towards a desire inside you, and to check that what you are experiencing serves this goal or serves this desire, which can change, that can evolve. Does crying here serve my purpose? Does being afraid here serve my purpose, my values? If the answer is no, then again, entrust it to me, for in truth the answer can only be yes.
When what you feel is too strong, it does not serve your values most of the time. And when what you feel is weak, it allows adjustment, adjustment to yourself, as well as adjustment to the other maybe, to look at who you’ve given too much power to, sometimes to yourself. , sometimes to another. Have you found the right middle ground between your desire and the other desire? If your inner desires are the same, your desires in form are often not.
So what I’m trying to say is that no amount of emotion is going to help you move forward, to ask yourself this question of “does what I’m going through bring me to my greater self, my greater value, my greatest energies, my greatest purpose? Not experiencing any emotion means that you don’t ask yourself these questions. You remain in a kind of comfort, of ultimately false stability. On the other hand, experiencing too many emotions always leads you to believe that the culprit is you, the person responsible is you. There is no culprit and no responsible of course in the energy, but this is what your ego thinks, the character who lives in this space and in this time, he feels guilty, he feels responsible , but because he granted someone the fact of making him or her guilty or responsible.
By shifting this power to destabilize you, you refocus your energy on, “Does this serve my plan? Does this serve the cause? and “Am I ready to defend this plan?” Am I ready to defend this cause? Not to defend in terms of battle, but to continue to work, not to let go of your objectives, because this is one of the virtues of the Light, to remain stable until it has achieved its objective. If you change your goal out of fear or emotional destabilization, then your ability to love the goal itself is not enough. You lack love of yourself, you lack love of purpose, you lack love of what you do, who you are. It is this love that must be reinforced no matter where you are. If you really love yourself, you won’t be destabilized, hardly at all, just enough to make some readjustments, but you won’t be destabilized on a daily basis, you won’t be destabilized permanently.
Be aware, brothers, sisters, your feelings, your emotions, have the power and the energy to effect these small corrections.
But again, I’ve come tonight to remind you that if you have too many emotions, if you’re feeling a flood of emotions that you can’t handle, give them to me. Have no doubt about my presence. I will be able to collect your greatest fears, your greatest tears. I will know how to transform them, to convert them, by using for this energies which are beyond you, which are fields of information of love, which are fields of information of tolerance, which are fields of information of compassion, all these virtues that you will learn to develop in a temporal way, quietly and gently.
Dear souls, this year is a very big year to work on this, to work in this energy of transformation of the energies of the emotions . Don’t get angry. Enter into the right action, that is to say the one that leads you to your sovereignty. Lay down a new world, don’t destroy the old one. Your energies are aimed at building .
If you seek too much to destroy humanly, what will happen is that nature will show you that you are in the process of destruction. As a result, she will show herself in a process of destruction. And if you show a build process, it will show a build process. Nature does not seek to give you lessons, it only repeats to you, shows you what you are in a unitary way on Earth.
My dragon can act from planet to planet, and for my personal part, I act from individual to individual, from group to group, from consciousness to consciousness. We each have our job. Come together for peace and love . Do not be in fear of what is happening or will happen, but in the confidence that this can only lead you to peace, only to love, only to joy, by keeping this sovereignty, this brotherhood. We will repeat these words often this year. Do not blame us, but it is the necessary key to the evolution of this plan, which cannot return to its errors without losing this time of incarnation. Oh you can’t really waste time, you are “entitled” to as many incarnations as you want, but you yourself wished to speed up the process. Consequently , the acceleration of this process passes through an emotional field, a little larger, a little more powerful, a field which tests, a field which forces you to leave the comfort, the belief to control.
Return to this humility, to your humanity, to your divinity, in visible, invisible, terrestrial, extraterrestrial collaboration, everything will be done. Everything will happen, as long as you are ready for it, as long as you let go of the idea of being a people who master and control but a people who adapt, who know how to evolve, who know how to live with it. You are blessed in this, this experience is blessed.
We will help you. We will assist you. We watch over the planetary childbirth and it is beautiful, it is marvelous this child who can only be born now in the Light and in the Love. So do not rely on divine contractions. Trust in the Joy of being the Living Work itself. Many, many, many of you will see the world I speak of today .
Brothers and sisters of Light, souls of Love, the divine blessing is upon you. I am helping you. We will help you to cross this step, your wish.
1/14/22 - Archangel Metatron - Dimension of Loneliness
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa
I, Archangel Metatron invite you to connect with this dimension that is the opposite of loneliness. Simply ask within your being to connect with this dimension and allow yourself to breathe deeply as the energies and qualities of this dimension fill your entire being. Enjoy the sensations of feeling connected and loved, accept it and anything else that you might be experiencing.
With all the beautiful energy within your being, I invite you to imagine that you exhale deeply and simply drift into the dimension of loneliness within your being. It may take time for the transition to take place, or you may experience it instantly and breathe in that space of loneliness. Let fears simply flow away, there is nothing to fear in the dimension of loneliness. There may be painful feelings or hurtful feelings, but there is nothing to fear, nothing that can hurt you physically and energetically. This dimension is simply your disconnection with the Creator and with everything else, your thoughts, your wounds, it is your dimension of loneliness. I, Archangel Metatron invite you to enter this space. Remember you are carrying the complete opposite energy as well. In the dimension of loneliness, I invite you to ask this dimension, What is the original wound that requires to be healed?
Simply breathe in the space of the dimension of loneliness and see what comes into your awareness. It may be this lifetime; it may be simultaneous lifetimes that the energy comes from. You may understand that original wound or you may not, you may gain a message of what requires to be healed or you may not. Whatever comes into your awareness, accept it, and honour it.
When you feel ready like a shower, imagine the opposite energy to the dimension of loneliness flowing over and through you like a shower. Like you are taking a shower of positivity and letting that energy melt into the dimension of loneliness. You are not erasing the dimension of loneliness nor getting rid of it. You are raising its vibration, and this may take time, it may take several attempts because there may be many messages and understandings for you to acknowledge. You will know when the process is complete because you will feel oneness, a unification, a deeper connection with the Creator.
I, Archangel Metatron leave this with you for you to explore and experiment with. What you will find is that as you walk through the dimension of loneliness, you will enter the dimension of unity and this will transform your being and your reality, as well as your manifestations.
I, Archangel Metatron walk by your side, always as does the entire Angelic team.
I thank you,
Archangel Metatron
1/13/22 - Saint Germain via James McConnell
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I am your Saint Germain. I have come at this time to be with you in this new year. This new year that is just beginning. A year that you have just left, and a year now that is beginning. For it is the start of something grand.
You are in the process right now of becoming more and more of who you came here to be. Your thinking processes and your feeling processes. You are coming to know and understand that you are so much more than you have been programmed to believe all of this life and lifetimes prior to this. You are coming into your own more and more now.
Those things which in the past, even several years ago you would not have understood, would not even have brought that into your vocabulary, things such as ‘vibration’ and ‘consciousness,’ now it becomes an every-day expression for you. The idea of ‘believing is seeing,’ rather than ‘seeing is believing.’
Think about how you have been programmed for so long to always see it before you believe it. Now the programming has changed. The programming is now ‘believe it, and then you shall see it.’ That is what you need to focus on more and more as you continue on in this next year.
This next year that can bring so many remarkable changes to your own inner world as well as the world outside of you. Because it is the world inside of you that creates the outside world. And when you really come to understand that, that you are the Creator Being, that you both create and are within creation as well. So the more that you can trust that you are in the right place at the right time, that you are in the perfect now moment, every single moment. Yes, you keep hearing that from us: “be in the now.” “Be in the now.” That is so important. Because that is fifth-dimensional expression. In the fifth-dimension there is no past. There is no future that you have to be concerned about. It is always in the now.
Think about how that would be: if you were upon ships, you were traveling, if that is what you want to do. And all you have to be concerned about is what you are doing right in that moment. You do not have to focus on what happened in the past, to feel the guilt, and all of those things that have been part of your programming. And you don’t have to only think about what you are going to do in the future, your goal. You do not have to be concerned about that if you are just in the moment.
So think about that. Contemplate on that. Meditate on that throughout this next year more and more. Find yourself in that perfect present moment. And when you do that, and when you realize that this is the perfect moment, and the next moment is also a perfect moment, and then next moment after that, there is no room then for anything other than perfection. There is no room for anything other than love, and compassion, and oneness, and truth, and light.
Yes, it is true that there are still many throughout the planet that are in the unawakened stage. They are still as yet asleep. But they are waking up rapidly now because of all of you, the System-Busters, the ones that came here to change everything, to bring change to this world. You are the ones that are doing this! Yes, with our guidance.
But it is you, each one of you. And each one of you equals the collective you, and the collective consciousness as you all come together as one. Together as one in freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom to be who you are. And nothing, and no one, can take that from you unless you give it to them. And many across the planet that are still unawakened have done that. They have given their freedom away. But because of you, they will be able to take that freedom back. Because you are showing the way to them. You are giving them the path to follow, even though they do not know that yet. Even though they do not know that you are the Way-Showers. Many of them think that you are crazy, that you do not know what you are talking about, that you follow fake news.
But you all know the truth. And the truth indeed is, not will, but is setting you free. So trust that people that are on the verge of awakening shall awaken. And they will awaken en mass. Not one at a time as has been happening, but all together at once. That is what everything is leading toward now. All the preparation is leading to the Great Reveal of this next year.
Will it happen as you have been hearing from so many different sources? Very possibly, very probably. Is it written in stone? No. That can never be. That is why we are not in the prediction game. But as One Who Serves gave you on New Year’s Eve, we are in the possibility and probability game. We can guide you in various ways, and are guiding you in these ways.
But it is up to all of you to hear that guidance, to follow that guidance, whatever it might be. To continue about your mission. And your mission as a whole, as a group together, or mission, is adding to the mission of all of the other groups across the planet. All of the other individuals that have come forth to bring about this great awakening. It is you.
I am Saint Germain. I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out the old programming, and to move you on in the direction that you all came here to follow. The path is in front of you: simply follow it.
1/10/22 - Archangel Michael "What are Light Bringers to do Now?"
Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this connection with you today. Today our writer asks a question of Archangel Michael, who is amongst us here in the Collective:
COR: Greetings, Lord Michael!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Greetings, dear one! How may we be of assistance?
COR: From what I understand, you are on the ground now, working in the physical, along with your Legions of Light, and with those of the Ashtar Command who are Earth-based.
COR: My question is, What is the best thing for Light Bringers to do at this time, as we see plans coming forward now to erode what few freedoms are left to humanity? State and federal governments are pushing the Jab agenda no end. In New York, they don’t want to allow children into public spaces without proof of their having gotten the Jab. There are presences in New York state government also trying to pass state legislation that includes denial of medical care to anyone who refuses to take the injections. This is purely to increase tolerance for lack of freedoms and medical tyranny in a few states here and there—in the name of safety and security—with the longer term plan of rolling out those restrictions and demands in all 50 states, and across the world. In Austria, plans are to require all persons to take the Jab, or face fines or imprisonment, with Germany not far behind. Australia and Canada also taking extreme measures. Meanwhile, people are still becoming ill, whether they’ve gotten the Jab or not, so their rationale is wearing thin. If you were a human on the Earth right now, and seeing these measures happening, what would your response be?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: For one, be aware that you are viewing your position as being one of response, and in some ways, reaction. We would get the upper hand in this situation very quickly, friends! You are not here purely to respond or to take your cues from an expansive power structure that has claimed influence and control on the planet for so long, that your brain’s neural pathways are set to bow to their determinations and preferences. What of your own determinations and preferences? What of the influence of your Light, and the Light of millions of empowered souls on the planet at this time? And the new brain and new physical construct that humanity is now experiencing! Set your own program in place, based on higher Love, and your increasing command of energetic co-Creation. Create it as something that bypasses their outmoded methods easily. This is not resistance. It is a higher creation than that.
COR: And so, how on Earth would we do that? Literally—how do you do that while on the Earth, right now?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: You begin deciding what kind of Earth life you would most celebrate for yourself. Then extend the invitation to all around you, and all of humanity by extension, to do the same for themselves. And most assuredly, you are choosing a form of living in which all persons are valued.All have a voice, and honor their own path, and that of all others. Now, you will be wondering, must I honor the path our former controllers, whose agendas, as irrelevant as they are now, and whose levers of control and influence, as insipid and ineffective as they are, nevertheless represent on ongoing insult to humanity?
COR: Excellent question!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: And we would say, Yes. But not to the point where you feel they decide for you how
you will feel about life, how you will respond to these threats of a loss of freedom and choice. Or how you view your own co-Creative power, which is getting stronger by the minute. Why is it, do you suppose, that they are working so hard to pass these measures so quickly, and in so many places around the world? They know their day is done! They have called out to other presences in the Universe to build them up against the continuing building of human soul expression and Ascension, yet this is in vain. All of you connect increasingly now with your soul’s Light, and the higher Light and transformative energies of the Great Central Sun. As they say, there is no stopping you now. Though yes, they feel they must try.
COR: I feel like asking, How close is this going to get, this race? Will it feel like we’re not going to make it some days, those of us wanting to protect ourselves from the nanoparticles and the other adverse effects of the Jab? And the dark agenda overall.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: It may feel that way at times. Yet our point is, is that your starting place? Watching
the “news” and taking in the propaganda? Believing the emotional effects of the lower energetic transmissions
as if they were “gospel truth”? Is that how you start your day, or your energetic signature?
COR: Hopefully, no!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: No indeed. You know better than that, all of you.
COR: So we build a sort of mental/emotional and energetic fort around ourselves with positive thought and expectation? With chanting mantras and meditating, and spending time in Nature? And then we greet all this from the co-Creational stance of, “I do not allow this. I AM resonating with the New Earth frequencies, and we are collectively co-Creating human sovereignty on this planet, for all time.”
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: All right. This a beautiful and high intention. Yet we would change the “I do not allow” to “Humankind now creates our own higher forms of reality.” As you say, “I AM,” say, “Therefore, I AM and WE ARE resonating with only those frequencies of the New Earth,” and so on.
COR: So that we’re not speaking in resistance, or feeling to be in resistance to what is happening.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: There will be some who create resistance to what is happening, and that is their role and their path at present. Yet we encourage the majority to create from the positive space of holding clear the vision and the inner feeling—the inner reality—of that which they desire Earth life itself to mirror from them. So in other words, you have for millennia mirrored the energies of that which was injected into you energetically and mentally by the old power structure—actually, a disempower structure, both for themselves and for humanity.
COR: Yes. We sort of printed out into 3D life whatever they typed into our hard drive, you might say.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: And so now—all has shifted. If you will grasp that you create your own life and own experience—if even only a relatively small percentage of you hold that energy within you—you will bring your planet with you on that journey.
COR: That sounds like a miracle!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: It will feel to be one, in some ways. Yet it is as natural as the leaf sprouting from the tree branch in spring. This is how your Universe functions, and we heartily encourage all to realize the choices you have by grasping that particular creational law of this Universe. Why would you ignore such, dear ones? Why would you give up your chance to create something so beautiful, so empowering, so freeing and celebrational, that you will hardly recognize that world, once you have created it?
COR: Yet I feel like it could take a long time!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: No. It need not. Indeed, it cannot.
COR: Because we don’t have much time?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: You don’t need time! So release all stress that you are fighting the clock’s hands. That too is an illusion. All time is an illusion. Come out of that now. The more powerfully you feel your magnetism to that freedom which you so much desire, the more time is immaterial. Why? Because you are already there, dear ones. As you grasp your power, you are already there.
COR: A slight side question—what do we do with the suffering martyr paradigm that so many are falling into mentally, due to that pattern having been established in past lives?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Release it. Write out whatever you believe or intuitively know happened to you and others in those lives. Get it out of your system. Then smile at it. Say, “Thank you” to yourself and others for that experience, which showed you yet another streak of color in the tapestry. Yet that dark thread is not more important than other, Light experiences. It need not prevail now, in any way that is determinative in your current life.
COR: Thank you, Archangel! Your words have inspired and assist us, lord! We are full of thanks and great appreciation. I know you are on the ground, working constantly to assist us.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: With so many millions of others, they could not ever fully be named. Yet you know their presence; you feel their support. And so—be of good cheer, fellow Light warriors! All is well, and shall be most well. You know this, having heard it so often— You are never alone.
COR: Namaste, Lord! We will see you on the bridge of the New Jerusalem!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Indeed you shall! [Bows deeply] Namaste, friends!
12/29/21 - An Interview with Jesus on the Lost Years
An Hour with an Angel, January 9, 2012
GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, a weekly radio program with channeler Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love, along with Steve Beckow, editor of the 2012 Scenario. Tonight Linda will channel Jesus and Steve will ask him questions. So without further ado, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And thank you, Lord, for revisiting us today. I mentioned last time we spoke that it seemed better to reserve a time after Christmas to discuss some of the details of what have come to be called “the lost years,” and also other matters relating to your ministry on Earth. Our purpose is not to cause any heartache to your followers, but simply to iron out some of the mysteries that surround your life. Is that satisfactory to you.
Jesus: Yes, it is. Although I would not say that there are any lost years! But I welcome you, Steve, and I welcome all of you. And you may call me Jesus, or you may call me Yeshua. But I am pleased to be here with you this evening.
S: Thank you. I don’t think I can call you anything but Lord, Lord! It just comes naturally, and I’d feel a little strange. I’ll try. Before going on to the lost years, Linda herself has asked me to ask you a question, and so maybe I can ask that first. And that is: what can we do for people who are in despair? And by despair, she means, “Is Ascension really going to happen? Am I going to make it?” She reports that a lot of people are feeling somewhat despondent. Can you discuss that with us first, please?
J: Yes, I would be happy to. For we have all known a dark night of the soul. We have all known a time when there does not seem to be any light that creeps in, either with the dawn or under the doorway, when we forget the light that is our inner light and our inner guidance. And what is transpiring for many during this time is not simply the concern, or the fear, or the despair, or the lack of hope around the Ascension or around the events of 2012, but also around the issue of their lives, around the meaning of their mission, the fulfillment of their mission, the feeling of love in their hearts, or the lack thereof. Our Mother [the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit] has said often, where there is no hope, there is no life. And I know that many of my followers had fallen into this place, now and then, and even I at times had had feelings of despondency, though I never had the occasion to live without hope. But this situation is often a residue of what has gone on in the individual’s life, or in the collective’s lives, or even in earlier lifetimes, that is coming to the surface now for complete elimination, for cleansing, for letting go, for whatever you choose to call it. (1)
Now, that does not always help, to know that it is something that you are letting go of once and for all. The ironic thing about what many feel is the lack of hope is not because there is no solution, from above or below or from the inner being, from the soul or from the higher self; often what the yearning is is for contact, for communion, for union, for unity, community, for reaffirmation from the human race, from friends, from neighbors, from family – sometimes even from strangers. It is the time we have talked about, for action and for standing up and for sharing what you know to be truth, and the truth of your own individual journey. But part of that action is also reaching out to those fellow light-holders, light-bearers, and light-workers who are finding themselves in this predicament, in this place where they do not know how loved and valued they are.
They have forgotten their own inner worth and their own sense of hope. The thing that I recommend, the action that I recommend and ask of you, is to reach out to those, not simply by sending healing, or by sending light and love, but in a physical way as well, by a chat on the phone, by a conversation – in person or [by] other media.
Let the individual know that you are there holding the hope for them until they are ready to resume their place in this unfoldment. It is to reassure one another that you are not alone in this journey, that it is a journey of the collective. And of course that goes not only for light-holders, [but] for those that you think do not understand that they have not understood what this unfoldment, or what 2012 or Ascension or any of this business that we are so keen to talk about, is about, for these are people who also need greater hope.
So have the conversation with them, too. And if they do not understand, it does not always matter. What matters is that you’re communicating caring and love. That is the only thing that is necessary. So this is what I ask for you to do. Extend yourself, and in extending yourself you are giving the gift of hope, you are reinstalling it within your friend’s heart, whether they are family or stranger.
S: Thank you, Lord. Perhaps a subsidiary question to this is that some people – I think of Matthew Ward, particularly – have said that your followers who fall into the category of Fundamentalists will have a great deal of trouble accepting the Ascension, and in fact they may choose not to Ascend, and may choose to leave. Can you speak any words of encouragement to them at this moment around Ascension?
J: Of course I can. And there are many, many who fall into this group. And perhaps it is also with what many have come to understand as Ascension. It is the word, it is the phraseology. And we have run into this for centuries! But it is the word that frightens them, first and foremost. But it is also an issue of self-worth and self-love. But they think in terms of my Ascension, for example, but there have been other examples as well, as you well know. But we are not talking about taking your corporal or even astral or spiritual body and ascending into the oneness of all, into what they would think of as heaven. We are talking about ascending in a trans-dimensional way. We are talking about movement, and for this reason we have often had this channel use the word shift. But the key to Ascension is not fully, intellectually, just understanding it, or not understanding it. It is the holding of love in your heart. This has always been the case. And it has always been the message. The Fundamentalists have carved a path – we do not say this in judgment – but rather than carving it with flowers, grass, and moveable sand, they have carved it out of stone, out of rock. And they believe that this foundation is firm. And that is reassuring to them. And of course we always want people to feel reassured, but the difficulty with that is that too much of these beliefs that are human-made, not divinely directed, have become entrenched, and that they think that their path is proscribed. They do not think that there is any flexibility.
They think in terms of reward and punishment. And of course that is of duality. It is of polarity, and at its worst it is of judgment. It is very sad, and sad in the fullest sense of the word, as in disheartening, but also as in pathetic, to feel that we would judge in that way, that some are welcome and some are not, that some are lost and some are found. That there is only a chosen few. That is simply not the case. Now, when the time comes they will see this. They will be given their own signs and their own revelations, and this will give them the opportunity to move, or not. Many will come. Many will choose at the last moment to ascend and to accompany the rest of the collective in this new adventure. And for them to let go of this yoke that has really been self imposed will be so freeing. And then they will truly know what it is to bask in my love, to walk with us, to share with us – for that has always been the plan. We do not save some and condemn others. That is not the way of love.
GD: Hi, Jesus, this is Graham. We seem to have dropped Steve’s call, so I’m going to monitor the panel here so that when he comes in I can bring him back on. And I invite you, if you’d like, to use this time to speak further of Ascension or any other comments you’d like to share. Thank you.
J: I would like to begin with what Steve has asked me about my early years, about my life as a child and as a young man, as an adult coming of age. And I want to begin by telling you, I had an incredible life as Jesus, as Yeshua. I had an incredible family. Yes, both above and below. And that is where so much confusion often occurs. But I and my human family, and my beloved mother and my beloved father, and yes, my siblings, my extended family, they were so supportive since the day I was conceived. And yes, of course, it was known, although it was kept in many ways quiet – although it could not be kept that quiet, because I was quite adventurous. They supported my journey, and of course that is why I had been sent to this family in such exceptional circumstances. At a very early age, around five, five and a half, I was completely, can I say, reunited or filled with the Holy Spirit. That full reconnection to Father-Mother One, what you think of as God or Source, what I think of as Mother-Holy Spirit, took place.(2) And so that awareness and that connection, that knowing, and what you would think of as information, was available to me from the start, or from the very early age. But I was also of a very educated family, and one that placed great value – not just my mother or father, but my entire family – who placed value on the learning, and what you can think of as the sacred learnings, of both Hebrew, certainly of the Laws, the Laws as a Jew, but also the universal laws. So I learned not just the languages of Greek, and I travelled.
There is – and I have spoken in other situations about my learning to assist my father in this, what you would now think of as construction business. He was far more than just a humble carpenter, although that is the job that he took or assumed when we first returned to Nazareth. But through these family ties I was brought to study and exposed to many scholars and many different points of view, including the Eastern philosophies.
My cousin, my beloved cousin John, who I loved as a brother, with him we studied and became familiar with the Essenes. So the exposure was brought. The difficulty was very often that I would correct my teachers, or I would challenge my teachers, not in a way that was offensive, for I was a very polite boy, and even a more polite young man. I did not ever wish really to draw great attention to myself. But what I could not understand sometimes was when there was a point of law or a point of philosophy that I knew was either incomplete or not rounded or even incorrect, I would ask about it. And it was wonderful. This is the gift of being trained in a true scholastic environment: it is not just about obeying or obedience or adherence – and that is also the message that I would give to our fundamentalist friends, or any -ism – it is about exploring.
But it is about exploring from the inner knowing, and from your connection, because there is no being – no being – on Earth that is not touched or gifted with the wisdom, the energy, of the Holy Spirit. It is available, and it is truly gifted to many. Yes, you can turn away and say no, but that has never been understood – not while I was in human form, and not really now. It always comes back to this situation of self-loathing or self-worth, the lack of self-worth. Now, you would say to me, Yeshua, if you were filled with the connection and the knowing, why was it necessary for you to be prepared in this way? My parents – particularly my mother, a very astute woman – it wasn’t just the value of education and culture. She knew that I would move in and amongst the people, in and amongst the cultures, and that in order to have credibility in my teachings, as I entered my more public life, that there would need to be a full understanding and an acculturation into these belief systems, even those that I did not completely agree with. And that would be necessary in order for me to be accepted amongst my people. Because, although my message was universal, and always has been, it was to the people of the Jewish faith, those who had been promised and who were looking for a savior, a messiah, for a leader to take them out of this bondage, to make them what they thought would be leaders of the world.
But of course it is not of this world that I lead you. Yes, I teach you, I guide you, I help you. I help you every single day, whether you know it or not. I help you to maneuver and to deal with this world that you live in. Whether you feel that you are on top of the world, on top of your journey, on top of your game, or whether you are lost, I am still with you, and I am guiding you. And I have many voices, and even many faces, but they have always been the same message.
So, now, Steve?
S: Yes, I’m back –
J: We welcome you back.
S: Thank you. Graham, could you just orient me to where we are in the questions?
G: Absolutely. Welcome back.
S: Well, thank you.
G: Jesus was just talking about his upbringing and childhood, and just continued on your original question around Ascension.
S: Okay. So have we asked you, Lord, about the manner of your birth yet?
J: What do you want to know about my birth?
S: I take it we haven’t asked that question. Well, the problem is that some people say you weren’t born in a manger or a stable, that you in fact didn’t come from parents of a humble and poor background – humble obviously – but that instead you came from a well established family. They weren’t poor by any means. Which version is correct, Lord?
J: We have known good times and bad. I was of a very well-established family. Let me make that very clear. And the establishment of our family was in the lineage, and yes, position, not just in terms of wealth, but in terms of heritage, of respect. Were my parents humble? Absolutely. For they could not have brought me forward if they were not. But as I was saying, in my family there was a tradition, and a deep respect, and yes, in your society you would say an expectation, of what an upbringing would be, and what that would be entailing in terms of training and scholarship, education, exposure, acculturation. Now, when I was born, when I took form, let us put it that way, upon this beautiful Earth, it was during a time of mass migration and confusion. And it wasn’t what you would think of, has been romanticized as, a stable, a manger, but it was in a very humble situation, where there was a back room, yes, where animals were close by. But that was not unusual, you know. So yes, in that situation, because of the requirements of government, I was born as [laughs] somewhat of a displaced person. But my family, my family was what you would think of as a very well-placed lineage.
S: Well, that’s very helpful. When your parents left Israel, where exactly did they go? What part of Egypt – I think it was Egypt – did they go to?
J: We went to a small village just outside what you would think of now as Alexandria. It was very humble. But then again there was family. So you have to understand, in our society, as in many of yours, the family took care of us. So it was not that I was in any way, or that our family was in any way, deprived. That simply was not the case at all. We had comfort. My mother tended, in the beginning – well, always, really, but – to be what I would say would be very protective. She did not want to have me exposed to too many people in a strange and foreign place. She often feared that, should people know of the promise of my being, that it would place me in harm’s way. And so I was kept very close in the early, early years, not that I would wish to go anywhere anyway. But she kept me very close by her side within the family compound.
S: All right. And the Aquarian Gospel describes you as coming into contact with the Egyptian hierophants. Did you in fact take a course of study with the Egyptian priests while in Egypt?
J: Yes, I did. As I have said –
S: Like the description?
J: Yes, we have. But understand what I say, because I came into my knowing, into the fulfillment with the Holy Spirit, at a very, very early age. And so yes, I studied with the high priests and was exposed to their belief systems. The Egyptians, later the Greeks, the Romans to some extent, although that did not really have great impact at all, but the early times, and the understandings of the workings of the universe, the role of a priest in society was embedded from those early teachings in Egypt. But it was – also there were studies with the Hebrew scholars as well. I learned Greek. I studied many cultures, and especially from the East, from that tradition, which was common, not unusual, in my family. But it did not – it did not cause contradiction, because there is no contradiction. Yes, you may ask your question.
S: Thank you. When you say that, “I studied with Greeks and Romans,” are you saying that you studied with them in Alexandria, or did you go on the same philosopher’s circuit that Apollonius of Tyana did, namely to Delphi, Egypt, Persia, India?
J: Yes, I travelled a great deal in my early years, as a young man – as an adolescent, and as a young man. My family felt that it was very important. My mother in particular knew the universality of the messages that I would come to share with many, and she wanted me to be fully prepared. Now, she did not always understand when I would challenge or debate, shall we say, some of my teachers. But they always understood. They welcomed the conversations and different insights. There was no restriction. You see, this is what has been misunderstood. There has always been a feeling that the belief system was very constricted, and it was not. So yes, I was exposed and studied and went on many pilgrimages.
S: Apollonius of Tyana describes a circuit that many people followed almost as if it was well known in those days -
J: [ ? ] sequential.
S: Sequential. Did you actually set out to follow that same circuit?
J: Not step by step by step. But through exposure, yes, we did. And when I say we, I mostly mean that I was always accompanied by someone from my family.
S: All right. I know that we have many listeners in India, and I’m sure they would be most interested to know where you went in India at this time, whom you studied with, what lineage they were or what path they followed.
J: What you would think of is it would be the path of Hinduism. It is the path of the Masters, of the Teachers, of the Yogis.
S: Would you have made a distinction between, say, Vedanta [the non-dual path] or karma yogis [the path of service], or bhakti [the path of devotion], at that time?
J: At that time, no, we did not. There was very little. It was more preferential, but it would be more bhakti [devotion than anything, if you were to look at it in terms of today’s. But it was also very rigorous in terms of also physical discipline and training as well.
S: And where did you go in India to study?
J: Everywhere.
S: I passed a marker outside of Pondicherry that celebrated the passage of Matsya, the fish prophet. Was that you?
J: Yes. Yes, it was.
S: That’s very, very interesting. What else should we know about these years before you started your ministry? What else would be relevant to us appreciating you as you began your ministry? What was important?
J: What I would want people to know – yes, in India, in Africa, in the Himalayas, certainly, in what you think of now as the Middle East – was the universality. My family obviously was in the Judaic tradition. But the level of sophistication – and yes, because I had the privilege to travel, to study, but also to work along side many fellow travelers, I was not alone. And I never thought of myself as the only voice, or the only teacher, or the only way. I was one. I was one where the Word, because of the Holy Spirit, was in flesh. But I certainly was not the only one. So there are those who have said oh, yes, Jesus, another prophet. And then there are those who take great offense at that. I do not. Because each tradition that I have studied, whether it was in India or Egypt or in the temples, or at home, whether it was with the philosophers or the rabbis, they all were really telling me and teaching me the same thing. And it was ironic in many ways. Yes, I understood – and it was rigorous! Do not think that I got to go on tour and live in the lap of luxury, because there was none of that. Yes, I was attended to. But it was far from luxurious. And there were times when my family depended on the extended family, always, for support. But it was considered important – because everyone knew that I was being prepared so that I know all paths. So this is not meant in any way to say that what I taught came from here or there. And, yes, I have traveled, even further than most think. As I travel these days, amongst your star brothers and sisters. But it is the universality, it is the community spirit that I would wish to emphasize, it is the community of love. And that was the message I received. I received it from the high priests. I received it from the yogis, I received it from the teachers and the masters, from the rabbis. They all had valuable teachings, and they taught me also not to be arrogant or conceited, to bring humility to my work, and to know that I was simply honored to be in service, as are each of you.
S: Well, you have mentioned the Holy Spirit in flesh, so I’m going to turn at this moment to another line of questioning. I’m quite sure we’re not going to get finished with our discussion today, so if you’d be so kind as to return next week, we can continue and I won’t try and rush through this, if that’s satisfactory to you.
J: Yes, and why do you think I have turned it in this direction, dear friend?
S: Very good. Thank you. I know I can rely on you to guide me. You mentioned the Holy Spirit in flesh, and that raises questions about your ministry. Do you consider that the word “avatar” applies to you and your ministry? Sri Ramakrishna says….
J: Avatar is not a word that I particularly cherish. (3) Let me put it that way.
S: All right.
J: There are those who wish to label me as an avatar. And I would accept that label, but I would not choose it. I would choose the label, or the description, of teacher.
S: Okay. Well, maybe we could creep up on it then from another route. Sri Ramakrishna considers you an avatar and publicly declared that. Can we talk about who was here then, please? You were here in bodily form. But –
J: Yes.
S: – Sananda was also here overlighting you, was he not?
J: Yes.
S: So that would be a second layer to your ministry, so to speak, the overlighting.
J: That is correct.
S: And then in addition to that, the Holy Spirit descended into your form. Is that correct?
J: That is correct.
S: And did that, by the way, happen when you were being baptized in the River Jordan?
J: No, it happened at a very early age, actually. The baptism was a symbolic refilling, if you want to put it that way. But, no, in order for me to go forward in my journey on Earth, there was an infilling of the Holy Spirit at a very early age, of about five, five and a half. And then it was renewed, or – symbolically renewed – so that the people would know that this was available to everybody.
S: All right. Well, if you were the human form that was overlit by a spirit as exalted as Sananda, and the Holy Spirit descended in you, that I would call an “avatar.” Would you disagree?
J: [Laughs] I do not disagree. I simply say to you that it is a designation that I am not so eager to claim.
S: Okay.
J: Yes, I will accept it. You know there was so much controversy, when I did walk the Earth, not only about my family’s position but about the politics of the “King of the Jews” and wanting leadership and political intrigue. So I am always very hesitant to give myself or to accept designations.
S: I accept that.
J: And I will tell you why. Because you, or your listeners, will then say, “Oh, well, he had this overlighting, he had this infilling, and that makes him different or separate,” and it does not. If anything, it allows me to be closer to you.
S: All right, I accept that, Lord.
J: All right. So I have made my point, then! [laugh]
S: Yes, Lord.
J: And I want you to accept, each one of you, I have often teased this channel that you are M-in-Ms, masters-in-the-making, but now we will call you A-in-Ms, avatars-in-the-making.
S: [chuckles] All right. I had another question for you, but it’s entirely slipped my mind. Were you in fact married to Mary Magdalene?
J: Let me put it this way. Yes.
S: All right. Formally married? I don’t know the customs of that age, so forgive me if I’ve asked an indelicate question, but married according to –
J: She was not my mistress, dear heart, so yes, we were formally married. She was my beloved wife. She was my sacred other. She was my divine other. She was my partner, that made my walk on Earth full with joy – and more human. It was anticipated, you know, that a young man would marry. But it was not simply because of custom, or because I wished to be part of or separate, it was because I wished to be in sacred union with my Magdalena. The love that we have shared was deep and profound. And there have been many who have naysayed and made up many myths and stories about her. But she was my support as I was hers. She was my sounding board. It was a very difficult. When we came together, she knew. We discussed very fully what the future held and the road that we would walk together. She was one who always prepared ritual, and helped to put ceremony, often, around our situations. Now, as you well know from the Egyptians, and from the travels to India, I had learned about ritual and ceremony and the importance of it. But in many ways, even from the family that I was raised in, I was a very relaxed and casual person. I wanted to move amongst the people.
And often she would say, yes, we will move amongst the people, and we will have the joining and the teaching, but let us put some ceremony and ritual, for she had also been trained in this way. So yes, not only was I married, we had a family as well.
S: Why would the gospel writers neglect to mention that?
J: It was not considered particularly important, but it was also considered protection and reverence for her.
S: All right. Okay. So you actually had children, did you not?
J: Yes.
S: How many?
J: We had two children.
S: Two children? A girl and a boy, or – ?
J: Yes, we had a son. A son and a daughter.
S: Could you tell us about –
J: Our son died very young. It was very hard. But our daughter lived.
S: And is she the Holy Grail?
J: That is correct. Our Sarah is the Holy Grail.
S: Sarah. Where did she go after you left the Earth? France?
J: She went to the south of France.
S: And was she that which was revered by the Cathars?
J: That is correct.
S: Oh, it takes my breath way to hear you say this, Lord. I actually notice that the time is getting close to our ending, but again, I’m just going to continue next week, if you’ll permit me. So perhaps this could be a wind-up question. Did you teach reincarnation during your ministry?
J: Yes, I did. Now, is that not a radical statement for many to hear?
S: Yes.
J: But yes, I did. Because this was a very common understanding – not always agreed to by the rabbis, but in many of the other cultures. The continuity of life, the continuity of the flame of the soul. How could I teach that you did not die and not talk about reincarnation? How could I raise the dead and not talk about reincarnation?
S: Yes.
J: So yes.
S: But you also – you also say – you also speak about enlightenment conferring immortality. But I take it that by that you mean that someone would not need to be born again, not need to leave the temple and go more out. Is that correct?
J: That is correct.
S: All right. So we are immortal?
J: Yes, you are immortal. Every single one of you. And we will talk about karma and the requirements for reincarnation when next we meet, because this has need to be clarified.
S: And I’m looking forward to that immensely, Lord. Thank you for visiting with us tonight.
J: It is my pleasure. And I bless you, and I thank you. And I give you my love.
S: Thank you. Farewell.
[end] Footnotes
(1) On this time of clearing, see "Saul: All Your Issues are Coming Up with an intensity that very few have experienced, January 9, 2012.
(2) The Holy Spirit is known in Hinduism as the Divine Mother or Shakti. The difference between the Father and the Holy Spirit is the difference between the transcendental and the phenomenal or between stillness and silence and movement and sound. The Father is not masculine and the Mother is not feminine.
(3) Because it might put distance between him and other people. But was Jesus also just being modest? Is he an avatar or is he not?
12/28/21 - Saint Germain: Violet Flame Journey
Channeled via Vania Rodriguez
Dear brothers of this beautiful blue planet! I am Saint Germain!
I want to be here with you today, with much affection and much love. We are beginning a new cycle on this planet, a cycle of intense Light, a cycle of great truths, a cycle of transformation of the consciousnesses of this planet. Do not fear anything or anyone. You are all being enveloped in an immense atmosphere of great love and great Light. There is nothing to fear. The atmosphere on this planet is filled with beings of very high vibration, who are at this moment vibrating Light, vibrating love, and vibrating joy for the liberation of this planet.
Very soon a new time will begin, where everything will happen like dominoes. There is no stopping, no extinguishing, no going back. From the moment the awakening happens, all the concomitant processes will begin. Don’t fear, don’t be afraid, just be aware that anything can happen in retaliation; anything can happen, to prevent what is going to happen. But nothing, nothing will succeed. Anything done to stop the process from happening, will be overturned.
Never in the history of this planet have so many enlightened activities been planned to happen at the same time. So no matter how much the enemies, I’m going to call them this so that you understand, whatever the enemies try to do, nothing will succeed. Because the energy that is on this planet, and that will become stronger every day, will no longer harbor actions against it; it will only harbor actions that make this planet and its people grow, become enlightened, and free.
So fear nothing. All that is contrary will be born and die quickly. And each one who is the author of the actions, will receive his own harvest. It won’t be us who will judge him, it won’t be us who will punish him; his own harvest will quickly reverberate against him. So you need to be very attentive to everything that happens. Know how to discern who is right from who is wrong. Know how to discern who is of the Light and who is not. Know how to discern who will be spreading love and who will not.
The actions will be quick and concrete, we don’t need to do anything under the covers for you to accept what is coming. Everything will be done openly and transparently. How will you receive everything? That is a problem that you will have to deal with. Either you will trust everything we have said for so long, or you will simply doubt everything. It will be up to you to find the answer, it will be up to you to bring the feeling into your heart, the truth or the lie.
The Journey of the Violet Flame is going in a very interesting way, where many of you have lost count of how many times you have restarted, and you are finding it wonderful. So that’s exactly the purpose, is for each one of you to find your moment, to find your way, your way of doing the journey, but to do it in a deep way, in a very overwhelming way.
We have passed the first milestone, and soon, very soon, we will have another milestone. For those who have made it this far, not because they were better than anyone else, they made it because their own journeys led them to it. And more and more the milestones will become smaller, less spaced out. But I would say to each one of you, there is no hurry, no time limit, no rush to finish the journey. You have to do it with your heart, you have to do it with depth. This is the great intention of this journey.
So from now on, starting today, the meeting that takes place on Wednesdays will no longer happen. You are already sufficiently clear about what to do. Then nothing more will be said about the journey. There is no point in us repeating the same thing in every meeting and many of you continuing to respond without understanding, even putting more doubts in the minds of others. So when I have to tell you something, I will come this way, no longer as a meeting. The meetings are closed.
Contact with me doesn’t need the meeting to happen. Questions about the teachings are for you to call me. So the fact that there is the meeting doesn’t change anything. Milestones will be set when they need to be set, but the meetings are over. This journey will continue for a good part of next year, it will still be a long one. And I can tell you that it could still be changed, it will depend a lot on how things turn out.
The main purpose is to let you know the teachings, and they will continue regardless. The daily reading of the decrees will continue, until each one of you reaches the end. The chapters will continue to be published, the meditations will continue to be published, only the meetings are over. Now, the rules I can change at any time. I am the one who created them, so I can change them. Everything will depend on the progress of the process. Wait for further instructions. Everything continues as it is, and whenever I need to, I will be here informing you of something new.
So once again, the meetings are over. I wouldn’t say that they have become unnecessary, I would say that you are not ready to listen with your heart, you keep hearing what we say with your mind. So for that you don’t need meetings. Maybe in the future, way in the future, the meetings will come back. Not for now. I will leave you with everything that has been said so far, anything extra, I will communicate to you. Continue the journey, each one at his or her own point. And I assure you, in the end, you will not regret it.
Translation to English by
12/10/21 - Goddess Diana: It is Time to Unite
Channeled by TruD posted 9/13/21
How many times can you recall that we have been told something big is coming? How many times has the prediction actually occurred? How many times has a time or date of the predicted event come and gone with nothing that was predicted coming to fruition? More than likely, the announcement or event failed to occur. So, we have learned to hope for the best, but nothing typically results. Who is giving us these predictions? White Hats or black hats? Who knows?
Black Hats love to set us up for disappointment, to disillusion us, drop our frequency, and divide us. Take everything with the intention to observe and learn from it, but don't be surprised when nothing happens. Once we learn this, we grow wiser. We guard our hearts. But we do this to hold our frequency high and not allow ourselves to be fooled, tricked, or made to look foolish. Always take into account that we each must remain optimistic and high frequency, but don't bet the house on anything we are told unless we know the source of information is legit.
This is our new way of being, always on guard. We are the light holders, the guardians of the light and we remember, we are at war with a vicious enemy who wants to kill us. We must not let their tricks and lies break our spirit. Be practical about what is real and what is not. Look for signs and use your inner discernment, which I know you have developed carefully over time. You or I, and many others are not the same people we were 1-1/2 years ago.
Disappointment is a part of our life. We need to own this and learn how to deal with it. This is our new normal. So, it's time to regroup after every disappointment and become smarter and stop setting ourselves up for heartbreak with false hope and pinning our false expectations on blaming others for fooling us with events that more than likely won't happen.
We need to handle everything with this reality for another 6 months to a year before the tides turn back in our favor.
Then another year following with rebuilding our world. This is the period of darkness before the dawn. During the next 2 years, we are transforming into a new human species of light warriors. I tell you this so your body is not going through the stress of the ups and downs of disappointments designed to break our spirit. It doesn't help to keep asking, when will this end? It will end when the Black Hats destroy themselves. Don't let them destroy you in the process. It's time to be strong and hunker down, shine your brightest light on the world because we need 80% of humanity to awaken. This is what we need to understand if we are going to survive. We don't need false hope.
Educate yourself. Learn the laws that protect your human rights and be armed with knowledge. Just as Ashtar has warned us, nobody can save you like you can. Gear up with your armor of light, as your warrior mode is now required if you choose to ascend in this, your last incarnation, in the last phase of this war.
It's true, this is an illusion, but you are totally in control now and how you handle the emotional self will determine whether you are a warrior or a wimp. You did not come here to fold and turn into a wimp at the first sign of difficulty. You've done this before. You would not be here otherwise. Your memory will begin returning to you now. Meditate. Focus. Build your plan. Your transformation has begun.
We are in this together. United we stand. Divided we fall. The enemy will not dictate or control us any longer. Fill your heart with compassion, love, and forgiveness. Those who dare to strike out at humanity are on the losing side. We will make it so. We can do this. It's time to get real. Unite. Be strong. Be fearless. We are warriors.
12/9/21 - Master Djwhal Khul - Ascension Synthesis & Release
Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Greetings, Namaste, I am Master Djwhal Khul. I come forth in love, peace, harmony and tranquility.
It is an honour to be in your presence and to bring forth the gifts that I believe are most important at this time of ascension, I bring forth to you something amazingly simple. Please imagine a straight line, this straight line can be any colour that you wish it to be. Let it be created from light, imagine the straight line runs through you, maybe it runs forward in front of you and behind you. Feel that you can move along the line very easily, simply with your thoughts, you can move forward, you can jump backwards, you can jump extremely far forwards.
Imagine again, another line, this line extends down from above your head, through your body, out through your feet and down into the Earth. You can look up, you can see far, you can look down, you can see far. Imagine that you can jump upwards up the line or maybe down, you can continue to explore.
Imagine that you jump forward, maybe only a small amount on the line and then you jump upwards or maybe you jump downwards. With this example, we can recognise that jumping forward is jumping into your ascension. Jumping upward is a connection with the Creator and jumping downward would be a connection with the Earth, a grounding or even an embodiment and a manifestation. You can imagine that you jump forward a certain amount along this line and then you can stop for a moment and ask yourself: How do I feel in this moment? Do I require more grounding or more connection with the Creator?
Then you can make that possible by imagine yourself jumping down the line or jumping up the line. You can in fact do this for your entire lifetime in this current existence upon the Earth as you will be creating and paving the way for your ascension, you are grounding aspects of your ascension or connecting aspects of your ascension before you have even experienced them.
If we imagine going backwards as the past, your experiences on the Earth, this means that you can go back into your past, then ask yourself: Do I need to ground, embody, or manifest? Do I need to connect with the Creator and receive?
You can achieve this by imagining these two lines, jumping down if you need to ground, and jumping up if you need to connect. You will notice that each time you go along the line, sometimes you may go far along the line other times just a small jump.
This example allows you to create an entire lifetime and an entire ascension journey that is healed, balanced, harmonised, whole, and complete. You may find at certain points in your reality or certain points along the line that you require to both ground and connect.
This is a technique that allows you to explore your own ascension journey, and to bring connection and grounding to everything, thus balancing your entire ascension journey. It is important to realise that everything is ascension, a conversation you have with a friend or a stranger. Even when you got angry with yourself because of something in your home or something that you did, that is a part of your ascension process. Where you sat and admired the most beautiful flower and felt a deep connection of peace, that is a part of your ascension process. Life, as you know it on the Earth, is your ascension process, it is your ascension journey, and it is time to bring a grounding and connection forth.
When you connect you synthesise, the Creator is all about synthesis because the Creator wishes to merge aspects of the Creator to create something new and awakening a new beginning. Every time you experience an ascension process and ascension awakening or activation, you have experienced, a synthesis of the Creator's energies within your being and of course, the Creator's energies are your energies so a synthesis of your divine self within your being. When you experience a deep connection with another being or maybe you have a conversation that really ignites your passion or your bliss. Recognise that this is a synthesis of the Creator within yourself and the other being, it is not that you two are synthesising and becoming one although you are. It is an aspect of yourself and an aspect of the other that is a Creator, that is igniting and synthesising, therefore, creating a new energy that fuels, energises, and charges both of you.
I encourage you to contemplate synthesis, the synthesis of the Creator's energy and I invite you to recognise whether every experience in your reality is a process of synthesis. I believe you will discover that it is.
When we ground, embody, and manifest, we can recognise this as a release. Yes, it is a synthesis as well because energies of the Creator are merging with your being, merging with that which you wish to manifest, have manifested or whatever you are embodying or becoming. However, there is also a release, and we recognise this release, especially in the grounding process because while synthesis takes place, there is a release of old energies, old perspectives, old habits and thought processes. This release allows for a new understanding, what we might label as enlightenment, to come forth. Therefore, we can recognise the grounding and when we say grounding, we mean anchoring into the Earth, embodiment, and manifestation. Grounding allows for enlightenment because it supports the synthesis of the Creator creating a release, a letting go of all that is no longer needed for you to accept the next stage of divinity. The next stage of your truth and the Creator. I wish to encourage you to recognise this process of release in your grounding. I invite you to imagine yourself grounding into the Earth, into Mother Earth. Grounding can simply be a process of sending energy into Mother Earth from your being, from your heart. It can be from your root chakra or your feet chakras, can be from your hands or palm chakras. There is not a set rule of how you ground, some people prefer to lie on the floor. It is for you to discover the best way for you to ground and when you contemplate what grounding is and means for you, you will really begin to recognise how you can ground yourself with greater success. When you do ground yourself, I wish for you to be open-minded to the release process. Often people do not recognise the release process, because they are so involved in the synthesis and receiving process that the release process simply passes them by with extraordinarily little acknowledgement.
When you are experiencing a grounding, just hold a thought that there is something releasing and in that thought, you may gain inspiration as to what is releasing. It could be a perspective, a thought, emotion, or maybe a wound. Recognise that it is the release that is allowing you to move forward.
This also brings us to another question. What could you let go of within your being or even within your reality that would create a space for enlightenment, insights, or a new perspective?
The truth is that you know the answer instantly because that answer has been waiting for you to acknowledge it, but maybe you have not wanted to acknowledge it. However, when I ask you this question you are drawn to acknowledge it. You might try to distract yourself by thinking, that you do not know the answer. That is simply your mind distracting you, you know, and what I invite you to do is to put that into practice, whatever it is, that is required to be released. Let it be released in the next 24 hours and be open-minded to recognising the shift that takes place. Also, be open-minded to how challenging it is sometimes to release when you are holding on to that which needs to be released.
Thus, a new question emerges: What truly belongs to you? Do your thoughts belong to you? Do your emotions belong to you? And so, we could continue with these questions. Who are you? To understand if something belongs to you, you need to know who you are.
Let us not get too deep into these questions. However, I simply wish to ignite some sparks of inspiration and enlightenment within your being. And of course, I have shared with you a practice to support you in this time of ascension, please know that I am present to be always of service.
I thank you,
I am Master Djwhal Khul.
12/8/21 - Sanat Kumara of Venus via Erena Velazquez
Source: Planetary Ascension Newsletter/Blissful, 12/5/21
Greetings Beloved Ones, I am grateful to come today through Universal Channel. It has been awhile since my last message. I have been very busy in helping and assisting your planet with her dimensional transition to New Earth. I am happy to see that more and more people are getting awake and starting to question their reality. The Dark Souls are trying to interfere with Ascension Process. The Divine Plan can’t be stopped. To get to this victorious moment, it took thousands of years.
For many of you, it feels like nothing is changing, the corrupted souls are still in charge and controlling the global events, because you don’t see everything, what is going on. Every day a new group of people stands up against the World Order that dictates, on how to live your lives. The ones who want to eliminate humanity are running out of ideas, like bringing a new virus. Even the non-believers are getting tired of their dirty data not being based on any scientific evidence. They forgot that each of you carry the essence of God within you, and the spark of this essence is going to ignite the rest of population.
Humanity is tired and exhausted of the constant lies and scare tactics coming from the governments and Fake Media. People standing up and saying ’No More’’, ‘’We Want To Be Free’’ and etc. This planet is transforming very rapidly to 5D. The main players are leaving in a hurry, as they know that their time is up and nothing can save them. Only the minions are still trying to run the show, which is not working anymore. The plan was to kill 90% of population, and then create special work camps and keep the rest there.
Their agenda is failing, and the alliance continues to clean up and rescue women and children from being tortured and killed. The Quantum Financial System, free energy, new internet and etc. have been already set up and ready to be used for months now. Just keep trusting and do your part sending Light and Love to each other to help speed up the process of moving to a New Earth.
Some of the souls, who volunteered to help with the metamorphosis of Mother Earth, left their physical vessels due to being inflicted with different diseases. The rest of you have big responsibilities to assist through Ascension, by letting Love & Light spread and doing your daily meditations.
The Darkness fears Light, as it burns and causes them pain. Nothing stays in the way to transform this planet. You need to let go of the past and low energies, such as anger, anxiety, hate, distrust and etc. You need to finish and fulfill your duties here to create a Paradise.
Thank you Universal Channel. Sending my Support and Love. Your Destiny Is In Your Hands.
Sanat Kumara.
12/8/21 - Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson
The Awakening Cosmic Lion Energy
Repost: Planetary Ascension Newsletter/Blissful, 12/5/21
Greetings, I am the consciousness and the collective energy of Melchizedek known as Lord Melchizedek. I am the overseer of the universal level. In this space of the universal level of the Creator's Universe, I can view the entire universe, understanding all the ascension shifts that are taking place and how they impact the planetary level, the galactic level, the universal level, the multi-universal level, and the cosmic level. I, Lord Melchizedek wish to make you aware of an energy that is coming forth, it is awakening energy from the cosmic level, a beautiful manifestation of light that is being created and appears as the most majestic lion. It is known as the Awakening Cosmic Lion. This energy is moving through the entire universe of the Creator and the earthly planes as well.
The purpose of the Awakening Cosmic Lion is to touch souls with cosmic light that creates an awakening. When we think of a lion, we may think of courage, confidence, bravery, being the leader of the pack. There are many qualities that we can recognise in a lion and the energy that is coming forward, holds these qualities of journeying bravely with courage, being very relaxed and confident in one's own body, and ascension process, as well as strength. These qualities are being activated within souls so that they may have the courage to move forward upon their ascension process and journey.
Another aspect of the Awakening Cosmic Lion is healing. The lion is walking the universe of the Creator and healing many souls, especially souls that are experiencing separation, separation within their own being or separation in their reality. It could be separation from the Creator.
When you invite the lion forth, it will come to sit with you. It might snuggle up to you, lie down on its side before you or it may sit and stare deeply into your eyes. The lion may begin to cry, these tears are very healing because the lion is releasing on your behalf the separation energy. The tears will melt into your energy field offering immense healing. The lion will come to sit, being present with you, you may speak with it, asking it for healing for certain aspects of your being or reality. The lion will take this on, becoming one with you. You may feel its power, strength, love, courageous love and support as it aids you in releasing the energies. It tears will drop into your energy field like a healing balm to support healing and awakening within your being.
The lion is a very physical view of an energy transmission and awakening that is occurring through the inner planes and the earthly reality. However, the energy manifests as a lion that sits with you to assist you in accessing the energy. it is like an anchor that accesses the energy being delivered from the Creator. The cosmic lion will serve you in awakening your being creating and promoting healing, encouraging bravery, power, and courage to walk along your ascension pathway. The cosmic lion will offer to you the tools that you need or will awaken within your being the tools that you need to support your ascension at this time. A deeper connection with the Creator will be felt as will a deeper connection with the cosmic levels. Your being will be filled with such pristine light.
The lion is a rainbow lion filled with all the colours and aspects of the Creator's light. I, Lord Melchizedek, I am watching as the lion walks through the universe of the Creator and touches souls, it is truly a magnificent experience. I invite you to call forth the Awakening Cosmic Lion in your meditation inviting the lion to sit with you. You may share what you wish to awaken and what needs healing.
Then simply breathe deeply and allow the lion to be present with you in the way that the lion feels is most appropriate.
You may call forth the lion as many times as you wish. The lion will only come when it is most divinely guided. If the lion does not appear to you then simply ask at another time because the divine timing may not be at this time. This is a wonderful gift to explore and experience.
I thank you, I am Lord Melchizedek.
11/28/21 - Paul The Venetian - The Love Within
Channeled by Thea Grace Sirius
Dearest Ones, I come to talk with you today to encourage you all to find the LOVE within your own hearts and to send that LOVE out to all of the world. Those of you who are reading this are learning to become MASTERS in your own right and your greatest lesson at this time is to learn to LOVE yourselves enough whilst many around you may not be feeling that LOVE within themselves.
This Ascension time on Earth is causing much division within friends and families and many are being sucked into this division. In Truth if everyone learned to believe in themselves as a part of the one true GOD there would be no divisions amongst you. You are all a unique part of the essence that is GOD. Fear is the opposite of LOVE. The darkness around you is only created by a belief in Fear. If everyone turned to LOVE there would be nothing to fear.
The darker elements on Earth have instilled much fear inside of you for millennia in a way to divide and control you. As you move into the 5th Dimension this darker element will have no place on Earth and will either have to transform or leave. This has been decreed. You are all learning so much about the Ascension that the darker elements are now beginning to see that their time of control is over and they are in fear .This is why they are trying to divide you . They cannot control a connected humanity and as more and more people wake up to what has been going on ,they are trying to keep you under their control. Their last ditch stand will have no power now as more and more humans awake to their own SOVEREIGNTY .Once awoken they will not go back to sleep.
To be awake now is to KNOW that you are a part of the DIVINE and as such YOU have the power within you to heal yourselves and in so doing to heal the world. Much of the dis-ease in the world was created by the darker elements for them to profit from the so-called cures. The latest so called pandemic was created by fear. Fear and stress creates much of the dis-ease that affects humans . Believe in your own body’s capacity to heal itself and no-thing will ever affect you. Learn to LOVE your body and its own innate capacity to heal itself.
Some of your Doctors have been misguided into thinking that dis-ease comes from without ,when in fact it comes from within. If your body is completely at ease with itself it will not attract or “catch” anything. Viruses and bacteria are always inside of your body and the normal bodily processes will let them go as the cells die. It is only when your body is out of alignment with your mind and spirit that things start to go wrong. Much has been written on this subject by many enlightened souls and much more information will be coming to LIGHT as the medical establishment also wake up.
The most important thing that you can ever do is to learn to LOVE every part of yourself .However hard it maybe learn to love your illnesses for these are only your body’s way of showing you that you are out of alignment in some way. Your body can heal itself if you can just learn to listen to it. Your body will tell you what it needs so learn to connect and listen to what it is telling you. You may need to rest, you may need more supplements ,you may need more or less food or water. You may need to avoid certain substances. You may need to connect with the Earth or water.
Every body is Unique and no one can tell you what your body needs but yourself so learn to LOVE every single cell in your body ,connect with your body and just ask .Your body will know what it needs.
LOVE your body.
LOVE your mind
LOVE your spirit.
As you learn to LOVE yourself ,you will then be able to send that LOVE to the world. Everything is a part of GOD and as such is YOU.
LOVE your family.
LOVE your friends
LOVE your enemies
LOVE all of humanity.
LOVE the flora and fauna.
LOVE the Universe.
Many people were so busy living their lives in the 21st century that they had forgotten to LOVE themselves and this so-called virus, lockdown and a fear of death has actually awoken many to appreciate their own selves and to look into other less stressful ways of being. However hard it maybe ,learn to LOVE the virus, whatever it might be or not be, for it has changed the world in a good way forever.
LOVE is empowering, hatred and fear are destructive, and so Dear Ones it is my honor to help you all to find that DIVINE LOVE within yourselves. Call on me to help you to ASCEND to a new way of being.
I am your servant.
Paul the Venetian.
I send you much LOVE and many Blessings.
11/25/21 - Sai Baba - I have returned to earth to assist
Channeled by Jahn Kassl
I am Sai Baba. I have returned to earth to assist humanity in its struggle for freedom and unity. A struggle that takes place in the people themselves, that concerns the people themselves and is not directed against anything. A struggle that transforms you, that centers you and completes you in the end. A struggle in which you wake up, in which you strengthen your confidence and find your way back to true faith. Deep faith in yourself and in the meaning of your life will bring you realizations and happiness today.
God created man, God breathed you into life. It is foolish to believe that God has turned away from man right now, in the crucial period of change. It is naïve to assume that God has forgotten about people – the people who sprang from HIS love and were created from HIS spirit. Turn to God more today – directly and without detours. This is the best way not to lose the way in this time and to keep the orientation.
I have returned to the people – as a man among men, as an ocean in a drop. And you are like me! Embodied divine consciousness – boundless, all-embracing and omnipresent. What still distinguishes us is self-perception and self-awareness. This changes radically now!
The light transfer from the CENTRAL SUN makes you humans blossom, makes your spirit awake and your heart receptive for what is and for what you actually are. Together we have descended into this time and together we are lifting this world to a new level – past and future fade away in the eternal now.
Self-love and God-love are what matters now. So put your life into the hand of God! Spread your worries and fears before God! Look for the divine in you and see the divine guidance in your life! Believe, trust and let yourself fall into God! If you are full with God, then everyday life has no more power over you.
I am the returned one and I remain until what is to be done is done. What is assigned to me happens, what is assigned to us is fulfilled. We are one big spiritual family – in this world and in the next. We have descended so that people can ascend, we serve here until God calls us. For verily: God’s grace has chosen people to return home.
In perfect love
11/23/21 - Djwal Khul - The Way Forward
Channeled by Thea Grace Sirius on 4/17/21
Dearest Ones I would like to introduce myself as a guide for these times. Many of you know me as "The Tibetan" but I have had many other lives throughout humanity. Suffice to say I am now back, helping anyone who asks, to navigate their way through these so called challenging times. Yes, these are challenging times for you all, but they are also the way forward for humanity to come to a more peaceful way of living. It is time now to look within to find out the true meaning of what you are all going through.
There is much talk about the current pandemic of this "new" virus but viruses have been around for millennia and your bodies are more than able to cope with anything that is being thrown at them, so to speak. Your bodies are full of viruses and in it's normal state your body can easily cope. However this virus was manufactured or came into being, remember that your body is an intelligent being. The body knows what it needs for soul growth and as such nothing or no one can harm it without it's express acceptance. Your body is there to teach you how to live in the modern world. Keep in constant communion with your body to find out what it needs in any given moment. It may need rest, it may need exercise, it may need certain foods or vitamins. Your body knows, so ask it.
Our friends from Sirius tell us that they can neutralise anything that is thrown at you, so to speak, but I would like to encourage you to go further. YOU, as an intelligent powerful sentient being, can neutralise anything that is being thrown at you. There is much talk now about the "germ theory" which is not such an ancient concept but fairly new in your current times. The germ theory is now being challenged by many. I would just like to explain it by saying that you cannot "catch" anything unless your body expressly wishes it so. This may be a challenging concept for you all to understand but everything that happens to you in life is there for you to learn from.
The soul came here to "learn" and as such may indeed want to "catch" a cold, flu, some bacteria or virus but in Truth, so called epidemics are spread through fear. Belief is a powerful thing and if you had such Belief and Trust in your own body and yourself you would not "catch" a thing. Look into this concept my dears and do not take my word for it. Science is always changing as are your bodies. What was thought of as TRUTH, just a few hundred years ago, is now being challenged as false. Listen to your body and ask it what it needs for it's own health. You may sometimes be very surprised by what it tells you.
The LIGHT on the planet is now so strong that everyone is being affected by it. You as the so called Light workers may think that you are "ahead of the game" but do not be concerned, everyone is being encouraged to "up their game" so to speak. You may feel that you are the only one around you has has "seen" the light but that is far from the Truth. The current pandemic has done a wonderful job of "waking" people up. Many people are beginning to see the delights of nature and the wonders around them which they would not have looked at before.
Yes, there is a sea change taking place and the vibrations on the planet are higher than they have ever been. Do not be concerned with waking people up, they will wake up in their own good time, whether they listen to you or not. Do not be concerned about others on their own journey, even your own friends and families even if they want to take the vaccine which you might think is evil. It is not evil, it just IS. It is all a matter of your thoughts. If you think something is good for you, it will be. Change your thoughts about the vaccine and it will be changed. As we say you can neutralise anything. Have no fear about the vaccine or anything that you may think might harm you and it will not affect you. Challenging concepts, my dears, but these are challenging times and you all came here to change the world that you live in.
It is now more important than ever to "Be the change that you would like to see in the world". You do not need to go out and shout your Truth from the rooftops. It has been said so many times before, by many different people but the most important work that you can ever do is to work on yourself. By being the best that you can be, YOU can change the world and in so doing others will want to be around you. They will see your LIGHT shining so strongly, they will want to know what it is like to be YOU.
Learn to LOVE everything that you can, even the so called pantomime that is happening on the world's stage at this time. We do understand that this has been such a challenging time for many especially if they are going through the trauma of the loss of friends or family. Be grateful for them for having been in your life and allow them to be at peace now and more able to help you from a different dimension. (As I do my dears).
Have KINDNESS and COMPASSION for everyone around you, my dears, as every single soul is on a journey. You may have awoken before them but their time will come and they may look to you for the answers that you have found out before them. Listen to everyone, even those who do not understand what you understand or do not believe what you say. Agree to disagree with others and do not try to change them. You may think that you "know" more than they do but in Truth there is always an exchange of intelligence when you meet another. They may not be as in touch with the spiritual world as you are, but they may know far more than you on other subjects. You will always be talking to people at the right time for your own growth. This is the Law of Attraction at work.
As your body goes through the different vibrations you will begin to find that more people will be attracted to you. You will not need to go out there, so to speak, to meet others in your soul group. They will just come to you, as if by magic. It is time now for those in the same vibrational frequency to come together for change to happen. This is how it was meant to be. Think not of how long this will all take, as time is immaterial in these new Dimensions.
It is time now to move forward into this New World. Do all the things that makes your heart sing. Think not of others and wanting them to be with you on this journey. As you move forward so then can they take your place behind you. Eventually you will all come together as ONE. Find the connections with others not your differences. Let them learn their own lessons as you have. LOVE everyone and everything that is happening to you for that is the WAY FORWARD.
I will leave you with some words from the Holy Bible.
Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 4-8
With many Blessings and much LOVE.
Djwal Khul
11/22/21 - St. Germain on NESARA
Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan on 9/25/21
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today. Today our writer speaks again with Saint Germain on the current energies, and the movement toward NESARA Law’s enactment:
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain.
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, lady master, and welcome, all! For all are masters, who are contributing to this new era of Earth life.
COR: Yes! I would like to know whatever you feel is best for us to know or to focus on at this time.
Of course, I am curious to know how the path to NESARA is unfolding, as many of us are. Yet I know you can only say so much about it.
SAINT GERMAIN: That is so. And so, you are wondering, regarding the stages I numbered some time ago—what stage of the journey you are in now?
COR: That would be helpful!
SAINT GERMAIN: We would say, that this is a time in which you are entering your second highest stage, before the full unfolding. The next highest stage, which will occur prior to the announcing, requires some preparation on the part of humanity’s inner selves. At this point in your journey, you are as a race of beings being prepared for not only the truth about your planet’s history, and the true nature of those who have held themselves in authority for so long. You are also being prepared to learn the history of other planets and stars, particularly those which each of you originated from. This is information that most of you hold subconsciously, yet it will be brought to the fore, in ways that will assist you in integrating it fully, and in a peaceful and balanced state of mind.
COR: So once NESARA is fully implemented, we will have a chance to learn about the place of our soul origin, and what its history has been?
SAINT GERMAIN: That, and other histories, as are relevant to your Earth mission. Or per your own curiosity!
For your mission will then expand. You will take it up far more consciously and actively, in the sense of being more physically present in that work, and not only involved at the level of your higher consciousness and energy bodies. You will also be given instruction in developing the Lightbody. This is possible to receive even now, yet this will be far more openly available to all who desire to experience such.
COR: What fascinates me, is the number of people who will contact me wanting to know the name of the planet or constellation they originate from, particularly if they don’t feel at home on Earth. The Collective do not always relay that information — not unless the person’s team of Spirit guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self agree to it.
SAINT GERMAIN: Indeed! And one reason being, that there is no need for them to consider that they hail from and therefore “belong to” this intergalactic culture or that. Now is the time for Unity thought and experience. When the human ego-mind gets involved with its love of categories and cultural identities—birthplaces, heritage, traditions, alliances—it can serve to create more division, which is the opposite of Unity, however unintended that may be. Rather than encourage interconnection amongst peoples, this can discourage it. This is why this group who have named themselves only “the Collective” chose that innocuous, very generalized label. For one, that name speaks of Unity, and for another, it is a term often used to denote all persons—mass consciousness and experience.
COR: Are we holding back NESARA from its enactment, with all these preferences for cultural identification?
Are we holding it back with arguments among people, such as which Ascended Master said what and why, or what terms like “Lightbody” really mean?
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course. It is what you have been taught and programmed to do. And taught to believe that is the only way forward for the human race. In fact, it has held you back for millennia. Yet you note that those days are ending now, and we are thankful! Yet all is still evolving. Allow yourselves the opportunity to see where the wheels get stuck, and to release even self-blame. That is not the same as taking responsibility, which is another term you have all received much misteaching on.
COR: I don’t know how we can right any of this, other than for each of us to develop our own consciousness as fully as possible. While there is amazing higher Light flowing onto the planet now more than ever, there is also much density coming up out of the Earth, and out of human beings and human structures. In this Light-filled moment, with astrological alignments occurring that are powerful and life-changing, all the ugliness is rising to the surface to be healed or transmuted. And so we find ourselves in this mess we are in at present! So now I am wondering what else this new phase we are moving into can assist us with.
SAINT GERMAIN: It assists with what you have named, exactly. These “dark energies” (so-called—all energy is mutable, and constantly in flux!) no longer define Earth life as they once did, precisely because they are no longer hidden deep inside the Earth’s body or etheric blueprint. All the energy imprints are being redrawn—many reading this now are involved in that very mission. And the galactic alliances are quite busy assisting in supporting the new etheric blueprint in ways that are difficult to describe, given your current limited understanding of quantum physics. But allow us to say, there are no longer any lines which your soul families do not cross, except one, and that is of course, to respect humanity’s free will. And increasingly, your strength to determine your own course in this Universe.
COR: So those who say it’s all prewritten, even though the Future does exist—are they wrong?
SAINT GERMAIN: Futures can be rewritten! Many are mistaken in thinking that timelines cannot converge, or cannot be revised. Earth beings have done that very thing. Earth Herself has done that very thing. Or you would not be here now, asking me these questions, with so many reading these words. Time is not linear, as you know.
COR: How do we assist, as we come into this next stage then?
SAINT GERMAIN: For one, focus on establishing all the steady Love of Peacefulness within yourselves that you can manage each day! And as this Collective have noted numerous times , that will not come to you while you take in the media madness, the Sturm und Drang [storm and stress] of the disinformation, the confusion of half-facts, and the outright deception that is spoken through your media outlets and other influences, inside a steady energy transmission of thoughts/emotions of hopelessness, rage, and despair. You may now be at ease with all that, knowing it is all being overridden in the higher sense. As the elements and vibrations of much of the higher dimensions weave far more easily now into Earth life, affecting all on the planet, regardless of who they are and what their intentions are. This is the meaning of Ascension! That Earth life vibration should continue to rise, regardless of the machinations of those who pretend they are still in control, who have never believed the warnings that their day was never and could never be endless. Yet you will not feel the beauty or the power of that higher vibrational presence while steeping yourselves in the very un-real proclamations of those forced to support an agenda of destruction. Be aware that the old “powers that were” know how to engage the heartfelt support of the public for certain much-loved figures, particularly in the area of entertainment, as well as in news broadcasts, and current events discussions. Those same figures are then forced into compliance with the dark agenda, under very great threat to themselves and their loved ones.
Yet even that plan is failing, as there are elements of the higher realms’ intent now being interwoven with what was once the sole province of the darker realms, thereby lifting dark intent into a far higher energy stream.
COR: They have infiltrated! The Light has overrun the dark’s own resources.
SAINT GERMAIN: It was always thus, to a certain degree. There are White Knights in every area of endeavor, every area of influence, hard at work to keep the truth flowing in amounts and ways either not noticed or not considered a threat to the darker plot. Yet this has changed now, to where much is noticed, and is considered a threat, with the difference being that the energies on and around the Earth no longer permit the level of control the former “elite” once leveraged. They are overrun, not merely with opposition, but with those who, should they remain in place, will only continue to lift the atmosphere of the planet to where those in shadow will naturally begin to morph into Lighter beings, or implode. This is why so many have sought to escape over the past five years or more. Yet they cannot. There is no hiding now.
COR: In a sense, even we who follow the Light find that we can no longer hide—from old forms of woundedness, fear, ego attachments, a small self-image.
SAINT GERMAIN: Indeed! Bring it all out into the Light! There is no judgment here, only healing and renewal, and Transformation / Transmutation for those who seek it. Onward, friends! Your day is here. Now would not be the time to lose heart. Far from it. As you have heard often from this quarter, “You are never alone.”
COR: Thank you, Lord Saint Germain. That gives me great courage, and I pray it will for others as well.
SAINT GERMAIN: [Bows] In your service, madam. In service to All! Namaste!
11/17/21 - A Message from Mikos of Hollow Earth
A Global Resistance is coming
Channeled by Dianne Robbins
Yes, a global resistance is coming and the people of the world are waking up to all the wrongs and injustices that governments are imposing – locking you into subservience and restructuring your God Given Freedoms and those guaranteed in the USA Constitution. People are starting to realize the real purpose of the Covid – a ploy to rob you of your freedom of speech and freedom of movement. You will see people by the millions in every country of the world take to the streets demanding justice and the removal of the dictators who have taken over their governments.
This will be a world-wide Resistance movement that is just now starting to form in the minds of the people; for people have had enough of the abusive powers imposed upon them from their governments ~ and the only recourse is to REBEL! There are so many Angels now on Earth and so many Ascended Masters watching all that is occurring. We see all on our computer screens and are dismayed at how the surface population has been lied to and how they have blindly followed all the rules and restrictions imposed upon them – like a herd of cows being taken to slaughter. Similar to the days of Jesus when the Priests controlled everyone and everything. Your governments have been trying to take you back to the dark ages again.
Well, this will not be! They will not succeed, but fail in their attempts for this is the 7th Golden Age of Awakening and Enlightenment and you, the people of Earth, are AWAKE and you see the deceit and you will NO longer allow your lives to be controlled by the dark forces in your governments. There will be WORLD-WIDE RESISTANCE at every level that will break this chain of darkness that has formed around the world attempting to lock you down. WE, THE FORCES OF LIGHT, ARE HERE, watching and waiting for the precise moment to strike and remove all the remaining dark entities from the surface of the Earth.
In the short time left, people will unite in the millions and demand their Rights and Freedoms restored! And it will be! A New Earth of Justice and Liberty will be born and people will again turn to God, the Creator of all Life, and find their way home... back to God again. There is only ONE Power, ONE Presence, One Intelligence and that is GOD, the Creator of all that is. This is what is ahead of you Beloveds. Don’t fear, we in the Subterranean Cities are here and watching everything and will soon appear to give you all the help you need!
I am Mikos, your friend from the Library of Porthologos, located inside the very Center of the Hollow Earth. Call on me at night, before you sleep, and ask to be taken on a tour through the Library of Porthologos, and I will be your personal guide.
Received October 16, 2021
11/17/21 - Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe - Two steps to connect with the soul
Original source
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your brother and kindred spirit.
I have been together with you, and I have loved you. Many of you have been on Earth several times, in other lives, when you have been touched by the fire I came to bring. It was the fire of which I was a torchbearer, but certainly not the only one. You are part of a glow flowing into the history of humankind. A new light that wanted to descend to Earth to become rooted here, and I was one of its representatives. A field of consciousness has emerged that you call the Christ energy, whereas in other languages or cultures, it has a different name. But the essential aspect of the Christ energy, of that impulse that I brought, is the opening of the heart: the lifting of the earthly, collective consciousness to the level of the heart. That level is also the level of the soul.
Earthly life was then, and still is, often immersed in a veil of oblivion. A break in the development of human consciousness arose, causing people to become fixated on the material, the purely physical. They became absorbed, as it were, into the veil of the earthly and forgot from where they came. The origin, that which gives life and inspires everything, that from which you came, was forgotten. How did that happen? Of course, there have always been religions that speak of god and a higher purpose, and about transcendent power and strength. But these religions are strongly based on a human image of power and domination, wherein a male god governs the world, dominates, gives direction, punishes and rewards. So, there was always a god, but that god had too many human characteristics and did not really help people transcend the veil that had fallen over the Earth.
However, throughout all those times, and in all those cultures, there were also gentle voices, like the murmuring of a hidden stream, that spoke of another truth. This song of the heart, of the soul, has never completely faded from Earth even though much has happened to stifle that voice of the soul – that original, creative force in each of you. A lot of fear has been sown by those in power. They had an interest in making that original voice, that gentle voice, to not be heard – and so it went underground. The same thing happened to my message. I was one of those who spoke of a truth within your heart, about a voice that guides you, independent of the forces outside you, those forces of power and dominance, and free of the fear of them. My message told about your greatness and your equality.
One of the first things that went wrong was when my words were made into a doctrine, when they were transformed into a dogma, a theology, and where I was placed on a pedestal, while you were portrayed as sinners. There was a hierarchy, and their rules and commandments were set down. Many different currents entered in and, eventually, the church became an institution of power that had completely lost its connection with the source.
Your hearts are bearers of the gentle murmur of that hidden stream that washes and refreshes, that brings you back to yourself. The dust and pain of fears, doubts, and emotions is washing away from you. Feel that stream in your heart. It has proven indestructible – it is still there. Remember the joy. Remember the spontaneous moments in your life when you laughed and felt like doing things, when you dreamed and played. Times when you were present in the moment, when you were in love, or you were full of a vision of the future – an image, a plan – moments filled with hope and dreams. Feel the joy of those desires, of those dreams. Good dreams, good desires, make you joyful, even before they become true: a feeling of joyful anticipation.
That is the voice of your soul. Yet you experience daily resistance in fulfilling your desires. Some of you have even become discouraged, cynical, and disappointed about life here, about society and the world around you. You think you have to keep yourself small; that things are not going to work out after all, and that you would like to get away from here. You are so constituted that, essentially, things have no meaning for you if you can not live from your heart, from spontaneity and inspiration. You have progressed too far to live a life adapted to the fear-based rules and norms around you. You require freedom. Accept your singing heart, with its sense of freedom, and that you are not able to fit into that world of rules and norms, which are based on fear or power.
You are like drifters swirling around in this world. You are dreamers and keen observers. As a child, you were without exception very sensitive and picked up on what was going on in the moods and ideas around you: in your parents and the world around you. You have experienced what it is like to have oppressive ideas, and especially oppressive energies, around you. Those energies have partly smothered you and have curtailed your originality – the song of your soul.
To hear that song again and to start living it, the first thing that is needed is for you to begin to stand up and say “no” to what does not suit you, and to become intimately aware of who you are! You are part of that underground stream, someone who wants to bring living light to Earth, who wants to break open old structures of fear and power. That is your essence – you are a lightworker. So, adapting, living an “ordinary life” is not right for you. It is important that you accept that, because living an “ordinary life” would go against the purpose of your mission, of your soul. You are here to be yourself, to express yourself with your unique light, your urge for renewal, your dreams that reach beyond the familiar, the existing order. You dream of a new Earth, of a new consciousness. Those dreams are you.
But each of you, in the course of your growing up, became doubtful, because the pressure from outside yourself can be intense. You are human, you are vulnerable. You want to connect and be part of what is around you. So, you force yourself to fit into boxes that hurt, into a straitjacket that restrains and smothers you. Then your soul flounders. Then crises arise in the form of diseases, loss of a job, break-ups – it can be anything. But it also can happen where nothiing seems to be wrong outwardly, but inwardly you feel very tense, depressed, or restless. Very often this is related to not listening to your soul, to who you are.
You do not have to blame yourself for these things happening, because so much comes your way when you grow up as a highly sensitive child and young person in this reality. You will get confused, which is why it is so important to connect with your core now, to be different, to be a light worker. To fullly admit that you do not fit into the existing framework, because, after all, you are here to break it open. Once you really understand this to the fullest, a huge burden falls from you.
You were inundated with images and expectations from the world outside yourself that told you how to be: as a man, as a woman, as a father, as a mother; that encouraged you to be successful, to be good, to be popular. There are many external images that you think you have to comply with, because your mind, especially when you are young, absorbs those images. In the society in which you now live, an avalanche of images come at you. Those images are supposedly ideal images, but in fact they are not based on being human, on your true nature – they are illusions, fantasies. They are usually images which are outside the truth of the reality tRaising the Divine Feminine, Energy Course Lesson 5 | Athena via Sharon Stewart
3/28/2022 11:48:00 PM - Athena, Channelings, Energies, Messages, Sharon Stewart, Spirituality
March 28, 2022
Lesson 5: Sensing Different Types of Energy, continued
Everything that is energy charges their energy differently.
Task for Week 5: Think of a lake or an ocean. Remember this body of water when it was calm and remember it when it was storming. Do you see how mother nature has charged her body of water with energy when it storms?
Sit before an open fire. Feel the energy (heat) from the fire when it is roaring, and feel the energy (heat) from the fire when it is waning.
Go out and look at the moon. Note which quarter it is in, quarter, half, three quarters or full. The moon is always full, but it is the reflection of the sun's energy that hits the earth at night time that is interpreted as the energy of the moon. so it is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, it is solar energy that reflects back to you at night time. It is typically noted in the form of light, however close your eyes and focus on the moon and see if you can feel its energy.
Visit or work in an office on Monday, then return to the same office on Friday afternoon. Can you feel the difference in the energy? Sharon has gone to her car dealership for service early in the week and then again on a Friday afternoon. The energy there was entirely different because the people were charging it differently. She prefers Friday appointments because of the excitement and anticipation of a couple of days off by the staff.
Look at the sky. What is it doing? Is the sun shining or is it raining? How does the energy feel to you? What does it feel like when it's snowing, or what does it feel like at nighttime as opposed to daytime? Note the differences.
Practise sensing the energy of these things and everything and everyone else that you encounter. Give yourself a few seconds to sense the energy of a new person in your midst or an animal. Have you ever walked by a dog on a leash but you knew not to approach it, not to be friendly with it? Why? Because it was a guard dog. Guard dogs often sit quietly and appear to offer no threat to you, then the unwitting person finds out later that it was baiting you. Yes, they teach dogs this. So when using your energy to sense others' energy you can protect yourself and others.
- Athena