Ascension Massage by Diana
Naples, Florida, USA
Naples, Florida, USA
5/18/24 - For women only. This page was originally posted years ago, around 2014. Ascension massage never became a reality, probably because it's too far out for most people, at least in words. (Not in feelings, though) I am a student of the ascended masters and I learn in non-verbal ways how to connect with the light trapped in the bodies of the people I touch. I would like to share this touch with others but through massage exchange, not by word of mouth. I'd like to exchange with women only at this point, not with men, since men have a different energy that pulls me in uncomfortable directions. The divine feminine is different from the divine masculine. Are you a woman who is interested in exchanging massage with me? In the Naples, FL area? If so, contact me via the Contact page and introduce yourself. Personal and down-to-earth. No cost involved. I am guided by the Ascended Masters or angelics if you prefer, to exchange physical loving, uplifting, healing touch. To give and receive with someone who is also quietly inwardly more feminine focused as I am, and who is aware of the shift in consciousness referred to as ascension. Check my blog for more insight as to where I'm coming from. Exchanges would be done at my house in Naples, Florida. Contact me thru the Contact page. I radiate peace, comfort, kindness and gentleness. I don't hear from people, they don't contact me, so this is an attempt to get the word out, to find some friends to exchange massage with. Love, Nancy (aka Diana, editor of this site)
Activating the LIGHT body!
Ascension Massage by Diana
My name is Diana, a pseudonym. My real name is Nancy and I maintain this website. I posted the ascension massage the first time in 2014 when the concept evolved but I wasn't ready yet to put it into action. I had more to learn. Since then I have grown in understanding. I have been a student of the ascended masters for many years. I first became aware of them at age 15 when I read Baird Spaulding's "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East". I am 83 today. The goal of ascension massage is to raise the mother energy at the base of the spine, up past the sexual block at the second chakra, so it can reach the heart and further, to the top of the head. This facilitates self-realization, spiritual evolution and opens chakras along the way, paving the way for clarity and higher consciousness to enter the life. My method is consciously "pushing" the mother light upward through the center of the spine, adding conscious light to the process with my hands, without allowing the detour to take place. We don't want the energy diverting off into one of the two side channels that spiral up and around the central spinal column.
The mother light is pure spirit. It is called kundalini in Sanskrit and holy spirit in Christiandom. It is located in the tail bone, called the first chakra, and it expands under the influence of love, tender caring from someone of the opposite sex. It then rises like mercury in a thermometer. The electrons speed up and expand. But then they run into a block at the second chakra. The block creates a feeling of love backing up, which we call sexual arousal. If there were no block the mother light would continue on up the spine to the heart and head. Ascension massage facilitates melting the block because the healer holds that intention so the mother light can rise smoothly up the center of the spine, giving a wonderful, calm, soothing feeling.
The block at the second chakra is like a detour on the highway which diverts the flow of traffic off to side roads. Normally when a person is in a loving embrace, the mother light moves off to either the left or the right side channels because no one is the wiser. These to side channels are depicted in medical journals as spiraling up around the spine and criss-crossing each other. The left hand channel carries the feminine energy and the right channel carries the male assertive energy. We identify early in youth as either male or female and our views of sex are weighted by our early training. We think what we feel about sex is natural and that everybody feels the same way, which creates arguments and confusions. We are each evolving differently.
If the mother light in a person normally flows up the right-hand channel (the male side), they will feel sexual arousal when love is applied. It will expand like mercury in a thermometer and will naturally turn at the block point and go up either the right or the left side as always. If it flows up the left-hand channel, the female side, they will probably feel delicious, warm and cozy, not sexually aroused, because the female body is a receiver. While some men may be more feminine than masculine, he will respond in his own way. Likewise some women may be more masculine than feminine, and she will respond in her own way. This is a complex story and can't be fully explained here. We are learning as we go. I am getting constant updates on this matter, and being instructed as I go. This is under their sponsorship and prior to each session I invite them to overlight me.
What is the cost involved?
As a work in process of unfolding, this concept started out long ago as a desire to exchange massages. Then it became ASCENSION massage, per the Ascended Masters as they broadened my understanding. So now, today, there are two offerings being presented here, and it becomes a bit confusing. Which is which? For those who are interested in massage exchanges, you start by exchanging massages with me first. Then hopefully with others in a network to be formed. (Not yet here, needs to be developed.) No money exchanges hands during a massage exchange. The donation IS the massage. Secondly, for people who do not want to give a massage but only to receive one, a donation of your choice is expected, i.e., a free will donation. I cannot give a suggested figure. Under Ascended Master instruction the law of the universe is to reciprocate a gift with something of equal value, equal being in the eye of the beholder or receiver. This is known as the law of the circle. It is why karma returns to the person who sends it out. Both good karma and bad karma. A benevolent gesture returns good back to the person, a malevolent gesture returns bad. A person's signature energy is unique in all the universe, and can be tracked easily by those who are evolved enough to see. There is a debit and credit side to the ledger of life. I am learning more about higher law and following it as best I can. It is not about money.
How long is a session?
Since this is the beginning of something new, I will allow 90 minutes to make sure there is enough time for discussion. I love to interact with people who share some level of interest or curiosity. After I have given a number of ascension massages, there will be scheduled a group gathering for massage exchanges. This is intended to be a free massage exchange group, not a money-making network. There are universal laws and principles that will come into play here which will be explained. That is why it is experimental. Can human beings be trusted? Using higher forces (higher principles and powers) have negative consequences when used wrongly. It is my responsibility to explain this as best I can. Everyone has free will, of course, human beings always have free will. It is part of the education to explain what this means, and how karma is created in seeming innocence.
About me
I have a quiet personality, mostly feminine in attitude. I meditate and do energy work on myself. I would rather listen and follow, than lead and be pro-active. However, when the spirit moves me I can become super active and move about quickly. I like to give and make people feel comfortable. I have hosted many gatherings over the years but today there are no gatherings. My husband and I live a quiet, peaceful life. He is a solid, stable, responsible man who provides all of the basic necessities, which leaves me free to follow my interests. We are both elders in our community. We have lived on ten acres of pasture land in North Naples for the last 28 years, until we sold five acres last year.
I was drawn to become a licensed massage therapist at age 63. First I was led to take Reiki classes and then to attend massage school. After 13 years as a licensed massage therapist, I retired from it because it was limited to the physical body, and I was more interested in the spiritual light body. I have practiced disciplines recommended by the ascended masters and studied universal law through their teachings. I also receive instructions direct from them. My main interest is to understand how spirit feeds into the physical body , which involves the seven chakras, dimensions, levels and how one clears ones energy field.
My massage table is located on the second floor of our home, which is also my meditation room. It is ready to be used at any time. I welcome all ages, including older clients with maladies and disabilities. Mature individuals are more exquisitely ready to accept consciousness expansion - but fair warning: we must climb one flight of stairs to reach the massage table.
Because I am no longer licensed, I cannot legally charge a fee so I rely on the good-will donations of those who seek to join me in this experiment. Offering ascension massage freely to the public may be a "first". It is being sponsored by the masters who are more real and more present than most people suppose. They have been working with me for more years than I initially thought. My understanding expands the more I put new awareness to the test. In other words, I need to prove it to myself by applying new thought to real life situations. I get more energy immediately. It vitalizes me. I feel the break-throughs. There is no question about it - expanding the light is directly related to how much I apply it. I didn't realize. I thought expansion was all about sitting still enough and meditating on higher powers. Now I see that it is the opposite. Or rather, it's the next step for me.
My background
At age 25, attending college intent on medical studies, I became pregnant. That changed things. We married in 1963 and had a son. The following year 1964 I was invited to a lecture by George Adamski, one of the earliest contactees of the UFO phenomena, who met and talked with a Venusian who landed in a small craft on he California desert, and he then wrote books, traveled and lectured about the visitations, showing photos of various crafts which he took through his telescope. When I met him, we bonded. He recognized me and I recognized him. He awakened familiar memories and I began connecting with the galactics through telepathy. Adamski died in 1965 in a suspicious way, and I fell into depression. I had a second child shortly after and my depression deepened. My husband and I were entangled in a karmic relationship from a past life which was draining me, which I only learned later in life. At the time I was unenlightened and in ignorance. I took a job to try to lift the pall which had me trembling and crying, and it worked for a while. But the day came in 1968 that I experienced the dark night of the soul. I was alone in a car, driving. I pulled over to the side of the road. First came a vision of my own death to take place within two months, and secondly came a visitation by an angel or guide which said, "You don't have to go through this if you choose not to. You CAN leave!" It was a kindly voice, such as from a friend. I chose to leave in secret and made plans. The two sons were 5 and 1 year old. I phoned associates whom I had met through Mr. Adamski, and was invited to come live with them. The woman who took me under her wing was my age, 30 years old. She gave me emotional and intellectual support and helped me rebuild, for I was in a very bad state.
After 3 years with these beloved people, during which we moved to a farm in Mexico, I left them and went to Vista, California. It was 1971. Visions, dreams and premonitions led me. Mr. Adamski, the UFO contactee, once lived in Vista and his secretary and housekeeper still resided in the same house. I wanted to go to them. I telephoned my mother who helped me with airline tickets home. God bless the mothers of the world! Together my mother and I drove cross country to Vista. Visions continued to lead me. I was drawn to take a secretarial position, and there met my soon-to-be next husband. We married in 1972 and moved to Costa Rica in 1973. For 3 years we explored Costa Rica and in 1976 my older sister came down to visit from New England. She was a disciple of an Indian guru and a yoga teacher. She led me in a guided meditation one day, and a very strange experience took place. The kundalini awakened in me at 10 in the morning, I went out of body into the light and returned around 7 that evening over dinner. I learned about kundalini then for the first time, from my sister. (Click HERE for a detailed account of that experience.)
About kundalini
It took ten years to descend back to normal after that experience, though it was a new normal because I was transitioning all during that time. From 1976 to 1993 were powerful growth years. I experienced a rapid escalation of consciousness and the rate of "zing" was impossible to deal with. Going into a sea of light disabled me. The first few months were intense with revelations pouring through me. I began journaling on a daily basis. I didn't understand what was happening. I was suspicious of it. I wondered if my body was being taken over by someone or something foreign. It was a force of some kind but it didn't take long to feel the goodness of it. Since I couldn't put the genie back in the bottle, I started communicating with it, asking it questions and my body responded by moving and bending with an inner wind. My now second husband was 12 years older than me, and was wise, practical and a lawyer. Instead of resisting me he began asking questions, like a therapist.
It was a slow process. He didn't know what was happening and I didn't know how to explain it. Before leaving to go home, my sister suggested I go out and look for a teacher who knew more about it, but I had no clue where to begin. Kundalini was not a household word at the time. My husband said, "If it came to you naturally, you will know how to handle it. You don't need a teacher." I learned later that kundalini burns away false beliefs without mercy. It is no respecter of persons. If someone has not done the preliminary detox work on him/herself and kundalini awakens prematurely, it can lead to mental breakdowns. I had no idea of any of this. Yet, a week or two later, while walking down a sidewalk in San Jose with my husband, I turned left into a book store spontaneously without thinking. I was drawn to a small red book at the back of the store with gold letters. It was glowing. It was entitled "Kundalini, an Occult Experience". Of course I bought it and began reading in the car.
Magical things like this kept happening. The force that awakened in me on the first day was as gentle as a summer breeze, but then it began to work on my toxic condition. I was a smoker. I was not clean. It increased my metabolism. It burned. I couldn't get away from it. It was a bio-electric current, not from any outside device but from within me. When it moved, it carried me upward and stirred my brain. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't function until it had spent itself. I couldn't control it. My body metabolism raced. I felt like a helium balloon floating above the earth. My husband stayed close to me, and brought me with him as he began his new business, which started up shortly after kundalini awakened, miraculously putting him in touch with the right people. This inner force moved through me like a wind blowing through the forest randomly. Finally I began experimenting with directing it. It caused twisting, turning, bending, jerking, shaking, spinning, jumping, until one time it scared me so much I threw myself on the ground to stop it, rolling over and over. It left me exhausted and limp after such a session but it was inwardly sweet and it left me filled with unearthly peace impossible to describe. I kept writing about it. Today I have all those writings on my computer.
I discovered that sex stabilized me. At first it was a problem but it was expected of me so I made myself do it and it proved the right decision. Making love was like plugging into a grounding wire. It bridged the growing gap. It stopped the hyperactivity for hours before resuming again. Making love was a life-saving solution and before long, we were led into the growing new culture called couples swinging, exploring intimacy with others.
Grounding the kundalini
Entering into swinging was a natural next step for both of us. It was good for my husband and good for me. When the economy in Costa Rica began to fail, we returned to the US and bought a house outside Tampa, Florida. It was 1980 and we went back and forth between CR and the US often, finishing up his business and our house down there. I was integrating kundalini daily, hourly. It was a constant companion and I was having experiences continuously. And then one Sunday morning after a party, my husband passed away quietly during a nap while I was out on the grass meditating. Strangely, I did not feel him leave.
By then I was not as excited about swinging as I had been in the beginning. My body was constantly purifying and close body contacts were becoming too low in vibration. It was causing some bad feelings and I didn't know what to do about it. Why was I feeling negative when it used to be so loving, fun and positive? After Bob's death, meetings took place within our group, people came and went, discussions happened, decisions made, and another man entered my life, another lawyer, who would soon become my next husband. I moved in with him in 1994 in Naples, FL.
From 1994 to 2015 we continued with the parties until I couldn't carry on any more. I quit swinging in 2015 but continued to host, and returned to monogamy with my now third husband where I found balance again, and peace. I was then able to focus on studying with the Ascended Masters. I entered massage school and enjoyed that for 12 years, but sexual needs kept popping up, so I quit massaging. Following the masters' advice, ascension massage next came into being. They corroborated conclusions that I secretly harbored - that it is through celibacy that the kundalini energy fulfills itself by expanding up through the central spinal column to the top of the head. It has to move past the second chakra in order to rise higher. The second chakra is the sex chakra, and it is closed due to complexities not yet understood. Once the second chakra is cleared, the power of the kundalini can rise higher and bring transformation. I understood but had no one to discuss it with.
Kundalini is a pure spiritual power. As it moves up the central spinal channel, it opens interdimensional doors we call chakras. It does this by expanding the way mercury expands in a thermometer. It heats up and takes on momentum as it travels higher and faster. It is drawn excitedly upward to reconnect with its other half on higher levels above. Attraction arouses it. Stimulation draws it upward naturally from its home at the base of the spine, because it was split in half at the time of conception. It was placed at the root of the tailbone to act as an anchor for spirit for the lifetime of the body, otherwise spirit could not live here. Once the blocks are cleared at the sex chakra, the pure spiritual power continues to expand up and through the third chakra at the naval, and on to the fourth chakra at the heart, and possibly higher if the person is ready for higher experience.
There is no sexual release in an ascension massage because an orgasm would deflate the energy and stop it from rising any further. Orgasm is good for the body because it releases the pressure that builds up through stress. If an orgasm happens the goodness of pure spirit spills out into the body cavity and the body falls into bliss. The energy is spent. It doesn't rise any higher. Since the purpose of an ascension massage is to enable the kundalini power to rise up PAST the sexual chakra, it should not be released there. Tantra teaches techniques in how to hold back orgasm in a productive way, not by repressing it, but by raising it to more beautiful transformative feelings. Sexual confusion is the block that must be overcome. It is a tangle of different beliefs about sin, shame, traumatic past experiences and emotional pain that exists in and around the reproductive organs. These can be cleared with enlightened guidance, understanding and practices.
About sexual arousal
This subject cannot be ignored. It is present in all walks of life and especially in the massage industry. I am fully aware that it does happen when people are closely touching, especially when it is a woman giving the massage. Sexuality is a natural power but it is located in the basement of the body. When that door opens it has the potential of leading up a never-ending staircase into heaven. But when focus is redirected to the sexual act, the door closes, orgasm happens and the person is left at the bottom of the staircase. He or she doesn't go up the ladder higher than the second step. Yet the power within the orgasm can be raised if it is held in check. The potential of expansion is in holding back and lifting the energy up as in an elevator to higher ground. This takes practice. Then it opens the doorway to more refinement and opens the next chakra higher up. This knowledge has never been offered to the masses before the last decade or so. The ascension massage is a first attempt to bring forth this instruction as far as I know. It is sufficient to say that orgasm is not the goal of ascension massage and should not be expected. Sexual arousal requires one or both people to focus on the lower body parts and use intense friction and movement to work up an orgasm. Ascension massage does not do this. Instead, the focus is on awareness of raising the beautiful feeling upward, as in a lifting sensation. It travels up the spinal column on an etheric level. The awareness is one of refinement, gentleness, softness, tenderness, peacefulness and increasing trance-like sensations - the opposite of lusty passion.
Sexual passion and arousal is not wrong, bad or sinful, as we have been taught from childhood. It is a natural, joyful activity between people who are attracted to each other. It nourishes the body, mind, feelings and soul when it is happy, light-hearted, open and free. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the current world reality. We have been made to feel shame about our bodies and the act of free love expression. These negative beliefs are going to be turned around in the next decade as new understandings quickly appear and help us transition to a happier world. It will take a little time, but it is on the way. Knowledge about the spiritual power of sex will be revealed shortly. It is a power beyond belief and is everywhere present in all creatures. Many teachers will be coming forward to offer classes. Love has been imprisoned and sex manipulated into a negative, but it is a cosmic power. It is an unawakened seed planted in the human being at birth. It is a potential to be brought forth through individual exploration, curiosity and experimentation. It is called kundalini in Sanskrit scriptures of the Far East, and it is called the holy spirit in Christian literature. It is one and the same. The ascended masters are our guides, teachers and friends. This information is available to anyone who has an ear to hear.
Visions and revelations
It was back in 1970 that I had a most interesting vision which haunted me for years. It was while I was in Mexico living in an old farmhouse in the mountains with Fred & Ingrid Steckling, beautiful people, and their son Glenn. One day I was ironing a stack of clothes for the family when I was transported to a planet of exquisite purity, like heaven, walking down a sidewalk of gold and I could see through buildings and people, birds and trees. I was brought before a counselor in that vision, an elder with gray hair, and he told me that I needed to return to Earth. Then he asked me if I knew why I needed to return to Earth. I said no. With that he waved his hand and displayed before me the sea of oneness, the endless, infinite sea of life. I realize it's hard to imagine but I did see, and I saw my place in that endless eternity, and I saw that I was not holding up my end. Something was lacking, as if I wasn't strong enough somehow. I didn't understand what that meant but I was OK with returning to Earth and accepted it without question. The next thing I knew I was back in the farm house, and all the clothes were neatly pressed and folded in the basket beside me.
Today, January 2022, I had the revelation why I had to return to Earth this one last time. I have always thought of myself as being too feminine. I identified as extremely loving. My past lives on earth were also mostly feminine though not always loving. Not always spiritual or as a priestess, though that was dominant personality trait - and it was true in this life too. But in this life I am here to reclaim and remember all of my past lives and finish them. I have made a list of those so far recovered. There are 16 so far. Sex was a prominent theme of course (isn't it always?) so the root of the karmic problems I left behind in each life need to be resolved. In this life I was brought big time into the sexual world. After the kundalini awakening which was a high initiation into the light in 1976, my husband and I began exploring the swinging lifestyle. I was filled with love and started out with an open heart and VERY loving. I was fully prepared for what was to follow, to finish these lives once and for always. Because each time I died I left behind karmic debts, unfinished issues and confusions.
The law of the universe is balance. I had to learn balance by understanding what I had done wrong. I had to face the dark side of me. The other side of the equation. In all the earth lives I lived prior to this one, I lived the innocence. Love was my one-sided way of living. This made me an open receiver to the dark side because I didn't acknowledge the dark side. Thus I invited unhealthy influences into me. I was blind to them. I didn't know what I was doing. Karmic debts were built up. I harmed people by my ignorance. All I knew how to do is give love but not see clear what I was doing. I was blind to the negatives in other people. I accepted their faults blindly and supported them. I condoned the not right and the untruths. I didn't know how to discern right from wrong. So this is why I had to return to Earth. To uncover my mistakes and make them right again. I had to restore my balance. I am nearly done. I had no idea until this morning's revelation.
I had help. Master Djwal Khul did most of my training starting in 1976, but now St. Germain is taking over. I am following his words via the green books channeled through Guy Ballard. They are hard line teachings. It is all about focus. Internal focus. I am learning how to reclaim my balance through hard-line focus on the light. Everything negative has to be obliterated by the light in me. It's my light, my journey, my problem, my karma. It has nothing to do with anyone else. The law of the circle. I created it, I have to uncreate it. I was trying to love the negatives away. I didn't understand. I can't love the dark away until I KNOW the dark. I had to FACE the dark. And I did. I am understanding now. I'm learning to hold focus steady on the light while I am aware of the negative. I wasn’t ready until now to understand. I see that I have led a rather charmed life since I made the conscious decision to leave my family. If I had not left my family I would not have lasted more than two months. I was shown my death very precisely back in 1968. I would lose my soul first but my body would continue on. I would be put into an institution where it would die two months later and my soul energies would have been recycled. Fortunately I made a good choice. I'm still here!
Ascension and the Ascended Masters
After I ascended into the realms of light in 1976 through the kundalini awakening experience, an ascended master became my mentor. The Master Djwal Khul was invisible to me at first but he became known in subtle, quiet ways. He is known as the Tibetan in esoteric circles. Other ascended masters have stepped in from time to time over the years, but DK has been my number one guide for 45 years. The spiritual brotherhood, as they have been known throughout history, are aware of every single soul on the planet. They know you intimately. They are more real than we are. The are the perfected human beings. They have joined their human personality with the infinite creator known as the "I Am Presence" which is unknown to most of us, though we are gradually becoming aware. The enlightenment process is underway.
Each ascended being is an individual consciousness who grew in Self awareness until they realized they were God incarnate connected to Source. They are individuals and also Gods. Some who ascend move onto greater realms, but those who stay behind to work and guide embodied humanity, are known as the spiritual hierarchy, or the Great White Brotherhood. They are indispensible to our growth. We couldn't get past our own mistakes without these higher brothers and sisters to help lift and nudge us from above us and from the sidelines. Most of us are not aware of them, but as we become conscious that there are guides working with us, we can develop a relationship with one or two of them. As we begin to trust them and spend time in the silence listening to silent voices, they speak to us and enlarge our understanding. So it was my experience to slowly become aware that I had a special guide working with me.
We belong to one vast mind called the creator, but our responsibility is to develop ourselves as a singular individual. A singularity that is distinct from the herd, with special skills, talents and experiences that make us who we are today - an unfinished product of our many lives and experiences. So that in the end we stand out from the vastness. An embodied human becomes an ascended master by purifying himself/herself of all that does not belong to him/her. Then he/she merges with the I Am Presence, the creator within, without losing individuality.
When I work hands-on with a client during ascension massage, I am calling on them to overlight me with their consciousness. They are aware of the client on the table and they are aware of me. It could well be that the client on the table is more spiritually evolved than I am. It doesn't matter. The Masters are aware of what needs to be done. They are the ones doing the work.
Bringing heaven and earth together
When tangled energies are loosened so the spinal column is free and flowing again, spirit flows down from above and kundalini, also spirit, flows up from its home at the base of the spine. They meet and become a river of oneness. The body feels wonderfully light and peaceful. Light and love is flowing. Creativity flows. We learn learn gently how to handle the increased flowing of spiritual consciousness. For over 45 years I have been in training under, primarily, Master Djwal Khul. He has been teaching me how to lower these higher vibrations to an exact frequency to match the slower, more solid vibrations of physicality while yet maintaining an open channel. Finding the right frequency to bring heaven and earth together is a rare feeling of perfect "rightness". It feels exactly right and power filled. It is finding the right standing wave to work with. Instead of weaving and swirling helter-skelter all over the place, one finds a balance and over time learns to maintain that balance at a stead rate. Life then becomes peaceful, happy, smooth and one could stay "perfect".
Kundalini is an energy of pure holiness held in the etheric region of the tailbone. It is the life force. It is the lower end of the silver cord that connects to the individual I Am Presence on the higher end. The kundalini has been called the first root chakra. It drips life force up the spine to keep the body alive and functioning. Consciousness is its main tool. One must become conscious of one's own body to be able to work with it. Kundalini becomes conspicuous at puberty. There is a pressure of warm love that is felt at puberty, and a need to share it with someone. Humankind has perverted this feeling by downgrading it to sin, when it needs love, reverence, respect, and connection with appropriate others to encourage it to move upward through the spinal column to the next level. The next level, what we call a dimension, brings further clarity of understanding. The human body is designed with one central channel running through it, like the trunk of a tree, from the tailbone to the top of the head. But this main trunk has been blocking the flow for millennia. We have not been taught how spirit flows through the body and the meridians. As a result, we have accumulated hidden trauma from past lives which need resolving. To resolve them they need to be felt. That is what ascension massage will help with. With ascended masters overlighting us, we will be able to move stuck energies around so they can be felt and recognized.
Ascension Massage Exchange Network
It is the Masters' intention to create a network of support through enlightened colleagues. Discussion is part of the process of learning. What's happening? What do you feel? What is this wrong feeling? How do I correct it? I have been asked by the masters to implement their plan to launch a massage exchange network using ascension massage as the initiation process. Those who receive ascension massage will better understand the benefits. Then they in turn can offer to give ascension massage to others. Understanding is the beginning of rolling out the magic carpet so the technique can be understood better. The kundalini (holy spirit) is beyond human understanding, but the body is not. We can feel how it affects the body but we have to talk about it with others who understand. We've been operating in the dark. We don't talk about our feelings. A body can vibrate with low depressed feelings or with high blissful feelings but nobody talks about it. For example, if kundalini is released by accident, like being jarred loose from a fall off a ladder before a person is spiritually ready to handle the release of energy, it will most likely cause psychosis. The person would not be able to handle it, psychologically and mentally.
It has been said that the spiritual path is strewn with the broken bones of those who unwisely tried to raise the kundalini before they were ready. The training required is learning how to live a life of service to others by eradicating selfishness. In a network of exchanging massages we will learn how to bend, soften and be patient and considerate of others. It is training in a more benevolent way of life. We will learn to maintain thoughts of love, generosity, tolerance, forgiveness and gratitude, and give people space to be free instead of trying to fix them; or control them. These are the virtues we are to develop. We will be rewarded with larger quantities of love, light and abundance.
The ascension massage is non-sexual as a healing protocol, but it doesn't degrade lovemaking. It enhances the physical act of love. It adds further knowledge, skills and spiritual wisdom for those who are ready to elevate themselves. How does one maintain a focus on love while interacting with people, whether in a bedroom or a business conference? Love is intelligent. We must give it a chance to show just how intelligent it is. At the same time, love is a comforting presence that soothes. These are human skills that can be learned with grace and dignity, beyond personal entanglement. This is what the original Tantra masters taught, much of which has been shunned, ignored or purposely buried.
One last thought. We ALL need to learn how to receive with more graciousness. Receiving is a higher art form. When we are unable to receive gifts from others, it is a form of rejection. It shows that we are closed to the flow of life that wishes to bless us. By engaging in mutual massage exchange, we are opening ourselves to the flow of life. This brings us in harmony with the universal flow of abundance. Receiving another's gift of touch graciously, opens us to receiving on higher levels. It is the next step in our spiritual evolution.
If interested in scheduling an ascension massage with me, feel free to contact me HERE. The pictures below were taken in 1988 during one of my spontaneous movement sessions, when kundalini was flowing with an inner wind. The face pictures are of me at various ages.