Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
Older Messages 1950-1960
In order:
Sanat Kumara
El Morya
Djwhal Khul
Jesus Sananda
Quan Yin
Saint Germain
Maha Chohan
Serapis Bey
Sanat Kumara
El Morya
Djwhal Khul
Jesus Sananda
Quan Yin
Saint Germain
Maha Chohan
Serapis Bey
Ascended Master Sanat Kumara
Master Kuthumi tells the story of Sanat Kumara to the students of the Bridge to Freedom in November 27, 1955, and how he saved the earth from destruction. Delivered through Geraldine Innocente, a direct voice channel for the Masters, it is published in "Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin, Book 1", available at Sanat Kumara is known as the Ancient of Days in the Christian Bible.
Beloved ones, some of the individuals who were present at cosmic council when Sanat Kumara informed the people of Venus of his decision to help the Earth, offered to leave the vibratory action of that Star - where only happiness, harmony, beauty and perfection were expressed - incarnate through human bodies and grow up in the atmosphere, climate, environment and radiation of a humanity which had sunk so low, that the Cosmic Law considered it no longer wise to sustain the planet, itself in the system.
Think of that sacrifice! From the planet Venus it was easy to look upon this shadow star, but being willing to take embodiment upon her and become part of her evolution, so to speak, was quite another m,atter. Yet, these people were willing to make that sacrifice, so that there might be a fitting place on Earth for their beloved Lord to dwell when he should come.
Now, remember, the original Shamballa was established on Venus and magnificent beyond all words to describe. In it dwelt the beautiful Lady Venus, beloved Sanat Kumara, beloved Meta and the other Kumaras. From there they directe4d the government and religious activities of their Star. The people about to incarnate upon Earth had to imprint upon their consciousness and etheric bodies a piicture of Shamballa as it was on Venus. Then, coming through the gross bodies of thepeople of Earth, they awoke to infant form. Having taken on the certain heritage of race and natioanl karma, and having voluntarily accepted the "bonds of forgetfulness," which are part of the heritage of this race, they had to grow to maturity, and begin to draw from their intuitive memories, the picture and design of teh city they had left.
Drawn together by the bonds of interest in one cause, these people began the work of finding the right location for the beautiful city, which was to be the home of their Lord. Their next task was to find the material of which it was to be built and by the labor of their own hands design, from the marble and stone, the vision which they held within their minds.
It was not very different from that which you are doing today. There were no clouds of celestial glory. There was no coming and going of visible angelic beings - there was only the vision held within the minds of about one hundred people. You must remember, too, that they were not all born within the vicinity of the Gobi Sea. Some of them crossed great seas and continents, drawn by the magnetic pull of what they thought perhaps was a dream, hoping to find others of like mind and heart. They came together as strangers, from different families, of different races, but became bound one to another by this ephemeral dream. Then, joining their energies and believing in their vision, they commenced their colossal task.
More than once during that period of over 900 years, beloved ones, after they had built strong foundations for their temples, laid with care the wide streets, and planted the small saplings that were to grow into magnificent trees - more than once, when they had it all set out - great hordes of untrained and savage members of the human race descended from the hills and wiped out every living soul and all their work. When they came again into embodiment they found only the ruins of their dream and the pattern left, and they stooped and brushed away the rubble, and started again. Then one day, working against time, mind you, for there was a cosmic moment beyond which the great Cosmic Law would not allow the Earth any more energy, and Sanat Kumara would have to come whether they were ready or not, the city was completed.
Finally, as you have heard, the great star stood in its perfect place, which was a signal to them of The Coming, and from Venus, the beloved Sanat Kumara, having bade "adieu" to his beloved complement and to all of his people, descended into a temple so magnificent that the like of it has never been seen on the Earth before or since.
There, in the presence of that humble few, who had constancy enough to live - and die - and live again - and never give up a vision, there he manifested the Immortal Threefold Flame of God, which you honor this night, and there began the reign of the Lord of the World. There began the great nucleus of the White Brotherhood, which has been the salvation of the race. There was established the magnetic force that drew, from the millions of sleeping souls of mankind, only a few who in turn became the elder brothers and sisters who were drawn into Shamballa and sent forth again at various periods by the Lord of the World, to give thepeople of Earth the assistance they required in order to sustain them upon their upward progress, even unto this present day.
Beloved ones, some of the individuals who were present at cosmic council when Sanat Kumara informed the people of Venus of his decision to help the Earth, offered to leave the vibratory action of that Star - where only happiness, harmony, beauty and perfection were expressed - incarnate through human bodies and grow up in the atmosphere, climate, environment and radiation of a humanity which had sunk so low, that the Cosmic Law considered it no longer wise to sustain the planet, itself in the system.
Think of that sacrifice! From the planet Venus it was easy to look upon this shadow star, but being willing to take embodiment upon her and become part of her evolution, so to speak, was quite another m,atter. Yet, these people were willing to make that sacrifice, so that there might be a fitting place on Earth for their beloved Lord to dwell when he should come.
Now, remember, the original Shamballa was established on Venus and magnificent beyond all words to describe. In it dwelt the beautiful Lady Venus, beloved Sanat Kumara, beloved Meta and the other Kumaras. From there they directe4d the government and religious activities of their Star. The people about to incarnate upon Earth had to imprint upon their consciousness and etheric bodies a piicture of Shamballa as it was on Venus. Then, coming through the gross bodies of thepeople of Earth, they awoke to infant form. Having taken on the certain heritage of race and natioanl karma, and having voluntarily accepted the "bonds of forgetfulness," which are part of the heritage of this race, they had to grow to maturity, and begin to draw from their intuitive memories, the picture and design of teh city they had left.
Drawn together by the bonds of interest in one cause, these people began the work of finding the right location for the beautiful city, which was to be the home of their Lord. Their next task was to find the material of which it was to be built and by the labor of their own hands design, from the marble and stone, the vision which they held within their minds.
It was not very different from that which you are doing today. There were no clouds of celestial glory. There was no coming and going of visible angelic beings - there was only the vision held within the minds of about one hundred people. You must remember, too, that they were not all born within the vicinity of the Gobi Sea. Some of them crossed great seas and continents, drawn by the magnetic pull of what they thought perhaps was a dream, hoping to find others of like mind and heart. They came together as strangers, from different families, of different races, but became bound one to another by this ephemeral dream. Then, joining their energies and believing in their vision, they commenced their colossal task.
More than once during that period of over 900 years, beloved ones, after they had built strong foundations for their temples, laid with care the wide streets, and planted the small saplings that were to grow into magnificent trees - more than once, when they had it all set out - great hordes of untrained and savage members of the human race descended from the hills and wiped out every living soul and all their work. When they came again into embodiment they found only the ruins of their dream and the pattern left, and they stooped and brushed away the rubble, and started again. Then one day, working against time, mind you, for there was a cosmic moment beyond which the great Cosmic Law would not allow the Earth any more energy, and Sanat Kumara would have to come whether they were ready or not, the city was completed.
Finally, as you have heard, the great star stood in its perfect place, which was a signal to them of The Coming, and from Venus, the beloved Sanat Kumara, having bade "adieu" to his beloved complement and to all of his people, descended into a temple so magnificent that the like of it has never been seen on the Earth before or since.
There, in the presence of that humble few, who had constancy enough to live - and die - and live again - and never give up a vision, there he manifested the Immortal Threefold Flame of God, which you honor this night, and there began the reign of the Lord of the World. There began the great nucleus of the White Brotherhood, which has been the salvation of the race. There was established the magnetic force that drew, from the millions of sleeping souls of mankind, only a few who in turn became the elder brothers and sisters who were drawn into Shamballa and sent forth again at various periods by the Lord of the World, to give thepeople of Earth the assistance they required in order to sustain them upon their upward progress, even unto this present day.
Master Confuscius
Master Confucius speaking through Geraldine Innocente on June 29, 1958 to the students of the Bridge to Freedom, a dispensation sponsored by Master El Morya. The masters were at a meeting of the Brotherhood on the etheric plane while Ms. Innocente was in Philadelphia, PA, holding a gathering. This is published by the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation in the book "Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin, Book 2", available at
Beloved teacher and friend, Lanto, beloved brother, Kuthumi, honorable members of the Great White Brotherhood here assembled, and earnest, sincere chelas, I bow before your light! I am and shall always be your servant. Consider me, in my modest capacity, as only too willing and eager to assist you, each and every one.
The great responsibility of holding the focus of the Precipitation Flame and ray here in the Teton mountains shall require of me all the gifts, powers, and radiation which are within my own God-flame. I ask you to assist me by your prayers on behalf of my successful performance of the service to which I am assigned! Thank you, so much. I can assure you that I, too, as most of the Ascended Hosts, particularly those who have served in the orient, have a natural reverence for life. This, seemingly, is my only qualification for this position. Long before my ascension, of course, I was a teacher of that wisdom which my consciousness has assimilated in communing with my God and under the direction of my guru, beloved Lord Lanto. I can and do readily confirm his statement that a good teacher must love his students in order to impart knowledge and to stimulate the use of that knowledge for the benefaction of the student.
Always, the student's consciousness is a result of the feelings of the teacher. Always, the student's progress is a result of the feelings of the teacher. That which is done for "duty's sake" is not lasting in the consciousness of the student, even through one embodiment. We are now engaged in teaching unascended human beings in a manner that will ensure consecutive memory of knowledge given from one embodiment to the next. This will greatly hasten the evolution of the peoples of the Earth as well as the laggards from other stars who have so long used the dear Earth as a schoolroom. This method of restoration of the divine memory of each unascended lifestream and the sustenance of that memory from embodiment to embodiment is practiced on every other planet belonging to this system. It is a cosmic fiat which we humbly obey, that consecutive memory now be established through the outer brain consciousness of all conscious chelas and, later, through all the 10 billion lifestreams belonging presently to Earth's evolution.
The purity of the outer consciousness, the cleansing of the etheric bodies of all imperfect memories, the restoration of emotional balance and mental stability is requisite before such a gift of consecutive memory can be given. Obviously, individuals who, even in one embodiment, have stores of embittered memories in their etheric bodies, which hamper their spiritual growth, could not have revealed to them the fullness of the entire life-record since they fell from grace. It would only build further discords in the soul. Hence, we are so extremely grateful for all the assistance which is being given by the Divine Beings and the unascended chelas in purifying the four lower bodies of themselves and all mankind.
Thus, you shall remember only the glories you knew with the father before the world was and only the divine tenets of the cosmic law as presented to you by your gurus and this memory, reactivated, shall enable you to experience self-master and God-freedom!
The keynote of the temple of precipitation will remain the same. "O thou sublime sweet evening star". As this contains within it all the momentum of beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood of Precipitation of which I am but a single member. Know that I love you and shall, always, at your call, assist you. The sponsors, gracious gentlemen from the temple of precipitation, have been chosen for you by beloved Lanto. They, too, love and will help you. Call upon us, and humbly we shall answer you! Thank you for your courtesy, your love, and your interest in our endeavors.
Love and blessings, Confucius
Beloved teacher and friend, Lanto, beloved brother, Kuthumi, honorable members of the Great White Brotherhood here assembled, and earnest, sincere chelas, I bow before your light! I am and shall always be your servant. Consider me, in my modest capacity, as only too willing and eager to assist you, each and every one.
The great responsibility of holding the focus of the Precipitation Flame and ray here in the Teton mountains shall require of me all the gifts, powers, and radiation which are within my own God-flame. I ask you to assist me by your prayers on behalf of my successful performance of the service to which I am assigned! Thank you, so much. I can assure you that I, too, as most of the Ascended Hosts, particularly those who have served in the orient, have a natural reverence for life. This, seemingly, is my only qualification for this position. Long before my ascension, of course, I was a teacher of that wisdom which my consciousness has assimilated in communing with my God and under the direction of my guru, beloved Lord Lanto. I can and do readily confirm his statement that a good teacher must love his students in order to impart knowledge and to stimulate the use of that knowledge for the benefaction of the student.
Always, the student's consciousness is a result of the feelings of the teacher. Always, the student's progress is a result of the feelings of the teacher. That which is done for "duty's sake" is not lasting in the consciousness of the student, even through one embodiment. We are now engaged in teaching unascended human beings in a manner that will ensure consecutive memory of knowledge given from one embodiment to the next. This will greatly hasten the evolution of the peoples of the Earth as well as the laggards from other stars who have so long used the dear Earth as a schoolroom. This method of restoration of the divine memory of each unascended lifestream and the sustenance of that memory from embodiment to embodiment is practiced on every other planet belonging to this system. It is a cosmic fiat which we humbly obey, that consecutive memory now be established through the outer brain consciousness of all conscious chelas and, later, through all the 10 billion lifestreams belonging presently to Earth's evolution.
The purity of the outer consciousness, the cleansing of the etheric bodies of all imperfect memories, the restoration of emotional balance and mental stability is requisite before such a gift of consecutive memory can be given. Obviously, individuals who, even in one embodiment, have stores of embittered memories in their etheric bodies, which hamper their spiritual growth, could not have revealed to them the fullness of the entire life-record since they fell from grace. It would only build further discords in the soul. Hence, we are so extremely grateful for all the assistance which is being given by the Divine Beings and the unascended chelas in purifying the four lower bodies of themselves and all mankind.
Thus, you shall remember only the glories you knew with the father before the world was and only the divine tenets of the cosmic law as presented to you by your gurus and this memory, reactivated, shall enable you to experience self-master and God-freedom!
The keynote of the temple of precipitation will remain the same. "O thou sublime sweet evening star". As this contains within it all the momentum of beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood of Precipitation of which I am but a single member. Know that I love you and shall, always, at your call, assist you. The sponsors, gracious gentlemen from the temple of precipitation, have been chosen for you by beloved Lanto. They, too, love and will help you. Call upon us, and humbly we shall answer you! Thank you for your courtesy, your love, and your interest in our endeavors.
Love and blessings, Confucius
Master El Morya
An address from a dictation by Master El Morya through Geraldine Innocente on August 28, 1960. Published by the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation in "Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin, Book 2", available at
Peoples sometimes have a sense of fear with regard to the doing of God's will even as much as they have with regard to the expressing of God truth or God purity.
There need be no such fear, beloved ones, for God who created a Sun that shines in the heavens, a God who created mountains and valleys and the sweet Earth; a God who created and sustains the galaxies in space is a God of goodness and it is his good pleasure that you shall experience and know NOW as well as in the future all of the glories which are in his kingdom, so when those of us who represent God's will suggest that you give us your human will in its favor, we are asking only that you give up a concept which is literally locked into your emotions, your minds, your etheric worlds of your physical brain structure and which manifests as imperfection.
We ask you to just let those human concepts go or allow us to remove them just as you would open the fingers of a a clenched hand, and drop them into the Violet Transmuting Flame and receive in their place a God idea for yourself. We are asking only that you let go of imperfection and that you receive only perfection. That is the sum total and substance of our teaching, the letting go of the human imperfection into the Violet Transmuting Flame and then the acceptance of the God perfection into the outer self and the feelings.
Lovely ones, it is easy to accept intellectually these things but let us endeavor through the power of love divine to accept the FEELING of God perfection; that feeling which will give to you and sustain through you a balance of positively controlled energy which enables you not only to magnetize any one of the virtues of God and sustain it, and radiate it, but enables you in times not only of crisis but in lesser times to be the peace-commanding presence and the Master Presence wheresoever you move.
This lesson must be learned here on Earth or it must be learned when you pass through so-called death. This lesson of self-mastery and surrender of the outer consciousness brings a greater vista to you, your loved ones and the planet Earth. You see the vista of the average individual is very small and that vista is surrounded by a fear which forms its periphery, inside which the thoughts, feelings, memories and physical experiences in this Earth-life (or lives which have gone before). Therefore when you look out into that small vista, there is only within it that particularly which is in regard to your personal worlds.
As we widen that vista, what do we do? We merely open that shell and allow you to see the beauty of a greater world, not only the world which is to come but the world that is now; not only the world as it was before imperfection came upon it but the beauty that you can know in the now, as well as the beauty of the future.
Fear not, my children, the pressure of God's holy will. Fear not the acceleration of the vibratory action of your lower vehicles. Fear not proximity to our presence, for we bring you always and only the consciousness of goodness and the desire to give assistance to you and those in your surroundings. Thus you become, in truth, light bearers; bearers in the fullest extent of the words of truth because you carry what? Not just physical light, you carry mental light, etheric light and emotional light and that light blazing around you is fed from the source of your own I AM Presence and from whatever Ascended Master Guru of your choice to whom you desire to give assistance.
Peoples sometimes have a sense of fear with regard to the doing of God's will even as much as they have with regard to the expressing of God truth or God purity.
There need be no such fear, beloved ones, for God who created a Sun that shines in the heavens, a God who created mountains and valleys and the sweet Earth; a God who created and sustains the galaxies in space is a God of goodness and it is his good pleasure that you shall experience and know NOW as well as in the future all of the glories which are in his kingdom, so when those of us who represent God's will suggest that you give us your human will in its favor, we are asking only that you give up a concept which is literally locked into your emotions, your minds, your etheric worlds of your physical brain structure and which manifests as imperfection.
We ask you to just let those human concepts go or allow us to remove them just as you would open the fingers of a a clenched hand, and drop them into the Violet Transmuting Flame and receive in their place a God idea for yourself. We are asking only that you let go of imperfection and that you receive only perfection. That is the sum total and substance of our teaching, the letting go of the human imperfection into the Violet Transmuting Flame and then the acceptance of the God perfection into the outer self and the feelings.
Lovely ones, it is easy to accept intellectually these things but let us endeavor through the power of love divine to accept the FEELING of God perfection; that feeling which will give to you and sustain through you a balance of positively controlled energy which enables you not only to magnetize any one of the virtues of God and sustain it, and radiate it, but enables you in times not only of crisis but in lesser times to be the peace-commanding presence and the Master Presence wheresoever you move.
This lesson must be learned here on Earth or it must be learned when you pass through so-called death. This lesson of self-mastery and surrender of the outer consciousness brings a greater vista to you, your loved ones and the planet Earth. You see the vista of the average individual is very small and that vista is surrounded by a fear which forms its periphery, inside which the thoughts, feelings, memories and physical experiences in this Earth-life (or lives which have gone before). Therefore when you look out into that small vista, there is only within it that particularly which is in regard to your personal worlds.
As we widen that vista, what do we do? We merely open that shell and allow you to see the beauty of a greater world, not only the world which is to come but the world that is now; not only the world as it was before imperfection came upon it but the beauty that you can know in the now, as well as the beauty of the future.
Fear not, my children, the pressure of God's holy will. Fear not the acceleration of the vibratory action of your lower vehicles. Fear not proximity to our presence, for we bring you always and only the consciousness of goodness and the desire to give assistance to you and those in your surroundings. Thus you become, in truth, light bearers; bearers in the fullest extent of the words of truth because you carry what? Not just physical light, you carry mental light, etheric light and emotional light and that light blazing around you is fed from the source of your own I AM Presence and from whatever Ascended Master Guru of your choice to whom you desire to give assistance.
Master Djwhal Khul
Master Djwhal Khul speaking through Christine & Kevin Core and posted on
I am often known as the Tibetan as the last incarnation which I experienced on the beautiful planet Earth was as a monk in Tibet. It is the privilege and power of those beings seeking to ascend the earthly realm to have experienced a variety of the spiritual philosophies, traditions and teachings that have evolved for humanity. It is from the point of view of Zen that I bring forward this particular message. I also bring the energy of the Second Ray; the Ray of Love and Wisdom; the healing Ray. This Ray of the Divine is with everyone who seeks to heal from the heart. If you are a healer you will embrace this Ray in your consciousness.
These two aspects of the wisdom and energy that I hold can seem very contradictory. Zen tells us that there is nothing to do and that the spiritual path is the process to realising that there is no path and that everything is Divinely perfect now.
In contrast it is very interesting to perceive the philosophy and thinking that comes with the concept of healing. I observe that for many years a powerful message has been broadcast, that disease is present when there is something wrong, and indeed it may be the perception that that person has done something wrong to create or deserve this disease. The idea of solving problems, curing situations, indeed healing, has anchored into the human consciousness the concept of a path of improvement towards perfection and if this is done successfully enlightenment or Ascension will take place.
The message of improvement and the need to improve is a constant mantra on earth. You encourage the toddler to improve its walking ability, the student to improve its spelling and mathematics; you hope your governments would improve, that safety will improve. There is so much striving. There is so much striving, aiming at future goals. This causes so much discontentment, dissatisfaction, pain and most of all what you describe as stress.
Many healing modalities, not only in the medical model, but within your spiritual philosophy as well, have deeply embraced the need to improve. You have the model of an onion where each healing is removing a layer. Have you noticed that you haven't found the middle of the onion yet and that after each layer another layer is revealed? This model has distracted you from the truth.
I now go back to putting on the hat, if you will (laugh) of the Zen master. Enlightenment, Ascension, and the root of all bliss is not on the path. The path is the path is the path. There can only be a path if there is somewhere to go and there can only be somewhere to go if here and now is not perfect! What you call Ascension or enlightenment is not at the end of the path. This is the greatest illusion. It can happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in the middle of the supermarket. It can happen. But what is it and how? I hear you ask.
It is falling in love with yourself. I ask you to remember when you really, really loved someone, some pet or something. Did you really love them but at the same time reserved a bit of love until a time when they had improved? My dear brother Sanada (Jesus) said “Love your neighbour as yourself”. I would like to say to you “Love yourself as you love your lover”.
From the time of my dear brother's crucifixion on the cross, a paradigm of self-sacrifice and self denouncement has taken place. This runs deep in human consciousness and is the archetype that underpins most human suffering.
It's now time to stop sacrificing yourself to anything and for anything. Don't sacrifice the Divine perfection that you are now for a desire to be more Divine tomorrow. I can promise you that this is a false perception. It is the road to the road to nowhere.
I would love to lend you my glasses (laugh) so that you could see yourself as I see you. You are as Divinely perfect now, with all your faults (laugh) as you are ever going to be.
It is your choice whether to stop the striving or not. You can get off the path right now and fall over laughing as the true bursts through and you fall in Love with yourself.
In Love, Djwhal Khul.
I am often known as the Tibetan as the last incarnation which I experienced on the beautiful planet Earth was as a monk in Tibet. It is the privilege and power of those beings seeking to ascend the earthly realm to have experienced a variety of the spiritual philosophies, traditions and teachings that have evolved for humanity. It is from the point of view of Zen that I bring forward this particular message. I also bring the energy of the Second Ray; the Ray of Love and Wisdom; the healing Ray. This Ray of the Divine is with everyone who seeks to heal from the heart. If you are a healer you will embrace this Ray in your consciousness.
These two aspects of the wisdom and energy that I hold can seem very contradictory. Zen tells us that there is nothing to do and that the spiritual path is the process to realising that there is no path and that everything is Divinely perfect now.
In contrast it is very interesting to perceive the philosophy and thinking that comes with the concept of healing. I observe that for many years a powerful message has been broadcast, that disease is present when there is something wrong, and indeed it may be the perception that that person has done something wrong to create or deserve this disease. The idea of solving problems, curing situations, indeed healing, has anchored into the human consciousness the concept of a path of improvement towards perfection and if this is done successfully enlightenment or Ascension will take place.
The message of improvement and the need to improve is a constant mantra on earth. You encourage the toddler to improve its walking ability, the student to improve its spelling and mathematics; you hope your governments would improve, that safety will improve. There is so much striving. There is so much striving, aiming at future goals. This causes so much discontentment, dissatisfaction, pain and most of all what you describe as stress.
Many healing modalities, not only in the medical model, but within your spiritual philosophy as well, have deeply embraced the need to improve. You have the model of an onion where each healing is removing a layer. Have you noticed that you haven't found the middle of the onion yet and that after each layer another layer is revealed? This model has distracted you from the truth.
I now go back to putting on the hat, if you will (laugh) of the Zen master. Enlightenment, Ascension, and the root of all bliss is not on the path. The path is the path is the path. There can only be a path if there is somewhere to go and there can only be somewhere to go if here and now is not perfect! What you call Ascension or enlightenment is not at the end of the path. This is the greatest illusion. It can happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in the middle of the supermarket. It can happen. But what is it and how? I hear you ask.
It is falling in love with yourself. I ask you to remember when you really, really loved someone, some pet or something. Did you really love them but at the same time reserved a bit of love until a time when they had improved? My dear brother Sanada (Jesus) said “Love your neighbour as yourself”. I would like to say to you “Love yourself as you love your lover”.
From the time of my dear brother's crucifixion on the cross, a paradigm of self-sacrifice and self denouncement has taken place. This runs deep in human consciousness and is the archetype that underpins most human suffering.
It's now time to stop sacrificing yourself to anything and for anything. Don't sacrifice the Divine perfection that you are now for a desire to be more Divine tomorrow. I can promise you that this is a false perception. It is the road to the road to nowhere.
I would love to lend you my glasses (laugh) so that you could see yourself as I see you. You are as Divinely perfect now, with all your faults (laugh) as you are ever going to be.
It is your choice whether to stop the striving or not. You can get off the path right now and fall over laughing as the true bursts through and you fall in Love with yourself.
In Love, Djwhal Khul.
Master Jesus Sananda
Channeled through Natalie Glasson,
As you create an intention to follow and develop your spiritual pathway of awakening and remembering your truth, so you will move through levels and layers of ascension training. Each period of your ascension pathway will focus you upon different areas of your body, thoughts, emotions, spiritual self, continuing until you have a deeper understanding and knowingness of yourself. Your ascension journey and the levels or periods of growth and awakening you move through are unique to you and personal to the desires of your soul. Humanity as a collective will move through layers and periods of ascension awakening and growth, this will also influence your ascension pathway and experiences. It is most likely that you are evolving beyond the lessons that humanity as a collective are exploring and embodying. However, this will influence you by returning your focus to old wounds and habits which have been resolved but may need attention at a deeper level or simply require you to confirm that the energies are no longer present within your being. Confirmation plays a big part in the ascension process. You are often being guided to energies that have been resolved, healed or transformed in order to confirm to yourself the growth and understanding that has been made. It is also a way of ensuring that all energies connected to the previous growth or awakening are balanced, harmonised and aligned before you move forth to explore a new dimension of yourself.
Confirmation is always given to you by the divine, evidence is often desired by lightworkers and yet difficult to realise or discover. Confirmation and evidence are not the same. The Creator is always offering confirmation to you of your evolution and appropriate ideas or pathways, these are given in symbols, synchronicities and signs as well as through your intuition. Evidence, if given, would take away your power and free will.
The Challenges Ahead
The ascension period that many lightworkers are moving through now is known as a stage of self-realisation. It is true that each step of your ascension is focused upon self and Creator realisation. However, the energies pouring into lightworkers at this time is guiding a deep and intense observation of self. The energies anchoring are activating lightworkers in a way that their separation with self and the Creator may be emerging to be observed, released and healed. Any belief of separation with self or the Creator can manifest in experiences of lack, suffering, pain, chaos, being unsupported, unloved, unsafe, rejected and so forth. It can also result in emotions such as anger, fear, anxieties, insecurities, uncertainty, worries, depression, grief, as well as experiences of lack of trust and faith. In these experiences of separation with the Creator or self, you are being invited to discover your truth. Beneath the experience is a powerful life shifting and self-affirming realisation which is waiting to be acknowledged. A realisation which will fast-track you forth upon your spiritual pathway, allowing you to connect with new dimensions of yourself and know your truth with greater confidence.
The challenge in this stage of your ascension is not as you might think to endure how your aspects of separation with the Creator manifest in your reality. The challenge is to comprehend and remain focused upon your self-realisation, understanding that there is a jewel of realisation waiting to emerge within any experience that seems to separate you from the Creator and your divine self.
The purpose of this stage of spiritual growth is to remain observant rather than to plunge into any form of separation that manifests in diverse ways. Observe that a deeper understanding or insight about yourself is emerging which will create greater experiences of fulfilment, while also meaning you will no longer experience the separation energy with the Creator of your current situation.
You may wish to ask yourself two questions, these questions can be used in any situation, experience, emotion or though form:
What form of separation with the Creator or myself am I energising and manifesting now?
How can I dissolve the separation and realise my eternal infinite oneness with the Creator in this situation?
These two questions will serve you in observing and realising your inner self and the core of any situation rather than engaging in the drama which leads you deeper into the experience of separation.
The Blessings of Self Realisation
The energies of ascension downloading into lightworkers that are ready to realise and see themselves through the eyes of truth will hold, support and carry you forth with ease and perfection. You are being wholly supported and guided in mastering this stage of ascension. It does not mean that challenges will arise, it simply means that you will be invited to observe your reactions and the energies or thoughts you choose to create from. A blessing of self-realisation is that you will embody a tool, habit and pattern that allows you to move through your spiritual growth and earthly reality with ease, joy and fulfilment. An additional blessing of self-realisation is that you will discover and form your own unique way of connecting within your being, recognising the difference between truth, illusion and drama, as well as learning how to heal and positively shift your reality for you to experience fulfilment. All the wisdom, knowledge and understanding is within you. To say to yourself that you do not know what to do, where to begin or even how to achieve your self-realisation is an illusion in itself. You have everything you need within you, there is simply a need to be willing to observe and accept. Self-acceptance is one of the greatest healers and a sure way to reveal of your truth.
Keys to Self-Realisation
Take a step back and observe your inner feelings and thoughts as well as the outer manifestation in your reality. Ask yourself the two questions I, Master Sananda, supplied you with to determine the separation with the Creator you are empowering within you.
Contemplate how the core energy of separation you have discovered has influenced your current situation and whether it has created similar patterns in other areas of your reality. Try to discover as much as possible whether the separation with the Creator you are empowering is causing other patterns, habits, situations or experiences in your life. Realise that as you heal the energy you are aware of, so other areas of your life connected will heal.
Call upon the Ascension Energies of Self–Realisation and myself, Master Sananda, to support you and download into your being, filling you with light, love and healing vibrations.
Imagine the core of the energy of separation with the Creator you have discovered as a symbol, in a certain area of your body or being.
Invite the Ascension Energies of Self–Realisation and myself, Master Sananda to penetrate the symbol of your separation with the Creator and to anchor the quality or energy you received as an answer to the second question of how you can realise your eternal infinite oneness with the Creator in this situation?
Allow the symbol to transform into a new symbol within you of oneness and unity with the Creator in this situation, feeling the support and love of the Creator. When the symbol has transformed, allow yourself to radiate the new light of unison and being supported by the Creator into your entire being and reality. Feel the energy grounding deeply into your being and reality.
Simply calling upon the Ascension Energies of Self–Realisation and myself, Master Sananda, during meditation to download into your being and support your deeper connection with yourself and awareness of all that you are. It will aid you in receiving insights, healing and knowingness to support you in remaining balance and aligned in this stage of ascension.
With joyful love and truth,
Master Sananda
As you create an intention to follow and develop your spiritual pathway of awakening and remembering your truth, so you will move through levels and layers of ascension training. Each period of your ascension pathway will focus you upon different areas of your body, thoughts, emotions, spiritual self, continuing until you have a deeper understanding and knowingness of yourself. Your ascension journey and the levels or periods of growth and awakening you move through are unique to you and personal to the desires of your soul. Humanity as a collective will move through layers and periods of ascension awakening and growth, this will also influence your ascension pathway and experiences. It is most likely that you are evolving beyond the lessons that humanity as a collective are exploring and embodying. However, this will influence you by returning your focus to old wounds and habits which have been resolved but may need attention at a deeper level or simply require you to confirm that the energies are no longer present within your being. Confirmation plays a big part in the ascension process. You are often being guided to energies that have been resolved, healed or transformed in order to confirm to yourself the growth and understanding that has been made. It is also a way of ensuring that all energies connected to the previous growth or awakening are balanced, harmonised and aligned before you move forth to explore a new dimension of yourself.
Confirmation is always given to you by the divine, evidence is often desired by lightworkers and yet difficult to realise or discover. Confirmation and evidence are not the same. The Creator is always offering confirmation to you of your evolution and appropriate ideas or pathways, these are given in symbols, synchronicities and signs as well as through your intuition. Evidence, if given, would take away your power and free will.
The Challenges Ahead
The ascension period that many lightworkers are moving through now is known as a stage of self-realisation. It is true that each step of your ascension is focused upon self and Creator realisation. However, the energies pouring into lightworkers at this time is guiding a deep and intense observation of self. The energies anchoring are activating lightworkers in a way that their separation with self and the Creator may be emerging to be observed, released and healed. Any belief of separation with self or the Creator can manifest in experiences of lack, suffering, pain, chaos, being unsupported, unloved, unsafe, rejected and so forth. It can also result in emotions such as anger, fear, anxieties, insecurities, uncertainty, worries, depression, grief, as well as experiences of lack of trust and faith. In these experiences of separation with the Creator or self, you are being invited to discover your truth. Beneath the experience is a powerful life shifting and self-affirming realisation which is waiting to be acknowledged. A realisation which will fast-track you forth upon your spiritual pathway, allowing you to connect with new dimensions of yourself and know your truth with greater confidence.
The challenge in this stage of your ascension is not as you might think to endure how your aspects of separation with the Creator manifest in your reality. The challenge is to comprehend and remain focused upon your self-realisation, understanding that there is a jewel of realisation waiting to emerge within any experience that seems to separate you from the Creator and your divine self.
The purpose of this stage of spiritual growth is to remain observant rather than to plunge into any form of separation that manifests in diverse ways. Observe that a deeper understanding or insight about yourself is emerging which will create greater experiences of fulfilment, while also meaning you will no longer experience the separation energy with the Creator of your current situation.
You may wish to ask yourself two questions, these questions can be used in any situation, experience, emotion or though form:
What form of separation with the Creator or myself am I energising and manifesting now?
How can I dissolve the separation and realise my eternal infinite oneness with the Creator in this situation?
These two questions will serve you in observing and realising your inner self and the core of any situation rather than engaging in the drama which leads you deeper into the experience of separation.
The Blessings of Self Realisation
The energies of ascension downloading into lightworkers that are ready to realise and see themselves through the eyes of truth will hold, support and carry you forth with ease and perfection. You are being wholly supported and guided in mastering this stage of ascension. It does not mean that challenges will arise, it simply means that you will be invited to observe your reactions and the energies or thoughts you choose to create from. A blessing of self-realisation is that you will embody a tool, habit and pattern that allows you to move through your spiritual growth and earthly reality with ease, joy and fulfilment. An additional blessing of self-realisation is that you will discover and form your own unique way of connecting within your being, recognising the difference between truth, illusion and drama, as well as learning how to heal and positively shift your reality for you to experience fulfilment. All the wisdom, knowledge and understanding is within you. To say to yourself that you do not know what to do, where to begin or even how to achieve your self-realisation is an illusion in itself. You have everything you need within you, there is simply a need to be willing to observe and accept. Self-acceptance is one of the greatest healers and a sure way to reveal of your truth.
Keys to Self-Realisation
Take a step back and observe your inner feelings and thoughts as well as the outer manifestation in your reality. Ask yourself the two questions I, Master Sananda, supplied you with to determine the separation with the Creator you are empowering within you.
Contemplate how the core energy of separation you have discovered has influenced your current situation and whether it has created similar patterns in other areas of your reality. Try to discover as much as possible whether the separation with the Creator you are empowering is causing other patterns, habits, situations or experiences in your life. Realise that as you heal the energy you are aware of, so other areas of your life connected will heal.
Call upon the Ascension Energies of Self–Realisation and myself, Master Sananda, to support you and download into your being, filling you with light, love and healing vibrations.
Imagine the core of the energy of separation with the Creator you have discovered as a symbol, in a certain area of your body or being.
Invite the Ascension Energies of Self–Realisation and myself, Master Sananda to penetrate the symbol of your separation with the Creator and to anchor the quality or energy you received as an answer to the second question of how you can realise your eternal infinite oneness with the Creator in this situation?
Allow the symbol to transform into a new symbol within you of oneness and unity with the Creator in this situation, feeling the support and love of the Creator. When the symbol has transformed, allow yourself to radiate the new light of unison and being supported by the Creator into your entire being and reality. Feel the energy grounding deeply into your being and reality.
Simply calling upon the Ascension Energies of Self–Realisation and myself, Master Sananda, during meditation to download into your being and support your deeper connection with yourself and awareness of all that you are. It will aid you in receiving insights, healing and knowingness to support you in remaining balance and aligned in this stage of ascension.
With joyful love and truth,
Master Sananda
Master Kuthumi
An Introduction by Master Kuthumi to a 256-page pdf online book from the Bridge to Freedom:
The standard set for the chela who is going to serve the masses, in our name, is high. An individual who is teaching a horse to jump causes the animal to hurdle rail after rail and the horse is taught to combine muscle, sinew, nerve and intelligence until he can vault over higher and higher obstacles. In your own training for mastery, as you increase in your capacity to jump over the low hurdles, we give you new strength and counsel to increase your spiritual knowledge and capability to serve and surmount the higher hurdles upon life's path.
Our instructions and suggestions are provided not to depress and fill you with self-depreciation, but rather, to give to you the realization that you have mastered the “hurdle” laid down for you previously and have jumped over it with ease. The Master then feels that it is time to place a higher “rail” for you to clear, so that, in the final “steeple-chase,” you may surmount the highest obstruction with dignity, poise and efficacy and be of credit to those of us who have loved you well enough to take the responsibility for your training and development.
Do you know how much love it takes to spur a lifestream on? Some of you, who have worked with the public through the years, have some concept of the energies required to sustain the interest, enthusiasm and service of many individuals. Many of you know what tenacity of spirit and faith of consciousness is required to stand for weeks, months and years, pouring forth your life-breath into the souls of men and women, spurring them on, despite the restrictions of your own karma and theirs, as well, holding and sustaining them on the spiritual path.
This is our service from the Ascended Masters' Octave. It is your service in your group endeavors and it is, likewise, the service which is expected from every student in relation to his fellowman. It is far easier to turn one's back upon mankind's distress and enjoy a personal nirvana! Easier far would it be to “fold one's cloak” about one and gaze in admiration at the snow-capped peaks of Himalaya's mountains, than to “work in the valley” where disease, distress and death stalk the human race and where mankind mills about, seeking a way back home!
You, beloved ones, are among the few lifestreams scattered across the face of the Earth whom mankind will one day bless. Despite your own personal limitations, you have been firm in inspiring spiritual application for the many, often hiding your own shortcomings behind a front of bravery, so as not to affect the doubtful consciousness of those not yet grounded in the understanding of the Law. WHEN THESE BRAVE LIFESTREAMS LAG IN THEIR ENTHUSIASM, THEY ALWAYS HAVE MY ENTHUSIASM AND ALL THE POWER AND ALL THE MASTERY THAT IS MINE TO HELP THEM!
The standard set for the chela who is going to serve the masses, in our name, is high. An individual who is teaching a horse to jump causes the animal to hurdle rail after rail and the horse is taught to combine muscle, sinew, nerve and intelligence until he can vault over higher and higher obstacles. In your own training for mastery, as you increase in your capacity to jump over the low hurdles, we give you new strength and counsel to increase your spiritual knowledge and capability to serve and surmount the higher hurdles upon life's path.
Our instructions and suggestions are provided not to depress and fill you with self-depreciation, but rather, to give to you the realization that you have mastered the “hurdle” laid down for you previously and have jumped over it with ease. The Master then feels that it is time to place a higher “rail” for you to clear, so that, in the final “steeple-chase,” you may surmount the highest obstruction with dignity, poise and efficacy and be of credit to those of us who have loved you well enough to take the responsibility for your training and development.
Do you know how much love it takes to spur a lifestream on? Some of you, who have worked with the public through the years, have some concept of the energies required to sustain the interest, enthusiasm and service of many individuals. Many of you know what tenacity of spirit and faith of consciousness is required to stand for weeks, months and years, pouring forth your life-breath into the souls of men and women, spurring them on, despite the restrictions of your own karma and theirs, as well, holding and sustaining them on the spiritual path.
This is our service from the Ascended Masters' Octave. It is your service in your group endeavors and it is, likewise, the service which is expected from every student in relation to his fellowman. It is far easier to turn one's back upon mankind's distress and enjoy a personal nirvana! Easier far would it be to “fold one's cloak” about one and gaze in admiration at the snow-capped peaks of Himalaya's mountains, than to “work in the valley” where disease, distress and death stalk the human race and where mankind mills about, seeking a way back home!
You, beloved ones, are among the few lifestreams scattered across the face of the Earth whom mankind will one day bless. Despite your own personal limitations, you have been firm in inspiring spiritual application for the many, often hiding your own shortcomings behind a front of bravery, so as not to affect the doubtful consciousness of those not yet grounded in the understanding of the Law. WHEN THESE BRAVE LIFESTREAMS LAG IN THEIR ENTHUSIASM, THEY ALWAYS HAVE MY ENTHUSIASM AND ALL THE POWER AND ALL THE MASTERY THAT IS MINE TO HELP THEM!
Lady Master Quan Yin
Lady Quan Yin speaks through Gillian Macbeth of, with an introduction by Gilliam. In a newsletter published on 5/3/19.
Quan Yin is such a beautiful expression of the Divine Mother. She is known as the Great goddess and Mother of Compassion and Mercy, and is loved and revered throughout the world no matter religious beliefs . Mercy means there is more assistance given through love than through earned Merit. Kwan Yin is associated with the earth, fertility, birth, and healing. She has brought forth the energies of Magnified Healing. Quan Yin the Goddess of Compassion is often depicted riding on a dragon. She is the eastern counterpart of Mother Mary, she works to balance the feminine energies. She is one of the Lords of Karma representing the sixth ray. Isis carried the same 'mother energy' in Egypt.
One of the several stories surrounding Quan Yin is that she was a Buddhist who through great love and sacrifice during her life on earth, earned the right to enter Nirvana after death. While standing before the gates of Paradise she heard a cry of anguish from the earth below. Turning back to earth, she renounced her reward of eternal bliss, and dedicated herself to the hearts of the suffering. Following her ascension Kwan Yin made this pledge, "Never will I seek, nor receive, private individual salvation, never will I enter into final peace alone, but forever and everywhere will I live and strive for the redemption of every creature throughout the world from the bonds of conditioned existence”
Quan Yin means ˜One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World”. Her Chinese title signifies, "She who always observes or pays attention to sounds. She who hears prayers. She is worshipped especially by women. This goddess comforts the troubled, the sick, the lost, the senile and the unfortunate. She is now also regarded as the protector of seafarers, farmers and travelers. Quan Yin is depicted as a barefoot, gracious woman dressed in beautiful, white flowing robes, with a white hood gracefully draped over the top of the head and carrying a small upturned vase of holy dew. She stands tall and slender, a figure of infinite grace, her gently composed features conveying selflessness and compassion that have made her the favorite of all deities.
Quan Yin speaking through Gillian Macbeth 5/3/19 newsletter:
I am the light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into mercy and blessings for you are truly a blessing to me. You stretch and dedicate yourself to walk upon the path of enlightenment, which is so often strewn with earthly dangers and physical pains. You are such blessings to me because you try so hard to fly above the earthly pain and suffering into a place you can see with the eyes of your soul.
You are blessings to me because you continue to pray against all odds. You are my blessings and I come to help you remember the sacred contract that you have made with your body, with your mind, and with your spirit. For the trinity of you is so very Holy. You house the very universe in your physical body. In the time of Wesak when the Buddha and the Christ came together they will not separate their dispensations and heavenly gifts but will become as One, merging transfiguring and shifting, together.
The Buddha will hold the vibrations of the Christ and the Christ will hold the vibrations of the Buddha. As you merge with them vibrationally you will become like sea water that has been in a jar too long and seeks the ocean. You are becoming, in the fluidness of your future. Allow yourself to be poured into new light assemblies stretching yourself beyond any prior limitations. This is a time for all of humanity to dispense with the contractions, to dispense with the fear, to dispense with anger. Both the Buddha and the Christ come and ask you to disband all that is toxic or negative, release it, and let it go. These Wesak dispensations come to you as cleansing bubbles that clear what has been hardened. Delete what keeps you less than. Dissolve with what keeps you from loving each another. Diffuse what keeps another from loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep yourself powerless in the present. I am Quan Yin and you are my blessings.
Quan Yin is such a beautiful expression of the Divine Mother. She is known as the Great goddess and Mother of Compassion and Mercy, and is loved and revered throughout the world no matter religious beliefs . Mercy means there is more assistance given through love than through earned Merit. Kwan Yin is associated with the earth, fertility, birth, and healing. She has brought forth the energies of Magnified Healing. Quan Yin the Goddess of Compassion is often depicted riding on a dragon. She is the eastern counterpart of Mother Mary, she works to balance the feminine energies. She is one of the Lords of Karma representing the sixth ray. Isis carried the same 'mother energy' in Egypt.
One of the several stories surrounding Quan Yin is that she was a Buddhist who through great love and sacrifice during her life on earth, earned the right to enter Nirvana after death. While standing before the gates of Paradise she heard a cry of anguish from the earth below. Turning back to earth, she renounced her reward of eternal bliss, and dedicated herself to the hearts of the suffering. Following her ascension Kwan Yin made this pledge, "Never will I seek, nor receive, private individual salvation, never will I enter into final peace alone, but forever and everywhere will I live and strive for the redemption of every creature throughout the world from the bonds of conditioned existence”
Quan Yin means ˜One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World”. Her Chinese title signifies, "She who always observes or pays attention to sounds. She who hears prayers. She is worshipped especially by women. This goddess comforts the troubled, the sick, the lost, the senile and the unfortunate. She is now also regarded as the protector of seafarers, farmers and travelers. Quan Yin is depicted as a barefoot, gracious woman dressed in beautiful, white flowing robes, with a white hood gracefully draped over the top of the head and carrying a small upturned vase of holy dew. She stands tall and slender, a figure of infinite grace, her gently composed features conveying selflessness and compassion that have made her the favorite of all deities.
Quan Yin speaking through Gillian Macbeth 5/3/19 newsletter:
I am the light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into mercy and blessings for you are truly a blessing to me. You stretch and dedicate yourself to walk upon the path of enlightenment, which is so often strewn with earthly dangers and physical pains. You are such blessings to me because you try so hard to fly above the earthly pain and suffering into a place you can see with the eyes of your soul.
You are blessings to me because you continue to pray against all odds. You are my blessings and I come to help you remember the sacred contract that you have made with your body, with your mind, and with your spirit. For the trinity of you is so very Holy. You house the very universe in your physical body. In the time of Wesak when the Buddha and the Christ came together they will not separate their dispensations and heavenly gifts but will become as One, merging transfiguring and shifting, together.
The Buddha will hold the vibrations of the Christ and the Christ will hold the vibrations of the Buddha. As you merge with them vibrationally you will become like sea water that has been in a jar too long and seeks the ocean. You are becoming, in the fluidness of your future. Allow yourself to be poured into new light assemblies stretching yourself beyond any prior limitations. This is a time for all of humanity to dispense with the contractions, to dispense with the fear, to dispense with anger. Both the Buddha and the Christ come and ask you to disband all that is toxic or negative, release it, and let it go. These Wesak dispensations come to you as cleansing bubbles that clear what has been hardened. Delete what keeps you less than. Dissolve with what keeps you from loving each another. Diffuse what keeps another from loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep yourself powerless in the present. I am Quan Yin and you are my blessings.
Master Saint Germain
St. Germain speaking through James McConnell on March 24, 2019 to a gathering of students.
I am Saint Germain.
I come to be with you now in these moments to continue to share, to continue to be open with all of you, to help you understand that which has just occurred.
Yes, you spoke of this during your discussion. Many of you are realizing now that this is an individualized process. This is not one feels all that the others feel. This is for each and every one of you. These waves of energies that have been coming in and continue to come into the planet.
These waves affect each and every one of you in an individualized basis determined by the state of vibration that you are in at the time. So if you are focused on those every-day activities of your third, and even fourth-dimensional experience, that is what will be amplified by these energies. But if you find yourselves in those moments when these energies hit in a state of higher vibration with a momentum of energy within you, then that is what will be amplified at the time. And you will find that you will be open much more so that this is beyond the third-dimensional illusion, beyond the veil. You will be open to those many glimpses that have been spoken of.
Some of you are now beginning more and more to realize, because these are those times now when the energies that are coming into you have been continuing to prepare you, to ready you for all that is yet ahead.
These energies that have been coming in are quite minor compared to what yet awaits you. But some of you do not feel these energies as they come in because you have already acclimated to them. So again, it is an individualized process that you are experiencing, and will continue to experience.
But one day, when the Source has deemed it appropriate, when the Source has given the green light, one day these energies will be so powerful, it will be beyond the measurements of your instruments. It will be beyond the measurements of the instruments within yourself in your central nervous system. There will be no mistaking it at that time that this is it. That this is The Event. This is the changeover. And those times following the changeover will be spoken of in those moments as that very changeover. In other words, you will look back from those future times, you will look back in this past, you will look back at that moment or moments when this changeover happened. That will be a dividing point between that which was and that which is now.
I say the words “is now” because what we are speaking of, what many are speaking of, has already happened. In the higher vibrations it has already occurred. But it has yet to come down into the manifestation within your collective consciousness here until man and consciousness of man is fully ready for it.
So be aware, be ready, be patient, but know that you are on the verge of a great many shifts and changes in your lives. At times, these changes will appear as commonplace, as normal, every-day. You will say to your brethren “nothing has changed.” But deep within you, at the heart level, you will know that indeed everything has changed.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now.
Continue to use the Violet Flame as one of the tools that you have been given to continue to purge out the old and to invite the new into your lives.
I am Saint Germain.
I come to be with you now in these moments to continue to share, to continue to be open with all of you, to help you understand that which has just occurred.
Yes, you spoke of this during your discussion. Many of you are realizing now that this is an individualized process. This is not one feels all that the others feel. This is for each and every one of you. These waves of energies that have been coming in and continue to come into the planet.
These waves affect each and every one of you in an individualized basis determined by the state of vibration that you are in at the time. So if you are focused on those every-day activities of your third, and even fourth-dimensional experience, that is what will be amplified by these energies. But if you find yourselves in those moments when these energies hit in a state of higher vibration with a momentum of energy within you, then that is what will be amplified at the time. And you will find that you will be open much more so that this is beyond the third-dimensional illusion, beyond the veil. You will be open to those many glimpses that have been spoken of.
Some of you are now beginning more and more to realize, because these are those times now when the energies that are coming into you have been continuing to prepare you, to ready you for all that is yet ahead.
These energies that have been coming in are quite minor compared to what yet awaits you. But some of you do not feel these energies as they come in because you have already acclimated to them. So again, it is an individualized process that you are experiencing, and will continue to experience.
But one day, when the Source has deemed it appropriate, when the Source has given the green light, one day these energies will be so powerful, it will be beyond the measurements of your instruments. It will be beyond the measurements of the instruments within yourself in your central nervous system. There will be no mistaking it at that time that this is it. That this is The Event. This is the changeover. And those times following the changeover will be spoken of in those moments as that very changeover. In other words, you will look back from those future times, you will look back in this past, you will look back at that moment or moments when this changeover happened. That will be a dividing point between that which was and that which is now.
I say the words “is now” because what we are speaking of, what many are speaking of, has already happened. In the higher vibrations it has already occurred. But it has yet to come down into the manifestation within your collective consciousness here until man and consciousness of man is fully ready for it.
So be aware, be ready, be patient, but know that you are on the verge of a great many shifts and changes in your lives. At times, these changes will appear as commonplace, as normal, every-day. You will say to your brethren “nothing has changed.” But deep within you, at the heart level, you will know that indeed everything has changed.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now.
Continue to use the Violet Flame as one of the tools that you have been given to continue to purge out the old and to invite the new into your lives.
The Maha Chohan
The Maha Chohan speaking through Geraldine Innocente on February 14, 1960 to a gathering of students of the Bridge to Freedom. First published in Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin, and later re-published by the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation in "Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin, Book 2". Available at
Dear Hearts seeking to become Gods and Goddesses:
A short but very powerful treatment for the union between your I AM Presence and the outer self is to begin to invite the feelings of the I AM Presence to flow through your every act of the day. The I AM Presence through your own Holy Christ Self is more eager than the outer self can realize, to re-establish a unity and oneness of purpose, thought, feeling, word and actioni between itself and the human personality which it has sustained through the centuries. The I AM Presence, particularly the Holy Christ Self, feels very deeply with regard to all your experiences with all human beings.
You will remember that the outer self lives by the light of the I Am Presence, by the life of the I AM Presence and by the mercy of the one Presence "I AM" in and through all human beings unascended.
Experiment, beloved, and see the great enjoyment, as well as happiness, you can and will experience by stopping often during the daily course of your mundane affairs and silently ask the individualized God-flame "I AM" fpr its feeling about any person, a member of the animal kingdom or an experience which the life force has placed upon your path, and, rather than the generated human feeling, a strong constructive feeling of the one Presence "I AM", will have an opportunity to bless that part of life so contacted and will also be a permanent treatment of the thoughts, feelings, words and actions of the one consciously inviting those currents.
When man feels toward his fellowman as God "I AM" feels, when he thinks of the world's affairs and his own affairs as a facet of the diamond shining mind of God, and when the thoughts, feelings, words and actions expressed in constructive action so that God actually walks the Earth through every man, as he did through Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha and through every other person who identifies himself with God "I AM" through interpreting and manifesting his way by action and radiation, more than by word, he will have become one with his I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. This is the great humility. It is a portion of the code of harmlessness. The impersonal love of the good in every one is the God-Feeling of your own source "I AM" and is the feeling that you will attain and sustain one day when the goal of the ascension is achieved.
Love and blessings.
Dear Hearts seeking to become Gods and Goddesses:
A short but very powerful treatment for the union between your I AM Presence and the outer self is to begin to invite the feelings of the I AM Presence to flow through your every act of the day. The I AM Presence through your own Holy Christ Self is more eager than the outer self can realize, to re-establish a unity and oneness of purpose, thought, feeling, word and actioni between itself and the human personality which it has sustained through the centuries. The I AM Presence, particularly the Holy Christ Self, feels very deeply with regard to all your experiences with all human beings.
You will remember that the outer self lives by the light of the I Am Presence, by the life of the I AM Presence and by the mercy of the one Presence "I AM" in and through all human beings unascended.
Experiment, beloved, and see the great enjoyment, as well as happiness, you can and will experience by stopping often during the daily course of your mundane affairs and silently ask the individualized God-flame "I AM" fpr its feeling about any person, a member of the animal kingdom or an experience which the life force has placed upon your path, and, rather than the generated human feeling, a strong constructive feeling of the one Presence "I AM", will have an opportunity to bless that part of life so contacted and will also be a permanent treatment of the thoughts, feelings, words and actions of the one consciously inviting those currents.
When man feels toward his fellowman as God "I AM" feels, when he thinks of the world's affairs and his own affairs as a facet of the diamond shining mind of God, and when the thoughts, feelings, words and actions expressed in constructive action so that God actually walks the Earth through every man, as he did through Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha and through every other person who identifies himself with God "I AM" through interpreting and manifesting his way by action and radiation, more than by word, he will have become one with his I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. This is the great humility. It is a portion of the code of harmlessness. The impersonal love of the good in every one is the God-Feeling of your own source "I AM" and is the feeling that you will attain and sustain one day when the goal of the ascension is achieved.
Love and blessings.
Master Serapis Bey
Master Serapis speaks through Geraldine Innocente on April 18, 1959 (partial, taken from a longer address)
You sometimes think that merely saying a decree, or singing songs; or wiping the platform is not part of the very pathway towards your ascension! I tell you that every movement you make, every thought you think, every feeling you have, and constructive and positive action that you give to assist the upward-reaching progress of the entire race is building into your causal body that required momentum of good so that your loved ones, at the close of their embodiments never have to come to this Earth again; never have to work out destructive karma in distorted bodies and confused souls. You, yourself, can and shall have the ascension at the close of this Earth life.
For this I live, I move, I have my being; for this I foreswore nirvana; for this I came from Atlantis, carrying the Ascension Flame in that frail barque across the great sea, breathing upon it the life, breath and love of my heart; for this did I encompass all those that were with me in that small boat in my love, invoking the purifying action of the beloved violet fire so that any untransmuted karma among my confreres might not hold us back unduly, knowing full well, as did the high priest in every boat, that there was only so long a time (measured in the octave in which you abide) before the final cataclysmic action would take place and the heart of Poseidonis itself should sink beneath the waves of the present Atlantic Ocean!
Think you not our goal had to be straight toward that point on the Earth's surface where we were directed as we opened our scrolls and carried the Ascension Flame! There was no time on the high seas for resting on our oars; no time for enjoying the beauties of the Mediterranean or landing on the beautiful sanded shore, giving the blistered hands, the parched mouths filled with sea water from the heavy breathing required to man those oars; the opportunity to drink and bathe and refresh themselves. NO! Inexorably, the Law moved us onward in the buoyant rhythm of the Ascension Flame! Blessed be those with me, who binding up their hands as best they could in hems of their robes, soaking them as best they could in the waters as they took turns, two would stop rowing to do this, and we reached the land you know as Egypt. Then we faced the long hot trip up the Nile to Karnak and Luxor. Few among you have felt the beat of that sun, so hot that sands of the desert burns the bare feet of those who have not lived an entire life and accustomed themselves to its extremities of heat; the river glistening, reflecting the blazing orb of Sun and the faithful ones on the rhythm of love rowed on, rowed on and on.
Then, as we nosed our boat towards the shore, looking once more to be sure that the Ascension Flame was still alive in the physical world, I carried it from the boat onto the hot sands, and those others, following after me waded ashore, for which I blame them not, so that their blessed feet, hands and bodies might have some slight refreshment, even though there were many vicious creatures in the Nile that in one swoop would have consumed them. For a moment, I asked the spirit of the Nile, beloved Neptune and beloved Lunara, to fence away such carnivorous creatures that would hurt my stalwart band until they had bathed and followed me safely to shore.
Then as we placed reverently the brazier holding the Ascension Flame in the sacred spot selected where it still stands today, we knelt about it, when a great concussion flooded the Nile and the entire Earth shook as the remnants of a continent loved sank beneath the waves. Many a tear was shed while yet we breathed upon that flame, for we, too, had left loved ones on Atlantis. Also we knew that other boats like unto our own were carrying other aspects of the Sacred Fire North, East, South and West and that some in those boats had not reached their goal and that, for a time, those flames, until re-magnetized by illumined lifestreams, would not in the physical appearance world be made manifest for the blessings of Earth's evolution.
Do you love the ascension so much that you are willing to row and row and row? Do you love it as much as I do so that you live with it, guard it, teach it to others, bless it, providing through it an open door through which every being of the three kingdoms in their due course can ascend into their Father's Mansions?
Oh, my lovely ones, think on this, think on it. Ten billion souls presently belonging to the Earth's evolutionary scheme, so many elementals that there is no count; and angels imprisoned too, having access to the Ascension Flame as the door by which they can achieve their God-estate. Love this flame, if not for yourselves, then for someone that you may not even know in this Earth life, so that, when his course is run, he or she may pass through that door in Victory! Beautiful is the experience, beloved ones, when you step within the heart of that Ascension Flame, as you will within this thirty days, of course, but yet you can utilize it practically in your worlds.
Once, long ago, you had to journey physically to Luxor and pass through the rigorous tests required to even be admitted through the gates, for the western mind and body are not acclimated to the Egyptian climate and although in our larger cities, we have all of the glorious inventions of man to make things cool. Yet, when one passes Karnak and into the vicinity of Luxor, the chela must rely upon his own good feet, his stamina (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) as well as his conviction that I am there, until he feels the pulsation of the Ascension Flame going through his body actually more powerfully than any motor that has been running for a time.
You do not have to make this trip physically, beloved ones, in this embodiment. God knows you have been at Luxor often enough before. We have all met; some of you found me a severe teacher and a rather unpleasant "fellow" whom you felt was to blame for all your untransmuted karma and you left Luxor with no happy feelings regarding myself and our foci. That is why, in this embodiment, not all peoples like the name of Serapis nor the name of Luxor, because at Luxor, just as we moved from Atlantis to Egypt, our slogan is "Row on and on and on" and in that temple there is no place for the dilettante. There is no place for the curious; there is no place of lasting comfort for the lethargic and the actually disagreeable lifestreams.
You sometimes think that merely saying a decree, or singing songs; or wiping the platform is not part of the very pathway towards your ascension! I tell you that every movement you make, every thought you think, every feeling you have, and constructive and positive action that you give to assist the upward-reaching progress of the entire race is building into your causal body that required momentum of good so that your loved ones, at the close of their embodiments never have to come to this Earth again; never have to work out destructive karma in distorted bodies and confused souls. You, yourself, can and shall have the ascension at the close of this Earth life.
For this I live, I move, I have my being; for this I foreswore nirvana; for this I came from Atlantis, carrying the Ascension Flame in that frail barque across the great sea, breathing upon it the life, breath and love of my heart; for this did I encompass all those that were with me in that small boat in my love, invoking the purifying action of the beloved violet fire so that any untransmuted karma among my confreres might not hold us back unduly, knowing full well, as did the high priest in every boat, that there was only so long a time (measured in the octave in which you abide) before the final cataclysmic action would take place and the heart of Poseidonis itself should sink beneath the waves of the present Atlantic Ocean!
Think you not our goal had to be straight toward that point on the Earth's surface where we were directed as we opened our scrolls and carried the Ascension Flame! There was no time on the high seas for resting on our oars; no time for enjoying the beauties of the Mediterranean or landing on the beautiful sanded shore, giving the blistered hands, the parched mouths filled with sea water from the heavy breathing required to man those oars; the opportunity to drink and bathe and refresh themselves. NO! Inexorably, the Law moved us onward in the buoyant rhythm of the Ascension Flame! Blessed be those with me, who binding up their hands as best they could in hems of their robes, soaking them as best they could in the waters as they took turns, two would stop rowing to do this, and we reached the land you know as Egypt. Then we faced the long hot trip up the Nile to Karnak and Luxor. Few among you have felt the beat of that sun, so hot that sands of the desert burns the bare feet of those who have not lived an entire life and accustomed themselves to its extremities of heat; the river glistening, reflecting the blazing orb of Sun and the faithful ones on the rhythm of love rowed on, rowed on and on.
Then, as we nosed our boat towards the shore, looking once more to be sure that the Ascension Flame was still alive in the physical world, I carried it from the boat onto the hot sands, and those others, following after me waded ashore, for which I blame them not, so that their blessed feet, hands and bodies might have some slight refreshment, even though there were many vicious creatures in the Nile that in one swoop would have consumed them. For a moment, I asked the spirit of the Nile, beloved Neptune and beloved Lunara, to fence away such carnivorous creatures that would hurt my stalwart band until they had bathed and followed me safely to shore.
Then as we placed reverently the brazier holding the Ascension Flame in the sacred spot selected where it still stands today, we knelt about it, when a great concussion flooded the Nile and the entire Earth shook as the remnants of a continent loved sank beneath the waves. Many a tear was shed while yet we breathed upon that flame, for we, too, had left loved ones on Atlantis. Also we knew that other boats like unto our own were carrying other aspects of the Sacred Fire North, East, South and West and that some in those boats had not reached their goal and that, for a time, those flames, until re-magnetized by illumined lifestreams, would not in the physical appearance world be made manifest for the blessings of Earth's evolution.
Do you love the ascension so much that you are willing to row and row and row? Do you love it as much as I do so that you live with it, guard it, teach it to others, bless it, providing through it an open door through which every being of the three kingdoms in their due course can ascend into their Father's Mansions?
Oh, my lovely ones, think on this, think on it. Ten billion souls presently belonging to the Earth's evolutionary scheme, so many elementals that there is no count; and angels imprisoned too, having access to the Ascension Flame as the door by which they can achieve their God-estate. Love this flame, if not for yourselves, then for someone that you may not even know in this Earth life, so that, when his course is run, he or she may pass through that door in Victory! Beautiful is the experience, beloved ones, when you step within the heart of that Ascension Flame, as you will within this thirty days, of course, but yet you can utilize it practically in your worlds.
Once, long ago, you had to journey physically to Luxor and pass through the rigorous tests required to even be admitted through the gates, for the western mind and body are not acclimated to the Egyptian climate and although in our larger cities, we have all of the glorious inventions of man to make things cool. Yet, when one passes Karnak and into the vicinity of Luxor, the chela must rely upon his own good feet, his stamina (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) as well as his conviction that I am there, until he feels the pulsation of the Ascension Flame going through his body actually more powerfully than any motor that has been running for a time.
You do not have to make this trip physically, beloved ones, in this embodiment. God knows you have been at Luxor often enough before. We have all met; some of you found me a severe teacher and a rather unpleasant "fellow" whom you felt was to blame for all your untransmuted karma and you left Luxor with no happy feelings regarding myself and our foci. That is why, in this embodiment, not all peoples like the name of Serapis nor the name of Luxor, because at Luxor, just as we moved from Atlantis to Egypt, our slogan is "Row on and on and on" and in that temple there is no place for the dilettante. There is no place for the curious; there is no place of lasting comfort for the lethargic and the actually disagreeable lifestreams.