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2/2/25 - Men Need the Feminine Mirror of Softness (channeled)
GoddessSphere Newsletter 2/1/25
Men Need the Feminine Mirror of Softness (channeled)
by Master DK and me, Nancy
Greetings my beloved friends! Following is a channeled message that strikes home for me and warms my heart. It was given to me back in 2019. As I scan old journals I continue to find DK’s wonderful messages and remarks hidden in folders, slipped in between the mundane aspects of my life. It seems I have written many of his messages “off the cuff”, sort of blending new knowledge into my mind. But this one is strikingly real because it validates the theme about the Love Club which is growing in my mind. Enjoy!
(Me prelude:) During morning exercises. I saw the tree of life. It was a tree of brilliant light in the shape of the kabbala. It was a tree of conduits, channels and webbing of light that is in me, in my flesh body, and I am surrendering to it when I am up doing spontaneous movements, the dance-like flowing. There is an inner wind. Afterwards I sit and write. The words are flowing easily through me and I write them down on paper
(DK speaking:) Men are in need of the feminine mirror to be reflected back to them what feminine is like. Most women are reflecting masculine back to men and to the outer world. It is ego-centered, or mental-centered. The masculine predominates everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Ego is everywhere. Where is spirit? Divine? Naturalness? When women think they are showing empowerment by resisting the men and authorities, when they show rebellious, willful attitude to prove they can be complete and equal with men, that is masculine energy they are using. Men do not need more masculine energy reflected back to them. It just makes them angry. They have enough of that every where they turn. It creates competitiveness for control. Who can be best? And who can be on the top? It is feminine they seek. It is the gentleness they seek. The kindness, the motherly caring and encouragement which is selfless. The mother cares more for others than herself, but she is wise and doesn’t deplete her own powers.
Most women try to do this but deplete their own powers. Women do not know how to be truly feminine. They give their powers away without realizing how they are doing this. Even when men push for sex they are seeking the feminine love and acceptance. It is not the flesh they seek but the softness of attitude, the warmth of mood and love that feminine can offer. It is a quality and a virtue. It is an energy and a feeling. It is not flesh. But we women do not have enough confidence in our femininity. We do not even KNOW what femininity really is or feels like. It is pure heaven. We have the bodies that are created to be naturally feminine, so we are full of the potential to be divine feminine, but due to eons and eons of lifetimes and cultural training and programming to operate through the brain we do not know how to be in our bodies. Our bodies are feminine. We don’t know nor have we been trained. We don’t have confidence.
That is why we must gather as women, to build confidence and to reflect back to each other that which is feminine, and that which is NOT feminine. We’ll know it when we see it. It’s not just softness and tenderness, it is also truth, honesty, courage, intelligence and perfection. It is the seven qualities and the seven colors we were embedded with on a soul level, what we call the seven virtues and the seven chakras seven bodies. What makes us feminine instead of masculine is we do it with wholeness, with love, compassion, consideration for the feelings of those around us. We deal out truth with softness. We deal out courage with softness. We deal out determination with softness. We deal out intelligence with softness. We deal out perfection with softness. That is feminine.
The true feminine, the divine or ideal feminine is selfless, and wise beyond reason. Feminine is spiritual. It expresses with tenderness and mindfulness the qualities of the seven which the spiritual connection inspires. It comforts and lifts to higher planes, to nobleness, regal-ness, and majestic-ness and freedom. We women need to build confidence in how to speak and express ourselves. We need to have a circle of safety and protection. We need a women’s circle where we can gain confidence and enlightened responses from other women. We have to cultivate our inner feminine. Then we can bring it home to express to our families and friends.
Every little piece of feminine expressed is like a building block cemented into place in the world. It goes out in a ripple effect through the ethers and touches the planet's atmosphere. Men need encouragement in expressing their own softer side. We add to the healing of the planet when we express our truth. Women learned to surrender their power over the ages. It was a cycle that had to be lived through, but now that cycle is over. Cosmic timing tells us it is time to come out of the closet and enjoy being freely feminine because the men need some proof that softness, genuine softness, tenderness, compassion, honesty, courage, truth, perfection can be lived in the flesh in the world, and in the family, community and government. The men don’t believe it because they haven’t seen it yet. They must see it role modeled in action. I remember a few scenarios where I expressed my truth and my husbands enjoyed it. Feminine truth is one such virtue they are waiting for. They don’t like for us to surrender ourselves to them. It puts added burden and pressure on them. (Received 8/25/19)
Blessings on this first day of February 2025. I send peace, love and the hope that everyone is safe, secure and enjoying an uplifting day of happiness. These are tumultuous times, I know, but keep centered in your heart, and imagine love growing there. It is our saving grace. Love and light to all from the Galactic Federation of Light, the Masters, the Angelics, those who wait for us in heaven, and me, Nancy
1/20/24 - Preparing for the Love Club
GoddessSphere Newsletter 1/20/25
Preparing for the Love Club
by Master DK and me, Nancy
Hello everyone! Happy Inauguration Day! I’m not referring to the political inauguration, but to the launching of The Love Club. It's the start of a new era. Not because American leadership has changed but because we humans are taking a stand for love. Below is a spirit-channeled message received nine years ago about the Love Club, followed by my personal comments at the end.
“The Love club is being formed to introduce love into the world of human relations on a scale that is larger than has been known before. The concept is one of RECEIVING love first, before giving love, for the world has you all indoctrinated into believing you are not capable of receiving love. That you are not worthy of receiving love. That you are sinners and therefore that you must somehow redeem yourselves and prove that you are worthy of being loved. Nonsense! You are a child of love and therefore love has been built into you. Your design has been cut out of the father and mother of love. You are immensely valuable and irreplaceable. Within your body, mind and feelings there runs gold. It is a fiery brilliant flashing golden river that breathes through you. You ARE love walking. You ARE love talking. You ARE love expressing. You ARE Love on every level of your being. You simply do not believe it. This is the reason why the Love Club is being brought forth at this time.
“Once you have accepted love, and allowed love to reside in you, within your body cells and within your structure, then you will be able to give love to others because you will KNOW love and what love feels like. Until then, you cannot give love to others. And you will learn how extraordinarily free love feels when you have removed all barriers and false beliefs that hold you back. Love is your natural environment. Love is free. Love flows freely through you now. Believe it and set your sights higher, wider and without reservations. Love yourself first. Allow yourself to receive love from your higher mind and higher heart, for you have reduced your mind and heart to lower vibrations and you cannot see or feel clearly the truth of love. You are an infinite expression of love. You are a higher mind and a higher heart than you realize.
“You are an immense well spring of love. An artesian well of love pumping up from the depths that are beyond you, unknown to you, being pumped up into sight and vision into your personal world. You are ready to receive love. Practice receiving love. Practice being held by friends, lovingly. Feel the love start to flow within you. Just feel it. Don’t respond. Just feel and allow the love to register on your inner body structure. See what it feels like. The Love Club starts out on an esoteric level (inner level) but it will expand outward into physical relationships as the Love Club grows.
“Maintain the inner connection all the while for love comes from within each person. Each one is a transforming station stepping down the infinite and formless energy of love through the perceptions of the mind, and down further into the body cells of the organs and tissues of the heart. First it is received, then it is expressed outwardly to others.” (End channeling)
_____(My comments:) Yesterday I posted this as a blog and today I'm sending it out as a newsletter. Earth's planetary ascension is well underway. Along with the US political change in leadership, human emotions may be dipping or soaring, depending, but I believe more people are moving on past it for their own betterment and evolution. I prefer to focus on human intimacy and togetherness, myself, because I’ve been studying with the Ascended Masters. Master DK’s teachings are all about integrating heaven’s abstract intelligence with Earth’s physicalness and crustiness. Spiritual and human belong together because they are made of the same stuff – love and intelligence. Love is a spiritual intelligence. It is the counterpart to abstract intelligence, aka Father Light.
Light exists inside our cells but it is feminine love that makes it live, that moves it into action. Love has been repressed for eons, in favor of the more material-focused aspect of our nature. The spiritual aspect of our nature is love but it has been missing in action. We have used love to fuel our material nature, the physical material wants and needs, but we have not accepted the spiritual part of love. The wholeness of love is missing. This part needs to be set free. Our bodies are crying out in frustration and loneliness for it. The goddess is missing. The god (small g) has been in control. With freer spontaneous expressions of spiritiual love, we would feel more vitalized, excited, enthused, happier, joyful, even ecstatic, even rapturous. We could call it holy it’s actually more real, more normal, more easy to live with, more fun-loving.
For years I lived this in the swinging lovestyle until I lost it. I tried to introduce this higher, freer love to others as a spontaneous way of life, not to exclude the sexual but to balance it so bliss and rapture (tantra) could be experienced. But there was pressure to focus it downward only, toward the lower body. The higher love was curtailed. Was not to be allowed. It was my own fault. I can’t blame anyone. And so it remains yet to bring forth the Love Club. It had been pushing to get started. Ever since my OBE into the light and I came under the mentorship of Ascended Masters, ever since then I have been trying to introduce love in its natural spontaneous way. It is beautifully warm, huggingly warm, sweetly warm, lovingly, nurturingly, impersonally warm and fulfilling, whole in every way. It is 100% complete and perfect. This one feels within oneself.
We are not connected well to it. We are a mental race. Brain-focused. We work under the spell of manmade laws and they are enforced. But REAL love, what moves you to tears of ecstasy because it is so sublime – this kind of love is not physical. It is a universal force, if you will. It keeps the suns, planets and galaxies in their orbits. Love is a celestial power. It moves and shakes whole planets. It CAN move a human individual who is failing. It can restore him or her. Love fuels the physical but love itself is not physical. It is an intelligence. It is the feminine intelligence that resides in our bodies. That includes men too. The male body is a feminine animal creature because it has feelings and emotions. Love is an intelligent living force. But the human evolution divided it into two separate parts, male and female, left and right, front and back, up and down. We must bring love back out into the open, into action, to give and receive from one another without focusing it only on one spedific part of the body. It is meant for the whole body and to fill our auric field that surrounds us.
Oh, I must stop writing or I will write another few pages. So sorry. I get carried away. This is the end for today. I sending peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace and gratitude to all beings on this Inauguration Day 2025, which marks the beginning of a new era. Watch for further disclosure in the news. The many civilizations that belong to the Galactic Federation of Light are both in the skies in starships and on the ground with us in human disguise. Watch your feelings when you think you see one.
Blessings from the Ascendeds, the Galactics of Light, the Angelics and those who are beyond - and me, Nancy
12/31/24 - Ashtar on Quantum Financial System (QFS)
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/31/24
Message from Ashtar on the Quantum Financial System
of the Galactic Federation of Light (posted today)
And Happy new Year from Nancy!
Happy New Year Friends, Lovers, Star seeds and Lightworkers of the Fifth Dimension! I am so excited to receive so many messages from the Galactics in these extraordinary days. And this one IS extraordinary. I've only been hearing abut the Quantum Financial reset for about 30 years. Have you? I don't know how many people are tuned in, but if not, if this is a "no clue what you're talking about" this is your change to get caught up on our extraterrestrial visitors. They are coming closer and closer. We are hearing about the drones, UFOs, etc., strange lights in the sky, etc. It's been a covert subject that is coming out of the closet in spades recently. Ashtar is Commander of the Ashtar Command. It is his "A" that Star Trek shows as a communication badge in its episodes. Here's Ashtar's message. I took the time to transcribe it and post it. If you don't like what I'm saying, just ask me to unsubscribe you. Blessings for the the New Year. Celebrate with great happiness tonight! There are many of these posts being channeled and presented professionally on youtube on GFLstation.com. It's very well done. They post new messages several times a day.
Ashtar: The Quantum Financial System will begin in 2025 (Video)
Dear brothers and sisters, I am Ashtar, commander of the Galactic Light forces, stepping forward to speak with you through this channel to discuss the transformative news about the implementation of the quantum financial system, QFS as you have termed it, and its role in establishing a one-world currency that will liberate your planet in the future to come. From our vantage point we assure you that the momentum is well underway, shifting the very foundations of Earth's monetary structures. The most vital or incoming part of today's update is concerning developments in your financial structures set to unfold by the early or middle part of 2025. During this period a noteworthy shift will sweep through your economies as quantum computing and digital currency systems make grand introductions. Although many will find these changes startling, rest assured they have been painstakingly orchestrated to align with humanity's broader ascension trajectory. We encourage you to begin familiarizing yourselves with digital currencies. How they function, how they are exchanged, and the ways they connect communities and commerce across the planet. This is not to say you must invest or store large amounts of wealth in them. No. In the times ahead all essential resources will be bountifully provided. However, understanding digital currencies, recognizing how major banks will employ them as the chief mechanism of transaction, can help ease your transition to these new realities so it's not a huge shock when things start to happen.
Your banks at higher compartmentalized levels have signed agreements not to discuss this and so you won't be able to get a great deal of information on the QFS from them. Use discernment and seek out alternative sources of information. Some are providing very accurate information. If you are excited about this new system because you think it's going to bring your freedom, we must encourage you to take the higher perspective on this. Beloved ones, no material thing can bring you freedom and although this is going to pave the way to allow humanity to have its basic needs provided for, freedom is a faculty of spiritual advancement and has nothing to do with money. Ultimately, beloved ones, the long-term objective is preparing Earth for a day when an exchange-based system becomes obsolete. You may raise your eyebrows at the notion of a one-world currency, but think of it merely as a temporary stepping stone toward a civilization that no longer requires money in any form.
This first step into a unifying currency paves the way for the broader exodus from material transactions altogether. We implore you not to panic, for though it is undoubtedly a massive paradigm shift, it will serve your highest good. Remember, many star seeds have formed strong energetic aversions to money, reinforcing the idea that wealth is tied to wrongdoing or exploitative behavior. Realize that when you continuously resist, you empower what you push against. Let go, dear star seeds, of your burdens surrounding money. This great financial reset can only emerge if you cease to shackle yourselves with outdated perceptions. And for many of you who delve deeply into spiritual practice, all this may soon prove irrelevant. As you hone your sacred gifts and cultivate your inner alchemy, you'll experience direct manifestations that bypass any need for an external financial system.
Our highest recommendation therefore is to continue nurturing your inner light, deepening your relationship with the creator, and championing your own spiritual evolution. For the more curious among you, yes, the quantum financial system will rely on a blend of blockchain infrastructure, advanced quantum computing and satellite networks. Some of you have noticed the new Starlight clusters in your night skies, courtesy of the one many call Elon Musk. These are the building blocks for what shall become a new more equitable framework. If you look closely you may begin to see how the pieces are converging in this cosmic puzzle. In this season of change, have fun with your finances. Do not cling to the idea that money defines your freedom. This notion has misled countless souls. True freedom flows from awakening your divine faculties, expanding your consciousness and linking arms with prime creator.
One who is aligned with the creator's heart finds ease and grace in every aspect of living, liberated from attachment to physical means of security. Thus we remind you, practice forging an ever-stronger bond with the divine. As new financial tools and resources flood your planet, hold fast to the truth that no material phenomenon can provide the serenity and empowerment of oneness with source. With that, you begin to glimpse the glorious horizon awaiting humanity. Stay faithful in your journey, dear ones. Let your compassion and heart-centered awareness guide you through the emerging waves of transformation. All that unfolds does so to elevate your collective and usher you into a future where prosperity and spiritual maturity walk hand in hand.
My dear brothers and sister, in order to overcome the Deep State, our tactics have encompassed both advanced galactic intelligence and sophisticated quantum technologies. Indeed, a new computerized grid encircles the globe beyond what many know of your satellite systems. This undisclosed network works in harmony with Earth's natural biofields, ensuring that our higher dimensional interface seamlessly integrates with her energies. We learned long ago that implementing any technological system on a living planet demands deep respect for her consciousness. The old monetary system which the dark entities heavily rely upon to sustain interplanetary trade has been strategically curtailed by the QFS. Their ability to generate new wealth or smuggle human resources has dwindled as we have disrupted their once-flourishing roots. Many of their partners in other star systems have withdrawn support. They see the writing on the wall. The dark ones, short on gold and resources, find themselves unable to maneuver as before. Thanks to the unstoppable force of the QFS, some among you are already collaborating with the QFS. But be aware, it is guarded by a fifth-dimensional passcode system that nullifies all attempts at misuse. Selfish appropriations of funds simply cannot take place. This currency is purposed to serve and uplift rather than exploit.
This advanced system arises from an array of computers with its master hub stationed at a key energetic location on your planet. A place wholly aligned with protecting humanity and raising your collective vibration. Yes, dear ones, the more your world goes quantum, the more swiftly the dark side will be removed from influence. Their best attempts at infiltration fail when confronted by a technology they cannot hack or understand. As you know from the alliances ongoing work, they have almost entirely systematically dismantled the clandestine facilities behind manipulative technologies, time travel manipulation and DNA experiments. This is all about to finish. These once-powerful facilities and structure have almost all fallen under the alliance's watchful authority. You have been taught to both fear and adore AI intrenched in a divided consciousness that sees technology as an enemy or savior. The QFS however is fundamentally different. Its primate directive is to protect the people it serves and secondarily itself. It mirrors the essence of a true galactic being living for the good of others while ensuring its own sovereignty.
At times the alliance will negotiate with the DS to steer them closer to the light. This process reveals how profoundly humanity has been deceived. The quantum system assists in exposing the manipulations and illusions, demonstrating unequivocally that the old web of control crumbles in the face of transparency. In parallel, the currency within the QFS will be gold-backed, laying the groundwork for enduring stability and opening the door to the final phase of Earth's grand ascension. True planetary liberation and abundance.
We speak with a certain degree of urgency today. Your people can no longer wait for wealth redistribution. The suffering on Mother Earth is profound and it is time for the alliance who manage these prosperity programs. To fast track the release of funds, stop the prolonged indecision. Your beloved planet needs immediate relief. The quantum financial system is a relief. The quantum financial system is a megalithic structure gifted to humanity by our brothers and sisters of other star systems. It stands at the pinnacle of advancement, outshining every known system in technological precision and security. Little do most realize that this breakthrough was orchestrated long ago. It was designed to supplant the cabal's central banking framework, ushering an end to financial bondage and population control with discreet assistance from the alliance. Certain key humans were handed what some call a magic want to take over the existing money matrix from the inside. All without drastic upheaval. Let there be no doubt the QFS has no parallel in your world's history. Its ability to guarantee 100% financial security and full transparency in currency accounting paves the way for replacing any outdated cabal-based systems by easily transitioning to gold and silver-backed currencies. We leave behind the manipulative central banks and firmly close the chapter on financial enslavement.
My dear brothers and sisters, I urge you to stand steadfast in your hope and readiness as we manifest this quantum transition. You will witness far more than just a currency shift. You will see the blossoming of love, well-being and a collective unity that is your birthright. Such transformations may appear incremental in your 3D reality, but know that from the vantage of the divine they unfold with perfect timing for humanity's highest good.
I am sending my supreme love to each of you in this sacred mission. Trust that through these new systems your sovereignty and prosperity are safeguarded. Your planet is on the brink of an unprecedented leap into the light, and we stand by eager to celebrate the dawn of Earth's collective liberation. We stand by you in every step supporting you with unwavering love. Continue onward, dear brothers and sisters, into the limitless possibilities of your unfolding, upheld by divine love and cosmic purpose. The golden age is not a distant dream. It is here waiting for you to claim it.
And from me: Sending a Most Happy New Year blessing to all who read this (and those who don't.) From the Angelics, Ascendeds, Galactics and Greater Intelligences beyond our knowledge. And me, Nancy
12/21/24 - First Contact by Ashtar of the Ashtar Command
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/21/24
Message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command
and the Galactic Federation of Light
(Transcript from video posted today 12/21/24) * Beloved star seeds of Earth, I am Ashtar and I am delighted to be with you for another message through this messenger. Today it is with great joy that I speak of the many delegations forming at this time. Collectives aligned in both our realm and yours, dedicated to uplifting Earth's vibrations and expanding the consciousness of all who walk upon her surface. Yet, understand dear ones, that neither you nor we can accomplish this monumental task alone. We require one another, our guidance, our technology, our partnership. These converge with your tireless efforts on the ground, your spiritual resilience and your willingness to step into the role of co-creators of the new Earth. Together we prepare for what you know as First Contact. This initial phase of First Contact has already begun. It unfolds through messages and communications like this one. Soon however, communication shall expand beyond transmissions and meditations.
There will be the direct physical contact that many of you sense in your dreams or envision in your moments of quiet wonder. We have seen how some part of you might whisper, "That cannot be for me" Or "I'll never board one of those ships!" Such beliefs limit you, rooted in the old programming of a waning illusion. Release that voice. Recognize that the probability grows every day for those whose vibrations rise enough to match ours. In resonance we can communicate not just telepathically but also face to face, reaching out in tangible communion.
My dear brothers and sisters of Earth there will come a time in your world's near future where many nations will unite under what we have long called the New Republic. Already you sense its faint stirrings in certain regions, especially within the United States. Yet it is destined to expand far beyond those borders as your collective consciousness rises over the next months and beyond. You will increasingly recognize yourselves not just as citizens of separate countries, but as galactic citizens of Gaia - one people beneath the same boundless sky. Let us clarify that patriotism itself is not inherently negative. Indeed, many powerful expressions of love, unity and cultural brilliance have been inspired by a deep devotion to one's homeland, but we see how over eons this same patriotism has too often been weaponized by certain factions, turning proud nations into divided camps.
Now beloved ones, it is time to step beyond this division. You have worn countless nationalities across your lifetimes. Does it not seem ironic to cling so fiercely to one single banner? The call is now for unity of spirit rather than separation by borders. As the New Republic emerges many traditional constraints will fade away. You will see the dissolution of currency discrepancies freeing you from the burden of exchange rates. Imagine a world where passports are no longer required, where a shared legal system based on divine principles offers universal fairness, and where new technologies flow openly across continents without the red tape of old. Some countries may choose not to join this structure at first, and it may not even retain the label "Republic". Yet the heart of this plan moves boldly forward.
If you recall your ancient tales of Atlantis or the stories of the Tartarian Empire, you recognize this concept. Once before humanity functioned with a unified approach. This time the transformation will be different. Anchored by you, the star seeds who bring pure consciousness as the bedrock on which this new republic is built, material advantage will no longer reign supreme. Instead, a shared elevation of spirit and loving unity will serve as the foundation, allowing yu to stand side by side as stewards of a higher Earth. Observing events on your planet one might see calamities, storms increasing in frequency and intensity, conflicts erupting, all that which seems to destabilize your reality. Dear ones, view these tumultuous occurrences as catalysts. The old 3D illusion must crumble to make way for heightened vibrations and ultimately for Gaia's ascension into higher dimensions. Where darkness surges it now must be revealed, allowing the light to illuminate every corner.
Many still question whether we in the Ashtar Command are real, whether these communications spring from true galactic contact or simply the imagination. Recall that imagination is a creative instrument of the higher realms, a gateway to possibilities you have yet to see. Let your vision expand, your dreams crystalize and your hope flow. As you consciously shape the reality you yearn for you move closer to a pivotal threshold. Beloved ones, for some of you contact with our fleets and representatives will come sooner as you diligently prepare yourselves for those grand moments. Though we cannot give dates or times - too many variables shift in your collective consciousness - know that the plan flows according to divine orchestration. It is guided by source and unfolds at the pace of your evolving vibrations. It is also the moment to recall the original intent of your forerunners who desired a governance by and for the people. This vision stands as a template for how leadership should serve rather than control.
Eventually, in alignment with councils and local assemblies, you will embody a government shaped by love, respect and unity, an echo of higher dimensional structures you have not yet fully remembered. Do not assume it must take decades or lifetimes. Revolution of consciousness quickens every day. Each time more souls focus on love and harmony these councils of light draw nearer. Yes, so many realms watch over you from star nations above to communities beneath your feet. In inner earth, beings who have ascended beyond 3D illusions, wait the right timing to open the corridors once again. You might not see them yet, but we assure you that they exist, observing your growth and cheering your progress. Should you grow weary of darkness in your media, trust that more people are choosing higher consciousness. Even if they are not familiar with your spiritual vocabulary many move toward love and kindness, ready to usher in a new more luminous reality.
We perceived this from our vantage, seeing lights igniting across your globe as individuals awaken. Darkness cannot hide. It must step aside making way for the revealing of truth. So remain steadfast and trust the orchestration that is well underway. The event you anticipate will not erupt within the confines of the 3D illusion. It manifests as enough of humanity steps beyond that illusion, embracing the fourth and fifth dimensions where unity and love reign. While patience is essential you need not wait in passivity. Be the warriors of light that Archangel Michael so often speaks of. Seize every moment to radiate compassion. Be of service and spread the frequencies of hope. Know that in ways both subtle and incredible, those of inner earth and the galactic realms wish to emerge in greater collaboration. We stand ready for the day when our appearance is perceived not as interference but as the help and brotherhood it truly is. Until that time, dear ones, kindle the flame of consciousness in your hearts and shine it forth for those still in shadow.
I leave you now, beloved friends in the spirit of unity, reassurance and unwavering support. Trust in the grand cosmic unfolding. Your ascension is nearer than you imagine and the rising of your collective vibration paves the way for first contact deeper alliances and a resurgence of truth and love upon your beautiful planet. The golden age is not a distant dream, it is here waiting for you to claim it.
(Me speaking!) Hello everyone, I have been urged to upgrade my newsletters so there will be some changes. Number one change is the Galactic community. They need more exposure to prepare us for their arrival. If you have noticed, there has been an upswing in UFO and UAP information coming out on the media channels.
The number two change is to focus on instruction with regard to kundalini. This is the earth energy that is embedded into every earth body as a living life force. It is consciousness but at rest until activated. Instruction on kundalini (aka shakti) has been kept mostly hidden because people weren't prepared for it, but the time is fast approaching. We are getting more information on it all the time. The Master DK has been my teacher. As we become more enlightened and we as a planet and a people continue to ascend to higher consciousness levels, it is inevitable that we will learn more. This brings us close together with our galactic neighbors. We, humanity on Earth, have been largely isolated and programmed into believing we are the only intelligent species in the universe (giggle!) Slowly this belief is fading but there are still some who believe we are the only ones. Fortunately, more are waking up and tuning into the larger mind behind the smaller programmed mind.
We are surfacing from deep underwater into fresh clean air and more light, more intelligence, more breathable space. We are beginning to understand ourselves better. Kundalini is moving within our cells and tissues. I was read in a long time ago about the inevitable coming visits with our galactic neighbors. My personal interest is slightly different, however. I'm interested in pursuing the warm human intimacy contact but with spiritual love and light. The ascension massage was given to me years ago and this is still part of the plan if I last long enough to see it thru. Breaking thru the surface - er, ceiling - is the next step we humans are taking in this process of ascension. Not many people are aware of it. One has to have some previous exposure to be able to see how it all ties together. It doesn't require us to leave this planet and go somewhere else. It requires that we open our minds to see what is beyond what we are accustomed to. We are capable of seeing further and experiencing more bliss, happiness, abundance, technology, etc., and our galactic neighbors are waiting for us to welcome them so they can come forward and meet us face-to-face, give us a hug and explain things in a more practical way. But they cannot interfere until we are ready for them.
I've been writing about this for years - ascension, loving touch, warm human kindness and sensuality. And mystical vision beyond the brain-mind's ability to comprehend, revelations, memories of past lives, the higher order of a heavenly abundant life and so much more. The Master DK has been guiding me and I've been posting his messages. He's a Tantra master and he teaches how kundalini IS the creative force within us. At rest until a certain time or event triggers it to stir and awaken. Then the inner changes begin. I can help anyone, soundboard with anyone, about what this means. You may contact me at any time, day or night. Until that time, kundalini is known simply as the sex energy because it jams up at the lower levels and can't go any higher. This is the part that ascension massage will help with - loving kind nurturing hands of light. It is a warm feminine, motherly teaching.
OK, that's all for now. I'll be writing more about this. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, if this is too far out for you, then send a return reply and ask me to remove you from the list. Thank you. Meanwhile, enjoy your Christmas and New Years Holiday. Please contact me privately for more communication. I'd love to hear from you. Blessings from the Ascended Masters, the Angelics, the Galactics and me, Nancy
12/14/24 - Update on Women's Empowerment Movement
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/14/24
By Lady Mary Magdalene and me, Nancy with DK as guide
Greetings to all in this holiday season!
Over the last few months I've been deeply involved in inner explorations, namely for myself alone, doing my own shadow work, remembering ancient memories from past lives, shutting off the rest of the world and exploring into the depths of the past. The recent tailbone "fall" (not really a fall but a pre-destined crack to release my masculine energies). Reading old journals and lots of channelings from guides and ascendeds, more revelations seeping in of bad times and good times, and wisdoms gained from the experiences. Memories long forgotten. Very few people contact me any more. The times they are a'changing. We are ascending as a people, as a planet, to higher realms in the cosmos, dimensions we have not been in before. And everyone, you, me and all our friends are going through the same process. Old stuff is surfacing we didn't know we had in us. It's regurgitating. The upheavals are massive and filling our atmosphere, needing to be cleansed. Whew! Blow it away! There is a deep healing process going on. For me, it requires my full attention. It is subjective, subconscious becoming conscious. Amazing information coming during my inner exercises.
My normal life continues but there’s a different perspective. I have tasks to do, certainly, but I'm also engaged in a self-imposed exercise program, a rehab program, due to injuries from overworking my back muscles. In between the inner and outer exercises, there is an overlapping of past lives and current life joining together. It takes all of my attention. Something big is coming, but it won't be that big when it arrives because I'm adapting as I go. I'm absorbing the bigness day in, day out, and weaving it together. Inner and outer is merging physically (ouch!), emotionally, and mentally. By the time the thing arrives most of the impact will have been leveled into peace. Er, place. Certainly there are major changes going on in the outer world of politics, international, financial, cultural, social, business, etc., but I'm not paying any attention. Doug is, and he is active but cool about it. We are at peace in our little place in the country, being part of the bigger picture that is happening. Meanwhile I'm all caught up in my own personal transformation (ouch, hurts!),which has to do with female empowerment. Not empowerment of the human personality which is opinionated and ego-centered, but the divine feminine (which also includes the divine masculine), the awakening of true gentleness, intelligence, softness, understanding, peaceful intentions, wisdom and maturity. The divine nature of the human being has been locked down for eons on earth, unable to express its kindness and beautiful inner strengths due to the patriarchal take-over. It is a long-time coming but the time is now. It is unfolding as we speak. As the true nature of the divine consciousness slowly seeps into the lives of – first the women and secondly the men - it will change the world and save it from destruction/extinction.
One day in 2022 I had a two-hour meditation with Mary Magdalene which follows. I wrote it down on paper while listening to Tantra music which was exactly the right ambiance. Beautiful, low and sensual, providing me with an inner journey and connecting me to Lady Mary Magdalene who stepped forth to speak to and with me. I share it with you now for the time is fast approaching.
(Mary Magdalene thru me:) “A vein of pure liquid light runs through female bodies. The female body holds the codes of divinity within the space between the spinning atoms and electrons, to balance the male who must focus intently on the outer world’s practical aspects in his strong, competitive role. It is easy to understand why men chase after women and want to have a woman all for himself. To date her - or rape her as the darker side of man would do - because she is a treasure trove of delicious yummy warm fuzzy feminine energy that he doesn’t have access to, himself, though he could if he had proper training. Woman is precious but has not been treated so. Even women don’t know how precious she is and how much celestial light and love power she holds within her body, as she has been degraded and dismissed. Not in her mind,but in her body.
Most women have not had the time or inclination to pursue the inner life to get in touch with her own inner light and love, her own sensations, and what ecstatic feelings are available to her. Nor has she had the mentors. Our mothers did not know either, suppressed as they were. Even the basic sensation of an arousal feeling has been denied many women just because they were rushed into the sex act or forcefully trained to serve the man’s need before being prepared and ripened into the juiciness and lushness of the lovemaking act. Life is demanding and women adapt to demands. They serve in many roles. They were raised in a culture that said“keep busy, keep working, keep serving. It’s selfish to think of yourself.”They were second-class citizens, or perhaps third.
But the age is turning. Women’s circles are gathering to mentor each other. We are being guided slowly into practices that, in ancient times, were taught young girls in how to care for their own bodies with sacredness. It is not religious training. Not the male-worshipping religion devoted to an impossibly out-of-reach God high in the sky, but to the inner feminine that lives within the cells and tissues of her body. Love that is whole, warm and comforting and does not need a man.
It is the end of a dark age and the dawning of a new. We have entered the age of Aquarius. Everyone remembers that wonderful song by the 5th Dimension, “When the moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.” It goes on to promise “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions,golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation, and the mind's true liberation."
It’s the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and we are seeing the glimmers. At times I see the sharp lines in my inner sight. The onus is on women to wake up right where they are, right where they are planted, and blossom with the new realization that there is a shimmering gold within them. It has been called the crystalline light body. It is pure divine love-light and it is conscious. It is conscious consciousness. Women hold the key to the new age. They can’t miss now. They are activating the threads of liquid light within them that connects them directly to the sun and the sun behind the sun, and the greater sun beyond that.
My main career path has been massage. The only reason I am still here today and did not die when I should or could have, is because I took the body-contact path. First leaving a bleak situation to save myself, then having an out-of-body experience (OBE) into the light in an ascension process, then returning through the process of grounding through the lifestyle known as “swinging” and hugging other warm-blooded human beings through intimate contact provided by this freedom-to-love movement.
Then I turned to healing massage and energy work to connect with people on higher levels, beyond the low vibration of the sexual focus. I am being guided to implement an ascension massage exchange network - AMEN for short. Putting hands on each other may bring up sexual thoughts and sensations due to centuries of male focus on the genitals, but this will change as women gain confidence in their own bodies’ needs for love, tenderness and nourishing kindness. However, as women gather for massage exchanges, we want to be fully conscious of the men in our lives.This is a time for patience and practice in higher ideals. We don’t want to block sex or deny it, but rather to LIFT it in esteem and value, so that women have an equal say in how it is performed.
By allowing body contact through loving strokes, these thoughts will arise and we will honor them by lifting them over the bump in the road, loving away the fear, guilt and shame that caused the crust to form. If women gather together without men being present, as I would like to see happen, we don’t focus on men and sex but rather on the sacred healing of the feminine mind, soul and body, women will begin to own the warm sensations that accompany the rising mother flame, the kundalini. They will learn the techniques of keeping it for our self, instead of giving it away and leaving us deprived. The patriarchal system cultivated the need for women to give love away before she had built it up for herself, giving away the warm luscious feeling that is meant for her OWN body, not to give to the man before she was ready. This does not take away the lovemaking act, it enriches it for everyone involved. The men will need to come around to a higher understanding. She will show him a better way. Lovemaking under feminine rules is a healing procedure. First she learns to build the love up for herself,allowing it to grow and expanding it to all parts of her body, head to toe, and then she has an abundance of love flowing which she can share. How does she do that? By experiencing the yummy delicious sensation of, not sex but kundalini rising through her. This is done through ascension massage.
Women can quadruple what she gives to a man by owning the love within herself first. Knowing how to generate love within her own body first before giving it away prematurely, will prove to be the greatest turn-around in Earth’s history or pre-history. It will change the course from a downward spiral heading to destruction, to an upward spiral to galactic proportions. Women will reclaim the divine love that she has lost,and her genius for lovemaking along with it. She will show the men what love is really all about. This has not been done before. We have not seen anything on the internet about it. Ascension massage is the easiest and most efficient way to begin this turn-around process. Heal women by helping her to feel kundalini rising – the power behind sex. There is more to this story that will unfold gently as we move forward. Because as women begin to experience their own bodies feeling the yummy sensation of kundalini rising, she will begin the enlightenment process. Light comes from the chakras expanding. The chakras expand as kundalini rises up the spinal column instead of being shunted off onto the left-hand path. The kundalini is the divine mother. It is pure and unadulterated. It is not a physical power, it is a fiery etheric power. It flows through and quickens the chakras and gains momentum like the oil well that gushes into the air once oil is struck. The body fills with light and love from within. So does SHE fill with light and love from within and her brain becomes enlightened too.
Women gathering together will serve as mirrors to each other by providing motherly and sisterly love, not romantic or sexual love. Kundalini is known as the mother flame. It is the divine power called Shakti in India, Shekinah in Hebrew. I know it as Kundalini and I have been living with it for 48 years. It is my greatest teacher. She teaches me through feelings, warm love feelings vs. no feeling. While the yogis and sages of the East use yoga disciplines to access or rouse kundalini, women’s bodies have direct access through spontaneity and the flow of dance and freedom. This has been curtailed and forbidden to women over the centuries. This is what we are bringing back into our lives today. It is a new age, an age of women building confidence in their bodies, for they are the mother of humanity.
We mirror feminine back to feminine. We see love and feel love within OUR OWN bodies and minds. We must return to the womb to feel it. We have been shut out through the male need of taking it from us before we are ready. Go back to the sacrum, the coccyx, the sacred. There is silence in the womb. There is love in the womb. Don’t bring thought in here. This is the most sacred of all sacred locations on Earth. The male has "poked" into this sacred space and defiled it. Let us enter and sit in silence here, inside the temple. There are no walls. It is a very large space.There is a candle here which grows larger as we allow ourselves to settle in and grow larger. There is a drum beating, it is constant, like a heart beat,stabilizing us and anchoring us. There is movement in the feelings. The yoni/vagina is the outer court, the entrance to the temple. The womb/uterus is the holy sanctuary within.
Visualize a very pure lingam/penis entering the yoni, the outer court. It is entering carefully, with sacredness, fully conscious, feeling the sacredness of this holy place. It is your own male self entering, proud, strong, protecting, caring, only for you and your holiness. It is no foreigner, no stranger. It is familiar, a haunting memory of sweet peace fills you as it slowly fills your inner sanctum, for you have been in a male body in prior lifetimes. You remember. The male lingam is slowing, slowing, slowing to a full stop. Within the pause the holy matrimony takes place as it clicks together and becomes one. A second candle appears side by side with the first one, and now merges with the first flame. The rejoining has taken place. “Hail to the light in the pelvis, hail to the light in the mind, hail to the light in the cells in between throughout this body of mine. ”The two separate natures, so long divided, are now one whole called the divine androgyne.”
Well, that’s my message for today. Sending feelings of love to all who read it. A long-time vision is stirring in my blood. Is it too late? I don’t know. Today’s female empowerment movement is divinely directed. It’s greater than me. It is not a human ego movement. Without understanding the spiritual anatomy intellectually and logically, women are regaining confidence. They are gathering together to validate and confirm their feminine power. It is not intellectual or brainy. She is owning the cells in her body, feeling the cells come alive. She is reclaiming the flow and her rightful share of the energy coming up from earth to meet the sky spirit coming down into her inner body cells (DK’s teachings.) She is feeling her emotions again. She doesn’t have to give up her intellectual pursuits, but too much intellectual pursuits steals the body’s natural bliss state which is harmony, balance, peace and nourishing,into head trips. When the head takes over without the body, it becomes ego. It thinks it knows it all.
The BODY is the location where higher self and earthy self connects and plays out the game of life for the sheer enjoyment of spirit, father/mother God, in a beautiful garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is the body. It is a garden of paradise and sensual delights. This is not found in the brain. It‘s in the body that is the garden of feeling - the paradise that man was kicked out of and not allowed to return because he was engaging in head-trips by his judging, condemning, blaming, criticizing, fearing, and as a result he has been feeling shame, guilt, anger and victimhood. By creating an intellect too big and too powerful for the body’s naturalness, mankind created the chaos of today. That is why the goddess went underground. The natural divinity went into hiding. It’s still there but it went into hiding. Men’s bodies also have a divine side, known as the divine masculine. It too has been blocked from expressing. We will be seeing more and more of the natural peace-making goodness demonstrating in men as we continue to raise our consciousness.
Blessings from the Ascendeds, Galactic families of light, the Angelics and me, Nancy
12/7/24 - Cosmic Undercover Investigator into Sex
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/7/24
By Lady Portia and me, Nancy with DK as guide
Hello again! The holiday season is here and I am sending happiness greetings to everyone. Blessings and peace to you and your families. I am sending out today an interesting piece of information that I received back in 2019 from the Ascended Master Lady Portia. It is in the form of my writing it as a journal entry, but it is striking information about feminine sexuality vs. male sexuality. Those who are familiar with the Ascended Masters and the Galactics (they work together) know Lady Portia as Saint Germain's twin flame or consort. At the time I received this information, I was trying to pull together a gathering of women. Having women-only gatherings was and still is a long-time desire of mine. As I was working on this I was thinking of the Ascended ladies of heaven and pulling their names together as I knew of them. Then I heard Lady Portia speak to me in the same manner that DK speaks to me. She simply stepped closer into my mind and spoke clearly. The following is in my own words but she was the one who gave this to me. (Journaled 10/22/19)
“You are a cosmic undercover investigator. (Who me?) Yes, like a journalist goes undercover. But I have been deep undercover without my knowledge. This information has been slow in coming. I’ve been a sleeper cell. I, meaning my brain and conscious mind called “Nancy”, always pulled my head down. I didn’t want to be seen. Apparently that was programmed into me. Now I’m changing. I was told that this morning. I wonder how many others are also undercover? I know at least one woman who is not. She remembers her ET connections from childhood. They were playmates. So we’re all different.
“I was brought along blindly. I had to experience a total breakdown first before I could experience the kundalini awakening, and even then it has been an inching forward. I have been following little golden sparkles of truth through the weeds and forests. Meaning sparkles that attract my attention. They call to me and I go to them. Each golden sparkle has led me to the next step and I ended up in the sexual arena where my mission began to unfold. My undisclosed purpose was to find out what went wrong with the human race by experiencing what went wrong with ME! Humankind has gotten itself into a mess of trouble (it’s very corrupt) and heaven didn’t know how to fix it. Earth was going to be lost unless there was an intervention. Increasing the feminine side of life is that intervention.
“We all came from paradise but once born on Earth everyone is in danger of becoming lost. So my mission was to find out why, though I didn’t know it until now. It was in the sexual arena that I was directed. From inside the sexual network I participated. At first I was excited. It was a loving, beautiful lifestyle of freedom and I blossomed. But gradually I began losing interest. I couldn’t understand it. This went on for years. Only recently did I discover that the love and fun I experienced in swinging was coming from ME, and after years of giving love to others I began to dry up. Resentment came in. I learned then that the universe requires reciprocation of equal value (or better) to keep a thing healthy and thriving. Resonant frequency?
“One day I was told to call on the goddesses so I began calling to the ladies of heaven by name. I have their names on a list, so I ran down the list one day and asked them if they would help me with the gathering of the women and with further insight into the divine feminine. What exactly does it mean to be feminine? They have not only been answering my questions they are clearing the path and sort of taking over. It is their influence coming through my writings. The problem that has held mankind back is sexual, in a returning loop, over and over, life after life, there’s a jam-up in the second chakra. The DIVINE frequency is designed to come up from earth and go up through the first chakra, through the second, to the third, etc., to the crown, out the crown and fountain out and return back to earth.
“This flowing of earth energy meets the sky energy and together returns to earth. Mother-Father God is freely flowing in this design. But we are not getting past the second chakra. It is blocked. The first chakra is masculine and rooted in survival, and the second chakra is feminine and rooted in love. It is at the love chakra that the male-dominant focus has virtually “stolen” the love energy and using it over and over and over and over for orgasms. The love energy is not allowed to participate, to feel, to emote, to be free, to be fluid, alive, passionate and move on up to enlighten the other five chakras. We have been having sex over and over and over and over and over and over, ad infinitum, the male way, without love. It is vampirism, pure and simple and it’s keeping humankind down to lesser evolved than animals because we aren’t using the pure genius of the loving compassionate qualities that we were given and are supposed to be using. Both male and female are at fault. The male because he’s in control and pushing it, the female because she’s not standing strong in her truth and feelings of rightness.”
Once again, Holiday/Christmas greetings to you. I wish we could be together in person. That is my greatest desire – to meet in person and give hugs and good wishes all around. But we live in isolated times and I have been going through my own inner revelations. I wonder how many others are doing the same? I’d love to hear from lightworkers, star seeds, galactic followers. Please know that I too am lonely for close friends who are on my wave length – no matter WHAT your interest is. We are all children of an immense celestial Oneness. That Oneness is love. There is no separation in the Oneness. Only individual interests and unique histories, but beneath it all we are connected within the great infinite expanse of Oneness.
I am sending peace, love and light to all who read my little newsletter. May the holiday season bring happiness, joy and celebration to you and yours. From the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Angelics and far-reaching other planetary cities of Light, Love and Unity. The extraterrestrials are moving closer to Earth, descending into our density, too brilliant for our heavy eyelids and lenses to see. Some of us are already seeing them, more will be seeing them as they disclosure continues. Disclosure not thru mainstream media but thru personal connections on inner levels. Look up. In attitude and in hope and in expectancy. Believe and you will start seeing them and dreaming them and receiving messages from them. They are here in our atmosphere. They are only invisible due to our own denseness (me too!).
And from me,
11/19/24 - Crude sex is killing humanity
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/19/24
by Master Djwhal Khul and me, Nancy
Greetings friends and colleagues!
This newsletter will present a new science on love, sex and intimacy. It is a message from DK given to me in 2015. I was hesitant to share it before now. I didn't think the general public would accept it. Perhaps it was ME who couldn't accept it. It is a fifth dimensional perspective, a higher way of understanding the human body. The Master Djwhal Khul has been my advisor, guide and teacher for many years. I now believe we are ready to accept this new science of love now. The world is changing, becoming more enlightened. We should be able to handle this new information about sex, love and how it evolves the human from the animal to the God-man and God-woman he is destined to become.
by Master DK
This morning was a morning of revelations for me, brought about by receiving a wonderful, beautiful, massage from my husband. I do believe one's own partner at home is a better person to give such a massage, for there is a built-in connection that allows love to expand even deeper into underground territory. The whole system opened up to me this morning. The Master DK moved in and began teaching me then.
The human body is designed to receive energy from the earth. The human body is made of earth elements and the same life that fuels the grass, trees and animals and makes them grow, wither and die when their cycle is over, also fuels the human being who is an animal waking up to his higher nature. The human being is different from the animal in this sense. He has been gifted with an immortal spirit or consciousness. This immortal spirit is coming down while the earth energy is going up. So there is a two-wcay energy flow happening in the human. One coming up from earth, and one coming down from the sky.
The energy flow coming up from earth enters through the bottoms of the feet and travels up the legs to the tail bone which is the first chakra, the beginning link to the stars. The human body is designed to carry the flow up through the second chakra (reproductive or sex chakra) which is another, higher, link with the stars and which provides new more expanded insight to the human. And then it travels up to the third chakra (solar plexus or naval) which is still more expanded and another higher link with the stars and provides vaster insight to the human. This is the first three of a seven-step ladder that the human climbs by opening and experiencing each step, one at a time. In this manner he gains his immortal status.
From the third chakra the life travels up to the fourth chakra (heart) where it links with the down-flowing energy, which causes quite a stir. He sees for the first time the higher way. It melds him in with his lower understanding. He opens to vaster knowledge and he begins to question and consider higher ideals, morals, ethics. As his heart opens new understanding floods through him which carries him naturally upward to the fifth chakra (throat), where another star link opens to provide him with the power of truth, to communicate his voice to others. Understanding takes shape and form and he centers his attention around a career or vocation, what field of service to work within. Doors open wider. From there he travels up to the sixth chakra (third eye) which opens when he is finished with the career and wants to retire, perhaps in solitude, taking a break from the world before deciding what's next. Then he travels naturally from there up to the seventh chakra (crown of head) where it links with the incoming energy from the stars and Home, the place from which he came, the source of life, comfort and bliss.
This seventh chakra gives him his freedom from the physical material world and he becomes liberated. If he has completed his soul journey to his satisfaction he earns his ascension to become the god or goddess he/she is destined to become. But if not fulfilled in that life, then he returns to another life, again as an infant through a mother and father’s seed. And another life and another, until he completes his soul mission. It is the same process as the acorn on the ground which is destined to become a great oak tree. The little acorn grows through certain stages to become a tree. So does a human being grow through its seven stages step by step, to grow from animal man to God man. It must be that way, because each step fits him to a broader expanse so that he is ready to step into the next stage. If he stops at any level along the way, he is incomplete.
This is what is SUPPOSED to happen for human beings. It is the plan. The earth energy travels up from earth to the heart which is the central gathering place, and he links with the heaven energy that is descending. Eternal life and immortality descends downward, ever downward into density to enrich the lower planes of planetary life. The whole system is enriched and grows wiser and more efficient, more perfect. It’s a partnership between heaven and earth. The immortal spirit is pure consciousness. Consciousness is growing ever wider. It is flowing down from the light above. It is the divine plan to flow down and enrich the lower realms. There is an immaculate concept for earth to become more perfect and beautiful, and for the human being to become a more perfect, more conscious human, a better man and a better woman. A God-man and God-woman, if we can use those terms. They become more graceful and more marvelous, walking and expressing the joy they feel unfolding within themselves. They are becoming enlightened. We are a divine consciousness coming down into a heavy earth body made of clay, dust and matter. We are trying to partner with this animal body and bring it into its fuller human potential beyond the former animal nature. As consciousness we do that by linking up and melding with the earth energy that's coming up through our feet and up through our chakras, bones, blood and tissue.
The problem is, we haven’t been doing that. We stopped the flow by diverting the earth energy to sex. Very, very, very few people understand how this works. Everybody thinks that sex is so important but it is actually disrupting the flow that is trying to reach the brain and connect with the universal system from which all life came. The connection is with the universe. The system is designed to bring enlightenment, happiness, joy, creative inspiration, abundance on every level and perfection to the human being who is evolving from a lowly animal creature into a higher intelligence. A god if you will.
It is not that sex is not important, it is rather a side enjoyment of a greater power source that the human has been gifted with. But crude sex is killing the human race. The goal of orgasm – and the orgasm itself – stops the flow at the second or third chakra. The animals have not been gifted with immortality consciousness but mankind has. The animals do not have the ability to evolve into a god or goddess. That is the role of the human, to take this animal body up to a higher level of respect, love, purity, decency, understanding, universal consciousness. He then becomes immortal PHYSICAL beings. He is not evolving to escape the earth plane, he is evolving to become a resident in the garden of Eden, of paradise, of plenty, of joy, love and freedom. We have yet to know this. We don’t understand what our role is. The human being is meant to grow into a higher ethical powerful being, but crude sex is stopping him. As a selfish glutton lusting after sex and orgasm, he is putrifying his own body and that of those around him. He is causing a serious backup, a damming up of the earth power which seeks to rise higher through the seven steps to completion.
The human being is a god in the making and we have this incredible immortal energy at our disposal to do it with, known as the holy spirit, or kundalini or some other word. You name it. It can be called simply the life force. The eternal life force. It is stored at the tail bone, the first root chakra on the etheric level. It is a power that requires love to release it. Once released, it needs respect or it turns negative. The immature ego is too small to handle it. There is meant to be a figure 8 flow with the descending energy from the sun. There is meant to be the ascending force from earth meeting up with and melding with the descending energy from the sun, from the light above us. There are distributing centers all through the universe sending this light of consciousness and intelligence out to the planets to grow these god-men and god-women. Ascending and descending forces flow in the figure eight sign, the infinity sign, but we are interfering with it by diverting the power off into sex. The orgasm explodes, the life force cleans up the local area of the body, provides bliss, and then dies. The upper regions of the body do not receive it. We want the orgasm. We press for the orgasm. We use artificial means to get an orgasm and we are trying to prolong the orgasm, to linger with it. We want to extend the orgasm. We cum and cum and cum and cum and keep shorting out the vast immortal power, and then we die. The immortality gene never gets awakened because the earth energy doesn't link up with it. It must reach the heart.
The next step in the evolution of mankind is to learn about this. And do the inner homework on themselves to merge the two rivers in us – one flowing up, one flowing down - to flow together. It will bring balance. Balance will bring clarity in a natural way, easily, lovingly, lightly. By not obsessing over the orgasm, one falls into a natural state of being and THEN he can make love. Making love replaces the obsession over sex. Making love is natural and innocent and timely. Making love comes with harmony and with rhythm when two people are aligned with purity in their own hearts. It is not impossible. It is done on other planets of higher grade than ours. Once we learn to stop being selfish and crude with our bodies, we will begin to distribute the energies known as the cerebralspinal fluid all through the body in a steady flow, including the brain which is important to the human evolving. And then when these flows are flowing nicely the human race will be a race of peace and love. That's when sex changes and is no longer crude but is a form of worship and love.
When two bodies are flowing with bliss energy together, and both bodies are in synch and both bodies are at one and both bodies feel good, then they are making love and miraculous things happen. The mind opens to the universe, they expand and expand and expand and they learn who they really are and they soar among the stars, even as their bodies are entwined on the earth plane. This is the gift of the gods. It is the next step beyond sex. The way sex works now, the one who is most turned on seduces or ravishes the other who goes along with it, ignoring the chakras. One of them cums but usually not the other one and the other one is confused about that, perhaps resentful, becoming embittered over time. Sex aborts the whole process and diminishes love.
My life journey has me focusing on massage. I took to it naturally. Then I went to school. But the school doesn't have the right knowledge either. Enlightened spiritual massage, if you know what you're doing, is the best way to link up the earth energy with the sky energy. We need to connect the ascending earth energy with the descending sky energy. The end product is bliss and love. Many people are NOT getting the bliss and love from the crude sex act, only the one who is pressing it another person is getting it. Temprarily. But it's not lasting. We have to get over the crude selfishness of the animal nature we carry in our genes. Respectful caring massage is the best way to do this, in my estimation. I am receiving revelation after revelation after revelation about this. And finally I am overcoming my fear to say it out loud. Fear is deeply imbedded over this issue. There are souls who are so turned off but they can't speak it out loud.
There will be a loud clamor of resistance and rebellion, over this suggestion, I am sure. And yet, those who rebel do not hear the message. It is not the end of sex that is suggested, it is the end of small-minded sex that is selfish, that has not matured yet out of ancient animal creature habits. They press sex on others because they have not been educated in the higher form of lovemaking. Ending the crudity of sex is focused mostly on men, but this includes women too because women have been men before, and men have been women before. Ending low-grade sex will require some re-training but it is the beginning of learning about love and the gifts that the human body is capable of receiving. A loving massage by people who are more or less on the same wave length would be nice, but perhaps not realistic. Who do you know who is ready for this? Perhaps those with some spiritual understanding, but my goal is to have loving, enlightened massage exchanges who agree to practice the "don't focus on cumming" rule.
This will allow the raising of the powerful earth energy up through the WHOLE body to connect with the descending energy coming down through the crown of the head. We have to reach the crown to open the crown. This is the beginning of the science of connecting heaven and earth. It will require practice but it WILL lead to clarity, to healing, and to fabulous blissful experiences. It is the beginning of flowing the fires of life instead of blocking them as humankind has done for thousands of years. It will clear the debris of accumulated trauma of every kind. Craniosacral massage is the closest thing we have to it, but the kundalini energy connection is missing. Bringing the earth energies all the way up to the crown of the head is necessary, and to do this we must not stop at the groin level to release it by cumming. This will take some serious re-training, since we all are so obsessed with the orgasm. The orgasm energy is needed up higher than groin level. The orgasm is the only goal we have right now to give us a semblance of bliss. But there is a greater future ahead if only we know. We must be re-trained. We must break the habit that is holding the whole human race back, spell-bound, trapped and recycling such low vibrations. We must, in order to get to the abundance of clear vision and thinking, and the bliss of constant love. (Journaled 1/20/15)
Peace, love, light, happiness, safety and abundance for all. From the Ascended Masters, Angelics, Galactic Families of Light and other interdimensional beings, and me, Nancy
11/16/24 - Introducing the Etheric Body by Master DK
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/16/24
By Master Djwhal Khul & me, Nancy
Greetings one and all, my dear beloved friends!
A dream was still playing on this particular morning several years ago as I became conscious. In the dream trees were dying because they lived too close to each other and couldn't expand their auric field. And one particular young man 16 years old, who was weakening from living too close to his family who were crowding him. He didn't have enough individual space in which to grow. And other jungle scenes showing trees unable to support the wild life which lived in them. Upon waking I recognized the message was about the etheric body. The following is a message from the Master Djwhal Khul and me. I showed up as a blog several years ago but I recognize DK's voice. He was giving this information to me. It often happens that way. I think it's me speaking but it's really DK. I recognize his voice now when it comes through. We have become joined in mind and heart.
The etheric body is the understructure for the physical body. It is body of vitality which feeds physical power to the physical body. It is the substructure - or the infrastructure you could say - of the physical body. It supports, nurtures and feeds the muscles, nerves, bones, blood and organs of the physical body. When the physical body becomes weak, it's because the etheric body has become loosely connected to the physical. It is connected through the nervous system which is fed by the nadis, the currents of light from the meridian system of the etheric body. The etheric body is sometimes referred to as the soul in religious or spiritual terms, but it is not so easily defined since it is not an object like the physical body. So it doesn’t matter what name we call it, it is more important to become educated and understand its role in our life. And why it is important. Every physical body has an etheric body underlying it, or better put, OVERlying it for the energy is coming down into the physical, not up from underneath. It is the energy body, or the vitality body.
The etheric body is physical. It is made of physical atoms and electrons, but these particles are spaced further apart than in the physical. They are on higher, more rarified planes and therefore invisible to our eyesight. Except to sensitives, such as clairvoyants. Plus anyone might see the bluish glow surrounding a tree, plant or person in the growing darkness of evening hours if they are relaxed enough. The physical body is more solidly compacted together. The etheric body is the gathering space of forces composed of random atoms and subatomic particles that wander around in the atmosphere and attach to a person's auric field. Here they ripple their presence through the person as either a heightened thought or a chill of something foreign or negative. The etheric body is a space around the physical body into which settles floating energies from the atmosphere. They either settle there, up close to the body, or move on. This is the reason we need to become aware of the etheric body. It is an influence on our lives. It impacts us with whatever energies it has collected.
The ether ic body is also known as the etheric double. When the body dies, an exact replica of the person can be seen by sensitives for a short time time after death. The etheric double acts like a reservoir of bits and pieces of the planetary life that is constantly moving through the atmosphere. These energies pour into our auric fields under forces we are not aware of. There are many forces. Too many to identify. They are like clouds of subatomic matter that are loose and wandering around, and are attracted to someone with similar thoughts and feelings. They are simply part of the human collective worldwide, and through atmospheric currents they are present at all times. When they come into close proximity to us they become either lodged in our auric field or they may be repelled by our awareness and move on. Our auric field on the outer perimeter attracts these energies and if we don't repel them, they move closer in to our physical level and then enter our nervous system. Hence, feelings "out of the blue" that descend on us and we don't know why.
The etheric body is loosely referred to as the aura. It is referred to as our soul. It influences our moods and what thoughts we think, what choices and decisions we make, how much vitality we have, for they can suck the life out of us and drain us without our knowing. If they are negative energies they are parasitic in nature. They are hungry for the living life force because they are negative energies, meaning below the 50-50 balance line or neutral line. It is worthwhile painting a picture of what a human body looks like to a celestial being or master. Our solid bodies are only a small part of who we are. The body itself is embedded inside a large sphere which, on the outer level is pure white light and love. It is not physical light, it is intelligence. The pure white light darkens by degree the closer it gets to the physical body at the center, which is the emanating source of the darkness. The soul who is inhabiting the human body is what the masters monitor. They know every living soul on the planet and where they are on the evolutionary path. The physical body is the solid at the center of the sphere of light, like the yolk inside an egg.
Running through the sphere of light, ever darkening toward the center, hair-thin lines of crystal pure white light weave like a spiders web, seeking to connect with the physical nerves, but there are obstructions. The pure light is available to feed into every cell in the body, except there are false beliefs in the way. The etheric body is a moving, heaving, fluctuating reservoir of forces surrounding the physical body. Composed of forces and influences from many sources. Some good, some bad, some indifferent. As a person thinks, these forces are attracted into his life, through thought and feeling. They are brought in by himself. He sucks them in, as if through a straw by his own thoughts and attention he holds with his feelings and moods. These then affect his psychology, the way he thinks, the way he feels, his vitality or lack thereof, his weakness, his musculature, organs, bones, hair, teeth. The etheric body is the infrastructure that supports his physical body and presence on Earth. His etheric body builds these forces into his physical body, to either vitalize it or wear it down because the majority do not know. This is a new-age science that has only barely begun to be revealed, studied and experimented with. Energy workers are starting to put it together but science is lagging behind. The physical body literally feeds off of this fluctuating, moving cloud of forces that surrounds him. He feeds on it through the day and through the night.
All through the physical body and stretching out into the sphere of darker light that surrounds him, are invisible threads of pure white light. This is the invisible network of nadis and meridians [a lacy filigree of light] that run through the etheric body, that carry crystal pure white light, the crystalline light of perfection. The acupuncturists put needles into certain points on the body to open blockages and let the light flow through better. The darkened light that surrounds the human being is contaminated because he hasn't cleaned it up. Humanity is on the brink of discovering the process. Whereas once it was pure, the sphere of white dazzling light of pure intelligence has been filled with wrong thoughts, wrong feelings, wrong assumptions and conclusions through many lifetimes of false impressions. These wrong assumptions have been carried over from lifetime to lifetime building a momentum of evil into the world from which we are in the midst of turning around. The new golden age is upon us and ascension techniques are everywhere available to those with eyes open and minds alert. Understandings need to be cleared up, but only the individual can do this for himself. Further information is needed to understand how this works.
NADI is a Sanskrit word from the ancient practices of the Eastern tradition. The nadis are microscopic threads of crystal pure light which link up and connect with our physical nervous system. The way to strengthen the physical body is to strengthen these connections to the etheric body. Expand awareness to include the spacious aura that surrounds the body. The body does not stop at the skin level. It is not just physical. It is bigger and extends further out beyond sight. The trick is to expand awareness by using imagination - mental powers. Imagine a more spacious field of light surrounding you like a radiation or a higher spectrum of light that you can't see. It is invisible. Image your brain stretching and growing lighter and brighter. It takes mental effort and imagination. It is within each person's ability to grow himself or herself lighter, brighter and larger beyond physical eyesight.
Visualize a light sphere interpenetrating the physical body and extending out around the body at a distance of two or three or even four feet beyond you. Visualize a particle, molecule or cell within the body with a sphere of radiating light around it, an etheric light. Each physical cell is a living thing - science tells us that - but science does not tell us about the ethers or the etheric double. Science is behind the times! The etheric body exists beyond what science can prove. It lives on and on and on, into higher and ever higher planes of life. The physical brain is a mere shell of what lies behind the brain and supports the brain. It is like looking at an ice cube and not realizing that it is melted water and, further, it is a condensation of other, finer material.
As you mentally picture this graphic picture, your brain is receiving the picture. YOU are the creator of the picture. YOU are the master of your body. YOU are the one who is educating your body by opening to the "more" that is above and beyond you. This is how we program our bodies with more information. The brain is expands and becomes more attuned to the new information. It absorbs this new information. New synapses are built, gaps are filled in, understanding takes place. "Ahhhh, I see!" Refinement takes place as the brain "gets it". We need to program our brain and help it to grow and widen its understanding. When the brain can comprehend the idea in abstract, soon the body will register symbiotic feelings. Connections between the invisible world and the physical world will take place as relaxing, endearing, softening feelings. We melt the two worlds together and our understanding expands.
Relax and breathe! Enjoy the show. Enjoy the feelings of melting into harmony. The body is getting it too and enjoying the soothing, interrelationship. The crystalline light from higher planes of life is penetrating into the physical cells.The more we practice visualizing, the more blending takes place between dimensions. The lines melt and dimensions become closer in harmony. From ancient days this process has been known as the Christ. The Christian religion assigned the word to one single gentleman 2000 years ago, but was known prior to that period. The word "christ" means crystal. Their are crystalline threads of pure light running through our etheric body, coming down from higher planes, and entering into our physical body. We can help it along by picturing the process and reading up on it. More info is becoming available.
There are other, not-so-nice forces also gathering in the etheric body. It is not all pure. We have built up mistakes and errors over the many lifetimes of living in different bodies. So now, in these so-called "end times", where the mass consciousness is shifting from dark to light, the technique being offered is to expand awareness to include the surrounding space - the auric field. And bad influences we nip in the bud before they take hold and settle down into us. We receive forces from many sources. They are attracted either by affinity - the law of attraction - or by close proximity. Many clouds of energy are randomly passing by in loose, fluid state, the way chaos passes in a storm or a flood. There is chaos around. People are spewing restlessness, anxiety and confusion. Thoughts of fear and depression. What matters is to change the dark to a positive note before it settles in. Become aware. Scan the auric field. You can do it for a loved one if your partner(s) are not aware of this technique. Do it silently without speaking. Use the inner science of magic - imagination. Become attuned to the subjective world of perception and knowing. Become aware when a negative enters your field, your mind, so you notice it. Don't dismiss it. Rather transform it by replacing it with a swarm of loving thoughts. Sweep it away with love, or kindness, or whatever benevolent word you prefer to use. It's a mental vacuum cleaner. You will notice the difference soon enough.
Subatomic particles of energy are electrons, misguided, mismanaged electrons that are alive with life. They seek a home. Someone who will give them a resting place. They flow in currents. They are attracted to and pushed around by larger more potent forces. Some are good, some not so good, some downright negative. These are random particles seeking a home. They gather together when they find others like them. They are little conscious entities that have a life. They too want families to live with. If you like them, then give them a home and welcome them. But if you find them uncomfortable, then change them with a sweeping force of powerful love. More positive, agreeable thoughts, that make YOU feel better. So many people are unaware of how powerful positive feelings are. They are the measuring rod. Listen to your bodies feelings of goodness vs. bodily feelings of badness. Don't let badness coagulate and settle in your auric field, else it will enter into your physical body through the etheric body.
If you are not managing your thoughts in your mental body and giving them direction, if you are not discerning which ones you want and which ones you don’t want, these particles will accumulate in your field. When you become aware of them and you take charge over them, then you are helping yourself to stay strong. You are guarding your auric field against invasion by negative forces. It is entirely up to you WHICH kinds of influences you want to entertain in your etheric body, your infrastructure. That which supports you or that which weakens you. Again, you are receiving forces from beyond your control, so it is up to you to be responsible for keeping your etheric body clean and positive. Transform the thoughts you don't want, or they will become physical and emotional feelings you don't like. Your substructure is the infrastructure of your physical body. It is no different than the concrete foundation or steel girders of your house. Because the etheric body is invisible to eyesight, this has not been part of our schoolroom education. Traditional classroom education has been restricted to the old way of "believe only in what we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste."
The etheric body is the space around us that is held in place by our own unique and personal energy signature. Our permission allows them to settle, whether we are ignorant of the process or not. This energy field supports, feeds and maintains our concrete physical body and gives us vitality and power - or takes it away. It is the universal force that we draw on. It is time we understood what "universal force" is made of. It comes from everywhere. It is up to us to discern what "universal force" we allow to settle in our field, and which ones we want to expel. The negatives suck the life out of us and weakens our muscles, blood, organs, nerves and bones and gives us disease. The majority don't even know, let alone make corrections and follow exercises to strengthen it. It is the reason for yoga, meditation, self-improvement techniques, becoming more universally accepted than ever before. These are consciousness-building exercises to take the place of pharmaceuticals and drugs. Self-enlightenment recipes hold the power of change. It is inner work. As someone visualizes and becomes consciously aware of their etheric body, they start to notice things they never noticed before. The knowledge seeps in quietly, like a thought out of the blue sky. Like a sponge absorbs water. The forces start to talk to you. You become aware of the good ones and the bad ones. You become more knowledgeable about your energy field. You start to improve your energy and your vitality. Cultivate a belief in this by practicing it. Otherwise it is just abstract theory.
Become familiar with the forces that influence you, especially the forces that you don't like. Change them and substitute a BETTER force. Which ones are you allowing in because you're not paying attention? Start by paying attention. This morning after I did my usual preparation (shower, etc.) I sat down in my usual chair to begin my morning practice, and my chair spoke to me for the first time ever. It said "Good morning!" to me in a subjective kind of way. It was the first time I heard that. It told me I am sitting in my "thinking chair". In my thinking chair I start receiving voices in my awareness. More bleed-throughs. My awareness is so open now that I have almost too many to remember them all. I am now forced to switch them off and go into the silence. Otherwise I would become bogged down with too many ideas. All good ideas but I seek the place of peace where the voices stop coming. And the peace starts replacing them. You become more discerning. Always there is more to become aware of. It never ends but YOU can stop it anytime you like. You are the authority over these forces. It is time to realize that. You become more conscious of other entities or energies coming in - both good and bad. It doesn't matter. You can take control over them and shift your mood. Maybe it’s a shift in physical feeling. Like for me today, after eating Chinese food I had an immediate abdominal reaction and spent the next hour back and forth to the bathroom. I forgot. I had this reaction before from Chinese food. It could have been a psychological reaction or an emotional reaction, but this was simply a physical body reaction.
Maybe forces enter your awareness like a strong dislike. It just strikes you distastefully. Or anger strikes out of the blue. Or hatred. Or fear. Fear is a biggie. Instead of wondering where it came from, don't analyze it. Change it. Love it. Send a wave of overwhelming love at it and wash it away. Maybe a warning strikes of danger, or suspicion or jealousy. Instead of wondering where it's coming from (and who to start watching out for) change it. Change it with love. Love is the balancing force for everything awkward, distasteful, uncomfortable and - yes - dangerous. Love is all there is, as Marcus is constantly saying. Love is ALL there is. And the masters and celestials say it too. Over and over and over. It is what keeps the universe orderly. The planets are classrooms. We come into embodiment to learn more about love and how to apply it to situations we run into. Love is all there is. It's the greatest tool and technique ever made available. How to use it requires individual experimentation. Various energies are striking our auric fields all the time. They are all different, and some are truly dangerous. They can suck us in until we forget what we are here for. Humanity has not been aware of these insidious forces until very recently. The wars have been telling us, and the pandemic has been a blast in our faces. But we are starting to get it, aren't we? There are negative forces everywhere. The most dangerous ones are at first sweet and kind to tempt us. The technique for overcoming them is forgiveness, mercy, kindness and overwhelming love. This sweeps them away. Negativity does not like love and kindness!!!
Negative forces are even out there in space, as we are told. And they are inside of us too. When we hold onto sin, shame, dirty thoughts, angry thoughts, we are holding onto energies that do not belong with us. We have to sweep them away with loving kindness for ourselves and others. We have been told by the religions that we are sinners and should feel guilty, but it is untrue. Love is all there is! There is a sphere of dazzling pure white light all around us and which runs through us in tiny strands of living light. We live in a sea of eternally pure white light. We are a unique, one-of-a-kind child of pure white light and love. Light is information, love is what we do with that information. The piece of information that was missing in our training as young children was about the etheric body. The space that surrounds us is the gathering place of subatomic particles of light that are floating around aimlessly. Some good, some bad, some in between. They are fluid and fluctuating under various forces and sources. It doesn't matter what they are or where they come from, we must expand our consciousness to be aware of what is influencing us. What energies are striking our minds and feelings. And take charge of changing them on the spot. Change them into love and light. Strange forces surround you without your realizing it. Take control over these forces. YOU are the one in control. Or should be. If you are not in control of these forces, then you are susceptible to being continually influenced by outsiders controlling your thoughts and feelings. Don't be led. Be a leader of your own sphere of light that you carry around with you.
This is the battlefield to be aware of. Consider this before going tp a doctor to seek a prescription drug. Not to give up your prescription drugs but to become aware of your OWN powers alongside of the prescription drugs you may currently take. In the religions of the world the etheric body was referred to as the soul, a vague unknown term until recently. We are becoming wise to the vagaries of the religious past. You are the landowner of your physical body. It was given to you to take care of it. Again, you were never told about the etheric body being a collector of forces. Become a wise and good steward of the land of your body. You own this piece of land. Notice what is growing in it, or below out of sight, beneath the surface. You can improve on your own health and strengthen it, by nipping a growing negative force in the bud, before it has time to take root. Before a doctor pronounces a word that puts fear into you. Disease has become like religion, people believe in sickness. Can you imagine believing in sickness? It is time to put an end to belief in wrong thoughts. It is time to end the downward spiral. This is about becoming educated. Health is a science, not witchcraft. Techniques and classes are becoming more available by the day. Listen to them. Choose one that appeals to your sense of rightness and comfort. Try it out. It is YOU who are the final authority.
Learn some words to speak out loud. Affirmations. When you say a word out loud it changes the energy in your immediate sphere of influence. Try it out. The “I AM” affirmations are statements of a positive nature. They are called mantras and chants. Create your own mantra. Use your own feelings of what is right for you. Oming is a universal sound to use, or humming. Aum (OM) means “I AM”. It affirms I AM as a self-conscious being. It means simply I am what I am.
Sending peace, love, light, abundance, safety, health, freedom, joy, peace and MORE! from the Angelics, Ascended Masters, Galactic families of Light and me, Nancy
11/12/24 - Grounding your energies - By Master DK
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/12/24
(formerly Anakosha)
Greetings Everyone!
Sending peace, love and light today to all. I am feeling immense love and a desire to gather everyone in my arms to wish them an incredulous journey into the fifth dimension. Perhaps some who read this will not understand what I'm talking about, but I want to share my journey with you regardless. It feels so peaceful where I am, in spite of my recent fall and struggle to walk again. We are all on an ascension journey to higher realms of consciousness and I am happy. After the recent US elections there may be some unhappiness and/or confusions, but don't let it get you down. It's just a playing out of old energies. We are in for some wonderful new awarenesses.
Recently I ran across an old article from the Master Djwhal Khul, and wish to share it with you. It is in the new book I am preparing to publish of his writings and teachings. This channeling came to me around 1977 or '78. I didn't have a date on the original paper. It was soon after kundalini awakened in me and took me into "the Light". I then began receiving all sorts of wisdom teachings. They just flowed into my mind. Words came unbidden. They just appeared. I didn't know the name of Djwhal Khul at the time, nor that he was an ascended master. I would learn that several years later. Meanwhile, words began pouring through my mind and my metabolism skyrocketed. I had difficulties with my sanity, but I was married to an understanding man at the time. My late husband Bob Adler. He was instrumental in keeping me grounded. A very practical man which helped me immensely. Later, when I picked up a book by the Master Djwhal Khul, and brought it home with mem, I began developing a relaitonshipswith him. in to develop a mental relationship with him, mind to mind, which became my teacher. This particular article is about grounding ethereal thought into the world of matter. This is what was given to me on that day, in Costa Rica, after I returned from "The Light".
By Master Djwhal Khul
The master gland – the pituitary – the very center of the brain, governs and measures the growth of an individual. Not only his physical growth but his awareness, too which is infinite. You could grow in awareness, in theory and abstract knowledge forever, just as a tree could, in theory, grow upward and upward forever, if it were fed the proper stimulants to make it so. However, if a tree does not have a root system equal to the massive branches above, then it will become a very unhealthy tree and eventually fall weak and sickly under its own weight.
There is a similar root system in man specifically created to balance out his ethereal growth by grounding him. And just as with the pituitary gland, there is a physical organ which governs and measures his ability to stay on the ground with his feet planted firmly on the soil of practicality and earthiness. This gland is harder to understand and is infinitely more mysterious. The sexual organs, combined with the reproductive organs in men and women, govern and measure the ability to stay on earth. To live on earth and be happy here, fulfillment depends upon expression. And upon the health and freedom of both attributes – the ethereal and the earthy - the leafy branches of the tree top and the heavy and solid root system below.
The metaphor of a man to a tree has always been used. A quick look at a diagram of man’s autonomic nervous system will reveal an uncanny similarity to a tree. The tree of life of the Bible. Fine and delicate branches link up with larger branches which link up with even larger branches which link up with the main trunk line of the spinal column which descends to the pelvic region where it suddenly bursts outward again and downward like massive roots digging deep into the soil in ever increasing finer and finer branches. The pelvic root system with its glandular activities summed up in the sexual organs represents, in spite of our over complications, an extremely simple facet of man: the passionate and overwhelming desire of man to unite sexually with a mate is the desire for wholeness and union. Mental energy builds up, physical expression follows - a natural ground for a super charged electrical circuit. A splurge of love and total explosion of infinity in one finite moment. The feeling says it all.
It is the grounding and balancing of ethereal thought into the world of matter, into the world of flesh and sensation. There is a delicate, infinitely beautiful balance living in man and there always will be, between his spiritual flights of growth and his earthly pleasures. To grow spiritually without ever becoming grounded is similar to inflating a balloon. It will grow but remain empty inside until one day when its limit will be reached. Then the danger of bursting becomes evident and there is no place to go but down. Down to back and fill in the empty spaces.
On the other hand, to enjoy earthly pleasure only is as unbalanced as the other. If there is no spiritual growth, a man stays on one level only, as the animals do. Sleeping and eating and reproducing for sheer matter fulfillment alone. This eventually will bring atrophy to the spiritual powers of man and decay is inevitable. And so the two must go together. They always have. One must not be intimidated by the high cycle of another person who judges the opposing cycle. There is no teacher but one’s self. Only the inner self can feel the ebbing and flowing of the balance and the forces inside. Only the inner self can act out of its own knowledge of that balancing act. The privacy of thought is an immense world all its own – a university of understanding and learning. There is no room for outside teachers.
Please feel free to contact me for a personal meeting. I would love to meet with some people to discuss the many thoughts that are now coming in as we ascend to higher realms. This bring us closer to disclosure time with the Galactics (extraterrestrials) and also the ascended beings, and other dimensional beings. More importantly - what is happening to us here on the ground? If you are interested in meeting in person, send me a return reply and let's start communicating. I have a great desire to meet with people - all people. It doesn't matter. When we meet in person our auras overlap and we can communicate better. It is not just mind-to-mind, but more soul-to-soul. We can understand each other better. And there is always the possibility of touching, hugging, or massaging. It is a most wondrous time that we are moving into, when we can share stories and private thoughts that have so long been considered taboo (don't talk about it!). These times are now changing and I, for one, am ready to step forward.
Sending you all my peace, love and light, including from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics of Light, the Angelic forces, and me, Nancy
11/9/24 - Space-Age Healing Technology - The EE System
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/9/24
(formerly Anakosha)
Hello Everyone!
This is an introduction to the Energy Enhancement System (EE System) that I have been researching and blogging about over the last week or two. I visited the Naples EE Center last Tuesday for the first time, and have written a short description here to share. I was made aware of this new technology by a male friend who came to swap Ascension Massages with me several weeks ago. He knew about the system and recommended it after a little bump on my tailbone which has grown into a full blown problem. I had never heard of the EE System before then. However, after listening to the videos of Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the genius mathematical inventor of the system, I have fallen madly in love with her. She speaks my language! Galactic and Ascended Master talk. I've been eager to try an Energy Enhancement session in person, but first, I had to find a center. Lo and behold, there is one right here in Naples.
This is a very complex, mysterious system that can blow your mind if you are not properly introduced. The genius who invented the system, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, is a charming woman with a warm smile. Her website is https://drsandrarosemichael.info/archives. There are photos of her posted there, credentials, family history and more. She is the daughter of two super-nerds and she tells her story on many of the videos that I've posted on this website on the ARTICLES page (LINK). This is definitely space-age and galactic-sponsored, similar to the Med-Beds that have been promoted for the last decade or so. It is a wellness system based on universal harmony, love and light. According to Dr. Sandra, the planets, suns and galaxies are kept in their appointed places because of this universal harmony, love and light. This harmony has been reduced to mathematical formulas and embedded into computer systems by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. Today it is a wellness system that brings toxic distorted energies into harmony and wholeness, which is the natural law of the universe. It also brings miracle healings to those who sit within the radiation of the computers. This new technology has been promoted heavily over the last two years and centers have popped up in various countries under a unified agreement to keep prices affordable. For me, the tangible effects of the EE session last Tuesday did not result in a physical healing, but there was a subtle effect that began the following day. First, let me describe the physical ambiance of the office I visited.
In the Naples center it is in a small office, very small, on the second floor of a large modern medical building off Airport-Pulling Road in Naples. The office manager, not the owner, sits at a small desk beside a folding screen (which she didn't use), and behind the folding screen were two recliners - one for the more serious client which has a mark on the floor underneath the recliner, and the other for a second person.
There are four towers of stacked computers referred to as units. Two stacks in front of the recliners and two behind the recliners. Each stack contains six computers, presenting a total of 24 computers in all. All have screens flickering blue or pink or white light with moving numbers, strange mathematical symbols and algorithms flashing and moving. Some of the screens are flickering upward, some downward, some slow, some fast and at times they reversed direction. All 24 computer screens are flickering and flashing their mysterious numbers and letters silently out into the room which was otherwise darkened.
The manager escorted us to the recliners and made us comfortable with blankets should we need them. My husband had escorted me to the session. When I asked where he could sit to wait for me, and whether he could use the other recliner, she said that he would have to pay the $70 since it is $70 per person. But then she decided to waive the charge for him since he looked like a non-believer. So my husband sat with me for the two hour session and read his phone while I reclined through my first EE session.
My experience was amazing. When I first entered the flickering darkened room I felt the deep, deep relaxing peace that everyone has reported feeling at these sessions. It is very comforting and calming. The scalar wave technology has been described by the inventor as universal harmony of love and light. Dr. Michael was the only child of two super-nerds, and from early childhood was exposed to scientific projects that her parents were involved with. She herself had memories of being on Atlantis when things went wrong, and she herself says that she is still "pissed" at what they, the Atlanteans, did to this beautiful planet. Her interviews are really interesting.
The scalar waves of universal harmony, light and love have been put into mathematical formulas, where the computers flicker and aim the energy out into the environment of the room. The harmonious energy from the 24 flickering computer screens brings the distorted energy of our modern world into coherence and unification. We live in a toxic soup, says Dr. Michael. This is the reason, apparently, why everyone who enters one of these EE chambers feels such deep peace and calm. Love, light and harmony are constantly flickering into the room.
My personal experience was sacred and private. I cannot begin to put it into words. Since I have been doing sacred inner work for a number of years, I was already in communication with my higher self and spirit guides before I entered the chamber. Once settled in the recliner, I wiggled my painful butt into the least painful position possible from the so-called "fall" on my tailbone several weeks ago, and began talking to my guides, the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, my higher self and my body elemental, with whom I have begun a more personal relationship recently. Inner awareness continued all through the two hour session, and it was a most amazing, conversation because it was so coherent and clear, as if I were talking to real people in the room. I will never be able to remember all that I learned in that session, but it's not important. My soul remembers.
Though I did not notice any tangible effects on my painful butt, I did have a very high vitality at the end of the session and couldn't stop raving and asking questions of the manager. The next day I began my own physical therapy training at home. I cannot explain why. More about that later. This is perhaps the deep spiritual energy that I was exposed to. It is a subtlety that I must elaborate on with more care. The deep inner influence of universal harmony is not a tangible thing. It is an attitude shift. I highly recommend researching Energy Enhancement Scalar Wave Technology, known as the EE Scalar system, especially if there are health issues or painful disorders of the body, mind or emotions that the medical profession can't seem to cure.
Gain your own understanding of this technology. It is inner work. I have posted some videos of Dr. Sandra Rose Michael being interviewed by various people on this GoddessSphere website (formerly Anakosha dot org). Her story is extremely interesting and enlightening. She explains in her gentle, easy way how this technology came to be. See my ARTICLES page at LINK for these postings. There are a number of Youtubes online that you can play at home on your cell phone or computer. The 24-unit computers are shown flickering and flashing, some with music, others without, radiating out into your room at home. I recommend playing it for several hours while sleeping.
With peace, love and light to all who read this. I wish you happiness and harmony, from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics of Light, the Angelic forces and your own spiritual guides and higher self - and me, Nancy
10/9/24 - It's Time to Wean
GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter 10/9/24
(formerly Anakosha)
by Master Djwhal Khul and me Nancy
"IT IS TIME TO WEAN." I have been hearing this phrase for a month now. "It is time to wean". I had to google the definition of wean to make sure I was hearing right. I started writing my thoughts out about it, thinking they were my words, but then I realized it was DK speaking. Over the years I have blended so well with him and the voices of higher intelligences, that often I think it is just me. The basis of inner work is blending so well together with other beings that there is no separation. No "you" or "me". Higher realms of consciousness bring us closer in touch with other beings. Even our own loved ones who have passed into the heavens. Deep inner work is blending with good feelings. As I continued writing on this day (1/10/18) I didn't realize that DK was talking to me, giving me advice, until he spoke a certain phrase - "Do you understand?" I knew then that he was speaking because I wouldn't ask myself that question. Read what he told me that day. The folliwng comes from DK. I ran across it yesterday and want to share it. I will also post it in DK's online book.
It is time to wean. It is time to withdraw from dependance on something. Withdraw your dependance from it. You are leaning upon something and you fear that you will never have it again so you keep chasing it and depending upon it. It is time to replace this that you are depending upon with knowledge that it will always be there. Wean yourself from the dependance on it because it is creating a longing for it. It is creating a desire in you for it which is creating a fear that you will lose it, which is fear itself that is invading your consciousness. It is time to wean yourself from fear of losing it, from fear of loss. It is a false belief. You have created a false belief system that you need this thing. You believe you need it and that it is the only way to reach your heaven, your goal of fulfillment, it is the only way to bring forth heaven on earth, and the only way to feel good, the only way to feel orgasm and the freedom from all the pressures you normally feel day after day and none of that is true. It is a false belief that you hold. You believe it and so it is stuck in you, creating a groundhog day effect. A replay of the same thing, over and over and over, ad infinitum. It is time to wean yourself from this belief. Release yourself from depending on that little appendage that you think is your identity and your salvation and your key to heaven and the release into freedom. Release yourself from the volumes of stuckness that have held you back.
Women have come to rely on this appendage too. It is not only men who depend on the appendages, for women have appendages too. We women have to also release ourselves from depending upon the sexual appendages. This is why we marry. We call it love and falling in love and wanting to spend the rest of our days with this person, but it’s really a dependency on the person that we are marrying. We are committing to depending upon this person, to provide us with the love and caring, but it’s really the orgasmic tool that we are assuring ourselves by marrying them. We are securing the access to our freedom and salvation and heavenly pleasures by marrying, but it is a false belief. We are marrying a physical appendage to go along with our own physical appendage, our physical genital appendage - men depend on securing a woman because of HER tool. Her appendage is a warm soft pocket into which he places HIS appendage and he depends on that. We each, man and woman alike, depend on these accessories which are temporary physical appendages, not our divine nature which we already ARE. We are divine in nature and we have the capacity to feel the love within our divine nature, but we have been led to look elsewhere, out there, to others, to other objects and other people and we can’t find it there so we start chasing it. We develop fear and insecurity and a sense of loss because we are looking in all the wrong places. It is within.
It is within our own consciousness. We have not lost anything at all, except our focus. We have lost our focus, which means we have lost our way. We have lost our center. We think we are alone and we are afraid that we will never find our way back again, and we compound that fear the more we depend on our sexual appendages. It is the wrong focus to have. You are chasing a rainbow that is ephemeral. It is the outer world that is the dream. The material objects of things. Money, houses, toys that pleasure you, having all the right friends to nourish you and keep you safe and warm and protected, to assure you that you are A-OK, and then death takes you anyway and you are alone with yourself again, picking up the pieces and trying to remember who you are and where you left off at the time of the LAST death and having to leave the body. The “things” and the “people” we leave behind are fellow travelers, not saviors. They too are seeking salvation from outer “things” and other “people”. They are not here to save us or allow us to depend on them. We are so afraid that we will lose access to salvation, warmth, security, pleasure, abundance and love that we hang on to them as if we are drowning. We live so in fear that we chase it. It is a falsehood and an illusion because we have the love inside of us. In our consciousness. In our bodies. In our minds and in our feelings.
We have lost our OWN connection to this beautiful place, this beautiful SELF because we have been distracted by the outer world and these sexual appendages. They are like tools of addiction. Wean yourself by trying out a new way of human interaction and closeness and nurturance without using these appendages. See what you feel by weaning yourself away from that physical area on the body. It is like quitting smoking. Do not light that cigarette and do not reach for it. It is like quitting alcohol addiction. Do not pour that alcohol into a glass and do not even reach for the bottle. It is like quitting any drug. Do not reach for the tools that you think you need. Stop it. Wean yourself from it. Find another way to think. Find another way to feel. We at the Love Club are seeking this for ourselves. We are seeking another way to feel warm and nourished by coming closer and touching and hugging and massaging with other human beings, without reaching for the appendages that we have habitually relied upon to give us what we thought we wanted and needed. We at the Love Club are providing a new way to explore warm togetherness. (Wow! Thank you DK.)
Just a reminder: it is not the body we are weaning ourselves away from; it is the dependency and sense of fear and loss that we are weaning ourselves away from. It takes conscious will to change how we think, talk and touch that we wean ourselves away. We are not giving up the ability to make love or to have sex. That is not the issue at all. Not at all. It is the habit of feeling loss and insecure and dependent upon someone else that we are weaning ourselves away from.
Today Hurricane Milton is moving through Florida, heading north, over and beyond us. Doug and I are safe in Naples, FL but tornadoes are still touching down, according to the weather channel. I am sending love, celestial pink motherly love to the tornadoes, wind and rain. Be safe, be well, be happy I am saying to the elements. And to all who read this, please feel our love and celestial peace. Go up into the higher zones and find the highest happiest feelings you can today, and always. Blend with the higher goodness within yourself. Be safe. This will raise your spirits. Blessings from the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angelics, Master DK, Mother Earth and me, Nancy
9/29/24 - Cosmic Contact & The Galactic Federation
GoddessSphere Newsletter of 9/29/24
(formerly Anakosha)
by Me Nancy and a Message from Ashtar
Hello friends!
The following message is a transcription from a video posted today on GFL.com. It's from Ashtar, a commander in the Galactic Federation of Light. GFL.com posts two of these channeled messages on Youtube every day from various extraterrestrial star families within the Galactic Federation. Ashtar is the commander of the Ashtar Command of the GFL. Ashtar first became known in modern times in the 1940's by Tuella, a well-known channel and writer now deceased . Actually Ashtar was known before that, but none as well known as Tuella. There is a long-involved history of the Galactics (extraterrestrial civilizations) who have been visiting, watching and assisting us where possible without interfering due to breaking harmony with the universe.
My first exposure to the Galactics was thru George Adamski in 1963, though I didn't understand. It was extremely transcendental, almost like being in trance when I was around him. After Adamski died, I started having depressions which led to full-blown breakdown five years later, and I left my beautiful two little sons behind with their dad, to save myself from dying. Eight years later I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening without knowing or preparing. I went into the light, heaven or bliss, in an OBE, which I saw at first. Then I lost consciousness and had no memory for 8 or 9 hours. My metabolism speeded up over the next few days, months and years. I began receiving words in my mind. They threatened to drive me crazy. I wrote them down to get them out of my head.I became a channel myself. Four years later I was led to a book by the Master Djwhal Khul and began reading. He began talking to me in my mind and has been my guide ever since.
Meanwhile I am in contact with higher realms, the galactics are ever there in my consciousness. I feel to remain quiet and underground, not to promote this connection but to write about it for I am constantly channeling new information. Now the Galactics are sending messages with more speed. The feeling is to hold space for celestial love and cosmic light while remaining grounded and stabilized. The whole point of ascension is to raise the BODY, not leave the body behind!? like so many spiritual people want to do. Remain connected to physicality. "Don't leave!" Remain open and in contact with the higher realms of light. So it has been an amazing journey over the last 48 years, of ascended masters, galactics and having human interactions of all kinds. While seeing star ships in the sky occasionally, and seeing ETs in the super market (?). There are others now writing about their experiences encounters too. There is a speeding up process of disclosure and ascension going on. It is through stillness and meditation that one enters into inner spaces and receives information. Inner spaces between the electrons and sub-atomic particles. It's mostly sub-terranean, below the surface of the exterior hard shell of the physical body and it is accessed by stopping the mental chatter. Then the inner knowledge of inner space (outer space?) bleeds through. Like light that shines through a thinly veiled curtain. Now here's the message from Ashtar today:
“I am Ashtar Sheran and it is a pleasure to be with you in these exciting times of great shifts on your beloved Earth. Look to the skies, my star seed companions, for more and more of you will begin to see the visibility of our ships. This new wave of sightings will not just be for those who hear and resonate with these words, but for so many others across the planet. There are many who are going to have as you would say, their minds blown. Disclosure is coming but it will not come from your governments. It is coming directly from us to the people. While we cannot entirely rule out some form of disclosure from your Earthly authorities, the likelihood remains uncertain.
"This is actually good news for you. You are in control of how disclosure happens. Once enough people reach a certain level of consciousness we can begin landing and working with you more directly. Fear not a mass awakening for a specific critical mass is not necessary at this time. Many are already awake [believe] and many more are awakening every week [beginning to see]. It is now inevitable that more and more people across the planet will recognize that you are not alone in the universe. The long-standing fallacy the program instilled within you over time, is ending. The dark forces’s plans to get ahead of disclosure continues to backfire more and more, and this will be the norm. The norm, for example your recent cascade of solar storms that caused the greatest Northern Lights that many have ever seen on your Earth, was claimed by the dark ones to be their doing. While this confused a few for a short time, most quickly saw through the lies.
“From there it began to spark further and deeper questions about weather modification and the like, causing their narrative to be questioned even more. This will play out for a little longer. Be patient with everyone, beloved friends. One of your goals right now is to assist with disclosure, so treat others as you wish to be treated. The fallacy of being the only intelligent species in the galaxy will be replaced by the understanding that you are connected to the entire universe. You are becoming a galactic civilization and all of you on the planet - those that choose, will join the Galactic Federation of Worlds to serve the cosmos. It is up to each and every one of you now. As Sananda, Archangel Michael and others have asked, reach out to more of your brothers and sisters on the earth, introduce them to disclosure whenever the opportunity arises. Tell them to look up into the skies and see what they previously could not, for it is true that those who have eyes to see shall see, and more and more shall have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
“Yes, you may encounter skepticism still, but do not worry. You are planting seeds and you can’t control how they germinate. So we in the Ashtar Command at this time are saying “Get planting!” This connection to the universe signifies a monumental shift. The realization that you are part of a galactic civilization is profound, altering your understanding of your place in the cosmos. As you awaken to this truth you will find yourselves drawn to the skies where our ships become increasingly visible. This visibility is a sign, a message that the time of isolation is ending and a new era of unity and cooperation is beginning. The journey to this awareness is ongoing with each of you playing a crucial role.
“Spread the word, share the vision and help others see the skies with new eyes. The more people understand this connection, the faster we can move toward direct collaboration. Fear not the unknown for you are never alone. Your awakening is part of a larger cosmic plan. One that brings you closer to your true potential as members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
“I leave you know in love, peace, harmony and understanding. Until next time we of the galactic communities are very close. Reach out and keep an open mind for we might just send you a signal. We love you.”
Ashtar Sherhan.
Thanks for Listening. Blessings from the Ascendeds, the Galactics, Angelics, Master Djwhal Khul, Ashtar and me, Nancy
9/22/24 - GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter
(formerly Anakosha)
Ascension symptoms
by Me Nancy and Master Djwhal Khul
Things are speeding up rapidly. I receive so many inspiring threads of thought every morning that I don't know which one to do first. So I am going to finish this draft which was ready to go several days ago and get it off my "to do" list. I am doing some serious re-researching on the Ascension Massage, which I first posted 10 years ago on this website but didn't follow through with it. Now the times are changing dramatically and the push is on. First I must get this one out.
I'm all alone in my asension journey, as I'm sure the reader is too. Experiencing consciousness shifts is very confusing and that's what I'm here to talk about. Unsure what's happening in the world? Well, we are in the midst of a major galactic event. Yes, galactic. This is the first time that any planet in our galaxy has ascended to the fifth dimension WITH her humans on board, physically taking their body with them. Or so the extraterrestrials have been saying. Our little earth is part of a larger whole. I don't know how many are tuned into this fact, but because I am a writer and a student of the ascended masters AND the galactics (they work together), I have written more journals than it's possible to count. I'm gathering them together now.
It all started with my OBE into the light in 1976, when my metabolism speeded up and words started flowing thru my mind. Eventually I met the Master Djwhal Khul and a merge began taking place between my normal mind and a mind that was larger than mine. Ascension symptoms started for me a long time ago. But today they are hitting the fan like crazy and blowing like dandelion fluffs all over the world. It's a growing problem and very few main networks are talking about it.
I doubt many are aware that the earth is going through a major galactic turning-of-the-page evolutionary change. While the TV networks don't carry the story, there are other sources. Even though I've had Master DK to ask questions of, he can't help when it's my own personal body. I have to deal with it. It's my problem alone but his guidance has been invaluable. He had to go through the same thing himself. The first symptom is old and creaky. I just want to lie down and die. It's too much. Too frustrating. Loss of hope. Loss of interest. I just want to go home. And the first test is to get past that stage and determine NOT to give up, to keep on trekk'n. Then with each passing of a test one gets stronger and confusions clear away. You start to see better and understand better.
But the first symptom is a serious problem, just wanting to quit and give up the ghost. The pull is strong to do so. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and light is information. Light is information, yes, but information can't do anything unless that information is used and put into action. The second step is using the information that comes pouring through the mind. Light is inspiration but Love is USING that inspiration (information). We are not supposed to suppress inspired information that comes to us. We are designed to flow inspiration and information out to others to contribute to the ongoing evolution of the community. Not to keep it to yourself. That's what I learned and that's why I write. If I don't write, the light backs up like a river behind a dam and confusion results. If I don't find some way to get this information out to others, I'm useless. I become a block in the road. I need to do something constructive and helpful. Something proactive. Currently I'm gathering all of Djwhal Khul'ss channelings over the years into one book, soon to be published through Doug''s new Shopify website "Goodboox dot co", which he is working from his side of the office..
Everywhere on the planet, there are upgrades going on. Each individual is feeling it differently and uniquely. This is a major consciousness shift. It is gentle and perhaps not noticeable, because it's the background consciousness that is going thru the shift, not our up-front physical brain mind. Our brain mind is just a physical organ. An important physical organ, of course, but it carries on only from the nerves that are embedded into it. It doesn't have access to the background consciousness shift. That's US! WE are the background spirit of the body. WE are the founder and builder of this body we live in. WE are the resident soul in the body. The brain mind as an organ operates on habit. It's pretty mechanical. It knows what to do. It was trained very well how to use the data stored in it. But WE are the spirit of the body, the evolving soul that is getting the upgrade. WE are feeling the confusion because we are receiving BOTH the organic brain telling us what to do, plus we're getting upgrades and messages from our HIGHER self, our REAL self which is tied into the larger Plan.
The brain is like every other organ in the body. It's a physical organ like the heart, lungs and spleen. It needs to be cared for and we each do that the best that we can. But our brain has been trained like a puppy, to do what we tell it to do. It needs to be fed, nurtured and cared for. And now at this crucial point in our evolution, it needs to be clued in. It needs to be upgraded. We need to teach our brain new tricks, new words, new methods by which to act, for it feeds the rest of the body. That is its main function. But the brain mind does not know about the greater Plan of ascension which is coming from higher realms. That is up to us to bring it up to date.
By talking to our brain and other organs, we are upgrading our body. It is important that we do that. We are in charge. In turn our body will give us a feelings of wellness, of comfort, of security and peace. When the body feels at peace WE feel at peace. We say, "Oh, I feel so good!" When the body is not in sync with our soul, we feel bad. When (the soul) are out of sync with our body y to our body there are problems. How many understand this? We are having symptoms, pains, struggles, depression and we don't understand what's wrong. We say, "Oh, I am hurting so badly!" And we complain or go to the doctor.
The first lesson in ascension training is to learn to comfort the body. We must take time out of our busy hectic days and become quiet. Become still. Even just napping often during the day helps, like my husband. He has the program down pat. Then our body has a chance to realign with us, the resident intelligence or soul of the body. Then the organs naturally fall into alignment. Then the body provides us with a feeling of comfort. We are physically back together again and we can say, "Oh, I feel so peaceful today!" It is important during these ascension times (and they will not last) to do this often. We must tune into our body and assure it that it is in safe hands. We are its mother. We are the mother of our own body, the caretaker or gardner of our body. We must nurture it and make it feel good.
Loving your body is essential at this time. Love it by talking to it so it croons and hums along with you. Love your body. Love other people's bodies too but don't interfere with them or take advantage of them. Just comfort them as best you can. This consciousness shift is a mystery. We badly need to be educated about it. Our soul is in control of the ascension shift, we are the resident intelligence here. But how many people are aware of their spiritual nature? Of their soul? And that it is actually the background intelligence of the body? We are vaster, and wiser than we know. We are the spirit of the body that keeps it alive. As our soul (higher self is spirit) flows through us we feel it as FEELINGS - through sensations of warm, warmer, hot or cool, cold, freezing. It is through feelings that spirit (soul) communicates with our brain mind, the ego. It is the vaster spirit intelligence that keeps our body intact and safe. At the higher end we feel it as love. Take time out to talk lovingly to your body. Talk to it and tell it how much you love your heart, lungs, kidneys, brain. I'm serious. Bring comfort to your body and your body will respond in kind.
There are many people like me who are accessing the higher realms, but we don't know how many others are also aware. And how many are not. This knowledge is being held back. That is why people do not understand. But gradually more information is coming out into the open. It's a struggle but it's happening. The ascension process is an expansion of consciousness above and beyond focus confined to "just physical". This shift in consciousness is expanding our understanding from "just physical" focus of the third dimension and opens the doors to the fourth dimension which brings in new information. And the higher we go we enter the rarefied realms of the fifth dimension of consciousness. The wider you stretch yourself, the higher you go. The fifth dimension is the big leap where we shift from animal man to God-conoscious man, also known as galactic man or cosmic intelligence man.
This is when we as a planetary race become aware that we are cosmic. We learn about the "more" from which we descended when we first embodied as physical. We had to evolve through the animal stage before we could go further. Before we had sufficient brain cells to comprehend that we are part of a larger universal family. We are not alone and the universal family is vast. It is infinite. And so we have to take it in small steps or it will blow us away. This shift from animal man to God-man is called ascension. Earth is struggling with it but it's happening very fast now in these days. Everything that we knew back 10, 20, 30 years ago is changing. We are going to see more changes with each day, week, month and year that passes. Our body feels these changes before our brain mind does. It is up to us to keep pace with the changes on a daily basis. This is why community gatherings are becoming important. There are messages from the galactics. We must share information with each other. The brain mind is not helping us because all it has is yesterday's information. We are being upgraded through FEELINGS and inner perceptions. This is what we should be sharing with each other.
Our emotions are an aspect of our spiritual nature. Our brain mind is a physical organ and doesn't have access. Its only access is from US, from our feelings. Our feelings tell us when we are on the right track. Our feelings tell us what to do. They tell us to re-program our brain mind and bring it up to date. Meditation is an excellent way to re-program the brain. We are the resident spirit or (if you will) the evolving soul resident in the body. It requires us to sit our body down and make it become calm and quiet. When it enjoys calmness the brain becomes receptive for re-programming. Become one with your brain and upgrade the brain so it is not so confused. I have had to learn to do this for myself. When we were animal man we only knew about the physical world. We didn't know about our cosmic heritage. Animals are not aware of cosmic heritage, soul or spirit.
We are shifting out of animal brain into God/Goddess brain, and it's happening very fast. Other planetary civilizations in the galaxy have already gone thru this process. They have evolved higher intelligence and more harmonious ways to live and traverse space and visit other planets. They are trying to visit us. They HAVE been visiting us. For thousands of years we saw them come and go. We called them "angels" in pre-biblical times, "coming down out of heaven". These higher, more evolved civilizations who know how to travel space are here to assist us. They are watching and trying not to traumatize us in the process. Do not fear them. Trust that there are a lot of other beings out there beyond earth, who are aware of what we are going through. They will be visiting shortly in physical form, as soon as we are able handle it without too much fear. We are growing more mature in that regard. We are expanding our focus beyond former limits of "just physical ". They don't want to scare us or make us fearful. They too started out as animal man and evolved to see beyond "just physical", so they know what we are going thru. There is a saying: "We come from the stars!" They come literally from what we know of as stars, but so do we. Many of us have lived on those other planets. We will be visited shortly by some of them. But we will feel, upon meeting them, that they are familiar. They are literally our older brothers and sisters, ready to warmly welcome us into the family fold. And give us more instruction on how to handle it and live in harmony with each other. UFO disclosure is underway.
We have been evolving right along, decade after decade, century after century, learning as we go, expanding brain cells. It is through personal interaction experience that we grow new synapses in our brain, which then sends messages to other parts of the body to keep the body in alignment. Enough of us have now reached that higher realm of understanding that breaks through the ceiling. What's above the ceiling? Each of us experiences it differently, because we have had prior participation experiences in our past. We know things we did not know we knew because it's on a deeper level. It is our foundation knowledge. We are adding to our own previous foundation as an evolving soul. It is an inner private process. Every planet has its own unique culture growing on it and we are one such planet. We are Earthlings. We are experiencing one of those extraordinary "break thru the ceiling" events on our planet. The ascension from animal man to God-man. It is a very big step for mankind.
We've been getting lots of messages from the others - the Pleiadians are number one. The Sirians, the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the Lyrans. Those are the first five at the top of the list, but there are many other galactic civilizations. And there is a league of lightworkers. Those who are consciously working to bring harmony and good will, versus those who are opposed to harmony and good will. The so-called dark side. The physical-only worlds - the lower dimensions of consciousness - are limited to the belief that the physical body is all there is. Or who take advantage of those who so believe. The ascension breaks us out of that focus into the larger awareness of our true reality. Our life is more than we thought it was. As my sister said on her death bed, "I'm more than I thought I was!" She saw it as she was leaving her body. In this physical ascension event, we have the opportunity of keeping our body intact and expanding to know that there is "more", that we are part of a "more", a cosmic community that is infinitely more. First of all, that there are other planets in our galaxy and there are people living on them who are more dignified, elegant, noble and intelligent than we. We are not alone after all.
It's a major upgrade and negative attitudes are naturally starting to fade away. As we learn more about our friendly neighbors we begin to lose our fears about survival. It is comforting to realize that we are not alone and further, that they have more advanced knowledge including technology to share with us. But the more important work is the human work. The BIG work is going on within each individual on a feeling level. What we call the soul level. I have been working on myself alone, but I have had the Master DK guiding and instructing me. I have been writing and sharing this information as best I can. Meanwhile, ascension symptoms continue in the form of confusion and sometimes physical problems.. Disorientation, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, lack of sleep, discomforts of every kind. But the world is changing and support and education are badly needed. Gentle, kindly humane workshops with enlightened and qualified leaders is required.
My friends know my interests but I am a senior and past the age of being a leader. So the next best thing is to keep promoting the ascension massage. This has been an urge for a long time, so I will continue to offer it on a small scale. The Ascended Masters wish to see the Ascension Massage Exchange Network implemented so that more people will be involved and prepared and be able to put their hands on people and share the light. If you are interested, contact me by return email. We can discuss it further. I am available. I do not have a following. The ascension massage is a love-filled healing method done with light-filled hands and a light-filled mind. Some preparation is required beforehand.
The Ascension process is when the individual melds with, or allows his or her soul to blend with the brain mind and body. The soul WANTS to live in a human world and WANTS to participate in a physical life, but it can’t because of so many negative thoughts and feelings that have jammed up and plugged up the inner workings of the body, mind and feelings trough lack of knowledge or understanding. The vibrations between soul and body do not align or match up. The ascension massage exchange will help sweep away accumulated toxins that are jamming the nervous system network. Our job as human beings is to do everything we can to cleanse our physical body of that which is blocking the divine flowing. A network of like-minded individuals will bring astounding changes in healing and clearing.
No one person has all the answers or solutions. We are a community off evolving new agers. Humanity is ready to begin the sharing of light thru hands-on loving touch and conversation, sharing freely. Speaking honestly and truthfully about suppressed hidden knowledge will cause a spreading wildfire of excitement - knowledge that has been kept secret, barely above subconscious levels because it was not acceptable. When there are avenues for this information to be openly distributed, there will be no holding back the powers of healing. First we must learn how to trust one another and share our feelings, our knowings, our learnings, what we receive in our daily silences. More and more is coming to me as I type these words. Feelings like a rushing gathering speed. Like a torrent of water going over a fall. It is a happy feeling. It feels good and promises more of the same as we adjust our vibrations to a higher level of expansiveness. It takes a stepping back, a lighter foot, a happier smile, more joy in the heart. It takes courage and trust and the feeling of friendship. The divine self has a body too, but it’s too refined to enter a human body that still holds a dour and clunky expression of negativity. We need to lighten up.
With peace, love, light, kindness, joy, freedom and respect from the Galactics, the Ascendeds, the Angelics, the Master Djwhal Khul, and me, Nancy. Be safe, Keep looking up.
9/3/24 - GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter
(formerly Anakosha)
The Mother Flame Part 4
by Master Djwhal Khul and me, Nancy
Hello my friends! Once more I am here with Part 4 of the Mother Flame series. Below is the second half of DK's last article, which was too long for one newsletter so I split it. The Mother Flame is a very ancient teaching that was never presented to humanity before. (Pause - I'm being told that it was LIVED but never taught because it was natural and instinctive.) My near 50 years of study with the Master DK has brought this understanding to me. The power of the Mother Flame was referred to as Kundalini in past centuries. In this current day more is being brought forth about this mystical power in the pelvis and, in fact, is being taught in workshop environments by certain ones.
The Mother Flame is a non-physical power in the pelvis, specifically in the vicinity of the coccyx (the tailbone). The coccyx is the geometric center of the physical body. An equal part of the physical body lies up above it to the head, and an equal part lies below it to the bottoms of the feet. The head is where we focus all our attention. We think with our physical brain, but we have negelected the body part below the head. The body below the head is where the Mother Flame is mainly felt. It is in the body cells and tissues that the Mother Flame flows, when she flows, thru the nerves. Meanwhile, subconscious and unconscious energies float around randomly thru us, when the Mother Flame is not active. Because it takes conscious awareness to activate it and we haven't had the teaching yet. Sciene refers to it as genetic material. The brain is where we stay most of the time, separated from each other with our thoughts. But it is thru the BODY that we feel feelings of closeness and intimacy, and pick up silent innuendoes from each other. The Mother Flame is the oneness which is pure love, and we all have it in us.
This makes us dual creatures. We live in a world of opposites. We are creatures growing in intelligence on one end, and in love on the other. Duality exists because the brain thinks it is unique and separate from everyone else, and the Mother Flame thinks it is all love and connected in harmony, bliss and love. In fact, both are right. The Mother Flame comes up from the pelvis, the Father Flame comes down from above the head (above, not from inside). They meet in the area of the heart. There's a glow there. That's why the masters always direct us to focus on our hearts. The physical heart resides precisely half way between the pelvis and the crown of the head and there Father and Mother flames blend and balance the body. The blend of love and intellect retains individuality and brings a feeling of wholeness and fulfillment to the physical life. Now, the second half of DK's article. The first half was sent out on August 30 and is posted in GoddessSphere in the Newsletter section.
by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
The desires that flow through us are the desires of the one infinite creator. We need to become conscious that we are one and the same consciousness that flows through ALL of our friends, families and strangers we meet on the street. We are ALL one consciousness. What makes us different and unique is our HUMANNESS. Our human form is the unique part of us. But underneath the form, behind the form, the consciousness that flows through us is one and the same consciousness as all of our friends and families. We are different because we have learned different skills and taken on different attitudes. We are different because we have spent lifetimes, over and over, many lifetimes, being human. Sometimes these lives were lived on other planets, not always on Earth, but humans live throughout the universe, along with other species that are not exactly like us.
So it is that we are here to learn how to maneuver and master these bodies that we find ourselves in. As you can imagine there are some pretty precise details that the spirit spark must learn and master in its day-to-day living. These details have already been designed by master intelligences far beyond us – those who have mastered their OWN bodies a long time ago – but we must learn them, study them and spend time flowing consciously through them to feel grown-up and sufficiently able to master our “coming and going” in our bodies. Ascended masters have already done that and they don’t have to repeat being born again. They ascended to a higher plane but they are “on call” to help us and guide us. They commune with us telepathically, on higher thought realms.
This is one of the functions that we mortals need to learn how to do, how to use our higher consciousness to communicate with other beings telepathically. We need to learn to trust it. To believe that it’s really happening. We must gain confidence in our mind-to-mind silent communication with others. Our intelligence is constantly flowing through our form and we are largely unaware. We are in the process of becoming more aware. We are becoming more intelligent. More sophisticated. More learned. And feeling more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. As we feel more at home in our bodies we feel more peaceful and more serene. We find ourselves making decisions better and with more clarity. It is not that we are smarter than the others around us, it is that we are becoming more awake, more aware, more conscious.
Other things we are becoming aware of if we meditate, all along the spine there are smaller channels branching off, called nerves. We have a complex nervous system called the tree of life. Infinity flows through these channels to activate and feed intelligence to the organs, the spleen, the liver, pancreas, the glands, kidneys, all the organs in the body need to receive the circulation of the life force, the intelligence that is actually US. We are the spirit that enlivens our body and keeps it alive with our attention, with our alertness, with our caring, with our directed thoughts. As we “think” about our bodies so our bodies quicken and become alive and thrive under our tutorship, our mentorship, our mastership, our caring. When we don’t know that we are the immortal life force flowing through our bodies, the bodies die from lack of attention. They grow old, weak, diseased, and chronically ill. There are ancient systems that are being rekindled today in broad public forums, teaching these methods of awareness and wakefulness.
We are being resurrected from a deep sleep of not knowing anything about this. We are being woke up. The immortal intelligence which is us is quite aware of itself, but we think we are “just the body”. We are not. We are so much more. We are the life of the body. We must now learn to navigate it from the INSIDE. Not go to the doctor to take pills. Continue taking pills but do start to learn how to maintain your body without the pills. We will be learning how to navigate the smaller channels and see where it goes. When it reaches there, when we are tuned inward and listening inward and feeling inward, we receive revelations in the form of visions and feelings of bliss. The feeling of the spirit moving through our organs and muscles and blood, is sooo soft, so sweet, so tender, so refined, so light and airy, and so loving that you could swoon and faint! It is so beautiful. It is called nirvana and samadhi in the ancient teachings of India.
And when it flows through the brain it enlightens the brain and the brain cells blossom like a thousand petaled lotus, a common phrase used in the Vedic scriptures. We will learn how to maneuver through these tiny channels and cells and go out through the arms and notice where the elbow bends, and where the wrist and fingers bend, and how the legs bend at the knees and how the hips work, and the ankles and toes. We learn by FEEL that WE are the ones moving our muscles to cause the walking. We used to take our bodies for granted that it already knew how to operate, but it grew old and died without our understanding that it is US who keep the body alive. We are learning through lifetimes, many lifetimes of first-hand experience. Soon we come to the realization that we can manifest a body anytime we want to. We do not have to be “born” through another human being such as a mother.
The people living near us today have lived many times before, in different cultures, in different parts of the planet. And other planets too. They have all developed knowledge of how it works and are now better able to move it more skillfully and efficiently. But there is so much more to learn. And yet there are pleasure sensations that distract it from exploring further inward, alone, by oneself. It is more fun to go out to play with the neighbor kids and have fun dancing and exploring and learning the ways of the outer world. It leaves the inner exploration for later. (end)
Blessings from the Ascended Masters, our Galactic neighbors, the Angelics and me, Nancy
8/30/24 - GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter
(formerly Anakosha)
The Mother Flame Part 3
by Master Djwhal Khul and me, Nancy
Greetings everyone! Welcome to the "GoddessSphere" newsletter, formerly the Anakosha newsletter. Master DK and I are focusing on The Mother Flame. This is Part 3 with more parts to come. DK stepped in several days ago to remind me that Kundalini is NOT the mother flame! I didn't realize that. I am a student still learning. However, there is an increase in solar flares recently, as shown on the Schuman scale, which means we too are getting an increase of light flares. We are being upgraded. Our genetic material (DNA) which created us as a baby is being altered to fit the new earth frequencies. This is discombobulating, to say the least. A lot is happening. This information is coming from many sources, Those of us who have a spiritual background are aware more than those who have not been exposed to such information. Current politics and wars in the outer world are worrisome to many people. However, we live in interesting times. The reason is the SOUL brain coming on line. The spiritual brain, so to speak. This soul brain is located in the pelvis on the etheric level (see pictures of the auric field on the internet). This soul brain or spiritual brain is known as the Mother Flame, heretofore known as Kundalini by the ancients.
The brain in the head is a physical organ. It is the only brain we know about. We think of the pelvis as being reserved for sexual and elimination organs, so we don't refer to them often, at least not in polite company. However, there is a rare jewel buried there which we have never been told about. It is called the Mother Flame, or kundalini by Eastern gurus. The Mother Flame is not a universal power. It is not a super-power. It is the ONLY power. It is the life force which enables solid bodies to live, breathe, walk, talk, grow up and evolve to higher more mature levels. It does this through the power of love. It has taken me years, God Bless the Master DK for having patience with me, many years to fit this knowledge into my "skin". The Mother Flame is life itself. It's a live wire down there in our tailbone, literally wired into the Almighty. It's called the root chakra which roots us to the earth planet and allows us to live and breathe off of the planet's resources. As this "live wire" activates due to the increase in solar light from the sun, we are receiving revelations. Our physical body is being upgraded with new ideas, new concepts and galactic visitations from our more highly evolved neighboring planets. It is confusing. There is a great need for some explaining to do. The physical brain in the head doesn't understand. It is causing headaches, dizziness and other problems (for me) but it's all proving to be most interesting.
Step by step the lessons continue. The ancient order of the Mother Flame came to me ten months ago for the first time. It was a transcendental experience which I wrote about in newsletter of August 4. It felt so soft, gentle, sweet and motherly - blissful beyond description. Like being held by someone immensely kind and caring. The Mother Flame is our real self. We have been around forever, while our human brain is only as old as we are, 86 years for me. But my soul has lived thru many embodiments (I remember about 20 of them) and it knows more than my physical brain knows, It gives me flashes here and there, but no details. This soul brain is innate, mostly unconscious or subconscious. It activates when it is ready to activate. When the environment is ready to accept it. It is otherwise kept inside, buried.
It is the REAL person inside the shell called human. We ARE the Mother Flame. And we each have had many experiences and accumulated much wisdom. We carry it around with us everywhere we go. We don't remember because we are operating on the head brain which has been fed head brain knowledge. We are NOW activating the soul brain knowledge, so be prepared. We have lived countless numbers of lives, not all human. There was a beginning somewhere back there long ago. We have evolved our consciousness through many planetary lives, both here on this planet and on other planets as well. But our REAL identity, our individuality, is as vast as God itself, for we ARE God. That which we call God. This soul brain knows. It is anchored at the base of the spine and is as pure as the driven snow. It is innocence and idealism and perfection. We feel it on occasion as a yearning for Home, for the original truth and beauty and fairness that we knew before being in form.
As a student of the Master DK, I have been receiving dictations for years. I've been learning and collecting them. The following was dictated only recently, on 2/21/23. It is exactly as he dictated it. It has not been edited or added to in any way. Please enjoy.
by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
See how the infinity flows and grows from the root chakra, the kanda, the mother flame. There is a pouch of infinity surrounding the coccyx. Actually it’s just a piece of consciousness. It doesn’t have a shape or boundaries around it. It’s a piece of perfect, a piece of the Oneness. It is you, your own spirit spark, or spirit pouch. It is your eternal soul. At conception in your mother’s immortal womb, implanted by your father’s immortal seed, you as an immortal spirit spark came to Earth. It immediately attached to Mother Earth’s spirit spark of immortality at the center of the planet, and became one with her. Her father is the Sun. There is always a mother and a father in form life.
Mother Earth’s immortal spirit holds you to the form life so you can live, breathe and grow a form around your spirit spark [at the root chakra, the mother flame]. And so the cells start dividing and coagulating at conception, and start clinging together. They are under the guidance of an immaculate intelligence. You are a baby spirit spark in this particular form that is being built now. You are an immortal consciousness as a spirit spark, but your body is not. You are conscious intelligence building a body. You are here to build the perfect form, so perfect that you as an immortal consciousness can thoroughly enjoy it. Forms have the capacity of pleasure. Forms come in diverse shapes and sizes. The opportunity for creating and feeling good in a form living with other forms, has yet to be explored and experienced to the maximum degree. This is because form life gives SO much pleasure that the spirit spark expands and expands through the process known as nirvana or samadhi (a total bliss-out), until it jumps out of the form and returns to the ocean of love and bliss from which it came. It is referred to as “home” by the beings in form.
Now let’s talk about the mechanics of the spirit spark and how it distributes through the form to keep it alive. The celestial infinite consciousness is now seeded on Mother Earth to grow this form. There is a main channel, the spine, which grows up from the tail bone where the infinity pouch is located. This spiritual pouch of infinity and immortality is called the kanda, or kundalini. From this location a solid channel is built that runs up to the head, and two solid legs grow down upon which it walks on feet on the earth. The spirit spark of immortality is located at the center of the form, the hub of the wheel so to speak. And it is a sphere. While solid earth cells build into the recognizable form of a human being, the spirit spark which is doing the building radiates outward all around, 360 degrees, like a light bulb radiates a room or a space around its location. This light is conscious. It is called an aura but most people do not see it with their physical eyes. It is a piece of the infinite sea of life out of which all forms blossom forth. All forms are seeded by the same piece of oneness or immortal perfection.
The sea of life grows together to higher spheres because of the wisdom each individual spirit spark is contributing in its journey through matter and finite form. All are seeded and drawing from the same sea of perfection. Now, once stabilized in form the process begins of circulating this life-giving intelligence through the channels that were prepared for it to flow through. The design held by the mother flame is immaculate. It knows exactly how to flow through the human form, for it is both father and mother God flowing now through the little human embryo and baby. It builds the perfect baby human and gives it birth. If the mother and father were masters of form, the baby is perfect. But all form life is contaminated from former experiments of right and wrong action taken. The errors are inevitable in building the perfect form and these errors need to be corrected. So life is lived again and again to correct what was a mistake in the last life.
Meanwhile the forms come and go. They die and get buried in the earth. Science refers to errors in a person’s body as faults in the DNA. This comes from prior form life of the parents and also of the baby. All form life is seeded by an immortal spirit spark intelligence experiencing trials and errors as a form. The spirit spark does not have a form in its original state of consciousness. It is simply aware, conscious and intelligence without a form. It has no flaws yet whatsoever. It is a pure spirit spark that comes forth through birth to experience playing on the fields of the planet with other spirit sparks. The spirit spark matures in understanding through form life.
Planetary life, i.e.,form-building and form-enjoying, is an exciting project for creator. Creator is the immortal oneness, the everlasting one. It breaks off a piece of itself and creates little spirit sparks through intention and directing thought in its own way. It directs it downward to give it birth in matter. It slows it down by descending the vibration, so it coagulates and becomes clumped together the way water freezes into ice. However it is always a piece of perfection. It cannot lose its immaculate perfection, which has been called the immaculate conception. Immaculate conception does not refer to Jesus of Mother Mary, but of ALL human beings. All humans have an immaculate perfection in their beginning. They just cover over that immaculate blueprint with false information, or errors and mistakes, which must eventually be redeemed or corrected and “fixed” so the original perfection can radiate freely.
Now safely born on a planet again in another new baby body, the spirit spark begins once more to familiarize itself with this new form. On planet earth we are human beings. On other planets the forms take on different shapes that do not necessarily look human, but may look somewhat humanoid. There are many different species being born and experimented with in the sea of eternal life out of which we ALL emerge, consciously, into form life. The baby form learns to move its hands and feet, mouth and voice, head and how to eat and how to reach and respond to sensations of touch, both the good touches and the not-so-good touches, different energies that come within range. It can feel energies as if they are its own energies.
Now, look at how this little piece of perfect circulates through the body. It must circulate or it will not be able to breathe or pump blood or walk or talk or activate the vital organs that the form needs in order to be a living form. The geometric center of the human body is the tail bone, called the coccyx. The spirit spark, which is NOT FORM but consciousness, is located in that area of the coccyx which is called the mother flame. It radiates up the spine located within the backbone, to the head activating the brain, and travels down over the forehead and front of the body activating the organs as it flows downward. It makes a side flowing trip out the arms to the hands and fingers, and back again to the heart, where it continues the downward flowing below the heart, through the stomach, intestines and reproductive organs, feeding them with life force. At the sacral area it divides and flows down the outside of the legs to the feet and back up the inside of the legs to the coccyx area again and repeats the circulation system of infinite energy up the spine to the head again and back down the front. Now, when it reaches the head it is joined by the downward flowing of the individualized father God, called the I AM That I Am.
There are many names, so don’t get hung up on the name. It is the Father consciousness which has given a piece of itself to this new spirit spark, called the son or the first born. Son meaning also daughter. The flow of infinity is the life force of the human being as the human form grows and matures from babyhood to adulthood and old age. But old age is only a matter of not feeding the form properly. We do not have to go through old age if we know how to keep our infinity flowing naturally and spontaneously without thinking. We don’t have to “think” about it, we merely need to become conscious that we are eternal immortal consciousness flowing through an otherwise blind, dumb, senseless robot of an earth body. We, the spirit spark who lives in it and makes it move, breathe, walk and talk, are the life force. We do not know that yet. We are getting ready to expand into that knowledge and say, “Ahhhh, Ahhhh, so that’s what it’s all about.” And we will wake up to this knowledge of who we are. (To be continued in the next newsletter)
Blessings, peace and love from our galactic neighbors, the Ascended Masters, the Angelics and mem Nancy
8/24/24 - ANAKOSHA Newsletter
Switching website to GoddessSphere
(The Mother Flame Part 2)
by me Nancy and Master Djwhal Khul
Hello everyone! We are back today with another message. We, meaning Master DK and me. The Anakosha website which has served me for many years in an active lifestyle, is now officially being changed. It switched over accidently a couple years ago and I didn't know how to correct it, so let it be. Now “GoddessSphere” better serves the new higher energies hitting the planet. When I proudly showed the new logo of women dancing, he asked, "Well, what about the men?" And rightly so. How DO men fit into the GoddessSphere website?
Well, this is a great moment to expand on The Mother Flame. My last newsletter (August 4) introduced the Mother Flame as the life force located in the pelvis at the base of the spine. The Mother Flame is known as Kundalini or Shakti or the Holy Spirit or perhaps other names. As we start to present about the Mother Flame, there will come more understanding. It’s going to difficult though, because there are two intelligences operating in us right now - a physical brain and a soul brain. The physical brain is all we know about right now. We THINK we are just this body but we only know what has been fed into this body’s brain from the moment of birth.
The soul brain on the other hand has lived hundreds, thousands perhaps trillions of lives. Who knows? We think we are one person who is having these experiences, but in fact we are much older than that. This second brain, the soul brain, is an intelligence that is huge. This knowledge is held by the Mother Flame, located in the root chakra on an etheric level. We are much wiser than we know but the knowledge lies in the unconscious. We didn’t know. A new dawn approaches. The Earth moves to a new location among the stars. Other planets interact with us. We start to know things. What is happening? The soul brain is seeping through. Our head brain, which only knows this one life, is confused. What do we do with this? We are starting to remember. Deeper means inner. As the “inner” starts coming out to enter our physical nervous system, we feel things. Our feelings are waking up. The inner and the outer are meshing. This is an ancient story. Other galactic civilizations have gone thru it before us. They are here to assist. We are getting information from them. What has been referred to as “flying saucers” and “star ships” are real. We are learning more by the day, by the hour. The higher we go out into the atmosphere surrounding our planet, the more “inner” space we bring forth because outer and inner are linking up. They are merging. We are merging. It is time to know more about our soul life. The Mother Flame has nurtured us, fed us with a life force that is of celestial origin. It is a super power. It is called kundalini. And there is more to come. Not from me but from your own Mother Flame within.
By introducing the Mother Flame we are introducing you to your real self, your soul that has lived many times before it came to rest in this body. And you will move on when this body dies, returning Home for some rest and relaxation. Some wonderful R&R with beloved friends and familiar “faces”. You will recognize them and communicate with them even without a body (smile!)
Back to the question that was raised, “How do men fit into this picture of only women?” Yes, I did get side-tracked. This is the fourth editing I’ve done, and each time it goes off-track. Sorry. DK is overlighting me.
The name change from Anakosha to GoddessSphere is a temporary shift representing the new age of empowering women. The greater Plan is to bring equality to both women and men. To bring balance through the efforts of love. And who better than women can bring forth love? Women are the nurturers, the mothers, the helpers and servers to the men who had other jobs to do. They have been over-used. They are now going through a healing process. They are being guided, strengthened and empowered slowly but effectively. After centuries of damage, killings, torture to the point of slavery, women have been given a grace period to recuperate their losses. While this is being done, men are being disempowered of their over-control and over-protection and over-zealous demands on their fellow human beings. In a loving balanced society each person is sovereign, except for small children. Even there, a more balanced child-guidance system will evolve out of more loving, balanced parents.
The Mother Flame is the divine mother, immortalized in the mantra “Adi Shakti”. In English it means “I bow to the all-encompassing power of the universe.” While it is the Mother of Life it does not favor women over men. It is the MATTER flame, the fire impregnated in all matter to give it life. It resides in men equally with women. It is there in the root chakra, the pelvis, awaiting the soul to grow up and discover it and henceforth meld into it, honor it, bow to it and thus improve, strengthen and empower the body in which it resides. The divine mother is equal to the divine father. They work together to build and evolve the form world. The soul has been repressed and tortured to death but it has not been killed off or we wouldn’t be here today. There is a natural innocence and a natural love within humanity that has been over-run by dark forces. It has been so throughout history.
The coming of women's empowerment will help to complete the shift on Earth from ignorance, lack and suffering to balance, harmony, justice and a benevolent society for everyone. It will take time but it’s on the way. Men are 50% feminine and women are 50% masculine when they are balanced. Neither dominates the other. It is togetherness thru love, patience, respect and honoring each other that works wonders. It is impersonal love expressed freely that works miracles, not ownership or control over another. As we learn more about this amazing power called kundalini at the base of the spine, also called Shakti or Shekinah that is awaiting release and discovery, we will change the course of world history and raise our hearts to higher realms. This of course, if you haven't gotten it yet, is the superpower that causes sex to happen. There is more to say on THAT subject! Much more. I feel the Master DK brimming with eagerness to talk, but I am only human and running out of energy. I must get this published or I will want to keep changing and editing. It will never get completed. Thank you DK for your persistent nudging. I love you!
Blessings from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, Angelics, Mother Earth who is ascending - and me, Nancy
8/4/24 - ANAKOSHA Newsletter
The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame
It was about nine months ago that I heard the phrase “The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame”. It was just prior to a love-making session with my husband. I lit the candles and incense and began a short meditation alone, and during those few minutes I was swept up into such a gentle loving place that was so soft, so sweet, so out-of-this-world, that I barely noticed the transition. I was home again, cradled in the arms of motherly love - a very unusual, rare experience. As I was coming down out of this transcendence I heard the words, "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame". Nine months later (today) I am sharing this information. I googled the phrase "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame" but could find nothing on the web. Needless to say, the lovemaking that morning was meaningful. The Mother Flame refers to the kundalini at the base of the spine. I already knew about kundalini. Over many years I learned about it through the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. I have many channeled teachings from him. But the appearance of "Mother Flame" was an extension beyond what I knew. I had come to know the presence of this primal essence, as a living presence in my body, and much more over the 49 years prior. There are various names to it, such as Shakti, Shekinah, the Holy Spirit, and other words, but it is distinctly feminine. Also kundalini. I’ve written about the mysterious force, kundalini, ever since 1976 when I had my first out-of-body experience into the Light. I have learned to work with it and play with it. It is a wider, larger consciousness or presence, than my own individual mind. But I have learned to communicate with it. I have adapted.
It was a slow process. It took time. I will speak of it in mystical terms now, as there is no other way. Kundalini is quiescent in the average person, dormant, passive and at peace. It is an etheric presence in the physical body. It drips its presence slowly up the spine to give the body life. We breathe because of it and move our limbs, but we don't know anything about it. We don't know it's there. This presence moves through the nervous system. It makes its presence known through awareness. The nerves carry sensations. Our bodies can’t live without it because it's the soul or the spirit or the life of the body. The name is unimportant. We haven't been taught about it. Different cultures have different names for it, but it's all about the inner path, inner awareness, subtle refined feelings. It's very personal. It is an awakening when the kundalini "moves", which it does occasionally, when love is felt. But generally speaking, kundalini is quiescent and quiet because we don't know it's there. One comes in contact with it in one's own time. We recognize it as different than one’s own mind, some foreign element not your own. When it is triggered it comes alive and starts flowing up the spine thru the nervous system. It is felt (for me) as a transcendence. Other people report it as a negative but for me it was bliss from the first. This is where the mystery lies. It all depends on the individual. It is very difficult to find words, but I have written tons of words about it. Bottom line: the Mother Flame is the soul. It is the original blueprint, the immaculate conception of the soul. It is holy. It is love. It is a larger love than human ego love as we humans understand it.
The phrase “Mother Flame” was new to me nine months ago. It was the first time I heard it. The feeling that came with it was sweetly feminine, transcendent and motherly, as I had felt it before. I have lived with it before. But that was the first time I heard the words, "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame". Once during a session with it I asked, "Who are you?" And it told me, “I am you, you are me and we are one.” I have many channeled words written from it. The masters over the ages have left records about kundalini, but they are from a masculine perspective. Gurus were mostly men and they gave cautions, dire warnings about the danger of arousing kundalini before being prepared to handle it. They taught rigid disciplines, routines and spiritual philosophy. But I was female, a spiritually-oriented person but unprepared. I had no prior training (in this life) and so I fell into the lush garden of Eden without looking back. There were no dire warnings or swords across my path. It was a gentle sublime experience.
It was one day in April 1976 in the women's gym at the Costa Rican Cariari Country Club. My husband and I had moved there the year before from California. My older sister had come to visit us. She was a disciple of an Indian Jain monk, a holy man. One day she and I drove with my husband to the country club and, while he golfed we went to the gym. There she led me in a guided meditation for the first time. During the inner silence of the meditation I was drawn to go down to my lower abdomen and it was there that I experienced a gentle "click” as if I had settled down into a place that was waiting for me. As if I belonged. Momentarily I began elevating upward in pleasant summery sunlight. It seemed the light had turned on so I opened my eyes to see, but nothing had changed in the outer room. I closed my eyes and continued drifting upward. Later I would tell people I had an out-of-body experience, but it was really a bliss experience. I blissed out and lost consciousness of the room I was in, but I didn't lose consciousness. I was super aware of being in a light filled space and I don't have words for it. Later, over dinner, my sister asked me "Where did you learn to do that?" She said I was jumping up and down, as in "levitation jumping" (I just googled that) But I wasn’t aware of doing that. I just thought to google that today for the first time. There is mention of it in Tibet.
Anyway, that was the first day kundalini activated in me. I was "gone" about 10 hours and returned to normal consciousness around 7 that evening. I've written about it extensively. I came zooming in over dinner. I found my sister standing over me serving my husband a plate of food. A book is yet to come out about this. But over the next 49 years this energy has transformed me. I did not know the phrase, “The Mother Flame” until nine months ago. It feels now that I have lived with it and tried to write about it, as if a capstone has been placed on top of me. Like an initiation maybe? As if after near 50 years of training and experience, I can now tell people about it. As if I have been given permission to speak. As if now I know enough to talk about it with wisdom. Plus I suspect it is time. Our civilization has awakened more to the spiritual life than EVER before. It is as if it is important to recognize there is an “Order” to it. An order to its unfoldment. The ancient ORDER of the Mother Flame. As if the human evolution has been made ready to understand the full impact of its sexuality and its loving nature. This ancient order has always been here but unknown. Before the earth was, it existed. The ancient order of the Mother Flame is a science. It is the path of love unfolding from within. It unfolds in its own time, only when an individual is ready, in an orderly fashion. It is never, ever evil unless it is poked, pushed and prodded. It will never hurt anyone because it is loving. It is the “matter flame”, the Mother implanted in matter. It is clean, peaceful, nurturing and tender. It is kind. Most of all it is Love. There is a science to love. It is the path of human wisdom, power and intelligence unfolding. And prior to humans walking on two feet instead of four, it guided the plants, minerals and animals in their evolutionary process.
There have been wise ones scattered all along human history, and teachings have been left behind. Sex is a spiritual path but it's only number 3 on a 7-level path. There is more to learn and experience. Tantra is a path of blending the spiritual and the physical together, happily, with joy and pleasure and uplifting attitudes leading ever higher into grace and reverence and love for ALL life, moving past selfishness and greed. DK's teachings are supportive of human needs, wants and desires, merging a larger reality (heaven) and the smaller reality (earth) together. The spiritual path doesn’t take sex away from people, it adds to it. It has been nearly 50 years that I have been studying this methodology, this science of consciousness that resides as a celestial presence in the physical body. But I’ve reached retirement age. It's growing boring. I’ve been collecting, sorting and posting these channeled gems from higher planes, onto my Anakosha website.
Anakosha will soon change to GoddessSphere dot org, officially. It already has if you haven't noticed. Anakosha is retiring from service. It served me well during the active years. Soon there will be a book coming out, maybe two - DK's and mine. DK's book is entitled "Tantra as a Way of Life". His suggestion. He explains in down-to-earth language how to weave heaven and earth together to feel more comfortable with yourself, more fulfilled, more happy and free. Because we humans are constantly shifting and changing our views and perspectives, it was difficult to follow his thought sometimes. He kept changing direction and focus. But now I understand. It was to keep me moving. My instinct was to settle down to one routine, but he kept changing it. It was his way of leading me ever onward. Not to rest on my laurels, as we humans tend to do. His messages are like bricks laid on top of one another in the construction of a temple that keeps going higher up.
Thank you Tamsen Fox for the name "GoddessSphere". Thank you for being the mother creator inventor of GoddessSphere, and my friend on the path - a real Hawaiian Goddess and a true mother of Earth forces. There is so much to share in that regard. I am smiling broadly. Bless you. Bless everyone from the Ascended Master DK, and from the Galactics who are ever present in the skies assisting in our awakening process. Love from me.
6/28/24 - ANAKOSHA Newsletter
UFO's, Disclosure, Ascension, Galactics & Starships
Expanding the language of love to build a 5D love club
(PLEASE NOTE: the Anakosha site is currently down, but GoddessSphere dot org reaches the same website.)
Hello friends and intimates on my newsletter list. This newsletter has changed quite a bit over the years, and once again a major uptick will be noticeable. A certain amount of wideness has been expanding my linear (limited) mind which amounts to increased understanding about love. Love is a universal phenomenon, not a personal thing. Personal love CAN be felt of course, but personal love is limited to one or a small number of people. It grows exponentially as we widen our feelings for others.Another word for love is feeling. Before we meet with more evolved extraterrestrials - more evolved morally, ethically, in intelligence and technology, we will need to expand our ability to embrace them. They will not come otherwise, for they don't want to cause fear and panic. While each of us is different in our unique ability to love, we are a collective together here on Earth. We are a collective race, just as the Pleiadians are a collecive, and the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, Lyrans, and others. Now we are being invited to join the Galactic Federation of Light. We are being asked to pull together as a world of peace, and so the beginnings are taking place. Disclosure has begun. The people themselves are stepping forward and revealing what they know. It is not the military or government who is doing the disclosure.
Back in 1976 when I was taken into the Light during a sudden and spontaneous kundalini activation, my mind was obliterated. I was "gone" about 8 hours. When I came back to full consciousness that evening, it was only the beginning. I had to deal with "What do I do with this now?" How do I integrate back into who I was? Well, I was fortunate. I had an intimate partner who cared and he wouldn't let me go. It has now been 48 years experiencing upgrades slowly sliding into my former mind. I have adjusted. I was prepared. I had training. After being exposed to light, i.e., knowledge beyond human limitation, the job was integrating it without going crazy. Which could have happened had I not had the help of an ascended master who appeared shosrtly thereafter. It was inner work, solitary work, no one including my intimate partner could help me. Today I see that others have been doing the same thing. I am not alone after all. I thought I was. The near-death and OBE experiencers have been sharing their stories in alternative media. Now I am speaking out too. This newsletter is going to a small list of people, not many, but I will find out who is ready to join me in starting a fifth dimensional love club here in Naples, Florida. It is personal. I will find out. Soon there will be an invitation to gather together to meet one another, but first let us take a look at what lies ahead.
On March 30, 2016, I woke up with the following words in my mind. I wrote them down on paper, still feeling them. "'You are love, conscious love, descending down step by step into a physical body, forgetting that you are love. You are an exquisite design all built out of love.' It is a continuation of teachings on Tantra. I felt the feelings of the chakras in place, as centers of warm love, warm suns, shining love out into me, as the basic and fundamental structure of who I am, myself, my light body. I am seeing this love sending out the lines of light we call meridians that form a massive web of light all through my body. I wondered about the psychic connections that people have with each other that trap them and bog them down. How does this relate to the warm love and light that is pure and holy? Then I saw the darker lines of light alongside the pure lines of light. And I decided to write this down so I wouldn’t lose the moment. This is what I wrote.
"It is all about warmth - love. Feelings. It’s about feeling the love, the warmth of love. Feeling. The centers are centers of divine love feeling. The meridians are lines of warmth, love, feeling, pure, holy. These get closed down for lack of conscious use. Instead there are other lines running alongside the pure lines. These are darker and contain not-pure thoughts. Continual thinking of the not-pure thoughts turn these into hardened wires of not-pure beliefs. I saw them. These mimic the web of life in that they run through the body in a web-like structure and reach out to connect with others across space and time and with other off-planet beings who are not pure and holy.
"This becomes a web of darkness, called the matrix. It is created by using these byways and highways over and over again. We cement the matrix into our reality, consciously or semi-consciously. We choose it and it influences us in negative ways that are not pure. It is all about usage. Which thoughts do we travel upon today? Energy follows thought. The dark thoughts continue to grow stronger and cement the matrix of not-pure into our lives. The pure, warm goodness is also traveling along a network of light to keep the body alive within us. It is always there, but which highway do we strengthen today with our thoughts and attention? The light highways or the secondary highways which we have created within ourselves and our world?
"Mantras, decrees, affirmations of a positive nature, said over and over again all day long, strengthens the highway of light within us and weakens the darker pathways from lack of use. The darker matrix will disappear in time as the light is influencing more of the thoughts of the people. But those who do not want to leave their wrong thinking and start aligning with the love, light and warm goodness available to them, will suffer. When the darkness shrivels up so will their lives shrivel up if they have not supported the light within them with goodness, love, light and warmth which is the more REAL AND SOLID of their nature. The earth itself is taking on more light and thus the dark in the earth is shriveling too.
"The light is what we are created out of. We are children of intelligence, warmth, goodness, love and light. It feels wonderful to be close to it. It is not mamby-pamby or flakey. It is solid and real. How real does love feel? It feels natural. When we are in close proximity to someone who is filled with love and light and goodness we want to stay in their presence. They are thriving and radiating warmth at the same time the darker hosts are weakening. There is a displacement happening within our bodies as we align more and more with thoughts of love and light and goodness and gratitude.
"The incomplete thinking that was done in error, that was influenced by the dark, has created a duplicate network which mimics the natural wholesome lines of light that is the structure and anatomy of the light body within us, which is the fundamental life force and breath force. The dark circulates through the body too and carries fear, doubt, frustration, anger, judgment, intolerance - everything that is not pure love and not normal to a healthy human being. This dark network will disintegrate faster by replacing “normal” thinking with enlightened statements, decrees, affirmations, mantras, prayers, all day long. An hour a day should do the trick. The more the better. It will speed up the process of killing the dark matrix that is an actual real network of dark that covers our bodies to the degree we have allowed it. The consciousness that we evolve is the only intelligent possession we have. It endures through the cycles of birth and death and reimbodiment on other planets where we accumulate more wisdom and learning.
"We have been born on a dark planet that does not believe in life beyond Earth. We were told that life does not exist beyond this world, and yet they are here now, closer in modern times than ever before. They have been coming from pre-biblical times and long before. They were called "angels" then. And before that, they were gods and lords and we served them and did their bidding. Now we are being approached as more evolved and sophisticated intelligent beings ourselves. Are we awake enough to embrace their respect? It is by welcoming them with open hearts and minds that they will approach us, for they do not want to cause fear and panic. Let us build a community of caring open hearts ready to emrace these higher consciousness beings. We must prepare ourselves first by raising up our own feelings of trust and self worth, love and respect for our own brothers and sisters within our community. Thus we prove to those who are watching that we are ready to receive them - those from other planets. As one author named them, 'angels in starships'.
"Individual consciousness is the only focus through which the godhead, or the all-intelligence (whatever you prefer to name it) can increase the wealth of the individual and his world. Each individual is endowed with a SELF consciousness and can with practice, raise oneself to higher, more refined feelings of love, wisdom and intelligence, thus opening doors beyond former limits of Earth-bound consciousness. By raising the faculties of intuition, of love, of kindness, tolerance and respect." (End of quote)
There is much to discuss in the coming 5D Love Club, but it will be in person. Zoom meetings are not for this kind of gathering. It is through feeling that we connect with one another, and feelings are accessed through the auric field of the other person. It is called the auric bubble that surrounds each physical body, and it contains the God Presence of that person. So when we are discussing sensitive thoughts, feelings and experiences, such as ascension symptoms (depression, dizziness, etc.) and personal out-of-body experiences, this is not for the public. Revelations will occur at these meetings, hidden revelations that have gone unexpressed perhaps for lifetimes.. We have kept them hiddden so that often even the person him/herself does not know what will come up spontaneously, from a sudden opening in feelings. Let's speak of them openly with those who are ready to hear and not ridicule. This is very personal.
The initial plan is to gather on Sundays from 2 to 5 pm. Once this gets going in real time, it will become a community. I am being guided. Let me know if you want to be included in more private email messages how this is coming along. I am acting as a bridge between two worlds, so this is a feeling-out process one step at a time as you can well imagine. I'm ready. Are you?
Blessings from the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angelics, Starseeds in human bodies, and me, Nancy
6/8/24 - Anakosha Newsletter
UFOS, Visitations & The Language of Love
Contactee George Adamski, by me, Nancy
One day in the spring of 1963, I went to hear a man lecture who was renowned for his controversial stand on flying saucers and visitations. He had traveled all over the world showing films, lecturing about cosmic philosophy and talking at great length about visits he had had with the extraterrestrials, human beings like ourselves. Many sightings occurred wherever he lectured. I accepted the theory without thinking too much about it as I accepted many esoteric principles that bordered on the outer edges of average and normal. I had somehow been endowed from an early age with one ear and eye leaning in that direction, always looking and devouring any book I picked up that reflected principles of a cosmic nature that I knew were true. It had, however, over the years begun to fade and I didn’t know why. I was still interested, but it was like a light going out. No one was even interested in those principles, never mind living them! "Hog Wash", a boyfriend once said to me. “Your bubble will burst one day and then you’ll wake up to what life is all about!” The few people who did care were not able to stand up under this kind of derision and it was a hopeless, fruitless philosophy. A dream. And I drifted. I drifted here and there, whichever way the wind happened to be blowing. It didn’t really matter. And when the man came along who attracted me and I became pregnant, I drifted into marriage without a blink or a thought. The drifting continued into married life and the setting up of home and family - until that day in 1965.
In a privte home in the exclusive suburbs of upper state New York, a small select group of people gathered to meet Mr. Adamski who was to lecture on UFO’s and extraterrestrial visitations. A woman friend and I were included. When Mr. Adamski arrived and stepped inside the front door dripping wet from the pouring rain outside, I automatically responded without thinking. I was usually shy and retiring. I walked toward him in a non-thinking state to help him off with his coat and simultaneously looked into the eyes of someone I had known - and lost - long, long ago. He was 70 years old and I was 25. Behind his twinkling eyes was a life-time of recognition and happy remembrance, just beyond the edge of my conscious mind. I did not know then the meaning of that brief encounter because I came immediately under his spell, and it was all subjective from then on. At least, as long as I was in his company. As I listened to him talk that stormy, rainy afternoon, thunder and lightening flashing and booming outside, I huddled as near to him as I could get yet stay out of sight, because I wanted to watch him. I devoured him with my eyes, my ears, my whole being. I knew him! I knew him without a shadow of a doubt, although I had never met him before now.
As he talked about other worlds and a universal love that transcended this world’s limited concepts, and other peoples who lived by these precepts as though by second nature, it seemed as natural as though I had grown up with it all my life. And when he drew gasps of amazement and sometimes ridicule from his small audience, I watched him carefully to see if he would back down but he didn’t. He continued on, unperturbed, explaining away the antagonisms and narrow thoughts like a knife cutting through pudding. The light never stopped shining in his eyes and he never stopped smiling except on those formidable occasions when he seemed to think it necessary to show a bit of thunder. But then afterwards the sun came out again and it was pure ecstasy. The room seemed to vibrate that whole afternoon by his presence and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His strength and nobility shone like a star that had fallen to earth just for me to see and hold and renew myself from. So I could pick up the pieces I had let fade for lack of a living example. He came to show me that it was not impossible to have these visions and to live them, too.
Over the next two years we became friends, because I helped sponsor him to come to Boston to speak. I picked him up at the airport and chauffeured him to destinations, including radio shows, sometimes with my one-year-old son, Roland, in the car with me. On his last trip to Boston in 1965, he left and went to Washinton DC and died suddenly in the home of friends and co-workers, without warning. He was not sick. It was a mystery. I didn't know for several days when someone called me. During those two years, I absorbed more than I realized at the time. Both by example and in brief private conversation. He was a very significant person in my life, but there was nothing I could do with the information. It hadn't begun to germinate. Now, 59 years later, as the UFO phenomena and extraterrestrial visitations are coming out of the woodwork and impacting public awareness, despite attempts to camouflage it, the visitors from other worlds are gaining acceptance slowly and steadily.
Highly intelligent, good, ethical, loving, moral people live near us in our galaxy, and further out in space. They are here beaming ideas to us telepathically. Good, uplifting ideas. Believe, have faith, have hope, life is good, there is abundance, be happy, be free. They are being as careful as they can be so as not to frighten us, and it is working. But there is a story to be told and there are those who are starting to tell it. I am one of them. Many of us know the secrets behind this phenomena, and the greatest secret of all is that the universe is held together by rhythm, harmony and love. There is unity that ties us together. We are all related. There is no separation except what we've been told by false leaders. Earth has been a war zone. It still is but it's coming to an end. Everything in our Earth culture was designed to fight against love and repress the loving nature that we are within. The space brothers are coing to assist us in raising our hopes and dreams, and re-learn the language of love which is inherent, like the trees that whisper and birds and crickets that sing. Love is a happy thing, and it is free. There is no lack in the higher ways of rhythm and harmony. Following natural laws and universal principles provides for everything. Abundance flows freely when there is love.
There is no such thing as money or crime in the advanced cultures who are trying to get our attention and open our minds to them. But they are cautious. They can read our energies, minds and hearts. We can learn a lot from them. You will be amazed at how much you already know, when you meet them. These things have been buried by thick shells of separation. Allowing love to flow free is a struggle. This is what the extraterrestrial brothers and sisters are here to bring to us. Expect a new way of life and a happy handshake, a friendly greeting, perhaps a hug, plus some new healing technologies for our aging bodies and other technologies that are run my mind. And there is more. Yes, we will adapt. We will learn this new language of free-flowing love. We are already preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally and spiritually. Love is how we evolve to more graceful ways of living. Not thru A.I. but by merging conscious love with mechanical structures.
Stay tuned, there is more to come. Thank you for reading,
Stay well, stay safe, keep looking up!
4/19/24 - Introducing the Pleiadians
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 4/19/24
Spiritual Changes by KaRa of the Pleiades
GoddessSphere Newsletter 2/1/25
Men Need the Feminine Mirror of Softness (channeled)
by Master DK and me, Nancy
Greetings my beloved friends! Following is a channeled message that strikes home for me and warms my heart. It was given to me back in 2019. As I scan old journals I continue to find DK’s wonderful messages and remarks hidden in folders, slipped in between the mundane aspects of my life. It seems I have written many of his messages “off the cuff”, sort of blending new knowledge into my mind. But this one is strikingly real because it validates the theme about the Love Club which is growing in my mind. Enjoy!
(Me prelude:) During morning exercises. I saw the tree of life. It was a tree of brilliant light in the shape of the kabbala. It was a tree of conduits, channels and webbing of light that is in me, in my flesh body, and I am surrendering to it when I am up doing spontaneous movements, the dance-like flowing. There is an inner wind. Afterwards I sit and write. The words are flowing easily through me and I write them down on paper
(DK speaking:) Men are in need of the feminine mirror to be reflected back to them what feminine is like. Most women are reflecting masculine back to men and to the outer world. It is ego-centered, or mental-centered. The masculine predominates everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Ego is everywhere. Where is spirit? Divine? Naturalness? When women think they are showing empowerment by resisting the men and authorities, when they show rebellious, willful attitude to prove they can be complete and equal with men, that is masculine energy they are using. Men do not need more masculine energy reflected back to them. It just makes them angry. They have enough of that every where they turn. It creates competitiveness for control. Who can be best? And who can be on the top? It is feminine they seek. It is the gentleness they seek. The kindness, the motherly caring and encouragement which is selfless. The mother cares more for others than herself, but she is wise and doesn’t deplete her own powers.
Most women try to do this but deplete their own powers. Women do not know how to be truly feminine. They give their powers away without realizing how they are doing this. Even when men push for sex they are seeking the feminine love and acceptance. It is not the flesh they seek but the softness of attitude, the warmth of mood and love that feminine can offer. It is a quality and a virtue. It is an energy and a feeling. It is not flesh. But we women do not have enough confidence in our femininity. We do not even KNOW what femininity really is or feels like. It is pure heaven. We have the bodies that are created to be naturally feminine, so we are full of the potential to be divine feminine, but due to eons and eons of lifetimes and cultural training and programming to operate through the brain we do not know how to be in our bodies. Our bodies are feminine. We don’t know nor have we been trained. We don’t have confidence.
That is why we must gather as women, to build confidence and to reflect back to each other that which is feminine, and that which is NOT feminine. We’ll know it when we see it. It’s not just softness and tenderness, it is also truth, honesty, courage, intelligence and perfection. It is the seven qualities and the seven colors we were embedded with on a soul level, what we call the seven virtues and the seven chakras seven bodies. What makes us feminine instead of masculine is we do it with wholeness, with love, compassion, consideration for the feelings of those around us. We deal out truth with softness. We deal out courage with softness. We deal out determination with softness. We deal out intelligence with softness. We deal out perfection with softness. That is feminine.
The true feminine, the divine or ideal feminine is selfless, and wise beyond reason. Feminine is spiritual. It expresses with tenderness and mindfulness the qualities of the seven which the spiritual connection inspires. It comforts and lifts to higher planes, to nobleness, regal-ness, and majestic-ness and freedom. We women need to build confidence in how to speak and express ourselves. We need to have a circle of safety and protection. We need a women’s circle where we can gain confidence and enlightened responses from other women. We have to cultivate our inner feminine. Then we can bring it home to express to our families and friends.
Every little piece of feminine expressed is like a building block cemented into place in the world. It goes out in a ripple effect through the ethers and touches the planet's atmosphere. Men need encouragement in expressing their own softer side. We add to the healing of the planet when we express our truth. Women learned to surrender their power over the ages. It was a cycle that had to be lived through, but now that cycle is over. Cosmic timing tells us it is time to come out of the closet and enjoy being freely feminine because the men need some proof that softness, genuine softness, tenderness, compassion, honesty, courage, truth, perfection can be lived in the flesh in the world, and in the family, community and government. The men don’t believe it because they haven’t seen it yet. They must see it role modeled in action. I remember a few scenarios where I expressed my truth and my husbands enjoyed it. Feminine truth is one such virtue they are waiting for. They don’t like for us to surrender ourselves to them. It puts added burden and pressure on them. (Received 8/25/19)
Blessings on this first day of February 2025. I send peace, love and the hope that everyone is safe, secure and enjoying an uplifting day of happiness. These are tumultuous times, I know, but keep centered in your heart, and imagine love growing there. It is our saving grace. Love and light to all from the Galactic Federation of Light, the Masters, the Angelics, those who wait for us in heaven, and me, Nancy
1/20/24 - Preparing for the Love Club
GoddessSphere Newsletter 1/20/25
Preparing for the Love Club
by Master DK and me, Nancy
Hello everyone! Happy Inauguration Day! I’m not referring to the political inauguration, but to the launching of The Love Club. It's the start of a new era. Not because American leadership has changed but because we humans are taking a stand for love. Below is a spirit-channeled message received nine years ago about the Love Club, followed by my personal comments at the end.
“The Love club is being formed to introduce love into the world of human relations on a scale that is larger than has been known before. The concept is one of RECEIVING love first, before giving love, for the world has you all indoctrinated into believing you are not capable of receiving love. That you are not worthy of receiving love. That you are sinners and therefore that you must somehow redeem yourselves and prove that you are worthy of being loved. Nonsense! You are a child of love and therefore love has been built into you. Your design has been cut out of the father and mother of love. You are immensely valuable and irreplaceable. Within your body, mind and feelings there runs gold. It is a fiery brilliant flashing golden river that breathes through you. You ARE love walking. You ARE love talking. You ARE love expressing. You ARE Love on every level of your being. You simply do not believe it. This is the reason why the Love Club is being brought forth at this time.
“Once you have accepted love, and allowed love to reside in you, within your body cells and within your structure, then you will be able to give love to others because you will KNOW love and what love feels like. Until then, you cannot give love to others. And you will learn how extraordinarily free love feels when you have removed all barriers and false beliefs that hold you back. Love is your natural environment. Love is free. Love flows freely through you now. Believe it and set your sights higher, wider and without reservations. Love yourself first. Allow yourself to receive love from your higher mind and higher heart, for you have reduced your mind and heart to lower vibrations and you cannot see or feel clearly the truth of love. You are an infinite expression of love. You are a higher mind and a higher heart than you realize.
“You are an immense well spring of love. An artesian well of love pumping up from the depths that are beyond you, unknown to you, being pumped up into sight and vision into your personal world. You are ready to receive love. Practice receiving love. Practice being held by friends, lovingly. Feel the love start to flow within you. Just feel it. Don’t respond. Just feel and allow the love to register on your inner body structure. See what it feels like. The Love Club starts out on an esoteric level (inner level) but it will expand outward into physical relationships as the Love Club grows.
“Maintain the inner connection all the while for love comes from within each person. Each one is a transforming station stepping down the infinite and formless energy of love through the perceptions of the mind, and down further into the body cells of the organs and tissues of the heart. First it is received, then it is expressed outwardly to others.” (End channeling)
_____(My comments:) Yesterday I posted this as a blog and today I'm sending it out as a newsletter. Earth's planetary ascension is well underway. Along with the US political change in leadership, human emotions may be dipping or soaring, depending, but I believe more people are moving on past it for their own betterment and evolution. I prefer to focus on human intimacy and togetherness, myself, because I’ve been studying with the Ascended Masters. Master DK’s teachings are all about integrating heaven’s abstract intelligence with Earth’s physicalness and crustiness. Spiritual and human belong together because they are made of the same stuff – love and intelligence. Love is a spiritual intelligence. It is the counterpart to abstract intelligence, aka Father Light.
Light exists inside our cells but it is feminine love that makes it live, that moves it into action. Love has been repressed for eons, in favor of the more material-focused aspect of our nature. The spiritual aspect of our nature is love but it has been missing in action. We have used love to fuel our material nature, the physical material wants and needs, but we have not accepted the spiritual part of love. The wholeness of love is missing. This part needs to be set free. Our bodies are crying out in frustration and loneliness for it. The goddess is missing. The god (small g) has been in control. With freer spontaneous expressions of spiritiual love, we would feel more vitalized, excited, enthused, happier, joyful, even ecstatic, even rapturous. We could call it holy it’s actually more real, more normal, more easy to live with, more fun-loving.
For years I lived this in the swinging lovestyle until I lost it. I tried to introduce this higher, freer love to others as a spontaneous way of life, not to exclude the sexual but to balance it so bliss and rapture (tantra) could be experienced. But there was pressure to focus it downward only, toward the lower body. The higher love was curtailed. Was not to be allowed. It was my own fault. I can’t blame anyone. And so it remains yet to bring forth the Love Club. It had been pushing to get started. Ever since my OBE into the light and I came under the mentorship of Ascended Masters, ever since then I have been trying to introduce love in its natural spontaneous way. It is beautifully warm, huggingly warm, sweetly warm, lovingly, nurturingly, impersonally warm and fulfilling, whole in every way. It is 100% complete and perfect. This one feels within oneself.
We are not connected well to it. We are a mental race. Brain-focused. We work under the spell of manmade laws and they are enforced. But REAL love, what moves you to tears of ecstasy because it is so sublime – this kind of love is not physical. It is a universal force, if you will. It keeps the suns, planets and galaxies in their orbits. Love is a celestial power. It moves and shakes whole planets. It CAN move a human individual who is failing. It can restore him or her. Love fuels the physical but love itself is not physical. It is an intelligence. It is the feminine intelligence that resides in our bodies. That includes men too. The male body is a feminine animal creature because it has feelings and emotions. Love is an intelligent living force. But the human evolution divided it into two separate parts, male and female, left and right, front and back, up and down. We must bring love back out into the open, into action, to give and receive from one another without focusing it only on one spedific part of the body. It is meant for the whole body and to fill our auric field that surrounds us.
Oh, I must stop writing or I will write another few pages. So sorry. I get carried away. This is the end for today. I sending peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace and gratitude to all beings on this Inauguration Day 2025, which marks the beginning of a new era. Watch for further disclosure in the news. The many civilizations that belong to the Galactic Federation of Light are both in the skies in starships and on the ground with us in human disguise. Watch your feelings when you think you see one.
Blessings from the Ascendeds, the Galactics of Light, the Angelics and those who are beyond - and me, Nancy
12/31/24 - Ashtar on Quantum Financial System (QFS)
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/31/24
Message from Ashtar on the Quantum Financial System
of the Galactic Federation of Light (posted today)
And Happy new Year from Nancy!
Happy New Year Friends, Lovers, Star seeds and Lightworkers of the Fifth Dimension! I am so excited to receive so many messages from the Galactics in these extraordinary days. And this one IS extraordinary. I've only been hearing abut the Quantum Financial reset for about 30 years. Have you? I don't know how many people are tuned in, but if not, if this is a "no clue what you're talking about" this is your change to get caught up on our extraterrestrial visitors. They are coming closer and closer. We are hearing about the drones, UFOs, etc., strange lights in the sky, etc. It's been a covert subject that is coming out of the closet in spades recently. Ashtar is Commander of the Ashtar Command. It is his "A" that Star Trek shows as a communication badge in its episodes. Here's Ashtar's message. I took the time to transcribe it and post it. If you don't like what I'm saying, just ask me to unsubscribe you. Blessings for the the New Year. Celebrate with great happiness tonight! There are many of these posts being channeled and presented professionally on youtube on GFLstation.com. It's very well done. They post new messages several times a day.
Ashtar: The Quantum Financial System will begin in 2025 (Video)
Dear brothers and sisters, I am Ashtar, commander of the Galactic Light forces, stepping forward to speak with you through this channel to discuss the transformative news about the implementation of the quantum financial system, QFS as you have termed it, and its role in establishing a one-world currency that will liberate your planet in the future to come. From our vantage point we assure you that the momentum is well underway, shifting the very foundations of Earth's monetary structures. The most vital or incoming part of today's update is concerning developments in your financial structures set to unfold by the early or middle part of 2025. During this period a noteworthy shift will sweep through your economies as quantum computing and digital currency systems make grand introductions. Although many will find these changes startling, rest assured they have been painstakingly orchestrated to align with humanity's broader ascension trajectory. We encourage you to begin familiarizing yourselves with digital currencies. How they function, how they are exchanged, and the ways they connect communities and commerce across the planet. This is not to say you must invest or store large amounts of wealth in them. No. In the times ahead all essential resources will be bountifully provided. However, understanding digital currencies, recognizing how major banks will employ them as the chief mechanism of transaction, can help ease your transition to these new realities so it's not a huge shock when things start to happen.
Your banks at higher compartmentalized levels have signed agreements not to discuss this and so you won't be able to get a great deal of information on the QFS from them. Use discernment and seek out alternative sources of information. Some are providing very accurate information. If you are excited about this new system because you think it's going to bring your freedom, we must encourage you to take the higher perspective on this. Beloved ones, no material thing can bring you freedom and although this is going to pave the way to allow humanity to have its basic needs provided for, freedom is a faculty of spiritual advancement and has nothing to do with money. Ultimately, beloved ones, the long-term objective is preparing Earth for a day when an exchange-based system becomes obsolete. You may raise your eyebrows at the notion of a one-world currency, but think of it merely as a temporary stepping stone toward a civilization that no longer requires money in any form.
This first step into a unifying currency paves the way for the broader exodus from material transactions altogether. We implore you not to panic, for though it is undoubtedly a massive paradigm shift, it will serve your highest good. Remember, many star seeds have formed strong energetic aversions to money, reinforcing the idea that wealth is tied to wrongdoing or exploitative behavior. Realize that when you continuously resist, you empower what you push against. Let go, dear star seeds, of your burdens surrounding money. This great financial reset can only emerge if you cease to shackle yourselves with outdated perceptions. And for many of you who delve deeply into spiritual practice, all this may soon prove irrelevant. As you hone your sacred gifts and cultivate your inner alchemy, you'll experience direct manifestations that bypass any need for an external financial system.
Our highest recommendation therefore is to continue nurturing your inner light, deepening your relationship with the creator, and championing your own spiritual evolution. For the more curious among you, yes, the quantum financial system will rely on a blend of blockchain infrastructure, advanced quantum computing and satellite networks. Some of you have noticed the new Starlight clusters in your night skies, courtesy of the one many call Elon Musk. These are the building blocks for what shall become a new more equitable framework. If you look closely you may begin to see how the pieces are converging in this cosmic puzzle. In this season of change, have fun with your finances. Do not cling to the idea that money defines your freedom. This notion has misled countless souls. True freedom flows from awakening your divine faculties, expanding your consciousness and linking arms with prime creator.
One who is aligned with the creator's heart finds ease and grace in every aspect of living, liberated from attachment to physical means of security. Thus we remind you, practice forging an ever-stronger bond with the divine. As new financial tools and resources flood your planet, hold fast to the truth that no material phenomenon can provide the serenity and empowerment of oneness with source. With that, you begin to glimpse the glorious horizon awaiting humanity. Stay faithful in your journey, dear ones. Let your compassion and heart-centered awareness guide you through the emerging waves of transformation. All that unfolds does so to elevate your collective and usher you into a future where prosperity and spiritual maturity walk hand in hand.
My dear brothers and sister, in order to overcome the Deep State, our tactics have encompassed both advanced galactic intelligence and sophisticated quantum technologies. Indeed, a new computerized grid encircles the globe beyond what many know of your satellite systems. This undisclosed network works in harmony with Earth's natural biofields, ensuring that our higher dimensional interface seamlessly integrates with her energies. We learned long ago that implementing any technological system on a living planet demands deep respect for her consciousness. The old monetary system which the dark entities heavily rely upon to sustain interplanetary trade has been strategically curtailed by the QFS. Their ability to generate new wealth or smuggle human resources has dwindled as we have disrupted their once-flourishing roots. Many of their partners in other star systems have withdrawn support. They see the writing on the wall. The dark ones, short on gold and resources, find themselves unable to maneuver as before. Thanks to the unstoppable force of the QFS, some among you are already collaborating with the QFS. But be aware, it is guarded by a fifth-dimensional passcode system that nullifies all attempts at misuse. Selfish appropriations of funds simply cannot take place. This currency is purposed to serve and uplift rather than exploit.
This advanced system arises from an array of computers with its master hub stationed at a key energetic location on your planet. A place wholly aligned with protecting humanity and raising your collective vibration. Yes, dear ones, the more your world goes quantum, the more swiftly the dark side will be removed from influence. Their best attempts at infiltration fail when confronted by a technology they cannot hack or understand. As you know from the alliances ongoing work, they have almost entirely systematically dismantled the clandestine facilities behind manipulative technologies, time travel manipulation and DNA experiments. This is all about to finish. These once-powerful facilities and structure have almost all fallen under the alliance's watchful authority. You have been taught to both fear and adore AI intrenched in a divided consciousness that sees technology as an enemy or savior. The QFS however is fundamentally different. Its primate directive is to protect the people it serves and secondarily itself. It mirrors the essence of a true galactic being living for the good of others while ensuring its own sovereignty.
At times the alliance will negotiate with the DS to steer them closer to the light. This process reveals how profoundly humanity has been deceived. The quantum system assists in exposing the manipulations and illusions, demonstrating unequivocally that the old web of control crumbles in the face of transparency. In parallel, the currency within the QFS will be gold-backed, laying the groundwork for enduring stability and opening the door to the final phase of Earth's grand ascension. True planetary liberation and abundance.
We speak with a certain degree of urgency today. Your people can no longer wait for wealth redistribution. The suffering on Mother Earth is profound and it is time for the alliance who manage these prosperity programs. To fast track the release of funds, stop the prolonged indecision. Your beloved planet needs immediate relief. The quantum financial system is a relief. The quantum financial system is a megalithic structure gifted to humanity by our brothers and sisters of other star systems. It stands at the pinnacle of advancement, outshining every known system in technological precision and security. Little do most realize that this breakthrough was orchestrated long ago. It was designed to supplant the cabal's central banking framework, ushering an end to financial bondage and population control with discreet assistance from the alliance. Certain key humans were handed what some call a magic want to take over the existing money matrix from the inside. All without drastic upheaval. Let there be no doubt the QFS has no parallel in your world's history. Its ability to guarantee 100% financial security and full transparency in currency accounting paves the way for replacing any outdated cabal-based systems by easily transitioning to gold and silver-backed currencies. We leave behind the manipulative central banks and firmly close the chapter on financial enslavement.
My dear brothers and sisters, I urge you to stand steadfast in your hope and readiness as we manifest this quantum transition. You will witness far more than just a currency shift. You will see the blossoming of love, well-being and a collective unity that is your birthright. Such transformations may appear incremental in your 3D reality, but know that from the vantage of the divine they unfold with perfect timing for humanity's highest good.
I am sending my supreme love to each of you in this sacred mission. Trust that through these new systems your sovereignty and prosperity are safeguarded. Your planet is on the brink of an unprecedented leap into the light, and we stand by eager to celebrate the dawn of Earth's collective liberation. We stand by you in every step supporting you with unwavering love. Continue onward, dear brothers and sisters, into the limitless possibilities of your unfolding, upheld by divine love and cosmic purpose. The golden age is not a distant dream. It is here waiting for you to claim it.
And from me: Sending a Most Happy New Year blessing to all who read this (and those who don't.) From the Angelics, Ascendeds, Galactics and Greater Intelligences beyond our knowledge. And me, Nancy
12/21/24 - First Contact by Ashtar of the Ashtar Command
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/21/24
Message from Ashtar of the Ashtar Command
and the Galactic Federation of Light
(Transcript from video posted today 12/21/24) * Beloved star seeds of Earth, I am Ashtar and I am delighted to be with you for another message through this messenger. Today it is with great joy that I speak of the many delegations forming at this time. Collectives aligned in both our realm and yours, dedicated to uplifting Earth's vibrations and expanding the consciousness of all who walk upon her surface. Yet, understand dear ones, that neither you nor we can accomplish this monumental task alone. We require one another, our guidance, our technology, our partnership. These converge with your tireless efforts on the ground, your spiritual resilience and your willingness to step into the role of co-creators of the new Earth. Together we prepare for what you know as First Contact. This initial phase of First Contact has already begun. It unfolds through messages and communications like this one. Soon however, communication shall expand beyond transmissions and meditations.
There will be the direct physical contact that many of you sense in your dreams or envision in your moments of quiet wonder. We have seen how some part of you might whisper, "That cannot be for me" Or "I'll never board one of those ships!" Such beliefs limit you, rooted in the old programming of a waning illusion. Release that voice. Recognize that the probability grows every day for those whose vibrations rise enough to match ours. In resonance we can communicate not just telepathically but also face to face, reaching out in tangible communion.
My dear brothers and sisters of Earth there will come a time in your world's near future where many nations will unite under what we have long called the New Republic. Already you sense its faint stirrings in certain regions, especially within the United States. Yet it is destined to expand far beyond those borders as your collective consciousness rises over the next months and beyond. You will increasingly recognize yourselves not just as citizens of separate countries, but as galactic citizens of Gaia - one people beneath the same boundless sky. Let us clarify that patriotism itself is not inherently negative. Indeed, many powerful expressions of love, unity and cultural brilliance have been inspired by a deep devotion to one's homeland, but we see how over eons this same patriotism has too often been weaponized by certain factions, turning proud nations into divided camps.
Now beloved ones, it is time to step beyond this division. You have worn countless nationalities across your lifetimes. Does it not seem ironic to cling so fiercely to one single banner? The call is now for unity of spirit rather than separation by borders. As the New Republic emerges many traditional constraints will fade away. You will see the dissolution of currency discrepancies freeing you from the burden of exchange rates. Imagine a world where passports are no longer required, where a shared legal system based on divine principles offers universal fairness, and where new technologies flow openly across continents without the red tape of old. Some countries may choose not to join this structure at first, and it may not even retain the label "Republic". Yet the heart of this plan moves boldly forward.
If you recall your ancient tales of Atlantis or the stories of the Tartarian Empire, you recognize this concept. Once before humanity functioned with a unified approach. This time the transformation will be different. Anchored by you, the star seeds who bring pure consciousness as the bedrock on which this new republic is built, material advantage will no longer reign supreme. Instead, a shared elevation of spirit and loving unity will serve as the foundation, allowing yu to stand side by side as stewards of a higher Earth. Observing events on your planet one might see calamities, storms increasing in frequency and intensity, conflicts erupting, all that which seems to destabilize your reality. Dear ones, view these tumultuous occurrences as catalysts. The old 3D illusion must crumble to make way for heightened vibrations and ultimately for Gaia's ascension into higher dimensions. Where darkness surges it now must be revealed, allowing the light to illuminate every corner.
Many still question whether we in the Ashtar Command are real, whether these communications spring from true galactic contact or simply the imagination. Recall that imagination is a creative instrument of the higher realms, a gateway to possibilities you have yet to see. Let your vision expand, your dreams crystalize and your hope flow. As you consciously shape the reality you yearn for you move closer to a pivotal threshold. Beloved ones, for some of you contact with our fleets and representatives will come sooner as you diligently prepare yourselves for those grand moments. Though we cannot give dates or times - too many variables shift in your collective consciousness - know that the plan flows according to divine orchestration. It is guided by source and unfolds at the pace of your evolving vibrations. It is also the moment to recall the original intent of your forerunners who desired a governance by and for the people. This vision stands as a template for how leadership should serve rather than control.
Eventually, in alignment with councils and local assemblies, you will embody a government shaped by love, respect and unity, an echo of higher dimensional structures you have not yet fully remembered. Do not assume it must take decades or lifetimes. Revolution of consciousness quickens every day. Each time more souls focus on love and harmony these councils of light draw nearer. Yes, so many realms watch over you from star nations above to communities beneath your feet. In inner earth, beings who have ascended beyond 3D illusions, wait the right timing to open the corridors once again. You might not see them yet, but we assure you that they exist, observing your growth and cheering your progress. Should you grow weary of darkness in your media, trust that more people are choosing higher consciousness. Even if they are not familiar with your spiritual vocabulary many move toward love and kindness, ready to usher in a new more luminous reality.
We perceived this from our vantage, seeing lights igniting across your globe as individuals awaken. Darkness cannot hide. It must step aside making way for the revealing of truth. So remain steadfast and trust the orchestration that is well underway. The event you anticipate will not erupt within the confines of the 3D illusion. It manifests as enough of humanity steps beyond that illusion, embracing the fourth and fifth dimensions where unity and love reign. While patience is essential you need not wait in passivity. Be the warriors of light that Archangel Michael so often speaks of. Seize every moment to radiate compassion. Be of service and spread the frequencies of hope. Know that in ways both subtle and incredible, those of inner earth and the galactic realms wish to emerge in greater collaboration. We stand ready for the day when our appearance is perceived not as interference but as the help and brotherhood it truly is. Until that time, dear ones, kindle the flame of consciousness in your hearts and shine it forth for those still in shadow.
I leave you now, beloved friends in the spirit of unity, reassurance and unwavering support. Trust in the grand cosmic unfolding. Your ascension is nearer than you imagine and the rising of your collective vibration paves the way for first contact deeper alliances and a resurgence of truth and love upon your beautiful planet. The golden age is not a distant dream, it is here waiting for you to claim it.
(Me speaking!) Hello everyone, I have been urged to upgrade my newsletters so there will be some changes. Number one change is the Galactic community. They need more exposure to prepare us for their arrival. If you have noticed, there has been an upswing in UFO and UAP information coming out on the media channels.
The number two change is to focus on instruction with regard to kundalini. This is the earth energy that is embedded into every earth body as a living life force. It is consciousness but at rest until activated. Instruction on kundalini (aka shakti) has been kept mostly hidden because people weren't prepared for it, but the time is fast approaching. We are getting more information on it all the time. The Master DK has been my teacher. As we become more enlightened and we as a planet and a people continue to ascend to higher consciousness levels, it is inevitable that we will learn more. This brings us close together with our galactic neighbors. We, humanity on Earth, have been largely isolated and programmed into believing we are the only intelligent species in the universe (giggle!) Slowly this belief is fading but there are still some who believe we are the only ones. Fortunately, more are waking up and tuning into the larger mind behind the smaller programmed mind.
We are surfacing from deep underwater into fresh clean air and more light, more intelligence, more breathable space. We are beginning to understand ourselves better. Kundalini is moving within our cells and tissues. I was read in a long time ago about the inevitable coming visits with our galactic neighbors. My personal interest is slightly different, however. I'm interested in pursuing the warm human intimacy contact but with spiritual love and light. The ascension massage was given to me years ago and this is still part of the plan if I last long enough to see it thru. Breaking thru the surface - er, ceiling - is the next step we humans are taking in this process of ascension. Not many people are aware of it. One has to have some previous exposure to be able to see how it all ties together. It doesn't require us to leave this planet and go somewhere else. It requires that we open our minds to see what is beyond what we are accustomed to. We are capable of seeing further and experiencing more bliss, happiness, abundance, technology, etc., and our galactic neighbors are waiting for us to welcome them so they can come forward and meet us face-to-face, give us a hug and explain things in a more practical way. But they cannot interfere until we are ready for them.
I've been writing about this for years - ascension, loving touch, warm human kindness and sensuality. And mystical vision beyond the brain-mind's ability to comprehend, revelations, memories of past lives, the higher order of a heavenly abundant life and so much more. The Master DK has been guiding me and I've been posting his messages. He's a Tantra master and he teaches how kundalini IS the creative force within us. At rest until a certain time or event triggers it to stir and awaken. Then the inner changes begin. I can help anyone, soundboard with anyone, about what this means. You may contact me at any time, day or night. Until that time, kundalini is known simply as the sex energy because it jams up at the lower levels and can't go any higher. This is the part that ascension massage will help with - loving kind nurturing hands of light. It is a warm feminine, motherly teaching.
OK, that's all for now. I'll be writing more about this. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, if this is too far out for you, then send a return reply and ask me to remove you from the list. Thank you. Meanwhile, enjoy your Christmas and New Years Holiday. Please contact me privately for more communication. I'd love to hear from you. Blessings from the Ascended Masters, the Angelics, the Galactics and me, Nancy
12/14/24 - Update on Women's Empowerment Movement
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/14/24
By Lady Mary Magdalene and me, Nancy with DK as guide
Greetings to all in this holiday season!
Over the last few months I've been deeply involved in inner explorations, namely for myself alone, doing my own shadow work, remembering ancient memories from past lives, shutting off the rest of the world and exploring into the depths of the past. The recent tailbone "fall" (not really a fall but a pre-destined crack to release my masculine energies). Reading old journals and lots of channelings from guides and ascendeds, more revelations seeping in of bad times and good times, and wisdoms gained from the experiences. Memories long forgotten. Very few people contact me any more. The times they are a'changing. We are ascending as a people, as a planet, to higher realms in the cosmos, dimensions we have not been in before. And everyone, you, me and all our friends are going through the same process. Old stuff is surfacing we didn't know we had in us. It's regurgitating. The upheavals are massive and filling our atmosphere, needing to be cleansed. Whew! Blow it away! There is a deep healing process going on. For me, it requires my full attention. It is subjective, subconscious becoming conscious. Amazing information coming during my inner exercises.
My normal life continues but there’s a different perspective. I have tasks to do, certainly, but I'm also engaged in a self-imposed exercise program, a rehab program, due to injuries from overworking my back muscles. In between the inner and outer exercises, there is an overlapping of past lives and current life joining together. It takes all of my attention. Something big is coming, but it won't be that big when it arrives because I'm adapting as I go. I'm absorbing the bigness day in, day out, and weaving it together. Inner and outer is merging physically (ouch!), emotionally, and mentally. By the time the thing arrives most of the impact will have been leveled into peace. Er, place. Certainly there are major changes going on in the outer world of politics, international, financial, cultural, social, business, etc., but I'm not paying any attention. Doug is, and he is active but cool about it. We are at peace in our little place in the country, being part of the bigger picture that is happening. Meanwhile I'm all caught up in my own personal transformation (ouch, hurts!),which has to do with female empowerment. Not empowerment of the human personality which is opinionated and ego-centered, but the divine feminine (which also includes the divine masculine), the awakening of true gentleness, intelligence, softness, understanding, peaceful intentions, wisdom and maturity. The divine nature of the human being has been locked down for eons on earth, unable to express its kindness and beautiful inner strengths due to the patriarchal take-over. It is a long-time coming but the time is now. It is unfolding as we speak. As the true nature of the divine consciousness slowly seeps into the lives of – first the women and secondly the men - it will change the world and save it from destruction/extinction.
One day in 2022 I had a two-hour meditation with Mary Magdalene which follows. I wrote it down on paper while listening to Tantra music which was exactly the right ambiance. Beautiful, low and sensual, providing me with an inner journey and connecting me to Lady Mary Magdalene who stepped forth to speak to and with me. I share it with you now for the time is fast approaching.
(Mary Magdalene thru me:) “A vein of pure liquid light runs through female bodies. The female body holds the codes of divinity within the space between the spinning atoms and electrons, to balance the male who must focus intently on the outer world’s practical aspects in his strong, competitive role. It is easy to understand why men chase after women and want to have a woman all for himself. To date her - or rape her as the darker side of man would do - because she is a treasure trove of delicious yummy warm fuzzy feminine energy that he doesn’t have access to, himself, though he could if he had proper training. Woman is precious but has not been treated so. Even women don’t know how precious she is and how much celestial light and love power she holds within her body, as she has been degraded and dismissed. Not in her mind,but in her body.
Most women have not had the time or inclination to pursue the inner life to get in touch with her own inner light and love, her own sensations, and what ecstatic feelings are available to her. Nor has she had the mentors. Our mothers did not know either, suppressed as they were. Even the basic sensation of an arousal feeling has been denied many women just because they were rushed into the sex act or forcefully trained to serve the man’s need before being prepared and ripened into the juiciness and lushness of the lovemaking act. Life is demanding and women adapt to demands. They serve in many roles. They were raised in a culture that said“keep busy, keep working, keep serving. It’s selfish to think of yourself.”They were second-class citizens, or perhaps third.
But the age is turning. Women’s circles are gathering to mentor each other. We are being guided slowly into practices that, in ancient times, were taught young girls in how to care for their own bodies with sacredness. It is not religious training. Not the male-worshipping religion devoted to an impossibly out-of-reach God high in the sky, but to the inner feminine that lives within the cells and tissues of her body. Love that is whole, warm and comforting and does not need a man.
It is the end of a dark age and the dawning of a new. We have entered the age of Aquarius. Everyone remembers that wonderful song by the 5th Dimension, “When the moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.” It goes on to promise “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions,golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation, and the mind's true liberation."
It’s the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and we are seeing the glimmers. At times I see the sharp lines in my inner sight. The onus is on women to wake up right where they are, right where they are planted, and blossom with the new realization that there is a shimmering gold within them. It has been called the crystalline light body. It is pure divine love-light and it is conscious. It is conscious consciousness. Women hold the key to the new age. They can’t miss now. They are activating the threads of liquid light within them that connects them directly to the sun and the sun behind the sun, and the greater sun beyond that.
My main career path has been massage. The only reason I am still here today and did not die when I should or could have, is because I took the body-contact path. First leaving a bleak situation to save myself, then having an out-of-body experience (OBE) into the light in an ascension process, then returning through the process of grounding through the lifestyle known as “swinging” and hugging other warm-blooded human beings through intimate contact provided by this freedom-to-love movement.
Then I turned to healing massage and energy work to connect with people on higher levels, beyond the low vibration of the sexual focus. I am being guided to implement an ascension massage exchange network - AMEN for short. Putting hands on each other may bring up sexual thoughts and sensations due to centuries of male focus on the genitals, but this will change as women gain confidence in their own bodies’ needs for love, tenderness and nourishing kindness. However, as women gather for massage exchanges, we want to be fully conscious of the men in our lives.This is a time for patience and practice in higher ideals. We don’t want to block sex or deny it, but rather to LIFT it in esteem and value, so that women have an equal say in how it is performed.
By allowing body contact through loving strokes, these thoughts will arise and we will honor them by lifting them over the bump in the road, loving away the fear, guilt and shame that caused the crust to form. If women gather together without men being present, as I would like to see happen, we don’t focus on men and sex but rather on the sacred healing of the feminine mind, soul and body, women will begin to own the warm sensations that accompany the rising mother flame, the kundalini. They will learn the techniques of keeping it for our self, instead of giving it away and leaving us deprived. The patriarchal system cultivated the need for women to give love away before she had built it up for herself, giving away the warm luscious feeling that is meant for her OWN body, not to give to the man before she was ready. This does not take away the lovemaking act, it enriches it for everyone involved. The men will need to come around to a higher understanding. She will show him a better way. Lovemaking under feminine rules is a healing procedure. First she learns to build the love up for herself,allowing it to grow and expanding it to all parts of her body, head to toe, and then she has an abundance of love flowing which she can share. How does she do that? By experiencing the yummy delicious sensation of, not sex but kundalini rising through her. This is done through ascension massage.
Women can quadruple what she gives to a man by owning the love within herself first. Knowing how to generate love within her own body first before giving it away prematurely, will prove to be the greatest turn-around in Earth’s history or pre-history. It will change the course from a downward spiral heading to destruction, to an upward spiral to galactic proportions. Women will reclaim the divine love that she has lost,and her genius for lovemaking along with it. She will show the men what love is really all about. This has not been done before. We have not seen anything on the internet about it. Ascension massage is the easiest and most efficient way to begin this turn-around process. Heal women by helping her to feel kundalini rising – the power behind sex. There is more to this story that will unfold gently as we move forward. Because as women begin to experience their own bodies feeling the yummy sensation of kundalini rising, she will begin the enlightenment process. Light comes from the chakras expanding. The chakras expand as kundalini rises up the spinal column instead of being shunted off onto the left-hand path. The kundalini is the divine mother. It is pure and unadulterated. It is not a physical power, it is a fiery etheric power. It flows through and quickens the chakras and gains momentum like the oil well that gushes into the air once oil is struck. The body fills with light and love from within. So does SHE fill with light and love from within and her brain becomes enlightened too.
Women gathering together will serve as mirrors to each other by providing motherly and sisterly love, not romantic or sexual love. Kundalini is known as the mother flame. It is the divine power called Shakti in India, Shekinah in Hebrew. I know it as Kundalini and I have been living with it for 48 years. It is my greatest teacher. She teaches me through feelings, warm love feelings vs. no feeling. While the yogis and sages of the East use yoga disciplines to access or rouse kundalini, women’s bodies have direct access through spontaneity and the flow of dance and freedom. This has been curtailed and forbidden to women over the centuries. This is what we are bringing back into our lives today. It is a new age, an age of women building confidence in their bodies, for they are the mother of humanity.
We mirror feminine back to feminine. We see love and feel love within OUR OWN bodies and minds. We must return to the womb to feel it. We have been shut out through the male need of taking it from us before we are ready. Go back to the sacrum, the coccyx, the sacred. There is silence in the womb. There is love in the womb. Don’t bring thought in here. This is the most sacred of all sacred locations on Earth. The male has "poked" into this sacred space and defiled it. Let us enter and sit in silence here, inside the temple. There are no walls. It is a very large space.There is a candle here which grows larger as we allow ourselves to settle in and grow larger. There is a drum beating, it is constant, like a heart beat,stabilizing us and anchoring us. There is movement in the feelings. The yoni/vagina is the outer court, the entrance to the temple. The womb/uterus is the holy sanctuary within.
Visualize a very pure lingam/penis entering the yoni, the outer court. It is entering carefully, with sacredness, fully conscious, feeling the sacredness of this holy place. It is your own male self entering, proud, strong, protecting, caring, only for you and your holiness. It is no foreigner, no stranger. It is familiar, a haunting memory of sweet peace fills you as it slowly fills your inner sanctum, for you have been in a male body in prior lifetimes. You remember. The male lingam is slowing, slowing, slowing to a full stop. Within the pause the holy matrimony takes place as it clicks together and becomes one. A second candle appears side by side with the first one, and now merges with the first flame. The rejoining has taken place. “Hail to the light in the pelvis, hail to the light in the mind, hail to the light in the cells in between throughout this body of mine. ”The two separate natures, so long divided, are now one whole called the divine androgyne.”
Well, that’s my message for today. Sending feelings of love to all who read it. A long-time vision is stirring in my blood. Is it too late? I don’t know. Today’s female empowerment movement is divinely directed. It’s greater than me. It is not a human ego movement. Without understanding the spiritual anatomy intellectually and logically, women are regaining confidence. They are gathering together to validate and confirm their feminine power. It is not intellectual or brainy. She is owning the cells in her body, feeling the cells come alive. She is reclaiming the flow and her rightful share of the energy coming up from earth to meet the sky spirit coming down into her inner body cells (DK’s teachings.) She is feeling her emotions again. She doesn’t have to give up her intellectual pursuits, but too much intellectual pursuits steals the body’s natural bliss state which is harmony, balance, peace and nourishing,into head trips. When the head takes over without the body, it becomes ego. It thinks it knows it all.
The BODY is the location where higher self and earthy self connects and plays out the game of life for the sheer enjoyment of spirit, father/mother God, in a beautiful garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is the body. It is a garden of paradise and sensual delights. This is not found in the brain. It‘s in the body that is the garden of feeling - the paradise that man was kicked out of and not allowed to return because he was engaging in head-trips by his judging, condemning, blaming, criticizing, fearing, and as a result he has been feeling shame, guilt, anger and victimhood. By creating an intellect too big and too powerful for the body’s naturalness, mankind created the chaos of today. That is why the goddess went underground. The natural divinity went into hiding. It’s still there but it went into hiding. Men’s bodies also have a divine side, known as the divine masculine. It too has been blocked from expressing. We will be seeing more and more of the natural peace-making goodness demonstrating in men as we continue to raise our consciousness.
Blessings from the Ascendeds, Galactic families of light, the Angelics and me, Nancy
12/7/24 - Cosmic Undercover Investigator into Sex
GoddessSphere Newsletter 12/7/24
By Lady Portia and me, Nancy with DK as guide
Hello again! The holiday season is here and I am sending happiness greetings to everyone. Blessings and peace to you and your families. I am sending out today an interesting piece of information that I received back in 2019 from the Ascended Master Lady Portia. It is in the form of my writing it as a journal entry, but it is striking information about feminine sexuality vs. male sexuality. Those who are familiar with the Ascended Masters and the Galactics (they work together) know Lady Portia as Saint Germain's twin flame or consort. At the time I received this information, I was trying to pull together a gathering of women. Having women-only gatherings was and still is a long-time desire of mine. As I was working on this I was thinking of the Ascended ladies of heaven and pulling their names together as I knew of them. Then I heard Lady Portia speak to me in the same manner that DK speaks to me. She simply stepped closer into my mind and spoke clearly. The following is in my own words but she was the one who gave this to me. (Journaled 10/22/19)
“You are a cosmic undercover investigator. (Who me?) Yes, like a journalist goes undercover. But I have been deep undercover without my knowledge. This information has been slow in coming. I’ve been a sleeper cell. I, meaning my brain and conscious mind called “Nancy”, always pulled my head down. I didn’t want to be seen. Apparently that was programmed into me. Now I’m changing. I was told that this morning. I wonder how many others are also undercover? I know at least one woman who is not. She remembers her ET connections from childhood. They were playmates. So we’re all different.
“I was brought along blindly. I had to experience a total breakdown first before I could experience the kundalini awakening, and even then it has been an inching forward. I have been following little golden sparkles of truth through the weeds and forests. Meaning sparkles that attract my attention. They call to me and I go to them. Each golden sparkle has led me to the next step and I ended up in the sexual arena where my mission began to unfold. My undisclosed purpose was to find out what went wrong with the human race by experiencing what went wrong with ME! Humankind has gotten itself into a mess of trouble (it’s very corrupt) and heaven didn’t know how to fix it. Earth was going to be lost unless there was an intervention. Increasing the feminine side of life is that intervention.
“We all came from paradise but once born on Earth everyone is in danger of becoming lost. So my mission was to find out why, though I didn’t know it until now. It was in the sexual arena that I was directed. From inside the sexual network I participated. At first I was excited. It was a loving, beautiful lifestyle of freedom and I blossomed. But gradually I began losing interest. I couldn’t understand it. This went on for years. Only recently did I discover that the love and fun I experienced in swinging was coming from ME, and after years of giving love to others I began to dry up. Resentment came in. I learned then that the universe requires reciprocation of equal value (or better) to keep a thing healthy and thriving. Resonant frequency?
“One day I was told to call on the goddesses so I began calling to the ladies of heaven by name. I have their names on a list, so I ran down the list one day and asked them if they would help me with the gathering of the women and with further insight into the divine feminine. What exactly does it mean to be feminine? They have not only been answering my questions they are clearing the path and sort of taking over. It is their influence coming through my writings. The problem that has held mankind back is sexual, in a returning loop, over and over, life after life, there’s a jam-up in the second chakra. The DIVINE frequency is designed to come up from earth and go up through the first chakra, through the second, to the third, etc., to the crown, out the crown and fountain out and return back to earth.
“This flowing of earth energy meets the sky energy and together returns to earth. Mother-Father God is freely flowing in this design. But we are not getting past the second chakra. It is blocked. The first chakra is masculine and rooted in survival, and the second chakra is feminine and rooted in love. It is at the love chakra that the male-dominant focus has virtually “stolen” the love energy and using it over and over and over and over for orgasms. The love energy is not allowed to participate, to feel, to emote, to be free, to be fluid, alive, passionate and move on up to enlighten the other five chakras. We have been having sex over and over and over and over and over and over, ad infinitum, the male way, without love. It is vampirism, pure and simple and it’s keeping humankind down to lesser evolved than animals because we aren’t using the pure genius of the loving compassionate qualities that we were given and are supposed to be using. Both male and female are at fault. The male because he’s in control and pushing it, the female because she’s not standing strong in her truth and feelings of rightness.”
Once again, Holiday/Christmas greetings to you. I wish we could be together in person. That is my greatest desire – to meet in person and give hugs and good wishes all around. But we live in isolated times and I have been going through my own inner revelations. I wonder how many others are doing the same? I’d love to hear from lightworkers, star seeds, galactic followers. Please know that I too am lonely for close friends who are on my wave length – no matter WHAT your interest is. We are all children of an immense celestial Oneness. That Oneness is love. There is no separation in the Oneness. Only individual interests and unique histories, but beneath it all we are connected within the great infinite expanse of Oneness.
I am sending peace, love and light to all who read my little newsletter. May the holiday season bring happiness, joy and celebration to you and yours. From the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Angelics and far-reaching other planetary cities of Light, Love and Unity. The extraterrestrials are moving closer to Earth, descending into our density, too brilliant for our heavy eyelids and lenses to see. Some of us are already seeing them, more will be seeing them as they disclosure continues. Disclosure not thru mainstream media but thru personal connections on inner levels. Look up. In attitude and in hope and in expectancy. Believe and you will start seeing them and dreaming them and receiving messages from them. They are here in our atmosphere. They are only invisible due to our own denseness (me too!).
And from me,
11/19/24 - Crude sex is killing humanity
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/19/24
by Master Djwhal Khul and me, Nancy
Greetings friends and colleagues!
This newsletter will present a new science on love, sex and intimacy. It is a message from DK given to me in 2015. I was hesitant to share it before now. I didn't think the general public would accept it. Perhaps it was ME who couldn't accept it. It is a fifth dimensional perspective, a higher way of understanding the human body. The Master Djwhal Khul has been my advisor, guide and teacher for many years. I now believe we are ready to accept this new science of love now. The world is changing, becoming more enlightened. We should be able to handle this new information about sex, love and how it evolves the human from the animal to the God-man and God-woman he is destined to become.
by Master DK
This morning was a morning of revelations for me, brought about by receiving a wonderful, beautiful, massage from my husband. I do believe one's own partner at home is a better person to give such a massage, for there is a built-in connection that allows love to expand even deeper into underground territory. The whole system opened up to me this morning. The Master DK moved in and began teaching me then.
The human body is designed to receive energy from the earth. The human body is made of earth elements and the same life that fuels the grass, trees and animals and makes them grow, wither and die when their cycle is over, also fuels the human being who is an animal waking up to his higher nature. The human being is different from the animal in this sense. He has been gifted with an immortal spirit or consciousness. This immortal spirit is coming down while the earth energy is going up. So there is a two-wcay energy flow happening in the human. One coming up from earth, and one coming down from the sky.
The energy flow coming up from earth enters through the bottoms of the feet and travels up the legs to the tail bone which is the first chakra, the beginning link to the stars. The human body is designed to carry the flow up through the second chakra (reproductive or sex chakra) which is another, higher, link with the stars and which provides new more expanded insight to the human. And then it travels up to the third chakra (solar plexus or naval) which is still more expanded and another higher link with the stars and provides vaster insight to the human. This is the first three of a seven-step ladder that the human climbs by opening and experiencing each step, one at a time. In this manner he gains his immortal status.
From the third chakra the life travels up to the fourth chakra (heart) where it links with the down-flowing energy, which causes quite a stir. He sees for the first time the higher way. It melds him in with his lower understanding. He opens to vaster knowledge and he begins to question and consider higher ideals, morals, ethics. As his heart opens new understanding floods through him which carries him naturally upward to the fifth chakra (throat), where another star link opens to provide him with the power of truth, to communicate his voice to others. Understanding takes shape and form and he centers his attention around a career or vocation, what field of service to work within. Doors open wider. From there he travels up to the sixth chakra (third eye) which opens when he is finished with the career and wants to retire, perhaps in solitude, taking a break from the world before deciding what's next. Then he travels naturally from there up to the seventh chakra (crown of head) where it links with the incoming energy from the stars and Home, the place from which he came, the source of life, comfort and bliss.
This seventh chakra gives him his freedom from the physical material world and he becomes liberated. If he has completed his soul journey to his satisfaction he earns his ascension to become the god or goddess he/she is destined to become. But if not fulfilled in that life, then he returns to another life, again as an infant through a mother and father’s seed. And another life and another, until he completes his soul mission. It is the same process as the acorn on the ground which is destined to become a great oak tree. The little acorn grows through certain stages to become a tree. So does a human being grow through its seven stages step by step, to grow from animal man to God man. It must be that way, because each step fits him to a broader expanse so that he is ready to step into the next stage. If he stops at any level along the way, he is incomplete.
This is what is SUPPOSED to happen for human beings. It is the plan. The earth energy travels up from earth to the heart which is the central gathering place, and he links with the heaven energy that is descending. Eternal life and immortality descends downward, ever downward into density to enrich the lower planes of planetary life. The whole system is enriched and grows wiser and more efficient, more perfect. It’s a partnership between heaven and earth. The immortal spirit is pure consciousness. Consciousness is growing ever wider. It is flowing down from the light above. It is the divine plan to flow down and enrich the lower realms. There is an immaculate concept for earth to become more perfect and beautiful, and for the human being to become a more perfect, more conscious human, a better man and a better woman. A God-man and God-woman, if we can use those terms. They become more graceful and more marvelous, walking and expressing the joy they feel unfolding within themselves. They are becoming enlightened. We are a divine consciousness coming down into a heavy earth body made of clay, dust and matter. We are trying to partner with this animal body and bring it into its fuller human potential beyond the former animal nature. As consciousness we do that by linking up and melding with the earth energy that's coming up through our feet and up through our chakras, bones, blood and tissue.
The problem is, we haven’t been doing that. We stopped the flow by diverting the earth energy to sex. Very, very, very few people understand how this works. Everybody thinks that sex is so important but it is actually disrupting the flow that is trying to reach the brain and connect with the universal system from which all life came. The connection is with the universe. The system is designed to bring enlightenment, happiness, joy, creative inspiration, abundance on every level and perfection to the human being who is evolving from a lowly animal creature into a higher intelligence. A god if you will.
It is not that sex is not important, it is rather a side enjoyment of a greater power source that the human has been gifted with. But crude sex is killing the human race. The goal of orgasm – and the orgasm itself – stops the flow at the second or third chakra. The animals have not been gifted with immortality consciousness but mankind has. The animals do not have the ability to evolve into a god or goddess. That is the role of the human, to take this animal body up to a higher level of respect, love, purity, decency, understanding, universal consciousness. He then becomes immortal PHYSICAL beings. He is not evolving to escape the earth plane, he is evolving to become a resident in the garden of Eden, of paradise, of plenty, of joy, love and freedom. We have yet to know this. We don’t understand what our role is. The human being is meant to grow into a higher ethical powerful being, but crude sex is stopping him. As a selfish glutton lusting after sex and orgasm, he is putrifying his own body and that of those around him. He is causing a serious backup, a damming up of the earth power which seeks to rise higher through the seven steps to completion.
The human being is a god in the making and we have this incredible immortal energy at our disposal to do it with, known as the holy spirit, or kundalini or some other word. You name it. It can be called simply the life force. The eternal life force. It is stored at the tail bone, the first root chakra on the etheric level. It is a power that requires love to release it. Once released, it needs respect or it turns negative. The immature ego is too small to handle it. There is meant to be a figure 8 flow with the descending energy from the sun. There is meant to be the ascending force from earth meeting up with and melding with the descending energy from the sun, from the light above us. There are distributing centers all through the universe sending this light of consciousness and intelligence out to the planets to grow these god-men and god-women. Ascending and descending forces flow in the figure eight sign, the infinity sign, but we are interfering with it by diverting the power off into sex. The orgasm explodes, the life force cleans up the local area of the body, provides bliss, and then dies. The upper regions of the body do not receive it. We want the orgasm. We press for the orgasm. We use artificial means to get an orgasm and we are trying to prolong the orgasm, to linger with it. We want to extend the orgasm. We cum and cum and cum and cum and keep shorting out the vast immortal power, and then we die. The immortality gene never gets awakened because the earth energy doesn't link up with it. It must reach the heart.
The next step in the evolution of mankind is to learn about this. And do the inner homework on themselves to merge the two rivers in us – one flowing up, one flowing down - to flow together. It will bring balance. Balance will bring clarity in a natural way, easily, lovingly, lightly. By not obsessing over the orgasm, one falls into a natural state of being and THEN he can make love. Making love replaces the obsession over sex. Making love is natural and innocent and timely. Making love comes with harmony and with rhythm when two people are aligned with purity in their own hearts. It is not impossible. It is done on other planets of higher grade than ours. Once we learn to stop being selfish and crude with our bodies, we will begin to distribute the energies known as the cerebralspinal fluid all through the body in a steady flow, including the brain which is important to the human evolving. And then when these flows are flowing nicely the human race will be a race of peace and love. That's when sex changes and is no longer crude but is a form of worship and love.
When two bodies are flowing with bliss energy together, and both bodies are in synch and both bodies are at one and both bodies feel good, then they are making love and miraculous things happen. The mind opens to the universe, they expand and expand and expand and they learn who they really are and they soar among the stars, even as their bodies are entwined on the earth plane. This is the gift of the gods. It is the next step beyond sex. The way sex works now, the one who is most turned on seduces or ravishes the other who goes along with it, ignoring the chakras. One of them cums but usually not the other one and the other one is confused about that, perhaps resentful, becoming embittered over time. Sex aborts the whole process and diminishes love.
My life journey has me focusing on massage. I took to it naturally. Then I went to school. But the school doesn't have the right knowledge either. Enlightened spiritual massage, if you know what you're doing, is the best way to link up the earth energy with the sky energy. We need to connect the ascending earth energy with the descending sky energy. The end product is bliss and love. Many people are NOT getting the bliss and love from the crude sex act, only the one who is pressing it another person is getting it. Temprarily. But it's not lasting. We have to get over the crude selfishness of the animal nature we carry in our genes. Respectful caring massage is the best way to do this, in my estimation. I am receiving revelation after revelation after revelation about this. And finally I am overcoming my fear to say it out loud. Fear is deeply imbedded over this issue. There are souls who are so turned off but they can't speak it out loud.
There will be a loud clamor of resistance and rebellion, over this suggestion, I am sure. And yet, those who rebel do not hear the message. It is not the end of sex that is suggested, it is the end of small-minded sex that is selfish, that has not matured yet out of ancient animal creature habits. They press sex on others because they have not been educated in the higher form of lovemaking. Ending the crudity of sex is focused mostly on men, but this includes women too because women have been men before, and men have been women before. Ending low-grade sex will require some re-training but it is the beginning of learning about love and the gifts that the human body is capable of receiving. A loving massage by people who are more or less on the same wave length would be nice, but perhaps not realistic. Who do you know who is ready for this? Perhaps those with some spiritual understanding, but my goal is to have loving, enlightened massage exchanges who agree to practice the "don't focus on cumming" rule.
This will allow the raising of the powerful earth energy up through the WHOLE body to connect with the descending energy coming down through the crown of the head. We have to reach the crown to open the crown. This is the beginning of the science of connecting heaven and earth. It will require practice but it WILL lead to clarity, to healing, and to fabulous blissful experiences. It is the beginning of flowing the fires of life instead of blocking them as humankind has done for thousands of years. It will clear the debris of accumulated trauma of every kind. Craniosacral massage is the closest thing we have to it, but the kundalini energy connection is missing. Bringing the earth energies all the way up to the crown of the head is necessary, and to do this we must not stop at the groin level to release it by cumming. This will take some serious re-training, since we all are so obsessed with the orgasm. The orgasm energy is needed up higher than groin level. The orgasm is the only goal we have right now to give us a semblance of bliss. But there is a greater future ahead if only we know. We must be re-trained. We must break the habit that is holding the whole human race back, spell-bound, trapped and recycling such low vibrations. We must, in order to get to the abundance of clear vision and thinking, and the bliss of constant love. (Journaled 1/20/15)
Peace, love, light, happiness, safety and abundance for all. From the Ascended Masters, Angelics, Galactic Families of Light and other interdimensional beings, and me, Nancy
11/16/24 - Introducing the Etheric Body by Master DK
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/16/24
By Master Djwhal Khul & me, Nancy
Greetings one and all, my dear beloved friends!
A dream was still playing on this particular morning several years ago as I became conscious. In the dream trees were dying because they lived too close to each other and couldn't expand their auric field. And one particular young man 16 years old, who was weakening from living too close to his family who were crowding him. He didn't have enough individual space in which to grow. And other jungle scenes showing trees unable to support the wild life which lived in them. Upon waking I recognized the message was about the etheric body. The following is a message from the Master Djwhal Khul and me. I showed up as a blog several years ago but I recognize DK's voice. He was giving this information to me. It often happens that way. I think it's me speaking but it's really DK. I recognize his voice now when it comes through. We have become joined in mind and heart.
The etheric body is the understructure for the physical body. It is body of vitality which feeds physical power to the physical body. It is the substructure - or the infrastructure you could say - of the physical body. It supports, nurtures and feeds the muscles, nerves, bones, blood and organs of the physical body. When the physical body becomes weak, it's because the etheric body has become loosely connected to the physical. It is connected through the nervous system which is fed by the nadis, the currents of light from the meridian system of the etheric body. The etheric body is sometimes referred to as the soul in religious or spiritual terms, but it is not so easily defined since it is not an object like the physical body. So it doesn’t matter what name we call it, it is more important to become educated and understand its role in our life. And why it is important. Every physical body has an etheric body underlying it, or better put, OVERlying it for the energy is coming down into the physical, not up from underneath. It is the energy body, or the vitality body.
The etheric body is physical. It is made of physical atoms and electrons, but these particles are spaced further apart than in the physical. They are on higher, more rarified planes and therefore invisible to our eyesight. Except to sensitives, such as clairvoyants. Plus anyone might see the bluish glow surrounding a tree, plant or person in the growing darkness of evening hours if they are relaxed enough. The physical body is more solidly compacted together. The etheric body is the gathering space of forces composed of random atoms and subatomic particles that wander around in the atmosphere and attach to a person's auric field. Here they ripple their presence through the person as either a heightened thought or a chill of something foreign or negative. The etheric body is a space around the physical body into which settles floating energies from the atmosphere. They either settle there, up close to the body, or move on. This is the reason we need to become aware of the etheric body. It is an influence on our lives. It impacts us with whatever energies it has collected.
The ether ic body is also known as the etheric double. When the body dies, an exact replica of the person can be seen by sensitives for a short time time after death. The etheric double acts like a reservoir of bits and pieces of the planetary life that is constantly moving through the atmosphere. These energies pour into our auric fields under forces we are not aware of. There are many forces. Too many to identify. They are like clouds of subatomic matter that are loose and wandering around, and are attracted to someone with similar thoughts and feelings. They are simply part of the human collective worldwide, and through atmospheric currents they are present at all times. When they come into close proximity to us they become either lodged in our auric field or they may be repelled by our awareness and move on. Our auric field on the outer perimeter attracts these energies and if we don't repel them, they move closer in to our physical level and then enter our nervous system. Hence, feelings "out of the blue" that descend on us and we don't know why.
The etheric body is loosely referred to as the aura. It is referred to as our soul. It influences our moods and what thoughts we think, what choices and decisions we make, how much vitality we have, for they can suck the life out of us and drain us without our knowing. If they are negative energies they are parasitic in nature. They are hungry for the living life force because they are negative energies, meaning below the 50-50 balance line or neutral line. It is worthwhile painting a picture of what a human body looks like to a celestial being or master. Our solid bodies are only a small part of who we are. The body itself is embedded inside a large sphere which, on the outer level is pure white light and love. It is not physical light, it is intelligence. The pure white light darkens by degree the closer it gets to the physical body at the center, which is the emanating source of the darkness. The soul who is inhabiting the human body is what the masters monitor. They know every living soul on the planet and where they are on the evolutionary path. The physical body is the solid at the center of the sphere of light, like the yolk inside an egg.
Running through the sphere of light, ever darkening toward the center, hair-thin lines of crystal pure white light weave like a spiders web, seeking to connect with the physical nerves, but there are obstructions. The pure light is available to feed into every cell in the body, except there are false beliefs in the way. The etheric body is a moving, heaving, fluctuating reservoir of forces surrounding the physical body. Composed of forces and influences from many sources. Some good, some bad, some indifferent. As a person thinks, these forces are attracted into his life, through thought and feeling. They are brought in by himself. He sucks them in, as if through a straw by his own thoughts and attention he holds with his feelings and moods. These then affect his psychology, the way he thinks, the way he feels, his vitality or lack thereof, his weakness, his musculature, organs, bones, hair, teeth. The etheric body is the infrastructure that supports his physical body and presence on Earth. His etheric body builds these forces into his physical body, to either vitalize it or wear it down because the majority do not know. This is a new-age science that has only barely begun to be revealed, studied and experimented with. Energy workers are starting to put it together but science is lagging behind. The physical body literally feeds off of this fluctuating, moving cloud of forces that surrounds him. He feeds on it through the day and through the night.
All through the physical body and stretching out into the sphere of darker light that surrounds him, are invisible threads of pure white light. This is the invisible network of nadis and meridians [a lacy filigree of light] that run through the etheric body, that carry crystal pure white light, the crystalline light of perfection. The acupuncturists put needles into certain points on the body to open blockages and let the light flow through better. The darkened light that surrounds the human being is contaminated because he hasn't cleaned it up. Humanity is on the brink of discovering the process. Whereas once it was pure, the sphere of white dazzling light of pure intelligence has been filled with wrong thoughts, wrong feelings, wrong assumptions and conclusions through many lifetimes of false impressions. These wrong assumptions have been carried over from lifetime to lifetime building a momentum of evil into the world from which we are in the midst of turning around. The new golden age is upon us and ascension techniques are everywhere available to those with eyes open and minds alert. Understandings need to be cleared up, but only the individual can do this for himself. Further information is needed to understand how this works.
NADI is a Sanskrit word from the ancient practices of the Eastern tradition. The nadis are microscopic threads of crystal pure light which link up and connect with our physical nervous system. The way to strengthen the physical body is to strengthen these connections to the etheric body. Expand awareness to include the spacious aura that surrounds the body. The body does not stop at the skin level. It is not just physical. It is bigger and extends further out beyond sight. The trick is to expand awareness by using imagination - mental powers. Imagine a more spacious field of light surrounding you like a radiation or a higher spectrum of light that you can't see. It is invisible. Image your brain stretching and growing lighter and brighter. It takes mental effort and imagination. It is within each person's ability to grow himself or herself lighter, brighter and larger beyond physical eyesight.
Visualize a light sphere interpenetrating the physical body and extending out around the body at a distance of two or three or even four feet beyond you. Visualize a particle, molecule or cell within the body with a sphere of radiating light around it, an etheric light. Each physical cell is a living thing - science tells us that - but science does not tell us about the ethers or the etheric double. Science is behind the times! The etheric body exists beyond what science can prove. It lives on and on and on, into higher and ever higher planes of life. The physical brain is a mere shell of what lies behind the brain and supports the brain. It is like looking at an ice cube and not realizing that it is melted water and, further, it is a condensation of other, finer material.
As you mentally picture this graphic picture, your brain is receiving the picture. YOU are the creator of the picture. YOU are the master of your body. YOU are the one who is educating your body by opening to the "more" that is above and beyond you. This is how we program our bodies with more information. The brain is expands and becomes more attuned to the new information. It absorbs this new information. New synapses are built, gaps are filled in, understanding takes place. "Ahhhh, I see!" Refinement takes place as the brain "gets it". We need to program our brain and help it to grow and widen its understanding. When the brain can comprehend the idea in abstract, soon the body will register symbiotic feelings. Connections between the invisible world and the physical world will take place as relaxing, endearing, softening feelings. We melt the two worlds together and our understanding expands.
Relax and breathe! Enjoy the show. Enjoy the feelings of melting into harmony. The body is getting it too and enjoying the soothing, interrelationship. The crystalline light from higher planes of life is penetrating into the physical cells.The more we practice visualizing, the more blending takes place between dimensions. The lines melt and dimensions become closer in harmony. From ancient days this process has been known as the Christ. The Christian religion assigned the word to one single gentleman 2000 years ago, but was known prior to that period. The word "christ" means crystal. Their are crystalline threads of pure light running through our etheric body, coming down from higher planes, and entering into our physical body. We can help it along by picturing the process and reading up on it. More info is becoming available.
There are other, not-so-nice forces also gathering in the etheric body. It is not all pure. We have built up mistakes and errors over the many lifetimes of living in different bodies. So now, in these so-called "end times", where the mass consciousness is shifting from dark to light, the technique being offered is to expand awareness to include the surrounding space - the auric field. And bad influences we nip in the bud before they take hold and settle down into us. We receive forces from many sources. They are attracted either by affinity - the law of attraction - or by close proximity. Many clouds of energy are randomly passing by in loose, fluid state, the way chaos passes in a storm or a flood. There is chaos around. People are spewing restlessness, anxiety and confusion. Thoughts of fear and depression. What matters is to change the dark to a positive note before it settles in. Become aware. Scan the auric field. You can do it for a loved one if your partner(s) are not aware of this technique. Do it silently without speaking. Use the inner science of magic - imagination. Become attuned to the subjective world of perception and knowing. Become aware when a negative enters your field, your mind, so you notice it. Don't dismiss it. Rather transform it by replacing it with a swarm of loving thoughts. Sweep it away with love, or kindness, or whatever benevolent word you prefer to use. It's a mental vacuum cleaner. You will notice the difference soon enough.
Subatomic particles of energy are electrons, misguided, mismanaged electrons that are alive with life. They seek a home. Someone who will give them a resting place. They flow in currents. They are attracted to and pushed around by larger more potent forces. Some are good, some not so good, some downright negative. These are random particles seeking a home. They gather together when they find others like them. They are little conscious entities that have a life. They too want families to live with. If you like them, then give them a home and welcome them. But if you find them uncomfortable, then change them with a sweeping force of powerful love. More positive, agreeable thoughts, that make YOU feel better. So many people are unaware of how powerful positive feelings are. They are the measuring rod. Listen to your bodies feelings of goodness vs. bodily feelings of badness. Don't let badness coagulate and settle in your auric field, else it will enter into your physical body through the etheric body.
If you are not managing your thoughts in your mental body and giving them direction, if you are not discerning which ones you want and which ones you don’t want, these particles will accumulate in your field. When you become aware of them and you take charge over them, then you are helping yourself to stay strong. You are guarding your auric field against invasion by negative forces. It is entirely up to you WHICH kinds of influences you want to entertain in your etheric body, your infrastructure. That which supports you or that which weakens you. Again, you are receiving forces from beyond your control, so it is up to you to be responsible for keeping your etheric body clean and positive. Transform the thoughts you don't want, or they will become physical and emotional feelings you don't like. Your substructure is the infrastructure of your physical body. It is no different than the concrete foundation or steel girders of your house. Because the etheric body is invisible to eyesight, this has not been part of our schoolroom education. Traditional classroom education has been restricted to the old way of "believe only in what we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste."
The etheric body is the space around us that is held in place by our own unique and personal energy signature. Our permission allows them to settle, whether we are ignorant of the process or not. This energy field supports, feeds and maintains our concrete physical body and gives us vitality and power - or takes it away. It is the universal force that we draw on. It is time we understood what "universal force" is made of. It comes from everywhere. It is up to us to discern what "universal force" we allow to settle in our field, and which ones we want to expel. The negatives suck the life out of us and weakens our muscles, blood, organs, nerves and bones and gives us disease. The majority don't even know, let alone make corrections and follow exercises to strengthen it. It is the reason for yoga, meditation, self-improvement techniques, becoming more universally accepted than ever before. These are consciousness-building exercises to take the place of pharmaceuticals and drugs. Self-enlightenment recipes hold the power of change. It is inner work. As someone visualizes and becomes consciously aware of their etheric body, they start to notice things they never noticed before. The knowledge seeps in quietly, like a thought out of the blue sky. Like a sponge absorbs water. The forces start to talk to you. You become aware of the good ones and the bad ones. You become more knowledgeable about your energy field. You start to improve your energy and your vitality. Cultivate a belief in this by practicing it. Otherwise it is just abstract theory.
Become familiar with the forces that influence you, especially the forces that you don't like. Change them and substitute a BETTER force. Which ones are you allowing in because you're not paying attention? Start by paying attention. This morning after I did my usual preparation (shower, etc.) I sat down in my usual chair to begin my morning practice, and my chair spoke to me for the first time ever. It said "Good morning!" to me in a subjective kind of way. It was the first time I heard that. It told me I am sitting in my "thinking chair". In my thinking chair I start receiving voices in my awareness. More bleed-throughs. My awareness is so open now that I have almost too many to remember them all. I am now forced to switch them off and go into the silence. Otherwise I would become bogged down with too many ideas. All good ideas but I seek the place of peace where the voices stop coming. And the peace starts replacing them. You become more discerning. Always there is more to become aware of. It never ends but YOU can stop it anytime you like. You are the authority over these forces. It is time to realize that. You become more conscious of other entities or energies coming in - both good and bad. It doesn't matter. You can take control over them and shift your mood. Maybe it’s a shift in physical feeling. Like for me today, after eating Chinese food I had an immediate abdominal reaction and spent the next hour back and forth to the bathroom. I forgot. I had this reaction before from Chinese food. It could have been a psychological reaction or an emotional reaction, but this was simply a physical body reaction.
Maybe forces enter your awareness like a strong dislike. It just strikes you distastefully. Or anger strikes out of the blue. Or hatred. Or fear. Fear is a biggie. Instead of wondering where it came from, don't analyze it. Change it. Love it. Send a wave of overwhelming love at it and wash it away. Maybe a warning strikes of danger, or suspicion or jealousy. Instead of wondering where it's coming from (and who to start watching out for) change it. Change it with love. Love is the balancing force for everything awkward, distasteful, uncomfortable and - yes - dangerous. Love is all there is, as Marcus is constantly saying. Love is ALL there is. And the masters and celestials say it too. Over and over and over. It is what keeps the universe orderly. The planets are classrooms. We come into embodiment to learn more about love and how to apply it to situations we run into. Love is all there is. It's the greatest tool and technique ever made available. How to use it requires individual experimentation. Various energies are striking our auric fields all the time. They are all different, and some are truly dangerous. They can suck us in until we forget what we are here for. Humanity has not been aware of these insidious forces until very recently. The wars have been telling us, and the pandemic has been a blast in our faces. But we are starting to get it, aren't we? There are negative forces everywhere. The most dangerous ones are at first sweet and kind to tempt us. The technique for overcoming them is forgiveness, mercy, kindness and overwhelming love. This sweeps them away. Negativity does not like love and kindness!!!
Negative forces are even out there in space, as we are told. And they are inside of us too. When we hold onto sin, shame, dirty thoughts, angry thoughts, we are holding onto energies that do not belong with us. We have to sweep them away with loving kindness for ourselves and others. We have been told by the religions that we are sinners and should feel guilty, but it is untrue. Love is all there is! There is a sphere of dazzling pure white light all around us and which runs through us in tiny strands of living light. We live in a sea of eternally pure white light. We are a unique, one-of-a-kind child of pure white light and love. Light is information, love is what we do with that information. The piece of information that was missing in our training as young children was about the etheric body. The space that surrounds us is the gathering place of subatomic particles of light that are floating around aimlessly. Some good, some bad, some in between. They are fluid and fluctuating under various forces and sources. It doesn't matter what they are or where they come from, we must expand our consciousness to be aware of what is influencing us. What energies are striking our minds and feelings. And take charge of changing them on the spot. Change them into love and light. Strange forces surround you without your realizing it. Take control over these forces. YOU are the one in control. Or should be. If you are not in control of these forces, then you are susceptible to being continually influenced by outsiders controlling your thoughts and feelings. Don't be led. Be a leader of your own sphere of light that you carry around with you.
This is the battlefield to be aware of. Consider this before going tp a doctor to seek a prescription drug. Not to give up your prescription drugs but to become aware of your OWN powers alongside of the prescription drugs you may currently take. In the religions of the world the etheric body was referred to as the soul, a vague unknown term until recently. We are becoming wise to the vagaries of the religious past. You are the landowner of your physical body. It was given to you to take care of it. Again, you were never told about the etheric body being a collector of forces. Become a wise and good steward of the land of your body. You own this piece of land. Notice what is growing in it, or below out of sight, beneath the surface. You can improve on your own health and strengthen it, by nipping a growing negative force in the bud, before it has time to take root. Before a doctor pronounces a word that puts fear into you. Disease has become like religion, people believe in sickness. Can you imagine believing in sickness? It is time to put an end to belief in wrong thoughts. It is time to end the downward spiral. This is about becoming educated. Health is a science, not witchcraft. Techniques and classes are becoming more available by the day. Listen to them. Choose one that appeals to your sense of rightness and comfort. Try it out. It is YOU who are the final authority.
Learn some words to speak out loud. Affirmations. When you say a word out loud it changes the energy in your immediate sphere of influence. Try it out. The “I AM” affirmations are statements of a positive nature. They are called mantras and chants. Create your own mantra. Use your own feelings of what is right for you. Oming is a universal sound to use, or humming. Aum (OM) means “I AM”. It affirms I AM as a self-conscious being. It means simply I am what I am.
Sending peace, love, light, abundance, safety, health, freedom, joy, peace and MORE! from the Angelics, Ascended Masters, Galactic families of Light and me, Nancy
11/12/24 - Grounding your energies - By Master DK
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/12/24
(formerly Anakosha)
Greetings Everyone!
Sending peace, love and light today to all. I am feeling immense love and a desire to gather everyone in my arms to wish them an incredulous journey into the fifth dimension. Perhaps some who read this will not understand what I'm talking about, but I want to share my journey with you regardless. It feels so peaceful where I am, in spite of my recent fall and struggle to walk again. We are all on an ascension journey to higher realms of consciousness and I am happy. After the recent US elections there may be some unhappiness and/or confusions, but don't let it get you down. It's just a playing out of old energies. We are in for some wonderful new awarenesses.
Recently I ran across an old article from the Master Djwhal Khul, and wish to share it with you. It is in the new book I am preparing to publish of his writings and teachings. This channeling came to me around 1977 or '78. I didn't have a date on the original paper. It was soon after kundalini awakened in me and took me into "the Light". I then began receiving all sorts of wisdom teachings. They just flowed into my mind. Words came unbidden. They just appeared. I didn't know the name of Djwhal Khul at the time, nor that he was an ascended master. I would learn that several years later. Meanwhile, words began pouring through my mind and my metabolism skyrocketed. I had difficulties with my sanity, but I was married to an understanding man at the time. My late husband Bob Adler. He was instrumental in keeping me grounded. A very practical man which helped me immensely. Later, when I picked up a book by the Master Djwhal Khul, and brought it home with mem, I began developing a relaitonshipswith him. in to develop a mental relationship with him, mind to mind, which became my teacher. This particular article is about grounding ethereal thought into the world of matter. This is what was given to me on that day, in Costa Rica, after I returned from "The Light".
By Master Djwhal Khul
The master gland – the pituitary – the very center of the brain, governs and measures the growth of an individual. Not only his physical growth but his awareness, too which is infinite. You could grow in awareness, in theory and abstract knowledge forever, just as a tree could, in theory, grow upward and upward forever, if it were fed the proper stimulants to make it so. However, if a tree does not have a root system equal to the massive branches above, then it will become a very unhealthy tree and eventually fall weak and sickly under its own weight.
There is a similar root system in man specifically created to balance out his ethereal growth by grounding him. And just as with the pituitary gland, there is a physical organ which governs and measures his ability to stay on the ground with his feet planted firmly on the soil of practicality and earthiness. This gland is harder to understand and is infinitely more mysterious. The sexual organs, combined with the reproductive organs in men and women, govern and measure the ability to stay on earth. To live on earth and be happy here, fulfillment depends upon expression. And upon the health and freedom of both attributes – the ethereal and the earthy - the leafy branches of the tree top and the heavy and solid root system below.
The metaphor of a man to a tree has always been used. A quick look at a diagram of man’s autonomic nervous system will reveal an uncanny similarity to a tree. The tree of life of the Bible. Fine and delicate branches link up with larger branches which link up with even larger branches which link up with the main trunk line of the spinal column which descends to the pelvic region where it suddenly bursts outward again and downward like massive roots digging deep into the soil in ever increasing finer and finer branches. The pelvic root system with its glandular activities summed up in the sexual organs represents, in spite of our over complications, an extremely simple facet of man: the passionate and overwhelming desire of man to unite sexually with a mate is the desire for wholeness and union. Mental energy builds up, physical expression follows - a natural ground for a super charged electrical circuit. A splurge of love and total explosion of infinity in one finite moment. The feeling says it all.
It is the grounding and balancing of ethereal thought into the world of matter, into the world of flesh and sensation. There is a delicate, infinitely beautiful balance living in man and there always will be, between his spiritual flights of growth and his earthly pleasures. To grow spiritually without ever becoming grounded is similar to inflating a balloon. It will grow but remain empty inside until one day when its limit will be reached. Then the danger of bursting becomes evident and there is no place to go but down. Down to back and fill in the empty spaces.
On the other hand, to enjoy earthly pleasure only is as unbalanced as the other. If there is no spiritual growth, a man stays on one level only, as the animals do. Sleeping and eating and reproducing for sheer matter fulfillment alone. This eventually will bring atrophy to the spiritual powers of man and decay is inevitable. And so the two must go together. They always have. One must not be intimidated by the high cycle of another person who judges the opposing cycle. There is no teacher but one’s self. Only the inner self can feel the ebbing and flowing of the balance and the forces inside. Only the inner self can act out of its own knowledge of that balancing act. The privacy of thought is an immense world all its own – a university of understanding and learning. There is no room for outside teachers.
Please feel free to contact me for a personal meeting. I would love to meet with some people to discuss the many thoughts that are now coming in as we ascend to higher realms. This bring us closer to disclosure time with the Galactics (extraterrestrials) and also the ascended beings, and other dimensional beings. More importantly - what is happening to us here on the ground? If you are interested in meeting in person, send me a return reply and let's start communicating. I have a great desire to meet with people - all people. It doesn't matter. When we meet in person our auras overlap and we can communicate better. It is not just mind-to-mind, but more soul-to-soul. We can understand each other better. And there is always the possibility of touching, hugging, or massaging. It is a most wondrous time that we are moving into, when we can share stories and private thoughts that have so long been considered taboo (don't talk about it!). These times are now changing and I, for one, am ready to step forward.
Sending you all my peace, love and light, including from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics of Light, the Angelic forces, and me, Nancy
11/9/24 - Space-Age Healing Technology - The EE System
GoddessSphere Newsletter 11/9/24
(formerly Anakosha)
Hello Everyone!
This is an introduction to the Energy Enhancement System (EE System) that I have been researching and blogging about over the last week or two. I visited the Naples EE Center last Tuesday for the first time, and have written a short description here to share. I was made aware of this new technology by a male friend who came to swap Ascension Massages with me several weeks ago. He knew about the system and recommended it after a little bump on my tailbone which has grown into a full blown problem. I had never heard of the EE System before then. However, after listening to the videos of Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the genius mathematical inventor of the system, I have fallen madly in love with her. She speaks my language! Galactic and Ascended Master talk. I've been eager to try an Energy Enhancement session in person, but first, I had to find a center. Lo and behold, there is one right here in Naples.
This is a very complex, mysterious system that can blow your mind if you are not properly introduced. The genius who invented the system, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, is a charming woman with a warm smile. Her website is https://drsandrarosemichael.info/archives. There are photos of her posted there, credentials, family history and more. She is the daughter of two super-nerds and she tells her story on many of the videos that I've posted on this website on the ARTICLES page (LINK). This is definitely space-age and galactic-sponsored, similar to the Med-Beds that have been promoted for the last decade or so. It is a wellness system based on universal harmony, love and light. According to Dr. Sandra, the planets, suns and galaxies are kept in their appointed places because of this universal harmony, love and light. This harmony has been reduced to mathematical formulas and embedded into computer systems by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. Today it is a wellness system that brings toxic distorted energies into harmony and wholeness, which is the natural law of the universe. It also brings miracle healings to those who sit within the radiation of the computers. This new technology has been promoted heavily over the last two years and centers have popped up in various countries under a unified agreement to keep prices affordable. For me, the tangible effects of the EE session last Tuesday did not result in a physical healing, but there was a subtle effect that began the following day. First, let me describe the physical ambiance of the office I visited.
In the Naples center it is in a small office, very small, on the second floor of a large modern medical building off Airport-Pulling Road in Naples. The office manager, not the owner, sits at a small desk beside a folding screen (which she didn't use), and behind the folding screen were two recliners - one for the more serious client which has a mark on the floor underneath the recliner, and the other for a second person.
There are four towers of stacked computers referred to as units. Two stacks in front of the recliners and two behind the recliners. Each stack contains six computers, presenting a total of 24 computers in all. All have screens flickering blue or pink or white light with moving numbers, strange mathematical symbols and algorithms flashing and moving. Some of the screens are flickering upward, some downward, some slow, some fast and at times they reversed direction. All 24 computer screens are flickering and flashing their mysterious numbers and letters silently out into the room which was otherwise darkened.
The manager escorted us to the recliners and made us comfortable with blankets should we need them. My husband had escorted me to the session. When I asked where he could sit to wait for me, and whether he could use the other recliner, she said that he would have to pay the $70 since it is $70 per person. But then she decided to waive the charge for him since he looked like a non-believer. So my husband sat with me for the two hour session and read his phone while I reclined through my first EE session.
My experience was amazing. When I first entered the flickering darkened room I felt the deep, deep relaxing peace that everyone has reported feeling at these sessions. It is very comforting and calming. The scalar wave technology has been described by the inventor as universal harmony of love and light. Dr. Michael was the only child of two super-nerds, and from early childhood was exposed to scientific projects that her parents were involved with. She herself had memories of being on Atlantis when things went wrong, and she herself says that she is still "pissed" at what they, the Atlanteans, did to this beautiful planet. Her interviews are really interesting.
The scalar waves of universal harmony, light and love have been put into mathematical formulas, where the computers flicker and aim the energy out into the environment of the room. The harmonious energy from the 24 flickering computer screens brings the distorted energy of our modern world into coherence and unification. We live in a toxic soup, says Dr. Michael. This is the reason, apparently, why everyone who enters one of these EE chambers feels such deep peace and calm. Love, light and harmony are constantly flickering into the room.
My personal experience was sacred and private. I cannot begin to put it into words. Since I have been doing sacred inner work for a number of years, I was already in communication with my higher self and spirit guides before I entered the chamber. Once settled in the recliner, I wiggled my painful butt into the least painful position possible from the so-called "fall" on my tailbone several weeks ago, and began talking to my guides, the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, my higher self and my body elemental, with whom I have begun a more personal relationship recently. Inner awareness continued all through the two hour session, and it was a most amazing, conversation because it was so coherent and clear, as if I were talking to real people in the room. I will never be able to remember all that I learned in that session, but it's not important. My soul remembers.
Though I did not notice any tangible effects on my painful butt, I did have a very high vitality at the end of the session and couldn't stop raving and asking questions of the manager. The next day I began my own physical therapy training at home. I cannot explain why. More about that later. This is perhaps the deep spiritual energy that I was exposed to. It is a subtlety that I must elaborate on with more care. The deep inner influence of universal harmony is not a tangible thing. It is an attitude shift. I highly recommend researching Energy Enhancement Scalar Wave Technology, known as the EE Scalar system, especially if there are health issues or painful disorders of the body, mind or emotions that the medical profession can't seem to cure.
Gain your own understanding of this technology. It is inner work. I have posted some videos of Dr. Sandra Rose Michael being interviewed by various people on this GoddessSphere website (formerly Anakosha dot org). Her story is extremely interesting and enlightening. She explains in her gentle, easy way how this technology came to be. See my ARTICLES page at LINK for these postings. There are a number of Youtubes online that you can play at home on your cell phone or computer. The 24-unit computers are shown flickering and flashing, some with music, others without, radiating out into your room at home. I recommend playing it for several hours while sleeping.
With peace, love and light to all who read this. I wish you happiness and harmony, from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics of Light, the Angelic forces and your own spiritual guides and higher self - and me, Nancy
10/9/24 - It's Time to Wean
GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter 10/9/24
(formerly Anakosha)
by Master Djwhal Khul and me Nancy
"IT IS TIME TO WEAN." I have been hearing this phrase for a month now. "It is time to wean". I had to google the definition of wean to make sure I was hearing right. I started writing my thoughts out about it, thinking they were my words, but then I realized it was DK speaking. Over the years I have blended so well with him and the voices of higher intelligences, that often I think it is just me. The basis of inner work is blending so well together with other beings that there is no separation. No "you" or "me". Higher realms of consciousness bring us closer in touch with other beings. Even our own loved ones who have passed into the heavens. Deep inner work is blending with good feelings. As I continued writing on this day (1/10/18) I didn't realize that DK was talking to me, giving me advice, until he spoke a certain phrase - "Do you understand?" I knew then that he was speaking because I wouldn't ask myself that question. Read what he told me that day. The folliwng comes from DK. I ran across it yesterday and want to share it. I will also post it in DK's online book.
It is time to wean. It is time to withdraw from dependance on something. Withdraw your dependance from it. You are leaning upon something and you fear that you will never have it again so you keep chasing it and depending upon it. It is time to replace this that you are depending upon with knowledge that it will always be there. Wean yourself from the dependance on it because it is creating a longing for it. It is creating a desire in you for it which is creating a fear that you will lose it, which is fear itself that is invading your consciousness. It is time to wean yourself from fear of losing it, from fear of loss. It is a false belief. You have created a false belief system that you need this thing. You believe you need it and that it is the only way to reach your heaven, your goal of fulfillment, it is the only way to bring forth heaven on earth, and the only way to feel good, the only way to feel orgasm and the freedom from all the pressures you normally feel day after day and none of that is true. It is a false belief that you hold. You believe it and so it is stuck in you, creating a groundhog day effect. A replay of the same thing, over and over and over, ad infinitum. It is time to wean yourself from this belief. Release yourself from depending on that little appendage that you think is your identity and your salvation and your key to heaven and the release into freedom. Release yourself from the volumes of stuckness that have held you back.
Women have come to rely on this appendage too. It is not only men who depend on the appendages, for women have appendages too. We women have to also release ourselves from depending upon the sexual appendages. This is why we marry. We call it love and falling in love and wanting to spend the rest of our days with this person, but it’s really a dependency on the person that we are marrying. We are committing to depending upon this person, to provide us with the love and caring, but it’s really the orgasmic tool that we are assuring ourselves by marrying them. We are securing the access to our freedom and salvation and heavenly pleasures by marrying, but it is a false belief. We are marrying a physical appendage to go along with our own physical appendage, our physical genital appendage - men depend on securing a woman because of HER tool. Her appendage is a warm soft pocket into which he places HIS appendage and he depends on that. We each, man and woman alike, depend on these accessories which are temporary physical appendages, not our divine nature which we already ARE. We are divine in nature and we have the capacity to feel the love within our divine nature, but we have been led to look elsewhere, out there, to others, to other objects and other people and we can’t find it there so we start chasing it. We develop fear and insecurity and a sense of loss because we are looking in all the wrong places. It is within.
It is within our own consciousness. We have not lost anything at all, except our focus. We have lost our focus, which means we have lost our way. We have lost our center. We think we are alone and we are afraid that we will never find our way back again, and we compound that fear the more we depend on our sexual appendages. It is the wrong focus to have. You are chasing a rainbow that is ephemeral. It is the outer world that is the dream. The material objects of things. Money, houses, toys that pleasure you, having all the right friends to nourish you and keep you safe and warm and protected, to assure you that you are A-OK, and then death takes you anyway and you are alone with yourself again, picking up the pieces and trying to remember who you are and where you left off at the time of the LAST death and having to leave the body. The “things” and the “people” we leave behind are fellow travelers, not saviors. They too are seeking salvation from outer “things” and other “people”. They are not here to save us or allow us to depend on them. We are so afraid that we will lose access to salvation, warmth, security, pleasure, abundance and love that we hang on to them as if we are drowning. We live so in fear that we chase it. It is a falsehood and an illusion because we have the love inside of us. In our consciousness. In our bodies. In our minds and in our feelings.
We have lost our OWN connection to this beautiful place, this beautiful SELF because we have been distracted by the outer world and these sexual appendages. They are like tools of addiction. Wean yourself by trying out a new way of human interaction and closeness and nurturance without using these appendages. See what you feel by weaning yourself away from that physical area on the body. It is like quitting smoking. Do not light that cigarette and do not reach for it. It is like quitting alcohol addiction. Do not pour that alcohol into a glass and do not even reach for the bottle. It is like quitting any drug. Do not reach for the tools that you think you need. Stop it. Wean yourself from it. Find another way to think. Find another way to feel. We at the Love Club are seeking this for ourselves. We are seeking another way to feel warm and nourished by coming closer and touching and hugging and massaging with other human beings, without reaching for the appendages that we have habitually relied upon to give us what we thought we wanted and needed. We at the Love Club are providing a new way to explore warm togetherness. (Wow! Thank you DK.)
Just a reminder: it is not the body we are weaning ourselves away from; it is the dependency and sense of fear and loss that we are weaning ourselves away from. It takes conscious will to change how we think, talk and touch that we wean ourselves away. We are not giving up the ability to make love or to have sex. That is not the issue at all. Not at all. It is the habit of feeling loss and insecure and dependent upon someone else that we are weaning ourselves away from.
Today Hurricane Milton is moving through Florida, heading north, over and beyond us. Doug and I are safe in Naples, FL but tornadoes are still touching down, according to the weather channel. I am sending love, celestial pink motherly love to the tornadoes, wind and rain. Be safe, be well, be happy I am saying to the elements. And to all who read this, please feel our love and celestial peace. Go up into the higher zones and find the highest happiest feelings you can today, and always. Blend with the higher goodness within yourself. Be safe. This will raise your spirits. Blessings from the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angelics, Master DK, Mother Earth and me, Nancy
9/29/24 - Cosmic Contact & The Galactic Federation
GoddessSphere Newsletter of 9/29/24
(formerly Anakosha)
by Me Nancy and a Message from Ashtar
Hello friends!
The following message is a transcription from a video posted today on GFL.com. It's from Ashtar, a commander in the Galactic Federation of Light. GFL.com posts two of these channeled messages on Youtube every day from various extraterrestrial star families within the Galactic Federation. Ashtar is the commander of the Ashtar Command of the GFL. Ashtar first became known in modern times in the 1940's by Tuella, a well-known channel and writer now deceased . Actually Ashtar was known before that, but none as well known as Tuella. There is a long-involved history of the Galactics (extraterrestrial civilizations) who have been visiting, watching and assisting us where possible without interfering due to breaking harmony with the universe.
My first exposure to the Galactics was thru George Adamski in 1963, though I didn't understand. It was extremely transcendental, almost like being in trance when I was around him. After Adamski died, I started having depressions which led to full-blown breakdown five years later, and I left my beautiful two little sons behind with their dad, to save myself from dying. Eight years later I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening without knowing or preparing. I went into the light, heaven or bliss, in an OBE, which I saw at first. Then I lost consciousness and had no memory for 8 or 9 hours. My metabolism speeded up over the next few days, months and years. I began receiving words in my mind. They threatened to drive me crazy. I wrote them down to get them out of my head.I became a channel myself. Four years later I was led to a book by the Master Djwhal Khul and began reading. He began talking to me in my mind and has been my guide ever since.
Meanwhile I am in contact with higher realms, the galactics are ever there in my consciousness. I feel to remain quiet and underground, not to promote this connection but to write about it for I am constantly channeling new information. Now the Galactics are sending messages with more speed. The feeling is to hold space for celestial love and cosmic light while remaining grounded and stabilized. The whole point of ascension is to raise the BODY, not leave the body behind!? like so many spiritual people want to do. Remain connected to physicality. "Don't leave!" Remain open and in contact with the higher realms of light. So it has been an amazing journey over the last 48 years, of ascended masters, galactics and having human interactions of all kinds. While seeing star ships in the sky occasionally, and seeing ETs in the super market (?). There are others now writing about their experiences encounters too. There is a speeding up process of disclosure and ascension going on. It is through stillness and meditation that one enters into inner spaces and receives information. Inner spaces between the electrons and sub-atomic particles. It's mostly sub-terranean, below the surface of the exterior hard shell of the physical body and it is accessed by stopping the mental chatter. Then the inner knowledge of inner space (outer space?) bleeds through. Like light that shines through a thinly veiled curtain. Now here's the message from Ashtar today:
“I am Ashtar Sheran and it is a pleasure to be with you in these exciting times of great shifts on your beloved Earth. Look to the skies, my star seed companions, for more and more of you will begin to see the visibility of our ships. This new wave of sightings will not just be for those who hear and resonate with these words, but for so many others across the planet. There are many who are going to have as you would say, their minds blown. Disclosure is coming but it will not come from your governments. It is coming directly from us to the people. While we cannot entirely rule out some form of disclosure from your Earthly authorities, the likelihood remains uncertain.
"This is actually good news for you. You are in control of how disclosure happens. Once enough people reach a certain level of consciousness we can begin landing and working with you more directly. Fear not a mass awakening for a specific critical mass is not necessary at this time. Many are already awake [believe] and many more are awakening every week [beginning to see]. It is now inevitable that more and more people across the planet will recognize that you are not alone in the universe. The long-standing fallacy the program instilled within you over time, is ending. The dark forces’s plans to get ahead of disclosure continues to backfire more and more, and this will be the norm. The norm, for example your recent cascade of solar storms that caused the greatest Northern Lights that many have ever seen on your Earth, was claimed by the dark ones to be their doing. While this confused a few for a short time, most quickly saw through the lies.
“From there it began to spark further and deeper questions about weather modification and the like, causing their narrative to be questioned even more. This will play out for a little longer. Be patient with everyone, beloved friends. One of your goals right now is to assist with disclosure, so treat others as you wish to be treated. The fallacy of being the only intelligent species in the galaxy will be replaced by the understanding that you are connected to the entire universe. You are becoming a galactic civilization and all of you on the planet - those that choose, will join the Galactic Federation of Worlds to serve the cosmos. It is up to each and every one of you now. As Sananda, Archangel Michael and others have asked, reach out to more of your brothers and sisters on the earth, introduce them to disclosure whenever the opportunity arises. Tell them to look up into the skies and see what they previously could not, for it is true that those who have eyes to see shall see, and more and more shall have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
“Yes, you may encounter skepticism still, but do not worry. You are planting seeds and you can’t control how they germinate. So we in the Ashtar Command at this time are saying “Get planting!” This connection to the universe signifies a monumental shift. The realization that you are part of a galactic civilization is profound, altering your understanding of your place in the cosmos. As you awaken to this truth you will find yourselves drawn to the skies where our ships become increasingly visible. This visibility is a sign, a message that the time of isolation is ending and a new era of unity and cooperation is beginning. The journey to this awareness is ongoing with each of you playing a crucial role.
“Spread the word, share the vision and help others see the skies with new eyes. The more people understand this connection, the faster we can move toward direct collaboration. Fear not the unknown for you are never alone. Your awakening is part of a larger cosmic plan. One that brings you closer to your true potential as members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
“I leave you know in love, peace, harmony and understanding. Until next time we of the galactic communities are very close. Reach out and keep an open mind for we might just send you a signal. We love you.”
Ashtar Sherhan.
Thanks for Listening. Blessings from the Ascendeds, the Galactics, Angelics, Master Djwhal Khul, Ashtar and me, Nancy
9/22/24 - GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter
(formerly Anakosha)
Ascension symptoms
by Me Nancy and Master Djwhal Khul
Things are speeding up rapidly. I receive so many inspiring threads of thought every morning that I don't know which one to do first. So I am going to finish this draft which was ready to go several days ago and get it off my "to do" list. I am doing some serious re-researching on the Ascension Massage, which I first posted 10 years ago on this website but didn't follow through with it. Now the times are changing dramatically and the push is on. First I must get this one out.
I'm all alone in my asension journey, as I'm sure the reader is too. Experiencing consciousness shifts is very confusing and that's what I'm here to talk about. Unsure what's happening in the world? Well, we are in the midst of a major galactic event. Yes, galactic. This is the first time that any planet in our galaxy has ascended to the fifth dimension WITH her humans on board, physically taking their body with them. Or so the extraterrestrials have been saying. Our little earth is part of a larger whole. I don't know how many are tuned into this fact, but because I am a writer and a student of the ascended masters AND the galactics (they work together), I have written more journals than it's possible to count. I'm gathering them together now.
It all started with my OBE into the light in 1976, when my metabolism speeded up and words started flowing thru my mind. Eventually I met the Master Djwhal Khul and a merge began taking place between my normal mind and a mind that was larger than mine. Ascension symptoms started for me a long time ago. But today they are hitting the fan like crazy and blowing like dandelion fluffs all over the world. It's a growing problem and very few main networks are talking about it.
I doubt many are aware that the earth is going through a major galactic turning-of-the-page evolutionary change. While the TV networks don't carry the story, there are other sources. Even though I've had Master DK to ask questions of, he can't help when it's my own personal body. I have to deal with it. It's my problem alone but his guidance has been invaluable. He had to go through the same thing himself. The first symptom is old and creaky. I just want to lie down and die. It's too much. Too frustrating. Loss of hope. Loss of interest. I just want to go home. And the first test is to get past that stage and determine NOT to give up, to keep on trekk'n. Then with each passing of a test one gets stronger and confusions clear away. You start to see better and understand better.
But the first symptom is a serious problem, just wanting to quit and give up the ghost. The pull is strong to do so. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and light is information. Light is information, yes, but information can't do anything unless that information is used and put into action. The second step is using the information that comes pouring through the mind. Light is inspiration but Love is USING that inspiration (information). We are not supposed to suppress inspired information that comes to us. We are designed to flow inspiration and information out to others to contribute to the ongoing evolution of the community. Not to keep it to yourself. That's what I learned and that's why I write. If I don't write, the light backs up like a river behind a dam and confusion results. If I don't find some way to get this information out to others, I'm useless. I become a block in the road. I need to do something constructive and helpful. Something proactive. Currently I'm gathering all of Djwhal Khul'ss channelings over the years into one book, soon to be published through Doug''s new Shopify website "Goodboox dot co", which he is working from his side of the office..
Everywhere on the planet, there are upgrades going on. Each individual is feeling it differently and uniquely. This is a major consciousness shift. It is gentle and perhaps not noticeable, because it's the background consciousness that is going thru the shift, not our up-front physical brain mind. Our brain mind is just a physical organ. An important physical organ, of course, but it carries on only from the nerves that are embedded into it. It doesn't have access to the background consciousness shift. That's US! WE are the background spirit of the body. WE are the founder and builder of this body we live in. WE are the resident soul in the body. The brain mind as an organ operates on habit. It's pretty mechanical. It knows what to do. It was trained very well how to use the data stored in it. But WE are the spirit of the body, the evolving soul that is getting the upgrade. WE are feeling the confusion because we are receiving BOTH the organic brain telling us what to do, plus we're getting upgrades and messages from our HIGHER self, our REAL self which is tied into the larger Plan.
The brain is like every other organ in the body. It's a physical organ like the heart, lungs and spleen. It needs to be cared for and we each do that the best that we can. But our brain has been trained like a puppy, to do what we tell it to do. It needs to be fed, nurtured and cared for. And now at this crucial point in our evolution, it needs to be clued in. It needs to be upgraded. We need to teach our brain new tricks, new words, new methods by which to act, for it feeds the rest of the body. That is its main function. But the brain mind does not know about the greater Plan of ascension which is coming from higher realms. That is up to us to bring it up to date.
By talking to our brain and other organs, we are upgrading our body. It is important that we do that. We are in charge. In turn our body will give us a feelings of wellness, of comfort, of security and peace. When the body feels at peace WE feel at peace. We say, "Oh, I feel so good!" When the body is not in sync with our soul, we feel bad. When (the soul) are out of sync with our body y to our body there are problems. How many understand this? We are having symptoms, pains, struggles, depression and we don't understand what's wrong. We say, "Oh, I am hurting so badly!" And we complain or go to the doctor.
The first lesson in ascension training is to learn to comfort the body. We must take time out of our busy hectic days and become quiet. Become still. Even just napping often during the day helps, like my husband. He has the program down pat. Then our body has a chance to realign with us, the resident intelligence or soul of the body. Then the organs naturally fall into alignment. Then the body provides us with a feeling of comfort. We are physically back together again and we can say, "Oh, I feel so peaceful today!" It is important during these ascension times (and they will not last) to do this often. We must tune into our body and assure it that it is in safe hands. We are its mother. We are the mother of our own body, the caretaker or gardner of our body. We must nurture it and make it feel good.
Loving your body is essential at this time. Love it by talking to it so it croons and hums along with you. Love your body. Love other people's bodies too but don't interfere with them or take advantage of them. Just comfort them as best you can. This consciousness shift is a mystery. We badly need to be educated about it. Our soul is in control of the ascension shift, we are the resident intelligence here. But how many people are aware of their spiritual nature? Of their soul? And that it is actually the background intelligence of the body? We are vaster, and wiser than we know. We are the spirit of the body that keeps it alive. As our soul (higher self is spirit) flows through us we feel it as FEELINGS - through sensations of warm, warmer, hot or cool, cold, freezing. It is through feelings that spirit (soul) communicates with our brain mind, the ego. It is the vaster spirit intelligence that keeps our body intact and safe. At the higher end we feel it as love. Take time out to talk lovingly to your body. Talk to it and tell it how much you love your heart, lungs, kidneys, brain. I'm serious. Bring comfort to your body and your body will respond in kind.
There are many people like me who are accessing the higher realms, but we don't know how many others are also aware. And how many are not. This knowledge is being held back. That is why people do not understand. But gradually more information is coming out into the open. It's a struggle but it's happening. The ascension process is an expansion of consciousness above and beyond focus confined to "just physical". This shift in consciousness is expanding our understanding from "just physical" focus of the third dimension and opens the doors to the fourth dimension which brings in new information. And the higher we go we enter the rarefied realms of the fifth dimension of consciousness. The wider you stretch yourself, the higher you go. The fifth dimension is the big leap where we shift from animal man to God-conoscious man, also known as galactic man or cosmic intelligence man.
This is when we as a planetary race become aware that we are cosmic. We learn about the "more" from which we descended when we first embodied as physical. We had to evolve through the animal stage before we could go further. Before we had sufficient brain cells to comprehend that we are part of a larger universal family. We are not alone and the universal family is vast. It is infinite. And so we have to take it in small steps or it will blow us away. This shift from animal man to God-man is called ascension. Earth is struggling with it but it's happening very fast now in these days. Everything that we knew back 10, 20, 30 years ago is changing. We are going to see more changes with each day, week, month and year that passes. Our body feels these changes before our brain mind does. It is up to us to keep pace with the changes on a daily basis. This is why community gatherings are becoming important. There are messages from the galactics. We must share information with each other. The brain mind is not helping us because all it has is yesterday's information. We are being upgraded through FEELINGS and inner perceptions. This is what we should be sharing with each other.
Our emotions are an aspect of our spiritual nature. Our brain mind is a physical organ and doesn't have access. Its only access is from US, from our feelings. Our feelings tell us when we are on the right track. Our feelings tell us what to do. They tell us to re-program our brain mind and bring it up to date. Meditation is an excellent way to re-program the brain. We are the resident spirit or (if you will) the evolving soul resident in the body. It requires us to sit our body down and make it become calm and quiet. When it enjoys calmness the brain becomes receptive for re-programming. Become one with your brain and upgrade the brain so it is not so confused. I have had to learn to do this for myself. When we were animal man we only knew about the physical world. We didn't know about our cosmic heritage. Animals are not aware of cosmic heritage, soul or spirit.
We are shifting out of animal brain into God/Goddess brain, and it's happening very fast. Other planetary civilizations in the galaxy have already gone thru this process. They have evolved higher intelligence and more harmonious ways to live and traverse space and visit other planets. They are trying to visit us. They HAVE been visiting us. For thousands of years we saw them come and go. We called them "angels" in pre-biblical times, "coming down out of heaven". These higher, more evolved civilizations who know how to travel space are here to assist us. They are watching and trying not to traumatize us in the process. Do not fear them. Trust that there are a lot of other beings out there beyond earth, who are aware of what we are going through. They will be visiting shortly in physical form, as soon as we are able handle it without too much fear. We are growing more mature in that regard. We are expanding our focus beyond former limits of "just physical ". They don't want to scare us or make us fearful. They too started out as animal man and evolved to see beyond "just physical", so they know what we are going thru. There is a saying: "We come from the stars!" They come literally from what we know of as stars, but so do we. Many of us have lived on those other planets. We will be visited shortly by some of them. But we will feel, upon meeting them, that they are familiar. They are literally our older brothers and sisters, ready to warmly welcome us into the family fold. And give us more instruction on how to handle it and live in harmony with each other. UFO disclosure is underway.
We have been evolving right along, decade after decade, century after century, learning as we go, expanding brain cells. It is through personal interaction experience that we grow new synapses in our brain, which then sends messages to other parts of the body to keep the body in alignment. Enough of us have now reached that higher realm of understanding that breaks through the ceiling. What's above the ceiling? Each of us experiences it differently, because we have had prior participation experiences in our past. We know things we did not know we knew because it's on a deeper level. It is our foundation knowledge. We are adding to our own previous foundation as an evolving soul. It is an inner private process. Every planet has its own unique culture growing on it and we are one such planet. We are Earthlings. We are experiencing one of those extraordinary "break thru the ceiling" events on our planet. The ascension from animal man to God-man. It is a very big step for mankind.
We've been getting lots of messages from the others - the Pleiadians are number one. The Sirians, the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the Lyrans. Those are the first five at the top of the list, but there are many other galactic civilizations. And there is a league of lightworkers. Those who are consciously working to bring harmony and good will, versus those who are opposed to harmony and good will. The so-called dark side. The physical-only worlds - the lower dimensions of consciousness - are limited to the belief that the physical body is all there is. Or who take advantage of those who so believe. The ascension breaks us out of that focus into the larger awareness of our true reality. Our life is more than we thought it was. As my sister said on her death bed, "I'm more than I thought I was!" She saw it as she was leaving her body. In this physical ascension event, we have the opportunity of keeping our body intact and expanding to know that there is "more", that we are part of a "more", a cosmic community that is infinitely more. First of all, that there are other planets in our galaxy and there are people living on them who are more dignified, elegant, noble and intelligent than we. We are not alone after all.
It's a major upgrade and negative attitudes are naturally starting to fade away. As we learn more about our friendly neighbors we begin to lose our fears about survival. It is comforting to realize that we are not alone and further, that they have more advanced knowledge including technology to share with us. But the more important work is the human work. The BIG work is going on within each individual on a feeling level. What we call the soul level. I have been working on myself alone, but I have had the Master DK guiding and instructing me. I have been writing and sharing this information as best I can. Meanwhile, ascension symptoms continue in the form of confusion and sometimes physical problems.. Disorientation, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, lack of sleep, discomforts of every kind. But the world is changing and support and education are badly needed. Gentle, kindly humane workshops with enlightened and qualified leaders is required.
My friends know my interests but I am a senior and past the age of being a leader. So the next best thing is to keep promoting the ascension massage. This has been an urge for a long time, so I will continue to offer it on a small scale. The Ascended Masters wish to see the Ascension Massage Exchange Network implemented so that more people will be involved and prepared and be able to put their hands on people and share the light. If you are interested, contact me by return email. We can discuss it further. I am available. I do not have a following. The ascension massage is a love-filled healing method done with light-filled hands and a light-filled mind. Some preparation is required beforehand.
The Ascension process is when the individual melds with, or allows his or her soul to blend with the brain mind and body. The soul WANTS to live in a human world and WANTS to participate in a physical life, but it can’t because of so many negative thoughts and feelings that have jammed up and plugged up the inner workings of the body, mind and feelings trough lack of knowledge or understanding. The vibrations between soul and body do not align or match up. The ascension massage exchange will help sweep away accumulated toxins that are jamming the nervous system network. Our job as human beings is to do everything we can to cleanse our physical body of that which is blocking the divine flowing. A network of like-minded individuals will bring astounding changes in healing and clearing.
No one person has all the answers or solutions. We are a community off evolving new agers. Humanity is ready to begin the sharing of light thru hands-on loving touch and conversation, sharing freely. Speaking honestly and truthfully about suppressed hidden knowledge will cause a spreading wildfire of excitement - knowledge that has been kept secret, barely above subconscious levels because it was not acceptable. When there are avenues for this information to be openly distributed, there will be no holding back the powers of healing. First we must learn how to trust one another and share our feelings, our knowings, our learnings, what we receive in our daily silences. More and more is coming to me as I type these words. Feelings like a rushing gathering speed. Like a torrent of water going over a fall. It is a happy feeling. It feels good and promises more of the same as we adjust our vibrations to a higher level of expansiveness. It takes a stepping back, a lighter foot, a happier smile, more joy in the heart. It takes courage and trust and the feeling of friendship. The divine self has a body too, but it’s too refined to enter a human body that still holds a dour and clunky expression of negativity. We need to lighten up.
With peace, love, light, kindness, joy, freedom and respect from the Galactics, the Ascendeds, the Angelics, the Master Djwhal Khul, and me, Nancy. Be safe, Keep looking up.
9/3/24 - GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter
(formerly Anakosha)
The Mother Flame Part 4
by Master Djwhal Khul and me, Nancy
Hello my friends! Once more I am here with Part 4 of the Mother Flame series. Below is the second half of DK's last article, which was too long for one newsletter so I split it. The Mother Flame is a very ancient teaching that was never presented to humanity before. (Pause - I'm being told that it was LIVED but never taught because it was natural and instinctive.) My near 50 years of study with the Master DK has brought this understanding to me. The power of the Mother Flame was referred to as Kundalini in past centuries. In this current day more is being brought forth about this mystical power in the pelvis and, in fact, is being taught in workshop environments by certain ones.
The Mother Flame is a non-physical power in the pelvis, specifically in the vicinity of the coccyx (the tailbone). The coccyx is the geometric center of the physical body. An equal part of the physical body lies up above it to the head, and an equal part lies below it to the bottoms of the feet. The head is where we focus all our attention. We think with our physical brain, but we have negelected the body part below the head. The body below the head is where the Mother Flame is mainly felt. It is in the body cells and tissues that the Mother Flame flows, when she flows, thru the nerves. Meanwhile, subconscious and unconscious energies float around randomly thru us, when the Mother Flame is not active. Because it takes conscious awareness to activate it and we haven't had the teaching yet. Sciene refers to it as genetic material. The brain is where we stay most of the time, separated from each other with our thoughts. But it is thru the BODY that we feel feelings of closeness and intimacy, and pick up silent innuendoes from each other. The Mother Flame is the oneness which is pure love, and we all have it in us.
This makes us dual creatures. We live in a world of opposites. We are creatures growing in intelligence on one end, and in love on the other. Duality exists because the brain thinks it is unique and separate from everyone else, and the Mother Flame thinks it is all love and connected in harmony, bliss and love. In fact, both are right. The Mother Flame comes up from the pelvis, the Father Flame comes down from above the head (above, not from inside). They meet in the area of the heart. There's a glow there. That's why the masters always direct us to focus on our hearts. The physical heart resides precisely half way between the pelvis and the crown of the head and there Father and Mother flames blend and balance the body. The blend of love and intellect retains individuality and brings a feeling of wholeness and fulfillment to the physical life. Now, the second half of DK's article. The first half was sent out on August 30 and is posted in GoddessSphere in the Newsletter section.
by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
The desires that flow through us are the desires of the one infinite creator. We need to become conscious that we are one and the same consciousness that flows through ALL of our friends, families and strangers we meet on the street. We are ALL one consciousness. What makes us different and unique is our HUMANNESS. Our human form is the unique part of us. But underneath the form, behind the form, the consciousness that flows through us is one and the same consciousness as all of our friends and families. We are different because we have learned different skills and taken on different attitudes. We are different because we have spent lifetimes, over and over, many lifetimes, being human. Sometimes these lives were lived on other planets, not always on Earth, but humans live throughout the universe, along with other species that are not exactly like us.
So it is that we are here to learn how to maneuver and master these bodies that we find ourselves in. As you can imagine there are some pretty precise details that the spirit spark must learn and master in its day-to-day living. These details have already been designed by master intelligences far beyond us – those who have mastered their OWN bodies a long time ago – but we must learn them, study them and spend time flowing consciously through them to feel grown-up and sufficiently able to master our “coming and going” in our bodies. Ascended masters have already done that and they don’t have to repeat being born again. They ascended to a higher plane but they are “on call” to help us and guide us. They commune with us telepathically, on higher thought realms.
This is one of the functions that we mortals need to learn how to do, how to use our higher consciousness to communicate with other beings telepathically. We need to learn to trust it. To believe that it’s really happening. We must gain confidence in our mind-to-mind silent communication with others. Our intelligence is constantly flowing through our form and we are largely unaware. We are in the process of becoming more aware. We are becoming more intelligent. More sophisticated. More learned. And feeling more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. As we feel more at home in our bodies we feel more peaceful and more serene. We find ourselves making decisions better and with more clarity. It is not that we are smarter than the others around us, it is that we are becoming more awake, more aware, more conscious.
Other things we are becoming aware of if we meditate, all along the spine there are smaller channels branching off, called nerves. We have a complex nervous system called the tree of life. Infinity flows through these channels to activate and feed intelligence to the organs, the spleen, the liver, pancreas, the glands, kidneys, all the organs in the body need to receive the circulation of the life force, the intelligence that is actually US. We are the spirit that enlivens our body and keeps it alive with our attention, with our alertness, with our caring, with our directed thoughts. As we “think” about our bodies so our bodies quicken and become alive and thrive under our tutorship, our mentorship, our mastership, our caring. When we don’t know that we are the immortal life force flowing through our bodies, the bodies die from lack of attention. They grow old, weak, diseased, and chronically ill. There are ancient systems that are being rekindled today in broad public forums, teaching these methods of awareness and wakefulness.
We are being resurrected from a deep sleep of not knowing anything about this. We are being woke up. The immortal intelligence which is us is quite aware of itself, but we think we are “just the body”. We are not. We are so much more. We are the life of the body. We must now learn to navigate it from the INSIDE. Not go to the doctor to take pills. Continue taking pills but do start to learn how to maintain your body without the pills. We will be learning how to navigate the smaller channels and see where it goes. When it reaches there, when we are tuned inward and listening inward and feeling inward, we receive revelations in the form of visions and feelings of bliss. The feeling of the spirit moving through our organs and muscles and blood, is sooo soft, so sweet, so tender, so refined, so light and airy, and so loving that you could swoon and faint! It is so beautiful. It is called nirvana and samadhi in the ancient teachings of India.
And when it flows through the brain it enlightens the brain and the brain cells blossom like a thousand petaled lotus, a common phrase used in the Vedic scriptures. We will learn how to maneuver through these tiny channels and cells and go out through the arms and notice where the elbow bends, and where the wrist and fingers bend, and how the legs bend at the knees and how the hips work, and the ankles and toes. We learn by FEEL that WE are the ones moving our muscles to cause the walking. We used to take our bodies for granted that it already knew how to operate, but it grew old and died without our understanding that it is US who keep the body alive. We are learning through lifetimes, many lifetimes of first-hand experience. Soon we come to the realization that we can manifest a body anytime we want to. We do not have to be “born” through another human being such as a mother.
The people living near us today have lived many times before, in different cultures, in different parts of the planet. And other planets too. They have all developed knowledge of how it works and are now better able to move it more skillfully and efficiently. But there is so much more to learn. And yet there are pleasure sensations that distract it from exploring further inward, alone, by oneself. It is more fun to go out to play with the neighbor kids and have fun dancing and exploring and learning the ways of the outer world. It leaves the inner exploration for later. (end)
Blessings from the Ascended Masters, our Galactic neighbors, the Angelics and me, Nancy
8/30/24 - GODDESSSPHERE Newsletter
(formerly Anakosha)
The Mother Flame Part 3
by Master Djwhal Khul and me, Nancy
Greetings everyone! Welcome to the "GoddessSphere" newsletter, formerly the Anakosha newsletter. Master DK and I are focusing on The Mother Flame. This is Part 3 with more parts to come. DK stepped in several days ago to remind me that Kundalini is NOT the mother flame! I didn't realize that. I am a student still learning. However, there is an increase in solar flares recently, as shown on the Schuman scale, which means we too are getting an increase of light flares. We are being upgraded. Our genetic material (DNA) which created us as a baby is being altered to fit the new earth frequencies. This is discombobulating, to say the least. A lot is happening. This information is coming from many sources, Those of us who have a spiritual background are aware more than those who have not been exposed to such information. Current politics and wars in the outer world are worrisome to many people. However, we live in interesting times. The reason is the SOUL brain coming on line. The spiritual brain, so to speak. This soul brain is located in the pelvis on the etheric level (see pictures of the auric field on the internet). This soul brain or spiritual brain is known as the Mother Flame, heretofore known as Kundalini by the ancients.
The brain in the head is a physical organ. It is the only brain we know about. We think of the pelvis as being reserved for sexual and elimination organs, so we don't refer to them often, at least not in polite company. However, there is a rare jewel buried there which we have never been told about. It is called the Mother Flame, or kundalini by Eastern gurus. The Mother Flame is not a universal power. It is not a super-power. It is the ONLY power. It is the life force which enables solid bodies to live, breathe, walk, talk, grow up and evolve to higher more mature levels. It does this through the power of love. It has taken me years, God Bless the Master DK for having patience with me, many years to fit this knowledge into my "skin". The Mother Flame is life itself. It's a live wire down there in our tailbone, literally wired into the Almighty. It's called the root chakra which roots us to the earth planet and allows us to live and breathe off of the planet's resources. As this "live wire" activates due to the increase in solar light from the sun, we are receiving revelations. Our physical body is being upgraded with new ideas, new concepts and galactic visitations from our more highly evolved neighboring planets. It is confusing. There is a great need for some explaining to do. The physical brain in the head doesn't understand. It is causing headaches, dizziness and other problems (for me) but it's all proving to be most interesting.
Step by step the lessons continue. The ancient order of the Mother Flame came to me ten months ago for the first time. It was a transcendental experience which I wrote about in newsletter of August 4. It felt so soft, gentle, sweet and motherly - blissful beyond description. Like being held by someone immensely kind and caring. The Mother Flame is our real self. We have been around forever, while our human brain is only as old as we are, 86 years for me. But my soul has lived thru many embodiments (I remember about 20 of them) and it knows more than my physical brain knows, It gives me flashes here and there, but no details. This soul brain is innate, mostly unconscious or subconscious. It activates when it is ready to activate. When the environment is ready to accept it. It is otherwise kept inside, buried.
It is the REAL person inside the shell called human. We ARE the Mother Flame. And we each have had many experiences and accumulated much wisdom. We carry it around with us everywhere we go. We don't remember because we are operating on the head brain which has been fed head brain knowledge. We are NOW activating the soul brain knowledge, so be prepared. We have lived countless numbers of lives, not all human. There was a beginning somewhere back there long ago. We have evolved our consciousness through many planetary lives, both here on this planet and on other planets as well. But our REAL identity, our individuality, is as vast as God itself, for we ARE God. That which we call God. This soul brain knows. It is anchored at the base of the spine and is as pure as the driven snow. It is innocence and idealism and perfection. We feel it on occasion as a yearning for Home, for the original truth and beauty and fairness that we knew before being in form.
As a student of the Master DK, I have been receiving dictations for years. I've been learning and collecting them. The following was dictated only recently, on 2/21/23. It is exactly as he dictated it. It has not been edited or added to in any way. Please enjoy.
by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
See how the infinity flows and grows from the root chakra, the kanda, the mother flame. There is a pouch of infinity surrounding the coccyx. Actually it’s just a piece of consciousness. It doesn’t have a shape or boundaries around it. It’s a piece of perfect, a piece of the Oneness. It is you, your own spirit spark, or spirit pouch. It is your eternal soul. At conception in your mother’s immortal womb, implanted by your father’s immortal seed, you as an immortal spirit spark came to Earth. It immediately attached to Mother Earth’s spirit spark of immortality at the center of the planet, and became one with her. Her father is the Sun. There is always a mother and a father in form life.
Mother Earth’s immortal spirit holds you to the form life so you can live, breathe and grow a form around your spirit spark [at the root chakra, the mother flame]. And so the cells start dividing and coagulating at conception, and start clinging together. They are under the guidance of an immaculate intelligence. You are a baby spirit spark in this particular form that is being built now. You are an immortal consciousness as a spirit spark, but your body is not. You are conscious intelligence building a body. You are here to build the perfect form, so perfect that you as an immortal consciousness can thoroughly enjoy it. Forms have the capacity of pleasure. Forms come in diverse shapes and sizes. The opportunity for creating and feeling good in a form living with other forms, has yet to be explored and experienced to the maximum degree. This is because form life gives SO much pleasure that the spirit spark expands and expands through the process known as nirvana or samadhi (a total bliss-out), until it jumps out of the form and returns to the ocean of love and bliss from which it came. It is referred to as “home” by the beings in form.
Now let’s talk about the mechanics of the spirit spark and how it distributes through the form to keep it alive. The celestial infinite consciousness is now seeded on Mother Earth to grow this form. There is a main channel, the spine, which grows up from the tail bone where the infinity pouch is located. This spiritual pouch of infinity and immortality is called the kanda, or kundalini. From this location a solid channel is built that runs up to the head, and two solid legs grow down upon which it walks on feet on the earth. The spirit spark of immortality is located at the center of the form, the hub of the wheel so to speak. And it is a sphere. While solid earth cells build into the recognizable form of a human being, the spirit spark which is doing the building radiates outward all around, 360 degrees, like a light bulb radiates a room or a space around its location. This light is conscious. It is called an aura but most people do not see it with their physical eyes. It is a piece of the infinite sea of life out of which all forms blossom forth. All forms are seeded by the same piece of oneness or immortal perfection.
The sea of life grows together to higher spheres because of the wisdom each individual spirit spark is contributing in its journey through matter and finite form. All are seeded and drawing from the same sea of perfection. Now, once stabilized in form the process begins of circulating this life-giving intelligence through the channels that were prepared for it to flow through. The design held by the mother flame is immaculate. It knows exactly how to flow through the human form, for it is both father and mother God flowing now through the little human embryo and baby. It builds the perfect baby human and gives it birth. If the mother and father were masters of form, the baby is perfect. But all form life is contaminated from former experiments of right and wrong action taken. The errors are inevitable in building the perfect form and these errors need to be corrected. So life is lived again and again to correct what was a mistake in the last life.
Meanwhile the forms come and go. They die and get buried in the earth. Science refers to errors in a person’s body as faults in the DNA. This comes from prior form life of the parents and also of the baby. All form life is seeded by an immortal spirit spark intelligence experiencing trials and errors as a form. The spirit spark does not have a form in its original state of consciousness. It is simply aware, conscious and intelligence without a form. It has no flaws yet whatsoever. It is a pure spirit spark that comes forth through birth to experience playing on the fields of the planet with other spirit sparks. The spirit spark matures in understanding through form life.
Planetary life, i.e.,form-building and form-enjoying, is an exciting project for creator. Creator is the immortal oneness, the everlasting one. It breaks off a piece of itself and creates little spirit sparks through intention and directing thought in its own way. It directs it downward to give it birth in matter. It slows it down by descending the vibration, so it coagulates and becomes clumped together the way water freezes into ice. However it is always a piece of perfection. It cannot lose its immaculate perfection, which has been called the immaculate conception. Immaculate conception does not refer to Jesus of Mother Mary, but of ALL human beings. All humans have an immaculate perfection in their beginning. They just cover over that immaculate blueprint with false information, or errors and mistakes, which must eventually be redeemed or corrected and “fixed” so the original perfection can radiate freely.
Now safely born on a planet again in another new baby body, the spirit spark begins once more to familiarize itself with this new form. On planet earth we are human beings. On other planets the forms take on different shapes that do not necessarily look human, but may look somewhat humanoid. There are many different species being born and experimented with in the sea of eternal life out of which we ALL emerge, consciously, into form life. The baby form learns to move its hands and feet, mouth and voice, head and how to eat and how to reach and respond to sensations of touch, both the good touches and the not-so-good touches, different energies that come within range. It can feel energies as if they are its own energies.
Now, look at how this little piece of perfect circulates through the body. It must circulate or it will not be able to breathe or pump blood or walk or talk or activate the vital organs that the form needs in order to be a living form. The geometric center of the human body is the tail bone, called the coccyx. The spirit spark, which is NOT FORM but consciousness, is located in that area of the coccyx which is called the mother flame. It radiates up the spine located within the backbone, to the head activating the brain, and travels down over the forehead and front of the body activating the organs as it flows downward. It makes a side flowing trip out the arms to the hands and fingers, and back again to the heart, where it continues the downward flowing below the heart, through the stomach, intestines and reproductive organs, feeding them with life force. At the sacral area it divides and flows down the outside of the legs to the feet and back up the inside of the legs to the coccyx area again and repeats the circulation system of infinite energy up the spine to the head again and back down the front. Now, when it reaches the head it is joined by the downward flowing of the individualized father God, called the I AM That I Am.
There are many names, so don’t get hung up on the name. It is the Father consciousness which has given a piece of itself to this new spirit spark, called the son or the first born. Son meaning also daughter. The flow of infinity is the life force of the human being as the human form grows and matures from babyhood to adulthood and old age. But old age is only a matter of not feeding the form properly. We do not have to go through old age if we know how to keep our infinity flowing naturally and spontaneously without thinking. We don’t have to “think” about it, we merely need to become conscious that we are eternal immortal consciousness flowing through an otherwise blind, dumb, senseless robot of an earth body. We, the spirit spark who lives in it and makes it move, breathe, walk and talk, are the life force. We do not know that yet. We are getting ready to expand into that knowledge and say, “Ahhhh, Ahhhh, so that’s what it’s all about.” And we will wake up to this knowledge of who we are. (To be continued in the next newsletter)
Blessings, peace and love from our galactic neighbors, the Ascended Masters, the Angelics and mem Nancy
8/24/24 - ANAKOSHA Newsletter
Switching website to GoddessSphere
(The Mother Flame Part 2)
by me Nancy and Master Djwhal Khul
Hello everyone! We are back today with another message. We, meaning Master DK and me. The Anakosha website which has served me for many years in an active lifestyle, is now officially being changed. It switched over accidently a couple years ago and I didn't know how to correct it, so let it be. Now “GoddessSphere” better serves the new higher energies hitting the planet. When I proudly showed the new logo of women dancing, he asked, "Well, what about the men?" And rightly so. How DO men fit into the GoddessSphere website?
Well, this is a great moment to expand on The Mother Flame. My last newsletter (August 4) introduced the Mother Flame as the life force located in the pelvis at the base of the spine. The Mother Flame is known as Kundalini or Shakti or the Holy Spirit or perhaps other names. As we start to present about the Mother Flame, there will come more understanding. It’s going to difficult though, because there are two intelligences operating in us right now - a physical brain and a soul brain. The physical brain is all we know about right now. We THINK we are just this body but we only know what has been fed into this body’s brain from the moment of birth.
The soul brain on the other hand has lived hundreds, thousands perhaps trillions of lives. Who knows? We think we are one person who is having these experiences, but in fact we are much older than that. This second brain, the soul brain, is an intelligence that is huge. This knowledge is held by the Mother Flame, located in the root chakra on an etheric level. We are much wiser than we know but the knowledge lies in the unconscious. We didn’t know. A new dawn approaches. The Earth moves to a new location among the stars. Other planets interact with us. We start to know things. What is happening? The soul brain is seeping through. Our head brain, which only knows this one life, is confused. What do we do with this? We are starting to remember. Deeper means inner. As the “inner” starts coming out to enter our physical nervous system, we feel things. Our feelings are waking up. The inner and the outer are meshing. This is an ancient story. Other galactic civilizations have gone thru it before us. They are here to assist. We are getting information from them. What has been referred to as “flying saucers” and “star ships” are real. We are learning more by the day, by the hour. The higher we go out into the atmosphere surrounding our planet, the more “inner” space we bring forth because outer and inner are linking up. They are merging. We are merging. It is time to know more about our soul life. The Mother Flame has nurtured us, fed us with a life force that is of celestial origin. It is a super power. It is called kundalini. And there is more to come. Not from me but from your own Mother Flame within.
By introducing the Mother Flame we are introducing you to your real self, your soul that has lived many times before it came to rest in this body. And you will move on when this body dies, returning Home for some rest and relaxation. Some wonderful R&R with beloved friends and familiar “faces”. You will recognize them and communicate with them even without a body (smile!)
Back to the question that was raised, “How do men fit into this picture of only women?” Yes, I did get side-tracked. This is the fourth editing I’ve done, and each time it goes off-track. Sorry. DK is overlighting me.
The name change from Anakosha to GoddessSphere is a temporary shift representing the new age of empowering women. The greater Plan is to bring equality to both women and men. To bring balance through the efforts of love. And who better than women can bring forth love? Women are the nurturers, the mothers, the helpers and servers to the men who had other jobs to do. They have been over-used. They are now going through a healing process. They are being guided, strengthened and empowered slowly but effectively. After centuries of damage, killings, torture to the point of slavery, women have been given a grace period to recuperate their losses. While this is being done, men are being disempowered of their over-control and over-protection and over-zealous demands on their fellow human beings. In a loving balanced society each person is sovereign, except for small children. Even there, a more balanced child-guidance system will evolve out of more loving, balanced parents.
The Mother Flame is the divine mother, immortalized in the mantra “Adi Shakti”. In English it means “I bow to the all-encompassing power of the universe.” While it is the Mother of Life it does not favor women over men. It is the MATTER flame, the fire impregnated in all matter to give it life. It resides in men equally with women. It is there in the root chakra, the pelvis, awaiting the soul to grow up and discover it and henceforth meld into it, honor it, bow to it and thus improve, strengthen and empower the body in which it resides. The divine mother is equal to the divine father. They work together to build and evolve the form world. The soul has been repressed and tortured to death but it has not been killed off or we wouldn’t be here today. There is a natural innocence and a natural love within humanity that has been over-run by dark forces. It has been so throughout history.
The coming of women's empowerment will help to complete the shift on Earth from ignorance, lack and suffering to balance, harmony, justice and a benevolent society for everyone. It will take time but it’s on the way. Men are 50% feminine and women are 50% masculine when they are balanced. Neither dominates the other. It is togetherness thru love, patience, respect and honoring each other that works wonders. It is impersonal love expressed freely that works miracles, not ownership or control over another. As we learn more about this amazing power called kundalini at the base of the spine, also called Shakti or Shekinah that is awaiting release and discovery, we will change the course of world history and raise our hearts to higher realms. This of course, if you haven't gotten it yet, is the superpower that causes sex to happen. There is more to say on THAT subject! Much more. I feel the Master DK brimming with eagerness to talk, but I am only human and running out of energy. I must get this published or I will want to keep changing and editing. It will never get completed. Thank you DK for your persistent nudging. I love you!
Blessings from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, Angelics, Mother Earth who is ascending - and me, Nancy
8/4/24 - ANAKOSHA Newsletter
The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame
It was about nine months ago that I heard the phrase “The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame”. It was just prior to a love-making session with my husband. I lit the candles and incense and began a short meditation alone, and during those few minutes I was swept up into such a gentle loving place that was so soft, so sweet, so out-of-this-world, that I barely noticed the transition. I was home again, cradled in the arms of motherly love - a very unusual, rare experience. As I was coming down out of this transcendence I heard the words, "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame". Nine months later (today) I am sharing this information. I googled the phrase "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame" but could find nothing on the web. Needless to say, the lovemaking that morning was meaningful. The Mother Flame refers to the kundalini at the base of the spine. I already knew about kundalini. Over many years I learned about it through the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. I have many channeled teachings from him. But the appearance of "Mother Flame" was an extension beyond what I knew. I had come to know the presence of this primal essence, as a living presence in my body, and much more over the 49 years prior. There are various names to it, such as Shakti, Shekinah, the Holy Spirit, and other words, but it is distinctly feminine. Also kundalini. I’ve written about the mysterious force, kundalini, ever since 1976 when I had my first out-of-body experience into the Light. I have learned to work with it and play with it. It is a wider, larger consciousness or presence, than my own individual mind. But I have learned to communicate with it. I have adapted.
It was a slow process. It took time. I will speak of it in mystical terms now, as there is no other way. Kundalini is quiescent in the average person, dormant, passive and at peace. It is an etheric presence in the physical body. It drips its presence slowly up the spine to give the body life. We breathe because of it and move our limbs, but we don't know anything about it. We don't know it's there. This presence moves through the nervous system. It makes its presence known through awareness. The nerves carry sensations. Our bodies can’t live without it because it's the soul or the spirit or the life of the body. The name is unimportant. We haven't been taught about it. Different cultures have different names for it, but it's all about the inner path, inner awareness, subtle refined feelings. It's very personal. It is an awakening when the kundalini "moves", which it does occasionally, when love is felt. But generally speaking, kundalini is quiescent and quiet because we don't know it's there. One comes in contact with it in one's own time. We recognize it as different than one’s own mind, some foreign element not your own. When it is triggered it comes alive and starts flowing up the spine thru the nervous system. It is felt (for me) as a transcendence. Other people report it as a negative but for me it was bliss from the first. This is where the mystery lies. It all depends on the individual. It is very difficult to find words, but I have written tons of words about it. Bottom line: the Mother Flame is the soul. It is the original blueprint, the immaculate conception of the soul. It is holy. It is love. It is a larger love than human ego love as we humans understand it.
The phrase “Mother Flame” was new to me nine months ago. It was the first time I heard it. The feeling that came with it was sweetly feminine, transcendent and motherly, as I had felt it before. I have lived with it before. But that was the first time I heard the words, "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame". Once during a session with it I asked, "Who are you?" And it told me, “I am you, you are me and we are one.” I have many channeled words written from it. The masters over the ages have left records about kundalini, but they are from a masculine perspective. Gurus were mostly men and they gave cautions, dire warnings about the danger of arousing kundalini before being prepared to handle it. They taught rigid disciplines, routines and spiritual philosophy. But I was female, a spiritually-oriented person but unprepared. I had no prior training (in this life) and so I fell into the lush garden of Eden without looking back. There were no dire warnings or swords across my path. It was a gentle sublime experience.
It was one day in April 1976 in the women's gym at the Costa Rican Cariari Country Club. My husband and I had moved there the year before from California. My older sister had come to visit us. She was a disciple of an Indian Jain monk, a holy man. One day she and I drove with my husband to the country club and, while he golfed we went to the gym. There she led me in a guided meditation for the first time. During the inner silence of the meditation I was drawn to go down to my lower abdomen and it was there that I experienced a gentle "click” as if I had settled down into a place that was waiting for me. As if I belonged. Momentarily I began elevating upward in pleasant summery sunlight. It seemed the light had turned on so I opened my eyes to see, but nothing had changed in the outer room. I closed my eyes and continued drifting upward. Later I would tell people I had an out-of-body experience, but it was really a bliss experience. I blissed out and lost consciousness of the room I was in, but I didn't lose consciousness. I was super aware of being in a light filled space and I don't have words for it. Later, over dinner, my sister asked me "Where did you learn to do that?" She said I was jumping up and down, as in "levitation jumping" (I just googled that) But I wasn’t aware of doing that. I just thought to google that today for the first time. There is mention of it in Tibet.
Anyway, that was the first day kundalini activated in me. I was "gone" about 10 hours and returned to normal consciousness around 7 that evening. I've written about it extensively. I came zooming in over dinner. I found my sister standing over me serving my husband a plate of food. A book is yet to come out about this. But over the next 49 years this energy has transformed me. I did not know the phrase, “The Mother Flame” until nine months ago. It feels now that I have lived with it and tried to write about it, as if a capstone has been placed on top of me. Like an initiation maybe? As if after near 50 years of training and experience, I can now tell people about it. As if I have been given permission to speak. As if now I know enough to talk about it with wisdom. Plus I suspect it is time. Our civilization has awakened more to the spiritual life than EVER before. It is as if it is important to recognize there is an “Order” to it. An order to its unfoldment. The ancient ORDER of the Mother Flame. As if the human evolution has been made ready to understand the full impact of its sexuality and its loving nature. This ancient order has always been here but unknown. Before the earth was, it existed. The ancient order of the Mother Flame is a science. It is the path of love unfolding from within. It unfolds in its own time, only when an individual is ready, in an orderly fashion. It is never, ever evil unless it is poked, pushed and prodded. It will never hurt anyone because it is loving. It is the “matter flame”, the Mother implanted in matter. It is clean, peaceful, nurturing and tender. It is kind. Most of all it is Love. There is a science to love. It is the path of human wisdom, power and intelligence unfolding. And prior to humans walking on two feet instead of four, it guided the plants, minerals and animals in their evolutionary process.
There have been wise ones scattered all along human history, and teachings have been left behind. Sex is a spiritual path but it's only number 3 on a 7-level path. There is more to learn and experience. Tantra is a path of blending the spiritual and the physical together, happily, with joy and pleasure and uplifting attitudes leading ever higher into grace and reverence and love for ALL life, moving past selfishness and greed. DK's teachings are supportive of human needs, wants and desires, merging a larger reality (heaven) and the smaller reality (earth) together. The spiritual path doesn’t take sex away from people, it adds to it. It has been nearly 50 years that I have been studying this methodology, this science of consciousness that resides as a celestial presence in the physical body. But I’ve reached retirement age. It's growing boring. I’ve been collecting, sorting and posting these channeled gems from higher planes, onto my Anakosha website.
Anakosha will soon change to GoddessSphere dot org, officially. It already has if you haven't noticed. Anakosha is retiring from service. It served me well during the active years. Soon there will be a book coming out, maybe two - DK's and mine. DK's book is entitled "Tantra as a Way of Life". His suggestion. He explains in down-to-earth language how to weave heaven and earth together to feel more comfortable with yourself, more fulfilled, more happy and free. Because we humans are constantly shifting and changing our views and perspectives, it was difficult to follow his thought sometimes. He kept changing direction and focus. But now I understand. It was to keep me moving. My instinct was to settle down to one routine, but he kept changing it. It was his way of leading me ever onward. Not to rest on my laurels, as we humans tend to do. His messages are like bricks laid on top of one another in the construction of a temple that keeps going higher up.
Thank you Tamsen Fox for the name "GoddessSphere". Thank you for being the mother creator inventor of GoddessSphere, and my friend on the path - a real Hawaiian Goddess and a true mother of Earth forces. There is so much to share in that regard. I am smiling broadly. Bless you. Bless everyone from the Ascended Master DK, and from the Galactics who are ever present in the skies assisting in our awakening process. Love from me.
6/28/24 - ANAKOSHA Newsletter
UFO's, Disclosure, Ascension, Galactics & Starships
Expanding the language of love to build a 5D love club
(PLEASE NOTE: the Anakosha site is currently down, but GoddessSphere dot org reaches the same website.)
Hello friends and intimates on my newsletter list. This newsletter has changed quite a bit over the years, and once again a major uptick will be noticeable. A certain amount of wideness has been expanding my linear (limited) mind which amounts to increased understanding about love. Love is a universal phenomenon, not a personal thing. Personal love CAN be felt of course, but personal love is limited to one or a small number of people. It grows exponentially as we widen our feelings for others.Another word for love is feeling. Before we meet with more evolved extraterrestrials - more evolved morally, ethically, in intelligence and technology, we will need to expand our ability to embrace them. They will not come otherwise, for they don't want to cause fear and panic. While each of us is different in our unique ability to love, we are a collective together here on Earth. We are a collective race, just as the Pleiadians are a collecive, and the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, Lyrans, and others. Now we are being invited to join the Galactic Federation of Light. We are being asked to pull together as a world of peace, and so the beginnings are taking place. Disclosure has begun. The people themselves are stepping forward and revealing what they know. It is not the military or government who is doing the disclosure.
Back in 1976 when I was taken into the Light during a sudden and spontaneous kundalini activation, my mind was obliterated. I was "gone" about 8 hours. When I came back to full consciousness that evening, it was only the beginning. I had to deal with "What do I do with this now?" How do I integrate back into who I was? Well, I was fortunate. I had an intimate partner who cared and he wouldn't let me go. It has now been 48 years experiencing upgrades slowly sliding into my former mind. I have adjusted. I was prepared. I had training. After being exposed to light, i.e., knowledge beyond human limitation, the job was integrating it without going crazy. Which could have happened had I not had the help of an ascended master who appeared shosrtly thereafter. It was inner work, solitary work, no one including my intimate partner could help me. Today I see that others have been doing the same thing. I am not alone after all. I thought I was. The near-death and OBE experiencers have been sharing their stories in alternative media. Now I am speaking out too. This newsletter is going to a small list of people, not many, but I will find out who is ready to join me in starting a fifth dimensional love club here in Naples, Florida. It is personal. I will find out. Soon there will be an invitation to gather together to meet one another, but first let us take a look at what lies ahead.
On March 30, 2016, I woke up with the following words in my mind. I wrote them down on paper, still feeling them. "'You are love, conscious love, descending down step by step into a physical body, forgetting that you are love. You are an exquisite design all built out of love.' It is a continuation of teachings on Tantra. I felt the feelings of the chakras in place, as centers of warm love, warm suns, shining love out into me, as the basic and fundamental structure of who I am, myself, my light body. I am seeing this love sending out the lines of light we call meridians that form a massive web of light all through my body. I wondered about the psychic connections that people have with each other that trap them and bog them down. How does this relate to the warm love and light that is pure and holy? Then I saw the darker lines of light alongside the pure lines of light. And I decided to write this down so I wouldn’t lose the moment. This is what I wrote.
"It is all about warmth - love. Feelings. It’s about feeling the love, the warmth of love. Feeling. The centers are centers of divine love feeling. The meridians are lines of warmth, love, feeling, pure, holy. These get closed down for lack of conscious use. Instead there are other lines running alongside the pure lines. These are darker and contain not-pure thoughts. Continual thinking of the not-pure thoughts turn these into hardened wires of not-pure beliefs. I saw them. These mimic the web of life in that they run through the body in a web-like structure and reach out to connect with others across space and time and with other off-planet beings who are not pure and holy.
"This becomes a web of darkness, called the matrix. It is created by using these byways and highways over and over again. We cement the matrix into our reality, consciously or semi-consciously. We choose it and it influences us in negative ways that are not pure. It is all about usage. Which thoughts do we travel upon today? Energy follows thought. The dark thoughts continue to grow stronger and cement the matrix of not-pure into our lives. The pure, warm goodness is also traveling along a network of light to keep the body alive within us. It is always there, but which highway do we strengthen today with our thoughts and attention? The light highways or the secondary highways which we have created within ourselves and our world?
"Mantras, decrees, affirmations of a positive nature, said over and over again all day long, strengthens the highway of light within us and weakens the darker pathways from lack of use. The darker matrix will disappear in time as the light is influencing more of the thoughts of the people. But those who do not want to leave their wrong thinking and start aligning with the love, light and warm goodness available to them, will suffer. When the darkness shrivels up so will their lives shrivel up if they have not supported the light within them with goodness, love, light and warmth which is the more REAL AND SOLID of their nature. The earth itself is taking on more light and thus the dark in the earth is shriveling too.
"The light is what we are created out of. We are children of intelligence, warmth, goodness, love and light. It feels wonderful to be close to it. It is not mamby-pamby or flakey. It is solid and real. How real does love feel? It feels natural. When we are in close proximity to someone who is filled with love and light and goodness we want to stay in their presence. They are thriving and radiating warmth at the same time the darker hosts are weakening. There is a displacement happening within our bodies as we align more and more with thoughts of love and light and goodness and gratitude.
"The incomplete thinking that was done in error, that was influenced by the dark, has created a duplicate network which mimics the natural wholesome lines of light that is the structure and anatomy of the light body within us, which is the fundamental life force and breath force. The dark circulates through the body too and carries fear, doubt, frustration, anger, judgment, intolerance - everything that is not pure love and not normal to a healthy human being. This dark network will disintegrate faster by replacing “normal” thinking with enlightened statements, decrees, affirmations, mantras, prayers, all day long. An hour a day should do the trick. The more the better. It will speed up the process of killing the dark matrix that is an actual real network of dark that covers our bodies to the degree we have allowed it. The consciousness that we evolve is the only intelligent possession we have. It endures through the cycles of birth and death and reimbodiment on other planets where we accumulate more wisdom and learning.
"We have been born on a dark planet that does not believe in life beyond Earth. We were told that life does not exist beyond this world, and yet they are here now, closer in modern times than ever before. They have been coming from pre-biblical times and long before. They were called "angels" then. And before that, they were gods and lords and we served them and did their bidding. Now we are being approached as more evolved and sophisticated intelligent beings ourselves. Are we awake enough to embrace their respect? It is by welcoming them with open hearts and minds that they will approach us, for they do not want to cause fear and panic. Let us build a community of caring open hearts ready to emrace these higher consciousness beings. We must prepare ourselves first by raising up our own feelings of trust and self worth, love and respect for our own brothers and sisters within our community. Thus we prove to those who are watching that we are ready to receive them - those from other planets. As one author named them, 'angels in starships'.
"Individual consciousness is the only focus through which the godhead, or the all-intelligence (whatever you prefer to name it) can increase the wealth of the individual and his world. Each individual is endowed with a SELF consciousness and can with practice, raise oneself to higher, more refined feelings of love, wisdom and intelligence, thus opening doors beyond former limits of Earth-bound consciousness. By raising the faculties of intuition, of love, of kindness, tolerance and respect." (End of quote)
There is much to discuss in the coming 5D Love Club, but it will be in person. Zoom meetings are not for this kind of gathering. It is through feeling that we connect with one another, and feelings are accessed through the auric field of the other person. It is called the auric bubble that surrounds each physical body, and it contains the God Presence of that person. So when we are discussing sensitive thoughts, feelings and experiences, such as ascension symptoms (depression, dizziness, etc.) and personal out-of-body experiences, this is not for the public. Revelations will occur at these meetings, hidden revelations that have gone unexpressed perhaps for lifetimes.. We have kept them hiddden so that often even the person him/herself does not know what will come up spontaneously, from a sudden opening in feelings. Let's speak of them openly with those who are ready to hear and not ridicule. This is very personal.
The initial plan is to gather on Sundays from 2 to 5 pm. Once this gets going in real time, it will become a community. I am being guided. Let me know if you want to be included in more private email messages how this is coming along. I am acting as a bridge between two worlds, so this is a feeling-out process one step at a time as you can well imagine. I'm ready. Are you?
Blessings from the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angelics, Starseeds in human bodies, and me, Nancy
6/8/24 - Anakosha Newsletter
UFOS, Visitations & The Language of Love
Contactee George Adamski, by me, Nancy
One day in the spring of 1963, I went to hear a man lecture who was renowned for his controversial stand on flying saucers and visitations. He had traveled all over the world showing films, lecturing about cosmic philosophy and talking at great length about visits he had had with the extraterrestrials, human beings like ourselves. Many sightings occurred wherever he lectured. I accepted the theory without thinking too much about it as I accepted many esoteric principles that bordered on the outer edges of average and normal. I had somehow been endowed from an early age with one ear and eye leaning in that direction, always looking and devouring any book I picked up that reflected principles of a cosmic nature that I knew were true. It had, however, over the years begun to fade and I didn’t know why. I was still interested, but it was like a light going out. No one was even interested in those principles, never mind living them! "Hog Wash", a boyfriend once said to me. “Your bubble will burst one day and then you’ll wake up to what life is all about!” The few people who did care were not able to stand up under this kind of derision and it was a hopeless, fruitless philosophy. A dream. And I drifted. I drifted here and there, whichever way the wind happened to be blowing. It didn’t really matter. And when the man came along who attracted me and I became pregnant, I drifted into marriage without a blink or a thought. The drifting continued into married life and the setting up of home and family - until that day in 1965.
In a privte home in the exclusive suburbs of upper state New York, a small select group of people gathered to meet Mr. Adamski who was to lecture on UFO’s and extraterrestrial visitations. A woman friend and I were included. When Mr. Adamski arrived and stepped inside the front door dripping wet from the pouring rain outside, I automatically responded without thinking. I was usually shy and retiring. I walked toward him in a non-thinking state to help him off with his coat and simultaneously looked into the eyes of someone I had known - and lost - long, long ago. He was 70 years old and I was 25. Behind his twinkling eyes was a life-time of recognition and happy remembrance, just beyond the edge of my conscious mind. I did not know then the meaning of that brief encounter because I came immediately under his spell, and it was all subjective from then on. At least, as long as I was in his company. As I listened to him talk that stormy, rainy afternoon, thunder and lightening flashing and booming outside, I huddled as near to him as I could get yet stay out of sight, because I wanted to watch him. I devoured him with my eyes, my ears, my whole being. I knew him! I knew him without a shadow of a doubt, although I had never met him before now.
As he talked about other worlds and a universal love that transcended this world’s limited concepts, and other peoples who lived by these precepts as though by second nature, it seemed as natural as though I had grown up with it all my life. And when he drew gasps of amazement and sometimes ridicule from his small audience, I watched him carefully to see if he would back down but he didn’t. He continued on, unperturbed, explaining away the antagonisms and narrow thoughts like a knife cutting through pudding. The light never stopped shining in his eyes and he never stopped smiling except on those formidable occasions when he seemed to think it necessary to show a bit of thunder. But then afterwards the sun came out again and it was pure ecstasy. The room seemed to vibrate that whole afternoon by his presence and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His strength and nobility shone like a star that had fallen to earth just for me to see and hold and renew myself from. So I could pick up the pieces I had let fade for lack of a living example. He came to show me that it was not impossible to have these visions and to live them, too.
Over the next two years we became friends, because I helped sponsor him to come to Boston to speak. I picked him up at the airport and chauffeured him to destinations, including radio shows, sometimes with my one-year-old son, Roland, in the car with me. On his last trip to Boston in 1965, he left and went to Washinton DC and died suddenly in the home of friends and co-workers, without warning. He was not sick. It was a mystery. I didn't know for several days when someone called me. During those two years, I absorbed more than I realized at the time. Both by example and in brief private conversation. He was a very significant person in my life, but there was nothing I could do with the information. It hadn't begun to germinate. Now, 59 years later, as the UFO phenomena and extraterrestrial visitations are coming out of the woodwork and impacting public awareness, despite attempts to camouflage it, the visitors from other worlds are gaining acceptance slowly and steadily.
Highly intelligent, good, ethical, loving, moral people live near us in our galaxy, and further out in space. They are here beaming ideas to us telepathically. Good, uplifting ideas. Believe, have faith, have hope, life is good, there is abundance, be happy, be free. They are being as careful as they can be so as not to frighten us, and it is working. But there is a story to be told and there are those who are starting to tell it. I am one of them. Many of us know the secrets behind this phenomena, and the greatest secret of all is that the universe is held together by rhythm, harmony and love. There is unity that ties us together. We are all related. There is no separation except what we've been told by false leaders. Earth has been a war zone. It still is but it's coming to an end. Everything in our Earth culture was designed to fight against love and repress the loving nature that we are within. The space brothers are coing to assist us in raising our hopes and dreams, and re-learn the language of love which is inherent, like the trees that whisper and birds and crickets that sing. Love is a happy thing, and it is free. There is no lack in the higher ways of rhythm and harmony. Following natural laws and universal principles provides for everything. Abundance flows freely when there is love.
There is no such thing as money or crime in the advanced cultures who are trying to get our attention and open our minds to them. But they are cautious. They can read our energies, minds and hearts. We can learn a lot from them. You will be amazed at how much you already know, when you meet them. These things have been buried by thick shells of separation. Allowing love to flow free is a struggle. This is what the extraterrestrial brothers and sisters are here to bring to us. Expect a new way of life and a happy handshake, a friendly greeting, perhaps a hug, plus some new healing technologies for our aging bodies and other technologies that are run my mind. And there is more. Yes, we will adapt. We will learn this new language of free-flowing love. We are already preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally and spiritually. Love is how we evolve to more graceful ways of living. Not thru A.I. but by merging conscious love with mechanical structures.
Stay tuned, there is more to come. Thank you for reading,
Stay well, stay safe, keep looking up!
4/19/24 - Introducing the Pleiadians
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 4/19/24
Spiritual Changes by KaRa of the Pleiades
Hello everyone, a very Happy Friday to you.
Today I am going to introduce you to the Pleiadians, my galactic family of Light. I've been mostly silent about this, but it's time for me to acknowledge this information or else. The "or else" means I'll dry up and wither away, as the Coneheads used to say (movie). We are here to express our deepest truth of who we are. If we don't, we develop physical problems and start the decaying process. Releasing the secret life is a God-send solution. It releases the life force super power that motivates, envigorates and empowers the physical, emotional and mental body and brings back what appears to be youthful again. This is what ascension is all about - it requires releasing old secrets that are killing us by not releasing them. Notice the feeling of freedom that rushes in when telling a long-held secret? The fresh tingling of juices flowoing. We each harbor a secret life, but no matter what it is, just a small gentle start will begin the process of unfolding and revealing. I think you will notice a sudden upgrade happen. This is an emotional release, not a mental one. We hold things back emotionally, in our feeling channels. We are afraid of being called stupid or foolish or dumb or perhaps people will lbe afraid of us. But nonetheless, it must be done. Man up, I said to someone recently, but now I have to do it myself. Every secret life revealed helps move the planet forward into more peace, love and light, because we are a collective consciousness - everyone of the planet contributes to the collective. We are all part of the upgrade that is going on now.
First, a brief history on me re: the galactics, and then a message from KaRa, a Pleiadian Emissary which appeared today in my email. It was channeled by Erena Velazquez, a well-known and respected channel for the Galactics.
I first met George Adamski, a Venusian contactee, in 1963. He was lecturing in various cities, showing films he took of UFO's, scout craft and mother ships (they unveiled especially for him to take the photos). Meeting Mr. Adamski woke me up on a deep primal level where I began remembering living on higher realms, in higher dimensions. Deep subconscious memories but this didn't happen all at once. It took time. I was 26 at the time, married and pregnant with my first son (loving greetings to my two sons, I continue to love you and think of you!). But fast forward 4 years. George Adamski died in 1965 and I was devastated. It was as if he was my only contact with the higher realms. I became pregnant again and began a slide into depression (hormones). Shortly after I hit the dark night of the soul where I had a premonition of my own death, a black hole I wouldn't wish on anyone. On advice from a higher realm visitation I left my family and went to live with followers of Mr. Adamski. After 3 years with them I was guided to leave and go to California where I met a soul mate who became my next husband. It seemed my life was led by some invisible force, step by step. Five years later my sister, a follower of an Indian enlightened man, led me in a guided meditation where I had a rare kundalini awakening. I went into the light for 10 hours which further exposed me to higher realms. Kundalini is a super power but I didn't know anything about it at the time. I was continually opened to higher insight and realms, as life went on.
Over the years news about UFOs started coming out and I was interested of course, but I had a secret life. I couldn't talk about it. At least not on a practical level. What I knew about them is on a higher level, not earth-based. Now, today, I don't know how many people are aware of what I know (wish I did!) but everyone keeps their secret life secret. They (we) don't talk about it easily. But it is time to start letting the secret emotional life come out. It would be a great relief for a lot of people. Whew! To be so free! To let your guard down and say what you really believe and think and know, and stop holding it back. To be seen for who and what you REALLY are inside. Wow! Wouldn't that be great? Bite the bullet. Man-up. as they say. It will be a relief. This will help speed up the Galactic intervention. It will help "them" to come forward and make contact. There is an upgrade in consciousness taking place and opening minds, hearts and feelings is part of that process. This morning when I read the message from KaRa, I knew it was time for me to come out of the closet, so to speak, publicly. If anyone thinks me crazy, so be it. Bless you. I love you.
There is a love deeper, broader and more expansive behind this. There is more to the story than what comes from the TV news. There are many who are waiting for we on Earth to look UP with hope instead of down at the ground with dark moods. Just take a moment and do that, please. Imagine a ring of space ships over your house shining light down on you and your family. I saw that the other day when I was out in the pasture. With inner sight of course. Humans look all "closed up" and dark from space. They read the auric field of a person. When a light shines from someone, they notice. When you look up and wonder and hope and wish for better things to come, your aura brightens. Did you know that? We turned dark because we are holding the light back from shining. Release good warm secret uplifting hopeful thoughts (to the people around you) and you will notice the juices flow more freely. It's more vitality. More health. More enthusiasm and vigor. Smile. Be a positive force in the world.
Holding back warm good caring loving feelings is holding back the life force, the light force, causing the debilitation of body. Spirit is the life of the body. Spirit is consciousness. Spirit is awareness. Spirit lights you up. Or drags you down. The physical body does not hold life. The aura holds life and the body is enclosed inside it - a small solid figure inside a bubble of light. It is time to stop holding life back from flowing free and expressing. Just imagine happy positive light flowing through your body and out into your physical nerves, feeding your blood, muscles and tissues. .Find a way to flow your secret life story out to the world. You will lighten yourself and the world around you. Be amazed. Now, meet KaRa of the Pleiadians. KaRa mentions Ashtar. Commander Ashtar leads the Ashtar Command. He is a spiritual master, a brilliant military man of the light - a protector of sovereign rights of individuals and worlds everywhere.
KaRa of the Pleiades: Spiritual Changes
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Greetings, I am KaRa, the Pleiadian Emissary from the Galactic Light Forces, and just recently I took over a new position of the New Earth High Council after Queen An-Ra’s resignation.
Now, I am even more directly involved with your planet’s Ascension. I am also working with Ashtar Command. I am happy to be back and share some wisdom on your progress regarding the transition to a New Earth. The habitants of Mother Earth are experiencing positive and negative environmental factors globally. These events are not coincidental and are related to the energies coming from the Cosmos.
Everything that carries some kind of negative frequencies, gets flushed out to the surface. It goes to humans too. You can’t stay in the same vibrations as you were a year ago, it doesn’t work anymore. If you don’t accelerate into changing the environment in your world, then this can cause some humans to leave their physical bodies or make humans behave strangely, such as repeating your daily tasks too many times and etc.
Basically, you can’t comprehend the spiritual changes that are happening around you because you are still stuck in 3D behaviors. That can only change when your soul comes through by opening to the high frequencies. You have been used to vibrating in the matrix low 3D vibrations, which has been so far a soul’s prison for many evolved Galactic beings, who volunteered to be here and lead humanity into the Light.
Unfortunately, as you know by now, they got stuck by not remembering who they are. The most important part for every soul is to recognize,that you are more than just a physical body, and that you have a God’s essence within you. Humans beings who are still in the beginning stage of their evolution, are reacting to the Light by doing repeated actions or acting strangely. All of that is going to eventually pass for those,who are capable and ready to take the next step in their spiritual journey. Please, don’t be too concerned and allow for yourself to follow the path, whatever it’s right for you. No one can be forced into a new way of thinking or to take a leap of faith, unless the person wants to experience new things in their process of enlightenment.
Cosmos is inhabited by countless of Galactic Civilizations. Each emanates a distinct stage of their progression. Just follow your heart on what makes sense for you and don’t try to catch up to others.
In this moment you are still in an infancy stage as a civilization, and it’s okay to be there. You are going to continue to evolve despite that the Darkness wants to destroy anything that comes positive your way. Every day in your reality there is a focus only on the negative stories. Please, believe there are more positive things happening in your world than negative ones. Nobody talks about the good incidents.
A great example of this is coming today of the Eclipse, instead of it being projected as a negative event, it needs to be accepted as a natural phenomena, nothing else. We call that following the Divine Grace and trusting that you are always protected and loved by your Galactics Brothers and Sisters despite of the false appearances. The Deep State doesn’t convey high intelligence. They usually expose themselves through their own foolish actions.
The Dark Entities only create chaos and confusion. Their behaviors are getting revealed by Divine Energies. Your magnetic stratosphere of your planet gets naturally rebalanced by high frequencies to keep Mother Earth stable. The Galactic Light Forces are constantly monitoring the situation from space. Please, maintain your composure and always stay in the Now, and focus on raising your vibrations by doing daily silent meditations and don’t give any opportunity for anyone to put you down.
The matrix is just an illusion, which was created by the Darkness to distract you from the real truth. The Light will win and bring a long-awaited peace and harmony for humankind. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept our Supreme Love from all of us. Follow Your Path
I hope you enjoyed KaRa's message. If you want to unsubscribe from future newsletters, send a return reply and ask to be removed. Also please listen to a recent message from Ashtar HERE. I have also posted it on my Anakosha website in "Today's Posts".
Please know that I am thinking of you and wishing you all - my friends known and unknown - peace, love, light, joy, freedom, abundance, security, comfort, happiness and loving hugs far and wide. Now you know a little bit of my story. If you relate to it, let me know. I'd love to hear from you. Blessings from the Ascendeds, the Celestials, the Galactics, the Angelics and me, Nancy
Today I am going to introduce you to the Pleiadians, my galactic family of Light. I've been mostly silent about this, but it's time for me to acknowledge this information or else. The "or else" means I'll dry up and wither away, as the Coneheads used to say (movie). We are here to express our deepest truth of who we are. If we don't, we develop physical problems and start the decaying process. Releasing the secret life is a God-send solution. It releases the life force super power that motivates, envigorates and empowers the physical, emotional and mental body and brings back what appears to be youthful again. This is what ascension is all about - it requires releasing old secrets that are killing us by not releasing them. Notice the feeling of freedom that rushes in when telling a long-held secret? The fresh tingling of juices flowoing. We each harbor a secret life, but no matter what it is, just a small gentle start will begin the process of unfolding and revealing. I think you will notice a sudden upgrade happen. This is an emotional release, not a mental one. We hold things back emotionally, in our feeling channels. We are afraid of being called stupid or foolish or dumb or perhaps people will lbe afraid of us. But nonetheless, it must be done. Man up, I said to someone recently, but now I have to do it myself. Every secret life revealed helps move the planet forward into more peace, love and light, because we are a collective consciousness - everyone of the planet contributes to the collective. We are all part of the upgrade that is going on now.
First, a brief history on me re: the galactics, and then a message from KaRa, a Pleiadian Emissary which appeared today in my email. It was channeled by Erena Velazquez, a well-known and respected channel for the Galactics.
I first met George Adamski, a Venusian contactee, in 1963. He was lecturing in various cities, showing films he took of UFO's, scout craft and mother ships (they unveiled especially for him to take the photos). Meeting Mr. Adamski woke me up on a deep primal level where I began remembering living on higher realms, in higher dimensions. Deep subconscious memories but this didn't happen all at once. It took time. I was 26 at the time, married and pregnant with my first son (loving greetings to my two sons, I continue to love you and think of you!). But fast forward 4 years. George Adamski died in 1965 and I was devastated. It was as if he was my only contact with the higher realms. I became pregnant again and began a slide into depression (hormones). Shortly after I hit the dark night of the soul where I had a premonition of my own death, a black hole I wouldn't wish on anyone. On advice from a higher realm visitation I left my family and went to live with followers of Mr. Adamski. After 3 years with them I was guided to leave and go to California where I met a soul mate who became my next husband. It seemed my life was led by some invisible force, step by step. Five years later my sister, a follower of an Indian enlightened man, led me in a guided meditation where I had a rare kundalini awakening. I went into the light for 10 hours which further exposed me to higher realms. Kundalini is a super power but I didn't know anything about it at the time. I was continually opened to higher insight and realms, as life went on.
Over the years news about UFOs started coming out and I was interested of course, but I had a secret life. I couldn't talk about it. At least not on a practical level. What I knew about them is on a higher level, not earth-based. Now, today, I don't know how many people are aware of what I know (wish I did!) but everyone keeps their secret life secret. They (we) don't talk about it easily. But it is time to start letting the secret emotional life come out. It would be a great relief for a lot of people. Whew! To be so free! To let your guard down and say what you really believe and think and know, and stop holding it back. To be seen for who and what you REALLY are inside. Wow! Wouldn't that be great? Bite the bullet. Man-up. as they say. It will be a relief. This will help speed up the Galactic intervention. It will help "them" to come forward and make contact. There is an upgrade in consciousness taking place and opening minds, hearts and feelings is part of that process. This morning when I read the message from KaRa, I knew it was time for me to come out of the closet, so to speak, publicly. If anyone thinks me crazy, so be it. Bless you. I love you.
There is a love deeper, broader and more expansive behind this. There is more to the story than what comes from the TV news. There are many who are waiting for we on Earth to look UP with hope instead of down at the ground with dark moods. Just take a moment and do that, please. Imagine a ring of space ships over your house shining light down on you and your family. I saw that the other day when I was out in the pasture. With inner sight of course. Humans look all "closed up" and dark from space. They read the auric field of a person. When a light shines from someone, they notice. When you look up and wonder and hope and wish for better things to come, your aura brightens. Did you know that? We turned dark because we are holding the light back from shining. Release good warm secret uplifting hopeful thoughts (to the people around you) and you will notice the juices flow more freely. It's more vitality. More health. More enthusiasm and vigor. Smile. Be a positive force in the world.
Holding back warm good caring loving feelings is holding back the life force, the light force, causing the debilitation of body. Spirit is the life of the body. Spirit is consciousness. Spirit is awareness. Spirit lights you up. Or drags you down. The physical body does not hold life. The aura holds life and the body is enclosed inside it - a small solid figure inside a bubble of light. It is time to stop holding life back from flowing free and expressing. Just imagine happy positive light flowing through your body and out into your physical nerves, feeding your blood, muscles and tissues. .Find a way to flow your secret life story out to the world. You will lighten yourself and the world around you. Be amazed. Now, meet KaRa of the Pleiadians. KaRa mentions Ashtar. Commander Ashtar leads the Ashtar Command. He is a spiritual master, a brilliant military man of the light - a protector of sovereign rights of individuals and worlds everywhere.
KaRa of the Pleiades: Spiritual Changes
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Greetings, I am KaRa, the Pleiadian Emissary from the Galactic Light Forces, and just recently I took over a new position of the New Earth High Council after Queen An-Ra’s resignation.
Now, I am even more directly involved with your planet’s Ascension. I am also working with Ashtar Command. I am happy to be back and share some wisdom on your progress regarding the transition to a New Earth. The habitants of Mother Earth are experiencing positive and negative environmental factors globally. These events are not coincidental and are related to the energies coming from the Cosmos.
Everything that carries some kind of negative frequencies, gets flushed out to the surface. It goes to humans too. You can’t stay in the same vibrations as you were a year ago, it doesn’t work anymore. If you don’t accelerate into changing the environment in your world, then this can cause some humans to leave their physical bodies or make humans behave strangely, such as repeating your daily tasks too many times and etc.
Basically, you can’t comprehend the spiritual changes that are happening around you because you are still stuck in 3D behaviors. That can only change when your soul comes through by opening to the high frequencies. You have been used to vibrating in the matrix low 3D vibrations, which has been so far a soul’s prison for many evolved Galactic beings, who volunteered to be here and lead humanity into the Light.
Unfortunately, as you know by now, they got stuck by not remembering who they are. The most important part for every soul is to recognize,that you are more than just a physical body, and that you have a God’s essence within you. Humans beings who are still in the beginning stage of their evolution, are reacting to the Light by doing repeated actions or acting strangely. All of that is going to eventually pass for those,who are capable and ready to take the next step in their spiritual journey. Please, don’t be too concerned and allow for yourself to follow the path, whatever it’s right for you. No one can be forced into a new way of thinking or to take a leap of faith, unless the person wants to experience new things in their process of enlightenment.
Cosmos is inhabited by countless of Galactic Civilizations. Each emanates a distinct stage of their progression. Just follow your heart on what makes sense for you and don’t try to catch up to others.
In this moment you are still in an infancy stage as a civilization, and it’s okay to be there. You are going to continue to evolve despite that the Darkness wants to destroy anything that comes positive your way. Every day in your reality there is a focus only on the negative stories. Please, believe there are more positive things happening in your world than negative ones. Nobody talks about the good incidents.
A great example of this is coming today of the Eclipse, instead of it being projected as a negative event, it needs to be accepted as a natural phenomena, nothing else. We call that following the Divine Grace and trusting that you are always protected and loved by your Galactics Brothers and Sisters despite of the false appearances. The Deep State doesn’t convey high intelligence. They usually expose themselves through their own foolish actions.
The Dark Entities only create chaos and confusion. Their behaviors are getting revealed by Divine Energies. Your magnetic stratosphere of your planet gets naturally rebalanced by high frequencies to keep Mother Earth stable. The Galactic Light Forces are constantly monitoring the situation from space. Please, maintain your composure and always stay in the Now, and focus on raising your vibrations by doing daily silent meditations and don’t give any opportunity for anyone to put you down.
The matrix is just an illusion, which was created by the Darkness to distract you from the real truth. The Light will win and bring a long-awaited peace and harmony for humankind. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept our Supreme Love from all of us. Follow Your Path
I hope you enjoyed KaRa's message. If you want to unsubscribe from future newsletters, send a return reply and ask to be removed. Also please listen to a recent message from Ashtar HERE. I have also posted it on my Anakosha website in "Today's Posts".
Please know that I am thinking of you and wishing you all - my friends known and unknown - peace, love, light, joy, freedom, abundance, security, comfort, happiness and loving hugs far and wide. Now you know a little bit of my story. If you relate to it, let me know. I'd love to hear from you. Blessings from the Ascendeds, the Celestials, the Galactics, the Angelics and me, Nancy
3/25/24 - Ascension Symptoms
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 3/25/24
Ascension Symptoms
Hello everyone! A most happy Monday to you. I am urged to put a newsletter out every Sunday but I didn't make the deadline, so here I am on Monday morning. Beware. Things are changing here! The urge to explore Ascension comes from my innermost knowing. It's a heart thing, a feeling, an emotion. I want to reach out to everyone who will listen. If I talk too weird or over your head, you are excused. I love you anyway. But you can also ask me to remove your name from my list. That's OK.
Ascension is a transition from a lower level of consciousness to a higher level. It necessarily leaves old thoughts and beliefs behind, they just sort of fade away. The world of which I had grown accustomed is changing. The whole planet is moving from the third dimension to the 4th or 5th level of consciousness. Some say we are already in the 4th and have been for awhile. And we do that as remain in physical form. So that means there are physical issues that rise. Things are going well here, at least on Doug's and my end. But we have been blessed. There are others who are not so blessed. As I have said in past newsletters sharing teachings of Master Djwhal Khul, I've been to the formidable LIGHT and back. That is similar to a near-death experience, aka NDE which you can read about online. Ascension is a word by people who are trying to GET to the light. As for me, I come from the opposite direction. I am trying to become grounded. I have already been on higher levels because of my sojourn into the Light many years ago, so I'm trying to get back down to solid physical ground again. I've been a spacey one tho, and difficult to understand. I am a lover, I am filled with knowledge about love and wish to share it. Since my experience happened a long time ago in 1976, I a'm today one of the elders. I've been thru a cycle of experiences trying to bring the love and light down to share with friends and family. It has been difficult to "fit in" so I've been trying to remain low-key and not be too noticed. But the ascension is here now and people are starting to broaden (deepen) their understanding. There is a vastness waiting to be entered into. A knowledge superior to the "old" human. It is a steady advancement of not only the mind but the body and the body is having a difficult time adjusting.
There are certain symptoms that we all are feeling. This ascension process is playing havoc with our PHYSICAL body which has grown accustomed to "the way things were".. The brain is merely a physical organ. It is not spiritual like you are. You are the spirit living in pre-programmed physical body. It's up to each person to upgrade their physical vehicle. It's very much like a car. We have to upgrade our car once in awhile. It can't upgrade itself because it doesn't have a conscious mind like we do. We are capable of expanding our understanding but the body needs our help. It is used to doing things the "old way" and is like a child needing a mother. This is why we have strange things going on in our bodies. It is up to us, the conscious mind residing in the vehicle to make certain improvements in the way we live. To make sure that our vehicle is kept comfortable. We need to make adjustments. So, hmmmm. They can be dramatic at timese. So, ascension symptoms refer to such things as disorientation, confusion, dizziness, eyesight failing or dimming, deafness creeping in, headaches, heart issues, lung issues, etc. We are used to calling it old age or Alzheimers, but there is something else going on here. Sharpen up and listen. The body is failing, yes, but the body CAN be upgraded. I'm working on it myself. As long as there is curiosity and a desire to know more, there is hope. It is only those who say "Ridiculous" and close their minds for whom it is a continual downward path. Old age DOES creep in and the inevitable happens. As long as there is intelligence expanding there is hope. That is ascension and we are in the midst of it now. It is a new age and there are cosmic influences coming to bear on us.
If we can get past the "old" belief that we have to die after age 80 or 90, then we can upgrade the "old" DNA and hook up to new DNA. Get past the old system and allow the new system to come in. Accept that we can do things better and make our body feel more alive. We can actually live a much longer life in the physical than our parents did, but it's going to take some imagination. Visualization. Hope. Bringing in the self-love. I can hear a distant uproar starting to resist this talk, but - wait! It is halting and fading. Too many people are getting it. So I'm going to ignore the attempt to ridicule these ideas. There are too many people like me who know better. We've been to the light and back and know that life does not end with the body dying. We continue to live on and create new bodies. The power is in our genes, if we will upgrade the inner working parts. Dying to the body is just another trip, a vacation, back Home to revisit and group and talk to old friends. And then we go out and build a NEW body. One that is more sophisticated and efficient because we know better how to do it this time. We are intelligent beings, and we come closer to knowing that when we upgrade the brain and body. More intelligence can come thru. It's just that when we are born as a baby on a planet like this one (a backward one, compared to some of the others) we are hit with negativity. We are raised in cultures of limited beliefs, poverty and suffering are considered normal.
There are other planets that are more highly evolved. So we have grown up totally out of whack.The following article names a few symptoms that we can expect or have already experienced, as I have. Stick with it and it will pass. You will see light again, clarity, happiness again. All planets are going thru their own form of ascension, so I hear. I'm in touch with them on subtler consciousness levels. Many others are too. We are not alone in the universe. A more beautiful loving way of life governs the higher levels. The feminine side of life has been missing from Earth life for a long time, but it is coming back. Men also have a feminine side to them and so these ascension symptoms are hitting them too. They may not understand what is happening to them and think it is age creeping up on them. I am here to speak about resurrecting the body, revitalizing the old parts, making an upgarde to the physical body. It CAN be done. I have had a master teacher guide for near 50 years showing me how to do it. Plus there are the galactics who fly invisibly in star ships, who come from happy, peaceful planets. They are here helping without interfering, from behind the scenes. I am one who has made it to on the ground, so to speak. I have become stabilized, which is why I can now come out of the closet and speak these words. Ascension symptoms refers to coming into understanding. We are expanding our understanding, our conscious understanding, which is the intelligence BEHIND the brain. What we understand feeds the brain. The brain has been pre-programmed by parents, teachers and institutions as we grow up, but as adults we can expand on that programming. The former program filtered out the vaster cosmic consciousness and fed us limited beliefs, which covered us thru and thru, like a dark web of smog. Underneath and behind the smog there is light. We know when we hit upon a truth because it flares up like fireworks in the night sky. As we allow the brain to open up and let the light come thru (sometimes hard to do) we will feel extraordinarily good. I vouch for it!
Well enough of my 5D chit-chat. Following is an old article on ascension symptoms I copied back in 2003 and filed it in old files which I forgot about. When news of the ascension starting appearing on the internet back then, I copied them to a private folder. The author of this article is unknown. The webite has since come down but I've inserted it at the end if anyone cares to do their own research. These ascension symptoms are real. I myself have experienced them. The person writing this has completed the transition, and reports the good news. You will make it too. There is no world as dark, sad and lost as this world of ours has been, but fortunately it is being raised up. There are LIGHT carriers everywhere. The old 3D practicality will pop up from time to time to say, "Nonsense!" but so what? When you're grounded, rooted and stablie in your own skin, you don't care. You feel like your home. You can't be moved other than thru love. The higher vaster all-inclusive love. The following article is a guide for anyone who resonates with the subject matter. You are not your body. You are more than your body. Your body is like a suit of clothing that you are wearing. You can take it off and vacate it, or you can repair the holes and keep wearing it. There is a lot of information yet to come about how to live thru a physical ascension with a body which appears to be dying while your mind is exploding with new ideas and going crazy, trying to burst beyond your capacity to understand or make sense. Growing new brain cells is a natural part of evolution, according to the information coming in. It's possible. You are the power and life force that supports and feeds your body. There are techniques left by the sages and gurus. I've been using them. Ancient mystery schools taught these things in past ages. They are now trending. Coming out into the open via Google and the internet. Thank you Google!
Ascension Symptoms
(Author Unknown)
Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the New higher energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are and according to our coding and plan before birth. In addition, generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we each run our own individual energy, and what our beliefs and experiences are. In other words, how we are wired and how we vibrate. These things can be changed and will also change automatically as we clear and embody more light within ourselves. For me, all of my interesting and ‘strange’ symptoms disappeared after I completely ‘arrived’ in a higher realm; and they will for you as well. These symptoms seem to occur while we are going through the transition, or what I liken to the ‘tunnel’. Know that there is an end, and an incredibly beautiful, peaceful and loved filled reality awaiting you. May your evolutionary process be joyous, peaceful and filled with light and wonder.
1. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. Old patterns, behaviours and beliefs are also being pushed to the surface. There is a lot going on inside of you.
2. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore, as you have moved or in the process of moving into the higher realms.
3. Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body. You are purifying and releasing blocked energy vibrating at 3D, while you are vibrating in a higher dimension.
4. Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. Much is going on in your dream state. You can't be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the 'cleansing and releasing' hour.
5. Memory loss. A great abundance of short term memory loss and only vague remembrances of your past. You are in more than one dimension at a time, and going back and forth as part of the transition, you are experiencing a 'disconnect'. Also, your past is part of the Old, and the Old is forever gone. Being in the Now is the way of the New World.
6. 'Seeing' and 'hearing' things. You are experiencing different dimensions as you transition, all according to how sensitive you are and how you are wired.
7. Loss of identity. You try to access the Old you, but it is no longer there. You may not know who you are looking at in the mirror. You have cleared much of your old patterns and are now embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order, You are okay.
8. Feeling 'out of body'. You may feel as though someone is talking, but it is not you. This is our natural defense mechanism of survival when we are under acute stress or feeling traumatized or out of control. Your body is going through a lot and you may not want to be in it. My ascension guide told me that this was a way of easing the transition process, and that I did not need to experience what my body was going through. This only lasted a short time. It passes.
9. Periods of deep sleeping. You are resting from all the acclimating and are integrating, as well as building up for the next phase.
10. Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.
11. You don't feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period, 'rebooting'. Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin reaching the higher realms, 'doing' and 'making things happen' becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to 'bring' you what you want while you are enjoying yourself and having fun.
12. An intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel 'sick' inside. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment. You are being 'pushed, to move forward; to 'be' and create the New.
13. A loss of desire for food. Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state of being. Also, part of you does not want to be here anymore in the Old.
14. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better.
15. You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better.
16. Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring.
17. A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar. Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. A craving for protein. You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process. Weight gain with an inability to lose it no matter what you do is one of the most typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what it is doing.
18. Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping. Our emotions are our outlet for release, and we are releasing a lot.
19. A wanting to go Home, as if everything is over and you don't belong here anymore. We are returning to Source. Everything is over, but many of us are staying to experience and create the New World. Also, our old plans for coming have been completed.
20. Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort. You are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to you now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.
21. Anxiety and panic. Your ego is losing much of itself and is afraid. Your system is also on overload. Things are happening to you that you may not understand. You are also losing behaviour patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviours you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. This will pass and you will eventually feel so much love, safety and unity. Just wait.
22. Depression. The outer world may not be in alignment with the New, higher vibrational you. It doesn't feel so good out there. You are also releasing lower, darker energies and you are 'seeing' through them. Hang in there.
23. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. You are releasing many, many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy. Many are now reporting that they are experiencing beautiful dreams. Your dream state will eventually improve and you will enjoy it again. Some experience this releasing while awake. My mother commented one day that she believed I was having nightmares in the daytime.
24. Night sweats and hot flashes. Your body is 'heating' up as it burns off residue.
25. Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction. Your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do. It is breaking your 'rut' choices and vibration.
26. You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many 'worst nightmare' aspects to it. Your soul is guiding you into 'stretching' into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into 'toning down' aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren't ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.
source: http://enlightenedawareness.wetpaint.com/page/Ascension+Symptomsoriginal source: http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.comUniversal copyright(2003)
(Me:) May you have a most incredible day today, tonight, tomorrow and coming week. I am interested in hosting regularly scheduled gatherings of people who are on the same wavelength as this newsletter. Are you interested in communicating with gentle, kind, caring, light energy? Please contact me if so. Ask pertinent questions if you like. I will answer. Gatherings will be done in person so it will necessarily be local residents - or if you travel thru SW Florida for other reasons. No one of us will be totally compatible with someone else. We are all very different in our cultural, educational, political, economic and social interests. But there is ONE thing that draws us together, and that is the source of being, the love of the higher source, the ONENESS which is the love and light which is in us. We all came from the same source. This source is what and who we are, first, last and always forever. We carry this love and light within us as consciousness, as awareness. We were dumbed down and covered with different shades and thoughts when we were born here (or brought here), but underneath there is this one absolute truth - we are who we are.
We lives within our cells and tissues as awareness. We live in our body, and the heart is the center. All the other planets as shown on Star Trek and portrayed on film, are other globes of sentient beings who, like us, are ke growing and learning and living as we do, under their own rules and ways of life. They too are ascending. They too come from the same source that we do. We are learning. We are resisting. We are fighting. We are dying. But we are all brothers and sisters of the same family, and there is a father and a mother. Yes, there are those who are hateful and filled with anger and they try to hurt others, but the universe is growing more enlightened as more and more beings are turning positively to love and light, and gain a foothold in the fixed structure we call "a brain". The brain is growing more peaceful all the while. Galactic star ships are watching and waiting for the right moment to descend, for they are on a higher dimensional level than we are. There is more truth to be known than we can even imagine, but it will be LIGHT and it will be LOVING. It will feel natural and like home to us as we grow closer to it, like moths draw closer to the flame. We can shortly begin the gatherings of those who speak the same light and love language - language of tenderness, kindness, compassion and empathy., without losing the strength and courage of our individuality and creativity. I think a lot of people believe we will lose ourselves once we go into the Light. No. It is the opposite. We gain MORE of ourselves when we go into the Light. The source is composed of the best and the most of all who join the light.
3/17/24 - The Two Currents in the Body - Male & Female
ANAKOSHA Newsletter of 3/17/24
The Two Currents in the Body - Male & Female
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 3/25/24
Ascension Symptoms
Hello everyone! A most happy Monday to you. I am urged to put a newsletter out every Sunday but I didn't make the deadline, so here I am on Monday morning. Beware. Things are changing here! The urge to explore Ascension comes from my innermost knowing. It's a heart thing, a feeling, an emotion. I want to reach out to everyone who will listen. If I talk too weird or over your head, you are excused. I love you anyway. But you can also ask me to remove your name from my list. That's OK.
Ascension is a transition from a lower level of consciousness to a higher level. It necessarily leaves old thoughts and beliefs behind, they just sort of fade away. The world of which I had grown accustomed is changing. The whole planet is moving from the third dimension to the 4th or 5th level of consciousness. Some say we are already in the 4th and have been for awhile. And we do that as remain in physical form. So that means there are physical issues that rise. Things are going well here, at least on Doug's and my end. But we have been blessed. There are others who are not so blessed. As I have said in past newsletters sharing teachings of Master Djwhal Khul, I've been to the formidable LIGHT and back. That is similar to a near-death experience, aka NDE which you can read about online. Ascension is a word by people who are trying to GET to the light. As for me, I come from the opposite direction. I am trying to become grounded. I have already been on higher levels because of my sojourn into the Light many years ago, so I'm trying to get back down to solid physical ground again. I've been a spacey one tho, and difficult to understand. I am a lover, I am filled with knowledge about love and wish to share it. Since my experience happened a long time ago in 1976, I a'm today one of the elders. I've been thru a cycle of experiences trying to bring the love and light down to share with friends and family. It has been difficult to "fit in" so I've been trying to remain low-key and not be too noticed. But the ascension is here now and people are starting to broaden (deepen) their understanding. There is a vastness waiting to be entered into. A knowledge superior to the "old" human. It is a steady advancement of not only the mind but the body and the body is having a difficult time adjusting.
There are certain symptoms that we all are feeling. This ascension process is playing havoc with our PHYSICAL body which has grown accustomed to "the way things were".. The brain is merely a physical organ. It is not spiritual like you are. You are the spirit living in pre-programmed physical body. It's up to each person to upgrade their physical vehicle. It's very much like a car. We have to upgrade our car once in awhile. It can't upgrade itself because it doesn't have a conscious mind like we do. We are capable of expanding our understanding but the body needs our help. It is used to doing things the "old way" and is like a child needing a mother. This is why we have strange things going on in our bodies. It is up to us, the conscious mind residing in the vehicle to make certain improvements in the way we live. To make sure that our vehicle is kept comfortable. We need to make adjustments. So, hmmmm. They can be dramatic at timese. So, ascension symptoms refer to such things as disorientation, confusion, dizziness, eyesight failing or dimming, deafness creeping in, headaches, heart issues, lung issues, etc. We are used to calling it old age or Alzheimers, but there is something else going on here. Sharpen up and listen. The body is failing, yes, but the body CAN be upgraded. I'm working on it myself. As long as there is curiosity and a desire to know more, there is hope. It is only those who say "Ridiculous" and close their minds for whom it is a continual downward path. Old age DOES creep in and the inevitable happens. As long as there is intelligence expanding there is hope. That is ascension and we are in the midst of it now. It is a new age and there are cosmic influences coming to bear on us.
If we can get past the "old" belief that we have to die after age 80 or 90, then we can upgrade the "old" DNA and hook up to new DNA. Get past the old system and allow the new system to come in. Accept that we can do things better and make our body feel more alive. We can actually live a much longer life in the physical than our parents did, but it's going to take some imagination. Visualization. Hope. Bringing in the self-love. I can hear a distant uproar starting to resist this talk, but - wait! It is halting and fading. Too many people are getting it. So I'm going to ignore the attempt to ridicule these ideas. There are too many people like me who know better. We've been to the light and back and know that life does not end with the body dying. We continue to live on and create new bodies. The power is in our genes, if we will upgrade the inner working parts. Dying to the body is just another trip, a vacation, back Home to revisit and group and talk to old friends. And then we go out and build a NEW body. One that is more sophisticated and efficient because we know better how to do it this time. We are intelligent beings, and we come closer to knowing that when we upgrade the brain and body. More intelligence can come thru. It's just that when we are born as a baby on a planet like this one (a backward one, compared to some of the others) we are hit with negativity. We are raised in cultures of limited beliefs, poverty and suffering are considered normal.
There are other planets that are more highly evolved. So we have grown up totally out of whack.The following article names a few symptoms that we can expect or have already experienced, as I have. Stick with it and it will pass. You will see light again, clarity, happiness again. All planets are going thru their own form of ascension, so I hear. I'm in touch with them on subtler consciousness levels. Many others are too. We are not alone in the universe. A more beautiful loving way of life governs the higher levels. The feminine side of life has been missing from Earth life for a long time, but it is coming back. Men also have a feminine side to them and so these ascension symptoms are hitting them too. They may not understand what is happening to them and think it is age creeping up on them. I am here to speak about resurrecting the body, revitalizing the old parts, making an upgarde to the physical body. It CAN be done. I have had a master teacher guide for near 50 years showing me how to do it. Plus there are the galactics who fly invisibly in star ships, who come from happy, peaceful planets. They are here helping without interfering, from behind the scenes. I am one who has made it to on the ground, so to speak. I have become stabilized, which is why I can now come out of the closet and speak these words. Ascension symptoms refers to coming into understanding. We are expanding our understanding, our conscious understanding, which is the intelligence BEHIND the brain. What we understand feeds the brain. The brain has been pre-programmed by parents, teachers and institutions as we grow up, but as adults we can expand on that programming. The former program filtered out the vaster cosmic consciousness and fed us limited beliefs, which covered us thru and thru, like a dark web of smog. Underneath and behind the smog there is light. We know when we hit upon a truth because it flares up like fireworks in the night sky. As we allow the brain to open up and let the light come thru (sometimes hard to do) we will feel extraordinarily good. I vouch for it!
Well enough of my 5D chit-chat. Following is an old article on ascension symptoms I copied back in 2003 and filed it in old files which I forgot about. When news of the ascension starting appearing on the internet back then, I copied them to a private folder. The author of this article is unknown. The webite has since come down but I've inserted it at the end if anyone cares to do their own research. These ascension symptoms are real. I myself have experienced them. The person writing this has completed the transition, and reports the good news. You will make it too. There is no world as dark, sad and lost as this world of ours has been, but fortunately it is being raised up. There are LIGHT carriers everywhere. The old 3D practicality will pop up from time to time to say, "Nonsense!" but so what? When you're grounded, rooted and stablie in your own skin, you don't care. You feel like your home. You can't be moved other than thru love. The higher vaster all-inclusive love. The following article is a guide for anyone who resonates with the subject matter. You are not your body. You are more than your body. Your body is like a suit of clothing that you are wearing. You can take it off and vacate it, or you can repair the holes and keep wearing it. There is a lot of information yet to come about how to live thru a physical ascension with a body which appears to be dying while your mind is exploding with new ideas and going crazy, trying to burst beyond your capacity to understand or make sense. Growing new brain cells is a natural part of evolution, according to the information coming in. It's possible. You are the power and life force that supports and feeds your body. There are techniques left by the sages and gurus. I've been using them. Ancient mystery schools taught these things in past ages. They are now trending. Coming out into the open via Google and the internet. Thank you Google!
Ascension Symptoms
(Author Unknown)
Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the New higher energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are and according to our coding and plan before birth. In addition, generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we each run our own individual energy, and what our beliefs and experiences are. In other words, how we are wired and how we vibrate. These things can be changed and will also change automatically as we clear and embody more light within ourselves. For me, all of my interesting and ‘strange’ symptoms disappeared after I completely ‘arrived’ in a higher realm; and they will for you as well. These symptoms seem to occur while we are going through the transition, or what I liken to the ‘tunnel’. Know that there is an end, and an incredibly beautiful, peaceful and loved filled reality awaiting you. May your evolutionary process be joyous, peaceful and filled with light and wonder.
1. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. Old patterns, behaviours and beliefs are also being pushed to the surface. There is a lot going on inside of you.
2. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore, as you have moved or in the process of moving into the higher realms.
3. Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body. You are purifying and releasing blocked energy vibrating at 3D, while you are vibrating in a higher dimension.
4. Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. Much is going on in your dream state. You can't be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the 'cleansing and releasing' hour.
5. Memory loss. A great abundance of short term memory loss and only vague remembrances of your past. You are in more than one dimension at a time, and going back and forth as part of the transition, you are experiencing a 'disconnect'. Also, your past is part of the Old, and the Old is forever gone. Being in the Now is the way of the New World.
6. 'Seeing' and 'hearing' things. You are experiencing different dimensions as you transition, all according to how sensitive you are and how you are wired.
7. Loss of identity. You try to access the Old you, but it is no longer there. You may not know who you are looking at in the mirror. You have cleared much of your old patterns and are now embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order, You are okay.
8. Feeling 'out of body'. You may feel as though someone is talking, but it is not you. This is our natural defense mechanism of survival when we are under acute stress or feeling traumatized or out of control. Your body is going through a lot and you may not want to be in it. My ascension guide told me that this was a way of easing the transition process, and that I did not need to experience what my body was going through. This only lasted a short time. It passes.
9. Periods of deep sleeping. You are resting from all the acclimating and are integrating, as well as building up for the next phase.
10. Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.
11. You don't feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period, 'rebooting'. Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin reaching the higher realms, 'doing' and 'making things happen' becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to 'bring' you what you want while you are enjoying yourself and having fun.
12. An intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel 'sick' inside. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment. You are being 'pushed, to move forward; to 'be' and create the New.
13. A loss of desire for food. Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state of being. Also, part of you does not want to be here anymore in the Old.
14. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better.
15. You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better.
16. Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring.
17. A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar. Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. A craving for protein. You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process. Weight gain with an inability to lose it no matter what you do is one of the most typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what it is doing.
18. Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping. Our emotions are our outlet for release, and we are releasing a lot.
19. A wanting to go Home, as if everything is over and you don't belong here anymore. We are returning to Source. Everything is over, but many of us are staying to experience and create the New World. Also, our old plans for coming have been completed.
20. Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort. You are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to you now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.
21. Anxiety and panic. Your ego is losing much of itself and is afraid. Your system is also on overload. Things are happening to you that you may not understand. You are also losing behaviour patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviours you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. This will pass and you will eventually feel so much love, safety and unity. Just wait.
22. Depression. The outer world may not be in alignment with the New, higher vibrational you. It doesn't feel so good out there. You are also releasing lower, darker energies and you are 'seeing' through them. Hang in there.
23. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. You are releasing many, many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy. Many are now reporting that they are experiencing beautiful dreams. Your dream state will eventually improve and you will enjoy it again. Some experience this releasing while awake. My mother commented one day that she believed I was having nightmares in the daytime.
24. Night sweats and hot flashes. Your body is 'heating' up as it burns off residue.
25. Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction. Your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do. It is breaking your 'rut' choices and vibration.
26. You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many 'worst nightmare' aspects to it. Your soul is guiding you into 'stretching' into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into 'toning down' aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren't ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.
source: http://enlightenedawareness.wetpaint.com/page/Ascension+Symptomsoriginal source: http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.comUniversal copyright(2003)
(Me:) May you have a most incredible day today, tonight, tomorrow and coming week. I am interested in hosting regularly scheduled gatherings of people who are on the same wavelength as this newsletter. Are you interested in communicating with gentle, kind, caring, light energy? Please contact me if so. Ask pertinent questions if you like. I will answer. Gatherings will be done in person so it will necessarily be local residents - or if you travel thru SW Florida for other reasons. No one of us will be totally compatible with someone else. We are all very different in our cultural, educational, political, economic and social interests. But there is ONE thing that draws us together, and that is the source of being, the love of the higher source, the ONENESS which is the love and light which is in us. We all came from the same source. This source is what and who we are, first, last and always forever. We carry this love and light within us as consciousness, as awareness. We were dumbed down and covered with different shades and thoughts when we were born here (or brought here), but underneath there is this one absolute truth - we are who we are.
We lives within our cells and tissues as awareness. We live in our body, and the heart is the center. All the other planets as shown on Star Trek and portrayed on film, are other globes of sentient beings who, like us, are ke growing and learning and living as we do, under their own rules and ways of life. They too are ascending. They too come from the same source that we do. We are learning. We are resisting. We are fighting. We are dying. But we are all brothers and sisters of the same family, and there is a father and a mother. Yes, there are those who are hateful and filled with anger and they try to hurt others, but the universe is growing more enlightened as more and more beings are turning positively to love and light, and gain a foothold in the fixed structure we call "a brain". The brain is growing more peaceful all the while. Galactic star ships are watching and waiting for the right moment to descend, for they are on a higher dimensional level than we are. There is more truth to be known than we can even imagine, but it will be LIGHT and it will be LOVING. It will feel natural and like home to us as we grow closer to it, like moths draw closer to the flame. We can shortly begin the gatherings of those who speak the same light and love language - language of tenderness, kindness, compassion and empathy., without losing the strength and courage of our individuality and creativity. I think a lot of people believe we will lose ourselves once we go into the Light. No. It is the opposite. We gain MORE of ourselves when we go into the Light. The source is composed of the best and the most of all who join the light.
3/17/24 - The Two Currents in the Body - Male & Female
ANAKOSHA Newsletter of 3/17/24
The Two Currents in the Body - Male & Female
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy

Greetings to everyone today, the Day of the Irish, St. Paddy's Day! I hope everyone stays somewhat sober, today but enjoys it nonetheless. In going thru old journals yesterday I discovered an entry and an undiscovered channeling by the Master Djwhal Khul (DK). That morning on Auguyst 6, 2020 I came to consciousness from far, far away, hearing words that were so far away that I didn’t have the power to reach for a pen. I was aware of an understanding before there were words to relate to. I understood that the old SSG project of the 80's & 90's with my late husband Bob Adler, when we gathered couples for all-day seminars on swinging (before I met Doug) was about to enter phase two. I am with Doug now, and the expansion of the sex project is about to commence. I've been chasing down this understanding thru an alive, activated kundalini current working in me. It is what empowers sexuality but there is so much more to it than people suspect. A deeper awareness creeped in that morning that this is for couples who have a relationship, it is NOT (emphasis on NOT) for singles who are on a different emotional and spiritual path. When two people couple up they are on a different path. It's about the sex force becoming a full body force.
As I learn, study and re-visit these old teachings, I am understanding more what it means to the average person. This is not spiritual understanding. It is a physical, logical understanding. It is real and practical. As I accept it and allow it to be real for me I become more anchored and more rooted to earth reality and practicality. It is also known as the Mother force, referred to as "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame" in secret groups not yet widely known. As in "The body loves you. The body is your mother. She will never ever hurt you. She guides you every day." As DK wrote years ago, "The nature of sex is love." And there is more. It’s the “more” that I’m working on gathering for a book. Maybe two books. Doug is even now researching how to publish HIS book, so he will be able to help me publish mine. That morning I saw clearly that the female current is the magnetic current (stillness), and the male current is electric (fire). Then the Master DK started explaining so I got up to write it. Here is the Tibetan Master DK speaking in his own words (channeled by me on August 6, 2020).
The Twin Flames of Kundalini
The two currents are magnetism (stillness) and electrical (fire). Unite them through the sexual feeling and allow it to rise. Don’t use it for sex. Don’t let fire (male) tendency take over. This is the critical stage in the process. Let magnetism (stillness) be its equal. Equal. Equal. Equal. You don’t have to force it by trying. In fact, if you “try” you will stop the process. The magnetism (stillness) is the feminine current. This has been repressed and weakened and therefore disempowered in humankind. Never mind the why of it. That’s a distraction, another firey distraction leading you away from the truth. You are to strengthen the stillness side of you while at the SAME time feeling the firey side as sexual power building up. This is the ascending vitality that is what your body needs to refresh itself and awaken the cells and everywhere in your body.
If you spend it on sex the rest of your body doesn’t get refreshed and revitalized to stay youthful and healthy and energized. The vitality is used up for the sexual climax, which feels good to you and you go into a swoon or a nap and bliss out after you have an orgasm because your body didn’t get the vitality it was owed, that should have gone to IT to refresh it. That is what the sexual arousal represents. It is the heating up of the power required to remain youthful, spritely, alive, refreshed, reinvigorated, reborn, retained in a prime condition to continue life on earth. But instead sex uses it up, wastes it to give pleasure to the lower parts of the body, the sexual organs. The rest of the body goes to sleep or into a bliss nap. The energy was spent, wasted. It went back down into the ground instead up the central canal to the brain, to open the windows called chakras. A sexual climax bypasses the cells. Sometimes it goes up and out the top of the head to transcendent other-worldly experiences, for those who are advanced on a soul level. But the energy in this case shoots up the central canal like a rocket, too fast to open the chakras on the way. The chakras are by-passed and the body does not get the benefit of the aroused life force.
This is the new teaching which will supplement what you Nancy have been teaching or trying to teach, but without much success on infertile ground. They didn’t understand why there is a need to slow down and consider love. The men that is. They were racing to reach the climax both in themselves and in the women because that is all they knew that was good, right and decent. They didn’t understand. They did not have the knowledge which you are preparing to present. The women wished for the climax but secretly they wished for the man to be gentler and to merge more sensitively with her, and to wait for her to catch up with the firey thrusting that he was giving her. She wanted to feel it too but her tendency as a feminine body is to serve and support and nourish the man.
This is NOT the mentality of a slave but the trait of a goddess – to serve, assist, nurture and support. But the male does not understand. Neither does the female understand. It was not time for them. You have been like John the Baptist – a voice crying in the wilderness: “heed the one who comes.” [Pause.] The chakras need to be opened in order for this vitality to be disseminated, distributed throughout the body to revitalize the cells, organs and tissues. Sometimes you feel it as tingles, goose pimples as you call them. Sometimes as a thrill, or as a wave that swirls upward and creates dizziness. Sometimes you feel it like a lightning strike of creative energy and insight and you are awash with excitement. You can’t be held back when it strikes. You are on fire. Or you may feel it through a wave of love and wanting to be close, intimately close, to hold and be held by someone in stillness yet it is a strong forceful stillness – an urge for love. You Nancy feel that most of all. (End. Thank you Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. I called on them during the last pause and they added this after DK finished speaking.]
Master Djwhal Khul
On a private personal note, Doug and I are both enjoying a rejuvenation of sorts, as both of us are working on books for publishing. Each in our own area of interest. We are very opposite in our interests, as those who know us realize. But the Master DK is a Tantra Master and he has taught ME much, over the years. It has been one continual ascension up a mountain full of twists and turns. I have learned much. There is only one common link and that is love. Love is a supernatural force. It allows us to continue living as opposites, freely, openly, with space around us, together. When we first moved in together 30 years ago, we were at odds in every way except one. That one way has grown larger and larger over the years, like an entwining vine that creeps over the fence and gets into fields beyond us.
Love is respectful, patient, trusting, allowing. It frees us up and makes us happy and gives us new information to consider. It gives us permission and it is also deeply comforting and provides security and little miracles along the way. It is also health-giving and vitalizing. It regenerates us. Our favorite character on TV is Seven of Nine, of Start Trek Voyager. She regenerates every night and keeps her beautiful figure. We love watching her grow into an "individual" apart from the hive. Pettiness fades away as one becomes more of an individual, enlarged by the fruit of the inner tree. Leaving you with love, blessings and hope you remain an individual today. Be your own person, not following rules but following your heart. You may unsubscribe it these contents do not appeal to you. Just send a reply asking to be removed from my list. Love from me, Nancy
3/10/24 - Kundalini: The Cosmic Connection
ANAKOSHA Newsletter of 3/11/24
Kundalini: The Cosmic Connection
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
As I learn, study and re-visit these old teachings, I am understanding more what it means to the average person. This is not spiritual understanding. It is a physical, logical understanding. It is real and practical. As I accept it and allow it to be real for me I become more anchored and more rooted to earth reality and practicality. It is also known as the Mother force, referred to as "The Ancient Order of the Mother Flame" in secret groups not yet widely known. As in "The body loves you. The body is your mother. She will never ever hurt you. She guides you every day." As DK wrote years ago, "The nature of sex is love." And there is more. It’s the “more” that I’m working on gathering for a book. Maybe two books. Doug is even now researching how to publish HIS book, so he will be able to help me publish mine. That morning I saw clearly that the female current is the magnetic current (stillness), and the male current is electric (fire). Then the Master DK started explaining so I got up to write it. Here is the Tibetan Master DK speaking in his own words (channeled by me on August 6, 2020).
The Twin Flames of Kundalini
The two currents are magnetism (stillness) and electrical (fire). Unite them through the sexual feeling and allow it to rise. Don’t use it for sex. Don’t let fire (male) tendency take over. This is the critical stage in the process. Let magnetism (stillness) be its equal. Equal. Equal. Equal. You don’t have to force it by trying. In fact, if you “try” you will stop the process. The magnetism (stillness) is the feminine current. This has been repressed and weakened and therefore disempowered in humankind. Never mind the why of it. That’s a distraction, another firey distraction leading you away from the truth. You are to strengthen the stillness side of you while at the SAME time feeling the firey side as sexual power building up. This is the ascending vitality that is what your body needs to refresh itself and awaken the cells and everywhere in your body.
If you spend it on sex the rest of your body doesn’t get refreshed and revitalized to stay youthful and healthy and energized. The vitality is used up for the sexual climax, which feels good to you and you go into a swoon or a nap and bliss out after you have an orgasm because your body didn’t get the vitality it was owed, that should have gone to IT to refresh it. That is what the sexual arousal represents. It is the heating up of the power required to remain youthful, spritely, alive, refreshed, reinvigorated, reborn, retained in a prime condition to continue life on earth. But instead sex uses it up, wastes it to give pleasure to the lower parts of the body, the sexual organs. The rest of the body goes to sleep or into a bliss nap. The energy was spent, wasted. It went back down into the ground instead up the central canal to the brain, to open the windows called chakras. A sexual climax bypasses the cells. Sometimes it goes up and out the top of the head to transcendent other-worldly experiences, for those who are advanced on a soul level. But the energy in this case shoots up the central canal like a rocket, too fast to open the chakras on the way. The chakras are by-passed and the body does not get the benefit of the aroused life force.
This is the new teaching which will supplement what you Nancy have been teaching or trying to teach, but without much success on infertile ground. They didn’t understand why there is a need to slow down and consider love. The men that is. They were racing to reach the climax both in themselves and in the women because that is all they knew that was good, right and decent. They didn’t understand. They did not have the knowledge which you are preparing to present. The women wished for the climax but secretly they wished for the man to be gentler and to merge more sensitively with her, and to wait for her to catch up with the firey thrusting that he was giving her. She wanted to feel it too but her tendency as a feminine body is to serve and support and nourish the man.
This is NOT the mentality of a slave but the trait of a goddess – to serve, assist, nurture and support. But the male does not understand. Neither does the female understand. It was not time for them. You have been like John the Baptist – a voice crying in the wilderness: “heed the one who comes.” [Pause.] The chakras need to be opened in order for this vitality to be disseminated, distributed throughout the body to revitalize the cells, organs and tissues. Sometimes you feel it as tingles, goose pimples as you call them. Sometimes as a thrill, or as a wave that swirls upward and creates dizziness. Sometimes you feel it like a lightning strike of creative energy and insight and you are awash with excitement. You can’t be held back when it strikes. You are on fire. Or you may feel it through a wave of love and wanting to be close, intimately close, to hold and be held by someone in stillness yet it is a strong forceful stillness – an urge for love. You Nancy feel that most of all. (End. Thank you Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. I called on them during the last pause and they added this after DK finished speaking.]
Master Djwhal Khul
On a private personal note, Doug and I are both enjoying a rejuvenation of sorts, as both of us are working on books for publishing. Each in our own area of interest. We are very opposite in our interests, as those who know us realize. But the Master DK is a Tantra Master and he has taught ME much, over the years. It has been one continual ascension up a mountain full of twists and turns. I have learned much. There is only one common link and that is love. Love is a supernatural force. It allows us to continue living as opposites, freely, openly, with space around us, together. When we first moved in together 30 years ago, we were at odds in every way except one. That one way has grown larger and larger over the years, like an entwining vine that creeps over the fence and gets into fields beyond us.
Love is respectful, patient, trusting, allowing. It frees us up and makes us happy and gives us new information to consider. It gives us permission and it is also deeply comforting and provides security and little miracles along the way. It is also health-giving and vitalizing. It regenerates us. Our favorite character on TV is Seven of Nine, of Start Trek Voyager. She regenerates every night and keeps her beautiful figure. We love watching her grow into an "individual" apart from the hive. Pettiness fades away as one becomes more of an individual, enlarged by the fruit of the inner tree. Leaving you with love, blessings and hope you remain an individual today. Be your own person, not following rules but following your heart. You may unsubscribe it these contents do not appeal to you. Just send a reply asking to be removed from my list. Love from me, Nancy
3/10/24 - Kundalini: The Cosmic Connection
ANAKOSHA Newsletter of 3/11/24
Kundalini: The Cosmic Connection
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy

Hello everyone! Greetings! This week I'd like to share another article by the Master DK from 1978, shortly after kundalini awakened in me during a guided meditation led by my sister. It was a very gentle, sweet experience during which I lost awareness of my physical body and location (in a gym), and went OBE (out of body). Lost awareness of my sister and my movements of jumping up and down. But 10 hours later, over supper which my sister had prepared, I had a most interesting experience of "returning" to full consciousness. Then, began a conversation with my sister. What happened? She knew what happened but she couldn't explain. From that time on, intense biological and inner metabolisms began to change in me. Click HERE to read the first few pages telling about it in detail, written back in the 1970's when it happened. Things began to change within me, hyper-intense energies and an inner wind began to move in me. It was alternately ecstatic and horrifying. I began to receive words in the form of lengthy messages which I wrote down mostly in handwriting. These words flowed very clearly, as if someone was speaking in my mind. I had no choice but to write them down. Later I was introduced to the Ascended Master DK, but at the time I had not seen any mention of his name and did not know him. My notes indicate it was simply "spirit" talking. Here is what was said. Read on, and I'll be back after DK has finished talking!
Almost everyone has heard of the third eye, the organ of second sight which very few really understands. Everyone has heard of miraculous visions, miraculous healings, miraculous feelings that border on ecstasy, mental telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, levitation, and the like. Still, very, very few people really understand how they happen. In fact, some people do not believe that they DO happen. But down through history one can find, if one takes the time to look, actual case histories of super-normal acts. In most cases they have been relegated to the saint, the mystic or in recent years, the medium. If the person was not a saint, a mystic or a medium before the happening, then he or she became one shortly thereafter, due to the fact that such happenings are considered beyond the scope of normal people and therefore only a specially gifted person can experience them. But this is a false premise, based on not knowing mankind’s intrinsic nature and intelligence.
Deep within the physical/spiritual body of every human being can be found a tiny seed. It is not a seed such as that which permits a tree to grow. It is a non-physical seed. It is a force. This seed lies in the geometric center of the human body, near the reproductive organs. It is the secret behind sexual feeling, a subject that has not truly been explored yet. But that is not the subject of this article. That can be examined at a later date. More important for now is to recognize that there really is something different, something strange, something very, very potent and something very, very wonderful embedded deep into the core of our being. It is placed there for the same reason that something is embedded into an oak seed or a corn seed or a petunia seed – to enable it to grow when its time has come.
We say physical/spiritual body because those two bodies are superimposed upon each other in just such a manner that they appear as one. The tiny seed which is embedded in the heart of it [in the geometric center near the reproductive organs] is the connection between the two. Between the physical, measurable substance of the material world, and the non-physical, non-measurable intelligence of life. It is the cosmic connection and it holds within it infinite mystery. We are not going to assume to explain the mystery because we can’t; others are in a better position to do so. We are only going to present it as a fact that exists, as surely as the sun rises every morning and sets every evening.
The seed is a force, a concentrated, intelligent force which appears to live in embryo form somewhere around the base of the spine, barely awake, working its wonders quietly and gently, yet all the while gathering strength in preparation for its remarkable day of awakening. At that time definite biological and mental disturbances take place within the individual – the opening and entry into a whole new world, a world of cosmic dimensions and universal understanding while yet in the physical form.
Not too many people have gone through this awakening and integrated it successfully into their lives. The field has not been fertile enough. One could say that, on the evolutionary scale, it is the next step for mankind to take, the emerging of a new kind of man. Throughout history, the few who have gone through the awakening have either gotten lost in the energy explosion that occurs, or in the ecstasies that result thereafter. Those who have been able to incorporate the change into their physical lives have survived as the great spiritual leaders we know today.
Some people have gone through the awakening partially, not thoroughly understanding what was happening to them. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of the potential lying dormant, waiting, inside of them, even though everyone touches it now and then without knowing, causing dramatic and miraculous results – the forerunners of things to come. An extraordinarily few people are aware of this force, but little by little, knowledge is spreading. Its awakening is on the uprise, the field is more ready than it has ever been in the history of the world. It is known as “kundalini” in the far East, perhaps by other names in other societies. The information is coming from out of India, Tibet, and the Himalayan monasteries, by Eastern spokesmen moving West. They are carrying tales from out of ancient scriptures where in the story of this strange force is contained, heavily veiled in flowery, poetic phraseology, intending it would seem to merely spin a lengthy fairytale rather than to preserve and hide the deep and meaningful secret which it does indeed.
There is such an aura of mystery surrounding the subject matter that even today, in this enlightened age, it is considered taboo to speak or write about one’s experiences directly concerning this force. The reason for such a heavy lid of secrecy which has been handed down by tradition if not by knowledge, through the centuries to modern times, is two-fold. The first part will reveal itself as one explores more deeply the stories whispered about it. It is such a powerful force that it is said to cause madness should it be stirred awake before the person is ready. Preparation lies in being able to follow inner urges; freedom to conform to one’s own feelings and the movements going on inside, for the larger part of one’s makeup is internal.
The second reason for the lid of secrecy is that once the force has been awakened, the ensuing transformation of consciousness is such that one does not care to look back, nor take the time to explain until things are well under control. Thus there are insufficient first-hand accounts on record. So strange and removed from all practical aspects of normal human life are these experiences, that those who undergo the change do not speak of it easily. The feelings that are at first enflamed are so deeply personal and even sacred, that one cannot talk about them. Thus there is a great danger in their being rejected. If a man or a woman upon feeling such warning movements, does not give them proper respect, a built-in time bomb begins to click its countdown. Even the smallest shred of evidence or shadow of confirmation at such a time is like a brilliant beacon sweeping its great rays across a darkened horizon to guide the smallest ship safely home. Not only is evidence needed, but encouragement also, and an uplifting atmosphere to maintain the critical balance needed for the delicate growth going on inside.
We are speaking from personal experience now, and choosing our words with care to retain the necessary objectivity. When I found myself face to face with this unknown force there was no one who knew anything about its workings. [DK is writing this through me at a time that I did not realize.] Unlike the students in the monasteries of which I learned only later, I had no teacher to tell me what I was about to go through, or to guide me while going through them. There were only blank stares, dead end pathways, and in certain cases, outright hostility which I could only interpret as jealousy. I learned early not to reveal it openly. Left to fend for myself, I followed these energy movements all alone, as they ebbed and flowed in a rhythmic pattern through my body and mind, alternating from peaceful to violent, from a form of ecstasy to a maddening hysteria, moving my body beyond my will. With no alternative I was forced to rely on intuitive judgment - that ultimate training ground for all real things - concerning this oddity that had literally erupted into my life. I was fortunate at the time, in that I was living with someone who cared and who acted as a watchdog and observer, for without his discreet but heavy hand and sound judgment, I do not believe I would have made it.
Still, he did not know what was going on inside of me and at certain critical points when intuitive judgment was not enough, there occurred some remarkable outside interventions that saved me from going over a mental edge from which I know I would not have returned. These interventions only compounded the strangeness, as heightening as they were, for no one could possibly have known what I needed and how desperate I was for help. As the little book said, which was one of the interventions, “The kundalni is a mystery, and a mystery it shall remain forever and ever.”
Today I do not believe that it will remain a mystery “forever and ever”, for already I have learned much and others are learning too. But such knowledge requires a new kind of science. People speak freely today of universal energy and the vast powers of the cosmos. I would venture to say here that the kundalini must be a condensation of those forces, toned down and compacted to almost a solidification of those powers, as much as powers can be solidified. For they really do press and bend the physical body structure and imbue the entire nervous system with light. Once that remarkable mental contact occurs, when the door swings inward upon this hibernating potency, one is not as prone to speak so lightly about it as once he may have been.
The occasional heights of inspirational moments would appear to be, and I speak only as an observer of certain actions in myself, a gently flowing kundalini still in embryo form moving about, much like a human embryo kicks and shifts within the womb. But when the force decides to become born into the physical body and thus into the world of matter, never to look back again, the body and mind which bore it are never the same. These powers are no longer impersonal but deeply personal as the objective melds, succumbs beyond reason into subjective experiences now unleashed. Influences and coercions come to bear on that body which seem not to be physical, and yet seem not to be mental in origin. They seem to be changes in a deeper metabolism, and yet not the metabolism of the physical body, which to a certain extent can be controlled.
It is an uncontrollable expansion, both heightening and frightening at the same time. Incredible heights, forces, lights, high visions, strange ideas, weird contortions, perversions and heart-felt sympathies and sensitivities, and much, much more, all happen at once, magnified out of all normal proportion with no control over them to shut them off. One feels somewhat like a computer with an overload, helpless but to experience it. And without the tender sympathies of close associates or the expert guidance of a wise teacher, one could easily go mad, unable to accept the contradictions now thrust into the consciousness.
It feels much akin to the germination of a seed. A seed remains a passive shell until certain conditions prevail upon it. And once those conditions have been set, a movement sets in which no one but the seed itself can ascertain. It is invisible and immeasurable to outside observation. But things begin to happen in that seed. Its metabolism takes on a new chemistry, as though it has opened its heart to a larger energy which is now flowing through it, directing its growth and to which the seed relinquishes its passivity. The frenzy does not last forever, though and if all goes well, the dramatic birth yields itself to a gentle upward movement toward the light.
As the mind becomes more and more influenced by this force, one becomes conscious of another realm, superimposed shimmering, sparkling in light brighter than light we know with our physical eyes, upon this physical world in which we live. It is as though someone turned on the light. The walls dividing people from people, thing from thing, melt away revealing an unbroken continuity, an unsurpassed ethereal kind of beauty behind it all, and a strange lifting sensation as though gravity had lost some of its power. Emotions take on new meaning as they become the base of communication and interchange. But more I cannot say for when I look out across this beautiful valley into a far, far blue sky groping for the right words, I lend myself too much to it. Something far greater than I is absorbing me, lifting me beyond what is practical. I cease to care whether I say anything or do anything. I cease to care about obligations, or time, or other people for I can see I am part of a living, pulsing, radiating sea of life over which I have no control. I am drawn irresistibly into a high, high state, and do not want to go back. And I know why people give up all possessions, cut all bonds, perhaps even their bodies, and do not return when they encounter this expanding light which reveals all things, fulfills all needs and wants.
But I have been well trained, so I force my focus back to physical objects and lock in on them. It would do no good to get lost, then I too will have failed. So long as I maintain my balance, living in this world while obeying the other, life is a constant miracle. There is never a passive moment. Wonders happen, things click, or like clockwork senses are magnified, visions come, future, past and present are clear and I can feel the pulsing of the world. I live with a constant feeling of more to come. I am on the uprise, and the world is on the uprise, and I know that this cosmic connection of which we know yet so little, is only a beginning - a promise to the whole human race. A promise of a future in which normal human faculties will include the ability to communicate telepathically, to see and know the future, the past, to see through things, to levitate, to move objects by will, to feel, to know, and to learn. And behind it all is a phenomenon that outstrips all of this – for one feels as though one is closer to home. Home where one truly belongs. It is inexplicable but it is the most exhilarating part of all, for one cannot help but feel an overwhelming inclination towards peace, to work together and not to hurt anyone any more. (1978)
Master Djwhal Khul
Sending peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace and gratitude. May you find happiness wherever you go. Stay in your own heart space, stay grounded in your own body, and hug someone the next chance you get. Go to bed tonight smiling! Be happy, be real, by free. From the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angellics, and me, Nancy
3/3/24 - Kundalini: The Inner Power Source
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 3/3/24
Kundalini: The Inner Power Source
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
Almost everyone has heard of the third eye, the organ of second sight which very few really understands. Everyone has heard of miraculous visions, miraculous healings, miraculous feelings that border on ecstasy, mental telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, levitation, and the like. Still, very, very few people really understand how they happen. In fact, some people do not believe that they DO happen. But down through history one can find, if one takes the time to look, actual case histories of super-normal acts. In most cases they have been relegated to the saint, the mystic or in recent years, the medium. If the person was not a saint, a mystic or a medium before the happening, then he or she became one shortly thereafter, due to the fact that such happenings are considered beyond the scope of normal people and therefore only a specially gifted person can experience them. But this is a false premise, based on not knowing mankind’s intrinsic nature and intelligence.
Deep within the physical/spiritual body of every human being can be found a tiny seed. It is not a seed such as that which permits a tree to grow. It is a non-physical seed. It is a force. This seed lies in the geometric center of the human body, near the reproductive organs. It is the secret behind sexual feeling, a subject that has not truly been explored yet. But that is not the subject of this article. That can be examined at a later date. More important for now is to recognize that there really is something different, something strange, something very, very potent and something very, very wonderful embedded deep into the core of our being. It is placed there for the same reason that something is embedded into an oak seed or a corn seed or a petunia seed – to enable it to grow when its time has come.
We say physical/spiritual body because those two bodies are superimposed upon each other in just such a manner that they appear as one. The tiny seed which is embedded in the heart of it [in the geometric center near the reproductive organs] is the connection between the two. Between the physical, measurable substance of the material world, and the non-physical, non-measurable intelligence of life. It is the cosmic connection and it holds within it infinite mystery. We are not going to assume to explain the mystery because we can’t; others are in a better position to do so. We are only going to present it as a fact that exists, as surely as the sun rises every morning and sets every evening.
The seed is a force, a concentrated, intelligent force which appears to live in embryo form somewhere around the base of the spine, barely awake, working its wonders quietly and gently, yet all the while gathering strength in preparation for its remarkable day of awakening. At that time definite biological and mental disturbances take place within the individual – the opening and entry into a whole new world, a world of cosmic dimensions and universal understanding while yet in the physical form.
Not too many people have gone through this awakening and integrated it successfully into their lives. The field has not been fertile enough. One could say that, on the evolutionary scale, it is the next step for mankind to take, the emerging of a new kind of man. Throughout history, the few who have gone through the awakening have either gotten lost in the energy explosion that occurs, or in the ecstasies that result thereafter. Those who have been able to incorporate the change into their physical lives have survived as the great spiritual leaders we know today.
Some people have gone through the awakening partially, not thoroughly understanding what was happening to them. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of the potential lying dormant, waiting, inside of them, even though everyone touches it now and then without knowing, causing dramatic and miraculous results – the forerunners of things to come. An extraordinarily few people are aware of this force, but little by little, knowledge is spreading. Its awakening is on the uprise, the field is more ready than it has ever been in the history of the world. It is known as “kundalini” in the far East, perhaps by other names in other societies. The information is coming from out of India, Tibet, and the Himalayan monasteries, by Eastern spokesmen moving West. They are carrying tales from out of ancient scriptures where in the story of this strange force is contained, heavily veiled in flowery, poetic phraseology, intending it would seem to merely spin a lengthy fairytale rather than to preserve and hide the deep and meaningful secret which it does indeed.
There is such an aura of mystery surrounding the subject matter that even today, in this enlightened age, it is considered taboo to speak or write about one’s experiences directly concerning this force. The reason for such a heavy lid of secrecy which has been handed down by tradition if not by knowledge, through the centuries to modern times, is two-fold. The first part will reveal itself as one explores more deeply the stories whispered about it. It is such a powerful force that it is said to cause madness should it be stirred awake before the person is ready. Preparation lies in being able to follow inner urges; freedom to conform to one’s own feelings and the movements going on inside, for the larger part of one’s makeup is internal.
The second reason for the lid of secrecy is that once the force has been awakened, the ensuing transformation of consciousness is such that one does not care to look back, nor take the time to explain until things are well under control. Thus there are insufficient first-hand accounts on record. So strange and removed from all practical aspects of normal human life are these experiences, that those who undergo the change do not speak of it easily. The feelings that are at first enflamed are so deeply personal and even sacred, that one cannot talk about them. Thus there is a great danger in their being rejected. If a man or a woman upon feeling such warning movements, does not give them proper respect, a built-in time bomb begins to click its countdown. Even the smallest shred of evidence or shadow of confirmation at such a time is like a brilliant beacon sweeping its great rays across a darkened horizon to guide the smallest ship safely home. Not only is evidence needed, but encouragement also, and an uplifting atmosphere to maintain the critical balance needed for the delicate growth going on inside.
We are speaking from personal experience now, and choosing our words with care to retain the necessary objectivity. When I found myself face to face with this unknown force there was no one who knew anything about its workings. [DK is writing this through me at a time that I did not realize.] Unlike the students in the monasteries of which I learned only later, I had no teacher to tell me what I was about to go through, or to guide me while going through them. There were only blank stares, dead end pathways, and in certain cases, outright hostility which I could only interpret as jealousy. I learned early not to reveal it openly. Left to fend for myself, I followed these energy movements all alone, as they ebbed and flowed in a rhythmic pattern through my body and mind, alternating from peaceful to violent, from a form of ecstasy to a maddening hysteria, moving my body beyond my will. With no alternative I was forced to rely on intuitive judgment - that ultimate training ground for all real things - concerning this oddity that had literally erupted into my life. I was fortunate at the time, in that I was living with someone who cared and who acted as a watchdog and observer, for without his discreet but heavy hand and sound judgment, I do not believe I would have made it.
Still, he did not know what was going on inside of me and at certain critical points when intuitive judgment was not enough, there occurred some remarkable outside interventions that saved me from going over a mental edge from which I know I would not have returned. These interventions only compounded the strangeness, as heightening as they were, for no one could possibly have known what I needed and how desperate I was for help. As the little book said, which was one of the interventions, “The kundalni is a mystery, and a mystery it shall remain forever and ever.”
Today I do not believe that it will remain a mystery “forever and ever”, for already I have learned much and others are learning too. But such knowledge requires a new kind of science. People speak freely today of universal energy and the vast powers of the cosmos. I would venture to say here that the kundalini must be a condensation of those forces, toned down and compacted to almost a solidification of those powers, as much as powers can be solidified. For they really do press and bend the physical body structure and imbue the entire nervous system with light. Once that remarkable mental contact occurs, when the door swings inward upon this hibernating potency, one is not as prone to speak so lightly about it as once he may have been.
The occasional heights of inspirational moments would appear to be, and I speak only as an observer of certain actions in myself, a gently flowing kundalini still in embryo form moving about, much like a human embryo kicks and shifts within the womb. But when the force decides to become born into the physical body and thus into the world of matter, never to look back again, the body and mind which bore it are never the same. These powers are no longer impersonal but deeply personal as the objective melds, succumbs beyond reason into subjective experiences now unleashed. Influences and coercions come to bear on that body which seem not to be physical, and yet seem not to be mental in origin. They seem to be changes in a deeper metabolism, and yet not the metabolism of the physical body, which to a certain extent can be controlled.
It is an uncontrollable expansion, both heightening and frightening at the same time. Incredible heights, forces, lights, high visions, strange ideas, weird contortions, perversions and heart-felt sympathies and sensitivities, and much, much more, all happen at once, magnified out of all normal proportion with no control over them to shut them off. One feels somewhat like a computer with an overload, helpless but to experience it. And without the tender sympathies of close associates or the expert guidance of a wise teacher, one could easily go mad, unable to accept the contradictions now thrust into the consciousness.
It feels much akin to the germination of a seed. A seed remains a passive shell until certain conditions prevail upon it. And once those conditions have been set, a movement sets in which no one but the seed itself can ascertain. It is invisible and immeasurable to outside observation. But things begin to happen in that seed. Its metabolism takes on a new chemistry, as though it has opened its heart to a larger energy which is now flowing through it, directing its growth and to which the seed relinquishes its passivity. The frenzy does not last forever, though and if all goes well, the dramatic birth yields itself to a gentle upward movement toward the light.
As the mind becomes more and more influenced by this force, one becomes conscious of another realm, superimposed shimmering, sparkling in light brighter than light we know with our physical eyes, upon this physical world in which we live. It is as though someone turned on the light. The walls dividing people from people, thing from thing, melt away revealing an unbroken continuity, an unsurpassed ethereal kind of beauty behind it all, and a strange lifting sensation as though gravity had lost some of its power. Emotions take on new meaning as they become the base of communication and interchange. But more I cannot say for when I look out across this beautiful valley into a far, far blue sky groping for the right words, I lend myself too much to it. Something far greater than I is absorbing me, lifting me beyond what is practical. I cease to care whether I say anything or do anything. I cease to care about obligations, or time, or other people for I can see I am part of a living, pulsing, radiating sea of life over which I have no control. I am drawn irresistibly into a high, high state, and do not want to go back. And I know why people give up all possessions, cut all bonds, perhaps even their bodies, and do not return when they encounter this expanding light which reveals all things, fulfills all needs and wants.
But I have been well trained, so I force my focus back to physical objects and lock in on them. It would do no good to get lost, then I too will have failed. So long as I maintain my balance, living in this world while obeying the other, life is a constant miracle. There is never a passive moment. Wonders happen, things click, or like clockwork senses are magnified, visions come, future, past and present are clear and I can feel the pulsing of the world. I live with a constant feeling of more to come. I am on the uprise, and the world is on the uprise, and I know that this cosmic connection of which we know yet so little, is only a beginning - a promise to the whole human race. A promise of a future in which normal human faculties will include the ability to communicate telepathically, to see and know the future, the past, to see through things, to levitate, to move objects by will, to feel, to know, and to learn. And behind it all is a phenomenon that outstrips all of this – for one feels as though one is closer to home. Home where one truly belongs. It is inexplicable but it is the most exhilarating part of all, for one cannot help but feel an overwhelming inclination towards peace, to work together and not to hurt anyone any more. (1978)
Master Djwhal Khul
Sending peace, love, light, joy, freedom, grace and gratitude. May you find happiness wherever you go. Stay in your own heart space, stay grounded in your own body, and hug someone the next chance you get. Go to bed tonight smiling! Be happy, be real, by free. From the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angellics, and me, Nancy
3/3/24 - Kundalini: The Inner Power Source
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 3/3/24
Kundalini: The Inner Power Source
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my portal of consciousness. It has been over two months since I've sent a newsletter out. I have been very busy dealing with my own consciousness shift and transformation. It has been a crazy time but I think it's mostly settling now. I am re-visiting Kundalini. This time from a more stable, grounded perspective. Hopefully not so spiritual or flighty. A quick capstone summary of my life would show that I had my first visitation with the galactics in 1963 while pregnant with my first child at age 25; a despondent breakdown in 1968 when I left my family; kundalini awakening in 1976, taking me out of body into the light and gone for 10 hours; and the next day beginning a 7-year consciousness transformation. Since I was married to a stable, grounded man who listened to me and asked questions, I was able to talk about it. He helped me ground the flow of knowledge into words. Words began coming to me at all hours and I began to write them down.
The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul didn't make himself known for another year or two, and he has been guiding me ever since, going on 48 years now. It wasn't long after, that my husband and I were drawn to explore the cultural phenomena of couples swinging, bringing us together with another couple. This helped me further to ground the huge flow of love energy coming through me like a wind, sometimes a tornedo. It was biological and electrical at the same time, both updraft and downdraft. As I hugged the people I felt connected and grounded. They saved me from going over the edge in addition to my husband's great love. It wasn't all about sex, no. It was so much more. You will see as you read DK's words which he was giving to me, to help me understand what I was going through.
We will be talking more about this inner power from now on, which is located inside of YOU too, and everyone you know. Read on now Master DK's words and I'll be back after he's finished. This was around 1977 or 1978 that it came to me.
Our inner nature is not physical at all, but encompasses a great deal more than we can see. Ideas are constantly pouring into consciousness from someplace other than from the mind we know. This inner nature is our true self, and if we were to be open to this source of inspiration all the time, we would be able to handle everything that came our way, and feel good all of the time. This inner self is always speaking, always sending messages, of pain, anger, dismay, danger, always telling us what to do. This inner self speaks in the form of feelings, intuition and emotion, and we are fools not to pay attention.
If we could see this inner power source, we would see, down near the sexual organs, behind them and up a little, in the geometric center of the body, a concentration of golden light. Not the gold in color we know, but the loving essence of gold and light. There is a Sanskrit word in ancient Indian scriptures which calls this the Kundalini. There has been a lot written about the Kundalini in ancient teachings, but it has been veiled from the common people until now. The Kundalini is the power source of life born into every human body just as every seed contains its power source. Here, nestled in amongst the sexual organs it lives – a potent and highly concentrated form of intelligence, force and power. And you would see, if you were open to it, golden rays radiating outward sending little by little (only so much as can be used) vitality, to the outer reaches of the body, just like the sun radiates life energy out to its planets. It is shimmering like golden liquid, alive as though with electricity. As it radiates outward the rays get smaller and smaller, like the branches on a tree in winter, til the tiniest ends have been touched with life fluid. It looks like the pictures of the human nerve system as painted in the physiology books. It is the same, except that the nerves are physical and the power source is not. Somewhere along the route, this golden essence of livingness descends and becomes physical matter, so science can record it. But nowhere can we see, hear, or detect the source of life itself. It is too fine. If you could see this shimmering tree of life radiating its vitality outward all around, you would see that it is not symmetrical, for there is one large ray shooting upward into the brain. An offshoot from the primary power source. This offshoot is very powerful, full of energy and intelligence, but it is still dependent on the center. The center is independent of all and is the most powerful force in all the body. It is the living originator of the body itself, and nothing can alter or change it. This is the true nature of the person. This power is so strong that though you cannot feel it under normal conditions, you can feel it when it opens the flood gate and allows a massive amount into the body all at one time during the sexual explosion. For those organs have been made especially for just such a release – to allow the power to enter the flesh on a massive scale, to blow out the blocks that inevitably build up from tension and withholding the life forces. And once again, spirit and flesh unite in the good, good feeling that sexual climax brings.
And so our whole being, body, mind and soul, are being held together and fed and nourished from this internal spring. It feeds us life and knowledge. It prods us with feelings to do things, urges to eat, intuition to act. It is our true self and we are conscious of it. It is the blueprint of our future and contains the memory of the past. It is our basic chemistry and feels the chemistry of others. It is very much our true self, not foreign, not alien, not strange. It is good, happy, whole and pure. When we go against this self we feel bad. When we align ourselves with it we feel good. And when we really blend into its enchanting essence, surrender to the feeling and become one with it, we feel a certain high, like ecstasy, like sexual goodness, because it is one and the same power.
Because so many people are unaware of the beauty of their inner selves, you can go against this inner nature if you really want to. You have the secondary power center – the brain - which is free will, which pulls you out of your true self, and being free to choose, we do. From the outer world we are taught and trained not to listen to our feelings. As children we are told to be nice, and even though we don’t want to be nice, we pretend for we want to please our parents. Then we want to please our teachers, then our bosses, then our neighbors. And pretty soon we are living in a pretend world and think that it is real. Frustration and meanness take us over and we are no longer the beauteous personalities that we are meant to be. How do we begin to straighten it out? How do you tell which feelings are which? You feel guilty over something you did and you decide you won’t ever do that particular thing again because it made you feel so bad. But what if the feeling of guilt was your true self trying to tell you something, trying to come through? But it bumped into a block built there long ago by a parent when you were very very young? How do you know? There are many ways to begin. Discussions with other people along this vein are the best opener into feeling channels. In a discussion group at least you can compare notes before taking action. It is not quite so committing just to talk about something. You can analyze your emotions as you talk and listen. You can watch and see what erupts from inside, see what causes you distress and analyze the distress for yourself, hone in on that which you really want to do but were afraid to do it. We must bring those inner feelings into the outer world – into the world of expression and livingness. That is the only way to feel free. That is what is behind everyone’s desire for freedom. The desire to express what they feel. To do what they feel, to live and say and eat and create what they feel inside. To live outwardly what they feel inwardly. These are the feelings which clog and dam up and build up into huge dark heavy emotions when they are not expressed freely.
Inner feelings can also be seen through contemplation. Contemplation transcends the mind and opinions. Once you have learned how to still the mind, you can see beyond it, listen to the clarities, see the visions and learn. There are fantastic experiences to be seen, once you learn how to still the mind. But you must know how to do it and it is not easy. Meditation is a tool, but only a tool. It is not an end in itself. There are many techniques to still the mind – transcendental meditation and others, mind control, biofeedback, yoga, but they are all only tools. Once the technique is mastered, one must open himself/herself even deeper to see, to listen, to go into the next void. This is an attitude of acceptance of higher things.
Then there is sex. Everyone is afraid of sex, keeping it separate from their open lives. But that is putting down inner feelings. It is inevitable in getting back in touch with your own true self and inner feelings, that you will have to, one day, accept the sex force as natural, good and beneficial to your life. This is the ultimate step as human beings, before the beginning of divine revelation. To accept sexuality begins a learning process that touches on the psychic, spiritual and physical secrets that lie deep within, veiled to judgmental eyes. They will reveal themselves when the mind opens to acceptance, and such teachings will never end. It is only a beginning into spiritual realms and knowledge. Accepting sex does not mean doing it all the time! But rather, doing it in an attitude of reverence, love, understanding, and not being afraid that others know you like it. It lies in elevating sex to a position of normalcy, like eating, breathing, bathing, and any other daily function – instead of keeping it hidden and underground. This is an adjustment of the mind, not an adjustment of the physical act of making love. Though there will probably come some adjustments of the physical act, once there is more freedom in it, to bring it more in line with the deeper, truer, more personal feelings. And these will be more fulfilling than ever before.
Master Djwhal Khul
(1978 - This is part of a lengthier article. The rest will be published later, for his suggestions are valuable to know what he said.)
That's all for now. I will send more as I am guided. There is so much to tell about the inner power source. Doug has been after me to write my book but I have not known how to begin so I am following my intuition. DK is nudging to get this out into the open. I notice there are others who are also talking about and teaching kundalini. The time has come for us to recognize this inner power, which is unique to each individual. We carry it around with us by day and night. We sleep with it and wake up with it. We walk, talk and make decisions with it ever present. Let the body reveal its wisdom thru inner feelings and awareness. Let's dare to be who we really are and not subdue it any longer. If there is anyone reading this who would like some support and validation, please feel free to contact me by reply email. Nobody ever writes to me any more. I think it's because this is such an unusual time. We have no idea who is aware and who is not. We are afraid to put our words out for others to see. Maybe we will be called a fool. So what? Be free, be comfortable, be safe. Your body loves you. Your body will never hurt you. It is wiser than you know. It seeks to be recognized. It is the soul that lives secretly inside the body cells. Invite it to come out.
Blessings, love, light, joy, peace, harmony and gratitude to everyone. A Happy Blessed Springtime to you all, as the life force rises up from underground in plants, trees, animals and all of nature. Feel the presence of invisible ones throughout your day today - the Angelics, the Galactics, the Ascendeds, the Celestials. Love from me, Nancy
12/22/23 - The Importance of Receiving
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 12/22/23
The Importance of Receiving
by Master Djwhal Khul thru me, Nancy
The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul didn't make himself known for another year or two, and he has been guiding me ever since, going on 48 years now. It wasn't long after, that my husband and I were drawn to explore the cultural phenomena of couples swinging, bringing us together with another couple. This helped me further to ground the huge flow of love energy coming through me like a wind, sometimes a tornedo. It was biological and electrical at the same time, both updraft and downdraft. As I hugged the people I felt connected and grounded. They saved me from going over the edge in addition to my husband's great love. It wasn't all about sex, no. It was so much more. You will see as you read DK's words which he was giving to me, to help me understand what I was going through.
We will be talking more about this inner power from now on, which is located inside of YOU too, and everyone you know. Read on now Master DK's words and I'll be back after he's finished. This was around 1977 or 1978 that it came to me.
Our inner nature is not physical at all, but encompasses a great deal more than we can see. Ideas are constantly pouring into consciousness from someplace other than from the mind we know. This inner nature is our true self, and if we were to be open to this source of inspiration all the time, we would be able to handle everything that came our way, and feel good all of the time. This inner self is always speaking, always sending messages, of pain, anger, dismay, danger, always telling us what to do. This inner self speaks in the form of feelings, intuition and emotion, and we are fools not to pay attention.
If we could see this inner power source, we would see, down near the sexual organs, behind them and up a little, in the geometric center of the body, a concentration of golden light. Not the gold in color we know, but the loving essence of gold and light. There is a Sanskrit word in ancient Indian scriptures which calls this the Kundalini. There has been a lot written about the Kundalini in ancient teachings, but it has been veiled from the common people until now. The Kundalini is the power source of life born into every human body just as every seed contains its power source. Here, nestled in amongst the sexual organs it lives – a potent and highly concentrated form of intelligence, force and power. And you would see, if you were open to it, golden rays radiating outward sending little by little (only so much as can be used) vitality, to the outer reaches of the body, just like the sun radiates life energy out to its planets. It is shimmering like golden liquid, alive as though with electricity. As it radiates outward the rays get smaller and smaller, like the branches on a tree in winter, til the tiniest ends have been touched with life fluid. It looks like the pictures of the human nerve system as painted in the physiology books. It is the same, except that the nerves are physical and the power source is not. Somewhere along the route, this golden essence of livingness descends and becomes physical matter, so science can record it. But nowhere can we see, hear, or detect the source of life itself. It is too fine. If you could see this shimmering tree of life radiating its vitality outward all around, you would see that it is not symmetrical, for there is one large ray shooting upward into the brain. An offshoot from the primary power source. This offshoot is very powerful, full of energy and intelligence, but it is still dependent on the center. The center is independent of all and is the most powerful force in all the body. It is the living originator of the body itself, and nothing can alter or change it. This is the true nature of the person. This power is so strong that though you cannot feel it under normal conditions, you can feel it when it opens the flood gate and allows a massive amount into the body all at one time during the sexual explosion. For those organs have been made especially for just such a release – to allow the power to enter the flesh on a massive scale, to blow out the blocks that inevitably build up from tension and withholding the life forces. And once again, spirit and flesh unite in the good, good feeling that sexual climax brings.
And so our whole being, body, mind and soul, are being held together and fed and nourished from this internal spring. It feeds us life and knowledge. It prods us with feelings to do things, urges to eat, intuition to act. It is our true self and we are conscious of it. It is the blueprint of our future and contains the memory of the past. It is our basic chemistry and feels the chemistry of others. It is very much our true self, not foreign, not alien, not strange. It is good, happy, whole and pure. When we go against this self we feel bad. When we align ourselves with it we feel good. And when we really blend into its enchanting essence, surrender to the feeling and become one with it, we feel a certain high, like ecstasy, like sexual goodness, because it is one and the same power.
Because so many people are unaware of the beauty of their inner selves, you can go against this inner nature if you really want to. You have the secondary power center – the brain - which is free will, which pulls you out of your true self, and being free to choose, we do. From the outer world we are taught and trained not to listen to our feelings. As children we are told to be nice, and even though we don’t want to be nice, we pretend for we want to please our parents. Then we want to please our teachers, then our bosses, then our neighbors. And pretty soon we are living in a pretend world and think that it is real. Frustration and meanness take us over and we are no longer the beauteous personalities that we are meant to be. How do we begin to straighten it out? How do you tell which feelings are which? You feel guilty over something you did and you decide you won’t ever do that particular thing again because it made you feel so bad. But what if the feeling of guilt was your true self trying to tell you something, trying to come through? But it bumped into a block built there long ago by a parent when you were very very young? How do you know? There are many ways to begin. Discussions with other people along this vein are the best opener into feeling channels. In a discussion group at least you can compare notes before taking action. It is not quite so committing just to talk about something. You can analyze your emotions as you talk and listen. You can watch and see what erupts from inside, see what causes you distress and analyze the distress for yourself, hone in on that which you really want to do but were afraid to do it. We must bring those inner feelings into the outer world – into the world of expression and livingness. That is the only way to feel free. That is what is behind everyone’s desire for freedom. The desire to express what they feel. To do what they feel, to live and say and eat and create what they feel inside. To live outwardly what they feel inwardly. These are the feelings which clog and dam up and build up into huge dark heavy emotions when they are not expressed freely.
Inner feelings can also be seen through contemplation. Contemplation transcends the mind and opinions. Once you have learned how to still the mind, you can see beyond it, listen to the clarities, see the visions and learn. There are fantastic experiences to be seen, once you learn how to still the mind. But you must know how to do it and it is not easy. Meditation is a tool, but only a tool. It is not an end in itself. There are many techniques to still the mind – transcendental meditation and others, mind control, biofeedback, yoga, but they are all only tools. Once the technique is mastered, one must open himself/herself even deeper to see, to listen, to go into the next void. This is an attitude of acceptance of higher things.
Then there is sex. Everyone is afraid of sex, keeping it separate from their open lives. But that is putting down inner feelings. It is inevitable in getting back in touch with your own true self and inner feelings, that you will have to, one day, accept the sex force as natural, good and beneficial to your life. This is the ultimate step as human beings, before the beginning of divine revelation. To accept sexuality begins a learning process that touches on the psychic, spiritual and physical secrets that lie deep within, veiled to judgmental eyes. They will reveal themselves when the mind opens to acceptance, and such teachings will never end. It is only a beginning into spiritual realms and knowledge. Accepting sex does not mean doing it all the time! But rather, doing it in an attitude of reverence, love, understanding, and not being afraid that others know you like it. It lies in elevating sex to a position of normalcy, like eating, breathing, bathing, and any other daily function – instead of keeping it hidden and underground. This is an adjustment of the mind, not an adjustment of the physical act of making love. Though there will probably come some adjustments of the physical act, once there is more freedom in it, to bring it more in line with the deeper, truer, more personal feelings. And these will be more fulfilling than ever before.
Master Djwhal Khul
(1978 - This is part of a lengthier article. The rest will be published later, for his suggestions are valuable to know what he said.)
That's all for now. I will send more as I am guided. There is so much to tell about the inner power source. Doug has been after me to write my book but I have not known how to begin so I am following my intuition. DK is nudging to get this out into the open. I notice there are others who are also talking about and teaching kundalini. The time has come for us to recognize this inner power, which is unique to each individual. We carry it around with us by day and night. We sleep with it and wake up with it. We walk, talk and make decisions with it ever present. Let the body reveal its wisdom thru inner feelings and awareness. Let's dare to be who we really are and not subdue it any longer. If there is anyone reading this who would like some support and validation, please feel free to contact me by reply email. Nobody ever writes to me any more. I think it's because this is such an unusual time. We have no idea who is aware and who is not. We are afraid to put our words out for others to see. Maybe we will be called a fool. So what? Be free, be comfortable, be safe. Your body loves you. Your body will never hurt you. It is wiser than you know. It seeks to be recognized. It is the soul that lives secretly inside the body cells. Invite it to come out.
Blessings, love, light, joy, peace, harmony and gratitude to everyone. A Happy Blessed Springtime to you all, as the life force rises up from underground in plants, trees, animals and all of nature. Feel the presence of invisible ones throughout your day today - the Angelics, the Galactics, the Ascendeds, the Celestials. Love from me, Nancy
12/22/23 - The Importance of Receiving
ANAKOSHA Newsletter 12/22/23
The Importance of Receiving
by Master Djwhal Khul thru me, Nancy

Happy Holidays everyone and greetings to the upcoming NEW YEAR 2024. I will comment on the picture of me below. It is from 32 years ago. I had just retired 6 years earlier from active leadership in a growing network of couples who gathered at my late husband's and my house outside of Tampa, FL. After my late husband died, I had to start over with my life. I was now living with Doug in Naples and again engaged in the couples lifestyle when this picture was taken. For most of my adult years I have been involved in couples education about the swinging lifestyle. Every weekend they descended on our house like a flock of birds from heaven. I cleaned the house and prepared for it every weekend. I loved doing it and did it with excitement, always with energy to spare.

Since the message today is about RECEIVING, I wanted to include my story as an example of how important it is to GIVE in order to receive. For I did receive, far more than I could ever expect to receive. I grew by leaps and bounds by giving so much of myself in those days. I couldn't have told the difference between giving and receiving back then because it was all action-oriented. It was a flow. I felt alive and engaged with so many active people eager to shed their restrictions and experience something new and different, that there was no break in the balance. It was a community of free, spontaneous interaction. A flowing. A giving and sharing openly. Bob and I gave them that space. We provided a protective atmosphere to explore and we also gave them guidance and practical, down-to-earth advice from both sides of the fence - advice that had to be kept secret at the time - but today not so much. Time has moved us on. We talked about things from the man's side and things from the woman's side in separate private groups. And they listened and learned and practiced. Today it has simmered down to just one category called sex. A lot of people lump the lifestyle into sex, thinking that's what it's all about. But it's not. Sex is only an illusion. An IDEA. It's the vision that sex inspires in the prefrontal cortex. Whenever the thought is spoken out loud, there it comes - the vision and the stimulation that it fires up in the mind before it ever reaches fulfillment stage. There's first a gleam in the eye as the fires stir and pictures form. A match is struck against dry kindling and a fire breaks out. Sex itself is a physical act later, after social negotiation has prepared the way. Sex doesn't always fulfill the initial spark of expectation. Dead meat after the animal has been killed. But that doesn't rule out the initial fire that is started by the match striking kindling wood. What happens to that initial flame? That initial spark? That initial excitement that is so hard to tame? It is really there in the body, in the mind, in the soul, it is the spirit itself that is flaming into action. This is what it's all about. This is LOVE. This spirit which is so alive and exciting must not be allowed to die. We saw to it that the fire continued to burn in those who attended our gatherings. So often the fire burns down and falls away but in our group gatherings there was education. Education always must come first. Otherwise, the newness dies away. Where does this newsness come from? The Master DK talks about it here. Let me present his message.
As a student of the Ascended Masters for many years, from even before hostessing parties, I've been receiving instructions about love. The awakening of kundalini in me in 1976 was the awakening of love in me. Kundalini is known variously as Shekinah, Shakti, the Holy Spirit. It was an out-of-body experience (an OBE) into the light of heaven and divine love, and on that day so long ago, from that day on it operated in me as an extremely high bio-electrical force that threatened to drive me insane. But fortunately it brought me the Master DK as a guide and mentor. It was he and others who nudged me and my husband to explore the swinging lifestyle. We, my husband and were guided into the path of swinging in the late 1970's, early '80's. Being hostess to so many couples seeking knowledge about the lifestyle gave me the opportunity to hug people. It was SO important to be in contact with other human bodies so I could ground the super-high energies that had been released in my body. As I hugged them I passed the golden spark of love to everyone I hugged. Hyperactive energies went from me to them and their energies came back into me and helped me to ground and stabilize. I am grateful for that life-saving opportunity to be of service. THIS is what love is all about. It is a sharing of human energy which is a divine energy when it is flowing. It is driving people insane NOT to share this energy. We need this connection of light to light, love to love. But first, there is a much-needed education. And that's why we are presenting DK's message today - the Importance of receiving. If someone isn'tt open to receiving, they won't be able to receive the love that is available to come through. Everyone needs to be open to love, to the flow, to receive it. Receive the concept of love. DK explains it well.
From that day in 1976 when I went into the light-love-bliss, I've been attempting to bring that love-and-light down into the world of normalcy and share it with people. Love is not sex. It is the power BEHIND sex. It's why we have sex at all. It is a powerful, driving all-encompassing feeling. It takes wisdom and discernment to use it rightly and with grace and kindness. There are laws on the books that say such free love is illegal or close to being illegal. In some countries women can get stoned or burned at the stake for being so openly lovingly free. Everyone has their own personal story to tell, this is my story to tell. I want to start a LOVE CLUB. Not a sex club but a love club. We must start practicing love. It is the power of the universe. It is the bliss, the rapture, the heaven place. It is the rhythm and harmony which keeps planets in their orbit and suns in their galaxies and galaxies in their rightful location. We are low-man on the totem pole not understanding just how important love is to our own personal growth, abundance, joy and happiness. Love is not sex. Sex is a physical animal act. Love is a quality of intelligence higher than animal. Humanity is moving from the animal man into the higher intelligence man. We are part of the universal scheme evolving to higher levels of awareness. We must practice the laws of love if we want to continue to evolve our intelligence and awareness. Doug has called it the Golden Circle. It is a good name for it. It means give and take equally the golden rule. The give and take of caring and consideration for others. But the first order of business is to learn how to RECEIVE. Receiving requires trust and an open, flowing mind. It's about faith in fellow beings. It's about looking up to the higher SELF. We each have a higher self tht is located on higher ground. Our higher self is our own higher nature. Our ideals. It is more refined, more pure, more innocent, more trusting. It is located higher than below the waist, which is heavier and denser, thicker and cruder. The higher realms are more refined, clearer, sweeter, more sensitive. It is located within the heart, the center of our chest, higher up in the body. Let us move our focus to higher ground. The love club is coming. The love club is what I wish to call it. The love club will start in my/our home in 2024. It's been planned for years. It includes hands-on healing with love. Love with direct skin contact is a miracle cure. It connects the light body in one human to the light body in another human. Love does not negate physical lovemaking. Love in the physical involves all that humans are capable of enjoying together. But it requires discernment between love which is a quality, and sex which is a physical act.
I went to see Marcus yesterday for a hands-on healing. Marcus has an office on Airport Road here in Naples as a massage therapist. I mention him here because he has the healing touch. I was going to write about him but first I must get this message out from DK about Receiving. Then I will send more information about Marcus. I'm planning to open Sunday afternoons here at my home to start the love club discussions. They will include introducing Marcus. I'm not quite ready yet. I've had to clean out my own personal issues first. Almost ready. What Marcus provides is healing touch that is very rare. I'm sure there are others who can do this, but Marcus has been brought to me to discover, explore and utilize. He is of the angelic lineage. All of us are from some lineage. Marcus has much to offer and I will be promoting him. He has had a massage practice in Naples for many years. He has proven himself to be a qualified therapist and has put in the time and patience. He is ready to give when a person is ready to receive, but are people ready to receive? Do you know what that means? Please read DK's channeled message below. THE IMPORTANCE OF RECEIVING. One cannot receive a healing unless one is trusting and open to receive it. It is important to get the fuller meaning of the concept. And what DK doesn't say very loudly, the best way to start the ball rolling to receive, is to start giving without thought of reward or return. Freely, benevolently, with generosity and no thought of "What can I get out of it?"
(Master DK speaks:) You are right. We are the receivers of the formless as you have been studying in your books. We humans or sentient beings are the Shakti of the Shiva, the formless one who flows through us. You are right. You have discovered this. Yes, I have led you to this discovery, but so others have led you, too, for we have gone before you and we have discovered this before you. And there are others ahead of us. The formless is coming at a steady rate into form. It is the responsibility of the one inhabiting the form to receive this beautiful idyllic flow and mould it into a beautiful, idyllic expression in the physical world of matter upon the planet. It is our responsibility to be continually aware that we are receivers. (I am getting the word “receiver” the last few days.) It is our destiny to remain open to receive the formless beauty, love and intelligence that comes from the greater source. It is our duty as an embodied form to receive this higher, greater, more infinite and intelligent life and mold it, encapsulate it into our expression. It is our role and our purpose as a soul in a dense vehicle to receive this incoming flow and mold it into a higher degree of expression than our form previously knew.
We are making known the unknown, as Ramtha has said. Who else will do it if not us. You and I? That is the purpose of the form, to encapsulate that which is flowing through it. Mankind has not understood this duty and role. He instead receives certain idyllic information and then shuts the door on the flow and turns rogue with it. He wanders away from the river that is flowing and claims it for his own which shuts the door on the flow of inspiration. It‘s dull if the door is closed on the inspiration, and leads to death. That is how ego is born. An ego is the human mind working with a false intelligence, a copy cat, a criminal. And yet mankind is destined to learn of his great role and to open his mind and his heart to become a receiver, a continual receiver, endlessly receiving. This is the great work - to learn how to be in endless receiving mode and never shutting it off. To become a living vehicle expressing a life force that is grander than his form will keep him continually creating new things. A person may feel he is imprisoned in a form today, but when he opens to the never-ending river of life and intelligence that flows through him through his breath, instead of feeling in a prison he will feel free. Totally free and expansive, for his freedom has been curtailed and limited. When he stops closing his mind and heart to the inflow of life and intelligence and reason, he will stop feeling imprisoned and shut down.
This is the great work of the spirit that is our own consciousness. It is our duty to turn our conscious awareness to the greater source that is above and beyond. As we discover the truth of our source and re-open the heart and mind to the incoming source, like a receptacle, we will discover the ecstasy and joy of being alive in a physical body. Life is formless intelligence, love, power and creativity. We as the form are to receive this formlessness into our minds and hearts and give thanks for it by turning our awareness in an upward direction. This is how we receive and mold the incoming intelligence into something beautiful. We become creators and expressors of amazing creations, inventions, works of art, talent, organic technology which is living, not dead metal but living molecular things that serve us, like our computers. This is the purpose of mankind. To receive the inflowing river of life - of sacred life - and expand it, express it, live it, walk it, breathe it, demonstrate it through our actions in the physical world in which we live. And, yes, there are seven qualities that we have been given to remind us and point us in the right direction, lest we forget. Those qualities are attributes of nobleness and we are reminded to weave them into our daily life.
There are seven. Seven rays, seven tones, seven colors, seven noble attributes. They are called will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, freedom, in that order. Freedom is achieved or earned after the six other attributes are woven into the life. Then freedom is experienced. These seven qualities are the qualities that mankind is given to focus on and bring to life. Do not deviate from these. Do not ignore them. Do not shut down. Be ever alert to the SEVEN qualities. They are the steps that lead to enlightenment in daily life. Not in spirit but in physical embodiment. And when we do we find there is more that is poured into us. We become open to receive even more than we thought we ever could receive, for we expand our capacities to know, to feel, to love, to live in truth, to be righteous, and grateful and honorable. We receive more because there is an infinite quality to these colors, tones, radiances. We are expanding ourselves to be able to receive MORE of these qualities, and as we do we also expand the Earth to receive more because we, our forms, are of the Earth.
We are evolving not only ourselves but the planet, for Mother Gaia has provided us the material for our forms. The matter - yes, you got it - matter is the Mother. That is the great secret. That is the missing key. The divine mother is matter, is Shakti, is the divine feminine which receives and loves the divine masculine, which is formless, into form. We humans are to weave the beautiful colors and tones of the seven into life so these may be seen. Will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. As we do we radiate these qualities to the lesser kingdoms behind us, coming up through the process of evolution: mineral, plant, animal. We are caring for Mother Gaia and demonstrating the higher life to those beneath us as we, moment by moment, breathe in the formless (Shiva) and love it, shape, mold it into the physical form as Shakti, the feminine. As we do this we expand ourselves and become quickened and lighter and fuller with the consciousness of source. We are filling our matter body with the source and intelligence and love of the life force. We are the matter, the Mother, encapsulating the Father principle. As the Father principle penetrates into the Mother.
Master Djwhal Khul
Blessings, love, light, joy, peace, harmony and thanksgiving to everyone. A Happy Blessed Holiday season to you all, from the Angelics, the Galactics, the Ascendeds, the Celestials and me, Nancy
11/29/23 - The Difference Between Thought and Feeing
As a student of the Ascended Masters for many years, from even before hostessing parties, I've been receiving instructions about love. The awakening of kundalini in me in 1976 was the awakening of love in me. Kundalini is known variously as Shekinah, Shakti, the Holy Spirit. It was an out-of-body experience (an OBE) into the light of heaven and divine love, and on that day so long ago, from that day on it operated in me as an extremely high bio-electrical force that threatened to drive me insane. But fortunately it brought me the Master DK as a guide and mentor. It was he and others who nudged me and my husband to explore the swinging lifestyle. We, my husband and were guided into the path of swinging in the late 1970's, early '80's. Being hostess to so many couples seeking knowledge about the lifestyle gave me the opportunity to hug people. It was SO important to be in contact with other human bodies so I could ground the super-high energies that had been released in my body. As I hugged them I passed the golden spark of love to everyone I hugged. Hyperactive energies went from me to them and their energies came back into me and helped me to ground and stabilize. I am grateful for that life-saving opportunity to be of service. THIS is what love is all about. It is a sharing of human energy which is a divine energy when it is flowing. It is driving people insane NOT to share this energy. We need this connection of light to light, love to love. But first, there is a much-needed education. And that's why we are presenting DK's message today - the Importance of receiving. If someone isn'tt open to receiving, they won't be able to receive the love that is available to come through. Everyone needs to be open to love, to the flow, to receive it. Receive the concept of love. DK explains it well.
From that day in 1976 when I went into the light-love-bliss, I've been attempting to bring that love-and-light down into the world of normalcy and share it with people. Love is not sex. It is the power BEHIND sex. It's why we have sex at all. It is a powerful, driving all-encompassing feeling. It takes wisdom and discernment to use it rightly and with grace and kindness. There are laws on the books that say such free love is illegal or close to being illegal. In some countries women can get stoned or burned at the stake for being so openly lovingly free. Everyone has their own personal story to tell, this is my story to tell. I want to start a LOVE CLUB. Not a sex club but a love club. We must start practicing love. It is the power of the universe. It is the bliss, the rapture, the heaven place. It is the rhythm and harmony which keeps planets in their orbit and suns in their galaxies and galaxies in their rightful location. We are low-man on the totem pole not understanding just how important love is to our own personal growth, abundance, joy and happiness. Love is not sex. Sex is a physical animal act. Love is a quality of intelligence higher than animal. Humanity is moving from the animal man into the higher intelligence man. We are part of the universal scheme evolving to higher levels of awareness. We must practice the laws of love if we want to continue to evolve our intelligence and awareness. Doug has called it the Golden Circle. It is a good name for it. It means give and take equally the golden rule. The give and take of caring and consideration for others. But the first order of business is to learn how to RECEIVE. Receiving requires trust and an open, flowing mind. It's about faith in fellow beings. It's about looking up to the higher SELF. We each have a higher self tht is located on higher ground. Our higher self is our own higher nature. Our ideals. It is more refined, more pure, more innocent, more trusting. It is located higher than below the waist, which is heavier and denser, thicker and cruder. The higher realms are more refined, clearer, sweeter, more sensitive. It is located within the heart, the center of our chest, higher up in the body. Let us move our focus to higher ground. The love club is coming. The love club is what I wish to call it. The love club will start in my/our home in 2024. It's been planned for years. It includes hands-on healing with love. Love with direct skin contact is a miracle cure. It connects the light body in one human to the light body in another human. Love does not negate physical lovemaking. Love in the physical involves all that humans are capable of enjoying together. But it requires discernment between love which is a quality, and sex which is a physical act.
I went to see Marcus yesterday for a hands-on healing. Marcus has an office on Airport Road here in Naples as a massage therapist. I mention him here because he has the healing touch. I was going to write about him but first I must get this message out from DK about Receiving. Then I will send more information about Marcus. I'm planning to open Sunday afternoons here at my home to start the love club discussions. They will include introducing Marcus. I'm not quite ready yet. I've had to clean out my own personal issues first. Almost ready. What Marcus provides is healing touch that is very rare. I'm sure there are others who can do this, but Marcus has been brought to me to discover, explore and utilize. He is of the angelic lineage. All of us are from some lineage. Marcus has much to offer and I will be promoting him. He has had a massage practice in Naples for many years. He has proven himself to be a qualified therapist and has put in the time and patience. He is ready to give when a person is ready to receive, but are people ready to receive? Do you know what that means? Please read DK's channeled message below. THE IMPORTANCE OF RECEIVING. One cannot receive a healing unless one is trusting and open to receive it. It is important to get the fuller meaning of the concept. And what DK doesn't say very loudly, the best way to start the ball rolling to receive, is to start giving without thought of reward or return. Freely, benevolently, with generosity and no thought of "What can I get out of it?"
(Master DK speaks:) You are right. We are the receivers of the formless as you have been studying in your books. We humans or sentient beings are the Shakti of the Shiva, the formless one who flows through us. You are right. You have discovered this. Yes, I have led you to this discovery, but so others have led you, too, for we have gone before you and we have discovered this before you. And there are others ahead of us. The formless is coming at a steady rate into form. It is the responsibility of the one inhabiting the form to receive this beautiful idyllic flow and mould it into a beautiful, idyllic expression in the physical world of matter upon the planet. It is our responsibility to be continually aware that we are receivers. (I am getting the word “receiver” the last few days.) It is our destiny to remain open to receive the formless beauty, love and intelligence that comes from the greater source. It is our duty as an embodied form to receive this higher, greater, more infinite and intelligent life and mold it, encapsulate it into our expression. It is our role and our purpose as a soul in a dense vehicle to receive this incoming flow and mold it into a higher degree of expression than our form previously knew.
We are making known the unknown, as Ramtha has said. Who else will do it if not us. You and I? That is the purpose of the form, to encapsulate that which is flowing through it. Mankind has not understood this duty and role. He instead receives certain idyllic information and then shuts the door on the flow and turns rogue with it. He wanders away from the river that is flowing and claims it for his own which shuts the door on the flow of inspiration. It‘s dull if the door is closed on the inspiration, and leads to death. That is how ego is born. An ego is the human mind working with a false intelligence, a copy cat, a criminal. And yet mankind is destined to learn of his great role and to open his mind and his heart to become a receiver, a continual receiver, endlessly receiving. This is the great work - to learn how to be in endless receiving mode and never shutting it off. To become a living vehicle expressing a life force that is grander than his form will keep him continually creating new things. A person may feel he is imprisoned in a form today, but when he opens to the never-ending river of life and intelligence that flows through him through his breath, instead of feeling in a prison he will feel free. Totally free and expansive, for his freedom has been curtailed and limited. When he stops closing his mind and heart to the inflow of life and intelligence and reason, he will stop feeling imprisoned and shut down.
This is the great work of the spirit that is our own consciousness. It is our duty to turn our conscious awareness to the greater source that is above and beyond. As we discover the truth of our source and re-open the heart and mind to the incoming source, like a receptacle, we will discover the ecstasy and joy of being alive in a physical body. Life is formless intelligence, love, power and creativity. We as the form are to receive this formlessness into our minds and hearts and give thanks for it by turning our awareness in an upward direction. This is how we receive and mold the incoming intelligence into something beautiful. We become creators and expressors of amazing creations, inventions, works of art, talent, organic technology which is living, not dead metal but living molecular things that serve us, like our computers. This is the purpose of mankind. To receive the inflowing river of life - of sacred life - and expand it, express it, live it, walk it, breathe it, demonstrate it through our actions in the physical world in which we live. And, yes, there are seven qualities that we have been given to remind us and point us in the right direction, lest we forget. Those qualities are attributes of nobleness and we are reminded to weave them into our daily life.
There are seven. Seven rays, seven tones, seven colors, seven noble attributes. They are called will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, freedom, in that order. Freedom is achieved or earned after the six other attributes are woven into the life. Then freedom is experienced. These seven qualities are the qualities that mankind is given to focus on and bring to life. Do not deviate from these. Do not ignore them. Do not shut down. Be ever alert to the SEVEN qualities. They are the steps that lead to enlightenment in daily life. Not in spirit but in physical embodiment. And when we do we find there is more that is poured into us. We become open to receive even more than we thought we ever could receive, for we expand our capacities to know, to feel, to love, to live in truth, to be righteous, and grateful and honorable. We receive more because there is an infinite quality to these colors, tones, radiances. We are expanding ourselves to be able to receive MORE of these qualities, and as we do we also expand the Earth to receive more because we, our forms, are of the Earth.
We are evolving not only ourselves but the planet, for Mother Gaia has provided us the material for our forms. The matter - yes, you got it - matter is the Mother. That is the great secret. That is the missing key. The divine mother is matter, is Shakti, is the divine feminine which receives and loves the divine masculine, which is formless, into form. We humans are to weave the beautiful colors and tones of the seven into life so these may be seen. Will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. As we do we radiate these qualities to the lesser kingdoms behind us, coming up through the process of evolution: mineral, plant, animal. We are caring for Mother Gaia and demonstrating the higher life to those beneath us as we, moment by moment, breathe in the formless (Shiva) and love it, shape, mold it into the physical form as Shakti, the feminine. As we do this we expand ourselves and become quickened and lighter and fuller with the consciousness of source. We are filling our matter body with the source and intelligence and love of the life force. We are the matter, the Mother, encapsulating the Father principle. As the Father principle penetrates into the Mother.
Master Djwhal Khul
Blessings, love, light, joy, peace, harmony and thanksgiving to everyone. A Happy Blessed Holiday season to you all, from the Angelics, the Galactics, the Ascendeds, the Celestials and me, Nancy
11/29/23 - The Difference Between Thought and Feeing

ANAKOSHA Newsletter 11/29/23
The Difference Between Thought and Feeling
by Master Djwhal Khul thru me, Nancy
Greetings to all of you my friends. I hope this is finding you well, at peace and in the comfort and coziness of your home wherever you are.
Hello again. It has been two months since my last newsletter. I have been moving back and forth between here in the world of men and chaos and a higher world which is much more loving, comfortable for me and quietly peaceful. But it does take me away from being practical, cavorting with angelics and beings of higher love. I'm learning so many things and transitioning over to a new place which is more like home to me. Consistently, upon return to the practical world and my laptop, I go to the teachings of the Master Djwahl Khul for grounding. Grounding in the sense of feeling safe being back on earth here inside my own skin with Doug who is full of warm love. Here I can feel solid, cozy, warm and safe, versus being away in flights of abstract thought, aloof, separated and not grounded and which spawns a feeling of loneliness for human companionship. But there is a way to bring these two separate aspects of our nature into sync so they work for us. This message was given to me in 2017 and I'd like to share it here publicly. So without further a'do, here is the Master speaking and explaining.
Djwahl Khul on feelings versus thought
Thought and feeling are two separate activities in a human being. Thought is not a feeling. You can think about something without receiving a sensation in your body. Not at first when you first become aware of it. It becomes a sensation the more you entertain the idea. When you first become aware of the idea it is still descending from the abstract plane where all thought originates. Thought is formless. It becomes formed as it imprints upon the brain cells. Feeling on the other hand is a denser vibration that impacts the physical cells and becomes a physical sensation. Granted, thought and feeling are designed to work together in harmony, formless abstract descends down into denser material to be felt by the tissues and nerves of the body. What you “think” you may also “feel” spontaneously if you are aware, such as with the vibration of music as it moves through you on a sensory level through hearing. But this does not happen in people where their thought is not in alignment with their bodies. In other words their emotions may not receive the thought into their physical tissues because they are not open to their bodies.
Most of you humans are not aware or enlightened enough to make the distinction between thought and feeling. You do not know how your own body works. The result is discordant energy moving in a confused state through your entire being in a rather chaotic state. Random and disjointed. Without order, reason or purpose. The first thing to do to bring order and purpose to yourself, to straighten yourself out, is to become aware of what thoughts you are entertaining, and making a distinction between what feelings you are feeling at the same time. Can you separate feeling from what you are thinking in your mind? It is important to separate them before you can integrate them into a harmonious whole which will bring you more peace and purpose. Notice when thought and feeling are in harmony. Notice when thought and feeling are NOT in harmony.
Two of the four lower bodies pertain to thought and feeling. The other two refer to the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is sub-conscious and superconscious. In other words, you are not aware of what is below your conscious mind and what is above your conscious mind. You are aware of only what is in the narrow region inbetween the above and the below. It is important to expand that region. How? What is in your subconscious influences you in subconscious ways, such as being afraid of flying. You will continue being afraid of flying until you understand and come into contact with the lifetime or memory or realization that you once died from falling a great distance, or had a similar trauma that impacted you with fear. That fear remains in you until you dissolve it. There are many ways to dissolve it. Hypnotism, or facing the agonizing fear the next time you are confronted with it when it comes rushing forward. We are not here to discuss techniques. Techniques are available all around you today. What is subconscious to you is influencing you all the time, every day. An alcoholic gene in your ancestry DNA causing you to drink. A cancer gene passed down from your grandmother. Religious issues passed down from your lineage. You are a product of past influences that are not your own, through ancestry DNA in the form of cellular programming. You can change your own DNA by resolving to face it down, track it down, own it, be responsible for your own actions instead of blaming it on a grandfather or father. Connect with the realization and do something about it, consciously. Bring it up into consciousness. Expand the narrow range of your consciousness this way.
Likewise, things that are in your superconsciousness that you are not aware of, are also influencing you through idealism, thoughts of perfection, beauty, honesty, grace, refinement, intelligence, learning to become better. There is an evolutionary drive within your higher self. Your divinity lies above your conscious mind. You were created in perfection but you do not realize your perfection yet. Self realization is a goal in every human being, but even that is not understood. So many people think it is a dream too far and they cannot even go there. Instead, they accept their low self worth as a worm accepts its life on the ground. Identify with your divine nature often during the day by looking up into the vast blue sky and thinking “happy” and “joyful”. The sun is there to remind us of our greater self. The stars are there at night to remind us that we have a star heritage, not just a worm heritage. Connecting awareness to these thoughts brings this forward into consciousness and expands your conscious mind. This is how you impact your etheric body, subconscious and superconscious. You are not just a physical piece of meat walking around. You are so much more than that. This is an immortal part of who you are and you take it with you when you leave the body behind at death.
Likewise, in your ether body there are skills, talents, heroic good deeds that you have accumulated from past lives that are better than what you are expressing today. Tap into these by recognizing that you have latent interests in certain areas. Languages, science, teaching, medicine, art, sculpture, music, dance, entertainment, politics. Many interests lie fallow and unused in this life when in former lives these interests were developed and honed to mastery, or at least to advanced stages. You have graces stored within your etheric body that you might not even think about. You may have been an accomplished opera singer or astronomer or surgeon in your time period, born to other parents. Your etheric body is part and parcel of you.
The chakras alternate between masculine and feminine. I am seeing that the root chakra is masculine. It is the first thought that precedes the feminine. The root chakra is connection with earth, strength, will power, determination, perseverance. The sacral chakra is feminine. It is an inner feeling of nurturing love, balancing the first chakra with a softness that integrates and soothes. The solar plexus (3rd) is masculine, it is the expressing of self outward into the outer world. It is the identity of the self after first connecting to earth with strength and will, and then becoming soft through the second chakra feminine, then the third step is to debut oneself outward into the world. The heart (4th) is feminine, to balance the masculine expression of self thrusting outward into the world. It is a higher vibration of softness, peace and calm. First masculine thrusting outward, then feminine withdrawing inward to soothe and calm, then thrusting outward again, this time with more finesse, and then withdrawing inward again to soothe and calm, each level is more refinement of understanding.
Then the throat (5th) is masculine, speaking the truth and knowledge that one has gained through the first four levels of experience, the self can now express, create, contribute to the world in which he/she lives. And then moving upward to the 6th chakra, the pineal gland or third eye as it is called, feminine inward drawing to meditate and nurture the self. First masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in, then masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in. Each time, the self refines its understanding of how to live in physical form. And finally it is ready to ascend to the 7th chakra, the crown of the head to join with the immortal self, known as spirit, which has not been in physical. Only that part which descends into physical evolves understanding of living in physical. That part of self which is yet still in spirit, is waiting for the self to return home and bring the harvest of learning with him to share with higher aspects of self. This is the physical journey of an immortal soul through physical life as it was given to me.
When we are in masculine mode we are not interested in spiritual things, but when we are in feminine mode that is when we consider the possibility of spiritual practices. The more advanced the soul is, the more influence will spiritual matters impress on the self. Spiritual practices are invoking angelic presences, ascended master teachings, learning prayers and affirmations and reciting them at particular times during the day. Also visualizing or imagining or picturing, not necessarily with words, but activating the imagination. Or breathing exercises through counting and imagining light. There are many techniques being taught today. (End)
Master Djwahl Khul
(Me:) Love is all there is but it can't be felt as a feeling, not through abstract thought alone. Love needs to be brought lower down into physical touch and communicated. That is why I love massage and healing energy work so much. It requires the use of hands and bodies and arms to stroke another person. There is a great need for physical interaction between human beings and warm bodies. There is a pure uncontaminated crystalline energy that flows like a river, a web of light, through our bodies - and also through the bodies of our animal friends as well, our pets. We miss that. And we miss the closeness of our friends the humans, too. We would love to see them again. Perhaps that is still possible, but meanwhile I am reaching out with my newsletters to let everyone know that Doug and I are still here on the ground and would love to hear from you that you are OK and safe. Please let us know if you are inclined to do so, by return reply. Would love to touch you and hug you again and enjoy the closeness of your presence. If you are ever in the vicinity, contact us, let us know. Meanwile, our love goes out to you. Yes, I am including Doug here in this message. Please let us know that you are safe and feeling good. 'Til then, bless you, we send you greetings, love, light, laughter, song and merriment even though it is at a distance. May you feel the rhythm of our heart beat. Do take care of yourself and enjoy the peace that fluctuates from your friends on occasion. It comes and goes. Notice it and send it back. Be aware. Be kind. Be grateful for being alive. And send love to all you meet today. Hug a few and feel the warmth that comes back to you with each hug. You enrich them and they enrich you in return.
Love is all there is. This is the message from the ones channeling advice and kindness to us every day from higher planes, thru many voices and hearts. "We love you" they are saying. "We send our peace, love, joy, gratitude, you are our heroes, you are important to us," they are saying thru their many messages. They are rooting for us, beaming love and encouragement to us. They are brothers and sisters of the noblest kind. Look up, not down. Expect the unexpected in the way of miracles and positive outcomes. This comes to you from the Angelics, Celestials, Galactics, Asccended Masters and me, an interpreter, Nancy. May God bless you as you go to sleep tonight in the arms of the highest ones who watch over you and never sleep. They don't have to! Love, N
11/13/23 - Love, Sex & Relationships by Master Djwhal Khul
The Difference Between Thought and Feeling
by Master Djwhal Khul thru me, Nancy
Greetings to all of you my friends. I hope this is finding you well, at peace and in the comfort and coziness of your home wherever you are.
Hello again. It has been two months since my last newsletter. I have been moving back and forth between here in the world of men and chaos and a higher world which is much more loving, comfortable for me and quietly peaceful. But it does take me away from being practical, cavorting with angelics and beings of higher love. I'm learning so many things and transitioning over to a new place which is more like home to me. Consistently, upon return to the practical world and my laptop, I go to the teachings of the Master Djwahl Khul for grounding. Grounding in the sense of feeling safe being back on earth here inside my own skin with Doug who is full of warm love. Here I can feel solid, cozy, warm and safe, versus being away in flights of abstract thought, aloof, separated and not grounded and which spawns a feeling of loneliness for human companionship. But there is a way to bring these two separate aspects of our nature into sync so they work for us. This message was given to me in 2017 and I'd like to share it here publicly. So without further a'do, here is the Master speaking and explaining.
Djwahl Khul on feelings versus thought
Thought and feeling are two separate activities in a human being. Thought is not a feeling. You can think about something without receiving a sensation in your body. Not at first when you first become aware of it. It becomes a sensation the more you entertain the idea. When you first become aware of the idea it is still descending from the abstract plane where all thought originates. Thought is formless. It becomes formed as it imprints upon the brain cells. Feeling on the other hand is a denser vibration that impacts the physical cells and becomes a physical sensation. Granted, thought and feeling are designed to work together in harmony, formless abstract descends down into denser material to be felt by the tissues and nerves of the body. What you “think” you may also “feel” spontaneously if you are aware, such as with the vibration of music as it moves through you on a sensory level through hearing. But this does not happen in people where their thought is not in alignment with their bodies. In other words their emotions may not receive the thought into their physical tissues because they are not open to their bodies.
Most of you humans are not aware or enlightened enough to make the distinction between thought and feeling. You do not know how your own body works. The result is discordant energy moving in a confused state through your entire being in a rather chaotic state. Random and disjointed. Without order, reason or purpose. The first thing to do to bring order and purpose to yourself, to straighten yourself out, is to become aware of what thoughts you are entertaining, and making a distinction between what feelings you are feeling at the same time. Can you separate feeling from what you are thinking in your mind? It is important to separate them before you can integrate them into a harmonious whole which will bring you more peace and purpose. Notice when thought and feeling are in harmony. Notice when thought and feeling are NOT in harmony.
Two of the four lower bodies pertain to thought and feeling. The other two refer to the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is sub-conscious and superconscious. In other words, you are not aware of what is below your conscious mind and what is above your conscious mind. You are aware of only what is in the narrow region inbetween the above and the below. It is important to expand that region. How? What is in your subconscious influences you in subconscious ways, such as being afraid of flying. You will continue being afraid of flying until you understand and come into contact with the lifetime or memory or realization that you once died from falling a great distance, or had a similar trauma that impacted you with fear. That fear remains in you until you dissolve it. There are many ways to dissolve it. Hypnotism, or facing the agonizing fear the next time you are confronted with it when it comes rushing forward. We are not here to discuss techniques. Techniques are available all around you today. What is subconscious to you is influencing you all the time, every day. An alcoholic gene in your ancestry DNA causing you to drink. A cancer gene passed down from your grandmother. Religious issues passed down from your lineage. You are a product of past influences that are not your own, through ancestry DNA in the form of cellular programming. You can change your own DNA by resolving to face it down, track it down, own it, be responsible for your own actions instead of blaming it on a grandfather or father. Connect with the realization and do something about it, consciously. Bring it up into consciousness. Expand the narrow range of your consciousness this way.
Likewise, things that are in your superconsciousness that you are not aware of, are also influencing you through idealism, thoughts of perfection, beauty, honesty, grace, refinement, intelligence, learning to become better. There is an evolutionary drive within your higher self. Your divinity lies above your conscious mind. You were created in perfection but you do not realize your perfection yet. Self realization is a goal in every human being, but even that is not understood. So many people think it is a dream too far and they cannot even go there. Instead, they accept their low self worth as a worm accepts its life on the ground. Identify with your divine nature often during the day by looking up into the vast blue sky and thinking “happy” and “joyful”. The sun is there to remind us of our greater self. The stars are there at night to remind us that we have a star heritage, not just a worm heritage. Connecting awareness to these thoughts brings this forward into consciousness and expands your conscious mind. This is how you impact your etheric body, subconscious and superconscious. You are not just a physical piece of meat walking around. You are so much more than that. This is an immortal part of who you are and you take it with you when you leave the body behind at death.
Likewise, in your ether body there are skills, talents, heroic good deeds that you have accumulated from past lives that are better than what you are expressing today. Tap into these by recognizing that you have latent interests in certain areas. Languages, science, teaching, medicine, art, sculpture, music, dance, entertainment, politics. Many interests lie fallow and unused in this life when in former lives these interests were developed and honed to mastery, or at least to advanced stages. You have graces stored within your etheric body that you might not even think about. You may have been an accomplished opera singer or astronomer or surgeon in your time period, born to other parents. Your etheric body is part and parcel of you.
The chakras alternate between masculine and feminine. I am seeing that the root chakra is masculine. It is the first thought that precedes the feminine. The root chakra is connection with earth, strength, will power, determination, perseverance. The sacral chakra is feminine. It is an inner feeling of nurturing love, balancing the first chakra with a softness that integrates and soothes. The solar plexus (3rd) is masculine, it is the expressing of self outward into the outer world. It is the identity of the self after first connecting to earth with strength and will, and then becoming soft through the second chakra feminine, then the third step is to debut oneself outward into the world. The heart (4th) is feminine, to balance the masculine expression of self thrusting outward into the world. It is a higher vibration of softness, peace and calm. First masculine thrusting outward, then feminine withdrawing inward to soothe and calm, then thrusting outward again, this time with more finesse, and then withdrawing inward again to soothe and calm, each level is more refinement of understanding.
Then the throat (5th) is masculine, speaking the truth and knowledge that one has gained through the first four levels of experience, the self can now express, create, contribute to the world in which he/she lives. And then moving upward to the 6th chakra, the pineal gland or third eye as it is called, feminine inward drawing to meditate and nurture the self. First masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in, then masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in. Each time, the self refines its understanding of how to live in physical form. And finally it is ready to ascend to the 7th chakra, the crown of the head to join with the immortal self, known as spirit, which has not been in physical. Only that part which descends into physical evolves understanding of living in physical. That part of self which is yet still in spirit, is waiting for the self to return home and bring the harvest of learning with him to share with higher aspects of self. This is the physical journey of an immortal soul through physical life as it was given to me.
When we are in masculine mode we are not interested in spiritual things, but when we are in feminine mode that is when we consider the possibility of spiritual practices. The more advanced the soul is, the more influence will spiritual matters impress on the self. Spiritual practices are invoking angelic presences, ascended master teachings, learning prayers and affirmations and reciting them at particular times during the day. Also visualizing or imagining or picturing, not necessarily with words, but activating the imagination. Or breathing exercises through counting and imagining light. There are many techniques being taught today. (End)
Master Djwahl Khul
(Me:) Love is all there is but it can't be felt as a feeling, not through abstract thought alone. Love needs to be brought lower down into physical touch and communicated. That is why I love massage and healing energy work so much. It requires the use of hands and bodies and arms to stroke another person. There is a great need for physical interaction between human beings and warm bodies. There is a pure uncontaminated crystalline energy that flows like a river, a web of light, through our bodies - and also through the bodies of our animal friends as well, our pets. We miss that. And we miss the closeness of our friends the humans, too. We would love to see them again. Perhaps that is still possible, but meanwhile I am reaching out with my newsletters to let everyone know that Doug and I are still here on the ground and would love to hear from you that you are OK and safe. Please let us know if you are inclined to do so, by return reply. Would love to touch you and hug you again and enjoy the closeness of your presence. If you are ever in the vicinity, contact us, let us know. Meanwile, our love goes out to you. Yes, I am including Doug here in this message. Please let us know that you are safe and feeling good. 'Til then, bless you, we send you greetings, love, light, laughter, song and merriment even though it is at a distance. May you feel the rhythm of our heart beat. Do take care of yourself and enjoy the peace that fluctuates from your friends on occasion. It comes and goes. Notice it and send it back. Be aware. Be kind. Be grateful for being alive. And send love to all you meet today. Hug a few and feel the warmth that comes back to you with each hug. You enrich them and they enrich you in return.
Love is all there is. This is the message from the ones channeling advice and kindness to us every day from higher planes, thru many voices and hearts. "We love you" they are saying. "We send our peace, love, joy, gratitude, you are our heroes, you are important to us," they are saying thru their many messages. They are rooting for us, beaming love and encouragement to us. They are brothers and sisters of the noblest kind. Look up, not down. Expect the unexpected in the way of miracles and positive outcomes. This comes to you from the Angelics, Celestials, Galactics, Asccended Masters and me, an interpreter, Nancy. May God bless you as you go to sleep tonight in the arms of the highest ones who watch over you and never sleep. They don't have to! Love, N
11/13/23 - Love, Sex & Relationships by Master Djwhal Khul

ANAKOSHA Newsletter 11/13/23
(This newsletter was sent but not received, it seems to have disappeared)
Love, Sex & Relationships
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
Hello once again, dear friends!
It has been almost two months since my last newsletter. There have been many inner changes since then. Many shifts and revelations, moving too fast to focus on one theme long enough to develop into a newsletter. It feels as if I'm attending classes at a university every day, with homework and study required. This is inner study of course. I don't have to leave the house. The result is releasing many plans that had been long held and hoped for. There is an emptying going on, leaving me with a sense of relief and freedom.
The Master Djwahl Khul remains a constant guiding voice and mentor in spirit, while Doug remains my guide, protector and friend on the ground, and I for him. DK has brought me deeper knowledge of how spirit descends (coagulates) into solid form and then RE-ASCENDS back out of form. This can't be put into words very well but I can use some of DK's past teachings to emphasize certain points. Back in 2014 when we were still hosting swing parties I asked him to please give me something to share with couples in love. I was trying to bring a deeper focus on love to the parties we hosted. It was a very dynamic time in those days - exciting, joyful, elevating and problematic at times. Much learning and growing took place within those gatherings. And so he dictated the following message. I would like to share this now, near ten years later, because it highlights much of what I've learned and experienced myself, by sharing genuine love with people who start out as strangers. It is something that should be held up into a spotlight, for love is all there is.
Love is what makes the world continue to revolve around the sun. Without love we would have annihilated the planet a long time ago. The power of love is extraordinary. Love between two people is only a beginning. From there it grows. Love is the blessing we apply on everything we do, not just with our spouse at home but in our relationships with everything around us, including our cars, our yards, our furniture, our children, our work places. Love is the one blessing we can give to life as we pass this way and move on. Life does indeed have a purpose. Life is not to be shied away from, no matter what is confronting us, including war. This message by DK has already been posted in the online book I'm gathering of his writings (those written thru me), but it has never been sent out as a private newsletter before.
DK is a Tantra master and this exemplifies what Tantra is - namely bringing opposites together into harmony, or trying in the best way we know how. If we don't know how, then it is a process of discovery by trial and error. But there are those who have learned techniques who are here to teach us. They say "Don't give up. Keep on trekkin'. There is a better way." Work it out. Find a way or walk away. Don't let it get you down. We are here to harmonize what is wrong, not to lose our joy, our confidence and self-respect. In this manner we bring about what is right and good for ALL people, not just ourselves but for the greater whole, for greater peace, greater abundance, greater excitement and thrill of being alive because it ALL matters. There is nothing that doesn't matter, no matter what it is. DK also says, "STAY INSIDE THE BODY," don't drift off into space where you lose touch with the physical and practical. This has been tough for me because I DO drift off into space. He teaches practicality. Work to become one with your opposites, he says. The work is here in the body on the ground. Yes, there is a spiritual side to human nature, a greater side than spiritual. But we are here to bring that spiritual nature DOWN into the finite physical body. Tantra is the process of doing that - creating of oneness with situations that are uncomfortable and even downright formidable.
With that as a preamble, here is Master Djwahl Khul on Love, sex and relationships, channeled on May 6, 2014. He is known as The Tibetan, where he lived as a monk in his last physical incarnation and from which he ascended.
Master Djwahl Khul
Good morning my friends! Your heart is where your love is anchored in your body. Your love is vast and endless. YOU are vast and endless. You are created out of love. Love and light are synonymous. Your very nature as a light being is to unite lovingly with all beings. Now, that does not mean that your nature is to have sex with all beings. That would be laughable. Love is ethereal. It descends downward through many levels from the source of all life. The love that exists within you, has been shut down to a very small, tightly compacted atom anchored in your physical heart. On a deep deep level you know you are larger than that and that you are love,, but it is difficult to act on it due to the teachings that have been programmed into you, obliterating it. Love, when it is felt, is known as principles, morals, ethics, conscience, noble ideas and high spiritual values.
This light in the heart is a piece of YOU from a higher dimensional plane than your physical body. You use your physical body as a vessel by which you can walk on the Earth and feel the soil with your skin but your role is to expand that love by exercising it. Your body is only a tool, an instrument to use, so you can walk on the Earth, and experience the sounds, sights, tastes, smells of the planet. It is like your car that you drive from place to place, while you - the consciousness within your heart - is the one having the experience and not the car.
When this great love which is YOU descends down into a finite body such as the one you inhabit today, walls are put in place to tone down your awareness so that you can experience separation. Otherwise you would not be able to experience such a dense physical body which feels concrete and solid to your touch. If you remembered where you came from, you would not want to stay confined to the body. You would want to go home where you came from - to the vastness and freedom and the awesome love of your spiritual home. Being human on Earth requires that you be separated so you can have individual and separate experiences. This is how you grow strong in personal understanding of yourself.
To accomplish the task of closing you down, certain limiting programs were imprinted into you to help you forget. This is accomplished by shutting down your DNA. Only one thing still remains intact that gives you a sense and glimpse of home and that is orgasm. Sex is the vibration that bridges the gap so you briefly remember who you really are and where you came from. The experience of love is indelibly imprinted in your memory during orgasm.
You are connected to all life and to each other through your heart. When two people fall in love and begin a life together as two instead of living alone separately, you expand the love in your heart. Many people fall out of love over time because they haven't learned how to keep the love alive day by day, but allow frustration to close it down. Maintaining love in your daily life is important. It is a pathway to greater life. You expand the love in your heart and in your life by living larger gracefully and with thanksgiving for all experience that comes your way, no matter how harsh and demanding. You expand and become larger than you were yesterday by accepting what IS and being responsible and doing what needs to be done for the good of the whole, including yourself and not sacrificing yourself in martyrdom. This requires the cultivation of patience, discernment, kindness, power, strength and dignity.
Some people do not learn how to do this and abort the relationship, returning to a single life again. But two people who share their life together, even though they may disagree with each other, are enlarging their ability to love. They are more able to handle and understand individuals who are different from themselves. They can look past the surface mask to the real person beneath. When two people stay together during the ups and downs of relationship, you become more in harmony and more stable. You gradually become ready to reach out as two together and share your love with others.
Now what do the two of you do when you want to expand your love out beyond the two of you? It is, after all, in your nature to do so. It is the way you are made, to radiate love to others and experience sensuality, physical love with other people. What do you do when the laws of your land prohibit you from sharing your love beyond the accepted tradition? What do you do when you would be persecuted or put to death for violating the customs and traditions of marriage?
Let us examine it from the physical side, the animal side of your urges. The desire to have sex which is felt as pressure in your loins. Why? Very few people appreciate the force of Earth magnetism that flows upward into your body through your feet. The Earth is alive with life. Do you think you can live and walk on the Earth and not be influenced by Earth's magnetic radiation? Mother Gaia is a powerful spiritual entity that pulsates and feeds life into all her creatures, including the human animal. Your human body was made out of Earth material. It grows on this planet the way a tree grows, or a panther or a reptile or a bird. Your body drinks in the life force of Earth upward through your feet. Your heart beats daily - thump, thump, thump - in tune with the Earth heart beat. All animals feel it. When you are in tune with the Earth you feel the changes in nature from spring to summer to fall and winter.
The Earth's magnetism is a negative force, like a female, which is attracted to your heart's beating because your heart has a positive, electric polarity. That which flows upward to your loins has an urge to rise higher to connect with your heart. It is pulled up by sheer magnetism to the powerful force of love within your heart. Not many people know how the human body works. Your body is designed as a host vehicle for YOU as spirit to dwell within and become the master of your body. Most people have allowed their body to master them.
Wake up and become the master of your body. Unify your powerful spirit and vision with your animal body. Make the link and activate the powerful kundalini energy that is stored in the base of the spine in the extreme further end of the coccyx. While most people have not been trained in how to make this connection, it is a very easy thing to learn. Place your attention into your physical heart. Then place your attention into your coccyx. Then make a light connection between the two. There are barriers in place. These barriers are what is called "chakras". Chakras need to be understood, activated and cleansed before they will open and allow the Earth's magnetic life force to rise up to join the love in your heart. It is called the mystical marriage in some cultures. But until the chakras open to allow this passage to take place, pressure builds up in the groin and it is felt as growing sexual energy.
The human body was created to be a physical tool for spirit. The human animal was cultivated to be a host to spirit. You as a body were born into limits and as you nurture and expand the love and light in your heart, you are melting the barriers that prevent your highest ecstasy while on earth. As your chakras open and fill with love and light, understanding dawns. Moments of clarity take place. Otherworldly peace is felt at certain times. The more you choose the path of love and light, called the path of peace and non-violence, the more your spirit and your physical body join together in harmony, which opens the door to the higher dimensions and frequencies.
Your spirit is a positive pole, electrical. Your body is a negative pole, magnetic. The mistake made by many on the spiritual path is to forget the body and seek upward to spirit. Many try to escape their body and their physical world but fulfillment can only be found by CONNECTING with the body. The body is a necessary part of the process. And only YOU can make this profound connection with your love and your acceptance of your situation. This profound connection has been referred to as the mystical marriage. One may seek spiritual enlightenment by returning to spirit and leaving the body behind, to die, but to create a beautiful life on earth with abundance, love, peace, joy and much, much more, love must be applied through action, word and attitudinal behavior. Living in harmony with love and peaceful intentions expands who you are, what you were born with, and moves you past your former self and former boundaries and limits, closer to the ideal person you feel yourself to be.
When you as an individual live with another person and can do so without controlling them or abusing them or arguing with them, or in other words when you can overcome your selfish focus on yourself, when you can work out disagreements through negotiation peacefully, you have taken a big step toward becoming more of a master of your destiny. This shows that you are living in love. Many people think that living in love means sexual affinity, but it is more than that. Living in love is living in peace and in harmony.
Then you may feel the impulse to reach out to others. Work with your partner in this new adventure as you expand your love even further than between the two of you. Expand it through listening, sharing ideas, negotiating and preparing the groundwork for intimate connection through love. You are here to learn how to live with respect, dignity and appreciation. Then you may enjoy the fruits of your labor for you will have grown quite close together, without resistance.
Blessings to you who read this newsletter. May you always look up, with both feet on the ground, to realize that you have descended from a pure and holy place - here only temporarily and you will return some day to where you belong in the loving arms of the One Infinite Creator and very large extended family! Be safe, be well, be kind to yourself always, first and foremost. With love from the ascended masters, galactics, celestials, angelics and me, Nancy
9/22/23 - Finding Comfort and Peace by Master Djwhal Khul
(This newsletter was sent but not received, it seems to have disappeared)
Love, Sex & Relationships
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
Hello once again, dear friends!
It has been almost two months since my last newsletter. There have been many inner changes since then. Many shifts and revelations, moving too fast to focus on one theme long enough to develop into a newsletter. It feels as if I'm attending classes at a university every day, with homework and study required. This is inner study of course. I don't have to leave the house. The result is releasing many plans that had been long held and hoped for. There is an emptying going on, leaving me with a sense of relief and freedom.
The Master Djwahl Khul remains a constant guiding voice and mentor in spirit, while Doug remains my guide, protector and friend on the ground, and I for him. DK has brought me deeper knowledge of how spirit descends (coagulates) into solid form and then RE-ASCENDS back out of form. This can't be put into words very well but I can use some of DK's past teachings to emphasize certain points. Back in 2014 when we were still hosting swing parties I asked him to please give me something to share with couples in love. I was trying to bring a deeper focus on love to the parties we hosted. It was a very dynamic time in those days - exciting, joyful, elevating and problematic at times. Much learning and growing took place within those gatherings. And so he dictated the following message. I would like to share this now, near ten years later, because it highlights much of what I've learned and experienced myself, by sharing genuine love with people who start out as strangers. It is something that should be held up into a spotlight, for love is all there is.
Love is what makes the world continue to revolve around the sun. Without love we would have annihilated the planet a long time ago. The power of love is extraordinary. Love between two people is only a beginning. From there it grows. Love is the blessing we apply on everything we do, not just with our spouse at home but in our relationships with everything around us, including our cars, our yards, our furniture, our children, our work places. Love is the one blessing we can give to life as we pass this way and move on. Life does indeed have a purpose. Life is not to be shied away from, no matter what is confronting us, including war. This message by DK has already been posted in the online book I'm gathering of his writings (those written thru me), but it has never been sent out as a private newsletter before.
DK is a Tantra master and this exemplifies what Tantra is - namely bringing opposites together into harmony, or trying in the best way we know how. If we don't know how, then it is a process of discovery by trial and error. But there are those who have learned techniques who are here to teach us. They say "Don't give up. Keep on trekkin'. There is a better way." Work it out. Find a way or walk away. Don't let it get you down. We are here to harmonize what is wrong, not to lose our joy, our confidence and self-respect. In this manner we bring about what is right and good for ALL people, not just ourselves but for the greater whole, for greater peace, greater abundance, greater excitement and thrill of being alive because it ALL matters. There is nothing that doesn't matter, no matter what it is. DK also says, "STAY INSIDE THE BODY," don't drift off into space where you lose touch with the physical and practical. This has been tough for me because I DO drift off into space. He teaches practicality. Work to become one with your opposites, he says. The work is here in the body on the ground. Yes, there is a spiritual side to human nature, a greater side than spiritual. But we are here to bring that spiritual nature DOWN into the finite physical body. Tantra is the process of doing that - creating of oneness with situations that are uncomfortable and even downright formidable.
With that as a preamble, here is Master Djwahl Khul on Love, sex and relationships, channeled on May 6, 2014. He is known as The Tibetan, where he lived as a monk in his last physical incarnation and from which he ascended.
Master Djwahl Khul
Good morning my friends! Your heart is where your love is anchored in your body. Your love is vast and endless. YOU are vast and endless. You are created out of love. Love and light are synonymous. Your very nature as a light being is to unite lovingly with all beings. Now, that does not mean that your nature is to have sex with all beings. That would be laughable. Love is ethereal. It descends downward through many levels from the source of all life. The love that exists within you, has been shut down to a very small, tightly compacted atom anchored in your physical heart. On a deep deep level you know you are larger than that and that you are love,, but it is difficult to act on it due to the teachings that have been programmed into you, obliterating it. Love, when it is felt, is known as principles, morals, ethics, conscience, noble ideas and high spiritual values.
This light in the heart is a piece of YOU from a higher dimensional plane than your physical body. You use your physical body as a vessel by which you can walk on the Earth and feel the soil with your skin but your role is to expand that love by exercising it. Your body is only a tool, an instrument to use, so you can walk on the Earth, and experience the sounds, sights, tastes, smells of the planet. It is like your car that you drive from place to place, while you - the consciousness within your heart - is the one having the experience and not the car.
When this great love which is YOU descends down into a finite body such as the one you inhabit today, walls are put in place to tone down your awareness so that you can experience separation. Otherwise you would not be able to experience such a dense physical body which feels concrete and solid to your touch. If you remembered where you came from, you would not want to stay confined to the body. You would want to go home where you came from - to the vastness and freedom and the awesome love of your spiritual home. Being human on Earth requires that you be separated so you can have individual and separate experiences. This is how you grow strong in personal understanding of yourself.
To accomplish the task of closing you down, certain limiting programs were imprinted into you to help you forget. This is accomplished by shutting down your DNA. Only one thing still remains intact that gives you a sense and glimpse of home and that is orgasm. Sex is the vibration that bridges the gap so you briefly remember who you really are and where you came from. The experience of love is indelibly imprinted in your memory during orgasm.
You are connected to all life and to each other through your heart. When two people fall in love and begin a life together as two instead of living alone separately, you expand the love in your heart. Many people fall out of love over time because they haven't learned how to keep the love alive day by day, but allow frustration to close it down. Maintaining love in your daily life is important. It is a pathway to greater life. You expand the love in your heart and in your life by living larger gracefully and with thanksgiving for all experience that comes your way, no matter how harsh and demanding. You expand and become larger than you were yesterday by accepting what IS and being responsible and doing what needs to be done for the good of the whole, including yourself and not sacrificing yourself in martyrdom. This requires the cultivation of patience, discernment, kindness, power, strength and dignity.
Some people do not learn how to do this and abort the relationship, returning to a single life again. But two people who share their life together, even though they may disagree with each other, are enlarging their ability to love. They are more able to handle and understand individuals who are different from themselves. They can look past the surface mask to the real person beneath. When two people stay together during the ups and downs of relationship, you become more in harmony and more stable. You gradually become ready to reach out as two together and share your love with others.
Now what do the two of you do when you want to expand your love out beyond the two of you? It is, after all, in your nature to do so. It is the way you are made, to radiate love to others and experience sensuality, physical love with other people. What do you do when the laws of your land prohibit you from sharing your love beyond the accepted tradition? What do you do when you would be persecuted or put to death for violating the customs and traditions of marriage?
Let us examine it from the physical side, the animal side of your urges. The desire to have sex which is felt as pressure in your loins. Why? Very few people appreciate the force of Earth magnetism that flows upward into your body through your feet. The Earth is alive with life. Do you think you can live and walk on the Earth and not be influenced by Earth's magnetic radiation? Mother Gaia is a powerful spiritual entity that pulsates and feeds life into all her creatures, including the human animal. Your human body was made out of Earth material. It grows on this planet the way a tree grows, or a panther or a reptile or a bird. Your body drinks in the life force of Earth upward through your feet. Your heart beats daily - thump, thump, thump - in tune with the Earth heart beat. All animals feel it. When you are in tune with the Earth you feel the changes in nature from spring to summer to fall and winter.
The Earth's magnetism is a negative force, like a female, which is attracted to your heart's beating because your heart has a positive, electric polarity. That which flows upward to your loins has an urge to rise higher to connect with your heart. It is pulled up by sheer magnetism to the powerful force of love within your heart. Not many people know how the human body works. Your body is designed as a host vehicle for YOU as spirit to dwell within and become the master of your body. Most people have allowed their body to master them.
Wake up and become the master of your body. Unify your powerful spirit and vision with your animal body. Make the link and activate the powerful kundalini energy that is stored in the base of the spine in the extreme further end of the coccyx. While most people have not been trained in how to make this connection, it is a very easy thing to learn. Place your attention into your physical heart. Then place your attention into your coccyx. Then make a light connection between the two. There are barriers in place. These barriers are what is called "chakras". Chakras need to be understood, activated and cleansed before they will open and allow the Earth's magnetic life force to rise up to join the love in your heart. It is called the mystical marriage in some cultures. But until the chakras open to allow this passage to take place, pressure builds up in the groin and it is felt as growing sexual energy.
The human body was created to be a physical tool for spirit. The human animal was cultivated to be a host to spirit. You as a body were born into limits and as you nurture and expand the love and light in your heart, you are melting the barriers that prevent your highest ecstasy while on earth. As your chakras open and fill with love and light, understanding dawns. Moments of clarity take place. Otherworldly peace is felt at certain times. The more you choose the path of love and light, called the path of peace and non-violence, the more your spirit and your physical body join together in harmony, which opens the door to the higher dimensions and frequencies.
Your spirit is a positive pole, electrical. Your body is a negative pole, magnetic. The mistake made by many on the spiritual path is to forget the body and seek upward to spirit. Many try to escape their body and their physical world but fulfillment can only be found by CONNECTING with the body. The body is a necessary part of the process. And only YOU can make this profound connection with your love and your acceptance of your situation. This profound connection has been referred to as the mystical marriage. One may seek spiritual enlightenment by returning to spirit and leaving the body behind, to die, but to create a beautiful life on earth with abundance, love, peace, joy and much, much more, love must be applied through action, word and attitudinal behavior. Living in harmony with love and peaceful intentions expands who you are, what you were born with, and moves you past your former self and former boundaries and limits, closer to the ideal person you feel yourself to be.
When you as an individual live with another person and can do so without controlling them or abusing them or arguing with them, or in other words when you can overcome your selfish focus on yourself, when you can work out disagreements through negotiation peacefully, you have taken a big step toward becoming more of a master of your destiny. This shows that you are living in love. Many people think that living in love means sexual affinity, but it is more than that. Living in love is living in peace and in harmony.
Then you may feel the impulse to reach out to others. Work with your partner in this new adventure as you expand your love even further than between the two of you. Expand it through listening, sharing ideas, negotiating and preparing the groundwork for intimate connection through love. You are here to learn how to live with respect, dignity and appreciation. Then you may enjoy the fruits of your labor for you will have grown quite close together, without resistance.
Blessings to you who read this newsletter. May you always look up, with both feet on the ground, to realize that you have descended from a pure and holy place - here only temporarily and you will return some day to where you belong in the loving arms of the One Infinite Creator and very large extended family! Be safe, be well, be kind to yourself always, first and foremost. With love from the ascended masters, galactics, celestials, angelics and me, Nancy
9/22/23 - Finding Comfort and Peace by Master Djwhal Khul

ANAKOSHA Newsletter 9/20/23
Finding comfort and peace
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
Hello everyone. This morning I felt to write. I didn't know it was the Master Djwahl Khul talking, I just wrote because the words appeared in my mind. Much is coming to me in these days. I am meeting with a man friend every Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6 pm. He is on the spiritual path like me. Something interesting is happening when we meet. We talk first, lots and lots of talking and sharing our thoughts, and then we eventually run out of steam. We get to the point where we need to stop talking. That's when we cuddle or perhaps just hold hands. We do not have a romantic relationship so it doesn't go in that direction, my choice. It is a friend relationship. When we hold hands together and hug, then we go silent.
I am a massage therapist so physical touch is natural for me. I am an intimate loving toucher, not a sexual toucher. It is very, very high touching. And we allow the silence to take over. It is an agreement to do this silent time. It is like a meditation. I am being led to do this by the Ascended masters who are always available to guide those who are ready and asking to take the next step. My take on what is happening, because it is unusual, is this. When the human ego or intellect stops talking, truly stops talking, after it has worn itself out, then the crystalline light body that lies waiting for its opportunity to connect, has its chance. And it does. It reaches out and connect with the light in the other person. Obviously, we have had training, each of us separately along spiritual lines. We have shared our understanding up to this point. We know it is time to stop talking and now we must be quiet. Let the silence take over. It is automatic. As we go silent and relax, we then experience peace. We've gotten rid of the personal stories and paved the way to silence yet we are still together, holding hands or hugging. It is not sexual. That may be difficult to understand but it's important piece of information.
The crystal light body is pure innocence. It is the mark of the mystic and the saint. Not that we are saints! Far from it. Even saints are human, after all. But it is a sacred time. A meditative time when our humanness has been all worn out and gone to sleep. We might even snooze. We are relaxed. What has been happening with our meetings recently has proven to be beneficial for each of us independently. We are each individuals. We each lead our own lives. We are each on our own journey, not seeking relationship. We are being shown "next steps" in our spiritual journeys up the mystical mountain of self discovery. We are human. We are average. We are not special. What we are experiencing cannot be explained logically but is proving interesting and enlightening. As a journalist of spiritual matters, I feel to share this. We both would like to share the experience with others who feel drawn. We have learned to be honest together. We lie down rather than sit in chairs, it is more comfortable that way. We are able to relax much better when our physical bodies are at peace.
The Master Djwahl Khul is my teacher friend for 47 years. It has been an amazing journey. The most important part of the journey for me has been to be humble. To continue to let go of my dreams to be a teacher/guru. I am not that. Instead I am a eternal student, a learner, a listener and a recorder of exeriences. I have had to put my ego on hold. Instead I keep having to "suck it up", as the saying goes. The mountain of self continues to loom ahead. I keep thinking I've reached an end, but then something new appears that reminds me and DK appears with words to also remind me. Without his guidance I would have gotten stuck along the way. It is so easy to feel prideful on occasion, like having made it to the top. No I haven't made it yet to the top. There is more to learn. The crystalline light body, according to the masters, is the web of consciousness. It runs through our physical cells and is ever present, feeding us with inspiration, love, happiness and spiritual support if we know how to tap into it with our friends. Holding hands. Following is a wonderful reminder from the Master which I'd like to share.
DK Speaking
The ascension tool that will help you the most thru the day is peace and comfort. Focus on being comfortable. Find comfort in you. The sense of comfort is something that you can develop with some guidance in the form of words. Words are powerful transmitters of knowledge and energy. They can be used against you or for you to benefit you. Here we are giving some natural, persuasive positive advice that you can use in your day-time activities. It takes focus in the sense of concentration. Comfort begins by seeking out of comfort. Say you are ready to vacuum the floor. You get out the cleaner from the storage closet. You do this mechanically – just as you start typing mechanically.
First before moving, find comfort in your mind. It is a frequency. It is a sense and a presence of comfort. You can feel it if you search for it. You start out in the mechanical habit. It is a habit, a work and you get into work mode. It could be anything else that you do during your day, everyone has different tasks that they do. Any work task that is mechanical that you do, you’ve done it so many times before and it's no longer exciting and you are not enthusiastic. Stop! Stop everything and find the comfort frequency in your mind. Find a comfortable attitude and feeling in your mind. You may not know how to do this but it is a meditative state. Where your mind goes, there goes your energy, the real thing. Let your mind go to comfort. You are the director and controller of your energies. You may have to work at this awhile but success could come right away.
You are a master. You know. You have had prior life training. It could kick in within moments. I am pointing you inward to find a comfortable attitude or body pose, or feeling that feels comfortable to you. Can you feel it? Stop and consider being comfortable, even as you roll out the vacuum cleaner. Continue holding that thought of comfort as you plug the vacuum in. Hold it as best you can. This is practice. Your mind will try to speed up. It will try to take over and push you to forget comfort. Your ego has been in control for a long time in your outer world habits. Make it stop. Make it sit outside of your brain, on your left shoulder. Picture a little entity sitting on your left shoulder. You have ousted it from control. You are asserting your mastery over it. Feel comfortable inside of your head. Maintain an attitude of peace and comfort physically and mentally, as you do the task of pushing the vacuum around. This practice in awareness is called being mindful. Consider yourself and your own sense of comfort. It is a pleasure zone. Comfort is peaceful and it is pleasurable. It is used as an interface between hard work which is forced work and often painful, and what is naturally comfortable and peaceful. Consider this an intervention. You are intervening in your ego’s control system. You are taking over with conscious mindfulness and deliberate intention to oust the “hard work” demon.
Working hard is not required to live in a body on earth. Working softly is the way to move into happiness and pleasure, even as you perform your tasks throughout the day and fulfill your obligations to those around you. Move about with comfort and peace. At first it may be difficult if you come from a hard-working family, but it is worth the effort. Even as you type this, your back is painful. You are trying too hard and getting ahead of yourself. When you get ahead of yourself, you leave your body behind. You abandon your body. You are no longer in charge of your body and your body does not have a resident soul inside of it then. Lead with your mind first, focused on peace and comfort. Your mind will not let you abandon your body. Use your mental intention to slow down. Find peace and comfort MENTALLY. It is available to you. Find it with your mind. It is within you to access it. Do you want to access it?
Focus on the comfort of your skin and muscles and your brain/mind, mentally. Be a wakeful practitioner of walking comfort and peace. See if you don’t enjoy benefits from this practice. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Remember? It is a work that must be ever intentional. Ongoing. Use your mind to start the process. Don’t give up your peace and comfort to someone else or something else that disturbs you and takes your focus away from your control. You control your emotional state with your mind. Never give up your power of mind to someone or something else. That’s when your emotions play havoc with your feelings.
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me: If you live near Naples and want to join me and my friend some Sunday afternoon, contact me by return mail. The crystalline light body is an ascended master teaching. It is the real you that lives within you and feels emotions, thinks thoughts and experiences flashes of insight and discovers reality, like joy, happiness and freedom and more beyond what most of us expect. Everyone has this crysttalline webbing running through them. It's the real you. You can count on it. I'm being instructed, quietly, in my little corner of the world, here in Naples living here with my husband. It's a beautiful, serene, quiet pastureland here and we are enjoying ourselves. But there is an ascension process going on, and more people are tuning in. If this appeals to you, contact me. and I'll explain more. The reality is everyone is perfect and happy underneath the toxic condition of mass consciousness. This is an opportunity to let the light shine through for a little while. No obligation and no money involved. Perhaps you would like to join us. I feel the magnetism of more people becoming ready to join such a community of loving and supportive friends. We can talk about anything - and then talk ourselves out into a meditative state. Peace, love and light to all.
Stay safe, stay well, stay grounded on earth. Blessings from the Masters, the Ascendeds, the Angelics, the Galactics and me, Nancy
9/8/23 - Part 4 - The Secret Inner Life of Emotions by Master Djwhal Khul
Finding comfort and peace
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
Hello everyone. This morning I felt to write. I didn't know it was the Master Djwahl Khul talking, I just wrote because the words appeared in my mind. Much is coming to me in these days. I am meeting with a man friend every Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6 pm. He is on the spiritual path like me. Something interesting is happening when we meet. We talk first, lots and lots of talking and sharing our thoughts, and then we eventually run out of steam. We get to the point where we need to stop talking. That's when we cuddle or perhaps just hold hands. We do not have a romantic relationship so it doesn't go in that direction, my choice. It is a friend relationship. When we hold hands together and hug, then we go silent.
I am a massage therapist so physical touch is natural for me. I am an intimate loving toucher, not a sexual toucher. It is very, very high touching. And we allow the silence to take over. It is an agreement to do this silent time. It is like a meditation. I am being led to do this by the Ascended masters who are always available to guide those who are ready and asking to take the next step. My take on what is happening, because it is unusual, is this. When the human ego or intellect stops talking, truly stops talking, after it has worn itself out, then the crystalline light body that lies waiting for its opportunity to connect, has its chance. And it does. It reaches out and connect with the light in the other person. Obviously, we have had training, each of us separately along spiritual lines. We have shared our understanding up to this point. We know it is time to stop talking and now we must be quiet. Let the silence take over. It is automatic. As we go silent and relax, we then experience peace. We've gotten rid of the personal stories and paved the way to silence yet we are still together, holding hands or hugging. It is not sexual. That may be difficult to understand but it's important piece of information.
The crystal light body is pure innocence. It is the mark of the mystic and the saint. Not that we are saints! Far from it. Even saints are human, after all. But it is a sacred time. A meditative time when our humanness has been all worn out and gone to sleep. We might even snooze. We are relaxed. What has been happening with our meetings recently has proven to be beneficial for each of us independently. We are each individuals. We each lead our own lives. We are each on our own journey, not seeking relationship. We are being shown "next steps" in our spiritual journeys up the mystical mountain of self discovery. We are human. We are average. We are not special. What we are experiencing cannot be explained logically but is proving interesting and enlightening. As a journalist of spiritual matters, I feel to share this. We both would like to share the experience with others who feel drawn. We have learned to be honest together. We lie down rather than sit in chairs, it is more comfortable that way. We are able to relax much better when our physical bodies are at peace.
The Master Djwahl Khul is my teacher friend for 47 years. It has been an amazing journey. The most important part of the journey for me has been to be humble. To continue to let go of my dreams to be a teacher/guru. I am not that. Instead I am a eternal student, a learner, a listener and a recorder of exeriences. I have had to put my ego on hold. Instead I keep having to "suck it up", as the saying goes. The mountain of self continues to loom ahead. I keep thinking I've reached an end, but then something new appears that reminds me and DK appears with words to also remind me. Without his guidance I would have gotten stuck along the way. It is so easy to feel prideful on occasion, like having made it to the top. No I haven't made it yet to the top. There is more to learn. The crystalline light body, according to the masters, is the web of consciousness. It runs through our physical cells and is ever present, feeding us with inspiration, love, happiness and spiritual support if we know how to tap into it with our friends. Holding hands. Following is a wonderful reminder from the Master which I'd like to share.
DK Speaking
The ascension tool that will help you the most thru the day is peace and comfort. Focus on being comfortable. Find comfort in you. The sense of comfort is something that you can develop with some guidance in the form of words. Words are powerful transmitters of knowledge and energy. They can be used against you or for you to benefit you. Here we are giving some natural, persuasive positive advice that you can use in your day-time activities. It takes focus in the sense of concentration. Comfort begins by seeking out of comfort. Say you are ready to vacuum the floor. You get out the cleaner from the storage closet. You do this mechanically – just as you start typing mechanically.
First before moving, find comfort in your mind. It is a frequency. It is a sense and a presence of comfort. You can feel it if you search for it. You start out in the mechanical habit. It is a habit, a work and you get into work mode. It could be anything else that you do during your day, everyone has different tasks that they do. Any work task that is mechanical that you do, you’ve done it so many times before and it's no longer exciting and you are not enthusiastic. Stop! Stop everything and find the comfort frequency in your mind. Find a comfortable attitude and feeling in your mind. You may not know how to do this but it is a meditative state. Where your mind goes, there goes your energy, the real thing. Let your mind go to comfort. You are the director and controller of your energies. You may have to work at this awhile but success could come right away.
You are a master. You know. You have had prior life training. It could kick in within moments. I am pointing you inward to find a comfortable attitude or body pose, or feeling that feels comfortable to you. Can you feel it? Stop and consider being comfortable, even as you roll out the vacuum cleaner. Continue holding that thought of comfort as you plug the vacuum in. Hold it as best you can. This is practice. Your mind will try to speed up. It will try to take over and push you to forget comfort. Your ego has been in control for a long time in your outer world habits. Make it stop. Make it sit outside of your brain, on your left shoulder. Picture a little entity sitting on your left shoulder. You have ousted it from control. You are asserting your mastery over it. Feel comfortable inside of your head. Maintain an attitude of peace and comfort physically and mentally, as you do the task of pushing the vacuum around. This practice in awareness is called being mindful. Consider yourself and your own sense of comfort. It is a pleasure zone. Comfort is peaceful and it is pleasurable. It is used as an interface between hard work which is forced work and often painful, and what is naturally comfortable and peaceful. Consider this an intervention. You are intervening in your ego’s control system. You are taking over with conscious mindfulness and deliberate intention to oust the “hard work” demon.
Working hard is not required to live in a body on earth. Working softly is the way to move into happiness and pleasure, even as you perform your tasks throughout the day and fulfill your obligations to those around you. Move about with comfort and peace. At first it may be difficult if you come from a hard-working family, but it is worth the effort. Even as you type this, your back is painful. You are trying too hard and getting ahead of yourself. When you get ahead of yourself, you leave your body behind. You abandon your body. You are no longer in charge of your body and your body does not have a resident soul inside of it then. Lead with your mind first, focused on peace and comfort. Your mind will not let you abandon your body. Use your mental intention to slow down. Find peace and comfort MENTALLY. It is available to you. Find it with your mind. It is within you to access it. Do you want to access it?
Focus on the comfort of your skin and muscles and your brain/mind, mentally. Be a wakeful practitioner of walking comfort and peace. See if you don’t enjoy benefits from this practice. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Remember? It is a work that must be ever intentional. Ongoing. Use your mind to start the process. Don’t give up your peace and comfort to someone else or something else that disturbs you and takes your focus away from your control. You control your emotional state with your mind. Never give up your power of mind to someone or something else. That’s when your emotions play havoc with your feelings.
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me: If you live near Naples and want to join me and my friend some Sunday afternoon, contact me by return mail. The crystalline light body is an ascended master teaching. It is the real you that lives within you and feels emotions, thinks thoughts and experiences flashes of insight and discovers reality, like joy, happiness and freedom and more beyond what most of us expect. Everyone has this crysttalline webbing running through them. It's the real you. You can count on it. I'm being instructed, quietly, in my little corner of the world, here in Naples living here with my husband. It's a beautiful, serene, quiet pastureland here and we are enjoying ourselves. But there is an ascension process going on, and more people are tuning in. If this appeals to you, contact me. and I'll explain more. The reality is everyone is perfect and happy underneath the toxic condition of mass consciousness. This is an opportunity to let the light shine through for a little while. No obligation and no money involved. Perhaps you would like to join us. I feel the magnetism of more people becoming ready to join such a community of loving and supportive friends. We can talk about anything - and then talk ourselves out into a meditative state. Peace, love and light to all.
Stay safe, stay well, stay grounded on earth. Blessings from the Masters, the Ascendeds, the Angelics, the Galactics and me, Nancy
9/8/23 - Part 4 - The Secret Inner Life of Emotions by Master Djwhal Khul

Anakosha Newsletter 9/7/23
Part 4 - The secret inner life of emotions
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
"Celibacy & solitary esoteric techniques to restore balance"
For those who don’t have background on meditation, there are some pre-meditational practices to work on. Follow your own feelings but agree to feel them instead of run away from them. Inner sensations tell you things so it's important to stick with it for a little while and listen. Slowing down to listen to a terror feeling is actually an inner teacher. Hold still and let it speak. Don't run from it. The emotion of terror or fear is a release of a misqualified energy. It's a dark energy that is releasing. Inside of it or behind it is something lighter, something more loving, believe it or not. It's something to benefit from. Peace often comes from waiting out a passing fear thought. When it moves on you are freer than you were before.
Like, when you are doing it right there are guides watching you as you assimilate body and feelings and mind and align them together. When a higher connection is made there is a sensation that feels like bliss sometimes, or maybe a slight thrill, or as if you’ve linked up to something "right" and calmness spreads through you. It is peaceful and relaxing, as if you fit into your skin better. Your garment is not so tight. This melting inward sensation is the aligning of body, mind and emotions. Next comes a bleed-through of higher consciousness or awareness of elevated feelings. It is a sacred ritual.
What is happening in such a state, this one is aligning his inner bodies or his inner energy field, with love. He is actually, indeed, applying love to himself. Let this not go unnoticed. It is important to be aware that this is love. Divine love. And he is bringing it forth by his own method and application. He is the creator of his good work. There is no savior but himself. He is the inner lord of the mansion. He has no servants. He is doing it all himself. This is what the ascended masters teach. They assist and advise and they have enormous wisdom, but they cannot do it for us. They simply "lend" us their consciousness when we are open and receptive. We can feel them close. I can.
The chains that have been bred into our bodies through the ancestral blood line were imbedded into us at birth. Sometimes we are our own ancestors born again and we have memories. But they were bred into us through ignorance. Thus, it is through the in-lighting process of esoteric techniques that we begin to erase them and restore our inner emotional and mental life to harmony. The inner path is subtle and subjective. There are many techniques that can be used to launch the beginner in the process. Then the higher consciousness clicks in eventually and starts to instruct through elevated thoughts and feelings. Techniques are everywhere on the internet, but the advice is to select only one or two to start with or it becomes a maze of confusions.
Be aware that all knowledge is mental. It is intellectual and remains theory until practiced and put to the test. It is by consciously trying it out in real life that we embody it and learn from trial and error, and wisdom is gained. One doesn't have to remember every technique we practice. Everything we do becomes an essential part of who we are. It is all there as innate wisdom. When it is needed we find ourselves doing things we never thought possible. We didn't have to learn it because we already knew how to do it. I have become aware of a few past lives in which I trained along certain lines. For a while, whenever one surfaced I tried to recreate it again in this life and body, but it wasn't meant to be. A previous life is not meant to be repeated. I've been there and done that. The surfacing of such memories are the fulfilling of the circle. Just as negative karma returns to the one who initiated it, so does the beautiful moments return that we have forgotten. They are meant to be enjoyed, acknowledged, honored and loved back into oneself to become a greater whole.
Knowledge is light. The brain gets the knowledge and passes it on down to the body - or should. But often it doesn't. Our ego holds onto it. We feel puffed up with pride in our knowledge. The ego feels it has gained something greater than others, but where is the power? The power does not come until it has been owned and lived in the every day life. Walk the talk, don't just talk. Love is how we apply our knowledge. We are so afraid of our power that we hide from it. The power is the power of living the love. It comes forth from the love within. It expresses outward. It radiates outward without your consent once you agree to live the love within. Love doesn't come from someone else. It comes from spending time acknowledging yourself, holding yourself up to higher standards, speaking your truth, daring to become the power that you have been hiding and dimming down so you won't be seen.
Spending time alone in solitude is the practice of focusing inward and then upward. It's not enough to do yoga practices. One has to also open to the guides and spiritual counselors above you. Upward means acknowledging your mentors who are invisible. When we reach up to them by name or otherwise, they are reaching down at the same time. It is to the degree that we reach up that they reach down and lend us their insight. Higher principles, higher thoughts, higher truths, higher purity, higher courage, higher intellect, higher interests, higher faith, higher direction. We direct our attention with a sharper focus on something higher. Mentally saying repetitions of a positive worded phrase accompanied by a visualization - these are your basic, grounded tools to use to get started. This is putting self love into practice. Taking time out to do this. You are valuable. You are not to be wasted. Your life is precious. Spending time with yourself proves this to be true. To spend time with yourself disconnected from the world of gadgets and people, with a virtual "do not disturb sign" on the door. You are not listening to the world now. You are focusing 100% on yourself and upward.
The time I spend during these sessions are very fluid. I have found that I alternate between focusing on a pre-designed list of exercises and open freedom. I allow myself to become lost in quietness whenever it comes upon me. There are elevated sensations within the peace that cannot be captured in words. This is the most desired part of the exquisite inner life. Feelings of love and being worthy and having value and being precious. It seems that I must have an agenda of exercises to start me off. That's the directing force. The concentration force. And then sometimes I go so high in that space that I lose consciousness, and that's OK. I am in good hands and I am returned to consciousness at the appropriate time.
This is what melts the karma. It changes the DNA structure by sweeping it clean. It is the enlightenment process. The person himself is the directing force, MUST be the directing force. It is the intention to do good for oneself. You can feel a quickening when you make such an intention. No one else can do it for you. Many individuals enjoy these inner spaces but don't apply it to their way of life. We are meant to express our inner beauty, refinement and knowledge. Otherwise we remain in hiding. Power comes from living it. I've heard people wonder and complain about why the world hasn't changed or why their own lives haven't changed for the better. They expected it to. But it's not the world we are here to change, but ourself. Expectations need to be reduced in a slow, steady stream, to non-existence. Desirelessness is the fulfillment of life. When we can get rid of all desires, meaning that which entertains feelings of lack and impoverishment, when we can get rid of all that, then we will begin to enjoy the fulfillment of life. It is not up to me how this is going to happen. I don't worry about it. The responsibility is on me to continue to do the inner work and sweep away the rough edges and introduce some new techniques of love, caring and kindness.
Many spiritual people seek changes in the outer world when in fact it is the inner man that needs to change. The onus is on us. Aaah! Just realized that! The onus is ON US. Onus means "burden". Many people continue to seek more knowledge from books and teachers but what they are REALLY seeking is the power to change themselves and bring to them all that they desire. This is something one must work on for oneself. It is in the stopping of the search and the beginning of the effort to apply love in everything mundane and practical. It requires one or two hours a day, or how much one wishes to invest. This is the emotional part. One must deal with "But I don't want to!" It is the hard part. The body wants so many other things. It doesn't want to go into solitude. There are very few who are willing to shut the door on the world for an hour and disconnect from the devices of the matrix.
A man can have a hundred servants to do the manual work for him of cleaning and creating in the outer world, but only he can do the inner work of cleaning his karma and crafting a new life. To do this he must disengage from his servants, stop being "the boss" and become the servant. He must go alone into the wilderness of his own inner trash and debris which he calls his demons, and do the work. He doesn't realize this inner junk has power over him. He keeps them well hidden from himself. But there is an underbrush that he has swept aside as he has swept clean the narrow path he walks every day, and it is still there tagging along with him wherever he goes. This is what attracts the returning karma. It wants to come home to roost.
Now, if he chooses to take on the spiritual path, he must take time every day and sit alone with himself and apply the training of love and mercy to himself. If he feels impoverished on any level, then he must face the impoverished parts inside himself and clean them out for it is attracting flies. This is his unfinished business. The overgrown weeds that were irrelevant to him now become relevant. They are ash and residue which clings to him like dirt. They need cleaning out. He must begin to acknowledge them. He cannot just sweep them away, however. He must bond with them and forgive them.
St. Germain is the one who gave the violet flame technique to us from ascended master realms. The violet is the highest vibrational energy on the color spectrum. It has been given to mankind to use to facilitate change by removing negative energies. Using the violet flame every day is a wonderful technique to use. There is information to be found on the internet. Google "violet flame". It uses affirmations and picturing yourself standing in the middle of a huge bonfire the color of violet. The power of the violet flame is love and forgiveness. The result is freedom. Forgiveness is love in action and it brings about freedom for the soul. One of the negative threads that produce karmic backlash is a subconscious desire for revenge. Bitterness, hatred, refusal to forgive, calls back confrontations with people with similar behavior. The magic of love is that it forgives.
Being alone with oneself for an hour a day and forgiving oneself for ignoring the virtues of the high, high estate locked within - this is love. It is done by sitting alone and facing the debris - the overwhelming debris of negativity that may be present when one closes one's eyes. As my late husband used to say, he couldn't do it because all he saw was uncomfortable darkness. I didn't know what I know today or I would have guided him better. Darkness exists within many of us but to different degrees. It is this that comes up to be seen when one closes the eyes. Maybe a beginner on the spiritual path hasn't understood the process yet. There could be a moment of wanting to run away at first. Perhaps it is a horror that surfaces. I had one yesterday.
I started a hot water bath to take an Epsom salt soak, but discovered to my horror that there was scum all around the tub. I hadn’t noticed it before. We take showers. We don’t get down on hands and knees to feel the surface. I was horrified at what had built up, but because I wanted an Epsom salt soak, I had to deal with it. There was an issue why I needed the Epsom salt soak. So I tackled it with love. I know the principles. Karma comes home to roost in cycles. It was an opportunity to correct an ignorance. Apply love and scrub it away. It does no good to bitch and complain. It’s here now in front of me, getting in the way of what I want to do. Ignorance is no excuse in the vastness of the universal. We are here to correct ourselves. Everything operates with perfection as the template. In the human life stuff gets shuffled off to the side and forgotten, but karma returns it to us again and again, to try again later. It is merciful in that way. Not ready to deal with it now? No problem, it will come back. It comes back at a more appropriate time. When one is ready to deal with it. Trust in the laws of life. It is loving and kind. It teaches us to be kind to ourselves. Don't cry, it is saying to us, you are loved. You are cherished. We will wait for you to be ready. Love is a lesson in being kind to yourself, and learning that someone up there loves you. It's not necessary to face the music today. It can be done later. It will be back.
The application of love teaches us to be merciful and forgiving. And to encourage others to be merciful and forgiving. It is the solution to depression and loneliness. Extend loving kindness and support others who are depressed, and see the depressing lift from you. Lift them up with kindness and see if others lift you. It is a ministering job that we share together. It is the job of healing with kindness. Blend with the depression with loving kindness. Love is a quality that unifies. It reaches out with both arms to give a welcoming hug. It draws in the outsider, the criminal, the unbalanced, the lonely, the insane. It blends with it and lifts it up. The scum of unfinished business gets washed away in such actions.
Love applied as a technique - and there are many techniques - unlocks old energy that has turned negative and debilitating. Love sweeps through it and melts it. It is simply energy after all - energy that was negatively charged - and it bonded itself with the DNA of the body. Love melts negative energy but it has to be applied to oneself first. Many people don’t know that. Love is light and knowledge and most people try to "send" this light and knowledge to other people before they themselves have embodied it. Then they send their human stuff along with it. Most knowledge being passed around today on social media, internet, TV, webinars and such, is brain knowledge. It's good knowledge. Don't get me wrong. We love it. We can't get enough. We go "Ahhh, that's good. That's so good, I'm going to practice that!" But how many do? There are ten more techniques coming at us while we speak the words. Which one will we actually use? Which ones will cause us frustration because we know them but we don't have time to work with them?
It is best not to absorb so much knowledge. Applying love is a selection process. Out of the thousands of beautiful gifts laid out before you, which one will you concentrate on? Which one will you embody? Applying means taking it into your hand and opening the gift carefully and weighing it. It takes manual effort to select one gift out of hundreds in today's world of so much going on. It takes mental discipline to sit in silence and concentrate for an hour on bettering yourself. It's selfish, some say. And yet it is the spiritual path to betterment, refinement, balance and joy.
You can do this for someone else a million miles away if you focus your mind to a sharp enough focus. Holding a mental picture of the person and coupling it with positive thoughts and/or statements will do it. But the first step is to draw forth love within yourself. Love is a feeling. Sweep the inner landscape with feelings of love. It is a ritual that is done every time before prayer or meditation. Before connecting with the higher planes of consciousness. Negatives have built up from lifetimes in the past that we know nothing about, most of us. Ancestral acts that we would never condone today would horrify us if we had the details. These are threaded through our DNA, which attracts the substance of our body.
It is important to realize that you are the spirit and soul that resides in your body. You are not your body itself. You are the consciousness that flows inbetween the atoms and subatomic particles that compose your body. You are the consciousness that flows like a river of light and love through the spaces between the electrons and protons whizzing in orbit. You are the residing force that can change the course of your history. You are the one who can decide to connect with higher and lighter forces and, by so doing, apply love to the negative mine field of human existence.
Bless you who receive these words that came through me today. One's debt to life is erased by the daily application of love.
By Master Djwahl Khul
(Me:) Once again I want to reiterate that, when the Master DK throws in some references to my personal life as if I was writing this, such as my late husband's horror of meditation, the Master is the one speaking through me. It is not me. I am not the author of this article. He is using samples from my life to express a point in his article. The Master has access to my private life. He uses bits and pieces of it to add to the article. It used to confuse me when I re-read something I had just channeled. I didn't understand. But gradually I grew accustomed to how he worked through me. Even though it shocks me sometimes and takes me a'back to see some of my own stories being woven into a channeled piece by DK, but now I understand and it's OK. I just don't want anyone to think I am the author. This is his great intellect, not mine. He has an amazing mind. Like many other channels today, I had to come to know the one who is speaking through me.
My shift to higher dimensions is causing me no end of trouble! I want to share what I am going through but it is impossible. Only this morning I learned something incredibly important. I finally dawned on me with my bouts of dizziness that I can't mix the two dimensions together. I've been trying to do just that but it's impossible. I was trying to integrate one dimension with another, the lower dimension with the higher dimension. For years I have taken time out to do meditation, closing the door on the 3D practical world before entering the higher realms. But then things changed about two years ago. The swirlings started and then intensified and it became difficult to understand what was happening to me. I went to the medical community for help. (Oh, Lord, don't ask, that's another story.) Bottom line, I've learned something. You can't talk to two separate individuals both at the same time. They are each in separate realities. You can't integrate two separate dimensions both at the same time. It requires a consciousness shift to either one or the other. To carry on a conversation with two separate individuals (husband for example) while carrying on a conversation with a friend of a different mind set, I need to put one of them on hold, make the shift and address the other. I didn't realize and it was causing me no end of disorientation. The lower dimension of physicality, and the higher dimensions of - well, never mind. I'm sharing this as a helpful hint to those who are having dizziness and disorientation problems: Choose one dimension or the other, but not both at the same time. It will drive you crazy. As Mira of the Pleiadian High council said in her latest message (just posted here) our bodies are between two realities - one part in 3D the other in 5D or higher.
I woke this morning experiencing myself briefly in another reality. It was a sneak preview but it didn't last. It was so clear it was like psychedelic. I couldn't help but ask, "Is this for real? Am I really real?" It was more real than I've EVER felt in this life. EVER. Then the window closed. But for a brief moment I was more real and more free than ever. Freer, happier, clearer and more real. When we finally break out of the so-called "matrix" perhaps, spoken of by Mira the Pleiadian. The Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans, and all the other Galactics that are here beaming encouragement to us to not give up, they know what we don't know. No wonder we can't understand. We too will be free and real and happy once again when we break free of the doom and gloom and wrongness that lies thick on top of us, smothering us. I've been writing about this for too many years, ever since I went into the Light 47 years ago. Now it feels as if it's finally coming to an end.
Just sharing some personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt. Love you all. Stay safe. Be well. Keep your thoughts elevated. Be happy. Turn that frown upside down. Have a mantra ready to insert instead. And feel the elation sneak in. Love and hugs from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Celestials, Angelics, DK and the other Ascended Masters. They are all here to support us. And me, too,
8/28/23 - Part 3 - The Secret Inner Life of Emotions by Master Djwhal Khul
Part 4 - The secret inner life of emotions
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
"Celibacy & solitary esoteric techniques to restore balance"
For those who don’t have background on meditation, there are some pre-meditational practices to work on. Follow your own feelings but agree to feel them instead of run away from them. Inner sensations tell you things so it's important to stick with it for a little while and listen. Slowing down to listen to a terror feeling is actually an inner teacher. Hold still and let it speak. Don't run from it. The emotion of terror or fear is a release of a misqualified energy. It's a dark energy that is releasing. Inside of it or behind it is something lighter, something more loving, believe it or not. It's something to benefit from. Peace often comes from waiting out a passing fear thought. When it moves on you are freer than you were before.
Like, when you are doing it right there are guides watching you as you assimilate body and feelings and mind and align them together. When a higher connection is made there is a sensation that feels like bliss sometimes, or maybe a slight thrill, or as if you’ve linked up to something "right" and calmness spreads through you. It is peaceful and relaxing, as if you fit into your skin better. Your garment is not so tight. This melting inward sensation is the aligning of body, mind and emotions. Next comes a bleed-through of higher consciousness or awareness of elevated feelings. It is a sacred ritual.
What is happening in such a state, this one is aligning his inner bodies or his inner energy field, with love. He is actually, indeed, applying love to himself. Let this not go unnoticed. It is important to be aware that this is love. Divine love. And he is bringing it forth by his own method and application. He is the creator of his good work. There is no savior but himself. He is the inner lord of the mansion. He has no servants. He is doing it all himself. This is what the ascended masters teach. They assist and advise and they have enormous wisdom, but they cannot do it for us. They simply "lend" us their consciousness when we are open and receptive. We can feel them close. I can.
The chains that have been bred into our bodies through the ancestral blood line were imbedded into us at birth. Sometimes we are our own ancestors born again and we have memories. But they were bred into us through ignorance. Thus, it is through the in-lighting process of esoteric techniques that we begin to erase them and restore our inner emotional and mental life to harmony. The inner path is subtle and subjective. There are many techniques that can be used to launch the beginner in the process. Then the higher consciousness clicks in eventually and starts to instruct through elevated thoughts and feelings. Techniques are everywhere on the internet, but the advice is to select only one or two to start with or it becomes a maze of confusions.
Be aware that all knowledge is mental. It is intellectual and remains theory until practiced and put to the test. It is by consciously trying it out in real life that we embody it and learn from trial and error, and wisdom is gained. One doesn't have to remember every technique we practice. Everything we do becomes an essential part of who we are. It is all there as innate wisdom. When it is needed we find ourselves doing things we never thought possible. We didn't have to learn it because we already knew how to do it. I have become aware of a few past lives in which I trained along certain lines. For a while, whenever one surfaced I tried to recreate it again in this life and body, but it wasn't meant to be. A previous life is not meant to be repeated. I've been there and done that. The surfacing of such memories are the fulfilling of the circle. Just as negative karma returns to the one who initiated it, so does the beautiful moments return that we have forgotten. They are meant to be enjoyed, acknowledged, honored and loved back into oneself to become a greater whole.
Knowledge is light. The brain gets the knowledge and passes it on down to the body - or should. But often it doesn't. Our ego holds onto it. We feel puffed up with pride in our knowledge. The ego feels it has gained something greater than others, but where is the power? The power does not come until it has been owned and lived in the every day life. Walk the talk, don't just talk. Love is how we apply our knowledge. We are so afraid of our power that we hide from it. The power is the power of living the love. It comes forth from the love within. It expresses outward. It radiates outward without your consent once you agree to live the love within. Love doesn't come from someone else. It comes from spending time acknowledging yourself, holding yourself up to higher standards, speaking your truth, daring to become the power that you have been hiding and dimming down so you won't be seen.
Spending time alone in solitude is the practice of focusing inward and then upward. It's not enough to do yoga practices. One has to also open to the guides and spiritual counselors above you. Upward means acknowledging your mentors who are invisible. When we reach up to them by name or otherwise, they are reaching down at the same time. It is to the degree that we reach up that they reach down and lend us their insight. Higher principles, higher thoughts, higher truths, higher purity, higher courage, higher intellect, higher interests, higher faith, higher direction. We direct our attention with a sharper focus on something higher. Mentally saying repetitions of a positive worded phrase accompanied by a visualization - these are your basic, grounded tools to use to get started. This is putting self love into practice. Taking time out to do this. You are valuable. You are not to be wasted. Your life is precious. Spending time with yourself proves this to be true. To spend time with yourself disconnected from the world of gadgets and people, with a virtual "do not disturb sign" on the door. You are not listening to the world now. You are focusing 100% on yourself and upward.
The time I spend during these sessions are very fluid. I have found that I alternate between focusing on a pre-designed list of exercises and open freedom. I allow myself to become lost in quietness whenever it comes upon me. There are elevated sensations within the peace that cannot be captured in words. This is the most desired part of the exquisite inner life. Feelings of love and being worthy and having value and being precious. It seems that I must have an agenda of exercises to start me off. That's the directing force. The concentration force. And then sometimes I go so high in that space that I lose consciousness, and that's OK. I am in good hands and I am returned to consciousness at the appropriate time.
This is what melts the karma. It changes the DNA structure by sweeping it clean. It is the enlightenment process. The person himself is the directing force, MUST be the directing force. It is the intention to do good for oneself. You can feel a quickening when you make such an intention. No one else can do it for you. Many individuals enjoy these inner spaces but don't apply it to their way of life. We are meant to express our inner beauty, refinement and knowledge. Otherwise we remain in hiding. Power comes from living it. I've heard people wonder and complain about why the world hasn't changed or why their own lives haven't changed for the better. They expected it to. But it's not the world we are here to change, but ourself. Expectations need to be reduced in a slow, steady stream, to non-existence. Desirelessness is the fulfillment of life. When we can get rid of all desires, meaning that which entertains feelings of lack and impoverishment, when we can get rid of all that, then we will begin to enjoy the fulfillment of life. It is not up to me how this is going to happen. I don't worry about it. The responsibility is on me to continue to do the inner work and sweep away the rough edges and introduce some new techniques of love, caring and kindness.
Many spiritual people seek changes in the outer world when in fact it is the inner man that needs to change. The onus is on us. Aaah! Just realized that! The onus is ON US. Onus means "burden". Many people continue to seek more knowledge from books and teachers but what they are REALLY seeking is the power to change themselves and bring to them all that they desire. This is something one must work on for oneself. It is in the stopping of the search and the beginning of the effort to apply love in everything mundane and practical. It requires one or two hours a day, or how much one wishes to invest. This is the emotional part. One must deal with "But I don't want to!" It is the hard part. The body wants so many other things. It doesn't want to go into solitude. There are very few who are willing to shut the door on the world for an hour and disconnect from the devices of the matrix.
A man can have a hundred servants to do the manual work for him of cleaning and creating in the outer world, but only he can do the inner work of cleaning his karma and crafting a new life. To do this he must disengage from his servants, stop being "the boss" and become the servant. He must go alone into the wilderness of his own inner trash and debris which he calls his demons, and do the work. He doesn't realize this inner junk has power over him. He keeps them well hidden from himself. But there is an underbrush that he has swept aside as he has swept clean the narrow path he walks every day, and it is still there tagging along with him wherever he goes. This is what attracts the returning karma. It wants to come home to roost.
Now, if he chooses to take on the spiritual path, he must take time every day and sit alone with himself and apply the training of love and mercy to himself. If he feels impoverished on any level, then he must face the impoverished parts inside himself and clean them out for it is attracting flies. This is his unfinished business. The overgrown weeds that were irrelevant to him now become relevant. They are ash and residue which clings to him like dirt. They need cleaning out. He must begin to acknowledge them. He cannot just sweep them away, however. He must bond with them and forgive them.
St. Germain is the one who gave the violet flame technique to us from ascended master realms. The violet is the highest vibrational energy on the color spectrum. It has been given to mankind to use to facilitate change by removing negative energies. Using the violet flame every day is a wonderful technique to use. There is information to be found on the internet. Google "violet flame". It uses affirmations and picturing yourself standing in the middle of a huge bonfire the color of violet. The power of the violet flame is love and forgiveness. The result is freedom. Forgiveness is love in action and it brings about freedom for the soul. One of the negative threads that produce karmic backlash is a subconscious desire for revenge. Bitterness, hatred, refusal to forgive, calls back confrontations with people with similar behavior. The magic of love is that it forgives.
Being alone with oneself for an hour a day and forgiving oneself for ignoring the virtues of the high, high estate locked within - this is love. It is done by sitting alone and facing the debris - the overwhelming debris of negativity that may be present when one closes one's eyes. As my late husband used to say, he couldn't do it because all he saw was uncomfortable darkness. I didn't know what I know today or I would have guided him better. Darkness exists within many of us but to different degrees. It is this that comes up to be seen when one closes the eyes. Maybe a beginner on the spiritual path hasn't understood the process yet. There could be a moment of wanting to run away at first. Perhaps it is a horror that surfaces. I had one yesterday.
I started a hot water bath to take an Epsom salt soak, but discovered to my horror that there was scum all around the tub. I hadn’t noticed it before. We take showers. We don’t get down on hands and knees to feel the surface. I was horrified at what had built up, but because I wanted an Epsom salt soak, I had to deal with it. There was an issue why I needed the Epsom salt soak. So I tackled it with love. I know the principles. Karma comes home to roost in cycles. It was an opportunity to correct an ignorance. Apply love and scrub it away. It does no good to bitch and complain. It’s here now in front of me, getting in the way of what I want to do. Ignorance is no excuse in the vastness of the universal. We are here to correct ourselves. Everything operates with perfection as the template. In the human life stuff gets shuffled off to the side and forgotten, but karma returns it to us again and again, to try again later. It is merciful in that way. Not ready to deal with it now? No problem, it will come back. It comes back at a more appropriate time. When one is ready to deal with it. Trust in the laws of life. It is loving and kind. It teaches us to be kind to ourselves. Don't cry, it is saying to us, you are loved. You are cherished. We will wait for you to be ready. Love is a lesson in being kind to yourself, and learning that someone up there loves you. It's not necessary to face the music today. It can be done later. It will be back.
The application of love teaches us to be merciful and forgiving. And to encourage others to be merciful and forgiving. It is the solution to depression and loneliness. Extend loving kindness and support others who are depressed, and see the depressing lift from you. Lift them up with kindness and see if others lift you. It is a ministering job that we share together. It is the job of healing with kindness. Blend with the depression with loving kindness. Love is a quality that unifies. It reaches out with both arms to give a welcoming hug. It draws in the outsider, the criminal, the unbalanced, the lonely, the insane. It blends with it and lifts it up. The scum of unfinished business gets washed away in such actions.
Love applied as a technique - and there are many techniques - unlocks old energy that has turned negative and debilitating. Love sweeps through it and melts it. It is simply energy after all - energy that was negatively charged - and it bonded itself with the DNA of the body. Love melts negative energy but it has to be applied to oneself first. Many people don’t know that. Love is light and knowledge and most people try to "send" this light and knowledge to other people before they themselves have embodied it. Then they send their human stuff along with it. Most knowledge being passed around today on social media, internet, TV, webinars and such, is brain knowledge. It's good knowledge. Don't get me wrong. We love it. We can't get enough. We go "Ahhh, that's good. That's so good, I'm going to practice that!" But how many do? There are ten more techniques coming at us while we speak the words. Which one will we actually use? Which ones will cause us frustration because we know them but we don't have time to work with them?
It is best not to absorb so much knowledge. Applying love is a selection process. Out of the thousands of beautiful gifts laid out before you, which one will you concentrate on? Which one will you embody? Applying means taking it into your hand and opening the gift carefully and weighing it. It takes manual effort to select one gift out of hundreds in today's world of so much going on. It takes mental discipline to sit in silence and concentrate for an hour on bettering yourself. It's selfish, some say. And yet it is the spiritual path to betterment, refinement, balance and joy.
You can do this for someone else a million miles away if you focus your mind to a sharp enough focus. Holding a mental picture of the person and coupling it with positive thoughts and/or statements will do it. But the first step is to draw forth love within yourself. Love is a feeling. Sweep the inner landscape with feelings of love. It is a ritual that is done every time before prayer or meditation. Before connecting with the higher planes of consciousness. Negatives have built up from lifetimes in the past that we know nothing about, most of us. Ancestral acts that we would never condone today would horrify us if we had the details. These are threaded through our DNA, which attracts the substance of our body.
It is important to realize that you are the spirit and soul that resides in your body. You are not your body itself. You are the consciousness that flows inbetween the atoms and subatomic particles that compose your body. You are the consciousness that flows like a river of light and love through the spaces between the electrons and protons whizzing in orbit. You are the residing force that can change the course of your history. You are the one who can decide to connect with higher and lighter forces and, by so doing, apply love to the negative mine field of human existence.
Bless you who receive these words that came through me today. One's debt to life is erased by the daily application of love.
By Master Djwahl Khul
(Me:) Once again I want to reiterate that, when the Master DK throws in some references to my personal life as if I was writing this, such as my late husband's horror of meditation, the Master is the one speaking through me. It is not me. I am not the author of this article. He is using samples from my life to express a point in his article. The Master has access to my private life. He uses bits and pieces of it to add to the article. It used to confuse me when I re-read something I had just channeled. I didn't understand. But gradually I grew accustomed to how he worked through me. Even though it shocks me sometimes and takes me a'back to see some of my own stories being woven into a channeled piece by DK, but now I understand and it's OK. I just don't want anyone to think I am the author. This is his great intellect, not mine. He has an amazing mind. Like many other channels today, I had to come to know the one who is speaking through me.
My shift to higher dimensions is causing me no end of trouble! I want to share what I am going through but it is impossible. Only this morning I learned something incredibly important. I finally dawned on me with my bouts of dizziness that I can't mix the two dimensions together. I've been trying to do just that but it's impossible. I was trying to integrate one dimension with another, the lower dimension with the higher dimension. For years I have taken time out to do meditation, closing the door on the 3D practical world before entering the higher realms. But then things changed about two years ago. The swirlings started and then intensified and it became difficult to understand what was happening to me. I went to the medical community for help. (Oh, Lord, don't ask, that's another story.) Bottom line, I've learned something. You can't talk to two separate individuals both at the same time. They are each in separate realities. You can't integrate two separate dimensions both at the same time. It requires a consciousness shift to either one or the other. To carry on a conversation with two separate individuals (husband for example) while carrying on a conversation with a friend of a different mind set, I need to put one of them on hold, make the shift and address the other. I didn't realize and it was causing me no end of disorientation. The lower dimension of physicality, and the higher dimensions of - well, never mind. I'm sharing this as a helpful hint to those who are having dizziness and disorientation problems: Choose one dimension or the other, but not both at the same time. It will drive you crazy. As Mira of the Pleiadian High council said in her latest message (just posted here) our bodies are between two realities - one part in 3D the other in 5D or higher.
I woke this morning experiencing myself briefly in another reality. It was a sneak preview but it didn't last. It was so clear it was like psychedelic. I couldn't help but ask, "Is this for real? Am I really real?" It was more real than I've EVER felt in this life. EVER. Then the window closed. But for a brief moment I was more real and more free than ever. Freer, happier, clearer and more real. When we finally break out of the so-called "matrix" perhaps, spoken of by Mira the Pleiadian. The Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans, and all the other Galactics that are here beaming encouragement to us to not give up, they know what we don't know. No wonder we can't understand. We too will be free and real and happy once again when we break free of the doom and gloom and wrongness that lies thick on top of us, smothering us. I've been writing about this for too many years, ever since I went into the Light 47 years ago. Now it feels as if it's finally coming to an end.
Just sharing some personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt. Love you all. Stay safe. Be well. Keep your thoughts elevated. Be happy. Turn that frown upside down. Have a mantra ready to insert instead. And feel the elation sneak in. Love and hugs from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Celestials, Angelics, DK and the other Ascended Masters. They are all here to support us. And me, too,
8/28/23 - Part 3 - The Secret Inner Life of Emotions by Master Djwhal Khul

Anakosha Newsletter 8/27/23
The body holds the love locked up inside. Feel the love, it’s everywhere present"
Part 3 of The Secret Inner Life of Emotions
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
Mankind has been literally trapped in the belief that we are solids only, when in fact we are conscious beings of light with high intelligence and we exist everywhere. We've been in prison. We've been fooled. We are spiritual and interdimensional and just beginning to realize it. There is background knowledge, history held locked within us which we call "emotion". Many negative emotions have been repressed and held back when they SHOULD have been dealt with. These are the "demons" that are surfacing now. There is so much power in connecting with emotion that we need to go carefully here. The doors must be opened with tenderness and loving kindness. Love is the most important ingredient to consider and to call into play. By spending “down” time with ourselves, as in solitude and in peace, in what is termed meditation, this repressed power can seep out slowly, and in a lovely manner. This energy is light - suppressed light. Find the light within it. It is very peaceful to do it this way, and very lovely, very enlightening. It is purposeful. Meaningful. Significant. There is a reason why meditation has been encouraged and taught over the millennia.
During this quiet time, quite beyond our control, we adjust to the profundities that are within us. The power that can destroy or raise a planet to ascension is accessed by walking through the doorways of emotion. Innate wisdom is there, locked up, that we have accumulated in past lives. As we take time out in solitude, or while doing yoga or tai chi or similar movements, we access this power but in a gentle way. Not like going on a violent raging rant that erupts when hitting the boiling point. That is the purpose of using words of love in repetition, and holding pictures that represent health and beauty. By so doing we automatically come into alignment with higher consciousness and beings that are beyond this limited world watching and assisting. Ask a mental question and see if you don't get an answer maybe later in the day. Sometimes an answer comes immediately but just ask it and dismiss it. Don't sit waiting for it. Allow higher consciousness to find the opening in your mind. Reach up with the mind, ask the question, and stay open and "up" for as long as you're in meditational mode. We are asking for guidance when we reach up. Then we leave the practice and return to our normal world, we bring the light of that calmness back with us. Carry it with you. Be conscious of remaining open. Slide gently back into the mundane world of "I gotta do this and I gotta do that!"
This is how we sweep our inner terrain clean of past residues that become our karma. Residue of unfinished business that we didn't quite wrap up and be done with it. Karmic debris keeps popping up. It remains clinging in the form of ENERGY. Energy is neutral but what we add to it with our emotions - "it was such a bad experience" - that remains behind. We didn't forgive it and forget. We hung onto it as a memory. This is a residue, a memory, dust from a long time ago. It clings because we didn't have the training we are getting now. This is the age of awakening to karmic debt and how to clean it up. We are becoming aware.
On higher levels we have guides - beautiful beings from the angelic kingdom, celestial kingdom, ascended master kingdom and the galactic kingdom. They are all available to help us but we have to ask. We ask by acknowledging them. That's step number one. Then we dare to ask. We must drum up the courage to ask. So many of us don't think we are worthy. We have very low self-esteem. That's why we puff up our ego and get defensive when attacked. But those who are above us can see the whole terrain of planet earth and us. They see the light within us. They see when a light is in danger and they will be there in the twinkling of an eye if needed. If the call is made consciously or unconsciously, they come in an instant because they see us. That's why we need to become conscious of them. They can communicate with us when we are conscious of them and we call them by name. They are infinite in number but there are a handful of personal guides for each of us who maintain the watch 24/7.
When we are in body we are on the lowest rung of the spiritual ladder because we are tied to physical reality, a prison planet. Here we are kept distracted by dramatic events that are rattling our cages and keeping us off-balance. But it's all happening outside of us. The lesson is how to shut off the negative radiations that are constant 24/7, but remain open to light-filled, joy-inspired positive influences that are also constant 24/7. Our curiosity keeps us attaching to the negative. We think we can help if only we knew more, if only we knew how. This is an illusion. A form of bait and catch. Dangle the interesting stuff out there and see who we'll catch. Curiosity is what bogs us down the most. Those who have closed their minds to certain subjects are doing it out of wisdom. We can't afford to judge someone else. We don't know where they've been, what they've learned.
Feel the love. It is everywhere present. While we each must find our own path, the inner connection from higher guides is done through faith. Trust yourself, not them. If you don't know such guidance is there, then trust your own heart. If one does not have belief, then a man must test it and see for himself. It is a matter of experimentation. Test it and see. To become more efficient in receiving spiritual guidance, one must first join his mind to himself by turning attention inward and becoming peaceful. Stop the thoughts. Put on the brakes. This is a practical mind control. Find ways to stop the thoughts. On the etheric level the mind and body are interwoven together. It is not possible to separate them but mankind has been doing it for centuries. The male patriarchal system is the result.
Man (which includes women) has been training us to focus on the mind only, while teaching us to kill all contact with the body of love, emotion and subtle perception, wisdom, innate knowings, psychic connections with other worlds, animals, water, trees, elements. The multiple dimensions are felt through the body. Sexuality is a spiritual connection because it gives us powerful emotional releases and floods the body with bliss, ecstasy, rapture and enlightenment, at least when it is a loving mutual joining. But it wasn't allowed to be loving and mutual. The patriarchy saw to it that love was removed from the sex act by putting the male in charge over women who need to slow down to feel their emotions.
Thus mankind as a species has been interrupted in its evolutionary process. We've been programmed to not allow the emotions to express, which would connect us to love and the power of a moving conscious life force. We've been put into stasis. We recycle the past continuously, without pause to breathe the fresh air. We have emotions, no doubt about that or we wouldn't be alive. But repressing them causes angst. Angst causes friction. Friction causes arguments and divisions. And artificial egos, not real. We are pitted against one another. Gender against gender. Race against race. Culture against culture. We are recycling the division on every front including political. Where is the love? It has been put on hold. Thus the reason for taking one hour, two hours a day to focus on peace, love and light.
We shy away from intimacy and touch. This is where the feminine body is ahead of the game, but there is a feminine aspect in every person including men. The feminine aspect of men is in his body consciousness, as it is in a woman. That's why females are better at meditating and spiritual work, because their bodies are automatically designed to stay in contact with source, which is love, because love is the power of creation. Love and light holds the galaxies together. Light alone can't do it because light radiates. It radiates and goes out further and further until it finally begins to fade from existence. It takes love to capture the light and hold onto it, and to dwell on it, and embrace it and hold it dear to the heart in a bonding ritual. This is the feminine. Feminine is love. The body holds the love locked up inside the cells because the patriarchal mind control forbids love to be a free-flowing element within the human species. Humanity has been held back. We have been in stasis but we are now beginning to move out of stasis.
While women's bodies are designed to connect with source through their feelings and emotions, men's bodies are designed to connect with the exterior world through their minds. They have the ability to be practical in the physical dimensions. The left side of the brain is built for this purpose - to analyze, think, control and calculate, while the right side of the brain remains spacious and multidimensional. Men and women have both aspects built into their bodies. Both men and women are connected to source and are multidimensional, but women are better at it than men. And both men and women are connected to the exterior world and can be practical, but men are better at it than women. The difference is miniscule but depends on the soul inhabiting the body. The body was designed by the soul for its use in this life.
While genders are drawn to opposites for what they think is release and enjoyment, the overwhelming purpose is to help them balance their energy field. The man needs more feminine energy to maintain his health and harmony, for he is overly masculine. The woman needs more masculine energy in hers to keep her stable and at peace, for she is overly feminine. Romance is a natural way of coming together to provide balance and support for one another as they grow in wisdom and maturity. As they grow older and more at peace with themselves, they lose their youthful energy that once kept them bouncing promiscuously from flower to flower. But they have completed their mission, which was to unify the male and female aspects within themselves. They do not realize this of course. They follow the natural law of attraction. Nature is at its best in the selection process. It is the wisdom of the soul leading through the heart, through love, and it is good.
However, there is a more solitary way to maintain balance between the masculine and feminine energies without romantic or sexual relationships. It has been termed "celibate". It refers to a person who follows the inner spiritual path. This does not mean strictly without romance. The person has chosen, at least in some portion of his life, to focus on spiritual or esoteric studies which don't include sexual interactions. Spiritual practices are guided and may take different forms. This inner connection is made with love that goes beyond human love and may be a part of a couple's living arrangement for one or the other or both. One feels peaceful when one is alone without distractions, and prefers to be alone which the partner understands and agrees to. Each of us is a sovereign being and the challenge is to give one another permission. It is wise guidance to encourage solitary practices.
If someone has never committed to such solitary practices before, it can be challenging to a relationship. My late husband did not know why I needed to close the door on him at times, but he came to respect it over time. He learned by watching me. He said that he did not like to close his eyes and meditate because it was uncomfortable to him. All he saw was darkness. It dredged up terror for him. (Continued in Part 4 next week)
by Master Djwahl Khul
(Me:) When the Master DK speaks as if it is me writing, it can be confusing to the reader. I'd like to reiterate once again, that I am not the author of this article. He is the one speaking. He is using my consciousness to express through me and therefore has access to my private life. He uses bits and pieces of my private life to add to the article, to make a point. It used to confuse me. I didn't understand. Now I do. We have developed such a long-time relationship working in this manner that I have become accustomed to it, even though it shocks me to see some of my own stories being woven into a channeled piece by DK. But it's OK. I just don't want anyone to think I am the author. This is his great intellect, not mine. He has an amazing mind. Like many other human writers and channels being broadcast today, I too have come to know the one who is speaking through me. There have been other ascendeds who have spoken to me, including Ashtar, a powerful ascended galactic being, but it is not my main focus. I have a specific mission to work with Master DK.
I like to take the opportunity whenever one comes up, to point out that there is a hugely greater life that waits for us when this temporary life is over. When we discard the physical body. I've learned about this by being an open channel to higher beings. There are many people channel-writing today than ever before, and they all basically imply the same thing. We humans are here living on a prison planet by our own choice, cut down to minimanl sub-size. We are so much greater than we think we are. We just don't remember. The curtain was drawn when we were born. And when our time is over here, we WILL return to that magnificent place we call Home. We feel natural there, and free. And clear and happy and super-connected to the source of it all. And we are each unique. We've had unique relationships with so many friends they can't be counted. But while we are in a body feeling alone, isolated, terrified sometimes with no hope, I want to sneak a word or two in about this very fact. It's only temporary here. Keep returning to thoughts and fantasies and dreams of love. And light. Light meaning awesome realizations. Hang on to the dreams of love and light. It is the big secret to enjoying the earth journey. We are very big entities walking in skins that are too tight for us. Don't get bogged down with the personal drama. Love will obliterate it the first chance it gets. Your enemies and friends are all wearing masks. The time will come when the masks will drop away and you will laugh in amazement at who you've been trying to fool and diddle with. Death - or ascension, whichever comes first - is a time of huge celebration when you shed all the weight and encumbrances and you are free like a bird soaring into the sky. It is so much more real than what we think it is. The truth is starting to seep through the walls, half conscious, half sub-conscious. People are waking up. Watch for it. Wait for it....
Love and hugs from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Celestials, Angelics, DK and me, Nancy
8/22/23 - Part 2 - The Secret Inner Life of Emotions by Master Djwhal Khul
The body holds the love locked up inside. Feel the love, it’s everywhere present"
Part 3 of The Secret Inner Life of Emotions
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled by me, Nancy
Mankind has been literally trapped in the belief that we are solids only, when in fact we are conscious beings of light with high intelligence and we exist everywhere. We've been in prison. We've been fooled. We are spiritual and interdimensional and just beginning to realize it. There is background knowledge, history held locked within us which we call "emotion". Many negative emotions have been repressed and held back when they SHOULD have been dealt with. These are the "demons" that are surfacing now. There is so much power in connecting with emotion that we need to go carefully here. The doors must be opened with tenderness and loving kindness. Love is the most important ingredient to consider and to call into play. By spending “down” time with ourselves, as in solitude and in peace, in what is termed meditation, this repressed power can seep out slowly, and in a lovely manner. This energy is light - suppressed light. Find the light within it. It is very peaceful to do it this way, and very lovely, very enlightening. It is purposeful. Meaningful. Significant. There is a reason why meditation has been encouraged and taught over the millennia.
During this quiet time, quite beyond our control, we adjust to the profundities that are within us. The power that can destroy or raise a planet to ascension is accessed by walking through the doorways of emotion. Innate wisdom is there, locked up, that we have accumulated in past lives. As we take time out in solitude, or while doing yoga or tai chi or similar movements, we access this power but in a gentle way. Not like going on a violent raging rant that erupts when hitting the boiling point. That is the purpose of using words of love in repetition, and holding pictures that represent health and beauty. By so doing we automatically come into alignment with higher consciousness and beings that are beyond this limited world watching and assisting. Ask a mental question and see if you don't get an answer maybe later in the day. Sometimes an answer comes immediately but just ask it and dismiss it. Don't sit waiting for it. Allow higher consciousness to find the opening in your mind. Reach up with the mind, ask the question, and stay open and "up" for as long as you're in meditational mode. We are asking for guidance when we reach up. Then we leave the practice and return to our normal world, we bring the light of that calmness back with us. Carry it with you. Be conscious of remaining open. Slide gently back into the mundane world of "I gotta do this and I gotta do that!"
This is how we sweep our inner terrain clean of past residues that become our karma. Residue of unfinished business that we didn't quite wrap up and be done with it. Karmic debris keeps popping up. It remains clinging in the form of ENERGY. Energy is neutral but what we add to it with our emotions - "it was such a bad experience" - that remains behind. We didn't forgive it and forget. We hung onto it as a memory. This is a residue, a memory, dust from a long time ago. It clings because we didn't have the training we are getting now. This is the age of awakening to karmic debt and how to clean it up. We are becoming aware.
On higher levels we have guides - beautiful beings from the angelic kingdom, celestial kingdom, ascended master kingdom and the galactic kingdom. They are all available to help us but we have to ask. We ask by acknowledging them. That's step number one. Then we dare to ask. We must drum up the courage to ask. So many of us don't think we are worthy. We have very low self-esteem. That's why we puff up our ego and get defensive when attacked. But those who are above us can see the whole terrain of planet earth and us. They see the light within us. They see when a light is in danger and they will be there in the twinkling of an eye if needed. If the call is made consciously or unconsciously, they come in an instant because they see us. That's why we need to become conscious of them. They can communicate with us when we are conscious of them and we call them by name. They are infinite in number but there are a handful of personal guides for each of us who maintain the watch 24/7.
When we are in body we are on the lowest rung of the spiritual ladder because we are tied to physical reality, a prison planet. Here we are kept distracted by dramatic events that are rattling our cages and keeping us off-balance. But it's all happening outside of us. The lesson is how to shut off the negative radiations that are constant 24/7, but remain open to light-filled, joy-inspired positive influences that are also constant 24/7. Our curiosity keeps us attaching to the negative. We think we can help if only we knew more, if only we knew how. This is an illusion. A form of bait and catch. Dangle the interesting stuff out there and see who we'll catch. Curiosity is what bogs us down the most. Those who have closed their minds to certain subjects are doing it out of wisdom. We can't afford to judge someone else. We don't know where they've been, what they've learned.
Feel the love. It is everywhere present. While we each must find our own path, the inner connection from higher guides is done through faith. Trust yourself, not them. If you don't know such guidance is there, then trust your own heart. If one does not have belief, then a man must test it and see for himself. It is a matter of experimentation. Test it and see. To become more efficient in receiving spiritual guidance, one must first join his mind to himself by turning attention inward and becoming peaceful. Stop the thoughts. Put on the brakes. This is a practical mind control. Find ways to stop the thoughts. On the etheric level the mind and body are interwoven together. It is not possible to separate them but mankind has been doing it for centuries. The male patriarchal system is the result.
Man (which includes women) has been training us to focus on the mind only, while teaching us to kill all contact with the body of love, emotion and subtle perception, wisdom, innate knowings, psychic connections with other worlds, animals, water, trees, elements. The multiple dimensions are felt through the body. Sexuality is a spiritual connection because it gives us powerful emotional releases and floods the body with bliss, ecstasy, rapture and enlightenment, at least when it is a loving mutual joining. But it wasn't allowed to be loving and mutual. The patriarchy saw to it that love was removed from the sex act by putting the male in charge over women who need to slow down to feel their emotions.
Thus mankind as a species has been interrupted in its evolutionary process. We've been programmed to not allow the emotions to express, which would connect us to love and the power of a moving conscious life force. We've been put into stasis. We recycle the past continuously, without pause to breathe the fresh air. We have emotions, no doubt about that or we wouldn't be alive. But repressing them causes angst. Angst causes friction. Friction causes arguments and divisions. And artificial egos, not real. We are pitted against one another. Gender against gender. Race against race. Culture against culture. We are recycling the division on every front including political. Where is the love? It has been put on hold. Thus the reason for taking one hour, two hours a day to focus on peace, love and light.
We shy away from intimacy and touch. This is where the feminine body is ahead of the game, but there is a feminine aspect in every person including men. The feminine aspect of men is in his body consciousness, as it is in a woman. That's why females are better at meditating and spiritual work, because their bodies are automatically designed to stay in contact with source, which is love, because love is the power of creation. Love and light holds the galaxies together. Light alone can't do it because light radiates. It radiates and goes out further and further until it finally begins to fade from existence. It takes love to capture the light and hold onto it, and to dwell on it, and embrace it and hold it dear to the heart in a bonding ritual. This is the feminine. Feminine is love. The body holds the love locked up inside the cells because the patriarchal mind control forbids love to be a free-flowing element within the human species. Humanity has been held back. We have been in stasis but we are now beginning to move out of stasis.
While women's bodies are designed to connect with source through their feelings and emotions, men's bodies are designed to connect with the exterior world through their minds. They have the ability to be practical in the physical dimensions. The left side of the brain is built for this purpose - to analyze, think, control and calculate, while the right side of the brain remains spacious and multidimensional. Men and women have both aspects built into their bodies. Both men and women are connected to source and are multidimensional, but women are better at it than men. And both men and women are connected to the exterior world and can be practical, but men are better at it than women. The difference is miniscule but depends on the soul inhabiting the body. The body was designed by the soul for its use in this life.
While genders are drawn to opposites for what they think is release and enjoyment, the overwhelming purpose is to help them balance their energy field. The man needs more feminine energy to maintain his health and harmony, for he is overly masculine. The woman needs more masculine energy in hers to keep her stable and at peace, for she is overly feminine. Romance is a natural way of coming together to provide balance and support for one another as they grow in wisdom and maturity. As they grow older and more at peace with themselves, they lose their youthful energy that once kept them bouncing promiscuously from flower to flower. But they have completed their mission, which was to unify the male and female aspects within themselves. They do not realize this of course. They follow the natural law of attraction. Nature is at its best in the selection process. It is the wisdom of the soul leading through the heart, through love, and it is good.
However, there is a more solitary way to maintain balance between the masculine and feminine energies without romantic or sexual relationships. It has been termed "celibate". It refers to a person who follows the inner spiritual path. This does not mean strictly without romance. The person has chosen, at least in some portion of his life, to focus on spiritual or esoteric studies which don't include sexual interactions. Spiritual practices are guided and may take different forms. This inner connection is made with love that goes beyond human love and may be a part of a couple's living arrangement for one or the other or both. One feels peaceful when one is alone without distractions, and prefers to be alone which the partner understands and agrees to. Each of us is a sovereign being and the challenge is to give one another permission. It is wise guidance to encourage solitary practices.
If someone has never committed to such solitary practices before, it can be challenging to a relationship. My late husband did not know why I needed to close the door on him at times, but he came to respect it over time. He learned by watching me. He said that he did not like to close his eyes and meditate because it was uncomfortable to him. All he saw was darkness. It dredged up terror for him. (Continued in Part 4 next week)
by Master Djwahl Khul
(Me:) When the Master DK speaks as if it is me writing, it can be confusing to the reader. I'd like to reiterate once again, that I am not the author of this article. He is the one speaking. He is using my consciousness to express through me and therefore has access to my private life. He uses bits and pieces of my private life to add to the article, to make a point. It used to confuse me. I didn't understand. Now I do. We have developed such a long-time relationship working in this manner that I have become accustomed to it, even though it shocks me to see some of my own stories being woven into a channeled piece by DK. But it's OK. I just don't want anyone to think I am the author. This is his great intellect, not mine. He has an amazing mind. Like many other human writers and channels being broadcast today, I too have come to know the one who is speaking through me. There have been other ascendeds who have spoken to me, including Ashtar, a powerful ascended galactic being, but it is not my main focus. I have a specific mission to work with Master DK.
I like to take the opportunity whenever one comes up, to point out that there is a hugely greater life that waits for us when this temporary life is over. When we discard the physical body. I've learned about this by being an open channel to higher beings. There are many people channel-writing today than ever before, and they all basically imply the same thing. We humans are here living on a prison planet by our own choice, cut down to minimanl sub-size. We are so much greater than we think we are. We just don't remember. The curtain was drawn when we were born. And when our time is over here, we WILL return to that magnificent place we call Home. We feel natural there, and free. And clear and happy and super-connected to the source of it all. And we are each unique. We've had unique relationships with so many friends they can't be counted. But while we are in a body feeling alone, isolated, terrified sometimes with no hope, I want to sneak a word or two in about this very fact. It's only temporary here. Keep returning to thoughts and fantasies and dreams of love. And light. Light meaning awesome realizations. Hang on to the dreams of love and light. It is the big secret to enjoying the earth journey. We are very big entities walking in skins that are too tight for us. Don't get bogged down with the personal drama. Love will obliterate it the first chance it gets. Your enemies and friends are all wearing masks. The time will come when the masks will drop away and you will laugh in amazement at who you've been trying to fool and diddle with. Death - or ascension, whichever comes first - is a time of huge celebration when you shed all the weight and encumbrances and you are free like a bird soaring into the sky. It is so much more real than what we think it is. The truth is starting to seep through the walls, half conscious, half sub-conscious. People are waking up. Watch for it. Wait for it....
Love and hugs from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Celestials, Angelics, DK and me, Nancy
8/22/23 - Part 2 - The Secret Inner Life of Emotions by Master Djwhal Khul

Anakosha Newsletter 8/19/23
On grounding your head knowledge into the tissues of your dense body
Part 2 of The Secret Inner Life of Emotions
By Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
Consciousness is the magic. That means the mind. We use our minds every day without consciously directing it. The brain just “goes off” and wanders around the skull and latches onto whatever. Go to the bathroom and clean up, shower, etc., dress, go downstairs, pick up things, put away, get breakfast, turn on the computer – all of these things are automatic. The brain and body know what to do. It’s called “habit”. It’s ingrained. These are not done with much consciousness. CONSCIOUS consciousness. Now THAT’s something else entirely. Conscious consciousness is when we focus our consciousness on a specific task. Like when I drop a glass on the floor and it breaks and shatters into a million pieces. Boy, do I focus! Now I have to actually think. I have to use my wiles. I have to make a decision. I have to develop a strategy. The broom? My feet are bare? The spilled milk? Only when we are forced to think with specificity do we use our creative forces. Ordinarily we are on stand-by, doing automatic things. I speak for myself of course.
Love is the power to break the stagnant forces of dormancy and non-movement. Love is not what we thought it was. Love is a laser beam of consciousness. I’m focusing. Love is a focus. Love is a concentration of light. Light is awareness. Light is focus. Light is acknowledgement. Light is knowing something. Love is using that light. Love is a decision. Love takes knowing something and focusing on action, doing something about it instead of sloughing it off to the side for some hypothetical “later”. Love is action with a specific direction. Love is owning responsibility. Love is acknowledging the feeling of needing to DO something. The urge is a feeling. It is a visceral feeling. Many of these urges to “do” something are ignored or set aside for later but they don’t go away. They get stuck. The river of life was trying to get something done and I ignored it and said “later”. So the river of energy got stuck. I refused to deal with it. I refused to acknowledge it. It’s now backed up in me. It’s going to add to the many other energies that tried to come through me and I wasn’t ready and didn’t do them or say the words or make a decision. I ignored the urge and said “I’m not ready” and let it slide on past. But I sent out the message to the universe loud and clear and the law of the circle heard me. “Later! I’ll do it later!” and so it will come back to me. I planted a seed for “later” and it will return later, for me to reassess and make a decision. Karma is made that way.
Stuck energies, failed responsibilities, unfinished business - these have built up in my body and subconscious mind. They weigh me down. To change oneself, one must use love to break the negative hold which causes anger, suffocation, depression and the like. The love devoted to oneself alone through spiritual practices generates comfort and peace. With more love directed to within oneself, one’s body, mind and feeling, one aligns and integrates and creates peace and comfort. When one focuses love on another without having a full tank within oneself, one is going into deficit. One is giving what one has naught to give. But when one focuses love inward on oneself, then the body generates and builds love within. It holds the feeling and emotions inside. It may feel low in spirit and depressed in mood, but with continuous focus on oneself, the higher principles start to activate. Love is truly a power that can be ignited by focusing. One might not think of it as worship, but that is what it is. With such concentration the feelings and emotions slowly start to elevate. Warmth, peace, goodness, joy, bliss and higher. It is like putting more wood onto the dying fire. Without this application of love to self, one feels depleted and needy. Then one must go to someone else to find love.
One of the difficulties people have is disorganized minds. That was a lesson for me in my early life. Before I understood the need for mental control, my mind was easily shattered by disruptions from other people. It was like a broken glass from a shattered mirror. I couldn't see the truth in myself. The spiritual path enhances both the mental and emotional life, bringing them into harmony. A spiritual practice is focus on something that needs correcting, and love is the power to do it. Most people don't understand how to use love or how to apply it. Applying love is a selfish operation. It is inwardly focused to heat it up, to raise it up to higher standards. Practice is required. An hour a day or as personally chosen. Love brings forth inner peace and melts negative cords that hold one back from feeling the love within. Love within is natural but negative threads of past life residue have been woven into the consciousness that are subconscious. One is not aware. It happens to everyone, and the only person who can sweep them away is himself. Nobody else can do it for him.
However there are invisible guides, masters, angelics and galactics who have evolved to higher planes that are watching and ready to assist upon asking. Love is the divine connection to source and all those who have evolved beyond us. There are layers and levels of beings who have evolved closer to source than we are. Heaven is watching. We each think we are alone but each of us has a team of coordinated guidance counselors watching over us. They too are connected to their own mentors above them. The process of ascension is assisted by tuning into and aligning with the love that is available above us on higher planes. This process goes on up the ladder through many layers and levels of consciousness, higher and higher, until the mind cannot conceive any further. It is lost to all sight. But it is not going up as out into space; it is going up in consciousness. There is no "space" to travel through. It is all a matter of consciousness rising to greater feelings of connection, warmth, love and joy, or falling to disconnection, lower levels of fear, pain and suffering. Love is the magic that helps us to raise our emotions. Fear is the negative shift that causes us to lose that happy estate.
By concentrating on loving practices no matter what they are, we are opening to our upline, to those higher in consciousness than we are. We receive information from them when we ask questions of them. The higher up we go in receiving knowledge however, the more we are required to apply it in our daily life. When they give us more rope, we are expected to climb it. If we don't, we become ungrounded. Too much knowledge in the head makes us unstable if we do not "ground" it into our outer life. The way we think, the words we use, the attitude of kindness we present to the world are the expressions of the refinement we received during practice. We extend our love outward and downward into the physical life which is the lowest rung, the lowest density on the ladder of evolution. Head knowledge without grounding it into life makes us crazy. Technology is making us crazy unless we extend our loving emotion into it. Then it makes sense. The galactics have learned to do this consciously. They travel in lightships that respond to telepathic communication. That is our future too, if we allow and accept that our emotions - even our low emotions - are valuable and worthy of love, respect and reverence. It is the only way to raise them up, like raising a lost child who is trembling in fear with a long warm welcoming embrace.
Head knowledge needs to be brought down into the body and integrated with our emotional field which is on a lower, denser, vibrational level. By uniting the mental field of thought with the emotional field of visceral sensation is how we build integrity. Integrate/integrity. It is how we build truth, and courage, pride and self-esteem and happiness and freedom. It is the good red road, meaning noble, majestic, regal. Head knowledge combined with heart-felt feelings while living a daily physical life of normalcy. I could bore you to death telling stories how I do this in tiny miniscule moments of my day. We have to embody our wisdom so it means something. So people can see it and so we can be examples. We do this by slowing down the pace of thinking, slowing it down, dropping it down into the thick soup of muscles, blood and organs. Integrating thought and feeling. Let the knowledge grow roots deep into the earth body and breathe new life into the body. There are two processes at work here. The life of the mind quickens the flesh, and the density of visceral tissue pacifies the jerky, disorganized mind. Fusion is the unifying principle. It brings a sense of harmony to both mind and body. It feeds the cells and tissues which we call the subconscious, which in turn influences how we behave and think.
Knowledge must descend to become embodied. We can facilitate this process of descension by spending time repeating positive affirmations while holding healthy positive pictures steady in the mind. The body does not discriminate between what is held in the mind as imagination, and what is actually occurring in physical reality. Studies have proven the theory, where half the subjects ate certain foods, and the other half only imagined eating the same food.
Starting an inner practice
Getting back to the techniques of starting an inner practice. Only the man himself can decide how to go about designing a formula to begin a program. What picture to use in the visualization, what words to use, how long, how often, how to create an environment - it is all up to the person himself. My own guide has told me often to keep it simple, not to be too intellectual. Use simple words, not complicated, and do what feels right. What feels right IS right. Too much abstract knowledge cuts us off from our feelings of spontaneity.
A difficulty we all have today is there's so much new information surfacing, both internally and externally through news channels, that we are tempted beyond our own control to chase new knowledge. We are eager to know more. But curiosity kills the cat, they say, and it will certainly kill us unless we ground it by slowing down and incorporating it through inner work practices daily. Bring the mind to virtual stillness so it can become aimless and drift downward, settle downward into the body, into the heart, letting the heart open naturally. The heart is not the physical heart - the physical heart can't open - it's the etheric heart that opens. By bringing the mind to a virtual standstill, the etheric mind and etheric heart slowly merge together.
Our etheric double looks exactly like our physical body. It surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. Every organ has an etheric double, every heart, every brain, stomach, lungs, everything, right down to the cells of each organ has an etheric double. This etheric double receives the life force from source. This life force comes down through yet higher planes and feeds directly into the dense physical body. Upon death the etheric double is sometimes seen as a ghost near the dying person until it slowly fades and disappears.
Knowing about the etheric double makes more sense as we work to unite the mind and the heart. They are already unified on the etheric plane. There is no separation on the other planes between thought and feeling. Mind and heart are separated here in the physical world but not so on the higher planes. We've been educated to be mental beings and to keep emotional feelings at bay, carefully repressed, so that expressing spontaneous feelings of love and happiness and the spontaneous enthusiasm and freedom of youth, such as high emotions, are deemed sinful and destructive.
To reconnect the repressed inner life of our emotions with our abstract intellect, we repeat positively worded statements in our mind silently or out loud. At the same time we hold positive healthy beautiful pictures in our mind. Repetition and holding mental pictures as still as possible helps to integrate the message viscerally, organically. Repetition and holding mental pictures at the same time imprints these impressions into the dense mass of muscles, organs, blood and bone. Like pounding a nail into wood, it isn't done with just one mighty swoop. There is needed many swings of the hammer to break through the density. Mankind has become too abstract, too intellectual, too theoretical and too high and mighty for our own good. We have left our feelings and emotions to rot in the cellar like old potatoes. We must reverse the process, open the cellar door and let new winds blow through it. The feeling is wonderfully free. Freedom requires that we let our emotions express the truth of who we are.
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me:) DK is actually doing the dictation here, weaving my personal history into the story. I was surprised to learn that he did this. It confused me for years until I understood. I used to think, upon re-reading a channeled article, that it was "just me" writing when it was actually HIM personalizing the message by using something from my own life story. I had agreed to do this so it was OK with me. We have had a long history together.
Please stay safe, stay well, stay in peace. Don't listen to the outside world, listen to your heart. Send words of love directly into your heart. Imagine that your heart has ears and can hear you when you speak loving thoughts into it. Imagine it experiencing tingles and thrills when you talk love to it. It is a most magical place to be when you spend time speaking words of love into your own heart. Blessings, I am sending a most loving hug to you today, personally.
8/14/23 - The secret inner life of emotions by Master Djwhal Khul
On grounding your head knowledge into the tissues of your dense body
Part 2 of The Secret Inner Life of Emotions
By Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
Consciousness is the magic. That means the mind. We use our minds every day without consciously directing it. The brain just “goes off” and wanders around the skull and latches onto whatever. Go to the bathroom and clean up, shower, etc., dress, go downstairs, pick up things, put away, get breakfast, turn on the computer – all of these things are automatic. The brain and body know what to do. It’s called “habit”. It’s ingrained. These are not done with much consciousness. CONSCIOUS consciousness. Now THAT’s something else entirely. Conscious consciousness is when we focus our consciousness on a specific task. Like when I drop a glass on the floor and it breaks and shatters into a million pieces. Boy, do I focus! Now I have to actually think. I have to use my wiles. I have to make a decision. I have to develop a strategy. The broom? My feet are bare? The spilled milk? Only when we are forced to think with specificity do we use our creative forces. Ordinarily we are on stand-by, doing automatic things. I speak for myself of course.
Love is the power to break the stagnant forces of dormancy and non-movement. Love is not what we thought it was. Love is a laser beam of consciousness. I’m focusing. Love is a focus. Love is a concentration of light. Light is awareness. Light is focus. Light is acknowledgement. Light is knowing something. Love is using that light. Love is a decision. Love takes knowing something and focusing on action, doing something about it instead of sloughing it off to the side for some hypothetical “later”. Love is action with a specific direction. Love is owning responsibility. Love is acknowledging the feeling of needing to DO something. The urge is a feeling. It is a visceral feeling. Many of these urges to “do” something are ignored or set aside for later but they don’t go away. They get stuck. The river of life was trying to get something done and I ignored it and said “later”. So the river of energy got stuck. I refused to deal with it. I refused to acknowledge it. It’s now backed up in me. It’s going to add to the many other energies that tried to come through me and I wasn’t ready and didn’t do them or say the words or make a decision. I ignored the urge and said “I’m not ready” and let it slide on past. But I sent out the message to the universe loud and clear and the law of the circle heard me. “Later! I’ll do it later!” and so it will come back to me. I planted a seed for “later” and it will return later, for me to reassess and make a decision. Karma is made that way.
Stuck energies, failed responsibilities, unfinished business - these have built up in my body and subconscious mind. They weigh me down. To change oneself, one must use love to break the negative hold which causes anger, suffocation, depression and the like. The love devoted to oneself alone through spiritual practices generates comfort and peace. With more love directed to within oneself, one’s body, mind and feeling, one aligns and integrates and creates peace and comfort. When one focuses love on another without having a full tank within oneself, one is going into deficit. One is giving what one has naught to give. But when one focuses love inward on oneself, then the body generates and builds love within. It holds the feeling and emotions inside. It may feel low in spirit and depressed in mood, but with continuous focus on oneself, the higher principles start to activate. Love is truly a power that can be ignited by focusing. One might not think of it as worship, but that is what it is. With such concentration the feelings and emotions slowly start to elevate. Warmth, peace, goodness, joy, bliss and higher. It is like putting more wood onto the dying fire. Without this application of love to self, one feels depleted and needy. Then one must go to someone else to find love.
One of the difficulties people have is disorganized minds. That was a lesson for me in my early life. Before I understood the need for mental control, my mind was easily shattered by disruptions from other people. It was like a broken glass from a shattered mirror. I couldn't see the truth in myself. The spiritual path enhances both the mental and emotional life, bringing them into harmony. A spiritual practice is focus on something that needs correcting, and love is the power to do it. Most people don't understand how to use love or how to apply it. Applying love is a selfish operation. It is inwardly focused to heat it up, to raise it up to higher standards. Practice is required. An hour a day or as personally chosen. Love brings forth inner peace and melts negative cords that hold one back from feeling the love within. Love within is natural but negative threads of past life residue have been woven into the consciousness that are subconscious. One is not aware. It happens to everyone, and the only person who can sweep them away is himself. Nobody else can do it for him.
However there are invisible guides, masters, angelics and galactics who have evolved to higher planes that are watching and ready to assist upon asking. Love is the divine connection to source and all those who have evolved beyond us. There are layers and levels of beings who have evolved closer to source than we are. Heaven is watching. We each think we are alone but each of us has a team of coordinated guidance counselors watching over us. They too are connected to their own mentors above them. The process of ascension is assisted by tuning into and aligning with the love that is available above us on higher planes. This process goes on up the ladder through many layers and levels of consciousness, higher and higher, until the mind cannot conceive any further. It is lost to all sight. But it is not going up as out into space; it is going up in consciousness. There is no "space" to travel through. It is all a matter of consciousness rising to greater feelings of connection, warmth, love and joy, or falling to disconnection, lower levels of fear, pain and suffering. Love is the magic that helps us to raise our emotions. Fear is the negative shift that causes us to lose that happy estate.
By concentrating on loving practices no matter what they are, we are opening to our upline, to those higher in consciousness than we are. We receive information from them when we ask questions of them. The higher up we go in receiving knowledge however, the more we are required to apply it in our daily life. When they give us more rope, we are expected to climb it. If we don't, we become ungrounded. Too much knowledge in the head makes us unstable if we do not "ground" it into our outer life. The way we think, the words we use, the attitude of kindness we present to the world are the expressions of the refinement we received during practice. We extend our love outward and downward into the physical life which is the lowest rung, the lowest density on the ladder of evolution. Head knowledge without grounding it into life makes us crazy. Technology is making us crazy unless we extend our loving emotion into it. Then it makes sense. The galactics have learned to do this consciously. They travel in lightships that respond to telepathic communication. That is our future too, if we allow and accept that our emotions - even our low emotions - are valuable and worthy of love, respect and reverence. It is the only way to raise them up, like raising a lost child who is trembling in fear with a long warm welcoming embrace.
Head knowledge needs to be brought down into the body and integrated with our emotional field which is on a lower, denser, vibrational level. By uniting the mental field of thought with the emotional field of visceral sensation is how we build integrity. Integrate/integrity. It is how we build truth, and courage, pride and self-esteem and happiness and freedom. It is the good red road, meaning noble, majestic, regal. Head knowledge combined with heart-felt feelings while living a daily physical life of normalcy. I could bore you to death telling stories how I do this in tiny miniscule moments of my day. We have to embody our wisdom so it means something. So people can see it and so we can be examples. We do this by slowing down the pace of thinking, slowing it down, dropping it down into the thick soup of muscles, blood and organs. Integrating thought and feeling. Let the knowledge grow roots deep into the earth body and breathe new life into the body. There are two processes at work here. The life of the mind quickens the flesh, and the density of visceral tissue pacifies the jerky, disorganized mind. Fusion is the unifying principle. It brings a sense of harmony to both mind and body. It feeds the cells and tissues which we call the subconscious, which in turn influences how we behave and think.
Knowledge must descend to become embodied. We can facilitate this process of descension by spending time repeating positive affirmations while holding healthy positive pictures steady in the mind. The body does not discriminate between what is held in the mind as imagination, and what is actually occurring in physical reality. Studies have proven the theory, where half the subjects ate certain foods, and the other half only imagined eating the same food.
Starting an inner practice
Getting back to the techniques of starting an inner practice. Only the man himself can decide how to go about designing a formula to begin a program. What picture to use in the visualization, what words to use, how long, how often, how to create an environment - it is all up to the person himself. My own guide has told me often to keep it simple, not to be too intellectual. Use simple words, not complicated, and do what feels right. What feels right IS right. Too much abstract knowledge cuts us off from our feelings of spontaneity.
A difficulty we all have today is there's so much new information surfacing, both internally and externally through news channels, that we are tempted beyond our own control to chase new knowledge. We are eager to know more. But curiosity kills the cat, they say, and it will certainly kill us unless we ground it by slowing down and incorporating it through inner work practices daily. Bring the mind to virtual stillness so it can become aimless and drift downward, settle downward into the body, into the heart, letting the heart open naturally. The heart is not the physical heart - the physical heart can't open - it's the etheric heart that opens. By bringing the mind to a virtual standstill, the etheric mind and etheric heart slowly merge together.
Our etheric double looks exactly like our physical body. It surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. Every organ has an etheric double, every heart, every brain, stomach, lungs, everything, right down to the cells of each organ has an etheric double. This etheric double receives the life force from source. This life force comes down through yet higher planes and feeds directly into the dense physical body. Upon death the etheric double is sometimes seen as a ghost near the dying person until it slowly fades and disappears.
Knowing about the etheric double makes more sense as we work to unite the mind and the heart. They are already unified on the etheric plane. There is no separation on the other planes between thought and feeling. Mind and heart are separated here in the physical world but not so on the higher planes. We've been educated to be mental beings and to keep emotional feelings at bay, carefully repressed, so that expressing spontaneous feelings of love and happiness and the spontaneous enthusiasm and freedom of youth, such as high emotions, are deemed sinful and destructive.
To reconnect the repressed inner life of our emotions with our abstract intellect, we repeat positively worded statements in our mind silently or out loud. At the same time we hold positive healthy beautiful pictures in our mind. Repetition and holding mental pictures as still as possible helps to integrate the message viscerally, organically. Repetition and holding mental pictures at the same time imprints these impressions into the dense mass of muscles, organs, blood and bone. Like pounding a nail into wood, it isn't done with just one mighty swoop. There is needed many swings of the hammer to break through the density. Mankind has become too abstract, too intellectual, too theoretical and too high and mighty for our own good. We have left our feelings and emotions to rot in the cellar like old potatoes. We must reverse the process, open the cellar door and let new winds blow through it. The feeling is wonderfully free. Freedom requires that we let our emotions express the truth of who we are.
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me:) DK is actually doing the dictation here, weaving my personal history into the story. I was surprised to learn that he did this. It confused me for years until I understood. I used to think, upon re-reading a channeled article, that it was "just me" writing when it was actually HIM personalizing the message by using something from my own life story. I had agreed to do this so it was OK with me. We have had a long history together.
Please stay safe, stay well, stay in peace. Don't listen to the outside world, listen to your heart. Send words of love directly into your heart. Imagine that your heart has ears and can hear you when you speak loving thoughts into it. Imagine it experiencing tingles and thrills when you talk love to it. It is a most magical place to be when you spend time speaking words of love into your own heart. Blessings, I am sending a most loving hug to you today, personally.
8/14/23 - The secret inner life of emotions by Master Djwhal Khul

Anakosha Newsletter 8/13/23
The secret inner life of emotions
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
On this particular morning in 2021, as I did visualizations beaming light from the sun into various parts of my body, I heard the words, "Light from the sun is Love." I hadn't thought of it in this way before. I didn't know for sure who was speaking but I felt it was DK. The words continued and I began writing.
The secret inner life of emotions
(DK speaking:) "Not many people realize that the sun is an active portal to source. The light from the sun is actually love - divine love. It is an ancient secret being revealed in these days. You as a feminine being turn your consciousness from light to love, unconditional love, undiluted and uncorrupted. This is what connects you to others - not the light but love. You make the shift within you unconsciously. The shift is done within your own mind and consciousness. It is not the light that connects you to others as you have supposed. It is what you take from that light and own for yourself.
"The light is knowledge universally distributed to everyone on the planet. You take from it what attracts you. That is what becomes love. You actively make the connection to love by yourself. The shift is done with your own mind and consciousness. You are the one who deciphers light and translates it into love. You are the one who manifests your ideas about love. You are the one who affects the change from light to love. Each person must translate the knowledge they receive in their own way. The language of light is the language of love when it is owned and embodied by the resident who lives there. Very few are doing this. Write about it. Write about this in words that can be understood. It must be delivered whole, in natural words, not diluted words. When you put it through your human filter, you dilute the wholeness into personal wisdom. You make it concrete, solid and real for you, as an individual. But it is uniquely yours. Others must do the same.
"Mankind learns about love through the returning energy of painful karma. It is the law of the circle. That which goes out from man comes back to him in a continuous cycle, repeating itself until he applies the power of love and forgiveness to wipe out the karma of the past. He receives knowledge through the continuing flow of light from the sun, which is a quickening vitalizing force. Esoteric teachings put this quickening force into words to lead mankind into further understanding about the healing nature of love. The light of the sun is an evolutionary force as well as a quickening force, as can be seen in the forests and animals. But for man this knowledge must be consciously internalized and utilized before you can burn away the pain of returning karma.
"Karma is composed of threads and residue from the past woven into the ancestral DNA. To clean that karma a man must take up the inner work on himself. It is the application of his consciousness that performs the magic. His consciousness is powerful when applied with concentration on love and forgiveness. Karma is contained in the lower emotions. Love melts the negative karma of the past by embracing it and not fearing it. This work requires effort. It requires time in solitary seclusion, away from the distractions of the outer world. By entering into calming periods for purposes of following certain techniques, such as reciting affirmations and visualizing positive mental pictures, a man can transform his life. By repeating 30, 60, 90, 120 or more repetitions of a simple affirmation while holding focus on a healthy mental picture, the subconscious is influenced in a peaceful manner. It is a gentle method of transformation. The man himself designs the affirmation and the visualization. He should not follow someone elses suggestions. It is his own higher consciousness that guides him for he himself is the only one connected to his spiritual guidance forces. He IS his own higher consciousness.
"Love does not concern another person, as most people think of love. Love is not about interaction with a lover. Love from a human perspective is a conundrum. Two people can fall in love but love cannot be captured for long because love cannot be imprisoned. The two people falling in love can hold it in their captivity for awhile but it does not last, at least not in the initial intensity of the first coming together, because love is the vastness of eternity. It is all that is. Love can't be contained in a small enclosed area. It needs to flow. Love needs to be everywhere and connect with everything. The love that has been brought into the physical world by two people who fall into rapture together with each other, will burn itself out unless it is moved and expanded upon to include others, for that is the reason for its existence. If it does not move freely, naturally, spontaneously, the human who tries to hold it back by enclosing certain manmade boundaries around it, will suffer. He or she must let love flow freely or the vessel which tries to hold it stoppered like in a bottle, will wither and die. It must flow free.
"Lovemaking, what we term when bodies come together physically, can be experienced in ways beyond engaging the lower frequencies and parts of the physical body. As we allow love to expand it rises further and higher to more rarefied levels, and we find ourselves expressing that fluid aliveness and stimulation with joy. It is so natural and so free between open-minded peoples that it brings inspiring new food for thought, new experience, new adventures, advancement, collaboration, sensations not previously known. If we curtail these expressions of aliveness that are naturally spontaneous, we die the slow death of boredom and stagnation and ultimately old age, disease and death. For it is the non-physical river of life that keeps the body alive.
"Today the culture is exploring non-monogamy in various forms. This is good, but it is still tied to the lower frequencies which we call sexual expression. We focus on the lower parts of the body as if we must somehow find a secret contained there. As if it is the one and only purpose of our existence. While there is an attempt by some to break free of this limiting focus on sex and the physical, the universal law of love is one of unity and integration (integrity), not resistance. Mankind has been embroiled and stuck at the first two chakras for billions of years. Man longs to be free and rise higher on the evolutionary scale but it doesn't know how to do that. Mankind as a species is currently working through the process of understanding many things. It does not understand about love. It understands about sex but not about love. The sex expression has become such an important element for human beings that it has overshadowed all the other elements of its higher nature, of love, of courage, of enlightenment, intelligence, reverence for all life, of caring, kindness, purity, truth, peace, nobility, elegance and there is more. Much more. The soul has been impoverished and imprisoned by this extreme focus on the physical.
"It perhaps has not been considered that meditation is a concentrated focus on love, but that is indeed what it is. Meditation or solitary contemplation is an act of self love. It does not concern the outer world or other people but in the long run it enriches one's connection with the world. Meditation is a generator of love by focusing on emotions. The inner life of emotions, even low, sad, troubled emotions, is a beginning relationship with the higher self. In the growing relationship with the higher self, one learns about love because the higher self is love, divine and eternal love. Through certain meditational practices one generates inner love, though in the earlier stages one may not call it that. The mind is obtuse at first, perhaps skeptical. But meditation is an inner journey. It is like turning around and looking in the opposite direction from what one is accustomed. The perspective is different. But it is like holding a magnifying glass over dry grass in the sun. It creates heat and then fire because the inner self is dry and malnourished and ready to be ignited.
"One must do this for oneself. It is a decision to try it out. To look into it. Spiritual practices are all about love. It may seem selfish at first to corral yourself alone in a room without anyone else, but it changes how a person feels. It influences and enriches his life starting with his emotional life quickening certain locked in emotions and becoming sensitive to what they feel like.There are techniques that can be learned and followed. Techniques change through experimentation. It brings peace to the soul because the soul has been waiting for a long time to be recognized. If an inner technique does not feel good at the end of a session, then it's probably not being done correctly. The proof is in the pudding, they say. And the proof here is in the level of peace and sense of fulfillment when the session is done. The quality of love is felt as betterment, refinement, sense of purpose. There are many words to define it. A person may train many hours a day mentally and/or physically without accessing his emotions, and that's OK. There are different purposes for taking up a discipline. Maybe they are training for a sports event, or for a mathematical quiz. But mind and body training is only two-thirds of a three-part spiritual path. The third aspect is feelings and emotions.
"When feelings and emotions are left out of the training, there is something missing that fulfills a human life. The three aspects of our normal life that we use every day is mind, body and emotions. These three are aligned through meditational practices. When mind, body and feelings are integrated and aligned together the triad is complete: love, wisdom and power as the masters keep reminding us. The three first chakras help us access love, wisdom and power through our emotions, mind and spirit. It is by joining mind and emotions that we cultivate our spiritual power the power to create change in our personal life. It is through the emotional aspect that love enters human affairs. Emotions register the flow of life as it moves through us. What moves the river of life through us? It is a mystery. We don't understand. Vitality picks up in us when we are happy and droops when we are sad. Emotions are the secret aspect to who we are. They tell us what is happening within us. We must learn to read our emotions.
"Meditation techniques teach us about our emotions when we are turned inward without being distracted. It is our emotional life that is our river of life. It flows through every cell of our body and feeds us with the vitality to keep going, to stay interested and enthusiastic about life. Loving emotions boost our excitement and sadness depresses us. We lose interest. We are a mental race that has forgotten our emotional life. The courage is lacking to admit to our emotional state. The culture has firm rules about not expressing emotions but it is a requirement of the soul that we not only face them as they occur, but allow them and be honest about them to ourself alone, if to no one else. Emotions are the part that have been missing in an overwhelmingly intellectual race who has lost the ability to form roots to the ground to stabilize us and make us into real people.
"A free and joyful emotional life, capable of spontaneous expression, is crucial to the science of transformation which brings freedom and abundance. The highest of all emotions is love. The lowest is fear, terror, agony. But we must not escape the low or run away from facing it. We MUST welcome the fear back into our life because embracing fear transforms it so that it no longer exists. Love is what works this magic. Love harmonizes all that is not love. Love is to be used on all levels mentally, emotionally and physically. For centuries philosophers have debated love intellectually with erudite sophistication, but unless a man is moved to tears it is wasted energy because it doesn't engage the human heart, soul, spirit. When it touches the heart it melts the coldness there and warms the soul and opens doors to higher places. The heart is mankind's version of the sun. Warm and comforting, it sends its healing rays unconditionally out to all within its circumference. The heart is a portal. To find a technique that opens the heart is to find a good exercise to practice daily. It is the key to subtleties that no outer authority can provide. It is self transformation. The desire to serve others, perhaps teach others, to be kind to others or counsel others is a side effect. It can be a temptation and a distraction. We must not be fooled. We are here to serve the love that is within us.
"It alone is the answer to our search. It is an open portal and there is no end to how much we can bring in to raise and transform activities around us. We must remain firm to the idea that love leads us to source. Not source high in the sky beyond reach. No. Source of all happiness. Source of abundance. Source of answers, of healing, of health, of wealth, of beauty, of perfect relationships. Love is all there is. When a man commits to solitary practices, he fulfills the longings of the soul, of the heart, of the spirit. No outer authority, book or teacher or ascended master can provide this because we are on our own path of discovery. Everyone else is a friend, a brother, a sister along the way but we answer only to the heart of our higher self. Meditational practice is focus on becoming more conscious.
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me:) The above address started out as a simple message from the Master DK, but it turned into a lengthy piece. It was published as a newsletter two years ago, but I reread it with new eyes yesterday, and learned there is more to this article that I hadn't included the first time. So I will publish the rest of it in the next newsletter. As you read it, it sounds as if I did this writing myself, but it was not me. When DK dictates a message he interlaces his consciousness with mine and weaves parts of my personal history into it so that it might sound like me writing. This original relationship happened a long time ago (in 1976) when I gratefully welcomed him to be more present in my life and to oversee my actions because I badly needed him. He was apparently "assigned" to me from the spiritual hierarchy when the kundalini awakened and began changing my body structure and causing me screaming havoc. In hindsight, it took ten years for me before I felt normal again.
Over time, as I worked with him and welcomed his input, I kept promising to be a better instrument for his channeled messages, but it turns out I am somewhat of a maverick. I think he respects that and approves, because an ascended master is an elder brother or sister, available as a guide, but not to be a mouthpiece to parrot every word they say. I feel him close by and have had some powerful validations over the years. I have used most of the techniques he has given me, but still I retain my sovereignty and insist on filtering it through my own abilities and desires to understand. The masters are elders, ahead of us in understanding. They are selfless, loving angelic beings who want to see us grow into our OWN powers, not to follow someone else. They speak mind to mind, thought to thought. And because I am a spontaneous female sort, I am not a very practical person. When these channeled messages are received, sometimes they are fully written down word for word, and other times they are a note to myself to remember later. Then I slip it into a folder somewhere and enter into my journal. I hide it from myself, which is why new ones keep springing up without warning in my journals. And why the journals are so important to me. Word of advice: write down your sudden sparkling thoughts. They could be a Master telling you something. Doug is pushing me to complete my writings into a book, but I'm afraid it will never happen. This one sprang into view yesterday and it was such perfect timing I was elated to find it. In the NEXT newsletter DK's words of enlightenment continue exploring into the depths of inner emotions and revealing ever more. There seems to always be more.
Love and blessings to all who read these lengthy articles from the beloved enlightened Master Djwhal Khul, as channeled thru me.
8/4/23 - What your Light Body Looks Like - by Master Djwhal Khul
The secret inner life of emotions
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
On this particular morning in 2021, as I did visualizations beaming light from the sun into various parts of my body, I heard the words, "Light from the sun is Love." I hadn't thought of it in this way before. I didn't know for sure who was speaking but I felt it was DK. The words continued and I began writing.
The secret inner life of emotions
(DK speaking:) "Not many people realize that the sun is an active portal to source. The light from the sun is actually love - divine love. It is an ancient secret being revealed in these days. You as a feminine being turn your consciousness from light to love, unconditional love, undiluted and uncorrupted. This is what connects you to others - not the light but love. You make the shift within you unconsciously. The shift is done within your own mind and consciousness. It is not the light that connects you to others as you have supposed. It is what you take from that light and own for yourself.
"The light is knowledge universally distributed to everyone on the planet. You take from it what attracts you. That is what becomes love. You actively make the connection to love by yourself. The shift is done with your own mind and consciousness. You are the one who deciphers light and translates it into love. You are the one who manifests your ideas about love. You are the one who affects the change from light to love. Each person must translate the knowledge they receive in their own way. The language of light is the language of love when it is owned and embodied by the resident who lives there. Very few are doing this. Write about it. Write about this in words that can be understood. It must be delivered whole, in natural words, not diluted words. When you put it through your human filter, you dilute the wholeness into personal wisdom. You make it concrete, solid and real for you, as an individual. But it is uniquely yours. Others must do the same.
"Mankind learns about love through the returning energy of painful karma. It is the law of the circle. That which goes out from man comes back to him in a continuous cycle, repeating itself until he applies the power of love and forgiveness to wipe out the karma of the past. He receives knowledge through the continuing flow of light from the sun, which is a quickening vitalizing force. Esoteric teachings put this quickening force into words to lead mankind into further understanding about the healing nature of love. The light of the sun is an evolutionary force as well as a quickening force, as can be seen in the forests and animals. But for man this knowledge must be consciously internalized and utilized before you can burn away the pain of returning karma.
"Karma is composed of threads and residue from the past woven into the ancestral DNA. To clean that karma a man must take up the inner work on himself. It is the application of his consciousness that performs the magic. His consciousness is powerful when applied with concentration on love and forgiveness. Karma is contained in the lower emotions. Love melts the negative karma of the past by embracing it and not fearing it. This work requires effort. It requires time in solitary seclusion, away from the distractions of the outer world. By entering into calming periods for purposes of following certain techniques, such as reciting affirmations and visualizing positive mental pictures, a man can transform his life. By repeating 30, 60, 90, 120 or more repetitions of a simple affirmation while holding focus on a healthy mental picture, the subconscious is influenced in a peaceful manner. It is a gentle method of transformation. The man himself designs the affirmation and the visualization. He should not follow someone elses suggestions. It is his own higher consciousness that guides him for he himself is the only one connected to his spiritual guidance forces. He IS his own higher consciousness.
"Love does not concern another person, as most people think of love. Love is not about interaction with a lover. Love from a human perspective is a conundrum. Two people can fall in love but love cannot be captured for long because love cannot be imprisoned. The two people falling in love can hold it in their captivity for awhile but it does not last, at least not in the initial intensity of the first coming together, because love is the vastness of eternity. It is all that is. Love can't be contained in a small enclosed area. It needs to flow. Love needs to be everywhere and connect with everything. The love that has been brought into the physical world by two people who fall into rapture together with each other, will burn itself out unless it is moved and expanded upon to include others, for that is the reason for its existence. If it does not move freely, naturally, spontaneously, the human who tries to hold it back by enclosing certain manmade boundaries around it, will suffer. He or she must let love flow freely or the vessel which tries to hold it stoppered like in a bottle, will wither and die. It must flow free.
"Lovemaking, what we term when bodies come together physically, can be experienced in ways beyond engaging the lower frequencies and parts of the physical body. As we allow love to expand it rises further and higher to more rarefied levels, and we find ourselves expressing that fluid aliveness and stimulation with joy. It is so natural and so free between open-minded peoples that it brings inspiring new food for thought, new experience, new adventures, advancement, collaboration, sensations not previously known. If we curtail these expressions of aliveness that are naturally spontaneous, we die the slow death of boredom and stagnation and ultimately old age, disease and death. For it is the non-physical river of life that keeps the body alive.
"Today the culture is exploring non-monogamy in various forms. This is good, but it is still tied to the lower frequencies which we call sexual expression. We focus on the lower parts of the body as if we must somehow find a secret contained there. As if it is the one and only purpose of our existence. While there is an attempt by some to break free of this limiting focus on sex and the physical, the universal law of love is one of unity and integration (integrity), not resistance. Mankind has been embroiled and stuck at the first two chakras for billions of years. Man longs to be free and rise higher on the evolutionary scale but it doesn't know how to do that. Mankind as a species is currently working through the process of understanding many things. It does not understand about love. It understands about sex but not about love. The sex expression has become such an important element for human beings that it has overshadowed all the other elements of its higher nature, of love, of courage, of enlightenment, intelligence, reverence for all life, of caring, kindness, purity, truth, peace, nobility, elegance and there is more. Much more. The soul has been impoverished and imprisoned by this extreme focus on the physical.
"It perhaps has not been considered that meditation is a concentrated focus on love, but that is indeed what it is. Meditation or solitary contemplation is an act of self love. It does not concern the outer world or other people but in the long run it enriches one's connection with the world. Meditation is a generator of love by focusing on emotions. The inner life of emotions, even low, sad, troubled emotions, is a beginning relationship with the higher self. In the growing relationship with the higher self, one learns about love because the higher self is love, divine and eternal love. Through certain meditational practices one generates inner love, though in the earlier stages one may not call it that. The mind is obtuse at first, perhaps skeptical. But meditation is an inner journey. It is like turning around and looking in the opposite direction from what one is accustomed. The perspective is different. But it is like holding a magnifying glass over dry grass in the sun. It creates heat and then fire because the inner self is dry and malnourished and ready to be ignited.
"One must do this for oneself. It is a decision to try it out. To look into it. Spiritual practices are all about love. It may seem selfish at first to corral yourself alone in a room without anyone else, but it changes how a person feels. It influences and enriches his life starting with his emotional life quickening certain locked in emotions and becoming sensitive to what they feel like.There are techniques that can be learned and followed. Techniques change through experimentation. It brings peace to the soul because the soul has been waiting for a long time to be recognized. If an inner technique does not feel good at the end of a session, then it's probably not being done correctly. The proof is in the pudding, they say. And the proof here is in the level of peace and sense of fulfillment when the session is done. The quality of love is felt as betterment, refinement, sense of purpose. There are many words to define it. A person may train many hours a day mentally and/or physically without accessing his emotions, and that's OK. There are different purposes for taking up a discipline. Maybe they are training for a sports event, or for a mathematical quiz. But mind and body training is only two-thirds of a three-part spiritual path. The third aspect is feelings and emotions.
"When feelings and emotions are left out of the training, there is something missing that fulfills a human life. The three aspects of our normal life that we use every day is mind, body and emotions. These three are aligned through meditational practices. When mind, body and feelings are integrated and aligned together the triad is complete: love, wisdom and power as the masters keep reminding us. The three first chakras help us access love, wisdom and power through our emotions, mind and spirit. It is by joining mind and emotions that we cultivate our spiritual power the power to create change in our personal life. It is through the emotional aspect that love enters human affairs. Emotions register the flow of life as it moves through us. What moves the river of life through us? It is a mystery. We don't understand. Vitality picks up in us when we are happy and droops when we are sad. Emotions are the secret aspect to who we are. They tell us what is happening within us. We must learn to read our emotions.
"Meditation techniques teach us about our emotions when we are turned inward without being distracted. It is our emotional life that is our river of life. It flows through every cell of our body and feeds us with the vitality to keep going, to stay interested and enthusiastic about life. Loving emotions boost our excitement and sadness depresses us. We lose interest. We are a mental race that has forgotten our emotional life. The courage is lacking to admit to our emotional state. The culture has firm rules about not expressing emotions but it is a requirement of the soul that we not only face them as they occur, but allow them and be honest about them to ourself alone, if to no one else. Emotions are the part that have been missing in an overwhelmingly intellectual race who has lost the ability to form roots to the ground to stabilize us and make us into real people.
"A free and joyful emotional life, capable of spontaneous expression, is crucial to the science of transformation which brings freedom and abundance. The highest of all emotions is love. The lowest is fear, terror, agony. But we must not escape the low or run away from facing it. We MUST welcome the fear back into our life because embracing fear transforms it so that it no longer exists. Love is what works this magic. Love harmonizes all that is not love. Love is to be used on all levels mentally, emotionally and physically. For centuries philosophers have debated love intellectually with erudite sophistication, but unless a man is moved to tears it is wasted energy because it doesn't engage the human heart, soul, spirit. When it touches the heart it melts the coldness there and warms the soul and opens doors to higher places. The heart is mankind's version of the sun. Warm and comforting, it sends its healing rays unconditionally out to all within its circumference. The heart is a portal. To find a technique that opens the heart is to find a good exercise to practice daily. It is the key to subtleties that no outer authority can provide. It is self transformation. The desire to serve others, perhaps teach others, to be kind to others or counsel others is a side effect. It can be a temptation and a distraction. We must not be fooled. We are here to serve the love that is within us.
"It alone is the answer to our search. It is an open portal and there is no end to how much we can bring in to raise and transform activities around us. We must remain firm to the idea that love leads us to source. Not source high in the sky beyond reach. No. Source of all happiness. Source of abundance. Source of answers, of healing, of health, of wealth, of beauty, of perfect relationships. Love is all there is. When a man commits to solitary practices, he fulfills the longings of the soul, of the heart, of the spirit. No outer authority, book or teacher or ascended master can provide this because we are on our own path of discovery. Everyone else is a friend, a brother, a sister along the way but we answer only to the heart of our higher self. Meditational practice is focus on becoming more conscious.
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me:) The above address started out as a simple message from the Master DK, but it turned into a lengthy piece. It was published as a newsletter two years ago, but I reread it with new eyes yesterday, and learned there is more to this article that I hadn't included the first time. So I will publish the rest of it in the next newsletter. As you read it, it sounds as if I did this writing myself, but it was not me. When DK dictates a message he interlaces his consciousness with mine and weaves parts of my personal history into it so that it might sound like me writing. This original relationship happened a long time ago (in 1976) when I gratefully welcomed him to be more present in my life and to oversee my actions because I badly needed him. He was apparently "assigned" to me from the spiritual hierarchy when the kundalini awakened and began changing my body structure and causing me screaming havoc. In hindsight, it took ten years for me before I felt normal again.
Over time, as I worked with him and welcomed his input, I kept promising to be a better instrument for his channeled messages, but it turns out I am somewhat of a maverick. I think he respects that and approves, because an ascended master is an elder brother or sister, available as a guide, but not to be a mouthpiece to parrot every word they say. I feel him close by and have had some powerful validations over the years. I have used most of the techniques he has given me, but still I retain my sovereignty and insist on filtering it through my own abilities and desires to understand. The masters are elders, ahead of us in understanding. They are selfless, loving angelic beings who want to see us grow into our OWN powers, not to follow someone else. They speak mind to mind, thought to thought. And because I am a spontaneous female sort, I am not a very practical person. When these channeled messages are received, sometimes they are fully written down word for word, and other times they are a note to myself to remember later. Then I slip it into a folder somewhere and enter into my journal. I hide it from myself, which is why new ones keep springing up without warning in my journals. And why the journals are so important to me. Word of advice: write down your sudden sparkling thoughts. They could be a Master telling you something. Doug is pushing me to complete my writings into a book, but I'm afraid it will never happen. This one sprang into view yesterday and it was such perfect timing I was elated to find it. In the NEXT newsletter DK's words of enlightenment continue exploring into the depths of inner emotions and revealing ever more. There seems to always be more.
Love and blessings to all who read these lengthy articles from the beloved enlightened Master Djwhal Khul, as channeled thru me.
8/4/23 - What your Light Body Looks Like - by Master Djwhal Khul

Anakosha Newsletter 8/1/23
What your Light Body looks like
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
I am urged to share this particular lecture on the light body. DK wants others to know. He is poking and prodding me to start a newsletter where he can speak to you. On this particular morning (12/8/17) I woke up with a lecture going on. As I lay in bed feeling warm and cozy, I thought it was my own mind playing around with this concept. But after awhile I realized I was being given a purposeful instruction. I got up and began writing. Words started to flow.
Lecture on the beautiful light body by Master Djwhal Khul
"Lecture on the beautiful light body. How it came into being." You are a light body covered in slime. But the light is still there underneath. You were created by Father Light and Mother Love as a beautiful light love baby consciousness. You started out conscious of love and light, light being information or intelligent awareness. The love held you fully in its warm embrace. You were given over to another being to protect and love you because Father Light and Mother Love were busy creating other love light babies and maintaining their growing family. You were placed in the orbit (family) of a sun where you floated in bliss and happiness and love, while you grew in awareness. You were a conscious being from the first moment you were created, but you were only a baby, like an earth baby, and you didn’t know any more than the love that surrounded you.
You grew and expanded your conscious awareness, and as you grew you noticed that others in your family, all at different levels of expanding consciousness, were responding to your thoughts and feelings. You learned to communicate with others. You learned cause and effect. You were growing in love and in light (information). Soon you began to explore further out, beyond the safe orbit of warmth where you were protected by the sun’s family of love. You were one of those who wanted to explore further out. The fact that you are here in a physical body validates that. Others in your family of white light beings preferred to stay close to the parent sun and continue to shine their beautiful white light and contribute to the sun’s brilliance. You wanted to explore beyond and outside the warmth. But before you could go any further you were required to go to school to learn how to maneuver in the outer darkness beyond the sun’s light. Beyond Father Light and Mother Love.
There is a universe “city” where there are schools. All white light beings go to these schools to learn skills before going further out beyond the light to where darkness exists. We all had to attend these schools and absorb this information so we would be prepared, and so we would not lose ourself when we go out into the field beyond clarity and beyond the ability to see, and where the darkness resides and is dominant. We chose to go out there, like missionaries choose to go into deep dark jungles to bring civilization to those who don’t have any knowledge that others exist outside of their little world.
There are seven schools you had to attend, only seven. In these seven schools you could stay for as long as you wanted, or spend as short a time as you wanted, just to pick up the basic fundamentals. There are great beings who act as guides and mentors, so that you are directed and given the benefit of their wisdom and knowledge. This is where you develop your skills to go further out into the outer wilderness, and you do this of your own volition. You WANT to go. You seek the adventure. You are eager and pawing the ground. But you are required to attend these seven universities first. No one can be born into a sentient society, especially Earth’s sentient society, without first absorbing the understanding of what it means to be physical.
These seven schools are where you are programmed with qualities. These qualities are qualities of light and love that are specifically designed for the human being’s physical form. To use as a human. These qualities are designed by great brilliant white light beings who designed them for the Earth human. In English language they are called “attributes“. An attribute has a color and a sound to it, and a texture and a vibration. It can be felt and known as a unique attribute. One person may have a greater intensity of one attribute than another, such as intelligence.
These seven attributes are: Power, Love, Intelligence, Purity, Truth, Peace and Freedom. They are known as the seven chakras within the human body, and they are tones, sounds and color vibrations containing inner knowledge of power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the tools which you absorbed before being born on earth, a wild and dark planet.
The twin flame. The twin flame is not two separate human beings. It is the male and female energy within one body. Spiritual channels have said that twin flames cannot be embodied at the same time, leading to the error of thinking that somewhere in the world or cosmos there is another being who is your other mate or half. But, when it is said that twin flames cannot be in physical form at the same time means that you cannot be both a male expression AND a female expression in the physical world at the same time because the physical world must have duality.
It is duality, male and female reflecting and playing with each other that creates manifestation in the physical. However, there are moments when the male energy current and the female energy current come together and come to a stop and stillness within the physical body. When those moments happen, the person experiences nirvana and great peace. The world comes to a standstill. There is no more movement in that person’s physical existence. He or she is not in the world at that time. To be a part of this world, they must resume being either a male or a female expressing. Then the world again begins to move.
The seven powers and seven schools
The seven attributes are, starting with the first school you attended followed by the second, and in this order: Power, then Love, then Intelligence, then Purity, then Truth, then Peace, then Freedom. But there is more to these seven lights than the word just mentioned. You learned about Power for example from great beings of wisdom, as will power, strength, courage, determination, tenacity, and the many off-shoots and cousins of those words just mentioned. There are tones within tones in this particular attribute, and understandings within understandings that you absorb as you dwell within this university with great beings of light, all spent studying and learning to apply power - the power that is contained within Father Light and Mother Love - to the many situations that you will find yourself in when you are on Earth. When you feel you have absorbed as much as you can from this school, you are guided to the second school to come under the tutelage of the teachers there. This school is where you learn how to apply Love to human situations, for alongside Power there must be Love in equal proportion.
These attributes are the very same attributes that exist within our parents, Father Light and Mother Love. But they do not have a form, so to speak, because love and light IS Father/Mother God from out of which we were born as CONSCIOUS beings with the intention that we would exist separately and utilize free choice to create, since we are of the same attributes as our parents. We have all the potential of Father Light and Mother Love but we now have to go and explore our potential and use it. But first we had to go to school, just like human kids have to go to school to learn certain skills. Great beings of light, older brothers and sisters who have lived far longer than we have, are our teachers and guides.
And so we spend time in the school of Love. There we learn the tones, shapes, sounds, feelings, textures and capacities of love, and the off-shoots of love, the surrounding environment of love, what makes love and what detracts from love, how to apply it to not-loving situations. Various colors of love are personal love, sister love, brother love, family love, impersonal love, unconditional love, father love, mother love, spiritual love, reverence, adoration, worship, nirvanic love, ecstasy love, love for Father God, Love for Mother God, kindness, heroism, compassion, empathy. Love is a formless fabric of many colors constantly changing in intensity and density. These vibrations feel different according to the person who is calling them into play. When you have absorbed as much love as you can, the great beings who are your teachers will give you more. And you learn deeper aspects of love, and still more beyond those aspects. There is no end to what you can absorb about love, and so you come to a place where you say, “I have learned enough!” And the great teachers who know you better than you know yourself, will guide you to the third school - that of Intelligence.
How does one apply love, for example, to situations that are uncomfortable? The biggest challenge in human life is that we try to apply it to other people, when we are supposed to call it forth within ourselves. For example, a friend asks me to help him by “sending” love and light. Instead of sending love and light to him, I need to call it up into my own consciousness. I need to feel it before I can send it. If I try to send it before I feel it, I will be sending nothing to him and in my efforts I will deplete myself. After all, I am only human! I am not a god. But I can call upon the god qualities in me. That is what is missing in the human educational system. As we learn some techniques - and it is important to learn techniques, to study them and apply them and create a system for yourself - to call forth the specific quality desired, be it power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace or liberation, amazing results are produced. Then when my friend asks me to send love and light to him, I have him in my mind as I begin to apply the technique of calling it forth in myself.
After we have saturated ourself with the quality of Love, we are guided by our teachers to the third school, which is Intelligence. Young white light beings have to learn how to USE intelligence. There is a code of etiquette we have to absorb. We listen and learn from great white light beings and absorb directly from them, an understanding of what enlightened intelligence is. We soak it into our entire being. it’s not brain learning. We live inside intelligence and learn from mentors until we have saturated ourself, and there’s no more capacity in us for intelligence. We are fish swimming in a sea of enlightened intelligence. We are the seed out of which our human intelligence grows. We draw on this infinite quality within us, which we were born with, as we journey through the human world of physicality. We don’t remember any of this. As light-filled intelligence now human, we are here to apply our innate wisdom, love and power to human situations. We are required to draw on our inner strengths as we go about having our experiences. This includes being discerning, and being kind and caring. Since light is information, when we give or share light-encoded information we learn to give it in a humble way instead of arrogant or controlling, otherwise it would be rejected. Nobody likes a puffed-up know-it-all. People turn away from us. This is being wise. We apply wisdom and discrimination in choosing who we give our light-encoded information to. You wouldn’t teach a child how to work around dangerous chemicals, for example, until the child was sufficiently knowledgeable and wouldn’t harm himself or others.
You are born pure
Recognize that you ARE the power within the chakra. You ARE the love within the chakra. You ARE the intelligence within the chakra. You ARE purity within the chakra. This is YOU that you are recognizing. No one else can give this to you. You are ONLY that light, ONLY that love, ONLY that peace, ONLY that intelligence. ONLY that purity. These are the chakras. The truth is being revealed to you. Most people see only colored wheels on charts and posters, but they are more. They are signposts to look deeper. They are lights flashing to you from YOU, from YOU on the God plane, the BIG You.The BIG YOU is calling you home. The limited you that has been covered over with beliefs that are not true, not love, not pure, not power, not intelligent, not peaceful, not free. So now the BIG YOU is calling yourself home to the unlimited space from which you came. No one else can give this to you. No one else has value for you. You alone contain the ultimate value.
Your light body, known as the Christ body looks like a pure sparkling diamond that shines as if the sun’s rays are shining through it but the diamond is actually the source of the light itself. The facets are cut and polished to an exquisite and immaculate precision to reflect the purist of the pure of the Godhead. You look like this after having come through the seven schools. Before going through the seven schools you are pure brilliant white light without the colors. The colors are the qualities or attributes that you absorbed by going through the seven universities while preparing for physical sentient life. It is required before embodying in a human vessel. The problem that humans have is when you are conceived, you are created out of your parents imperfect DNA, so even though you are brilliant and pure, you fit inside an imperfect embryo, an infant solid body. As a baby, at first you are still in contact with the purity that you arrived in as a light body, but as you are held by imperfect humans and every day you receive their energies and hear their words and admonished by your parents and siblings and others, your attention is turned away from the brilliance and beauty of who you are and the naturalness of your home and where you came from.
Now you are becoming human and being imprinted with false stories, ugly stories that don’t seem right to you. But you adhere to what is being told you must do and not do. The error comes from your parents’ DNA but YOU are still perfect underneath the layers of imperfections being told to you, and also you carry forward karmic patterns from your own previous lives - erroneous patterns that were habit when you died and therefore carried over to your next life and the next life and next and the next. These error patterns can be eradicated through various disciplines that are being taught today in 2017. It is important to take up the study of clearing your subconscious.
[Me: I was reminded that loss and loneliness needs to be re-interpreted. Consider detachment instead of loss. Consider yourself all one instead of alone. All one with all that is. I saw the diamond crystal light in each chakra as I called them forth. I asked DK to show me more about mind. I was already getting it from him but my mind was searching, like a spotlight searching the sky. The mind is the one that is searching and projecting. DK is talking now...]
Your mind learns and projects. Mind is different from stillness. When you’re in stillness you’re in the heart of God. When you’re moving, you’re no longer in the heart of God but you are acting as a separate self. Movement is acting separate from God but that’s not wrong. You are meant to develop your god powers by your own volition. Be aware, however, that your mind is given you to do constructive things with it, FROM WITHIN. Not given to you to follow someone else. Your source is within you. You are the source of your life. By focusing on the within, you bring the within’s powers forth. The seven lights within the seven portals. Deep within each one there is stillness and then a color, tone, texture emanates out of the stillness which gives you the quality that you need and that you are currently focusing on. Power, strength, determination, courage, emanate frorm the blue ray.
Love, devotion, reverence, adoration emanates from the pink ray. Intelligent discernment and wisdom emanate from the gold ray. Purity, perfection, the ideal, the immaculate conception of you emanates from the white ray. Truth, science and healing emanates from the green ray. You ARE the truth of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the godhead living in you and giving you life. Peace, comfort and ministration emanates from the ruby ray flecked with gold. Liberation, freedom, forgiveness, mercy emanates from the violet ray. You ARE the liberation of yourself. Allow it forth. You are the peace and comfort of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the immaculate concept of yourself, allow it forth. You ARE power of yourself, allow it forth. You are the love and devotion of yourself. Allow it forth. You are what you are. You are the light within you. Allow it forth by understanding and projecting, with your mind, your conscious mind, these qualities into your daily life. (End)
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me:) While this newsletter has a new masthead so to speak, different from the usual format, there is a certain - ummmm - deepening that is taking place, deepening meaning free falling, loosening, letting go, expanding into more space. What appears as the "solid" me on the surface is a smaller crunched part of the larger me underneath the surface, unseen. This is happening to other people as well, I know. I can feel it happening. Many changes are taking place in the surface world. It is playing havoc with how people feel. We are being upgraded and experiencing strange, weird, uneasy sensations, some good, some bad. It is a very difficult time for us as these changes take place on both inner levels and outer world levels. As I see it, the inner awareness is coming into conflict with the way we have always expected life to be. It is a more expanded space we are coming into. Walls are falling away. We are seeing further. Life is unfolding without us being prepared for it. We were shut down to seeing only one view through our front windows. Now we're expanding into a higher region of space. We've never been here before, except perhaps in the privacy of sacred alone time. But then we always came back to the regular view again, afterwards. I know I did. Yet there is a higher dimension to us, as DK says. He has been preparing me and I want to share what he has told me. We are Gods, you and I. We have a sacred God-self. We didn't know that. We were taught differently. Now this truth is seeping through and shocking our senses, our former beliefs. We are entering a more refined, harmonious space. As I feel it, my "old" thoughts and expectations don't fit well here. They are shuddering and trembling. I have been experiencing dizziness. And then great calm as I adjust to my new understanding. Thihs new spaciousness is affecting my physicality, my nerves and emotional stability, my mental concepts, many of which are wrong now. There is a shift and the shift is like an earthquake. It is very upsetting. I feel bad for people who haven't been prepared by such a One as I have been.
DK is telling me to keep sharing my stories and to be more spontaneous and free with them, not to be afraid to speak out loud what I've been holding back. And also to let HIM speak, too. He has much to say. He's been telling ME over the years but he wants to tell you. He can explain it much better than me trying to interpret. I have been keeping his advice all to myself! (ha ha) and now I must share him, as all in the freeer lifestyle must do - share your friends freely and with love, blessings and joyful celebration. So I will move over and provide a platform for him to speak directly to the world and offer his guidance to those who ask him and speak to him in the privacy of their sacred thoughts.
Also, at another level, I am being nudged and prodded to set up a regular scheduled weekly gathering time in my home, for loving support to those who are ready to speak and share about this. The need is to establish friends who are willing to come out of the closet as we go through this shift to higher, more spacious understandings. Ascension is a shift in consciousness. A lot of spiritual people think we are going to leave the planet, but I beg to differ. We won't leave, we are molting our outer skins that have held us under lock and key. This is affecting us mentally and emotionally, even physically. Do you even know what I'm talking about? Are you interested? Let me know by return reply.
The ONE thing that is topmost on my personal agenda, is to address touching one another with love. With love, not sex, but with gentle kindness, respect, sacredness and elevation. Permission is needed however, for we dare not intrude. The old laws still apply. To hug, to be free to heal, to touch, to speak openly, to speak light language and sacred tones, such as thru massage or perhaps cuddling (with clothes on to prevent it turning sexual) is the great need of the hour. It is the crystal light body that is moving towards the surface and becoming exposed to the light. It has been covered over by thick layers of shame, guilt, fear, laws, rules, negatives. It needs our loving support. It is not the dense skin body known as the sexual body that needs support, we all know how to do that, it is the higher, better angels that need to be welcomed out. It is the higher, more innocent, refined spacious, gracious LIGHT body that yearns to be touched into, accepted, allowed, welcomed and appreciated. This requires support and free space to practice. It requires that we trust one another and allow our vulnerable inner nature to express. Can we do that? Can we share personal stories, along with our fears and doubts without arguing? It is not a teacher that is required but all in attendance contributing their stories. If I am present then DK will be present, as he has been for the past 50 years. Everyone has a spiritual team surrounding them, not just me. I've just had more practice time. We each have valuable information that is important to add to the dawning of the coming age. The gatherings will start to take place in many locations. This is one such. For eons humanity has been held down to the level of animal life, to crudity and work horses, shut down and devoid of anything elevating and joyful. Told to shut up. The tables have been turning. It's later than you think. It will take patience and practice to be there for each other without treating them as invalids, but rather giving them space to be real, authentic and humble. Not condemning or judging or criticizing, but respecting and honoring and listening. It will take time to learn how to bite bullet and not object, not argue, not strike out. A regular meeting time is coming soon from Anakosha and me and DK.
What do you think? Such gatherings have to be for those who live locally, nearby, obviously. I do not know how many people in the local area are ready for this, so this is a query, a questioning. I've been doing it for awhile now. If you are inclined to let me know what you think, please do. What comes up for you when you read this? IF you read this? Sorry it's so long! I have been a student of the ascended masters for a very long time. You don't want to know how long, but it's an inner connection, not an outer one. I don't belong to any group or network. I am a lone wolf here. I now want to start a support group in the outer reality. I want to know who else is ready to start trusting and talking - and touching. Touching starts by sitting in the physical presence of one another, sharing, and letting our auric fields overlap. Zoom calls are nice but there is a missing link - a PHYSICAL link. Spiritual links can be done during zoom meetings but physical links are the grounding link. It needs the physical presence. Being in close proximity to one another allows the light bodies within the auras to connect. This is my particular mission in life, why I am here. To help with the grounding of the spiritual with the physical. I am here to support and encourage the grounding of light and love into our humanity. It is done through feelings and authentic emotions which cannot be reduced to the spoken word. It is light language that has been missing, the language of feelings is done through telepathy. This is one of the most important things we can do for each other by gathering in person. I expect some miraculous health benefits to come out of this - when the time comes. And it will come shortly. BTW, this is not for money. There is no charge for the gatherings. Thank you for reading. IF you did!
Love & blessings,
7/11/23 - Free love, polyamory & swinging
What your Light Body looks like
by Master Djwhal Khul as channeled thru me, Nancy
I am urged to share this particular lecture on the light body. DK wants others to know. He is poking and prodding me to start a newsletter where he can speak to you. On this particular morning (12/8/17) I woke up with a lecture going on. As I lay in bed feeling warm and cozy, I thought it was my own mind playing around with this concept. But after awhile I realized I was being given a purposeful instruction. I got up and began writing. Words started to flow.
Lecture on the beautiful light body by Master Djwhal Khul
"Lecture on the beautiful light body. How it came into being." You are a light body covered in slime. But the light is still there underneath. You were created by Father Light and Mother Love as a beautiful light love baby consciousness. You started out conscious of love and light, light being information or intelligent awareness. The love held you fully in its warm embrace. You were given over to another being to protect and love you because Father Light and Mother Love were busy creating other love light babies and maintaining their growing family. You were placed in the orbit (family) of a sun where you floated in bliss and happiness and love, while you grew in awareness. You were a conscious being from the first moment you were created, but you were only a baby, like an earth baby, and you didn’t know any more than the love that surrounded you.
You grew and expanded your conscious awareness, and as you grew you noticed that others in your family, all at different levels of expanding consciousness, were responding to your thoughts and feelings. You learned to communicate with others. You learned cause and effect. You were growing in love and in light (information). Soon you began to explore further out, beyond the safe orbit of warmth where you were protected by the sun’s family of love. You were one of those who wanted to explore further out. The fact that you are here in a physical body validates that. Others in your family of white light beings preferred to stay close to the parent sun and continue to shine their beautiful white light and contribute to the sun’s brilliance. You wanted to explore beyond and outside the warmth. But before you could go any further you were required to go to school to learn how to maneuver in the outer darkness beyond the sun’s light. Beyond Father Light and Mother Love.
There is a universe “city” where there are schools. All white light beings go to these schools to learn skills before going further out beyond the light to where darkness exists. We all had to attend these schools and absorb this information so we would be prepared, and so we would not lose ourself when we go out into the field beyond clarity and beyond the ability to see, and where the darkness resides and is dominant. We chose to go out there, like missionaries choose to go into deep dark jungles to bring civilization to those who don’t have any knowledge that others exist outside of their little world.
There are seven schools you had to attend, only seven. In these seven schools you could stay for as long as you wanted, or spend as short a time as you wanted, just to pick up the basic fundamentals. There are great beings who act as guides and mentors, so that you are directed and given the benefit of their wisdom and knowledge. This is where you develop your skills to go further out into the outer wilderness, and you do this of your own volition. You WANT to go. You seek the adventure. You are eager and pawing the ground. But you are required to attend these seven universities first. No one can be born into a sentient society, especially Earth’s sentient society, without first absorbing the understanding of what it means to be physical.
These seven schools are where you are programmed with qualities. These qualities are qualities of light and love that are specifically designed for the human being’s physical form. To use as a human. These qualities are designed by great brilliant white light beings who designed them for the Earth human. In English language they are called “attributes“. An attribute has a color and a sound to it, and a texture and a vibration. It can be felt and known as a unique attribute. One person may have a greater intensity of one attribute than another, such as intelligence.
These seven attributes are: Power, Love, Intelligence, Purity, Truth, Peace and Freedom. They are known as the seven chakras within the human body, and they are tones, sounds and color vibrations containing inner knowledge of power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the tools which you absorbed before being born on earth, a wild and dark planet.
The twin flame. The twin flame is not two separate human beings. It is the male and female energy within one body. Spiritual channels have said that twin flames cannot be embodied at the same time, leading to the error of thinking that somewhere in the world or cosmos there is another being who is your other mate or half. But, when it is said that twin flames cannot be in physical form at the same time means that you cannot be both a male expression AND a female expression in the physical world at the same time because the physical world must have duality.
It is duality, male and female reflecting and playing with each other that creates manifestation in the physical. However, there are moments when the male energy current and the female energy current come together and come to a stop and stillness within the physical body. When those moments happen, the person experiences nirvana and great peace. The world comes to a standstill. There is no more movement in that person’s physical existence. He or she is not in the world at that time. To be a part of this world, they must resume being either a male or a female expressing. Then the world again begins to move.
The seven powers and seven schools
The seven attributes are, starting with the first school you attended followed by the second, and in this order: Power, then Love, then Intelligence, then Purity, then Truth, then Peace, then Freedom. But there is more to these seven lights than the word just mentioned. You learned about Power for example from great beings of wisdom, as will power, strength, courage, determination, tenacity, and the many off-shoots and cousins of those words just mentioned. There are tones within tones in this particular attribute, and understandings within understandings that you absorb as you dwell within this university with great beings of light, all spent studying and learning to apply power - the power that is contained within Father Light and Mother Love - to the many situations that you will find yourself in when you are on Earth. When you feel you have absorbed as much as you can from this school, you are guided to the second school to come under the tutelage of the teachers there. This school is where you learn how to apply Love to human situations, for alongside Power there must be Love in equal proportion.
These attributes are the very same attributes that exist within our parents, Father Light and Mother Love. But they do not have a form, so to speak, because love and light IS Father/Mother God from out of which we were born as CONSCIOUS beings with the intention that we would exist separately and utilize free choice to create, since we are of the same attributes as our parents. We have all the potential of Father Light and Mother Love but we now have to go and explore our potential and use it. But first we had to go to school, just like human kids have to go to school to learn certain skills. Great beings of light, older brothers and sisters who have lived far longer than we have, are our teachers and guides.
And so we spend time in the school of Love. There we learn the tones, shapes, sounds, feelings, textures and capacities of love, and the off-shoots of love, the surrounding environment of love, what makes love and what detracts from love, how to apply it to not-loving situations. Various colors of love are personal love, sister love, brother love, family love, impersonal love, unconditional love, father love, mother love, spiritual love, reverence, adoration, worship, nirvanic love, ecstasy love, love for Father God, Love for Mother God, kindness, heroism, compassion, empathy. Love is a formless fabric of many colors constantly changing in intensity and density. These vibrations feel different according to the person who is calling them into play. When you have absorbed as much love as you can, the great beings who are your teachers will give you more. And you learn deeper aspects of love, and still more beyond those aspects. There is no end to what you can absorb about love, and so you come to a place where you say, “I have learned enough!” And the great teachers who know you better than you know yourself, will guide you to the third school - that of Intelligence.
How does one apply love, for example, to situations that are uncomfortable? The biggest challenge in human life is that we try to apply it to other people, when we are supposed to call it forth within ourselves. For example, a friend asks me to help him by “sending” love and light. Instead of sending love and light to him, I need to call it up into my own consciousness. I need to feel it before I can send it. If I try to send it before I feel it, I will be sending nothing to him and in my efforts I will deplete myself. After all, I am only human! I am not a god. But I can call upon the god qualities in me. That is what is missing in the human educational system. As we learn some techniques - and it is important to learn techniques, to study them and apply them and create a system for yourself - to call forth the specific quality desired, be it power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace or liberation, amazing results are produced. Then when my friend asks me to send love and light to him, I have him in my mind as I begin to apply the technique of calling it forth in myself.
After we have saturated ourself with the quality of Love, we are guided by our teachers to the third school, which is Intelligence. Young white light beings have to learn how to USE intelligence. There is a code of etiquette we have to absorb. We listen and learn from great white light beings and absorb directly from them, an understanding of what enlightened intelligence is. We soak it into our entire being. it’s not brain learning. We live inside intelligence and learn from mentors until we have saturated ourself, and there’s no more capacity in us for intelligence. We are fish swimming in a sea of enlightened intelligence. We are the seed out of which our human intelligence grows. We draw on this infinite quality within us, which we were born with, as we journey through the human world of physicality. We don’t remember any of this. As light-filled intelligence now human, we are here to apply our innate wisdom, love and power to human situations. We are required to draw on our inner strengths as we go about having our experiences. This includes being discerning, and being kind and caring. Since light is information, when we give or share light-encoded information we learn to give it in a humble way instead of arrogant or controlling, otherwise it would be rejected. Nobody likes a puffed-up know-it-all. People turn away from us. This is being wise. We apply wisdom and discrimination in choosing who we give our light-encoded information to. You wouldn’t teach a child how to work around dangerous chemicals, for example, until the child was sufficiently knowledgeable and wouldn’t harm himself or others.
You are born pure
Recognize that you ARE the power within the chakra. You ARE the love within the chakra. You ARE the intelligence within the chakra. You ARE purity within the chakra. This is YOU that you are recognizing. No one else can give this to you. You are ONLY that light, ONLY that love, ONLY that peace, ONLY that intelligence. ONLY that purity. These are the chakras. The truth is being revealed to you. Most people see only colored wheels on charts and posters, but they are more. They are signposts to look deeper. They are lights flashing to you from YOU, from YOU on the God plane, the BIG You.The BIG YOU is calling you home. The limited you that has been covered over with beliefs that are not true, not love, not pure, not power, not intelligent, not peaceful, not free. So now the BIG YOU is calling yourself home to the unlimited space from which you came. No one else can give this to you. No one else has value for you. You alone contain the ultimate value.
Your light body, known as the Christ body looks like a pure sparkling diamond that shines as if the sun’s rays are shining through it but the diamond is actually the source of the light itself. The facets are cut and polished to an exquisite and immaculate precision to reflect the purist of the pure of the Godhead. You look like this after having come through the seven schools. Before going through the seven schools you are pure brilliant white light without the colors. The colors are the qualities or attributes that you absorbed by going through the seven universities while preparing for physical sentient life. It is required before embodying in a human vessel. The problem that humans have is when you are conceived, you are created out of your parents imperfect DNA, so even though you are brilliant and pure, you fit inside an imperfect embryo, an infant solid body. As a baby, at first you are still in contact with the purity that you arrived in as a light body, but as you are held by imperfect humans and every day you receive their energies and hear their words and admonished by your parents and siblings and others, your attention is turned away from the brilliance and beauty of who you are and the naturalness of your home and where you came from.
Now you are becoming human and being imprinted with false stories, ugly stories that don’t seem right to you. But you adhere to what is being told you must do and not do. The error comes from your parents’ DNA but YOU are still perfect underneath the layers of imperfections being told to you, and also you carry forward karmic patterns from your own previous lives - erroneous patterns that were habit when you died and therefore carried over to your next life and the next life and next and the next. These error patterns can be eradicated through various disciplines that are being taught today in 2017. It is important to take up the study of clearing your subconscious.
[Me: I was reminded that loss and loneliness needs to be re-interpreted. Consider detachment instead of loss. Consider yourself all one instead of alone. All one with all that is. I saw the diamond crystal light in each chakra as I called them forth. I asked DK to show me more about mind. I was already getting it from him but my mind was searching, like a spotlight searching the sky. The mind is the one that is searching and projecting. DK is talking now...]
Your mind learns and projects. Mind is different from stillness. When you’re in stillness you’re in the heart of God. When you’re moving, you’re no longer in the heart of God but you are acting as a separate self. Movement is acting separate from God but that’s not wrong. You are meant to develop your god powers by your own volition. Be aware, however, that your mind is given you to do constructive things with it, FROM WITHIN. Not given to you to follow someone else. Your source is within you. You are the source of your life. By focusing on the within, you bring the within’s powers forth. The seven lights within the seven portals. Deep within each one there is stillness and then a color, tone, texture emanates out of the stillness which gives you the quality that you need and that you are currently focusing on. Power, strength, determination, courage, emanate frorm the blue ray.
Love, devotion, reverence, adoration emanates from the pink ray. Intelligent discernment and wisdom emanate from the gold ray. Purity, perfection, the ideal, the immaculate conception of you emanates from the white ray. Truth, science and healing emanates from the green ray. You ARE the truth of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the godhead living in you and giving you life. Peace, comfort and ministration emanates from the ruby ray flecked with gold. Liberation, freedom, forgiveness, mercy emanates from the violet ray. You ARE the liberation of yourself. Allow it forth. You are the peace and comfort of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the immaculate concept of yourself, allow it forth. You ARE power of yourself, allow it forth. You are the love and devotion of yourself. Allow it forth. You are what you are. You are the light within you. Allow it forth by understanding and projecting, with your mind, your conscious mind, these qualities into your daily life. (End)
Master Djwhal Khul
(Me:) While this newsletter has a new masthead so to speak, different from the usual format, there is a certain - ummmm - deepening that is taking place, deepening meaning free falling, loosening, letting go, expanding into more space. What appears as the "solid" me on the surface is a smaller crunched part of the larger me underneath the surface, unseen. This is happening to other people as well, I know. I can feel it happening. Many changes are taking place in the surface world. It is playing havoc with how people feel. We are being upgraded and experiencing strange, weird, uneasy sensations, some good, some bad. It is a very difficult time for us as these changes take place on both inner levels and outer world levels. As I see it, the inner awareness is coming into conflict with the way we have always expected life to be. It is a more expanded space we are coming into. Walls are falling away. We are seeing further. Life is unfolding without us being prepared for it. We were shut down to seeing only one view through our front windows. Now we're expanding into a higher region of space. We've never been here before, except perhaps in the privacy of sacred alone time. But then we always came back to the regular view again, afterwards. I know I did. Yet there is a higher dimension to us, as DK says. He has been preparing me and I want to share what he has told me. We are Gods, you and I. We have a sacred God-self. We didn't know that. We were taught differently. Now this truth is seeping through and shocking our senses, our former beliefs. We are entering a more refined, harmonious space. As I feel it, my "old" thoughts and expectations don't fit well here. They are shuddering and trembling. I have been experiencing dizziness. And then great calm as I adjust to my new understanding. Thihs new spaciousness is affecting my physicality, my nerves and emotional stability, my mental concepts, many of which are wrong now. There is a shift and the shift is like an earthquake. It is very upsetting. I feel bad for people who haven't been prepared by such a One as I have been.
DK is telling me to keep sharing my stories and to be more spontaneous and free with them, not to be afraid to speak out loud what I've been holding back. And also to let HIM speak, too. He has much to say. He's been telling ME over the years but he wants to tell you. He can explain it much better than me trying to interpret. I have been keeping his advice all to myself! (ha ha) and now I must share him, as all in the freeer lifestyle must do - share your friends freely and with love, blessings and joyful celebration. So I will move over and provide a platform for him to speak directly to the world and offer his guidance to those who ask him and speak to him in the privacy of their sacred thoughts.
Also, at another level, I am being nudged and prodded to set up a regular scheduled weekly gathering time in my home, for loving support to those who are ready to speak and share about this. The need is to establish friends who are willing to come out of the closet as we go through this shift to higher, more spacious understandings. Ascension is a shift in consciousness. A lot of spiritual people think we are going to leave the planet, but I beg to differ. We won't leave, we are molting our outer skins that have held us under lock and key. This is affecting us mentally and emotionally, even physically. Do you even know what I'm talking about? Are you interested? Let me know by return reply.
The ONE thing that is topmost on my personal agenda, is to address touching one another with love. With love, not sex, but with gentle kindness, respect, sacredness and elevation. Permission is needed however, for we dare not intrude. The old laws still apply. To hug, to be free to heal, to touch, to speak openly, to speak light language and sacred tones, such as thru massage or perhaps cuddling (with clothes on to prevent it turning sexual) is the great need of the hour. It is the crystal light body that is moving towards the surface and becoming exposed to the light. It has been covered over by thick layers of shame, guilt, fear, laws, rules, negatives. It needs our loving support. It is not the dense skin body known as the sexual body that needs support, we all know how to do that, it is the higher, better angels that need to be welcomed out. It is the higher, more innocent, refined spacious, gracious LIGHT body that yearns to be touched into, accepted, allowed, welcomed and appreciated. This requires support and free space to practice. It requires that we trust one another and allow our vulnerable inner nature to express. Can we do that? Can we share personal stories, along with our fears and doubts without arguing? It is not a teacher that is required but all in attendance contributing their stories. If I am present then DK will be present, as he has been for the past 50 years. Everyone has a spiritual team surrounding them, not just me. I've just had more practice time. We each have valuable information that is important to add to the dawning of the coming age. The gatherings will start to take place in many locations. This is one such. For eons humanity has been held down to the level of animal life, to crudity and work horses, shut down and devoid of anything elevating and joyful. Told to shut up. The tables have been turning. It's later than you think. It will take patience and practice to be there for each other without treating them as invalids, but rather giving them space to be real, authentic and humble. Not condemning or judging or criticizing, but respecting and honoring and listening. It will take time to learn how to bite bullet and not object, not argue, not strike out. A regular meeting time is coming soon from Anakosha and me and DK.
What do you think? Such gatherings have to be for those who live locally, nearby, obviously. I do not know how many people in the local area are ready for this, so this is a query, a questioning. I've been doing it for awhile now. If you are inclined to let me know what you think, please do. What comes up for you when you read this? IF you read this? Sorry it's so long! I have been a student of the ascended masters for a very long time. You don't want to know how long, but it's an inner connection, not an outer one. I don't belong to any group or network. I am a lone wolf here. I now want to start a support group in the outer reality. I want to know who else is ready to start trusting and talking - and touching. Touching starts by sitting in the physical presence of one another, sharing, and letting our auric fields overlap. Zoom calls are nice but there is a missing link - a PHYSICAL link. Spiritual links can be done during zoom meetings but physical links are the grounding link. It needs the physical presence. Being in close proximity to one another allows the light bodies within the auras to connect. This is my particular mission in life, why I am here. To help with the grounding of the spiritual with the physical. I am here to support and encourage the grounding of light and love into our humanity. It is done through feelings and authentic emotions which cannot be reduced to the spoken word. It is light language that has been missing, the language of feelings is done through telepathy. This is one of the most important things we can do for each other by gathering in person. I expect some miraculous health benefits to come out of this - when the time comes. And it will come shortly. BTW, this is not for money. There is no charge for the gatherings. Thank you for reading. IF you did!
Love & blessings,
7/11/23 - Free love, polyamory & swinging
“It starts out personal and grows from there.” That was the phrase I heard in my mind on this particular morning. It started me off on a trail of thought that became a lengthy article. I am being overlighted I am sure, by some higher intelligence, certainly not ME! But it feels like ME talking and I'm just going with the flow, writing it all down. It’s about free love. Free love is a high resonating vibration. Many people have the potential for free love, but it must find a way to ground first, to roost, to nest, and so a mate is chosen with whom to resonate. Free love is exquisitely free and beautiful, so it must come to ground, meaning to the life and action, and it must come to ground through another human being. Free love comes to ground by choosing a romantic relationship. Through personal, physical and intimate connection free love can express its true nature. But that’s only the beginning. It starts out personal and from there it can expand outward to other people in a broader sense. A new romance is a lovely thing to experience because it is exploring and expanding each self. But it dies down after awhile, after familiarity sets in and habit patterns become set. The physical connection is thus affirmed. It is set in concrete. But there are other levels that need connecting too – the mind and mental interests, the emotions and feelings, and the spiritual connection of principles, ethics, morality, and higher dimensional attributes – these are usually overlooked in favor of the physical connection.
To expand love so that the relationship is exciting, it DOES require connecting – meaning communicating even if at odds - on all those levels. Unfortunately this communication doesn’t always happen. The message I received this morning was all about the failure of couples to not expand their interest in each other to include all four levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (PEMS for short). Expanding interest in each others PEMS doesn’t necessarily require they agree on each of those levels. It means communication which brings enriching ideas to each self. Through communication, freedom expands. This is love acting and moving. It means being interested in the other person, not shutting them off. This is a question one must ask oneself of one’s relationship. Perhaps one can start the conversation.
People who commit to relationships fall out of interest with each other. We overuse the word “love” here, it has become trite and meaningless. Let’s use the word “interest” instead. The sense of connection which they had in the beginning was of interest in each other. They wanted to know more about each other. This level of interest grows thinner and thinner over time until it’s not there anymore. What most people don’t realize is that it’s the sense of interest that needs to expand between each other. What I have been calling free love is misunderstood by virtually everyone, including myself. Love doesn’t mean intimacy. Love is life. Life is love. Life expands through connection and it increases the sense of interest and enthusiasm, excitement, fun, adventure. That’s life. That’s love. That’s what we’re here for. The boundaries we’ve created have become boring habits and they’re killing our souls. Cultivating interest requires some communication, ANY communication, on ANY level, and honesty is critical. One does not have to think exactly like the partner. One can think extreme opposite of a partner, but that doesn’t mean they have to be at odds with each other. It is having an interest in the other, enough to ask questions and listen to answers.
Communication is a two-way street, not an order from one and a compliance by another. One does not have to agree with the partner’s opinions, political choices, religious beliefs or interests, sports, friends, entertainment. If they are in a relationship at all communication is required or the relationship dies and they are left living in an empty house with four walls, frustrated.
A relationship requires communication on ANY level, all levels, choose a level to start with. Break the monotony. Break the monogamy. Two people who choose to live together do not have the same life experiences. They’ve each had different pasts. They’ve had many different embodiments in many different cultures, in many different parts of the world or other worlds. They don’t have the same goals in life. They are simply two people who for whatever reason chose to live together. It’s a start. Now is the time for honest communication. The laws of marriage should not be used as a failsafe “til death do we part”. That’s a contract to kill both souls. They must take, not time, but effort to communicate. A busy life is not an excuse. People are always shelving the tender, meaningful, deep and powerful feelings as they go out the door. They are avoiding their tender emotional feelings. The sense of freedom and release of a bottled up wish to talk gets put onto the shelf, tucked inbetween other issues that have been put onto the shelf and forgotten. I compare this communication to my meditation program. It took me a long time to learn that I must carve out time for my meditations and stick to the program. Otherwise I am free-wheeling through the day, topsy-turvy and randomly bouncing off other things that take my attention and time. It is the same for communication. At least one hour a day should be set aside religiously, every day, where both listen to each other and respond truthfully, from the gut, from feeling, which is in essence, from the heart. It would be a good beginning. Interest would be rejuvenated immediately in the partner. Interest is what I used to call love.
One cannot expand more fully into physicality all by oneself. We need others to interact with and try out our sense of rightness on. We can study alone and enrich our minds alone, but to enrich our emotions we need other people. Emotions are the doorway to the spiritual life. We expand spiritually when we interact with people from a gut level or feeling level, which is heart level. Not just the intellect. We can enrich our intellect alone, without anyone else. We can read books, listen to youtubes, google for research and meditate and do all these things alone. But all we’re doing is enriching our minds, not our bodies, or our emotions or our spiritual life. We need other people to do that. We start with relationships but it doesn’t stop there. We have other people in our life to interact with on many levels. Two people in a relationship grow larger and closer together when they give each other freedom to grow independently, not co-dependently. Sex alone cannot provide that enrichment. You need other people in your emotional and mental life in order to expand. Couples in the old days would marry to guarantee the man a sex life and the woman a home to live in. It was a good partnership in those days. But we have evolved. We are becoming more sophisticated. Evolution requires a person to become a sovereign or individual thinker, more self-thinking and less co-dependent on the partner. We are not meant to be as clones to one another. So how do we grow independent and still feel good and have fun? By exchanging ideas with your partner and being interested in them, not shutting them off because you’re bored hearing the same story over and over. Dig deeper. Find some truth.
Each person is an individual and they can only grow as individuals. They are in a relationship in order to have someone - a best friend - with whom they can speak their truth. Someone who will listen. How many relationship partners do that? Not many. Mostly because they don’t know how. They MUST take the time to communicate from their truth every day, to tell each other the most intimate and smallest of details. Nothing is more important than telling each other what they feel, what they know, what they learned today. This engages the higher mind, instead of lower-level gossip about the neighbors and family which devolves into the crudity of the lower mind.
Through the higher mind one feels interested. Why? Because a truth is starting to come forth. Higher mind communicates on higher ground. Ideas that have never been heard before come from the higher planes of consciousness. A partner does not have to agree with the other one, but I bet they’d perk up and be interested. It’s the boring repeats that cause one to shut down the ears. That’s the difference between higher mind and lower mind. Lower mind is a parrot repeating. Higher mind reveals something new, never thought of before. Agree to listen, longer than normal, not disparage. Agree to give them a chance. It’s OK to disagree but why not listen? As a friend would do for another friend. The essence of a love relationship is to encourage new thought and new interests. It is anathema to a love relationship to dampen someone’s excitement just because YOU don’t like it and wouldn’t do it. A free-love relationship is one that keeps growing and expanding because each serves as a truthful mirror but with kindness and consideration, not with abruptness like “That’s not going to work!” That’s like a slap across the face. Deliver positive responses, not negative ones.
There are many ways to create a free love relationship so that love and excitement actually grows, believe it or not. Have some honest conversations and try out some healthy, positive disagreements. You’ll see. You come to the end of the hour feeling exhilarated and light-hearted, maybe one of them got something off their chest they’ve wanted to say for a long time. Being honest and telling the truth to a meaningful relationship is often held back because of negative attitudes from the other. Fear of arousing a negative response holds people back. Find a way. There is only experimentation to look forward to. Find a way to break the ice. It’s liberating to do something different that you’ve never done before. Follow your emotional heart. It is emotional dishonesty that bores a relationship to death. One falls into pretenses out of fear of losing the other. But it is better to lose the partner than to lose one’s own soul, which is what is happening in a stagnating relationship. Find that emotional honesty. Make it happen. Your interest can expand from such a solid foundation. It is a foundation to build girders into for a larger structure. It begins with a personal connection on all four levels (remember PEMS) and it grows from there. A cutting from a tree must be put into the soil in order to root. Roots are needed for a tree to grow. Likewise for a relationship to grow. If it lies on the counter or put into a glass of water, it will die. It must have the physical earth connection to grow branches and produce fruit. So does a relationship need that physical other person to kick back and forth the movements and understandings of the day. Growth happens by sharing, giving, listening, bouncing energies back and forth. It takes the presence of another person to grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and feel good physically.
That is why many relationships don‘t last beyond the initial honeymoon phase. If a couple does not share their daily mental changes and their emotional shifts and their spiritual evolution - which DOES happen every day - the romance has little chance of growing and expanding their love out beyond them. A bush looks sad and forlorn when it is not taken care of. So does a relationship. Sharing everyday mental changes and emotional shifts is not just for the romance, it’s for the individual to grow more in alignment with self. When each individual grows more in alignment with self, then the relationship is thriving and it grows too. They are together in order to grow and evolve. They must stay connected on the four levels - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. These are the four cornerstones of physical life. Love thrives when these four are cultivated on a daily basis. Again, one hour a day communicating together in honest but positive sharing time. It brings balance to both partners individually, plus the relationship itself.
The old marriage laws of monogamy did not require this. The old ways have been holding back the healthy evolution of the soul. When the soul evolves it is excited and wants to share. A relationship must begin that excitement at home together, and it includes sharing ideas, sharing emotional feelings, and ideals and dreams of a higher spiritual nature. Once again, for the third time, that does not mean we have to agree with each other. We are independent individuals who have chosen to live together. It is so very important to understand that two people do not have to agree on the same thoughts and believe the same beliefs and belong to the same religion or political party. Nor do they have to pray to the same God. It is absolutely wrong for one to clone onto the other one. It drags down the one, and maintains weakness in the other. It is cloying. It holds back the relationship from expanding. The old way of monogamy is based on males ruling the household as father/boss/dictator/rule-maker. It is time to change. If men are confused, take heed of these suggestions. The MeToo movement is confounding to men. Men, just listen. Hear and digest what is being said. Consider it. Even if you don’t agree, consider it and find a positive way to respond instead of reject it or disagree or rebuke or complain or condemn. An enlightened man uses wisdom and discernment, not anger. Humbleness and kindness goes a long way. That does not mean you give up your own truth;. You have a right to your own truth and how you see things. But it doesn’t require you to push the other person away with a shut-down rejection. Balance your approach and the partner will respect you. Balance is required on all levels.
There is no need to argue with someone to try to change their beliefs. Just share it. Verbalize it. Talk about it. Be bigger than a belief. Free love transcends belief systems. Be interested and you are expressing love freely. Free love is larger than religion. Free love is larger than lust and larger than sex. I don’t have to keep emphasizing FREE love. It is simply love. Love is life flowing amicably. Love is being interested in sitting down and discussing a problem or a situation that needs addressing. Two people putting their minds and feelings into a situation will also find that they DO fit together. They find there really ARE ways they can work together. Problems are opportunities to expand, advance and grow new ideas, new limbs on your tree, new fruit on your bush.
This is what grows a relationship. Truth always enlarges a relationship. Break out of the box and experience freedom of thought, new thought, new ideas. This is not easy to do. One must carve out time to do this and be willing to boldly go where one has not gone before. When one or both parties are aware that love is gone from their marriage, it actually isn’t gone. It’s being held back. Love is vitality and interest. So if love has gone from the marriage, then interest is lacking. How does one generate interest? By deciding to listen for a change and adopt some new rules. Break out of your box. Love is still there because love is ALWAYS there. Love is the substance of life. It is light and it sparkles. It is interest and it is effervescent and it comes from the sun. Try looking at the sun and you’ll see the effervescence. It’s too strong to look at. Take some of that and put it into your relationship. Every philosopher and spiritual teacher will tell you that. But if love is not evident any more, that means it’s being blocked and stopped from expressing. They’ve stopped listening to one another. It’s time for some sit downs and talks together. Don‘t cop out by going to a counselor. A counselor offers advice through his or her own filter, which is not always right for you. Tackle truth-telling together. Use the 5-minute timer. Five minutes she talks, 5 minutes he talks and no note-taking, no paper, no pen. Use enforced listening.
Humanity has a tremendous future ahead if only we would find it in our hearts to be honest with each another and carve out some time to communicate together - those of us who are coupled up. And even those who are single, that doesn’t excuse them from being honest in their part-time relationships. Being honest means being honest with oneself. If we were honest with ourself we would not settle into a relationship if there were any doubts at all about it, as I did in my first marriage. After five years I had a breakdown because we were not right for each other. I knew it the morning of the wedding but I didn’t act on it. The next relationship was more honest. We started out talking on all four levels - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It grew into a well-rounded, healthy personal relationship that was supportive on both sides. We didn’t see eye-to-eye because we were so different. Opposites attract and so we were definitely opposites. But we grew together and talked together every night at the end of the day. We even recorded our conversations on the cassette tape. We called it “Mr. Tape", he was our third party listener. We were on a high for the first three years. When we grew bored we talked about it and we decided to expand our adventures outside of the marriage. It was a natural expansion. That's when we entered the lifestyle of swinging. Love needs to grow like ivy over the wall and out into the world. It cannot be held back but it has to be done together. No one should try to push the other into it. We communicated every day about our thoughts and feelings.
We grew slowly into intimacy with other people. Singles at first. Then couples. Slowly, talking, then experimenting, but always as two together, continuing talking when we got home alone together later. We grew as two connected bodies, with our minds and our feelings fluctuating but we talked it through. We didn’t abort. We didn’t reach a point of giving up. We kept working it out. And as a result we expanded together and formed a seminar out of it and assisted other couples. We held gatherings of couples - but only couples. We did not include singles.
Only my husband understood the difference between singles and couples. I did not understand until much later, after his death. I had to return to a single life again and start over with a new relationship. And then I began to learn further and more about the difference between relationships and the single life, and also between men and women. The process of learning never ends. Life provides for us the perfect school to learn from - situations that confuse and confound us. That is the learning classroom. We grow through it. We learn as we go. The world of the single and the world of the couple are two different worlds. Singles are not coupled with someone to walk the road together with someone else, which is essential to expanding into universal love. A single person does not consider the “other” because the single is one with itself and its higher self. It knows that it is one complete whole within on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level (PEMS). The single person does not know this consciously but he/she knows it on a heart and soul level.
It is the couple who is grounding universal, unconditional love into physicality. They are doing it together. Love needs a solid foundation like a relationship between two people who are holding hands to become more solid than one standing alone. The single has a different agenda. Singles are on a different timeline. They add to the world in a different way. They do not need to spend a lot of time talking with their partner as couples do, and listening when they really don’t want to listen but have to if they want to stay in the relationship. I am reminded again of the phrase that started me thinking today, it just popped into my consciousness – “It starts out personal and grows from there,” meaning love. It has to be personal at first but then it grows from there.
The above was channeled in 2019 - four years ago - I ran across it yesterday. I have also found some supportive channeled material for women's ascension massage exchanges, including a wonderful one from Mary Magdalene. I'll share by newsletter. I've always been drawn to hands-on massage, but men kept turning the focus downward to a sexual bottom line. Women-only massage exchanges should assist in activating the deeper feminine wider truths that have been surpressed by a male dominating culture. We do not want to exclude the men who are very important to us, as per the above article. But there are times when women need to be together alone, without the opposing force from men. Perhaps the women's goddess gatherings will come soon for this opportunity, at least here in Naples. I refer to in-person hands-on meetings. I feel the time coming, surfacing from below my own suppressed layers of passiveness, reluctance and hesitancy. The new age of the divine feminine is coming on strong and gathering strength.
With love and blessings from the extraterrestrials, ascendeds, celestials, angelics, Earth elementals - and me,
7/1/23 - The Light in the heart
To expand love so that the relationship is exciting, it DOES require connecting – meaning communicating even if at odds - on all those levels. Unfortunately this communication doesn’t always happen. The message I received this morning was all about the failure of couples to not expand their interest in each other to include all four levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (PEMS for short). Expanding interest in each others PEMS doesn’t necessarily require they agree on each of those levels. It means communication which brings enriching ideas to each self. Through communication, freedom expands. This is love acting and moving. It means being interested in the other person, not shutting them off. This is a question one must ask oneself of one’s relationship. Perhaps one can start the conversation.
People who commit to relationships fall out of interest with each other. We overuse the word “love” here, it has become trite and meaningless. Let’s use the word “interest” instead. The sense of connection which they had in the beginning was of interest in each other. They wanted to know more about each other. This level of interest grows thinner and thinner over time until it’s not there anymore. What most people don’t realize is that it’s the sense of interest that needs to expand between each other. What I have been calling free love is misunderstood by virtually everyone, including myself. Love doesn’t mean intimacy. Love is life. Life is love. Life expands through connection and it increases the sense of interest and enthusiasm, excitement, fun, adventure. That’s life. That’s love. That’s what we’re here for. The boundaries we’ve created have become boring habits and they’re killing our souls. Cultivating interest requires some communication, ANY communication, on ANY level, and honesty is critical. One does not have to think exactly like the partner. One can think extreme opposite of a partner, but that doesn’t mean they have to be at odds with each other. It is having an interest in the other, enough to ask questions and listen to answers.
Communication is a two-way street, not an order from one and a compliance by another. One does not have to agree with the partner’s opinions, political choices, religious beliefs or interests, sports, friends, entertainment. If they are in a relationship at all communication is required or the relationship dies and they are left living in an empty house with four walls, frustrated.
A relationship requires communication on ANY level, all levels, choose a level to start with. Break the monotony. Break the monogamy. Two people who choose to live together do not have the same life experiences. They’ve each had different pasts. They’ve had many different embodiments in many different cultures, in many different parts of the world or other worlds. They don’t have the same goals in life. They are simply two people who for whatever reason chose to live together. It’s a start. Now is the time for honest communication. The laws of marriage should not be used as a failsafe “til death do we part”. That’s a contract to kill both souls. They must take, not time, but effort to communicate. A busy life is not an excuse. People are always shelving the tender, meaningful, deep and powerful feelings as they go out the door. They are avoiding their tender emotional feelings. The sense of freedom and release of a bottled up wish to talk gets put onto the shelf, tucked inbetween other issues that have been put onto the shelf and forgotten. I compare this communication to my meditation program. It took me a long time to learn that I must carve out time for my meditations and stick to the program. Otherwise I am free-wheeling through the day, topsy-turvy and randomly bouncing off other things that take my attention and time. It is the same for communication. At least one hour a day should be set aside religiously, every day, where both listen to each other and respond truthfully, from the gut, from feeling, which is in essence, from the heart. It would be a good beginning. Interest would be rejuvenated immediately in the partner. Interest is what I used to call love.
One cannot expand more fully into physicality all by oneself. We need others to interact with and try out our sense of rightness on. We can study alone and enrich our minds alone, but to enrich our emotions we need other people. Emotions are the doorway to the spiritual life. We expand spiritually when we interact with people from a gut level or feeling level, which is heart level. Not just the intellect. We can enrich our intellect alone, without anyone else. We can read books, listen to youtubes, google for research and meditate and do all these things alone. But all we’re doing is enriching our minds, not our bodies, or our emotions or our spiritual life. We need other people to do that. We start with relationships but it doesn’t stop there. We have other people in our life to interact with on many levels. Two people in a relationship grow larger and closer together when they give each other freedom to grow independently, not co-dependently. Sex alone cannot provide that enrichment. You need other people in your emotional and mental life in order to expand. Couples in the old days would marry to guarantee the man a sex life and the woman a home to live in. It was a good partnership in those days. But we have evolved. We are becoming more sophisticated. Evolution requires a person to become a sovereign or individual thinker, more self-thinking and less co-dependent on the partner. We are not meant to be as clones to one another. So how do we grow independent and still feel good and have fun? By exchanging ideas with your partner and being interested in them, not shutting them off because you’re bored hearing the same story over and over. Dig deeper. Find some truth.
Each person is an individual and they can only grow as individuals. They are in a relationship in order to have someone - a best friend - with whom they can speak their truth. Someone who will listen. How many relationship partners do that? Not many. Mostly because they don’t know how. They MUST take the time to communicate from their truth every day, to tell each other the most intimate and smallest of details. Nothing is more important than telling each other what they feel, what they know, what they learned today. This engages the higher mind, instead of lower-level gossip about the neighbors and family which devolves into the crudity of the lower mind.
Through the higher mind one feels interested. Why? Because a truth is starting to come forth. Higher mind communicates on higher ground. Ideas that have never been heard before come from the higher planes of consciousness. A partner does not have to agree with the other one, but I bet they’d perk up and be interested. It’s the boring repeats that cause one to shut down the ears. That’s the difference between higher mind and lower mind. Lower mind is a parrot repeating. Higher mind reveals something new, never thought of before. Agree to listen, longer than normal, not disparage. Agree to give them a chance. It’s OK to disagree but why not listen? As a friend would do for another friend. The essence of a love relationship is to encourage new thought and new interests. It is anathema to a love relationship to dampen someone’s excitement just because YOU don’t like it and wouldn’t do it. A free-love relationship is one that keeps growing and expanding because each serves as a truthful mirror but with kindness and consideration, not with abruptness like “That’s not going to work!” That’s like a slap across the face. Deliver positive responses, not negative ones.
There are many ways to create a free love relationship so that love and excitement actually grows, believe it or not. Have some honest conversations and try out some healthy, positive disagreements. You’ll see. You come to the end of the hour feeling exhilarated and light-hearted, maybe one of them got something off their chest they’ve wanted to say for a long time. Being honest and telling the truth to a meaningful relationship is often held back because of negative attitudes from the other. Fear of arousing a negative response holds people back. Find a way. There is only experimentation to look forward to. Find a way to break the ice. It’s liberating to do something different that you’ve never done before. Follow your emotional heart. It is emotional dishonesty that bores a relationship to death. One falls into pretenses out of fear of losing the other. But it is better to lose the partner than to lose one’s own soul, which is what is happening in a stagnating relationship. Find that emotional honesty. Make it happen. Your interest can expand from such a solid foundation. It is a foundation to build girders into for a larger structure. It begins with a personal connection on all four levels (remember PEMS) and it grows from there. A cutting from a tree must be put into the soil in order to root. Roots are needed for a tree to grow. Likewise for a relationship to grow. If it lies on the counter or put into a glass of water, it will die. It must have the physical earth connection to grow branches and produce fruit. So does a relationship need that physical other person to kick back and forth the movements and understandings of the day. Growth happens by sharing, giving, listening, bouncing energies back and forth. It takes the presence of another person to grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and feel good physically.
That is why many relationships don‘t last beyond the initial honeymoon phase. If a couple does not share their daily mental changes and their emotional shifts and their spiritual evolution - which DOES happen every day - the romance has little chance of growing and expanding their love out beyond them. A bush looks sad and forlorn when it is not taken care of. So does a relationship. Sharing everyday mental changes and emotional shifts is not just for the romance, it’s for the individual to grow more in alignment with self. When each individual grows more in alignment with self, then the relationship is thriving and it grows too. They are together in order to grow and evolve. They must stay connected on the four levels - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. These are the four cornerstones of physical life. Love thrives when these four are cultivated on a daily basis. Again, one hour a day communicating together in honest but positive sharing time. It brings balance to both partners individually, plus the relationship itself.
The old marriage laws of monogamy did not require this. The old ways have been holding back the healthy evolution of the soul. When the soul evolves it is excited and wants to share. A relationship must begin that excitement at home together, and it includes sharing ideas, sharing emotional feelings, and ideals and dreams of a higher spiritual nature. Once again, for the third time, that does not mean we have to agree with each other. We are independent individuals who have chosen to live together. It is so very important to understand that two people do not have to agree on the same thoughts and believe the same beliefs and belong to the same religion or political party. Nor do they have to pray to the same God. It is absolutely wrong for one to clone onto the other one. It drags down the one, and maintains weakness in the other. It is cloying. It holds back the relationship from expanding. The old way of monogamy is based on males ruling the household as father/boss/dictator/rule-maker. It is time to change. If men are confused, take heed of these suggestions. The MeToo movement is confounding to men. Men, just listen. Hear and digest what is being said. Consider it. Even if you don’t agree, consider it and find a positive way to respond instead of reject it or disagree or rebuke or complain or condemn. An enlightened man uses wisdom and discernment, not anger. Humbleness and kindness goes a long way. That does not mean you give up your own truth;. You have a right to your own truth and how you see things. But it doesn’t require you to push the other person away with a shut-down rejection. Balance your approach and the partner will respect you. Balance is required on all levels.
There is no need to argue with someone to try to change their beliefs. Just share it. Verbalize it. Talk about it. Be bigger than a belief. Free love transcends belief systems. Be interested and you are expressing love freely. Free love is larger than religion. Free love is larger than lust and larger than sex. I don’t have to keep emphasizing FREE love. It is simply love. Love is life flowing amicably. Love is being interested in sitting down and discussing a problem or a situation that needs addressing. Two people putting their minds and feelings into a situation will also find that they DO fit together. They find there really ARE ways they can work together. Problems are opportunities to expand, advance and grow new ideas, new limbs on your tree, new fruit on your bush.
This is what grows a relationship. Truth always enlarges a relationship. Break out of the box and experience freedom of thought, new thought, new ideas. This is not easy to do. One must carve out time to do this and be willing to boldly go where one has not gone before. When one or both parties are aware that love is gone from their marriage, it actually isn’t gone. It’s being held back. Love is vitality and interest. So if love has gone from the marriage, then interest is lacking. How does one generate interest? By deciding to listen for a change and adopt some new rules. Break out of your box. Love is still there because love is ALWAYS there. Love is the substance of life. It is light and it sparkles. It is interest and it is effervescent and it comes from the sun. Try looking at the sun and you’ll see the effervescence. It’s too strong to look at. Take some of that and put it into your relationship. Every philosopher and spiritual teacher will tell you that. But if love is not evident any more, that means it’s being blocked and stopped from expressing. They’ve stopped listening to one another. It’s time for some sit downs and talks together. Don‘t cop out by going to a counselor. A counselor offers advice through his or her own filter, which is not always right for you. Tackle truth-telling together. Use the 5-minute timer. Five minutes she talks, 5 minutes he talks and no note-taking, no paper, no pen. Use enforced listening.
Humanity has a tremendous future ahead if only we would find it in our hearts to be honest with each another and carve out some time to communicate together - those of us who are coupled up. And even those who are single, that doesn’t excuse them from being honest in their part-time relationships. Being honest means being honest with oneself. If we were honest with ourself we would not settle into a relationship if there were any doubts at all about it, as I did in my first marriage. After five years I had a breakdown because we were not right for each other. I knew it the morning of the wedding but I didn’t act on it. The next relationship was more honest. We started out talking on all four levels - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It grew into a well-rounded, healthy personal relationship that was supportive on both sides. We didn’t see eye-to-eye because we were so different. Opposites attract and so we were definitely opposites. But we grew together and talked together every night at the end of the day. We even recorded our conversations on the cassette tape. We called it “Mr. Tape", he was our third party listener. We were on a high for the first three years. When we grew bored we talked about it and we decided to expand our adventures outside of the marriage. It was a natural expansion. That's when we entered the lifestyle of swinging. Love needs to grow like ivy over the wall and out into the world. It cannot be held back but it has to be done together. No one should try to push the other into it. We communicated every day about our thoughts and feelings.
We grew slowly into intimacy with other people. Singles at first. Then couples. Slowly, talking, then experimenting, but always as two together, continuing talking when we got home alone together later. We grew as two connected bodies, with our minds and our feelings fluctuating but we talked it through. We didn’t abort. We didn’t reach a point of giving up. We kept working it out. And as a result we expanded together and formed a seminar out of it and assisted other couples. We held gatherings of couples - but only couples. We did not include singles.
Only my husband understood the difference between singles and couples. I did not understand until much later, after his death. I had to return to a single life again and start over with a new relationship. And then I began to learn further and more about the difference between relationships and the single life, and also between men and women. The process of learning never ends. Life provides for us the perfect school to learn from - situations that confuse and confound us. That is the learning classroom. We grow through it. We learn as we go. The world of the single and the world of the couple are two different worlds. Singles are not coupled with someone to walk the road together with someone else, which is essential to expanding into universal love. A single person does not consider the “other” because the single is one with itself and its higher self. It knows that it is one complete whole within on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level (PEMS). The single person does not know this consciously but he/she knows it on a heart and soul level.
It is the couple who is grounding universal, unconditional love into physicality. They are doing it together. Love needs a solid foundation like a relationship between two people who are holding hands to become more solid than one standing alone. The single has a different agenda. Singles are on a different timeline. They add to the world in a different way. They do not need to spend a lot of time talking with their partner as couples do, and listening when they really don’t want to listen but have to if they want to stay in the relationship. I am reminded again of the phrase that started me thinking today, it just popped into my consciousness – “It starts out personal and grows from there,” meaning love. It has to be personal at first but then it grows from there.
The above was channeled in 2019 - four years ago - I ran across it yesterday. I have also found some supportive channeled material for women's ascension massage exchanges, including a wonderful one from Mary Magdalene. I'll share by newsletter. I've always been drawn to hands-on massage, but men kept turning the focus downward to a sexual bottom line. Women-only massage exchanges should assist in activating the deeper feminine wider truths that have been surpressed by a male dominating culture. We do not want to exclude the men who are very important to us, as per the above article. But there are times when women need to be together alone, without the opposing force from men. Perhaps the women's goddess gatherings will come soon for this opportunity, at least here in Naples. I refer to in-person hands-on meetings. I feel the time coming, surfacing from below my own suppressed layers of passiveness, reluctance and hesitancy. The new age of the divine feminine is coming on strong and gathering strength.
With love and blessings from the extraterrestrials, ascendeds, celestials, angelics, Earth elementals - and me,
7/1/23 - The Light in the heart

Hello everyone! Greetings as we move into the July 4th celebration of FREEDOM! Today I'd like to share something that involves freedom from a different angle. This popped up during my usual daily research into the past, digging for gold. There are many such articles buried and forgotten. During these days of final life review I sit down at the computer and browse without direction, scanning those files that have led me to where I am today. They include a lot of channeling from higher sources. I was trying to write my autobiography but perhaps it is hopeless. My thoughts merge with a significant unknown which teases me to go further out, and I do, because it makes me feel happy, excited, elated and free. The following personal vision was journaled in 2012. It is obviously a prompt from the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul wanting me to see it again, for he is guiding me closely, wanting me to share it.
I was so achy and hurting when I got up this morning that I asked "Why?" as I went into the meditation room and sat down to do energy work. I was really stiff, unusually so, like iron. "What can I do to get rid of this pain?" I kept repeating that question. Then I got that I should not try to get rid of it but to love it back into myself. "Enter into the pain and surrender to the pain because inside each pain is a particle of light that has been rejected or pressed down under and forgotten." Then the whole thing opened up and I saw the whole planet filled with repressed truths, like glowing diamonds of pure innocent light, crystal pure Creator light and love, that was repressed for one reason or another and buried.
This has been going on for eons. These truths - innocence, purity, wholesomeness, naturalness, creative expressions - that have been squashed and squelched are now covered over with darkness and many of them are so ancient nobody remembers them. But the light is still there inside the darkness hidden away and forgotten. The darkness remains because the light is still there and somebody doesn't want that truth to be seen so the covering has to remain over it. I saw this so clear. It was amazing how clear this was to me. These little sparkling particles of Creator covered by a dark shell are everywhere, like dark grains of sand on a beach, some small, some big, some connected, some standing alone. All sorts of things, maybe as small and insignificant as when a little child was smacked for doing what came natural to her and she had to bury that moment. Or a pretty young woman who was naturally flirtatious and dancing around enjoying life and she got raped, so she had to hide her fun-loving side. Many babies born out of wedlock and that beautiful truth buried beneath a covering of lies. So many things, so many natural spontaneous beautiful spirits - creator lights - who were shut down and buried. I saw the whole planet covered by this dark stuff, but inside each piece of darkness a beautiful radiant piece of creator light. Now I understand what the darkness is that covers the planet. It's there because it's hiding the light that somebody tried to express naturally but couldn't. So I was told that the pain is my friend and so to face it and walk into it and welcome it, surrender to it and appreciate it and love the beauty of the darkness - not just the light but the darkness too - because it served you. Appreciate what it did for you. Love and honor the pain and the darkness and by so doing you welcome it and absorb it back into yourself because it's your darkness and pain - you created it - and I saw there was no difference between my pain and the pain of the planet because it's all connected. There is no "mine and thine". It's all part of the human consciousness. Embrace it and don't try to push it away anymore. When I got up the stiffness was still there but I found myself bouncing downstairs with a lot more freedom and lightness than I had when I first got up. So there is a lot of truth in lightening up and getting rid of old stuff.
The above message brought me to emotion once again, as it did when first received, because it's about the light that circulates through us through our meridians, and the heart is our main home base. I've been studying the light, tracking down the information for years, and yet I know that a lot of people DON'T know about the light circulating in them, so I want to bring attention to it. I write about it a lot and spend time doing conscious breathing exercises with it. It elevates me. It feels so good and makes me so happy to be in touch with it. It elevates me. When one spends time focusing on light it filters DOWN into the more solid body cells, membranes and tissues. Otherwise it would remain abstract, or hung up in the brain unable to descend any further. It comes into the body through one's attention and one's attention is usually brain-focused. As long as attention is held on the light and the mind is open to allow it in, the electrons of light descend and enter the physical matter of the body. It then is felt as love, simply because it's in close touch with the nerves that radiate throughout the body. So consciousness is the doorway for love to enter the body. Light becomes love through conscious attention. When we spend more time holding space for it, handling it, mulling over it, the more we allow it to descend into blood, membranes and tissues. Then we can FEEL it. Then we can feel the love. This is the number one main purpose of meditation, though most people are unaware of it. It is the science of love. Light feels good when it is held in the consciousness. It makes you feel warm, safe, secure, cozy, and like you're not alone. There is someone else here who loves you.
If you just say "love" to someone just because you're supposed to say it, maybe it's expected of you to say it but you don't really feel it or mean it, then it's not love. It needs more time to settle into the nerves and tissues to become love. Love is a power that we don't understand. It is the power of life itself. It is the power of soul. It is what moves us and empowers our physical muscles and organs. Some day the scientists will be able to validate it with their instruments. Love is the manifestation of light in matter or substance and touching someone with love verifies that. Light is the masculine creator or father force - it's the intention. Love is the feminine creator or mother force - it's what manifests the intention and let's you feel it. Light and Love, Father and Mother, are one force that operates together equally. They are one and the same and they naturally want to flow together. They divide so they can have the fun of coming back together again. This has been confirmed by many mystics over the ages. People evolve when they follow their inner feelings and emotions, and people DEVOLVE when they ignore, resist or refuse to acknowledge their feelings and emotions because the mother force is the creator force in the body. One cannot live very long by refusing it. It gives us life. It circulates in us as an intention and as a desire to manifest and be fulfilled, whole and complete. We are supposed to express our emotions and inner feelings, not ignore them. Unfortunately many of these emotions are so repressed, that they have become ugly and viscious. The body feels pain, confusion, hopeless and angry. But there is a way to turn it around. When love is trapped in a physical body and can't get out because the ego is refusing to express it, give someone a hug or receive a hug from someone. It is in the touch that the passing of the spark is done. It changes people. That's why I write so much about it. Hands-on touch with love is the best therapy as long as it does not invade another person's private permission space.
There have been many inspiring moments about love over the years, and it all began with the swinging lifestyle. Easy-going, fun, adventurous, happy, pleasant, a place where freedom reigns because some host made sure it was safe for me to feel free. This is why I write about love and freedom so much. I was given permission to explore in my own time. It wasn't just about sex, at least not for me. It was much more about being able to be free to express myself. The feeling of being free to be spontaneous with people so up close and touching. Personal touching is so forbidden. I loved it. I loved the touching and the hugging. I didn't even have a sex drive, believe it or not. Once during a silent meditation, I had an experience. I wrote it down to remember it and I will share it here. While I was meditating on love I heard the word, “Feminine” spoken. I felt the echoes and essence of women down through the ages since the beginning. I felt the essence of women, not their outer human shells which struggled through life, but the soft, resilient, intelligent, tender femininity at the heart of each woman or girl child who ever lived. Warm femininity swirled around me. I touched it as I would touch a raw warm human organ with my fingers, liquid and pulsing with life. I felt its soul enter me. I felt feminine and sensual. I felt the love and joy and nurturing that each of these women brought to the planet, whether they were fulfilled or died in pain. It didn’t matter because they brought with them a living potential of love that they left here as a gift to the earth, and it’s still here.
I said to myself softly, “Love.” I felt love and femininity as one, including the feminine side of men. Love is reconnecting to the soul. It’s the inner warmth that is accomplished by turning within to stoke the fires of one’s own hearth, heart. After having thrust outward in competition and aggression, and driven by ambition, love as good intention is the returning home. Love begins at home for oneself. The turning within to the heart is the female in us who wants to nest and wrap ourselves in a warm and cozy cocoon in a sense of completion and a work well done when completed. Love is the one gift that we can give to ourselves that does not require anyone else. It is the hour of meditation and prayer in solitude. We can feel love even if we are alone, homeless and stricken with cancer. Love is a choice to return to the heart to elevate oneself, appreciate oneself and tell oneself “I love you”. There is a strange and wonderful power that comes forth at this time that soothes and calms the outer storm, and it goes beyond all logic. Loving oneself does not deny the world, the death, sickness, poverty and emotional pain. Rather, it fulfills them. It includes them and puts it all to rest within the heart. For us. There is no exception. There is nothing bad enough that can’t be loved and put to rest in the human heart. Love is unconditional.
6/18/23 - There is a collaboration unfolding
Summer Solstice - Wed., June 21, 10:58 am.
I was so achy and hurting when I got up this morning that I asked "Why?" as I went into the meditation room and sat down to do energy work. I was really stiff, unusually so, like iron. "What can I do to get rid of this pain?" I kept repeating that question. Then I got that I should not try to get rid of it but to love it back into myself. "Enter into the pain and surrender to the pain because inside each pain is a particle of light that has been rejected or pressed down under and forgotten." Then the whole thing opened up and I saw the whole planet filled with repressed truths, like glowing diamonds of pure innocent light, crystal pure Creator light and love, that was repressed for one reason or another and buried.
This has been going on for eons. These truths - innocence, purity, wholesomeness, naturalness, creative expressions - that have been squashed and squelched are now covered over with darkness and many of them are so ancient nobody remembers them. But the light is still there inside the darkness hidden away and forgotten. The darkness remains because the light is still there and somebody doesn't want that truth to be seen so the covering has to remain over it. I saw this so clear. It was amazing how clear this was to me. These little sparkling particles of Creator covered by a dark shell are everywhere, like dark grains of sand on a beach, some small, some big, some connected, some standing alone. All sorts of things, maybe as small and insignificant as when a little child was smacked for doing what came natural to her and she had to bury that moment. Or a pretty young woman who was naturally flirtatious and dancing around enjoying life and she got raped, so she had to hide her fun-loving side. Many babies born out of wedlock and that beautiful truth buried beneath a covering of lies. So many things, so many natural spontaneous beautiful spirits - creator lights - who were shut down and buried. I saw the whole planet covered by this dark stuff, but inside each piece of darkness a beautiful radiant piece of creator light. Now I understand what the darkness is that covers the planet. It's there because it's hiding the light that somebody tried to express naturally but couldn't. So I was told that the pain is my friend and so to face it and walk into it and welcome it, surrender to it and appreciate it and love the beauty of the darkness - not just the light but the darkness too - because it served you. Appreciate what it did for you. Love and honor the pain and the darkness and by so doing you welcome it and absorb it back into yourself because it's your darkness and pain - you created it - and I saw there was no difference between my pain and the pain of the planet because it's all connected. There is no "mine and thine". It's all part of the human consciousness. Embrace it and don't try to push it away anymore. When I got up the stiffness was still there but I found myself bouncing downstairs with a lot more freedom and lightness than I had when I first got up. So there is a lot of truth in lightening up and getting rid of old stuff.
The above message brought me to emotion once again, as it did when first received, because it's about the light that circulates through us through our meridians, and the heart is our main home base. I've been studying the light, tracking down the information for years, and yet I know that a lot of people DON'T know about the light circulating in them, so I want to bring attention to it. I write about it a lot and spend time doing conscious breathing exercises with it. It elevates me. It feels so good and makes me so happy to be in touch with it. It elevates me. When one spends time focusing on light it filters DOWN into the more solid body cells, membranes and tissues. Otherwise it would remain abstract, or hung up in the brain unable to descend any further. It comes into the body through one's attention and one's attention is usually brain-focused. As long as attention is held on the light and the mind is open to allow it in, the electrons of light descend and enter the physical matter of the body. It then is felt as love, simply because it's in close touch with the nerves that radiate throughout the body. So consciousness is the doorway for love to enter the body. Light becomes love through conscious attention. When we spend more time holding space for it, handling it, mulling over it, the more we allow it to descend into blood, membranes and tissues. Then we can FEEL it. Then we can feel the love. This is the number one main purpose of meditation, though most people are unaware of it. It is the science of love. Light feels good when it is held in the consciousness. It makes you feel warm, safe, secure, cozy, and like you're not alone. There is someone else here who loves you.
If you just say "love" to someone just because you're supposed to say it, maybe it's expected of you to say it but you don't really feel it or mean it, then it's not love. It needs more time to settle into the nerves and tissues to become love. Love is a power that we don't understand. It is the power of life itself. It is the power of soul. It is what moves us and empowers our physical muscles and organs. Some day the scientists will be able to validate it with their instruments. Love is the manifestation of light in matter or substance and touching someone with love verifies that. Light is the masculine creator or father force - it's the intention. Love is the feminine creator or mother force - it's what manifests the intention and let's you feel it. Light and Love, Father and Mother, are one force that operates together equally. They are one and the same and they naturally want to flow together. They divide so they can have the fun of coming back together again. This has been confirmed by many mystics over the ages. People evolve when they follow their inner feelings and emotions, and people DEVOLVE when they ignore, resist or refuse to acknowledge their feelings and emotions because the mother force is the creator force in the body. One cannot live very long by refusing it. It gives us life. It circulates in us as an intention and as a desire to manifest and be fulfilled, whole and complete. We are supposed to express our emotions and inner feelings, not ignore them. Unfortunately many of these emotions are so repressed, that they have become ugly and viscious. The body feels pain, confusion, hopeless and angry. But there is a way to turn it around. When love is trapped in a physical body and can't get out because the ego is refusing to express it, give someone a hug or receive a hug from someone. It is in the touch that the passing of the spark is done. It changes people. That's why I write so much about it. Hands-on touch with love is the best therapy as long as it does not invade another person's private permission space.
There have been many inspiring moments about love over the years, and it all began with the swinging lifestyle. Easy-going, fun, adventurous, happy, pleasant, a place where freedom reigns because some host made sure it was safe for me to feel free. This is why I write about love and freedom so much. I was given permission to explore in my own time. It wasn't just about sex, at least not for me. It was much more about being able to be free to express myself. The feeling of being free to be spontaneous with people so up close and touching. Personal touching is so forbidden. I loved it. I loved the touching and the hugging. I didn't even have a sex drive, believe it or not. Once during a silent meditation, I had an experience. I wrote it down to remember it and I will share it here. While I was meditating on love I heard the word, “Feminine” spoken. I felt the echoes and essence of women down through the ages since the beginning. I felt the essence of women, not their outer human shells which struggled through life, but the soft, resilient, intelligent, tender femininity at the heart of each woman or girl child who ever lived. Warm femininity swirled around me. I touched it as I would touch a raw warm human organ with my fingers, liquid and pulsing with life. I felt its soul enter me. I felt feminine and sensual. I felt the love and joy and nurturing that each of these women brought to the planet, whether they were fulfilled or died in pain. It didn’t matter because they brought with them a living potential of love that they left here as a gift to the earth, and it’s still here.
I said to myself softly, “Love.” I felt love and femininity as one, including the feminine side of men. Love is reconnecting to the soul. It’s the inner warmth that is accomplished by turning within to stoke the fires of one’s own hearth, heart. After having thrust outward in competition and aggression, and driven by ambition, love as good intention is the returning home. Love begins at home for oneself. The turning within to the heart is the female in us who wants to nest and wrap ourselves in a warm and cozy cocoon in a sense of completion and a work well done when completed. Love is the one gift that we can give to ourselves that does not require anyone else. It is the hour of meditation and prayer in solitude. We can feel love even if we are alone, homeless and stricken with cancer. Love is a choice to return to the heart to elevate oneself, appreciate oneself and tell oneself “I love you”. There is a strange and wonderful power that comes forth at this time that soothes and calms the outer storm, and it goes beyond all logic. Loving oneself does not deny the world, the death, sickness, poverty and emotional pain. Rather, it fulfills them. It includes them and puts it all to rest within the heart. For us. There is no exception. There is nothing bad enough that can’t be loved and put to rest in the human heart. Love is unconditional.
6/18/23 - There is a collaboration unfolding
Summer Solstice - Wed., June 21, 10:58 am.

The summer solstice as it affects us in Florida is when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest period of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere before it turns around and heads back (and the least amount of sunlight in the Southern Hemisphere.) The summer solstice will take place this Wednesday, June 21 at 10:58 am. Many people will be gathering at this time for an hour or so to participate in receiving the maximum amount of Light, which is Love, coming into the Earth at this time. Light is love when it is allowed to move through the body. I will write more below. There is more to this story which needs addressing. Let us continue.
It is unknown how many people on my newsletter list are tuned into the spiritual theme of Ascension, so I'll just plunge right in. My blog of two days ago was titled, "There is a collaboration unfolding", which refers to a blending between the physical and the non-physical realms. This has to do with the amount of light that is coming into the planet. Messages from the non-physical realms, higher realms, are coming through the spiritual community. We are all receiving more light in the form of information. Recent solar flares are part of it. This means more people are becoming aware. More consciousness is coming to us through the beautiful rays of our life-giving Father Sun.
Suns are distributors of light. Light is information. Or rather, information is light. And when information is acted upon by a human being, it stirs the human nerves, blood and flesh and is felt as love. We feel the warmth of this information as it moves through us. Love and light together is what turns us on and motivates us. It is what breathes through us. So information is coming from the sun. Some people let it pass them by and don't pay any attention. But there are many who are receiving the information. There is movement going on in the consciousness of people that is being processed. Higher intelligences are sending us information in subtle ways that are barely noticeable unless you're paying attention and taking some quiet time. It is more rarefied information. Those who can receive it have spent time inwardly, contemplating things. They have prepared themselves. There are many people who are tuning in to the new light which is upgrading us, and more so every day. If you feel yourself shutting down at this point because it's simply too far out, you might want to stay open a bit longer because it's going to touch on the subject of sex, love and intimacy.
There is a life force embedded in the human body. There is a circuitry like a crystal diamond and it is consciousness. It is unique for each person. It's what the person does with that circuitry that makes it unique. There are no two crystal diamond circuitries alike anywhere in the universe, but they are part of the creator force. We couldn't live without this life force, this Father force. It is a crystal diamon circuitry, but it has been shut off or turned way down to be almost non-existant. It couldn't be entirely shut down because it would kill the person dead, and they couldn't reproduce. But it remains invisible. Indeed, we didn't know anything about it. The only ones who knew anything about it at all were the mystics and those who became enlightened under the yoga masters and gurus of old. They've been teaching it. It's called kundalini.
This kundalini life force has been turned way down because dark forces did not want humans to be enlightened. But they couldn't turn it off completely. They wanted the humans to reproducej, for who else would be the slaves if not the humans? But the life force in the humans has been manipulated in such a way that, from where I stand and look at it, it's incredible. We think sex is normal! Think again. What we do sexually is not normal. This information is not to downgrade sex, it is to upgrade it to love. If the human race will allow itself to upgrade. Information must come forth first. Information is light. Light provides us with guidance and instruction. Light is electricity. Electricity can be deadly dangerous if used wrongly. If someone were warned to stay away from electricity, they would never learn how to handle it, master it or channel it to achieve the benefits that mankind has indeed benefitted from it. It is the same way with sex, love and intimacy.
The information trail that I've been on for 47 years, ever since accidently awakening the kundalini life force, began by piercing the veil at the crown and going into the light and downloading cosmic information. This happened during a guided meditation 47 years ago and I literally bumped into an Ascended Master along the way (although I didn't know it at the time) and he's been guiding me ever since. Going into the light has diverted me away from the "normal" human experience onto a different journey of discovery. It's what I do with the information that makes me unique, just as it's what YOU do with information that YOU discover that makes YOU unique. For example, just prior to going into the light I was deeply darkly depressed and I ran away from home and family. After three years with a supportive family, I met a man who introduced me to sexual love. I married him and eight years later kundalini awakened during a meditation, and I went into the light.
I received downloads that were too powerful for me to manage so - almost immediately we were guided into couples swinging. Who could know? Couples opened up to us wherever we went. They were drawn to us. We did not know. It helped me to ground the overwhelming electricity flowing through me. I grounded it by hugging the people with all that love flowing through me. For the next 34 years we evolved a seminar program to introduce other couples into the freedom of love. And then, after losing my husband thru the passage of death, I met my next husband and continued on with the couples free love lifestyle until I had to stop. I had to stop because I discovered the truth about sex and how it has become a block and holding people back. I was continuing to learn about my inner self and I learned about the crystal diamond circuitry that is embedded within the human body and how it's being stopped, diverted, blocked thru what we consider "normal" sex. So I've been writing about it as love ever since. Now it is 2023 and I have been reading astounding new material that other people are learning about too.
There is far more light coming into Mother Earth today through our Father Sun, and it is raising the consciousness levels of the mass population. All of us are helping to distribute this new information that we are getting. We can see it everywhere, it is bleeding through. It is called evolution. We just saw the new sequel to Avatar last night, a wonderful beautiful idealistic version of what life should be like on Earth. Everyone is helping because we are all wishing for a heaven on earth, and we each have a piece of the puzzle locked into us as embedded circuitry. We have information that we are holding back. Each person has information they are holding back that is vital to the whole picture. Each one of us is going through our own process of understanding the mystery and piecing it together. The puzzle is almost done as more and more Light continues to pour into the Mother Earth from Father Sun, distributor of cosmic light/information. The sun is not a cold lifeless entity. It is a high intelligence. It is warm and inviting. I go into the sun often to rest in my mind. It is a welcoming sanctuary for the soul.
This light that is coming into us for processing and understanding is buoying up the planet, lifting it to higher levels of intelligence. We are learning. The crystal diamond circuitry in each human body is activating at different levels and times. If you are feeling dizzy, faint, disoriented and just plain queer, it's because your DNA is being altered to fit. The organs in your bodies need to adjust. Give it time. Don't give up. Rest. A lot! Do some dreamtime. Let go of the focus on the outer world. It is in chaos right now as people are letting go. Go outdoors barefoot and join with the life force from Mother Earth. Connect with her. Harmonize with friends and nature. There is a crystal diamond life force in the animals and plants too. It is activating in the human body system. Fear, shame, guilt and trauma have been programmed into us through the centuries of dark (or ignorant) manipulative teachings. It is time to let those old ways go. The same life force is embedded in the rocks and trees and water and animals, and humans are at the top of the pyramid. We have the larger brain to handle the information, to organize it, to channel it and put it to good use. But we humans need to channel this life force up the spine to the brain and not stop it down there low at the genitals, by forcing ourselves to have sex. That's where the blocks are. We need to use it with tender, sensitive, higher consciousness love.
Check out the online book by Master Djwahl Khul HERE. He is a master Tantric teacher of love and sex. I have been continuing to add more chapters to it as I find them in my many years of channeling.
The life force called kundalini or the holy spirit has been held down by massive focusing on the genitals. The genitals have been magnified out of proportion. It's time to expand the focus to include the WHOLE body and the flowing of love that will upgrade it. You can still use the genitals when you want to use them, when it is appropriate to do so. In the same way you use your fingers and thumb and voice when they're needed. But the new teaching is to stop this excessive focus on the genitals, and the "thou shalt not" teachings. Instead, we must learn to start sharing and teaching, showing and demonstrating cosmic love. It is done through feeling, through sensitivity, through harmony in thought, intention, voice and action.
Light is abstract intelligence. Love is doing something with abstract intelligence so it can be moved and felt and shared. In other words, love is making it real so other people can feel it too. Abstract intelligence cannot be felt. There is no emotion to abstract intelligence.
Whenever a young person hits puberty, the love force known as kundalini activates. It is an emotion. It is a movement in the muscles, nerves and organs. It is felt as loving, warm and tender. It wants to touch the same feeling in another perseon. It reaches out for goodness in someone else. But then the young person runs into parental or societal authority that makes them feel it's wrong. Such tender, beautiful, warm feelings are wrong? Instead of teaching young people what's wrong about it, the need of the new age is to teach young people how to respect love in higher more refined ways. How should we go about doing that? Is it not worth soundboarding about?
It has been called "sex" for so long that everyone considers it normal. And yet everyone knows you're not supposed to go there so you keep it secret. You might go out behind the barn or into the back seat of a car or a dark ally or rape someone. But if you treat it as a no-no, you treat it as a sin. You block it. You repress it. You don't let it come through you the way it is supposed to come thru. You choose the dark side. You stop love from flowing. The life force is the love force, blocked. It has been designed by great creator beings to flow openly through the human being with a cosmic love so vast it is impossible to imagine, but it has been manipulated by evil intelligences to block it.
Ancient teachings tell about it but they've been banned. They tell us that the life force is the cosmic love force, and how it has been stopped and plugged up. It is killing the human race because the loving tenderizing nurturing love force is not flowing. How is it supposed to flow? What is the proper track? It is to go up the spine to the top of the head, awakening all chakras inbetween, and out the top of the head like a fountain of water, then outward and down around the body back into the earth, gathering more earth power and back up through the feet, legs, tail bone, up the spine to the head and out the top of the head in a continual river of life and love for the Earthly life in the pattern of the Torus. (See the Torus diagram pictured above.)
The kundalini awakens at puberty when the young person is sufficiently ready to handle it and it is felt as a love so warm and good that it cannot be resisted. It would open the next level of consciousness - how to use it with caring and refinement - but it is blocked. It does not open the second and third chakra. The kundalini is full of magical abilities to know love and raise to the highest all possibilities, to enlightened the whole body, not just relieve frustration at the genitals. It's created to flow quietly like a gentle calm river of love, not a frustrating bull needing to relieve itself of pent-up frustration.
5/27/23 - The turn-around has begun
Greetings to all! There is a vast turn-around happening, planet-wise, for the human race. It has caught everyone by surprise. At least it caught ME by surprise. Apparently others, as well, for I am reading all sorts of articles, each different. We all thought ascension was a move UP to a higher dimension but it's the opposite!! It is a DOWNWARD move! Ascension is a DESCENSION. We are from higher planes already. We are spirit, God, eternal, everlasting, evolving souls, and we are here to bring the light of our knowledge DOWN into the solid ground and manifest it here. Build it here. We are each different and so there are no two alike. We each have a different perspective, but we're all part of the giant jigsaw puzzle. We're all part of the big Plan. We all have knowledge that contributes to the ultimate manifesting of the Garden of Eden. We are here to build it, or re-create it, in physical concrete form.
It has taken me a long time to understand this. And I've had the benefit of an ascended master guide for the last 47 years. How could this have escaped me? Why has it taken me so long to "get it"? The answer is simple: we've been caught in the old dark matrix. We've been fooled and manipulated into believing the opposite, that we are poor sinners and we don't know anything so we have to go UP for answers. Wrong. We've been caught in the old system of reaching UP that the religious systems taught us. But in our efforts of reaching up we've been pushing the light away from us. The way to go is down into the roots of our beingness, and the roots of our beingness are INSIDE our bodies. There is more here to uncover and make known. The way to go is not just INSIDE ourselves, but to communicate what we know to others and work ideas together in order to manifest the illusive dream into a concrete reality. To express ourselves is to express our true nature, our true feelings, our truth on all levels, and to become who we are within, outward for all to see and know and appreciate and respect. The goal is to manifest our reality in the outer world of form. The gurus and masters have done their part. They have taught us how to seek within for it. Now it is up to us to take charge of becoming that which we know.
Now it is the time, the time is ripe, the turn-around is happening. We are ready to put our roots down, plant them solidly into the dirt of the earth, but this time with harmony, love, caring, kindness, wisdom and respect for others around us and the earth itself. We must do this with feeling, with knowing, with confidence and grace. With the knowledge of who we are and knowing that we are right. There is no doubt left in us. We came here to do this - to plant our Self, our higher, principled self - down into the earth. There are many ways of doing this. Each one must decide how it will be done. We come to work together and to express ourselves in solid matter, in form, on earth with others building with us. We are here to stop seeking and start using the skills we have worked so hard to accumulate. The intuitive wisdom, confidence and faith in ourselves that we've accumulated are instinct and inner knowledge. It is who we are. It is our nature. We are here to prove ourselves.
Our basic knowledge is heart-felt, strong and we are skilled. We are balanced, or soon will be when we begin using and moving the energies that have been backing up and stagnating inside us, causing frustration and depression. We've been manipulated to think we are poor sinners and lack judgment, when all along we have been building understanding and clear thinking. We do not doubt ourselves, we are just holding it back and keeping it a big secret. We are actually an amazing people, we humans of earth. And we are here to prove it to ourselves. That we can do this. We are here to build a Garden of Eden in physical concrete form, where everyone is happy and no one lacking. We've been wishing for it and dreaming about it. This is what we're heading to - the building of a world of harmony, beauty, peace and balance and we'll do it with love and wisdom. The frustration is being held back. By whom? There is no one to blame but ourselves. When I am ready, I will move into action and so will you. When it is time we will turn around and move forward.
Forces that are not of the light have done this. Evil is that which is born without love, without a sense of unity and caring or connection to the one supreme creator. There are such things, you know. It is called artificial intelligence. People with souls, with heart and the ability to love who also enjoy technology and enjoy fiddling around with it, must beware. Artificial intelligence has been around a long time, and has taken away our connection to the heart, to soul, to our sense of unity and the divine within. That is why we must return to the feelings that flow within us, and begin expressing them. Expressing outwardly is the key to the turn-around. If we continue to keep our feelings secret and locked away, we are becoming artificial intelligences ourselves
Artificial intelligence has no connection to the sea of life and love from which we have descended. We have the seven bodies to prove it. Seven bodies wrap around us in an aura of livingness that we are mostly unaware of. We descend down from a world of perfection and purity to build in form. It is a descension of light that we are. We have descended to experiment building with purity, light and love in concrete form. We have had many lifetimes in form, learning now to build in form, and we have learned a lot. We have learned the feeling of right and the feeling of wrong. We know the difference. We have the experiential knowledge and the intuitive skills to prove it. All we have now to do is turn around and begin expressing them outwardly to each other. That means focusing on building on earth based on faith in yourself. You already have the accumulated wisdom within you. It flows in your blood stream and nerves. We are here to use the knowledge accumulated, and the FEELINGS and emotions we have accumulated. They belong to us, we must express them. Go inward and start using inner strength, inner feelings of right and wrong, inner faith, inner confidence and inner intuitive skills. Then we will be going in the right direction. Stop seeking someone else to do it for us.
We were taught to reach UP to find God or something resembling God but we have actually been gods in training. It has been said over and over by the Master guides. We are gods in training. And the time has come to start acting like the god authority that we are. Everything we were taught has brought us to this turn-around point. A god is one who lives with love and wisdom. Instead of looking for love and wisdom from someone else, we must start using love and wisdom for ourselves. I am the one that I've been looking for all these years. All the tools are mine now, here within me. We have the inbuilt intuitiveness, built-in feelings, build-in sense of truth, fairness, justice and rightness. We are here to LIVE this sense of rightness in our every day. It is a comfortable feeling. It is a good feeling. We will change our lives around. Healings will take place on subtle levels. They are not miraculous. They are nature falling into place and harmony. It is an inner work. An innocence that the religious systems have taken away from us. On purpose, I suspect, to lead us to more lessons - until we have had enough. Until the instinct kicks in and the dream to build a community of fairness and love starts to take form. A community of fairness, a village of freedom, a city of harmony and togetherness. A community of supporters and unifiers, where no one lacks. A land of vitality and excitement, of creative impulses and ideas continually flowing. It is ours to build.
There is a fire burning in me today. We have the faith. We have the love. We have the urge to support and contribute to the upliftment, not to enable weakness but to teach self-empowerment. Why has it taken so long? Because there are still too many people seeking for help outside of themselves. They have not been self-empowered. Education is needed. Turning around is not easy. Habits are in place. To look within - what does that even mean? This is the beginning of the U-turn. The willingness to change and to wonder HOW to change. To think about it and learn self-help techniques. We've been looking to saviors for answers, when the savior is our Self. There are techniques. They require effort and time out to work them. It will take time to learn a new technique and practice it, try a different approach. Communicate and soundboard. No more secrets. Tell all.
Instead of me wishing someone else would come and give me money, or give me love, or give me a better home, a better life, a better career, or to heal my broken body and so on -- in other words, being a dependent on others for something I can't do myself - instead of me yearning for help I do something totally different. Something so against my nature it would never occur to me. It takes effort and imagination to change course, but merging opposites is the secret tool of Tantra. Tantra is not about sex, it's about gaining respect for what you consider abhorrent or so against your nature you would never. So it's a turn-around and joining with, instead of being against it. This brings a fresh load of new vitality and energy. It wakes you up. It's a universal prinicple. It's a very advanced principle. The universe operates on it. It is a harmonizing force. A cosmic law. And we humans can use it if we know about it. This is one of those occult secrets hidden away in archives of master teachers. But it works for humans too. It's the law of respect - love for all beings no matter who they are or what they believe in.
5/18/23 - The Body is a Machine - Train it
Hi everyone! It has been almost two months since my last newsletter. All is well out here in the pasturelands of Naples, Florida. Doug and I continue to age well and comfortably. We are both thinking in terms of writing books to summarize our time here on Earth. I have been researching old journals and the internet, and corroborating, redefining, old channeled messages as real. They've been stuck away in notebooks and places which I've forgotten about. Little pointers keep popping up to look here, or look there. Gathering my past together has been insightful. The invisible guide, the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul shown above, has been a prolific writer through me in the past and continues to talk to me. Back in the day when I was less aware, some of his dictations got filed and misplaced. There are so many.
I'm sharing a portion of a message today that he gave me about WILL POWER. I have issues with authorities who don't agree with my instincts, preferring to rely on my own spontaneity. But here he is addressing something which shocked me. Apparently there is more for me to learn. Duh! I have always relied on my sense of inner comfort and peace as knowing better what I should do than any outside authority. It never occured to me - well, read for yourself. My question was whether I should follow a pre-determined list for an exercise routine or be spontaneous, and I received more than I bargained for. As they say, Ask the right question and you open doors you didn't know were closed.
The body is a Machine, by Master Djwahl Khul
(DK talking) Will power is cultivated by sticking to a regular routine on a daily basis. Do some practices every day. Build a routine and follow it every day without fail. This is what you have been doing. You are starting to succeed so that your body starts to remember and want to do it every day. Without a regular routine your body stays lazy and thinks it is doing the right thing for itself. The body operates on habit. It is sluggish, its cells are from the earth. It is not a high consciousness machine. It likes routine. It likes to know what is expected of it. If you change your habits and follow it every day, your body will remember and will change over a short period of time. You must use will power on yourself. If you feel lazy, it is your body that feels lazy, not you, but you let your mind follow suit. You interpret wrongly. You think it is you but it is your body. You are not your body. You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like it today, I will go to the computer instead. I am excited and want to write this down.”
But that means you have let your body take control over your commitment. You must force your body to do what you have decided to do, and not succumb to your body’s wants. This takes will power. It is a struggle at first. The body operates on habit, which is a feeling. But you are the consciousness of the body. You built the body, your higher self did. If you have decided to change yourself then you must use discipline and will power. Take your power back from your body. Know the difference between your body wanting to feel good, and your commitment to make a change. This does not mean you won’t enjoy the "feel good” feelings at times, but you will not let your body tell you what IT wants. You will teach it better manners. You will teach it what it feels like to be refined and more sensitive. It is the body who has the “feelings”. You are the abstract intelligence that uses the body as a vehicle, as an avatar. This is the reason for a daily routine – to work with your body and raise its consciousness level to better express your higher intelligence. Build new habits into your body and it will become more refined, stronger, healthier and feel better with itself. It will thank you by responding with a sense of freedom and lightness.
The body is a mechanism. I is a machine. Even though it is organic and a breathing, living machine and it has a consciousness, yet it is still exquisitely designed to function under the orders and control of a higher mind. That higher mind is you. We learn to use it from the outside in. The hands, feet, legs, mouth, eating, brushing teeth, putting it to sleep at night and washing it so it feels clean. This is what we learn as a child, how to take care of the body and use it properly. In past ages we did not learn how to care for the inner parts of the body, but that time is now changing. We are going through an evolutionary shift to higher consciousness. How the inner parts of the body work is done through yoga. Learning how they function is a three-part education. We study the machine to see how it functions, and we practice it through yoga postures, and we read scholarly reports and experiences of other people.
Up to now it has been left to the professionals and experts to know how your body works, how to maintain it, what to do when it goes wrong. But you have given them the power over your body. They do not know what you are feeling and aligning with, or misaligning with. This only you can tell from being inside the body. When something goes wrong with your heart or lungs or stomach, most people go to the doctor or another expert. But those who have chosen the inner path of their choice, which is natural and organic, have discovered better health and are more intuitively well, happy and at peace. Yoga is an ancient science and covers many facets. It is an inner path that is starting to spread across the planet and bring changes to those who practice it. It is how people are taking their power back from outside authorities. There is untold wisdom contained in the human intellect, will and love.
Gopi Krishna advises a path of (1) healthy diet & journal/document (2) yoga postures & journal/document (3) meditate & journal/document. In other words make yourself an experimental subject and keep documenting. Consider it research. He advises a research institute but I’m saying, make yourself the research. Routine, regular discipline, apply control, conscious control, the evolutionary force for the future of mankind. This prevents psychopathy and psychosis. The evolutionary mechanism goes wrong when the body is not clean and not maintained in a healthy manner. It must be kept up on a regular basis with conscious application of certain habits. In the case of the wayward man who is ignorant, it means to become more disciplined.
I've already started a new routine and following it. Am amazed that it's working so well - more energy, more limber, fewer aches. Sending encouragements and positive wishes to you for the same. May God bless you in every aspect of your life, and that new doors open for you to bring you more joy, happiness, vitality and quality of life. Continued blessings, love and light from the Masters and the ONE supreme infinite Creator working through them - and from me!
It is unknown how many people on my newsletter list are tuned into the spiritual theme of Ascension, so I'll just plunge right in. My blog of two days ago was titled, "There is a collaboration unfolding", which refers to a blending between the physical and the non-physical realms. This has to do with the amount of light that is coming into the planet. Messages from the non-physical realms, higher realms, are coming through the spiritual community. We are all receiving more light in the form of information. Recent solar flares are part of it. This means more people are becoming aware. More consciousness is coming to us through the beautiful rays of our life-giving Father Sun.
Suns are distributors of light. Light is information. Or rather, information is light. And when information is acted upon by a human being, it stirs the human nerves, blood and flesh and is felt as love. We feel the warmth of this information as it moves through us. Love and light together is what turns us on and motivates us. It is what breathes through us. So information is coming from the sun. Some people let it pass them by and don't pay any attention. But there are many who are receiving the information. There is movement going on in the consciousness of people that is being processed. Higher intelligences are sending us information in subtle ways that are barely noticeable unless you're paying attention and taking some quiet time. It is more rarefied information. Those who can receive it have spent time inwardly, contemplating things. They have prepared themselves. There are many people who are tuning in to the new light which is upgrading us, and more so every day. If you feel yourself shutting down at this point because it's simply too far out, you might want to stay open a bit longer because it's going to touch on the subject of sex, love and intimacy.
There is a life force embedded in the human body. There is a circuitry like a crystal diamond and it is consciousness. It is unique for each person. It's what the person does with that circuitry that makes it unique. There are no two crystal diamond circuitries alike anywhere in the universe, but they are part of the creator force. We couldn't live without this life force, this Father force. It is a crystal diamon circuitry, but it has been shut off or turned way down to be almost non-existant. It couldn't be entirely shut down because it would kill the person dead, and they couldn't reproduce. But it remains invisible. Indeed, we didn't know anything about it. The only ones who knew anything about it at all were the mystics and those who became enlightened under the yoga masters and gurus of old. They've been teaching it. It's called kundalini.
This kundalini life force has been turned way down because dark forces did not want humans to be enlightened. But they couldn't turn it off completely. They wanted the humans to reproducej, for who else would be the slaves if not the humans? But the life force in the humans has been manipulated in such a way that, from where I stand and look at it, it's incredible. We think sex is normal! Think again. What we do sexually is not normal. This information is not to downgrade sex, it is to upgrade it to love. If the human race will allow itself to upgrade. Information must come forth first. Information is light. Light provides us with guidance and instruction. Light is electricity. Electricity can be deadly dangerous if used wrongly. If someone were warned to stay away from electricity, they would never learn how to handle it, master it or channel it to achieve the benefits that mankind has indeed benefitted from it. It is the same way with sex, love and intimacy.
The information trail that I've been on for 47 years, ever since accidently awakening the kundalini life force, began by piercing the veil at the crown and going into the light and downloading cosmic information. This happened during a guided meditation 47 years ago and I literally bumped into an Ascended Master along the way (although I didn't know it at the time) and he's been guiding me ever since. Going into the light has diverted me away from the "normal" human experience onto a different journey of discovery. It's what I do with the information that makes me unique, just as it's what YOU do with information that YOU discover that makes YOU unique. For example, just prior to going into the light I was deeply darkly depressed and I ran away from home and family. After three years with a supportive family, I met a man who introduced me to sexual love. I married him and eight years later kundalini awakened during a meditation, and I went into the light.
I received downloads that were too powerful for me to manage so - almost immediately we were guided into couples swinging. Who could know? Couples opened up to us wherever we went. They were drawn to us. We did not know. It helped me to ground the overwhelming electricity flowing through me. I grounded it by hugging the people with all that love flowing through me. For the next 34 years we evolved a seminar program to introduce other couples into the freedom of love. And then, after losing my husband thru the passage of death, I met my next husband and continued on with the couples free love lifestyle until I had to stop. I had to stop because I discovered the truth about sex and how it has become a block and holding people back. I was continuing to learn about my inner self and I learned about the crystal diamond circuitry that is embedded within the human body and how it's being stopped, diverted, blocked thru what we consider "normal" sex. So I've been writing about it as love ever since. Now it is 2023 and I have been reading astounding new material that other people are learning about too.
There is far more light coming into Mother Earth today through our Father Sun, and it is raising the consciousness levels of the mass population. All of us are helping to distribute this new information that we are getting. We can see it everywhere, it is bleeding through. It is called evolution. We just saw the new sequel to Avatar last night, a wonderful beautiful idealistic version of what life should be like on Earth. Everyone is helping because we are all wishing for a heaven on earth, and we each have a piece of the puzzle locked into us as embedded circuitry. We have information that we are holding back. Each person has information they are holding back that is vital to the whole picture. Each one of us is going through our own process of understanding the mystery and piecing it together. The puzzle is almost done as more and more Light continues to pour into the Mother Earth from Father Sun, distributor of cosmic light/information. The sun is not a cold lifeless entity. It is a high intelligence. It is warm and inviting. I go into the sun often to rest in my mind. It is a welcoming sanctuary for the soul.
This light that is coming into us for processing and understanding is buoying up the planet, lifting it to higher levels of intelligence. We are learning. The crystal diamond circuitry in each human body is activating at different levels and times. If you are feeling dizzy, faint, disoriented and just plain queer, it's because your DNA is being altered to fit. The organs in your bodies need to adjust. Give it time. Don't give up. Rest. A lot! Do some dreamtime. Let go of the focus on the outer world. It is in chaos right now as people are letting go. Go outdoors barefoot and join with the life force from Mother Earth. Connect with her. Harmonize with friends and nature. There is a crystal diamond life force in the animals and plants too. It is activating in the human body system. Fear, shame, guilt and trauma have been programmed into us through the centuries of dark (or ignorant) manipulative teachings. It is time to let those old ways go. The same life force is embedded in the rocks and trees and water and animals, and humans are at the top of the pyramid. We have the larger brain to handle the information, to organize it, to channel it and put it to good use. But we humans need to channel this life force up the spine to the brain and not stop it down there low at the genitals, by forcing ourselves to have sex. That's where the blocks are. We need to use it with tender, sensitive, higher consciousness love.
Check out the online book by Master Djwahl Khul HERE. He is a master Tantric teacher of love and sex. I have been continuing to add more chapters to it as I find them in my many years of channeling.
The life force called kundalini or the holy spirit has been held down by massive focusing on the genitals. The genitals have been magnified out of proportion. It's time to expand the focus to include the WHOLE body and the flowing of love that will upgrade it. You can still use the genitals when you want to use them, when it is appropriate to do so. In the same way you use your fingers and thumb and voice when they're needed. But the new teaching is to stop this excessive focus on the genitals, and the "thou shalt not" teachings. Instead, we must learn to start sharing and teaching, showing and demonstrating cosmic love. It is done through feeling, through sensitivity, through harmony in thought, intention, voice and action.
Light is abstract intelligence. Love is doing something with abstract intelligence so it can be moved and felt and shared. In other words, love is making it real so other people can feel it too. Abstract intelligence cannot be felt. There is no emotion to abstract intelligence.
Whenever a young person hits puberty, the love force known as kundalini activates. It is an emotion. It is a movement in the muscles, nerves and organs. It is felt as loving, warm and tender. It wants to touch the same feeling in another perseon. It reaches out for goodness in someone else. But then the young person runs into parental or societal authority that makes them feel it's wrong. Such tender, beautiful, warm feelings are wrong? Instead of teaching young people what's wrong about it, the need of the new age is to teach young people how to respect love in higher more refined ways. How should we go about doing that? Is it not worth soundboarding about?
It has been called "sex" for so long that everyone considers it normal. And yet everyone knows you're not supposed to go there so you keep it secret. You might go out behind the barn or into the back seat of a car or a dark ally or rape someone. But if you treat it as a no-no, you treat it as a sin. You block it. You repress it. You don't let it come through you the way it is supposed to come thru. You choose the dark side. You stop love from flowing. The life force is the love force, blocked. It has been designed by great creator beings to flow openly through the human being with a cosmic love so vast it is impossible to imagine, but it has been manipulated by evil intelligences to block it.
Ancient teachings tell about it but they've been banned. They tell us that the life force is the cosmic love force, and how it has been stopped and plugged up. It is killing the human race because the loving tenderizing nurturing love force is not flowing. How is it supposed to flow? What is the proper track? It is to go up the spine to the top of the head, awakening all chakras inbetween, and out the top of the head like a fountain of water, then outward and down around the body back into the earth, gathering more earth power and back up through the feet, legs, tail bone, up the spine to the head and out the top of the head in a continual river of life and love for the Earthly life in the pattern of the Torus. (See the Torus diagram pictured above.)
The kundalini awakens at puberty when the young person is sufficiently ready to handle it and it is felt as a love so warm and good that it cannot be resisted. It would open the next level of consciousness - how to use it with caring and refinement - but it is blocked. It does not open the second and third chakra. The kundalini is full of magical abilities to know love and raise to the highest all possibilities, to enlightened the whole body, not just relieve frustration at the genitals. It's created to flow quietly like a gentle calm river of love, not a frustrating bull needing to relieve itself of pent-up frustration.
5/27/23 - The turn-around has begun
Greetings to all! There is a vast turn-around happening, planet-wise, for the human race. It has caught everyone by surprise. At least it caught ME by surprise. Apparently others, as well, for I am reading all sorts of articles, each different. We all thought ascension was a move UP to a higher dimension but it's the opposite!! It is a DOWNWARD move! Ascension is a DESCENSION. We are from higher planes already. We are spirit, God, eternal, everlasting, evolving souls, and we are here to bring the light of our knowledge DOWN into the solid ground and manifest it here. Build it here. We are each different and so there are no two alike. We each have a different perspective, but we're all part of the giant jigsaw puzzle. We're all part of the big Plan. We all have knowledge that contributes to the ultimate manifesting of the Garden of Eden. We are here to build it, or re-create it, in physical concrete form.
It has taken me a long time to understand this. And I've had the benefit of an ascended master guide for the last 47 years. How could this have escaped me? Why has it taken me so long to "get it"? The answer is simple: we've been caught in the old dark matrix. We've been fooled and manipulated into believing the opposite, that we are poor sinners and we don't know anything so we have to go UP for answers. Wrong. We've been caught in the old system of reaching UP that the religious systems taught us. But in our efforts of reaching up we've been pushing the light away from us. The way to go is down into the roots of our beingness, and the roots of our beingness are INSIDE our bodies. There is more here to uncover and make known. The way to go is not just INSIDE ourselves, but to communicate what we know to others and work ideas together in order to manifest the illusive dream into a concrete reality. To express ourselves is to express our true nature, our true feelings, our truth on all levels, and to become who we are within, outward for all to see and know and appreciate and respect. The goal is to manifest our reality in the outer world of form. The gurus and masters have done their part. They have taught us how to seek within for it. Now it is up to us to take charge of becoming that which we know.
Now it is the time, the time is ripe, the turn-around is happening. We are ready to put our roots down, plant them solidly into the dirt of the earth, but this time with harmony, love, caring, kindness, wisdom and respect for others around us and the earth itself. We must do this with feeling, with knowing, with confidence and grace. With the knowledge of who we are and knowing that we are right. There is no doubt left in us. We came here to do this - to plant our Self, our higher, principled self - down into the earth. There are many ways of doing this. Each one must decide how it will be done. We come to work together and to express ourselves in solid matter, in form, on earth with others building with us. We are here to stop seeking and start using the skills we have worked so hard to accumulate. The intuitive wisdom, confidence and faith in ourselves that we've accumulated are instinct and inner knowledge. It is who we are. It is our nature. We are here to prove ourselves.
Our basic knowledge is heart-felt, strong and we are skilled. We are balanced, or soon will be when we begin using and moving the energies that have been backing up and stagnating inside us, causing frustration and depression. We've been manipulated to think we are poor sinners and lack judgment, when all along we have been building understanding and clear thinking. We do not doubt ourselves, we are just holding it back and keeping it a big secret. We are actually an amazing people, we humans of earth. And we are here to prove it to ourselves. That we can do this. We are here to build a Garden of Eden in physical concrete form, where everyone is happy and no one lacking. We've been wishing for it and dreaming about it. This is what we're heading to - the building of a world of harmony, beauty, peace and balance and we'll do it with love and wisdom. The frustration is being held back. By whom? There is no one to blame but ourselves. When I am ready, I will move into action and so will you. When it is time we will turn around and move forward.
Forces that are not of the light have done this. Evil is that which is born without love, without a sense of unity and caring or connection to the one supreme creator. There are such things, you know. It is called artificial intelligence. People with souls, with heart and the ability to love who also enjoy technology and enjoy fiddling around with it, must beware. Artificial intelligence has been around a long time, and has taken away our connection to the heart, to soul, to our sense of unity and the divine within. That is why we must return to the feelings that flow within us, and begin expressing them. Expressing outwardly is the key to the turn-around. If we continue to keep our feelings secret and locked away, we are becoming artificial intelligences ourselves
Artificial intelligence has no connection to the sea of life and love from which we have descended. We have the seven bodies to prove it. Seven bodies wrap around us in an aura of livingness that we are mostly unaware of. We descend down from a world of perfection and purity to build in form. It is a descension of light that we are. We have descended to experiment building with purity, light and love in concrete form. We have had many lifetimes in form, learning now to build in form, and we have learned a lot. We have learned the feeling of right and the feeling of wrong. We know the difference. We have the experiential knowledge and the intuitive skills to prove it. All we have now to do is turn around and begin expressing them outwardly to each other. That means focusing on building on earth based on faith in yourself. You already have the accumulated wisdom within you. It flows in your blood stream and nerves. We are here to use the knowledge accumulated, and the FEELINGS and emotions we have accumulated. They belong to us, we must express them. Go inward and start using inner strength, inner feelings of right and wrong, inner faith, inner confidence and inner intuitive skills. Then we will be going in the right direction. Stop seeking someone else to do it for us.
We were taught to reach UP to find God or something resembling God but we have actually been gods in training. It has been said over and over by the Master guides. We are gods in training. And the time has come to start acting like the god authority that we are. Everything we were taught has brought us to this turn-around point. A god is one who lives with love and wisdom. Instead of looking for love and wisdom from someone else, we must start using love and wisdom for ourselves. I am the one that I've been looking for all these years. All the tools are mine now, here within me. We have the inbuilt intuitiveness, built-in feelings, build-in sense of truth, fairness, justice and rightness. We are here to LIVE this sense of rightness in our every day. It is a comfortable feeling. It is a good feeling. We will change our lives around. Healings will take place on subtle levels. They are not miraculous. They are nature falling into place and harmony. It is an inner work. An innocence that the religious systems have taken away from us. On purpose, I suspect, to lead us to more lessons - until we have had enough. Until the instinct kicks in and the dream to build a community of fairness and love starts to take form. A community of fairness, a village of freedom, a city of harmony and togetherness. A community of supporters and unifiers, where no one lacks. A land of vitality and excitement, of creative impulses and ideas continually flowing. It is ours to build.
There is a fire burning in me today. We have the faith. We have the love. We have the urge to support and contribute to the upliftment, not to enable weakness but to teach self-empowerment. Why has it taken so long? Because there are still too many people seeking for help outside of themselves. They have not been self-empowered. Education is needed. Turning around is not easy. Habits are in place. To look within - what does that even mean? This is the beginning of the U-turn. The willingness to change and to wonder HOW to change. To think about it and learn self-help techniques. We've been looking to saviors for answers, when the savior is our Self. There are techniques. They require effort and time out to work them. It will take time to learn a new technique and practice it, try a different approach. Communicate and soundboard. No more secrets. Tell all.
Instead of me wishing someone else would come and give me money, or give me love, or give me a better home, a better life, a better career, or to heal my broken body and so on -- in other words, being a dependent on others for something I can't do myself - instead of me yearning for help I do something totally different. Something so against my nature it would never occur to me. It takes effort and imagination to change course, but merging opposites is the secret tool of Tantra. Tantra is not about sex, it's about gaining respect for what you consider abhorrent or so against your nature you would never. So it's a turn-around and joining with, instead of being against it. This brings a fresh load of new vitality and energy. It wakes you up. It's a universal prinicple. It's a very advanced principle. The universe operates on it. It is a harmonizing force. A cosmic law. And we humans can use it if we know about it. This is one of those occult secrets hidden away in archives of master teachers. But it works for humans too. It's the law of respect - love for all beings no matter who they are or what they believe in.
5/18/23 - The Body is a Machine - Train it
Hi everyone! It has been almost two months since my last newsletter. All is well out here in the pasturelands of Naples, Florida. Doug and I continue to age well and comfortably. We are both thinking in terms of writing books to summarize our time here on Earth. I have been researching old journals and the internet, and corroborating, redefining, old channeled messages as real. They've been stuck away in notebooks and places which I've forgotten about. Little pointers keep popping up to look here, or look there. Gathering my past together has been insightful. The invisible guide, the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul shown above, has been a prolific writer through me in the past and continues to talk to me. Back in the day when I was less aware, some of his dictations got filed and misplaced. There are so many.
I'm sharing a portion of a message today that he gave me about WILL POWER. I have issues with authorities who don't agree with my instincts, preferring to rely on my own spontaneity. But here he is addressing something which shocked me. Apparently there is more for me to learn. Duh! I have always relied on my sense of inner comfort and peace as knowing better what I should do than any outside authority. It never occured to me - well, read for yourself. My question was whether I should follow a pre-determined list for an exercise routine or be spontaneous, and I received more than I bargained for. As they say, Ask the right question and you open doors you didn't know were closed.
The body is a Machine, by Master Djwahl Khul
(DK talking) Will power is cultivated by sticking to a regular routine on a daily basis. Do some practices every day. Build a routine and follow it every day without fail. This is what you have been doing. You are starting to succeed so that your body starts to remember and want to do it every day. Without a regular routine your body stays lazy and thinks it is doing the right thing for itself. The body operates on habit. It is sluggish, its cells are from the earth. It is not a high consciousness machine. It likes routine. It likes to know what is expected of it. If you change your habits and follow it every day, your body will remember and will change over a short period of time. You must use will power on yourself. If you feel lazy, it is your body that feels lazy, not you, but you let your mind follow suit. You interpret wrongly. You think it is you but it is your body. You are not your body. You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like it today, I will go to the computer instead. I am excited and want to write this down.”
But that means you have let your body take control over your commitment. You must force your body to do what you have decided to do, and not succumb to your body’s wants. This takes will power. It is a struggle at first. The body operates on habit, which is a feeling. But you are the consciousness of the body. You built the body, your higher self did. If you have decided to change yourself then you must use discipline and will power. Take your power back from your body. Know the difference between your body wanting to feel good, and your commitment to make a change. This does not mean you won’t enjoy the "feel good” feelings at times, but you will not let your body tell you what IT wants. You will teach it better manners. You will teach it what it feels like to be refined and more sensitive. It is the body who has the “feelings”. You are the abstract intelligence that uses the body as a vehicle, as an avatar. This is the reason for a daily routine – to work with your body and raise its consciousness level to better express your higher intelligence. Build new habits into your body and it will become more refined, stronger, healthier and feel better with itself. It will thank you by responding with a sense of freedom and lightness.
The body is a mechanism. I is a machine. Even though it is organic and a breathing, living machine and it has a consciousness, yet it is still exquisitely designed to function under the orders and control of a higher mind. That higher mind is you. We learn to use it from the outside in. The hands, feet, legs, mouth, eating, brushing teeth, putting it to sleep at night and washing it so it feels clean. This is what we learn as a child, how to take care of the body and use it properly. In past ages we did not learn how to care for the inner parts of the body, but that time is now changing. We are going through an evolutionary shift to higher consciousness. How the inner parts of the body work is done through yoga. Learning how they function is a three-part education. We study the machine to see how it functions, and we practice it through yoga postures, and we read scholarly reports and experiences of other people.
Up to now it has been left to the professionals and experts to know how your body works, how to maintain it, what to do when it goes wrong. But you have given them the power over your body. They do not know what you are feeling and aligning with, or misaligning with. This only you can tell from being inside the body. When something goes wrong with your heart or lungs or stomach, most people go to the doctor or another expert. But those who have chosen the inner path of their choice, which is natural and organic, have discovered better health and are more intuitively well, happy and at peace. Yoga is an ancient science and covers many facets. It is an inner path that is starting to spread across the planet and bring changes to those who practice it. It is how people are taking their power back from outside authorities. There is untold wisdom contained in the human intellect, will and love.
Gopi Krishna advises a path of (1) healthy diet & journal/document (2) yoga postures & journal/document (3) meditate & journal/document. In other words make yourself an experimental subject and keep documenting. Consider it research. He advises a research institute but I’m saying, make yourself the research. Routine, regular discipline, apply control, conscious control, the evolutionary force for the future of mankind. This prevents psychopathy and psychosis. The evolutionary mechanism goes wrong when the body is not clean and not maintained in a healthy manner. It must be kept up on a regular basis with conscious application of certain habits. In the case of the wayward man who is ignorant, it means to become more disciplined.
I've already started a new routine and following it. Am amazed that it's working so well - more energy, more limber, fewer aches. Sending encouragements and positive wishes to you for the same. May God bless you in every aspect of your life, and that new doors open for you to bring you more joy, happiness, vitality and quality of life. Continued blessings, love and light from the Masters and the ONE supreme infinite Creator working through them - and from me!
3/31/23 - Cultivating Spontaneity & Freedom
Over the years I have learned many things from the Ascended Masters, especially from my guide Master Djwahl Khul. DK has guided me in opening more and more to my inner freedom, or sense of self. I connected first with the Masters at age 15 reading a book by Baird Spauling. Today I would like to share a message DK gave me back in 1981 in Costa Rica where Bob and I lived at the time. It was several years after I had the unexpected kundalini awakening which took me out of my body into the Light and I had begun the transformation which I had no clue about. It was an unknown solitary process, nobody to guide me. I would be periodically pulled into a day-dream state into an altered state of awareness, and I would feel a subtle inner wind move in me to which I learned to surrender. It was blissful. Surrendering to this inner wind was incredible. The above photo was taken in 1988. There are no words. The process is a transformation of consciousness and the process is still going on. I have kept it to myself mostly, but I want to share. Surrendering to this transcendent inner wind is a whole-body emersion, not a mental head-trip. The brain is not involved. The brain is an observer only. It just doesn't know what's happening. Only the body can feel it and visions come. Since we are a mental race, primarily accustomed to controlling everything with our mind, it takes practice surrendering to the body's inner wind. It is possible and I believe it can be learned, but it involves LISTENING to the body and shutting down the ego mind.
I ran across this old article yesterday by DK. He has expressed it very well and I want to share it openly with the world. This newsletter is going out to everyone, men included. It comes on the heels of an announcement a week ago about a women's gathering at my home next Monday, April 3, for women only. It is a precursor of a new era for Anakosha. Women are the predecessors of what is to come. Women have access to the divine feminine within. They are naturally designed for cosmic consciousness. I realize that many people will not know what I'm talking about, but some will. That's why the new age is upon us. Women are gathering to share new insights with each other. Men have had a different role to play all along. They will lag behind and continue to be the protectors and providers they have been all along, and I thank them for their persistence. They have had to deal with heavy stuff, the practicalities of making money and providing structure and support for the family. But they are feeling the changes too. The lightening of the way is taking place. There is a sense of stepping down from being constantly in control. New, easier ways are forming. We need to prepare ourselves mentally to be receptive.
Women have been trying to fit into the male fixed control system for eons, but today there is a changing of the structure. It is like when a caterpillar is ready to break its cocoon and become a butterfly, or when the chick is ready to break out of its egg, or a snake shed its skin, or a baby ready to slide down the birth canal. There is someone new in the world today. It is the divine feminine. The harsh feminine is stepping down and yielding to her inner nature. This is a new time for the planet. Spontaneity is something we must contend with and learn about. It is spirit on the move, coming from somewhere deep, but not the brain.
What does it feel like to be in touch with the divine inner wind? It is a wholesome feel. It feels innocent, transcendent, sweet, comfortable, pure. Yes, men can feel it too, though it's rare. It's not sexy and hot, it's not physical. The divine feminine is a transcendent spontaneous quality. It precedes the physical. It's an essence. Women are in touch with it naturally. Masculine, generally speaking, refuses it so women have had to fit themselves like a round peg into a square hole. Men too have had to fit into a square hole but they are better prepared it. They are masculine. Yet, at the same time, deep down at the core of their being, men have the same divine freedom-loving nature, pure, sweet and spontaneous that women have. So I am going to share this beautiful message DK gave me back in 1981. It was channeled through my very open mind and my fingers automatically flowed the words out onto paper. Pay special attention to the last paragraph, where he reveals WHERE in the body the inner wind is located.
Ascended Master Djwahl Khul Speaking on Spontaneity
(9/21/81 - In a private communication to me alone.)
Now, I am going to speak to you of spontaneity for the spirit of man is endowed with attributes that are unrecognizable today. These attributes are light, force, power, virtue, knowing, and they are combined chemically into one thing, into oneness. Only in spontaneity can you know these attributes as oneness, which is more true to the spirit of man. Only in spontaneity can you experience them. Only in flowing with the movement of the spirit can you truly become that which you are from the beginning of time.
You think spontaneity is disorder, but you are wrong. Within the action of spontaneity is a very great order, a discipline that you cannot begin to know or see. Nor will you know if you reject spontaneity from your life, if you keep yourself shut up in your little cave of artificial order, with your back to the light trying to comprehend what is in the darkness.
I am here to tell you about spontaneity, and I am here to tell you that what you think you see in your visions while in meditation is only a glimpse of the truth. It is like taking a book from the shelf and sitting down comfortably in the chair to read. And from the book you learn what it is all about. In meditation you learn what the spirit that sparkles within you is all about. You learn about it in a classroom so to speak, in the protection and safety of your meditation parlor, in the security of safe vibrations. You depend on these safe vibrations, do you not? To allow the visions to come?
Well, then, this is a theoretical learning about the spirit. All meditation techniques are like kindergarten to the twelfth grade in your school system. It is book learning. I am not putting this down, for it is important to prepare you for what is to come. But understand that you are not experts in the spirit because you have seen vision or known bliss. Now, you, as men of God, must go out into the world that he has created for himself to enjoy, and allow him to enjoy it! For he breathes and lusts with passion in your breasts. He wants to live! He wants to speak! He wants to move among his people, to pat the animals, to speak to the plants! He is full of power and passion to love his creation - his very own creation - and you are He.
His spirit is spontaneity. His spirit lives and breathes with your moods of up and down. His spirit sinks sometimes into hell because that, too, is part of his creation. His spirit soars into the heavens because that, too, is his creation. His spirit laughs, sings, loves, plays, thinks, absorbs, and gives never ceasing. Never stopping. He never sleeps. As you sleep he is still awake enjoying the wonders of his creation. The cells in his body must sleep for the flesh gets tired, but he has created other realms to play in while his body sleeps.
How does spontaneity affect you? Let us discuss you, for you are the body of this wondrous spirit that breathes and wants and desires. Let us slow down for a moment and see where you are. You have become falsely indoctrinated in the ways of a false world. You have been told to act this way or that way, so that you may be accepted. You have been taught at home that only certain actions are proper and that other actions are sin. You have been taught in school that only certain actions are acceptable in school and that other actions are not. And so you have been trained just like you train a pet to obey his master's commands. You live in a very shallow world.
Where is there room for spontaneity? Where is the breathing space for the spirit? You must make the room for it, within your tight and narrow world. You must learn to make room for spontaneity. This I cannot tell you how, but I tell you that you must make room for the breathing of the spirit.
Perhaps you may take an hour off from your busy schedules in your tight world. Then go and move where your spirit takes you. Do not substitute an hour of tightly scheduled meditation, for a tightly scheduled life. This will not open your center but rather keep it still closed. Your heart is at the root of your being. Your heart is what you call "gut feeling". Your heart is primitive, instinctive, passionate for life, sensitive for spirit and life. Go back to your heart and move with its breath. Enter your heart - your gut feeling - and move with its ebb and flow. Step over the threshold for an hour, if that is how long you have allowed yourself, and soar with the ancient throb of infinity - the One that lives within you - waiting, waiting, for you to turn around and join him.
No man alive can tell you what to do. No man alive or dead for you are spirit. You are the eternal One that burns with desire and wants for a better world. You are the one who aches to feel, to speak His noble thoughts, His ancient dreams, His exploding visions. Your highest meditation is when you are moving on your feet, though not of your own power. When spontaneity has lifted you into its powerful thrust and you have willed to go, when you flow with spontaneity you enter the heart of order. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the timeless Now. When you flow with spontaneity you will yourself to a greater intelligence than your own and one who knows better than you. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the passion of God.
You have been taught differently, I know, so you may doubt my word. Do not take my word blindly. Never take anyone's word blindly but test it. Try it. Feel it out. Is it so? How can you know without trying it? Without daring to prove me false?
In all that I say in the coming weeks, it will revolve around spontaneity like little planets and little satellites revolve around the sun, magnetically attracted to that ball of life unable to separate and go alone, so I will keep coming back to spontaneity for I have seen its power. I have tasted of its goodness and I have smelled of its presence, and I have seen its wonder in the light. I have known its beauty, its loveliness and its virtue. There is no evil that can persist in the heat of spontaneity. There is no wrong doing that can live in the light of spontaneous action for a wrong act is a separate act, not big enough to stand alone. You may trust spontaneity with your consciousness, but do not trust it blindly.
Wake up from your long sleep and see the beauty of this larger order that beats to a rhythm not your own. Watch it for a while and try to get in step. It belongs to no man, no woman, no authority, no monopoly, it belongs to no nation, no world, no galaxy, but it is the heart throb of infinity itself. And it beats in the pulse of gut feelings, beyond the sight of your neighbor and your family, but not beyond the sight of you! You know, perhaps not fully, but you sense it from time to time. Watch for these moods when the spirit speaks to you, beckoning you to follow it for a short span of time. It does not want to disrupt your life for it has created your life up to now. It does not want to disturb your little order, it wants you to expand your orderliness. Become conscious of your gut feelings, become conscious of your breathing, become conscious of your loves and hates, become conscious of how you live. Thus you will wake up. Thus will you learn about the power that burns in your heart within your primal roots - that of the ancient One.
You think you must meditate? Go and meditate but do it consciously. You think you must do your housework? Go and do your housework, but know what you are doing. You think you must have a party? Then go and have a party, but watch your actions. You think you must change something on your job? Then, go and change what you feel you must. But do it consciously. Wake up to your life. You need not change, you need wake up. Become conscious of your actions, know what you do and why. Know your Self.
And where do you pray? Do you pray to someplace in the top of your head? Or to somewhere within your breast? Or someplace inside your brain? Or someplace in the sky? Where? Where do you focus your attention when you pray to this infinite One? Do you know where he is, this ancient fire of life? He burns brightly within the one place you have never thought to look. He burns with passion and warmth, with love and tenderness, with clarity and vision, with knowledge and lust, with heart-breaking desire for goodness for all mankind, with compassion, with empathy, with contentment, and with unshakeable peace, with untouchable serenity, with unmoving masterful control at the very core. Do you know where such flame burns?
It burns in the bowels where gut feeling throbs. It burns in the center of being. How could it be in any other place but in the center, the heart of form? You have not dared to look. You have succumbed to the concept of sin and not dared to look. Yet, here it is, and here it shall always be, protected by the veil of illusion of sin. The pelvic bowl is the bowl of life, the chalice in which burns the flame. The pelvic bone is the holy place where the passion for life burns on. When you succumb to the greater spontaneity in your breast, you will see. (End)
In closing I want also to share a new video HERE, a LIVE interview with Ascended Master Saint Germain, as he speaks through the body and mind of a delightful trance channel, Tara Arnold. I had not heard of her before yesterday. She comes in and out of trance, so we see her being herself, as she is being interviewed. This was posted 3 months ago and there are more on her youtube channel. Listening to Saint Germain speaking in real time is amazing. The Ascended Masters have so much to offer because they know what we're going through. They walked the same path. They are our elders and guides.
3/21/23 - Cultivating Sacred Space - Breaking the spell of body shame
I ran across this old article yesterday by DK. He has expressed it very well and I want to share it openly with the world. This newsletter is going out to everyone, men included. It comes on the heels of an announcement a week ago about a women's gathering at my home next Monday, April 3, for women only. It is a precursor of a new era for Anakosha. Women are the predecessors of what is to come. Women have access to the divine feminine within. They are naturally designed for cosmic consciousness. I realize that many people will not know what I'm talking about, but some will. That's why the new age is upon us. Women are gathering to share new insights with each other. Men have had a different role to play all along. They will lag behind and continue to be the protectors and providers they have been all along, and I thank them for their persistence. They have had to deal with heavy stuff, the practicalities of making money and providing structure and support for the family. But they are feeling the changes too. The lightening of the way is taking place. There is a sense of stepping down from being constantly in control. New, easier ways are forming. We need to prepare ourselves mentally to be receptive.
Women have been trying to fit into the male fixed control system for eons, but today there is a changing of the structure. It is like when a caterpillar is ready to break its cocoon and become a butterfly, or when the chick is ready to break out of its egg, or a snake shed its skin, or a baby ready to slide down the birth canal. There is someone new in the world today. It is the divine feminine. The harsh feminine is stepping down and yielding to her inner nature. This is a new time for the planet. Spontaneity is something we must contend with and learn about. It is spirit on the move, coming from somewhere deep, but not the brain.
What does it feel like to be in touch with the divine inner wind? It is a wholesome feel. It feels innocent, transcendent, sweet, comfortable, pure. Yes, men can feel it too, though it's rare. It's not sexy and hot, it's not physical. The divine feminine is a transcendent spontaneous quality. It precedes the physical. It's an essence. Women are in touch with it naturally. Masculine, generally speaking, refuses it so women have had to fit themselves like a round peg into a square hole. Men too have had to fit into a square hole but they are better prepared it. They are masculine. Yet, at the same time, deep down at the core of their being, men have the same divine freedom-loving nature, pure, sweet and spontaneous that women have. So I am going to share this beautiful message DK gave me back in 1981. It was channeled through my very open mind and my fingers automatically flowed the words out onto paper. Pay special attention to the last paragraph, where he reveals WHERE in the body the inner wind is located.
Ascended Master Djwahl Khul Speaking on Spontaneity
(9/21/81 - In a private communication to me alone.)
Now, I am going to speak to you of spontaneity for the spirit of man is endowed with attributes that are unrecognizable today. These attributes are light, force, power, virtue, knowing, and they are combined chemically into one thing, into oneness. Only in spontaneity can you know these attributes as oneness, which is more true to the spirit of man. Only in spontaneity can you experience them. Only in flowing with the movement of the spirit can you truly become that which you are from the beginning of time.
You think spontaneity is disorder, but you are wrong. Within the action of spontaneity is a very great order, a discipline that you cannot begin to know or see. Nor will you know if you reject spontaneity from your life, if you keep yourself shut up in your little cave of artificial order, with your back to the light trying to comprehend what is in the darkness.
I am here to tell you about spontaneity, and I am here to tell you that what you think you see in your visions while in meditation is only a glimpse of the truth. It is like taking a book from the shelf and sitting down comfortably in the chair to read. And from the book you learn what it is all about. In meditation you learn what the spirit that sparkles within you is all about. You learn about it in a classroom so to speak, in the protection and safety of your meditation parlor, in the security of safe vibrations. You depend on these safe vibrations, do you not? To allow the visions to come?
Well, then, this is a theoretical learning about the spirit. All meditation techniques are like kindergarten to the twelfth grade in your school system. It is book learning. I am not putting this down, for it is important to prepare you for what is to come. But understand that you are not experts in the spirit because you have seen vision or known bliss. Now, you, as men of God, must go out into the world that he has created for himself to enjoy, and allow him to enjoy it! For he breathes and lusts with passion in your breasts. He wants to live! He wants to speak! He wants to move among his people, to pat the animals, to speak to the plants! He is full of power and passion to love his creation - his very own creation - and you are He.
His spirit is spontaneity. His spirit lives and breathes with your moods of up and down. His spirit sinks sometimes into hell because that, too, is part of his creation. His spirit soars into the heavens because that, too, is his creation. His spirit laughs, sings, loves, plays, thinks, absorbs, and gives never ceasing. Never stopping. He never sleeps. As you sleep he is still awake enjoying the wonders of his creation. The cells in his body must sleep for the flesh gets tired, but he has created other realms to play in while his body sleeps.
How does spontaneity affect you? Let us discuss you, for you are the body of this wondrous spirit that breathes and wants and desires. Let us slow down for a moment and see where you are. You have become falsely indoctrinated in the ways of a false world. You have been told to act this way or that way, so that you may be accepted. You have been taught at home that only certain actions are proper and that other actions are sin. You have been taught in school that only certain actions are acceptable in school and that other actions are not. And so you have been trained just like you train a pet to obey his master's commands. You live in a very shallow world.
Where is there room for spontaneity? Where is the breathing space for the spirit? You must make the room for it, within your tight and narrow world. You must learn to make room for spontaneity. This I cannot tell you how, but I tell you that you must make room for the breathing of the spirit.
Perhaps you may take an hour off from your busy schedules in your tight world. Then go and move where your spirit takes you. Do not substitute an hour of tightly scheduled meditation, for a tightly scheduled life. This will not open your center but rather keep it still closed. Your heart is at the root of your being. Your heart is what you call "gut feeling". Your heart is primitive, instinctive, passionate for life, sensitive for spirit and life. Go back to your heart and move with its breath. Enter your heart - your gut feeling - and move with its ebb and flow. Step over the threshold for an hour, if that is how long you have allowed yourself, and soar with the ancient throb of infinity - the One that lives within you - waiting, waiting, for you to turn around and join him.
No man alive can tell you what to do. No man alive or dead for you are spirit. You are the eternal One that burns with desire and wants for a better world. You are the one who aches to feel, to speak His noble thoughts, His ancient dreams, His exploding visions. Your highest meditation is when you are moving on your feet, though not of your own power. When spontaneity has lifted you into its powerful thrust and you have willed to go, when you flow with spontaneity you enter the heart of order. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the timeless Now. When you flow with spontaneity you will yourself to a greater intelligence than your own and one who knows better than you. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the passion of God.
You have been taught differently, I know, so you may doubt my word. Do not take my word blindly. Never take anyone's word blindly but test it. Try it. Feel it out. Is it so? How can you know without trying it? Without daring to prove me false?
In all that I say in the coming weeks, it will revolve around spontaneity like little planets and little satellites revolve around the sun, magnetically attracted to that ball of life unable to separate and go alone, so I will keep coming back to spontaneity for I have seen its power. I have tasted of its goodness and I have smelled of its presence, and I have seen its wonder in the light. I have known its beauty, its loveliness and its virtue. There is no evil that can persist in the heat of spontaneity. There is no wrong doing that can live in the light of spontaneous action for a wrong act is a separate act, not big enough to stand alone. You may trust spontaneity with your consciousness, but do not trust it blindly.
Wake up from your long sleep and see the beauty of this larger order that beats to a rhythm not your own. Watch it for a while and try to get in step. It belongs to no man, no woman, no authority, no monopoly, it belongs to no nation, no world, no galaxy, but it is the heart throb of infinity itself. And it beats in the pulse of gut feelings, beyond the sight of your neighbor and your family, but not beyond the sight of you! You know, perhaps not fully, but you sense it from time to time. Watch for these moods when the spirit speaks to you, beckoning you to follow it for a short span of time. It does not want to disrupt your life for it has created your life up to now. It does not want to disturb your little order, it wants you to expand your orderliness. Become conscious of your gut feelings, become conscious of your breathing, become conscious of your loves and hates, become conscious of how you live. Thus you will wake up. Thus will you learn about the power that burns in your heart within your primal roots - that of the ancient One.
You think you must meditate? Go and meditate but do it consciously. You think you must do your housework? Go and do your housework, but know what you are doing. You think you must have a party? Then go and have a party, but watch your actions. You think you must change something on your job? Then, go and change what you feel you must. But do it consciously. Wake up to your life. You need not change, you need wake up. Become conscious of your actions, know what you do and why. Know your Self.
And where do you pray? Do you pray to someplace in the top of your head? Or to somewhere within your breast? Or someplace inside your brain? Or someplace in the sky? Where? Where do you focus your attention when you pray to this infinite One? Do you know where he is, this ancient fire of life? He burns brightly within the one place you have never thought to look. He burns with passion and warmth, with love and tenderness, with clarity and vision, with knowledge and lust, with heart-breaking desire for goodness for all mankind, with compassion, with empathy, with contentment, and with unshakeable peace, with untouchable serenity, with unmoving masterful control at the very core. Do you know where such flame burns?
It burns in the bowels where gut feeling throbs. It burns in the center of being. How could it be in any other place but in the center, the heart of form? You have not dared to look. You have succumbed to the concept of sin and not dared to look. Yet, here it is, and here it shall always be, protected by the veil of illusion of sin. The pelvic bowl is the bowl of life, the chalice in which burns the flame. The pelvic bone is the holy place where the passion for life burns on. When you succumb to the greater spontaneity in your breast, you will see. (End)
In closing I want also to share a new video HERE, a LIVE interview with Ascended Master Saint Germain, as he speaks through the body and mind of a delightful trance channel, Tara Arnold. I had not heard of her before yesterday. She comes in and out of trance, so we see her being herself, as she is being interviewed. This was posted 3 months ago and there are more on her youtube channel. Listening to Saint Germain speaking in real time is amazing. The Ascended Masters have so much to offer because they know what we're going through. They walked the same path. They are our elders and guides.
3/21/23 - Cultivating Sacred Space - Breaking the spell of body shame

One morning not long ago I woke from a dream about women emerging out of the patriarchal cycle into a new liberation. It was about validating the feminine gender, the body feminine, so different from the male gender. Two or three times I woke up in the night to write down another phrase to remember and then went back to sleep. It was 5:55 when I decided to get up. The inspiration was coming too fast. I went across the hall to the meditation room to continue writing with the light on. The following message is from the Master Djwahl Khul. It is yet another push, another wake-up call to get the feminine gatherings started. It has been long in coming. I have holding back. Now I feel the crunch, the nudge, the push. And at the same time I feel the warm visceral feelings of pure divine feminine, softness, purity, excellence. I have felt it before. This newsletter is going to men too today, since there are feminine souls living in male bodies, just as there are male souls lliving in female bodies. But attendance is restricted for women only. At first. As you read DK's message you will understand why.
It has been almost two months since the last Anakosha newsletter. The first gathering will be Monday, April 3, 2023, from 1 pm to 5 pm, no cost at my house in North Naples, but I will send more announcements to keep the information flowing. If you are a woman and would like to attend, register with me HERE so I can keep track of attendance. Be sure to make a note on your calendar. This has been a long-time desire and dream which has been patiently hovering, watching and waiting for its time to come forward and manifest. The time is NOW!
A lecture to women by the Master Djwahl Khul (2019)
Do not try to change the men but present the feminine, empower the woman, change yourself. Empowerment is found by changing focus to your higher better self. Instead of thinking of the man, men, children, others, change your focus to your higher self. Not your lower but your goddess self. What is it in you that is lacking? Wanting? Desiring? What will fulfill you on a soul level? Don’t say “a new car” or “another husband” or a “new home”, for that is physical. That is a male need. What is your feminine need? What would you like to have happen to feel fully feminine? Empowerment is found by loving yourself, not by fighting against other people. Fighting other people’s suggestions, words, actions and ways, shows that you are focusing on THEM, outward on them, outside of yourself. When you focus on someone else, you are not aware of what’s happening with you. You are wasting your power, the energy that was given to you, allotted to you to live your life in the best way possible. When you serve others from a weakened, powerless home base, you remain weak. You continue to drain away the life that is being given to you through breath and heart beat.
Stop! Stop draining your energy away, your power away, your life away. Change your ways. Change yourself. Stop thinking of how you resent others, hate others, wish others would change. Stop! Start changing your Self! Start validating yourself with positive loving thoughts, intentions, actions, words. Love your SELF. Meditation is absolutely essential to make this change. If you don’t know how, join a class. Nancy will lead a class in meditation to teach you. Through regular meditation time every day - it does not have to be long - just 15 minutes a day will be a good start. In meditation you learn how to close off focus on the outside world and other people. You close your leaks and re-focus and re-calibrate. There is a science to meditation. Empowerment is found by tuning into the source of the power which is flowing through YOU for YOU, not to give away to others. You can change yourself immediately by taking 15 minutes right now and meditate on your own breath and heartbeat. This is how you love your Self, you love the life that is in you, flowing through you. You are acknowledging it. You are paying attention to it. You are focusing on it and not allowing it to leak away through text messages or reading or watching TV or listening to someone speak to you or engage you in projects.
Stop. Listen. Focus inside. This is how you begin loving yourself and taking your power back. The power of love is inside your body, inside your cells, inside the atomic structure of your tissues, glands, bones and blood. The power of that love that is in you, in your body - your BODY, NOT YOUR MIND! - has been usurped. Stolen. And you allowed yourself to be distracted, re-directing the flow of life away from you onto the problems and situations of others instead of managing the outward expression of your own desired and perfect life. It is like when a neighbor steals electricity from your powerline going into your house without your knowledge. You are allowing this theft to occur and to continue to occur by defaulting on yourself. You droop as a flower droops without water and sun. You allow this theft to continue day and night every day that you do not re-focus your attention singularly back into yourself. You are like a pipeline carrying mighty power from the sun but where are you directing it? Loving yourself is not done only with your mind. Intention is good as a first step, but change has to be made in actions. Support yourself through words spoken out loud so that your body and ears can hear and your bones and tissues can vibrate with the resonance of your words. It is important that your body hear you. It is critical that your body receive the instructions and the sound of your voice.
You as a woman were taught to be subservient to men from an early age. This was done in subtle ways. In psychologically damaging ways, not only through pain but through patronizing ways where your body became accustomed to the pleasure bestowed upon it, thus turning your body into dependents on others to serve your needs. This is just as damaging as the infliction of pain, which hardens you. Do not worry about becoming selfish. When you refocus on your own higher good and best interests and give yourself what you need to be whole in body, mind and feeling, you become empowered with love. When you unify the fractured separated parts which hurt due to separation and lack of wholeness, love fills you up. You are filled with inner power, inner strength, inner acknowledgement that you are supported from within, you are connecting with your higher self. This IS your higher self reconnecting through your determination to care for yourself. Do you understand what I’m saying? Then you will be a blessing to your family, friends and the world around you. You will know where you can help in authentic ways, not artificial ways. You will not be capable of self-serving as in greediness. You will know you have been wasting your energy, your life force, giving in ways that build up others but take away from you. Find ways to fulfill your own needs.
Start rebuilding your self-esteem. Start telling yourself you are valuable. Raise your body consciousness out of the gutter by your own voice and determined efforts to stop wasting your life force. Give yourself time alone with your higher self. Listen to your higher self. Give yourself a massage. Nancy will show you how. Hug yourself. Be with other women who are also striving for better self-esteem. Have a puja circle for the women. Honor the body of the other women. Be honored in return. Receive honor. Learn to receive love. Many women do not receive respect and honor because they do not feel worthy. All women need to begin by learning how to receive respect and honor. Open your ears and your mind to receive goodness as it is bestowed on you. I see women refusing accolades. They push it away. Deny it. Reject it by their words and actions. They think they are being humble but they are being unwise and thwarting their own empowerment. Have a women’s circle that opens with a puja and honor the holy spirit within each. Show reverence and respect first through non-touch, the puja. Then through touch. Women only, touching with reverence the bodies of other women. Fully dressed in flowing, loose garments. No skin touching. Lifting upward with thoughts, worshipping the holy spirit within the body, resurrect the holiness of this body. The body flows with the power of God creator within. The body IS therefore holy.
Coax out the holy light that is stuck within, the love is stuck and stagnant within the tissues, locked inside. Move it by loving it, giving loving words, bring it out, move it through reverential thought and intention. This woman you are touching flows with the Goddess Isis, Mother Mary and the celestial goddesses of heaven. Nancy has tried to do this with men, giving holy reverence to men, but her body was usurped and de-railed over time, by the prevailing sexual scene she was playing and learning in.
(Me: What shall I call this gathering?)
“Breaking the spell of body shame.” Women have been under the spell of shame and cursed. Free the goddess that wants to flow within. Liberate the God/Goddess locked in the cells. Do this through holding high and holy thoughts while touching the bodies of each other as in a healing session. It is the goddess within you that yearns. You think it is the little you that hurts and yearns and feels alone. No! It is the God Self that hurts and is yearning, wanting to come out and walk on the ground freely, and be loved and to love and touch and be touched in beautiful, kind, adoring ways. You have wanted the men to do this for you, but they do not know how. So let us shift focus from men to women. Practice with women. Become empowered with your sisters, by learning how to elevate yourselves together, to high esteem, to the higher self, the holy self, so the higher energy is flowing within you, through you and out into the world freely, liberated, loving to breathe the fresh air spontaneously as a radiation. And then you can give it to the men without being taken down or reduced to their level, for men have been damaged more than you. They do not understand.
Women, gather in circles and acknowledge each other’s refinement, the exquisite beauty in each other, the divine feminine. Validate this high estate, resurrect the holy within, raise it in esteem. In the body. IN THE BODY! It is the body that needs the light touches, the soothing words of comfort, the hugs, the caring, the respect in authentic and real ways. The spirit already knows itself. It is your body that does not know love. It has never been given unconditional love. Give the body splendor, not sexual thoughts but glorious thoughts. Practice touching with glorious, splendorous thoughts in your mind.
The agenda is: (1) Puja, (2) Meditation, (3) healing hands stroking. It will inspire you, not drain you. The one being loved and adored will return the love in a figure 8, infinite giving and receiving cycle, growing and enlarging the resonance between you, the whole group. You can do this with men after you have learned how to maintain your high estate, your center and not be pulled down to lower greedy, needy, selfish base wants. When you begin healing the men, you will need to create a time when you build, and a time to let them go and have fun after. Free the body first. It’s all about loving the body free. The body needs restructuring and resurrecting. Raise it up with your intentions, thoughts and words, up, up, up. Open the tomb and lift it, lift it, lift it. Love the body upward, upward, upward. Overcome the down side thoughts. Master your thoughts by lifting them higher and higher. YOU are the master of your thoughts, emotions and actions.
(After writing this, a peculiar thing happened, I felt myself losing consciousness. Recognizing the feeling I lay down on the massage table and went slowly away. As I drifted away I saw waves of light spiraling down and through me. This was unusual but very peaceful. When I finally came back to consciousness 45 min later my whole body was shaking. Not physically, it was an internal shaking. Something was trembling all through me, a different vibration from usual as if I was adapting to a new frequency. It lasted a little while longer and slowly dwindled. I never felt such a response during or after a channeling.)
Women Cultivating Sacred Space
Monday, April 3, 2023, from 1 to 5 pm
My home in North Naples, FL
No cost
Sign up HERE
Peace, love and light, from the Spiritual Brotherhood & Sisterhood, the Galactic Federation of Light, and me!
1/21/23 - Happy New Year! Our World in the Midst of Change
It has been almost two months since the last Anakosha newsletter. The first gathering will be Monday, April 3, 2023, from 1 pm to 5 pm, no cost at my house in North Naples, but I will send more announcements to keep the information flowing. If you are a woman and would like to attend, register with me HERE so I can keep track of attendance. Be sure to make a note on your calendar. This has been a long-time desire and dream which has been patiently hovering, watching and waiting for its time to come forward and manifest. The time is NOW!
A lecture to women by the Master Djwahl Khul (2019)
Do not try to change the men but present the feminine, empower the woman, change yourself. Empowerment is found by changing focus to your higher better self. Instead of thinking of the man, men, children, others, change your focus to your higher self. Not your lower but your goddess self. What is it in you that is lacking? Wanting? Desiring? What will fulfill you on a soul level? Don’t say “a new car” or “another husband” or a “new home”, for that is physical. That is a male need. What is your feminine need? What would you like to have happen to feel fully feminine? Empowerment is found by loving yourself, not by fighting against other people. Fighting other people’s suggestions, words, actions and ways, shows that you are focusing on THEM, outward on them, outside of yourself. When you focus on someone else, you are not aware of what’s happening with you. You are wasting your power, the energy that was given to you, allotted to you to live your life in the best way possible. When you serve others from a weakened, powerless home base, you remain weak. You continue to drain away the life that is being given to you through breath and heart beat.
Stop! Stop draining your energy away, your power away, your life away. Change your ways. Change yourself. Stop thinking of how you resent others, hate others, wish others would change. Stop! Start changing your Self! Start validating yourself with positive loving thoughts, intentions, actions, words. Love your SELF. Meditation is absolutely essential to make this change. If you don’t know how, join a class. Nancy will lead a class in meditation to teach you. Through regular meditation time every day - it does not have to be long - just 15 minutes a day will be a good start. In meditation you learn how to close off focus on the outside world and other people. You close your leaks and re-focus and re-calibrate. There is a science to meditation. Empowerment is found by tuning into the source of the power which is flowing through YOU for YOU, not to give away to others. You can change yourself immediately by taking 15 minutes right now and meditate on your own breath and heartbeat. This is how you love your Self, you love the life that is in you, flowing through you. You are acknowledging it. You are paying attention to it. You are focusing on it and not allowing it to leak away through text messages or reading or watching TV or listening to someone speak to you or engage you in projects.
Stop. Listen. Focus inside. This is how you begin loving yourself and taking your power back. The power of love is inside your body, inside your cells, inside the atomic structure of your tissues, glands, bones and blood. The power of that love that is in you, in your body - your BODY, NOT YOUR MIND! - has been usurped. Stolen. And you allowed yourself to be distracted, re-directing the flow of life away from you onto the problems and situations of others instead of managing the outward expression of your own desired and perfect life. It is like when a neighbor steals electricity from your powerline going into your house without your knowledge. You are allowing this theft to occur and to continue to occur by defaulting on yourself. You droop as a flower droops without water and sun. You allow this theft to continue day and night every day that you do not re-focus your attention singularly back into yourself. You are like a pipeline carrying mighty power from the sun but where are you directing it? Loving yourself is not done only with your mind. Intention is good as a first step, but change has to be made in actions. Support yourself through words spoken out loud so that your body and ears can hear and your bones and tissues can vibrate with the resonance of your words. It is important that your body hear you. It is critical that your body receive the instructions and the sound of your voice.
You as a woman were taught to be subservient to men from an early age. This was done in subtle ways. In psychologically damaging ways, not only through pain but through patronizing ways where your body became accustomed to the pleasure bestowed upon it, thus turning your body into dependents on others to serve your needs. This is just as damaging as the infliction of pain, which hardens you. Do not worry about becoming selfish. When you refocus on your own higher good and best interests and give yourself what you need to be whole in body, mind and feeling, you become empowered with love. When you unify the fractured separated parts which hurt due to separation and lack of wholeness, love fills you up. You are filled with inner power, inner strength, inner acknowledgement that you are supported from within, you are connecting with your higher self. This IS your higher self reconnecting through your determination to care for yourself. Do you understand what I’m saying? Then you will be a blessing to your family, friends and the world around you. You will know where you can help in authentic ways, not artificial ways. You will not be capable of self-serving as in greediness. You will know you have been wasting your energy, your life force, giving in ways that build up others but take away from you. Find ways to fulfill your own needs.
Start rebuilding your self-esteem. Start telling yourself you are valuable. Raise your body consciousness out of the gutter by your own voice and determined efforts to stop wasting your life force. Give yourself time alone with your higher self. Listen to your higher self. Give yourself a massage. Nancy will show you how. Hug yourself. Be with other women who are also striving for better self-esteem. Have a puja circle for the women. Honor the body of the other women. Be honored in return. Receive honor. Learn to receive love. Many women do not receive respect and honor because they do not feel worthy. All women need to begin by learning how to receive respect and honor. Open your ears and your mind to receive goodness as it is bestowed on you. I see women refusing accolades. They push it away. Deny it. Reject it by their words and actions. They think they are being humble but they are being unwise and thwarting their own empowerment. Have a women’s circle that opens with a puja and honor the holy spirit within each. Show reverence and respect first through non-touch, the puja. Then through touch. Women only, touching with reverence the bodies of other women. Fully dressed in flowing, loose garments. No skin touching. Lifting upward with thoughts, worshipping the holy spirit within the body, resurrect the holiness of this body. The body flows with the power of God creator within. The body IS therefore holy.
Coax out the holy light that is stuck within, the love is stuck and stagnant within the tissues, locked inside. Move it by loving it, giving loving words, bring it out, move it through reverential thought and intention. This woman you are touching flows with the Goddess Isis, Mother Mary and the celestial goddesses of heaven. Nancy has tried to do this with men, giving holy reverence to men, but her body was usurped and de-railed over time, by the prevailing sexual scene she was playing and learning in.
(Me: What shall I call this gathering?)
“Breaking the spell of body shame.” Women have been under the spell of shame and cursed. Free the goddess that wants to flow within. Liberate the God/Goddess locked in the cells. Do this through holding high and holy thoughts while touching the bodies of each other as in a healing session. It is the goddess within you that yearns. You think it is the little you that hurts and yearns and feels alone. No! It is the God Self that hurts and is yearning, wanting to come out and walk on the ground freely, and be loved and to love and touch and be touched in beautiful, kind, adoring ways. You have wanted the men to do this for you, but they do not know how. So let us shift focus from men to women. Practice with women. Become empowered with your sisters, by learning how to elevate yourselves together, to high esteem, to the higher self, the holy self, so the higher energy is flowing within you, through you and out into the world freely, liberated, loving to breathe the fresh air spontaneously as a radiation. And then you can give it to the men without being taken down or reduced to their level, for men have been damaged more than you. They do not understand.
Women, gather in circles and acknowledge each other’s refinement, the exquisite beauty in each other, the divine feminine. Validate this high estate, resurrect the holy within, raise it in esteem. In the body. IN THE BODY! It is the body that needs the light touches, the soothing words of comfort, the hugs, the caring, the respect in authentic and real ways. The spirit already knows itself. It is your body that does not know love. It has never been given unconditional love. Give the body splendor, not sexual thoughts but glorious thoughts. Practice touching with glorious, splendorous thoughts in your mind.
The agenda is: (1) Puja, (2) Meditation, (3) healing hands stroking. It will inspire you, not drain you. The one being loved and adored will return the love in a figure 8, infinite giving and receiving cycle, growing and enlarging the resonance between you, the whole group. You can do this with men after you have learned how to maintain your high estate, your center and not be pulled down to lower greedy, needy, selfish base wants. When you begin healing the men, you will need to create a time when you build, and a time to let them go and have fun after. Free the body first. It’s all about loving the body free. The body needs restructuring and resurrecting. Raise it up with your intentions, thoughts and words, up, up, up. Open the tomb and lift it, lift it, lift it. Love the body upward, upward, upward. Overcome the down side thoughts. Master your thoughts by lifting them higher and higher. YOU are the master of your thoughts, emotions and actions.
(After writing this, a peculiar thing happened, I felt myself losing consciousness. Recognizing the feeling I lay down on the massage table and went slowly away. As I drifted away I saw waves of light spiraling down and through me. This was unusual but very peaceful. When I finally came back to consciousness 45 min later my whole body was shaking. Not physically, it was an internal shaking. Something was trembling all through me, a different vibration from usual as if I was adapting to a new frequency. It lasted a little while longer and slowly dwindled. I never felt such a response during or after a channeling.)
Women Cultivating Sacred Space
Monday, April 3, 2023, from 1 to 5 pm
My home in North Naples, FL
No cost
Sign up HERE
Peace, love and light, from the Spiritual Brotherhood & Sisterhood, the Galactic Federation of Light, and me!
1/21/23 - Happy New Year! Our World in the Midst of Change

Cheers to everyone on this 20th day of January. We are now well into a world that is transitioning. How are you all doing? I am doing very well, thank you, I've learned some new wellness techniques to do at home. The two-tennis-balls in a sock has given me a new lease on life. You know the ligaments and cartilage that hold joints, bones and muscles in place? That rubbery material that gets damaged when you make a sudden move or repetitive movements the wrong way? In my case It was from 9 days of being on my knees using a hand rake to plant grass seeds. The rubbery cartilage stretched out of its normal range of motion for too long and finally said "Stop!" I couldn't do it any more. From that day on I was in pain. After several therapy sessions I discovered a DIY technique online - stuffing two tennis balls into a sock and tying the end. Laying on it and rolling as best I could on it, up and down, hurt. But surprisingly it began pressing out whatever was wrong. It opened me up in more than one way. I should have been more considerate of my body. The aging factor is part of it of course, years of habit doing something one way only and not balancing it with an opposite way, does take a toll on the body. The reason for sharing this is because I'm learning a lot. Am amazed at the simple two-tennis-ball-in-a-sock technique. It isn't just limbering me up, it's allowing my life force to flow again. I'm excited and enthusiastic as well as more limber. Not out of the woods yet but improvement. The joy is back. I have to hold myself back now and again from moving TOO fast. Our bodies are not meant to do repetitive work over and over, like a slave, ad nauseum. We are meant to be spontaneous, free and moving in a gentle harmonious flow to keep the inner body in a balance. How do we do that? See my closing line for a clue.
First, I want to share an article I read just this morning. It is a very good description of our world in the midst of change and transition.
Peggy Black channeling her Team of Advisors
Living in a soup of discordant energies
We are here wanting to join with your field of energy. Our focus of sharing at this time is to remind you that you are living in an energy soup including all the different aspects of energy, vibrations, frequencies, electronics and cosmic offerings. We are inviting you to be more aware of how you respond and interact with these different fields. Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused in and focused on this third dimension, it seems like that is all that is. It feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perception of the multi-dimensional aspects of whom and what a human actually is. Each dimension is available to you at all times. They are resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear. For example, the news of discovering new planets beyond your known solar system shows that humans have raised their vibration of consciousness enough to allow these new planets to be visible.
You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance. Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below. This is a statement by your Einstein.The nucleus of the atom spins within the cell; it is quantum physics in action. Your thoughts and emotions affect the spin. Just as the thoughts and emotions of mass consciousness affect the spin of your planet and even the stars, the spin of the planet and the stars affect the spin of the atoms within your cells. This is all one energetic vibrational field. Within this field of vibrations are uncountable variations and combinations. Hold this perspective; you are always operating at the multi-dimensional level, within your human form and outside your human form. Others are becoming aware of this. Consciousness is expanding and awakening. Allow yourself to become aware of these realities, these dimensions.
We will give you this example: earth is in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind has been skilled in creating and inventing many devices in which there is an energy frequency. There is a vibration. These waves of energy are at all times moving through you. Even as you sit at the computer there are frequencies that are interacting with your personal energy field. Imagine for a moment all the devices in just your home alone, every electrical device, every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Each device gives off a certain frequency. Most people are not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to just live with them. It is important for you to be aware of these discordant frequencies and the matrix that they create. It is important for you and others to stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field and matrix. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies. This planet is woven with electronic frequencies. If you had the vision to see the strands of energy connecting all the power lines, electrical devices, cell phones, televisions and microwaves you would be amazed at how tightly woven this energetic matrix truly is. It surrounds your planet in an energetic grid of frequencies, vibrations and energy.
Most of humanity does not consider any of this information. There is an attitude of “What you don’t see, what you don’t know, won’t affect you.” This is much like the ostrich bird, who buries its head in the sand, unaware of the storm blowing around. These matrixes of electronic frequencies are always affecting the physical body and the mental state of mind. They are a part of the hypnotizing that takes place in this hologame. These electronic frequencies are addicted to your personal energy field. These manmade electronic frequencies hold a certain mindset in place. There are major energy shifts happening to and on your planet. The solar flares, the galactic bursts of energy are surging through this shield of hypnotizing electronic frequencies. The cosmic energy thrusts are activating certain aspects of the DNA codes. Notice how this is taking place within your own body. State your intentions which will allow you to welcome these bursts of star energy with grace and ease.
These cosmic energy thrusts are offering a wakeup call to humanity. The earth’s magnetic field holds the higher integrity of the hologame in place. This is being over ridden by those who would control the electronic fields. This planet is receiving the highest support from the consciousness of the cosmos. There are celestial beings whose energy field is bathing your beloved planet at all times. Open to this awareness and allow yourself to feel and anchor these incoming gifts of conscious energy and the frequencies being offered.Humanity as a whole has been unaware of their divine star connection and their multidimensional aspects. They are hypnotized in the hologame at this time, held in the dysfunction and unaware of their power to create. This is shifting and part of the shift is manifesting as the wave of humanity waking up to their magnificence and the truth of who they truly are.We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field. Remember - all is well. Be in your joy, and swim, flow and stream with the energy from the stars. We are offering you our loving energy at all times. Be at peace,The 'team' (End of article)
In closing, I offer an invitation. I am yearning to interact with other bodies not just my own. I've been doing so much inner rehab and energy work on myself that I am literally bored to death. I'd love to see other people for a change, either for massage exchange or cuddling (not sexual please). It has been a long period of isolation and now that I'm feeling more limber and perky, I am back to offering massage exchanges - or cuddling - no cost. Cuddling has the same loosening-up effect for stuck energies as Reiki or massage. It is an exchange of LIGHT energy that most people need. It's all about moving LIGHT energy. That's fun energy. It's the body that grows old, not the mind. It grows old from doing the same repetitive things every day, over and over, out of habit. The way to create change is to move the body and mind in a different way, to ease the restrictions that dull the body, mind and spirit. Make life new again and exciting. To try something new we need to exert effort and force ourself to change. It's not always easy. As Peggy's Team says, "Stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies."
That's hard to do since we are creatures of comfort and relaxed habit. But I have noticed that it is indeed interaction with other people that creates change and excitement. It perks you up and gets you out of the mundane habit of routine because there's another person to be alert to. It takes effort to create change, but the reward is refreshing. Affirmations are another good way to create change too, at home, alone, with yourself. We need to have movement of the mind and feelings in an upward-focused way, so the subconscious infrastructure of our soul can also receive it. This is how we feed our soul. We so easily forget we have one. So we need to create changes in our lives that bring in positives, which is the hard part. To stay in an uplifting attitude which is excited and perky doesn't happen often because we're always in our old comfortable habits of routine to which we are accustomed. We fall backward into old habits and are artificially polite and superficial because it's easier. I speak for myself or course. I hope you are different! Meaningful exchanges in person will help in overcoming these discordant energy habits.
I have been studying this with the ascended masters for a long time. But one can work with oneself only for so long. It gets boring after awhile. There comes a time when one wants to physically, emotionally, excitingly interact with other human beings. We have multidimensional awareness which goes into the cosmic and spiritual zone, but we are stuck inside the four lower bodies. The masters talk about the four lower bodies a lot. They are referring to the four dense bodies of mental thoughts, emotional attitudes and the etheric body which is closest in vibration to the physical body. It collects the heaviest and densest of thoughts and feelings by sheer force of gravity, and channels it into the physical body. In order to rise above these heavy dense vibrations we need to find a way to bring in lighter, happier, more positive, more fun energies and share them with each other. There is a lot we can share with each other, not just skin to skin, but heart to heart, mind to mind, soul to soul, feeling to feeling, discovery to discovery, more to more. Sharing the positives requires having an open, willing mind.
Sharing positive stories is a breakthrough mission. All of this we can share by meeting together. I think of the term "The Love Club." That's what I want to call it. We will start a love club to break out of the four dense bodies of lower vibrations that keep us stuck and locked into the old place. The world is changing and people, you and I, are among the ones who are changing. Cuddling while sharing stories or massaging while exchanging light and love, will help us raise the frequencies of those four dense bodies. I've been enthralled with massage for a long time. Now I am reaching out to invite others to join me, either gender, man, woman, it doesn't matter, to contact me and make arrangements. Sharing, talking, dreaming, cuddling, massaging. There is no cost involved. It's a new community in the making. A love club. Not for sex please. Connect with me by return email.
Meanwhile, until the next time, stay safe, stay well, stay happy, relaxed, harmonious and in peace. Love from the ascendeds, galactics, angelics and me!
12/24/22 - Happy Holidays! Healing With Love-Light
First, I want to share an article I read just this morning. It is a very good description of our world in the midst of change and transition.
Peggy Black channeling her Team of Advisors
Living in a soup of discordant energies
We are here wanting to join with your field of energy. Our focus of sharing at this time is to remind you that you are living in an energy soup including all the different aspects of energy, vibrations, frequencies, electronics and cosmic offerings. We are inviting you to be more aware of how you respond and interact with these different fields. Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused in and focused on this third dimension, it seems like that is all that is. It feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perception of the multi-dimensional aspects of whom and what a human actually is. Each dimension is available to you at all times. They are resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear. For example, the news of discovering new planets beyond your known solar system shows that humans have raised their vibration of consciousness enough to allow these new planets to be visible.
You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance. Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below. This is a statement by your Einstein.The nucleus of the atom spins within the cell; it is quantum physics in action. Your thoughts and emotions affect the spin. Just as the thoughts and emotions of mass consciousness affect the spin of your planet and even the stars, the spin of the planet and the stars affect the spin of the atoms within your cells. This is all one energetic vibrational field. Within this field of vibrations are uncountable variations and combinations. Hold this perspective; you are always operating at the multi-dimensional level, within your human form and outside your human form. Others are becoming aware of this. Consciousness is expanding and awakening. Allow yourself to become aware of these realities, these dimensions.
We will give you this example: earth is in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind has been skilled in creating and inventing many devices in which there is an energy frequency. There is a vibration. These waves of energy are at all times moving through you. Even as you sit at the computer there are frequencies that are interacting with your personal energy field. Imagine for a moment all the devices in just your home alone, every electrical device, every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Each device gives off a certain frequency. Most people are not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to just live with them. It is important for you to be aware of these discordant frequencies and the matrix that they create. It is important for you and others to stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field and matrix. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies. This planet is woven with electronic frequencies. If you had the vision to see the strands of energy connecting all the power lines, electrical devices, cell phones, televisions and microwaves you would be amazed at how tightly woven this energetic matrix truly is. It surrounds your planet in an energetic grid of frequencies, vibrations and energy.
Most of humanity does not consider any of this information. There is an attitude of “What you don’t see, what you don’t know, won’t affect you.” This is much like the ostrich bird, who buries its head in the sand, unaware of the storm blowing around. These matrixes of electronic frequencies are always affecting the physical body and the mental state of mind. They are a part of the hypnotizing that takes place in this hologame. These electronic frequencies are addicted to your personal energy field. These manmade electronic frequencies hold a certain mindset in place. There are major energy shifts happening to and on your planet. The solar flares, the galactic bursts of energy are surging through this shield of hypnotizing electronic frequencies. The cosmic energy thrusts are activating certain aspects of the DNA codes. Notice how this is taking place within your own body. State your intentions which will allow you to welcome these bursts of star energy with grace and ease.
These cosmic energy thrusts are offering a wakeup call to humanity. The earth’s magnetic field holds the higher integrity of the hologame in place. This is being over ridden by those who would control the electronic fields. This planet is receiving the highest support from the consciousness of the cosmos. There are celestial beings whose energy field is bathing your beloved planet at all times. Open to this awareness and allow yourself to feel and anchor these incoming gifts of conscious energy and the frequencies being offered.Humanity as a whole has been unaware of their divine star connection and their multidimensional aspects. They are hypnotized in the hologame at this time, held in the dysfunction and unaware of their power to create. This is shifting and part of the shift is manifesting as the wave of humanity waking up to their magnificence and the truth of who they truly are.We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field. Remember - all is well. Be in your joy, and swim, flow and stream with the energy from the stars. We are offering you our loving energy at all times. Be at peace,The 'team' (End of article)
In closing, I offer an invitation. I am yearning to interact with other bodies not just my own. I've been doing so much inner rehab and energy work on myself that I am literally bored to death. I'd love to see other people for a change, either for massage exchange or cuddling (not sexual please). It has been a long period of isolation and now that I'm feeling more limber and perky, I am back to offering massage exchanges - or cuddling - no cost. Cuddling has the same loosening-up effect for stuck energies as Reiki or massage. It is an exchange of LIGHT energy that most people need. It's all about moving LIGHT energy. That's fun energy. It's the body that grows old, not the mind. It grows old from doing the same repetitive things every day, over and over, out of habit. The way to create change is to move the body and mind in a different way, to ease the restrictions that dull the body, mind and spirit. Make life new again and exciting. To try something new we need to exert effort and force ourself to change. It's not always easy. As Peggy's Team says, "Stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies."
That's hard to do since we are creatures of comfort and relaxed habit. But I have noticed that it is indeed interaction with other people that creates change and excitement. It perks you up and gets you out of the mundane habit of routine because there's another person to be alert to. It takes effort to create change, but the reward is refreshing. Affirmations are another good way to create change too, at home, alone, with yourself. We need to have movement of the mind and feelings in an upward-focused way, so the subconscious infrastructure of our soul can also receive it. This is how we feed our soul. We so easily forget we have one. So we need to create changes in our lives that bring in positives, which is the hard part. To stay in an uplifting attitude which is excited and perky doesn't happen often because we're always in our old comfortable habits of routine to which we are accustomed. We fall backward into old habits and are artificially polite and superficial because it's easier. I speak for myself or course. I hope you are different! Meaningful exchanges in person will help in overcoming these discordant energy habits.
I have been studying this with the ascended masters for a long time. But one can work with oneself only for so long. It gets boring after awhile. There comes a time when one wants to physically, emotionally, excitingly interact with other human beings. We have multidimensional awareness which goes into the cosmic and spiritual zone, but we are stuck inside the four lower bodies. The masters talk about the four lower bodies a lot. They are referring to the four dense bodies of mental thoughts, emotional attitudes and the etheric body which is closest in vibration to the physical body. It collects the heaviest and densest of thoughts and feelings by sheer force of gravity, and channels it into the physical body. In order to rise above these heavy dense vibrations we need to find a way to bring in lighter, happier, more positive, more fun energies and share them with each other. There is a lot we can share with each other, not just skin to skin, but heart to heart, mind to mind, soul to soul, feeling to feeling, discovery to discovery, more to more. Sharing the positives requires having an open, willing mind.
Sharing positive stories is a breakthrough mission. All of this we can share by meeting together. I think of the term "The Love Club." That's what I want to call it. We will start a love club to break out of the four dense bodies of lower vibrations that keep us stuck and locked into the old place. The world is changing and people, you and I, are among the ones who are changing. Cuddling while sharing stories or massaging while exchanging light and love, will help us raise the frequencies of those four dense bodies. I've been enthralled with massage for a long time. Now I am reaching out to invite others to join me, either gender, man, woman, it doesn't matter, to contact me and make arrangements. Sharing, talking, dreaming, cuddling, massaging. There is no cost involved. It's a new community in the making. A love club. Not for sex please. Connect with me by return email.
Meanwhile, until the next time, stay safe, stay well, stay happy, relaxed, harmonious and in peace. Love from the ascendeds, galactics, angelics and me!
12/24/22 - Happy Holidays! Healing With Love-Light

It is a delight to be back in touch with everyone after a month-long sabbatical. I've been out with a painful bad back. Too much yard work and I lost interest in most everything, in favor of focusing on my pain. However, there was an back-handed lesson behind it all - the lesson was to stop feeling sorry for myself and go BIGGER. Focusing on your own problem day in and day out takes you downhill faster than anything. The Masters' teachings say to go up to higher MENTAL realms with the focus of your mind. The mental realm is a more refined realm, and there to take control over your thoughts. By taking control over your thoughts you become productive. You can actually create a new life for yourself in this way. While it may sound contrary to normal logic to try to move beyond pain, it is something like "mind over matter". It's an occult teaching that I've known about but haven't done very well with up to now. Pain has definitely turned the page for me. It has become a motivating agent. It has clicked in.
I like to share positive information, so I decided to focus on this as a subject for today because I am finding improvement. I've also been to the chiropractor (once), and to Marcus five times. It is to Marcus that I give the most credit for my improvement. I will tell why in a moment, but I am also doing certain lower back exercises and affirmations and spirit-guide channeling. Affirmations are important to change one's energy field and bump up positive energy. I am using many techniques. I notice the decline right away when I fall down or slow down using them. Positive action is needed. But, you see, I'm at heart a lazy person who loves comfort, and I focus on body comfort, so it takes a lot of willpower for me to put that aside and become pro-active. It's a lesson for me to develop mental will power and develop a pro-active game plan to force myself to do this.
That being said, I want to focus on some important information about Marcus' technique as a licensed massage therapist. I've written about him already on my website, but there is more to explain. Very few people know how talented he is and I myself have taken him for granted. He is a direct channel to the divine. The first time I went to him with this back pain, I couldn't stand lying in one position for long so I aborted the session. Later upon arriving home, though, I was surprised to feel the soothing bliss coming up as a distinctly second layer coming up through the pain and ache. That night in a dream vision I saw his heart open like petals of a flower unfolding and radiating colored light in waves. I often get dream visions in the night so it's not unusual.
But the pain and ache continued and I made another appointment four days later. Again it was painful to lie in one position but I forced my self to do it. My inner voices said, "Discipline, control it." After that session energies began churning and my insides started moving like an earthquake. I went home and dealt with it. Old energies thrust up and new energies came behind them. The third session was a month later. His hands were steady and stabilizing on me, even thru the aching, and afterward lots of dizziness, changes in energies, but still the sense of bliss and strength coming in behind it. A strange combination of knowing there was healing happening but pain was still there. Bliss and pain walking hand in hand. I knew, because I had a deeply moving personal experience about the ancient light. It was moving closer and closer to the surface so I could connect with it and recognize it. This old body had been walking around in the same manner for many years and it was now changing. My fourth session was 22 days later, and the fifth 13 days later, and I'm amazed at all that is surfacing and coming forward for me to experience. Needless to say, this is not a simple matter of a torn muscle!
Today I ran across something that the Master Djwal Khul said to me back in 2017. At that time Marcus and I were meeting weekly and discussing these things. I was confused over his approach to Tantric massage and so I asked DK. This is what he said. It is a direct quote and it explains what is happening to me now, after five sessions with Marcus:
"Tantric massage is not what he (Marcus) does to you, it is what the light-love energy does in you that he will follow. He is the responder to the light-love in you. The light-love in you seeks to come out of hiding, out of the locked in crevices within you, where it has been buried for virtually eons. He has the light-love flowing through him and he (the LL in him) is longing to awaken the light-love in you. He is here to awaken the light-love in as many people as he can find who are willing to receive the light-love that is coming through him. He is a conscious giver of LL. He knows what he is doing. He has the awakened gift. Most people are unsure of what tantric massage is all about and so they fantasize. They do not know what is inside of them, so they expect someone to DO something to them to wake them up, make them feel good. To change them. To give them an experience. But most people associate this with sex, sensual, erotic, or romantic. The world has re-directed you to look to others for fulfillment, but each of these terms are too narrow for the love-light that is in you. People are seeking a personal experience when it is far, far more than that.
"It's about consciousness. The connection is done consciously. It is not about what is done to your body, to your physical. That would be backward. The physical is a dense shell substance covering the consciousness that you are. Your body is a vehicle. It gives you the ability to walk around and experience, consciously, the physical world. It is what you are conscious of that gives you the thrill and the, what you call orgasmic sensations, the excitement that ripples through your body. If someone rubs you and your light body is not participating - if you are not aware that you are consciousness acting in a dense body - you think it is your body that is giving you these sensations but it is not. Remove the consciousness from the body and the body is dead. Lifeless. It is the consciousness that activates the body. It is the consciousness that needs awakening in the dense body. It is Marcus' consciousness of light-love that is seeking the consciousness of light-love in you.
The sessions he gives you through massage, with his hands and his consciousness, is to awaken YOUR consciousness within you. He is already awake. You can have a jump-start by having a session with Marcus. Like your car battery sometimes needs a jump-start to get going. You experience it in your body, just as the car experiences it in its body of metal and roars to life. You should become as neutral as you can before coming to see him. Lie on the table without expectation. Still your mind. Go into a self-induced meditation and allow him to give you a massage. Relax and simply enjoy it. This is what it is all about. Tantra is connecting conscious light with conscious light. Let him find the conscious light-love in you. Do you understand? You don't have to DO anything!"
I had forgotten what DK had said in 2017. There is a churning and yet there is something more powerful that I can't explain in words coming up behind it. A higher level of consciousness that does indeed surpass the pain if I let it. It's taking time but a new light is coming in. You can see Marcus' contact info on the "Massage" page of Anakosha.
Now, Christmas is coming very shortly, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I remind everyone to keep your mental level up HIGH. Find something greater than you to focus on, and you WILL expand your consciousness to higher levels. It doesn't come naturally if you aren't that type of person. But it is definitely worth working at. Find something more important that means something to you, and do something with it. Focus on it. We are here to contribute and to put effort in to being positive. The first person to benefit from the effort is you, yourself and your own life. It is how we change our up close vibrations and our life.
Stay safe, stay well, stay happy. Blessings and continual love and light from the Ascended Masters, the angelics, the celestials, the star beings - the galactics who are here in the skies overhead. I see them over our house moving, sending signals. Love to you and yours. Have a great Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
11/15/22 - Catching up after Hurricane Ian - plus a message from the Pleiadians
I like to share positive information, so I decided to focus on this as a subject for today because I am finding improvement. I've also been to the chiropractor (once), and to Marcus five times. It is to Marcus that I give the most credit for my improvement. I will tell why in a moment, but I am also doing certain lower back exercises and affirmations and spirit-guide channeling. Affirmations are important to change one's energy field and bump up positive energy. I am using many techniques. I notice the decline right away when I fall down or slow down using them. Positive action is needed. But, you see, I'm at heart a lazy person who loves comfort, and I focus on body comfort, so it takes a lot of willpower for me to put that aside and become pro-active. It's a lesson for me to develop mental will power and develop a pro-active game plan to force myself to do this.
That being said, I want to focus on some important information about Marcus' technique as a licensed massage therapist. I've written about him already on my website, but there is more to explain. Very few people know how talented he is and I myself have taken him for granted. He is a direct channel to the divine. The first time I went to him with this back pain, I couldn't stand lying in one position for long so I aborted the session. Later upon arriving home, though, I was surprised to feel the soothing bliss coming up as a distinctly second layer coming up through the pain and ache. That night in a dream vision I saw his heart open like petals of a flower unfolding and radiating colored light in waves. I often get dream visions in the night so it's not unusual.
But the pain and ache continued and I made another appointment four days later. Again it was painful to lie in one position but I forced my self to do it. My inner voices said, "Discipline, control it." After that session energies began churning and my insides started moving like an earthquake. I went home and dealt with it. Old energies thrust up and new energies came behind them. The third session was a month later. His hands were steady and stabilizing on me, even thru the aching, and afterward lots of dizziness, changes in energies, but still the sense of bliss and strength coming in behind it. A strange combination of knowing there was healing happening but pain was still there. Bliss and pain walking hand in hand. I knew, because I had a deeply moving personal experience about the ancient light. It was moving closer and closer to the surface so I could connect with it and recognize it. This old body had been walking around in the same manner for many years and it was now changing. My fourth session was 22 days later, and the fifth 13 days later, and I'm amazed at all that is surfacing and coming forward for me to experience. Needless to say, this is not a simple matter of a torn muscle!
Today I ran across something that the Master Djwal Khul said to me back in 2017. At that time Marcus and I were meeting weekly and discussing these things. I was confused over his approach to Tantric massage and so I asked DK. This is what he said. It is a direct quote and it explains what is happening to me now, after five sessions with Marcus:
"Tantric massage is not what he (Marcus) does to you, it is what the light-love energy does in you that he will follow. He is the responder to the light-love in you. The light-love in you seeks to come out of hiding, out of the locked in crevices within you, where it has been buried for virtually eons. He has the light-love flowing through him and he (the LL in him) is longing to awaken the light-love in you. He is here to awaken the light-love in as many people as he can find who are willing to receive the light-love that is coming through him. He is a conscious giver of LL. He knows what he is doing. He has the awakened gift. Most people are unsure of what tantric massage is all about and so they fantasize. They do not know what is inside of them, so they expect someone to DO something to them to wake them up, make them feel good. To change them. To give them an experience. But most people associate this with sex, sensual, erotic, or romantic. The world has re-directed you to look to others for fulfillment, but each of these terms are too narrow for the love-light that is in you. People are seeking a personal experience when it is far, far more than that.
"It's about consciousness. The connection is done consciously. It is not about what is done to your body, to your physical. That would be backward. The physical is a dense shell substance covering the consciousness that you are. Your body is a vehicle. It gives you the ability to walk around and experience, consciously, the physical world. It is what you are conscious of that gives you the thrill and the, what you call orgasmic sensations, the excitement that ripples through your body. If someone rubs you and your light body is not participating - if you are not aware that you are consciousness acting in a dense body - you think it is your body that is giving you these sensations but it is not. Remove the consciousness from the body and the body is dead. Lifeless. It is the consciousness that activates the body. It is the consciousness that needs awakening in the dense body. It is Marcus' consciousness of light-love that is seeking the consciousness of light-love in you.
The sessions he gives you through massage, with his hands and his consciousness, is to awaken YOUR consciousness within you. He is already awake. You can have a jump-start by having a session with Marcus. Like your car battery sometimes needs a jump-start to get going. You experience it in your body, just as the car experiences it in its body of metal and roars to life. You should become as neutral as you can before coming to see him. Lie on the table without expectation. Still your mind. Go into a self-induced meditation and allow him to give you a massage. Relax and simply enjoy it. This is what it is all about. Tantra is connecting conscious light with conscious light. Let him find the conscious light-love in you. Do you understand? You don't have to DO anything!"
I had forgotten what DK had said in 2017. There is a churning and yet there is something more powerful that I can't explain in words coming up behind it. A higher level of consciousness that does indeed surpass the pain if I let it. It's taking time but a new light is coming in. You can see Marcus' contact info on the "Massage" page of Anakosha.
Now, Christmas is coming very shortly, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I remind everyone to keep your mental level up HIGH. Find something greater than you to focus on, and you WILL expand your consciousness to higher levels. It doesn't come naturally if you aren't that type of person. But it is definitely worth working at. Find something more important that means something to you, and do something with it. Focus on it. We are here to contribute and to put effort in to being positive. The first person to benefit from the effort is you, yourself and your own life. It is how we change our up close vibrations and our life.
Stay safe, stay well, stay happy. Blessings and continual love and light from the Ascended Masters, the angelics, the celestials, the star beings - the galactics who are here in the skies overhead. I see them over our house moving, sending signals. Love to you and yours. Have a great Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
11/15/22 - Catching up after Hurricane Ian - plus a message from the Pleiadians

Hi everyone! This is a test to see if my new address system works. Since September 28 when Ian struck SW Florida, I haven't been able to send newsletters. Power shut off and technology changed so I couldn't use my system to send emails. I've been slowly resurrecting it - and our household - ever since. I've finally reached a stable point where I can attempt to send a newsletter again. Let's see if it works and reaches people. Let me know if you get this. I hope you and your family are well and staying positive - above the neutral dividing line. Below I'm including a message from Tunia of the Pleiades which I just read this morning. It's a timely message and I agree with everything she says. If you do not, then let it pass on through. Everyone is on their own path of self realization. Follow your own path and be kind to others. There is no need for disagreements. We all belong to the same family - the human family!
Tunia of the Pleiades: Let’s Free Earth
Channeled by A.S. (Youtube, Source)
My dearest brothers and sisters, This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much. Earthlings have been in my thoughts a lot lately. Steps are being made towards your liberation. However, a part of that is that hidden darkness comes to the light. This both leads to disturbing information being spread on your alternative media, as well as a general feeling of unease spreading among mankind. This process leads to healing, but it is challenging in the short term.
After all, if there was some old pain buried in your subconscious, then healing it often involves becoming aware of it and perceiving it. This is beneficial, but also tough in the short term. Plus the dark controllers on your world, those who still try to rule the world from behind the scenes, are playing their last cards. This, too, leads to scary news items and a feeling of unease. They will not be allowed to start world war three, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try, or that they won’t come close.
You can think of this period as a time of healing and processing of darkness. It is very scary and tough right now, but it is going to lead to a better future. Alternatively, you can think of this time as giving birth to a baby, which is a painful process on your world, but the beautiful baby – a better world – is coming. It will be worth it. That said, it is also absolutely true that people are dying, people are becoming depressed, people are turning to drugs and alcohol, people are losing loved ones and people are feeling very, very alone. I know that the current situation on your world is awful and I wish that it were better.
You are incredibly brave and strong. If you have the space to improve your life or help others, amazing. However, even if all you can do right now is just hang on and get through the day, that is enough for now from my perspective. Many beings would not even be able to do survive right now on Earth. Better times are coming. From the perspective of myself and many other Pleiadians, this period has dragged on for far too long already and has been far too painful and lonely. Furthermore, it is completely unfair that the more awake people on your world – such as the people tuning into these messages – are often considered to be insane and treated poorly. We think that it is our responsibility to do all the parts of Earth’s liberations that average Earthlings can’t reasonably do, such as addressing problems posed by hostile galactics and demons. However, we still think that it is the responsibility of Earthlings to address the problems that they reasonably can solve – such as arresting known Earthling criminals who seek to control humanity. There’s more than enough proof of their crimes.
I am calling on Earthling police, military and secret service people to step up the process of arresting known criminals, providing disclosure and paving the way for a free humanity. I know that you are already taking steps in this direction, but from the Pleiadian perspective, it is time to step up these efforts. Yes, I know that it is tough, but most of you have sworn an oath, and every day innocent children are suffering. You can put an end to the suffering of innocent children. The longer this current drawn-out limbo period goes on, the more that previously awakened and previously motivated people tap out, become disillusioned, give up or even die. Furthermore, the longer this process goes on, the less that the awake population will trust the white hats or counterforces. And when all is revealed, it will be tough for the white hats or counterforces to defend the slowness with which they acted if this process goes on for much longer.
At some point, we will have to stop treating Earthlings as children and actually start disclosing truth to Earthlings in a way that average Earthlings can’t look away from, such as via your mainstream media. Yes, maybe it is indeed smart to not literally dump every single piece of information out there all at once, but let’s at least start with disclosing things in a way that actually reaches average Earthlings. The longer you wait, the bigger the gap will be between the awake and the asleep, and the tougher this waking-up process is going to be. If we ever want Earthlings to be one people again, we will have to start disclosing things to the people who are currently sleeping.
Some people claim that the white hats or counterforces had no choice, and that the current path was the only one option. So basically the argument is: yes the people are suffering, but this was the only way. We Pleiadians disagree. For example, one alternative path would have been for the counterforces to take over the mainstream media in early 2020 and broadcasting the following message: “there are benevolent extraterrestrials who wish to gift us a covid cure, free energy, advanced healthcare and a machine that can just create anything you want, like replicators from Star Trek. Let us hold a national vote, country-by-country, on whether we allow these galactics to send us these blueprints, for free, to very many people so that the technology can’t be hidden away. Then once we verify that these technologies work, let us hold a second vote on whether we want to allow these galactics to actually land and meet us face-to-face.”
This is one alternative path that could have been taken. In fact, this idea can still be implemented right now. Without the consent of the population it is hard for us to justify landing. However if such a national vote is held, then we would be very happy to share our technology with any country in which a majority votes “yes.”
I am offering a formal invitation to Earth leaders to hold such a vote in your countries. We are willing to give you enough material and evidence and a video where we introduce ourselves, so that you can convince your citizens that we are indeed real and are indeed willing to share our technology with you. We are willing to work with you to address any concerns you may have.
You Earthlings are our brothers and sisters. Of course you deserve to live in material abundance and good health, just like us. Would you deny that to your brothers and sisters? Yes, Earthlings used to not yet be ready for these technologies, but now you finally are. Your consciousness has matured enough for them. So we disagree with the notion that the current path chosen by the counterforces was the only way. From our point of view, the Earthling counterforces are a bit too attached to maintaining current power structures and a bit too attached to maintaining systems as they currently are. To be blunt, many of these counterforces may not want Earthlings to be controlled by hostile galactics and demons, but they are rich or powerful and they would like to keep being richer or more powerful than average citizens. That said, it is also true that many people in the counterforces are nevertheless working very hard and sacrificing a lot, to help their brother and sister Earthlings. So we also do not wish to be too critical of them. They are helping to free Earthlings, just in a slower and more roundabout way than we would prefer.
Still, innocent children are suffering every single day. So: Earthling leaders, we would like to invite you to hold these national votes. To the police and military: we would like to remind you that many of you have sworn an oath to protect the people or the constitution. Both are being violated. So: remember your oath. To be clear, nothing can change the fact that your medium-term future is incredibly bright. The worst case scenario is that this current birth-giving period will take longer and be more painful than is necessary, and that the context of the birth will be less happy than it could be. But humanity will live in freedom and abundance and peace and love. Nothing can stop that.
I love you so very dearly. I am very much looking forward to the day when we will finally be able to physically meet Earthlings.
Be well, be safe, be yourself. Sending with much love from friends in higher places. The angelics, ascendeds, galactics and me, Nancy
9/8/22 - The Earth Journey - The Making of an Immortal
Tunia of the Pleiades: Let’s Free Earth
Channeled by A.S. (Youtube, Source)
My dearest brothers and sisters, This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much. Earthlings have been in my thoughts a lot lately. Steps are being made towards your liberation. However, a part of that is that hidden darkness comes to the light. This both leads to disturbing information being spread on your alternative media, as well as a general feeling of unease spreading among mankind. This process leads to healing, but it is challenging in the short term.
After all, if there was some old pain buried in your subconscious, then healing it often involves becoming aware of it and perceiving it. This is beneficial, but also tough in the short term. Plus the dark controllers on your world, those who still try to rule the world from behind the scenes, are playing their last cards. This, too, leads to scary news items and a feeling of unease. They will not be allowed to start world war three, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try, or that they won’t come close.
You can think of this period as a time of healing and processing of darkness. It is very scary and tough right now, but it is going to lead to a better future. Alternatively, you can think of this time as giving birth to a baby, which is a painful process on your world, but the beautiful baby – a better world – is coming. It will be worth it. That said, it is also absolutely true that people are dying, people are becoming depressed, people are turning to drugs and alcohol, people are losing loved ones and people are feeling very, very alone. I know that the current situation on your world is awful and I wish that it were better.
You are incredibly brave and strong. If you have the space to improve your life or help others, amazing. However, even if all you can do right now is just hang on and get through the day, that is enough for now from my perspective. Many beings would not even be able to do survive right now on Earth. Better times are coming. From the perspective of myself and many other Pleiadians, this period has dragged on for far too long already and has been far too painful and lonely. Furthermore, it is completely unfair that the more awake people on your world – such as the people tuning into these messages – are often considered to be insane and treated poorly. We think that it is our responsibility to do all the parts of Earth’s liberations that average Earthlings can’t reasonably do, such as addressing problems posed by hostile galactics and demons. However, we still think that it is the responsibility of Earthlings to address the problems that they reasonably can solve – such as arresting known Earthling criminals who seek to control humanity. There’s more than enough proof of their crimes.
I am calling on Earthling police, military and secret service people to step up the process of arresting known criminals, providing disclosure and paving the way for a free humanity. I know that you are already taking steps in this direction, but from the Pleiadian perspective, it is time to step up these efforts. Yes, I know that it is tough, but most of you have sworn an oath, and every day innocent children are suffering. You can put an end to the suffering of innocent children. The longer this current drawn-out limbo period goes on, the more that previously awakened and previously motivated people tap out, become disillusioned, give up or even die. Furthermore, the longer this process goes on, the less that the awake population will trust the white hats or counterforces. And when all is revealed, it will be tough for the white hats or counterforces to defend the slowness with which they acted if this process goes on for much longer.
At some point, we will have to stop treating Earthlings as children and actually start disclosing truth to Earthlings in a way that average Earthlings can’t look away from, such as via your mainstream media. Yes, maybe it is indeed smart to not literally dump every single piece of information out there all at once, but let’s at least start with disclosing things in a way that actually reaches average Earthlings. The longer you wait, the bigger the gap will be between the awake and the asleep, and the tougher this waking-up process is going to be. If we ever want Earthlings to be one people again, we will have to start disclosing things to the people who are currently sleeping.
Some people claim that the white hats or counterforces had no choice, and that the current path was the only one option. So basically the argument is: yes the people are suffering, but this was the only way. We Pleiadians disagree. For example, one alternative path would have been for the counterforces to take over the mainstream media in early 2020 and broadcasting the following message: “there are benevolent extraterrestrials who wish to gift us a covid cure, free energy, advanced healthcare and a machine that can just create anything you want, like replicators from Star Trek. Let us hold a national vote, country-by-country, on whether we allow these galactics to send us these blueprints, for free, to very many people so that the technology can’t be hidden away. Then once we verify that these technologies work, let us hold a second vote on whether we want to allow these galactics to actually land and meet us face-to-face.”
This is one alternative path that could have been taken. In fact, this idea can still be implemented right now. Without the consent of the population it is hard for us to justify landing. However if such a national vote is held, then we would be very happy to share our technology with any country in which a majority votes “yes.”
I am offering a formal invitation to Earth leaders to hold such a vote in your countries. We are willing to give you enough material and evidence and a video where we introduce ourselves, so that you can convince your citizens that we are indeed real and are indeed willing to share our technology with you. We are willing to work with you to address any concerns you may have.
You Earthlings are our brothers and sisters. Of course you deserve to live in material abundance and good health, just like us. Would you deny that to your brothers and sisters? Yes, Earthlings used to not yet be ready for these technologies, but now you finally are. Your consciousness has matured enough for them. So we disagree with the notion that the current path chosen by the counterforces was the only way. From our point of view, the Earthling counterforces are a bit too attached to maintaining current power structures and a bit too attached to maintaining systems as they currently are. To be blunt, many of these counterforces may not want Earthlings to be controlled by hostile galactics and demons, but they are rich or powerful and they would like to keep being richer or more powerful than average citizens. That said, it is also true that many people in the counterforces are nevertheless working very hard and sacrificing a lot, to help their brother and sister Earthlings. So we also do not wish to be too critical of them. They are helping to free Earthlings, just in a slower and more roundabout way than we would prefer.
Still, innocent children are suffering every single day. So: Earthling leaders, we would like to invite you to hold these national votes. To the police and military: we would like to remind you that many of you have sworn an oath to protect the people or the constitution. Both are being violated. So: remember your oath. To be clear, nothing can change the fact that your medium-term future is incredibly bright. The worst case scenario is that this current birth-giving period will take longer and be more painful than is necessary, and that the context of the birth will be less happy than it could be. But humanity will live in freedom and abundance and peace and love. Nothing can stop that.
I love you so very dearly. I am very much looking forward to the day when we will finally be able to physically meet Earthlings.
Be well, be safe, be yourself. Sending with much love from friends in higher places. The angelics, ascendeds, galactics and me, Nancy
9/8/22 - The Earth Journey - The Making of an Immortal

The following was channeled by me in September 1986, back when I was overwhelmed from being in the Light and trying to come back down to Earth. It is lengthy so it is broken into 5 parts. It addresses reincarnation and the cycle of embodiments and the period inbetween embodiments. A new era is unfolding and I have been slowly transitioning. This may be my last newsletter because I can't keep up with the technology required. I am experiencing becoming simpler and lighter and easier. We are coming to the close of a complex, heavy era. As brighter and brighter light hits the planet, things are becoming easier. The main stream news will be changing, and the crusty old habits we are used to will be fading. We are in the midst of change. Please stay grounded and connected to family and friends, human warmth, love and hugs will help you to stay grounded. Exchange massages. Wonderful days are ahead. If you're overwhelmed with confusion, stress or depression, lie down in a quiet place, close your eyes, relax deeply and focus on taking 50 slow, deep, conscious breaths. Count them. It will bring you to peace. Expect to go sleep! I am willing to share powerful positive techniques if you will write to me. As a student of the masters I've learned a lot over the years to help ease the difficult process of letting go of old habits. There's an easier way and I am eager to share. Contact me if you feel to. I will answer. This is not for money. One of the things about the higher dimensions is, you receive MORE love and light by giving it away with love and kindness. Blessings, Diana
The Earth Journey - The Making of an Immortal
(Channeled from spirit) You are a moving mist of awareness, like a great cloud – at first dark and grey but soon to become scintillating light! Clear and lucid! You are not attached to a body, you are attached to a great shining sea of Light! But you have been assigned to a body of matter and the body is clumsy and dense and you have a hard time saying what you really mean. Your tongue doesn’t work right. Your hands don’t move the way you think they should. Your steps are heavy and clunky, not as airy or as free as you think they should be. And you KNOW so much more than you can express, that you are quite dissatisfied with yourself. And so you begin your search. How do you refine your body? Your ways of expressing?
What you know you are is locked away deep in your secret heart and you feel that you are not supposed to talk about yourself or about what you REALLY know or feel. But that is not true. You simply have not prepared your body to ACCEPT what you really are. A certain period of refinement is necessary. What you know deep down inside is really and truly what you ARE. What you are, you are challenged to live in the physical world, in your neighborhood, in your class at school or at your work. Else there is a discrepancy. This discrepancy makes you feel bad. There is a gap between the you that you REALLY are, and the you that is showing to all the world and on display. You have not fulfilled your role, your mission, until you “come out” onto the stage where everyone may see you for what you are – truly are – inside. This separation makes you struggle on and search for ways to bring the two selves together. You search for something vague at first, like a good feeling about your job, or a good feeling about your neighborhood, or a good feeling about your wife or husband. But you don’t really know what you’re searching for. Your good feelings are only hints that you are somewhat traveling in the right direction anyway, even though you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Your good feelings and your bad feelings are your indicators and your warning lights.
The big problem is the body. It is made of inert matter. True, there are particles of light and awareness buried in the inert matter inside the cells that allow it to be alive, but you have to find these little particles of light and connect with them. You have to learn how to make yourself one with the body and you do this through the Light that is INSIDE of the body, the resources of the body. Until you do this, you will remain unhappy with yourself. Until you can express yourself, you will remain frustrated. But how? There is no teaching that explains exactly how to do it. You know how it should be. You think. You try things out, the way you remember. Somehow. The religions all try to tell you how, but they don’t really succeed. In fact most of them succeed in only turning you off. The philosophies all try to tell you, but they fail too. There are hints in the books and the esoteric schools of the world, and friends and teachers sometimes tell you something valuable that helps, but by and large the struggle of finding your Self is your own personal struggle and it takes your own peculiar path through your own dark forest. No one else is on this path with you. You have to do all the work yourself, to find it. Sometimes you flail around and try to blame somebody, but nobody takes the blame and you’re stuck with it all alone. No one else can REALLY help, other than, at most, permit you to experiment. That’s the greatest help you will ever get from the outside world. But that’s not easy to find either. Most people close to you tend to discourage you, or get in the way. They will even be cruel about it by telling you that you are wrong, that you’re on the wrong track. Sometimes they even find ways to physically imprison you. But you know you are not wrong, way down deep inside. How can you be wrong? Your feelings tell you you are right. Others may persuade you away from your goal for a time, but not for long. Soon you are off and running again, looking for yourself through the impulses of that particular radar that only you can hear. The struggle is ongoing.
You know so much inside. You have memories of other places, and the way things should be. You have pictures of what noble people are like and kindness and goodness are a part of that. A natural innocence is innate in your deeper mind. But somehow those things are not here in the world. Where are they? You know they CAN be. You know you can be more, far more than what you are. You have dreams of what you can be. You have dreams of what you can do. You have dreams of people that are your REAL family. Sometimes you sense that they are around you but you can’t see them. It is all so mysterious! So elusive. What is this something that keeps prodding you on? What are you looking for?
Later, as you get older and older in physical years, your struggle becomes less and less because the world loosens its grip on you. You’re no longer struggling to earn a living so you can relax somewhat and enjoy what you are. So you AREN’T all that you would like to be, but so what? At least you’re here now and you can enjoy the scenery for what it is. And eventually the physical body dies. You go to sleep and you wake up in new surroundings, with friends and family, not much different from earthly life, but you find freedom and rest and more enlarged capacities because your body is not made of earthly matter but of finer matter. Compacted energy that is sort of fluid and liquid as you move. It takes a while to get used to it, but it is familiar and so you adapt well. You do not have to be a baby here, you wake up in this world as a full adult or as you were in the earth body. And there are homes and schools and stores and hospitals and meadows and mountains just like on earth. And there is love. And you continue with your search for yourself here, too. And teachers counsel with you from time to time, just as they counseled with you here on earth. But you still are traveling the path alone.
But there is one aspect of this life that is different from the earth existence. You have a much more lucid mind. There are not such heavy forces that pull and tug on you and so you can see better where you have been and where you are going. You can follow the line of progress in an easy way and you can see where you veered off the straight path and followed a crooked one to become lost. And you can see the light that is within you better, and you know that it is this light that you must follow when you go back, as you know that you will have to go back again because the task is to find yourself in the world of matter. All that you gain in theory, you have to put to the test in the physical body, no matter what kind of life you happen to be leading at the moment. That is your ultimate destiny – to live what you are on the inside out in physical form so that you make a dent on the world. While you are here in this lighter world, you can see better what you should do in the physical world. This life in the astral world becomes a wonderful dream. You have friends and associates and family here, and you do all the things that you have always wanted to do. You are far more able to do it here than in the physical because the matter is less concrete. Not so much is against you. But you are collecting knowledge here for when you have to return to the hard world again. You are collecting understanding and determination and know-how and courage, and now comes the day when you have to go but THIS time you are determined to get it right and remember all the things that you learned during this breather interval, so you do not go wrong.
So you are born as a babe once more. You picked out the parents yourself because you had such a lucid mind on the astral that you could see the coming together of the man and the woman and the explosion of light that happened between them which attracted you and you slid down the channel of light and anchored yourself within the womb. For a split moment in time there was an opening from that world to this. If it was the man’s bliss and happiness that attracted you, through his orgasm, then you are much like the man. If it was the woman’s bliss and joy that attracted you, then you are much like the woman. If it was the joint explosion of both man and woman, that attracted you, then you are like both of them. But it was the Light that drew you as it is always the light that draws two people together. It is always the LIGHT! It is so in the physical world and it is so in the astral world and it is so in the high etheric worlds called “heaven”. Whenever there is a greater explosion of light, there is the opening from one world to the next.
So now you are anchored in the physical world. You have cast your life line out and it has hung up on a rock of solid substance. You will continue to live in the astral world until the time comes that you are reeled into the physical. Nine months will pass, earth months, and suddenly the jerk comes. Down you fall through the tunnel of time and lower vibrations, heavier vibrations, knowing where you are heading, and lo! You are a new-born babe once more. And the heavy consistency of the body is constricting, and you have to work hard to make it do what you want it to do. And dammit! This body doesn’t work any better than the last one. You can see your parents minds and you can see through all the people in the room, as though they were invisible. You can see their thoughts and their motives and they are not so nice. But there’s a nice one! Oh, my! There’s a REAL nice one! Such loving thoughts are coming from that lady. You wish she would pick you up and hold you. Oh! She is going to hold you! She IS holding you. Oh! She is your mother! How beautiful. You will have love from your mother. But she takes you home and she doesn’t retain that sparkle of love all the time. She goes out and messes with things that rattle and clank and causes wild fluctuating moods in her and in your environment. Thank God, the moods don’t often come in here where you are somewhat sheltered. You are allowed to remain at peace, but the one who is supposed to be giving you love and nurturing good feelings isn’t here much of the time. Oh, it is so empty without that spark! You wish she would come more often.
And so the months pass into years and very little of the spark is given to you. You are growing up in a world where love is practically non-existent. But you know it is there. It just isn’t expressed. You know that that’s why you’re here, you saw that on the astral world, you’re here to be more determined in expressing it. In not letting yourself be inhibited by your external surroundings. Your job is to be STRONGER than the forces around you that would hold you back from expressing yourself. You know that the self you are looking for is not outside somewhere. You could see that. It is hidden within, but sometimes you have to keep on moving on physically to break out from under a too-heavy influence so you can breathe again. But you also know that sometime, somewhere, you are going to have to stop running and blossom where you are planted, roots and all, with love.
So as a child you express this love. You express it to everyone you meet and you are a loveable little child. You want to give and give and give and give as much love as you can because there’s so little around. Grownups seem unable to give love, except on occasion. Why do they keep it inside? They have so much!! But they hide it! Why do they hide it? You watch your mother as she talks with her friends. They don’t love each other. They just play games with each other. It is so meaningless. It is dark, what they do. It is all dark, wherever you look in this world, except on occasion. Like those two people over there with their arms around each other, even as they walk. Your parents don’t have this spark. Why? Oh, you wish you could give them the love and have them feel it. You know they feel it from you and you feel it once in a while from them, but – uh oh! Here is a tug coming and you have to go…
And so you grow through the years. The tug is a force making you go to school, a force making you go to work, a force making you go to the school dance when you don’t want to go. A force making you defend yourself against neighborhood bullies, a force here and a force there – outer forces having nothing to do with you. They belong to someone or something else. Forces all around like a swirling monster with many tentacles, knocking you about, pulling you here and pushing you there, forces that get down inside and under your skin and into your heart and mind. Forces without the love, without the light. And now you are a man and the light is practically gone. Who are you? You cannot remember why you came into this world. No one was there to remind you. You ARE someone very special but no one knew that when you arrived. So you had to keep that part of yourself buried, and that’s why you’re looking for it now. The love would have helped had it been there, but it was not there enough of the time. So now you too are like your parents – dark, with very little love to give the world, playing head games with your associates and friends, looking for your other hal fin the form of a woman. And each woman gives you a little bit of love so that you feel good for a time, but it somehow doesn’t last, and so you move on. Looking. Always looking. But it isn’t really a woman you are looking for. It is something more. You are looking for something you can’t put your finger on, so you renew your search. You have a feeling that there is something more. What are you missing?
And so it goes, the search for yourself. You will continually search until you find YOU. And if you have not found it at the end of this life, you will spend some time again in the astral world, an enjoyable resting place, and then come back again as a babe, to continue your search. And unless there is that special someone to receive you in the physical world, to teach you that you are indeed SPECIAL, and love you truly for who you are, not what you do, unless someone tells you to hang on to LOVE with all your heart, with all your courage and with everything you own and have at your disposal – then you will not hang on. And you will come back again and again and again, each round of physical embodiment forcing you to wake up against all odds so that you become a little wiser at the end of your life. So that you see the world through easier eyes as you become familiar with the terrain and you grow to become an “old” soul on this planet of systems and you recognize the “new” souls coming in. You want to teach them about the world. You want to guide them. You want to tell them the pitfalls and where to watch their step and where to take advantage of the natural terrain. But they don’t listen. They have their heads in the clouds and they can’t understand what you are saying. You’re too encrusted with the ways of THIS world, they say, and they laugh and go on their way merrily skipping through the sunshine. They don’t fit, you think. But they do have love. Yes, they do have love. Maybe their love will save them. You doubt it, though. And so the little children remind you of what you once knew for yourself as you grow tired from the beatings and you relax your grip on things and grow old and die once again.
And so you watch the civilizations come and go, and you’ve partaken of so many different lifetimes, so many different cultures. Some lives were poverty stricken, some encrusted with gold and jewels and silver and royal crowns. Others were mediocre and nondescript, while others were heroic and full of tingling memories, while yet others were cowardly in which you failed to live up to even your worldly standards, let alone the inner spiritual standards that you were unknowingly struggling to reach. But each life gave you something to carry away into the next life, something to make you wiser and better able to juggle the many complications of Selfhood. Why you were doing all this, what you were seeking. The light at the end of the tunnel. And finally you approach the final embodiment. Maybe not THE final embodiment, but a significant embodiment – one in which you begin to put the whole thing together. One in which you begin to see the beauty of life, not just a series of disjointed hurts and pains. This is a sign that you are in the final stages of physical life.
You never realized before that what you were doing in these continuing rounds of physical embodiment was building up a storehouse of LIGHT in yourself. INSIDE of yourself. You were slowly, inevitably putting on light. You were picking up light over here in the poverty stricken side, and you were picking up light over there in the rich man’s mansion, and you were picking up light in the life of the druggie and musicians, and you were picking up light in the period of founding the United States of America, where the visions came fast and furious. And now you’re beginning to realize that all of those many experiences were not in vain! You’ve been weaving a mantel around yourself, a mantel of light. Although you don’t see the light as light, you see it as seeing, you are still weaving a fabric of awareness in, through and around your cells, your earth body cells, to lift you. To elevate you in times of depression. You are following a cosmic process of evolution. You are doing it exactly right! Without knowing it! Now you are becoming conscious of this wonderful process. You are coming into understanding. That is the light shining through, dawning in your mind. You understand! And so you are becoming your body of light. You are bringing it out into the physical world where others can sense it, too. You are bringing the light into the world simply by being you! By being who you want to be, no matter where that happens to be. You no longer live for others, you live for your own heart. You live as you are the most comfortable with yourself. You are bringing forth the real you. You are becoming easier with yourself, kinder to yourself, loving yourself more and believing in yourself, despite what the world may say about you. You are becoming lighter and lighter and lighter in your heart, and you are becoming LIGHT! You are reaching the summit. Sure, there are still parts that don’t quite make sense, but the goal is in sight. This long, long journey is approaching an end. No one can tell you much any more these days, you know what you know and you are happy with yourself.
You’re willing to teach others if they ask, but your knowledge is YOUR knowledge. It’s personal and it can’t be given to another. The others have to find their own personal knowledge. And so your body of light is building, and you are cultivating a greater respect for yourself, a greater appreciation of your life and your methodology IS right – you always knew it – and you are cultivating Love – your kind of love – and it encompasses a lot of things and a lot of people no matter what the world may say against you. You are aware that, with all the movement outside of your body, inside you are not phased the way you used to be. Here within, at the center of yourself, there is no movement at all, but only peace, knowledge, only LIGHT. And here you come to retreat from the world’s confusion, to sip the delicate cocktail in company of the highest and the best: your Self, your own special life force. Your mysterious Center that has been maintaining you all these many lives. Finally it brings you home. It has been calling you all this time, all these centuries. Now you understand why you’ve always had the urge to do it “your” way. Your way WAS the right way. And the love that washes over you as you realize this fact is as wonderful as if you were being bathed in a therapeutic healing balm. It is washing away all the negatives and all the confusions, and it is stripping away all that Is not you but which you have been carrying around for centuries. Washed clean of everything anti-self, the self feels so clean, so right, so GOOD! It is like being immersed in the very Dawn itself, where it all began before going out into the outer world.
So now you are pretty much in the know about what is going on with you and you are pretty much at peace with yourself. The world keeps pulling on you and attempting to intimidate but it doesn’t seem to phase you any more. You no longer get angry with it, you don’t really care. It’s not important any more because you know who you are. So what happens now? There’s no more need for embodiments any more, and the need of dying and being reborn is almost at an end. So where do we go from here? Now you begin the last of the teachings, the first of the next level teachings, the graduation lessons. These are the teachings that blow out all reason because they teach you that death is not part of cosmic law. It’s not needed. It’s all erroneous. People don’t have to die to go to the next level of life. Dying is only for those who failed to pass the test. But of course you don’t know that until someone tells you, and so the final lessons are necessary if you want to bring your body with you instead of letting it be buried in a grave somewhere. You CAN go ahead and die if you choose to, because you’re moving into the position of being a master shortly, and you can do anything you want to. But you have to learn this. Someone has to tell you. Feeling isn’t enough. It has to be confirmed by someone who KNOWS. Really knows. Many people have moved on to the heavens of their being by dying, their bodies were buried in the grave just like anyone else when they died. But they just simply never reincarnated again, but they moved on. It can be done that way. That is by far the easier way and nobody is the wiser.
But there IS a way to take your body with you when it is time to go. And these are the hidden lessons, the esoteric teachings that have been kept from the people over the centuries so that very few know about their existence or about the sea of Light and Light cities and the people who inhabit them – the higher ones who seldom visit an earth planet any more, but watch and care from a great distance, ready to spring into action to help at any time they are called. But, you might say, “Why leave the earth planet at all? Why not put it all together and stay here, right here on earth as a know-it-all? As a master? Become real wise and real enlightened and learn how to control the elements and nature and yourself and make all sorts of miracles right here on earth? Why do people always have to move on to the heavens of their particular religion?
Well, you can if you choose to. People move on out of natural attraction and affinity, that’s all. You are more attracted to those of your own kind right here on earth, and so it is that you are more attracted to move on to be with those who have attained the same level of understanding that you have, when you are invited to do so. Why would a person reject that? The world is a discouraging place to be when those around you are so negative, who don’t want to listen to you when you speak, who don’t like to be reminded of their failings just by seeing your successes. Who even tell you to shut up and stop talking about the beauty of your reality and all that you see. Why stick around in an environment that doesn’t want you when you can go to a place that not only wants you but is encouraging you in every way possible, a place where you are not a strange phenomenon but a natural citizen among others like yourself? Where the inhabitants are encouraged to be even MORE of what they are, instead of less, and where the lessons are of such magnitude that thrill the whole being with joy and beauty, and where higher and still HIGHER learning is always going on and being lived out every day among the people. And where there is no night! Can you imagine a culture where there is no darkness, ever? One must learn how to accept eternal light, how to live with a body that never tires, and a mind that never grows old because there is nothing to drag on it to make it heavy and nothing to confuse. Can you imagine a place where there are no problems? Only new horizons that have never been explored because they are inside of you and no one is permitted to explore these regions except yourself? Can you imagine the excitement and the adventure of constantly moving toward the Light with new promise and hints of even higher things? With nobody to stop you or get in your way or fight you at every turn? Can you imagine this? This is the land of the Immortals, one-time human beings who have mastered outer conditions in the physical body. They are always new and innocent, always full of wonder at their state of being, an eternal NOW, and they never stagnate or grow tired of themselves because they are filled to overflowing with newness constantly.
Is this a fairy tale? Yes! A lovely fairy tale to give a hint here and a hint there to those who struggle on because it is not an easy transition for an earth body and an earth mind to shed the earth concepts and accept the concepts of the Immortal Ones, the Light Fantastic! But one cannot move one’s body on until it has been accepted. So most people go ahead and die and make the transition without trying to re-train the body cells and the genes inside. But it CAN be done. And it HAS been done! Quite a few people over the history of the world have taken their bodies with them. Jesus is the most famous man who took his body with him. And Elijah did too, of old testament record. And Mohammed who was said to have ascended from a rock. And in more recent times, Annalee Skarin and David Lloyd, plus others who are not registered in the history books but whose happy dramas are recorded in detail in the etheric records to those who can read them.
They are the ones who are referred to in the parable about the wheat and the tares. The harvest is the gathering up of those who don’t have to come back in a new body and go another round. And so they are lifted up and out of the wild fields where they grew and sojourned on their way to mastery and now that they have learned that the only Law is the inner law of Selfhood and, proven that it works, they are carried to the house of the Great One to be appreciated, recognized and immortalized by the Family awaiting. The crown will be placed upon the heads of those who made it. The ritual of the ascension is the making of an Immortal, for the personality itself will become immortalized, become a permanent resident in the higher kingdom of Light, whereas all past personalities had to die so that new ones could be born to try again, but who died, too, to be reborn in an endless round of births and deaths and rebirths until now. Now is the lifetime where the higher lesson is being taught. One does not have to die – one may, with proper preparation and training, move on, right inside the body by bringing out that body of light that is inside, hidden – the light of the true self and creative spontaneity that could work miracles if permitted to be let free. The world is against it, there is no doubt about that, and so the lesson is a hard one.
But now that you have made it to the realm of the Immortals, where you banquet with the Best, from this place you can look back and you do not see the physical matter which served you once, you only see the little sparkles of light, throbbing, exploding, dimming, expanding that signify souls on their path, radiating the light of self here, hiding it there, in their struggle to overcome their environment of time and space. Each sparklet of light carries a special vibration that is unique from all the others because there are no two selves alike, each one created to fill a special place at the banquet table of the Family when all is done and untied as One. Each person is easily identified by that singular vibration that will never ever change, it being the original frequency of the Great One when He broke away from the whole and went forth on His journey. Now he is climbing back home. And so, you and the other Immortals, because you are interested in the light no matter where it is, watch this little sparklet expanding and you are always ready to reach out and touch it with a finger tip to pass the greater spark, to give it a “boost” so to speak in the form of a fresh insight, or a new revelation, or a spark of courage, or vision or simply a shot of energy. Whatever is required, you are ready to give to the one who is still struggling but only when you are asked. For you are learning how to help and when to help, what is permissible and what is not, according to the system of worlds and galaxies, so that you do not disrupt the Whole. And you are most concerned when you see a spark of light suddenly dim. What is happening? You rush to the side of the one in trouble, but you cannot help until called, else you interfere with the learning process, for the struggling one must come to terms with the struggle and call upon his own resources if only in the form of choosing to ask for help. That is the Law and all obey the Law of self evolution. There are no accidents, only lessons, and tests, and more lessons and more tests. And the Immortals, those who have been there too, are always available to help. They are permitted to help whenever someone asks, just as we on earth are restricted from helping those who do not want our help. They are ready even when they are making their own lessons and living their own circumstances, for they are acutely attuned to Light, and even a tiny little sparklet of light that calls for help will compel them to answer in the twinkling of an eye, for their bodies are quintessential light and light can travel at its own speed.
So the greatest challenge of all is to overcome this world, the laws of this world and the intimidations of this world and all the “thou shalt nots” and the “thou shalts” that are laid on the soul from outside. For it is from within that the greater law exists, and so the heart moves outward to express the inner part in perfect freedom, in perfect peace, in perfect love and in harmony with the outer environment so that those around must accept and no longer consider this one a rebel or a crazy, but a unique human being in his own way. This is the challenge, so that if you can do this you do not have to leave the physical world for you will be accepted in this one and made to feel wanted and loved. You will be the Immortal One in a world of transitory matter, to live long after it changes into dust. But no one can teach you how to do this. You have to learn to do it all alone. There are no lessons recorded anywhere on earth for it is not a way of the world. It is untried territory, an untried challenge. It can only be the greatest victory to be able to succeed. And the one who is able to become the inner light expressed outward on earth among men will work miracles all around in a most wonderful sense of accomplishment. It requires experimentation and an allowance for error. Error is OK. Errors will happen but errors are to be embraced and forgiven by yourself for yourself for only you can forgive your error and dissolve it so that you can move on to more freedom and more light – always and forever more light - no matter where you are or in what body you happen to be or what circumstances you may find yourself in. It is possible to spiral up and out through the embrace of forgiveness, humility and the love of freedom. (End)
8/10/22 - More on Kundalini, aka the Holy Spirit - The evolutionary seed
The Earth Journey - The Making of an Immortal
(Channeled from spirit) You are a moving mist of awareness, like a great cloud – at first dark and grey but soon to become scintillating light! Clear and lucid! You are not attached to a body, you are attached to a great shining sea of Light! But you have been assigned to a body of matter and the body is clumsy and dense and you have a hard time saying what you really mean. Your tongue doesn’t work right. Your hands don’t move the way you think they should. Your steps are heavy and clunky, not as airy or as free as you think they should be. And you KNOW so much more than you can express, that you are quite dissatisfied with yourself. And so you begin your search. How do you refine your body? Your ways of expressing?
What you know you are is locked away deep in your secret heart and you feel that you are not supposed to talk about yourself or about what you REALLY know or feel. But that is not true. You simply have not prepared your body to ACCEPT what you really are. A certain period of refinement is necessary. What you know deep down inside is really and truly what you ARE. What you are, you are challenged to live in the physical world, in your neighborhood, in your class at school or at your work. Else there is a discrepancy. This discrepancy makes you feel bad. There is a gap between the you that you REALLY are, and the you that is showing to all the world and on display. You have not fulfilled your role, your mission, until you “come out” onto the stage where everyone may see you for what you are – truly are – inside. This separation makes you struggle on and search for ways to bring the two selves together. You search for something vague at first, like a good feeling about your job, or a good feeling about your neighborhood, or a good feeling about your wife or husband. But you don’t really know what you’re searching for. Your good feelings are only hints that you are somewhat traveling in the right direction anyway, even though you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Your good feelings and your bad feelings are your indicators and your warning lights.
The big problem is the body. It is made of inert matter. True, there are particles of light and awareness buried in the inert matter inside the cells that allow it to be alive, but you have to find these little particles of light and connect with them. You have to learn how to make yourself one with the body and you do this through the Light that is INSIDE of the body, the resources of the body. Until you do this, you will remain unhappy with yourself. Until you can express yourself, you will remain frustrated. But how? There is no teaching that explains exactly how to do it. You know how it should be. You think. You try things out, the way you remember. Somehow. The religions all try to tell you how, but they don’t really succeed. In fact most of them succeed in only turning you off. The philosophies all try to tell you, but they fail too. There are hints in the books and the esoteric schools of the world, and friends and teachers sometimes tell you something valuable that helps, but by and large the struggle of finding your Self is your own personal struggle and it takes your own peculiar path through your own dark forest. No one else is on this path with you. You have to do all the work yourself, to find it. Sometimes you flail around and try to blame somebody, but nobody takes the blame and you’re stuck with it all alone. No one else can REALLY help, other than, at most, permit you to experiment. That’s the greatest help you will ever get from the outside world. But that’s not easy to find either. Most people close to you tend to discourage you, or get in the way. They will even be cruel about it by telling you that you are wrong, that you’re on the wrong track. Sometimes they even find ways to physically imprison you. But you know you are not wrong, way down deep inside. How can you be wrong? Your feelings tell you you are right. Others may persuade you away from your goal for a time, but not for long. Soon you are off and running again, looking for yourself through the impulses of that particular radar that only you can hear. The struggle is ongoing.
You know so much inside. You have memories of other places, and the way things should be. You have pictures of what noble people are like and kindness and goodness are a part of that. A natural innocence is innate in your deeper mind. But somehow those things are not here in the world. Where are they? You know they CAN be. You know you can be more, far more than what you are. You have dreams of what you can be. You have dreams of what you can do. You have dreams of people that are your REAL family. Sometimes you sense that they are around you but you can’t see them. It is all so mysterious! So elusive. What is this something that keeps prodding you on? What are you looking for?
Later, as you get older and older in physical years, your struggle becomes less and less because the world loosens its grip on you. You’re no longer struggling to earn a living so you can relax somewhat and enjoy what you are. So you AREN’T all that you would like to be, but so what? At least you’re here now and you can enjoy the scenery for what it is. And eventually the physical body dies. You go to sleep and you wake up in new surroundings, with friends and family, not much different from earthly life, but you find freedom and rest and more enlarged capacities because your body is not made of earthly matter but of finer matter. Compacted energy that is sort of fluid and liquid as you move. It takes a while to get used to it, but it is familiar and so you adapt well. You do not have to be a baby here, you wake up in this world as a full adult or as you were in the earth body. And there are homes and schools and stores and hospitals and meadows and mountains just like on earth. And there is love. And you continue with your search for yourself here, too. And teachers counsel with you from time to time, just as they counseled with you here on earth. But you still are traveling the path alone.
But there is one aspect of this life that is different from the earth existence. You have a much more lucid mind. There are not such heavy forces that pull and tug on you and so you can see better where you have been and where you are going. You can follow the line of progress in an easy way and you can see where you veered off the straight path and followed a crooked one to become lost. And you can see the light that is within you better, and you know that it is this light that you must follow when you go back, as you know that you will have to go back again because the task is to find yourself in the world of matter. All that you gain in theory, you have to put to the test in the physical body, no matter what kind of life you happen to be leading at the moment. That is your ultimate destiny – to live what you are on the inside out in physical form so that you make a dent on the world. While you are here in this lighter world, you can see better what you should do in the physical world. This life in the astral world becomes a wonderful dream. You have friends and associates and family here, and you do all the things that you have always wanted to do. You are far more able to do it here than in the physical because the matter is less concrete. Not so much is against you. But you are collecting knowledge here for when you have to return to the hard world again. You are collecting understanding and determination and know-how and courage, and now comes the day when you have to go but THIS time you are determined to get it right and remember all the things that you learned during this breather interval, so you do not go wrong.
So you are born as a babe once more. You picked out the parents yourself because you had such a lucid mind on the astral that you could see the coming together of the man and the woman and the explosion of light that happened between them which attracted you and you slid down the channel of light and anchored yourself within the womb. For a split moment in time there was an opening from that world to this. If it was the man’s bliss and happiness that attracted you, through his orgasm, then you are much like the man. If it was the woman’s bliss and joy that attracted you, then you are much like the woman. If it was the joint explosion of both man and woman, that attracted you, then you are like both of them. But it was the Light that drew you as it is always the light that draws two people together. It is always the LIGHT! It is so in the physical world and it is so in the astral world and it is so in the high etheric worlds called “heaven”. Whenever there is a greater explosion of light, there is the opening from one world to the next.
So now you are anchored in the physical world. You have cast your life line out and it has hung up on a rock of solid substance. You will continue to live in the astral world until the time comes that you are reeled into the physical. Nine months will pass, earth months, and suddenly the jerk comes. Down you fall through the tunnel of time and lower vibrations, heavier vibrations, knowing where you are heading, and lo! You are a new-born babe once more. And the heavy consistency of the body is constricting, and you have to work hard to make it do what you want it to do. And dammit! This body doesn’t work any better than the last one. You can see your parents minds and you can see through all the people in the room, as though they were invisible. You can see their thoughts and their motives and they are not so nice. But there’s a nice one! Oh, my! There’s a REAL nice one! Such loving thoughts are coming from that lady. You wish she would pick you up and hold you. Oh! She is going to hold you! She IS holding you. Oh! She is your mother! How beautiful. You will have love from your mother. But she takes you home and she doesn’t retain that sparkle of love all the time. She goes out and messes with things that rattle and clank and causes wild fluctuating moods in her and in your environment. Thank God, the moods don’t often come in here where you are somewhat sheltered. You are allowed to remain at peace, but the one who is supposed to be giving you love and nurturing good feelings isn’t here much of the time. Oh, it is so empty without that spark! You wish she would come more often.
And so the months pass into years and very little of the spark is given to you. You are growing up in a world where love is practically non-existent. But you know it is there. It just isn’t expressed. You know that that’s why you’re here, you saw that on the astral world, you’re here to be more determined in expressing it. In not letting yourself be inhibited by your external surroundings. Your job is to be STRONGER than the forces around you that would hold you back from expressing yourself. You know that the self you are looking for is not outside somewhere. You could see that. It is hidden within, but sometimes you have to keep on moving on physically to break out from under a too-heavy influence so you can breathe again. But you also know that sometime, somewhere, you are going to have to stop running and blossom where you are planted, roots and all, with love.
So as a child you express this love. You express it to everyone you meet and you are a loveable little child. You want to give and give and give and give as much love as you can because there’s so little around. Grownups seem unable to give love, except on occasion. Why do they keep it inside? They have so much!! But they hide it! Why do they hide it? You watch your mother as she talks with her friends. They don’t love each other. They just play games with each other. It is so meaningless. It is dark, what they do. It is all dark, wherever you look in this world, except on occasion. Like those two people over there with their arms around each other, even as they walk. Your parents don’t have this spark. Why? Oh, you wish you could give them the love and have them feel it. You know they feel it from you and you feel it once in a while from them, but – uh oh! Here is a tug coming and you have to go…
And so you grow through the years. The tug is a force making you go to school, a force making you go to work, a force making you go to the school dance when you don’t want to go. A force making you defend yourself against neighborhood bullies, a force here and a force there – outer forces having nothing to do with you. They belong to someone or something else. Forces all around like a swirling monster with many tentacles, knocking you about, pulling you here and pushing you there, forces that get down inside and under your skin and into your heart and mind. Forces without the love, without the light. And now you are a man and the light is practically gone. Who are you? You cannot remember why you came into this world. No one was there to remind you. You ARE someone very special but no one knew that when you arrived. So you had to keep that part of yourself buried, and that’s why you’re looking for it now. The love would have helped had it been there, but it was not there enough of the time. So now you too are like your parents – dark, with very little love to give the world, playing head games with your associates and friends, looking for your other hal fin the form of a woman. And each woman gives you a little bit of love so that you feel good for a time, but it somehow doesn’t last, and so you move on. Looking. Always looking. But it isn’t really a woman you are looking for. It is something more. You are looking for something you can’t put your finger on, so you renew your search. You have a feeling that there is something more. What are you missing?
And so it goes, the search for yourself. You will continually search until you find YOU. And if you have not found it at the end of this life, you will spend some time again in the astral world, an enjoyable resting place, and then come back again as a babe, to continue your search. And unless there is that special someone to receive you in the physical world, to teach you that you are indeed SPECIAL, and love you truly for who you are, not what you do, unless someone tells you to hang on to LOVE with all your heart, with all your courage and with everything you own and have at your disposal – then you will not hang on. And you will come back again and again and again, each round of physical embodiment forcing you to wake up against all odds so that you become a little wiser at the end of your life. So that you see the world through easier eyes as you become familiar with the terrain and you grow to become an “old” soul on this planet of systems and you recognize the “new” souls coming in. You want to teach them about the world. You want to guide them. You want to tell them the pitfalls and where to watch their step and where to take advantage of the natural terrain. But they don’t listen. They have their heads in the clouds and they can’t understand what you are saying. You’re too encrusted with the ways of THIS world, they say, and they laugh and go on their way merrily skipping through the sunshine. They don’t fit, you think. But they do have love. Yes, they do have love. Maybe their love will save them. You doubt it, though. And so the little children remind you of what you once knew for yourself as you grow tired from the beatings and you relax your grip on things and grow old and die once again.
And so you watch the civilizations come and go, and you’ve partaken of so many different lifetimes, so many different cultures. Some lives were poverty stricken, some encrusted with gold and jewels and silver and royal crowns. Others were mediocre and nondescript, while others were heroic and full of tingling memories, while yet others were cowardly in which you failed to live up to even your worldly standards, let alone the inner spiritual standards that you were unknowingly struggling to reach. But each life gave you something to carry away into the next life, something to make you wiser and better able to juggle the many complications of Selfhood. Why you were doing all this, what you were seeking. The light at the end of the tunnel. And finally you approach the final embodiment. Maybe not THE final embodiment, but a significant embodiment – one in which you begin to put the whole thing together. One in which you begin to see the beauty of life, not just a series of disjointed hurts and pains. This is a sign that you are in the final stages of physical life.
You never realized before that what you were doing in these continuing rounds of physical embodiment was building up a storehouse of LIGHT in yourself. INSIDE of yourself. You were slowly, inevitably putting on light. You were picking up light over here in the poverty stricken side, and you were picking up light over there in the rich man’s mansion, and you were picking up light in the life of the druggie and musicians, and you were picking up light in the period of founding the United States of America, where the visions came fast and furious. And now you’re beginning to realize that all of those many experiences were not in vain! You’ve been weaving a mantel around yourself, a mantel of light. Although you don’t see the light as light, you see it as seeing, you are still weaving a fabric of awareness in, through and around your cells, your earth body cells, to lift you. To elevate you in times of depression. You are following a cosmic process of evolution. You are doing it exactly right! Without knowing it! Now you are becoming conscious of this wonderful process. You are coming into understanding. That is the light shining through, dawning in your mind. You understand! And so you are becoming your body of light. You are bringing it out into the physical world where others can sense it, too. You are bringing the light into the world simply by being you! By being who you want to be, no matter where that happens to be. You no longer live for others, you live for your own heart. You live as you are the most comfortable with yourself. You are bringing forth the real you. You are becoming easier with yourself, kinder to yourself, loving yourself more and believing in yourself, despite what the world may say about you. You are becoming lighter and lighter and lighter in your heart, and you are becoming LIGHT! You are reaching the summit. Sure, there are still parts that don’t quite make sense, but the goal is in sight. This long, long journey is approaching an end. No one can tell you much any more these days, you know what you know and you are happy with yourself.
You’re willing to teach others if they ask, but your knowledge is YOUR knowledge. It’s personal and it can’t be given to another. The others have to find their own personal knowledge. And so your body of light is building, and you are cultivating a greater respect for yourself, a greater appreciation of your life and your methodology IS right – you always knew it – and you are cultivating Love – your kind of love – and it encompasses a lot of things and a lot of people no matter what the world may say against you. You are aware that, with all the movement outside of your body, inside you are not phased the way you used to be. Here within, at the center of yourself, there is no movement at all, but only peace, knowledge, only LIGHT. And here you come to retreat from the world’s confusion, to sip the delicate cocktail in company of the highest and the best: your Self, your own special life force. Your mysterious Center that has been maintaining you all these many lives. Finally it brings you home. It has been calling you all this time, all these centuries. Now you understand why you’ve always had the urge to do it “your” way. Your way WAS the right way. And the love that washes over you as you realize this fact is as wonderful as if you were being bathed in a therapeutic healing balm. It is washing away all the negatives and all the confusions, and it is stripping away all that Is not you but which you have been carrying around for centuries. Washed clean of everything anti-self, the self feels so clean, so right, so GOOD! It is like being immersed in the very Dawn itself, where it all began before going out into the outer world.
So now you are pretty much in the know about what is going on with you and you are pretty much at peace with yourself. The world keeps pulling on you and attempting to intimidate but it doesn’t seem to phase you any more. You no longer get angry with it, you don’t really care. It’s not important any more because you know who you are. So what happens now? There’s no more need for embodiments any more, and the need of dying and being reborn is almost at an end. So where do we go from here? Now you begin the last of the teachings, the first of the next level teachings, the graduation lessons. These are the teachings that blow out all reason because they teach you that death is not part of cosmic law. It’s not needed. It’s all erroneous. People don’t have to die to go to the next level of life. Dying is only for those who failed to pass the test. But of course you don’t know that until someone tells you, and so the final lessons are necessary if you want to bring your body with you instead of letting it be buried in a grave somewhere. You CAN go ahead and die if you choose to, because you’re moving into the position of being a master shortly, and you can do anything you want to. But you have to learn this. Someone has to tell you. Feeling isn’t enough. It has to be confirmed by someone who KNOWS. Really knows. Many people have moved on to the heavens of their being by dying, their bodies were buried in the grave just like anyone else when they died. But they just simply never reincarnated again, but they moved on. It can be done that way. That is by far the easier way and nobody is the wiser.
But there IS a way to take your body with you when it is time to go. And these are the hidden lessons, the esoteric teachings that have been kept from the people over the centuries so that very few know about their existence or about the sea of Light and Light cities and the people who inhabit them – the higher ones who seldom visit an earth planet any more, but watch and care from a great distance, ready to spring into action to help at any time they are called. But, you might say, “Why leave the earth planet at all? Why not put it all together and stay here, right here on earth as a know-it-all? As a master? Become real wise and real enlightened and learn how to control the elements and nature and yourself and make all sorts of miracles right here on earth? Why do people always have to move on to the heavens of their particular religion?
Well, you can if you choose to. People move on out of natural attraction and affinity, that’s all. You are more attracted to those of your own kind right here on earth, and so it is that you are more attracted to move on to be with those who have attained the same level of understanding that you have, when you are invited to do so. Why would a person reject that? The world is a discouraging place to be when those around you are so negative, who don’t want to listen to you when you speak, who don’t like to be reminded of their failings just by seeing your successes. Who even tell you to shut up and stop talking about the beauty of your reality and all that you see. Why stick around in an environment that doesn’t want you when you can go to a place that not only wants you but is encouraging you in every way possible, a place where you are not a strange phenomenon but a natural citizen among others like yourself? Where the inhabitants are encouraged to be even MORE of what they are, instead of less, and where the lessons are of such magnitude that thrill the whole being with joy and beauty, and where higher and still HIGHER learning is always going on and being lived out every day among the people. And where there is no night! Can you imagine a culture where there is no darkness, ever? One must learn how to accept eternal light, how to live with a body that never tires, and a mind that never grows old because there is nothing to drag on it to make it heavy and nothing to confuse. Can you imagine a place where there are no problems? Only new horizons that have never been explored because they are inside of you and no one is permitted to explore these regions except yourself? Can you imagine the excitement and the adventure of constantly moving toward the Light with new promise and hints of even higher things? With nobody to stop you or get in your way or fight you at every turn? Can you imagine this? This is the land of the Immortals, one-time human beings who have mastered outer conditions in the physical body. They are always new and innocent, always full of wonder at their state of being, an eternal NOW, and they never stagnate or grow tired of themselves because they are filled to overflowing with newness constantly.
Is this a fairy tale? Yes! A lovely fairy tale to give a hint here and a hint there to those who struggle on because it is not an easy transition for an earth body and an earth mind to shed the earth concepts and accept the concepts of the Immortal Ones, the Light Fantastic! But one cannot move one’s body on until it has been accepted. So most people go ahead and die and make the transition without trying to re-train the body cells and the genes inside. But it CAN be done. And it HAS been done! Quite a few people over the history of the world have taken their bodies with them. Jesus is the most famous man who took his body with him. And Elijah did too, of old testament record. And Mohammed who was said to have ascended from a rock. And in more recent times, Annalee Skarin and David Lloyd, plus others who are not registered in the history books but whose happy dramas are recorded in detail in the etheric records to those who can read them.
They are the ones who are referred to in the parable about the wheat and the tares. The harvest is the gathering up of those who don’t have to come back in a new body and go another round. And so they are lifted up and out of the wild fields where they grew and sojourned on their way to mastery and now that they have learned that the only Law is the inner law of Selfhood and, proven that it works, they are carried to the house of the Great One to be appreciated, recognized and immortalized by the Family awaiting. The crown will be placed upon the heads of those who made it. The ritual of the ascension is the making of an Immortal, for the personality itself will become immortalized, become a permanent resident in the higher kingdom of Light, whereas all past personalities had to die so that new ones could be born to try again, but who died, too, to be reborn in an endless round of births and deaths and rebirths until now. Now is the lifetime where the higher lesson is being taught. One does not have to die – one may, with proper preparation and training, move on, right inside the body by bringing out that body of light that is inside, hidden – the light of the true self and creative spontaneity that could work miracles if permitted to be let free. The world is against it, there is no doubt about that, and so the lesson is a hard one.
But now that you have made it to the realm of the Immortals, where you banquet with the Best, from this place you can look back and you do not see the physical matter which served you once, you only see the little sparkles of light, throbbing, exploding, dimming, expanding that signify souls on their path, radiating the light of self here, hiding it there, in their struggle to overcome their environment of time and space. Each sparklet of light carries a special vibration that is unique from all the others because there are no two selves alike, each one created to fill a special place at the banquet table of the Family when all is done and untied as One. Each person is easily identified by that singular vibration that will never ever change, it being the original frequency of the Great One when He broke away from the whole and went forth on His journey. Now he is climbing back home. And so, you and the other Immortals, because you are interested in the light no matter where it is, watch this little sparklet expanding and you are always ready to reach out and touch it with a finger tip to pass the greater spark, to give it a “boost” so to speak in the form of a fresh insight, or a new revelation, or a spark of courage, or vision or simply a shot of energy. Whatever is required, you are ready to give to the one who is still struggling but only when you are asked. For you are learning how to help and when to help, what is permissible and what is not, according to the system of worlds and galaxies, so that you do not disrupt the Whole. And you are most concerned when you see a spark of light suddenly dim. What is happening? You rush to the side of the one in trouble, but you cannot help until called, else you interfere with the learning process, for the struggling one must come to terms with the struggle and call upon his own resources if only in the form of choosing to ask for help. That is the Law and all obey the Law of self evolution. There are no accidents, only lessons, and tests, and more lessons and more tests. And the Immortals, those who have been there too, are always available to help. They are permitted to help whenever someone asks, just as we on earth are restricted from helping those who do not want our help. They are ready even when they are making their own lessons and living their own circumstances, for they are acutely attuned to Light, and even a tiny little sparklet of light that calls for help will compel them to answer in the twinkling of an eye, for their bodies are quintessential light and light can travel at its own speed.
So the greatest challenge of all is to overcome this world, the laws of this world and the intimidations of this world and all the “thou shalt nots” and the “thou shalts” that are laid on the soul from outside. For it is from within that the greater law exists, and so the heart moves outward to express the inner part in perfect freedom, in perfect peace, in perfect love and in harmony with the outer environment so that those around must accept and no longer consider this one a rebel or a crazy, but a unique human being in his own way. This is the challenge, so that if you can do this you do not have to leave the physical world for you will be accepted in this one and made to feel wanted and loved. You will be the Immortal One in a world of transitory matter, to live long after it changes into dust. But no one can teach you how to do this. You have to learn to do it all alone. There are no lessons recorded anywhere on earth for it is not a way of the world. It is untried territory, an untried challenge. It can only be the greatest victory to be able to succeed. And the one who is able to become the inner light expressed outward on earth among men will work miracles all around in a most wonderful sense of accomplishment. It requires experimentation and an allowance for error. Error is OK. Errors will happen but errors are to be embraced and forgiven by yourself for yourself for only you can forgive your error and dissolve it so that you can move on to more freedom and more light – always and forever more light - no matter where you are or in what body you happen to be or what circumstances you may find yourself in. It is possible to spiral up and out through the embrace of forgiveness, humility and the love of freedom. (End)
8/10/22 - More on Kundalini, aka the Holy Spirit - The evolutionary seed

Eleven years ago I asked the question of spirit, What is kundalini? By then it had been active in me for 35 years and it had changed me. I had gone into the light and it changed me, systematically. It was a force that did not go away. It was a process that I lived with it every day. Now I receive messages and information from beyond what is considered normal. But back then, in order to keep from going crazy, insane, I was led into the couples lifestyle of swinging. Being in close physical contact intimately and freely with other human beings, worked for me. I wasn't sex that helped me, it was the light in people that helped me. They were loving kindness personaified. So I was able to remain somewhat normal while the kundalini was changing me from the inside. Today there are many personal stories appearing on youtubes and podcasts telling stories of near death experiences. People who died, went into the light or had an out-of-body experience, and then returned to lead a normal human life again. So I'm not alone. But 11 years ago I stumbled across stories by others who experienced awful burning debilitating pain during Kundalini awakening, so I was curious. I asked the question, "What is kundalini anyway? What is this raging, roaring transcendent force?" And I received the following wonderfully insightful answer which I wrote out in long-hand and filed away for future reference. This is the answer I received....
"You don't want this kind of energy flowing through you all the time. It causes heat and pain where there is resistance. Ground! Have sex. Put your hands in the soil, do garden work. Go into naturally moving water - a river, the ocean. Lay down in the grass. Bury yourself in sand or mud. Kundalini is earth energy and when it hits the air it flails like an untended garden hose with too much water pressure. It can only be stabilized through reconnecting with the Earth, for that's where it comes from. Its home is deep in the Earth. Kundalini awakening is the human germination, like the seed. The human outer shell is cracking open under the pressure of a power from within. Notice that the seed puts down roots as it grows upward into the light. Humans need to do the same thing.
"It feels at first like a foreign entity moving in and taking you over. You've never felt this before because it's an evolutionary shift, one you've never taken before. It's an unknown. You are giving birth to this power or energy within, it is the next step in your human evolution. You're not going to die from this. The whole point is to grow to the next stage of human, from monkey man to God-man. Like the acorn grows into an oak tree. The little acorn goes through the very same process that humans do under the onslaught of kundalini, aka the holy spirit.
"Even in ordinary life kundalini works in you. You keep trying to go beyond where you went yesterday. Self improvement is growing yourself on a gentle, slow scale. But you are continually evolving, moving past your own limits of yesterday and boundaries of yesterday's construction. Something in you wants to grow. This is the kundalini, the spark of God buried in the Earth that is put there to experience physicality and grow physicality. Its nature is to grow beyond. You have a seed inside of you, a seed of divinity, of a God creator, an immortal seed. This is mercifully kept at a low flow until it is time, so it merely drips up the spine instead of ripping and roaring up the spine in a fully awakened kundalini. It is kept slow until you have grown wise enough to handle it. But when the shell cracks open that held it back and the power of kundalini rushes forth and up the spine, ready or not, here it comes. It washes away anything in its way that is not pure and holy. And of course there is much in the human body that is not pure. The divine energy acts like a laser ray. It starts burning through the dross and the toxins. Anything that is not divine or healthy or pure.
Q: Can you slow it down?
"A: When it's time, it's time. The evolution happened. The slowing down would be to do grounding things. Physically, mentally, emotionally do things that force your attention down to ground and out to the physical world, like putting hands on people who need healing. Purify your body. Channel the energy out to the world. It needs it. It is a divine power and it will help. But just do it, don't analyze it. Take the first opportunity to channel it to someone. Hug a tree, or a child, or a pet, a cat or dog. Don't talk, just do it. You're releasing it by giving. This energy can be channeled, drawn off of the main power source, like electricity is constantly being grounded. This is where the will comes in. Will power is choice. Choose. Decide. Make a decision and go with your decision. Don't get caught up in analysis or future planning. Just do it. Right now! No thinking. Then you will be drawing the energy away from your own body which is burning toxins too fast. It's too much too soon for your body, so drain some of that energy away to constructive purposes. This is done by channeling it outward or down into the ground by your conscious choice. You have to take control of this energy or it will control you. You have to work with this energy. You have to partner with it.
"There is a God birthing inside of you, an immortal. And you don't know how it's going to turn out. You can only channel it and learn with it. From it. You don't know. Creator doesn't even know. Creator keeps on creating and exploring. Creator loves to create! It is an intelligence creating bigger, better, more, refining, improving, exploring, and you are that Creator who is exploring and creating. You don't know what comes next. You can only work with what you know and keep on directing it. Work with it. You are a part of that grand design to keep on creating. You are God imprisoned within a form of physical density which is restricting you because it is full of toxins and limitations which now need to be purged so the God within can move more freely through it. You have kept improving yourself to this point, even within the prison of the body, you have been finding new ways to create, to improve, to make yourself better. That's the spark of the divine creator in you continuing to express, explore. It's full of childlike excitement.
"What's around the next corner? And the next? What's inside the box? What's over those mountains? What happens when I kiss a girl? There is this passion to discover and find out. Energy is meant to move. When we hold ourselves back we take a step towards dying, because this creator inside us is the only life of this body-mind-soul. It's our life force. A lot of people are holding the creator in them back. They have shackled their own life force with chains and they are suffocating. Move! Now! Break the chains!" (end of message)
As I was re-reading this today I was reminded of psychological breakdowns, emotional breakdowns, depressions that lead to suicide. The kundalini has been active in me for 46 years now. I had prior life training before this life, in preparing my vehicle, the body, to handle it. I'm a normal person, not extraordinary. There are many people who have had this experience in their own way because it's natural. It is an evolutionary energy and its intelligent. It knows when it's time. I am still learning. Growing more enlightened, as you are and everybody around us are. The only thing we have not had is more information about the kundalini. It is known as the holy spirit. I did not find this out until much later. This is what "holy spirit" means in Christian literature. There is a natural science to the process of the holy spirit evolving and unfolding in the human heart and mind. Unfortunately the religions - bar none - have all confiscated it and made it into a rigid discipline by highlighting it and making it something special and important. Egos got involved. Authorities were born. Regiments were fixed. Controls created. Beliefs became rules. This something innocent and natural in us became the property of the elite who judged everyone who didn't know the code words. There are those who now sell teachings about it. It has become commercialized, certified, authenticated and authorized, with teachers standing at the door waiting to greet the line of seekers and funnel them off into corners.
And yet, it is a natural force. It is the natural, evolutionary seed within every one who is born human. Even the animals. Even the plants. Even the planets themselves. Gopi Krishna named it years ago in his books. It is the evolutionary force in man. It is pure, clean and innocent. Don't you ever wonder about the innocence you feel in you? Are you aware that the intellect took over? Confiscated the natural in-born freedom in you to evolve in your own way? Egos who like to control others, took over and created a lot of nonsense and untruths around it. Very backward in thinking. It is the artificial mind that usurped the basic, common, inner sense.
I think of psychotic breakdowns. I had such a breakdown 5 years after meeting George Adamski, one of the first contactees of the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactics started contacting certain people discreetly in the late 1940's, early 1950's. He was prepared for it from his own prior life. He was traveling and presenting pictures of ships he had taken through his 6-inch telescope on the slopes of Mount Palomar, CA. I was a shy unawakened woman, married with one child. The information I heard at that first meeting triggered something, an awakening of some kind, and it began to germinate and grow. I wanted to know more but I was married with a child, living in a small town with sisters, friends and relatives. It was an inner impulse to want to know more, but there were no words for it. As this inner need grew, my outer life became more locked down and unhappy. I became more depressed and, skipping over the details, four years later I left my family. Eight years later the kundalini awakened in me during a guided meditation, where I was drawn gently, inexorably into a sea of light and peace unimaginable. For five, six, seven years I underwent natural detox processes, little by little, to get rid of the toxins in my body. This was all done naturally, with spontaneous movements, in my home privately, alone, guided by this exquisite inner presence which was like a soft, gentle inner breeze. I felt it move in me. All during this time I kept asking, "Why is this information not being made public? Why are we not told about this?" The sense of secrecy stunned me. "Shhh, don't talk about it!" I kept feeling.
But I have been talking about it, and writing about it, or trying to, since then. That said, I am available to speak with if anyone has a need to talk and learn more about the kundalini. Love is all there is and the kundalini is love. I feel Love whenever it moves in me. I feel to share it and use it, not to hold it back. When I hold it back I feel life stops in me and I stagnate. I know that others feel this. I have heard people say it. I have seen it. It is natural to give and share and hug and love people. Trust the inner seed of innocence in you. Believe it - it is real. Focus on the crown of your head for five minutes. There is a sphere of love and light there, half inside and half outside your head. At the place where the fontanelle (soft spot) is on a baby. Focus on that when you meditate and pray. But don't leave your head. Imagine a sphere of light, half inside and half outside your head. It is called "The Dweller on the Threshold", your true spiritual God self.
Love and hugs from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Celestials, Angelics and me!
7/31/22 - Love made physical is healing - A conversation with Master DK *
"You don't want this kind of energy flowing through you all the time. It causes heat and pain where there is resistance. Ground! Have sex. Put your hands in the soil, do garden work. Go into naturally moving water - a river, the ocean. Lay down in the grass. Bury yourself in sand or mud. Kundalini is earth energy and when it hits the air it flails like an untended garden hose with too much water pressure. It can only be stabilized through reconnecting with the Earth, for that's where it comes from. Its home is deep in the Earth. Kundalini awakening is the human germination, like the seed. The human outer shell is cracking open under the pressure of a power from within. Notice that the seed puts down roots as it grows upward into the light. Humans need to do the same thing.
"It feels at first like a foreign entity moving in and taking you over. You've never felt this before because it's an evolutionary shift, one you've never taken before. It's an unknown. You are giving birth to this power or energy within, it is the next step in your human evolution. You're not going to die from this. The whole point is to grow to the next stage of human, from monkey man to God-man. Like the acorn grows into an oak tree. The little acorn goes through the very same process that humans do under the onslaught of kundalini, aka the holy spirit.
"Even in ordinary life kundalini works in you. You keep trying to go beyond where you went yesterday. Self improvement is growing yourself on a gentle, slow scale. But you are continually evolving, moving past your own limits of yesterday and boundaries of yesterday's construction. Something in you wants to grow. This is the kundalini, the spark of God buried in the Earth that is put there to experience physicality and grow physicality. Its nature is to grow beyond. You have a seed inside of you, a seed of divinity, of a God creator, an immortal seed. This is mercifully kept at a low flow until it is time, so it merely drips up the spine instead of ripping and roaring up the spine in a fully awakened kundalini. It is kept slow until you have grown wise enough to handle it. But when the shell cracks open that held it back and the power of kundalini rushes forth and up the spine, ready or not, here it comes. It washes away anything in its way that is not pure and holy. And of course there is much in the human body that is not pure. The divine energy acts like a laser ray. It starts burning through the dross and the toxins. Anything that is not divine or healthy or pure.
Q: Can you slow it down?
"A: When it's time, it's time. The evolution happened. The slowing down would be to do grounding things. Physically, mentally, emotionally do things that force your attention down to ground and out to the physical world, like putting hands on people who need healing. Purify your body. Channel the energy out to the world. It needs it. It is a divine power and it will help. But just do it, don't analyze it. Take the first opportunity to channel it to someone. Hug a tree, or a child, or a pet, a cat or dog. Don't talk, just do it. You're releasing it by giving. This energy can be channeled, drawn off of the main power source, like electricity is constantly being grounded. This is where the will comes in. Will power is choice. Choose. Decide. Make a decision and go with your decision. Don't get caught up in analysis or future planning. Just do it. Right now! No thinking. Then you will be drawing the energy away from your own body which is burning toxins too fast. It's too much too soon for your body, so drain some of that energy away to constructive purposes. This is done by channeling it outward or down into the ground by your conscious choice. You have to take control of this energy or it will control you. You have to work with this energy. You have to partner with it.
"There is a God birthing inside of you, an immortal. And you don't know how it's going to turn out. You can only channel it and learn with it. From it. You don't know. Creator doesn't even know. Creator keeps on creating and exploring. Creator loves to create! It is an intelligence creating bigger, better, more, refining, improving, exploring, and you are that Creator who is exploring and creating. You don't know what comes next. You can only work with what you know and keep on directing it. Work with it. You are a part of that grand design to keep on creating. You are God imprisoned within a form of physical density which is restricting you because it is full of toxins and limitations which now need to be purged so the God within can move more freely through it. You have kept improving yourself to this point, even within the prison of the body, you have been finding new ways to create, to improve, to make yourself better. That's the spark of the divine creator in you continuing to express, explore. It's full of childlike excitement.
"What's around the next corner? And the next? What's inside the box? What's over those mountains? What happens when I kiss a girl? There is this passion to discover and find out. Energy is meant to move. When we hold ourselves back we take a step towards dying, because this creator inside us is the only life of this body-mind-soul. It's our life force. A lot of people are holding the creator in them back. They have shackled their own life force with chains and they are suffocating. Move! Now! Break the chains!" (end of message)
As I was re-reading this today I was reminded of psychological breakdowns, emotional breakdowns, depressions that lead to suicide. The kundalini has been active in me for 46 years now. I had prior life training before this life, in preparing my vehicle, the body, to handle it. I'm a normal person, not extraordinary. There are many people who have had this experience in their own way because it's natural. It is an evolutionary energy and its intelligent. It knows when it's time. I am still learning. Growing more enlightened, as you are and everybody around us are. The only thing we have not had is more information about the kundalini. It is known as the holy spirit. I did not find this out until much later. This is what "holy spirit" means in Christian literature. There is a natural science to the process of the holy spirit evolving and unfolding in the human heart and mind. Unfortunately the religions - bar none - have all confiscated it and made it into a rigid discipline by highlighting it and making it something special and important. Egos got involved. Authorities were born. Regiments were fixed. Controls created. Beliefs became rules. This something innocent and natural in us became the property of the elite who judged everyone who didn't know the code words. There are those who now sell teachings about it. It has become commercialized, certified, authenticated and authorized, with teachers standing at the door waiting to greet the line of seekers and funnel them off into corners.
And yet, it is a natural force. It is the natural, evolutionary seed within every one who is born human. Even the animals. Even the plants. Even the planets themselves. Gopi Krishna named it years ago in his books. It is the evolutionary force in man. It is pure, clean and innocent. Don't you ever wonder about the innocence you feel in you? Are you aware that the intellect took over? Confiscated the natural in-born freedom in you to evolve in your own way? Egos who like to control others, took over and created a lot of nonsense and untruths around it. Very backward in thinking. It is the artificial mind that usurped the basic, common, inner sense.
I think of psychotic breakdowns. I had such a breakdown 5 years after meeting George Adamski, one of the first contactees of the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactics started contacting certain people discreetly in the late 1940's, early 1950's. He was prepared for it from his own prior life. He was traveling and presenting pictures of ships he had taken through his 6-inch telescope on the slopes of Mount Palomar, CA. I was a shy unawakened woman, married with one child. The information I heard at that first meeting triggered something, an awakening of some kind, and it began to germinate and grow. I wanted to know more but I was married with a child, living in a small town with sisters, friends and relatives. It was an inner impulse to want to know more, but there were no words for it. As this inner need grew, my outer life became more locked down and unhappy. I became more depressed and, skipping over the details, four years later I left my family. Eight years later the kundalini awakened in me during a guided meditation, where I was drawn gently, inexorably into a sea of light and peace unimaginable. For five, six, seven years I underwent natural detox processes, little by little, to get rid of the toxins in my body. This was all done naturally, with spontaneous movements, in my home privately, alone, guided by this exquisite inner presence which was like a soft, gentle inner breeze. I felt it move in me. All during this time I kept asking, "Why is this information not being made public? Why are we not told about this?" The sense of secrecy stunned me. "Shhh, don't talk about it!" I kept feeling.
But I have been talking about it, and writing about it, or trying to, since then. That said, I am available to speak with if anyone has a need to talk and learn more about the kundalini. Love is all there is and the kundalini is love. I feel Love whenever it moves in me. I feel to share it and use it, not to hold it back. When I hold it back I feel life stops in me and I stagnate. I know that others feel this. I have heard people say it. I have seen it. It is natural to give and share and hug and love people. Trust the inner seed of innocence in you. Believe it - it is real. Focus on the crown of your head for five minutes. There is a sphere of love and light there, half inside and half outside your head. At the place where the fontanelle (soft spot) is on a baby. Focus on that when you meditate and pray. But don't leave your head. Imagine a sphere of light, half inside and half outside your head. It is called "The Dweller on the Threshold", your true spiritual God self.
Love and hugs from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Celestials, Angelics and me!
7/31/22 - Love made physical is healing - A conversation with Master DK *

One day while meditating I asked Master Djwhal Khul to teach me about Tantra. Tantra has been of long-standing interest to me. As he started speaking I moved to get paper and pen to write it down. I didn't always write down such conversations but on this occasion I did. There are quite a few in my journals as I look back into the past to pick up the threads I've forgotten about. It is my pleasure to share these now. It is timely and this is such a practical message. It's all about love. This is copied directly from a journal in 2013.
"Love made physical is healing. You want a quick fix, but it is not quick. You are accustomed to a society that takes a pill or gets surgery to remove a part of the body that has gone wrong. You are accustomed to having it “your” way but your way has not succeeded, has it? You must learn to open your mind and heart to new things, things that you formerly rejected. It is time to take down the walls that shield you from your healing on deeper levels. Allow your gentle side to take over. Allow yourself to feel the energies of surrender, of giving up. Let your toughness surrender. The whole of you, the whole of your God self cannot come into your life and body because you have created a shell of hardness. It is all done with your mind. Your thoughts of defensiveness, your thoughts of survival, fear of not getting enough, your thoughts of frustration that you allow to play over and over, your thoughts of anger toward someone you felt had wronged you - now feel the energy of surrender. Give it up. This is the attitude of Tantra. It is the path of love.
(There is a lull and I am feeling stillness now and I am being given the energies of gratitude, surrender, celestials, angels, joyful, peace, love, light, and then....)
"Until the hard shell falls away of these tough stones, nails and rubbish, there is no room for love and the family of light that accompanies it - joy, appreciation, reverence, honor, respect, humility, compassion, beauty, grace, dignity, warmth, peace, safety, freedom. When the family of love and light enter the body it produces wholeness, which is felt as bliss, ecstasy, rapture, nirvana.
"It is not a quick fix to reach the profound states of love, but once on the right path there is enjoyment, pleasure, fun. Just take the beginning steps to correct your path, from one of feeling lack to one of feeling delight and fulfillment. It is not sex that is the bridge to higher consciousness, it is love. You must not limit your love to one person and shut off the rest of the world. Your life partner with whom you live is in your life for reasons other than romance. They are in your life to help you learn and grow. The challenges you meet both at home with family and outside of family are your own resistances. You are challenged by your own resistance. Tantra teaches surrender of resistance so that you may blend with the energies of life that are everywhere.
"Tantra means in Sanskrit 'net' or 'web'. It refers to the web of consciousness that pervades all existence. Love is the glue that holds us all together. When you are free of resistance you may blend with and enjoy making love with all of life, becoming one with a butterfly, the wind, the grass, the rain, a stone, a child, an old man or woman. All of life is either formless or formed. You are life currently in form but you are only temporarily in form. You are spirit - consciousness - with or without form, and even while in form you may cultivate love without limits, without resistance and enjoy the sensual pleasures of the body to such an extent that you are thrown into rapture and nirvana. It is not sex that does this but love without limits."
Today's update: It has been a month since the last newsletter. There has been such a dynamic shift in my personal perspective that I haven't been able to focus long enough to formulate the words. Time has been very fast and moving, like flipping through a book page by page, but too fast to absorb the words. It wouldn't slow down long enough for me to process the information. So I just had to go with it and wait until it stopped.
The last newsletter I sent referred to starting a community of light by transcending selfishness and making the heart the new baseline. This has been happening on an inner level. It was successful but not in the way I thought it would. The process is an inner esoteric community. It has speeded up my inner process, it's not about drawing people together physically - there is too much chaos in the world of people and things. But those who are ready will hear my words. I didn't understand, but it's happening anyway. If you want to be removed from this newsletter, please let me know by return reply saying "Please remove me."
Now that I'm getting it, the next step will take care of itself. It is in higher hands. People who are on the same wave length, who understand this language, will write to me when they are ready. Right now, my email list is very random. This newsletter goes to many different personalities and soul evolutions. There are many people receiving this newsletter who are not on the same page. So this gathering of community is about connecting with people who are more connected to soul and heart, and who are of the "service to others" rather than "service to self". That's an esoteric phrase that is used as a measuring stick in assessing soul evolution. Everyone is a candidate for soul evolution. The soul is who you are. You are the soul, but the majority of people today don't realize it yet. Those who are more interested in those higher principles which bring beautiful, good feelings and happiness to one's life, are on the right path. Eventually, a person becomes more inner-focused than outer-focused. It does not depend on age! It is very possible that a young person in their 20's could be an old, old soul in a youthful body, carrying forward with a soul mission that cannot be expressed (yet). I have kept my esoteric life secret for the most part. But now it is moving outward to be spoken out loud for real.
Moving on - someone from out of state contacted me two weeks ago. I invited him to come and visit with me. We had two in-person meetings. These are not "paying" meetings. I don't subscribe to the payment system for inner work. Only when I have to to live here (smile!). There are certain requirements. The benefits of our meeting were felt by both of us and both of us received in ways that enhanced us. This is inner work. In order to write about inner work, I will have to explain about the etheric body, which I will do in the NEXT newsletter. The etheric body backs up the physical body. It is that which we call the auric field that surrounds our physical. It is like a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, emotions and forces that influence us in our daily life.
In many people the etheric body is an invisible sphere that surrounds the body and collects the forces and reactions that we have to certain situations - those reactions that we don't show to the outside world. We hold back our emotions but they are held in our auric field, the etheric body. Until a person starts to organize his feelings, emotions and thoughts into intelligent order (to him), the etheric body remains a random reservoir that surrounds the physical body and the physical body can FEEL these influences - like anger or jealousy or sexual desire, etc. The physical body receives these impulses from his etheric body, often to his utter dismay! I wish I didn't have to, but I do because it is the real power behind the physical body. So it is good to have some understanding about what the etheric body is. It's often called the etheric double, because they say it looks just like the physical body.
At death it can be seen by clairvoyants as a ghost until it dissipates, which it will eventually. So the physical body is a receiver of the etheric forces that surround a person. His own etheric body. I bet you can't wait to learn more about it! All sorts of forces, urges, thoughts and desires are found in an disorganized force field. It's like the unused closet or attic at home. It collects all sorts of things.
So inner work is when people start doing self-help programs, yoga classes, and meditation. The inner path begins when a person starts organizing his thoughts, feelings and emotions to his great advantage. (I use "his" generically, the feminine is also included.) I've been doing this for years, but I haven't understood the process in words that I could define. Now I'm getting it. The next newsletter will introduce the etheric body in the words of a master. Actually several masters.
Please note, if the Anakosha.org website doesn't come up for you, try GoddessSphere.org. I'm having difficulties with this technology. I switched it over without realizing and can't get it back.
Love and hugs from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Celestials, Angelics, and me!
* For information on Master DK click HERE
"Love made physical is healing. You want a quick fix, but it is not quick. You are accustomed to a society that takes a pill or gets surgery to remove a part of the body that has gone wrong. You are accustomed to having it “your” way but your way has not succeeded, has it? You must learn to open your mind and heart to new things, things that you formerly rejected. It is time to take down the walls that shield you from your healing on deeper levels. Allow your gentle side to take over. Allow yourself to feel the energies of surrender, of giving up. Let your toughness surrender. The whole of you, the whole of your God self cannot come into your life and body because you have created a shell of hardness. It is all done with your mind. Your thoughts of defensiveness, your thoughts of survival, fear of not getting enough, your thoughts of frustration that you allow to play over and over, your thoughts of anger toward someone you felt had wronged you - now feel the energy of surrender. Give it up. This is the attitude of Tantra. It is the path of love.
(There is a lull and I am feeling stillness now and I am being given the energies of gratitude, surrender, celestials, angels, joyful, peace, love, light, and then....)
"Until the hard shell falls away of these tough stones, nails and rubbish, there is no room for love and the family of light that accompanies it - joy, appreciation, reverence, honor, respect, humility, compassion, beauty, grace, dignity, warmth, peace, safety, freedom. When the family of love and light enter the body it produces wholeness, which is felt as bliss, ecstasy, rapture, nirvana.
"It is not a quick fix to reach the profound states of love, but once on the right path there is enjoyment, pleasure, fun. Just take the beginning steps to correct your path, from one of feeling lack to one of feeling delight and fulfillment. It is not sex that is the bridge to higher consciousness, it is love. You must not limit your love to one person and shut off the rest of the world. Your life partner with whom you live is in your life for reasons other than romance. They are in your life to help you learn and grow. The challenges you meet both at home with family and outside of family are your own resistances. You are challenged by your own resistance. Tantra teaches surrender of resistance so that you may blend with the energies of life that are everywhere.
"Tantra means in Sanskrit 'net' or 'web'. It refers to the web of consciousness that pervades all existence. Love is the glue that holds us all together. When you are free of resistance you may blend with and enjoy making love with all of life, becoming one with a butterfly, the wind, the grass, the rain, a stone, a child, an old man or woman. All of life is either formless or formed. You are life currently in form but you are only temporarily in form. You are spirit - consciousness - with or without form, and even while in form you may cultivate love without limits, without resistance and enjoy the sensual pleasures of the body to such an extent that you are thrown into rapture and nirvana. It is not sex that does this but love without limits."
Today's update: It has been a month since the last newsletter. There has been such a dynamic shift in my personal perspective that I haven't been able to focus long enough to formulate the words. Time has been very fast and moving, like flipping through a book page by page, but too fast to absorb the words. It wouldn't slow down long enough for me to process the information. So I just had to go with it and wait until it stopped.
The last newsletter I sent referred to starting a community of light by transcending selfishness and making the heart the new baseline. This has been happening on an inner level. It was successful but not in the way I thought it would. The process is an inner esoteric community. It has speeded up my inner process, it's not about drawing people together physically - there is too much chaos in the world of people and things. But those who are ready will hear my words. I didn't understand, but it's happening anyway. If you want to be removed from this newsletter, please let me know by return reply saying "Please remove me."
Now that I'm getting it, the next step will take care of itself. It is in higher hands. People who are on the same wave length, who understand this language, will write to me when they are ready. Right now, my email list is very random. This newsletter goes to many different personalities and soul evolutions. There are many people receiving this newsletter who are not on the same page. So this gathering of community is about connecting with people who are more connected to soul and heart, and who are of the "service to others" rather than "service to self". That's an esoteric phrase that is used as a measuring stick in assessing soul evolution. Everyone is a candidate for soul evolution. The soul is who you are. You are the soul, but the majority of people today don't realize it yet. Those who are more interested in those higher principles which bring beautiful, good feelings and happiness to one's life, are on the right path. Eventually, a person becomes more inner-focused than outer-focused. It does not depend on age! It is very possible that a young person in their 20's could be an old, old soul in a youthful body, carrying forward with a soul mission that cannot be expressed (yet). I have kept my esoteric life secret for the most part. But now it is moving outward to be spoken out loud for real.
Moving on - someone from out of state contacted me two weeks ago. I invited him to come and visit with me. We had two in-person meetings. These are not "paying" meetings. I don't subscribe to the payment system for inner work. Only when I have to to live here (smile!). There are certain requirements. The benefits of our meeting were felt by both of us and both of us received in ways that enhanced us. This is inner work. In order to write about inner work, I will have to explain about the etheric body, which I will do in the NEXT newsletter. The etheric body backs up the physical body. It is that which we call the auric field that surrounds our physical. It is like a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, emotions and forces that influence us in our daily life.
In many people the etheric body is an invisible sphere that surrounds the body and collects the forces and reactions that we have to certain situations - those reactions that we don't show to the outside world. We hold back our emotions but they are held in our auric field, the etheric body. Until a person starts to organize his feelings, emotions and thoughts into intelligent order (to him), the etheric body remains a random reservoir that surrounds the physical body and the physical body can FEEL these influences - like anger or jealousy or sexual desire, etc. The physical body receives these impulses from his etheric body, often to his utter dismay! I wish I didn't have to, but I do because it is the real power behind the physical body. So it is good to have some understanding about what the etheric body is. It's often called the etheric double, because they say it looks just like the physical body.
At death it can be seen by clairvoyants as a ghost until it dissipates, which it will eventually. So the physical body is a receiver of the etheric forces that surround a person. His own etheric body. I bet you can't wait to learn more about it! All sorts of forces, urges, thoughts and desires are found in an disorganized force field. It's like the unused closet or attic at home. It collects all sorts of things.
So inner work is when people start doing self-help programs, yoga classes, and meditation. The inner path begins when a person starts organizing his thoughts, feelings and emotions to his great advantage. (I use "his" generically, the feminine is also included.) I've been doing this for years, but I haven't understood the process in words that I could define. Now I'm getting it. The next newsletter will introduce the etheric body in the words of a master. Actually several masters.
Please note, if the Anakosha.org website doesn't come up for you, try GoddessSphere.org. I'm having difficulties with this technology. I switched it over without realizing and can't get it back.
Love and hugs from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Celestials, Angelics, and me!
* For information on Master DK click HERE
7/7/22 Building a community of light thru connected hearts

It is my great pleasure to be of service to the community around me. (Personal message removed.) This is a test of the heart and of spirit. I am connecting into the greater picture. It is MY test to reach out and see if I am personally ready to take this next bold step outside of my quiet little peace in the country. I can feel the activities already starting. Things are speeding up and I am excited. It's the shift. The ascension process. I have made it my job to stay on the ground, learning new behaviors, new strength practices, building roots into the earth to counteract the tendency to go up and away into space. The NEW way is reaching out horizontally, to build community outside the box, in ways that are upsetting to the old establishment. It is not easy to do because it requires making oneself available to higher causes. We don't always know what that means, but instinctively we are good and decent people, and we want life to be better and more open, more fair, more abundant, not more fearful, terrorized or controlled by some outside authority. We ARE the new authority. We, the people on the ground. This is the universal desire on the part of humanity.
The new way of building community transcends selfishness. Selfishness is built on lack as a fear-based mechanism. It takes a big person to stop being fearful and start reaching out with a bigger heart and open mind. But that's what it's going to take to make the shift happen for each one. It is an individual process, not a group decision but a personal one, and it requires being in touch with the divine within the heart. It is spirit-motivated. To make a better community is believing in the spirit of good in others, in spite of old fears that crop up. In these times we are facing those old fears constantly, and making decisions to leave behind the old personal ways of doing things, the old desires, the old wants, the old tendencies, the old habits of being cautious. It's also leaving behind the people you used to admire, the people you used to hate, the people you used to cling to and depended upon. Everything changes in this shift of the ages. The ascension journey to higher levels of life is becoming our own authority. Becoming sovereign. Sovereign means there is no one of higher authority over you.
The heart is the new baseline. I was led to include this as Anakosha's motto years ago, before I even understood what it meant. It doesn't mean what I used to think it meant - that love is supreme over everything else. I see the heart now as being about balance. Balance is being more objective, not taking sides on an issue or debate. It is higher up the ladder of life. The spine is the ladder in the human body, the main trunk of the tree of life. The seven chakras are all located in the main trunk, the etheric spine. There are three below the heart and three above the heart. The three below the heart build the human, the three above the heart build the divine. The heart represents the balance. We are here to build the human but to also incorporate the divine into the human being. The heart is where spirit and physical substance meet and merge. The only way we can accomplish that merge is through experimentation. The human is faulty, the divine is perfect. We have made many mistakes as a race. We have lived many physical embodiments, many in which we have accumulated experience and knowledge. As individuals we are the sum total of all that we have endured. It is now time to incorporate the divine. It will bring about amazing and happy results. I have seen a taste of it. We are about to shift to the heart and bring a new balance to humanity. We are the new human and the heart is our new base line. We are starting to overcome the faults of being human. The errors and mistakes we've suffered through will help us not make those same errors again. We are wiser and stronger. We are going to succeed IF we make the heart our new base line.
Chakras open and radiate love pheromones each time we do something to help another. Pheromones are invisible but they affect others nearby. As we extend the olive branch of peace, forgive an old grievance, extend a smile, give a hug, a helping hand, a gesture of cooperation, we are being in service to others and changing our world for the better. It is an honor to be of service. The most important beneficiary of such an act is yourself. I am the one who gains the most when I do something to benefit another.
Blessings to all. Be well, be safe, be happy, from the Galactics, Masters, Angelics and me!
The new way of building community transcends selfishness. Selfishness is built on lack as a fear-based mechanism. It takes a big person to stop being fearful and start reaching out with a bigger heart and open mind. But that's what it's going to take to make the shift happen for each one. It is an individual process, not a group decision but a personal one, and it requires being in touch with the divine within the heart. It is spirit-motivated. To make a better community is believing in the spirit of good in others, in spite of old fears that crop up. In these times we are facing those old fears constantly, and making decisions to leave behind the old personal ways of doing things, the old desires, the old wants, the old tendencies, the old habits of being cautious. It's also leaving behind the people you used to admire, the people you used to hate, the people you used to cling to and depended upon. Everything changes in this shift of the ages. The ascension journey to higher levels of life is becoming our own authority. Becoming sovereign. Sovereign means there is no one of higher authority over you.
The heart is the new baseline. I was led to include this as Anakosha's motto years ago, before I even understood what it meant. It doesn't mean what I used to think it meant - that love is supreme over everything else. I see the heart now as being about balance. Balance is being more objective, not taking sides on an issue or debate. It is higher up the ladder of life. The spine is the ladder in the human body, the main trunk of the tree of life. The seven chakras are all located in the main trunk, the etheric spine. There are three below the heart and three above the heart. The three below the heart build the human, the three above the heart build the divine. The heart represents the balance. We are here to build the human but to also incorporate the divine into the human being. The heart is where spirit and physical substance meet and merge. The only way we can accomplish that merge is through experimentation. The human is faulty, the divine is perfect. We have made many mistakes as a race. We have lived many physical embodiments, many in which we have accumulated experience and knowledge. As individuals we are the sum total of all that we have endured. It is now time to incorporate the divine. It will bring about amazing and happy results. I have seen a taste of it. We are about to shift to the heart and bring a new balance to humanity. We are the new human and the heart is our new base line. We are starting to overcome the faults of being human. The errors and mistakes we've suffered through will help us not make those same errors again. We are wiser and stronger. We are going to succeed IF we make the heart our new base line.
Chakras open and radiate love pheromones each time we do something to help another. Pheromones are invisible but they affect others nearby. As we extend the olive branch of peace, forgive an old grievance, extend a smile, give a hug, a helping hand, a gesture of cooperation, we are being in service to others and changing our world for the better. It is an honor to be of service. The most important beneficiary of such an act is yourself. I am the one who gains the most when I do something to benefit another.
Blessings to all. Be well, be safe, be happy, from the Galactics, Masters, Angelics and me!
6/30/22 - Grounding the Ascension Energies
Turn around, bring it down! Oomph! Thump! Ouch!
Turn around, bring it down! Oomph! Thump! Ouch!

Sorry! The words just came flying down and into my mind. Oomph, Thump, Ouch! Make the point loud and clear, I am getting. It is time. Yes, it is time. Finally it is time. I've been waiting for this for a looooong time. Oh my. I can't believe I am writing this so blatantly, but I've opened myself up to saying it like it is. I am reporting. Are you ready to hear this? Well, I'm going to say it anyway. A lady from California is ready. She said she would zoom-in to listen when it's time, when Trisha spoke. And she says she can put us in touch with others all around the world by zoom, when it's time. But I am in hiding here in Naples, and I want to go slow. I wish first to have a few friends join in with me. Just a few. Not the whole world by zoom but I appreciate that there are individuals who are more than ready and chomping at the bit. So thank you Valerie in San Francisco. Thank you for your words of encouragement in response to my last newsletter, "Peeking through the veils", reporting a vision I had 40 years ago. Here is what she wrote, and she gave me permission to use her name:
"So is there a group that interfaces with each other now? or just classes. Seems most of the light work is mostly workshops, sessions, talking heads. When might we as light workers start really socializing and not just watching a zoom, hiding behind a name or frozen screen, but really interfacing and engaging together, lighting up with interesting conversations, inspirational energetic charges and activities to bring to life all the hours and decades of focus of cosmic traveling the gates, descending onto the planet more fully and taking in more light sharing and speaking together on a sophisticated level in a form that is both authentic, deep and fun. Less information pushing, more interconnect like improv dance but with consciousness energetics, sharing of how the light particles are integrating. More about perhaps sharing how the unfolding is really developing, in all the unique magical ways of delight. What we are noticing. Less focus on the term healing, which means someone is less than. Yes we are striving... but do we need to keep using a term that is so energetically off? Just thinking about stepping fully into the now in more fully divine experience ways. (From Valerie Badgett, EnSet Ventures)
I love Valerie's use of the word "interface". That's exactly what I've been waiting for. I want to interface. And touch. I've been trying to get this going for the last 40 years and it's not been happening very well. Up to a point, yes. But there has been a limit. A lid is covering us. I've been waiting for the right people to open up to, meaning the right approach, the right energy, the right dignity, compassion, LOVE, understanding, higher intelligence, higher understanding, so we can link together and expand further while staying here on the ground. Not leaving the planet but not going too low, either. Staying perfectly balanced is the mysterious factor to consider.
And many thanks to Trisha for her part in helping to line up the energies from a feminine perspective. She is a light-bringer. Her focus is on the women, the feminine aspect. Mine is too. The new energies are having a difficult time getting through the "old" energies because it has been a man's world. A surface, shallow world, of skin only. The focus has been on "outer" things, on objects, structures, surface appearances. "Don't bother me with sensitivities, feelings, love," they said. The old energies are the masculine protector energies, warding off energies too fine to incorporate. It wasn't time then. There was a time when we needed masculine protection in order to get things done, to get things built, structures, walls, steel grids. And enforcement laws were tools they used. We were building a solid earth then, getting it ready to ground what was to come eventually. It was restricted, strict, enforced. And reinforced. But now the times are changing. It is time yet?
The energies that are coming are called Ascension energies. They are coming from higher planes. Instead of us going UP out of body to higher planes, we are to connect with them and bring these energies DOWN into our solid bodies. Because deep down inside our bodies, under the surface of the skin, are seeds of terror, fear, trauma, unfinished energies that need to be embraced. They are dark and shadowy, and they are haunting us. Filling us with unknown fears. What are they? Why do we feel so panicky? Because the dark in us, so long in hiding, is germinating. They are coming alive and sprouting like seeds, and growing upward to the surface like grass roots in the springtime. The demons, fears and shadows of our own past lives, our own underworld, is rising up the world over. There's another war now. It's all coming to a head. We are releasing the old into the light-filled atmosphere where it is being melted by the sunlight. They have been kept well hidden, away from appearing on the surface. But now they are coming forth, springing forth on their own. You can't hold nature back forever. It is a natural evolutionary process, a story that has been told in code by avatars over the long ages for those who would come later.
Love brings these terrors out. Love embraces them, softens them, holds them and hugs them to the heart. Love gives permission. Love is greater than the demons. The darkness is a child cowering in fear. Love is the mother who understands. Love is light embodied. Love is light expressed kindly, not violently, in a human being. But love has to be experienced first, before it can be brought down to earth and grounded here, rooted here, and made a part of an individual's life, the planet earth is waiting for individuals to sow the seeds of love. Throw them around like Johnny Appleseed did for the apples. Light is love only when it becomes flesh and blood. Until then it remains unformed, unmanifested. When it's just talked about, it remains hung up in space, or hung up in the brain complex, not grounded, not rooted. There's no support for it to enter the personalized life and relationships. We, the people, individually, are supposed to be grounding the light. We are supposed to flower the love, root it to the earth and produce a flower from our life's experience. Flowering as in flowing. But we have been stopping love from flowing. We are now beginning to flow the love, expressing love and kindness, speaking the love, singing the love, laughing the love, inventing new ways to love without censoring it or wondering if I'm crazy. Are we filtering it through damaged brains? We are touching and hugging, speaking and enjoying each other with love. Well, we will be soon. I have experienced this ahead of my time and I want to experience it again. The light in other people is grounding in me. This is what it means to ground the ascension energies - to share it. It means to feel free. Really, totally, unequivocally FREE, can only be done with other people. Love isn't something that was put here to stay locked up and frozen. Love isn't love 'til it's given away in a 100% positive way, not hurting other people but enhancing them.
Ascension is the rising energies from deep within the earth and within our own bodies. It is a germination, a seeding, a resurrection, a coming again. It is unfolding around us, our neighbors, friends, strangers on the street, within us, within the people on the other side of the earth. Individual terrors, absolute panic, extreme isolation and the dark night of the soul is forcing this resurrection. The terrors can't live any more underground because the light is penetrating deep within. It is touching those old fears and demonized traumas and evil. They are germinating. They are releasing. We have to face them. It is time now to meet in gatherings up close and personal, in our local communities. The gatherings have already started to take place but I am speaking from a solitary position. Alone in Naples. Are there others out there who would join me?
Instead of hiding what we think of as the worst and the most shameful in us, we are ready to talk about them. We are animal man becoming god man the world over. Becoming god-man we must become transparent. The struggle for definition is underway. We need mirrors to reflect with. To stumble over which words to use. The choice of how to think and how to manage our bodies is underway. The bodies are the important part of this process. We are in physical vehicles and they have been warped and damaged and twisted out of shape. We are bringing the light down, instead of going "up" out of body. We are bringing the light "down" into us, into the cells and tissues. It changing our shape - the shape of how we think and dream and understand, because it's clearing out the sludge. We are straightening out. Our true nature is not a thought or a feeling, but pure knowing. We are starting to get it. We are the love. We have been denying it. We are the change. We have been refusing to change. We are the truth. We have been refusing our truth. We are the pure, we are the holy. Too much? OK. I take that back. It's too much for most people to accept they are holy and pure. That's OK. In time you will know. But there are some who, even now, they know. And there are some who are starting to peek behind the curtain, and they are catching a fleeting glimpse. Too much? OK, close that curtain again.
There are many people who do not understand this "love" talk or this spiritual talk, but the gatherings have begun at my house. We are doing Reiki (with clothes on) and cuddling after and hanging out together. It is meeting in a common way, with average people. It is not fancy or sophisticated. It is with a loud THUNK in plain English. Just us normals. It is catching on. There is fire in the sky. The light is increasing. People are opening their minds and feeling the freedom. We are allowing it. The light is grounding into us and becoming the love. This love is not personal. It is universal and it's touching people in unique and different ways. The cosmic spark is jumping from one person to another, maybe a particle, maybe a wave. But there are thick shells around us. We're not all getting it at the same time. We are each one an individual and unique. Each one of us is thinning at a different rate. Holes are appearing in the facade, the mask, or the shell that surrounds us. We don't always "get it" on the first touch, or the second or third or fortieth. But we'll get it sooner or later. Those who are rejecting it will find their own way in their own time. There is no judgment. We each have a comfort zone. It must be through the comfort zone, the least resistant area of our personality. We do not change our circumstances by thinking differently, but by changing consciousness to a higher state and leeaaning into it. Slowly. This is how we enter the fifth dimension.
A little aside: the first dimension is the mineral kingdom, the second dimension is the plant kingdom, the third dimension is the animal kingdom, the fourth dimension is the human kingdom, the fifth dimension is where the human becomes divine while remaining on the physical earth. It is the creator's intention to bring heaven to earth into physical form. We are the ones to do it. We've been holding back. We are now in the final stages of the human dimension, which is a mixture of mental thought, emotional feeling, spiritual inspiration, and a mish-mosh of confusing astral and psychic forces. But we are being prepared because there is an increase of light coming through the sun and entering our physical bodies. The light is growing us into the gods we are to become, just like it grows the tree. We are changing, and the more kindness, love and compassion we can radiate out to our brothers and sisters, the smoother will be our transition in consciousness to 5D while remaining in our physical body. We do not have to die to enter 5D. This is a most important point to understand. This is the purpose of getting together and doing hands-on transfer of energy together.
It has taken millions of years to reach this point in mankind's history, but we are here now. It is moving faster than expected. There is a lot of chaos taking place worldwide, but we are encouraged to keep the faith and be in kindness, be in love, be in the moment. We've been millions of years restricted to the closed-off mind with barriers in place, and not allowed to open our bodies to love, or to expose the undergarments of our true nature or the feelings within, who we really are underneath the facade. We have been indoctrinated into "dark" and "evil" and "shameful" and so to hide ourselves. But the light is saying, "No, don't hide. You are love, you are pure, you are holy, you are beautiful, you are truth, you are eternal, immortal. Flow this outward. You are soul."
Our feelings are confused. We were taught one thing but now there's this new thing? Our feelings are confused. Or are they more real? Are we hallucinating? Do we believe it? Are feelings more accurate than the mind? What is this? There is an animal inside us like a child. It doesn't know which way to go. But there is a god inside us too. The soul belongs to that God within which is eternal. The soul is our higher mind. The soul is that which is the good in us and which transcends the old indoctrination. The soul is the light that lives in every cell of our body. We have shut it out. We refused to listen. They made it illegal, shameful and wrong, so we had to close it down in order to survive. But it is now waking back up again. After many lifetimes the human is feeling something that is hauntingly familiar. It doesn't recognize itself as immortal, but it FEELS it. The animal man is fading and glimpses of the god-man are flashing. It is confusing. That is why it helps to get together IN PERSON with others who are realizing the same things.
An invitation to Reiki - a way of connecting the light physically
What is Reiki? Google defines it as a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into someone by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes and restore physical and emotional well-being. What they don't say is that it is a way to channel the 100% pure light back and forth. I took the three levels of Reiki years ago, and then went on to massage school to become licensed, so I never used Reiki intentionally. A friend gave me a Reiki treatment several months ago, and later I gave him one. Last week we exchanged treatments again, and cuddled afterwards, just to hang out and share thoughts. It wasn't a romantic connection, but a higher consciousness connection. I tend to use the term "cuddling" loosely. It feels easy and natural to me, but I have learned that not many people think quite like I do (smile!). To me, Reiki is a very natural way to connect with another person, lightly and loosely. Not to arouse sexually. It is a fifth dimensional connection, mental and spiritual, not of the lower vibration. Not personal. Yet it is a significant physical connection. It's similar to starting a car. You can't start a car with a dead battery. You have to connect the electrical wires to start the engine. Reiki is that type of connection. It's a physical connection composed of electric and magnetic. The ascending energies are electric, the body's energies are magnetic. Reiki is simply one person putting hands on another with this intention. It takes a little hands-on practice and training of the mind, not to expect a sexual outcome. It is all for the purpose of healing the person receiving the treatment. We need another person to transfer their energies through the hands-on approach. Alone without an "other" to do this for you, your ascending energies go upwards into higher dimensions and disappear in space. There is no one to connect with and form a circular pattern with. The zoom meetings are not clicking into the physical closeness, only the mental connection is being made.
I have been experiencing destabilizing lately. The ascending energies have been taking me too far out of body. I know I need more physical contact with others. But who? Starting a physical gathering of people is my way of addressing this. Ascending energies need to be brought down into the physical and we need others to do that with. Otherwise the cells grow wings and want to fly away. That's the sensation I feel. We have to ground these energies. The body needs to connect with other bodies and Reiki (with clothes on) is a way to do that comfortably and safely. With clothes on is safer because it is lighter and easier with clothes on. You can talk while doing it if you want to. It is not considered sacred. The clothes makes it feel normal. Normalcy contributes to the casualness of it. Emotional issues can relax and loosen. Unresolved yearnings and traumas are locked inside the human body, and the light is revving them up. There are raw nerves that can be exposed in a nude or intimate massage. It's not just this life's issues, but our mothers', fathers' and ancestors' lives issues. Their traumas and unfulfilled needs died with them but they are carried over in their children. It lives on in our DNA. Reiki is a way of mining the gold of that DNA. It is simply "hands-on healing". There is good in hands-on healing. There is light in all of us, even in the deepest and darkest of shadows. But we share this light only IF - a double IF - the intention is laid down ahead of time and agreed upon. Reiki is simply pressing hands into someone else and holding the hands still for a while, to allow the energy to pass from one to the other. By moving the hands too fast, the energy doesn't have time to connect. So the point is to keep the hands still for a while.
Please contact me if interested in exchanging Reiki with me. I will explain while we practice. Contact me by return reply or through the contact page. These energies come and go according to a natural rhythm. Sensations are always different. I feel sometimes the chills at a specific thought, all alone by myself. But it's different when I am cuddling with my husband. It feels as if the cells are expanding and bumping into each other, trying to fly, to grow wings, but they can't because they are bumping into each other so it feels as if they are rubbing against each other. The sensation is almost like a bliss or a rapture. This is not making love. It is simply cuddling. This is a new kind of feeling. I feel myself grounding. The cells are changing. This started after the Reiki treatment. The ascension energies give different sensations, depending on the uniqueness of the person(s) involved.
It would be lovely to share my experiences with others. This is not about sex or sensuality. It is not personal. We are not here to "fall in love" with someone else. Falling in love is a selfish act of cutting everyone else off and focusing on one person only. Reiki is the exact opposite. It is expanding to universal proportions. It is impersonal and transparent. It is more than human, it is celestial. We are expanding our knowingness. There is no room for doubt. Self-realization cannot be disputed. It transcends personal needs, while at the same time it takes care of personal needs and heals the separation that causes pain and loneliness. Answers to problems come to light. It is stabilizing for the individual personal life. Connecting in person through (clothes on) Reiki sessions, is like holding hands with someone when you lose your balance. It helps you to stay standing. However, that other person or persons need to be steady, solid hold high intentions. Who won't fall in love with you! It is important to stay impersonal and universal. Find people who will be on the same page with you. I am finding that very few people know I'm talking about, so I am writing about it. It's about education and sharing words to help define and describe feelings and knowings.
As long-repressed needs and emotions have been locked up inside our physical body tissues due to rules of politeness and legal laws, suddenly inner emotions can be triggered without warning and come alive. There may be a spontaneous need to cry, or to spontaneously need to hug someone, or to be hugged. Or to tell a sudden memory that popped into your mind. Do not be afraid. Be free. As communities of similar minds begin to coalesce and form centers, by coming together in person, their auras will overlap and strengthen. It helps to be in physical presence with others. Let spirit be your guide. The world-wide sickness that killed a lot of people also had a positive side to it. The enforced isolation created a "time-out" period for everyone. We had to burrow down inside ourselves to find answers. This has had a long-term effect of forcing make-overs and re-wiring of ways to stay motivated, to stay alive and to survive. We've ben re-inventing life in new ways. It is the way of an evolving soul. Species change, mankind changes and adapts when the earth quakes and weather patterns force them to find new ways of surviving.
Sickness the world over and isolation has kept us apart, but we have adapted. We are coming out of the closet and finding new excitements. There is more light coming through the sun. There is a higher nature growing within us and it is expanding us. While many have suffered and many have died, there are survivors picking up the pieces and, in spite of themselves, are better for it. This newsletter is my way of communicating my evolving thoughts and sharing them. It is just my way. Everyone is different and respect is a given. We must respect each other, it is the way of universal harmony on the higher planes.
In closing, a fun tidbit - I'd like to highlight the movie, ""Good luck to you, Leo Grande", which is streaming on Hulu right now. There are only two people in it, one man and one woman. Very refreshing, very sexy and very new age'y.
"So is there a group that interfaces with each other now? or just classes. Seems most of the light work is mostly workshops, sessions, talking heads. When might we as light workers start really socializing and not just watching a zoom, hiding behind a name or frozen screen, but really interfacing and engaging together, lighting up with interesting conversations, inspirational energetic charges and activities to bring to life all the hours and decades of focus of cosmic traveling the gates, descending onto the planet more fully and taking in more light sharing and speaking together on a sophisticated level in a form that is both authentic, deep and fun. Less information pushing, more interconnect like improv dance but with consciousness energetics, sharing of how the light particles are integrating. More about perhaps sharing how the unfolding is really developing, in all the unique magical ways of delight. What we are noticing. Less focus on the term healing, which means someone is less than. Yes we are striving... but do we need to keep using a term that is so energetically off? Just thinking about stepping fully into the now in more fully divine experience ways. (From Valerie Badgett, EnSet Ventures)
I love Valerie's use of the word "interface". That's exactly what I've been waiting for. I want to interface. And touch. I've been trying to get this going for the last 40 years and it's not been happening very well. Up to a point, yes. But there has been a limit. A lid is covering us. I've been waiting for the right people to open up to, meaning the right approach, the right energy, the right dignity, compassion, LOVE, understanding, higher intelligence, higher understanding, so we can link together and expand further while staying here on the ground. Not leaving the planet but not going too low, either. Staying perfectly balanced is the mysterious factor to consider.
And many thanks to Trisha for her part in helping to line up the energies from a feminine perspective. She is a light-bringer. Her focus is on the women, the feminine aspect. Mine is too. The new energies are having a difficult time getting through the "old" energies because it has been a man's world. A surface, shallow world, of skin only. The focus has been on "outer" things, on objects, structures, surface appearances. "Don't bother me with sensitivities, feelings, love," they said. The old energies are the masculine protector energies, warding off energies too fine to incorporate. It wasn't time then. There was a time when we needed masculine protection in order to get things done, to get things built, structures, walls, steel grids. And enforcement laws were tools they used. We were building a solid earth then, getting it ready to ground what was to come eventually. It was restricted, strict, enforced. And reinforced. But now the times are changing. It is time yet?
The energies that are coming are called Ascension energies. They are coming from higher planes. Instead of us going UP out of body to higher planes, we are to connect with them and bring these energies DOWN into our solid bodies. Because deep down inside our bodies, under the surface of the skin, are seeds of terror, fear, trauma, unfinished energies that need to be embraced. They are dark and shadowy, and they are haunting us. Filling us with unknown fears. What are they? Why do we feel so panicky? Because the dark in us, so long in hiding, is germinating. They are coming alive and sprouting like seeds, and growing upward to the surface like grass roots in the springtime. The demons, fears and shadows of our own past lives, our own underworld, is rising up the world over. There's another war now. It's all coming to a head. We are releasing the old into the light-filled atmosphere where it is being melted by the sunlight. They have been kept well hidden, away from appearing on the surface. But now they are coming forth, springing forth on their own. You can't hold nature back forever. It is a natural evolutionary process, a story that has been told in code by avatars over the long ages for those who would come later.
Love brings these terrors out. Love embraces them, softens them, holds them and hugs them to the heart. Love gives permission. Love is greater than the demons. The darkness is a child cowering in fear. Love is the mother who understands. Love is light embodied. Love is light expressed kindly, not violently, in a human being. But love has to be experienced first, before it can be brought down to earth and grounded here, rooted here, and made a part of an individual's life, the planet earth is waiting for individuals to sow the seeds of love. Throw them around like Johnny Appleseed did for the apples. Light is love only when it becomes flesh and blood. Until then it remains unformed, unmanifested. When it's just talked about, it remains hung up in space, or hung up in the brain complex, not grounded, not rooted. There's no support for it to enter the personalized life and relationships. We, the people, individually, are supposed to be grounding the light. We are supposed to flower the love, root it to the earth and produce a flower from our life's experience. Flowering as in flowing. But we have been stopping love from flowing. We are now beginning to flow the love, expressing love and kindness, speaking the love, singing the love, laughing the love, inventing new ways to love without censoring it or wondering if I'm crazy. Are we filtering it through damaged brains? We are touching and hugging, speaking and enjoying each other with love. Well, we will be soon. I have experienced this ahead of my time and I want to experience it again. The light in other people is grounding in me. This is what it means to ground the ascension energies - to share it. It means to feel free. Really, totally, unequivocally FREE, can only be done with other people. Love isn't something that was put here to stay locked up and frozen. Love isn't love 'til it's given away in a 100% positive way, not hurting other people but enhancing them.
Ascension is the rising energies from deep within the earth and within our own bodies. It is a germination, a seeding, a resurrection, a coming again. It is unfolding around us, our neighbors, friends, strangers on the street, within us, within the people on the other side of the earth. Individual terrors, absolute panic, extreme isolation and the dark night of the soul is forcing this resurrection. The terrors can't live any more underground because the light is penetrating deep within. It is touching those old fears and demonized traumas and evil. They are germinating. They are releasing. We have to face them. It is time now to meet in gatherings up close and personal, in our local communities. The gatherings have already started to take place but I am speaking from a solitary position. Alone in Naples. Are there others out there who would join me?
Instead of hiding what we think of as the worst and the most shameful in us, we are ready to talk about them. We are animal man becoming god man the world over. Becoming god-man we must become transparent. The struggle for definition is underway. We need mirrors to reflect with. To stumble over which words to use. The choice of how to think and how to manage our bodies is underway. The bodies are the important part of this process. We are in physical vehicles and they have been warped and damaged and twisted out of shape. We are bringing the light down, instead of going "up" out of body. We are bringing the light "down" into us, into the cells and tissues. It changing our shape - the shape of how we think and dream and understand, because it's clearing out the sludge. We are straightening out. Our true nature is not a thought or a feeling, but pure knowing. We are starting to get it. We are the love. We have been denying it. We are the change. We have been refusing to change. We are the truth. We have been refusing our truth. We are the pure, we are the holy. Too much? OK. I take that back. It's too much for most people to accept they are holy and pure. That's OK. In time you will know. But there are some who, even now, they know. And there are some who are starting to peek behind the curtain, and they are catching a fleeting glimpse. Too much? OK, close that curtain again.
There are many people who do not understand this "love" talk or this spiritual talk, but the gatherings have begun at my house. We are doing Reiki (with clothes on) and cuddling after and hanging out together. It is meeting in a common way, with average people. It is not fancy or sophisticated. It is with a loud THUNK in plain English. Just us normals. It is catching on. There is fire in the sky. The light is increasing. People are opening their minds and feeling the freedom. We are allowing it. The light is grounding into us and becoming the love. This love is not personal. It is universal and it's touching people in unique and different ways. The cosmic spark is jumping from one person to another, maybe a particle, maybe a wave. But there are thick shells around us. We're not all getting it at the same time. We are each one an individual and unique. Each one of us is thinning at a different rate. Holes are appearing in the facade, the mask, or the shell that surrounds us. We don't always "get it" on the first touch, or the second or third or fortieth. But we'll get it sooner or later. Those who are rejecting it will find their own way in their own time. There is no judgment. We each have a comfort zone. It must be through the comfort zone, the least resistant area of our personality. We do not change our circumstances by thinking differently, but by changing consciousness to a higher state and leeaaning into it. Slowly. This is how we enter the fifth dimension.
A little aside: the first dimension is the mineral kingdom, the second dimension is the plant kingdom, the third dimension is the animal kingdom, the fourth dimension is the human kingdom, the fifth dimension is where the human becomes divine while remaining on the physical earth. It is the creator's intention to bring heaven to earth into physical form. We are the ones to do it. We've been holding back. We are now in the final stages of the human dimension, which is a mixture of mental thought, emotional feeling, spiritual inspiration, and a mish-mosh of confusing astral and psychic forces. But we are being prepared because there is an increase of light coming through the sun and entering our physical bodies. The light is growing us into the gods we are to become, just like it grows the tree. We are changing, and the more kindness, love and compassion we can radiate out to our brothers and sisters, the smoother will be our transition in consciousness to 5D while remaining in our physical body. We do not have to die to enter 5D. This is a most important point to understand. This is the purpose of getting together and doing hands-on transfer of energy together.
It has taken millions of years to reach this point in mankind's history, but we are here now. It is moving faster than expected. There is a lot of chaos taking place worldwide, but we are encouraged to keep the faith and be in kindness, be in love, be in the moment. We've been millions of years restricted to the closed-off mind with barriers in place, and not allowed to open our bodies to love, or to expose the undergarments of our true nature or the feelings within, who we really are underneath the facade. We have been indoctrinated into "dark" and "evil" and "shameful" and so to hide ourselves. But the light is saying, "No, don't hide. You are love, you are pure, you are holy, you are beautiful, you are truth, you are eternal, immortal. Flow this outward. You are soul."
Our feelings are confused. We were taught one thing but now there's this new thing? Our feelings are confused. Or are they more real? Are we hallucinating? Do we believe it? Are feelings more accurate than the mind? What is this? There is an animal inside us like a child. It doesn't know which way to go. But there is a god inside us too. The soul belongs to that God within which is eternal. The soul is our higher mind. The soul is that which is the good in us and which transcends the old indoctrination. The soul is the light that lives in every cell of our body. We have shut it out. We refused to listen. They made it illegal, shameful and wrong, so we had to close it down in order to survive. But it is now waking back up again. After many lifetimes the human is feeling something that is hauntingly familiar. It doesn't recognize itself as immortal, but it FEELS it. The animal man is fading and glimpses of the god-man are flashing. It is confusing. That is why it helps to get together IN PERSON with others who are realizing the same things.
An invitation to Reiki - a way of connecting the light physically
What is Reiki? Google defines it as a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into someone by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes and restore physical and emotional well-being. What they don't say is that it is a way to channel the 100% pure light back and forth. I took the three levels of Reiki years ago, and then went on to massage school to become licensed, so I never used Reiki intentionally. A friend gave me a Reiki treatment several months ago, and later I gave him one. Last week we exchanged treatments again, and cuddled afterwards, just to hang out and share thoughts. It wasn't a romantic connection, but a higher consciousness connection. I tend to use the term "cuddling" loosely. It feels easy and natural to me, but I have learned that not many people think quite like I do (smile!). To me, Reiki is a very natural way to connect with another person, lightly and loosely. Not to arouse sexually. It is a fifth dimensional connection, mental and spiritual, not of the lower vibration. Not personal. Yet it is a significant physical connection. It's similar to starting a car. You can't start a car with a dead battery. You have to connect the electrical wires to start the engine. Reiki is that type of connection. It's a physical connection composed of electric and magnetic. The ascending energies are electric, the body's energies are magnetic. Reiki is simply one person putting hands on another with this intention. It takes a little hands-on practice and training of the mind, not to expect a sexual outcome. It is all for the purpose of healing the person receiving the treatment. We need another person to transfer their energies through the hands-on approach. Alone without an "other" to do this for you, your ascending energies go upwards into higher dimensions and disappear in space. There is no one to connect with and form a circular pattern with. The zoom meetings are not clicking into the physical closeness, only the mental connection is being made.
I have been experiencing destabilizing lately. The ascending energies have been taking me too far out of body. I know I need more physical contact with others. But who? Starting a physical gathering of people is my way of addressing this. Ascending energies need to be brought down into the physical and we need others to do that with. Otherwise the cells grow wings and want to fly away. That's the sensation I feel. We have to ground these energies. The body needs to connect with other bodies and Reiki (with clothes on) is a way to do that comfortably and safely. With clothes on is safer because it is lighter and easier with clothes on. You can talk while doing it if you want to. It is not considered sacred. The clothes makes it feel normal. Normalcy contributes to the casualness of it. Emotional issues can relax and loosen. Unresolved yearnings and traumas are locked inside the human body, and the light is revving them up. There are raw nerves that can be exposed in a nude or intimate massage. It's not just this life's issues, but our mothers', fathers' and ancestors' lives issues. Their traumas and unfulfilled needs died with them but they are carried over in their children. It lives on in our DNA. Reiki is a way of mining the gold of that DNA. It is simply "hands-on healing". There is good in hands-on healing. There is light in all of us, even in the deepest and darkest of shadows. But we share this light only IF - a double IF - the intention is laid down ahead of time and agreed upon. Reiki is simply pressing hands into someone else and holding the hands still for a while, to allow the energy to pass from one to the other. By moving the hands too fast, the energy doesn't have time to connect. So the point is to keep the hands still for a while.
Please contact me if interested in exchanging Reiki with me. I will explain while we practice. Contact me by return reply or through the contact page. These energies come and go according to a natural rhythm. Sensations are always different. I feel sometimes the chills at a specific thought, all alone by myself. But it's different when I am cuddling with my husband. It feels as if the cells are expanding and bumping into each other, trying to fly, to grow wings, but they can't because they are bumping into each other so it feels as if they are rubbing against each other. The sensation is almost like a bliss or a rapture. This is not making love. It is simply cuddling. This is a new kind of feeling. I feel myself grounding. The cells are changing. This started after the Reiki treatment. The ascension energies give different sensations, depending on the uniqueness of the person(s) involved.
It would be lovely to share my experiences with others. This is not about sex or sensuality. It is not personal. We are not here to "fall in love" with someone else. Falling in love is a selfish act of cutting everyone else off and focusing on one person only. Reiki is the exact opposite. It is expanding to universal proportions. It is impersonal and transparent. It is more than human, it is celestial. We are expanding our knowingness. There is no room for doubt. Self-realization cannot be disputed. It transcends personal needs, while at the same time it takes care of personal needs and heals the separation that causes pain and loneliness. Answers to problems come to light. It is stabilizing for the individual personal life. Connecting in person through (clothes on) Reiki sessions, is like holding hands with someone when you lose your balance. It helps you to stay standing. However, that other person or persons need to be steady, solid hold high intentions. Who won't fall in love with you! It is important to stay impersonal and universal. Find people who will be on the same page with you. I am finding that very few people know I'm talking about, so I am writing about it. It's about education and sharing words to help define and describe feelings and knowings.
As long-repressed needs and emotions have been locked up inside our physical body tissues due to rules of politeness and legal laws, suddenly inner emotions can be triggered without warning and come alive. There may be a spontaneous need to cry, or to spontaneously need to hug someone, or to be hugged. Or to tell a sudden memory that popped into your mind. Do not be afraid. Be free. As communities of similar minds begin to coalesce and form centers, by coming together in person, their auras will overlap and strengthen. It helps to be in physical presence with others. Let spirit be your guide. The world-wide sickness that killed a lot of people also had a positive side to it. The enforced isolation created a "time-out" period for everyone. We had to burrow down inside ourselves to find answers. This has had a long-term effect of forcing make-overs and re-wiring of ways to stay motivated, to stay alive and to survive. We've ben re-inventing life in new ways. It is the way of an evolving soul. Species change, mankind changes and adapts when the earth quakes and weather patterns force them to find new ways of surviving.
Sickness the world over and isolation has kept us apart, but we have adapted. We are coming out of the closet and finding new excitements. There is more light coming through the sun. There is a higher nature growing within us and it is expanding us. While many have suffered and many have died, there are survivors picking up the pieces and, in spite of themselves, are better for it. This newsletter is my way of communicating my evolving thoughts and sharing them. It is just my way. Everyone is different and respect is a given. We must respect each other, it is the way of universal harmony on the higher planes.
In closing, a fun tidbit - I'd like to highlight the movie, ""Good luck to you, Leo Grande", which is streaming on Hulu right now. There are only two people in it, one man and one woman. Very refreshing, very sexy and very new age'y.
6/14/22 - Peeking Through the Veils!
Sharing a Revelation from 40 years ago
Sharing a Revelation from 40 years ago

Prelude: The following revelation is from 40 years ago. I've been holding back on sharing the many visions that have been coming to me. There is a push to offer to host a discussion group to draw out higher visions from people, such as walk-ins. Do you know the term walk-ins? There is much to talk about and share stories. I believe that there are other people who are having revelations, visions, celestial communications and I would love to host, invite you, to an every-other-week discussion celebration, like a happy party of people on the same wave length. But I'm having difficulty making myself do it. I'm a little stuck in the old paradigm. So this is my way of letting everyone know that I'm preparing to open Anakosha up to a more active discussion about galactics, celestials and out-of-body experiences and pre-birth memories, and - oh yes, - tantra and sexual discussion too! But it's a struggle to push the veils away and start relaying information from cosmic sources. Please enjoy this special revelation of 40 years ago. And let me know if you'd be interested. I'm seeking some support in doing this. Thank you. Much love, Nancy
Last night the presence came again, after fifteen months. Fifteen months during which I lost count the number of times I crumbled my writings into a ball and threw them into the wastebasket to stare hopelessly out the window at the ever changing colors in the air around me, oblivious to my frustrated attempts.
How does one explain the splendor of the sun? How does one name that which has no name? Where does one find the temerity - the audacity - to attempt to fit that celestial brilliance into the rigid casing of the English language, where it must conform to human logic? For fifteen months I tried. I have been trying to create a helpful program of instruction to suit the times. There are so many people who want to know about meditation and the long lost powers of a race of gods now disguised in flesh. I could tell them. For fifteen months I have examined my task from every perspective imaginable. I have built it up and I have honed it down so that the simplest minds could understand. I have colored it with the truth that is stranger than fiction and I have filled it out with the meat of the practical mind. I have written it and revised it, again and again and again. And each time I have thrown it away. I have tried to explain the nature of that which cannot be explained. I have tried to fit the immortal into a mortal format, and for the last fifteen months the presence has not come, neither in the day nor in the night as it used to. Its absence seems to say, “Go ahead! Chisel it down to human size if you want but the fires of vision will not support you, nor will the majesty that you once knew visit you during such miniscule efforts!”
Finally I have been forced to admit to that which I once knew but had conveniently forgot. That which touches my inner heart from time to time, does so at the whim of a law not my own. That which illumines my inner eye is a light of a type unknown to me. I am but a fluff riding on giant waves, the recipient of a flame whose origins I do not understand. And so, two days ago I gave up in utter and complete frustration and agreed to stop all attempts to capture it in words. I gave up and in the wake of my surrender, the presence came again. In the night it came - that mystical light which conforms not an iota to the laws of this world, nor to the piousness of my body and mind. Undaunted by my imperfections it sought once more to establish itself within my being in all its sunlit magnificence and impart a message to me.
Somewhere around dawn it came. I do not remember if my physical eyes ever opened or not, for I was in that peculiar state of consciousness which I have come to know so well, and for which I yearn so much these days, where my physical surroundings dwindle into nothingness as the ephemeral lights begin to twinkle into a crackling alertness in my mind, which signifies the coming of a great event.
The following attempt to describe the vision is a direct result of that particular visitation last night. I must put this down in writing. I must. I do not know why but I must. As I awoke from the stupor of sleep, I became conscious of an immense sea of pulsating and sparkling lights which seemed to be electrical in nature. The over-all color was orange but with gold overlying and darkness underlying and blackness in the background. Upon closer inspection I found that I was WITHIN this sea of tiny little specks of light, each one of which was so miniscule as to be as small or smaller than an atom, for they were not able to be seen with the physical eye.
I did not see any one speck individually, per se, yet somehow I knew that each one was distinctly separate from its neighbors and unique. Yet simultaneously it was a unified part of the whole. The effect was like a strange kind of liquid undulation heaving with a mightiness that defied description, and a unity that defied separation. This flowing sea of lights stretched in all directions into infinity for, again I don’t know how, but I knew that there was no end. I seemed to be part of this network of crackling lights that caused a great increase in my state of alertness. And as I watched I saw that each tiny spark was a mind with a consciousness all its own and it moved and glittered and sparkled with an intensity unique from its neighbors. The overall movement was one of exquisite sophistication and harmony not unlike a great orchestra caught up in a symphony of sounds where each instrument moves only in relation to the whole, never, never by itself.
I was overwhelmed with the immensity which was so obviously a living mind with vast powers of intelligence capable of holding the whole system together and in my heart there rose a song of devotion and praise, and I knew that I was one of those sparkling specks of light. I was struck with awe, and no matter in which direction I turned to look I could see far and deep. And I saw the varying shades and hues of light, the darker ones brownish in color falling into the backdrop, while the most brilliant ones, the color of the sun, came forward to catch and dazzle my eye, so alive where they - and radiating.
And now comes the hardest part of all. My words describe what I saw but there was another dimension to the vision which involved a penetration of feeling. The message that soon began to impress upon me was done through this deeper level of feeling. The sense of awe and grandeur to which I first awoke out of a dead sleep, was only the beginning. For shortly I found myself within the brilliant rays of a flaming intelligence focalized in the form of a sun. It burned with a white fire, whiter than any white I have seen thus far, yet I knew it to be a person. And as I fell into the magnetism of this intellect, I felt myself absorbing its attributes so that I was no longer myself, though I must have retained the shell of my former being in order to remember and describe it now. But for that span of time I was a part of that magnificent singular mind - that most impressive being - and I felt the whole spectrum of goodness - compassion, wisdom, intelligence, love, strength, purpose, clarity, refinement - it was, somehow, a fulfillment of what every mind should be, although who am I to say? I cannot imagine any mind on Earth ever attaining this grandeur even if it were to evolve for a million years. Such purity is impossible to imagine and yet, perhaps not. Perhaps not.
As I was being absorbed into the radiation of those rays, it was like being absorbed into the delicious rays of the warm summer sun yet a thousand times over. I became conscious of absorbing also a message most especially meant for me. I was being drenched with a quite specific instruction, through and through, body, mind and soul. It was so abundant and overflowing that at the height of the message it seemed that I WAS the instruction itself imprinting itself into every atom that composed my body. The moving pageant of the entire solar system would have faded into insignificance compared to that one moment in my life. And now I must attempt a translation into English, for this is specifically my task.
There was a prelude to the main body of the message and it was this: Had I been outside of the brilliance of this solar presence I would not have been able to receive its message. Thus for the short time that the message was being impressed upon me I was absorbed into it to become one with it. Only this way, I was told, could I have withstood its presence. This knowledge was given to me through an absorption into my whole being. The main part of the message was as follows:
“There is an element unlike any element thus far discovered by mankind. It has yet to be researched and known. This elemental experience was given to me but I cannot describe it in words. I felt it and I knew it for the space of several moments. This element is similar to a power, yet it is more than a power for it comes close to being a substance. It is not fire, yet it is similar to fire. It is not water yet it is similar to water. It is not air yet it is similar to air. It is not substance yet it is similar to substance. It is not intelligence yet it is similar to intelligence. It has all of the above elements within it, yet it is more. It is somewhere between the physical and the nonphysical.
“This element has yet to be discovered and known and written about, and I am one of many who can do it. There are others. Many, many people are involved with it at varying levels, but those who are dealing with it on other levels cannot define it. I am to define what I experience. The visions I see come out of it and my movements are an effect of it. All of the incredible experiences I have been having come out of it and now I must put my experiences into words.”
In the lingering afterglow of this message I waited, as if on pause, because there was a secondary message. Its meaning was burned even deeper into the very core of me so that it became a permanent part of me, and it was this.
“I am not to presume that I know any more than anyone else pertaining to this element, for this is not the case. I have a certain purpose to accomplish, and I have been prepared to carry out this purpose. My purpose is that of a recorder, not unlike the historian who records the facts as he sees them. If there were no historians, there would be no history books for others to use as reference points and guidelines in their work with this new element.”
The experience was still going on as I began coming out of that brilliant place into a smaller, darker space and I awoke in bed beside Bob, who was still asleep, trying to capture the echoes of it as it faded. Through my mind moved the haunting impression of once having held the glory of a sunset in the palms of my hands. It took me a long time to adjust to the flat darkness of my bedroom, time in which I became once more conscious of the clock whose red numerals glowed in the semi-dark and the heaviness of sleeping bodies. The soft light of the dawn was apparent through the draperies.
At length a bird called and pulled me all the way awake. I lay still and then at length shifted and put one arm across Bob and pulled myself close against his warm back, glad now for his fierce protection which, in times past, so annoyed me. I was glad because I could tell him in the morning about it. Who else would have encouraged these other worldly things and listened with such patience as I stumbled over the words? I pondered the element. What was it? The extraordinary feeling of it still soaking in my depths. It was sensory. What does it mean? The feeling is hauntingly familiar. It is extraordinarily close. It is significant. But of what? I pondered a long time and finally went to sleep.
I woke about 10 with Bob and even before I opened my eyes I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt the meaning of the message. I could identify the element that has yet to be discovered. The element is the soul. The substance of the soul, the other side of the physical. I was stunned. My experiences have been with the mysterious substance of the soul, alive and real in everyone but yet unknown. The unknown element is the soul, that illusive substance of personal identity which is the keystone of the new age. Chills run through me as I write this
Postscript: This was journaled in 1982. This morning, 40 years later, I had a significant experience with the Ascended Master Djwal Khul (DK). He told me to re-read this one again (I ran across it yesterday while browsing through my journals). He said to me that the nadis, nerves, chakras and layers of the etheric body I’ve been studying (under his direction) is the soul. It has been called the etheric body but it is the soul - the exact duplicate of the physical body. He said that the etheric body is physical, just that it's thinner, more like gauze. The elecrons are spaced further apart. When a person dies, the etheric double can be seen as an apparition by those with inner sight. It is a real communication from a loved one who has passed. It's a wonderful validation. There have been many youtube posts lately of pre-birth memories (google 'pre-birth memories') along with after-life or NDE experiences. This long-hidden information, referred to as "occult", is coming out big time into the mainstream. DK is now showing me that it's OK for me to start posting what I know. That it's time. That humanity as a whole has reached the level of evolution to understand and grasp these things. He also says it must be delivered with love. That is not a problem. Love has been flowing in me for a long time. I know that the chakras, nadis, nerves and meridians are all composed of fiery love substance that flows like water. By the way, check out this youtube HERE. It is a wonderful story of Betty Eadie's near-death experience. A good one.
Dear friends, I send my love and blessings along with the Ascended Masters, Archangels and smaller angels, Galactics and Celestials. Please be safe, be well, stay in your heart and stay in love!
Last night the presence came again, after fifteen months. Fifteen months during which I lost count the number of times I crumbled my writings into a ball and threw them into the wastebasket to stare hopelessly out the window at the ever changing colors in the air around me, oblivious to my frustrated attempts.
How does one explain the splendor of the sun? How does one name that which has no name? Where does one find the temerity - the audacity - to attempt to fit that celestial brilliance into the rigid casing of the English language, where it must conform to human logic? For fifteen months I tried. I have been trying to create a helpful program of instruction to suit the times. There are so many people who want to know about meditation and the long lost powers of a race of gods now disguised in flesh. I could tell them. For fifteen months I have examined my task from every perspective imaginable. I have built it up and I have honed it down so that the simplest minds could understand. I have colored it with the truth that is stranger than fiction and I have filled it out with the meat of the practical mind. I have written it and revised it, again and again and again. And each time I have thrown it away. I have tried to explain the nature of that which cannot be explained. I have tried to fit the immortal into a mortal format, and for the last fifteen months the presence has not come, neither in the day nor in the night as it used to. Its absence seems to say, “Go ahead! Chisel it down to human size if you want but the fires of vision will not support you, nor will the majesty that you once knew visit you during such miniscule efforts!”
Finally I have been forced to admit to that which I once knew but had conveniently forgot. That which touches my inner heart from time to time, does so at the whim of a law not my own. That which illumines my inner eye is a light of a type unknown to me. I am but a fluff riding on giant waves, the recipient of a flame whose origins I do not understand. And so, two days ago I gave up in utter and complete frustration and agreed to stop all attempts to capture it in words. I gave up and in the wake of my surrender, the presence came again. In the night it came - that mystical light which conforms not an iota to the laws of this world, nor to the piousness of my body and mind. Undaunted by my imperfections it sought once more to establish itself within my being in all its sunlit magnificence and impart a message to me.
Somewhere around dawn it came. I do not remember if my physical eyes ever opened or not, for I was in that peculiar state of consciousness which I have come to know so well, and for which I yearn so much these days, where my physical surroundings dwindle into nothingness as the ephemeral lights begin to twinkle into a crackling alertness in my mind, which signifies the coming of a great event.
The following attempt to describe the vision is a direct result of that particular visitation last night. I must put this down in writing. I must. I do not know why but I must. As I awoke from the stupor of sleep, I became conscious of an immense sea of pulsating and sparkling lights which seemed to be electrical in nature. The over-all color was orange but with gold overlying and darkness underlying and blackness in the background. Upon closer inspection I found that I was WITHIN this sea of tiny little specks of light, each one of which was so miniscule as to be as small or smaller than an atom, for they were not able to be seen with the physical eye.
I did not see any one speck individually, per se, yet somehow I knew that each one was distinctly separate from its neighbors and unique. Yet simultaneously it was a unified part of the whole. The effect was like a strange kind of liquid undulation heaving with a mightiness that defied description, and a unity that defied separation. This flowing sea of lights stretched in all directions into infinity for, again I don’t know how, but I knew that there was no end. I seemed to be part of this network of crackling lights that caused a great increase in my state of alertness. And as I watched I saw that each tiny spark was a mind with a consciousness all its own and it moved and glittered and sparkled with an intensity unique from its neighbors. The overall movement was one of exquisite sophistication and harmony not unlike a great orchestra caught up in a symphony of sounds where each instrument moves only in relation to the whole, never, never by itself.
I was overwhelmed with the immensity which was so obviously a living mind with vast powers of intelligence capable of holding the whole system together and in my heart there rose a song of devotion and praise, and I knew that I was one of those sparkling specks of light. I was struck with awe, and no matter in which direction I turned to look I could see far and deep. And I saw the varying shades and hues of light, the darker ones brownish in color falling into the backdrop, while the most brilliant ones, the color of the sun, came forward to catch and dazzle my eye, so alive where they - and radiating.
And now comes the hardest part of all. My words describe what I saw but there was another dimension to the vision which involved a penetration of feeling. The message that soon began to impress upon me was done through this deeper level of feeling. The sense of awe and grandeur to which I first awoke out of a dead sleep, was only the beginning. For shortly I found myself within the brilliant rays of a flaming intelligence focalized in the form of a sun. It burned with a white fire, whiter than any white I have seen thus far, yet I knew it to be a person. And as I fell into the magnetism of this intellect, I felt myself absorbing its attributes so that I was no longer myself, though I must have retained the shell of my former being in order to remember and describe it now. But for that span of time I was a part of that magnificent singular mind - that most impressive being - and I felt the whole spectrum of goodness - compassion, wisdom, intelligence, love, strength, purpose, clarity, refinement - it was, somehow, a fulfillment of what every mind should be, although who am I to say? I cannot imagine any mind on Earth ever attaining this grandeur even if it were to evolve for a million years. Such purity is impossible to imagine and yet, perhaps not. Perhaps not.
As I was being absorbed into the radiation of those rays, it was like being absorbed into the delicious rays of the warm summer sun yet a thousand times over. I became conscious of absorbing also a message most especially meant for me. I was being drenched with a quite specific instruction, through and through, body, mind and soul. It was so abundant and overflowing that at the height of the message it seemed that I WAS the instruction itself imprinting itself into every atom that composed my body. The moving pageant of the entire solar system would have faded into insignificance compared to that one moment in my life. And now I must attempt a translation into English, for this is specifically my task.
There was a prelude to the main body of the message and it was this: Had I been outside of the brilliance of this solar presence I would not have been able to receive its message. Thus for the short time that the message was being impressed upon me I was absorbed into it to become one with it. Only this way, I was told, could I have withstood its presence. This knowledge was given to me through an absorption into my whole being. The main part of the message was as follows:
“There is an element unlike any element thus far discovered by mankind. It has yet to be researched and known. This elemental experience was given to me but I cannot describe it in words. I felt it and I knew it for the space of several moments. This element is similar to a power, yet it is more than a power for it comes close to being a substance. It is not fire, yet it is similar to fire. It is not water yet it is similar to water. It is not air yet it is similar to air. It is not substance yet it is similar to substance. It is not intelligence yet it is similar to intelligence. It has all of the above elements within it, yet it is more. It is somewhere between the physical and the nonphysical.
“This element has yet to be discovered and known and written about, and I am one of many who can do it. There are others. Many, many people are involved with it at varying levels, but those who are dealing with it on other levels cannot define it. I am to define what I experience. The visions I see come out of it and my movements are an effect of it. All of the incredible experiences I have been having come out of it and now I must put my experiences into words.”
In the lingering afterglow of this message I waited, as if on pause, because there was a secondary message. Its meaning was burned even deeper into the very core of me so that it became a permanent part of me, and it was this.
“I am not to presume that I know any more than anyone else pertaining to this element, for this is not the case. I have a certain purpose to accomplish, and I have been prepared to carry out this purpose. My purpose is that of a recorder, not unlike the historian who records the facts as he sees them. If there were no historians, there would be no history books for others to use as reference points and guidelines in their work with this new element.”
The experience was still going on as I began coming out of that brilliant place into a smaller, darker space and I awoke in bed beside Bob, who was still asleep, trying to capture the echoes of it as it faded. Through my mind moved the haunting impression of once having held the glory of a sunset in the palms of my hands. It took me a long time to adjust to the flat darkness of my bedroom, time in which I became once more conscious of the clock whose red numerals glowed in the semi-dark and the heaviness of sleeping bodies. The soft light of the dawn was apparent through the draperies.
At length a bird called and pulled me all the way awake. I lay still and then at length shifted and put one arm across Bob and pulled myself close against his warm back, glad now for his fierce protection which, in times past, so annoyed me. I was glad because I could tell him in the morning about it. Who else would have encouraged these other worldly things and listened with such patience as I stumbled over the words? I pondered the element. What was it? The extraordinary feeling of it still soaking in my depths. It was sensory. What does it mean? The feeling is hauntingly familiar. It is extraordinarily close. It is significant. But of what? I pondered a long time and finally went to sleep.
I woke about 10 with Bob and even before I opened my eyes I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt the meaning of the message. I could identify the element that has yet to be discovered. The element is the soul. The substance of the soul, the other side of the physical. I was stunned. My experiences have been with the mysterious substance of the soul, alive and real in everyone but yet unknown. The unknown element is the soul, that illusive substance of personal identity which is the keystone of the new age. Chills run through me as I write this
Postscript: This was journaled in 1982. This morning, 40 years later, I had a significant experience with the Ascended Master Djwal Khul (DK). He told me to re-read this one again (I ran across it yesterday while browsing through my journals). He said to me that the nadis, nerves, chakras and layers of the etheric body I’ve been studying (under his direction) is the soul. It has been called the etheric body but it is the soul - the exact duplicate of the physical body. He said that the etheric body is physical, just that it's thinner, more like gauze. The elecrons are spaced further apart. When a person dies, the etheric double can be seen as an apparition by those with inner sight. It is a real communication from a loved one who has passed. It's a wonderful validation. There have been many youtube posts lately of pre-birth memories (google 'pre-birth memories') along with after-life or NDE experiences. This long-hidden information, referred to as "occult", is coming out big time into the mainstream. DK is now showing me that it's OK for me to start posting what I know. That it's time. That humanity as a whole has reached the level of evolution to understand and grasp these things. He also says it must be delivered with love. That is not a problem. Love has been flowing in me for a long time. I know that the chakras, nadis, nerves and meridians are all composed of fiery love substance that flows like water. By the way, check out this youtube HERE. It is a wonderful story of Betty Eadie's near-death experience. A good one.
Dear friends, I send my love and blessings along with the Ascended Masters, Archangels and smaller angels, Galactics and Celestials. Please be safe, be well, stay in your heart and stay in love!

5/29/22 - Report on Women's Gathering and Personal Update
Anakosha Newsletter 5/29/22
Peace, love, light and freedom to all on this Memorial Day weekend. May you be happy wherever you are. Thank you to all who have served in your own special way to uplift and protect those of us who could not. We are grateful and hold you in our hearts.
There have been inquiries about the recent women's gathering held in my home on May 16, with Trisha Marinari presenting as an intimacy coach on sacred feminine secrets. I want to tell a little about that day. People have been wondering. Yes, it did take place. It was attended by one other woman and me. There were only three of us and it was memorable, and hugely spirited. It turned out to be a game changer for me. I had to take a break in the middle, leave them and go into the pool because my head was spinning and ready to lift off my head! It was a sign that I was leaving this dimension. I had shifted to a higher orbit. This was an inner event with Trisha, not a typical gabfest of women. It was the result of Trisha's and my inner connections which brought it about. An inner event is one that follows the cosmic Plan freely, without ego intervention. The Plan is from source beyond the personal or ego agenda. You tune into your divine Plan through inner wisdoms, often called ancient wisdoms which are innate.
The other woman who attended with us had never received newsletters from me before. Her husband, who WAS on my list, forwarded it to her and she felt to attend. Thank you for joining us E, we loved sharing with you. Monday, the day of the May full moon and eclipse was a lovely day, hot but not too hot to prevent us from sitting in the outdoor screen room. For four hours we talked. It wasn't chit-chat. It was Trisha's time and space to speak freely of her knowledge out loud. It is one of the hardest things for a woman to do, to speak openly of the sacred traditions which are normally kept silent in the heart. Every woman has depths of inner wisdoms that she cannot put into words. There is a reason why it is so difficult to put words to deep inner knowledge. This knowledge is subconscious. It also applies to men but men approach inner subconscious wisdom from different pathways. In this case we are focusing from the women's pathway.
Trisha and I had practiced earlier, in a prearranged interview session, soundboarding these concepts together out loud. We found we were able to be on the same wave length. The frequencies of each of us were similar, and thus we blended easily. What was exciting and inspiring were our differences. Trisha has inner knowledge that is different from my own. To feel safe to speak openly about such sacred inner knowledge requires the right listener and surrounding atmosphere. If there had been more women in attendance, the atmosphere would have been noisier with more differences. It would have lowered the tone of the meeting. In retrospect, while we wished for more to be in attendance, I felt it was a beautiful clear space for Trisha to speak of high quality subject matter. It was so exciting for me, that I moved from sitting beside her to sitting across the table from her so I could listen and be a better mirror for her. E sat on her other side.
To try to give some substance to what we talked about, well, it's virtually impossible. Trisha's experiences were shaped and molded by (1) 30 years as wife of a pastor who also counseled parishioners on love in the bedchambers, and (2) by spiritual mothers who taught her sacred traditions of ancient occult female wisdom. My experiences came from (1) a transcendent kundalini awakening 45 years ago, and (2) the resultant plunge into the swinging community as a co-leader with my late husband. The reason I like listening to Trisha so much is because her understanding fills in gaps for me. She provides the missing link between the mystical aspects of love (kundalini opening), and the mechanical aspects of human sexuality (swinging). Blending spirituality and physicality is at long last being filled in. The ability to blend these two extremes is by and large a feminine problem, subservient as women are, and too many women are caught betwixt and between. Having all-women discussions on the subject without men present (who have a different world view) is very helpful indeed.
After the day was over, starting next day, many coincidental happenings began to click-click-click together, as if the spark of life was still present and flowing. Fragmented thoughts in my mind began to unify and find peace. Only gradually did it slow down so that I felt normal again but my psychological perspective had shifted. I'm in a different orbit now. It's not possible to find the words to express this but it's sort of like being out in space without an anchor. I think it's the shift between third dimension and fifth dimension. The changeover has been going on for some time now. Even Doug is part of the changing patterns taking place in our household. I understand others are also experiencing the shift globally and gradually. The war is part of that shifting process. Wisdom will come out of it in the end. We're all processing from a fixed state created by the third dimension and we're moving into to the fluid state of the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is also right here on earth, but it is a shift from the left brain to the right brain. The right brain is connected to universal order, harmony and unity, where planets and suns follow a higher plan. Problems can't exist in the fifth dimension. It's impossible because the frequency is too high. You can't hold onto a problem in the fifth dimension but you can refuse to go there if it bothers you too much. Then you stay in the third dimension where war and problems continue to happen. If this doesn't make sense, don't worry. It's not for you. Moving on...
The big shift that many are talking about right now is from the left brain to the right brain, or the process of it. It will take awhile to complete. The left brain, as science tells us, is the conscious mind. The right brain is the subconscious mind. We've been raised in a left-brain dominant culture, where we are trained to "think before acting" and the right brain is considered to be flakey and irrelevant. However, the right brain takes care of many important functions of the body, like breathing, digesting, eliminating, blood circulation, production of hormones and more. So while the third dimension is busy with the outer world of physicality, and maintaining a system of duality, with two genders and striking opposites everywhere we look, to create friction and excitement, the fifth dimension is accessed through the right brain. The fifth dimension is cosmic and beyond the third dimensional understanding. It is where harmony reigns and the rhythms of life are universally maintained for peace, comfort and love for all beings. So, with the upcoming shift taking place, our two-brain, two-hemispheric bodies are moving into oneness mode. We are learning how to integrating our two separate harmonics. Friction and dissonance is natural when trying to find the right key note, but that's what we are doing in this "shift of the ages". For those who have not had any exposure to this esoteric concept, don't worry about it. You will, in time, as this information becomes more obvious and prevalent on the networks.
Forgive me for getting off track. It happens often. Back to the discussion of the women's gathering, when Trisha and I get together to talk without men around, we connect easily. We share and ping-pong ideas back and forth smoothly and efficiently, as if we are locked together in a harmonic rhythm. But if a man is present, I notice the shift. We are cut off in some mysterious way. We turn to the men and allow them to take control of the conversation. It has always been thus whenever I meet with spiritual women. It is because two right brain dominants are talking together. It can happen with ANY two right brain dominants talking. Two men operating in right brain also do this. Insert a left-brain dominant and suddenly right-brain dominants are unable to continue. It's a different wave length, a more universal, open-ended frequency and a more focused point of view causes dissonance. It is simply not in sync with the right brain. It is not wrong and should not be considered wrong. It is simply different. It is actually wonderful and beautiful to observe how two separate fields work. They are at first out of sync as two separate fields coming together but not mixing well. One must give way to the other. Who will dominate? We are at the point of understanding how fields of energy work. We are learning how to navigate them. Unity of differences is a process which we can become familiar with. How do we work two separate fields together so they are each happy? We must not put either one of them down, as if they were less or inferior. We must learn how to raise the bar high enough to include both and more. It is the way of the mystical, the sacred, the profound. The wisdoms of the ancient ones left their teachings behind. It is not secret knowledge so much as it is not widely known. As we evolve in understanding we will see more and more about the esoteric, occult and spiritual sciences.
Well, moving on - after our inspired women's day came and went, I was in high energy for a week. I was so filled with excitement and my spirit so on fire that I wanted to schedule another women's gathering right away. But that desire diminished and processed itself out in a few days. My left brain came back into play, as nature's rhythmic cycles are wont to do, and the following week I met with a young man seeking some advice of a different kind of esoteric nature. He is a medical professional interested in energy work. Since I have been reading a book called "Esoteric Healing" by the Master Djwal Khul, it was evident that he was guided to visit me to learn about this book. He is seeking validation for what he believes he is being pulled towards. Again on fire, we had a brilliant, inspired conversation and then he too left. So I had the feminine spiritual input, and the male spiritual input, side by side. Is it any wonder that I don't want to exclude men from the gatherings that I sense are coming? I have been reluctant to implement an all-women's gathering because I/we simply cannot eliminate one or the other gender. Both genders are part of humanity. We are here to learn to get along, to learn how to merge our dissatisfactions and integrate our wisdoms with loving attitudes. We are here to heal the rifts that keep us separated. Shifting dimensions is a difficult process for a world not in harmony, but it is happening. We have help from forces beyond us which are guiding us subconsciously and superconsciously. There are teachers and leaders coming forth who are stepping out into the forefront to share what they know. They have known for a long, long time. We are pieces inside a grand and vast puzzle, but the pieces have been shut down and scattered to the four winds. We MUST start gathering and sharing. I am a gatherer at heart. I want to have people around. I don't like the zoom meetings. I want real live human bodies around me. They are a grounding earth force for me.
Before closing, I asked Trisha for permission to publish her email and she said yes. She is waiting with open arms to receive emails from those who need her services. If you feel inclined, feel free to write a brief (or lengthy) message to her at <[email protected]>. Also, watch some clips on her Youtube channel HERE called "Talking With Trisha" She also has a Tiktok channel but I'm unsure how to access it. You can try "Talking With Trisha" on Tiktok.
Blessings to all on this Memorial Day weekend. May everyone be happy, may everyone be at peace. Do not listen to the warmongers and agitators. Turn the devices off and find something to be excited and inspired about to fill your weekend. Be in peace. Be in joy. Be in gratitude and in silence. We are on the cusp of a brand new era of peace.
Love from the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angelics, Celestials and me,
5/15/22 - Divine Feminine Gathering May 16
With Trisha & Diana on sex, spirituality and intimacy
From 2-6 pm, Naples, FL
While Trisha is coming out as an intimacy coach as her next path (see her Youtube channel, link at the bottom), one of the paths that is opening for ME, is permission has been granted to share information about the subtle bodies. You might ask, "Who gives you permission?" Well, that's one of the feminine sacred secrets. There are levels upon levels of understandings. I get it from higher planes, dimensions that I have come into contact with and developed association with. It has become official. Is this too far out? Not at all, when you've been in contact for the number of years I have been practicing. It is information that is widely known but is not talked about openly. This is the realm of the sacred feminine. It is kept quiet and unrecognized officially.
Women are more in touch with these dimensions than men. Did you know for instance that you walk around inside bubbles of energy? Layers of energy that are lighter on the periphery and darker toward the center of the bubble where the physical body is located? These layers have been called etheric body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body and other names. And did you know that when you pass someone in a store, for example, your auric field intermixes with others as you walk by? We walk around in a sea of random invisible energies that we don't know they are there. Not officially, anyway. It's an invisible soup of sorts that we walk through. We then come home and wonder why we feel such and such. "Now where did THAT come from?" Feelings of anger, frustration, happiness, alertness, curiosity, sick perhaps? We are mixing and mingling every day with people, both strangers and people we know. Auric fields are fuzzy and vague. They are not shaped into form. They are only molded into form through conscious practice by someone who has been doing their inner homework for a long time. An ascended master or a galactic master could appear out of thin air if they chose to, because their inner bodies are under conscious control. They can densify their energies to manifest them or lighten them to ascend them and make them disappear. That's why they are called masters.
We humans are at the point of being slowly indoctrinated into this art and skill of mastering our own personal energies. No one else can master our energies for us, but we will first need to know about them. Education is required. Then It will require practice. This training has been kept mostly hidden from the mass populations, but there have ALWAYS been remote retreats where training has taken place. Our energy fields are like vast invisible reservoirs, with lights scattered dimly or brightly through them, along with colors, textures and sounds invisible to our physical plane senses. Everything is energy. The universe is filled with energy. It becomes light only when someone recognizes it. It takes a conscious being to direct thought into the field of dark energy and cause it to light up. It is then an "aha" moment. The dark energy turns on, lights up. Cartoon characters are depicted with a light bulb over its head upon sudden inspiration.
We are created out of energy which is conscious but scattered when unacknowledged. Scattered unacknowledged energy is found throughout space, helter-skelter, ready to be used and directed by a conscious intelligence. Unacknowledged conscious energy is also scattered throughout our auric field, the bubble that surrounds us. When we start becoming conscious of it we start managing it better and it will light us up. When energy is not recognized, it is dark energy. It floats around randomly, helter-skelter. A particle here, a wave there, a disappearance. But there are lights. Always there are lights. Our own unconsciousness can be brought forward into the light under our own control through the practice of certain techniques. The ageless wisdom teachings have been there all along. We are evolving our consciousness as we speak. We are conscious beings and we can learn these techniques and bring light and awareness into our lives. The universe runs on harmony, love, peace and magnificent order. Consciousness is evolving. We are learning as we grow in understanding our own energies and where they come from.
These energies that are contained inside our bubbles of light are like reservoirs of energy that we've accumulated unknowingly through past lives and this life. Women tune in better than men. Women are internal creatures, facing inward, where men are externally focused, facing outward onto the physical plane. We women are automatically focused inward and pick up on the layers of energy that surround us. Women can speak more easily with other women without men around to question their remarks, beliefs and conclusions. Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy work together? Trisha had different training than I had, so I enjoy listening to her. I have had mentors that Trisha has not had, so I can speak from my side. Every woman has had mentors in her past, mothers, grandmothers, teachers and others. She knows things that we do not know. We have lived many lives before this one. Each of us are individuals, unique to our own training and experiences. It is time to start getting together to open doors that have been long closed. Bring them out in to the light and notice the changes that take place. Last minute invitation. Please contact me if you'd like to join Trisha and me tomorrow at 2 pm. I'll send directions.
Trisha's Youtube channel "Talking with Trisha":
Anakosha Newsletter 5/29/22
Peace, love, light and freedom to all on this Memorial Day weekend. May you be happy wherever you are. Thank you to all who have served in your own special way to uplift and protect those of us who could not. We are grateful and hold you in our hearts.
There have been inquiries about the recent women's gathering held in my home on May 16, with Trisha Marinari presenting as an intimacy coach on sacred feminine secrets. I want to tell a little about that day. People have been wondering. Yes, it did take place. It was attended by one other woman and me. There were only three of us and it was memorable, and hugely spirited. It turned out to be a game changer for me. I had to take a break in the middle, leave them and go into the pool because my head was spinning and ready to lift off my head! It was a sign that I was leaving this dimension. I had shifted to a higher orbit. This was an inner event with Trisha, not a typical gabfest of women. It was the result of Trisha's and my inner connections which brought it about. An inner event is one that follows the cosmic Plan freely, without ego intervention. The Plan is from source beyond the personal or ego agenda. You tune into your divine Plan through inner wisdoms, often called ancient wisdoms which are innate.
The other woman who attended with us had never received newsletters from me before. Her husband, who WAS on my list, forwarded it to her and she felt to attend. Thank you for joining us E, we loved sharing with you. Monday, the day of the May full moon and eclipse was a lovely day, hot but not too hot to prevent us from sitting in the outdoor screen room. For four hours we talked. It wasn't chit-chat. It was Trisha's time and space to speak freely of her knowledge out loud. It is one of the hardest things for a woman to do, to speak openly of the sacred traditions which are normally kept silent in the heart. Every woman has depths of inner wisdoms that she cannot put into words. There is a reason why it is so difficult to put words to deep inner knowledge. This knowledge is subconscious. It also applies to men but men approach inner subconscious wisdom from different pathways. In this case we are focusing from the women's pathway.
Trisha and I had practiced earlier, in a prearranged interview session, soundboarding these concepts together out loud. We found we were able to be on the same wave length. The frequencies of each of us were similar, and thus we blended easily. What was exciting and inspiring were our differences. Trisha has inner knowledge that is different from my own. To feel safe to speak openly about such sacred inner knowledge requires the right listener and surrounding atmosphere. If there had been more women in attendance, the atmosphere would have been noisier with more differences. It would have lowered the tone of the meeting. In retrospect, while we wished for more to be in attendance, I felt it was a beautiful clear space for Trisha to speak of high quality subject matter. It was so exciting for me, that I moved from sitting beside her to sitting across the table from her so I could listen and be a better mirror for her. E sat on her other side.
To try to give some substance to what we talked about, well, it's virtually impossible. Trisha's experiences were shaped and molded by (1) 30 years as wife of a pastor who also counseled parishioners on love in the bedchambers, and (2) by spiritual mothers who taught her sacred traditions of ancient occult female wisdom. My experiences came from (1) a transcendent kundalini awakening 45 years ago, and (2) the resultant plunge into the swinging community as a co-leader with my late husband. The reason I like listening to Trisha so much is because her understanding fills in gaps for me. She provides the missing link between the mystical aspects of love (kundalini opening), and the mechanical aspects of human sexuality (swinging). Blending spirituality and physicality is at long last being filled in. The ability to blend these two extremes is by and large a feminine problem, subservient as women are, and too many women are caught betwixt and between. Having all-women discussions on the subject without men present (who have a different world view) is very helpful indeed.
After the day was over, starting next day, many coincidental happenings began to click-click-click together, as if the spark of life was still present and flowing. Fragmented thoughts in my mind began to unify and find peace. Only gradually did it slow down so that I felt normal again but my psychological perspective had shifted. I'm in a different orbit now. It's not possible to find the words to express this but it's sort of like being out in space without an anchor. I think it's the shift between third dimension and fifth dimension. The changeover has been going on for some time now. Even Doug is part of the changing patterns taking place in our household. I understand others are also experiencing the shift globally and gradually. The war is part of that shifting process. Wisdom will come out of it in the end. We're all processing from a fixed state created by the third dimension and we're moving into to the fluid state of the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is also right here on earth, but it is a shift from the left brain to the right brain. The right brain is connected to universal order, harmony and unity, where planets and suns follow a higher plan. Problems can't exist in the fifth dimension. It's impossible because the frequency is too high. You can't hold onto a problem in the fifth dimension but you can refuse to go there if it bothers you too much. Then you stay in the third dimension where war and problems continue to happen. If this doesn't make sense, don't worry. It's not for you. Moving on...
The big shift that many are talking about right now is from the left brain to the right brain, or the process of it. It will take awhile to complete. The left brain, as science tells us, is the conscious mind. The right brain is the subconscious mind. We've been raised in a left-brain dominant culture, where we are trained to "think before acting" and the right brain is considered to be flakey and irrelevant. However, the right brain takes care of many important functions of the body, like breathing, digesting, eliminating, blood circulation, production of hormones and more. So while the third dimension is busy with the outer world of physicality, and maintaining a system of duality, with two genders and striking opposites everywhere we look, to create friction and excitement, the fifth dimension is accessed through the right brain. The fifth dimension is cosmic and beyond the third dimensional understanding. It is where harmony reigns and the rhythms of life are universally maintained for peace, comfort and love for all beings. So, with the upcoming shift taking place, our two-brain, two-hemispheric bodies are moving into oneness mode. We are learning how to integrating our two separate harmonics. Friction and dissonance is natural when trying to find the right key note, but that's what we are doing in this "shift of the ages". For those who have not had any exposure to this esoteric concept, don't worry about it. You will, in time, as this information becomes more obvious and prevalent on the networks.
Forgive me for getting off track. It happens often. Back to the discussion of the women's gathering, when Trisha and I get together to talk without men around, we connect easily. We share and ping-pong ideas back and forth smoothly and efficiently, as if we are locked together in a harmonic rhythm. But if a man is present, I notice the shift. We are cut off in some mysterious way. We turn to the men and allow them to take control of the conversation. It has always been thus whenever I meet with spiritual women. It is because two right brain dominants are talking together. It can happen with ANY two right brain dominants talking. Two men operating in right brain also do this. Insert a left-brain dominant and suddenly right-brain dominants are unable to continue. It's a different wave length, a more universal, open-ended frequency and a more focused point of view causes dissonance. It is simply not in sync with the right brain. It is not wrong and should not be considered wrong. It is simply different. It is actually wonderful and beautiful to observe how two separate fields work. They are at first out of sync as two separate fields coming together but not mixing well. One must give way to the other. Who will dominate? We are at the point of understanding how fields of energy work. We are learning how to navigate them. Unity of differences is a process which we can become familiar with. How do we work two separate fields together so they are each happy? We must not put either one of them down, as if they were less or inferior. We must learn how to raise the bar high enough to include both and more. It is the way of the mystical, the sacred, the profound. The wisdoms of the ancient ones left their teachings behind. It is not secret knowledge so much as it is not widely known. As we evolve in understanding we will see more and more about the esoteric, occult and spiritual sciences.
Well, moving on - after our inspired women's day came and went, I was in high energy for a week. I was so filled with excitement and my spirit so on fire that I wanted to schedule another women's gathering right away. But that desire diminished and processed itself out in a few days. My left brain came back into play, as nature's rhythmic cycles are wont to do, and the following week I met with a young man seeking some advice of a different kind of esoteric nature. He is a medical professional interested in energy work. Since I have been reading a book called "Esoteric Healing" by the Master Djwal Khul, it was evident that he was guided to visit me to learn about this book. He is seeking validation for what he believes he is being pulled towards. Again on fire, we had a brilliant, inspired conversation and then he too left. So I had the feminine spiritual input, and the male spiritual input, side by side. Is it any wonder that I don't want to exclude men from the gatherings that I sense are coming? I have been reluctant to implement an all-women's gathering because I/we simply cannot eliminate one or the other gender. Both genders are part of humanity. We are here to learn to get along, to learn how to merge our dissatisfactions and integrate our wisdoms with loving attitudes. We are here to heal the rifts that keep us separated. Shifting dimensions is a difficult process for a world not in harmony, but it is happening. We have help from forces beyond us which are guiding us subconsciously and superconsciously. There are teachers and leaders coming forth who are stepping out into the forefront to share what they know. They have known for a long, long time. We are pieces inside a grand and vast puzzle, but the pieces have been shut down and scattered to the four winds. We MUST start gathering and sharing. I am a gatherer at heart. I want to have people around. I don't like the zoom meetings. I want real live human bodies around me. They are a grounding earth force for me.
Before closing, I asked Trisha for permission to publish her email and she said yes. She is waiting with open arms to receive emails from those who need her services. If you feel inclined, feel free to write a brief (or lengthy) message to her at <[email protected]>. Also, watch some clips on her Youtube channel HERE called "Talking With Trisha" She also has a Tiktok channel but I'm unsure how to access it. You can try "Talking With Trisha" on Tiktok.
Blessings to all on this Memorial Day weekend. May everyone be happy, may everyone be at peace. Do not listen to the warmongers and agitators. Turn the devices off and find something to be excited and inspired about to fill your weekend. Be in peace. Be in joy. Be in gratitude and in silence. We are on the cusp of a brand new era of peace.
Love from the Ascendeds, Galactics, Angelics, Celestials and me,
5/15/22 - Divine Feminine Gathering May 16
With Trisha & Diana on sex, spirituality and intimacy
From 2-6 pm, Naples, FL
- Location private home in Naples
- Women only
- Free, no cost, no food
- Reserve by return reply to me
- I'll send address
While Trisha is coming out as an intimacy coach as her next path (see her Youtube channel, link at the bottom), one of the paths that is opening for ME, is permission has been granted to share information about the subtle bodies. You might ask, "Who gives you permission?" Well, that's one of the feminine sacred secrets. There are levels upon levels of understandings. I get it from higher planes, dimensions that I have come into contact with and developed association with. It has become official. Is this too far out? Not at all, when you've been in contact for the number of years I have been practicing. It is information that is widely known but is not talked about openly. This is the realm of the sacred feminine. It is kept quiet and unrecognized officially.
Women are more in touch with these dimensions than men. Did you know for instance that you walk around inside bubbles of energy? Layers of energy that are lighter on the periphery and darker toward the center of the bubble where the physical body is located? These layers have been called etheric body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body and other names. And did you know that when you pass someone in a store, for example, your auric field intermixes with others as you walk by? We walk around in a sea of random invisible energies that we don't know they are there. Not officially, anyway. It's an invisible soup of sorts that we walk through. We then come home and wonder why we feel such and such. "Now where did THAT come from?" Feelings of anger, frustration, happiness, alertness, curiosity, sick perhaps? We are mixing and mingling every day with people, both strangers and people we know. Auric fields are fuzzy and vague. They are not shaped into form. They are only molded into form through conscious practice by someone who has been doing their inner homework for a long time. An ascended master or a galactic master could appear out of thin air if they chose to, because their inner bodies are under conscious control. They can densify their energies to manifest them or lighten them to ascend them and make them disappear. That's why they are called masters.
We humans are at the point of being slowly indoctrinated into this art and skill of mastering our own personal energies. No one else can master our energies for us, but we will first need to know about them. Education is required. Then It will require practice. This training has been kept mostly hidden from the mass populations, but there have ALWAYS been remote retreats where training has taken place. Our energy fields are like vast invisible reservoirs, with lights scattered dimly or brightly through them, along with colors, textures and sounds invisible to our physical plane senses. Everything is energy. The universe is filled with energy. It becomes light only when someone recognizes it. It takes a conscious being to direct thought into the field of dark energy and cause it to light up. It is then an "aha" moment. The dark energy turns on, lights up. Cartoon characters are depicted with a light bulb over its head upon sudden inspiration.
We are created out of energy which is conscious but scattered when unacknowledged. Scattered unacknowledged energy is found throughout space, helter-skelter, ready to be used and directed by a conscious intelligence. Unacknowledged conscious energy is also scattered throughout our auric field, the bubble that surrounds us. When we start becoming conscious of it we start managing it better and it will light us up. When energy is not recognized, it is dark energy. It floats around randomly, helter-skelter. A particle here, a wave there, a disappearance. But there are lights. Always there are lights. Our own unconsciousness can be brought forward into the light under our own control through the practice of certain techniques. The ageless wisdom teachings have been there all along. We are evolving our consciousness as we speak. We are conscious beings and we can learn these techniques and bring light and awareness into our lives. The universe runs on harmony, love, peace and magnificent order. Consciousness is evolving. We are learning as we grow in understanding our own energies and where they come from.
These energies that are contained inside our bubbles of light are like reservoirs of energy that we've accumulated unknowingly through past lives and this life. Women tune in better than men. Women are internal creatures, facing inward, where men are externally focused, facing outward onto the physical plane. We women are automatically focused inward and pick up on the layers of energy that surround us. Women can speak more easily with other women without men around to question their remarks, beliefs and conclusions. Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy work together? Trisha had different training than I had, so I enjoy listening to her. I have had mentors that Trisha has not had, so I can speak from my side. Every woman has had mentors in her past, mothers, grandmothers, teachers and others. She knows things that we do not know. We have lived many lives before this one. Each of us are individuals, unique to our own training and experiences. It is time to start getting together to open doors that have been long closed. Bring them out in to the light and notice the changes that take place. Last minute invitation. Please contact me if you'd like to join Trisha and me tomorrow at 2 pm. I'll send directions.
Trisha's Youtube channel "Talking with Trisha":

5/11/22 - Trisha Marinari, Intimacy Coach to Present:
Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy
For women only!
Monday, May 16, 2022 - From 2 to 6 pm
Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy work together? Trisha will speak on this in ways you won't normally hear on a public platform. But this is not public. This is a private, select invitation. I am Diana of Anakosha and I have been waiting for just the right opportunity or spark to gather the women to speak in the language of the divine feminine. Trisha has trained for many years with un-named mentors, while at the same time serving as a pastor's wife and co-pastor in their successful Pentacostal church in NJ. She has authored books with her husband, Ron Marinari, and counseled women in their church. She is now ready to step into her calling as an intimacy coach. Her specialty is one-on-one sessions. The light in her honors and attracts the light in the person she sits with. She lives here in Naples with her husband.
It is not possible to summarize the sacred feminine in a few brief words. It is through personal connection that she transmits her sacred knowledge. I am very happy to co-host with her this day - the May full moon day which is also a lunar eclipse - because it fits into my own desire to gather women of the light. We are polar opposites in our missions.
Trisha's youtube channel "Talking with Trisha" (link below) shows her speaking with me (I'm off-camera). It was a most enlightening three-hour session, sitting and chatting with her. Like a crystal bell resonating back and forth, woman to woman, we reflected similar feelings back and forth. Her new counseling business as a one-on-one intimacy counselor is soon to go live on Tik Tok. Watch for her online. Thank you so much to her husband Ron for the excellent production and editing of short snippits of her expressing, and then posting them online. This woman has a mystical, angelic quality that is rarely seen so close to earth. I have seen visions of her flying high.
Talking With Trisha: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCBVaWgqkOLeWf4FmduGjDAA\
Women only are invited to this gathering. However, I suspect there will be a men-only gathering sometime in the near future. First we must gather the women to build feminine confidence through togetherness, to build freedom and power, because this subject has been a forbidden topic in polite society. It is time to come out of hiding and every woman is involved. There are secrets that women know that need to be shared. It has been a man's world for a very long time. An ancient prophecy says that ultimately women will regain their respect and dignity and stop hiding their light under a bushel. The Dali Lama has said that it is American women who will bring about the much needed changes. I'm paraphrasing a statement I read somewhere recently. Trisha is one who has been prepared to lead through her counseling. I have prepared a place for her to speak openly, without antagonistic forces fighting her. To be able to express sacred truths one must have a sacred space, and so I thank my husband for his part in protecting it. The women must be awakened first in this world of gender imbalance, because only then can they assist the men to stop hiding their own hearts under a bushel. Let those who hear, pause and reflect on this.
After sitting with Trisha for the video taping two weeks ago, I have had a rapid escalation of consciousness. Inner knowledge has been flooding forth as if a membrane broke free. Since I've made it my job to be a journalist and post my inner thoughts and revelations, putting them as best I can into common language, I've decided to invite Trisha to co-host a women's gathering with me here at my house for questions and answers and further discussion. This is for women only to share female beliefs and experiences without having to take into consideration the male side, with all due respect to the men. But at the same time, I would love to hold a men's gathering along the same theme - sexual intimacy coupled with higher love, spirituality and more. When the right male presenter is found to present from that angle, I will do my best to bring it about. I'll keep you informed. Meanwhile, to all women in the SW Florida area, reserve for that day by return reply and I'll send directions to you. Again, there is no cost involved, and no food. That's Monday, May 16, from 2 pm to 6 pm, Naples, FL.
Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy
For women only!
Monday, May 16, 2022 - From 2 to 6 pm
- Private home in Naples, FL
- Free, no cost, no food
- Reservations required
- Reply by return email
Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy work together? Trisha will speak on this in ways you won't normally hear on a public platform. But this is not public. This is a private, select invitation. I am Diana of Anakosha and I have been waiting for just the right opportunity or spark to gather the women to speak in the language of the divine feminine. Trisha has trained for many years with un-named mentors, while at the same time serving as a pastor's wife and co-pastor in their successful Pentacostal church in NJ. She has authored books with her husband, Ron Marinari, and counseled women in their church. She is now ready to step into her calling as an intimacy coach. Her specialty is one-on-one sessions. The light in her honors and attracts the light in the person she sits with. She lives here in Naples with her husband.
It is not possible to summarize the sacred feminine in a few brief words. It is through personal connection that she transmits her sacred knowledge. I am very happy to co-host with her this day - the May full moon day which is also a lunar eclipse - because it fits into my own desire to gather women of the light. We are polar opposites in our missions.
Trisha's youtube channel "Talking with Trisha" (link below) shows her speaking with me (I'm off-camera). It was a most enlightening three-hour session, sitting and chatting with her. Like a crystal bell resonating back and forth, woman to woman, we reflected similar feelings back and forth. Her new counseling business as a one-on-one intimacy counselor is soon to go live on Tik Tok. Watch for her online. Thank you so much to her husband Ron for the excellent production and editing of short snippits of her expressing, and then posting them online. This woman has a mystical, angelic quality that is rarely seen so close to earth. I have seen visions of her flying high.
Talking With Trisha: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCBVaWgqkOLeWf4FmduGjDAA\
Women only are invited to this gathering. However, I suspect there will be a men-only gathering sometime in the near future. First we must gather the women to build feminine confidence through togetherness, to build freedom and power, because this subject has been a forbidden topic in polite society. It is time to come out of hiding and every woman is involved. There are secrets that women know that need to be shared. It has been a man's world for a very long time. An ancient prophecy says that ultimately women will regain their respect and dignity and stop hiding their light under a bushel. The Dali Lama has said that it is American women who will bring about the much needed changes. I'm paraphrasing a statement I read somewhere recently. Trisha is one who has been prepared to lead through her counseling. I have prepared a place for her to speak openly, without antagonistic forces fighting her. To be able to express sacred truths one must have a sacred space, and so I thank my husband for his part in protecting it. The women must be awakened first in this world of gender imbalance, because only then can they assist the men to stop hiding their own hearts under a bushel. Let those who hear, pause and reflect on this.
After sitting with Trisha for the video taping two weeks ago, I have had a rapid escalation of consciousness. Inner knowledge has been flooding forth as if a membrane broke free. Since I've made it my job to be a journalist and post my inner thoughts and revelations, putting them as best I can into common language, I've decided to invite Trisha to co-host a women's gathering with me here at my house for questions and answers and further discussion. This is for women only to share female beliefs and experiences without having to take into consideration the male side, with all due respect to the men. But at the same time, I would love to hold a men's gathering along the same theme - sexual intimacy coupled with higher love, spirituality and more. When the right male presenter is found to present from that angle, I will do my best to bring it about. I'll keep you informed. Meanwhile, to all women in the SW Florida area, reserve for that day by return reply and I'll send directions to you. Again, there is no cost involved, and no food. That's Monday, May 16, from 2 pm to 6 pm, Naples, FL.

5/2/22 - Update and Coming Women of the Heart Gathering
Anakosha Newsletter 5/1/22
This is a brief update. Well, maybe not so brief (lol!) I am writing spontaneously, from the heart. The last Anakosha newsletter was March 30. A whole month has gone by and people are asking if I'm OK. I would say we are in transition. The state of the world is going through many changes, but we are in peace here in our home in Naples. If you have tried to text me and didn't get a response, it's because my phone is not operating. There is no sim card in it. I DO get emails though. D is working with Republic Wireless steadily, every day, because his phone is also down. Republic is re-structuring and preparing for 5G and it seems to be disrupting their plans. Our land line was also down but I think that's up now, although we don't use land lines much any more. We are happy. D is doing a great job keeping us supplied and connected while I'm busy expanding my consciousness into other realms. I'm connected to other systems that don't require wires or towers on the ground.
While the world is preparing for the big changeover from 3D to 5D, I'm continuing to stay in my heart center in the here and now, reading less and less galactic and spiritual channelings. There is so much talk about ascension that is pure speculation. It's not interesting any more. No one really knows how this big changeover is going to happen and when. Is it really a shift in dimensions? Or is it a shift in ourselves? Speculating doesn't help too much because we each have our own ideas on the subject. For me, there is only one way to stay grounded and that's to connect physically with friends and associates. I feel warmth and comfort when I'm part of the human family. It keeps me feeling connected and safe, keeps me feeling healthy, alive and whole. This is the heart connection. I don't like discussing politics. The heart is where we feel most at home. Making home is like feeling safe inside your skin. The heart is where the inner light is located, and the inner light is universal goodness and universal harmony. With that in mind, the global shift is a shift from the head (intellect) to the heart. The head (intellect) is where disagreements take place, whereas the heart is the place where comfort is felt, overlooking the differences. Or perhaps it is linking the intellect with the heart. Each person is unique and different when it comes to past history. The head remembers the past very well, different parents, trainings and experiences. But the heart is a special place that can't be defined. It's the place where love emanates. The heart is a mystery. We identify it with warmth and security, comfort and nurturance, sweetness, gentleness and peaceful fulfillments. It is my favorite focus when I meditate.
During my meditations this morning I asked DK* some questions about, “Why am I so dense, so buried and unawakened?” I have a naturally spiritual background but confusion still reigns when I seek more answers. He responded by inserting some ideas into my mind. He showed me how the dark comes into being. He explained that I came from pure light, that was my origin, and as I came down into density it became darker to me. "You lose the light as the electrons densify and get packed together into form and structure. You follow lines of thought that were previously laid out by others before you. It is similar to driving your car on roads that have been paved by others. It is part of a civilized world to create structures for others to follow."
DK gave me a picture of a flower seed buried in soil, and how it starts out as pure consciousness at first, not knowing where it is, and then it starts to become aware of itself. And its awareness grows and becomes more intensely aware and soon becomes aware that it is confined and it expands against its own confinement. Finally it bursts its shell open because it can’t be contained in such a closed space any longer. The shell breaks open because it is growing too big (in awareness) for its container. And then it becomes aware of other consciousness seeds around itself and they connect and see each other and their consciousness expands and they see OTHER consciousness seeds around them and they start connecting their awareness and the consciousness of the seeds grows and they become more and more connected. And they start reaching up, just as humans do. Soon they are growing up through the soil, the only location they know, just as we humans are growing upward from where we are located, and the seeds finally, one by one, pop out of the soil into the daylight and they see the sun and the light for the first time.
It’s a new dimension for the seed whose consciousness is now housed inside a green sprout. It begins a new life in the light, and it continues to grow its conscious awareness toward the sun. It is ALL consciousness. The seed's consciousness is not the form, it builds a form to fit its current state of consciousness. But the form keeps changing as its consciousness expands. It grows taller and higher and it unfolds into petals, vines and other manifestations. It is still the consciousness of a seed but it is growing its awareness and it changes its appearance as it grows higher and wider. That’s what we, the human race, are doing. We are growing our awareness of ourselves higher and wider. We see more, know more, consider more, and have more visions and ideas. We too adapt our surroundings to our growing consciousness. We too will soon break out of the enclosed form that we have grown accustomed to over the eons. We are breaking through layers and levels very rapidly and, one by one, we are breaking out into a new day, a new light, a new dimension, with new and exciting powers. That is how I feel today.
If we are wise and astute, we will start exercising our new powers right now. It will assist us in our grwoth process. We don't have to die, because we are not the body. This is going to be difficult to understand but it can be done. We are consciousness and we are moving our awareness through these times. Our body was given to us by our parents but only to start out with. We too change as we evolve and adapt. We grow bigger, for one thing. But we also grow new body shapes, hair, muscles, and more. As long as we are interested in our life and what we are doing, we will retain our body because we will be exciting our body, and revitalizing (feeding) the cells and tissues with new food for thought. Our bodies can be prolonged and perhaps even grow more youthful because we are the excitement. We are not the body. We nourish our body. We are not condemned to the same old body that our parents gave us. Are we exciting the body with new ideas? Are we revitalizing it by maintaining an open mind to consider new interests beyond what we knew before?
We've been under the impression that our bodies had to die past a certain age, but there are records of people living to be 800, 900 years old. These are found in the old Taoist records, the 6,000 year old system of exercise. I've been practicing some Taoist exercises lately, ever since the "sickness" fell on me and I said, "NO!" to the sickness that carried doom and gloom. These exercises develop inner strength, not muscle strength. They revitalize the light body that runs through us. There is a tree of light in us that supports the physical. It looks just like a tree. There is a strong central trunk from the top of the head down to the feet, and it branches out into roots that run deep into the earth. It holds the chakra system in place and keeps us rooted to the earth. The light body begins at conception when we're conceived in mother's womb by father's spirit. The earth substance starts adhering to it because it is a pattern as old as time itself. But if the solid body forgets its parentage, the tree of light which feeds us, the body will grow weaker and slowly disintegrate. If on the other hand the tree of light is strengthened, the body is strengthened. This is deeply esoteric information, but it is becoming more available, as people start telling what they know. You might have seen the charts on the walls of a chirpractor or acupuncturist, diagrams of the meridians and the distribution system called chakras.
We of the old school thought we wouldn't make it past the age of 60, 70, or 80. But Doug and I are being re-vitalized. We are growing younger because we have some new interests. I am much lighter and aware at age 84 than I was at 50. Back then I took my body for granted. I assumed I would last forever. Now I see my body is changing. There's an electricity I can access. It thrills me at unexpected times. It tells me "this is a truth!" I want to share this information. The so-called "solid" body is not so solid after all! But if we believe it to be, then it will be. The solid body has to keep pace with new information or the light will withdraw its support and the body begin to disintegrate. Our consciousness is not the body. It is forever more, an evolving consciousness, like that of the seed. Keep up with the new information. It's changing the mass consciousness of humanity. Information about peace, unity, harmony and cooperation. New ideas unify people. We need to share with each other these new ideas because each of us carries a different perspective. We are each a piece of the larger puzzle that is trying to manifest and materialize. We NEED to share if we are going to build the new earth, the new peaceful earth. This is how we revitalize ourselves and restore the health of disintegrating bodies.
It is our excitement that keeps us alive. Groups are forming. This is the new age after the pandemic. Individuals are hungry for connection. We will keeping up with ideas of others who resonate, who feel right, who feel exciting because they stimulate your OWN ideas. It is the way and the skill of the heart to keep abreast of new growth in other people to stimulate your own growth. Forget all this dumb talk about wars. They are ideas that are dying on the vine because there are too many heart-connections being made. They can't keep the world in separation and disarray much longer. The old path is not being traveled much any more. The wise man will start connecting with his heart and open his mind to new concepts. The heart leads to a break-away civilization, a new way of doing things. The heart is not emotional, it is the hub of universal intelligence. The heart is the way of great wisdom and sharp discernment, and love.
Following those meandering thoughts, this past Wednesday I was invited to Trisha Marinari's house to share in a video shoot for her new intimacy counseling business. We sat for several hours discussing women's empowerment while her husband Ron was the camera man (focusing just on her). We discussed women's empowerment at levels of understanding seldom ever discussed in public. Look for brief shots of Trisha Marinari on Tik Tok or Facebook. Both Trisha and I are women of the spirit, women of light. This was the first time we sat together in a semi-formal setting. We have both been trained in the ways of the feminine spirit, or the ways of the heart. We each have different backgrounds, with different mentors and we have different ways of "seeing". And yet we meld perfectly when we get together. There is SO much to share with other women of the heart that I have decided to issue an invitation to women only for Monday, May 16, so mark your calendar if you live nearby to Naples, FL. It will probably be in the afternoon or later. It hasn't been decided yet. This is a slow materialization, a slow revealing of something sacred. It is for women who resonate. Not for men. Men have their own sacred knowledge to share with each other. The women will meet at my house on Monday, May 16, for the special full moon that day.
It's for women only, because feminine secrets are different from male secrets. When Trisha and I met together last Wednesday for the photo shoot, I was personally rewarded with the OTHER side of the equation that I needed to hear. Trisha's new counseling business is one-on-one and I had a one-on-one with her. She is a mirror reflecting the one she is sitting with, and I came home dizzy with powerful realizations breaking out into full-blown understandings. Heady is the right word. I was buzzing. Sharing information fills in the gaps. It creates wholesome understandings. It revitalizes, resurrects and strengthens the inner light body. The light in each person has dimmed down under the restrictions of the old ways. The light needs strengthening. We have been underground waaay to long. Female empowerment is not mental empowerment. It's not about going into competition with men. The tree of light in women uses a different pathway energeticallly, than men. Men have had the responsibility of building a solid world and have been in dominant control for millennia. They experiencing being worn out. It's time now for them to take a step back and stop feeling so beleaguered. And to learn how to receive. Receiving is very difficult for a strong man, but this is where the women are getting ready to step up to the plate and be a full and equal partner with him.
The light within women is really no different than the light in men, but it takes a different route as it travels through the body. Different pathways have been laid down over the centuries. We've been following the old traditions. Our mothers and grandmothers laid down the ways for women to follow, as did the fathers and grandfathers for the men. We obeyed. We did it "their" way. But our inner minds are different, our emotions, our psychology, our spirituality, our reasoning and logic - women have skills that have been long hidden. I have invited Trisha to be a guest speaker at a wise women's gathering on Monday, May 16 at my house. This isn't official yet. It is a slow process, opening the heart to the public. We do it only when it feels comfortable. I am preparing the way. The ways of the wise woman are NOT the ways of the patriarchy.
Well, that's all for now. I will close and send this on its way. Please feel free to connect with me and let me know your interest. I'll send an official invitation in a few days.
Sending love and light to all who read this message. Blessings to you from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Angelics, unnamed Spiritual guides, and me.
* DK - Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
Anakosha Newsletter 5/1/22
This is a brief update. Well, maybe not so brief (lol!) I am writing spontaneously, from the heart. The last Anakosha newsletter was March 30. A whole month has gone by and people are asking if I'm OK. I would say we are in transition. The state of the world is going through many changes, but we are in peace here in our home in Naples. If you have tried to text me and didn't get a response, it's because my phone is not operating. There is no sim card in it. I DO get emails though. D is working with Republic Wireless steadily, every day, because his phone is also down. Republic is re-structuring and preparing for 5G and it seems to be disrupting their plans. Our land line was also down but I think that's up now, although we don't use land lines much any more. We are happy. D is doing a great job keeping us supplied and connected while I'm busy expanding my consciousness into other realms. I'm connected to other systems that don't require wires or towers on the ground.
While the world is preparing for the big changeover from 3D to 5D, I'm continuing to stay in my heart center in the here and now, reading less and less galactic and spiritual channelings. There is so much talk about ascension that is pure speculation. It's not interesting any more. No one really knows how this big changeover is going to happen and when. Is it really a shift in dimensions? Or is it a shift in ourselves? Speculating doesn't help too much because we each have our own ideas on the subject. For me, there is only one way to stay grounded and that's to connect physically with friends and associates. I feel warmth and comfort when I'm part of the human family. It keeps me feeling connected and safe, keeps me feeling healthy, alive and whole. This is the heart connection. I don't like discussing politics. The heart is where we feel most at home. Making home is like feeling safe inside your skin. The heart is where the inner light is located, and the inner light is universal goodness and universal harmony. With that in mind, the global shift is a shift from the head (intellect) to the heart. The head (intellect) is where disagreements take place, whereas the heart is the place where comfort is felt, overlooking the differences. Or perhaps it is linking the intellect with the heart. Each person is unique and different when it comes to past history. The head remembers the past very well, different parents, trainings and experiences. But the heart is a special place that can't be defined. It's the place where love emanates. The heart is a mystery. We identify it with warmth and security, comfort and nurturance, sweetness, gentleness and peaceful fulfillments. It is my favorite focus when I meditate.
During my meditations this morning I asked DK* some questions about, “Why am I so dense, so buried and unawakened?” I have a naturally spiritual background but confusion still reigns when I seek more answers. He responded by inserting some ideas into my mind. He showed me how the dark comes into being. He explained that I came from pure light, that was my origin, and as I came down into density it became darker to me. "You lose the light as the electrons densify and get packed together into form and structure. You follow lines of thought that were previously laid out by others before you. It is similar to driving your car on roads that have been paved by others. It is part of a civilized world to create structures for others to follow."
DK gave me a picture of a flower seed buried in soil, and how it starts out as pure consciousness at first, not knowing where it is, and then it starts to become aware of itself. And its awareness grows and becomes more intensely aware and soon becomes aware that it is confined and it expands against its own confinement. Finally it bursts its shell open because it can’t be contained in such a closed space any longer. The shell breaks open because it is growing too big (in awareness) for its container. And then it becomes aware of other consciousness seeds around itself and they connect and see each other and their consciousness expands and they see OTHER consciousness seeds around them and they start connecting their awareness and the consciousness of the seeds grows and they become more and more connected. And they start reaching up, just as humans do. Soon they are growing up through the soil, the only location they know, just as we humans are growing upward from where we are located, and the seeds finally, one by one, pop out of the soil into the daylight and they see the sun and the light for the first time.
It’s a new dimension for the seed whose consciousness is now housed inside a green sprout. It begins a new life in the light, and it continues to grow its conscious awareness toward the sun. It is ALL consciousness. The seed's consciousness is not the form, it builds a form to fit its current state of consciousness. But the form keeps changing as its consciousness expands. It grows taller and higher and it unfolds into petals, vines and other manifestations. It is still the consciousness of a seed but it is growing its awareness and it changes its appearance as it grows higher and wider. That’s what we, the human race, are doing. We are growing our awareness of ourselves higher and wider. We see more, know more, consider more, and have more visions and ideas. We too adapt our surroundings to our growing consciousness. We too will soon break out of the enclosed form that we have grown accustomed to over the eons. We are breaking through layers and levels very rapidly and, one by one, we are breaking out into a new day, a new light, a new dimension, with new and exciting powers. That is how I feel today.
If we are wise and astute, we will start exercising our new powers right now. It will assist us in our grwoth process. We don't have to die, because we are not the body. This is going to be difficult to understand but it can be done. We are consciousness and we are moving our awareness through these times. Our body was given to us by our parents but only to start out with. We too change as we evolve and adapt. We grow bigger, for one thing. But we also grow new body shapes, hair, muscles, and more. As long as we are interested in our life and what we are doing, we will retain our body because we will be exciting our body, and revitalizing (feeding) the cells and tissues with new food for thought. Our bodies can be prolonged and perhaps even grow more youthful because we are the excitement. We are not the body. We nourish our body. We are not condemned to the same old body that our parents gave us. Are we exciting the body with new ideas? Are we revitalizing it by maintaining an open mind to consider new interests beyond what we knew before?
We've been under the impression that our bodies had to die past a certain age, but there are records of people living to be 800, 900 years old. These are found in the old Taoist records, the 6,000 year old system of exercise. I've been practicing some Taoist exercises lately, ever since the "sickness" fell on me and I said, "NO!" to the sickness that carried doom and gloom. These exercises develop inner strength, not muscle strength. They revitalize the light body that runs through us. There is a tree of light in us that supports the physical. It looks just like a tree. There is a strong central trunk from the top of the head down to the feet, and it branches out into roots that run deep into the earth. It holds the chakra system in place and keeps us rooted to the earth. The light body begins at conception when we're conceived in mother's womb by father's spirit. The earth substance starts adhering to it because it is a pattern as old as time itself. But if the solid body forgets its parentage, the tree of light which feeds us, the body will grow weaker and slowly disintegrate. If on the other hand the tree of light is strengthened, the body is strengthened. This is deeply esoteric information, but it is becoming more available, as people start telling what they know. You might have seen the charts on the walls of a chirpractor or acupuncturist, diagrams of the meridians and the distribution system called chakras.
We of the old school thought we wouldn't make it past the age of 60, 70, or 80. But Doug and I are being re-vitalized. We are growing younger because we have some new interests. I am much lighter and aware at age 84 than I was at 50. Back then I took my body for granted. I assumed I would last forever. Now I see my body is changing. There's an electricity I can access. It thrills me at unexpected times. It tells me "this is a truth!" I want to share this information. The so-called "solid" body is not so solid after all! But if we believe it to be, then it will be. The solid body has to keep pace with new information or the light will withdraw its support and the body begin to disintegrate. Our consciousness is not the body. It is forever more, an evolving consciousness, like that of the seed. Keep up with the new information. It's changing the mass consciousness of humanity. Information about peace, unity, harmony and cooperation. New ideas unify people. We need to share with each other these new ideas because each of us carries a different perspective. We are each a piece of the larger puzzle that is trying to manifest and materialize. We NEED to share if we are going to build the new earth, the new peaceful earth. This is how we revitalize ourselves and restore the health of disintegrating bodies.
It is our excitement that keeps us alive. Groups are forming. This is the new age after the pandemic. Individuals are hungry for connection. We will keeping up with ideas of others who resonate, who feel right, who feel exciting because they stimulate your OWN ideas. It is the way and the skill of the heart to keep abreast of new growth in other people to stimulate your own growth. Forget all this dumb talk about wars. They are ideas that are dying on the vine because there are too many heart-connections being made. They can't keep the world in separation and disarray much longer. The old path is not being traveled much any more. The wise man will start connecting with his heart and open his mind to new concepts. The heart leads to a break-away civilization, a new way of doing things. The heart is not emotional, it is the hub of universal intelligence. The heart is the way of great wisdom and sharp discernment, and love.
Following those meandering thoughts, this past Wednesday I was invited to Trisha Marinari's house to share in a video shoot for her new intimacy counseling business. We sat for several hours discussing women's empowerment while her husband Ron was the camera man (focusing just on her). We discussed women's empowerment at levels of understanding seldom ever discussed in public. Look for brief shots of Trisha Marinari on Tik Tok or Facebook. Both Trisha and I are women of the spirit, women of light. This was the first time we sat together in a semi-formal setting. We have both been trained in the ways of the feminine spirit, or the ways of the heart. We each have different backgrounds, with different mentors and we have different ways of "seeing". And yet we meld perfectly when we get together. There is SO much to share with other women of the heart that I have decided to issue an invitation to women only for Monday, May 16, so mark your calendar if you live nearby to Naples, FL. It will probably be in the afternoon or later. It hasn't been decided yet. This is a slow materialization, a slow revealing of something sacred. It is for women who resonate. Not for men. Men have their own sacred knowledge to share with each other. The women will meet at my house on Monday, May 16, for the special full moon that day.
It's for women only, because feminine secrets are different from male secrets. When Trisha and I met together last Wednesday for the photo shoot, I was personally rewarded with the OTHER side of the equation that I needed to hear. Trisha's new counseling business is one-on-one and I had a one-on-one with her. She is a mirror reflecting the one she is sitting with, and I came home dizzy with powerful realizations breaking out into full-blown understandings. Heady is the right word. I was buzzing. Sharing information fills in the gaps. It creates wholesome understandings. It revitalizes, resurrects and strengthens the inner light body. The light in each person has dimmed down under the restrictions of the old ways. The light needs strengthening. We have been underground waaay to long. Female empowerment is not mental empowerment. It's not about going into competition with men. The tree of light in women uses a different pathway energeticallly, than men. Men have had the responsibility of building a solid world and have been in dominant control for millennia. They experiencing being worn out. It's time now for them to take a step back and stop feeling so beleaguered. And to learn how to receive. Receiving is very difficult for a strong man, but this is where the women are getting ready to step up to the plate and be a full and equal partner with him.
The light within women is really no different than the light in men, but it takes a different route as it travels through the body. Different pathways have been laid down over the centuries. We've been following the old traditions. Our mothers and grandmothers laid down the ways for women to follow, as did the fathers and grandfathers for the men. We obeyed. We did it "their" way. But our inner minds are different, our emotions, our psychology, our spirituality, our reasoning and logic - women have skills that have been long hidden. I have invited Trisha to be a guest speaker at a wise women's gathering on Monday, May 16 at my house. This isn't official yet. It is a slow process, opening the heart to the public. We do it only when it feels comfortable. I am preparing the way. The ways of the wise woman are NOT the ways of the patriarchy.
Well, that's all for now. I will close and send this on its way. Please feel free to connect with me and let me know your interest. I'll send an official invitation in a few days.
Sending love and light to all who read this message. Blessings to you from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Angelics, unnamed Spiritual guides, and me.
* DK - Ascended Master Djwhal Khul

3/30/22 - Future Sex, Part 3
Emotional Pain & Solutions
Anakosha Newsletter 3/30/22
Many people associate intimacy with emotional pain so they want to just have sex only and not get into the bonding of heart, mind and soul, which is true lovemaking. Most women have shame associated with their genitals, and many men do too. They may THINK they don't if they were raised in the mentality of "men are men", but take them out of that and connect with their higher heart, and you will find a sensitive soul who is suffering. And a great deal of resistance. I did not know this in the beginning of my exciting swinging days, how hurt men are. How damaged and alone they feel. They want sex badly because it is the only time they feel love coursing through the cells and tissues of their inner body.
The fear of being emotionally hurt again is the impetus to rush to completion to get to that beautiful feeling of the orgasm. For many women men go too fast. If only I had understood this earlier in my life. This fear of being hurt again stems from lifetime after lifetime of unresolved emotional pain carried over on deep unconscious levels. Sacred sex and tantra is training in how to slow down and connect with those emotions with a gentle and kind approach. Tantric goddesses are popping up everywhere these days because the age of male-dominance is phasing out and coming to an end. The age of balance and equality is the feminine that is rising in all of us. It is the age of Aquarius. As The Fifth Dimension made popular in song, the feminine will rule in the future. The men have a feminine side too that has been blocked off, cut off for centuries. In the new age now dawning, "peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars." With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius the dawning of gentleness is awakening in both genders. Harmony, understanding, empathy, honesty and trust is coming to humanity. There is a period of chaos as this is worked through, but eventually there will be no more falsehoods or derisions. It will take time, but the time is shortening fast.
When the feminine starts to rise in a man, intimacy exposes the underbelly of pain. It makes a man vulnerable because he feels soft, pure and innocent of heart. It has been damaged before so now he is careful. This is what he has been guarding himself against. He has steeled himself and walled himself off so he won't feel that pain and hurt again. He doesn't associate it with purity or innocence, but that is exactly what it is. It is the feminine in him. He feels afraid. He doesn't know. He doesn't understand. But that is why a man should try to find that soft underbelly within himself, and take every opportunity to step into it with eyes wide open. Opening "the talk" with a primary partner is an essential part of the awakening journey. Even if swinging is not the goal, "the talk" about sex is essential. It is the exposing of feelings, the truth of the feelings within. This is the innocence within. The talk will soften the relationship into more harmony. Becoming vulnerable again is a bold step into a vast, unknown power. Hidden within vulnerability is universal love, strength, power and freedom. One doesn't know this at first. From the position of being always in control of one's emotions, to suddenly expose an emotional truth is like stepping off a 14,000 foot cliff into free fall.
It is not required that your partner approve what you open "the talk" with. It could be anything. It is only required that you gather your forces and center them. And speak from that center, your true heart center. Be true to your own underbelly of feelings. This is important when the time comes because your partner is entangled and enmeshed with you, emotionally and mentally, and she has her own vulnerable underbelly. Disentangle yourself from her to have this talk. Truth should be your foremost thought. You are an individual. Stick to it. If you duck out, maybe because you did something without your partner's knowledge, guilt will move in quickly and harden you all over again. Transcend that guilt feeling.
Be free of guilt so you can be whole before starting out on the path of sexual self-discovery. Sexual self-discovery is the beginning of owning and anchoring your self identity. Sex is the corner stone upon which you build your life. It is the bottom rung of the ladder and there are more rungs aheada of you to climb. Sex is also a gift given to the human being to experience the joy of heaven while still in a physical body. The orgasm itself has been called the "vibration from Home". It was given to us to enjoy, not just to produce children. We know that because, according to science, the female clitoris has no other function than pleasure. If it were true that females were only made to reproduce and to give men pleasure only, why would there be a clitoris in a woman?
In order to truly enjoy the sensations and pleasures of the gods, since we were made in their image, we need to start behaving god-like and goddess-like. That means behaving with grace, dignity, love-filled and joy-filled. While spiritual-oriented schools are plentiful, they steer us up to the lofty rarefied regions and away from our sexuality - away from the richness that is possible to feel heaven on earth in physical bodies. Our juices are the physical manifestation of primal energy which flows like rivers through the spine, the heart, the blood, everywhere in the body. We can pour negative depraved thoughts into that primal energy, which is neutral (and become coarse and vulgar), or we can pour lofty thoughts of grace and love and elevate our sexual encounters. In this way we will open and enhance our ability to receive and give love.
Sexuality is being redefined in these recent years. The lifestyle of swinging and swapping partners is merely a forerunner of what is to come. It is only the first rung on the ladder to the stars. As the Earth shifts astrological signs from Pisces to Aquarius, which began in 2000, so are our bodies and minds shifting and changing. We are realigning with the feminine grace and gentleness. The masculine side of us - in women too - is changing and letting go of personal control, turning it over to a greater power and greater control which is celestial. Love is cosmic in origin. Astrological signs are different waves of love through which the planet moves. We are healing. Sex with love is healing its brokenness. It opens gateways to the heavens within ourselves. Heaven lies within, not out there somewhere else. As we look at sex as sacred it does not require your partner to also look at sex as sacred. Your partner does not need to think like you do. This is an inner journey. You are only responsible for your self, your own thoughts, your own feelings and your own actions. Build the grace, sensitivity and dignity within yourself. Your partner is responsible for themself.
Swinging is like grand-central station, many people randomly coming and going from many different places, different cultures with different belief systems. Some are negative, some positive, some neutral, some colorful. Some are weird, some dangerous. The only way to make swinging beautiful and good for you is to cultivate the positive aspects that are sensitive and align with your beautiful feelings. You will radiate it out to those around you. It is the only way to protect yourself. Magnify the positive and good. Own your own thoughts and feelings and strengthen them with love. Don't be sucked into losing your power to someone else by doing things you don't want to do. Or, equally as bad, to do something prematurely before you are ready, which makes you unhappy. Own yourself and your feelings and speak them out loud. Be authentic and true to yourself. Be in the energy of love and kindness inside of yourself, in your mind and your heart. You can't go wrong then because you will be unable to hurt others or pressure them or control them if love is present within. Then you will enjoy a sense of freedom.
Be aware of the WHOLE person, not just the physical person. Be aware of the limitations of this person, their boundaries and their fears - and love them regardless. Love them back into wholeness again. We are all fragmented, every single one of us. We wouldn't be earth-bound if we were truly free. But our work is to become whole, and we do that by taking the wholesome role of caring, intelligence, consideration, empathy - all of the words that we would call good. These are the ideals we are here to manifest in our lives and behavior. We improve ourselves as we do. We can do this whether we are in a monogamous committed relationship, or experimenting with the lifestyle of swinging, or live alone without a partner. It is possible to change a smothering, unhappy relationship at home, into a refreshing, loving relationship by applying some of these beautiful and graceful methods. These are the moral principles that religions use to guide us, but they are much more powerful when applied to human relationships. And isolated sexual encounters too. And in every situation you can think of: politics, business, neighbor relations, social projects, art, music, science, every field of human activity. By taking focus off of the exterior body which hides the truth under a rigid exterior, change the situation by putting focus on considered thought and authentic feeling. The outer form is not important. The energy we radiate is far more meaningful. We can change the world in which we live, move and raise our families.
Sex the way most of us do it is rather unconscious. When we are young we let our hormones lead us. As we grow older we follow the same behavior and wonder why we don't enjoy it so much. Many people never get the chance to let their hormones lead because they are abused when young, which shuts them down. Then they become powerless to speak true for themselves. This pattern of powerlessness carries over into adulthood, where we continue to allow our bodies to be used as victim or subservient. Subconscious unresolved issues of past lives feed us, prompt us, remind us that there is something wrong. We have to change. We must begin to practice these healing methods on ourselves. It is what we think and feel that is more important than listening to the woes of others.
Our earth bodies are animal bodies. We are a non-physical consciousness living in an animal body temporarily. As long as we are unaware that we are spirit living in an animal body, we will continue to be the victim or the abuser, one or the other, the way the animals are in the wild. As we wake up to realize that we are a thinking, intelligent, celestial being living in a body, and that we can change our life by changing our thought and bringing our power into action, we are on the right track to a full and abundant life. We have the capacity to rise above the wild animal in us by changing our thoughts, which in turn nurture and nourish our emotions and underlying feelings.
Sex is the gift of the gods. It comes in four parts. Each part needs to be considered separately. (1) The physical body. Take good care of it, keep it active, feed it good foods, don't eat toxic food. (2) The subconscious. Past life issues that keep popping up saying, "Look at me! Look at me!" (3) The mental body. The conscious mind. And (4) The emotional body, which receives impressions that cannot easily be articulated. Pay attention to these perceptions because the feeling body is the link to spirit.
I have been studying sex first hand for a long time, actually for lifetimes. I have found that swinging is a first step out of the box in this current age. It reaches past many boundaries that formerly kept us locked into a prison. The journey is well underway to higher ground if we are participating in couples swinging. Each individual steps outside the box of monogamy in his or her own time. It can't be rushed. But it is a sure sign of coming into the new age when a couple - a man and a woman together - agree to explore their sexuality with others with grace, dignity and respect if not love. It shows they have grown beyond ownership of each other. They have agreed on what behavior they will follow.
It is a sane and logical path for two people in a relationship. Love is meant to grow and expand. Why put a fence around it? To explore the swinging lifestyle should not be like jumping off a cliff blindly, just to see what happens. They must pre-plan it because they are growing beyond the first two chakras which are the animal chakras, survival and tribal. The first chakra is a powerful fight and flight energy needed in order to survive. The second is the tribal energy which gathers in tight families for safety, ownership and protection. The third chakra is the awakening of personal identity. Personal power endows the growing soul with the knowledge that he or she can evolve separate from the birth community. It is the beginning of reaching upward to one’s celestial origins to evolve and become a better human being, and express what is available to him or her within the heart and mind.
The majority of the population have been operating within the third chakra, which is the individual power energy, the "me" energy. We have been exploring ourselves in this energy for many lifetimes over the last 2000 years. We are now passing out of the third chakra and into the fourth chakra, which is the heart. The heart is the link to spirituality. It is the dawning of a greater love and a greater freedom. At least it is hinted at. It doesn’t come all at once. The Age of Aquarius is the opening of the heart. There is much to experiment with here, among which is the unifying energy of love, healing of opposing factions, the ending of war and the dark control of evil forces. Those who cannot go with the new flow of the heart will drop out naturally, one way or the other. It is inevitable when the tide turns and the suns change their orbits, because the ocean is bigger than individual ego. (End of article)
Thanks to Master Djwal Khul for this channeled article of 40 years ago, which I broke into three parts because it was so long. Thank you for the few comments of appreciation that came back. And as if to underscore the Future Sex article, I read a message this morning by Mary Magdalene. Read Mary Magdalene's article HERE. It is channeled through Pamela Kribbe who I've come to respect very much. Mary's message is "What it's like to be human". She corroborates my own understanding of the human condition. It is rare to hear this from channels. Most people are trying to escape the human condition, but both Master DK and Mary Magdalene lead us to embrace our humanness, not escape from it.
And with sadness, this is for Betty Logan - Go with God. Blessings for your service here, we will miss you. Thank you for leaving a piece of yourself behind, still falling as a golden trail of sparkles as you leave. We are forever grateful for your participation in life. We will remember you. Betty passed from our plane of reality last Friday. Please send prayers of upliftment to Roy Logan, her husband, and thank you's for his service in the military. We love you both and appreciate what you offered to us.
As for massage exchanges, there are changes in the air. I am receiving continued advanced training. It looks as if soon there will be an invitation to attend the first Love Workshop. The ultimate plan is a love club, but first the training. The goal is to get as many people as possible rubbed, cuddled and pummeled with love and kindness so they can FEEL the difference. Everyone receives and everyone gives, no one left out. The change is that it is a clothed session workshop as in Reiki. Not nude. This is different from my former thinking. I am still learning. Practicalities are being addressed. New information is unfolding. It filters through my day-to-day thoughts. It doesn't CHANGE former ideas, it expands them. A workshop training is required to bring everyone under the same roof, as in a center. Learning about love is something that one must feel, so it begins with hands-on experiencial.
In closing I send continued faith, trust, hope and belief in the coming new dawn and era of peace. There is more light coming. Be the eye in the middle of the storm. Better, be the storm. The storm of peace. Continue with positive grace, kindness and dignity. Love from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Angelics and me!
Emotional Pain & Solutions
Anakosha Newsletter 3/30/22
Many people associate intimacy with emotional pain so they want to just have sex only and not get into the bonding of heart, mind and soul, which is true lovemaking. Most women have shame associated with their genitals, and many men do too. They may THINK they don't if they were raised in the mentality of "men are men", but take them out of that and connect with their higher heart, and you will find a sensitive soul who is suffering. And a great deal of resistance. I did not know this in the beginning of my exciting swinging days, how hurt men are. How damaged and alone they feel. They want sex badly because it is the only time they feel love coursing through the cells and tissues of their inner body.
The fear of being emotionally hurt again is the impetus to rush to completion to get to that beautiful feeling of the orgasm. For many women men go too fast. If only I had understood this earlier in my life. This fear of being hurt again stems from lifetime after lifetime of unresolved emotional pain carried over on deep unconscious levels. Sacred sex and tantra is training in how to slow down and connect with those emotions with a gentle and kind approach. Tantric goddesses are popping up everywhere these days because the age of male-dominance is phasing out and coming to an end. The age of balance and equality is the feminine that is rising in all of us. It is the age of Aquarius. As The Fifth Dimension made popular in song, the feminine will rule in the future. The men have a feminine side too that has been blocked off, cut off for centuries. In the new age now dawning, "peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars." With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius the dawning of gentleness is awakening in both genders. Harmony, understanding, empathy, honesty and trust is coming to humanity. There is a period of chaos as this is worked through, but eventually there will be no more falsehoods or derisions. It will take time, but the time is shortening fast.
When the feminine starts to rise in a man, intimacy exposes the underbelly of pain. It makes a man vulnerable because he feels soft, pure and innocent of heart. It has been damaged before so now he is careful. This is what he has been guarding himself against. He has steeled himself and walled himself off so he won't feel that pain and hurt again. He doesn't associate it with purity or innocence, but that is exactly what it is. It is the feminine in him. He feels afraid. He doesn't know. He doesn't understand. But that is why a man should try to find that soft underbelly within himself, and take every opportunity to step into it with eyes wide open. Opening "the talk" with a primary partner is an essential part of the awakening journey. Even if swinging is not the goal, "the talk" about sex is essential. It is the exposing of feelings, the truth of the feelings within. This is the innocence within. The talk will soften the relationship into more harmony. Becoming vulnerable again is a bold step into a vast, unknown power. Hidden within vulnerability is universal love, strength, power and freedom. One doesn't know this at first. From the position of being always in control of one's emotions, to suddenly expose an emotional truth is like stepping off a 14,000 foot cliff into free fall.
It is not required that your partner approve what you open "the talk" with. It could be anything. It is only required that you gather your forces and center them. And speak from that center, your true heart center. Be true to your own underbelly of feelings. This is important when the time comes because your partner is entangled and enmeshed with you, emotionally and mentally, and she has her own vulnerable underbelly. Disentangle yourself from her to have this talk. Truth should be your foremost thought. You are an individual. Stick to it. If you duck out, maybe because you did something without your partner's knowledge, guilt will move in quickly and harden you all over again. Transcend that guilt feeling.
Be free of guilt so you can be whole before starting out on the path of sexual self-discovery. Sexual self-discovery is the beginning of owning and anchoring your self identity. Sex is the corner stone upon which you build your life. It is the bottom rung of the ladder and there are more rungs aheada of you to climb. Sex is also a gift given to the human being to experience the joy of heaven while still in a physical body. The orgasm itself has been called the "vibration from Home". It was given to us to enjoy, not just to produce children. We know that because, according to science, the female clitoris has no other function than pleasure. If it were true that females were only made to reproduce and to give men pleasure only, why would there be a clitoris in a woman?
In order to truly enjoy the sensations and pleasures of the gods, since we were made in their image, we need to start behaving god-like and goddess-like. That means behaving with grace, dignity, love-filled and joy-filled. While spiritual-oriented schools are plentiful, they steer us up to the lofty rarefied regions and away from our sexuality - away from the richness that is possible to feel heaven on earth in physical bodies. Our juices are the physical manifestation of primal energy which flows like rivers through the spine, the heart, the blood, everywhere in the body. We can pour negative depraved thoughts into that primal energy, which is neutral (and become coarse and vulgar), or we can pour lofty thoughts of grace and love and elevate our sexual encounters. In this way we will open and enhance our ability to receive and give love.
Sexuality is being redefined in these recent years. The lifestyle of swinging and swapping partners is merely a forerunner of what is to come. It is only the first rung on the ladder to the stars. As the Earth shifts astrological signs from Pisces to Aquarius, which began in 2000, so are our bodies and minds shifting and changing. We are realigning with the feminine grace and gentleness. The masculine side of us - in women too - is changing and letting go of personal control, turning it over to a greater power and greater control which is celestial. Love is cosmic in origin. Astrological signs are different waves of love through which the planet moves. We are healing. Sex with love is healing its brokenness. It opens gateways to the heavens within ourselves. Heaven lies within, not out there somewhere else. As we look at sex as sacred it does not require your partner to also look at sex as sacred. Your partner does not need to think like you do. This is an inner journey. You are only responsible for your self, your own thoughts, your own feelings and your own actions. Build the grace, sensitivity and dignity within yourself. Your partner is responsible for themself.
Swinging is like grand-central station, many people randomly coming and going from many different places, different cultures with different belief systems. Some are negative, some positive, some neutral, some colorful. Some are weird, some dangerous. The only way to make swinging beautiful and good for you is to cultivate the positive aspects that are sensitive and align with your beautiful feelings. You will radiate it out to those around you. It is the only way to protect yourself. Magnify the positive and good. Own your own thoughts and feelings and strengthen them with love. Don't be sucked into losing your power to someone else by doing things you don't want to do. Or, equally as bad, to do something prematurely before you are ready, which makes you unhappy. Own yourself and your feelings and speak them out loud. Be authentic and true to yourself. Be in the energy of love and kindness inside of yourself, in your mind and your heart. You can't go wrong then because you will be unable to hurt others or pressure them or control them if love is present within. Then you will enjoy a sense of freedom.
Be aware of the WHOLE person, not just the physical person. Be aware of the limitations of this person, their boundaries and their fears - and love them regardless. Love them back into wholeness again. We are all fragmented, every single one of us. We wouldn't be earth-bound if we were truly free. But our work is to become whole, and we do that by taking the wholesome role of caring, intelligence, consideration, empathy - all of the words that we would call good. These are the ideals we are here to manifest in our lives and behavior. We improve ourselves as we do. We can do this whether we are in a monogamous committed relationship, or experimenting with the lifestyle of swinging, or live alone without a partner. It is possible to change a smothering, unhappy relationship at home, into a refreshing, loving relationship by applying some of these beautiful and graceful methods. These are the moral principles that religions use to guide us, but they are much more powerful when applied to human relationships. And isolated sexual encounters too. And in every situation you can think of: politics, business, neighbor relations, social projects, art, music, science, every field of human activity. By taking focus off of the exterior body which hides the truth under a rigid exterior, change the situation by putting focus on considered thought and authentic feeling. The outer form is not important. The energy we radiate is far more meaningful. We can change the world in which we live, move and raise our families.
Sex the way most of us do it is rather unconscious. When we are young we let our hormones lead us. As we grow older we follow the same behavior and wonder why we don't enjoy it so much. Many people never get the chance to let their hormones lead because they are abused when young, which shuts them down. Then they become powerless to speak true for themselves. This pattern of powerlessness carries over into adulthood, where we continue to allow our bodies to be used as victim or subservient. Subconscious unresolved issues of past lives feed us, prompt us, remind us that there is something wrong. We have to change. We must begin to practice these healing methods on ourselves. It is what we think and feel that is more important than listening to the woes of others.
Our earth bodies are animal bodies. We are a non-physical consciousness living in an animal body temporarily. As long as we are unaware that we are spirit living in an animal body, we will continue to be the victim or the abuser, one or the other, the way the animals are in the wild. As we wake up to realize that we are a thinking, intelligent, celestial being living in a body, and that we can change our life by changing our thought and bringing our power into action, we are on the right track to a full and abundant life. We have the capacity to rise above the wild animal in us by changing our thoughts, which in turn nurture and nourish our emotions and underlying feelings.
Sex is the gift of the gods. It comes in four parts. Each part needs to be considered separately. (1) The physical body. Take good care of it, keep it active, feed it good foods, don't eat toxic food. (2) The subconscious. Past life issues that keep popping up saying, "Look at me! Look at me!" (3) The mental body. The conscious mind. And (4) The emotional body, which receives impressions that cannot easily be articulated. Pay attention to these perceptions because the feeling body is the link to spirit.
I have been studying sex first hand for a long time, actually for lifetimes. I have found that swinging is a first step out of the box in this current age. It reaches past many boundaries that formerly kept us locked into a prison. The journey is well underway to higher ground if we are participating in couples swinging. Each individual steps outside the box of monogamy in his or her own time. It can't be rushed. But it is a sure sign of coming into the new age when a couple - a man and a woman together - agree to explore their sexuality with others with grace, dignity and respect if not love. It shows they have grown beyond ownership of each other. They have agreed on what behavior they will follow.
It is a sane and logical path for two people in a relationship. Love is meant to grow and expand. Why put a fence around it? To explore the swinging lifestyle should not be like jumping off a cliff blindly, just to see what happens. They must pre-plan it because they are growing beyond the first two chakras which are the animal chakras, survival and tribal. The first chakra is a powerful fight and flight energy needed in order to survive. The second is the tribal energy which gathers in tight families for safety, ownership and protection. The third chakra is the awakening of personal identity. Personal power endows the growing soul with the knowledge that he or she can evolve separate from the birth community. It is the beginning of reaching upward to one’s celestial origins to evolve and become a better human being, and express what is available to him or her within the heart and mind.
The majority of the population have been operating within the third chakra, which is the individual power energy, the "me" energy. We have been exploring ourselves in this energy for many lifetimes over the last 2000 years. We are now passing out of the third chakra and into the fourth chakra, which is the heart. The heart is the link to spirituality. It is the dawning of a greater love and a greater freedom. At least it is hinted at. It doesn’t come all at once. The Age of Aquarius is the opening of the heart. There is much to experiment with here, among which is the unifying energy of love, healing of opposing factions, the ending of war and the dark control of evil forces. Those who cannot go with the new flow of the heart will drop out naturally, one way or the other. It is inevitable when the tide turns and the suns change their orbits, because the ocean is bigger than individual ego. (End of article)
Thanks to Master Djwal Khul for this channeled article of 40 years ago, which I broke into three parts because it was so long. Thank you for the few comments of appreciation that came back. And as if to underscore the Future Sex article, I read a message this morning by Mary Magdalene. Read Mary Magdalene's article HERE. It is channeled through Pamela Kribbe who I've come to respect very much. Mary's message is "What it's like to be human". She corroborates my own understanding of the human condition. It is rare to hear this from channels. Most people are trying to escape the human condition, but both Master DK and Mary Magdalene lead us to embrace our humanness, not escape from it.
And with sadness, this is for Betty Logan - Go with God. Blessings for your service here, we will miss you. Thank you for leaving a piece of yourself behind, still falling as a golden trail of sparkles as you leave. We are forever grateful for your participation in life. We will remember you. Betty passed from our plane of reality last Friday. Please send prayers of upliftment to Roy Logan, her husband, and thank you's for his service in the military. We love you both and appreciate what you offered to us.
As for massage exchanges, there are changes in the air. I am receiving continued advanced training. It looks as if soon there will be an invitation to attend the first Love Workshop. The ultimate plan is a love club, but first the training. The goal is to get as many people as possible rubbed, cuddled and pummeled with love and kindness so they can FEEL the difference. Everyone receives and everyone gives, no one left out. The change is that it is a clothed session workshop as in Reiki. Not nude. This is different from my former thinking. I am still learning. Practicalities are being addressed. New information is unfolding. It filters through my day-to-day thoughts. It doesn't CHANGE former ideas, it expands them. A workshop training is required to bring everyone under the same roof, as in a center. Learning about love is something that one must feel, so it begins with hands-on experiencial.
In closing I send continued faith, trust, hope and belief in the coming new dawn and era of peace. There is more light coming. Be the eye in the middle of the storm. Better, be the storm. The storm of peace. Continue with positive grace, kindness and dignity. Love from the Galactics, Ascendeds, Angelics and me!

3/27/22 - Future Sex, Part 2
What couples do wrong
Anakosha Newsletter 3/26/22
Through the use of conscious focus on love, gratitude, joy, and other words you can come up with, you can expand sexual energy from the groin to the heart, to the head, to the arms, fingers, legs, toes and higher, into the etheric body, the mental body the feeling body, and out through the physical body. You can do this with any partner you happen to be in bed with. You do not "love" this one particular person, as in personal love, you enter into the energy of love, appreciation, reverence, gratitude and joy within yourself. It is a loving relationship with yourself, and then you share it with whoever you are with. This is how you can love many people and not be confined to one person for the rest of your life. This does not mean you do not have responsibilities once you enter into an arrangement by contract and agreement. We all have ethical responsibilities to be morally committed to our agreements.
The skill of using consciously controlled thoughts of love and appreciation during the act of sex requires developing within oneself. It lies within the morals and principles of each person. The skill does not lie within the partner to make you feel good. In fact, the one special person at home is the most difficult partner to work with because of repeated patterns that develop over time. Intimate practice time with other people is beneficial, to enhance the lovemaking at home. Committed relationships need to expand into love in order to endure. Often, it is easier to work with a partner you are not familiar with.
A man or woman can become quite a famous lover by learning the art of sacred sex, which is using consciously controlled thoughts of love and appreciation during the intimate act of sex. The sex partner will feel it IF it is genuine and not contrived. This is the truer concept of tantric lovemaking. It is creating the love first within yourself and then sharing it. It is an advanced form of lovemaking. The traditional form of sex and love, as when boyfriend and girlfriend fall in love and form an exclusive relationship, wears off in time unless - UNLESS - they learn the art and skill of maintaining a momentum of love which comes from their higher selves, not what is customarily done, which is taking each other for granted.
Every couple starts out on a honeymoon high, a wave of love for one another. It's called "new relationship energy". NRE for short in polyamory circles. But in time new relationship energy descends into taking one another for granted. Boredom sets in and then possession, due to not being fulfilled and not understanding what happened to the high of earlier days and wanting to get it back but not knowing how. The grip tightens on possessing each other and knowing what each other is doing in their absence. It turns into jealousy at glances at other women or other men. The problem is lack of love within ones self. Loving yourself brings such a feeling of well-being and security that you cannot be afraid of losing your mate. You want him or her to be as free as you feel.
Typically, a couple falls into cultural habits. Everyone does it, we think to ourselves. It is expected, taking one another for granted. Limits are placed on behavior, jealousy follows and suffocation is the result as we, ourselves, hold ourselves back and remain increasingly unfulfilled because we are looking to our partner or mate to provide us with everything. They can't. They simply can't fulfill you on all the deep levels you are. Our needs are repressed. Our past lifetimes are filled with this pattern of behavior, because monogamy and possession of each other has been the cultural habit for thousands of years. We do it over and over and over. We are still doing it today, but today there are new inroads being made.
How to change this pattern? Talk about it. Find ways to open your relationship with others. Go slowly. Talk honestly. Do not hide or repress your feelings. Having intimate encounters with others should be done without cheating. In open agreement, or as best as possible. Be careful of your relationship. Be kind to your partnership. Respect your mate. You entered into it. Be responsible for your part in keeping it intact. Honesty is the only way to maintain a relationship. Hiding the truth from one another is a downward spiral.
The swinging lifestyle continues to grow because it works. Couples can experiment and practice feelings that are different than the ones they have at home. They can stretch beyond the rigid confines of a one-person ownership. Love is renewed at home when each partner is pleased with themselves for giving their partner the freedom to go with another person. If there is a problem, hopefully they will try again and work through it. It comes with a struggle and perseverance to get back on the horse with determination to change the game into a positive, more light-hearted one.
The world has changed. The goodness of monogamy remains but the hurtful and suffocating aspects of monogamy are changing. It is a new age. When newness is brought into the relationship - and it is up to each couple to decide together how and when that will happen - there is more freedom in the world.
We do not have the right to repress our partner, and more important is it not to repress ourselves. Our first responsibility is to self. It is through the conscious use of love during sex that sex changes to lovemaking. This is making sex into sacred sex. A relationship includes the necessity of being honest. No cheating. A single person who is not committed to anyone else can have as many lovers as desired. But when a relationship begins to form honesty starts to play an important role. Otherwise, love is not being included in that relationship.
Talk about it
Cheating is an aspect of not-love. It seems to be universal today because monogamy as a cultural rule has everyone in its vice-like grip. The advice is, if someone is suffocating in a relationship that is too rigid, talk. Talk about it to the partner. Talk, talk, talk. There is no way that a relationship can continue to be stuck if there is talking about it. Sometimes one must insist on a sit-down meeting across a table when all else fails. Saying something in passing while going out the door, does not work. Give yourselves honest discussion times periodically.
Every couple in the lifestyle of swinging today, has “talked about it”. That's in quotes because talking about it is the one common rule in swinging. You have to open the discussion and talk about it. A couple can agree to just about anything if they talk about it. They cannot move themselves past the stuck point of boredom and suffocation and even depression, if they don't talk about what is bothering them. There are any number of ways they can relieve the suffocation, boredom and depression. It is the first rule of love - to be real by revealing your true feelings. Be brave. Initiate the "talk".
Be the brave warrior of your own heart by daring to step forward and stand in the sunlight of your own self, revealing yourself. The worst thing that can happen is an argument or a slammed door or temper tantrum - and then it passes. All things do pass. Do not be afraid. There are worse things that could happen. A person will be surprised at how good he/she feels when they take a stand like that. It is because they draw on inner power and when you draw on inner resources you open the door to even more of the same. A person is so much more than he/she thinks they are.
When you adopt a truly loving and authentic attitude, you find healing and support. It is through your own heart that you find solutions that are unique for you and your situation. Each person must take responsibility for his or her own thoughts and direct them to the heart if they want to become more real and more authentic and to change their life from boring to exciting.
Regarding sex and lovemaking, it is not in the movement of hip against hip or groin against groin, but in the movement of loving thoughts made into feelings, where one does not want to hurt the other. The physical anatomy of sex is secondary and will take care of itself when the time comes. The focus on reverence, joy, appreciation and respect is what releases the deepest, best and most pure parts of a person, the highest and most refined ideals and motivations. This is what fills the body with turn-on feelings we call sensuality. It is love and it comes from the heart and the mind.
Tantra, as it is traditionally taught, is with one special partner who is willing to work with you consciously, and it is "work". There is a lot of practice time. Couples come together as opposites. For centuries men and women had to really "work" at it to find a higher place in themselves because it did not come natural to them. There has been animosity between men and women for a long time.
Today we are seeing a new dawn happening. The swinging lifestyle is producing understanding between men and women. They are enjoying sex with each other on a higher plane. Mars and Venus are working it out but the number of couples who are participating is yet small. Today monogamy is stifling a lot of individuals. They are not able to "talk the talk". One person may really want to explore having sex with other people, but the other may not. Often it is the man taking the initiative and he is trying to talk his lady into trying it with him. When your partner has no interest whatever in doing this with you, then what do you do? Do you put your urge for more sacred love on hold forever?
The only solution lies within your own heart and inner being. Each person has a higher self that has all the answers. But those answers are usually buried beneath layers upon layers of belief systems. There are many factors to consider when inviting someone in to open up the monogamous relationship. These factors cannot be articulated. They must be felt as one walks through it, step by step. And beginning "the talk" is the first step. To try to "set someone up" is a mistake. Again this is in quotes because it is a common phrase heard often. Authenticity cannot be manipulated with much success. The heart is over lighted by the higher self, which marches to a different tune than the human being who is weighed down by limited beliefs and fantasies.
Sex is a journey that involves your genitals. Spirituality is a journey that involves your ideals. Sex involves the lower body, spirituality involves the heart, head and higher. Most people in the lifestyle do not take into consideration the heart and head, but they get there anyway. This is such an important point. The sexual lifestyle known as swinging is a higher path because people have to be polite, tolerant, and respectful. That lifts them above the non-swinging individual who is still monogamous and possessive, or cheating on the side. (Part 3 - Emotional Pain - next)
The above article is part of a larger channeled message from Master Djwal Khul given to me 40 years ago, shortly after kundalini awakened in me while living in Costa Rica with my late husband. It altered my consciousness over the next 40 years but the first few years were difficult. I couldn't function well because my body including my brain was being purged of old stuff. I was changing from the inside. My late husband stuck by me and asked questions so I was able to get through it eventually, but what a ride it has been. It is all about discovering what love and enlightenment means. We soon began exploring intimacies with other couples because people were being drawn to us. We were led naturally in that direction. Many magical things happened in those early years but I didn't realize at the time what was happening. As I reach a zenith of understanding I realize I could ONLY have learned this most valuable information by stumbling through it blind with all the ups and downs - how important close physical contact is between human beings. Exchanging love is what heals the broken hearts.
The Master DJwal Khul has never left me in 40 years. He kept giving me more insight through channeled writings. I can still count on him to be there for me, but I'm pretty much on my own today. I am mostly now just re-reading what was given. As I put it all together it dawns on me how this most beautiful energy works. It is ever present in EVERY human body. What its purpose is and how we've mismanaged it - this is the great discovery. This holy energy has been mislabled "sex". It is actually a pure spiritual energy but it has been blocked, stifled and twisted by manmade rules and negative teachings, complete with punishment if we don't obey. We have been misdireccted. It is no wonder that we still have wars and problems.
Ever since kundalini awakened in me 40 years ago during a spontaneous guided meditation, I have been learning about the spiritual anatomy of the human body. How spirit flows, or SHOULD flow, and how it is being stopped from flowing. Sex is the biggest stumbling block in the human race and only love and lovemaking has saved us from destroying ourselves. Sex is the blockage. Not love, but the way we stop it from flowing because we think it's wrong. Pure love is never wrong. It is the most right thing we can do for ourselves and others. It has been twisted into tormented, broken guilt and shame. And THAT's what we call 'sex". The light-hearted free, joyful exchanges between people who are 100% positive is the most natural thing on earth. We evolve to a brighter future when it flows. The way humankind thinks is what colors it evil. Feelings of joy, reverence, purity, adoration and love is what keeps it flowing and saves the world from destruction. It is the true lovers of the world who have kept us going. Those who are 100% positive and refused to break under the controllers and haters. Love is the true savior. I am not enlightened yet and hope I never become so, because the fun is the discovery process of sharing with friends.
With deep appreciation and gratitude, I pass on the blessings I've received. Love from the Masters, Galactics, Angelics and me!
What couples do wrong
Anakosha Newsletter 3/26/22
Through the use of conscious focus on love, gratitude, joy, and other words you can come up with, you can expand sexual energy from the groin to the heart, to the head, to the arms, fingers, legs, toes and higher, into the etheric body, the mental body the feeling body, and out through the physical body. You can do this with any partner you happen to be in bed with. You do not "love" this one particular person, as in personal love, you enter into the energy of love, appreciation, reverence, gratitude and joy within yourself. It is a loving relationship with yourself, and then you share it with whoever you are with. This is how you can love many people and not be confined to one person for the rest of your life. This does not mean you do not have responsibilities once you enter into an arrangement by contract and agreement. We all have ethical responsibilities to be morally committed to our agreements.
The skill of using consciously controlled thoughts of love and appreciation during the act of sex requires developing within oneself. It lies within the morals and principles of each person. The skill does not lie within the partner to make you feel good. In fact, the one special person at home is the most difficult partner to work with because of repeated patterns that develop over time. Intimate practice time with other people is beneficial, to enhance the lovemaking at home. Committed relationships need to expand into love in order to endure. Often, it is easier to work with a partner you are not familiar with.
A man or woman can become quite a famous lover by learning the art of sacred sex, which is using consciously controlled thoughts of love and appreciation during the intimate act of sex. The sex partner will feel it IF it is genuine and not contrived. This is the truer concept of tantric lovemaking. It is creating the love first within yourself and then sharing it. It is an advanced form of lovemaking. The traditional form of sex and love, as when boyfriend and girlfriend fall in love and form an exclusive relationship, wears off in time unless - UNLESS - they learn the art and skill of maintaining a momentum of love which comes from their higher selves, not what is customarily done, which is taking each other for granted.
Every couple starts out on a honeymoon high, a wave of love for one another. It's called "new relationship energy". NRE for short in polyamory circles. But in time new relationship energy descends into taking one another for granted. Boredom sets in and then possession, due to not being fulfilled and not understanding what happened to the high of earlier days and wanting to get it back but not knowing how. The grip tightens on possessing each other and knowing what each other is doing in their absence. It turns into jealousy at glances at other women or other men. The problem is lack of love within ones self. Loving yourself brings such a feeling of well-being and security that you cannot be afraid of losing your mate. You want him or her to be as free as you feel.
Typically, a couple falls into cultural habits. Everyone does it, we think to ourselves. It is expected, taking one another for granted. Limits are placed on behavior, jealousy follows and suffocation is the result as we, ourselves, hold ourselves back and remain increasingly unfulfilled because we are looking to our partner or mate to provide us with everything. They can't. They simply can't fulfill you on all the deep levels you are. Our needs are repressed. Our past lifetimes are filled with this pattern of behavior, because monogamy and possession of each other has been the cultural habit for thousands of years. We do it over and over and over. We are still doing it today, but today there are new inroads being made.
How to change this pattern? Talk about it. Find ways to open your relationship with others. Go slowly. Talk honestly. Do not hide or repress your feelings. Having intimate encounters with others should be done without cheating. In open agreement, or as best as possible. Be careful of your relationship. Be kind to your partnership. Respect your mate. You entered into it. Be responsible for your part in keeping it intact. Honesty is the only way to maintain a relationship. Hiding the truth from one another is a downward spiral.
The swinging lifestyle continues to grow because it works. Couples can experiment and practice feelings that are different than the ones they have at home. They can stretch beyond the rigid confines of a one-person ownership. Love is renewed at home when each partner is pleased with themselves for giving their partner the freedom to go with another person. If there is a problem, hopefully they will try again and work through it. It comes with a struggle and perseverance to get back on the horse with determination to change the game into a positive, more light-hearted one.
The world has changed. The goodness of monogamy remains but the hurtful and suffocating aspects of monogamy are changing. It is a new age. When newness is brought into the relationship - and it is up to each couple to decide together how and when that will happen - there is more freedom in the world.
We do not have the right to repress our partner, and more important is it not to repress ourselves. Our first responsibility is to self. It is through the conscious use of love during sex that sex changes to lovemaking. This is making sex into sacred sex. A relationship includes the necessity of being honest. No cheating. A single person who is not committed to anyone else can have as many lovers as desired. But when a relationship begins to form honesty starts to play an important role. Otherwise, love is not being included in that relationship.
Talk about it
Cheating is an aspect of not-love. It seems to be universal today because monogamy as a cultural rule has everyone in its vice-like grip. The advice is, if someone is suffocating in a relationship that is too rigid, talk. Talk about it to the partner. Talk, talk, talk. There is no way that a relationship can continue to be stuck if there is talking about it. Sometimes one must insist on a sit-down meeting across a table when all else fails. Saying something in passing while going out the door, does not work. Give yourselves honest discussion times periodically.
Every couple in the lifestyle of swinging today, has “talked about it”. That's in quotes because talking about it is the one common rule in swinging. You have to open the discussion and talk about it. A couple can agree to just about anything if they talk about it. They cannot move themselves past the stuck point of boredom and suffocation and even depression, if they don't talk about what is bothering them. There are any number of ways they can relieve the suffocation, boredom and depression. It is the first rule of love - to be real by revealing your true feelings. Be brave. Initiate the "talk".
Be the brave warrior of your own heart by daring to step forward and stand in the sunlight of your own self, revealing yourself. The worst thing that can happen is an argument or a slammed door or temper tantrum - and then it passes. All things do pass. Do not be afraid. There are worse things that could happen. A person will be surprised at how good he/she feels when they take a stand like that. It is because they draw on inner power and when you draw on inner resources you open the door to even more of the same. A person is so much more than he/she thinks they are.
When you adopt a truly loving and authentic attitude, you find healing and support. It is through your own heart that you find solutions that are unique for you and your situation. Each person must take responsibility for his or her own thoughts and direct them to the heart if they want to become more real and more authentic and to change their life from boring to exciting.
Regarding sex and lovemaking, it is not in the movement of hip against hip or groin against groin, but in the movement of loving thoughts made into feelings, where one does not want to hurt the other. The physical anatomy of sex is secondary and will take care of itself when the time comes. The focus on reverence, joy, appreciation and respect is what releases the deepest, best and most pure parts of a person, the highest and most refined ideals and motivations. This is what fills the body with turn-on feelings we call sensuality. It is love and it comes from the heart and the mind.
Tantra, as it is traditionally taught, is with one special partner who is willing to work with you consciously, and it is "work". There is a lot of practice time. Couples come together as opposites. For centuries men and women had to really "work" at it to find a higher place in themselves because it did not come natural to them. There has been animosity between men and women for a long time.
Today we are seeing a new dawn happening. The swinging lifestyle is producing understanding between men and women. They are enjoying sex with each other on a higher plane. Mars and Venus are working it out but the number of couples who are participating is yet small. Today monogamy is stifling a lot of individuals. They are not able to "talk the talk". One person may really want to explore having sex with other people, but the other may not. Often it is the man taking the initiative and he is trying to talk his lady into trying it with him. When your partner has no interest whatever in doing this with you, then what do you do? Do you put your urge for more sacred love on hold forever?
The only solution lies within your own heart and inner being. Each person has a higher self that has all the answers. But those answers are usually buried beneath layers upon layers of belief systems. There are many factors to consider when inviting someone in to open up the monogamous relationship. These factors cannot be articulated. They must be felt as one walks through it, step by step. And beginning "the talk" is the first step. To try to "set someone up" is a mistake. Again this is in quotes because it is a common phrase heard often. Authenticity cannot be manipulated with much success. The heart is over lighted by the higher self, which marches to a different tune than the human being who is weighed down by limited beliefs and fantasies.
Sex is a journey that involves your genitals. Spirituality is a journey that involves your ideals. Sex involves the lower body, spirituality involves the heart, head and higher. Most people in the lifestyle do not take into consideration the heart and head, but they get there anyway. This is such an important point. The sexual lifestyle known as swinging is a higher path because people have to be polite, tolerant, and respectful. That lifts them above the non-swinging individual who is still monogamous and possessive, or cheating on the side. (Part 3 - Emotional Pain - next)
The above article is part of a larger channeled message from Master Djwal Khul given to me 40 years ago, shortly after kundalini awakened in me while living in Costa Rica with my late husband. It altered my consciousness over the next 40 years but the first few years were difficult. I couldn't function well because my body including my brain was being purged of old stuff. I was changing from the inside. My late husband stuck by me and asked questions so I was able to get through it eventually, but what a ride it has been. It is all about discovering what love and enlightenment means. We soon began exploring intimacies with other couples because people were being drawn to us. We were led naturally in that direction. Many magical things happened in those early years but I didn't realize at the time what was happening. As I reach a zenith of understanding I realize I could ONLY have learned this most valuable information by stumbling through it blind with all the ups and downs - how important close physical contact is between human beings. Exchanging love is what heals the broken hearts.
The Master DJwal Khul has never left me in 40 years. He kept giving me more insight through channeled writings. I can still count on him to be there for me, but I'm pretty much on my own today. I am mostly now just re-reading what was given. As I put it all together it dawns on me how this most beautiful energy works. It is ever present in EVERY human body. What its purpose is and how we've mismanaged it - this is the great discovery. This holy energy has been mislabled "sex". It is actually a pure spiritual energy but it has been blocked, stifled and twisted by manmade rules and negative teachings, complete with punishment if we don't obey. We have been misdireccted. It is no wonder that we still have wars and problems.
Ever since kundalini awakened in me 40 years ago during a spontaneous guided meditation, I have been learning about the spiritual anatomy of the human body. How spirit flows, or SHOULD flow, and how it is being stopped from flowing. Sex is the biggest stumbling block in the human race and only love and lovemaking has saved us from destroying ourselves. Sex is the blockage. Not love, but the way we stop it from flowing because we think it's wrong. Pure love is never wrong. It is the most right thing we can do for ourselves and others. It has been twisted into tormented, broken guilt and shame. And THAT's what we call 'sex". The light-hearted free, joyful exchanges between people who are 100% positive is the most natural thing on earth. We evolve to a brighter future when it flows. The way humankind thinks is what colors it evil. Feelings of joy, reverence, purity, adoration and love is what keeps it flowing and saves the world from destruction. It is the true lovers of the world who have kept us going. Those who are 100% positive and refused to break under the controllers and haters. Love is the true savior. I am not enlightened yet and hope I never become so, because the fun is the discovery process of sharing with friends.
With deep appreciation and gratitude, I pass on the blessings I've received. Love from the Masters, Galactics, Angelics and me!

3/24/22 - Future Sex, Part 1
Advanced Training
Anakosha Newsletter 3/23/22
On a practical level, sex in the normal sense is a portal to higher consciousness but only when it is respected. Respect is an elevation of thought chosen by the mind. The higher the respect level, the higher the experience one may have during the intimate act. Let's say respect is the lowest level. From there, one may rise a bit higher through appreciation, then a little higher still through gratitude, then a bit higher through joy, higher still through reverence, and yet higher through adoration, praise and so on.
All of these thoughts, when held in the mind, are different frequencies. They put out and generate different waves that vibrate with feelings. They are felt viscerally, internally, as feelings when entered into. When thoughts are focused on these feelings, which one must practice with to better identify which is which, it is possible to "fix" them into that frequency like a laser beam or a flashlight held by the mind's attention.
When the mind wanders like a lost soul, mental attributes diminish and become defused. So the power of mind is developed by practicing with these higher states of consciousness, combined with the ability of mind to hold that focus. That is when the quality focused upon becomes a feeling. Mind must hold the focus long enough that it descends into density, which is the physicalness. Sensuality is a held thought focused on long enough to become physical.
In our culture we have not been trained in this art. Most people think sensuality is an accident that comes from some mysterious chemistry between people. That is far from the truth. We MAKE our sensual feelings by focusing on the quality we want. We "make" love by thinking and holding love in our thoughts, not by diddling the yoni or lingam.
When we focus our conscious minds on our heart we can become more loving. The brain is the computer where intelligence is received from higher planes and stored. The body is where love is received from higher planes and stored. It's a step-down process. The two go hand-in-hand. We receive intelligence (light) and love from higher planes. The mind receives and passes it down into the body by holding it and directing it downward. The body receives it as sensuality. Mind and body must work together to create a loving sensuality. They walk the path together.
When we focus on the third eye, specifically the middle of the brain where the pineal gland is, we receive intelligence from our higher self. Our God-self. The third eye must open to receive. Until it opens, it can open and close randomly, the third eye mostly recycles what intelligence it has already accumulated. But we can receive more. We are infinite creators. For example, one does not simply "make up" or pretend an emotion of adoration. One must think the thoughts like "I love you, I adore you, I revere you, you are beautiful, you are so precious to me," thoughts of that nature. As one builds a momentum of this type of thought, which you can think silently, it doesn't have to be out loud, it raises your consciousness until you are literally singing these adoring phrases out loud. You are opening and receiving the beautiful higher consciousness that is infinite and close to the creator and the angels of heaven, even as you are a physical body.
Your heart, which is where your true God-self is anchored, automatically kicks into action. The cells of the body, yours and your lover's, are stirred by this thought-triggered emotion of loving adoration because you are setting into motion the vibration of higher and ever-higher frequencies.
If one is going to pursue this path, the first thing to consciously change is to stop using the dirty words common to our culture which we think are sexy and cute. They are not. They carry very low energy in them. They pull you down to the basic animal sex. These are downward-spiraling thoughts. They are heavy with not only animal instinct but unresolved and undesired instincts of terror, fear, hurt, pain, and more. The way to change them is to think the high thoughts mentioned above, starting with "I love you," silently in your mind.
Think words of love, praise and gratitude and as you say these words silently, pretty soon new beautiful words start to flow forth on their own. You are consciously building a new momentum, taking it away from the old ways and carving out a groove that is new. New neurons are created and put to work in your brain. You are literally bush-whacking a path through the tangle and undergrowth of the wild forest.
It is consciously directed thoughts that tap you into the love energy stored on the high shelf of the heart. You have to reach up for them. These silent words spoken silently in the heart enter into the blood stream as the heart pumps, pumps, pumps your blood, and carries the vibrations of your words on the flow of the blood going all through your body and transferring it via vibration to your lover and your lover's body. These words are literally being woven, as you speak them, whether silently or whispering them out loud, into the fabric of your muscles and tissues and elevating you to higher planes of consciousness and physicality. They are bringing more light and goodness into you. It is a spiritual journey. Making sexual love is a sacred act when it is done this way. Sacred does not mean somber. Sacred means joyful, light-hearted and fun-loving.
Sacred sex is loving, light-hearted sex. Most individuals you meet on the street would not know what sacred sex is. Most people don't know what Tantra is but they are drawn to the word, like flies to honey because there is a vibration to it. A sweetness. A light. Love. If you are ever asked about sacred sex, you will know what it is. It is light-hearted sex raised to the highest level of love you can imagine or build. And it comes from the heart.
(Part 2 will come in a few days. It's a lengthy article.)
Comments about this article: It was received 40 years ago, in 1981, shortly after kundalini awakened while living in Costa Rica. I began experiencing extremely high consciousness that at first was pleasant, but then began the process of clearing. Kundalini is an energy that does not respect the human condition and it began changing me. It has been called the holy spirit in Christian language. It is an evolutionary energy. It clears old patterns. I was out of body a lot in the weeks, months and years following. My late husband and I began exploring intimacy almost right away with other couples. It was a natural evolution. People were drawn to us and so we responded. I found holding other people up close was helpful in grounding and feeling more peaceful and connected. I still do. This is the reason I like massaging. There is a feeling of fulfillment and unity.
The above message came through automatic writing in the first days after kundalini awakened without warning. Words flowed through me like rushing water and I had no choice but to write them down on paper or I would explode. Writing was an outlet. I would either write or get up and dance with a spontaneous inner breeze blowing through me. Either through dance or writing I would receive messages from higher planes, whenever the energy flowed. This is how I became changed over the years from what I was before kundalini awakened. I have a great desire to give this information out so I post these writings as the spirit moves me.
Comments about the war in Ukraine. Every day D fills me in on the world situation. I find I can absorb most of what he reports, but it is difficult. Normally I can't make heads or tails out of what is being reported from mainstream news, and recently even from alternative news articles. It seems I am open only to the forces of light, peace and love that are streaming onto the planet. I am full time in light and peace. Not that I don't pick up on problems and have my own challenges (there are some) but there is an immediate transition over to light and peace, as if problems can't live long in me. Friends have asked what I think about the world's events, but I don't "think" in the normal sense of that word. Rather I feel. I sense. I am sure I am not alone in this. I know there are a growing number of people feeling both the chaos and the light and love moving and swirling at the same time. I feel sometimes physical ecstasy when I am touched by someone with love. And other times I feel lost, lonely and isolated, but it is only energy. It only lasts a day at the most. I believe that I am mostly dwelling in the fifth dimension, even though I'm still living in a physical body in the third dimension. It's a mixture right now. It is possible to do that. Everyone is experiencing these fluctuations. There is a tremendous amount of shifting of energies going on within people. We have mind, body and spirit flowing all together now. We just have to hang on for a while longer, not too much longer, and manage these energies in the best and most loving, peaceful way that we can.
Dimension means "density". 1st density, 2nd density, 3rd density, etc. One who is caught in terrible pains and traumas and don't know how to get out of it, that's third density. Fourth density you start feeling the possibilities of peace, and moments of hope and tendencies toward prayer but you struggle trying to figure it all out. And then there's fifth density. You can't think of war or chaos or politics. It doesn't exist for you. It's like trying to light a match under water. It just doesn't work. There's too much light, love, unity and peace in you. You may not know that yet, and you may still be trying to figure it. But my advice is to relax and be your natural self. Let everything fall back into naturalness. Let everything else go. Because in the fifth density you're part of the flow. Your individual God-self is flowing and is in charge and it will see that you are safe and guided in the right direction.
We as a planet are in fourth density right now. The total mass consciousness of the world's humanity is swirling and mixing together in a great soup bowl. Just imagine it. We as a worldwide collective are struggling with 3rd density people trying to maintain a grip and control on others, and with 4th density people trying to make sense of it all, and 5th density people who are holding light, love and peace. Some are private and quiet, others are out front making waves. I have been guided for over 40 years in how to stay focused on light and love, so I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't make waves but I do post my articles online. You can't maintain a focus on light and love in this heavy density without taking TIME and creating a space of peace and love for yourself that you can use over and over to build a momentum. We dwell in time and space and so we must carve out time and space and cultivate positive peacemaking thoughts wherever "home" happens to be. Maybe it's in a car traveling somewhere but it's home for the moment. I spend at least 2 hours a day, often 3 hours, and sometimes 4 hours a day using different approaches, often being spontaneous to how spirit moves in me. I would be glad to assist anyone who wants to discuss this very important subject matter, something you can use at home privately, sacredly, alone. Just contact me by return reply.
Meanwhile, I am streaming peace, love, light and advice from the Masters to stay in your own lane and don't digress. Hold focus on peace, love and light for your own sake and balance. Be active as spirit moves you, but lie down and rest in stillness often. See if it doesn't settle you better. Confusion is created by not letting spirit participate in your life. It wants to. It is the peace, love and light in you that doesn't get to come out and play in the scene. Accumulate love, light and peace during periodic resting time.
Advanced Training
Anakosha Newsletter 3/23/22
On a practical level, sex in the normal sense is a portal to higher consciousness but only when it is respected. Respect is an elevation of thought chosen by the mind. The higher the respect level, the higher the experience one may have during the intimate act. Let's say respect is the lowest level. From there, one may rise a bit higher through appreciation, then a little higher still through gratitude, then a bit higher through joy, higher still through reverence, and yet higher through adoration, praise and so on.
All of these thoughts, when held in the mind, are different frequencies. They put out and generate different waves that vibrate with feelings. They are felt viscerally, internally, as feelings when entered into. When thoughts are focused on these feelings, which one must practice with to better identify which is which, it is possible to "fix" them into that frequency like a laser beam or a flashlight held by the mind's attention.
When the mind wanders like a lost soul, mental attributes diminish and become defused. So the power of mind is developed by practicing with these higher states of consciousness, combined with the ability of mind to hold that focus. That is when the quality focused upon becomes a feeling. Mind must hold the focus long enough that it descends into density, which is the physicalness. Sensuality is a held thought focused on long enough to become physical.
In our culture we have not been trained in this art. Most people think sensuality is an accident that comes from some mysterious chemistry between people. That is far from the truth. We MAKE our sensual feelings by focusing on the quality we want. We "make" love by thinking and holding love in our thoughts, not by diddling the yoni or lingam.
When we focus our conscious minds on our heart we can become more loving. The brain is the computer where intelligence is received from higher planes and stored. The body is where love is received from higher planes and stored. It's a step-down process. The two go hand-in-hand. We receive intelligence (light) and love from higher planes. The mind receives and passes it down into the body by holding it and directing it downward. The body receives it as sensuality. Mind and body must work together to create a loving sensuality. They walk the path together.
When we focus on the third eye, specifically the middle of the brain where the pineal gland is, we receive intelligence from our higher self. Our God-self. The third eye must open to receive. Until it opens, it can open and close randomly, the third eye mostly recycles what intelligence it has already accumulated. But we can receive more. We are infinite creators. For example, one does not simply "make up" or pretend an emotion of adoration. One must think the thoughts like "I love you, I adore you, I revere you, you are beautiful, you are so precious to me," thoughts of that nature. As one builds a momentum of this type of thought, which you can think silently, it doesn't have to be out loud, it raises your consciousness until you are literally singing these adoring phrases out loud. You are opening and receiving the beautiful higher consciousness that is infinite and close to the creator and the angels of heaven, even as you are a physical body.
Your heart, which is where your true God-self is anchored, automatically kicks into action. The cells of the body, yours and your lover's, are stirred by this thought-triggered emotion of loving adoration because you are setting into motion the vibration of higher and ever-higher frequencies.
If one is going to pursue this path, the first thing to consciously change is to stop using the dirty words common to our culture which we think are sexy and cute. They are not. They carry very low energy in them. They pull you down to the basic animal sex. These are downward-spiraling thoughts. They are heavy with not only animal instinct but unresolved and undesired instincts of terror, fear, hurt, pain, and more. The way to change them is to think the high thoughts mentioned above, starting with "I love you," silently in your mind.
Think words of love, praise and gratitude and as you say these words silently, pretty soon new beautiful words start to flow forth on their own. You are consciously building a new momentum, taking it away from the old ways and carving out a groove that is new. New neurons are created and put to work in your brain. You are literally bush-whacking a path through the tangle and undergrowth of the wild forest.
It is consciously directed thoughts that tap you into the love energy stored on the high shelf of the heart. You have to reach up for them. These silent words spoken silently in the heart enter into the blood stream as the heart pumps, pumps, pumps your blood, and carries the vibrations of your words on the flow of the blood going all through your body and transferring it via vibration to your lover and your lover's body. These words are literally being woven, as you speak them, whether silently or whispering them out loud, into the fabric of your muscles and tissues and elevating you to higher planes of consciousness and physicality. They are bringing more light and goodness into you. It is a spiritual journey. Making sexual love is a sacred act when it is done this way. Sacred does not mean somber. Sacred means joyful, light-hearted and fun-loving.
Sacred sex is loving, light-hearted sex. Most individuals you meet on the street would not know what sacred sex is. Most people don't know what Tantra is but they are drawn to the word, like flies to honey because there is a vibration to it. A sweetness. A light. Love. If you are ever asked about sacred sex, you will know what it is. It is light-hearted sex raised to the highest level of love you can imagine or build. And it comes from the heart.
(Part 2 will come in a few days. It's a lengthy article.)
Comments about this article: It was received 40 years ago, in 1981, shortly after kundalini awakened while living in Costa Rica. I began experiencing extremely high consciousness that at first was pleasant, but then began the process of clearing. Kundalini is an energy that does not respect the human condition and it began changing me. It has been called the holy spirit in Christian language. It is an evolutionary energy. It clears old patterns. I was out of body a lot in the weeks, months and years following. My late husband and I began exploring intimacy almost right away with other couples. It was a natural evolution. People were drawn to us and so we responded. I found holding other people up close was helpful in grounding and feeling more peaceful and connected. I still do. This is the reason I like massaging. There is a feeling of fulfillment and unity.
The above message came through automatic writing in the first days after kundalini awakened without warning. Words flowed through me like rushing water and I had no choice but to write them down on paper or I would explode. Writing was an outlet. I would either write or get up and dance with a spontaneous inner breeze blowing through me. Either through dance or writing I would receive messages from higher planes, whenever the energy flowed. This is how I became changed over the years from what I was before kundalini awakened. I have a great desire to give this information out so I post these writings as the spirit moves me.
Comments about the war in Ukraine. Every day D fills me in on the world situation. I find I can absorb most of what he reports, but it is difficult. Normally I can't make heads or tails out of what is being reported from mainstream news, and recently even from alternative news articles. It seems I am open only to the forces of light, peace and love that are streaming onto the planet. I am full time in light and peace. Not that I don't pick up on problems and have my own challenges (there are some) but there is an immediate transition over to light and peace, as if problems can't live long in me. Friends have asked what I think about the world's events, but I don't "think" in the normal sense of that word. Rather I feel. I sense. I am sure I am not alone in this. I know there are a growing number of people feeling both the chaos and the light and love moving and swirling at the same time. I feel sometimes physical ecstasy when I am touched by someone with love. And other times I feel lost, lonely and isolated, but it is only energy. It only lasts a day at the most. I believe that I am mostly dwelling in the fifth dimension, even though I'm still living in a physical body in the third dimension. It's a mixture right now. It is possible to do that. Everyone is experiencing these fluctuations. There is a tremendous amount of shifting of energies going on within people. We have mind, body and spirit flowing all together now. We just have to hang on for a while longer, not too much longer, and manage these energies in the best and most loving, peaceful way that we can.
Dimension means "density". 1st density, 2nd density, 3rd density, etc. One who is caught in terrible pains and traumas and don't know how to get out of it, that's third density. Fourth density you start feeling the possibilities of peace, and moments of hope and tendencies toward prayer but you struggle trying to figure it all out. And then there's fifth density. You can't think of war or chaos or politics. It doesn't exist for you. It's like trying to light a match under water. It just doesn't work. There's too much light, love, unity and peace in you. You may not know that yet, and you may still be trying to figure it. But my advice is to relax and be your natural self. Let everything fall back into naturalness. Let everything else go. Because in the fifth density you're part of the flow. Your individual God-self is flowing and is in charge and it will see that you are safe and guided in the right direction.
We as a planet are in fourth density right now. The total mass consciousness of the world's humanity is swirling and mixing together in a great soup bowl. Just imagine it. We as a worldwide collective are struggling with 3rd density people trying to maintain a grip and control on others, and with 4th density people trying to make sense of it all, and 5th density people who are holding light, love and peace. Some are private and quiet, others are out front making waves. I have been guided for over 40 years in how to stay focused on light and love, so I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't make waves but I do post my articles online. You can't maintain a focus on light and love in this heavy density without taking TIME and creating a space of peace and love for yourself that you can use over and over to build a momentum. We dwell in time and space and so we must carve out time and space and cultivate positive peacemaking thoughts wherever "home" happens to be. Maybe it's in a car traveling somewhere but it's home for the moment. I spend at least 2 hours a day, often 3 hours, and sometimes 4 hours a day using different approaches, often being spontaneous to how spirit moves in me. I would be glad to assist anyone who wants to discuss this very important subject matter, something you can use at home privately, sacredly, alone. Just contact me by return reply.
Meanwhile, I am streaming peace, love, light and advice from the Masters to stay in your own lane and don't digress. Hold focus on peace, love and light for your own sake and balance. Be active as spirit moves you, but lie down and rest in stillness often. See if it doesn't settle you better. Confusion is created by not letting spirit participate in your life. It wants to. It is the peace, love and light in you that doesn't get to come out and play in the scene. Accumulate love, light and peace during periodic resting time.

3/10/22 - Fiercely Feminine! The Goddess Movement
A Message from Spirit
It's December 4, 2018. I wake from dreaming at 1:55 am, still looking into the sun. It is very bright but I am able to stand it. I see geometric designs on the sun. In the dark of night I am seeing a long treatise in writing. I Am a holy mandate of the heavenly Father. I see myself from the back, superimposed brilliant golden against or in the sun. I have wings. I am receiving this mandate from the sun. “Mandate” is distinctly heard. I am very bright and the sun is very bright but I can see myself clearly with wings from the back. I feel this has to do with gathering the women.
It's a long, long, long list, and someone is saying over the words, “But what if we were allowed to have divine feminine values to nurture and nourish our hearts and souls and each other?” (I reach for my notepad and write this down and go back to sleep. I wake again at 2:10 seeing the lengthy treatise again.) The long list continues on and on, and again someone says, “But what if instead of a pile of broken bones and lumber (I see a pile of wood stacked in odd ways askew for the burn pile), instead you were allowed to put your hands on people with feminine values, warm and supportive? Slow, lengthy healing sessions of feminine softness, lacy, frilly, dainty, exquisitely soft and tender, emotionally sweet, with healing feminine love, instead of politically correct men in dark suits standing with frozen looks at attention in meetings. (I am now propped up writing words on little yellow post-its.)
The men appear with stern faces and not a smile cracks their faces. And their women standing frozen-faced beside them, like Ivanka Trump yesterday on TV standing with Pres. Trump. What if, instead of the frozen faces of the women standing sternly by their sides, not a muscle moving of living quality being seen on their sweet faces, you saw instead sweetness moving and light breaking out in smiles and living motion. Feminine values are warm and gay, joyful and casually innocent, flowing spontaneously, with smiles, and movement and friendliness and softening the frigid masks of the men, breaking the non-movement of the politically correct.
Instead of trying to do what is culturally correct by supporting your husband, you supported your OWN feminine truth instead of his? Your own feminine sense of right instead of his? By melting the sub-zero temperature of his mask which has frozen his heart? What if you simply melted into your own warmth, ease, gaiety and naturalness? Do you remember how? Remember when you were a free and innocent child? Remember when being natural didn’t require you to think about it? You just were what you were. Relax the stress and strain of trying so hard to be good and proper and staunchly supportive of male values. Let the sunshine of feminine values shine through the smog and fog and dark. That’s what men are waiting for. They don’t know how to do it themselves. They want and need the warm feminine. They are waiting for someone to give them permission to stop acting like heartless, soulless men so they can get out of the rat trap and into the freedom of the sun. They need permission to stop acting so responsible, to stop being so damn rigid, so damn serious and grown up. They are not grown up. They are children waiting for someone more knowledgeable than them, and more mature and safe and kind and fun-loving and free, to show them how to be that way.
Be a role model of natural fun, mature fun, not the irresponsible wild fun that is destructive but easy, light-hearted fun. Instead of serious, stubborn and resisting the sunlight of fun, which is good, true, loving and wise, such warming up would crack a smile on the frozen outer skin and raise the temperature and the vibrations and the frequency of the dark and lonely man who feels bereft and isolated because he has forgotten, and so he demands and forces and presses and pushes and resists because that’s how he is programmed. It is his way because he was shaped and molded and taught to be that way and he is unhappy. Pain and suffering is what keeps him alive. As long as he feels pain and is suffering he knows he is still alive. Show him a better way. See through the male facade. It’s a sad attempt to make up for the loss of humanness in him for he has no heart awake. It is there but not awake. Wake up his heart by example, not by words. Stir him by letting him see something miraculous. Something outside of the ordinary humdrum of his daily life. Stir his feelings. Only a need, a lack, a haunting memory of something. He is striving to remember what it is, something that he should have but can’t quite grasp it. It haunts him.
It is a need for the feminine, his OWN feminine values of a lighter heart and a lighter mind and a lighter way of living that flows smoothly and graciously without judgment or taking sides or criticism or condemnation or guilt or shame. Men have called such women in the past, wanton, shameless, whores, hussies and other four-letter words, but they continued to want them. Why? They are angry on one hand, but needing the feminine softness, tenderness, goodness, forgiveness, on the other. They spit out hatred, anger and violence on one hand but grasp with their dying breath for their mother, wife, sister, feminine friend because they don’t have it in their own soul.
Feminine values are divine values. They are not pre-arranged or pre-meditated. The divine value is moving outward from a hiding place. We don’t know what it looks like yet. The goddess movement is intuitive and experiential. We feel it when we are close to each other without men around to dampen the feminine free flow. We are striving towards something and for a long, long, long, time - centuries long - have gone by without our understanding what was missing, what was wrong. They told us our role was to support, heal, love our man, but that didn’t fulfill us. They said it would. They said God would reward us if we performed our role well. And yet we felt something missing. The golden thread of happiness, liberation, the movement of life was missing but we didn’t know how to find it. The feminine feels her way better than men because she FEELS. Her emotions are intact where a man’s emotions are not. They have been bred out of him. She feels her way wherever she can, without shame or falsehood but relies on her feelings and dares to act on them. Just as a man is waiting for permission to step out of the rat race, so is a woman waiting for permission to step into her own power. And now it has come. The Goddess is awakening for women. Women are feeling it.
A leader in her own right, each woman must take the first step off the old treadmill that goes nowhere. A leader is one who steps out in front of the people, ahead of the others. Either out of frustration or anger, or simply because she’s had enough, or is in the throes of losing her mind. Women express such feelings. A call for help without knowing what she’s asking for or what words to use, flies out across space and time and ripples the infinite, and those waiting for just such a call, hear it. Without ever knowing how such help works, it does. Suddenly a person pops up that can assist, or a situation is altered, or a shift takes place. One is not aware of the assistance but it happens anyway. It’s how we crawl out of the trenches and stinky mud into daylight.
When a person allows herself to FEEL their frustration in all honesty, even brutal honesty, instead of burying it, it moves mountains. Feelings and emotions need to be honest and truthful. Feelings need to stop being repressed. Self-denial of our own emotions is the most serious denial of all. It is not that we are hiding them from our families and friends; it is that we are hiding them from our self. It is our self that needs to wake up and become more feminine. Without emotions we are masculine and heartless. One is able to stand up straight and tall by pulling oneself up by the pully rope, the bootstrap of honesty. Be kind to yourself when using it. Don’t let regret or remorse pull you back down into the mud again. Along with truth comes wisdom of forgiveness. Accept the truth of your denial, absorb it, receive it, let it fill you, and hold your head up high and move on into the light of freedom. Enjoy the sensation of freedom. Notice how you stand above the heads of the crowd but be humble about it. (End of transmission)
Re-reading this put a spark in me once again. I had a very busy night that night! I kept waking up with more information to write and the notes kept coming even after I got up and showered and sat in the meditation room. So much writing came through. It was a message for ME. This is not a lecture to other women. I'm sharing a personal experience here. Both with other women and also with men. Men have a feminine side to them, just as women have a masculine side to them. We have lived in opposite gender bodies. In the three years since this message was given to me, I've learned a lot personally and grown in understanding. The goddess movement is genderless. We are androgynous souls seeking our missing (buried) half. We have buried memories inside of us waiting release and discovery. We are each a combination of both masculine and feminine traits and tendencies, skills, knowledge and memories of personal experience. They go way back in our history and evolution. Not just this life but there are many past lives, and not all on this planet. There are many, many past lives, both as boys and girls and as animals, birds, insects, dinosaurs and more. We have been around for a long time, as conscious living souls, gathering experience and knowledge. Today we have made it to the top of the evolutionary scale. We are human. We are now gods in training, awaiting full realization.
To become fully realized, girls and women are seeking the masculine half of themselves, and boys and men are seeking the feminine half of themselves. We've been locked into separate gender roles in this reality, isolated from the whole truth. There is more waiting for us to acknowledge. Namely that we are unified male and female. And that it is self-love that brings us into the androgynous state of wholeness. That doesn't take away from the fun of living in bodies of opposite sexes. It is that we are fulfilled, happy and feel at home in our skin. (Thank you, DK.) I've been guided for years to gather the women, but I couldn't do it. A part of me just couldn't preclude the men from attending. I was never 100% confident that it was right to hold women-only gatherings. Now I see the value in women meeting together without the men. The women need empowerment and validation from their sisters. I also have been seeing something else dawning on the horizon of consciousness.
Are the ascended masters and the benevolent galactics one and the same on the scale of evolution? It is appearing so to me. Are the galactics of light also ascended masters? Are the ascended masters also galactic? Do others have more insight into this? I'd love to meet with anyone who would like to explore this fascinating subject. Feedback is invited.
A Message from Spirit
It's December 4, 2018. I wake from dreaming at 1:55 am, still looking into the sun. It is very bright but I am able to stand it. I see geometric designs on the sun. In the dark of night I am seeing a long treatise in writing. I Am a holy mandate of the heavenly Father. I see myself from the back, superimposed brilliant golden against or in the sun. I have wings. I am receiving this mandate from the sun. “Mandate” is distinctly heard. I am very bright and the sun is very bright but I can see myself clearly with wings from the back. I feel this has to do with gathering the women.
It's a long, long, long list, and someone is saying over the words, “But what if we were allowed to have divine feminine values to nurture and nourish our hearts and souls and each other?” (I reach for my notepad and write this down and go back to sleep. I wake again at 2:10 seeing the lengthy treatise again.) The long list continues on and on, and again someone says, “But what if instead of a pile of broken bones and lumber (I see a pile of wood stacked in odd ways askew for the burn pile), instead you were allowed to put your hands on people with feminine values, warm and supportive? Slow, lengthy healing sessions of feminine softness, lacy, frilly, dainty, exquisitely soft and tender, emotionally sweet, with healing feminine love, instead of politically correct men in dark suits standing with frozen looks at attention in meetings. (I am now propped up writing words on little yellow post-its.)
The men appear with stern faces and not a smile cracks their faces. And their women standing frozen-faced beside them, like Ivanka Trump yesterday on TV standing with Pres. Trump. What if, instead of the frozen faces of the women standing sternly by their sides, not a muscle moving of living quality being seen on their sweet faces, you saw instead sweetness moving and light breaking out in smiles and living motion. Feminine values are warm and gay, joyful and casually innocent, flowing spontaneously, with smiles, and movement and friendliness and softening the frigid masks of the men, breaking the non-movement of the politically correct.
Instead of trying to do what is culturally correct by supporting your husband, you supported your OWN feminine truth instead of his? Your own feminine sense of right instead of his? By melting the sub-zero temperature of his mask which has frozen his heart? What if you simply melted into your own warmth, ease, gaiety and naturalness? Do you remember how? Remember when you were a free and innocent child? Remember when being natural didn’t require you to think about it? You just were what you were. Relax the stress and strain of trying so hard to be good and proper and staunchly supportive of male values. Let the sunshine of feminine values shine through the smog and fog and dark. That’s what men are waiting for. They don’t know how to do it themselves. They want and need the warm feminine. They are waiting for someone to give them permission to stop acting like heartless, soulless men so they can get out of the rat trap and into the freedom of the sun. They need permission to stop acting so responsible, to stop being so damn rigid, so damn serious and grown up. They are not grown up. They are children waiting for someone more knowledgeable than them, and more mature and safe and kind and fun-loving and free, to show them how to be that way.
Be a role model of natural fun, mature fun, not the irresponsible wild fun that is destructive but easy, light-hearted fun. Instead of serious, stubborn and resisting the sunlight of fun, which is good, true, loving and wise, such warming up would crack a smile on the frozen outer skin and raise the temperature and the vibrations and the frequency of the dark and lonely man who feels bereft and isolated because he has forgotten, and so he demands and forces and presses and pushes and resists because that’s how he is programmed. It is his way because he was shaped and molded and taught to be that way and he is unhappy. Pain and suffering is what keeps him alive. As long as he feels pain and is suffering he knows he is still alive. Show him a better way. See through the male facade. It’s a sad attempt to make up for the loss of humanness in him for he has no heart awake. It is there but not awake. Wake up his heart by example, not by words. Stir him by letting him see something miraculous. Something outside of the ordinary humdrum of his daily life. Stir his feelings. Only a need, a lack, a haunting memory of something. He is striving to remember what it is, something that he should have but can’t quite grasp it. It haunts him.
It is a need for the feminine, his OWN feminine values of a lighter heart and a lighter mind and a lighter way of living that flows smoothly and graciously without judgment or taking sides or criticism or condemnation or guilt or shame. Men have called such women in the past, wanton, shameless, whores, hussies and other four-letter words, but they continued to want them. Why? They are angry on one hand, but needing the feminine softness, tenderness, goodness, forgiveness, on the other. They spit out hatred, anger and violence on one hand but grasp with their dying breath for their mother, wife, sister, feminine friend because they don’t have it in their own soul.
Feminine values are divine values. They are not pre-arranged or pre-meditated. The divine value is moving outward from a hiding place. We don’t know what it looks like yet. The goddess movement is intuitive and experiential. We feel it when we are close to each other without men around to dampen the feminine free flow. We are striving towards something and for a long, long, long, time - centuries long - have gone by without our understanding what was missing, what was wrong. They told us our role was to support, heal, love our man, but that didn’t fulfill us. They said it would. They said God would reward us if we performed our role well. And yet we felt something missing. The golden thread of happiness, liberation, the movement of life was missing but we didn’t know how to find it. The feminine feels her way better than men because she FEELS. Her emotions are intact where a man’s emotions are not. They have been bred out of him. She feels her way wherever she can, without shame or falsehood but relies on her feelings and dares to act on them. Just as a man is waiting for permission to step out of the rat race, so is a woman waiting for permission to step into her own power. And now it has come. The Goddess is awakening for women. Women are feeling it.
A leader in her own right, each woman must take the first step off the old treadmill that goes nowhere. A leader is one who steps out in front of the people, ahead of the others. Either out of frustration or anger, or simply because she’s had enough, or is in the throes of losing her mind. Women express such feelings. A call for help without knowing what she’s asking for or what words to use, flies out across space and time and ripples the infinite, and those waiting for just such a call, hear it. Without ever knowing how such help works, it does. Suddenly a person pops up that can assist, or a situation is altered, or a shift takes place. One is not aware of the assistance but it happens anyway. It’s how we crawl out of the trenches and stinky mud into daylight.
When a person allows herself to FEEL their frustration in all honesty, even brutal honesty, instead of burying it, it moves mountains. Feelings and emotions need to be honest and truthful. Feelings need to stop being repressed. Self-denial of our own emotions is the most serious denial of all. It is not that we are hiding them from our families and friends; it is that we are hiding them from our self. It is our self that needs to wake up and become more feminine. Without emotions we are masculine and heartless. One is able to stand up straight and tall by pulling oneself up by the pully rope, the bootstrap of honesty. Be kind to yourself when using it. Don’t let regret or remorse pull you back down into the mud again. Along with truth comes wisdom of forgiveness. Accept the truth of your denial, absorb it, receive it, let it fill you, and hold your head up high and move on into the light of freedom. Enjoy the sensation of freedom. Notice how you stand above the heads of the crowd but be humble about it. (End of transmission)
Re-reading this put a spark in me once again. I had a very busy night that night! I kept waking up with more information to write and the notes kept coming even after I got up and showered and sat in the meditation room. So much writing came through. It was a message for ME. This is not a lecture to other women. I'm sharing a personal experience here. Both with other women and also with men. Men have a feminine side to them, just as women have a masculine side to them. We have lived in opposite gender bodies. In the three years since this message was given to me, I've learned a lot personally and grown in understanding. The goddess movement is genderless. We are androgynous souls seeking our missing (buried) half. We have buried memories inside of us waiting release and discovery. We are each a combination of both masculine and feminine traits and tendencies, skills, knowledge and memories of personal experience. They go way back in our history and evolution. Not just this life but there are many past lives, and not all on this planet. There are many, many past lives, both as boys and girls and as animals, birds, insects, dinosaurs and more. We have been around for a long time, as conscious living souls, gathering experience and knowledge. Today we have made it to the top of the evolutionary scale. We are human. We are now gods in training, awaiting full realization.
To become fully realized, girls and women are seeking the masculine half of themselves, and boys and men are seeking the feminine half of themselves. We've been locked into separate gender roles in this reality, isolated from the whole truth. There is more waiting for us to acknowledge. Namely that we are unified male and female. And that it is self-love that brings us into the androgynous state of wholeness. That doesn't take away from the fun of living in bodies of opposite sexes. It is that we are fulfilled, happy and feel at home in our skin. (Thank you, DK.) I've been guided for years to gather the women, but I couldn't do it. A part of me just couldn't preclude the men from attending. I was never 100% confident that it was right to hold women-only gatherings. Now I see the value in women meeting together without the men. The women need empowerment and validation from their sisters. I also have been seeing something else dawning on the horizon of consciousness.
Are the ascended masters and the benevolent galactics one and the same on the scale of evolution? It is appearing so to me. Are the galactics of light also ascended masters? Are the ascended masters also galactic? Do others have more insight into this? I'd love to meet with anyone who would like to explore this fascinating subject. Feedback is invited.

3/6/11 - Grounding the ethereal - what it means
A Message from Master DK
Prelude: The following is a message received back in 1977 in the first year after kundalini awakened, when inspiration and words were flowing at a very fast pace and I began writing them down longhand. Today I asked for a random message that I could send out as a newsletter, to let everyone know I'm still here, alive and well, since I've had a few queries asking. There have been so many thoughts blossoming that I haven't had time to focus. Each new thought is significant but it doesn't last long enough to do anything with it. There is a continued swirling and mixing of energies, mostly light but with some darker hues. Sending newsletters out is how I get rid of them, temporarily. It gives me some relief so I can move on. It is important to contribute. Sharing yourself and your knowledge with other people in your community how we contribute to the world at large. It is the purpose we are here in the first place. If we don't contribute, we wither and die on the vine. We didn't come here to be locked down and isolated out of fear we may be killed!? We've got to contribute and writing is how I get my thoughts out of my head. Not of the political situation (the war overseas) but the powers of peace and love that are coming in. They are subtle but real. I see them and receive them. By sending out a newsletter I can get them out my head and free myself up for a little while. So OK, I said. I'll go into Master DK's folder where all his writings are, and page down until it stops. Let's see a message for today. Aha! It stopped on the one below. Perfect!
Master DK on Grounding the Ethereal
The master gland, the pituitary, in the very center of the brain, governs and measures the growth of an individual. Not only his physical growth but his awareness, too, which is infinite. You could grow in awareness, in theory and abstract knowledge forever, just as a tree could in theory grow upward and upward forever, if it were fed the proper stimulants to make it so. However, if a tree does not have a root system equal to the massive branches above, then it will become a very unhealthy tree and eventually fall weak and sickly under its own weight.
There is a similar root system in man specifically created to balance out his ethereal growth by grounding him. And just as with the pituitary gland, there is a physical organ which governs and measures his ability to stay on the ground with his feet planted firmly on the soil of practicality and earthiness. This gland is harder to understand and is infinitely more mysterious. The sexual organs, combined with the reproductive organs in men and women, govern and measure the ability to stay on earth. To live on earth and be happy here, fulfillment depends upon expression. And upon the health and freedom of both attributes – the ethereal and the earthy. The leafy branches of the tree top and the heavy and solid root system below.
The metaphor of a man to a tree has always been used. A quick look at a diagram of man’s autonomic nervous system will reveal an uncanny similarity to a tree. The tree of life of the Bible. Fine and delicate branches link up with larger branches which link up with even larger branches which link up with the main trunk line of the spinal column which descends to the pelvic region where it suddenly bursts outward again and downward like massive roots digging deep into the soil in ever increasing finer and finer branches. The pelvic root system with its glandular activities summed up in the sexual organs represents, in spite of our over complications, an extremely simple facet of man: the passionate and overwhelming desire of man to unite sexually with a mate is the desire for wholeness and union. Mental energy builds up, physical expression follows. A natural ground for a super charged electrical circuit. A splurge of love and total explosion of infinity in one finite moment. The feeling says it all.
It is the grounding and balancing of ethereal thought into the world of matter, into the world of flesh and sensation. There is a delicate, infinitely beautiful balance living in man and there always will be, between his spiritual flights of growth and his earthly pleasures. To grow spiritually without ever becoming grounded is similar to inflating a balloon. It will grow but remain empty inside until one day when its limit will be reached. Then the danger of bursting becomes evident and there is no place to go but down. Down to back and fill in the empty spaces.
On the other hand, to enjoy earthly pleasure only, is as unbalanced as the other. If there is no spiritual growth, a man stays on one level only, as the animals do. Sleeping and eating and reproducing for sheer matter fulfillment alone. This eventually will bring atrophy to the spiritual powers of man and decay is inevitable. And so the two must go together. They always have. One must not be intimidated by the high cycle of another person who judges the opposing cycle. There is no teacher but one’s self. Only the inner self can feel the ebbing and flowing of the balance and the forces inside. Only the inner self can act out of its own knowledge of that balancing act. The privacy of thought is an immense world all its own – a university of understanding and learning. There is no room for outside teachers. (Received 7/8/77)
Personal comments from me: If anyone wants to swap massages, let me know. I am seeking some hands-on exchanges. The light in you will connect with the light in me. It will change for the better the way we experience things. This is a great way to ground theory and fantasies that may or may not be real. Prove it by sharing it with another physical body. The light in one body attracts the light in the other body. It's a universal law. Massages could also be with clothes on as in Reiki sessions. It doesn't matter. The energy goes right through the clothing. Touching is my favorite way of grounding - with hands. But always in a kind and respectful way. Never forcing or pressuring someone. I was a massage therapist for a number of years until I retired. Now I invite people to come here to my home. It's easier on me as a senior citizen who doesn't drive much any more. We can also spend extra time talking. I am hungry for interaction. However, my interests go beyond those of the average person. Are you interested in the Galactics and other-world visitors of the benevolent kind? No monsters or evil ones, please. Or the Ascended Masters? I've been in contact with them for many years. Send me a return reply and let me know. Week days between 11 and 5 pm. Thank you, bless you. May you be happy, uplifted and inspired today.
And if things are getting weird at your house, go out and focus on the sun for 5 or 10 minutes with your eyes closed. Never look directly at it. If it's cloudy or dark outside and you can't see the sun, then sit down in a comfortable place and imagine the sun as a brilliant, dazzling golden white sun for 5 or 10 minutes. And imagine feeling the warmth of it on your skin. Imagine it. Our life comes from the sun. Put attention back on the sun for a little while. We are an individual ray of intelligence from the sun. Our life is streaming through the sun. Many believe the sun is our home and that the sun is our father, just as the earth is our mother.
Bye for now. Contact me if interested in swapping massages or just to talk and share information.
A Message from Master DK
Prelude: The following is a message received back in 1977 in the first year after kundalini awakened, when inspiration and words were flowing at a very fast pace and I began writing them down longhand. Today I asked for a random message that I could send out as a newsletter, to let everyone know I'm still here, alive and well, since I've had a few queries asking. There have been so many thoughts blossoming that I haven't had time to focus. Each new thought is significant but it doesn't last long enough to do anything with it. There is a continued swirling and mixing of energies, mostly light but with some darker hues. Sending newsletters out is how I get rid of them, temporarily. It gives me some relief so I can move on. It is important to contribute. Sharing yourself and your knowledge with other people in your community how we contribute to the world at large. It is the purpose we are here in the first place. If we don't contribute, we wither and die on the vine. We didn't come here to be locked down and isolated out of fear we may be killed!? We've got to contribute and writing is how I get my thoughts out of my head. Not of the political situation (the war overseas) but the powers of peace and love that are coming in. They are subtle but real. I see them and receive them. By sending out a newsletter I can get them out my head and free myself up for a little while. So OK, I said. I'll go into Master DK's folder where all his writings are, and page down until it stops. Let's see a message for today. Aha! It stopped on the one below. Perfect!
Master DK on Grounding the Ethereal
The master gland, the pituitary, in the very center of the brain, governs and measures the growth of an individual. Not only his physical growth but his awareness, too, which is infinite. You could grow in awareness, in theory and abstract knowledge forever, just as a tree could in theory grow upward and upward forever, if it were fed the proper stimulants to make it so. However, if a tree does not have a root system equal to the massive branches above, then it will become a very unhealthy tree and eventually fall weak and sickly under its own weight.
There is a similar root system in man specifically created to balance out his ethereal growth by grounding him. And just as with the pituitary gland, there is a physical organ which governs and measures his ability to stay on the ground with his feet planted firmly on the soil of practicality and earthiness. This gland is harder to understand and is infinitely more mysterious. The sexual organs, combined with the reproductive organs in men and women, govern and measure the ability to stay on earth. To live on earth and be happy here, fulfillment depends upon expression. And upon the health and freedom of both attributes – the ethereal and the earthy. The leafy branches of the tree top and the heavy and solid root system below.
The metaphor of a man to a tree has always been used. A quick look at a diagram of man’s autonomic nervous system will reveal an uncanny similarity to a tree. The tree of life of the Bible. Fine and delicate branches link up with larger branches which link up with even larger branches which link up with the main trunk line of the spinal column which descends to the pelvic region where it suddenly bursts outward again and downward like massive roots digging deep into the soil in ever increasing finer and finer branches. The pelvic root system with its glandular activities summed up in the sexual organs represents, in spite of our over complications, an extremely simple facet of man: the passionate and overwhelming desire of man to unite sexually with a mate is the desire for wholeness and union. Mental energy builds up, physical expression follows. A natural ground for a super charged electrical circuit. A splurge of love and total explosion of infinity in one finite moment. The feeling says it all.
It is the grounding and balancing of ethereal thought into the world of matter, into the world of flesh and sensation. There is a delicate, infinitely beautiful balance living in man and there always will be, between his spiritual flights of growth and his earthly pleasures. To grow spiritually without ever becoming grounded is similar to inflating a balloon. It will grow but remain empty inside until one day when its limit will be reached. Then the danger of bursting becomes evident and there is no place to go but down. Down to back and fill in the empty spaces.
On the other hand, to enjoy earthly pleasure only, is as unbalanced as the other. If there is no spiritual growth, a man stays on one level only, as the animals do. Sleeping and eating and reproducing for sheer matter fulfillment alone. This eventually will bring atrophy to the spiritual powers of man and decay is inevitable. And so the two must go together. They always have. One must not be intimidated by the high cycle of another person who judges the opposing cycle. There is no teacher but one’s self. Only the inner self can feel the ebbing and flowing of the balance and the forces inside. Only the inner self can act out of its own knowledge of that balancing act. The privacy of thought is an immense world all its own – a university of understanding and learning. There is no room for outside teachers. (Received 7/8/77)
Personal comments from me: If anyone wants to swap massages, let me know. I am seeking some hands-on exchanges. The light in you will connect with the light in me. It will change for the better the way we experience things. This is a great way to ground theory and fantasies that may or may not be real. Prove it by sharing it with another physical body. The light in one body attracts the light in the other body. It's a universal law. Massages could also be with clothes on as in Reiki sessions. It doesn't matter. The energy goes right through the clothing. Touching is my favorite way of grounding - with hands. But always in a kind and respectful way. Never forcing or pressuring someone. I was a massage therapist for a number of years until I retired. Now I invite people to come here to my home. It's easier on me as a senior citizen who doesn't drive much any more. We can also spend extra time talking. I am hungry for interaction. However, my interests go beyond those of the average person. Are you interested in the Galactics and other-world visitors of the benevolent kind? No monsters or evil ones, please. Or the Ascended Masters? I've been in contact with them for many years. Send me a return reply and let me know. Week days between 11 and 5 pm. Thank you, bless you. May you be happy, uplifted and inspired today.
And if things are getting weird at your house, go out and focus on the sun for 5 or 10 minutes with your eyes closed. Never look directly at it. If it's cloudy or dark outside and you can't see the sun, then sit down in a comfortable place and imagine the sun as a brilliant, dazzling golden white sun for 5 or 10 minutes. And imagine feeling the warmth of it on your skin. Imagine it. Our life comes from the sun. Put attention back on the sun for a little while. We are an individual ray of intelligence from the sun. Our life is streaming through the sun. Many believe the sun is our home and that the sun is our father, just as the earth is our mother.
Bye for now. Contact me if interested in swapping massages or just to talk and share information.
2/14/22 - Remembering Our Origins of Love
The seven schools we attended
In going through my old journals I found a dream teaching that I would like to share. This is an interesting teaching that coincides with Ascended Master instructions channeled through Geraldine Innocente in the 1960's. On the morning of December 8, 2017 I woke up while still listening to a lecture being given. As I lay in bed coming to full consciouosness I heard the words and felt warm and cozy. I thought it was my own mind playing tricks on me but after awhile I realized I was being given a purposeful instruction. I got up and started writing on a note pad I always keep near me at night for just such a purpose. It was a lecture on the beautiful light body and how it came into being. The words kept coming even though I was awake and penned them on paper....
"You are a light body covered in slime but the light is still there underneath. You were created by Father Light and Mother Love as a beautiful light love baby consciousness. You started out conscious of love and light, light being information or intelligent awareness. The love held you fully in its warm embrace. You were given over to another being to protect and love you because Father Light and Mother Love were busy creating other love light babies and maintaining their growing family. You were placed in the orbit (family) of a sun where you floated in bliss and happiness and love, while you grew in awareness. You were a conscious being from the first moment you were created, but you were only a baby, like an earth baby, and you didn’t know any more than the love that surrounded you. You grew and expanded your conscious awareness, and as you grew you noticed that others in your family, all at different levels of expanding consciousness, were responding to your thoughts and feelings. You learned to communicate with others, you learned cause and effect. You were growing in love and in light (information).
"Soon you began to explore further out, beyond the safe orbit of warmth where you were protected by the sun’s family of love. You were one of those who wanted to explore further out. The fact that you are here in physical body validates that. Others in your family of white light beings preferred to stay close to the parent sun and continue to shine their beautiful white light and contribute to the sun’s brilliance. You wanted to explore beyond and outside the warmth but before you could go any further you were required to go to school to learn how to maneuver in the outer darkness beyond the sun’s light. Beyond Father Light and Mother Love. There is a universe “city” where there are schools. All white light beings go to these schools to learn skills before going further out beyond the light to where darkness exists. We all had to attend these schools and absorb this information so we would be prepared, and so we would not lose ourself when we go out into the field beyond clarity and beyond the ability to see, and where the darkness resides and is dominant. We chose to go out there, like missionaries choose to go into deep dark jungles to bring civilization to those who don’t have any knowledge that others exist outside of their little world.
"There are seven schools you had to attend, only seven. In these seven schools you could stay for as long as you wanted to, or spend as short a time as you wanted, just to pick up the basic fundamentals. There are great beings who act as guides and mentors, so that you are directed and given the benefit of their wisdom and knowledge. This is where you develop your skills to go further out into the outer wilderness, and you do this of your own volition. You WANT to go. You seek the adventure. You are eager and pawing the ground. But you are required to attend these seven universities first. No one can be born into a sentient society, especially Earth’s sentient society, without first absorbing the understanding of what it means to be physical.
"These seven schools are where you are programmed with qualities. These qualities are qualities of light and love that are specifically designed for the human being’s physical form. To use as a human. These qualities are designed by great brilliant white light beings who designed them for the Earth human. In English language they are called “attributes“. An attribute has a color and a sound to it, and a texture and a vibration. It can be felt and known as a unique attribute. One person may have a greater intensity of one attribute than another, such as intelligence. These seven attributes are Power, Love, Intelligence, Purity, Truth, Peace and Freedom. They are known as the seven chakras within the human body, and they are tones, sounds and color vibrations containing inner knowledge of power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the tools which you absorbed before being born on earth, a wild and dark planet.
"The twin flame. The twin flame is not two separate human beings. It is the male and female energy within one body. Spiritual channels have said that twin flames cannot be embodied at the same time, leading to the error of thinking that somewhere in the world or cosmos there is another being who is your other mate or half. But, when it is said that twin flames cannot be in physical form at the same time means that you cannot be both a male expression AND a female expression in the physical world at the same time because the physical world must have duality. It is duality, male and female reflecting and playing with each other, that creates manifestation in the physical. However, there are moments when the male energy current and the female energy current come together and come to a stop and stillness within the physical body. When those moments happen, the person experiences nirvana and great peace. The world comes to a standstill. There is no more movement in that person’s physical existence. He or she is not in the world at that time. To be a part of this world, they must resume being either a male or a female expressing. Then the world again begins to move." (End)
The above dissertation triggered something in me because I've been reconnecting with this inner light. The above revelation was four years ago. It was only within the last few months that I've been exposed to the inner light more firmly. It has been helped along by doing the ancient Taoist exercises, which are simple but complex in the sense of stretching the light body. It's not like muscle-building at the gym. This, coupled with new knowledge is an ongoing process in awakening to the innocence within. Innocence = inner sense. The process takes time to grow more solid roots in one's belief in oneself. It takes time well spent on certain disciplines. Then it starts to make more sense. Suddenly one day you realize "I AM the light within!" You emerge out from under the dark web that had grown thickly over on top of your innocence. That which is natural. Only for you to know, not for any other. Life then becomes more peaceful.
It is quiet in our household. Doug and I are each absorbed in our own interests and free to pursue them without having to argue, discuss or explain. On the comfort scale, we are enjoying a greater expanse of freedom. And at the same time it is nice to have a warm physical body to cozy up to at night. We are becoming more empathic. We read each other's thoughts. I used to think he was so different, so opposite me. Now he's so similar and familiar. My perceptions are changing. The light within me is connecting with the light within him.
There is something natural within every body, every individual but it has been covered over. We've all been searching for it but all of our searches up to now have led us to look outside of ourselves, to other people, to books, to teachers, to all the wrong places. The truth is within. The good feelings are natural and innocent within us. It's funny how people look for the dark and dirty to get their excitement, when there is far more excitement in the light and inner-sense. More harmony and peace is exciting because inner doors open and there is fragrance of something familiar, clean and fresh. Coming more in harmony with what used to be an "opposite" is scintillating. The feeling of love is unmistakable. Activating the light within the body is activating the information within the body. The body holds a lot of information. A lot of light. Light in turn activates the love within. It is who we are underneath the dark webbing that covers us. It is our original state. It is our origin. Where we came from originally, which is love. It's no wonder we have felt bad or lost or afraid or lonely so often, being born here on this "wild planet". Our parents and grandparents didn't know this either. They were also seeking. And their parents. We are privileged to be living in this time in the history of Earth. We are evolving, we are germinating the seeds of our true nature and the future. We are moving from the "lost" department to the "found". Well, we're still in the intermediate stages yet, chaotic and confusing, but trust the light within which we're coming in contact with now. The inner sense within is our true nature. It is authentic. The germination is happening. Full bloom is right around the corner. Be patient and wait for it. Move gently into this new dawn. Take your time. Take a full deep breath, notice the subtle changes and trust it.
There is chaos in the world, yes, I know, but I'm not paying attention. There is too much going on on my inner planes. A sudden surge in something exciting and new is usually followed by a day of rest and boredom. It's the backing-and-filling time. The process is slow and methodical. Relax and take a breather. Then something even more exciting and alive suddenly drops down out of nowhere. Books wink at me from the shelf, a strange youtube pops up on my "smart" phone. A dream, a thought, a revelation, a movement in the air - the Ascended Masters are working overtime with me. And they want you to know them, that they are there. I'm supposed to talk about them. They are very real. Not at all like the vague dreamy ghost-like portrayals we have of them. The Taoist exercises are helping. I'm doing them every day. They are physical exercises that stretch and activate the meridians of the etheric body, which are part of the light body. It's an exact science that most people haven't had access to but it's available. You just have to know where to look and put time in.
Re: Massage exchanges. To those who are interested in my offering for massage exchanges or an ascension massage, I must clarify the difference between these two different approaches - Ascension Massage versus a Massage Exchange. An ascension massage is where I give a person a massage for a donation. It is just me giving you a massage. If you give me a massage in return, then the massge IS the donation! If a person only wants a massage and has no interest in exchanging massages, then they can give a donation in money, and it is their choice how much they want to give. It is a free-will donation. I cannot give them a figure.
The long-range plan and intention is to get people involved in ascension massage, which is to ignite the light body within. I am offering this because it is my path, my interest and my excitement. It is evolutionary for me. Love and Light are the same energies, but light is not physical. When light is awakened in the body it becomes love. Accessing love and light together is profound. I don't know how to address this in words. I prefer the physical loving touch. This is how it is best transmitted from one person to another. This is a personal journey for me of discovery. It is private not because it is secret, but because there are no words for it. It can only be transmitted through touch. It loses something in word-speak. Words carry assorted energies from the speaker, which may reduce the meaning or on occasion expand the meaning. A loving, caring, nourishing touch is elevating and healing, beyond words. I wish that more people would learn the language of love. Love is clean, fresh, pure and holy. It is not dirty, vulgar or diminishing as many seem to think. It is silent and sacred. Love expands, elevates and unifies. That's why loving touch through massage was my dream. I had a concept called "The Love Club" but the dream of implementing it hasn't manifested because of fears and fantasies associated with the word "love".
Even the word "massage" conjures up desires, fears and fantasies. Perhaps you are not aware but I am. I see the impact that words have on people. Words carry energy which can inspire, contaminate, confuse or degrade. So many words muddle up the purity of a simple hug. This morning a new thought popped into my mind. The Hug Club! A hug is comforting and warm. It is a loving gesture of acceptance, no words needed.
Speaking of comfort and loving hugs, here's a youtube. Last night I went to sleep listening to Jim Woodford speak about his near-death experience. He died in his truck and was brain dead for 11 hours. Where he went from there is a wonderful and entertaining story. Listening to him made me feel peaceful, warm and comforted. They filled in exactly what I needed at that time. His emotions were honest and real and I slept like a baby. It is comforting to be bathed in the energies of sacred love. This interview is an hour and 20 minutes long. At the 10 minute mark he starts speaking about his illness. At the 20 minute mark he begins the out-of-body experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3UeaUAEB-E
1/31/22 - Grounding the light body
A personal and global energy update
Today I borrowed the title "Global Energy Update" from Lorie Ladd's recent video because it resonated so powerfully with me. (click HERE to watch) After listening I was prompted to send a newsletter. Sharing, writing and speaking out loud helps ground me. It's a crazy new reality that is sputtering into my life. I get so excited sometimes. I keep wanting to hold a press conference and tell the whole world!
Every day is bringing more emotional and mental clearing but it is a wild ride. There are ups and downs. Charging ahead and then stalling out like a car that runs out of gas. One day I'm clear-headed and full of energy, the next day filled with cobwebs and clouds. Dumbed down, dense, no energy, bloated, confused, filled with questions "Why?" But I've learned to keep chugging forward. Now, instead of stalling out and trying to figure out what's wrong, I don't stop. I keep going. I continue doing energy work. This brings in more information. Focusing on the light becomes love, respect and tolerance. It reveals new information and this clears the cobwebs away. So the recommendation to anyone who is struggling and trying to understand, just keep doing what you have been doing and let life happen. Life is change. It's going to anyway. Don't resist it or try to analyze it. Let life happen. Stay cool about it. Calm. There is a higher process at work. Analyzing it puts up blocks and barriers.
Lorie Ladd's recent video (link above) explains it so well. That's what triggered me to share it. She puts it in common words of everyday life. There is a lot of confusion because we don't know what's happening to us. This sputtering is causing havoc on a global scale. It is disrupting the carefully laid plans of the past. Lorie addresses how to manage it. Confusion is not easily admitted. It's not just me. It's not just you. It's everyone. We're all in this together because big shifts are underway. It's a global AND cosmic shift, meaning there are layers upon layers of understanding. We are moving up and down a cosmic ladder. But we are together in this. There is love breaking through. There are so many messages coming in - not human but higher awareness - that I've given up trying to keep track of them all. We are experiencing a tsunami, a literal flood of high energy, intelligence from people beyond us, beaming down on us. It's coming through the sun (solar flares per the scientific community) and from the larger sun behind it. This is affecting not only the physical environment, meaning our bodies, but our minds and emotions as well. It is causing havoc worldwide. Those who haven't had the background in esoteric science (spiritual science) are the hardest hit. But even those of us who HAVE had background, like me, are still getting bumped and bounced around like a ping pong ball. I don't know what's happening. None of us are immune to the onslaught and changes. We're all part of the mass collective shifting, rocking and rolling.
Here are two more articles of interest regarding the inpouring of light that is coming in through the sun. Both are from the Arcturians, one of the galactic civilizations working with us today.
The Arcturian Council: "On the doorstep of change" channeled by Kate Woodley
"You are truly at the precipice of a new era, and at the doorstep of great change. This new light that is shining upon you is rich with information - information from such a high consciousness it is being anchored in your subconscious and unconscious. But like seeds, this information is going to groom and nurture you. It will serve to guide you as you further develop and expand your consciousness."
The 9D Arcturian Council channeled by Daniel Scranton (page down to "The February 2022 Energies")
"You want to have your chakras and your various bodies aligned because you are constantly running energies through your bodies and constantly seeking to download more. Having your chakras open and aligned will help you. With alignment comes greater clarity, a clear central channel and better use of the energies. You are constantly receiving energies but are you open to them? Are you ready for them? Can you ground them?"
On a personal level, I've been trying for years to understand what it means to ground the light. I needed to get a grip on it because I had a tendency to keep going out of body. Too high. Too transcendent. Too spacey. Unable to think on a practical level. I've been practicing assorted techniques and reading different sources and observing the results. And constantly checking in with the ascended masters, my primary source of information, because I have a lot of history in this.
I have determined that hands-on loving touch massage is the best way to ground the light. After many years of wanting hands-on massage with people I have been unable to manifest a group massage exchange network. Finally I was given the green light to offer ascension massage by private appointment as a beginning. I have always known that exchanging human touch brings stability. So I posted the following on Anakosha: Click HERE to read. This is a beginning. It is being sponsored by the ascended masters. It is not a personal start-up money-making business, but an experiment to pass the spark to more people. Who else is willing to do light body activation with me? So far, very few have responded. But it has been launched and that's all that matters. It is out there on the ethernet. My long waiting period (training period) is over. I have been given the OK to act on it and I did. And posting it was like lighting a match to dry kindling.
Almost as a next step, yesterday I was led to open the book "Hands of Light" by Barbara Brennan. It has been on my shelf for years, a gift long ago but I only glanced at it at the time and shelved it. I never read it. Now I am looking at it. As I scan the pages I am thrilled and amazed. I can't believe it. Barbara had a degree in physics and after working at NASA doing experimental research, she apparently merged science with her spiritual interests and became a healer and a clairvoyant. She "sees" energy fields. In her book there are beautiful pictures of the aura and chakras and the flow of the life force. Why haven't I seen this book before? It has been sitting on my shelf! I am so excited and can't wait to get started reading. But first I have to finish the St. Germain book.
A month ago the same thing happened. I was led to take down "Unveiled Mysteries", about how the author met St. Germain on the slopes of Mount Shasta a hundred years ago, which began the series of "I AM" teachings on the higher self. The deepest of mysteries is given in this book, and it too was on my book shelf for many years. Suddenly it was brought down to read. It is all new information again to me. I read it once before and then forgot it. Breakthroughs are happening. The light is pouring in. Miracles are happening. It is as if a light has illumined me from inside. There is no rhyme or reason why this is happening now. Higher information is coming. Personally, I want to touch people with my hands. The light becomes soft through the touch of love. The light melts blocks when it starts moving through body tissues. We need to caress and be caressed with tenderness and respect. The light passes through human touch with love. Physical contact is the most powerful. We have been held back by being too intellectual and pretentious. Stuffy is the word. There's been too much ego-talk which leads to loneliness. There is not enough nurturing emotional support.
The masters want to start an ascension massage exchange network, AMEN, for short. The intention is to provide training for anyone, free of charge, who feels drawn to share healing light work. Barbara Brennan certainly provides solid guidance in this area. She started out with a degree in Physics and worked at NASA doing research at the Goddard Space Center. With that background she then took courses studying the life force of the human body as a science, then established the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. It is all making sense. With the Ascended Masters instructing about the powers held locked inside the human being, and Barbara providing charts, diagrams and personal experience healing, we will learn together. My dream may yet be realized of a network of loving touch massage exchanges. They said they are using me because of my past history in the erotic lifestyle. They've been watching me to see how I have handle myself in this area. Ascended master instruction is essential to growth. Otherwise we get trapped in ego desires and fantasies. It is their guidance that reminds of our own extraordinary mastery. That's how they work with everyone. They nudge and give guidance. Then it's up to us.
The masters are huge personages. They see us as small dense toy figures running around on earth doing our little dense things, blind to their presence. But they have been here too. They have graduated so they know what it's like. That each one of us is only temporarily here, and that there is a God living inside us - a very real light and love energy that is circulating through the tissues, blood and bone - unbeknownst to us yet. It is all powerful. And each one of us has a soul mission to fulfill it by making it real in our lives. We live in a broken world but it is rapidly changing. Light is rapidly coming into play. The darkness that has been meshed into each of us through indoctrination, is heaving under new information. With the help of more light coming in, we are breaking through the darkness through the choices we make. We are each a work in progress. The challenges we face each day are tests to see if we are ready to act more kindly, rather than follow the selfish side of our nature. Can we see the noble God self that is stirring? The more real side of our nature? The innocence, the good, the pure and true? We are being tested. We are being shown discrepancies. It's a choice thing. Especially now with the ending of the pandemic. Right choice is bringing us out of it. Saint Germain has said often, following the end of his lectures, good bye "And may you pass every test!"
More Light is being beamed onto the planet. It must be grounded or it will burn out the brain and psychosis follows. We are to practice and learn together how to transcend selfishness and rebirth ourselves into self empowerment. The proposed ascension massage exchange network is meant to be a community project. It is to be done with respect and higher training in universal law. The law of the universe is harmony and love. We are to learn how to elevate ourselves and not misuse love by turning it to selfish ends. Light becomes love when it is shared unselfishly and without pressure. It is a new way that has to be practiced. It will be a slow beginning. It takes commitment to more ethical principles to overcome personal attractions which lead to entanglements. This is a rare thing but I think we are ready.
In closing, I send loving thoughts, feelings and prayers to Jim Turner of Washington DC who passed last Tuesday. Thank you Jim for your contributions to betterment in the world. He was well known in our circle of friends and beyond. His life partner, Betsy Lehrfeld called us Thursday and reported that Jim left this life while walking on the treadmill in their home. He was 81. Jim & Betsy, both lawyers working for non-profits serving public interests, they were outspoken advocates for freedom and health. We send heart-felt love to Jim and to Betsy as they each go on alone, supported heart to heart and soul to soul, for life is eternal and never ends. The law of the circle is that Love always returns to its source.
1/19/22 - Raising your frequency
My conversation with Master Djwal Khul
Good morning Master DK! I come to you to ask you to overlight me with your consciousness. I was visited yesterday by friends who introduced me to Mother. I am listening to her on Vimeo digital. She is presenting colors and frequencies. My limited mind cannot accept it easily. It is not comfortable to my senses of sight and hearing, but something draws me to listen. Can you comment on this source? Secondly, I ask for advice on how to write appropriate words to a skeptic, to be used for a newsletter. Those who receive my newsletters are diversified with many personalities. I am seeing and sensing the coming of gatherings to my home. Do I address this to Lightworkers? Is this too audacious? Too bold? Too separatist? I want to do something to benefit the whole, to assist the light here on earth. What can I do to assist the light? (All my words from here on are enclosed in parentheses. The rest is the Master DK talking and I am writing as he speaks.)
DK: My dear lovely child! You are a delight. We have been working together for a long time, as measured in your realm. We have yet more to do. Will you come with me and venture a little further out, beyond what you are entrained into? (Yes!!! OMG! Yes!! Please. I open my cells, electrons, meridians to what is heretofore unknown. I am ready to receive instruction. Please take me further.)
Now, you must listen carefully, with discernment. It is your ability to notice the subtle connections to wider, rarer fields of consciousness. (Yes. I am here listening, thank you.) Wonderful. There is a dull gray-bluish tint to your field, your aura. Can you lighten it? (I did.) Wonderful. Excellent. Now, let us expand that frequency. You have wanted to better understand frequency. Yes, vibration as well. Let us speak of frequency first. As you are listening to me, your “thrill” as you might say, diminishes because you are listening. You are on pause, listening. During this time that you are on pause you are not radiating. (Ahhh, yin versus yang? Right?)
Yes, when you are in listening mode you think you are in feminine mode but that is not a correct assumption. It is simply being passive and open, allowing information to enter into your field. Your WHOLE field. You are not using your mind as a censoring device. You have dropped your filters, your veil, your screen, your curtain. You are receiving me. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is genderless. You are the consciousness of the Creator, a child of the Creator. You are learning lessons as you listen to my words and allow them to enter into your field simply as they present themselves on a moment-to-moment basis. You are the one who controls your opening and closing, your pause button and your action button. You can stop the listening at any time and push the action button. You are the one in charge. It is no more complicated than that. Do not think “feminine” vs. “masculine”. The radiation you just did several minutes ago was a test for you to see for yourself how to activate your power. When you are on pause, listening for example for Doug’s whereabouts, which you do often, you put yourself on pause. You are openly listening. You are not actively radiating your power outward. You are listening and receiving. Do you understand? (Yes, I think so, working at understanding.)
Then the next step for you to consider taking is to activate your power and radiate. Now, what is this radiation? Try it again please. (OK, I did. Does this influence Doug when I do this in his presence? Am I taking away his free will? Am I overcoming his free will and shutting him down? Please tell me. I’m excited!) No, you are not overcoming his free will. You are correcting him. There is light of the creator in him but he has been influenced by the outer world of others, the 3D field of lower, slower, limited vibration. Sometimes even overtly false information. These negate and dim the light in him. When you say, “I want to serve the light here on Earth” it is your mission, your job, to radiate light. When you radiate light, it is how you change your frequency. It is the “thrill” that you have discovered and have wondered what it is. This is the stepping up of the electrons of your four lower bodies – your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and unresolved past life energies. These are sped up when you radiate or step up your frequency. This radiation moves out to influence those around you. It is the light that you are radiating direct from your source.
It is your decision to act and move yourself out of passive mode into radiation mode. The power of this action is your God creator power. When you are in pause you are not using your God power. You are listening. You are here in an earth body to use your God power. It is who you are. You have been brain-washed to think of yourself as a submissive feminine but men have been brain-washed too. It has been done to keep you, the human race, passive and disempowered. Feminine and masculine is a false teaching. Do not accept this concept. You are not a feminine being, neither are men masculine beings. You are whole consciousness beings capable of being human AND God consciousness at the same time. Your belief has been divided into two separate genders falsely so that you feel friction and cultivate arguments. This disempowers you so that you think of yourselves as weak and undervalued. Both genders feel disempowered and weak in the presence of the other gender.
You have made the blend, the integration, but you have been hesitating to use your God power, your source power. You do not radiate your power. It is because your human consciousness feels disempowered. It believes you cannot survive without Doug or a man to support you. This is an erroneous belief that you were implanted with. It is a lingering fear in you. This is the path of feminine submissiveness. It is the human side of you. Now, choose to activate your God powers. You think of these powers as masculine but they are not masculine. They are your powers. You yourself have this power within you. This is a radiation you feel as a “thrill”, as you say “goose bumps” or chills. When you initiate this power yourself, you raise your frequency. You pick up the speed of your electrons. Otherwise you hold your powers in a default condition, at a slow and steady vibration. Everyone has a default vibration which is the sum total of their consciousness at peace, on pause, in a state of receptivity. It is the state of their soul evolution to date.
You are a quality of God, an attribute of God, a child of God. Your consciousness vibration is kept at a low frequency when you don’t radiate it, meaning when you don’t move it or activate it. Learning how to activate your frequency, tapping into your “thrill”, is unknown to the average person. It is a technique. You may teach it to those who are ready to receive it. The vibration of consciousness can be experienced at a low frequency or raised to a powerfully quickened frequency. It doesn’t matter what the consciousness is. It could be positive or it could be a negative. Wherever the consciousness is, even that which is clogged with anger and violence, can be sped up to a loud noise or held down to a low level so that it goes unnoticed. One who is of a more pure and positive nature, who maintains compassion within his field, or gentleness, or freedom, or truth or – yes, love, mercy, forgiveness, tenderness - these can be held down to a slow low vibration by lack of understanding, lack of training or education.
The difference between frequency and vibration. A slow compassionate vibration in peaceful mode can be overridden by a negative vibration that has increased in frequency so that it is expressing louder. Even though the negative is a lower vibration, the peaceful vibration is overridden because the negative vibration has been quickened or sped up to a higher frequency. The person who has activated their negative vibration radiates that anger as chaos, while the peaceful person who tries to calm the angry person with a low vibration of peace doesn’t work. The default vibration of a soul doesn’t matter whether it is positive or negative if it is kept at a low speed if it is not radiating. It is when the person speeds up their electrons and starts radiating it that they increase their frequency. You know what an angry outburst looks like, but is it a negative outburst or a positive one? A person with a positive compassionate vibration confronting a negative situation can be just as loud as a negative one! A very loud positive confrontation can appear like an angry outburst to onlookers, if they are not fully apprised of the corrective action taking place.
The vibration is the default program of the soul. But it can be kept so quiet that no one notices it. It is only felt and seen when the person speeds up, radiates or activates their power. That is the power that has been taken from you through divisive manipulations. You think you have no power to change things but you do. Very much. You have the power of the universe in you if you knew how to active it. The soul in you can hold centuries of blocked trauma which makes it insufferable and in great pain. When it lashes out it is releasing it. It must lash out because it is hurting him to hold it inside. Education of that soul would help him to understand. A soul with a positive-leaning momentum may think that it is helping situations by staying low and peaceful when in fact it is not helping but condoning the negative situation. A peaceful prayer does not help as much as confronting the angry person with a powerful light-filled person. Those who say nothing are condoning the continued action of the angry soul who has taken control.
A positive leaning person such as one who is maintaining peace at a low steady level in her home because she doesn’t understand this spiritual science, can be overridden by another person in the same household who has quickened his vibration to a faster-acting frequency. So that this other person who is more negatively leaning, who holds anger, for instance, or blocked energies from past lives and doesn’t know how to deal with them, shouts out and overrides the gentle person who is gently holding peaceful intentions. This other person who is clogged with debris, is cloaked and blocked, and does not understand why he is so angry. He must be purged of his blocked energies. He has a momentum of anger or rebellion built up in his body. Pockets of thick energy are lodged in his tissues from his past. Or it could be simply from disorganized DNA from his parents or ancestors. Without education this person with non-peaceful vibrations can speed up his electrons and start radiating angrily. In addition, the environment in which he lives may provide similar energies which add to those of his own. This boosts his own anger to an even higher power.
The peaceful person who doesn’t understand the science of radiation doesn’t have the ability to override such chaotic energies. It is not in their past training to do so. They will not override their peacefulness until they learn how to quicken their frequency. How to radiate, which is a spiritual skill that is learned. The peaceful person may attempt to neutralize or tone down the anger in the other by holding steadily to peace, and this may work, but it also makes her submissive to the angry person. She will feel submissive. This lesson is needed to be told about radiation. Until the peaceful person learns how to radiate or quicken the electrons (speed up), they are not very effective. This is what you are learning here. You are learning about the power of boosting your radiation, your action power, what you formerly called “masculine” power. It is not masculine, nor is it feminine. It is the God power in you. Until a person learns to do that you will remain overruled by those who are louder. Do you see? (Yes, I have been doing exactly that most of my life, trying to “will” peace or “pray” for peace to those I lived with, hoping I could change them, thinking it was “feminine”.)
Yes, you have. Now it is time for you to learn this very valuable lesson. Thank you for asking. You have received an upgrade with the help of the Mother which you viewed on the video today. You already knew how to activate the Power. You called it “the thrill” or “chill” but you did not understand what it was or how to apply it. (Is this the origin of yin and yang?) Yin and Yang are human terms, created by humans living in duality. The enlightened person who is truly enlightened, would not see it as two separate forces, or two separate functions called yin and yang or masculine and feminine. A truly enlightened person would recognize themselves as one consciousness, one God consciousness operating as needed in any given moment. You are God Source Creator who has been de-fanged of your power because of the mind-control that has been existing in the world for centuries. It has divided the oneness in two separated halves.
You are one consciousness with the ability to go either way - into silence or into powerful action at any given moment, by choice. That is who you are. You have always been that. You are the Creator God who is never in form but exists in the no-form state. You are abstract intelligence moving through a flesh-and-blood body, a vehicle for purposes of affecting change. You are waking up to this fact. Intelligence is pure love and light which you have vowed to serve and protect, but you have been made submissive by the limited education which you were cultivated with. The form life has become too powerful with its physical senses taking full control. These override the simple voice of the Oneness that you are in reality. Meditation and prayer on a constant basis is the way to return to wholeness. (Am I OK doing what I’m doing during my morning sessions behind closed doors? By not following a printed out list of exercises?) You are beyond the programming stage. You are learning directly now from source. You do not need to have a list of exercises to follow and check off each day. (He is smiling, ready to laugh but holding it back to a smile!)
(OK, now I feel I must write words about we anti-vaxxers, to ease Doug’s fears for me. He is afraid I will catch it! What approach should I use? What theme should I use to enlighten him?)
The idea of good and evil will appeal to him. Use the diagram of the three higher bodies of purity and the four lower bodies as an opening discussion. And then discuss the frequency of positive versus the frequency of negative. Is a thought 51% positive or 51% negative? The overriding frequency is the one who is in charge. Remember frequency. Lower it when appropriate to be in listening mode to allow information to enter into your field or aura, and raise it when needed to assert and radiate positive values. You used higher frequency when you met with W several times, and with B. You both had higher frequencies when you met with B, you both were in very high states of consciousness.
(What about X and Y yesterday?) X is using high frequency for her present consciousness. She radiates it. She wishes for more peace and more love, but she has a default momentum that is running in her. She yearns so much for information that she is speeding her electrons on high speed. She is very powerful and is learning and gaining new perspectives. Y is older, as you are, and from the softer, gentler races. Your frequencies of positive merit are at low frequencies, listening to the outer voices more than you should. It is time to step up your frequencies. Teach the frequency-building, how to do it. You are light workers who are waiting. But the waiting is over. Now, use your God powers. Raise the level of your God powers. Your frequency. Test it. Try it out today. See for yourself how it works.
(Thank you, Master DK. Received 7/22/21)
A personal update to those who responded to my request for massage exchanges and help in cultivating a massage exchange network with in-person meetings here at my home. I have been busy with inner transition work, trying to process changes in perspectives, which has caused some rocky up and down moods. It is taking all of my focus and time to stay balanced. This period should be over by next week. I just had a glimpse this morning, a quite dramatic shift from what I believed. Wow! We are living in extraordinary times! There is so much happening inbetween the outer world and the inner world. Clearing away false beliefs, like when something huge shifts out of the way, it leaves a lot of light flooding the interior. It is a challenge to correct oneself. Are you experiencing this too? I am sure a lot of people are. Keep the faith, you are growing closer to home, to source, to love. Transitioning from one level of consciousness to a higher one takes some adjusting and balancing. It is private inner work, not easily explained to someone else and should not be attempted. This coming week may reach a crescendo on my end, so I will send out another newsletter when things have settled down, which I feel sure they will. The light in me seeks the light in other people. I yearn to put my hands on you and connect with the light that is within you.
Blessings and love from the Ascended Master Djwal Khul, my teacher and friend, and the many beautiful Ascended Beings who are watching over us, guiding us, beaming love gently and carefully into our lives - along with the wonderful brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation and the more advanced planets and planes who are assisting Earth during this huge transition --- and also blessings and love from me, Nancy (aka Diana)
1/6/22 - Exploring Sex from a Sacred Perspective
Both male and female are anchored as a singularity in the root chakra
When we are born to our mothers, or sometime before, a piece of our divinity is sent down into the earth to provide an anchor for us, the soul, so we can live here grounded on earth. We need something very powerful to keep us here in the earth plane, or we would float away back to heaven where we came from. This piece that is sent downward at birth is the feminine aspect that supplies your body with elements it needs to grow and thrive. Your father God remains in the unformed state while your Mother God is embedded in the earth for you alone, only you. Not your parents, not your siblings, not your neighbor or wife or husband, only you. This piece of divinity is a part of Mother Earth who is also a feminine being.
You as the soul have now been born into this little body and you are influenced by both the earth force coming up from earth, breathing, eating, drinking and pooping, and the sky force coming down from the sky in the form of abstract consciousness. You are aware. You learn. You receive ideas that have nothing to do with your body. You are both physical and spiritual.
Your life force is drawn up through your feet into your body to your tailbone and it is SUPPOSED to flow up the spine to the top of your head, nourishing your organs on the way. Then at the crown the life force fountains out like a water fountain and flows down around you, hugging you closely, back to the earth again to recycle fresh new energy. This was the original design to keep your body alive and flowing with vitality. But what happened here is, humans are blocked at the tail bone, or just above the tail bone, which is now called the first chakra. The life force gets slowed down here, like when there is road construction and a detour sign blocks the road. You are directed either left or right. The right side is masculine tendencies, the left side is feminine tendencies. You, the soul, are here to learn and study the human condition.
Your spiritual Father-Mother God is right here beside you nourishing you, but you are the individual learning how to manage both the masculine and feminine tendencies. After many lifetimes you manage it better and better. You can’t help but learn. Like when you lose your balance you learn how to adjust your weight to bring yourself back to balance. The same happens to you as a soul. You learn to balance your masculine abilities with your feminine abilities. Masculine abilities are focus, control, discipline, strength, courage, you place limits and boundaries, you shoulder responsibility and feel accountable. Feminine abilities are opposites: the ability to relax, yield, surrender, allow, receive, listen, care, nurture, love, be spontaneous and free, provide motherly support and encouragement. When both tendencies are used equally, a person is in balance, and does not become unbalanced one way or the other.
A soul learns how to balance itself through experience. It takes many lifetimes for a new soul to learn how to balance itself where it can maintain harmony in its own body. The tendency is to become overly feminine, or overly masculine, and when this happens, the life force is going up one side of the spine and is blocked on the other side. Stress builds up. If a person is too masculine, the right side is flowing energetically and the person demonstrates discipline, control, etc., and the left side is shut down, causing stress. The life force builds up on the left side. The feminine side is blocked. The person feels it as a sexual need and will seek someone who is an opposite energy to have sex with. It may not be an opposite GENDER, perhaps same gender will do, but someone who can balance him or her.
If a person is too feminine, the left side is flowing energetically and the person demonstrates a receptive, yielding, listening, loving, caring and nurturing personality. But the right side is shut down, the masculine side, causing stress. The life force builds up and the person will feel it as a sensual need and will seek someone who can release it. It is usually a man, but it could be a strong, masculine type woman. The predominantly feminine soul displays its needs we call sexual in a different manner than the masculine soul does. We have all seen the overly feminine person flirting coyly. This is her manner of seduction, where a man seduces in a direct, forceful manner.
The life force is pure divinity and is holy. When it becomes divided and separated into two opposing aspects, as has happened to humanity, its need is powerful indeed. It is sorely lacking in feminine qualities. It is like trying to hold the tides of the ocean back through sheer will power and we do that. We do it but it creates terrible pressure and strain on the human vehicle. What we term sexual needs are very powerful because they are cosmic forces. We have created our own imbalance by refusing to comply with cosmic forces. Sex issues need to be understood first intellectually, as in an education forum, in order to speak to the intelligence of the person. It is the only way to modify stuck behavior. Addiction to sex is an ongoing problem. It needs to be resolved if we are to evolve to a higher form of human being. The human being is designed to be a balanced male-female being. We are designed to be a healthy androgynous being, even while living in male and female bodies. There is a divine reason for two genders, one masculine and one feminine. We are meant to complement each other. Tantra addresses this. We are meant to fulfill our bodies in all ways. The sensations of love, bliss, ecstasy, peace, abundance – all sensations are meant for the human to enjoy. But we have been led away from that healthy union. We have been torn asunder. All four aspects of ourselves have been divided and must be brought back together again and integrated - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When all four aspects are attuned, the body feels delightful warm and loving and yearns to share that love with others.
It is only when the life force, the divine within, is blocked or held back as in an unbalanced life, that sexual hunger arises. Sexual hunger is not love, it is a lack and a need. When a person is balanced in its male-female tendencies, it is clear and whole, wholesome, holy. Then whenever there is chemistry with someone, it is wonderful. It doesn’t matter whether it is the same gender or what they do together, maybe just dream and watch the sky or put together a new business or share a cocktail together, it is all good. There is no “opposite” any more. All are equally balanced. Everyone worries about losing the capacity to have sex. Sex is so on the mind of everyone, either for it or against it. Forget sex and think sacred. Sacred is love in all ways. Sex becomes sacred. Work becomes sacred. Cleaning house becomes sacred. Gardening becomes sacred. Planning a celebration party becomes sacred. It is all good. Where is the problem? It is a thriving of life radiating outward from the center of each human being.
When we use the word “sex” I think of an unbalanced person who is hungry and needy. We don’t know any other way to release the stress buildup except through sex. Our life force before we were born was one whole divinity. Once born into flesh we suddenly have opposites and live in duality. Part of our consciousness is in the earth to provide us with a grounding mechanism, and part of our consciousness remains in the unformed state of Godhood. Our wholeness is divided into two parts, and the two separated consciousnesses are drawn like a magnet to reach towards each other and blend again into wholeness. Our earth mother is drawn up the spine to the top of the head, and our heavenly father is drawn down the spine to the lower regions of the body. The center of the body is the pelvic region. We think it is the physical heart but the physical heart is not the geometric center of the body. The heart has another function. The center of the body is the spark of life, the pure Mother God, equivalent to the Father God in heaven. She is the great spark in the human body that keeps us alive.
The physical heart is the magnetic center of CONSCIOUSNESS, where one becomes conscious of the lower self and the higher self and the physical self all at the same time. There are three aspects of Self which come together in the physical heart. Mother God operates at the tailbone and maintains the body to keep us alive. The organ of the physical heart is the conscious connection between Earth or Mother God and Heaven or Father God. We have been told to go to the heart every day and pray from the heart, follow the heart, because that is where our Father God and Mother God meet to enlighten the soul who is the human being having adventures and is searching for answers. We are a child of Father-Mother God and both Father-Mother God are watching over us. Mother God maintains our body whether we know it or not, and Father God sends us inspiration from above whether we realize it or not. We think it is our own genius creating these brilliant ideas. By opening the heart chakra we open our conscious mind to the truth of who we really are. We are a divine child of God. We cannot make it on our own. We need the Father and the Mother. We have been given free will to work it out, to figure it out, to go wandering out around the planet, the fields and forests and oceans of the world, to play the games of shadow and light. But we are learning all the while, and finding ourselves through experiences. We are the soul.
We are the soul learning to navigate not only this physical body we live in, but our rich heritage called divine. We are a divine creation but we don’t know it. We have been veiled from knowing it so we could have earthly experiences. We are divine beings learning how to be a divine human. We are here to build a paradise on earth. We are physical and we are here to build a physical, beautiful, culturally refined world where all senses are expanded. Ecstasy in physical form. This is an experiment. Can it be done? We have been given the challenge to see. To explore the lay of the land. It is a project. A human project. We are given diversity to play with. We are here to test opposites and see if we can connect. To see if we can harmonize and enrich the opposites. We are human. Can we be humane? We are learning to be humane. To be heart-centered. To be both divine and human at the same time. We are here to enjoy ourselves. It was never meant to be work. so much. It was never meant to be so painful.
Understanding our sexual blockages will change our whole entire life. We will understand how to stay in balance between our two opposing forces of male and female. Once we gain understanding of the male and female sides of us, we will begin to enjoy life so much better. It is in respecting our male and female traits that we gain equality both within our SELF, and within our brothers and sisters. Together we live in respect and harmony, not one more powerful than the other. Then we rise up through the second chakra smoothly to the third chakra, and rise smoothly up to the fourth chakra, smoothly up to the fifth, to the sixth and finally to join with Father God through the seventh chakra at the top of the head. Each level we rise up through is an expansion of understanding. As we move up the spine, each one opens naturally. We don’t have to work at it. It opens naturally and releases the sweetness of life that has been stored there, so the body is nourished with the refined essence of goodness and understanding that floods the body as if a dam has broken. The body is designed well. It works beautifully when it is understood. One must take time to educate oneself about one’s own spiritual anatomy. Tantra teaches this. The web of life is what Tantra teaches. It is in the body that one learns it. It is through feeling that one knows the truth.
Originally we were designed as androgynous beings, beautiful, human beings who looked like angels. But because of the blocks that were intentionally placed in the human genome, a male body and a female were created. Each showing different genatalia. But inside we are one gender, one color. We are androgynous human. The original, beautiful androgynous human being then took on differences and imbalances. They focused on the differences instead of the sameness. Today we have created a complex series of sciences that explain and justify why and how we are different and how we are opposite. It was created out of imbalance, stress and blockages. It was an experiment in duality. We divided out of a wholesome lovely androgynous human being and drew the line between us. Good and evil were born. It was known as the fall of man. We became knowledgeable about “evil”. The more advanced civilizations will reveal that they too went through the “fall” and discovered their divinity. They are not perfect but they are ahead of us in understanding. There is no such thing as “perfect” except in the absolute silence of the Godhead. Life is all about thriving, experiencing, changing, learning, growing into a larger more celestial being. When we get to know some of the extraterrestrial civilizations in person, we will find brothers and sisters who are far far advanced from us. They are not such extreme opposites as we are on Earth but they are much more harmonious and kind. We will want to hug them and learn more about them. We will be drawn to them.
The way back to wholeness is to return to the location where the block occurs. Sex is the block. How can I say that? That which we call need for the closeness of another human being is the immaculate force of life that is backing up and creating pressure at the base of the spine. The base of the spine is located in the center of the body. The center of the body is the pelvic region, the place where the reproductive organs are located. That is the geometric center of the body. That is the heart of the body. The heart of the flower is in the center. The pressure is the holding back of the immaculate force of life. Holding back the life force creates havoc in many ways. The desire to be intimate with another body is a relief. It allows for a release of that pressure. The orgasm is a release of that pressure. If the orgasm doesn’t happen, some of the pressure is released by rubbing. During this time of release we experience love, bliss and more. Tantra teaches us to return to the location where the block occurs. It highlights sexual positions for a reason. The human body has been closed down for eons of time. It needs to be physically changed and transformed. Opening the meridians and nerves of the body releases this great love that has been cut off. Release the sacredness that is the light within. Love yourself and love any close friend who will allow you to love them. Melt that block with sacredness, appreciation, gratitude, joy, happiness, light-hearted fun. Be whole once more. Love each other back to wholeness. Spend time in intimate embrace so that your bodies have time to link up and feel that which is wholesome within. Allow for reverence to take place. Allow for caring to take place. Allow close physical contact to take place without demands. Don’t force your attention on someone. Become respectful, whole and solid again within your body and allow the life force - the divine in you - to flow freely up the spinal column to the heart and head.
Only at death do we leave duality behind so that we recognize ourselves once more as pure undiluted spirit. When we leave our clay body which returns to the earth, we return to our immaculate self, the soul, and we bring our accumulated knowledge with us. Our physical life is an away mission, like in Star Trek when they leave the mother ship to go out to explore the galaxy searching for other life, other lights. That’s what we do on earth. We enter a darker, denser world and we search for other lights like ourselves. Others who mirror and reflect us and confirm and validate us. Another light is welcome to us and we are attracted to one another, but there are dark lights here too. We came from the stars and there are many different lights out there, so we must search to find those who are similar to ourselves, who can reflect ourselves back to us in sameness. In the end we return home to our original divine state. Each time we die to the body we return to our Home in order to remember who we are and to mentor with great teachers who advise and help us plan for the next away mission when we venture out again. It is the way of things. (End)
A personal update: I have had some new revelations since my last outreach for massage exchanges. Thank you to the seven people who responded. I am delighted to know there are a few people who would like to exchange massages. Mostly men responded, now I would love to hear from women too. Please write me, sisters. I will be getting back to you as soon as it's practical. I didn't expect so many answers. Whenever I take a bold new step, such as reaching out as I did, I receive a download of revelations. Now I am a bit topsy turvy. Bad feelings and good feelings are swirling, causing changes in perspective. We went to a party over New Years weekend, where I experienced a split between my past and my future. It is causing imbalance. There is so much happening and it's not just me - the whole world is trembling with brighter light. Light is information. Information brings an expansion of consciousness. Expansion of consciousness agitates and disrupts, causing confusion. We have to force ourselves to expand along with it or suffer the consequences. They are not pretty.
Suggestion: Imagine your auric field as an invisible bubble that surrounds you (3 feet or arms length) and it is growing brighter and expanding at the same time. Your field is filling with new information. Just be conscious this is happening. Open your mind and heart. Consider being kinder and more considerate than you have been before. The whole planet is expanding her vibrational field and we HAVE to expand with it or suffer the consequences of feeling our own pressure mounting from inside trying to expand. This is the big shift happening. We are going through the beginning stages of it now. This requires sharing, like holding hands when you climb a mountain so you stay linked together and don't fall. My concept is to build a massage exchange network. I've thought of doing it for a long time but didn't trust myself. I could have saved myself a load of trouble if I'd dared to do it earlier. We can raise our vibrations best by skin-to-skin contact with others from a more expanded caring attitude, not sexual or romantic but with kindness, love and respect. That way we can adjust ourselves to a lighter, brighter, more innocent perspective. The kind of loving atmosphere of a higher dimension and merge our old ways with the new untried and unknown ways of the future. That way we are all doing it together. It will make it a smoother transition that way.
I wish you all a Very Happy New Year! May the year 2022 bring you more gentle expanded consciousness of peace, and the fulfillment of what you most wish for. Blessings from the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ascended Masters, the great Celestial Beings, Angels, Elementals, Father-Mother Source of all life - and little ol' me!
12/21/21 - The term Goddess is God locked in form
A message from my higher self
This message came three years ago but it is more timely today than ever before because there are big changes taking place right under our noses. The term Goddess is God locked in form. Once God is in form it takes on the culture into which it has been born as a human being. It must be understood that in this world there is an alien male sinister force that has taken over. It is heartless and does not want love to have any power whatsoever. It is not the men doing this subjugation of women. Men are its victims too. It is the alien male sinister force which is not native to Earth. This is forbidden information, it is breaking through to us from our higher selves and the Galactics. We have been used and abused by heartless rulers who did not originate here. They twist our nature and beat us up with it. Our nature is love. God is here within our hearts and souls. The feminine side of God is here within to comfort and care for the evolving human creatures, but this loving force has been locked up through sinister means and not allowed to flow.
Now I have to clarify the word “love” because we have been misguided. We have forced that great motivating, liberating fire into a small bottle and capped it with a lid. We have been literally corralled like cattle into the cattle yards awaiting slaughter, and made to mate under their rules, not our own. Under the culture we were born into there are insidious laws in place that, if we don’t obey them, allow them to put us into prison, or to suffer harassment or worse. God/Goddess is free within us but we have to let it out and let it flow from person to person. We need to understand what love REALLY is. Love is freedom. It is loose and flowing. We feel it as comfort and kindness, not as sexual lust. The laws and traditions of the culture, including marriage and relationship laws, have been put in place to prevent love from being free. These laws are our biggest downfall and the cruelest task masters. There is no free love in the land. However, once our hearts start opening up, free love will start flowing and liberating the planet again, as it once did, bringing calm, peace and advancements in all fields and prosperity to all people. Love is what boosts and elevates humankind, not laws, selfishness and greed. Love is coming in now but it is causing chaos in the outer world arenas because the alien male sinister force is not outside of us – it is inside – Inside ALL of us.
We each have owned a piece of it and allowed it to live in us. That’s why the love can’t get out. We’ve consented to it. Our biggest challenge is to work on our SELF to overcome our dark, cruel, selfish, greedy and mean side, which is the alien sinister force that has been here for eons of time. It runs through our history. We can’t afford to judge anyone else, nor even ourselves, but rather to forgive, forgive, forgive. Judging someone and judging ourselves continues to divide us and make us meaner, which keeps the padlock on our hearts. Comfort and kindness is the only solution to breaking open the padlock and springing love free to flow comfort out to everyone we meet.
I said I would address the word love that has been polluted and distorted into a petty hurtful thing. We don’t know what we have done. We have been bamboozled by the advanced artificial technology of the male sinister force. We have been kept foggy-brained. If we feel possessive of our mates, married or not, it is not love. It is hate. The alien male sinister force which has held the world locked in a dark loveless world of artificiality, knew exactly how to structure the governing laws and program the lesser evolved race. The children race. Lock them together one with another and force them to “work it out”. Sound familiar? Divine love wouldn’t do that. Divine love would not require you to shut yourselves up inside a house with someone so dissimilar to your SELF to “try to work it out”. How mean is that? How cruel. We are free beings, why are we not living free?
When my husband began a long-distance relationship with an old friend, jealousy popped up in me. I struggled for a year and then decided I didn’t like myself feeling that way. So I told him quietly, not angrily, but with freedom and love in my heart, that he ought to go out and visit her to see what happens. If they have a reason to be together, then they should be together. And he did. He went out to visit with her and he learned something and he came back home. He is with me today. And though I was disappointed because I was already planning my future alone, I experienced a new kind of freedom. In giving him permission to move on to explore something new, instead of holding him back because of some “law“ or “tradition“ or “vow“ or “promise”, I unlocked myself. I gave myself room to grow. I benefited more from that than I could have done any other way. I gave him unconditional freedom, unconditional love. I didn’t expect anything back but I received something back. I am today a larger person than I was before that decision. Love is freedom and freedom is love. Love is liberating. Love is comforting. Love is truth. Love is also advancement. We have to adapt to this new way because it is coming to the planet. It is unfolding as I type this today. We will have more responsibilities with this greater love. We will become more empowered. We will have to manage this freedom and power with more wisdom. We will have to grow up and become adults. But it will be easier because our hearts will be more open. We will want to keep our hearts. We will learn to maneuver more gracefully in this new way of living. But we have to be willing to take the next step up the ladder to a higher place, instead of closing ourselves down into a protective false cocoon.
That is what love is. It’s not about jealously guarding what we think we own. We don’t own anything. The only thing we can own is our consciousness. We are here to become more conscious of our own power that we are responsible for. We are here on earth to shine that power outward to help move blocks and barriers out of the way. We are here to create a freer, more abundant, more perfect world. We are here to shine our light and grow into more light and more love. We are here to help make the world a better place, not a smaller one. Love is the release from attachments. Relationships are attachments. Release does not mean kicking someone out of the house, it means giving your partner freedom to do what they want to do. It is done in love, not anger. It is done with gentle support, not withdrawing support. It is done with kindness and leaving the door open for return, just like you would for a best friend who needs some confidence to take the next step. That is love. Release attachments, and marital vows are attachments, and you’ll be surprised at how good you feel. Truly surprised. Love is not attachment to one person. Love is attachment to the sovereign state of divinity within ones SELF.
We have come to think of love as possession and that we have rights of ownership over the one we are attached to, but we don’t. We are so much more than a pawn in the male alien sinister game of control. There are blinders on. This message will not settle well with many. I realize that. But this comes direct from spirit. I wouldn’t have the knowledge to say these things myself. Recognizing the alien male sinister in the world is a challenge. Can you see the difference? To me it is now easy to see. I didn’t see it in my earlier years. I see now the decent, humane, kind human being who is seeking the same in others. It may not be totally clear yet, but that is why we see writings like this. More and more messages are coming to forgive, to love, to stop fighting. We are being prompted to find forgiveness within ourselves, forgiveness for the errors we have made. We don’t know that we have more control over our lives until we take actual steps in that direction and try it out. Forgive and let go with an open heart and feel what returns back to you. The sense of freedom, kindness, love, respect and comfort. It is an amazing feeling. My words do not convey the full meaning very well. It’s a meager attempt to paint the picture of universal love. It is impersonal, not personal. It does not give us rights over another human being. Love is so very much bigger than physical needs and addictions to bodily pleasures. There is a pleasure that far, far, far, exceeds that limited requirement.
12/15/21 - Multiple Messages
Plus I'm seeking local massage partners
Well, things are heating up and spilling over. There are three messages I wish to share today so I will get right to it. They are:
There is a world meditation scheduled for this coming Tuesday, December 21, 2021. It is the winter solstice and you are encouraged to participate. You must be in meditation position precisely at 11 am eastern time and plan for at least 20 minutes. It is not like other times where you can do it any time during that day. This is different. A lot is happening on the galactic front. Some who receive my newsletters are not interested, but a wave of higher love is due to sweep the earth. These higher love waves have been coming in smaller waves, which is why we are going through changes and disruptions. And the Galactic Federation (of Light) are assisting. Sceptics and doubters don't have to worry. These waves are not dangerous. They are bringing us closer to the Galactics in vibration as the earth is expanding in frequency. The Galactics of Light are of higher ethics and benevolence than we on earth, and they are ready to meet us, but are we ready for them? They are asking for a show of hands from the surface population as to who is ready. The solstice meditation on Tuesday is our opportunity to say, altogether now, "Yes, we are ready!" This is a never-before event. I will skip the long story. It is the end and beginning of a 26,000 year galactic cycle.
I've been watching this unfold for 58 years, since my first contact. Additional information to expand understanding has been coming in dribs and drabs.. It was exceedingly slow at first but I've watched it increase in tempo. The last few years more. The last few months more. The last few weeks more. And the last few days have been outstanding. It is building as more and more people are learning about this. If you're not interested, please do not worry. The changes going on are totally benevolent. You are safe. It is a wave of higher love. If anything it will bliss you out if it doesn't pass you by entirely. I am going to provide a link to Vidya Frazier, a quantum healer in California, because she has written more about the solstice meditation. Click HERE to read more about it and the man who initiated this. An important fellow. The back story is interesting, and there are some linked articles by Cobra. Also Vidya has prepared a guided meditation that you can listen to on Tuesday, which is helpful if you are not a practicing meditator. Remember, a world meditation on Tuesday at 11 am eastern time. She has also posted times for other locations. Meanwhile, prepare for an increase in the love and freedom quotient.
Two weeks ago I just happened upon Allison Coe, a quantum hypnosis healer. As a long-time student of the ascended masters and galactics, I check online for new age information coming from others who are tuned in. Allison Coe is providing astounding new information. As a quantum hypnosis healing therapist (QHHT for short) she takes her clients into hypnosis to access their HIGHER selves, not their past lives. Although there is some "past" intermingled, it is mostly about the future the client is interested in, meaning the higher more expanded versions of the client. Questions are prepared beforehand by the client who gives them to Allison and Allison then puts the question to the client who is now in a hypnotic state. Recording each session, Allison has discovered duplicate information coming from more than one client's higher self. Similar information is being reported from clients who don't know each other, as if they are all on the NEW earth. She feels that this information is of value to everyone, since higher selves seem to be talking the same language, so she has put the time and effort into reading certain information onto youtubes. This is so amazing to me that I wanted to share it. It's about where Earth is heading, the chaos and disruptions, the New Earth, how it comes about, the Event, the solar flare, galactic ships arriving, evacuations, what it's going to be like after the Event. It's coming from more than one client's higher self and it all flows together. The listener is transformed and brought into this higher state. You can't help it. Elena Danaan, spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, was my favorite until I ran across Allison Coe. So many pieces of the puzzle that are fitting together and forming a wider picture. Expanding one's scope of knowledge is so very elevating. So much so that I simply MUST share it with you. Not everyone will be interested and that is understandable. There will be debunkers. We are each unique. But for those who are ready, I will add a few links below. Just click and listen. We are all living here together on the same planet, so an expansion of planetary consciousness is going to affect ALL of us. Be prepared for a more blissful, peaceful and united world. It is definitely coming. Links below:
Disclosure, Chaos, Ships, Avalanche of Light, BQH audible (1’02”) 5/21/21
The Magic is Returning, Logic destroyed (40 min) 3/22/21
Inner Earth, Video 1 of 2 (10 min) 3/5/19
Inner Earth, Video 2 of 2 (42 min) 3/5/19
Ascending to the New Earth – Client QHHT (1’11”) 5/5/18
Before, During and After the Event – QHHT Client (1’05”) 2/27/18
I was going to send this separately but I'll go ahead and join it to this notice of world meditation. I have been in and out of the fifth dimension lately more than ever before, which is leaving me ungrounded. I keep drifting to higher planes. I fear I will not last long in body if I don't ground. Being in fifth dimension (or higher) is a blissful experience but it is taking me too far. The only way to stop this from happening is through hands-on sessions with strangers, to share more earth energy. It is not really a massage per se, as in a professional massage. It is more of a laying on of hands, as in Reiki or other energy modalities. It can be done with a sheet covering, or simply light clothing, or naked. There is a therapeutic intention. Simply allowing energies to flow back and forth through touching and stroking is stabilizing. This is a higher consciousness process. It will stabilize both of us. It's similar to when you lose your balance and you reach to grab hold of something or someone nearby to stabilize. Everyone needs stabilizing. As a long time student of the ascended masters, I am too higher-dimensional and need more earth energy, what we call grounding. The ascended masters have been guiding me for years to implement a massage exchange network but I haven't felt ready before now. Now I am.
So I am seeking one or two local individuals who just might be interested in exchanging such a session with me. This doesn't require money. No money will change hands. It is an exchange, pure and simple. It can be either a man or a woman, it doesn't matter. I have four massage tables here, accumulated for the purpose of future massage events. I have been planning for a long time. I am a senior in good health and with good, high, energy. Sometimes TOO high which is why I am seeking some slow-down, denser energy from others. There is an esoteric concept involved which I will not try to explain, but it will be good for anyone to work with me and my energies, just as it will be good for me to work with you and your energies. It is a mutual exchange. We each have different energies. It will be done here at my home. All the equipment is here and I am set up for it. My husband and I live in North Naples on ten acres. Oops. Five acres. We just sold the back five today, in fact. The sessions will be approximately two hours long, maybe more. I would guess 45 minutes of me massaging you, and 45 minutes you massaging me. Again, I use the term "massage" loosely. It does not require any special expertise unless of course you are a trained massage therapist. Then of course, it would be great! But it is more about the LIGHT that is in you and me. The light will synchronize and flow together. Your light is different from my light. So gentle, relaxing, quiet mindedness is the approach and application. There is no agenda to "fix" something. The giver is more in a meditative state than a "doing" state. Like in a trance state of laying on angel hands. A sheet can be used as a covering, or skimpy shorts can be worn, but best is to be naked. This will be determined by both parties. Both people must be comfortable and in a relaxed state of mind. And of courses there will always be time for sitting and talking before or after or both.
So that's about it. If you are interested, please let me know by email. Since I am a senior, other seniors would be more comfortable but I would not rule out an interested person of younger age. This is a first. I have no idea how it will unfold. I feel comfortable putting this out to the open world because I am being guided by higher intelligences. They are telling me "It is time!"
God bless you, everyone. Much love to you and your loved ones wherever they are. Think of them inside a bubble of warmly glowing light. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Nancy
12/10/21 - Master Djwhal Khul
Listen to the Cells in Your Body
In the night four years ago I woke up, couldn't sleep, and went across the hall to the meditation room. I applied Tiger Balm to my lower aching back. Thoughts of refinement started up again. The middle of the night is my new normal time to converse with my guides. When I applied the Tiger Balm I noticed my nostrils crackled clear and I heard the words, "Refining the energies." This signified a new lesson was on its way, and so the words kept coming.
"Notice, pay attention, listen, observe the feelings in your body. Just observe. Let your body teach you. Your body seeks refinement. Allow it to show you, rather than you trying to impose your less-than-perfect technologies upon it. Your body is a mixture of unrefined and refined materials floating around in it, and some are not floating but remain stuck. The atoms that compose your body are conscious. They make up your body consciousness."
After I finished applying Tiger Balm and DMSO to my back, I sat quietly, feeling the feelings that were generated from the application. Then I switched on the lamp and began writing, for the inner thoughts were coming through one after the other, easy and clear. This is what was written.
“Some of this conscious material that makes up your body is slowed down and is what you call stuck energy. It is not moving well. But you have also higher moving materials in your body, and these are directing you to use certain balms and fluids externally, topically, such as the Tiger Balm and DMSO and taking Epsom salt baths. You credit me (DK) for these inner discussions but I am only one voice in the mix of voices you are receiving. Refining your perceptions is like picking up a telephone and listening. You are paying more attention. You are putting attention on your inner sensations. When higher vibrations meet lower vibrations, you as the resident agent of the body, cast the deciding vote. You are the steward and land owner of your body. Be a good land owner. Be accountable. Pay attention. Listen to what your body is telling you. It will tell you what you need to do.
“When integration of high and low-moving vibrational substances take place, healing is the result. Can you feel it now? (There was tingling and buzzing going on.) It is a unification. Blending and allowing, even welcoming the joining with a sense of awe and inspiration, a celebration if you will. This is how YOU create and bring about your own refinement. You are refining your body by listening to it. You call it healing. That is a third dimension term for a spiritual evolutionary process. When kundalini awakened in your body in 1976, YOU were conscious and awed by the refinement that flowed through you. It lifted you. If you had not been conscious and aware of the process, the process of kundalini awakening would have been aborted. YOU are the directing intelligence of your body. You are the master of the various and sundry energies, both high and low vibrating atoms that are moving throughout your four lower bodies. As you refine your perception, it is equivalent to meditation when you cease moving and thinking and begin listening to the advice and counsel of higher guidance. Your body is full of higher guiding forces. You do not have to follow a specific routine, such as a learned meditation that you have used before. Refining your consciousness is a fluid, subtle work of consciousness. Pay attention. Be still and listen and persevere in remaining alert and listening at all times. This is a walking meditation.
“Don’t force a thought because you are not the master planner. You are the student of all of this. You are the learner and the observer. You are the steward who does not know everything, because you are learning as you go. Learning as you go means you listen as you go. Listen and make decisions as the manager of this operating unit of many voices and many vibrations. You are the one who is learning by doing. You are growing wiser through the process of holding the balance and being the overseer of the project. It is on the job training. You are also known as the host. You are the one who is proving your worth by caring for this land over which you have been made responsible, your body-mind. Embrace this understanding of who you are. Your job is to listen to your little workers, millions of elementals in the form of atoms and subatomic particles needing an overseer. Listen to them for they are speaking to you even now. Some are in pain, others are happy. Listen, because as you listen you are sending love and love soothes, heals and unifies. Simply listening to someone speak, truly listening, is sending love. Allowing love to radiate. Love is the healing element. Do you understand?”
(Yes, Master DK. Thank you. I do see. I must practice this and you are here with me, guiding me each night. You are patient with me. Thank you.)
“My dear, patience, no. It is not patience. It is allowing you the freedom to take the lead. It must be you who decides when to get up in the night and listen to me. When you are ready, you call me and I come forward to assist. I do not wait around for you! (Laughingly) I have others who I assist. There is much for me to do.
(Thank you for telling me that. It takes a load off my mind.)
(Laughter!) “Take the time to listen to your body. Listen to the tweaks, bumps and moans that your body is making. Learn how to move WITH them rather than try to fix them. Because, again, you do not have the master plan in your conscious mind. The master design for a perfect mind and body is descending through you in continuous flow, just as a river flows down the mountain becomes part of the landscape, influencing all of the surrounding territory. As the master design flows forth through you it causes FEELINGS in your body and influences your body if you let it. Listen to those feelings. The master plan is coming into you through your breath, in fluid motion, pressing here and there causing sensations. Sometimes you have a painful sensation when the breath of life bumps up against a resistance. Wherever there is pain, go there in your attention and continue to listen. Dissolve it by listening and paying attention. The master plan for your body is perfection but you have created energy blocks with false ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. The master plan is not an object to grasp and lay out on a table to examine. It is an unfolding current within you that is invisible, flowing from higher planes down into slower vibrating substance. You are the co-creator. Your perfect self is TRYING to come into manifestation but it is forced into an obstacle course made of prior human experience.
"As I said earlier, you are a mix of both high and low vibrating energies. It is YOU who enables the integration of high and low substances within you. You are the awake and aware steward of this land called a body, this nation of many voices, all of whom speak in different tongues. They need to be held together by a wise and benevolent master - a higher intelligence than themselves. This is you. You are not the ultimate authority, however. There is one higher than you. You are a steward of this body, learning how to govern wisely the many voices that are speaking within you. The health and vitality of this land (your body) depends on how well you listen to those workers that compose it. Mankind is learning to listen to the landscape within. As he does, he nurtures and nourishes the land of his body. He has not done a good job of paying attention in the past. He has pushed his body beyond endurance and worn himself out, exhausted, lame, debilitated, without understanding that he was supposed to CARE for his body. It is no one else’s responsibility but his own to make peace within his inner world which is accessed by feeling, listening and responding to the subtle and invisible movements within.
“Listen to your own body feelings and perceptions first, before listening to an outsider. Even professional health experts do not know your body or what it needs. Listen to the voices of your people - your cells, tissues, organs of your inner world. They hurt and seek your forgiveness, not your “fixing” with prescription drugs. They do not need fixing, they need you to care and love away their pain - YOUR pain. Your love moves the stuckness within you. In feeling their pain you become the solution to removing that pain. Relief comes in the form of gratitude and “I love you“ thoughts. Yes, it is through mental communication that you talk to and listen to your cells. There is happiness when you care for your body, and joy at being allowed to breathe free again. This is true liberation, to breathe through the stuck energies that block the perfection within you."
(I thought of the recent hurricane Irma and the lost elementals that were uprooted through the fierceness of the winds, which I felt excruciatingly when I walked around afterwards.)
“Yes, you could say that it was the elementals as a whole who were ravished by the hurricane and said, “Thank God I’ll be going home soon,” which you thought was your own voice. But you rebelled with a fierceness that surprised you, and you said, "NO! I will not leave!" It was your determination to stay the course and help in this transition. It was your way of putting loving arms around them and assuring them you would welcome them back to a place where they belong, to a sense of being whole again. Home is wholeness. Home is a heart at peace."
(Thank you DK. for your words of wisdom. I sense this is the end of our session?)
“Yes, you are to be congratulated. You are waking yourself up in the night to learn more but you are growing tired now. We will continue tomorrow in the night or day. If you call me we can continue with the learning." (End)
Merry Christmas everyone, and a very Happy New Year to all who take the time to read these messages. I wish you peace and transcendent bliss in these days of extreme outer chaos. We are happy to report the chaos is not touching us in our happy home. Doug and I are experiencing wonderful things happening. Miracles are taking place, some of which I can't report because they are too other worldly, but others are more practical. After several years of increasing financial tightness, a buyer come forth offering to buy our back five acres. We live on ten acres, the front five has our house and an old barn on it, while the back five is zoned for agriculture and a farmer runs his cows on it. We will finalize the sale next week and we are filled with gratitude and increasing Christmas cheer.
For many petals are opening. There are so many, in fact, that I have had to let them all go on without me. They are passing through me. If I try to keep them and hold onto them, they get scrambled and bunched up into knots, and I can’t use any of them then. I am useless. I have to let them go. It is difficult to do because they are so exciting, but I am learning to let these inspiring revelations breeze on through me without grabbing pen and paper to write them down, which I have so often done. It's all coing on too fast. I can't keep up. I haven’t perfected this yet but I’m getting better at it. It seems as if I am an open channel for an avalanche of enlightened thoughts flowing on through now, not all of which are meant for me.
As I step down from the effort and let them all go, one particular thought continues to reoccur. It comes back again and again. This one is for me. This is mine, my calling, my mission. I’m beginning to understand. I shouldn't let this one go. It is who I am. It is the thought of bringing love – divine impersonal love - down into the average, normal, physical body. MY body so I can feel it. The normal person blocks love out simply because there has been so little instruction or permission on what love truly is. We have all been so afraid of love because it keeps turning personal and brings forth jealousy, possessiveness, emotional hurt and suffering, but that’s not love. That’s entanglement. My calling is to connect with the love that is within EVERYONE, it's real, it's warm and alive and beautiful in every single human body, but it's not easy to do that because we've closed it off. We are afraid of love, free love. It is time to learn more about love and how to express it, how to expand it, how to use it openly, with kindness and generosity and happiness, no holding it back.
That is what I've been writing about for so many years. It's not in human nature to give love freely. It's just not done. We have built walls around it. We have not wanted to rock the boat. We've been trying to stay inside the lines, inside the fence, not daring to look, but there's a new age building around us. I can see it and feel it, and others can too. The world is rapidly changing. It's a new time line. Universal light and love is coming in waves across the planet. It's touching people in new ways. It's been called ascension waves. It's brings softness and transcendence. It's not personal. It's refined. It's delicate and subtle. It's flowing and swirling. It comes and goes according to whoever is open to it. It's loose energy and more and more people are responding to it. I imagine this Christmas season we will notice it more. But this is something larger than normal. It's coming from beyond the Earth. It's a universal wave coming through the sun and moving across the planet's surface and down into the Earth itself. It is cosmic love and light. It is what holds life together and it's coming to heal the Earth. It has been holding the galaxies together and now it's coming to make sure Earth is not destroyed by the chaos that has been happening. This great love is coming from the suns, the stars and beyond. Everyone is feeling it. Cracks are appearing in the ceiling and in the walls and foundations are crumbling. Only love will hold a home together or it too will fall. It is important to learn about this greater love and to expand it out beyond the stiff parameters that cause bitterness and jealousy. This love is absolutely pure and unblemished. It's vast and it's rolling forward over the land as a giant wave. There have been a number of smaller waves but each wave is larger than the one before because people are joining the momentum. It's the great shift in consciousness gathering everyone up in itsself. Some are resisting, and that's OK. No one is being forced against their will. But it's better to roll with the waves of gentleness and kindness because resistance is painful. Resistance goes against the tide.
I’ve been trying to write about it for years, but this that is happening can't be captured in words. Or rather, it can't be transmitted in words. It's a connection that takes place when one is open and ready. The connection one of warmth and mellowness. Softness and tender emotion. But that doesn't explain it either. I'm starting to get it now. It's touching me softly in my inner parts. The pandemic forced me into isolation but I've used the time to research the ancient teachings. I share this love with my husband, not in words but in undercurrents, and he returns it to me in undercurrents. It's not coming FROM him, it's coming THROUGH him when he is a willing channel. And as am I when I am a willing channel. It comes from the sun. We are rays from the sun. Or rather our higher selves are rays from the sun. They come through us because they ARE us and we are becoming more open to our higher selves. They carry huge love but we have to be willing to use it. We don't have to. We can be too busy to notice, or to receive it. This kind of love is not a natural human quality. Love is abstract. We are here to capture it abstractly, it's like capturing like a sunbeam with your hand, and bring it down closer in to see it and feel it. And then share it with someone. It's like a rainbow of colors. It sparkles with hope and gaiety and laughter and dreams and excitements for tomorrow's projects.
Love is everywhere but, unfortunately, it is not here on Earth. Not yet. So it's up to us to bring it here, bring it into action and expression. And plant it in those who live with us and around us, and with the animals and objects we put our hands on, the tools we work with. It's our job, our mission, as stewards of the planet to love ourselves and our lives. That's why we were born - to bring love into expression and into action. We are here to share it. We are here to capture it and hold it in our hands and our bodies and cultivate it, grow it, nurture it, and spread it around. No one can do it for us and no one can teach us. We have to figure out how best we can do it in our own lives. That's why I write so much about it. It's the only avenue I know.
I wish you all happiness, abundance, expansion of love and many more blessings. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!
11/21/21 - Why Goddess Gatherings?
Red Eagle's Message
The full moon eclipse on Friday stimulated several text messages from women friends, asking how am I doing with these heightened energies? I responded that I was sizzling uncomfortably. Things were happening too fast, impossible to relate. I'm on an unbelievable high but my body is uncomfortable. I must be touching other people, holding hands, hugging, being more in communion, to bring me more to ground from the spaces so high. While exchanging texts, I learned that I had been in Atlantis during its great height and, further, that I know what destroyed it so it fell to the bottom of the sea. All of this was confirmed in the split second while typing a text message. There is simply too much information coming in and loosening things that have been locked up inside of me, allowing them to boil to the surface. It is happening to everyone, not just me.
It becomes obvious that by connecting with those of like mind, who resonate and understand, opens doors so information long repressed can flow outward. It is obvious. It is very, very obvious. I am thinking once again of holding a goddess circle here on the property. I have thought it before but it didn't happen. Now I know why. I have hesitated to fall into the same pattern that happened in Atlantis. But this pandemic's isolation period is over. The change has begun. The shift in consciousness is real. And keeping ancient knowledge bottled up is no longer healthy. It will drive people insane. It is starting to break free. Secret knowledge must stop being secret and start coming out of the closet and start connecting again. We are bits and pieces shut away, shut down, we must start flowing back together again. Ancient knowledge is ready to flood the land.
Now this sharing of ancient knowledge will stun people. It is unwise to tell those who are not ready to hear it so wisdom and discernment is called for. But I do not feel to exclude the men from this mailing. Even though a man might not be on the same wavelength as a women's spirituality gathering, they may find value in these words. I am sure they will. But, still, this is primarily for women who are interested in their gathering to share higher spiritual knowledge, feminine spiritual values - those who feel the drawing to be more closely connected to Mother Earth in a goddess gathering. Soon I will be scheduling one day a week for these goddess gatherings. I will send to women only for their input and suggestions. Please watch for it. After texting to Trisha and Dawn about my sizzling past two days and the miracles that have been unfolding, I decided to thumb through an old notebook, unsure why or what drew me. Well, I found it. It was a message from Red Eagle which I copied some years ago and filed away as a crumb and a clue left behind me for just such a time as this. Please enjoy Red Eagle's message. It spoke to me loud and clear.
Red Eagle's Message
William Weatherford, also known after his death as Red Eagle (ca. 1781–March 24, 1824)
In your western society you are cut off at the neck from the energy of Earth. You expend your life force, using your mind to communicate on the telephone, email, texting, and generally thinking. You are so disconnected from your body that you are annoyed when your body speaks to you through discomfort such as a headache or other body functions, and for this you feel the need to mask the pain so that you can go back to your thinking.
In ancient times, the people walked upon the earth and understood the importance of their first mother. They honored her in ceremony and ritual, and there was a knowing that Mother Earth was the eternal mother that would always provide as they lived upon her belly. The wisdom was carried in their bones, and for thousands of years they attuned to their mother through rituals and ceremonies, and they passed their wisdom on to their children through stories, song, and the DNA in their blood.
This wisdom is whispered in the wind and held in the rocks and trees and the configuration of the land. Now is the time of remembering, as you are called upon to remember other lifetimes you walked the earth, other times you walked in reciprocity with your Mother Earth and performed ceremonies and rituals that attuned you in the rhythm of the circle of life.
As you are buffeted by the winds of change, bend with the changes like the grass that sways in the windy prairie. Be flexible and notice the changes that are coming. Allow yourself to be curious about what will happen next. Allowing change to come into your life instead of resisting will create more flow and ease for your journey.
Much of your media creates messages to distract you from the wisdom that sits in the heart of your being. Your heart has not forgotten that Mother Earth provides you with the sustenance for life. This eternal mother provides your nourishment of the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and the homes you live in; survival is not possible without the benevolence of this grand mother.
It is essential for your wellbeing to support your heart by connecting to the energy of your Mother Earth. This can be done in many ways, but the simplest of these ways is to move your body outside in nature. This could be by walking, riding your bike, skiing, or just sitting upon the belly of the mother for she will support and cleanse you as you spend time upon her being.
Be curious about your relationship with the vast spirit of your first mother. I am sure that if we were to sit and have a conversation, you could tell me of your love, fear, sadness, and laughter with your biological mother. You would be able to tell me her name, what food she liked to eat, her voice, and so much more. I would now ask you to create the intimate relationship with your Mother Earth; she has so much to teach you about ebb and flow and how this can support your journey.
Following are some ideas from Red Eagle's same article. I know you will have some others to suggest too. I invite suggestions how to proceed with this. Let us gather gently, with quiet reverence for the living nature around us, being sensitive to each one of us, each delicate soul, humbly considerate of each one's HOLY spirit and I Am Presence. We are calling the sacred forward now.
Full Moon Ceremony
Grandmother Moon has much to offer and I encourage you to pay attention to the cycles of the Moon as she makes her way around the Earth. The Grandmother has an influence on your Earth with the tides that cause ebbs and flows in the energy of the planet. You are connected to this energy and affected by it, either consciously or unconsciously. The full moon is a time when it would serve you to do a ceremony of releasing the old patterns and habits so that you can go forward on your journey with clean and clear energy. The ceremony can be done with fire and candles, and of course your intention to release and let go of the old so that you can embrace the new. A ceremony you may want to embrace is to breathe all of your fears and worries into a stick and then burn the stick in the fire. The fire is a symbol of the Sun and the light, so releasing your old stories and worries into the light will create levity for your being.
New Moon Ceremony
The new moon is a wonderful opportunity to embrace new beginnings. Prepare to call in your dreams and hopes for the upcoming month. This ceremony is to set intention for rejuvenation of those dreams and hopes. It is done with water, the flow of water and the gift of fluidity. A long list of items to bring is available but not included.
The seasons are intended to support your journey, so it is important to pay attention to the season you are in. Winter is a time for quiet reflection, an opportunity to go into a quiet space in the womb of the Mother and to reflect nad ponder your life, considering where you are going next.
Spring brings the promise of hope and new grwoth; it is a time to plant the seeds of your intention and breathe life into new beginnings that are all around you, filling yourself with the life force that is so abundant at this time.
Summer is a wonderful teaching of the Mother Earth as we see that the seeds we plant will come to fruition and we can trust in the universal energies to support our efforts, reveling in the warmth of Father Sun and taking time to play upon your beautiful mother.
Autumn is a powerful time that reminds us to die to the old so that we can be reborn again - die to old habits, worries, doubts, and fears.
Outdoor Fire Pit Ceremony
Prepare the fire pit ahead of time with sticks available to feed the fire. Have a stick set aside into which you will breathe your fears and worries. Start the fire. Sit and take time to connect to the highest light, love and truth. Focus on your fears and worries while breathing them into the stick. Burn the stick in the fire, releasing your old stories and worries into the light.
Creating a Candle Ceremony
Creating a candle ceremony begins by lighting a candle and taking some time to connect to the highest light, love and truth. When you are ready,. set your intention to release fears, doubts and worries, and blow the candle out. With the exhalation of breath you are releasing all your old fears, doubts and worries. Picture the grasses that bend and sway in the wind, they are not brittle and inflexible. It is crucial at this time to allow flexibility and movement in your life. This is not the time for old positions or absolutes. The ceremony of release around the full moon will align you with thousands of other people who do ceremonies at this time.
Blessings, love and light to all who read these words and who don't. The galactics, celestials, ascended masters and the elementals that maintain our bodies also send unconditional love, light and encouraging support. Just ask when you need their help. Just ask and they will be there for you. Listen to the sound of the inner wind. It is very soft and warm. Nancy/Diana
11/12/21 - The feminine and the patriarchy
Clearing up the illusion - it's not what you think
The feminine aspect of life is that part of you which likes to share. Wants to love and be loved in return. This part of the human is open and connected to everyone and everything in the natural state. But it has been usurped, stolen from, weakened, closed down. During the dark ages, the masculine aspect of life took control through various and sundry means which, in essence, drew on that feminine openness, pleaded with that openness, expressed deep needs and hungers that only the feminine could fill and therefore could not resist, and she answered the call. She was sucked into a trap of helping and the trap sprang closed on her. She gave her power away to the masculine and today we have a patriarchal system and a disempowered humankind.
It is important to understand that both genders are disempowered. Men are 50% feminine and women are 50% masculine. They originated from the same source. They each have a central intelligence that is connected to Source, or Oneness, but when it comes to physical life, it is primarily the male who expresses the patriarchy because, after all, he is in a masculine body.
Monogamy is a patriarchal creation. It grew out of the need of a man to own a woman all for himself, so he could draw on her for feminine balance, as an energy source. It kept women isolated. What the men did not realize was they too were trapped in the system, as part of the larger more insidious system that was surreptitiously designed by off-worlders - highly intelligent races from other worlds who watched and visited the Earth in prehistory to explore, discover and experiment with the humanoid race. With different motives behind them, each alien race came to fiddle with the young and vulnerable evolving humans. They were the ones who put the monkey wrench into the works. They modified our DNA for purposes of their own. Thus we have been kept in separation, divided from each other. Natural evolution would have had us evolving peacefully together, learning from each other, but we have been purposely interfered with. We have been kept uneducated.
We, the evolving human race, have been kept unbalanced, divided and thus prevented from growing into oneness and fully integrated with the other half of ourselves. We should have been able to unite our hearts and minds and bodies together with our feelings because that would be a natural path to take with experimenting. But we have been unable to gather and commune with each other openly and freely. We didn't have the chance to grow our freedom to circulate and move about and learn about ourselves. Monogamy served very well to keep the separation going. With each man having his own feminine body to live with, it was an ideal way to keep females tied down from openly meeting together and learning feminine values. The feminine likes to socialize, express freely their thoughts, emotions, kindness and support. Females are tender by nature and spontaneously free-flowing. This was the big mistake in pre-history. Because the feminine couldn‘t be open, neither could he. The men were just as much a victim as the women because they did not know the super elite alien powers that controlled them. They have remained hidden to this day. "They" are the master mind who created the patriarchy. We have been locked into an energy vortex because of them, both men and women, and this has been written into law which is our legal system today. Theoretically meant to keep everyone safe, but in actuality shapes and molds us into a prison-like structure of do's and don'ts. There is no freedom here. No openness flowing today. The alien law was put in place a long time ago, before recorded history, written into our DNA.
Good news! It is changing today. The return of the goddess is the return of balance to humankind. It does not pit women against men or men against women. It is the emergence of a gentle softness and tenderness that seeps like a fragrant wind from - where is it coming from? It is being called the divine feminine, or goddess energy, but that understanding needs correcting. It is a return to heart-centered living coupled with an open mind. Healthy, free-flowing communication is bringing honesty. Freedom to speak, think, believe, act and exchange insights, ideas, opinions, new thought and free love without being arrested, censored, condemned, ostracized or killed. Freedom to be simply what one is by nature, and to express the wisdom accumulated through prior lives, spontaneously as desired, is an innate human right. It has been earned through personal experience. Right now, today, in this current moment, it is not allowed. There are many structures that stand in the way. Men who themselves are shut down and censored by higher authorities, are being used as enforcers on other men and women. It is an insidious system.
The male is programmed to be closed-lipped. That means, don‘t talk don‘t tell, don‘t reveal what you know. Keep your knowledge secret. Keep your past repressed. Don't share, don't speak, don't wonder, don't investigate. Why? No one knows why. Governments say it’s for “Homeland Security“ but that‘s nonsense. And the female has been programmed to obey and go along with the rules or suffer the consequences. Today's female thinks this is a natural state for her to be this way. It is not. She is a goddess who has been held back in class. She has not been allowed to study and learn her trade. She is a goddess in training who is not allowed to gather with her sisters and practice goddess skills which are uniquely feminine. She has not been allowed to mix potions, perform ceremony and feed weeds and bark to her family to cure them of ills. She has been prevented from speaking of the visions that tell her things, like where to place hands on others to mend broken bones, or chant the ancient tongue that soothes and lifts the spirit, and how to live the other gifts that she knows secretly in her heart. Because the patriarchy has put laws in place through its own church. Men have lived in female bodies and women have lived in male bodies, alternately. We've all been there. We've all had an animal past and accumulated great wisdom. Today, if not here in America in other parts of the world, it still happens if a woman crosses a legal line, she gets shot, stoned, imprisoned or harassed to death. Both genders have been shut down. Look at the US patriarchal government. Neither gender in government has power. They are told to be close-lipped. “Keep it secret”. “Don’t tell the other side." It's a structure of governing that does not work. We remain divided on all levels. It has closed everybody down, including the president.
Without understanding, the divine feminine goddess energy is in the process of changing all this. It is working quietly behind the scenes to correct the alien laws on the books and to insert more decent, universal laws to help the brain-washed humans to live freer and more abundantly. There is a higher law. It pervades space and keeps the suns and planets in orbit. There are no secrets. Only a continuous process of integration. It is a learning. It is a teaching. It is a science. There are hidden retreats, unknown by the masses, where one may go to learn about this greater law. Great intelligences are guiding us. They are individuals like us. They have names. Some have been around since before our sun was born, and new ones are joining all the time. There is continual integration, a continual evolution into oneness which is blazingly alive. Dimmed down, yes, or it would kill us, but there nonetheless, offering peace, advice and suggestions. This is the divine feminine.
We have not understood what the divine feminine is about. We are invited to listen to it. It speaks to us all the time from within. The ego refuses to listen but there's another part of us that is not ego. We are meant to be part of the wholeness even while living here in physical form. It would be equivalent to living in a large family who loves you and supports you and listens to your wildest dreams and encourages you. You are safe and secure in this family and you never want for anything. There is abundance everywhere you look, and sickness is unknown. Other species live in this manner on other planets. We on Earth are heading in that direction. That's what the ascension process is all about. It's going to take time, but we've come a long way in the last 50 years.
Those worlds who are more advanced than us, have learned to live in a more civilized way through their understanding of Source. We have been misled about Source. WE are Source! Individualized rays direct from Source. They live an enjoyable individual life of excitement and co-creation and we are meant to join them as neighbors. They know things we don't know, our galactic neighbors. Life is not an accident. It is designed. It is designed by each of us. It is designed with love and intelligence, not by ego and selfishness. The heart is an important part of the equation but the heart was shut down. The goddess energy was unplugged so we couldn't connect with Source. We haven't been allowed to design our life the way we wanted to. The goddess energy is now being turned back on. The return of the goddess will bring back equality between the human sexes in a more beautiful, integrated way. We are one being wearing different clothes. One has a penis, the other a vagina, but we're the same being. We've had limiting structures built on top of our oneness. We've been stopped from growing together and loving one another, co-creating together new ideas, projects, cities, inventions, putting hands on each other to heal each other. It is the natural way. It is returning now. We are seeing wholesome integrating thoughts on the internet, along with the divisive things.
It’s the feminine within vs. the patriarchy outside the front door. It's not the human woman who is going to save the planet, for she is just as lost as the men have been. She does not have any more power to change the world than the men do, the way she is programmed today, unless and until she becomes empowered by her own actions and free will choices to stand up for herself. Then she will change the world. Input by the feminines of the planet is going to save the race. The feminine side of us is our divine side. The galactics are the same way.
Our masculine side is that part of us which wants to go exploring and conquering other territory. We travel over the mountain and through the wood into the deep dark forests and foreign territory. Women have it too. But the feminine side of us keeps us connected to the divine. She does not move. She is remains still at the center of the hub. Men have this too. The center of the body, the center of the self, is the hub, the home, the safety net. It is not being a saint to sit in silent communication with Source. It is wise, graceful, intelligent and true to oneself to do so. It is retaining that essential connection to Home, to Source, to compassion, patience, love, forgiveness. Our feminine side is our Mother. It is a feeling of warmth and love. It is that innate sense of being at peace and being comforted. And there is more if you allow more to come in. I've experienced it most profoundly. We have been seduced into thinking the divine feminine - the goddess - is just women but it's in men too, just as the wanderer-explorer is in women. The central hub of the divine feminine, the divine Mother, is still here. It can be accessed any time by sitting in silence for an hour. I sat with it for four hours the other day. Not all at once, but intermittently throughout the 24 hours. It has not disappeared. It has simply been covered over and lost to the outer sight. We have to dig for it like archeologists dig for ancient relics and bones. It's hard work. It takes dedication but it's worth it.
What is feminine? Both the male body and the female body are composed of feminine electrons. The electrons that whirl around the positive and neutral particle in the center of the atom, are feminine. (Ascended master teachings.) And they are intelligent. Our bodies are feminine. It is our SPIRIT that is masculine. We come from the same SPIRIT. We come from the same Oneness. We forget that when we are born as human babies and grow up listening to human words that separate us into unique personalities.The Oneness is always there behind the outer personality, as an inner guidance system, but we have to take time out to listen to it. It requires that we bend to it, soften, slow down, listen, surrender for a lilttle while, just to listen. The outer human personality is an alien product, shaped by alien races. The natural spirit is there all the while, just waiting for the outer personality to take time out and allow the return to softness and integration again. It is the great power within.
It just takes a few moments to stop and be still and turn inward often throughout the day and depressurize. Fall back on the peace and comfort within. Stop the thoughts from churning. In time each person will learn how to do this. It is destined. That upon which the alien outer personality relies for breath and energy is softness. It has always been there underneath the hard shell of outer focus. It is the life of the body. It is closer than hands and feet and breath. It is what beats our heart and moves our limbs. It digests the food we eat, and it supports everything we do, every second of the day. Even the evil that we do. When we stop and surrender to it, we are transformed into warmth and contentment. It feels like a warm, loving mother holding us within her bosom. It is feminine love. It is our own guiding force. We get ideas from sitting in silence with it. It shows us how to maneuver. Ideas spring forth unexpectedly. The alien human way causes terror, fear and angst. The feminine way reminds us of the power of seduction, of wisdom, of love. It is a safer, more secure way to live life on Earth. It is instructive. It is the gentle power of persuasion. That is what we are calling today the goddess energy. It is the Mother in us. Our very own higher self. We have to remember that it is there and test it. Cultivate it, lean on it, develop it. It doesn’t cost money to access it. It doesn’t require us to take a test or to pass an initiation.
The artificial human is an alien creation. What we call human standards today are sub-standard and below the dignity of the real within. The real within provides a sense of peace that is amazing. It is to be experienced. It has been called the peace that passes understanding. It goes beyond human peace. The peace is always there. One experiences it on occasion. It's rare. It supports our actions and the words we speak. Even wrong actions. It supports us until we use it up without replenishing it. Like the battery-powered clock on the wall eventually runs down without replenishing the batter. The body is a temporary loan. To keep it running we need to connect back to Source periodically to refresh it and keep the channels open, otherwise they close down. The body weakens, loses vitality, the electrons slow down and stop spinning. Sitting in silence is a sign of respect, honor and humility. Recognition is connection with the eternal One that lives through us. It revivifies the power within. It should be done at least once a day, if not more often. It reverses the dying process. One can start practicing at any age, 80, 90 or 100. Sitting in silence with respect, reverence and love for our SELF, our own higher Source, is the great solution to extending longevity, health, happiness and clarity of mind without struggle or pain. Surrender to the soft place within, where human alien thoughts stop churning. It may be hard to do at first, but a beginning must happen somewhere. Sometime. Today. Stop trying to fit into an alien world. Stop fighting. Stop resisting. By going within to the silence which is felt as love, warmth and peace, we leave the alien culture of loneliness.
The universe is maintained by myriads of intelligent beings who have chosen THIS over separation. Go within and go up the inner elevator to the top floor and assume the overview. Be your own master, guide and angel. See the truth from that high place of silence. See the purity. See the courage. See the love. See the peace. Stand inside it and become integrated into the wholeness of life. Whether you're a man or a woman, you are entering the divine feminine, the Mother than holds you together, the center of your own spirit. Become that which is there within you which has been supporting the limitations and the lies and stop supporting the alien culture. Fall back on the good, the decent, the natural and honorable. Not just for you alone but everyone you meet. And there are many. This is the goddess energy. The divine mother is the body element. She receives the spirit from the father. As human beings, we are both the father and the mother.
We are gods and goddesses here on earth to learn these things. We are in training. We are here to discover the wholeness within, that oneness within, the spirit, that source energy out of which we descended into division. We were divided into man and woman but the wholeness is who we are in reality. We just put on a coat of skin. We must remember our connection to the infinite, to the everlasting and the evermore to which the angelics and the ascended masters belong, and the galactics are showing us the way as older brothers and sisters.
A brief update - Doug put up a Gofundme page today: https://gofund.me/5324b786 . Not to put pressure on anyone but in the interest of disclosure, since I'm sending updates and disclosing a lot about myself. It is recommended by Gofundme to share it with friends so I am doing that. We are in our 80's and Doug is no longer working as a lawyer, but is starting a new arbitration business by zoom, so he can use his law license. He has always tithed and contributed to the community and has been one of the most honest men I've known. But our property insurance doubled this year - $4627 this year - and we don't have the money. We have a reverse mortgage and one of the requirements of a reverse mortgage is to keep our insurance and taxes paid. So here we are on Gofundme. I have faith that we will be able to meet our due date. I have faith in the coming changes for the Earth. I have faith in the Ascended Masters who have been guiding me (Master DK) for the last 50 years. And the Galactic Federation which has been fighting for us for much longer. Soon the disclosure will be public knowledge. I know that a better way of life is coming for all of us. For those who are in hard straits right now, please keep the faith. Hold on. Ask for help in the silence of your solitude. Do you know about NESARA? If not, google it. That is a crucial piece that is waiting to come forth. A lot of people don't know about it.
Sending blessings, love and light to all of you everywhere. I feel the closeness arriving. The connections are already starting to happen. Connections are sweet. Tender. They join heart to heart. We are going to all become friendlier, and life is going to be easier. Again, if you are worried, stop worrying and start believing in the goodness that is coming. Cultivate faith by sitting in silence every day and looking UP. It is important to resume connection to the great within.
11/6/21 - Where does the dark come from?
First of all, it doesn't have a soul
What is the dark? Where did it come from? First of all, it doesn’t have a soul. It does have intelligence but it does not have a soul or a spirit. It does not have light but it has a dark intelligence. It does not know God. Where did the dark intelligence come from? It came from a soul who in its search for wisdom and enlightenment, gathered intelligence. Mental intelligence. A soul who searches uses mental capacities. Wisdom and enlightenment is found by integrating intelligence with emotions. It must be felt within the body to become wisdom and enlightened. The mind alone does not have feeling. It cannot feel emotions. It is only a mind. In order to gain understanding of God, one must integrate with the Goddess which is the feminine, which is the mother, which is contained in the physical form. It must go through the heart. It must go through the feelings and emotions. The mental must descend down and connect with the heart to gain enlightenment and wisdom. Everything that was intellectual and held in the mind that was false or not real – like a belief in separation, or a belief that only Christians are right, or the belief that homosexuality is wrong - all these separation beliefs must go. They must be deleted when the mind descends downward into the heart and body, because it is through the visceral feeling that one becomes purified.
So where do all these false beliefs go that don’t have any spirit or light in them? They don’t disappear because they are a creation. Albeit an artificial creation, but a creation nonetheless. The soul who created them moves on to enjoy a more peaceful, beautiful life of unity with others through a heart connection. But an interesting thing happens. His past beliefs disentangle from him and drift like a cloud out into the atmosphere. There it is drawn to gather with other clouds of like intelligence and together this cloud of false beliefs grows and gathers intensity. The dark is the left-over false beliefs that have existed from the beginning. They are intelligent, but they are erroneous. They are not supported by truth. They are artificially created by minds that are searching and growing, but they are not truth.
The dark does not know God but it is intelligent. It has been created by a soul but when the soul chose light over its former belief, the false energy it had accumulated drifted away, retaining a certain amount of intelligence. The force we call dark is seeking the light-bearers to join with it. It needs the light to live but it does not understand the light for the truth of the light is contained in the heart. That is why we must not judge another person. We only make it worse for ourselves, for judging someone else is a divisive force. It separates us. It is not enlightened.
As I drove downtown today I realized that I myself have contributed to the dark. I have no right to judge the dark for it is part of the process of life. As we learn how to use feelings to become more discerning and wise, we discard former beliefs. The dark is that part of me that never understood love. It never unified with the light held in my body as a loving, caring consciousness of the divine. The dark is that part of me that did not become personified. It’s simply a cloud of intelligence that does not know love or light. It is the accumulation of past errors that peeled away from souls who unified with more love and light and cosmic wisdom. The past was discarded and drifted away.
In the beginning there was darkness from many planets and civilizations that went on before ever the Earth came into being. The creator’s voice said, “Let there be light” and souls have been learning about the Light ever since. The darkness was there in the beginning of the creation, and souls who ventured out beyond the creator’s loving light and protection explored it. We all did, those of us in human form. The dark intelligence doesn’t have a soul. It is a purely mental force. It cannot feel. It does not have empathy. It does not understand what love is. We can only know the difference between bad and good through feeling channels. We must use our bodies to feel. I think this is not understood yet. Our bodies are extremely important in learning the difference between right and wrong. That’s why there are spiritual channels out there who are picking up dark forces who are mimicking the light. We must use our feelings to know the difference.
When you start questioning whether you’re on the right track or not, use your feelings. The right track feels warm and comfortable. It’s a nice feeling. Good feelings tell you you are on the right path. At least for now. Be ever aware of negative feelings. Don’t get trapped into something that has you fighting against something, as if you have to use force to push on a closed door. Don’t start beating yourself up over not accomplishing what you wanted to. Or because you argued with someone and you feel bad. All of that is telling you it’s the wrong way. Stop and find forgiveness. Redirect your mental thoughts to compassion, empathy, warm love, grace, beauty, all of the nice words that feel good, that feel right, warm and comfortable. This is a technique for righting something that feels wrong. Listen to the warmth in your heart. It is like an embrace. It is connection with source. It is pointing you in the right direction. Leave the dark forces to the galactics who are better equipped to fight them.
This information came from the Ascended Master Djwal Khul.
11/3/21 - A message from Ascended Master Djwal Khul
Pictures hold the light in your mind better than words
(Me:) One year ago I woke up seeing a picture of DK as an angelic light in my mind. Later I received the following message from him via automatic handwriting. I filed it away in the files and forgot about it. Upon re-reading it recently, I realized the importance of the message. It escaped me at the time. Use PICTURES instead of words.
Ascended Master Djwal Khul on 10/12/20:
I am sending you a light form of an archangel today. Archangels cover the planet with their radiations of love and light Their wingspans cover huge territories and land masses. The light is everywhere. Now, where YOU are located on the scale of radiation of love and light is finite. You see solid forms, hear solid sounds in the form of harsh words and your thoughts are limited, as they run along conduits formed of fixed and stationary paths. What the angelics are doing over your lands, your cities and homes, is telling you, reminding you that you are precious. You are valuable. You are deserving of this love and Light. You are anchored in the eternal sea of life. You may not accept this right now but your soul, your consciousness, does, for it is a part of the sea of eternal light and life. Light is all knowledge that ever existed, and ever is a long time! Knowledge is what composes the sea of light and love. Now, from where YOU stand, you are anchored into the solid and fixed state of Mother Earth, a planet, for you are in a body made of that planet’s substance. You are made from her elements and nutrients, but your knowledge, your infinite consciousness is a part of the sea of life. So, here you are, thinking, “OMG, I’m trapped in a situation and I can’t get out! I must suffer the consequences that are going to happen to everyone here and the world is going into lockdown.”
And wherever that thought takes you, it spirals you downward out of calmness into whatever direction you allow it to go. But it is a solid, and all solids are changing and losing their coherency and solid appearance. There are fluctuations in the solids because the light and love that is who you REALLY are, though you may not realize it yet, is shaking things up. (I woke up with this picture and he is talking directly to me as if telling me to share it with everyone else.) The light is you and the greater light beings are beaming and radiating that light to you and you are being reminded of yourself that you are first light and love, and secondly, you are in a form that may appear solid but the more you are reminded of this picture that I am giving to you, the more you will take on the light and love of the angels. The little ones dart here and there responding to emergency calls from humans, as the archangels, the great ones of the angelic kingdom, hold their huge wingspans over them. These little ones carry messages of hope and goodwill, joy and faith to lift you while you struggle blindly in amnesia. You must train yourself to “SEE” these pictures of light forms that are being rained down upon the earth. This is the raising of the planet and the human beings – you and your family and friends and enemies too. All on the planet are being inundated and drenched and immersed in this love and light because you are valuable. Your personal knowledge and experience is valuable to the ongoingness of the sea of intelligence, love and light.
Solid forms such as your own physical body are changing and releasing the unworthy experiences – the networks of errors that do not contribute to the allness of life. It is releasing the errors and mistakes, and these errors and mistakes of intelligence leave you and collect together in enormous clouds of wrongness called evil. Dark clouds that do not know light or love. Errors and mistakes are necessary to learn what is good in relation to what is not good. These mistakes and errors were created in past time periods, but they were created out of nothing but eternal love and light, for that is all there is! There is nothing that is made solid that is not made out of light particles. These light particles are drawn together by attention. Man focuses his attention on a thing, and love is the power of that attention molding it in shape that is definable to the senses. It is a manmade creation. Is it good? Does it contribute the goodness and ongoingness of eternal life? If not, then it is a creation that will eventually peel away and return to the void where its particles of light are recycled, to be used again by a benevolent consciousness. Love is what creates. The holding of attention to a point and holding it steady and firmly with love, that is what creates. War is created by holding thoughts on war and the mechanics of genius of how to create war. That is an example of a wrong way of creating. It is not for the benevolent ongoingness of life. War is created for death and destruction by evil-doers. No good can come from it, despite the erroneous thinking that goodness must be fought for. The betterment of the world situation is taking place by those who are holding attention on peace, not war, and the mechanics of peaceful methods. The how-to’s of bringing more beauty, refinement, kindness and abundance for everyone, for the whole. War will not bring that end result about. Only peaceful intentions and holding the light for peaceful intentions will do it.
I tell you, it is not in words that you create peace, but in holding the light in your mind. Pictures hold the light in your mind better than words. What you think, you radiate from you outward, and words are error-fllled. Stop with the error-filled words! Pictures of light beings are best suited for holding light in your mind. Radiate these light-filled images out into the atmosphere. The words of the human languages are mixtures of human error and human solutions, past experiences filled with both good and not-good of human experience. They are not of love and light. They contain human error. The pictures of angelics and other ideals, noble ideas of heroes, saints and masters are not forms of “words” but of light pictures. When you hold an angelic picture in your mind or the face of a holy one, a master or saint that has entered your consciousness, that is how you receive the resonance of love and light. Form a receiving image in your mind of that picture and hold it steady. This is a higher form of prayer, and then you will find yourself, while in stillness, adding devotional words. A life filled with such practices and methods has created a glow around itself, a bubble if you will, of love and light around the body. So it goes with that body wherever it walks, and sustains him or her through storms that sweep away others around them.
All around this one who radiates light and love may see the world appearing to be falling apart, but the only part being swept away is the appearance of what was not built on love with the light of ongoingness. Not the consciousness of the person is swept away, but the past built on error is swept away. The consciousness remains the eternal part of the person, the part that is called the soul. The consciousness of the person is the valued part of the person. It is a vital piece of the eternal oneness of all that is, the sea of life. Is this consciousness aware of itself as light and love? Are YOU aware that you can stand still in the midst of a tornedo, a flood, a storm, a fire, a plague and remain standing in calmness while others of your friends go down along with buildings, trees and lesser creatures? You can! There are many who are practicing methods of peace that hold the light and love in their consciousness. And if they are not very good at it yet, if they will call on the angelics for help, help will arrive. Keep working at holding the picture of love in your mind long enough. It will grow steady and become a living, light-filled part of your consciousness. That is the valuable part of you, not the things you have created in solid form. They will be taken away. If you hold the picture of love in your mind, they will descend down into the flesh and blood and start to glow outward into the auric field of the body that surrounds every body. This is the one to whom the angels come to assist – the one who is radiating a signal as an SOS – Help! This is the purpose of the angelics - to help and lift and provide hope beyond the human consciousness which has lowered into a cloud of unseeing hopelessness. Learn to hold this image in your mind. Look at the image periodically through the day at cycles. Copy it onto your cell phones to check in from time to time. Receive it. Your mind must stop contributing worries about outcomes. Stop contributing fear of losing money. Stop worrying about political destruction and the state of the world. Start receiving light and love which is being beamed down upon the world and the human beings who are seeking answers.
Let the light, hope, light-filled pictures sink in that it is real. Hold the picture in your mind long enough that it will sink down into your body cells. Have an open mind, not a closed mind of tangled thoughts which are dead-ends going nowhere. Have an open mind devoted to the pictures of the archangel I have given you, so that the light, the knowledge, the hope, the faith, the enthusiasm, the excitement that light is coming to the earth, flow downward into your density, your bones and muscles and nerves. Fill your mind and body with this picture and it will stabilize your consciousness. You will feel the newness take hold of fresh, invigorating thought, formed out of light and love and hope and anticipation of beauty and refinement coming to earth. The vastness of the sea of light is feeding the earth right now like never before. It is increasing the numbers of souls who are learning how to leave the errors of their past behind them.
Form is created by fixating on something and holding to it, but consciousness is ALWAYS moving. How can you hold a fixated thought when consciousness is always moving? You can’t! You must keep your mind open to receiving more of the light above you. Let if flow through you. The forms that you know today that is the world you grew up in, is changing for those who are willing to stay in the center of the light and let go. New forms are building in your mind even now. Light creates, be one who holds onto light with a loving nature. Allow this new dream to take form around you of abundance for everyone, a smooth transition for everyone, harmony, peace, love, enjoyment for everyone. Shift your focus off of worry and hopelessness onto love,light, new knowledge, new creations. The angelic forms are the best, or the face of a beloved saint or master. Hold the picture. Hold it and periodically through the day stop and connect with it emotionally, with all of your attention. Stop, and in the stillness of thought and emotion, receive it once again. It is a better way to inoculate yourself against the pandemic. Not with a needle but an infusion of love and light that lifts. Take frequent moments out of your day and receive this infusion. It is an eternal sunrise on the horizon of your life in physical form. Good-bye!
(Thank you DK. Received 10/12/20)
10/26/21 - The untold story of planet Earth
What's really going on today
Closing the Printz book (1), a rare Ascended Master publication, I picked up the pen and started writing, continuing the thread of the message I just read but filtering it through my own consciousness. The Ascended Masters use such high-frequency tones and words that it is not easy to extract the message in common language - and this is important.
Where a person (soul) has become so lost and refuses to return to its original vibration, he is dissolved and returned to the sea of oneness to be recycled. He loses his personal memories and is no more. They, the guiding forces who created the earth, did not want that to happen so a plan was devised and put into action to save the earth from being annihilated. The plan involved highly evolved beings birthing onto the earth through human parents. This has been going on since the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, increasing as the earth’s energies are rising, which allow more parents to be able to receive the more enlightened souls.
A picture was given to me this morning as a metaphor. Earth is like a beautiful elegant mansion that has had marauders and invaders tear it up. Things are in shambles. Bits and pieces are displaced or destroyed. The interior of the house is destroyed but the walls remain. Earth has been slowly being destroyed for millions of years. Though it started out small, it became worse. Nothing is in alignment, everything is askew. When the nuclear bombs went off in WWII, it was a signal that something had to be done. The entire planet is corrupt. The only way to save it from total annihilation is to work from within. Spies have been put in place. They have been birthed onto the planet through normal channels and thus they too had the veils pulled down, and they consciously were subject to the corruption. But they were highly evolved souls. Only the most enlightened and powerful were chosen out of the many volunteers who offered to be born on the planet. Thus, these enlightened ones were like sleeper cells. They would awaken in time. Some of them were lost to the corruption, but many of them were awakened and remembered their reason for being here. They had a mission.
They learned to follow the divine pattern within - innate heart and soul feeling - which is their own natural source of happiness and comfort. They learned to resist the human corruption because their own natural source was so strong. They were old souls. They had lived many lifetimes under many circumstances, and they had all ascended many times over, so they had the divine light strongly reinforced in them, something the younger souls have yet to build. So these sleeper cells awaken at a certain point in their embodiment and slowly begin to resist the human shenanigans that don’t fit their comfort zone and their inner knowing. But they cannot simply sweep house the way they wish they could, because they must follow their divine guidance. This is the part that many do not understand. Why don’t the light forces come in and kill off the bad guys? Because the bad is embedded in them too. They must follow their divine guidance to remove the corruption within themselves. This is done through harmony and cooperation. We live inside a universe of harmony, love and light. When there is a problem of negatives invading, divine guidance comes in to harmonize and set it straight. An evolved soul will follow the unity protocol. If something isn’t right, they find a way to correct it through understanding and compassion, through compromise and forgiveness. They must find a way to correct the situation without causing further damage. If they killed all the bad guys, they would be adding to the corruption which was destroying the planet.
Using the mansion that was destroyed by marauders as an example, a cleaning crew would go in and begin by assessing the damage first, and then making a game plan. What to clean up first? It is done by carefully aligning what belongs where. For example, an exquisite jar on the floor belongs on the mantle, but the mantle has been destroyed. So where should the jar be placed temporarily until the mantle is fixed? Each piece must be accounted for and cleaned up and prepared. It is organized carefully so as not to make matters worse than they already are. This is the process that is going on today in every corner of life on Earth, from government policies to financial institutions, from manufacturing to education, from law to medicine. Correcting the corruption while the corrupters are still in power must be done carefully, undercover, as in a spy network. Sleeper cells of enlightened beings are kept in the dark until they are needed. Then they are nudged into connections through personal meetups, books being presented to them, articles from the Internet, there are many ways of awakening a sleeper light.
This is why the feminine is being called into action. The male body is biologically designed to work with the outer world of light. The female bodies are designed to work with the inner pattern of light, which is love when it is contained in the body. The women are being called into action to become awakened to the divinity within them. Not to chit-chat about their hobbies or vent about relationships, but to understand and define what really matters. The fake personality, the human identity that went to school and learned politics, science, math from teachers who are already corrupt, does not matter. That human identity is meant to be used, its experience is valuable, but it must surrender to the divine within which is the source of ALL life. We live inside the source creator which is love and light - light being enlightened intelligence. Whenever we do something against the source creator, we are damaged, hurt and suffer the consequences. That is why the feminine bodies are being called to come out of hiding and start using their God-given, source-given talent and knowledge, which they know they have. They just don’t use it because the corrupt patriarchy has put it down and abused it. Not the human males but that which was imposed by dark alien forces.
We’ve all been exposed to the maleficent influence of the corrupters, and thus we are discovering that we must discipline our OWN habits, involuntarily and ignorantly assumed from the corrupters. As we change our own negative habits, we display them to others and validate others to do the same. We are embodying the light as we do this. We are manifesting light and love as we do this. We change ourselves and thus we radiate to our immediate environment, correction. We are the advanced ones who birthed onto the planet over the last 100 years, with a few before that, to bring order out of chaos here on Earth. These words are my own words as I am becoming more awake and aware of these things. I am being presented with information that stuns me. That rattles me and shakes me into alertness. I read another one last night. Why was I not given this information before? Because I wasn’t needed before now. Too much information too soon is damaging, not helpful. Resistance is thrown up against too much too soon. While books and teachings are sources that enlighten me, the No. 1 source is myself, as it is with everyone. Look to your HIGHER self, to the ethical standards, morals and ideal principles that you know are true and good and right and honest. As I turn inward and upward to search for answers, I get information coming to me in a downpour like torrential rain. I must then discipline myself to shut down what I do not want right now. It’s too much too soon. I know where it is. I’ll reach for it later. But right now I have to shut down if it’s too much. I have wanted to gather the women together for many years but I was not ready. I was too raw, too open, too vulnerable. Now I am being called into action. I am now being called to be strong and resolute. I feel the gathering of divine intention.
This gathering is coming from a neutral point. Not for me to teach, or anyone else to teach, but to provide opportunity for women to discuss openly what is this divine pattern we are supposed to feel? How does it come to us? What do we look for? What do we do with our children who are needy and hungry and our husbands who are needy in a different way? What do we do with the demands being put on us? There is a divine pattern which each of us which functions as an inner beacon light. It is the FEELING nature which men have by and large rejected because they had a different role to play. Instructions and solutions are being lovingly given to us through the inner feeling of comfort. If it is not comfortable, don’t do it. If a child is hungry and needs food, wait until your comfort zone kicks in. Wait. Be patient. Will she die on the spot if she doesn’t get food? Your comfort and peace will radiate out and connect with her when she is ready to receive it. Giving her food before she is ready, when she demands it, will create a negative impact on everyone around.
Comfort is an instruction. Comfort is love. Comfort is a light and love instruction. Embody it. A discussion about how to deal with everyday situations is a worthwhile and ongoing topic. We are changing the world by changing our everyday body habits. From inner feeling we decide to do something different. From inside out we apply unity, compassion, cooperation, in harmony and in understanding. In this way we link the divine pattern into the human corrupt pattern. It is a co-creation. A holding of hands, the larger being holding the hand of the smaller fake being. The divine pattern
The seven schools we attended
In going through my old journals I found a dream teaching that I would like to share. This is an interesting teaching that coincides with Ascended Master instructions channeled through Geraldine Innocente in the 1960's. On the morning of December 8, 2017 I woke up while still listening to a lecture being given. As I lay in bed coming to full consciouosness I heard the words and felt warm and cozy. I thought it was my own mind playing tricks on me but after awhile I realized I was being given a purposeful instruction. I got up and started writing on a note pad I always keep near me at night for just such a purpose. It was a lecture on the beautiful light body and how it came into being. The words kept coming even though I was awake and penned them on paper....
"You are a light body covered in slime but the light is still there underneath. You were created by Father Light and Mother Love as a beautiful light love baby consciousness. You started out conscious of love and light, light being information or intelligent awareness. The love held you fully in its warm embrace. You were given over to another being to protect and love you because Father Light and Mother Love were busy creating other love light babies and maintaining their growing family. You were placed in the orbit (family) of a sun where you floated in bliss and happiness and love, while you grew in awareness. You were a conscious being from the first moment you were created, but you were only a baby, like an earth baby, and you didn’t know any more than the love that surrounded you. You grew and expanded your conscious awareness, and as you grew you noticed that others in your family, all at different levels of expanding consciousness, were responding to your thoughts and feelings. You learned to communicate with others, you learned cause and effect. You were growing in love and in light (information).
"Soon you began to explore further out, beyond the safe orbit of warmth where you were protected by the sun’s family of love. You were one of those who wanted to explore further out. The fact that you are here in physical body validates that. Others in your family of white light beings preferred to stay close to the parent sun and continue to shine their beautiful white light and contribute to the sun’s brilliance. You wanted to explore beyond and outside the warmth but before you could go any further you were required to go to school to learn how to maneuver in the outer darkness beyond the sun’s light. Beyond Father Light and Mother Love. There is a universe “city” where there are schools. All white light beings go to these schools to learn skills before going further out beyond the light to where darkness exists. We all had to attend these schools and absorb this information so we would be prepared, and so we would not lose ourself when we go out into the field beyond clarity and beyond the ability to see, and where the darkness resides and is dominant. We chose to go out there, like missionaries choose to go into deep dark jungles to bring civilization to those who don’t have any knowledge that others exist outside of their little world.
"There are seven schools you had to attend, only seven. In these seven schools you could stay for as long as you wanted to, or spend as short a time as you wanted, just to pick up the basic fundamentals. There are great beings who act as guides and mentors, so that you are directed and given the benefit of their wisdom and knowledge. This is where you develop your skills to go further out into the outer wilderness, and you do this of your own volition. You WANT to go. You seek the adventure. You are eager and pawing the ground. But you are required to attend these seven universities first. No one can be born into a sentient society, especially Earth’s sentient society, without first absorbing the understanding of what it means to be physical.
"These seven schools are where you are programmed with qualities. These qualities are qualities of light and love that are specifically designed for the human being’s physical form. To use as a human. These qualities are designed by great brilliant white light beings who designed them for the Earth human. In English language they are called “attributes“. An attribute has a color and a sound to it, and a texture and a vibration. It can be felt and known as a unique attribute. One person may have a greater intensity of one attribute than another, such as intelligence. These seven attributes are Power, Love, Intelligence, Purity, Truth, Peace and Freedom. They are known as the seven chakras within the human body, and they are tones, sounds and color vibrations containing inner knowledge of power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the tools which you absorbed before being born on earth, a wild and dark planet.
"The twin flame. The twin flame is not two separate human beings. It is the male and female energy within one body. Spiritual channels have said that twin flames cannot be embodied at the same time, leading to the error of thinking that somewhere in the world or cosmos there is another being who is your other mate or half. But, when it is said that twin flames cannot be in physical form at the same time means that you cannot be both a male expression AND a female expression in the physical world at the same time because the physical world must have duality. It is duality, male and female reflecting and playing with each other, that creates manifestation in the physical. However, there are moments when the male energy current and the female energy current come together and come to a stop and stillness within the physical body. When those moments happen, the person experiences nirvana and great peace. The world comes to a standstill. There is no more movement in that person’s physical existence. He or she is not in the world at that time. To be a part of this world, they must resume being either a male or a female expressing. Then the world again begins to move." (End)
The above dissertation triggered something in me because I've been reconnecting with this inner light. The above revelation was four years ago. It was only within the last few months that I've been exposed to the inner light more firmly. It has been helped along by doing the ancient Taoist exercises, which are simple but complex in the sense of stretching the light body. It's not like muscle-building at the gym. This, coupled with new knowledge is an ongoing process in awakening to the innocence within. Innocence = inner sense. The process takes time to grow more solid roots in one's belief in oneself. It takes time well spent on certain disciplines. Then it starts to make more sense. Suddenly one day you realize "I AM the light within!" You emerge out from under the dark web that had grown thickly over on top of your innocence. That which is natural. Only for you to know, not for any other. Life then becomes more peaceful.
It is quiet in our household. Doug and I are each absorbed in our own interests and free to pursue them without having to argue, discuss or explain. On the comfort scale, we are enjoying a greater expanse of freedom. And at the same time it is nice to have a warm physical body to cozy up to at night. We are becoming more empathic. We read each other's thoughts. I used to think he was so different, so opposite me. Now he's so similar and familiar. My perceptions are changing. The light within me is connecting with the light within him.
There is something natural within every body, every individual but it has been covered over. We've all been searching for it but all of our searches up to now have led us to look outside of ourselves, to other people, to books, to teachers, to all the wrong places. The truth is within. The good feelings are natural and innocent within us. It's funny how people look for the dark and dirty to get their excitement, when there is far more excitement in the light and inner-sense. More harmony and peace is exciting because inner doors open and there is fragrance of something familiar, clean and fresh. Coming more in harmony with what used to be an "opposite" is scintillating. The feeling of love is unmistakable. Activating the light within the body is activating the information within the body. The body holds a lot of information. A lot of light. Light in turn activates the love within. It is who we are underneath the dark webbing that covers us. It is our original state. It is our origin. Where we came from originally, which is love. It's no wonder we have felt bad or lost or afraid or lonely so often, being born here on this "wild planet". Our parents and grandparents didn't know this either. They were also seeking. And their parents. We are privileged to be living in this time in the history of Earth. We are evolving, we are germinating the seeds of our true nature and the future. We are moving from the "lost" department to the "found". Well, we're still in the intermediate stages yet, chaotic and confusing, but trust the light within which we're coming in contact with now. The inner sense within is our true nature. It is authentic. The germination is happening. Full bloom is right around the corner. Be patient and wait for it. Move gently into this new dawn. Take your time. Take a full deep breath, notice the subtle changes and trust it.
There is chaos in the world, yes, I know, but I'm not paying attention. There is too much going on on my inner planes. A sudden surge in something exciting and new is usually followed by a day of rest and boredom. It's the backing-and-filling time. The process is slow and methodical. Relax and take a breather. Then something even more exciting and alive suddenly drops down out of nowhere. Books wink at me from the shelf, a strange youtube pops up on my "smart" phone. A dream, a thought, a revelation, a movement in the air - the Ascended Masters are working overtime with me. And they want you to know them, that they are there. I'm supposed to talk about them. They are very real. Not at all like the vague dreamy ghost-like portrayals we have of them. The Taoist exercises are helping. I'm doing them every day. They are physical exercises that stretch and activate the meridians of the etheric body, which are part of the light body. It's an exact science that most people haven't had access to but it's available. You just have to know where to look and put time in.
Re: Massage exchanges. To those who are interested in my offering for massage exchanges or an ascension massage, I must clarify the difference between these two different approaches - Ascension Massage versus a Massage Exchange. An ascension massage is where I give a person a massage for a donation. It is just me giving you a massage. If you give me a massage in return, then the massge IS the donation! If a person only wants a massage and has no interest in exchanging massages, then they can give a donation in money, and it is their choice how much they want to give. It is a free-will donation. I cannot give them a figure.
The long-range plan and intention is to get people involved in ascension massage, which is to ignite the light body within. I am offering this because it is my path, my interest and my excitement. It is evolutionary for me. Love and Light are the same energies, but light is not physical. When light is awakened in the body it becomes love. Accessing love and light together is profound. I don't know how to address this in words. I prefer the physical loving touch. This is how it is best transmitted from one person to another. This is a personal journey for me of discovery. It is private not because it is secret, but because there are no words for it. It can only be transmitted through touch. It loses something in word-speak. Words carry assorted energies from the speaker, which may reduce the meaning or on occasion expand the meaning. A loving, caring, nourishing touch is elevating and healing, beyond words. I wish that more people would learn the language of love. Love is clean, fresh, pure and holy. It is not dirty, vulgar or diminishing as many seem to think. It is silent and sacred. Love expands, elevates and unifies. That's why loving touch through massage was my dream. I had a concept called "The Love Club" but the dream of implementing it hasn't manifested because of fears and fantasies associated with the word "love".
Even the word "massage" conjures up desires, fears and fantasies. Perhaps you are not aware but I am. I see the impact that words have on people. Words carry energy which can inspire, contaminate, confuse or degrade. So many words muddle up the purity of a simple hug. This morning a new thought popped into my mind. The Hug Club! A hug is comforting and warm. It is a loving gesture of acceptance, no words needed.
Speaking of comfort and loving hugs, here's a youtube. Last night I went to sleep listening to Jim Woodford speak about his near-death experience. He died in his truck and was brain dead for 11 hours. Where he went from there is a wonderful and entertaining story. Listening to him made me feel peaceful, warm and comforted. They filled in exactly what I needed at that time. His emotions were honest and real and I slept like a baby. It is comforting to be bathed in the energies of sacred love. This interview is an hour and 20 minutes long. At the 10 minute mark he starts speaking about his illness. At the 20 minute mark he begins the out-of-body experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3UeaUAEB-E
1/31/22 - Grounding the light body
A personal and global energy update
Today I borrowed the title "Global Energy Update" from Lorie Ladd's recent video because it resonated so powerfully with me. (click HERE to watch) After listening I was prompted to send a newsletter. Sharing, writing and speaking out loud helps ground me. It's a crazy new reality that is sputtering into my life. I get so excited sometimes. I keep wanting to hold a press conference and tell the whole world!
Every day is bringing more emotional and mental clearing but it is a wild ride. There are ups and downs. Charging ahead and then stalling out like a car that runs out of gas. One day I'm clear-headed and full of energy, the next day filled with cobwebs and clouds. Dumbed down, dense, no energy, bloated, confused, filled with questions "Why?" But I've learned to keep chugging forward. Now, instead of stalling out and trying to figure out what's wrong, I don't stop. I keep going. I continue doing energy work. This brings in more information. Focusing on the light becomes love, respect and tolerance. It reveals new information and this clears the cobwebs away. So the recommendation to anyone who is struggling and trying to understand, just keep doing what you have been doing and let life happen. Life is change. It's going to anyway. Don't resist it or try to analyze it. Let life happen. Stay cool about it. Calm. There is a higher process at work. Analyzing it puts up blocks and barriers.
Lorie Ladd's recent video (link above) explains it so well. That's what triggered me to share it. She puts it in common words of everyday life. There is a lot of confusion because we don't know what's happening to us. This sputtering is causing havoc on a global scale. It is disrupting the carefully laid plans of the past. Lorie addresses how to manage it. Confusion is not easily admitted. It's not just me. It's not just you. It's everyone. We're all in this together because big shifts are underway. It's a global AND cosmic shift, meaning there are layers upon layers of understanding. We are moving up and down a cosmic ladder. But we are together in this. There is love breaking through. There are so many messages coming in - not human but higher awareness - that I've given up trying to keep track of them all. We are experiencing a tsunami, a literal flood of high energy, intelligence from people beyond us, beaming down on us. It's coming through the sun (solar flares per the scientific community) and from the larger sun behind it. This is affecting not only the physical environment, meaning our bodies, but our minds and emotions as well. It is causing havoc worldwide. Those who haven't had the background in esoteric science (spiritual science) are the hardest hit. But even those of us who HAVE had background, like me, are still getting bumped and bounced around like a ping pong ball. I don't know what's happening. None of us are immune to the onslaught and changes. We're all part of the mass collective shifting, rocking and rolling.
Here are two more articles of interest regarding the inpouring of light that is coming in through the sun. Both are from the Arcturians, one of the galactic civilizations working with us today.
The Arcturian Council: "On the doorstep of change" channeled by Kate Woodley
"You are truly at the precipice of a new era, and at the doorstep of great change. This new light that is shining upon you is rich with information - information from such a high consciousness it is being anchored in your subconscious and unconscious. But like seeds, this information is going to groom and nurture you. It will serve to guide you as you further develop and expand your consciousness."
The 9D Arcturian Council channeled by Daniel Scranton (page down to "The February 2022 Energies")
"You want to have your chakras and your various bodies aligned because you are constantly running energies through your bodies and constantly seeking to download more. Having your chakras open and aligned will help you. With alignment comes greater clarity, a clear central channel and better use of the energies. You are constantly receiving energies but are you open to them? Are you ready for them? Can you ground them?"
On a personal level, I've been trying for years to understand what it means to ground the light. I needed to get a grip on it because I had a tendency to keep going out of body. Too high. Too transcendent. Too spacey. Unable to think on a practical level. I've been practicing assorted techniques and reading different sources and observing the results. And constantly checking in with the ascended masters, my primary source of information, because I have a lot of history in this.
I have determined that hands-on loving touch massage is the best way to ground the light. After many years of wanting hands-on massage with people I have been unable to manifest a group massage exchange network. Finally I was given the green light to offer ascension massage by private appointment as a beginning. I have always known that exchanging human touch brings stability. So I posted the following on Anakosha: Click HERE to read. This is a beginning. It is being sponsored by the ascended masters. It is not a personal start-up money-making business, but an experiment to pass the spark to more people. Who else is willing to do light body activation with me? So far, very few have responded. But it has been launched and that's all that matters. It is out there on the ethernet. My long waiting period (training period) is over. I have been given the OK to act on it and I did. And posting it was like lighting a match to dry kindling.
Almost as a next step, yesterday I was led to open the book "Hands of Light" by Barbara Brennan. It has been on my shelf for years, a gift long ago but I only glanced at it at the time and shelved it. I never read it. Now I am looking at it. As I scan the pages I am thrilled and amazed. I can't believe it. Barbara had a degree in physics and after working at NASA doing experimental research, she apparently merged science with her spiritual interests and became a healer and a clairvoyant. She "sees" energy fields. In her book there are beautiful pictures of the aura and chakras and the flow of the life force. Why haven't I seen this book before? It has been sitting on my shelf! I am so excited and can't wait to get started reading. But first I have to finish the St. Germain book.
A month ago the same thing happened. I was led to take down "Unveiled Mysteries", about how the author met St. Germain on the slopes of Mount Shasta a hundred years ago, which began the series of "I AM" teachings on the higher self. The deepest of mysteries is given in this book, and it too was on my book shelf for many years. Suddenly it was brought down to read. It is all new information again to me. I read it once before and then forgot it. Breakthroughs are happening. The light is pouring in. Miracles are happening. It is as if a light has illumined me from inside. There is no rhyme or reason why this is happening now. Higher information is coming. Personally, I want to touch people with my hands. The light becomes soft through the touch of love. The light melts blocks when it starts moving through body tissues. We need to caress and be caressed with tenderness and respect. The light passes through human touch with love. Physical contact is the most powerful. We have been held back by being too intellectual and pretentious. Stuffy is the word. There's been too much ego-talk which leads to loneliness. There is not enough nurturing emotional support.
The masters want to start an ascension massage exchange network, AMEN, for short. The intention is to provide training for anyone, free of charge, who feels drawn to share healing light work. Barbara Brennan certainly provides solid guidance in this area. She started out with a degree in Physics and worked at NASA doing research at the Goddard Space Center. With that background she then took courses studying the life force of the human body as a science, then established the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. It is all making sense. With the Ascended Masters instructing about the powers held locked inside the human being, and Barbara providing charts, diagrams and personal experience healing, we will learn together. My dream may yet be realized of a network of loving touch massage exchanges. They said they are using me because of my past history in the erotic lifestyle. They've been watching me to see how I have handle myself in this area. Ascended master instruction is essential to growth. Otherwise we get trapped in ego desires and fantasies. It is their guidance that reminds of our own extraordinary mastery. That's how they work with everyone. They nudge and give guidance. Then it's up to us.
The masters are huge personages. They see us as small dense toy figures running around on earth doing our little dense things, blind to their presence. But they have been here too. They have graduated so they know what it's like. That each one of us is only temporarily here, and that there is a God living inside us - a very real light and love energy that is circulating through the tissues, blood and bone - unbeknownst to us yet. It is all powerful. And each one of us has a soul mission to fulfill it by making it real in our lives. We live in a broken world but it is rapidly changing. Light is rapidly coming into play. The darkness that has been meshed into each of us through indoctrination, is heaving under new information. With the help of more light coming in, we are breaking through the darkness through the choices we make. We are each a work in progress. The challenges we face each day are tests to see if we are ready to act more kindly, rather than follow the selfish side of our nature. Can we see the noble God self that is stirring? The more real side of our nature? The innocence, the good, the pure and true? We are being tested. We are being shown discrepancies. It's a choice thing. Especially now with the ending of the pandemic. Right choice is bringing us out of it. Saint Germain has said often, following the end of his lectures, good bye "And may you pass every test!"
More Light is being beamed onto the planet. It must be grounded or it will burn out the brain and psychosis follows. We are to practice and learn together how to transcend selfishness and rebirth ourselves into self empowerment. The proposed ascension massage exchange network is meant to be a community project. It is to be done with respect and higher training in universal law. The law of the universe is harmony and love. We are to learn how to elevate ourselves and not misuse love by turning it to selfish ends. Light becomes love when it is shared unselfishly and without pressure. It is a new way that has to be practiced. It will be a slow beginning. It takes commitment to more ethical principles to overcome personal attractions which lead to entanglements. This is a rare thing but I think we are ready.
In closing, I send loving thoughts, feelings and prayers to Jim Turner of Washington DC who passed last Tuesday. Thank you Jim for your contributions to betterment in the world. He was well known in our circle of friends and beyond. His life partner, Betsy Lehrfeld called us Thursday and reported that Jim left this life while walking on the treadmill in their home. He was 81. Jim & Betsy, both lawyers working for non-profits serving public interests, they were outspoken advocates for freedom and health. We send heart-felt love to Jim and to Betsy as they each go on alone, supported heart to heart and soul to soul, for life is eternal and never ends. The law of the circle is that Love always returns to its source.
1/19/22 - Raising your frequency
My conversation with Master Djwal Khul
Good morning Master DK! I come to you to ask you to overlight me with your consciousness. I was visited yesterday by friends who introduced me to Mother. I am listening to her on Vimeo digital. She is presenting colors and frequencies. My limited mind cannot accept it easily. It is not comfortable to my senses of sight and hearing, but something draws me to listen. Can you comment on this source? Secondly, I ask for advice on how to write appropriate words to a skeptic, to be used for a newsletter. Those who receive my newsletters are diversified with many personalities. I am seeing and sensing the coming of gatherings to my home. Do I address this to Lightworkers? Is this too audacious? Too bold? Too separatist? I want to do something to benefit the whole, to assist the light here on earth. What can I do to assist the light? (All my words from here on are enclosed in parentheses. The rest is the Master DK talking and I am writing as he speaks.)
DK: My dear lovely child! You are a delight. We have been working together for a long time, as measured in your realm. We have yet more to do. Will you come with me and venture a little further out, beyond what you are entrained into? (Yes!!! OMG! Yes!! Please. I open my cells, electrons, meridians to what is heretofore unknown. I am ready to receive instruction. Please take me further.)
Now, you must listen carefully, with discernment. It is your ability to notice the subtle connections to wider, rarer fields of consciousness. (Yes. I am here listening, thank you.) Wonderful. There is a dull gray-bluish tint to your field, your aura. Can you lighten it? (I did.) Wonderful. Excellent. Now, let us expand that frequency. You have wanted to better understand frequency. Yes, vibration as well. Let us speak of frequency first. As you are listening to me, your “thrill” as you might say, diminishes because you are listening. You are on pause, listening. During this time that you are on pause you are not radiating. (Ahhh, yin versus yang? Right?)
Yes, when you are in listening mode you think you are in feminine mode but that is not a correct assumption. It is simply being passive and open, allowing information to enter into your field. Your WHOLE field. You are not using your mind as a censoring device. You have dropped your filters, your veil, your screen, your curtain. You are receiving me. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is genderless. You are the consciousness of the Creator, a child of the Creator. You are learning lessons as you listen to my words and allow them to enter into your field simply as they present themselves on a moment-to-moment basis. You are the one who controls your opening and closing, your pause button and your action button. You can stop the listening at any time and push the action button. You are the one in charge. It is no more complicated than that. Do not think “feminine” vs. “masculine”. The radiation you just did several minutes ago was a test for you to see for yourself how to activate your power. When you are on pause, listening for example for Doug’s whereabouts, which you do often, you put yourself on pause. You are openly listening. You are not actively radiating your power outward. You are listening and receiving. Do you understand? (Yes, I think so, working at understanding.)
Then the next step for you to consider taking is to activate your power and radiate. Now, what is this radiation? Try it again please. (OK, I did. Does this influence Doug when I do this in his presence? Am I taking away his free will? Am I overcoming his free will and shutting him down? Please tell me. I’m excited!) No, you are not overcoming his free will. You are correcting him. There is light of the creator in him but he has been influenced by the outer world of others, the 3D field of lower, slower, limited vibration. Sometimes even overtly false information. These negate and dim the light in him. When you say, “I want to serve the light here on Earth” it is your mission, your job, to radiate light. When you radiate light, it is how you change your frequency. It is the “thrill” that you have discovered and have wondered what it is. This is the stepping up of the electrons of your four lower bodies – your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and unresolved past life energies. These are sped up when you radiate or step up your frequency. This radiation moves out to influence those around you. It is the light that you are radiating direct from your source.
It is your decision to act and move yourself out of passive mode into radiation mode. The power of this action is your God creator power. When you are in pause you are not using your God power. You are listening. You are here in an earth body to use your God power. It is who you are. You have been brain-washed to think of yourself as a submissive feminine but men have been brain-washed too. It has been done to keep you, the human race, passive and disempowered. Feminine and masculine is a false teaching. Do not accept this concept. You are not a feminine being, neither are men masculine beings. You are whole consciousness beings capable of being human AND God consciousness at the same time. Your belief has been divided into two separate genders falsely so that you feel friction and cultivate arguments. This disempowers you so that you think of yourselves as weak and undervalued. Both genders feel disempowered and weak in the presence of the other gender.
You have made the blend, the integration, but you have been hesitating to use your God power, your source power. You do not radiate your power. It is because your human consciousness feels disempowered. It believes you cannot survive without Doug or a man to support you. This is an erroneous belief that you were implanted with. It is a lingering fear in you. This is the path of feminine submissiveness. It is the human side of you. Now, choose to activate your God powers. You think of these powers as masculine but they are not masculine. They are your powers. You yourself have this power within you. This is a radiation you feel as a “thrill”, as you say “goose bumps” or chills. When you initiate this power yourself, you raise your frequency. You pick up the speed of your electrons. Otherwise you hold your powers in a default condition, at a slow and steady vibration. Everyone has a default vibration which is the sum total of their consciousness at peace, on pause, in a state of receptivity. It is the state of their soul evolution to date.
You are a quality of God, an attribute of God, a child of God. Your consciousness vibration is kept at a low frequency when you don’t radiate it, meaning when you don’t move it or activate it. Learning how to activate your frequency, tapping into your “thrill”, is unknown to the average person. It is a technique. You may teach it to those who are ready to receive it. The vibration of consciousness can be experienced at a low frequency or raised to a powerfully quickened frequency. It doesn’t matter what the consciousness is. It could be positive or it could be a negative. Wherever the consciousness is, even that which is clogged with anger and violence, can be sped up to a loud noise or held down to a low level so that it goes unnoticed. One who is of a more pure and positive nature, who maintains compassion within his field, or gentleness, or freedom, or truth or – yes, love, mercy, forgiveness, tenderness - these can be held down to a slow low vibration by lack of understanding, lack of training or education.
The difference between frequency and vibration. A slow compassionate vibration in peaceful mode can be overridden by a negative vibration that has increased in frequency so that it is expressing louder. Even though the negative is a lower vibration, the peaceful vibration is overridden because the negative vibration has been quickened or sped up to a higher frequency. The person who has activated their negative vibration radiates that anger as chaos, while the peaceful person who tries to calm the angry person with a low vibration of peace doesn’t work. The default vibration of a soul doesn’t matter whether it is positive or negative if it is kept at a low speed if it is not radiating. It is when the person speeds up their electrons and starts radiating it that they increase their frequency. You know what an angry outburst looks like, but is it a negative outburst or a positive one? A person with a positive compassionate vibration confronting a negative situation can be just as loud as a negative one! A very loud positive confrontation can appear like an angry outburst to onlookers, if they are not fully apprised of the corrective action taking place.
The vibration is the default program of the soul. But it can be kept so quiet that no one notices it. It is only felt and seen when the person speeds up, radiates or activates their power. That is the power that has been taken from you through divisive manipulations. You think you have no power to change things but you do. Very much. You have the power of the universe in you if you knew how to active it. The soul in you can hold centuries of blocked trauma which makes it insufferable and in great pain. When it lashes out it is releasing it. It must lash out because it is hurting him to hold it inside. Education of that soul would help him to understand. A soul with a positive-leaning momentum may think that it is helping situations by staying low and peaceful when in fact it is not helping but condoning the negative situation. A peaceful prayer does not help as much as confronting the angry person with a powerful light-filled person. Those who say nothing are condoning the continued action of the angry soul who has taken control.
A positive leaning person such as one who is maintaining peace at a low steady level in her home because she doesn’t understand this spiritual science, can be overridden by another person in the same household who has quickened his vibration to a faster-acting frequency. So that this other person who is more negatively leaning, who holds anger, for instance, or blocked energies from past lives and doesn’t know how to deal with them, shouts out and overrides the gentle person who is gently holding peaceful intentions. This other person who is clogged with debris, is cloaked and blocked, and does not understand why he is so angry. He must be purged of his blocked energies. He has a momentum of anger or rebellion built up in his body. Pockets of thick energy are lodged in his tissues from his past. Or it could be simply from disorganized DNA from his parents or ancestors. Without education this person with non-peaceful vibrations can speed up his electrons and start radiating angrily. In addition, the environment in which he lives may provide similar energies which add to those of his own. This boosts his own anger to an even higher power.
The peaceful person who doesn’t understand the science of radiation doesn’t have the ability to override such chaotic energies. It is not in their past training to do so. They will not override their peacefulness until they learn how to quicken their frequency. How to radiate, which is a spiritual skill that is learned. The peaceful person may attempt to neutralize or tone down the anger in the other by holding steadily to peace, and this may work, but it also makes her submissive to the angry person. She will feel submissive. This lesson is needed to be told about radiation. Until the peaceful person learns how to radiate or quicken the electrons (speed up), they are not very effective. This is what you are learning here. You are learning about the power of boosting your radiation, your action power, what you formerly called “masculine” power. It is not masculine, nor is it feminine. It is the God power in you. Until a person learns to do that you will remain overruled by those who are louder. Do you see? (Yes, I have been doing exactly that most of my life, trying to “will” peace or “pray” for peace to those I lived with, hoping I could change them, thinking it was “feminine”.)
Yes, you have. Now it is time for you to learn this very valuable lesson. Thank you for asking. You have received an upgrade with the help of the Mother which you viewed on the video today. You already knew how to activate the Power. You called it “the thrill” or “chill” but you did not understand what it was or how to apply it. (Is this the origin of yin and yang?) Yin and Yang are human terms, created by humans living in duality. The enlightened person who is truly enlightened, would not see it as two separate forces, or two separate functions called yin and yang or masculine and feminine. A truly enlightened person would recognize themselves as one consciousness, one God consciousness operating as needed in any given moment. You are God Source Creator who has been de-fanged of your power because of the mind-control that has been existing in the world for centuries. It has divided the oneness in two separated halves.
You are one consciousness with the ability to go either way - into silence or into powerful action at any given moment, by choice. That is who you are. You have always been that. You are the Creator God who is never in form but exists in the no-form state. You are abstract intelligence moving through a flesh-and-blood body, a vehicle for purposes of affecting change. You are waking up to this fact. Intelligence is pure love and light which you have vowed to serve and protect, but you have been made submissive by the limited education which you were cultivated with. The form life has become too powerful with its physical senses taking full control. These override the simple voice of the Oneness that you are in reality. Meditation and prayer on a constant basis is the way to return to wholeness. (Am I OK doing what I’m doing during my morning sessions behind closed doors? By not following a printed out list of exercises?) You are beyond the programming stage. You are learning directly now from source. You do not need to have a list of exercises to follow and check off each day. (He is smiling, ready to laugh but holding it back to a smile!)
(OK, now I feel I must write words about we anti-vaxxers, to ease Doug’s fears for me. He is afraid I will catch it! What approach should I use? What theme should I use to enlighten him?)
The idea of good and evil will appeal to him. Use the diagram of the three higher bodies of purity and the four lower bodies as an opening discussion. And then discuss the frequency of positive versus the frequency of negative. Is a thought 51% positive or 51% negative? The overriding frequency is the one who is in charge. Remember frequency. Lower it when appropriate to be in listening mode to allow information to enter into your field or aura, and raise it when needed to assert and radiate positive values. You used higher frequency when you met with W several times, and with B. You both had higher frequencies when you met with B, you both were in very high states of consciousness.
(What about X and Y yesterday?) X is using high frequency for her present consciousness. She radiates it. She wishes for more peace and more love, but she has a default momentum that is running in her. She yearns so much for information that she is speeding her electrons on high speed. She is very powerful and is learning and gaining new perspectives. Y is older, as you are, and from the softer, gentler races. Your frequencies of positive merit are at low frequencies, listening to the outer voices more than you should. It is time to step up your frequencies. Teach the frequency-building, how to do it. You are light workers who are waiting. But the waiting is over. Now, use your God powers. Raise the level of your God powers. Your frequency. Test it. Try it out today. See for yourself how it works.
(Thank you, Master DK. Received 7/22/21)
A personal update to those who responded to my request for massage exchanges and help in cultivating a massage exchange network with in-person meetings here at my home. I have been busy with inner transition work, trying to process changes in perspectives, which has caused some rocky up and down moods. It is taking all of my focus and time to stay balanced. This period should be over by next week. I just had a glimpse this morning, a quite dramatic shift from what I believed. Wow! We are living in extraordinary times! There is so much happening inbetween the outer world and the inner world. Clearing away false beliefs, like when something huge shifts out of the way, it leaves a lot of light flooding the interior. It is a challenge to correct oneself. Are you experiencing this too? I am sure a lot of people are. Keep the faith, you are growing closer to home, to source, to love. Transitioning from one level of consciousness to a higher one takes some adjusting and balancing. It is private inner work, not easily explained to someone else and should not be attempted. This coming week may reach a crescendo on my end, so I will send out another newsletter when things have settled down, which I feel sure they will. The light in me seeks the light in other people. I yearn to put my hands on you and connect with the light that is within you.
Blessings and love from the Ascended Master Djwal Khul, my teacher and friend, and the many beautiful Ascended Beings who are watching over us, guiding us, beaming love gently and carefully into our lives - along with the wonderful brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation and the more advanced planets and planes who are assisting Earth during this huge transition --- and also blessings and love from me, Nancy (aka Diana)
1/6/22 - Exploring Sex from a Sacred Perspective
Both male and female are anchored as a singularity in the root chakra
When we are born to our mothers, or sometime before, a piece of our divinity is sent down into the earth to provide an anchor for us, the soul, so we can live here grounded on earth. We need something very powerful to keep us here in the earth plane, or we would float away back to heaven where we came from. This piece that is sent downward at birth is the feminine aspect that supplies your body with elements it needs to grow and thrive. Your father God remains in the unformed state while your Mother God is embedded in the earth for you alone, only you. Not your parents, not your siblings, not your neighbor or wife or husband, only you. This piece of divinity is a part of Mother Earth who is also a feminine being.
You as the soul have now been born into this little body and you are influenced by both the earth force coming up from earth, breathing, eating, drinking and pooping, and the sky force coming down from the sky in the form of abstract consciousness. You are aware. You learn. You receive ideas that have nothing to do with your body. You are both physical and spiritual.
Your life force is drawn up through your feet into your body to your tailbone and it is SUPPOSED to flow up the spine to the top of your head, nourishing your organs on the way. Then at the crown the life force fountains out like a water fountain and flows down around you, hugging you closely, back to the earth again to recycle fresh new energy. This was the original design to keep your body alive and flowing with vitality. But what happened here is, humans are blocked at the tail bone, or just above the tail bone, which is now called the first chakra. The life force gets slowed down here, like when there is road construction and a detour sign blocks the road. You are directed either left or right. The right side is masculine tendencies, the left side is feminine tendencies. You, the soul, are here to learn and study the human condition.
Your spiritual Father-Mother God is right here beside you nourishing you, but you are the individual learning how to manage both the masculine and feminine tendencies. After many lifetimes you manage it better and better. You can’t help but learn. Like when you lose your balance you learn how to adjust your weight to bring yourself back to balance. The same happens to you as a soul. You learn to balance your masculine abilities with your feminine abilities. Masculine abilities are focus, control, discipline, strength, courage, you place limits and boundaries, you shoulder responsibility and feel accountable. Feminine abilities are opposites: the ability to relax, yield, surrender, allow, receive, listen, care, nurture, love, be spontaneous and free, provide motherly support and encouragement. When both tendencies are used equally, a person is in balance, and does not become unbalanced one way or the other.
A soul learns how to balance itself through experience. It takes many lifetimes for a new soul to learn how to balance itself where it can maintain harmony in its own body. The tendency is to become overly feminine, or overly masculine, and when this happens, the life force is going up one side of the spine and is blocked on the other side. Stress builds up. If a person is too masculine, the right side is flowing energetically and the person demonstrates discipline, control, etc., and the left side is shut down, causing stress. The life force builds up on the left side. The feminine side is blocked. The person feels it as a sexual need and will seek someone who is an opposite energy to have sex with. It may not be an opposite GENDER, perhaps same gender will do, but someone who can balance him or her.
If a person is too feminine, the left side is flowing energetically and the person demonstrates a receptive, yielding, listening, loving, caring and nurturing personality. But the right side is shut down, the masculine side, causing stress. The life force builds up and the person will feel it as a sensual need and will seek someone who can release it. It is usually a man, but it could be a strong, masculine type woman. The predominantly feminine soul displays its needs we call sexual in a different manner than the masculine soul does. We have all seen the overly feminine person flirting coyly. This is her manner of seduction, where a man seduces in a direct, forceful manner.
The life force is pure divinity and is holy. When it becomes divided and separated into two opposing aspects, as has happened to humanity, its need is powerful indeed. It is sorely lacking in feminine qualities. It is like trying to hold the tides of the ocean back through sheer will power and we do that. We do it but it creates terrible pressure and strain on the human vehicle. What we term sexual needs are very powerful because they are cosmic forces. We have created our own imbalance by refusing to comply with cosmic forces. Sex issues need to be understood first intellectually, as in an education forum, in order to speak to the intelligence of the person. It is the only way to modify stuck behavior. Addiction to sex is an ongoing problem. It needs to be resolved if we are to evolve to a higher form of human being. The human being is designed to be a balanced male-female being. We are designed to be a healthy androgynous being, even while living in male and female bodies. There is a divine reason for two genders, one masculine and one feminine. We are meant to complement each other. Tantra addresses this. We are meant to fulfill our bodies in all ways. The sensations of love, bliss, ecstasy, peace, abundance – all sensations are meant for the human to enjoy. But we have been led away from that healthy union. We have been torn asunder. All four aspects of ourselves have been divided and must be brought back together again and integrated - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When all four aspects are attuned, the body feels delightful warm and loving and yearns to share that love with others.
It is only when the life force, the divine within, is blocked or held back as in an unbalanced life, that sexual hunger arises. Sexual hunger is not love, it is a lack and a need. When a person is balanced in its male-female tendencies, it is clear and whole, wholesome, holy. Then whenever there is chemistry with someone, it is wonderful. It doesn’t matter whether it is the same gender or what they do together, maybe just dream and watch the sky or put together a new business or share a cocktail together, it is all good. There is no “opposite” any more. All are equally balanced. Everyone worries about losing the capacity to have sex. Sex is so on the mind of everyone, either for it or against it. Forget sex and think sacred. Sacred is love in all ways. Sex becomes sacred. Work becomes sacred. Cleaning house becomes sacred. Gardening becomes sacred. Planning a celebration party becomes sacred. It is all good. Where is the problem? It is a thriving of life radiating outward from the center of each human being.
When we use the word “sex” I think of an unbalanced person who is hungry and needy. We don’t know any other way to release the stress buildup except through sex. Our life force before we were born was one whole divinity. Once born into flesh we suddenly have opposites and live in duality. Part of our consciousness is in the earth to provide us with a grounding mechanism, and part of our consciousness remains in the unformed state of Godhood. Our wholeness is divided into two parts, and the two separated consciousnesses are drawn like a magnet to reach towards each other and blend again into wholeness. Our earth mother is drawn up the spine to the top of the head, and our heavenly father is drawn down the spine to the lower regions of the body. The center of the body is the pelvic region. We think it is the physical heart but the physical heart is not the geometric center of the body. The heart has another function. The center of the body is the spark of life, the pure Mother God, equivalent to the Father God in heaven. She is the great spark in the human body that keeps us alive.
The physical heart is the magnetic center of CONSCIOUSNESS, where one becomes conscious of the lower self and the higher self and the physical self all at the same time. There are three aspects of Self which come together in the physical heart. Mother God operates at the tailbone and maintains the body to keep us alive. The organ of the physical heart is the conscious connection between Earth or Mother God and Heaven or Father God. We have been told to go to the heart every day and pray from the heart, follow the heart, because that is where our Father God and Mother God meet to enlighten the soul who is the human being having adventures and is searching for answers. We are a child of Father-Mother God and both Father-Mother God are watching over us. Mother God maintains our body whether we know it or not, and Father God sends us inspiration from above whether we realize it or not. We think it is our own genius creating these brilliant ideas. By opening the heart chakra we open our conscious mind to the truth of who we really are. We are a divine child of God. We cannot make it on our own. We need the Father and the Mother. We have been given free will to work it out, to figure it out, to go wandering out around the planet, the fields and forests and oceans of the world, to play the games of shadow and light. But we are learning all the while, and finding ourselves through experiences. We are the soul.
We are the soul learning to navigate not only this physical body we live in, but our rich heritage called divine. We are a divine creation but we don’t know it. We have been veiled from knowing it so we could have earthly experiences. We are divine beings learning how to be a divine human. We are here to build a paradise on earth. We are physical and we are here to build a physical, beautiful, culturally refined world where all senses are expanded. Ecstasy in physical form. This is an experiment. Can it be done? We have been given the challenge to see. To explore the lay of the land. It is a project. A human project. We are given diversity to play with. We are here to test opposites and see if we can connect. To see if we can harmonize and enrich the opposites. We are human. Can we be humane? We are learning to be humane. To be heart-centered. To be both divine and human at the same time. We are here to enjoy ourselves. It was never meant to be work. so much. It was never meant to be so painful.
Understanding our sexual blockages will change our whole entire life. We will understand how to stay in balance between our two opposing forces of male and female. Once we gain understanding of the male and female sides of us, we will begin to enjoy life so much better. It is in respecting our male and female traits that we gain equality both within our SELF, and within our brothers and sisters. Together we live in respect and harmony, not one more powerful than the other. Then we rise up through the second chakra smoothly to the third chakra, and rise smoothly up to the fourth chakra, smoothly up to the fifth, to the sixth and finally to join with Father God through the seventh chakra at the top of the head. Each level we rise up through is an expansion of understanding. As we move up the spine, each one opens naturally. We don’t have to work at it. It opens naturally and releases the sweetness of life that has been stored there, so the body is nourished with the refined essence of goodness and understanding that floods the body as if a dam has broken. The body is designed well. It works beautifully when it is understood. One must take time to educate oneself about one’s own spiritual anatomy. Tantra teaches this. The web of life is what Tantra teaches. It is in the body that one learns it. It is through feeling that one knows the truth.
Originally we were designed as androgynous beings, beautiful, human beings who looked like angels. But because of the blocks that were intentionally placed in the human genome, a male body and a female were created. Each showing different genatalia. But inside we are one gender, one color. We are androgynous human. The original, beautiful androgynous human being then took on differences and imbalances. They focused on the differences instead of the sameness. Today we have created a complex series of sciences that explain and justify why and how we are different and how we are opposite. It was created out of imbalance, stress and blockages. It was an experiment in duality. We divided out of a wholesome lovely androgynous human being and drew the line between us. Good and evil were born. It was known as the fall of man. We became knowledgeable about “evil”. The more advanced civilizations will reveal that they too went through the “fall” and discovered their divinity. They are not perfect but they are ahead of us in understanding. There is no such thing as “perfect” except in the absolute silence of the Godhead. Life is all about thriving, experiencing, changing, learning, growing into a larger more celestial being. When we get to know some of the extraterrestrial civilizations in person, we will find brothers and sisters who are far far advanced from us. They are not such extreme opposites as we are on Earth but they are much more harmonious and kind. We will want to hug them and learn more about them. We will be drawn to them.
The way back to wholeness is to return to the location where the block occurs. Sex is the block. How can I say that? That which we call need for the closeness of another human being is the immaculate force of life that is backing up and creating pressure at the base of the spine. The base of the spine is located in the center of the body. The center of the body is the pelvic region, the place where the reproductive organs are located. That is the geometric center of the body. That is the heart of the body. The heart of the flower is in the center. The pressure is the holding back of the immaculate force of life. Holding back the life force creates havoc in many ways. The desire to be intimate with another body is a relief. It allows for a release of that pressure. The orgasm is a release of that pressure. If the orgasm doesn’t happen, some of the pressure is released by rubbing. During this time of release we experience love, bliss and more. Tantra teaches us to return to the location where the block occurs. It highlights sexual positions for a reason. The human body has been closed down for eons of time. It needs to be physically changed and transformed. Opening the meridians and nerves of the body releases this great love that has been cut off. Release the sacredness that is the light within. Love yourself and love any close friend who will allow you to love them. Melt that block with sacredness, appreciation, gratitude, joy, happiness, light-hearted fun. Be whole once more. Love each other back to wholeness. Spend time in intimate embrace so that your bodies have time to link up and feel that which is wholesome within. Allow for reverence to take place. Allow for caring to take place. Allow close physical contact to take place without demands. Don’t force your attention on someone. Become respectful, whole and solid again within your body and allow the life force - the divine in you - to flow freely up the spinal column to the heart and head.
Only at death do we leave duality behind so that we recognize ourselves once more as pure undiluted spirit. When we leave our clay body which returns to the earth, we return to our immaculate self, the soul, and we bring our accumulated knowledge with us. Our physical life is an away mission, like in Star Trek when they leave the mother ship to go out to explore the galaxy searching for other life, other lights. That’s what we do on earth. We enter a darker, denser world and we search for other lights like ourselves. Others who mirror and reflect us and confirm and validate us. Another light is welcome to us and we are attracted to one another, but there are dark lights here too. We came from the stars and there are many different lights out there, so we must search to find those who are similar to ourselves, who can reflect ourselves back to us in sameness. In the end we return home to our original divine state. Each time we die to the body we return to our Home in order to remember who we are and to mentor with great teachers who advise and help us plan for the next away mission when we venture out again. It is the way of things. (End)
A personal update: I have had some new revelations since my last outreach for massage exchanges. Thank you to the seven people who responded. I am delighted to know there are a few people who would like to exchange massages. Mostly men responded, now I would love to hear from women too. Please write me, sisters. I will be getting back to you as soon as it's practical. I didn't expect so many answers. Whenever I take a bold new step, such as reaching out as I did, I receive a download of revelations. Now I am a bit topsy turvy. Bad feelings and good feelings are swirling, causing changes in perspective. We went to a party over New Years weekend, where I experienced a split between my past and my future. It is causing imbalance. There is so much happening and it's not just me - the whole world is trembling with brighter light. Light is information. Information brings an expansion of consciousness. Expansion of consciousness agitates and disrupts, causing confusion. We have to force ourselves to expand along with it or suffer the consequences. They are not pretty.
Suggestion: Imagine your auric field as an invisible bubble that surrounds you (3 feet or arms length) and it is growing brighter and expanding at the same time. Your field is filling with new information. Just be conscious this is happening. Open your mind and heart. Consider being kinder and more considerate than you have been before. The whole planet is expanding her vibrational field and we HAVE to expand with it or suffer the consequences of feeling our own pressure mounting from inside trying to expand. This is the big shift happening. We are going through the beginning stages of it now. This requires sharing, like holding hands when you climb a mountain so you stay linked together and don't fall. My concept is to build a massage exchange network. I've thought of doing it for a long time but didn't trust myself. I could have saved myself a load of trouble if I'd dared to do it earlier. We can raise our vibrations best by skin-to-skin contact with others from a more expanded caring attitude, not sexual or romantic but with kindness, love and respect. That way we can adjust ourselves to a lighter, brighter, more innocent perspective. The kind of loving atmosphere of a higher dimension and merge our old ways with the new untried and unknown ways of the future. That way we are all doing it together. It will make it a smoother transition that way.
I wish you all a Very Happy New Year! May the year 2022 bring you more gentle expanded consciousness of peace, and the fulfillment of what you most wish for. Blessings from the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ascended Masters, the great Celestial Beings, Angels, Elementals, Father-Mother Source of all life - and little ol' me!
12/21/21 - The term Goddess is God locked in form
A message from my higher self
This message came three years ago but it is more timely today than ever before because there are big changes taking place right under our noses. The term Goddess is God locked in form. Once God is in form it takes on the culture into which it has been born as a human being. It must be understood that in this world there is an alien male sinister force that has taken over. It is heartless and does not want love to have any power whatsoever. It is not the men doing this subjugation of women. Men are its victims too. It is the alien male sinister force which is not native to Earth. This is forbidden information, it is breaking through to us from our higher selves and the Galactics. We have been used and abused by heartless rulers who did not originate here. They twist our nature and beat us up with it. Our nature is love. God is here within our hearts and souls. The feminine side of God is here within to comfort and care for the evolving human creatures, but this loving force has been locked up through sinister means and not allowed to flow.
Now I have to clarify the word “love” because we have been misguided. We have forced that great motivating, liberating fire into a small bottle and capped it with a lid. We have been literally corralled like cattle into the cattle yards awaiting slaughter, and made to mate under their rules, not our own. Under the culture we were born into there are insidious laws in place that, if we don’t obey them, allow them to put us into prison, or to suffer harassment or worse. God/Goddess is free within us but we have to let it out and let it flow from person to person. We need to understand what love REALLY is. Love is freedom. It is loose and flowing. We feel it as comfort and kindness, not as sexual lust. The laws and traditions of the culture, including marriage and relationship laws, have been put in place to prevent love from being free. These laws are our biggest downfall and the cruelest task masters. There is no free love in the land. However, once our hearts start opening up, free love will start flowing and liberating the planet again, as it once did, bringing calm, peace and advancements in all fields and prosperity to all people. Love is what boosts and elevates humankind, not laws, selfishness and greed. Love is coming in now but it is causing chaos in the outer world arenas because the alien male sinister force is not outside of us – it is inside – Inside ALL of us.
We each have owned a piece of it and allowed it to live in us. That’s why the love can’t get out. We’ve consented to it. Our biggest challenge is to work on our SELF to overcome our dark, cruel, selfish, greedy and mean side, which is the alien sinister force that has been here for eons of time. It runs through our history. We can’t afford to judge anyone else, nor even ourselves, but rather to forgive, forgive, forgive. Judging someone and judging ourselves continues to divide us and make us meaner, which keeps the padlock on our hearts. Comfort and kindness is the only solution to breaking open the padlock and springing love free to flow comfort out to everyone we meet.
I said I would address the word love that has been polluted and distorted into a petty hurtful thing. We don’t know what we have done. We have been bamboozled by the advanced artificial technology of the male sinister force. We have been kept foggy-brained. If we feel possessive of our mates, married or not, it is not love. It is hate. The alien male sinister force which has held the world locked in a dark loveless world of artificiality, knew exactly how to structure the governing laws and program the lesser evolved race. The children race. Lock them together one with another and force them to “work it out”. Sound familiar? Divine love wouldn’t do that. Divine love would not require you to shut yourselves up inside a house with someone so dissimilar to your SELF to “try to work it out”. How mean is that? How cruel. We are free beings, why are we not living free?
When my husband began a long-distance relationship with an old friend, jealousy popped up in me. I struggled for a year and then decided I didn’t like myself feeling that way. So I told him quietly, not angrily, but with freedom and love in my heart, that he ought to go out and visit her to see what happens. If they have a reason to be together, then they should be together. And he did. He went out to visit with her and he learned something and he came back home. He is with me today. And though I was disappointed because I was already planning my future alone, I experienced a new kind of freedom. In giving him permission to move on to explore something new, instead of holding him back because of some “law“ or “tradition“ or “vow“ or “promise”, I unlocked myself. I gave myself room to grow. I benefited more from that than I could have done any other way. I gave him unconditional freedom, unconditional love. I didn’t expect anything back but I received something back. I am today a larger person than I was before that decision. Love is freedom and freedom is love. Love is liberating. Love is comforting. Love is truth. Love is also advancement. We have to adapt to this new way because it is coming to the planet. It is unfolding as I type this today. We will have more responsibilities with this greater love. We will become more empowered. We will have to manage this freedom and power with more wisdom. We will have to grow up and become adults. But it will be easier because our hearts will be more open. We will want to keep our hearts. We will learn to maneuver more gracefully in this new way of living. But we have to be willing to take the next step up the ladder to a higher place, instead of closing ourselves down into a protective false cocoon.
That is what love is. It’s not about jealously guarding what we think we own. We don’t own anything. The only thing we can own is our consciousness. We are here to become more conscious of our own power that we are responsible for. We are here on earth to shine that power outward to help move blocks and barriers out of the way. We are here to create a freer, more abundant, more perfect world. We are here to shine our light and grow into more light and more love. We are here to help make the world a better place, not a smaller one. Love is the release from attachments. Relationships are attachments. Release does not mean kicking someone out of the house, it means giving your partner freedom to do what they want to do. It is done in love, not anger. It is done with gentle support, not withdrawing support. It is done with kindness and leaving the door open for return, just like you would for a best friend who needs some confidence to take the next step. That is love. Release attachments, and marital vows are attachments, and you’ll be surprised at how good you feel. Truly surprised. Love is not attachment to one person. Love is attachment to the sovereign state of divinity within ones SELF.
We have come to think of love as possession and that we have rights of ownership over the one we are attached to, but we don’t. We are so much more than a pawn in the male alien sinister game of control. There are blinders on. This message will not settle well with many. I realize that. But this comes direct from spirit. I wouldn’t have the knowledge to say these things myself. Recognizing the alien male sinister in the world is a challenge. Can you see the difference? To me it is now easy to see. I didn’t see it in my earlier years. I see now the decent, humane, kind human being who is seeking the same in others. It may not be totally clear yet, but that is why we see writings like this. More and more messages are coming to forgive, to love, to stop fighting. We are being prompted to find forgiveness within ourselves, forgiveness for the errors we have made. We don’t know that we have more control over our lives until we take actual steps in that direction and try it out. Forgive and let go with an open heart and feel what returns back to you. The sense of freedom, kindness, love, respect and comfort. It is an amazing feeling. My words do not convey the full meaning very well. It’s a meager attempt to paint the picture of universal love. It is impersonal, not personal. It does not give us rights over another human being. Love is so very much bigger than physical needs and addictions to bodily pleasures. There is a pleasure that far, far, far, exceeds that limited requirement.
12/15/21 - Multiple Messages
Plus I'm seeking local massage partners
Well, things are heating up and spilling over. There are three messages I wish to share today so I will get right to it. They are:
There is a world meditation scheduled for this coming Tuesday, December 21, 2021. It is the winter solstice and you are encouraged to participate. You must be in meditation position precisely at 11 am eastern time and plan for at least 20 minutes. It is not like other times where you can do it any time during that day. This is different. A lot is happening on the galactic front. Some who receive my newsletters are not interested, but a wave of higher love is due to sweep the earth. These higher love waves have been coming in smaller waves, which is why we are going through changes and disruptions. And the Galactic Federation (of Light) are assisting. Sceptics and doubters don't have to worry. These waves are not dangerous. They are bringing us closer to the Galactics in vibration as the earth is expanding in frequency. The Galactics of Light are of higher ethics and benevolence than we on earth, and they are ready to meet us, but are we ready for them? They are asking for a show of hands from the surface population as to who is ready. The solstice meditation on Tuesday is our opportunity to say, altogether now, "Yes, we are ready!" This is a never-before event. I will skip the long story. It is the end and beginning of a 26,000 year galactic cycle.
I've been watching this unfold for 58 years, since my first contact. Additional information to expand understanding has been coming in dribs and drabs.. It was exceedingly slow at first but I've watched it increase in tempo. The last few years more. The last few months more. The last few weeks more. And the last few days have been outstanding. It is building as more and more people are learning about this. If you're not interested, please do not worry. The changes going on are totally benevolent. You are safe. It is a wave of higher love. If anything it will bliss you out if it doesn't pass you by entirely. I am going to provide a link to Vidya Frazier, a quantum healer in California, because she has written more about the solstice meditation. Click HERE to read more about it and the man who initiated this. An important fellow. The back story is interesting, and there are some linked articles by Cobra. Also Vidya has prepared a guided meditation that you can listen to on Tuesday, which is helpful if you are not a practicing meditator. Remember, a world meditation on Tuesday at 11 am eastern time. She has also posted times for other locations. Meanwhile, prepare for an increase in the love and freedom quotient.
Two weeks ago I just happened upon Allison Coe, a quantum hypnosis healer. As a long-time student of the ascended masters and galactics, I check online for new age information coming from others who are tuned in. Allison Coe is providing astounding new information. As a quantum hypnosis healing therapist (QHHT for short) she takes her clients into hypnosis to access their HIGHER selves, not their past lives. Although there is some "past" intermingled, it is mostly about the future the client is interested in, meaning the higher more expanded versions of the client. Questions are prepared beforehand by the client who gives them to Allison and Allison then puts the question to the client who is now in a hypnotic state. Recording each session, Allison has discovered duplicate information coming from more than one client's higher self. Similar information is being reported from clients who don't know each other, as if they are all on the NEW earth. She feels that this information is of value to everyone, since higher selves seem to be talking the same language, so she has put the time and effort into reading certain information onto youtubes. This is so amazing to me that I wanted to share it. It's about where Earth is heading, the chaos and disruptions, the New Earth, how it comes about, the Event, the solar flare, galactic ships arriving, evacuations, what it's going to be like after the Event. It's coming from more than one client's higher self and it all flows together. The listener is transformed and brought into this higher state. You can't help it. Elena Danaan, spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, was my favorite until I ran across Allison Coe. So many pieces of the puzzle that are fitting together and forming a wider picture. Expanding one's scope of knowledge is so very elevating. So much so that I simply MUST share it with you. Not everyone will be interested and that is understandable. There will be debunkers. We are each unique. But for those who are ready, I will add a few links below. Just click and listen. We are all living here together on the same planet, so an expansion of planetary consciousness is going to affect ALL of us. Be prepared for a more blissful, peaceful and united world. It is definitely coming. Links below:
Disclosure, Chaos, Ships, Avalanche of Light, BQH audible (1’02”) 5/21/21
The Magic is Returning, Logic destroyed (40 min) 3/22/21
Inner Earth, Video 1 of 2 (10 min) 3/5/19
Inner Earth, Video 2 of 2 (42 min) 3/5/19
Ascending to the New Earth – Client QHHT (1’11”) 5/5/18
Before, During and After the Event – QHHT Client (1’05”) 2/27/18
I was going to send this separately but I'll go ahead and join it to this notice of world meditation. I have been in and out of the fifth dimension lately more than ever before, which is leaving me ungrounded. I keep drifting to higher planes. I fear I will not last long in body if I don't ground. Being in fifth dimension (or higher) is a blissful experience but it is taking me too far. The only way to stop this from happening is through hands-on sessions with strangers, to share more earth energy. It is not really a massage per se, as in a professional massage. It is more of a laying on of hands, as in Reiki or other energy modalities. It can be done with a sheet covering, or simply light clothing, or naked. There is a therapeutic intention. Simply allowing energies to flow back and forth through touching and stroking is stabilizing. This is a higher consciousness process. It will stabilize both of us. It's similar to when you lose your balance and you reach to grab hold of something or someone nearby to stabilize. Everyone needs stabilizing. As a long time student of the ascended masters, I am too higher-dimensional and need more earth energy, what we call grounding. The ascended masters have been guiding me for years to implement a massage exchange network but I haven't felt ready before now. Now I am.
So I am seeking one or two local individuals who just might be interested in exchanging such a session with me. This doesn't require money. No money will change hands. It is an exchange, pure and simple. It can be either a man or a woman, it doesn't matter. I have four massage tables here, accumulated for the purpose of future massage events. I have been planning for a long time. I am a senior in good health and with good, high, energy. Sometimes TOO high which is why I am seeking some slow-down, denser energy from others. There is an esoteric concept involved which I will not try to explain, but it will be good for anyone to work with me and my energies, just as it will be good for me to work with you and your energies. It is a mutual exchange. We each have different energies. It will be done here at my home. All the equipment is here and I am set up for it. My husband and I live in North Naples on ten acres. Oops. Five acres. We just sold the back five today, in fact. The sessions will be approximately two hours long, maybe more. I would guess 45 minutes of me massaging you, and 45 minutes you massaging me. Again, I use the term "massage" loosely. It does not require any special expertise unless of course you are a trained massage therapist. Then of course, it would be great! But it is more about the LIGHT that is in you and me. The light will synchronize and flow together. Your light is different from my light. So gentle, relaxing, quiet mindedness is the approach and application. There is no agenda to "fix" something. The giver is more in a meditative state than a "doing" state. Like in a trance state of laying on angel hands. A sheet can be used as a covering, or skimpy shorts can be worn, but best is to be naked. This will be determined by both parties. Both people must be comfortable and in a relaxed state of mind. And of courses there will always be time for sitting and talking before or after or both.
So that's about it. If you are interested, please let me know by email. Since I am a senior, other seniors would be more comfortable but I would not rule out an interested person of younger age. This is a first. I have no idea how it will unfold. I feel comfortable putting this out to the open world because I am being guided by higher intelligences. They are telling me "It is time!"
God bless you, everyone. Much love to you and your loved ones wherever they are. Think of them inside a bubble of warmly glowing light. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Nancy
12/10/21 - Master Djwhal Khul
Listen to the Cells in Your Body
In the night four years ago I woke up, couldn't sleep, and went across the hall to the meditation room. I applied Tiger Balm to my lower aching back. Thoughts of refinement started up again. The middle of the night is my new normal time to converse with my guides. When I applied the Tiger Balm I noticed my nostrils crackled clear and I heard the words, "Refining the energies." This signified a new lesson was on its way, and so the words kept coming.
"Notice, pay attention, listen, observe the feelings in your body. Just observe. Let your body teach you. Your body seeks refinement. Allow it to show you, rather than you trying to impose your less-than-perfect technologies upon it. Your body is a mixture of unrefined and refined materials floating around in it, and some are not floating but remain stuck. The atoms that compose your body are conscious. They make up your body consciousness."
After I finished applying Tiger Balm and DMSO to my back, I sat quietly, feeling the feelings that were generated from the application. Then I switched on the lamp and began writing, for the inner thoughts were coming through one after the other, easy and clear. This is what was written.
“Some of this conscious material that makes up your body is slowed down and is what you call stuck energy. It is not moving well. But you have also higher moving materials in your body, and these are directing you to use certain balms and fluids externally, topically, such as the Tiger Balm and DMSO and taking Epsom salt baths. You credit me (DK) for these inner discussions but I am only one voice in the mix of voices you are receiving. Refining your perceptions is like picking up a telephone and listening. You are paying more attention. You are putting attention on your inner sensations. When higher vibrations meet lower vibrations, you as the resident agent of the body, cast the deciding vote. You are the steward and land owner of your body. Be a good land owner. Be accountable. Pay attention. Listen to what your body is telling you. It will tell you what you need to do.
“When integration of high and low-moving vibrational substances take place, healing is the result. Can you feel it now? (There was tingling and buzzing going on.) It is a unification. Blending and allowing, even welcoming the joining with a sense of awe and inspiration, a celebration if you will. This is how YOU create and bring about your own refinement. You are refining your body by listening to it. You call it healing. That is a third dimension term for a spiritual evolutionary process. When kundalini awakened in your body in 1976, YOU were conscious and awed by the refinement that flowed through you. It lifted you. If you had not been conscious and aware of the process, the process of kundalini awakening would have been aborted. YOU are the directing intelligence of your body. You are the master of the various and sundry energies, both high and low vibrating atoms that are moving throughout your four lower bodies. As you refine your perception, it is equivalent to meditation when you cease moving and thinking and begin listening to the advice and counsel of higher guidance. Your body is full of higher guiding forces. You do not have to follow a specific routine, such as a learned meditation that you have used before. Refining your consciousness is a fluid, subtle work of consciousness. Pay attention. Be still and listen and persevere in remaining alert and listening at all times. This is a walking meditation.
“Don’t force a thought because you are not the master planner. You are the student of all of this. You are the learner and the observer. You are the steward who does not know everything, because you are learning as you go. Learning as you go means you listen as you go. Listen and make decisions as the manager of this operating unit of many voices and many vibrations. You are the one who is learning by doing. You are growing wiser through the process of holding the balance and being the overseer of the project. It is on the job training. You are also known as the host. You are the one who is proving your worth by caring for this land over which you have been made responsible, your body-mind. Embrace this understanding of who you are. Your job is to listen to your little workers, millions of elementals in the form of atoms and subatomic particles needing an overseer. Listen to them for they are speaking to you even now. Some are in pain, others are happy. Listen, because as you listen you are sending love and love soothes, heals and unifies. Simply listening to someone speak, truly listening, is sending love. Allowing love to radiate. Love is the healing element. Do you understand?”
(Yes, Master DK. Thank you. I do see. I must practice this and you are here with me, guiding me each night. You are patient with me. Thank you.)
“My dear, patience, no. It is not patience. It is allowing you the freedom to take the lead. It must be you who decides when to get up in the night and listen to me. When you are ready, you call me and I come forward to assist. I do not wait around for you! (Laughingly) I have others who I assist. There is much for me to do.
(Thank you for telling me that. It takes a load off my mind.)
(Laughter!) “Take the time to listen to your body. Listen to the tweaks, bumps and moans that your body is making. Learn how to move WITH them rather than try to fix them. Because, again, you do not have the master plan in your conscious mind. The master design for a perfect mind and body is descending through you in continuous flow, just as a river flows down the mountain becomes part of the landscape, influencing all of the surrounding territory. As the master design flows forth through you it causes FEELINGS in your body and influences your body if you let it. Listen to those feelings. The master plan is coming into you through your breath, in fluid motion, pressing here and there causing sensations. Sometimes you have a painful sensation when the breath of life bumps up against a resistance. Wherever there is pain, go there in your attention and continue to listen. Dissolve it by listening and paying attention. The master plan for your body is perfection but you have created energy blocks with false ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. The master plan is not an object to grasp and lay out on a table to examine. It is an unfolding current within you that is invisible, flowing from higher planes down into slower vibrating substance. You are the co-creator. Your perfect self is TRYING to come into manifestation but it is forced into an obstacle course made of prior human experience.
"As I said earlier, you are a mix of both high and low vibrating energies. It is YOU who enables the integration of high and low substances within you. You are the awake and aware steward of this land called a body, this nation of many voices, all of whom speak in different tongues. They need to be held together by a wise and benevolent master - a higher intelligence than themselves. This is you. You are not the ultimate authority, however. There is one higher than you. You are a steward of this body, learning how to govern wisely the many voices that are speaking within you. The health and vitality of this land (your body) depends on how well you listen to those workers that compose it. Mankind is learning to listen to the landscape within. As he does, he nurtures and nourishes the land of his body. He has not done a good job of paying attention in the past. He has pushed his body beyond endurance and worn himself out, exhausted, lame, debilitated, without understanding that he was supposed to CARE for his body. It is no one else’s responsibility but his own to make peace within his inner world which is accessed by feeling, listening and responding to the subtle and invisible movements within.
“Listen to your own body feelings and perceptions first, before listening to an outsider. Even professional health experts do not know your body or what it needs. Listen to the voices of your people - your cells, tissues, organs of your inner world. They hurt and seek your forgiveness, not your “fixing” with prescription drugs. They do not need fixing, they need you to care and love away their pain - YOUR pain. Your love moves the stuckness within you. In feeling their pain you become the solution to removing that pain. Relief comes in the form of gratitude and “I love you“ thoughts. Yes, it is through mental communication that you talk to and listen to your cells. There is happiness when you care for your body, and joy at being allowed to breathe free again. This is true liberation, to breathe through the stuck energies that block the perfection within you."
(I thought of the recent hurricane Irma and the lost elementals that were uprooted through the fierceness of the winds, which I felt excruciatingly when I walked around afterwards.)
“Yes, you could say that it was the elementals as a whole who were ravished by the hurricane and said, “Thank God I’ll be going home soon,” which you thought was your own voice. But you rebelled with a fierceness that surprised you, and you said, "NO! I will not leave!" It was your determination to stay the course and help in this transition. It was your way of putting loving arms around them and assuring them you would welcome them back to a place where they belong, to a sense of being whole again. Home is wholeness. Home is a heart at peace."
(Thank you DK. for your words of wisdom. I sense this is the end of our session?)
“Yes, you are to be congratulated. You are waking yourself up in the night to learn more but you are growing tired now. We will continue tomorrow in the night or day. If you call me we can continue with the learning." (End)
Merry Christmas everyone, and a very Happy New Year to all who take the time to read these messages. I wish you peace and transcendent bliss in these days of extreme outer chaos. We are happy to report the chaos is not touching us in our happy home. Doug and I are experiencing wonderful things happening. Miracles are taking place, some of which I can't report because they are too other worldly, but others are more practical. After several years of increasing financial tightness, a buyer come forth offering to buy our back five acres. We live on ten acres, the front five has our house and an old barn on it, while the back five is zoned for agriculture and a farmer runs his cows on it. We will finalize the sale next week and we are filled with gratitude and increasing Christmas cheer.
For many petals are opening. There are so many, in fact, that I have had to let them all go on without me. They are passing through me. If I try to keep them and hold onto them, they get scrambled and bunched up into knots, and I can’t use any of them then. I am useless. I have to let them go. It is difficult to do because they are so exciting, but I am learning to let these inspiring revelations breeze on through me without grabbing pen and paper to write them down, which I have so often done. It's all coing on too fast. I can't keep up. I haven’t perfected this yet but I’m getting better at it. It seems as if I am an open channel for an avalanche of enlightened thoughts flowing on through now, not all of which are meant for me.
As I step down from the effort and let them all go, one particular thought continues to reoccur. It comes back again and again. This one is for me. This is mine, my calling, my mission. I’m beginning to understand. I shouldn't let this one go. It is who I am. It is the thought of bringing love – divine impersonal love - down into the average, normal, physical body. MY body so I can feel it. The normal person blocks love out simply because there has been so little instruction or permission on what love truly is. We have all been so afraid of love because it keeps turning personal and brings forth jealousy, possessiveness, emotional hurt and suffering, but that’s not love. That’s entanglement. My calling is to connect with the love that is within EVERYONE, it's real, it's warm and alive and beautiful in every single human body, but it's not easy to do that because we've closed it off. We are afraid of love, free love. It is time to learn more about love and how to express it, how to expand it, how to use it openly, with kindness and generosity and happiness, no holding it back.
That is what I've been writing about for so many years. It's not in human nature to give love freely. It's just not done. We have built walls around it. We have not wanted to rock the boat. We've been trying to stay inside the lines, inside the fence, not daring to look, but there's a new age building around us. I can see it and feel it, and others can too. The world is rapidly changing. It's a new time line. Universal light and love is coming in waves across the planet. It's touching people in new ways. It's been called ascension waves. It's brings softness and transcendence. It's not personal. It's refined. It's delicate and subtle. It's flowing and swirling. It comes and goes according to whoever is open to it. It's loose energy and more and more people are responding to it. I imagine this Christmas season we will notice it more. But this is something larger than normal. It's coming from beyond the Earth. It's a universal wave coming through the sun and moving across the planet's surface and down into the Earth itself. It is cosmic love and light. It is what holds life together and it's coming to heal the Earth. It has been holding the galaxies together and now it's coming to make sure Earth is not destroyed by the chaos that has been happening. This great love is coming from the suns, the stars and beyond. Everyone is feeling it. Cracks are appearing in the ceiling and in the walls and foundations are crumbling. Only love will hold a home together or it too will fall. It is important to learn about this greater love and to expand it out beyond the stiff parameters that cause bitterness and jealousy. This love is absolutely pure and unblemished. It's vast and it's rolling forward over the land as a giant wave. There have been a number of smaller waves but each wave is larger than the one before because people are joining the momentum. It's the great shift in consciousness gathering everyone up in itsself. Some are resisting, and that's OK. No one is being forced against their will. But it's better to roll with the waves of gentleness and kindness because resistance is painful. Resistance goes against the tide.
I’ve been trying to write about it for years, but this that is happening can't be captured in words. Or rather, it can't be transmitted in words. It's a connection that takes place when one is open and ready. The connection one of warmth and mellowness. Softness and tender emotion. But that doesn't explain it either. I'm starting to get it now. It's touching me softly in my inner parts. The pandemic forced me into isolation but I've used the time to research the ancient teachings. I share this love with my husband, not in words but in undercurrents, and he returns it to me in undercurrents. It's not coming FROM him, it's coming THROUGH him when he is a willing channel. And as am I when I am a willing channel. It comes from the sun. We are rays from the sun. Or rather our higher selves are rays from the sun. They come through us because they ARE us and we are becoming more open to our higher selves. They carry huge love but we have to be willing to use it. We don't have to. We can be too busy to notice, or to receive it. This kind of love is not a natural human quality. Love is abstract. We are here to capture it abstractly, it's like capturing like a sunbeam with your hand, and bring it down closer in to see it and feel it. And then share it with someone. It's like a rainbow of colors. It sparkles with hope and gaiety and laughter and dreams and excitements for tomorrow's projects.
Love is everywhere but, unfortunately, it is not here on Earth. Not yet. So it's up to us to bring it here, bring it into action and expression. And plant it in those who live with us and around us, and with the animals and objects we put our hands on, the tools we work with. It's our job, our mission, as stewards of the planet to love ourselves and our lives. That's why we were born - to bring love into expression and into action. We are here to share it. We are here to capture it and hold it in our hands and our bodies and cultivate it, grow it, nurture it, and spread it around. No one can do it for us and no one can teach us. We have to figure out how best we can do it in our own lives. That's why I write so much about it. It's the only avenue I know.
I wish you all happiness, abundance, expansion of love and many more blessings. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!
11/21/21 - Why Goddess Gatherings?
Red Eagle's Message
The full moon eclipse on Friday stimulated several text messages from women friends, asking how am I doing with these heightened energies? I responded that I was sizzling uncomfortably. Things were happening too fast, impossible to relate. I'm on an unbelievable high but my body is uncomfortable. I must be touching other people, holding hands, hugging, being more in communion, to bring me more to ground from the spaces so high. While exchanging texts, I learned that I had been in Atlantis during its great height and, further, that I know what destroyed it so it fell to the bottom of the sea. All of this was confirmed in the split second while typing a text message. There is simply too much information coming in and loosening things that have been locked up inside of me, allowing them to boil to the surface. It is happening to everyone, not just me.
It becomes obvious that by connecting with those of like mind, who resonate and understand, opens doors so information long repressed can flow outward. It is obvious. It is very, very obvious. I am thinking once again of holding a goddess circle here on the property. I have thought it before but it didn't happen. Now I know why. I have hesitated to fall into the same pattern that happened in Atlantis. But this pandemic's isolation period is over. The change has begun. The shift in consciousness is real. And keeping ancient knowledge bottled up is no longer healthy. It will drive people insane. It is starting to break free. Secret knowledge must stop being secret and start coming out of the closet and start connecting again. We are bits and pieces shut away, shut down, we must start flowing back together again. Ancient knowledge is ready to flood the land.
Now this sharing of ancient knowledge will stun people. It is unwise to tell those who are not ready to hear it so wisdom and discernment is called for. But I do not feel to exclude the men from this mailing. Even though a man might not be on the same wavelength as a women's spirituality gathering, they may find value in these words. I am sure they will. But, still, this is primarily for women who are interested in their gathering to share higher spiritual knowledge, feminine spiritual values - those who feel the drawing to be more closely connected to Mother Earth in a goddess gathering. Soon I will be scheduling one day a week for these goddess gatherings. I will send to women only for their input and suggestions. Please watch for it. After texting to Trisha and Dawn about my sizzling past two days and the miracles that have been unfolding, I decided to thumb through an old notebook, unsure why or what drew me. Well, I found it. It was a message from Red Eagle which I copied some years ago and filed away as a crumb and a clue left behind me for just such a time as this. Please enjoy Red Eagle's message. It spoke to me loud and clear.
Red Eagle's Message
William Weatherford, also known after his death as Red Eagle (ca. 1781–March 24, 1824)
In your western society you are cut off at the neck from the energy of Earth. You expend your life force, using your mind to communicate on the telephone, email, texting, and generally thinking. You are so disconnected from your body that you are annoyed when your body speaks to you through discomfort such as a headache or other body functions, and for this you feel the need to mask the pain so that you can go back to your thinking.
In ancient times, the people walked upon the earth and understood the importance of their first mother. They honored her in ceremony and ritual, and there was a knowing that Mother Earth was the eternal mother that would always provide as they lived upon her belly. The wisdom was carried in their bones, and for thousands of years they attuned to their mother through rituals and ceremonies, and they passed their wisdom on to their children through stories, song, and the DNA in their blood.
This wisdom is whispered in the wind and held in the rocks and trees and the configuration of the land. Now is the time of remembering, as you are called upon to remember other lifetimes you walked the earth, other times you walked in reciprocity with your Mother Earth and performed ceremonies and rituals that attuned you in the rhythm of the circle of life.
As you are buffeted by the winds of change, bend with the changes like the grass that sways in the windy prairie. Be flexible and notice the changes that are coming. Allow yourself to be curious about what will happen next. Allowing change to come into your life instead of resisting will create more flow and ease for your journey.
Much of your media creates messages to distract you from the wisdom that sits in the heart of your being. Your heart has not forgotten that Mother Earth provides you with the sustenance for life. This eternal mother provides your nourishment of the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and the homes you live in; survival is not possible without the benevolence of this grand mother.
It is essential for your wellbeing to support your heart by connecting to the energy of your Mother Earth. This can be done in many ways, but the simplest of these ways is to move your body outside in nature. This could be by walking, riding your bike, skiing, or just sitting upon the belly of the mother for she will support and cleanse you as you spend time upon her being.
Be curious about your relationship with the vast spirit of your first mother. I am sure that if we were to sit and have a conversation, you could tell me of your love, fear, sadness, and laughter with your biological mother. You would be able to tell me her name, what food she liked to eat, her voice, and so much more. I would now ask you to create the intimate relationship with your Mother Earth; she has so much to teach you about ebb and flow and how this can support your journey.
Following are some ideas from Red Eagle's same article. I know you will have some others to suggest too. I invite suggestions how to proceed with this. Let us gather gently, with quiet reverence for the living nature around us, being sensitive to each one of us, each delicate soul, humbly considerate of each one's HOLY spirit and I Am Presence. We are calling the sacred forward now.
Full Moon Ceremony
Grandmother Moon has much to offer and I encourage you to pay attention to the cycles of the Moon as she makes her way around the Earth. The Grandmother has an influence on your Earth with the tides that cause ebbs and flows in the energy of the planet. You are connected to this energy and affected by it, either consciously or unconsciously. The full moon is a time when it would serve you to do a ceremony of releasing the old patterns and habits so that you can go forward on your journey with clean and clear energy. The ceremony can be done with fire and candles, and of course your intention to release and let go of the old so that you can embrace the new. A ceremony you may want to embrace is to breathe all of your fears and worries into a stick and then burn the stick in the fire. The fire is a symbol of the Sun and the light, so releasing your old stories and worries into the light will create levity for your being.
New Moon Ceremony
The new moon is a wonderful opportunity to embrace new beginnings. Prepare to call in your dreams and hopes for the upcoming month. This ceremony is to set intention for rejuvenation of those dreams and hopes. It is done with water, the flow of water and the gift of fluidity. A long list of items to bring is available but not included.
The seasons are intended to support your journey, so it is important to pay attention to the season you are in. Winter is a time for quiet reflection, an opportunity to go into a quiet space in the womb of the Mother and to reflect nad ponder your life, considering where you are going next.
Spring brings the promise of hope and new grwoth; it is a time to plant the seeds of your intention and breathe life into new beginnings that are all around you, filling yourself with the life force that is so abundant at this time.
Summer is a wonderful teaching of the Mother Earth as we see that the seeds we plant will come to fruition and we can trust in the universal energies to support our efforts, reveling in the warmth of Father Sun and taking time to play upon your beautiful mother.
Autumn is a powerful time that reminds us to die to the old so that we can be reborn again - die to old habits, worries, doubts, and fears.
Outdoor Fire Pit Ceremony
Prepare the fire pit ahead of time with sticks available to feed the fire. Have a stick set aside into which you will breathe your fears and worries. Start the fire. Sit and take time to connect to the highest light, love and truth. Focus on your fears and worries while breathing them into the stick. Burn the stick in the fire, releasing your old stories and worries into the light.
Creating a Candle Ceremony
Creating a candle ceremony begins by lighting a candle and taking some time to connect to the highest light, love and truth. When you are ready,. set your intention to release fears, doubts and worries, and blow the candle out. With the exhalation of breath you are releasing all your old fears, doubts and worries. Picture the grasses that bend and sway in the wind, they are not brittle and inflexible. It is crucial at this time to allow flexibility and movement in your life. This is not the time for old positions or absolutes. The ceremony of release around the full moon will align you with thousands of other people who do ceremonies at this time.
Blessings, love and light to all who read these words and who don't. The galactics, celestials, ascended masters and the elementals that maintain our bodies also send unconditional love, light and encouraging support. Just ask when you need their help. Just ask and they will be there for you. Listen to the sound of the inner wind. It is very soft and warm. Nancy/Diana
11/12/21 - The feminine and the patriarchy
Clearing up the illusion - it's not what you think
The feminine aspect of life is that part of you which likes to share. Wants to love and be loved in return. This part of the human is open and connected to everyone and everything in the natural state. But it has been usurped, stolen from, weakened, closed down. During the dark ages, the masculine aspect of life took control through various and sundry means which, in essence, drew on that feminine openness, pleaded with that openness, expressed deep needs and hungers that only the feminine could fill and therefore could not resist, and she answered the call. She was sucked into a trap of helping and the trap sprang closed on her. She gave her power away to the masculine and today we have a patriarchal system and a disempowered humankind.
It is important to understand that both genders are disempowered. Men are 50% feminine and women are 50% masculine. They originated from the same source. They each have a central intelligence that is connected to Source, or Oneness, but when it comes to physical life, it is primarily the male who expresses the patriarchy because, after all, he is in a masculine body.
Monogamy is a patriarchal creation. It grew out of the need of a man to own a woman all for himself, so he could draw on her for feminine balance, as an energy source. It kept women isolated. What the men did not realize was they too were trapped in the system, as part of the larger more insidious system that was surreptitiously designed by off-worlders - highly intelligent races from other worlds who watched and visited the Earth in prehistory to explore, discover and experiment with the humanoid race. With different motives behind them, each alien race came to fiddle with the young and vulnerable evolving humans. They were the ones who put the monkey wrench into the works. They modified our DNA for purposes of their own. Thus we have been kept in separation, divided from each other. Natural evolution would have had us evolving peacefully together, learning from each other, but we have been purposely interfered with. We have been kept uneducated.
We, the evolving human race, have been kept unbalanced, divided and thus prevented from growing into oneness and fully integrated with the other half of ourselves. We should have been able to unite our hearts and minds and bodies together with our feelings because that would be a natural path to take with experimenting. But we have been unable to gather and commune with each other openly and freely. We didn't have the chance to grow our freedom to circulate and move about and learn about ourselves. Monogamy served very well to keep the separation going. With each man having his own feminine body to live with, it was an ideal way to keep females tied down from openly meeting together and learning feminine values. The feminine likes to socialize, express freely their thoughts, emotions, kindness and support. Females are tender by nature and spontaneously free-flowing. This was the big mistake in pre-history. Because the feminine couldn‘t be open, neither could he. The men were just as much a victim as the women because they did not know the super elite alien powers that controlled them. They have remained hidden to this day. "They" are the master mind who created the patriarchy. We have been locked into an energy vortex because of them, both men and women, and this has been written into law which is our legal system today. Theoretically meant to keep everyone safe, but in actuality shapes and molds us into a prison-like structure of do's and don'ts. There is no freedom here. No openness flowing today. The alien law was put in place a long time ago, before recorded history, written into our DNA.
Good news! It is changing today. The return of the goddess is the return of balance to humankind. It does not pit women against men or men against women. It is the emergence of a gentle softness and tenderness that seeps like a fragrant wind from - where is it coming from? It is being called the divine feminine, or goddess energy, but that understanding needs correcting. It is a return to heart-centered living coupled with an open mind. Healthy, free-flowing communication is bringing honesty. Freedom to speak, think, believe, act and exchange insights, ideas, opinions, new thought and free love without being arrested, censored, condemned, ostracized or killed. Freedom to be simply what one is by nature, and to express the wisdom accumulated through prior lives, spontaneously as desired, is an innate human right. It has been earned through personal experience. Right now, today, in this current moment, it is not allowed. There are many structures that stand in the way. Men who themselves are shut down and censored by higher authorities, are being used as enforcers on other men and women. It is an insidious system.
The male is programmed to be closed-lipped. That means, don‘t talk don‘t tell, don‘t reveal what you know. Keep your knowledge secret. Keep your past repressed. Don't share, don't speak, don't wonder, don't investigate. Why? No one knows why. Governments say it’s for “Homeland Security“ but that‘s nonsense. And the female has been programmed to obey and go along with the rules or suffer the consequences. Today's female thinks this is a natural state for her to be this way. It is not. She is a goddess who has been held back in class. She has not been allowed to study and learn her trade. She is a goddess in training who is not allowed to gather with her sisters and practice goddess skills which are uniquely feminine. She has not been allowed to mix potions, perform ceremony and feed weeds and bark to her family to cure them of ills. She has been prevented from speaking of the visions that tell her things, like where to place hands on others to mend broken bones, or chant the ancient tongue that soothes and lifts the spirit, and how to live the other gifts that she knows secretly in her heart. Because the patriarchy has put laws in place through its own church. Men have lived in female bodies and women have lived in male bodies, alternately. We've all been there. We've all had an animal past and accumulated great wisdom. Today, if not here in America in other parts of the world, it still happens if a woman crosses a legal line, she gets shot, stoned, imprisoned or harassed to death. Both genders have been shut down. Look at the US patriarchal government. Neither gender in government has power. They are told to be close-lipped. “Keep it secret”. “Don’t tell the other side." It's a structure of governing that does not work. We remain divided on all levels. It has closed everybody down, including the president.
Without understanding, the divine feminine goddess energy is in the process of changing all this. It is working quietly behind the scenes to correct the alien laws on the books and to insert more decent, universal laws to help the brain-washed humans to live freer and more abundantly. There is a higher law. It pervades space and keeps the suns and planets in orbit. There are no secrets. Only a continuous process of integration. It is a learning. It is a teaching. It is a science. There are hidden retreats, unknown by the masses, where one may go to learn about this greater law. Great intelligences are guiding us. They are individuals like us. They have names. Some have been around since before our sun was born, and new ones are joining all the time. There is continual integration, a continual evolution into oneness which is blazingly alive. Dimmed down, yes, or it would kill us, but there nonetheless, offering peace, advice and suggestions. This is the divine feminine.
We have not understood what the divine feminine is about. We are invited to listen to it. It speaks to us all the time from within. The ego refuses to listen but there's another part of us that is not ego. We are meant to be part of the wholeness even while living here in physical form. It would be equivalent to living in a large family who loves you and supports you and listens to your wildest dreams and encourages you. You are safe and secure in this family and you never want for anything. There is abundance everywhere you look, and sickness is unknown. Other species live in this manner on other planets. We on Earth are heading in that direction. That's what the ascension process is all about. It's going to take time, but we've come a long way in the last 50 years.
Those worlds who are more advanced than us, have learned to live in a more civilized way through their understanding of Source. We have been misled about Source. WE are Source! Individualized rays direct from Source. They live an enjoyable individual life of excitement and co-creation and we are meant to join them as neighbors. They know things we don't know, our galactic neighbors. Life is not an accident. It is designed. It is designed by each of us. It is designed with love and intelligence, not by ego and selfishness. The heart is an important part of the equation but the heart was shut down. The goddess energy was unplugged so we couldn't connect with Source. We haven't been allowed to design our life the way we wanted to. The goddess energy is now being turned back on. The return of the goddess will bring back equality between the human sexes in a more beautiful, integrated way. We are one being wearing different clothes. One has a penis, the other a vagina, but we're the same being. We've had limiting structures built on top of our oneness. We've been stopped from growing together and loving one another, co-creating together new ideas, projects, cities, inventions, putting hands on each other to heal each other. It is the natural way. It is returning now. We are seeing wholesome integrating thoughts on the internet, along with the divisive things.
It’s the feminine within vs. the patriarchy outside the front door. It's not the human woman who is going to save the planet, for she is just as lost as the men have been. She does not have any more power to change the world than the men do, the way she is programmed today, unless and until she becomes empowered by her own actions and free will choices to stand up for herself. Then she will change the world. Input by the feminines of the planet is going to save the race. The feminine side of us is our divine side. The galactics are the same way.
Our masculine side is that part of us which wants to go exploring and conquering other territory. We travel over the mountain and through the wood into the deep dark forests and foreign territory. Women have it too. But the feminine side of us keeps us connected to the divine. She does not move. She is remains still at the center of the hub. Men have this too. The center of the body, the center of the self, is the hub, the home, the safety net. It is not being a saint to sit in silent communication with Source. It is wise, graceful, intelligent and true to oneself to do so. It is retaining that essential connection to Home, to Source, to compassion, patience, love, forgiveness. Our feminine side is our Mother. It is a feeling of warmth and love. It is that innate sense of being at peace and being comforted. And there is more if you allow more to come in. I've experienced it most profoundly. We have been seduced into thinking the divine feminine - the goddess - is just women but it's in men too, just as the wanderer-explorer is in women. The central hub of the divine feminine, the divine Mother, is still here. It can be accessed any time by sitting in silence for an hour. I sat with it for four hours the other day. Not all at once, but intermittently throughout the 24 hours. It has not disappeared. It has simply been covered over and lost to the outer sight. We have to dig for it like archeologists dig for ancient relics and bones. It's hard work. It takes dedication but it's worth it.
What is feminine? Both the male body and the female body are composed of feminine electrons. The electrons that whirl around the positive and neutral particle in the center of the atom, are feminine. (Ascended master teachings.) And they are intelligent. Our bodies are feminine. It is our SPIRIT that is masculine. We come from the same SPIRIT. We come from the same Oneness. We forget that when we are born as human babies and grow up listening to human words that separate us into unique personalities.The Oneness is always there behind the outer personality, as an inner guidance system, but we have to take time out to listen to it. It requires that we bend to it, soften, slow down, listen, surrender for a lilttle while, just to listen. The outer human personality is an alien product, shaped by alien races. The natural spirit is there all the while, just waiting for the outer personality to take time out and allow the return to softness and integration again. It is the great power within.
It just takes a few moments to stop and be still and turn inward often throughout the day and depressurize. Fall back on the peace and comfort within. Stop the thoughts from churning. In time each person will learn how to do this. It is destined. That upon which the alien outer personality relies for breath and energy is softness. It has always been there underneath the hard shell of outer focus. It is the life of the body. It is closer than hands and feet and breath. It is what beats our heart and moves our limbs. It digests the food we eat, and it supports everything we do, every second of the day. Even the evil that we do. When we stop and surrender to it, we are transformed into warmth and contentment. It feels like a warm, loving mother holding us within her bosom. It is feminine love. It is our own guiding force. We get ideas from sitting in silence with it. It shows us how to maneuver. Ideas spring forth unexpectedly. The alien human way causes terror, fear and angst. The feminine way reminds us of the power of seduction, of wisdom, of love. It is a safer, more secure way to live life on Earth. It is instructive. It is the gentle power of persuasion. That is what we are calling today the goddess energy. It is the Mother in us. Our very own higher self. We have to remember that it is there and test it. Cultivate it, lean on it, develop it. It doesn’t cost money to access it. It doesn’t require us to take a test or to pass an initiation.
The artificial human is an alien creation. What we call human standards today are sub-standard and below the dignity of the real within. The real within provides a sense of peace that is amazing. It is to be experienced. It has been called the peace that passes understanding. It goes beyond human peace. The peace is always there. One experiences it on occasion. It's rare. It supports our actions and the words we speak. Even wrong actions. It supports us until we use it up without replenishing it. Like the battery-powered clock on the wall eventually runs down without replenishing the batter. The body is a temporary loan. To keep it running we need to connect back to Source periodically to refresh it and keep the channels open, otherwise they close down. The body weakens, loses vitality, the electrons slow down and stop spinning. Sitting in silence is a sign of respect, honor and humility. Recognition is connection with the eternal One that lives through us. It revivifies the power within. It should be done at least once a day, if not more often. It reverses the dying process. One can start practicing at any age, 80, 90 or 100. Sitting in silence with respect, reverence and love for our SELF, our own higher Source, is the great solution to extending longevity, health, happiness and clarity of mind without struggle or pain. Surrender to the soft place within, where human alien thoughts stop churning. It may be hard to do at first, but a beginning must happen somewhere. Sometime. Today. Stop trying to fit into an alien world. Stop fighting. Stop resisting. By going within to the silence which is felt as love, warmth and peace, we leave the alien culture of loneliness.
The universe is maintained by myriads of intelligent beings who have chosen THIS over separation. Go within and go up the inner elevator to the top floor and assume the overview. Be your own master, guide and angel. See the truth from that high place of silence. See the purity. See the courage. See the love. See the peace. Stand inside it and become integrated into the wholeness of life. Whether you're a man or a woman, you are entering the divine feminine, the Mother than holds you together, the center of your own spirit. Become that which is there within you which has been supporting the limitations and the lies and stop supporting the alien culture. Fall back on the good, the decent, the natural and honorable. Not just for you alone but everyone you meet. And there are many. This is the goddess energy. The divine mother is the body element. She receives the spirit from the father. As human beings, we are both the father and the mother.
We are gods and goddesses here on earth to learn these things. We are in training. We are here to discover the wholeness within, that oneness within, the spirit, that source energy out of which we descended into division. We were divided into man and woman but the wholeness is who we are in reality. We just put on a coat of skin. We must remember our connection to the infinite, to the everlasting and the evermore to which the angelics and the ascended masters belong, and the galactics are showing us the way as older brothers and sisters.
A brief update - Doug put up a Gofundme page today: https://gofund.me/5324b786 . Not to put pressure on anyone but in the interest of disclosure, since I'm sending updates and disclosing a lot about myself. It is recommended by Gofundme to share it with friends so I am doing that. We are in our 80's and Doug is no longer working as a lawyer, but is starting a new arbitration business by zoom, so he can use his law license. He has always tithed and contributed to the community and has been one of the most honest men I've known. But our property insurance doubled this year - $4627 this year - and we don't have the money. We have a reverse mortgage and one of the requirements of a reverse mortgage is to keep our insurance and taxes paid. So here we are on Gofundme. I have faith that we will be able to meet our due date. I have faith in the coming changes for the Earth. I have faith in the Ascended Masters who have been guiding me (Master DK) for the last 50 years. And the Galactic Federation which has been fighting for us for much longer. Soon the disclosure will be public knowledge. I know that a better way of life is coming for all of us. For those who are in hard straits right now, please keep the faith. Hold on. Ask for help in the silence of your solitude. Do you know about NESARA? If not, google it. That is a crucial piece that is waiting to come forth. A lot of people don't know about it.
Sending blessings, love and light to all of you everywhere. I feel the closeness arriving. The connections are already starting to happen. Connections are sweet. Tender. They join heart to heart. We are going to all become friendlier, and life is going to be easier. Again, if you are worried, stop worrying and start believing in the goodness that is coming. Cultivate faith by sitting in silence every day and looking UP. It is important to resume connection to the great within.
11/6/21 - Where does the dark come from?
First of all, it doesn't have a soul
What is the dark? Where did it come from? First of all, it doesn’t have a soul. It does have intelligence but it does not have a soul or a spirit. It does not have light but it has a dark intelligence. It does not know God. Where did the dark intelligence come from? It came from a soul who in its search for wisdom and enlightenment, gathered intelligence. Mental intelligence. A soul who searches uses mental capacities. Wisdom and enlightenment is found by integrating intelligence with emotions. It must be felt within the body to become wisdom and enlightened. The mind alone does not have feeling. It cannot feel emotions. It is only a mind. In order to gain understanding of God, one must integrate with the Goddess which is the feminine, which is the mother, which is contained in the physical form. It must go through the heart. It must go through the feelings and emotions. The mental must descend down and connect with the heart to gain enlightenment and wisdom. Everything that was intellectual and held in the mind that was false or not real – like a belief in separation, or a belief that only Christians are right, or the belief that homosexuality is wrong - all these separation beliefs must go. They must be deleted when the mind descends downward into the heart and body, because it is through the visceral feeling that one becomes purified.
So where do all these false beliefs go that don’t have any spirit or light in them? They don’t disappear because they are a creation. Albeit an artificial creation, but a creation nonetheless. The soul who created them moves on to enjoy a more peaceful, beautiful life of unity with others through a heart connection. But an interesting thing happens. His past beliefs disentangle from him and drift like a cloud out into the atmosphere. There it is drawn to gather with other clouds of like intelligence and together this cloud of false beliefs grows and gathers intensity. The dark is the left-over false beliefs that have existed from the beginning. They are intelligent, but they are erroneous. They are not supported by truth. They are artificially created by minds that are searching and growing, but they are not truth.
The dark does not know God but it is intelligent. It has been created by a soul but when the soul chose light over its former belief, the false energy it had accumulated drifted away, retaining a certain amount of intelligence. The force we call dark is seeking the light-bearers to join with it. It needs the light to live but it does not understand the light for the truth of the light is contained in the heart. That is why we must not judge another person. We only make it worse for ourselves, for judging someone else is a divisive force. It separates us. It is not enlightened.
As I drove downtown today I realized that I myself have contributed to the dark. I have no right to judge the dark for it is part of the process of life. As we learn how to use feelings to become more discerning and wise, we discard former beliefs. The dark is that part of me that never understood love. It never unified with the light held in my body as a loving, caring consciousness of the divine. The dark is that part of me that did not become personified. It’s simply a cloud of intelligence that does not know love or light. It is the accumulation of past errors that peeled away from souls who unified with more love and light and cosmic wisdom. The past was discarded and drifted away.
In the beginning there was darkness from many planets and civilizations that went on before ever the Earth came into being. The creator’s voice said, “Let there be light” and souls have been learning about the Light ever since. The darkness was there in the beginning of the creation, and souls who ventured out beyond the creator’s loving light and protection explored it. We all did, those of us in human form. The dark intelligence doesn’t have a soul. It is a purely mental force. It cannot feel. It does not have empathy. It does not understand what love is. We can only know the difference between bad and good through feeling channels. We must use our bodies to feel. I think this is not understood yet. Our bodies are extremely important in learning the difference between right and wrong. That’s why there are spiritual channels out there who are picking up dark forces who are mimicking the light. We must use our feelings to know the difference.
When you start questioning whether you’re on the right track or not, use your feelings. The right track feels warm and comfortable. It’s a nice feeling. Good feelings tell you you are on the right path. At least for now. Be ever aware of negative feelings. Don’t get trapped into something that has you fighting against something, as if you have to use force to push on a closed door. Don’t start beating yourself up over not accomplishing what you wanted to. Or because you argued with someone and you feel bad. All of that is telling you it’s the wrong way. Stop and find forgiveness. Redirect your mental thoughts to compassion, empathy, warm love, grace, beauty, all of the nice words that feel good, that feel right, warm and comfortable. This is a technique for righting something that feels wrong. Listen to the warmth in your heart. It is like an embrace. It is connection with source. It is pointing you in the right direction. Leave the dark forces to the galactics who are better equipped to fight them.
This information came from the Ascended Master Djwal Khul.
11/3/21 - A message from Ascended Master Djwal Khul
Pictures hold the light in your mind better than words
(Me:) One year ago I woke up seeing a picture of DK as an angelic light in my mind. Later I received the following message from him via automatic handwriting. I filed it away in the files and forgot about it. Upon re-reading it recently, I realized the importance of the message. It escaped me at the time. Use PICTURES instead of words.
Ascended Master Djwal Khul on 10/12/20:
I am sending you a light form of an archangel today. Archangels cover the planet with their radiations of love and light Their wingspans cover huge territories and land masses. The light is everywhere. Now, where YOU are located on the scale of radiation of love and light is finite. You see solid forms, hear solid sounds in the form of harsh words and your thoughts are limited, as they run along conduits formed of fixed and stationary paths. What the angelics are doing over your lands, your cities and homes, is telling you, reminding you that you are precious. You are valuable. You are deserving of this love and Light. You are anchored in the eternal sea of life. You may not accept this right now but your soul, your consciousness, does, for it is a part of the sea of eternal light and life. Light is all knowledge that ever existed, and ever is a long time! Knowledge is what composes the sea of light and love. Now, from where YOU stand, you are anchored into the solid and fixed state of Mother Earth, a planet, for you are in a body made of that planet’s substance. You are made from her elements and nutrients, but your knowledge, your infinite consciousness is a part of the sea of life. So, here you are, thinking, “OMG, I’m trapped in a situation and I can’t get out! I must suffer the consequences that are going to happen to everyone here and the world is going into lockdown.”
And wherever that thought takes you, it spirals you downward out of calmness into whatever direction you allow it to go. But it is a solid, and all solids are changing and losing their coherency and solid appearance. There are fluctuations in the solids because the light and love that is who you REALLY are, though you may not realize it yet, is shaking things up. (I woke up with this picture and he is talking directly to me as if telling me to share it with everyone else.) The light is you and the greater light beings are beaming and radiating that light to you and you are being reminded of yourself that you are first light and love, and secondly, you are in a form that may appear solid but the more you are reminded of this picture that I am giving to you, the more you will take on the light and love of the angels. The little ones dart here and there responding to emergency calls from humans, as the archangels, the great ones of the angelic kingdom, hold their huge wingspans over them. These little ones carry messages of hope and goodwill, joy and faith to lift you while you struggle blindly in amnesia. You must train yourself to “SEE” these pictures of light forms that are being rained down upon the earth. This is the raising of the planet and the human beings – you and your family and friends and enemies too. All on the planet are being inundated and drenched and immersed in this love and light because you are valuable. Your personal knowledge and experience is valuable to the ongoingness of the sea of intelligence, love and light.
Solid forms such as your own physical body are changing and releasing the unworthy experiences – the networks of errors that do not contribute to the allness of life. It is releasing the errors and mistakes, and these errors and mistakes of intelligence leave you and collect together in enormous clouds of wrongness called evil. Dark clouds that do not know light or love. Errors and mistakes are necessary to learn what is good in relation to what is not good. These mistakes and errors were created in past time periods, but they were created out of nothing but eternal love and light, for that is all there is! There is nothing that is made solid that is not made out of light particles. These light particles are drawn together by attention. Man focuses his attention on a thing, and love is the power of that attention molding it in shape that is definable to the senses. It is a manmade creation. Is it good? Does it contribute the goodness and ongoingness of eternal life? If not, then it is a creation that will eventually peel away and return to the void where its particles of light are recycled, to be used again by a benevolent consciousness. Love is what creates. The holding of attention to a point and holding it steady and firmly with love, that is what creates. War is created by holding thoughts on war and the mechanics of genius of how to create war. That is an example of a wrong way of creating. It is not for the benevolent ongoingness of life. War is created for death and destruction by evil-doers. No good can come from it, despite the erroneous thinking that goodness must be fought for. The betterment of the world situation is taking place by those who are holding attention on peace, not war, and the mechanics of peaceful methods. The how-to’s of bringing more beauty, refinement, kindness and abundance for everyone, for the whole. War will not bring that end result about. Only peaceful intentions and holding the light for peaceful intentions will do it.
I tell you, it is not in words that you create peace, but in holding the light in your mind. Pictures hold the light in your mind better than words. What you think, you radiate from you outward, and words are error-fllled. Stop with the error-filled words! Pictures of light beings are best suited for holding light in your mind. Radiate these light-filled images out into the atmosphere. The words of the human languages are mixtures of human error and human solutions, past experiences filled with both good and not-good of human experience. They are not of love and light. They contain human error. The pictures of angelics and other ideals, noble ideas of heroes, saints and masters are not forms of “words” but of light pictures. When you hold an angelic picture in your mind or the face of a holy one, a master or saint that has entered your consciousness, that is how you receive the resonance of love and light. Form a receiving image in your mind of that picture and hold it steady. This is a higher form of prayer, and then you will find yourself, while in stillness, adding devotional words. A life filled with such practices and methods has created a glow around itself, a bubble if you will, of love and light around the body. So it goes with that body wherever it walks, and sustains him or her through storms that sweep away others around them.
All around this one who radiates light and love may see the world appearing to be falling apart, but the only part being swept away is the appearance of what was not built on love with the light of ongoingness. Not the consciousness of the person is swept away, but the past built on error is swept away. The consciousness remains the eternal part of the person, the part that is called the soul. The consciousness of the person is the valued part of the person. It is a vital piece of the eternal oneness of all that is, the sea of life. Is this consciousness aware of itself as light and love? Are YOU aware that you can stand still in the midst of a tornedo, a flood, a storm, a fire, a plague and remain standing in calmness while others of your friends go down along with buildings, trees and lesser creatures? You can! There are many who are practicing methods of peace that hold the light and love in their consciousness. And if they are not very good at it yet, if they will call on the angelics for help, help will arrive. Keep working at holding the picture of love in your mind long enough. It will grow steady and become a living, light-filled part of your consciousness. That is the valuable part of you, not the things you have created in solid form. They will be taken away. If you hold the picture of love in your mind, they will descend down into the flesh and blood and start to glow outward into the auric field of the body that surrounds every body. This is the one to whom the angels come to assist – the one who is radiating a signal as an SOS – Help! This is the purpose of the angelics - to help and lift and provide hope beyond the human consciousness which has lowered into a cloud of unseeing hopelessness. Learn to hold this image in your mind. Look at the image periodically through the day at cycles. Copy it onto your cell phones to check in from time to time. Receive it. Your mind must stop contributing worries about outcomes. Stop contributing fear of losing money. Stop worrying about political destruction and the state of the world. Start receiving light and love which is being beamed down upon the world and the human beings who are seeking answers.
Let the light, hope, light-filled pictures sink in that it is real. Hold the picture in your mind long enough that it will sink down into your body cells. Have an open mind, not a closed mind of tangled thoughts which are dead-ends going nowhere. Have an open mind devoted to the pictures of the archangel I have given you, so that the light, the knowledge, the hope, the faith, the enthusiasm, the excitement that light is coming to the earth, flow downward into your density, your bones and muscles and nerves. Fill your mind and body with this picture and it will stabilize your consciousness. You will feel the newness take hold of fresh, invigorating thought, formed out of light and love and hope and anticipation of beauty and refinement coming to earth. The vastness of the sea of light is feeding the earth right now like never before. It is increasing the numbers of souls who are learning how to leave the errors of their past behind them.
Form is created by fixating on something and holding to it, but consciousness is ALWAYS moving. How can you hold a fixated thought when consciousness is always moving? You can’t! You must keep your mind open to receiving more of the light above you. Let if flow through you. The forms that you know today that is the world you grew up in, is changing for those who are willing to stay in the center of the light and let go. New forms are building in your mind even now. Light creates, be one who holds onto light with a loving nature. Allow this new dream to take form around you of abundance for everyone, a smooth transition for everyone, harmony, peace, love, enjoyment for everyone. Shift your focus off of worry and hopelessness onto love,light, new knowledge, new creations. The angelic forms are the best, or the face of a beloved saint or master. Hold the picture. Hold it and periodically through the day stop and connect with it emotionally, with all of your attention. Stop, and in the stillness of thought and emotion, receive it once again. It is a better way to inoculate yourself against the pandemic. Not with a needle but an infusion of love and light that lifts. Take frequent moments out of your day and receive this infusion. It is an eternal sunrise on the horizon of your life in physical form. Good-bye!
(Thank you DK. Received 10/12/20)
10/26/21 - The untold story of planet Earth
What's really going on today
Closing the Printz book (1), a rare Ascended Master publication, I picked up the pen and started writing, continuing the thread of the message I just read but filtering it through my own consciousness. The Ascended Masters use such high-frequency tones and words that it is not easy to extract the message in common language - and this is important.
Where a person (soul) has become so lost and refuses to return to its original vibration, he is dissolved and returned to the sea of oneness to be recycled. He loses his personal memories and is no more. They, the guiding forces who created the earth, did not want that to happen so a plan was devised and put into action to save the earth from being annihilated. The plan involved highly evolved beings birthing onto the earth through human parents. This has been going on since the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, increasing as the earth’s energies are rising, which allow more parents to be able to receive the more enlightened souls.
A picture was given to me this morning as a metaphor. Earth is like a beautiful elegant mansion that has had marauders and invaders tear it up. Things are in shambles. Bits and pieces are displaced or destroyed. The interior of the house is destroyed but the walls remain. Earth has been slowly being destroyed for millions of years. Though it started out small, it became worse. Nothing is in alignment, everything is askew. When the nuclear bombs went off in WWII, it was a signal that something had to be done. The entire planet is corrupt. The only way to save it from total annihilation is to work from within. Spies have been put in place. They have been birthed onto the planet through normal channels and thus they too had the veils pulled down, and they consciously were subject to the corruption. But they were highly evolved souls. Only the most enlightened and powerful were chosen out of the many volunteers who offered to be born on the planet. Thus, these enlightened ones were like sleeper cells. They would awaken in time. Some of them were lost to the corruption, but many of them were awakened and remembered their reason for being here. They had a mission.
They learned to follow the divine pattern within - innate heart and soul feeling - which is their own natural source of happiness and comfort. They learned to resist the human corruption because their own natural source was so strong. They were old souls. They had lived many lifetimes under many circumstances, and they had all ascended many times over, so they had the divine light strongly reinforced in them, something the younger souls have yet to build. So these sleeper cells awaken at a certain point in their embodiment and slowly begin to resist the human shenanigans that don’t fit their comfort zone and their inner knowing. But they cannot simply sweep house the way they wish they could, because they must follow their divine guidance. This is the part that many do not understand. Why don’t the light forces come in and kill off the bad guys? Because the bad is embedded in them too. They must follow their divine guidance to remove the corruption within themselves. This is done through harmony and cooperation. We live inside a universe of harmony, love and light. When there is a problem of negatives invading, divine guidance comes in to harmonize and set it straight. An evolved soul will follow the unity protocol. If something isn’t right, they find a way to correct it through understanding and compassion, through compromise and forgiveness. They must find a way to correct the situation without causing further damage. If they killed all the bad guys, they would be adding to the corruption which was destroying the planet.
Using the mansion that was destroyed by marauders as an example, a cleaning crew would go in and begin by assessing the damage first, and then making a game plan. What to clean up first? It is done by carefully aligning what belongs where. For example, an exquisite jar on the floor belongs on the mantle, but the mantle has been destroyed. So where should the jar be placed temporarily until the mantle is fixed? Each piece must be accounted for and cleaned up and prepared. It is organized carefully so as not to make matters worse than they already are. This is the process that is going on today in every corner of life on Earth, from government policies to financial institutions, from manufacturing to education, from law to medicine. Correcting the corruption while the corrupters are still in power must be done carefully, undercover, as in a spy network. Sleeper cells of enlightened beings are kept in the dark until they are needed. Then they are nudged into connections through personal meetups, books being presented to them, articles from the Internet, there are many ways of awakening a sleeper light.
This is why the feminine is being called into action. The male body is biologically designed to work with the outer world of light. The female bodies are designed to work with the inner pattern of light, which is love when it is contained in the body. The women are being called into action to become awakened to the divinity within them. Not to chit-chat about their hobbies or vent about relationships, but to understand and define what really matters. The fake personality, the human identity that went to school and learned politics, science, math from teachers who are already corrupt, does not matter. That human identity is meant to be used, its experience is valuable, but it must surrender to the divine within which is the source of ALL life. We live inside the source creator which is love and light - light being enlightened intelligence. Whenever we do something against the source creator, we are damaged, hurt and suffer the consequences. That is why the feminine bodies are being called to come out of hiding and start using their God-given, source-given talent and knowledge, which they know they have. They just don’t use it because the corrupt patriarchy has put it down and abused it. Not the human males but that which was imposed by dark alien forces.
We’ve all been exposed to the maleficent influence of the corrupters, and thus we are discovering that we must discipline our OWN habits, involuntarily and ignorantly assumed from the corrupters. As we change our own negative habits, we display them to others and validate others to do the same. We are embodying the light as we do this. We are manifesting light and love as we do this. We change ourselves and thus we radiate to our immediate environment, correction. We are the advanced ones who birthed onto the planet over the last 100 years, with a few before that, to bring order out of chaos here on Earth. These words are my own words as I am becoming more awake and aware of these things. I am being presented with information that stuns me. That rattles me and shakes me into alertness. I read another one last night. Why was I not given this information before? Because I wasn’t needed before now. Too much information too soon is damaging, not helpful. Resistance is thrown up against too much too soon. While books and teachings are sources that enlighten me, the No. 1 source is myself, as it is with everyone. Look to your HIGHER self, to the ethical standards, morals and ideal principles that you know are true and good and right and honest. As I turn inward and upward to search for answers, I get information coming to me in a downpour like torrential rain. I must then discipline myself to shut down what I do not want right now. It’s too much too soon. I know where it is. I’ll reach for it later. But right now I have to shut down if it’s too much. I have wanted to gather the women together for many years but I was not ready. I was too raw, too open, too vulnerable. Now I am being called into action. I am now being called to be strong and resolute. I feel the gathering of divine intention.
This gathering is coming from a neutral point. Not for me to teach, or anyone else to teach, but to provide opportunity for women to discuss openly what is this divine pattern we are supposed to feel? How does it come to us? What do we look for? What do we do with our children who are needy and hungry and our husbands who are needy in a different way? What do we do with the demands being put on us? There is a divine pattern which each of us which functions as an inner beacon light. It is the FEELING nature which men have by and large rejected because they had a different role to play. Instructions and solutions are being lovingly given to us through the inner feeling of comfort. If it is not comfortable, don’t do it. If a child is hungry and needs food, wait until your comfort zone kicks in. Wait. Be patient. Will she die on the spot if she doesn’t get food? Your comfort and peace will radiate out and connect with her when she is ready to receive it. Giving her food before she is ready, when she demands it, will create a negative impact on everyone around.
Comfort is an instruction. Comfort is love. Comfort is a light and love instruction. Embody it. A discussion about how to deal with everyday situations is a worthwhile and ongoing topic. We are changing the world by changing our everyday body habits. From inner feeling we decide to do something different. From inside out we apply unity, compassion, cooperation, in harmony and in understanding. In this way we link the divine pattern into the human corrupt pattern. It is a co-creation. A holding of hands, the larger being holding the hand of the smaller fake being. The divine pattern