Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
Tantra Blog
8/19/21 - (Me:) Recently I asked my invisible teacher, Ascended Master Djwal Khul, about Tantra. He has been my mentor for 50 years, ever since going into the light in 1976. I said, "I am totally worn out with the sexual approach to Tantra (Red Tantra). Everybody either wants sex or is afraid of sex and is defensive. Please tell me about White Tantra because Red Tantra starts at the sexual level and tries to ascend but never gets to ascend because they get bogged down in the sexual sensations and it doesn't go any further. We don't ever get to the higher levels." He answered me immediately: I had pen and paper ready to write down his answer:
(DK:) “It is neither starting at the spiritual or the sexual. Rather it is a joining in a perfectly equal way. When two people sit facing one another they are perfectly aligned and balanced in their physical body parts. Head to head, face to face, eye to eye shoulders to shoulders squared and facing one another. Hearts and torsos facing one another. Naval and stomach, pelvic and hips. And the legs, depending on which sitting arrangement is chosen, each has their legs positioned to mirror the opposite person. * One male body and one female body in perfect alignment, meaning the parts are acting like mirrors to each other. It is as if the woman were sitting in front of a mirror and seeing her own reflection, but here she is seeing her reflection in the man in front of her, so she is actually seeing her masculine self when she looks at the man. Likewise, the man seeing his feminine self when he looks at the woman. The male and female bodies are each created for different purposes. The male is created to be a positive influence on the outer world and so his masculine energy pushes out in front of him to interact and interface with the outer world of objects and other people. The female is created to be a magnetic influence, drawing inward to interface with the inner world of spirit. When these two bodies are not in balance, there is struggle and challenge. Which force is the strongest? The pulling in, or the pushing out? The quiet seducer, or the controller? The man-woman battle is never-ending and never will be, until they align and balance and face each other in mutuality. That is Tantra. Tantra means web. When they balance their energies and bring them into alignment, they weave their energies back and forth into a web-like structure. Tantra means web in Sanscrit. The man does indeed have both male and female currents within him but they are not balanced. Most men are cultured to use only his masculine energy and his feminine energies lie stagnant within him. The woman also has both female and male currents within her but she is not balanced. The women are cultured to use only her feminine energy and her masculine energy lies stagnant within her. * Neither the man nor the woman will find happiness or fulfillment, they will not be complete until they bring their quiet energy which they have rejected, upward into full consciousness to be recognized, identified and woven into balance with their dominant outward pushing energy. That is what Tantra does for two people who undertake the exercises of Tantra. (Journeled 4/30/14)
(Me two days later:) After much agonizing all night long over sex, swinging, massage clients wanting happy endings, the whole sex thing was wearing me out. While showering I felt DK talking to me. I heard the words, “It is OK to continue having sex with your swinging friends, but be discerning, don‘t confuse swinging and playtime with therapy.” So I went to the meditation room and started writing what he was telling me.
(DK speaking:) “You don’t have to stop having sex, just don’t confuse it with the star force called kundalini. Kundalini is the evolutionary spark embedded in all sentient creatures with the impulse to grow upward and to better themselves. In all sentient creatures there is a desire to reach upward which comes from the seed of life embedded in matter. It is powerful. The lowest impulse in the physical is to copulate with another person, the seed of life is reaching out to another seed of life in another person. It is drawn to itself. But if it is allowed or encouraged to rise to higher levels before it is “spent” or “wasted” in sex or for making babies or pleasure, it rises upward and opens windows to higher consciousness. Nerds are those who have by-passed sex and use the spark of life (the kundalini) in their brains to become genius thinkers and creators. Gifted orators are those who use the spark of life in their throats for speaking with power and confidence to lead and gift others. Artists and musicians are those who use their gifts from the heart, they bring the energy to the heart and solar plexus, to use their emotions and feelings to stimulate their passion for their art, vs. bringing it all the way up to the brain and by-passing the heart. Great teachers and scientists and healers are those who have tapped this force through study and practice along one inspired thought, thus elevating themselves to higher perspectives. They evolve by using this spark of life that is embedded in their root chakra at the base of the spine by studying and practicing. Through single-minded focus they dedicate and consecrate the spark of life towards their chosen field of interest which unfolds and evolves them to higher awareness in their field. They become genius because of the life force they are directing like a laser beam to greater and greater understanding and accomplishment.
"Those who do not have a mentor in their life squander the spark of life within them by meandering and wandering first this way and then that. They do not have a focus or a direction. Unless they learn to focus by themselves, if they don’t have a teacher, then they will be lost in the sea of the many people’s thoughts and emotions. The storm clouds of every day life. Thus the spark of life within them is wasted. It is not directed by their conscious will power. Thus it diminishes and dies down to a low ember. It does not go out, however, until the body dies. Upon death it is reeled back home to the I Am Presence, the higher self which is connected to the sun, and is above the head in the spacious sky above the storm clouds on earth.
"It is not important for individuals to know about the kundalini or the spirit spark within them unless it is their soul journey to do so. Perhaps they have learned of it and studied it in a prior life. But as you are trying to understand it, it may be yours to explain it. As you ask your questions you will get your answers. As you struggle with lower manifestations of kundalini through sex and the expressions of sex through loving encounters with others, you will raise yourself out of the quagmire of misunderstanding and confusion.
"When kundalini first awakened and activated in you and soared you into the sky, you needed to ground yourself and sexual expression with other bodies served you well. But then, after a while, you were not satisfied with the strictly physical and lower emotions of sexual expression. Continued use of the spirit spark in this way grew old and boring. Your enthusiasm for sharing bodies sexually became dull. You were confused by this because you remembered the beautiful rewards, harmony, peace, great love for the people and the rapture and bliss and high energy that you felt during these early days of kundalini when it was active in you and you were processing it dynamically and grounding it through your lovemaking with others.
"What happened? It was insidious, and slow to shift and change into boredom. It was so slow you didn’t recognize it. You wondered about this. The understanding of what kundalini is, how it is the power behind sex, and how it motivates lovers and how it can be used to great advantage by the individual to better the life and be more free and healthy and alive - this was declining in you. You began to substitute a “belief” in this as a network or a veil to substitute for the real power, for the real power was subsiding. Kundalini has a natural cycle and an intelligence of its own. You must learn to work with it, not to force it against its nature. When the cycle ends, it ends.
"A master teacher could have prepared you and guided you through this, but you chose to experience the full advantage alone, to see where the swinging would take you. It has led you well. You have learned a great deal about the energy behind the sex. You now are struggling with the false set of beliefs which you constructed about sex, how healthy it is, and how it can be a spiritual journey. This concept is not wrong, but you are operating on a set of beliefs about kundalini, rather than operating on the real power. Beliefs are mental structures that serve for a time and then must be dismantled as life ebbs back to renew itself. You became involved in the struggle of men and women and the women’s resistance to men and the men’s controlling behavior over women. This has captured your attention. You desired to help straighten the mess out, believing you had the answers. But you do not have answers for other people. You only have answers for yourself. You want to comfort people. You want to relieve them of their stress, but each individual needs to learn how to do this for himself or herself. No one is a savior of others.
"Teaching is another matter. A teacher may advise and provide some direction, but only when the individual asks for it. Beyond that it is useless and dangerous to try to pressure the individual with answers he or she does not want and are not ready to hear. You wanted to teach the gentler way of making love. This will help but it will not give them the answers to their inner struggles. They must learn the answers by themselves. They are on their own journey. You are learning something here. Your struggle and agony over sex and helping others through sex is playing the same tune over and over and over. It has created a rut in you that you are trying to crawl out of now.
"The ascended master teachings are of a higher order. They have thrown you a life line. You are using it now. Your struggle over how to explain to a client that you do not want to accept him any more, is rather a struggle over how to understand yourself. Take your focus off of the client and place it upon yourself. Stop trying to comfort your client and start to comfort yourself. Reel in your attention. You do not have to respond to their calls. However, you do need to tell them in a respectful way a firm No. That is sufficient. An explanation is not necessary. For what you are afraid of is being sucked back into the same vibration. Some of your clients are not damaging you They are accepting your energies and spirit and allowing themselves to absorb the therapy and healing that you are giving them. The bliss you feel of completion at the end of the treatment is validation and proof to you that your treatment succeeded. If you do not have this validation your treatment did not succeed in raising the energy to higher levels.
(Me:) What about the bliss of the man who has an orgasm?
(DK:) Understand, the spirit spark cleanses wherever it goes. So if it is going out through a sexual release it is going into the physical body and the body feels cleansed. If there is no release through orgasm but the good feeling of arousal continues and the person sucks it upward in an upward direction through certain techniques he can learn, the aroused kundalini will expand upward to higher ground. There is an etheric body that is higher ground than the physical body, and there is an emotional body that is higher still and a mental body that is higher still. These higher bodies are “buttoned” into the chakra system. So as a person learns to raise the expanded arousal feeling upward through the pranic tube it will expand through the various chakras - of the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, the spiritual body. As long as the body is in a state of sexual arousal but not releasing through sexual triggers, the kundalini expands upward. It is like a gas, or water, in that it will expand and flow where there is nothing to hold it back.
"Where there is a blockage due to erroneous beliefs or traumas (all of which are confused and tangled threads of conscious energy - it looks like a birds nest) then kundalini will pierce that blockage if it can and if kundalini is in a state of high activation, if the gaseous molecules are agitated enough, kundalini will waft into the blockage and dissipate the confusion. If that is the case the individual will have memories and realizations. Perhaps visions of a former traumatic event will come flooding forth into consciousness because it was not completed nor understood at the time it happened, and so was buried and forgotten. Unresolved bits and pieces of awareness that still remain disjointed and misunderstood. This is how energy gets stuck and causes problems to surface in the form of physical disease, mental disease or emotional disturbance. It creates a veil over the consciousness that is uncomfortable and limits and clouds the understanding. This creates dullness, confusion, apathy, loss of interest.
"Kundalini is a cleansing agent. It is pure spirit. It does not have an agenda other than to rise. Its impulse is to grow upward to return home to its I Am Presence from which it came. Every human has this impulse to return to its place of bliss where there is safety, security, peace, love and happiness. That is what kundalini is - a piece of that “home”. Kundalini is a piece of the great I Am Presence that was separated at the time the embryo was formed, to help design the physical body. It is the heart of the seed of life. Its job is to keep the body alive and interested. It provides the spark of enthusiasm and the impulse to learn and create and grow more open, more free, more abundance. Ever since mankind’s DNA was dismanteled, kundalini was allowed to remain because the body would die without it. The geneticists could not take kundalini away or the body would die but kundalini has been reduced to a slow and steady “drip” up the spine. It looks like a glistening dewdrop that drops from the petal in the morning light, but it drips UP the spine. It feeds the chakras, the spine, the glands and organs with life. Kundalini keeps the body alive and functioning from a physical standpoint. Even in a coma, a person’s body remains alive because of kundalini.
"Kundalini is feminine in nature. It feels good when it activates in you when you do your “movements” because you have processed it through every cell of your body. Your DNA has been recharged with the kundalini. You are well grounded in kundalini. But understand the purpose of kundalini. You remember the day you recognized it and called it “Mother”. You said, “They call you kundalini but you are my mother.” You were in an altered state of consciousness at the time. You know these things, you have simply forgotten them. You have created a set of beliefs and ideas which have placed a veil over your knowledge and cut down your clear sight. This has been a slow and insidious process of veiling. You did this in order to learn the deeper lessons of sex. This has led you to this hour and this moment of sudden realization. You have been held locked into the lower levels of other people and their issues. You allowed yourself to be caught up in them.
"Again, I say, it is OK to play at sex and have your tumble in the hay, as they say. But do not confuse sex play with therapy. Be clear about the purpose of kundalini. It cleanses the body by clearing the chakras and the subtle bodies when it is allowed to rise higher rather than be “spent” through ejaculation and orgasm. Its purpose is to raise you up to higher zones of life, to meet your bride groom, your God Presence - your I Am Presence who is above you higher than the physical world. He is your father where kundalini is your mother. It is your journey and your destiny to bring them together in friendship, in love, in tenderness and in understanding. To raise the one and lower the other, weaving them like gold and silver threads into one shining fabric. There are no words to explain this to others. However, you can explain this to yourself through this journaling process. Your question about White Tantra vs. Red Tantra has brought you to this lesson today. Whether White or Red the kundalini, which is the dynamic power behind the sex force, is raised up the pranic tube, the spinal tube, to the head and out the top of the head in an upward fashion. And then the high God Presence is brought down through the top of the head, down the pranic tube and spine, to the genitals. In this fashion you weave the spiritual God Presence into the human vehicle and thus a whole new life is born. It is the evolutionary design implanted by the celestials.
"When you have a physical orgasm which blisses you out, it is the body that is blissed. The muscle system and brain is overloaded with endorphins caused by the kundalini, the spark of life, exploding. But the resultant state of bliss is short-lived because only the physical tissues are cleansed, not the subtle bodies. The etheric, emotional or mental bodies remain uncleansed and filled with the debris that feeds the physical. The physical body is a reflection of all that is contained in the subtle bodies." (Received 5/2/14)
6/13/21 - (Me:) I have been asking myself why do I not want to provide massage any more? I love massage. I started out loving massage with all my being. I found great pleasure in deep, loving touch with another human being. It was a wonderful way to feel good. But over the years I was being constantly pulled down into sexual energies by men when I performed loving touch on them. Women accepted my loving touch beautifully but men kept turning it sexual and lower. It was a tumultuous, conflicting learning experience which finally culminated in my giving up massage permanently. I found myself saying silently, even while doing it, “No! No! No!“ This resistance became so strong in me that I went into out-and-out rebellion. When my little cell phone rang, I stopped answering it on the spot, waiting for the caller to leave a message. Then I would make a decision whether to call him back or not. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't even call back. This was totally unfair of me, but I didn't know what to do. I was in total conflict, frozen like a deer in the headlights. I continued arguing with myself, Why am I feeling this way? I want to do loving massage which is elevating for both the client and myself, but what do I do with the monster unleashed in the process? And why am I so against it? What is it doing to me? Why am I feeling this way? Massage has been an income-producing occupation and I've enjoyed the work but it has been pulling me down. I decided to ask my higher guidance one day. I was on the computer and this is what I received through the keyboard. I believe it was from Master Djwal Khul.
“When a man has his release in a sexual orgasm, he is expelling all the toxins and misqualified energies that he has allowed to build up within him. These impure energies which he himself creates, drop downward, pulled by gravity to the lower parts of his body. Uplifting happy thoughts and feelings gather around the upper body and head and bubble upward into the atmosphere above the head, but negative particles are dense, made heavier by impure thoughts, selfish motives, unkindness, anger, hatred and meanness. These fall earthward within the auric field of the individual, creating a heaviness that encircles him around. The desire to have sex is a desire to rid himself of unclean emotions and thoughts which he terms “stress”. He feels it as stress and as a suffocation because it really is preventing his own clean and pure life from shining forth and expressing freely in his life.
“The desire to have a sexual blowout is a desire to get rid of this heaviness that has built up in his energy field and is now suffocating him. It is causing tension which causes erratic and moody behavior. It is like being in a straight jacket. Women experience this too, in subtly different ways. The life-long work is to learn what causes these mood swings. If a man or woman would learn to raise their thoughts to a happier, higher level and not permit negative thoughts or emotions to linger in them, they would enjoy a more pleasant and freely expressive life - one not driven by the constant need to have a sexual release to feel good again.
“There is nothing wrong with sex but the intent and motive behind it. A sexual "need" is selfish, where a loving attraction to be with someone is not selfish but an expression of joy and wonder. In the latter case a sexual encounter would be relaxed and equally loving rather than darkly demanding. When sexual need is present, there is force behind it which is unnatural. When one has become more uplifting and happy in thought and feeling one feels free and no force is required to feel loving. No negative particles are involved that are pushing for release.
“Human kind is here to learn to choose wisely the types of thoughts and feelings entertained. You are here to learn the cause and effect of negative vs. positive thought. You are the masters of your thoughts; choose wisely for you prepare your future by the thoughts you carry around with you today. Negative and depressing thoughts are best changed with forgiving yourself and appreciating even the bad thought. Love and appreciation is the transformative agent. Do not permit negative thoughts to build up and you will not build heavy dense layers that suffocate you.
“Mankind is here to learn from mistakes, not be buried by the aftermath of mistakes. Be wise. Become enlightened to the laws of life and flow with them, not against them. Man is here to raise the energies that flow through him cleanly, like a fresh sparkling river of pure undiluted LIFE. Do not allow that pure undiluted life to become impure by negative thought whether it be a negative reaction or a negative experience.
“There is a universal sense of ‘dirtiness’ around sex and prostitution for this reason, though most people are unaware of the truth of it. Women who work in this field take these toxins into themselves in the process of giving the man the release they need. She is doing him a great service. Likewise the man who is performing the service for women. Or men for men and women for women. It does not matter who is performing the service, they are accepting the misqualified energies of the other. That is why you are resisting this behavior. Those who perform sexual services should learn how to cleanse themselves before and after so they may remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.
“The introduction of Tantra is instruction in inner work. The Western version of Tantra is in error, with a sexual overcast to it. Tantra is a teaching in elevating thought. Practitioners are taught not to release their energies or physical semen (their dirty laundry) into a lover. Tantra is a beautiful purifying course of study that one may undertake alone without a partner. This inner work involves keeping one’s thoughts and feelings pure and uplifted. Even when a thought or a feeling enters, one learns how to be the master of those thoughts and feelings, and how to change them to kind, loving, intelligent and beautiful thoughts and feelings. In this way he elevates and inspires himself and all who come in contact with him (or her). Purity of body is also required, which one would automatically and naturally be impulsed to follow, if one's thoughts and feelings are inspired by higher and more elevated living. These are the trainings of Tantra. When done in advance, prior to love-making with another person, one has most loving and sweet encounters." (Received 5/6/15)
5/7/21 - (channeled from the Master DK in 1981, date unknown) Sex in the normal sense is a portal to higher consciousness but only when it is respected. Respect is an elevation of thought chosen by the mind. The higher the respect level, the higher the experience one may have during the intimate act. Let's say respect is the lowest level. From there, one may rise a bit higher through appreciation, then a little higher still through gratitude, then a bit higher through joy, higher still through reverence, and yet higher through adoration, praise and so on.
All of these thoughts, when held in the mind, are different frequencies. They put out and generate different waves that vibrate with feelings. They are felt viscerally, internally, as feelings when entered into. When thoughts are focused on these feelings, which one must practice with to better identify which is which, it is possible to "fix" them into that frequency like a laser beam or a flashlight held by the mind's attention.
When the mind wanders like a lost soul, mental attributes diminish and become defused. So the power of mind is developed by practicing with these higher states of consciousness, combined with the ability of mind to hold that focus. That is when the quality focused upon becomes a feeling. Mind must hold the focus long enough that it descends into density, which is physicality. Sensuality is a held thought focused on long enough to become physical.
In our culture we have not been trained in this art. Most people think sensuality is an accident that comes from some mysterious chemistry between people. That is far from the truth. We MAKE our sensual feelings by focusing on the quality we want. We "make" love by thinking and holding love in our thoughts, not by diddling the yoni or pumping the lingam.
When we focus our conscious minds on our heart we can become more loving. The brain is the cold mechanical computer where intelligence is received from higher planes and stored. The body is where love is received from higher planes and stored. It's a step-down process. The two go hand-in-hand. We receive intelligence (which is light) and it becomes love as it descends down into the body from higher planes. The mind receives and passes it down into the body by holding it and directing it downward. The body receives it as sensuality. Mind and body must work together to create a loving sensuality. They walk the path together.
When we focus on the third eye, specifically the middle of the brain where the pineal gland is, we receive intelligence from our higher self. Our God-self. The third eye must open to receive. Until it opens, it can open and close randomly. The third eye mostly recycles what intelligence it has already accumulated. But we can receive more. We are infinite creators. For example, one does not simply "make up" or pretend an emotion of adoration. One must think the thoughts like "I love you, I adore you, I revere you, you are beautiful, you are so precious to me." Thoughts of that nature. As one builds a momentum of this type of thought, which you can think silently, it doesn't have to be out loud, it raises your consciousness until you are literally singing these adoring phrases out loud. You are opening and receiving the beautiful higher conscious that is infinite and close to the creator and the angels of heaven, even as you are a physical body.
Your heart, which is where your true God-self is anchored, automatically kicks into action. The cells of the body, yours and your lover's, are stirred by this thought-triggered emotion of loving adoration because you are setting into motion the vibration of higher and ever-higher frequencies. This is the real secret of Tantric love which has been lost today.
If one is going to pursue this path, the first thing to consciously change is to stop using the dirty words common to our culture which we think are sexy and cute. They are not. They carry very low energy in them. They pull you down to the lowest common denominator - basic physical animal sex. These are downward-spiraling thoughts. They are heavy with not only animal instinct but unresolved and undesired instincts of terror, fear, hurt, pain, and more. The way to change them is to think the high thoughts mentioned above, starting with "I love you," silently in your mind. This is used in solitary Tantra too, where one person is working with the higher God self and praising the Presence of God.
Think words of love, praise and gratitude and as you say these words silently, pretty soon new beautiful words start to flow forth on their own. You are basically building a momentum of this beautiful energy, taking it away from the old ways and carving out a new groove that is precious and exhilarating. New neurons are created and put to work in the brain. You are literally bush-whacking a path through the tangle and undergrowth of the wild forest.
It is consciously-directed thoughts that tap you into the love energy stored on the high shelf of the heart. You have to reach up for them. These words, spoken silently in the heart, then enter into the blood stream as the heart pumps, pumps, pumps your blood, and carries the vibrations of your words all through your body, transferring it via vibration and breath to your lover and your lover's body. These words are literally being woven, as you speak them, whether silently or whispering them out loud, into the fabric of your muscles and tissues and elevating you to higher planes of consciousness and physicality. They are bringing more light and good, positive energy into you. It is a spiritual journey. Making sexual love is a sacred act when it is done this way. Sacred does not mean somber. Sacred means joyful, light-hearted and fun-loving.
Sacred sex is light-hearted sex. Most individuals you meet on the street would not know what sacred sex is. Most people don't know what Tantra is but they are drawn to the word like flies to honey because there is a vibration to it. A sweetness. A light. Love. If you are ever asked about sacred sex, you will know what it is. It is light-hearted sex raised to the highest level of love you can imagine or build. And it comes from the heart.
Through the use of conscious focus on love, gratitude, joy, and other words you can come up with, you can expand sexual energy from the groin to the heart, to the head, to the arms, fingers, legs, toes and higher into the etheric body, the mental body and the feeling body, and out through the physical body. And you can do this with any partner you happen to be in bed with. You do not "love" this one particular person, you enter into the energy of love, appreciation, reverence, gratitude and joy within yourself. It is a loving relationship with yourself, and then you share it with whoever you are with. This is how you can love many people, and not be confined to one person for the rest of your life - which does not mean you don’t have responsibilities once you enter into an arrangement by contract and agreement. We all have ethical responsibilities to be morally committed to our agreements.
The skill requires developing within self. It lies within the morals and principles of each person. The skill does not lie within the partner to make you feel good. In fact, the one special person at home is the most difficult partner to work with because of repeated patterns that develop over time. Intimate practice time with other people is beneficial to enhance the lovemaking at home. Committed relationships need to expand into love in order to endure. Often, it is easier to work with a partner you are not familiar with.
A man or woman can become quite a famous lover by learning the art of sacred sex which is using consciously controlled thoughts of love and appreciation during the act of sex. The sex partner will feel it if it is genuine and not contrived. This is the truer concept of tantric love-making. It is creating the love first within yourself and then sharing it. It is an advanced form of love-making. The traditional form of sex and love, as when boyfriend and girlfriend become infatuated and form an exclusive relationship, wears off in time unless they learn the art and skill of maintaining a momentum of love which comes from their higher selves. This is not customarily done for lack of education in the sacred arts. Most couples end up falling flat in the love department and take each other for granted. (Received in 1981, date unknown)
5/6/21 - (Channeled from Master DK 5/6/19:) If you are buried in a mud slide or cave for a long time and can’t breathe, when you are set free you experience freedom you bless it, you can breathe free and it soothes your whole body. But the FIRST breath you draw is orgasmic. Your whole body trembles with aliveness, experiencing something akin to a an orgasmic release. Everything that was suffocated and causing great distress to you as your body is experiencing it, what your body is experiencing, this is felt like a powerful dynamic force of refreshing breath of new life. That is what happens when you have a sexual release known as orgasm with a partner. You are experiencing the exact same thing- balancing the much needed release of one side of you being too powerful and the other side of you being too weak and suffocating.. Once you have balanced both sides of your body, male and female, you feel blissful. Your out of balance energy is now flowing equally together fulfilling the divine plan of your body. You are whole once more, for a short period of time. It is a reminder of where you are headed, a reminder to balance your OWN body by yourself. Learning to stay in balance at all times, mentally, emotionally and physically, will bring your great ecstatic joy, peace, reverence for life. In the meantime you are struggling and do not know what to do. If you are seeking a male lover, you are overly feminine and weak on your controlling masculine side. Learn to be more assertive and independent and not back down to someone else‘s requirement. If you are seeking a female lover, you are overly masculine and weak on your emotional feminine side. Learn to be more gentle, more receptive, more quiet, more intuitive, stop trying to control situations but learn to flow with them, as if each situation is a boulder in a softly-flowing stream. Flow around the situation without making such a big to-do about it. Don’t resist. Flow “with” as the Zen masters teach. Until you have mastered the flow of your own forcefields, sex is a wonderful way to keep you balanced, in peace and at times even in bliss. Do not judge sex as bad or wrong, but engage with others with respect and wisdom, without aggression on someone who does not want to engage with you in this way. It is essential that you not create more difficulties in your desire to balance yourself, by creating disharmony in someone else. Participate with love, respect and reverence for this most sacred of all acts. If you do not have a partner available to engage sexually with, then balance yourself through meditation, exercise the muscles, and interact in a non-personal way with people, such as cuddling. (Received 5/6/19)
From here on are the original postings before becoming a blog
Prologue: This page was written in passing from one phase to another, from a feminine perspective. As a senior woman I have been researching Tantra for years but only recently did I discover a shocking piece of news: that Tantra has been taught as a male-oriented discipline. It has been so from very ancient times. It is a discipline handed down by the ancients from pre-history, and it is designed to teach men, not women, how to activate the holy spirit called "kundalini". Kundalini is pure life-giving spirit located at the geometric center of the body near the sex organs. It is my conclusion that Tantra is not a path for women because, from personal experience and observation of others in intimate environments, I have concluded that the female body has an inside track to love and Tantra is about reuniting with love. The woman's body has the holy spirit locked up inside her, prevented by the patriarchal control system to be free. My views will be unorthodox to men who may not agree with me, but I suspect women will relate. Having lived with an awakened kundalini for 45 years, and having enjoyed a free lovestyle until recently, I believed that men really were the experts and I was a loyal supporter, taking the back seat most of the time. I was raised in that system and lived the life of appropriate service until an out-of-body experience in 1976 when I went into heaven. This opened a new dimension to me and I was blessed with an Ascended Master by the name of Djwal Kul, who is known as the Tibetan. He has been mentoring me ever since. Today (4/22/21) I have opened a new page on this site entitled Master DK Book on Tantra. I will be posting some of his teachings as time goes on. Please check back. I'll post on the home page dates when I entered a new chapter.
Enlightenment does not happen in one fell swoop! Prior to this I was a lover and a giver who put the needs of others before me. Kundalini is still active in me since 1976 and break-throughs continued over the years so that my understanding has been refined. The most basic human need of all is love. This has firmly clicked into place. The female gender has much to teach the male because the male has blocked it out by divine degree. He has a role to play which requires he block out love. So in these changing times it would behoove him to listen to his closest female companion. Truly listen. The inbreath has begun. The female is taking charge. She has the knowledge of love that the male does not have. It will be to his great benefit to raise her up and listen to her heart, not her head, for it is in her heart that she knows these things. In her mind she reflects male attitudes for she has been programmed, but her heart reflects her truth. Give her time and give her space. Cultivate her so she will grow back into who she really is.
Kundalini is the goal of Tantra - to connect to it and awaken it. Kundalini is the mother love in the body that has been held back by the male. It is known as Mother Earth's love. It is feminine. The female body is already wired and flowing with kundalini but it is constantly repressed by the patriarchal attitudes. Kundalini, when free and flowing without obstructions, blocks, barriers, and "the law", is love. Kundalini is free love and divine love. It awakens supernatural powers. Kundalini when fully awakened releases limitless divine cosmic love and it is a challenge to "fit it into" one's physical life and circumstances. Women are already flowing with limitless cosmic love but are not aware of it and hence they suppress it. Kundalini is pure abstract consciousness and love is conscious. Pure abstract consciousness is light first and it turns into love when it flows through the body. It is like light from the sun. The sun's light is cold out beyond earth's atmosphere. It does not heat up until it strikes the earth. Then it is felt as warmth, heat and vitality known as prana.
Each human being is a ray of consciousness. The pure abstract consciousness that is a human being (soul) is designed to awaken up the spine to meet the sun's rays coming down, and to awaken down the legs to meet the earth's rays coming up. The human being's abstract consciousness does this automatically without attention, but when you put your attention to it wakes up and starts to radiate. It radiates slowly, gently, upward blissfully towards the heart and head, and downward into the legs and feet into the earth. Women feel this more easily than men. Men as a general rule have a different role to play. They are required to shut their emotions down to get the outer world jobs done. Women hold the center. The female body is open to the center to flow love to the men. Women are the living embodiment of love. They hold it in their muscles, tissues, blood and bone. Men are equipped and programmed to look outward, further away from home. They travel over the hill and disappear, while women stay close to the fires of home and take care of the children. Men have to work at turning their belief system around. The ancients left teachings behind FOR MEN, so they can turn themselves around and become conscious of the fires of love and power within them. Where are the teachings for the women?
Because the male body is wired to focus outward in order to build externally, he shuts off inner feelings as a distraction. Thus the flow from this pure love force is stopped. It builds up near the genitals and is felt as sexual pressure, heat, passion, love that can turn violent if it is not used and released. The loins heat up at the first rung of the ladder, the second chakra at the genitals. Here he feels his body come alive with yearning. If he doesn't use it he feels he will explode. He becomes tense. It is time for him to return to the feminine within him. There is a feminine energy within him but he has not been taught. So he needs a woman. Thus sex becomes a need and the woman gives it to him. She naturally feels his need because she is a receiver. Sometimes she is turned on herself because she cannot tell what is her and what is him for she is such a wonderful receptor of his energies. She is a responder because she is a flow-er. She flows this light to him unless he tries to take it against her will. The man must learn more about love. This is why I blog and write on this website about the feminine side of life. A man has a feminine side too. If it is rejected - picture the macho male bully who refuses to acknowledge his tender side - he becomes an angry man because he is unbalanced. It is time for all men to recognize their gentle side which nourishes his own soul, heart, body and mind.
Both men and women are unconscious of how love works through their bodies. They lack the teachings which would enlighten them. That's why I write here. Most people are still doing what their ancestors have always done - physical animal sex without conscious appreciation, love, gratitude, honor and respect for the pure, undiluted holy innocence that has not been awakened within them. The most precious gift in the universe is conscious love and it is going to seed because of lack of knowledge. It is withering and bodies are growing old and decrepit because of lack of understanding. That is why I write - to bring this knowledge forth out of antiquity.
Women are wired to receive the kundalini naturally, slowly, with harmonic and cyclical regularity. Women are receivers, which is why they can produce babies, but they have been raised to think of themselves as worthless, vacant, stupid, dumb, or worse. Women have no idea of the universal power they hold within their bodies. It is pure abstract consciousness located at the base of the spine or low abdomen, in both men and women. It drips its essence up the spine to circulate through the body to give the body life. The ancient teachings were passed on only to those who instinctively were drawn to the teacher because of prior lifetimes. Subconscious memories draw us to where we were in times past. We are meant to pick up where we left off in the last life but we must pay attention to our innate feelings. Today gurus are carrying on the tradition on a larger scale, but it lacks the feminine teaching. In the past, it was mostly men who worked at activating kundalini through disciplines and exercises, but today women are joining the ranks in large numbers because the feminine shift is underway. Women are still showing signs of subservience to the male master but this is understandable. They are aware on a higher plane that it is time and that the shift must go slowly and carefully, so as not to upset the male ego. It is tricky.
Where are the teachings for women? There are no outer teachings. Women know innately what to do. They follow their heart when the men release the pressure on them and allow them to be more expressive. Women are already plugged into the divine feminine Mother God within them. They just need the masculine energy to step back and step down from their authoritarian role. Then they will blossom slowly. Be advised that it is time. We are all flowing back into balance so that the greatest love in the universe - Mother-Father God - is back in charge.
As for me, I started out with a spontaneous kundalini awakening one day without any fore-knowledge or training, and found myself in unlimited fields of love and light. Bliss, ecstasy, out of this world. And from that day forward, my work began. Bringing love down into my normal every day life with my husband was the hardest job in the world. But as I surrendered to this highest of the highest in me, I was rewarded with extrasensory sensations, elevated feelings of self love. It took a long time. I couldn't share it in words so I had to embody it. I had to live it. There was no other way. It's so far beyond human love that it has to come out in action, attitude and mannerism in every day life, normal, practical and mundane. It was 100% subjective. The awesomeness could not be captured in worlds. I didn't know anything else.
Recently I was led to what I call the "final chapter" in kundalini lore. I started reading scholarly male-oriented journals by the experts of Tantra and kundalini. It has been shown to me the underlying secret codes of the male and female genders. Men and women's bodies flow in distinctly opposite directions with different focuses. We sit with our backs pressed against each other, looking away off into the distance. I feel that it is time for us to turn around and face one another as equals, and focus our far-reaching gazes upon each other. Since women have always been considered second class citizens, men have not realized the cosmic ecstasy that comes from embracing the WHOLE feminine. He has been using her body to satisfy himself, but what if he backed away and studied her wholeness? And absorbed her mentality? Her spirituality? Her emotionality? Her great boundless love that is forever? Then he would fill his own hungry spirit with his OWN feminine love. Likewise, for women to do the same with men and absorb his strength and power for herself and fill her own hungry spirit with her OWN masculine love. It would bring great peace to the human race if we would all do that. For men are 50% feminine themselves, and women are 50% masculine and most people don't know that and don't believe it and will probably resist it. Perhaps we don't know how. Maybe my heretofore untold views and stories will help us find a way.
I am Diana of Anakosha and I keep changing this page. I'm writing it more like a book than a blog. It is continuing. The first posting was on 1/5/21, below. Stay tuned as I continue to make changes. It was intended to be a one-page acknowledgment of Tantra's benefits. Silly me. Tantra is an ongoing awakening that never ends, but grows into greater awareness as long as one is willing to retain an open heart so there is a steady flowing of love through the meridians and nerves of the body.
1/11/21 - Tantra with a partner is preparatory for inner union
Tantra is a path, like religion. There are many leaders, many centers, many groups and many practitioners. There is no one way to practice Tantra. It is a spiritual path. One must find it on his or her own. Practice with a partner prepares you for union with the other half of yourself. It is difficult to grasp the concept that you are both male and female in your makeup. So connecting with the opposite gender for Tantra practice is a first step. It aligns you with energies of the opposite gender, which is your diminished side, your weaker side. This practice accelerates the spin of atomic particles in your physical body. They attempt to align with the presence of the other body. You can feel it if you focus your attention on it, which requires the guidance of a teacher. This is the beginning of activating your light body, which is your higher consciousness.
The light body is a web-like structure composed of thousands of little conduits called meridians that run everywhere in your body delivering the light of consciousness and vitality. The separation game played on Earth shuts down these higher connections to the meridians, because we are all focused on the physical. Tantra reconnects us. Tantra requires discipline. One must be disciplined to practice it. Without a leader guiding you to notice certain things, you would never do it. Consciousness is everywhere in the universe and you are connected to this wholeness, this oneness, this source, this intelligence, this creative love and light. It is in you. But it is shut down to only what is required for a species. For example, insects have insect consciousness. Birds have bird consciousness. Horses have horse consciousness. Humans have human consciousness. But humans as a race are on the brink of expanding out of human consciousness to a higher, more unified consciousness. The next level for human is beyond friction, harm, suffering and pain. It is more like the angelic but still human.
Most spiritual paths attempt to get away from physicality. The Tantric path is the only spiritual path that embraces sexuality. More than that, it recognizes the power behind sexuality. Sex is only the feeling of repressed power. We do sex and it gives us release. But there is more to this. The Tantric path leads practioners ever onward to higher consciousness levels, to embrace the whole physical world within the warm and loving arms of the divine perspective. It does not consider sex a sin, but rather holds it within the divine embrace. All physical pleasures are to be enjoyed within the divine embrace of harmony. It is our physical focus that has shut out our higher consciousness.
If you were born to parents who taught you and guided you every day to focus on a physically-based world, your consciousness has been reduced to a physically-based focus. All attention is on physical structures, such as education, books, food, clothes, houses, transportation, health, laws, all physically based. Logic shuts down the magic of imagination which is higher consciousness. When you engage with a partner in a Tantra session, you activate your cells and spin points by closely connecting with the energies of your partner. Your energy fields overlaps and merge. You activate the spaces between the cells and atoms inside your own body. You feel this as a calming sensation. It is actually another dimension of your consciousness and you begin to access new understanding. It is part of you. It is a raising of your consciousness to higher levels than physical. Your focus moves beyond the surface level to a more subtle and refined levelk, all connected to within yourself. You can't help but feel it. It feels closer to home, closer to natural, and it is peaceful. In the beginning of practicing Tantra a teacher is required to guide you. Otherwise you would think you are just sitting next to someone of the opposite gender and wonder “what’s the purpose?”
With guided instruction you move your focus inward to the feeling of sensations. The next level up is the emotional level, called called the astral level in esoteric schools. Emotions are felt as energies when they start to move in the physical tissues. If they don’t move, you don’t feel them. Above the emotional level is the mental level, which is more subtle, less dense than the emotional level, and more refined. It is the level of the average mind. There is a higher level to the mind which is spiritual. This is even more subtle and refined than mental. Your consciousness, under guidance and practice, slowly rises up higher and higher. At the spiritual level your attention turns godward, towards the divine and celestial. It is very elevating. And all of this is possible to achieve with a partner, if the partner is right for you and compatible. The selection of the right partner for Tantric practice is challenging, however. If the partner is attractive to you, you could get stuck at the attraction level and not go any further. Emotional entanglements bring romance and you are back into human affairs again. The goal of Tantra is a journey to within, not to within the other partner! The idea is to move your inner awareness inward to more subtle levels. The densest is physical, the next lighter is emotional, then mental, then spiritual, then into divine experiences that border on ecstatic, rapture, called samadhi.
Having a partner of opposite gender who is thinks like you or close to it, is definitely helpful. The problem is, here in the west Tantra seems to be confused. Women interpret it one way, men another. I’ve talked with different people. Yet there is a science to Tantra. It involves the mystical phenomenon of kundalini and the more practical aspects of yoga, namely postures, breathing and meditation. One obstacle that I see which stands in the way, is monogamy. Because Tantra has the aura of sexuality around it, there could be jealousy. The cultural tradition of monogamy has held many an individual back from advancing themselves through higher stages. Most relationships are made based on personal attraction. But Tantra is not personal and not for the purpose of pleasure or to build romantic involvements. Tantra is an impersonal journey into the higher divine self, using a partner. In the ancient past I read that Tantric gurus, the ones who took students under their wing, would select partners for Tantric practice. Partners would be selected based on challenging proclivities that would not allow them time to fall in love with each other. This might go against the normal grain of the western mind, but it serves to show what Tantra is really all about. There is a reason for using a partner of the opposite sex but it is to enhance oneself, not the partner.
Primary partners will probably not make good Tantric partners, except for the rare couple who are on the same page. The personal attraction approach is largely based on neediness, either physical, sexual or emotional. Not good for the goals of Tantra. But what about intellectual similarities? That might be a better way of choosing a Tantric partner. In the monogamous relationship, if the husband is interested in Tantra but the wife is not, cheating is not the answer because it would cause guilt. Having guilt in the consciousness is not a good way to attain higher consciousness, it would provide a blockage. Frank and open discussions is the only answer. In fact, intellgectual discussion is a good way to open communication between husband and wife if there is stagnancy between them. Up to now, swinging has been accepted as a way to expand the couple consciousness by mixing up energies through sexual swapping. It stimulates them and enhances them. But for one who has grown beyond the superficiality of swinging, and seeking for a more refined way to expand, Tantra is definitely the way to go. I am thinking of creating some workshops myself, but not there yet. And more recently, polyamory and open relationships have become ways for couples to expand themselves. Everyone thinks this is about sex, but it is actually about consciousness expansion. The need to evolve, to better themselves, to understand ones place in the universe. But so far as I can tell, open relationships, polyamory and swinging all deal with the same level of human consciousness. Human. There is needed a more spiritually elevating path to explore that takes into consideration love, sex and the divine union of spirit.
Bottom line, if your primary partner is nowhere ready to accompany you on the Tantric path, then ask your inner guidance. Take time to raise your own consciousness yourself. There is a power within that you haven’t been using. If you are a normal human being you haven’t even begun to touch it yet, although you have had flashes of insight, perhaps even revelations in the form of visions. This consciousness is what we call God. It is holding the cells and atoms of our glands, organs, muscles and bones together. It is the space between the electrons and sub-atomic particles that are in constant motion. Go silent and stop all action. Think the question into the silence and wait. Listen. Just listen. And then get up and go back to your life. You will see. You will receive thoughts and ideas. Love yourself deeply enough to sit alone with yourself. Love is all there is. It is there inside as your own higher consciousness.
This is the homework. It is at the practical level that the greatest amount of work is required. Like taking time out to listen to our body talk. We must learn to isolate our selves from the pack once in awhile to do this. It is transformational work. We are meant to link, join, fuse our inner self with our outer self. The outer self needs is the result of the past. We created it when we were at lesser levels of knowledge and understanding. We are growing in consciousness. Tantra is consciousness work. It brings our focus away from external obsessions and desires and re-trains us to focus on the subtleties. The inner path means inner body. There are many inner paths but none are quite like Tantra.
1/5/21 - Tantra from a feminine perspective
This page about Tantra is presented from a feminine perspective. I (Diana) had a spontaneous kundalini awakening 45 years ago without any training or fore-knowledge. Kundalini and Tantra are related. Kundalini comes from Tantra. Or maybe Tantra comes from kundalini. My kundalini experience was unplanned. It took place during a guided meditation. I experienced going into a sea of light and unbounded reason and harmony and lost awareness of my body. For a few minutes I was part of an unbroken sea of loveliness, order, intelligence, unity, grace, love and more that words can't say. It was unexpected and I didn't know what happened to me. My body began swaying and ended up jumping up and down. My sister who was guiding me allowed me to go through these antics without saying anything. Later that evening she asked me where had I learned to do that. When I told her I didn't learn, it just happened, she was stunned. She was a follower of an Indian guru and had seen others go through the same actions at ashrams. She had never seen it happen without prior training. She introduced me to the word "kundalini" and advised me to find a teacher because its arousal could be dangerous. A more detailed account of that first experience can be found HERE. It is the first five chapters of what was intended to be a book, written many years ago but then life happened and I never finished it.
That first experience probably wasn't longer than five, maybe ten minutes, I am unsure, but it took all day for me to come back to normal. From that day on, it was a force unleashed and I couldn't put the lid back on. Over the next 7, 8, 9 years I had many revelations and experiences that I couldn't talk about rationally. They continue today in a smooth integrated way. I journaled a lot in the beginning to make it feel real for myself, otherwise it would have been lost. The writings have continued into today. My files are now overflowing. Over the last few weeks I have become aware that I came at this from the wrong end as compared to the male gurus, saints and mystics who teach how to awaken kundalini through certain disciplines. But to me, it just happened. Not as a bolt of lightening but as the sweetest, gentlest thing. I came into this force from the topside down, from the opposite direction as written in ancient texts. I have formed several conclusions but I am still learning. I have concluded that my experience is because I am a woman, a feminine being, my soul is feminine, I am naturally a flowing being, not a disciplinarian. I entered into something that was a very high place, very, very high, and I have been trying to bring this vast love and light and sweetness down into everyday life, to put words to it and share it physically with my hands and hugs, to ground it into all that I do. It has been very difficult because I am too light. It was like trying to dive down to the bottom of the ocean without weights. Impossible. It took many years. I have journaled practically every day over the last 45 years. I have been spirit led. There is an inner wind that blows through me at times, causing my body to move and when it moves through me it fills me with unbelievable bliss that transports me beyond this world. The physical sensations are exquisite. I so wish I could share it with others. It is so loving.
My experiences with kundalini was not the result of a disciplined program such as teachers of yoga and meditation present. I did not meditate before this took place, nor practice yoga. Afterward I would have meditated all day if I could. I could not stop myself from going into trance. It was very, very powerfully blissful, like I imagine being on drugs. I had to apply effort to come back. Everything being taught today to awaken kundalini is an organized discipline led by a teacher - yoga, breath work, visualizations, mantras - there are many techniques and programs. Why I had this dramatic breakthrough experience without preparation, without guidance, without anyone to ask about it, I had no idea. I have wondered about it. Last month I had some insight given to me. These insights I will share as I go along. It's about love in human form.
My kundalini awakening came from love. There are infinite levels of love. There is no end to love. I can say that from personal experience. One must become conscious, however, of what love is and how to apply it. I learned about love by acting on, first, self love and secondly physical love with another. My husband turned out to be the best guide and helper I could have asked for had I known. He was better than a guru because he loved me in a personal way. He has passed now but I have another husband who also loves me in a personal way. He too is a loving guide and friend, in a different way than my late husband, but precisely what I need at this time in my life. Human love has no bounds. Each is different. It took years of stumbling to come to this realization. I am now ready to put my conclusions into print. I'll do it here on this website. In those early days, trying to bring this vastness - I wouldn't call it love at that point - down to normal levels of human interaction was like forcing your fat belly into too-tight pants. Or trying to dive to the bottom of the ocean without weights. It just didn't work. Fortunately my husband kept asking questions instead of shutting me down.
Kundalini is a cosmic force too powerful for humans to bear. It comes into a human life through love. Tantra is a path for human beings to carefully bring this force into one's daily physical mental emotional spiritual life in a balanced way. It develops kindness, tenderness and caring for others. This vastness slowly transforms the human being into the magnificent potential he is meant to become. Love is caring about other humans. Caring is what helps this God-awful power to come under biological and mental control. It's a force so powerful it has driven people insane who didn't know what they were doing. It could destroy a whole planet if it were discovered and directed with evil intent. I didn't know about Tantra in the early days of the awakening, but love was there to help me in the form of my husband. Every day I took several hours to go into a closed room and into trance. I taught him, instead of interrupting me with a question, to come and place his hand on top of my head and wait for me to come back. This cut the connection. Otherwise I could not interact with him with words. I would move like a zombie. I needed both the "away" time and his help in coming back to normal. There were times when I couldn't stand it any more and sometimes in those early days, I had to excuse myself wherever I was - at airports, the home of friends, in a public store - and yield to the inner wind and take the involuntary dance-like postures. I couldn't help it. To not yield to this inner wind would build pressure like I would explode. I needed to give it freedom to move 'through' me. It was like cutting the eagle free from its tether so it could soar into the sky. After I felt the bliss flowing through my arteries and veins, I felt wonderful, and was able to continue on what I was doing.
Kundalini is mysterious but there is research being done on it now. Gopi Krishner was instrumental in bringing that about. His books are very scholarly and he uses different words than I use. To me, Kundalini is the unformed potential that provides the power to the physical body and gives it life. It is there in everyone, approximately in the area of the tail bone below or above the sex organs. It doesn't affect the biological functions until it is used. Love is not the only way to tap into this dormant potential, but conscious love is. Sexual love requires love, else it is animal sex. Consciousness and intention is the power that awakens it. Love is the only way to integrate it into the mind and body in a healthy way. Love integrates everything that is out of whack, out of kilter and wrong in a life, with the pure loving spirit of holiness. It was human love that brought me successfully to where I am today, fully integrated after many years. I am led to form my own conclusions and share them. At one time I wanted to 'teach' it, but you can't teach love. You can only share. Sharing is a form of love. As I share these words it opens doors for me to continue receiving more insight. I am learning that love between human beings comes in many, many, many forms. It was the willingness of my husband to be curious with me, who commented, gave me feedback, asked me questions, hugged me when I was haunted, took me to work with him when I was afraid of ghosts, and made me warm milk and sat with me when the evil struck. He made it possible for me to come back to normal again. He kept grounding me to normalcy. Kundalini is the force that keeps the universe operating smoothly. It is held in check by great beings of love. Kundalini is embedded in every human body. It's the only way a human body can be born here. It is the life force. It is a great cosmic power, but love is the directing force. Love melds us together as in unity. Without my husband's constant caring presence, I am sure I would have ended up a psychotic mess. There are many stories of such. They say the spiritual path is strewn with the broken bones of countless seekers. I am eternally grateful for my husband who helped me through it. But there is more to this story.
The feminine approach vs. the masculine approach
A well-grounded sister friend once told me that I was not using my left brain at all, the logical side of the brain. She herself was a very balanced woman. Several months ago (2020) I activated my left brain after years of inability to focus, stabilize or maintain concentration. I started saying to myself, "Left brain activate!" This has changed me. Now I am reading scholarly reports about kundalini and learning about the experiences of others. There is a kundalini research institute online. Kundalini is the power behind Tantra. The search for kundalini came first, as told in very ancient vedic scriptures. Tantra was always vague. I felt it instinctively but did not understand what it was. Now that my left-brain is operating better - not perfect but better - understanding is taking place. It is very satisfying to me. It does not take the place of personal experience but it assures me that kundalini is real. And that other people have also had this experience, and that it is beyond human understanding. It is a mystery. Reading that others have created words to explain some of the phenomena is like finding gold at the end of the rainbow. It is the jewel in the lotus, and it is sacred.
Now that I have completed the transformation process, I am permitted to know the science a little better. The information is coming to me piece by piece, like a curriculum. The science is a masculine science, not a feminine one. There are teachers and practices. There are words. There is a logic, an explanation, as far as it can go. The mystery has been solved, almost. It has been a thrilling "AhHA!" to discover this book by John White, published in 1979, which I recommend for everyone interested in the science. I have added it to the newly created Book page. It is entitled "Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment". In ancient times in India seekers called this great divine love located at the pelvic region "shakti", a feminine term, Shiva being the masculine father form. The ancient seers realized the power of divinity when they felt themselves overcome with reverence. They learned how to amplify it with their super-consciousness, a higher level than their practical lmind. They learned that this power was conscious, and it could be expanded by focusing a high level of consciousness on it. A low level did nothing. This created a connecting consciousness that ran like a web stretching out everywhere, touching all sentient life, with this power.
This consciousness is a living thing, but it is only amplified by consciousness. The power of unifying two different life forms is through super-consciousness. This is how harmony is created between two partners. Their word for web or net is Tantra in sanskrit. Those who understood this approach veered off the strictly celibate path of kundalini, and began a separate path different from other spiritual paths. Reverance, love, shakti, feminine became more of an influence. Recognition of divinity humbles a person. Kundalini is the potential, the mother of life who receives the unformed father of life which is flows unnoticed and is wasted, until it is recognizes. Then it enters the biological system of physicality and is felt as love. To simply seek kundalini as the power only, without love, is dangerous. One must ALWAYS approach it with reverence and respect or it will blow out the circuits of the body and brain as many have discovered.
The father of life is the supreme authority which has not yet entered the biological form. It flows on past the one who does not see it or recognizes it. The one who raises his mind and conscious awareness up to higher moral values in surrender, a religious approach, becomes a chalice to receive the father's love raining down like water gathering in a pitcher. One cannot help oneself with this flooding and is bent over in humbleness. This is the higher force known as the top kundalini that comes down from above, to meet the lower kundalini at the base of the spine. When the lower and the higher meet it becomes the holiest of holies. Tantra in the modern western world is learning about using both the top and bottom kundalini, the father and mother forces. To only use the lower kundalini is just sex. There is every possibility that Tantra done in this fasion, with the feminine forces being unleashed, will transform the human race. Sex is to be enjoyed, but to amplify it in this way is to, well, it goes beyond sex. The human body is built for bliss, according to Dr. Candice Pert, a biologist. We are wired for it. How to bring that bliss about is the question everyone is asking. The subject of two kundalinis - the one from heaven and the one from earth - makes Tantra the highest path of all because it brings heaven to earth. All other spiritual paths seem to try to get away from the world and the body, or to transcend the world by avoiding sex. That is why modern day Tantra is a feminine path. Sex will be transformed in time with help of the awakened female of the species, by insisting on lifting the consciousness up out of the dense, stiff walls that men have built around everything.
I have become aware that the masculine mind must analyze, form conclusions, create words and names and make a science out of that which is, by nature, unnamable. The mystery is unformed and unknown. The female accepts this and is connected. It is not the feminine way to name a thing. Her way is to join with it and be grateful for it, to feel it and flow with it. At least it is with me. The most famous gurus who went down in history were men with one or two rare female gurus who were so outstandingly powerful in their way, that they were noted in history. But most female gurus were stricken from the records. I love reading about all of them today, the men have shed much light on what I have experienced. I do not discount them. I revere them and see their place in our world. It is important to read, intellectualize, learn and define. Men are disciplined and shut down the feelings of emotions so they can concentrate on borders and outlines and structures. They follow rigid programs. Religions were made by men. The ancients learned about the holy fires within the pelvic bowl of the human body, and their followers copied them, learned how to do the same, wrote down the formulas and formed a steady path for others to follow. They have been carving out a lighted way for others down through the centuries. But nowhere has the feminine path remains partially unformed and remains in the heavens. Only the masculine way can attempt to define it. Perhaps this is why I have activated by left brain.
There is a feminine way to reach the holiness within. It is natural to females but it is not understood and so many women do not know their own value. They do not have confidence. This is why I am writing and sharing my experiences. The feminine way does not need fixing or correcting, it needs empowering. It is a two-gender system that we have here on earth. The women embody this understated wholeness of love - we call it feminine - and the men build a science around it, make it solid and real. The female feels inward, the male looks outward. The female remains connected to emotions while the male shuts emotion down. The female resonates with inner emotions and expresses kindness, caring, empathy, compassion, nurturing, support and impersonal love for everything. While the male builds barriers and obstructions in order to protect her. This is what human beings are like. There is a quirky wholeness to the system with the female embodying beauty and men focus on building structures with hammers and nails. That may sound feminist, but it is a healthy perspective. Men and women each have their roles to play. It has been a patriarchal world for many centuries, where women are the silent partners and considered unimportant because they were silent. Some cultures even treated women like slaves and abused them, even putting them to death for not doing as they told. And since women were so wonderfully connected to nature, animals and growing things they knew how to heal. They knew what was wrong. They know how to love a wounded body back to health but this was unacceptable to men because in their outer focus they didn't understand it. I speak of centuries ago, and so back then the men decided to create their own form of healing, which was structured in, well, what can I say? It is weird to me today how the pharmaceuticals and the doctors operate. It is not natural to me. But, well, it's OK. Times are going to be changing soon. This age is coming to an end. There is a growing consciousness taking place. Higher minds. Men and women are learning to fit better together and complement each other.
I speak from my own perspective. It is my feeling to speak about a different guidance system especially for women, for they are the true teachers of Tantra. While most leaders are men, look and see that there is a woman working alongside him. The women will empower women, validate them, reassure them, for the men cannot do it alone. Women will tell other women that what they feel as love in the secrecy of their private heart IS love and it is holy and it is powerful and it is sacred beyond any words spoken from an outsider. Believe in your love within. Live the tenderness, compassion, the honesty, the truth, the sacred feelings that are you fee, if you truly feel it. What has been missing for the women is confidence. They have been made to feel valueless, unimportant, disrespected, silenced. They must activate their left brain. Tell yourself "Left brain, activate!" And keep repeating this. See the changes this will bring. Women have a powerful side that has been made to feel worthless. As they cultivate their masculine side, their left brain, they will begin to shine the light on their true inner worth. Have faith in your inner knowledge. Inner knowledge is the only knowledge worth having. Know yourself by the feelings that pass through you. Elevate those feelings and be glad. Do not give your powerful feelings away to anyone who stands outside of you, physically, until you know it is time to give it. The only authority is your higher self. Your super-mind is your mentor and guide. It tells you when it is time and when to hold back. This is not your mundane everyday self, but your higher self, your moral higher self above your head.
What you feel in the privacy of your thought is true if it is compassionate and elevated. If not, then transform it and raise it up. Strengthen that feeling within which leads to greater love for all beings, even your enemies. It is time to believe in yourself and work it into your daily life. You are the power behind the throne. Men, be edified by these words. Use them as they fit you, as you feel them fit you. Men may understand better the ways of a woman by reading this. Even though a man has a different role to play as protector and shield, a man also has a feminine side. This side can be amplified and brought into balance. It is worth considering. The feminine side has been driven out of many men by severe fathers who selfishly controlled their children from infancy with unemotional, cold-hearted, unfeeling criticism and harsh demands. It has been a strict social culture that we have lived in built of psychological slavery.
This may sound harsh and it may sound to be a heretical approach to Tantra, but I believe it is one that will take root over time, as women become fiercely independent in their ability to love and heal, as they see fit, the wounds of an almost broken planet. It is an evolutionary step for the species to have the women come back into their natural power. Not the power that men are afraid of but the power that men will fall in love with all over again. It will bring the genders back together again as each gender is equal in quality to the other gender. Equal to equal in all things, each with a role to play. Each with an opposite perspective which complements and thus empowers the other, bringing about wholeness. It is as natural as the wind and sunlight that men and women should create together a life of enjoyment, abundance, beauty, pleasure and betterment.
Tantra with a partner
Tantra is the science of love in human form. It is not the science of sex unless love has been applied - consciously applied with feeling and concentration on sharing with the partner. Both partners, not just one. The analogy might be, if you served a seven-course meal in a beautifully decorated restaurant lit with candlelight and soft music so that everything was perfect to the outer sight - but the food was terrible. Tantra is nutrition for the soul, just as food is nutrition for the body. Tantra elevates feelings, mind and body and must be a conscious practice. If it is not heart-warming and enriching, it is just sex no matter how elegant the room looks and feels. Humans have evolved beyond animal sex because the human soul is more highly conscious. It has earned the right to live as a human. It is capable of being considerate of others, and of feeling what the other is feeling, and thinking what the other is thinking. Our consciousness is more sensitive. We have the capacity to manage our emotions. We don't allow lust to take us over uncontrollably, to ravage or rape someone. That we don't always do a good job of reining in our emotions and lust is a failure a fault of the male patriarchal system which doesn't like to deal with emotions. My many years in the couples swinging lifestyle was like attending graduate school. I many things about human nature and will share as I go along. Couples swinging taught me how to love freely, but it also taught me that men preferred sex over love. They did not want to spend much time at it, only enough time to satisfy their physical urges. This was of tremendous value to me. It took a while to understand, but once I got it, it will go down in history as the greatest learning experience of all my lives put together. It would fill volumes to tell the whole story, but after being intimate with thousands of men in the beautiful consensual lifestyle of couples intimacy, along with their female partners, I can say unequivocally that men are the ones at fault. The women want more heart and soul connection but the men are rushing to the climax. Men should not be blamed, and I don't. We have lacked balance. Tantra is a feminine empowerment practice, and men must learn to go along with it, and once they experience it, they will be happy. Tantra is not the science of sex, it is the science of love between partners.
Looking at it from the feminine perspective, Tantra in the western world today is still much misunderstood. It is a wonderful way to bring balance to two people in a love relationship. But from the perspective of the Eastern yogi and swami, it is more about awakening kundalini, not Tantra, as a discipline for men to use to overcome their sexual urges. Celibacy is a goal for many men. This is not Tantra. Those who studied Tantra had a more balanced approach, considering that it was OK for a man to have a family. Engaging in sex once in awhile for the sake of prcreation was acceptable. The western influence is bringing Tantra into the new age with the accompanying feminine empowerment. The ancient yogis avoided women at all costs. women were accused of being sirens, seductresses and temptresses, luring men to a fate worse than death, according to Muktananda's personal account of his struggle during the awakening of kundalini. The leaders of the Jain religion were not allowed to be in the same room with a woman.