Awakening the Divine Feminine
Diana's Workshop
(Draft of personal journals being organized into one place to be used for a teaching hopefully to come about in the future. These are many years worth of messages, self realizations and instructions from spirit. The reference to DK is the Ascended Master Djwal Khul who has been my guide and mentor for over 40 years.)
Prelude: What’s the purpose for searching for the divine feminine? To find the divine masculine of course! I am feminine trying to understand why I am so disempowered. The search leads me inner. I am now looking for answers not in the outer but in my inner self. Once we find the divine masculine in ourselves, then the divine feminine will feel complete and we will be able to balance ourselves and have a lighter, healthier, easier flowing life here on Earth. It is referred to as our twin flame. Life will be fun. Relationships will be fun! We will have an easier mind and less or no emotional issues to cause problems. One morning I asked “Were we created as feminine originally? Or masculine originally? No, was the answer. We are created as a whole child of God. What you do with that is up to you and how you choose. You become feminine by choosing passivity and peace over making waves. You become masculine by choosing to be proactive in making changes and being assertive. You are only feminine, however, when you are in the presence of a masculine, for then you compare yourself and the masculine triggers you. You are only masculine when you are in the presence of a feminine for then you compare and the feminine triggers you. When you live alone and don’t have an opposite to compare yourself to, you are whole and complete as you are. In oneness. Each aspect of ourself is a standing wave separate from the other aspects - physical, etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual. We learn to align them as we evolve in understanding that we are all one whole consciousness, undivided, uncorrupted, pure in body, mind and spirit.
== 6/19/95 He is rejecting his OWN emotions, not yours. He can't open himself to his emotions because they are dark. They are full of guilt (he said it yesterday), they are full of self blame and self loathing. He is not good enough. All these emotions are heavy in him, they are the darkness in him, and you are trying to prod them open for him. He is going to fight you tooth and nail. It is a battle of wills now, a battle between emotions which are pure spirit, and the human need to protect and defend. It is the female aspect that you are birthing and you need the male aspect to mold and shape you and force you to give birth. The male is the prodder, the maker of things to happen. The female would never move for she is passive without the male to prod her into action. Allow the birth. Allow the coming out. Allow the happening. DK (more questions) Give your emotional love to your group. That is what you did with Bob. An emotional rejection requires a shift in direction, to allow the emotion to go elsewhere. Give it to your group. You have set it up to happen this way. DK
Significant Journals
== 1979 auto-writing – Good for women’s gathering. Through each individual there lives an impersonal force. This impersonal force from time to time becomes colored by the personal and it is hard to see straight and clear.
== 6/12/76 - Kinship with patio, sun, my own body, exc! 6/12/76
== 6/14/76 - My first movements on patio, exc. don’t direct the force: 6/14/76
== 6/20/76 - It’s wrong to direct it 6/20/76
== 10/20/79 (est unknown date) Good channeling about natural law vs. law of the mind: 1979 October
== 2/18/81 - My Saddlebrook vision guruji tape: 218/81
== 2/5/82 - very good on the chakras
== 3/16/82 - More on the chakras and 144,000, a lot of good stuff here
== 3/21/82 - Regression by Paula to past life in France aristocracy
==b4/17/82 - Beautiful experience, the orange, the substance of the soul, in Costa Rica
== 5/13/82 - Good about being pulled between spirit and matter (short)
== 7/9/82 - I am the sun, I am the moon
== 8/26/82 - Sex with different men affects my moods
== 9/20/82 - Great article on “you are love”
== 10/24/82 - chaos entering body from outside - outer body is a dead shell (good one)
== 6/30/83 - Kundalini Journals 6/30/83 - big movement session, sees kundalini is a fifth element
== 9/26/81 – NL 9/30/21. A wonderful piece on what consciousness is.
== 9/26/81 I am using the poem “Hail to the Light” which I wrote and mailed a copy of to Rajneesh.
== 10/13/82 - KUNDALINI CHANNELED. (This was in old journals dated 10/13/82:). Kundalini is not a “thing”.
== 1/16/87 - KUNDALINI It has been said that 5% of us is locked into the body to keep the body alive.
== 2/9/87 – Beautiful meditation in the sun – exc! - the meaning of yin and yang forces
== 5/5/03 – I see my higher self!! Mother God in heaven. Jesus had his Father in heaven. I have Mother God.
== 6/10/03 – Beautiful about Vee’s goddess ceremony – also my vision in train car
== 7/7/03 – Spirit reading for me, why I am here, learning to stand alone instead of falling into oneness
== 7/10/03 – My I Am Presence a lecture, good spirit talk.
== 7/15/03 – Interaction with Muniji’s teacher, the picture on my wall
== 7/22/03 – Advice from I Am about my confusion over massage clients and happy endings
== 7/24/03 – DK – move your body, shake it, walk it. Also vision pristine clear crystal jutting out of ocean!!
== 9/25/03 – DK - Beautiful – where Anakosha is heading
== 9/26/03 – DK – Fall forward, you are beautiful, your pure love of freedom ripples out, cast your stories freely
== 9/30/03 – 4 hours in med room – powerful, beautiful, free!
== 11/5/03 – DK – when the formless touches the form, it is the father light releasing to the mother light.
== 11/8/03 – I’m sick of parties
== 11/15/03 – the A team is creating havoc. Insight: the male in me is ambitious, my female side suffers
== 11/16/03 – I see the freedom seed. I see colors coming from it. Look again at the colors. Justin Swanberg.
== 11/28/03 – Love-in Tantra session with Gillo & Silke. Good notes about people and disappointment.
== 11/30/03 – Tantra discussions seed new thought. It’s not like old SSG. Anakosha is more diverse
== 12/5/03 – Dream that inspired the symbol of Anakosha, the wave. It’s unfinished because don’t know yet.
== 12/6/03 – The end of A-Team. Doug wouldn’t get involved.
== 2/25/05 – I’m just the crust, I Am spirit is the cream filling and activating the outer shell.
== 5/20/05 – Sexual sharing w/ love is energy sharing, light & knowledge sharing, orgasm most profound
== 12/25/05 – I am asking Anakosha if there is anyone out there interested in spirituality?
== 3/5/05 – You’re ready to activate Anakosha. The sexual group focus is the center of the flower
== 3/25/05 – in support of healing and happy endings that are illegal in the eyes of the law.
== 5/15/05 – Exc. About how yoga stretches the body so the river of life can flow.
== 5/20/05 – Sexual sharing is energy sharing, kindness sharing, orgasm is most profound link to spiritual
== 5/25/05 – Approach the aura first. Move beyond the hard edges of physicality.
== 9/4/10 - Good summary of chakras by Virginia Ellen - 9/4/10
== 7/9/11 – Very good advice and notes about swinging
== 7/10/11 – About swinging. These two entries say it all, swinging is for COUPLES IN LOVE!
== 2/20/12 - Book of Anakosha, what does Anakosha mean? A is for Alpha, beautiful feminine love 2/20/12
== 6/9/12 – About me in bed with a black man and reaching down for him, and him reaching up for me. Can’t!
== 7/25/12 - Let your dreams go, by Master DK
== 11/2/13 – NL 10/17/21 – Channeled by DK – do not let the light go out!
== 11/4/14 – Blog 10/5/21 Removal of implants, sobbing, good personal story
== 11/22/14 – Channeled “Breathe! Expand! Release the blocks!” Good lecture.
== 12/22/14 – Blogged 8/25/21 Breathe! Expand!
== 12/25/14 – Focus on the heart to fan the flame. A good/exc technique. Use a magnifying glass!
== 12/31/14 – Lengthy, lots of good stuff. Take portions from it for blogs. See “More inspiration” especially
== 4/18/15 – Blog 10/4/21 DK Man-woman issues
== 5/26/17 - Everybody is afraid of love.
== 6/19/17 – Dream teaching men how to warm a woman up by touching her aura first, two inches from skin
== 6/24/17 – DK – Q: How do I bring the etheric body more in touch with the physical? Grace & forgiveness
== 7/19/17 – Additional to Love Club Article - St. Germain: Freedom the most important quality to your ppl
== 7/23/17 - CHAKRAS AND THE LOVE PROJECT. The first chakra is the power to identify elementals
== 7/30/17 – DK - You had awakened the kundalini force before…
== 9/25/17 – After Irma, we finally snuggled and cuddled. This is about telling each other what we feel.
== 9/29/17 – (in Drafts folder) Tiger Balm on lower back leads to DK advice on listening to your cells
== 9/30/17 - DK - For the body to be free, the body forces have to be in balance. Sex as balancing tech
== 9/30/17 – Excellent in support of swinging.
== 12/12/17 – Very good explanation of kundalini, the kanda, sex play, Excellent.
== 1/25/18 - Vision of the Earth - it’s going to die. Profound.
== 4/14/18 - CHANNELED MESSAGE - “Focus on the attitude while you are doing a task, not the “thing“
== 4/17/18 - Dictation: Don’t be pulled in by the longing of others. Excellent!!!!!!
== 6/19/18 – Doug massaged me and activated the kundalini in my tailbone. Received insights later.
== 7/25/18 - Tired and bored with the physical, but I must connect with the world I’m living in.
== 7/26/18 – DREAM, men have been falsely programmed, and so too have the women.
== 7/27/18 - Another DREAM of gathering of both men and women, I wake up warm and cozy
== 7/29/18 - “Stop using the old words ‘chakra’ and ‘dimension’. They are keeping you separated.
==7/30/18 – Dream of a FREE party, not demanding.
== 9/19/18 – Arcturians channeled (for me) about goddess gatherings.
== 9/23/18 – DK – channeled Wistancia – good communication, after a dream of her
== 9/24/18 – Inspired notes for goddess - “I don’t want you to see through my eyes, but through your own eyes.
== 9/25/18 – Excellent note taking from Printz book, Heart Math & Gregg Braden – Re-read!
== 9/27/18 – Excellent from the Ascended Masters – it is a followup on how spirit spark is born. Beautiful!
== 10/16/18 – Excellent about goddess teachings – very, very good
== 10/26/18 - Dream-vision of ship descending into view. Beautiful!
== 3/7/19 – DK about opposite flows, meet in the heart
== 7/23/19 – Bringing the father light down to mingle with the mother light. Sex keeps them apart.
== 7/26/19 – GOOD FOR WOMEN: hands-on therapy releases the goddess power (God power)
== 7/29/19 - The perfect HUMAN does not yet exist. Don’t give up on the “human project”
== 8/1/19 - WOMEN’S GATHERING - Good bonding, how spirit flows thru body
== 8/2/19 - WOMEN’S GATHERING - Many women don’t get to feel that frequency of love, the holy spirit
== 8/3/19 - I’m getting more inspiration for the women’s massage as an anointing and healing.
== 9/20/19 – A presentation of my life to give at goddess gatherings.
== 9/20/19 – The power of rituals. Make everything you do a ritual ceremony.
== 9/28/19 - Blog 10/15/21 - God is not a ‘thing’, God is a process.
== 9/29/19 – Blog 10/16/21 – Searching for the gold in everyday life
== 10/1/19 – Blog (10/22/21) – Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature (good for NL)
= 10/5/19 – Blog (10/26/21) – Women’s circle, I have been prepared to bring forth love to the masses
== 10/21/19 – Blog Drafts – Inspired by Lady Portia about feminine & masculine
== 10/26/19 – DK and me about “I’ve got it now! The perfect divine feminine”. Amazing information.
== 10/30/19 – Voltra, cosmic psychotherapist on Jupiter One, ask to sit in rejuvenation chair
== 11/1/19 – A good article about bonding with Doug and a deep Tantric experience
== 11/14/18 – HUGE GOOD! Kundalini, Goddess, There is a power in women that men do not have
== 6/23/20 - (Good for NL) Reclaim your connection to silence, God is the motivating force & you are God!
== 9/17/20 – The I Am Presence creates lower densities to live though. A great 4 page article!
== 9/17/20 – A presentation to Doug about starting a new concept Love Club – 4 page article! Good one.
== 3/11/21 – (NL) Feminine nurturing healing love - Exc! Exc! Exc!
== 3/21/21 – (Draft NL) Massage Swaps (never sent) – Exc! Exc!
== 7/22/21 – DK - frequency and radiation
== 9/30/21 – Summary of my illness and the turn-around