What is Ascension Massage?
It is kundalini moving in one body who passes the grace on to another body through physical touch. Kundalini must be awakened before it can be passed. Kundalini is pure spiritual light located at the first chakra level, the tail bone. Once it is awakened over a period of time of loving sexual encounters with a loving mate (love is important), the force is built up sufficiently to expand up the spine. It must reach the top of the head through the spine for a full-blown kundalini awakening. It is drawn up the spine by magnetic attraction to its counterpart in the sky. The counterpart in the sky is the higher kundalini not in form. The light of consciousness was split at birth, with half of the person's consciousness going into the embryo to provide the life force for the body to build upon. Everyone has a light in the pelvis which gives rise to sexual need and attraction. It is in reality a longing for reconnection with its counterpart in heaven. It is a longing for love.
One day in 1976 my sister led me in a guided meditation, and during that time I had an out-of-body experience and went into a place I would call heaven. My body started jukjping up and down, as my sister reported later, but I wasn't aware of it at the time. Details of that experience can be read HERE. It was meant to be a book but the practice life of adapting to this new force kept me busy night and day. The process has been ongoing ever since. I did not know the word kundalini before that day, and I didn't have any previous experiences with meditation, yoga or any group training under a teacher or guide. It was a surprise opening, initiation, into other-worldly forces called dimensions, and it changed my life. Ever since, I have been challenged to understand it and to work with it because it wouldn't go away. I couldn't unlearn what happened. I couldn't put the genie back into the bottle. Nobody seemed to know what to do about it, though my husband helped me by listening and hugging me when I needed it, so I started writing. I journaled almost every day by hand-writing before computers were available. This led to channeled writings with higher forces which turned out to be my guiding light. When I asked who was talking to me I was told "I am you!" Later different Ascended Masters began speaking to me, and finally one very important master became my friend, the Ascended Master St. Germain was the initial one, and then Ascended Master Djwal Kul. They have been guiding me ever since.
Over the next 45 years the kundalini has been ever present, but as I adapted to its presence it became smoother and more comfortable. It is like an inner grace which moves through me like an inner wind and brings transcendence. In the first ten years it was challenging. After a session with the inner wind it would leave me hanging high in heaven's embrace in ecstasy, but there I would be in an altered state adrift in the ethers, in the sky, like a weather balloon and I couldn't come down. It was beautiful but I couldn't function. I was extremely fortunate to have a husband who listened, was interested and asked me questions and provided practical advice. And held me close when I was trembling with the force and couldn't control it. Other husbands would have dismissed me as a lunatic. And in fact the stories come down to us today that the path of kundalini is strewn with the bones of broken men who could not handle it. A loving embrace is all that is needed during times of distress, despondency, ecstasy and delirium. These are all very human conditions and the one thing that is missing the most is love. It is the close embrace of another human body that is needed. And within two years of kundalini shattering my world, we found the way to access that love - by interacting physically and intimately with other human beings who were exploring their sexuality with others. My husband was the practical leader as we met first a woman, then a man, then a couple, then another couple, then a cruise for swingers.
When the light in the pelvis, the earth force, meets the light in the sky, the spiritual force, there is transcendent bliss, love beyond measure, rapture, ecstasy and mystical experiences that are impossible to describe. This phenomena has been written about over the centuries without fully understanding the science of kundalini. Kundalini is a Sanscrit word, also called the holy ghost in Christian theology. Sex is the only thing we can relate to kundalini. Making love is one thing, but it is the orgasm brings momentary bliss and rapture, though most often of short duration. When kundalini has been fully processed in someone, that person can pass the grace on to another body through loving touch. Kundalini is a loving grace, not sexual. The person receiving the loving graceful touch must be willing to not turn it sexual. And that is the biggest and most important piece of information to know before going in. Turning it sexual in either the giver or the receiver aborts the process of expanding and raising the kundalini. The goal is to remain neutral so that kundalini in the pelvis can expand up the spine to the heart, which it will do naturally if the body and mind are kept peaceful and quiet. This is a very sophisticated piece of information. If you don't understand, that's OK. Take what you can from this description.
Kundalini is a loving embrace of grace. There is no other word that defines it better but it's complicated. There is a bottomless treasure chest of esoteric knowledge surrounding this mysterious force. I didn't know. I woke up in the middle of it. My earth kundalini - the light in my pelvis - was released during meditation that day and it soared up my spine and out the top of my head to join my spiritual half. All that I've learned from then to today would fill volumes but it can never be told in words, but it can be shared and passed through touch.
I've been writing about it for myself alone, as a way of objectifying these other-worldly experiences, but it's impossible to pass on the grace unless there is physical touching with love. Words just don't do it. My journals are many pages, but they are irrelevant when it comes to passing the spark of kundalini. Not through sex, though the orgasm is a reminder of what is in store for mankind when he learns to let it expand up his spine to the top of his head to meet his counterpart in heaven. Physical and intimate body embracing with love is how the kundalini is passed from one person to another, and the best way to do that is through non-sexual massage.
talking towent to massage school and became a licensed massage therapist for 15 years before quitting. It was not for me.
, once it has been grounded and balanced with the high kundalini, is a beautiful, transcending, loving grace.
Dand caused have learned a great deal abouKt kundalini, which I would call heavenly gace. When itgrounded what I called the "inner wind" which felt like grace when it moved in me because it was so lovely, and by touching others, skin to skin, it stabilized me. Holding, hugging and being intimate with other bodies up close, was like holding hands for me. I felt the surety of the earth connection and at the same time I passed the spark to others.
I have learned some amazing things about this inner wind, which is graceful, sensitive and loving, and I have written tons of stuff on paper. I am now putting these writings into digital form and hope to publish them. But meanwhile, re-reading them, a new understanding dawns that my mission is not over yet. I am being drawn to offer soothing, comforting touch via my personal website, Anakosha. The world is changing, people are changing, my desire to write is the same as the desire to unite through touch to pass the spark of grace and cosmic love. There is love in every human body and I want to connect with that love, physically. See pictures of me below, taken by a friend in 1988, during a spontaneous tai chi session. When the inner wind blew through me it caused me to want to dance. I called them my "movements" and I felt inner grace and mystical visions would occur each time. Please continue to read the Philosophy.
This ascension massage is overlighted by the ascended masters, with whom I have been studying for 45 years. It started with a kundalini awakening in 1976 which I knew nothing about at the time. It was during a guided meditation where I went up into the light in an OBE (out of body) experience. Ever since then I have been working on grounding the light. It has taken a long time. Grounding the light could only be done through physical, hands-on touching of other bodies. Hindsight reveals it is the only practical solution to the phenomena, and a way that is peaceful, wholesome, solid and humane, but there is more. Kundalini and the OBE opened doors to the ascended master realm.
Ascension is a term used today for going out of body into heaven, but my process has been to merge the light of the OBE into my physical body. This method has always been a hands-on method. It is like a passing of the spark of something immense - a love that is not pushy or demanding or that requires an explanation or reason. It is an urge to comfort and it is soft, caressing and warming. This is a feeling of humility behind it, and of grace. It nourishes and soothes the body. This is what I have lived with over the last 45 years, trying to explain it, unsuccessfully, and to give it. This type of massage is not a deep tissue method, nor is it sensual or sexual. But it is not coming from me, I am functioning as a channel for it. I've been learning over the years because I fall out of it and fall into it at times I can't control. The ascended masters are guides for this immense celestial love. They are not the originators either, but they have moved closer to the source than we have as human beings. The masters guide me and point out the errors in the way I think.
Many people are discovering this grace from higher sources because we as human beings are on an evolutionary path to greater nobleness. Grace is a good word for it and people interpret it in their own unique way. It is a purity that people are learning how to use through experience, and through different eyes and minds. Everyone is different. So, on a practical level, my massage is uniquely my own approach. It does not provide a happy ending or a deep tissue massage or any other known modalities because I have a unique training to raise the energy up the spine.
Over the ensuing years I have been drawn to the one goal - just exactly how does kundalini work? What is its source and how does it affect the human physiology? It was the ascended masters who guided me to further knowledge. Through books, through people, through channelings, through answering questions I was led step by step to understanding. The kundalini, a Sanskrit word, is a force likened to the telluric currents of earth, a natural electric current flowing on and beneath the surface of the Earth. It is this vital force that keeps the human body alive and breathing. It is felt as the sex force when it heats up through close contact with someone of opposite chemistry. Kundalini is the spiritual power of earth. It is earthy, fundamental. It keeps us alive. The earth is alive and all creatures who live here breathe because of it. It is the source of life for every sentient being including the ant, deer, elephant and snake. Kundalini is therefore the evolutionary life force which, mercifully, is kept veiled until the person can handle it wisely. When it is awakened, it is like nothing else known to humans. It is like a hose of water that has been suddenly turned on and no one is holding it so it flails wildly and whips back and forth. So does kundalini if it is accidentally awakened before the soul has been prepared. I have had to learn to manage it, not shut it off but talk to it, it is intelligent, it is an amazing force to work with. I didn't think to ask for help at the time that it awakened in me, but I was given an ascended master. I didn't know him at first. All I knew was cosmic information was channeling through me, helping me with understanding. Little by little, I learned that it was the Ascended Master Djwal Khul. Over time I learned he was a Tantric master for I had many questions about sex. As I learned to discern his presence he began channeling words in answer to specific questions. This was done through automatic writing. I would hold a pen over a paper with thoughts in my mind, and words would start flowing onto the paper. He and other intelligences have guided me in understanding the source of life. Mental understanding is a grounding force. Mentally connecting with them helped me stay sane so I could function as a normal human being when no one else understood me.
Now that I am a senior, it is my mission to pay it forward. The ascended masters have helped me, and now I am offering through hands-on sessions to pass the spark while being overlighted by the Ascended Masters. It is through loving touch hands-on massage or hugs or cuddles that I can help the most. Not mind-to-mind because mental understanding is at different levels in each person. It is not logical. If you resonate to what I am saying here, then you may be a good candidate to receiving the touch of cosmic love through me. But do not expect sexual happy endings. I know that most men are seeking that finale and so I must reiterate it here a number of times.
If you are on the same wave length with me, then contact me through the contact page HERE. This is not business by any stretch of the imagination. It is a gift on a quid-pro-quo basis. As I live closer to the universal laws of balance and harmony, it must be by free-will arrangement between the two of us. Whenever I am with someone I call upon the masters and the I Am Presence of the one I am with. The light coming through me enters the other person and attracts the light that is trapped - literally trapped - in the body I am touching. The light stirs and quickens the light in the other person which then wants to move upward. The human perspective translates this warm feeling into a sexual feeling but it is cosmic love. It is the light in the tailbone, the first root chakra, and when it stirs (quickens) it is felt as love because all the other energies are pushed aside. Cosmic light is present. When energies are pushed aside by grace and cosmic love, it is felt as love. One feels love when light meets light. It is warm and cozy. It is a desire to unite and rise together upward and outward. Love is an expanding flower, blossoming petal by petal, which are the chakras. While most people use it as sexual turnon, it is actually the light in the first root chakra being drawn irresistably up to meet its counterpart above the head, its own spiritual essence from which it was divided at birth. The irresistable drawing power of the lower kundalini force to go back up the spine to its beloved self in the spiritual realms, can be terribly overpowering. If we are prevented from using it in either a sexual encounter to create an orgasm, or by raising it up the spine to higher ground, it becomes violent and tend to explode.
The halfway point is in the heart level. The human heart is where the higher light (spiritual) descends to meet the lower light as it expands up the spine. There are two blocks in the human being that obstruct this coming together of the higher kundalini with the lower kundalini. One is at the head where a person is too mental and analyzes too much with the brain, and the one at the pelvis where a person is too physical and focuses too much on sex. It is by gently easing the blocks in the head and the groin that a person feels more comfortable in his skin. And more at peace.
When I put my hands on solid warm bodies, it helps ME because I tend to be too spiritual. Giving and receiving massage helps me to ground. It is my own higher self, meaning my own higher consciousness, my higher dimensional self, who wants to live down here in the physical world and interact with other human beings. It is exciting to play the game of being a human and loving each other. However, the kind of love I'm talking about is cosmic and universal. It is not possessive, personal or jealous of someone else having more attention. Cosmic love wants to expand to include everything and everyone. It transmutes the past. It moves the past out of the way when it sparks from body to body freely in love. For centuries now, it has been held down to the groin area and used for sex but not evolving. To bring about peace to the body, mind and soul, the kundalini (light in th (pelvis) needs to expand up the spine to the heart - minimally to the heart - and not be "wasted" on an orgasm in the lower regions. The orgasm is the kundalini exploding down below without reaching its intended target in the heart. The life force has been hanging up at the sex chakra and not evolving the human to higher standards. This is where dirty sex comes in. It takes on a vulgar energy to keep it down so low when it should be expanded upon. The chakras above are waiting to be activated by the expanding life force of kundalini. There are missing links inbetween the light in the lower body and the light above the head. We need to be opening up the spine so that the all-powerful light in the pelvis can expand up the spinal etheric column like a gusher of oil racing for the opening at the surface. The spinal column is the main trunk of the human body, known as the tree of life, and it has been blocked. This is what is meant by "raising the kundalini". I never could get what that meant by "raising" it. Now I understand. We are not taking it out of the lower body and relocating it to a higher plane in the upper body. We are charging the lower kundalini, like pumping it up to have a greater earth force behind it. Exercises like yoga and kundalini yoga and breathing exercises all contribute to pumping up the lower kundalini at the first chakra. This is how we expand the earth force, but we also have to know the mechanics of how it expands up through the spinal column to reach the heart, head and all the organs, muscles and tissues inbetween. The whole body needs this energy to youthify and stay healthy and young. When we do the lower body exercises, like breathing exercises and physical yoga exercises and similar ones, the higher kundalini is drawn to the lower magnetically, for it is the higher light being drawn to the lower light. It is etheric chemistry. Their meeting location is in the heart. That is where they integrate. This has been the focus of my studies with the ascended masters for over four decades.
Our bodies are surrounded by seven bands of consciousness - four dense levels of consciousness known as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - and three levels of pure crystal light consciousness. The four lower levels consist of human history which is distorted. It contains errors. The three higher levels in each individual is the guiding light. There are many human theologies and many human beliefs, but there is only one inner light. That inner light is the inner light for all beings everywhere. It is the only truth for all individuals, which creates an enigma. The answer is this. Individuals are meant to be unique when they have completed their mission, but there are seven attributes that they are to be guided by. Those seven attributes are seven angles (angels) of light which guide the human soul. These seven are called by many names, but they can be understood as divine will power, divine love, divine intelligence, divine purity, divine truth, divine peace and divine freedom.
As these seven principles are understood and lived in action, the aura brightens and becomes clearer and clearer, and the individual stamps his own uniqueness with them so he lives an honorable, noble and compassionate life. When all beings bring these seven principles into action on earth with other people, the earth becomes a living, thriving, paradise. But it is only done by eschewing the influences of others whose thoughts and feelings are not their own. One must live according to one's own inner light. It is the light within that must be followed. It is hard to hear, though, because the world is so full of chaos. We are advised to meditate and go alone often to contemplate the light within.
The three higher bands of light surrounding us have never been contaminated and never will. They are always there as the light of our spirit. In all the lives we have lived before this one, these three higher bands have been with us to guide us as conscience. They contain the perfect blueprint for us as a unique individual created from before time began. These bands of pure light are pure love. In our normal daily life they act as the conscience that draws us to be a better person, a kinder person, a more noble person. We don't always listen. We are drawn to fight for causes led by others. Yet everyone has flashes from time to time of the higher light within. Sometimes we make the mistake of keeping it locked into a mental thought and not allow it to be felt as a sentient feeling. I have been trained to work on the sentient level, the physical level, and to bring the light lower into the density of physicality. I have done this under guidance to meditate and do certain exercises on a physical level. I am rewarded with feelings of great, unearthly peace, and at times bliss that may lead to rapture. All physical bodies, especially animals like our pets, are especially drawn to the love that human beings are capable of expressing.
All seven bands of consciousness in our aura are mixed up together in most people, because we have not known about them. Without knowoing about them we cannot spend time managing them. How can you manage something you don't know about? Most people don't even know they have an aura. A human being is confused who doesn't know that there are different layers of consciousness playing out through his mind, feelings and psychic awareness. There is a type of chaos in the energy fields of some people. Some more so than others. There are mixed emotions and contradictory thoughts and confusing concepts about God and divinity. What is true? And yet miracle healings take place in spite of the confusion. Both through a healer's hands and through caring human love for one another. I recall a friend long ago who had a miraculous healing of a bad hip through a minister's hands during a healing service. When he touched her she swooned and fell to the floor. Note: that is not what I do, so please don't misunderstand me. I point out that there is a mightier power than that of human, which fails to fit into human logic. When pure God energy is channeled into a physical body, chaos is shoved aside and soothing grace takes over. Chaotic particles align themselves, under grace, in their respective order. There is a divine order in the universe and the human body is a part of that order. The auric field is composed of physical energies, which are the densest; emotional energies which are less dense, mental energies are lighter and spiritual energies are the highest of all the human distortions - the four lower bodies. But grace, all of them take their rightful place in the order of density. These are the four lower dimensions of the human auric field. Under grace (cosmic love) the body straightens itself out and feels wonderfully smooth to the resident soul. It is a deep peace. Some people go to sleep under such a comforting massage. How the densities align themselves could be likened to the way a centrifuge works, which spins tubes of fluids around and around, separating particles into layers according to density, following the laws of gravity and centrifugal force. This order is apparent everywhere we look. The laws of nature follow a divine template in every living body on earth. The spiritual anatomy of a human being is what the ascended masters have been teaching me.
Understanding how spiritual anatomy works along with the physical body is obscure. Not many have had access to this knowledge. It is OK not to have understanding because it is innate knowledge. You already understand. o higher levels. Our job is not to understand it all but to enjoy it. There is wisdom in the body that can be felt as joy and fulfillment. It is a high emotion. It doesn't use mental logic. It is felt whenever love is present, and the passing of consciousness or attention or focus on love. Light is love when it moves through the physical body. That's when love can be felt. Love is uncovered by the attention of gratitude, appreciation, respect, uplifting phrases of love. Then the light within a body is stimulated and awakened and rises upward, closer to the surface where it can be expressed. Otherwise, it is covered over and kept down and hidden. It is light that attracts light. Love that attracts love. A massage of genuine warmth and caring can draw these light particles to rearrange into their respective positions in the auric field, leaving the person on the table in comfort and peace.
Light is abstract, when light in one person connects with light in another person, it is not the light that moves, it is the dense particles that are moved, pushed aside and transformed. Particles that are in error can be transformed when they are touched by cosmic love. They are particles that were charged with errors. They move out of the way as light is attracted to light so a path of light is created. The subsequent moving of erroneous particles under grace is felt as warmth, as love, as nourishment for the soul. It is felt as peace as it puts to rest the chaos particles that cause stress. Energies in the auric field realign in the presence of a peaceful person. They take their rightful position in the divine scheme of the world around them. The body is usually receptive to peace and will do its best to realign and respond in kind. The bottom line is that the light in one person responds to the light in another person. This is true in every human interaction. What has been held back and "stuck" is love. Love has been closed in the human condition. As we ourselves bring forth more undiluted love (undemanding love) we will bring forth more peace into our individual world.
This has been the main stay of my spiritual training. It is through physical hands-on touch, but there are many healers doing this. I am not the only one. I decided to name it "Ascension Massage" as the masters have advised me to do. The aura field in most people reflect a composition of many colors, some dark, some light, some neutral. They are particles of light in the beginning that have been colored, tainted or tinged by the emotions of the person who radiated them. These particles tend to be mixed up like a soup of chicken, barley, carrots, onions, celery, ginger and other stuff. Particles of carrots are a different density from particles of chicken. The same is true with everything we touch in our world or think about or focus upon, or work with. Also what we take in through our skin and eating habits. Imagine the chaos of the different particles of light that have been charged or tainted by our passing thoughts. It is the matrix of the human condition.
When cosmic light is introduced into the human stew, the energies tend to sort themselves out into their rightful density - lower density, middle density, higher density, spiritual density. When that happens the body can't help but feel good. The soul enjoys the sensations of love. It is food for the soul who lives there. The divine matrix puts things back into an order of respect and harmony. The human matrix has been chaotic, especially with the addition of newer technology which causes us to think, ponder, wonder, stew and stress ouit more. What is missing is the grounding that I have been trained in. Grounding the mental stress downward, descending down into physical body is like growing a firm and solid network of roots into the earth. Understanding is a grounding force. Being introduced into the auric field grounds a person through appreciation of the auric field. Feeling warm and comforted aligns us closer to the divine matrix which contains will power, love, enlightened intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the seven divine principles of the Mighty I Am Presence. It feels quite wonderful to be massaged by someone who understands. I am willing to share this knowledge to those who want to learn more about it - to pass it on to others.
One day in 1976 my sister led me in a guided meditation, and during that time I had an out-of-body experience and went into a place I would call heaven. My body started jukjping up and down, as my sister reported later, but I wasn't aware of it at the time. Details of that experience can be read HERE. It was meant to be a book but the practice life of adapting to this new force kept me busy night and day. The process has been ongoing ever since. I did not know the word kundalini before that day, and I didn't have any previous experiences with meditation, yoga or any group training under a teacher or guide. It was a surprise opening, initiation, into other-worldly forces called dimensions, and it changed my life. Ever since, I have been challenged to understand it and to work with it because it wouldn't go away. I couldn't unlearn what happened. I couldn't put the genie back into the bottle. Nobody seemed to know what to do about it, though my husband helped me by listening and hugging me when I needed it, so I started writing. I journaled almost every day by hand-writing before computers were available. This led to channeled writings with higher forces which turned out to be my guiding light. When I asked who was talking to me I was told "I am you!" Later different Ascended Masters began speaking to me, and finally one very important master became my friend, the Ascended Master St. Germain was the initial one, and then Ascended Master Djwal Kul. They have been guiding me ever since.
Over the next 45 years the kundalini has been ever present, but as I adapted to its presence it became smoother and more comfortable. It is like an inner grace which moves through me like an inner wind and brings transcendence. In the first ten years it was challenging. After a session with the inner wind it would leave me hanging high in heaven's embrace in ecstasy, but there I would be in an altered state adrift in the ethers, in the sky, like a weather balloon and I couldn't come down. It was beautiful but I couldn't function. I was extremely fortunate to have a husband who listened, was interested and asked me questions and provided practical advice. And held me close when I was trembling with the force and couldn't control it. Other husbands would have dismissed me as a lunatic. And in fact the stories come down to us today that the path of kundalini is strewn with the bones of broken men who could not handle it. A loving embrace is all that is needed during times of distress, despondency, ecstasy and delirium. These are all very human conditions and the one thing that is missing the most is love. It is the close embrace of another human body that is needed. And within two years of kundalini shattering my world, we found the way to access that love - by interacting physically and intimately with other human beings who were exploring their sexuality with others. My husband was the practical leader as we met first a woman, then a man, then a couple, then another couple, then a cruise for swingers.
When the light in the pelvis, the earth force, meets the light in the sky, the spiritual force, there is transcendent bliss, love beyond measure, rapture, ecstasy and mystical experiences that are impossible to describe. This phenomena has been written about over the centuries without fully understanding the science of kundalini. Kundalini is a Sanscrit word, also called the holy ghost in Christian theology. Sex is the only thing we can relate to kundalini. Making love is one thing, but it is the orgasm brings momentary bliss and rapture, though most often of short duration. When kundalini has been fully processed in someone, that person can pass the grace on to another body through loving touch. Kundalini is a loving grace, not sexual. The person receiving the loving graceful touch must be willing to not turn it sexual. And that is the biggest and most important piece of information to know before going in. Turning it sexual in either the giver or the receiver aborts the process of expanding and raising the kundalini. The goal is to remain neutral so that kundalini in the pelvis can expand up the spine to the heart, which it will do naturally if the body and mind are kept peaceful and quiet. This is a very sophisticated piece of information. If you don't understand, that's OK. Take what you can from this description.
Kundalini is a loving embrace of grace. There is no other word that defines it better but it's complicated. There is a bottomless treasure chest of esoteric knowledge surrounding this mysterious force. I didn't know. I woke up in the middle of it. My earth kundalini - the light in my pelvis - was released during meditation that day and it soared up my spine and out the top of my head to join my spiritual half. All that I've learned from then to today would fill volumes but it can never be told in words, but it can be shared and passed through touch.
I've been writing about it for myself alone, as a way of objectifying these other-worldly experiences, but it's impossible to pass on the grace unless there is physical touching with love. Words just don't do it. My journals are many pages, but they are irrelevant when it comes to passing the spark of kundalini. Not through sex, though the orgasm is a reminder of what is in store for mankind when he learns to let it expand up his spine to the top of his head to meet his counterpart in heaven. Physical and intimate body embracing with love is how the kundalini is passed from one person to another, and the best way to do that is through non-sexual massage.
talking towent to massage school and became a licensed massage therapist for 15 years before quitting. It was not for me.
, once it has been grounded and balanced with the high kundalini, is a beautiful, transcending, loving grace.
Dand caused have learned a great deal abouKt kundalini, which I would call heavenly gace. When itgrounded what I called the "inner wind" which felt like grace when it moved in me because it was so lovely, and by touching others, skin to skin, it stabilized me. Holding, hugging and being intimate with other bodies up close, was like holding hands for me. I felt the surety of the earth connection and at the same time I passed the spark to others.
I have learned some amazing things about this inner wind, which is graceful, sensitive and loving, and I have written tons of stuff on paper. I am now putting these writings into digital form and hope to publish them. But meanwhile, re-reading them, a new understanding dawns that my mission is not over yet. I am being drawn to offer soothing, comforting touch via my personal website, Anakosha. The world is changing, people are changing, my desire to write is the same as the desire to unite through touch to pass the spark of grace and cosmic love. There is love in every human body and I want to connect with that love, physically. See pictures of me below, taken by a friend in 1988, during a spontaneous tai chi session. When the inner wind blew through me it caused me to want to dance. I called them my "movements" and I felt inner grace and mystical visions would occur each time. Please continue to read the Philosophy.
This ascension massage is overlighted by the ascended masters, with whom I have been studying for 45 years. It started with a kundalini awakening in 1976 which I knew nothing about at the time. It was during a guided meditation where I went up into the light in an OBE (out of body) experience. Ever since then I have been working on grounding the light. It has taken a long time. Grounding the light could only be done through physical, hands-on touching of other bodies. Hindsight reveals it is the only practical solution to the phenomena, and a way that is peaceful, wholesome, solid and humane, but there is more. Kundalini and the OBE opened doors to the ascended master realm.
Ascension is a term used today for going out of body into heaven, but my process has been to merge the light of the OBE into my physical body. This method has always been a hands-on method. It is like a passing of the spark of something immense - a love that is not pushy or demanding or that requires an explanation or reason. It is an urge to comfort and it is soft, caressing and warming. This is a feeling of humility behind it, and of grace. It nourishes and soothes the body. This is what I have lived with over the last 45 years, trying to explain it, unsuccessfully, and to give it. This type of massage is not a deep tissue method, nor is it sensual or sexual. But it is not coming from me, I am functioning as a channel for it. I've been learning over the years because I fall out of it and fall into it at times I can't control. The ascended masters are guides for this immense celestial love. They are not the originators either, but they have moved closer to the source than we have as human beings. The masters guide me and point out the errors in the way I think.
Many people are discovering this grace from higher sources because we as human beings are on an evolutionary path to greater nobleness. Grace is a good word for it and people interpret it in their own unique way. It is a purity that people are learning how to use through experience, and through different eyes and minds. Everyone is different. So, on a practical level, my massage is uniquely my own approach. It does not provide a happy ending or a deep tissue massage or any other known modalities because I have a unique training to raise the energy up the spine.
Over the ensuing years I have been drawn to the one goal - just exactly how does kundalini work? What is its source and how does it affect the human physiology? It was the ascended masters who guided me to further knowledge. Through books, through people, through channelings, through answering questions I was led step by step to understanding. The kundalini, a Sanskrit word, is a force likened to the telluric currents of earth, a natural electric current flowing on and beneath the surface of the Earth. It is this vital force that keeps the human body alive and breathing. It is felt as the sex force when it heats up through close contact with someone of opposite chemistry. Kundalini is the spiritual power of earth. It is earthy, fundamental. It keeps us alive. The earth is alive and all creatures who live here breathe because of it. It is the source of life for every sentient being including the ant, deer, elephant and snake. Kundalini is therefore the evolutionary life force which, mercifully, is kept veiled until the person can handle it wisely. When it is awakened, it is like nothing else known to humans. It is like a hose of water that has been suddenly turned on and no one is holding it so it flails wildly and whips back and forth. So does kundalini if it is accidentally awakened before the soul has been prepared. I have had to learn to manage it, not shut it off but talk to it, it is intelligent, it is an amazing force to work with. I didn't think to ask for help at the time that it awakened in me, but I was given an ascended master. I didn't know him at first. All I knew was cosmic information was channeling through me, helping me with understanding. Little by little, I learned that it was the Ascended Master Djwal Khul. Over time I learned he was a Tantric master for I had many questions about sex. As I learned to discern his presence he began channeling words in answer to specific questions. This was done through automatic writing. I would hold a pen over a paper with thoughts in my mind, and words would start flowing onto the paper. He and other intelligences have guided me in understanding the source of life. Mental understanding is a grounding force. Mentally connecting with them helped me stay sane so I could function as a normal human being when no one else understood me.
Now that I am a senior, it is my mission to pay it forward. The ascended masters have helped me, and now I am offering through hands-on sessions to pass the spark while being overlighted by the Ascended Masters. It is through loving touch hands-on massage or hugs or cuddles that I can help the most. Not mind-to-mind because mental understanding is at different levels in each person. It is not logical. If you resonate to what I am saying here, then you may be a good candidate to receiving the touch of cosmic love through me. But do not expect sexual happy endings. I know that most men are seeking that finale and so I must reiterate it here a number of times.
If you are on the same wave length with me, then contact me through the contact page HERE. This is not business by any stretch of the imagination. It is a gift on a quid-pro-quo basis. As I live closer to the universal laws of balance and harmony, it must be by free-will arrangement between the two of us. Whenever I am with someone I call upon the masters and the I Am Presence of the one I am with. The light coming through me enters the other person and attracts the light that is trapped - literally trapped - in the body I am touching. The light stirs and quickens the light in the other person which then wants to move upward. The human perspective translates this warm feeling into a sexual feeling but it is cosmic love. It is the light in the tailbone, the first root chakra, and when it stirs (quickens) it is felt as love because all the other energies are pushed aside. Cosmic light is present. When energies are pushed aside by grace and cosmic love, it is felt as love. One feels love when light meets light. It is warm and cozy. It is a desire to unite and rise together upward and outward. Love is an expanding flower, blossoming petal by petal, which are the chakras. While most people use it as sexual turnon, it is actually the light in the first root chakra being drawn irresistably up to meet its counterpart above the head, its own spiritual essence from which it was divided at birth. The irresistable drawing power of the lower kundalini force to go back up the spine to its beloved self in the spiritual realms, can be terribly overpowering. If we are prevented from using it in either a sexual encounter to create an orgasm, or by raising it up the spine to higher ground, it becomes violent and tend to explode.
The halfway point is in the heart level. The human heart is where the higher light (spiritual) descends to meet the lower light as it expands up the spine. There are two blocks in the human being that obstruct this coming together of the higher kundalini with the lower kundalini. One is at the head where a person is too mental and analyzes too much with the brain, and the one at the pelvis where a person is too physical and focuses too much on sex. It is by gently easing the blocks in the head and the groin that a person feels more comfortable in his skin. And more at peace.
When I put my hands on solid warm bodies, it helps ME because I tend to be too spiritual. Giving and receiving massage helps me to ground. It is my own higher self, meaning my own higher consciousness, my higher dimensional self, who wants to live down here in the physical world and interact with other human beings. It is exciting to play the game of being a human and loving each other. However, the kind of love I'm talking about is cosmic and universal. It is not possessive, personal or jealous of someone else having more attention. Cosmic love wants to expand to include everything and everyone. It transmutes the past. It moves the past out of the way when it sparks from body to body freely in love. For centuries now, it has been held down to the groin area and used for sex but not evolving. To bring about peace to the body, mind and soul, the kundalini (light in th (pelvis) needs to expand up the spine to the heart - minimally to the heart - and not be "wasted" on an orgasm in the lower regions. The orgasm is the kundalini exploding down below without reaching its intended target in the heart. The life force has been hanging up at the sex chakra and not evolving the human to higher standards. This is where dirty sex comes in. It takes on a vulgar energy to keep it down so low when it should be expanded upon. The chakras above are waiting to be activated by the expanding life force of kundalini. There are missing links inbetween the light in the lower body and the light above the head. We need to be opening up the spine so that the all-powerful light in the pelvis can expand up the spinal etheric column like a gusher of oil racing for the opening at the surface. The spinal column is the main trunk of the human body, known as the tree of life, and it has been blocked. This is what is meant by "raising the kundalini". I never could get what that meant by "raising" it. Now I understand. We are not taking it out of the lower body and relocating it to a higher plane in the upper body. We are charging the lower kundalini, like pumping it up to have a greater earth force behind it. Exercises like yoga and kundalini yoga and breathing exercises all contribute to pumping up the lower kundalini at the first chakra. This is how we expand the earth force, but we also have to know the mechanics of how it expands up through the spinal column to reach the heart, head and all the organs, muscles and tissues inbetween. The whole body needs this energy to youthify and stay healthy and young. When we do the lower body exercises, like breathing exercises and physical yoga exercises and similar ones, the higher kundalini is drawn to the lower magnetically, for it is the higher light being drawn to the lower light. It is etheric chemistry. Their meeting location is in the heart. That is where they integrate. This has been the focus of my studies with the ascended masters for over four decades.
Our bodies are surrounded by seven bands of consciousness - four dense levels of consciousness known as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - and three levels of pure crystal light consciousness. The four lower levels consist of human history which is distorted. It contains errors. The three higher levels in each individual is the guiding light. There are many human theologies and many human beliefs, but there is only one inner light. That inner light is the inner light for all beings everywhere. It is the only truth for all individuals, which creates an enigma. The answer is this. Individuals are meant to be unique when they have completed their mission, but there are seven attributes that they are to be guided by. Those seven attributes are seven angles (angels) of light which guide the human soul. These seven are called by many names, but they can be understood as divine will power, divine love, divine intelligence, divine purity, divine truth, divine peace and divine freedom.
As these seven principles are understood and lived in action, the aura brightens and becomes clearer and clearer, and the individual stamps his own uniqueness with them so he lives an honorable, noble and compassionate life. When all beings bring these seven principles into action on earth with other people, the earth becomes a living, thriving, paradise. But it is only done by eschewing the influences of others whose thoughts and feelings are not their own. One must live according to one's own inner light. It is the light within that must be followed. It is hard to hear, though, because the world is so full of chaos. We are advised to meditate and go alone often to contemplate the light within.
The three higher bands of light surrounding us have never been contaminated and never will. They are always there as the light of our spirit. In all the lives we have lived before this one, these three higher bands have been with us to guide us as conscience. They contain the perfect blueprint for us as a unique individual created from before time began. These bands of pure light are pure love. In our normal daily life they act as the conscience that draws us to be a better person, a kinder person, a more noble person. We don't always listen. We are drawn to fight for causes led by others. Yet everyone has flashes from time to time of the higher light within. Sometimes we make the mistake of keeping it locked into a mental thought and not allow it to be felt as a sentient feeling. I have been trained to work on the sentient level, the physical level, and to bring the light lower into the density of physicality. I have done this under guidance to meditate and do certain exercises on a physical level. I am rewarded with feelings of great, unearthly peace, and at times bliss that may lead to rapture. All physical bodies, especially animals like our pets, are especially drawn to the love that human beings are capable of expressing.
All seven bands of consciousness in our aura are mixed up together in most people, because we have not known about them. Without knowoing about them we cannot spend time managing them. How can you manage something you don't know about? Most people don't even know they have an aura. A human being is confused who doesn't know that there are different layers of consciousness playing out through his mind, feelings and psychic awareness. There is a type of chaos in the energy fields of some people. Some more so than others. There are mixed emotions and contradictory thoughts and confusing concepts about God and divinity. What is true? And yet miracle healings take place in spite of the confusion. Both through a healer's hands and through caring human love for one another. I recall a friend long ago who had a miraculous healing of a bad hip through a minister's hands during a healing service. When he touched her she swooned and fell to the floor. Note: that is not what I do, so please don't misunderstand me. I point out that there is a mightier power than that of human, which fails to fit into human logic. When pure God energy is channeled into a physical body, chaos is shoved aside and soothing grace takes over. Chaotic particles align themselves, under grace, in their respective order. There is a divine order in the universe and the human body is a part of that order. The auric field is composed of physical energies, which are the densest; emotional energies which are less dense, mental energies are lighter and spiritual energies are the highest of all the human distortions - the four lower bodies. But grace, all of them take their rightful place in the order of density. These are the four lower dimensions of the human auric field. Under grace (cosmic love) the body straightens itself out and feels wonderfully smooth to the resident soul. It is a deep peace. Some people go to sleep under such a comforting massage. How the densities align themselves could be likened to the way a centrifuge works, which spins tubes of fluids around and around, separating particles into layers according to density, following the laws of gravity and centrifugal force. This order is apparent everywhere we look. The laws of nature follow a divine template in every living body on earth. The spiritual anatomy of a human being is what the ascended masters have been teaching me.
Understanding how spiritual anatomy works along with the physical body is obscure. Not many have had access to this knowledge. It is OK not to have understanding because it is innate knowledge. You already understand. o higher levels. Our job is not to understand it all but to enjoy it. There is wisdom in the body that can be felt as joy and fulfillment. It is a high emotion. It doesn't use mental logic. It is felt whenever love is present, and the passing of consciousness or attention or focus on love. Light is love when it moves through the physical body. That's when love can be felt. Love is uncovered by the attention of gratitude, appreciation, respect, uplifting phrases of love. Then the light within a body is stimulated and awakened and rises upward, closer to the surface where it can be expressed. Otherwise, it is covered over and kept down and hidden. It is light that attracts light. Love that attracts love. A massage of genuine warmth and caring can draw these light particles to rearrange into their respective positions in the auric field, leaving the person on the table in comfort and peace.
Light is abstract, when light in one person connects with light in another person, it is not the light that moves, it is the dense particles that are moved, pushed aside and transformed. Particles that are in error can be transformed when they are touched by cosmic love. They are particles that were charged with errors. They move out of the way as light is attracted to light so a path of light is created. The subsequent moving of erroneous particles under grace is felt as warmth, as love, as nourishment for the soul. It is felt as peace as it puts to rest the chaos particles that cause stress. Energies in the auric field realign in the presence of a peaceful person. They take their rightful position in the divine scheme of the world around them. The body is usually receptive to peace and will do its best to realign and respond in kind. The bottom line is that the light in one person responds to the light in another person. This is true in every human interaction. What has been held back and "stuck" is love. Love has been closed in the human condition. As we ourselves bring forth more undiluted love (undemanding love) we will bring forth more peace into our individual world.
This has been the main stay of my spiritual training. It is through physical hands-on touch, but there are many healers doing this. I am not the only one. I decided to name it "Ascension Massage" as the masters have advised me to do. The aura field in most people reflect a composition of many colors, some dark, some light, some neutral. They are particles of light in the beginning that have been colored, tainted or tinged by the emotions of the person who radiated them. These particles tend to be mixed up like a soup of chicken, barley, carrots, onions, celery, ginger and other stuff. Particles of carrots are a different density from particles of chicken. The same is true with everything we touch in our world or think about or focus upon, or work with. Also what we take in through our skin and eating habits. Imagine the chaos of the different particles of light that have been charged or tainted by our passing thoughts. It is the matrix of the human condition.
When cosmic light is introduced into the human stew, the energies tend to sort themselves out into their rightful density - lower density, middle density, higher density, spiritual density. When that happens the body can't help but feel good. The soul enjoys the sensations of love. It is food for the soul who lives there. The divine matrix puts things back into an order of respect and harmony. The human matrix has been chaotic, especially with the addition of newer technology which causes us to think, ponder, wonder, stew and stress ouit more. What is missing is the grounding that I have been trained in. Grounding the mental stress downward, descending down into physical body is like growing a firm and solid network of roots into the earth. Understanding is a grounding force. Being introduced into the auric field grounds a person through appreciation of the auric field. Feeling warm and comforted aligns us closer to the divine matrix which contains will power, love, enlightened intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the seven divine principles of the Mighty I Am Presence. It feels quite wonderful to be massaged by someone who understands. I am willing to share this knowledge to those who want to learn more about it - to pass it on to others.