Kundalini Blog
What is Kundalini?
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What is Kundalini?
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4/13/23 - Balance above with balance below, intel of mind with intel of body
During cobra exercise today I am aware that the physical heart is where the abstract intel above and abstract intel below (father-mother God) meet together in the body physical on an equal par, equal measure, equal ground, and produce perfection in the body form. This is my awareness, I did not read it. The work is always to bring balance, bring the consciousness of balance above as below into alignment. One’s own consciousness is the individual’s work of mastery. He/she must bring alignment to the body - not get ahead of it, must not outguess it or go before it is ready (which is ego inflation), and not falling behind it, as in lack of self esteem, and letting it go out of control and overwhelm the self. The soul is the child who is growing its self awareness by living in the body and learning to bring balance to above as below, the intelligence of the mind and intelligence of the body material. It must become the master of both, by bringing alignment between the two of them. I felt it when I did my spontaneous movements. I must do movements again, along with light language. Must try it. The conscious light within the cells of the body material CAN BE brought into alignment with conscious awareness, toning up or toning down, whatever it takes, bringing perfection which is the middle zone, the neutral or quantum zone. He or she can remain neutral, or in other words perfection is achieved. The physical heart is God in the body brought to perfect alignment, in perfect balance, no matter what is happening in its outer world.
1/13/23 - Kundalini leads you forward past former limits
Yesterday I went above and beyond my own former limits by starting to clean the screen room of cobwebs and taking down the old lights, needing to track and trace where the electricity comes from. I got very tired and achy but DID NOT LET IT STOP ME. This is important to know and remember: do not let the pain stop you! The pain is leading you forward further. Get past it. Don’t stop at the door. I transcended the pain and grew bigger. I am today bigger as a result of that. Bigger than my limitations of the body. I was drawing upon Mother Earth’s infinity. Her kundalini.
Yes, the planet has kundalini, it is the ancient light trapped – or is it stored? – within it. Ancient light is kundalini force. It is the holy spirit force, the ancient light embedded into the soil, clay, rocks, mountains, rivers, oceans. You are here to recognize it and WAKE IT UP! It is not dead. The light cannot die. It is eternal, immortal, infinite. Wake it up. Reclaim it. Claim it as YOURS! Make it yours. Be the new Earth. Be the new power. Build on the old. Others before you built on those before them. Who built on those who came before they did. Now YOU add your light to those who have gone before you, adding your light, adding to light embedded into Earth’s soil of the past. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out but send it home again. Now, here is the key, the crucial key that is often missed. You can only send the light home by connecting to it and lifting it.
You are from home. Connect home with the Earth planet that is in you. Earth was built from light from home by a continuous flow of souls being born here from home. They left their light here, behind them, in their corpses as they decomposed. The light never goes out. The light of the electrons that built the bodies and sustained the bodies, that light never goes out. Do not let this light of your ancestors and predecessors go out. Connect into it, add to it, send it home by lifting it up, by consecrating it, by sanctifying it, by appreciating it and lifting it up and recognizing it as holy and divine. Lift it up to the great Father Creator of it all, the One Infinite Creator.
3/13/18 - Kundalini is like a natural orgasm, a sun shining
[Channeled. In the night I was awakened with a download. I awaken thinking about this and the words are flowing through me.]
"In a tantric massage if there is an urge to orgasm, allow, allow, allow without moving. Let the feeling spread. In sex the the tendency is to jump on it like a duck on a june bug and “help” it. Don’t! Don’t move. Allow, allow, allow. Don’t move. The male urge is to pump at it and work at it. The male asserts control over what should be natural. The female tendency is to allow and be still and receive, to allow, allow, allow the kundalini to rise like smoke, like fire upward, burning. This energy is pure spirit not form. It is not physical but pure spirit. It washes upward and cleanses everything in its path that should not be there. It cleans out everything that is distorted and out of alignment. If the urge is to wiggle or pump the body to try to “make it happen”, you are directing it against its natural flow. You are holding it back from its natural job and role. It cannot accomplish its purpose when you block its naturalness. It’s like trying to block the sun from rising. Kundalini force is the sun of the self. Allow the dawn to happen. Imagine the dawn lighting up the sky as a camera captures it in rapid fast forward motion.. There’s no human “work” involved in allowing the dawn to happen, so there is no human work involved in allowing the kundalini sun to rise when it is activated. Arousal is activation. Allow it. Keep the body still. Receive it like you receive and appreciate the sun dawning in the eastern sky. It feels like a wet dream. You don’t “do” anything to have a wet dream. It just happens during dream state. You are not working at it.
OPEN YOURSELF! (I am getting this loudly) OPEN, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. Widen, widen, widen. Consciously widen, open and allow it to flow upward. It is like you are inside a circle in the center and the dawn is coming from your center and widening you larger and larger and larger. This is what it means to “raise” the energy in contrast to jumping on it like a dog on a bone. Then you crush it and hold it back. When you do that you force it to come out into your genital region. You think it’s a genital experience when it’s not. It’s coming from the genital region because you’re forcing it there. Otherwise it would expand and give you a rising sensation. It is initiated at the center of your body which is the center of your circle of life, but its purpose is to expand from there like a lightbulb expands its light. It enlarges outward, rippling outward farther and farther out to the farthest periphery of your being. The genitals are the “meat” of your body but YOU are more than the meat of your body. You have layers surrounding you that cover you. Let the orgasm go through the layers. The flesh and tissues and nerves are only the meat that surrounds the portal which feels tremendously strong and powerful when it goes through the meat in an upward direction. It is upward compared to where it’s coming from inside the genital region but it is trying to expand.
It is meant to expand from that center outward like a light expands from the center of a light bulb, like the light from the sun expands out to its orbiting planets to give it life. Kundalini is your central sun. It feeds you energy. It radiates out through your whole body through the meridians and smaller nadis. When you get together male and female with eyes only on each other, you double up on the intensity of the kundalini. Kundalini is love, love is the earth energy known as kundalini. It is mysterious but it is natural when you double-up on your concentrated focus on each other. It is natural. Let it be natural. When you try to rush it or force it by pumping with friction against the walls of the yoni (vagina) it explodes into the immediate cells in the area, and it doesn’t go up to the rest of the body. We haven’t been taught about this beautiful science of kundlaini. We don’t know yet the huge potential of this feeling. We hold it back because we really believe it is a natural genital experience and it is not. Humans have rushed themselves and pumped themselves into orgasms with various manipulative techniques, but it was never meant to be a genital experience. Not for humans. For animals, yes, but not for humans. Humans are on a higher evolutionary path to become more god-like, more in harmony with universal law.
It is time we broadened our awareness about this natural act, enlighten our consciousness and grow our belief to higher ground. Widen your belief so that kundalini can spread through your whole body. You are the sun. You hold back your own sun that could soar you up to the moon and the stars. We are held back to a very limited sexual experience because we don’t know that it can be bigger. If it is a good one, you feel the orgasm as if it is all over because you momentarily are thrust into infinity by the explosion out of body. It cleanses your lowest, densest part, the genital area but the cleansing does not last because it does not go far enough. Instead, allow the feeling to grow naturally without pushing it or rushing it. Forget watching the clock. Linger in the timelessness of feeling. Let the feeling be in control. It will grow slowly. Allow it to grow slowly. Having an orgasm is nice and we enjoy it yes, but we don’t evolve from it. It doesn’t make us a better person. We don’t change from having an orgasm, no matter how many we have in our lifetime. We are held back by doing it that way, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, wasted and spent on the lower half of the body. At the end each time. We return to normal life the same person we were before.
And yet, kundalini - what we know as sex - is the evolutionary fire of the human race. When we use this fire naturally, normally, the way nature intended it to be used, the fire transforms us, mind, body, emotions and spiritually. It is time we learned about kundalini and our destiny and how we were designed to allow kundalini to go up the spine to the head and out above the head and down around the body back into the ground again. This is just a little glimpse of a hint of what is to come. The story has yet to be told. We need to relax into the lovemaking act and stop pushing it and forcing it and manipulating it and trying to control it and take pills and dildoes and all sorts of artificial techniques to achieve orgasm. It is a natural process. Learn about your body. Tend the garden of your inner body, cultivate it and open to the flowing rivers that take place there. Allow the orgasmic arousal to awaken like the sleeping giant that it is. You need the fire to reach all four levels that are in you FIRST – the emotional, mental, spiritual and then the physical orgasm at the end. If the fire doesn’t expand to include and align these four levels (PEMS) and reach the top of your head and beyond, then it’s just another orgasm. One that doesn’t evolve you. It is pleasurable yes, and it releases the stress that built up because you didn’t know how to direct the kundalini upward through your spine, but in the end it doesn’t change you or transform you so that your life becomes more abundant, more free, more purposeful, more happy, joyful and exquisitely more perfect. By learning how to allow the kundalini (sex fire) to flow naturally up the spine, not pumping or causing friction, it WILL expand you so you can experience more fulfillment.
Your mind is what holds you back. In contrast, when you daydream you suspend your mind. You don’t use your mind when you daydream or go into trance meditation, which tantra teaches you how to do. Your mind is full of beliefs which hold you back from expanding and allowing more of life’s vital fires to enter your body. Beliefs hold you back. Learn to suspend your mind and suspend your beliefs. Simply allow, simply allow the arousal feelings. Suspend your desire for orgasm. Don’t push for it. Feel the arousal but don’t move. Don’t try to push it forward. Don’t reach out to your lover who is with you. This is your OWN feeling. Stay with your OWN feeling. Stop forcing it and stop requiring someone else to help you “get there“. When you try to force it you take this natural force away from the God potential within., You actually distort it and bend it out of alignment. It is a natural phenomena to feel this powerful arousal force but when you force it to be quick, when you shorten the time by rubbing up against someone else, so as to fit it into your busy day, it gives you a quickie, yes, but it does not change you or elevate you or make you wiser, stronger or nourish the organs of your body from head to toe.
It does nothing for you except give you momentary pleasure. You have come to believe that this pleasure is natural, but you do not know the whole story. In fact the orgasm depletes you for reasons that are too complex to go into here. Another article must spin off from this one. One way it depletes you is that it reinforces your belief in sex the normal way. This belief hardens a little bit more so it is now like a steel band that surrounds you. You believe now that if you don’t have your orgasm, you will die. This buries you deeper and deeper into materialism and lessens the potential of self-realization, abundance, happiness and freedom. By learning about the potential power of kundalini and how to work with it, as a GOOD Tantra teacher teaches, you will be able to get past this limiting belief and transcend into more open sky of self. So many think that sexual orgasm is as far as they will ever go to reach heaven, but it is not true. Heaven is right here inside the body, but it requires alignment with the PEMS which kundlaini can do if you allow to flow naturally.
Humanity has been doing sex this way from life to life. We are drawn to achieve the “more that we know is there at the end of the tunnel of light, but we never achieve it. Where is the ‘more” that humanity feels is there? The Tantras and the Taoists teach this potential, but they are only teachers. The student must do the home work, at home, whether he be single or partnered with a lover. The kundalini power is the earth force that seeks to soar heavenward, up the spine, and not be wasted on an orgasm the animal way. Man and woman are destined for larger, greater fulfillment by prolonging the experience of lovemaking. Man and woman may soar to heaven by learning this method. As the kundalini fire moves you upward, it starts as hot passionate arousal, but if allowed to flow like water is allowed to flow from a sluice gate now opened, the hot passionate fire becomes a finer essence and touches the body the way a desired lover would touch it. Finer and finer and more delicate and more exquisite, and more fulfilling and more soaring and more celestial and more complete. When the kundalini fire is allowed and prolonged like this it will heal the body, mind, spirit of all depression, hurt, pain and disease and revitalize and regenerate and youthify the body.
It is how we spiritualize the body but it takes conscious thought and practice, conscious discipline in the art of loving, which is not done by genital rubbing. Don’t rub the genitals. Stop. Wean yourself and your partner away from the rubbing and the dildoes and sucking and forcing. Allowing the kundalini fire to rise gently within as you hold each other in close quarters. The warming heat is wonderful. Enjoy it. It is spiritualizing the body. It is quickening the body. It is burning the toxins away and the errors of false beliefs. It is restoring sanity to the body, mind and emotions. It is prolonging love in every action of daily life. You are working with spirit, which is natural, instead of contradicting spirit and contradicting love. Allow, allow, allow. Receive, receive, receive. Open, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. You as a human being cannot accomplish this from your intellect by simply saying it. You don’t have the power in your intellect. You don’t have the power by forcing your body to act like a machine or a robot. Your power comes from self discipline and by remaining in close contact with your lover in stillness, allowing the kundalini to flow naturally where it wants to go. It has a reason, a purpose and a destiny. It is quicken the frequency of your body. It is the spiritual fire that is doing this.
Now, one more thing to say here: You may not want to let go of the explosion of the orgasm, which has become near and dear to you humans - the explosion which occurs at the end of the pounding, humping process. But let me ask you, Do you really enjoy all that pounding and work? When someone stops pounding on you, the relief is exquisite, isn’t it? You don’t need to pound. Let nature take its course. You must give it time, spend more time at lovemaking, not sex but lovemaking. Enjoy lovemaking and start to experience the naturalness of kujndalini rising like a river of bliss that flows, as you practice, it will take time to practice. Learn, experience, study this process. It takes time but it is pleasurable time. Don’t rush the pleasure. So many men exhaust themselves from forcing themselves and working themselves up to the orgasm;. And finally it comes, the explosion happens, and they are completely worn out so they must sleep the dreamless sleep of exhaustion. This does not happen when kundalini naturally flows up the spine to bring the entire body into bliss and possible ecstasy if you become accomplished at this, but without all the hard work of pounding and pumping. And at the end the two lovers are so vitalized they don’t want to break apart for they are floating in the heights of rapture as one being."
4/26/16 - Kundalini - Do we really need sex?
(I asked DK to tell me more about the whole sex thing. Is it something we need? I am confused. I know people need it, or think they do. It’s important to everyone but me. I’m wondering how far we should go in our Tantric Massage, and also what to do about male desires? I don’t know. I am asking for answers.)
DK: You’re born into mud, the whole earth is mud, the only way to go when you are ready is straight up to God, creator, no dilly-dallying around.
I’m paraphrasing here because I wasn't writing on paper. I was feeling the beautiful loving touch massage again, and no genital manipulation, no orgasm, just lifting, lifting, lifting, soaring higher and higher and higher IN THE BODY ENERGIES! I also asked about the kanda and how the light in the heart, the crystal light, how this relates. How does the kanda at the base of spine relate to the heart? He told me the unformed is all the seven qualities you’ve been taking on - the seven colors and more. The unformed consciousness took and split a part of itself off and threw it out away from itself to manifest as form. It was the unformed who sent a part of itself away from itself for a purpose - to manifest a form. All forms have this unformed pure will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, and freedom UNFORMED inside of it. All forms have this as an unformed potential of perfection and completion inside of it. The unformed sent a piece of the unformed perfect qualities down into form.
The Kanda is a seed inside the human being in the GEOMETRIC CENTER of the human body, at the pelvis, the base of the spine. This is the “beloved” of the unformed intelligence buried in form. It is potential buried in the human being. It is in the geometric center of the human body. It is a piece of perfection lying in wait at the base of the spine, waiting for the soul who inhabits the body to open it and cultivate this perfection. A piece of perfect lies at the base of the spine, unformed, not discovered yet, but the soul WILL discover it, in time. It is the destiny of the human race to germinate and grow this potential that lies within. The soul must do it from choice. The soul and free will. The soul is on the road to discovering this unlimited potential, which has all the qualities and virtues of the unformed divine intelligence, because it IS the unformed divine intelligence lying in wait. Waiting to be discovered.
The heart is the middle zone between the formed and the unformed. The unformed is not formed yet, the formed is not unformed yet. The soul doesn’t know yet. The soul hasn’t discovered the potential of himself yet. The soul hasn’t awakened yet. Until the soul awakens, it is either operating on a male energy or a female energy. When the soul learns about the transcendent kanda within him, the divine consciousness within him, it will stop the struggle between the male and female and begin to look UP. As he looks up he neutralizes and transcends the male/female or positive/negative struggle. He rises above it. He then opens the kanda as a lotus blossom opens its petals, to receive the incoming UNFORMED intelligence - it’s higher self - into the form. It is all about the unformed intelligence - God we call it - coming into form and mankind IS the potential god-man and all women are the potential goddesses, waiting to realize this and receive the parent consciousness into its human form. The heart is the middle zone where they meet, where unformed consciousness and formed consciousness meet.
9/11/14 - Kundalini: the God in you vs. the dark in you
[Channeled by Anakosha] Let’s talk about the lowest energy at the base of the spine, the root chakra. It is YOU. (This is a correction for me because I used to think of it as the earth energy). It is you and it was given to you to anchor your mighty self to the Earth, to hold you down into the density of form. Each energy level (chakra) has been given to hold you to the unfolding of that particular quality that you need to absorb and manifest in your life. These qualities manifest differently for each person, due to the way in which each has incorporated the limitations and errors of the dark programming of the planet.
The root energy - earth energy - is unique in that it is a strength which you need to develop the higher qualities in a balanced way. Your root energy is felt differently in each person. YOU felt it as a rising up, floating you up in rays of light. But you had prior training in other lives so you were open and accepting. If a person still has blocks and obstructions they will experience pain, emotional, psychological pain. You experienced pain yourself when you thought you had a voo doo curse put on you. [the haunting in Costa Rica, finding a voo doll]. The curse would not have affected you and caused you pain if you had not had the tendency already within you to draw it to you. Kundalini energy, which is your pure Godhood, stirred up dark energy which was in you from ages past, when kundalini awakened on that wonderful day in 1976. This dark energy which was in the deepest recesses of your being, hiding there so you did not know of its existence, was rattled awake. It stirred. You had several pockets of dark energy which you identified as ‘evil’ when they invaded your conscious mind. Do you remember? (Of course, I do!) Kundalini swept through your body chasing out the demons, cleaning them out, casting them out before the magnificent rays of this power. And you had to face them and deal with them.
It has been said that no man can see the face of God and live. God is a loving God and God is living inside of you, side by side with the mortal part of you which is distorted and in fear. You were born into this world of fear and darkness and it was up to you to rise above it. That was the job you had and knew before you were born. But the mortal part of you which was born of the earth of earth parents and earth bodies in the matrix of earthly thought, learned to live more from this shadow limited side of yourself, than from your God (good) side which has never left you and is still there at this very moment. Therefore the God (good) side of you is stagnant. When you arouse the root energy, you are arousing an energy that is more powerful than your mortal side. Hence the saying, “No mortal can see the face of God and live.” Kundalini is God energy and it is good. It is pure. It does not know how your mortal mind is distorted into twisted concepts. It is no respecter of persons. You might say it is a clean sweep. However, kundalini is intelligent. It is available to be talked to and asked to “please go slow”, or “please gentle it down in my liver” or “please direct your focus to my lungs”.
The important thing to remember when working with Kundalin after it has awakened is: communicate with it as if it were a friend and a person. If you don’t talk to it, without your consciousness partnering with it, it will make a clean sweep through your body and possibly cause great pain and even madness. It has been said that the road to heaven is littered with broken bones. That is the work of kundalini which is known as Kali, the destroyer, in Indian scriptures. You MUST build up an understanding that YOU - your consciousness - is required to work with it. Respect its power and don’t try to control it as you are used to doing with situations. This is greater than you. Talk to it as an equal. It has all of the qualities of God. It is God in you. And you as a mortal with energies of dark in you are required to work with the God in you to clean up the mess that is in you. Work with it intelligently.
Everyone today (2014) is working through past lifetimes worth of buried unresolved issues. The issues are in the tissues, as massage therapists say. They are lurking inside the cells as dense molasses-like substance. They need cleaning out. You can’t do it alone with your mental efforts. You don’t have the power or knowledge. So use the God energies in you. The Kundalini is the low man on the totem pole. It is the root chakra of your body. It’s power is beyond imagining. You have to experience it, but you should not experience it until you have had some training. These are ancient dark energies of trauma and horror that were repressed in other lifetimes. Some have horror energies repressed from this lifetime. All such buried darkness is stinking and rotting away inside of you, pressed down below the level of consciousness. This is the end of a cosmic cycle so everyone is cleaning their old energies out instinctively.
God is living in you as purity, golden radiating light and love. It flows through your spine, through your nerves, your etheric meridians that the acupuncturist put needles into, through the cells of your physical body, and through your mind and your feelings. God is living in you side by side with the smaller, limited you - that which you believe and which the authorities have told you to believe. This smaller, limited you is what we call “the mask” or “the ego” or “the personality”. It is not the real you. The God that lives within you is so powerful it would destroy your smaller, limited you very quickly, and what good would that do? So the ultimate plan, the divine plan for you and me in our small, limited consciousness, is to open the portals of the God within, slowly. Just as there are pockets of rotting dark energies in us, so there are portals of light that can be opened to the heavens of our God-beingness. All spiritual techniques are practices - exercises - that we use on a daily basis to begin the process of cleaning out the dark from within.
Up to now the God (good) side of us has been stagnant. When we arouse the root energy we are arousing an energy that is more powerful than we are in our small, limited form. The distortions are rattled when kundalini (Kali, the destroyer) awakens in us. The God (good) in us lives side by side with the so-called evil in us (bad). A man experiences pain from this stirring up, but the pain is the removal of the bad energies in him. His solution to the pain is to rise above it by focusing on the gentleness and the purity of himself. Choose thoughts of love and bite the bullet. Surrender to the process and the way will be made light. The distortions need to be removed because they are not able to stand up to the rays of the pure and whole God (good) in you.
That is why sex is so strong a drive in people. It is the next chakra up from the root chakra, centered in the etheric plane between the navel and the tip of the tailbone, right around where the ovaries and uterus are in a woman, and the prostate is in a man. The first chakra when awakened acts as a growing root down into the soil of Earth to connect with the rising of Earth energy from the center of Earth. Kundalini is a God energy. It is pure. Kundalini is a God energy in the Earth too, but since all forms are feminine, Kundalini of Earth is Goddess energy. Kundalini in our own bodies are feminine in nature. The feminine earth energy meets the now-awakened feminine human energy and they unite to become very powerful in the human which also helps the earth in its evolution and cleansing. The kundalini in us becomes strong from this connection with Earth. It is not strong as long as it is asleep in us. When it awakens in us, the person had better be ready to receive it - and no one knows when that time will be - the kundalini spreads in all directions at once. Up and down. Its connection to Earth is powerful, a connection to ancient energy which is Mother energy. It is God in feminine form, the Earth. It is powerful enough that you don’t want to arouse it until you are willing to open your mind and heart to the unknown. Are you ready to yield to something greater than you? It is like trusting that you can fly and stepping off a 14,000 foot cliff into the air. It feels to most people like something foreign has moved into the body because it is not you, the mask, operating any longer. It is not who you have always known yourself to be. The one in control.
You created a personality to fit into your family and community, but it covered up your God self. You don’t know your God self until you allow your mask to be removed. Your mask is removed as kundalini moves it for you and there is no going back and saying “Stop!” There is however, a way to partner with kundalini and direct its actions. If it’s too strong and threatening to blow your circuits, you can direct it outward to a tree by hugging a tree or going to bathe in the sea or putting your hands into the soil in a garden project. Or you can take in some animals and rub and love your pets with your hands and body. Or you can have sex with someone with love. Use love in your thoughts and awareness whenever you direct kundalini. Do not have fear or anger. Replace all thoughts with love. That is the most important instruction of all.
While this is going on - the battle of light and dark is going on in you. Kundalini is the cosmic universal force of God sweeping through his/her realm to rid it of all impurities - you. Go with it. Allow it. Accept it. Maintain love in your mind. You created a disposable body, mind and soul, now its time to put an end to it. You will be surprised to find that as the disposable parts of you are swept away, YOU remain! Just as a body in a near-death experience returns to tell us how, when the body died, he remained standing, so it is that when kundalini finishes its ravishing through your body, mind and feelings, YOU will remain standing, working side by side with other members of your family. You will have a new, cleaner consciousness however, and you will not think like the others around you. You will have been made new.
Meanwhile, you may feel as if a foreign spirit has moved into your body. So out of touch with your Godhood have you been, that it will feel at first foreign and strange to you. But if you have led a good life of constructive nature you will find it to be familiar. If it continues to remain weird and foreign to you, you have a lot to get rid of. Find the goodness in you, good thoughts, do good deeds, do as much good as you can to help the process along. You too will come out on the other side with a new consciousness. (Anakosha gives this to me)
7/28/14 - Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body
[Channeled.] You are being born again. Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body. It has a purpose. One does not know the purpose because it is another mind, not your own. You can’t read it but you can work with it and communicate with it. It has your own best interests at heart. It is here to serve life, not you in your mortal form, but the life that is trying to blossom in you. It is trying to push the stones and rocks and roots out of the way so it can pierce through the top soil into the light of day, like a seed that is sprouting from within. Your body has grown old and tired and dense with pollution and poisons. Your belief system is also blocked with walls and limits on what you believe, and rigid thinking of “my way is the right way”. Kundalini is pushing those rigid beliefs out of the way. If you struggle and resist you feel pain. The advice is to yield, surrender, even if you are afraid and don’t understand, yet you must open yourself to this expansion that is going on. Open to this inner sensation the way you would open to a lover. The sensation is expansive, light and buoyant, and blissful and you can feel every cell as if your cells are each one waking up and signaling they are awake. Expanding and pushing outward through the cell walls, as if something is growing larger from inside them and the cell wall is feeling the pressure to expand and open. If you were a seed you would burst your shell and grow a little shoot to grow up through the soil.
This is a real power. You can feel it pressing on your physical cells and you have no clue what it is. It is disturbing to one who does not know these things. It is another part of you that is being born. You do not know this part yet but you will. You should be aware of it before it happens, to be prepared for it. It is a larger intelligence and a larger power. It is both mental and feeling. You can talk to it silently or out loud, mind to mind. And you should. If you don’t, it will expand arbitrarily through your body and leave you in its wake, not knowing, without a clue. Stay with it. Agree to it. Ride with it. Yield to it consciously. Say, “Yes, I will go with you. Teach me.” Don’t be left behind. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed by how big it is. It’s greater than you. Keep up with it. Work with it. When you talk with it it will answer and listen to you. But if you don’t talk to it it will carry on without you. It will give you guidance, such as to go to a certain area for calmness, or what foods to eat, or what drinks, or when to get up and when to sleep. It will show you what you need to do to connect with it. It is a power moving in your body. Talk to it as if it were a friend on the outside of you and you need to communicate with this person who has a different mind than yours. But this friend is on the inside and it is the unborn part you. You are being born a second time now. You are being born again. (Received 7/28/14)
5/2/14 - Sex and kundalini
(After much agonizing all night long over sex, swinging, massage clients wanting happy endings, the whole sex thing was wearing me out. While showering I felt DK talking to me and heard the words, “It is OK to continue having sex with your swinging friends, but be discerning. Don‘t confuse swinging and playtime with therapy.” I went to the meditation room and started writing what he was telling me.)
You don’t have to stop having sex, just don’t confuse it with the star force called kundalini. Kundalini is the evolutionary spark embedded in all sentient creatures with the impulse to grow upward and to better themselves. In all sentient creatures there is a desire to reach upward which comes from the seed of life embedded in matter. It is powerful. The lowest impulse in the physical is to copulate with another person, the seed of life is reaching out to another seed of life in another person. It is drawn to itself. But if it is allowed or encouraged to rise to higher levels before it is “spent” or “wasted” in sex or for making babies or pleasure, it rises upward and opens windows to higher consciousness. Nerds are those who have by-passed sex and use the spark of life (the kundalini) in their brains to become genius thinkers and creators. Gifted orators are those who use the spark of life in their throats for speaking with power and confidence to lead and gift others. Artists and musicians are those who use their gifts from the heart, they bring the energy to the heart and solar plexus, to use their emotions and feelings to stimulate their passion for their art, vs. bringing it all the way up to the brain and by-passing the heart. Great teachers and scientists and healers are those who have tapped this force through study and practice along one inspired thought, thus elevating themselves to higher perspectives. They evolve by using this spark of life that is embedded in their root chakra at the base of the spine by studying and practicing. Through single-minded focus they dedicate and consecrate the spark of life towards their chosen field of interest which unfolds and evolves them to higher awareness in their field. They become genius because of the life force they are directing like a laser beam to greater and greater understanding and accomplishment.
Those who do not have a mentor in their life squander the spark of life within them by meandering and wandering first this way and then that. They do not have a focus or a direction. Unless they learn to focus by themselves, if they don’t have a teacher, then they will be lost in the sea of the many people’s thoughts and emotions. The storm clouds of every day life. Thus the spark of life within them is wasted. It is not directed by their conscious will power. Thus it diminishes and dies down to a low ember. It does not go out, however, until the body dies. Upon death it is reeled back home to the I Am Presence, the higher self which is connected to the sun, and is above the head in the spacious sky above the storm clouds on earth.
It is not important for individuals to know about the kundalini or the spirit spark within them unless it is their soul journey to do so. Perhaps they have learned of it and studied it in a prior life. But as you are trying to understand it, it may be yours to explain it. As you ask your questions you will get your answers. As you struggle with lower manifestations of kundalini through sex and the expressions of sex through loving encounters with others, you will raise yourself out of the quagmire of misunderstanding and confusion.
When kundalini first awakened and activated in you and soared you into the sky, you needed to ground yourself and sexual expression with other bodies served you well. But then, after a while, you were not satisfied with the strictly physical and lower emotions of sexual expression. Continued use of the spirit spark in this way grew old and boring. Your enthusiasm for sharing bodies sexually became dull. You were confused by this because you remembered the beautiful rewards, harmony, peace, great love for the people and the rapture and bliss and high energy that you felt during these early days of kundalini when it was active in you and you were processing it dynamically and grounding it through your lovemaking with others.
What happened? It was insidious, and slow to shift and change into boredom. It was so slow you didn’t recognize it. You wondered about this. The understanding of what kundalini is, how it is the power behind sex, and how it motivates lovers and how it can be used to great advantage by the individual to better the life and be more free and healthy and alive - this was declining in you. You began to substitute a “belief” in this as a network or a veil to substitute for the real power, for the real power was subsiding. Kundalini has a natural cycle and an intelligence of its own. You must learn to work with it, not to force it against its nature. When the cycle ends, it ends.
A master teacher could have prepared you and guided you through this, but you chose to experience the full advantage alone, to see where the swinging would take you. It has led you well. You have learned a great deal about the energy behind the sex. You now are struggling with the false set of beliefs which you constructed about sex, how healthy it is, and how it can be a spiritual journey. This concept is not wrong, but you are operating on a set of beliefs about kundalini, rather than operating on the real power. Beliefs are mental structures that serve for a time and then must be dismantled as life ebbs back to renew itself. You became involved in the struggle of men and women and the women’s resistance to men and the men’s controlling behavior over women. This has captured your attention. You desired to help straighten the mess out, believing you had the answers. But you do not have answers for other people. You only have answers for yourself. You want to comfort people. You want to relieve them of their stress, but each individual needs to learn how to do this for himself or herself. No one is a savior of others.
Teaching is another matter. A teacher may advise and provide some direction, but only when the individual asks for it. Beyond that it is useless and dangerous to try to pressure the individual with answers he or she does not want and are not ready to hear. You wanted to teach the gentler way of making love. This will help but it will not give them the answers to their inner struggles. They must learn the answers by themselves. They are on their own journey. You are learning something here. Your struggle and agony over sex and helping others through sex is playing the same tune over and over and over. It has created a rut in you that you are trying to crawl out of now.
The ascended master teachings are of a higher order. They have thrown you a life line. You are using it now. Your struggle over how to explain to a client that you do not want to accept him any more, is rather a struggle over how to understand yourself. Take your focus off of the client and place it upon yourself. Stop trying to comfort your client and start to comfort yourself. Reel in your attention. You do not have to respond to their calls. However, you do need to tell them in a respectful way a firm No. That is sufficient. An explanation is not necessary. For what you are afraid of is being sucked back into the same vibration. Some of your clients are not damaging you They are accepting your energies and spirit and allowing themselves to absorb the therapy and healing that you are giving them. The bliss you feel of completion at the end of the treatment is validation and proof to you that your treatment succeeded. If you do not have this validation your treatment did not succeed in raising the energy to higher levels.
(Q: What about the bliss of the man who has an orgasm?)
Understand, the spirit spark cleanses wherever it goes. So if it is going out through a sexual release it is going into the physical body and the body feels cleansed. If there is no release through orgasm but the good feeling of arousal continues and the person sucks it upward in an upward direction through certain techniques he can learn, the aroused kundalini will expand upward to higher ground. There is an etheric body that is higher ground than the physical body, and there is an emotional body that is higher still and a mental body that is higher still. These higher bodies are “buttoned” into the chakra system. So as a person learns to raise the expanded arousal feeling upward through the pranic tube [spinal column] it will expand through the various chakras of the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, the spiritual body. As long as the body is in a state of sexual arousal but not releasing through sexual triggers, the kundalini expands upward. It is like a gas, or water, in that it will expand and flow where there is nothing to hold it back.
Where there is a blockage due to erroneous beliefs or traumas, all of which are confused and tangled threads of conscious energy - it looks like a birds nest - then kundalini will pierce that blockage if it can. If kundalini is in a state of high activation, if the gaseous molecules are agitated enough, kundalini will waft into the blockage and dissipate the confusion. If that is the case, the individual will have memories and realizations. Perhaps visions of a former traumatic event will come flooding forth into consciousness because it was not completed nor understood at the time it happened, and so was buried and forgotten. Unresolved bits and pieces of awareness that still remain disjointed and misunderstood. This is how energy gets stuck and causes problems to surface in the form of physical disease, mental disease or emotional disturbance. It creates a veil over the consciousness that is uncomfortable and limits and clouds the understanding. This creates dullness, confusion, apathy, loss of interest.
Kundalini is a cleansing agent. It is pure spirit. It does not have an agenda other than to rise. Its impulse is to grow upward to return home to its I Am Presence from which it came. Every human has this impulse to return to its place of bliss where there is safety, security, peace, love and happiness. That is what kundalini is - a piece of that “home”. Kundalini is a piece of the great I Am Presence that was separated at the time the embryo was formed, to help design the physical body. It is the heart of the seed of life. Its job is to keep the body alive and interested. It provides the spark of enthusiasm and the impulse to learn and create and grow more open, more free, more abundance. Ever since mankind’s DNA was dismantled, kundalini was allowed to remain because the body would die without it. The geneticists could not take kundalini away or the body would die but kundalini has been reduced to a slow and steady “drip” up the spine. It looks like a glistening dewdrop that drops from the petal in the morning light, but it drips UP the spine. It feeds the chakras, the spine, the glands and organs with life. Kundalini keeps the body alive and functioning from a physical standpoint. Even in a coma, a person’s body remains alive because of kundalini.
Kundalini is feminine in nature. It feels good when it activates in you when you do your “movements” because you have processed it through every cell of your body. Your DNA has been recharged with the kundalini. You are well grounded in kundalini. But understand the purpose of kundalini. You remember the day you recognized it and called it “Mother”. You said, “They call you kundalini but you are my mother.” You were in an altered state of consciousness at the time. You know these things, you have simply forgotten them. You have created a set of beliefs and ideas which have placed a veil over your knowledge and cut down your clear sight. This has been a slow and insidious process of veiling. You did this in order to learn the deeper lessons of sex. This has led you to this hour and this moment of sudden realization. You have been held locked into the lower levels of other people and their issues. You allowed yourself to be caught up in them.
Again, I say, it is OK to play at sex and have your tumble in the hay, as they say. But do not confuse sex play with therapy. Be clear about the purpose of kundalini. It cleanses the body by clearing the chakras and the subtle bodies when it is allowed to rise higher rather than be “spent” through ejaculation and orgasm. Its purpose is to raise you up to higher zones of life, to meet your bride groom, your God Presence - your I Am Presence who is above you higher than the physical world. He is your father where kundalini is your mother. It is your journey and your destiny to bring them together in friendship, in love, in tenderness and in understanding. To raise the one and lower the other, weaving them like gold and silver threads into one shining fabric. There are no words to explain this to others. However, you can explain this to yourself through this journaling process. Your question about White Tantra vs. Red Tantra has brought you to this lesson today. Whether White or Red, the kundalini, which is the dynamic power behind the sex force, is raised up the pranic tube, the spinal tube, to the head and out the top of the head in an upward fashion. And then the high God Presence is brought down through the top of the head, down the pranic tube and spine, to the genitals. In this fashion you weave the spiritual God Presence into the human vehicle and thus a whole new life is born. It is the evolutionary design implanted by the celestials.
When you have a physical orgasm which blisses you out, it is the body that is blissed. The muscle system and brain is overloaded with endorphins caused by the kundalini, the spark of life, exploding. But the resultant state of bliss is short-lived because only the physical tissues are cleansed, not the subtle bodies. The etheric, emotional or mental bodies remain uncleansed and filled with the debris that feeds the physical. The physical body is a reflection of all that is contained in the subtle bodies.
1/16/87 Kundalni is your life force
It has been said that 5% of us is locked into the body to keep the body alive. Well, the kundalini IS that 5%. What is kundlaini? It is the life force, a concentration of light that is captured in the pelvic region at the tail bone. Here it is like Mother Earth herself - a molten liquid blazing mass of light of a high intensity, but locked away inside the physical flesh. From it, a main channel runs up to the brain and in smaller tributaries all over the land of the body through which flows in gentle motion this great river of light that feeds the body its intelligence and its awareness and sensings. However in most people the concentration of light is almost totally blocked off so that only small portions of the essence is dropped into the main stream of existence. In such tiny portions of flow, the person is what we call “normal”. He does not have sufficient Light moving through the body and brain to give him access to the wholeness of which he belongs. But little by little, over lifetimes of experience and hard knocks, he is forced, literally forced, to expand the blocks. They are pierced and melted away through continually butting against the walls of himself. The blocks are the chakras. As the light pierces each chakra, more of the Light moves upward to batter against the NEXT block. Meanwhile, though, as the Light is battering agaisnt the NEXT barrier, the individual is experiencing a transforming of his life, for he is now experiencing life on a new level.
For instance. The first chakra to be pierced [above the root], the one in closest proximity to the pelvic region, is the sexual chakra [2nd chakra]. Once this is pierced the most important aspect is freedom. He works on freedom. He cares about all people being free. He is the freedom fighter, the martyr for freedom in every avenue of human life. She is the “scarlet” woman, the free woman, who is liberated from all sexual mores. But she is also working to bring peace into the world - her world - for peace is the next chakra to be pierced [3rd chakra]. It is the next level of life to be experienced. So freedom is the first, peace is the second. The peace chakra is located in the region of the naval. Until the peace chakra is penetrated and melted, there is emotional confusion and emotional problems. But once the peace chakra is opened up, the light flows in and brings stability. While experiencing life on this level, the person is apt to be a counselor and peace-maker in the many fields of human endeavor. There are many outlets for making peace. Ministers, educators, even laborers and housewives who work on a small discreet level, but this person’s priority in life, the one moving force in their life, is to make peace. While this is going on, they are also working on the love chakra, to pierce that barrier. The love chakra [4th chakra] is located in the region of the heart. When the love chakra is pierced, they learn to love all people in all circumstances.
Until that time, they are having problems forgiving, they have not learned how to place love above all circumstances, but when they finally pierce the love chakra, light flows in and they are able to love freely. Then they live a life of total forgiveness. Their priority is to give and help and heal and love. And while they are experiencing life on the Love plane, they are working on the Power chakra [5th chakra]. The power chakra is located in the region of the throat and the vocal chords. Power is created through the speaking of words. Before the power chakra is penetrated, they have problems saying what they want and feel. They are stumbling and hiding certain aspects of themselves from their neighbors and friends. But when they piere the Power chakra, suddenly they find themselves saying what they want! And they are surprised and so are their friends and neighbors. Suddenly they are in more control of their lives than ever before, for the power chakra is a self control chakra. These are the orators of the world, those who speak before the multitudes, or the small insignificant places. If this power is misused, they become con artists, and dictators like Hitler who was charismatic. They are preachers and great industrial giants who can move others to their will. But while they are enjoying and experiencing life on the Power level, they are also working to batter down the doors to the Truth chakra [6th chakra].
This chakra is located in the region of the brain, often thought of as being connected to the pituitary gland. This chakra is the most complicated of all the chakras to explain, because it controls many things. But in essence, before this chakra is pierced, the person does not think so much about putting things into an order, such as logic or truth, and the world is in a state of chaos to him. But once this chakra is pierced the world begins to take on a semblance of order. HIS world. He begins to piece things together. The truth of things become important. He sees how things work and his priority in life is doing things according to his truth. These are the mental people of the world. They organize their truths and present them to the people as I am doing now. Through their work our world takes on a structure. These people are scientists, educators, researchers, whose top priority is work of a mental nature, sometimes so completely involved in their internal organizing they appear to be in an ivory tower. While these people are experiencing life in the mental plane, they are also battering against the doors of the highest chakra of all: the spiritual chakra [7th chakra] located at the crown, for through the work on the mental plane they come to realize there is something higher and they become curious. So, when they cannot find the pieces to the mental puzzles they are working with in daily life, they begin to look higher.
The light flows in an upward direction, always, to something higher. The chakra at the crown is the one which will enhance and add greater value to the one most immediate. And so the ladder of life is piercing one barrier after another until finally the spiritual chakra is pierced and the union is made. In flows the light from the great sea of eternal life, the oneness from which the individual spark of the person first descended and subsequently forgot. These are the mystics who have the visions, see God, angels, other beings like themselves who have gone on to higher worlds. They know the truth of life and they are ready to move on, if they have left nothing undone behind them. However, most people have left much undone, unfishished business, and gaps are still evident. So they have to go back and reconnect once more with the spark that lies at the bottom of the spinal column. For in the climb up the ladder, one quite often forgets that 5% still buried down below. It is a conscious reunion. This 5% is what the Indian folklore calls “activating kundalini”. It is what the Christian world calls the “holy spirit”.
When kundalini is awakened, or when the holy spirit moves in an individual, it is dynamic. One can feel the presence of something holy moving through him. It is not easy to explain to another what it feels like, because it is so pure and gentle, so peaceful and miraculous, so healing and soft, so full of truth and wisdom and knowledge. It moves the person to transcend the outer world, for he is now being wafted on breezes of something mightier than himself. He is not in control, yet he knows he is part of the greater whole who IS in control and he knows this so he does not fear any longer the outer conditions. He becomes absorbed into the onenss. He does not disappear. He is still here in body with his mind intact, but he knows who he is.
Now, each person who is alive and walking about in a physical body, is operating on one of these seven levels, or in some individuals on more than one level, for it is possible that a person is operating on two levels at the same time, through an overlap. A person can be operating on the peace level and the love level, both at the same time. Or a person can be operating on the freedom level and the peace level, both at the same time. Or on the freedom level and the love level such as Muniji Sushil, the Jain monk my sister was following, who is doing a lot of work with the terrorist groups (freedom fighters), and who exemplifies love. Or a person can be operating on the love level and the power level, such as the charismatic ministers who spread love around. Or a person can be operating on the power level and the mental level at the same time, such as Hitler who was charismatic and an evil dictator. Most often these people go astray and exhibit less than honorable characteristics. Or a person can be operating on the mental and spiritual. Most often these people are the religious leaders and quite often they, too, exhibit less than honorable characteristics. It is because there is so much Light that floods a particular region whenever a chakra is broken through, that a person becomes unbalanced and may go to extremes in that region, imposing his will on others, believing, KNOWING himself to have hit upon the Truth. And he HAS hit upon the truth, but he must yet learn to balance this particular aspect with all the other six qualities of Life. There are seven major ones, which may be called by many different words.
It is the work of the ages, this working through the chakras. It is the GREAT work. This is the work of every human being. Each one of us is working on something that is profound to us. It is moving us, as we work on it. We are reaching for something, we know not what. We know we have to work on it. It is a priority in our lives. And so our daily tasks, our human relationships, our priorities in our life, all are dedicated to the resolving of this one problem, this one issue that takes considerable attention, so that we may pierce the barrier. Often our instincts place us in hard situations just so that we CAN learn. We could not break through a barrier unless we placed ourselves in front of an immovable barrier in our physical reality structure. So we marry people who we know subconsciously to represent road blocks to us. We do it from a soul level, not a mind level. We start out thinking we are in love with the person, and then we find out there is more here than meets the eye. This is so that we can work on our blocks.
When we have sufficiently done our work on each level, the next step is to coordinate ALL the levels. It is through the work of coordinating all the levels that we will experience the awakening of kundalini, or the washing of the holy spirit, who will help us to coordinate. Only by lining up the openings into one unobstructed channel, so that the light may flow down from above and up from below, can the joining or reunion take place. This is the mystical marriage. The wonders that occur at this time are many. Miracles happen. Sparks fall from the individual and land on others to vitalize the world around them.
9/18/81 - The light in the pelvis
(This was channeled thru me after I learned that Rajneesh (aka Osho) had started a settlement in Antelope, Oregon, where he made splashing headlines across the country as a guru who gave positive spiritual teachings about sex. It was a powerful validation of my own newly awakened ever-present kundalini energies. I mailed it to Osho but never heard back.)
Hail to the Light
Oh, hail to the light in the pelvis!
Oh, hail to the light in the mind!
Oh, hail to the light in the cells in between
Throughout this body of mine.
Oh, hail to the light that is lucid,
The light all-knowing and wise,
The light that shines in the pelvis
From the throne in the heart in disguise.
Here in this tender region
I hail thee, oh light in man!
Here from thy fiery temple
Reveal thy wondrous plan!
Thou art a window open to the sky
Through which the light may come.
Now condensing here within
The heart of the pelvic bone.
Thou art focusing within the bowl
A crystal shape assume
Amongst the roots of the living tree
I see thy radiant form!
Oh, hail thou loveliest of jewels
A crystal diamond true!
Reflecting truth and radiant fire
The clearest, purest blue.
The spark is everywhere, I see!
A flood of golden light
Combining now with earth and flesh
To force thy Presence into Life.
Oh, hail to the light in the pelvis!
Oh, hail to the light in the mind!
Oh, hail to the light in the living cells
In the body of all Mankind.
Refine this inner brain and mind
This inner body pool,
That it may be your servant
And unresisting tool.
As one whole lamp aglow and lit
By the Presence of the Sun
Undivided here within,
Infinity is One.
During cobra exercise today I am aware that the physical heart is where the abstract intel above and abstract intel below (father-mother God) meet together in the body physical on an equal par, equal measure, equal ground, and produce perfection in the body form. This is my awareness, I did not read it. The work is always to bring balance, bring the consciousness of balance above as below into alignment. One’s own consciousness is the individual’s work of mastery. He/she must bring alignment to the body - not get ahead of it, must not outguess it or go before it is ready (which is ego inflation), and not falling behind it, as in lack of self esteem, and letting it go out of control and overwhelm the self. The soul is the child who is growing its self awareness by living in the body and learning to bring balance to above as below, the intelligence of the mind and intelligence of the body material. It must become the master of both, by bringing alignment between the two of them. I felt it when I did my spontaneous movements. I must do movements again, along with light language. Must try it. The conscious light within the cells of the body material CAN BE brought into alignment with conscious awareness, toning up or toning down, whatever it takes, bringing perfection which is the middle zone, the neutral or quantum zone. He or she can remain neutral, or in other words perfection is achieved. The physical heart is God in the body brought to perfect alignment, in perfect balance, no matter what is happening in its outer world.
1/13/23 - Kundalini leads you forward past former limits
Yesterday I went above and beyond my own former limits by starting to clean the screen room of cobwebs and taking down the old lights, needing to track and trace where the electricity comes from. I got very tired and achy but DID NOT LET IT STOP ME. This is important to know and remember: do not let the pain stop you! The pain is leading you forward further. Get past it. Don’t stop at the door. I transcended the pain and grew bigger. I am today bigger as a result of that. Bigger than my limitations of the body. I was drawing upon Mother Earth’s infinity. Her kundalini.
Yes, the planet has kundalini, it is the ancient light trapped – or is it stored? – within it. Ancient light is kundalini force. It is the holy spirit force, the ancient light embedded into the soil, clay, rocks, mountains, rivers, oceans. You are here to recognize it and WAKE IT UP! It is not dead. The light cannot die. It is eternal, immortal, infinite. Wake it up. Reclaim it. Claim it as YOURS! Make it yours. Be the new Earth. Be the new power. Build on the old. Others before you built on those before them. Who built on those who came before they did. Now YOU add your light to those who have gone before you, adding your light, adding to light embedded into Earth’s soil of the past. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out but send it home again. Now, here is the key, the crucial key that is often missed. You can only send the light home by connecting to it and lifting it.
You are from home. Connect home with the Earth planet that is in you. Earth was built from light from home by a continuous flow of souls being born here from home. They left their light here, behind them, in their corpses as they decomposed. The light never goes out. The light of the electrons that built the bodies and sustained the bodies, that light never goes out. Do not let this light of your ancestors and predecessors go out. Connect into it, add to it, send it home by lifting it up, by consecrating it, by sanctifying it, by appreciating it and lifting it up and recognizing it as holy and divine. Lift it up to the great Father Creator of it all, the One Infinite Creator.
3/13/18 - Kundalini is like a natural orgasm, a sun shining
[Channeled. In the night I was awakened with a download. I awaken thinking about this and the words are flowing through me.]
"In a tantric massage if there is an urge to orgasm, allow, allow, allow without moving. Let the feeling spread. In sex the the tendency is to jump on it like a duck on a june bug and “help” it. Don’t! Don’t move. Allow, allow, allow. Don’t move. The male urge is to pump at it and work at it. The male asserts control over what should be natural. The female tendency is to allow and be still and receive, to allow, allow, allow the kundalini to rise like smoke, like fire upward, burning. This energy is pure spirit not form. It is not physical but pure spirit. It washes upward and cleanses everything in its path that should not be there. It cleans out everything that is distorted and out of alignment. If the urge is to wiggle or pump the body to try to “make it happen”, you are directing it against its natural flow. You are holding it back from its natural job and role. It cannot accomplish its purpose when you block its naturalness. It’s like trying to block the sun from rising. Kundalini force is the sun of the self. Allow the dawn to happen. Imagine the dawn lighting up the sky as a camera captures it in rapid fast forward motion.. There’s no human “work” involved in allowing the dawn to happen, so there is no human work involved in allowing the kundalini sun to rise when it is activated. Arousal is activation. Allow it. Keep the body still. Receive it like you receive and appreciate the sun dawning in the eastern sky. It feels like a wet dream. You don’t “do” anything to have a wet dream. It just happens during dream state. You are not working at it.
OPEN YOURSELF! (I am getting this loudly) OPEN, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. Widen, widen, widen. Consciously widen, open and allow it to flow upward. It is like you are inside a circle in the center and the dawn is coming from your center and widening you larger and larger and larger. This is what it means to “raise” the energy in contrast to jumping on it like a dog on a bone. Then you crush it and hold it back. When you do that you force it to come out into your genital region. You think it’s a genital experience when it’s not. It’s coming from the genital region because you’re forcing it there. Otherwise it would expand and give you a rising sensation. It is initiated at the center of your body which is the center of your circle of life, but its purpose is to expand from there like a lightbulb expands its light. It enlarges outward, rippling outward farther and farther out to the farthest periphery of your being. The genitals are the “meat” of your body but YOU are more than the meat of your body. You have layers surrounding you that cover you. Let the orgasm go through the layers. The flesh and tissues and nerves are only the meat that surrounds the portal which feels tremendously strong and powerful when it goes through the meat in an upward direction. It is upward compared to where it’s coming from inside the genital region but it is trying to expand.
It is meant to expand from that center outward like a light expands from the center of a light bulb, like the light from the sun expands out to its orbiting planets to give it life. Kundalini is your central sun. It feeds you energy. It radiates out through your whole body through the meridians and smaller nadis. When you get together male and female with eyes only on each other, you double up on the intensity of the kundalini. Kundalini is love, love is the earth energy known as kundalini. It is mysterious but it is natural when you double-up on your concentrated focus on each other. It is natural. Let it be natural. When you try to rush it or force it by pumping with friction against the walls of the yoni (vagina) it explodes into the immediate cells in the area, and it doesn’t go up to the rest of the body. We haven’t been taught about this beautiful science of kundlaini. We don’t know yet the huge potential of this feeling. We hold it back because we really believe it is a natural genital experience and it is not. Humans have rushed themselves and pumped themselves into orgasms with various manipulative techniques, but it was never meant to be a genital experience. Not for humans. For animals, yes, but not for humans. Humans are on a higher evolutionary path to become more god-like, more in harmony with universal law.
It is time we broadened our awareness about this natural act, enlighten our consciousness and grow our belief to higher ground. Widen your belief so that kundalini can spread through your whole body. You are the sun. You hold back your own sun that could soar you up to the moon and the stars. We are held back to a very limited sexual experience because we don’t know that it can be bigger. If it is a good one, you feel the orgasm as if it is all over because you momentarily are thrust into infinity by the explosion out of body. It cleanses your lowest, densest part, the genital area but the cleansing does not last because it does not go far enough. Instead, allow the feeling to grow naturally without pushing it or rushing it. Forget watching the clock. Linger in the timelessness of feeling. Let the feeling be in control. It will grow slowly. Allow it to grow slowly. Having an orgasm is nice and we enjoy it yes, but we don’t evolve from it. It doesn’t make us a better person. We don’t change from having an orgasm, no matter how many we have in our lifetime. We are held back by doing it that way, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, wasted and spent on the lower half of the body. At the end each time. We return to normal life the same person we were before.
And yet, kundalini - what we know as sex - is the evolutionary fire of the human race. When we use this fire naturally, normally, the way nature intended it to be used, the fire transforms us, mind, body, emotions and spiritually. It is time we learned about kundalini and our destiny and how we were designed to allow kundalini to go up the spine to the head and out above the head and down around the body back into the ground again. This is just a little glimpse of a hint of what is to come. The story has yet to be told. We need to relax into the lovemaking act and stop pushing it and forcing it and manipulating it and trying to control it and take pills and dildoes and all sorts of artificial techniques to achieve orgasm. It is a natural process. Learn about your body. Tend the garden of your inner body, cultivate it and open to the flowing rivers that take place there. Allow the orgasmic arousal to awaken like the sleeping giant that it is. You need the fire to reach all four levels that are in you FIRST – the emotional, mental, spiritual and then the physical orgasm at the end. If the fire doesn’t expand to include and align these four levels (PEMS) and reach the top of your head and beyond, then it’s just another orgasm. One that doesn’t evolve you. It is pleasurable yes, and it releases the stress that built up because you didn’t know how to direct the kundalini upward through your spine, but in the end it doesn’t change you or transform you so that your life becomes more abundant, more free, more purposeful, more happy, joyful and exquisitely more perfect. By learning how to allow the kundalini (sex fire) to flow naturally up the spine, not pumping or causing friction, it WILL expand you so you can experience more fulfillment.
Your mind is what holds you back. In contrast, when you daydream you suspend your mind. You don’t use your mind when you daydream or go into trance meditation, which tantra teaches you how to do. Your mind is full of beliefs which hold you back from expanding and allowing more of life’s vital fires to enter your body. Beliefs hold you back. Learn to suspend your mind and suspend your beliefs. Simply allow, simply allow the arousal feelings. Suspend your desire for orgasm. Don’t push for it. Feel the arousal but don’t move. Don’t try to push it forward. Don’t reach out to your lover who is with you. This is your OWN feeling. Stay with your OWN feeling. Stop forcing it and stop requiring someone else to help you “get there“. When you try to force it you take this natural force away from the God potential within., You actually distort it and bend it out of alignment. It is a natural phenomena to feel this powerful arousal force but when you force it to be quick, when you shorten the time by rubbing up against someone else, so as to fit it into your busy day, it gives you a quickie, yes, but it does not change you or elevate you or make you wiser, stronger or nourish the organs of your body from head to toe.
It does nothing for you except give you momentary pleasure. You have come to believe that this pleasure is natural, but you do not know the whole story. In fact the orgasm depletes you for reasons that are too complex to go into here. Another article must spin off from this one. One way it depletes you is that it reinforces your belief in sex the normal way. This belief hardens a little bit more so it is now like a steel band that surrounds you. You believe now that if you don’t have your orgasm, you will die. This buries you deeper and deeper into materialism and lessens the potential of self-realization, abundance, happiness and freedom. By learning about the potential power of kundalini and how to work with it, as a GOOD Tantra teacher teaches, you will be able to get past this limiting belief and transcend into more open sky of self. So many think that sexual orgasm is as far as they will ever go to reach heaven, but it is not true. Heaven is right here inside the body, but it requires alignment with the PEMS which kundlaini can do if you allow to flow naturally.
Humanity has been doing sex this way from life to life. We are drawn to achieve the “more that we know is there at the end of the tunnel of light, but we never achieve it. Where is the ‘more” that humanity feels is there? The Tantras and the Taoists teach this potential, but they are only teachers. The student must do the home work, at home, whether he be single or partnered with a lover. The kundalini power is the earth force that seeks to soar heavenward, up the spine, and not be wasted on an orgasm the animal way. Man and woman are destined for larger, greater fulfillment by prolonging the experience of lovemaking. Man and woman may soar to heaven by learning this method. As the kundalini fire moves you upward, it starts as hot passionate arousal, but if allowed to flow like water is allowed to flow from a sluice gate now opened, the hot passionate fire becomes a finer essence and touches the body the way a desired lover would touch it. Finer and finer and more delicate and more exquisite, and more fulfilling and more soaring and more celestial and more complete. When the kundalini fire is allowed and prolonged like this it will heal the body, mind, spirit of all depression, hurt, pain and disease and revitalize and regenerate and youthify the body.
It is how we spiritualize the body but it takes conscious thought and practice, conscious discipline in the art of loving, which is not done by genital rubbing. Don’t rub the genitals. Stop. Wean yourself and your partner away from the rubbing and the dildoes and sucking and forcing. Allowing the kundalini fire to rise gently within as you hold each other in close quarters. The warming heat is wonderful. Enjoy it. It is spiritualizing the body. It is quickening the body. It is burning the toxins away and the errors of false beliefs. It is restoring sanity to the body, mind and emotions. It is prolonging love in every action of daily life. You are working with spirit, which is natural, instead of contradicting spirit and contradicting love. Allow, allow, allow. Receive, receive, receive. Open, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. You as a human being cannot accomplish this from your intellect by simply saying it. You don’t have the power in your intellect. You don’t have the power by forcing your body to act like a machine or a robot. Your power comes from self discipline and by remaining in close contact with your lover in stillness, allowing the kundalini to flow naturally where it wants to go. It has a reason, a purpose and a destiny. It is quicken the frequency of your body. It is the spiritual fire that is doing this.
Now, one more thing to say here: You may not want to let go of the explosion of the orgasm, which has become near and dear to you humans - the explosion which occurs at the end of the pounding, humping process. But let me ask you, Do you really enjoy all that pounding and work? When someone stops pounding on you, the relief is exquisite, isn’t it? You don’t need to pound. Let nature take its course. You must give it time, spend more time at lovemaking, not sex but lovemaking. Enjoy lovemaking and start to experience the naturalness of kujndalini rising like a river of bliss that flows, as you practice, it will take time to practice. Learn, experience, study this process. It takes time but it is pleasurable time. Don’t rush the pleasure. So many men exhaust themselves from forcing themselves and working themselves up to the orgasm;. And finally it comes, the explosion happens, and they are completely worn out so they must sleep the dreamless sleep of exhaustion. This does not happen when kundalini naturally flows up the spine to bring the entire body into bliss and possible ecstasy if you become accomplished at this, but without all the hard work of pounding and pumping. And at the end the two lovers are so vitalized they don’t want to break apart for they are floating in the heights of rapture as one being."
4/26/16 - Kundalini - Do we really need sex?
(I asked DK to tell me more about the whole sex thing. Is it something we need? I am confused. I know people need it, or think they do. It’s important to everyone but me. I’m wondering how far we should go in our Tantric Massage, and also what to do about male desires? I don’t know. I am asking for answers.)
DK: You’re born into mud, the whole earth is mud, the only way to go when you are ready is straight up to God, creator, no dilly-dallying around.
I’m paraphrasing here because I wasn't writing on paper. I was feeling the beautiful loving touch massage again, and no genital manipulation, no orgasm, just lifting, lifting, lifting, soaring higher and higher and higher IN THE BODY ENERGIES! I also asked about the kanda and how the light in the heart, the crystal light, how this relates. How does the kanda at the base of spine relate to the heart? He told me the unformed is all the seven qualities you’ve been taking on - the seven colors and more. The unformed consciousness took and split a part of itself off and threw it out away from itself to manifest as form. It was the unformed who sent a part of itself away from itself for a purpose - to manifest a form. All forms have this unformed pure will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, and freedom UNFORMED inside of it. All forms have this as an unformed potential of perfection and completion inside of it. The unformed sent a piece of the unformed perfect qualities down into form.
The Kanda is a seed inside the human being in the GEOMETRIC CENTER of the human body, at the pelvis, the base of the spine. This is the “beloved” of the unformed intelligence buried in form. It is potential buried in the human being. It is in the geometric center of the human body. It is a piece of perfection lying in wait at the base of the spine, waiting for the soul who inhabits the body to open it and cultivate this perfection. A piece of perfect lies at the base of the spine, unformed, not discovered yet, but the soul WILL discover it, in time. It is the destiny of the human race to germinate and grow this potential that lies within. The soul must do it from choice. The soul and free will. The soul is on the road to discovering this unlimited potential, which has all the qualities and virtues of the unformed divine intelligence, because it IS the unformed divine intelligence lying in wait. Waiting to be discovered.
The heart is the middle zone between the formed and the unformed. The unformed is not formed yet, the formed is not unformed yet. The soul doesn’t know yet. The soul hasn’t discovered the potential of himself yet. The soul hasn’t awakened yet. Until the soul awakens, it is either operating on a male energy or a female energy. When the soul learns about the transcendent kanda within him, the divine consciousness within him, it will stop the struggle between the male and female and begin to look UP. As he looks up he neutralizes and transcends the male/female or positive/negative struggle. He rises above it. He then opens the kanda as a lotus blossom opens its petals, to receive the incoming UNFORMED intelligence - it’s higher self - into the form. It is all about the unformed intelligence - God we call it - coming into form and mankind IS the potential god-man and all women are the potential goddesses, waiting to realize this and receive the parent consciousness into its human form. The heart is the middle zone where they meet, where unformed consciousness and formed consciousness meet.
9/11/14 - Kundalini: the God in you vs. the dark in you
[Channeled by Anakosha] Let’s talk about the lowest energy at the base of the spine, the root chakra. It is YOU. (This is a correction for me because I used to think of it as the earth energy). It is you and it was given to you to anchor your mighty self to the Earth, to hold you down into the density of form. Each energy level (chakra) has been given to hold you to the unfolding of that particular quality that you need to absorb and manifest in your life. These qualities manifest differently for each person, due to the way in which each has incorporated the limitations and errors of the dark programming of the planet.
The root energy - earth energy - is unique in that it is a strength which you need to develop the higher qualities in a balanced way. Your root energy is felt differently in each person. YOU felt it as a rising up, floating you up in rays of light. But you had prior training in other lives so you were open and accepting. If a person still has blocks and obstructions they will experience pain, emotional, psychological pain. You experienced pain yourself when you thought you had a voo doo curse put on you. [the haunting in Costa Rica, finding a voo doll]. The curse would not have affected you and caused you pain if you had not had the tendency already within you to draw it to you. Kundalini energy, which is your pure Godhood, stirred up dark energy which was in you from ages past, when kundalini awakened on that wonderful day in 1976. This dark energy which was in the deepest recesses of your being, hiding there so you did not know of its existence, was rattled awake. It stirred. You had several pockets of dark energy which you identified as ‘evil’ when they invaded your conscious mind. Do you remember? (Of course, I do!) Kundalini swept through your body chasing out the demons, cleaning them out, casting them out before the magnificent rays of this power. And you had to face them and deal with them.
It has been said that no man can see the face of God and live. God is a loving God and God is living inside of you, side by side with the mortal part of you which is distorted and in fear. You were born into this world of fear and darkness and it was up to you to rise above it. That was the job you had and knew before you were born. But the mortal part of you which was born of the earth of earth parents and earth bodies in the matrix of earthly thought, learned to live more from this shadow limited side of yourself, than from your God (good) side which has never left you and is still there at this very moment. Therefore the God (good) side of you is stagnant. When you arouse the root energy, you are arousing an energy that is more powerful than your mortal side. Hence the saying, “No mortal can see the face of God and live.” Kundalini is God energy and it is good. It is pure. It does not know how your mortal mind is distorted into twisted concepts. It is no respecter of persons. You might say it is a clean sweep. However, kundalini is intelligent. It is available to be talked to and asked to “please go slow”, or “please gentle it down in my liver” or “please direct your focus to my lungs”.
The important thing to remember when working with Kundalin after it has awakened is: communicate with it as if it were a friend and a person. If you don’t talk to it, without your consciousness partnering with it, it will make a clean sweep through your body and possibly cause great pain and even madness. It has been said that the road to heaven is littered with broken bones. That is the work of kundalini which is known as Kali, the destroyer, in Indian scriptures. You MUST build up an understanding that YOU - your consciousness - is required to work with it. Respect its power and don’t try to control it as you are used to doing with situations. This is greater than you. Talk to it as an equal. It has all of the qualities of God. It is God in you. And you as a mortal with energies of dark in you are required to work with the God in you to clean up the mess that is in you. Work with it intelligently.
Everyone today (2014) is working through past lifetimes worth of buried unresolved issues. The issues are in the tissues, as massage therapists say. They are lurking inside the cells as dense molasses-like substance. They need cleaning out. You can’t do it alone with your mental efforts. You don’t have the power or knowledge. So use the God energies in you. The Kundalini is the low man on the totem pole. It is the root chakra of your body. It’s power is beyond imagining. You have to experience it, but you should not experience it until you have had some training. These are ancient dark energies of trauma and horror that were repressed in other lifetimes. Some have horror energies repressed from this lifetime. All such buried darkness is stinking and rotting away inside of you, pressed down below the level of consciousness. This is the end of a cosmic cycle so everyone is cleaning their old energies out instinctively.
God is living in you as purity, golden radiating light and love. It flows through your spine, through your nerves, your etheric meridians that the acupuncturist put needles into, through the cells of your physical body, and through your mind and your feelings. God is living in you side by side with the smaller, limited you - that which you believe and which the authorities have told you to believe. This smaller, limited you is what we call “the mask” or “the ego” or “the personality”. It is not the real you. The God that lives within you is so powerful it would destroy your smaller, limited you very quickly, and what good would that do? So the ultimate plan, the divine plan for you and me in our small, limited consciousness, is to open the portals of the God within, slowly. Just as there are pockets of rotting dark energies in us, so there are portals of light that can be opened to the heavens of our God-beingness. All spiritual techniques are practices - exercises - that we use on a daily basis to begin the process of cleaning out the dark from within.
Up to now the God (good) side of us has been stagnant. When we arouse the root energy we are arousing an energy that is more powerful than we are in our small, limited form. The distortions are rattled when kundalini (Kali, the destroyer) awakens in us. The God (good) in us lives side by side with the so-called evil in us (bad). A man experiences pain from this stirring up, but the pain is the removal of the bad energies in him. His solution to the pain is to rise above it by focusing on the gentleness and the purity of himself. Choose thoughts of love and bite the bullet. Surrender to the process and the way will be made light. The distortions need to be removed because they are not able to stand up to the rays of the pure and whole God (good) in you.
That is why sex is so strong a drive in people. It is the next chakra up from the root chakra, centered in the etheric plane between the navel and the tip of the tailbone, right around where the ovaries and uterus are in a woman, and the prostate is in a man. The first chakra when awakened acts as a growing root down into the soil of Earth to connect with the rising of Earth energy from the center of Earth. Kundalini is a God energy. It is pure. Kundalini is a God energy in the Earth too, but since all forms are feminine, Kundalini of Earth is Goddess energy. Kundalini in our own bodies are feminine in nature. The feminine earth energy meets the now-awakened feminine human energy and they unite to become very powerful in the human which also helps the earth in its evolution and cleansing. The kundalini in us becomes strong from this connection with Earth. It is not strong as long as it is asleep in us. When it awakens in us, the person had better be ready to receive it - and no one knows when that time will be - the kundalini spreads in all directions at once. Up and down. Its connection to Earth is powerful, a connection to ancient energy which is Mother energy. It is God in feminine form, the Earth. It is powerful enough that you don’t want to arouse it until you are willing to open your mind and heart to the unknown. Are you ready to yield to something greater than you? It is like trusting that you can fly and stepping off a 14,000 foot cliff into the air. It feels to most people like something foreign has moved into the body because it is not you, the mask, operating any longer. It is not who you have always known yourself to be. The one in control.
You created a personality to fit into your family and community, but it covered up your God self. You don’t know your God self until you allow your mask to be removed. Your mask is removed as kundalini moves it for you and there is no going back and saying “Stop!” There is however, a way to partner with kundalini and direct its actions. If it’s too strong and threatening to blow your circuits, you can direct it outward to a tree by hugging a tree or going to bathe in the sea or putting your hands into the soil in a garden project. Or you can take in some animals and rub and love your pets with your hands and body. Or you can have sex with someone with love. Use love in your thoughts and awareness whenever you direct kundalini. Do not have fear or anger. Replace all thoughts with love. That is the most important instruction of all.
While this is going on - the battle of light and dark is going on in you. Kundalini is the cosmic universal force of God sweeping through his/her realm to rid it of all impurities - you. Go with it. Allow it. Accept it. Maintain love in your mind. You created a disposable body, mind and soul, now its time to put an end to it. You will be surprised to find that as the disposable parts of you are swept away, YOU remain! Just as a body in a near-death experience returns to tell us how, when the body died, he remained standing, so it is that when kundalini finishes its ravishing through your body, mind and feelings, YOU will remain standing, working side by side with other members of your family. You will have a new, cleaner consciousness however, and you will not think like the others around you. You will have been made new.
Meanwhile, you may feel as if a foreign spirit has moved into your body. So out of touch with your Godhood have you been, that it will feel at first foreign and strange to you. But if you have led a good life of constructive nature you will find it to be familiar. If it continues to remain weird and foreign to you, you have a lot to get rid of. Find the goodness in you, good thoughts, do good deeds, do as much good as you can to help the process along. You too will come out on the other side with a new consciousness. (Anakosha gives this to me)
7/28/14 - Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body
[Channeled.] You are being born again. Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body. It has a purpose. One does not know the purpose because it is another mind, not your own. You can’t read it but you can work with it and communicate with it. It has your own best interests at heart. It is here to serve life, not you in your mortal form, but the life that is trying to blossom in you. It is trying to push the stones and rocks and roots out of the way so it can pierce through the top soil into the light of day, like a seed that is sprouting from within. Your body has grown old and tired and dense with pollution and poisons. Your belief system is also blocked with walls and limits on what you believe, and rigid thinking of “my way is the right way”. Kundalini is pushing those rigid beliefs out of the way. If you struggle and resist you feel pain. The advice is to yield, surrender, even if you are afraid and don’t understand, yet you must open yourself to this expansion that is going on. Open to this inner sensation the way you would open to a lover. The sensation is expansive, light and buoyant, and blissful and you can feel every cell as if your cells are each one waking up and signaling they are awake. Expanding and pushing outward through the cell walls, as if something is growing larger from inside them and the cell wall is feeling the pressure to expand and open. If you were a seed you would burst your shell and grow a little shoot to grow up through the soil.
This is a real power. You can feel it pressing on your physical cells and you have no clue what it is. It is disturbing to one who does not know these things. It is another part of you that is being born. You do not know this part yet but you will. You should be aware of it before it happens, to be prepared for it. It is a larger intelligence and a larger power. It is both mental and feeling. You can talk to it silently or out loud, mind to mind. And you should. If you don’t, it will expand arbitrarily through your body and leave you in its wake, not knowing, without a clue. Stay with it. Agree to it. Ride with it. Yield to it consciously. Say, “Yes, I will go with you. Teach me.” Don’t be left behind. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed by how big it is. It’s greater than you. Keep up with it. Work with it. When you talk with it it will answer and listen to you. But if you don’t talk to it it will carry on without you. It will give you guidance, such as to go to a certain area for calmness, or what foods to eat, or what drinks, or when to get up and when to sleep. It will show you what you need to do to connect with it. It is a power moving in your body. Talk to it as if it were a friend on the outside of you and you need to communicate with this person who has a different mind than yours. But this friend is on the inside and it is the unborn part you. You are being born a second time now. You are being born again. (Received 7/28/14)
5/2/14 - Sex and kundalini
(After much agonizing all night long over sex, swinging, massage clients wanting happy endings, the whole sex thing was wearing me out. While showering I felt DK talking to me and heard the words, “It is OK to continue having sex with your swinging friends, but be discerning. Don‘t confuse swinging and playtime with therapy.” I went to the meditation room and started writing what he was telling me.)
You don’t have to stop having sex, just don’t confuse it with the star force called kundalini. Kundalini is the evolutionary spark embedded in all sentient creatures with the impulse to grow upward and to better themselves. In all sentient creatures there is a desire to reach upward which comes from the seed of life embedded in matter. It is powerful. The lowest impulse in the physical is to copulate with another person, the seed of life is reaching out to another seed of life in another person. It is drawn to itself. But if it is allowed or encouraged to rise to higher levels before it is “spent” or “wasted” in sex or for making babies or pleasure, it rises upward and opens windows to higher consciousness. Nerds are those who have by-passed sex and use the spark of life (the kundalini) in their brains to become genius thinkers and creators. Gifted orators are those who use the spark of life in their throats for speaking with power and confidence to lead and gift others. Artists and musicians are those who use their gifts from the heart, they bring the energy to the heart and solar plexus, to use their emotions and feelings to stimulate their passion for their art, vs. bringing it all the way up to the brain and by-passing the heart. Great teachers and scientists and healers are those who have tapped this force through study and practice along one inspired thought, thus elevating themselves to higher perspectives. They evolve by using this spark of life that is embedded in their root chakra at the base of the spine by studying and practicing. Through single-minded focus they dedicate and consecrate the spark of life towards their chosen field of interest which unfolds and evolves them to higher awareness in their field. They become genius because of the life force they are directing like a laser beam to greater and greater understanding and accomplishment.
Those who do not have a mentor in their life squander the spark of life within them by meandering and wandering first this way and then that. They do not have a focus or a direction. Unless they learn to focus by themselves, if they don’t have a teacher, then they will be lost in the sea of the many people’s thoughts and emotions. The storm clouds of every day life. Thus the spark of life within them is wasted. It is not directed by their conscious will power. Thus it diminishes and dies down to a low ember. It does not go out, however, until the body dies. Upon death it is reeled back home to the I Am Presence, the higher self which is connected to the sun, and is above the head in the spacious sky above the storm clouds on earth.
It is not important for individuals to know about the kundalini or the spirit spark within them unless it is their soul journey to do so. Perhaps they have learned of it and studied it in a prior life. But as you are trying to understand it, it may be yours to explain it. As you ask your questions you will get your answers. As you struggle with lower manifestations of kundalini through sex and the expressions of sex through loving encounters with others, you will raise yourself out of the quagmire of misunderstanding and confusion.
When kundalini first awakened and activated in you and soared you into the sky, you needed to ground yourself and sexual expression with other bodies served you well. But then, after a while, you were not satisfied with the strictly physical and lower emotions of sexual expression. Continued use of the spirit spark in this way grew old and boring. Your enthusiasm for sharing bodies sexually became dull. You were confused by this because you remembered the beautiful rewards, harmony, peace, great love for the people and the rapture and bliss and high energy that you felt during these early days of kundalini when it was active in you and you were processing it dynamically and grounding it through your lovemaking with others.
What happened? It was insidious, and slow to shift and change into boredom. It was so slow you didn’t recognize it. You wondered about this. The understanding of what kundalini is, how it is the power behind sex, and how it motivates lovers and how it can be used to great advantage by the individual to better the life and be more free and healthy and alive - this was declining in you. You began to substitute a “belief” in this as a network or a veil to substitute for the real power, for the real power was subsiding. Kundalini has a natural cycle and an intelligence of its own. You must learn to work with it, not to force it against its nature. When the cycle ends, it ends.
A master teacher could have prepared you and guided you through this, but you chose to experience the full advantage alone, to see where the swinging would take you. It has led you well. You have learned a great deal about the energy behind the sex. You now are struggling with the false set of beliefs which you constructed about sex, how healthy it is, and how it can be a spiritual journey. This concept is not wrong, but you are operating on a set of beliefs about kundalini, rather than operating on the real power. Beliefs are mental structures that serve for a time and then must be dismantled as life ebbs back to renew itself. You became involved in the struggle of men and women and the women’s resistance to men and the men’s controlling behavior over women. This has captured your attention. You desired to help straighten the mess out, believing you had the answers. But you do not have answers for other people. You only have answers for yourself. You want to comfort people. You want to relieve them of their stress, but each individual needs to learn how to do this for himself or herself. No one is a savior of others.
Teaching is another matter. A teacher may advise and provide some direction, but only when the individual asks for it. Beyond that it is useless and dangerous to try to pressure the individual with answers he or she does not want and are not ready to hear. You wanted to teach the gentler way of making love. This will help but it will not give them the answers to their inner struggles. They must learn the answers by themselves. They are on their own journey. You are learning something here. Your struggle and agony over sex and helping others through sex is playing the same tune over and over and over. It has created a rut in you that you are trying to crawl out of now.
The ascended master teachings are of a higher order. They have thrown you a life line. You are using it now. Your struggle over how to explain to a client that you do not want to accept him any more, is rather a struggle over how to understand yourself. Take your focus off of the client and place it upon yourself. Stop trying to comfort your client and start to comfort yourself. Reel in your attention. You do not have to respond to their calls. However, you do need to tell them in a respectful way a firm No. That is sufficient. An explanation is not necessary. For what you are afraid of is being sucked back into the same vibration. Some of your clients are not damaging you They are accepting your energies and spirit and allowing themselves to absorb the therapy and healing that you are giving them. The bliss you feel of completion at the end of the treatment is validation and proof to you that your treatment succeeded. If you do not have this validation your treatment did not succeed in raising the energy to higher levels.
(Q: What about the bliss of the man who has an orgasm?)
Understand, the spirit spark cleanses wherever it goes. So if it is going out through a sexual release it is going into the physical body and the body feels cleansed. If there is no release through orgasm but the good feeling of arousal continues and the person sucks it upward in an upward direction through certain techniques he can learn, the aroused kundalini will expand upward to higher ground. There is an etheric body that is higher ground than the physical body, and there is an emotional body that is higher still and a mental body that is higher still. These higher bodies are “buttoned” into the chakra system. So as a person learns to raise the expanded arousal feeling upward through the pranic tube [spinal column] it will expand through the various chakras of the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, the spiritual body. As long as the body is in a state of sexual arousal but not releasing through sexual triggers, the kundalini expands upward. It is like a gas, or water, in that it will expand and flow where there is nothing to hold it back.
Where there is a blockage due to erroneous beliefs or traumas, all of which are confused and tangled threads of conscious energy - it looks like a birds nest - then kundalini will pierce that blockage if it can. If kundalini is in a state of high activation, if the gaseous molecules are agitated enough, kundalini will waft into the blockage and dissipate the confusion. If that is the case, the individual will have memories and realizations. Perhaps visions of a former traumatic event will come flooding forth into consciousness because it was not completed nor understood at the time it happened, and so was buried and forgotten. Unresolved bits and pieces of awareness that still remain disjointed and misunderstood. This is how energy gets stuck and causes problems to surface in the form of physical disease, mental disease or emotional disturbance. It creates a veil over the consciousness that is uncomfortable and limits and clouds the understanding. This creates dullness, confusion, apathy, loss of interest.
Kundalini is a cleansing agent. It is pure spirit. It does not have an agenda other than to rise. Its impulse is to grow upward to return home to its I Am Presence from which it came. Every human has this impulse to return to its place of bliss where there is safety, security, peace, love and happiness. That is what kundalini is - a piece of that “home”. Kundalini is a piece of the great I Am Presence that was separated at the time the embryo was formed, to help design the physical body. It is the heart of the seed of life. Its job is to keep the body alive and interested. It provides the spark of enthusiasm and the impulse to learn and create and grow more open, more free, more abundance. Ever since mankind’s DNA was dismantled, kundalini was allowed to remain because the body would die without it. The geneticists could not take kundalini away or the body would die but kundalini has been reduced to a slow and steady “drip” up the spine. It looks like a glistening dewdrop that drops from the petal in the morning light, but it drips UP the spine. It feeds the chakras, the spine, the glands and organs with life. Kundalini keeps the body alive and functioning from a physical standpoint. Even in a coma, a person’s body remains alive because of kundalini.
Kundalini is feminine in nature. It feels good when it activates in you when you do your “movements” because you have processed it through every cell of your body. Your DNA has been recharged with the kundalini. You are well grounded in kundalini. But understand the purpose of kundalini. You remember the day you recognized it and called it “Mother”. You said, “They call you kundalini but you are my mother.” You were in an altered state of consciousness at the time. You know these things, you have simply forgotten them. You have created a set of beliefs and ideas which have placed a veil over your knowledge and cut down your clear sight. This has been a slow and insidious process of veiling. You did this in order to learn the deeper lessons of sex. This has led you to this hour and this moment of sudden realization. You have been held locked into the lower levels of other people and their issues. You allowed yourself to be caught up in them.
Again, I say, it is OK to play at sex and have your tumble in the hay, as they say. But do not confuse sex play with therapy. Be clear about the purpose of kundalini. It cleanses the body by clearing the chakras and the subtle bodies when it is allowed to rise higher rather than be “spent” through ejaculation and orgasm. Its purpose is to raise you up to higher zones of life, to meet your bride groom, your God Presence - your I Am Presence who is above you higher than the physical world. He is your father where kundalini is your mother. It is your journey and your destiny to bring them together in friendship, in love, in tenderness and in understanding. To raise the one and lower the other, weaving them like gold and silver threads into one shining fabric. There are no words to explain this to others. However, you can explain this to yourself through this journaling process. Your question about White Tantra vs. Red Tantra has brought you to this lesson today. Whether White or Red, the kundalini, which is the dynamic power behind the sex force, is raised up the pranic tube, the spinal tube, to the head and out the top of the head in an upward fashion. And then the high God Presence is brought down through the top of the head, down the pranic tube and spine, to the genitals. In this fashion you weave the spiritual God Presence into the human vehicle and thus a whole new life is born. It is the evolutionary design implanted by the celestials.
When you have a physical orgasm which blisses you out, it is the body that is blissed. The muscle system and brain is overloaded with endorphins caused by the kundalini, the spark of life, exploding. But the resultant state of bliss is short-lived because only the physical tissues are cleansed, not the subtle bodies. The etheric, emotional or mental bodies remain uncleansed and filled with the debris that feeds the physical. The physical body is a reflection of all that is contained in the subtle bodies.
1/16/87 Kundalni is your life force
It has been said that 5% of us is locked into the body to keep the body alive. Well, the kundalini IS that 5%. What is kundlaini? It is the life force, a concentration of light that is captured in the pelvic region at the tail bone. Here it is like Mother Earth herself - a molten liquid blazing mass of light of a high intensity, but locked away inside the physical flesh. From it, a main channel runs up to the brain and in smaller tributaries all over the land of the body through which flows in gentle motion this great river of light that feeds the body its intelligence and its awareness and sensings. However in most people the concentration of light is almost totally blocked off so that only small portions of the essence is dropped into the main stream of existence. In such tiny portions of flow, the person is what we call “normal”. He does not have sufficient Light moving through the body and brain to give him access to the wholeness of which he belongs. But little by little, over lifetimes of experience and hard knocks, he is forced, literally forced, to expand the blocks. They are pierced and melted away through continually butting against the walls of himself. The blocks are the chakras. As the light pierces each chakra, more of the Light moves upward to batter against the NEXT block. Meanwhile, though, as the Light is battering agaisnt the NEXT barrier, the individual is experiencing a transforming of his life, for he is now experiencing life on a new level.
For instance. The first chakra to be pierced [above the root], the one in closest proximity to the pelvic region, is the sexual chakra [2nd chakra]. Once this is pierced the most important aspect is freedom. He works on freedom. He cares about all people being free. He is the freedom fighter, the martyr for freedom in every avenue of human life. She is the “scarlet” woman, the free woman, who is liberated from all sexual mores. But she is also working to bring peace into the world - her world - for peace is the next chakra to be pierced [3rd chakra]. It is the next level of life to be experienced. So freedom is the first, peace is the second. The peace chakra is located in the region of the naval. Until the peace chakra is penetrated and melted, there is emotional confusion and emotional problems. But once the peace chakra is opened up, the light flows in and brings stability. While experiencing life on this level, the person is apt to be a counselor and peace-maker in the many fields of human endeavor. There are many outlets for making peace. Ministers, educators, even laborers and housewives who work on a small discreet level, but this person’s priority in life, the one moving force in their life, is to make peace. While this is going on, they are also working on the love chakra, to pierce that barrier. The love chakra [4th chakra] is located in the region of the heart. When the love chakra is pierced, they learn to love all people in all circumstances.
Until that time, they are having problems forgiving, they have not learned how to place love above all circumstances, but when they finally pierce the love chakra, light flows in and they are able to love freely. Then they live a life of total forgiveness. Their priority is to give and help and heal and love. And while they are experiencing life on the Love plane, they are working on the Power chakra [5th chakra]. The power chakra is located in the region of the throat and the vocal chords. Power is created through the speaking of words. Before the power chakra is penetrated, they have problems saying what they want and feel. They are stumbling and hiding certain aspects of themselves from their neighbors and friends. But when they piere the Power chakra, suddenly they find themselves saying what they want! And they are surprised and so are their friends and neighbors. Suddenly they are in more control of their lives than ever before, for the power chakra is a self control chakra. These are the orators of the world, those who speak before the multitudes, or the small insignificant places. If this power is misused, they become con artists, and dictators like Hitler who was charismatic. They are preachers and great industrial giants who can move others to their will. But while they are enjoying and experiencing life on the Power level, they are also working to batter down the doors to the Truth chakra [6th chakra].
This chakra is located in the region of the brain, often thought of as being connected to the pituitary gland. This chakra is the most complicated of all the chakras to explain, because it controls many things. But in essence, before this chakra is pierced, the person does not think so much about putting things into an order, such as logic or truth, and the world is in a state of chaos to him. But once this chakra is pierced the world begins to take on a semblance of order. HIS world. He begins to piece things together. The truth of things become important. He sees how things work and his priority in life is doing things according to his truth. These are the mental people of the world. They organize their truths and present them to the people as I am doing now. Through their work our world takes on a structure. These people are scientists, educators, researchers, whose top priority is work of a mental nature, sometimes so completely involved in their internal organizing they appear to be in an ivory tower. While these people are experiencing life in the mental plane, they are also battering against the doors of the highest chakra of all: the spiritual chakra [7th chakra] located at the crown, for through the work on the mental plane they come to realize there is something higher and they become curious. So, when they cannot find the pieces to the mental puzzles they are working with in daily life, they begin to look higher.
The light flows in an upward direction, always, to something higher. The chakra at the crown is the one which will enhance and add greater value to the one most immediate. And so the ladder of life is piercing one barrier after another until finally the spiritual chakra is pierced and the union is made. In flows the light from the great sea of eternal life, the oneness from which the individual spark of the person first descended and subsequently forgot. These are the mystics who have the visions, see God, angels, other beings like themselves who have gone on to higher worlds. They know the truth of life and they are ready to move on, if they have left nothing undone behind them. However, most people have left much undone, unfishished business, and gaps are still evident. So they have to go back and reconnect once more with the spark that lies at the bottom of the spinal column. For in the climb up the ladder, one quite often forgets that 5% still buried down below. It is a conscious reunion. This 5% is what the Indian folklore calls “activating kundalini”. It is what the Christian world calls the “holy spirit”.
When kundalini is awakened, or when the holy spirit moves in an individual, it is dynamic. One can feel the presence of something holy moving through him. It is not easy to explain to another what it feels like, because it is so pure and gentle, so peaceful and miraculous, so healing and soft, so full of truth and wisdom and knowledge. It moves the person to transcend the outer world, for he is now being wafted on breezes of something mightier than himself. He is not in control, yet he knows he is part of the greater whole who IS in control and he knows this so he does not fear any longer the outer conditions. He becomes absorbed into the onenss. He does not disappear. He is still here in body with his mind intact, but he knows who he is.
Now, each person who is alive and walking about in a physical body, is operating on one of these seven levels, or in some individuals on more than one level, for it is possible that a person is operating on two levels at the same time, through an overlap. A person can be operating on the peace level and the love level, both at the same time. Or a person can be operating on the freedom level and the peace level, both at the same time. Or on the freedom level and the love level such as Muniji Sushil, the Jain monk my sister was following, who is doing a lot of work with the terrorist groups (freedom fighters), and who exemplifies love. Or a person can be operating on the love level and the power level, such as the charismatic ministers who spread love around. Or a person can be operating on the power level and the mental level at the same time, such as Hitler who was charismatic and an evil dictator. Most often these people go astray and exhibit less than honorable characteristics. Or a person can be operating on the mental and spiritual. Most often these people are the religious leaders and quite often they, too, exhibit less than honorable characteristics. It is because there is so much Light that floods a particular region whenever a chakra is broken through, that a person becomes unbalanced and may go to extremes in that region, imposing his will on others, believing, KNOWING himself to have hit upon the Truth. And he HAS hit upon the truth, but he must yet learn to balance this particular aspect with all the other six qualities of Life. There are seven major ones, which may be called by many different words.
It is the work of the ages, this working through the chakras. It is the GREAT work. This is the work of every human being. Each one of us is working on something that is profound to us. It is moving us, as we work on it. We are reaching for something, we know not what. We know we have to work on it. It is a priority in our lives. And so our daily tasks, our human relationships, our priorities in our life, all are dedicated to the resolving of this one problem, this one issue that takes considerable attention, so that we may pierce the barrier. Often our instincts place us in hard situations just so that we CAN learn. We could not break through a barrier unless we placed ourselves in front of an immovable barrier in our physical reality structure. So we marry people who we know subconsciously to represent road blocks to us. We do it from a soul level, not a mind level. We start out thinking we are in love with the person, and then we find out there is more here than meets the eye. This is so that we can work on our blocks.
When we have sufficiently done our work on each level, the next step is to coordinate ALL the levels. It is through the work of coordinating all the levels that we will experience the awakening of kundalini, or the washing of the holy spirit, who will help us to coordinate. Only by lining up the openings into one unobstructed channel, so that the light may flow down from above and up from below, can the joining or reunion take place. This is the mystical marriage. The wonders that occur at this time are many. Miracles happen. Sparks fall from the individual and land on others to vitalize the world around them.
9/18/81 - The light in the pelvis
(This was channeled thru me after I learned that Rajneesh (aka Osho) had started a settlement in Antelope, Oregon, where he made splashing headlines across the country as a guru who gave positive spiritual teachings about sex. It was a powerful validation of my own newly awakened ever-present kundalini energies. I mailed it to Osho but never heard back.)
Hail to the Light
Oh, hail to the light in the pelvis!
Oh, hail to the light in the mind!
Oh, hail to the light in the cells in between
Throughout this body of mine.
Oh, hail to the light that is lucid,
The light all-knowing and wise,
The light that shines in the pelvis
From the throne in the heart in disguise.
Here in this tender region
I hail thee, oh light in man!
Here from thy fiery temple
Reveal thy wondrous plan!
Thou art a window open to the sky
Through which the light may come.
Now condensing here within
The heart of the pelvic bone.
Thou art focusing within the bowl
A crystal shape assume
Amongst the roots of the living tree
I see thy radiant form!
Oh, hail thou loveliest of jewels
A crystal diamond true!
Reflecting truth and radiant fire
The clearest, purest blue.
The spark is everywhere, I see!
A flood of golden light
Combining now with earth and flesh
To force thy Presence into Life.
Oh, hail to the light in the pelvis!
Oh, hail to the light in the mind!
Oh, hail to the light in the living cells
In the body of all Mankind.
Refine this inner brain and mind
This inner body pool,
That it may be your servant
And unresisting tool.
As one whole lamp aglow and lit
By the Presence of the Sun
Undivided here within,
Infinity is One.