Awakening the Divine Feminine
Book - Anatomy of Spiritual Love
Chapter 1 - Description of Kundalini
Kundalini is known as the kanda which is located at the base of the spine. It is in the etheric body, not in the physical body. It is a piece of the creator embedded within the pelvic region, the geometric center of the human body. Forgive me for bringing this sacred subject down to earth but it is a must. I have seen it as a transparent crystal, like a crystal ball, entwined around by the roots of the nervous system. The crystal is not really a crystal at all. That is merely my name for it because it resembles such lucidity, such clarity that it is best described as a crystal. From the outside looking at it, it looks clearer than its surroundings - as though it is a window into another, clearer dimension. There is an aliveness to it and a sense of timelessness to it and a feeling of power to it, that has no resemblance to anything I know in the mundane world. There is nothing to compare it to except it is lighter and brighter than air, yet it is in a spherical shape buried into the roots of the nervous system, like roots of a tree. It is like looking into another world, another form of life. Now that is a physical description of it from an outside view. Now let me describe its qualities, for this I sense from a closer range, subjectively, as being more in touch with it.
Although still not inside of it, I am analyzing this crystal. First I described it from an objective observation, as though it were outside of me. Now I will describe it from an emotional observation. There is a pressure within the crystal to expand. It feels like an urge. This is first and foremost that I sense. It is powerful but it is not aggressive or threatening in any way. It is more like potential. It feels as if its power is backed up by a huge ocean and this crystal is just the tip of it, like an island is just the tip of an undersea mountain jutting up from out of the sea. This I know to be true, I feel it, sense it and know it. For some indescribable reason I know that it is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, a landed mass that can be touched. There is a pressure to expand outward into the physical body in which it is embedded, and into the life of the person. It is vibrating at a low key normally in most people. It is dormant. It is sleeping. Even so, it is yet still powerful. It present and waiting. It is not really sleeping. It only appears to be. It is very much awake and waiting. In fact it watches for opportunities to expand but it is all intelligent. It would not expand if the person were not ready to receive its potency. But as soon as an opening is allowed in the person's life, it surges forth as a drop of water might drip from a faucet. The drop looks like a dew drop dripping off a flower petal in the morning sun. There are colors to it. If a person does inner meditation on it and practices certain rituals as the yogis have done over the centuries, it can be encouraged to come forth quickly and without mercy. It has no ability to judge human affairs. It is the power of the universe. The warnings that abound in all kundalini manuals to not force kundlaini awakening, is true. Many individuals have gone crazy because they were unable to handle it. Yet, this power is there for the human being to use. It has not been rightly described. It is the creator carefully placed in to the human body as a potential to use, grow and mature with grace and smoothness. It is the power of love.
The kundalini maintains the body through the etheric channels calls nadis which weave through the physical like a spiders web. It does this automatically. The person does not know about it. In fact, the body was built by the power and intelligence of the creator, the crystal in the pelvis. But it desires the person to become consciously alert to it. It desires to be used, and to co-create with the person, and to be called forth on a daily basis and participate in the human scene. It desires to expand into the world of humans. The soul draws upon it without realizing, when the artificial ego allows the soul to be authentic and follow its dream, its heart, its calling. The artificial ego is a creation of the outer personality. The artificial ego is created by the parent, teachers and the culture into which the soul is born. But the soul is actually an authentic intelligence true to itself who desires to live free of outer restraints. Thus it is the soul that is constantly being drawn to seek the truth of itself. It is always feeling, “I want to be free to make my own choices.”
That which we call sex
Now, whether one should or shouldn’t allow this part to be free is the biggest question of all, for the churches and religious authorities say, “No! You must suppress this part of you," for there have been monstrous deeds done in the name of this power. It has been named "sex" but I say, "This is the creator that is pure and holy that wants to be free, we should let it be free." This is the creator, the intelligence and the love that has been placed at the geometric center of the body like a seed of potential to grow the human being to greater stature. It is that portion of the creator which has been placed in the human body the way a seed is planted in the soil, to await the germination process. And then let us see what kind of crop it will produce. What benefit will it serve the world? There will come a time when the human species will be harvested, just as a crop of corn has its season of growth.
The light of beautiful creation has always existed within the human body, but it has been mishandled and curtailed by the religious and governmental authorities, which condemns this power of intelligence, love and natural evolution. They have labeled it "sex" and called it sinful while at the same time creating a dark addiction to it by magnifying the imbalance that has been caused as a result of this mishandling and mismanagement.
The crystal still waits in dormancy for the resident soul to wake up and realize the power that is located in the cellar of its body like the furnace in the cellar of a house. It is there as a seed of power that waits for germination and ripeness of the heart and intellect to realize. Then it may begin to unfold as the creator intended for the body. Then the third eye will begin to open and the person will develop inner sight, that which is called clairvoyance and clairaudience, to see and hear with inner vision. The resident soul will begin to cultivate, quietly, silently, inner confidence in itsself. There are gifts awaiting. Courage, enlightened intelligence, unconditional love - these will grow all by itself without mental effort. These are natural gifts. Truth and more pure thoughts, innocence, child-like wonder and hope and enjoyment will result. Artificial laws will fall away, easily allowing truth to be expressed. If this continues to be cultivated, there will be no lying or cheating or compromising, but rather will be a display a noble character – a rare quality in the average neighborhood and so will stand out.
He or she will become healthy and be able to heal people naturally, with hands placed on another person, for the power is now ripplying through the body. But this will happen naturally. There will not be made a big thing over a so-called miraculous curing, but rather bodies and spirits will perk up and be exhilarated as that person passes by. No claims for honor will be made for it is natural. This person will be a light and love giver. He or she will radiate wherever they go, cleaning and purifying the landscape and cityscape. There is a lot of muck to clear away simply by walking through it. For everywhere one such soul goes there will go a repelling action to all that is not clean, not virtuous, not in harmony with the power of light, love and harmony and unifying action which is now looming upward and outward into the very atmosphere. The desire of the crystal, which is the creator embedded in the human body, is to expand and express until it at last becomes fully integrated into the human species. And so it will expand and expand and expand, and so long as the individual agrees to go along with its urges to expand and raise the quality of its life, and do the things it is called to do, instead of following directions of the authorities. Human pettiness is a whining pettiness, a victim consciousness, which is all because it has not connected with the creator within. Sex or lovemaking should be free but never, never, never demanding of another person. The coercing of other bodies for sex before the other person is mature and ready, has been the rape of the human species that has condemned it to sin. It is the despoiling of the creative element embedded in the pelvic region, the geometric center of the human body. Demanding sex from someone who is not freely willing and eager is a rape. It creates offspring who are embedded with the DNA energies of the rapist.
The church authorities teach us to put down urges, calling them pride, ego, lust, passion, but if one would stop and go deeper within one's own body for answers, with love and respect, one would gain deep and profound understanding. Love theyself. There are elements within the body that are destructive to the life, but there are elements within the body that are crystal purity. These are constructive. They are of God. One comes from God. One is a piece of God. That piece is the REAL human being. It is the soul of the human and heart of the human and the conscience of the human, and the urge behind the human to be free. It is feminine. God is a masculine power of strength, protection, courage and love beyond measure, and the body is a receiver. The power pours in and through every nerve, cell, organ and tissue of the body as a feminine receiver. Stop and listen. The power of creation is within. Heaven is within. Love is within. We as a human species have become so removed from this pure nature that is holy within, and natural and ever expanding and elevating, that it seems like a foreign element. We are learning to trust it. Have faith in it. Be confident that what you feel comes from the higher self, the soul, the spirit, the God within.
The element called the Soul
This is the element I am to speak about - the soul. It is an element from the kingdom of the light – the next dimension beyond the physical. It is a pressure in this world and one that we are waking up to and beginning to realize and accept. One by one we each one is becoming aware of the pure innocent power that is within us called the soul. We are being told to follow the urges that well up from within, but not before gathering wisdom of all of the faculties, for we do not want to make a mistake and hurt someone. Or follow the urges that we inadvertently absorbed from someone else close by, not our own. For we DO take on the desires of our close associates without realizing it. We become drawn into other people's desires without really wanting to go there. It happens all too often. The urge to follow is the one that will free you, not bind you to a future problem. If it hurts another person then it is not constructive. Be aware. Search the heart for wisdom. Even if it hurts someone's ego, does it actually make you feel free? Use discernment. Be aware. Study yourself.
If a spouse has a possessive nature and for ten or twenty years you have allowed yourself to cater to that possessive nature, and then suddenly you were to say to that beloved, “I will not longer allow this," this kind of hurt is a good one. It is good for the beloved and good for you. This is a difficult discernment to make. Many good and kind souls have allowed themselves to be disempowered because they thought they were doing a kindness to the beloved spouse or family member. No, it is not a kindness. I can speak for myself for I have done that too. I regret not having seen or understood this earlier in life but I have learned this profound lesson. I have learned to discern the difference between being kind to someone else, and being free. Being free does not require that you strike out at someone. It requires courage to speak words of truth. The Godhead embedded within the pelvic region, the geometric center of the body, will guide you. It is the love that is embedded with you which is intelligence coupled with courage, and reverence for life, peace, comfort and freedom.
The urge to be free does take place during sexual lovemaking. During intimacy, the power is felt as warm loving connection. Pay attention to connection, for that tells you that the other person is also feeling the same feeling you are. If there is no connection of warmth, then you are pushing yourself against the grain of the other person. Those who seek release through orgasm, tend to push themselves into it without considering the feelings of the other person. This is one of the ways that inner urges can be released after intense build up of pressure. Sexual release is a life saver, a definite healthy therapy to the normal frustrations of holding inner urges back. What has been missing in the lives of many, is the mutual feeling of both wanting the same thing at the same time. Feel for connection of warmth, which we generalize as being "love".
The need for variety is normal in life, especially couples, because one cannot give and take the same life force back and forth, feeding off of the same life force as is coming from the spouse, forever. It grows monotonous if you both are not expanding and elevating. Monotonous, boredom and suffocation are the result of exchanging those lower feelings of boredom and suffocation, hoping that it will change but it does not. New fresh energies from other people alleviate feelings of boredom. The lifestyle of swinging has grown into nearly mainstream activity for this very reason. It works but it should always be mutual and an agreement struck between the two partners. A monogamous couple after many years feeds off each other's frustrations, carefully walking on eggshells around the urge for free expression. It is a natural next step to negotiate with others who are compatible and enjoy intimacy with a few other souls. This is a good way to break the blocks that create suffocation, and let the creative juices flow. It changes the spark at home and allows new ideas to come forth with new vitality, new ideas, a fresh new approach to life. But it must be consensual, which requires perhaps many hours of truthful, honest, discussion of both intelligent mental thought, and honest emotional feelings.
Sexual release
Sexual release is the release of a buildup that comes from the powerful life-giving vitality embedded in the geometric center of the body. It releases vital energy upwards and most humans tend to hold it back and repress it, not allowing it to flow normally as it should. Sexual intimacy between two or more people who agree mutually is a wonderful way to allow this energy to be free, creating much joy between the participants. It is a releasing of the power of love and it can be very comforting, nourishing, food for the soul and knock-out blissful. But it can be hurtful and damaging to the those who do not want it. I have seen the beautiful aspect of it often in groups of couples. The power of love is humongous when there is mutuality. The God-mind of one person touching and unifying with the God-mind of another so that purity is exchanged and negatives released in the wash-out. Vitality is exchanged. This is universal power. The mistake is to take this for granted. When someone makes it repetitive with the same person, over and over. It may be fun for awhile, but then it grows old and the participants, one by one, or only one but not the other, wants to end it and move on. Sex and orgasm should never be taken for granted as a pill to take periodically with one person for one of them will feel they are being taken for granted. The whole point is to expand one's consciousness. That is another story to be explored in a later article or chapter, as the case may be.
The exchange of intimacies is an exchange of bodily buildup of energies. One takes on the residue of the lover. I have felt this personally. One lover will leave me exhilarated, another will leave me exhausted, another will leave me fulfilled and satiated, another will leave me intellectually curious. Each lover I have taken has left their mark on me. Unfortunately some lovers have left me damaged. Intimate lovemaking is a swapping of energies which can be beneficial to you, or destructive to you. One of the benefits of the swinging lifestyle is to experience a variety of lovers. The ultimate goal is to balance the energies within yourself, the dynamic energy which is the male side of you, and the passive energy which is the female side of you. Without your even realizing it, when you have intimacies with a lover you are balancing your inner male and female. The goal is to become balanced so well that you are a fulfilled human being and life becomes increasingly good. Blend energies with others intimately, and you will balance your internal male and female. You will know by how you feel afterwards.
Do not fall in love with the lover!
Appreciate the lover but do not fall in love with the lover because the other person will change, and it will only be good for a limited span of time. Everyone changes because everyone evolves. That is why we are here on earth. We have come for the purpose of bringing into balance our aggressive behaviors and our quietly passive nurturing behaviors. We have been covered over with an artificial belief system for centuries, embodiment after embodiment, building up the characteristics of either masculine or feminine as the culture has programmed us. Lovemaking and the sharing of free love with others allows us opportunity to connect with the orgasmic power of the universe. The creativity of the galaxies. When we make love, if it is mutual, we are connecting with the real power within us. Enjoy it, be free and then let it go. Go back home and allow yourself to return to your base camp. We must return to the artificial culture in which we grew if we are to remain happy and at peace with it. But each time we carry more freedom back home with us and allow it to blend into the way things are. Integrate the power of the universe with the way things are. Your everyday life will expand as you bring it back home to share with your mates. Allow yourself to resume normalcy.
While our world is an uncomfortable world of laws that create poverty and suffering for many people, we must blend in or be ostracized. Blending in is how we unify ourselves. The divine plan is to unify the extremes and the many differences that keep people separated. By finding a way to experience intimacy freely, and releasing the power of love which has been shut down for centuries, we bring more harmony into the world. The way to do that is to find compatible others with whom agreement and understanding can be reached. Mutuality is a must. Being in sync is a must. Then afterwards we can return back home again to our base camp and bring that zest for life, that vitality, back home to revitalize the home.
If we were to live freely the way we THINK we want to, doing everything the way we THINK we want to live, we would be breaking many laws and suffer much backlash, pain and karma. Even someone who is as holy as a human can possibly get, living purely, wisely, gracefully, compassionately, with unconditional love, benevolent and kind, that person would not be a sovereign as you THINK he would be. For that person would know better. Living as the kundalini would have us live as a human being among other human beings - in other words as a perfect god-man or god-woman - we would still be crucified. Perhaps not physically, but in some unfortunate manner, because others are not ready yet to accept such a holy person. It would not be acceptable. It would rile up the guilt and shame in others, and the blame and excuses, victim mentality, the fallacy, the inability to except someone so pure and holy, that some would turn and strike. But, little by little the human race is making progress. The goodness is appearing here and there. We are heading towards a more enlightened world without our knowing it. More so than it was one or two centuries ago. There is a divine plan for the human race and it is coming closer to fulfillment. Goodness is warming up and taking the place of wrongness. It is not quite there yet so we must put on the cloak of humility and be discreet. With wisdom we carry ourselves through the streets and neighborhoods of the world so that we do not frighten the natives.
Kundalini is known as the kanda which is located at the base of the spine. It is in the etheric body, not in the physical body. It is a piece of the creator embedded within the pelvic region, the geometric center of the human body. Forgive me for bringing this sacred subject down to earth but it is a must. I have seen it as a transparent crystal, like a crystal ball, entwined around by the roots of the nervous system. The crystal is not really a crystal at all. That is merely my name for it because it resembles such lucidity, such clarity that it is best described as a crystal. From the outside looking at it, it looks clearer than its surroundings - as though it is a window into another, clearer dimension. There is an aliveness to it and a sense of timelessness to it and a feeling of power to it, that has no resemblance to anything I know in the mundane world. There is nothing to compare it to except it is lighter and brighter than air, yet it is in a spherical shape buried into the roots of the nervous system, like roots of a tree. It is like looking into another world, another form of life. Now that is a physical description of it from an outside view. Now let me describe its qualities, for this I sense from a closer range, subjectively, as being more in touch with it.
Although still not inside of it, I am analyzing this crystal. First I described it from an objective observation, as though it were outside of me. Now I will describe it from an emotional observation. There is a pressure within the crystal to expand. It feels like an urge. This is first and foremost that I sense. It is powerful but it is not aggressive or threatening in any way. It is more like potential. It feels as if its power is backed up by a huge ocean and this crystal is just the tip of it, like an island is just the tip of an undersea mountain jutting up from out of the sea. This I know to be true, I feel it, sense it and know it. For some indescribable reason I know that it is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, a landed mass that can be touched. There is a pressure to expand outward into the physical body in which it is embedded, and into the life of the person. It is vibrating at a low key normally in most people. It is dormant. It is sleeping. Even so, it is yet still powerful. It present and waiting. It is not really sleeping. It only appears to be. It is very much awake and waiting. In fact it watches for opportunities to expand but it is all intelligent. It would not expand if the person were not ready to receive its potency. But as soon as an opening is allowed in the person's life, it surges forth as a drop of water might drip from a faucet. The drop looks like a dew drop dripping off a flower petal in the morning sun. There are colors to it. If a person does inner meditation on it and practices certain rituals as the yogis have done over the centuries, it can be encouraged to come forth quickly and without mercy. It has no ability to judge human affairs. It is the power of the universe. The warnings that abound in all kundalini manuals to not force kundlaini awakening, is true. Many individuals have gone crazy because they were unable to handle it. Yet, this power is there for the human being to use. It has not been rightly described. It is the creator carefully placed in to the human body as a potential to use, grow and mature with grace and smoothness. It is the power of love.
The kundalini maintains the body through the etheric channels calls nadis which weave through the physical like a spiders web. It does this automatically. The person does not know about it. In fact, the body was built by the power and intelligence of the creator, the crystal in the pelvis. But it desires the person to become consciously alert to it. It desires to be used, and to co-create with the person, and to be called forth on a daily basis and participate in the human scene. It desires to expand into the world of humans. The soul draws upon it without realizing, when the artificial ego allows the soul to be authentic and follow its dream, its heart, its calling. The artificial ego is a creation of the outer personality. The artificial ego is created by the parent, teachers and the culture into which the soul is born. But the soul is actually an authentic intelligence true to itself who desires to live free of outer restraints. Thus it is the soul that is constantly being drawn to seek the truth of itself. It is always feeling, “I want to be free to make my own choices.”
That which we call sex
Now, whether one should or shouldn’t allow this part to be free is the biggest question of all, for the churches and religious authorities say, “No! You must suppress this part of you," for there have been monstrous deeds done in the name of this power. It has been named "sex" but I say, "This is the creator that is pure and holy that wants to be free, we should let it be free." This is the creator, the intelligence and the love that has been placed at the geometric center of the body like a seed of potential to grow the human being to greater stature. It is that portion of the creator which has been placed in the human body the way a seed is planted in the soil, to await the germination process. And then let us see what kind of crop it will produce. What benefit will it serve the world? There will come a time when the human species will be harvested, just as a crop of corn has its season of growth.
The light of beautiful creation has always existed within the human body, but it has been mishandled and curtailed by the religious and governmental authorities, which condemns this power of intelligence, love and natural evolution. They have labeled it "sex" and called it sinful while at the same time creating a dark addiction to it by magnifying the imbalance that has been caused as a result of this mishandling and mismanagement.
The crystal still waits in dormancy for the resident soul to wake up and realize the power that is located in the cellar of its body like the furnace in the cellar of a house. It is there as a seed of power that waits for germination and ripeness of the heart and intellect to realize. Then it may begin to unfold as the creator intended for the body. Then the third eye will begin to open and the person will develop inner sight, that which is called clairvoyance and clairaudience, to see and hear with inner vision. The resident soul will begin to cultivate, quietly, silently, inner confidence in itsself. There are gifts awaiting. Courage, enlightened intelligence, unconditional love - these will grow all by itself without mental effort. These are natural gifts. Truth and more pure thoughts, innocence, child-like wonder and hope and enjoyment will result. Artificial laws will fall away, easily allowing truth to be expressed. If this continues to be cultivated, there will be no lying or cheating or compromising, but rather will be a display a noble character – a rare quality in the average neighborhood and so will stand out.
He or she will become healthy and be able to heal people naturally, with hands placed on another person, for the power is now ripplying through the body. But this will happen naturally. There will not be made a big thing over a so-called miraculous curing, but rather bodies and spirits will perk up and be exhilarated as that person passes by. No claims for honor will be made for it is natural. This person will be a light and love giver. He or she will radiate wherever they go, cleaning and purifying the landscape and cityscape. There is a lot of muck to clear away simply by walking through it. For everywhere one such soul goes there will go a repelling action to all that is not clean, not virtuous, not in harmony with the power of light, love and harmony and unifying action which is now looming upward and outward into the very atmosphere. The desire of the crystal, which is the creator embedded in the human body, is to expand and express until it at last becomes fully integrated into the human species. And so it will expand and expand and expand, and so long as the individual agrees to go along with its urges to expand and raise the quality of its life, and do the things it is called to do, instead of following directions of the authorities. Human pettiness is a whining pettiness, a victim consciousness, which is all because it has not connected with the creator within. Sex or lovemaking should be free but never, never, never demanding of another person. The coercing of other bodies for sex before the other person is mature and ready, has been the rape of the human species that has condemned it to sin. It is the despoiling of the creative element embedded in the pelvic region, the geometric center of the human body. Demanding sex from someone who is not freely willing and eager is a rape. It creates offspring who are embedded with the DNA energies of the rapist.
The church authorities teach us to put down urges, calling them pride, ego, lust, passion, but if one would stop and go deeper within one's own body for answers, with love and respect, one would gain deep and profound understanding. Love theyself. There are elements within the body that are destructive to the life, but there are elements within the body that are crystal purity. These are constructive. They are of God. One comes from God. One is a piece of God. That piece is the REAL human being. It is the soul of the human and heart of the human and the conscience of the human, and the urge behind the human to be free. It is feminine. God is a masculine power of strength, protection, courage and love beyond measure, and the body is a receiver. The power pours in and through every nerve, cell, organ and tissue of the body as a feminine receiver. Stop and listen. The power of creation is within. Heaven is within. Love is within. We as a human species have become so removed from this pure nature that is holy within, and natural and ever expanding and elevating, that it seems like a foreign element. We are learning to trust it. Have faith in it. Be confident that what you feel comes from the higher self, the soul, the spirit, the God within.
The element called the Soul
This is the element I am to speak about - the soul. It is an element from the kingdom of the light – the next dimension beyond the physical. It is a pressure in this world and one that we are waking up to and beginning to realize and accept. One by one we each one is becoming aware of the pure innocent power that is within us called the soul. We are being told to follow the urges that well up from within, but not before gathering wisdom of all of the faculties, for we do not want to make a mistake and hurt someone. Or follow the urges that we inadvertently absorbed from someone else close by, not our own. For we DO take on the desires of our close associates without realizing it. We become drawn into other people's desires without really wanting to go there. It happens all too often. The urge to follow is the one that will free you, not bind you to a future problem. If it hurts another person then it is not constructive. Be aware. Search the heart for wisdom. Even if it hurts someone's ego, does it actually make you feel free? Use discernment. Be aware. Study yourself.
If a spouse has a possessive nature and for ten or twenty years you have allowed yourself to cater to that possessive nature, and then suddenly you were to say to that beloved, “I will not longer allow this," this kind of hurt is a good one. It is good for the beloved and good for you. This is a difficult discernment to make. Many good and kind souls have allowed themselves to be disempowered because they thought they were doing a kindness to the beloved spouse or family member. No, it is not a kindness. I can speak for myself for I have done that too. I regret not having seen or understood this earlier in life but I have learned this profound lesson. I have learned to discern the difference between being kind to someone else, and being free. Being free does not require that you strike out at someone. It requires courage to speak words of truth. The Godhead embedded within the pelvic region, the geometric center of the body, will guide you. It is the love that is embedded with you which is intelligence coupled with courage, and reverence for life, peace, comfort and freedom.
The urge to be free does take place during sexual lovemaking. During intimacy, the power is felt as warm loving connection. Pay attention to connection, for that tells you that the other person is also feeling the same feeling you are. If there is no connection of warmth, then you are pushing yourself against the grain of the other person. Those who seek release through orgasm, tend to push themselves into it without considering the feelings of the other person. This is one of the ways that inner urges can be released after intense build up of pressure. Sexual release is a life saver, a definite healthy therapy to the normal frustrations of holding inner urges back. What has been missing in the lives of many, is the mutual feeling of both wanting the same thing at the same time. Feel for connection of warmth, which we generalize as being "love".
The need for variety is normal in life, especially couples, because one cannot give and take the same life force back and forth, feeding off of the same life force as is coming from the spouse, forever. It grows monotonous if you both are not expanding and elevating. Monotonous, boredom and suffocation are the result of exchanging those lower feelings of boredom and suffocation, hoping that it will change but it does not. New fresh energies from other people alleviate feelings of boredom. The lifestyle of swinging has grown into nearly mainstream activity for this very reason. It works but it should always be mutual and an agreement struck between the two partners. A monogamous couple after many years feeds off each other's frustrations, carefully walking on eggshells around the urge for free expression. It is a natural next step to negotiate with others who are compatible and enjoy intimacy with a few other souls. This is a good way to break the blocks that create suffocation, and let the creative juices flow. It changes the spark at home and allows new ideas to come forth with new vitality, new ideas, a fresh new approach to life. But it must be consensual, which requires perhaps many hours of truthful, honest, discussion of both intelligent mental thought, and honest emotional feelings.
Sexual release
Sexual release is the release of a buildup that comes from the powerful life-giving vitality embedded in the geometric center of the body. It releases vital energy upwards and most humans tend to hold it back and repress it, not allowing it to flow normally as it should. Sexual intimacy between two or more people who agree mutually is a wonderful way to allow this energy to be free, creating much joy between the participants. It is a releasing of the power of love and it can be very comforting, nourishing, food for the soul and knock-out blissful. But it can be hurtful and damaging to the those who do not want it. I have seen the beautiful aspect of it often in groups of couples. The power of love is humongous when there is mutuality. The God-mind of one person touching and unifying with the God-mind of another so that purity is exchanged and negatives released in the wash-out. Vitality is exchanged. This is universal power. The mistake is to take this for granted. When someone makes it repetitive with the same person, over and over. It may be fun for awhile, but then it grows old and the participants, one by one, or only one but not the other, wants to end it and move on. Sex and orgasm should never be taken for granted as a pill to take periodically with one person for one of them will feel they are being taken for granted. The whole point is to expand one's consciousness. That is another story to be explored in a later article or chapter, as the case may be.
The exchange of intimacies is an exchange of bodily buildup of energies. One takes on the residue of the lover. I have felt this personally. One lover will leave me exhilarated, another will leave me exhausted, another will leave me fulfilled and satiated, another will leave me intellectually curious. Each lover I have taken has left their mark on me. Unfortunately some lovers have left me damaged. Intimate lovemaking is a swapping of energies which can be beneficial to you, or destructive to you. One of the benefits of the swinging lifestyle is to experience a variety of lovers. The ultimate goal is to balance the energies within yourself, the dynamic energy which is the male side of you, and the passive energy which is the female side of you. Without your even realizing it, when you have intimacies with a lover you are balancing your inner male and female. The goal is to become balanced so well that you are a fulfilled human being and life becomes increasingly good. Blend energies with others intimately, and you will balance your internal male and female. You will know by how you feel afterwards.
Do not fall in love with the lover!
Appreciate the lover but do not fall in love with the lover because the other person will change, and it will only be good for a limited span of time. Everyone changes because everyone evolves. That is why we are here on earth. We have come for the purpose of bringing into balance our aggressive behaviors and our quietly passive nurturing behaviors. We have been covered over with an artificial belief system for centuries, embodiment after embodiment, building up the characteristics of either masculine or feminine as the culture has programmed us. Lovemaking and the sharing of free love with others allows us opportunity to connect with the orgasmic power of the universe. The creativity of the galaxies. When we make love, if it is mutual, we are connecting with the real power within us. Enjoy it, be free and then let it go. Go back home and allow yourself to return to your base camp. We must return to the artificial culture in which we grew if we are to remain happy and at peace with it. But each time we carry more freedom back home with us and allow it to blend into the way things are. Integrate the power of the universe with the way things are. Your everyday life will expand as you bring it back home to share with your mates. Allow yourself to resume normalcy.
While our world is an uncomfortable world of laws that create poverty and suffering for many people, we must blend in or be ostracized. Blending in is how we unify ourselves. The divine plan is to unify the extremes and the many differences that keep people separated. By finding a way to experience intimacy freely, and releasing the power of love which has been shut down for centuries, we bring more harmony into the world. The way to do that is to find compatible others with whom agreement and understanding can be reached. Mutuality is a must. Being in sync is a must. Then afterwards we can return back home again to our base camp and bring that zest for life, that vitality, back home to revitalize the home.
If we were to live freely the way we THINK we want to, doing everything the way we THINK we want to live, we would be breaking many laws and suffer much backlash, pain and karma. Even someone who is as holy as a human can possibly get, living purely, wisely, gracefully, compassionately, with unconditional love, benevolent and kind, that person would not be a sovereign as you THINK he would be. For that person would know better. Living as the kundalini would have us live as a human being among other human beings - in other words as a perfect god-man or god-woman - we would still be crucified. Perhaps not physically, but in some unfortunate manner, because others are not ready yet to accept such a holy person. It would not be acceptable. It would rile up the guilt and shame in others, and the blame and excuses, victim mentality, the fallacy, the inability to except someone so pure and holy, that some would turn and strike. But, little by little the human race is making progress. The goodness is appearing here and there. We are heading towards a more enlightened world without our knowing it. More so than it was one or two centuries ago. There is a divine plan for the human race and it is coming closer to fulfillment. Goodness is warming up and taking the place of wrongness. It is not quite there yet so we must put on the cloak of humility and be discreet. With wisdom we carry ourselves through the streets and neighborhoods of the world so that we do not frighten the natives.