Goddess Newsletter #8
Women's Empowerment Gatherings
Women's Empowerment Gatherings
Hello everyone!
Here is a report on our first goddess gathering held two weeks ago. It is late because it appears I've walked into a portal opening and I've been waiting for things to come back to normal. As I told Lynda Gayle who couldn't attend but wanted to, I feel as if I've been riding the tail of a comet. Bleed-throughs into other realities, holes poked into my normal day, cosmic dust flying everywhere - it appears a new norm is forming. I thought if I waited and let the dust settle, I could write my repoert with clarity and brevity. But, silly me, to think that would happen. It didn't. I'm in a different reality now so I'll just write from where I am today. I hope you can follow me!
I have communicated with the eight women who attended and the three who were hoped for but did not attend for reasons of their own. I will skip the names for privacy purposes. All arrived on time and we began with introductions promptly at 2:15 and drifted into discussions, getting up to stretch in between. Tamsen and I and Elle had taken a hotel suite for two nights, and had decorated it appropriately for the divine feminine. The altar around which we sat was a transformed coffee table, with crystals, candles, oils and tiny little menahuni wish pots made by Tamsen for her craft shows in Hawaii.
I'm trying to be brief but it's not going to be possible because I am sensing a bleed-through into and merging with another realm, which is contradicting the old world. Trying to be logical is difficult. A new world is manifesting and it's feminine. In a man's world, men were organized by certain skill sets in a hierarchy of power, but women were always lumped into one category - "women". Our goddess gathering is the beginning of recognizing the unique and diverse skills and talents of women. The gathering was not as beautiful and perfect as my fantasy expected it to be, but It was a start. It was the first step in a new leg of the journey I'm on. It was a gathering of different energies, all women of course. The first half of the gathering was a gathering of human energies, just like any women's gathering any place. But something else took place during the second half of the gathering. Two energy events were markedly significant (for me). They stood out.
The first one was revelation about anger and how anger is normally directed outward at someone else we think is to blame, but that in actuality anger is a projection of one's own frustrations or resentments or blind spots. The question in the end was "how do you deal with inner anger?" We spend years sometimes going round and round with bitterness eating away inside, without finding an answer. Do we have to live with internal frustration and resentment? I didn't realize it at the time, but the answer to the question was presented during the second half of the gathering. I won't editorialize on this. Let it speak for itself.
Here comes the second half of the gathering. When it was time for the guided meditation, I turned on the new sound system and sat back. It was a youtube of a lovely woman's voice quietly bringing in the divine feminine. I had heard it before so I didn't allow myself to go too deep (being the leader I suppose). As the beautiful meditation came to an end about 15 minutes later, I glanced around the room to measure the mood. I noticed Trisha with her eyes closed, head down, arms upraised, and M next to her with a beatific glow on her face. So I waited. There was deep peace in the room. I watched Trisha and snapped several photos because she was so beautiful. She was obviously receiving something of a spiritual nature. I waited. And waited. Finally she opened her eyes as when a person comes slowly out of trance, a bit sleepily and quiet. She turned to E and said something I couldn't hear from across the room.
Tamsen made a sign with her hands and Trisha rose and came over to her. Trisha placed her hands on Tamsen's head, then onto the palms of her hands, and then onto her upper chest with deliberate grace and without speaking. I followed Tamsen on instinct and signaled Trisha. Even though I hadn't heard what she said, I knew it was a blessing of some kind. Trisha came to me and put her hands on my head, palms and chest in the same way. When Trisha put her hands on my head I had a sucking-in sensation, a sob effect of humility, like "forgive me". Then M signaled to Trisha, who went over and gave the blessings to her. And then D signaled and Trisha repeated the blessing on D. Quiet filled the room while this was going on. I don't remember who broke the silence.
I learned later what Trisha had said upon coming out of her reverie. "I have Archangel Raphael in my hands and he is offering to bless anyone who wants to receive his blessings." She told me later that she is familiar with AA Raphaels' presence.
As I understand it, such a blessing is a transference from celestial realms by a Being larger than human. The angelic presence is really "here", coming through the person who has made herself an open conduit, like an electrical wire, because - again as I understand it - there is no such thing as space or time or physical matter. We are all connected. Only our consciousness determines what reality we focus on and live in. Someone who opens herself or himself to a higher, more ethereal reality may receive from that reality and bring it into this reality. This is how I imagine a blessing to be, but that's just my own interpretation. For the skeptic? What can I say, other than Trisha has had many years as a pastor's wife in the Assembly of God church.
I was super happy to have this beautiful experience take place, since I had hoped for a beautiful goddess gathering with divine influences, not a human gathering with human influences (too much) that would weigh us down. So it was a capstone to the entire event. To have AA Raphael make an appearance and to have Trisha agree to be a conduit - and have the courage to speak (once it happened to me and I declined to speak) - is, to put it mildly, especially powerful for our little group of women. Trisha hesitated because she did not know the protocol or the rules of the gathering, but thankfully she overcame her hesitancy. This celestial visitation made it all worthwhile, and I believe it took place because everyone here deserved it and supported it. I thank all the gals who participated in their own unique way to this humble gathering of the goddess, the goodness, in human form.
And now, moving on, for I have moved on. I didn't realize. I am dumb-founded. I thought of this gathering as one event, not an ongoing trail of crumbs leading deeper into the forest with no end in sight. I thought it would take place and then it would pass and I would resume life again as normal. Tamsen would go home and everyone would return to her life and I would start planning for the next goddess gathering. But no. It's not going to work that way. I have to start integrating with the culture, other goddess activities, other healing centers and spiritual, earth-grounding, women-driven activities. OMG! The awareness is rushing me right now and pushing me! We are not to start our own goddess group as a competition with other goddess groups. We are not to build a wall around it and make it "ours".
The women's movement is coming in to change things. Women are going to be doing it differently. The women are spreading out and joining hands with other women in a widening circle to support one another, not in separate little circles walled off from the others. Although it appears that way in the beginning, a seed has to be planted first, and watered and loved and tended until it grows roots. And then it spreads. It pops up in other places. Such a movement cannot be "owned" by someone because money is not the incentive. Women do it differently than men. The divine feminine does, that is. The divine feminine's intention is to harmonize the fractured society. To heal it and bring unity, peace, harmony, love and togetherness. The mothering instinct to heal and comfort the sick, wounded and hurting is overpowering the male instinct to stay in control. How does a world change? By helping women become free to be their natural selves.
Goddess work is not to be done like the white male elites did it during their control, which was through competing and fighting to out-do everyone else. Religion against religion, nation against nation, politics against politics, all of which creates jealousy, envy, greed and the desire to win over others - the ugly side of human nature. No. It is not to be done that way. The women's movement is all about dissolving separations, not creating them. The gathering of women in circles is females empowering their better qualities, not their worse. As women gather together from every walk, field, industry and mindset in life, with all their diversity, uniqueness, strength, idealism and passion intact, pouring onto the center stage of life, we see a unifying action, not competition. It is something that only women can do because they are equipped to embrace and nurture, not compete. This does not take away from their personal businesses by which they earn a living. No. But when a woman stands beside other women in support of these ideals, she stands sovereign. She has no leader to rule over her. There is autonomy in her. She follows her own heart, head, instinct and intelligence.
When women gather, they are not following a leader. In a circle of other women she stands beside women who reflect autonomy whether they feel it or not. Each one stands tall, centered within herself, because she's not being drawn by the magnetism of a man, not caving in to lesser feelings of subservience, or jealousy or weakness. She is learning to be strong by standing with other women whose intentions are to support one another in ways that only women can do because they are same gender. Men have different ways of looking at things. It's difficult for a woman to stand tall and straight when she has a man watching out for her and over her, protecting her and ready to step in to fight for her. She must stand sovereign. There is no protector. There is no savior. She is her own protector, her own savior.
The term "goddess" refers to the soul's journey. A woman doesn't have a soul, she IS the soul, she is spirit, she is God and Goddess, and she is learning to master her weaknesses. She has been disempowered by the white male ruling class because she was born into it. She had to learn things "his" way and follow "his" law. When women stand with other women they are bringing about "her" ways and "her" laws. She can feel herself come alive by removing the antagonism and obstruction caused by the old rule of law. She does this by listening in silence to her own heart and head, and honoring, respecting and revering that which she feels within herself - the divine within - her angelic self. No one else. There are no experts when it comes to the heart and soul. Only the one within can hear it. Women are learning to listen to themselves instead of outside authorities. The only real authority is herself but she has to experience it in order to know it. There is only one law and that is her own. The natural skill of women is changing negatives into positives but under the ruling authority of male superiority, they have not been able to do that. They had to obey the cultural norm.
One day last week I awoke with a new awareness which dawned on me like a brilliant rising sun. I have to go out and integrate with others. All my life I have not been a joiner. I am shy, modest and retiring, though you wouldn't know that by my writing. But I was quite literally pushed out the door to go to Happehatchee to check out the facilities there for our next goddess gathering. On the same day I drove to South Naples to visit the Goddess I Am crystal shop. Just because I wanted to meet the owner. Both of these centers were put in front of me as if on placards in bold writing saying, "Get out of your comfort zone and go see what the community has to offer you."
Happehatchee is a natural ecological preserve in the middle of Estero ( www.happehatchee.org) which has a screened-in pavillion for yoga and other type classes. I was there years ago. It is very, very peaceful with trees all around. I plan to attend one of the yoga classes next week, just to experience it.
The Goddess I Am crystal store has a lovely meditation temple in back of the store. The owner holds meditations on Wednesdays from 6 to 7 pm, which I will attend. I invite anyone in Naples to join me. It is a small, busy new-age center on Goodlette-Frank which gives healing sessions by appointment, including massage, Reiki, channelings and other readings. ( https://goddessiam.com/).
A movement of joining forces is the sensation I am experiencing, after being a non-joiner for many years. As for future goddess gatherings, well, let's say the jury is out at the moment. There are ideas in the wind. The light is bending under forces that can't be seen. I will send newsletters regularly and post new thought on Anakosha. There is a new norm here. It's a different world. We've shifted. At least I have. It's not the same any more. My husband is in harmony with me and showing signs of being on the same page. There is a warmer, easier atmosphere of alignment and coming together as one. Peace prevails, yet a sense of urgency to keep moving. Star dust is glittering. I saw a fleet of UFOs the other night, high up, eight of them moving in formation ever so slow. Slow and graceful. I knew them by the sense of peace I felt. And grace. As if they were allowing me to see them for that reason, as if they were sending benevolence.
I want to host a private sacred circle at my house but there is a specific agenda to it. I will need five women to join me to ground the light. I'll send out more information on this. I can't tell any more right now. I've already written too much. I apologize but at the same time I thank you for reading - if there's anyone left.
Thank you to the ladies who supported this first gathering. The women's march in Washington DC on Saturday did not have much coverage as far as I could see. Negative political statements were made to try to cast aspersions on it, but the women gathered anyway and that's all that matters. Beware of negative speak. A brighter new world is manifesting through women gathering. Stay on the high road and away from saber-rattling. Women will bring everyone together through self-respect, grace and dignity.
There was a goddess-inspired mass meditation last night at midnight, eastern time, which I engaged in alone, by myself, out in the pasture. It was a super moon eclipse and a galactic alignment at the same time. It is said it was of great importance for the whole galaxy. The darkness of an eclipse is like when you blow all the air out of your lungs, emptying out the old and preparing for the new inhale of fresh air. So I watched the shadow of Earth completely cover the face of the moon until it almost disappeared from sight. And then I watched the light return, slowly, bit by bit, and the pasture become slowly lighter around me, revealing two deer not 15 feet away munching grass.
More on the women's movement is International Women's Day comes on March 8th, 2019, as it does every year. There will be events planned. For history, see the website: https://www.internationalwomensday.com.
Another organized activity is being done by the Tree Sisters. The tree sisters are women seeding change. Their moto is "Embracing life through the forest and the feminine." On March 8th, International Women's Day, women across the world are gathering to show their appreciation for the trees that all life depends upon, by singing to them. This is being coordinated by women-led reforestation movements. See: www.treesisters.org.
Also see the worldwide sisterhood network, www.gatherthewomen.org, which connects women through circles, creating safe space to share their true selves, find their voices, reclaim their power and remember their self-worth. They celebrate the new age of peace through personal transformation. As the Dalai Lama has said, "Western women will save the planet."
Here is a report on our first goddess gathering held two weeks ago. It is late because it appears I've walked into a portal opening and I've been waiting for things to come back to normal. As I told Lynda Gayle who couldn't attend but wanted to, I feel as if I've been riding the tail of a comet. Bleed-throughs into other realities, holes poked into my normal day, cosmic dust flying everywhere - it appears a new norm is forming. I thought if I waited and let the dust settle, I could write my repoert with clarity and brevity. But, silly me, to think that would happen. It didn't. I'm in a different reality now so I'll just write from where I am today. I hope you can follow me!
I have communicated with the eight women who attended and the three who were hoped for but did not attend for reasons of their own. I will skip the names for privacy purposes. All arrived on time and we began with introductions promptly at 2:15 and drifted into discussions, getting up to stretch in between. Tamsen and I and Elle had taken a hotel suite for two nights, and had decorated it appropriately for the divine feminine. The altar around which we sat was a transformed coffee table, with crystals, candles, oils and tiny little menahuni wish pots made by Tamsen for her craft shows in Hawaii.
I'm trying to be brief but it's not going to be possible because I am sensing a bleed-through into and merging with another realm, which is contradicting the old world. Trying to be logical is difficult. A new world is manifesting and it's feminine. In a man's world, men were organized by certain skill sets in a hierarchy of power, but women were always lumped into one category - "women". Our goddess gathering is the beginning of recognizing the unique and diverse skills and talents of women. The gathering was not as beautiful and perfect as my fantasy expected it to be, but It was a start. It was the first step in a new leg of the journey I'm on. It was a gathering of different energies, all women of course. The first half of the gathering was a gathering of human energies, just like any women's gathering any place. But something else took place during the second half of the gathering. Two energy events were markedly significant (for me). They stood out.
The first one was revelation about anger and how anger is normally directed outward at someone else we think is to blame, but that in actuality anger is a projection of one's own frustrations or resentments or blind spots. The question in the end was "how do you deal with inner anger?" We spend years sometimes going round and round with bitterness eating away inside, without finding an answer. Do we have to live with internal frustration and resentment? I didn't realize it at the time, but the answer to the question was presented during the second half of the gathering. I won't editorialize on this. Let it speak for itself.
Here comes the second half of the gathering. When it was time for the guided meditation, I turned on the new sound system and sat back. It was a youtube of a lovely woman's voice quietly bringing in the divine feminine. I had heard it before so I didn't allow myself to go too deep (being the leader I suppose). As the beautiful meditation came to an end about 15 minutes later, I glanced around the room to measure the mood. I noticed Trisha with her eyes closed, head down, arms upraised, and M next to her with a beatific glow on her face. So I waited. There was deep peace in the room. I watched Trisha and snapped several photos because she was so beautiful. She was obviously receiving something of a spiritual nature. I waited. And waited. Finally she opened her eyes as when a person comes slowly out of trance, a bit sleepily and quiet. She turned to E and said something I couldn't hear from across the room.
Tamsen made a sign with her hands and Trisha rose and came over to her. Trisha placed her hands on Tamsen's head, then onto the palms of her hands, and then onto her upper chest with deliberate grace and without speaking. I followed Tamsen on instinct and signaled Trisha. Even though I hadn't heard what she said, I knew it was a blessing of some kind. Trisha came to me and put her hands on my head, palms and chest in the same way. When Trisha put her hands on my head I had a sucking-in sensation, a sob effect of humility, like "forgive me". Then M signaled to Trisha, who went over and gave the blessings to her. And then D signaled and Trisha repeated the blessing on D. Quiet filled the room while this was going on. I don't remember who broke the silence.
I learned later what Trisha had said upon coming out of her reverie. "I have Archangel Raphael in my hands and he is offering to bless anyone who wants to receive his blessings." She told me later that she is familiar with AA Raphaels' presence.
As I understand it, such a blessing is a transference from celestial realms by a Being larger than human. The angelic presence is really "here", coming through the person who has made herself an open conduit, like an electrical wire, because - again as I understand it - there is no such thing as space or time or physical matter. We are all connected. Only our consciousness determines what reality we focus on and live in. Someone who opens herself or himself to a higher, more ethereal reality may receive from that reality and bring it into this reality. This is how I imagine a blessing to be, but that's just my own interpretation. For the skeptic? What can I say, other than Trisha has had many years as a pastor's wife in the Assembly of God church.
I was super happy to have this beautiful experience take place, since I had hoped for a beautiful goddess gathering with divine influences, not a human gathering with human influences (too much) that would weigh us down. So it was a capstone to the entire event. To have AA Raphael make an appearance and to have Trisha agree to be a conduit - and have the courage to speak (once it happened to me and I declined to speak) - is, to put it mildly, especially powerful for our little group of women. Trisha hesitated because she did not know the protocol or the rules of the gathering, but thankfully she overcame her hesitancy. This celestial visitation made it all worthwhile, and I believe it took place because everyone here deserved it and supported it. I thank all the gals who participated in their own unique way to this humble gathering of the goddess, the goodness, in human form.
And now, moving on, for I have moved on. I didn't realize. I am dumb-founded. I thought of this gathering as one event, not an ongoing trail of crumbs leading deeper into the forest with no end in sight. I thought it would take place and then it would pass and I would resume life again as normal. Tamsen would go home and everyone would return to her life and I would start planning for the next goddess gathering. But no. It's not going to work that way. I have to start integrating with the culture, other goddess activities, other healing centers and spiritual, earth-grounding, women-driven activities. OMG! The awareness is rushing me right now and pushing me! We are not to start our own goddess group as a competition with other goddess groups. We are not to build a wall around it and make it "ours".
The women's movement is coming in to change things. Women are going to be doing it differently. The women are spreading out and joining hands with other women in a widening circle to support one another, not in separate little circles walled off from the others. Although it appears that way in the beginning, a seed has to be planted first, and watered and loved and tended until it grows roots. And then it spreads. It pops up in other places. Such a movement cannot be "owned" by someone because money is not the incentive. Women do it differently than men. The divine feminine does, that is. The divine feminine's intention is to harmonize the fractured society. To heal it and bring unity, peace, harmony, love and togetherness. The mothering instinct to heal and comfort the sick, wounded and hurting is overpowering the male instinct to stay in control. How does a world change? By helping women become free to be their natural selves.
Goddess work is not to be done like the white male elites did it during their control, which was through competing and fighting to out-do everyone else. Religion against religion, nation against nation, politics against politics, all of which creates jealousy, envy, greed and the desire to win over others - the ugly side of human nature. No. It is not to be done that way. The women's movement is all about dissolving separations, not creating them. The gathering of women in circles is females empowering their better qualities, not their worse. As women gather together from every walk, field, industry and mindset in life, with all their diversity, uniqueness, strength, idealism and passion intact, pouring onto the center stage of life, we see a unifying action, not competition. It is something that only women can do because they are equipped to embrace and nurture, not compete. This does not take away from their personal businesses by which they earn a living. No. But when a woman stands beside other women in support of these ideals, she stands sovereign. She has no leader to rule over her. There is autonomy in her. She follows her own heart, head, instinct and intelligence.
When women gather, they are not following a leader. In a circle of other women she stands beside women who reflect autonomy whether they feel it or not. Each one stands tall, centered within herself, because she's not being drawn by the magnetism of a man, not caving in to lesser feelings of subservience, or jealousy or weakness. She is learning to be strong by standing with other women whose intentions are to support one another in ways that only women can do because they are same gender. Men have different ways of looking at things. It's difficult for a woman to stand tall and straight when she has a man watching out for her and over her, protecting her and ready to step in to fight for her. She must stand sovereign. There is no protector. There is no savior. She is her own protector, her own savior.
The term "goddess" refers to the soul's journey. A woman doesn't have a soul, she IS the soul, she is spirit, she is God and Goddess, and she is learning to master her weaknesses. She has been disempowered by the white male ruling class because she was born into it. She had to learn things "his" way and follow "his" law. When women stand with other women they are bringing about "her" ways and "her" laws. She can feel herself come alive by removing the antagonism and obstruction caused by the old rule of law. She does this by listening in silence to her own heart and head, and honoring, respecting and revering that which she feels within herself - the divine within - her angelic self. No one else. There are no experts when it comes to the heart and soul. Only the one within can hear it. Women are learning to listen to themselves instead of outside authorities. The only real authority is herself but she has to experience it in order to know it. There is only one law and that is her own. The natural skill of women is changing negatives into positives but under the ruling authority of male superiority, they have not been able to do that. They had to obey the cultural norm.
One day last week I awoke with a new awareness which dawned on me like a brilliant rising sun. I have to go out and integrate with others. All my life I have not been a joiner. I am shy, modest and retiring, though you wouldn't know that by my writing. But I was quite literally pushed out the door to go to Happehatchee to check out the facilities there for our next goddess gathering. On the same day I drove to South Naples to visit the Goddess I Am crystal shop. Just because I wanted to meet the owner. Both of these centers were put in front of me as if on placards in bold writing saying, "Get out of your comfort zone and go see what the community has to offer you."
Happehatchee is a natural ecological preserve in the middle of Estero ( www.happehatchee.org) which has a screened-in pavillion for yoga and other type classes. I was there years ago. It is very, very peaceful with trees all around. I plan to attend one of the yoga classes next week, just to experience it.
The Goddess I Am crystal store has a lovely meditation temple in back of the store. The owner holds meditations on Wednesdays from 6 to 7 pm, which I will attend. I invite anyone in Naples to join me. It is a small, busy new-age center on Goodlette-Frank which gives healing sessions by appointment, including massage, Reiki, channelings and other readings. ( https://goddessiam.com/).
A movement of joining forces is the sensation I am experiencing, after being a non-joiner for many years. As for future goddess gatherings, well, let's say the jury is out at the moment. There are ideas in the wind. The light is bending under forces that can't be seen. I will send newsletters regularly and post new thought on Anakosha. There is a new norm here. It's a different world. We've shifted. At least I have. It's not the same any more. My husband is in harmony with me and showing signs of being on the same page. There is a warmer, easier atmosphere of alignment and coming together as one. Peace prevails, yet a sense of urgency to keep moving. Star dust is glittering. I saw a fleet of UFOs the other night, high up, eight of them moving in formation ever so slow. Slow and graceful. I knew them by the sense of peace I felt. And grace. As if they were allowing me to see them for that reason, as if they were sending benevolence.
I want to host a private sacred circle at my house but there is a specific agenda to it. I will need five women to join me to ground the light. I'll send out more information on this. I can't tell any more right now. I've already written too much. I apologize but at the same time I thank you for reading - if there's anyone left.
Thank you to the ladies who supported this first gathering. The women's march in Washington DC on Saturday did not have much coverage as far as I could see. Negative political statements were made to try to cast aspersions on it, but the women gathered anyway and that's all that matters. Beware of negative speak. A brighter new world is manifesting through women gathering. Stay on the high road and away from saber-rattling. Women will bring everyone together through self-respect, grace and dignity.
There was a goddess-inspired mass meditation last night at midnight, eastern time, which I engaged in alone, by myself, out in the pasture. It was a super moon eclipse and a galactic alignment at the same time. It is said it was of great importance for the whole galaxy. The darkness of an eclipse is like when you blow all the air out of your lungs, emptying out the old and preparing for the new inhale of fresh air. So I watched the shadow of Earth completely cover the face of the moon until it almost disappeared from sight. And then I watched the light return, slowly, bit by bit, and the pasture become slowly lighter around me, revealing two deer not 15 feet away munching grass.
More on the women's movement is International Women's Day comes on March 8th, 2019, as it does every year. There will be events planned. For history, see the website: https://www.internationalwomensday.com.
Another organized activity is being done by the Tree Sisters. The tree sisters are women seeding change. Their moto is "Embracing life through the forest and the feminine." On March 8th, International Women's Day, women across the world are gathering to show their appreciation for the trees that all life depends upon, by singing to them. This is being coordinated by women-led reforestation movements. See: www.treesisters.org.
Also see the worldwide sisterhood network, www.gatherthewomen.org, which connects women through circles, creating safe space to share their true selves, find their voices, reclaim their power and remember their self-worth. They celebrate the new age of peace through personal transformation. As the Dalai Lama has said, "Western women will save the planet."