Goddess Newsletter #4
Women's Empowerment Gatherings
The first one: Monday, January 7, 2019 * 6 to 10 pm
Naples, Florida - $20 pp - donate at the door
Women's Empowerment Gatherings
The first one: Monday, January 7, 2019 * 6 to 10 pm
Naples, Florida - $20 pp - donate at the door
Hello my beautiful female friends! And friends I haven't met yet. Share this, pass it along. Please note the change in my email address. A glitch has prevented me from sending this from Anakosha, so I am sending it out from my personal email. I guess it's time to come out of the closet. I am sponsoring this myself anyway. Much has been happening. There is a speeding up process taking place. An awakening of sorts. Not just in me but among many people. If there is a sense of stuckness, well, welcome to the goddess gathering. It will loosen you up! This is a time of much light coming onto the planet, but there is resistance. People resist because it is in their nature to resist. Light is information coming from higher planes, from the heavens of our being. This light clears away disinformation and wrong conclusions. It comes through the cracks in the veneer. Then, click, click, click, amazing light floods the interior mind.
The Goddess movement is a global movement and it has a very strong momentum. It has been underground, building power to break free. One must follow intuition to discover the secret channels that opens doors. Browsing the internet produces opportunities. Act on new information and it opens doors. I just found one yesterday and tracked it down. At a galactic lightworker convention that was held last month in Brazil, the male leader held a goddess circle. There were 400 people in attendance, too big for one circle so there were two circles. The report said he held a sacred ritual first to the Goddess Isis. Then everyone held hands and became quiet. In the silence that followed someone began toning spontaneously. Then another one. Gentle humming and omming started. Spontaneity is a sign that freedom is moving. Love was unleashed. Bliss began flowing. It lifted them all as a unified field into an entranced state, and tears flowed down cheeks. When the circle broke at the end, they began hugging one another which continued for a long time.
The energy of the Goddess is real. There are many names of goddesses but they are all aspects of the one divine mother. We are ALL aspects of the one divine mother. In our culture the word "goddess" is a fable, a myth, and we have learned to ridicule it or at the least ignore it. But it is not a fable, it is real. It is the sacred energy of love that is everywhere around us, in the air, in our blood, in the earth. It is the loving mother. We swim in sacred goddess energy but we have put blinders on and pretend we don't see it. The leader of this convention paid homage to the divine feminine, the mother, even though he is a male. He goes by the code name Cobra because he has been underground for 30 years due to his galactic mission. Since I follow the galactics I have been aware of him for years, but I didn't know his association with the Goddess Isis. That surprised me. This is an example of the little doors that present themselves. If I had not followed a particular thread, I wouldn't have seen this. At the end of the four-day convention, Cobra asked for volunteers to start goddess circles in their home communities. A hundred people raised their hands. And we already have one scheduled here in Naples. We were ahead of the times back in 2006. He says only three people are needed to have a goddess circle.
Our first one will be held on Monday, January 7, 2018 from 6 to 10 pm in a hotel suite in Naples, Florida. It will be the first, but there will be more. It is possible that other women in Naples are doing this, but I don't know them. It is for women only. It is a way of empowering women without men present to intimidate them. We will have a meditation, and an introduction circle, and discussion, and social time so everyone can mix and mingle as they choose. Also there will be light snacks. The intention and purpose of the gathering is to harvest the feminine energy. A harvest is when you take the ripened vegetable or fruit from its vine at the end of the growing season to reap the benefits of its growth. Women have had a long growing season after centuries of male dominant rule. They have gathered a lot of wisdom. Now it is time to use it. Women have learned the ways of life under male rules, so it will take some time to unfold the true feminine nature that hides within. Same-gender meetings are important at this time to mirror feminine values.
Men are now taking the place of supporters, protectors and helpers, as the women gather to build their confidence, empower and validate each other. Men will like what they see unfold before their eyes. But it will take loving support from the men and I urge all men to understand what this is all about. Women have been put down in ways that men are not aware of, so trust that this is a good thing. Women need to find out for themselves that they are right after all. And that what they feel inside and have opinions about, have always been right, not wrong, as has been drilled into them. Women gather to share their accumulated wisdom. It is a wise women's gathering, and it comes from the heart which is honorable and true.
Have you noticed this uptick in women's gatherings? Have you received any information on it? Let me know and I will share it in newsletters. I'll be writing once a week. Again, the first goddess gathering is on Monday, January 7, 2019, from 6 to 10 pm. If you want to attend, or are simply thinking of attending, please respond directly to me so I can put you on the list. If you have difficulty driving at night, let me know that. We can have volunteers drive those who are hesitant night drivers. I am gathering your names and information. Plan on a $20 donation at the door to help me pay for the suite. The picture below was taken from the internet.
All ages are welcome, young and old. All nationalities and races are welcome, but be aware that English is our language. There are no translators. The suite is on the second floor with close elevator access, so if anyone has a mobility problem it should be easy to get to. I will give the name of the hotel in private emails. If you can see into the future as I do, you see wonderful things ahead. Forget the crazy mainstream news. The old is going down. Ahead is rising up and is amazing. I just received an email from a woman in Bonita who just opened her new healing shop and will be attending. What is ahead is freedom. It is a quality that rises up from within. We are going to liberate the beautiful, extraordinary divine feminine healer and lover from her dark closet. The future holds the freedom to pursue your dreams, whatever they may be, without obstruction getting in the way. And a new sense of togetherness in relationships, for women will heal the fragmented stress of separation. A more beautiful future for everyone requires women to be free to live life as they choose to live it, without arguments, put-downs, abuse and violence. This is the time of new birth and it requires loving support and encouragement.
All sorts of good things will grow out of this, believe it or not. It is my great desire to assist in the beginning stages and watch women of many shapes, sizes, ages and personalities come together with ideas, talents and skills to grow a community ensouled by the divine feminine. A goddess gathering is not a gathering of human interests. It is not to bring everyone under one umbrella and brainwash them into one philosophy. It is about empowering their uniqueness, then sending them on to do something with it in confidence. Diversity is required. There are a myriad different types of women out there and each one is unique. They each have something to offer to the new feminine world that is about to begin. They have each accrued much through their journeys and should be used. Diversity is a blessing to the world. God forbid we were all the same. But the one attribute ALL women have, is the ability to embrace differences. It's the mother in them. They pull things together that have fallen apart. It is their nature.
With women in charge, as my husband has said, put women in charge and they will make it right. The Dalai Lama said the same thing: "Women will save the world."
The Goddess movement is a global movement and it has a very strong momentum. It has been underground, building power to break free. One must follow intuition to discover the secret channels that opens doors. Browsing the internet produces opportunities. Act on new information and it opens doors. I just found one yesterday and tracked it down. At a galactic lightworker convention that was held last month in Brazil, the male leader held a goddess circle. There were 400 people in attendance, too big for one circle so there were two circles. The report said he held a sacred ritual first to the Goddess Isis. Then everyone held hands and became quiet. In the silence that followed someone began toning spontaneously. Then another one. Gentle humming and omming started. Spontaneity is a sign that freedom is moving. Love was unleashed. Bliss began flowing. It lifted them all as a unified field into an entranced state, and tears flowed down cheeks. When the circle broke at the end, they began hugging one another which continued for a long time.
The energy of the Goddess is real. There are many names of goddesses but they are all aspects of the one divine mother. We are ALL aspects of the one divine mother. In our culture the word "goddess" is a fable, a myth, and we have learned to ridicule it or at the least ignore it. But it is not a fable, it is real. It is the sacred energy of love that is everywhere around us, in the air, in our blood, in the earth. It is the loving mother. We swim in sacred goddess energy but we have put blinders on and pretend we don't see it. The leader of this convention paid homage to the divine feminine, the mother, even though he is a male. He goes by the code name Cobra because he has been underground for 30 years due to his galactic mission. Since I follow the galactics I have been aware of him for years, but I didn't know his association with the Goddess Isis. That surprised me. This is an example of the little doors that present themselves. If I had not followed a particular thread, I wouldn't have seen this. At the end of the four-day convention, Cobra asked for volunteers to start goddess circles in their home communities. A hundred people raised their hands. And we already have one scheduled here in Naples. We were ahead of the times back in 2006. He says only three people are needed to have a goddess circle.
Our first one will be held on Monday, January 7, 2018 from 6 to 10 pm in a hotel suite in Naples, Florida. It will be the first, but there will be more. It is possible that other women in Naples are doing this, but I don't know them. It is for women only. It is a way of empowering women without men present to intimidate them. We will have a meditation, and an introduction circle, and discussion, and social time so everyone can mix and mingle as they choose. Also there will be light snacks. The intention and purpose of the gathering is to harvest the feminine energy. A harvest is when you take the ripened vegetable or fruit from its vine at the end of the growing season to reap the benefits of its growth. Women have had a long growing season after centuries of male dominant rule. They have gathered a lot of wisdom. Now it is time to use it. Women have learned the ways of life under male rules, so it will take some time to unfold the true feminine nature that hides within. Same-gender meetings are important at this time to mirror feminine values.
Men are now taking the place of supporters, protectors and helpers, as the women gather to build their confidence, empower and validate each other. Men will like what they see unfold before their eyes. But it will take loving support from the men and I urge all men to understand what this is all about. Women have been put down in ways that men are not aware of, so trust that this is a good thing. Women need to find out for themselves that they are right after all. And that what they feel inside and have opinions about, have always been right, not wrong, as has been drilled into them. Women gather to share their accumulated wisdom. It is a wise women's gathering, and it comes from the heart which is honorable and true.
Have you noticed this uptick in women's gatherings? Have you received any information on it? Let me know and I will share it in newsletters. I'll be writing once a week. Again, the first goddess gathering is on Monday, January 7, 2019, from 6 to 10 pm. If you want to attend, or are simply thinking of attending, please respond directly to me so I can put you on the list. If you have difficulty driving at night, let me know that. We can have volunteers drive those who are hesitant night drivers. I am gathering your names and information. Plan on a $20 donation at the door to help me pay for the suite. The picture below was taken from the internet.
All ages are welcome, young and old. All nationalities and races are welcome, but be aware that English is our language. There are no translators. The suite is on the second floor with close elevator access, so if anyone has a mobility problem it should be easy to get to. I will give the name of the hotel in private emails. If you can see into the future as I do, you see wonderful things ahead. Forget the crazy mainstream news. The old is going down. Ahead is rising up and is amazing. I just received an email from a woman in Bonita who just opened her new healing shop and will be attending. What is ahead is freedom. It is a quality that rises up from within. We are going to liberate the beautiful, extraordinary divine feminine healer and lover from her dark closet. The future holds the freedom to pursue your dreams, whatever they may be, without obstruction getting in the way. And a new sense of togetherness in relationships, for women will heal the fragmented stress of separation. A more beautiful future for everyone requires women to be free to live life as they choose to live it, without arguments, put-downs, abuse and violence. This is the time of new birth and it requires loving support and encouragement.
All sorts of good things will grow out of this, believe it or not. It is my great desire to assist in the beginning stages and watch women of many shapes, sizes, ages and personalities come together with ideas, talents and skills to grow a community ensouled by the divine feminine. A goddess gathering is not a gathering of human interests. It is not to bring everyone under one umbrella and brainwash them into one philosophy. It is about empowering their uniqueness, then sending them on to do something with it in confidence. Diversity is required. There are a myriad different types of women out there and each one is unique. They each have something to offer to the new feminine world that is about to begin. They have each accrued much through their journeys and should be used. Diversity is a blessing to the world. God forbid we were all the same. But the one attribute ALL women have, is the ability to embrace differences. It's the mother in them. They pull things together that have fallen apart. It is their nature.
With women in charge, as my husband has said, put women in charge and they will make it right. The Dalai Lama said the same thing: "Women will save the world."