Goddess Newsletter #3
Women's Empowerment Gatherings
The first one: Monday, January 7, 2019 * 6 to 10 pm
Naples, Florida - $20 pp - donate at the door
Click HERE to respond to this message or to sign up.
Women's Empowerment Gatherings
The first one: Monday, January 7, 2019 * 6 to 10 pm
Naples, Florida - $20 pp - donate at the door
Click HERE to respond to this message or to sign up.
Monday I visited with Elle for the first time in several years. We had gone our own separate ways - we used to massage together. Hurricane Irma had come and gone. The reason for the visit this week was the upcoming goddess gatherings. We needed to get together in person and we happily found nothing had changed between us. The passion was still there for wishing and wanting to gather together with other women and share feminine spiritual values. It had always been a far-off plan. Now Tamsen will arrive in January and the three of us will be together again. The fires have been ignited. I am writing once a week now to spread the word that we are expanding. We are eager to welcome other women into the sacred circle of goddess energy. If anyone (women only please) feels the tug to join us after reading this message, please let me know by hitting the link at the top. I am planning to send a newsletter out every week.
On Monday, Elle graciously answered the door to her familiar home and led me through house onto the back lanai in the sunshine. The pool was empty, because it's being repaired. We sat down and began catching up. Not about our mundane lives, but about the broader spiritual things. That is the reason for painting a picture of the homey and familiar. It's a feminine thing, unlike men who seem (to me) to need a reason and purpose for having a meeting. The goddess gatherings are feminine in the sense we wait until we are in each other's presence and FEEL each other. There is a sense of no agenda. We are feeling for the connection. Where do we start? There is a sense of "no time" here. There is freedom in the air. We can relax and so we do, and then we start to bubble. This is the wave length of the feminine. The goddess. It is not masculine. Masculine holds us back. This is free-flow feminine. We spent four and half hours Monday on her screened-in patio. Her orchids were blooming, the sun was shining the lush green landscape with its pond were still and quiet. Here and there a bird called. I took a picture of her (below) holding the Tao de Ching, which she had just brought out to share with me something wise that related to what we were talking about.
Elle's philosophy is, "Love is my religion, nature is my church. And, she added, "My mantra is 'Infinite love and gratitude'". During our conversation, she offered to hold the goddess gatherings at her home. That is, if her pool is repaired by then. Well, it is a possibility, but we'll keep that on hold for the moment. I have already reserved the hotel suite. While her house would be more warm and cozy that a hotel, there is the matter of location. She and her partner live out in the country.
I want to discuss the feeling of the divine feminine, what we call the goddess. It vibrates on a different frequency than the divine masculine and certainly different from the human masculine! The divine feminine has been "stuck" and buried underneath centuries of masculine order, control and domination. This is now the era, the time, when Goddess energy needs to move. It is yawning, stretching, pressing outward, daring to come forth with her truth. The movement that women are feeling comes from stifled thought, opinion and emotion. Who am I? they are saying. I don't really know. That's what the goddess gatherings are all about. It tends to come out in angry bursts, so the women's movement is happening to give birth in a finer, gentler way to the stifled feelings inside. The movement of women together with women is warmth, heart, kindness and caring. In this protective atmosphere we can vent without hurting someone. Let warmth and love cushion the outbursts. It requires a safe place, a place of birthing with loving assistants. Mothers, sisters, aunts, friends. A sacred space, a protected space, where women can speak, listen, receive, respond, allow for the movement to come out and be heard. Shake it loose. Our male partners don't understand what we are talking about so, in deference to the men, women everywhere keep the divine feminine knowledge carefully tucked away, inside.
But have you ever wanted to say something out loud so much but you couldn't because your ;male partner wouldn't understand? It could have been wonderful, exciting, wildly ecstatic, or it could have been a truth too powerful to say because it would have opened up a can of worms. So you kept it locked up inside. It might be a vision of something extraordinary that he would have thought you crazy if you actually DID say it out loud. Women have that in them. They are closer to source than men are, who are focused on the external world of physical form. At a goddess gathering there is a guided meditation to set the intention to cross over into dreamtime. A secret code that women can enter when men are not around to hold them back. I am sure there are some women who don't know what I'm talking about, and that's OK. It's safe circle to explore and feel it out. There is an inner woman that the outer woman is in the process of learning about. It's safe here to speak frankly, and it is a delight to be able to say these things openly, things we don't even have words for and so we struggle. And then the creativity begins to flow. Ideas are born. Intelligence and knowledge seeps out sprinkled among words. Oh, how often this has happened to me! How to put things together to make it work is not pre-planned by the mind. It comes from the Goddess which is the mother of all creation. In a sacred feminine circle, the bond of connection is easy.
It is the freedom to speak not only what you think and feel, but KNOW. You know things that you didn't know you know. And when there right there at the tip of your tongue you want to say them. You don't want to have to pass the moment and push them back down. Women do that often so as not to disturb the status quo. We don't know what we want to say, but instinct is drawing us out. I speak in tongues sometimes, and sing-song prayers when I am in meditation and I am flowing, but I would not do it in the presence of other people. I keep my lid firmly on. I don't expect speaking in tongues in the women's circle but who knows? the Goddess is behind us. She has our backs and she is blowing us forward with her breath to come out and be seen. Go with the flow. You can't go with the flow when you have to keep the lid on. Often very wise words come out of our mouth that we didn't know we had in us. New words to our ears and tongue until we spoke them. The fun and freedom of being in a women's gathering who have similar intentions is a lovely garden for feminine empowerment. We can listen and receive and respond to even the most outlandish things. Or the most painful. Or the most awesome or the most deadly serious. A goddess gathering is all of these things because it is inner guided, it does not follow a rule book. It's a celebration. It's a party. There will be introductions after the guided meditation, so we each have a chance to know the others and feel where the links might be. You can bet there will be a specific message in there for you and you won't know who it will come from.
Feminine gatherings are gatherings of personal, warm and close only because that's what girlfriends are like. We have brains and we have intelligence and we have wisdom and serenity - and we have abilities that we don't even know about because they've never been expressed. The patriarchal mind set into which we were born has been here for thousands of years, and our men enforce it because that's their job. So we gather the women gently and softly, treading carefully because we love our men and don't want to rock the boat by casting negatives, but we DO want some time alone with our sisters. There is an energy clamoring to be free. It's not a male energy. It's not serious, it's free and joyful. The two pictures below were taken in my meditation room 7 or 8 years ago when four of us held a goddess night. I'm holding the camera.
A women's gathering is not like a men's gathering. There is no agenda. No sense of purpose. No expectation to learn something. No leader. No hierarchy. No one better than another. No one higher or lower. It is a circle. All are equal. It is warm, touchable, personal, sisterly, feminine. Feminine energy is a comfort to be around, and liberating. It is cool. It is the way it should be. It is an invitation to relax without needing to meet someone's standard or expectation or ideal. It's a let-your-hair down atmosphere. And the leader does not lead, at least I don't, she draws out the others to get them flowing. The Goddess in each person there is dying to flow. But if a woman is hesitant, that's OK. She is under no obligation.
It must be said, for it was pointed out to me, that all women are different. Yes, there is as much diversity among women as there is among men. Differences in age, occupation, hobbies, personalities, coming from different countries, financial, economic, wealth, poverty, education, religious/spiritual, politics and more. And yet there is an underlying divinity or oneness that connects them. They are connected internally, more so than men. Their bodies are built to be the inner channel to the divine mother. How else could they grow a child in their womb? The gender is biologically different. This fact has been hidden by man-made religions. It is this connection that has been lost and is now awakening. It is to that feeling that I write, not to the outer personality. The outer persona is important - is precious, in fact - for it is the individual who is evolving through her experiences and integrating every experience into her immortal soul which never dies. Initiations are baptisms by fire. We've lost the consciousness thread. We forgot. It's been dropped somewhere along the way. The Goddess Mother of all is bringing our attention back to it in all women across the planet. Men too. It is important to pick up that thread again and remember it and act on it because we are all integrated parts in a whole.
As we reconnect with each other, the women, that is, for we have been separated by the masculine, we will find ourselves back in wholeness again. We will feel safe. We are at peace when we are connected to the inner source which is the woman's goddess nature. Through the inner nature we are connected to our own divine plan, our own reason for being here. Memory of it provides us with an inner knowledge, an inner sureness and an inner sense that we had when we were a child. Life was fun and spontaneous as a child. The goddess is like that. She is not the old-time religion male god who was described (wrongfully) as stern and thunderous and fearful.
The purpose of gathering the women is to free the forces of nature locked up inside. I am an elder and will not be here forever, but the women are gathering for a better, fairer, gentler world. They are the isolated ones who are coming out of the closets, in small numbers now, but more will join. These are the ones who are going to save the world. They will plant the seeds of caring into the garden of the world and bring it back to wholeness once more. It will grow and spread into a non-judgment-based world, with honesty, transparency and fairness. The competition and fighting will end. It will be not a government by competition, which separates people, but intelligent government ruled by the heart. Women are the leaders of the coming age. They are natural lovers and natural healers. Love is healing and healing is love in action. Love MUST be free. Men have turned this natural love that women embody into a sexual thing and dominated it, controlled it, placed expectations around it, and stopped the flow. These natural healing abilities, which are natural loving abilities, have been stuck behind walls and prevented from flowing. This has caused women to freeze up and become defensive. The outer pushing for sex keeps them that way. This inner love needs to be liberated. If it takes gathering away from the men for awhile to accomplish that, then so be it. Gather the feminine. It has been isolated too long. Below, a picture of me in 2009 at a fire circle.
I have met SO many women who wanted to put their hands on people out of an instinct to soothe, to hug, to comfort, but they couldn't do it because their touch is so often taken wrongly. It is interpreted as sexual. This is coming from male patriarchy and it continues to this day. It is the excessive hunger for sex which runs through every nook and cranny of our modern culture. As women come into their own personal power they will have the ability to be the dominant force and turn the tide to their own advantage. Men think women want orgasms. No. They want love. It's been missing. They will begin healing the broken world first, and THEN, let the women show you how to make love.
Women come into their personal power by being validated by the divine feminine - their sisters, mothers, daughters, friends. It is the master plan that women gather and reflect on what is feminine? It has been lost in the maze of a masculine world. Analysis and intellectual debating about it belong to a man's world. Living from spirit is feminine, and it is ignited when in the presence of other women. It is a flowing. That doesn't mean women are not intelligent. It doesn't mean we don't plan. It doesn't mean we don't have a logical side and a practical side and a strong, courageous side. What it means is that we have a spiritual side that has been denied, dismissed and ridiculed. Tuning into the divine feminine within doesn't mean we lose touch with our outer world practical side. That would be unbalanced. It means our practical side becomes more powerful. When we impregnate our outer personality with the wise and loving Goddess mother which is greater than our outer personality, we can do far more. Abundance for everyone is coming when the world rights itself with fairness and equality. Poverty is a selfish game of "winner take all". It doesn't have to be. And women can right the world nicely, because the Goddess is love and serenity. She is gentle and graceful while underneath she has the strength of steel and can be ferocious. This is a power the world has not known yet and the women are only in the beginning stages of understanding.
So, I'm writing for a purpose. I want to hear from the women. I am calling out. I want to know you. I want to know who you really are. Why? Because you have a piece that is missing and the world needs it. The divine plan is unfolding like new green sprouts in the war-torn rubble. Your piece is needed. The world needs that which is in you that has not been liberated yet. Scary? Yes, but it's fun when you're with your sisters. They all feel the same way. Each one of you is unique. You have been beaten down by the male hand, but there is a hidden goddess in there and she is unique because she has your background knowledge and wisdom. You're not like anyone else. There is a very great mystery to who the Goddess REALLY is. I could tell you more, but not now. We have to gear up to it. The outer personality has been through the ravishes of time and kept confused. Religion was a man-made control program to keep us away from our inner truth. The turn-around will come from women. Goddess love is from source. It is eternal. It does not die. It is patient. It waits. It is what we are made of. Love doesn't go away. It just gets hidden and denied. Love is the Goddess. It is the glue that gives us life and holds the world together. Man-made religions said God was "out there" but he isn't. He is the divinity inside the body and He is known as She when inside the body. She flows through the meridians as the river of life. She is in the big toe and top of the head and the crook of the elbow equally, flowing bliss and love everywhere. But the patriarchy has hidden it. Corrupted it. The women will turn it around as they own their own heart and conscience. Then, what men want so much from women will be available to them in the most beautiful of ways - as love, not sex as he thinks of it today.
The goddess gatherings are not a sewing circle. They are power gatherings. I know the power in women. I've seen it up close and observed it over 30, 40 years in action. When they are in their power they are liberated and having the most joyful good time and the men are happy. But when they are put down, they close up like the flower at night and the men are not happy. Feel free to pass this message on. Do you have some suggestions for me? Write them and send them. This comes from Anakosha, my personal platform, but soon there will be a website strictly for the goddess movement. So share your ideas. Introduce your concepts. Be creative. Add to this movement. This is a gathering of many, not a one-woman show.
Thank you for reading. Watch for another newsletter next week.
On Monday, Elle graciously answered the door to her familiar home and led me through house onto the back lanai in the sunshine. The pool was empty, because it's being repaired. We sat down and began catching up. Not about our mundane lives, but about the broader spiritual things. That is the reason for painting a picture of the homey and familiar. It's a feminine thing, unlike men who seem (to me) to need a reason and purpose for having a meeting. The goddess gatherings are feminine in the sense we wait until we are in each other's presence and FEEL each other. There is a sense of no agenda. We are feeling for the connection. Where do we start? There is a sense of "no time" here. There is freedom in the air. We can relax and so we do, and then we start to bubble. This is the wave length of the feminine. The goddess. It is not masculine. Masculine holds us back. This is free-flow feminine. We spent four and half hours Monday on her screened-in patio. Her orchids were blooming, the sun was shining the lush green landscape with its pond were still and quiet. Here and there a bird called. I took a picture of her (below) holding the Tao de Ching, which she had just brought out to share with me something wise that related to what we were talking about.
Elle's philosophy is, "Love is my religion, nature is my church. And, she added, "My mantra is 'Infinite love and gratitude'". During our conversation, she offered to hold the goddess gatherings at her home. That is, if her pool is repaired by then. Well, it is a possibility, but we'll keep that on hold for the moment. I have already reserved the hotel suite. While her house would be more warm and cozy that a hotel, there is the matter of location. She and her partner live out in the country.
I want to discuss the feeling of the divine feminine, what we call the goddess. It vibrates on a different frequency than the divine masculine and certainly different from the human masculine! The divine feminine has been "stuck" and buried underneath centuries of masculine order, control and domination. This is now the era, the time, when Goddess energy needs to move. It is yawning, stretching, pressing outward, daring to come forth with her truth. The movement that women are feeling comes from stifled thought, opinion and emotion. Who am I? they are saying. I don't really know. That's what the goddess gatherings are all about. It tends to come out in angry bursts, so the women's movement is happening to give birth in a finer, gentler way to the stifled feelings inside. The movement of women together with women is warmth, heart, kindness and caring. In this protective atmosphere we can vent without hurting someone. Let warmth and love cushion the outbursts. It requires a safe place, a place of birthing with loving assistants. Mothers, sisters, aunts, friends. A sacred space, a protected space, where women can speak, listen, receive, respond, allow for the movement to come out and be heard. Shake it loose. Our male partners don't understand what we are talking about so, in deference to the men, women everywhere keep the divine feminine knowledge carefully tucked away, inside.
But have you ever wanted to say something out loud so much but you couldn't because your ;male partner wouldn't understand? It could have been wonderful, exciting, wildly ecstatic, or it could have been a truth too powerful to say because it would have opened up a can of worms. So you kept it locked up inside. It might be a vision of something extraordinary that he would have thought you crazy if you actually DID say it out loud. Women have that in them. They are closer to source than men are, who are focused on the external world of physical form. At a goddess gathering there is a guided meditation to set the intention to cross over into dreamtime. A secret code that women can enter when men are not around to hold them back. I am sure there are some women who don't know what I'm talking about, and that's OK. It's safe circle to explore and feel it out. There is an inner woman that the outer woman is in the process of learning about. It's safe here to speak frankly, and it is a delight to be able to say these things openly, things we don't even have words for and so we struggle. And then the creativity begins to flow. Ideas are born. Intelligence and knowledge seeps out sprinkled among words. Oh, how often this has happened to me! How to put things together to make it work is not pre-planned by the mind. It comes from the Goddess which is the mother of all creation. In a sacred feminine circle, the bond of connection is easy.
It is the freedom to speak not only what you think and feel, but KNOW. You know things that you didn't know you know. And when there right there at the tip of your tongue you want to say them. You don't want to have to pass the moment and push them back down. Women do that often so as not to disturb the status quo. We don't know what we want to say, but instinct is drawing us out. I speak in tongues sometimes, and sing-song prayers when I am in meditation and I am flowing, but I would not do it in the presence of other people. I keep my lid firmly on. I don't expect speaking in tongues in the women's circle but who knows? the Goddess is behind us. She has our backs and she is blowing us forward with her breath to come out and be seen. Go with the flow. You can't go with the flow when you have to keep the lid on. Often very wise words come out of our mouth that we didn't know we had in us. New words to our ears and tongue until we spoke them. The fun and freedom of being in a women's gathering who have similar intentions is a lovely garden for feminine empowerment. We can listen and receive and respond to even the most outlandish things. Or the most painful. Or the most awesome or the most deadly serious. A goddess gathering is all of these things because it is inner guided, it does not follow a rule book. It's a celebration. It's a party. There will be introductions after the guided meditation, so we each have a chance to know the others and feel where the links might be. You can bet there will be a specific message in there for you and you won't know who it will come from.
Feminine gatherings are gatherings of personal, warm and close only because that's what girlfriends are like. We have brains and we have intelligence and we have wisdom and serenity - and we have abilities that we don't even know about because they've never been expressed. The patriarchal mind set into which we were born has been here for thousands of years, and our men enforce it because that's their job. So we gather the women gently and softly, treading carefully because we love our men and don't want to rock the boat by casting negatives, but we DO want some time alone with our sisters. There is an energy clamoring to be free. It's not a male energy. It's not serious, it's free and joyful. The two pictures below were taken in my meditation room 7 or 8 years ago when four of us held a goddess night. I'm holding the camera.
A women's gathering is not like a men's gathering. There is no agenda. No sense of purpose. No expectation to learn something. No leader. No hierarchy. No one better than another. No one higher or lower. It is a circle. All are equal. It is warm, touchable, personal, sisterly, feminine. Feminine energy is a comfort to be around, and liberating. It is cool. It is the way it should be. It is an invitation to relax without needing to meet someone's standard or expectation or ideal. It's a let-your-hair down atmosphere. And the leader does not lead, at least I don't, she draws out the others to get them flowing. The Goddess in each person there is dying to flow. But if a woman is hesitant, that's OK. She is under no obligation.
It must be said, for it was pointed out to me, that all women are different. Yes, there is as much diversity among women as there is among men. Differences in age, occupation, hobbies, personalities, coming from different countries, financial, economic, wealth, poverty, education, religious/spiritual, politics and more. And yet there is an underlying divinity or oneness that connects them. They are connected internally, more so than men. Their bodies are built to be the inner channel to the divine mother. How else could they grow a child in their womb? The gender is biologically different. This fact has been hidden by man-made religions. It is this connection that has been lost and is now awakening. It is to that feeling that I write, not to the outer personality. The outer persona is important - is precious, in fact - for it is the individual who is evolving through her experiences and integrating every experience into her immortal soul which never dies. Initiations are baptisms by fire. We've lost the consciousness thread. We forgot. It's been dropped somewhere along the way. The Goddess Mother of all is bringing our attention back to it in all women across the planet. Men too. It is important to pick up that thread again and remember it and act on it because we are all integrated parts in a whole.
As we reconnect with each other, the women, that is, for we have been separated by the masculine, we will find ourselves back in wholeness again. We will feel safe. We are at peace when we are connected to the inner source which is the woman's goddess nature. Through the inner nature we are connected to our own divine plan, our own reason for being here. Memory of it provides us with an inner knowledge, an inner sureness and an inner sense that we had when we were a child. Life was fun and spontaneous as a child. The goddess is like that. She is not the old-time religion male god who was described (wrongfully) as stern and thunderous and fearful.
The purpose of gathering the women is to free the forces of nature locked up inside. I am an elder and will not be here forever, but the women are gathering for a better, fairer, gentler world. They are the isolated ones who are coming out of the closets, in small numbers now, but more will join. These are the ones who are going to save the world. They will plant the seeds of caring into the garden of the world and bring it back to wholeness once more. It will grow and spread into a non-judgment-based world, with honesty, transparency and fairness. The competition and fighting will end. It will be not a government by competition, which separates people, but intelligent government ruled by the heart. Women are the leaders of the coming age. They are natural lovers and natural healers. Love is healing and healing is love in action. Love MUST be free. Men have turned this natural love that women embody into a sexual thing and dominated it, controlled it, placed expectations around it, and stopped the flow. These natural healing abilities, which are natural loving abilities, have been stuck behind walls and prevented from flowing. This has caused women to freeze up and become defensive. The outer pushing for sex keeps them that way. This inner love needs to be liberated. If it takes gathering away from the men for awhile to accomplish that, then so be it. Gather the feminine. It has been isolated too long. Below, a picture of me in 2009 at a fire circle.
I have met SO many women who wanted to put their hands on people out of an instinct to soothe, to hug, to comfort, but they couldn't do it because their touch is so often taken wrongly. It is interpreted as sexual. This is coming from male patriarchy and it continues to this day. It is the excessive hunger for sex which runs through every nook and cranny of our modern culture. As women come into their own personal power they will have the ability to be the dominant force and turn the tide to their own advantage. Men think women want orgasms. No. They want love. It's been missing. They will begin healing the broken world first, and THEN, let the women show you how to make love.
Women come into their personal power by being validated by the divine feminine - their sisters, mothers, daughters, friends. It is the master plan that women gather and reflect on what is feminine? It has been lost in the maze of a masculine world. Analysis and intellectual debating about it belong to a man's world. Living from spirit is feminine, and it is ignited when in the presence of other women. It is a flowing. That doesn't mean women are not intelligent. It doesn't mean we don't plan. It doesn't mean we don't have a logical side and a practical side and a strong, courageous side. What it means is that we have a spiritual side that has been denied, dismissed and ridiculed. Tuning into the divine feminine within doesn't mean we lose touch with our outer world practical side. That would be unbalanced. It means our practical side becomes more powerful. When we impregnate our outer personality with the wise and loving Goddess mother which is greater than our outer personality, we can do far more. Abundance for everyone is coming when the world rights itself with fairness and equality. Poverty is a selfish game of "winner take all". It doesn't have to be. And women can right the world nicely, because the Goddess is love and serenity. She is gentle and graceful while underneath she has the strength of steel and can be ferocious. This is a power the world has not known yet and the women are only in the beginning stages of understanding.
So, I'm writing for a purpose. I want to hear from the women. I am calling out. I want to know you. I want to know who you really are. Why? Because you have a piece that is missing and the world needs it. The divine plan is unfolding like new green sprouts in the war-torn rubble. Your piece is needed. The world needs that which is in you that has not been liberated yet. Scary? Yes, but it's fun when you're with your sisters. They all feel the same way. Each one of you is unique. You have been beaten down by the male hand, but there is a hidden goddess in there and she is unique because she has your background knowledge and wisdom. You're not like anyone else. There is a very great mystery to who the Goddess REALLY is. I could tell you more, but not now. We have to gear up to it. The outer personality has been through the ravishes of time and kept confused. Religion was a man-made control program to keep us away from our inner truth. The turn-around will come from women. Goddess love is from source. It is eternal. It does not die. It is patient. It waits. It is what we are made of. Love doesn't go away. It just gets hidden and denied. Love is the Goddess. It is the glue that gives us life and holds the world together. Man-made religions said God was "out there" but he isn't. He is the divinity inside the body and He is known as She when inside the body. She flows through the meridians as the river of life. She is in the big toe and top of the head and the crook of the elbow equally, flowing bliss and love everywhere. But the patriarchy has hidden it. Corrupted it. The women will turn it around as they own their own heart and conscience. Then, what men want so much from women will be available to them in the most beautiful of ways - as love, not sex as he thinks of it today.
The goddess gatherings are not a sewing circle. They are power gatherings. I know the power in women. I've seen it up close and observed it over 30, 40 years in action. When they are in their power they are liberated and having the most joyful good time and the men are happy. But when they are put down, they close up like the flower at night and the men are not happy. Feel free to pass this message on. Do you have some suggestions for me? Write them and send them. This comes from Anakosha, my personal platform, but soon there will be a website strictly for the goddess movement. So share your ideas. Introduce your concepts. Be creative. Add to this movement. This is a gathering of many, not a one-woman show.
Thank you for reading. Watch for another newsletter next week.