Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
Goddess Blog

5/7/22 - Trisha Marinari to speak at Anakosha May 16
The Sacred Feminine - An invitation to women only
Monday, May 16, 2022 - From 2 to 6 pm
Reservations required, informal, no cost, private home, Naples, FL
Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy work together? Trisha will speak on this in ways you won't normally hear on a public platform, but this is not public. This is a private, select invitation. I am Diana of Anakosha and I have been waiting for just the right opportunity to gather the women. Trisha has trained for many years with un-named mentors behind the scenes, while at the same time serving as a pastor's wife and co-pastor in their successful Pentacostal church in NJ. She is now ready to step up to her calling as an intimacy coach. She lives here in Naples with her husband. It is not possible to summarize the sacred feminine in a few brief words. She is ready to launch her new counseling business as a one-on-one intimacy coach. It is through personal connection that she transmits her sacred knowledge. I am very happy to co-host with her this day - the May full moon day which is also a lunar eclipse - because it fits into my own desire to gather women of the light.
Here is Trisha speaking on her new youtube channel -\ - She was speaking with me here, I'm off-camera. Loving thank you's to her husband, Ron Marinari, for the excellent production, set-up, and editing.
Trisha and I met several years ago. We knew we had a connection from the first meeting. Our spiritual missions were apparently merging even then. Now we are launching a new phase, each as unique individuals, that could be summed up in the phrase "the sacred feminine". Since the world has been in masculine mode of crunching things down to the bottom line, I have been relatively quiet by taking the passive feminine role most of my life. The insights that Trisha (and I) are about to reveal, each in our own way, are subtle and below the radar of expectation that most people hold. There is no competition in the sacred feminine, and no loud voices. Those who will hear will hear. Spirit talks in subtle impressions on a soul level, heart to heart. It is wiser than the bain-mind.
If you feel the call to join this gathering at my house on Monday, May 16, kindly respond to me via the contact page. Some of you already know me. If you don't, I am a friendly, open-hearted person who loves to entertain. I tried sending pictures of myself and my own bio, but the system wouldn't deliver it, so I took it out in an attempt to sterilize it. You'll just have to attend to get to know my secret life! There will be an introduction circle and - please - a hugging circle. It is very important to share a personal hug in my house. Also please plan to introduce a little bit of background about yourself. Many of you know me already, so it will be easy and fun. Even though I normally make a big deal about food, I'm not planning any food this time. No food will be served in order to keep a high vibration. (Well, maybe a bowl of munchies.) But water of course. Always water! Trisha's story too will have to wait until May 16. Please consider attending and letting us get to know you.
With that said, I re-state the invitation to join us on Monday, May 16 at 2 pm at my house in North Naples. From 2 to 6 pm. Trisha and I will be here on the screen room preparing to meet with you and a few other women to share these divine threads of the feminine. There is sexual magic here which cannot be spoken too coarsely or loudly, but it is intrinsic to a higher quality of life. The divine mother will be overlighting us. She is a force to be reckoned with. We invite you to join us. Write to me and ask questions if you want to know more, such as the practicalities. If you are ready to attend, reply to my email above and I will send more specific directions to our house. It is in the pasturelands of North Naples. Prepare to give a brief summary of your life during the introduction circle. I will send more notices in a few days. That is, if the system doesn't delete it. I'm unsure why it is not going out. I will keep this e-list informed but it is going only to women. (From a newsletter sent.)
Love and hugs to you all! 🧡
Diana of Anakosha
5/5/22 - Women of the Heart Gathering, May 16 Full Moon
An invitation to join the sacred feminine - Love, spirit, intimacy and relationships
Monday, May 16, 2022 - 2 to 6 pm
An Informal Discussion on the Sacred Feminine
Reservations required - No cost, no food
Introduction circle - prepare to introduce yourself and your interests.
Location: Anakosha, a private home, Naples, Florida
You are invited to join me and Trisha Marinari on the May full moon - Monday, May 16. The energies will be magnified on that day, a perfect energy in which to meet for the first time. This is an invitation to women in the Naples and surrounding area. Reservations are required so I can plan ahead and arrange the furniture on the screen room. The space will be small, so I'll need to keep track of who is expected. We live in pasture land and the view out back is natural and wild. This will be informal please, casual friends meeting NEW casual friends. This invitation is going only to women on my newsletter list, but you may share it with a friend. There will be more meetings in the future. This is the first one. I'm being casual about this for a reason, actually understating the power that I feel this will generate. It is being done to bring together the women of heart, of soul, of spirit, who have been longing for women's gathering. Women who like to give, help, serve and heal. If you feel the tug please join us. Many, many women have gifts to offer the world but have been unable to get them off the ground. I know. I have felt it for a long time. I have been guided to bring about this gathering. Please contact me if you are interested so I know who you are. This is a broad mailing.
The stimulus for this gathering came about after Trisha and I met for her first video shoot last week. Her husband Ron filmed her as she answered my questions about her new intimacy counseling business. Ron & Trisha were co-pastors for 30 years of a Pentacostal church in NJ before moving to Naples. They have background. Ron posted a short one- minute blurb on Tik Tok of Trisha talking, but I'm sorry, I don't have a link to it. For over three hours we talked, one-on-one, and I was amazed at the depth of knowledge that came up. We were literally on fire bouncing revelations back and forth. Secrets of the sacred feminine were revealed from depths not normally addressed. We have known each other for several years but we never communicated like this before! The spirit was moving strong in us and it lit my imagination. I've been wanting to call the women together for years but have been unsuccessful. For a reason - I couldn't bring myself to shut off the men! But, as Trisha and I spoke together, it was obvious this is a sacred subject for women only. When the time comes for men to share the sacred masculine, the leaders will come forth.
The sacred feminine coves a huge territory. This is only the beginning of the unfolding. Please contact me if this rings a bell for you. We have less than two weeks to gather reservations. I will send directions to our house upon notification of interest. No food is planned. It is strictly for discussion. It is a two-fold timing. First, it is a coming out for Trisha and her new one-on-one counseling business. And it is perfect timing to gather the women into groups for the divine feminine mysteries. This is a vast subject and Trisha is well prepared to share some of her training with us. I'll send a biography of her in a few more days. We will begin to gather, get to know each other, share our knowledge and begin the unfolding that lies waiting to be revealed within each of us. Uniting our efforts will bring changes. I'm a hostess. I like to entertain. That's my primary role. I'm here for this purpose, to help gather the women of the heart, of the light. We will all evolve when we act together and share the fruits of our accumulated wisdom. Blessings to you. Please note, my phone is not working so I can't receive texts but I have a laptop and can receive emails. (a newsletter sent today to women only)
3/31/22 - Apologies
It has been 4 months since I last posted on the Goddess page. I've been busy on inner levels with my own transformation and haven't been able to keep up with all the news. But here I am, back again. I couldn't NOT post this one from Mary Magdalene (below). She so underscores and corroborates my own deeply personal mission. See below.
3/31/22 - Mary Magdalene - What it means to be human
Channeled through Pamela Kribbe
Dear men and women,
Welcome to this circle. I am Mary Magdalene. I was once on Earth as a woman who lived and loved, and sometimes despaired and struggled with the very human emotions that you all know so well within yourselves. I am here today to argue the case for what it means to be human.
Many of you are tired of being human. There is a lot of struggle in your hearts, pain and fear from the past, and sometimes weariness, as well as a turning away from true openness, because of what being human on Earth might bring to you. All this is quite understandable, because by coming to Earth, you meet a resistance within that is dictated by memories of past lives and stirred by a nostalgia for Home, a home that you have known in the realms of harmony and light.
You all carry those memories inside yourself, and when you come to Earth as a descending soul, your mood can sometimes become very depressed. Connect with the part of yourself that is struggling here on Earth, and accept that it experiences fear about being here. Your consciousness is not of the Earth; your consciousness is infinite, cosmic, and feels at home in the entire universe. It is here on a visit and only lives temporarily in an earthly body.
Acknowledge and receive the part of yourself that is scared to be here, fearful of really taking part in life, and afraid to be open to everything that can be experienced here on Earth. Allow that pain to be there: the doubt, the loneliness, the boredom, the despair. I ask you to open to that wound, because a hurt can be healed only when loving attention flows toward it. Many of you want to take on the adornments of the spiritual path. But when you reach up high for the light, before you know it, you have left behind the earthly.
What you are really encouraged to do, here and now, is to look at the darkness within yourself and to send light to that darkness, which is something that can evoke resistance in you. However, to descend into your own darkness, loneliness, feeling of separateness, is what can give you the most fulfillment. When you do this, you discover who you really are, a carrier of light, someone who can illuminate the darkness.
Now, imagine that the old pain which lives in your souls is gathered within the center of this circle of people. That pain is expressed in so many ways; it can manifest as agitation, anxiety, sadness, uncertainty, a sense of disconnect. I ask you to envision, as you all stand in a circle around this old pain, that there is a lighted torch in the hands of each one of you that is extended toward the center of the circle, so this pain can be fully illuminated and seen, and no longer has to hide in the dark.
Allow your light to shine. You are not that pain; you are the one who can relieve the pain and transform it, and that is your true task and mission here on Earth. When you cast your light onto your own darkness in this way, the light also shines toward others and encourages them to do the same. You are then a lightworker; it starts with you. The most profound invitation is there for you to fully accept and embrace your most vulnerable parts, and this is what we have done this week.
When you look at the deepest wounds in a person, you will see that they are the same in virtually everyone, man or woman, and come from their need to be known and loved, or come from a feeling of being deprived of love and understanding. The original purpose of sexuality, of intimacy, is joy, and that encounter is intensely valuable, you might even call it sacred.
When the male and female meet in openness and respect, there will be a union of energies that is literally creative. A child may be born from this union, a wonderful and beautiful new human child. But this meeting is also creative in a deeper sense. On a soul level, you can become enlivened and touched by the soul of another in a way that is intensely enriching for you, and through which you become part of the One without losing your own uniqueness, your individuality. That is the true meaning of an encounter between man and woman.
Feel the beauty of this and feel how deeply you desire this, the sacred meaning of sexuality. As a soul, you are always searching for the One, to come home to yourself, to come Home to the divine. You have many names for it, but they always fall short: God, the One, the all that is, the universe, the cosmos. It is about that longing you feel deep within yourself to abide in unconditional security, to be accepted completely, and to be allowed to express yourself freely.
This deep nostalgia lives in everyone and the grand thing about the meeting between husband and wife – or between two love partners, which can also be between two men or two women – the wonderful thing about the sexual encounter, is that you can there experience a glimpse of the One, of unity. In being human, precisely through such polarity – the duality of man and woman – you get a glimpse of Home, of paradise, and you are enriched because of it. Sexuality is meant to be a source of light, a tender dance.
However, especially in the field of sexuality, human beings have become deeply wounded; a distance and hostility has developed between both sexes. People no longer feel at home with the energy of the opposite sex, even when those energies are within themselves. Women have difficulty taking on their masculine energy, their self-confidence, their power. Men struggle to surrender to their feelings, their emotions, to the enjoyment of, and the fusion with, another.
How has this come about? It would be a very long story to bring to light all aspects of the evolution of the male and the female energy. But the basic fact is that God, the source of all that is, has given you the freedom to explore and experiment, and to also risk having outcomes in the form of energy that is out of balance. Yet this was necessary so as to actually come to understand who you are and what responsibility has been given to you. You are not a child in the hand of God, you are a God in the making who must learn to take responsibility and to be in balance with all the elements of life.
You are a God in the bud. Feel how you are powerful and autonomous.
You are one and indivisible, and although you are inextricably bound to the Source of everything, you are also totally yourself, entirely unique. Allow this knowledge to sink in. You are you and no one else, and that is itself a miracle, a mystery. That is what it is like to be a soul, indivisible and unique; that is what it is like to be a God, a creator: free, independent, autonomous. Can you fully bear the responsibility of this much autonomy? That is the real question.
A part of you does not want to bear that much responsibility, and that part is your shadow. It feels powerless, anxious, separated from the Source. It wants to return Home, like a child who calls for its mother. And very often, romantic sexual relationships are used as a way to come Home – but this does not work. Home is in you – being your own unique self. To take on your full autonomy is the first step to a mature relationship. Being at home in yourself, resting in your own core, is the condition for a deep joyful relationship with another.
But this condition runs counter to the childlike desire that is often looked for in a romantic love relationship, a longing to abide in the other, to completely merge into another, as if the other is an all-knowing parent on whom you can lean as a child. It is precisely in romantic love that the inner child wants to release its own burdens and put them onto another. There is then an emotional dependence and soon both partners become stifled.
The first step to a holy, healing relationship is to fully come home to yourself; to put your arms around the child inside you that went astray and feels lost. Take up your own adult role; the other person can not heal your wounds; you are your own healer, your own light. When you can descend into yourself in this way, accepting yourself deeply and entirely, you are ready to reach out and touch another in openness and wonder.
That is step two in building a joyful, abundant relationship. Reach out to the other in wonder, and wonder means there are no expectations, no wanting something and needing nothing, but simply to look with wonder, with interest at the other. The most beautiful form of romantic love is to marvel, to be attracted to the other, to want to learn and explore the other in the most open and intimate ways. And to do that without wanting to add that person to your worldview, to your ideas; without wanting to shape the other to your expectations, your needs, but to really play together. It is only then can another give themselves, because there is then no pressure or obligation. You are free, the other is free, and you come together voluntarily.
There is then something higher that connects you both, something that rests in the heart. You do not try to change or heal the other, or try to make them better. No, you together celebrate life, and through doing that you are healed. Not through the other, but through yourself and your ability to rest in yourself, and from there to being open to receive from the richness and the abundance of another soul.
I ask you to now do that with your thoughts. Imagine you are completely at peace. Do it physically by going down along your spine, through your heart and your abdomen to your pelvis, and feel that here is the area in your body that is associated with sexuality. Feel this in wonderment and openness without the prejudice, the feelings of shame or impurity, which have been attached to sexuality from society and the past.
Feel this area as just as acceptable and neutral as, for example, how a toe on your foot feels. Here is the anchor for your being human, and here, in the area of your abdomen and pelvis, are your basic instincts. It is here that you rest on Earth. Descend with your consciousness, just be present. Wherever you now are, feel at home with yourself, with whatever human emotions you are struggling.
What matters is that you are there for yourself. Your light, your core, can face everything, because it is an immortal light, a light that softens and understands. Fill out your whole aura with this light. Feel truly held in your own divine light, and feel how the universe, God, the Source of all, loves you. That is why it created you, to be as unique as you are. You are fully accepted, you are admired, you are loved, because you are who you are, exactly as you now are.
Look from this state of consciousness to someone you love. It could be your life partner, but also a friend, your child, or your father or mother. Just pick someone who now comes to mind, with whom you now want to connect. While you connect with that person who you see before you, stay completely with yourself; your boundaries are retained, so rest in yourself. Feel easy and comfortable doing that. Breathe quietly into your abdomen and do not feel like you should help or change the other. In fact, you need not do anything at all, simply remain in yourself.
Then look with an openness and wonder at that other person. Look at what they radiate as they now are in front of you. When you are observing in this way, you reach out to the other in wonder. You do not have to do anything and the other does not have to do anything. You simply observe what the other looks like, how they move, and what you notice about their energy.
Then you move closer to that person, while your energy field remains around you. From your heart, you feel deeply for this person. Let whatever you feel toward them rise up spontaneously, and observe that with wonder and without judgement. Look at what connects you and what gives you the most vital and joyful connection. Do not look at what does not go so well or collides, and what causes encounters, but look at the highest, lightest, most joyful strand which connects you, in which the energy flows effortlessly between you, and enjoy that. You do not have to do anything with it except to get pleasure from it.
Receive that light for a moment. Feel how the light through that thread flows to your heart and see what that does to you. It brings something new and sparkling into your life, something with which you can move forward, which further enriches you. You will receive it from your being together, while you also allow each other to be free. It is in the wonderment, and in allowing the other to be free, that you meet each other most deeply. That is the purpose of real intimacy.
Step one is to be at home with yourself, to rest in yourself, and to continue to do so even when you are in contact with another. Step two is reaching out in wonder, and not wanting to change or control another, but merely to look, feel, and discover. And step three is enjoying that which flows easily between you when are together. Enjoy that flow and let the other be free.
Relationships on Earth are very precious. It is where you energetically encounter your most intense human emotions. I said in the beginning: “I am here today to be an advocate for being human.” By that I mean, historically, the attempt was often to manifest the divine in yourself by transcending your humanity, by trying to rise above it, and to actually flee from your own emotions by becoming a recluse so as to avoid the bonds of authentic partner relationships.
My way to the divine is by being human through relationships, because even though that is where you are most deeply confronted with feelings of loneliness, homesickness, and despair, it is also where you experience wonder, deep joy, connectedness, and an intimacy that is so precious. When you have once entered into a deep intimate relationship with another soul in human form, it remains forever in your soul memory. When the soul is deeply touched through being human, through being a man and a woman connected through sexuality, then that is truly a gateway to the divine.
In this way, the spiritual, the divine light, can really begin to live in people and in human society. Spirituality attains a living, golden radiance, not through being isolated in some realm far above, but precisely through the interplay on Earth between human to human. I want to thank you for your being here together, the openness with which you are connected from your heart. This is what matters!
True spirituality is not about discipline, or developing certain skills or arts that you master. It comes down to that one thing: an open heart, a human heart that itself wants to bow down to its own darkness in wonder and gentleness, and through so doing will also taste the joy of love – warm human love.
Thank you very much.
Mary Magdalene
11/26/21 - I am Goddess Reconnecting with the Earth Mother
I invoke the Goddess, Mother of Earth, Patroness of the Planet. Through the spirit fire flowing through my veins, I give praise, thanksgiving and gratitude for this fire in my physical body. I open to the teachings about my body and this river of life in me, and about the connecting river of life flowing through the planet. I keep my heart open to receive the teachings of the shaman and the mystic. I treat these revelations as sacred. I honor the feminine principle within me as the holy spirit in me. I am conscious right now of the Goddess flowing in my arteries and veins. I am conscious that you, Mother of Earth, are orchestrating events for me, bringing me solutions and answers. I own that portion of Goddess in me that is waiting to be birthed. I allow the birthing process. I playfully observe how I affect others and everything I learn about the Goddess is telepathed to those who share this journey with me.
Mother Goddess, Gaia, you represent the love principle embodied in the physical form. Your love vibration is sensual and deeply connected to spirituality and sexuality. As I work with you and you with me in the quiet of my sacred times, I enter a deeper experience of my own femininity and nurturance. I become more alive to your flowing. I discover my own mystery. I share this mystery with the men in my life with wisdom and reverence. I do not cast my sacred knowledge around indiscriminately. I work with the cycle of my emotions. I allow my emotions to ebb and flow naturally within me. I honor my body, I honor my blood and my bodily fluids as I honor the bodily fluids of the planet, the seas, rivers and rains. I embrace the fullness of my body and the aging of my body and the shadow of my body, with love. I am discovering that my power is hidden within the flowing and of my being. I am entering the genetic library of my body and accessing the sacred codes hidden there. I am opening the book and reading the owners manual of my own body. I am a living library of light-encoded filaments. I am the love-encoded DNA. I own something valuable. I am a living river of light flowing through helixes. I am reconnecting the 12 strands of my DNA as I flow more with love. I am activating the encoded data in the strands of DNA by imbuing them with consciousness. I am activating spiritual fire in the earth plane in my earth body. I am flowing through the chakras. I am the holy crystal reflecting the prisms of light. I am cosmic knowledge contained in the chakras.
I bring forth the sacred feminine in me as I awaken God within my body. I honor my body and the fire flowing within it. I am a beautiful and impeccable jewel. I am Shekinah, the feminine presence of God on earth. I honor you, the Earth in me, for this is where my value as a human being lies. I seek to live in harmony with nature and the elements. I am telepathing now what I am experiencing. Earth mother, you talk to me in my mind through signs, as when my home is invaded by your creatures. You are the creatures. You teach me about yourself/myself through these acts and I look inside myself and face who I am and make my decisions with love and compassion. I let go of that which makes me unhappy. All earth's creatures are companions to me. They tech me things through their love. Love is the key to transformation and miracles. When I create love inside of me, the world mirrors love back to me from nature. Nature is activated and harmonized by loving emotions. Love is an electromagnetic frequency which I am broadcasting. The male and female is balanced and united in me through love. I am becoming more conscious every day of ways to use and express love and allow love to live in my actions. I look beyond what I have been taught to the invisible fields where love lives. I allow feelings of sacredness to lead me.
I ask you, Earth Mother, to help me activate my earth wisdom, that which I carry in my body. I ask you to help me activate my secret codes. I honor my sacred name. I breathe earth divinity into me to activate my feminine. I honor your sacred sites around the planet and I access them now, opening time locks. I seek communication with you, Goddess. I tone in my garden and my home to commune with you and access your heart. I honor your crystals which are senders and receivers of information. I honor your wind, your waters, your lakes, rivers, oceans. I honor your soil,, mountains, fields and valleys. I honor your fire, your flowers, your plants, your animals. I honor your minerals and foods, your people of the earth, water and air.
Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother!
I invoke the Goddess, Mother of Earth. I give praise, thanksgiving and gratitude for my physical body and the land under my feet. I bring forth the Goddess in me as I awake to my own divinity. I honor and value you, Mother. Show me how to work with you to bring about peace, harmony and beauty upon the earth. Show me how your creatures love. Guide me into oneness. Show me how to create love and become a loving part of your earth. I seek to share knowledge with the earth. I seek to be one with the people, the wind, waters, oceans, lands, mountains, prairies, forests, the bear, the deer, the moose, the goose, the eagle, the dolphin, the whale. I am one with the planet and all Earth's creatures. I am Home when I am in silence with the Mother as she shows me the way. I am one with the elemental kingdoms and they reveal their secrets to me. When I sit in silence I am shown how to listen in silence, how to bend with the wind and rain and storms and all human conditions. I think you, Mother, for your guidance, your solutions and your answers.
I am both divine male and divine female, both sides of me are sacred currents in my blood. I am moved to re-unite them and to re-awaken the holy frequency of orgasm. I revere the orgasm for it is the fullness of the sacred divine within my human form. it is my divine heritage. It is a touch of the immortal state of Home. Orgasm contains all knowledge. When I am in the sexual vibration I regain my memory of Home and reconnect with my true self. It brings me into my freedom once more. As the ecstasy of Home floods my being I surrender my human self to it and my outer self becomes totally erased. it transforms my human cell memories to the divine awakening and clears the negativity in me. I use my sexuality with reverence. My sexuality heals me as it locks me into my true frequency. It is a most precious state to be in my body. I am coming more into my body, accepting the feminine in me and the male in me. The more freely I flow through my body, the more holy and sacred my experiences become. My sexuality awakens me to my divinity. I reunite myself. I no longer do things to keep me separate. I am blending, joining, unifying, healing into my own immortality. I no longer use my sexuality as a way of distracting myself from intimacy and getting close. I allow my sexuality to bring me into intimate contact with my partners. I allow sexual energy to flow in me. I look into my partners eyes and open the feeling centers throughout my body. I allow this coming forth. It is a coming forth of me, of all of me, including my sexual and emotional past and its pain. I allow the negative to flow through me to become part of me again. I love my past experiences back into wholeness once more. I embrace them and include them. And so I clear myself of the past and re-create a new body, a light-filled body. My sexuality is an immortal frequency of joy and livingness. It is a path of light and freedom. Each time, I experience orgasm I welcome myself Home.
I am Goddess, I enthrone my divinity within my body. I enthrone God/Goddess as it shines forth from the great central sun within my body. I am the feminine aspect of God Creator shining through my meridian system, my arteries and veins. I am Goddess enthroning God upon the earthly throne, welcoming him home. I am Shekinah and I consciously give my devotion, praise, thanksgiving, gratitude and love for the God/Goddess Presence which moves through me as intelligence and awareness. Love and light empower my nerves, the contraction of my muscles and the movement of my organs. I am the mind of Goddess in action. I am the hand of Goddess doing. I am the feet of Goddess walking. I am the tongue of Goddess talking. I am the eyes of Goddess seeing. I am the ears of Goddess hearing. I am the yoni of Goddess receiving, I am the lingam of Goddess thrusting. I am the love of God/Goddess moving its creation through daily tasks. I am the power of God joining with Goddess reverently, immaculately, joyfully and playfully within my own magnificent infinite form. I anchor my attention upon the sacred Goddess within my breast and belly. I invite the love of the sacred Goddess to come forth into my outer world to shine in the world around me and within me, eternally and forever, giving me the power to undo obstacles and to set me free. I came into embodiment with knowledge imprinted on my cells. It is stored in my DNA, imprinted in the strands that are not biological or chemical but spiritual. This knowledge is stored in the electromagnetism within me. It is the makeup of my atoms, molecules and cells and it is called the Goddess, Shekinah. She it is who forms the magnetic and chemical strands of my DNA. My past life memory and future memory is contained in my own cellular structure. My spiritual contracts and karmic lessons are the processing of cell memory unfolding, releasing, allowing my conscious mind to participate in the awakening. it's all in me. It is the way I am designed. My body is a living library of the Goddess I Am awakening in me and I am home here within my heart. (Channeled thru Diana 1986)
6/10/21 - Video - 5th Dimensional Love by Solara An-Ra
20 minute video
Solaro An-Ra channels Pleiadian 5th dimensional love to a group on one of her tours to Egypt. This is an excellent portrayal of feminine love as taught by the Pleiadians who are 5th dimensional. Solara An-Ra is an emissary to the Pleiadians. She holds spiritual retreats at her center in Ibiza, an island off the coast of Spain. Check out her website: She teaches meditation, energy and pranayama (breath) techniques that form the basis of spiritual connection and inner peace. Solara, together with her guides, has taught these essential skills for many years. Casa Solara Ibiza. This video is titled "Pleiadian Tantra Intro - part 2"
5/12/21 - Advice from Master Djwal Khul to the Feminine Soul
One morning I asked the Master DK, "How do I control my attention?" His answer, which I spelled out in long hand was lengthy.
DK: You are too feminine. You must learn to use your brain too, along with your heart/feeling. You are too much in waiting mode and receiving mode, because that is your primary default as feminine through lifetimes. You MUST wake up to your brain activity and take charge of the direction of your life. Your brain is the human vessel control mechanism. This is the next stage in your development. Work together with your brain. The brain is how you control your attention. The general emphasis to the public has been directing people to go to their hearts and feelings because the masses are too brain centered. You are too heart/feeling centered.
Q: So it’s OK to have an agenda?
DK: Yes, it’s OK. Make an agenda and use your brain which is your masculine side to control your daily life.
Q: Oops. I started kicking in with too much energy, like I had been let out of the box....
DK: Remember to stay connected to your heart. Equality is remaining connected to the heart and the mind. Equality is perfect balance between mind and heart. The masters use the heart flame to raise or lower their vibrations as needed. They use the masculine directing force through the brain to direct their attention. Direction is given to act but the heart provides the power to act. The brain does not have the power. The brain is the masculine force and the heart/body is the feminine force. They must work together like fingers on one hand work together and help one another. They do not fight and contradict one another. So the brain and heart must work together. You have been learning this through your sexual activity between men and women.
The brain is not the controller. Control comes from higher than the physical brain or the physical heart. It comes down THROUGH the heart from the God-self. The brain makes the decision where to focus attention. You are in the brain most of the time, so you must use the brain to decide to focus attention on the heart. This is the work of the modern day westerner for he is too brain-focused. The heart is the main portal, the front door to the house you live in. Go and open the front door and let your God-self speak. You listen. You will feel it through sensations of wholeness, sureness, clarity, liberation, goodness, peace, truth. This is the God-self speaking to you. If you are connected brain-to-heart in a wholesome way, then your brain will make a wise decision to act. If the brain and heart remain connected, the heart/body will provide the power to act and the wisdom to act, the knowledge of how to act, and the truth and best way to act. The heart receives, the brain decides, the heart supports the decision and they work together, intellect and body. The power comes through the heart. If the brain tries to act on its own without the power of the wholesome heart, the innocent heart, it will not be able to sustain the action. It will collapse, either today or tomorrow or next week or next month.
The sustainability is the power of the God-self. Learn to listen to the heart but USE THE BRAIN! The message from the God-self descends down through 7 levels. The first three levels are perfect, but when the message enters the mental, emotional, etheric and physical, the four lower bodies have a will of their own called the ego or artificial intelligence that is not connected to the God-self. The physical heart lives and pumps blood and messages from the God-self as long as the God-self is connected to the body. We call it the life force. The physical heart pumps the life force and light messages out into the rest of the body, wherever the arteries and veins and capillaries go, so the whole body is capable of getting the sensation of life. Do you understand? (Yes)
Q: Re: massage by women for women only, why are we doing this?
DK: It’s a simple matter. Those who are too masculine, there are many male bodies but there are also some female bodies whose biology is too focused on outer physical interactions. If the women are also brain-based rather than heart-based, they are also too controlling. Some masculine souls who are focused on outer physical interactions but are also heart-based - they are tender men. But the majority of men are too masculine because they are brain-based plus focused on physical interactions. The result is pressure on those who are too feminine and receptive. Many women feel pressured by men, as you did. But there are some women who are masculine and therefore focused on physical interaction and brain-based like a man, even though her body is female. Those who are too feminine are receptive and passive. They allow others to guide them and set direction. These souls are connected to their inner feelings more than connected to their brain or outer physical interactions. These souls must be awakened to understand this. This is an esoteric teaching because it is deeply personal to each soul how to adjust. No education has been provided on this subject. Knowledge has been given in esoteric schools called mystery schools and kept underground because the majority of the population was not ready to hear it. Women today need other women to work out an understanding between themselves without the pressure from those whose biology is from a different perspective. Each person is a package of dynamic knowledge locked in and held back to experiences from past lives, both skills and talents of the human kind and also spiritual wisdom and knowledge from the God-self. But it is all being held back because of cultural taboos and training against freedom to express. Her beliefs may be right or may be wrong, but she will not know until she is allowed to expose and express herself in spontaneous ways, in an atmosphere of feeling free.
Recognize your default program which is hard-wired into you and try using opposite approaches, like ways you don’t like. Start the change process. For example, women don’t know how to be truly intimate or how to cuddle because they are programmed to think that intimacy with men - perhaps women too - means sex. Teach women how to not be afraid of intimacy. Massage, cuddle, touch and hug without sex as a motive. Discuss that warm arousal feelings of love are natural and not to be afraid of it. Teach NOT TO GO THERE! Discuss this. Get over the sex obstruction. It is subliminal obstruction which is preventing women from feeling true intimacy and love. Women have been insidiously blocked from love without their realizing how it happened. Now they are trying to find the “right” man who will “make” them feel love. It doesn’t work because he will not always be in the right mood to “make” her feel love, he will change.
5/7/21 - The importance of having a women's massage gathering
Sharing different ways to look at things is only one of the reasons for a women’s gathering without men. The second reason is to physically connect with each other's energy fields through massage in a healing touch kind of way. This is truly nourishing to the soul when there is only upliftment and no ulterior motive to redirect attention to something else, like pleasing a man or worrying about him. Receiving 100% nourishment for yourself alone, exclusively, is healing not just for the body but for the soul. Women massaging women without men helps the soul, which has no allegiance to anyone but its own vehicle. The soul tries to connect with its own vehicle all the time. And we, bless our souls, think we are just a body. In fact we are the soul trying to make peace with our body’s functions and feelings but we’ve been programmed from birth to pay attention to everybody else and not ourselves. We play by those rules and conform to what was set down by others before we came along, unaware of how precious we are to have feminine bodies. We are the non-gender intelligence of this body. We are the spirit of this body, meaning we are the soul of this body, and we have a responsibility for it. It has been difficult making peace with this body because of so many distractions, especially by our male counterparts and children. We are torn in many directions. That is why I would like to host a women’s gathering. I'm supposed to be talking about it but I'm not ready yet. I need more support.
The agenda will be discussion and sharing first, then massaging second. We need to begin. This is not an invitation yet. The power of each soul, meaning the power of YOU the human being, lies in your dreams, your visions and your ideals. You need to bring these dreams, visions and ideals to the surface of your life. Your highest good demands that you take precedent over the wants and needs of other people. You will be led when your soul is in charge. Spirit leads the soul. Spirit cannot lead the human ego because the human ego is not connected to spirit, it is connected to the human world of many distractions. We are kept busy. We don’t know that we are the soul. It is time we began to realize that we are soul. We think we are the body, we think we are selfish, we think we are poor and weak, we think we are worthless and low in esteem and in lack, because we feel all sorts of emotions that do not belong to us. We feel the emotions of the outer world and other people. We feel humanity's anger, humanity's worthlessness. Humanity's loneliness. Humanity's jealousies, resentments, vengence, desires to strike out and kill. These are NOT coming from our soul. These are coming from poor neglected bodies and there are many - perhaps even our own which has not been loved in a long, long, long time. The REAL you is loving, intelligent, wise, compassionate, respectful, reverential and enlightened for we are feminine nurturers. The soul in most cases is innocent. This is the reason we need to remove ourselves from our male counterparts for a few hours and give each other nourishment. This is why we women need to gather in circles. I do not know why I must keep talking about this but I must. (Love, Diana)
5/2/21 The Magical Relationship Between the Divine Feminine & Sacred Warriors
Video source
Elizabeth Wilcock, wife of well-known David Wilcock, speaks on the priestess path and the road less traveled. She speaks of initiation, near death experiences, spirituality in a broken world, compassion, sacred warriors, womanhood and innocence. Hers is an unusual life story, mystical, powerful and feminine, she tells about her martial arts training, holding 5 black belts in Kung Fu and owns 5 martial arts studios. All women should hear her story. Click the video source above.
The Sacred Feminine - An invitation to women only
Monday, May 16, 2022 - From 2 to 6 pm
Reservations required, informal, no cost, private home, Naples, FL
Can spiritual love and sexual intimacy work together? Trisha will speak on this in ways you won't normally hear on a public platform, but this is not public. This is a private, select invitation. I am Diana of Anakosha and I have been waiting for just the right opportunity to gather the women. Trisha has trained for many years with un-named mentors behind the scenes, while at the same time serving as a pastor's wife and co-pastor in their successful Pentacostal church in NJ. She is now ready to step up to her calling as an intimacy coach. She lives here in Naples with her husband. It is not possible to summarize the sacred feminine in a few brief words. She is ready to launch her new counseling business as a one-on-one intimacy coach. It is through personal connection that she transmits her sacred knowledge. I am very happy to co-host with her this day - the May full moon day which is also a lunar eclipse - because it fits into my own desire to gather women of the light.
Here is Trisha speaking on her new youtube channel -\ - She was speaking with me here, I'm off-camera. Loving thank you's to her husband, Ron Marinari, for the excellent production, set-up, and editing.
Trisha and I met several years ago. We knew we had a connection from the first meeting. Our spiritual missions were apparently merging even then. Now we are launching a new phase, each as unique individuals, that could be summed up in the phrase "the sacred feminine". Since the world has been in masculine mode of crunching things down to the bottom line, I have been relatively quiet by taking the passive feminine role most of my life. The insights that Trisha (and I) are about to reveal, each in our own way, are subtle and below the radar of expectation that most people hold. There is no competition in the sacred feminine, and no loud voices. Those who will hear will hear. Spirit talks in subtle impressions on a soul level, heart to heart. It is wiser than the bain-mind.
If you feel the call to join this gathering at my house on Monday, May 16, kindly respond to me via the contact page. Some of you already know me. If you don't, I am a friendly, open-hearted person who loves to entertain. I tried sending pictures of myself and my own bio, but the system wouldn't deliver it, so I took it out in an attempt to sterilize it. You'll just have to attend to get to know my secret life! There will be an introduction circle and - please - a hugging circle. It is very important to share a personal hug in my house. Also please plan to introduce a little bit of background about yourself. Many of you know me already, so it will be easy and fun. Even though I normally make a big deal about food, I'm not planning any food this time. No food will be served in order to keep a high vibration. (Well, maybe a bowl of munchies.) But water of course. Always water! Trisha's story too will have to wait until May 16. Please consider attending and letting us get to know you.
With that said, I re-state the invitation to join us on Monday, May 16 at 2 pm at my house in North Naples. From 2 to 6 pm. Trisha and I will be here on the screen room preparing to meet with you and a few other women to share these divine threads of the feminine. There is sexual magic here which cannot be spoken too coarsely or loudly, but it is intrinsic to a higher quality of life. The divine mother will be overlighting us. She is a force to be reckoned with. We invite you to join us. Write to me and ask questions if you want to know more, such as the practicalities. If you are ready to attend, reply to my email above and I will send more specific directions to our house. It is in the pasturelands of North Naples. Prepare to give a brief summary of your life during the introduction circle. I will send more notices in a few days. That is, if the system doesn't delete it. I'm unsure why it is not going out. I will keep this e-list informed but it is going only to women. (From a newsletter sent.)
Love and hugs to you all! 🧡
Diana of Anakosha
5/5/22 - Women of the Heart Gathering, May 16 Full Moon
An invitation to join the sacred feminine - Love, spirit, intimacy and relationships
Monday, May 16, 2022 - 2 to 6 pm
An Informal Discussion on the Sacred Feminine
Reservations required - No cost, no food
Introduction circle - prepare to introduce yourself and your interests.
Location: Anakosha, a private home, Naples, Florida
You are invited to join me and Trisha Marinari on the May full moon - Monday, May 16. The energies will be magnified on that day, a perfect energy in which to meet for the first time. This is an invitation to women in the Naples and surrounding area. Reservations are required so I can plan ahead and arrange the furniture on the screen room. The space will be small, so I'll need to keep track of who is expected. We live in pasture land and the view out back is natural and wild. This will be informal please, casual friends meeting NEW casual friends. This invitation is going only to women on my newsletter list, but you may share it with a friend. There will be more meetings in the future. This is the first one. I'm being casual about this for a reason, actually understating the power that I feel this will generate. It is being done to bring together the women of heart, of soul, of spirit, who have been longing for women's gathering. Women who like to give, help, serve and heal. If you feel the tug please join us. Many, many women have gifts to offer the world but have been unable to get them off the ground. I know. I have felt it for a long time. I have been guided to bring about this gathering. Please contact me if you are interested so I know who you are. This is a broad mailing.
The stimulus for this gathering came about after Trisha and I met for her first video shoot last week. Her husband Ron filmed her as she answered my questions about her new intimacy counseling business. Ron & Trisha were co-pastors for 30 years of a Pentacostal church in NJ before moving to Naples. They have background. Ron posted a short one- minute blurb on Tik Tok of Trisha talking, but I'm sorry, I don't have a link to it. For over three hours we talked, one-on-one, and I was amazed at the depth of knowledge that came up. We were literally on fire bouncing revelations back and forth. Secrets of the sacred feminine were revealed from depths not normally addressed. We have known each other for several years but we never communicated like this before! The spirit was moving strong in us and it lit my imagination. I've been wanting to call the women together for years but have been unsuccessful. For a reason - I couldn't bring myself to shut off the men! But, as Trisha and I spoke together, it was obvious this is a sacred subject for women only. When the time comes for men to share the sacred masculine, the leaders will come forth.
The sacred feminine coves a huge territory. This is only the beginning of the unfolding. Please contact me if this rings a bell for you. We have less than two weeks to gather reservations. I will send directions to our house upon notification of interest. No food is planned. It is strictly for discussion. It is a two-fold timing. First, it is a coming out for Trisha and her new one-on-one counseling business. And it is perfect timing to gather the women into groups for the divine feminine mysteries. This is a vast subject and Trisha is well prepared to share some of her training with us. I'll send a biography of her in a few more days. We will begin to gather, get to know each other, share our knowledge and begin the unfolding that lies waiting to be revealed within each of us. Uniting our efforts will bring changes. I'm a hostess. I like to entertain. That's my primary role. I'm here for this purpose, to help gather the women of the heart, of the light. We will all evolve when we act together and share the fruits of our accumulated wisdom. Blessings to you. Please note, my phone is not working so I can't receive texts but I have a laptop and can receive emails. (a newsletter sent today to women only)
3/31/22 - Apologies
It has been 4 months since I last posted on the Goddess page. I've been busy on inner levels with my own transformation and haven't been able to keep up with all the news. But here I am, back again. I couldn't NOT post this one from Mary Magdalene (below). She so underscores and corroborates my own deeply personal mission. See below.
3/31/22 - Mary Magdalene - What it means to be human
Channeled through Pamela Kribbe
Dear men and women,
Welcome to this circle. I am Mary Magdalene. I was once on Earth as a woman who lived and loved, and sometimes despaired and struggled with the very human emotions that you all know so well within yourselves. I am here today to argue the case for what it means to be human.
Many of you are tired of being human. There is a lot of struggle in your hearts, pain and fear from the past, and sometimes weariness, as well as a turning away from true openness, because of what being human on Earth might bring to you. All this is quite understandable, because by coming to Earth, you meet a resistance within that is dictated by memories of past lives and stirred by a nostalgia for Home, a home that you have known in the realms of harmony and light.
You all carry those memories inside yourself, and when you come to Earth as a descending soul, your mood can sometimes become very depressed. Connect with the part of yourself that is struggling here on Earth, and accept that it experiences fear about being here. Your consciousness is not of the Earth; your consciousness is infinite, cosmic, and feels at home in the entire universe. It is here on a visit and only lives temporarily in an earthly body.
Acknowledge and receive the part of yourself that is scared to be here, fearful of really taking part in life, and afraid to be open to everything that can be experienced here on Earth. Allow that pain to be there: the doubt, the loneliness, the boredom, the despair. I ask you to open to that wound, because a hurt can be healed only when loving attention flows toward it. Many of you want to take on the adornments of the spiritual path. But when you reach up high for the light, before you know it, you have left behind the earthly.
What you are really encouraged to do, here and now, is to look at the darkness within yourself and to send light to that darkness, which is something that can evoke resistance in you. However, to descend into your own darkness, loneliness, feeling of separateness, is what can give you the most fulfillment. When you do this, you discover who you really are, a carrier of light, someone who can illuminate the darkness.
Now, imagine that the old pain which lives in your souls is gathered within the center of this circle of people. That pain is expressed in so many ways; it can manifest as agitation, anxiety, sadness, uncertainty, a sense of disconnect. I ask you to envision, as you all stand in a circle around this old pain, that there is a lighted torch in the hands of each one of you that is extended toward the center of the circle, so this pain can be fully illuminated and seen, and no longer has to hide in the dark.
Allow your light to shine. You are not that pain; you are the one who can relieve the pain and transform it, and that is your true task and mission here on Earth. When you cast your light onto your own darkness in this way, the light also shines toward others and encourages them to do the same. You are then a lightworker; it starts with you. The most profound invitation is there for you to fully accept and embrace your most vulnerable parts, and this is what we have done this week.
When you look at the deepest wounds in a person, you will see that they are the same in virtually everyone, man or woman, and come from their need to be known and loved, or come from a feeling of being deprived of love and understanding. The original purpose of sexuality, of intimacy, is joy, and that encounter is intensely valuable, you might even call it sacred.
When the male and female meet in openness and respect, there will be a union of energies that is literally creative. A child may be born from this union, a wonderful and beautiful new human child. But this meeting is also creative in a deeper sense. On a soul level, you can become enlivened and touched by the soul of another in a way that is intensely enriching for you, and through which you become part of the One without losing your own uniqueness, your individuality. That is the true meaning of an encounter between man and woman.
Feel the beauty of this and feel how deeply you desire this, the sacred meaning of sexuality. As a soul, you are always searching for the One, to come home to yourself, to come Home to the divine. You have many names for it, but they always fall short: God, the One, the all that is, the universe, the cosmos. It is about that longing you feel deep within yourself to abide in unconditional security, to be accepted completely, and to be allowed to express yourself freely.
This deep nostalgia lives in everyone and the grand thing about the meeting between husband and wife – or between two love partners, which can also be between two men or two women – the wonderful thing about the sexual encounter, is that you can there experience a glimpse of the One, of unity. In being human, precisely through such polarity – the duality of man and woman – you get a glimpse of Home, of paradise, and you are enriched because of it. Sexuality is meant to be a source of light, a tender dance.
However, especially in the field of sexuality, human beings have become deeply wounded; a distance and hostility has developed between both sexes. People no longer feel at home with the energy of the opposite sex, even when those energies are within themselves. Women have difficulty taking on their masculine energy, their self-confidence, their power. Men struggle to surrender to their feelings, their emotions, to the enjoyment of, and the fusion with, another.
How has this come about? It would be a very long story to bring to light all aspects of the evolution of the male and the female energy. But the basic fact is that God, the source of all that is, has given you the freedom to explore and experiment, and to also risk having outcomes in the form of energy that is out of balance. Yet this was necessary so as to actually come to understand who you are and what responsibility has been given to you. You are not a child in the hand of God, you are a God in the making who must learn to take responsibility and to be in balance with all the elements of life.
You are a God in the bud. Feel how you are powerful and autonomous.
You are one and indivisible, and although you are inextricably bound to the Source of everything, you are also totally yourself, entirely unique. Allow this knowledge to sink in. You are you and no one else, and that is itself a miracle, a mystery. That is what it is like to be a soul, indivisible and unique; that is what it is like to be a God, a creator: free, independent, autonomous. Can you fully bear the responsibility of this much autonomy? That is the real question.
A part of you does not want to bear that much responsibility, and that part is your shadow. It feels powerless, anxious, separated from the Source. It wants to return Home, like a child who calls for its mother. And very often, romantic sexual relationships are used as a way to come Home – but this does not work. Home is in you – being your own unique self. To take on your full autonomy is the first step to a mature relationship. Being at home in yourself, resting in your own core, is the condition for a deep joyful relationship with another.
But this condition runs counter to the childlike desire that is often looked for in a romantic love relationship, a longing to abide in the other, to completely merge into another, as if the other is an all-knowing parent on whom you can lean as a child. It is precisely in romantic love that the inner child wants to release its own burdens and put them onto another. There is then an emotional dependence and soon both partners become stifled.
The first step to a holy, healing relationship is to fully come home to yourself; to put your arms around the child inside you that went astray and feels lost. Take up your own adult role; the other person can not heal your wounds; you are your own healer, your own light. When you can descend into yourself in this way, accepting yourself deeply and entirely, you are ready to reach out and touch another in openness and wonder.
That is step two in building a joyful, abundant relationship. Reach out to the other in wonder, and wonder means there are no expectations, no wanting something and needing nothing, but simply to look with wonder, with interest at the other. The most beautiful form of romantic love is to marvel, to be attracted to the other, to want to learn and explore the other in the most open and intimate ways. And to do that without wanting to add that person to your worldview, to your ideas; without wanting to shape the other to your expectations, your needs, but to really play together. It is only then can another give themselves, because there is then no pressure or obligation. You are free, the other is free, and you come together voluntarily.
There is then something higher that connects you both, something that rests in the heart. You do not try to change or heal the other, or try to make them better. No, you together celebrate life, and through doing that you are healed. Not through the other, but through yourself and your ability to rest in yourself, and from there to being open to receive from the richness and the abundance of another soul.
I ask you to now do that with your thoughts. Imagine you are completely at peace. Do it physically by going down along your spine, through your heart and your abdomen to your pelvis, and feel that here is the area in your body that is associated with sexuality. Feel this in wonderment and openness without the prejudice, the feelings of shame or impurity, which have been attached to sexuality from society and the past.
Feel this area as just as acceptable and neutral as, for example, how a toe on your foot feels. Here is the anchor for your being human, and here, in the area of your abdomen and pelvis, are your basic instincts. It is here that you rest on Earth. Descend with your consciousness, just be present. Wherever you now are, feel at home with yourself, with whatever human emotions you are struggling.
What matters is that you are there for yourself. Your light, your core, can face everything, because it is an immortal light, a light that softens and understands. Fill out your whole aura with this light. Feel truly held in your own divine light, and feel how the universe, God, the Source of all, loves you. That is why it created you, to be as unique as you are. You are fully accepted, you are admired, you are loved, because you are who you are, exactly as you now are.
Look from this state of consciousness to someone you love. It could be your life partner, but also a friend, your child, or your father or mother. Just pick someone who now comes to mind, with whom you now want to connect. While you connect with that person who you see before you, stay completely with yourself; your boundaries are retained, so rest in yourself. Feel easy and comfortable doing that. Breathe quietly into your abdomen and do not feel like you should help or change the other. In fact, you need not do anything at all, simply remain in yourself.
Then look with an openness and wonder at that other person. Look at what they radiate as they now are in front of you. When you are observing in this way, you reach out to the other in wonder. You do not have to do anything and the other does not have to do anything. You simply observe what the other looks like, how they move, and what you notice about their energy.
Then you move closer to that person, while your energy field remains around you. From your heart, you feel deeply for this person. Let whatever you feel toward them rise up spontaneously, and observe that with wonder and without judgement. Look at what connects you and what gives you the most vital and joyful connection. Do not look at what does not go so well or collides, and what causes encounters, but look at the highest, lightest, most joyful strand which connects you, in which the energy flows effortlessly between you, and enjoy that. You do not have to do anything with it except to get pleasure from it.
Receive that light for a moment. Feel how the light through that thread flows to your heart and see what that does to you. It brings something new and sparkling into your life, something with which you can move forward, which further enriches you. You will receive it from your being together, while you also allow each other to be free. It is in the wonderment, and in allowing the other to be free, that you meet each other most deeply. That is the purpose of real intimacy.
Step one is to be at home with yourself, to rest in yourself, and to continue to do so even when you are in contact with another. Step two is reaching out in wonder, and not wanting to change or control another, but merely to look, feel, and discover. And step three is enjoying that which flows easily between you when are together. Enjoy that flow and let the other be free.
Relationships on Earth are very precious. It is where you energetically encounter your most intense human emotions. I said in the beginning: “I am here today to be an advocate for being human.” By that I mean, historically, the attempt was often to manifest the divine in yourself by transcending your humanity, by trying to rise above it, and to actually flee from your own emotions by becoming a recluse so as to avoid the bonds of authentic partner relationships.
My way to the divine is by being human through relationships, because even though that is where you are most deeply confronted with feelings of loneliness, homesickness, and despair, it is also where you experience wonder, deep joy, connectedness, and an intimacy that is so precious. When you have once entered into a deep intimate relationship with another soul in human form, it remains forever in your soul memory. When the soul is deeply touched through being human, through being a man and a woman connected through sexuality, then that is truly a gateway to the divine.
In this way, the spiritual, the divine light, can really begin to live in people and in human society. Spirituality attains a living, golden radiance, not through being isolated in some realm far above, but precisely through the interplay on Earth between human to human. I want to thank you for your being here together, the openness with which you are connected from your heart. This is what matters!
True spirituality is not about discipline, or developing certain skills or arts that you master. It comes down to that one thing: an open heart, a human heart that itself wants to bow down to its own darkness in wonder and gentleness, and through so doing will also taste the joy of love – warm human love.
Thank you very much.
Mary Magdalene
11/26/21 - I am Goddess Reconnecting with the Earth Mother
I invoke the Goddess, Mother of Earth, Patroness of the Planet. Through the spirit fire flowing through my veins, I give praise, thanksgiving and gratitude for this fire in my physical body. I open to the teachings about my body and this river of life in me, and about the connecting river of life flowing through the planet. I keep my heart open to receive the teachings of the shaman and the mystic. I treat these revelations as sacred. I honor the feminine principle within me as the holy spirit in me. I am conscious right now of the Goddess flowing in my arteries and veins. I am conscious that you, Mother of Earth, are orchestrating events for me, bringing me solutions and answers. I own that portion of Goddess in me that is waiting to be birthed. I allow the birthing process. I playfully observe how I affect others and everything I learn about the Goddess is telepathed to those who share this journey with me.
Mother Goddess, Gaia, you represent the love principle embodied in the physical form. Your love vibration is sensual and deeply connected to spirituality and sexuality. As I work with you and you with me in the quiet of my sacred times, I enter a deeper experience of my own femininity and nurturance. I become more alive to your flowing. I discover my own mystery. I share this mystery with the men in my life with wisdom and reverence. I do not cast my sacred knowledge around indiscriminately. I work with the cycle of my emotions. I allow my emotions to ebb and flow naturally within me. I honor my body, I honor my blood and my bodily fluids as I honor the bodily fluids of the planet, the seas, rivers and rains. I embrace the fullness of my body and the aging of my body and the shadow of my body, with love. I am discovering that my power is hidden within the flowing and of my being. I am entering the genetic library of my body and accessing the sacred codes hidden there. I am opening the book and reading the owners manual of my own body. I am a living library of light-encoded filaments. I am the love-encoded DNA. I own something valuable. I am a living river of light flowing through helixes. I am reconnecting the 12 strands of my DNA as I flow more with love. I am activating the encoded data in the strands of DNA by imbuing them with consciousness. I am activating spiritual fire in the earth plane in my earth body. I am flowing through the chakras. I am the holy crystal reflecting the prisms of light. I am cosmic knowledge contained in the chakras.
I bring forth the sacred feminine in me as I awaken God within my body. I honor my body and the fire flowing within it. I am a beautiful and impeccable jewel. I am Shekinah, the feminine presence of God on earth. I honor you, the Earth in me, for this is where my value as a human being lies. I seek to live in harmony with nature and the elements. I am telepathing now what I am experiencing. Earth mother, you talk to me in my mind through signs, as when my home is invaded by your creatures. You are the creatures. You teach me about yourself/myself through these acts and I look inside myself and face who I am and make my decisions with love and compassion. I let go of that which makes me unhappy. All earth's creatures are companions to me. They tech me things through their love. Love is the key to transformation and miracles. When I create love inside of me, the world mirrors love back to me from nature. Nature is activated and harmonized by loving emotions. Love is an electromagnetic frequency which I am broadcasting. The male and female is balanced and united in me through love. I am becoming more conscious every day of ways to use and express love and allow love to live in my actions. I look beyond what I have been taught to the invisible fields where love lives. I allow feelings of sacredness to lead me.
I ask you, Earth Mother, to help me activate my earth wisdom, that which I carry in my body. I ask you to help me activate my secret codes. I honor my sacred name. I breathe earth divinity into me to activate my feminine. I honor your sacred sites around the planet and I access them now, opening time locks. I seek communication with you, Goddess. I tone in my garden and my home to commune with you and access your heart. I honor your crystals which are senders and receivers of information. I honor your wind, your waters, your lakes, rivers, oceans. I honor your soil,, mountains, fields and valleys. I honor your fire, your flowers, your plants, your animals. I honor your minerals and foods, your people of the earth, water and air.
Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother!
I invoke the Goddess, Mother of Earth. I give praise, thanksgiving and gratitude for my physical body and the land under my feet. I bring forth the Goddess in me as I awake to my own divinity. I honor and value you, Mother. Show me how to work with you to bring about peace, harmony and beauty upon the earth. Show me how your creatures love. Guide me into oneness. Show me how to create love and become a loving part of your earth. I seek to share knowledge with the earth. I seek to be one with the people, the wind, waters, oceans, lands, mountains, prairies, forests, the bear, the deer, the moose, the goose, the eagle, the dolphin, the whale. I am one with the planet and all Earth's creatures. I am Home when I am in silence with the Mother as she shows me the way. I am one with the elemental kingdoms and they reveal their secrets to me. When I sit in silence I am shown how to listen in silence, how to bend with the wind and rain and storms and all human conditions. I think you, Mother, for your guidance, your solutions and your answers.
I am both divine male and divine female, both sides of me are sacred currents in my blood. I am moved to re-unite them and to re-awaken the holy frequency of orgasm. I revere the orgasm for it is the fullness of the sacred divine within my human form. it is my divine heritage. It is a touch of the immortal state of Home. Orgasm contains all knowledge. When I am in the sexual vibration I regain my memory of Home and reconnect with my true self. It brings me into my freedom once more. As the ecstasy of Home floods my being I surrender my human self to it and my outer self becomes totally erased. it transforms my human cell memories to the divine awakening and clears the negativity in me. I use my sexuality with reverence. My sexuality heals me as it locks me into my true frequency. It is a most precious state to be in my body. I am coming more into my body, accepting the feminine in me and the male in me. The more freely I flow through my body, the more holy and sacred my experiences become. My sexuality awakens me to my divinity. I reunite myself. I no longer do things to keep me separate. I am blending, joining, unifying, healing into my own immortality. I no longer use my sexuality as a way of distracting myself from intimacy and getting close. I allow my sexuality to bring me into intimate contact with my partners. I allow sexual energy to flow in me. I look into my partners eyes and open the feeling centers throughout my body. I allow this coming forth. It is a coming forth of me, of all of me, including my sexual and emotional past and its pain. I allow the negative to flow through me to become part of me again. I love my past experiences back into wholeness once more. I embrace them and include them. And so I clear myself of the past and re-create a new body, a light-filled body. My sexuality is an immortal frequency of joy and livingness. It is a path of light and freedom. Each time, I experience orgasm I welcome myself Home.
I am Goddess, I enthrone my divinity within my body. I enthrone God/Goddess as it shines forth from the great central sun within my body. I am the feminine aspect of God Creator shining through my meridian system, my arteries and veins. I am Goddess enthroning God upon the earthly throne, welcoming him home. I am Shekinah and I consciously give my devotion, praise, thanksgiving, gratitude and love for the God/Goddess Presence which moves through me as intelligence and awareness. Love and light empower my nerves, the contraction of my muscles and the movement of my organs. I am the mind of Goddess in action. I am the hand of Goddess doing. I am the feet of Goddess walking. I am the tongue of Goddess talking. I am the eyes of Goddess seeing. I am the ears of Goddess hearing. I am the yoni of Goddess receiving, I am the lingam of Goddess thrusting. I am the love of God/Goddess moving its creation through daily tasks. I am the power of God joining with Goddess reverently, immaculately, joyfully and playfully within my own magnificent infinite form. I anchor my attention upon the sacred Goddess within my breast and belly. I invite the love of the sacred Goddess to come forth into my outer world to shine in the world around me and within me, eternally and forever, giving me the power to undo obstacles and to set me free. I came into embodiment with knowledge imprinted on my cells. It is stored in my DNA, imprinted in the strands that are not biological or chemical but spiritual. This knowledge is stored in the electromagnetism within me. It is the makeup of my atoms, molecules and cells and it is called the Goddess, Shekinah. She it is who forms the magnetic and chemical strands of my DNA. My past life memory and future memory is contained in my own cellular structure. My spiritual contracts and karmic lessons are the processing of cell memory unfolding, releasing, allowing my conscious mind to participate in the awakening. it's all in me. It is the way I am designed. My body is a living library of the Goddess I Am awakening in me and I am home here within my heart. (Channeled thru Diana 1986)
6/10/21 - Video - 5th Dimensional Love by Solara An-Ra
20 minute video
Solaro An-Ra channels Pleiadian 5th dimensional love to a group on one of her tours to Egypt. This is an excellent portrayal of feminine love as taught by the Pleiadians who are 5th dimensional. Solara An-Ra is an emissary to the Pleiadians. She holds spiritual retreats at her center in Ibiza, an island off the coast of Spain. Check out her website: She teaches meditation, energy and pranayama (breath) techniques that form the basis of spiritual connection and inner peace. Solara, together with her guides, has taught these essential skills for many years. Casa Solara Ibiza. This video is titled "Pleiadian Tantra Intro - part 2"
5/12/21 - Advice from Master Djwal Khul to the Feminine Soul
One morning I asked the Master DK, "How do I control my attention?" His answer, which I spelled out in long hand was lengthy.
DK: You are too feminine. You must learn to use your brain too, along with your heart/feeling. You are too much in waiting mode and receiving mode, because that is your primary default as feminine through lifetimes. You MUST wake up to your brain activity and take charge of the direction of your life. Your brain is the human vessel control mechanism. This is the next stage in your development. Work together with your brain. The brain is how you control your attention. The general emphasis to the public has been directing people to go to their hearts and feelings because the masses are too brain centered. You are too heart/feeling centered.
Q: So it’s OK to have an agenda?
DK: Yes, it’s OK. Make an agenda and use your brain which is your masculine side to control your daily life.
Q: Oops. I started kicking in with too much energy, like I had been let out of the box....
DK: Remember to stay connected to your heart. Equality is remaining connected to the heart and the mind. Equality is perfect balance between mind and heart. The masters use the heart flame to raise or lower their vibrations as needed. They use the masculine directing force through the brain to direct their attention. Direction is given to act but the heart provides the power to act. The brain does not have the power. The brain is the masculine force and the heart/body is the feminine force. They must work together like fingers on one hand work together and help one another. They do not fight and contradict one another. So the brain and heart must work together. You have been learning this through your sexual activity between men and women.
The brain is not the controller. Control comes from higher than the physical brain or the physical heart. It comes down THROUGH the heart from the God-self. The brain makes the decision where to focus attention. You are in the brain most of the time, so you must use the brain to decide to focus attention on the heart. This is the work of the modern day westerner for he is too brain-focused. The heart is the main portal, the front door to the house you live in. Go and open the front door and let your God-self speak. You listen. You will feel it through sensations of wholeness, sureness, clarity, liberation, goodness, peace, truth. This is the God-self speaking to you. If you are connected brain-to-heart in a wholesome way, then your brain will make a wise decision to act. If the brain and heart remain connected, the heart/body will provide the power to act and the wisdom to act, the knowledge of how to act, and the truth and best way to act. The heart receives, the brain decides, the heart supports the decision and they work together, intellect and body. The power comes through the heart. If the brain tries to act on its own without the power of the wholesome heart, the innocent heart, it will not be able to sustain the action. It will collapse, either today or tomorrow or next week or next month.
The sustainability is the power of the God-self. Learn to listen to the heart but USE THE BRAIN! The message from the God-self descends down through 7 levels. The first three levels are perfect, but when the message enters the mental, emotional, etheric and physical, the four lower bodies have a will of their own called the ego or artificial intelligence that is not connected to the God-self. The physical heart lives and pumps blood and messages from the God-self as long as the God-self is connected to the body. We call it the life force. The physical heart pumps the life force and light messages out into the rest of the body, wherever the arteries and veins and capillaries go, so the whole body is capable of getting the sensation of life. Do you understand? (Yes)
Q: Re: massage by women for women only, why are we doing this?
DK: It’s a simple matter. Those who are too masculine, there are many male bodies but there are also some female bodies whose biology is too focused on outer physical interactions. If the women are also brain-based rather than heart-based, they are also too controlling. Some masculine souls who are focused on outer physical interactions but are also heart-based - they are tender men. But the majority of men are too masculine because they are brain-based plus focused on physical interactions. The result is pressure on those who are too feminine and receptive. Many women feel pressured by men, as you did. But there are some women who are masculine and therefore focused on physical interaction and brain-based like a man, even though her body is female. Those who are too feminine are receptive and passive. They allow others to guide them and set direction. These souls are connected to their inner feelings more than connected to their brain or outer physical interactions. These souls must be awakened to understand this. This is an esoteric teaching because it is deeply personal to each soul how to adjust. No education has been provided on this subject. Knowledge has been given in esoteric schools called mystery schools and kept underground because the majority of the population was not ready to hear it. Women today need other women to work out an understanding between themselves without the pressure from those whose biology is from a different perspective. Each person is a package of dynamic knowledge locked in and held back to experiences from past lives, both skills and talents of the human kind and also spiritual wisdom and knowledge from the God-self. But it is all being held back because of cultural taboos and training against freedom to express. Her beliefs may be right or may be wrong, but she will not know until she is allowed to expose and express herself in spontaneous ways, in an atmosphere of feeling free.
Recognize your default program which is hard-wired into you and try using opposite approaches, like ways you don’t like. Start the change process. For example, women don’t know how to be truly intimate or how to cuddle because they are programmed to think that intimacy with men - perhaps women too - means sex. Teach women how to not be afraid of intimacy. Massage, cuddle, touch and hug without sex as a motive. Discuss that warm arousal feelings of love are natural and not to be afraid of it. Teach NOT TO GO THERE! Discuss this. Get over the sex obstruction. It is subliminal obstruction which is preventing women from feeling true intimacy and love. Women have been insidiously blocked from love without their realizing how it happened. Now they are trying to find the “right” man who will “make” them feel love. It doesn’t work because he will not always be in the right mood to “make” her feel love, he will change.
5/7/21 - The importance of having a women's massage gathering
Sharing different ways to look at things is only one of the reasons for a women’s gathering without men. The second reason is to physically connect with each other's energy fields through massage in a healing touch kind of way. This is truly nourishing to the soul when there is only upliftment and no ulterior motive to redirect attention to something else, like pleasing a man or worrying about him. Receiving 100% nourishment for yourself alone, exclusively, is healing not just for the body but for the soul. Women massaging women without men helps the soul, which has no allegiance to anyone but its own vehicle. The soul tries to connect with its own vehicle all the time. And we, bless our souls, think we are just a body. In fact we are the soul trying to make peace with our body’s functions and feelings but we’ve been programmed from birth to pay attention to everybody else and not ourselves. We play by those rules and conform to what was set down by others before we came along, unaware of how precious we are to have feminine bodies. We are the non-gender intelligence of this body. We are the spirit of this body, meaning we are the soul of this body, and we have a responsibility for it. It has been difficult making peace with this body because of so many distractions, especially by our male counterparts and children. We are torn in many directions. That is why I would like to host a women’s gathering. I'm supposed to be talking about it but I'm not ready yet. I need more support.
The agenda will be discussion and sharing first, then massaging second. We need to begin. This is not an invitation yet. The power of each soul, meaning the power of YOU the human being, lies in your dreams, your visions and your ideals. You need to bring these dreams, visions and ideals to the surface of your life. Your highest good demands that you take precedent over the wants and needs of other people. You will be led when your soul is in charge. Spirit leads the soul. Spirit cannot lead the human ego because the human ego is not connected to spirit, it is connected to the human world of many distractions. We are kept busy. We don’t know that we are the soul. It is time we began to realize that we are soul. We think we are the body, we think we are selfish, we think we are poor and weak, we think we are worthless and low in esteem and in lack, because we feel all sorts of emotions that do not belong to us. We feel the emotions of the outer world and other people. We feel humanity's anger, humanity's worthlessness. Humanity's loneliness. Humanity's jealousies, resentments, vengence, desires to strike out and kill. These are NOT coming from our soul. These are coming from poor neglected bodies and there are many - perhaps even our own which has not been loved in a long, long, long time. The REAL you is loving, intelligent, wise, compassionate, respectful, reverential and enlightened for we are feminine nurturers. The soul in most cases is innocent. This is the reason we need to remove ourselves from our male counterparts for a few hours and give each other nourishment. This is why we women need to gather in circles. I do not know why I must keep talking about this but I must. (Love, Diana)
5/2/21 The Magical Relationship Between the Divine Feminine & Sacred Warriors
Video source
Elizabeth Wilcock, wife of well-known David Wilcock, speaks on the priestess path and the road less traveled. She speaks of initiation, near death experiences, spirituality in a broken world, compassion, sacred warriors, womanhood and innocence. Hers is an unusual life story, mystical, powerful and feminine, she tells about her martial arts training, holding 5 black belts in Kung Fu and owns 5 martial arts studios. All women should hear her story. Click the video source above.
4/26/21 The Braiding of Feminine-Masculine Polarity by The Council of Light via Jenny Schiltz
(Click Source to read the whole article)
(Partial excerpt) "What is happening in the human form is the braiding of polarity. Particularly the masculine and the feminine as this was the first split. As the masculine and feminine within braid together, no longer acting in opposition, an activation takes place and the polarity within will change. For some this braiding may aggravate mental health issues, depression and an overwhelming sense of the need to leave. We advise that each person look at their personality traits and think of what is the opposite.
“What is the polarity of what they are holding? Can they then make themselves whole by bringing in the opposite trait? If one is holding sadness can they then also hold joy? If they are holding rage can they also hold peace? It is the polarity, the either or, that causes much discord in the human form. It makes them susceptible to programming, to be pushed and pulled in whatever direction the world would like the person to go. While this may seem counter-intuitive, it is not. It is through the duality, the polarities that one is vulnerable, one is susceptible to manipulation. As soon as one says I can hold love and I can hold hate and I CHOOSE which way to act, then at that moment there is immense healing.
“Healing will not take place by denying or pretending to not be the all. Rather healing takes place when one understands that You Are the All choosing to act in the light. There has been much damage done to the Divine Feminine and Masculine on your planet, yet the healing cannot begin until all the traits are seen, recognized, and understood. It is the shadow aspects within that are coming to light. For many this will be a time of challenge. To not get lost in the fear that is being drummed up on your planet. To not get caught up in the outer reality and miss the transformation that is happening within. The braiding of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine within the DNA will shift each person and could cause many symptoms as mentioned before particularly in the realm of mental health.”
At this point, questions were able to be asked.
Me: How do we assist ourselves and others through this next stage whether it is the braiding of the masculine and feminine, the first split into duality or the understanding of wholeness? Do you have any suggestions?
“You assist by really seeing yourself. For the good, for the bad. Can you then see that you also hold the opposite characteristics. For one who is not routine based, can they also hold discipline? For one who is lazy they can also hold motivation? That each moment is a choice. When you have an emotion that could be considered undesirable, do not try to clear it, as it is part of the all, rather bring in the opposite characteristic. Each word has its own frequency, its own opening into your field. I ask you where do you hold war?”
Me: I hold it between my solar plexus and my heart chakra, it feels as if it is clenching. But I also have pain in my lower back.
“Very good. Now examine the meaning or archetype of that chakra and what the meaning of lower back pain”
Me: Solar plexus is the place of the me, the human, heart is the place of the soul and lower back pain can be from feeling unsupported, taking on the world type energies.
“Yes! Now bring in peace into your lower back and your chakras. Now if I say to you where do you hold joy? What area of your body activates? Which chakra?”
Me: It is my higher heart and the area between my shoulders and around my head but it’s outside the body there.
“This is very good to see. For you see where you are holding joy outside of yourself not within, it must be called in. Not simply residing within the higher heart chakra of your soul. Invite it in.”
Me: I invite Joy now to every cell of my being may it make a home within me.
“Now look at the opposite of joy. We would call it sorrow or malaise. Where do you hold that?”
Me: Immediately what comes up is my intestines.
“Yes, now specifically invite joy into those spaces.
Me: I invite Joy into my stomach, my large intestine, my small intestine, my duodenum, my colon, I invite joy into the way that I absorb life. I invite joy in now.
“This is a very valuable teaching tool. Use it with yourself and those that you assist. Help them to see where they are holding one frequency but yet they can also hold the other. It is not about getting rid of one emotion It is about inviting in the opposite and then choosing.
Me: Thank you for your help.
“It is our deepest pleasure to assist humanity in this way.”
4/17/21 New Feminine Balance by Merlia - via Steve Rother on March 30
Greetings, dear ones, I am Merlia.
I join you this day as the feminine aspect of Merlin. The game on Earth is fascinating to watch from this side of the veil, as you tear things apart and then put them back together. Absolutely incredible.
Id like to tell you a little story about your own world. You're starting to understand more and more about the feminine rising. Its been an important part, and yet it doesn't hold all the answers for humanity. It simply gives you a new base, a new tool, and new energies to work with, from which you can challenge and even perfect your world. But as we've mentioned, dear ones, the challenge is to find a balance.
Yes, that's the difficult part. We can point to many times on planet Earth where the masculine energy was in charge. We can point to other times, although not quite as many, where the feminine energy was in charge. Both can be out of balance, and that's one of the key elements many people are starting to work with. Its part of the reason that you have so many new ideas about sexuality on your planet, not even necessarily new, but certainly out in the open. Isn't that wonderful? New ideas, concepts, and new ways of working with all of your energies. Its an incredible time for you to be alive and in one of those bodies. Wed like to share one of the stories about this day, about your own world.
Chimpanzees and Bonobos
Chimpanzees, or Chimps, are familiar to most humans. Born with bright faces that turn dark over time, they emulate humans in many ways including the use of tools. The Chimps spend their time hunting and gathering food. They are clearly a male dominated society; the males dominate with force, often showing extreme cruelty especially toward females. Aggression is common, and when a male takes over another males family, he kills the babies.
Bonobos are another branch of ape from the Congo; Chimps evolved north of the river, and the Bonobos inhabited land south of the river. In contrast, Bonobos are born with unchanging faces and have evolved into a female dominant society. About 90 years ago it was discovered that they were actually two separate species, although their DNA is very close. Of course, its worth noting that each of them have DNA that is closer to humans than to each other. Bonobos, born with unchanging faces, have evolved into a female dominant society.
Here they spend less than four hours a day hunting and gathering, while the rest of their day is spent playing, grooming and nurturing each other. The Chimps and Bonobos have developed in totally different ways. Chimps, like humans, spend most of their life gathering food, foresting, working, doing whatever it is to support the physical. However, the Bonobos spent less than 30% of their time doing that. It was more important for them to have time to relax, play with one other, nurture each other with special attention to the children. It is common for Bonobo females to nurture each others children. The Bonobo males provide security but in a unique, harmonious way, showing strength in numbers. There are other similarities that apply to the human condition at this moment. The feminine energy is rising, it is meeting massive resistance to changes in the perceived norms, as well as to those invested in masculine energy.
The New Balance
As the feminine rises there will be many changes in the way things are done. In both of the masculine and feminine there are imbalances. From the hundreds of billions of games throughout the universe, very few have ever achieved more than a momentary balance of this energy. We believe that humanity has a good chance to achieve this balance. From humanity's standpoint, this balance is rather challenging because you've been dominated by masculine energy for quite some time. And its difficult to even imagine what a softer, gentler, inclusive world would be like. You're living in the times of mastery. Yes, these are the times where you can have all the experiences needed to figure out what's important to you.
As weve mentioned, dear ones, there's a new game underfoot. You're creating a new game in a whole different realm, piece by piece. Its not something that's going to happen in a moment. Everything evolves or moves to the next level, and its happening now.
The Exercise
Everyone can now see this in their own lives, so that's what we're going to ask you to do wherever you see a problem. Imagine what it would be like if the society or circumstance you were living in was out of balance in the opposite way. Then you can start to see the imbalances more clearly. Find those things that are out of balance, as the pendulum swings back and forth wildly. Sometimes you can learn a lot about yourselves, and about what you want in this next part of the game that you're creating.
The feminine energy has risen, it is here. Make space for it to ground and grow within you, to find a more empowering balance of power. You're going to see more of this energy, in terms of moving into positions of power and decision-making. Now, you're still going to have the difficult ones, like those chimps who beat their chests fighting to keep things from changing. You are seeing some of that now, because anything out of balance needs to be brought to everyone's attention so that collectively you can come to a connection on a higher level of vibration. These are the times of Mastery, for you've already won the game. Don't get stuck in the mud puddles that you have to cross. Its simply a journey, so enjoy the ride.
It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play this game with love, as you create a whole new level of the game. Play well together.
I am Merlia, the feminine aspect of Merlin. The magic is returning. Come up and see me sometime.
The group - Steve Rother
4/8/21 The New Race of the Awakened Feminine & Masculine
When the Awakened Masculine meets the true, Feminine, it arouses a new sensation in him, and activates specific levels of consciousness that demand his full attention. The Awakened , Whole , Consciousness Feminine does not act needy or desperate around the Masculine. This does not mean that she does not acknowledge her deep inner desire and sacred requirements for the Masculine presence to be in her life. She knows this better than any woman who has not yet opened up to her full powers and strengths.
The awakened woman knows that the Masculine plays a vital role in her life journey, and has the ability to open her up in ways that she cannot do alone. In essence, she wants the Masculine from a searingly profound place in her Soul. But – this ‘want’ can be put on hold for years and years – decades even – if she is not being met with the kind of Masculine presence and devotion that she needs in order to serve her sacred Feminine role.
When the Masculine meets the conscious Feminine vibration, it instantly realizes what is needed. The Masculine energy is stirred deeply and feels a pull on the Soul strings of his lost, dry, and forgotten heart. He realizes that although it is easy to lose himself in the glorious shakti sway of her body and the warmth of her sacred eyes, in order to stand next to her as a totem of Divine Masculine strength he must rise up in his own life.Her spiritual energy will cause his own to wake up to itself.
He will become quickly aware that it will not be enough to lazily get what he wants and leave. He will recognize that even if he enters into a relationship with her, that her trust in him will not deepen unless he starts seriously showing up in his own life – and begins to rise like a phoenix towards his Full Purpose. Her awakened energy will not tolerate the spiritually-sleepy Masculine tendencies towards laziness, denial, avoidance, staying in comfort zones, procrastination, cowardice and over-reliance on quick fixes and instant gratification.
Her sacred energy will pull him up out of his coma and avoidance tactics, so that he feels on a visceral level just how potent and transformational loving her could be. He will also feel how loving her – and being a recipient of the healing codes in her body – instigates a firing of the neurons and electrical transmitters in his system, sparking him into awareness of just how much of a man he is required to evolve into.
He realizes that she is the greatest gift that has ever crossed his path. He realizes that he may never have another opportunity like this one to be supported in becoming the best version of himself possible. He is aware that there is no other woman on the planet who could love him like this, and fire up his energy centers into creating the Divine Purpose he has always wanted to live, but has always been too scared to fully commit to.
It is his decision whether or not he is brave enough to take the challenge of loving, and standing next to, a woman who has claimed her place as a sacred Feminine warrior and holy chalice of love. It is really his decision in many ways, because although she will be the one to decide whether or not she wishes to see him again, or let him into her world – she is always doing that based on the quality of truth, assurance, purposefulness and willingness that she receives from him.
When his Higher Self brings him to a Whole Woman, he must sit and contemplate, in order to realize that he has chosen this meeting – because a significant part of him is ready to ascend into being a Whole Man. This is a huge deal, because he most likely has not had any role models of this evolved male energy in his life. He doesn’t have to be faultless, a know-it-all, flashy, or movie star good-looking. He only has to nurture that spark within his precious Masculine heart that wants to be the best man he can be. He only has to be willing and humble enough to learn from the Feminine, listen to her responses to his actions, and realize that she is the Divine Oracle for him, showing him where he needs to pull himself up. His Soul really only wants to declare something like this:
“I want to bathe in the sweet, sacred radiance of your eternal Light for the rest of my days, and remember daily what a gift you are to my Soul. I want you to be the Sacred Mirror on all the ways that I sabotage myself, deny myself, restrict myself and ‘flunk out’ on myself. I want to hear that you trust me. I want to show you that your trust is well-judged, and that I realize how your ability to trust me makes a difference in how deeply you can open your body and heart when we are together. I want to walk into brave new territories, risking rejection and even failure so that your trust in me soars, like a bird in flight. I realize that your sexual attraction to me increases exponentially every time I take a risk to rise into my Divine Masculine power and purpose.
"I want to be a pioneer of a new movement of conscious, evolving, willing and open-hearted males, defying the old paradigms and awake enough to walk beside women who are changing the world forever. I might not remember any of this, much of the time, and I may stumble, fall, collapse or sometimes fail at it. I want only to remember that my willingness to live my Sacred Truth, and my desire to do everything I can to earn your trust, are enough. I want only to remember that if I shut down my heart at the first hint of truth that comes from your mouth, your body language, your expressions – I will not win this game. I want to only remember that you cannot be expected to ‘mother’ me into being a grown-up (if I want to have a sexually vital and transformative love life). I do not want you to be my mother.”
We need manifestors for men of the Light to follow now, because it is vital that they stand up and realize their true worth and value in the advancing New Age. Awake Women do not want to batter men, criticize them, punish them, or shut their hearts and bodies down to them. Whole Women WANT men: their unwavering hard presence, their rock solid actions, their warrior hearts, their dynamic, pursuing energy.
Many Men of the Light are choosing to cross paths with soul-embodied women now. This is because their own Soul recognizes that it is time to rise up into Purpose, and the desire to connect with the embodied Sacred Feminine will ignite that Purpose. A woman who is on the path of Light will not settle for any man, no matter how deeply she has longed for the masculine presence. She has no desire nor energy to rescue, mother, nag or coach a man into loving her. Yet the awakened woman carries more compassion, more unconditional love, more ability to support and nurture, more generosity and more sexual power than any other. There are limitless, never-ending, eternally-abundant rewards for any man who is courageous enough to risk his heart and life purpose for such a female.
This is the time of the emergent Divine Masculine presence stepping up to the edge and committing to live from there, rising up to support and protect the Sacred Feminine Mission of Global Awakening.
Via the beautiful Order of the Star FB page
(Click Source to read the whole article)
(Partial excerpt) "What is happening in the human form is the braiding of polarity. Particularly the masculine and the feminine as this was the first split. As the masculine and feminine within braid together, no longer acting in opposition, an activation takes place and the polarity within will change. For some this braiding may aggravate mental health issues, depression and an overwhelming sense of the need to leave. We advise that each person look at their personality traits and think of what is the opposite.
“What is the polarity of what they are holding? Can they then make themselves whole by bringing in the opposite trait? If one is holding sadness can they then also hold joy? If they are holding rage can they also hold peace? It is the polarity, the either or, that causes much discord in the human form. It makes them susceptible to programming, to be pushed and pulled in whatever direction the world would like the person to go. While this may seem counter-intuitive, it is not. It is through the duality, the polarities that one is vulnerable, one is susceptible to manipulation. As soon as one says I can hold love and I can hold hate and I CHOOSE which way to act, then at that moment there is immense healing.
“Healing will not take place by denying or pretending to not be the all. Rather healing takes place when one understands that You Are the All choosing to act in the light. There has been much damage done to the Divine Feminine and Masculine on your planet, yet the healing cannot begin until all the traits are seen, recognized, and understood. It is the shadow aspects within that are coming to light. For many this will be a time of challenge. To not get lost in the fear that is being drummed up on your planet. To not get caught up in the outer reality and miss the transformation that is happening within. The braiding of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine within the DNA will shift each person and could cause many symptoms as mentioned before particularly in the realm of mental health.”
At this point, questions were able to be asked.
Me: How do we assist ourselves and others through this next stage whether it is the braiding of the masculine and feminine, the first split into duality or the understanding of wholeness? Do you have any suggestions?
“You assist by really seeing yourself. For the good, for the bad. Can you then see that you also hold the opposite characteristics. For one who is not routine based, can they also hold discipline? For one who is lazy they can also hold motivation? That each moment is a choice. When you have an emotion that could be considered undesirable, do not try to clear it, as it is part of the all, rather bring in the opposite characteristic. Each word has its own frequency, its own opening into your field. I ask you where do you hold war?”
Me: I hold it between my solar plexus and my heart chakra, it feels as if it is clenching. But I also have pain in my lower back.
“Very good. Now examine the meaning or archetype of that chakra and what the meaning of lower back pain”
Me: Solar plexus is the place of the me, the human, heart is the place of the soul and lower back pain can be from feeling unsupported, taking on the world type energies.
“Yes! Now bring in peace into your lower back and your chakras. Now if I say to you where do you hold joy? What area of your body activates? Which chakra?”
Me: It is my higher heart and the area between my shoulders and around my head but it’s outside the body there.
“This is very good to see. For you see where you are holding joy outside of yourself not within, it must be called in. Not simply residing within the higher heart chakra of your soul. Invite it in.”
Me: I invite Joy now to every cell of my being may it make a home within me.
“Now look at the opposite of joy. We would call it sorrow or malaise. Where do you hold that?”
Me: Immediately what comes up is my intestines.
“Yes, now specifically invite joy into those spaces.
Me: I invite Joy into my stomach, my large intestine, my small intestine, my duodenum, my colon, I invite joy into the way that I absorb life. I invite joy in now.
“This is a very valuable teaching tool. Use it with yourself and those that you assist. Help them to see where they are holding one frequency but yet they can also hold the other. It is not about getting rid of one emotion It is about inviting in the opposite and then choosing.
Me: Thank you for your help.
“It is our deepest pleasure to assist humanity in this way.”
4/17/21 New Feminine Balance by Merlia - via Steve Rother on March 30
Greetings, dear ones, I am Merlia.
I join you this day as the feminine aspect of Merlin. The game on Earth is fascinating to watch from this side of the veil, as you tear things apart and then put them back together. Absolutely incredible.
Id like to tell you a little story about your own world. You're starting to understand more and more about the feminine rising. Its been an important part, and yet it doesn't hold all the answers for humanity. It simply gives you a new base, a new tool, and new energies to work with, from which you can challenge and even perfect your world. But as we've mentioned, dear ones, the challenge is to find a balance.
Yes, that's the difficult part. We can point to many times on planet Earth where the masculine energy was in charge. We can point to other times, although not quite as many, where the feminine energy was in charge. Both can be out of balance, and that's one of the key elements many people are starting to work with. Its part of the reason that you have so many new ideas about sexuality on your planet, not even necessarily new, but certainly out in the open. Isn't that wonderful? New ideas, concepts, and new ways of working with all of your energies. Its an incredible time for you to be alive and in one of those bodies. Wed like to share one of the stories about this day, about your own world.
Chimpanzees and Bonobos
Chimpanzees, or Chimps, are familiar to most humans. Born with bright faces that turn dark over time, they emulate humans in many ways including the use of tools. The Chimps spend their time hunting and gathering food. They are clearly a male dominated society; the males dominate with force, often showing extreme cruelty especially toward females. Aggression is common, and when a male takes over another males family, he kills the babies.
Bonobos are another branch of ape from the Congo; Chimps evolved north of the river, and the Bonobos inhabited land south of the river. In contrast, Bonobos are born with unchanging faces and have evolved into a female dominant society. About 90 years ago it was discovered that they were actually two separate species, although their DNA is very close. Of course, its worth noting that each of them have DNA that is closer to humans than to each other. Bonobos, born with unchanging faces, have evolved into a female dominant society.
Here they spend less than four hours a day hunting and gathering, while the rest of their day is spent playing, grooming and nurturing each other. The Chimps and Bonobos have developed in totally different ways. Chimps, like humans, spend most of their life gathering food, foresting, working, doing whatever it is to support the physical. However, the Bonobos spent less than 30% of their time doing that. It was more important for them to have time to relax, play with one other, nurture each other with special attention to the children. It is common for Bonobo females to nurture each others children. The Bonobo males provide security but in a unique, harmonious way, showing strength in numbers. There are other similarities that apply to the human condition at this moment. The feminine energy is rising, it is meeting massive resistance to changes in the perceived norms, as well as to those invested in masculine energy.
The New Balance
As the feminine rises there will be many changes in the way things are done. In both of the masculine and feminine there are imbalances. From the hundreds of billions of games throughout the universe, very few have ever achieved more than a momentary balance of this energy. We believe that humanity has a good chance to achieve this balance. From humanity's standpoint, this balance is rather challenging because you've been dominated by masculine energy for quite some time. And its difficult to even imagine what a softer, gentler, inclusive world would be like. You're living in the times of mastery. Yes, these are the times where you can have all the experiences needed to figure out what's important to you.
As weve mentioned, dear ones, there's a new game underfoot. You're creating a new game in a whole different realm, piece by piece. Its not something that's going to happen in a moment. Everything evolves or moves to the next level, and its happening now.
The Exercise
Everyone can now see this in their own lives, so that's what we're going to ask you to do wherever you see a problem. Imagine what it would be like if the society or circumstance you were living in was out of balance in the opposite way. Then you can start to see the imbalances more clearly. Find those things that are out of balance, as the pendulum swings back and forth wildly. Sometimes you can learn a lot about yourselves, and about what you want in this next part of the game that you're creating.
The feminine energy has risen, it is here. Make space for it to ground and grow within you, to find a more empowering balance of power. You're going to see more of this energy, in terms of moving into positions of power and decision-making. Now, you're still going to have the difficult ones, like those chimps who beat their chests fighting to keep things from changing. You are seeing some of that now, because anything out of balance needs to be brought to everyone's attention so that collectively you can come to a connection on a higher level of vibration. These are the times of Mastery, for you've already won the game. Don't get stuck in the mud puddles that you have to cross. Its simply a journey, so enjoy the ride.
It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play this game with love, as you create a whole new level of the game. Play well together.
I am Merlia, the feminine aspect of Merlin. The magic is returning. Come up and see me sometime.
The group - Steve Rother
4/8/21 The New Race of the Awakened Feminine & Masculine
When the Awakened Masculine meets the true, Feminine, it arouses a new sensation in him, and activates specific levels of consciousness that demand his full attention. The Awakened , Whole , Consciousness Feminine does not act needy or desperate around the Masculine. This does not mean that she does not acknowledge her deep inner desire and sacred requirements for the Masculine presence to be in her life. She knows this better than any woman who has not yet opened up to her full powers and strengths.
The awakened woman knows that the Masculine plays a vital role in her life journey, and has the ability to open her up in ways that she cannot do alone. In essence, she wants the Masculine from a searingly profound place in her Soul. But – this ‘want’ can be put on hold for years and years – decades even – if she is not being met with the kind of Masculine presence and devotion that she needs in order to serve her sacred Feminine role.
When the Masculine meets the conscious Feminine vibration, it instantly realizes what is needed. The Masculine energy is stirred deeply and feels a pull on the Soul strings of his lost, dry, and forgotten heart. He realizes that although it is easy to lose himself in the glorious shakti sway of her body and the warmth of her sacred eyes, in order to stand next to her as a totem of Divine Masculine strength he must rise up in his own life.Her spiritual energy will cause his own to wake up to itself.
He will become quickly aware that it will not be enough to lazily get what he wants and leave. He will recognize that even if he enters into a relationship with her, that her trust in him will not deepen unless he starts seriously showing up in his own life – and begins to rise like a phoenix towards his Full Purpose. Her awakened energy will not tolerate the spiritually-sleepy Masculine tendencies towards laziness, denial, avoidance, staying in comfort zones, procrastination, cowardice and over-reliance on quick fixes and instant gratification.
Her sacred energy will pull him up out of his coma and avoidance tactics, so that he feels on a visceral level just how potent and transformational loving her could be. He will also feel how loving her – and being a recipient of the healing codes in her body – instigates a firing of the neurons and electrical transmitters in his system, sparking him into awareness of just how much of a man he is required to evolve into.
He realizes that she is the greatest gift that has ever crossed his path. He realizes that he may never have another opportunity like this one to be supported in becoming the best version of himself possible. He is aware that there is no other woman on the planet who could love him like this, and fire up his energy centers into creating the Divine Purpose he has always wanted to live, but has always been too scared to fully commit to.
It is his decision whether or not he is brave enough to take the challenge of loving, and standing next to, a woman who has claimed her place as a sacred Feminine warrior and holy chalice of love. It is really his decision in many ways, because although she will be the one to decide whether or not she wishes to see him again, or let him into her world – she is always doing that based on the quality of truth, assurance, purposefulness and willingness that she receives from him.
When his Higher Self brings him to a Whole Woman, he must sit and contemplate, in order to realize that he has chosen this meeting – because a significant part of him is ready to ascend into being a Whole Man. This is a huge deal, because he most likely has not had any role models of this evolved male energy in his life. He doesn’t have to be faultless, a know-it-all, flashy, or movie star good-looking. He only has to nurture that spark within his precious Masculine heart that wants to be the best man he can be. He only has to be willing and humble enough to learn from the Feminine, listen to her responses to his actions, and realize that she is the Divine Oracle for him, showing him where he needs to pull himself up. His Soul really only wants to declare something like this:
“I want to bathe in the sweet, sacred radiance of your eternal Light for the rest of my days, and remember daily what a gift you are to my Soul. I want you to be the Sacred Mirror on all the ways that I sabotage myself, deny myself, restrict myself and ‘flunk out’ on myself. I want to hear that you trust me. I want to show you that your trust is well-judged, and that I realize how your ability to trust me makes a difference in how deeply you can open your body and heart when we are together. I want to walk into brave new territories, risking rejection and even failure so that your trust in me soars, like a bird in flight. I realize that your sexual attraction to me increases exponentially every time I take a risk to rise into my Divine Masculine power and purpose.
"I want to be a pioneer of a new movement of conscious, evolving, willing and open-hearted males, defying the old paradigms and awake enough to walk beside women who are changing the world forever. I might not remember any of this, much of the time, and I may stumble, fall, collapse or sometimes fail at it. I want only to remember that my willingness to live my Sacred Truth, and my desire to do everything I can to earn your trust, are enough. I want only to remember that if I shut down my heart at the first hint of truth that comes from your mouth, your body language, your expressions – I will not win this game. I want to only remember that you cannot be expected to ‘mother’ me into being a grown-up (if I want to have a sexually vital and transformative love life). I do not want you to be my mother.”
We need manifestors for men of the Light to follow now, because it is vital that they stand up and realize their true worth and value in the advancing New Age. Awake Women do not want to batter men, criticize them, punish them, or shut their hearts and bodies down to them. Whole Women WANT men: their unwavering hard presence, their rock solid actions, their warrior hearts, their dynamic, pursuing energy.
Many Men of the Light are choosing to cross paths with soul-embodied women now. This is because their own Soul recognizes that it is time to rise up into Purpose, and the desire to connect with the embodied Sacred Feminine will ignite that Purpose. A woman who is on the path of Light will not settle for any man, no matter how deeply she has longed for the masculine presence. She has no desire nor energy to rescue, mother, nag or coach a man into loving her. Yet the awakened woman carries more compassion, more unconditional love, more ability to support and nurture, more generosity and more sexual power than any other. There are limitless, never-ending, eternally-abundant rewards for any man who is courageous enough to risk his heart and life purpose for such a female.
This is the time of the emergent Divine Masculine presence stepping up to the edge and committing to live from there, rising up to support and protect the Sacred Feminine Mission of Global Awakening.
Via the beautiful Order of the Star FB page

12/20/20 Shocking news!
Feminine and masculine are two energies in one body circling each other. Two operating systems. Two ways of functioning. One is active, action-oriented, assertive, controlling, aggressive, stubborn and stuck in the belief that the physical body is all there is. The other operating system is open to universal mind, to goodness, light, love, unity, peace, purity, intelligence, truth and knows that human beings change and evolve. The average human being is operating on one or the other system. Men tend to operate on the first system, which is masculine. Women tend to operate on the second operating system. The feminine side of both genders has been dismanteled, which has allowed for the stubborn assertive egotistical side of humans to be in control. This has led to mankind being unhinged and unbalanced. The divine ingredient is missing. The awakening of the divine feminine is taking place now by decree from heaven and universal law. The time is 2020 preparing for 2021. Everyone is going through changes and the stubborn egotistical side of us, the old patriarchal stubborn masculine (in everybody), is being confronted. This page highlights what feminine traits look like. This is especially for men, but also for women too. It is not a war between genders. The divine feminie means to stop resisting. Let in some open-hearted, loving concern for those you think are your enemy. And situations that you think are wrong. Instead of debating the issue, be the bigger person. Give it up, turn it over to your gentle side, your feminien side. Lend an open ear, a quietude, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness.
No matter the gender, the mind is divided. It's anatomical. The brain is physical. There is nothing good nor bad in the universe, but thinking makes it so, and men are such thinkers! Yet men are as much feminine as masculine, and women are as much masculine as feminine. Both genders have been over-thinking and not utilizing the beautiful divine feminine qualities which would unify the world and bring peace to our communities. The right brain is one full half of the physical brain, yet the left brain has become dominant in the world for eons. This has placed men in the position of power and control, yet every woman has the capacity to think, while every man has the capacity to relax and be in touch with the heavens and the stars as women do. The right brain has been allowed to weaken and become severely damaged. This has disempowered the human species for power comes form the universe where everything is connected in harmony.
It is time that the human being integrated the left brain with its right brain. Understanding what the left brain is designed for is essential in order to bring about wholeness in all areas of life. The left brain is designed for conscious thinking, analyzing, speaking, calculating, designing and controlling one's path through life. The right brain is designed to be open, receptive and connected to spirit and the greater heavens, which operate with precision, harmony, unity and balance. Because we have under-used our right brain, the feminine side of ourselves, the humans on this planet have lost their way. The only solution is to begin to understand: your right brain receives messages from the stars. You must take time out to listen.
The right brain is our divine feminine side, the left brain when it is fully integrated with the right brain, becomes our divine masculine side. The human male becomes more powerful when he takes time out to nourish his feminine side. The human male is in chaos right now because he thinks everyone is out to get him. He has lost his dignity, his pride, his ability to stand tall, straight, truthful, peaceful and free, because his own feminine side is weak. He must learn to strengthen his tender, emotional, vulnerable side, by listening and developing faith, reverence and love for his higher God-self. He has become detached, severed from his own wholeness. He has become too focused on the outer world of details and who is right and who is wrong, and how can he fix it. He cannot. He does not have the power to fix anything until he fixes himself.
Likewise, women have lost their connection to the stars when they have allowed their masculine side to wither, weaken and disappear. She who follows after a man because her mother did, allows that man to be her controller under the guise of being her protector. She has lost her sovereignty - her ability to think for herself. She must activate her left brain. This can be done quietly, on inner planes, by intention alone. Simply say, "I am activating my left brain." Or vice versa, in the case of a man, saying "I am activating my right brain." A quiet inner intention can become a daily, hourly mantra which feeds information into the brain. Then, saying "I am becoming whole brained." Imagine the right brain and left brain talking to each other. Imagine energy fluctuations moving back and forth, left to right. Feel the third eye waking up in the area of the pineal gland and pituitary gland behind the eyes.
They are meant to work together as a whole, not divided into two camps which have become enemies. The right brain receives divine instructions (now defunct) while the left brain works itself to death. The human being is designed to live happily, progressively, abundantly and peacefully a long fulfilling life. But to do so the divine feminine and divine masculine must integrate and become one person. The brain is meant to be a whole brain, not divided into two separate camps. With the left brain being so overly busy, the right brain is severely damaged and unable to function in both men and women
In the dawning of this new age, the divine feminine is intervening on our behalf by stimulating the right brain in humanity everywhere. This is a shock to the status quo. Rebellion and protests are taking place but it will soon pass as one by one, individuals will begin the integration process and link in to cosmic forces of unity and peace. We are changing our ways as a species. We have been accustomed to recycling the same problems over and over, to re-experience them in a different form. The divine guidance from spirit is: relax more, practice yoga, meditation, spiritual disciplines, listen to gentle music, alternatingly with your busy schedule.
A good practice for today is, whenever a situation arises that is disturbing, alternate looking through feminine eyes and then switch and look through masculine eyes. Say out loud, "Right brain!" or "Left brain" to make the switch consciously. A man becomes a whole man when he embraces his feminine side. A woman becomes a whole woman when she activates her masculine side. As more balance is restored, a sense of peace takes place and a feeling of being on top of things and in control. Not just men, but women too. Each human being is meant to be in control of their own life. Stop dismissing something that annoys. Instead, embrace it and consider it through the right brain, or consider it through the left brain. Bring them both into play. No one can do this but you. There is no authority but your Self - your whole Self. When the mind is divided, the body is divided and the soul is confused. Stop being divided. Reintegrate your inner female and your inner male. Be busy but rest periodically. Put a rhythm into your calendar. When it is time to rest, say "Right brain, take over." It is time to meditate. Take the shoes from off your feet and assume a humble pose. Talk to your higher self, tell it your woes and problems, and be still and listen in silence and respect. Feel the peace that comes. When it is time to go back to work, say "Left brain!" And return to the business of the day.
Feminine and masculine are two energies in one body circling each other. Two operating systems. Two ways of functioning. One is active, action-oriented, assertive, controlling, aggressive, stubborn and stuck in the belief that the physical body is all there is. The other operating system is open to universal mind, to goodness, light, love, unity, peace, purity, intelligence, truth and knows that human beings change and evolve. The average human being is operating on one or the other system. Men tend to operate on the first system, which is masculine. Women tend to operate on the second operating system. The feminine side of both genders has been dismanteled, which has allowed for the stubborn assertive egotistical side of humans to be in control. This has led to mankind being unhinged and unbalanced. The divine ingredient is missing. The awakening of the divine feminine is taking place now by decree from heaven and universal law. The time is 2020 preparing for 2021. Everyone is going through changes and the stubborn egotistical side of us, the old patriarchal stubborn masculine (in everybody), is being confronted. This page highlights what feminine traits look like. This is especially for men, but also for women too. It is not a war between genders. The divine feminie means to stop resisting. Let in some open-hearted, loving concern for those you think are your enemy. And situations that you think are wrong. Instead of debating the issue, be the bigger person. Give it up, turn it over to your gentle side, your feminien side. Lend an open ear, a quietude, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness.
No matter the gender, the mind is divided. It's anatomical. The brain is physical. There is nothing good nor bad in the universe, but thinking makes it so, and men are such thinkers! Yet men are as much feminine as masculine, and women are as much masculine as feminine. Both genders have been over-thinking and not utilizing the beautiful divine feminine qualities which would unify the world and bring peace to our communities. The right brain is one full half of the physical brain, yet the left brain has become dominant in the world for eons. This has placed men in the position of power and control, yet every woman has the capacity to think, while every man has the capacity to relax and be in touch with the heavens and the stars as women do. The right brain has been allowed to weaken and become severely damaged. This has disempowered the human species for power comes form the universe where everything is connected in harmony.
It is time that the human being integrated the left brain with its right brain. Understanding what the left brain is designed for is essential in order to bring about wholeness in all areas of life. The left brain is designed for conscious thinking, analyzing, speaking, calculating, designing and controlling one's path through life. The right brain is designed to be open, receptive and connected to spirit and the greater heavens, which operate with precision, harmony, unity and balance. Because we have under-used our right brain, the feminine side of ourselves, the humans on this planet have lost their way. The only solution is to begin to understand: your right brain receives messages from the stars. You must take time out to listen.
The right brain is our divine feminine side, the left brain when it is fully integrated with the right brain, becomes our divine masculine side. The human male becomes more powerful when he takes time out to nourish his feminine side. The human male is in chaos right now because he thinks everyone is out to get him. He has lost his dignity, his pride, his ability to stand tall, straight, truthful, peaceful and free, because his own feminine side is weak. He must learn to strengthen his tender, emotional, vulnerable side, by listening and developing faith, reverence and love for his higher God-self. He has become detached, severed from his own wholeness. He has become too focused on the outer world of details and who is right and who is wrong, and how can he fix it. He cannot. He does not have the power to fix anything until he fixes himself.
Likewise, women have lost their connection to the stars when they have allowed their masculine side to wither, weaken and disappear. She who follows after a man because her mother did, allows that man to be her controller under the guise of being her protector. She has lost her sovereignty - her ability to think for herself. She must activate her left brain. This can be done quietly, on inner planes, by intention alone. Simply say, "I am activating my left brain." Or vice versa, in the case of a man, saying "I am activating my right brain." A quiet inner intention can become a daily, hourly mantra which feeds information into the brain. Then, saying "I am becoming whole brained." Imagine the right brain and left brain talking to each other. Imagine energy fluctuations moving back and forth, left to right. Feel the third eye waking up in the area of the pineal gland and pituitary gland behind the eyes.
They are meant to work together as a whole, not divided into two camps which have become enemies. The right brain receives divine instructions (now defunct) while the left brain works itself to death. The human being is designed to live happily, progressively, abundantly and peacefully a long fulfilling life. But to do so the divine feminine and divine masculine must integrate and become one person. The brain is meant to be a whole brain, not divided into two separate camps. With the left brain being so overly busy, the right brain is severely damaged and unable to function in both men and women
In the dawning of this new age, the divine feminine is intervening on our behalf by stimulating the right brain in humanity everywhere. This is a shock to the status quo. Rebellion and protests are taking place but it will soon pass as one by one, individuals will begin the integration process and link in to cosmic forces of unity and peace. We are changing our ways as a species. We have been accustomed to recycling the same problems over and over, to re-experience them in a different form. The divine guidance from spirit is: relax more, practice yoga, meditation, spiritual disciplines, listen to gentle music, alternatingly with your busy schedule.
A good practice for today is, whenever a situation arises that is disturbing, alternate looking through feminine eyes and then switch and look through masculine eyes. Say out loud, "Right brain!" or "Left brain" to make the switch consciously. A man becomes a whole man when he embraces his feminine side. A woman becomes a whole woman when she activates her masculine side. As more balance is restored, a sense of peace takes place and a feeling of being on top of things and in control. Not just men, but women too. Each human being is meant to be in control of their own life. Stop dismissing something that annoys. Instead, embrace it and consider it through the right brain, or consider it through the left brain. Bring them both into play. No one can do this but you. There is no authority but your Self - your whole Self. When the mind is divided, the body is divided and the soul is confused. Stop being divided. Reintegrate your inner female and your inner male. Be busy but rest periodically. Put a rhythm into your calendar. When it is time to rest, say "Right brain, take over." It is time to meditate. Take the shoes from off your feet and assume a humble pose. Talk to your higher self, tell it your woes and problems, and be still and listen in silence and respect. Feel the peace that comes. When it is time to go back to work, say "Left brain!" And return to the business of the day.

9/20/20 - I Look to the Sun
I look to the sun. I look to the sun always. I look to the sun first upon awakening, even before opening my eyes as I lie in bed in first consciousness. And all through the day I periodically look up at the sun and watch it on its movement across the sky until it sinks below the horizon at night. At dusk I go out and feel the change in the air. All day I am aware of the sun and I try to absorb as much of this conscious light as I can, for it keeps my hope alive through the night, knowing it will be there again in the morning.
I look to the sun because the church has taken away my hope, and so I have turned my back on the church to look for hope elsewhere. I looked for a better place in which to put my trust and I chose the sun because it is life-giving and does not deal in death. It is warm, not cold. It is natural, not unnatural. It is peaceful, not in conflict. It is stillness, not pushy. It is innocent and does not judge. It strengthens me, does not diminish me. It gives happiness, not guilt. It ives freedom, not bondage. It gives expansiveness, not restriction. It is alive, not dead. It gives life to me, it does not take it away. I am of the earth. It feeds me with life every day.
Because I have turned my back on the church and looked to the sun, by accident I stumbled upon a great truth, greater than the churches and greater than the saints, the angels and the ascendeds. I have seen God in the Sun, and I have heard him speak. He speaks to my soul, not to my mind. His rays bathe me in innocence, cleansing me as I stand alone in the pasture. He talks to me through the sounds of the trees and the grasses and the winds. My eyes have seen the rays coming up from the earth. I hear the blades of grass whispering to each other and the waters as they play and the fires as they dance. All of nature comes alive when the sun speaks to me because I am from the sun and I know that it, too, is alive and watching me and enjoys the earth through me. I am one with the sun. So long as the sun is beating down upon me I know that I am alive and well and there is hope. No one can take that away from me. I see that I have a glowing ember of the sun in my breast. It is like an inner light that flows like a river of fire through my arteries and veins, and I am lifted up whenever I think of it.
There are errors throughout the day and I forget. But when I think of the sun, it erases the errors. When people pass me by and I feel their hopelessness, I think of the sun it washes the hopelessness away, shatters the depression and returns me its warm goodness again. I just have to remember. I write this now while I'm awake and aware, but later today I will be a normal human mind embedded in normal human things. But I have learned a great secret. The sun is both my father and my mother. I look to the sun for miracles. It fills the void created by those who thought they knew everything but who put me down. The sun raises me up. The sun is the ideal father who guides me with wisdom and enfolds me in his arms with love beyond measure. The sun knows I have more to learn and it helps me to grow. It overlooks my errors the way a gardener overlooks a weak vine. It does not see sin. It makes no judgment. It does not need my promises to "be good".
And as my father is the sun, so my mother is the earth. My father plays with her, empowers her, impassions her, impregnates her with a lust for life that is more powerful than the humans and animals who live on her. Their offspring is the fertile soil, the tender grass, the volcanic fire, the roaring waters, the whispering firs, the hard stone, the soft sand, the colored flowers, the minerals, the herbs - and me. I am a creation of the earth and just as pure as these things. My body is pure. My mind is pure. My soul is pure. The past is washed away when I stand in the rays of the sun and reach up with my mind.
And at night when the sun is gone I stand on my back porch and look to the stars and I see not one but millions of suns. This array of suns assures me that I am not wrong in the placement of my faith. The stars nurture me at night with the same light to remind me that there is light always, and there is hope and reason and an order that defies the limits of humankind. It is an intelligent universe and I am reassured of my identity and my place within it. It is holy ground that I walk on and I feel the worship rise in me. (Diana 4/1/91)
I look to the sun. I look to the sun always. I look to the sun first upon awakening, even before opening my eyes as I lie in bed in first consciousness. And all through the day I periodically look up at the sun and watch it on its movement across the sky until it sinks below the horizon at night. At dusk I go out and feel the change in the air. All day I am aware of the sun and I try to absorb as much of this conscious light as I can, for it keeps my hope alive through the night, knowing it will be there again in the morning.
I look to the sun because the church has taken away my hope, and so I have turned my back on the church to look for hope elsewhere. I looked for a better place in which to put my trust and I chose the sun because it is life-giving and does not deal in death. It is warm, not cold. It is natural, not unnatural. It is peaceful, not in conflict. It is stillness, not pushy. It is innocent and does not judge. It strengthens me, does not diminish me. It gives happiness, not guilt. It ives freedom, not bondage. It gives expansiveness, not restriction. It is alive, not dead. It gives life to me, it does not take it away. I am of the earth. It feeds me with life every day.
Because I have turned my back on the church and looked to the sun, by accident I stumbled upon a great truth, greater than the churches and greater than the saints, the angels and the ascendeds. I have seen God in the Sun, and I have heard him speak. He speaks to my soul, not to my mind. His rays bathe me in innocence, cleansing me as I stand alone in the pasture. He talks to me through the sounds of the trees and the grasses and the winds. My eyes have seen the rays coming up from the earth. I hear the blades of grass whispering to each other and the waters as they play and the fires as they dance. All of nature comes alive when the sun speaks to me because I am from the sun and I know that it, too, is alive and watching me and enjoys the earth through me. I am one with the sun. So long as the sun is beating down upon me I know that I am alive and well and there is hope. No one can take that away from me. I see that I have a glowing ember of the sun in my breast. It is like an inner light that flows like a river of fire through my arteries and veins, and I am lifted up whenever I think of it.
There are errors throughout the day and I forget. But when I think of the sun, it erases the errors. When people pass me by and I feel their hopelessness, I think of the sun it washes the hopelessness away, shatters the depression and returns me its warm goodness again. I just have to remember. I write this now while I'm awake and aware, but later today I will be a normal human mind embedded in normal human things. But I have learned a great secret. The sun is both my father and my mother. I look to the sun for miracles. It fills the void created by those who thought they knew everything but who put me down. The sun raises me up. The sun is the ideal father who guides me with wisdom and enfolds me in his arms with love beyond measure. The sun knows I have more to learn and it helps me to grow. It overlooks my errors the way a gardener overlooks a weak vine. It does not see sin. It makes no judgment. It does not need my promises to "be good".
And as my father is the sun, so my mother is the earth. My father plays with her, empowers her, impassions her, impregnates her with a lust for life that is more powerful than the humans and animals who live on her. Their offspring is the fertile soil, the tender grass, the volcanic fire, the roaring waters, the whispering firs, the hard stone, the soft sand, the colored flowers, the minerals, the herbs - and me. I am a creation of the earth and just as pure as these things. My body is pure. My mind is pure. My soul is pure. The past is washed away when I stand in the rays of the sun and reach up with my mind.
And at night when the sun is gone I stand on my back porch and look to the stars and I see not one but millions of suns. This array of suns assures me that I am not wrong in the placement of my faith. The stars nurture me at night with the same light to remind me that there is light always, and there is hope and reason and an order that defies the limits of humankind. It is an intelligent universe and I am reassured of my identity and my place within it. It is holy ground that I walk on and I feel the worship rise in me. (Diana 4/1/91)