Introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
The Making of An Immortal
You are a moving mist of awareness, like a great cloud – at first dark and grey but soon to become scintillating light! Clear and lucid! You are not attached to a body, you are attached to a great shining sea of Light! But you have been assigned to a body of matter and the body is clumsy and dense and you have a hard time saying what you really mean. Your tongue doesn’t work right. Your hands don’t move the way you think they should. Your steps are heavy and clunky, not as airy or as free as you think they should be. And you KNOW so much more than you can express, that you are quite dissatisfied with yourself. And so you begin your search. How do you refine your body? Your ways of expressing?
What you know you are is locked away deep in your secret heart and you feel that you are not supposed to talk about yourself or about what you REALLY know or feel. But that is not true. You simply have not prepared your body to ACCEPT what you really are. A certain period of refinement is necessary. What you know deep down inside is really and truly what you ARE. What you are, you are challenged to live in the physical world, in your neighborhood, in your class at school or at your work. Else there is a discrepancy. This discrepancy makes you feel bad. There is a gap between the you that you REALLY are, and the you that is showing to all the world and on display. You have not fulfilled your role, your mission, until you “come out” onto the stage where everyone may see you for what you are – truly are – inside. This separation makes you struggle on and search for ways to bring the two selves together. You search for something vague at first, like a good feeling about your job, or a good feeling about your neighborhood, or a good feeling about your wife. But you don’t really know what you’re searching for. Your good feelings are only hints that you are somewhat traveling in the right direction anyway, even though you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Your good feelings and your bad feelings are your indicators and your warning lights.
The big problem is the body. It is made of inert matter. True, there are particles of light and awareness buried in the inert matter inside the cells that allow it to be alive, but you have to find these little particles of light and connect with them. You have to learn how to make yourself one with the body and you do this through the Light that is INSIDE of the body, the resources of the body. Until you do this, you will remain unhappy with yourself. Until you can express yourself, you will remain frustrated. But how? There is no teaching that explains exactly how to do it. You know how it should be. You think. You try things out, the way you remember. Somehow. The religions all try to tell you how, but they don’t really succeed. In fact most of them succeed in only turning you off. The philosophies all try to tell you, but they fail too. There are hints in the books and the esoteric schools of the world, and friends and teachers sometimes tell you something valuable that helps, but by and large the struggle of finding your Self is your own personal struggle and it takes your own peculiar path through your own dark forest.
No one else is on this path with you. You have to do all the work yourself, to find it. Sometimes you flail around and try to blame somebody, but nobody takes the blame and you’re stuck with it all alone. No one else can REALLY help, other than, at most, permit you to experiment. That’s the greatest help you will ever get from the outside world. But that’s not easy to find either. Most people close to you tend to discourage you, or get in the way. They will even be cruel about it by telling you that you are wrong, that you’re on the wrong track. Sometimes they even find ways to physically imprison you. But you know you are not wrong, way down deep inside. How can you be wrong? Your feelings tell you you are right. Others may persuade you away from your goal for a time, but not for long. Soon you are off and running again, looking for yourself through the impulses of that particular radar that only you can hear. The struggle is ongoing.
You know so much inside. You have memories of other places, and the way things should be. You have pictures of what noble people are like and kindness and goodness are a part of that. A natural innocence is innate in your deeper mind. But somehow those things are not here in the world. Where are they? You know they CAN be. You know you can be more, far more than what you are. You have dreams of what you can be. You have dreams of what you can do. You have dreams of people that are your REAL family. Sometimes you sense that they are around you but you can’t see them. It is all so mysterious! So elusive. What is this something that keeps prodding you on? What are you looking for?
Later, as you get older and older in physical years, your struggle becomes less and less because the world loosens its grip on you. You’re no longer struggling to earn a living so you can relax somewhat and enjoy what you are. So you AREN’T all that you would like to be, but so what? At least you’re here now and you can enjoy the scenery for what it is. And eventually the physical body dies. You go to sleep and you wake up in a new surroundings, with friends and family, not much different from earthly life, but you find freedom and rest and more enlarged capacities because your body is not made of earthly matter but of finer matter. Compacted energy that is sort of fluid and liquid as you move. It takes a while to get used to it, but it is familiar and so you adapt well. You do not have to be a baby here, you wake up in this world as a full adult or as you were in the earth body. And there are homes and schools and stores and hospitals and meadows and mountains just like on earth. And there is love. And you continue with your search for yourself here, too. And teachers counsel with you from time to time, just as they counseled with you here on earth. But you still are traveling the path alone.
But there is one aspect of this life that is different from the earth existence. You have a much more lucid mind. There are not such heavy forces that pull and tug on you and so you can see better where you have been and where you are going. You can follow the line of progress in an easy way and you can see where you veered off the straight path and followed a crooked one to become lost. And you can see the light that is within you better, and you know that it is this light that you must follow when you go back, as you know that you will have to go back again because the task is to find yourself in the world of matter. All that you gain in theory, you have to put to the test in the physical body, no matter what kind of life you happen to be leading at the moment. That is your ultimate destiny – to live what you are on the inside out in physical form so that you make a dent on the world. While you are here in this lighter world, you can see better what you should do in the physical world. This life in the astral world becomes a wonderful dream. You have friends and associates and family here, and you do all the things that you have always wanted to do. You are far more able to do it here than in the physical because the matter is less concrete. Not so much is against you. But you are collecting knowledge here for when you have to return to the hard world again. You are collecting understanding and determination and know-how and courage, and now comes the day when you have to go but THIS time you are determined to ge tit right and remember all the things that you learned during this breather interval, so you do not go wrong.
So you are born as a babe once more. You picked out the parents yourself because you had such a lucid mind on the astral that you could see the coming together of the man and the woman and the explosion of light that happened between them which attracted you and you slid down the channel of light and anchored yourself within the womb. For a split moment in time there was an opening from that world to this. If it was the man’s bliss and happiness that attracted you, through his orgasm, then you are much like the man. If it was the woman’s bliss and joy that attracted you, then you are much like the woman. If it was the joint explosion of both man and woman, that attracted you, then you are like both of them. But it was the Light that drew you as it is always the light that draws two people together. It is always the LIGHT! It is so in the physical world and it is so in the astral world and it is so in the high etheric worlds called “heaven”. Whenever there is a greater explosion of light, there is the opening from one world to the next.
So now you are anchored in the physical world. You have cast your life line out and it has hung up on a rock of solid substance. You will continue to live in the astral world until the time comes that you are reeled into the physical. Nine months will pass, earth months, and suddenly the jerk comes. Down you fall through the tunnel of time and lower vibrations, heavier vibrations, knowing where you are heading, and lo! You are a new-born babe once more. And the heavy consistency of the body is constricting, and you have to work hard to make it do what you want it to do. And dammit! This body doesn’t work any better than the last one. You can see your parents minds and you can see through all the people in the room, as though they were invisible. You can see their thoughts and their motives and they are not so nice. But there’s a nice one! Oh, my! There’s a REAL nice one! Such loving thoughts are coming from that lady. You wish she would pick you up and hold you. Oh! She is going to hold you! She IS holding you. Oh! She is your mother! How beautiful. You will have love form your mother. But she takes you home and she doesn’t retain that sparkle of love all the time. She goes out and messes with things that rattle and clank and causes wild fluctuating moods in her and in your environment. Thank God, the moods don’t often come in here where you are somewhat sheltered. You are allowed to remain at peace, but the one who is supposed to be giving you love and nurturing good feelings isn’t here much of the time. Oh, it is so empty without that spark! You wish she would come more often.
And so the months pass into years and very little of the spark is given to you. You are growing up in a world where love is practically non-existent. But you know it is there. It just isn’t expressed. You know that that’s why you’re here, you saw that on the astral world, you’re here to be more determined in expressing it. In not letting yourself be inhibited by your external surroundings. Your job is to be STRONGER than the forces around you that would hold you back from expressing yourself. You know that the self you are looking for is not outside somewhere. You could see that. It is hidden within, but sometimes you have to keep on moving on physically to break out from under a too-heavy influence so you can breathe again. But you also know that sometime, somewhere, you are going to have to stop running and blossom where you are planted, roots and all, with love.
So as a child you express this love. You express it to everyone you meet and you are a loveable little child. You want to give and give and give and give as much love as you can because there’s so little around. Grownups seem unable to give love, except on occasion. Why do they keep it inside? They have so much!! But they hide it! Why do they hide it? You watch your mother as she talks with her friends. They don’t love each other. They just play games with each other. It is so meaningless. It is dark, what they do. It is all dark, wherever you look in this world, except on occasion. Like those two people over there with their arms around each other, even as they walk. Your parents don’t have this spark. Why? Oh, you wish you could give them the love and have them feel it. You know they feel it from you and you feel it once in a while from them, but – uh oh! Here is a tug coming and you have to go…
And so you grow through the years. The tug is a force making you go to school, a force making you go to work, a force making you go to the school dance when you don’t want to go. A force making you defend yourself against neighborhood bullies, a force here and a force there – outer forces having nothing to do with you. They belong to someone or something else. Forces all around like a swirling monster with many tentacles, knocking you about, pulling you here and pushing you there, forces that get down inside and under your skin and into your heart and mind. Forces without the love, without the light. And now you are a man and the light is practically gone. Who are you? You cannot remember why you came into this world. No one was there to remind you. You ARE someone very special but no one knew that when you arrived. So you had to keep that part of yourself buried, and that’s why you’re looking for it now. The love would have helped had it been there, but it was not there enough of the time. So now you too are like your parents – dark, with very little love to give the world, playing head games with your associates and friends, looking for your other hal fin the form of a woman. And each woman gives you a little bit of love so that you feel good for a time, but it somehow doesn’t last, and so you move on. Looking. Always looking. But it isn’t really a woman you are looking for. It is something more. You are looking for something you can’t put your finger on, so you renew your search. You have a feeling that there is something more. What are you missing?
And so it goes, the search for yourself. You will continually search until you find YOU. And if you have not found it at the end of this life, you will spend some time again in the astral world, an enjoyable resting place, and then come back again as a babe, to continue your search. And unless there is that special someone to receive you in the physical world, to teach you that you are indeed SPECIAL, and love you truly for who you are, not what you do, unless someone tells you to hang on to LOVE with all your heart, with all your courage and with everything you own and have at your disposal – then you will not hang on. And you will come back again and again and again, each round of physical embodiment forcing you to wake up against all odds so that you become a little wiser at the end of your life. So that you see the world through easier eyes as you become familiar with the terrain and you grow to become an “old” soul on this planet of systems and you recognize the “new” souls coming in. You want to teach them about the world. You want to guide them. You want to tell them the pitfalls and where to watch their step and where to take advantage of the natural terrain. But they don’t listen. They have their heads in the clouds and they can’t understand what you are saying. You’re too encrusted with the ways of THIS world, they say, and they laugh and go on their way merrily skipping through the sunshine. They don’t fit, you think. But they do have love. Yes, they do have love. Maybe their love will save them. You doubt it, though. And so the little children remind you of what you once knew for yourself as you grow tired from the beatings and you relax your grip on things and grow old and die once again.
And so you watch the civilizations come and go, and you’ve partaken of so many different lifetimes, so many different cultures. Some lives were poverty stricken, some encrusted with gold and jewels and silver and royal crowns. Others were mediocre and nondescript, while others were heroic and full of tingling memories, while yet others were cowardly in which you failed to live up to even your worldly standards, let alone the inner spiritual standards that you were unknowingly struggling to reach. But each life gave you something to carry away into the next life, something to make you wiser and better able to juggle the many complications of Selfhood. Why you were doing all this, what you were seeking. The light at the end of the tunnel. And finally you approach the final embodiment. Maybe not THE final embodiment, but a significant embodiment – one in which you begin to put the whole thing together. One in which you begin to see the beauty of life, not just a series of disjointed hurts and pains. This is a sign that you are in the final stages of physical life.
You never realized before that what you were doing in these continuing rounds of physical embodiment was building up a storehouse of LIGHT in yourself. INSIDE of yourself. You were slowly, inevitably putting on light. You wee picking up light over here in the poverty stricken side, and you were picking up light over there in the rich man’s mansion, and you were picking up light in the life of the druggie and musicians, and you were picking up light in the period of founding the United States of America, where the visions came fast and furious. And now you’re beginning to realize that all of those many experiences were not in vain! You’ve been weaving a mantel around yourself, a mantel of light. Although you don’t see the light as light, you see it as seeing, you are are still weaving a fabric of awareness in, through and around your cells, your earth body cells, to lift you. To elevate you in times of depression. You are following a cosmic process of evolution. You are doing it exactly right! Without knowing it! Now you are becoming conscious of this wonderful process. You are coming into understanding. That is the light shining through, dawning in your mind. You understand! And so you are becoming your body of light. You are bringing it out into the physical world where others can sense it, too. You are bringing the light into the world simply by being you! By being who you want to be, no matter where that happens to be. You no longer live for others, you live for your own heart. You live as you are the most comfortable with yourself. You are bringing forth the real you. You are becoming easier with yourself, kinder to yourself, loving yourself more and believing in yourself, despite what the world may say about you. You are becoming lighter and lighter and lighter in your heart, and you are becoming LIGHT! You are reaching the summit. Sure, there are still parts that don’t quite make sense, but the goal is in sight.
This long, long journey is approaching an end. No one can tell you much any more these days, you know what you know and you are happy with yourself. You’re willing to teach others if they ask, but your knowledge is YOUR knowledge. It’s personal and it can’t be given to another. The others have to find their own personal knowledge. And so your body of light is building, and you are cultivating a greater respect for yourself, a greater appreciation of your life and your methodology IS right – you always knew it – and you are cultivating Love – your kind of love – and it encompasses a lot of things and a lot of people no matter what the world may say against you. You are aware that, with all the movement outside of your body, inside you are not phased the way you used to be. Here within, at the center of yourself, there is no movement at all, but only peace, knowledge, only LIGHT. And here you come to retreat from the world’s confusion, to sip the delicate cocktail in company of the highest and the best: your Self, your own special life force. Your mysterious Center that has been maintaining you all these many lives. Finally it brings you home. It has been calling you all this time, all these centuries. Now you understand why you’ve always had the urge to do it “your” way. Your way WAS the right way. And the love that washes over you as you realize this fact is as wonderful as if you were being bathed in a therapeutic healing balm. It is washing away all the negatives and all the confusions, and it is stripping away all that Is not you but which you have been carrying around for centuries. Washed clean of everything anti-self, the self feels so clean, so right, so GOOD! It is like being immersed in the very Dawn itself, where it all began before going out into the outer world.
So now you are pretty much in the know about what is going on with you and you are pretty much at peace with yourself. The world keeps pulling on you and attempting to intimidate but it doesn’t seem to phase you any more. You no longer get angry with it, you don’t really care. It’s not important any more because you know who you are. So what happens now? There’s no more need for embodiments any more, and the need of dying and being reborn is almost at an end. So where do we go from here? Now you begin the last of the teachings, the first of the next level teachings, the graduation lessons. These are the teachings that blow out all reason because they teach you that death is not part of cosmic law. It’s not needed. It’s all erroneous. People don’t have to die to go to the next level of life. Dying is only for those who failed to pass the test. But of course you don’t know that until someone tells you, and so the final lessons are necessary If you want to bring your body with you instead of letting it be buried in a grave somewhere. You CAN go ahead and die if you choose to, because your moving into the position of being a master shortly, and you can anything you want to. But you have to learn this Someone has to tell you. Feeling isn’t enough. It has to be confirmed by someone who KNOWS. Really knows. Many people have moved on to the heavens of their being by dying, their bodies were buried in the grave just like anyone else when they died. But they just simply never reincarnated again, but they moved on. It can be done that way. That is by far the easier way and nobody is the wiser.
But there IS a way to take your body with you when it is time to go. And these are the hidden lessons, the esoteric teachings that have been kept from the people over the centuries so that very few know about their existence or about the sea of Light and Light cities and the people who inhabit them – the higher ones who seldom visit an earth planet any more, but watch and care from a great distance, ready to spring into action to help at any time they are called. But, you might say, “Why leave the earth planet at all? Why not put it all together and stay here, right here on earth as a know-it-all? As a master? Become real wise and real enlightened and learn how to control the elements and nature and yourself and make all sorts of miracles right here on earth? Why do people always have to move on to the heavens of their particular religion?
Well, you can if you choose to. People move on out of natural attraction and affinity, that’s all. You are more attracted to those of your own kind right here on earth, and so it is that you are more attracted to move on to be with those who have attained the same level of understanding that you have, when you are invited to do so. Why would a person reject that? The world is a discouraging place to be when those around you are so negative, who don’t want to listen to you when you speak, who don’t like to be reminded of their failings just by seeing your successes. Who even tell you to shut up and stop talking about the beauty of your reality and all that you see. Why stick around in an environment that doesn’t want you when you can go to a place that not only wants you but is encouraging you in every way possible, a place where you are not a strange phenomena but a natural citizen among others like yourself? Where the inhabitants are encouraged to be even MORE of what they are, instead of less, and where the lessons are of such magnitude that thrill the whole being with joy and beauty, and where higher and still HIGHER learning is always going on and being lived out every day among the people. And where there is no night! Can you imagine a culture where there is no darkness, ever?
One must learn how to accept eternal light, how to live with a body that never tires, and a mind that never grows old because there is nothing to drag on it to make it heavy and nothing to confuse. Can you imagine a place where there are no problems? Only new horizons that have never been explored because they are inside of you and no one is permitted to explore these regions except yourself? Can you imagine the excitement and the adventure of constantly moving toward the Light with new promise and hints of even higher things? With nobody to stop you or get in your way or fight you at every turn? Can you imagine this? This is the land of the Immortals, one-time human beings who have mastered outer conditions in the physical body. They are always new and innocent, always full of wonder at their state of being, an eternal NOW, and they never stagnate or grow tired of themselves because they are filled to overflowing with newness constantly.
Is this a fairy tale? Yes! A lovely fairy tale to give a hint here and a hint there to those who struggle on because it is not an easy transition for an earth body and an earth mind to shed the earth concepts and accept the concepts of the Immortal Ones, the Light Fantastic! But one cannot move one’s body on until it has been accepted. So most people go ahead and die and make the transition without trying to re-train the body cells and the genes inside. But it CAN be done. And it HAS been done! Quite a few people over the history of the world have taken their bodies with them. Jesus is the most famous man who took his body with him. And Elijah did too, of old testament record. And Mohammed who was said to have ascended from a rock. And in more recent times, Annalee Skarin and David Lloyd, plus others who are not registered in the history books but whose happy dramas are recorded in detail in the etheric records to those who can read them.
They are the ones who are referred to in the parable about the wheat and the tares. The harvest is the gathering up of those who don’t have to come back ina new body and go another round. And so they are lifted up and out of the wild fields where they grew and sojourned on their way to mastery and now that they have learned that the only Law is the inner law of Selfhood and proven that it works, they are carried to the house of the Great One to be appreciated, recognized and immortalized by the Family awaiting. The crown will be placed upon the heads of those who made it. The ritual of the ascension is the making of an Immortal, for the personality itself will be come immortalized, become a permanent resident in the higher kingdom of Light, whereas all past personalities had to die so that new ones could be born to try again, but who died, too, to be reborn in an endless round of births and deaths and rebirths until now. Now is the lifetime where the higher lesson is being taught. One does not have to die – one may, with proper preparation and training, move on, right inside the body by bringing out that body of light that is inside, hidden – thelight of the true self and creative spontaneity that could work miracles if permitted to be let free. The world is against it, there is no doubt about that, and so the lesson is a hard one.
But now that you have made it to the realm of the Immortals, where you banquet with the Best, from this place you can look back and you do not see the physical matter which served you once, you only see the little sparkles of light, throbbing, exploding, dimming, expanding that signify souls on their path, radiating the light of self here, hiding it there, in their struggle to overcome their environment of time and space. Each sparklet of light carries a special vibration that is unique from all the others because there are no two selves alike, each one created to fill a special place at the banquet table of the Family when all is done and untied as One. Each person is easily identified by that singular vibration that will never ever change, it being the original frequency of the Great One when He broke away from the whole and went forth on His journey. Now he is climbing back home. And so, you and the other Immortals, because you are interested in the light no matter where it is, watch this little sparklet expanding and you are always ready to reach out and touch it with a finger tip to pass the greater spark, to give it a “boost” so to speak in the form of a fresh insight, or a new revelation, or a spark of courage, or vision or simply a shot of energy.
Whatever is required, you are ready to give to the one who is still struggling but only when you are asked. For you are learning how to help and when to help, what is permissible and what is not, according to the system of worlds and galaxies, so that you do not disrupt the Whole. And you are most concerned when you see a spark of light suddenly dim. What is happening? You rush to the side of the one in trouble, but you cannot help until called, else you interfere with the learning process, for the struggling one must come to terms with the struggle and call upon his own resources if only in the form of choosing to ask for help. That is the Law and all obey the Law of self evolution. There are no accidents, only lessons, and tests, and more lessons and more tests. And the Immortals, those who have been there too, are always available to help. They are permitted to help whenever someone asks, just as we on earth are restricted from helping those who do not want our help. They are ready even when they are making their own lessons and living their own circumstances, for they are acutely attuned to Light, and even a tiny little sparklet of light that calls for help will compel them to answer in the twinkling of an eye, for their bodies are quintessent light and light can travel at its own speed.
So the greatest challenge of all is to overcome this world, the laws of this world and the intimidations of this world and all the “thou shalt nots” and the “thou shalts” that are laid on the soul from outside. For it is from within that the greater law exists, and so the heart moves outward to express the inner part in perfect freedom, in perfect peace, in perfect love and in harmony with the outer environment so that those around must accept and no longer consider this one a rebel or a crazy, but a unique human being in his own way. This is the challenge, so that if you can do this you do not have to leave the physical world for you will be accepted in this one and made to feel wanted and loved. You will be the Immortal One in a world of transitory matter, to live long after it changes into dust. But no one can teach you how to do this. You have to learn to do it all alone. There are no lessons recorded anywhere on earth for it is not a way of the world. It is untried territory, an untried challenge. It can only be the greatest victory to be able to succeed. And the one who is able to become the inner light expressed outward on earth among men will work miracles all around in a most wonderful sense of accomplishment. It requires experimentation and an allowance for error. Error is OK. Errors will happen but errors are to be embraced and forgiven by yourself for yourself for only you can forgive your error and dissolve it so that you can move on to more freedom and more light – always and forever more light - no matter where you are or in what body you happen to be or what circumstances you may find yourself fin. It is possible to spiral up and out through the embrace of forgiveness, humility and the love of freedom.
Channeled by spirit September 23, 1986 (Diana)