Awakening the divine feminine - The heart is the new baseline
The Meaning of Anakosha
Lifting up!
Diana was in deep trance lying under a pyramid of copper tubing, when she received the name Anakosha. It was two months after Bob died and she was on a healing journey, a modern-day vision quest, to find her next direction. While visiting her sister in Idaho, a nearby neighbor invited Diana to try out his experimental energy pyramid, which he had built in his home to Biblical proportions, and he offered Diana a chance to test it.
Lying under the pyramid with music playing, Diana was swept up into a place of soothing darkness, a great all-encompassing peace and quiet. About six or seven beings of light came then, and adjusted her body as she lay on a table, and then they left her to rest. All was black and peaceful like a void. Then, into the black emptiness a huge flaming letter "A" floated into her range of vision from the left, past her inner vision and on out to the right to disappear. The letter was on fire, a feeling like the picture above. Then came slowly a flaming letter "N" from left to right, followed by A - K - O - S - H - A. It could hardly be missed. There was no mistaking how to spell Anakosha, she just wasn't sure how to pronounce it.
Later Diana asked her sister and the others if they had ever heard of Anakosha, and spelled it for them. No, nobody had. Over the years people have asked Diana the origin of the name, telling her they could not find it in any books. And of course she too has looked. But the meaning slowly seeped into her consciousness. She wasn't even aware she knew this until she found herself telling people, "It's the processing of two opposites together to meld into oneness."
The emphasis was on the word "process" - a continual reminder to become aware of how to bring opposites together, like the push and pull of life. In the center between push and pull there is a neutral place where they become one in stillness, unified. It is true with all opposites. Anakosha is here to help us erase the opposite polarities in us so we can complete our journey in this dualistic, antagonistic, warring world, and return to our birthright of health, harmony and abundance once more. We don't have to die to get to heaven. Heaven is right here when we erase the warring factions within us. As for the origin of the word, while working on this website recently Diana thought to check out Wikipedia. Here's what it said:
Ana - to throw or lead upward
The English prefix, ana-, is derived from an ancient-Greek preposition, which means "up" starting from somewhere, such as from a platform or a foundation or a beginning and going upward. Ana is more easily understood when compared to the Greek kata- (English cata), which means "down", as in starting from somewhere and going down from there, with alternating levels of degeneration, decreasing as it goes down. So, we have ana meaning up and kata meaning down. Anabolic pertains to substances that increase mass, as in anabolic steroids which increase muscle mass. Catabolic pertains to something that decreases mass, as in catastrophe, which is a downward-turning event. Anagogy is a spiritual interpretation that means uplifting or raising upwards. Therefore Anakosha could be interpreted as uplifting or raising upward the sheaths that cover the divine self. Read on for the meaning of kosha.
Kosha - the sheath covering the real Self
Kosha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sheath" that covers the Atman or Self. According to Vedantic philosophy the koshas are the non-self. There are several sheaths that cover the Self. They are often visualized like the layers of an onion. One author states: According to the Kosha system in Yogic philosophy, the nature of being human encompasses physical and psychological aspects that function as one holistic system. The Kosha system refers to these different aspects as layers of subjective experience. Layers range from the dense physical body to the more subtle levels of emotions, mind and spirit. Psychology refers to the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being. Together, all aspects make up our subjective experience of being alive. The five sheaths (pancha-kosas) are alluded to in the fourteen verses of the Atmabodha. According to Vedanta the wise man should discriminate between the self and the koshas, which are non-self.
So what Anakosha means
Anakosha is interpreted by me, Diana, who has tried to analyze a powerful subjective experience with a powerful clear vision of the word "anakosha", to mean the upward lifting of everything that is human, meaning mind, body, feelings, spiritual - anything one might label as human - and lifting it upward or elevating it. I feel I was given a task to do. Something I had to work on, or work out. And that is indeed what I have been doing. It is opening doors for me as I write about my experiences. I am blessed indeed to have a website in which to share this information. I had my dramatic kundalini experience while active sexually with a loving partner, and I expanded from there. With sexuality as the base, my writings reflect the raising upward from sex as a beginning. Everything I do, think, act and play out is lifted, or tried to be lifted. By lifting everything upward, including sex, relationships and body functions, I have learned to transcend those warring parts of myself that used to cause me trouble. I enjoy a sense of unity with life today (2018) with harmony, grace and comfort. I feel human beings can do this without having to die. As physical creatures we can have a life of joy, abundance, love, and liberation while still living in a body on earth. I believe the body refines itself as we lift everything up as best we can. And then suffering, pain, loss and trauma seems to disappear. I feel that lifting everything up that we do is the process of aligning, or balancing, or integrating the separate fragments of ourselves. By aligning the mind with feelings of joy, and mental thoughts with feelings of joy, and the spiritual relationship with the creator with feelings of joy, then the body also feels feelings of joy. I believe it is a healing process.