Introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
Mystery School for Dummies
This page is in process of being written. It is not complete. It was started on 6/13/19, and added to on 6/25/19, but it is far from finished. I am told it will be limited to 20 lessons, and then there will be amplification of the 20 lessons. I am drawing this information from the spiritual hierarchy, which is composed of many enlightened beings, ascended masters, immortals and celestials. The Ascended Masters are also known as the Great White Brotherhood, white referring to the white light that emanates from them, not the color of their skin. In the east there is an ancient tradition that goes much further back with different words to identify the same ascendeds and immortals - humans who have lived on earth and mastered the human condition. Immortals are those who decided not to disappear into the infinite, but to stay close to earth to guide humankind in their evolution. Galactics from other star systems are on the same path and have the same ascendeds and immortals, the same angelic helpers, devas and other great beings.
Why call it a Mystery School? In times past when humankind was young, the spiritual hierarchy was unknown. Only select students would be contacted and invited to attend secret schools for spiritual advancement. These were called mystery schools. Arcane schools. Only recently, with the advent of the Aquarian Age, has spiritual science begun seeping out into the main stream via the internet and teachers from the east coming west. Understanding of the mind, body, emotions and the senses requires education. Knowledge is important if one is to grow in wisdom. There are scars remaining on the souls of men that were put there by selfish, arrogant and unenlightened men. These scars need to be loved away and truth presented in a humble way, not rude or arrogant. They are preventing men and women from believing. Mankind has been brain-washed into believing God is a punishing god, when in truth it was cruel men who set up the power structures that led them astray. These power structures have caused the shame and pain, and fed them lies about their true, noble and divine inheritance, awaiting them. The spiritual hierarchy is a loving hierarchy personified. They have names and personalities, and they are reaching out to mankind and womankind to assist in the healing of the old untruths. Knowledge of these enlightened beings is indispensable. So let us begin.
There have been 20 things selected that one should know in order to attract the attention of spiritual beings. Your belief is essential. It's a high sign to them. The spiritual hierarchy is eager to hold your hand, but they need to be asked. Otherwise they would be talking to a wall. We all know what it's like to talk to a wall. Belief is the beginning of the same spiritual training that was once offered to the few in secret. We in the west have lost our spiritual connection and belief in God. The belief in reincarnation is essential to believing in the eternal God who lovingly provides opportunities to evolve. No matter how lost one may feel, help is closer than hands and feet. There is an intelligent order to life and life is everywhere, even in your own home and garden.
Conscious connection with that help starts by opening the doors of the mind and believing beyond the limits of what was taught from infancy. Here are the beginning glimmers, being offered on this page. Love and intelligence is everywhere, just waiting to be noticed. Once the mind is open to receive glimmers of truth, then conscious connection is made with the invisible brotherhood. It is an inner journey, walked on inner realms, and it's solitary. Opportunities will follow, seemingly out of the blue. Watch for them. The lessons are for you alone, not for your family and friends. Keep it to yourself. Don't speak of it. Allow it to germinate in silence.
Following is a list of 20 things you need to know if you seek contact with the Brotherhood of Light.
20 Things you need to know (this is under construction)
1) THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY. You need to understand how important the Spiritual Hierarchy is, and what it is. Also known as the Great White Brotherhood. The spiritual dimensions lay like layers above us and below us, with us sandwiched as a layer inbetween. We cannot change or grow without the help of ascended beings above us. They are here to guide mankind but remain invisible. We would stagnate or go sink downwards without their help. When it is said we are all one life, or we are connected through a web of life, it means consciously. We receive thoughts and inspirations from others outside of ourselves through the five senses. But we may receive thoughts and inspirations from the ascended masters and angelics who are above us in consciousness, too. It requires that we spend time in meditation or prayer to connect with Ascended Masters. We do not live alone. We are connected to an infinite sea of intelligence. Mankind is evolving to the point of recognizing this fact. Just as a child cannot grow all by itself out in the forest without parents, siblings or others to teach him, so mankind cannot grow all by itself without more advanced, wiser beings to guide us. This guidance is best received in silence during meditation or prayer. Techniques will come to the one who searches. It is of the greatest benefit of all to choose one specific Ascended Master to call upon by name every day during prayer time.
2) IMPORTANCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS. You need to understand how important your consciousness is. There is no intelligence outside of your own I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self that is familiar with the heights and the depths of your individual realm of consciousness. Your personal consciousness is inviolate into which no part of life can intrude UNLESS INVITED TO DO SO, whether from the Godhead, the Ascended Master realm or other members of the human race. Humans close their consciousness deliberately by controlled thought-force so that even an Ascended Master cannot penetrate it by the law of the sanctity of the self unless invited to do so. Your ability to be aware and manage your thoughts is the only tool that you have to change your reality. Everything else is transient and comes and goes. Only YOU can make things happen with your consciousness. Where you put your attention can blind you if its a dead end, or can move to more open fields of learning and higher intelligence. You are spirit evolving to ever-greater consciousness.
3) VISUALIZION. You need to understand how important visualization is as a tool of your consciousness. The ability to think is only the beginning. From there, you dream and imagine and create pictures in your mind. Concentration on building pictures in your mind is called visualization. It is a form of meditation. You create your reality with your consciousness through dreaming and visualizing for yourself better things.
4) PROTECTIVE CIRCLE. You need to form a protective circle around yourself every morning before you start your day. You do this is by visualizing a bubble of bright light around you, from three to six feet from you, as you imagine it. Imagine an outer membrane of light about 2 inches thick around the perimeter. Hold this thought for a minute or longer. Do this every day. It is real on the etheric plane where forces exist that influence your mind and emotions. It will help to ward off negative thoughts and feelings. It does not block positive influences, only those that are less than you and would drag you down. Rebuild the bubble of light every morning before you go out to engage with other people.
5) ALIGNING WITH THE SUN. You need to align with the sun. Your consciousness comes from the sun. You are a conscious thought from the divine creator, or father/mother god, which comes from higher planes and shines on earth through the sun. Your most beautiful thoughts come from the sun. Your dreams come from the sun. Your evolution comes from the sun. Spiritual links are established through the sun. It is important to remember the sun through the visualization process a few times a day, or as often as you can. You started as a spirit spark from the sun, the creator, but after being born into a human body you forgot. The body became a wall of flesh, but your consciousness is free. You are free in your mind. Your powers come from the sun. Remember to align with the sun often. It helps to strengthen your clarity of thought on earth.
6) THE SEVEN BODIES. You need to know about the seven bodies that surround you, who are formless spirit. Your seven layers are density levels. There are 3 perfect bodies on the highest level and the 4 lower bodies are imperfect, corrupt, filled with mistakes and errors. The 4 lower bodies have become mixed with negatives and errors from having lived many lifetimes on Earth in many different cultures. The three highest bodies are called (1) the monad or monadic body, known as the I Am Presence, (2) the causal body which contains the 7 colors and tones that are contain the perfections of spirit, (3) the light body which is called the christ body or first-born son/daughter. These three bodies contain God-perfection. They have never been corrupted by human experience. No matter how evil a person may appear to be, his 3 higher bodies remain in heaven's perfection but the person is cut off from communicating, just enough perfection comes through to keep the body alive and functioning on the lower planes. Continuing to define the seven bodies - the four lower bodies in descending order are (4) the etheric body, (5) the mental body, (6) the emotional body also known as the astral body, and (7) the physical body which is the densest of all. The blueprint of your immaculate self flows down through your spinal column, out through the chakras into the meridian system as a river of light. to feed your mind, body and emotions, but you don't know. This information is coming to you now so you can begin thinking about it which will activate it.
7) DIMENSIONS. You need to know about how consciousness determines what dimension you are living in. This does not mean attention, for your attention changes throughout the day. Your level of consciousness is how you are measured by the enlightened ones who are watching over mankind. Earth has been existing at extremely low levels of consciousness compared to advanced civilizations in our galaxy who are visiting us at this time, assisting. Mankind has been functioning at third dimensional levels for eons of time, which is survival level. Third dimension is the first level above animal consciousness. Spirit evolves upward through the mineral, plant, animal kingdom, then human. Humans, unfortunately, have been held locked down in the third dimension by dark forces. These are now being lifted, allowing us to experience the next dimension, which is the fourth. Here we are learning, moving back and forth between third and fourth, how to manage our emotions and thoughts better. We are learning we are not victims. We are becoming aware that we have control over our emotions, feelings. As we control our emotions to higher, better levels that feel good and are productive, we learn to use our minds better, which moves us into the fifth dimension. We can live on different dimensions while outwardly living a normal physical life with our family and friends. Raising our vibrations means holding thought and feeling on a higher level, helping others, serving others, contributing constructively to the welfare of the whole, keeping the good of the whole in mind, and doing what is best for all concerned. Working from a more positive foundation, we feel good, better and best, according to our abilities. Awareness of being part of a larger whole is consciousness expanding to higher, broader, wider levels.
8) NEGATIVE ENTITIES & ENTITY POSSESION. You need to know about negative entities and how they hold you back from evolving. Entity possession is more prevalent than people think. Negative entities are people who died who have not evolved sufficiently to move to the next level. Their consciousness is a low vibration and they seek to attach to someone still in a human body whose vibration is similar. They cannot attach to people who have raised higher than themselves, to the upper fourth and fifth level.
9) THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD. You need to learn the value of the spoken word. Practice the power in the spoken word. Choose words with care, pack more intention into them. Express truth, not falsehood. This leads to communicating telepathically. Practice is done by learning and practicing positive affirmations, invocations, mantras and chants on a daily basis. It trains the brain waves with higher vibrations, which carry higher energies to the body. Practicing higher energy words assists in speaking the right words in the right situations to unite people and create the best for all concerned. Words manifest into physical form. Ugly words divide and bring unhappiness. Correct words chosen wisely bring betterment. Speaking out loud vibrates the physical, mental and emotional bodies so they are in alignment with the intention being spoken.
10) THE CHAKRA SYSTEMS. You need to know the chakra system. The light from your three higher bodies which contain the perfect divine blueprint for you, descends down through the four lower bodies via the meridian system, a network of tiny etheric capillaries connecting to every cell in the physical body. Chakras are embedded in the etheric column of light that surrounds your spinal column. The etheric column of light comes from the Sun which is etheric, and is the intelligence of your mind, feelings, etheric and physical body. Three chakras above the heart are spiritual, the three below the heart contain animal tendencies that are seeking to evolve higher. The heart is neutral and is the link to god-consciousness. The 3 chakras below the heart are related to the earth and are magnetic and therefore feminine, as in receptive. The 3 chakras above the heart are related to the sun and are electric and therefore masculine as in shining outward. The heart is location where the positive or pro-active human tendencies merge with negative or passive tendencies merge and produce peace and love and harmony and sense of fulfillment, rightness and wholeness for the one experiencing the human condition. Each chakra produces a different affect on the human. Go into your heart to align with love and peace.
11) THE SPINAL COLUMN. You need to know the importance of your spinal column. When your spine is in perfect alignment, your lower bodies are in perfect harmony with your three upper bodies, meaning your I AM Presence (Monad), your causal body (seven tones and colors), and your crystal light body (your christ body). The spinal column is the central "pole" of the body around which the atoms and electrons spin which form your organs, muscles and tissues. It is like the axis of the earth. Within the spinal column flows the magnetic core of love that holds your physical body in shape. Within the spinal column is the cosmic keynote or signature which defines you, the individual. The natural harmony of your mind-body vehicle is constantly flowing from your spinal column out through your nervous system, sustaining the power of your outer self. When that harmony is broken, rejuvenate by lying down quietly on a comfortable bed with a low or no headrest. Keep the spine straight, and slow your breathing down to a relaxed rhythm. Visualize the spinal column as a rod of light. Visualize the light filling your spinal column and going out like a river through the nervous system. Visualize your entire body lighting up like a a tree of light, with large branches flowing into smaller branches and then into tiny branches, carrying the light into every cell and atom of your being. See your whole body lighting up like a Christmas tree. Hold this for 15 minutes, breathing slowly and deeply. Then get up and resume your day. (Printz book 2, pg 356)
12) GIVE PERMISSION TO THE ASCENDED MASTERS DAILY. Need to know how to give permission to the ascendeds to guide you. They cannot advise you or help you without your giving them permission. "I give permission and authority to the ascended masters to guide, protect and instruct me today in the unfolding of the divine plan through me and my actions, every thought, word, feeling and form." Use your own words as you feel is right for you.
13) THE KANDA, THE BUD OF THE KUNDALINI. You need to know about the kanda, which is the unopened flower of the kundalini, the earth power. It is at the base of your spine and it waits for your higher self to descend low enough to be fully seated in the body to connect with it. Then it flowers open and the power known as kundalini begins to flow upward. A piece of the soul or spirit was sent down to earth at or prior to birth, to become embedded into to the earth to anchor the spirit here. It was sent ahead of the birthing as a homing device for the soul to lock onto. Like a ship's anchor it holds you to the planet, otherwise you could not stay here. There would be nothing to hold you. This is the feminine side of a person as opposed to the masculine side, or spiritual self. The earth is feminine to the masculine sun. Unhealthy or unbalanced sex practices prevent people from fully seating their higher self into the physical body. On the other hand, healthy sex practices will assist a person in fulling descending into the body and thus LOVINGLY opening the kanda and releasing the earth power, kundalini. There is a science to this. We will bring more information forth here.
14) THE TORUS. You need to know about the torus pattern of how your energy flows. There is only one life flowing through you and it is perfection. It descends from heaven down through your body into earth and back up to heaven as you breathe. It is in constant motion descending and ascending, bringing perfection into your body and mind. It brings you awareness as it flows. It is only one life that flows through you, not two. Some people think there are two different flows, but it's only one flow. There is no gender in the flow. Gender is created by you as a human personality. But you are neither man nor woman. You are spiritual consciousness flowing from heaven to earth and back to heaven again.
15) THE SEVEN RAYS. You need to know about the seven rays, and how they are distributed through the seven bodies through the seven portals known as chakras. They are the seven noble attributes and qualities that all living things strive to embody and attain.
16) SAINT GERMAIN. You need to know about Ascended Master St. Germain, because he is the chohan (lord) of the new golden age destined for Earth. It is his vision of a free God-loving people that brought forth America, and his influence that moved and inspired the founding fathers in the early beginnings of our country. And St. Germain continues to work behind the scenes in behalf of freeing America and the world and bringing forth a united and free planet. Learn about his history, who he was in past lives, what role he played in the founding of America, and why freedom is his holy cause.
17) BUILD A SACRED SPACE. You need to know how to create a sacred space at home, with a sacred chair and an altar or table to use as a focus for your silent times of meditation or contemplation.
18) THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HEART. Need to know about the importance of the heart, and the three-fold flame in the heart.
19) THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSCIOUS BREATH WORK. You need to know how important conscious breathing is to quicken your body and mind and move vital energy. There are a number of techniques.
20) WHAT IS ASCENSION? You need to know about ascension - what it is and what it is not. And what they mean by "the event". The ascension process is an ongoing process that continues indefinitely, no matter what level you are on. It doesn't stop at the ascended state. Ascended beings also move beyond their current status for they too are learning more. It is a never-ending process moving closer to the God-head. However, there is something called "the event" which is being talked about. Apparently our sun is holding back light coming from the great central sun out of compassion, in order to give the earth's population more time to raise their consciousness. As I understand it, when the mass consciousness rises to a level where a certain quota of people can withstand the blast, then the sun will release the light - or perhaps we the people ourselves will trigger the release - which will be as a brilliant flash to cover the planet like a flood. There will be those who have not raised their consciousness enough to stand it and will die. But they will be well cared for. I'll post more information here as I receive it. Meanwhile, ascension is the process of aligning with the highest and best in you. One does not need to know esoteric science, only to have the highest intentions possible. Strive to be a good person and you will be a God-person on the ascension path. Determine to serve others as best you can. Humans do not have to leave earth to continue their ascension process. They can remain in their physical bodies even as they align with higher forces of good. Cooperation, harmony, non-judgment, kindness, compassion, peace, justice, forgiveness, love are among the qualities we seek to embody.