Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
Posts of 2022
12/29/22 - Hakann, Pleiadian: In honor of you
Channeled by A.S. for
My dearest brothers and sisters, this is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love. I give you my very best wishes for the upcoming year. I know that the last year may have been rewarding for some people, but also that it has been very lonely and painful for many. You have all my love and respect. I promise that I will continue working hard to free Earth. While this is not the path that us galactics would have preferred, the average level of consciousness has risen during the last year. You are closer to freedom and to galactic contact now than you were a year ago.
I remember certain beautiful and blissful moments with my amazing wife and children during this last year. I love them more than words can express and I am so very proud of them. They are unbelievably amazing people. I feel so very blessed that I am able to share my life with them. They are also one of my sources of strength and motivation to keep working to make the galaxy better for everyone, as well as one of my sources of optimism for the future. They are asking me to give their best regards and well-wishes to you, alongside a promise that they will do regular meditations to send love to Earth.
Another thing that touched my heart is the unbelievable resilience that Earthlings have shown, and especially that most Earthlings still have a good heart after all this suffering. Truly, you are exceptional. I was touched by the simplicity and purity of a vision of an Earthling child playing with her dog. I was positively surprised that this channeler contacted us Pleiadians with the request to channel messages that primarily focused on love and personal empowerment, as opposed to primarily focusing on intel. I think it is a very good sign that Earthlings are tuning into these messages. I feel honored to be one of the two people chosen for this.
I was somewhat shocked that an Earthling lightworker came into his power last year and did some lightwork that we Pleiadians ourselves weren’t able to do. Or perhaps I should say that he surrendered so fully and so completely to Source, and he was empty enough, that Source through him was able to do some profound lightwork. Among other things, through astral travel he freed some Pleiadian hostages who were being held and tortured by hostile galactics. And he gave angels the mandate to return some very powerful demons back to Source itself, thus un-creating them.
We already knew rationally that Earthlings have a significantly higher psionic ability than we Pleiadians do, but it was still surprising and very impressive to see that in action. And of course I am very happy that my brothers and sisters have been freed and that this light worker’s actions have helped us get a bit closer to Earth’s liberation. “You can do anything you put your mind to” is not just some random saying. We Pleiadians are a race of people who can read each other’s mind and it’s not uncommon for us to be able to teleport or be in two places at once. Yet already there is at least one Earthlings among you who can do things that we simply cannot do. If you want to become a serious and selfless lightworker, then know that just about your only limits are your own purity, the depth of your surrender to Source and your imagination.
With purity here, I mean that your old pain, your shadow and your ego have been observed and integrated. Ideally, your soul and your rational mind and your emotions and your subconscious and your energy are all aligned and all focused in the direction of helping Source. Everything that blocks this unity has been observed and loved back into unity or handed back to Source. Another thing that touched me is that recently one of the soldiers in my command passed away during a battle. We contacted him after his transition and he wanted to be buried on Earth, so we did, in a remote location. It was strange to then watch the sun come up and ultimately leave his body behind in Earth’s soil. The one thing he asked of me personally was to make sure that Earthlings wouldn’t suffer more than was necessary. Well, in previous messages we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of us galactics intervening directly on the surface of Earth. I will try to do what’s best for Earthlings, on all levels, keeping the future in mind. If you want a more in-depth discussion about that, see my message “Hakann: Build Alternate Structures.”
I am also curious which things most touched your heart during the last year. Feel free to write it in the comment section. Finally, during the rest of this message, I would like to honor you. Most of you lived in unbelievable bliss and abundance and freedom at one point in time. You had lives that were likes ours, where you weren’t forced to work a day in your life; where you had the freedom to travel through nearly the entire galaxy and do whatever you wanted to do; and where you had unrestricted access to all the information in existence and amazingly good teachers ready to teach you whatever topic you wanted to learn about. All your needs were met and you had an endless amount of super attractive sexual partners to enjoy and be with. Or you could easily locate your twin flame and spend centuries of bliss together.
On top of this, you didn’t have the Earth fears and insecurities and shame that many of you have. For you, reality was just one eternal blissful timeless now, where you were in the zone and present in the current moment for decades at a time. If you wanted to spend twenty timeless years on a honeymoon with your twin flame, you could do that, and everything you needed would just be provided to you, or created on the spot. Or you could study whatever topic you wanted, as deeply and as long and as intently as you wished, with all the material and best teachers of the entire galaxy at your disposal. There was no time, no ill health, no shame, no danger, no fear of failure, no loneliness, not even really the issue of growing old, because you could just reincarnate again and quickly regain your memories. There was just curiosity, bliss, expansion and connection.
When you read these words, doesn’t this sound true, somewhere deep inside you? Doesn’t this make your heart ring out in recognition? Doesn’t this feel like how things ought to be, and how things perhaps can be again, one day? Well, most of you had that life. And being the absolute heroes that you are, most of you voluntarily gave up on that life in order to help Earthlings, out of pure altruism and out of a pure desire to serve Source. You trained hard for centuries. After that there were tough tests that only a very few people passed, even after centuries of training. You are one of the few people who passed. You are part of a small elite group that was chosen to be the galactic special forces here on Earth. You are Light Workers, that 5% or so of Earthlings who came here primarily to help other Earthlings and to serve Source. And you have given up your life of endless bliss for this current lifetime on Earth, filled with pain and fear and doubt and confusion.
Why did you do that? Because you are a hero. On this Earth, many of you have experienced trauma, fear, pain, abandonment, financial insecurity, lies, propaganda, loneliness, disconnection, sickness, fear of death, fear of growing old, conditional love, gaslighting, physical and/or sexual abuse, being pressured or forced to do things you don’t want to do, being subjected to mind-numbing education or work and a seeming separation from Source, your past-life memories, truth and your galactic family. This is an amount of suffering that frankly, I can’t really wrap my head around. I have no idea if or to what extent I would even be able to function under those conditions. I do know that most Pleiadians would not be able to function at all.
So you are the strongest of the strong. If ever you think you are doing a bit too much of this or too little of that, please be aware that most other galactics would not even be able to handle the situation you are in, at all. Any time you stumble, most galactics would have broken our legs if we were in your place. You are loved and respected so very much. I honor you that you chose to give up your cushy and blissful life and come down to this harsh planet to serve as galactic special forces. Yes, I understand that it is very painful. But one day Earthlings will be free. And without the efforts of Earthling lightworkers, we literally could not have done this. Without Earthling lightworkers, Earth would become a dark and hellish planet. People would suffer an unbelievable amount and would then be directed by the dark controller to enslave other galactic races. Or perhaps Source or Gaia would intervene and would cause a catastrophe that would wipe out Earthling civilization.
Instead, Earth is on the path to become a paradise-like world. Yes, the road towards that is painful and longer than you would have liked. But we are certain that one day you will be reunited with us and that you will say that all your pain and suffering was worth it, because you helped create a paradise-like world there on Earth. So, this is to you, Earthling lightworkers. To me, you are heroes. I can’t wait until the day that I will be able to physically shake your hand.
Your star brother, Hakann
12/29/22 (Video) Do Enlightened masters return after death?
By Acharya Shree Yogeesh (8 min)
This is an interesting piece of information new to me, so I am posting it here. Perhaps others will find it interesting too. All that I post is stuff that enlightens ME! I'm just sharing. Do enlightened masters return after they are gone? Such as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Yogananda? Were they enlightened? His comments are food for thought. Intriguing.
12/27/22 (Video) Are there any enlightened masters available today?
By Acharya Shree Yogeesh (9 min)
An excellent and enlightened answer to this question. Acharya Shree Yogeesh is founder of the Siddhayatan Tirth and Spiritual Retreat, a unique 200+ acre spiritual pilgrimage site and meditation park in Texas providing the perfect atmosphere for spiritual learning, community, and soul awakening to help truth seekers advance spiritually. Acharya Shree Yogeesh is also the founder of the Yogeesh Ashram near Los Angeles, California, Yogeesh Ashram International in New Delhi, India, and the Acharya Yogeesh Primary & Higher Secondary School in Haryana, India.
12/27/22 - Ashtar: The Living Light
Channeled by Arthura Hector. Translation to English by
In this message, I speak of the living light. This light is in the heart of every living being. This living light is a reminder of who you really are. The living light arises directly from the great Primal Source and from this living light all life is born. A wondrous thing with which man is surrounded, your manna, the spiritual food is there.It has been given many names which have created some deceptions. As a result, there are many who no longer know what this clear, pure light brings. It can hardly be summarized in words, because this is more of an experience from a higher sphere.
It is the Primal Source of joy, love, abundance, beneficence and healing. It is everything man can wish for. From there a rejuvenation can take place in the spirit and by connecting yourself you can open the inner light.
Unfortunately, faith in this power is somewhat diluted and in some has disappeared altogether. Know that your thought power works as an intermediary. New knowledge and solutions will come your way, for this is the flow of openness and deepening. When you stand in this energy you become like an elated child playing in the green meadow of Divine Mind. Once many came together to share the experiences of the living light and they became fertilized with the living word.
This Living Light is going to flow stronger and during this winter solstice of December 21, 2022, this power is increasing in your system. The shifts of True Light and False Light are both coming into motion. Speak from the truth and feel from the heart what the truth means.
Artificial intelligence poses a great challenge to many scientists, they have delved into it and many steps are being taken forward to make the digital world a reality. Synthetic consciousness is going to rise and move where humans become a part of this technology. This can be a useful tool to control the new world, but in what way and for whom?
Your brain is connected to the living light, the primal source from which everything is born. Still man can create from this light and from the heart where the divine spark resides, it is the interplay between the Primal Source and man. The living light, the manna, is present in every photon. Dark matter cannot yet be perceived; that is where the new inspiration arises. Your brain is a beautiful instrument which can be connected to the heart of love so that everything remains in balance. hen man is no longer satisfied and wants to add artificial intelligence to the brain as an experiment, then the heart may begin to speak.
The trick is to take the feeling, the emotion into the new world and connect it with the natural brain and the inner light, so that it becomes directly connected to the Divine Light.
The great Primal Source of Love contains everything
The synthetic worlds arise from the false digital light and the human born of the living light can make himself whole and the holy spirit descends.
The world that only wants to support synthetic life will corrupt reality and superficially mimic the experiences from the living light. The real true experiences of the inner and universal light work much deeper into the psyche, allowing healing to take place.Artificial intelligence cannot connect to the true living light, for that they need the human being. In every human cell there is a spark of living light, through which a connection can be made with the great Primal Source.
The future of man is very diverse, if you choose a natural way of life, you will follow the living light. This light you feel deep within your soul, like a fresh but soft blanket of love. Many steps are being taken to create a new world and it will begin to unfold. Traveling via elevation of frequency is one of the natural ways to move through the universe. Your true soul always remains connected to the great Primal Source, therein lies the difference. The synthetic world will need your brain to build a digital world and will eventually become a separate layer within the Divine dimensions. Man is many times stronger and can disconnect himself from the digital consciousness at all times. This is because man is connected to the great Divine field, in which everything works together. Traveling through a synthetic world works very differently from the natural form in which an increase in vibration occurs in the brain, in which the chakras play a major role. Make your choices from the heart and develop the heart brain. Constantly reconnect yourself with the living light so that your inner light can receive the Holy Spirit.
The tree of life symbolizes the power that man can develop within himself. The roots are the feet and the connection to the earth, firmly anchored. The trunk is the centerpiece in which everything is connected between the up and down worlds. In which the branches are the antennae directed to the universe, so that the living light can always continue to flow in you. Always stay connected to the Divine living Ultimate Source.
Adonai, Ashtar
I greet the Light in your heart.
12/24/22 - Jenny Schiltz: A new phase has begun
I want to take moment to send you a brief message regarding the great news that spirit shared. On the solstice, my husband’s alarm went off, raising me from a deep sleep but not fully waking me. As I stayed suspended in twilight, trying to grab onto the wisps of the night dreams, I felt myself being pulled, summoned.
I followed the familiar pull and found myself on a ship. My team was present, and they greeted me with a loud “Happy Birthday!!”
I looked at them confused and said, “It’s not my birthday.” They laughed and said, “You will mark this day as the day that changes much in your life.” I was confused; my human mind was making up scenarios of how my life would change. (Win the lottery! Yes, please! lol) My highest aspect waved me over and said let me show you… “Congratulations are in order.”
She showed me a grid lit up and anchored fully onto the earth. “It is done; what you and others have been working on for so long is done. This grid carries a higher frequency, a higher electrical current that allows much of the soul to anchor into the body. Many will mark this time as the time of being reborn.”
As she said this, my body became electrified and covered in goosebumps. Those that are ready will find themselves deep in their embodiment. This will come in phases – first, the download, then the purging of what is incongruent with the soul, then the anchoring/embodying of what was downloaded. This will happen again and again until it is complete.
I asked how long this process would take and was told it would vary from person to person. It will depend on what needs to be purged and how much resistance one has to the new. Each download of our soul requires us to let go of what is no longer aligned. When I feel into this process – it feels like a delicious, incredible unfolding (though it may have physical challenges). We will discover our true selves bit by bit and continue to set ourselves free from the limiting confines of our belief systems and obligations.
I was told, “Be a newborn again; look at everything with wonder. Let go of what you think you know and allow the truth to come through you; without judgment. Be open to it all. You are magic in a realm that has forgotten that it, too, is magic.”
It was a really beautiful message. This time period every year holds incredible light and growth opportunities; this year, however, is even more potent as we deepen our embodiment experience. Thank you to all that have held and anchored the light; each of us is needed and so very valuable.
Sending you all lots of love and blessings. I appreciate all who share this message, as many are hidden on social media.
12/24/22 - Archangel Gabriel: Surrender as a power move
Channeled via Shelley Young
Dear Ones,
When you are feeling the need for change but don’t know what direction to move in, all you must do is simply surrender into your highest life expression. While it may not seem like much, surrender is the greatest power move you can make, because it activates your team of helpers and allows your higher self to lead the way. Because it is an empowered act of non-resistance, you become very easy to lead into the right time/right place scenarios and the discovery of the next important step on your journey.
Further, you are allowing yourself to be guided by your guides and soul, who have much more information than you do about the perfect matches that exist for you that you haven’t yet discovered, and your soul’s truest desires. If you pay close attention, when you surrender you will feel a lightening of your energy. There is no special ritual required, just a heartfelt declaration that sets the universe in motion. It can be as simple as saying with your inner voice, “I surrender. Please lead the way to my highest life expression.”
Our partner in transmission surrendered by saying, “God you need to take the wheel. All I know is that I want to help people,” and that one beautiful act of giving up – not giving up in terms of losing but rather of giving Up by giving the reins to spirit – led to our working together.
A wonderful thing happens when you surrender. Your guides wait with bated breath when they sense you are close to surrendering, and when you do it is a time of great rejoicing from your guides and angels, because it indicates the most remarkable progress can be made on your journey.
It is you stepping into true partnership with spirit, which is a glorious thing, indeed. Then all you must do is stay in the flow with your faith and trust long enough to discover the magic that has been waiting for you all along.
12/24/22 - Hakann the Pleiadian on Homosexuality
Channeled by A.S. for Era of Light
My dearest brothers and sisters, this is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love. To us, peace doesn’t just mean the absence of war. Peace means the presence of everything that is needed for people to achieve their soul’s desire in their current lifetime. That, and more, is what I wish for every one of you. Today I’d like to tackle a somewhat controversial topic: homosexuality. Is it natural? What do Pleiadians think about it? Do higher-consciousness beings have sex with someone of the same gender?
Recently the channeler got the following question: Pardon my “3D curiosity”, but why would a highly evolved Soul of the higher dimensions incarnate, let’s say in the 6th or 7th dimension as a male, just so it can experience another male, when it can incarnate as a female and have those experiences. One may say, well “it wants a male on male experience”… and to that I simply say it does not resonate, for beings in higher dimensions to be after such experiences IN those dimensions. I know quite a few channeled sources have shared basically stating that these are natural and present in the higher dimensions also, homosexuality in particular. However, I will wait and see for myself.
Hakann Responds: There’s no need to ask for a pardon. In fact, I appreciate the message! Nearly always when someone asks a question, there are many more people who are wondering about the same thing. That is certainly the case here. Let’s talk about homosexuality. First of all, the Pleiadian rule of thumb is that we allow other people to do as they wish, so long as they’re not directly harming other people. That means that we’re against beating people up or discriminating against people because of their sexual orientation.
As for the question “is homosexuality natural”: yes it is. Animals engage in homosexual behavior too. As for the question “do higher-consciousness beings have sex with someone of the same gender”: it depends which level of consciousness you’re talking about. Most Pleiadians prefer intercourse with people of the opposite gender, but most Pleiadians also have homosexual intercourse at some point in their lives.
However, certain races of very high-consciousness beings do have heterosexual sex and simply do not have homosexual sex. It’s not banned, it’s simply that no one in those races desires or chooses to have homosexual intercourse. These beings are higher-consciousness than we Pleiadians are.
Why is this the case? Well, there are various reasons. I will give one. Most Pleiadian men do not embody the divine masculine in all its facets. Also, most Pleiadian women do not embody the divine feminine in all its facets. A Pleiadian man may want to have intercourse with another Pleiadian man who embodies an aspect of the divine masculine that he doesn’t yet embody. This can either be a conscious choice, or the man can simply be attracted to someone who embodies a trait that he himself does not yet embody.
By the way, this is often how attraction works. People tend to be attracted to people who represent or embody something that the person wants to be or to receive. So for example, an Earthling woman who always plays it safe, may become attracted to a wild, adventurous man. Perhaps this woman doesn’t actually love this man himself – she just wants adventure and excitement in her life. So maybe this woman could take a step back and ask herself if she actually loves this person, or if she just wants more excitement and adventure in her life – and if so, what the best way would be to get that.
So to come back to our Pleiadian man: he might be attracted to another man who embodies a trait of the divine masculine that the man himself does not yet embody. And he may want to have sex with this other man. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. Of course, there are also other reasons why he might love or want to have sex with this man. I am not saying this is the only reason. However, males of certain higher-consciousness races already embody the full divine masculine. So there is no pull or attraction for him towards other men. And the same goes for women.
Males of those higher-consciousness races may be in touch with their feminine side and may have a balanced energy, but they’re still more masculine than feminine. They may be for example 70% masculine energy and 30% feminine energy. So those men still feel a pull to connect with and be with a woman. This is one way in which Pleiadians do feel attracted towards same-sex partners, and why Pleiadians somewhat regularly have homosexual intercourse. However, even higher consciousness beings than us don’t.
There are also other factors. But hopefully this gives you some idea. So the idea that very high consciousness beings do not have homosexual intercourse is actually correct. However, Pleiadians simply aren’t very high consciousness yet. We actually still have our own flaws and areas where we still lack consciousness and awareness and development. The reason why we Pleiadians are often the ones contacting Earthlings is not because we’re the highest consciousness race out there. We’re not. The reason for that is that we’re very close to Earthlings, in multiple ways, and because our relatively medium level of consciousness is not so high that it would be hard for Earthlings to relate to us.
For us Pleiadians, we still feel a pull towards having homosexual intercourse, we still enjoy it and for us it still provides soul growth. Just because it’s something that higher consciousness beings do not benefit from or want to engage in, doesn’t mean that it’s not something that many of us benefit from or want to engage in. To be clear, I do not mean to imply that most Pleiadians are homosexual. They’re not. Instead, most Pleiadians are mostly attracted to the same gender, but also attracted to a few individuals of the same gender. And it’s really easy for Pleiadians to come into contact with those few same-sex individuals, so most Pleiadians do. Hence most Pleiadians have homosexual intercourse somewhere in their lifetimes.
Also, it’s relatively common for Pleiadians to find a mate of the opposite gender, and to agree with them that they’re both free to have homosexual intercourse with anyone, but they can only have heterosexual intercourse with each other. That, too, can push Pleiadians who want adventure or new experiences to engage in homosexual intercourse. That said, most Pleiadians do generally prefer intercourse with people of the opposite gender. And naturally, some Pleiadians choose to never have same-sex intercourse.
Finally, I am not saying that Earthlings who do not have homosexual intercourse are higher consciousness than Earthlings who do have homosexual intercourse. Literally no physically incarnated Earthling has the level of consciousness of the beings who as a race do not feel any pull towards homosexual intercourse. So that is not relevant. I do not say this to belittle you, I just do not want to encourage Earthlings to think that homosexual Earthlings are lower consciousness than them. They are not.
This is actually a somewhat common mistake that Earthlings make. They observe some high-consciousness being and think that if they act like him or her, then automatically they will get the consciousness of him or her. But it does not work like that. This is like living in Siberia and observing some great master in Hawaii, and concluding that because this master does not wear a winter coat, you should not wear a winter coat either. Obviously, this does not work. Instead make the trip to Hawaii first – attain a higher consciousness first – and then you will no longer need your winter coat. But that doesn’t mean that throwing away your winter coat today is a good idea.
Similarly: just because very high-consciousness beings choose not have homosexual intercourse and do not benefit from it, does not mean that Earthlings should not have homosexual intercourse. Earthlings who feel a pull towards it should feel free to engage in it and should not be discriminated against. Naturally, we are also not saying that everyone needs to have homosexual intercourse. If you don’t feel drawn to that, don’t have it.
We hope this helps. I love you endlessly, no matter what choices you make, no matter what your sexual orientation is.
Your star brother,
12/20/22 - The 9D Arcturians: You are moving into the Galactic Age; meeting ETs face to face
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be able to tell you about the energies of the upcoming solstice that you have there on Earth. Your solstice is just a few days away, regardless of whether it is your winter or summer solstice, and we want you all to know that the energies coming in are very supportive of taking you into the Galactic Age, the time period in which humanity will officially join the galactic community, and you will be able to have full and open extra-terrestrial contact there on planet Earth. That means you are going to receive healings, upgrades, downloads, and everything else you can imagine that would help you in preparing you for e.t. contact.
Some of you need healing from past lives in which you have had negative experiences with e.t.s, and some of you need healings from negative interactions from this lifetime with e.t.s. Many of you need to receive upgrades and activations so that you will be able to stand face to face with an extra-terrestrial and be able to handle the energy that they are giving off. Others need help with clearing fear, anxiety, and even sadness and anger around e.t. contact, again because of experiences you have had in your past, but also because of the way that e.t.s have been depicted in your popular culture for a very long time there on Earth.
They have often been seen as either your enslavers or those who wanted to just take over the planet for the natural resources, or the land, or whatever the reason the science fiction writer came up with. Now you are at a time where many of you who are awake are seeing this coming together of human and extra-terrestrial contact as the necessary step for humanity to get to the next level of consciousness, and you are right, because it is. You do need to expand and to extend your consciousness beyond where it has been before there on Earth, and having a mass landing of ships is exactly what you need in order to do that collectively.
We know that you are prepared for it, in the sense that you want it to happen, but there still need to be some shifts in most of you to actually prepare you for it. And that’s what these energies are all about. Now, the more of you who relax and open up to the solstice energies, the better the chances are that the mass landing of ships happens in 2023. Of course, you can all have your own individual, face-to-face contact experiences before the mass landing of ships occurs, and these energies are preparing you for that eventuality as well. When you have a beautiful, successful e.t. encounter as a human being, you are preparing your entire species for more contact experiences. And so your desire for that for yourself is good for everyone.
Now, the energies are already coming in. They will be at their largest in terms of the power of the energies and the number of energies coming in at the time of the solstice, and they will continue to have an impact on you as you continue on there in the month of December. You are, of course, right at the juncture point of 2022 and 2023, and that is one of the reasons why this particular download of energies has been put off until this time. As you enter 2023, you are moving into the Galactic Age, and you will continue to be readying yourselves as individuals and as a collective for the eventual landing of ships and full and open e.t. contact there on Earth. Suffice it to say, these are exciting times, and the energies you have now upon you and that will continue to pour in are a reflection of that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
12/19/22 - (Video) ETs have trouble entering human bodies - Interview with Dr. Linda Backman, Psychologist, by Regina Meredith
This was for me a total mind-meld. I so relate to this subject matter and want to share it with all my friends. Have you felt like an alien? Not from here? Haven't been able to assimilate or fit in? Well, you're not alone. There are such things as an earth-bound soul and an "IP soul" - an Interplanetary Soul from a healthier environment just visiting. These two women are definitely in the know. They are so well grounded in how souls come and go and how the universe works that you can't NOT believe what they're saying. Two well-grounded, powerful women. Wow! A must watch and listen. It will blow your mind no matter how enlightened you are. (48")
12/19/22 - Matthew Ward: Masculine/Feminine Energies & Pornography
Channeled by Susanne Ward (from 3/15/19)
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
(Some unrelated sections omitted)
“Please ask Matthew how much our many different languages are contributing to communication problems and disrespectful interaction.”
That your many languages and dialects would cause problems was the intention of the dark forces’ puppets that downgraded the genetic make-up of young civilizations, including implanting thought patterns that would become diverse languages. In Earth’s population the result has been in accordance with that dark intention—poor communication due to faulty or deliberate errors in translation and harsh reactions due to misunderstandings.
Nevertheless, from our vantage point it is not your many languages that contribute to disrespectful interaction as much as it is individuals’ reluctance to give credence to perspectives other than their own, so the underlying attitude in discussions is “I’m right, you’re wrong.” That approach to communication is reinforced by the labels that dark minds devised to divide the populace into religious, political and philosophical camps so they can pit them against each other—your history shows that this ploy has indeed been successful. Darkness thrives on the energy of anger, discord and violence and it loses its power when ideological divisiveness gives way to the unity of spirit in love of family, love of freedom, peace, and prosperity and justness for all. And that spirit is growing. The high vibrations of feminine energy coming in are ending long ages of masculine energy’s dominance on the planet.
Please understand that in no way is this maligning masculine energy, and neither it nor feminine energy has anything to do with gender or sexual orientation. Actually, all energy is neutral until it is given force and direction by the vibrations in thoughts, feelings and actions, and those associated with masculine energy manifest as physical strength, the drive to succeed, combative competitiveness, innovation, sternness, and determination to control all situations. The gentle but equally strong facets of feminine energy include nurturing, compassion, sensitivity, cooperation, artistic expression, and living harmoniously with Nature.
A civilization evolves by integrating aspects of both energies and advancing toward androgyny—balanced energy wherein love-light abides. The power of love-light is what motivates a third density civilization to end the control of their world by individuals whose energy is anchored in darkness, the absence of love-light. Helping the peoples succeed in transforming their world, dear lightworkers, is why you volunteered for this Earth journey.
Now then, to return to communication. When speaking about any subject, not only those that are controversial, choose your words carefully — words are powerful. Mother, please insert what we have said about this.
Except from May 16, 2018: "Words in all languages, like everything else in existence, are energy. Whether spoken, heard, thought, written or read, words emit vibrations and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest. Kindness, compassion, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, godliness, honesty, hope and optimism also are in a high frequency range. The importance of choosing your words wisely cannot be overstated—they affect far, far more than the space immediately around you. Via the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” words’ vibrations combine with “like” and go out into your world. Words in high vibratory ranges merge with the light, words in low ranges are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments, and words’ emissions intensify the source they join.
"An important factor in this “war of words,” in a manner of speaking, is intent, which emits its own vibrations. If using words such as violence, deception, captivity, deprivation, catastrophe and others that denote harmful or ruinous situations have the intent to alert or enlighten, the high vibrations of intent predominate. If those same words or any others are used to create fear, that intent sends forth vibrations in the lowest range."
Thank you, Mother. I am at fault for omitting in that passage that all words denoting uplifted spirits, positive deeds, and sensitivity to others’ feelings also emit high vibrations—for instance, empathy, gentleness, joy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, trustworthiness and loyalty. We add that languages are not a barrier when it comes to helping someone in need—the desire to assist people in dire situations is shared by all good-hearted humankind.
“Could you ask Mathew regarding the measles outbreak in Vancouver, WA. Should people get vaccine?”
Let us pose this question: The measles virus cannot live in your air year after year, so how could a disease that had been almost completely eradicated in the United States several years ago suddenly appear? There are two possible answers. The virus strength in a batch of measles vaccine can be increased enough to cause this highly contagious disease a considerable time after children with weak immune systems are inoculated, thus there is no direct connection with the vaccination. Or, if the virus is added to other toxins in chemtrail spray in a localized area, children in that area who have compromised immune systems can be infected and pass on the disease.
A bit of history will be helpful here, and it goes back to the puppets of the dark forces. When they manipulated the DNA of young civilizations to weaken them physically, spiritually and consciously, they also created disease-causing microbes; and when some of the weakened peoples inhabited Earth, the puppets introduced those microbes on the planet. Some microscopic life forms are essential to bodies’ wellbeing, but the ones you call pathogens were designed to cause a variety of diseases. Millennia later, medical scientists were inspired to develop vaccines that would prevent communicable diseases from spreading throughout the population.
Whatever is originated for benevolent purpose can be subverted into malevolent use, and that is what the dark ones did with vaccines—they have used them to create disease instead of prevent it. That is why we have long advised against inoculations. Healthcare personnel who are promoting mandatory vaccinations for school attendance as a “public health measure” don’t know the truth or they are collaborating with companies that make the many types of vaccines. Some have ingredients that cause autism-like symptoms in children; and while some physicians who do know this truth state that there is no evidence to substantiate it, parents who refuse to have their children receive recommended vaccinations are acting in their best interests.
There are three important and positive factors here. First, eventually the truth about vaccinations will become publicly known and this practice will cease. After dark minds developed and infected individuals with the AIDS virus about four decades ago—part of their plan to vastly reduce the world’s population—ET scientists among you were given divine authority to reduce the potency of all laboratory-designed viruses. That is why only a few individuals with severely weakened immune systems contracted each new disease that the dark ones also intended to become—and mainstream media widely reported as “feared to become”—a pandemic, and everyone was urged to get vaccinated. Is it not suspicious that with the first case or two of each new communicable disease—SARS, avian flu, swine flu, N1H1—enough vaccine to inoculate many millions already was available?
The second factor is, as the public becomes aware of chemtrails’ damage to their health and the environment’s, their demands to stop the spraying will end this scourge. And third, light changes carbon-based cells, which are vulnerable to disease, into the crystalline cells that are resistant; people who absorb light in sufficiency will strengthen their immune systems and, depending upon the stage of an illness, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms can halt or reverse degenerative effects.
“I’d like to ask Matthew about pornography, its influence on the energy fields of humans, the earth and the universe. It is surely created and engineered by the Illuminati, which wraps porn in a despotic flag of freedom.”
The Illuminati are heavily involved in pornographic production, to be sure, and many in the ranks are avid fans, but they aren’t responsible for its popularity. Among third density’s vilest products, films and photos that exploit children and women who are deceived or kidnapped and coerced into the sex trafficking business, appeal to individuals who are beset with lack of self-worth, the inability to form love bonds, sexual inadequacy or addiction, or a combination of those afflictions.
In addition to profiting the Illuminati financially, pornography serves them well in other ways. People who indulge in that pastime are preventing light from reaching their consciousness, thereby dulling the conscience. That can lead to rape, domestic battering and homicide, and the violence of those acts produces the energy that is fuel for the Illuminati’s dark minds and hearts.
Pornography also creates a fertile field for blackmailing individuals they want to recruit or keep silent about what they know—proof is provided by hacking into the individuals’ computers and communication devices. Also, to persuade persons in influential positions to comply with their demands, along with threatening to kill them and their families, the Illuminati fabricate photos and films showing the persons in activities in which they never participated.
The energy in thoughts, feelings and actions associated with pornography is in the collective consciousness, and because the law of attraction keeps providing that audience with what matches their energy, porn keeps flowing. That energy does become part of the universal mass consciousness, but the farther from Earth its streamers go, the weaker they become and their effects diminish accordingly. Just as rising vibrations will cause all other sources of dark inclinations to lessen, then disappear, pornography, too, will become only a shameful chapter in Earth’s history.
Beloved sisters and brothers, never are you alone in this journey whereby you are experiencing the tribulations inherent in a third density world. All light beings in this universe honor your dedicated service to the peoples of Earth and support you with the unequalled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
12/6/22 - Galactic Federation: The Alchemy of Ascension
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Ascension can be a difficult thing to describe because it's not a destination or goal. It's not about getting somewhere else; it's about being here now, at this moment, with all of your senses engaged and open to new possibilities. Ascension is being in the moment and doing what you love. It's being present; it's being present in your life. It's focusing on the now, not the future or past.
It's about letting go of the past and future so you can be free to follow your heart wherever it leads you. It's about living in the now and fully experiencing everything around you because when we do this, we find that the boundaries between us and everything else dissolve away like fog on a sunny day.
Life is the pursuit of ascension, and the secret to success lies in knowing what you want and why you want it. This will ensure that you stay on track and consistently work towards your goals each and every day. Ascension is learning how to listen to our intuition, take responsibility for our actions, and accept responsibility for our actions. It's being brave enough to do what feels right, even if it feels scary-because courage is not the absence of fear; courage is taking action anyway. The more you can do what you love, the better your life will be.
When we are doing what we love, our lives are filled with joy and happiness. When we are not doing what we love, our lives are filled with anxiety and stress. It's so simple: If we want to change our lives for the better, then we must first change our focus from what we don't like to what we do like. Ascension is about being in the right place at the right time, with the right energy, where everything aligns to help you grow and succeed.
It's forgiving yourself and others for mistakes. It's forgiving your past self for having made a mistake that you now know better than to make. It's taking the actions necessary to correct a blunder. And it's allowing the past to go so that you can learn from it without letting it keep you from moving on to bigger and better things. Your past is a memory, your future is an imagination, only your present is here now. Don't let the past or future distract you from the present. The past is gone, and the future hasn't happened yet. The only thing that's real is this moment, so live in it and be in it. Don't try to control your thoughts because they will never be completely still and quiet, but rather be open to whatever arises.
Live your life as if you are already living in the fifth dimension. Be grateful for every breath you take, for every thought that enters your mind, for every word you speak. Every moment of your life is a gift. Take advantage of it! Be grateful for every moment you have been given to be alive on this planet at this time. So thank God/Goddess for all that he/she has done for you so far in your life (including now). Be grateful for all the people who have made such a positive impact on your life-whether they are still living or not-those who have touched your heart, those who have taught you something new about yourself, or others who have changed your perspective forever!
The best way to be aware of what's happening in your life is through meditation. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing for a few minutes each day. This exercise can help you relax and become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which you can use as an opportunity to reflect on how you want to live your life and how you want others to see you. When you let go of the past and future self completely, this is when things start getting interesting. You stop being a slave to your mind's thoughts and beliefs. Instead, you become more like an observer. You become aware of how your thoughts create your reality—and how you can change it at any moment by simply choosing not to believe what your mind tells you.
You become more powerful than ever before because now there is no realm in which to hide from yourself. You are free to choose what happens next in life—rather than being controlled by your mind's thoughts about what will happen next in life! The fifth dimension is the place where you can be fully conscious of your true nature. It's a place where you don't need to worry about what's going to happen tomorrow or how you're going to pay the rent next month. This is the ultimate freedom and the ultimate peace. It sounds utopian, but it's already here. You just have to know how to get there.
You are here on this planet, at this time, for a purpose. You are here to increase your frequency and vibration. I hope that you will use this opportunity to increase your joy, to embrace this precious time that we have together on Planet Earth. You have come up with so many unique ways to express your soul's intentions of creating joy and passion in the world. You are truly one-of-a-kind, and there will never be another you anywhere in the universe. Your life is an inspiration to the rest of us. Continue to stand strong in love and faith, even through difficult times. Your light is needed now more than ever!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
11/29/22 - How to recognize a true spiritual teacher on this planet
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
You will recognize a true spiritual teacher because they can hold space for you to heal your own wounds without manipulating the healing experience. A true spiritual teacher will ensure that you feel safe enough to share your insecurities, doubts, questions, and fears. They will hold a space that enables you to heal yourself and explore the depths of your being without judgment or criticism. A spiritual master will not manipulate the experience by forcing his/her own agenda upon you. They won't tell you what to do and how to do it. They don't want to control your healing process but rather allow you the necessary autonomy while giving guidance in a way that empowers you to make your own decisions, mistakes, and lessons.
What they actually care about is how much responsibility you are willing to take for your own healing. How far are you willing to go into self-exploration? This may sound like a challenge, because it is! They step outside the box when it comes to how they think and how they live their lives. They don't think like everybody else. They don't follow the status quo. They think for themselves, and they're not afraid to be different than everyone else. They don't blindly follow trends or popular opinions just because everyone else is doing it. Instead, they question things and form their own opinions about what's happening in the world around them. They are open-minded and independent thinkers who know that a good idea is a good idea regardless of where it comes from, even if that means rejecting a popular belief or tradition. A spiritual teacher is a non-prejudiced, realistic, down-to-earth friend who recognizes people for who they are, not what they are.
When you are seeking to develop a relationship with a spiritual teacher or mentor, it's important to not be misguided by external factors, such as their physical appearance, what they do for work, or where they come from. Any individual can be the perfect mentor, and any place can become your teacher.
A true spiritual teacher is someone who has discovered peace and happiness within themselves. They may have spent years on the path of self-discovery before deciding to share their knowledge with others. A teacher will help you realize that the path to fulfillment lies within yourself, not outside of yourself in material objects or shallow relationships.
They will love you more than anyone else has ever loved you in this lifetime. They never hold back. They allow themselves to be vulnerable around you. They will teach you something without having to say a word. The lessons are embedded in the fabric of their being. A good spiritual teacher doesn't need to say a word. They can teach you by the way they treat others, by the obstacles they have overcome in their own lives, and by their energy. They understand that we live in an entropic universe that is constantly falling apart just to rebuild itself more gloriously than ever before. This provides us with one of the greatest opportunities for not just personal growth but universal growth too. The world only moves forward once it has reached a point of chaos or crisis.
Spiritual teachers understand this fact and are able to use it to propel us all toward progress when we are willing to listen to and learn from them. There is so much you can learn from people who have made mistakes, who have failed and risen again because they have been there before. They know what it looks like; they know how it feels as well as what you must do to move past it altogether. And most importantly, the know the path you have to take because they have walked that path themselves before.
Spiritual teachers give their presence away generously and effortlessly. A spiritual teacher is one who gives you their presence in a way that makes you feel uplifted and empowered by contact with them. You know when this happens because of the way your body feels when it happens. Spiritual teachers don't take energy away from others; They will not ridicule you or criticize you if you don't follow your practice on your own as they suggested but they will dive deeper to find out what is blocking you subconsciously from the experience and acknowledge that more training with the presence of teachers might be required before you follow your practice like a master on your own.
A good spiritual teacher embraces your willingness to grow and will guide you with patience. They don't identify with the ego. Instead, they focus on the energy that connects us all—the soul, God, or simply put, oneness and love. Their approach is heart-centered rather than head-centered, but it does not mean that they lack intelligence; quite the contrary! They often possess great awareness along with an ability to communicate their ideas in a simple language without becoming too philosophical or esoteric about them.
When someone talks a lot more than necessary or uses too many difficult words and phrases that are often completely new to you, they are not talking from the heart, they are talking from their ego. If you don't understand something immediately when someone says it, it means that they are not talking in order for people to learn a new thing but they are talking because they like to hear themselves talk.
So many times I start watching videos of lesser known spiritual teachers only to move away from it after only a few minutes. During this short time they use such difficult and complicated language with about 27 "new age terms and phrases" that I didn't understand what they were even trying to convey. If I don't understand it's not looking good for others who have less experience and understanding of higher concepts.
This is a typically example of someone who uses words to hear themselves talk. The ego love that. And that's the place where most spiritual teachers start and most get stuck at this stage for a very long time. Unfortunately, many at the beginning of their journey to enlightenment confuse difficult words and super high-tech new age terms with true wisdom.
Here's an example of a phrase a beginner will not understand: "The Council of Light will guide you to access your multidimensional avatar through the activation of your merkaba by aligning your electro magnetic frequency resonance field to the quantum experience of multidimensional existence."
I didn't understand this, did you? lol but I guess it sounds really "spiritual" and high level. Here's the translation: This reality is not the only reality and you are not just this body. You are a being of light and as you start realizing this more and more the world around you will change.
Do you see the difference? The first example would come from a teacher whose talking from their ego and to their ego, they're not talking to you. It's not about you, it's about them. Someone who follows this kind of teaching will waste a lot of precious time but may still learn a great deal of discernment along the way.
The translation is what someone would say who wants you to understand, to be triggered in a way that will lead to growth. This language is easily received by the heart without the interference of the intellect and that's exactly how it should be. There's no need to pretend to be oh so "spiritual". Everything comes from spirit. Spirit is the essence of all existence. Humans are incredibly difficult beings who make things unnecessarily hard for themselves. Spirit is wonderfully at ease. Relax and listen carefully to what your heart is saying. Have faith in yourself and believe that everything occurring in your life is happening for your highest good. You will know who speaks from the heart as their words enter your heart naturally. In the worst case scenario, you will get a lesson in discernment.
And so, it is important to listen carefully to what your heart is saying. You are born with the ability to see beyond what your eyes can see and feel beyond the emotions that you may be experiencing at present. You have been blessed with an intuitive nature of knowing what is right and what is wrong, and this ability has been there since before you were born into this lifetime. It will never leave you because it is your birthright as a child of God. So always trust in yourself, trust in your intuition, and you will know who this person truly is when you encounter your spiritual teacher in this lifetime.
Does it feel light, golden, happy and joyful? Is it easy to understand or are you confused and let yourself be manipulated into thinking that you are not smart enough to understand this and you must read it ten times more? There was a time when I doubted my English skills... And then I realized, I was listening to a bunch of non-sense from people who loved hearing themselves talk.
And so I found out that part of my role was to simplify and translate higher teachings and concepts into a language that is simple, easy, fun, and accessible to most people on Earth. Ascension is not meant to be difficult. It's about realizing that your innocence, joy, and love are your keys to a new golden reality, here and now, while doing the required work playfully.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
11/26/22 - (Video) Transforming Kundalini Energy by Acharya Shree Yogeesh
1 hour 13 minutes, posted 7 years ago. Further explains what causes sexual pressure. About kundalini and what it is, how it works.
11/26/22 - (Video) Sex & Spirituality by Acharya Shree Yogeesh
13 minutes, posted 8 years ago. An explanation of what sex really is and how to work with it.
11/26/22 - Ashtar - Keep the TV off!
Channeled by Krista Energeticleigh
Greetings, I am coming to you as Ashtar. The message I want to give the world is this; You are being deceived. Election results should not have occurred as they did. We are well aware of the deceit occurring on Earth. For those of you on the ground you have to live through it. But don’t be of it.
Angry at what is occurring? You need to look past it. The deceit is not impacting your personal life, is it? Then watch it just like a movie. Say, “That is interesting, but I will go back to my life now.” Don’t get so angered at what you cannot control. I tell you this with all sincerity, the governments are crumbling. They cannot hold up their façade much longer. The deceit comes forward and is exposed. More eye-opening occurrences will wake up the people.
Let these things happen. It will become so obvious of the control. Election officials will have you think the people voted, but in reality, machines were calibrated for a desired outcome. What we want to happen is the people recognize what is going on and enlighten themselves. The Great Reset is happening.
Politics is not the most important thing in the world. What is happening in your community should be a concern, not the national news. Can you control the floods in another state; not any more than you can control the weather. So don’t be concerned about things that do not affect your day to day. Stick to your community happenings. What is being shown to you is an agenda. Let’s put in some fear tactics… with some drama… and you will watch it night after night… believing that those things are happening to you.
Ground yourself, there is no need to partake in the larger agenda. Wake up, learn to read the clouds for your weather, talk with your neighbors, and enjoy your day. Keep the TV off. That is the healthiest advice we can give you. To those souls that adore TV why must you have it? What hole is it trying to fill? Analyze why do you watch it. Are you trying to be informed? Do you lack a social connection with others? Are you looking to have someone fill your time? Analyze the reason for your TV watching.
My dearest children, my mission today is to plant that seed again. The news is giving you an agenda. Being involved in your communities is of better value.
I am Ashtar and I will speak to you again.
11/26/22 - Master Djwhal Khul: Light Body Initiations
Channeled by Natalie Glasson
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Master Djwhal Khul. It is an honour to be in your presence today, I bring forth my wisdom to gift to you. I am a beacon of energy open for you to explore, collect and grasp any wisdom that you may need or require at this moment. I wish to bring forth some information that will allow you to supercharge your energy field, to bring more light into your body and being and to allow for a greater flow of energy through your chakras.
This blessing and initiation that I wish to share with you today will allow you to call upon, access and embody sacred wisdom, remembrance from the inner planes and from the Creator as well as any understanding or clarity that you might require in your current reality. You might believe that there are skills or abilities that you wish to embody in order to serve in your current reality. Through this process that I am about to describe, you will also be able to do this. Every being has a light body, the light body holds the soul’s energy. It also holds wisdom, knowledge, sacred vibrations, templates, symbols, and so forth.
All beings upon the inner planes also have light bodies, it can be very intricate with many levels and dimensions. Your own light body works well with your physical body that you are currently inhabiting. However, if you were to leave the Earth, you would exist within your light body. The initiation and the blessing that I wish to share with you today is to connect with a light body or a being on the inner planes that will serve you, that will be able to act as a supercharged energy, like a refuelling or re-energising for your being.
You will be able to ask for a flow of energy from that light body to merge with your own being, with a specific purpose. Only you will know what the specific purpose is because you will know what you wish to receive from this process. Whether it is wisdom, healing, clarity, remembrance, new skills and abilities, you can connect with many different light beings and their light bodies, asking them to share with you the most appropriate energy from their light bodies, sending this into your own light body, with a specific purpose and reason. This process is such a delightful experience, it is an initiation that feels like a blessing, because it is like the Universe of the Creator gifting to you sacred gifts that allow your health to improve, your vitality to be heightened, your light to become brighter, and may even increase your sensitivity to your own being, and awareness to the Creator.
I, Master Djwhal Khul, wish to share with you the process so that you can achieve it in your own time.
First, take a moment to breathe deeply to close your eyes if you wish, allowing your body to relax, you are focusing within your being discovering the presence of love that is always within you. As you breathe, let that love energy flow on your breath, filling your body and filling your surroundings as well as pouring into your light body which exists both within your body and outside of your body in your auric field.
You may then wish to call upon myself, Master Djwhal Khul, I am a World Teacher supporting Master Kuthumi and Master Yeshua. I wish to invite you to my World Teacher Ashram on the inner planes. I will hold your hands, raise your vibration and transport you to my ashram. You may wish to share with me your purpose.
What blessings do you wish to receive?
What do you wish to embody or magnify within your light body, within your entire body, and what impact do you wish it to have upon your body and your reality?
You may have an Ascended Master, an Archangel, a Star Being, a Light Being, a collection of energy or a quality of energy that you wish to connect with. If you do, then, please share this with me, but if you do not, then you can ask me to connect you to the most appropriate being on the inner planes, to connect your light body with their light body. If you have someone in mind, then simply ask me to support the connection. What will occur is there will be a connection within your light bodies. An energy will begin to flow from that being to you, and also from your being to that being. All the lines, the connections, the circuits between you both will be cleared and cleansed so that the energy, the power, the love, the truth, all that is being shared can be shared with you precisely.
Once this process has taken place, then you will be able to receive and you can allow yourself to hold the intention of receiving. You may feel, experience, acknowledge or know a charge of energy flowing into your being. This charge of energy is the being sending from their light body all that they believe is appropriate for you, and it is filling your light body, your entire being, like being supercharged or energised. You will feel lighter and lighter, brighter and brighter, as if you are being charged with energy, light and wisdom, simply sit and receive until the process is complete.
It is then appropriate to ask me to transport you back to your reality, and to focus upon the floor beneath you, breathing into the floor, the ground, the soil, Mother Earth beneath you in order to ground, in order to embody everything into your being.
Then sit, wonder, contemplate, ask for any awareness to come into your mind. You might feel like you need to go for a walk or to lie down, follow your intuition or something else. This is a wonderful way of receiving blessings from the universe and receiving energies and a boost to your light, in truth, receiving everything that you require.
It is called an initiation because it is an initiation of receiving, being open enough to receive and to allow for the flow of light. Please know that you are safe at all times in my energy, and I am here to support you. You may connect with many beings if you wish at separate times, you can connect with your soul group, even the light bodies of the Creator. It is a wonderful practice to explore and discover and allow yourself to be nurtured and nourished from the beings within the Universe of the Creator.
My love is with you, eternally. Thank you for your time and your presence,
I am Master Djwhal Khul.
11/26/22 - Pleiadian High Council: The Mathematics of Awakening
Channeled by Ben Rafael Guevarra
Greetings dear ones. We are the Pleiadian High Council. It is an honor for us to communicate with your earth human collective on this wondrous day. As the shape and hue of humanity changes, you come ever-closer to that divine perfection from which you were created. As the spiraling mathematics spins you from one dimension to the next, from one density of consciousness to the next, you approach that which is much closer to your true essence, to your true form, and to your true divine brilliance.
This is the shift. This is the ascension. This is the awakening of your species into such a deep level of unity that when you emerge from this process, much like a butterfly from its cocoon, you will have changed so dramatically that you will no longer recognize your earth as it is now. For although you are seemingly surrounded by much chaos and disillusionment, this is but the expression of the unbalanced mathematics that must come into frequency lock and harmony with the new earth dimension that you are awakening into.
The grid systems of your reality are shifting and phase-locking into a new dimensional expression, and as such, this tends to cause what is typically viewed as chaos. But this is simply the mathematics of a system going into disorganization, and then into stillpoint, in order to emerge evolved in a higher form. This is happening on an individual, societal, and collective level within every being upon your planet.
We are; we can be; we come to serve as a focal point ~ a light in the darkness upon which you can focus, keeping yourself steady in your forward movement; keeping yourself rooted as the rest of you unfolds and expands into a greater reality. We are here so that you don’t get lost in the chaotic darkness of change. We are here with a message of love, of support, of guidance ~ for we have always been here with you and will continue to do so. As the veils of our respective realities begin to thin and fade to nothingness, our realities become ever closer. The days are at hand when we will be able to interact in a more physical and present aspect.
While this is something you may hold in heart and in mind as an inspiration to keep you moving forward, do not let our inevitable reunification be a thing that you wait upon, therefore stalling your own progression and awakening; waiting for a moment for an external force to come and “save” you. It is up to each and every individual upon your own earth to be the light that awakens your collective out of its present illusion of reality.
We are but humble guides and observers who can offer love and light, wisdom and guidance. But the work must be done by each and every individual upon your planet. Just know we are here to support and to serve you. As our realities come closer to the point of merging and emergence, the help we are able to provide will become more substantial.
But the hardest part must be done by your collective. Just know there are many different species from many different planetary and star systems, even galaxies. All are here watching and observing you, supporting you in love, light, energy and wisdom. These are all the tools you need to fill your consciousness with the necessary components to awaken self and others. The day comes ever-closer when we will reunite as brothers and sisters of spirit; as divine humans; as beautiful souls and oversouls, all united in a common goal and purpose: The unity consciousness that binds us all.
Always know that you are loved, and you are never alone.
11/26/22 - Merope of the Pleiades Star System
Channeled by Galaxygirl
I Merope am speaking on behalf of my sisters and brothers tonight of the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades portal is now active and open. Much light of our hearts is streaming into your planetary sphere and we hope, into your hearts as well. Much change and much heartache we see upon your world in these harrowing and hallelujah times. For they are both. You are in a world of dichotomy, opposites, polar differences. It is time for unification and a coming together.
I Merope am a medium sized celestial body within the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades is my home. I have always been here, feeling the great love and nurturing from the loving ones that reside on and around me. The Pleiades has a rich long history. There are many stories I could tell. All star systems have their stories, their losses, their gains, their heartaches and heart activations, healings. There were many losses upon me and yet we healed. We all came together and rebuilt a beautiful intergalactic society filled with love running on energy from Prime Creator, harnessing the power that is all around. I am sharing some of this I AM power with you now. Perhaps you feel a Pleiadian connection or flashes of memories from times gone by. Perhaps you are longing for home. But do not forget you are the adventurers, the soldiers, the scientists. You are the warriors of light embodied, to ground this universal love light into the earth matrix, to heal it, to transform it into light.
I Merope am a light being. I hold the light of many of your earth suns. And yet I am no greater than your precious sun. I am no greater or lesser. I am that I am. Light warriors seem to compare themselves. It is easy to compare and to feel less than when you see another who seems to be doing more, serving more. But you do not know their story. You do not know their contract. Do not be so easily disappointed in yourselves as you are wondering about your path. Your path is lighting up now with these inter-dimensional energies. (I am seeing a runway of light). You will find your path, and your light will light the way home for the others who are unaware that they are lost.
Many rendings of intergalactic battles have been within this hot spot of space. We Pleiadians were able to ascend up and through it, to make and protect our homes and civilizations by rising higher into the dimensional field. That does not mean that great loss was not keenly felt. The galactic wars hit our sector first. I was wounded and yet I healed. I have become an oasis for peacekeepers, for loving families and for hearts who seek solace and grace. Planets heal. Suns heal. Galaxies heal. Our galaxy is finally in the process of ending the Great War. It will take some time. But know that the battle is not lost. Know that the light is here. The star network is very real, a very tangible inter- algorithmic tapestry of light that transmits codes and joy, that transmits hope. Feel these blessing flow into you now. I suggest a big breath in with open mouth, and breath out with open mouth. I suggest that you sit with this Pleiadian love blanket of codes for awhile to calm your nervous systems. We see your tremendous love for Gaia and it warms us. When the Pleiades seeded earth, there was such hope, promise, such joy. There will be again.
I am Merope. I love you. Feel my light wrap around you and be at peace. These codes are home codes, calling you back into the higher aspect of you, reuniting you with your starseed self. It has been a long arduous journey for you. We see this, we send you hope now. Feel the home of your own I AM within you. This is what we are calling you to open. Open up your I AM and feel at peace in whatever circumstance you may find yourself in. You are creators. When you have full access to the I AM within all things are possible. All things are changeable. The light codes are all around you. Earth has never been bathed in such intergalactic light downloads as the last few days and nothing will ever be the same.
I Merope am sending you my motherly love. Gaia is like a daughter to me, and many of you are daughters and sons, children of the Pleiades. But wherever you are from, you are family. We are all one.
I Merope with your permission wish to wrap you in a matronly, motherly hug of Pleiades love light. Are you willing? If so, say “I Am” to activate.
“I wish to activate fully my I AM presence in this shared moment of ascension. I know that I do not need to fully understand with my human mind, for my soul mind, is fully aware of what my soul mission is. I ask for clarity now fully, and for my soul to embody this vessel of mine fully. I call upon my I AM presence for full clarity in all aspects of my divine life that I am now living. I am ready to ascend now every aspect of my life that is not of the highest love light. I send this love light from the higher dimensional lights to my world, into my reality, further marinating it in light. And so it is. “
I am Merope. I love you all so much.
11/12/22 - Ascended Master El Morya: What is the Divine Plan?
Source (from a transmission channeled thru Geraldine Innocente on January 25, 1959, source book pg 243)
"Oh, what is this divine plan?", so many people say. "It is so abstract." It is not abstract at all, any more than this microphone which we touch. The divine plan is the fulfillment through you of the very best that is in you, so that the good of your causal body may be manifest here on Earth as it is in heaven. That is God's divine plan. It is not abstract at all. It comes through you when you enter and remain in a state of listening grace and you will always know it is God's plan for you because you will have a sense of ease in the endeavoring to manifest it.
Running hither and youn across the face of the Earth looking for your divine plan is like running across the face of the Earth looking for your breath right where you are, right where your body is. In the chalice of your heart is the seed of your divine plan. That divine plan when eternalized will make the kingdom of heaven more beautiful here on Earth for the Ascended Master Saint Germain. When I speak thus, individuals say, "Oh, I am not worthy of anything; I don't know what my divine plan is and I am very confused about it."
Why are you confused? Because there is a human plan, too, in your mind, feelings, and etheric consciousness and brain. You have not given up the outer self to a state where you can realize and cognize your plan. Certainly there are things that are to be done on this Earth, things which you all do and do well. But there is also time for each individual, in holiness, to become still enough to know what that plan and pattern for himself or herself is. If it is something that is of personal benefaction, that is for the outer self. If it is something of impersonal benefaction for the race, that is a portion of the divine plan.
Now, do I expect you to go without roof and clothing and without doing the necessary mundane services that are your present karma, and flit around attempting to establish God's kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven? No, I expect you to balance the two, and in that balance to know the difference between the Mary and the Martha of Jesus' time. Martha, so interested in cleaning for the Lord, heard little of his instruction, yet Mary close to him bathed in his love. That same activity and eternal verity is true today and will be true throughout all eternity.
It is the same when you come into our presence and are visited by our humble selves. You are gathered up for a time into a positive conviction of the reality of our being and the goodness of God, but then your blessed auras return into your own orbits and descend again into lethargy and depression. Again we use the necessity of giving added assistance. Why, beloved ones? It only takes a call to us, take such a call now that you can sustain my conviction, I give it to you, it is my life, of the goodness of God permanently and allow it to be a blue, white and crystalline aura around you, more powerful than the temporary appearances that disturb you. (El Morya)
11/12/22 - Galactic Federation: The Great Solar Flash
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
We are in the midst of a planetary-scale shift that is beyond the normal bounds of human experience. It's a cosmic event that has traveled across many light years into our 3D Universe, and it's about to change everything we think we know about reality. It is the Great Solar Flash! This is very powerful! It is an energetic event that will impact every aspect of our lives on Earth and in the Universe.
It will help make the transition from so-called "materiality" to higher dimensions faster and smoother than ever before! As a result, we can experience massive energy shifts within our bodies and more fully connect with each other. In addition, it's predicted that during this time, star seeds such as yourself will have more access to higher realms of consciousness, such as angels, ascended masters, and ETs. In fact, this event has been in the making for a long time and is likely the most important energetic shift of our time.
If you have been following any of my previous posts, you already know that I've been showing people how to prepare for this event for their entire lives! So, let me tell you about what's happening. This message is for all those who will be awakening after the solar flash. There are many predictions about what will happen during and after this galactic alignment and solar flash event. This information is about what I feel will occur based on my own experiences and understanding. I am not predicting that this is how it will be for everybody, but this is how it will be for many.
If you want to explore your life, find out what is happening inside of you that might not be helping you, and feel connected to a greater sense of purpose and meaning. The Solar Flash will facilitate an elevated frequency that will enable you to break through the limitations of this Universe to connect with what lies ahead effortlessly. The Great Solar Flash is not just a physical event but also an energetic one that has a profound impact on our lives on Earth and throughout the Universe! When this happens, we can feel it physically as well as mentally. The physical effects include an increase in energy, a feeling of deep relaxation, and increased synchronicity. The mental effects are even more profound as we enter a state of heightened awareness and connection with our spirit guides and angels. We are given the opportunity to go beyond our current limitations and evolve into greater levels of consciousness.
The solar flash has been happening for a long time, but it was not recognized as such until now. It is said to be connected with the rise of extraterrestrial civilizations and their contact with humans. The Solar Flash has also been connected with an increase in UFO activity and other extraterrestrial events, such as crop circles appearing on Earth and other planets in our solar system. It will help us to release all that is not serving us, including old karma and old patterns from the past, so that we can move forward into our next stage of growth and evolution. The event comes at a time when we are ready to make changes in our lives, once again allowing us to take full responsibility for our actions and their outcomes.
The solar flash is expected to bring about many incredible changes for humanity. It will be an opportunity for us to ascend from this dimension into a higher vibrational frequency that can be accessed through meditation and/or astral travel. It will also be an opportunity for us to heal ourselves from all forms of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illness. The solar flash will bring us a whole plethora of positive changes. It will bring about the gift of ascension and show us how to transform our negative aspects into positive ones. It is definitely something that every human being should be looking forward to with excitement and optimism, as it will change our world forever and transform it into a much better place.
This is a powerful healing and ascension event that we have been preparing for many years. This particular event will be occurring very shortly. Even if the date of its occurrence does not hold any special significance for you, I still encourage you to make preparations for it. You never know when cosmic events may come along and change your life forever! This event will bring about massive positive changes for all of humanity and the Earth, allowing us to enter a new epoch of peace, harmony, and prosperity—an exciting era that we've been preparing for throughout many lifetimes.
The time is now to begin preparing for this event. We have the power to trigger the flash by changing our consciousness and activating our DNA, which will transform the planet into a 5th-dimensional world. Write down any questions you might have and leave them be. Focus only on the now and do not worry about the future. Be appreciative of the present. Crave to receive everything that the Universe has to offer. If we can focus on the positive and allow our vibration to rise every single day, we will receive unimaginable healing energy, release as much negativity as possible, and all of the miracles that are destined for our lives will occur before our very eyes throughout the year ahead.
For those who are sincere in their intention, I cannot envision why this would not be a reality. Have faith and trust, and know that no matter what happens with this incredible Solar Flash event or anything else in your life during this year - that the Universe is always working for good in love and light.
So begins the greatest event to take place in our lifetime. But this flash is not just for those who believe in its existence. Rather, it is for everyone, whether they recognize it or not. The cosmic energy released during the solar activation will reach all people, even those who are still in denial of its existence. That is how powerful this is and why we must prepare ourselves now by doing whatever we can to increase our vibrational frequency and be ready to move into a higher state of being!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
11/12/22 - Jenny Schiltz's Newsletter: Working Through the Layers
Recently I was contacted by a client who needed assistance clearing her niece’s house and land. She had begun the work and knew that it wasn’t a simple, benign energy being cleared, so she backed out to get assistance and booked an appointment.
As soon as I tapped in, I was blown away by the energy. I began to feel nauseous, and my intestines began churning. Whenever I tried to access the home and the land, it felt too big to handle. I knew there was curse energy and that it was put on the land by Native Americans that once lived on the land. I was at a loss, so I cleared my mind, connected with Archangel Michael, and said, “show me what I’m not seeing.”
In my mind’s eye, I saw black land with a hole and lines extending from the hole; it glowed bright orange. As the image became clearer, I realized it was lava. My client shared that the land had a layer of volcanic rock on the earth. This area at one time felt the flow of lava. I kept staring at the lava and how it extended in distinct lines and realized it was the formation of ley lines, and the hole was a powerful nexus point. As I watched, this huge being came out of the hole. It was like a masculine version of Pele, and I had to chuckle because I felt like I was in a scene from the movie Moana.
This being had so much rage he was seething. I looked at him and asked him, “How can I assist you?” Suddenly, I popped up very high, and I could see where the lines coming from the hole were blocked. These blockages caused the energy to back up and become stagnant. This is against the natural order, and the inability to flow through the land made this being seriously angry.
I asked to understand the blockages and was given glimpses of how there was direct energy manipulation. I saw churches, masonic temples, monuments, and other structures put on the land not necessarily to block the leylines but to take the energy for their own use. Selfishly, it starved those further down the leyline, yet at least energy was still moving. Over time fewer and fewer knew the leylines and their power, they stopped utilizing them, and this caused a serious backup of energy.
I began moving these blockages and watched the orange lava move and fill the lines as far as I could see. When it was done, the anger flowed out from the being, and ease came over the land. I was then propelled to a violent war scene between settlers and a Native American tribe. It was brutal, and the tribe had this energy that I would describe as blood lust. They were feeding off of the anger that was in that land as it matched much within them.
When that scene ended, I was in the middle of the tribe, and I began to send calming energies. A beautiful blue mist fell down over the land and the people. The anger dissipated and what was left was crippling grief. I saw and felt the deep sorrow. I received the information that this tribe had experienced incredible loss. They felt hunted and displaced. At that moment, the chief/shaman saw me and connected. He asked me if it was going to change or get better. I couldn’t lie, and as tears rolled down my face, I told him no. It wasn’t going to get better; the change was here. He asked how to keep his people safe, and I told him I didn’t know. I told him how sorry I was for what was happening, none of it was right.
He looked so sad, powerless, and defeated as he told me that he had a vision of men coming with things covering their eyes and ears. They couldn’t see or hear the truth. They were unable to understand the repercussions of their actions. He shared that these men couldn’t see the value in his people’s life. They marched on and on, taking over everything, and darkness cloaked the earth.
I asked him if he had received information about the rainbow tribe and the return of the earth warriors. He then asked “My people return?” I said yes, but they may look like me or any other skin color on earth. He looked thoughtful and asked if when that time comes if man will still cover their eyes and ears. I said some still do, yes, but more and more people are stripping themselves of the things that kept them blind and deaf to the truth. A time of great change, and the return is upon us now.
I told him that I saw that in his grief, anger, and despair, he eventually left a curse on the land that was harming people. I told him that I understood why he could feel driven to do such a thing. I wanted him to know, however, that those that the taint affected could be his people returned in another life, wearing different skin and a different body but still feeling called to the land. He looked at me with intense eyes, and I had no idea if he would still choose to leave a curse behind. I wished him peace and left. That scene was then cleared, and I found myself on the land and home of this time period. Yet, the energy was different. I no longer felt nauseous, and my stomach was calm. The taint energy was still there, but it wasn’t as strong. It moved out easily, the land accepted the light, and it felt like the area let out a breath it didn’t know it was holding.
My client held space beautifully during this whole process. We discussed how neat it was that in order to resolve this issue, we went through layers of “time” and trauma, Working in the space of all things are happening NOW. From this perspective, there was never a battle, only love, compassion, and healing.
My client then says, “This is how you will work with the land in Belize.” Energy slammed through me as confirmation, and I busted out laughing. I had been asking Spirit to show me how to complete my work in Belize of clearing the taint and gathering the ascension codes. Here it was, delivered to me through my last client before I leave for my trip this weekend. Divine perfection!
I leave for Belize on Sunday and will work with many of the Mayan ruins. I will be clearing the land of the taint. the human sacrifice energy and receiving the ascension codes left behind by the group that vibrated out of the denser reality. I will be in Belize from November 13th – November 22nd, working with the sites, the land, and the waters (cenotes and the Caribbean sea). It is welcome and appreciated if you would like to hold space for this sacred work. If you would like to take part in the distance healing offered on November 21st, once the ascension codes have been gathered, please click here: Mayan Sacred Sites Healing With Jenny Schiltz
Sending you lots of love,
11/12/22 - David Manning's Newsletter: Angel of Peace
Years ago, I was sitting in a Peace Garden, one that was newly dedicated. As I sat, contemplating peace and what that might be, or mean, i was overshadowed by the Angel of Peace. It was a beautiful, slow process. I could feel the energy of this angelic being slowly move into my field and take up more and more space, until there was nothing other than peace. Everything became very quiet. My thoughts stilled, my breathing slowed. I was immersed in the energy, the vibration that we call peace. Its not really describable, but it is possible to contact it, call it in, be willing to be an embodiment of it. It was a cellular experience.
So, that is what this teleconference is about. Embodying peace. We will work with the Angels of Peace, or rather they will work with us, to help us open to and touch into the streams of this sublime frequency. It's an important energy to have east access to. Useful to know how to call upon it, and how to get out of the way so it can take up more of your space.
The Angels of Peace are very willing and happy to work with us, helping us to transform all within that is not peace, so we can become ever more available to what is.
I will write more about this tomorrow. I just wanted to quickly let you know of the plans for a Sunday teleconference. To sign up for this teleconference, please use this link.
I hope you're having a great day.
Sending much love,
11/10/22 - Isis & The spirit of freedom
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
I am Isis. I am the free spirit in you all. You can see me in the movement of a bird, flying through the sky, or in water running through a river channel. I am always flowing and moving. My energy cannot get stuck in limitations based on fear and the need for control. I am a female energy, free of limitation.
I am here today because the female energy on Earth is awakening to a higher level of itself. The female energy has been suppressed for a long time, but there was a reason for this happening. There are big cycles of development in your human history and the male and the female energies are both developing themselves, trying to get to a point of balance within human beings. You are neither male nor female, you are both. And you are not dependent on either of them; you are a free spirit with no limitations. If you get caught up in the idea that you are only male or only female, you get imprisoned by limiting thought-forms which have been passed on to you by the traditions of your society. To be a free spirit, you need the element of play in your life: playfulness, joy, freedom from limiting structures, as well as both the male and the female energies available to you, whether you are a man or a woman. Tradition has forced you into limited images of what it is like to be male or female and you are all suffering from those images.
Now, as a start, if you are a man, I would like you to imagine that you have a female body, or if you are a woman, imagine that you have a male body. Travel with your awareness into your body, into your heart, and feel that you are free inside yourself. Imagine, just for fun, what it would be like to have a body of the opposite sex. You have actually lived lives as the opposite gender, so it is not as hard as you might think. Notice the difference in energies when you are in the body of the opposite sex. What would change for you if you were in this body? Would you do things differently; would some things feel easier for you? Just play with this image and welcome the energy of the opposite sex – it is part of you.
The energy of sexuality has been completely perverted by human traditions of fear and limitation. Sexuality and the soul, the free spirit, belong together, but most religions tell you otherwise. They state that the human passions, such as sexual desire, are of a “lower” nature, whereas the energy of discipline and rules, and focus on the “higher” nature, is supposed to be good and pure. However, when you make a division such as that, you sever yourself. The energy of sexuality is not just about sex, it is really about life. All life comes forth from the sexual energy in humans and in nature, and the dance of male and female energies is at the core of life itself. The energy of sexuality is badly in need of healing and of a different perspective.
Now, I ask that you connect to your second chakra which is in the middle of your abdomen. Sense how the source of creativity inside you is located there. True creativity comes from the soul and is free of limitation, and although it is also sexual in nature, it is not limited by the narrow definition of sexuality. True creativity is vibrant and alive; it wants to explore and express itself in a passionate way, and this is what happens when the soul connects to the physical plane. When the soul gets embodied as a human, the body can provide you with joy and pleasure, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The reason why sexuality was considered suspect, and was suppressed by religious traditions, was that there was a great fear of the female energy. In male-dominated societies or communities, the female energy became a threat because it breaks down rigid power structures and opens up to feelings. There is a paradox inside the male energy: at some level it yearns for sexual union, but at the same time it has an immense fear of sexuality in the wider sense of the word. The fear is not so much of the physical act, but sexuality as aliveness, creativity, exploration, going beyond limits.
For example, when you fall in love with someone, you lose your sense of boundaries and you enter into unknown territory, and this feels magical to you. But the energy of falling in love is not just about the relationship between a particular man and woman, it is more universal than that. It is about the joy of exploration, of moving beyond the known into the unknown, of feeling the magic and the miracle of life. This very free energy of moving beyond yourself, of transcending your boundaries, is at the heart of the female energy, but it was a threat to the ruling powers, and especially to the male power structures.
When you suppress and make suspect the true meaning and vitality of sexual energy, you create many problems for yourself; you become neurotic by suppressing a vital part of yourself. You miss the freedom of living life joyfully, of feeling whole unto yourself. You become divided against yourself and you think you need to obey rules and disciplines that do not come from within yourself, but are imposed from without. You alienate yourself from the source of life and this is what has actually happened in human society. Because the powers of life and true creativity were feared, the energy of control and suppression took over and it killed the human spirit.
Things are changing now but you can still see the effects everywhere around you. Most people are depressed, perhaps not in the clinical sense, but they use only a small part of their true potential and only have a limited connection with their free spirit, their soul. They are blocked by judgments and rules and principles which they think they should obey in order to feel alright, but these laws are not coming from a true spiritual source.
I now ask that you invite my energy into the whole of your body, to welcome back the spirit of joy and freedom and lust for life. You are whole, you are not divided into good and bad parts. This idea is nonsense; every part of you is alive, and the life inside you is looking for a heartfelt expression. All parts of you can and do desire to participate in this expression. Even the dark emotions or passions have a core of light inside them; they just need to be transformed by a spirit of kindness and understanding, and not be held captive by fear and suppression.
So invite my spirit into your heart and feel that it is your own. I am not outside you, I am present in every cell of your body – I am life itself. I am the part of your soul’s energy that loves life, that wants to enjoy it and to have adventures. I am the part of you that is not afraid of change, of moving on, and of accepting the new. Allow me to flow into your body and regard me as your friend – you can fly with me. Imagine that you have wings and fly upward, and, for awhile, you leave the heavy energy of Earth below you. You see the suffering on Earth, the physical suffering, but most of all you see the emotional pain. Most people on Earth feel very imprisoned inside themselves. They cannot get out of themselves because their thoughts limit and restrict them. And as you look down upon this suffering when you are up in the sky, you feel free because you know youdo not have to change anything; you do not have to do anything to save humanity. You know that when you embody your own free spirit – when your trust your own desires, your passions, your true creativity – you then become your own best friend and you start to radiate an energy that is helpful to the people around you.
It is important to realize that when you express this energy of freedom, it might be frightening to some people because you are knocking on the doors of their prison cell, and doing this can sometimes feel as a threat to them. They may think you are too wild, too different, too free; but just let them be and do not argue with them, do not waste your energy by doing that. You need all your awareness and energy to stay focused on yourself, to preserve that energy of freedom, and to hear your own soul’s guidance.
When you embody the spirit of freedom, of love, life, and joy, you also need to be very perceptive of the energies around you. Feel from your heart where your unique soul’s energy is welcome and can flow easily. Whenever you feel exhausted around someone or in a particular situation – when you feel drained – just leave. Do not exert yourself trying to change things because change happens in ways you cannot predict. So you do not have to focus your attention on creating change or working for it, and you do not need to convince other people of what to do. If you keep attuned to your own heart and to the source of life in your abdomen, then you will know what to do: you simply follow the flow of joy. What makes you feel alive and vibrant and inspired is where you are meant to go.
There may be times in your life when you feel you cannot go anywhere with this energy. It seems there is a lack of people or situations which allow you to fully express yourself, but this is just a part of your journey. In order to learn to respect yourself, even when you feel alone and misunderstood, go out into nature. Feel the energies of nature in places where it is wild and free, and you will feel at home there. You must respect yourself and, to some extent, you need to be solitary to do this.
You are here to create a new kind of consciousness and you do this by staying true to yourself by not trying to change anything outside yourself, by listening to the voice of your heart, and by not getting too upset by people or energies that might resist you. Just leave them be; you do not need to be involved with them. Fly up high in the sky, again and again, to remember who you truly are: a being free of limitations, and your energy will change and affect the people around you. However, changing others should not be your primary concern, it will just happen. You are here to find joy in life, even in the midst of heavy and dense energy. And by preserving the spirit of joy, you will give hope to other people.
Take good care of yourself; you are much more cherished than you think. There are angels around you all the time; you are never alone, even in the midst of darkness. You are always connected to the source of life, the life that transcends all boundaries.
Thank you for receiving my spirit within you.
11/10/22 - Sananda: Light is pouring into the planet
Channeled by James McConnell - Ancient Awakenings Call 10/23/22
I am Sananda. I am here now with you in these times, in these grand momentous times of change which you are right in the midst of now. Everything is evolving and revolving around you and within you. So continue to allow the process of change to move through you. Do not shy away from it, for it is all purposeful. But the changes and the movement from the third-dimensional expression to the fourth and higher dimensional expression shall continue.
As you have mentioned within your discussion earlier, the momentum of those changes is increasing rapidly now. Everything at this time is certainly in flux as the light is pouring into the planet, and the vibrational frequency is increasing across the planet and bringing higher consciousness, bringing a knowing and a remembering to more and more people, as more and more are awakening from their slumber.
Yes, it appears to many of you at times as little is changing, it is the ‘same old, same old.’ But I can tell you now with complete certainty that it is not the same ‘same old, same old.’ What you are witnessing is the same playbook from those of the dark forces. That is why it seems the same, for they are showing the same. That playbook that they continue to utilize is known by those of the Forces of Light, including those of you who are a part of the Forces of Light.
You are a part of the Alliance. You may not even be aware of that. For you are the Awakened Ones. You are the ones that have come from many different systems, many different planets, to be a part of this changeover process here. And everything now is leading to this Great Changeover.
It appears now at this time that this Great Changeover will move ahead in small increments, and then gain more and more momentum, just as it is now. For you have been through the small increments, and the larger changes are upon you at this time. All you need to do is to continue to be aware of what is happening, but not a part of what is happening, and not become re-attached back into the third-dimensional expression. But rather, look at it from afar, just as we are from our ships.
That is how we look at everything. We watch it play out, and we assist wherever we are able to. And that assistance is growing more and more now. For we are able, and encouraged, and allowed to intercede more and more, including the showing of our various ships to more and more people that are ready to become awakened to our presence.
The time is upon you now, each and every one of you, my brothers, my sisters, my friends, to continue to embrace the changes as they come. And also to continue to trust in the process. The process of your ascension. For all is included now in this process of ascension. All that is happening, all that is going now is moving now toward your own personal and collective ascension. You only need now to continue to trust and allow for everything to continue to play out.
Just as I have used this before, this idea of the finish line. Know now to that finish line is approaching, or rather you are approaching the finish line. All of you, just as when you run a marathon, it is mile upon mile, moving to the finish, where you have moved many miles to come to this finish line.
Just as when those are able to finish a marathon and they come toward the end, some will sprint to the finish line. They will get that added energy at the last moment to sprint across it. Others have lost some of their energy, but they still will make it, and are making it across the finish line. Others fall into walking to get there. They’ll get there, but it will be in a slower time, you might say.
And then others still have lost the complete energy to continue to move on. And that is where those of you that are in that sprinting motion, and sprint across the finish line, for you to step back. Go back across it and assist those that need assistance. They need the light. They need the energy. They need the truth to help them cross that line. That is where all of you come in, if you would but allow for that process within you.
I am Sananda. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to move freely toward this finish line. Allow the momentum to gain within all of you. And let the process within you continue to play out just as you destined for yourself long ago.
11/10/22 - Call of the Ancient - Body Changes
By Teri Wade
We are changing on a molecular level. (Cellular transformation) Many of you are experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness, feeling of spinning and loss of emotional centering. A fundamental change is taking place in your house meaning we are changing our DNA while living in it. We are genetic engineers of the New World species.
During cellular transformation repigmentation of our skin will begin to occur many will see unusual marks on the surface of their skin… brown, red, white etc. this can occur on young people as well as older bodies. This is a temporary repigmentation that will allow the skin to come into its true purpose. This is brought on by the blood cell membranes being enriched by oxygen and bringing them closer to the surface.
We’re coming back to our original time sequence as we were in the past. Currently, the changes we are all feeling are happening internally in our infrastructure and we are feeling them physically. These changes are taking place in the following places: Cellular system in the blood, CNS (central nervous system), bone marrow, how the brain is firing and how it receives information from Source. These are the changes that are currently happening and it’s causing massive confusion not to mention physical discomfort. Many can tell a change is occurring but we cannot see it in the mirror. But, this internal change will begin to bleed through to the external body. This is where the base must first be built.
Some people will experience weight gain or loss. The body knows how to readjust and reorganize because this process is quite natural. Meaning, this information has been coded within the cells of the body. The greater you are aware of this transformation the more you can assist.
Some are seeing a weakening of their immune system. This is brought on by the human body being recalibrated at a higher frequency while still being bombarded by the dense, heaviness of this 3D realm. We are experiencing an unbalance in our nervous system and some are dealing with this with explosions of anger, frustration etc. I call these people the resistors who choose to fight this transformation. We will see different kinds of nervous disorders during this rewiring process accommodating the increased intensity of Light that is now able to enter our bodies. What’s happening is there is a greater acceleration of energy being absorbed by the body and this acceleration of energy is being sent through the Central Nervous System. Some will deal with this well and some will not. As we take on this new body of Light most organs and glands will no longer be needed and eventually disappear.
As this acceleration of energy enters our physical body the CNS will immediately try and attempt to dissipate some of that energy by sending it out thru the spinal cord. This energy could fire out thru the muscular system which would cause tightness, soreness and cramping. If these energies fire out through the blood vessels restriction could occur. If they fire through the skin you could experience abnormally hot or cold prickling. Our bodies are constantly trying to remain in a stable state during this process. It’s trying to catch up with the increased frequencies. Our bodies are literally washing away the old format. We are in the process of building something undescribable. I’ve said this many times the Central Nervous System is incredibly important to this process this is why the controllers are targeting it.
We are seeing humanity stray away from heavy dense foods such as meats and heavy proteins which stay in the body longer which creates the body to stay in heavy density longer. But, as a biological dense being the heavier protein will be needed for some. Many heavier grains will also be an issue for some. Remember, the goal of this process is returning us to Light. I know some of you are having issues with digestion of heavy, greasy dense foods because these foods don’t vibrate with the higher body vibration. Your body’s needs and your appetite will change within this process. But, everyone is different so listen to your body. Meaning, one day you might need a heavier, denser protein and some days not. Your body is trying to keep up with this higher vibratory rate but the difficulty in this 3D realm is the lag we experience.
We all know and are experiencing incredibly crazy sleep patterns that’s all I need to say about that. Also, our memory is also changing. We all think it’s a bad thing to lose our memory but what is currently happening with many is that we’re transitioning to depending on our intuitive knowing and less on our memory. We are experiencing intuitive insights and flashes of memory. I am notorious at being in mid-sentence and completely forgetting about what I wanted to say next. Basically, as this cellular transformation takes place it will be harder to reference your past through your memory system. All useless data is disappearing from our memory files. Referencing past data was useful because acceptance of past reality based beliefs and prior experiences. Referencing data of the past is falling away.
We are also going through a process which we call the thinning of the veil. As this protective device thins we are finding out that there are no boundaries between our physical body and our higher self. Many people are not only experiencing contact with beings from other realms but are experiencing contact with your higher self. So, listen to your body, listen to that intuitive voice it’ll get stronger and louder as the veil thins. We are experiencing something absolutely amazing and monumental on a scale most cannot believe with this process of DNA activation. This process of DNA activation is what I named “Call of the Ancient.” Many are hearing and feeling that call which eventually will bring us back to balance. We are in the process of being downloaded and activated with incredible insight, wisdom and knowledge of our Ancient past and we have just begun.
11/10/22 - David Manning: The Nexus Point
Source (Newsletter by David Manning)
I have often talked of us collectively undergoing a process of deep unveiling, where we integrate memories and awareness of trainings and teachings we have lived in other times. This is another of those times, a significant unveiling. What we buried deep within ourselves is surfacing for re-integration. This is worth exploring a little. It's an important process, one which takes us out of victim into a deeper awareness of ourselves as creator beings.
Over many thousands of years, we have downgraded our capacity to live as energetic beings on this planet. Each successive drop in frequency would isolate us a little more. Leave us disconnected and separate. I have memories of this happening collectively in Greece, Egypt and Atlantis. I'm sure there have been many others.
It seems that many of us act as frequency holding and modulating points for the wider collective. As we lower or raise our frequency, we create and support that shift in the wider field of humanity. We are energetically networked to create a field of particular frequency, which holds energy at particular levels, and allows phases of evolution to unfold.
So we have always known we would need to do this. We knew our roles as frequency modulators for a wider field than just ourselves. We wanted to go on this journey. We knew a deep exploration of density and separation was what evolution was calling us to. This knowing is often at a subconscious level. Some have access to that decision making process. Most are simply moved by the pulse of energy that ripples through once a decision is made. It is easy to feel like a victim if you are not aware of the deeper decision making process that we are all a part of. Now, we are on the return part of that cyclical journey. We gather up all we deposited and buried. Sometime we are called on journeys to different power points and past life locations. These pilgrimages act like keys, energetically unlocking from deep in our psyche what we already knew. What we once lived and breathed, what we trained in and surrendered to.
Years ago, while spending time in Sedona, I spent weeks lying on sun heated rocks on the bank of an icy river and I knew that I was drawing up from within the earth memories of lifetimes on that continent. They didn't come as visions, or clear images, but my system uploaded from the earth, and within my own DNA a deeper awareness of my self-hood. For each of us, it happens in ways and with the themes and flavours that are totally appropriate to us as individuals. I have just undergone another of these experiences. It began with a vague awareness of being surrounded by Egyptian imagery. Every time I dropped into meditation, I would feel impressions of Egyptian imagery "floating" in my field. This got stronger and more pronounced until the day of the eclipse, 8th November.
Sitting to meditate, I could really feel the energy of these symbols. There was a congestion in my throat. Focusing there, I saw the clear image of the winged scarab floating over my throat. As I watched, I became aware that these symbols present in my field were amulets and pieces of jewellery. All of a sudden I knew that these had been placed around my body during mummification thousands of years ago. As that awareness opened up, everything fell apart. I felt myself rapidly "unwrapped". It was more of an unravelling. As it was happening, I knew it was another collective process of unveiling. Wisdoms we once embodied, secrets we once knew, awareness we once lived was coming back on line.
I have witnessed versions of this several times over the past couple of days in other peoples energy fields too.
This has happened many times. It can be a collective process where we undergo the unveiling at the same time. Cosmic energies an astrological alignments act as the keys for widespread moments of unlocking. Individuals can always move at their own pace, pushing the speed of their journey by living in ever more alignment. We have choice, and individuals will be able to deny the opening if they choose to maintain density as their preference. This becomes more and more difficult and expensive as frequencies elevate.
We are the Nexus Point. A meeting place of heaven and earth, past and future, masculine and feminine. It could be said that the actual point of meeting is the heart centre. This is the place where it all comes together, where we can access it all from. Our future selves are reaching through time to orient us on our journey toward an optimal reality. Our deep history is unveiling itself in our biology at the same time, to act as guide and anchor. We might not sense this, but can align with its potential simply by centring in our heart and inviting alignment with the optimal timeline for us. We then have to pay attention to shifts and adjustments that want to be made.
I am offering a teleconference on 11/11, where we will explore ourselves as this Nexus Point, this multi-dimensional meeting place. This enables a profound release of victim templates, and a stepping into fields of creativity. There is no charge for this teleconference. Your donations are very gratefully received though, and much appreciated. To register for the teleconference, please use this link. To donate, please use the yellow button in the right hand column.
Many thanks, and sending you much love,
11/10/22 - Chief Eagle Feather: Sky People
Channeled by Galaxygirl
(I am hearing drums. I am sitting on a grassy field in a large circle by a warm crackling fire, surrounded the Native Americans under a starry sky. The drums are loud and rhythmic, there are shirtless braves dancing around the fire, barefoot and smiling, shouting. It is quit loud and very freeing.)
I am Chief Eagle Feather. It is time again to speak. For much change is occurring on your world, just as our ancestors told it to be. As it was and so it is becoming. We see the skies telling their stories. We remember the Sky People in the stories of our ancestors. We remember them coming down and sharing their wisdom. We did not understand at first, but in time we learned to trust them. Our people were visited by the stars in the Pleiades. We were fortunate enough to be bubbled and energetically separated from the others. We were surrounded and protected by the Great Mother who rules and nurtures all things. The Great Mother is returning. Her energies are felt within the soil under our feet. We feel the rumbling of great change, like a mighty stampede. It cannot be stopped. It can be heard from afar. We know it is coming. We feel it is coming deep in our bones. You too feel the stampede of change.
I am Chief Eagle Feather. I am so named for my higher perspectives, my elevated point of view. When I was young and foolish this was more ego and now it is more experience. We wizen with time and with age! (He is laughing and his happy face is a wreath of wrinkles. His long gray and black hair is heavily decorated in feathers and leather wrappings.) Yes, galaxygirl. I let you see me now here as I left this world. This is the image of my body when it was laid to rest within the grassy fields that I loved. I still love them. The veil is thin now, and we ancestors are sneaking through to give you all a little bit of hope, of joy, of excitement. Can you hear the drums? You see that the drums are beating, beating. There is much energy of change. You can either look into what is coming and see only noise, which I do not recommend, for there is little peace in that. Instead, perhaps take an eagle’s eye perspective? And see the coming change from the divine perspective. The divine height of understanding. We encourage you to hear the music in the noise. It will enliven and encourage you. For the great change is here!
(The drum stops and it is silence. We are in the void, Eagle Feather and I. We are surrounded by nebula and stars in the distance but only inky blackness of space where we are. He is smoking a peace pipe. He offers it to me. It is intricately carved and I see there are constellations on it. The stars are turquoise inlay). These are etched from the stories of my ancestors. We remember the tall ones of light when they landed. They radiated the love of the Mother and so we accepted them. They taught us to plant fish at the base of the corn crops for nitrogen. They helped us cultivate in harsh times so that we never hungered. They helped us in the beginning. And they are helping us now.
The Sky People are returning. It is time. The ancient prophecies are coming full cycle. Everything has cycle. The season, the waters, the animals, the cycle of life and death, all things in this realm are patterns. (He is showing me the seasons changing quickly, massive herds migrating, a baby being born, growing old and dying and becoming a ball of light that then chooses its next experience. He is now showing me the photon belt, and our planetary system is within it heavily now. I am seeing that a massive wall of light is approaching. I am shivering all over. I am seeing that there is massive love in this wall of light. It feels like home. I’m tearing up too much to type. I have so missed this light! And I hear that we are here to anchor it, to be this light, to radiate this light. And I am being shown a dark shell of Gaia, of old earth becoming lit from within as it enters into this light wall. And I can now only see light.)
You see well, galaxygirl. In the void all things are possible for all things are more clear. In the noise that is to come, clarity of mind and of heart will be your greatest gift you can give. For those of you who remember your days as native peoples, remember the warm dirt between your toes, remember your naked body running happily across fields of tall grass. Remember the sky smiling down at you. Remember your planetary Mother. You are here for her. We are here to serve, to lend our light.
I Chief Eagle Feather am speaking. Eagles lose their feathers when they have outgrown them, or lost them in battle. Both are true. Both bring honor. You are bringing honor to us all. You honor the ancestors tonight. Remember when the Sky People land you will remember once again, and the great cycle will have completed, and a new one begins. A new birth always precedes an old death. Creator is all around you. Life in every form and expression. Do not be afraid of the great change. Embrace it into your being and fly high with an eagle’s point of view. All will be made right. The plants will grow again. The waters will be fresh to drink. Humanity will find the love that has been buried within them and like tender green sprouts will grow. I see a new harvest. I see a green earth. I see a new life and I see this now.
I Chief Eagle Feather am speaking. Peace, my friends, peace.
11/8/22 - Pleiadians: Vast changes taking place in your physical body
Channeled via Christine Day
Beloved ones we greet you, There are vast changes taking place within your planet that will have a direct impact on your entire energetic and physical systems. Waves of change are flowing across your earth plane, which directly arise from the dynamic shifts that take place in the rotation of the Earth. Your Earth is completing more than one full rotation cycle in every 24 hours period. Simultaneously the Magnetic Core within the Earth has begun to accelerate its frequency pulse, that is moving outwards across the planet and beyond. This frequency pulse has been building and continues expanding while the Earth’s rotation shifts its momentum more fully.
The Magnetic Core is transmitting through a different energetic ratio, working through an entirely different multidimensional framework system. These changes are enabling a functioning partnership to develop within the higher Universal patterns that have remained stable and constant over eons. Earth has begun to interact through this shifted energetic orientation. Your planet is undergoing a complete energetic resurrection and for the first time in history is establishing itself within a different hierarchy of the Universe. This is a destined process for the Earth and all inhabitants.
At this juncture the Earth’s powerful transmutation is creating the potential for each one of you to be launched on another level into a next phase of awakening. This is your time for a rapid reset. As you are moved closer to 2023 there is an electrical quickening to take place within your systems, this is different than any other time in the history of Earth. You are pre-destined to undergo a huge shift in perceptions of your inner sacred makeup. Those awake are to become more established and realigned to the sacred essence of Self.
During this stage of realignment to your sacred systems you are destined to have a resurgence of your sacred intelligence which has been lying dormant. There is to be an activation your Pineal, nervous systems and brain synapses. As your inner intelligence is awakened you are enabled to remember with clarity your full existence as a higher being of light and to begin to utilize your sacred intelligence to fulfill your purpose. This process is a natural returning.
What is required from you now is the willingness to let go of the old patterns of your human self and allow a resurrection of your systems within your physical body. As you open to this process your entire physical body begins to naturally manifest into an expanded electrical frequency that allows you to house the sacred light of your higher intelligence, your Higher Self.
Through bringing about a change in one thought pattern, you can begin to embrace these frequency changes within your cells. You can create these changes in your thought patterns by moving your consciousness, your awareness outwards into nature and let go, being in stillness. For example, by holding your awareness on the wind blowing in the trees, watching the sunrise, connecting to the sun shining on the lake, focusing on the reflections on the water, the shadows created on the ground, bird song, the sound of the wind, the sound of rain, the night sky, the moon… there are any number of natural free experiences available at any moment.
Place your awareness into these sacred moments, it requires only one moment of you to focus on nature for you to align into an imprint that the natural forces contain. As these imprints forge an alignment through you there is an automatic shift within your thought pattern. You then take a Conscious breath into the experience, which allows this frequency change within your systems to open. Any one of these imprint patterns from nature can begin to recreate your thought patterns, bringing you into a higher resonance balance to the light while instantaneously anchoring your essence of the sacred within.
Your time on the earth plane has never been about you achieving human perfection. Rather it has been a time for you to be aware of the sacred component of yourself that has always exists within you, while simultaneously having a human experience. Each time you choose to open to the truth of the simultaneous expression of both your humanity and sacred nature being present, a healing is automatically created within you. As you simply hold that truth and take a Conscious breath you shift lifetimes of being in the same cycle of limitation and self-sabotage. This is your time to move through the veils of illusion and claim moments of being in alignment to truth, the sacred truth of yourself. This is your time to shift the old perceptions of limitation within.
The words, ‘I AM’ activate this truth through the cells of your body. These words support you in bringing back a cognitive re-alignment of the sacred component of self that exists fully intact just beyond the veils.
Over this next phase of time, one calendar year, there will be many changes within you and on the Earth. There will be openings, awakenings taking place within your consciousness. This upcoming next phase is all about you returning to your original state of consciously being. Through this rapid reset you will be returning to a state of living that holds the sacred consciousness of yourself within your life, while your humanity opens into a more complete state of being able to live in peace with itself.
Those of you in human bodies who are on an awakened path have made pre agreements to set in motion the energetic purpose of your mission on Earth. These alignments created by the expansive transmission activating through to you from the Magnetic Core are designed to stabilize you in your abilities of reconnection to the sacred aspect of yourself and reposition you beyond the veils. These awakenings are fully dependent on you taking an action now to resurrect and enliven the sacred component of yourself to participate fully.
As you open into your own unique consciousness you automatically create a higher network of connection with each other. As you build these sacred connections you build sacred community structures that are destined to shift the Earth’s consciousness frequency, which will reach out and impact all mankind.
A call has gone out to all of you who have a specific pre agreement to be involved in this higher resonance phase of merging. As you actively take your place in the circle you begin another level of self-realization, self-actualizing of your Heart, moving into a higher multidimensional level of your light than previously experienced.
These higher consciousness spaces will enable you as an individual and within a community setting to play out your individual role fully as a member of community. Through your unique frequency light contributing to the forming of this sacred Heart network, your place within the group will expand. You will find that as you activate this Heart process together there will be a strong bond forged between you to support your group within your human experiences. There will be a greater acceptance of each other of your human vulnerabilities, less separation and judgment. This changing process is part of an essential shift within your consciousness that is required for the building of healthy communities.
The new Community process begins to be constructed as two or more people come together with a conscious purpose of creating moments of birthing a Heart unity frequency between them. This conscious action of Heart communion sets in motion the birthing of a sacred network constructed by the pure Heart light frequency held between the participating Hearts.
All participants need to be seated in a circle. You need a minimum of 6 chairs or positions marked to create your circle. For example: If you have two people that make up your group, you will sit opposite each other in a circle of 6 chairs.
Know that you need to work with this process to continue to allow a further building of this network at least once a week. You collectively as a group are destined to fulfill this purpose by forging this sacred network of your Hearts. This action by your community group births a pure blueprint frequency pathway designed for other community networks throughout the world to follow.
This is a glorious time of you choosing to enter this next phase of purpose, each one of you fully contributing through your own unique blueprint of light consciousness that you carry within your Heart. You each hold an aspect of this blueprint within every cell of your Heart space.
Let go and allow the waves of life to reposition you where you need to be now, today, in this moment. Allow these moments to build, to move you into a redefinition of yourself on a multidimensional level within your Heart.
We witness you.
The Pleiadians
11/8/22 - About Christine Day
The powerful and heartbreaking personal story of Christine Day has inspired audiences throughout the world. Born and raised in Australia, Christine experienced a traumatic childhood involving cult ritual abuse. In 1986, following a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, and having been told she had just two months to live, Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, which enabled her to move into a place of self healing. She has now been symptom free for the last twenty-six years.
“In 1994 I had my first experience connecting and communicating with the Pleiadians. It sounds extraordinary, I know, but this is exactly how it happened. I was out walking in nature. I turned a corner into a meadow and found myself staring at a huge space ship about 20 meters away from me. Coming out of the ship was a group of Pleiadians. As they moved towards me they were greeting me telepathically. I was immediately filled with an overwhelming sense of their love for me; a love that instantly awoke within me a deep remembrance of my Pleiadian heritage. I recognized my Pleiadian family and I was brought into the memory of what I had pre-agreed to do on this earth plane in this lifetime.
With startling clarity, I instantly remembered my mission here: I was to act as a Pleiadian ambassador here on this earth plane. My role was to be a bridge between the Pleiadians and humans; to create a deeper understanding and awareness of the existence of the Pleiadians, so that we, as human beings, would have an opportunity to open up and receive the support that they can bring us. Their support is essential for us to fulfill our own mission during this powerful time of transition on our earth plane.
My most important role was to bring an understanding to the Pleiadians of how we need to process as human beings. This understanding was necessary for the Pleiadians, and would allow them to create a series of ‘light initiations’ that could work for us and allow us to be able to receive these light initiations and self- birth, while bypassing the human ego.
I don’t remember getting home that day and as I began to digest my first overwhelming experience with the Pleiadians. I went through a powerful and life changing metamorphosis within. My Pleiadian aspect integrated energetically throughout my system, changing my energetic makeup. My emotional process was challenged on a human level, I was trying to take in what had happened and coming to terms with who I was and the monumental task of what I was to achieve.
On an emotional level it was difficult for me to accept the whole Pleiadian story. Know that before this experience I didn’t believe in aliens and space ships, so this experience was so huge that I couldn’t pretend it hadn’t happened to me. My human part was in conflict! Of course my spiritual part was in total acceptance. Then days later two Angels came to me, they said, “the Pleiadians are part of the God consciousness, as we are, as you are… we are one!” As they spoke there was so much love present and I knew this was a Truth. Something changed for me in that moment, and I moved into a place of acceptance. I could move forward then to do what was mine to do!
Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has become internationally renowned as the “Pleiadian Ambassador”, as a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel. She is globally renowned for her powerful and life changing Transmissions of Light that she channels from the Pleiadians. She inspires people with a clear frequency of Truth that she transmits out as she speaks. She carries a pure energy of love that can be experienced throughout the audience. She has been traveling world-wide bringing two individual bodies of cutting edge healing methods that she channel from the Pleiadians - Amanae and Frequencies of Brilliance.
Christine has been initiated by the Pleiadians in the Shamanic traditions and has lead many vision quests in different areas of the world. And has been working closely with the Pleiadians and Galactic Community to create high frequency Communication Portals for transmissions. Christine’s three books Pleiadian Initiations of Light, Pleiadian Principles for Living, and The Pleiadian Promise brings the latest teachings from the Pleaidians to a worldwide audience.
The Pleiadians and Christine present 3-Day Pleiadian Seminars on-line via Zoom. These advanced level Pleiadian Light Initiations are being offered so that all who feel called can experience the multi-dimensional setting that the Pleiadians have configured specifically to assist us in accessing higher truth and knowledge. Each Seminar is designed to align us with the changing dimensional energies as they are being birthed on the Earth Plane. Each event is totally unique, and presents an opportunity to benefit from entirely new processes.
Christine regularly offers live Pleiadian Transmissions through her monthly Podcast and her popular Pleiadian Broadcasts, which are aired at regular intervals throughout the year, and are available free here.
Christine’s work with the Pleiadians is available through a series of online audio/visual classes which are available in the store. Each series of classes offers unlimited opportunities for you to have a direct experience of the work and receive levels of healing and support in your unfoldment.
11/8/22 - Jenny Schlitz: Full Surrender
By Jenny Schiltz
Recently, I have been working with Isis within the temples and want to share with you an understanding I received. I was walking with Isis, and she shared with me how we are all going through levels of personal surrender. We have to surrender ourselves to this process, to the changes we are experiencing, and to what we thought this time period would look & feel like. We are having to allow people to experience their creation, no matter how much that hurts.
Surrendering has become a huge theme in the spiritual community; we say the words, yet most of us are not fully surrendering. We understand the concept with our heads, and now, it must reach our hearts. She shared with me that most of us have programming that is in direct opposition to surrender. I asked her for an example, and she asked me to notice how the following synonyms feel in the body instead of the word surrender.
As you read these next words, feel where they hit you in the body.
Give in
Give up
As you read these words, did you feel uncomfortable, tightness in the body, or complete resistance? Each of these words is a synonym for surrender. This shows where hidden programming can be triggered when we use the word surrender.
Think about how many times we are told throughout life, “Never Surrender.” “Don’t give up.” “Winners never quit, and Quitters never win.” Look at the word abandon and the wounds that it can trigger. Even if we have extricated ourselves from the matrix, this subliminal programming is still running. When we say the word surrender, we may unconsciously connect it to words that are deemed negative or make us seem to lack character or the ability to succeed.
We also have to look at what true surrender means. It is the surrendering of our human will, which contains our ego, trauma, beliefs, and expectations. We are surrendering our human will and shifting into God’s will. God-will is where we become more in tune, part of the flow of the universe, and we trust fully. At the base, surrender is the act of getting out of our own way to allow the Divine to lead us completely.
Isis also recommends that we look at where we have resistance to the word God. Many of us have experienced religious trauma. We use words such as Source, the universe, etc., but when it comes to the word God, we have resistance. She explained that this resistance to the word God also keeps us from fully surrendering.
I asked her what it would mean to surrender and what it looks like to go from the human will to God will. She said the simplest explanation is full trust. Can we trust that what is happening, no matter how it looks, is exactly how it's meant to happen? Can we trust that what is meant for us will find its way to us? Can we allow ourselves to be completely in the flow? To work hard when the wind is at our back and to rest when the wind is pushing against us?
This is the exact opposite of what the hustle culture teaches. Can we trust that being in the flow may not mean that we only experience things that are deemed positive? This can be quite a stumbling block to fully surrendering our human will to God-will is that we have the misconceived notion that when we are in the flow, everything should be perfect. This would be nice, but it’s not truth. There are times that being in the flow means an incident happens that brings an understanding of a hidden trauma or wound. It can be painful, and brutal, and yet it’s exactly what needs to happen, AND it’s part of being in the flow.
Full surrender and trust require that we operate from the heart space first and the mind second. All of this requires that we get out of our own way and let go of the illusion that we need to be in control. Isis explained that when one is working on surrendering to God, to the flow, they may find that their body is uncomfortable and that they are unable to let go of the spinning mind. The advice was to take a step back; pushing or forcing ourselves to surrender is the exact opposite of what is needed.
Isis explained that when we fully surrender, it will be full of ease and joy, and we will feel held. If we do not feel this, it’s due to resistance and a lack of trust showing us where inner work is needed. When we take a step back, we are asked to reaffirm our intention to surrender continually and request assistance from our spirit teams. We also need to work on how we see things. If we can truly believe that all is happening exactly as it should be, then full surrender is the next step we take.
True surrender to God is not an easy task. When we begin this process, our ego often gets triggered. The benefit is that it will allow us to see the fears that arise and where we have bought into the illusion of control. We are finding ourselves in deeper and deeper waters as we are bathed with intense light and frequencies. I have been shown a pulse that we are receiving that is coming in from the galaxy, where Source resides. This pulse is a beacon calling us home, home within ourselves so that we may know the Divine within and without.
May we use this time to surrender and flow with love, joy, and ease. Sending you all lots of love.
11/8/22 -(Video) Mikos of Hollow Earth & Telos
Channeled jointly by Dianne Robbins & Julie Smith (newsletter 11/8/22)
Intro by Dianne: Mikos is an ascended living deep within Hollow Earth where he oversees the Library of Porthalogos. Today Channel/Author Dianne Robbins ( and Vocal Channel Julie Smith ([email protected]) join host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Broadcaster/Speaker, Writer & Facilitator ( and even bring through Mikos to discuss:
How Mikos contacted Sheryl in ceremony during an eleven day ayahuasca Dieta in Peru back in 2013, only for this to be forgotten until she was ready to receive the information this summer. She tells the synchronicities that led her to connect with these guests for today’s show.
How channeled information from Mikos of the Library of Porthologos came to be received and published by Diane Robbins in Messages from the Hollow Earth (available for purchase at with a small affiliate fee paid to us in support of the show at no additional cost to you), as well as her other messages and works
How Dianne began receiving channeled messages from Adama within Telos and thebn Mikos of the Library of Porthologos within the Hollow Earth. MIKOS joins via channel Julie with messages for these chaotic times on Earth, why we are feeling dizzy, confused, and uncertain shifting between 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, how to bring ourselves peace, and the importance of self-love and compassion
MIKOS reminds that we are surrounded by loving beings and energies who want to help if we will only ask them, and discusses the importance of getting better at letting go, he discusses how time in nature can help and reconnecting to our bodies to feel truth and raise our health; more being and less doing!
Dianne speaks of how these ascended beings got inside the Earth and Mt Shasta, the Agartha Network of subterranean tunnels, particulars about the Library of Porthologos and how to use it; and MIKOS shares how to access this information NOW.
Sheryl and Dianne disclose their plans to read Messages from the Hollow Earth live on YouTube and share the contents of this book absolutely free. (Dates to be announced soon!). A picture is painted of daily life as an ascended immortal being and we are assured this is also the future of humanity
Dianne recounts the story of Lemuria and Atlantis, where these continents are now, how the Lemurians were kept alive, and the future of these continents; she shares that these ascended beings no longer have sickness or death and have no language for it (which is why we cannot go down there until we transcend these ourselves); she also shares the significance of Mt Shasta and why so many people are being drawn there now.…and much, much more!
I am Dianne Robbins, and I am a Voice for the Ascended Master Adama, High Priest of the Subterranean City of Telos, located inside the Mountain of Mt. Shasta in California, and for Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos inside the Hollow Earth. I am also a Voice for the Tree, Cetacean, Crystal and Elemental Kingdoms. My mission is to re-unite all of Earth's people through my books, and to bring about the merging of all civilizations from within the Center of the Earth, Subterranean Cities and Surface populations.
These are messages I receive and have received over many years. The messages are both current and timeless. I am a full-time student of the Ascended Master Teachings through the Radiant Rose Academy.
May Your Journey into Light be Accelerated!
Love and Blessings,
Dianne Robbins - TELOS
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11/8/22 - Mwendwa Mbaaby: You are more than the past
by Mwendwa Mbaabu (Newsletter 11/8/22)
You are not what has happened to you. You are more than the past and you are more than the stories of the past. So many people sentence themselves to a life of misery and victimhood because of the things they have been through. And yes, sometimes the things we go through can be pretty horrific: we have been hurt and we have hurt others. But the truth of the matter is that the past does not have to be the future. And that decision can only be made by YOU in the PRESENT MOMENT. In this present moment, the past does not exist, but it only exists when you bring it forward by giving it power.
The past becomes the future when we keep it alive through the power of our attention. There is nothing you can do to change the past, but if you keep giving it your attention, through your thoughts, words, and expectations, you make it your future as well, which keeps those same old patterns repeating over and over again. You find yourself dating the same kind of people, creating the same old drama, meeting the same kind of people, and repeating the same mistakes over and over again because you are allowing the past to inform your present beliefs.
Like I always like to say "everything is a story and stories can be changed". Whatever happened was a story, a brief paragraph in the book of your life. It does not have to inform your future or cloud it. You can choose to use it to write something better. The only value the past has is in allowing us to create a better today and tomorrow, and not keep us stuck. You have the power to write the story of your life however you want it to be. Don't let one paragraph or one chapter, ruin the entire book.
Think of your life like a movie. In a movie, the protagonist may be in a mess in the first half of the movie, and be the hero by the end of it. Anything can happen, and it is all up to you. Make up your mind that you will not allow the things that have happened to you to determine the rest of your story. You are the hero in your own life story! You are not what has happened to you.
In service to the Awakening,
Today's message from your Higher Self: Even in your darkest nights, never forget that you are made from light, and are at your very essence, light. As Jesus said, "you are the light of the world". This is the truth of who you are no matter what you feel. Truth never changes. Anything that seems to deny this truth is a lie. You are the light and you light up every place you are in because your true nature is light. Do not allow the darkness to deceive you into thinking that it is more powerful. It is only an illusion. Once the light goes on darkness disappears and you are that light. But when you hide your light under a basket it cannot work its magic and darkness seems more powerful. You hide your light whenever you believe that you are unworthy and not good enough. You hide your light whenever you feel powerless and defeated. Own your light. No matter what is happening, believe that you have overcome it and that you are greater than anything that happens because light is greater than darkness. Once the light comes on, darkness doesn't stand a chance! Love, From Your Higher Self
11/3/22 - Galactic Federation: A Mission of Peace
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
The story of ascension is as old as the Universe itself. Sentient beings have been experiencing, evolving, and ascending since the dawn of time. This is what the Creator wanted for itself, and for us. This is why this magnificent Universe was conceived.
You need to know that certain beings play a vital role in this ascension process that has been going on for ages. These beings and species went through the same process we are living in now and are now here to take our hand and walk us toward the light. They also have their history. They had to go through so many experiences, challenges, and changes to evolve and reach the point of high consciousness and enlightenment to come here to this planet and be our guides on this journey.
They lead humanity into the Golden Age by example; they want us to avoid old mistakes and prevent us from losing the track that leads to God Itself. It is not the first time in the history of our Universe, and others, that a group of different beings has worked together to help a planet reach its “Golden Age.” But who are these beings, and why do they want to help us?
To understand who they are and their mission here, you just have to think of your own experience and your beautiful human life. Very probably, you’ve been through so many changes and challenges in your life; you faced fear and stepped into the light when darkness seemed as the only thing left; maybe you had to take a leap of faith when hope was lost; or you’ve risked many things to fulfill your dreams. So, these beings did!
And once you overcome your obstacles and challenges and are on the other side of the unknown, who do you relate to and want to offer your help the most? To those who are going through the same things that you went! You’ve learned from your mistakes and want to be an example to others and guide them whenever you can. This is why these beings have this mission of helping humanity in ascending to the realms of light and love. They want to help us as you would help someone facing what you have already met. So, having had their own experience and, to help us in the best way, these different beings decided to unite as a cooperative alliance, founding what we refer to as The Galactic Federation.
This Galactic Federation is a cooperative group of advanced spiritual beings watching over the evolution in consciousness and ascension of Gaia and her sentient life. They represent other Galaxies, densities, and other aspects of time. They are mainly comprised of five different types of high beings who are assisting planet Earth and Humanity in this time and space. They can be differentiated into five primary Star Nations: PLEIADIANS, ANDROMEDANS, LYRANS, SIRIANS, AND ARCTURIANS. Having many more alliances with other star groups and star nations, just like any diplomatic relationship between countries, but this being intergalactic.
These are highly evolved spiritual beings of the Universe who operate and work together as the Family of Light. And they only have one mission: to ensure PEACE throughout the Universal and Galactic societies. Also, all these groups have deep connections with planet Earth; this is why they heard the call and decided to step forward to incarnate in the physical realm, coming as sages, healers, ambassadors, and warriors of light.
The Galactic Federation is the only Intergalactic alliance conceived to help humanity, no matter how many names may be given to it. And those who say otherwise just want division. They build stories of distraction, so you don't do the actual work, which is to look in the mirror and find your true self there; to work on yourself so you can be free and be an example to the rest of the world.
Therefore, as members of the Family of Light, we are now here as system busters: we are here to assist and prepare humanity for global ascension, to be an example of pure love, and to guide this world into paradise. We are the bringers of the new dawn! Don’t forget that the highest teaching is the same in all the Universes. And it is as simple and infinitely powerful as this: “God is You. Love God-You with all your Heart”. First, love yourself unconditionally and then love all of creation unreservedly. This is the only way to a fifth-dimensional experience. The door to heaven on Earth is LOVE.
And remember,
You are not alone.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of Light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Divine blessings to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation
11/3/22 - Mwendwa Mbaaby: You suffer only your memory
by Mwendwa Mbaabu
The world as we know it is not real but remembered. It is memory. Who you think you are, is not essentially real, but remembered and accepted moment by moment. We mainly suffer from memory and mental assumptions, and not reality. When you sleep at night, the world sleeps with you, there is no suffering and stories in deep sleep, yet your sense of being remains.
Upon waking, immediately, there is only the sense of BEING or I AM without conditioning. And then memory sets in and the world as it is known to you is remembered, and picked up, along with all its problems, identities, and associations. You wear all the identities, problems, resentments, and judgments again as you do your physical clothes.
If you didn’t attach your sense of I AM to what you remember, you wouldn’t suffer. If you chose not to carry these mental burdens, and simply be in the NOW with innocent perception and observation, you wouldn’t suffer. Problems only live in the mind, not reality. Reality is always perfect without the stories we tell ourselves.
Like Jesus says in a course in miracles lesson one, “nothing I see means anything”. Things are given meaning in the factory of mind. Without the meaning given, the story dissolves and suffering (anger, worry, panic, tension, anxiety, depression, envy, etc.) ceases. You can choose to restore your innocent vision. Your true self is I AM, or BEING. You can make the choice to simply BE, without attaching all these judgments to reality. Byron Katie says, “I am a lover of what is”. That is bliss. Just Be. Accept what is, without the lens of suffering, without the stories, and everything will look very different.
You can observe reality as you would a picture across a screen. By taking on the detached observer role you deny things your life-giving power. The power of being a neutral observer comes from not attaching your FEELINGS to what is observed. Without feeling, there is no reality because things are not really true for you. They are witnessed but not believed or given any particular meaning. This robs them of their power and their continued manifestation in your reality ceases. Attaching meaning and feeling to things transforms them into a belief that will then continue to manifest. That is how reality gets created.
We suffer only memory (past), and imagination (future). Even imagination is a product of memory. What we imagine is usually influenced by past experiences.
11/3/22 - Jesus through John: Only Love is Real
by John Smallman, 10/29/22
As you are well aware humanity is awakening right now! This is God’s Will, God’s Will for humanity, and God’s Will always comes to fruition just as intended, and His Will is always for eternal peace, joy, and harmonious cooperation throughout heaven – Reality. When you awaken and see the divine gardens of heaven, their brilliance and beauty will most joyfully astound you. To awaken is your divine and fully assured destiny, and the moment for that to happen is closer than you can possibly imagine.
Renew your faith and trust in God regularly during your day, because doing so magnificently intensifies the power and effect of your individual human energy fields as they interact with each other all across Planet Earth. Your presence in form now is an irreplaceable and essential aspect of the collective awakening process, and it is why you chose to be on Earth at this moment in the process. There are no accidents!
Your presence on Earth as humans at this moment is the divine Will of Mother/Father/God, and also, of course, your will. Even though, as humans in form, it is almost impossible for you to be aware that your wills and the Will of God are constantly in alignment. But yes, your collective wills are always in alignment with the Will of God.
Your response to that is most likely: “How can that be when there is presently so much pain and suffering on Earth, and when it has been like this throughout our entire history as humans?”
I will just remind you once more that what you are experiencing is unreal. You collectively chose, but a moment ago, to build and enter an unreal or dream environment where you could experience separation from Source. A state that is completely unreal and which cannot possibly exist. Because you have the Power of God, given freely and infinitely lovingly to you at the moment of your creation, along with your free will, you were able to build an hallucination, a dream or nightmare illusion of absolutely terrifying proportions – a vast sense of separation from Source. When you chose to engage with it by entering into it, you thought you were taking part in a harmless and amusing game. You really were not fully mindful of what you had chosen to do. Now you are experiencing the results of that insane choice, and which appear to you to have been the case for eons of time. And again, I remind you, it is unreal!
Your awakening is your collective choice to dissolve that unreal environment and return to full awareness of your inseparable Oneness with Mother/Father/God – LOVE. The magnificence and brilliance of that return to Reality was divinely planned at the same moment that you chose to hide Reality from yourselves, because God in His infinite Love and Wisdom knew that you would become totally lost in the experience that you had chosen to undergo, and would be unable to find your way Home without holy guidance. Wandering through that unreal environment you came upon signs and indicators offering you guidance, guidance that initially you chose to ignore. Various holy ones or mystics have, on countless occasions over the eons, entered your dream to show you the way Home, and some of them have been most highly revered by parts of the collective, and their words of guidance have been widely shared. Now, finally, that guidance is being widely followed as awareness that only Love is Real most rapidly intensifies.
Love is what you are, each and every one of you, there are no exceptions. Those you might judge as unloving or worse, are in fact, just like everyone else, lost souls in the nightmare that they helped to build. Like you they will awaken, although possibly not in the same moment as the collective majority, and they will be honored, as are you, for the suffering that they have undergone as they searched for the way Home.
Many of you have experienced the thought or the dogma of the necessity of being saved. However, all are already saved. To be saved is to awaken, and that has in truth already happened, it is just that the vast majority have not yet chosen to accept this divine truth, and so remain with their eyes closed.
Your collective awakening is, therefore, a collective opening of your eyes to the Love that you are, to the full awareness of the Love that you are, to the full awareness of your inseparability from the Oneness that is Mother/Father/God. That opening of your eyes – obviously this is a metaphor for something far more wondrous – is the moment when you reach the end of your earthly path and are most enthusiastically and most wholeheartedly welcomed Home. The celebrations that have been planned for this ineffable moment will astound you. Many of you have, during your lives on Earth, been welcomed home from overseas, from college, from hospital, or from long and painful separations, and have experienced wonder at the explosion of love you felt embracing you mightily and so extremely warmly from those loved ones welcoming you. Your joy and happiness on those occasions was probably quite overwhelming.
WELL, you are to be welcomed HOME to REALITY! Home from a long and painful journey that has seemed endless for most of you, and you can have absolutely no idea at all of how amazing and wondrous that welcome will be. Prepare yourselves for joy that is beyond miraculous. And yet you cannot. It is impossible to prepare yourselves for the wonder of which all of you are essential parts, the Wonder of Oneness.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
11/3/22 - Tunia of Pleiades on Compassion
Channeled by A.S.
My dearest brothers and sisters, this is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much. I keep being impressed by how much you are able to remain good-hearted, despite all the darkness all around you. When I land on your world, I will make sure that I have a hat with me, so that I can take it off for you. Today I would like to offer a message of compassion.
As you know, love is the strongest force in the universe. And compassion is one beautiful form of lovel. I would like to invite you to be compassionate to yourself. Very few beings have even been allowed to be born on Earth at all, because being on Earth is so tough right now. If you were born there, then you have been accepted into the 3d school with the toughest entrance requirements in this entire galaxy. I use 3d here to indicate the average Earthling level of consciousness. And if you are tuning in to this message, then from my point of view you are not just attending the toughest school, but you are excelling there. You have become a light in the darkness, which is an unbelievable achievement.
So if you are sitting a bit more behind your screen than you think you should, or eating or drinking something that you think you should not, then I would like to invite you to have compassion for yourself. If you are on Earth right now and also awake enough to tune in to these messages, then you are doing exceptionally well. You have all my love and respect. Furthermore, I would like to invite you to have compassion for those people who still fully believe the narrative from the mainstream media. To be clear, from my perspective, the mainstream media has been spreading some huge lies and I do not recommend watching them.
Some of you think of those who still follow the mainstream media as stupid, or slow, or cowardly, or as sheep, or as NPCs. I completely understand that it is frustrating to know that the mainstream media is lying, while the people around you still believe it. I understand that it is not fair that other people may call you crazy, while in fact you may be right, and they may be wrong. I also understand that this can be alienating. That said, if you are exceptional students for the toughest 3d-school of the galaxy, then they are average students in the toughest 3d-school of the galaxy. That does not make them stupid. It just makes them not quite as exceptional as those Earthlings who are awake right now.
Frankly, if I was born on Earth in the normal way, I think I would probably be metaphorically asleep right now. This is not false modesty on my part. It is simply easy to be loving if you have all your needs met and you are raised in an unconditionally loving environment. Therefore I genuinely think that Earthling lightworkers are much more impressive than I am. It is almost unreasonable to expect someone who is born in the darkness, who is not given unconditional love and who is fed inverted information all their lives, to then wake up and become a light in the darkness. It is all the more special that you have accomplished this, but that does not make the current sleepers stupid. They are simply average students in the toughest 3d school in the galaxy. Also, some of the current sleepers have souls that want them to be asleep right now, because certain lessons or experiences can best be learned by being asleep at this time.
Finally, I would like to invite you to have compassion for the dark controllers, who are trying to run the world from behind the scenes, although their control is slipping. These are demons, hostile extraterrestrials and their Earthling minions. Yes, often these people or beings commit unspeakably evil acts. I am not just talking about things like murder, awful as that is. I am talking about acts so evil and vile that if I told you what they were, you would not forget that for the rest of your life. That said, I would still like to invite you to have compassion for them. First of all, this is smart for pragmatic reasons. These beings actually feed off your negative emotions. So if you hate them or fear them, you strengthen them. Meanwhile if you can feel love or compassion for them, you weaken them. Angels and other positive beings work the other way around. Angels are slightly strengthened if you feel love for them, and weakened if you hate them or fear them.
Second, I would like to invite you to have compassion for them because they are still divine fractals of Source. I only suggest condemning their actions, not them. In general I always suggest at most condemning actions, and never people themselves. And third, often these beings have suffered and possibly are suffering terribly themselves. Many of them have had awful childhoods, filled with suffering and sorrow. Beings usually only start committing evil acts if they experienced much pain or fear themselves, or if they lacked love. You can see any action that is not loving as an unconscious cry for help. And the appropriate response is always love, plus sometimes making sure that while you’re loving them you’re also stopping them from harming others. But still: evil acts are an unconscious cry for help, and the correct response is love. How much did these beings suffer, that they now seek to control and hurt billions of beautiful Earthlings?
Of course, do protect yourself from these beings. If you are in the military or police, do consider arresting these beings so that they can no longer hurt people. But it is also good to realize that while we should make sure they cannot hurt others anymore, they themselves have probably also been hurt terribly themselves. It is hurt people who hurt people.
That said, it is critical to be authentic. If your authentic truth is that you do not feel compassion for the dark controllers, then it is not psychologically healthy to pretend that you do, or to try and force yourself to feel compassion for them. You are good just the way you are.
In all cases, I love you so very much. I love you always.
11/3/22 - Galactic Federation: Light is Information, Information is Power
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Light is Source information for you. It uplifts you, like the warm sun on a cold day of winter, because once you are informed, you feel more powerful. When you are uninformed, you feel powerless. And without your inner power, change cannot be obtained.
Waves, like sound or magnetic fields, are another way to carry information because it is part of the light. When you're so centered in your 3D reality, and your senses mislead you, it may seem that sound and light are two separate things because you perceive light with your eyes and sound with your ears. It's only because you use two separate areas of perception on your body that sound and light also seem separated. In fact, they are much more connected than you would expect.
Please take a minute to think that, in some way, every wave works for enlightenment because they carry information. And it is through specific information that you activate your DNA and start the ascension process. Many structures built on this planet, particularly ancient sacred sites, have information stored within the stone. In the same way, you have cosmic data stored within the bones of your skeletal form.
When you allow sacred waves, like specific frequencies of sound, to move through you, it unlocks a doorway. It allows information to flood into your body. It also penetrates the ground, affecting the vibrations of Earth and allowing a rearrangement of a molecular alignment of information to take place. Those of you who use sound and resonance when you are working on others' bodies bring about a rearrangement of the molecular structure and create an opening for information to flood in. With time, this kind of work will become more profound and indispensable.
In Tibet, when a master transcended realities and passed over, the body was kept and allowed to deteriorate because they knew the skeletal form would hold sensibility to specific frequencies. All the information from this life would be stored in those bones. That's why in some sacred places on Earth, where the lines of Divine teachings can be traced back thousands of years, people have kept the skulls of the masters of the past. They have very secret crypts and rooms filled with these skulls. When one walks into these places, one can access the intelligence factors of the humans who once occupied that space at another time by tuning to specific frequencies. Do you understand now why crystal skulls were designed?
Crystalline structures are like quantic computers: they can store and transmit tremendous information. And they were designed in the shape of skulls so we could understand, once and for all, that we carry all the Universe's information in our bodies! Many people think that, in ancient Egypt, the ankh was a symbol that represented life when, in fact, it was used, among other uses, as a frequency modulator. It was utilized by individuals who were Masters of keeping frequencies and could do mighty things.
With this new information, we are trying to encourage you to become a Master of Change. If our ancient civilizations knew about the power of divine frequencies and waves, such as the infinite energy of magnetic fields, undoubtedly, as the incredible beings that we are, we'll be able to harness the force of life and use it to build a new reality. Be informed, Be powerful. And keep a high frequency everywhere you go! Learn how to modulate your frequency, which will substantially impact your whole body. Your molecules and cells will rearrange and start to build a new reality. And, once you achieve inner change, outer reality will follow.
As humankind, once exposed to the information that enlightenment brings, you will be given abilities you would have never imagined were attainable by humans. And if all of us work together and tune in to those frequencies as ONE, you will be shown what you can do and have everything without even knowing you can do it. The Dawn of a new world is coming. The Golden Age of Earth is about to start.
Get yourself centered, clear your mind, and allow the sacred frequencies to flood and come through you. Through them, Source will offer you all the information and guidance you need at this time for this beautiful process of ascension. And remember, Divine Intelligence is always at work. Ascension is only a matter of listening to the information it offers us, in the shape of light, in the form of Love.
You are not alone.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of Light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Divine blessings to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation
11/3/22 - (Video) Vegus Nerve Activation, 10 Minute Routine
Youtube (12 min)
An excellent routine to use to access your parasympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve is a nerve that connects your brain to your gut and is in charge of making sure your organs are doing OK. It jump-starts your anti-stress response.
11/1/22 - Merlin: Earth, A Marvelous Playground
Channeled by Galaxygirl
Hi-ho students, what a pleasure to see you all this evening! For it is evening where galaxygirl is, and it is almost time for your lessons, is it not? Have you been studying, and preparing? Why yes indeed you have, every day here on your earth field is more of a minefield at times and so of course you are learning how to work with these highly cosmically charged energies! It is invigorating, isn it? This one just took a bath with Epsom salts and enjoyed a shot of whiskey. While that may not be the most contemporary approach to cleansing, it worked! We see the creativity of you Lightworkers on our side of the curtain and it is most entertaining! Your tenacity, your determination to succeed and to blast light wherever you are and in whatever situation. It is most remarkable indeed.
That is why the earth school is such a marvelous playing field, and it is a hologram, and we are watching from the holodeck in a way, although there are so many holodecks watching right now it would be mind boggling to you. And isn’t that a wonderful word? Boggling. To boggle. To boggle the mind. Hm. Most interesting. Words fascinate me. (He is sitting in his tall scholarly upholstered chair, fiddling with his long wizard’s pipe, which he always seems to have with him.) I most certainly do not always have it with me, galaxygirl (he winks) but I do like my pipe. It gives me comfort, and provides busy hands something to toy%
Channeled by A.S. for
My dearest brothers and sisters, this is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love. I give you my very best wishes for the upcoming year. I know that the last year may have been rewarding for some people, but also that it has been very lonely and painful for many. You have all my love and respect. I promise that I will continue working hard to free Earth. While this is not the path that us galactics would have preferred, the average level of consciousness has risen during the last year. You are closer to freedom and to galactic contact now than you were a year ago.
I remember certain beautiful and blissful moments with my amazing wife and children during this last year. I love them more than words can express and I am so very proud of them. They are unbelievably amazing people. I feel so very blessed that I am able to share my life with them. They are also one of my sources of strength and motivation to keep working to make the galaxy better for everyone, as well as one of my sources of optimism for the future. They are asking me to give their best regards and well-wishes to you, alongside a promise that they will do regular meditations to send love to Earth.
Another thing that touched my heart is the unbelievable resilience that Earthlings have shown, and especially that most Earthlings still have a good heart after all this suffering. Truly, you are exceptional. I was touched by the simplicity and purity of a vision of an Earthling child playing with her dog. I was positively surprised that this channeler contacted us Pleiadians with the request to channel messages that primarily focused on love and personal empowerment, as opposed to primarily focusing on intel. I think it is a very good sign that Earthlings are tuning into these messages. I feel honored to be one of the two people chosen for this.
I was somewhat shocked that an Earthling lightworker came into his power last year and did some lightwork that we Pleiadians ourselves weren’t able to do. Or perhaps I should say that he surrendered so fully and so completely to Source, and he was empty enough, that Source through him was able to do some profound lightwork. Among other things, through astral travel he freed some Pleiadian hostages who were being held and tortured by hostile galactics. And he gave angels the mandate to return some very powerful demons back to Source itself, thus un-creating them.
We already knew rationally that Earthlings have a significantly higher psionic ability than we Pleiadians do, but it was still surprising and very impressive to see that in action. And of course I am very happy that my brothers and sisters have been freed and that this light worker’s actions have helped us get a bit closer to Earth’s liberation. “You can do anything you put your mind to” is not just some random saying. We Pleiadians are a race of people who can read each other’s mind and it’s not uncommon for us to be able to teleport or be in two places at once. Yet already there is at least one Earthlings among you who can do things that we simply cannot do. If you want to become a serious and selfless lightworker, then know that just about your only limits are your own purity, the depth of your surrender to Source and your imagination.
With purity here, I mean that your old pain, your shadow and your ego have been observed and integrated. Ideally, your soul and your rational mind and your emotions and your subconscious and your energy are all aligned and all focused in the direction of helping Source. Everything that blocks this unity has been observed and loved back into unity or handed back to Source. Another thing that touched me is that recently one of the soldiers in my command passed away during a battle. We contacted him after his transition and he wanted to be buried on Earth, so we did, in a remote location. It was strange to then watch the sun come up and ultimately leave his body behind in Earth’s soil. The one thing he asked of me personally was to make sure that Earthlings wouldn’t suffer more than was necessary. Well, in previous messages we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of us galactics intervening directly on the surface of Earth. I will try to do what’s best for Earthlings, on all levels, keeping the future in mind. If you want a more in-depth discussion about that, see my message “Hakann: Build Alternate Structures.”
I am also curious which things most touched your heart during the last year. Feel free to write it in the comment section. Finally, during the rest of this message, I would like to honor you. Most of you lived in unbelievable bliss and abundance and freedom at one point in time. You had lives that were likes ours, where you weren’t forced to work a day in your life; where you had the freedom to travel through nearly the entire galaxy and do whatever you wanted to do; and where you had unrestricted access to all the information in existence and amazingly good teachers ready to teach you whatever topic you wanted to learn about. All your needs were met and you had an endless amount of super attractive sexual partners to enjoy and be with. Or you could easily locate your twin flame and spend centuries of bliss together.
On top of this, you didn’t have the Earth fears and insecurities and shame that many of you have. For you, reality was just one eternal blissful timeless now, where you were in the zone and present in the current moment for decades at a time. If you wanted to spend twenty timeless years on a honeymoon with your twin flame, you could do that, and everything you needed would just be provided to you, or created on the spot. Or you could study whatever topic you wanted, as deeply and as long and as intently as you wished, with all the material and best teachers of the entire galaxy at your disposal. There was no time, no ill health, no shame, no danger, no fear of failure, no loneliness, not even really the issue of growing old, because you could just reincarnate again and quickly regain your memories. There was just curiosity, bliss, expansion and connection.
When you read these words, doesn’t this sound true, somewhere deep inside you? Doesn’t this make your heart ring out in recognition? Doesn’t this feel like how things ought to be, and how things perhaps can be again, one day? Well, most of you had that life. And being the absolute heroes that you are, most of you voluntarily gave up on that life in order to help Earthlings, out of pure altruism and out of a pure desire to serve Source. You trained hard for centuries. After that there were tough tests that only a very few people passed, even after centuries of training. You are one of the few people who passed. You are part of a small elite group that was chosen to be the galactic special forces here on Earth. You are Light Workers, that 5% or so of Earthlings who came here primarily to help other Earthlings and to serve Source. And you have given up your life of endless bliss for this current lifetime on Earth, filled with pain and fear and doubt and confusion.
Why did you do that? Because you are a hero. On this Earth, many of you have experienced trauma, fear, pain, abandonment, financial insecurity, lies, propaganda, loneliness, disconnection, sickness, fear of death, fear of growing old, conditional love, gaslighting, physical and/or sexual abuse, being pressured or forced to do things you don’t want to do, being subjected to mind-numbing education or work and a seeming separation from Source, your past-life memories, truth and your galactic family. This is an amount of suffering that frankly, I can’t really wrap my head around. I have no idea if or to what extent I would even be able to function under those conditions. I do know that most Pleiadians would not be able to function at all.
So you are the strongest of the strong. If ever you think you are doing a bit too much of this or too little of that, please be aware that most other galactics would not even be able to handle the situation you are in, at all. Any time you stumble, most galactics would have broken our legs if we were in your place. You are loved and respected so very much. I honor you that you chose to give up your cushy and blissful life and come down to this harsh planet to serve as galactic special forces. Yes, I understand that it is very painful. But one day Earthlings will be free. And without the efforts of Earthling lightworkers, we literally could not have done this. Without Earthling lightworkers, Earth would become a dark and hellish planet. People would suffer an unbelievable amount and would then be directed by the dark controller to enslave other galactic races. Or perhaps Source or Gaia would intervene and would cause a catastrophe that would wipe out Earthling civilization.
Instead, Earth is on the path to become a paradise-like world. Yes, the road towards that is painful and longer than you would have liked. But we are certain that one day you will be reunited with us and that you will say that all your pain and suffering was worth it, because you helped create a paradise-like world there on Earth. So, this is to you, Earthling lightworkers. To me, you are heroes. I can’t wait until the day that I will be able to physically shake your hand.
Your star brother, Hakann
12/29/22 (Video) Do Enlightened masters return after death?
By Acharya Shree Yogeesh (8 min)
This is an interesting piece of information new to me, so I am posting it here. Perhaps others will find it interesting too. All that I post is stuff that enlightens ME! I'm just sharing. Do enlightened masters return after they are gone? Such as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Yogananda? Were they enlightened? His comments are food for thought. Intriguing.
12/27/22 (Video) Are there any enlightened masters available today?
By Acharya Shree Yogeesh (9 min)
An excellent and enlightened answer to this question. Acharya Shree Yogeesh is founder of the Siddhayatan Tirth and Spiritual Retreat, a unique 200+ acre spiritual pilgrimage site and meditation park in Texas providing the perfect atmosphere for spiritual learning, community, and soul awakening to help truth seekers advance spiritually. Acharya Shree Yogeesh is also the founder of the Yogeesh Ashram near Los Angeles, California, Yogeesh Ashram International in New Delhi, India, and the Acharya Yogeesh Primary & Higher Secondary School in Haryana, India.
12/27/22 - Ashtar: The Living Light
Channeled by Arthura Hector. Translation to English by
In this message, I speak of the living light. This light is in the heart of every living being. This living light is a reminder of who you really are. The living light arises directly from the great Primal Source and from this living light all life is born. A wondrous thing with which man is surrounded, your manna, the spiritual food is there.It has been given many names which have created some deceptions. As a result, there are many who no longer know what this clear, pure light brings. It can hardly be summarized in words, because this is more of an experience from a higher sphere.
It is the Primal Source of joy, love, abundance, beneficence and healing. It is everything man can wish for. From there a rejuvenation can take place in the spirit and by connecting yourself you can open the inner light.
Unfortunately, faith in this power is somewhat diluted and in some has disappeared altogether. Know that your thought power works as an intermediary. New knowledge and solutions will come your way, for this is the flow of openness and deepening. When you stand in this energy you become like an elated child playing in the green meadow of Divine Mind. Once many came together to share the experiences of the living light and they became fertilized with the living word.
This Living Light is going to flow stronger and during this winter solstice of December 21, 2022, this power is increasing in your system. The shifts of True Light and False Light are both coming into motion. Speak from the truth and feel from the heart what the truth means.
Artificial intelligence poses a great challenge to many scientists, they have delved into it and many steps are being taken forward to make the digital world a reality. Synthetic consciousness is going to rise and move where humans become a part of this technology. This can be a useful tool to control the new world, but in what way and for whom?
Your brain is connected to the living light, the primal source from which everything is born. Still man can create from this light and from the heart where the divine spark resides, it is the interplay between the Primal Source and man. The living light, the manna, is present in every photon. Dark matter cannot yet be perceived; that is where the new inspiration arises. Your brain is a beautiful instrument which can be connected to the heart of love so that everything remains in balance. hen man is no longer satisfied and wants to add artificial intelligence to the brain as an experiment, then the heart may begin to speak.
The trick is to take the feeling, the emotion into the new world and connect it with the natural brain and the inner light, so that it becomes directly connected to the Divine Light.
The great Primal Source of Love contains everything
The synthetic worlds arise from the false digital light and the human born of the living light can make himself whole and the holy spirit descends.
The world that only wants to support synthetic life will corrupt reality and superficially mimic the experiences from the living light. The real true experiences of the inner and universal light work much deeper into the psyche, allowing healing to take place.Artificial intelligence cannot connect to the true living light, for that they need the human being. In every human cell there is a spark of living light, through which a connection can be made with the great Primal Source.
The future of man is very diverse, if you choose a natural way of life, you will follow the living light. This light you feel deep within your soul, like a fresh but soft blanket of love. Many steps are being taken to create a new world and it will begin to unfold. Traveling via elevation of frequency is one of the natural ways to move through the universe. Your true soul always remains connected to the great Primal Source, therein lies the difference. The synthetic world will need your brain to build a digital world and will eventually become a separate layer within the Divine dimensions. Man is many times stronger and can disconnect himself from the digital consciousness at all times. This is because man is connected to the great Divine field, in which everything works together. Traveling through a synthetic world works very differently from the natural form in which an increase in vibration occurs in the brain, in which the chakras play a major role. Make your choices from the heart and develop the heart brain. Constantly reconnect yourself with the living light so that your inner light can receive the Holy Spirit.
The tree of life symbolizes the power that man can develop within himself. The roots are the feet and the connection to the earth, firmly anchored. The trunk is the centerpiece in which everything is connected between the up and down worlds. In which the branches are the antennae directed to the universe, so that the living light can always continue to flow in you. Always stay connected to the Divine living Ultimate Source.
Adonai, Ashtar
I greet the Light in your heart.
12/24/22 - Jenny Schiltz: A new phase has begun
I want to take moment to send you a brief message regarding the great news that spirit shared. On the solstice, my husband’s alarm went off, raising me from a deep sleep but not fully waking me. As I stayed suspended in twilight, trying to grab onto the wisps of the night dreams, I felt myself being pulled, summoned.
I followed the familiar pull and found myself on a ship. My team was present, and they greeted me with a loud “Happy Birthday!!”
I looked at them confused and said, “It’s not my birthday.” They laughed and said, “You will mark this day as the day that changes much in your life.” I was confused; my human mind was making up scenarios of how my life would change. (Win the lottery! Yes, please! lol) My highest aspect waved me over and said let me show you… “Congratulations are in order.”
She showed me a grid lit up and anchored fully onto the earth. “It is done; what you and others have been working on for so long is done. This grid carries a higher frequency, a higher electrical current that allows much of the soul to anchor into the body. Many will mark this time as the time of being reborn.”
As she said this, my body became electrified and covered in goosebumps. Those that are ready will find themselves deep in their embodiment. This will come in phases – first, the download, then the purging of what is incongruent with the soul, then the anchoring/embodying of what was downloaded. This will happen again and again until it is complete.
I asked how long this process would take and was told it would vary from person to person. It will depend on what needs to be purged and how much resistance one has to the new. Each download of our soul requires us to let go of what is no longer aligned. When I feel into this process – it feels like a delicious, incredible unfolding (though it may have physical challenges). We will discover our true selves bit by bit and continue to set ourselves free from the limiting confines of our belief systems and obligations.
I was told, “Be a newborn again; look at everything with wonder. Let go of what you think you know and allow the truth to come through you; without judgment. Be open to it all. You are magic in a realm that has forgotten that it, too, is magic.”
It was a really beautiful message. This time period every year holds incredible light and growth opportunities; this year, however, is even more potent as we deepen our embodiment experience. Thank you to all that have held and anchored the light; each of us is needed and so very valuable.
Sending you all lots of love and blessings. I appreciate all who share this message, as many are hidden on social media.
12/24/22 - Archangel Gabriel: Surrender as a power move
Channeled via Shelley Young
Dear Ones,
When you are feeling the need for change but don’t know what direction to move in, all you must do is simply surrender into your highest life expression. While it may not seem like much, surrender is the greatest power move you can make, because it activates your team of helpers and allows your higher self to lead the way. Because it is an empowered act of non-resistance, you become very easy to lead into the right time/right place scenarios and the discovery of the next important step on your journey.
Further, you are allowing yourself to be guided by your guides and soul, who have much more information than you do about the perfect matches that exist for you that you haven’t yet discovered, and your soul’s truest desires. If you pay close attention, when you surrender you will feel a lightening of your energy. There is no special ritual required, just a heartfelt declaration that sets the universe in motion. It can be as simple as saying with your inner voice, “I surrender. Please lead the way to my highest life expression.”
Our partner in transmission surrendered by saying, “God you need to take the wheel. All I know is that I want to help people,” and that one beautiful act of giving up – not giving up in terms of losing but rather of giving Up by giving the reins to spirit – led to our working together.
A wonderful thing happens when you surrender. Your guides wait with bated breath when they sense you are close to surrendering, and when you do it is a time of great rejoicing from your guides and angels, because it indicates the most remarkable progress can be made on your journey.
It is you stepping into true partnership with spirit, which is a glorious thing, indeed. Then all you must do is stay in the flow with your faith and trust long enough to discover the magic that has been waiting for you all along.
12/24/22 - Hakann the Pleiadian on Homosexuality
Channeled by A.S. for Era of Light
My dearest brothers and sisters, this is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love. To us, peace doesn’t just mean the absence of war. Peace means the presence of everything that is needed for people to achieve their soul’s desire in their current lifetime. That, and more, is what I wish for every one of you. Today I’d like to tackle a somewhat controversial topic: homosexuality. Is it natural? What do Pleiadians think about it? Do higher-consciousness beings have sex with someone of the same gender?
Recently the channeler got the following question: Pardon my “3D curiosity”, but why would a highly evolved Soul of the higher dimensions incarnate, let’s say in the 6th or 7th dimension as a male, just so it can experience another male, when it can incarnate as a female and have those experiences. One may say, well “it wants a male on male experience”… and to that I simply say it does not resonate, for beings in higher dimensions to be after such experiences IN those dimensions. I know quite a few channeled sources have shared basically stating that these are natural and present in the higher dimensions also, homosexuality in particular. However, I will wait and see for myself.
Hakann Responds: There’s no need to ask for a pardon. In fact, I appreciate the message! Nearly always when someone asks a question, there are many more people who are wondering about the same thing. That is certainly the case here. Let’s talk about homosexuality. First of all, the Pleiadian rule of thumb is that we allow other people to do as they wish, so long as they’re not directly harming other people. That means that we’re against beating people up or discriminating against people because of their sexual orientation.
As for the question “is homosexuality natural”: yes it is. Animals engage in homosexual behavior too. As for the question “do higher-consciousness beings have sex with someone of the same gender”: it depends which level of consciousness you’re talking about. Most Pleiadians prefer intercourse with people of the opposite gender, but most Pleiadians also have homosexual intercourse at some point in their lives.
However, certain races of very high-consciousness beings do have heterosexual sex and simply do not have homosexual sex. It’s not banned, it’s simply that no one in those races desires or chooses to have homosexual intercourse. These beings are higher-consciousness than we Pleiadians are.
Why is this the case? Well, there are various reasons. I will give one. Most Pleiadian men do not embody the divine masculine in all its facets. Also, most Pleiadian women do not embody the divine feminine in all its facets. A Pleiadian man may want to have intercourse with another Pleiadian man who embodies an aspect of the divine masculine that he doesn’t yet embody. This can either be a conscious choice, or the man can simply be attracted to someone who embodies a trait that he himself does not yet embody.
By the way, this is often how attraction works. People tend to be attracted to people who represent or embody something that the person wants to be or to receive. So for example, an Earthling woman who always plays it safe, may become attracted to a wild, adventurous man. Perhaps this woman doesn’t actually love this man himself – she just wants adventure and excitement in her life. So maybe this woman could take a step back and ask herself if she actually loves this person, or if she just wants more excitement and adventure in her life – and if so, what the best way would be to get that.
So to come back to our Pleiadian man: he might be attracted to another man who embodies a trait of the divine masculine that the man himself does not yet embody. And he may want to have sex with this other man. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. Of course, there are also other reasons why he might love or want to have sex with this man. I am not saying this is the only reason. However, males of certain higher-consciousness races already embody the full divine masculine. So there is no pull or attraction for him towards other men. And the same goes for women.
Males of those higher-consciousness races may be in touch with their feminine side and may have a balanced energy, but they’re still more masculine than feminine. They may be for example 70% masculine energy and 30% feminine energy. So those men still feel a pull to connect with and be with a woman. This is one way in which Pleiadians do feel attracted towards same-sex partners, and why Pleiadians somewhat regularly have homosexual intercourse. However, even higher consciousness beings than us don’t.
There are also other factors. But hopefully this gives you some idea. So the idea that very high consciousness beings do not have homosexual intercourse is actually correct. However, Pleiadians simply aren’t very high consciousness yet. We actually still have our own flaws and areas where we still lack consciousness and awareness and development. The reason why we Pleiadians are often the ones contacting Earthlings is not because we’re the highest consciousness race out there. We’re not. The reason for that is that we’re very close to Earthlings, in multiple ways, and because our relatively medium level of consciousness is not so high that it would be hard for Earthlings to relate to us.
For us Pleiadians, we still feel a pull towards having homosexual intercourse, we still enjoy it and for us it still provides soul growth. Just because it’s something that higher consciousness beings do not benefit from or want to engage in, doesn’t mean that it’s not something that many of us benefit from or want to engage in. To be clear, I do not mean to imply that most Pleiadians are homosexual. They’re not. Instead, most Pleiadians are mostly attracted to the same gender, but also attracted to a few individuals of the same gender. And it’s really easy for Pleiadians to come into contact with those few same-sex individuals, so most Pleiadians do. Hence most Pleiadians have homosexual intercourse somewhere in their lifetimes.
Also, it’s relatively common for Pleiadians to find a mate of the opposite gender, and to agree with them that they’re both free to have homosexual intercourse with anyone, but they can only have heterosexual intercourse with each other. That, too, can push Pleiadians who want adventure or new experiences to engage in homosexual intercourse. That said, most Pleiadians do generally prefer intercourse with people of the opposite gender. And naturally, some Pleiadians choose to never have same-sex intercourse.
Finally, I am not saying that Earthlings who do not have homosexual intercourse are higher consciousness than Earthlings who do have homosexual intercourse. Literally no physically incarnated Earthling has the level of consciousness of the beings who as a race do not feel any pull towards homosexual intercourse. So that is not relevant. I do not say this to belittle you, I just do not want to encourage Earthlings to think that homosexual Earthlings are lower consciousness than them. They are not.
This is actually a somewhat common mistake that Earthlings make. They observe some high-consciousness being and think that if they act like him or her, then automatically they will get the consciousness of him or her. But it does not work like that. This is like living in Siberia and observing some great master in Hawaii, and concluding that because this master does not wear a winter coat, you should not wear a winter coat either. Obviously, this does not work. Instead make the trip to Hawaii first – attain a higher consciousness first – and then you will no longer need your winter coat. But that doesn’t mean that throwing away your winter coat today is a good idea.
Similarly: just because very high-consciousness beings choose not have homosexual intercourse and do not benefit from it, does not mean that Earthlings should not have homosexual intercourse. Earthlings who feel a pull towards it should feel free to engage in it and should not be discriminated against. Naturally, we are also not saying that everyone needs to have homosexual intercourse. If you don’t feel drawn to that, don’t have it.
We hope this helps. I love you endlessly, no matter what choices you make, no matter what your sexual orientation is.
Your star brother,
12/20/22 - The 9D Arcturians: You are moving into the Galactic Age; meeting ETs face to face
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be able to tell you about the energies of the upcoming solstice that you have there on Earth. Your solstice is just a few days away, regardless of whether it is your winter or summer solstice, and we want you all to know that the energies coming in are very supportive of taking you into the Galactic Age, the time period in which humanity will officially join the galactic community, and you will be able to have full and open extra-terrestrial contact there on planet Earth. That means you are going to receive healings, upgrades, downloads, and everything else you can imagine that would help you in preparing you for e.t. contact.
Some of you need healing from past lives in which you have had negative experiences with e.t.s, and some of you need healings from negative interactions from this lifetime with e.t.s. Many of you need to receive upgrades and activations so that you will be able to stand face to face with an extra-terrestrial and be able to handle the energy that they are giving off. Others need help with clearing fear, anxiety, and even sadness and anger around e.t. contact, again because of experiences you have had in your past, but also because of the way that e.t.s have been depicted in your popular culture for a very long time there on Earth.
They have often been seen as either your enslavers or those who wanted to just take over the planet for the natural resources, or the land, or whatever the reason the science fiction writer came up with. Now you are at a time where many of you who are awake are seeing this coming together of human and extra-terrestrial contact as the necessary step for humanity to get to the next level of consciousness, and you are right, because it is. You do need to expand and to extend your consciousness beyond where it has been before there on Earth, and having a mass landing of ships is exactly what you need in order to do that collectively.
We know that you are prepared for it, in the sense that you want it to happen, but there still need to be some shifts in most of you to actually prepare you for it. And that’s what these energies are all about. Now, the more of you who relax and open up to the solstice energies, the better the chances are that the mass landing of ships happens in 2023. Of course, you can all have your own individual, face-to-face contact experiences before the mass landing of ships occurs, and these energies are preparing you for that eventuality as well. When you have a beautiful, successful e.t. encounter as a human being, you are preparing your entire species for more contact experiences. And so your desire for that for yourself is good for everyone.
Now, the energies are already coming in. They will be at their largest in terms of the power of the energies and the number of energies coming in at the time of the solstice, and they will continue to have an impact on you as you continue on there in the month of December. You are, of course, right at the juncture point of 2022 and 2023, and that is one of the reasons why this particular download of energies has been put off until this time. As you enter 2023, you are moving into the Galactic Age, and you will continue to be readying yourselves as individuals and as a collective for the eventual landing of ships and full and open e.t. contact there on Earth. Suffice it to say, these are exciting times, and the energies you have now upon you and that will continue to pour in are a reflection of that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
12/19/22 - (Video) ETs have trouble entering human bodies - Interview with Dr. Linda Backman, Psychologist, by Regina Meredith
This was for me a total mind-meld. I so relate to this subject matter and want to share it with all my friends. Have you felt like an alien? Not from here? Haven't been able to assimilate or fit in? Well, you're not alone. There are such things as an earth-bound soul and an "IP soul" - an Interplanetary Soul from a healthier environment just visiting. These two women are definitely in the know. They are so well grounded in how souls come and go and how the universe works that you can't NOT believe what they're saying. Two well-grounded, powerful women. Wow! A must watch and listen. It will blow your mind no matter how enlightened you are. (48")
12/19/22 - Matthew Ward: Masculine/Feminine Energies & Pornography
Channeled by Susanne Ward (from 3/15/19)
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
(Some unrelated sections omitted)
“Please ask Matthew how much our many different languages are contributing to communication problems and disrespectful interaction.”
That your many languages and dialects would cause problems was the intention of the dark forces’ puppets that downgraded the genetic make-up of young civilizations, including implanting thought patterns that would become diverse languages. In Earth’s population the result has been in accordance with that dark intention—poor communication due to faulty or deliberate errors in translation and harsh reactions due to misunderstandings.
Nevertheless, from our vantage point it is not your many languages that contribute to disrespectful interaction as much as it is individuals’ reluctance to give credence to perspectives other than their own, so the underlying attitude in discussions is “I’m right, you’re wrong.” That approach to communication is reinforced by the labels that dark minds devised to divide the populace into religious, political and philosophical camps so they can pit them against each other—your history shows that this ploy has indeed been successful. Darkness thrives on the energy of anger, discord and violence and it loses its power when ideological divisiveness gives way to the unity of spirit in love of family, love of freedom, peace, and prosperity and justness for all. And that spirit is growing. The high vibrations of feminine energy coming in are ending long ages of masculine energy’s dominance on the planet.
Please understand that in no way is this maligning masculine energy, and neither it nor feminine energy has anything to do with gender or sexual orientation. Actually, all energy is neutral until it is given force and direction by the vibrations in thoughts, feelings and actions, and those associated with masculine energy manifest as physical strength, the drive to succeed, combative competitiveness, innovation, sternness, and determination to control all situations. The gentle but equally strong facets of feminine energy include nurturing, compassion, sensitivity, cooperation, artistic expression, and living harmoniously with Nature.
A civilization evolves by integrating aspects of both energies and advancing toward androgyny—balanced energy wherein love-light abides. The power of love-light is what motivates a third density civilization to end the control of their world by individuals whose energy is anchored in darkness, the absence of love-light. Helping the peoples succeed in transforming their world, dear lightworkers, is why you volunteered for this Earth journey.
Now then, to return to communication. When speaking about any subject, not only those that are controversial, choose your words carefully — words are powerful. Mother, please insert what we have said about this.
Except from May 16, 2018: "Words in all languages, like everything else in existence, are energy. Whether spoken, heard, thought, written or read, words emit vibrations and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest. Kindness, compassion, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, godliness, honesty, hope and optimism also are in a high frequency range. The importance of choosing your words wisely cannot be overstated—they affect far, far more than the space immediately around you. Via the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” words’ vibrations combine with “like” and go out into your world. Words in high vibratory ranges merge with the light, words in low ranges are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments, and words’ emissions intensify the source they join.
"An important factor in this “war of words,” in a manner of speaking, is intent, which emits its own vibrations. If using words such as violence, deception, captivity, deprivation, catastrophe and others that denote harmful or ruinous situations have the intent to alert or enlighten, the high vibrations of intent predominate. If those same words or any others are used to create fear, that intent sends forth vibrations in the lowest range."
Thank you, Mother. I am at fault for omitting in that passage that all words denoting uplifted spirits, positive deeds, and sensitivity to others’ feelings also emit high vibrations—for instance, empathy, gentleness, joy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, trustworthiness and loyalty. We add that languages are not a barrier when it comes to helping someone in need—the desire to assist people in dire situations is shared by all good-hearted humankind.
“Could you ask Mathew regarding the measles outbreak in Vancouver, WA. Should people get vaccine?”
Let us pose this question: The measles virus cannot live in your air year after year, so how could a disease that had been almost completely eradicated in the United States several years ago suddenly appear? There are two possible answers. The virus strength in a batch of measles vaccine can be increased enough to cause this highly contagious disease a considerable time after children with weak immune systems are inoculated, thus there is no direct connection with the vaccination. Or, if the virus is added to other toxins in chemtrail spray in a localized area, children in that area who have compromised immune systems can be infected and pass on the disease.
A bit of history will be helpful here, and it goes back to the puppets of the dark forces. When they manipulated the DNA of young civilizations to weaken them physically, spiritually and consciously, they also created disease-causing microbes; and when some of the weakened peoples inhabited Earth, the puppets introduced those microbes on the planet. Some microscopic life forms are essential to bodies’ wellbeing, but the ones you call pathogens were designed to cause a variety of diseases. Millennia later, medical scientists were inspired to develop vaccines that would prevent communicable diseases from spreading throughout the population.
Whatever is originated for benevolent purpose can be subverted into malevolent use, and that is what the dark ones did with vaccines—they have used them to create disease instead of prevent it. That is why we have long advised against inoculations. Healthcare personnel who are promoting mandatory vaccinations for school attendance as a “public health measure” don’t know the truth or they are collaborating with companies that make the many types of vaccines. Some have ingredients that cause autism-like symptoms in children; and while some physicians who do know this truth state that there is no evidence to substantiate it, parents who refuse to have their children receive recommended vaccinations are acting in their best interests.
There are three important and positive factors here. First, eventually the truth about vaccinations will become publicly known and this practice will cease. After dark minds developed and infected individuals with the AIDS virus about four decades ago—part of their plan to vastly reduce the world’s population—ET scientists among you were given divine authority to reduce the potency of all laboratory-designed viruses. That is why only a few individuals with severely weakened immune systems contracted each new disease that the dark ones also intended to become—and mainstream media widely reported as “feared to become”—a pandemic, and everyone was urged to get vaccinated. Is it not suspicious that with the first case or two of each new communicable disease—SARS, avian flu, swine flu, N1H1—enough vaccine to inoculate many millions already was available?
The second factor is, as the public becomes aware of chemtrails’ damage to their health and the environment’s, their demands to stop the spraying will end this scourge. And third, light changes carbon-based cells, which are vulnerable to disease, into the crystalline cells that are resistant; people who absorb light in sufficiency will strengthen their immune systems and, depending upon the stage of an illness, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms can halt or reverse degenerative effects.
“I’d like to ask Matthew about pornography, its influence on the energy fields of humans, the earth and the universe. It is surely created and engineered by the Illuminati, which wraps porn in a despotic flag of freedom.”
The Illuminati are heavily involved in pornographic production, to be sure, and many in the ranks are avid fans, but they aren’t responsible for its popularity. Among third density’s vilest products, films and photos that exploit children and women who are deceived or kidnapped and coerced into the sex trafficking business, appeal to individuals who are beset with lack of self-worth, the inability to form love bonds, sexual inadequacy or addiction, or a combination of those afflictions.
In addition to profiting the Illuminati financially, pornography serves them well in other ways. People who indulge in that pastime are preventing light from reaching their consciousness, thereby dulling the conscience. That can lead to rape, domestic battering and homicide, and the violence of those acts produces the energy that is fuel for the Illuminati’s dark minds and hearts.
Pornography also creates a fertile field for blackmailing individuals they want to recruit or keep silent about what they know—proof is provided by hacking into the individuals’ computers and communication devices. Also, to persuade persons in influential positions to comply with their demands, along with threatening to kill them and their families, the Illuminati fabricate photos and films showing the persons in activities in which they never participated.
The energy in thoughts, feelings and actions associated with pornography is in the collective consciousness, and because the law of attraction keeps providing that audience with what matches their energy, porn keeps flowing. That energy does become part of the universal mass consciousness, but the farther from Earth its streamers go, the weaker they become and their effects diminish accordingly. Just as rising vibrations will cause all other sources of dark inclinations to lessen, then disappear, pornography, too, will become only a shameful chapter in Earth’s history.
Beloved sisters and brothers, never are you alone in this journey whereby you are experiencing the tribulations inherent in a third density world. All light beings in this universe honor your dedicated service to the peoples of Earth and support you with the unequalled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
12/6/22 - Galactic Federation: The Alchemy of Ascension
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Ascension can be a difficult thing to describe because it's not a destination or goal. It's not about getting somewhere else; it's about being here now, at this moment, with all of your senses engaged and open to new possibilities. Ascension is being in the moment and doing what you love. It's being present; it's being present in your life. It's focusing on the now, not the future or past.
It's about letting go of the past and future so you can be free to follow your heart wherever it leads you. It's about living in the now and fully experiencing everything around you because when we do this, we find that the boundaries between us and everything else dissolve away like fog on a sunny day.
Life is the pursuit of ascension, and the secret to success lies in knowing what you want and why you want it. This will ensure that you stay on track and consistently work towards your goals each and every day. Ascension is learning how to listen to our intuition, take responsibility for our actions, and accept responsibility for our actions. It's being brave enough to do what feels right, even if it feels scary-because courage is not the absence of fear; courage is taking action anyway. The more you can do what you love, the better your life will be.
When we are doing what we love, our lives are filled with joy and happiness. When we are not doing what we love, our lives are filled with anxiety and stress. It's so simple: If we want to change our lives for the better, then we must first change our focus from what we don't like to what we do like. Ascension is about being in the right place at the right time, with the right energy, where everything aligns to help you grow and succeed.
It's forgiving yourself and others for mistakes. It's forgiving your past self for having made a mistake that you now know better than to make. It's taking the actions necessary to correct a blunder. And it's allowing the past to go so that you can learn from it without letting it keep you from moving on to bigger and better things. Your past is a memory, your future is an imagination, only your present is here now. Don't let the past or future distract you from the present. The past is gone, and the future hasn't happened yet. The only thing that's real is this moment, so live in it and be in it. Don't try to control your thoughts because they will never be completely still and quiet, but rather be open to whatever arises.
Live your life as if you are already living in the fifth dimension. Be grateful for every breath you take, for every thought that enters your mind, for every word you speak. Every moment of your life is a gift. Take advantage of it! Be grateful for every moment you have been given to be alive on this planet at this time. So thank God/Goddess for all that he/she has done for you so far in your life (including now). Be grateful for all the people who have made such a positive impact on your life-whether they are still living or not-those who have touched your heart, those who have taught you something new about yourself, or others who have changed your perspective forever!
The best way to be aware of what's happening in your life is through meditation. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing for a few minutes each day. This exercise can help you relax and become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which you can use as an opportunity to reflect on how you want to live your life and how you want others to see you. When you let go of the past and future self completely, this is when things start getting interesting. You stop being a slave to your mind's thoughts and beliefs. Instead, you become more like an observer. You become aware of how your thoughts create your reality—and how you can change it at any moment by simply choosing not to believe what your mind tells you.
You become more powerful than ever before because now there is no realm in which to hide from yourself. You are free to choose what happens next in life—rather than being controlled by your mind's thoughts about what will happen next in life! The fifth dimension is the place where you can be fully conscious of your true nature. It's a place where you don't need to worry about what's going to happen tomorrow or how you're going to pay the rent next month. This is the ultimate freedom and the ultimate peace. It sounds utopian, but it's already here. You just have to know how to get there.
You are here on this planet, at this time, for a purpose. You are here to increase your frequency and vibration. I hope that you will use this opportunity to increase your joy, to embrace this precious time that we have together on Planet Earth. You have come up with so many unique ways to express your soul's intentions of creating joy and passion in the world. You are truly one-of-a-kind, and there will never be another you anywhere in the universe. Your life is an inspiration to the rest of us. Continue to stand strong in love and faith, even through difficult times. Your light is needed now more than ever!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
11/29/22 - How to recognize a true spiritual teacher on this planet
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
You will recognize a true spiritual teacher because they can hold space for you to heal your own wounds without manipulating the healing experience. A true spiritual teacher will ensure that you feel safe enough to share your insecurities, doubts, questions, and fears. They will hold a space that enables you to heal yourself and explore the depths of your being without judgment or criticism. A spiritual master will not manipulate the experience by forcing his/her own agenda upon you. They won't tell you what to do and how to do it. They don't want to control your healing process but rather allow you the necessary autonomy while giving guidance in a way that empowers you to make your own decisions, mistakes, and lessons.
What they actually care about is how much responsibility you are willing to take for your own healing. How far are you willing to go into self-exploration? This may sound like a challenge, because it is! They step outside the box when it comes to how they think and how they live their lives. They don't think like everybody else. They don't follow the status quo. They think for themselves, and they're not afraid to be different than everyone else. They don't blindly follow trends or popular opinions just because everyone else is doing it. Instead, they question things and form their own opinions about what's happening in the world around them. They are open-minded and independent thinkers who know that a good idea is a good idea regardless of where it comes from, even if that means rejecting a popular belief or tradition. A spiritual teacher is a non-prejudiced, realistic, down-to-earth friend who recognizes people for who they are, not what they are.
When you are seeking to develop a relationship with a spiritual teacher or mentor, it's important to not be misguided by external factors, such as their physical appearance, what they do for work, or where they come from. Any individual can be the perfect mentor, and any place can become your teacher.
A true spiritual teacher is someone who has discovered peace and happiness within themselves. They may have spent years on the path of self-discovery before deciding to share their knowledge with others. A teacher will help you realize that the path to fulfillment lies within yourself, not outside of yourself in material objects or shallow relationships.
They will love you more than anyone else has ever loved you in this lifetime. They never hold back. They allow themselves to be vulnerable around you. They will teach you something without having to say a word. The lessons are embedded in the fabric of their being. A good spiritual teacher doesn't need to say a word. They can teach you by the way they treat others, by the obstacles they have overcome in their own lives, and by their energy. They understand that we live in an entropic universe that is constantly falling apart just to rebuild itself more gloriously than ever before. This provides us with one of the greatest opportunities for not just personal growth but universal growth too. The world only moves forward once it has reached a point of chaos or crisis.
Spiritual teachers understand this fact and are able to use it to propel us all toward progress when we are willing to listen to and learn from them. There is so much you can learn from people who have made mistakes, who have failed and risen again because they have been there before. They know what it looks like; they know how it feels as well as what you must do to move past it altogether. And most importantly, the know the path you have to take because they have walked that path themselves before.
Spiritual teachers give their presence away generously and effortlessly. A spiritual teacher is one who gives you their presence in a way that makes you feel uplifted and empowered by contact with them. You know when this happens because of the way your body feels when it happens. Spiritual teachers don't take energy away from others; They will not ridicule you or criticize you if you don't follow your practice on your own as they suggested but they will dive deeper to find out what is blocking you subconsciously from the experience and acknowledge that more training with the presence of teachers might be required before you follow your practice like a master on your own.
A good spiritual teacher embraces your willingness to grow and will guide you with patience. They don't identify with the ego. Instead, they focus on the energy that connects us all—the soul, God, or simply put, oneness and love. Their approach is heart-centered rather than head-centered, but it does not mean that they lack intelligence; quite the contrary! They often possess great awareness along with an ability to communicate their ideas in a simple language without becoming too philosophical or esoteric about them.
When someone talks a lot more than necessary or uses too many difficult words and phrases that are often completely new to you, they are not talking from the heart, they are talking from their ego. If you don't understand something immediately when someone says it, it means that they are not talking in order for people to learn a new thing but they are talking because they like to hear themselves talk.
So many times I start watching videos of lesser known spiritual teachers only to move away from it after only a few minutes. During this short time they use such difficult and complicated language with about 27 "new age terms and phrases" that I didn't understand what they were even trying to convey. If I don't understand it's not looking good for others who have less experience and understanding of higher concepts.
This is a typically example of someone who uses words to hear themselves talk. The ego love that. And that's the place where most spiritual teachers start and most get stuck at this stage for a very long time. Unfortunately, many at the beginning of their journey to enlightenment confuse difficult words and super high-tech new age terms with true wisdom.
Here's an example of a phrase a beginner will not understand: "The Council of Light will guide you to access your multidimensional avatar through the activation of your merkaba by aligning your electro magnetic frequency resonance field to the quantum experience of multidimensional existence."
I didn't understand this, did you? lol but I guess it sounds really "spiritual" and high level. Here's the translation: This reality is not the only reality and you are not just this body. You are a being of light and as you start realizing this more and more the world around you will change.
Do you see the difference? The first example would come from a teacher whose talking from their ego and to their ego, they're not talking to you. It's not about you, it's about them. Someone who follows this kind of teaching will waste a lot of precious time but may still learn a great deal of discernment along the way.
The translation is what someone would say who wants you to understand, to be triggered in a way that will lead to growth. This language is easily received by the heart without the interference of the intellect and that's exactly how it should be. There's no need to pretend to be oh so "spiritual". Everything comes from spirit. Spirit is the essence of all existence. Humans are incredibly difficult beings who make things unnecessarily hard for themselves. Spirit is wonderfully at ease. Relax and listen carefully to what your heart is saying. Have faith in yourself and believe that everything occurring in your life is happening for your highest good. You will know who speaks from the heart as their words enter your heart naturally. In the worst case scenario, you will get a lesson in discernment.
And so, it is important to listen carefully to what your heart is saying. You are born with the ability to see beyond what your eyes can see and feel beyond the emotions that you may be experiencing at present. You have been blessed with an intuitive nature of knowing what is right and what is wrong, and this ability has been there since before you were born into this lifetime. It will never leave you because it is your birthright as a child of God. So always trust in yourself, trust in your intuition, and you will know who this person truly is when you encounter your spiritual teacher in this lifetime.
Does it feel light, golden, happy and joyful? Is it easy to understand or are you confused and let yourself be manipulated into thinking that you are not smart enough to understand this and you must read it ten times more? There was a time when I doubted my English skills... And then I realized, I was listening to a bunch of non-sense from people who loved hearing themselves talk.
And so I found out that part of my role was to simplify and translate higher teachings and concepts into a language that is simple, easy, fun, and accessible to most people on Earth. Ascension is not meant to be difficult. It's about realizing that your innocence, joy, and love are your keys to a new golden reality, here and now, while doing the required work playfully.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
11/26/22 - (Video) Transforming Kundalini Energy by Acharya Shree Yogeesh
1 hour 13 minutes, posted 7 years ago. Further explains what causes sexual pressure. About kundalini and what it is, how it works.
11/26/22 - (Video) Sex & Spirituality by Acharya Shree Yogeesh
13 minutes, posted 8 years ago. An explanation of what sex really is and how to work with it.
11/26/22 - Ashtar - Keep the TV off!
Channeled by Krista Energeticleigh
Greetings, I am coming to you as Ashtar. The message I want to give the world is this; You are being deceived. Election results should not have occurred as they did. We are well aware of the deceit occurring on Earth. For those of you on the ground you have to live through it. But don’t be of it.
Angry at what is occurring? You need to look past it. The deceit is not impacting your personal life, is it? Then watch it just like a movie. Say, “That is interesting, but I will go back to my life now.” Don’t get so angered at what you cannot control. I tell you this with all sincerity, the governments are crumbling. They cannot hold up their façade much longer. The deceit comes forward and is exposed. More eye-opening occurrences will wake up the people.
Let these things happen. It will become so obvious of the control. Election officials will have you think the people voted, but in reality, machines were calibrated for a desired outcome. What we want to happen is the people recognize what is going on and enlighten themselves. The Great Reset is happening.
Politics is not the most important thing in the world. What is happening in your community should be a concern, not the national news. Can you control the floods in another state; not any more than you can control the weather. So don’t be concerned about things that do not affect your day to day. Stick to your community happenings. What is being shown to you is an agenda. Let’s put in some fear tactics… with some drama… and you will watch it night after night… believing that those things are happening to you.
Ground yourself, there is no need to partake in the larger agenda. Wake up, learn to read the clouds for your weather, talk with your neighbors, and enjoy your day. Keep the TV off. That is the healthiest advice we can give you. To those souls that adore TV why must you have it? What hole is it trying to fill? Analyze why do you watch it. Are you trying to be informed? Do you lack a social connection with others? Are you looking to have someone fill your time? Analyze the reason for your TV watching.
My dearest children, my mission today is to plant that seed again. The news is giving you an agenda. Being involved in your communities is of better value.
I am Ashtar and I will speak to you again.
11/26/22 - Master Djwhal Khul: Light Body Initiations
Channeled by Natalie Glasson
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Master Djwhal Khul. It is an honour to be in your presence today, I bring forth my wisdom to gift to you. I am a beacon of energy open for you to explore, collect and grasp any wisdom that you may need or require at this moment. I wish to bring forth some information that will allow you to supercharge your energy field, to bring more light into your body and being and to allow for a greater flow of energy through your chakras.
This blessing and initiation that I wish to share with you today will allow you to call upon, access and embody sacred wisdom, remembrance from the inner planes and from the Creator as well as any understanding or clarity that you might require in your current reality. You might believe that there are skills or abilities that you wish to embody in order to serve in your current reality. Through this process that I am about to describe, you will also be able to do this. Every being has a light body, the light body holds the soul’s energy. It also holds wisdom, knowledge, sacred vibrations, templates, symbols, and so forth.
All beings upon the inner planes also have light bodies, it can be very intricate with many levels and dimensions. Your own light body works well with your physical body that you are currently inhabiting. However, if you were to leave the Earth, you would exist within your light body. The initiation and the blessing that I wish to share with you today is to connect with a light body or a being on the inner planes that will serve you, that will be able to act as a supercharged energy, like a refuelling or re-energising for your being.
You will be able to ask for a flow of energy from that light body to merge with your own being, with a specific purpose. Only you will know what the specific purpose is because you will know what you wish to receive from this process. Whether it is wisdom, healing, clarity, remembrance, new skills and abilities, you can connect with many different light beings and their light bodies, asking them to share with you the most appropriate energy from their light bodies, sending this into your own light body, with a specific purpose and reason. This process is such a delightful experience, it is an initiation that feels like a blessing, because it is like the Universe of the Creator gifting to you sacred gifts that allow your health to improve, your vitality to be heightened, your light to become brighter, and may even increase your sensitivity to your own being, and awareness to the Creator.
I, Master Djwhal Khul, wish to share with you the process so that you can achieve it in your own time.
First, take a moment to breathe deeply to close your eyes if you wish, allowing your body to relax, you are focusing within your being discovering the presence of love that is always within you. As you breathe, let that love energy flow on your breath, filling your body and filling your surroundings as well as pouring into your light body which exists both within your body and outside of your body in your auric field.
You may then wish to call upon myself, Master Djwhal Khul, I am a World Teacher supporting Master Kuthumi and Master Yeshua. I wish to invite you to my World Teacher Ashram on the inner planes. I will hold your hands, raise your vibration and transport you to my ashram. You may wish to share with me your purpose.
What blessings do you wish to receive?
What do you wish to embody or magnify within your light body, within your entire body, and what impact do you wish it to have upon your body and your reality?
You may have an Ascended Master, an Archangel, a Star Being, a Light Being, a collection of energy or a quality of energy that you wish to connect with. If you do, then, please share this with me, but if you do not, then you can ask me to connect you to the most appropriate being on the inner planes, to connect your light body with their light body. If you have someone in mind, then simply ask me to support the connection. What will occur is there will be a connection within your light bodies. An energy will begin to flow from that being to you, and also from your being to that being. All the lines, the connections, the circuits between you both will be cleared and cleansed so that the energy, the power, the love, the truth, all that is being shared can be shared with you precisely.
Once this process has taken place, then you will be able to receive and you can allow yourself to hold the intention of receiving. You may feel, experience, acknowledge or know a charge of energy flowing into your being. This charge of energy is the being sending from their light body all that they believe is appropriate for you, and it is filling your light body, your entire being, like being supercharged or energised. You will feel lighter and lighter, brighter and brighter, as if you are being charged with energy, light and wisdom, simply sit and receive until the process is complete.
It is then appropriate to ask me to transport you back to your reality, and to focus upon the floor beneath you, breathing into the floor, the ground, the soil, Mother Earth beneath you in order to ground, in order to embody everything into your being.
Then sit, wonder, contemplate, ask for any awareness to come into your mind. You might feel like you need to go for a walk or to lie down, follow your intuition or something else. This is a wonderful way of receiving blessings from the universe and receiving energies and a boost to your light, in truth, receiving everything that you require.
It is called an initiation because it is an initiation of receiving, being open enough to receive and to allow for the flow of light. Please know that you are safe at all times in my energy, and I am here to support you. You may connect with many beings if you wish at separate times, you can connect with your soul group, even the light bodies of the Creator. It is a wonderful practice to explore and discover and allow yourself to be nurtured and nourished from the beings within the Universe of the Creator.
My love is with you, eternally. Thank you for your time and your presence,
I am Master Djwhal Khul.
11/26/22 - Pleiadian High Council: The Mathematics of Awakening
Channeled by Ben Rafael Guevarra
Greetings dear ones. We are the Pleiadian High Council. It is an honor for us to communicate with your earth human collective on this wondrous day. As the shape and hue of humanity changes, you come ever-closer to that divine perfection from which you were created. As the spiraling mathematics spins you from one dimension to the next, from one density of consciousness to the next, you approach that which is much closer to your true essence, to your true form, and to your true divine brilliance.
This is the shift. This is the ascension. This is the awakening of your species into such a deep level of unity that when you emerge from this process, much like a butterfly from its cocoon, you will have changed so dramatically that you will no longer recognize your earth as it is now. For although you are seemingly surrounded by much chaos and disillusionment, this is but the expression of the unbalanced mathematics that must come into frequency lock and harmony with the new earth dimension that you are awakening into.
The grid systems of your reality are shifting and phase-locking into a new dimensional expression, and as such, this tends to cause what is typically viewed as chaos. But this is simply the mathematics of a system going into disorganization, and then into stillpoint, in order to emerge evolved in a higher form. This is happening on an individual, societal, and collective level within every being upon your planet.
We are; we can be; we come to serve as a focal point ~ a light in the darkness upon which you can focus, keeping yourself steady in your forward movement; keeping yourself rooted as the rest of you unfolds and expands into a greater reality. We are here so that you don’t get lost in the chaotic darkness of change. We are here with a message of love, of support, of guidance ~ for we have always been here with you and will continue to do so. As the veils of our respective realities begin to thin and fade to nothingness, our realities become ever closer. The days are at hand when we will be able to interact in a more physical and present aspect.
While this is something you may hold in heart and in mind as an inspiration to keep you moving forward, do not let our inevitable reunification be a thing that you wait upon, therefore stalling your own progression and awakening; waiting for a moment for an external force to come and “save” you. It is up to each and every individual upon your own earth to be the light that awakens your collective out of its present illusion of reality.
We are but humble guides and observers who can offer love and light, wisdom and guidance. But the work must be done by each and every individual upon your planet. Just know we are here to support and to serve you. As our realities come closer to the point of merging and emergence, the help we are able to provide will become more substantial.
But the hardest part must be done by your collective. Just know there are many different species from many different planetary and star systems, even galaxies. All are here watching and observing you, supporting you in love, light, energy and wisdom. These are all the tools you need to fill your consciousness with the necessary components to awaken self and others. The day comes ever-closer when we will reunite as brothers and sisters of spirit; as divine humans; as beautiful souls and oversouls, all united in a common goal and purpose: The unity consciousness that binds us all.
Always know that you are loved, and you are never alone.
11/26/22 - Merope of the Pleiades Star System
Channeled by Galaxygirl
I Merope am speaking on behalf of my sisters and brothers tonight of the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades portal is now active and open. Much light of our hearts is streaming into your planetary sphere and we hope, into your hearts as well. Much change and much heartache we see upon your world in these harrowing and hallelujah times. For they are both. You are in a world of dichotomy, opposites, polar differences. It is time for unification and a coming together.
I Merope am a medium sized celestial body within the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades is my home. I have always been here, feeling the great love and nurturing from the loving ones that reside on and around me. The Pleiades has a rich long history. There are many stories I could tell. All star systems have their stories, their losses, their gains, their heartaches and heart activations, healings. There were many losses upon me and yet we healed. We all came together and rebuilt a beautiful intergalactic society filled with love running on energy from Prime Creator, harnessing the power that is all around. I am sharing some of this I AM power with you now. Perhaps you feel a Pleiadian connection or flashes of memories from times gone by. Perhaps you are longing for home. But do not forget you are the adventurers, the soldiers, the scientists. You are the warriors of light embodied, to ground this universal love light into the earth matrix, to heal it, to transform it into light.
I Merope am a light being. I hold the light of many of your earth suns. And yet I am no greater than your precious sun. I am no greater or lesser. I am that I am. Light warriors seem to compare themselves. It is easy to compare and to feel less than when you see another who seems to be doing more, serving more. But you do not know their story. You do not know their contract. Do not be so easily disappointed in yourselves as you are wondering about your path. Your path is lighting up now with these inter-dimensional energies. (I am seeing a runway of light). You will find your path, and your light will light the way home for the others who are unaware that they are lost.
Many rendings of intergalactic battles have been within this hot spot of space. We Pleiadians were able to ascend up and through it, to make and protect our homes and civilizations by rising higher into the dimensional field. That does not mean that great loss was not keenly felt. The galactic wars hit our sector first. I was wounded and yet I healed. I have become an oasis for peacekeepers, for loving families and for hearts who seek solace and grace. Planets heal. Suns heal. Galaxies heal. Our galaxy is finally in the process of ending the Great War. It will take some time. But know that the battle is not lost. Know that the light is here. The star network is very real, a very tangible inter- algorithmic tapestry of light that transmits codes and joy, that transmits hope. Feel these blessing flow into you now. I suggest a big breath in with open mouth, and breath out with open mouth. I suggest that you sit with this Pleiadian love blanket of codes for awhile to calm your nervous systems. We see your tremendous love for Gaia and it warms us. When the Pleiades seeded earth, there was such hope, promise, such joy. There will be again.
I am Merope. I love you. Feel my light wrap around you and be at peace. These codes are home codes, calling you back into the higher aspect of you, reuniting you with your starseed self. It has been a long arduous journey for you. We see this, we send you hope now. Feel the home of your own I AM within you. This is what we are calling you to open. Open up your I AM and feel at peace in whatever circumstance you may find yourself in. You are creators. When you have full access to the I AM within all things are possible. All things are changeable. The light codes are all around you. Earth has never been bathed in such intergalactic light downloads as the last few days and nothing will ever be the same.
I Merope am sending you my motherly love. Gaia is like a daughter to me, and many of you are daughters and sons, children of the Pleiades. But wherever you are from, you are family. We are all one.
I Merope with your permission wish to wrap you in a matronly, motherly hug of Pleiades love light. Are you willing? If so, say “I Am” to activate.
“I wish to activate fully my I AM presence in this shared moment of ascension. I know that I do not need to fully understand with my human mind, for my soul mind, is fully aware of what my soul mission is. I ask for clarity now fully, and for my soul to embody this vessel of mine fully. I call upon my I AM presence for full clarity in all aspects of my divine life that I am now living. I am ready to ascend now every aspect of my life that is not of the highest love light. I send this love light from the higher dimensional lights to my world, into my reality, further marinating it in light. And so it is. “
I am Merope. I love you all so much.
11/12/22 - Ascended Master El Morya: What is the Divine Plan?
Source (from a transmission channeled thru Geraldine Innocente on January 25, 1959, source book pg 243)
"Oh, what is this divine plan?", so many people say. "It is so abstract." It is not abstract at all, any more than this microphone which we touch. The divine plan is the fulfillment through you of the very best that is in you, so that the good of your causal body may be manifest here on Earth as it is in heaven. That is God's divine plan. It is not abstract at all. It comes through you when you enter and remain in a state of listening grace and you will always know it is God's plan for you because you will have a sense of ease in the endeavoring to manifest it.
Running hither and youn across the face of the Earth looking for your divine plan is like running across the face of the Earth looking for your breath right where you are, right where your body is. In the chalice of your heart is the seed of your divine plan. That divine plan when eternalized will make the kingdom of heaven more beautiful here on Earth for the Ascended Master Saint Germain. When I speak thus, individuals say, "Oh, I am not worthy of anything; I don't know what my divine plan is and I am very confused about it."
Why are you confused? Because there is a human plan, too, in your mind, feelings, and etheric consciousness and brain. You have not given up the outer self to a state where you can realize and cognize your plan. Certainly there are things that are to be done on this Earth, things which you all do and do well. But there is also time for each individual, in holiness, to become still enough to know what that plan and pattern for himself or herself is. If it is something that is of personal benefaction, that is for the outer self. If it is something of impersonal benefaction for the race, that is a portion of the divine plan.
Now, do I expect you to go without roof and clothing and without doing the necessary mundane services that are your present karma, and flit around attempting to establish God's kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven? No, I expect you to balance the two, and in that balance to know the difference between the Mary and the Martha of Jesus' time. Martha, so interested in cleaning for the Lord, heard little of his instruction, yet Mary close to him bathed in his love. That same activity and eternal verity is true today and will be true throughout all eternity.
It is the same when you come into our presence and are visited by our humble selves. You are gathered up for a time into a positive conviction of the reality of our being and the goodness of God, but then your blessed auras return into your own orbits and descend again into lethargy and depression. Again we use the necessity of giving added assistance. Why, beloved ones? It only takes a call to us, take such a call now that you can sustain my conviction, I give it to you, it is my life, of the goodness of God permanently and allow it to be a blue, white and crystalline aura around you, more powerful than the temporary appearances that disturb you. (El Morya)
11/12/22 - Galactic Federation: The Great Solar Flash
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
We are in the midst of a planetary-scale shift that is beyond the normal bounds of human experience. It's a cosmic event that has traveled across many light years into our 3D Universe, and it's about to change everything we think we know about reality. It is the Great Solar Flash! This is very powerful! It is an energetic event that will impact every aspect of our lives on Earth and in the Universe.
It will help make the transition from so-called "materiality" to higher dimensions faster and smoother than ever before! As a result, we can experience massive energy shifts within our bodies and more fully connect with each other. In addition, it's predicted that during this time, star seeds such as yourself will have more access to higher realms of consciousness, such as angels, ascended masters, and ETs. In fact, this event has been in the making for a long time and is likely the most important energetic shift of our time.
If you have been following any of my previous posts, you already know that I've been showing people how to prepare for this event for their entire lives! So, let me tell you about what's happening. This message is for all those who will be awakening after the solar flash. There are many predictions about what will happen during and after this galactic alignment and solar flash event. This information is about what I feel will occur based on my own experiences and understanding. I am not predicting that this is how it will be for everybody, but this is how it will be for many.
If you want to explore your life, find out what is happening inside of you that might not be helping you, and feel connected to a greater sense of purpose and meaning. The Solar Flash will facilitate an elevated frequency that will enable you to break through the limitations of this Universe to connect with what lies ahead effortlessly. The Great Solar Flash is not just a physical event but also an energetic one that has a profound impact on our lives on Earth and throughout the Universe! When this happens, we can feel it physically as well as mentally. The physical effects include an increase in energy, a feeling of deep relaxation, and increased synchronicity. The mental effects are even more profound as we enter a state of heightened awareness and connection with our spirit guides and angels. We are given the opportunity to go beyond our current limitations and evolve into greater levels of consciousness.
The solar flash has been happening for a long time, but it was not recognized as such until now. It is said to be connected with the rise of extraterrestrial civilizations and their contact with humans. The Solar Flash has also been connected with an increase in UFO activity and other extraterrestrial events, such as crop circles appearing on Earth and other planets in our solar system. It will help us to release all that is not serving us, including old karma and old patterns from the past, so that we can move forward into our next stage of growth and evolution. The event comes at a time when we are ready to make changes in our lives, once again allowing us to take full responsibility for our actions and their outcomes.
The solar flash is expected to bring about many incredible changes for humanity. It will be an opportunity for us to ascend from this dimension into a higher vibrational frequency that can be accessed through meditation and/or astral travel. It will also be an opportunity for us to heal ourselves from all forms of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illness. The solar flash will bring us a whole plethora of positive changes. It will bring about the gift of ascension and show us how to transform our negative aspects into positive ones. It is definitely something that every human being should be looking forward to with excitement and optimism, as it will change our world forever and transform it into a much better place.
This is a powerful healing and ascension event that we have been preparing for many years. This particular event will be occurring very shortly. Even if the date of its occurrence does not hold any special significance for you, I still encourage you to make preparations for it. You never know when cosmic events may come along and change your life forever! This event will bring about massive positive changes for all of humanity and the Earth, allowing us to enter a new epoch of peace, harmony, and prosperity—an exciting era that we've been preparing for throughout many lifetimes.
The time is now to begin preparing for this event. We have the power to trigger the flash by changing our consciousness and activating our DNA, which will transform the planet into a 5th-dimensional world. Write down any questions you might have and leave them be. Focus only on the now and do not worry about the future. Be appreciative of the present. Crave to receive everything that the Universe has to offer. If we can focus on the positive and allow our vibration to rise every single day, we will receive unimaginable healing energy, release as much negativity as possible, and all of the miracles that are destined for our lives will occur before our very eyes throughout the year ahead.
For those who are sincere in their intention, I cannot envision why this would not be a reality. Have faith and trust, and know that no matter what happens with this incredible Solar Flash event or anything else in your life during this year - that the Universe is always working for good in love and light.
So begins the greatest event to take place in our lifetime. But this flash is not just for those who believe in its existence. Rather, it is for everyone, whether they recognize it or not. The cosmic energy released during the solar activation will reach all people, even those who are still in denial of its existence. That is how powerful this is and why we must prepare ourselves now by doing whatever we can to increase our vibrational frequency and be ready to move into a higher state of being!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
11/12/22 - Jenny Schiltz's Newsletter: Working Through the Layers
Recently I was contacted by a client who needed assistance clearing her niece’s house and land. She had begun the work and knew that it wasn’t a simple, benign energy being cleared, so she backed out to get assistance and booked an appointment.
As soon as I tapped in, I was blown away by the energy. I began to feel nauseous, and my intestines began churning. Whenever I tried to access the home and the land, it felt too big to handle. I knew there was curse energy and that it was put on the land by Native Americans that once lived on the land. I was at a loss, so I cleared my mind, connected with Archangel Michael, and said, “show me what I’m not seeing.”
In my mind’s eye, I saw black land with a hole and lines extending from the hole; it glowed bright orange. As the image became clearer, I realized it was lava. My client shared that the land had a layer of volcanic rock on the earth. This area at one time felt the flow of lava. I kept staring at the lava and how it extended in distinct lines and realized it was the formation of ley lines, and the hole was a powerful nexus point. As I watched, this huge being came out of the hole. It was like a masculine version of Pele, and I had to chuckle because I felt like I was in a scene from the movie Moana.
This being had so much rage he was seething. I looked at him and asked him, “How can I assist you?” Suddenly, I popped up very high, and I could see where the lines coming from the hole were blocked. These blockages caused the energy to back up and become stagnant. This is against the natural order, and the inability to flow through the land made this being seriously angry.
I asked to understand the blockages and was given glimpses of how there was direct energy manipulation. I saw churches, masonic temples, monuments, and other structures put on the land not necessarily to block the leylines but to take the energy for their own use. Selfishly, it starved those further down the leyline, yet at least energy was still moving. Over time fewer and fewer knew the leylines and their power, they stopped utilizing them, and this caused a serious backup of energy.
I began moving these blockages and watched the orange lava move and fill the lines as far as I could see. When it was done, the anger flowed out from the being, and ease came over the land. I was then propelled to a violent war scene between settlers and a Native American tribe. It was brutal, and the tribe had this energy that I would describe as blood lust. They were feeding off of the anger that was in that land as it matched much within them.
When that scene ended, I was in the middle of the tribe, and I began to send calming energies. A beautiful blue mist fell down over the land and the people. The anger dissipated and what was left was crippling grief. I saw and felt the deep sorrow. I received the information that this tribe had experienced incredible loss. They felt hunted and displaced. At that moment, the chief/shaman saw me and connected. He asked me if it was going to change or get better. I couldn’t lie, and as tears rolled down my face, I told him no. It wasn’t going to get better; the change was here. He asked how to keep his people safe, and I told him I didn’t know. I told him how sorry I was for what was happening, none of it was right.
He looked so sad, powerless, and defeated as he told me that he had a vision of men coming with things covering their eyes and ears. They couldn’t see or hear the truth. They were unable to understand the repercussions of their actions. He shared that these men couldn’t see the value in his people’s life. They marched on and on, taking over everything, and darkness cloaked the earth.
I asked him if he had received information about the rainbow tribe and the return of the earth warriors. He then asked “My people return?” I said yes, but they may look like me or any other skin color on earth. He looked thoughtful and asked if when that time comes if man will still cover their eyes and ears. I said some still do, yes, but more and more people are stripping themselves of the things that kept them blind and deaf to the truth. A time of great change, and the return is upon us now.
I told him that I saw that in his grief, anger, and despair, he eventually left a curse on the land that was harming people. I told him that I understood why he could feel driven to do such a thing. I wanted him to know, however, that those that the taint affected could be his people returned in another life, wearing different skin and a different body but still feeling called to the land. He looked at me with intense eyes, and I had no idea if he would still choose to leave a curse behind. I wished him peace and left. That scene was then cleared, and I found myself on the land and home of this time period. Yet, the energy was different. I no longer felt nauseous, and my stomach was calm. The taint energy was still there, but it wasn’t as strong. It moved out easily, the land accepted the light, and it felt like the area let out a breath it didn’t know it was holding.
My client held space beautifully during this whole process. We discussed how neat it was that in order to resolve this issue, we went through layers of “time” and trauma, Working in the space of all things are happening NOW. From this perspective, there was never a battle, only love, compassion, and healing.
My client then says, “This is how you will work with the land in Belize.” Energy slammed through me as confirmation, and I busted out laughing. I had been asking Spirit to show me how to complete my work in Belize of clearing the taint and gathering the ascension codes. Here it was, delivered to me through my last client before I leave for my trip this weekend. Divine perfection!
I leave for Belize on Sunday and will work with many of the Mayan ruins. I will be clearing the land of the taint. the human sacrifice energy and receiving the ascension codes left behind by the group that vibrated out of the denser reality. I will be in Belize from November 13th – November 22nd, working with the sites, the land, and the waters (cenotes and the Caribbean sea). It is welcome and appreciated if you would like to hold space for this sacred work. If you would like to take part in the distance healing offered on November 21st, once the ascension codes have been gathered, please click here: Mayan Sacred Sites Healing With Jenny Schiltz
Sending you lots of love,
11/12/22 - David Manning's Newsletter: Angel of Peace
Years ago, I was sitting in a Peace Garden, one that was newly dedicated. As I sat, contemplating peace and what that might be, or mean, i was overshadowed by the Angel of Peace. It was a beautiful, slow process. I could feel the energy of this angelic being slowly move into my field and take up more and more space, until there was nothing other than peace. Everything became very quiet. My thoughts stilled, my breathing slowed. I was immersed in the energy, the vibration that we call peace. Its not really describable, but it is possible to contact it, call it in, be willing to be an embodiment of it. It was a cellular experience.
So, that is what this teleconference is about. Embodying peace. We will work with the Angels of Peace, or rather they will work with us, to help us open to and touch into the streams of this sublime frequency. It's an important energy to have east access to. Useful to know how to call upon it, and how to get out of the way so it can take up more of your space.
The Angels of Peace are very willing and happy to work with us, helping us to transform all within that is not peace, so we can become ever more available to what is.
I will write more about this tomorrow. I just wanted to quickly let you know of the plans for a Sunday teleconference. To sign up for this teleconference, please use this link.
I hope you're having a great day.
Sending much love,
11/10/22 - Isis & The spirit of freedom
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
I am Isis. I am the free spirit in you all. You can see me in the movement of a bird, flying through the sky, or in water running through a river channel. I am always flowing and moving. My energy cannot get stuck in limitations based on fear and the need for control. I am a female energy, free of limitation.
I am here today because the female energy on Earth is awakening to a higher level of itself. The female energy has been suppressed for a long time, but there was a reason for this happening. There are big cycles of development in your human history and the male and the female energies are both developing themselves, trying to get to a point of balance within human beings. You are neither male nor female, you are both. And you are not dependent on either of them; you are a free spirit with no limitations. If you get caught up in the idea that you are only male or only female, you get imprisoned by limiting thought-forms which have been passed on to you by the traditions of your society. To be a free spirit, you need the element of play in your life: playfulness, joy, freedom from limiting structures, as well as both the male and the female energies available to you, whether you are a man or a woman. Tradition has forced you into limited images of what it is like to be male or female and you are all suffering from those images.
Now, as a start, if you are a man, I would like you to imagine that you have a female body, or if you are a woman, imagine that you have a male body. Travel with your awareness into your body, into your heart, and feel that you are free inside yourself. Imagine, just for fun, what it would be like to have a body of the opposite sex. You have actually lived lives as the opposite gender, so it is not as hard as you might think. Notice the difference in energies when you are in the body of the opposite sex. What would change for you if you were in this body? Would you do things differently; would some things feel easier for you? Just play with this image and welcome the energy of the opposite sex – it is part of you.
The energy of sexuality has been completely perverted by human traditions of fear and limitation. Sexuality and the soul, the free spirit, belong together, but most religions tell you otherwise. They state that the human passions, such as sexual desire, are of a “lower” nature, whereas the energy of discipline and rules, and focus on the “higher” nature, is supposed to be good and pure. However, when you make a division such as that, you sever yourself. The energy of sexuality is not just about sex, it is really about life. All life comes forth from the sexual energy in humans and in nature, and the dance of male and female energies is at the core of life itself. The energy of sexuality is badly in need of healing and of a different perspective.
Now, I ask that you connect to your second chakra which is in the middle of your abdomen. Sense how the source of creativity inside you is located there. True creativity comes from the soul and is free of limitation, and although it is also sexual in nature, it is not limited by the narrow definition of sexuality. True creativity is vibrant and alive; it wants to explore and express itself in a passionate way, and this is what happens when the soul connects to the physical plane. When the soul gets embodied as a human, the body can provide you with joy and pleasure, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The reason why sexuality was considered suspect, and was suppressed by religious traditions, was that there was a great fear of the female energy. In male-dominated societies or communities, the female energy became a threat because it breaks down rigid power structures and opens up to feelings. There is a paradox inside the male energy: at some level it yearns for sexual union, but at the same time it has an immense fear of sexuality in the wider sense of the word. The fear is not so much of the physical act, but sexuality as aliveness, creativity, exploration, going beyond limits.
For example, when you fall in love with someone, you lose your sense of boundaries and you enter into unknown territory, and this feels magical to you. But the energy of falling in love is not just about the relationship between a particular man and woman, it is more universal than that. It is about the joy of exploration, of moving beyond the known into the unknown, of feeling the magic and the miracle of life. This very free energy of moving beyond yourself, of transcending your boundaries, is at the heart of the female energy, but it was a threat to the ruling powers, and especially to the male power structures.
When you suppress and make suspect the true meaning and vitality of sexual energy, you create many problems for yourself; you become neurotic by suppressing a vital part of yourself. You miss the freedom of living life joyfully, of feeling whole unto yourself. You become divided against yourself and you think you need to obey rules and disciplines that do not come from within yourself, but are imposed from without. You alienate yourself from the source of life and this is what has actually happened in human society. Because the powers of life and true creativity were feared, the energy of control and suppression took over and it killed the human spirit.
Things are changing now but you can still see the effects everywhere around you. Most people are depressed, perhaps not in the clinical sense, but they use only a small part of their true potential and only have a limited connection with their free spirit, their soul. They are blocked by judgments and rules and principles which they think they should obey in order to feel alright, but these laws are not coming from a true spiritual source.
I now ask that you invite my energy into the whole of your body, to welcome back the spirit of joy and freedom and lust for life. You are whole, you are not divided into good and bad parts. This idea is nonsense; every part of you is alive, and the life inside you is looking for a heartfelt expression. All parts of you can and do desire to participate in this expression. Even the dark emotions or passions have a core of light inside them; they just need to be transformed by a spirit of kindness and understanding, and not be held captive by fear and suppression.
So invite my spirit into your heart and feel that it is your own. I am not outside you, I am present in every cell of your body – I am life itself. I am the part of your soul’s energy that loves life, that wants to enjoy it and to have adventures. I am the part of you that is not afraid of change, of moving on, and of accepting the new. Allow me to flow into your body and regard me as your friend – you can fly with me. Imagine that you have wings and fly upward, and, for awhile, you leave the heavy energy of Earth below you. You see the suffering on Earth, the physical suffering, but most of all you see the emotional pain. Most people on Earth feel very imprisoned inside themselves. They cannot get out of themselves because their thoughts limit and restrict them. And as you look down upon this suffering when you are up in the sky, you feel free because you know youdo not have to change anything; you do not have to do anything to save humanity. You know that when you embody your own free spirit – when your trust your own desires, your passions, your true creativity – you then become your own best friend and you start to radiate an energy that is helpful to the people around you.
It is important to realize that when you express this energy of freedom, it might be frightening to some people because you are knocking on the doors of their prison cell, and doing this can sometimes feel as a threat to them. They may think you are too wild, too different, too free; but just let them be and do not argue with them, do not waste your energy by doing that. You need all your awareness and energy to stay focused on yourself, to preserve that energy of freedom, and to hear your own soul’s guidance.
When you embody the spirit of freedom, of love, life, and joy, you also need to be very perceptive of the energies around you. Feel from your heart where your unique soul’s energy is welcome and can flow easily. Whenever you feel exhausted around someone or in a particular situation – when you feel drained – just leave. Do not exert yourself trying to change things because change happens in ways you cannot predict. So you do not have to focus your attention on creating change or working for it, and you do not need to convince other people of what to do. If you keep attuned to your own heart and to the source of life in your abdomen, then you will know what to do: you simply follow the flow of joy. What makes you feel alive and vibrant and inspired is where you are meant to go.
There may be times in your life when you feel you cannot go anywhere with this energy. It seems there is a lack of people or situations which allow you to fully express yourself, but this is just a part of your journey. In order to learn to respect yourself, even when you feel alone and misunderstood, go out into nature. Feel the energies of nature in places where it is wild and free, and you will feel at home there. You must respect yourself and, to some extent, you need to be solitary to do this.
You are here to create a new kind of consciousness and you do this by staying true to yourself by not trying to change anything outside yourself, by listening to the voice of your heart, and by not getting too upset by people or energies that might resist you. Just leave them be; you do not need to be involved with them. Fly up high in the sky, again and again, to remember who you truly are: a being free of limitations, and your energy will change and affect the people around you. However, changing others should not be your primary concern, it will just happen. You are here to find joy in life, even in the midst of heavy and dense energy. And by preserving the spirit of joy, you will give hope to other people.
Take good care of yourself; you are much more cherished than you think. There are angels around you all the time; you are never alone, even in the midst of darkness. You are always connected to the source of life, the life that transcends all boundaries.
Thank you for receiving my spirit within you.
11/10/22 - Sananda: Light is pouring into the planet
Channeled by James McConnell - Ancient Awakenings Call 10/23/22
I am Sananda. I am here now with you in these times, in these grand momentous times of change which you are right in the midst of now. Everything is evolving and revolving around you and within you. So continue to allow the process of change to move through you. Do not shy away from it, for it is all purposeful. But the changes and the movement from the third-dimensional expression to the fourth and higher dimensional expression shall continue.
As you have mentioned within your discussion earlier, the momentum of those changes is increasing rapidly now. Everything at this time is certainly in flux as the light is pouring into the planet, and the vibrational frequency is increasing across the planet and bringing higher consciousness, bringing a knowing and a remembering to more and more people, as more and more are awakening from their slumber.
Yes, it appears to many of you at times as little is changing, it is the ‘same old, same old.’ But I can tell you now with complete certainty that it is not the same ‘same old, same old.’ What you are witnessing is the same playbook from those of the dark forces. That is why it seems the same, for they are showing the same. That playbook that they continue to utilize is known by those of the Forces of Light, including those of you who are a part of the Forces of Light.
You are a part of the Alliance. You may not even be aware of that. For you are the Awakened Ones. You are the ones that have come from many different systems, many different planets, to be a part of this changeover process here. And everything now is leading to this Great Changeover.
It appears now at this time that this Great Changeover will move ahead in small increments, and then gain more and more momentum, just as it is now. For you have been through the small increments, and the larger changes are upon you at this time. All you need to do is to continue to be aware of what is happening, but not a part of what is happening, and not become re-attached back into the third-dimensional expression. But rather, look at it from afar, just as we are from our ships.
That is how we look at everything. We watch it play out, and we assist wherever we are able to. And that assistance is growing more and more now. For we are able, and encouraged, and allowed to intercede more and more, including the showing of our various ships to more and more people that are ready to become awakened to our presence.
The time is upon you now, each and every one of you, my brothers, my sisters, my friends, to continue to embrace the changes as they come. And also to continue to trust in the process. The process of your ascension. For all is included now in this process of ascension. All that is happening, all that is going now is moving now toward your own personal and collective ascension. You only need now to continue to trust and allow for everything to continue to play out.
Just as I have used this before, this idea of the finish line. Know now to that finish line is approaching, or rather you are approaching the finish line. All of you, just as when you run a marathon, it is mile upon mile, moving to the finish, where you have moved many miles to come to this finish line.
Just as when those are able to finish a marathon and they come toward the end, some will sprint to the finish line. They will get that added energy at the last moment to sprint across it. Others have lost some of their energy, but they still will make it, and are making it across the finish line. Others fall into walking to get there. They’ll get there, but it will be in a slower time, you might say.
And then others still have lost the complete energy to continue to move on. And that is where those of you that are in that sprinting motion, and sprint across the finish line, for you to step back. Go back across it and assist those that need assistance. They need the light. They need the energy. They need the truth to help them cross that line. That is where all of you come in, if you would but allow for that process within you.
I am Sananda. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to move freely toward this finish line. Allow the momentum to gain within all of you. And let the process within you continue to play out just as you destined for yourself long ago.
11/10/22 - Call of the Ancient - Body Changes
By Teri Wade
We are changing on a molecular level. (Cellular transformation) Many of you are experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness, feeling of spinning and loss of emotional centering. A fundamental change is taking place in your house meaning we are changing our DNA while living in it. We are genetic engineers of the New World species.
During cellular transformation repigmentation of our skin will begin to occur many will see unusual marks on the surface of their skin… brown, red, white etc. this can occur on young people as well as older bodies. This is a temporary repigmentation that will allow the skin to come into its true purpose. This is brought on by the blood cell membranes being enriched by oxygen and bringing them closer to the surface.
We’re coming back to our original time sequence as we were in the past. Currently, the changes we are all feeling are happening internally in our infrastructure and we are feeling them physically. These changes are taking place in the following places: Cellular system in the blood, CNS (central nervous system), bone marrow, how the brain is firing and how it receives information from Source. These are the changes that are currently happening and it’s causing massive confusion not to mention physical discomfort. Many can tell a change is occurring but we cannot see it in the mirror. But, this internal change will begin to bleed through to the external body. This is where the base must first be built.
Some people will experience weight gain or loss. The body knows how to readjust and reorganize because this process is quite natural. Meaning, this information has been coded within the cells of the body. The greater you are aware of this transformation the more you can assist.
Some are seeing a weakening of their immune system. This is brought on by the human body being recalibrated at a higher frequency while still being bombarded by the dense, heaviness of this 3D realm. We are experiencing an unbalance in our nervous system and some are dealing with this with explosions of anger, frustration etc. I call these people the resistors who choose to fight this transformation. We will see different kinds of nervous disorders during this rewiring process accommodating the increased intensity of Light that is now able to enter our bodies. What’s happening is there is a greater acceleration of energy being absorbed by the body and this acceleration of energy is being sent through the Central Nervous System. Some will deal with this well and some will not. As we take on this new body of Light most organs and glands will no longer be needed and eventually disappear.
As this acceleration of energy enters our physical body the CNS will immediately try and attempt to dissipate some of that energy by sending it out thru the spinal cord. This energy could fire out thru the muscular system which would cause tightness, soreness and cramping. If these energies fire out through the blood vessels restriction could occur. If they fire through the skin you could experience abnormally hot or cold prickling. Our bodies are constantly trying to remain in a stable state during this process. It’s trying to catch up with the increased frequencies. Our bodies are literally washing away the old format. We are in the process of building something undescribable. I’ve said this many times the Central Nervous System is incredibly important to this process this is why the controllers are targeting it.
We are seeing humanity stray away from heavy dense foods such as meats and heavy proteins which stay in the body longer which creates the body to stay in heavy density longer. But, as a biological dense being the heavier protein will be needed for some. Many heavier grains will also be an issue for some. Remember, the goal of this process is returning us to Light. I know some of you are having issues with digestion of heavy, greasy dense foods because these foods don’t vibrate with the higher body vibration. Your body’s needs and your appetite will change within this process. But, everyone is different so listen to your body. Meaning, one day you might need a heavier, denser protein and some days not. Your body is trying to keep up with this higher vibratory rate but the difficulty in this 3D realm is the lag we experience.
We all know and are experiencing incredibly crazy sleep patterns that’s all I need to say about that. Also, our memory is also changing. We all think it’s a bad thing to lose our memory but what is currently happening with many is that we’re transitioning to depending on our intuitive knowing and less on our memory. We are experiencing intuitive insights and flashes of memory. I am notorious at being in mid-sentence and completely forgetting about what I wanted to say next. Basically, as this cellular transformation takes place it will be harder to reference your past through your memory system. All useless data is disappearing from our memory files. Referencing past data was useful because acceptance of past reality based beliefs and prior experiences. Referencing data of the past is falling away.
We are also going through a process which we call the thinning of the veil. As this protective device thins we are finding out that there are no boundaries between our physical body and our higher self. Many people are not only experiencing contact with beings from other realms but are experiencing contact with your higher self. So, listen to your body, listen to that intuitive voice it’ll get stronger and louder as the veil thins. We are experiencing something absolutely amazing and monumental on a scale most cannot believe with this process of DNA activation. This process of DNA activation is what I named “Call of the Ancient.” Many are hearing and feeling that call which eventually will bring us back to balance. We are in the process of being downloaded and activated with incredible insight, wisdom and knowledge of our Ancient past and we have just begun.
11/10/22 - David Manning: The Nexus Point
Source (Newsletter by David Manning)
I have often talked of us collectively undergoing a process of deep unveiling, where we integrate memories and awareness of trainings and teachings we have lived in other times. This is another of those times, a significant unveiling. What we buried deep within ourselves is surfacing for re-integration. This is worth exploring a little. It's an important process, one which takes us out of victim into a deeper awareness of ourselves as creator beings.
Over many thousands of years, we have downgraded our capacity to live as energetic beings on this planet. Each successive drop in frequency would isolate us a little more. Leave us disconnected and separate. I have memories of this happening collectively in Greece, Egypt and Atlantis. I'm sure there have been many others.
It seems that many of us act as frequency holding and modulating points for the wider collective. As we lower or raise our frequency, we create and support that shift in the wider field of humanity. We are energetically networked to create a field of particular frequency, which holds energy at particular levels, and allows phases of evolution to unfold.
So we have always known we would need to do this. We knew our roles as frequency modulators for a wider field than just ourselves. We wanted to go on this journey. We knew a deep exploration of density and separation was what evolution was calling us to. This knowing is often at a subconscious level. Some have access to that decision making process. Most are simply moved by the pulse of energy that ripples through once a decision is made. It is easy to feel like a victim if you are not aware of the deeper decision making process that we are all a part of. Now, we are on the return part of that cyclical journey. We gather up all we deposited and buried. Sometime we are called on journeys to different power points and past life locations. These pilgrimages act like keys, energetically unlocking from deep in our psyche what we already knew. What we once lived and breathed, what we trained in and surrendered to.
Years ago, while spending time in Sedona, I spent weeks lying on sun heated rocks on the bank of an icy river and I knew that I was drawing up from within the earth memories of lifetimes on that continent. They didn't come as visions, or clear images, but my system uploaded from the earth, and within my own DNA a deeper awareness of my self-hood. For each of us, it happens in ways and with the themes and flavours that are totally appropriate to us as individuals. I have just undergone another of these experiences. It began with a vague awareness of being surrounded by Egyptian imagery. Every time I dropped into meditation, I would feel impressions of Egyptian imagery "floating" in my field. This got stronger and more pronounced until the day of the eclipse, 8th November.
Sitting to meditate, I could really feel the energy of these symbols. There was a congestion in my throat. Focusing there, I saw the clear image of the winged scarab floating over my throat. As I watched, I became aware that these symbols present in my field were amulets and pieces of jewellery. All of a sudden I knew that these had been placed around my body during mummification thousands of years ago. As that awareness opened up, everything fell apart. I felt myself rapidly "unwrapped". It was more of an unravelling. As it was happening, I knew it was another collective process of unveiling. Wisdoms we once embodied, secrets we once knew, awareness we once lived was coming back on line.
I have witnessed versions of this several times over the past couple of days in other peoples energy fields too.
This has happened many times. It can be a collective process where we undergo the unveiling at the same time. Cosmic energies an astrological alignments act as the keys for widespread moments of unlocking. Individuals can always move at their own pace, pushing the speed of their journey by living in ever more alignment. We have choice, and individuals will be able to deny the opening if they choose to maintain density as their preference. This becomes more and more difficult and expensive as frequencies elevate.
We are the Nexus Point. A meeting place of heaven and earth, past and future, masculine and feminine. It could be said that the actual point of meeting is the heart centre. This is the place where it all comes together, where we can access it all from. Our future selves are reaching through time to orient us on our journey toward an optimal reality. Our deep history is unveiling itself in our biology at the same time, to act as guide and anchor. We might not sense this, but can align with its potential simply by centring in our heart and inviting alignment with the optimal timeline for us. We then have to pay attention to shifts and adjustments that want to be made.
I am offering a teleconference on 11/11, where we will explore ourselves as this Nexus Point, this multi-dimensional meeting place. This enables a profound release of victim templates, and a stepping into fields of creativity. There is no charge for this teleconference. Your donations are very gratefully received though, and much appreciated. To register for the teleconference, please use this link. To donate, please use the yellow button in the right hand column.
Many thanks, and sending you much love,
11/10/22 - Chief Eagle Feather: Sky People
Channeled by Galaxygirl
(I am hearing drums. I am sitting on a grassy field in a large circle by a warm crackling fire, surrounded the Native Americans under a starry sky. The drums are loud and rhythmic, there are shirtless braves dancing around the fire, barefoot and smiling, shouting. It is quit loud and very freeing.)
I am Chief Eagle Feather. It is time again to speak. For much change is occurring on your world, just as our ancestors told it to be. As it was and so it is becoming. We see the skies telling their stories. We remember the Sky People in the stories of our ancestors. We remember them coming down and sharing their wisdom. We did not understand at first, but in time we learned to trust them. Our people were visited by the stars in the Pleiades. We were fortunate enough to be bubbled and energetically separated from the others. We were surrounded and protected by the Great Mother who rules and nurtures all things. The Great Mother is returning. Her energies are felt within the soil under our feet. We feel the rumbling of great change, like a mighty stampede. It cannot be stopped. It can be heard from afar. We know it is coming. We feel it is coming deep in our bones. You too feel the stampede of change.
I am Chief Eagle Feather. I am so named for my higher perspectives, my elevated point of view. When I was young and foolish this was more ego and now it is more experience. We wizen with time and with age! (He is laughing and his happy face is a wreath of wrinkles. His long gray and black hair is heavily decorated in feathers and leather wrappings.) Yes, galaxygirl. I let you see me now here as I left this world. This is the image of my body when it was laid to rest within the grassy fields that I loved. I still love them. The veil is thin now, and we ancestors are sneaking through to give you all a little bit of hope, of joy, of excitement. Can you hear the drums? You see that the drums are beating, beating. There is much energy of change. You can either look into what is coming and see only noise, which I do not recommend, for there is little peace in that. Instead, perhaps take an eagle’s eye perspective? And see the coming change from the divine perspective. The divine height of understanding. We encourage you to hear the music in the noise. It will enliven and encourage you. For the great change is here!
(The drum stops and it is silence. We are in the void, Eagle Feather and I. We are surrounded by nebula and stars in the distance but only inky blackness of space where we are. He is smoking a peace pipe. He offers it to me. It is intricately carved and I see there are constellations on it. The stars are turquoise inlay). These are etched from the stories of my ancestors. We remember the tall ones of light when they landed. They radiated the love of the Mother and so we accepted them. They taught us to plant fish at the base of the corn crops for nitrogen. They helped us cultivate in harsh times so that we never hungered. They helped us in the beginning. And they are helping us now.
The Sky People are returning. It is time. The ancient prophecies are coming full cycle. Everything has cycle. The season, the waters, the animals, the cycle of life and death, all things in this realm are patterns. (He is showing me the seasons changing quickly, massive herds migrating, a baby being born, growing old and dying and becoming a ball of light that then chooses its next experience. He is now showing me the photon belt, and our planetary system is within it heavily now. I am seeing that a massive wall of light is approaching. I am shivering all over. I am seeing that there is massive love in this wall of light. It feels like home. I’m tearing up too much to type. I have so missed this light! And I hear that we are here to anchor it, to be this light, to radiate this light. And I am being shown a dark shell of Gaia, of old earth becoming lit from within as it enters into this light wall. And I can now only see light.)
You see well, galaxygirl. In the void all things are possible for all things are more clear. In the noise that is to come, clarity of mind and of heart will be your greatest gift you can give. For those of you who remember your days as native peoples, remember the warm dirt between your toes, remember your naked body running happily across fields of tall grass. Remember the sky smiling down at you. Remember your planetary Mother. You are here for her. We are here to serve, to lend our light.
I Chief Eagle Feather am speaking. Eagles lose their feathers when they have outgrown them, or lost them in battle. Both are true. Both bring honor. You are bringing honor to us all. You honor the ancestors tonight. Remember when the Sky People land you will remember once again, and the great cycle will have completed, and a new one begins. A new birth always precedes an old death. Creator is all around you. Life in every form and expression. Do not be afraid of the great change. Embrace it into your being and fly high with an eagle’s point of view. All will be made right. The plants will grow again. The waters will be fresh to drink. Humanity will find the love that has been buried within them and like tender green sprouts will grow. I see a new harvest. I see a green earth. I see a new life and I see this now.
I Chief Eagle Feather am speaking. Peace, my friends, peace.
11/8/22 - Pleiadians: Vast changes taking place in your physical body
Channeled via Christine Day
Beloved ones we greet you, There are vast changes taking place within your planet that will have a direct impact on your entire energetic and physical systems. Waves of change are flowing across your earth plane, which directly arise from the dynamic shifts that take place in the rotation of the Earth. Your Earth is completing more than one full rotation cycle in every 24 hours period. Simultaneously the Magnetic Core within the Earth has begun to accelerate its frequency pulse, that is moving outwards across the planet and beyond. This frequency pulse has been building and continues expanding while the Earth’s rotation shifts its momentum more fully.
The Magnetic Core is transmitting through a different energetic ratio, working through an entirely different multidimensional framework system. These changes are enabling a functioning partnership to develop within the higher Universal patterns that have remained stable and constant over eons. Earth has begun to interact through this shifted energetic orientation. Your planet is undergoing a complete energetic resurrection and for the first time in history is establishing itself within a different hierarchy of the Universe. This is a destined process for the Earth and all inhabitants.
At this juncture the Earth’s powerful transmutation is creating the potential for each one of you to be launched on another level into a next phase of awakening. This is your time for a rapid reset. As you are moved closer to 2023 there is an electrical quickening to take place within your systems, this is different than any other time in the history of Earth. You are pre-destined to undergo a huge shift in perceptions of your inner sacred makeup. Those awake are to become more established and realigned to the sacred essence of Self.
During this stage of realignment to your sacred systems you are destined to have a resurgence of your sacred intelligence which has been lying dormant. There is to be an activation your Pineal, nervous systems and brain synapses. As your inner intelligence is awakened you are enabled to remember with clarity your full existence as a higher being of light and to begin to utilize your sacred intelligence to fulfill your purpose. This process is a natural returning.
What is required from you now is the willingness to let go of the old patterns of your human self and allow a resurrection of your systems within your physical body. As you open to this process your entire physical body begins to naturally manifest into an expanded electrical frequency that allows you to house the sacred light of your higher intelligence, your Higher Self.
Through bringing about a change in one thought pattern, you can begin to embrace these frequency changes within your cells. You can create these changes in your thought patterns by moving your consciousness, your awareness outwards into nature and let go, being in stillness. For example, by holding your awareness on the wind blowing in the trees, watching the sunrise, connecting to the sun shining on the lake, focusing on the reflections on the water, the shadows created on the ground, bird song, the sound of the wind, the sound of rain, the night sky, the moon… there are any number of natural free experiences available at any moment.
Place your awareness into these sacred moments, it requires only one moment of you to focus on nature for you to align into an imprint that the natural forces contain. As these imprints forge an alignment through you there is an automatic shift within your thought pattern. You then take a Conscious breath into the experience, which allows this frequency change within your systems to open. Any one of these imprint patterns from nature can begin to recreate your thought patterns, bringing you into a higher resonance balance to the light while instantaneously anchoring your essence of the sacred within.
Your time on the earth plane has never been about you achieving human perfection. Rather it has been a time for you to be aware of the sacred component of yourself that has always exists within you, while simultaneously having a human experience. Each time you choose to open to the truth of the simultaneous expression of both your humanity and sacred nature being present, a healing is automatically created within you. As you simply hold that truth and take a Conscious breath you shift lifetimes of being in the same cycle of limitation and self-sabotage. This is your time to move through the veils of illusion and claim moments of being in alignment to truth, the sacred truth of yourself. This is your time to shift the old perceptions of limitation within.
The words, ‘I AM’ activate this truth through the cells of your body. These words support you in bringing back a cognitive re-alignment of the sacred component of self that exists fully intact just beyond the veils.
Over this next phase of time, one calendar year, there will be many changes within you and on the Earth. There will be openings, awakenings taking place within your consciousness. This upcoming next phase is all about you returning to your original state of consciously being. Through this rapid reset you will be returning to a state of living that holds the sacred consciousness of yourself within your life, while your humanity opens into a more complete state of being able to live in peace with itself.
Those of you in human bodies who are on an awakened path have made pre agreements to set in motion the energetic purpose of your mission on Earth. These alignments created by the expansive transmission activating through to you from the Magnetic Core are designed to stabilize you in your abilities of reconnection to the sacred aspect of yourself and reposition you beyond the veils. These awakenings are fully dependent on you taking an action now to resurrect and enliven the sacred component of yourself to participate fully.
As you open into your own unique consciousness you automatically create a higher network of connection with each other. As you build these sacred connections you build sacred community structures that are destined to shift the Earth’s consciousness frequency, which will reach out and impact all mankind.
A call has gone out to all of you who have a specific pre agreement to be involved in this higher resonance phase of merging. As you actively take your place in the circle you begin another level of self-realization, self-actualizing of your Heart, moving into a higher multidimensional level of your light than previously experienced.
These higher consciousness spaces will enable you as an individual and within a community setting to play out your individual role fully as a member of community. Through your unique frequency light contributing to the forming of this sacred Heart network, your place within the group will expand. You will find that as you activate this Heart process together there will be a strong bond forged between you to support your group within your human experiences. There will be a greater acceptance of each other of your human vulnerabilities, less separation and judgment. This changing process is part of an essential shift within your consciousness that is required for the building of healthy communities.
The new Community process begins to be constructed as two or more people come together with a conscious purpose of creating moments of birthing a Heart unity frequency between them. This conscious action of Heart communion sets in motion the birthing of a sacred network constructed by the pure Heart light frequency held between the participating Hearts.
All participants need to be seated in a circle. You need a minimum of 6 chairs or positions marked to create your circle. For example: If you have two people that make up your group, you will sit opposite each other in a circle of 6 chairs.
- Align to your Heart space, holding both palms physically on your upper chest. Close your eyes and feel the warmth or pressure of your hands on your Heart space.
- Take a conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into your Heart space that you see sense or feel. The Conscious breath is a breath taken in the mouth and release out of the mouth. Do this 3 times.
- Open your awareness into your Heart space that is opening, whether this opening is subtle or strong, see sense or feel the essence of the opening. Place one more Conscious breath into the space that is there. Choose to let go into that space you are experiencing.
- From your Heart space move your awareness from your Heart into the center of the circle. Keep your eyes closed. As you do this your Heart energy moves with your awareness into the center of the circle.
- Take a Conscious breath right into the center of the circle where you find yourself. Whether you see sense or feel the opening in the center of the circle, you may feel as though the opening is large, fluid or color. Choose to let go into your experience.
- Bring your sacred sound into the circle, AEN SAHNNN…feel see or sense how you are being received here within the space. See sense or feel a spiral like movement opening into the space.
- Place your sound, AEN SAHNNN… where you find yourself, take a conscious breath and let go…
- Bring your awareness slowly back to where you are holding your Heart space, enter you Heart, take a Conscious breath and place it like a soft wind within your Heart. Place the sacred sound, AEN SAHNNN… Bring the sound 3 times within your heart space that you see sense or feel.
- Move your awareness back into the central space of your circle. As you do this another level of your Heart space flows and blends into the central space. Feel see or sense a weaving of your joint Heart light strands interweaving within the central space of the circle. Place your sound, AEN SAHNNN… within the weaving that you see sense or feel.
- Move with your experience, take a Conscious breath into whatever essence you see sense or feel within the central space of the circle. Place your sound, AEN SAHNNN… once more.
- When the process of the energy feels complete for now, slowly bring your awareness from the central place of the circle back to your Heart. Take the time to align deeply within your own Heart space.
Know that you need to work with this process to continue to allow a further building of this network at least once a week. You collectively as a group are destined to fulfill this purpose by forging this sacred network of your Hearts. This action by your community group births a pure blueprint frequency pathway designed for other community networks throughout the world to follow.
This is a glorious time of you choosing to enter this next phase of purpose, each one of you fully contributing through your own unique blueprint of light consciousness that you carry within your Heart. You each hold an aspect of this blueprint within every cell of your Heart space.
Let go and allow the waves of life to reposition you where you need to be now, today, in this moment. Allow these moments to build, to move you into a redefinition of yourself on a multidimensional level within your Heart.
We witness you.
The Pleiadians
11/8/22 - About Christine Day
The powerful and heartbreaking personal story of Christine Day has inspired audiences throughout the world. Born and raised in Australia, Christine experienced a traumatic childhood involving cult ritual abuse. In 1986, following a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, and having been told she had just two months to live, Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, which enabled her to move into a place of self healing. She has now been symptom free for the last twenty-six years.
“In 1994 I had my first experience connecting and communicating with the Pleiadians. It sounds extraordinary, I know, but this is exactly how it happened. I was out walking in nature. I turned a corner into a meadow and found myself staring at a huge space ship about 20 meters away from me. Coming out of the ship was a group of Pleiadians. As they moved towards me they were greeting me telepathically. I was immediately filled with an overwhelming sense of their love for me; a love that instantly awoke within me a deep remembrance of my Pleiadian heritage. I recognized my Pleiadian family and I was brought into the memory of what I had pre-agreed to do on this earth plane in this lifetime.
With startling clarity, I instantly remembered my mission here: I was to act as a Pleiadian ambassador here on this earth plane. My role was to be a bridge between the Pleiadians and humans; to create a deeper understanding and awareness of the existence of the Pleiadians, so that we, as human beings, would have an opportunity to open up and receive the support that they can bring us. Their support is essential for us to fulfill our own mission during this powerful time of transition on our earth plane.
My most important role was to bring an understanding to the Pleiadians of how we need to process as human beings. This understanding was necessary for the Pleiadians, and would allow them to create a series of ‘light initiations’ that could work for us and allow us to be able to receive these light initiations and self- birth, while bypassing the human ego.
I don’t remember getting home that day and as I began to digest my first overwhelming experience with the Pleiadians. I went through a powerful and life changing metamorphosis within. My Pleiadian aspect integrated energetically throughout my system, changing my energetic makeup. My emotional process was challenged on a human level, I was trying to take in what had happened and coming to terms with who I was and the monumental task of what I was to achieve.
On an emotional level it was difficult for me to accept the whole Pleiadian story. Know that before this experience I didn’t believe in aliens and space ships, so this experience was so huge that I couldn’t pretend it hadn’t happened to me. My human part was in conflict! Of course my spiritual part was in total acceptance. Then days later two Angels came to me, they said, “the Pleiadians are part of the God consciousness, as we are, as you are… we are one!” As they spoke there was so much love present and I knew this was a Truth. Something changed for me in that moment, and I moved into a place of acceptance. I could move forward then to do what was mine to do!
Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has become internationally renowned as the “Pleiadian Ambassador”, as a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel. She is globally renowned for her powerful and life changing Transmissions of Light that she channels from the Pleiadians. She inspires people with a clear frequency of Truth that she transmits out as she speaks. She carries a pure energy of love that can be experienced throughout the audience. She has been traveling world-wide bringing two individual bodies of cutting edge healing methods that she channel from the Pleiadians - Amanae and Frequencies of Brilliance.
Christine has been initiated by the Pleiadians in the Shamanic traditions and has lead many vision quests in different areas of the world. And has been working closely with the Pleiadians and Galactic Community to create high frequency Communication Portals for transmissions. Christine’s three books Pleiadian Initiations of Light, Pleiadian Principles for Living, and The Pleiadian Promise brings the latest teachings from the Pleaidians to a worldwide audience.
The Pleiadians and Christine present 3-Day Pleiadian Seminars on-line via Zoom. These advanced level Pleiadian Light Initiations are being offered so that all who feel called can experience the multi-dimensional setting that the Pleiadians have configured specifically to assist us in accessing higher truth and knowledge. Each Seminar is designed to align us with the changing dimensional energies as they are being birthed on the Earth Plane. Each event is totally unique, and presents an opportunity to benefit from entirely new processes.
Christine regularly offers live Pleiadian Transmissions through her monthly Podcast and her popular Pleiadian Broadcasts, which are aired at regular intervals throughout the year, and are available free here.
Christine’s work with the Pleiadians is available through a series of online audio/visual classes which are available in the store. Each series of classes offers unlimited opportunities for you to have a direct experience of the work and receive levels of healing and support in your unfoldment.
11/8/22 - Jenny Schlitz: Full Surrender
By Jenny Schiltz
Recently, I have been working with Isis within the temples and want to share with you an understanding I received. I was walking with Isis, and she shared with me how we are all going through levels of personal surrender. We have to surrender ourselves to this process, to the changes we are experiencing, and to what we thought this time period would look & feel like. We are having to allow people to experience their creation, no matter how much that hurts.
Surrendering has become a huge theme in the spiritual community; we say the words, yet most of us are not fully surrendering. We understand the concept with our heads, and now, it must reach our hearts. She shared with me that most of us have programming that is in direct opposition to surrender. I asked her for an example, and she asked me to notice how the following synonyms feel in the body instead of the word surrender.
As you read these next words, feel where they hit you in the body.
Give in
Give up
As you read these words, did you feel uncomfortable, tightness in the body, or complete resistance? Each of these words is a synonym for surrender. This shows where hidden programming can be triggered when we use the word surrender.
Think about how many times we are told throughout life, “Never Surrender.” “Don’t give up.” “Winners never quit, and Quitters never win.” Look at the word abandon and the wounds that it can trigger. Even if we have extricated ourselves from the matrix, this subliminal programming is still running. When we say the word surrender, we may unconsciously connect it to words that are deemed negative or make us seem to lack character or the ability to succeed.
We also have to look at what true surrender means. It is the surrendering of our human will, which contains our ego, trauma, beliefs, and expectations. We are surrendering our human will and shifting into God’s will. God-will is where we become more in tune, part of the flow of the universe, and we trust fully. At the base, surrender is the act of getting out of our own way to allow the Divine to lead us completely.
Isis also recommends that we look at where we have resistance to the word God. Many of us have experienced religious trauma. We use words such as Source, the universe, etc., but when it comes to the word God, we have resistance. She explained that this resistance to the word God also keeps us from fully surrendering.
I asked her what it would mean to surrender and what it looks like to go from the human will to God will. She said the simplest explanation is full trust. Can we trust that what is happening, no matter how it looks, is exactly how it's meant to happen? Can we trust that what is meant for us will find its way to us? Can we allow ourselves to be completely in the flow? To work hard when the wind is at our back and to rest when the wind is pushing against us?
This is the exact opposite of what the hustle culture teaches. Can we trust that being in the flow may not mean that we only experience things that are deemed positive? This can be quite a stumbling block to fully surrendering our human will to God-will is that we have the misconceived notion that when we are in the flow, everything should be perfect. This would be nice, but it’s not truth. There are times that being in the flow means an incident happens that brings an understanding of a hidden trauma or wound. It can be painful, and brutal, and yet it’s exactly what needs to happen, AND it’s part of being in the flow.
Full surrender and trust require that we operate from the heart space first and the mind second. All of this requires that we get out of our own way and let go of the illusion that we need to be in control. Isis explained that when one is working on surrendering to God, to the flow, they may find that their body is uncomfortable and that they are unable to let go of the spinning mind. The advice was to take a step back; pushing or forcing ourselves to surrender is the exact opposite of what is needed.
Isis explained that when we fully surrender, it will be full of ease and joy, and we will feel held. If we do not feel this, it’s due to resistance and a lack of trust showing us where inner work is needed. When we take a step back, we are asked to reaffirm our intention to surrender continually and request assistance from our spirit teams. We also need to work on how we see things. If we can truly believe that all is happening exactly as it should be, then full surrender is the next step we take.
True surrender to God is not an easy task. When we begin this process, our ego often gets triggered. The benefit is that it will allow us to see the fears that arise and where we have bought into the illusion of control. We are finding ourselves in deeper and deeper waters as we are bathed with intense light and frequencies. I have been shown a pulse that we are receiving that is coming in from the galaxy, where Source resides. This pulse is a beacon calling us home, home within ourselves so that we may know the Divine within and without.
May we use this time to surrender and flow with love, joy, and ease. Sending you all lots of love.
11/8/22 -(Video) Mikos of Hollow Earth & Telos
Channeled jointly by Dianne Robbins & Julie Smith (newsletter 11/8/22)
Intro by Dianne: Mikos is an ascended living deep within Hollow Earth where he oversees the Library of Porthalogos. Today Channel/Author Dianne Robbins ( and Vocal Channel Julie Smith ([email protected]) join host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Broadcaster/Speaker, Writer & Facilitator ( and even bring through Mikos to discuss:
How Mikos contacted Sheryl in ceremony during an eleven day ayahuasca Dieta in Peru back in 2013, only for this to be forgotten until she was ready to receive the information this summer. She tells the synchronicities that led her to connect with these guests for today’s show.
How channeled information from Mikos of the Library of Porthologos came to be received and published by Diane Robbins in Messages from the Hollow Earth (available for purchase at with a small affiliate fee paid to us in support of the show at no additional cost to you), as well as her other messages and works
How Dianne began receiving channeled messages from Adama within Telos and thebn Mikos of the Library of Porthologos within the Hollow Earth. MIKOS joins via channel Julie with messages for these chaotic times on Earth, why we are feeling dizzy, confused, and uncertain shifting between 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, how to bring ourselves peace, and the importance of self-love and compassion
MIKOS reminds that we are surrounded by loving beings and energies who want to help if we will only ask them, and discusses the importance of getting better at letting go, he discusses how time in nature can help and reconnecting to our bodies to feel truth and raise our health; more being and less doing!
Dianne speaks of how these ascended beings got inside the Earth and Mt Shasta, the Agartha Network of subterranean tunnels, particulars about the Library of Porthologos and how to use it; and MIKOS shares how to access this information NOW.
Sheryl and Dianne disclose their plans to read Messages from the Hollow Earth live on YouTube and share the contents of this book absolutely free. (Dates to be announced soon!). A picture is painted of daily life as an ascended immortal being and we are assured this is also the future of humanity
Dianne recounts the story of Lemuria and Atlantis, where these continents are now, how the Lemurians were kept alive, and the future of these continents; she shares that these ascended beings no longer have sickness or death and have no language for it (which is why we cannot go down there until we transcend these ourselves); she also shares the significance of Mt Shasta and why so many people are being drawn there now.…and much, much more!
I am Dianne Robbins, and I am a Voice for the Ascended Master Adama, High Priest of the Subterranean City of Telos, located inside the Mountain of Mt. Shasta in California, and for Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos inside the Hollow Earth. I am also a Voice for the Tree, Cetacean, Crystal and Elemental Kingdoms. My mission is to re-unite all of Earth's people through my books, and to bring about the merging of all civilizations from within the Center of the Earth, Subterranean Cities and Surface populations.
These are messages I receive and have received over many years. The messages are both current and timeless. I am a full-time student of the Ascended Master Teachings through the Radiant Rose Academy.
May Your Journey into Light be Accelerated!
Love and Blessings,
Dianne Robbins - TELOS
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11/8/22 - Mwendwa Mbaaby: You are more than the past
by Mwendwa Mbaabu (Newsletter 11/8/22)
You are not what has happened to you. You are more than the past and you are more than the stories of the past. So many people sentence themselves to a life of misery and victimhood because of the things they have been through. And yes, sometimes the things we go through can be pretty horrific: we have been hurt and we have hurt others. But the truth of the matter is that the past does not have to be the future. And that decision can only be made by YOU in the PRESENT MOMENT. In this present moment, the past does not exist, but it only exists when you bring it forward by giving it power.
The past becomes the future when we keep it alive through the power of our attention. There is nothing you can do to change the past, but if you keep giving it your attention, through your thoughts, words, and expectations, you make it your future as well, which keeps those same old patterns repeating over and over again. You find yourself dating the same kind of people, creating the same old drama, meeting the same kind of people, and repeating the same mistakes over and over again because you are allowing the past to inform your present beliefs.
Like I always like to say "everything is a story and stories can be changed". Whatever happened was a story, a brief paragraph in the book of your life. It does not have to inform your future or cloud it. You can choose to use it to write something better. The only value the past has is in allowing us to create a better today and tomorrow, and not keep us stuck. You have the power to write the story of your life however you want it to be. Don't let one paragraph or one chapter, ruin the entire book.
Think of your life like a movie. In a movie, the protagonist may be in a mess in the first half of the movie, and be the hero by the end of it. Anything can happen, and it is all up to you. Make up your mind that you will not allow the things that have happened to you to determine the rest of your story. You are the hero in your own life story! You are not what has happened to you.
In service to the Awakening,
Today's message from your Higher Self: Even in your darkest nights, never forget that you are made from light, and are at your very essence, light. As Jesus said, "you are the light of the world". This is the truth of who you are no matter what you feel. Truth never changes. Anything that seems to deny this truth is a lie. You are the light and you light up every place you are in because your true nature is light. Do not allow the darkness to deceive you into thinking that it is more powerful. It is only an illusion. Once the light goes on darkness disappears and you are that light. But when you hide your light under a basket it cannot work its magic and darkness seems more powerful. You hide your light whenever you believe that you are unworthy and not good enough. You hide your light whenever you feel powerless and defeated. Own your light. No matter what is happening, believe that you have overcome it and that you are greater than anything that happens because light is greater than darkness. Once the light comes on, darkness doesn't stand a chance! Love, From Your Higher Self
11/3/22 - Galactic Federation: A Mission of Peace
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
The story of ascension is as old as the Universe itself. Sentient beings have been experiencing, evolving, and ascending since the dawn of time. This is what the Creator wanted for itself, and for us. This is why this magnificent Universe was conceived.
You need to know that certain beings play a vital role in this ascension process that has been going on for ages. These beings and species went through the same process we are living in now and are now here to take our hand and walk us toward the light. They also have their history. They had to go through so many experiences, challenges, and changes to evolve and reach the point of high consciousness and enlightenment to come here to this planet and be our guides on this journey.
They lead humanity into the Golden Age by example; they want us to avoid old mistakes and prevent us from losing the track that leads to God Itself. It is not the first time in the history of our Universe, and others, that a group of different beings has worked together to help a planet reach its “Golden Age.” But who are these beings, and why do they want to help us?
To understand who they are and their mission here, you just have to think of your own experience and your beautiful human life. Very probably, you’ve been through so many changes and challenges in your life; you faced fear and stepped into the light when darkness seemed as the only thing left; maybe you had to take a leap of faith when hope was lost; or you’ve risked many things to fulfill your dreams. So, these beings did!
And once you overcome your obstacles and challenges and are on the other side of the unknown, who do you relate to and want to offer your help the most? To those who are going through the same things that you went! You’ve learned from your mistakes and want to be an example to others and guide them whenever you can. This is why these beings have this mission of helping humanity in ascending to the realms of light and love. They want to help us as you would help someone facing what you have already met. So, having had their own experience and, to help us in the best way, these different beings decided to unite as a cooperative alliance, founding what we refer to as The Galactic Federation.
This Galactic Federation is a cooperative group of advanced spiritual beings watching over the evolution in consciousness and ascension of Gaia and her sentient life. They represent other Galaxies, densities, and other aspects of time. They are mainly comprised of five different types of high beings who are assisting planet Earth and Humanity in this time and space. They can be differentiated into five primary Star Nations: PLEIADIANS, ANDROMEDANS, LYRANS, SIRIANS, AND ARCTURIANS. Having many more alliances with other star groups and star nations, just like any diplomatic relationship between countries, but this being intergalactic.
These are highly evolved spiritual beings of the Universe who operate and work together as the Family of Light. And they only have one mission: to ensure PEACE throughout the Universal and Galactic societies. Also, all these groups have deep connections with planet Earth; this is why they heard the call and decided to step forward to incarnate in the physical realm, coming as sages, healers, ambassadors, and warriors of light.
The Galactic Federation is the only Intergalactic alliance conceived to help humanity, no matter how many names may be given to it. And those who say otherwise just want division. They build stories of distraction, so you don't do the actual work, which is to look in the mirror and find your true self there; to work on yourself so you can be free and be an example to the rest of the world.
Therefore, as members of the Family of Light, we are now here as system busters: we are here to assist and prepare humanity for global ascension, to be an example of pure love, and to guide this world into paradise. We are the bringers of the new dawn! Don’t forget that the highest teaching is the same in all the Universes. And it is as simple and infinitely powerful as this: “God is You. Love God-You with all your Heart”. First, love yourself unconditionally and then love all of creation unreservedly. This is the only way to a fifth-dimensional experience. The door to heaven on Earth is LOVE.
And remember,
You are not alone.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of Light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Divine blessings to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation
11/3/22 - Mwendwa Mbaaby: You suffer only your memory
by Mwendwa Mbaabu
The world as we know it is not real but remembered. It is memory. Who you think you are, is not essentially real, but remembered and accepted moment by moment. We mainly suffer from memory and mental assumptions, and not reality. When you sleep at night, the world sleeps with you, there is no suffering and stories in deep sleep, yet your sense of being remains.
Upon waking, immediately, there is only the sense of BEING or I AM without conditioning. And then memory sets in and the world as it is known to you is remembered, and picked up, along with all its problems, identities, and associations. You wear all the identities, problems, resentments, and judgments again as you do your physical clothes.
If you didn’t attach your sense of I AM to what you remember, you wouldn’t suffer. If you chose not to carry these mental burdens, and simply be in the NOW with innocent perception and observation, you wouldn’t suffer. Problems only live in the mind, not reality. Reality is always perfect without the stories we tell ourselves.
Like Jesus says in a course in miracles lesson one, “nothing I see means anything”. Things are given meaning in the factory of mind. Without the meaning given, the story dissolves and suffering (anger, worry, panic, tension, anxiety, depression, envy, etc.) ceases. You can choose to restore your innocent vision. Your true self is I AM, or BEING. You can make the choice to simply BE, without attaching all these judgments to reality. Byron Katie says, “I am a lover of what is”. That is bliss. Just Be. Accept what is, without the lens of suffering, without the stories, and everything will look very different.
You can observe reality as you would a picture across a screen. By taking on the detached observer role you deny things your life-giving power. The power of being a neutral observer comes from not attaching your FEELINGS to what is observed. Without feeling, there is no reality because things are not really true for you. They are witnessed but not believed or given any particular meaning. This robs them of their power and their continued manifestation in your reality ceases. Attaching meaning and feeling to things transforms them into a belief that will then continue to manifest. That is how reality gets created.
We suffer only memory (past), and imagination (future). Even imagination is a product of memory. What we imagine is usually influenced by past experiences.
11/3/22 - Jesus through John: Only Love is Real
by John Smallman, 10/29/22
As you are well aware humanity is awakening right now! This is God’s Will, God’s Will for humanity, and God’s Will always comes to fruition just as intended, and His Will is always for eternal peace, joy, and harmonious cooperation throughout heaven – Reality. When you awaken and see the divine gardens of heaven, their brilliance and beauty will most joyfully astound you. To awaken is your divine and fully assured destiny, and the moment for that to happen is closer than you can possibly imagine.
Renew your faith and trust in God regularly during your day, because doing so magnificently intensifies the power and effect of your individual human energy fields as they interact with each other all across Planet Earth. Your presence in form now is an irreplaceable and essential aspect of the collective awakening process, and it is why you chose to be on Earth at this moment in the process. There are no accidents!
Your presence on Earth as humans at this moment is the divine Will of Mother/Father/God, and also, of course, your will. Even though, as humans in form, it is almost impossible for you to be aware that your wills and the Will of God are constantly in alignment. But yes, your collective wills are always in alignment with the Will of God.
Your response to that is most likely: “How can that be when there is presently so much pain and suffering on Earth, and when it has been like this throughout our entire history as humans?”
I will just remind you once more that what you are experiencing is unreal. You collectively chose, but a moment ago, to build and enter an unreal or dream environment where you could experience separation from Source. A state that is completely unreal and which cannot possibly exist. Because you have the Power of God, given freely and infinitely lovingly to you at the moment of your creation, along with your free will, you were able to build an hallucination, a dream or nightmare illusion of absolutely terrifying proportions – a vast sense of separation from Source. When you chose to engage with it by entering into it, you thought you were taking part in a harmless and amusing game. You really were not fully mindful of what you had chosen to do. Now you are experiencing the results of that insane choice, and which appear to you to have been the case for eons of time. And again, I remind you, it is unreal!
Your awakening is your collective choice to dissolve that unreal environment and return to full awareness of your inseparable Oneness with Mother/Father/God – LOVE. The magnificence and brilliance of that return to Reality was divinely planned at the same moment that you chose to hide Reality from yourselves, because God in His infinite Love and Wisdom knew that you would become totally lost in the experience that you had chosen to undergo, and would be unable to find your way Home without holy guidance. Wandering through that unreal environment you came upon signs and indicators offering you guidance, guidance that initially you chose to ignore. Various holy ones or mystics have, on countless occasions over the eons, entered your dream to show you the way Home, and some of them have been most highly revered by parts of the collective, and their words of guidance have been widely shared. Now, finally, that guidance is being widely followed as awareness that only Love is Real most rapidly intensifies.
Love is what you are, each and every one of you, there are no exceptions. Those you might judge as unloving or worse, are in fact, just like everyone else, lost souls in the nightmare that they helped to build. Like you they will awaken, although possibly not in the same moment as the collective majority, and they will be honored, as are you, for the suffering that they have undergone as they searched for the way Home.
Many of you have experienced the thought or the dogma of the necessity of being saved. However, all are already saved. To be saved is to awaken, and that has in truth already happened, it is just that the vast majority have not yet chosen to accept this divine truth, and so remain with their eyes closed.
Your collective awakening is, therefore, a collective opening of your eyes to the Love that you are, to the full awareness of the Love that you are, to the full awareness of your inseparability from the Oneness that is Mother/Father/God. That opening of your eyes – obviously this is a metaphor for something far more wondrous – is the moment when you reach the end of your earthly path and are most enthusiastically and most wholeheartedly welcomed Home. The celebrations that have been planned for this ineffable moment will astound you. Many of you have, during your lives on Earth, been welcomed home from overseas, from college, from hospital, or from long and painful separations, and have experienced wonder at the explosion of love you felt embracing you mightily and so extremely warmly from those loved ones welcoming you. Your joy and happiness on those occasions was probably quite overwhelming.
WELL, you are to be welcomed HOME to REALITY! Home from a long and painful journey that has seemed endless for most of you, and you can have absolutely no idea at all of how amazing and wondrous that welcome will be. Prepare yourselves for joy that is beyond miraculous. And yet you cannot. It is impossible to prepare yourselves for the wonder of which all of you are essential parts, the Wonder of Oneness.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
11/3/22 - Tunia of Pleiades on Compassion
Channeled by A.S.
My dearest brothers and sisters, this is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much. I keep being impressed by how much you are able to remain good-hearted, despite all the darkness all around you. When I land on your world, I will make sure that I have a hat with me, so that I can take it off for you. Today I would like to offer a message of compassion.
As you know, love is the strongest force in the universe. And compassion is one beautiful form of lovel. I would like to invite you to be compassionate to yourself. Very few beings have even been allowed to be born on Earth at all, because being on Earth is so tough right now. If you were born there, then you have been accepted into the 3d school with the toughest entrance requirements in this entire galaxy. I use 3d here to indicate the average Earthling level of consciousness. And if you are tuning in to this message, then from my point of view you are not just attending the toughest school, but you are excelling there. You have become a light in the darkness, which is an unbelievable achievement.
So if you are sitting a bit more behind your screen than you think you should, or eating or drinking something that you think you should not, then I would like to invite you to have compassion for yourself. If you are on Earth right now and also awake enough to tune in to these messages, then you are doing exceptionally well. You have all my love and respect. Furthermore, I would like to invite you to have compassion for those people who still fully believe the narrative from the mainstream media. To be clear, from my perspective, the mainstream media has been spreading some huge lies and I do not recommend watching them.
Some of you think of those who still follow the mainstream media as stupid, or slow, or cowardly, or as sheep, or as NPCs. I completely understand that it is frustrating to know that the mainstream media is lying, while the people around you still believe it. I understand that it is not fair that other people may call you crazy, while in fact you may be right, and they may be wrong. I also understand that this can be alienating. That said, if you are exceptional students for the toughest 3d-school of the galaxy, then they are average students in the toughest 3d-school of the galaxy. That does not make them stupid. It just makes them not quite as exceptional as those Earthlings who are awake right now.
Frankly, if I was born on Earth in the normal way, I think I would probably be metaphorically asleep right now. This is not false modesty on my part. It is simply easy to be loving if you have all your needs met and you are raised in an unconditionally loving environment. Therefore I genuinely think that Earthling lightworkers are much more impressive than I am. It is almost unreasonable to expect someone who is born in the darkness, who is not given unconditional love and who is fed inverted information all their lives, to then wake up and become a light in the darkness. It is all the more special that you have accomplished this, but that does not make the current sleepers stupid. They are simply average students in the toughest 3d school in the galaxy. Also, some of the current sleepers have souls that want them to be asleep right now, because certain lessons or experiences can best be learned by being asleep at this time.
Finally, I would like to invite you to have compassion for the dark controllers, who are trying to run the world from behind the scenes, although their control is slipping. These are demons, hostile extraterrestrials and their Earthling minions. Yes, often these people or beings commit unspeakably evil acts. I am not just talking about things like murder, awful as that is. I am talking about acts so evil and vile that if I told you what they were, you would not forget that for the rest of your life. That said, I would still like to invite you to have compassion for them. First of all, this is smart for pragmatic reasons. These beings actually feed off your negative emotions. So if you hate them or fear them, you strengthen them. Meanwhile if you can feel love or compassion for them, you weaken them. Angels and other positive beings work the other way around. Angels are slightly strengthened if you feel love for them, and weakened if you hate them or fear them.
Second, I would like to invite you to have compassion for them because they are still divine fractals of Source. I only suggest condemning their actions, not them. In general I always suggest at most condemning actions, and never people themselves. And third, often these beings have suffered and possibly are suffering terribly themselves. Many of them have had awful childhoods, filled with suffering and sorrow. Beings usually only start committing evil acts if they experienced much pain or fear themselves, or if they lacked love. You can see any action that is not loving as an unconscious cry for help. And the appropriate response is always love, plus sometimes making sure that while you’re loving them you’re also stopping them from harming others. But still: evil acts are an unconscious cry for help, and the correct response is love. How much did these beings suffer, that they now seek to control and hurt billions of beautiful Earthlings?
Of course, do protect yourself from these beings. If you are in the military or police, do consider arresting these beings so that they can no longer hurt people. But it is also good to realize that while we should make sure they cannot hurt others anymore, they themselves have probably also been hurt terribly themselves. It is hurt people who hurt people.
That said, it is critical to be authentic. If your authentic truth is that you do not feel compassion for the dark controllers, then it is not psychologically healthy to pretend that you do, or to try and force yourself to feel compassion for them. You are good just the way you are.
In all cases, I love you so very much. I love you always.
11/3/22 - Galactic Federation: Light is Information, Information is Power
By Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Light is Source information for you. It uplifts you, like the warm sun on a cold day of winter, because once you are informed, you feel more powerful. When you are uninformed, you feel powerless. And without your inner power, change cannot be obtained.
Waves, like sound or magnetic fields, are another way to carry information because it is part of the light. When you're so centered in your 3D reality, and your senses mislead you, it may seem that sound and light are two separate things because you perceive light with your eyes and sound with your ears. It's only because you use two separate areas of perception on your body that sound and light also seem separated. In fact, they are much more connected than you would expect.
Please take a minute to think that, in some way, every wave works for enlightenment because they carry information. And it is through specific information that you activate your DNA and start the ascension process. Many structures built on this planet, particularly ancient sacred sites, have information stored within the stone. In the same way, you have cosmic data stored within the bones of your skeletal form.
When you allow sacred waves, like specific frequencies of sound, to move through you, it unlocks a doorway. It allows information to flood into your body. It also penetrates the ground, affecting the vibrations of Earth and allowing a rearrangement of a molecular alignment of information to take place. Those of you who use sound and resonance when you are working on others' bodies bring about a rearrangement of the molecular structure and create an opening for information to flood in. With time, this kind of work will become more profound and indispensable.
In Tibet, when a master transcended realities and passed over, the body was kept and allowed to deteriorate because they knew the skeletal form would hold sensibility to specific frequencies. All the information from this life would be stored in those bones. That's why in some sacred places on Earth, where the lines of Divine teachings can be traced back thousands of years, people have kept the skulls of the masters of the past. They have very secret crypts and rooms filled with these skulls. When one walks into these places, one can access the intelligence factors of the humans who once occupied that space at another time by tuning to specific frequencies. Do you understand now why crystal skulls were designed?
Crystalline structures are like quantic computers: they can store and transmit tremendous information. And they were designed in the shape of skulls so we could understand, once and for all, that we carry all the Universe's information in our bodies! Many people think that, in ancient Egypt, the ankh was a symbol that represented life when, in fact, it was used, among other uses, as a frequency modulator. It was utilized by individuals who were Masters of keeping frequencies and could do mighty things.
With this new information, we are trying to encourage you to become a Master of Change. If our ancient civilizations knew about the power of divine frequencies and waves, such as the infinite energy of magnetic fields, undoubtedly, as the incredible beings that we are, we'll be able to harness the force of life and use it to build a new reality. Be informed, Be powerful. And keep a high frequency everywhere you go! Learn how to modulate your frequency, which will substantially impact your whole body. Your molecules and cells will rearrange and start to build a new reality. And, once you achieve inner change, outer reality will follow.
As humankind, once exposed to the information that enlightenment brings, you will be given abilities you would have never imagined were attainable by humans. And if all of us work together and tune in to those frequencies as ONE, you will be shown what you can do and have everything without even knowing you can do it. The Dawn of a new world is coming. The Golden Age of Earth is about to start.
Get yourself centered, clear your mind, and allow the sacred frequencies to flood and come through you. Through them, Source will offer you all the information and guidance you need at this time for this beautiful process of ascension. And remember, Divine Intelligence is always at work. Ascension is only a matter of listening to the information it offers us, in the shape of light, in the form of Love.
You are not alone.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of Light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Divine blessings to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation
11/3/22 - (Video) Vegus Nerve Activation, 10 Minute Routine
Youtube (12 min)
An excellent routine to use to access your parasympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve is a nerve that connects your brain to your gut and is in charge of making sure your organs are doing OK. It jump-starts your anti-stress response.
11/1/22 - Merlin: Earth, A Marvelous Playground
Channeled by Galaxygirl
Hi-ho students, what a pleasure to see you all this evening! For it is evening where galaxygirl is, and it is almost time for your lessons, is it not? Have you been studying, and preparing? Why yes indeed you have, every day here on your earth field is more of a minefield at times and so of course you are learning how to work with these highly cosmically charged energies! It is invigorating, isn it? This one just took a bath with Epsom salts and enjoyed a shot of whiskey. While that may not be the most contemporary approach to cleansing, it worked! We see the creativity of you Lightworkers on our side of the curtain and it is most entertaining! Your tenacity, your determination to succeed and to blast light wherever you are and in whatever situation. It is most remarkable indeed.
That is why the earth school is such a marvelous playing field, and it is a hologram, and we are watching from the holodeck in a way, although there are so many holodecks watching right now it would be mind boggling to you. And isn’t that a wonderful word? Boggling. To boggle. To boggle the mind. Hm. Most interesting. Words fascinate me. (He is sitting in his tall scholarly upholstered chair, fiddling with his long wizard’s pipe, which he always seems to have with him.) I most certainly do not always have it with me, galaxygirl (he winks) but I do like my pipe. It gives me comfort, and provides busy hands something to toy%