Introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
Sexual Healing
by Diana of Anakosha
As a woman I have been journeying and exploring within the sexual arena of swinging for many years. I first dipped my toe in the water when I was around 38 years old. I came from a place of pure joy and divine love - unconditional love. Because I had had a most unusual - and rare - kundalini-awakening experience where I went out of body and struggled with a high energy, expanded consciousness for about ten years. During those years my husband and I began swinging, which helped me to ground the heavenly energy down into the people I had sex with. We started out with a threesome with a man, then a threesome with a woman, then with a couple, then with two couples and so on. From there our playmates grew exponentially. This was back in the late 70's end early 80's when couples were just beginning to peek out of the closet to see what other couples were doing. We had a lot of fun and I enjoyed every minute of it because I saw everything and everyone through the eyes of an exquisite love, hard to define.
It has been a slow and steady peeling away of that innocent sparkle I felt whenever I had sex with someone, but it did gradually fall away so I began to see my sex partners through more normal eyes, the way other people see. It has been a very slow process of understanding that not everyone sees sex as the beautiful healing power that I do. I started holding classes once in awhile, a workshop here and there, discussions, but these failed because I was just a woman and there was always a man in my life who overshadowed my efforts.
For years I thought it was the feminine energy that had been damaged, but time wore on and I began to realize that the masculine energy has been damaged too. I tired to figure it all out, as so many other people are trying to do. The world seems to be a mess, especially when it comes to sex. I had personally experienced years of divine love with swinging partners. Beautiful experiences. Sex is holy. Sex is sacred. Then why is it such a problem. It seems swinging couples are more together than the non-swinging couples.
Today I listened to a woman speak on Youtube and suddenly I understood. The person speak on this video has a much clearer understanding than I do. I have transcribed about half of it and have posted it below the video insert. I immediately created a new page called "Healing". This information is a clear game-changer for me. Apparently there are a few people who have not been sexually damaged, who have successfully blossomed into full adulthood with their sexuality intact and whole so they can experience sexual pleasure with ease. But from my perspective and according to Shannon Post in this video, most people are wounded. I have tried to write about the purity and innocence of sex, but Shannon writes about the dark side and works with those who are in sexual pain.
This is the most powerful piece of sexual information and enlightenment information in the whole sexual field. It does not change my ideas about swinging. My platform for years has been that sex is sacred. It is beautiful. Swinging is a spiritual path because there is a variety of bodies to mirror back to you parts of yourself so you can realize and grow. Besides that, there is a power in the orgasm that is a frequency from heaven. It has been given to us to use to evolve to higher places. Like the tree which grows from a little bitty thing to a great big oak.
I was presenting the beautiful side of sex, but the ugly side, the little child which has been damaged, cannot see beauty in sex. It's going to take some healing. We are not aware how deep the damage has gone. Each one of us different. In addition, there is a sinister side to sex that is intentionally evil. This is something I didn't know. This is something important to be aware of, and how it works, how to discriminate and be discerning who you chose to have sex with. We all have a stake in our bodies and our health. A healthy sex life is a major part of mental, emotional and spiritual health. I urge everyone without exception to sit back, put your earphones on, put your feet up and get comfortable. Llisten to Shannon speak. I have transcribed about half of the Youtube which is posted below the video. Shannon Port does private mentoring in this field of sexual healing, not just with women but with men and children too. Her website:
It has been a slow and steady peeling away of that innocent sparkle I felt whenever I had sex with someone, but it did gradually fall away so I began to see my sex partners through more normal eyes, the way other people see. It has been a very slow process of understanding that not everyone sees sex as the beautiful healing power that I do. I started holding classes once in awhile, a workshop here and there, discussions, but these failed because I was just a woman and there was always a man in my life who overshadowed my efforts.
For years I thought it was the feminine energy that had been damaged, but time wore on and I began to realize that the masculine energy has been damaged too. I tired to figure it all out, as so many other people are trying to do. The world seems to be a mess, especially when it comes to sex. I had personally experienced years of divine love with swinging partners. Beautiful experiences. Sex is holy. Sex is sacred. Then why is it such a problem. It seems swinging couples are more together than the non-swinging couples.
Today I listened to a woman speak on Youtube and suddenly I understood. The person speak on this video has a much clearer understanding than I do. I have transcribed about half of it and have posted it below the video insert. I immediately created a new page called "Healing". This information is a clear game-changer for me. Apparently there are a few people who have not been sexually damaged, who have successfully blossomed into full adulthood with their sexuality intact and whole so they can experience sexual pleasure with ease. But from my perspective and according to Shannon Post in this video, most people are wounded. I have tried to write about the purity and innocence of sex, but Shannon writes about the dark side and works with those who are in sexual pain.
This is the most powerful piece of sexual information and enlightenment information in the whole sexual field. It does not change my ideas about swinging. My platform for years has been that sex is sacred. It is beautiful. Swinging is a spiritual path because there is a variety of bodies to mirror back to you parts of yourself so you can realize and grow. Besides that, there is a power in the orgasm that is a frequency from heaven. It has been given to us to use to evolve to higher places. Like the tree which grows from a little bitty thing to a great big oak.
I was presenting the beautiful side of sex, but the ugly side, the little child which has been damaged, cannot see beauty in sex. It's going to take some healing. We are not aware how deep the damage has gone. Each one of us different. In addition, there is a sinister side to sex that is intentionally evil. This is something I didn't know. This is something important to be aware of, and how it works, how to discriminate and be discerning who you chose to have sex with. We all have a stake in our bodies and our health. A healthy sex life is a major part of mental, emotional and spiritual health. I urge everyone without exception to sit back, put your earphones on, put your feet up and get comfortable. Llisten to Shannon speak. I have transcribed about half of the Youtube which is posted below the video. Shannon Port does private mentoring in this field of sexual healing, not just with women but with men and children too. Her website:
Healing the Manipulated Sexuality of Humanity
and Deconstructing the Dark Force
Alfred Webre interviewing Shannon Port
April 4, 2015
and Deconstructing the Dark Force
Alfred Webre interviewing Shannon Port
April 4, 2015
Healing the sexual paradigme starts with the relationship between your own male and your own female. Child abuse is a robbing of the innocence, the organic discovery of life. We've all been a part of it. We're all part of a global collective. So part of the healing is, we use the goddess force. It brings up such a power that, depending on the frequency of the sexual act being used, it invites energies. So all through the spectrum from the lowest to the highest, most divine, the level of consciousness of sexuality and ritual will magnetize to itself those entitites that want to take part.
So talking about evil, abuse and robbing of the innocence of children [in pedophelia] and even people who take part in it have been subjected to it, so part of it is intentional and part of it is possession. They were possessed from the time they were young. So many of them will want to heal. As they enter the light they will want to heal. On some level we chose to mate on the lower level so we fell in our perception and we created more of this beast that kept us here, so we are part of a collective that is now preparing to heal and to build a bridge between the masculine and feminine. It's the energy of the heart that was completely - the feminine and the collective energies of the woman - were completely manipulated. If you can control the feminine energies of a planet you can control the entire race and so it was the feminine. The feminine was completely [programmed], to project and to perpetuate the fallen consciousness, and children represent the feminine. Because children, before they have the hormonal changes, are still part of the feminine. They're still part of the heart energy. We all have our masculine and feminine energy. So the healing will come from building that bridge and remembering the balance. The equal liberating force that keeps spirit and matter happy working together, that allows the dark to serve its purpose without completely taking over, completely bailing the spirit from human consciousness.
AW: You've written a paper entitled "Reversing the Spell of the False Light Sexual Perception" Can you tell us more?
It starts out talking about the desire force. Because the way we run our desires is what determines our reality. The desire force in this reality is mostly linked up to the sensual appetite, and when we go so out of balance that we are seeking sensual appetites from the outside rather than remembering how we channel our desire force inward which creates union with the higher part of our being, we are then - it's so easy to manipulate that because it creates. We're in this holographic world which is made up of this false light. It is a light that is so sparkly and glitters so much when we're only in our five senses, we grab, we reach at these things, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying the physical world but we've become controlled by matter. We think that matter and form is the main, the basis of this reality, is the foundation of reality. And so therefore once you get the sexual appetite reaching outward and wanting to - satanism is materialism. It's a belief. It's a bowing down to form and everything that it takes to maintain that paradigm, which means it's also bowing down to stripping other human beings of their sovereign rights, their soul, spirits, by taking their innocence, by all of that.
But the manipulation of humanity has largely come through, it's come through collectively through the sexual force. It's at the level of let's say a 5-year-old in terms of our spiritual maturity, our understanding what this powerful force is all about. It's like we've stayed there. Not as the enlightened 5-year-ol, but the 5-year-old that's trying to do calculus, but there's no way. They're not going to be able to do it. We have this power within us We have two powers to our nature. We have this animal's nature, and the animal nature is instinctual, and it's the part that makes us like the animal world. And we need that. We have to be connected to our instinctive animal nature because it grounds us in to be here.
But we have this divine nature which is our pure link to spirit and all the memory of who we are and where we come from. So when the animal nature takes over, and the animal nature is just fueled by appetites - to eat, to consume, to conquer, to kill - all the imbalance we see in the world is the animal nature ungoverned by any kind of divine nature. It's just running crazy. And so we're feeding that with our consciousness by, and in many ways we have given permission. We've subconsciously allowed for this to happen. A lot of it happens subconsiously but we've given our consent to incest and pedophelia and all the satanism. And I know that sounds horrible to say but there's a little bit of, Oh we can look the other way as long as we have our toys and our things and we have adrenalin rushes, and there's a lot of sex everywhere and there's pornography coming at us from every which direction, and there's a new reality show about adrenalin. As long as we're getting high off that source, we're kind of saying it's like co-dependency. We'll look the other way just a little bit and not see it. A lot of that is manipulated but a lot of it is just our subconscious. We havent checked our shadow. We haven't looked deeply into our own subconscious mind to see who's runnig this program. Am I running it? Am I part of it? Through my actions? So it will be fascinating as more and more people look in. And once you look in and you get to see without any judgment, and that's the beauty of it, how actions in your own life and other lives have helped to feed and create this beast which we're trying to deconstruct right now.
AW: (garbled)
Exactly. We all carry part of the shadow, we do, and so the best place to heal is in your own life. And especially if you'd want to be really, really efficient at doing just what we're talking about, in helping others heal. Because you become the embodiment. We're meant to embody the consciousness. And we know it a lot up here [points to head] and we're very interested in it. But when we go inward we learn how to do the alchemy that helps us to actually be that chalice that's able to walk with that, that regenerated goddess force, it's the understanding. it's the true vision. The desire force. And it shows the devil Terou in the sacred archetype, shows us that it was our perception that was inverted. We don't see what really is. We see something. Our perception has been taken over by our sensual appetites. When you have addiction, when you're out of balance, you see what you want to see, so you begin to perpetuate the reality, that fallen consciousness. So we're all being used that way. Until we see that, so it plugs us into it, we lose touch with our organic process, our organic tools for being in the world.
You talk about seeing your own shadow, when you're able to see your own and to hold the space for it to be there and realign and to experience the shift within, your own understanding awakens. And the real understanding is just to know that the only truth there is is our connection to our own light, our own divine spark within us. That is our only truth. The truth is that when we know that, everything in the world begins to mirror that back to us. And we get to have such a more expanded experience here on this earth. And many of us are ready for a new way to live in our body, a new way to run our sexuality.
It's not about bad, this isn't about religious, any kind of religion or morality around sexuality that you have. It's just about understanding what that energy is and what it creates. And the dark forces understand it very well. They know what sexuality is and they know how they want to run it. Humanity not so much. We don't really look into it. We know the animal side of sexuality, which is what we're here to experience, but we don't truly understand how it links us into - it's our path back to spirit, and back to learning how to take the goddess force, the kundalini energy, and move it up to the heart, and to the third eye, and to re-establish those links that we were cut off from.
AW: Walk us through this from a biological (it's garbeled)
That is really a great question. When you look at the animal kingdom, the animal kingdom as well is governed by the instinct to mate, to be territorial, to be aggressive, and to procreate. But the animal kingdom is much more aligned with the seasons, and the waxing and waning and the natural movements and stillness than humans are. The animal kingdom is instinctually connected to the planet and is governed by the impulse of nature with a capital N. Human beings are actually, we have lost our connection with nature and the rhythm of mating with nature. The way we mate is actually, it's become part of this paradigm in that it's an insatiable part of sexuality. There's a huge addiction, and a wound that is in sexuality that's in the addiction matrix. That part is not in alignment with nature. It's out of control, it's out of balance, it's insatiable, it can never be satisfied. Whereas the animal kingdom they actually, there's a satisfaction with being in alignment with nature. So that shows us that, even on the level of just being an animal, we've lost our connection with the cycles and the rhythm of nature.
Human beings are different in that we came in with a conscious link to both worlds, to different levels of the worlds, and we can consciously and deliberately access that at will. We are able to perform the inner alchemy intentionally. We are able to take these amazing vessels that we have, of everything, our sex organs, all of our divine organs and use them to make the best use of what we have, to create alchemy, the true union, the conscious union of spirit and matter. It's a divine birthright and a divine gift. And as far as our sexuality, we're in this consciousness so there's no way you can go around it. We've seen this in religion and in paradigms that try to say you have to be this way, you have to mate this way, you have to be only in this kind of relationship. That doesn't work. It's not about right and wrong. This is what I believe through all the writing and work I've done.
We're meant to have an organic process of remembering.
That's going to look different for everybody, but it definitely involves finding pleasure with another human being or other human beings to discover what pleasure is and how it opens our heart and how it opens our mind and how it brings up our pain, our wounds. It also, sexuality also opens the wound of the subconscious and allows it to come up. It allows us access to what's below, what's below consciousness as well as what's above. Through sexuality we get, we're dipping into all the worlds. I believe through sexuality we're meant to learn through the process of our experience and through love, and that means we may start out not learning through love, and not learning through something not of the heart, and of wisdom. It may start out looking a little different.
But I believe that we're not meant to ever take that experience from another human being, to take another human being's organic sovereign right to discover that development of their sexual force on their own terms, in their own time. You know, there are certain times we come into agreements and contracts with other human beings and we agree to experience pain and suffering or pleasure, or betrayal or addiction, and then we get to learn from that. But that's very different from evil intentioned, to actually manipulate the human race with exploitation of the feminine, overuse of pornography, just saturating - our culture is saturated - to the fact that it's coming down into our children. Our children are being robbed because it's coming so fast at them. They're being robbed of an organic awakening experience in puberty.
So how it serves the soul is that it's our fuel. It's our goddess fuel and we need to, as we come deeper and deeper on the path, we need to take some of the reserves of that energy and, through discernment, learn how to focus it. At its focus, knowing how to focus it, knowing how to work with the desire force, we begin to want to through our own power of discernment to channel it to other areas that are going to really help us on this return path. As we become more wise and more sophisticated we'll want to use it that way, but that's how it serves the soul. It serves the divine union of the soul as the bride to spirit. The return of that sacred union. It's the sacred union of the spirit to the soul.
AW: My training and my approach is to look at the targeted (garbled) as a country Americans have been targeted by programming in the media, in the motion pictures, by the controllers, the people who decide which motion pictures are made, what the messages are, there has been a tremendous satanic influence in the movie industry, a lot of it at the subliminal level, in records, movies, even at the super bowl half time, which kind of ritual sacrifice can be reenacted best. So it seems to me that you're trying to remind people of the positive connection between the soul and sexuality.
Yeah, and it's so unbelievable when the veil starts to lift. And I want to bring in some of the archetype teachings around that because it's how we shift our perception. There's so much distraction and addiction. Addiction is huge too. We're being used and we're being targeted with our vices to just check it out, just to relieve the suffering sometimes. We're targeted sometimes through addiction through the media and the motion picture industry and sports events. It's everywhere. A lot of people don't know that, and we're going to learn more about that. A lot of my work brings me into - I do a lot of private mentoring. A lot of people are seeking healing. People who have been part of, people who have experienced deep, deep wounds around sexuality, and I believe that a lot of these people and sacred souls who have experienced a lot of trauma and held a lot of that, had to carry a lot of the dark. There are some very deep souls who have gone through this and now their own deep process is beginning to heal and bring it into the light.
So you can never underestimate the healing of even just a few people here and there. The light is so much more powerful. It's, it's, it's, it's infinite and as we start to bring it in, this reality will be deconstructed. And that's why there is a lot of targeting of individuals who hold the potential to go to that place. They're being watched a little bit, but once you reach a certain place you can be harassed and you can be attacked but you can't be taken out. It's all about your intention to stay in your heart and stay connected to your spirit. And to trust and to anchor into spirit rather than be pulled. We need to see these things. We need to in some ways to fight them and reveal them. But it's most important right now for those who feel called, to do the work because if you can heal who carry the wound - I see so many coming forward who are so brave and so ready to heal, if you can do that inner work you will be able to hold an energy that will just, it will be like the sun on the planet. It will be like all the avatar energies will start to come in and just begin to heal, and to heal, and to just bring things to light. We're trying to get to a place where there's just a little more level playing field and where we have a chance, where there's not so much manipulation.
This is about half of the video. Start around 44:00 to hear the rest.
The Goddess Report May 2020
Awakening the Divine Feminine Power of Humanity by Shannon Port April 29, 2020 |