A feminine approach to sexual freedom
The Village of Freedom
Only a dream - it hasn't been started yet
Only a dream - it hasn't been started yet
The joy of learning
The joy of playing
The joy of love
The joy of intimacy
The joy of adventure
The joy of seduction
The joy of spirituality
A community instead of a club
Up to now the couples lifestyle has not offered us community. We have clubs. A landed community for sexually-enlightened adults has been a dream for 30 years. In the '80's we talked about it. Someone would say, "What we need is a place where we can all live together." It would send us all dreaming. It was a nice dream. Separate houses of course, like a nudist resort. Some people have tried to develop such a place which have not yet succeeded. And there are nudist resorts that are swinger-friendly, but it's not quite the same thing as a 100% sexually free and enlightened community. This was the vision of Anakosha a long time ago. The dream took form, then died Based on her deep beliefs and visions, Diana designed a flyer in 1994 called "Anakosha, Village of Freedom, a dream in the making" and gave one to all new members. It was a very strong and pushy vision. It wanted to be born. But in 2002 Diana stopped passing it out because it was propagating false hope. It wasn't time yet. Diana lives often in the future and see's what it is like, all done, complete, alive, well and happy. But it's not here yet. It takes a while for a dream to become solid and physical on the ground. It wasn't time in 2002. The energy wasn't right. The reason being the lifestyle was too male-oriented. An equal amount of female energy had not been brought forth yet. A liberated community needs a balance between male and female energy where they respect one another and work well together in harmony. Heart-centered qualities So Anakosha set to work and started cultivating heart-centered qualities in its little corner of swinging, but by 2008 it hadn't gained much ground. While Anakosha (Diana's higher self) wanted to bring forth the light body with it's deep feelings of unconditional love, it still wasn't happening. Sexual sharing, no matter how hard she wished it otherwise, was tunnel visioned on sex the male way. It wasn't about love, but about genital sex and Diana didn't know how to change it. The male agenda was too strong. Because emotional connections were disapproved of due to fear of emotional attachments, the Anakosha parties were still male dominant. It was all about sex. Diana continued to have visions that went beyond that - unconditional love among many people freely. So how to get there? What was the answer? How do you liberate them from their fears of "falling in love?" to enjoy the greatest, most beautiful love possible between people? The YIN workshop to seed a new community An idea began to take shape slowly. An all-day workshop similar to the SSG seminar which Diana gave with Bob in the '80's. But this time the focus would be on yin qualities - feminine attributes and values - instead of parties. I think most people would agree that feminine qualities are nice, but discounted as second rate for the world we live in today. The fast track takes dominance while the slow and sensitive misses out. Besides, they say, if you want to be of a higher mind go to a religious center where they teach universal love. Unfortunately they leave sex out of the picture. Anakosha does not want to lose touch with the beautiful wholistic and transcendental qualities of sexual love. We have found the right formula of open and free sex with many people. Now all we need to do is bring love into the picture. Slow it down and enjoy it. Most people are afraid of sexual feelings It is a natural reaction for most people to think of sexuality as being a base energy of their animal nature. But that's not true. Just the opposite. Sexual energy is love and light coming from Home, from Source, from Heaven, exploding into the body. It is spirit infusing into the body so that we can live life to the fullest. Far from being animal in nature, human sex is divine in nature, noble and pure and full of radiant love. The YIN workshop is a feminine teaching since females carry this knowledge in their bodies. Let's begin to see sex as spiritual and uplifting, not animal; and free, not possessive. A new generation of couples will learn a new way of swinging from a higher level. The mysterious "x" factor When a new couple steps into the lifestyle, they begin an expansion of consciousness that soon outgrows swing parties in the sense that they want to do more than have sex together. The excitement and stimulation of sex starts them out on the path but other values tend to blossom. This is the "more and beyond" that hasn't been explored or defined yet. Couples want to expand friendships, not just expand the numbers and notch the bedpost, repeating the genital process endlessly. When the higher heart is stirred and awakened, there is an urge for more. These feelings of wanting more have not been allowed in the current lifestyle. I see some people, mostly men, pushing for more by wanting more sex encounters, while their women try to hold them back. This "more" needs to be addressed. Suppressing it will not make it go away. When we have sex with others, we expand, enlarge, radiate and grow more confident about love. We want to carry it further but don't know how. The concept of a village of freedom is all about pushing the parameters and allowing an exploration of these feelings - letting them unfold naturally - but using the feminine quality of restraint for balance. Plan events and make them happen There are many ideas ready to blossom. Many dreams locked up and buried in the minds of individuals. Once we start reaching out closely, intimately, bodily, to connect, that's when we'll start sharing our dreams openly. What would YOU like to create? It's time to start weaving these thoughts together into a grounded, earth reality in which all of us play a unique part. It's not about leaders telling followers what to do; it's about participating. Women hold the key to make this happen. The feminine force is crucial to equalizing the playing field, otherwise dominant men will step forward and start calling the shots all over again. Yang individuals don't have the capacity to pull together a love community of care-free happy people. We need the input from the gentler sex. Education to get these ideas across I know it's not easy to hear the soft voices. That's what the Yin Workshop is for - to shine the light on softness. To help women take the reins of control with their powers of unifying, supporting, and pulling it together. Men have yin qualities too, and we want to hear from them. But female bodies hold the key. Yin flows more spontaneously through female bodies. Without the grace and forgiveness of yin, we would not have motherhood or family support. We are happy to see many men beginning to cultivate their gentler sides too. We encourage those men. They are part of the yin movement and the circle concept. A loving community is not a dictatorship with a chain of command. It's a circle form of government. It governs from the heart and cares about each individual's feelings and opinions. Yin and yang complement each other This doesn't mean yang is not part of the love community. The male polarity is necessary to be proactive and move things along, but it has an equal partner in yin. Yin is not better than Yang, but neither is Yang better than Yin. Both fit together like a hand in glove. Together they create and build in harmony and peace. That means each couple needs to bring balance to their own personal relationship, but first it starts within the solitary human heart. We can't build the town until we build the people The world has been building things helter-skelter, without yin's valuable input. The yang person builds complex agencies and structures with an air of competition and superiority. Yin's simple suggestions are consistently "dissed". Dismissed. Not important, says yang. But there are ley lines to consider when laying the foundation of a building, such as the feelings of the land, and alignment of the stars and the magical component of people with similar interests. You can "dis" them all you want, but these are the things that hold families, towns and nations together. Anakosha wants to bring together the right people first before building a town, because it's the people who will build the town. A landed lifestyle community falls into place easily after that. A Native American lesson for community The Native American pow-wow is a lesson in governing from a feminine perspective. The pow-wow was called whenever the tribe had a problem. Smoking the peace pipe started them off by relaxing them. Then the council laid out the problem, and began passing the talking stick to hear what the council members had to say about it. The talking stick empowered the speaker to speak without interruption. When finished, he or she passed the stick to the next person and listened. Each person spoke from their own unique perspective. The stick went around the circle many times, giving each one a chance to alter their opinion based on the views of the others. In this way they evolved their thought to higher ground, ultimately reaching a point where no more words were necessary. The answer to the problem lay exposed like the center of a flower after all of the petals had unfolded. It birthed itself naturally. Out of the many opinions came the one answer. It was said that the pow-wow never failed. While our overly yang, busily impatient culture doesn't have time for a pow-wow, or even for a talking stick, a predominantly yin/feminine community would probably govern from a circle. |
The Vision