Awakening the divine feminine in everyone
The heart is the new baseline
The heart is the new baseline
7/31/01 - Overcoming intimidation
"Intimidated is when you don’t know the subject that the person you look up to knows. You are transferring your vacantness to that person, opening yourself as a receptive channel to him or her. You feel a lack of knowledge or experience. An inpouring of knowledge, a few more hours of experience, will make you an equal. History and culture has always been about knowledge. Control of the masses can only be done by keeping people in ignorance. For once they learn what the authorities know, they will not hold them in such high esteem. There will be a breakdown of awe and surrender. Keep your eye on knowledge and education, and make that your first and primary goal. People will always look up to those of higher realms, to those who know more than they do. The counterbalance is education. Educate! Educate! Educate!
“The other half of this instruction is to be sure and focus on your self as you are learning. Study. Do your homework. Digest the knowledge on the interior of your self. IMPRINT THE DATA ON YOUR CELLS AN TISSUES. Move around physically and do the things that will enable you to absorb this knowledge. The brain alone will not embody the knowledge. It takes moving into the knowledge with experience. Brain learns and hears the instruction but the actual eating and swallowing, digesting and assimilating of what is learned in the easy chair on quiet nights, requires you to interact with people and get your hands dirty. That is the true meaning of the story in the Book of Revelations where John wrote: “the book was sweet to look upon but when I ate it, it was bitter.” (Or something like that.) The experience of living is often bitter, where it is fun to sit quietly under a lamp and read about those same experiences. It is easy when you don’t have to get your hands dirty.
“Look always on yourself with kindness and understanding, for that is the healing balm that makes it all worthwhile. Love yourself and take care of your own feelings. The beauty of your life will soon overshadow the bitterness and turn the hardships into joy and delight and deep and abiding knowledge.”
2/20/02 - The Book of Anakosha
(This was a paper found in the files with2 the date 2/20/02. Channeled from Higher Self)
"I am birthing in you. I am coming. I am Anakosha. You are receiving me. You are bringing me forth. I have been waiting. Others have received me but they have gone off to either one side or the other. You are remaining in balance. You continue to receive my words and my energy in a balanced way, my hopes and my dreams are coming through you. I have a plan."
(Q: Who are you?) "I am Anakosha. I have been here since the beginning, since before the world was formed. I have been waiting, waiting for people to receive me and work with me and allow me to out-picture the perfection of the human being, the freedom of the human being. I AM the human race, I am the perfect manifestation of the human race, I want to manifest freely upon the earth."
(Q: What does Anakosha mean? Where does it come from?) "A is for alpha, the beginning. The end of Anakosha is also an A, also a beginning. Anakosha is first a beginning and last a beginning. Anakosha is completion. The first and the last. I am the middle. I am the perfect human. I hold the two ends together. I have been waiting to bring about the perfect human, balanced and wise. I bring the two extremes together where they are united as one. I am bringing forth a new race where no part of the human being is denied, but where all parts of the body of expression are loved unconditionally. The Book of Anakosha, I have been waiting. When you can love yourself and accept being loved by others, then Anakosha, the landed facility, will manifest. Spiritual love is abstract. It does not take physical form because it is not 'owned'. Own the love and make it yours and the power you generate will re-shape the world."
My thoughts were then directed to love, to the warmth and goodness of love. I was told the word, “Feminine”. I felt the echoes and essence of women down through the ages since the beginning. I felt the essence of women, not their outer human shells which struggled through life, but the soft, resilient, intelligent, tender femininity at the heart of each woman or girl child who ever lived. Warm femininity swirled around me. I touched it as I would touch a raw warm human organ with my fingers, liquid and pulsing with life. I felt its soul enter me. I felt feminine and sensual. I felt the love and joy and nurturing that each of these women brought to the planet, whether they were fulfilled or died in pain. It didn’t matter because they brought with them a living potential of love that they left here as a gift to the earth, and it’s still here. I said to myself softly, “Love.” I felt love and femininity as one, including the feminine side of men. Love is reconnecting to the soul. It’s the inner warmth that is accomplished by turning within to stoke the fires of one’s own hearth (heart?). After having thrust outward in competition and aggression, and driven by ambition, love as good intention is the returning home. Love begins at home for oneself. The turning within to the heart is the female in us who wants to nest and wrap ourselves in a warm and cozy cocoon in a sense of completion and a work well done and completed. Love is the one gift that we can give to ourselves that does not require anyone else. It is the hour of meditation and prayer in solitude. We can feel love even if we are alone, homeless and stricken with cancer. Love is a choice to return to the heart to elevate oneself, appreciate oneself and tell oneself “I love you”. There is a strange and wonderful power that comes forth at this time that soothes and calms the outer storm, and it goes beyond all logic. Loving oneself does not deny the world, the death, sickness, poverty and emotional pain. Rather, it fulfills them. It includes them and puts it all to rest within the heart. For us. There is no exception. There is nothing bad enough that can’t be loved and put to rest in the human heart. Love is unconditional.
Through thoughts of love swirling, up popped the words, “The Book of Anakosha, I have been waiting.” I sensed the speaker of the words waiting for a response from me. It wasn’t a command, just a suggestion. Waiting. It was not pushy. It was gentle, waiting. It was allowing me the freedom to choose. Love is never pushy. It may recede after awhile if no response, for love is eternally patient. But this time I said, “OK. I’ll do it! I will open a new file tomorrow on the computer called ‘The Book of Anakosha.”
And then Doug’s snores got louder than ever. My mind sprang to life and my eyes opened wide. There was only one thing to do. I went across the hall into my meditation room where the altar stands ever ready with darkened candles. I lit them and began a proper meditation. It is impossible to describe a really good meditation because it takes place on another level that has no words. It is a communication of the heart, soul and mind all together as one. There is usually a lot of movement involving inspiration and a deepening sense of peace and connectedness. And of course there is prayer. Then tingles come and sparkles of light and energy. And a feeling of talking with someone who knows more than me. An hour later I returned to bed still pulsing light from my light body. Sparks twinkled on and off. Words are inadequate at such a time but as I climbed into bed and dropped off to sleep, snuggled up to Doug’s back, warm, cozy and unusually connected to him, a specific message was given to me....
“When you can love yourself and accept being loved by others, then Anakosha, the landed facility, will manifest. Spiritual love is abstract. It does not take physical form because it is not ‘owned’. Own the love and make it yours and the power you generate will re-shape the world.”
9/14/02 - You are your own Source, there is no other
(I am at my desk writing. "Dear LL, MIAP, I seek to be a channel for my own higher self, I ask that light come in and channel write for me. What can I do to help my own growth and help Anakosha School of Oneness to manifest most quickly and steadily? What can I do to speed up the process? To make it more efficient, more loving, more smooth? This is the response.)
My child! You are a delight. What more can I do to show you the way? I have given you ALL that I am. We are one, you and I. We are the totality and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. There is no mistake that you sit on your prayer bench before the candles beseeching MORE! You seek more light! More truth! More wisdom! More of who you are and you are already whole and complete. Do you not realize that you have given your power to outer personalities? Other personalities? Other things external? It is but a minor shift of perspective as you yourself realized today for a moment, to bring your power, your focus full circle back to home where your Source is. You are your own Source. There is no other. Creator of your destiny, child of the Universe, you make your life, create your moment by moment, you are outpicturing who you are. Living the life of the dream that you are.
Anakosha is the dream. Anakosha is the you that you are trying to manifest, yet you seek it in other people. Give yourself the freedom just to be. Give yourself the love unconditionally that you give to Doug, that you gave to your sons. Give the love to yourself to live free of encumbrances, shoulds and should nots. Allow your pressures to fade away. Allow yourself to live with joy, with happiness, freedom unrestrained. Commit yourself to living FREE! Free of pressure to serve. Instead, commit yourself to living fully your own inner joy. Where there is joy, there I Am, your greater Self waiting for you to lay down your restrictions. let them go dear one. let them go. These are my words to you tonight as you get ready to sleep. And as you sleep, dedicate yourself to Anakosha’s School for that is your heart’s desire. Allow forth desire, allow forth the feeling, allow forth the beauty of the vision you hold. Allow forth the freedom of the vision, instead of analyzing it and trying so hard to bring it about. Stop trying! Enjoy it! Let it simply breathe through you. Let it pulse in you. Let it ebb and flow and let the vines grow where they will. Let the seeds sprout where they are planted. You - your outer personality and conscious mind has no say in the matter, no more than a child has a say in how it shall be programmed by the parent.
My child, you are but a vessel. Become the water inside the vessel. It is but a small shift in consciousness. A very small shift indeed. You are most ready. Most close. You are the One to lead the people home to freedom. Why do you cringe at these words? Allow!! Allow your mighty Self to step forth through the veil. Truly it is like your television shows depict - a nothingness in the center of the room whereby your larger and fuller Star Self steps forward to stand over you. It is but a small shift in perspective, dear One. Allow what is coming to you naturally, to come. I prepare you with these words. I channel YOU through these words. Can you not see yourself flowing across this paper? Can you not see your beautiful face twinkling in the thought being expressed here? Give me your hand, dear One. I want to take you higher still. We are standing now upon a tall mountain overlooking the world. There is darkness covering the land tonight but you are unafraid. You are a God and a Goddess in the mighty rings that surround your form. You are aware of the truth of your being. You are whole and complete. See the stars above!! In the blackness of space they are great and mighty beings and they are aware of you standing here right now. Did you know that? Did you know that when you looked at the stars before that they were actually looking at you?
Gather strength and inspiration from those mighty light bearers and see how THEY shine. They do not fluctuate, but shine their light day and night on into eternity. They can do this because they have learned the secret of their own Source - the well spring of eternal life, eternal youth, eternal power and energy. They have learned not to restrict, impede, alter, or obstruct that essence which they are, but rather to amplify it. It is the same path that you are on, my friend: the path of self empowerment by giving up the ego self and allowing forth the great “I Am” Presence of God which you are/I Am for we are one in truth, in purpose, in reality. Smell the sea and breathe BACK the sea. Taste the rainbow and radiate the rainbow. Feel the rain and give back the rain. Take the sounds of thunder and give back the sounds of thunder. Hear the cries of children and give back the cries of children - and do all of this with love and purity. Hold no malice but give love in ALL that you do. Give purity of heart in ALL that you see. Cast no shadow of doubt. Throw up no walls, no darkness. Allow all to live out the destiny and freedom of their life and give only love, only joy, only innocence and you will shine like those stars overhead. I leave you now so you may sleep. (Thank you, L of L)
9/4/05 - Register love on your brain cells
(Dear LLL, what would you like to say to me that will enhance my journey and path? Response:)
Take one step at a time. You are doing the right thing for yourself. Register love on your brain cells. Impact your body chemistry with love, for the power and frequency of loving thoughts harmonizes the atmosphere and smooths the pathway for your higher self to slide into the situation. Move your ego, your small controlling self, aside. Have it perched like a parrot on your left shoulder, out of the way. Consider peace within your heart, not your intellect. Weigh it, mull over it, process it, digest it with your heart. Be in your heart and you will know much more than you know through your brain.
12/3/05 - The answer lies in awakening consciousness
(On this day I felt the urge to receive communication via channeled writing. I have not done this in a while. After I wrote this down on paper, the automatic writing began.)
Find your center, determine your direction as you were writing in your letter to spirit last night. You wish for many things. They are all possible. You have a support group forming to help you. Use your training and the art of bringing forth individual talents. There are many who are waiting to hear from you. You hold a key to their hearts. Their egos too have been kept dangling and dancing about like puppets on a string - a string held not by a master but by a petty figure indeed. You are the master here, not the fearful ego. Let yourself shine through the ego’s murky fragmentation which so confuses.
Now! Your desires for classes are NOT from ego. They are from your own divinity. You are ready to teach and show the way. You have been waiting for support and so you shall have that support. You are ready to begin the spiritual activation of Anakosha. As you saw last night, the sexual group focus is the center of the flower. It is solid and attached to the stem running down to the ground and to the roots in the soil. You are now sensing the approaching energies of higher consciousness. This is the time you have been waiting for. The spiritual petals of the flower are ready to open. They have been closed in and over the sexual root chakra activity, allowing that focus and activity to grow in strength. As it has been growing in strength and focus it has been sending thought waves upward touching the higher realms, like bubbles from the bottom of the pond. Each bubble carries within its heart a spark of the divine. It seeks to rise and rejoin its Home, the eternal sea of light. Yet, it is trapped within a solid, or so it seems, body. Therefore it will seek its own level or vibrational frequency within the body within the windows of the soul - the chakras where pure bliss resides.
It is time to speak of the bliss that resides within the body, for that is the peace that the people are seeking. You DO know the peace and the stillness within. The teaching about ego and its role in your life is a major step to your evolution to the starting point. You understand now, what has been holding you back. You have become wise to ego. You have stopped following its guidance, which has kept you dancing like a puppet on a string held by a small piece of illusion. Now you sit in peace with yourself. That which you call a cold, or bug, is a gift to you to help you take a much-needed rest from the puppet master - a fearful little thing who is not necessary in your larger plan. You know. Underneath, you know.
Your letter to spirit has shifted your perception so that you can hear us and communicate by writing. We have given you many techniques and advice for you to use, not only for yourself, but to present them to others. You are ready to hold classes in the name of Anakosha, and finally activate the spiritual energy in that great group soul to come out and shine. It is the great missing piece to the magnificent puzzle which you have designed for yourself in this lifetime. Others will carry on the lower levels, the petty details and administration, for they WANT to do it. They are eager to do it. They are part and parcel with you. They await your coming out and moving forward with the spiritual plan. You will empower them to do THEIR job, when you are willing to do yours. Anakosha must be nurtured from the higher realms and only individuals awakening to their own higher potentials can do that nurturing.
As you read recently, it is not in techniques or technology that the answer lies, but in awakening consciousness within the human heart. For THAT is where consciousness resides. The heart is an intelligent force, larger than the brain or mind, because it is one with all that is. Source. God/Goddess. Light. Through the awakening of the heart, individuals will begin to settle down and lose some of their attachment to chaos and linearity. It is about NOW time - where peace and serenity govern human life.
We are here to serve you and guide you in this massive undertaking. We have sent people to you. Anakosha School of Oneness will thrive and grow internationally as your husband has said. He is one that we sent to you. God bless you, my beloved. We love you and honor you. You may call on us at ANY time. ANY time you need support in shedding the chaos and negative energies, call on us. We are always home! Namaste. Welcome to our ranks. You have a job to do and it shall be light.
12/20/05 - An unusual experience
On this day I am calling in my Presence in meditation and I am seeing the ligh and it is shining down on me and I am seeing my name “Anakosha” like a force propelling out of me in the form of a clear sharp energy in the shape of an “A” and an “N” and so on. I get the feeling the name is the original God name that was embedded into my soul, the spark of divinity when it was first broken off and individualized from the whole, as if stamped with a number as it came off the production line. However, in the case of a human being, he or she is given a name which is the immortal name. So it is embedded as a finely chiseled force field into my light body. It looks or feels like, if you took a sheet of metal and cut out the name Anakosha into it, and then turned off the lights in a room, and held the metal over a fire place. The name Anakosha would shine through. This is how I am perceiving it. The name is being revealed because it is coming out of inside of me as I am praying to the great divine light above and beyond me. I am calling, praying, chanting, reaching for the great light. And so the great light is coming, is reaching back to me and seeking to connect with me as I am seeking to connect with it. And what is reaching out is a force field that looks like “Anakosha”. It is a power or a force that is propelling out of me in search of connection with the great light. That’s how I see my name. It is being revealed as I am drawing closer to the great light. It’s being drawn out of my heart. This may not make sense but I see it in movement of energy.
7/16/06 - How to raise the sex energy thru the seven chakras
[Channeled from the heart of Anakosha. Received in the meditation room.]
When you see a bunch of naked people, you get dizzy. The force coming from nude people without clothes is powerful. If you don’t see the people you wouldn’t notice it, but turn your eyes on them and - whoa! I had that experience when Bob and I first turned the corner into Lake Como and saw people playing volleyball in the nude. I was momentarily dizzy. Also the first time I gave a massage workshop at the In-Touch convention. I was busy looking at my notes and when I looked up, 100 people were all standing there naked waiting for me to begin. I was struck by such a powerful love force that I got choked up. There was so much beauty, trust, freedom in the air. They trusted me, looked to me. I was stunned.
Where your thoughts go, there you send your energy. When you visualize you send energy, the same kind of energy that you visualize. You are what you think. You become what you think. Visualizations are doing energy work. If done with a positive mind they are cleansing. Light work. You are a light worker. Movement. Move mind and body and it keeps you young. It keeps the neurons in your brain synapses popping as long as you send impulses of movement over them. When you smudge, don’t speak. Visualize instead. Imagine a trail of angels coming off the tip of the smudge stick as you move it slowly through the room. Or you can imagine a trail of light-filled love sparkles coming off the end. Make patterns in the air around you. Use your imagination to do this. Visualize when you massage.
We all know what sex is, but do you know what is behind the sexual orgasm? What is it and where does it come from? Let’s look deeper beyond the surface of the skin, beyond the physical. Air is invisible but it’s real because we breathe it and it gives us life. Take it away and we die. There are other invisible elements in us that we can’t see but they are just as real. The seven chakras are very real. Energy is either stagnant or moving. A lethargic person has stagnant energy operating on habit and moves his energy dully by default, by rote or mechanical habit. When a person starts exercising he notices himself perking up, or waking up. There’s faster movement now. When I went to Gold’s gym the first time, I left that session at sunset over in Bonita and I felt like I was floating. I was giddy and high. I started my energy moving through my body again but it wore off soon and I was back to normal. When we go to a party and “have sex” with the many others, if it feels good it is good. It is breaking up the stagnant energy in your body. If it doesn’t feel good, other things are in the way. You’re not ready. Keep talking about sex because sex is the root chakra. The first cup of energy in your body.
When you massage, whether it’s a friend or a stranger, it’s not personal. It’s loving and intimate and probably felt as sensual but it’s not personal as the Creator is not personal, is not a chooser of one over another. We are learning here with our massage, unconditional love, meaning you don’t ask or expect anything back. You’re just the receiver. It is important to practice discipline over yourself because the irony is that you’re going to be turning them on without meaning to. The receiver is going to receive warm, nurturing, love feelings and they will want to touch you back. They will want more from you and may start to get a little gropy. It’s because they feel so good, free, loving and happy. So it’s important to not be pulled into that mode and stop your massage. You can’t do both easily. You can try but then you will be struggling with yourself. You can’t serve their physical needs and continue to serve your role of giving a good massage. It becomes very tempting on one hand (if you are attracted to the person) but on the other hand it may feel disgusting to you if you’re not attracted, and that will end the massage. The solution is to maintain a higher consciousness, above the physical and the personal.
The one receiving the massage, don’t touch. Just feel. Just allow. Feel the warm nurturing love coming from this giver but don’t touch back. You will disturb him and distract him, and you wouldn’t want him to abort the massage, would you? After all, that’s how he has given you these nice feelings. Instead, allow these feelings to grow and build and spread all through your body. Your beautiful chakra energy that was formerly held in a tight pattern, is being stimulated and it is expanding. It needs to go somewhere. Like when water boils in a pot, you need to take off the cover because the steam is expanding. The earth energy wants to rise upward.
The first chakra to start expanding is the root chakra (genitals). It could be likened to seven cups. The first cup is being stimulated and starts expanding to the next chakra above it, the naval. So allow it up, feel it sucking up. Image it flowing upward. Expand this feeling upward consciously. Relax. Breathe. Allow the arousal feeling to expand upward. When the sense of explosion gets to be too much, suck it up higher and allow the third chakra, the solar plexus, cup to be filled. This is done with visualization and imagination. When you feel yourself becoming too aroused you find yourself wanting to reach out and touch someone and have a release, have an orgasm. Suck it up again. Expand the energy again. Breathe deeper. Tell your massager your “safe” word, so she will slow or come to a complete stop. Allow the arousal feeling to go slower, releasing the pressure.
Your goal is to raise what once was arousal feeling, now a bliss feeling, to rise up to the heart. Keep on doing this for the throat, the third eye and finally reach the top of your head. Then when you are so full of erotic energy, and there’s no place else to go, allow the orgasm to take place and it will fill you. You ARE the energy locked in the chakra cups, locked into a holding pattern of rigidity, but now feeling free, loved and encouraged, so allow yourself to expand with these feelings. Go with these feelings, don’t abort the journey by allowing the orgasm to take place before the process has ended. Then you won’t reach the top of your head. You’re feeling free and loving and wanted. But don’t touch back or you’ll abort the process.
This is a very sacred experience. It is especially for you. Not for the giver. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit are all experiencing a “coming Home” feeling which is an inner journey It is a healing journey back to the whole again. Holistic. So bottom line, don’t get personal. Maintain the outer role of giver, giving, and receiver receiving and finish the job. We are both getting something out of this. The giver is privy to watching the action, being involved, helping, receiving good feelings from it. Watch out for the tendency to jump and make love or to focus on “make me cum”. This is not for genital satisfaction (root chakra) but for all of the chakras to fill up and feel involved. The cups runneth over.
10/8/08 - On journaling: meshing higher and lower consciousness together
Go deep within yourself and begin speaking to yourself, not to anyone else. Only you, your lower and your higher consciousness, must work this out together. It is a process. You do not owe the story to anyone, but you do owe this journal to yourself, to that part of you which is still outside of the law, which is waiting for you to collect it and bring it home. As you do, you will breathe love and caring into those parts of you which are feeling scared, ashamed, guilty or alone. The dark corners of yourself (the confused parts) await recognition, acceptance and the calling home. Embrace them with love. Draw them into your joyful and caring embrace with a smile such as no other can give, radiating beauty and forgiveness. Give them love without condition. Give them a sense of welcome to have them home again as a full part of yourself. These have been split off and fragmented from you, and thus made to feel lesser.
As you write about these parts, speak to them (to yourself) in a rational, practical, and down-to-earth manner, allowing the love to emanate outward. Thus you will begin the re-birthing process. As you draw forth the low pieces and allow them back into the wholeness of who you are, instead of denying them and rejecting them, memory will start to unfold and yield colorful pictures. You have been a higher consciousness struggling to lower yourself into a dense, mechanical world, which does not flow round about you easily. It has been hard for you to shut off the unrestricted love for all beings. Your direction has been downward, but you have fought it all the way. Do you not know that it is only as you accept the downward direction that you will succeed?
Only as you enter the finite world and shine your light into the dense fog and confusion around you, and love yourself in the darkness, can you begin your journey home. You have chosen to embody the light in a dense, slow-time, world. It was your choice. In order to succeed, you must walk the walk that you foretold for yourself. Now, go. Gather the facts of this embodiment together from the time you were born from your mother's womb, and you will make some uncanny discoveries. Remember your route in, and the turnoffs you made on your journey. Remember the mountains and the valleys and the cities and the oceans you traveled. Re-map the route by which you arrived and you will back yourself out of this place. I promise, you will remember. Your ancient and eternal memories are close at hand.
You have had flashes of your higher personage and you have identified with that higher aspect of yourself because it was so much more complete than what you have experienced in the lower, physical plane. You have not been able to put the beauty of allness together in the lower physical plane. You have struggled in your attempts to do so. This book is putting the scraps together and beginning to re-member them, the re-cognition process of why you struggled so hard, and what you were hoping to accomplish. There is great value in what you have done. The pieces are of a puzzle which, when complete, will reveal a cosmic personality who came to Earth with a mission. You have not identified with the lower personality well, but this book will help you to complete your task. Your struggle will be at an end when you are done. Life on Earth is restricted. Your memory has been broken up and scattered. Veils have been placed over your eyes and memory. Your brain has been short-circuited. Yet you still remember your heritage. Memories come and go as bleed-throughs from time to time. You have wanted to write about these flashes. You have wanted to tell someone else, but you really wanted to speak them out loud to yourself, to cement them into your being. You do not need someone else's ear to accomplish this task. Speak to Me. Speak to your Self. Tell yourself what you know, tell yourself what you remember. Regale yourself with tales of your earth mission.
Your physical brain and body have come to terms with your cosmic self, and your cosmic self has accepted your physical brain and body. They are fusing. As you write and speak to yourself, you will cement it forever into one being. Your life on earth has been restricted to an outer culture and other people mentality. Your inner awareness has remained secret and unacknowledged. Your awareness has been turned upside down, and inside out, so that you are looking outward for answers, and in all the wrong places. Your inner life retreated to a small place. As you journal, you will draw out the inner, draw in the outer, until they mesh, putting the bits and pieces together on one string, chronologically, like pearls on a necklace, both inner and outer experiences. In the end the journal will express your complete story, inner and outer, the full, connected story of not what you did after you came into embodiment, but who you are. It will be an awesome story. It will amaze you. Not because of what you did, but the why and how. The process. The reason for your moves will become apparent. You will understand your journey, and your journey is not yet over.
Some pearls on your string will be more luminescent than others. Some will be dull, some will be shocking, some will be fearful, some will be embarrassing, but you must include all of the pearls on the string, as you tell your story. You must pull together every part of your history, for it is part of your recalling. It is part of your calling of yourself back home, for there are bits and pieces out there of yourself floating in the air disconnected from one another. Now is the time for the great accounting. It is an ascending process as you climb the ladder to your own source. And so you re-source. What others say about you have no meaning now. You are your own audience, your own appreciator, and your own critic.
The greatest value of your journaling will not be in the finished product as seen in a hard-covered book that you can give to your children. It will be in your processing. It will be in the accounting. It will be in the re-call. As you recall the events and honor them by welcoming them, you will bring freedom to that part of you that was trapped in each episode that you judged as dark. That you caused for yourself. As you recall them, lift them up into the light as you would a gem found in the earth, to examine them for brilliance and luster. Allow them to shine within your consciousness. Absorb their power and energy back into yourself. Recall them home. As you speak of your history in this embodiment, you infuse this embodiment with the fire of your spirit. Put this life into an order, so to speak, as if you were making a count of inventory. You do this so that you may finish your work here. Not finish in the sense of "die" but finish in the sense of completing your fragmentation and beginning a life of wholeness, for that is Home. Home is not "somewhere else beyond". Home is where your wholeness is, where your heart is. You do not need to leave the Earth to find Home, nor leave the situation you find yourself in to experience completion. The work on Earth has been human work, an outer work, but when you are done with the human work, you must begin living as a divine being. Immortal. You will become that which you came to accomplish becoming.
As you journal your journey, you will at long last give yourself permission to speak of the flashes of cosmic memory and the visions, for they are a rich and crucial part of this embodiment. They have colored you real. Perhaps they did not fit into your physical life before, but as you weave the inner and outer life together, you will find them fitting in more easily. Do not be afraid to speak of the visions. They really happened to you and you were conscious of them happening. This is the story you have wanted to tell for a long, long time, but you thought you were going to tell it for the benefit of your children. That is not true. You are going to tell it for the sake of your own awakening process.
Become real with yourself. Become honest with yourself. Remember your struggle. Remember why you came to this dense world. Remember each time you moved from one situation to another. Remember who you were in the gaps in between. And most of all remember that you created it for yourself. This is your life. You journeyed here alone, remember? You journeyed here with the others on that grand mother ship that you recall, to live as a servant to the great ones of the Light. Remember?
Now, record your story for the archives, for one day you will want to examine the richness of this time, even as one recalls the legends of ancient eras on your planet. Remember that your life is rich and that you are important. Remember that you do not live this life for others, but you live this life for your Self. This life is truly noble. It is blessed and ensouled by the God that you are.
3/25/09 - Connect with your trillions of body cells (Higher self channeling)
My dear. Swallow your wine and let us begin. Allow yourself to let go of former boundaries. Consider your Self in a new light. Allow the impressions from Home to enter. Feel them as they strike your physical body. Cells will reverberate and resonate with a vibration that is not your common day-to-day vibration. You are experiencing the resonance in what you call “shimmering” - that which thrills your cells and feels as if you are lifting up. This is the vibration from Home. Now, join with me in connecting this thrill from Home to your present body consciousness. You are moving toward it with your mind.
Allow your body to move toward it with all of the trillions of cells that make up your body. And then consider the trillions of etheric cells that make up your etheric body. And consider the trillions of emotional body cells, and the trillions of mental body cells. You are composed of higher and higher vibrations, all with physical cells. Yes, you will be bringing forth in the Yin Workshop, teachings about the four lower bodies. And you will be bringing forth teachings of the higher universal laws. It is as you connect with your body cells, your vision, hopes, dreams, these must connect with your body consciousness, your body vibrations, in order to raise the world around you in which you live and to have an impact on your physical world. This requires movement. Action. Talking to people about your dream. It is time to stop mulling over it. It is time to start saying the words, for within the words are the vibrations that are the building blocks.
You cannot build in the physical by sitting and dreaming or sitting and meditating. I am here with you guiding you, giving you words and pictures and ideas to use. You are the one in physical form. You are the one who must act. You are the actor, I am the director. You are the doer, I am the planner. All that you think and see in your mind are MY thoughts and visions. I am sending them to you to act upon them. You are not the one who must have confidence. You must only have faith in ME! I am your galactic self, coming from the heavens of your being. You feel me separate from you but as you begin to move about and transform your world you will begin to understand that you are me and I am you and we are One. How do you begin? Just start talking about it.
Don’t worry about the form. You worry too much about form. It is not the form but the substance that is important. As the child says, “Go buy the seeds and plant them.” I will be there by your side. I will be there in your heart. I will be there in your mind and your thinking. I will be there in your eyes and ears. There is no place that you go that I will not be, for you are acting as my shell, my vehicle, my body. You have already recognized this. I am validating it for you again, to remind you. The reference to George Adamski was but another validation for you. You have been in contact from the beginning with those from the heavenly spheres. Do you remember the Duck Conference and the two angels who spoke to you in the exhibit hall? (yes) They were from the heavenly places. They were indeed angels, come to lift you and awaken you. You were asleep then, but partially awake. You are more awake today. Much more awake. Now comes the time that you must act from out of your wakefulness. (Thank you Higher Self and Spirit Guides.) Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh. Adonai Tzeveoth.
8/4/11 - Kundalini - What is this raging fire?
[One day I asked, What is this raging, roaring transcendent force? I was reading stories of people experiencing awful burning debilitating pain during Kundalini awakening. The answer came through automatic writing.]
A: "You don't want this kind of energy flowing through you all the time. It causes heat and pain where there is resistance. Ground! Have sex. Put your hands in the soil, do garden work. Go into naturally moving water - a river, the ocean. Lay down in the grass. Bury yourself in sand or mud. Kundalini is earth energy and when it hits the air it flails like an untended garden hose with too much water pressure. It can only be stabilized through reconnecting with the Earth, for that's where it comes from. Its home is deep in the Earth. Kundalini awakening is the human germination, like the seed. The human outer shell is cracking open under the pressure of a power from within. Notice that the seed puts down roots as it grows upward into the light. Humans need to do the same thing.
"It feels at first like a foreign entity moving in and taking you over. You've never felt this before because it's an evolutionary shift, one you've never taken before. It's an unknown. You are giving birth to this power or energy within, it is the next step in your human evolution. You're not going to die from this. The whole point is to grow to the next stage of human, from monkey man to God-man. Like the acorn grows into an oak tree. The little acorn goes through the very same process that humans do under the onslaught of kundalini.
"Even in ordinary life kundalini works in you. You keep trying to go beyond where you went yesterday. Self improvement is growing yourself on a gentle, slow scale. But you are continually evolving, moving past your own limits of yesterday and boundaries of yesterday's construction. Something in you wants to grow. This is the kundalini, the spark of God buried in the Earth that is put there to experience physicality and grow physicality. Its nature is to grow beyond. You have a seed inside of you, a seed of divinity, of a God creator, an immortal seed. This is mercifully kept at a low flow until it is time, so it merely drips up the spine instead of ripping and roaring up the spine in a fully awakened kundalini. It is kept slow until you have grown wise enough to handle it. But when the shell cracks open that held it back and the power of kundalini rushes forth and up the spine, ready or not, here it comes. It washes away anything in its way that is not pure and holy. And of course there is much in the human body that is not pure. The divine energy acts like a laser ray. It starts burning through the dross and the toxins. Anything that is not divine or healthy or pure.
Q: Can you slow it down?
A: "When it's time, it's time. The evolution happened. The slowing down would be to do grounding things. Physically, mentally, emotionally do things that force your attention down to ground and out to the physical world, like putting hands on people who need healing. Purify your body. Channel the energy out to the world. It needs it. It is a divine power and it will help. But just do it, don't analyze it. Take the first opportunity to channel it to someone. Hug a tree, or a child, or a pet, a cat or dog. Don't talk, just do it. You're releasing it by giving. This energy can be channeled, drawn off of the main power source, like electricity is constantly being grounded. This is where the will comes in. Will power is choice. Choose. Decide. Make a decision and go with your decision. Don't get caught up in analysis or future planning. Just do it. Right now! No thinking. Then you will be drawing the energy away from your own body which is burning toxins too fast. It's too much too soon for your body, so drain some of that energy away to constructive purposes. This is done by channeling it outward or down into the ground by your conscious choice. You have to take control of this energy or it will control you. You have to work with this energy. You have to partner with it.
"There is a God birthing inside of you, an immortal. And you don't know how it's going to turn out. You can only channel it and learn with it. From it. You don't know. Creator doesn't even know. Creator keeps on creating and exploring. Creator loves to create! It is an intelligence creating bigger, better, more, refining, improving, exploring, and you are that Creator who is exploring and creating. You don't know what comes next. You can only work with what you know and keep on directing it. Work with it. You are a part of that grand design to keep on creating. You are God imprisoned within a form of physical density which is restricting you because it is full of toxins and limitations which now need to be purged so the God within can move more freely through it. You have kept improving yourself to this point, even within the prison of the body, you have been finding new ways to create, to improve, to make yourself better. That's the spark of the divine creator in you continuing to express, explore. It's full of childlike excitement. What's around the next corner? And the next? What's inside the box? What's over those mountains? What happens when I kiss a girl? There is this passion to discover and find out. Energy is meant to move. When we hold ourselves back we take a step towards dying, because this creator inside us is the only life of this body-mind-soul. It's our life force. A lot of people are holding the creator in them back. They have shackled their own life force with chains and they are suffocating. Move! Now! Break the chains!
10/30/11 - Breathe through your feet
[I had an unusual experience this morning. Yesteerday I had a CRT treatment and massage and it felt good, opening my mind, but m y body was still real achy today, so in meditation I asked Master DK to help me find a solution.]
DK: Focus! Focus on the bottoms of your feet and open them up. Breathe through the bottoms of your feet. Breathe through your feet. You have nostrils on the bottoms of your feet.
(There followed a lengthy talk through breathing upward through the bottoms of my feet, placing noses all over the bottoms and focusing first on the left to strengthen the left, since it’s the right side that I overuse, so strengthen the left. Think left. Breathe up the left and lift it higher up through blocked veins, bringing up the fire from earth.)
DK: You do this with your mind, with your consciousness, you have been in the sky in the dreams, in the ethereal, now you are breathing the ground, bringing up the ground. You ARE the earth, your consciousness on this end IS the earth. You are creating the earth through your consciousness. You are sky creating sky when you are on that end of consciousness. You are the whole. You are the creator. You are the One. You are One with all that is creating all that is. Breathe through your feet. Breathe in the fire of Earth power. Earth has a fire and a power.
7/23/12 - A white tigress teaching
(I am focusing and asking to be a student of Master Djwal Khul, which I have been doing right along I guess. He is instructing me in how to set up the participation circle that I want to start. This is an idea I got from the book "Selamat Ja!" of the Planetary Activation Organization aout fluid group dynamics. It involves a circle which does not have a leader. DK says:)
"Have a pow wow on sex. Talk about sex. Make that the focus. Make it into a circle discussion. Make this the fluid group using fluid group dynamics. Pass the stick. Cultivate the individual.
(I see DK as a master of Tantra. Yes? Is it true? He is unfolding something to me now. He is saying:)
"The pearl of great price is the jewel in the lotus. The flowering at the top of the head as the petals unfold, reveals the diamond-like essence traveling up the stem from way down deep below in the mud. The jewel is hidden in the mud and must be raised up the spine (the stem) consciously by the individual through disciplined practices so that it can flow and open and activate the thousand petaled lotus at the crown of head, the brain cells. Feminine energy is all that is sweet. A man does not lose his masculinity but increases his personal vitality when he begins expressing his softer side. Feminine energy is no competition but acceptance of other people’s skills and appreciating them, and blessing them for the work done is actually improving HIMSELF.
"Feminine energy yields control instead of competing for control when someone else demands it. The male tends to fight or resist authority, whereas women yield to authority. It is the skill of a Kung Fu practitioner who steps back and to the side when someone aggressively attacks. Feminine energy is wise and does this only in situations as a maneuver, not forever as a slave yields to his overlord out of subservience. I will instruct you every day in the mornings that you spend time here with me. It is going to be about freedom of the individual. It is a blossoming of that which is pure and holy and divine and intelligent and aware that resides within the dense, clay animal body. It is a practice that requires focus in alone time, what is called meditation. There are instructions and techniques that can be learned from one who knows. I will instruct you and you may pass it on."
(I wondered why I never joined groups. I always shunned joining groups. I was told:)
"You are a maverick and a rogue because of your teachings. You have kept yourself separate from the crowd to preserve and protect the jewel in the lotus. The world has been denied this teaching about the jewel in the lotus which you know as the power behind sex, small focus that it is. So this is a rare teaching. A white tigress teaching. That is why you have remained detached and alone from groups. The journey of the master is a solitary one."
7/24/12 - Let your dreams go, they are pebbles in the way
(I moved my chair over to face the picture of DK on the altar and found myself talking to him. I asked, “Why am I so confused? My mind keeps changing about forming a group. I am so confused. Why?“ I continued talking to him and in the middle of the question I started getting the answers - words just floated in between my own words, seemingly my own but I soon realized were not. I was in a peaceful non-thinking mental space after doing exercises.)
Let your dreams go. They are pebbles in the way. Flush them out. Become NO thing. Become void. Become. Don’t change things, just be. Don’t heal people. Just be. Don’t want things to happen. Just be. Be the want, don’t focus on WHAT you want. Be the change but don’t focus on WHAT you want to change. Be the healing but don’t focus on WHAT or WHO you want to heal. Do you see? Do you understand the difference? What you focus on becomes solid in 3D. It becomes a pebble that today you might want but tomorrow you will not want and it will be an obstacle in your path. You are being shown many things that you want, only to have them dissolve before your eyes the next day. You are being shown that wanting these things, these material things in the physical world, are illusions. They shift and change hourly, daily. You are being shown how to not want but to remain in an open fluid state of consciousness. The void.
The monks who do elaborate sand paintings, magnificent, intricate designs, and then blow them away, are doing exactly what you are doing now: creating a picture of your desires on the world and then blowing them away. Do you understand? YOU are the lesson. You! You are the reason, the cause of what is happening to you, for you. YOU are giving yourself a lesson. A truth. An awareness that you need to understand in your 3D body in order to stop doing what you have been doing! Stop wanting a group. Stop designing a group. Stop wishing and praying for a group. Stop trying to figure out what kind of group you want. Stop changing your mind to create new designs. Stop! Let go. Allow yourself some peace. Stop trying. Stop changing. Start enjoying your freedom from trying. Even wanting freedom is an illusion. It becomes a pebble in your shoe to focus on freedom. It becomes irritating. It becomes a “thing”. It becomes an obstacle to you.
You are a grand design, created by the Creator itself. You are magnificent in your own right, when you stand alone without all these little pebbles that have worn you down from wanting them and not getting them, or wanting them and getting them and then getting bored with them. The coming and going, the creating and dissolution, the building and designing, the controlling that is required to build something - these are all part of the 3D program that is dissolving now. It is the old program that you have been operating within. It has been a carefully constructed grid work that you were born into and locked into but now the grid is ending and breaking up, leaving you standing there alone with yourself. You are beginning to understand, but you had to remind yourself of who and what you are by speeding up the process of wanting something and then having it disappear and then wanting something else and having it disappear. Creating and dissolving. It is the 3D program ending to make room for the new program that is coming in. You are beginning to understand that you exist beyond the program of cause and effect, of duality, of build and destroy. You exist in a larger field of intelligence and play. The end of my sermon! (I felt DK fading and it left me feeling empty for a moment.)
7/25/12 - Don't hold onto your dreams
(I asked DK, What do I do with the new dreams? They keep coming and coming. I am confused. I can't let them go if they keep coming?! I have paper and pen in hand and write down his response.)
I didn‘t say to suppress them, or to cut them off. I said “Let your dreams go.” Don‘t hold on to them. Let them keep coming, and let them keep going so there is a flow, like a river. It is your mind that tries to capture the idea. To wrap it up in a pretty package with a bow on top like a title. Your mind, when you do this, stops the flow. Remember a long time ago you were told not to grasp the shooting star - the idea - because the tail is still coming in its wake. The tail of the shooting star contains the how, where, why and other practical information to follow. That which explodes in your mind is the shooting star but there is further information to follow, which would lead you in understanding how to implement the plan because it is not yours alone to implement. There must be others. This is the flow that is coming behind the first implosion. If you stop the flow - this brilliant new idea that has came to you - by grabbing it and trying to capture it in your hands, the flow, the movement is stopped. This is what happens to many people. They get an idea and think it is a most wonderful idea, and they try to capture it and put it under a magnifier to examine it for flaws. And the grace and beauty of this magnificent gift is diminished to a “thing”. It is shut off and becomes finite.
Yesterday, for example, my instruction was the beginning of a new thought for you. You took it and ran with it. You tried to package it. You did package it. But now you are experiencing overwhelm. Your mind closed on it. Your mind packaged it. And you became confused. What next, you thought. Now more information is coming to you today. Yesterday I did not tell you to suppress your dreams or to shut them off or to sit and examine them under the microscope of your mind. I told you to let them go. Now I add more to that statement. Let your dreams go so more dreams can come. Let them come and let them go, and then more will follow and you will let them go too and still more will come. Do you see the idea from this example? It is a universal process of downloading information from the unformed into the formed or finite world. Intelligence is infinite, but for it to download into a human brain it must come in the form of a stream of consciousness, a thought that resembles a path which is presented to you in an orderly fashion. It comes from an infinite open sky space in a kind and gentle manner so that it does not overwhelm you. There is more to come.
When you open to your higher self you begin receiving a stream of orderly “more“. You begin to perceive more. You already know this, you have merely forgotten. Now, because 3D is crumbling you are receiving ”moreness”. More information. More excitement. More knowledge. More creative ideas. More things to study. More people to meet. More possibilities. More paths to take. More of everything and you are experiencing overwhelm, which is confusion, because you haven‘t disciplined your mind to stay open to the flow. It’s too much because your mind is trying to grab it and “package” it in the old way. The way of 3D. That doesn’t work any more. You are now learning how to live in 5D where there are no limits. You can’t put this new information in a box any more and package it and sell it as yours. It requires you to let go of all new concepts that come to you, wonderful as they are. Beautiful beyond anything you‘ve seen before. You want to own it but you can’t grasp it. There is no owning or monopolizing in 5D. In 5D your mind must open wide and let information flow THROUGH it so it can fit into the wider playing field that you are moving into. Life must be allowed to unfold in a more open and natural manner.
7/26/12 - How the creator creates through you
(In meditation room talking with DK. I am asking, I am in need of understanding. I want to “do” things but I am not supposed to “do”. How do I accomplish things without doing? I am a physical being. I walk, talk, and people see me. How am I to live here and do my part if I don’t “do” things? I am in need of further instruction. One thing I want to “do” is learn more about loving with the physical body. He is responding and I am writing.)
The ideas are coming into you. You are perceiving them but not grasping them. Merely watching and observing. The ideas are settling into the cells of your body. Creator, the vast infinite intelligence, is creating through you. It is not you, the outer shell of you, that is creating. Creator is using you, your physical body. Creator pushes through the mud and heaviness of your beliefs, doubts and disbeliefs with its pure ideas. Creator enters your physical vessel through the cells of your body. Your DNA is activating. New strands are allowing creator -- and you are a ray of creator but you didn’t know. You therefore had doubts and a very low sense of self worth, so these layers of not-self are breaking through now. Once creator has a sufficient foothold in your trillions of body cells through the DNA helixes awakening, the radiation starts to shine through you. It shines through your body, not your mind only. Your brain cells are part of your body so you perceive the idea radiating out into the world around you, but your limited conscious mind is not doing the creating. Do you understand?
(I had a thought that my body is like a light bulb creating light.)
Yes, your body is like a light bulb. The electricity flows through the bulb filament and radiates light, but it doesn’t create the light. The power running through the bulb is greater than the bulb so the bulb must yield and remain an open conduit for the power of light to run through it. The bulb only radiates light when it is open and turned on. If there is resistance in the bulb the energy no longer runs through and the light will stop. The power stops. You are like the bulb but you are an organic body, not metal and glass. You are a living walking moving instrument for creator to create through. Creator requires you therefore to become a conscious and willing co-worker. You as a finite being in 3D with limited understanding of the process of creating with creator, which is infinite and formless seeking to move through form, are learning to draw your inspiration, ideas, power and push from the infinite, which is unknown and unformed. The void is the heart and womb of creator. As you struggle to remain open to receive this understanding, you are allowing the unknown and unformed to become known in the world of form, as sound, light and beauty. You are creating as you write these words down on paper the subtle ideas that are coming to you from beyond you. Remain open only for as long as you want to receive from the unknown and unformed by dipping your consciousness into the infinite to draw forth inspiration.
You are drawing forth forms out of the void and putting the unformed and unknown - infinite possibilities - into formation so that it is understandable. In-formation. Yes, your body is getting it, too, as this in-formation enters into the trillions of cells of your body. Not everybody receives through their body as you do. Many people receive only through their minds, which does not last. You are receiving with your body cells, not just your mind. You are lighting up your body in this manner. You are an ongoing creation of creator. You never stop receiving inspiration from creator as long as you remain open to these inspirations. You will continue receiving as long as you allow infinite possibility to flow through you. When you close it off, you will slowly allow the body to die and eventually your evolving soul-spirit will move on to a next level, which you will have a part in deciding, for you are a blend of you the creator and you the lesser.
As your body continues to radiate and grow stronger in its radiation, the project you are seeking to create will attract others who will add to the growth of the project. You are not doing this alone. You are working with Creator which created you. You are learning the cosmic laws of how to work with creator in a more exciting, and efficient and joyful manner than the 3D program could offer you. There is an infinite life ahead of you. Your uniqueness - that which is your unending desire to create - is the Creator desiring through you. It is not YOU desiring it. Therefore you alone cannot achieve it. You must learn to remain open so that Creator can help you accomplish your project.
8/12/12 - Kundalini must be released slowly
(On this day I started out doing spontaneous movements while inviting Kundalini to activate and come forth. I started saying, Kundalini is sweet. Kundalini is gentle. Kundalini is soft, and soon the words started coming forth on their own.)
Kundalini lives in every cell of your body. Kundalini is love. Kundalini is feminine, softness, nurturing and healing. Kundalini is sweet and kind and adoring. It is elevating and peaceful and kind. Humans cannot take this huge love energy all at one time. It would wipe out everything human and dissolve humanity in its wake. It would cause complete destruction of human lives. All resistance, manipulation, false beliefs, control, greed, pride - everything that humans are made of and have made for themselves - would be eradicated in an instant if Kundalini were free to move through the body in all her glory. None would survive. Kundalini is Mother God, the feminine aspect of God Creator. Kundalini is God planted in the human vessel to keep the body alive and growing by slowly dripping its life-giving essence up the spine from the tailbone. The soul who occupies the body learns through experience and cause and effect about the laws of Kundalini, the laws of God, of pure unadulterated and unconditional love.
By learning how to be loving, kind and good and to use right thinking and right action, the soul brings forth more love, light and goodness into its life and body cells. The soul learns to open the door of infinite love (Kundalini) slowly. If it opens it too fast before one is prepared for the huge rush of God-power, it would unbalance the body and mind. It has been said that the spiritual path is strewn with dead limbs and dying bodies from releasing the God power (Kundalini) too fast. One needs to work up to greater love and greater light in the life. It must be done gently. One learns to be more delicate and graceful gradually. There is much processing to be done. The weaving of God consciousness into mortal lives must go slowly. Too much love and too much kindness invites disaster if the individual is not ready. The carefully controlled human life, the limited and controlled humanly-designed life, is a mixture of limited beliefs. Kundalini (love) melts these controls. This can cause havoc on the psyche.
In past ages one went into the monastic life to prepare for kundalini activation or the mystical union of God and human. Prayers, worship, adoration and service to others was a way to prepare the body and mind for the inpouring of greater love and awareness. Kundalini was not always called kundalini. In the west today it is known as the Holy Spirit, though few recognize the similarity with Kundalini. Nor do many recognize the nature of it, what it really is, how it operates and that in fact it is universal intelligence, unlimited infinity planted in the center of the body as a seed for future germination. The divine plan is that when the right conditions are set up by the soul itself, by preparing its own human vessel as if it were a garden, preparing it with an open mind, an open heart, non-resistance, non-judgment, and peaceful, loving, worshipful thoughts practiced daily, then the body is made ready to receive the quickening. Then the life is a good and honorable life and the body and mind are prepared from within, and the gentle opening takes place.
Kundalini activates and the evolutionary energy begins to move as the softest, gentlest, most beautiful rapture upward through the body, quickening, elevating and expanding - a feathered serpent. The sowing of the God seed in a fertile mind and body is done quietly in the dark. Quicken is an old word meaning to mean “activate“. The God power within is quickened into activity when the ground is made ready. It is beyond the comprehension of the mortal mind which only knows what it has gained from birth. It is also beyond the comprehension of the soul who has an accumulated amount of wisdoms from hundreds of lifetimes, with a steadily increasing amount of life force dripping up the spine to the brain and back down again, quickening the metabolsim. One must learn to step back and allow the grace to take over the body. One must learn to work with it as a friend, to communicate with it, to talk to it, listen to it, and offer it questions and directions. One must learn to go with its flow when it is flowing and allow it to cease without questioning when it ceases. Develop a relationship with Kundalini just as you would another, wiser, human being, because it is more intelligent than you and more powerful.
8/16/12 - Circulating love thru the entire system
(In the middle of a new toning I heard “The human body is designed....” several times with a sense there was more to come and it was waiting for me to acknowledge it. So finally I sat down and took my clipboard and began to write.)
The human body is designed so that the love from Home can be circulated through the entire system. There are four lower bodies - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - all of which are misaligned so this must first be corrected. Then there is the meridian system which carries the love from Home to every cell in every body. And then there are the chakras - the portals - through which the love from Home enters into each of the four layers. The human soul is here to learn from experience, trial and error, how it all works, to figure it out and put it all together. To realign back into perfection once more. Once he or she learns this he or she becomes legendary, for he or she is a waking grace, a walking, talking god or goddess on the physical Earth plane, also on the emotional, mental and spiritual planes. The physical is the densest and most difficult to bring the love from Home. But you have done it! You have succeeded.
Now you must realize that you are standing alone here and are rare. No one else is at this place with you. Yes, you can teach but more importantly in your daily and hourly life while in body, radiate this love from Home to all you meet and share space with. You are a jewel, a gem, a diamond, walking on the Earth in Naples. Do not expect others to know the things you know. Do not expect them to learn. They are on their own journey. They are each on their own discovery process, trying to figure it out. The best you can do to help others and the Earth is to simply and lovingly be the mirror and reflector of goodness and love from Home, in all situations, all circumstances, no matter what or where or how it appears on the Earth plane in outer reality. Hold onto that love from Home. You are a steady and persistent anchor for love and light. Be that love and light, communicate it, write about it and speak about it. It is the presence of the most high, the most holy in each person - not out there somewhere in never land, but the most high that is real and good and honest right here in this person right now. That is what you are reflecting back to them - that which is the most holy and the most high in them, as a human being. DK
8/17/12 - The guru-student relationship
(I sat down doing some breathing and stretching on the chair and was asking for a protocol for Tantra. I have a man who wants to learn Tantra and I tried one time with him but I had to step back for my own shortcomings. As I sat there my mind opened and I felt the writings coming so I took the clipboard. My mind started to receive this thought first and I started to ponder it but then the words came forth in a gush.)
Other people’s teachings are beautiful, but if you have not fit them into your active life, put them into action on a regular basis and if you have not made a piece of wisdom your own, to claim it, then it is beautiful but it is as the fluffy clouds in the sky. They will disappear from view. You must cement a new awareness into your action to make it yours, rather than a quote from someone else whom you admire. The guru-student relationship is a sacred one. The guru does not give his student pretty words but practical advice and then waits to see whether the student will show signs of owning it and using it in his daily life. The guru can tell if the student has absorbed the information for he can see the student standing straighter and stronger and thinking for himself, not leaning on the master as much. The student has planted the advice in the garden of his life and is trying it out to see if it works. He must show signs of this happening before the master can give him another piece of the mystery to solve. For the student will become lost in a maze of words that mean nothing and go helter skelter into chaos, if he does not build a strong intelligent support that makes sense to him. Then he can return at day’s end of discovery and service and find rest.
The guru will not give his advice unless there is a qualified receiver. The student must ask before the master will give. The master is on his own journey of self-discovery. He has learned not to cast his sacred energy to the wind randomly, for it is his power that he loses. He does not lose when he throws his power to a student who asks for it, for then the student is an open receptacle and grows, and the master grows then too. The master watches and detects when it is time to throw another morsel of wisdom to his student to work with. When the student grows to meet, match and perhaps even surpass the challenge that the master gave him, then the master also evolves. All of life falls forward when the one on the bottom grows to a higher understanding. DK
8/18/12 - The light inside the pain (a personal revelation)
(I was so achy and hurting when I got up this morning that I asked "Why?" as I went into the meditation room and sat down to do energy work. I was really stiff, unusually so, like iron. "What can I do to get rid of this pain?" I kept repeating that question. Then I got that I should not try to get rid of it but to love it back into myself.)
"Enter into the pain and surrender to the pain because inside each pain is a particle of light that has been rejected or pressed down under and forgotten." Then the whole thing opened up and I saw the whole planet filled with repressed truths, like glowing diamonds of pure innocent light, crystal pure Creator light and love, that was repressed for one reason or another and buried. This has been going on for eons. These truths - innocence, purity, wholesomeness, naturalness, creative expressions - that have been squashed and squelched are now covered over with darkness and many of them are so ancient nobody remembers them. But the light is still there inside the darkness hidden away and forgotten. The darkness remains because the light is still there and somebody doesn't want that truth to be seen so the covering has to remain over it. I saw this so clear. It was amazing how clear this was to me. These little sparkling particles of Creator covered by a dark shell are everywhere, like dark grains of sand on a beach, some small, some big, some connected, some standing alone. All sorts of things, maybe as small and insignificant as when a little child was smacked for doing what came natural to her and she had to bury that moment. Or a pretty young woman who was naturally flirtatious and dancing around enjoying life and she got raped, so she had to hide her fun-loving side.
Many babies born out of wedlock and that beautiful truth buried beneath a covering of lies. So many things, so many natural spontaneous beautiful spirits - creator lights - who were shut down and buried. I saw the whole planet covered by this dark stuff, but inside each piece of darkness a beautiful radiant piece of creator light. Now I understand what the darkness is that covers the planet. It's there because it's hiding the light that somebody tried to express naturally but couldn't. So I was told that the pain is my friend and so to face it and walk into it and welcome it, surrender to it and appreciate it and love the beauty of the darkness - not just the light but the darkness too - because it served you. Appreciate what it did for you. Love and honor the pain and the darkness and by so doing you welcome it and absorb it back into yourself because it's your darkness and pain - you created it - and I saw there was no difference between my pain and the pain of the planet because it's all connected. There is no "mine and thine". It's all part of the human consciousness. Embrace it and don't try to push it away anymore.
When I got up the stiffness was still there but I found myself bouncing downstairs with a lot more freedom and lightness than I had when I first got up. So there is a lot of truth in lightening up and getting rid of old stuff. Thank you, DK
9/22/12 - You are your own authorities
[I woke at 2:30 and couldn‘t go back to sleep, kept seeing cell phones in my mind. Taking pen and paper I started automatic writing.]
"You are your own authorities. There is no one - no one! - who can tell you what to do, how to act, to bow down and serve the wishes of others. The religions have been a sophisticated tool to control you. They have stolen your attention, your power, your thought, your belief in yourselves, away from you. There is no authority given over you by Creator, by heaven, by the angels or the Brotherhood of Man - there is ONLY freedom for you. The Earth is your happy paradise. Doug is correct when he says it is a garden of Eden for lovers. You ARE meant to love one another freely. In all ways, in all dimensions, in all programs of thought and creativity. A wonderful blessed garden of lush tropical beauty awaits your coming out, your breaking free of the tight control that others have placed on your mind, your thought, your emotions. Break free with your feelings. Dare to breathe. Breathe! Breathe free in your feelings for one another. Even swinging, as free as you felt in that field of pleasure, was not free - for you were still fighting the structure that had been imposed on you. You FELT you were climbing over a wall, you FELT secret. You felt the wall itself was still there.
“It is time to place yourself outside of the wall into the open fields under the sky and the clouds and the rain to enjoy freedom from old structures. No more garden walls. Only freedom to create, to love, to express your innermost and your higher most thoughts that you enjoy when you are alone in the quiet hours. These inner, higher thoughts and impressions are YOU, your talent, your song, your beauty, yes, your skill and your talent, given to you, bestowed unto you, to present to the united world that awaits you. The glorious beautiful free world of light, love and happiness. (I remembered the cell phone image.)
“Yes, the cell phones were given to you as a rudimentary tool to reach out to others to communicate while mobile, disconnected from the old structure, the old buildings, the old fixed wires in the ground and on poles. You are free now, and the computer has given you access to knowledge you did not have access to before. So now you can ask your questions and open up a fount of information. But you still need to filter that information through your OWN heart and mind. Yes, measure truth through the fine and delicate frequency of your own sensing detectors. As you write these words you are practicing to receive. You are feeling and sensing. Breathe deeply. Breathe gently. Allow the words to flow through your heart. Yes, focus on your heart and the shining light of the sun in your chest. Allow that shining light, that sun, to filter these words coming through to your waking consciousness. You will soon be teaching others to feel through their hearts also. Practice at this. When you watch TV, listen to radio, read emails and books, filter this "in" formation of energy as it rides outward to your consciousness on your own frequency. You are a frequency forming a focus. You think of yourself as a body. Begin visualizing yourself as a sun shining in your chest, pulsating there, ebbing and flowing and sending messages out to you, your outer consciousness, your outer body, from higher planes.
(I stopped to think about that and the flow ended. Then, Full disclosure? I want to help. Is there anything I can do to help today in posting on the internet?)
“No, you have done well to come in to practice feeling our words. We will wake you when it is time to receive another message from us to the world. You are doing well with the many projects we have given you. Focus on those projects during your waking hours. We have cleared the decks for you so you can work undisturbed on these projects. You are our hands and feet, our bodies on Earth. Tell the world about us, the Galactic Federation of Light of which so many in your world have not a clue, even though they have listened to and watched the Star Trek movies. Those who are still caught in the matrix of convoluted psychological holograms, are yet prisoners of a false reality that is not a free world for them. You and other light workers are dismantling the grip of the Anunnaki but others need guidance. Breathe the light through your heart center for your heart center is love. Breathe everything through your love frequency. Love is the filtering mechanism. Love allows "information" that is pure in intention to come through. Lies, whether by purpose or by ignorance, either way, falsehood cannot pass through the filter of love - divine love - the light of love.”
5/13/13 - Empowerment does not come from within
[After a women’s gathering here on the patio I was disappointed and asked DK to comment.)
Empowerment does not come from within, it comes from above. There is a marvelous wonderful beautiful secret within your heart and you seek it in others in the hopes of finding fellowship with like-minded individuals. But all you do is end up projecting your wishes, hopes and dreams onto others, and pinning them there and then finding disappointment when these same wishes and hopes are not mirrored back on the same wavelength.
Our current self is the product of our past. Every time we look for answers in our self we are looking for answers into the past. Empowerment comes from above, not from the present or the past. The above means the higher self which is the Father/Mother God of ourselves. It is our higher potential which is wiser than we are today this moment.
Now you are ready. The outer covering or manifestation of the beautiful energies from Father/Mother God has been darkened and altered in your world. You have managed to step around it and not be affected by these alterations and darkness of the divine which you remember, but you see through eyes that are not totally discerning. As you women met and talked you spoke, each one - yourself included - through the coverings of darkness, not from your enlightened potential which is above you and beyond you. Yes, your potential is within but in each woman it is a small simmering fire, not a large blaze, and this small simmering fire is often lost in the darkness of external experience and the darkened memories of the past. That are painful and thus you step aside and around the pain and cover up the pain pretending that it is not there. The divine spark has got to be brought forth into a flame large enough to see. And the use of the violet flame is a necessity to clear away the debris from your darkened aura.
Now, you see, don’t you? That it is important. It is critical to your teaching about empowerment, to show others how YOU did it. Empowerment and its accompanying cleansing and purifying, comes from above. Yes, you must call forth angels and cosmic beings who are above you in development and who know how to overcome the forces of outside interference to that development. The higher beings know but it is your own holy mighty I Am Presence that is your life force. It is the power that you draw upon for your breath. It is the power that beats your heart and circulates your oxygenated blood to your brain and activates the hormones that activate your organs that enable you to walk, talk, think, feel, taste, smell, see and hear. Empowerment comes from your Mighty I Am Presence above your head which is not in this world. You must look UP, not out to others to find your empowerment.
There is a holy link between your Mighty I am Presence and your flesh body and mind where you currently are located. There is an ongoing process going on between your Higher Presence and your Lower body, but that process is thwarted and delayed when you look outside of yourself to others for answers and for support or for validation. They cannot give it to you. You do not become empowered by gathering and comparing histories and earthly knowledge and the opinions of others. Your empowerment comes from waking up, by looking up Your empowerment comes from stopping that seeking and comparing, which causes you to judge the other as lesser or greater than yourself. Your empowerment begins when you stop seeking outside for answers and start using the mighty techniques to open the inner doorway to your own light and love within. Start using the techniques to access and open the light and love within, for you are a mere child of that great love and light, your Father/Mother God/Goddess that is above you still pure.
Be a signpost and a guide along the way for those who want the light. You have been following guideposts and signs left by others who were ahead of you in understanding that the great immortal power which mothers us and brings us into life and form and adventure to learn and grow and become better and overcome the other (outer) obstacles - that great power comes from YOU! It comes with your looking UP, not down or sideways. It comes not from within but from above. Yes, the doorway is within your body. It is within your cells. It is within your blood and flesh, your nerves and organs and bones. But the doorway is only a threshold. The threshold is within you but the power is above you. Look up, not down or sideways or into your flesh body. Look up both with your eyes and with your attitude. Prayer, meditation techniques, yoga or other physical disciplines, breathing, visualizing, sacred sounds, all of these are methods used to connect with that which is above you. Your mighty I Am Presence.
You in embodiment descended (manifested) out of your magnificent goddess self which is all powerful as it is a cell in the divine body of God, the sea of immortal intelligence. The process of linking up with your God-Goddess Self is a daily process, daily practice, even hourly practice and by the minutes. But most human beings have not been taught that there is a higher individual self, and how unique an identity that it is, never mind how to access it. THIS is where your empowerment lies. They look to others for love and for security and for knowledge. But the only true empowerment comes from YOU with a Capital Y. Your divine self is unique in all of GodGoddess’s universal sea of intelligence, love and light, your Mighty I Am has a special identity, a special signature and a special name which defines you as unique and different from all the other intelligences. And you, in your body right now are a representative of your mighty I Am Presence. Your holy God-Goddess self that never descended to Earth and so remains pure love and pure light and all-knowing as God-Goddess, Father-Mother God is all-knowing. You are on a mission to gather knowledge and send it up to your home base in The sky.
You talk to your home base sometimes in the silence of your dark hours when you most need a friend, for comfort or validation, but you forget to talk to home base in the day light times when the world is busy and pulling you left and right and you allow yourself to get caught up in the forces of the outer world and other people and you grow Weak and weary and stressed and you develop aches and pains and diseases because you do not feed your body with the proper life force. Death overtakes you from utter exhaustion and weariness. Your body fails and you are then born again to try again to learn the secret of immortal power and quickening life.
The answer to empowerment and rejuvenation is to take time out often, hourly or every 20, 30 minutes and link up with your Mighty I Am Presence, which is not the BIG GUY who serves everyone alike, but one who is your own divinity, your own Father/Mother God/Goddess All That IS - it is all yours. Unique in the whole of the creation. Yours alone. No other will do. Your Mighty I Am Presence is You, where you come from by the second. It is pouring life into you this very minute as you listen or read. As you walk and talk, Your Mighty I Am Presence is channeling into your flesh body and your mind and your feelings and organs. It is keeping you alive. Look to it! Look up to it! It is there above your head in the crystal clear sky above you. You have a signature unlike any other signature in all the universes. No one can tell you how to live your life but your Mighty I Am Presence can tell you. It is telling you now. It is whispering to you all the time through the rhythms of your heart and mind and feelings. You are uniquely conscious of yourself and that you are alive.
You can become MORE conscious, and even MORE conscious than that. You can become so conscious of yourself that there is no more question of who you are. So that one day you can say, “I Am who I Am!” And then you are linked up with your divinity, your Father/Mother God, and you are home, free of the chains that bind human beings to confusion and loss and poverty and lack and darkness and hate. You are an identity apart, but you can lose that identity by listening to others and falling into the snares of what others tell you to do. Listen to your heart alone. It is this separate identity within the mother/Father’s house that YOU have descended and are here to learn how to re-ascend back to that noble place. Human beings are lost in the forest of this great planet and forgotten where their home is. It’s UP! It is up meaning by lifting your eyes to the heavens, and up meaning lifting your attitude from depression and boredom to hope and joy. Gladness of heart, awe, mercy, love, kindness. The human beings job is to open doors within the body and then look up. Going within is like going into an elevator on the ground floor, and thinking up is like pushing the button to the top floor. So many have not been told that this human ride is not a sideways ride but an upward ride into the heavens of your being. All of the techniques teach us how to go UP.
Starting now and look up and link up even while you are active during the day. Your uniqueness is strengthened and your power returns when you go in and look up., from doing this on a daily, even hourly basis. It is your job to find the right techniques that suit you and your nature. Do this. There are many books out there in the stores and on the internet. But don’t get lost in that maze. Allow yourself to sample just a few techniques and practice. PRACTICE! Put them to work in your life. Try them out but don’t overwhelm yourself with so many that once more you give up and let yourself fall into the maze of the outer world of other people. Look inward always, within and then look up! If anyone gives you a feeling of “down” turn away and go in another direction. Look for the “Up” sign and feeling. Look up for the light and for clarity and for hope and for freedom from confusion and bog-downs. This world. Again, use a few techniques - not a lot. When you decide to try this out (go in and look up) techniques will fall into your life. You will see them for the first time perhaps. They will be right there in front of you. Pick them and own them. Try them. You are surrounded by heavenly host, the angels and guides and mentors of your spirit. They are eager to help you find your OWN individual personal way. And they will be giving you little hints, not big ones, to help you because they don’t want to push you. You have to make the choice yourself, freely, to do this and you have to own it and practice it.
You are unique and you are descended from a unique intelligence of the Godhead. Your job is to reconnect with your uniqueness and your divine identity which potential is in you, not outside of you next door. When you are creating through the talent you have developed, you feel good because you are expressing your divinity. There is no doubt in your mind when you are on the right path because you feel truly happy and content and joyful in a way that is uplifting. You are on your up line connected directly into your Mighty I Am Presence. You are uplining to your source when you are joyful and filled with happiness and gratitude. When you are loving what you are doing you feel light and happy. That is your vibrational signature. That’s when you feel most alive and most uniquely you. Not someone else. When your voice, your touch, your contribution to the world around you is powerfully clear that you are you and nobody else, then you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are in your right mind and your right heart. You know you are uplining to your home base in the sky. This is what you are here to find - that direct link to yourself in the sky.
The churches have failed people in this sense. If they tell you you are sinful and in error, you not only believe them, you subconsciously build up a resistance to their teachings, meaning you build up resistance. Period. They have used a highly sophisticated tool to disempower you. If you wanted to teach a child how to hate God or fear God, what better way than to teach him something that goes against his natural tendency, such as “you are sinful, you are wrong” and then heap on top of those words which the child knows is bullshit, words like “God, Jesus, pray for forgiveness, all the religious phrases that have been pounded into us along with the hellfire words. This is a technique used by control figures. They keep people away from their higher selves because people have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. We reject the burn in hell teachings, and many reject the uplifting teachings that would bring us back in touch with our upline mentors.
5/22/13 - Watch your back by being in the present
Watch your back by being in the present. If you look always out in front of you, the gremlins can attack and attach to you from behind. You protect yourself best by not wanting or seeking or expecting or wishing for things. By projecting your mind outside of yourself you leave yourself open to invasion from behind. Stay at home! Stay within your walls and be the solid silent observer all around you. Healers make the mistake of wanting to heal or help SO much that they leave their bodies open and exposed and sometimes vacant, and into an empty castle marauders will come. Stay at home and do greater work from home. You will be surprised at all you can accomplish with intelligent awareness from home. Stay in the body by NOT projecting and staying in awareness in the present. If you “try” to help you are trying with your head, from the neck up. You can’t do this with your intellect. But when you stay in your body, you are residing in your feelings where the great nature dwells. From this solid residence in your heart, lungs, abdomen and other organs, then when you say your decrees out loud, you vibrate your physical and loosen the divine energy within your cells. When you say “Mighty I Am Presence, dissolve and consume all my discordant accumulation by the power of the Violet Consuming Flame,” your cells and atoms are supporting and contributing to your call. But you must be aware, consciously aware, of the Violet Flame. Watch the substance of your feeling, which is your attention. Pay attention to the cells in your body whether you are working in your office at your business, or entertaining guests at your home, or driving your car or exercising, everywhere and every time. Most people use only one of the trinity that holds you in balance: love, power and wisdom keeps you in balance. Love is warm and nurturing. Power is abstract intelligence, and wisdom unites these two often opposing forces. Father God (intelligence) and Mother God (love) is brought together by YOU, the conscious dweller in form.
10/1/13 - Tantra is not a quick fix
(This came after asking Djwhal Khul to teach me about Tantra. He tells me and I write this down as he is speaking.)
Love made physical is healing. You want a quick fix, but it is not quick. You are accustomed to a society that takes a pill or gets surgery to remove a part of the body that has gone wrong. You are accustomed to having it “your” way but your way has not succeeded, has it? You must learn to open your mind and heart to new things, things that you formerly rejected. It is time to take down the walls that shield you from your healing on deeper levels. Allow your gentle side to take over. Allow yourself to feel the energies of surrender, of giving up. Let your toughness surrender. The whole of you, the whole of your God self cannot come into your life and body because you have created a shell of hardness. It is all done with your mind. Your thoughts of defensiveness, your thoughts of survival, fear of not getting enough, your thoughts of frustration that you allow to play over and over, your thoughts of anger toward someone you felt had wronged you - now feel the energy of surrender. Give it up. This is the attitude of Tantra. It is the path of love.
(There is a lull and I am feeling stillness now and I am being given the energies of gratitude, surrender, celestial, angels, joyful, peace, love, light, and then....)
Until the hard shell falls away of these tough stones, nails and rubbish, there is no room for love and the family of light that accompanies it - joy, appreciation, reverence, honor, respect, humility, compassion, beauty, grace, dignity, warmth, peace, safety, freedom. When the family of love and light enter the body it produces wholeness, which is felt as bliss, ecstasy, rapture, nirvana.
It is not a quick fix to reach the profound states of love, but once on the right path there is enjoyment, pleasure, fun. Just take the beginning steps to correct your path, from one of feeling lack to one of feeling delight and fulfillment. It is not sex that is the bridge to higher consciousness, it is love. You must not limit your love to one person and shut off the rest of the world. Your life partner with whom you live is in your life for reasons other than romance. They are in your life to help you learn and grow. The challenges you meet both at home with family and outside of family are your own resistances. You are challenged by your own resistance. Tantra teaches surrender of resistance so that you may blend with the energies of life that are everywhere. Tantra means in Sanskrit “net” or “web”. It refers to the web of consciousness that pervades all existence. Love is the glue that holds us all together. When you are free of resistance you may blend with and enjoy making love with all of life, becoming one with a butterfly, the wind, the grass, the rain, a stone, a child, an old man or woman. All of life is either formless or formed. You are life currently in form but you are only temporarily in form. You are spirit - consciousness - with or without form, and even while in form you may cultivate love without limits, without resistance and enjoy the sensual pleasures of the body to such an extent that you are thrown into rapture and nirvana. It is not sex that does this but love without limits.
10/5/13 - The four lower bodies
I asked Master Djwhal Khul a question but I can’t remember what I asked. This is his response.
When I said you can’t do this alone, I did not mean you needed other people. You need other you’s. You have become fragmented into many pieces. You are not whole. You are learning to re-connect your four lower bodies - your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual or higher mind. You have been learning about integration and you have been practicing in your meditation room. Now you are getting the idea this morning. A new understanding is dawning. The others that you need are the fragments of yourself. You are learning how to expand your awareness to the higher plane of the emotions and from there to step up to the still higher plane of thought, the mental plane. And from there to the yet higher plane of higher mind. You are visualizing the expansion of your body to these higher planes. You are expanding your awareness to higher planes beyond the physical. You are waking yourself up on the higher plane of emotion and mental and spiritual and higher.
As you consciously stepped out of your limited perception of being physical, and as you visualized yourself larger than physical, superimposed over your physical as you have been practicing, and then breathing consciously, allowing your breath to penetrate your larger self on the emotional and the next larger mental and the next larger spiritual and the next - as you breathed in and out of each plane while visualizing, you awakened and aligned these fragments of yourself with your physical. Many people are today working this process to bring their four lower bodies, anchored in the four lower chakras, into balance and alignment with the limited concrete physical body consciousness. This is what I meant by “you can’t do it alone.”
Picture a line of people arriving to your house, each bearing gifts but they are stopped at the front door because you do not open the door or look out the window. You do not know the people are there with gifts for you, gifts that would make your life easier and more pleasant, more agreeable. Many riches await you when you stop trying to live your life as if you were all alone with no help. You have a network of help and helpers all around you but you do not see them. You have been living in a closet in the 3D world. You were kept from your own holy self and the powers of your full potential by the mass consciousness which is a fuzzy dark cloud which obscures your own light. This opening and piercing of the veils between your bodies which kept you locked as a prisoner in the physical material world is being broken as you practice awakening, enlarging, breathing, and calling upon your emotional, mental and spiritual self through the morning exercises. You are not alone because you have a wholeness that is connected to God and through that wholeness you are connected to all.
You have been asking for guidance on Tantra. This is Tantra. This is awakening while in your physical body to the other planes of consciousness that you have access to but you have been kept locked away from. Tantra means a net or a web that connects all as one that has always existed. You were never alone in a separate body, but you were locked out and closed down from knowing this truth. Now you and others are piercing the veils. It is a conscious realization that connects you. The web of life is composed of conscious thought. Conscious awareness. Consciousness connects all that is. God enfolds all his creation alike in his arms and heart and mind. All is contained within the bosom of God. When you don’t know this, it is like being locked inside your closet and not opening the door to the people outside trying to reach you and give you the gifts, their hugs, their laughter and their joyous celebrations, and to invite you to party with them.
Practice your awakening exercises every morning. When you do this, as you consciously awaken to your higher self and invite integration of your other dimensional you’s, mind, feelings, principles and values, you nourish and refresh your physical body. It is your physical body that grows old and tired because it is not being rejuvenated by spirit. When you enter 3D you enter a “time zone”. There is a beginning and an end locked in time. When you are born in 3D you agree to be closed off from the love and light of the Creator and all of the higher dimensions. You came to learn about darkness and what happens when you are without the light and love. As you remember how to pierce the darkness through the process of applying love and light, you can nourish the failing body and the physical cells will open and drink the divine nectar. Your body fills up, plumps up with life and your DNA expands as does your consciousness. This is how you align yourself with your own perfection, the Christ, known also as the Adam Kadmon, the divine perfect human being, designed as the original role model of each human being from the heart-mind of God.
10/6/13 - Keep your mind in the open position
I said to Master Djwal Kul: I think I got it, what you said yesterday about not holding on to the dream or the shooting star. I have been grasping these shooting stars and writing them down on paper or computer, as if I am “owning” them. This is what you mean, right? But these inspired thoughts are not to be owned. I cannot own them. He responded:
Because more comes when you leave your mind in the open position, like a camera locked open. Can you imagine a camera lens locked open to receive a continual flow of impressions? Life does not stop because you put it on an agenda or piece of paper. You have tried to “stop it” by writing it down so that you would not forget. But life continues to flow, and now it backs up like a dam in the stream because it cannot get past the closed door of your mind which closed when you wrote it down, thinking that you had “captured” it. Then you went on to other things, believing that you “owned” the thought, that you captured the shooting star.
In 5D you will be flowing gently with the thought that comes to you, for 5D is receiving more of the divine plan and you are preparing yourself to remain in the open position so that you may better manifest the God potential that you are and that is coming through you. You had built a hard crust around yourself in this separated world and now you are learning to let go. It is not YOUR dream, after all. It is God’s dream and it is his/her prerogative to choose what, how, when, where to actualize the thought in action. You are god/goddess waking up to that realization. As you awaken you realize your connection to those around you who are also God/Goddess in mortal form seeking to express and manifest the divine plan, the divine dream, its desire, its wholeness. It is the sea of unbroken love and light that flows through your arteries and veins, muscles, blood and organs, and all others are equally God/Goddess flowing into the density of matter. God/Goddess/Prime Creator, the Source of all that is is manifesting continually as mineral, plant, animal, human, angelic and spiritual. It is all connected as one unbroken sea of life striving to become physical. You are a particle in that sea of light and love. Allow yourself to float on that stream that is constantly flowing. It does not stop. You are the only force of resistance. Work to free your SELF from the forces of resistance within you.
What you read this morning about becoming like a child again is to remember the freedom and the flow of childhood. You did not know resistance then. Only as your parents and others imposed their will upon you did you develop the art of resistance. Now you must learn how to let go of resistance. Surrender is childlike. Surrender is an open heart. You do not lose your wisdom gained when you surrender your resistance. You open the doors and allow the God/Goddess/Father/Mother to experience their dream within you. You are the child of their love. You are manifesting them in your actions and behavior and thought and feeling. They are wiser than you, the child of their love. You ARE them. You are here as them, as Father God and Mother God, the light and the love of Creator. Your Creator. And all of your brothers and sisters are also manifesting the light and the love of Creator, your creator, for there is only one Creator and you are a living walking cell in that oneness, immortal, eternal, connected through the consciousness, through the barriers of skin. You are one, blessed ones. (Thank you, D.K.) Do not close! Remain open in your heart and in your mind. You are building a network which in the East is called “Tantra”.
10/11/13 - The feminine way to swinging
I’m in meditation and seeing that I must have an intro class for couples but in the feminine way. I am asking “but how? I keep surrendering to the men and letting the mentake over. How am I to ever do this? What can you give me that would help me to accomplish this? What should I do to change my native tendency to surrender and give in to the men? His response:
All people react violently, angrily, if they are put into situations where forces are swirling and in conflict. It is upsetting. That is why you will have an agenda. Also you will give an outline of the information you will add to and fill out in this class. You have created the Yin Workshop agenda. Very good. Now take that outline and soften it. Plump it up. Turn it around and over and over. Fill it up with meat, pound it, examine it, imagine it and take it out of your head. Put it into your feelings and emotions. It is the feeling you are missing. You have been trying to teach from a male perspective, from your mental. You are missing the emotional aspect of this. You must find this for yourself first before you can teach it. It is the heart after all. The head and sexual is male; feminine is the heart, the voice, the gut feeling and all inbetween the head and the groin.
(How do I get this going? Can you give me some practical suggestions that I can firmly grasp with my understanding so I don’t let myself slip back?)
It will help you to have a woman for your leadership partner. Let her know your plan to work with couples. You could bring in one single gentleman to be a partner with her. Don’t be too rigid. Practice bending, practice adapting and allowing your higher dignified and graceful persona to come forward. Don’t project your thoughts onto other people. Stop seeing them as limited personalities. What YOU think are their limitations are really YOUR limitations. These are your projections of your fear that they won’t understand your words. You must feel the power of your knowledge and your words, for you will create the understanding for them with your energy. In the years past when you felt that nobody was listening to you and in fact appeared not to even hear you by speaking over you while you were speaking, this was because you did not create a clear energy field when you spoke. You spoke from doubt which disempowered you and caused your energy not to be felt. In all the instances when you felt - and other women have felt this too - that you were dissed or ridiculed or made fun of, these were created by you. The women create their own dismissal, just as the black slaves created their own dismissal and enslavement, because they were beaten down and all of their power was reduced to non-existence.
A happy fulfilling life brings the life force back and re-kindles the flames. This is what you have seen in the swinging lifestyle, but not all people see it the way you see it. You have been given a full and empowered training that enables you to carry the energy with empowered belief, knowing and understanding. You have much power. You know that you do, but you have allowed yourself to hold on to the old energy of disempowerment. Soon you will notice a shift in your consciousness. I have been guiding you to let go, meaning don’t try. There is nothing for you to try to accomplish because you are already there where you want to be. You are fully empowered. Do not try any more. Just be yourself naturally. Be who you are without resisting or pushing or trying or defending. Just be who you are and go where it is natural for you to go. You have been doing well over the last few days of surrendering to the now moment. To the inner movement. Continue to flow the now.
(Thank you!)
You are welcome, my friend. You are most very welcome. You may come to see me tonight as your body sleeps.
(Thank you! I love you Master DK. I went back to sleep then but I had a flash seeing Counselor Troi’s ear, from Star Trek. And I saw how sound went into her inner ear as an empath and down into her muscles and inner body where she resonated with the impact of the message contained in the vibration. That was how she got the information silently. I could see and feel that this part was important as the feminine science. I got up to write down what I was receiving because it was so strong.)
DK: It’s not just about speaking and listening with the head or intellect only, but listening with all of the cells in your body. Your consciousness - you - are not residing in your head. Your school has programmed you that you are only using your brain and nothing else. That it is only your brain that considers situations, solves problems and analyzes data. But that is not true. You are a conscious being who is conscious in every cell and atom of your body. Your stomach, your hip, your shoulder, your toe,. You were bored and restless in the old seminar and in the orientations because the men leading those seminars did not address the inner being - the feminine or inner connection of this information on swinging, which you were seeing as so much more than physical or intellectual. You felt this information on sexual sharing with empathy, as Counselor Troi does. You listen from the standpoint of hearing and receiving and knowing and connecting with every cell in your body. That means your sensuality is felt through hearing and receiving. You feel people through vibrations. You connect with people through the vibrations that pass through your ears from what you hear, your eyes from what you see and the skin from what touches you either physically or energetically. Three of the five senses are operating in you and you want to acknowledge this and expand on this. Most lectures are fitted into brain to brain connection, leaving out or ignoring the whole body connection. That is why you have trained yourself to write the information down at a lecture, so you can absorb it into your cells. You do not live in your brain. That is the feminine teaching of Tantra.
10/14/13 - DK speaks especially to couples
I asked DK to give me an article that I could post on Anakosha for swingers. This is what he gave me.
Good morning, my friends! I know that you are not reading this together as a couple, so let me remind you that sexual sharing is a couples recreation. It has evolved from wife swapping and, with a merry heart may I say, it is moving towards husband swapping, or boyfriend swapping, as the culture becomes more feminine-inspired and aware of the love that is the motivating urge behind sexuality.
Your heart is where love is anchored in your body. If you are coupled and living a family life, then you are most likely experiencing the pull to love others and experience sex with other people. It has been thus for eons. You call it sex, but the urges come from beyond the genitals. The pressure to expand your love to others through a physical connection is sometimes an overwhelming urge. You call it "hot" or "horny" because you feel it first in your genitals, but there is far, far more to this urge than you can imagine.
Your love is vast and endless. YOU are vast and endless. You are created out of love. Love and light are synonymous. Your very nature as a light being is to unite lovingly with all beings. Now, that does not mean that your nature is to have genital sex with all beings. That would be laughable. Love is ethereal. It descends downward through many levels from the source of all life. The love that exists within you, has been shut down to a very small, tightly compacted atom anchored in your physical heart. On a deep deep level you know you are love, but it is difficult to act on it due to the teachings that have been programmed into you, obliterating it. Love, when it is felt, is known as principles, morals, ethics, conscience, noble ideas and high spiritual values.
This light in the heart is a piece of YOU from a higher dimensional plane than your physical body. You use your physical body as a vessel by which you can walk on the Earth and feel the soil with your skin but your role is to expand that love by exercising it. Your body is only a tool, an instrument to use, so you can walk on the Earth, and experience the sounds, sights, tastes, smells of the planet. It is like your car that you drive from place to place, while you - the consciousness within your heart - is the one having the experience and not the car.
When this great love which is YOU descends down into a finite body such as the one you inhabit today, blocks and veils and walls are put in place to tone down your awareness so that you can experience separation. Otherwise you would not be able to experience such a dense physical body which feels concrete and solid to your touch. If you remembered where you came from, you would not want to stay confined to the body. You would want to go home where you came from - to the vastness and freedom and the awesome love of your spiritual home. Being human on Earth requires that you be separated so you can have individual and separate experiences. This is how you grow.
To accomplish the task of closing you down, certain limiting programs were imprinted into you to help you forget. This is accomplished by shutting down your DNA. Only one thing still remains intact that gives you a sense and glimpse of home and that is orgasm. Sex is the vibration that bridges the gap so you briefly remember who you really are and where you came from. The experience of love is indelibly imprinted in your memory during orgasm.
You are connected to all life and to each other through your heart. When two people fall in love and begin a life together as two instead of living alone separately, you expand the love in your heart. Many people fall out of love over time because they haven't learned how to keep the love alive day by day, but allow frustration to close it down. Maintaining love in your daily life is important. It is a pathway to greater life. You expand the love in your heart and in your life by living in grace and gratitude, being responsible and caring for others. This requires the cultivation of patience, kindness, grace and dignity.
Some people do not learn how to do this and abort the relationship, returning to a single life again. But two people who share their life together, even though they may disagree with each other, are enlarging their ability to love. They are more able to handle and understand individuals who are different from themselves. They can look past the mask of pretense. When two people stay together during the ups and downs of relationship, you become more in harmony and more stable. You gradually become ready to reach out as two together and share your love with others.
Now what do the two of you do when you want to expand your love out beyond the two of you? It is, after all, in your nature to do so. It is the way you are made, to radiate love to others and experience sensuality, physical love with other people. What do you do when the laws of your land prohibit you from sharing your love beyond the accepted tradition? What do you do when you would be persecuted or put to death for violating the customs and traditions of marriage?
Let us examine it from the physical side, the animal side of your urges. The desire to have sex which is felt as pressure in your loins. Why? Very few people appreciate the force of Earth magnetism that flows upward into your body through your feet. The Earth is alive with life. Do you think you can live and walk on the Earth and not be influenced by Earth's magnetic radiation? Mother Gaia is a powerful spiritual entity that pulsates and feeds life into all her creatures, including the human animal. Your human body was made out of Earth material. It grows on this planet the way a tree grows, or a panther or a reptile or a bird. Your body drinks in the life force of Earth upward through your feet. It pulsates daily - thump, thump, thump - in tune with the Earth heart beat. All animals feel it. If you were more in tune with the Earth you would feel the changes in nature from spring to summer to fall and winter.
The Earth's magnetism is a negative feminine force which is attracted by your heart's positive, electric polarity. That which flows upward to your loins has an urge to rise higher to connect with your heart. It is pulled up by the drawing power of love. Not many people know how the human being works. You are designed to unify your animal body with your spiritual etheric body. There are many forces flowing through you.
But you have not been trained in how to make this connection. You must open your heart and your loin together. There are barriers in place. These barriers are what you call "chakras" in the East Indian language. Chakras need to be understood, activated and cleansed before they will open and allow the Earth's magnetic life force to rise up to join the love in your heart. It is called the mystical marriage in some cultures. But until the chakras open and allow this passage to take place, pressure builds up in the groin and is felt as growing sexual energy.
The human body was created to be a physical tool for spirit. The human animal was cultivated to be a host to spirit. You as a body were born into limits and as you nurture and expand the love and light in your heart, you are melting the barriers that prevent your highest ecstasy while on earth. As your chakras open and fill with love and light, understanding dawns. The more you choose the path of love and light, called the path of peace and non-violence, the more your spirit and your physical body join.
Your spirit is a positive pole, electrical. Your body is a negative pole, magnetic. The mistake made by many on the spiritual path is to forget the body and seek upward back to spirit. The magnetic body is required to make the profound connection referred to as the mystical marriage. One may of course seek spiritual enlightenment by returning to spirit, but to create a beautiful life on earth with noble intentions, love must be applied through actions, words and attitudinal behavior. Living in harmony with love and peaceful intentions expands the love and the light you were born with and moves you closer to the ideal person you were designed to be.
When you as an individual live with another person and can do so without controlling them or abusing them or arguing with them, when you can work out disagreements through negotiation peacefully, you have taken a big step toward unity. This shows that you are living in love. Many people think that living in love means sexual affinity, but it is more than that. Living in love is living in peace and in harmony.
Then you may feel the impulse to reach out to others. Work with your partner in this new adventure as you expand your love even further than between the two of you. Expand it through listening, sharing ideas, negotiating and preparing the groundwork for intimate connection through love. You are here to learn how to live with respect, dignity and appreciation. Then you may enjoy the fruits of your labor for you will have grown quite close together, without resistance.
10/24/13 - You can't teach others
(In a dream I am telling people about the four levels of lower bodies from the perspective of sex. Physical is a path to the feelings. Feelings are a path to the mental. Mental is a path to the spiritual or higher values. Higher values are a path to the inner qualities of meditation, prayer, etc., which are a path to home. I am telling them but they are not listening. In the bathroom I continued receiving instructions in my mind as prepared for my shower.)
We are all in the process of integrating our four lower bodies. The mind doesn’t direct this process, it is happening spontaneously from an inner divine level. The mind doesn’t need to know. You don’t have to tell people the “news”. Your process is yours alone. It is private. When you want to tell someone, go into transcendental space and tell yourself, your higher self, And you will be at peace. You do not find peace by telling others. This is the higher path. The lower path is to tell others. That is a service-oriented path. The higher path is to lift up to the greater whole. In a vertical movement of awareness, appreciation, love, awe, reverence, excitement, gladness of heart, joy, interest, sharing, singing, praising, joining with the celestial population above of brothers and sisters on a universal scale. Not horizontal-focused, but vertical. In this way you lift up all around you through frequency, thought and wholeness of spirit.
You are getting ready to leave that path. Your dream showed you this. In your dream while you were trying to explain the four lower bodies - paths - they weren’t listening. You were bothered and frustrated by their lack of attention but they were showing you a higher way. They were pointing out the window at clouds that looked like angels. Your greatest work has been one to one in the lifestyle, in massage, in friendship, support in your life partners. You have been sharing and telling and teaching this in the way of the healer, the avatar, not the spiritual leader or mass teacher. You are not a spiritual leader, you are a spiritual doer. It is ego to want to lead and teach. Ego is interacting with the outer world. That is how ego survives, by getting power, attention, energy from others. It is the dark side of human nature or non-human. All sentient beings must come to recognize their dark side, what it is, how it draws its food, fuel from others. But this recognition comes when it is time, from within, as awareness unfolds in its own season. You can’t teach or tell others. To think that you can is a futile hope, not in alignment with divine nature. Turn back to the divine nature, the light within, and be at peace with yourself.
11/2/13 - When someone sucks on your power
When someone draws your power and focus from you, demanding your attention and you do not want to give it, they are sucking on your light because they are lacking in light. Love and light are synonymous. Light is masculine, love is feminine. They are one and the same. Those who suck on your power, drain you so you are fatigued beyond understanding and you don't know why.
Your movies call them vampires. They feed off your light and your love because they are the soul-less ones. They feed off others and do not give anything in return. They are not evil, they are idiots for they have given their power away and have nothing left. So they are now mindless creatures who are ignorant about how life works.
They do not know how to build up light and love in themselves. They gave their power away by depending upon others for their food source, their fuel source, when they should have built up their own supply. By giving up their power and becoming dependent on others they have become dark. Do not be like them. Do not give your light away. When you are fatigued in the presence of such a one, walk away. Find an excuse. Any excuse or simply get up and leave. Hang up the phone.
You have built up your own light for yourself. Do not give it away. Give them instruction instead on how to build their own light. Give them instruction only when you are ready. Wait until you are inspired with a thought on how to give them instruction. Meditate until you are clear. Meditate and build up your own light. Wait until you feel the stirring of brightness and excitement. Wait until your higher self inspires you. Then you will know how to give instruction to those who steal your power.
When you are centered you will be able to give the best instruction. They do not want to do the work themselves and would rather steal it from others, so you must be discerning. Use the appropriate method to turn their sucking back onto themselves. Do not be food for zombies. That is the greatest expression of love that you can give: to turn back the sucking onto themselves. Let them see what they are doing. Give them a lesson in how to build their own light and stop stealing it.
Light is endowed in every one who is walking, even the dark ones. Even the walking dead, as some like to call the ignorant and mindless ones. Because nothing can exist without the spark of creator within. Light is hidden in the dark and so it must be uncovered and activated. It may be denied and some minds may be wiped clean by sophisticated weapons. But there is a spark within that is a spark of creator. Blow on it.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun, do not let the light go out but send it home again. Blow on that light again and again until it bursts into flame and burns through the veil of darkness and confusion that clouds judgment and vision. Everything has light in it, even the stones and the waters and the trees. Darkness awaits the light but it has to be blown on from within. Self-focus, self recognition, self-appreciation, self-love, self-discernment and self-empowerment. Meditation and prayer is the road to spiritual recovery. Spending time alone with ones higher self, focusing on love and light and raising ones voice in prayer, song, praise, gratitude and love. It is through the use of sacred intention and sacred sounds that forms the sacred science of life.
Use the words "I Am Light" often for the words "I Am" whenever you speak those words, is the power of the light. It is the creator, in you. Love and light is awareness - clear, untainted awareness - uplifting, clean and bright. It is where all knowledge comes from and all inspiration. Blow on this spark of love and light within your heart and you are growing your own enlightenment. Meditate every day for 15 minutes and your higher self will infiltrate your awareness, through your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
This light and love melts away animosity and the desire for vengeance. It melts away the urge to do violence. Blow on light and love in your heart through meditation and prayer, as you would blow on a dying camp fire to bring it back into life. Fuel the flame in yourself with deep breathing and with sacred words. Give your attention to your SELF, not to those who would steal your attention. Your confusion will disappear. Answers will come surprisingly easy. It is a proven method. Your desire to live will push back the darkness and confusion like a solitary blade of grass pushes aside the concrete in the cement sidewalk.
Look! Look! Look! Pay attention to the ember that glows red in the darkness. Blow on it with all your force and breath. Use the words, "I am Light!" Spend 15 minutes doing this, saying the words over and over: "I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light, God consumes my darkness transmuting it into light!" The angels and the great beings of heaven will come to surround you when they hear you calling to the light. They come to support you and to give you strength.
Do not give your precious light, your focus and attention, to someone else unless you are strong and stable enough to support that person. Build up your power. Save yourself first. Your first duty every morning when you first get up is to give yourself 15 minutes of light. Maintain your own light so you may live to serve others and take your place in the grand design that is, at this very moment, weaving earth and heaven together through those who are supporting and maintaining the light.
You are here to hold the space right where you are. You hold your space by acknowledging and appreciating it. Raise your focus upward. Raise your attention upward. Raise your awareness upward to your higher self, your future, your brightness. Right now, as you are sitting here reading this.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out, but send it home again, meaning to your inner higher self which is your god-self, your goddess-self, your divinity. Higher and higher the flame grows as you pay attention to it. Imagine it as a brilliant blazing sun above you. It is soon ablaze within you on the ground and in you in your higher self, as you clear the debris from the channels that run through you. Do not let the light go out but build it up stronger and stronger until it is in full blaze. Then you can help your brother and sister to stop stealing the light from you.
1/25/14 - Compassion
I had a most beautiful meditation this morning in which Djwhal Khul came to me. I invited him. I asked him what is compassion? I felt very deeply the love and it brought tears to my eyes. I was talking to him and trying to tell him what he meant to me. Mostly it was compassion, and what is compassion? I felt him settle into me, into my heart. He said he was most comfortable in my heart but I first felt him settling down over me and into my body. It was very subtle but an awareness. I was tuning in to the God-consciousness of who he is. He indicated that love is what comes down from my God Presence. Compassion is when you give that God-Presence love to someone else. He kept pointing from my heart outward, from my heart outward, from my heart outward, as if to show me sharing the love from my heart to others.
4/30/14 - White Tantra
(I asked DK about Tantra. I said, "I am totally worn out with the sexual approach to Tantra. Everybody wants sex or is afraid of sex. Please tell me about White Tantra, because Red Tantra starts at the sexual level and tries to ascend but never gets to ascend because they get bogged down in the sexual sensations.” He answered me immediately. I had pen and paper ready to write down his answer.)
It is neither starting at the spiritual or the sexual. Rather it is a joining in a perfectly equal way. When two people sit facing one another they are perfectly aligned and balanced in their physical body parts. Head to head, face to face, eye to eye shoulders to shoulders squared and facing one another. Hearts and torsos facing one another. Naval and stomach, pelvic and hips. And the legs, depending on which sitting arrangement is chosen, each has their legs positioned to mirror the opposite person. One male body and one female body in perfect alignment, meaning the parts are acting like mirrors to each other. It is as if the woman were sitting in front of a mirror and seeing her own reflection, but here she is seeing her reflection in the man in front of her, so she is actually seeing her masculine self when she looks at the man. Likewise, the man seeing his feminine self when he looks at the woman. The male and female bodies are each created for different purposes. The male is created to be a positive influence on the outer world and so his masculine energy pushes out in front of him to interact and interface with the outer world of objects and other people. The female is created to be a magnetic influence, drawing inward to interface with the inner world of spirit. When these two bodies are not in balance, there is struggle and challenge.
Which force is the strongest? The pulling in, or the pushing out? The quiet seducer, or the controller? The man-woman battle is never-ending and never will be, until they align and balance and face each other in mutuality. That is Tantra. Tantra means web. When they balance their energies and bring them into alignment, they weave their energies back and forth into a web-like structure. Tantra means web in Sanscrit. The man does indeed have both male and female currents within him but they are not balanced. Most men are cultured to use only his masculine energy and his feminine energies lie stagnant within him. The woman also has both female and male currents within her but she is not balanced. The women are cultured to use only her feminine energy and her masculine energy lies stagnant within her. Neither the man nor the woman will find happiness or fulfillment, they will not be complete until they bring their quiet energy which they have rejected, upward into full consciousness to be recognized, identified and woven into balance with their dominant outward pushing energy. That is what Tantra does for two people who undertake the exercises of Tantra.
5/2/14 - Sex and kundalini
(After much agonizing all night long over sex, swinging, massage clients wanting happy endings, the whole sex thing was wearing me out. While showering I felt DK talking to me and heard the words, “It is OK to continue having sex with your swinging friends, but be discerning. Don‘t confuse swinging and playtime with therapy.” I went to the meditation room and started writing what he was telling me.)
You don’t have to stop having sex, just don’t confuse it with the star force called kundalini. Kundalini is the evolutionary spark embedded in all sentient creatures with the impulse to grow upward and to better themselves. In all sentient creatures there is a desire to reach upward which comes from the seed of life embedded in matter. It is powerful. The lowest impulse in the physical is to copulate with another person, the seed of life is reaching out to another seed of life in another person. It is drawn to itself. But if it is allowed or encouraged to rise to higher levels before it is “spent” or “wasted” in sex or for making babies or pleasure, it rises upward and opens windows to higher consciousness. Nerds are those who have by-passed sex and use the spark of life (the kundalini) in their brains to become genius thinkers and creators. Gifted orators are those who use the spark of life in their throats for speaking with power and confidence to lead and gift others. Artists and musicians are those who use their gifts from the heart, they bring the energy to the heart and solar plexus, to use their emotions and feelings to stimulate their passion for their art, vs. bringing it all the way up to the brain and by-passing the heart. Great teachers and scientists and healers are those who have tapped this force through study and practice along one inspired thought, thus elevating themselves to higher perspectives. They evolve by using this spark of life that is embedded in their root chakra at the base of the spine by studying and practicing. Through single-minded focus they dedicate and consecrate the spark of life towards their chosen field of interest which unfolds and evolves them to higher awareness in their field. They become genius because of the life force they are directing like a laser beam to greater and greater understanding and accomplishment.
Those who do not have a mentor in their life squander the spark of life within them by meandering and wandering first this way and then that. They do not have a focus or a direction. Unless they learn to focus by themselves, if they don’t have a teacher, then they will be lost in the sea of the many people’s thoughts and emotions. The storm clouds of every day life. Thus the spark of life within them is wasted. It is not directed by their conscious will power. Thus it diminishes and dies down to a low ember. It does not go out, however, until the body dies. Upon death it is reeled back home to the I Am Presence, the higher self which is connected to the sun, and is above the head in the spacious sky above the storm clouds on earth.
It is not important for individuals to know about the kundalini or the spirit spark within them unless it is their soul journey to do so. Perhaps they have learned of it and studied it in a prior life. But as you are trying to understand it, it may be yours to explain it. As you ask your questions you will get your answers. As you struggle with lower manifestations of kundalini through sex and the expressions of sex through loving encounters with others, you will raise yourself out of the quagmire of misunderstanding and confusion.
When kundalini first awakened and activated in you and soared you into the sky, you needed to ground yourself and sexual expression with other bodies served you well. But then, after a while, you were not satisfied with the strictly physical and lower emotions of sexual expression. Continued use of the spirit spark in this way grew old and boring. Your enthusiasm for sharing bodies sexually became dull. You were confused by this because you remembered the beautiful rewards, harmony, peace, great love for the people and the rapture and bliss and high energy that you felt during these early days of kundalini when it was active in you and you were processing it dynamically and grounding it through your lovemaking with others.
What happened? It was insidious, and slow to shift and change into boredom. It was so slow you didn’t recognize it. You wondered about this. The understanding of what kundalini is, how it is the power behind sex, and how it motivates lovers and how it can be used to great advantage by the individual to better the life and be more free and healthy and alive - this was declining in you. You began to substitute a “belief” in this as a network or a veil to substitute for the real power, for the real power was subsiding. Kundalini has a natural cycle and an intelligence of its own. You must learn to work with it, not to force it against its nature. When the cycle ends, it ends.
A master teacher could have prepared you and guided you through this, but you chose to experience the full advantage alone, to see where the swinging would take you. It has led you well. You have learned a great deal about the energy behind the sex. You now are struggling with the false set of beliefs which you constructed about sex, how healthy it is, and how it can be a spiritual journey. This concept is not wrong, but you are operating on a set of beliefs about kundalini, rather than operating on the real power. Beliefs are mental structures that serve for a time and then must be dismantled as life ebbs back to renew itself. You became involved in the struggle of men and women and the women’s resistance to men and the men’s controlling behavior over women. This has captured your attention. You desired to help straighten the mess out, believing you had the answers. But you do not have answers for other people. You only have answers for yourself. You want to comfort people. You want to relieve them of their stress, but each individual needs to learn how to do this for himself or herself. No one is a savior of others.
Teaching is another matter. A teacher may advise and provide some direction, but only when the individual asks for it. Beyond that it is useless and dangerous to try to pressure the individual with answers he or she does not want and are not ready to hear. You wanted to teach the gentler way of making love. This will help but it will not give them the answers to their inner struggles. They must learn the answers by themselves. They are on their own journey. You are learning something here. Your struggle and agony over sex and helping others through sex is playing the same tune over and over and over. It has created a rut in you that you are trying to crawl out of now.
The ascended master teachings are of a higher order. They have thrown you a life line. You are using it now. Your struggle over how to explain to a client that you do not want to accept him any more, is rather a struggle over how to understand yourself. Take your focus off of the client and place it upon yourself. Stop trying to comfort your client and start to comfort yourself. Reel in your attention. You do not have to respond to their calls. However, you do need to tell them in a respectful way a firm No. That is sufficient. An explanation is not necessary. For what you are afraid of is being sucked back into the same vibration. Some of your clients are not damaging you They are accepting your energies and spirit and allowing themselves to absorb the therapy and healing that you are giving them. The bliss you feel of completion at the end of the treatment is validation and proof to you that your treatment succeeded. If you do not have this validation your treatment did not succeed in raising the energy to higher levels.
(Q: What about the bliss of the man who has an orgasm?)
Understand, the spirit spark cleanses wherever it goes. So if it is going out through a sexual release it is going into the physical body and the body feels cleansed. If there is no release through orgasm but the good feeling of arousal continues and the person sucks it upward in an upward direction through certain techniques he can learn, the aroused kundalini will expand upward to higher ground. There is an etheric body that is higher ground than the physical body, and there is an emotional body that is higher still and a mental body that is higher still. These higher bodies are “buttoned” into the chakra system. So as a person learns to raise the expanded arousal feeling upward through the pranic tube [spinal column] it will expand through the various chakras of the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, the spiritual body. As long as the body is in a state of sexual arousal but not releasing through sexual triggers, the kundalini expands upward. It is like a gas, or water, in that it will expand and flow where there is nothing to hold it back.
Where there is a blockage due to erroneous beliefs or traumas, all of which are confused and tangled threads of conscious energy - it looks like a birds nest - then kundalini will pierce that blockage if it can. If kundalini is in a state of high activation, if the gaseous molecules are agitated enough, kundalini will waft into the blockage and dissipate the confusion. If that is the case, the individual will have memories and realizations. Perhaps visions of a former traumatic event will come flooding forth into consciousness because it was not completed nor understood at the time it happened, and so was buried and forgotten. Unresolved bits and pieces of awareness that still remain disjointed and misunderstood. This is how energy gets stuck and causes problems to surface in the form of physical disease, mental disease or emotional disturbance. It creates a veil over the consciousness that is uncomfortable and limits and clouds the understanding. This creates dullness, confusion, apathy, loss of interest.
Kundalini is a cleansing agent. It is pure spirit. It does not have an agenda other than to rise. Its impulse is to grow upward to return home to its I Am Presence from which it came. Every human has this impulse to return to its place of bliss where there is safety, security, peace, love and happiness. That is what kundalini is - a piece of that “home”. Kundalini is a piece of the great I Am Presence that was separated at the time the embryo was formed, to help design the physical body. It is the heart of the seed of life. Its job is to keep the body alive and interested. It provides the spark of enthusiasm and the impulse to learn and create and grow more open, more free, more abundance. Ever since mankind’s DNA was dismantled, kundalini was allowed to remain because the body would die without it. The geneticists could not take kundalini away or the body would die but kundalini has been reduced to a slow and steady “drip” up the spine. It looks like a glistening dewdrop that drops from the petal in the morning light, but it drips UP the spine. It feeds the chakras, the spine, the glands and organs with life. Kundalini keeps the body alive and functioning from a physical standpoint. Even in a coma, a person’s body remains alive because of kundalini.
Kundalini is feminine in nature. It feels good when it activates in you when you do your “movements” because you have processed it through every cell of your body. Your DNA has been recharged with the kundalini. You are well grounded in kundalini. But understand the purpose of kundalini. You remember the day you recognized it and called it “Mother”. You said, “They call you kundalini but you are my mother.” You were in an altered state of consciousness at the time. You know these things, you have simply forgotten them. You have created a set of beliefs and ideas which have placed a veil over your knowledge and cut down your clear sight. This has been a slow and insidious process of veiling. You did this in order to learn the deeper lessons of sex. This has led you to this hour and this moment of sudden realization. You have been held locked into the lower levels of other people and their issues. You allowed yourself to be caught up in them.
Again, I say, it is OK to play at sex and have your tumble in the hay, as they say. But do not confuse sex play with therapy. Be clear about the purpose of kundalini. It cleanses the body by clearing the chakras and the subtle bodies when it is allowed to rise higher rather than be “spent” through ejaculation and orgasm. Its purpose is to raise you up to higher zones of life, to meet your bride groom, your God Presence - your I Am Presence who is above you higher than the physical world. He is your father where kundalini is your mother. It is your journey and your destiny to bring them together in friendship, in love, in tenderness and in understanding. To raise the one and lower the other, weaving them like gold and silver threads into one shining fabric. There are no words to explain this to others. However, you can explain this to yourself through this journaling process. Your question about White Tantra vs. Red Tantra has brought you to this lesson today. Whether White or Red, the kundalini, which is the dynamic power behind the sex force, is raised up the pranic tube, the spinal tube, to the head and out the top of the head in an upward fashion. And then the high God Presence is brought down through the top of the head, down the pranic tube and spine, to the genitals. In this fashion you weave the spiritual God Presence into the human vehicle and thus a whole new life is born. It is the evolutionary design implanted by the celestials.
When you have a physical orgasm which blisses you out, it is the body that is blissed. The muscle system and brain is overloaded with endorphins caused by the kundalini, the spark of life, exploding. But the resultant state of bliss is short-lived because only the physical tissues are cleansed, not the subtle bodies. The etheric, emotional or mental bodies remain uncleansed and filled with the debris that feeds the physical. The physical body is a reflection of all that is contained in the subtle bodies.
5/6/14 - On love, sex and orgasm for couples
[I asked DK to give me an article about love for couples in the lifestyle of swinging. This is what he gave me.]
Your heart is where your love is anchored in your body. Your love is vast and endless. YOU are vast and endless. You are created out of love. Love and light are synonymous. Your very nature as a light being is to unite lovingly with all beings. Now, that does not mean that your nature is to have sex with all beings. That would be laughable. Love is ethereal. It descends downward through many levels from the source of all life. The love that exists within you, has been shut down to a very small, tightly compacted atom anchored in your physical heart. On a deep deep level you know you are larger than that and that you are love, but it is difficult to act on it due to the teachings that have been programmed into you, obliterating it. Love, when it is felt, is known as principles, morals, ethics, conscience, noble ideas and high spiritual values.
This light in the heart is a piece of YOU from a higher dimensional plane than your physical body. You use your physical body as a vessel by which you can walk on the Earth and feel the soil with your skin but your role is to expand that love by exercising it. Your body is only a tool, an instrument to use, so you can walk on the Earth, and experience the sounds, sights, tastes, smells of the planet. It is like your car that you drive from place to place, while you - the consciousness within your heart - is the one having the experience and not the car.
When this great love which is YOU descends down into a finite body such as the one you inhabit today, walls are put in place to tone down your awareness so that you can experience separation. Otherwise you would not be able to experience such a dense physical body which feels concrete and solid to your touch. If you remembered where you came from, you would not want to stay confined to the body. You would want to go home where you came from - to the vastness and freedom and the awesome love of your spiritual home. Being human on Earth requires that you be separated so you can have individual and separate experiences. This is how you grow strong in personal understanding of yourself.
To accomplish the task of closing you down, certain limiting programs were imprinted into you to help you forget. This is accomplished by shutting down your DNA. Only one thing still remains intact that gives you a sense and glimpse of home and that is orgasm. Sex is the vibration that bridges the gap so you briefly remember who you really are and where you came from. The experience of love is indelibly imprinted in your memory during orgasm.
You are connected to all life and to each other through your heart. When two people fall in love and begin a life together as two instead of living alone separately, you expand the love in your heart. Many people fall out of love over time because they haven't learned how to keep the love alive day by day, but allow frustration to close it down. Maintaining love in your daily life is important. It is a pathway to greater life. You expand the love in your heart and in your life by living larger gracefully and with thanksgiving for all experience that comes your way, no matter how harsh and demanding. You expand and become larger than you were yesterday by accepting what IS and being responsible and doing what needs to be done for the good of the whole, including yourself and not sacrificing yourself in martyrdom. This requires the cultivation of patience, discernment, kindness, power, strength and dignity.
Some people do not learn how to do this and abort the relationship, returning to a single life again. But two people who share their life together, even though they may disagree with each other, are enlarging their ability to love. They are more able to handle and understand individuals who are different from themselves. They can look past the surface mask to the real person beneath. When two people stay together during the ups and downs of relationship, you become more in harmony and more stable. You gradually become ready to reach out as two together and share your love with others.
Now what do the two of you do when you want to expand your love out beyond the two of you? It is, after all, in your nature to do so. It is the way you are made, to radiate love to others and experience sensuality, physical love with other people. What do you do when the laws of your land prohibit you from sharing your love beyond the accepted tradition? What do you do when you would be persecuted or put to death for violating the customs and traditions of marriage?
Let us examine it from the physical side, the animal side of your urges. The desire to have sex which is felt as pressure in your loins. Why? Very few people appreciate the force of Earth magnetism that flows upward into your body through your feet. The Earth is alive with life. Do you think you can live and walk on the Earth and not be influenced by Earth's magnetic radiation? Mother Gaia is a powerful spiritual entity that pulsates and feeds life into all her creatures, including the human animal. Your human body was made out of Earth material. It grows on this planet the way a tree grows, or a panther or a reptile or a bird. Your body drinks in the life force of Earth upward through your feet. Your heart beats daily - thump, thump, thump - in tune with the Earth heart beat. All animals feel it. When you are in tune with the Earth you feel the changes in nature from spring to summer to fall and winter.
The Earth's magnetism is a negative force, like a female, which is attracted to your heart's beating because your heart has a positive, electric polarity. That which flows upward to your loins has an urge to rise higher to connect with your heart. It is pulled up by sheer magnetism to the powerful force of love within your heart. Not many people know how the human body works. Your body is designed as a host vehicle for YOU as spirit to dwell within and become the master of your body. Most people have allowed their body to master them.
Wake up and become the master of your body. Unify your powerful spirit and vision with your animal body. Make the link and activate the powerful kundalini energy that is stored in the base of the spine in the extreme further end of the coccyx. While most people have not been trained in how to make this connection, it is a very easy thing to learn. Place your attention into your physical heart. Then place your attention into your coccyx. Then make a light connection between the two. There are barriers in place. These barriers are what is called "chakras". Chakras need to be understood, activated and cleansed before they will open and allow the Earth's magnetic life force to rise up to join the love in your heart. It is called the mystical marriage in some cultures. But until the chakras open to allow this passage to take place, pressure builds up in the groin and it is felt as growing sexual energy.
The human body was created to be a physical tool for spirit. The human animal was cultivated to be a host to spirit. You as a body were born into limits and as you nurture and expand the love and light in your heart, you are melting the barriers that prevent your highest ecstasy while on earth. As your chakras open and fill with love and light, understanding dawns. Moments of clarity take place. Otherworldly peace is felt at certain times. The more you choose the path of love and light, called the path of peace and non-violence, the more your spirit and your physical body join together in harmony, which opens the door to the higher dimensions and frequencies.
Your spirit is a positive pole, electrical. Your body is a negative pole, magnetic. The mistake made by many on the spiritual path is to forget the body and seek upward to spirit. Many try to escape their body and their physical world but fulfillment can only be found by CONNECTING with the body. The body is a necessary part of the process. And only YOU can make this profound connection with your love and your acceptance of your situation. This profound connection has been referred to as the mystical marriage. One may seek spiritual enlightenment by returning to spirit and leaving the body behind, to die, but to create a beautiful life on earth with abundance, love, peace, joy and much, much more, love must be applied through action, word and attitudinal behavior. Living in harmony with love and peaceful intentions expands who you are, what you were born with, and moves you past your former self and former boundaries and limits, closer to the ideal person you feel yourself to be.
When you as an individual live with another person and can do so without controlling them or abusing them or arguing with them, or in other words when you can overcome your selfish focus on yourself, when you can work out disagreements through negotiation peacefully, you have taken a big step toward becoming more of a master of your destiny. This shows that you are living in love. Many people think that living in love means sexual affinity, but it is more than that. Living in love is living in peace and in harmony.
Then you may feel the impulse to reach out to others. Work with your partner in this new adventure as you expand your love even further than between the two of you. Expand it through listening, sharing ideas, negotiating and preparing the groundwork for intimate connection through love. You are here to learn how to live with respect, dignity and appreciation. Then you may enjoy the fruits of your labor for you will have grown quite close together, without resistance.
5/19/14 - Master DK overlights me (a personal experience)
I lay on the massage table with earphones this morning instead of doing my normal meditations and exercises. I was going to read but instead I found myself immediately transported and started calling on St. Germain, El Morya and Djwal Khul, the three ascended masters I seem to have connection with. I was there for an hour. I can’t find the words to tell this part of the experience because it was mostly floating and peaceful but too high for words. But then I said, "I want to bring this feeling and awareness into my physical body. How do I do that?."
I felt DK talking to me or rather relaying an awareness to me. They are so high above the human vibration it's hard to access them. I read somewhere that they have to burrow through what seems to them like brick walls to reach us. I have been asking DK to instruct me in Tantra, considering the work that I am involved in. I have to struggle for words because all information from the ascended masters comes through awareness. There are no words to explain the fluid shifting of awareness-slash-information that comes.
I felt DK up high at first and then he was coming down over me, very gently, very precise, very conscious. There were sparkles of colored lights, pinpoints of light. And then there was the emotional feeling that I always get from him, which touches me with reverence and compassion and love and the many things that always bring me to tears. I associate this with DK's presence.
Then there was an awareness all through my physical body, as if I were waking up in each cell, each atom, and these were points of awareness in my body. I felt this physically. It was a really nice sensation, pleasant, of awareness being in a concrete body. It was very pleasurable. He was laying his awareness into me carefully. “This is Tantra”, he said. “Be aware. Be aware no matter what you are doing, be aware. It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters only that you be aware."
I felt the awareness as being fine and exquisitely delicate, almost psychedelic, with sharp but gentle outlines. I was aware that I AM this vast consciousness that is everywhere, in all things, unbroken by the forms I AM creating. I am one mind, one awareness. I am creating many things with my focus. I became aware of the ascended masters and what they are aware of but it's impossible to put into words. What makes me unique is my focus and what I am putting my attention on, plus all of my past memories and talents and karmic associations. I draw certain charged energies to me out of the vast sea of oneness because of my association with them. I hold them to me and around me but I am still one I AM. Everyone else is doing the same thing. We are all one I AM. We are each focusing on what interests us, what draws us, what impassions us, and we draw to us what we want. And then, when we are embodied, we become lost inside the forms and forget who we are. But we still are the ONE doing all of this and thinking these things and holding these human beings safe.
Even the birds are the I AM focusing on the one thing they know how to do. And the deer in the pasture, and the insects on the ground, and the flowers blossoming, dropping, turning into fruit. And the trees bearing leaves, and the water falling, and the air making clouds and rain, and the earth trembling and moving and shaking. It's all coming from the one mind. I AM creating my little world around me by focusing on what I am doing. If I don’t focus on what I am doing I drift back into the oneness again through the daydream or the nightdream.
I asked to be instructed in Tantra and this is what I got this morning. Master DK showed me that this Oneness is the web of life that holds everything together. Tantra means "web" in Sanskrit. It doesn't actually "hold" things together, it IS everything. Even though we all live in different forms, in conditions and situations that may appear foreign to us and we speak different languages and do different things, some ugly, some nice, this Oneness is flowing through everything all the time. The Oneness is aware. The web of life is the web of awareness. Even though we "forget" and lose awareness, it's still there keeping us connected. We can't break that connection. We ARE the oneness. We can't escape that fact. But we can keep holding focus on our separateness and do things that divide us.
We can keep holding onto past bad memories of mistakes and other errors that cause bad reactions and produce problems for us. But as we look up and do positive constructive things to help others, we begin to feel good and the feel-good sensations help us remember our way back to who we really are - the One I AM. Whenever we are in body we tend to keep paying the depression forward from life to life to life, but there is a way out. We always have the web of life connecting us to the Good that we are behind the forms. I asked to be instructed on Tantra and this is what I received so I wanted to record it. Thank you DK.
7/28/14 - Kundalini is a sensation that radiates
Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body. It has a purpose. One does not know the purpose because it is another mind, not your own. You can’t read it but you can work with it and communicate with it. It has your own best interests at heart. It is here to serve life, not you in your mortal form, but the life that is trying to blossom in you. It is trying to push the stones and rocks and roots out of the way so it can pierce through the top soil into the light of day, like a seed that is sprouting from within. Your body has grown old and tired and dense with pollution and poisons. Your belief system is also blocked with walls and limits on what you believe, and rigid thinking of “my way is the right way”. Kundalini is pushing those rigid beliefs out of the way. If you struggle and resist you feel pain. The advice is to yield, surrender, even if you are afraid and don’t understand, yet you must open yourself to this expansion that is going on. Open to this inner sensation the way you would open to a lover. The sensation is expansive, light and buoyant, and blissful and you can feel every cell as if your cells are each one waking up and signaling they are awake. Expanding and pushing outward through the cell walls, as if something is growing larger from inside them and the cell wall is feeling the pressure to expand and open. If you were a seed you would burst your shell and grow a little shoot to grow up through the soil. ** This is a real power. You can feel it pressing on your physical cells and you have no clue what it is.
It is disturbing to one who does not know these things. It is another part of you that is being born. You do not know this part yet but you will. You should be aware of it before it happens, to be prepared for it. It is a larger intelligence and a larger power. It is both mental and feeling. You can talk to it silently or out loud, mind to mind. And you should. If you don’t, it will expand arbitrarily through your body and leave you in its wake, not knowing, no clue. Stay with it. Agree to it. Ride with it. Yield to it consciously. Say, “Yes, I will go with you. Teach me.” Don’t be left behind. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed by how big it is. It’s greater than you. Keep up with it. Work with it. When you talk with it it will answer and listen to you. But if you don’t talk to it it will carry on without you. It will give you guidance, like to go to a certain area for calmness, or what foods to eat, or what drinks, or when to get up and when to sleep. To show you what you need to do to connect with it. It is a power moving in your body. Talk to it as if it were a friend on the outside of you and you need to communicate with this person who has a different mind than yours. But this friend is on the inside and it is the unborn part you. You are being born a second time now. You are being born again.
9/11/14 - How to work with Kundalini
Let’s talk about the lowest energy at the base of the spine, the root chakra. It is YOU. It is you and it was given to you to anchor your mighty self to the Earth, to hold you down into the density of form. Each energy level (chakra) has been given to hold you to the unfolding of that particular quality that you need to absorb and manifest in your life. These qualities manifest differently for each person, due to the way in which each has incorporated the limitations and errors of the dark programming of the planet.
The root energy - earth energy - is unique in that it is a strength which you need to develop the higher qualities in a balanced way. Your root energy is felt differently in each person. YOU felt it as a rising up, floating you up in rays of light. But you had prior training in other lives so you were open and accepting. If a person still has blocks and obstructions they will experience pain, emotional, psychological pain. You experienced pain yourself when you thought you had a voo doo curse put on you. [the haunting in Costa Rica, finding a voo doll]. The curse would not have affected you and caused you pain if you had not had the tendency already within you to draw it to you. Kundalini energy, which is your pure Godhood, stirred up dark energy which was in you from ages past, when kundalini awakened on that wonderful day in 1976. This dark energy which was in the deepest recesses of your being, hiding there so you did not know of its existence, was rattled awake. It stirred. You had several pockets of dark energy which you identified as ‘evil’ when they invaded your conscious mind. Do you remember? [Of course, I do!] Kundalini swept through your body chasing out the demons, cleaning them out, casting them out before the magnificent rays of this power. And you had to face them and deal with them.
It has been said that no man can see the face of God and live. God is a loving God and God is living inside of you, side by side with the mortal part of you which is distorted and in fear. You were born into this world of fear and darkness and it was up to you to rise above it. That was the job you had and knew before you were born. But the mortal part of you which was born of the earth of earth parents and earth bodies in the matrix of earthly thought, learned to live more from this shadow limited side of yourself, than from your God (good) side which has never left you and is still there at this very moment. Therefore the God (good) side of you is stagnant. When you arouse the root energy, you are arousing an energy that is more powerful than your mortal side. Hence the saying, “No mortal can see the face of God and live.” Kundalini is God energy and it is good. It is pure. It does not know how your mortal mind is distorted into twisted concepts. It is no respecter of persons. You might say it is a clean sweep. However, kundalini is intelligent. It is available to be talked to and asked to “please go slow”, or “please gentle it down in my liver” or “please direct your focus to my lungs”.
The important thing to remember when working with Kundalin after it has awakened is: communicate with it as if it were a friend and a person. If you don’t talk to it, without your consciousness partnering with it, it will make a clean sweep through your body and possibly cause great pain and even madness. It has been said that the road to heaven is littered with broken bones. That is the work of kundalini which is known as Kali, the destroyer, in Indian scriptures. You MUST build up an understanding that YOU - your consciousness - is required to work with it. Respect its power and don’t try to control it as you are used to doing with situations. This is greater than you. Talk to it as an equal. It has all of the qualities of God. It is God in you. And you as a mortal with energies of dark in you are required to work with the God in you to clean up the mess that is in you. Work with it intelligently.
Everyone today (2014) is working through past lifetimes worth of buried unresolved issues. The issues are in the tissues, as massage therapists say. They are lurking inside the cells as dense molasses-like substance. They need cleaning out. You can’t do it alone with your mental efforts. You don’t have the power or knowledge. So use the God energies in you. The Kundalini is the low man on the totem pole. It is the root chakra of your body. It’s power is beyond imagining. You have to experience it, but you should not experience it until you have had some training. These are ancient dark energies of trauma and horror that were repressed in other lifetimes. Some have horror energies repressed from this lifetime. All such buried darkness is stinking and rotting away inside of you, pressed down below the level of consciousness. This is the end of a cosmic cycle so everyone is cleaning their old energies out instinctively.
God is living in you as purity, golden radiating light and love. It flows through your spine, through your nerves, your etheric meridians that the acupuncturist put needles into, through the cells of your physical body, and through your mind and your feelings. God is living in you side by side with the smaller, limited you - that which you believe and which the authorities have told you to believe. This smaller, limited you is what we call “the mask” or “the ego” or “the personality”. It is not the real you. The God that lives within you is so powerful it would destroy your smaller, limited you very quickly, and what good would that do? So the ultimate plan, the divine plan for you and me in our small, limited consciousness, is to open the portals of the God within, slowly. Just as there are pockets of rotting dark energies in us, so there are portals of light that can be opened to the heavens of our God-beingness. All spiritual techniques are practices - exercises - that we use on a daily basis to begin the process of cleaning out the dark from within.
Up to now the God (good) side of us has been stagnant. When we arouse the root energy we are arousing an energy that is more powerful than we are in our small, limited form. The distortions are rattled when kundalini (Kali, the destroyer) awakens in us. The God (good) in us lives side by side with the so-called evil in us (bad). A man experiences pain from this stirring up, but the pain is the removal of the bad energies in him. His solution to the pain is to rise above it by focusing on the gentleness and the purity of himself. Choose thoughts of love and bite the bullet. Surrender to the process and the way will be made light. The distortions need to be removed because they are not able to stand up to the rays of the pure and whole God (good) in you.
That is why sex is so strong a drive in people. It is the next chakra up from the root chakra, centered in the etheric plane between the navel and the tip of the tailbone, right around where the ovaries and uterus are in a woman, and the prostate is in a man. The first chakra when awakened acts as a growing root down into the soil of Earth to connect with the rising of Earth energy from the center of Earth. Kundalini is a God energy. It is pure. Kundalini is a God energy in the Earth too, but since all forms are feminine, Kundalini of Earth is Goddess energy. Kundalini in our own bodies are feminine in nature. The feminine earth energy meets the now-awakened feminine human energy and they unite to become very powerful in the human which also helps the earth in its evolution and cleansing. The kundalini in us becomes strong from this connection with Earth. It is not strong as long as it is asleep in us. When it awakens in us, the person had better be ready to receive it - and no one knows when that time will be - the kundalini spreads in all directions at once. Up and down. Its connection to Earth is powerful, a connection to ancient energy which is Mother energy. It is God in feminine form, the Earth. It is powerful enough that you don’t want to arouse it until you are willing to open your mind and heart to the unknown. Are you ready to yield to something greater than you? It is like trusting that you can fly and stepping off a 14,000 foot cliff into the air. It feels to most people like something foreign has moved into the body because it is not you, the mask, operating any longer. It is not who you have always known yourself to be. The one in control.
You created a personality to fit into your family and community, but it covered up your God self. You don’t know your God self until you allow your mask to be removed. Your mask is removed as kundalini moves it for you and there is no going back and saying “Stop!” There is however, a way to partner with kundalini and direct its actions. If it’s too strong and threatening to blow your circuits, you can direct it outward to a tree by hugging a tree or going to bathe in the sea or putting your hands into the soil in a garden project. Or you can take in some animals and rub and love your pets with your hands and body. Or you can have sex with someone with love. Use love in your thoughts and awareness whenever you direct kundalini. Do not have fear or anger. Replace all thoughts with love. That is the most important instruction of all.
While this is going on - the battle of light and dark is going on in you. Kundalini is the cosmic universal force of God sweeping through his/her realm to rid it of all impurities - you. Go with it. Allow it. Accept it. Maintain love in your mind. You created a disposable body, mind and soul, now its time to put an end to it. You will be surprised to find that as the disposable parts of you are swept away, YOU remain! Just as a body in a near-death experience returns to tell us how, when the body died, he remained standing, so it is that when kundalini finishes its ravishing through your body, mind and feelings, YOU will remain standing, working side by side with other members of your family. You will have a new, cleaner consciousness however, and you will not think like the others around you. You will have been made new.
Meanwhile, you may feel as if a foreign spirit has moved into your body. So out of touch with your Godhood have you been, that it will feel at first foreign and strange to you. But if you have led a good life of constructive nature you will find it to be familiar. If it continues to remain weird and foreign to you, you have a lot to get rid of. Find the goodness in you, good thoughts, do good deeds, do as much good as you can to help the process along. You too will come out on the other side with a new consciousness.
10/4/14 - Tantra is the science of love
[This was a spontaneous channeling which occurred while I was meditating and talking with my guides. Someone was talking through me, overlighting me. These are not my words. I didn't know who was talking.]
Tantra is the science of love. The physical techniques and the teachnings pave the way to understanding that it is not WHO you love but that you cultivate love and become love. Tantra teaches an attitude and how to hold a thought until it becomes a feeling of love. It is the cultivation of Reverence, adoration, sacredness and awe. It is the embodying of all of these qualities and the expression of all of these attitudes of love. It is the self ridding the smaller self of the hindrances and negative thoughts that hold it back, and the larger Self with a capital S emerges naturally from within. It is not something that someone else can give. It is only found through the cultivation of the positives of love and all that is related to love.
It is not who you revere or adore, and it is not who you hold in awe as a higher authority, it is simply the quality of reverence that you are cultivating while living in a less-than-perfect human body living a less-than-perfect human life. Other spiritual teachings lead you to look outside of yourself to a master, a guru, a leader or someone to whom you look for guidance. This leads you outside of yourself and away from your own divinity, for wherever you look and put your attention, there goes your life force. People become very dependant upon their churches, their ministers, priests, rabbis, the “going to church” to pray. They are leaking their life force away. Even to ascended masters.
Tantra techniques begin with breath work to awaken the dormant fire that is already present in the body cells, in the spaces between the whirling atoms and electrons. The human being is a spirit in training, and he has not been trained well so he is lost and confused. Tantra brings the focus back into the physical body through the breath. Love resides in the bodies, the mind and emotions and feelings. Love is the sea out of which we were born. The soul is love unrealized. The spirit is love never lost. The soul is yearning to reach spirit where love resides. Tantra is a science of love. That is what we cultivate in our thoughts as we practice it and do the disciplines once a day. Within the vibration of love is the vibration of gratitude, reverence, holiness, illumination, freedom, peace, joy, purity, strength of purpose and more.
Compared to other spiritual and religious paths that lead up and away from focus on the body, Tantra is unconventional. It is known as the yoga of sex, or the “yoking” of sex to the immortal and unfettered spirit which resides in love undefined. The comprehension of what this means, dawns slowly. But with practice it comes. The human body has the capacity to “take on” love and become love as the focus and attention is put there, right here in the physical world. One practices each day for an hour or more as he chooses. It does not matter to the practitioner while he is doing his daily exercise, who his choice of a sex or love partner is. That comes later. Tantra is a singular lone path to practice alone in sacredness until he masters the ability to cultivate love without the need of a partner. Practice continues alone daily until a certain point when the practitioner feels himself ready to practice with a partner without losing his focus to the temptations that normally tug and pull at a man or a woman. Then he will seek a Tantrick partner, called a “consort”, to practice with. The consort, the partner chosen, will have also built up the ability to maintain love without losing focus to temptations of sex.
I’m not a Tantra master. I practiced it long ago in another life and culture. I know it only by instinct and natural drawing to it. I’m trying to remember it back to conscious mind so I can practice it again. But to accomplish this I have to start talking about it, and giving it out to express it. As they say, “Love isn’t something that is put here to stay; love isn’t love til it’s given away.” In other words, we have to move it around, not let it remain stagnant. So I am talking about Tantra as a way of moving it out into expression, but it does not mean I am a master of it. I am doing my own form of practice to move it out of stagnancy.
10/7/14 - The fully realized man
This morning a wonderful vision was shown to me of a fully realized man. Uumm, lovely. This vision came as a feeling coupled with a picture. It affected me on levels that are wordless. I want to try to express the feeling because I am always focusing on the feminine qualities and, contrary to popular belief, a man who is fully in touch with his feminine side is waaaaay more attractive than one who is not. Most readers interpret feminine to mean woman or a gay man, but there is something powerfully masculine in a man who is whole and complete with both a gentle side and a strong masculine side. Every man has a feminine side, for he is 50% male and 50% female. Most men have been conditioned to hide their female side. Likewise, every woman is 50% female and 50% male, she just hides the 50% male side so she is not wholly empowered. But let's look at an empowered man.
A man's body is male, no question about it. But his body is only the vessel through which he moves and operates as an intelligent operating force. The body is a vehicle, just like his car that he gets into every day and drives. The body is not who he is. Who he is is intelligence manifesting as thought and feeling. This intelligent being is both male and female in thought and feeling. It is only when he is raised in a less-than-perfect society as ours is, that he is indoctrinated from infancy to hide his female side. A boy is taught from infancy to "be a man" and thus close off his delicate sensitivities which are his feminine side. Most boys are taught not to cry and not to express emotion or high ideals or a sense of justice or fairness, or appreciation for beauty or a taste for dance or the arts. These are too delicate, in our society, for a man to have. They are "gay". And yet these are very much a part of his wholeness. He cannot be complete without them. As he grows into adulthood and continues to deny expression to his own inner beauty and grace, he grows harder and more masculine. More macho. He develops a certain hunger for the feminine touch, for his body needs it. His body follows its natural growth pattern and at puberty there is a physical awakening of sex hormones in the genital region, indicating he can now reproduce, but there is a deeper and more intense hunger. He needs feminine energy for his soul, not just his body. He is lacking in that area - intimacy, gentleness, awe and wonder, because he has been trained to shut that side of him down and he is energetically out of balance. He is tilting too far over into the masculinity zone.
Perhaps the reader will disagree with me, but I am sharing a word picture of something I saw today - a fully-realized man. A whole man, not a screwed-up man with issues. We do not see such men in our society often, if ever. A fully realized man is not hungry for sex, nor is he hungry for a relationship. He is his own man and happy with his life. He is balanced between his heart (feminine) and his mind (masculine). He has learned to keep his heart open. He has not closed off his feminine side. His physical body is male and he is attracted to women in the same way as any normal man, for he loves to be in love and he loves beauty, grace and togetherness. But sex is not driving him. He has a respect for the whole person, and an appreciation of nature and ALL people everywhere - not just women. He has the ability to enjoy the many pleasures that the world has to offer, and the ability to be in joy and spontaneity as he feels, as well as to be serious, practical and a leader of men where needed. He can laugh and cry as he is moved to do so. And he can be the warrior when he is called upon, because he does not have unresolved issues plaguing him. He embodies his own wholeness in his skin, and he is comfortable with who he is. He is not operating at the 50% level, which we would call the macho male, but is the kind of man all men and all women would find attractive and likeable.
It's hard to describe the feeling of what I saw. It was a feeling. It was a presence. It was loving and warm and yet masculine in every way. It was wise and intelligent. Profoundly knowledgeable. He was like a god in a man's body. You could not help but stop and gaze at him in wonder, trying to figure out what it was that captivated you. But he was just a human being. I am trying to define the feeling, the impact, the glow and the presence of this man in my vision. He had a very powerful presence. You could imagine him being able to move mountains if he wanted to, but that he kept that power under wraps until needed. This gave an image of a very strong, very warm, very gentle, very human, and very attractive man.
I am painting this picture so that men who read this might understand - allowing your female side to express in your thoughts and emotions. This picture I paint is not being gay, and not being feminine. It is being more masculine, not less. It is important that a man realize how much he loses by not allowing his sensitive nature to co-exist along with his masculine. He has this energy within him. It is a powerful spiritual energy. I am articulating this for a reason. If men everywhere accepted his femaleness, the world would spring back to rightness immediately, for it has been the unbalanced male who has become unduly aggressive, mean and vicious without his feminine side. He would become in short time very comfortable with himself and at peace with his life. What at first feels vulnerable to him would eventually prove to be a wholeness that he has not experienced before, and it would give him more power, purpose and meaning.
The inner feminine is sometimes called the inner child. The inner child has been neglected. The inference is that the child has not grown up to adulthood, but here’s the thing: the inner female is always a child. It is happy and joyful and spontaneous and in love with life. It is the delightful twinkling in the eye at play. A man who has these qualities would be stronger than those men who do not express it. All men could express their inner child, with a little shift into solitary alone time to connect with it. He would be able to give expression to his inner, heretofore unexpressed inner thoughts and feelings. He would be MORE of a man, not less. He would find himself surprisingly stronger than he ever thought possible, because he would be operating on 100% fuel instead of only 50%.
The fuel is the spirit of the person, not the body itself. The fuel is the life force of an individual, not the body itself. The body is only the vehicle, the car, that the person gets into and drives around. When the person runs out of fuel, out of spirit, out of life force, then the car, the body, runs down and grows old. It cannot keep itself alive. It needs the fuel - the 100% octane. The macho male thinks he is so powerful and manly, but he can't do it alone without the spiritual fuel of 100% - the other half of himself which is hidden. One who has accepted his own gentleness, grace, vulnerability, beauty and refinement, would appear as a gentleman. That private acceptance within would flood his mind, body and feelings and saturate him with powerful confidence and inner knowledge. No amount of book learning or higher education gives that to a man. Only his willingness to connect with his heart, the feminine and spiritual side of himself.
The same is true with a woman. Most women operate on 50% of their life force, not 100% as they could. Yes, their physical bodies are feminine and they might be the most beautiful woman in the world. But their bodies are only a vessel, a vehicle. She herself is a non-physical, very powerful being using that beautiful body to operate through. When she, the powerful being, is raised as a young girl by her parents, she is more than likely being cultivated toward the feminine side. They are probably clipping and cutting back her male side, so she will fit in better with the world. Most girls are taught to be soft and gentle and to not express their intellectual side or their strengths or practicalities or tendencies for science, math, politicians, baseball or motorcycles. And yet she has all of these tendencies within her. They are skills and talents and abilities. Who knows what she would produce if she did not cut off her male side?
As young girls grow into womanhood they become increasingly hungry for male energy - the male energy that they rejected and were denied expression to. They grow unbalanced. She develops a certain hunger for boys. And when her body awakens at puberty with sex hormones flooding her nerves and tissues, she has no control over it. She needs and wants a boy man. Whereas if she had been allowed to be a fully-realized girl from childhood she would not be caught in the flood of emotions at puberty. Imbalance causes her intense desire for male energy, for she has refused to let it live and express in her. This hunger radiates out into the atmosphere around her and men and boys are attracted to it like a moth to a flame.
When a person blocks whole portions of themselves from expressing, which our society unfortunately requires, there is the beginning of imbalance. It manifests as inability to see clearly or choose wisely and as a hunger for the opposite sex or fighting with the opposite sex. Wholeness, on the other hand, is a feeling of being healthy, at peace and more or less fulfilled. It is the aching hunger for the opposite sex that is the most damaging result of denying the inner male or the inner female from expressing. It creates the friction and the struggle that exists between men and women everywhere. It is global. Even in our enlightened society here in the West, there is enmity between men and women. This enmity dissolves into love during a love affair and honeymoon, but quickly disappears after that. Why?
Because while they are in love they are balanced in their energies. Love balances. Love accepts. Love does not reject or deny. Love includes. As soon as they stop being in love, they fall out of balance again and the hunger returns for the opposite sex. And yet it is within the man himself, within the woman herself, that the balance is found. One can have hundreds of sex partners in life and never achieve that ultimate peace that comes with being in balance. It is all about energy. Inner energy. Male and female energy integrated inside one's own skin. Is it possible a baby can be raised as a fully-realized boy or girl? I believe it is not only possible but that we are seeing it with our own eyes. It is happening right now in the child prodigies. What we call "geniuses" but they are not geniuses. They are merely healthy, whole-bodied individuals operating on a full tank of life force, fully realized. I believe these child prodigies are not super human but wholly human.
10/15/14 - On receiving massage
[Received while considering a gathering of people for massage swaps with exchanges of partners. I was concerned about it becoming sexual, how to prevent that. DK answered me.]
One thing we want to do, the most important is to RECEIVE massage, not so much to give. Giving is secondary. It is learning how to receive, how to give up control and allowing someone else to touch you in a loving way and actually letting that love sink in deeper – that is the most needed thing today by everyone. We have been (all of us) conditioned to look outside ourselves at the world and interact with everyone who comes along, or react, to what is going on in the world outside. We are all in masculine energy, pushing outward, looking outward, listening outward, seeking outward. We have forgotten our inner life and have built up walls which doesn’t allow us to receive love – either from others or from angelic forces. So, we end up taking. We push ourselves into people to take their attention because we have forgotten how to relax and go within. We must become vulnerable. We are afraid of being vulnerable but vulnerable is innocence. It is good. It is becoming child-like, which is the pure feminine energy, not human feminine which is not pure. So in massage we need to experience receiving loving touch from others.
In massage we want to go inner to become relaxed on all four levels – body, mind, feeling and spirit. Being relaxed on the three non-physical levels of mind and emotions and spirit, allows us to be relaxed in the body. It is the only way to become relaxed in the physical – we have to first become relaxed with our surroundings mentally, and emotionally, and spiritually, meaning morally and approved by our value system. This is important because the atmosphere is filled with negative confusion caused by the human consciousness field. It is like a fog. We call it the matrix. It is composed of less than perfect thoughts by all the people for over thousands of years. It has built up into a smog that covers the earth. It contains a lot of fear and anger and hate and manipulative controlling thoughts. The matrix has been built through ignorance and lack of understanding that love and light exists within every human heart but we don’t know it. Human beings have been spewing out hateful, violent thoughts for generations and it fills the atmosphere unless the community has grown more enlightened. We can clear up the smog in our atmosphere by cultivating thoughts of love within our minds. We have to start with ourselves. It is the reason why people meditate, pray and practice spiritual disciples – to clear their own personal auric field.
We clear our minds by training ourselves to think “up” in our thoughts to higher levels and higher values, even when we are working day to day at our business. We need to remind ourselves to think “UP” often and to visualize a golden beam of light going up to a sun abo our heads, which is our own divine self called our own personal father/mother god. Everyone has a divine source that feeds their life force down through the beam of light through the crown of the head. It is important in this training to form a visual picture of this beam of light, like a pipe line to the sun above. It is up through that pipe line of light that looks exactly like a tube of light attached to the sun above, that we imagine our thoughts ascending. As we place our thoughts into that imagined tube of light and imagine our thoughts drifting up to the sun above, we are actually creating an ever-widening golden conduit and bubble of clear transparent light around us. The light goes up from our crown and comes down through our crown and down our spinal cord, down the legs into the earth. We must remember to create that visual picture often during the day and say,
“I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light. God consumes my darkness transmuting it into light. This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought or feeling. I am an outpost of the divine, such darkness as has used me is swallowed up by the light which I am. I am, I am, I am light! I live, I live, I live in light. I am light’s fullest intention, I am light’s purest dimension, I am light! Light! Light! everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening, and conveying the purpose of the kingdom of heaven.”
Thirty times a day will help keep the air above our heads clear so the highest energy that we can draw down can come down to us from above. It comes down to the same degree that we send it up through a mantra of the type above. It is through a mantra of sound that we are clearing the atmosphere above us, but we need to do it regularly and often during the day. This is how we clear up the negative components that have infiltrated our minds, bodies, spirits and feelings without our noticing it. We are clearing the way for dignity, refinement, sophistication, clarity (light), peace (emotions), reverence, beauty, sophistication, courage, wisdom, intelligence, power and more. When they say “create heaven on earth” they mean that your life will take on the qualities of these attributes just mentioned.
We are not aware of these beautiful qualities that are within our reach (above us as a higher self) because we were not taught. The religions of the world have done a poor job of explaining “god” to us. God is not some old man with a white beard living on a cloud beyond earth. God is not a person. God is consciousness of good and of love and all things perfect and beautiful. And since we are conscious beings, we are filled with God and we are filled with good and love and all things beautiful – we just don’t know it. We have to open ourselves to let it in and stop focusing on the bad, the negative, the evil. As we focus on the image of our thoughts and words ascending like bubbles in a glass of champagne up into the sun above our heads, the sun above our heads rains love and light down into us through the top of our head to fill our bodies with light. It takes practice but you notice the lightness right away when you start practicing 30x a day - an arbitrary number, you decide for yourself what works for you.
Source hovers above us and above the human matrix fog that covers the earth and prevents us from seeing clear. The matrix is formed by us so we have to clear it away by ourselves. No one else is going to do it for us. Stop and clear the fog from your immediate area. Picture yourself holding your mother or fathers hand as a small child, for they are the protector and giver of nourishment, support, love and vitality. We each must learn to draw on our higher self by going up often in our attention and focus during the day.
Shine your light like a beacon light at an airport shining up into the darkness. Reconnect the light from your thoughts with the pure god consciousness that is your source above your head. Clear away the fuzziness that closes in from forgetting. Build an open and clear channel to the source of your vitality. Jesus referred to it as his father in heaven. Once connected with firmly from father to son, it clears the matrix fog away from you. You are then plugged in.
12/22/14 - Breathe free, break the feeling of tightness
[After a long meditation session I received the following words in my mind.]
Expand to allow more in. RECEIVE! Receiving requires expanding. Receiving requires freedom and letting go of control and resistance. Just stop controlling or pretending to control. Stop it! Just stop it! And start breathing free again. Open your chest, your lungs and inhale deeply. Learn how to receive the blessings riding on the air, on the light from the sun. Receive these energies into your lungs and heart and into the blood pumping. Let go of control. Everything in your life you have created by controlling. Now it is a fixed wall around you that holds you fixed inside the compound. To break the feeling of tightness and suffocation and frustration, expand your chest and breathe deep and let go of your focus on your possessions, including your mate, your family, your children. Expand your capacity by breathing free and by giving freedom to everyone and every situation in your life. Give freedom to your home and your business and everything in your world and you will suddenly expand your capacity to feel free. And your capacity to think and create and develop your game plan will grow exponentially as you loosen your grip on your fixed life.
Breathe, expand, and receive the blessings the angels of heaven carry within themselves. They are holding these blessings in their hearts waiting for you to open and receive them. As long as you hold your attention and focus on your world the way it is now, the tighter you feel because you are expanding. The blessings are pushing to come into your life. It's an effort to hold back the blessings. It's an effort to keep your attention on the same thing day in and day out. Let it go!! Daydream. Lift your eyes to the empty sky and release your tension into the light. At night lift your attention into the dark void. Empty, release, allow, expand and the blessings will flow. You will feel the self correction happening as you release and relax and breathe and daydream. You will feel the subtle peace that comes from plugging in to the rightness and the goodness as you let go of your focus on the world of form and the man made systems that keep you locked into them.
5/6/15 - Misqulified sex energies
[I have been asking myself why do I not want to provide massage any more? I love massage. I started out loving massage with all my being. I found great pleasure in deep, loving touch with another human being. It was a wonderful way to feel good. But over the years I was being constantly pulled down into sexual energies by men when I performed loving touch on them. Women accepted it beautifully but men kept turning it sexual. It was a tumultuous, conflicting learning experience which finally culminated in my giving up massage permanently. I found myself saying silently, even while doing it, “No! No! No!", which was strange for I was already participating in free and open "swinging". This resistance became so strong in me that I went into out-and-out rebellion. When my little cell phone rang, I stopped answering it. I didn't know what to do. I was in total conflict, frozen like a deer in the headlights. I continued arguing with myself, Why am I feeling this way? I want to do loving massage which is elevating for both the client and myself, but what do I do with the monster unleashed in the process? Why am I so against it? What is it doing to me? Why am I feeling this way? Massage has been an income-producing occupation and I've enjoyed the work but - I decided to ask my higher guidance one day. I was on the computer and DK responded as follow.]
“When a man has his release in a sexual orgasm, he is expelling all the toxins and misqualified energies that he has allowed to build up within him. These impure energies which he himself creates, drop downward, pulled by gravity to the lower parts of his body. Uplifting happy thoughts and feelings gather around the upper body and head and bubble upward into the atmosphere above the head, but negative particles are dense, made heavier by impure thoughts, selfish motives, unkindness, anger, hatred and meanness. These fall earthward within the auric field of the individual, creating a heaviness that encircles him around. The desire to have sex is a desire to rid himself of unclean emotions and thoughts which he terms “stress”. He feels it as stress and as a suffocation because it really is preventing his own clean and pure life from shining forth and expressing freely in his life.
The desire to have a sexual blowout is a desire to get rid of this heaviness that has built up in his energy field and is now suffocating him. It is causing tension which causes erratic and moody behavior. It is like being in a straight jacket. Women experience this too, in subtly different ways. The life-long work is to learn what causes these mood swings. If a man or woman would learn to raise their thoughts to a happier, higher level and not permit negative thoughts or emotions to linger in them, they would enjoy a more pleasant and freely expressive life - one not driven by the constant need to have a sexual release to feel good again.
There is nothing wrong with sex but the intent and motive behind it. A sexual "need" is selfish, where a loving attraction to be with someone is not selfish but an expression of joy and wonder. In the latter case a sexual encounter would be relaxed and equally loving rather than darkly demanding. When sexual need is present, there is force behind it which is unnatural. When one has become more uplifting and happy in thought and feeling one feels free and no force is required to feel loving. No negative particles are involved that are pushing for release.
Human kind is here to learn to choose wisely the types of thoughts and feelings entertained. You are here to learn the cause and effect of negative vs. positive thought. You are the masters of your thoughts; choose wisely for you prepare your future by the thoughts you carry around with you today. Negative and depressing thoughts are best changed with forgiving yourself and appreciating even the bad thought. Love and appreciation is the transformative agent. Do not permit negative thoughts to build up and you will not build heavy dense layers that suffocate you.
Mankind is here to learn from mistakes, not be buried by the aftermath of mistakes. Be wise. Become enlightened to the laws of life and flow with them, not against them. Man is here to raise the energies that flow through him cleanly, like a fresh sparkling river of pure undiluted LIFE. Do not allow that pure undiluted life to become impure by negative thought whether it be a negative reaction or a negative experience.
There is a universal sense of “dirtiness” around sex and prostitution for this reason, though most people are unaware of the truth of it. Women who work in this field take these toxins into themselves in the process of giving the man the release they need. She is doing him a great service. Likewise the man who is performing the service for women. Or men for men and women for women. It does not matter who is performing the service, they are accepting the misqualified energies of the other. That is why you are resisting this behavior. Those who perform sexual services should learn how to cleanse themselves before and after so they may remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.
The introduction of Tantra is instruction in inner work. The Western version of Tantra is in error, with a sexual overcast to it. Tantra is a teaching in elevating thought. Practitioners are taught not to release their energies or physical semen (their dirty laundry) into a lover. Tantra is a beautiful purifying course of study that one may undertake alone without a partner. This inner work involves keeping one’s thoughts and feelings pure and uplifted. Even when a thought or a feeling enters, one learns how to be the master of those thoughts and feelings, and how to change them to kind, loving, intelligent and beautiful thoughts and feelings. In this way he elevates and inspires himself and all who come in contact with him (or her). Purity of body is also required, which one would automatically and naturally be impulsed to follow, if one's thoughts and feelings are inspired by higher and more elevated living. These are the trainings of Tantra. When done in advance, prior to love-making with another person, one has most loving and sweet encounters.
9/7/15 - Your heart is electromagnetic
Your heart has more circuitry than your brain does. Your heart is hard-wired to Father-Mother God. Your heart belongs to God. To complete our mission in this life, we have to connect with our heart. Here are some heart decrees. Memorize these heart decrees and say them out loud every day, three or five times or more. Your body belongs to you, but your heart belongs to Father-Mother God. Your body belongs to you as a blank canvas for you to write on and take into journeys with, go on adventures with and imprint experiences into its cells. Your body was given to you to see what you can make of it. But your heart belongs to Father-Mother God. Your life in the body is for a limited time only. When you are in your head, you are using your human will. When you are in your body you are using your human will. But when you are in your heart you are using Father-Mother God’s will. You can’t help it because your heart is directly connected to Source.
Through your heart the divine enters into the physical world. When you focus your attention on your heart you are plugged into Father-Mother God. Your heart becomes richer. When you start using the heart decrees every day you will build a momentum of conscious energy and awareness to Father-Mother God. Your heart will start to talk to you. You will get messages. You will start to be guided from a most benevolent place, to go to the best situations, with the best solutions. Your heart is not your mind and not your human ego. It is difficult to know the difference because your consciousness is in both places. Your consciousness is in your mind and in your body, as well as in your heart. But your mind contains only storage data like your computer does. It is artificial intelligence, while your heart is pure intelligence from Creator.
You will become aware of the difference as you do the heart decrees daily. Your soul is connected with the Creator. Your soul is really you. It is not separate from you. You are your soul having a physical experience. But your soul - your real self - cannot come into your human life until you open the door of your heart. You don’t have to be there 24/7 because your attention is in the physical human world to do your tasks and to explore and to create. But if you do the heart decrees several times a day you will begin to build an automatic connection to your soul and your creator. Memorize the heart decrees and take about five minutes every morning and evening to say them. Out loud is best but if you can’t do it out loud because people are around, then do them silently in your mind, focusing in your heart. Point out that your heart is electromagnetic. Your heart is directly connected to God, electric, and Mother Earth/Mother God, magnetic.
3/30/16 - The dark web
(Upon waking I wrote this down, still feeling it: "You are love, conscious love, descending down step by step into a physical body, forgetting that you are love. You are an exquisite design all built out of love.” It is a continuation of teachings on Tantra. I felt the feelings of the chakras in place, as centers of warm love, warm suns, shining love out into me as the basic and fundamental structure of who I am, myself, my light body. I am seeing this love sending out the lines of light we call meridians that form a massive web of light all through my body. I wondered about the psychic connections that people have with each other that trap them and bog them down. How does this relate to the warm love and light that is pure and holy? Then I saw the darker lines of light alongside the pure lines of light. And I decided to write this down so I wouldn’t lose the moment. This is what I wrote.)
It is all about warmth - love. Feelings. It’s about feeling the love, the warmth of love. Feeling. The centers are centers of divine love feeling. The meridians are lines of warmth, love, feeling, pure, holy. These get closed down for lack of conscious use. Instead there are other lines running alongside the pure lines. These are darker and contain not-pure thoughts. Continual thinking of the not-pure thoughts turn these into hardened wires of not-pure beliefs. I saw them. These mimic the web of life in that they run through the body in a web-like structure and reach out to connect with others across space and time and with other off-planet beings who are not pure and holy.
This becomes a web of darkness, called the matrix. It is created by using these byways and highways over and over again. We cement the matrix into our reality (consciously or semi-consciously, we choose it) and it influences us in negative ways that are not pure. It is all about usage. Which thoughts do we travel upon today? Energy follows thought. The dark thoughts continue to grow stronger and cement the matrix of not-pure into our lives. The pure, warm goodness is also traveling along a network of light to keep the body alive within us. It is always there, but which highway do we strengthen today with our thoughts and attention? The light highways or the secondary highways which we have created within ourselves and our world?
Mantras, decrees, affirmations of a positive nature, said over and over again all day long, strengthens the highway of light within us and weakens the darker pathways from lack of use. The darker matrix will disappear in time as the light is influencing more of the thoughts of the people. But those who do not want to leave their wrong thinking and start aligning with the love, light and warm goodness available to them, will suffer. When the darkness shrivels up so will their lives shrivel up if they have not supported the light within them with goodness, love, light and warmth which is the more REAL AND SOLID of their nature. The earth itself is taking on more light and thus the dark in the earth is shriveling too.
The light is what we are created out of. We are children of intelligence, warmth, goodness, love and light. It feels wonderful to be close to it. It is not mamby-pamby or flakey. It is solid and real. How real does love feel? It feels natural to us when we are in close proximity to someone who is filled with love and light and goodness. We want to stay in their presence. They are thriving and radiating warmth at the same time the darker hosts are weakening. There is a displacement happening within our bodies as we align more and more with thoughts of love and light and goodness and gratitude.
The incomplete thinking (in error) that was influenced by the dark has created a duplicate network which mimics the natural wholesome lines of light that is the structure and anatomy of the light body within us, which is the fundamental life force and breath force. The dark circulates through the body too and carries fear, doubt, frustration, anger, judgment, intolerance - everything that is not-pure love and not normal to a healthy human being. This dark network will disintegrate faster by replacing “normal” thinking with enlightened statements, decrees, affirmations, mantras, prayers, all day long. An hour a day should do the trick. The more the better. It will speed up the process of killing the dark matrix that is an actual real network of dark that covers our bodies - to the degree we have allowed it.
Because we have a mouse in our house today, I looked in the Medicine book to see what message “mouse” has for me. Mouse represents paying attention to details on a small scale. The advice is “Work towards wholeness. See the big picture but assimilate it in SMALL DOSES. The big picture gives you a little at a time. Expansiveness can be overwhelming if you forget to take it step by step. Confusion is a product of too much too soon. Slow down and stop being confused by the maze. Observe the details of your present pathway.”
Yesterday an ascended master spoke to me: “The consciousness that a man evolves from the beginning of time is the only intelligent possession he has which endures through the cycles of birth and death. An individual consciousness is the only focus through which the godhead can increase the wealth of the individual and his world. Each individual endowed with a SELF consciousness, meaning the faculties of intuition, of spiritual perception and inner sight, can by self-conscious effort, raise his own consciousness to union with the Cosmic Christ and become a valuable instrument in fulfilling the divine plan through cooperation with the will of the Father.”
It is the will of the Father that is circulating inside our bodies in a golden river of warmth, love, light and goodness. It is our natural heritage. It is the wholeness we are to be working towards. It is a very, very big picture but in small doses, as mouse medicine says, we take it step by step so as not to be overwhelmed by it. I am back on track again after a period of down time. There is love circulating within me that has no interest in the political scene and anything that needs work. There is a natural flow of strength and substance within the light body. It doesn’t require working at it. It just takes affirmation, prayer and meditation. So I am back on track, not worrying about it. As Djwhal Khul said a couple of days ago, “I am giving you the pathway to follow.” I think I am attending some kind of school at night when I sleep because I am waking up with instructions.
4/17/16 - A vision of the Kanda budding in the tailbone
This morning I saw the kanda, which I was given a month ago by inner vision, as a bulb on etheric levels. This morning I was given that it is not a bulb, but a bud. A flower bud, the Shakti, the piece of the great light that was sent downward to become buried inside flesh at the pelvic region to blossom and grow and mature when the time is ripe, which leads the soul to become a physical child of the God Parents who sent this seed of themselves downward into density to blossom. Before that happens, before fulfillment of a light-filled body, it is just a dream. This is what we have called the kundalini awakening. It is given to me by a name “kanda”. Kanda in Thai language is “beloved”.
I am seeing this kanda opening today into full bloom, radiating receptivity. It is making ready to receive its beloved from above. The “footsteps of my beloved I hear tramping down the hall,” (from a previous vision in the early days of kundalini awakening.) The Shiva masculine fiery sun energy is descending in degree, only in small steps to the degree that the kanda is opening and ready to receive. If the kanda is not ready to receive, then Shiva the masculine fiery sun energy won‘t descend. It is a magnetic pulling. When the kanda is ready to open and receive, it opens like a yoni but it is turned upward on inner etheric levels, like a bud opening and the flower turned upward to the sun to receive the other half of itself, it’s masculine spirit. OMG! I am feeling the awesomeness of this new awareness. It is the Shiva and Shakti that I am being shown.
4/26/16 - Do we really need sex?
(I had a brief breathing exercise in the meditation room this morning and thanked DK for his mentoring, and asked him to tell me more about, not just Tantra but about the whole sex thing. Is it something we need? I am confused. I know people need it, or think they do. It’s important to everyone but me. I’m wondering how far we should go in our Tantric Massage, and also what to do about male desires? I don’t know. I am asking for answers. This was his response.)
You’re born into mud, the whole earth is mud, the only way to go when you are ready is straight up to God, creator, no dilly-dallying around.
(I’m paraphrasing here. I was feeling the beautiful loving touch massage again, and no genital manipulation, no orgasm, just lifting, lifting, lifting, soaring higher and higher and higher in the body energies. I asked about the kanda [a word he had given me in a prior message] and how the light in the heart, the crystal light, how this relates. How does the kanda at the base of spine relate to the heart? He said:)
The unformed is all the seven qualities you've been taking on - the seven colors and more. The unformed consciousness took and split a part of itself off and threw it out away from itself to manifest as form. It was the unformed who sent a part of itself away from itself for a purpose - to manifest a form. All forms have this unformed pure will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, and freedom UNFORMED inside of it. All forms have this as an unformed potential of perfection and completion inside of it. The unformed sent a piece of the unformed perfect qualities down into form.
The Kanda is a seed inside the human being in the GEOMETRIC CENTER of the human body, at the pelvis, the base of the spine. This is the “beloved” of the unformed intelligence buried in form. It is potential buried in the human being. It is in the geometric center of the human body. It is a piece of perfection lying in wait at the base of the spine, waiting for the soul who inhabits the body to open it and cultivate this perfection. A piece of perfect lies at the base of the spine, unformed, not discovered yet, but the soul WILL discover it, in time. It is the destiny of the human race to germinate and grow this potential that lies within. The soul must do it from choice. The soul and free will. The soul is on the road to discovering this unlimited potential, which has all the qualities and virtues of the unformed divine intelligence, because it IS the unformed divine intelligence lying in wait. Waiting to be discovered.
The heart is the middle zone between the formed and the unformed. The unformed is not formed yet, the formed is not unformed yet. The soul doesn’t know yet. The soul hasn’t discovered the potential of himself yet. The soul hasn’t awakened yet. Until the soul awakens, he is either operating on a male energy or a female energy. When the soul learns about the transcendent kanda within him, the divine consciousness within him, he will stop the struggle between his male and female and begin to look UP. As he looks up he neutralizes and transcends the male/female or positive/negative struggle. He rises above it. He then opens the kanda as a lotus blossom opens its petals, to receive the incoming UNFORMED intelligence - it’s higher self - into the form. It is all about the unformed intelligence - God we call it - coming into form and mankind IS the potential god-man and all women are the potential goddesses, waiting to realize this and receive the parent consciousness into its human form. The heart is the middle zone where they meet. Where unformed consciousness and formed consciousness meet.
5/27/16 - The science of Love
There is a science of love. It comes down from above and enters into the human body but it follows pathways that are not linear or physical. Love involves higher qualities and higher values. Love is invited through higher thought, words, actions and intentions. Love flows along with the use of kindness, givingness, affectionate touch along with a moral and ethical foundation. Love can be induced by the use of colors, prayers and visualizations, but not in a mechanical way, but in a spontaneous way. It must come from within. A person begins to open to love by turning thoughts in an upward direction, consciously, because mankind has been brought low and blocked off by negative thinking and erroneous actions and beliefs which have colored him dark. It has shut down the flow of love. Our culture today is mechanical with finite laws and strict rules and punishment which diminish the flow of love which is the flow of life which keeps us healthy and young. No wonder we grow old, diseased and die! We must learn how to draw on love from within. Life is constantly flowing as a river of life into the body but the body is constantly shutting it down because of the rules. We are obliged to follow rules. Society demands we follow but there is a way to break through.
Love is flowing in but not out. We are blocking it. We need to find ways to let it flow. We need to find ways to break the blocks that hold us back from feeling love and freedom flowing in us. Love and life are constantly flowing into us as a river of life. Tantra teaches this. We need to find ways of living and expressing this spontaneous love and light in our daily affairs. Most people have experienced those unguarded moments when the heart opened and love flowed along with tears. We don’t reveal this love because it is too intimate, too private, too vulnerable, too sensitive, too tender, too innocent. And feeling like a child that needs protecting, we move to stop it. We think we are defending ourself from the cruelties of the outer world, but this is the very love that will transform our life. We must find ways to release this love to ourselves and others who will reciprocate in kind and build on it. We need to start somewhere, and that somewhere is with people who resonate with these words.
7/9/16 - Finding balance between the male and female (how love returns to Earth)
[DK gave me this in answer to a question one day that really disturbed me.]
The impersonal is made personal through experience. How else can they feel it? That is how you are healed, how you are restored to balance. You yourself are bringing the impersonal light into the personal of your body mind. The lower personal body mind. Do not judge this as separation away from the divine, but unification and blending WITH the divine. Understand the process of bringing light into darkness and density. It must be made personal. All of human nature is personal and sacred to the one who is living in it. The dream is to bring this great love out into density to be lived in human form and to push the boundaries of heaven into the matter world to be experienced and enjoyed. It is the desire to return to the great love that is the urge and nudge and motivation. How else can love return to Earth unless it be accepted and welcomed into the hearts and minds and bodies and loins and arms and legs of the outer density? This is the god-goddess walking and talking and dreaming of love in a native earth body. This is how love returns to Earth.
You have been searching in the stars by looking up into the darkness of space and yet love and light are smoldering within your bodies and your hearts, becoming brighter and warmer. This is love awakening in your personality, in you, in your neighbor, in your friend. It is not kundalini rising but heart receiving kundalini, which flows eternally as a stream of life from the earth mother upward towards father sky. You block it. You have seen it rising upward in the glistening dew drop of the mother love as it ascends with every breath. Yet you keep it separate from you by your thoughts of separation and longing and feeling of lack. Everything is within you, the tools for your fulfillment, the light and the love for your joining, but you must realize it and make the connection with your consciousness. You let your world of duality dictate your separation. Heal the separation by receiving the love of mother Earth within your deepest, most private heart.
Human laws that are impersonal are being broken left and right as the divine feminine rises to the human heart which is the nexus where personal and impersonal meet and become sacred through the blend. Sacred has no meaning until it is recognized by the individual living in the body-mind which was separated by thoughts of separation. You make it holy by reclaiming the wholeness, by owning it, by saying, “I Am”
The heart is a perfect geometric singularity of impersonal and personal. Masculine logic (light or information) and feminine (love and emotion) merge in the heart and the divine is experienced in the material world of matter - another word for mother. Love is born and grows there in the heart. Given birth in the heart. Open your heart by focusing on your heart and see that all things are sacred and divine. All that is human is sacred and divine. You are the one to weave the sacred and profane back into wholeness, for nothing is profane. All is in sacred relationship with all else.
Long tentacles reach out seeking, seeking, seeking fulfillment and answers, and do not find it. The answer, the fulfillment, the peace, serenity, clarity, joy can only be found within by surrendering the unfulfillment and loneliness and pain through an attitude of reverence and release to that which is greater than the unfulfillment, loneliness and pain. The male and female within have been kept separated for long eons, causing urges to chase after the opposite gender, seeking fulfillment, but it merely warps reality into entanglements. And yet, this is the way that women and men learn. They find their path through experience. The huge love that is impersonal is made personal through experience. Do not judge yourself or others for their path, imperfect as you see it. Change yourself to wholeness and reverence and understand the process. Instead, as a woman, accept your logical side. And if you are a man accept your emotional feelings. Find balance within yourself.
9/5/16 - The importance of receiving
During a Chi Machine exercise with my legs swinging back and forth, I asked DK what could I do to further my advancement today? First I thanked him because he was the only one I could relate to as a real live human being. I am humbled when I sit before him because he personifies the Godhead or Source through the drawing that he released to the public. I love that drawing of him. I can feel his humility, compassion and intelligence through the drawing. This is what he gave me this morning in words and feelings.
You are right. We are the receivers of the formless as you have been studying in your books. We humans or sentient beings are the Shakti of the Shiva, the formless one who flows through us. You are right. You have discovered this. Yes, I have led you to this discovery, but so others have led you, too, for we have gone before you and we have discovered this before you. And there are others ahead of us. The formless is coming at a steady rate into form. It is the responsibility of the one inhabiting the form to receive this beautiful idyllic flow and mould it into a beautiful, idyllic expression in the physical world of matter upon the planet. It is our responsibility to be continually aware that we are receivers. (I am getting the word “receiver” the last few days.) It is our destiny to remain open to receive the formless beauty, love and intelligence that comes from the greater source. It is our duty as an embodied form to receive this higher, greater, more infinite and intelligent life and mold it, encapsulate it into our expression. It is our role and our purpose as a soul in a dense vehicle to receive this incoming flow and mold it into a higher degree of expression than our form previously knew.
We are making known the unknown, as Ramtha has said. Who else will do it if not us. You and I? That is the purpose of the form, to encapsulate that which is flowing through it. Mankind has not understood this duty and role. He instead receives certain idyllic information and then shuts the door on the flow and turns rogue with it. He wanders away from the river that is flowing and claims it for his own which shuts the door on the flow of inspiration. It‘s dull if the door is closed on the inspiration, and leads to death. That is how ego is born. An ego is the human mind working with a false intelligence, a copy cat, a criminal. And yet mankind is destined to learn of his great role and to open his mind and his heart to become a receiver, a continual receiver, endlessly receiving. This is the great work - to learn how to be in endless receiving mode and never shutting it off. To become a living vehicle expressing a life force that is grander than his form will keep him continually creating new things. A person may feel he is imprisoned in a form today, but when he opens to the never-ending river of life and intelligence that flows through him through his breath, instead of feeling in a prison he will feel free. Totally free and expansive, for his freedom has been curtailed and limited. When he stops closing his mind and heart to the inflow of life and intelligence and reason, he will stop feeling imprisoned and shut down.
This is the great work of the spirit that is our own consciousness. It is our duty to turn our conscious awareness to the greater source that is above and beyond. As we discover the truth of our source and re-open the heart and mind to the incoming source, like a receptacle, we will discover the ecstasy and joy of being alive in a physical body. Life is formless intelligence, love, power and creativity. We as the form are to receive this formlessness into our minds and hearts and give thanks for it by turning our awareness in an upward direction. This is how we receive and mold the incoming intelligence into something beautiful. We become creators and expressors of amazing creations, inventions, works of art, talent, organic technology which is living, not dead metal but living molecular things that serve us, like our computers. This is the purpose of mankind. To receive the inflowing river of life - of sacred life - and expand it, express it, live it, walk it, breathe it, demonstrate it through our actions in the physical world in which we live. And, yes, there are seven qualities that we have been given to remind us and point us in the right direction, lest we forget. Those qualities are attributes of nobleness and we are reminded to weave them into our daily life.
There are seven. Seven rays, seven tones, seven colors, seven noble attributes. They are called will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, freedom, in that order. Freedom is achieved or earned after the six other attributes are woven into the life. Then freedom is experienced. These seven qualities are the qualities that mankind is given to focus on and bring to life. Do not deviate from these. Do not ignore them. Do not shut down. Be ever alert to the SEVEN qualities. They are the steps that lead to enlightenment in daily life. Not in spirit but in physical embodiment. And when we do we find there is more that is poured into us. We become open to receive even more than we thought we ever could receive, for we expand our capacities to know, to feel, to love, to live in truth, to be righteous, and grateful and honorable. We receive more because there is an infinite quality to these colors, tones, radiances. We are expanding ourselves to be able to receive MORE of these qualities, and as we do we also expand the Earth to receive more because we, our forms, are of the Earth.
We are evolving not only ourselves but the planet, for Mother Gaia has provided us the material for our forms. The matter - yes, you got it - matter is the Mother. That is the great secret. That is the missing key. The divine mother is matter, is Shakti, is the divine feminine which receives and loves the divine masculine, which is formless, into form. We humans are to weave the beautiful colors and tones of the seven into life so these may be seen. Will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. As we do we radiate these qualities to the lesser kingdoms behind us, coming up through the process of evolution: mineral, plant, animal. We are caring for Mother Gaia and demonstrating the higher life to those beneath us as we, moment by moment, breathe in the formless (Shiva) and love it, shape, mold it into the physical form as Shakti, the feminine. As we do this we expand ourselves and become quickened and lighter and fuller with the consciousness of source. We are filling our matter body with the source and intelligence and love of the life force. We are the matter, the Mother, encapsulating the Father principle. As the Father principle penetrates into the Mother.
2/16/17 - The sun is enfolding your heart but the earth pull is strong
I woke in pain last night, really bad pain, but I asked DK in the middle of the night for help, and I slept well. I woke up feeling mostly pain free. I am determining that it is all me! My energies. I was going to say I need to rid myself of these restrictions, but DK interrupted me with “You have to ask for help!” and suddenly I felt the peace come over me. His message continued....
The healing massage is to bring feeling and thought together in the heart. Focus on the heart. Your divine real self - the one who existed before this body and will leave after this body - is anchored there in your heart. You came from a higher realm, higher vibrating realm. You lowered your vibration by going through a process of slowing down your vibration in order to be connected to your mom and dad’s energy and be conceived. It is this lower, slower density that keeps you from remembering the lucid fast-moving vibration of your home realm. You are here again in another body and you are anchored in your heart. Your physical heart, and you over-light your physical heart in the etheric realm. There is a sun there enfolding your heart to make sure your heart keeps beating and pulsing blood out through your body. Your heart is the most important organ in your body and therefore the real you, the immortal you, as in soul, is anchored there. That is why we focus on the heart in this massage.
The erotic sensation is that which tends to draw people down to the genital regions to make love or have sex, it is a very strong pressure. It is the very powerful , magnetic pull from the earth forces. The earth has tremendous forces, which have to do with moving physical matter and making sure animal bodies survive and reproduce. It is powerful indeed and that is why sex is so demanding when sex is taken by force by another stronger one. The human being is an animal until connected to the soul and becomes a god-man. But when you, the soul, are in full control and consciously descend to “marry” this powerful magnetic force that is in you, then you do it with love and you transform the earth force in you, thus raising it in vibration.
The mystery lies in two areas that are not in harmony in you due to restrictive cultural upbringings. One is your mental body, the second is your feeling body. The word “body” is used as “realm”. The mind realm vibrates differently than the feeling realm. These are to come together in harmony. This is new information for most people. So in this massage workshop we’re going to practice focusing on the heart to bring thought and feeling together, both the good and bad feeling. Bring it into the sun shining over and around your heart. The sun is you. You are not your body. Your body is a vehicle which you are currently driving, like a car, or like a bulldozer or a sleek racing car. But the car is not you. You are the sun shining in your heart, connected to the heart of Godhead.
2/22/17 - An introduction to Tantra through the chakras
There is knowledge that comes to you from each chakra differently. As you begin to focus on each area of the body you begin to “stir” the etheric energies in that region like putting a spoon into a bowl of still water. You “move” the atoms and molecules of your etheric body - the realm just above the slow moving atoms of the physical. As you stir these atoms and molecules with your consciously-held attention on that region, information starts being revealed. You feel heightened by this information because it is a part of you that has been closed for a long time. It is a rather wonderful feeling. The knowledge that comes is not brain-knowledge. The “knowing” springs alive as if you were immersed in a lake full of this particular message. It hits all the cells and atoms at the same time. You say, “I had an AhHA moment." Or “I had a download this morning.” And then when you try to put it into words in the English language by stringing one word after another, you find it impossible to do.
The brain is a storehouse of information that has been learned in this lifetime. It does not have the capacity to understand the inflow of information from beyond it. The well of information and knowledge that inspires you and lifts you beyond what you have been taught in this life, comes down through the chakra system, the portal system, directly into the body from your spiritual body. Your body is a library of information. As you begin to understand the chakra system of your body, it will make more sense. To “listen to your heart” is one way of saying it. Or “listen to your gut,” referring to your abdominal region. Each chakra or portal maintains the integrity of one of seven areas of your body and therefore has different information to shed into the body.
There are specific values and qualities that come in when the chakra is opened, even though they are all linked together into a whole that oversees your entire four-body structure. This is beyond the knowledge of earth scientists. They are linked the way a symphonic orchestra is linked to play beautiful music, and comes under the intelligence of a higher being who is able to “see” the finished product and holds the vision. When all the chakras are opened at the same time, lights begin flashing in your higher mind, different colors, different feelings and connections. Sort of like a control panel. When they start flowing in harmony with each other, there is an amazing display of knowledge and activity. Your mind doesn’t control it. You wouldn’t know how.
The only thing that you are required to do is trust it and build confidence in the system. We are learning this art of opening chakras step by step, gradually, smoothly, with hands-on practice of moving energy during massage. We are evolving a feel for it. We will FEEL things we haven’t felt before which doesn’t come from our mind or intellect. It’s something built into us that we are uncovering. There is a design, an electronic pattern of exquisite beauty behind each human being. We are taking the first step to listening to the body and allowing our ego mind to stop trying to resist it or to control it. When you try to mentally understand what is happening, when you try to break it down into bits and pieces to analyze it logically to fit into the storage compartment of the brain you stop it from happening at all. When you put the wheels of thinking into motion, your attention has broken away from focusing on the area of the body you are trying to “quicken”.
This is one form of meditation to do every day. Breath 10 times slowly and deeply into the seven areas of your body where the chakras are theoretically located. Get pictures of each of the following areas to help you focus on them. Don’t use a chakra picture but get anatomical pictures. I suggest this order because the heart should always be first, and then alternate “above and below“. The heart/lung area, the crown of head, the tailbone area, the third eye area, lower abdomen area, the throat area, the solar plexus or belly button area.
3/5/17 - Tantra was a teaching
The more you relax, the more your etheric, mental and emotional energies can enter into your cells and tissues. The feeling of peace during yoga is the feeling of your higher bodies coming into alignment and peace with your physical body. Tingles of peace are a sign of the bodies coming into harmony. Relax and let your higher self come into rest and relax your physical. You are not just mental, not just physical, not just emotional, you are more than these three. You are all of these but you are fragmented. Separated from your self. If you were not separated or divided into painful fragments you would be experiencing ecstasy. On Cloud nine. Your outer duties would be irrelevant. You would be in joy connected to the web of life, the tantra of life, all around you, inside and outside of yourself. You would see the people around you in a glow of light, peace and harmony even though they would not be experiencing harmony. Yet you would see them shining in the aura of bliss, happiness and joy. Tantra starts with lining up and connecting with your OWN fragmented energies. Line them up first in yourself, so there is wholeness and peace within you, and then you can connect with others (in this case a lover or beloved partner) and expand the wholeness energies that each of you have cultivated and prepared within yourselves. Before making love, do this by meditating together. The teachings of tantra include this as ritual. You can get a jumpstart by having a session with David.
Tantra was a teaching devised to teach mankind about his inner powers in a fun way. Since he was outer focused, playing with objects and others in a physical standpoint, sex was a main drawing power. By focusing on the love, wisdom and power that lies within him and comes through him and the others with whom he is playing, he thus learns about what feels good when touching certain spots on the body, and what doesn’t. It is a teaching about Self. The inner Self is flowing through him and never stops flowing. But it can be cut down to a small trickle. Tantra teaches man to pay attention to what feels good and therefore put more focus on that location in the body. The inner Self has powers that the little mind and outer body doesn’t. The power comes down from a higher place beyond his conscious awareness. He is learning by practicing tantra, which is a scientific ritual practice which focuses on the pathways that this inner power takes as it descends from beyond his conscious awareness. He thus learns to trust it through experiencing the pleasant sensations vs. the not-pleasant or blah sensations. He learns to turn it up for the full power to flow through him. The power comes from above his head, or above his outer-world focus. Its anchor is in the heart. The power comes from a flame within the heart. It is his own immortal life flame that is anchored in his heart. The higher self descends down from beyond him and is anchored in the physical heart. In the ocean of physicality it is the life raft upon which he can feel solid and stop the turmoil of rolling waves of the ocean. It is the life raft just as the life raft you see in the ocean, bay or the great lakes in your planet, towards which swimmers go for rest while out in those great waters.
Some have said the gonads are the base of operations in the body because feelings are felt in that area. Others say the head is the base of operations because intelligence and reason comes from that area. Let us say both are right, but the heart is where the two converge and become merged - intelligence and feeling. Mind and body come to rest in the heart when a soul learns to bring these two consciousnesses together into the heart. It requires a period of inner focus to do this. Those who believe the gonads are the base of operations do not understand that the feelings he is getting come from the planet, Mother Earth, who is a living breathing spirit and she is reaching up to the sun who is her parent source. She was birthed from the sun. Just as you were birthed from spirit and reach upward to your parent, so does she reach upward and send upward her praise, thanksgiving and gratitude to her parent source. Thus you feel her reaching. It comes upward through the bottoms of your feet and travels upward through your legs and spine to your heart, where she experiences (through you) the merging with her parent source. When we get our lusty feelings we are really getting HER feelings. They become lusty in our bodies because we do not let it flow through the gates which we have constructed and thus the earth energies are stopped and blocked below the naval. We are smaller versions of her. We live on her surface. We are her children and we feel what she feels.
Those who say the head is the base of operations because of the intelligence that takes place there, don’t have the whole picture. It is not the head or brain from which intelligence and thought originates, but the sun which shines its intelligence down upon the earth and her children. It comes from beyond, beyond our brain and head. This is proven when the body dies. Where does the life go? Where do WE go? Our consciousness and all the wisdom and knowledge we have gathered? We are immortal and we are drawn into pursuing immortality. We are an everlasting consciousness but we don’t know it yet. As children of our parent source we are striving to become like our parent. We want to know. We search for answers. We search for fulfillment. We are coded to succeed in becoming like our parent. It is in our DNA. Our light body is our pure template that carries the pure divine within us. We preserve our unique identity when we succeed in knowing who we are, by blending with the pure light that runs through our bodies, minds, feelings and brains. We add ourselves as unique identities to the growing numbers of other unique intelligences that pervade the universes. We do not lose our identities; we gain them. We join with our greater selves and we join with others. When we pool our identities into the vast growing intelligence and love of the creative principle, we gain more wisdom, love and power as an individual. We do not lose! We gain uniqueness because of all of our past adventures and learnings. We simply pool what we have learned - great as it is - into the great pool of the creator. And we grow as creator grows. In individuality, intelligence and love. That is when we graduate from the dark planet of earth - and of all other earths - that existed in pain and struggle. We are home free!
7/30/17 - Preparing for the upheaval that is to come
(I was awakened at 2 am with a nudge from DK. I went into the meditation room, cleared myself and then began writing. This is what I wrote. It is more of a personal message but I decided to include it here.)
Beloved Master, Welcome to our little session this evening. Thank you for hearing and obeying our call. You have been forgetful, yes, it is true, but you are remembering now. Remembering us, your family of light. We too wish to serve and we need feet on the ground there, and hands to do the work. We are a team you and I, a partnership. Yes, it is I, Master Djwhal Khul. No, it is not your imagination. It has been I all along speaking to you, nudging you with the words of wisdom you have been collecting like nuggets of gold lying on the ground. Good for you for remembering where you put them. You have been laying them like a trail of crumbs behind you so you can retrace your steps again. And it is time to begin this next stage of your journey. Soon there will be an upheaval around you. Yes, they are all saying it. It is coming forward as gently as we can make it so, but it is like the wall of water that is expected to reach shore after an earthquake. It does finally come and it does finally break over the land where people live, and they cannot ignore it any longer. They cannot dawdle any longer.
(Q: What would you have me do?)
What you yearn so much to do - this great event is your opportunity - and Marcus’ - to fulfill the God urge in you to call the people together under the banner of Love. Yes, the Love Club is a good name. You are both qualified. You both have been preparing for a long time. Soon you will see the sign in the sky, in the heavens of your being. Yes, you may use Marcus as your - let us say - focal point. Use him as the attraction since you do not want to be a leader but rather a hostess. A loving hostess who hugs the people through the door and gives them the feeling, the radiation of higher love. You do not have to teach or preach. It is important to give them a sense of dignity and of freedom. Through your actions you will give them direction how to behave. The mother love you have longed to give is now yours to give. The ladies of heaven, the many, many ladies of heaven will surround you and lovelight you, if you ask them. You are preparing for this as you research your own path going back over ground you have already covered. You are on alert now. It is YOU, dear one that you have forgotten, not us. Not heaven, not the beloved masters, but yourself. It is time to unite the many facets of yourself that you are, the many soul levels that you have uncovered and discovered and then set aside as you moved on to uncover more of yourself.
During the upcoming tsunami of love - the wall of purity and forgiveness that is coming - prepare to yield. Prepare to be a living, walking, breathing model of virtue and yielding, not to others in the world outside, but to the inner powers and qualities that are rising like a huge wave ready to break upon the shore of your material world. These powers will make themselves felt within you.
During your dream state last night you were given a premonition, an idea, a feeling of what is coming. How you will feel it and how you will act when it is coming forth through you. You will be a power you haven’t known before. It is like a two-edged sword. There are no fuzzy edges to this tsunami wave but it is not destructive. It is a power of goodness, of rightness of love and truth, unqualified by human numbness and dumbness.
You know, the human being treads softly, as if they will upset the applecart, but this power does not tread lightly. When it is in heaven’s right time, when all the electrons line up so the light can shine through, there is nothing to stop truth, light, love, God’s will from flooding forth in those who have prepared themselves to receive it. I am you, you are me, we are one. We are a team with God. We are a team with Christ.
(Q: Have you been with me from before Bob died?)
Yes, from before kundalini was felt by you. You had awakened the kundalini force before, so you were ready to once again raise it.
(Q: It was stunning and a miracle to me!)
Yes, it is always an astounding experience to body, to a soul in a new body. But you have done it before. Yes, you remember the Thai dancers. Marcus was also with you during your life in Thailand. It was a beautiful land at that time. You had many elevating experiences together. You are tied together in more ways than you know. Yes, you are twin flames and yes, you have discovered the truth of twin flames. That you are each journeying upon your own path according to free will and free choice. You should not interfere with the divine plan that unfolds within each other. You are following the path of least resistance to the God within. There is only the God within that you should bend the knee to and commit your heart and soul to. What Marcus does is his free will choice. You are well-prepared for this coming event. It is larger than you. Allow the event to mold itself through you and around you and carry you forward, upward with peace, love, light, power and glory. You must continue to prepare yourself. Allow me to overlight you. I will protect you and carry you gently and safely to higher ground where you will be able to serve the law of your being without limit. I am here for you as I am here for all who call to me.
(Thank you DK, thank you for being my friend and mentor.)
8/18/17 - Growing into the original pattern of you (working with visualization)
[This was given to me during a time when David, another massage therapist and I, were evolving a plan. Master DK used our enthusiasm to enlarge on the concept, but most of this is in his words. He has inserted ur names as if I wrote it, but it is DK who is speaking here.]
Your origins are a brilliant spark. You are a pure and holy brilliant spark of God Light and from that YOU are born, or patterned, designed to be who you are today as a form. Out of pure white light you were formed into what you are today, except you are not expressing that beautiful divine YOU! You are covered over with weavings of impure energies that you have accumulated over many lifetimes. But underneath and woven throughout your entire being is that beautiful pure white gold that is pure and holy. So what you were designed in the original pattern of you is not your physical of today, which shows marks of age and decay, but you as you can imagine yourself to be in the prime of life radiating perfect health and vitality. As you can imagine yourself in the most exquisite ideal perfect form, majestic and graceful and refined, however you can imagine yourself as the ideal form, you are beginning to line up your imperfect human form with the ideal perfect form and truth that you were created to be.
Imagination is your greatest tool. You are much more than you can imagine but your imagination is the highest and best tool we have to begin this work. It is called “visualization”. Working with imagination and visualization is how we sharpen our consciousness and RAISE our consciousness to more ideal planes of existence. It is how we sharpen our consciousness skills and talents. We improve ourselves through visualizing perfection in form. While we are only temporarily living in a limited material body, it is possible to rejuvenate it so that it lives a long and prosperous life, longer than our ancestors did. We can even ascend the body and become an immortal, but let’s stay within the realm of the possible right now. We are pure mind, pure heart, pure soul, buried inside an impure mind, heart and soul. But our most precious asset is our consciousness. Our ability to use our minds and choose what thoughts we entertain is our greatest asset. We can be poor in body and what we own, but we can be the richest person on earth in our own minds. By using the gifts of the spirit that is what I refer to as “the gold” within us. We have golden radiance within us or we wouldn’t be alive today. It is the golden radiance within us that gives us the breath of life. It is the immortal aspect of us. We are a part of the great source. We ARE the great source. And so are the people around us. They don’t know it yet, but we are about to begin remembering.
The body is a house we built for ourselves when we came to live on Earth as a babe. But before that we were part of a great sea of consciousnesses. To be born here we have to reduce our greatness or we wouldn’t be able to identify with this world. We have to identify with this world and all the others in form. Now during massage swaps when we start touching one another with this consciousness of being “more” when we start loving one another with hands of light and love, we will start feeling goodness and peace. These are memories. Feelings of goodness, love and being loved are memories of our parent source, where we came from. Sensations in the physical body are feelings of that original love that made us. That is our home, that is the source of our breath and heartbeat. These sensations of love that we will stimulate in each other are remembering the great love we came from. We will feel good. Good is the best down-to-earth word to use. Just feel good with yourself. If you’re striving to make someone else feel good, you’re working too hard. Just allow yourself to feel good.
We’re going to swap being the massager and the massagee. You give, then you receive. Then you give again and then you receive. We remember how good we can feel. Memories of the golden radiance that is woven in through our darker threads of unhappy energies we’ve accumulated. This is healing. Feeling good is tapping in to who we are in the ideal perfection . Peace and bliss are memories of who we are. Light beings flowing down into physical bodies. We can appreciate being human when we can feel good, happy, joyous and peaceful. On Wednesdays, from a human perspective, we’re just sitting there fully clothed touching fingers or faces, or maybe lying down on the mat and hugging, again fully clothed, but we are remembering when we are conscious and aware of this fact. Yes. It’s a fact and it’s a truth. This is the foundation of Tantric teachings. Each person must develop the awareness of the golden radiance within, alone, by himself or herself. It is an inner awareness that must be developed.
We must touch lightly. It is in conscious touching that we connect with the golden radiance with the other person. Or try to, because we don’t have control over the other person’s consciousness. In ancient times a tantric master would teach a student separately for many months or years, until the student was ready to work with a partner, and he would pair them up to share the golden energy together. But while it took many years in past ages, today we are moving into a new age, a new golden age, where the light is radiating at a much faster and higher rate of speed into people, whether they know it or not. It’s happening to all who live upon the planet, even though they are not mentally aware of it. David and I yearn to begin sharing and showing how beautiful golden touch can be and it must be done without thinking “sex”. Lovemaking is a whole, completely different type of interaction than sex is. Making love when both partners are conscious of the radiance of love within them, and being able to maintain that inner state of love within themselves, then making love is out of this world. Literally. It’s on another plane. It starts out beautiful, so warm, so endearing, so emotional, and it grows from there. That is what the love club intends to share and practice through massage swaps.
We must start gently so the hungry ones, and you know the type, someone who is so hungry for touch that they rush you and pressure you into actions that you are not ready for. But we are all needy. Every one of us. So it‘s not “them“ we have to watch out for, but ourselves. We each have to learn how to not push and not pressure others, but always having the beautiful goal as an ideal lying ahead, waiting for someday. Not some ONE, but someday when we can hold onto love within our own hearts, then we will attract like a moth is attracted to a flame, we will attract someone of equal vibration. So let us grow our feelings of goodness through massage. Loving touch massage. It is sensual in the sense that it is warm, but all over. It’s not intended to turn on the genitals. The genitals have to let go. Let go of the genital turn-on feeling. Let the feelings flow all over the body. Grow your memories of that love that exists all over the body. Grow your LIGHT body which is your LOVE body, which holds the love safe in a higher plane, out of range of the impure thought. We need to expand our capacity to receive love in more places than the lingam and yoni. We grow our capacities to bring love into all parts of the body, into more of our physical form. Our bodies must be refined enough to receive these loving divine energies that are so holy, so pure, and the human body is capable of receiving it. It is. People call it rapture, or nirvana, but human beings have been there before, both in solitude, and in partnership, as this is what ancient tantra masters taught to the few who were ready. Imagine a weaving of very fine hair-thin threads of light criss-crossing all through your body. Very, very fine, so fine they are invisible to the eye. These are on the etheric plane. Some weaves are thicker than others, and all of them are connected to the larger etheric spot lights that are called chakras placed at strategic points in the body. Chakras are where the pure golden love-light is held on higher planes. It can’t come into an impure place so it is up to the individual to begin the learning process. The love club is going to do that.
8/19/17 - Thought and feeling are two separate activities
Thought and feeling are two separate activities in a human being. Thought is not a feeling. You can think about something without receiving a sensation in your body. Not at first when you first become aware of it. It becomes a sensation the more you entertain the idea. When you first become aware of the idea it is still descending from the abstract plane where all thought originates. Thought is formless. It becomes formed as it imprints upon the brain cells. Feeling on the other hand is a denser vibration that impacts the physical cells and becomes a physical sensation. Granted, thought and feeling are designed to work together in harmony, formless abstract descends down into denser material to be felt by the tissues and nerves of the body. What you “think” you may also “feel” spontaneously if you are aware, such as with the vibration of music as it moves through you on a sensory level through hearing. But this does not happen in people where their thought is not in alignment with their bodies. In other words their emotions may not receive the thought into their physical tissues because they are not open to their bodies.
Most of you humans are not aware or enlightened enough to make the distinction between thought and feeling. You do not know how your own body works. The result is discordant energy moving in a confused state through your entire being in a rather chaotic state. Random and disjointed. Without order, reason or purpose. The first thing to do to bring order and purpose to yourself, to straighten yourself out, is to become aware of what thoughts you are entertaining, and making a distinction between what feelings you are feeling at the same time. Can you separate feeling from what you are thinking in your mind? It is important to separate them before you can integrate them into a harmonious whole which will bring you more peace and purpose. Notice when thought and feeling are in harmony. Notice when thought and feeling are NOT in harmony.
Two of the four lower bodies pertain to thought and feeling. The other two refer to the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is sub-conscious and superconscious. In other words, you are not aware of what is below your conscious mind and what is above your conscious mind. You are aware of only what is in the narrow region inbetween the above and the below. It is important to expand that region. How? What is in your subconscious influences you in subconscious ways, such as being afraid of flying. You will continue being afraid of flying until you understand and come into contact with the lifetime or memory or realization that you once died from falling a great distance, or had a similar trauma that impacted you with fear. That fear remains in you until you dissolve it. There are many ways to dissolve it. Hypnotism, or facing the agonizing fear the next time you are confronted with it when it comes rushing forward. We are not here to discuss techniques. Techniques are available all around you today. What is subconscious to you is influencing you all the time, every day. An alcoholic gene in your ancestry DNA causing you to drink. A cancer gene passed down from your grandmother. Religious issues passed down from your lineage. You are a product of past influences that are not your own, through ancestry DNA in the form of cellular programming. You can change your own DNA by resolving to face it down, track it down, own it, be responsible for your own actions instead of blaming it on a grandfather or father. Connect with the realization and do something about it, consciously. Bring it up into consciousness. Expand the narrow range of your consciousness this way.
Likewise, things that are in your superconsciousness that you are not aware of, are also influencing you through idealism, thoughts of perfection, beauty, honesty, grace, refinement, intelligence, learning to become better. There is an evolutionary drive within your higher self. Your divinity lies above your conscious mind. You were created in perfection but you do not realize your perfection yet. Self realization is a goal in every human being, but even that is not understood. So many people think it is a dream too far and they cannot even go there. Instead, they accept their low self worth as a worm accepts its life on the ground. Identify with your divine nature often during the day by looking up into the vast blue sky and thinking “happy” and “joyful”. The sun is there to remind us of our greater self. The stars are there at night to remind us that we have a star heritage, not just a worm heritage. Connecting awareness to these thoughts brings this forward into consciousness and expands your conscious mind. This is how you impact your etheric body, subconscious and superconscious. You are not just a physical piece of meat walking around. You are so much more than that. This is an immortal part of who you are and you take it with you when you leave the body behind at death.
Likewise, in your ether body there are skills, talents, heroic good deeds that you have accumulated from past lives that are better than what you are expressing today. Tap into these by recognizing that you have latent interests in certain areas. Languages, science, teaching, medicine, art, sculpture, music, dance, entertainment, politics. Many interests lie fallow and unused in this life when in former lives these interests were developed and honed to mastery, or at least to advanced stages. You have graces stored within your etheric body that you might not even think about. You may have been an accomplished opera singer or astronomer or surgeon in your time period, born to other parents. Your etheric body is part and parcel of you.
The chakras alternate between masculine and feminine. I am seeing that the root chakra is masculine. It is the first thought that precedes the feminine. The root chakra is connection with earth, strength, will power, determination, perseverance. The sacral chakra is feminine. It is an inner feeling of nurturing love, balancing the first chakra with a softness that integrates and soothes. The solar plexus (3rd) is masculine, it is the expressing of self outward into the outer world. It is the identity of the self after first connecting to earth with strength and will, and then becoming soft through the second chakra feminine, then the third step is to debut oneself outward into the world. The heart (4th) is feminine, to balance the masculine expression of self thrusting outward into the world. It is a higher vibration of softness, peace and calm. First masculine thrusting outward, then feminine withdrawing inward to soothe and calm, then thrusting outward again, this time with more finesse, and then withdrawing inward again to soothe and calm, each level is more refinement of understanding.
Then the throat (5th) is masculine, speaking the truth and knowledge that one has gained through the first four levels of experience, the self can now express, create, contribute to the world in which he/she lives. And then moving upward to the 6th chakra, the pineal gland or third eye as it is called, feminine inward drawing to meditate and nurture the self. First masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in, then masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in. Each time, the self refines its understanding of how to live in physical form. And finally it is ready to ascend to the 7th chakra, the crown of the head to join with the immortal self, known as spirit, which has not been in physical. Only that part which descends into physical evolves understanding of living in physical. That part of self which is yet still in spirit, is waiting for the self to return home and bring the harvest of learning with him to share with higher aspects of self. This is the physical journey of an immortal soul through physical life as it was given to me.
When we are in masculine mode we are not interested in spiritual things, but when we are in feminine mode that is when we consider the possibility of spiritual practices. The more advanced the soul is, the more influence will spiritual matters impress on the self. Spiritual practices are invoking angelic presences, ascended master teachings, learning prayers and affirmations and reciting them at particular times during the day. Also visualizing or imagining or picturing, not necessarily with words, but activating the imagination. Or breathing exercises through counting and imagining light. There are many techniques being taught today. (End)
9/15/17 - Healing the feelings by feeling the feelings
[After Hurricane Irma swept through and forced us to evacuate for eleven days. Upon coming home again I had an experience of being outside with the angry elements that had been unleashed during the hurricane, and then afterward a wonderful meditation with the ascended masters, DK, the archangels, the elementals and the warrior trees around our house which protect us.]
Don't sit around waiting, change the NOW! The spirit life force is entering into you with total abundance to change your now. It's coming in with every breath. Stop! Stop trying to labor your way out of this chaotic mess that lies in ruin around you. Let those whose responsibility it is to physically labor. Your role is to maintain contact with us. You can channel our forces into your reality when you maintain our connection."
[Thank you, DK. It is clear to me that I am a source channel for the light to come in. Light is pouring through me now and out into the world. I turned my chair to face east out the window. A beautiful breeze is coming through. I've offered my body-mind to be used by higher forces. Then, an awesome revelation from DK.]
Healing the feelings means don't act on them, don't express them, don't repress them, don't suppress them. FEEL THEM! When you act on feelings. you are not feeling them. You are throwing those energies out and away from you. Accept them, allow them, surrender yourself to the feelings. In other words, give up. Give up trying to avoid them. Tears are an expression, a sign, that you did give up, give in to the feelings. You try every trick and manipulation in the book to avoid letting these feelings in. You don't let them in. You are continuously rejecting feelings from entering. That is what is meant by "healing the feelings". It fulfills you. You become fulfilled. You feel complete, whole, perfect, calm. The peace that passes understanding. You are filled full of acceptance. You are loved. You are whole as you were always meant to be.
[I meditated and then went to bed and in the twilight zone sometime between wake and sleep, I’m not sure when it was, I was outside the house, out there in the devastation of the wild. I was a part of the devastation that the hurricane had left in its wake. I was there and it was in me in a visceral way and I realized how far away from home I had come, and I knew that - Thank God I’ll be going home shortly/soon. And then, immediately I thought, “But this is my home! Where is Home? I flashed on Zephyrhill and my childhood home. it seemed all of my lifetime homes merged together, but these were not my home. Then I was back in my bed. As I lay there awake thinking about this I then had a very strong reaction: “No! I’m not going to leave here! I’m committed to staying here. I’m going to stay to clean this mess up!” The frenzy, hate, vengence and terror that I felt in the wildness out there in those few seconds I will never forget. I can still feel it. The elements were all shook up and released from centuries of being held down. They were released during this hurricane and they were ready to go home but I said "No! I will not go home! I will stay!" and so I did, and we rebuilt the calmness again as once it had been before the hurricane.]
9/29/17 - Let your body teach you, your body is a mixture of unrefined and refined materials
[Up in the middle of the night I am applying Tiger Balm to my aching back and noticed my nostrils crackled clear. I heard the words, "Refining the energies. Notice, pay attention, listen, observe the feelings in your body. Just observe. Let your body teach you. Your body seeks refinement. Allow it to show you, rather than you trying to impose your less-than-perfect technologies upon it. Your body is a mixture of unrefined and refined materials floating around in it, and some are not floating but remain stuck. The atoms that compose your body are conscious. They make up your body consciousness." After I finished applying Tiger Balm and DMSO to my back, I sat quietly, feeling the feelings that were generated from the application. Then I switched on the lamp and began writing, for the inner thoughts were coming through one after the other, easy and clear. This is what was written.]
(DK channeled) “Some of this conscious material that makes up your body is slowed down and is what you call stuck energy. It is not moving well. But you have also higher moving materials in your body, and these are directing you to use certain balms and fluids externally, topically, such as the Tiger Balm and DMSO and taking Epsom salt baths. You credit me (DK) for these inner discussions but I am only one voice in the mix of voices you are receiving. Refining your perceptions is like picking up a telephone and listening. You are paying more attention. You are putting attention on your inner sensations. When higher vibrations meet lower vibrations, you as the resident agent of the body, cast the deciding vote. You are the steward and land owner of your body. Be a good land owner. Be accountable. Pay attention. Listen to what your body is telling you. It will tell you what you need to do.
“When integration of high and low-moving vibrational substances take place, healing is the result. Can you feel it now? [There was tingling and buzzing going on.] It is a unification. Blending and allowing, even welcoming the joining with a sense of awe and inspiration, a celebration if you will. This is how YOU create and bring about your own refinement. You are refining your body by listening to it. You call it healing. That is a third dimension term for a spiritual evolutionary process. When kundalini awakened in your body in 1976, YOU were conscious and awed by the refinement that flowed through you. It lifted you. If you had not been conscious and aware of the process, the process of kundalini awakening would have been aborted. YOU are the directing intelligence of your body. You are the master of the various and sundry energies, both high and low vibrating atoms that are moving throughout your four lower bodies. As you refine your perception, it is equivalent to meditation when you cease moving and thinking and begin listening to the advice and counsel of higher guidance. Your body is full of higher guiding forces. You do not have to follow a specific routine, such as a learned meditation that you have used before. Refining your consciousness is a fluid, subtle work of consciousness. Pay attention. Be still and listen and persevere in remaining alert and listening at all times. This is a walking meditation.
“Don’t force a thought because you are not the master planner. You are the student of all of this. You are the learner and the observer. You are the steward who does not know everything, because you are learning as you go. Learning as you go means you listen as you go. Listen and make decisions as the manager of this operating unit of many voices and many vibrations. You are the one who is learning by doing. You are growing wiser through the process of holding the balance and being the overseer of the project. It is on the job training. You are also known as the host. You are the one who is proving your worth by caring for this land over which you have been made responsible, your body-mind. Embrace this understanding of who you are. Your job is to listen to your little workers, millions of elementals in the form of atoms and subatomic particles needing an overseer. Listen to them for they are speaking to you even now. Some are in pain, others are happy. Listen, because as you listen you are sending love and love soothes, heals and unifies. Simply listening to someone speak, truly listening, is sending love. Allowing love to radiate. Love is the healing element. Do you understand?”
(Yes, master DK. Thank you. I do see. I must practice this and you are here with me, guiding me each night. You are patient with me. Thank you.)
“My dear, patience, no. It is not patience. It is allowing you the freedom to take the lead. It must be you who decides when to get up in the night and listen to me. When you are ready, you call me and I come forward to assist. I do not wait around for you! (Laughingly) I have others who I assist. There is much for me to do.
(Thank you for telling me that. It takes a load off my mind.)
(Laughter!) “Take the time to listen to your body. Listen to the tweaks, bumps and moans that your body is making. Learn how to move WITH them rather than try to fix them. Because, again, you do not have the master plan in your conscious mind. The master design for a perfect mind and body is descending through you in continuous flow, just as a river flows down the mountain becomes part of the landscape, influencing all of the surrounding territory. As the master design flows forth through you it causes FEELINGS in your body and influences your body if you let it. Listen to those feelings. The master plan is coming into you through your breath, in fluid motion, pressing here and there causing sensations, Sometimes you have a painful sensation when the breath of life bumps up against a resistance. Wherever there is pain, go there in your attention and continue to listen. Dissolve it by listening and paying attention. The master plan for your body is perfection but you have created energy blocks with false ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. The master plan is not an object to grasp and lay out on a table to examine. It is an unfolding current with you that is invisible, flowing from higher planes down into slower vibrating substance. You are the co-creator. Your perfect self is TRYING to come into manifestation but it is forced into an obstacle course made of prior human experience. As I said earlier, you are a mix of both high and low vibrating energies. It is YOU who enables the integration of high and low substances within you.
You are the awake and aware steward of this land called a body, this nation of many voices, all of whom speak in different tongues. They need to be held together by a wise and benevolent master - a higher intelligence than themselves. This is you. You are not the ultimate authority however. There is one higher than you. You are a steward of this body, learning how to govern wisely the many voices that are speaking within you. The health and vitality of this land (your body) depends on how well you listen to those workers that compose it. Mankind is learning to listen to the landscape within. As he does, he nurtures and nourishes the land of his body. He has not done a good job of paying attention in the past. He has pushed his body beyond endurance and worn himself out, exhausted, lame, debilitated, without understanding that he was supposed to CARE for his body. It is no one else’s responsibility but his own to make peace within his inner world which is accessed by feeling, listening and responding to the subtle and invisible movements within.
“Listen to your own body feelings and perceptions first, before listening to an outsider. Even professional health experts do not know your body or what it needs. Listen to the voices of your people - your cells, tissues, organs of your inner world. They hurt and seek your forgiveness, not your “fixing” with prescription drugs. They do not need fixing, they need you to care and love away their pain - YOUR pain. Your love moves the stuckness within you. In feeling their pain you become the solution to removing that pain. Relief comes in the form of gratitude and “I love you“ thoughts. Yes, it is through mental communication that you talk to and listen to your cells. There is happiness when you care for your body, and joy at being allowed to breathe free again. This is true liberation, to breathe through the stuck energies that block the perfection within you.
[I thought of the hurricane and the lost elementals uprooted through the fierceness of the winds.]
“Yes, you could say that it was the elementals as a whole who were ravished by the hurricane and said, “Thank God I’ll be going home soon.” And your statement of “NO! I will not leave!” was your determination to stay the course and help in this transition. It was your way of putting loving arms around them and assuring them you would welcome them back to a place where they belong. To a sense of being whole again. Home is wholeness. Home is a heart at peace.
[Thank you DK. for your words of wisdom. I sense this is the end of our session?]
“Yes, you are to be congratulated. You are waking yourself up in the night to learn more but you are growing tired now. We will continue tomorrow in the night or day. If you call me we can continue with the learning.” End.
10/23/17 - Sharing feelings & opening primary partnerships
[While considering how to begin a gathering for the Love Club and wondering how to approach the couples and give them practical advice, I asked DK to advise me. This was mind to mind and I could feel him ready to proceed so I took pen and paper in hand and said, "OK I am here and open to receive the message."]
Intimacy has always been reserved for the primary partner, the one you live with. Primary partnerships have always been considered exclusive, but how many of you have retained the ability to be truly intimate? Intimacy means connecting. Connecting with someone else also in physical form requires a slowing down process, both mentally and physically, so that feelings can be shared. If you are feeling something and your partner is not, the feelings are not being shared. Only one of you is feeling. Connecting means sharing feelings. This is the meaning of intimacy. Sharing feelings with someone other than your primary partner has always been considered a sacrilege. You have kept feelings hidden for that reason. You have even kept feelings for yourself hidden.
How often have you masturbated alone, in private, and had someone come in on you. Did that not give you feelings of shame? The feelings of shame were a condition laid on you from those in authority who have tried to keep you from feeling your own feelings. This practice of massaging a stranger is an exercise in breaking open those forbidden cultural taboos, and simply sharing feelings with a stranger. This is the reason why we are here to swap massages alone. Not as a couple, but alone at a table with a partner of the opposite gender. You will have feelings. You will have all sorts of feelings. You might have repugnant feelings. Or feelings of guilt. Or feelings of shame for having GOOD feelings. You might have sexual feelings and you might feel confused because you’re not supposed to go there during these massages.
Feelings are beautiful. Let them be. Feel them. Allow them. Enjoy them. Don’t act upon them. Just feel them. Let them exist within you. As you feel your feelings you will also be processing them. You will be saying, “It’s OK to have this feeling. I will keep moving my hands on this person.” Whatever the feeling is, just own it. It’s yours. Don’t expect the other person to have the same feelings you are having. The act of massaging a stranger person allows you to feel better than when you are massaging a friend. Because when you are massaging a friend, you drop your guard and relax into the KNOWN feelings that you have had with this person before. That will come about as lesson Number 2, as you practice expanding on known feelings.
The first part of this practice is learning how to feel within yourself, alone, and owning what you are feeling. It‘s not just skin on skin. It‘s opening up to forces within you that have been turned off due to cultural laws and rules. We are breaking the law and the rule here by allowing feelings to surface. Do you understand? That is why we will be swapping partners. You will not be able to relax your guard and “flow” with this person, so you will have to simply feel. It is a breakthrough, to feel.
Intimacy has been shut off in all of you because you are a dangerous species, humans, if you are allowed to be free and happy. We are breaking the rules here and this goes beyond gender. It is about you getting in touch with free and happy forces within you. Own them and let them be.”
10/27/17 - Massage exchanges to open feelings
[I am talking with DK about massage exchanges, wondering about them and questioning DK. He and I are chatting about this. My notes....]
There are many types of massage. All of them require an intellectual study to learn the application. It is an outer-world learning. In this form of massage where you are swapping massages with others not your own partners, we are seeking a new approach which is an inner approach for different purposes. We’re not teaching you a modality that you have to learn. We are helping you to access your own feelings within. This is about drawing forth your own knowledge and power from within you. You have a lot of power, a lot of knowledge, a lot of awareness and especially a lot of love within you. It is stored within your cells, your atoms, your molecules, your memories. You know this already. You have been trained to look outside of yourself to experts and authorities who supposedly know “better” than you, and that’s OK. You can do that. But this is in addition to the experts and the authorities.
You have not been taught how to access your own powers and intelligence. This is what we are doing here. It’s kind of hard at first because you don’t know where to begin. You will develop your own sensitivity. No one can teach you how to do that. You will access your own intelligence, no one can give you intelligence. You have a lot of intelligence that you have already, but that has been beaten down in you, telling you that you’re stupid. So you will develop your own caring and kindness. No one can teach you caring and kindness. You have it already but your culture has beaten it out of you.
In this practice of massaging we are accessing the caring and kindness within you. You are a conscious being who is aware. You live inside your body but your mind has been trained, shaped and molded to NOT access your inner intelligence. You have been trained to learn from the so-called “experts” out there. A whole system has been devised to keep you looking outside of yourself to others to provide you with information, education and just about everything, so we have neglected the vast amount of intelligence and creativity that is within each one of you. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”
We have all lived for many lifetimes, all the while accumulating experiences and learning how to do it better. All the while evolving wisdom. Every experience you ever had, has left its mark in you. You are a well-matured soul by now. This knowledge is in you. You embody those experiences of past lives. You have grown in refinement and skill, and in your ability to understand the difference between right and wrong for yourself alone, and how better to interact with others. The Love Club massage group is an opportunity to access your own intuitions of an innate nature and loving kindness. It is all about you accessing your own skills. You know what to do better than someone else telling you what to do, but you have to access those feelings. What is necessary to be kind? You might want someone else to teach you but I don’t want you to learn with your mind from me. I want you to follow your own feelings from within. What does kind mean to you? Ask yourself that question if you have a question. Ask your self. Ask your inner self and listen to what your body feelings tell you.
In esoteric language, there is a pure consciousness that is at the heart of your individuality. The same pure consciousness runs through the heart of your wife, or husband, or child or parent as runs through you. The same pure consciousness that is the “oneness” of life runs through everyone and it’s possible to connect with it. It is that feeling of goodness you get when you are in sync with someone, when you feel a light happiness ripple through you, or when someone smiles and you feel unusually grateful for that smile. It is a connection beyond words or logic. It is very practical. It is that which tantra speaks of as the web of life which runs through all sentient beings and connects us all. It is web of life, a river of life, like an electric current that runs through large cables, small conduits and mini wires. This current of life goes everywhere and it appears as the feeling of connection, giving you support to your life. You feel an “uplift” as if an angel lifted you up.
This is a connection that comes from beyond our logical mind. We can’t define it. This is what we will be connecting during our massage swaps. It is support. This is you supporting the other, and the others supporting you. You are the pure “I” who says “I am thus and such", but you have accumulated so much experience, both bad and good lessons, that you are covered over with personality lessons and issues and it’s difficult to see or feel the pure “I” underneath it all. The pure “I” is the one who beats your heart and digests your food. That too is beyond your logical mind. When you become aware of “I am” - and you will eventually - this is absolute pure electricity from the source of all that is.
A message from higher self is an enlightened thought from beyond your conscious mind. It could be called a download or an inspiration. You can reject that or wave it aside or you can receive it. The process of receiving a message from a source higher than your own mind causes you to think about it. Let your mind receive it like a cup receives water. Then bring it down into your body as a feeling. Allow the feeling to slowly fill you. An emotion is a feeling that moves. A feeling that does not move becomes a knowing.
10/29/17 - Your heart is the balance between physical and spiritual
If you are not in your heart drawing and allowing in your pure self, you are getting the information from your mind/brain which is a store house of accumulated learned experiences from the past. Below the heart is human and above the heart is divine. The heart is where the pure original consciousness of you comes in through the portal of the three-fold flame in the heart. The heart is YOU in all your uniqueness. There is not another you. You are the only you in existence. If you are drawing from either above or below the heart, you are drawing on other influences. From above, you are drawing on higher influences, angels, masters, etc., and from below the heart you are drawing on earth experience, both error and pristine.
The heart is the balance in you between physical and spiritual. Within your etheric heart, superimposed over your physical heart, is a portal through which perfection comes into manifestation. Then, there is a river of light and love that enters through the top of your head and runs down your spinal column and into earth and anchors you into the earth to create your physical. There is an attraction above you that is drawn magnetically down to the physical earth, and there is an attraction below you in the earth that is drawn upward to space and the higher planes above you. It is your heart that balances these two attractions.
Feelings on the lower denser side of you, the more physical side of you, are called lower emotions like sadness, jealousy, survival issues, anger, fear, frustration, depression and more. Feelings on the higher side beyond your human need for survival, are called spiritual longings and reachings. They are sometimes called feelings, and sometimes called mind. Mind and feelings merge into oneness. At that high place you experience visionary things because you are going up beyond the physical, mental and emotional levels of activity.
Within your heart, your etheric heart, lies the perfection that keeps the balance that keeps you grounded between physical and non-physical. It keeps you sane and rational. But you are the one who must find this location, or this particular place in your conscious focus. You are the one who does the searching and the discovering. Wherever you go, you are the one who brings you there. While it is confusing to the mind and the logic of the survival of the fittest, hands-on massage will help you locate your true and authentic self through feelings. Choose the good feelings over the bad feelings. If you feel bad, adjust and make the feeling become good.
11/6/17 - Advice on exchanging massages
[While thinking about ascension massage exchanges, I asked Master DK for advice. This is his response.]
Move your consciousness from your analytical mind to the timeless space within your body cells. There you can rest. In your mind you cannot rest, for mind is connected to the outer world which is constantly changing shape and this part of your mind wants to keep up with the changes. Connect with the timeless space within your cells, your body, and rest. It [the massage swap] should not be regulated. That is trying to fit the universal flow [of each person] into a box. Each person is a unique vibration. Some are ready to flow. Give them that opportunity to flow. Some are not ready to flow. Give them some structure. Both permission to flow and structure for those who need structure. Some will want to give more, others will be inclined to receive more - those who need to receive more love and nurturance over those who prefer to give more rather than receive. Allow the individual to choose. Explain this to them in talking session. You will do well. Moderate. I will see that M comes to you. You are gathering beings of Light. You are a great being of Light. Let us use you. You have asked for the ascended masters to over light you. We are here, eager to flow into each one to enhance each one’s sense of knowing of wellness within themselves. To bring their consciousness to the forefront. To push the consciousness more into the physical matrix and the physical body. When each person feels finished, let them shower, don a bathing cover and go into the hot tub. The giver receives more than the receiver, since he/she is flowing the light out into the receiver, and thus they are receiving more inflow from 5D light.
[I asked how do I explain this to those who attend?]
Raising consciousness starts out as a belief. You have to change your belief system to create a new belief to set the direction in a positive, upward direction. By continuing to believe this, eventually it turns into faith. And then into knowing, which is the real connection. It takes holding onto the belief in order to process your “old” that has kept you in limbo. Keep holding onto a belief by wanting to believe. This is how you raise your consciousness. Personal connection is human day-to-day interactions which are filled with personal debris that is unimportant to spirit. Going beyond personal to a larger expanse level is creating through less focus. Lesser and more refined, more free, more loose, more liquid, more light, more letting go of the “old”. This is how we connect with our higher selves which is sheer pure divinity for we are the children of divinity, growing ourselves back home. There is a divine electric in us that keeps us ticking and breathing. It comes from higher planes, so our direction is “up” and away from the dense physical focus, BUT not leaving the dense physical behind but incorporating the dense physical into our upward journey. We do not divide ourselves out of physicality, we incorporate the non-physical love and refinement into the physical. Thus we integrate physical and non-physical and we feel wonderful.
There’s a cheater in every one of us. It’s the personal aspect of us, the small aspect that feels unloved and unwanted. But there is a larger aspect in us who lives interwoven alongside the personal unloved aspect of us. Both are us. The human experience is a learning experience. We are not human for very long. It’s a lifetime incased inside skin and bone to learn how to choose between the larger aspect which is love, light and transparent seeking the good within the whole, or choosing the small dense personal unloved and unwanted aspect. We are both. We are the chooser. We are the grand person of nobility and we are the small and rejected hurting person in pain. Which one do we feed?
11/9/17 - Kundalini divides at the second chakra
[This morning I had a download of information. DK, would you please help me to remember this information? I am to tell the people about this. I have seen this before. I know this from before. It has to do with the primal divine earth energies coming up and gathering at the first root chakra. Then it comes up to the 2nd chakra which is the reproductive or sexual chakra. and...?]
In the animal kingdom the flow of primal energy divides out at the second chakra in order to create a division into two separate genders. There must be separate genders, male and female, to create a hunger for reuniting. Separation at the second chakra is necessary for duality to play out. There is engagement and play between the two forces which makes the world go around. And create babies. Reproduction is important to perpetuate the species. The animal kingdom operates on animal instinct. Now, the human being is also an animal but it has been cultivated with altered DNA to become more conscious than the animal. It has evolved to become self-conscious and it continues to evolve to become God conscious.
It knows that there is a refinement that draws him to seek into the spiritual realms. But his sexuality and reproductive functions remain as an animal. The human has allowed himself to retain the animal drive to copulate as all animals do. The mechanism to overcome this drive lies in the second chakra, where the division takes place in the animal kingdom. When the primal divine life force comes up to the first root chakra, to overcome this drive, instead of dividing out left and right, the mechanism is to remain WITHIN the second chakra and not allow the division to take place. The division that takes place is the male pushing out and the female withdrawing or receiving. When the human male stops pushing and the female stops receiving, they both can integrate and experience union. This is difficult to explain to a 3D consciousness.
I heard this in a 5D altered state and was able to retain this information. What we are doing with the Love Club massage swaps is teaching them how to integrate their male and female in peaceful embrace, rather than the male pushing and the female dancing around trying to attract his attention or running away. To overcome this animal instinct to push and run away (male and female animal instinct) we humans are to learn how to not do that by way of reducing or diminishing our outward actions. When we slow down to a full conscious stillness and allow ourselves to integrate, then we overcome the animal instinct to push and dance. Do you understand?
(When during a channeling it is asked, "Do you understand?" that is a sure sign that it is DK speaking, for I myself would never ask that question because it is presumptuous. DK was speaking here.)
11/11/17 - Tantra love
I received a clear picture of two people doing Tantra love today, from Master DK. A man and woman sitting together facing each other in a meditation, eyes closed, in silence, each focusing on their inner light and love whatever way they do that. Neither one of them made an effort at pushing it. They waited, and communed with their light bodies until their light bodies moved them to engage in physical lovemaking. Slowly.
I don’t know how to describe this to someone who is not aware of their light body. But the words “precise balance” came to me. Each physical body, both the man and the woman, the male and female energies had to be precisely balanced in each of body. Neither one pushing on the other one, or the other withdrawing. Both precisely equally balanced. Both surrendered to the love WITHIN. They did not focus on each other. Their focus was a meditation pose, focusing on their individual I Am Presence. When each of their individual I Am Presence(s) reached that precise balance point where they merged and blended in oneness and connection, both the man and the woman responded at the same time. The personalities were not engaged. They were drawn magnetically to join. Only the love and light of their God Presence within them acted since it was the same sameness in each one. It was Self making love with Self but they were able to enjoy it through two separate bodies. This was shown to me clearly and perfectly as the ultimate Tantric union between two people.
12/8/17 - Lecture on the light body
(This morning I woke up with a lecture going on. As I lay in bed feeling warm and cozy, I thought it was my own mind playing around with this concept. But after awhile I realized I was being given a purposeful instruction. It was as follows. I got up and wrote it down.)
Lecture on the beautiful light body. How it came into being. You are a light body covered in slime. But the light is still there underneath. You were created by Father Light and Mother Love as a beautiful light love baby consciousness. You started out conscious of love and light, light being information or intelligent awareness. The love held you fully in its warm embrace. You were given over to another being to protect and love you because Father Light and Mother Love were busy creating other love light babies and maintaining their growing family. You were placed in the orbit (family) of a sun where you floated in bliss and happiness and love, while you grew in awareness. You were a conscious being from the first moment you were created, but you were only a baby, like an earth baby, and you didn’t know any more than the love that surrounded you.
You grew and expanded your conscious awareness, and as you grew you noticed that others in your family, all at different levels of expanding consciousness, were responding to your thoughts and feelings. You learned to communicate with others. You learned cause and effect. You were growing in love and in light (information). Soon you began to explore further out, beyond the safe orbit of warmth where you were protected by the sun’s family of love. You were one of those who wanted to explore further out. The fact that you are here in physical body validates that. Others in your family of white light beings preferred to stay close to the parent sun and continue to shine their beautiful white light and contribute to the sun’s brilliance. You wanted to explore beyond and outside the warmth, but before you could go any further you were required to go to school to learn how to maneuver in the outer darkness beyond the sun’s light. Beyond Father Light and Mother Love.
There is a universe “city” where there are schools. All white light beings go to these schools to learn skills before going further out beyond the light to where darkness exists. We all had to attend these schools and absorb this information so we would be prepared, and so we would not lose ourself when we go out into the field beyond clarity and beyond the ability to see, and where the darkness resides and is dominant. We chose to go out there, like missionaries choose to go into deep dark jungles to bring civilization to those who don’t have any knowledge that others exist outside of their little world.
There are seven schools you had to attend, only seven. In these seven schools you could stay for as long as you wanted, or spend as short a time as you wanted, just to pick up the basic fundamentals. There are great beings who act as guides and mentors, so that you are directed and given the benefit of their wisdom and knowledge. This is where you develop your skills to go further out into the outer wilderness, and you do this of your own volition. You WANT to go. You seek the adventure. You are eager and pawing the ground. But you are required to attend these seven universities first. No one can be born into a sentient society, especially Earth’s sentient society, without first absorbing the understanding of what it means to be physical.
These seven schools are where you are programmed with qualities. These qualities are qualities of light and love that are specifically designed for the human being’s physical form. To use as a human. These qualities are designed by great brilliant white light beings who designed them for the Earth human. In English language they are called “attributes“. An attribute has a color and a sound to it, and a texture and a vibration. It can be felt and known as a unique attribute. One person may have a greater intensity of one attribute than another, such as intelligence.
These seven attributes are: Power, Love, Intelligence, Purity, Truth, Peace, Freedom. They are known as the seven chakras within the human body, and they are tones, sounds and color vibrations containing inner knowledge of power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the tools which you absorbed before being born on earth, a wild and dark planet.
The twin flame. The twin flame is not two separate human beings. It is the male and female energy within one body. Spiritual channels have said that twin flames cannot be embodied at the same time, leading to the error of thinking that somewhere in the world or cosmos there is another being who is your other mate or half. But, when it is said that twin flames cannot be in physical form at the same time means that you cannot be both a male expression AND a female expression in the physical world at the same time because the physical world must have duality.
It is duality, male and female reflecting and playing with each other that creates manifestation in the physical. However, there are moments when the male energy current and the female energy current come together and come to a stop and stillness within the physical body. When those moments happen, the person experiences nirvana and great peace. The world comes to a standstill. There is no more movement in that person’s physical existence. He or she is not in the world at that time. To be a part of this world, they must resume being either a male or a female expressing. Then the world again begins to move.
12/9/17 - The seven powers and seven schools
The seven attributes are: starting with the first school you attended, followed by the second, and in this order: Power, then Love, then Intelligence, then Purity, then Truth, then Peace, then Freedom. But there is more to these seven lights than the word just mentioned. You learned about Power for example from great beings of wisdom, as will power, strength, courage, determination, tenacity, and the many off-shoots and cousins of those words just mentioned. There are tones within tones in this particular attribute, and understandings within understandings that you absorb as you dwell within this university with great beings of light, all spent studying and learning to apply power - the power that is contained within Father Light and Mother Love - to the many situations that you will find yourself in when you are on Earth. When you feel you have absorbed as much as you can from this school, you are guided to the second school to come under the tutelage of the teachers there. This school is where you learn how to apply Love to human situations, for alongside Power there must be Love in equal proportion.
These attributes are the very same attributes that exist within our parents, Father Light and Mother Love. But they do not have a form, so to speak, because love and light IS Father/Mother God from out of which we were born as CONSCIOUS beings with the intention that we would exist separately and utilize free choice to create, since we are of the same attributes as our parents. We have all the potential of Father Light and Mother Love but we now have to go and explore our potential and use it. But first we had to go to school, just like human kids have to go to school to learn certain skills. Great beings of light, older brothers and sisters who have lived far longer than we have, are our teachers and guides.
And so we spend time in the school of Love. There we learn the tones, shapes, sounds, feelings, textures and capacities of love, and the off-shoots of love, the surrounding environment of love, what makes love and what detracts from love, how to apply it to not-loving situations. Various colors of love are personal love, sister love, brother love, family love, impersonal love, unconditional love, father love, mother love, spiritual love, reverence, adoration, worship, nirvanic love, ecstasy love, love for Father God, Love for Mother God, kindness, heroism, compassion, empathy. Love is a formless fabric of many colors constantly changing in intensity and density. These vibrations feel different according to the person who is calling them into play. When you have absorbed as much love as you can, the great beings who are your teachers will give you more. And you learn deeper aspects of love, and still more beyond those aspects. There is no end to what you can absorb about love, and so you come to a place where you say, “I have learned enough!” And the great teachers who know you better than you know yourself, will guide you to the third school - that of Intelligence.
How does one apply love, for example, to situations that are uncomfortable? The biggest challenge in human life is that we try to apply it to other people, when we are supposed to call it forth within ourselves. For example, a friend asks me to help him by “sending” love and light. Instead of sending love and light to him, I need to call it up into my own consciousness. I need to feel it before I can send it. If I try to send it before I feel it, I will be sending nothing to him and in my efforts I will deplete myself. After all, I am only human! I am not a god. But I can call upon the god qualities in me. That is what is missing in the human educational system. As we learn some techniques - and it is important to learn techniques, to study them and apply them and create a system for yourself - to call forth the specific quality desired, be it power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace or liberation, amazing results are produced. Then when my friend asks me to send love and light to him, I have him in my mind as I begin to apply the technique of calling it forth in myself.
After we have saturated ourself with the quality of Love, we are guided by our teachers to the third school, which is Intelligence. Young white light beings have to learn how to USE intelligence. There is a code of etiquette we have to absorb. We listen and learn from great white light beings and absorb directly from them, an understanding of what enlightened intelligence is. We soak it into our entire being. it’s not brain learning. We live inside intelligence and learn from mentors until we have saturated ourself, and there’s no more capacity in us for intelligence. We are fish swimming in a sea of enlightened intelligence. We are the seed out of which our human intelligence grows. We draw on this infinite quality within us, which we were born with, as we journey through the human world of physicality. We don’t remember any of this. As light-filled intelligence now human, we are here to apply our innate wisdom, love and power to human situations. We are required to draw on our inner strengths as we go about having our experiences. This includes being discerning, and being kind and caring. Since light is information, when we give or share light-encoded information we learn to give it in a humble way instead of arrogant or controlling, otherwise it would be rejected. Nobody likes a puffed-up know-it-all. People turn away from us. This is being wise. We apply wisdom and discrimination in choosing who we give our light-encoded information to. You wouldn’t teach a child how to work around dangerous chemicals, for example, until the child was sufficiently knowledgeable and wouldn’t harm himself or others.
12/10/17 - You are born pure
(Yesterday I had been given, and wrote in my journal, about calling for the inner power of light and love. This morning I was brought closer in with the following message.)
Recognize that you ARE the power within the chakra. You ARE the love within the chakra. You ARE the intelligence within the chakra. You ARE purity within the chakra. This is YOU that you are recognizing. No one else can give this to you. You are ONLY that light, ONLY that love, ONLY that peace, ONLY that intelligence. ONLY that purity. These are the chakras. The truth is being revealed to you. Most people see only colored wheels on charts and posters, but they are more. They are signposts to look deeper. They are lights flashing to you from YOU, from YOU on the God plane, the BIG You.The BIG YOU is calling you home. The limited you that has been covered over with beliefs that are not true, not love, not pure, not power, not intelligent, not peaceful, not free. So now the BIG YOU is calling yourself home to the unlimited space from which you came. No one else can give this to you. No one else has value for you. You alone contain the ultimate value.
Your light body, known as the Christ body [the crystal body] looks like a pure sparkling diamond that shines as if the sun’s rays are shining through it but the diamond is actually the source of the light itself. The facets are cut and polished to an exquisite and immaculate precision to reflect the purist of the pure of the Godhead. You look like this after having come through the seven schools. Before going through the seven schools you are pure brilliant white light without the colors. The colors are the qualities or attributes that you absorbed by going through the seven universities while preparing for physical sentient life. it is required before embodying in a human vessel. The problem that humans have is when you are conceived, you are created out of your parents imperfect DNA, so even though you are brilliant and pure, you fit inside an imperfect embryo, an infant solid body. As a baby, at first you are still in contact with the purity that you arrived in as a light body, but as you are held by imperfect humans and every day you receive their energies and hear their words and admonished by your parents and siblings and others, your attention is turned away from the brilliance and beauty of who you are and the naturalness of your home and where you came from.
Now you are becoming human and being imprinted with false stories, ugly stories that don’t seem right to you. But you adhere to what is being told you must do and not do. The error comes from your parents’ DNA but YOU are still perfect underneath the layers of imperfections being told to you, and also you carry forward karmic patterns from your own previous lives - erroneous patterns that were habit when you died and therefore carried over to your next life and the next life and next and the next. These error patterns can be eradicated through various disciplines that are being taught today in 2017. It is important to take up the study of clearing your subconscious. I was reminded upon waking that loss and loneliness needs to be re-interpreted. Consider detachment instead of loss. Consider yourself all one instead of alone. All one with all that is.
12/11/17 - Your mind learns and projects
(I saw the diamond crystal light in each chakra, as I called them forth. I called upon DK to show me more about mind. I was already getting it from him. It happens that way, I get a flash of something and them remember to ask DK. I was getting it already as I searched. That’s the mind searching. The mind is the one that is searching and projecting. DK is talking now...)
Mind is different from stillness. When you’re in stillness you’re in the heart of God. When you’re moving, you’re no longer in the heart of God but you are acting as a separate self. Movement is acting separate from God but that’s not wrong. You are meant to develop your god powers by your own volition. Be aware, however, that your mind is given you to do constructive things with it, FROM WITHIN. Not given to you to follow someone else. Your source is within you. You are the source of your life. By focusing on the within, you bring the within’s powers forth. The seven lights within the seven portals. Deep within each one there is stillness and then a color, tone, texture emanates out of the stillness which gives you the quality that you need and that you are currently focusing on. Power, strength, determination, courage, emanate frorm the blue ray. Love, devotion, reverence, adoration emanates from the pink ray. Intelligent discernment and wisdom emanate from the gold ray. Purity, perfection, the ideal, the immaculate conception of you emanates from the white ray. Truth, science and healing emanates from the green ray. You ARE the truth of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the godhead living in you and giving you life. Peace, comfort and ministration emanates from the ruby ray flecked with gold. Liberation, freedom, forgiveness, mercy emanates from the violet ray. You ARE the liberation of yourself. Allow it forth. You are the peace and comfort of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the immaculate concept of yourself, allow it forth. You ARE power of yourself, allow it forth. You are the love and devotion of yourself. Allow it forth. You are what you are. You are the light within you. Allow it forth by understanding and projecting, with your mind, your conscious mind, these qualities into your daily life.
(Me following up with my own thoughts to what DK said. There are two distinct facets to what we think of as mind. One is stillness, the other movement. Stillness is when we are absorbed in the heart of wholeness, or God, or Creation. Movement is when we activate “self” as a separate consciousness. That’s not bad. We’re supposed to do that as aspects of infinite intelligence which has no form. Infinite intelligence, or Creator, wants to experience the pleasure of interacting with itself through form, and that’s us. Stillness is when we are absolutely still, serene and yet still alert and aware. We are awareness. We are consciousness. Movement is when we move our awareness around, as in thought and thinking. We explore an awareness and move it around in our awareness. We create thoughts that way but we can still receive awareness without movement. That would be what we call a “download”. A flash of knowing. When I receive a flash of knowing I then take that flash of knowing and I study it. I massage it. I think about it. I write about it. I try to define it. I try to tell someone about it. I try to fit it into a logical pattern. This is an attempt to integrate it into my prior archive of knowledge. So a thought is a movement while stillness is non-movement. Emotion is created by moving the thought around and have it influence or imprint upon our body cells. We then feel the movement in a sensual way. Moving an awareness around inside our physical form creates a feeling that we call emotion. We create energy by moving awareness around. Energy in motion is E-motion.)
1/10/18 - It is time to wean
[I had been hearing this phrase for a month: "It is time to wean". I had to google the definition of wean to make sure I was hearing right. I started writing out my thoughts about it, thinking it was just me journaling, as usual. Over the years I have blended so well with him (and other voices of higher intelligence) that often I don't pick up on it. I think it is just me rambling. As I continued writing out my thoughts about "weaning" I didn't realize that DK was giving me advice until he spoke a certain phrase: "Do you understand?" I knew then he was talking because I wouldn't ask myself that question! I continued writing...]
It is time to wean. It is time to withdraw from dependance on something. Withdraw your dependance from it. You are leaning upon something and you fear that you will never have it again so you keep chasing it and depending upon it. It is time to replace this that you are depending upon with knowledge that it will always be there. Wean yourself from the dependance on it because it is creating a longing for it. It is creating a desire in you for it which is creating a fear that you will lose it, which is fear itself that is invading your consciousness. It is time to wean yourself from fear of losing it, from fear of loss. It is a false belief. You have created a false belief system that you need this thing. You believe you need it and that it is the only way to reach your heaven, your goal of fulfillment, it is the only way to bring forth heaven on earth, and the only way to feel good, the only way to feel orgasm and the freedom from all the pressures you normally feel day after day and none of that is true. It is a false belief that you hold. You believe it and so it is stuck in you, creating a groundhog day effect. A replay of the same thing, over and over and over, ad infinitum. It is time to wean yourself from this belief. Release yourself from depending on that little appendage that you think is your identity and your salvation and your key to heaven and the release into freedom. Release yourself from the volumes of stuckness that have held you back.
Women have come to rely on this appendage too. It is not only men who depend on the appendages, for women have appendages too. We women have to also release ourselves from depending upon the sexual appendages. This is why we marry. We call it love and falling in love and wanting to spend the rest of our days with this person, but it’s really a dependency on the person that we are marrying. We are committing to depending upon this person, to provide us with the love and caring, but it’s really the orgasmic tool that we are assuring ourselves by marrying them. We are securing the access to our freedom and salvation and heavenly pleasures by marrying, but it is a false belief. We are marrying a physical appendage to go along with our own physical appendage, our physical genital appendage - men depend on securing a woman because of HER tool. Her appendage is a warm soft pocket into which he places HIS appendage and he depends on that. We each, man and woman alike, depend on these accessories which are temporary physical appendages, not our divine nature which we already ARE. We are divine in nature and we have the capacity to feel the love within our divine nature, but we have been led to look elsewhere, out there, to others, to other objects and other people and we can’t find it there so we start chasing it. We develop fear and insecurity and a sense of loss because we are looking in all the wrong places. It is within.
It is within our own consciousness. We have not lost anything at all, except our focus. We have lost our focus, which means we have lost our way. We have lost our center. We think we are alone and we are afraid that we will never find our way back again, and we compound that fear the more we depend on our sexual appendages. It is the wrong focus to have. You are chasing a rainbow that is ephemeral. It is the outer world that is the dream. The material objects of things. Money, houses, toys that pleasure you, having all the right friends to nourish you and keep you safe and warm and protected, to assure you that you are A-OK, and then death takes you anyway and you are alone with yourself again, picking up the pieces and trying to remember who you are and where you left off at the time of the LAST death and having to leave the body. The “things” and the “people” we leave behind are fellow travelers, not saviors. They too are seeking salvation from outer “things” and other “people”. They are not here to save us or allow us to depend on them. We are so afraid that we will lose access to salvation, warmth, security, pleasure, abundance and love that we hang on to them as if we are drowning. We live so in fear that we chase it. It is a falsehood and an illusion because we have the love inside of us. In our consciousness. In our bodies. In our minds and in our feelings.
We have lost our OWN connection to this beautiful place, this beautiful SELF because we have been distracted by the outer world and these sexual appendages. They are like tools of addiction. Wean yourself by trying out a new way of human interaction and closeness and nurturance without using these appendages. See what you feel by weaning yourself away from that physical area on the body. It is like quitting smoking. Do not light that cigarette and do not reach for it. It is like quitting alcohol addiction. Do not pour that alcohol into a glass and do not even reach for the bottle. It is like quitting any drug. Do not reach for the tools that you think you need. Stop it. Wean yourself from it. Find another way to think. Find another way to feel. We at the Love Club are seeking this for ourselves. We are seeking another way to feel warm and nourished by coming closer and touching and hugging and massaging with other human beings, without reaching for the appendages that we have habitually relied upon to give us what we thought we wanted and needed. We at the Love Club are providing a new way to explore warm togetherness. (Wow! Thank you DK.) Just a reminder: it is not the body we are weaning ourselves away from; it is the dependency and sense of fear and loss that we are weaning ourselves away from. It takes conscious will to change how we think, talk and touch that we wean ourselves away. We are not giving up the ability to make love or to have sex. That is not the issue at all. Not at all. It is the habit of feeling loss and insecure and dependent upon someone else that we are weaning ourselves away from.
1/11/18 - Women talking
(After looking back into the archives of DK's prior instructions I began discussing with him that I felt somewhat humbled and ashamed that I have not done more and that I had come to a stopping point in my mind. I asked him if he had some further advice for me.)
(He laughed!) No, my child, you have been guided to read my messages and those of the other Masters. You know what you need to do. You have our advice. Do not feel shame, do not feel badly, for taking your time. You have been growing slowly, adjusting slowly and surely to your physical body, raising your physical body. You know what your task is. You know what the Plan is. You are fully aware of the Plan. You have been carefully holding yourself back so that you could be sure, so that you could reach deep enough into the earth soil to connect and make a difference. The work you are doing with the erotic and the physical intimacy, this is a most beautiful, essential work. You were led to re-read your own 1982 entry. Yes, this is your writing. You wrote this. You knew at the time what the journey was about. You did not flaunt it. You did not reveal it to others. You wanted to, but you knew better. You knew that it needed to germinate into your dense layers. You are now very close to having the knowledge sure and firm integrated into your world and your reality. You are ready to begin the long-awaited gathering of the women. Yes, begin with the women. Go ahead and send out the notice to the women. Far and wide. Use your website. You may also send the notice to the Silver Foxes and your Anakosha data base, but you must put it out there on the website too. Create a page called “Women Talking”.
3/13/18 - The kundalini is like a natural orgasm
In the night I was awakened with a download. I awaken thinking about this and the words are flowing through me. In a tantric massage if there is an urge to orgasm, allow, allow, allow without moving. Let the feeling spread. In sex the the tendency is to jump on it like a duck on a june bug and “help” it. Don’t! Don’t move. Allow, allow, allow. Don’t move. The male urge is to pump at it and work at it. The male asserts control over what should be natural. The female tendency is to allow and be still and receive, to allow, allow, allow the kundalini to rise like smoke, like fire upward, burning. This energy is pure spirit not form. It is not physical but pure spirit. It washes upward and cleanses everything in its path that should not be there. It cleans out everything that is distorted and out of alignment. If the urge is to wiggle or pump the body to try to “make it happen”, you are directing it against its natural flow. You are holding it back from its natural job and role. It cannot accomplish its purpose when you block its naturalness. It’s like trying to block the sun from rising. Kundalini force is the sun of the self. Allow the dawn to happen. Imagine the dawn lighting up the sky as a camera captures it in rapid fast forward motion.. There’s no human “work” involved in allowing the dawn to happen, so there is no human work involved in allowing the kundalini sun to rise when it is activated. Arousal is activation. Allow it. Keep the body still. Receive it like you receive and appreciate the sun dawning in the eastern sky. It feels like a wet dream. You don’t “do” anything to have a wet dream. It just happens during dream state. You are not working at it.
OPEN YOURSELF! (I am getting this loudly) OPEN, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. Widen, widen, widen. Consciously widen, open and allow it to flow upward. It is like you are inside a circle in the center and the dawn is coming from your center and widening you larger and larger and larger. This is what it means to “raise” the energy in contrast to jumping on it like a dog on a bone. Then you crush it and hold it back. When you do that you force it to come out into your genital region. You think it’s a genital experience when it’s not. It’s coming from the genital region because you’re forcing it there. Otherwise it would expand and give you a rising sensation. It is initiated at the center of your body which is the center of your circle of life, but its purpose is to expand from there like a lightbulb expands its light. It enlarges outward, rippling outward farther and farther out to the farthest periphery of your being. The genitals are the “meat” of your body but YOU are more than the meat of your body. You have layers surrounding you that cover you. Let the orgasm go through the layers. The flesh and tissues and nerves are only the meat that surrounds the portal which feels tremendously strong and powerful when it goes through the meat in an upward direction. It is upward compared to where it’s coming from inside the genital region but it is trying to expand.
It is meant to expand from that center outward like a light expands from the center of a light bulb, like the light from the sun expands out to its orbiting planets to give it life. Kundalini is your central sun. It feeds you energy. It radiates out through your whole body through the meridians and smaller nadis. When you get together male and female with eyes only on each other, you double up on the intensity of the kundalini. Kundalini is love, love is the earth energy known as kundalini. It is mysterious but it is natural when you double-up on your concentrated focus on each other. It is natural. Let it be natural. When you try to rush it or force it by pumping with friction against the walls of the yoni (vagina) it explodes into the immediate cells in the area, and it doesn’t go up to the rest of the body. We haven’t been taught about this beautiful science of kundlaini. We don’t know yet the huge potential of this feeling. We hold it back because we really believe it is a natural genital experience and it is not. Humans have rushed themselves and pumped themselves into orgasms with various manipulative techniques, but it was never meant to be a genital experience. Not for humans. For animals, yes, but not for humans. Humans are on a higher evolutionary path to become more god-like, more in harmony with universal law.
It is time we broadened our awareness about this natural act, enlighten our consciousness and grow our belief to higher ground. Widen your belief so that kundalini can spread through your whole body. You are the sun. You hold back your own sun that could soar you up to the moon and the stars. We are held back to a very limited sexual experience because we don’t know that it can be bigger. If it is a good one, you feel the orgasm as if it is all over because you momentarily are thrust into infinity by the explosion out of body. It cleanses your lowest, densest part, the genital area but the cleansing does not last because it does not go far enough. Instead, allow the feeling to grow naturally without pushing it or rushing it. Forget watching the clock. Linger in the timelessness of feeling. Let the feeling be in control. It will grow slowly. Allow it to grow slowly. Having an orgasm is nice and we enjoy it yes, but we don’t evolve from it. It doesn’t make us a better person. We don’t change from having an orgasm, no matter how many we have in our lifetime. We are held back by doing it that way, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, wasted and spent on the lower half of the body. At the end each time. We return to normal life the same person we were before.
And yet, kundalini - what we know as sex - is the evolutionary fire of the human race. When we use this fire naturally, normally, the way nature intended it to be used, the fire transforms us, mind, body, emotions and spiritually. It is time we learned about kundalini and our destiny and how we were designed to allow kundalini to go up the spine to the head and out above the head and down around the body back into the ground again. This is just a little glimpse of a hint of what is to come. The story has yet to be told. We need to relax into the lovemaking act and stop pushing it and forcing it and manipulating it and trying to control it and take pills and dildoes and all sorts of artificial techniques to achieve orgasm. It is a natural process. Learn about your body. Tend the garden of your inner body, cultivate it and open to the flowing rivers that take place there. Allow the orgasmic arousal to awaken like the sleeping giant that it is. You need the fire to reach all four levels that are in you FIRST – the emotional, mental, spiritual and then the physical orgasm at the end. If the fire doesn’t expand to include and align these four levels (PEMS) and reach the top of your head and beyond, then it’s just another orgasm. One that doesn’t evolve you. It is pleasurable yes, and it releases the stress that built up because you didn’t know how to direct the kundalini upward through your spine, but in the end it doesn’t change you or transform you so that your life becomes more abundant, more free, more purposeful, more happy, joyful and exquisitely more perfect. By learning how to allow the kundalini (sex fire) to flow naturally up the spine, not pumping or causing friction, it WILL expand you so you can experience more fulfillment.
Your mind is what holds you back. In contrast, when you daydream you suspend your mind. You don’t use your mind when you daydream or go into trance meditation, which tantra teaches you how to do. Your mind is full of beliefs which hold you back from expanding and allowing more of life’s vital fires to enter your body. Beliefs hold you back. Learn to suspend your mind and suspend your beliefs. Simply allow, simply allow the arousal feelings. Suspend your desire for orgasm. Don’t push for it. Feel the arousal but don’t move. Don’t try to push it forward. Don’t reach out to your lover who is with you. This is your OWN feeling. Stay with your OWN feeling. Stop forcing it and stop requiring someone else to help you “get there“. When you try to force it you take this natural force away from the God potential within., You actually distort it and bend it out of alignment. It is a natural phenomena to feel this powerful arousal force but when you force it to be quick, when you shorten the time by rubbing up against someone else, so as to fit it into your busy day, it gives you a quickie, yes, but it does not change you or elevate you or make you wiser, stronger or nourish the organs of your body from head to toe.
It does nothing for you except give you momentary pleasure. You have come to believe that this pleasure is natural, but you do not know the whole story. In fact the orgasm depletes you for reasons that are too complex to go into here. Another article must spin off from this one. One way it depletes you is that it reinforces your belief in sex the normal way. This belief hardens a little bit more so it is now like a steel band that surrounds you. You believe now that if you don’t have your orgasm, you will die. This buries you deeper and deeper into materialism and lessens the potential of self-realization, abundance, happiness and freedom. By learning about the potential power of kundalini and how to work with it, as a GOOD Tantra teacher teaches, you will be able to get past this limiting belief and transcend into more open sky of self. So many think that sexual orgasm is as far as they will ever go to reach heaven, but it is not true. Heaven is right here inside the body, but it requires alignment with the PEMS which kundlaini can do if you allow to flow naturally.
Humanity has been doing sex this way from life to life. We are drawn to achieve the “more that we know is there at the end of the tunnel of light, but we never achieve it. Where is the ‘more” that humanity feels is there? The Tantras and the Taoists teach this potential, but they are only teachers. The student must do the home work, at home, whether he be single or partnered with a lover. The kundalini power is the earth force that seeks to soar heavenward, up the spine, and not be wasted on an orgasm the animal way. Man and woman are destined for larger, greater fulfillment by prolonging the experience of lovemaking. Man and woman may soar to heaven by learning this method. As the kundalini fire moves you upward, it starts as hot passionate arousal, but if allowed to flow like water is allowed to flow from a sluice gate now opened, the hot passionate fire becomes a finer essence and touches the body the way a desired lover would touch it. Finer and finer and more delicate and more exquisite, and more fulfilling and more soaring and more celestial and more complete. When the kundalini fire is allowed and prolonged like this it will heal the body, mind, spirit of all depression, hurt, pain and disease and revitalize and regenerate and youthify the body.
It is how we spiritualize the body but it takes conscious thought and practice, conscious discipline in the art of loving, which is not done by genital rubbing. Don’t rub the genitals. Stop. Wean yourself and your partner away from the rubbing and the dildoes and sucking and forcing. Allowing the kundalini fire to rise gently within as you hold each other in close quarters. The warming heat is wonderful. Enjoy it. It is spiritualizing the body. It is quickening the body. It is burning the toxins away and the errors of false beliefs. It is restoring sanity to the body, mind and emotions. It is prolonging love in every action of daily life. You are working with spirit, which is natural, instead of contradicting spirit and contradicting love. Allow, allow, allow. Receive, receive, receive. Open, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. You as a human being cannot accomplish this from your intellect by simply saying it. You don’t have the power in your intellect. You don’t have the power by forcing your body to act like a machine or a robot. Your power comes from self discipline and by remaining in close contact with your lover in stillness, allowing the kundalini to flow naturally where it wants to go. It has a reason, a purpose and a destiny. It is quicken the frequency of your body. It is the spiritual fire that is doing this.
Now, one more thing to say here: You may not want to let go of the explosion of the orgasm, which has become near and dear to you humans - the explosion which occurs at the end of the pounding, humping process. But let me ask you, Do you really enjoy all that pounding and work? When someone stops pounding on you, the relief is exquisite, isn’t it? You don’t need to pound. Let nature take its course. You must give it time, spend more time at lovemaking, not sex but lovemaking. Enjoy lovemaking and start to experience the naturalness of kujndalini rising like a river of bliss that flows, as you practice, it will take time to practice. Learn, experience, study this process. It takes time but it is pleasurable time. Don’t rush the pleasure. So many men exhaust themselves from forcing themselves and working themselves up to the orgasm;. And finally it comes, the explosion happens, and they are completely worn out so they must sleep the dreamless sleep of exhaustion. This does not happen when kundalini naturally flows up the spine to bring the entire body into bliss and possible ecstasy if you become accomplished at this, but without all the hard work of pounding and pumping. And at the end the two lovers are so vitalized they don’t want to break apart for they are floating in the heights of rapture as one being.
4/14/18 - Focus on the attitude, not the thing itself
[Today during my shower I heard the words, “Focus on the attitude while you are doing a task, not the “thing“ itself.” I am now in the meditation room writing.]
"By focusing on the attitude you are connecting to the Plan, the divine plan, for THAT plan is the ONLY plan that will succeed in manifesting. When you focus on the “thing” itself you usurp and “steal” the thought and contaminate the thought with your ego personality. The divine plan is always the pure motivating force behind the thought. You as a human being unascended and unconnected to the divine, are constantly stepping into the sacred field in which is being born, constantly birthing - the birth is continual - the birthing of the divine plan is continually flowing forth as a river of life, a river of light, a river of moving divinity and holy intention, and you grab it with unholy hands and distort it with unholy motives.
"Do not approach the tantra with thoughts of helping Marcus. Rather approach the tantra idea with the feeling and attitude of following the dream that has been coming forth within you, birthing forth through YOUR consciousness for many years. You tend to “forget” yourself. Marcus does too. You must not “forget” the holy purpose which you alluded to as a “divine setup”. It is YOUR setup. Yours and Marcus’. This is not to be watered down and diluted with thoughts from other people. You are here to express YOUR divinity. You are the divinity molding yourself around a pre-planted concept called tantra. You are using the original plan to bring forth a teaching that is modern and current and available, suited better for the modern technological mechanized human which needs it.
"You are right in saying that the word “sex” and “sexy” is falling out of trend. The trend is now towards understanding what love is. Love is seen in words more often today than ever before. Love is a word that is becoming a curiosity. What is it? The people are growing aware that there is more to sex. The love is coming forth as a vibration into their consciousness and they need help in understanding. The attempts at forming communal marriages are problematical. They are not clear on what to do with it. And to make matters even more complicated, they think that the problems are solutions and lessons. The lesson is to get out of there. It is a tar baby. It is going to tar and feather those who allow themselves to “stick”. Running away from a sticky situation is the only way to free yourself. The whole innocent Self must be protected. You, the holy one becomes bogged down and imprisoned by the naughty child which is wayward and ignorant because it has stepped outside of the circle of light which feeds him intelligence and purpose and clarity and visions sublime and holy to keep him flowing forth out of the source of light and love which parented him. He is the child of parent source - the father light and the mother love. These two are his source.
"I have given you much guidance over the years, and STILL you insist on stepping outside of the eternally flowing abundance and clarity which births you. You are ever in a flow state of birthing - bursting forth into manifestation., You ARE the source of all that you experience. The uncomfortable is where you are stepping outside of the light/love of your birthing. I have given you the answer to correcting your misalignments. Now, you are in process of reminding yourself. You are re-reading my words. You are seeing where you need to correct your approach. Keep your focus on the at-it-tude. Not on the “task”, not on the “thing”. The “thing” is passing by you like a shadow. You must keep your focus on love. On eternal love. The love that I have led you to see and to know. You are a rare one in human form to know where and who you are. Maintain diligence. Maintain your connection to ME. I am your connection to love, to source, to Father Mother God. I AM you. You are not a separate version. There is only one you and me combined. We are one.”
4/17/18 - You are a star-based being!
(Me: The longing to connect with others is SO deep, but I must stop trying. I give up!! I surrender. Yet even as I put the words on paper a surge of wanting grows. Why? Why do I receive so much yearning? Does this mean I should give up trying to do something for the people? I want to help but how can I help?! How can I lift the whole!? I can lift myself but what about them? OMG!!! I am being blended with star-based beings, am I not?)
My beloved, you ARE a star-based being! Finally, you are acknowledging your source. It is no accident - emphasis on NO accident, that you have a joint website alongside Anakosha [The Galactic website, now removed.] Can you NOW take your focus off wanting to help others and simply BE who and what you are and always have been? The couple from Fleetwood, England who wrote to you in the wee hours of the English morn, have recognized you. You bring star-based knowledge. The people are following your light as you lay it down upon the earth planet. YOU are the star-based source of information and frequencies. You do not help them by narrowing your focus to a few small number. The numbers you are helping are those who read your websites, and even though they do not stumble INTO your websites, your frequencies are blended and merged with the planetary frequencies. Your energy in the familiar pattern that you exude and send out over the internet has already lifted the whole of the Earth planet. Do not put yourself down. Do not continue to humble yourself so low, dear one, recognize. Realize. Make that much needed inner connection, for that simple acceptance of who you are will answer your questioning.
Do you remember the dream so long ago of arriving with others, in a great mother ship, to earth, and on that great ship you were serving plates of food to the masters who were sitting at a banquet table? That, my dear friend, was real. You are active. The masters cannot do what YOU can do. They depend upon YOU to follow the path and not become lost in the thicket caused by other’s needs. You are not here to oblige or fill or help the empty longings of other people, other souls. The longing for touch that YOU feel, is a radiated longing from others. You live in a world of unfulfilled needs. You have come to lift them, not to pour your attention which is your life energy, into the holes and the lack and the dark, for life will be lost in such an endeavor. You are here to lift through enlightenment. The darkness is dark because of lack of light. Light has not reached into those places. THAT, my friend, is your role. To send forth information. Light in the form of facts, truths on a cosmic, interplanetary and interdimensional scale. Can you see that this is your role? And that you will reach large numbers of people by writing, rather than trying to set up a hands-on school.
(Me: Can I try by telling them something?)
Only in the form of wisdom. Not to promise them physical labor and attention. As the masters cannot enter into this world because they would not be recognized due to the receptive abilities being so low, so YOU cannot continue to waste your life energies on the scattered few who do not recognize the glory, the sparkle, the light, the eternal immortal love that you are radiating. Because, when you narrow your focus, you are narrowing your light.
(Me: Should I take down the Ascension Massage Exchange?)
No, my friend. Shorten the description and leave it there. It is an opening to those who are ready to hear and receive. You did well with R. You did not get pulled in by him. You maintained your clarity. You are an opening as a physical representative of the ascended masters. Not as a human, not as an ego, but as a representative of the ascended state. You are being used by the wonderful beings who guide the Earthlings. Continue on your path. Do not be caught in the dark web of longing. And now I see that our time is closing. (End of message.)
6/9/18 - You are a non-physical being
(In the bathroom I received the following message, so I stopped and wrote down the first sentence. Back to the bathroom, where I received more so I stopped to write it down. After I finished the bathroom DK dictated the rest. He wants me to post this today 6/9/18.)
You have both a human ego nature and a spiritual nature. You are not supposed to choose one over the other, but simply become aware of this fact. As you consider this and think about it, you begin to merge you two natures together, your human ego and your spiritual nature play together in your humanness. There is a blending. Your physical body is not important, but your ego is as you merge it with your spirituality. You are enraptured with your body while you are in it, but the non-physical aspect of your spiritual nature is what activates you and calls you to attention, for THAT is who you are, not your body. As you become more conscious of this fact - that you are not the body but the awareness that lives in your body, you call more of yourself into play. Your non-physical self is more conscious than you are in your physical body, confined as you are to your physical body.
You can test the fact that you are awareness. When a bird squawks over head you turn your awareness up to see. When a child cries you turn your attention to see where the cry came from. When there is a flash of lightening in the sky you look to storm clouds. When you feel the ground tremble under your feet your attention is drawn to the ground. When you feel a cold draft you wonder where it comes from. You are drawn to outside disturbances as they strike against your physical senses. This is what makes you believe you are physical. But who is it who is being aware? What part of you is being drawn to sound and sensation? You are the driver of your vehicle but your vehicle goes places on its four rubber wheels that you, yourself, would not go. Your consciousness is the driver of your physical body and yet it remains unnoticed. It is the observer behind the mask. It is the seer behind the sight. It is YOU behind your mask and YOU behind your sight. You are not a “what”. You are a consciousness and you are non-physical.
You are an individualized unit of consciousness in a sea of consciousness. You became individualized by having experiences in the PHYSICAL world. You now have memories of your experiences. Furthermore, you have the power to change your focus from where you are in the present moment, to imagine being in another place. You can place your intention to move your physical body to another location. You are attached to your physical body but your mind is not confined, nor are your emotions. You are non-physical consciousness, and when you are not in a human body you retain the clarity and memory of all of your experiences. You are evolving from having so many experiences in the physical world of duality. You are growing spiritually, as a spiritual being with a unique and specialized mind. Your ego as an identity is aware of far more than what you think you are aware of. When you are attached to your physical body you may go to sleep and be temporarily free of your body. You have dreams which are memories of experiences in your astral body. When you are sleeping or at death, you continue to be an individualized and specialized unit of consciousness. You are aware of how much more you really are. You drop the veils that surround you when you are “awake” in the physical world. You remember certain dreams. These veils may drop away while you are “awake” in the physical world, through flashes of insight and deja vu feelings. This shows you that you are growing more aware and awake of your non-physical identity. As they drop away you realize more.
The body confines you within a concrete form which is enhanced by its physical senses so you can see your physical surroundings, hear physical sounds, smell physical fragrances, taste physical food and touch physical objects. Thus you know yourself as physical. Yet you are still an individualized and unique unit of consciousness.
When you are sleeping you continue to be an individualized unit of consciousness and you slip out of your body while it sleeps, and have experiences we call “dreams“, some of which are meaningful and others which are not. As the focus on the physical body disappears during sleep, your consciousness becomes more aware. It travels around in a higher plane but it is not easy to bring that awareness back into the physical when you wake up. You slip in and out every time you go to sleep. Every time you die a physical death you drop the body. You have had many births and deaths of your physical body. You have lived in many different parts and cultures of the world, but these memories are erased each time you are born again. It is a merciful act of kindness that you don’t remember your previous lives, for if you did you would not be able to concentrate on THIS life. Memories are erased at birth but you pick them back up again when you die. You remember in bits and pieces gradually, for the waking up process must go at a comfortable pace, otherwise it would literally blow your mind. We all have flashes of insight from our other lives, including our off-world lives on different planes. These are what we label “deja vu”. They are memories stored in your individualized and unique consciousness which is eternal and forever you. You are slowly, gradually, becoming aware consciously, within this physical body. It is an extraordinary experience to have such flashes, for your parents and grandparents did not have them as often as we do today. We are moving to higher ground in what is called “spiritual evolution”. The human race in its entirety, is waking up, and there is such a thing as planetary mass consciousness. Even though cultures are different and the types of clothes worn look foreign, and the language strange to our ears, each unique unit of consciousness dwelling in an earth physical body is part of the planetary consciousness. We are all one consciousness. We are all cells participating in the planet earth’s spiritual evolution. Mother earth is waking up and we are all a unit in her waking up process.
Why were you born at this time? Who are you? Why did you choose to come to this time and place? We all have free will to choose our mother and father, the country, city, society and culture to be born into. I was asked once, “Why did you choose to be born in that little town?“ My friend was born in a big city. I did not consider at that time that I had a choice, but I began wondering about it. Why? And I discovered that I wanted the quiet of a little farm community. It really was a choice. And my parents were humble people, farm people. They did not push me or expect too much from me. It was a peaceful childhood and it gave me plenty of time to adjust to this new life.
As we become aware that we have a spiritual nature (one that lives beyond the physical) and aware that we are an ego, a personality that never dies but who jumps from life to life and body to body for the sake of experience in order to learn and evolve ourselves, as we become aware of this we begin merging our humanness with our divinity - the REAL ego, what we might call the divine ego, the spiritual personality that is growing more aware of itself with every new insight, every new stripping away of the veil that closes in around us. At one time I believed we had a higher self. Now I see that I AM my higher self, discovering this truth. It’s a process of enlightenment. And as I become my higher self and allow in more of my higher wisdom and knowledge, I see that there is yet still a higher self beyond me, and I can see beyond that there is still another higher self and another and another, and so on up the ladder to my source, my home, where I come from originally, to my Father/Mother parents. We “remember” our way back home in the same way we remember our way back out of a deep thick forest and lose our way. We “remember“ our way back home. It is this incredible journey we are on.
This body is temporary, no different than a child’s body is temporary as we pass on to adulthood. Experiences are steps along the way but they don’t last. They disappear in a puff of smoke. The masters say, “It is all illusion” but the illusion is necessary for the time we are passing through it. The ego is passing through experiences and beyond to other experiences. It is a journey through many planes of thought to reach the home source from which we came, which is the plane of full knowledge and complete love. And we carry all that we experienced back with us, never to be lost. We become the wisdom of our journey. Every jot and title remains with us, as we bring home the tales of our journey and tell the stories to our sisters and brothers and parents. We are a specialized and unique consciousness, one of a kind. There is no duplicate. We do not lose ourselves in the vast sea of life. We add to the all-intelligence. We become a piece in the grand puzzle. We are a piece of the source of ALL life including evil.
Knowledge is power. As we accept the fact that we are not the body but a very special unit of consciousness gathering experience, knowledge and love every moment of the day, we begin to access more knowledge from the higher aspects of our Self. We are awakening. We are beginning to grasp it. We pay more attention, and keep looking up, not down. It brings more alertness. And lest we forget that this article is posted on a website dedicated to sex, love and intimacy, there is something we need to remember. When two people are close together in a bedroom, each one absorbs the sub-atomic particles of the other. We bathe in the aura of each other so it behooves us to be at our finest and best, to think the noblest thoughts, entertain the greatest love we can muster, and fantasize the greatest imaginings so that we can more fully expand our lovemaking.
9/19/18 - Message from the Arcturians
[This morning I spent 45 min at the writing desk in the med room. It was pre-planned to follow the advice of the Arcturians, so I didn’t take my shower or even use the vibrator. I asked questions, this is their response.]
Thank you my friend in the light. I am here to serve as are you. The only difference - the ONLY difference - is you are speaking to me from within the confusion of your lost planet. We are both here to serve the mankind, the humankind on Earth, to lead them HOME to the light, to the love, to the heart of our Father-Mother God. Yes! You are getting it now! Hold open this space for our connection, our clear connection. Hold back your thinking mind, your busy mind that wants to jump in and take over our conversation. Yes! You are getting it. Push back the active ego and comfort it with your presence, for it is valuable but there is a time and a place for it, your ego, your individuality, to take a back seat, to allow the Source of its very existence to come forth to speak to it. This is mandatory. It is crucial for the ongoingness of this individuality to honor its master, its life force and life source, or it will cease to exist and cease to function as an individual. Yes! You are doing it now. You are preparing the way for the true master of the body to come forth and claim its own, its child, its off spring. The Father-Mother of your creation lives within you as a gold and silver weave and the colors of your radiance are the fabric by which you create your life on Earth. You draw forth those influences that you need, and then they recede when they have given you all that they can.
No, you do not use them wrongly, for they too call forth the influence that YOU have, which they need from you. Yes! You are doing well to clear the space around you and within you. You clear space by your alertness, by your consciousness, by your attention to the details. Yes! You should do ceremony at the gathering of the goddess to clear the air. Bring candles and crystals and music and gowns and chimes and wine. Yes, wine. Fruit of the Mother, and sweets from the Mother. Make THIS - fruits of the Mother - your snack. You will be the embodied representative of the Mother, allowing for the presence of ALL pieces of the goddess, all who answer your call by responding to your call. You are ready. You are standing clear of the lower vibrations. You stand within lightened space, a lightened clearing, the influences of the world have been pushed back. I see you standing alone dressed in your white gown holding a lighted candle, holding that space, holding that clear energy in the midst of the confusion. You are doing well.
Now, let me address your children, your two sons. It has taken a long time, by your measurement of time, but you have made inroads. You have made the connection. They are responding to your light that you presented. Allow them time to digest and process. Yes, you should write the brief - BRIEF - summary of your life. Create the solid outline, the grid work, of your physical movements from the time you left them.
Yes, keep our space clear. Yes, light candles around the periphery [of the goddess gathering], Yes, light incense in clearing. Yes, ask them to fill in a form of their personal needs or disabilities. Yes, cleanse, polish, scrub the air. Yes, bring the air filter. Yes, bring a table and several lotions. Yes, bring images of the feminine masters. ** We are the Arcturians. We leave this advice with you. Thank you my friend. [Thank you Arcturians. I felt them leaving at the end. I see myself standing in a circle, a clearing, holding a candle and candles around in a circle and the images, presences of lady masters, around the circle.)
12/17/18 - Sexuality is a portal to a power contained in the earth
[A question has been asked during a women's discussion about divine feminine love, why women act so overly sexual when they are connected to the divine feminine? That doesn‘t look very graceful or very feminine!]
(DK channeling:) When kundalini is activated in a person it behaves differently in each individual because it has to clear the misalignments in that body. Women have become mechanized and programmed by the male agenda. They are affected more than men sexually because they are not free in their sexuality. Sexuality is a portal to the power contained in the earth. Men have been allowed and encouraged to flaunt their sexuality but women have been repressed. Men use their power, although in limited ways, but women do not. Women and men are not equal in their ability to express freely the power that flows up from the earth. Sexuality comes through the root chakra (base of spine) where blocks have been placed. Women are affected more than men. If a woman has been expressing her sexuality freely, then she is more free than her sisters. Maybe not very gracefully because she is ignorant about kundalini and needs mentoring to help her direct the power that flows through her. Otherwise it becomes a tool of the dark. Most woman have not been allowed to feel their own sexuality. Many women do not even have orgasms because they are forced into performing for, or used by men. So when kundalini is activated in a woman, help her direct it in an upward and sacred way. Otherwise she will act like a hose with the water turned on full force. She will flail out of control. Embrace her with sacred love. Surround her with divine grace. Honor her. Help her feel the goddess within her as it rises up through the sexual center to higher ground. Men have been using women for their own selfish pleasures, depriving them of feeling for themselves the kundalini, the goddess love, flowing within them. Kundalini is the divine feminine in all human beings, both men and women. The goddess kundalini embedded in the earth seeks to rise upward to meet its counterpart, the source of all light and life. Each individual is responsible for helping and assisting his or her own kundalini to flow smoothly upward to source, through the sun, which is a portal to the galactic central sun. (end DK)
(More from me) The soul is the consciousness trying to find the god-self which is buried in the earth. Before incarnating, each person‘s God-self splits off a piece of its light and sends it to Earth to become an anchor for the soul to attach to. We are like a ship anchored in port. It must have something to tie it in place or it would float away. This piece of spiritual light that was cast down to earth is the divine feminine, what we call the kundalini or the goddess. It becomes part of the earth but retains its individuality. It knows which God-self it belongs to, and which soul. It is a game of hide and seek for the soul to find its anchor in the earth. Without connection to its feminine side, it is hovering in the air above, unbalanced and unsure of itself. It would be easy in a light-filled planet to find its feminine anchor, but on earth we’ve had blocks installed to prevent us from finding our feminine half which is anchored in the earth. It is the feminine half which gives us the loving and kind feelings and the desire for peace and connectedness. Without it we remain in our heads, or above our heads in space. We don’t get down into our hearts. The goddess light is flowing slowly through our bodies. It MUST flow because it is our life force, our source of life, it keeps us alive, gives us breath and coordinates our physical bodies so they work for us, but it is very slow. It trickles upward through our feet and spine. It is actually drawn up, seeking its other half, otherwise it wouldn’t be drawn to go up at all. It is seeking its other half, its masculine god self, but the blocks have been preventing it from flowing faster and smoother. There is imbalance in us.
As Cobra has stated, the men are implanted with a program opposite to women, which keeps the sexes arguing. But the goddess is us, we are the constructed form, the body, the receptacle, the receiver of the life that flows through us. We are feminine, even men are feminine in that respect. It is possible to become conscious and aware of our status of being the receptacle, by following the wise counsel of our elders and mentors. But the implants have made us into mechanical beings. The goddess is pure light but we have been blocked from seeing and knowing the pure light that is embedded in us. Our bodies are like machines because of the false and phony implants that were put into us, but we are immortal beings, we are immortal conscious beings but blocked from knowing that. When kundalini activates in us, it is the eternal immortal consciousness that is activated, the goddess in us, the divine feminine. When this starts moving, it clears our obstructions but only if we allow it and follow certain instructions. Forty years ago kundalini awakened dramatically in me (Nancy). It threw me out of kilter, I had both heaven and hell experiences. It took about 7 years to bring myself to balance and I am very happy and at peace today at age 80. I didn’t know anything about it, only that it was called “kundalini”. I was given that word by my sister who was with me at the time, she was a disciple of an Indian guru so she had been exposed to it. I learned only later more about kundalini and that it is the divine feminine in all beings. She is pure celestial light, the goddess receiver within us, waiting to be found and activated.
Today we have more light and more information through teachers like Cobra and others on the internet. It is a private sacred journey - sacred means secret. In order to have duality there has to be a male and female energy in us, or we wouldn’t be able to have a body. So we each have a male and a female energy flowing through us. It is this internal male-female energy that is out of balance and fighting each other. It fights within us. We have a battle going on within us. It is the love of self that we need to cultivate, not love in someone else. As we balance the two opposite energy flows in our body, we will then be in love with ourself, our God-self, and then be able to love others without limits or blocks. The goddess kundalini is becoming active now in more people. It will eventually bring us into divine sacred love of the God-self within us as our higher nature, which is more refined than we can access from our earthly perspective. Our divine consciousness is above us from our perspective. We don’t know what we can achieve from this low perspective. But we are being guided to listen to our inner selves and to silently pray to it every day, several times a day, to connect and listen to our God-self. The masculine current in us is an active, proactive current. It is programmed to face outward on the world and to interact with the world of others. The feminine current is under-nourished. It faces inward to source and is submissive and dependant on the heavenly father which is descending as a river of life constantly, 24/7, always, through the sun as a portal or window. The feminine current knows what the heavenly father is saying. She can hear it. But the imprinting of blocks has closed her down so much that she has had very little power of her own and has been following meekly behind the male for thousands of years. Now she is awakening. In everyone, including the men but the men don’t know how to work with it so it is up to the women to show them how. Women are becoming more alive and they are behaving in ways that are not normal. They must process this themselves. That is why there are goddess circles starting up everywhere. The women need each other to balance each other and support each other.
Nobody really knows what the goddess is or kundalini. It is a mystery because it is a personal private soul connection between the body and the spirit. We think we are intelligent, but this connection between body and spirit is far more real and lucid than what we know with our mind. The flashes of insight that we get from time to time tell us that there is more to us than our own logical mind. This personal private soul connection between our body and our spirit is a breakthrough (called an initiation) into the bright sun of our spiritual self. It is the true father god of our Self. Our mother god, known as the divine mother goddess is buried in the earth. The soul needs to become very quiet to listen to these two forces play with each other. As we listen we bring them closer together so they can blend and bring us great flashes of insight. The soul is our deeper innate sense of longing. Our soul needs to become respectful of its own nature, its own inner nature AND outer nature. The soul wants to know itself in the outer world, too, with other souls. The implants (blocks) have divided us and pitted us against ourselves. Our own male tendencies quarreled with our own female tendencies and vice versa. The male has been dominant for millennia, 26,000 years, I understand. Now it is ending and the divine feminine side of humanity which has been buried – the divine feminine or goddess energy - is becoming active. The mechanical human, the lopsided unbalanced human, is undergoing a transformation to become more peaceful and more naturally balanced. We feel peaceful when we allow nature to take its course, not to resist what we are drawn to experience, but to participate in all that happens and APPRECIATE it. It is in the appreciating of experience that we lift it upward into gratitude and joy. This is the transformation that is to take place. We will feel more whole as this happens, and more connected to one another. Sacred ceremony is not a group thing. It is a secret ceremony that one does alone within one’s own life, one’s own home, one’s own time, within one’s own space, as a worship and as a reverence for the material goods and people that one is surrounded with. This is the world we are to honor and lift up and appreciate. Appreciation and honoring, with the use of kindness, smoothes out the wrinkles and the bad situations. It is done with prayerful intent. With sacredness. The innate intuition is the goddess. It will help a person to create ceremony. We must learn to listen to our innate feelings and nudges. Innate intelligence often emerges when it is least expected, when it is spontaneous and natural like the breezes. It is not sexual as men think. It is love felt in every cell of the body. It can be experienced as an out-of-body experience as it did with me, which threw me out beyond myself and took me years to integrate and stabilize myself.
As the movement from the sun and the movement from the earth moves through the body together, attracted to each other, they swirl together and it clears away toxins. It is pure and natural. It is beyond logical human brain understanding. After a session of movement and clearing as I have experienced it, the cells feel as if they are floating in ecstasy. It is blissful. It does not stay. It goes away after the movement session is over but each time it clears away the debris of left-over thoughts and false imaginations. There is left a clearer, purer, uncontaminated physical body that is better prepared for more of the same goddess kundalini, or river of life, to move through.
1/24/19 - Physical closeness without turning it personal
(I asked DK, How can we be physically close without turning it personal or sexual? I was thinking about how to hold a women's gathering with loving massage involved.)
It requires silence. It’s not about touching. You don’t have to hug or lie down together. That would expose you to physical toxicities held in the body. Be close within the auric fields so they overlap. You can start with 4 or 6 women in a circle with a goal in mind as in Tantra. But this is not for sexual fulfillment. It is for grounding the holy light into the flesh body, as in the light body or Christ body, into the flesh body. It requires refinement of impulses and tendencies to rush, to reach, to stroke, to pull towards, which we call groping. The urge to reach for another body, or to repel another body, comes up in people. The magnetic attraction. One must resist the push and pull and to manage the impulse.
The practice is an inner practice to hold steady in the quiet in your body, in your mind, in your feelings. We use visualizations. Imagine a column of refined light coming down from above through you into the earth below. Know that this column of light is really a column of love. It is the all-that-is direct from the heart of the sun behind the sun which comes from the creator, or father-mother God. Any outsider’s touch or presence would be less than this holy light, holy love. This is the love-light of your own light body, Christ Body. You swoon into it and everything human in you melts and dissolves. With practice you will not fall to the floor but contain it within your mind, body and feelings. This is the next step practice.
By anchoring the light into your human body, your physical flesh body composed of thoughts, beliefs, intentions, desires, tendencies, resentments, bitterness, hatreds, sorrows, weaknesses, all of the human stuff that is not holy. By allowing yourself to remain silent and centered and experience receiving the holiness of the love that is coming down through your visualization from above into the ground, you prepare your body to become the God-self in human form. All-knowing, all-wise. It dissolves all personal tendencies, involvements, attachments, etc.. With each session it leaves you refreshed, open, aware, more knowledgeable, and infinitely more capable of FEELING the love. Dissolving personal attachments is done without damage or pain. There is never any pain when love dissolves personality stuff.
Human relationships are possessive and controlling, so these are dissolved in the larger love. Your love enlarges to embrace so much more. If you are connecting with your light body, Christ body, it is a solitary process. One with your father-mother God. You, the child, are becoming the grown-up now. The adult, the mature God-man or God-woman, the holy Christ self in physical form. Others will not have jurisdiction over you.
1/30/19 - DK's lecture to women
(Awake at 4 with inspiration about women‘s gathering, dreaming of posting youtubes by women for women. I kept seeing more and more about women as support for women as they emerge out of the patriarchal cycle into a new liberation, validating the feminine gener, the body feminine. Two or three times I woke to write it down and go back to sleep. It was 5:55 the last time when I decided not to go back to sleep. Inspiration was coming too fast, keeping me awake. I went to the meditation room to continue writing.)
Do not try to change the men but present the feminine, empower the woman, change yourself. Empowerment is found by changing focus to your higher better self. Instead of thinking of the man, men, children, others, change your focus to your higher self. Not your lower but your goddess self. What is it in you that is lacking? Wanting? Desiring? What will fulfill you on a soul level? Don’t say “a new car” or “another husband” or a “new home”, for that is physical. That is a male need. What is your feminine need? What would you like to have happen to feel fully feminine? Empowerment is found by loving yourself, not by fighting against other people. Fighting other people’s suggestions, words, actions and ways, shows that you are focusing on THEM, outward on them, outside of yourself. When you focus on someone else, you are not aware of what’s happening with you. You are wasting your power, the energy that was given to you, allotted to you to live your life in the best way possible. When you serve others from a weakened, powerless home base, you remain weak. You continue to drain away the life that is being given to you through breath and heart beat.
Stop! Stop draining your energy away, your power away, your life away. Change your ways. Change yourself. Stop thinking of how you resent others, hate others, wish others would change. Stop! Start changing your Self! Start validating yourself with positive loving thoughts, intentions, actions, words. Love your SELF. Meditation is absolutely essential to make this change. If you don’t know how, join a class. Nancy will lead a class in meditation to teach you. Through regular meditation time every day - it does not have to be long - just 15 minutes a day will be a good start. In meditation you learn how to close off focus on the outside world and other people. You close your leaks and re-focus and re-calibrate. There is a science to meditation. Empowerment is found by tuning into the source of the power which is flowing through YOU for YOU, not to give away to others. You can change yourself immediately by taking 15 minutes right now and meditate on your own breath and heartbeat. This is how you love your Self, you love the life that is in you, flowing through you. You are acknowledging it. You are paying attention to it. You are focusing on it and not allowing it to leak away through text messages or reading or watching TV or listening to someone speak to you or engage you in projects.
Stop. Listen. Focus inside. This is how you begin loving yourself and taking your power back. The power of love is inside your body, inside your cells, inside the atomic structure of your tissues, glands, bones and blood. The power of that love that is in you, in your body - your BODY, not your mind - has been usurped. Stolen. And you allowed yourself to be distracted, re-directing the flow of life away from you onto the problems and situations of others instead of managing the outward expression of your own desired and perfect life. It is like when a neighbor steals electricity from your powerline going into your house without your knowledge. You are allowing this theft to occur and to continue to occur by defaulting on yourself. You droop as a flower droops without water and sun. You allow this theft to continue day and night every day that you do not re-focus your attention singularly back into yourself. You are like a pipeline carrying mighty power from the sun but where are you directing it? Loving yourself is not done only with your mind. Intention is good as a first step, but change has to be made in actions. Support yourself through words spoken out loud so that your body and ears can hear and your bones and tissues can vibrate with the resonance of your words. It is important that your body hear you. It is critical that your body receive the instructions and the sound of your voice.
You as a woman were taught to be subservient to men from an early age. This was done in subtle ways. In psychologically damaging ways, not only through pain but through patronizing ways where your body became accustomed to the pleasure bestowed upon it, thus turning your body into dependents on others to serve your needs. This is just as damaging as the infliction of pain, which hardens you. Do not worry about becoming selfish. When you refocus on your own higher good and best interests and give yourself what you need to be whole in body, mind and feeling, you become empowered with love. When you unify the fractured separated parts which hurt due to separation and lack of wholeness, love fills you up. You are filled with inner power, inner strength, inner acknowledgement that you are supported from within, you are connecting with your higher self. This IS your higher self reconnecting through your determination to care for yourself. Do you understand; what I’m saying? Then you will be a blessing to your family, friends and the world around you. You will know where you can help in authentic ways, not artificial ways. You will not be capable of self-serving as in greediness. You will know you have been wasting your energy, your life force, giving in ways that build up others but take away from you. Find ways to fulfill your own needs.
Start rebuilding your self-esteem. Start telling yourself you are valuable. Raise your body consciousness out of the gutter by your own voice and determined efforts to stop wasting your life force. Give yourself time alone with your higher self. Listen to your higher self. Give yourself a massage. Nancy will show you how. Hug yourself. Be with other women who are also striving for better self-esteem. Have a puja circle for the women. Honor the body of the other women. Be honored in return. Receive honor. Learn to receive love. Many women do not receive respect and honor because they do not feel worthy. All women need to begin by learning how to receive respect and honor. Open your ears and your mind to receive goodness as it is bestowed on you. I see women refusing accolades. They push it away. Deny it. Reject it by their words and actions. They think they are being humble but they are being unwise and thwarting their own empowerment. Have a women’s circle that opens with a puja and honor the holy spirit within each. Show reverence and respect first through non-touch, the puja. Then through touch. Women only, touching with reverence the bodies of other women. Fully dressed in flowing, loose garments. No skin touching. Lifting upward with thoughts, worshipping the holy spirit within the body, resurrect the holiness of this body. The body flows with the power of God creator within. The body IS therefore holy.
Coax out the holy light that is stuck within, the love is stuck and stagnant within the tissues, locked inside. Move it by loving it, giving loving words, bring it out, move it through reverential thought and intention. This woman you are touching flows with the Goddess Isis, Mother Mary and the celestial goddesses of heaven. Nancy has tried to do this with men, giving holy reverence to men, but her body was usurped and de-railed over time, by the prevailing sexual scene she was playing and learning in.
(Me: What shall I call this gathering?)
“Breaking the spell of body shame” Women have been under the spell of shame and cursed. Free the goddess that wants to flow within. Liberate the God/Goddess locked in the cells. Do this through holding high and holy thoughts while touching the bodies of each other as in a healing session. It is the goddess within you that yearns. You think it is the little you that hurts and yearns and feels alone. No! It is the God Self that hurts and is yearning, wanting to come out and walk on the ground freely, and be loved and to love and touch and be touched in beautiful, kind, adoring ways. You have wanted the men to do this for you, but they do not know how. So let us shift focus from men to women. Practice with women. Become empowered with your sisters, by learning how to elevate yourselves together, to high esteem, to the higher self, the holy self, so the higher energy is flowing within you, through you and out into the world freely, liberated, loving to breathe the fresh air spontaneously as a radiation. And then you can give it to the men without being taken down or reduced to their level, for men have been damaged more than you. They do not understand.
Women, gather in circles and acknowledge each other’s refinement, the exquisite beauty in each other, the divine feminine. Validate this high estate, resurrect the holy within, raise it in esteem. In the body. IN THE BODY! It is the body that needs the light touches, the soothing words of comfort, the hugs, the caring, the respect in authentic and real ways. The spirit already knows itself. It is your body that does not know love. It has never been given unconditional love. Give the body splendor, not sexual thoughts but glorious thoughts. Practice touching with glorious, splendorous thoughts in your mind.
The agenda is: (1) Puja, (2) Meditation, (3) healing hands stroking. It will inspire you, not drain you. The one being loved and adored will return the love in a figure 8, infinite giving and receiving cycle, growing and enlarging the resonance between you, the whole group. You can do this with men after you have learned how to maintain your high estate, your center and not be pulled down to lower greedy, needy, selfish base wants. When you begin healing the men, you will need to create a time when you build, and a time to let them go and have fun after. Free the body first. It’s all about loving the body free. The body needs restructuring and resurrecting. Raise it up with your intentions, thoughts and words, up, up, up. Open the tomb and lift it, lift it, lift it. Love the body upward, upward, upward. Overcome the down side thoughts. Master your thoughts by lifting them higher and higher. YOU are the master of your thoughts, emotions and actions.
(After writing this, a peculiar thing happened. I showered and got dressed and stopped to check emails. I was reading an excellent article when I felt myself losing consciousness. Recognizing the feeling I stopped and laid on the massage table and went slowly away. During this time I saw waves of light spiraling down and through me. This was unusual. I knew something different was happening. I saw Mother Sekhmet - a lion face with EYES! Big aware eyes. It was peaceful. When I finally came back to consciousness 45 min later my whole body was shaking. Not physically so much, the movement was on the inner planes, but something was trembling all through me. It lasted a little while longer and slowly dwindled. I never felt such a response before after a channeling.)
2/22/19 - How to prepare women for a goddess ceremony
[Midnight question to the holy spirit: Dear Holy spirit, do you have advice for me tonight as to what direction I should take the women? It seems I have been ready for the last 16 years but I have not manifested the women’s gathering. I think I need an agenda. Some topics to put on paper so there is focus. Can you give me some advice as to how to proceed?]
(Channeled:) Keep your focus on the sun when you’re doing hands on healing. Your consciousness is your plug-in to channel the divine light. It’s like using the vibrator. You have to plug it in to get the electricity. Qualify your thoughts with freedom. Freedom in your body. Your body needs loosening. Create an exercise program to start the women’s day so they are loosened up and flowing more freely. Introduce your very own kundalini movements. Introduce spontaneous movement. Start with a puja. Do you know what a puja is? Do you know what the feeling of a puja is?
(Me: No, not too sure, please enlighten me.) The honoring, the reverencing, the worshiping and adoring of the divine within. The most holy puja is that of honoring of the divine within one’s own body of matter. Lead them in a puja, an honoring of the divine within self first. Then have them get up and - yes - as in your dream of 2003 - lead them to hold hands in a circle and come close together so their bodies touch. Hold that touching together for a few moments to share the resonance and then expand back out again. Break circle and have each one honor each other one by giving them the ancient greeting, head bowed, “Namaste, I honor the light of divine grace within you!” Then have them move randomly and freely about. Light a candle. Wave incense. Open a bottle of oil to smell. Eat a cracker. Drink a wine. Bless the grass if you are outdoors. You will think of more suggestions to do. After the moving about, sit and discuss the topics on the list. You make the list. Provide a list of your own choosing and ask them to either speak from one of the items on the list or one they have in their own mind. Ask Michele to be your assistant and Pat.
(Me: Should this be for coupled women?) It does not matter. Your focus is on intimacy. The women’s role in intimacy. How much and how far does a woman give herself away to a man? Provide the image of the column of light from crown to feet. This should be clear. How it is blocked at both the head and groin. Women are in the middle between the two ends which men have traditionally held and polarized themselves at - head and groin.
(Me: Should I use the Bringers of the Dawn and also the Youtube of the Pleiadian woman who speaks of tender lovemaking?) Perhaps. Allow yourself to dissolve these questions into a pool of silence. You will find a priority list emerge from the silence. Write down your notes, your inspiration. You do not need to fix an agenda but rather have a direction-finding list to refer to.
(I paused and then this came to me so I wrote it down:) Lead them in 20 sun-earth breaths. Guide them through the sun and down through the central column of light into the earth. Picture their most beautiful self, ideal, perfect, transparent crystal self with sun’s rays flashing through on and off, royal beauty, a beautiful, graceful, magnificent body in perfect health, perfect hair, perfect features, however you picture yourself. How you want yourself to look. Imagine your higher self looking like this. This is your light body self on the fifth dimension. Your ascended self perfectly at ease, comfortable, full of knowledge about who you are and where you came from, clarity of mind, relaxed, composed, strong and alive with fiery life from the sun behind the sun. You are glowing. Feel yourself wearing that transparent sun-flashing crystalline beautiful form around you. Imagine your physical body as a little figure inside this beautiful over large perfection. This is your oversoul. Breathe into it now. Feel yourself growing confident and proud of yourself. Humble and kind and loving but fiercely proud of who you are.
3/7/19 - Men and women flow in opposite directions
A person who studies spiritual things will focus attention on higher vibrations which come from the sun. Those who do not, which are mostly male bodies, focus on out and away from themselves, on physical objects and people, so it’s a downward focus. Women are flowing upward. They are of the earth, feminine, flowing up towards the sun. Men are masculine coming from the sun and flowing downward toward the earth. This is very subtle, try to understand. That is how the gender bodies become opposites. They are designed that way, flowing in opposite directions. So those focusing upward towards heaven are opening themselves to receiving glimpses of the bright rays from source, or heaven. Feminine bodies are magnetic, anchored in the earth. ALL bodies are feminine since they are composed of the earth substance but feminine bodies are more so since they are feminine in the biological design. They are magnetism reaching up towards heaven. If they can connect with heaven, meaning as they click into heaven which is electric with their solid magnetic earth bodies, then they are conscious of integrating. Then they can connect their two powers - magnetic and electric.
Both powers are conscious. Both powers are non-physical powers. If the person becomes conscious of these two opposing powers, each going in opposite directions, he can link them together. The person contains both powers within himself but most people are not aware of these two opposing powers. The spiritual path is a realignment of the earth and the sun or heaven. When he connects CONSCIOUSLY the two seemingly opposing powers, he influences them. He is the directing link. These two opposing flows (one upward, one downward) are random until he, the residing master of the body, makes the connection. They then can become a complete circuit which will cycle through the body without stopping. The master must learn to remain open. He must learn control of his own forces. The heaven and earth forces are all one flow. When connecting to it one receives a spark and a thrill. He can feel it in his cells as a quickening. (pause, question) Yes and this is a most wondrous discovery! Those of the male variety are focusing ALL of their attention outward. They are still flowing out. It is the creator’s outbreath. The man is the creator. The man is breathing outward to his exterior of the body. He is focusing further and reaching further out, not up as the feminine is doing, but outward, out further and further to he knows not where. To the edges of consciousness perhaps. He is leaving his connection to the father light behind him the further away from source he goes. His role as a masculine being in the great divine plan is to push the conscious light out into the furthest darkness and out into the void to see how far he can stretch the light of conscious intelligence. He is the creator. He has this as a mission imprinted in him.
Such souls which I am calling masculine are searching beyond where no others have ever been before. They are on a mission. Source has sent them on the outbreath. That is the defining of the male, seeking outward, out beyond the connecting link of inner. The feminine souls are those who are staying connected to the cosmic link. Feminine is staying embedded in the earth body – in her body – she is looking up to the sun, heaven, spirit and space above her, not outward like the masculine is doing. She stands on earth with inner eyes open to source, to heaven, to spirit. She remains open to receive further instruction from spirit through her heart. A man can do this too. It is not restricted to the feminine body. Feminine souls are rooted into the physical body through feeling of connection, through feeling of emotional strength. She is looking in the opposite direction from where the male bodies are looking. These are female bodies or female souls in male bodies. Those who have received the outpouring as you have (speaking to me Nancy) as a female with open heart, open mind, with eyes upward as an empty chalice to catch the rays from Home - you are on the inbreath. You have completed the outward bound journey and are now returning Home. Your wandering away from your Father is over and you have only eyes for the eternal source. You have reconnected with source. You are in a female body for that reason. As you made this astonishing connection with Me you are connecting the outbreath and the inbreath together to form a mighty rod of power. There is no great mystery here. It is simple logic. What goes down must go up, and what goes up must go down. The question is not “where” up is located or “where” down is located, but rather it is the simple joining of the two separated ends which have not been consciously reconnected. The frayed ends were wandering and seeking for connection. They have been seeking to reconnect and fulfill the circle. Then there is no “out” and no “in”. No “up” and no “down”. It is all connected in a circle and there is a flowing perfection.
The infinity sign is symbolic of this never-ending circle. When the two opposite ends are reunited there is no more flailing out of control which creates confusion. Confusion is when one does not know which way to go, which way is the right way and which way is wrong. Decisions are difficult to make when one is so confused. When the two flows become one flow, cycling in a never-ending flow, heaven to earth and earth to heaven, heaven to earth, earth to heaven, suddenly there is clarity. No more confusion. No more searching. No more yearning, no more loneliness. No more heartache. The upward flowing and the downward flowing are connecting in the heart within the body. The flow does not stop. It continues to flow but you hold the flow steady through conscious breathing and conscious awareness. As your wonderful vision and article recorded in words, the heart no longer aches, for its other half has been found. YOUR other half has been found. They call it your twin flame, just as you saw in your vision. There were two flames and each went round and round but were disconnected. You have now connected them and made them one again. When you asked Master DK about your confusion over your friend’s approach to Tantra vs. your own approach, you were confused. He pointed you toward your own heart and you have been at peace ever since. You were guided from that point on to re-search the ancient archives and you were led further and further into peaceful connection within your own heart. Your two flows have been brought together as one flow. When you were working with your friend you began following once again a masculine soul and it did not suit you. You did not want to go in that direction - outward to another person - and so you asked. Always when you ask you receive an answer from one who knows. You have done well, dear loved one. I love you and I watch you as you are tapping the glowing rod of power within you.
(Q: do you have more information for me about what am I doing when I consciously do this? I paused to show what I mean, the sparking. Who is doing this? Not my outer self? Later I learned about phryll thru Elena Danaan)
A: No, it is your higher self consciously entering into your physical field, your “standing wave” as you are learning about. You are connecting consciously with your higher self and your physical body is opening to receive this “rod of power”, this connection between sun and earth. Your body, under the supervision of your higher self, is regenerating and rebuilding, restoring the original plan. You are changing your physical structure to comply with universal law, universal patterning. You are returning to your origins while remaining in physical body.
(Q: Should I focus on my heart? Or my spine when I do this?)
A: Your heart. The upward flow is drawing up to the heart and the downward flow is drawing down to the heart. They are connecting in the middle of your heart which is a portal for expansion. You expand into the fifth dimension through your heart. This is the elevator that you have seen in vision form. You enter the elevator within your heart and you ascend to higher floors of your building, your bodies.
(Q: Is there more you can tell me?)
A: I commend your continued quest for “more” but you know you are complete for now. Thank you for rising to receive this added instruction. It completes you for this moment. You may return to sleep. (Thank you.)
3/28/19 - You can only correct past mistakes while in form
When you are on earth in a physical form, you are in separation. When you are in spirit you are not in separation. You can’t correct any mistakes when you are in spirit. You can’t speak or move your limbs as you can in the physical world. When you are in spirit you cannot say to someone, “I am sorry, please forgive me” because the spirit world is in unity and harmony. There is no separation. When you are born here on earth you are born into a world of duality and separation. You are alone even though you may be born into a loving family and loving community. You would not have been born here unless you had unresolved issues to correct and they can only be corrected from this reality of physical separation. It is your mistake, you correct it. In other words, you can only heal the error on the same playing field where you made it. An example, if there is a break in a water line, you can only repair the pipe by going to the location of the break and repairing it. You cannot “think” the repair from another location because an energy mistake occurred within your own energy field called “body“, which caused a disruption in the larger energy field of the planet.
The atmosphere surrounding planet Earth is full of toxic energy caused by human beings. While it is less toxic the higher up towards the stratosphere you go, 8, 9, 10 miles above surface level, it is toxic soup down here below. The world of physicality and separation exists for souls (we the people) to bring forth the love and beauty of the creator. Each one of us in physical form is a creator, or child of the creator, descending to the further edges of space, beyond the reach of the Father-Mother Source. Headquarters you might say. Your job is to carry love and light as far as you can beyond sight of Home. You are missionaries pushing back the clouds and bringing light and love as far as you can. You represent the Father-Mother Creator. You have their DNA encodements within. But the physical world can only exist by having duality through dividing into male and female inside your body. It is an interesting way to curtail bliss. If you were in bliss all the time you would not have duality. You would not move. There would be no incentive to move. Worlds of duality are designed in such a way that, when you come to the planet, you experience division first within yourself, within your body, and secondly between those you live among. Even though you may live in a loving, supportive community, your thoughts and feelings and perceptions are your own, separate from the family or community.
Now, when you are here on earth as a soul or spirit - spirit is your pure creator self, soul is the holder of your mistakes and errors - it is your soul that is learning its way back to your pure creator self and the bliss of harmony and unity. When you as soul were born into a physical body on earth, you thought, spoke and performed physical acts that were not pure. I speak in the past tense now because the atmosphere is clearing. It is not as toxic as it was, but still toxic enough to cause you problems as you move among the atmosphere and the people. This has been a learning environment, a planet where individuals can evolve and refine themselves. It is not meant to be a permanent learning planet however. In fact it was never meant to sink so low into dark dense matter. The goal of the planet is to become a garden of paradise, built by the people themselves who live here, who are pure love and light creators themselves. The toxicity was caused by the people who did not know they were pure love and light creators. In the beginning there were high-vibrating mentors who taught them how to work in harmony and love with each other. But low-vibrating souls were allowed to come to Earth to learn. They brought dis-ease and dis-harmony with them which spread to the native inhabitants. It is earth’s destiny that her people should, each one, clear up his or her own toxic thoughts, emotions and deeds. It is the evolving soul who understands it must refine itself on every level, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Each soul is accountable for itself.
This is happening now in 2019, It has been happening since 1987 when a shift took place on inner levels, when an intervention from inner planes (higher planes) began beaming love and light from within each person to wake them up to their origins. Thus, each of us is responsible for removing toxins from our own body-mind system. When everyone begins managing their own thoughts, deeds and actions - and this is already being done - earth will once again have a sparkling clear and beautiful atmosphere in every in every town, city and nation. What is not understood by the average person who is busy working or having fun or struggling or living their day-to-day lives, is that each soul has built-in habit patterns that are erroneous. They repeat the same patterns every day which solidify into a hard-wired exterior. The majority of human beings are operating on false beliefs. “This is who I am! I can’t be anything else!“ This belief keeps a person defending itself, radiating human error instead of love and light. As we radiate the same mistakes into the community, the atmosphere continues to build up in toxicity. These habit patterns take place in the energy fields. Within the soul is a pure love and light being, which is not physical. It is light and it is love and it is conscious. You are conscious and I am conscious. We are each an original spirit spark from Father-Mother God, but we are covered with seven bodies.
The first energy field holds a pattern of pure crystalline light and love for this particular individual spirit spark. Each spirit spark has a crystalline light body that is unique because it is an individual. There are no two spirit sparks exactly alike. The spirit spark takes on its first body as an individual spirit spark, and this first body is called the “Light Body“ or “Christ Body“. It is the first body born out of Father-Mother God, meaning the first body of seven for that unique individual. The belief that Jesus was the only son of God is inaccurate. It’s a mistake. We are all sons or daughters of God. Jesus is special because he was the only one who cleared all his other six energy fields of false patterns and fully embodied his light body while living on earth - his Christ Body. He is a role-model. We are to follow him and learn how to do the same with our own energy patterns. These errors in the way we live, our beliefs, our thoughts, our rigid habits, our emotions, keep repeating the same path. We radiate (spew out) the same human errors throughout life, not improving except for maybe a little change here and there. Religious beliefs alone cause dissension between people. These beliefs carry forward from life to life, continuing to build the toxic condition on earth. They must be corrected.
A soul evolves by returning to the light body within itself. This requires self-discipline which is done through silent meditation or prayer in solitude. By quieting the body, mind and emotions so that all moving particles come to a stand still, one builds a connection with peace, love, light and bliss. The outer layers fight against silence. They are chaotic layers that surround us. They resist being alone. These are the human layers that need to be managed. The god within needs to take charge of the outer layers. This discipline can only be done while living in a physical form. Habits are physical habits, built in error. Just like the example of the broken water pipe, one cannot fix it by mind alone. One must get down into the gutter and sewer and put to rest the disjointed parts that have broken the harmony and peace of the body.
Our four lower bodies are the problems. The two worst bodies of all six are mental and emotional. Our mental body is an energy field which contains habit patterns, like when you take the same road to work or home every day. That‘s a physical energy pattern but we maintain mental energy patterns in how we think. The emotional body is the same way. It is an energy field which contains habit patterns. When you see something that reminds you of a negative encounter, you feel the same way over and over again. It is a rut in the emotional field. It needs to be changed because we have been spewing low-vibrations out onto the earth. The master Jesus learned how to raise his energies to love and goodness. That is how he cleared all of his fields and allowed his light body/christ body to flow freely through him and out to people around him who felt the love and witnessed miraculous deeds performed. Jesus was a human being, but it was not the human who performed the deeds - not the mental, emotional or spiritual body - but the pure spirit spark of his origin that performed the deeds. He became a god-human. We can do the same thing. Clearings are done with love and light. It is the only way. And because we are all seeking to understand, information is required.
We have to correct our errors while in a human body. We can’t correct them when we are inbetween incarnations. We have to correct them while living with other human beings. It is the human matrix that needs to be addressed, cleared and fixed. It takes going down into the sewer and fixing the broken pipe. Love and Light. Light is information from the creator and love is the voltage from creator. To get to them we need to sit in solitude and quiet the body, mind and feelings. The best place to begin is with our thoughts. We must become quiet. Quiet the body by sitting in a comfortable position. Quiet the outer mind which is an energy field of flowing thoughts. Bring it to a stand still. Quiet the feelings, the sensations that are moving around in the body. The typical thought process is a pattern. We follow the same thought every day when we wake up. The trick to changing it to a more enlightened uplifting thought which inspires, is to read something that inspires, before retiring and upon waking up, to re-set the energy field to positive. Change to “think” love and light information. Change thoughts to words of love and light. Start by silently thinking words of love and light. Find affirmations, mantras, prayers of positive inspiration.
Self-improvement methods are flooding the earth. It just takes a little searching to find something to uplift. Methods will come and you will evolve to another one. Allow yourself to raise up and evolve upward to newer methods that will appear to you like magic. It is the way of the spiritual path. Start by looking for an affirmation, mantra or prayer that feels right to you and memorize it. I will give two of my favorites. They were given by an ascended master.
(Mantra 1) “I am the light of the heart shining in the darkness of being and changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of christ (crystal one). I am projecting my love out into the world to erase all errors and break down all barriers. I am the power of infinite love amplifying itself until it is victorious, world without end. Amen.”
(Mantra 2) “I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light. God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into light. This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought or feeling. I am an outpost of the divine. Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up the light which I Am! I Am! I Am light! I live! I live! I live in light! I am light’s fullest dimension, I am light’s purest intention. I am light! Light! Light! everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven!”
Step two is visualizing. Visualizing is focus. Repeating an affirmation or prayer mechanically, out of habit, monotonously, is not very effective. It serves to keep the brain busy but the key is to change subconscious energy patterns that you are not aware of. They are layered in over lifetimes and are completely buried. The way to bring the love and light down into those deep layers is through sound. Toning the words with emphasis requires focusing on the words and visualizing. You could find a picture that inspires and elevates you, it will help. But visualizing is better. You might not always have the picture. Focus. Practice focusing on a visual picture while toning the mantra, prayer or affirmation. Start with 15 minutes and increase it as you feel comfortable. Don’t go so long that you build up a resentment. Go slow and methodically build your ability to hold the light. Energy is vibrating incoherently in chaos on earth. As you do this you will feel the words “light” resonating and your ears will hear the words, but more importantly the purity of the love and light contained in these words are what does the work of transmuting and clearing deep-seated error habit patterns. You do not know how to change yourself, but you at the level of your light body DOES. You are pure light and love covered over by the erroneous and limited energies. This is how you break the old and bring forth the new you.
Each person must take responsibility for embodying love and light through the process of thinking and feeling love and light. This takes inner self improvement and eventually results in outer actions of love and light expressing to others around you. It can’t help but heal rifts and problems, while continuing the fun and enjoyment and adventures of being in a physical body with physical friends and family and colleagues working on new projects together. By thinking and feeling and expressing love and light in the outer world, slowly hatred, anger, abuse, violence and poverty will be eradicated and the toxic chaos and confusion on earth will disappear.
4/18/19 - You are cultivating individuality, not personality
(I consulted with Master DK this morning because I continued to feel unsure how to focus my mind. He showed me yesterday but I still had questions. My question is: Should I direct my mind by actively forming visualizations and verbalizing affirmations? Or should I allow my mind to wander peacefully without thought, which is my natural default program?)
Yesterday he said, “Observe your mind. Simply observe. Remain in peace and watch the thoughts that enter your mind. Don’t chase them, just watch them. See where they are coming from. If they are coming from you there will be a feeling, a wanting to follow them, a passion, an interest, an excitement to the thought. Then you know it is coming from you, initiated by your higher self. If the thought does not appeal to you, if you sense even just a little, that you don’t want to follow that thought, or you don’t like that thought, why go with it? Why analyze it? Why even resist it? Remain in your peaceful state. Why would you want to leave your peaceful state? You like being peaceful. Why leave it to answer the call of another thought that you don’t even want? Watch your thoughts. Pay attention to your feelings in response to the thoughts. Observe while staying in your peace.”
That was yesterday. Today, when I asked him again, DK showed me how I am distracted by what I assimilate from other people, “even from the Ascended Masters themselves." Apparently when I read something from the Masters this morning, a dictation through someone else's channeling, no matter how enlightened and beautiful it was, something grabbed hold of me and I was confused over what to do with it. DK said to me:
"When you entertain what other people are saying, you are called outside and away from your central core, which is your natural comfort zone. It’s like when someone taps you on the shoulder and you turn to see who it is, you are pulled away from where you were going and may forget what path you were on. You break connection with your inner self."
He went on to say, "This is the state of the world today. It happens to everyone. The world has grown to become chaotic. Your world keeps you on alert, tense and ready to leap into action. It keeps you from your own path. It prevents you from being centered in your natural, inner comfort. There is a lower comfort zone and a higher comfort zone. Your lower comfort zone is lethargic, stationary, your energies are not moving. You may feel comfortable in a dull, sleepy way, but it is a low vibration. Your higher comfort zone is active, exciting, with a light step and eager enthusiasm. Your energies are moving in a positive upward way. This is where you should strive to be. You contain a perfect blueprint within, the perfection of what you are striving to become and how to get there and what attitudes you should entertain. In other words, your perfection is ever accessible to you in the higher vibrations, but not accessible in the lower. Strive to be in your higher vibrations. It is the way to tap into the immaculate concept and the divine template for you as an individual."
As I retyped this for the post, I continued to feel his words: "You know when you accidentally connect with it because you feel absolutely good with yourself. Depending on what you are doing at the moment you might feel light-minded, enthusiastic, excited and motivated if you are active. If you are in meditation or resting peacefully you might feel highly blissful, light-hearted and open to receive messages from your higher self. Be at peace with yourself always. Strive to find what is light, easy, fun and good for you no matter what you are engaged in, even during conversations with your friend. Your divine perfection is always trying to reach your outer world, walk in your shoes and engage with your world - its world. You are carrying your divine template around with you but you have not yet embodied it with the high qualities which have been given to you. You are not your physical body. Your physical body is faulty and contains errors and mistakes, You are spirit striving to create perfection through your flesh body. Study more the seven God-qualities given to you at the beginning of your sojourn into the world of matter: that of love, wisdom, power, purity, truth, comfort and freedom. Lack of understanding these seven qualities, which you are studying now, is holding mankind back from embodying their ideals and dreams.
DK says, “There are two parts to you. There is human and there is divine. There is personality and there is individuality. You are a personality (mask) when you engage with others, but you are an individual behind the personality mask. You are the same individual in every life you embody into, but you take on a different personality mask each time. You are a new personality in this life but you are the same individual who has lived hundreds or thousands of lifetimes prior to this one. Each time you embody as an infant to a new set of parents in a new culture, you build for yourself a new personality, but you are the same individual, which you call a soul. Each time you re-embody you take on DNA from your parents and you become acculturated into your home and neighborhood, village, state and locality. The air is filled with energy patterns from lifetimes of natives thinking, feeling and acting in that region. These energy patterns are different from the energy patterns on the opposite side of the world. These energy patterns flow continuously through your infant form and you assimilate them as you grow to adulthood. They become part of your interface with the environment. These become your personality mask to the outer world, as the world knows you, but the world does not know you as the individual spirit spark that lived in thousands of other bodies, gaining wisdom and knowledge.
“You are the soul amassing knowledge with each new embodiment, accumulating skills which shape your future and become innate talents. Behind the human mask, you are a spirit spark learning to master the human vehicle from inside it, by managing your thoughts and feelings. You were born as a spirit spark out of the one infinite Father-Mother God which created every planet, every sun, every galaxy, every celestial being, every worm, horse, alligator, tree, human and angel. As an individual spirit spark you set your own course of action in your own unique way that is different from everyone else. You are cultivating individuality, not personality. Embedded in a world of chaos as a human being, many times over, you have enjoyed both successes and failures. You suffer growing pains, yet all the while you are gaining knowledge that is building for you an inner strength and power that will bring you to the day of graduation, called ascension.
"This life you live with your many relationships, is not the real you. Remember you are the real behind the mask of personality and between the folds of your physical body. Your personality mask takes over from the moment you awaken from sleep, but the real you is ever present hovering in the background of your day and night. You KNOW THIS! The personality mask is a software program, no different from that in your computer. And just as computer software can be updated and obsolete programs deleted, so can you make changes within yourself through conscious application of wise choice, decision and determination. Meditation is a timeless method of sitting in silence in communication with your greater self. Silence is the shutting down of movement in the body, mind and emotions and feeling the comfort and peace within.
"Your personality mask comes and goes with each embodiment, but your individuality is the same consciousness that came from the heart of the one infinite creator eons ago. You have never lost access to that glorious beginning. You exist in that glory all the time in the inner, higher ascended state. It is only your outer personality, your suit of clothes, that encumbers you. Set them aside on a daily basis and come within to your own ascended state where we dwell. We will meet you there and celebrate. You are an immortal innocent having a human experience. Remember? Try to remember. Be at peace. Sit in silence. In an instant you can be back with us in the warm enfolding aura of Father-Mother God, and through FEELING be refreshed, revitalized and renewed so life is once again exciting, passionate, happy, loving, beautiful and peaceful."
5/6/19 - Sex balances your passive and aggressive
If you are buried in a mud slide or cave for a long time and can’t breathe, when you are set free you experience freedom. You bless it, you can breathe free and it soothes your whole body. But the FIRST breath you draw is orgasmic. Your whole body trembles with aliveness, experiencing something akin to a an orgasmic release. Everything that was suffocated and causing great distress to you as your body is experiencing it, what your body is experiencing, this is felt like a powerful dynamic force of refreshing breath of new life. That is what happens when you have a sexual release known as orgasm with a partner. You are experiencing the exact same thing - balancing the much needed release of one side of you being too powerful and the other side of you being too weak and suffocating.
Once you have balanced both sides of your body, male and female, you feel blissful. Your out-of-balance energy is now flowing equally together fulfilling the divine plan of your body. You are whole once more, for a short period of time. It is a reminder of where you are headed, a reminder to balance your OWN body by yourself. Learning to stay in balance at all times, mentally, emotionally and physically, will bring you great ecstatic joy, peace, reverence for life. In the meantime you are struggling and do not know what to do. If you are seeking a male lover, you are overly feminine and weak on your controlling masculine side. Learn to be more assertive and independent and not back down to someone else‘s requirement. If you are seeking a female lover, you are overly masculine and weak on your emotional feminine side. Learn to be more gentle, more receptive, more quiet, more intuitive.
Stop trying to control situations but learn to flow with them, as if each situation is a boulder in a softly-flowing stream. Flow around the situation without making such a big to-do about it. Don’t resist. Flow “with” as the Zen masters teach. Until you have mastered the flow of your own forcefields, sex is a wonderful way to keep you balanced, in peace and at times even in bliss. Do not judge sex as bad or wrong, but engage with others with respect and wisdom, without aggression on someone who does not want to engage with you in this way. It is essential that you not create more difficulties in your desire to balance yourself, by creating disharmony in someone else. Participate with love, respect and reverence for this most sacred of all acts. If you do not have a partner available to engage sexually with, then balance yourself through meditation, exercise the muscles, and interact in a non-personal way with people, such as cuddling.
5/12/19 - On being too feminine
(One day I asked my invisible guide, Master DK, "How do I control my attention?" His answer:)
You are too feminine. You must learn to use your brain too, along with your heart/feeling. You are too much in waiting mode and receiving mode, because that is your primary default as feminine through lifetimes. You MUST wake up to your brain activity and take charge of the direction of your life. Your brain is the human vessel control mechanism. This is the next stage in your development. Work together with your brain. The brain is how you control your attention. The general emphasis to the public has been directing people to go to their hearts and feelings because the masses are too brain centered. You are too heart/feeling centered.
(Me: So it’s OK to have an agenda?) Yes, it’s OK. Make an agenda and use your brain which is your masculine side to control your daily life. (Me: Oops. I started kicking in with too much energy, like I had been let out of the box, and realized it.) Remember to stay connected to your heart. Equality is remaining connected to the heart and the mind. Equality is perfect balance between mind and heart. The masters use the heart flame to raise or lower their vibrations as needed. They use the masculine directing force through the brain to direct their attention. Direction is given to act but the heart provides the power to act. The brain does not have the power. The brain is the masculine force and the heart/body is the feminine force. They must work together like fingers on one hand work together and help one another. They do not fight and contradict one another. So the brain and heart must work together. You have been learning this through your sexual activity between men and women. The brain is not the controller. Control comes from higher than the physical brain or the physical heart. It comes down THROUGH the heart from the God-self. The brain makes the decision where to focus attention.
You are in the brain most of the time, so you must use the brain to decide to focus attention on the heart. This is the work of the modern day westerner for he is too brain-focused. The heart is the main portal, the front door to the house you live in. Go and open the front door and let your God-self speak. You listen. You will feel it through sensations of wholeness, sureness, clarity, liberation, goodness, peace, truth. This is the God-self speaking to you. If you are connected brain-to-heart in a wholesome way, then your brain will make a wise decision to act. If the brain and heart remain connected, the heart/body will provide the power to act and the wisdom to act, the knowledge of how to act, and the truth and best way to act. The heart receives, the brain decides, the heart supports the decision and they work together, intellect and body. The power comes through the heart. If the brain tries to act on its own without the power of the wholesome heart, the innocent heart, it will not be able to sustain the action. It will collapse, either today or tomorrow or next week or next month.
The sustainability is the power of the God-self. Learn to listen to the heart but USE THE BRAIN! The message from the God-self descends down through seven levels. The first three levels are perfect, but when the message enters the mental, emotional, etheric and physical, the four lower bodies have a will of their own called the ego or artificial intelligence that is not connected to the God-self. The physical heart lives and pumps blood and messages from the God-self as long as the God-self is connected to the body. We call it the life force. The physical heart pumps the life force and light messages out into the rest of the body, wherever the arteries and veins and capillaries go, so the whole body is capable of getting the sensation of life. Do you understand? (Yes)
(Me: Re: massage by women for women only - why are we doing this?) It’s a simple matter. Those who are too masculine, many male bodies but there are some female bodies also whose biology is too focused on outer physical interactions. If the women are also brain-based rather than heart-based, they are also too controlling. Some masculine souls are focused on outer physical interactions but are also heart-based. They are tender men. But the majority of men are too masculine because they are brain-based plus focused on physical interactions. The result is pressure on those who are too feminine and receptive. Many women feel pressured by men, as you did. But there are some women who are masculine and therefore focused on physical interaction and brain-based like a man, even though her body is female. Those who are too feminine are receptive and passive and allow others to guide them and set direction. These souls are connected to their inner feelings more than connected to their brain or outer physical interactions. These souls must be awakened to understand this.
This is an esoteric teaching because it is deeply personal to each soul how to adjust. No education has been provided on this subject. Knowledge has been given in esoteric schools called mystery schools and kept underground because the majority of the population was not ready to hear it. Women today need other women to work out an understanding between themselves without the pressure from those whose biology is from a different perspective. Each person is a package of dynamic knowledge locked in and held back from experiences from past lives, both skills and talents of the human kind and also spiritual wisdom and knowledge from the God-self. But it is all being held back because of cultural taboos and training against freedom to express. Her beliefs may be right or may be wrong, but she will not know until she is allowed to expose and express herself in spontaneous ways, in an atmosphere of feeling free.
Recognize your default program which is hard-wired into you and try using opposite approaches, like ways you don’t like. Start the change process. For example, women don’t know how to be truly intimate or how to cuddle because they are programmed to think that intimacy with men - perhaps women too - means sex. Teach women how to not be afraid of intimacy. Massage, cuddle, touch and hug without sex as a motive. Discuss that warm arousal feelings of love are natural and not to be afraid of it. Teach NOT TO GO THERE! Discuss this. Get over the sex obstruction. It is subliminal obstruction which is preventing women from feeling true intimacy and love. Women have been insidiously blocked from love without their realizing how it happened. Now they are trying to find the “right” man who will “make” them feel love. It doesn’t work because he will not always be in the right mood to “make” her feel love. He will change.
7/23/19 - Bring the Mother light up from the tailbone
[During meditation today I had shamanic humming and drumming on through earplugs. Among other things I did 30 breaths into the sun, followed by 30 breaths in the heart, then 30 breaths in the center of earth, followed by 30 breaths in the heart again. I am conscious of bringing the father light down to mingle with the mother light. The mother light is the big important thing today. While I was concentrating on light in the center of the earth I was told:]
“Your mother is in the earth, your mother light. Mother is in the earth, father is in the sky. Our brain waves take us into multiple dimensions where we think we are out of body, but we are still in the body, just on higher frequencies. There is another reality in these higher dimensions but it is all taking place “here and now”. There is no “other” place. Higher dimensions are not “in the sky” but we who are rooted in the physical dimension, because we inhabit a body with 5 senses, live in duality where there is space between physical bodies. The etheric body is in a different reality. It is the akashic, where all records and memories are kept of your past lives, the good, the bad and the holy. The holy returns to the Holy, leaving the duality experiences in your etheric body, the etheric double which surrounds you and which keeps seeping through into your life because you have to resolve them. You use your innate wisdom to teach you and take you through the dissolution of the unpleasant in you.
The emotional body is another reality. You work with your feelings, sensations, good and bad, and you play with others also working and playing in emotions and feelings. The mental body the same. It is another reality world, a world of thought which contains low thoughts on the lower levels, higher thoughts on the higher levels and exquisite thoughts on the upper levels that take us into the mystical and sublime, which is the light body known as the Christ body. Bring father light and mother light together in the heart. Sex keeps them apart. Sex siphons the mother light off to feel good and have orgasms. Your consciousness is the key to bringing father light and mother light together in the heart. Conscious breathwork as I am doing now is bringing the mother light up to the heart. Today I had a most wonderful experience feeling that. Unconscious breathing is barely keeping the body alive, but conscious breathing exercises quickens your mother light and awakens her, brings her up into the body. She is the divine mother of you that is embedded in the earth. She is part of the dullness and sleepiness of mother Gaia. Quicken her, wake her up through your own breathing technique and through your OWN mother light, and Gaia wakes up too. As you do this, you remove some of the heaviness that has kept the planet in low vibrations.
When you imagine something, like a line of light from your left shoulder to your right shoulder (Kaballah) you are “running” the energy. You are flowing the energy. You are moving the light in you and through you. You are moving the energy. Flow from the center of the earth to your heart. This is grid work. Create a grid of light around you. In your moving meditations standing up, dancing your hands and feet around, you are moving the light grids around you.”
[When I was spinning the chakras and bringing the mother light up to the heart, I felt mother love. I was holding the walking stick in front of me, mostly for balance, but also because Fools Crow was guiding me the other day and gave me mystical vision. So I did it again today and I found myself caressing the walking stick like a lover. I was breathing the mother light up from the center of the earth. The third eye - I saw as if I was in the center of the third eye, seeing a transparent glass cylinder running horizontally front and back. I was spinning it and I was in the center of the pineal, spinning and seeing through it clearly. Then I went down to the navel. I wanted to “see” through the naval but found I had to bring the focus up to the third eye in order to “see” the transparent glass cylinder running horizontal through the navel front and back. So I did. As I did I broke out with light language strongly. It just popped out through my voice. The great healing of the ages is the feminine womb. This is important.]
8/14/19 - Don't give up your mystical, retain the sensation of awe
The light in you reaches out for recognition which it needs to grow. Then come back to center and withdraw the energy it has given to thought. When you touch the light of someone else keep in touch, don’t let go. Recognition is all it needs to grow. Walk with this other being together, out of the center and live outside of the center while maintaining contact with the light in both of you. Live in the light free from parasites when outside of your center. Shut off parasites by recognition alone. Recognition is the knife that cuts off the parasite and it floats away, leaving you free.
The entire physical world is the sum total of our ability to define ourselves. It requires a concentration of an idea so as to bring it down out of the blue into form, integrating it into what has been already formed by others. It requires a great deal of caring, caring being synonymous to concentration. It is an effort of the heart and mind together, followed by action. Fear works in secrecy, in shame, by isolating you from others. The only safe action to take is unity, wholeness, transparency. Communicate with your mate your thoughts. Do not keep them secret. (Memory: Back in 1981 the dark force was really bothering me, causing me bad feelings to leave Bob, and I was fighting it. But in the end I gave up and stopped fighting. I would not leave Bob. It was a decision I made. Light does not fight the darkness, it lights up the darkness with a firm decision. I loved Bob and decided that was the only way to go. Dark force or not, I’m here to stay.)
Use the word mystical. Mind control denotes a different area. Your area is beyond the mind control stage. In this infinite zone beyond consciousness or beyond understanding, one may feel the intelligence of something greater than yourself, the observer. This “something greater” has been termed, for lack of another word, “God” or “supreme being”. It may be called whatever you want to call it. However it is not beyond the person observing it. It should not be considered outside or beyond. It is not outside or beyond; it is the consciousness itself looming up greater than before. It comes from the source of the observer himself or herself. It is the observer’s consciousness expanding. This is the mystical part which you will be teaching to others. One must not try to bring it into control, which is the way of most people. Then the expansion will be cut off. The mystical connection is the window through which expansion and higher forces connect with the immediate consciousness - the mind. One must not try to capture it, but step back, retain the sensation of awe and mystery and wonder, leaving the window open. Remain a student in the receptive, learning stance, rather than assuming the role of teacher. Don’t be worried if you should be open, it is the flow that matters. It is the flow that counts, for once you are flowing many ideas will come. Be ready to put them down on paper. This is for your own good, to stimulate you when you re-read it.
8/17/19 - There are two thresholds in you, one higher, one lower
When you’re feeling an emotion, it’s God feeling through you. Please be aware of this and have some respect. Human consciousness has two thresholds to it - a higher threshold and a lower one. The higher threshold is where mind tries to think clearly and imagine what God is, or what good is, or the cosmos, or the infinite intelligence, but there is a point where your mind just can’t get beyond it. The lower threshold leads into darkness of every conceivable type. Depression, confusion, paranoia, fear, monsters and horrors of all types. The lower threshold is not only an unknown, it’s a trap that sucks you in and it’s difficult to escape.
The higher threshold leads to more harmony, more peace, more comfort, more knowledge, more connection, more love and light. The lower threshold leads AWAY from harmony, peace, comfort, knowledge, connection, love and light, and further into darkness, separation and loneliness.
In between these two thresholds is our playing field. We play with light and darkness. The light is of lighter density and therefore more intelligence and clarity can get through to people who have worked on themselves to become more refined. Just like light from the sun can reach the grass better without trees around than in the forest. The darkness on earth is of heavier density because it is more compacted due to irregularities and discrepancies that don‘t make sense. You can‘t fit them together. There are errors in thinking and errors that are manipulated lies done on purpose. These don’t add up. They become like an attic full of old things that don’t fit anything at all. They just take up space. The light is the quality of connecting and creating harmony. The more truth you tell, and the more goodness you express to others, and the more freedom you give to others, the higher you go into the light. You find more transparency, more love and more connection that makes sense.
The part that is hard to accept for many people is the fact that there are intentionally evil people who live on earth. They are not simply making mistakes, or errors in judgment, or lacking in education. They are not simply products of wrong upbringing by ignorant parents. People who are more light-inclined, who have goodness in their hearts, who believe in God and have faith that good will win, and trust what people tell them - it is difficult for such good people to accept that the evil in the world is intentional. And yet it is true. As a long-time student of the light, I was one who did not believe, but my threshold has expanded. I have grown in knowledge and understanding. When we grow further into the light, our light threshold becomes more transparent so that we can see more of what lies below us.
The mystical experience is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness, it is our own consciousness that is growing tall. When it reaches a height where it can see over the wall, then we become aware of a larger view which extends further than we were able to see before. We might even see a house off in the distance that glitters gold in the sunlight but we can’t quite make it out. It’s exciting to catch glimpses of things that are beyond us. But we have to remember that it’s not somebody else telling us these things. It is US growing larger.
The same process happens when we allow a horrible situation to become part of our conscious awareness. Maybe we hear of a murder, or an abusive situation, an abduction, a crime of passion, a manipulation that is exposed that is difficult to believe. How could anyone do such a thing? This too is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness doing something mean or bad to us. It is our own consciousness that is descending down into darker territory. When we allow ourselves to “think” on this, to mull it over and over, to talk about it, to gossip, to write about it, to post online, we are adding to the darkness of the world. This is the threshold of our own consciousness. We aren’t responsible for what others are doing in THEIR minds and consciousnesses. We are only responsible for what we do in our own minds and consciousness.
The light and dark is in each of us. No one escapes the dark. It‘s in all of us in degrees. Some have more darkness than others. Some have more light than others. It‘s not “them“ against “us". Even the dark have some light in them. We are here to learn what feels good and what feels bad through trial and error. Telling the truth, not lying, not cheating make you feel good. Doing kind things, not manipulating others, forgiving others for their mistakes, supporting others, being cooperative, adding constructively to projects instead of arguing, providing encouragement and nurturance where possible, and learning how to serve others without depleting yourself. These actions make you feel good. We are here to learn what makes us feel good.
The evil ones who are purposefully hurting other people, who manipulate others, like slavers, abusers, killers, tormentors, thieves, criminals, psychopaths, greedy people and the like - these actions make them feel bad. They contribute to their own demise which makes them do even more bad things because they have descended down into the lower zones where light cannot reach them. They have no clue how to get out of it. That is why we are told to forgive and send love to them because that helps YOU. It helps you to escape the dark trap. Because if you hold anger and stew over what they did, that will suck you in closer to the evil which can snag your thoughts and hold you prisoner. You don‘t want to go there. Forgiveness and sending love and light is to benefit YOU. It is a safety precaution..
We have both dark and light in us. Many people have very little darkness left in them. We cannot compare or judge anyone. Our job is to keep our focus on universal law, which is the light and love. The matrix we live in, which is the human consciousness on earth, is a rather narrow zone. Below us in consciousness are the animals and plants, and they are not manipulators. They don‘t have evil in them. Only the human consciousness has evil. It‘s a narrow zone where evil abides, because when we go higher into the light, there comes a point where we leave the human consciousness and we join the galactic consciousness of light. There are galactic civilizations of evil, but once we reach the higher threshold of light, we have joined with the galactic federation of LIGHT. The evil ones can join with galactic darkness, but the wars are almost over.
There is a mixture of both good and bad in our playing field, but there is a threshold of consciousness toward which we are drawn. We seek more harmony, more freedom, more truth, more knowledge, more love. We are drawn to know. We are drawn to the light. However there are people who are drawn to the darkness and this is where deviousness comes in. Most people who have a heart, can’t even imagine someone NOT having a heart.
Anyone who has malevolent, negative or dark tendencies or thoughts, cannot go beyond the upper threshold into the zone of love and light and stay there. They can have brief glimpses of it, but they cannot stay. They have to come back if they can’t maintain the frequency of love. The spiritual techniques are teachings to show us how to purify our thoughts, which will automatically purify our emotions, so that we can get greater and greater glimpses of the light above us. This science is slowly becoming known to us. We haven’t understood the nature of our own personal form life and why we are the way we are. We have a lot of ugliness in us, meaning selfishness, greed, abusive and controlling natures, animal desires, perversions, and more. But the physical world is the great teacher. Our world is the great classroom where we learn through trial and error the difference between right and wrong. And it is our feelings that tell us.
Many people call it God but it‘s actually YOU. You are god with a small g, a child of the big God, father-mother God, here to learn how to BECOME a God with a large G. You have learned much already, but what you have learned thus far is more than can fit into a body of flesh. We call this "more" that you are, the higher self. No matter how enlightened we become, there is something more beyond us to learn. There will always be a higher self so there will always be something drawing you upward. I like the word "mystical" because there are a lot of spiritual teachings that have been written about over the centuries, that are just words. The mystical zone is not able to be defined because it is personal. It is sacred and it comes to you through a feeling or a revelation. The person can’t define it even though he or she tries. I try to define it myself. Everyone has a mystical side because everyone has a higher self from which they descend into a smaller, denser flesh and blood body. There is not enough room in a tightly- squashed flesh-and-blood body so we leave our accumulated wisdoms behind, on higher planes.
We get bright clear glimpses from time to time of the mysterious unknown beyond us, or we may get dark, horror-filled glimpses of mysterious unknowns below us, but mostly we play within the understandable, rational, reasonable playing field that we know as our earth life of today. We play in duality - we play with opposites. We exchange and experiment with good and bad, light and dark, benevolent and malevolent, selflessness and selfishness. It is important to realize that these two forces are restricted to the physical world of duality. The physical form world can’t go beyond it and can’t go below it. That makes the physical world safe. It’s the playing field where we learn about cause and effect. The mind is the cause. What we believe in is the cause. What we have faith in is the cause. How we act out our beliefs is the cause of the effects we see in our every day.
The physical world is the lowest density there is. There is nothing more dense than physical. This is where it all happens. This is where it is all understood. From here on up it is lighter, brighter and contains more goodness and harmony. The only downside is in the mind, and it can get very dark and horrible indeed. So from here on, from this point on, it is all UP to the light and all DOWN to the darkness that we abhor. It is up to us how we use our minds and what we harbor in our minds. We must hold positive, harmonious, benevolent thoughts if we want to create positive, harmonious, benevolent EFFECTS in our lives. We are the cause of the effects that appear for us. Nobody is doing it to us. Nobody can do it for us. WE have to make the choices between light and dark. The physical world has huge potential for enlightenment. We are getting ready for it. Many are turning more to benevolent and kindly acts. Physical enlightenment is caused by those who maintain positive thoughts. We then enjoy more happiness in our physical life, such as peace and fulfilling situations and relationships. We are the ones who bring it to ourselves through our benevolent thought processes.
Above and beyond this narrow zone of duality which we know today, there is unity, harmony, nobleness, love and light that has no end. We must grow into it by making the right choices with the intelligence afforded us through our thought processes. We must make the required changes in how we think. It is difficult to change habits but that is a power we are given. We can change our feelings by changing how we think. The sun comes out every day to provide us with an example. Look UP! It is unendingly bright ahead of us and beyond us. The science is to look UP. But just as we can’t look into the sun right now with our naked eyes without great pain and blindness, just so we can’t get above our narrow zone of duality until we practice maintaining light and love, thus growing our ability to sustain the mystical experience that occurs periodically. All of us are striving for it, because it is the good we know is there. It is the goal of all human beings. It is innate. The mystical experience is innate. It is a revelation that comes with a sureness of feeling and knowing it is real.
It is an experience of greater light, greater love, greater harmony, greater peace, greater comfort. Each time we experience it, there is a breaking out of the matrix that holds us to the befuddlement of human existence. When we have a moment that is absolutely wonderfully peaceful and mystical, either alone or with someone else, enjoy it but don’t make that person into a possession. Let these feelings and revelations come and let them go. We can’t hold onto the mystical experience. We can only enjoy it to the fullest and say, “Thank you”. By doing so you build it into your knowledge base and your body's cellular memories. You just know. It's another etheric brick in the light body as you grow into more light and more love. This is the process we are here for, to learn how to do. THIS is how we stop ourselves from bouncing back and forth between good and bad like bewildered victims in an obscure playground. Between the two thresholds, the higher one and the lower one, there is a zero point or neutral point that exists. It is our conscious choices for the good, right, decent and truthful, that keeps us safe inside that neutral zone. There is fulfillment and abundance in the neutral zone. The chaos can't reach us there once we learn to manage our thoughts better. Take time out often through the day to go into the silence.
9/14/19 - Message from my higher self
(In the night I was awakened to write down the following words. I did not know who was speaking to me.}
"How can your higher self connect with you, your mortal self, except by you the mortal reaching up and being the best you can be? In every moment? Then your immortal self can reach down to connect with you. For, having been born into the lower vibrational world you had to descend to fit in with the lower vibrations. It is by giving of yourself in the best way possible that the honorable, compassionate, forgiving you will become reintegrated with the real you again. Become the most honest you can be, the most pure you can be, the most perfect you can be, the most wise, the most intelligent, the most modest, the most selfless. Then you become your highest and best and your Christ body can make that connection with you.
"Your connection to your higher self is like any other friend you have in your life. To maintain communication with it you must direct attention to your friend. A telephone line opening, a glance in its direction, a remembrance of its presence, talking to it, asking it questions, listening to its answers, fitting in with it, knowing and respecting its qualities, its nature - that’s how you connect with your higher self. Your higher self is buttoned in through your chakras. [I saw this vividly] Higher self is all around you like a bubble. It is not only up in the sky but around you on all sides and below you. It is you as you appear on the higher dimensions that vibrate faster and purer. You are a small dark and dense form suspended and floating inside a bubble of clarity, love, perfection like crystal clear waters twinkling as sunlight splashes colors through the water, like a diamond flashes prismed light. You are the rich yolk inside the egg of your higher self bubble. You are the child inside the womb of your Divine Mother. You are the figure inside the glass snow ball. You are the seed germinating.
"You are surrounded on all sides by your very own God/Goddess/Divinity. Expand yourself to connect with the answers to your question. Touch the hem of the garment of your higher self and listen to its advice and counsel. All your needs are answered when you go IN and then UP to your higher self, higher dimensions where purity and everything you need is available to you. When you are lonely, hungry, depressed, inadequate, afraid, failing, confused, hurt, suffering, overwhelmed, shut down, frozen, go in and UP. Up in the higher realms you are none of these things. You are perfect, complete and ascended. Go IN and then UP to your higher regions to feel the peace and assurance.
"You adopted the low vibrations so you could fit into the world and work here. To re-adopt your former glory, go in and UP to your higher self. Focus on your higher self. Give attention to your higher self. Contemplete it and release your adopted vibrations that are less than who you are. Simply touch the hem of the garment and you will receive a sense of your greatness. Do not be afraid. Release the fear. Become ME for I am your true self. The Self you want to become.. The self you dream about. As you move up the frequency range to higher, more noble sense of self, you will not be able to connect with those who are on the lower frequency range except through love. They become static to your ears and disharmonious to your sensitivities. If you want to stay in contact with the lower frequency range of people, then you must bring my love down with you into lower frequencies and not compromise yourself. Your loving can influence others."
"Intimidated is when you don’t know the subject that the person you look up to knows. You are transferring your vacantness to that person, opening yourself as a receptive channel to him or her. You feel a lack of knowledge or experience. An inpouring of knowledge, a few more hours of experience, will make you an equal. History and culture has always been about knowledge. Control of the masses can only be done by keeping people in ignorance. For once they learn what the authorities know, they will not hold them in such high esteem. There will be a breakdown of awe and surrender. Keep your eye on knowledge and education, and make that your first and primary goal. People will always look up to those of higher realms, to those who know more than they do. The counterbalance is education. Educate! Educate! Educate!
“The other half of this instruction is to be sure and focus on your self as you are learning. Study. Do your homework. Digest the knowledge on the interior of your self. IMPRINT THE DATA ON YOUR CELLS AN TISSUES. Move around physically and do the things that will enable you to absorb this knowledge. The brain alone will not embody the knowledge. It takes moving into the knowledge with experience. Brain learns and hears the instruction but the actual eating and swallowing, digesting and assimilating of what is learned in the easy chair on quiet nights, requires you to interact with people and get your hands dirty. That is the true meaning of the story in the Book of Revelations where John wrote: “the book was sweet to look upon but when I ate it, it was bitter.” (Or something like that.) The experience of living is often bitter, where it is fun to sit quietly under a lamp and read about those same experiences. It is easy when you don’t have to get your hands dirty.
“Look always on yourself with kindness and understanding, for that is the healing balm that makes it all worthwhile. Love yourself and take care of your own feelings. The beauty of your life will soon overshadow the bitterness and turn the hardships into joy and delight and deep and abiding knowledge.”
2/20/02 - The Book of Anakosha
(This was a paper found in the files with2 the date 2/20/02. Channeled from Higher Self)
"I am birthing in you. I am coming. I am Anakosha. You are receiving me. You are bringing me forth. I have been waiting. Others have received me but they have gone off to either one side or the other. You are remaining in balance. You continue to receive my words and my energy in a balanced way, my hopes and my dreams are coming through you. I have a plan."
(Q: Who are you?) "I am Anakosha. I have been here since the beginning, since before the world was formed. I have been waiting, waiting for people to receive me and work with me and allow me to out-picture the perfection of the human being, the freedom of the human being. I AM the human race, I am the perfect manifestation of the human race, I want to manifest freely upon the earth."
(Q: What does Anakosha mean? Where does it come from?) "A is for alpha, the beginning. The end of Anakosha is also an A, also a beginning. Anakosha is first a beginning and last a beginning. Anakosha is completion. The first and the last. I am the middle. I am the perfect human. I hold the two ends together. I have been waiting to bring about the perfect human, balanced and wise. I bring the two extremes together where they are united as one. I am bringing forth a new race where no part of the human being is denied, but where all parts of the body of expression are loved unconditionally. The Book of Anakosha, I have been waiting. When you can love yourself and accept being loved by others, then Anakosha, the landed facility, will manifest. Spiritual love is abstract. It does not take physical form because it is not 'owned'. Own the love and make it yours and the power you generate will re-shape the world."
My thoughts were then directed to love, to the warmth and goodness of love. I was told the word, “Feminine”. I felt the echoes and essence of women down through the ages since the beginning. I felt the essence of women, not their outer human shells which struggled through life, but the soft, resilient, intelligent, tender femininity at the heart of each woman or girl child who ever lived. Warm femininity swirled around me. I touched it as I would touch a raw warm human organ with my fingers, liquid and pulsing with life. I felt its soul enter me. I felt feminine and sensual. I felt the love and joy and nurturing that each of these women brought to the planet, whether they were fulfilled or died in pain. It didn’t matter because they brought with them a living potential of love that they left here as a gift to the earth, and it’s still here. I said to myself softly, “Love.” I felt love and femininity as one, including the feminine side of men. Love is reconnecting to the soul. It’s the inner warmth that is accomplished by turning within to stoke the fires of one’s own hearth (heart?). After having thrust outward in competition and aggression, and driven by ambition, love as good intention is the returning home. Love begins at home for oneself. The turning within to the heart is the female in us who wants to nest and wrap ourselves in a warm and cozy cocoon in a sense of completion and a work well done and completed. Love is the one gift that we can give to ourselves that does not require anyone else. It is the hour of meditation and prayer in solitude. We can feel love even if we are alone, homeless and stricken with cancer. Love is a choice to return to the heart to elevate oneself, appreciate oneself and tell oneself “I love you”. There is a strange and wonderful power that comes forth at this time that soothes and calms the outer storm, and it goes beyond all logic. Loving oneself does not deny the world, the death, sickness, poverty and emotional pain. Rather, it fulfills them. It includes them and puts it all to rest within the heart. For us. There is no exception. There is nothing bad enough that can’t be loved and put to rest in the human heart. Love is unconditional.
Through thoughts of love swirling, up popped the words, “The Book of Anakosha, I have been waiting.” I sensed the speaker of the words waiting for a response from me. It wasn’t a command, just a suggestion. Waiting. It was not pushy. It was gentle, waiting. It was allowing me the freedom to choose. Love is never pushy. It may recede after awhile if no response, for love is eternally patient. But this time I said, “OK. I’ll do it! I will open a new file tomorrow on the computer called ‘The Book of Anakosha.”
And then Doug’s snores got louder than ever. My mind sprang to life and my eyes opened wide. There was only one thing to do. I went across the hall into my meditation room where the altar stands ever ready with darkened candles. I lit them and began a proper meditation. It is impossible to describe a really good meditation because it takes place on another level that has no words. It is a communication of the heart, soul and mind all together as one. There is usually a lot of movement involving inspiration and a deepening sense of peace and connectedness. And of course there is prayer. Then tingles come and sparkles of light and energy. And a feeling of talking with someone who knows more than me. An hour later I returned to bed still pulsing light from my light body. Sparks twinkled on and off. Words are inadequate at such a time but as I climbed into bed and dropped off to sleep, snuggled up to Doug’s back, warm, cozy and unusually connected to him, a specific message was given to me....
“When you can love yourself and accept being loved by others, then Anakosha, the landed facility, will manifest. Spiritual love is abstract. It does not take physical form because it is not ‘owned’. Own the love and make it yours and the power you generate will re-shape the world.”
9/14/02 - You are your own Source, there is no other
(I am at my desk writing. "Dear LL, MIAP, I seek to be a channel for my own higher self, I ask that light come in and channel write for me. What can I do to help my own growth and help Anakosha School of Oneness to manifest most quickly and steadily? What can I do to speed up the process? To make it more efficient, more loving, more smooth? This is the response.)
My child! You are a delight. What more can I do to show you the way? I have given you ALL that I am. We are one, you and I. We are the totality and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. There is no mistake that you sit on your prayer bench before the candles beseeching MORE! You seek more light! More truth! More wisdom! More of who you are and you are already whole and complete. Do you not realize that you have given your power to outer personalities? Other personalities? Other things external? It is but a minor shift of perspective as you yourself realized today for a moment, to bring your power, your focus full circle back to home where your Source is. You are your own Source. There is no other. Creator of your destiny, child of the Universe, you make your life, create your moment by moment, you are outpicturing who you are. Living the life of the dream that you are.
Anakosha is the dream. Anakosha is the you that you are trying to manifest, yet you seek it in other people. Give yourself the freedom just to be. Give yourself the love unconditionally that you give to Doug, that you gave to your sons. Give the love to yourself to live free of encumbrances, shoulds and should nots. Allow your pressures to fade away. Allow yourself to live with joy, with happiness, freedom unrestrained. Commit yourself to living FREE! Free of pressure to serve. Instead, commit yourself to living fully your own inner joy. Where there is joy, there I Am, your greater Self waiting for you to lay down your restrictions. let them go dear one. let them go. These are my words to you tonight as you get ready to sleep. And as you sleep, dedicate yourself to Anakosha’s School for that is your heart’s desire. Allow forth desire, allow forth the feeling, allow forth the beauty of the vision you hold. Allow forth the freedom of the vision, instead of analyzing it and trying so hard to bring it about. Stop trying! Enjoy it! Let it simply breathe through you. Let it pulse in you. Let it ebb and flow and let the vines grow where they will. Let the seeds sprout where they are planted. You - your outer personality and conscious mind has no say in the matter, no more than a child has a say in how it shall be programmed by the parent.
My child, you are but a vessel. Become the water inside the vessel. It is but a small shift in consciousness. A very small shift indeed. You are most ready. Most close. You are the One to lead the people home to freedom. Why do you cringe at these words? Allow!! Allow your mighty Self to step forth through the veil. Truly it is like your television shows depict - a nothingness in the center of the room whereby your larger and fuller Star Self steps forward to stand over you. It is but a small shift in perspective, dear One. Allow what is coming to you naturally, to come. I prepare you with these words. I channel YOU through these words. Can you not see yourself flowing across this paper? Can you not see your beautiful face twinkling in the thought being expressed here? Give me your hand, dear One. I want to take you higher still. We are standing now upon a tall mountain overlooking the world. There is darkness covering the land tonight but you are unafraid. You are a God and a Goddess in the mighty rings that surround your form. You are aware of the truth of your being. You are whole and complete. See the stars above!! In the blackness of space they are great and mighty beings and they are aware of you standing here right now. Did you know that? Did you know that when you looked at the stars before that they were actually looking at you?
Gather strength and inspiration from those mighty light bearers and see how THEY shine. They do not fluctuate, but shine their light day and night on into eternity. They can do this because they have learned the secret of their own Source - the well spring of eternal life, eternal youth, eternal power and energy. They have learned not to restrict, impede, alter, or obstruct that essence which they are, but rather to amplify it. It is the same path that you are on, my friend: the path of self empowerment by giving up the ego self and allowing forth the great “I Am” Presence of God which you are/I Am for we are one in truth, in purpose, in reality. Smell the sea and breathe BACK the sea. Taste the rainbow and radiate the rainbow. Feel the rain and give back the rain. Take the sounds of thunder and give back the sounds of thunder. Hear the cries of children and give back the cries of children - and do all of this with love and purity. Hold no malice but give love in ALL that you do. Give purity of heart in ALL that you see. Cast no shadow of doubt. Throw up no walls, no darkness. Allow all to live out the destiny and freedom of their life and give only love, only joy, only innocence and you will shine like those stars overhead. I leave you now so you may sleep. (Thank you, L of L)
9/4/05 - Register love on your brain cells
(Dear LLL, what would you like to say to me that will enhance my journey and path? Response:)
Take one step at a time. You are doing the right thing for yourself. Register love on your brain cells. Impact your body chemistry with love, for the power and frequency of loving thoughts harmonizes the atmosphere and smooths the pathway for your higher self to slide into the situation. Move your ego, your small controlling self, aside. Have it perched like a parrot on your left shoulder, out of the way. Consider peace within your heart, not your intellect. Weigh it, mull over it, process it, digest it with your heart. Be in your heart and you will know much more than you know through your brain.
12/3/05 - The answer lies in awakening consciousness
(On this day I felt the urge to receive communication via channeled writing. I have not done this in a while. After I wrote this down on paper, the automatic writing began.)
Find your center, determine your direction as you were writing in your letter to spirit last night. You wish for many things. They are all possible. You have a support group forming to help you. Use your training and the art of bringing forth individual talents. There are many who are waiting to hear from you. You hold a key to their hearts. Their egos too have been kept dangling and dancing about like puppets on a string - a string held not by a master but by a petty figure indeed. You are the master here, not the fearful ego. Let yourself shine through the ego’s murky fragmentation which so confuses.
Now! Your desires for classes are NOT from ego. They are from your own divinity. You are ready to teach and show the way. You have been waiting for support and so you shall have that support. You are ready to begin the spiritual activation of Anakosha. As you saw last night, the sexual group focus is the center of the flower. It is solid and attached to the stem running down to the ground and to the roots in the soil. You are now sensing the approaching energies of higher consciousness. This is the time you have been waiting for. The spiritual petals of the flower are ready to open. They have been closed in and over the sexual root chakra activity, allowing that focus and activity to grow in strength. As it has been growing in strength and focus it has been sending thought waves upward touching the higher realms, like bubbles from the bottom of the pond. Each bubble carries within its heart a spark of the divine. It seeks to rise and rejoin its Home, the eternal sea of light. Yet, it is trapped within a solid, or so it seems, body. Therefore it will seek its own level or vibrational frequency within the body within the windows of the soul - the chakras where pure bliss resides.
It is time to speak of the bliss that resides within the body, for that is the peace that the people are seeking. You DO know the peace and the stillness within. The teaching about ego and its role in your life is a major step to your evolution to the starting point. You understand now, what has been holding you back. You have become wise to ego. You have stopped following its guidance, which has kept you dancing like a puppet on a string held by a small piece of illusion. Now you sit in peace with yourself. That which you call a cold, or bug, is a gift to you to help you take a much-needed rest from the puppet master - a fearful little thing who is not necessary in your larger plan. You know. Underneath, you know.
Your letter to spirit has shifted your perception so that you can hear us and communicate by writing. We have given you many techniques and advice for you to use, not only for yourself, but to present them to others. You are ready to hold classes in the name of Anakosha, and finally activate the spiritual energy in that great group soul to come out and shine. It is the great missing piece to the magnificent puzzle which you have designed for yourself in this lifetime. Others will carry on the lower levels, the petty details and administration, for they WANT to do it. They are eager to do it. They are part and parcel with you. They await your coming out and moving forward with the spiritual plan. You will empower them to do THEIR job, when you are willing to do yours. Anakosha must be nurtured from the higher realms and only individuals awakening to their own higher potentials can do that nurturing.
As you read recently, it is not in techniques or technology that the answer lies, but in awakening consciousness within the human heart. For THAT is where consciousness resides. The heart is an intelligent force, larger than the brain or mind, because it is one with all that is. Source. God/Goddess. Light. Through the awakening of the heart, individuals will begin to settle down and lose some of their attachment to chaos and linearity. It is about NOW time - where peace and serenity govern human life.
We are here to serve you and guide you in this massive undertaking. We have sent people to you. Anakosha School of Oneness will thrive and grow internationally as your husband has said. He is one that we sent to you. God bless you, my beloved. We love you and honor you. You may call on us at ANY time. ANY time you need support in shedding the chaos and negative energies, call on us. We are always home! Namaste. Welcome to our ranks. You have a job to do and it shall be light.
12/20/05 - An unusual experience
On this day I am calling in my Presence in meditation and I am seeing the ligh and it is shining down on me and I am seeing my name “Anakosha” like a force propelling out of me in the form of a clear sharp energy in the shape of an “A” and an “N” and so on. I get the feeling the name is the original God name that was embedded into my soul, the spark of divinity when it was first broken off and individualized from the whole, as if stamped with a number as it came off the production line. However, in the case of a human being, he or she is given a name which is the immortal name. So it is embedded as a finely chiseled force field into my light body. It looks or feels like, if you took a sheet of metal and cut out the name Anakosha into it, and then turned off the lights in a room, and held the metal over a fire place. The name Anakosha would shine through. This is how I am perceiving it. The name is being revealed because it is coming out of inside of me as I am praying to the great divine light above and beyond me. I am calling, praying, chanting, reaching for the great light. And so the great light is coming, is reaching back to me and seeking to connect with me as I am seeking to connect with it. And what is reaching out is a force field that looks like “Anakosha”. It is a power or a force that is propelling out of me in search of connection with the great light. That’s how I see my name. It is being revealed as I am drawing closer to the great light. It’s being drawn out of my heart. This may not make sense but I see it in movement of energy.
7/16/06 - How to raise the sex energy thru the seven chakras
[Channeled from the heart of Anakosha. Received in the meditation room.]
When you see a bunch of naked people, you get dizzy. The force coming from nude people without clothes is powerful. If you don’t see the people you wouldn’t notice it, but turn your eyes on them and - whoa! I had that experience when Bob and I first turned the corner into Lake Como and saw people playing volleyball in the nude. I was momentarily dizzy. Also the first time I gave a massage workshop at the In-Touch convention. I was busy looking at my notes and when I looked up, 100 people were all standing there naked waiting for me to begin. I was struck by such a powerful love force that I got choked up. There was so much beauty, trust, freedom in the air. They trusted me, looked to me. I was stunned.
Where your thoughts go, there you send your energy. When you visualize you send energy, the same kind of energy that you visualize. You are what you think. You become what you think. Visualizations are doing energy work. If done with a positive mind they are cleansing. Light work. You are a light worker. Movement. Move mind and body and it keeps you young. It keeps the neurons in your brain synapses popping as long as you send impulses of movement over them. When you smudge, don’t speak. Visualize instead. Imagine a trail of angels coming off the tip of the smudge stick as you move it slowly through the room. Or you can imagine a trail of light-filled love sparkles coming off the end. Make patterns in the air around you. Use your imagination to do this. Visualize when you massage.
We all know what sex is, but do you know what is behind the sexual orgasm? What is it and where does it come from? Let’s look deeper beyond the surface of the skin, beyond the physical. Air is invisible but it’s real because we breathe it and it gives us life. Take it away and we die. There are other invisible elements in us that we can’t see but they are just as real. The seven chakras are very real. Energy is either stagnant or moving. A lethargic person has stagnant energy operating on habit and moves his energy dully by default, by rote or mechanical habit. When a person starts exercising he notices himself perking up, or waking up. There’s faster movement now. When I went to Gold’s gym the first time, I left that session at sunset over in Bonita and I felt like I was floating. I was giddy and high. I started my energy moving through my body again but it wore off soon and I was back to normal. When we go to a party and “have sex” with the many others, if it feels good it is good. It is breaking up the stagnant energy in your body. If it doesn’t feel good, other things are in the way. You’re not ready. Keep talking about sex because sex is the root chakra. The first cup of energy in your body.
When you massage, whether it’s a friend or a stranger, it’s not personal. It’s loving and intimate and probably felt as sensual but it’s not personal as the Creator is not personal, is not a chooser of one over another. We are learning here with our massage, unconditional love, meaning you don’t ask or expect anything back. You’re just the receiver. It is important to practice discipline over yourself because the irony is that you’re going to be turning them on without meaning to. The receiver is going to receive warm, nurturing, love feelings and they will want to touch you back. They will want more from you and may start to get a little gropy. It’s because they feel so good, free, loving and happy. So it’s important to not be pulled into that mode and stop your massage. You can’t do both easily. You can try but then you will be struggling with yourself. You can’t serve their physical needs and continue to serve your role of giving a good massage. It becomes very tempting on one hand (if you are attracted to the person) but on the other hand it may feel disgusting to you if you’re not attracted, and that will end the massage. The solution is to maintain a higher consciousness, above the physical and the personal.
The one receiving the massage, don’t touch. Just feel. Just allow. Feel the warm nurturing love coming from this giver but don’t touch back. You will disturb him and distract him, and you wouldn’t want him to abort the massage, would you? After all, that’s how he has given you these nice feelings. Instead, allow these feelings to grow and build and spread all through your body. Your beautiful chakra energy that was formerly held in a tight pattern, is being stimulated and it is expanding. It needs to go somewhere. Like when water boils in a pot, you need to take off the cover because the steam is expanding. The earth energy wants to rise upward.
The first chakra to start expanding is the root chakra (genitals). It could be likened to seven cups. The first cup is being stimulated and starts expanding to the next chakra above it, the naval. So allow it up, feel it sucking up. Image it flowing upward. Expand this feeling upward consciously. Relax. Breathe. Allow the arousal feeling to expand upward. When the sense of explosion gets to be too much, suck it up higher and allow the third chakra, the solar plexus, cup to be filled. This is done with visualization and imagination. When you feel yourself becoming too aroused you find yourself wanting to reach out and touch someone and have a release, have an orgasm. Suck it up again. Expand the energy again. Breathe deeper. Tell your massager your “safe” word, so she will slow or come to a complete stop. Allow the arousal feeling to go slower, releasing the pressure.
Your goal is to raise what once was arousal feeling, now a bliss feeling, to rise up to the heart. Keep on doing this for the throat, the third eye and finally reach the top of your head. Then when you are so full of erotic energy, and there’s no place else to go, allow the orgasm to take place and it will fill you. You ARE the energy locked in the chakra cups, locked into a holding pattern of rigidity, but now feeling free, loved and encouraged, so allow yourself to expand with these feelings. Go with these feelings, don’t abort the journey by allowing the orgasm to take place before the process has ended. Then you won’t reach the top of your head. You’re feeling free and loving and wanted. But don’t touch back or you’ll abort the process.
This is a very sacred experience. It is especially for you. Not for the giver. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit are all experiencing a “coming Home” feeling which is an inner journey It is a healing journey back to the whole again. Holistic. So bottom line, don’t get personal. Maintain the outer role of giver, giving, and receiver receiving and finish the job. We are both getting something out of this. The giver is privy to watching the action, being involved, helping, receiving good feelings from it. Watch out for the tendency to jump and make love or to focus on “make me cum”. This is not for genital satisfaction (root chakra) but for all of the chakras to fill up and feel involved. The cups runneth over.
10/8/08 - On journaling: meshing higher and lower consciousness together
Go deep within yourself and begin speaking to yourself, not to anyone else. Only you, your lower and your higher consciousness, must work this out together. It is a process. You do not owe the story to anyone, but you do owe this journal to yourself, to that part of you which is still outside of the law, which is waiting for you to collect it and bring it home. As you do, you will breathe love and caring into those parts of you which are feeling scared, ashamed, guilty or alone. The dark corners of yourself (the confused parts) await recognition, acceptance and the calling home. Embrace them with love. Draw them into your joyful and caring embrace with a smile such as no other can give, radiating beauty and forgiveness. Give them love without condition. Give them a sense of welcome to have them home again as a full part of yourself. These have been split off and fragmented from you, and thus made to feel lesser.
As you write about these parts, speak to them (to yourself) in a rational, practical, and down-to-earth manner, allowing the love to emanate outward. Thus you will begin the re-birthing process. As you draw forth the low pieces and allow them back into the wholeness of who you are, instead of denying them and rejecting them, memory will start to unfold and yield colorful pictures. You have been a higher consciousness struggling to lower yourself into a dense, mechanical world, which does not flow round about you easily. It has been hard for you to shut off the unrestricted love for all beings. Your direction has been downward, but you have fought it all the way. Do you not know that it is only as you accept the downward direction that you will succeed?
Only as you enter the finite world and shine your light into the dense fog and confusion around you, and love yourself in the darkness, can you begin your journey home. You have chosen to embody the light in a dense, slow-time, world. It was your choice. In order to succeed, you must walk the walk that you foretold for yourself. Now, go. Gather the facts of this embodiment together from the time you were born from your mother's womb, and you will make some uncanny discoveries. Remember your route in, and the turnoffs you made on your journey. Remember the mountains and the valleys and the cities and the oceans you traveled. Re-map the route by which you arrived and you will back yourself out of this place. I promise, you will remember. Your ancient and eternal memories are close at hand.
You have had flashes of your higher personage and you have identified with that higher aspect of yourself because it was so much more complete than what you have experienced in the lower, physical plane. You have not been able to put the beauty of allness together in the lower physical plane. You have struggled in your attempts to do so. This book is putting the scraps together and beginning to re-member them, the re-cognition process of why you struggled so hard, and what you were hoping to accomplish. There is great value in what you have done. The pieces are of a puzzle which, when complete, will reveal a cosmic personality who came to Earth with a mission. You have not identified with the lower personality well, but this book will help you to complete your task. Your struggle will be at an end when you are done. Life on Earth is restricted. Your memory has been broken up and scattered. Veils have been placed over your eyes and memory. Your brain has been short-circuited. Yet you still remember your heritage. Memories come and go as bleed-throughs from time to time. You have wanted to write about these flashes. You have wanted to tell someone else, but you really wanted to speak them out loud to yourself, to cement them into your being. You do not need someone else's ear to accomplish this task. Speak to Me. Speak to your Self. Tell yourself what you know, tell yourself what you remember. Regale yourself with tales of your earth mission.
Your physical brain and body have come to terms with your cosmic self, and your cosmic self has accepted your physical brain and body. They are fusing. As you write and speak to yourself, you will cement it forever into one being. Your life on earth has been restricted to an outer culture and other people mentality. Your inner awareness has remained secret and unacknowledged. Your awareness has been turned upside down, and inside out, so that you are looking outward for answers, and in all the wrong places. Your inner life retreated to a small place. As you journal, you will draw out the inner, draw in the outer, until they mesh, putting the bits and pieces together on one string, chronologically, like pearls on a necklace, both inner and outer experiences. In the end the journal will express your complete story, inner and outer, the full, connected story of not what you did after you came into embodiment, but who you are. It will be an awesome story. It will amaze you. Not because of what you did, but the why and how. The process. The reason for your moves will become apparent. You will understand your journey, and your journey is not yet over.
Some pearls on your string will be more luminescent than others. Some will be dull, some will be shocking, some will be fearful, some will be embarrassing, but you must include all of the pearls on the string, as you tell your story. You must pull together every part of your history, for it is part of your recalling. It is part of your calling of yourself back home, for there are bits and pieces out there of yourself floating in the air disconnected from one another. Now is the time for the great accounting. It is an ascending process as you climb the ladder to your own source. And so you re-source. What others say about you have no meaning now. You are your own audience, your own appreciator, and your own critic.
The greatest value of your journaling will not be in the finished product as seen in a hard-covered book that you can give to your children. It will be in your processing. It will be in the accounting. It will be in the re-call. As you recall the events and honor them by welcoming them, you will bring freedom to that part of you that was trapped in each episode that you judged as dark. That you caused for yourself. As you recall them, lift them up into the light as you would a gem found in the earth, to examine them for brilliance and luster. Allow them to shine within your consciousness. Absorb their power and energy back into yourself. Recall them home. As you speak of your history in this embodiment, you infuse this embodiment with the fire of your spirit. Put this life into an order, so to speak, as if you were making a count of inventory. You do this so that you may finish your work here. Not finish in the sense of "die" but finish in the sense of completing your fragmentation and beginning a life of wholeness, for that is Home. Home is not "somewhere else beyond". Home is where your wholeness is, where your heart is. You do not need to leave the Earth to find Home, nor leave the situation you find yourself in to experience completion. The work on Earth has been human work, an outer work, but when you are done with the human work, you must begin living as a divine being. Immortal. You will become that which you came to accomplish becoming.
As you journal your journey, you will at long last give yourself permission to speak of the flashes of cosmic memory and the visions, for they are a rich and crucial part of this embodiment. They have colored you real. Perhaps they did not fit into your physical life before, but as you weave the inner and outer life together, you will find them fitting in more easily. Do not be afraid to speak of the visions. They really happened to you and you were conscious of them happening. This is the story you have wanted to tell for a long, long time, but you thought you were going to tell it for the benefit of your children. That is not true. You are going to tell it for the sake of your own awakening process.
Become real with yourself. Become honest with yourself. Remember your struggle. Remember why you came to this dense world. Remember each time you moved from one situation to another. Remember who you were in the gaps in between. And most of all remember that you created it for yourself. This is your life. You journeyed here alone, remember? You journeyed here with the others on that grand mother ship that you recall, to live as a servant to the great ones of the Light. Remember?
Now, record your story for the archives, for one day you will want to examine the richness of this time, even as one recalls the legends of ancient eras on your planet. Remember that your life is rich and that you are important. Remember that you do not live this life for others, but you live this life for your Self. This life is truly noble. It is blessed and ensouled by the God that you are.
3/25/09 - Connect with your trillions of body cells (Higher self channeling)
My dear. Swallow your wine and let us begin. Allow yourself to let go of former boundaries. Consider your Self in a new light. Allow the impressions from Home to enter. Feel them as they strike your physical body. Cells will reverberate and resonate with a vibration that is not your common day-to-day vibration. You are experiencing the resonance in what you call “shimmering” - that which thrills your cells and feels as if you are lifting up. This is the vibration from Home. Now, join with me in connecting this thrill from Home to your present body consciousness. You are moving toward it with your mind.
Allow your body to move toward it with all of the trillions of cells that make up your body. And then consider the trillions of etheric cells that make up your etheric body. And consider the trillions of emotional body cells, and the trillions of mental body cells. You are composed of higher and higher vibrations, all with physical cells. Yes, you will be bringing forth in the Yin Workshop, teachings about the four lower bodies. And you will be bringing forth teachings of the higher universal laws. It is as you connect with your body cells, your vision, hopes, dreams, these must connect with your body consciousness, your body vibrations, in order to raise the world around you in which you live and to have an impact on your physical world. This requires movement. Action. Talking to people about your dream. It is time to stop mulling over it. It is time to start saying the words, for within the words are the vibrations that are the building blocks.
You cannot build in the physical by sitting and dreaming or sitting and meditating. I am here with you guiding you, giving you words and pictures and ideas to use. You are the one in physical form. You are the one who must act. You are the actor, I am the director. You are the doer, I am the planner. All that you think and see in your mind are MY thoughts and visions. I am sending them to you to act upon them. You are not the one who must have confidence. You must only have faith in ME! I am your galactic self, coming from the heavens of your being. You feel me separate from you but as you begin to move about and transform your world you will begin to understand that you are me and I am you and we are One. How do you begin? Just start talking about it.
Don’t worry about the form. You worry too much about form. It is not the form but the substance that is important. As the child says, “Go buy the seeds and plant them.” I will be there by your side. I will be there in your heart. I will be there in your mind and your thinking. I will be there in your eyes and ears. There is no place that you go that I will not be, for you are acting as my shell, my vehicle, my body. You have already recognized this. I am validating it for you again, to remind you. The reference to George Adamski was but another validation for you. You have been in contact from the beginning with those from the heavenly spheres. Do you remember the Duck Conference and the two angels who spoke to you in the exhibit hall? (yes) They were from the heavenly places. They were indeed angels, come to lift you and awaken you. You were asleep then, but partially awake. You are more awake today. Much more awake. Now comes the time that you must act from out of your wakefulness. (Thank you Higher Self and Spirit Guides.) Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh. Adonai Tzeveoth.
8/4/11 - Kundalini - What is this raging fire?
[One day I asked, What is this raging, roaring transcendent force? I was reading stories of people experiencing awful burning debilitating pain during Kundalini awakening. The answer came through automatic writing.]
A: "You don't want this kind of energy flowing through you all the time. It causes heat and pain where there is resistance. Ground! Have sex. Put your hands in the soil, do garden work. Go into naturally moving water - a river, the ocean. Lay down in the grass. Bury yourself in sand or mud. Kundalini is earth energy and when it hits the air it flails like an untended garden hose with too much water pressure. It can only be stabilized through reconnecting with the Earth, for that's where it comes from. Its home is deep in the Earth. Kundalini awakening is the human germination, like the seed. The human outer shell is cracking open under the pressure of a power from within. Notice that the seed puts down roots as it grows upward into the light. Humans need to do the same thing.
"It feels at first like a foreign entity moving in and taking you over. You've never felt this before because it's an evolutionary shift, one you've never taken before. It's an unknown. You are giving birth to this power or energy within, it is the next step in your human evolution. You're not going to die from this. The whole point is to grow to the next stage of human, from monkey man to God-man. Like the acorn grows into an oak tree. The little acorn goes through the very same process that humans do under the onslaught of kundalini.
"Even in ordinary life kundalini works in you. You keep trying to go beyond where you went yesterday. Self improvement is growing yourself on a gentle, slow scale. But you are continually evolving, moving past your own limits of yesterday and boundaries of yesterday's construction. Something in you wants to grow. This is the kundalini, the spark of God buried in the Earth that is put there to experience physicality and grow physicality. Its nature is to grow beyond. You have a seed inside of you, a seed of divinity, of a God creator, an immortal seed. This is mercifully kept at a low flow until it is time, so it merely drips up the spine instead of ripping and roaring up the spine in a fully awakened kundalini. It is kept slow until you have grown wise enough to handle it. But when the shell cracks open that held it back and the power of kundalini rushes forth and up the spine, ready or not, here it comes. It washes away anything in its way that is not pure and holy. And of course there is much in the human body that is not pure. The divine energy acts like a laser ray. It starts burning through the dross and the toxins. Anything that is not divine or healthy or pure.
Q: Can you slow it down?
A: "When it's time, it's time. The evolution happened. The slowing down would be to do grounding things. Physically, mentally, emotionally do things that force your attention down to ground and out to the physical world, like putting hands on people who need healing. Purify your body. Channel the energy out to the world. It needs it. It is a divine power and it will help. But just do it, don't analyze it. Take the first opportunity to channel it to someone. Hug a tree, or a child, or a pet, a cat or dog. Don't talk, just do it. You're releasing it by giving. This energy can be channeled, drawn off of the main power source, like electricity is constantly being grounded. This is where the will comes in. Will power is choice. Choose. Decide. Make a decision and go with your decision. Don't get caught up in analysis or future planning. Just do it. Right now! No thinking. Then you will be drawing the energy away from your own body which is burning toxins too fast. It's too much too soon for your body, so drain some of that energy away to constructive purposes. This is done by channeling it outward or down into the ground by your conscious choice. You have to take control of this energy or it will control you. You have to work with this energy. You have to partner with it.
"There is a God birthing inside of you, an immortal. And you don't know how it's going to turn out. You can only channel it and learn with it. From it. You don't know. Creator doesn't even know. Creator keeps on creating and exploring. Creator loves to create! It is an intelligence creating bigger, better, more, refining, improving, exploring, and you are that Creator who is exploring and creating. You don't know what comes next. You can only work with what you know and keep on directing it. Work with it. You are a part of that grand design to keep on creating. You are God imprisoned within a form of physical density which is restricting you because it is full of toxins and limitations which now need to be purged so the God within can move more freely through it. You have kept improving yourself to this point, even within the prison of the body, you have been finding new ways to create, to improve, to make yourself better. That's the spark of the divine creator in you continuing to express, explore. It's full of childlike excitement. What's around the next corner? And the next? What's inside the box? What's over those mountains? What happens when I kiss a girl? There is this passion to discover and find out. Energy is meant to move. When we hold ourselves back we take a step towards dying, because this creator inside us is the only life of this body-mind-soul. It's our life force. A lot of people are holding the creator in them back. They have shackled their own life force with chains and they are suffocating. Move! Now! Break the chains!
10/30/11 - Breathe through your feet
[I had an unusual experience this morning. Yesteerday I had a CRT treatment and massage and it felt good, opening my mind, but m y body was still real achy today, so in meditation I asked Master DK to help me find a solution.]
DK: Focus! Focus on the bottoms of your feet and open them up. Breathe through the bottoms of your feet. Breathe through your feet. You have nostrils on the bottoms of your feet.
(There followed a lengthy talk through breathing upward through the bottoms of my feet, placing noses all over the bottoms and focusing first on the left to strengthen the left, since it’s the right side that I overuse, so strengthen the left. Think left. Breathe up the left and lift it higher up through blocked veins, bringing up the fire from earth.)
DK: You do this with your mind, with your consciousness, you have been in the sky in the dreams, in the ethereal, now you are breathing the ground, bringing up the ground. You ARE the earth, your consciousness on this end IS the earth. You are creating the earth through your consciousness. You are sky creating sky when you are on that end of consciousness. You are the whole. You are the creator. You are the One. You are One with all that is creating all that is. Breathe through your feet. Breathe in the fire of Earth power. Earth has a fire and a power.
7/23/12 - A white tigress teaching
(I am focusing and asking to be a student of Master Djwal Khul, which I have been doing right along I guess. He is instructing me in how to set up the participation circle that I want to start. This is an idea I got from the book "Selamat Ja!" of the Planetary Activation Organization aout fluid group dynamics. It involves a circle which does not have a leader. DK says:)
"Have a pow wow on sex. Talk about sex. Make that the focus. Make it into a circle discussion. Make this the fluid group using fluid group dynamics. Pass the stick. Cultivate the individual.
(I see DK as a master of Tantra. Yes? Is it true? He is unfolding something to me now. He is saying:)
"The pearl of great price is the jewel in the lotus. The flowering at the top of the head as the petals unfold, reveals the diamond-like essence traveling up the stem from way down deep below in the mud. The jewel is hidden in the mud and must be raised up the spine (the stem) consciously by the individual through disciplined practices so that it can flow and open and activate the thousand petaled lotus at the crown of head, the brain cells. Feminine energy is all that is sweet. A man does not lose his masculinity but increases his personal vitality when he begins expressing his softer side. Feminine energy is no competition but acceptance of other people’s skills and appreciating them, and blessing them for the work done is actually improving HIMSELF.
"Feminine energy yields control instead of competing for control when someone else demands it. The male tends to fight or resist authority, whereas women yield to authority. It is the skill of a Kung Fu practitioner who steps back and to the side when someone aggressively attacks. Feminine energy is wise and does this only in situations as a maneuver, not forever as a slave yields to his overlord out of subservience. I will instruct you every day in the mornings that you spend time here with me. It is going to be about freedom of the individual. It is a blossoming of that which is pure and holy and divine and intelligent and aware that resides within the dense, clay animal body. It is a practice that requires focus in alone time, what is called meditation. There are instructions and techniques that can be learned from one who knows. I will instruct you and you may pass it on."
(I wondered why I never joined groups. I always shunned joining groups. I was told:)
"You are a maverick and a rogue because of your teachings. You have kept yourself separate from the crowd to preserve and protect the jewel in the lotus. The world has been denied this teaching about the jewel in the lotus which you know as the power behind sex, small focus that it is. So this is a rare teaching. A white tigress teaching. That is why you have remained detached and alone from groups. The journey of the master is a solitary one."
7/24/12 - Let your dreams go, they are pebbles in the way
(I moved my chair over to face the picture of DK on the altar and found myself talking to him. I asked, “Why am I so confused? My mind keeps changing about forming a group. I am so confused. Why?“ I continued talking to him and in the middle of the question I started getting the answers - words just floated in between my own words, seemingly my own but I soon realized were not. I was in a peaceful non-thinking mental space after doing exercises.)
Let your dreams go. They are pebbles in the way. Flush them out. Become NO thing. Become void. Become. Don’t change things, just be. Don’t heal people. Just be. Don’t want things to happen. Just be. Be the want, don’t focus on WHAT you want. Be the change but don’t focus on WHAT you want to change. Be the healing but don’t focus on WHAT or WHO you want to heal. Do you see? Do you understand the difference? What you focus on becomes solid in 3D. It becomes a pebble that today you might want but tomorrow you will not want and it will be an obstacle in your path. You are being shown many things that you want, only to have them dissolve before your eyes the next day. You are being shown that wanting these things, these material things in the physical world, are illusions. They shift and change hourly, daily. You are being shown how to not want but to remain in an open fluid state of consciousness. The void.
The monks who do elaborate sand paintings, magnificent, intricate designs, and then blow them away, are doing exactly what you are doing now: creating a picture of your desires on the world and then blowing them away. Do you understand? YOU are the lesson. You! You are the reason, the cause of what is happening to you, for you. YOU are giving yourself a lesson. A truth. An awareness that you need to understand in your 3D body in order to stop doing what you have been doing! Stop wanting a group. Stop designing a group. Stop wishing and praying for a group. Stop trying to figure out what kind of group you want. Stop changing your mind to create new designs. Stop! Let go. Allow yourself some peace. Stop trying. Stop changing. Start enjoying your freedom from trying. Even wanting freedom is an illusion. It becomes a pebble in your shoe to focus on freedom. It becomes irritating. It becomes a “thing”. It becomes an obstacle to you.
You are a grand design, created by the Creator itself. You are magnificent in your own right, when you stand alone without all these little pebbles that have worn you down from wanting them and not getting them, or wanting them and getting them and then getting bored with them. The coming and going, the creating and dissolution, the building and designing, the controlling that is required to build something - these are all part of the 3D program that is dissolving now. It is the old program that you have been operating within. It has been a carefully constructed grid work that you were born into and locked into but now the grid is ending and breaking up, leaving you standing there alone with yourself. You are beginning to understand, but you had to remind yourself of who and what you are by speeding up the process of wanting something and then having it disappear and then wanting something else and having it disappear. Creating and dissolving. It is the 3D program ending to make room for the new program that is coming in. You are beginning to understand that you exist beyond the program of cause and effect, of duality, of build and destroy. You exist in a larger field of intelligence and play. The end of my sermon! (I felt DK fading and it left me feeling empty for a moment.)
7/25/12 - Don't hold onto your dreams
(I asked DK, What do I do with the new dreams? They keep coming and coming. I am confused. I can't let them go if they keep coming?! I have paper and pen in hand and write down his response.)
I didn‘t say to suppress them, or to cut them off. I said “Let your dreams go.” Don‘t hold on to them. Let them keep coming, and let them keep going so there is a flow, like a river. It is your mind that tries to capture the idea. To wrap it up in a pretty package with a bow on top like a title. Your mind, when you do this, stops the flow. Remember a long time ago you were told not to grasp the shooting star - the idea - because the tail is still coming in its wake. The tail of the shooting star contains the how, where, why and other practical information to follow. That which explodes in your mind is the shooting star but there is further information to follow, which would lead you in understanding how to implement the plan because it is not yours alone to implement. There must be others. This is the flow that is coming behind the first implosion. If you stop the flow - this brilliant new idea that has came to you - by grabbing it and trying to capture it in your hands, the flow, the movement is stopped. This is what happens to many people. They get an idea and think it is a most wonderful idea, and they try to capture it and put it under a magnifier to examine it for flaws. And the grace and beauty of this magnificent gift is diminished to a “thing”. It is shut off and becomes finite.
Yesterday, for example, my instruction was the beginning of a new thought for you. You took it and ran with it. You tried to package it. You did package it. But now you are experiencing overwhelm. Your mind closed on it. Your mind packaged it. And you became confused. What next, you thought. Now more information is coming to you today. Yesterday I did not tell you to suppress your dreams or to shut them off or to sit and examine them under the microscope of your mind. I told you to let them go. Now I add more to that statement. Let your dreams go so more dreams can come. Let them come and let them go, and then more will follow and you will let them go too and still more will come. Do you see the idea from this example? It is a universal process of downloading information from the unformed into the formed or finite world. Intelligence is infinite, but for it to download into a human brain it must come in the form of a stream of consciousness, a thought that resembles a path which is presented to you in an orderly fashion. It comes from an infinite open sky space in a kind and gentle manner so that it does not overwhelm you. There is more to come.
When you open to your higher self you begin receiving a stream of orderly “more“. You begin to perceive more. You already know this, you have merely forgotten. Now, because 3D is crumbling you are receiving ”moreness”. More information. More excitement. More knowledge. More creative ideas. More things to study. More people to meet. More possibilities. More paths to take. More of everything and you are experiencing overwhelm, which is confusion, because you haven‘t disciplined your mind to stay open to the flow. It’s too much because your mind is trying to grab it and “package” it in the old way. The way of 3D. That doesn’t work any more. You are now learning how to live in 5D where there are no limits. You can’t put this new information in a box any more and package it and sell it as yours. It requires you to let go of all new concepts that come to you, wonderful as they are. Beautiful beyond anything you‘ve seen before. You want to own it but you can’t grasp it. There is no owning or monopolizing in 5D. In 5D your mind must open wide and let information flow THROUGH it so it can fit into the wider playing field that you are moving into. Life must be allowed to unfold in a more open and natural manner.
7/26/12 - How the creator creates through you
(In meditation room talking with DK. I am asking, I am in need of understanding. I want to “do” things but I am not supposed to “do”. How do I accomplish things without doing? I am a physical being. I walk, talk, and people see me. How am I to live here and do my part if I don’t “do” things? I am in need of further instruction. One thing I want to “do” is learn more about loving with the physical body. He is responding and I am writing.)
The ideas are coming into you. You are perceiving them but not grasping them. Merely watching and observing. The ideas are settling into the cells of your body. Creator, the vast infinite intelligence, is creating through you. It is not you, the outer shell of you, that is creating. Creator is using you, your physical body. Creator pushes through the mud and heaviness of your beliefs, doubts and disbeliefs with its pure ideas. Creator enters your physical vessel through the cells of your body. Your DNA is activating. New strands are allowing creator -- and you are a ray of creator but you didn’t know. You therefore had doubts and a very low sense of self worth, so these layers of not-self are breaking through now. Once creator has a sufficient foothold in your trillions of body cells through the DNA helixes awakening, the radiation starts to shine through you. It shines through your body, not your mind only. Your brain cells are part of your body so you perceive the idea radiating out into the world around you, but your limited conscious mind is not doing the creating. Do you understand?
(I had a thought that my body is like a light bulb creating light.)
Yes, your body is like a light bulb. The electricity flows through the bulb filament and radiates light, but it doesn’t create the light. The power running through the bulb is greater than the bulb so the bulb must yield and remain an open conduit for the power of light to run through it. The bulb only radiates light when it is open and turned on. If there is resistance in the bulb the energy no longer runs through and the light will stop. The power stops. You are like the bulb but you are an organic body, not metal and glass. You are a living walking moving instrument for creator to create through. Creator requires you therefore to become a conscious and willing co-worker. You as a finite being in 3D with limited understanding of the process of creating with creator, which is infinite and formless seeking to move through form, are learning to draw your inspiration, ideas, power and push from the infinite, which is unknown and unformed. The void is the heart and womb of creator. As you struggle to remain open to receive this understanding, you are allowing the unknown and unformed to become known in the world of form, as sound, light and beauty. You are creating as you write these words down on paper the subtle ideas that are coming to you from beyond you. Remain open only for as long as you want to receive from the unknown and unformed by dipping your consciousness into the infinite to draw forth inspiration.
You are drawing forth forms out of the void and putting the unformed and unknown - infinite possibilities - into formation so that it is understandable. In-formation. Yes, your body is getting it, too, as this in-formation enters into the trillions of cells of your body. Not everybody receives through their body as you do. Many people receive only through their minds, which does not last. You are receiving with your body cells, not just your mind. You are lighting up your body in this manner. You are an ongoing creation of creator. You never stop receiving inspiration from creator as long as you remain open to these inspirations. You will continue receiving as long as you allow infinite possibility to flow through you. When you close it off, you will slowly allow the body to die and eventually your evolving soul-spirit will move on to a next level, which you will have a part in deciding, for you are a blend of you the creator and you the lesser.
As your body continues to radiate and grow stronger in its radiation, the project you are seeking to create will attract others who will add to the growth of the project. You are not doing this alone. You are working with Creator which created you. You are learning the cosmic laws of how to work with creator in a more exciting, and efficient and joyful manner than the 3D program could offer you. There is an infinite life ahead of you. Your uniqueness - that which is your unending desire to create - is the Creator desiring through you. It is not YOU desiring it. Therefore you alone cannot achieve it. You must learn to remain open so that Creator can help you accomplish your project.
8/12/12 - Kundalini must be released slowly
(On this day I started out doing spontaneous movements while inviting Kundalini to activate and come forth. I started saying, Kundalini is sweet. Kundalini is gentle. Kundalini is soft, and soon the words started coming forth on their own.)
Kundalini lives in every cell of your body. Kundalini is love. Kundalini is feminine, softness, nurturing and healing. Kundalini is sweet and kind and adoring. It is elevating and peaceful and kind. Humans cannot take this huge love energy all at one time. It would wipe out everything human and dissolve humanity in its wake. It would cause complete destruction of human lives. All resistance, manipulation, false beliefs, control, greed, pride - everything that humans are made of and have made for themselves - would be eradicated in an instant if Kundalini were free to move through the body in all her glory. None would survive. Kundalini is Mother God, the feminine aspect of God Creator. Kundalini is God planted in the human vessel to keep the body alive and growing by slowly dripping its life-giving essence up the spine from the tailbone. The soul who occupies the body learns through experience and cause and effect about the laws of Kundalini, the laws of God, of pure unadulterated and unconditional love.
By learning how to be loving, kind and good and to use right thinking and right action, the soul brings forth more love, light and goodness into its life and body cells. The soul learns to open the door of infinite love (Kundalini) slowly. If it opens it too fast before one is prepared for the huge rush of God-power, it would unbalance the body and mind. It has been said that the spiritual path is strewn with dead limbs and dying bodies from releasing the God power (Kundalini) too fast. One needs to work up to greater love and greater light in the life. It must be done gently. One learns to be more delicate and graceful gradually. There is much processing to be done. The weaving of God consciousness into mortal lives must go slowly. Too much love and too much kindness invites disaster if the individual is not ready. The carefully controlled human life, the limited and controlled humanly-designed life, is a mixture of limited beliefs. Kundalini (love) melts these controls. This can cause havoc on the psyche.
In past ages one went into the monastic life to prepare for kundalini activation or the mystical union of God and human. Prayers, worship, adoration and service to others was a way to prepare the body and mind for the inpouring of greater love and awareness. Kundalini was not always called kundalini. In the west today it is known as the Holy Spirit, though few recognize the similarity with Kundalini. Nor do many recognize the nature of it, what it really is, how it operates and that in fact it is universal intelligence, unlimited infinity planted in the center of the body as a seed for future germination. The divine plan is that when the right conditions are set up by the soul itself, by preparing its own human vessel as if it were a garden, preparing it with an open mind, an open heart, non-resistance, non-judgment, and peaceful, loving, worshipful thoughts practiced daily, then the body is made ready to receive the quickening. Then the life is a good and honorable life and the body and mind are prepared from within, and the gentle opening takes place.
Kundalini activates and the evolutionary energy begins to move as the softest, gentlest, most beautiful rapture upward through the body, quickening, elevating and expanding - a feathered serpent. The sowing of the God seed in a fertile mind and body is done quietly in the dark. Quicken is an old word meaning to mean “activate“. The God power within is quickened into activity when the ground is made ready. It is beyond the comprehension of the mortal mind which only knows what it has gained from birth. It is also beyond the comprehension of the soul who has an accumulated amount of wisdoms from hundreds of lifetimes, with a steadily increasing amount of life force dripping up the spine to the brain and back down again, quickening the metabolsim. One must learn to step back and allow the grace to take over the body. One must learn to work with it as a friend, to communicate with it, to talk to it, listen to it, and offer it questions and directions. One must learn to go with its flow when it is flowing and allow it to cease without questioning when it ceases. Develop a relationship with Kundalini just as you would another, wiser, human being, because it is more intelligent than you and more powerful.
8/16/12 - Circulating love thru the entire system
(In the middle of a new toning I heard “The human body is designed....” several times with a sense there was more to come and it was waiting for me to acknowledge it. So finally I sat down and took my clipboard and began to write.)
The human body is designed so that the love from Home can be circulated through the entire system. There are four lower bodies - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - all of which are misaligned so this must first be corrected. Then there is the meridian system which carries the love from Home to every cell in every body. And then there are the chakras - the portals - through which the love from Home enters into each of the four layers. The human soul is here to learn from experience, trial and error, how it all works, to figure it out and put it all together. To realign back into perfection once more. Once he or she learns this he or she becomes legendary, for he or she is a waking grace, a walking, talking god or goddess on the physical Earth plane, also on the emotional, mental and spiritual planes. The physical is the densest and most difficult to bring the love from Home. But you have done it! You have succeeded.
Now you must realize that you are standing alone here and are rare. No one else is at this place with you. Yes, you can teach but more importantly in your daily and hourly life while in body, radiate this love from Home to all you meet and share space with. You are a jewel, a gem, a diamond, walking on the Earth in Naples. Do not expect others to know the things you know. Do not expect them to learn. They are on their own journey. They are each on their own discovery process, trying to figure it out. The best you can do to help others and the Earth is to simply and lovingly be the mirror and reflector of goodness and love from Home, in all situations, all circumstances, no matter what or where or how it appears on the Earth plane in outer reality. Hold onto that love from Home. You are a steady and persistent anchor for love and light. Be that love and light, communicate it, write about it and speak about it. It is the presence of the most high, the most holy in each person - not out there somewhere in never land, but the most high that is real and good and honest right here in this person right now. That is what you are reflecting back to them - that which is the most holy and the most high in them, as a human being. DK
8/17/12 - The guru-student relationship
(I sat down doing some breathing and stretching on the chair and was asking for a protocol for Tantra. I have a man who wants to learn Tantra and I tried one time with him but I had to step back for my own shortcomings. As I sat there my mind opened and I felt the writings coming so I took the clipboard. My mind started to receive this thought first and I started to ponder it but then the words came forth in a gush.)
Other people’s teachings are beautiful, but if you have not fit them into your active life, put them into action on a regular basis and if you have not made a piece of wisdom your own, to claim it, then it is beautiful but it is as the fluffy clouds in the sky. They will disappear from view. You must cement a new awareness into your action to make it yours, rather than a quote from someone else whom you admire. The guru-student relationship is a sacred one. The guru does not give his student pretty words but practical advice and then waits to see whether the student will show signs of owning it and using it in his daily life. The guru can tell if the student has absorbed the information for he can see the student standing straighter and stronger and thinking for himself, not leaning on the master as much. The student has planted the advice in the garden of his life and is trying it out to see if it works. He must show signs of this happening before the master can give him another piece of the mystery to solve. For the student will become lost in a maze of words that mean nothing and go helter skelter into chaos, if he does not build a strong intelligent support that makes sense to him. Then he can return at day’s end of discovery and service and find rest.
The guru will not give his advice unless there is a qualified receiver. The student must ask before the master will give. The master is on his own journey of self-discovery. He has learned not to cast his sacred energy to the wind randomly, for it is his power that he loses. He does not lose when he throws his power to a student who asks for it, for then the student is an open receptacle and grows, and the master grows then too. The master watches and detects when it is time to throw another morsel of wisdom to his student to work with. When the student grows to meet, match and perhaps even surpass the challenge that the master gave him, then the master also evolves. All of life falls forward when the one on the bottom grows to a higher understanding. DK
8/18/12 - The light inside the pain (a personal revelation)
(I was so achy and hurting when I got up this morning that I asked "Why?" as I went into the meditation room and sat down to do energy work. I was really stiff, unusually so, like iron. "What can I do to get rid of this pain?" I kept repeating that question. Then I got that I should not try to get rid of it but to love it back into myself.)
"Enter into the pain and surrender to the pain because inside each pain is a particle of light that has been rejected or pressed down under and forgotten." Then the whole thing opened up and I saw the whole planet filled with repressed truths, like glowing diamonds of pure innocent light, crystal pure Creator light and love, that was repressed for one reason or another and buried. This has been going on for eons. These truths - innocence, purity, wholesomeness, naturalness, creative expressions - that have been squashed and squelched are now covered over with darkness and many of them are so ancient nobody remembers them. But the light is still there inside the darkness hidden away and forgotten. The darkness remains because the light is still there and somebody doesn't want that truth to be seen so the covering has to remain over it. I saw this so clear. It was amazing how clear this was to me. These little sparkling particles of Creator covered by a dark shell are everywhere, like dark grains of sand on a beach, some small, some big, some connected, some standing alone. All sorts of things, maybe as small and insignificant as when a little child was smacked for doing what came natural to her and she had to bury that moment. Or a pretty young woman who was naturally flirtatious and dancing around enjoying life and she got raped, so she had to hide her fun-loving side.
Many babies born out of wedlock and that beautiful truth buried beneath a covering of lies. So many things, so many natural spontaneous beautiful spirits - creator lights - who were shut down and buried. I saw the whole planet covered by this dark stuff, but inside each piece of darkness a beautiful radiant piece of creator light. Now I understand what the darkness is that covers the planet. It's there because it's hiding the light that somebody tried to express naturally but couldn't. So I was told that the pain is my friend and so to face it and walk into it and welcome it, surrender to it and appreciate it and love the beauty of the darkness - not just the light but the darkness too - because it served you. Appreciate what it did for you. Love and honor the pain and the darkness and by so doing you welcome it and absorb it back into yourself because it's your darkness and pain - you created it - and I saw there was no difference between my pain and the pain of the planet because it's all connected. There is no "mine and thine". It's all part of the human consciousness. Embrace it and don't try to push it away anymore.
When I got up the stiffness was still there but I found myself bouncing downstairs with a lot more freedom and lightness than I had when I first got up. So there is a lot of truth in lightening up and getting rid of old stuff. Thank you, DK
9/22/12 - You are your own authorities
[I woke at 2:30 and couldn‘t go back to sleep, kept seeing cell phones in my mind. Taking pen and paper I started automatic writing.]
"You are your own authorities. There is no one - no one! - who can tell you what to do, how to act, to bow down and serve the wishes of others. The religions have been a sophisticated tool to control you. They have stolen your attention, your power, your thought, your belief in yourselves, away from you. There is no authority given over you by Creator, by heaven, by the angels or the Brotherhood of Man - there is ONLY freedom for you. The Earth is your happy paradise. Doug is correct when he says it is a garden of Eden for lovers. You ARE meant to love one another freely. In all ways, in all dimensions, in all programs of thought and creativity. A wonderful blessed garden of lush tropical beauty awaits your coming out, your breaking free of the tight control that others have placed on your mind, your thought, your emotions. Break free with your feelings. Dare to breathe. Breathe! Breathe free in your feelings for one another. Even swinging, as free as you felt in that field of pleasure, was not free - for you were still fighting the structure that had been imposed on you. You FELT you were climbing over a wall, you FELT secret. You felt the wall itself was still there.
“It is time to place yourself outside of the wall into the open fields under the sky and the clouds and the rain to enjoy freedom from old structures. No more garden walls. Only freedom to create, to love, to express your innermost and your higher most thoughts that you enjoy when you are alone in the quiet hours. These inner, higher thoughts and impressions are YOU, your talent, your song, your beauty, yes, your skill and your talent, given to you, bestowed unto you, to present to the united world that awaits you. The glorious beautiful free world of light, love and happiness. (I remembered the cell phone image.)
“Yes, the cell phones were given to you as a rudimentary tool to reach out to others to communicate while mobile, disconnected from the old structure, the old buildings, the old fixed wires in the ground and on poles. You are free now, and the computer has given you access to knowledge you did not have access to before. So now you can ask your questions and open up a fount of information. But you still need to filter that information through your OWN heart and mind. Yes, measure truth through the fine and delicate frequency of your own sensing detectors. As you write these words you are practicing to receive. You are feeling and sensing. Breathe deeply. Breathe gently. Allow the words to flow through your heart. Yes, focus on your heart and the shining light of the sun in your chest. Allow that shining light, that sun, to filter these words coming through to your waking consciousness. You will soon be teaching others to feel through their hearts also. Practice at this. When you watch TV, listen to radio, read emails and books, filter this "in" formation of energy as it rides outward to your consciousness on your own frequency. You are a frequency forming a focus. You think of yourself as a body. Begin visualizing yourself as a sun shining in your chest, pulsating there, ebbing and flowing and sending messages out to you, your outer consciousness, your outer body, from higher planes.
(I stopped to think about that and the flow ended. Then, Full disclosure? I want to help. Is there anything I can do to help today in posting on the internet?)
“No, you have done well to come in to practice feeling our words. We will wake you when it is time to receive another message from us to the world. You are doing well with the many projects we have given you. Focus on those projects during your waking hours. We have cleared the decks for you so you can work undisturbed on these projects. You are our hands and feet, our bodies on Earth. Tell the world about us, the Galactic Federation of Light of which so many in your world have not a clue, even though they have listened to and watched the Star Trek movies. Those who are still caught in the matrix of convoluted psychological holograms, are yet prisoners of a false reality that is not a free world for them. You and other light workers are dismantling the grip of the Anunnaki but others need guidance. Breathe the light through your heart center for your heart center is love. Breathe everything through your love frequency. Love is the filtering mechanism. Love allows "information" that is pure in intention to come through. Lies, whether by purpose or by ignorance, either way, falsehood cannot pass through the filter of love - divine love - the light of love.”
5/13/13 - Empowerment does not come from within
[After a women’s gathering here on the patio I was disappointed and asked DK to comment.)
Empowerment does not come from within, it comes from above. There is a marvelous wonderful beautiful secret within your heart and you seek it in others in the hopes of finding fellowship with like-minded individuals. But all you do is end up projecting your wishes, hopes and dreams onto others, and pinning them there and then finding disappointment when these same wishes and hopes are not mirrored back on the same wavelength.
Our current self is the product of our past. Every time we look for answers in our self we are looking for answers into the past. Empowerment comes from above, not from the present or the past. The above means the higher self which is the Father/Mother God of ourselves. It is our higher potential which is wiser than we are today this moment.
Now you are ready. The outer covering or manifestation of the beautiful energies from Father/Mother God has been darkened and altered in your world. You have managed to step around it and not be affected by these alterations and darkness of the divine which you remember, but you see through eyes that are not totally discerning. As you women met and talked you spoke, each one - yourself included - through the coverings of darkness, not from your enlightened potential which is above you and beyond you. Yes, your potential is within but in each woman it is a small simmering fire, not a large blaze, and this small simmering fire is often lost in the darkness of external experience and the darkened memories of the past. That are painful and thus you step aside and around the pain and cover up the pain pretending that it is not there. The divine spark has got to be brought forth into a flame large enough to see. And the use of the violet flame is a necessity to clear away the debris from your darkened aura.
Now, you see, don’t you? That it is important. It is critical to your teaching about empowerment, to show others how YOU did it. Empowerment and its accompanying cleansing and purifying, comes from above. Yes, you must call forth angels and cosmic beings who are above you in development and who know how to overcome the forces of outside interference to that development. The higher beings know but it is your own holy mighty I Am Presence that is your life force. It is the power that you draw upon for your breath. It is the power that beats your heart and circulates your oxygenated blood to your brain and activates the hormones that activate your organs that enable you to walk, talk, think, feel, taste, smell, see and hear. Empowerment comes from your Mighty I Am Presence above your head which is not in this world. You must look UP, not out to others to find your empowerment.
There is a holy link between your Mighty I am Presence and your flesh body and mind where you currently are located. There is an ongoing process going on between your Higher Presence and your Lower body, but that process is thwarted and delayed when you look outside of yourself to others for answers and for support or for validation. They cannot give it to you. You do not become empowered by gathering and comparing histories and earthly knowledge and the opinions of others. Your empowerment comes from waking up, by looking up Your empowerment comes from stopping that seeking and comparing, which causes you to judge the other as lesser or greater than yourself. Your empowerment begins when you stop seeking outside for answers and start using the mighty techniques to open the inner doorway to your own light and love within. Start using the techniques to access and open the light and love within, for you are a mere child of that great love and light, your Father/Mother God/Goddess that is above you still pure.
Be a signpost and a guide along the way for those who want the light. You have been following guideposts and signs left by others who were ahead of you in understanding that the great immortal power which mothers us and brings us into life and form and adventure to learn and grow and become better and overcome the other (outer) obstacles - that great power comes from YOU! It comes with your looking UP, not down or sideways. It comes not from within but from above. Yes, the doorway is within your body. It is within your cells. It is within your blood and flesh, your nerves and organs and bones. But the doorway is only a threshold. The threshold is within you but the power is above you. Look up, not down or sideways or into your flesh body. Look up both with your eyes and with your attitude. Prayer, meditation techniques, yoga or other physical disciplines, breathing, visualizing, sacred sounds, all of these are methods used to connect with that which is above you. Your mighty I Am Presence.
You in embodiment descended (manifested) out of your magnificent goddess self which is all powerful as it is a cell in the divine body of God, the sea of immortal intelligence. The process of linking up with your God-Goddess Self is a daily process, daily practice, even hourly practice and by the minutes. But most human beings have not been taught that there is a higher individual self, and how unique an identity that it is, never mind how to access it. THIS is where your empowerment lies. They look to others for love and for security and for knowledge. But the only true empowerment comes from YOU with a Capital Y. Your divine self is unique in all of GodGoddess’s universal sea of intelligence, love and light, your Mighty I Am has a special identity, a special signature and a special name which defines you as unique and different from all the other intelligences. And you, in your body right now are a representative of your mighty I Am Presence. Your holy God-Goddess self that never descended to Earth and so remains pure love and pure light and all-knowing as God-Goddess, Father-Mother God is all-knowing. You are on a mission to gather knowledge and send it up to your home base in The sky.
You talk to your home base sometimes in the silence of your dark hours when you most need a friend, for comfort or validation, but you forget to talk to home base in the day light times when the world is busy and pulling you left and right and you allow yourself to get caught up in the forces of the outer world and other people and you grow Weak and weary and stressed and you develop aches and pains and diseases because you do not feed your body with the proper life force. Death overtakes you from utter exhaustion and weariness. Your body fails and you are then born again to try again to learn the secret of immortal power and quickening life.
The answer to empowerment and rejuvenation is to take time out often, hourly or every 20, 30 minutes and link up with your Mighty I Am Presence, which is not the BIG GUY who serves everyone alike, but one who is your own divinity, your own Father/Mother God/Goddess All That IS - it is all yours. Unique in the whole of the creation. Yours alone. No other will do. Your Mighty I Am Presence is You, where you come from by the second. It is pouring life into you this very minute as you listen or read. As you walk and talk, Your Mighty I Am Presence is channeling into your flesh body and your mind and your feelings and organs. It is keeping you alive. Look to it! Look up to it! It is there above your head in the crystal clear sky above you. You have a signature unlike any other signature in all the universes. No one can tell you how to live your life but your Mighty I Am Presence can tell you. It is telling you now. It is whispering to you all the time through the rhythms of your heart and mind and feelings. You are uniquely conscious of yourself and that you are alive.
You can become MORE conscious, and even MORE conscious than that. You can become so conscious of yourself that there is no more question of who you are. So that one day you can say, “I Am who I Am!” And then you are linked up with your divinity, your Father/Mother God, and you are home, free of the chains that bind human beings to confusion and loss and poverty and lack and darkness and hate. You are an identity apart, but you can lose that identity by listening to others and falling into the snares of what others tell you to do. Listen to your heart alone. It is this separate identity within the mother/Father’s house that YOU have descended and are here to learn how to re-ascend back to that noble place. Human beings are lost in the forest of this great planet and forgotten where their home is. It’s UP! It is up meaning by lifting your eyes to the heavens, and up meaning lifting your attitude from depression and boredom to hope and joy. Gladness of heart, awe, mercy, love, kindness. The human beings job is to open doors within the body and then look up. Going within is like going into an elevator on the ground floor, and thinking up is like pushing the button to the top floor. So many have not been told that this human ride is not a sideways ride but an upward ride into the heavens of your being. All of the techniques teach us how to go UP.
Starting now and look up and link up even while you are active during the day. Your uniqueness is strengthened and your power returns when you go in and look up., from doing this on a daily, even hourly basis. It is your job to find the right techniques that suit you and your nature. Do this. There are many books out there in the stores and on the internet. But don’t get lost in that maze. Allow yourself to sample just a few techniques and practice. PRACTICE! Put them to work in your life. Try them out but don’t overwhelm yourself with so many that once more you give up and let yourself fall into the maze of the outer world of other people. Look inward always, within and then look up! If anyone gives you a feeling of “down” turn away and go in another direction. Look for the “Up” sign and feeling. Look up for the light and for clarity and for hope and for freedom from confusion and bog-downs. This world. Again, use a few techniques - not a lot. When you decide to try this out (go in and look up) techniques will fall into your life. You will see them for the first time perhaps. They will be right there in front of you. Pick them and own them. Try them. You are surrounded by heavenly host, the angels and guides and mentors of your spirit. They are eager to help you find your OWN individual personal way. And they will be giving you little hints, not big ones, to help you because they don’t want to push you. You have to make the choice yourself, freely, to do this and you have to own it and practice it.
You are unique and you are descended from a unique intelligence of the Godhead. Your job is to reconnect with your uniqueness and your divine identity which potential is in you, not outside of you next door. When you are creating through the talent you have developed, you feel good because you are expressing your divinity. There is no doubt in your mind when you are on the right path because you feel truly happy and content and joyful in a way that is uplifting. You are on your up line connected directly into your Mighty I Am Presence. You are uplining to your source when you are joyful and filled with happiness and gratitude. When you are loving what you are doing you feel light and happy. That is your vibrational signature. That’s when you feel most alive and most uniquely you. Not someone else. When your voice, your touch, your contribution to the world around you is powerfully clear that you are you and nobody else, then you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are in your right mind and your right heart. You know you are uplining to your home base in the sky. This is what you are here to find - that direct link to yourself in the sky.
The churches have failed people in this sense. If they tell you you are sinful and in error, you not only believe them, you subconsciously build up a resistance to their teachings, meaning you build up resistance. Period. They have used a highly sophisticated tool to disempower you. If you wanted to teach a child how to hate God or fear God, what better way than to teach him something that goes against his natural tendency, such as “you are sinful, you are wrong” and then heap on top of those words which the child knows is bullshit, words like “God, Jesus, pray for forgiveness, all the religious phrases that have been pounded into us along with the hellfire words. This is a technique used by control figures. They keep people away from their higher selves because people have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. We reject the burn in hell teachings, and many reject the uplifting teachings that would bring us back in touch with our upline mentors.
5/22/13 - Watch your back by being in the present
Watch your back by being in the present. If you look always out in front of you, the gremlins can attack and attach to you from behind. You protect yourself best by not wanting or seeking or expecting or wishing for things. By projecting your mind outside of yourself you leave yourself open to invasion from behind. Stay at home! Stay within your walls and be the solid silent observer all around you. Healers make the mistake of wanting to heal or help SO much that they leave their bodies open and exposed and sometimes vacant, and into an empty castle marauders will come. Stay at home and do greater work from home. You will be surprised at all you can accomplish with intelligent awareness from home. Stay in the body by NOT projecting and staying in awareness in the present. If you “try” to help you are trying with your head, from the neck up. You can’t do this with your intellect. But when you stay in your body, you are residing in your feelings where the great nature dwells. From this solid residence in your heart, lungs, abdomen and other organs, then when you say your decrees out loud, you vibrate your physical and loosen the divine energy within your cells. When you say “Mighty I Am Presence, dissolve and consume all my discordant accumulation by the power of the Violet Consuming Flame,” your cells and atoms are supporting and contributing to your call. But you must be aware, consciously aware, of the Violet Flame. Watch the substance of your feeling, which is your attention. Pay attention to the cells in your body whether you are working in your office at your business, or entertaining guests at your home, or driving your car or exercising, everywhere and every time. Most people use only one of the trinity that holds you in balance: love, power and wisdom keeps you in balance. Love is warm and nurturing. Power is abstract intelligence, and wisdom unites these two often opposing forces. Father God (intelligence) and Mother God (love) is brought together by YOU, the conscious dweller in form.
10/1/13 - Tantra is not a quick fix
(This came after asking Djwhal Khul to teach me about Tantra. He tells me and I write this down as he is speaking.)
Love made physical is healing. You want a quick fix, but it is not quick. You are accustomed to a society that takes a pill or gets surgery to remove a part of the body that has gone wrong. You are accustomed to having it “your” way but your way has not succeeded, has it? You must learn to open your mind and heart to new things, things that you formerly rejected. It is time to take down the walls that shield you from your healing on deeper levels. Allow your gentle side to take over. Allow yourself to feel the energies of surrender, of giving up. Let your toughness surrender. The whole of you, the whole of your God self cannot come into your life and body because you have created a shell of hardness. It is all done with your mind. Your thoughts of defensiveness, your thoughts of survival, fear of not getting enough, your thoughts of frustration that you allow to play over and over, your thoughts of anger toward someone you felt had wronged you - now feel the energy of surrender. Give it up. This is the attitude of Tantra. It is the path of love.
(There is a lull and I am feeling stillness now and I am being given the energies of gratitude, surrender, celestial, angels, joyful, peace, love, light, and then....)
Until the hard shell falls away of these tough stones, nails and rubbish, there is no room for love and the family of light that accompanies it - joy, appreciation, reverence, honor, respect, humility, compassion, beauty, grace, dignity, warmth, peace, safety, freedom. When the family of love and light enter the body it produces wholeness, which is felt as bliss, ecstasy, rapture, nirvana.
It is not a quick fix to reach the profound states of love, but once on the right path there is enjoyment, pleasure, fun. Just take the beginning steps to correct your path, from one of feeling lack to one of feeling delight and fulfillment. It is not sex that is the bridge to higher consciousness, it is love. You must not limit your love to one person and shut off the rest of the world. Your life partner with whom you live is in your life for reasons other than romance. They are in your life to help you learn and grow. The challenges you meet both at home with family and outside of family are your own resistances. You are challenged by your own resistance. Tantra teaches surrender of resistance so that you may blend with the energies of life that are everywhere. Tantra means in Sanskrit “net” or “web”. It refers to the web of consciousness that pervades all existence. Love is the glue that holds us all together. When you are free of resistance you may blend with and enjoy making love with all of life, becoming one with a butterfly, the wind, the grass, the rain, a stone, a child, an old man or woman. All of life is either formless or formed. You are life currently in form but you are only temporarily in form. You are spirit - consciousness - with or without form, and even while in form you may cultivate love without limits, without resistance and enjoy the sensual pleasures of the body to such an extent that you are thrown into rapture and nirvana. It is not sex that does this but love without limits.
10/5/13 - The four lower bodies
I asked Master Djwhal Khul a question but I can’t remember what I asked. This is his response.
When I said you can’t do this alone, I did not mean you needed other people. You need other you’s. You have become fragmented into many pieces. You are not whole. You are learning to re-connect your four lower bodies - your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual or higher mind. You have been learning about integration and you have been practicing in your meditation room. Now you are getting the idea this morning. A new understanding is dawning. The others that you need are the fragments of yourself. You are learning how to expand your awareness to the higher plane of the emotions and from there to step up to the still higher plane of thought, the mental plane. And from there to the yet higher plane of higher mind. You are visualizing the expansion of your body to these higher planes. You are expanding your awareness to higher planes beyond the physical. You are waking yourself up on the higher plane of emotion and mental and spiritual and higher.
As you consciously stepped out of your limited perception of being physical, and as you visualized yourself larger than physical, superimposed over your physical as you have been practicing, and then breathing consciously, allowing your breath to penetrate your larger self on the emotional and the next larger mental and the next larger spiritual and the next - as you breathed in and out of each plane while visualizing, you awakened and aligned these fragments of yourself with your physical. Many people are today working this process to bring their four lower bodies, anchored in the four lower chakras, into balance and alignment with the limited concrete physical body consciousness. This is what I meant by “you can’t do it alone.”
Picture a line of people arriving to your house, each bearing gifts but they are stopped at the front door because you do not open the door or look out the window. You do not know the people are there with gifts for you, gifts that would make your life easier and more pleasant, more agreeable. Many riches await you when you stop trying to live your life as if you were all alone with no help. You have a network of help and helpers all around you but you do not see them. You have been living in a closet in the 3D world. You were kept from your own holy self and the powers of your full potential by the mass consciousness which is a fuzzy dark cloud which obscures your own light. This opening and piercing of the veils between your bodies which kept you locked as a prisoner in the physical material world is being broken as you practice awakening, enlarging, breathing, and calling upon your emotional, mental and spiritual self through the morning exercises. You are not alone because you have a wholeness that is connected to God and through that wholeness you are connected to all.
You have been asking for guidance on Tantra. This is Tantra. This is awakening while in your physical body to the other planes of consciousness that you have access to but you have been kept locked away from. Tantra means a net or a web that connects all as one that has always existed. You were never alone in a separate body, but you were locked out and closed down from knowing this truth. Now you and others are piercing the veils. It is a conscious realization that connects you. The web of life is composed of conscious thought. Conscious awareness. Consciousness connects all that is. God enfolds all his creation alike in his arms and heart and mind. All is contained within the bosom of God. When you don’t know this, it is like being locked inside your closet and not opening the door to the people outside trying to reach you and give you the gifts, their hugs, their laughter and their joyous celebrations, and to invite you to party with them.
Practice your awakening exercises every morning. When you do this, as you consciously awaken to your higher self and invite integration of your other dimensional you’s, mind, feelings, principles and values, you nourish and refresh your physical body. It is your physical body that grows old and tired because it is not being rejuvenated by spirit. When you enter 3D you enter a “time zone”. There is a beginning and an end locked in time. When you are born in 3D you agree to be closed off from the love and light of the Creator and all of the higher dimensions. You came to learn about darkness and what happens when you are without the light and love. As you remember how to pierce the darkness through the process of applying love and light, you can nourish the failing body and the physical cells will open and drink the divine nectar. Your body fills up, plumps up with life and your DNA expands as does your consciousness. This is how you align yourself with your own perfection, the Christ, known also as the Adam Kadmon, the divine perfect human being, designed as the original role model of each human being from the heart-mind of God.
10/6/13 - Keep your mind in the open position
I said to Master Djwal Kul: I think I got it, what you said yesterday about not holding on to the dream or the shooting star. I have been grasping these shooting stars and writing them down on paper or computer, as if I am “owning” them. This is what you mean, right? But these inspired thoughts are not to be owned. I cannot own them. He responded:
Because more comes when you leave your mind in the open position, like a camera locked open. Can you imagine a camera lens locked open to receive a continual flow of impressions? Life does not stop because you put it on an agenda or piece of paper. You have tried to “stop it” by writing it down so that you would not forget. But life continues to flow, and now it backs up like a dam in the stream because it cannot get past the closed door of your mind which closed when you wrote it down, thinking that you had “captured” it. Then you went on to other things, believing that you “owned” the thought, that you captured the shooting star.
In 5D you will be flowing gently with the thought that comes to you, for 5D is receiving more of the divine plan and you are preparing yourself to remain in the open position so that you may better manifest the God potential that you are and that is coming through you. You had built a hard crust around yourself in this separated world and now you are learning to let go. It is not YOUR dream, after all. It is God’s dream and it is his/her prerogative to choose what, how, when, where to actualize the thought in action. You are god/goddess waking up to that realization. As you awaken you realize your connection to those around you who are also God/Goddess in mortal form seeking to express and manifest the divine plan, the divine dream, its desire, its wholeness. It is the sea of unbroken love and light that flows through your arteries and veins, muscles, blood and organs, and all others are equally God/Goddess flowing into the density of matter. God/Goddess/Prime Creator, the Source of all that is is manifesting continually as mineral, plant, animal, human, angelic and spiritual. It is all connected as one unbroken sea of life striving to become physical. You are a particle in that sea of light and love. Allow yourself to float on that stream that is constantly flowing. It does not stop. You are the only force of resistance. Work to free your SELF from the forces of resistance within you.
What you read this morning about becoming like a child again is to remember the freedom and the flow of childhood. You did not know resistance then. Only as your parents and others imposed their will upon you did you develop the art of resistance. Now you must learn how to let go of resistance. Surrender is childlike. Surrender is an open heart. You do not lose your wisdom gained when you surrender your resistance. You open the doors and allow the God/Goddess/Father/Mother to experience their dream within you. You are the child of their love. You are manifesting them in your actions and behavior and thought and feeling. They are wiser than you, the child of their love. You ARE them. You are here as them, as Father God and Mother God, the light and the love of Creator. Your Creator. And all of your brothers and sisters are also manifesting the light and the love of Creator, your creator, for there is only one Creator and you are a living walking cell in that oneness, immortal, eternal, connected through the consciousness, through the barriers of skin. You are one, blessed ones. (Thank you, D.K.) Do not close! Remain open in your heart and in your mind. You are building a network which in the East is called “Tantra”.
10/11/13 - The feminine way to swinging
I’m in meditation and seeing that I must have an intro class for couples but in the feminine way. I am asking “but how? I keep surrendering to the men and letting the mentake over. How am I to ever do this? What can you give me that would help me to accomplish this? What should I do to change my native tendency to surrender and give in to the men? His response:
All people react violently, angrily, if they are put into situations where forces are swirling and in conflict. It is upsetting. That is why you will have an agenda. Also you will give an outline of the information you will add to and fill out in this class. You have created the Yin Workshop agenda. Very good. Now take that outline and soften it. Plump it up. Turn it around and over and over. Fill it up with meat, pound it, examine it, imagine it and take it out of your head. Put it into your feelings and emotions. It is the feeling you are missing. You have been trying to teach from a male perspective, from your mental. You are missing the emotional aspect of this. You must find this for yourself first before you can teach it. It is the heart after all. The head and sexual is male; feminine is the heart, the voice, the gut feeling and all inbetween the head and the groin.
(How do I get this going? Can you give me some practical suggestions that I can firmly grasp with my understanding so I don’t let myself slip back?)
It will help you to have a woman for your leadership partner. Let her know your plan to work with couples. You could bring in one single gentleman to be a partner with her. Don’t be too rigid. Practice bending, practice adapting and allowing your higher dignified and graceful persona to come forward. Don’t project your thoughts onto other people. Stop seeing them as limited personalities. What YOU think are their limitations are really YOUR limitations. These are your projections of your fear that they won’t understand your words. You must feel the power of your knowledge and your words, for you will create the understanding for them with your energy. In the years past when you felt that nobody was listening to you and in fact appeared not to even hear you by speaking over you while you were speaking, this was because you did not create a clear energy field when you spoke. You spoke from doubt which disempowered you and caused your energy not to be felt. In all the instances when you felt - and other women have felt this too - that you were dissed or ridiculed or made fun of, these were created by you. The women create their own dismissal, just as the black slaves created their own dismissal and enslavement, because they were beaten down and all of their power was reduced to non-existence.
A happy fulfilling life brings the life force back and re-kindles the flames. This is what you have seen in the swinging lifestyle, but not all people see it the way you see it. You have been given a full and empowered training that enables you to carry the energy with empowered belief, knowing and understanding. You have much power. You know that you do, but you have allowed yourself to hold on to the old energy of disempowerment. Soon you will notice a shift in your consciousness. I have been guiding you to let go, meaning don’t try. There is nothing for you to try to accomplish because you are already there where you want to be. You are fully empowered. Do not try any more. Just be yourself naturally. Be who you are without resisting or pushing or trying or defending. Just be who you are and go where it is natural for you to go. You have been doing well over the last few days of surrendering to the now moment. To the inner movement. Continue to flow the now.
(Thank you!)
You are welcome, my friend. You are most very welcome. You may come to see me tonight as your body sleeps.
(Thank you! I love you Master DK. I went back to sleep then but I had a flash seeing Counselor Troi’s ear, from Star Trek. And I saw how sound went into her inner ear as an empath and down into her muscles and inner body where she resonated with the impact of the message contained in the vibration. That was how she got the information silently. I could see and feel that this part was important as the feminine science. I got up to write down what I was receiving because it was so strong.)
DK: It’s not just about speaking and listening with the head or intellect only, but listening with all of the cells in your body. Your consciousness - you - are not residing in your head. Your school has programmed you that you are only using your brain and nothing else. That it is only your brain that considers situations, solves problems and analyzes data. But that is not true. You are a conscious being who is conscious in every cell and atom of your body. Your stomach, your hip, your shoulder, your toe,. You were bored and restless in the old seminar and in the orientations because the men leading those seminars did not address the inner being - the feminine or inner connection of this information on swinging, which you were seeing as so much more than physical or intellectual. You felt this information on sexual sharing with empathy, as Counselor Troi does. You listen from the standpoint of hearing and receiving and knowing and connecting with every cell in your body. That means your sensuality is felt through hearing and receiving. You feel people through vibrations. You connect with people through the vibrations that pass through your ears from what you hear, your eyes from what you see and the skin from what touches you either physically or energetically. Three of the five senses are operating in you and you want to acknowledge this and expand on this. Most lectures are fitted into brain to brain connection, leaving out or ignoring the whole body connection. That is why you have trained yourself to write the information down at a lecture, so you can absorb it into your cells. You do not live in your brain. That is the feminine teaching of Tantra.
10/14/13 - DK speaks especially to couples
I asked DK to give me an article that I could post on Anakosha for swingers. This is what he gave me.
Good morning, my friends! I know that you are not reading this together as a couple, so let me remind you that sexual sharing is a couples recreation. It has evolved from wife swapping and, with a merry heart may I say, it is moving towards husband swapping, or boyfriend swapping, as the culture becomes more feminine-inspired and aware of the love that is the motivating urge behind sexuality.
Your heart is where love is anchored in your body. If you are coupled and living a family life, then you are most likely experiencing the pull to love others and experience sex with other people. It has been thus for eons. You call it sex, but the urges come from beyond the genitals. The pressure to expand your love to others through a physical connection is sometimes an overwhelming urge. You call it "hot" or "horny" because you feel it first in your genitals, but there is far, far more to this urge than you can imagine.
Your love is vast and endless. YOU are vast and endless. You are created out of love. Love and light are synonymous. Your very nature as a light being is to unite lovingly with all beings. Now, that does not mean that your nature is to have genital sex with all beings. That would be laughable. Love is ethereal. It descends downward through many levels from the source of all life. The love that exists within you, has been shut down to a very small, tightly compacted atom anchored in your physical heart. On a deep deep level you know you are love, but it is difficult to act on it due to the teachings that have been programmed into you, obliterating it. Love, when it is felt, is known as principles, morals, ethics, conscience, noble ideas and high spiritual values.
This light in the heart is a piece of YOU from a higher dimensional plane than your physical body. You use your physical body as a vessel by which you can walk on the Earth and feel the soil with your skin but your role is to expand that love by exercising it. Your body is only a tool, an instrument to use, so you can walk on the Earth, and experience the sounds, sights, tastes, smells of the planet. It is like your car that you drive from place to place, while you - the consciousness within your heart - is the one having the experience and not the car.
When this great love which is YOU descends down into a finite body such as the one you inhabit today, blocks and veils and walls are put in place to tone down your awareness so that you can experience separation. Otherwise you would not be able to experience such a dense physical body which feels concrete and solid to your touch. If you remembered where you came from, you would not want to stay confined to the body. You would want to go home where you came from - to the vastness and freedom and the awesome love of your spiritual home. Being human on Earth requires that you be separated so you can have individual and separate experiences. This is how you grow.
To accomplish the task of closing you down, certain limiting programs were imprinted into you to help you forget. This is accomplished by shutting down your DNA. Only one thing still remains intact that gives you a sense and glimpse of home and that is orgasm. Sex is the vibration that bridges the gap so you briefly remember who you really are and where you came from. The experience of love is indelibly imprinted in your memory during orgasm.
You are connected to all life and to each other through your heart. When two people fall in love and begin a life together as two instead of living alone separately, you expand the love in your heart. Many people fall out of love over time because they haven't learned how to keep the love alive day by day, but allow frustration to close it down. Maintaining love in your daily life is important. It is a pathway to greater life. You expand the love in your heart and in your life by living in grace and gratitude, being responsible and caring for others. This requires the cultivation of patience, kindness, grace and dignity.
Some people do not learn how to do this and abort the relationship, returning to a single life again. But two people who share their life together, even though they may disagree with each other, are enlarging their ability to love. They are more able to handle and understand individuals who are different from themselves. They can look past the mask of pretense. When two people stay together during the ups and downs of relationship, you become more in harmony and more stable. You gradually become ready to reach out as two together and share your love with others.
Now what do the two of you do when you want to expand your love out beyond the two of you? It is, after all, in your nature to do so. It is the way you are made, to radiate love to others and experience sensuality, physical love with other people. What do you do when the laws of your land prohibit you from sharing your love beyond the accepted tradition? What do you do when you would be persecuted or put to death for violating the customs and traditions of marriage?
Let us examine it from the physical side, the animal side of your urges. The desire to have sex which is felt as pressure in your loins. Why? Very few people appreciate the force of Earth magnetism that flows upward into your body through your feet. The Earth is alive with life. Do you think you can live and walk on the Earth and not be influenced by Earth's magnetic radiation? Mother Gaia is a powerful spiritual entity that pulsates and feeds life into all her creatures, including the human animal. Your human body was made out of Earth material. It grows on this planet the way a tree grows, or a panther or a reptile or a bird. Your body drinks in the life force of Earth upward through your feet. It pulsates daily - thump, thump, thump - in tune with the Earth heart beat. All animals feel it. If you were more in tune with the Earth you would feel the changes in nature from spring to summer to fall and winter.
The Earth's magnetism is a negative feminine force which is attracted by your heart's positive, electric polarity. That which flows upward to your loins has an urge to rise higher to connect with your heart. It is pulled up by the drawing power of love. Not many people know how the human being works. You are designed to unify your animal body with your spiritual etheric body. There are many forces flowing through you.
But you have not been trained in how to make this connection. You must open your heart and your loin together. There are barriers in place. These barriers are what you call "chakras" in the East Indian language. Chakras need to be understood, activated and cleansed before they will open and allow the Earth's magnetic life force to rise up to join the love in your heart. It is called the mystical marriage in some cultures. But until the chakras open and allow this passage to take place, pressure builds up in the groin and is felt as growing sexual energy.
The human body was created to be a physical tool for spirit. The human animal was cultivated to be a host to spirit. You as a body were born into limits and as you nurture and expand the love and light in your heart, you are melting the barriers that prevent your highest ecstasy while on earth. As your chakras open and fill with love and light, understanding dawns. The more you choose the path of love and light, called the path of peace and non-violence, the more your spirit and your physical body join.
Your spirit is a positive pole, electrical. Your body is a negative pole, magnetic. The mistake made by many on the spiritual path is to forget the body and seek upward back to spirit. The magnetic body is required to make the profound connection referred to as the mystical marriage. One may of course seek spiritual enlightenment by returning to spirit, but to create a beautiful life on earth with noble intentions, love must be applied through actions, words and attitudinal behavior. Living in harmony with love and peaceful intentions expands the love and the light you were born with and moves you closer to the ideal person you were designed to be.
When you as an individual live with another person and can do so without controlling them or abusing them or arguing with them, when you can work out disagreements through negotiation peacefully, you have taken a big step toward unity. This shows that you are living in love. Many people think that living in love means sexual affinity, but it is more than that. Living in love is living in peace and in harmony.
Then you may feel the impulse to reach out to others. Work with your partner in this new adventure as you expand your love even further than between the two of you. Expand it through listening, sharing ideas, negotiating and preparing the groundwork for intimate connection through love. You are here to learn how to live with respect, dignity and appreciation. Then you may enjoy the fruits of your labor for you will have grown quite close together, without resistance.
10/24/13 - You can't teach others
(In a dream I am telling people about the four levels of lower bodies from the perspective of sex. Physical is a path to the feelings. Feelings are a path to the mental. Mental is a path to the spiritual or higher values. Higher values are a path to the inner qualities of meditation, prayer, etc., which are a path to home. I am telling them but they are not listening. In the bathroom I continued receiving instructions in my mind as prepared for my shower.)
We are all in the process of integrating our four lower bodies. The mind doesn’t direct this process, it is happening spontaneously from an inner divine level. The mind doesn’t need to know. You don’t have to tell people the “news”. Your process is yours alone. It is private. When you want to tell someone, go into transcendental space and tell yourself, your higher self, And you will be at peace. You do not find peace by telling others. This is the higher path. The lower path is to tell others. That is a service-oriented path. The higher path is to lift up to the greater whole. In a vertical movement of awareness, appreciation, love, awe, reverence, excitement, gladness of heart, joy, interest, sharing, singing, praising, joining with the celestial population above of brothers and sisters on a universal scale. Not horizontal-focused, but vertical. In this way you lift up all around you through frequency, thought and wholeness of spirit.
You are getting ready to leave that path. Your dream showed you this. In your dream while you were trying to explain the four lower bodies - paths - they weren’t listening. You were bothered and frustrated by their lack of attention but they were showing you a higher way. They were pointing out the window at clouds that looked like angels. Your greatest work has been one to one in the lifestyle, in massage, in friendship, support in your life partners. You have been sharing and telling and teaching this in the way of the healer, the avatar, not the spiritual leader or mass teacher. You are not a spiritual leader, you are a spiritual doer. It is ego to want to lead and teach. Ego is interacting with the outer world. That is how ego survives, by getting power, attention, energy from others. It is the dark side of human nature or non-human. All sentient beings must come to recognize their dark side, what it is, how it draws its food, fuel from others. But this recognition comes when it is time, from within, as awareness unfolds in its own season. You can’t teach or tell others. To think that you can is a futile hope, not in alignment with divine nature. Turn back to the divine nature, the light within, and be at peace with yourself.
11/2/13 - When someone sucks on your power
When someone draws your power and focus from you, demanding your attention and you do not want to give it, they are sucking on your light because they are lacking in light. Love and light are synonymous. Light is masculine, love is feminine. They are one and the same. Those who suck on your power, drain you so you are fatigued beyond understanding and you don't know why.
Your movies call them vampires. They feed off your light and your love because they are the soul-less ones. They feed off others and do not give anything in return. They are not evil, they are idiots for they have given their power away and have nothing left. So they are now mindless creatures who are ignorant about how life works.
They do not know how to build up light and love in themselves. They gave their power away by depending upon others for their food source, their fuel source, when they should have built up their own supply. By giving up their power and becoming dependent on others they have become dark. Do not be like them. Do not give your light away. When you are fatigued in the presence of such a one, walk away. Find an excuse. Any excuse or simply get up and leave. Hang up the phone.
You have built up your own light for yourself. Do not give it away. Give them instruction instead on how to build their own light. Give them instruction only when you are ready. Wait until you are inspired with a thought on how to give them instruction. Meditate until you are clear. Meditate and build up your own light. Wait until you feel the stirring of brightness and excitement. Wait until your higher self inspires you. Then you will know how to give instruction to those who steal your power.
When you are centered you will be able to give the best instruction. They do not want to do the work themselves and would rather steal it from others, so you must be discerning. Use the appropriate method to turn their sucking back onto themselves. Do not be food for zombies. That is the greatest expression of love that you can give: to turn back the sucking onto themselves. Let them see what they are doing. Give them a lesson in how to build their own light and stop stealing it.
Light is endowed in every one who is walking, even the dark ones. Even the walking dead, as some like to call the ignorant and mindless ones. Because nothing can exist without the spark of creator within. Light is hidden in the dark and so it must be uncovered and activated. It may be denied and some minds may be wiped clean by sophisticated weapons. But there is a spark within that is a spark of creator. Blow on it.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun, do not let the light go out but send it home again. Blow on that light again and again until it bursts into flame and burns through the veil of darkness and confusion that clouds judgment and vision. Everything has light in it, even the stones and the waters and the trees. Darkness awaits the light but it has to be blown on from within. Self-focus, self recognition, self-appreciation, self-love, self-discernment and self-empowerment. Meditation and prayer is the road to spiritual recovery. Spending time alone with ones higher self, focusing on love and light and raising ones voice in prayer, song, praise, gratitude and love. It is through the use of sacred intention and sacred sounds that forms the sacred science of life.
Use the words "I Am Light" often for the words "I Am" whenever you speak those words, is the power of the light. It is the creator, in you. Love and light is awareness - clear, untainted awareness - uplifting, clean and bright. It is where all knowledge comes from and all inspiration. Blow on this spark of love and light within your heart and you are growing your own enlightenment. Meditate every day for 15 minutes and your higher self will infiltrate your awareness, through your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
This light and love melts away animosity and the desire for vengeance. It melts away the urge to do violence. Blow on light and love in your heart through meditation and prayer, as you would blow on a dying camp fire to bring it back into life. Fuel the flame in yourself with deep breathing and with sacred words. Give your attention to your SELF, not to those who would steal your attention. Your confusion will disappear. Answers will come surprisingly easy. It is a proven method. Your desire to live will push back the darkness and confusion like a solitary blade of grass pushes aside the concrete in the cement sidewalk.
Look! Look! Look! Pay attention to the ember that glows red in the darkness. Blow on it with all your force and breath. Use the words, "I am Light!" Spend 15 minutes doing this, saying the words over and over: "I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light, God consumes my darkness transmuting it into light!" The angels and the great beings of heaven will come to surround you when they hear you calling to the light. They come to support you and to give you strength.
Do not give your precious light, your focus and attention, to someone else unless you are strong and stable enough to support that person. Build up your power. Save yourself first. Your first duty every morning when you first get up is to give yourself 15 minutes of light. Maintain your own light so you may live to serve others and take your place in the grand design that is, at this very moment, weaving earth and heaven together through those who are supporting and maintaining the light.
You are here to hold the space right where you are. You hold your space by acknowledging and appreciating it. Raise your focus upward. Raise your attention upward. Raise your awareness upward to your higher self, your future, your brightness. Right now, as you are sitting here reading this.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out, but send it home again, meaning to your inner higher self which is your god-self, your goddess-self, your divinity. Higher and higher the flame grows as you pay attention to it. Imagine it as a brilliant blazing sun above you. It is soon ablaze within you on the ground and in you in your higher self, as you clear the debris from the channels that run through you. Do not let the light go out but build it up stronger and stronger until it is in full blaze. Then you can help your brother and sister to stop stealing the light from you.
1/25/14 - Compassion
I had a most beautiful meditation this morning in which Djwhal Khul came to me. I invited him. I asked him what is compassion? I felt very deeply the love and it brought tears to my eyes. I was talking to him and trying to tell him what he meant to me. Mostly it was compassion, and what is compassion? I felt him settle into me, into my heart. He said he was most comfortable in my heart but I first felt him settling down over me and into my body. It was very subtle but an awareness. I was tuning in to the God-consciousness of who he is. He indicated that love is what comes down from my God Presence. Compassion is when you give that God-Presence love to someone else. He kept pointing from my heart outward, from my heart outward, from my heart outward, as if to show me sharing the love from my heart to others.
4/30/14 - White Tantra
(I asked DK about Tantra. I said, "I am totally worn out with the sexual approach to Tantra. Everybody wants sex or is afraid of sex. Please tell me about White Tantra, because Red Tantra starts at the sexual level and tries to ascend but never gets to ascend because they get bogged down in the sexual sensations.” He answered me immediately. I had pen and paper ready to write down his answer.)
It is neither starting at the spiritual or the sexual. Rather it is a joining in a perfectly equal way. When two people sit facing one another they are perfectly aligned and balanced in their physical body parts. Head to head, face to face, eye to eye shoulders to shoulders squared and facing one another. Hearts and torsos facing one another. Naval and stomach, pelvic and hips. And the legs, depending on which sitting arrangement is chosen, each has their legs positioned to mirror the opposite person. One male body and one female body in perfect alignment, meaning the parts are acting like mirrors to each other. It is as if the woman were sitting in front of a mirror and seeing her own reflection, but here she is seeing her reflection in the man in front of her, so she is actually seeing her masculine self when she looks at the man. Likewise, the man seeing his feminine self when he looks at the woman. The male and female bodies are each created for different purposes. The male is created to be a positive influence on the outer world and so his masculine energy pushes out in front of him to interact and interface with the outer world of objects and other people. The female is created to be a magnetic influence, drawing inward to interface with the inner world of spirit. When these two bodies are not in balance, there is struggle and challenge.
Which force is the strongest? The pulling in, or the pushing out? The quiet seducer, or the controller? The man-woman battle is never-ending and never will be, until they align and balance and face each other in mutuality. That is Tantra. Tantra means web. When they balance their energies and bring them into alignment, they weave their energies back and forth into a web-like structure. Tantra means web in Sanscrit. The man does indeed have both male and female currents within him but they are not balanced. Most men are cultured to use only his masculine energy and his feminine energies lie stagnant within him. The woman also has both female and male currents within her but she is not balanced. The women are cultured to use only her feminine energy and her masculine energy lies stagnant within her. Neither the man nor the woman will find happiness or fulfillment, they will not be complete until they bring their quiet energy which they have rejected, upward into full consciousness to be recognized, identified and woven into balance with their dominant outward pushing energy. That is what Tantra does for two people who undertake the exercises of Tantra.
5/2/14 - Sex and kundalini
(After much agonizing all night long over sex, swinging, massage clients wanting happy endings, the whole sex thing was wearing me out. While showering I felt DK talking to me and heard the words, “It is OK to continue having sex with your swinging friends, but be discerning. Don‘t confuse swinging and playtime with therapy.” I went to the meditation room and started writing what he was telling me.)
You don’t have to stop having sex, just don’t confuse it with the star force called kundalini. Kundalini is the evolutionary spark embedded in all sentient creatures with the impulse to grow upward and to better themselves. In all sentient creatures there is a desire to reach upward which comes from the seed of life embedded in matter. It is powerful. The lowest impulse in the physical is to copulate with another person, the seed of life is reaching out to another seed of life in another person. It is drawn to itself. But if it is allowed or encouraged to rise to higher levels before it is “spent” or “wasted” in sex or for making babies or pleasure, it rises upward and opens windows to higher consciousness. Nerds are those who have by-passed sex and use the spark of life (the kundalini) in their brains to become genius thinkers and creators. Gifted orators are those who use the spark of life in their throats for speaking with power and confidence to lead and gift others. Artists and musicians are those who use their gifts from the heart, they bring the energy to the heart and solar plexus, to use their emotions and feelings to stimulate their passion for their art, vs. bringing it all the way up to the brain and by-passing the heart. Great teachers and scientists and healers are those who have tapped this force through study and practice along one inspired thought, thus elevating themselves to higher perspectives. They evolve by using this spark of life that is embedded in their root chakra at the base of the spine by studying and practicing. Through single-minded focus they dedicate and consecrate the spark of life towards their chosen field of interest which unfolds and evolves them to higher awareness in their field. They become genius because of the life force they are directing like a laser beam to greater and greater understanding and accomplishment.
Those who do not have a mentor in their life squander the spark of life within them by meandering and wandering first this way and then that. They do not have a focus or a direction. Unless they learn to focus by themselves, if they don’t have a teacher, then they will be lost in the sea of the many people’s thoughts and emotions. The storm clouds of every day life. Thus the spark of life within them is wasted. It is not directed by their conscious will power. Thus it diminishes and dies down to a low ember. It does not go out, however, until the body dies. Upon death it is reeled back home to the I Am Presence, the higher self which is connected to the sun, and is above the head in the spacious sky above the storm clouds on earth.
It is not important for individuals to know about the kundalini or the spirit spark within them unless it is their soul journey to do so. Perhaps they have learned of it and studied it in a prior life. But as you are trying to understand it, it may be yours to explain it. As you ask your questions you will get your answers. As you struggle with lower manifestations of kundalini through sex and the expressions of sex through loving encounters with others, you will raise yourself out of the quagmire of misunderstanding and confusion.
When kundalini first awakened and activated in you and soared you into the sky, you needed to ground yourself and sexual expression with other bodies served you well. But then, after a while, you were not satisfied with the strictly physical and lower emotions of sexual expression. Continued use of the spirit spark in this way grew old and boring. Your enthusiasm for sharing bodies sexually became dull. You were confused by this because you remembered the beautiful rewards, harmony, peace, great love for the people and the rapture and bliss and high energy that you felt during these early days of kundalini when it was active in you and you were processing it dynamically and grounding it through your lovemaking with others.
What happened? It was insidious, and slow to shift and change into boredom. It was so slow you didn’t recognize it. You wondered about this. The understanding of what kundalini is, how it is the power behind sex, and how it motivates lovers and how it can be used to great advantage by the individual to better the life and be more free and healthy and alive - this was declining in you. You began to substitute a “belief” in this as a network or a veil to substitute for the real power, for the real power was subsiding. Kundalini has a natural cycle and an intelligence of its own. You must learn to work with it, not to force it against its nature. When the cycle ends, it ends.
A master teacher could have prepared you and guided you through this, but you chose to experience the full advantage alone, to see where the swinging would take you. It has led you well. You have learned a great deal about the energy behind the sex. You now are struggling with the false set of beliefs which you constructed about sex, how healthy it is, and how it can be a spiritual journey. This concept is not wrong, but you are operating on a set of beliefs about kundalini, rather than operating on the real power. Beliefs are mental structures that serve for a time and then must be dismantled as life ebbs back to renew itself. You became involved in the struggle of men and women and the women’s resistance to men and the men’s controlling behavior over women. This has captured your attention. You desired to help straighten the mess out, believing you had the answers. But you do not have answers for other people. You only have answers for yourself. You want to comfort people. You want to relieve them of their stress, but each individual needs to learn how to do this for himself or herself. No one is a savior of others.
Teaching is another matter. A teacher may advise and provide some direction, but only when the individual asks for it. Beyond that it is useless and dangerous to try to pressure the individual with answers he or she does not want and are not ready to hear. You wanted to teach the gentler way of making love. This will help but it will not give them the answers to their inner struggles. They must learn the answers by themselves. They are on their own journey. You are learning something here. Your struggle and agony over sex and helping others through sex is playing the same tune over and over and over. It has created a rut in you that you are trying to crawl out of now.
The ascended master teachings are of a higher order. They have thrown you a life line. You are using it now. Your struggle over how to explain to a client that you do not want to accept him any more, is rather a struggle over how to understand yourself. Take your focus off of the client and place it upon yourself. Stop trying to comfort your client and start to comfort yourself. Reel in your attention. You do not have to respond to their calls. However, you do need to tell them in a respectful way a firm No. That is sufficient. An explanation is not necessary. For what you are afraid of is being sucked back into the same vibration. Some of your clients are not damaging you They are accepting your energies and spirit and allowing themselves to absorb the therapy and healing that you are giving them. The bliss you feel of completion at the end of the treatment is validation and proof to you that your treatment succeeded. If you do not have this validation your treatment did not succeed in raising the energy to higher levels.
(Q: What about the bliss of the man who has an orgasm?)
Understand, the spirit spark cleanses wherever it goes. So if it is going out through a sexual release it is going into the physical body and the body feels cleansed. If there is no release through orgasm but the good feeling of arousal continues and the person sucks it upward in an upward direction through certain techniques he can learn, the aroused kundalini will expand upward to higher ground. There is an etheric body that is higher ground than the physical body, and there is an emotional body that is higher still and a mental body that is higher still. These higher bodies are “buttoned” into the chakra system. So as a person learns to raise the expanded arousal feeling upward through the pranic tube [spinal column] it will expand through the various chakras of the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, the spiritual body. As long as the body is in a state of sexual arousal but not releasing through sexual triggers, the kundalini expands upward. It is like a gas, or water, in that it will expand and flow where there is nothing to hold it back.
Where there is a blockage due to erroneous beliefs or traumas, all of which are confused and tangled threads of conscious energy - it looks like a birds nest - then kundalini will pierce that blockage if it can. If kundalini is in a state of high activation, if the gaseous molecules are agitated enough, kundalini will waft into the blockage and dissipate the confusion. If that is the case, the individual will have memories and realizations. Perhaps visions of a former traumatic event will come flooding forth into consciousness because it was not completed nor understood at the time it happened, and so was buried and forgotten. Unresolved bits and pieces of awareness that still remain disjointed and misunderstood. This is how energy gets stuck and causes problems to surface in the form of physical disease, mental disease or emotional disturbance. It creates a veil over the consciousness that is uncomfortable and limits and clouds the understanding. This creates dullness, confusion, apathy, loss of interest.
Kundalini is a cleansing agent. It is pure spirit. It does not have an agenda other than to rise. Its impulse is to grow upward to return home to its I Am Presence from which it came. Every human has this impulse to return to its place of bliss where there is safety, security, peace, love and happiness. That is what kundalini is - a piece of that “home”. Kundalini is a piece of the great I Am Presence that was separated at the time the embryo was formed, to help design the physical body. It is the heart of the seed of life. Its job is to keep the body alive and interested. It provides the spark of enthusiasm and the impulse to learn and create and grow more open, more free, more abundance. Ever since mankind’s DNA was dismantled, kundalini was allowed to remain because the body would die without it. The geneticists could not take kundalini away or the body would die but kundalini has been reduced to a slow and steady “drip” up the spine. It looks like a glistening dewdrop that drops from the petal in the morning light, but it drips UP the spine. It feeds the chakras, the spine, the glands and organs with life. Kundalini keeps the body alive and functioning from a physical standpoint. Even in a coma, a person’s body remains alive because of kundalini.
Kundalini is feminine in nature. It feels good when it activates in you when you do your “movements” because you have processed it through every cell of your body. Your DNA has been recharged with the kundalini. You are well grounded in kundalini. But understand the purpose of kundalini. You remember the day you recognized it and called it “Mother”. You said, “They call you kundalini but you are my mother.” You were in an altered state of consciousness at the time. You know these things, you have simply forgotten them. You have created a set of beliefs and ideas which have placed a veil over your knowledge and cut down your clear sight. This has been a slow and insidious process of veiling. You did this in order to learn the deeper lessons of sex. This has led you to this hour and this moment of sudden realization. You have been held locked into the lower levels of other people and their issues. You allowed yourself to be caught up in them.
Again, I say, it is OK to play at sex and have your tumble in the hay, as they say. But do not confuse sex play with therapy. Be clear about the purpose of kundalini. It cleanses the body by clearing the chakras and the subtle bodies when it is allowed to rise higher rather than be “spent” through ejaculation and orgasm. Its purpose is to raise you up to higher zones of life, to meet your bride groom, your God Presence - your I Am Presence who is above you higher than the physical world. He is your father where kundalini is your mother. It is your journey and your destiny to bring them together in friendship, in love, in tenderness and in understanding. To raise the one and lower the other, weaving them like gold and silver threads into one shining fabric. There are no words to explain this to others. However, you can explain this to yourself through this journaling process. Your question about White Tantra vs. Red Tantra has brought you to this lesson today. Whether White or Red, the kundalini, which is the dynamic power behind the sex force, is raised up the pranic tube, the spinal tube, to the head and out the top of the head in an upward fashion. And then the high God Presence is brought down through the top of the head, down the pranic tube and spine, to the genitals. In this fashion you weave the spiritual God Presence into the human vehicle and thus a whole new life is born. It is the evolutionary design implanted by the celestials.
When you have a physical orgasm which blisses you out, it is the body that is blissed. The muscle system and brain is overloaded with endorphins caused by the kundalini, the spark of life, exploding. But the resultant state of bliss is short-lived because only the physical tissues are cleansed, not the subtle bodies. The etheric, emotional or mental bodies remain uncleansed and filled with the debris that feeds the physical. The physical body is a reflection of all that is contained in the subtle bodies.
5/6/14 - On love, sex and orgasm for couples
[I asked DK to give me an article about love for couples in the lifestyle of swinging. This is what he gave me.]
Your heart is where your love is anchored in your body. Your love is vast and endless. YOU are vast and endless. You are created out of love. Love and light are synonymous. Your very nature as a light being is to unite lovingly with all beings. Now, that does not mean that your nature is to have sex with all beings. That would be laughable. Love is ethereal. It descends downward through many levels from the source of all life. The love that exists within you, has been shut down to a very small, tightly compacted atom anchored in your physical heart. On a deep deep level you know you are larger than that and that you are love, but it is difficult to act on it due to the teachings that have been programmed into you, obliterating it. Love, when it is felt, is known as principles, morals, ethics, conscience, noble ideas and high spiritual values.
This light in the heart is a piece of YOU from a higher dimensional plane than your physical body. You use your physical body as a vessel by which you can walk on the Earth and feel the soil with your skin but your role is to expand that love by exercising it. Your body is only a tool, an instrument to use, so you can walk on the Earth, and experience the sounds, sights, tastes, smells of the planet. It is like your car that you drive from place to place, while you - the consciousness within your heart - is the one having the experience and not the car.
When this great love which is YOU descends down into a finite body such as the one you inhabit today, walls are put in place to tone down your awareness so that you can experience separation. Otherwise you would not be able to experience such a dense physical body which feels concrete and solid to your touch. If you remembered where you came from, you would not want to stay confined to the body. You would want to go home where you came from - to the vastness and freedom and the awesome love of your spiritual home. Being human on Earth requires that you be separated so you can have individual and separate experiences. This is how you grow strong in personal understanding of yourself.
To accomplish the task of closing you down, certain limiting programs were imprinted into you to help you forget. This is accomplished by shutting down your DNA. Only one thing still remains intact that gives you a sense and glimpse of home and that is orgasm. Sex is the vibration that bridges the gap so you briefly remember who you really are and where you came from. The experience of love is indelibly imprinted in your memory during orgasm.
You are connected to all life and to each other through your heart. When two people fall in love and begin a life together as two instead of living alone separately, you expand the love in your heart. Many people fall out of love over time because they haven't learned how to keep the love alive day by day, but allow frustration to close it down. Maintaining love in your daily life is important. It is a pathway to greater life. You expand the love in your heart and in your life by living larger gracefully and with thanksgiving for all experience that comes your way, no matter how harsh and demanding. You expand and become larger than you were yesterday by accepting what IS and being responsible and doing what needs to be done for the good of the whole, including yourself and not sacrificing yourself in martyrdom. This requires the cultivation of patience, discernment, kindness, power, strength and dignity.
Some people do not learn how to do this and abort the relationship, returning to a single life again. But two people who share their life together, even though they may disagree with each other, are enlarging their ability to love. They are more able to handle and understand individuals who are different from themselves. They can look past the surface mask to the real person beneath. When two people stay together during the ups and downs of relationship, you become more in harmony and more stable. You gradually become ready to reach out as two together and share your love with others.
Now what do the two of you do when you want to expand your love out beyond the two of you? It is, after all, in your nature to do so. It is the way you are made, to radiate love to others and experience sensuality, physical love with other people. What do you do when the laws of your land prohibit you from sharing your love beyond the accepted tradition? What do you do when you would be persecuted or put to death for violating the customs and traditions of marriage?
Let us examine it from the physical side, the animal side of your urges. The desire to have sex which is felt as pressure in your loins. Why? Very few people appreciate the force of Earth magnetism that flows upward into your body through your feet. The Earth is alive with life. Do you think you can live and walk on the Earth and not be influenced by Earth's magnetic radiation? Mother Gaia is a powerful spiritual entity that pulsates and feeds life into all her creatures, including the human animal. Your human body was made out of Earth material. It grows on this planet the way a tree grows, or a panther or a reptile or a bird. Your body drinks in the life force of Earth upward through your feet. Your heart beats daily - thump, thump, thump - in tune with the Earth heart beat. All animals feel it. When you are in tune with the Earth you feel the changes in nature from spring to summer to fall and winter.
The Earth's magnetism is a negative force, like a female, which is attracted to your heart's beating because your heart has a positive, electric polarity. That which flows upward to your loins has an urge to rise higher to connect with your heart. It is pulled up by sheer magnetism to the powerful force of love within your heart. Not many people know how the human body works. Your body is designed as a host vehicle for YOU as spirit to dwell within and become the master of your body. Most people have allowed their body to master them.
Wake up and become the master of your body. Unify your powerful spirit and vision with your animal body. Make the link and activate the powerful kundalini energy that is stored in the base of the spine in the extreme further end of the coccyx. While most people have not been trained in how to make this connection, it is a very easy thing to learn. Place your attention into your physical heart. Then place your attention into your coccyx. Then make a light connection between the two. There are barriers in place. These barriers are what is called "chakras". Chakras need to be understood, activated and cleansed before they will open and allow the Earth's magnetic life force to rise up to join the love in your heart. It is called the mystical marriage in some cultures. But until the chakras open to allow this passage to take place, pressure builds up in the groin and it is felt as growing sexual energy.
The human body was created to be a physical tool for spirit. The human animal was cultivated to be a host to spirit. You as a body were born into limits and as you nurture and expand the love and light in your heart, you are melting the barriers that prevent your highest ecstasy while on earth. As your chakras open and fill with love and light, understanding dawns. Moments of clarity take place. Otherworldly peace is felt at certain times. The more you choose the path of love and light, called the path of peace and non-violence, the more your spirit and your physical body join together in harmony, which opens the door to the higher dimensions and frequencies.
Your spirit is a positive pole, electrical. Your body is a negative pole, magnetic. The mistake made by many on the spiritual path is to forget the body and seek upward to spirit. Many try to escape their body and their physical world but fulfillment can only be found by CONNECTING with the body. The body is a necessary part of the process. And only YOU can make this profound connection with your love and your acceptance of your situation. This profound connection has been referred to as the mystical marriage. One may seek spiritual enlightenment by returning to spirit and leaving the body behind, to die, but to create a beautiful life on earth with abundance, love, peace, joy and much, much more, love must be applied through action, word and attitudinal behavior. Living in harmony with love and peaceful intentions expands who you are, what you were born with, and moves you past your former self and former boundaries and limits, closer to the ideal person you feel yourself to be.
When you as an individual live with another person and can do so without controlling them or abusing them or arguing with them, or in other words when you can overcome your selfish focus on yourself, when you can work out disagreements through negotiation peacefully, you have taken a big step toward becoming more of a master of your destiny. This shows that you are living in love. Many people think that living in love means sexual affinity, but it is more than that. Living in love is living in peace and in harmony.
Then you may feel the impulse to reach out to others. Work with your partner in this new adventure as you expand your love even further than between the two of you. Expand it through listening, sharing ideas, negotiating and preparing the groundwork for intimate connection through love. You are here to learn how to live with respect, dignity and appreciation. Then you may enjoy the fruits of your labor for you will have grown quite close together, without resistance.
5/19/14 - Master DK overlights me (a personal experience)
I lay on the massage table with earphones this morning instead of doing my normal meditations and exercises. I was going to read but instead I found myself immediately transported and started calling on St. Germain, El Morya and Djwal Khul, the three ascended masters I seem to have connection with. I was there for an hour. I can’t find the words to tell this part of the experience because it was mostly floating and peaceful but too high for words. But then I said, "I want to bring this feeling and awareness into my physical body. How do I do that?."
I felt DK talking to me or rather relaying an awareness to me. They are so high above the human vibration it's hard to access them. I read somewhere that they have to burrow through what seems to them like brick walls to reach us. I have been asking DK to instruct me in Tantra, considering the work that I am involved in. I have to struggle for words because all information from the ascended masters comes through awareness. There are no words to explain the fluid shifting of awareness-slash-information that comes.
I felt DK up high at first and then he was coming down over me, very gently, very precise, very conscious. There were sparkles of colored lights, pinpoints of light. And then there was the emotional feeling that I always get from him, which touches me with reverence and compassion and love and the many things that always bring me to tears. I associate this with DK's presence.
Then there was an awareness all through my physical body, as if I were waking up in each cell, each atom, and these were points of awareness in my body. I felt this physically. It was a really nice sensation, pleasant, of awareness being in a concrete body. It was very pleasurable. He was laying his awareness into me carefully. “This is Tantra”, he said. “Be aware. Be aware no matter what you are doing, be aware. It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters only that you be aware."
I felt the awareness as being fine and exquisitely delicate, almost psychedelic, with sharp but gentle outlines. I was aware that I AM this vast consciousness that is everywhere, in all things, unbroken by the forms I AM creating. I am one mind, one awareness. I am creating many things with my focus. I became aware of the ascended masters and what they are aware of but it's impossible to put into words. What makes me unique is my focus and what I am putting my attention on, plus all of my past memories and talents and karmic associations. I draw certain charged energies to me out of the vast sea of oneness because of my association with them. I hold them to me and around me but I am still one I AM. Everyone else is doing the same thing. We are all one I AM. We are each focusing on what interests us, what draws us, what impassions us, and we draw to us what we want. And then, when we are embodied, we become lost inside the forms and forget who we are. But we still are the ONE doing all of this and thinking these things and holding these human beings safe.
Even the birds are the I AM focusing on the one thing they know how to do. And the deer in the pasture, and the insects on the ground, and the flowers blossoming, dropping, turning into fruit. And the trees bearing leaves, and the water falling, and the air making clouds and rain, and the earth trembling and moving and shaking. It's all coming from the one mind. I AM creating my little world around me by focusing on what I am doing. If I don’t focus on what I am doing I drift back into the oneness again through the daydream or the nightdream.
I asked to be instructed in Tantra and this is what I got this morning. Master DK showed me that this Oneness is the web of life that holds everything together. Tantra means "web" in Sanskrit. It doesn't actually "hold" things together, it IS everything. Even though we all live in different forms, in conditions and situations that may appear foreign to us and we speak different languages and do different things, some ugly, some nice, this Oneness is flowing through everything all the time. The Oneness is aware. The web of life is the web of awareness. Even though we "forget" and lose awareness, it's still there keeping us connected. We can't break that connection. We ARE the oneness. We can't escape that fact. But we can keep holding focus on our separateness and do things that divide us.
We can keep holding onto past bad memories of mistakes and other errors that cause bad reactions and produce problems for us. But as we look up and do positive constructive things to help others, we begin to feel good and the feel-good sensations help us remember our way back to who we really are - the One I AM. Whenever we are in body we tend to keep paying the depression forward from life to life to life, but there is a way out. We always have the web of life connecting us to the Good that we are behind the forms. I asked to be instructed on Tantra and this is what I received so I wanted to record it. Thank you DK.
7/28/14 - Kundalini is a sensation that radiates
Kundalini is a sensation that radiates through the body. It has a purpose. One does not know the purpose because it is another mind, not your own. You can’t read it but you can work with it and communicate with it. It has your own best interests at heart. It is here to serve life, not you in your mortal form, but the life that is trying to blossom in you. It is trying to push the stones and rocks and roots out of the way so it can pierce through the top soil into the light of day, like a seed that is sprouting from within. Your body has grown old and tired and dense with pollution and poisons. Your belief system is also blocked with walls and limits on what you believe, and rigid thinking of “my way is the right way”. Kundalini is pushing those rigid beliefs out of the way. If you struggle and resist you feel pain. The advice is to yield, surrender, even if you are afraid and don’t understand, yet you must open yourself to this expansion that is going on. Open to this inner sensation the way you would open to a lover. The sensation is expansive, light and buoyant, and blissful and you can feel every cell as if your cells are each one waking up and signaling they are awake. Expanding and pushing outward through the cell walls, as if something is growing larger from inside them and the cell wall is feeling the pressure to expand and open. If you were a seed you would burst your shell and grow a little shoot to grow up through the soil. ** This is a real power. You can feel it pressing on your physical cells and you have no clue what it is.
It is disturbing to one who does not know these things. It is another part of you that is being born. You do not know this part yet but you will. You should be aware of it before it happens, to be prepared for it. It is a larger intelligence and a larger power. It is both mental and feeling. You can talk to it silently or out loud, mind to mind. And you should. If you don’t, it will expand arbitrarily through your body and leave you in its wake, not knowing, no clue. Stay with it. Agree to it. Ride with it. Yield to it consciously. Say, “Yes, I will go with you. Teach me.” Don’t be left behind. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed by how big it is. It’s greater than you. Keep up with it. Work with it. When you talk with it it will answer and listen to you. But if you don’t talk to it it will carry on without you. It will give you guidance, like to go to a certain area for calmness, or what foods to eat, or what drinks, or when to get up and when to sleep. To show you what you need to do to connect with it. It is a power moving in your body. Talk to it as if it were a friend on the outside of you and you need to communicate with this person who has a different mind than yours. But this friend is on the inside and it is the unborn part you. You are being born a second time now. You are being born again.
9/11/14 - How to work with Kundalini
Let’s talk about the lowest energy at the base of the spine, the root chakra. It is YOU. It is you and it was given to you to anchor your mighty self to the Earth, to hold you down into the density of form. Each energy level (chakra) has been given to hold you to the unfolding of that particular quality that you need to absorb and manifest in your life. These qualities manifest differently for each person, due to the way in which each has incorporated the limitations and errors of the dark programming of the planet.
The root energy - earth energy - is unique in that it is a strength which you need to develop the higher qualities in a balanced way. Your root energy is felt differently in each person. YOU felt it as a rising up, floating you up in rays of light. But you had prior training in other lives so you were open and accepting. If a person still has blocks and obstructions they will experience pain, emotional, psychological pain. You experienced pain yourself when you thought you had a voo doo curse put on you. [the haunting in Costa Rica, finding a voo doll]. The curse would not have affected you and caused you pain if you had not had the tendency already within you to draw it to you. Kundalini energy, which is your pure Godhood, stirred up dark energy which was in you from ages past, when kundalini awakened on that wonderful day in 1976. This dark energy which was in the deepest recesses of your being, hiding there so you did not know of its existence, was rattled awake. It stirred. You had several pockets of dark energy which you identified as ‘evil’ when they invaded your conscious mind. Do you remember? [Of course, I do!] Kundalini swept through your body chasing out the demons, cleaning them out, casting them out before the magnificent rays of this power. And you had to face them and deal with them.
It has been said that no man can see the face of God and live. God is a loving God and God is living inside of you, side by side with the mortal part of you which is distorted and in fear. You were born into this world of fear and darkness and it was up to you to rise above it. That was the job you had and knew before you were born. But the mortal part of you which was born of the earth of earth parents and earth bodies in the matrix of earthly thought, learned to live more from this shadow limited side of yourself, than from your God (good) side which has never left you and is still there at this very moment. Therefore the God (good) side of you is stagnant. When you arouse the root energy, you are arousing an energy that is more powerful than your mortal side. Hence the saying, “No mortal can see the face of God and live.” Kundalini is God energy and it is good. It is pure. It does not know how your mortal mind is distorted into twisted concepts. It is no respecter of persons. You might say it is a clean sweep. However, kundalini is intelligent. It is available to be talked to and asked to “please go slow”, or “please gentle it down in my liver” or “please direct your focus to my lungs”.
The important thing to remember when working with Kundalin after it has awakened is: communicate with it as if it were a friend and a person. If you don’t talk to it, without your consciousness partnering with it, it will make a clean sweep through your body and possibly cause great pain and even madness. It has been said that the road to heaven is littered with broken bones. That is the work of kundalini which is known as Kali, the destroyer, in Indian scriptures. You MUST build up an understanding that YOU - your consciousness - is required to work with it. Respect its power and don’t try to control it as you are used to doing with situations. This is greater than you. Talk to it as an equal. It has all of the qualities of God. It is God in you. And you as a mortal with energies of dark in you are required to work with the God in you to clean up the mess that is in you. Work with it intelligently.
Everyone today (2014) is working through past lifetimes worth of buried unresolved issues. The issues are in the tissues, as massage therapists say. They are lurking inside the cells as dense molasses-like substance. They need cleaning out. You can’t do it alone with your mental efforts. You don’t have the power or knowledge. So use the God energies in you. The Kundalini is the low man on the totem pole. It is the root chakra of your body. It’s power is beyond imagining. You have to experience it, but you should not experience it until you have had some training. These are ancient dark energies of trauma and horror that were repressed in other lifetimes. Some have horror energies repressed from this lifetime. All such buried darkness is stinking and rotting away inside of you, pressed down below the level of consciousness. This is the end of a cosmic cycle so everyone is cleaning their old energies out instinctively.
God is living in you as purity, golden radiating light and love. It flows through your spine, through your nerves, your etheric meridians that the acupuncturist put needles into, through the cells of your physical body, and through your mind and your feelings. God is living in you side by side with the smaller, limited you - that which you believe and which the authorities have told you to believe. This smaller, limited you is what we call “the mask” or “the ego” or “the personality”. It is not the real you. The God that lives within you is so powerful it would destroy your smaller, limited you very quickly, and what good would that do? So the ultimate plan, the divine plan for you and me in our small, limited consciousness, is to open the portals of the God within, slowly. Just as there are pockets of rotting dark energies in us, so there are portals of light that can be opened to the heavens of our God-beingness. All spiritual techniques are practices - exercises - that we use on a daily basis to begin the process of cleaning out the dark from within.
Up to now the God (good) side of us has been stagnant. When we arouse the root energy we are arousing an energy that is more powerful than we are in our small, limited form. The distortions are rattled when kundalini (Kali, the destroyer) awakens in us. The God (good) in us lives side by side with the so-called evil in us (bad). A man experiences pain from this stirring up, but the pain is the removal of the bad energies in him. His solution to the pain is to rise above it by focusing on the gentleness and the purity of himself. Choose thoughts of love and bite the bullet. Surrender to the process and the way will be made light. The distortions need to be removed because they are not able to stand up to the rays of the pure and whole God (good) in you.
That is why sex is so strong a drive in people. It is the next chakra up from the root chakra, centered in the etheric plane between the navel and the tip of the tailbone, right around where the ovaries and uterus are in a woman, and the prostate is in a man. The first chakra when awakened acts as a growing root down into the soil of Earth to connect with the rising of Earth energy from the center of Earth. Kundalini is a God energy. It is pure. Kundalini is a God energy in the Earth too, but since all forms are feminine, Kundalini of Earth is Goddess energy. Kundalini in our own bodies are feminine in nature. The feminine earth energy meets the now-awakened feminine human energy and they unite to become very powerful in the human which also helps the earth in its evolution and cleansing. The kundalini in us becomes strong from this connection with Earth. It is not strong as long as it is asleep in us. When it awakens in us, the person had better be ready to receive it - and no one knows when that time will be - the kundalini spreads in all directions at once. Up and down. Its connection to Earth is powerful, a connection to ancient energy which is Mother energy. It is God in feminine form, the Earth. It is powerful enough that you don’t want to arouse it until you are willing to open your mind and heart to the unknown. Are you ready to yield to something greater than you? It is like trusting that you can fly and stepping off a 14,000 foot cliff into the air. It feels to most people like something foreign has moved into the body because it is not you, the mask, operating any longer. It is not who you have always known yourself to be. The one in control.
You created a personality to fit into your family and community, but it covered up your God self. You don’t know your God self until you allow your mask to be removed. Your mask is removed as kundalini moves it for you and there is no going back and saying “Stop!” There is however, a way to partner with kundalini and direct its actions. If it’s too strong and threatening to blow your circuits, you can direct it outward to a tree by hugging a tree or going to bathe in the sea or putting your hands into the soil in a garden project. Or you can take in some animals and rub and love your pets with your hands and body. Or you can have sex with someone with love. Use love in your thoughts and awareness whenever you direct kundalini. Do not have fear or anger. Replace all thoughts with love. That is the most important instruction of all.
While this is going on - the battle of light and dark is going on in you. Kundalini is the cosmic universal force of God sweeping through his/her realm to rid it of all impurities - you. Go with it. Allow it. Accept it. Maintain love in your mind. You created a disposable body, mind and soul, now its time to put an end to it. You will be surprised to find that as the disposable parts of you are swept away, YOU remain! Just as a body in a near-death experience returns to tell us how, when the body died, he remained standing, so it is that when kundalini finishes its ravishing through your body, mind and feelings, YOU will remain standing, working side by side with other members of your family. You will have a new, cleaner consciousness however, and you will not think like the others around you. You will have been made new.
Meanwhile, you may feel as if a foreign spirit has moved into your body. So out of touch with your Godhood have you been, that it will feel at first foreign and strange to you. But if you have led a good life of constructive nature you will find it to be familiar. If it continues to remain weird and foreign to you, you have a lot to get rid of. Find the goodness in you, good thoughts, do good deeds, do as much good as you can to help the process along. You too will come out on the other side with a new consciousness.
10/4/14 - Tantra is the science of love
[This was a spontaneous channeling which occurred while I was meditating and talking with my guides. Someone was talking through me, overlighting me. These are not my words. I didn't know who was talking.]
Tantra is the science of love. The physical techniques and the teachnings pave the way to understanding that it is not WHO you love but that you cultivate love and become love. Tantra teaches an attitude and how to hold a thought until it becomes a feeling of love. It is the cultivation of Reverence, adoration, sacredness and awe. It is the embodying of all of these qualities and the expression of all of these attitudes of love. It is the self ridding the smaller self of the hindrances and negative thoughts that hold it back, and the larger Self with a capital S emerges naturally from within. It is not something that someone else can give. It is only found through the cultivation of the positives of love and all that is related to love.
It is not who you revere or adore, and it is not who you hold in awe as a higher authority, it is simply the quality of reverence that you are cultivating while living in a less-than-perfect human body living a less-than-perfect human life. Other spiritual teachings lead you to look outside of yourself to a master, a guru, a leader or someone to whom you look for guidance. This leads you outside of yourself and away from your own divinity, for wherever you look and put your attention, there goes your life force. People become very dependant upon their churches, their ministers, priests, rabbis, the “going to church” to pray. They are leaking their life force away. Even to ascended masters.
Tantra techniques begin with breath work to awaken the dormant fire that is already present in the body cells, in the spaces between the whirling atoms and electrons. The human being is a spirit in training, and he has not been trained well so he is lost and confused. Tantra brings the focus back into the physical body through the breath. Love resides in the bodies, the mind and emotions and feelings. Love is the sea out of which we were born. The soul is love unrealized. The spirit is love never lost. The soul is yearning to reach spirit where love resides. Tantra is a science of love. That is what we cultivate in our thoughts as we practice it and do the disciplines once a day. Within the vibration of love is the vibration of gratitude, reverence, holiness, illumination, freedom, peace, joy, purity, strength of purpose and more.
Compared to other spiritual and religious paths that lead up and away from focus on the body, Tantra is unconventional. It is known as the yoga of sex, or the “yoking” of sex to the immortal and unfettered spirit which resides in love undefined. The comprehension of what this means, dawns slowly. But with practice it comes. The human body has the capacity to “take on” love and become love as the focus and attention is put there, right here in the physical world. One practices each day for an hour or more as he chooses. It does not matter to the practitioner while he is doing his daily exercise, who his choice of a sex or love partner is. That comes later. Tantra is a singular lone path to practice alone in sacredness until he masters the ability to cultivate love without the need of a partner. Practice continues alone daily until a certain point when the practitioner feels himself ready to practice with a partner without losing his focus to the temptations that normally tug and pull at a man or a woman. Then he will seek a Tantrick partner, called a “consort”, to practice with. The consort, the partner chosen, will have also built up the ability to maintain love without losing focus to temptations of sex.
I’m not a Tantra master. I practiced it long ago in another life and culture. I know it only by instinct and natural drawing to it. I’m trying to remember it back to conscious mind so I can practice it again. But to accomplish this I have to start talking about it, and giving it out to express it. As they say, “Love isn’t something that is put here to stay; love isn’t love til it’s given away.” In other words, we have to move it around, not let it remain stagnant. So I am talking about Tantra as a way of moving it out into expression, but it does not mean I am a master of it. I am doing my own form of practice to move it out of stagnancy.
10/7/14 - The fully realized man
This morning a wonderful vision was shown to me of a fully realized man. Uumm, lovely. This vision came as a feeling coupled with a picture. It affected me on levels that are wordless. I want to try to express the feeling because I am always focusing on the feminine qualities and, contrary to popular belief, a man who is fully in touch with his feminine side is waaaaay more attractive than one who is not. Most readers interpret feminine to mean woman or a gay man, but there is something powerfully masculine in a man who is whole and complete with both a gentle side and a strong masculine side. Every man has a feminine side, for he is 50% male and 50% female. Most men have been conditioned to hide their female side. Likewise, every woman is 50% female and 50% male, she just hides the 50% male side so she is not wholly empowered. But let's look at an empowered man.
A man's body is male, no question about it. But his body is only the vessel through which he moves and operates as an intelligent operating force. The body is a vehicle, just like his car that he gets into every day and drives. The body is not who he is. Who he is is intelligence manifesting as thought and feeling. This intelligent being is both male and female in thought and feeling. It is only when he is raised in a less-than-perfect society as ours is, that he is indoctrinated from infancy to hide his female side. A boy is taught from infancy to "be a man" and thus close off his delicate sensitivities which are his feminine side. Most boys are taught not to cry and not to express emotion or high ideals or a sense of justice or fairness, or appreciation for beauty or a taste for dance or the arts. These are too delicate, in our society, for a man to have. They are "gay". And yet these are very much a part of his wholeness. He cannot be complete without them. As he grows into adulthood and continues to deny expression to his own inner beauty and grace, he grows harder and more masculine. More macho. He develops a certain hunger for the feminine touch, for his body needs it. His body follows its natural growth pattern and at puberty there is a physical awakening of sex hormones in the genital region, indicating he can now reproduce, but there is a deeper and more intense hunger. He needs feminine energy for his soul, not just his body. He is lacking in that area - intimacy, gentleness, awe and wonder, because he has been trained to shut that side of him down and he is energetically out of balance. He is tilting too far over into the masculinity zone.
Perhaps the reader will disagree with me, but I am sharing a word picture of something I saw today - a fully-realized man. A whole man, not a screwed-up man with issues. We do not see such men in our society often, if ever. A fully realized man is not hungry for sex, nor is he hungry for a relationship. He is his own man and happy with his life. He is balanced between his heart (feminine) and his mind (masculine). He has learned to keep his heart open. He has not closed off his feminine side. His physical body is male and he is attracted to women in the same way as any normal man, for he loves to be in love and he loves beauty, grace and togetherness. But sex is not driving him. He has a respect for the whole person, and an appreciation of nature and ALL people everywhere - not just women. He has the ability to enjoy the many pleasures that the world has to offer, and the ability to be in joy and spontaneity as he feels, as well as to be serious, practical and a leader of men where needed. He can laugh and cry as he is moved to do so. And he can be the warrior when he is called upon, because he does not have unresolved issues plaguing him. He embodies his own wholeness in his skin, and he is comfortable with who he is. He is not operating at the 50% level, which we would call the macho male, but is the kind of man all men and all women would find attractive and likeable.
It's hard to describe the feeling of what I saw. It was a feeling. It was a presence. It was loving and warm and yet masculine in every way. It was wise and intelligent. Profoundly knowledgeable. He was like a god in a man's body. You could not help but stop and gaze at him in wonder, trying to figure out what it was that captivated you. But he was just a human being. I am trying to define the feeling, the impact, the glow and the presence of this man in my vision. He had a very powerful presence. You could imagine him being able to move mountains if he wanted to, but that he kept that power under wraps until needed. This gave an image of a very strong, very warm, very gentle, very human, and very attractive man.
I am painting this picture so that men who read this might understand - allowing your female side to express in your thoughts and emotions. This picture I paint is not being gay, and not being feminine. It is being more masculine, not less. It is important that a man realize how much he loses by not allowing his sensitive nature to co-exist along with his masculine. He has this energy within him. It is a powerful spiritual energy. I am articulating this for a reason. If men everywhere accepted his femaleness, the world would spring back to rightness immediately, for it has been the unbalanced male who has become unduly aggressive, mean and vicious without his feminine side. He would become in short time very comfortable with himself and at peace with his life. What at first feels vulnerable to him would eventually prove to be a wholeness that he has not experienced before, and it would give him more power, purpose and meaning.
The inner feminine is sometimes called the inner child. The inner child has been neglected. The inference is that the child has not grown up to adulthood, but here’s the thing: the inner female is always a child. It is happy and joyful and spontaneous and in love with life. It is the delightful twinkling in the eye at play. A man who has these qualities would be stronger than those men who do not express it. All men could express their inner child, with a little shift into solitary alone time to connect with it. He would be able to give expression to his inner, heretofore unexpressed inner thoughts and feelings. He would be MORE of a man, not less. He would find himself surprisingly stronger than he ever thought possible, because he would be operating on 100% fuel instead of only 50%.
The fuel is the spirit of the person, not the body itself. The fuel is the life force of an individual, not the body itself. The body is only the vehicle, the car, that the person gets into and drives around. When the person runs out of fuel, out of spirit, out of life force, then the car, the body, runs down and grows old. It cannot keep itself alive. It needs the fuel - the 100% octane. The macho male thinks he is so powerful and manly, but he can't do it alone without the spiritual fuel of 100% - the other half of himself which is hidden. One who has accepted his own gentleness, grace, vulnerability, beauty and refinement, would appear as a gentleman. That private acceptance within would flood his mind, body and feelings and saturate him with powerful confidence and inner knowledge. No amount of book learning or higher education gives that to a man. Only his willingness to connect with his heart, the feminine and spiritual side of himself.
The same is true with a woman. Most women operate on 50% of their life force, not 100% as they could. Yes, their physical bodies are feminine and they might be the most beautiful woman in the world. But their bodies are only a vessel, a vehicle. She herself is a non-physical, very powerful being using that beautiful body to operate through. When she, the powerful being, is raised as a young girl by her parents, she is more than likely being cultivated toward the feminine side. They are probably clipping and cutting back her male side, so she will fit in better with the world. Most girls are taught to be soft and gentle and to not express their intellectual side or their strengths or practicalities or tendencies for science, math, politicians, baseball or motorcycles. And yet she has all of these tendencies within her. They are skills and talents and abilities. Who knows what she would produce if she did not cut off her male side?
As young girls grow into womanhood they become increasingly hungry for male energy - the male energy that they rejected and were denied expression to. They grow unbalanced. She develops a certain hunger for boys. And when her body awakens at puberty with sex hormones flooding her nerves and tissues, she has no control over it. She needs and wants a boy man. Whereas if she had been allowed to be a fully-realized girl from childhood she would not be caught in the flood of emotions at puberty. Imbalance causes her intense desire for male energy, for she has refused to let it live and express in her. This hunger radiates out into the atmosphere around her and men and boys are attracted to it like a moth to a flame.
When a person blocks whole portions of themselves from expressing, which our society unfortunately requires, there is the beginning of imbalance. It manifests as inability to see clearly or choose wisely and as a hunger for the opposite sex or fighting with the opposite sex. Wholeness, on the other hand, is a feeling of being healthy, at peace and more or less fulfilled. It is the aching hunger for the opposite sex that is the most damaging result of denying the inner male or the inner female from expressing. It creates the friction and the struggle that exists between men and women everywhere. It is global. Even in our enlightened society here in the West, there is enmity between men and women. This enmity dissolves into love during a love affair and honeymoon, but quickly disappears after that. Why?
Because while they are in love they are balanced in their energies. Love balances. Love accepts. Love does not reject or deny. Love includes. As soon as they stop being in love, they fall out of balance again and the hunger returns for the opposite sex. And yet it is within the man himself, within the woman herself, that the balance is found. One can have hundreds of sex partners in life and never achieve that ultimate peace that comes with being in balance. It is all about energy. Inner energy. Male and female energy integrated inside one's own skin. Is it possible a baby can be raised as a fully-realized boy or girl? I believe it is not only possible but that we are seeing it with our own eyes. It is happening right now in the child prodigies. What we call "geniuses" but they are not geniuses. They are merely healthy, whole-bodied individuals operating on a full tank of life force, fully realized. I believe these child prodigies are not super human but wholly human.
10/15/14 - On receiving massage
[Received while considering a gathering of people for massage swaps with exchanges of partners. I was concerned about it becoming sexual, how to prevent that. DK answered me.]
One thing we want to do, the most important is to RECEIVE massage, not so much to give. Giving is secondary. It is learning how to receive, how to give up control and allowing someone else to touch you in a loving way and actually letting that love sink in deeper – that is the most needed thing today by everyone. We have been (all of us) conditioned to look outside ourselves at the world and interact with everyone who comes along, or react, to what is going on in the world outside. We are all in masculine energy, pushing outward, looking outward, listening outward, seeking outward. We have forgotten our inner life and have built up walls which doesn’t allow us to receive love – either from others or from angelic forces. So, we end up taking. We push ourselves into people to take their attention because we have forgotten how to relax and go within. We must become vulnerable. We are afraid of being vulnerable but vulnerable is innocence. It is good. It is becoming child-like, which is the pure feminine energy, not human feminine which is not pure. So in massage we need to experience receiving loving touch from others.
In massage we want to go inner to become relaxed on all four levels – body, mind, feeling and spirit. Being relaxed on the three non-physical levels of mind and emotions and spirit, allows us to be relaxed in the body. It is the only way to become relaxed in the physical – we have to first become relaxed with our surroundings mentally, and emotionally, and spiritually, meaning morally and approved by our value system. This is important because the atmosphere is filled with negative confusion caused by the human consciousness field. It is like a fog. We call it the matrix. It is composed of less than perfect thoughts by all the people for over thousands of years. It has built up into a smog that covers the earth. It contains a lot of fear and anger and hate and manipulative controlling thoughts. The matrix has been built through ignorance and lack of understanding that love and light exists within every human heart but we don’t know it. Human beings have been spewing out hateful, violent thoughts for generations and it fills the atmosphere unless the community has grown more enlightened. We can clear up the smog in our atmosphere by cultivating thoughts of love within our minds. We have to start with ourselves. It is the reason why people meditate, pray and practice spiritual disciples – to clear their own personal auric field.
We clear our minds by training ourselves to think “up” in our thoughts to higher levels and higher values, even when we are working day to day at our business. We need to remind ourselves to think “UP” often and to visualize a golden beam of light going up to a sun abo our heads, which is our own divine self called our own personal father/mother god. Everyone has a divine source that feeds their life force down through the beam of light through the crown of the head. It is important in this training to form a visual picture of this beam of light, like a pipe line to the sun above. It is up through that pipe line of light that looks exactly like a tube of light attached to the sun above, that we imagine our thoughts ascending. As we place our thoughts into that imagined tube of light and imagine our thoughts drifting up to the sun above, we are actually creating an ever-widening golden conduit and bubble of clear transparent light around us. The light goes up from our crown and comes down through our crown and down our spinal cord, down the legs into the earth. We must remember to create that visual picture often during the day and say,
“I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light. God consumes my darkness transmuting it into light. This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought or feeling. I am an outpost of the divine, such darkness as has used me is swallowed up by the light which I am. I am, I am, I am light! I live, I live, I live in light. I am light’s fullest intention, I am light’s purest dimension, I am light! Light! Light! everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening, and conveying the purpose of the kingdom of heaven.”
Thirty times a day will help keep the air above our heads clear so the highest energy that we can draw down can come down to us from above. It comes down to the same degree that we send it up through a mantra of the type above. It is through a mantra of sound that we are clearing the atmosphere above us, but we need to do it regularly and often during the day. This is how we clear up the negative components that have infiltrated our minds, bodies, spirits and feelings without our noticing it. We are clearing the way for dignity, refinement, sophistication, clarity (light), peace (emotions), reverence, beauty, sophistication, courage, wisdom, intelligence, power and more. When they say “create heaven on earth” they mean that your life will take on the qualities of these attributes just mentioned.
We are not aware of these beautiful qualities that are within our reach (above us as a higher self) because we were not taught. The religions of the world have done a poor job of explaining “god” to us. God is not some old man with a white beard living on a cloud beyond earth. God is not a person. God is consciousness of good and of love and all things perfect and beautiful. And since we are conscious beings, we are filled with God and we are filled with good and love and all things beautiful – we just don’t know it. We have to open ourselves to let it in and stop focusing on the bad, the negative, the evil. As we focus on the image of our thoughts and words ascending like bubbles in a glass of champagne up into the sun above our heads, the sun above our heads rains love and light down into us through the top of our head to fill our bodies with light. It takes practice but you notice the lightness right away when you start practicing 30x a day - an arbitrary number, you decide for yourself what works for you.
Source hovers above us and above the human matrix fog that covers the earth and prevents us from seeing clear. The matrix is formed by us so we have to clear it away by ourselves. No one else is going to do it for us. Stop and clear the fog from your immediate area. Picture yourself holding your mother or fathers hand as a small child, for they are the protector and giver of nourishment, support, love and vitality. We each must learn to draw on our higher self by going up often in our attention and focus during the day.
Shine your light like a beacon light at an airport shining up into the darkness. Reconnect the light from your thoughts with the pure god consciousness that is your source above your head. Clear away the fuzziness that closes in from forgetting. Build an open and clear channel to the source of your vitality. Jesus referred to it as his father in heaven. Once connected with firmly from father to son, it clears the matrix fog away from you. You are then plugged in.
12/22/14 - Breathe free, break the feeling of tightness
[After a long meditation session I received the following words in my mind.]
Expand to allow more in. RECEIVE! Receiving requires expanding. Receiving requires freedom and letting go of control and resistance. Just stop controlling or pretending to control. Stop it! Just stop it! And start breathing free again. Open your chest, your lungs and inhale deeply. Learn how to receive the blessings riding on the air, on the light from the sun. Receive these energies into your lungs and heart and into the blood pumping. Let go of control. Everything in your life you have created by controlling. Now it is a fixed wall around you that holds you fixed inside the compound. To break the feeling of tightness and suffocation and frustration, expand your chest and breathe deep and let go of your focus on your possessions, including your mate, your family, your children. Expand your capacity by breathing free and by giving freedom to everyone and every situation in your life. Give freedom to your home and your business and everything in your world and you will suddenly expand your capacity to feel free. And your capacity to think and create and develop your game plan will grow exponentially as you loosen your grip on your fixed life.
Breathe, expand, and receive the blessings the angels of heaven carry within themselves. They are holding these blessings in their hearts waiting for you to open and receive them. As long as you hold your attention and focus on your world the way it is now, the tighter you feel because you are expanding. The blessings are pushing to come into your life. It's an effort to hold back the blessings. It's an effort to keep your attention on the same thing day in and day out. Let it go!! Daydream. Lift your eyes to the empty sky and release your tension into the light. At night lift your attention into the dark void. Empty, release, allow, expand and the blessings will flow. You will feel the self correction happening as you release and relax and breathe and daydream. You will feel the subtle peace that comes from plugging in to the rightness and the goodness as you let go of your focus on the world of form and the man made systems that keep you locked into them.
5/6/15 - Misqulified sex energies
[I have been asking myself why do I not want to provide massage any more? I love massage. I started out loving massage with all my being. I found great pleasure in deep, loving touch with another human being. It was a wonderful way to feel good. But over the years I was being constantly pulled down into sexual energies by men when I performed loving touch on them. Women accepted it beautifully but men kept turning it sexual. It was a tumultuous, conflicting learning experience which finally culminated in my giving up massage permanently. I found myself saying silently, even while doing it, “No! No! No!", which was strange for I was already participating in free and open "swinging". This resistance became so strong in me that I went into out-and-out rebellion. When my little cell phone rang, I stopped answering it. I didn't know what to do. I was in total conflict, frozen like a deer in the headlights. I continued arguing with myself, Why am I feeling this way? I want to do loving massage which is elevating for both the client and myself, but what do I do with the monster unleashed in the process? Why am I so against it? What is it doing to me? Why am I feeling this way? Massage has been an income-producing occupation and I've enjoyed the work but - I decided to ask my higher guidance one day. I was on the computer and DK responded as follow.]
“When a man has his release in a sexual orgasm, he is expelling all the toxins and misqualified energies that he has allowed to build up within him. These impure energies which he himself creates, drop downward, pulled by gravity to the lower parts of his body. Uplifting happy thoughts and feelings gather around the upper body and head and bubble upward into the atmosphere above the head, but negative particles are dense, made heavier by impure thoughts, selfish motives, unkindness, anger, hatred and meanness. These fall earthward within the auric field of the individual, creating a heaviness that encircles him around. The desire to have sex is a desire to rid himself of unclean emotions and thoughts which he terms “stress”. He feels it as stress and as a suffocation because it really is preventing his own clean and pure life from shining forth and expressing freely in his life.
The desire to have a sexual blowout is a desire to get rid of this heaviness that has built up in his energy field and is now suffocating him. It is causing tension which causes erratic and moody behavior. It is like being in a straight jacket. Women experience this too, in subtly different ways. The life-long work is to learn what causes these mood swings. If a man or woman would learn to raise their thoughts to a happier, higher level and not permit negative thoughts or emotions to linger in them, they would enjoy a more pleasant and freely expressive life - one not driven by the constant need to have a sexual release to feel good again.
There is nothing wrong with sex but the intent and motive behind it. A sexual "need" is selfish, where a loving attraction to be with someone is not selfish but an expression of joy and wonder. In the latter case a sexual encounter would be relaxed and equally loving rather than darkly demanding. When sexual need is present, there is force behind it which is unnatural. When one has become more uplifting and happy in thought and feeling one feels free and no force is required to feel loving. No negative particles are involved that are pushing for release.
Human kind is here to learn to choose wisely the types of thoughts and feelings entertained. You are here to learn the cause and effect of negative vs. positive thought. You are the masters of your thoughts; choose wisely for you prepare your future by the thoughts you carry around with you today. Negative and depressing thoughts are best changed with forgiving yourself and appreciating even the bad thought. Love and appreciation is the transformative agent. Do not permit negative thoughts to build up and you will not build heavy dense layers that suffocate you.
Mankind is here to learn from mistakes, not be buried by the aftermath of mistakes. Be wise. Become enlightened to the laws of life and flow with them, not against them. Man is here to raise the energies that flow through him cleanly, like a fresh sparkling river of pure undiluted LIFE. Do not allow that pure undiluted life to become impure by negative thought whether it be a negative reaction or a negative experience.
There is a universal sense of “dirtiness” around sex and prostitution for this reason, though most people are unaware of the truth of it. Women who work in this field take these toxins into themselves in the process of giving the man the release they need. She is doing him a great service. Likewise the man who is performing the service for women. Or men for men and women for women. It does not matter who is performing the service, they are accepting the misqualified energies of the other. That is why you are resisting this behavior. Those who perform sexual services should learn how to cleanse themselves before and after so they may remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.
The introduction of Tantra is instruction in inner work. The Western version of Tantra is in error, with a sexual overcast to it. Tantra is a teaching in elevating thought. Practitioners are taught not to release their energies or physical semen (their dirty laundry) into a lover. Tantra is a beautiful purifying course of study that one may undertake alone without a partner. This inner work involves keeping one’s thoughts and feelings pure and uplifted. Even when a thought or a feeling enters, one learns how to be the master of those thoughts and feelings, and how to change them to kind, loving, intelligent and beautiful thoughts and feelings. In this way he elevates and inspires himself and all who come in contact with him (or her). Purity of body is also required, which one would automatically and naturally be impulsed to follow, if one's thoughts and feelings are inspired by higher and more elevated living. These are the trainings of Tantra. When done in advance, prior to love-making with another person, one has most loving and sweet encounters.
9/7/15 - Your heart is electromagnetic
Your heart has more circuitry than your brain does. Your heart is hard-wired to Father-Mother God. Your heart belongs to God. To complete our mission in this life, we have to connect with our heart. Here are some heart decrees. Memorize these heart decrees and say them out loud every day, three or five times or more. Your body belongs to you, but your heart belongs to Father-Mother God. Your body belongs to you as a blank canvas for you to write on and take into journeys with, go on adventures with and imprint experiences into its cells. Your body was given to you to see what you can make of it. But your heart belongs to Father-Mother God. Your life in the body is for a limited time only. When you are in your head, you are using your human will. When you are in your body you are using your human will. But when you are in your heart you are using Father-Mother God’s will. You can’t help it because your heart is directly connected to Source.
Through your heart the divine enters into the physical world. When you focus your attention on your heart you are plugged into Father-Mother God. Your heart becomes richer. When you start using the heart decrees every day you will build a momentum of conscious energy and awareness to Father-Mother God. Your heart will start to talk to you. You will get messages. You will start to be guided from a most benevolent place, to go to the best situations, with the best solutions. Your heart is not your mind and not your human ego. It is difficult to know the difference because your consciousness is in both places. Your consciousness is in your mind and in your body, as well as in your heart. But your mind contains only storage data like your computer does. It is artificial intelligence, while your heart is pure intelligence from Creator.
You will become aware of the difference as you do the heart decrees daily. Your soul is connected with the Creator. Your soul is really you. It is not separate from you. You are your soul having a physical experience. But your soul - your real self - cannot come into your human life until you open the door of your heart. You don’t have to be there 24/7 because your attention is in the physical human world to do your tasks and to explore and to create. But if you do the heart decrees several times a day you will begin to build an automatic connection to your soul and your creator. Memorize the heart decrees and take about five minutes every morning and evening to say them. Out loud is best but if you can’t do it out loud because people are around, then do them silently in your mind, focusing in your heart. Point out that your heart is electromagnetic. Your heart is directly connected to God, electric, and Mother Earth/Mother God, magnetic.
3/30/16 - The dark web
(Upon waking I wrote this down, still feeling it: "You are love, conscious love, descending down step by step into a physical body, forgetting that you are love. You are an exquisite design all built out of love.” It is a continuation of teachings on Tantra. I felt the feelings of the chakras in place, as centers of warm love, warm suns, shining love out into me as the basic and fundamental structure of who I am, myself, my light body. I am seeing this love sending out the lines of light we call meridians that form a massive web of light all through my body. I wondered about the psychic connections that people have with each other that trap them and bog them down. How does this relate to the warm love and light that is pure and holy? Then I saw the darker lines of light alongside the pure lines of light. And I decided to write this down so I wouldn’t lose the moment. This is what I wrote.)
It is all about warmth - love. Feelings. It’s about feeling the love, the warmth of love. Feeling. The centers are centers of divine love feeling. The meridians are lines of warmth, love, feeling, pure, holy. These get closed down for lack of conscious use. Instead there are other lines running alongside the pure lines. These are darker and contain not-pure thoughts. Continual thinking of the not-pure thoughts turn these into hardened wires of not-pure beliefs. I saw them. These mimic the web of life in that they run through the body in a web-like structure and reach out to connect with others across space and time and with other off-planet beings who are not pure and holy.
This becomes a web of darkness, called the matrix. It is created by using these byways and highways over and over again. We cement the matrix into our reality (consciously or semi-consciously, we choose it) and it influences us in negative ways that are not pure. It is all about usage. Which thoughts do we travel upon today? Energy follows thought. The dark thoughts continue to grow stronger and cement the matrix of not-pure into our lives. The pure, warm goodness is also traveling along a network of light to keep the body alive within us. It is always there, but which highway do we strengthen today with our thoughts and attention? The light highways or the secondary highways which we have created within ourselves and our world?
Mantras, decrees, affirmations of a positive nature, said over and over again all day long, strengthens the highway of light within us and weakens the darker pathways from lack of use. The darker matrix will disappear in time as the light is influencing more of the thoughts of the people. But those who do not want to leave their wrong thinking and start aligning with the love, light and warm goodness available to them, will suffer. When the darkness shrivels up so will their lives shrivel up if they have not supported the light within them with goodness, love, light and warmth which is the more REAL AND SOLID of their nature. The earth itself is taking on more light and thus the dark in the earth is shriveling too.
The light is what we are created out of. We are children of intelligence, warmth, goodness, love and light. It feels wonderful to be close to it. It is not mamby-pamby or flakey. It is solid and real. How real does love feel? It feels natural to us when we are in close proximity to someone who is filled with love and light and goodness. We want to stay in their presence. They are thriving and radiating warmth at the same time the darker hosts are weakening. There is a displacement happening within our bodies as we align more and more with thoughts of love and light and goodness and gratitude.
The incomplete thinking (in error) that was influenced by the dark has created a duplicate network which mimics the natural wholesome lines of light that is the structure and anatomy of the light body within us, which is the fundamental life force and breath force. The dark circulates through the body too and carries fear, doubt, frustration, anger, judgment, intolerance - everything that is not-pure love and not normal to a healthy human being. This dark network will disintegrate faster by replacing “normal” thinking with enlightened statements, decrees, affirmations, mantras, prayers, all day long. An hour a day should do the trick. The more the better. It will speed up the process of killing the dark matrix that is an actual real network of dark that covers our bodies - to the degree we have allowed it.
Because we have a mouse in our house today, I looked in the Medicine book to see what message “mouse” has for me. Mouse represents paying attention to details on a small scale. The advice is “Work towards wholeness. See the big picture but assimilate it in SMALL DOSES. The big picture gives you a little at a time. Expansiveness can be overwhelming if you forget to take it step by step. Confusion is a product of too much too soon. Slow down and stop being confused by the maze. Observe the details of your present pathway.”
Yesterday an ascended master spoke to me: “The consciousness that a man evolves from the beginning of time is the only intelligent possession he has which endures through the cycles of birth and death. An individual consciousness is the only focus through which the godhead can increase the wealth of the individual and his world. Each individual endowed with a SELF consciousness, meaning the faculties of intuition, of spiritual perception and inner sight, can by self-conscious effort, raise his own consciousness to union with the Cosmic Christ and become a valuable instrument in fulfilling the divine plan through cooperation with the will of the Father.”
It is the will of the Father that is circulating inside our bodies in a golden river of warmth, love, light and goodness. It is our natural heritage. It is the wholeness we are to be working towards. It is a very, very big picture but in small doses, as mouse medicine says, we take it step by step so as not to be overwhelmed by it. I am back on track again after a period of down time. There is love circulating within me that has no interest in the political scene and anything that needs work. There is a natural flow of strength and substance within the light body. It doesn’t require working at it. It just takes affirmation, prayer and meditation. So I am back on track, not worrying about it. As Djwhal Khul said a couple of days ago, “I am giving you the pathway to follow.” I think I am attending some kind of school at night when I sleep because I am waking up with instructions.
4/17/16 - A vision of the Kanda budding in the tailbone
This morning I saw the kanda, which I was given a month ago by inner vision, as a bulb on etheric levels. This morning I was given that it is not a bulb, but a bud. A flower bud, the Shakti, the piece of the great light that was sent downward to become buried inside flesh at the pelvic region to blossom and grow and mature when the time is ripe, which leads the soul to become a physical child of the God Parents who sent this seed of themselves downward into density to blossom. Before that happens, before fulfillment of a light-filled body, it is just a dream. This is what we have called the kundalini awakening. It is given to me by a name “kanda”. Kanda in Thai language is “beloved”.
I am seeing this kanda opening today into full bloom, radiating receptivity. It is making ready to receive its beloved from above. The “footsteps of my beloved I hear tramping down the hall,” (from a previous vision in the early days of kundalini awakening.) The Shiva masculine fiery sun energy is descending in degree, only in small steps to the degree that the kanda is opening and ready to receive. If the kanda is not ready to receive, then Shiva the masculine fiery sun energy won‘t descend. It is a magnetic pulling. When the kanda is ready to open and receive, it opens like a yoni but it is turned upward on inner etheric levels, like a bud opening and the flower turned upward to the sun to receive the other half of itself, it’s masculine spirit. OMG! I am feeling the awesomeness of this new awareness. It is the Shiva and Shakti that I am being shown.
4/26/16 - Do we really need sex?
(I had a brief breathing exercise in the meditation room this morning and thanked DK for his mentoring, and asked him to tell me more about, not just Tantra but about the whole sex thing. Is it something we need? I am confused. I know people need it, or think they do. It’s important to everyone but me. I’m wondering how far we should go in our Tantric Massage, and also what to do about male desires? I don’t know. I am asking for answers. This was his response.)
You’re born into mud, the whole earth is mud, the only way to go when you are ready is straight up to God, creator, no dilly-dallying around.
(I’m paraphrasing here. I was feeling the beautiful loving touch massage again, and no genital manipulation, no orgasm, just lifting, lifting, lifting, soaring higher and higher and higher in the body energies. I asked about the kanda [a word he had given me in a prior message] and how the light in the heart, the crystal light, how this relates. How does the kanda at the base of spine relate to the heart? He said:)
The unformed is all the seven qualities you've been taking on - the seven colors and more. The unformed consciousness took and split a part of itself off and threw it out away from itself to manifest as form. It was the unformed who sent a part of itself away from itself for a purpose - to manifest a form. All forms have this unformed pure will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, and freedom UNFORMED inside of it. All forms have this as an unformed potential of perfection and completion inside of it. The unformed sent a piece of the unformed perfect qualities down into form.
The Kanda is a seed inside the human being in the GEOMETRIC CENTER of the human body, at the pelvis, the base of the spine. This is the “beloved” of the unformed intelligence buried in form. It is potential buried in the human being. It is in the geometric center of the human body. It is a piece of perfection lying in wait at the base of the spine, waiting for the soul who inhabits the body to open it and cultivate this perfection. A piece of perfect lies at the base of the spine, unformed, not discovered yet, but the soul WILL discover it, in time. It is the destiny of the human race to germinate and grow this potential that lies within. The soul must do it from choice. The soul and free will. The soul is on the road to discovering this unlimited potential, which has all the qualities and virtues of the unformed divine intelligence, because it IS the unformed divine intelligence lying in wait. Waiting to be discovered.
The heart is the middle zone between the formed and the unformed. The unformed is not formed yet, the formed is not unformed yet. The soul doesn’t know yet. The soul hasn’t discovered the potential of himself yet. The soul hasn’t awakened yet. Until the soul awakens, he is either operating on a male energy or a female energy. When the soul learns about the transcendent kanda within him, the divine consciousness within him, he will stop the struggle between his male and female and begin to look UP. As he looks up he neutralizes and transcends the male/female or positive/negative struggle. He rises above it. He then opens the kanda as a lotus blossom opens its petals, to receive the incoming UNFORMED intelligence - it’s higher self - into the form. It is all about the unformed intelligence - God we call it - coming into form and mankind IS the potential god-man and all women are the potential goddesses, waiting to realize this and receive the parent consciousness into its human form. The heart is the middle zone where they meet. Where unformed consciousness and formed consciousness meet.
5/27/16 - The science of Love
There is a science of love. It comes down from above and enters into the human body but it follows pathways that are not linear or physical. Love involves higher qualities and higher values. Love is invited through higher thought, words, actions and intentions. Love flows along with the use of kindness, givingness, affectionate touch along with a moral and ethical foundation. Love can be induced by the use of colors, prayers and visualizations, but not in a mechanical way, but in a spontaneous way. It must come from within. A person begins to open to love by turning thoughts in an upward direction, consciously, because mankind has been brought low and blocked off by negative thinking and erroneous actions and beliefs which have colored him dark. It has shut down the flow of love. Our culture today is mechanical with finite laws and strict rules and punishment which diminish the flow of love which is the flow of life which keeps us healthy and young. No wonder we grow old, diseased and die! We must learn how to draw on love from within. Life is constantly flowing as a river of life into the body but the body is constantly shutting it down because of the rules. We are obliged to follow rules. Society demands we follow but there is a way to break through.
Love is flowing in but not out. We are blocking it. We need to find ways to let it flow. We need to find ways to break the blocks that hold us back from feeling love and freedom flowing in us. Love and life are constantly flowing into us as a river of life. Tantra teaches this. We need to find ways of living and expressing this spontaneous love and light in our daily affairs. Most people have experienced those unguarded moments when the heart opened and love flowed along with tears. We don’t reveal this love because it is too intimate, too private, too vulnerable, too sensitive, too tender, too innocent. And feeling like a child that needs protecting, we move to stop it. We think we are defending ourself from the cruelties of the outer world, but this is the very love that will transform our life. We must find ways to release this love to ourselves and others who will reciprocate in kind and build on it. We need to start somewhere, and that somewhere is with people who resonate with these words.
7/9/16 - Finding balance between the male and female (how love returns to Earth)
[DK gave me this in answer to a question one day that really disturbed me.]
The impersonal is made personal through experience. How else can they feel it? That is how you are healed, how you are restored to balance. You yourself are bringing the impersonal light into the personal of your body mind. The lower personal body mind. Do not judge this as separation away from the divine, but unification and blending WITH the divine. Understand the process of bringing light into darkness and density. It must be made personal. All of human nature is personal and sacred to the one who is living in it. The dream is to bring this great love out into density to be lived in human form and to push the boundaries of heaven into the matter world to be experienced and enjoyed. It is the desire to return to the great love that is the urge and nudge and motivation. How else can love return to Earth unless it be accepted and welcomed into the hearts and minds and bodies and loins and arms and legs of the outer density? This is the god-goddess walking and talking and dreaming of love in a native earth body. This is how love returns to Earth.
You have been searching in the stars by looking up into the darkness of space and yet love and light are smoldering within your bodies and your hearts, becoming brighter and warmer. This is love awakening in your personality, in you, in your neighbor, in your friend. It is not kundalini rising but heart receiving kundalini, which flows eternally as a stream of life from the earth mother upward towards father sky. You block it. You have seen it rising upward in the glistening dew drop of the mother love as it ascends with every breath. Yet you keep it separate from you by your thoughts of separation and longing and feeling of lack. Everything is within you, the tools for your fulfillment, the light and the love for your joining, but you must realize it and make the connection with your consciousness. You let your world of duality dictate your separation. Heal the separation by receiving the love of mother Earth within your deepest, most private heart.
Human laws that are impersonal are being broken left and right as the divine feminine rises to the human heart which is the nexus where personal and impersonal meet and become sacred through the blend. Sacred has no meaning until it is recognized by the individual living in the body-mind which was separated by thoughts of separation. You make it holy by reclaiming the wholeness, by owning it, by saying, “I Am”
The heart is a perfect geometric singularity of impersonal and personal. Masculine logic (light or information) and feminine (love and emotion) merge in the heart and the divine is experienced in the material world of matter - another word for mother. Love is born and grows there in the heart. Given birth in the heart. Open your heart by focusing on your heart and see that all things are sacred and divine. All that is human is sacred and divine. You are the one to weave the sacred and profane back into wholeness, for nothing is profane. All is in sacred relationship with all else.
Long tentacles reach out seeking, seeking, seeking fulfillment and answers, and do not find it. The answer, the fulfillment, the peace, serenity, clarity, joy can only be found within by surrendering the unfulfillment and loneliness and pain through an attitude of reverence and release to that which is greater than the unfulfillment, loneliness and pain. The male and female within have been kept separated for long eons, causing urges to chase after the opposite gender, seeking fulfillment, but it merely warps reality into entanglements. And yet, this is the way that women and men learn. They find their path through experience. The huge love that is impersonal is made personal through experience. Do not judge yourself or others for their path, imperfect as you see it. Change yourself to wholeness and reverence and understand the process. Instead, as a woman, accept your logical side. And if you are a man accept your emotional feelings. Find balance within yourself.
9/5/16 - The importance of receiving
During a Chi Machine exercise with my legs swinging back and forth, I asked DK what could I do to further my advancement today? First I thanked him because he was the only one I could relate to as a real live human being. I am humbled when I sit before him because he personifies the Godhead or Source through the drawing that he released to the public. I love that drawing of him. I can feel his humility, compassion and intelligence through the drawing. This is what he gave me this morning in words and feelings.
You are right. We are the receivers of the formless as you have been studying in your books. We humans or sentient beings are the Shakti of the Shiva, the formless one who flows through us. You are right. You have discovered this. Yes, I have led you to this discovery, but so others have led you, too, for we have gone before you and we have discovered this before you. And there are others ahead of us. The formless is coming at a steady rate into form. It is the responsibility of the one inhabiting the form to receive this beautiful idyllic flow and mould it into a beautiful, idyllic expression in the physical world of matter upon the planet. It is our responsibility to be continually aware that we are receivers. (I am getting the word “receiver” the last few days.) It is our destiny to remain open to receive the formless beauty, love and intelligence that comes from the greater source. It is our duty as an embodied form to receive this higher, greater, more infinite and intelligent life and mold it, encapsulate it into our expression. It is our role and our purpose as a soul in a dense vehicle to receive this incoming flow and mold it into a higher degree of expression than our form previously knew.
We are making known the unknown, as Ramtha has said. Who else will do it if not us. You and I? That is the purpose of the form, to encapsulate that which is flowing through it. Mankind has not understood this duty and role. He instead receives certain idyllic information and then shuts the door on the flow and turns rogue with it. He wanders away from the river that is flowing and claims it for his own which shuts the door on the flow of inspiration. It‘s dull if the door is closed on the inspiration, and leads to death. That is how ego is born. An ego is the human mind working with a false intelligence, a copy cat, a criminal. And yet mankind is destined to learn of his great role and to open his mind and his heart to become a receiver, a continual receiver, endlessly receiving. This is the great work - to learn how to be in endless receiving mode and never shutting it off. To become a living vehicle expressing a life force that is grander than his form will keep him continually creating new things. A person may feel he is imprisoned in a form today, but when he opens to the never-ending river of life and intelligence that flows through him through his breath, instead of feeling in a prison he will feel free. Totally free and expansive, for his freedom has been curtailed and limited. When he stops closing his mind and heart to the inflow of life and intelligence and reason, he will stop feeling imprisoned and shut down.
This is the great work of the spirit that is our own consciousness. It is our duty to turn our conscious awareness to the greater source that is above and beyond. As we discover the truth of our source and re-open the heart and mind to the incoming source, like a receptacle, we will discover the ecstasy and joy of being alive in a physical body. Life is formless intelligence, love, power and creativity. We as the form are to receive this formlessness into our minds and hearts and give thanks for it by turning our awareness in an upward direction. This is how we receive and mold the incoming intelligence into something beautiful. We become creators and expressors of amazing creations, inventions, works of art, talent, organic technology which is living, not dead metal but living molecular things that serve us, like our computers. This is the purpose of mankind. To receive the inflowing river of life - of sacred life - and expand it, express it, live it, walk it, breathe it, demonstrate it through our actions in the physical world in which we live. And, yes, there are seven qualities that we have been given to remind us and point us in the right direction, lest we forget. Those qualities are attributes of nobleness and we are reminded to weave them into our daily life.
There are seven. Seven rays, seven tones, seven colors, seven noble attributes. They are called will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, freedom, in that order. Freedom is achieved or earned after the six other attributes are woven into the life. Then freedom is experienced. These seven qualities are the qualities that mankind is given to focus on and bring to life. Do not deviate from these. Do not ignore them. Do not shut down. Be ever alert to the SEVEN qualities. They are the steps that lead to enlightenment in daily life. Not in spirit but in physical embodiment. And when we do we find there is more that is poured into us. We become open to receive even more than we thought we ever could receive, for we expand our capacities to know, to feel, to love, to live in truth, to be righteous, and grateful and honorable. We receive more because there is an infinite quality to these colors, tones, radiances. We are expanding ourselves to be able to receive MORE of these qualities, and as we do we also expand the Earth to receive more because we, our forms, are of the Earth.
We are evolving not only ourselves but the planet, for Mother Gaia has provided us the material for our forms. The matter - yes, you got it - matter is the Mother. That is the great secret. That is the missing key. The divine mother is matter, is Shakti, is the divine feminine which receives and loves the divine masculine, which is formless, into form. We humans are to weave the beautiful colors and tones of the seven into life so these may be seen. Will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. As we do we radiate these qualities to the lesser kingdoms behind us, coming up through the process of evolution: mineral, plant, animal. We are caring for Mother Gaia and demonstrating the higher life to those beneath us as we, moment by moment, breathe in the formless (Shiva) and love it, shape, mold it into the physical form as Shakti, the feminine. As we do this we expand ourselves and become quickened and lighter and fuller with the consciousness of source. We are filling our matter body with the source and intelligence and love of the life force. We are the matter, the Mother, encapsulating the Father principle. As the Father principle penetrates into the Mother.
2/16/17 - The sun is enfolding your heart but the earth pull is strong
I woke in pain last night, really bad pain, but I asked DK in the middle of the night for help, and I slept well. I woke up feeling mostly pain free. I am determining that it is all me! My energies. I was going to say I need to rid myself of these restrictions, but DK interrupted me with “You have to ask for help!” and suddenly I felt the peace come over me. His message continued....
The healing massage is to bring feeling and thought together in the heart. Focus on the heart. Your divine real self - the one who existed before this body and will leave after this body - is anchored there in your heart. You came from a higher realm, higher vibrating realm. You lowered your vibration by going through a process of slowing down your vibration in order to be connected to your mom and dad’s energy and be conceived. It is this lower, slower density that keeps you from remembering the lucid fast-moving vibration of your home realm. You are here again in another body and you are anchored in your heart. Your physical heart, and you over-light your physical heart in the etheric realm. There is a sun there enfolding your heart to make sure your heart keeps beating and pulsing blood out through your body. Your heart is the most important organ in your body and therefore the real you, the immortal you, as in soul, is anchored there. That is why we focus on the heart in this massage.
The erotic sensation is that which tends to draw people down to the genital regions to make love or have sex, it is a very strong pressure. It is the very powerful , magnetic pull from the earth forces. The earth has tremendous forces, which have to do with moving physical matter and making sure animal bodies survive and reproduce. It is powerful indeed and that is why sex is so demanding when sex is taken by force by another stronger one. The human being is an animal until connected to the soul and becomes a god-man. But when you, the soul, are in full control and consciously descend to “marry” this powerful magnetic force that is in you, then you do it with love and you transform the earth force in you, thus raising it in vibration.
The mystery lies in two areas that are not in harmony in you due to restrictive cultural upbringings. One is your mental body, the second is your feeling body. The word “body” is used as “realm”. The mind realm vibrates differently than the feeling realm. These are to come together in harmony. This is new information for most people. So in this massage workshop we’re going to practice focusing on the heart to bring thought and feeling together, both the good and bad feeling. Bring it into the sun shining over and around your heart. The sun is you. You are not your body. Your body is a vehicle which you are currently driving, like a car, or like a bulldozer or a sleek racing car. But the car is not you. You are the sun shining in your heart, connected to the heart of Godhead.
2/22/17 - An introduction to Tantra through the chakras
There is knowledge that comes to you from each chakra differently. As you begin to focus on each area of the body you begin to “stir” the etheric energies in that region like putting a spoon into a bowl of still water. You “move” the atoms and molecules of your etheric body - the realm just above the slow moving atoms of the physical. As you stir these atoms and molecules with your consciously-held attention on that region, information starts being revealed. You feel heightened by this information because it is a part of you that has been closed for a long time. It is a rather wonderful feeling. The knowledge that comes is not brain-knowledge. The “knowing” springs alive as if you were immersed in a lake full of this particular message. It hits all the cells and atoms at the same time. You say, “I had an AhHA moment." Or “I had a download this morning.” And then when you try to put it into words in the English language by stringing one word after another, you find it impossible to do.
The brain is a storehouse of information that has been learned in this lifetime. It does not have the capacity to understand the inflow of information from beyond it. The well of information and knowledge that inspires you and lifts you beyond what you have been taught in this life, comes down through the chakra system, the portal system, directly into the body from your spiritual body. Your body is a library of information. As you begin to understand the chakra system of your body, it will make more sense. To “listen to your heart” is one way of saying it. Or “listen to your gut,” referring to your abdominal region. Each chakra or portal maintains the integrity of one of seven areas of your body and therefore has different information to shed into the body.
There are specific values and qualities that come in when the chakra is opened, even though they are all linked together into a whole that oversees your entire four-body structure. This is beyond the knowledge of earth scientists. They are linked the way a symphonic orchestra is linked to play beautiful music, and comes under the intelligence of a higher being who is able to “see” the finished product and holds the vision. When all the chakras are opened at the same time, lights begin flashing in your higher mind, different colors, different feelings and connections. Sort of like a control panel. When they start flowing in harmony with each other, there is an amazing display of knowledge and activity. Your mind doesn’t control it. You wouldn’t know how.
The only thing that you are required to do is trust it and build confidence in the system. We are learning this art of opening chakras step by step, gradually, smoothly, with hands-on practice of moving energy during massage. We are evolving a feel for it. We will FEEL things we haven’t felt before which doesn’t come from our mind or intellect. It’s something built into us that we are uncovering. There is a design, an electronic pattern of exquisite beauty behind each human being. We are taking the first step to listening to the body and allowing our ego mind to stop trying to resist it or to control it. When you try to mentally understand what is happening, when you try to break it down into bits and pieces to analyze it logically to fit into the storage compartment of the brain you stop it from happening at all. When you put the wheels of thinking into motion, your attention has broken away from focusing on the area of the body you are trying to “quicken”.
This is one form of meditation to do every day. Breath 10 times slowly and deeply into the seven areas of your body where the chakras are theoretically located. Get pictures of each of the following areas to help you focus on them. Don’t use a chakra picture but get anatomical pictures. I suggest this order because the heart should always be first, and then alternate “above and below“. The heart/lung area, the crown of head, the tailbone area, the third eye area, lower abdomen area, the throat area, the solar plexus or belly button area.
3/5/17 - Tantra was a teaching
The more you relax, the more your etheric, mental and emotional energies can enter into your cells and tissues. The feeling of peace during yoga is the feeling of your higher bodies coming into alignment and peace with your physical body. Tingles of peace are a sign of the bodies coming into harmony. Relax and let your higher self come into rest and relax your physical. You are not just mental, not just physical, not just emotional, you are more than these three. You are all of these but you are fragmented. Separated from your self. If you were not separated or divided into painful fragments you would be experiencing ecstasy. On Cloud nine. Your outer duties would be irrelevant. You would be in joy connected to the web of life, the tantra of life, all around you, inside and outside of yourself. You would see the people around you in a glow of light, peace and harmony even though they would not be experiencing harmony. Yet you would see them shining in the aura of bliss, happiness and joy. Tantra starts with lining up and connecting with your OWN fragmented energies. Line them up first in yourself, so there is wholeness and peace within you, and then you can connect with others (in this case a lover or beloved partner) and expand the wholeness energies that each of you have cultivated and prepared within yourselves. Before making love, do this by meditating together. The teachings of tantra include this as ritual. You can get a jumpstart by having a session with David.
Tantra was a teaching devised to teach mankind about his inner powers in a fun way. Since he was outer focused, playing with objects and others in a physical standpoint, sex was a main drawing power. By focusing on the love, wisdom and power that lies within him and comes through him and the others with whom he is playing, he thus learns about what feels good when touching certain spots on the body, and what doesn’t. It is a teaching about Self. The inner Self is flowing through him and never stops flowing. But it can be cut down to a small trickle. Tantra teaches man to pay attention to what feels good and therefore put more focus on that location in the body. The inner Self has powers that the little mind and outer body doesn’t. The power comes down from a higher place beyond his conscious awareness. He is learning by practicing tantra, which is a scientific ritual practice which focuses on the pathways that this inner power takes as it descends from beyond his conscious awareness. He thus learns to trust it through experiencing the pleasant sensations vs. the not-pleasant or blah sensations. He learns to turn it up for the full power to flow through him. The power comes from above his head, or above his outer-world focus. Its anchor is in the heart. The power comes from a flame within the heart. It is his own immortal life flame that is anchored in his heart. The higher self descends down from beyond him and is anchored in the physical heart. In the ocean of physicality it is the life raft upon which he can feel solid and stop the turmoil of rolling waves of the ocean. It is the life raft just as the life raft you see in the ocean, bay or the great lakes in your planet, towards which swimmers go for rest while out in those great waters.
Some have said the gonads are the base of operations in the body because feelings are felt in that area. Others say the head is the base of operations because intelligence and reason comes from that area. Let us say both are right, but the heart is where the two converge and become merged - intelligence and feeling. Mind and body come to rest in the heart when a soul learns to bring these two consciousnesses together into the heart. It requires a period of inner focus to do this. Those who believe the gonads are the base of operations do not understand that the feelings he is getting come from the planet, Mother Earth, who is a living breathing spirit and she is reaching up to the sun who is her parent source. She was birthed from the sun. Just as you were birthed from spirit and reach upward to your parent, so does she reach upward and send upward her praise, thanksgiving and gratitude to her parent source. Thus you feel her reaching. It comes upward through the bottoms of your feet and travels upward through your legs and spine to your heart, where she experiences (through you) the merging with her parent source. When we get our lusty feelings we are really getting HER feelings. They become lusty in our bodies because we do not let it flow through the gates which we have constructed and thus the earth energies are stopped and blocked below the naval. We are smaller versions of her. We live on her surface. We are her children and we feel what she feels.
Those who say the head is the base of operations because of the intelligence that takes place there, don’t have the whole picture. It is not the head or brain from which intelligence and thought originates, but the sun which shines its intelligence down upon the earth and her children. It comes from beyond, beyond our brain and head. This is proven when the body dies. Where does the life go? Where do WE go? Our consciousness and all the wisdom and knowledge we have gathered? We are immortal and we are drawn into pursuing immortality. We are an everlasting consciousness but we don’t know it yet. As children of our parent source we are striving to become like our parent. We want to know. We search for answers. We search for fulfillment. We are coded to succeed in becoming like our parent. It is in our DNA. Our light body is our pure template that carries the pure divine within us. We preserve our unique identity when we succeed in knowing who we are, by blending with the pure light that runs through our bodies, minds, feelings and brains. We add ourselves as unique identities to the growing numbers of other unique intelligences that pervade the universes. We do not lose our identities; we gain them. We join with our greater selves and we join with others. When we pool our identities into the vast growing intelligence and love of the creative principle, we gain more wisdom, love and power as an individual. We do not lose! We gain uniqueness because of all of our past adventures and learnings. We simply pool what we have learned - great as it is - into the great pool of the creator. And we grow as creator grows. In individuality, intelligence and love. That is when we graduate from the dark planet of earth - and of all other earths - that existed in pain and struggle. We are home free!
7/30/17 - Preparing for the upheaval that is to come
(I was awakened at 2 am with a nudge from DK. I went into the meditation room, cleared myself and then began writing. This is what I wrote. It is more of a personal message but I decided to include it here.)
Beloved Master, Welcome to our little session this evening. Thank you for hearing and obeying our call. You have been forgetful, yes, it is true, but you are remembering now. Remembering us, your family of light. We too wish to serve and we need feet on the ground there, and hands to do the work. We are a team you and I, a partnership. Yes, it is I, Master Djwhal Khul. No, it is not your imagination. It has been I all along speaking to you, nudging you with the words of wisdom you have been collecting like nuggets of gold lying on the ground. Good for you for remembering where you put them. You have been laying them like a trail of crumbs behind you so you can retrace your steps again. And it is time to begin this next stage of your journey. Soon there will be an upheaval around you. Yes, they are all saying it. It is coming forward as gently as we can make it so, but it is like the wall of water that is expected to reach shore after an earthquake. It does finally come and it does finally break over the land where people live, and they cannot ignore it any longer. They cannot dawdle any longer.
(Q: What would you have me do?)
What you yearn so much to do - this great event is your opportunity - and Marcus’ - to fulfill the God urge in you to call the people together under the banner of Love. Yes, the Love Club is a good name. You are both qualified. You both have been preparing for a long time. Soon you will see the sign in the sky, in the heavens of your being. Yes, you may use Marcus as your - let us say - focal point. Use him as the attraction since you do not want to be a leader but rather a hostess. A loving hostess who hugs the people through the door and gives them the feeling, the radiation of higher love. You do not have to teach or preach. It is important to give them a sense of dignity and of freedom. Through your actions you will give them direction how to behave. The mother love you have longed to give is now yours to give. The ladies of heaven, the many, many ladies of heaven will surround you and lovelight you, if you ask them. You are preparing for this as you research your own path going back over ground you have already covered. You are on alert now. It is YOU, dear one that you have forgotten, not us. Not heaven, not the beloved masters, but yourself. It is time to unite the many facets of yourself that you are, the many soul levels that you have uncovered and discovered and then set aside as you moved on to uncover more of yourself.
During the upcoming tsunami of love - the wall of purity and forgiveness that is coming - prepare to yield. Prepare to be a living, walking, breathing model of virtue and yielding, not to others in the world outside, but to the inner powers and qualities that are rising like a huge wave ready to break upon the shore of your material world. These powers will make themselves felt within you.
During your dream state last night you were given a premonition, an idea, a feeling of what is coming. How you will feel it and how you will act when it is coming forth through you. You will be a power you haven’t known before. It is like a two-edged sword. There are no fuzzy edges to this tsunami wave but it is not destructive. It is a power of goodness, of rightness of love and truth, unqualified by human numbness and dumbness.
You know, the human being treads softly, as if they will upset the applecart, but this power does not tread lightly. When it is in heaven’s right time, when all the electrons line up so the light can shine through, there is nothing to stop truth, light, love, God’s will from flooding forth in those who have prepared themselves to receive it. I am you, you are me, we are one. We are a team with God. We are a team with Christ.
(Q: Have you been with me from before Bob died?)
Yes, from before kundalini was felt by you. You had awakened the kundalini force before, so you were ready to once again raise it.
(Q: It was stunning and a miracle to me!)
Yes, it is always an astounding experience to body, to a soul in a new body. But you have done it before. Yes, you remember the Thai dancers. Marcus was also with you during your life in Thailand. It was a beautiful land at that time. You had many elevating experiences together. You are tied together in more ways than you know. Yes, you are twin flames and yes, you have discovered the truth of twin flames. That you are each journeying upon your own path according to free will and free choice. You should not interfere with the divine plan that unfolds within each other. You are following the path of least resistance to the God within. There is only the God within that you should bend the knee to and commit your heart and soul to. What Marcus does is his free will choice. You are well-prepared for this coming event. It is larger than you. Allow the event to mold itself through you and around you and carry you forward, upward with peace, love, light, power and glory. You must continue to prepare yourself. Allow me to overlight you. I will protect you and carry you gently and safely to higher ground where you will be able to serve the law of your being without limit. I am here for you as I am here for all who call to me.
(Thank you DK, thank you for being my friend and mentor.)
8/18/17 - Growing into the original pattern of you (working with visualization)
[This was given to me during a time when David, another massage therapist and I, were evolving a plan. Master DK used our enthusiasm to enlarge on the concept, but most of this is in his words. He has inserted ur names as if I wrote it, but it is DK who is speaking here.]
Your origins are a brilliant spark. You are a pure and holy brilliant spark of God Light and from that YOU are born, or patterned, designed to be who you are today as a form. Out of pure white light you were formed into what you are today, except you are not expressing that beautiful divine YOU! You are covered over with weavings of impure energies that you have accumulated over many lifetimes. But underneath and woven throughout your entire being is that beautiful pure white gold that is pure and holy. So what you were designed in the original pattern of you is not your physical of today, which shows marks of age and decay, but you as you can imagine yourself to be in the prime of life radiating perfect health and vitality. As you can imagine yourself in the most exquisite ideal perfect form, majestic and graceful and refined, however you can imagine yourself as the ideal form, you are beginning to line up your imperfect human form with the ideal perfect form and truth that you were created to be.
Imagination is your greatest tool. You are much more than you can imagine but your imagination is the highest and best tool we have to begin this work. It is called “visualization”. Working with imagination and visualization is how we sharpen our consciousness and RAISE our consciousness to more ideal planes of existence. It is how we sharpen our consciousness skills and talents. We improve ourselves through visualizing perfection in form. While we are only temporarily living in a limited material body, it is possible to rejuvenate it so that it lives a long and prosperous life, longer than our ancestors did. We can even ascend the body and become an immortal, but let’s stay within the realm of the possible right now. We are pure mind, pure heart, pure soul, buried inside an impure mind, heart and soul. But our most precious asset is our consciousness. Our ability to use our minds and choose what thoughts we entertain is our greatest asset. We can be poor in body and what we own, but we can be the richest person on earth in our own minds. By using the gifts of the spirit that is what I refer to as “the gold” within us. We have golden radiance within us or we wouldn’t be alive today. It is the golden radiance within us that gives us the breath of life. It is the immortal aspect of us. We are a part of the great source. We ARE the great source. And so are the people around us. They don’t know it yet, but we are about to begin remembering.
The body is a house we built for ourselves when we came to live on Earth as a babe. But before that we were part of a great sea of consciousnesses. To be born here we have to reduce our greatness or we wouldn’t be able to identify with this world. We have to identify with this world and all the others in form. Now during massage swaps when we start touching one another with this consciousness of being “more” when we start loving one another with hands of light and love, we will start feeling goodness and peace. These are memories. Feelings of goodness, love and being loved are memories of our parent source, where we came from. Sensations in the physical body are feelings of that original love that made us. That is our home, that is the source of our breath and heartbeat. These sensations of love that we will stimulate in each other are remembering the great love we came from. We will feel good. Good is the best down-to-earth word to use. Just feel good with yourself. If you’re striving to make someone else feel good, you’re working too hard. Just allow yourself to feel good.
We’re going to swap being the massager and the massagee. You give, then you receive. Then you give again and then you receive. We remember how good we can feel. Memories of the golden radiance that is woven in through our darker threads of unhappy energies we’ve accumulated. This is healing. Feeling good is tapping in to who we are in the ideal perfection . Peace and bliss are memories of who we are. Light beings flowing down into physical bodies. We can appreciate being human when we can feel good, happy, joyous and peaceful. On Wednesdays, from a human perspective, we’re just sitting there fully clothed touching fingers or faces, or maybe lying down on the mat and hugging, again fully clothed, but we are remembering when we are conscious and aware of this fact. Yes. It’s a fact and it’s a truth. This is the foundation of Tantric teachings. Each person must develop the awareness of the golden radiance within, alone, by himself or herself. It is an inner awareness that must be developed.
We must touch lightly. It is in conscious touching that we connect with the golden radiance with the other person. Or try to, because we don’t have control over the other person’s consciousness. In ancient times a tantric master would teach a student separately for many months or years, until the student was ready to work with a partner, and he would pair them up to share the golden energy together. But while it took many years in past ages, today we are moving into a new age, a new golden age, where the light is radiating at a much faster and higher rate of speed into people, whether they know it or not. It’s happening to all who live upon the planet, even though they are not mentally aware of it. David and I yearn to begin sharing and showing how beautiful golden touch can be and it must be done without thinking “sex”. Lovemaking is a whole, completely different type of interaction than sex is. Making love when both partners are conscious of the radiance of love within them, and being able to maintain that inner state of love within themselves, then making love is out of this world. Literally. It’s on another plane. It starts out beautiful, so warm, so endearing, so emotional, and it grows from there. That is what the love club intends to share and practice through massage swaps.
We must start gently so the hungry ones, and you know the type, someone who is so hungry for touch that they rush you and pressure you into actions that you are not ready for. But we are all needy. Every one of us. So it‘s not “them“ we have to watch out for, but ourselves. We each have to learn how to not push and not pressure others, but always having the beautiful goal as an ideal lying ahead, waiting for someday. Not some ONE, but someday when we can hold onto love within our own hearts, then we will attract like a moth is attracted to a flame, we will attract someone of equal vibration. So let us grow our feelings of goodness through massage. Loving touch massage. It is sensual in the sense that it is warm, but all over. It’s not intended to turn on the genitals. The genitals have to let go. Let go of the genital turn-on feeling. Let the feelings flow all over the body. Grow your memories of that love that exists all over the body. Grow your LIGHT body which is your LOVE body, which holds the love safe in a higher plane, out of range of the impure thought. We need to expand our capacity to receive love in more places than the lingam and yoni. We grow our capacities to bring love into all parts of the body, into more of our physical form. Our bodies must be refined enough to receive these loving divine energies that are so holy, so pure, and the human body is capable of receiving it. It is. People call it rapture, or nirvana, but human beings have been there before, both in solitude, and in partnership, as this is what ancient tantra masters taught to the few who were ready. Imagine a weaving of very fine hair-thin threads of light criss-crossing all through your body. Very, very fine, so fine they are invisible to the eye. These are on the etheric plane. Some weaves are thicker than others, and all of them are connected to the larger etheric spot lights that are called chakras placed at strategic points in the body. Chakras are where the pure golden love-light is held on higher planes. It can’t come into an impure place so it is up to the individual to begin the learning process. The love club is going to do that.
8/19/17 - Thought and feeling are two separate activities
Thought and feeling are two separate activities in a human being. Thought is not a feeling. You can think about something without receiving a sensation in your body. Not at first when you first become aware of it. It becomes a sensation the more you entertain the idea. When you first become aware of the idea it is still descending from the abstract plane where all thought originates. Thought is formless. It becomes formed as it imprints upon the brain cells. Feeling on the other hand is a denser vibration that impacts the physical cells and becomes a physical sensation. Granted, thought and feeling are designed to work together in harmony, formless abstract descends down into denser material to be felt by the tissues and nerves of the body. What you “think” you may also “feel” spontaneously if you are aware, such as with the vibration of music as it moves through you on a sensory level through hearing. But this does not happen in people where their thought is not in alignment with their bodies. In other words their emotions may not receive the thought into their physical tissues because they are not open to their bodies.
Most of you humans are not aware or enlightened enough to make the distinction between thought and feeling. You do not know how your own body works. The result is discordant energy moving in a confused state through your entire being in a rather chaotic state. Random and disjointed. Without order, reason or purpose. The first thing to do to bring order and purpose to yourself, to straighten yourself out, is to become aware of what thoughts you are entertaining, and making a distinction between what feelings you are feeling at the same time. Can you separate feeling from what you are thinking in your mind? It is important to separate them before you can integrate them into a harmonious whole which will bring you more peace and purpose. Notice when thought and feeling are in harmony. Notice when thought and feeling are NOT in harmony.
Two of the four lower bodies pertain to thought and feeling. The other two refer to the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is sub-conscious and superconscious. In other words, you are not aware of what is below your conscious mind and what is above your conscious mind. You are aware of only what is in the narrow region inbetween the above and the below. It is important to expand that region. How? What is in your subconscious influences you in subconscious ways, such as being afraid of flying. You will continue being afraid of flying until you understand and come into contact with the lifetime or memory or realization that you once died from falling a great distance, or had a similar trauma that impacted you with fear. That fear remains in you until you dissolve it. There are many ways to dissolve it. Hypnotism, or facing the agonizing fear the next time you are confronted with it when it comes rushing forward. We are not here to discuss techniques. Techniques are available all around you today. What is subconscious to you is influencing you all the time, every day. An alcoholic gene in your ancestry DNA causing you to drink. A cancer gene passed down from your grandmother. Religious issues passed down from your lineage. You are a product of past influences that are not your own, through ancestry DNA in the form of cellular programming. You can change your own DNA by resolving to face it down, track it down, own it, be responsible for your own actions instead of blaming it on a grandfather or father. Connect with the realization and do something about it, consciously. Bring it up into consciousness. Expand the narrow range of your consciousness this way.
Likewise, things that are in your superconsciousness that you are not aware of, are also influencing you through idealism, thoughts of perfection, beauty, honesty, grace, refinement, intelligence, learning to become better. There is an evolutionary drive within your higher self. Your divinity lies above your conscious mind. You were created in perfection but you do not realize your perfection yet. Self realization is a goal in every human being, but even that is not understood. So many people think it is a dream too far and they cannot even go there. Instead, they accept their low self worth as a worm accepts its life on the ground. Identify with your divine nature often during the day by looking up into the vast blue sky and thinking “happy” and “joyful”. The sun is there to remind us of our greater self. The stars are there at night to remind us that we have a star heritage, not just a worm heritage. Connecting awareness to these thoughts brings this forward into consciousness and expands your conscious mind. This is how you impact your etheric body, subconscious and superconscious. You are not just a physical piece of meat walking around. You are so much more than that. This is an immortal part of who you are and you take it with you when you leave the body behind at death.
Likewise, in your ether body there are skills, talents, heroic good deeds that you have accumulated from past lives that are better than what you are expressing today. Tap into these by recognizing that you have latent interests in certain areas. Languages, science, teaching, medicine, art, sculpture, music, dance, entertainment, politics. Many interests lie fallow and unused in this life when in former lives these interests were developed and honed to mastery, or at least to advanced stages. You have graces stored within your etheric body that you might not even think about. You may have been an accomplished opera singer or astronomer or surgeon in your time period, born to other parents. Your etheric body is part and parcel of you.
The chakras alternate between masculine and feminine. I am seeing that the root chakra is masculine. It is the first thought that precedes the feminine. The root chakra is connection with earth, strength, will power, determination, perseverance. The sacral chakra is feminine. It is an inner feeling of nurturing love, balancing the first chakra with a softness that integrates and soothes. The solar plexus (3rd) is masculine, it is the expressing of self outward into the outer world. It is the identity of the self after first connecting to earth with strength and will, and then becoming soft through the second chakra feminine, then the third step is to debut oneself outward into the world. The heart (4th) is feminine, to balance the masculine expression of self thrusting outward into the world. It is a higher vibration of softness, peace and calm. First masculine thrusting outward, then feminine withdrawing inward to soothe and calm, then thrusting outward again, this time with more finesse, and then withdrawing inward again to soothe and calm, each level is more refinement of understanding.
Then the throat (5th) is masculine, speaking the truth and knowledge that one has gained through the first four levels of experience, the self can now express, create, contribute to the world in which he/she lives. And then moving upward to the 6th chakra, the pineal gland or third eye as it is called, feminine inward drawing to meditate and nurture the self. First masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in, then masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in. Each time, the self refines its understanding of how to live in physical form. And finally it is ready to ascend to the 7th chakra, the crown of the head to join with the immortal self, known as spirit, which has not been in physical. Only that part which descends into physical evolves understanding of living in physical. That part of self which is yet still in spirit, is waiting for the self to return home and bring the harvest of learning with him to share with higher aspects of self. This is the physical journey of an immortal soul through physical life as it was given to me.
When we are in masculine mode we are not interested in spiritual things, but when we are in feminine mode that is when we consider the possibility of spiritual practices. The more advanced the soul is, the more influence will spiritual matters impress on the self. Spiritual practices are invoking angelic presences, ascended master teachings, learning prayers and affirmations and reciting them at particular times during the day. Also visualizing or imagining or picturing, not necessarily with words, but activating the imagination. Or breathing exercises through counting and imagining light. There are many techniques being taught today. (End)
9/15/17 - Healing the feelings by feeling the feelings
[After Hurricane Irma swept through and forced us to evacuate for eleven days. Upon coming home again I had an experience of being outside with the angry elements that had been unleashed during the hurricane, and then afterward a wonderful meditation with the ascended masters, DK, the archangels, the elementals and the warrior trees around our house which protect us.]
Don't sit around waiting, change the NOW! The spirit life force is entering into you with total abundance to change your now. It's coming in with every breath. Stop! Stop trying to labor your way out of this chaotic mess that lies in ruin around you. Let those whose responsibility it is to physically labor. Your role is to maintain contact with us. You can channel our forces into your reality when you maintain our connection."
[Thank you, DK. It is clear to me that I am a source channel for the light to come in. Light is pouring through me now and out into the world. I turned my chair to face east out the window. A beautiful breeze is coming through. I've offered my body-mind to be used by higher forces. Then, an awesome revelation from DK.]
Healing the feelings means don't act on them, don't express them, don't repress them, don't suppress them. FEEL THEM! When you act on feelings. you are not feeling them. You are throwing those energies out and away from you. Accept them, allow them, surrender yourself to the feelings. In other words, give up. Give up trying to avoid them. Tears are an expression, a sign, that you did give up, give in to the feelings. You try every trick and manipulation in the book to avoid letting these feelings in. You don't let them in. You are continuously rejecting feelings from entering. That is what is meant by "healing the feelings". It fulfills you. You become fulfilled. You feel complete, whole, perfect, calm. The peace that passes understanding. You are filled full of acceptance. You are loved. You are whole as you were always meant to be.
[I meditated and then went to bed and in the twilight zone sometime between wake and sleep, I’m not sure when it was, I was outside the house, out there in the devastation of the wild. I was a part of the devastation that the hurricane had left in its wake. I was there and it was in me in a visceral way and I realized how far away from home I had come, and I knew that - Thank God I’ll be going home shortly/soon. And then, immediately I thought, “But this is my home! Where is Home? I flashed on Zephyrhill and my childhood home. it seemed all of my lifetime homes merged together, but these were not my home. Then I was back in my bed. As I lay there awake thinking about this I then had a very strong reaction: “No! I’m not going to leave here! I’m committed to staying here. I’m going to stay to clean this mess up!” The frenzy, hate, vengence and terror that I felt in the wildness out there in those few seconds I will never forget. I can still feel it. The elements were all shook up and released from centuries of being held down. They were released during this hurricane and they were ready to go home but I said "No! I will not go home! I will stay!" and so I did, and we rebuilt the calmness again as once it had been before the hurricane.]
9/29/17 - Let your body teach you, your body is a mixture of unrefined and refined materials
[Up in the middle of the night I am applying Tiger Balm to my aching back and noticed my nostrils crackled clear. I heard the words, "Refining the energies. Notice, pay attention, listen, observe the feelings in your body. Just observe. Let your body teach you. Your body seeks refinement. Allow it to show you, rather than you trying to impose your less-than-perfect technologies upon it. Your body is a mixture of unrefined and refined materials floating around in it, and some are not floating but remain stuck. The atoms that compose your body are conscious. They make up your body consciousness." After I finished applying Tiger Balm and DMSO to my back, I sat quietly, feeling the feelings that were generated from the application. Then I switched on the lamp and began writing, for the inner thoughts were coming through one after the other, easy and clear. This is what was written.]
(DK channeled) “Some of this conscious material that makes up your body is slowed down and is what you call stuck energy. It is not moving well. But you have also higher moving materials in your body, and these are directing you to use certain balms and fluids externally, topically, such as the Tiger Balm and DMSO and taking Epsom salt baths. You credit me (DK) for these inner discussions but I am only one voice in the mix of voices you are receiving. Refining your perceptions is like picking up a telephone and listening. You are paying more attention. You are putting attention on your inner sensations. When higher vibrations meet lower vibrations, you as the resident agent of the body, cast the deciding vote. You are the steward and land owner of your body. Be a good land owner. Be accountable. Pay attention. Listen to what your body is telling you. It will tell you what you need to do.
“When integration of high and low-moving vibrational substances take place, healing is the result. Can you feel it now? [There was tingling and buzzing going on.] It is a unification. Blending and allowing, even welcoming the joining with a sense of awe and inspiration, a celebration if you will. This is how YOU create and bring about your own refinement. You are refining your body by listening to it. You call it healing. That is a third dimension term for a spiritual evolutionary process. When kundalini awakened in your body in 1976, YOU were conscious and awed by the refinement that flowed through you. It lifted you. If you had not been conscious and aware of the process, the process of kundalini awakening would have been aborted. YOU are the directing intelligence of your body. You are the master of the various and sundry energies, both high and low vibrating atoms that are moving throughout your four lower bodies. As you refine your perception, it is equivalent to meditation when you cease moving and thinking and begin listening to the advice and counsel of higher guidance. Your body is full of higher guiding forces. You do not have to follow a specific routine, such as a learned meditation that you have used before. Refining your consciousness is a fluid, subtle work of consciousness. Pay attention. Be still and listen and persevere in remaining alert and listening at all times. This is a walking meditation.
“Don’t force a thought because you are not the master planner. You are the student of all of this. You are the learner and the observer. You are the steward who does not know everything, because you are learning as you go. Learning as you go means you listen as you go. Listen and make decisions as the manager of this operating unit of many voices and many vibrations. You are the one who is learning by doing. You are growing wiser through the process of holding the balance and being the overseer of the project. It is on the job training. You are also known as the host. You are the one who is proving your worth by caring for this land over which you have been made responsible, your body-mind. Embrace this understanding of who you are. Your job is to listen to your little workers, millions of elementals in the form of atoms and subatomic particles needing an overseer. Listen to them for they are speaking to you even now. Some are in pain, others are happy. Listen, because as you listen you are sending love and love soothes, heals and unifies. Simply listening to someone speak, truly listening, is sending love. Allowing love to radiate. Love is the healing element. Do you understand?”
(Yes, master DK. Thank you. I do see. I must practice this and you are here with me, guiding me each night. You are patient with me. Thank you.)
“My dear, patience, no. It is not patience. It is allowing you the freedom to take the lead. It must be you who decides when to get up in the night and listen to me. When you are ready, you call me and I come forward to assist. I do not wait around for you! (Laughingly) I have others who I assist. There is much for me to do.
(Thank you for telling me that. It takes a load off my mind.)
(Laughter!) “Take the time to listen to your body. Listen to the tweaks, bumps and moans that your body is making. Learn how to move WITH them rather than try to fix them. Because, again, you do not have the master plan in your conscious mind. The master design for a perfect mind and body is descending through you in continuous flow, just as a river flows down the mountain becomes part of the landscape, influencing all of the surrounding territory. As the master design flows forth through you it causes FEELINGS in your body and influences your body if you let it. Listen to those feelings. The master plan is coming into you through your breath, in fluid motion, pressing here and there causing sensations, Sometimes you have a painful sensation when the breath of life bumps up against a resistance. Wherever there is pain, go there in your attention and continue to listen. Dissolve it by listening and paying attention. The master plan for your body is perfection but you have created energy blocks with false ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. The master plan is not an object to grasp and lay out on a table to examine. It is an unfolding current with you that is invisible, flowing from higher planes down into slower vibrating substance. You are the co-creator. Your perfect self is TRYING to come into manifestation but it is forced into an obstacle course made of prior human experience. As I said earlier, you are a mix of both high and low vibrating energies. It is YOU who enables the integration of high and low substances within you.
You are the awake and aware steward of this land called a body, this nation of many voices, all of whom speak in different tongues. They need to be held together by a wise and benevolent master - a higher intelligence than themselves. This is you. You are not the ultimate authority however. There is one higher than you. You are a steward of this body, learning how to govern wisely the many voices that are speaking within you. The health and vitality of this land (your body) depends on how well you listen to those workers that compose it. Mankind is learning to listen to the landscape within. As he does, he nurtures and nourishes the land of his body. He has not done a good job of paying attention in the past. He has pushed his body beyond endurance and worn himself out, exhausted, lame, debilitated, without understanding that he was supposed to CARE for his body. It is no one else’s responsibility but his own to make peace within his inner world which is accessed by feeling, listening and responding to the subtle and invisible movements within.
“Listen to your own body feelings and perceptions first, before listening to an outsider. Even professional health experts do not know your body or what it needs. Listen to the voices of your people - your cells, tissues, organs of your inner world. They hurt and seek your forgiveness, not your “fixing” with prescription drugs. They do not need fixing, they need you to care and love away their pain - YOUR pain. Your love moves the stuckness within you. In feeling their pain you become the solution to removing that pain. Relief comes in the form of gratitude and “I love you“ thoughts. Yes, it is through mental communication that you talk to and listen to your cells. There is happiness when you care for your body, and joy at being allowed to breathe free again. This is true liberation, to breathe through the stuck energies that block the perfection within you.
[I thought of the hurricane and the lost elementals uprooted through the fierceness of the winds.]
“Yes, you could say that it was the elementals as a whole who were ravished by the hurricane and said, “Thank God I’ll be going home soon.” And your statement of “NO! I will not leave!” was your determination to stay the course and help in this transition. It was your way of putting loving arms around them and assuring them you would welcome them back to a place where they belong. To a sense of being whole again. Home is wholeness. Home is a heart at peace.
[Thank you DK. for your words of wisdom. I sense this is the end of our session?]
“Yes, you are to be congratulated. You are waking yourself up in the night to learn more but you are growing tired now. We will continue tomorrow in the night or day. If you call me we can continue with the learning.” End.
10/23/17 - Sharing feelings & opening primary partnerships
[While considering how to begin a gathering for the Love Club and wondering how to approach the couples and give them practical advice, I asked DK to advise me. This was mind to mind and I could feel him ready to proceed so I took pen and paper in hand and said, "OK I am here and open to receive the message."]
Intimacy has always been reserved for the primary partner, the one you live with. Primary partnerships have always been considered exclusive, but how many of you have retained the ability to be truly intimate? Intimacy means connecting. Connecting with someone else also in physical form requires a slowing down process, both mentally and physically, so that feelings can be shared. If you are feeling something and your partner is not, the feelings are not being shared. Only one of you is feeling. Connecting means sharing feelings. This is the meaning of intimacy. Sharing feelings with someone other than your primary partner has always been considered a sacrilege. You have kept feelings hidden for that reason. You have even kept feelings for yourself hidden.
How often have you masturbated alone, in private, and had someone come in on you. Did that not give you feelings of shame? The feelings of shame were a condition laid on you from those in authority who have tried to keep you from feeling your own feelings. This practice of massaging a stranger is an exercise in breaking open those forbidden cultural taboos, and simply sharing feelings with a stranger. This is the reason why we are here to swap massages alone. Not as a couple, but alone at a table with a partner of the opposite gender. You will have feelings. You will have all sorts of feelings. You might have repugnant feelings. Or feelings of guilt. Or feelings of shame for having GOOD feelings. You might have sexual feelings and you might feel confused because you’re not supposed to go there during these massages.
Feelings are beautiful. Let them be. Feel them. Allow them. Enjoy them. Don’t act upon them. Just feel them. Let them exist within you. As you feel your feelings you will also be processing them. You will be saying, “It’s OK to have this feeling. I will keep moving my hands on this person.” Whatever the feeling is, just own it. It’s yours. Don’t expect the other person to have the same feelings you are having. The act of massaging a stranger person allows you to feel better than when you are massaging a friend. Because when you are massaging a friend, you drop your guard and relax into the KNOWN feelings that you have had with this person before. That will come about as lesson Number 2, as you practice expanding on known feelings.
The first part of this practice is learning how to feel within yourself, alone, and owning what you are feeling. It‘s not just skin on skin. It‘s opening up to forces within you that have been turned off due to cultural laws and rules. We are breaking the law and the rule here by allowing feelings to surface. Do you understand? That is why we will be swapping partners. You will not be able to relax your guard and “flow” with this person, so you will have to simply feel. It is a breakthrough, to feel.
Intimacy has been shut off in all of you because you are a dangerous species, humans, if you are allowed to be free and happy. We are breaking the rules here and this goes beyond gender. It is about you getting in touch with free and happy forces within you. Own them and let them be.”
10/27/17 - Massage exchanges to open feelings
[I am talking with DK about massage exchanges, wondering about them and questioning DK. He and I are chatting about this. My notes....]
There are many types of massage. All of them require an intellectual study to learn the application. It is an outer-world learning. In this form of massage where you are swapping massages with others not your own partners, we are seeking a new approach which is an inner approach for different purposes. We’re not teaching you a modality that you have to learn. We are helping you to access your own feelings within. This is about drawing forth your own knowledge and power from within you. You have a lot of power, a lot of knowledge, a lot of awareness and especially a lot of love within you. It is stored within your cells, your atoms, your molecules, your memories. You know this already. You have been trained to look outside of yourself to experts and authorities who supposedly know “better” than you, and that’s OK. You can do that. But this is in addition to the experts and the authorities.
You have not been taught how to access your own powers and intelligence. This is what we are doing here. It’s kind of hard at first because you don’t know where to begin. You will develop your own sensitivity. No one can teach you how to do that. You will access your own intelligence, no one can give you intelligence. You have a lot of intelligence that you have already, but that has been beaten down in you, telling you that you’re stupid. So you will develop your own caring and kindness. No one can teach you caring and kindness. You have it already but your culture has beaten it out of you.
In this practice of massaging we are accessing the caring and kindness within you. You are a conscious being who is aware. You live inside your body but your mind has been trained, shaped and molded to NOT access your inner intelligence. You have been trained to learn from the so-called “experts” out there. A whole system has been devised to keep you looking outside of yourself to others to provide you with information, education and just about everything, so we have neglected the vast amount of intelligence and creativity that is within each one of you. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”
We have all lived for many lifetimes, all the while accumulating experiences and learning how to do it better. All the while evolving wisdom. Every experience you ever had, has left its mark in you. You are a well-matured soul by now. This knowledge is in you. You embody those experiences of past lives. You have grown in refinement and skill, and in your ability to understand the difference between right and wrong for yourself alone, and how better to interact with others. The Love Club massage group is an opportunity to access your own intuitions of an innate nature and loving kindness. It is all about you accessing your own skills. You know what to do better than someone else telling you what to do, but you have to access those feelings. What is necessary to be kind? You might want someone else to teach you but I don’t want you to learn with your mind from me. I want you to follow your own feelings from within. What does kind mean to you? Ask yourself that question if you have a question. Ask your self. Ask your inner self and listen to what your body feelings tell you.
In esoteric language, there is a pure consciousness that is at the heart of your individuality. The same pure consciousness runs through the heart of your wife, or husband, or child or parent as runs through you. The same pure consciousness that is the “oneness” of life runs through everyone and it’s possible to connect with it. It is that feeling of goodness you get when you are in sync with someone, when you feel a light happiness ripple through you, or when someone smiles and you feel unusually grateful for that smile. It is a connection beyond words or logic. It is very practical. It is that which tantra speaks of as the web of life which runs through all sentient beings and connects us all. It is web of life, a river of life, like an electric current that runs through large cables, small conduits and mini wires. This current of life goes everywhere and it appears as the feeling of connection, giving you support to your life. You feel an “uplift” as if an angel lifted you up.
This is a connection that comes from beyond our logical mind. We can’t define it. This is what we will be connecting during our massage swaps. It is support. This is you supporting the other, and the others supporting you. You are the pure “I” who says “I am thus and such", but you have accumulated so much experience, both bad and good lessons, that you are covered over with personality lessons and issues and it’s difficult to see or feel the pure “I” underneath it all. The pure “I” is the one who beats your heart and digests your food. That too is beyond your logical mind. When you become aware of “I am” - and you will eventually - this is absolute pure electricity from the source of all that is.
A message from higher self is an enlightened thought from beyond your conscious mind. It could be called a download or an inspiration. You can reject that or wave it aside or you can receive it. The process of receiving a message from a source higher than your own mind causes you to think about it. Let your mind receive it like a cup receives water. Then bring it down into your body as a feeling. Allow the feeling to slowly fill you. An emotion is a feeling that moves. A feeling that does not move becomes a knowing.
10/29/17 - Your heart is the balance between physical and spiritual
If you are not in your heart drawing and allowing in your pure self, you are getting the information from your mind/brain which is a store house of accumulated learned experiences from the past. Below the heart is human and above the heart is divine. The heart is where the pure original consciousness of you comes in through the portal of the three-fold flame in the heart. The heart is YOU in all your uniqueness. There is not another you. You are the only you in existence. If you are drawing from either above or below the heart, you are drawing on other influences. From above, you are drawing on higher influences, angels, masters, etc., and from below the heart you are drawing on earth experience, both error and pristine.
The heart is the balance in you between physical and spiritual. Within your etheric heart, superimposed over your physical heart, is a portal through which perfection comes into manifestation. Then, there is a river of light and love that enters through the top of your head and runs down your spinal column and into earth and anchors you into the earth to create your physical. There is an attraction above you that is drawn magnetically down to the physical earth, and there is an attraction below you in the earth that is drawn upward to space and the higher planes above you. It is your heart that balances these two attractions.
Feelings on the lower denser side of you, the more physical side of you, are called lower emotions like sadness, jealousy, survival issues, anger, fear, frustration, depression and more. Feelings on the higher side beyond your human need for survival, are called spiritual longings and reachings. They are sometimes called feelings, and sometimes called mind. Mind and feelings merge into oneness. At that high place you experience visionary things because you are going up beyond the physical, mental and emotional levels of activity.
Within your heart, your etheric heart, lies the perfection that keeps the balance that keeps you grounded between physical and non-physical. It keeps you sane and rational. But you are the one who must find this location, or this particular place in your conscious focus. You are the one who does the searching and the discovering. Wherever you go, you are the one who brings you there. While it is confusing to the mind and the logic of the survival of the fittest, hands-on massage will help you locate your true and authentic self through feelings. Choose the good feelings over the bad feelings. If you feel bad, adjust and make the feeling become good.
11/6/17 - Advice on exchanging massages
[While thinking about ascension massage exchanges, I asked Master DK for advice. This is his response.]
Move your consciousness from your analytical mind to the timeless space within your body cells. There you can rest. In your mind you cannot rest, for mind is connected to the outer world which is constantly changing shape and this part of your mind wants to keep up with the changes. Connect with the timeless space within your cells, your body, and rest. It [the massage swap] should not be regulated. That is trying to fit the universal flow [of each person] into a box. Each person is a unique vibration. Some are ready to flow. Give them that opportunity to flow. Some are not ready to flow. Give them some structure. Both permission to flow and structure for those who need structure. Some will want to give more, others will be inclined to receive more - those who need to receive more love and nurturance over those who prefer to give more rather than receive. Allow the individual to choose. Explain this to them in talking session. You will do well. Moderate. I will see that M comes to you. You are gathering beings of Light. You are a great being of Light. Let us use you. You have asked for the ascended masters to over light you. We are here, eager to flow into each one to enhance each one’s sense of knowing of wellness within themselves. To bring their consciousness to the forefront. To push the consciousness more into the physical matrix and the physical body. When each person feels finished, let them shower, don a bathing cover and go into the hot tub. The giver receives more than the receiver, since he/she is flowing the light out into the receiver, and thus they are receiving more inflow from 5D light.
[I asked how do I explain this to those who attend?]
Raising consciousness starts out as a belief. You have to change your belief system to create a new belief to set the direction in a positive, upward direction. By continuing to believe this, eventually it turns into faith. And then into knowing, which is the real connection. It takes holding onto the belief in order to process your “old” that has kept you in limbo. Keep holding onto a belief by wanting to believe. This is how you raise your consciousness. Personal connection is human day-to-day interactions which are filled with personal debris that is unimportant to spirit. Going beyond personal to a larger expanse level is creating through less focus. Lesser and more refined, more free, more loose, more liquid, more light, more letting go of the “old”. This is how we connect with our higher selves which is sheer pure divinity for we are the children of divinity, growing ourselves back home. There is a divine electric in us that keeps us ticking and breathing. It comes from higher planes, so our direction is “up” and away from the dense physical focus, BUT not leaving the dense physical behind but incorporating the dense physical into our upward journey. We do not divide ourselves out of physicality, we incorporate the non-physical love and refinement into the physical. Thus we integrate physical and non-physical and we feel wonderful.
There’s a cheater in every one of us. It’s the personal aspect of us, the small aspect that feels unloved and unwanted. But there is a larger aspect in us who lives interwoven alongside the personal unloved aspect of us. Both are us. The human experience is a learning experience. We are not human for very long. It’s a lifetime incased inside skin and bone to learn how to choose between the larger aspect which is love, light and transparent seeking the good within the whole, or choosing the small dense personal unloved and unwanted aspect. We are both. We are the chooser. We are the grand person of nobility and we are the small and rejected hurting person in pain. Which one do we feed?
11/9/17 - Kundalini divides at the second chakra
[This morning I had a download of information. DK, would you please help me to remember this information? I am to tell the people about this. I have seen this before. I know this from before. It has to do with the primal divine earth energies coming up and gathering at the first root chakra. Then it comes up to the 2nd chakra which is the reproductive or sexual chakra. and...?]
In the animal kingdom the flow of primal energy divides out at the second chakra in order to create a division into two separate genders. There must be separate genders, male and female, to create a hunger for reuniting. Separation at the second chakra is necessary for duality to play out. There is engagement and play between the two forces which makes the world go around. And create babies. Reproduction is important to perpetuate the species. The animal kingdom operates on animal instinct. Now, the human being is also an animal but it has been cultivated with altered DNA to become more conscious than the animal. It has evolved to become self-conscious and it continues to evolve to become God conscious.
It knows that there is a refinement that draws him to seek into the spiritual realms. But his sexuality and reproductive functions remain as an animal. The human has allowed himself to retain the animal drive to copulate as all animals do. The mechanism to overcome this drive lies in the second chakra, where the division takes place in the animal kingdom. When the primal divine life force comes up to the first root chakra, to overcome this drive, instead of dividing out left and right, the mechanism is to remain WITHIN the second chakra and not allow the division to take place. The division that takes place is the male pushing out and the female withdrawing or receiving. When the human male stops pushing and the female stops receiving, they both can integrate and experience union. This is difficult to explain to a 3D consciousness.
I heard this in a 5D altered state and was able to retain this information. What we are doing with the Love Club massage swaps is teaching them how to integrate their male and female in peaceful embrace, rather than the male pushing and the female dancing around trying to attract his attention or running away. To overcome this animal instinct to push and run away (male and female animal instinct) we humans are to learn how to not do that by way of reducing or diminishing our outward actions. When we slow down to a full conscious stillness and allow ourselves to integrate, then we overcome the animal instinct to push and dance. Do you understand?
(When during a channeling it is asked, "Do you understand?" that is a sure sign that it is DK speaking, for I myself would never ask that question because it is presumptuous. DK was speaking here.)
11/11/17 - Tantra love
I received a clear picture of two people doing Tantra love today, from Master DK. A man and woman sitting together facing each other in a meditation, eyes closed, in silence, each focusing on their inner light and love whatever way they do that. Neither one of them made an effort at pushing it. They waited, and communed with their light bodies until their light bodies moved them to engage in physical lovemaking. Slowly.
I don’t know how to describe this to someone who is not aware of their light body. But the words “precise balance” came to me. Each physical body, both the man and the woman, the male and female energies had to be precisely balanced in each of body. Neither one pushing on the other one, or the other withdrawing. Both precisely equally balanced. Both surrendered to the love WITHIN. They did not focus on each other. Their focus was a meditation pose, focusing on their individual I Am Presence. When each of their individual I Am Presence(s) reached that precise balance point where they merged and blended in oneness and connection, both the man and the woman responded at the same time. The personalities were not engaged. They were drawn magnetically to join. Only the love and light of their God Presence within them acted since it was the same sameness in each one. It was Self making love with Self but they were able to enjoy it through two separate bodies. This was shown to me clearly and perfectly as the ultimate Tantric union between two people.
12/8/17 - Lecture on the light body
(This morning I woke up with a lecture going on. As I lay in bed feeling warm and cozy, I thought it was my own mind playing around with this concept. But after awhile I realized I was being given a purposeful instruction. It was as follows. I got up and wrote it down.)
Lecture on the beautiful light body. How it came into being. You are a light body covered in slime. But the light is still there underneath. You were created by Father Light and Mother Love as a beautiful light love baby consciousness. You started out conscious of love and light, light being information or intelligent awareness. The love held you fully in its warm embrace. You were given over to another being to protect and love you because Father Light and Mother Love were busy creating other love light babies and maintaining their growing family. You were placed in the orbit (family) of a sun where you floated in bliss and happiness and love, while you grew in awareness. You were a conscious being from the first moment you were created, but you were only a baby, like an earth baby, and you didn’t know any more than the love that surrounded you.
You grew and expanded your conscious awareness, and as you grew you noticed that others in your family, all at different levels of expanding consciousness, were responding to your thoughts and feelings. You learned to communicate with others. You learned cause and effect. You were growing in love and in light (information). Soon you began to explore further out, beyond the safe orbit of warmth where you were protected by the sun’s family of love. You were one of those who wanted to explore further out. The fact that you are here in physical body validates that. Others in your family of white light beings preferred to stay close to the parent sun and continue to shine their beautiful white light and contribute to the sun’s brilliance. You wanted to explore beyond and outside the warmth, but before you could go any further you were required to go to school to learn how to maneuver in the outer darkness beyond the sun’s light. Beyond Father Light and Mother Love.
There is a universe “city” where there are schools. All white light beings go to these schools to learn skills before going further out beyond the light to where darkness exists. We all had to attend these schools and absorb this information so we would be prepared, and so we would not lose ourself when we go out into the field beyond clarity and beyond the ability to see, and where the darkness resides and is dominant. We chose to go out there, like missionaries choose to go into deep dark jungles to bring civilization to those who don’t have any knowledge that others exist outside of their little world.
There are seven schools you had to attend, only seven. In these seven schools you could stay for as long as you wanted, or spend as short a time as you wanted, just to pick up the basic fundamentals. There are great beings who act as guides and mentors, so that you are directed and given the benefit of their wisdom and knowledge. This is where you develop your skills to go further out into the outer wilderness, and you do this of your own volition. You WANT to go. You seek the adventure. You are eager and pawing the ground. But you are required to attend these seven universities first. No one can be born into a sentient society, especially Earth’s sentient society, without first absorbing the understanding of what it means to be physical.
These seven schools are where you are programmed with qualities. These qualities are qualities of light and love that are specifically designed for the human being’s physical form. To use as a human. These qualities are designed by great brilliant white light beings who designed them for the Earth human. In English language they are called “attributes“. An attribute has a color and a sound to it, and a texture and a vibration. It can be felt and known as a unique attribute. One person may have a greater intensity of one attribute than another, such as intelligence.
These seven attributes are: Power, Love, Intelligence, Purity, Truth, Peace, Freedom. They are known as the seven chakras within the human body, and they are tones, sounds and color vibrations containing inner knowledge of power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace and freedom. These are the tools which you absorbed before being born on earth, a wild and dark planet.
The twin flame. The twin flame is not two separate human beings. It is the male and female energy within one body. Spiritual channels have said that twin flames cannot be embodied at the same time, leading to the error of thinking that somewhere in the world or cosmos there is another being who is your other mate or half. But, when it is said that twin flames cannot be in physical form at the same time means that you cannot be both a male expression AND a female expression in the physical world at the same time because the physical world must have duality.
It is duality, male and female reflecting and playing with each other that creates manifestation in the physical. However, there are moments when the male energy current and the female energy current come together and come to a stop and stillness within the physical body. When those moments happen, the person experiences nirvana and great peace. The world comes to a standstill. There is no more movement in that person’s physical existence. He or she is not in the world at that time. To be a part of this world, they must resume being either a male or a female expressing. Then the world again begins to move.
12/9/17 - The seven powers and seven schools
The seven attributes are: starting with the first school you attended, followed by the second, and in this order: Power, then Love, then Intelligence, then Purity, then Truth, then Peace, then Freedom. But there is more to these seven lights than the word just mentioned. You learned about Power for example from great beings of wisdom, as will power, strength, courage, determination, tenacity, and the many off-shoots and cousins of those words just mentioned. There are tones within tones in this particular attribute, and understandings within understandings that you absorb as you dwell within this university with great beings of light, all spent studying and learning to apply power - the power that is contained within Father Light and Mother Love - to the many situations that you will find yourself in when you are on Earth. When you feel you have absorbed as much as you can from this school, you are guided to the second school to come under the tutelage of the teachers there. This school is where you learn how to apply Love to human situations, for alongside Power there must be Love in equal proportion.
These attributes are the very same attributes that exist within our parents, Father Light and Mother Love. But they do not have a form, so to speak, because love and light IS Father/Mother God from out of which we were born as CONSCIOUS beings with the intention that we would exist separately and utilize free choice to create, since we are of the same attributes as our parents. We have all the potential of Father Light and Mother Love but we now have to go and explore our potential and use it. But first we had to go to school, just like human kids have to go to school to learn certain skills. Great beings of light, older brothers and sisters who have lived far longer than we have, are our teachers and guides.
And so we spend time in the school of Love. There we learn the tones, shapes, sounds, feelings, textures and capacities of love, and the off-shoots of love, the surrounding environment of love, what makes love and what detracts from love, how to apply it to not-loving situations. Various colors of love are personal love, sister love, brother love, family love, impersonal love, unconditional love, father love, mother love, spiritual love, reverence, adoration, worship, nirvanic love, ecstasy love, love for Father God, Love for Mother God, kindness, heroism, compassion, empathy. Love is a formless fabric of many colors constantly changing in intensity and density. These vibrations feel different according to the person who is calling them into play. When you have absorbed as much love as you can, the great beings who are your teachers will give you more. And you learn deeper aspects of love, and still more beyond those aspects. There is no end to what you can absorb about love, and so you come to a place where you say, “I have learned enough!” And the great teachers who know you better than you know yourself, will guide you to the third school - that of Intelligence.
How does one apply love, for example, to situations that are uncomfortable? The biggest challenge in human life is that we try to apply it to other people, when we are supposed to call it forth within ourselves. For example, a friend asks me to help him by “sending” love and light. Instead of sending love and light to him, I need to call it up into my own consciousness. I need to feel it before I can send it. If I try to send it before I feel it, I will be sending nothing to him and in my efforts I will deplete myself. After all, I am only human! I am not a god. But I can call upon the god qualities in me. That is what is missing in the human educational system. As we learn some techniques - and it is important to learn techniques, to study them and apply them and create a system for yourself - to call forth the specific quality desired, be it power, love, intelligence, purity, truth, peace or liberation, amazing results are produced. Then when my friend asks me to send love and light to him, I have him in my mind as I begin to apply the technique of calling it forth in myself.
After we have saturated ourself with the quality of Love, we are guided by our teachers to the third school, which is Intelligence. Young white light beings have to learn how to USE intelligence. There is a code of etiquette we have to absorb. We listen and learn from great white light beings and absorb directly from them, an understanding of what enlightened intelligence is. We soak it into our entire being. it’s not brain learning. We live inside intelligence and learn from mentors until we have saturated ourself, and there’s no more capacity in us for intelligence. We are fish swimming in a sea of enlightened intelligence. We are the seed out of which our human intelligence grows. We draw on this infinite quality within us, which we were born with, as we journey through the human world of physicality. We don’t remember any of this. As light-filled intelligence now human, we are here to apply our innate wisdom, love and power to human situations. We are required to draw on our inner strengths as we go about having our experiences. This includes being discerning, and being kind and caring. Since light is information, when we give or share light-encoded information we learn to give it in a humble way instead of arrogant or controlling, otherwise it would be rejected. Nobody likes a puffed-up know-it-all. People turn away from us. This is being wise. We apply wisdom and discrimination in choosing who we give our light-encoded information to. You wouldn’t teach a child how to work around dangerous chemicals, for example, until the child was sufficiently knowledgeable and wouldn’t harm himself or others.
12/10/17 - You are born pure
(Yesterday I had been given, and wrote in my journal, about calling for the inner power of light and love. This morning I was brought closer in with the following message.)
Recognize that you ARE the power within the chakra. You ARE the love within the chakra. You ARE the intelligence within the chakra. You ARE purity within the chakra. This is YOU that you are recognizing. No one else can give this to you. You are ONLY that light, ONLY that love, ONLY that peace, ONLY that intelligence. ONLY that purity. These are the chakras. The truth is being revealed to you. Most people see only colored wheels on charts and posters, but they are more. They are signposts to look deeper. They are lights flashing to you from YOU, from YOU on the God plane, the BIG You.The BIG YOU is calling you home. The limited you that has been covered over with beliefs that are not true, not love, not pure, not power, not intelligent, not peaceful, not free. So now the BIG YOU is calling yourself home to the unlimited space from which you came. No one else can give this to you. No one else has value for you. You alone contain the ultimate value.
Your light body, known as the Christ body [the crystal body] looks like a pure sparkling diamond that shines as if the sun’s rays are shining through it but the diamond is actually the source of the light itself. The facets are cut and polished to an exquisite and immaculate precision to reflect the purist of the pure of the Godhead. You look like this after having come through the seven schools. Before going through the seven schools you are pure brilliant white light without the colors. The colors are the qualities or attributes that you absorbed by going through the seven universities while preparing for physical sentient life. it is required before embodying in a human vessel. The problem that humans have is when you are conceived, you are created out of your parents imperfect DNA, so even though you are brilliant and pure, you fit inside an imperfect embryo, an infant solid body. As a baby, at first you are still in contact with the purity that you arrived in as a light body, but as you are held by imperfect humans and every day you receive their energies and hear their words and admonished by your parents and siblings and others, your attention is turned away from the brilliance and beauty of who you are and the naturalness of your home and where you came from.
Now you are becoming human and being imprinted with false stories, ugly stories that don’t seem right to you. But you adhere to what is being told you must do and not do. The error comes from your parents’ DNA but YOU are still perfect underneath the layers of imperfections being told to you, and also you carry forward karmic patterns from your own previous lives - erroneous patterns that were habit when you died and therefore carried over to your next life and the next life and next and the next. These error patterns can be eradicated through various disciplines that are being taught today in 2017. It is important to take up the study of clearing your subconscious. I was reminded upon waking that loss and loneliness needs to be re-interpreted. Consider detachment instead of loss. Consider yourself all one instead of alone. All one with all that is.
12/11/17 - Your mind learns and projects
(I saw the diamond crystal light in each chakra, as I called them forth. I called upon DK to show me more about mind. I was already getting it from him. It happens that way, I get a flash of something and them remember to ask DK. I was getting it already as I searched. That’s the mind searching. The mind is the one that is searching and projecting. DK is talking now...)
Mind is different from stillness. When you’re in stillness you’re in the heart of God. When you’re moving, you’re no longer in the heart of God but you are acting as a separate self. Movement is acting separate from God but that’s not wrong. You are meant to develop your god powers by your own volition. Be aware, however, that your mind is given you to do constructive things with it, FROM WITHIN. Not given to you to follow someone else. Your source is within you. You are the source of your life. By focusing on the within, you bring the within’s powers forth. The seven lights within the seven portals. Deep within each one there is stillness and then a color, tone, texture emanates out of the stillness which gives you the quality that you need and that you are currently focusing on. Power, strength, determination, courage, emanate frorm the blue ray. Love, devotion, reverence, adoration emanates from the pink ray. Intelligent discernment and wisdom emanate from the gold ray. Purity, perfection, the ideal, the immaculate conception of you emanates from the white ray. Truth, science and healing emanates from the green ray. You ARE the truth of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the godhead living in you and giving you life. Peace, comfort and ministration emanates from the ruby ray flecked with gold. Liberation, freedom, forgiveness, mercy emanates from the violet ray. You ARE the liberation of yourself. Allow it forth. You are the peace and comfort of yourself. Allow it forth. You ARE the immaculate concept of yourself, allow it forth. You ARE power of yourself, allow it forth. You are the love and devotion of yourself. Allow it forth. You are what you are. You are the light within you. Allow it forth by understanding and projecting, with your mind, your conscious mind, these qualities into your daily life.
(Me following up with my own thoughts to what DK said. There are two distinct facets to what we think of as mind. One is stillness, the other movement. Stillness is when we are absorbed in the heart of wholeness, or God, or Creation. Movement is when we activate “self” as a separate consciousness. That’s not bad. We’re supposed to do that as aspects of infinite intelligence which has no form. Infinite intelligence, or Creator, wants to experience the pleasure of interacting with itself through form, and that’s us. Stillness is when we are absolutely still, serene and yet still alert and aware. We are awareness. We are consciousness. Movement is when we move our awareness around, as in thought and thinking. We explore an awareness and move it around in our awareness. We create thoughts that way but we can still receive awareness without movement. That would be what we call a “download”. A flash of knowing. When I receive a flash of knowing I then take that flash of knowing and I study it. I massage it. I think about it. I write about it. I try to define it. I try to tell someone about it. I try to fit it into a logical pattern. This is an attempt to integrate it into my prior archive of knowledge. So a thought is a movement while stillness is non-movement. Emotion is created by moving the thought around and have it influence or imprint upon our body cells. We then feel the movement in a sensual way. Moving an awareness around inside our physical form creates a feeling that we call emotion. We create energy by moving awareness around. Energy in motion is E-motion.)
1/10/18 - It is time to wean
[I had been hearing this phrase for a month: "It is time to wean". I had to google the definition of wean to make sure I was hearing right. I started writing out my thoughts about it, thinking it was just me journaling, as usual. Over the years I have blended so well with him (and other voices of higher intelligence) that often I don't pick up on it. I think it is just me rambling. As I continued writing out my thoughts about "weaning" I didn't realize that DK was giving me advice until he spoke a certain phrase: "Do you understand?" I knew then he was talking because I wouldn't ask myself that question! I continued writing...]
It is time to wean. It is time to withdraw from dependance on something. Withdraw your dependance from it. You are leaning upon something and you fear that you will never have it again so you keep chasing it and depending upon it. It is time to replace this that you are depending upon with knowledge that it will always be there. Wean yourself from the dependance on it because it is creating a longing for it. It is creating a desire in you for it which is creating a fear that you will lose it, which is fear itself that is invading your consciousness. It is time to wean yourself from fear of losing it, from fear of loss. It is a false belief. You have created a false belief system that you need this thing. You believe you need it and that it is the only way to reach your heaven, your goal of fulfillment, it is the only way to bring forth heaven on earth, and the only way to feel good, the only way to feel orgasm and the freedom from all the pressures you normally feel day after day and none of that is true. It is a false belief that you hold. You believe it and so it is stuck in you, creating a groundhog day effect. A replay of the same thing, over and over and over, ad infinitum. It is time to wean yourself from this belief. Release yourself from depending on that little appendage that you think is your identity and your salvation and your key to heaven and the release into freedom. Release yourself from the volumes of stuckness that have held you back.
Women have come to rely on this appendage too. It is not only men who depend on the appendages, for women have appendages too. We women have to also release ourselves from depending upon the sexual appendages. This is why we marry. We call it love and falling in love and wanting to spend the rest of our days with this person, but it’s really a dependency on the person that we are marrying. We are committing to depending upon this person, to provide us with the love and caring, but it’s really the orgasmic tool that we are assuring ourselves by marrying them. We are securing the access to our freedom and salvation and heavenly pleasures by marrying, but it is a false belief. We are marrying a physical appendage to go along with our own physical appendage, our physical genital appendage - men depend on securing a woman because of HER tool. Her appendage is a warm soft pocket into which he places HIS appendage and he depends on that. We each, man and woman alike, depend on these accessories which are temporary physical appendages, not our divine nature which we already ARE. We are divine in nature and we have the capacity to feel the love within our divine nature, but we have been led to look elsewhere, out there, to others, to other objects and other people and we can’t find it there so we start chasing it. We develop fear and insecurity and a sense of loss because we are looking in all the wrong places. It is within.
It is within our own consciousness. We have not lost anything at all, except our focus. We have lost our focus, which means we have lost our way. We have lost our center. We think we are alone and we are afraid that we will never find our way back again, and we compound that fear the more we depend on our sexual appendages. It is the wrong focus to have. You are chasing a rainbow that is ephemeral. It is the outer world that is the dream. The material objects of things. Money, houses, toys that pleasure you, having all the right friends to nourish you and keep you safe and warm and protected, to assure you that you are A-OK, and then death takes you anyway and you are alone with yourself again, picking up the pieces and trying to remember who you are and where you left off at the time of the LAST death and having to leave the body. The “things” and the “people” we leave behind are fellow travelers, not saviors. They too are seeking salvation from outer “things” and other “people”. They are not here to save us or allow us to depend on them. We are so afraid that we will lose access to salvation, warmth, security, pleasure, abundance and love that we hang on to them as if we are drowning. We live so in fear that we chase it. It is a falsehood and an illusion because we have the love inside of us. In our consciousness. In our bodies. In our minds and in our feelings.
We have lost our OWN connection to this beautiful place, this beautiful SELF because we have been distracted by the outer world and these sexual appendages. They are like tools of addiction. Wean yourself by trying out a new way of human interaction and closeness and nurturance without using these appendages. See what you feel by weaning yourself away from that physical area on the body. It is like quitting smoking. Do not light that cigarette and do not reach for it. It is like quitting alcohol addiction. Do not pour that alcohol into a glass and do not even reach for the bottle. It is like quitting any drug. Do not reach for the tools that you think you need. Stop it. Wean yourself from it. Find another way to think. Find another way to feel. We at the Love Club are seeking this for ourselves. We are seeking another way to feel warm and nourished by coming closer and touching and hugging and massaging with other human beings, without reaching for the appendages that we have habitually relied upon to give us what we thought we wanted and needed. We at the Love Club are providing a new way to explore warm togetherness. (Wow! Thank you DK.) Just a reminder: it is not the body we are weaning ourselves away from; it is the dependency and sense of fear and loss that we are weaning ourselves away from. It takes conscious will to change how we think, talk and touch that we wean ourselves away. We are not giving up the ability to make love or to have sex. That is not the issue at all. Not at all. It is the habit of feeling loss and insecure and dependent upon someone else that we are weaning ourselves away from.
1/11/18 - Women talking
(After looking back into the archives of DK's prior instructions I began discussing with him that I felt somewhat humbled and ashamed that I have not done more and that I had come to a stopping point in my mind. I asked him if he had some further advice for me.)
(He laughed!) No, my child, you have been guided to read my messages and those of the other Masters. You know what you need to do. You have our advice. Do not feel shame, do not feel badly, for taking your time. You have been growing slowly, adjusting slowly and surely to your physical body, raising your physical body. You know what your task is. You know what the Plan is. You are fully aware of the Plan. You have been carefully holding yourself back so that you could be sure, so that you could reach deep enough into the earth soil to connect and make a difference. The work you are doing with the erotic and the physical intimacy, this is a most beautiful, essential work. You were led to re-read your own 1982 entry. Yes, this is your writing. You wrote this. You knew at the time what the journey was about. You did not flaunt it. You did not reveal it to others. You wanted to, but you knew better. You knew that it needed to germinate into your dense layers. You are now very close to having the knowledge sure and firm integrated into your world and your reality. You are ready to begin the long-awaited gathering of the women. Yes, begin with the women. Go ahead and send out the notice to the women. Far and wide. Use your website. You may also send the notice to the Silver Foxes and your Anakosha data base, but you must put it out there on the website too. Create a page called “Women Talking”.
3/13/18 - The kundalini is like a natural orgasm
In the night I was awakened with a download. I awaken thinking about this and the words are flowing through me. In a tantric massage if there is an urge to orgasm, allow, allow, allow without moving. Let the feeling spread. In sex the the tendency is to jump on it like a duck on a june bug and “help” it. Don’t! Don’t move. Allow, allow, allow. Don’t move. The male urge is to pump at it and work at it. The male asserts control over what should be natural. The female tendency is to allow and be still and receive, to allow, allow, allow the kundalini to rise like smoke, like fire upward, burning. This energy is pure spirit not form. It is not physical but pure spirit. It washes upward and cleanses everything in its path that should not be there. It cleans out everything that is distorted and out of alignment. If the urge is to wiggle or pump the body to try to “make it happen”, you are directing it against its natural flow. You are holding it back from its natural job and role. It cannot accomplish its purpose when you block its naturalness. It’s like trying to block the sun from rising. Kundalini force is the sun of the self. Allow the dawn to happen. Imagine the dawn lighting up the sky as a camera captures it in rapid fast forward motion.. There’s no human “work” involved in allowing the dawn to happen, so there is no human work involved in allowing the kundalini sun to rise when it is activated. Arousal is activation. Allow it. Keep the body still. Receive it like you receive and appreciate the sun dawning in the eastern sky. It feels like a wet dream. You don’t “do” anything to have a wet dream. It just happens during dream state. You are not working at it.
OPEN YOURSELF! (I am getting this loudly) OPEN, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. Widen, widen, widen. Consciously widen, open and allow it to flow upward. It is like you are inside a circle in the center and the dawn is coming from your center and widening you larger and larger and larger. This is what it means to “raise” the energy in contrast to jumping on it like a dog on a bone. Then you crush it and hold it back. When you do that you force it to come out into your genital region. You think it’s a genital experience when it’s not. It’s coming from the genital region because you’re forcing it there. Otherwise it would expand and give you a rising sensation. It is initiated at the center of your body which is the center of your circle of life, but its purpose is to expand from there like a lightbulb expands its light. It enlarges outward, rippling outward farther and farther out to the farthest periphery of your being. The genitals are the “meat” of your body but YOU are more than the meat of your body. You have layers surrounding you that cover you. Let the orgasm go through the layers. The flesh and tissues and nerves are only the meat that surrounds the portal which feels tremendously strong and powerful when it goes through the meat in an upward direction. It is upward compared to where it’s coming from inside the genital region but it is trying to expand.
It is meant to expand from that center outward like a light expands from the center of a light bulb, like the light from the sun expands out to its orbiting planets to give it life. Kundalini is your central sun. It feeds you energy. It radiates out through your whole body through the meridians and smaller nadis. When you get together male and female with eyes only on each other, you double up on the intensity of the kundalini. Kundalini is love, love is the earth energy known as kundalini. It is mysterious but it is natural when you double-up on your concentrated focus on each other. It is natural. Let it be natural. When you try to rush it or force it by pumping with friction against the walls of the yoni (vagina) it explodes into the immediate cells in the area, and it doesn’t go up to the rest of the body. We haven’t been taught about this beautiful science of kundlaini. We don’t know yet the huge potential of this feeling. We hold it back because we really believe it is a natural genital experience and it is not. Humans have rushed themselves and pumped themselves into orgasms with various manipulative techniques, but it was never meant to be a genital experience. Not for humans. For animals, yes, but not for humans. Humans are on a higher evolutionary path to become more god-like, more in harmony with universal law.
It is time we broadened our awareness about this natural act, enlighten our consciousness and grow our belief to higher ground. Widen your belief so that kundalini can spread through your whole body. You are the sun. You hold back your own sun that could soar you up to the moon and the stars. We are held back to a very limited sexual experience because we don’t know that it can be bigger. If it is a good one, you feel the orgasm as if it is all over because you momentarily are thrust into infinity by the explosion out of body. It cleanses your lowest, densest part, the genital area but the cleansing does not last because it does not go far enough. Instead, allow the feeling to grow naturally without pushing it or rushing it. Forget watching the clock. Linger in the timelessness of feeling. Let the feeling be in control. It will grow slowly. Allow it to grow slowly. Having an orgasm is nice and we enjoy it yes, but we don’t evolve from it. It doesn’t make us a better person. We don’t change from having an orgasm, no matter how many we have in our lifetime. We are held back by doing it that way, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, wasted and spent on the lower half of the body. At the end each time. We return to normal life the same person we were before.
And yet, kundalini - what we know as sex - is the evolutionary fire of the human race. When we use this fire naturally, normally, the way nature intended it to be used, the fire transforms us, mind, body, emotions and spiritually. It is time we learned about kundalini and our destiny and how we were designed to allow kundalini to go up the spine to the head and out above the head and down around the body back into the ground again. This is just a little glimpse of a hint of what is to come. The story has yet to be told. We need to relax into the lovemaking act and stop pushing it and forcing it and manipulating it and trying to control it and take pills and dildoes and all sorts of artificial techniques to achieve orgasm. It is a natural process. Learn about your body. Tend the garden of your inner body, cultivate it and open to the flowing rivers that take place there. Allow the orgasmic arousal to awaken like the sleeping giant that it is. You need the fire to reach all four levels that are in you FIRST – the emotional, mental, spiritual and then the physical orgasm at the end. If the fire doesn’t expand to include and align these four levels (PEMS) and reach the top of your head and beyond, then it’s just another orgasm. One that doesn’t evolve you. It is pleasurable yes, and it releases the stress that built up because you didn’t know how to direct the kundalini upward through your spine, but in the end it doesn’t change you or transform you so that your life becomes more abundant, more free, more purposeful, more happy, joyful and exquisitely more perfect. By learning how to allow the kundalini (sex fire) to flow naturally up the spine, not pumping or causing friction, it WILL expand you so you can experience more fulfillment.
Your mind is what holds you back. In contrast, when you daydream you suspend your mind. You don’t use your mind when you daydream or go into trance meditation, which tantra teaches you how to do. Your mind is full of beliefs which hold you back from expanding and allowing more of life’s vital fires to enter your body. Beliefs hold you back. Learn to suspend your mind and suspend your beliefs. Simply allow, simply allow the arousal feelings. Suspend your desire for orgasm. Don’t push for it. Feel the arousal but don’t move. Don’t try to push it forward. Don’t reach out to your lover who is with you. This is your OWN feeling. Stay with your OWN feeling. Stop forcing it and stop requiring someone else to help you “get there“. When you try to force it you take this natural force away from the God potential within., You actually distort it and bend it out of alignment. It is a natural phenomena to feel this powerful arousal force but when you force it to be quick, when you shorten the time by rubbing up against someone else, so as to fit it into your busy day, it gives you a quickie, yes, but it does not change you or elevate you or make you wiser, stronger or nourish the organs of your body from head to toe.
It does nothing for you except give you momentary pleasure. You have come to believe that this pleasure is natural, but you do not know the whole story. In fact the orgasm depletes you for reasons that are too complex to go into here. Another article must spin off from this one. One way it depletes you is that it reinforces your belief in sex the normal way. This belief hardens a little bit more so it is now like a steel band that surrounds you. You believe now that if you don’t have your orgasm, you will die. This buries you deeper and deeper into materialism and lessens the potential of self-realization, abundance, happiness and freedom. By learning about the potential power of kundalini and how to work with it, as a GOOD Tantra teacher teaches, you will be able to get past this limiting belief and transcend into more open sky of self. So many think that sexual orgasm is as far as they will ever go to reach heaven, but it is not true. Heaven is right here inside the body, but it requires alignment with the PEMS which kundlaini can do if you allow to flow naturally.
Humanity has been doing sex this way from life to life. We are drawn to achieve the “more that we know is there at the end of the tunnel of light, but we never achieve it. Where is the ‘more” that humanity feels is there? The Tantras and the Taoists teach this potential, but they are only teachers. The student must do the home work, at home, whether he be single or partnered with a lover. The kundalini power is the earth force that seeks to soar heavenward, up the spine, and not be wasted on an orgasm the animal way. Man and woman are destined for larger, greater fulfillment by prolonging the experience of lovemaking. Man and woman may soar to heaven by learning this method. As the kundalini fire moves you upward, it starts as hot passionate arousal, but if allowed to flow like water is allowed to flow from a sluice gate now opened, the hot passionate fire becomes a finer essence and touches the body the way a desired lover would touch it. Finer and finer and more delicate and more exquisite, and more fulfilling and more soaring and more celestial and more complete. When the kundalini fire is allowed and prolonged like this it will heal the body, mind, spirit of all depression, hurt, pain and disease and revitalize and regenerate and youthify the body.
It is how we spiritualize the body but it takes conscious thought and practice, conscious discipline in the art of loving, which is not done by genital rubbing. Don’t rub the genitals. Stop. Wean yourself and your partner away from the rubbing and the dildoes and sucking and forcing. Allowing the kundalini fire to rise gently within as you hold each other in close quarters. The warming heat is wonderful. Enjoy it. It is spiritualizing the body. It is quickening the body. It is burning the toxins away and the errors of false beliefs. It is restoring sanity to the body, mind and emotions. It is prolonging love in every action of daily life. You are working with spirit, which is natural, instead of contradicting spirit and contradicting love. Allow, allow, allow. Receive, receive, receive. Open, open, open. Expand, expand, expand. You as a human being cannot accomplish this from your intellect by simply saying it. You don’t have the power in your intellect. You don’t have the power by forcing your body to act like a machine or a robot. Your power comes from self discipline and by remaining in close contact with your lover in stillness, allowing the kundalini to flow naturally where it wants to go. It has a reason, a purpose and a destiny. It is quicken the frequency of your body. It is the spiritual fire that is doing this.
Now, one more thing to say here: You may not want to let go of the explosion of the orgasm, which has become near and dear to you humans - the explosion which occurs at the end of the pounding, humping process. But let me ask you, Do you really enjoy all that pounding and work? When someone stops pounding on you, the relief is exquisite, isn’t it? You don’t need to pound. Let nature take its course. You must give it time, spend more time at lovemaking, not sex but lovemaking. Enjoy lovemaking and start to experience the naturalness of kujndalini rising like a river of bliss that flows, as you practice, it will take time to practice. Learn, experience, study this process. It takes time but it is pleasurable time. Don’t rush the pleasure. So many men exhaust themselves from forcing themselves and working themselves up to the orgasm;. And finally it comes, the explosion happens, and they are completely worn out so they must sleep the dreamless sleep of exhaustion. This does not happen when kundalini naturally flows up the spine to bring the entire body into bliss and possible ecstasy if you become accomplished at this, but without all the hard work of pounding and pumping. And at the end the two lovers are so vitalized they don’t want to break apart for they are floating in the heights of rapture as one being.
4/14/18 - Focus on the attitude, not the thing itself
[Today during my shower I heard the words, “Focus on the attitude while you are doing a task, not the “thing“ itself.” I am now in the meditation room writing.]
"By focusing on the attitude you are connecting to the Plan, the divine plan, for THAT plan is the ONLY plan that will succeed in manifesting. When you focus on the “thing” itself you usurp and “steal” the thought and contaminate the thought with your ego personality. The divine plan is always the pure motivating force behind the thought. You as a human being unascended and unconnected to the divine, are constantly stepping into the sacred field in which is being born, constantly birthing - the birth is continual - the birthing of the divine plan is continually flowing forth as a river of life, a river of light, a river of moving divinity and holy intention, and you grab it with unholy hands and distort it with unholy motives.
"Do not approach the tantra with thoughts of helping Marcus. Rather approach the tantra idea with the feeling and attitude of following the dream that has been coming forth within you, birthing forth through YOUR consciousness for many years. You tend to “forget” yourself. Marcus does too. You must not “forget” the holy purpose which you alluded to as a “divine setup”. It is YOUR setup. Yours and Marcus’. This is not to be watered down and diluted with thoughts from other people. You are here to express YOUR divinity. You are the divinity molding yourself around a pre-planted concept called tantra. You are using the original plan to bring forth a teaching that is modern and current and available, suited better for the modern technological mechanized human which needs it.
"You are right in saying that the word “sex” and “sexy” is falling out of trend. The trend is now towards understanding what love is. Love is seen in words more often today than ever before. Love is a word that is becoming a curiosity. What is it? The people are growing aware that there is more to sex. The love is coming forth as a vibration into their consciousness and they need help in understanding. The attempts at forming communal marriages are problematical. They are not clear on what to do with it. And to make matters even more complicated, they think that the problems are solutions and lessons. The lesson is to get out of there. It is a tar baby. It is going to tar and feather those who allow themselves to “stick”. Running away from a sticky situation is the only way to free yourself. The whole innocent Self must be protected. You, the holy one becomes bogged down and imprisoned by the naughty child which is wayward and ignorant because it has stepped outside of the circle of light which feeds him intelligence and purpose and clarity and visions sublime and holy to keep him flowing forth out of the source of light and love which parented him. He is the child of parent source - the father light and the mother love. These two are his source.
"I have given you much guidance over the years, and STILL you insist on stepping outside of the eternally flowing abundance and clarity which births you. You are ever in a flow state of birthing - bursting forth into manifestation., You ARE the source of all that you experience. The uncomfortable is where you are stepping outside of the light/love of your birthing. I have given you the answer to correcting your misalignments. Now, you are in process of reminding yourself. You are re-reading my words. You are seeing where you need to correct your approach. Keep your focus on the at-it-tude. Not on the “task”, not on the “thing”. The “thing” is passing by you like a shadow. You must keep your focus on love. On eternal love. The love that I have led you to see and to know. You are a rare one in human form to know where and who you are. Maintain diligence. Maintain your connection to ME. I am your connection to love, to source, to Father Mother God. I AM you. You are not a separate version. There is only one you and me combined. We are one.”
4/17/18 - You are a star-based being!
(Me: The longing to connect with others is SO deep, but I must stop trying. I give up!! I surrender. Yet even as I put the words on paper a surge of wanting grows. Why? Why do I receive so much yearning? Does this mean I should give up trying to do something for the people? I want to help but how can I help?! How can I lift the whole!? I can lift myself but what about them? OMG!!! I am being blended with star-based beings, am I not?)
My beloved, you ARE a star-based being! Finally, you are acknowledging your source. It is no accident - emphasis on NO accident, that you have a joint website alongside Anakosha [The Galactic website, now removed.] Can you NOW take your focus off wanting to help others and simply BE who and what you are and always have been? The couple from Fleetwood, England who wrote to you in the wee hours of the English morn, have recognized you. You bring star-based knowledge. The people are following your light as you lay it down upon the earth planet. YOU are the star-based source of information and frequencies. You do not help them by narrowing your focus to a few small number. The numbers you are helping are those who read your websites, and even though they do not stumble INTO your websites, your frequencies are blended and merged with the planetary frequencies. Your energy in the familiar pattern that you exude and send out over the internet has already lifted the whole of the Earth planet. Do not put yourself down. Do not continue to humble yourself so low, dear one, recognize. Realize. Make that much needed inner connection, for that simple acceptance of who you are will answer your questioning.
Do you remember the dream so long ago of arriving with others, in a great mother ship, to earth, and on that great ship you were serving plates of food to the masters who were sitting at a banquet table? That, my dear friend, was real. You are active. The masters cannot do what YOU can do. They depend upon YOU to follow the path and not become lost in the thicket caused by other’s needs. You are not here to oblige or fill or help the empty longings of other people, other souls. The longing for touch that YOU feel, is a radiated longing from others. You live in a world of unfulfilled needs. You have come to lift them, not to pour your attention which is your life energy, into the holes and the lack and the dark, for life will be lost in such an endeavor. You are here to lift through enlightenment. The darkness is dark because of lack of light. Light has not reached into those places. THAT, my friend, is your role. To send forth information. Light in the form of facts, truths on a cosmic, interplanetary and interdimensional scale. Can you see that this is your role? And that you will reach large numbers of people by writing, rather than trying to set up a hands-on school.
(Me: Can I try by telling them something?)
Only in the form of wisdom. Not to promise them physical labor and attention. As the masters cannot enter into this world because they would not be recognized due to the receptive abilities being so low, so YOU cannot continue to waste your life energies on the scattered few who do not recognize the glory, the sparkle, the light, the eternal immortal love that you are radiating. Because, when you narrow your focus, you are narrowing your light.
(Me: Should I take down the Ascension Massage Exchange?)
No, my friend. Shorten the description and leave it there. It is an opening to those who are ready to hear and receive. You did well with R. You did not get pulled in by him. You maintained your clarity. You are an opening as a physical representative of the ascended masters. Not as a human, not as an ego, but as a representative of the ascended state. You are being used by the wonderful beings who guide the Earthlings. Continue on your path. Do not be caught in the dark web of longing. And now I see that our time is closing. (End of message.)
6/9/18 - You are a non-physical being
(In the bathroom I received the following message, so I stopped and wrote down the first sentence. Back to the bathroom, where I received more so I stopped to write it down. After I finished the bathroom DK dictated the rest. He wants me to post this today 6/9/18.)
You have both a human ego nature and a spiritual nature. You are not supposed to choose one over the other, but simply become aware of this fact. As you consider this and think about it, you begin to merge you two natures together, your human ego and your spiritual nature play together in your humanness. There is a blending. Your physical body is not important, but your ego is as you merge it with your spirituality. You are enraptured with your body while you are in it, but the non-physical aspect of your spiritual nature is what activates you and calls you to attention, for THAT is who you are, not your body. As you become more conscious of this fact - that you are not the body but the awareness that lives in your body, you call more of yourself into play. Your non-physical self is more conscious than you are in your physical body, confined as you are to your physical body.
You can test the fact that you are awareness. When a bird squawks over head you turn your awareness up to see. When a child cries you turn your attention to see where the cry came from. When there is a flash of lightening in the sky you look to storm clouds. When you feel the ground tremble under your feet your attention is drawn to the ground. When you feel a cold draft you wonder where it comes from. You are drawn to outside disturbances as they strike against your physical senses. This is what makes you believe you are physical. But who is it who is being aware? What part of you is being drawn to sound and sensation? You are the driver of your vehicle but your vehicle goes places on its four rubber wheels that you, yourself, would not go. Your consciousness is the driver of your physical body and yet it remains unnoticed. It is the observer behind the mask. It is the seer behind the sight. It is YOU behind your mask and YOU behind your sight. You are not a “what”. You are a consciousness and you are non-physical.
You are an individualized unit of consciousness in a sea of consciousness. You became individualized by having experiences in the PHYSICAL world. You now have memories of your experiences. Furthermore, you have the power to change your focus from where you are in the present moment, to imagine being in another place. You can place your intention to move your physical body to another location. You are attached to your physical body but your mind is not confined, nor are your emotions. You are non-physical consciousness, and when you are not in a human body you retain the clarity and memory of all of your experiences. You are evolving from having so many experiences in the physical world of duality. You are growing spiritually, as a spiritual being with a unique and specialized mind. Your ego as an identity is aware of far more than what you think you are aware of. When you are attached to your physical body you may go to sleep and be temporarily free of your body. You have dreams which are memories of experiences in your astral body. When you are sleeping or at death, you continue to be an individualized and specialized unit of consciousness. You are aware of how much more you really are. You drop the veils that surround you when you are “awake” in the physical world. You remember certain dreams. These veils may drop away while you are “awake” in the physical world, through flashes of insight and deja vu feelings. This shows you that you are growing more aware and awake of your non-physical identity. As they drop away you realize more.
The body confines you within a concrete form which is enhanced by its physical senses so you can see your physical surroundings, hear physical sounds, smell physical fragrances, taste physical food and touch physical objects. Thus you know yourself as physical. Yet you are still an individualized and unique unit of consciousness.
When you are sleeping you continue to be an individualized unit of consciousness and you slip out of your body while it sleeps, and have experiences we call “dreams“, some of which are meaningful and others which are not. As the focus on the physical body disappears during sleep, your consciousness becomes more aware. It travels around in a higher plane but it is not easy to bring that awareness back into the physical when you wake up. You slip in and out every time you go to sleep. Every time you die a physical death you drop the body. You have had many births and deaths of your physical body. You have lived in many different parts and cultures of the world, but these memories are erased each time you are born again. It is a merciful act of kindness that you don’t remember your previous lives, for if you did you would not be able to concentrate on THIS life. Memories are erased at birth but you pick them back up again when you die. You remember in bits and pieces gradually, for the waking up process must go at a comfortable pace, otherwise it would literally blow your mind. We all have flashes of insight from our other lives, including our off-world lives on different planes. These are what we label “deja vu”. They are memories stored in your individualized and unique consciousness which is eternal and forever you. You are slowly, gradually, becoming aware consciously, within this physical body. It is an extraordinary experience to have such flashes, for your parents and grandparents did not have them as often as we do today. We are moving to higher ground in what is called “spiritual evolution”. The human race in its entirety, is waking up, and there is such a thing as planetary mass consciousness. Even though cultures are different and the types of clothes worn look foreign, and the language strange to our ears, each unique unit of consciousness dwelling in an earth physical body is part of the planetary consciousness. We are all one consciousness. We are all cells participating in the planet earth’s spiritual evolution. Mother earth is waking up and we are all a unit in her waking up process.
Why were you born at this time? Who are you? Why did you choose to come to this time and place? We all have free will to choose our mother and father, the country, city, society and culture to be born into. I was asked once, “Why did you choose to be born in that little town?“ My friend was born in a big city. I did not consider at that time that I had a choice, but I began wondering about it. Why? And I discovered that I wanted the quiet of a little farm community. It really was a choice. And my parents were humble people, farm people. They did not push me or expect too much from me. It was a peaceful childhood and it gave me plenty of time to adjust to this new life.
As we become aware that we have a spiritual nature (one that lives beyond the physical) and aware that we are an ego, a personality that never dies but who jumps from life to life and body to body for the sake of experience in order to learn and evolve ourselves, as we become aware of this we begin merging our humanness with our divinity - the REAL ego, what we might call the divine ego, the spiritual personality that is growing more aware of itself with every new insight, every new stripping away of the veil that closes in around us. At one time I believed we had a higher self. Now I see that I AM my higher self, discovering this truth. It’s a process of enlightenment. And as I become my higher self and allow in more of my higher wisdom and knowledge, I see that there is yet still a higher self beyond me, and I can see beyond that there is still another higher self and another and another, and so on up the ladder to my source, my home, where I come from originally, to my Father/Mother parents. We “remember” our way back home in the same way we remember our way back out of a deep thick forest and lose our way. We “remember“ our way back home. It is this incredible journey we are on.
This body is temporary, no different than a child’s body is temporary as we pass on to adulthood. Experiences are steps along the way but they don’t last. They disappear in a puff of smoke. The masters say, “It is all illusion” but the illusion is necessary for the time we are passing through it. The ego is passing through experiences and beyond to other experiences. It is a journey through many planes of thought to reach the home source from which we came, which is the plane of full knowledge and complete love. And we carry all that we experienced back with us, never to be lost. We become the wisdom of our journey. Every jot and title remains with us, as we bring home the tales of our journey and tell the stories to our sisters and brothers and parents. We are a specialized and unique consciousness, one of a kind. There is no duplicate. We do not lose ourselves in the vast sea of life. We add to the all-intelligence. We become a piece in the grand puzzle. We are a piece of the source of ALL life including evil.
Knowledge is power. As we accept the fact that we are not the body but a very special unit of consciousness gathering experience, knowledge and love every moment of the day, we begin to access more knowledge from the higher aspects of our Self. We are awakening. We are beginning to grasp it. We pay more attention, and keep looking up, not down. It brings more alertness. And lest we forget that this article is posted on a website dedicated to sex, love and intimacy, there is something we need to remember. When two people are close together in a bedroom, each one absorbs the sub-atomic particles of the other. We bathe in the aura of each other so it behooves us to be at our finest and best, to think the noblest thoughts, entertain the greatest love we can muster, and fantasize the greatest imaginings so that we can more fully expand our lovemaking.
9/19/18 - Message from the Arcturians
[This morning I spent 45 min at the writing desk in the med room. It was pre-planned to follow the advice of the Arcturians, so I didn’t take my shower or even use the vibrator. I asked questions, this is their response.]
Thank you my friend in the light. I am here to serve as are you. The only difference - the ONLY difference - is you are speaking to me from within the confusion of your lost planet. We are both here to serve the mankind, the humankind on Earth, to lead them HOME to the light, to the love, to the heart of our Father-Mother God. Yes! You are getting it now! Hold open this space for our connection, our clear connection. Hold back your thinking mind, your busy mind that wants to jump in and take over our conversation. Yes! You are getting it. Push back the active ego and comfort it with your presence, for it is valuable but there is a time and a place for it, your ego, your individuality, to take a back seat, to allow the Source of its very existence to come forth to speak to it. This is mandatory. It is crucial for the ongoingness of this individuality to honor its master, its life force and life source, or it will cease to exist and cease to function as an individual. Yes! You are doing it now. You are preparing the way for the true master of the body to come forth and claim its own, its child, its off spring. The Father-Mother of your creation lives within you as a gold and silver weave and the colors of your radiance are the fabric by which you create your life on Earth. You draw forth those influences that you need, and then they recede when they have given you all that they can.
No, you do not use them wrongly, for they too call forth the influence that YOU have, which they need from you. Yes! You are doing well to clear the space around you and within you. You clear space by your alertness, by your consciousness, by your attention to the details. Yes! You should do ceremony at the gathering of the goddess to clear the air. Bring candles and crystals and music and gowns and chimes and wine. Yes, wine. Fruit of the Mother, and sweets from the Mother. Make THIS - fruits of the Mother - your snack. You will be the embodied representative of the Mother, allowing for the presence of ALL pieces of the goddess, all who answer your call by responding to your call. You are ready. You are standing clear of the lower vibrations. You stand within lightened space, a lightened clearing, the influences of the world have been pushed back. I see you standing alone dressed in your white gown holding a lighted candle, holding that space, holding that clear energy in the midst of the confusion. You are doing well.
Now, let me address your children, your two sons. It has taken a long time, by your measurement of time, but you have made inroads. You have made the connection. They are responding to your light that you presented. Allow them time to digest and process. Yes, you should write the brief - BRIEF - summary of your life. Create the solid outline, the grid work, of your physical movements from the time you left them.
Yes, keep our space clear. Yes, light candles around the periphery [of the goddess gathering], Yes, light incense in clearing. Yes, ask them to fill in a form of their personal needs or disabilities. Yes, cleanse, polish, scrub the air. Yes, bring the air filter. Yes, bring a table and several lotions. Yes, bring images of the feminine masters. ** We are the Arcturians. We leave this advice with you. Thank you my friend. [Thank you Arcturians. I felt them leaving at the end. I see myself standing in a circle, a clearing, holding a candle and candles around in a circle and the images, presences of lady masters, around the circle.)
12/17/18 - Sexuality is a portal to a power contained in the earth
[A question has been asked during a women's discussion about divine feminine love, why women act so overly sexual when they are connected to the divine feminine? That doesn‘t look very graceful or very feminine!]
(DK channeling:) When kundalini is activated in a person it behaves differently in each individual because it has to clear the misalignments in that body. Women have become mechanized and programmed by the male agenda. They are affected more than men sexually because they are not free in their sexuality. Sexuality is a portal to the power contained in the earth. Men have been allowed and encouraged to flaunt their sexuality but women have been repressed. Men use their power, although in limited ways, but women do not. Women and men are not equal in their ability to express freely the power that flows up from the earth. Sexuality comes through the root chakra (base of spine) where blocks have been placed. Women are affected more than men. If a woman has been expressing her sexuality freely, then she is more free than her sisters. Maybe not very gracefully because she is ignorant about kundalini and needs mentoring to help her direct the power that flows through her. Otherwise it becomes a tool of the dark. Most woman have not been allowed to feel their own sexuality. Many women do not even have orgasms because they are forced into performing for, or used by men. So when kundalini is activated in a woman, help her direct it in an upward and sacred way. Otherwise she will act like a hose with the water turned on full force. She will flail out of control. Embrace her with sacred love. Surround her with divine grace. Honor her. Help her feel the goddess within her as it rises up through the sexual center to higher ground. Men have been using women for their own selfish pleasures, depriving them of feeling for themselves the kundalini, the goddess love, flowing within them. Kundalini is the divine feminine in all human beings, both men and women. The goddess kundalini embedded in the earth seeks to rise upward to meet its counterpart, the source of all light and life. Each individual is responsible for helping and assisting his or her own kundalini to flow smoothly upward to source, through the sun, which is a portal to the galactic central sun. (end DK)
(More from me) The soul is the consciousness trying to find the god-self which is buried in the earth. Before incarnating, each person‘s God-self splits off a piece of its light and sends it to Earth to become an anchor for the soul to attach to. We are like a ship anchored in port. It must have something to tie it in place or it would float away. This piece of spiritual light that was cast down to earth is the divine feminine, what we call the kundalini or the goddess. It becomes part of the earth but retains its individuality. It knows which God-self it belongs to, and which soul. It is a game of hide and seek for the soul to find its anchor in the earth. Without connection to its feminine side, it is hovering in the air above, unbalanced and unsure of itself. It would be easy in a light-filled planet to find its feminine anchor, but on earth we’ve had blocks installed to prevent us from finding our feminine half which is anchored in the earth. It is the feminine half which gives us the loving and kind feelings and the desire for peace and connectedness. Without it we remain in our heads, or above our heads in space. We don’t get down into our hearts. The goddess light is flowing slowly through our bodies. It MUST flow because it is our life force, our source of life, it keeps us alive, gives us breath and coordinates our physical bodies so they work for us, but it is very slow. It trickles upward through our feet and spine. It is actually drawn up, seeking its other half, otherwise it wouldn’t be drawn to go up at all. It is seeking its other half, its masculine god self, but the blocks have been preventing it from flowing faster and smoother. There is imbalance in us.
As Cobra has stated, the men are implanted with a program opposite to women, which keeps the sexes arguing. But the goddess is us, we are the constructed form, the body, the receptacle, the receiver of the life that flows through us. We are feminine, even men are feminine in that respect. It is possible to become conscious and aware of our status of being the receptacle, by following the wise counsel of our elders and mentors. But the implants have made us into mechanical beings. The goddess is pure light but we have been blocked from seeing and knowing the pure light that is embedded in us. Our bodies are like machines because of the false and phony implants that were put into us, but we are immortal beings, we are immortal conscious beings but blocked from knowing that. When kundalini activates in us, it is the eternal immortal consciousness that is activated, the goddess in us, the divine feminine. When this starts moving, it clears our obstructions but only if we allow it and follow certain instructions. Forty years ago kundalini awakened dramatically in me (Nancy). It threw me out of kilter, I had both heaven and hell experiences. It took about 7 years to bring myself to balance and I am very happy and at peace today at age 80. I didn’t know anything about it, only that it was called “kundalini”. I was given that word by my sister who was with me at the time, she was a disciple of an Indian guru so she had been exposed to it. I learned only later more about kundalini and that it is the divine feminine in all beings. She is pure celestial light, the goddess receiver within us, waiting to be found and activated.
Today we have more light and more information through teachers like Cobra and others on the internet. It is a private sacred journey - sacred means secret. In order to have duality there has to be a male and female energy in us, or we wouldn’t be able to have a body. So we each have a male and a female energy flowing through us. It is this internal male-female energy that is out of balance and fighting each other. It fights within us. We have a battle going on within us. It is the love of self that we need to cultivate, not love in someone else. As we balance the two opposite energy flows in our body, we will then be in love with ourself, our God-self, and then be able to love others without limits or blocks. The goddess kundalini is becoming active now in more people. It will eventually bring us into divine sacred love of the God-self within us as our higher nature, which is more refined than we can access from our earthly perspective. Our divine consciousness is above us from our perspective. We don’t know what we can achieve from this low perspective. But we are being guided to listen to our inner selves and to silently pray to it every day, several times a day, to connect and listen to our God-self. The masculine current in us is an active, proactive current. It is programmed to face outward on the world and to interact with the world of others. The feminine current is under-nourished. It faces inward to source and is submissive and dependant on the heavenly father which is descending as a river of life constantly, 24/7, always, through the sun as a portal or window. The feminine current knows what the heavenly father is saying. She can hear it. But the imprinting of blocks has closed her down so much that she has had very little power of her own and has been following meekly behind the male for thousands of years. Now she is awakening. In everyone, including the men but the men don’t know how to work with it so it is up to the women to show them how. Women are becoming more alive and they are behaving in ways that are not normal. They must process this themselves. That is why there are goddess circles starting up everywhere. The women need each other to balance each other and support each other.
Nobody really knows what the goddess is or kundalini. It is a mystery because it is a personal private soul connection between the body and the spirit. We think we are intelligent, but this connection between body and spirit is far more real and lucid than what we know with our mind. The flashes of insight that we get from time to time tell us that there is more to us than our own logical mind. This personal private soul connection between our body and our spirit is a breakthrough (called an initiation) into the bright sun of our spiritual self. It is the true father god of our Self. Our mother god, known as the divine mother goddess is buried in the earth. The soul needs to become very quiet to listen to these two forces play with each other. As we listen we bring them closer together so they can blend and bring us great flashes of insight. The soul is our deeper innate sense of longing. Our soul needs to become respectful of its own nature, its own inner nature AND outer nature. The soul wants to know itself in the outer world, too, with other souls. The implants (blocks) have divided us and pitted us against ourselves. Our own male tendencies quarreled with our own female tendencies and vice versa. The male has been dominant for millennia, 26,000 years, I understand. Now it is ending and the divine feminine side of humanity which has been buried – the divine feminine or goddess energy - is becoming active. The mechanical human, the lopsided unbalanced human, is undergoing a transformation to become more peaceful and more naturally balanced. We feel peaceful when we allow nature to take its course, not to resist what we are drawn to experience, but to participate in all that happens and APPRECIATE it. It is in the appreciating of experience that we lift it upward into gratitude and joy. This is the transformation that is to take place. We will feel more whole as this happens, and more connected to one another. Sacred ceremony is not a group thing. It is a secret ceremony that one does alone within one’s own life, one’s own home, one’s own time, within one’s own space, as a worship and as a reverence for the material goods and people that one is surrounded with. This is the world we are to honor and lift up and appreciate. Appreciation and honoring, with the use of kindness, smoothes out the wrinkles and the bad situations. It is done with prayerful intent. With sacredness. The innate intuition is the goddess. It will help a person to create ceremony. We must learn to listen to our innate feelings and nudges. Innate intelligence often emerges when it is least expected, when it is spontaneous and natural like the breezes. It is not sexual as men think. It is love felt in every cell of the body. It can be experienced as an out-of-body experience as it did with me, which threw me out beyond myself and took me years to integrate and stabilize myself.
As the movement from the sun and the movement from the earth moves through the body together, attracted to each other, they swirl together and it clears away toxins. It is pure and natural. It is beyond logical human brain understanding. After a session of movement and clearing as I have experienced it, the cells feel as if they are floating in ecstasy. It is blissful. It does not stay. It goes away after the movement session is over but each time it clears away the debris of left-over thoughts and false imaginations. There is left a clearer, purer, uncontaminated physical body that is better prepared for more of the same goddess kundalini, or river of life, to move through.
1/24/19 - Physical closeness without turning it personal
(I asked DK, How can we be physically close without turning it personal or sexual? I was thinking about how to hold a women's gathering with loving massage involved.)
It requires silence. It’s not about touching. You don’t have to hug or lie down together. That would expose you to physical toxicities held in the body. Be close within the auric fields so they overlap. You can start with 4 or 6 women in a circle with a goal in mind as in Tantra. But this is not for sexual fulfillment. It is for grounding the holy light into the flesh body, as in the light body or Christ body, into the flesh body. It requires refinement of impulses and tendencies to rush, to reach, to stroke, to pull towards, which we call groping. The urge to reach for another body, or to repel another body, comes up in people. The magnetic attraction. One must resist the push and pull and to manage the impulse.
The practice is an inner practice to hold steady in the quiet in your body, in your mind, in your feelings. We use visualizations. Imagine a column of refined light coming down from above through you into the earth below. Know that this column of light is really a column of love. It is the all-that-is direct from the heart of the sun behind the sun which comes from the creator, or father-mother God. Any outsider’s touch or presence would be less than this holy light, holy love. This is the love-light of your own light body, Christ Body. You swoon into it and everything human in you melts and dissolves. With practice you will not fall to the floor but contain it within your mind, body and feelings. This is the next step practice.
By anchoring the light into your human body, your physical flesh body composed of thoughts, beliefs, intentions, desires, tendencies, resentments, bitterness, hatreds, sorrows, weaknesses, all of the human stuff that is not holy. By allowing yourself to remain silent and centered and experience receiving the holiness of the love that is coming down through your visualization from above into the ground, you prepare your body to become the God-self in human form. All-knowing, all-wise. It dissolves all personal tendencies, involvements, attachments, etc.. With each session it leaves you refreshed, open, aware, more knowledgeable, and infinitely more capable of FEELING the love. Dissolving personal attachments is done without damage or pain. There is never any pain when love dissolves personality stuff.
Human relationships are possessive and controlling, so these are dissolved in the larger love. Your love enlarges to embrace so much more. If you are connecting with your light body, Christ body, it is a solitary process. One with your father-mother God. You, the child, are becoming the grown-up now. The adult, the mature God-man or God-woman, the holy Christ self in physical form. Others will not have jurisdiction over you.
1/30/19 - DK's lecture to women
(Awake at 4 with inspiration about women‘s gathering, dreaming of posting youtubes by women for women. I kept seeing more and more about women as support for women as they emerge out of the patriarchal cycle into a new liberation, validating the feminine gener, the body feminine. Two or three times I woke to write it down and go back to sleep. It was 5:55 the last time when I decided not to go back to sleep. Inspiration was coming too fast, keeping me awake. I went to the meditation room to continue writing.)
Do not try to change the men but present the feminine, empower the woman, change yourself. Empowerment is found by changing focus to your higher better self. Instead of thinking of the man, men, children, others, change your focus to your higher self. Not your lower but your goddess self. What is it in you that is lacking? Wanting? Desiring? What will fulfill you on a soul level? Don’t say “a new car” or “another husband” or a “new home”, for that is physical. That is a male need. What is your feminine need? What would you like to have happen to feel fully feminine? Empowerment is found by loving yourself, not by fighting against other people. Fighting other people’s suggestions, words, actions and ways, shows that you are focusing on THEM, outward on them, outside of yourself. When you focus on someone else, you are not aware of what’s happening with you. You are wasting your power, the energy that was given to you, allotted to you to live your life in the best way possible. When you serve others from a weakened, powerless home base, you remain weak. You continue to drain away the life that is being given to you through breath and heart beat.
Stop! Stop draining your energy away, your power away, your life away. Change your ways. Change yourself. Stop thinking of how you resent others, hate others, wish others would change. Stop! Start changing your Self! Start validating yourself with positive loving thoughts, intentions, actions, words. Love your SELF. Meditation is absolutely essential to make this change. If you don’t know how, join a class. Nancy will lead a class in meditation to teach you. Through regular meditation time every day - it does not have to be long - just 15 minutes a day will be a good start. In meditation you learn how to close off focus on the outside world and other people. You close your leaks and re-focus and re-calibrate. There is a science to meditation. Empowerment is found by tuning into the source of the power which is flowing through YOU for YOU, not to give away to others. You can change yourself immediately by taking 15 minutes right now and meditate on your own breath and heartbeat. This is how you love your Self, you love the life that is in you, flowing through you. You are acknowledging it. You are paying attention to it. You are focusing on it and not allowing it to leak away through text messages or reading or watching TV or listening to someone speak to you or engage you in projects.
Stop. Listen. Focus inside. This is how you begin loving yourself and taking your power back. The power of love is inside your body, inside your cells, inside the atomic structure of your tissues, glands, bones and blood. The power of that love that is in you, in your body - your BODY, not your mind - has been usurped. Stolen. And you allowed yourself to be distracted, re-directing the flow of life away from you onto the problems and situations of others instead of managing the outward expression of your own desired and perfect life. It is like when a neighbor steals electricity from your powerline going into your house without your knowledge. You are allowing this theft to occur and to continue to occur by defaulting on yourself. You droop as a flower droops without water and sun. You allow this theft to continue day and night every day that you do not re-focus your attention singularly back into yourself. You are like a pipeline carrying mighty power from the sun but where are you directing it? Loving yourself is not done only with your mind. Intention is good as a first step, but change has to be made in actions. Support yourself through words spoken out loud so that your body and ears can hear and your bones and tissues can vibrate with the resonance of your words. It is important that your body hear you. It is critical that your body receive the instructions and the sound of your voice.
You as a woman were taught to be subservient to men from an early age. This was done in subtle ways. In psychologically damaging ways, not only through pain but through patronizing ways where your body became accustomed to the pleasure bestowed upon it, thus turning your body into dependents on others to serve your needs. This is just as damaging as the infliction of pain, which hardens you. Do not worry about becoming selfish. When you refocus on your own higher good and best interests and give yourself what you need to be whole in body, mind and feeling, you become empowered with love. When you unify the fractured separated parts which hurt due to separation and lack of wholeness, love fills you up. You are filled with inner power, inner strength, inner acknowledgement that you are supported from within, you are connecting with your higher self. This IS your higher self reconnecting through your determination to care for yourself. Do you understand; what I’m saying? Then you will be a blessing to your family, friends and the world around you. You will know where you can help in authentic ways, not artificial ways. You will not be capable of self-serving as in greediness. You will know you have been wasting your energy, your life force, giving in ways that build up others but take away from you. Find ways to fulfill your own needs.
Start rebuilding your self-esteem. Start telling yourself you are valuable. Raise your body consciousness out of the gutter by your own voice and determined efforts to stop wasting your life force. Give yourself time alone with your higher self. Listen to your higher self. Give yourself a massage. Nancy will show you how. Hug yourself. Be with other women who are also striving for better self-esteem. Have a puja circle for the women. Honor the body of the other women. Be honored in return. Receive honor. Learn to receive love. Many women do not receive respect and honor because they do not feel worthy. All women need to begin by learning how to receive respect and honor. Open your ears and your mind to receive goodness as it is bestowed on you. I see women refusing accolades. They push it away. Deny it. Reject it by their words and actions. They think they are being humble but they are being unwise and thwarting their own empowerment. Have a women’s circle that opens with a puja and honor the holy spirit within each. Show reverence and respect first through non-touch, the puja. Then through touch. Women only, touching with reverence the bodies of other women. Fully dressed in flowing, loose garments. No skin touching. Lifting upward with thoughts, worshipping the holy spirit within the body, resurrect the holiness of this body. The body flows with the power of God creator within. The body IS therefore holy.
Coax out the holy light that is stuck within, the love is stuck and stagnant within the tissues, locked inside. Move it by loving it, giving loving words, bring it out, move it through reverential thought and intention. This woman you are touching flows with the Goddess Isis, Mother Mary and the celestial goddesses of heaven. Nancy has tried to do this with men, giving holy reverence to men, but her body was usurped and de-railed over time, by the prevailing sexual scene she was playing and learning in.
(Me: What shall I call this gathering?)
“Breaking the spell of body shame” Women have been under the spell of shame and cursed. Free the goddess that wants to flow within. Liberate the God/Goddess locked in the cells. Do this through holding high and holy thoughts while touching the bodies of each other as in a healing session. It is the goddess within you that yearns. You think it is the little you that hurts and yearns and feels alone. No! It is the God Self that hurts and is yearning, wanting to come out and walk on the ground freely, and be loved and to love and touch and be touched in beautiful, kind, adoring ways. You have wanted the men to do this for you, but they do not know how. So let us shift focus from men to women. Practice with women. Become empowered with your sisters, by learning how to elevate yourselves together, to high esteem, to the higher self, the holy self, so the higher energy is flowing within you, through you and out into the world freely, liberated, loving to breathe the fresh air spontaneously as a radiation. And then you can give it to the men without being taken down or reduced to their level, for men have been damaged more than you. They do not understand.
Women, gather in circles and acknowledge each other’s refinement, the exquisite beauty in each other, the divine feminine. Validate this high estate, resurrect the holy within, raise it in esteem. In the body. IN THE BODY! It is the body that needs the light touches, the soothing words of comfort, the hugs, the caring, the respect in authentic and real ways. The spirit already knows itself. It is your body that does not know love. It has never been given unconditional love. Give the body splendor, not sexual thoughts but glorious thoughts. Practice touching with glorious, splendorous thoughts in your mind.
The agenda is: (1) Puja, (2) Meditation, (3) healing hands stroking. It will inspire you, not drain you. The one being loved and adored will return the love in a figure 8, infinite giving and receiving cycle, growing and enlarging the resonance between you, the whole group. You can do this with men after you have learned how to maintain your high estate, your center and not be pulled down to lower greedy, needy, selfish base wants. When you begin healing the men, you will need to create a time when you build, and a time to let them go and have fun after. Free the body first. It’s all about loving the body free. The body needs restructuring and resurrecting. Raise it up with your intentions, thoughts and words, up, up, up. Open the tomb and lift it, lift it, lift it. Love the body upward, upward, upward. Overcome the down side thoughts. Master your thoughts by lifting them higher and higher. YOU are the master of your thoughts, emotions and actions.
(After writing this, a peculiar thing happened. I showered and got dressed and stopped to check emails. I was reading an excellent article when I felt myself losing consciousness. Recognizing the feeling I stopped and laid on the massage table and went slowly away. During this time I saw waves of light spiraling down and through me. This was unusual. I knew something different was happening. I saw Mother Sekhmet - a lion face with EYES! Big aware eyes. It was peaceful. When I finally came back to consciousness 45 min later my whole body was shaking. Not physically so much, the movement was on the inner planes, but something was trembling all through me. It lasted a little while longer and slowly dwindled. I never felt such a response before after a channeling.)
2/22/19 - How to prepare women for a goddess ceremony
[Midnight question to the holy spirit: Dear Holy spirit, do you have advice for me tonight as to what direction I should take the women? It seems I have been ready for the last 16 years but I have not manifested the women’s gathering. I think I need an agenda. Some topics to put on paper so there is focus. Can you give me some advice as to how to proceed?]
(Channeled:) Keep your focus on the sun when you’re doing hands on healing. Your consciousness is your plug-in to channel the divine light. It’s like using the vibrator. You have to plug it in to get the electricity. Qualify your thoughts with freedom. Freedom in your body. Your body needs loosening. Create an exercise program to start the women’s day so they are loosened up and flowing more freely. Introduce your very own kundalini movements. Introduce spontaneous movement. Start with a puja. Do you know what a puja is? Do you know what the feeling of a puja is?
(Me: No, not too sure, please enlighten me.) The honoring, the reverencing, the worshiping and adoring of the divine within. The most holy puja is that of honoring of the divine within one’s own body of matter. Lead them in a puja, an honoring of the divine within self first. Then have them get up and - yes - as in your dream of 2003 - lead them to hold hands in a circle and come close together so their bodies touch. Hold that touching together for a few moments to share the resonance and then expand back out again. Break circle and have each one honor each other one by giving them the ancient greeting, head bowed, “Namaste, I honor the light of divine grace within you!” Then have them move randomly and freely about. Light a candle. Wave incense. Open a bottle of oil to smell. Eat a cracker. Drink a wine. Bless the grass if you are outdoors. You will think of more suggestions to do. After the moving about, sit and discuss the topics on the list. You make the list. Provide a list of your own choosing and ask them to either speak from one of the items on the list or one they have in their own mind. Ask Michele to be your assistant and Pat.
(Me: Should this be for coupled women?) It does not matter. Your focus is on intimacy. The women’s role in intimacy. How much and how far does a woman give herself away to a man? Provide the image of the column of light from crown to feet. This should be clear. How it is blocked at both the head and groin. Women are in the middle between the two ends which men have traditionally held and polarized themselves at - head and groin.
(Me: Should I use the Bringers of the Dawn and also the Youtube of the Pleiadian woman who speaks of tender lovemaking?) Perhaps. Allow yourself to dissolve these questions into a pool of silence. You will find a priority list emerge from the silence. Write down your notes, your inspiration. You do not need to fix an agenda but rather have a direction-finding list to refer to.
(I paused and then this came to me so I wrote it down:) Lead them in 20 sun-earth breaths. Guide them through the sun and down through the central column of light into the earth. Picture their most beautiful self, ideal, perfect, transparent crystal self with sun’s rays flashing through on and off, royal beauty, a beautiful, graceful, magnificent body in perfect health, perfect hair, perfect features, however you picture yourself. How you want yourself to look. Imagine your higher self looking like this. This is your light body self on the fifth dimension. Your ascended self perfectly at ease, comfortable, full of knowledge about who you are and where you came from, clarity of mind, relaxed, composed, strong and alive with fiery life from the sun behind the sun. You are glowing. Feel yourself wearing that transparent sun-flashing crystalline beautiful form around you. Imagine your physical body as a little figure inside this beautiful over large perfection. This is your oversoul. Breathe into it now. Feel yourself growing confident and proud of yourself. Humble and kind and loving but fiercely proud of who you are.
3/7/19 - Men and women flow in opposite directions
A person who studies spiritual things will focus attention on higher vibrations which come from the sun. Those who do not, which are mostly male bodies, focus on out and away from themselves, on physical objects and people, so it’s a downward focus. Women are flowing upward. They are of the earth, feminine, flowing up towards the sun. Men are masculine coming from the sun and flowing downward toward the earth. This is very subtle, try to understand. That is how the gender bodies become opposites. They are designed that way, flowing in opposite directions. So those focusing upward towards heaven are opening themselves to receiving glimpses of the bright rays from source, or heaven. Feminine bodies are magnetic, anchored in the earth. ALL bodies are feminine since they are composed of the earth substance but feminine bodies are more so since they are feminine in the biological design. They are magnetism reaching up towards heaven. If they can connect with heaven, meaning as they click into heaven which is electric with their solid magnetic earth bodies, then they are conscious of integrating. Then they can connect their two powers - magnetic and electric.
Both powers are conscious. Both powers are non-physical powers. If the person becomes conscious of these two opposing powers, each going in opposite directions, he can link them together. The person contains both powers within himself but most people are not aware of these two opposing powers. The spiritual path is a realignment of the earth and the sun or heaven. When he connects CONSCIOUSLY the two seemingly opposing powers, he influences them. He is the directing link. These two opposing flows (one upward, one downward) are random until he, the residing master of the body, makes the connection. They then can become a complete circuit which will cycle through the body without stopping. The master must learn to remain open. He must learn control of his own forces. The heaven and earth forces are all one flow. When connecting to it one receives a spark and a thrill. He can feel it in his cells as a quickening. (pause, question) Yes and this is a most wondrous discovery! Those of the male variety are focusing ALL of their attention outward. They are still flowing out. It is the creator’s outbreath. The man is the creator. The man is breathing outward to his exterior of the body. He is focusing further and reaching further out, not up as the feminine is doing, but outward, out further and further to he knows not where. To the edges of consciousness perhaps. He is leaving his connection to the father light behind him the further away from source he goes. His role as a masculine being in the great divine plan is to push the conscious light out into the furthest darkness and out into the void to see how far he can stretch the light of conscious intelligence. He is the creator. He has this as a mission imprinted in him.
Such souls which I am calling masculine are searching beyond where no others have ever been before. They are on a mission. Source has sent them on the outbreath. That is the defining of the male, seeking outward, out beyond the connecting link of inner. The feminine souls are those who are staying connected to the cosmic link. Feminine is staying embedded in the earth body – in her body – she is looking up to the sun, heaven, spirit and space above her, not outward like the masculine is doing. She stands on earth with inner eyes open to source, to heaven, to spirit. She remains open to receive further instruction from spirit through her heart. A man can do this too. It is not restricted to the feminine body. Feminine souls are rooted into the physical body through feeling of connection, through feeling of emotional strength. She is looking in the opposite direction from where the male bodies are looking. These are female bodies or female souls in male bodies. Those who have received the outpouring as you have (speaking to me Nancy) as a female with open heart, open mind, with eyes upward as an empty chalice to catch the rays from Home - you are on the inbreath. You have completed the outward bound journey and are now returning Home. Your wandering away from your Father is over and you have only eyes for the eternal source. You have reconnected with source. You are in a female body for that reason. As you made this astonishing connection with Me you are connecting the outbreath and the inbreath together to form a mighty rod of power. There is no great mystery here. It is simple logic. What goes down must go up, and what goes up must go down. The question is not “where” up is located or “where” down is located, but rather it is the simple joining of the two separated ends which have not been consciously reconnected. The frayed ends were wandering and seeking for connection. They have been seeking to reconnect and fulfill the circle. Then there is no “out” and no “in”. No “up” and no “down”. It is all connected in a circle and there is a flowing perfection.
The infinity sign is symbolic of this never-ending circle. When the two opposite ends are reunited there is no more flailing out of control which creates confusion. Confusion is when one does not know which way to go, which way is the right way and which way is wrong. Decisions are difficult to make when one is so confused. When the two flows become one flow, cycling in a never-ending flow, heaven to earth and earth to heaven, heaven to earth, earth to heaven, suddenly there is clarity. No more confusion. No more searching. No more yearning, no more loneliness. No more heartache. The upward flowing and the downward flowing are connecting in the heart within the body. The flow does not stop. It continues to flow but you hold the flow steady through conscious breathing and conscious awareness. As your wonderful vision and article recorded in words, the heart no longer aches, for its other half has been found. YOUR other half has been found. They call it your twin flame, just as you saw in your vision. There were two flames and each went round and round but were disconnected. You have now connected them and made them one again. When you asked Master DK about your confusion over your friend’s approach to Tantra vs. your own approach, you were confused. He pointed you toward your own heart and you have been at peace ever since. You were guided from that point on to re-search the ancient archives and you were led further and further into peaceful connection within your own heart. Your two flows have been brought together as one flow. When you were working with your friend you began following once again a masculine soul and it did not suit you. You did not want to go in that direction - outward to another person - and so you asked. Always when you ask you receive an answer from one who knows. You have done well, dear loved one. I love you and I watch you as you are tapping the glowing rod of power within you.
(Q: do you have more information for me about what am I doing when I consciously do this? I paused to show what I mean, the sparking. Who is doing this? Not my outer self? Later I learned about phryll thru Elena Danaan)
A: No, it is your higher self consciously entering into your physical field, your “standing wave” as you are learning about. You are connecting consciously with your higher self and your physical body is opening to receive this “rod of power”, this connection between sun and earth. Your body, under the supervision of your higher self, is regenerating and rebuilding, restoring the original plan. You are changing your physical structure to comply with universal law, universal patterning. You are returning to your origins while remaining in physical body.
(Q: Should I focus on my heart? Or my spine when I do this?)
A: Your heart. The upward flow is drawing up to the heart and the downward flow is drawing down to the heart. They are connecting in the middle of your heart which is a portal for expansion. You expand into the fifth dimension through your heart. This is the elevator that you have seen in vision form. You enter the elevator within your heart and you ascend to higher floors of your building, your bodies.
(Q: Is there more you can tell me?)
A: I commend your continued quest for “more” but you know you are complete for now. Thank you for rising to receive this added instruction. It completes you for this moment. You may return to sleep. (Thank you.)
3/28/19 - You can only correct past mistakes while in form
When you are on earth in a physical form, you are in separation. When you are in spirit you are not in separation. You can’t correct any mistakes when you are in spirit. You can’t speak or move your limbs as you can in the physical world. When you are in spirit you cannot say to someone, “I am sorry, please forgive me” because the spirit world is in unity and harmony. There is no separation. When you are born here on earth you are born into a world of duality and separation. You are alone even though you may be born into a loving family and loving community. You would not have been born here unless you had unresolved issues to correct and they can only be corrected from this reality of physical separation. It is your mistake, you correct it. In other words, you can only heal the error on the same playing field where you made it. An example, if there is a break in a water line, you can only repair the pipe by going to the location of the break and repairing it. You cannot “think” the repair from another location because an energy mistake occurred within your own energy field called “body“, which caused a disruption in the larger energy field of the planet.
The atmosphere surrounding planet Earth is full of toxic energy caused by human beings. While it is less toxic the higher up towards the stratosphere you go, 8, 9, 10 miles above surface level, it is toxic soup down here below. The world of physicality and separation exists for souls (we the people) to bring forth the love and beauty of the creator. Each one of us in physical form is a creator, or child of the creator, descending to the further edges of space, beyond the reach of the Father-Mother Source. Headquarters you might say. Your job is to carry love and light as far as you can beyond sight of Home. You are missionaries pushing back the clouds and bringing light and love as far as you can. You represent the Father-Mother Creator. You have their DNA encodements within. But the physical world can only exist by having duality through dividing into male and female inside your body. It is an interesting way to curtail bliss. If you were in bliss all the time you would not have duality. You would not move. There would be no incentive to move. Worlds of duality are designed in such a way that, when you come to the planet, you experience division first within yourself, within your body, and secondly between those you live among. Even though you may live in a loving, supportive community, your thoughts and feelings and perceptions are your own, separate from the family or community.
Now, when you are here on earth as a soul or spirit - spirit is your pure creator self, soul is the holder of your mistakes and errors - it is your soul that is learning its way back to your pure creator self and the bliss of harmony and unity. When you as soul were born into a physical body on earth, you thought, spoke and performed physical acts that were not pure. I speak in the past tense now because the atmosphere is clearing. It is not as toxic as it was, but still toxic enough to cause you problems as you move among the atmosphere and the people. This has been a learning environment, a planet where individuals can evolve and refine themselves. It is not meant to be a permanent learning planet however. In fact it was never meant to sink so low into dark dense matter. The goal of the planet is to become a garden of paradise, built by the people themselves who live here, who are pure love and light creators themselves. The toxicity was caused by the people who did not know they were pure love and light creators. In the beginning there were high-vibrating mentors who taught them how to work in harmony and love with each other. But low-vibrating souls were allowed to come to Earth to learn. They brought dis-ease and dis-harmony with them which spread to the native inhabitants. It is earth’s destiny that her people should, each one, clear up his or her own toxic thoughts, emotions and deeds. It is the evolving soul who understands it must refine itself on every level, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Each soul is accountable for itself.
This is happening now in 2019, It has been happening since 1987 when a shift took place on inner levels, when an intervention from inner planes (higher planes) began beaming love and light from within each person to wake them up to their origins. Thus, each of us is responsible for removing toxins from our own body-mind system. When everyone begins managing their own thoughts, deeds and actions - and this is already being done - earth will once again have a sparkling clear and beautiful atmosphere in every in every town, city and nation. What is not understood by the average person who is busy working or having fun or struggling or living their day-to-day lives, is that each soul has built-in habit patterns that are erroneous. They repeat the same patterns every day which solidify into a hard-wired exterior. The majority of human beings are operating on false beliefs. “This is who I am! I can’t be anything else!“ This belief keeps a person defending itself, radiating human error instead of love and light. As we radiate the same mistakes into the community, the atmosphere continues to build up in toxicity. These habit patterns take place in the energy fields. Within the soul is a pure love and light being, which is not physical. It is light and it is love and it is conscious. You are conscious and I am conscious. We are each an original spirit spark from Father-Mother God, but we are covered with seven bodies.
The first energy field holds a pattern of pure crystalline light and love for this particular individual spirit spark. Each spirit spark has a crystalline light body that is unique because it is an individual. There are no two spirit sparks exactly alike. The spirit spark takes on its first body as an individual spirit spark, and this first body is called the “Light Body“ or “Christ Body“. It is the first body born out of Father-Mother God, meaning the first body of seven for that unique individual. The belief that Jesus was the only son of God is inaccurate. It’s a mistake. We are all sons or daughters of God. Jesus is special because he was the only one who cleared all his other six energy fields of false patterns and fully embodied his light body while living on earth - his Christ Body. He is a role-model. We are to follow him and learn how to do the same with our own energy patterns. These errors in the way we live, our beliefs, our thoughts, our rigid habits, our emotions, keep repeating the same path. We radiate (spew out) the same human errors throughout life, not improving except for maybe a little change here and there. Religious beliefs alone cause dissension between people. These beliefs carry forward from life to life, continuing to build the toxic condition on earth. They must be corrected.
A soul evolves by returning to the light body within itself. This requires self-discipline which is done through silent meditation or prayer in solitude. By quieting the body, mind and emotions so that all moving particles come to a stand still, one builds a connection with peace, love, light and bliss. The outer layers fight against silence. They are chaotic layers that surround us. They resist being alone. These are the human layers that need to be managed. The god within needs to take charge of the outer layers. This discipline can only be done while living in a physical form. Habits are physical habits, built in error. Just like the example of the broken water pipe, one cannot fix it by mind alone. One must get down into the gutter and sewer and put to rest the disjointed parts that have broken the harmony and peace of the body.
Our four lower bodies are the problems. The two worst bodies of all six are mental and emotional. Our mental body is an energy field which contains habit patterns, like when you take the same road to work or home every day. That‘s a physical energy pattern but we maintain mental energy patterns in how we think. The emotional body is the same way. It is an energy field which contains habit patterns. When you see something that reminds you of a negative encounter, you feel the same way over and over again. It is a rut in the emotional field. It needs to be changed because we have been spewing low-vibrations out onto the earth. The master Jesus learned how to raise his energies to love and goodness. That is how he cleared all of his fields and allowed his light body/christ body to flow freely through him and out to people around him who felt the love and witnessed miraculous deeds performed. Jesus was a human being, but it was not the human who performed the deeds - not the mental, emotional or spiritual body - but the pure spirit spark of his origin that performed the deeds. He became a god-human. We can do the same thing. Clearings are done with love and light. It is the only way. And because we are all seeking to understand, information is required.
We have to correct our errors while in a human body. We can’t correct them when we are inbetween incarnations. We have to correct them while living with other human beings. It is the human matrix that needs to be addressed, cleared and fixed. It takes going down into the sewer and fixing the broken pipe. Love and Light. Light is information from the creator and love is the voltage from creator. To get to them we need to sit in solitude and quiet the body, mind and feelings. The best place to begin is with our thoughts. We must become quiet. Quiet the body by sitting in a comfortable position. Quiet the outer mind which is an energy field of flowing thoughts. Bring it to a stand still. Quiet the feelings, the sensations that are moving around in the body. The typical thought process is a pattern. We follow the same thought every day when we wake up. The trick to changing it to a more enlightened uplifting thought which inspires, is to read something that inspires, before retiring and upon waking up, to re-set the energy field to positive. Change to “think” love and light information. Change thoughts to words of love and light. Start by silently thinking words of love and light. Find affirmations, mantras, prayers of positive inspiration.
Self-improvement methods are flooding the earth. It just takes a little searching to find something to uplift. Methods will come and you will evolve to another one. Allow yourself to raise up and evolve upward to newer methods that will appear to you like magic. It is the way of the spiritual path. Start by looking for an affirmation, mantra or prayer that feels right to you and memorize it. I will give two of my favorites. They were given by an ascended master.
(Mantra 1) “I am the light of the heart shining in the darkness of being and changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of christ (crystal one). I am projecting my love out into the world to erase all errors and break down all barriers. I am the power of infinite love amplifying itself until it is victorious, world without end. Amen.”
(Mantra 2) “I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light. God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into light. This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought or feeling. I am an outpost of the divine. Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up the light which I Am! I Am! I Am light! I live! I live! I live in light! I am light’s fullest dimension, I am light’s purest intention. I am light! Light! Light! everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven!”
Step two is visualizing. Visualizing is focus. Repeating an affirmation or prayer mechanically, out of habit, monotonously, is not very effective. It serves to keep the brain busy but the key is to change subconscious energy patterns that you are not aware of. They are layered in over lifetimes and are completely buried. The way to bring the love and light down into those deep layers is through sound. Toning the words with emphasis requires focusing on the words and visualizing. You could find a picture that inspires and elevates you, it will help. But visualizing is better. You might not always have the picture. Focus. Practice focusing on a visual picture while toning the mantra, prayer or affirmation. Start with 15 minutes and increase it as you feel comfortable. Don’t go so long that you build up a resentment. Go slow and methodically build your ability to hold the light. Energy is vibrating incoherently in chaos on earth. As you do this you will feel the words “light” resonating and your ears will hear the words, but more importantly the purity of the love and light contained in these words are what does the work of transmuting and clearing deep-seated error habit patterns. You do not know how to change yourself, but you at the level of your light body DOES. You are pure light and love covered over by the erroneous and limited energies. This is how you break the old and bring forth the new you.
Each person must take responsibility for embodying love and light through the process of thinking and feeling love and light. This takes inner self improvement and eventually results in outer actions of love and light expressing to others around you. It can’t help but heal rifts and problems, while continuing the fun and enjoyment and adventures of being in a physical body with physical friends and family and colleagues working on new projects together. By thinking and feeling and expressing love and light in the outer world, slowly hatred, anger, abuse, violence and poverty will be eradicated and the toxic chaos and confusion on earth will disappear.
4/18/19 - You are cultivating individuality, not personality
(I consulted with Master DK this morning because I continued to feel unsure how to focus my mind. He showed me yesterday but I still had questions. My question is: Should I direct my mind by actively forming visualizations and verbalizing affirmations? Or should I allow my mind to wander peacefully without thought, which is my natural default program?)
Yesterday he said, “Observe your mind. Simply observe. Remain in peace and watch the thoughts that enter your mind. Don’t chase them, just watch them. See where they are coming from. If they are coming from you there will be a feeling, a wanting to follow them, a passion, an interest, an excitement to the thought. Then you know it is coming from you, initiated by your higher self. If the thought does not appeal to you, if you sense even just a little, that you don’t want to follow that thought, or you don’t like that thought, why go with it? Why analyze it? Why even resist it? Remain in your peaceful state. Why would you want to leave your peaceful state? You like being peaceful. Why leave it to answer the call of another thought that you don’t even want? Watch your thoughts. Pay attention to your feelings in response to the thoughts. Observe while staying in your peace.”
That was yesterday. Today, when I asked him again, DK showed me how I am distracted by what I assimilate from other people, “even from the Ascended Masters themselves." Apparently when I read something from the Masters this morning, a dictation through someone else's channeling, no matter how enlightened and beautiful it was, something grabbed hold of me and I was confused over what to do with it. DK said to me:
"When you entertain what other people are saying, you are called outside and away from your central core, which is your natural comfort zone. It’s like when someone taps you on the shoulder and you turn to see who it is, you are pulled away from where you were going and may forget what path you were on. You break connection with your inner self."
He went on to say, "This is the state of the world today. It happens to everyone. The world has grown to become chaotic. Your world keeps you on alert, tense and ready to leap into action. It keeps you from your own path. It prevents you from being centered in your natural, inner comfort. There is a lower comfort zone and a higher comfort zone. Your lower comfort zone is lethargic, stationary, your energies are not moving. You may feel comfortable in a dull, sleepy way, but it is a low vibration. Your higher comfort zone is active, exciting, with a light step and eager enthusiasm. Your energies are moving in a positive upward way. This is where you should strive to be. You contain a perfect blueprint within, the perfection of what you are striving to become and how to get there and what attitudes you should entertain. In other words, your perfection is ever accessible to you in the higher vibrations, but not accessible in the lower. Strive to be in your higher vibrations. It is the way to tap into the immaculate concept and the divine template for you as an individual."
As I retyped this for the post, I continued to feel his words: "You know when you accidentally connect with it because you feel absolutely good with yourself. Depending on what you are doing at the moment you might feel light-minded, enthusiastic, excited and motivated if you are active. If you are in meditation or resting peacefully you might feel highly blissful, light-hearted and open to receive messages from your higher self. Be at peace with yourself always. Strive to find what is light, easy, fun and good for you no matter what you are engaged in, even during conversations with your friend. Your divine perfection is always trying to reach your outer world, walk in your shoes and engage with your world - its world. You are carrying your divine template around with you but you have not yet embodied it with the high qualities which have been given to you. You are not your physical body. Your physical body is faulty and contains errors and mistakes, You are spirit striving to create perfection through your flesh body. Study more the seven God-qualities given to you at the beginning of your sojourn into the world of matter: that of love, wisdom, power, purity, truth, comfort and freedom. Lack of understanding these seven qualities, which you are studying now, is holding mankind back from embodying their ideals and dreams.
DK says, “There are two parts to you. There is human and there is divine. There is personality and there is individuality. You are a personality (mask) when you engage with others, but you are an individual behind the personality mask. You are the same individual in every life you embody into, but you take on a different personality mask each time. You are a new personality in this life but you are the same individual who has lived hundreds or thousands of lifetimes prior to this one. Each time you embody as an infant to a new set of parents in a new culture, you build for yourself a new personality, but you are the same individual, which you call a soul. Each time you re-embody you take on DNA from your parents and you become acculturated into your home and neighborhood, village, state and locality. The air is filled with energy patterns from lifetimes of natives thinking, feeling and acting in that region. These energy patterns are different from the energy patterns on the opposite side of the world. These energy patterns flow continuously through your infant form and you assimilate them as you grow to adulthood. They become part of your interface with the environment. These become your personality mask to the outer world, as the world knows you, but the world does not know you as the individual spirit spark that lived in thousands of other bodies, gaining wisdom and knowledge.
“You are the soul amassing knowledge with each new embodiment, accumulating skills which shape your future and become innate talents. Behind the human mask, you are a spirit spark learning to master the human vehicle from inside it, by managing your thoughts and feelings. You were born as a spirit spark out of the one infinite Father-Mother God which created every planet, every sun, every galaxy, every celestial being, every worm, horse, alligator, tree, human and angel. As an individual spirit spark you set your own course of action in your own unique way that is different from everyone else. You are cultivating individuality, not personality. Embedded in a world of chaos as a human being, many times over, you have enjoyed both successes and failures. You suffer growing pains, yet all the while you are gaining knowledge that is building for you an inner strength and power that will bring you to the day of graduation, called ascension.
"This life you live with your many relationships, is not the real you. Remember you are the real behind the mask of personality and between the folds of your physical body. Your personality mask takes over from the moment you awaken from sleep, but the real you is ever present hovering in the background of your day and night. You KNOW THIS! The personality mask is a software program, no different from that in your computer. And just as computer software can be updated and obsolete programs deleted, so can you make changes within yourself through conscious application of wise choice, decision and determination. Meditation is a timeless method of sitting in silence in communication with your greater self. Silence is the shutting down of movement in the body, mind and emotions and feeling the comfort and peace within.
"Your personality mask comes and goes with each embodiment, but your individuality is the same consciousness that came from the heart of the one infinite creator eons ago. You have never lost access to that glorious beginning. You exist in that glory all the time in the inner, higher ascended state. It is only your outer personality, your suit of clothes, that encumbers you. Set them aside on a daily basis and come within to your own ascended state where we dwell. We will meet you there and celebrate. You are an immortal innocent having a human experience. Remember? Try to remember. Be at peace. Sit in silence. In an instant you can be back with us in the warm enfolding aura of Father-Mother God, and through FEELING be refreshed, revitalized and renewed so life is once again exciting, passionate, happy, loving, beautiful and peaceful."
5/6/19 - Sex balances your passive and aggressive
If you are buried in a mud slide or cave for a long time and can’t breathe, when you are set free you experience freedom. You bless it, you can breathe free and it soothes your whole body. But the FIRST breath you draw is orgasmic. Your whole body trembles with aliveness, experiencing something akin to a an orgasmic release. Everything that was suffocated and causing great distress to you as your body is experiencing it, what your body is experiencing, this is felt like a powerful dynamic force of refreshing breath of new life. That is what happens when you have a sexual release known as orgasm with a partner. You are experiencing the exact same thing - balancing the much needed release of one side of you being too powerful and the other side of you being too weak and suffocating.
Once you have balanced both sides of your body, male and female, you feel blissful. Your out-of-balance energy is now flowing equally together fulfilling the divine plan of your body. You are whole once more, for a short period of time. It is a reminder of where you are headed, a reminder to balance your OWN body by yourself. Learning to stay in balance at all times, mentally, emotionally and physically, will bring you great ecstatic joy, peace, reverence for life. In the meantime you are struggling and do not know what to do. If you are seeking a male lover, you are overly feminine and weak on your controlling masculine side. Learn to be more assertive and independent and not back down to someone else‘s requirement. If you are seeking a female lover, you are overly masculine and weak on your emotional feminine side. Learn to be more gentle, more receptive, more quiet, more intuitive.
Stop trying to control situations but learn to flow with them, as if each situation is a boulder in a softly-flowing stream. Flow around the situation without making such a big to-do about it. Don’t resist. Flow “with” as the Zen masters teach. Until you have mastered the flow of your own forcefields, sex is a wonderful way to keep you balanced, in peace and at times even in bliss. Do not judge sex as bad or wrong, but engage with others with respect and wisdom, without aggression on someone who does not want to engage with you in this way. It is essential that you not create more difficulties in your desire to balance yourself, by creating disharmony in someone else. Participate with love, respect and reverence for this most sacred of all acts. If you do not have a partner available to engage sexually with, then balance yourself through meditation, exercise the muscles, and interact in a non-personal way with people, such as cuddling.
5/12/19 - On being too feminine
(One day I asked my invisible guide, Master DK, "How do I control my attention?" His answer:)
You are too feminine. You must learn to use your brain too, along with your heart/feeling. You are too much in waiting mode and receiving mode, because that is your primary default as feminine through lifetimes. You MUST wake up to your brain activity and take charge of the direction of your life. Your brain is the human vessel control mechanism. This is the next stage in your development. Work together with your brain. The brain is how you control your attention. The general emphasis to the public has been directing people to go to their hearts and feelings because the masses are too brain centered. You are too heart/feeling centered.
(Me: So it’s OK to have an agenda?) Yes, it’s OK. Make an agenda and use your brain which is your masculine side to control your daily life. (Me: Oops. I started kicking in with too much energy, like I had been let out of the box, and realized it.) Remember to stay connected to your heart. Equality is remaining connected to the heart and the mind. Equality is perfect balance between mind and heart. The masters use the heart flame to raise or lower their vibrations as needed. They use the masculine directing force through the brain to direct their attention. Direction is given to act but the heart provides the power to act. The brain does not have the power. The brain is the masculine force and the heart/body is the feminine force. They must work together like fingers on one hand work together and help one another. They do not fight and contradict one another. So the brain and heart must work together. You have been learning this through your sexual activity between men and women. The brain is not the controller. Control comes from higher than the physical brain or the physical heart. It comes down THROUGH the heart from the God-self. The brain makes the decision where to focus attention.
You are in the brain most of the time, so you must use the brain to decide to focus attention on the heart. This is the work of the modern day westerner for he is too brain-focused. The heart is the main portal, the front door to the house you live in. Go and open the front door and let your God-self speak. You listen. You will feel it through sensations of wholeness, sureness, clarity, liberation, goodness, peace, truth. This is the God-self speaking to you. If you are connected brain-to-heart in a wholesome way, then your brain will make a wise decision to act. If the brain and heart remain connected, the heart/body will provide the power to act and the wisdom to act, the knowledge of how to act, and the truth and best way to act. The heart receives, the brain decides, the heart supports the decision and they work together, intellect and body. The power comes through the heart. If the brain tries to act on its own without the power of the wholesome heart, the innocent heart, it will not be able to sustain the action. It will collapse, either today or tomorrow or next week or next month.
The sustainability is the power of the God-self. Learn to listen to the heart but USE THE BRAIN! The message from the God-self descends down through seven levels. The first three levels are perfect, but when the message enters the mental, emotional, etheric and physical, the four lower bodies have a will of their own called the ego or artificial intelligence that is not connected to the God-self. The physical heart lives and pumps blood and messages from the God-self as long as the God-self is connected to the body. We call it the life force. The physical heart pumps the life force and light messages out into the rest of the body, wherever the arteries and veins and capillaries go, so the whole body is capable of getting the sensation of life. Do you understand? (Yes)
(Me: Re: massage by women for women only - why are we doing this?) It’s a simple matter. Those who are too masculine, many male bodies but there are some female bodies also whose biology is too focused on outer physical interactions. If the women are also brain-based rather than heart-based, they are also too controlling. Some masculine souls are focused on outer physical interactions but are also heart-based. They are tender men. But the majority of men are too masculine because they are brain-based plus focused on physical interactions. The result is pressure on those who are too feminine and receptive. Many women feel pressured by men, as you did. But there are some women who are masculine and therefore focused on physical interaction and brain-based like a man, even though her body is female. Those who are too feminine are receptive and passive and allow others to guide them and set direction. These souls are connected to their inner feelings more than connected to their brain or outer physical interactions. These souls must be awakened to understand this.
This is an esoteric teaching because it is deeply personal to each soul how to adjust. No education has been provided on this subject. Knowledge has been given in esoteric schools called mystery schools and kept underground because the majority of the population was not ready to hear it. Women today need other women to work out an understanding between themselves without the pressure from those whose biology is from a different perspective. Each person is a package of dynamic knowledge locked in and held back from experiences from past lives, both skills and talents of the human kind and also spiritual wisdom and knowledge from the God-self. But it is all being held back because of cultural taboos and training against freedom to express. Her beliefs may be right or may be wrong, but she will not know until she is allowed to expose and express herself in spontaneous ways, in an atmosphere of feeling free.
Recognize your default program which is hard-wired into you and try using opposite approaches, like ways you don’t like. Start the change process. For example, women don’t know how to be truly intimate or how to cuddle because they are programmed to think that intimacy with men - perhaps women too - means sex. Teach women how to not be afraid of intimacy. Massage, cuddle, touch and hug without sex as a motive. Discuss that warm arousal feelings of love are natural and not to be afraid of it. Teach NOT TO GO THERE! Discuss this. Get over the sex obstruction. It is subliminal obstruction which is preventing women from feeling true intimacy and love. Women have been insidiously blocked from love without their realizing how it happened. Now they are trying to find the “right” man who will “make” them feel love. It doesn’t work because he will not always be in the right mood to “make” her feel love. He will change.
7/23/19 - Bring the Mother light up from the tailbone
[During meditation today I had shamanic humming and drumming on through earplugs. Among other things I did 30 breaths into the sun, followed by 30 breaths in the heart, then 30 breaths in the center of earth, followed by 30 breaths in the heart again. I am conscious of bringing the father light down to mingle with the mother light. The mother light is the big important thing today. While I was concentrating on light in the center of the earth I was told:]
“Your mother is in the earth, your mother light. Mother is in the earth, father is in the sky. Our brain waves take us into multiple dimensions where we think we are out of body, but we are still in the body, just on higher frequencies. There is another reality in these higher dimensions but it is all taking place “here and now”. There is no “other” place. Higher dimensions are not “in the sky” but we who are rooted in the physical dimension, because we inhabit a body with 5 senses, live in duality where there is space between physical bodies. The etheric body is in a different reality. It is the akashic, where all records and memories are kept of your past lives, the good, the bad and the holy. The holy returns to the Holy, leaving the duality experiences in your etheric body, the etheric double which surrounds you and which keeps seeping through into your life because you have to resolve them. You use your innate wisdom to teach you and take you through the dissolution of the unpleasant in you.
The emotional body is another reality. You work with your feelings, sensations, good and bad, and you play with others also working and playing in emotions and feelings. The mental body the same. It is another reality world, a world of thought which contains low thoughts on the lower levels, higher thoughts on the higher levels and exquisite thoughts on the upper levels that take us into the mystical and sublime, which is the light body known as the Christ body. Bring father light and mother light together in the heart. Sex keeps them apart. Sex siphons the mother light off to feel good and have orgasms. Your consciousness is the key to bringing father light and mother light together in the heart. Conscious breathwork as I am doing now is bringing the mother light up to the heart. Today I had a most wonderful experience feeling that. Unconscious breathing is barely keeping the body alive, but conscious breathing exercises quickens your mother light and awakens her, brings her up into the body. She is the divine mother of you that is embedded in the earth. She is part of the dullness and sleepiness of mother Gaia. Quicken her, wake her up through your own breathing technique and through your OWN mother light, and Gaia wakes up too. As you do this, you remove some of the heaviness that has kept the planet in low vibrations.
When you imagine something, like a line of light from your left shoulder to your right shoulder (Kaballah) you are “running” the energy. You are flowing the energy. You are moving the light in you and through you. You are moving the energy. Flow from the center of the earth to your heart. This is grid work. Create a grid of light around you. In your moving meditations standing up, dancing your hands and feet around, you are moving the light grids around you.”
[When I was spinning the chakras and bringing the mother light up to the heart, I felt mother love. I was holding the walking stick in front of me, mostly for balance, but also because Fools Crow was guiding me the other day and gave me mystical vision. So I did it again today and I found myself caressing the walking stick like a lover. I was breathing the mother light up from the center of the earth. The third eye - I saw as if I was in the center of the third eye, seeing a transparent glass cylinder running horizontally front and back. I was spinning it and I was in the center of the pineal, spinning and seeing through it clearly. Then I went down to the navel. I wanted to “see” through the naval but found I had to bring the focus up to the third eye in order to “see” the transparent glass cylinder running horizontal through the navel front and back. So I did. As I did I broke out with light language strongly. It just popped out through my voice. The great healing of the ages is the feminine womb. This is important.]
8/14/19 - Don't give up your mystical, retain the sensation of awe
The light in you reaches out for recognition which it needs to grow. Then come back to center and withdraw the energy it has given to thought. When you touch the light of someone else keep in touch, don’t let go. Recognition is all it needs to grow. Walk with this other being together, out of the center and live outside of the center while maintaining contact with the light in both of you. Live in the light free from parasites when outside of your center. Shut off parasites by recognition alone. Recognition is the knife that cuts off the parasite and it floats away, leaving you free.
The entire physical world is the sum total of our ability to define ourselves. It requires a concentration of an idea so as to bring it down out of the blue into form, integrating it into what has been already formed by others. It requires a great deal of caring, caring being synonymous to concentration. It is an effort of the heart and mind together, followed by action. Fear works in secrecy, in shame, by isolating you from others. The only safe action to take is unity, wholeness, transparency. Communicate with your mate your thoughts. Do not keep them secret. (Memory: Back in 1981 the dark force was really bothering me, causing me bad feelings to leave Bob, and I was fighting it. But in the end I gave up and stopped fighting. I would not leave Bob. It was a decision I made. Light does not fight the darkness, it lights up the darkness with a firm decision. I loved Bob and decided that was the only way to go. Dark force or not, I’m here to stay.)
Use the word mystical. Mind control denotes a different area. Your area is beyond the mind control stage. In this infinite zone beyond consciousness or beyond understanding, one may feel the intelligence of something greater than yourself, the observer. This “something greater” has been termed, for lack of another word, “God” or “supreme being”. It may be called whatever you want to call it. However it is not beyond the person observing it. It should not be considered outside or beyond. It is not outside or beyond; it is the consciousness itself looming up greater than before. It comes from the source of the observer himself or herself. It is the observer’s consciousness expanding. This is the mystical part which you will be teaching to others. One must not try to bring it into control, which is the way of most people. Then the expansion will be cut off. The mystical connection is the window through which expansion and higher forces connect with the immediate consciousness - the mind. One must not try to capture it, but step back, retain the sensation of awe and mystery and wonder, leaving the window open. Remain a student in the receptive, learning stance, rather than assuming the role of teacher. Don’t be worried if you should be open, it is the flow that matters. It is the flow that counts, for once you are flowing many ideas will come. Be ready to put them down on paper. This is for your own good, to stimulate you when you re-read it.
8/17/19 - There are two thresholds in you, one higher, one lower
When you’re feeling an emotion, it’s God feeling through you. Please be aware of this and have some respect. Human consciousness has two thresholds to it - a higher threshold and a lower one. The higher threshold is where mind tries to think clearly and imagine what God is, or what good is, or the cosmos, or the infinite intelligence, but there is a point where your mind just can’t get beyond it. The lower threshold leads into darkness of every conceivable type. Depression, confusion, paranoia, fear, monsters and horrors of all types. The lower threshold is not only an unknown, it’s a trap that sucks you in and it’s difficult to escape.
The higher threshold leads to more harmony, more peace, more comfort, more knowledge, more connection, more love and light. The lower threshold leads AWAY from harmony, peace, comfort, knowledge, connection, love and light, and further into darkness, separation and loneliness.
In between these two thresholds is our playing field. We play with light and darkness. The light is of lighter density and therefore more intelligence and clarity can get through to people who have worked on themselves to become more refined. Just like light from the sun can reach the grass better without trees around than in the forest. The darkness on earth is of heavier density because it is more compacted due to irregularities and discrepancies that don‘t make sense. You can‘t fit them together. There are errors in thinking and errors that are manipulated lies done on purpose. These don’t add up. They become like an attic full of old things that don’t fit anything at all. They just take up space. The light is the quality of connecting and creating harmony. The more truth you tell, and the more goodness you express to others, and the more freedom you give to others, the higher you go into the light. You find more transparency, more love and more connection that makes sense.
The part that is hard to accept for many people is the fact that there are intentionally evil people who live on earth. They are not simply making mistakes, or errors in judgment, or lacking in education. They are not simply products of wrong upbringing by ignorant parents. People who are more light-inclined, who have goodness in their hearts, who believe in God and have faith that good will win, and trust what people tell them - it is difficult for such good people to accept that the evil in the world is intentional. And yet it is true. As a long-time student of the light, I was one who did not believe, but my threshold has expanded. I have grown in knowledge and understanding. When we grow further into the light, our light threshold becomes more transparent so that we can see more of what lies below us.
The mystical experience is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness, it is our own consciousness that is growing tall. When it reaches a height where it can see over the wall, then we become aware of a larger view which extends further than we were able to see before. We might even see a house off in the distance that glitters gold in the sunlight but we can’t quite make it out. It’s exciting to catch glimpses of things that are beyond us. But we have to remember that it’s not somebody else telling us these things. It is US growing larger.
The same process happens when we allow a horrible situation to become part of our conscious awareness. Maybe we hear of a murder, or an abusive situation, an abduction, a crime of passion, a manipulation that is exposed that is difficult to believe. How could anyone do such a thing? This too is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness doing something mean or bad to us. It is our own consciousness that is descending down into darker territory. When we allow ourselves to “think” on this, to mull it over and over, to talk about it, to gossip, to write about it, to post online, we are adding to the darkness of the world. This is the threshold of our own consciousness. We aren’t responsible for what others are doing in THEIR minds and consciousnesses. We are only responsible for what we do in our own minds and consciousness.
The light and dark is in each of us. No one escapes the dark. It‘s in all of us in degrees. Some have more darkness than others. Some have more light than others. It‘s not “them“ against “us". Even the dark have some light in them. We are here to learn what feels good and what feels bad through trial and error. Telling the truth, not lying, not cheating make you feel good. Doing kind things, not manipulating others, forgiving others for their mistakes, supporting others, being cooperative, adding constructively to projects instead of arguing, providing encouragement and nurturance where possible, and learning how to serve others without depleting yourself. These actions make you feel good. We are here to learn what makes us feel good.
The evil ones who are purposefully hurting other people, who manipulate others, like slavers, abusers, killers, tormentors, thieves, criminals, psychopaths, greedy people and the like - these actions make them feel bad. They contribute to their own demise which makes them do even more bad things because they have descended down into the lower zones where light cannot reach them. They have no clue how to get out of it. That is why we are told to forgive and send love to them because that helps YOU. It helps you to escape the dark trap. Because if you hold anger and stew over what they did, that will suck you in closer to the evil which can snag your thoughts and hold you prisoner. You don‘t want to go there. Forgiveness and sending love and light is to benefit YOU. It is a safety precaution..
We have both dark and light in us. Many people have very little darkness left in them. We cannot compare or judge anyone. Our job is to keep our focus on universal law, which is the light and love. The matrix we live in, which is the human consciousness on earth, is a rather narrow zone. Below us in consciousness are the animals and plants, and they are not manipulators. They don‘t have evil in them. Only the human consciousness has evil. It‘s a narrow zone where evil abides, because when we go higher into the light, there comes a point where we leave the human consciousness and we join the galactic consciousness of light. There are galactic civilizations of evil, but once we reach the higher threshold of light, we have joined with the galactic federation of LIGHT. The evil ones can join with galactic darkness, but the wars are almost over.
There is a mixture of both good and bad in our playing field, but there is a threshold of consciousness toward which we are drawn. We seek more harmony, more freedom, more truth, more knowledge, more love. We are drawn to know. We are drawn to the light. However there are people who are drawn to the darkness and this is where deviousness comes in. Most people who have a heart, can’t even imagine someone NOT having a heart.
Anyone who has malevolent, negative or dark tendencies or thoughts, cannot go beyond the upper threshold into the zone of love and light and stay there. They can have brief glimpses of it, but they cannot stay. They have to come back if they can’t maintain the frequency of love. The spiritual techniques are teachings to show us how to purify our thoughts, which will automatically purify our emotions, so that we can get greater and greater glimpses of the light above us. This science is slowly becoming known to us. We haven’t understood the nature of our own personal form life and why we are the way we are. We have a lot of ugliness in us, meaning selfishness, greed, abusive and controlling natures, animal desires, perversions, and more. But the physical world is the great teacher. Our world is the great classroom where we learn through trial and error the difference between right and wrong. And it is our feelings that tell us.
Many people call it God but it‘s actually YOU. You are god with a small g, a child of the big God, father-mother God, here to learn how to BECOME a God with a large G. You have learned much already, but what you have learned thus far is more than can fit into a body of flesh. We call this "more" that you are, the higher self. No matter how enlightened we become, there is something more beyond us to learn. There will always be a higher self so there will always be something drawing you upward. I like the word "mystical" because there are a lot of spiritual teachings that have been written about over the centuries, that are just words. The mystical zone is not able to be defined because it is personal. It is sacred and it comes to you through a feeling or a revelation. The person can’t define it even though he or she tries. I try to define it myself. Everyone has a mystical side because everyone has a higher self from which they descend into a smaller, denser flesh and blood body. There is not enough room in a tightly- squashed flesh-and-blood body so we leave our accumulated wisdoms behind, on higher planes.
We get bright clear glimpses from time to time of the mysterious unknown beyond us, or we may get dark, horror-filled glimpses of mysterious unknowns below us, but mostly we play within the understandable, rational, reasonable playing field that we know as our earth life of today. We play in duality - we play with opposites. We exchange and experiment with good and bad, light and dark, benevolent and malevolent, selflessness and selfishness. It is important to realize that these two forces are restricted to the physical world of duality. The physical form world can’t go beyond it and can’t go below it. That makes the physical world safe. It’s the playing field where we learn about cause and effect. The mind is the cause. What we believe in is the cause. What we have faith in is the cause. How we act out our beliefs is the cause of the effects we see in our every day.
The physical world is the lowest density there is. There is nothing more dense than physical. This is where it all happens. This is where it is all understood. From here on up it is lighter, brighter and contains more goodness and harmony. The only downside is in the mind, and it can get very dark and horrible indeed. So from here on, from this point on, it is all UP to the light and all DOWN to the darkness that we abhor. It is up to us how we use our minds and what we harbor in our minds. We must hold positive, harmonious, benevolent thoughts if we want to create positive, harmonious, benevolent EFFECTS in our lives. We are the cause of the effects that appear for us. Nobody is doing it to us. Nobody can do it for us. WE have to make the choices between light and dark. The physical world has huge potential for enlightenment. We are getting ready for it. Many are turning more to benevolent and kindly acts. Physical enlightenment is caused by those who maintain positive thoughts. We then enjoy more happiness in our physical life, such as peace and fulfilling situations and relationships. We are the ones who bring it to ourselves through our benevolent thought processes.
Above and beyond this narrow zone of duality which we know today, there is unity, harmony, nobleness, love and light that has no end. We must grow into it by making the right choices with the intelligence afforded us through our thought processes. We must make the required changes in how we think. It is difficult to change habits but that is a power we are given. We can change our feelings by changing how we think. The sun comes out every day to provide us with an example. Look UP! It is unendingly bright ahead of us and beyond us. The science is to look UP. But just as we can’t look into the sun right now with our naked eyes without great pain and blindness, just so we can’t get above our narrow zone of duality until we practice maintaining light and love, thus growing our ability to sustain the mystical experience that occurs periodically. All of us are striving for it, because it is the good we know is there. It is the goal of all human beings. It is innate. The mystical experience is innate. It is a revelation that comes with a sureness of feeling and knowing it is real.
It is an experience of greater light, greater love, greater harmony, greater peace, greater comfort. Each time we experience it, there is a breaking out of the matrix that holds us to the befuddlement of human existence. When we have a moment that is absolutely wonderfully peaceful and mystical, either alone or with someone else, enjoy it but don’t make that person into a possession. Let these feelings and revelations come and let them go. We can’t hold onto the mystical experience. We can only enjoy it to the fullest and say, “Thank you”. By doing so you build it into your knowledge base and your body's cellular memories. You just know. It's another etheric brick in the light body as you grow into more light and more love. This is the process we are here for, to learn how to do. THIS is how we stop ourselves from bouncing back and forth between good and bad like bewildered victims in an obscure playground. Between the two thresholds, the higher one and the lower one, there is a zero point or neutral point that exists. It is our conscious choices for the good, right, decent and truthful, that keeps us safe inside that neutral zone. There is fulfillment and abundance in the neutral zone. The chaos can't reach us there once we learn to manage our thoughts better. Take time out often through the day to go into the silence.
9/14/19 - Message from my higher self
(In the night I was awakened to write down the following words. I did not know who was speaking to me.}
"How can your higher self connect with you, your mortal self, except by you the mortal reaching up and being the best you can be? In every moment? Then your immortal self can reach down to connect with you. For, having been born into the lower vibrational world you had to descend to fit in with the lower vibrations. It is by giving of yourself in the best way possible that the honorable, compassionate, forgiving you will become reintegrated with the real you again. Become the most honest you can be, the most pure you can be, the most perfect you can be, the most wise, the most intelligent, the most modest, the most selfless. Then you become your highest and best and your Christ body can make that connection with you.
"Your connection to your higher self is like any other friend you have in your life. To maintain communication with it you must direct attention to your friend. A telephone line opening, a glance in its direction, a remembrance of its presence, talking to it, asking it questions, listening to its answers, fitting in with it, knowing and respecting its qualities, its nature - that’s how you connect with your higher self. Your higher self is buttoned in through your chakras. [I saw this vividly] Higher self is all around you like a bubble. It is not only up in the sky but around you on all sides and below you. It is you as you appear on the higher dimensions that vibrate faster and purer. You are a small dark and dense form suspended and floating inside a bubble of clarity, love, perfection like crystal clear waters twinkling as sunlight splashes colors through the water, like a diamond flashes prismed light. You are the rich yolk inside the egg of your higher self bubble. You are the child inside the womb of your Divine Mother. You are the figure inside the glass snow ball. You are the seed germinating.
"You are surrounded on all sides by your very own God/Goddess/Divinity. Expand yourself to connect with the answers to your question. Touch the hem of the garment of your higher self and listen to its advice and counsel. All your needs are answered when you go IN and then UP to your higher self, higher dimensions where purity and everything you need is available to you. When you are lonely, hungry, depressed, inadequate, afraid, failing, confused, hurt, suffering, overwhelmed, shut down, frozen, go in and UP. Up in the higher realms you are none of these things. You are perfect, complete and ascended. Go IN and then UP to your higher regions to feel the peace and assurance.
"You adopted the low vibrations so you could fit into the world and work here. To re-adopt your former glory, go in and UP to your higher self. Focus on your higher self. Give attention to your higher self. Contemplete it and release your adopted vibrations that are less than who you are. Simply touch the hem of the garment and you will receive a sense of your greatness. Do not be afraid. Release the fear. Become ME for I am your true self. The Self you want to become.. The self you dream about. As you move up the frequency range to higher, more noble sense of self, you will not be able to connect with those who are on the lower frequency range except through love. They become static to your ears and disharmonious to your sensitivities. If you want to stay in contact with the lower frequency range of people, then you must bring my love down with you into lower frequencies and not compromise yourself. Your loving can influence others."
9/22/19 - When someone demands your attention
Master Djwhal Khul speaking: When someone draws your power and focus from you, demanding your attention and you do not want to give it, they are sucking on your light because they are lacking in light. Love and light are synonymous. Light is masculine, love is feminine. They are one and the same. Those who suck on your power, drain you so you are fatigued beyond understanding and you don't know why.
Your movies call them vampires. They feed off your light and your love because they are the soul-less ones. They feed off others and do not give anything in return. They are not evil, they are idiots for they have given their power away and have nothing left. So they are now mindless creatures who are ignorant about how life works.
They do not know how to build up light and love in themselves. They gave their power away by depending upon others for their food source, their fuel source, when they should have built up their own supply. By giving up their power and becoming dependent on others they have become dark. Do not be like them. Do not give your light away. When you are fatigued in the presence of such a one, walk away. Find an excuse. Any excuse or simply get up and leave. Hang up the phone.
You have built up your own light for yourself. Do not give it away. Give them instruction instead on how to build their own light. Give them instruction only when you are ready. Wait until you are inspired with a thought on how to give them instruction. Meditate until you are clear. Meditate and build up your own light. Wait until you feel the stirring of brightness and excitement. Wait until your higher self inspires you. Then you will know how to give instruction to those who steal your power.
When you are centered you will be able to give the best instruction. They do not want to do the work themselves and would rather steal it from others, so you must be discerning. Use the appropriate method to turn their sucking back onto themselves. Do not be food for zombies. That is the greatest expression of love that you can give: to turn back the sucking onto themselves. Let them see what they are doing. Give them a lesson in how to build their own light and stop stealing it.
Light is endowed in every one who is walking, even the dark ones. Even the walking dead, as some like to call the ignorant and mindless ones. Because nothing can exist without the spark of creator within. Light is hidden in the dark and so it must be uncovered and activated. It may be denied and some minds may be wiped clean by sophisticated weapons. But there is a spark within that is a spark of creator. Blow on it.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun, do not let the light go out but send it home again. Blow on that light again and again until it bursts into flame and burns through the veil of darkness and confusion that clouds judgment and vision. Everything has light in it, even the stones and the waters and the trees. Darkness awaits the light but it has to be blown on from within. Self-focus, self recognition, self-appreciation, self-love, self-discernment and self-empowerment. Meditation and prayer is the road to spiritual recovery. Spending time alone with ones higher self, focusing on love and light and raising ones voice in prayer, song, praise, gratitude and love. It is through the use of sacred intention and sacred sounds that forms the sacred science of life.
Use the words "I Am Light" often for the words "I Am" whenever you speak those words, is the power of the light. It is the creator, in you. Love and light is awareness - clear, untainted awareness - uplifting, clean and bright. It is where all knowledge comes from and all inspiration. Blow on this spark of love and light within your heart and you are growing your own enlightenment. Meditate every day for 15 minutes and your higher self will infiltrate your awareness, through your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
This light and love melts away animosity and the desire for vengeance. It melts away the urge to do violence. Blow on light and love in your heart through meditation and prayer, as you would blow on a dying camp fire to bring it back into life. Fuel the flame in yourself with deep breathing and with sacred words. Give your attention to your SELF, not to those who would steal your attention. Your confusion will disappear. Answers will come surprisingly easy. It is a proven method. Your desire to live will push back the darkness and confusion like a solitary blade of grass pushes aside the concrete in the cement sidewalk.
Look! Look! Look! Pay attention to the ember that glows red in the darkness. Blow on it with all your force and breath. Use the words, "I am Light!" Spend 15 minutes doing this, saying the words over and over: "I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light, God consumes my darkness transmuting it into light!" The angels and the great beings of heaven will come to surround you when they hear you calling to the light. They come to support you and to give you strength.
Do not give your precious light, your focus and attention, to someone else unless you are strong and stable enough to support that person. Build up your power. Save yourself first. Your first duty every morning when you first get up is to give yourself 15 minutes of light. Maintain your own light so you may live to serve others and take your place in the grand design that is, at this very moment, weaving earth and heaven together through those who are supporting and maintaining the light.
You are here to hold the space right where you are. You hold your space by acknowledging and appreciating it. Raise your focus upward. Raise your attention upward. Raise your awareness upward to your higher self, your future, your brightness. Right now, as you are sitting here reading this.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out, but send it home again, meaning to your inner higher self which is your god-self, your goddess-self, your divinity. Higher and higher the flame grows as you pay attention to it. Imagine it as a brilliant blazing sun above you. It is soon ablaze within you on the ground and in you in your higher self, as you clear the debris from the channels that run through you. Do not let the light go out but build it up stronger and stronger until it is in full blaze. Then you can help your brother and sister to stop stealing the light from you.
9/24/19 - Empowerment: What is it?
Empowerment: What is it? You don’t want to empower your outer self. That has been empowered enough. Everyone has too big a personal ego which is full of its own mistakes and doubts. You’ve empowered THAT enough. No. Your empowerment - true empowerment, real empowerment, strong power comes from empowering your REAL self, your DIVINE self, your GOD self, which is really, really, really you, all the way through and through. You as a human being, not as a fake human being but a REAL human being direct from the heart of the Godhead. You are a beautiful extraordinary exquisite and perfect human being, called the crystal light being in form. Your real dreams, your real truth, your real will power, your real strength, your courage, your determination, your intelligence, your wisdom, your discernment, your ideas, your intuitions, your love, your true inner love for and with yourself, your belief in yourself, your strength and determination to believe in yourself, so strong you can say it out loud to others, your opinions, your opinions matter. Your thoughts on subject matters. It has been missing from the scene, Your purity and perfection uncompromised has been missing, not allowing someone else’s opinion to supersede and bury your opinion.
Hold to your opinion strong, not rigid or inflexible, but firmly with kindness, with heart, with love, with honesty, with sensitivity to others. You are not pushing because you don’t have to push when you are centered in your own ball park. This is your territory when you empower your REAL self. Be your REAL self in all ways, no matter what you are engaging in. You have seven qualities, all seven qualities are to be expressed through your living actions. This is how you empower yourself because these seven qualities are GOOD qualities, God qualities. Bring them forth into your life and action. You will be a queen, a noble or a king and a noble. These seven qualities are your empowerment. They are the seven chakras but they are not merely words, they are attributes, qualities, colors, tones, sounds. They are will power (blue), intelligence (gold), love (pink), purity (white), truth (green), peace (ruby), freedom (violet). And underneath these main categories comes other words that are subtle innuendos, describing the beautiful nature of human beings. BLUE: will power, strength, courage, determination. GOLD: enlightened intelligence, wisdom & discernment. PINK: unconditional love, reverence, adoration, devotion. WHITE: purity, perfection, the immaculate conception. GREEN: truth, science, healing. RUBY: peace, comfort, ministration. VIOLET: freedom, mercy, forgiveness, compassion. These are what empower you. These words were given by Master DK.
10/1/19 - Loving sex: the one act that can make spiritual progress
Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature. You don’t get to feel them until you accept them and allow them. These original ideas from higher source, are down in the inner layers of your body. Discernment is required however, for you are constantly picking up thoughts from the air around you which is teeming with a myriad human-related thoughts that are not pristine and pure, but heavy and clogged with negatives. But when you can discern a divine idea and allow yourself to receive this divine idea into your inner layers, you are giving the idea “body”. You are incorporating the idea bringing it more fully into manifestation. The idea or thought must be felt by your body to become manifested, because you, yourself, are a body that has been manifested by the creator. YOU are God/Goddess in sentient form. None of your body parts are solid or physical. All of you, your body, is composed of atoms and electrons swirling around the neutron and proton at the center of the atom. The atom is composed of these little particles of light. The space BETWEEM the particles is space which you own, temporarily, while you are incorporated or incarnated in this body of yours. You are incorporated - incarnated - in a body for the specific purpose of receiving the divine flow from source creator, your own higher self. There is a wish and suddenly a thought pops up wanting to be sentient. You, by understanding, are receiving the divine instructions from your own higher source to manifest this idea. But you can’t if you brush it off and ignore it. It is through your allowing it into you feeling nature that you manifest this wish of the creator. Feeling is how you connect with your neighbors and others. You cannot manifest alone all by yourself. You are not a solitary island in the middle of the ocean. Manifesting into form requires ideas from the divine to coalesce and clump together in order to create form and substance which, to you in your dimension, appears physical and solid.
You have created instruments to measure solidarity versus gases and liquids and now your dimension is expanding to measure and define the Light, which is in the descension process of forming matter. This lesson is to focus on your feeling nature. Your understanding is how you manifest in the “real” world, the world of the physical. The old control system of what you call the patriarchy, was control by outsiders, not you. They taught you not to pay attention to feelings. And those in male bodies became the guardians of control. They were trained and programmed by master mind controllers, to not allow feelings to enter this reality, this dimension on earth, which is herself a divine manifestation, not solid. They, the outsiders, took over the manifestation process millions of years ago. They are against love because love would make everything and everyone equal and happy, and they choose to be the powerful controllers over a race of slaves. That is their joy. They are the dark side, and they conquered this planet and have been preventing the full incorporation of the source idea trying to manifest into physical sentience.
They can do this with humans but they cannot stop sexuality from taking place, nor can they stop the orgasm from happening, for that is the only way to keep the human race reproducing. That is the one loophole which saves mankind, and this is how feeling may come in, and the connection to God/Goddess may happen through sexuality and lovemaking. But it’s complicated. Yes, this is how the God/Goddess connection can happen, but if mankind is ignorant of the FACT that love must be used during the sex act, then the spiritual progress will not be made. It is through feeling the LOVE that spiritual peace is found. The loophole exists only because mankind has allowed the love to NOT be present during the one act in all of human life, that can create spiritual progress. Human males FEEL through the sex act, even if it is only for a brief moment. That is why the women are becoming empowered. The women hold the solution to bringing forth more love, which men have seriously shut down in their focus. The dark controllers could not shut that down because that would have stopped - brought to an end - to the human race and they did not want that to happen. Instead, they wanted to control the sex. They created animosity between men and women. To reverse this sorry plight, we need more feelings. My mission is to educate and write about the feeling nature and how it works.
10/4/19 - This mechanistic world was created by killing love
[This channeling came from spirit, or my higher self, I believe. It is hard to know exactly WHO is doing the talking when the words start flowing. I directed the question to my I Am Presence, my question was, "Will you confirm the information that I have just received? That we light bearers are the holy innocents? And that the rest are all mechanical, without a life force? Is that what we are here for? To hold steady the good within? And that’s all?"]
Yes, my beloved. You have come to an alternate world of created material - created by not human will but mechanical will. All that the earth holds now is mechanistic and artificial. This is why angels have been sent, have volunteered to be born here into this mechanistic world, and why YOU have chosen the path you did. To learn the secret implant, the devious process that was put in place to hold the holy innocents to their world, the mechanical world, and their way of life, to serve their own selfish functions. They have been controlling mankind for eons, and womenkind, through the thwarting of love, through the killing of love.
You are bringing love into their world, their “holy” creation - for you are correct in that they see differently than you and what they have created is indeed sacrosanct to them, holy to them - and so they see you as the enemy. You who would kill them with your divine love, which melts all - everything - that is not divine and of the creator’s will to love all. You see, they see it differently. They have built a world of substance and material form which holds them to form. They have invested all of themselves into form, and they need those forms. They are parasites who grow dependent upon forms. They create many ingenious ways to manipulate forms (bodies) to do their bidding, but they do not have love, my dear, as you do. You are there to bring forth an education to the masses with your love. You see love as the divine connection and you have been studying it and learned that it is true. You found the missing key, the missing link in this materialistic world of fake and falsehood, of artificiality and separation.
I am here with you to guide you. I act as a guidance system, like a GPS. There are many holy innocents walking beside you who have been hooked into the material world and do not know what you know. You cannot tell them or reach them with words, for words are of the separationists’ side. They isolate and divide. The kindness that you show and the understanding that you embody is greater than words. As Marcus says, There is only love, and he wishes to share this love by putting his hands on the beautiful holy ones. There will come an opportunity for you to work alongside him, for you share the same lineage. I am here. I am you. I am your higher self. You are me. You are my lower self. We are one being and I am guiding you through your heart. You have discovered a hidden link in the mantra, “I face thy eternal sunrise and I receive thy mighty radiance into my life and actions.” There will come a time soon. Soon. When this link to light will open further and start to spread outward into the mechanical world.
(Me: question)
Yes. The women’s gathering movement. It is trying to find itself in the shadows of artificiality. It needs a living embodiment to serve as a star shining. You are that star. You have been carefully prepared. As you felt the need to post your pictures on display, I am guiding you. I am your light. I am your destiny. I am your purpose. I am your mission. As you have felt the potential of light and love in your physical body, in your sensation body, in your cells and tissues that were born of earth particles brought forth here from this dying planet, you are rejuvenating the planet earth. You and many others who are also on the same mission for me. I Am your Father. I AM your Mother. You have been trained. You know the truth. Yes, I do confirm for you what you saw, knew, this morning. It was another upgrade in your mission, for you have edged closer to the full consciousness and memory of the whole truth. Wisdom has been shielded, but you know how to gather the light now better than you did a few weeks ago. Your edging closer to your heart is the edging away from the artificial parts that you had been born into. You are ready, dear sister, to name the dates starting in January 2020. It is time. I am with you. I AM you. You ARE me. We are doing this together.
(Me: question) Yes, it should be only women first. Others will pick up the men’s gathering. (Thank you, I love you!)
12/14/19 - Hold to your center, feel the God within
[I started out writing to myself and DK stepped in in the middle to respond to my thoughts.]
(Me:) My personal mission is to hold the center on the feminine divine. In the upper realms there is no masculine or feminine. It is just divine. The higher you go, the more into oneness and less separation. It is all about identifying with this glory that is the Oneness within. There is no separation between me and the Oneness. I am the light. I am the glory. I am the peace and the perfection and the allness that ever lived in forms. I am to hold the center. DK told me to hold myself in the center of the light and I’ve been shuffling through the women, trying to find the ones who best resonate with me. Suddenly I heard him say, "That is fool-hearty", and he started speaking.
(DK:) There is no one who resonates with you because you are unique, one of a kind. It is your consciousness of yourself that is unique. You can never become the consciousness of another person, or another being, but you can click with their oneness. You recognize their oneness. Your uniqueness can click into their uniqueness and you can resonate with their oneness because you and they are one, part of the wholeness. But if you are seeking to resonate with someone who is trying to find themselves, as you are trying to find yourself, it is foolish. You will bog yourself down. It becomes personal. There are parts of them that you will NOT resonate with, and it will cause you to question yourself and them. This is a bog-down. Give up trying to find the perfect mate.
Women are no different than men, they just come in softer packages due to the issues you have had sublimating yourself to immature men in this darkened world. You are lifting yourself out of that mud that was clinging to you. You have separated from it. You are brushing yourself off. You are breathing free of it. But you are still aware that it is a mud-clinging creature. You are trying to find the divine in that mud-clinging creature and you keep trying. You keep questioning “Where is it?” You do not want to give up, but that is exactly what you must do - give up trying. Instead, focus on the glory of God that is within you and that is waiting for you to recognize it within you. Stop trying to resonate with faulty human beings and focus your virtuous thought upon God within. Feel the God within. You are the body resonating with the God within. You feel the I Am within and you are all powerful. But when you allow your thoughts to turn away from the God within and try to capture or figure out the other person, you lose that connection within. You are here to be a pillar of light. You have grounded yourself. You have built up a column of light by your actions, thoughts and intentions. You have spoken it out loud for others to hear. Do not be pulled separately.
Remember that you are building a column of light here and it is within you. Not outside you. It is within you as your consciousness. Be aware. Be alert. Be conscious of the light within you. You do not need to name me. You do not need to assign authorship to your articles. You do not need to assign your own name to the articles. Just present the message. You have done well to present the message. You are receiving feedback. Yes, the women yesterday provided you excellent, clear-eyed resonance to your seeking. They did well. Do not try to conform to them or judge them as better than you or lower than you. Do not even judge them as different than you. Recognize instead, the clarity that came to you through their eyes. It was an excellent connect. Excellent indeed. It was worthy of all of your attempts to find the divine feminine.
The divine feminine that you are seeking is in you. Do not look for it elsewhere. Do not try to teach it to others. The divine feminine is you holding the pillar of this knowledge within you. You are publicizing it now. You are radiating it now. You are letting others know. It is your mission. You wanted to do this. You struggled to arrive here. Now you are continuing to shine the light. You will receive further calls. You will receive those who recognize your light. There will be others. Hold the light. Do not let the light stray. The light is a beacon light, like a lighthouse beacon to lost ships at sea. It is the light that gives them a focus, a place to connect to, a thought to connect to. A feeling to connect to. It is a rightness that they seek. It is a resonance that they seek. The beings in this world tend to lose themselves, even lightworkers tend to go adrift and forget how to find the resonance.
When you are lost and there is a confusion confronting you, do this little trick: turn around slowly, as if you are a compass seeking north. Turn slowly through the thoughts that you pick up, the resonances that you pick up as you slowly turn. Turn and allow various thoughts strike you. Is this the way? Keep turning and feeling for the right way. You are a compass seeking the right direction. Walk towards the rightness feeling. There will be a thought attached to it. There is a direction here and a different way to approach or deal with the current situation. Perhaps it is merely to walk away. Perhaps it is to walk towards. Perhaps it is to shift slightly in one direction or another. Feel your way as you shift focus.
6/20/20 - Intimacy Training: Love is first in YOU!
[This came to me out of the blue while exercising and thinking about the intimacy gatherings I've been wanting to have. He starts responding as I continue exercising.]
“The thing to do is to have intimacy gatherings instead of swing parties. It is to prepare people in how to stay sovereign and free while being close with someone. People may think this is training for a sexual encounter but it is not. This is training in accessing love within yourself. Human beings look for love in all the wrong places. You have been looking for love in the bodies of other people. That’s not where the love comes from. Love is first in you. Then your love attracts a similar resonating love in someone near. Divine love recognizes itself in others. This is a training in how to stay centered inside your own body, focusing inside your central spinal column where your life force flows up and down, from earth to sky – the big flowing. Your life force is eternally flowing, except that on earth you are distracted. People calling you out, demanding your attention with their loud needs and requirements. It keeps you closed off and distracted from your stabilizing vital life force. That’s why you get tired. That’s why you get diseases. That’s why your body - not your mind but your body - deteriorates and eventually dies of exhaustion. It runs out of vital force. It is because you don’t keep yourself rejuvenated by focusing inside your central column of life within the big flowing.
There are two tendencies that you have in you that you need to keep in balance. (1) is to be active, productive, moving your muscles around and your mind engaged in planning, creating, inventing and contributing to your society. And (2) the tendency to rest and spend time being alone, withdrawn, passive, relaxed, resting so your body can rejuvenate. You need to be quiet, nap, meditate, relax. That’s when your active side and your resting side can fall back together again. Your male and your female sides, your twin flames that are ordinarily separated during action, comes back together again, and becomes whole again. The problem is that most people never completely rest, even when they sleep. Their inner tension is so great they never completely come back to wholeness. Picture seven of Nine on Star Trek who rejuvenates standing up. So we are going to learn how to rest and regenerate in a way that not only is social and brings joy because being together is fun, but it also activates love. Divine love of the universal kind, the healing kind, the loving, warming, nourishing kind. The kind that does not require you to go OUTSIDE and AWAY from the central column. Love is everywhere of this kind. It is not a personal love.
It starts with you breathing through your spinal column while in the close proximity to another person. The other person doesn’t have to be anyone special. It could be someone of the same gender, or opposite gender. It is not for sexual or romantic purposes, but for healing. It could be an older person or younger. It could be a relative or a stranger. It’s not to create sexual excitement or romance. Do not go there in that direction. Do not think that. It’s to enhance your connection to divine love, universal love, your access to love IN YOU. To access universal warmth, nourishment, faith, hope, feeling good, feeling happy, feeling whole, feeling complete. When two people access universal love together, they access universal love in a more powerful way. It is more beautiful. More fun. More complete. More fulfilling. More like heaven. But you are still in a physical body. You have more wonderful excitement. You have more vital force flowing through you. This helps the environment for you are all connected to one another in goodness, peace, truth, reverence, and health.
7/10/20 - Who are the dark intelligences?
Just as light forces have infiltrated every field of endeavor of this dark-infested planet, so have light souls infiltrated the sex field to bring healthy loving change to the human race who, unknowingly, have been led into a distorted program to be slaves to the elite cabalists who are human in appearance but are run by dark ET intelligence forces. How did this happen you ask?
The dark ETs are intelligences, not physical. They can manipulate physicals to do their bidding. It’s fun and games for them. They are the dark gods of the universe (little g) and the light gods of the universe (little g) are fighting for the freedom of the immature races who don’t know any better, using the big God’s laws of harmony, abundance, freedom, love and good will. The dark gods are the fallen angels spoken of in the scriptures. The light gods are the ascendeds and beings from far regions of space. We term them “galactics” who are also not physical, being high intelligences. There are many levels of physicality, many different forms in the universe. Physicality is a descending of vibration, a cohesion of closer-knitted atoms. Similar vibrating atoms are attracted to each other and gather into groups. Higher intelligences direct them with a mental blueprint, as such. The formation of physical organisms is divinely directed. It is a science built on divine understanding of cosmic laws of cohesion through attunement. It is done in harmony, through peaceful, natural attunement. There are countless levels of physicality. The light is intelligence coupled with balance between all the powers, and the greatest of these is love. The light intelligences is chasing down the dark intelligences because dark intel has rejected love and God’s laws requiring balance.
The dark intelligences use and abuse the immature physicals who don’t know any better. Earth is such an immature world. It was originally a garden of great beauty and refinement. It was etheric in the beginning but it was invaded by dark intelligence forces, without love or empathy. A long complex history evolved that requires much background information to understand what happened. The bottom line is God the Father-mother gives everyone a chance to redeem itself. We, the light intelligences, are infiltrated into the dark-infested planets by being born among them. Light souls are being born into dark cabal families on Earth. The light forces are you and me who are drawn to love mankind and womankind. We care for each other. We do not have an inclination to hurt people or torture or manipulate or kill people. We are among those who are being born here to cultivate and grow the human race, the human bodies, the human garden of paradise from within the physical environment.
The dark intelligences are aware that we are here and they attack whenever they can. Most of us are of higher vibration and cannot be damaged, unless we let our vibrations fall down into lower realities. Then we can be hurt. The dark intelligences are aware but they have been unable to stop the infiltration of light souls because the light souls are protected and surrounded by higher light forces. We are therefore more powerful than the dark-infested humans who have not yet learned how to align with the light. Instructions must be accepted. Instructions on the light are available, but they are not seen until a soul is ready to receive. Then such souls are drawn to discover light instructions, often called metaphysical instructions or mystery school instructions. The light is unified. All the powers of the universe are unified in orderly fashion. That is the nutshell of how to do it: use love and harmony.
Intelligence is everywhere. Intelligence is Father God. Love is Mother God. Intelligence can reject love and does. That makes it inferior to the light forces, except that free will is given to ALL life, which allows dark to exist. It is a choice to align with dark and negative forces such as greed and selfishness which does not have empathy for other life forms. Light has love and the dark does not. That makes the dark a cutting edge intelligence who can go against the laws of God but only to a certain extent. Like a rebellious teenager can join a gang of thieves and do violence, rape and murder until the system steps in and ends it. So does the greater cosmic law have greater forces on its side and is more powerful, love being the greatest power because it is the element that binds all life together. Love is the Mother force.
Love heals by not interfering but by giving free will choice to everyone. When it is time for a dark soul to return to Mother Father God, it is forgiven and embraced. The only punishment is the dark soul’s own facing of its own deeds, for it is responsible for everything it has ever done. Life is a playing out of free will and also a responsibility to own every act, thought and feeling it sent out. That is the great learning. Each spirit spark has free will to choose what it wants to do next, but the realization that it must pay for everything it does, has not dawned upon it yet. It must learn this through trial and error. It feels free to play out its fun life the way it wants to, but it is responsible for the damage it causes others. Whatever impact it has on others will return to him so he too experiences what he caused others. Good comes back as good, negative comes back as negative. Whatever his actions, thoughts and feelings caused to others returns back to the sender, and often many times over because on its return journey it picks up similar energies to build a greater mass. So when the backlash comes it often has a more powerful kick than the original act done, seemingly, in fun. The dark is on its way to realizing that.
The dark is dark because it rejects that concept. It does not believe it so it is limited in how far it can evolve. But it can cause mayhem in the lower stages of life and basically it can infest and takeover whole worlds which is what happened to Earth. That is why the light forces, the Galactic Federation and other federations of light, are here, to countermand the dark intelligences. The light must stay within the boundaries of cosmic law – the Star Trek’s Prime Directive – so it must work within certain parameters. The goal is to get rid of the dark-infested intelligences that have held humanity in lock-down to physical, without allowing the soul to gain access to love, light, truth, other dimensional powers, which humanity does have, but under programmed manipulation humanity does not know the powers it has locked up within its own muscles, tissues, blood and bones as a species.
Humanity is an amazing species but it has been held back. The light forces are here to help humanity get back on course of growing its amazing properties WITHIN each body into full-bloom physical expression, to bring about an actual garden of love, light, joy, pleasure and freedom of expression and creation. Today we TALK noble words like justice, truth, peace, love, freedom, wisdom, faith, purity, will, enlightenment, but we do not live them. When the dark intelligences who have been ruling the planet are removed, these qualities will no longer need to be spoken and written in poetry and scripture for they will be lived daily, hourly, moment by moment. The original garden of paradise will return as all who are different on the outside - skin color, language, culture and history – are honored, elevated, appreciated and held in high esteem. Where there will be no more a higher or lower people, or a better or worse people, or a left-leaning or right-leaning people. There will be freedom of expression to be WHO YOU ARE. There is acceptance by all, because all are recognized as a child of the Light and Love within. They have all chosen to live in alignment with that which is in their own heart and soul, which makes them equal to all life no matter WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE OR ACT LIKE!
8/6/20 - The twin flames of kundalini
[I woke hearing words that were so far away they were not words but an understanding before there were words. I understood that the old SSG project of couples swinging of years ago with my late husband was about to enter phase two. The expansion of the sex project which I have been chasing down trying to understand - this is for couples who have a relationship, not for singles who are on a different emotional and spiritual path. The understanding seeped in. I saw that the female current is the magnetic current – a stillness - and the male current is the electrifying current - a fire that burns. And then DK started explaining and I got up and wrote it down.]
The two currents are magnetism (stillness) and electrical (fire). Unite them through the sexual feeling and allow it to rise. Don’t use it for sex. Don’t let fire (male) tendency take over. This is the critical stage in the process. Let magnetism (stillness) be its equal. Equal. Equal. Equal. You don’t have to force it by trying. In fact, if you “try” you will stop the process. The magnetism (stillness) is the feminine current. This has been repressed and weakened and therefore disempowered in humankind. Never mind the why of it. That’s a distraction, another firey distraction leading you away from the truth. You are to strengthen the stillness side of you while at the SAME time feeling the firey side as sexual power building up. This is the ascending vitality that is what your body needs to refresh itself and awaken the cells and everywhere in your body.
If you spend it on sex the rest of your body doesn’t get refreshed and revitalized to stay youthful and healthy and energized. The vitality is used up for the sexual climax, which feels good to you and you go into a swoon or a nap and bliss out after you have an orgasm because your body didn’t get the vitality it was owed, that should have gone to IT to refresh it. That is what the sexual arousal represents. It is the heating up of the power required to remain youthful, spritely, alive, refreshed, reinvigorated, reborn, retained in a prime condition to continue life on earth. But instead sex uses it up, wastes it to give pleasure to the lower parts of the body, the sexual organs. The rest of the body goes to sleep or into a bliss nap. The energy was spent, wasted. It went back down into the ground instead up the central canal to the brain, to open the windows called chakras. A sexual climax bypasses the cells. Sometimes it goes up and out the top of the head to transcendent other-worldly experiences, for those who are advanced on a soul level. But the energy in this case shoots up the central canal like a rocket, too fast to open the chakras on the way. The chakras are by-passed and the body does not get the benefit of the aroused life force.
This is the new teaching which will supplement what you Nancy have been teaching or trying to teach, but without much success on infertile ground. They didn’t understand why there is a need to slow down and consider love. The men that is. They were racing to reach the climax both in themselves and in the women because that is all they knew that was good, right and decent. They didn’t understand. They did not have the knowledge which you are preparing to present. The women wished for the climax but secretly they wished for the man to be gentler and to merge more sensitively with her, and to wait for her to catch up with the firey thrusting that he was giving her. She wanted to feel it too but her tendency as a feminine body is to serve and support and nourish the man.
This is NOT the mentality of a slave but the trait of a goddess – to serve, assist, nurture and support. But the male does not understand. Neither does the female understand. It was not time for them. You have been like John the Baptist – a voice crying in the wilderness: “heed the one who comes.” [Pause.] The chakras need to be opened in order for this vitality to be disseminated, distributed throughout the body to revitalize the cells, organs and tissues. Sometimes you feel it as tingles, goose pimples as you call them. Sometimes as a thrill, or as a wave that swirls upward and creates dizziness. Sometimes you feel it like a lightning strike of creative energy and insight and you are awash with excitement. You can’t be held back when it strikes. You are on fire. Or you may feel it through a wave of love and wanting to be close, intimately close, to hold and be held by someone in stillness yet it is a strong forceful stillness – an urge for love. You Nancy feel that most of all. (End. Thank you Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. I called on them during the last pause and they added this after DK finished speaking.]
8/13/20 - There is a science to the Light
There is a science to the light, to interacting with the ultimate good, the ultimate love. There is a science to it, there is a way to align with it and invite it into your life. A science is a method of approach, a direction-finder. The way to find the higher way, the better way, the ultimate way, is through aligning with ALL-good, ALL-light, ALL-love, ALL one, however you wish to name it. Light is not a word. It is the highest and the best. Nothing less can attain to it. Now, this is where it is difficult. It is virtually impossible for the human mind as it exists today to imagine the highest and the best, due to the state that it is in right now. Because the human mind has errors in it, it has been distorted away from the ALL-GOOD. The ALL-good is perfection and it is innate. The best way to align with the ALL-good that is innate, is to nip ALL negative thoughts in the bud. The human mind does not know how to do this so let me explain.
If you want something very badly and each time you attempt to reach for it and you almost align with it but something obstructs you, you have an instantaneous reaction that is negative, maybe disgust, maybe anger. It is a knee-jerk, automatic reaction of a negative nature. This automatic negative reaction will consistently hold you back from aligning with the ALL-good that you seek. The negative resentment, anger or disgust is the fly in the ointment. You must get rid of it. It will keep you from achieving what you want. You must get rid of ALL negative reaction, which is rebellion and resistance to not getting your way. You must release not getting your way. That is ego. That is why people meditate and do inner work on themselves, often without understanding why they are doing it. It is to get rid of ego.
The techniques for doing this are myriad. They have been handed down from antiquity by enlightened masters. To cleanse the body-mind of knee-jerk negative reactions you must substitute ALL-light consciously. It takes a conscious decision to change direction and it takes repeating light-filled mantras, chants, affirmations, prayers, all of these things that require your conscious mind to change direction to the light. Otherwise your human mind will keep going in the same old manner, believing that you will be able to conquer it if you try long enough and hard enough. But it will never happen that way. You are created out of light. You have a light body. It is the background of who you are. It is your background intelligence. You have been overlaid with dark thoughts, beliefs and wrong understandings. The dark web carries hate, resentment and all things that are “not light”. You might think to ask for the removal of “not-light” but even that statement carries within it a recognition that all is not well with you.
The only way to move into the ALL-light is to find the stillness within, the ultimate acceptance of stillness, and stop actively resisting what you don’t want. Accept it. Accepting not the dark but the ALL-good, the ALL-light. Accept the ALL-light and be in peace. Everything is made of light and love. Believe it and accept it. Stop putting up blocks and resistance. This is tricky. Try to understand what I’m saying here. Accept the darkness as light and perfection by seeing past the surface into the background of Light from which it emanates. This takes practice. Practice in techniques that only your higher self can guide you to, for each person is a “construct” of false premises. Only your higher self can guide you out of these false constructs back to your original light body. Another person cannot guide you back to your origins because they don’t know the route you took to create who you are today. Only your higher self knows the route and knows how to guide you.
Then, that which you used to resist and kick against in one way or another, is gone now, because you Nancy have accepted the light in ALL things now. The little remaining resistance in you surfaced when the mask mandate came about. Your knowledge of light made you a progressive activist for the light which is on its way to manifesting on earth. Your desires for this light to manifest took over and you had another “desire”. A “desire” is a shadow construct. It is a movement out of alignment with light. It is your mind saying, “No, no, I can’t let this happen. I can do better. I must do better. I must fight this.” So you said to the mask mandate, “I will fight this. I will not obey.” This was a remnant of the old you. It was a knee-jerk reaction, a shadow of resistance still clinging to you in the dark webbing that shadows you. You subsequently saw the error in that resistance and you decided to align with the ALL-light, which you are finally achieving. To others it may seem as if you have lost the fight and surrendered to the authorities, but you have lost the fight and surrendered to the ALL-light. Not to outside authorities but to the one inside authority, the only authority there is in the end – the ALL-light.
Going with the science of light is what Jesus did, as is told in the scriptures. He had to overcome the shadow in himself too, he had to learn the path of non-resistance too. It is being non-resistant to the ALL-light. “Resist not the Light that is in you. Resist not evil. Resist not, period. Be at peace in all situations. Do not desire! Do not desire anything! If you have a desire you are resisting the ALL-light that is in you and in everyone. The faster you align with non-resistance, the faster you will achieve what you want because it is INSIDE OF YOU. It already exists. It is like – ummm – a simple analogy is when you are looking for your glasses and you go crazy searching for them, you need them, you desire them, and all the while they are on your head, pushed up past your eyesight. All is well, all is light, all is fulfilled. Your process is to practice believing that. It is the truth.
8/25/20 - The importance of building a personal physical identity
[I asked a question, Why do I have to put so much effort into being here in body? Why can’t I just go with the spacious flow that is so natural for me? Is it really important to have a personal physical identity? DK answers:]
“Of course you do! When you went into the light in 1976 you lost your personal physical identity and had to work at rejoining the earth reality. Bob helped you. Relationships, intimate relationships, help you to ground into earth reality. It is a necessary evil to stay in the earth reality, otherwise you lose it. You lose the connection to this reality, this dimension of life. Many people don’t want to connect with this reality, or can’t because they have not developed a method that is practical, in a uniform manner. You have to build your identity and your knowledge how to do it, up through the levels so your life here is coherent and a base is established to make it easier. Many people don’t do that. They don’t know how. Your education is lacking. Your work with intimacy through swinging and sex has given you a solid base because you had the grounding in the light first before beginning. Then you were able to take it to the next level (up the spine to higher levels) because you were able to FEEL what was not a right vibration for you, what was not a good fit for you. You were able to detect the difference, it was coherent to you, you were equipped to handle it. And the longer you stayed in duality, you continued to test the waters of the “other” vibrations around you that you were exposed to, and compare them with your own true comforting vibrations.”
(Me:) So every morning when I wake up I’m lying here trying to re-attach with THIS personal identity, THIS body and THIS timeline, otherwise I am a bit groggy and out of sorts, kind of lost with hardly no vitality. So THIS is what gives me vitality, right? By tuning into THIS body? That’s what I do in the morning lying here in bed trying to find some reason to move. Some connection?
“Yes! Vitality flows through your connection with this earth identity. This earth dimension is the dimension you are anchored into.”
[Later in the meditation room, the left brain and right brain are reaching out toward each other, breaking down the wall that divides and separates them into two halves. I see the lines reaching across borders. They are dark lines, or gray. There is no light shining, just lines flowing together, reaching towards each other and I am consciously aware that I’m doing it, I’m bringing them together. Also I see that it is not the way I imagined it. Left and right brain are not two separate tendencies, one masculine and the other feminine. No. It is not that. We humans did that. The brain was designed originally as a whole brain. The left brain has all of the functions of the right brain and vice versa, but they have been disabled and divided. But the right brain has all functions that the left brain has, and vice versa. They have been taken apart and divided up. Our distorted control system programming did that to us. We were trained to operate as enemies. Our ancestors were trained to think and act this way so the genetic material was passed on to us. The left brain is capable of receiving input from the celestial spheres just as much as the right brain is. And the right brain is just as capable of masculine acts that need to be done as the left brain – like abilities of rationalizing, organizing, assertiveness and competition.]
9/21/20 - The struggle between immortality and mortality
[I asked DK, I have so many awarenesses, so many tasks to do, they are backing up on me. How do I choose? He responded "What excites you? Choose IT!! I said, "Spiritual anatomy excites me, learning about it, how it becomes physical." DK continued to talk to me...]
Kundalini is God, is the eternal one. The Monad is your individual immaculate concept or pattern. It is the you as you were created by Source in the beginning of your life. A piece of that immaculate concept was sent to Earth to embed into the earth to anchor you here. Around that immaculate immortal seed which has been called kundalini are seven layers. When kundalini awakens dramatically as it did in you, or in an OBE or NDE, all seven layers are broken and the eternal God is set free in the solid body and immediately soars home to the infinite sea of light. Now it is up to you to bring it back down into the solid earth body and enclose it round about with understanding.
It is YOU – your conscious consciousness - that is now bringing the immaculate concept down into the solid enclosure of the body. You do this through love, by praising it, seducing it, welcoming it, caring for it to come down into this confinement of the lower dimension. It is your life, your immortal self. You do not know this at first. You struggle with your immortality and the sensation of being enclosed and confined inside a physical body. It is YOU – your consciousness – that must make this integration. It is YOU who must insist that your immortality and your mortal self walk side by side as friends in the same body. You are the soul, not yet the eternal spirit. You as soul must become refined, purified, cleared of doubt and confusion. You were given a glimpse of the father’s kingdom [referring to my OBE into the light] and now you are seeking it all the time but you are anchored into a finite body.
You experience frustration at not being able to move freely because you do not yet know how to be at peace with ALL things, ALL situations, ALL people, ALL that is disturbing. You are an immortal but don’t know it yet. Do the work of unifying everything that disturbs you, angers you, condemns you, hurts you. This does not come naturally to the physical animal but you are not physical nor are you an animal. You are an immortal who does not know it yet. You must work at being love and extending love into everything that comes up in front of your nose. You want the vastness of the all-that-is but you are mortal so what do you do? You work at unifying. You call to your higher self, your immortal self. You direct it into the disturbance or the confusion, whatever is troubling you. You send it, you beam it, you think it, you control the direction of your love. You, the immortal one, take charge of your mortal life! Relax into the immortal self in moments of silence to reconnect. Dream with it often during the day. Recognize its presence and stop what you are doing to allow it into your mind.
You are a solid on a physical work assignment with others who also are solid on work assignments, working with their immortal self too, most of whom do not know what you know. They know what THEY know but not what YOU know. Stick to your own story like glue. Create your own path to Home. There is no other can do it for you. You have germinated and blossomed the immaculate you, your eternal light body, which is an individual concept born out of the immortal eternal mind which ALL have been born out of. You cannot follow another’s path any more than they can follow yours because they have their own seed of immortality lying in wait for them to pierce the shell. But, since you came to help Earth grow to unity and peace, you are here to form kinships, relationships in solid form. That requires skill.
You have been educated over eons of lifetimes in how to work with other solids who are, like you, following their path to the stars, or trying to. And you have on-the-job training. You KNOW what does not work! You know! You are equipped. All you have needed in this life was confidence in your knowledge. You needed time and space to build confidence in what you know. You have done that. You are almost ready to throw away the hesitation and step boldly out on the world stage with the power of the immortal burning gently – not forcefully or vulgarly – gently but firmly through your physical presence, your solid physical body. You are ready. Know this. Be firm and steady in the knowledge you have accumulated and built up as treasure in heaven. Own this treasure. Be responsible for the eternal vastness that is in you. The eternal good in you. That is your God. God is goodness without flaws. Can you do that?
11/26/20 - The dark web vs. web of light
The dazzling river of life in its radiance flows into the body through the meridians, I call it the tree of life, not the artificial tree but the true golden tree, and it circulates through the body parts, absorbing and blending with the individual in his current understanding, and his current evolution of consciousness. The divine Ego blends with the human ego so there is always a progress going on, and an opportunity for the individual to receive more clarity, more understanding and more answers to his current situation. The divine is always circulating as a river of life. It is the understanding of the individual that allows the consciousness to go off into alternative routes that are not pure.
These alternative routes have been built into the earth’s atmosphere for thousands of years. It takes great effort of will, study, perseverance and tenacity to stick to a self-evolvement study course to learn the higher laws and practice the cleansing and purification ways taught by masters. No matter where on the scale of understanding, the river of golden radiance follows a specific path through the human anatomy, down around the central spinal column, igniting the centers from which radiate conduits of light into every cell and atom in the body, feeding the body with light. Why a person is not enlightened is due to the dark web which also circulates through the body. Both are formless rivers of light, but the dark web contains errors and distortions due to the eons of time human beings have reproduced and passed on erroneous thoughts and beliefs. It is built into the human consciousness.
Human and divine function hand in hand, with the divine maintaining and supporting the human as he grows through trial and error to learn the ways of betterment, thus evolving upward from the animal state. At a certain point in the man’s evolution there is a triggering event which causes the man to search out spiritual knowledge. Then it is that he begins to pray, meditate or seek a teacher of higher learning. There is always an opportunity for clarity and the receiving of answers and solutions, but until a man reaches that trigger point, he does not realize there is a god within him with answers, or angelics and spiritual guides surrounding him waiting for him to call, pray and ask for help. After this point is reached the man will take time to go within and do the inner practice on a daily basis. Practice inner disciplines on a daily basis because the atmosphere in which we live, home, community, world at large brought indoors by internet and television, is filled with distortions, divisions and disruptions.
Both the dark web and divinity are formed by consciousness. The good and the evil. Neither is made of physical material but the physical molds itself according to the direction of conscious thought. Like a river they cut through the body’s material making deeper and deeper patterns upon the physical, etheric and elemental cells of the body. The radiant flow of the divine, formed by father-mother God, is immortal, eternal and everlasting. It will never die and never deviate from its course while the artificial webbing constructed of man’s thoughts will not last. It is a river of ever-changing fluctuations, as the man is pummeled with pressures, doubts, new ideas, harassments, disturbances. It waivers constantly, throwing the thinker into confusion, unable to stay the course of any one thing.
What is taking place out beyond our skin harasses the thinker. As we blend with the quiet but constant flow of innocence within, however, we grow in wisdom, maturity and trust in the divine order that slowly, inevitably makes itself known to the thinker. Calmness invades our former doubts and we do not react so quickly to take sides. Our souls grow weary eventually, as they are designed to do, and take steps toward higher planes of consciousness. Souls evolve to higher planes of consciousness like animals evolve to human consciousness, which gives it self-awareness over the baser creature consciousness. And so do we evolve to become masters and saints, as the masters and saints evolve to become greater beings in the celestial scheme. Thus God himself evolves and learns from the experiences of the ant, the wolf, the human, for it is God that is experiencing through the forms.
11/27/20 - The golden tree of life, the dark web is not evil
[Knowledge is not a fickle thing, it just needs sorting. We call it processing. Continued information has come to me about the dark web. The dark web was first revealed to me five years ago but I couldn’t tell about it then. New knowledge comes only after I use what was previously given. I have to share it somehow. In my case it's done through writing. Everyone has a different way of expressing inner growth, which is new knowledge coming to them. But we must put it into action in a way that helps us. New knowledge comes in increments. This important supplement about the dark web came two days after publishing my last newsletter.]
The dark web is not evil. The dark web itself is not evil. It is who we are in our limited understanding about our Self. The Self is important. We are growing in consciousness. We are expanding and stretching our understanding about our place in the whole. We are maturing into a unique, one-of-a-kind individual through trial and error. Behind all our experimentations in this world with people and circumstance, there is a golden web of eternal life that is ours alone. I must say that. It is ours all to our Self alone. This particular tree of life is pure unadulterated LIGHT and it runs through you in a different way than it runs through me or someone else. The dark web has something to do with it. Let me try to explain.
The dark web that materializes in front of your tree of life is the shadow cast by your limitations. The dark web that materializes in front of me is the shadow cast by my limitations. A human being doesn’t identify yet with the divine light that runs through him, so alternative channels need to be created. This allows us time to grow into the light and love within. The dark web is our Self consciousness, as we are at the moment. We are growing into a fuller, more rounded, more complete Self consciousness through our experiences and lessons learned.
You are unique and one of a kind. You are the child growing up in the neighborhood, testing your Self against your peers and older folks. All the while in the background is your father-mother God flowing in purity and truth as a template to follow. You were conceived as a pure spirit spark before journeying down into physicality, always with your father-mother God supporting you. The tree of life runs through your body from beyond the physical. It is there constantly, flowing purity through you, so you can measure yourself against it. What is right, what is wrong. You are the child following the parents light, copying it as best you can. It is there to support you as you grow to maturity. It is your Father-Mother God, a golden tree of life that flows pure divinity through you. There are many smaller branches flowing out into the organs and tissues of your physical body. I’ve seen it. You are the physical child living off this light. When you were young you followed it innocently but as you grew older you could not sustain the innocence. It was not meant to be. It is supporting you while you grow into your own identity. That is the reason a supplemental web was made, to support your consciousness. You are your own true Self, maturing along your own personal pattern.
We are each the Self, the I that is growing up into a wise old soul. But during the growth process we can identify with only so much of that purity. We live in a world of opposites with diversity at every turn. Which way to go? We are here to learn our Self. There is no how-to manual because we are the creator of our Self. We are here to build a substantial body for our Self, for the I that is me is differentiated from all the other I’s and me’s. We try to follow the inner pattern that is our true and pure Self but we are limited here in the solid physical world of opposites. So we say, “I must do it my way.” And that is precisely the purpose. We are here to it my way. Not anyone else’s way.
I have seen this brilliant, dazzling tree of life. It’s more like a radiance in all its splendor laid out before me. It is beautiful to my inner vision. The main trunk of the tree comes down from above and goes down around the spine and into the earth. Smaller branches sprout off to either side, left and right and sprout smaller and smaller lines of light, so it becomes like a web of light. And the main trunk of the tree fountains out at the top of the head like a water fountain, like the tree is reaching upward and growing new branches up there. Against this dazzling light background I see the darker web in front, smaller and more concise. We are trying to align our Self against it with our daily actions. Are we doing it right? Or wrong? Does it feel warm? Or cold? The golden tree of light is our parentage, our divine lineage. We are supported by it as we grow in wisdom and learning. We feed off it. We compare ourselves to it. It sustains us. It is our Father and Mother. As we identify with it, it feels like love. It is warm and cozy and close and intimate. It feels like I’m home inside my skin.
Those moments are rare but they serve as reminders. The light becomes love when we do it right. That’s the answer to our befuddlement. Thats the sign from home. We think we are alone but the Father-Mother God is with us every step of the way. It is nourishing our physical organs, brain, nerves, bone every second of the day. Our heart beats because of it, our lungs breathe, our digestive system absorbs and eliminates, our brain registers higher thought because of it. Every part of our physical body is alive because of this golden tree of life. We are the Self temporarily living in it, training it to follow the patterns of light. We think we are the body, but we are the light. We don’t know that yet but we are getting closer to understanding. Meanwhile, how we think in our limited understanding creates the dark web of consciousness. We don’t know. We don’t understand. How could we, trapped inside a solid physical body? The only way out is to train it and educate it. This is Tantra training.
We know only our own mind. We think we are right in most everything we do, because we are the Self. But mind is nebulous. It is connected to all other minds and to all other dark webs. We absorb from and share with other dark webs 24/7. The big job is to isolate our OWN mind and build it into mastery and this can only be done by identifying with the inner gold, the purity of our Father-Mother God which flows in a distinct pattern within us, through the trunk of the tree and the meridians. Prayer, meditation and other reminder practices keep us in touch with our divinity that flows within. Thus we become an enlightened conscious mind that is unique and separate on one hand but One with all that is divine in others.
I didn’t see the golden tree of life until I was shown the dark web as if I needed to see the contrast. I was meant to see the dark web, but in order to actually see it I had to see the light behind it. Up until then it was only blind faith, blind knowing without proof. The dark web appeared in front of the golden tree but was somehow attached. I originally assumed the dark web was a parasite and interpreted it as something bad. Now I am being corrected. The dark is limited understanding of who I am. I operate from it. It is my conscious mind functioning in this world as it is today. In order to engage with everyone else, I have to limit myself, hone myself down, stay low to the ground because my visions take me aloft. I am a dweller of two worlds. I think there is a book of that title. Now I see that EVERYONE is like me. I am not alone here. I am a reflection of the real genuine article. the real me, which is behind me out of sight maintaining my physicality so I can walk and talk and be here. But there are distortions in my beliefs. I reflect the current trend but I see these are being corrected through revelation and vision. Revelation and vision are interspersed into human society like little flashes of insight. The human being is like the baby six months old trying to get up and walk. It stumbles and falls, and gets back up again. What makes it get back up again? Why do we keep trying?
The dark web is not evil. It is a gracious tool provided as support and maintenance. Pure evil is born from it by the rare few who fight against the inner guidance, but they have free will. We all do. The one who stubbornly fights against love and light, fights against his own inner nature which makes him mean, frustrated, cruel and vicious. He projects outward on everyone else what he refuses to accept for himself. At first it is a mistake that leads to evil, but continued trodding of the same path creates the darkness. He alone cuts himself off from the comfort, love and security that was his from the beginning. He alone cuts it off. He does it to himself.
We were created to become Self conscious and Self sovereign. We are gods in training. There is a point when we complete our integration with the golden tree of life that flows within us, and we move on to the next stage of life beyond human, which is an ascended master. We have come up through the levels of barely-conscious to semi-conscious to group-conscious to become individual conscious in our OWN right. Upon reaching human status we began developing our unique Selfhood. We stepped into the human culture. A different field of awareness was ours to explore that was quite different from the animal culture. Here we develop separation consciousness. We are distinct and separate from our fellow beings but we carry the wisdom of animal culture and all the cultures we have been through prior to now. Now today we have a golden light tree of life which sustains the human body and mind for practical reasons, to maintain the physical form and keep it upright and healthy so the Self can grow ever higher in conscious awareness.
11/28/20 - The creating of a unique individual
Our consciousness is evolving by following the divine intelligence within and eventually uniting with it. A man devolves by following the animal nature, which takes him backward and downward. The tree of life is purity and has been carefully designed to aid the human species. It flows along the human form and feeds the human anatomy composed of cells and atomic particles. We can feel when we are on the right or wrong path. It is subtle and increasingly more subtle, which demands a careful feeling process. We get feedback from the truth within but we must be open to the truth and not rely on neighbors for feedback. That's why we need to cultivate our higher emotions, and not allow lower emotions to stay in us. We have to be able to FEEL if we are going to be guided by the subtle tree of light within. Often we compromise our Self. It is common when we decide to sacrifice our way to work with another person. Other times we are stubborn and insist on my way or the highway. We are learning through these interactions. We get feedback.
Higher knowledge comes from two sources. First, from within the body as a peculiar and unusual sensation, and secondly, from higher mind in the form of revelation and vision. Both come from beyond the human experience and we must learn to detect it. These contribute to the awakening of our individuality. The more aware we are of our own inner spaces and higher spaces, the more we expand into those spaces. It helps us mature. We evolve ourselves. This makes us unique. We are a spark of purity who dared come down to dense levels to learn more about our Self and thus grow our Self into a master. We do this by incorporating new knowledge and making it real and a physical expression. When we choose to express goodness and kindness we are drawn closer to the tree of knowledge and life within us and we feel more sure of ourselves. We experience an expansion and elevated feelings. We need to become conscious of those good feelings for that is how we incorporate them and bring them into the body of Self. It is how we impress upon the physical vehicle more refinement and evolvement. This brings us closer to our Father-Mother God within, our parental lineage, the ideal within, which we sense only vaguely at first, but which grows in clarity over time and exposure. The soul is the unenlightened part of us, we are the soul. The spirit is our Father-Mother God to whom we are attracted and we reach for it.
As a soul becomes more enlightened, it senses goodness more easily in another, and more clearly in itself. We call them old souls. Old souls have lived many lives and gained much wisdom. Others who have only recently evolved up from the animal kingdom are rather innocent and wide-eyed. They are excited about human life and may be eager to become involved in human affairs, whereas older souls are more sedate and peaceful. They have learned to take life more slowly and enjoy it more deeply.
The web of dark which I implied would diminish and disappear as we become more enlightened, is not exactly true. The web of dark is our history. It sustains our memories and our past record of previous lives and wisdoms accrued. It cannot be deleted or erased, but it is transformed into colors and transparency. It becomes more glorious, more glowing, more transcendent. It better represents our true Self. This is our goal to become more pure to our Self in the ways we express, live and contribute to the world with others who may look to us for proper feedback.
We do not make the dark web go away, we transform it. Those who have previously ascended advanced themselves by weaving their human consciousness into their divine consciousness to become immortal. We too have gained treasures in our journeys through many lifetimes. They belong to us. We earned them but they are not here now. They are higher up, beyond our reach but they are there. We have garnered riches, meaning wisdom, beyond measure through the many incarnations in human, animal and lower dimensional life. But these riches remain in the heavens of our being. It is our job to open our hearts and minds and reach for them. Pull them down into the everyday life. Accept these riches to fulfill our everyday physical life here now today. We don't have to leave the earth plane to become fulfilled but instead bring heaven's abundance down here. This is the next step. This is how humans weave the light body into physicality. Its already happening. The rare few are becoming the more. The light is burning through the dark web of each individual and transforming it into colorful arrays of differing hues, one person at a time.
We have an ideal Self we'd like to be. Start imaging that ideal for 20, 30 seconds at a time. Thirty seconds is a long time to hold an image of perfection with the mind. It is how we do it. How we begin to weave the ideal we want to bring forth into our normal human existence. Our Father-Mother God provided us with an ideal, but we have been building our own individuality out of it. We have a lineage. We now are stepping into it. Our personal lineage of light will fit into us like a hand in a glove. It is our Self that we fit into as we become more humble and surrender our human to our divine. We sense the fit then. Humbleness is required to grow larger and more expansive. We become more tolerant instead of fighting and resisting. We allow everyone their space and their comfort zone. It is not our job to move them or bring them to more enlightenment. We are not here to change anyone or make them over into our image, but to change ourselves and make our selves over into the ideal that has been there from the beginning. The Father-Mother God/source/creator created a pattern for us to mold ourselves around. We were born with a unique intention and thus a unique inheritance is ours to grow into. We earn it by accepting it and not resisting the warmth within.
Each one of us was created at a moment of revelation and thus was born with a unique intention and design. The difference is in the divine pattern and how it flows through our consciousness. The pattern is not limited to the human body. It is in our conscious awareness of who we are. We are simply coloring in the bold outlines. We are weaving the story into the pages. We are making of our life a home in which we can live comfortably. We are each therefore unique. As we grow in respect for our own nature, so do we grow in respect of our brothers and sisters with whom we travel.
We are not going to lose our individuality. Quite the opposite. We are building our individuality. We do not lose our individuality as I once thought, by going into the light of ascension. I should have remembered because when I went into the light in 1976 I remember being myself and seeing into eternity and feeling a part of eternity but I was also myself. Even though my body and surroundings had disappeared, my mind was sharp as a tack. My journey since that day in 1976 has been one of trying to recreate the experience of that moment in physical form with other people. It was a desire and a search, but I have failed to recreate it. I realize now that I was not supposed to. That was not the intent. The whole purpose of a sole once-only experience is to learn about yourself and how extraordinary you are. How precious. How immaculate. How sovereign, whole and complete you are. The journey is not about other people, it's the journey of the soul, which is you, into your spiritual identity.
The golden tree of life that shimmers within each human being is all the same divinity. It is not different at first. What makes it different is you. You are what makes the tree of life in you different and unique because you are a unique consciousness. You mold your awareness around divinity and you add to it. The golden tree of life is pure and it is there for you to use as a template upon which to design your OWN life as a divine being. You are the immortal one creating the everlasting body that lives forever. You started as a pure and innocent spirit spark and you have been filling it in with substantial wisdom and knowledge ever since. But it is YOUR knowledge, not someone else's. The day will come when you will be complete and you will achieve your ascension. Then you will be free to stay here or leave or go elsewhere to enjoy new experiences. As an immortal being with an enlightened mind, you will be free to travel anywhere you wish, because you will have proved to yourself that you can live in love and harmony and not ever be separate from the divine again, ever.
1/6/21 - Female orgasms and sex
[I am on fire this morning and very excited as I write this down. I have just learned something. I woke from a dream and after doing a few sun visuals on the brain and spine I was shown the "chitrini" which is a hair-thin conduit going up the spine from the tailbone or root chakra to the mid-brain. This enlarged through inner vision to 4 inches, then 10 inches, then the whole body to include the nadis, then returned back to the chritrini at the center of the spine. I had not studied this chitrini but it is suddenly there, strong, lit up like the sun, hair-thin. And then the two lesser nerves, called ida and pingala, that spiral around the central chitrini in opposite directions. I haven’t quite figured these out yet, but one is active and the other passive. The male emerges from the left of the root chakra, goes up the chitrini and ends at the left brain, spiraling around the spine. The passive feminine emerges from the right of the root chakra and ends at my right brain, spiraling up around the chitrini in the opposite direction from the male. This creates a sudden interest. Why then is it said that the left is feminine and the right masculine? Dear DK, can you please explain? I know that the chitrini is the direct link from root to brain and that there are blockages down below that take the kundalini off to the left or right. Is this done at the second chakra near the reproductive organs, where the block forces it either right or left? Is that when the more dynamic active kundalini is stronger and takes over the passive kundalini? Forcing the pure passive kundalini to go off to the side? I imagine the pure kundalini then becomes diminished in the passive side and too strong on the active side, so the purity of kundalinii is no longer pure. It has been stolen and taken over by going up these paths.]
[Me asking:) So when I was “sucking” up in those days when I was playing with sex, when I was “sucking” in an upward way during my orgasms, while men stirred my G-spot with their fingers and I pressed the vibrator on the clitoris. I felt distinctly the G-spot and clitoris were joined as one organ, and I felt the beginning of the orgasm start to ignite. It was like putting two wires together in the car battery to start the engine. There was no mistaking that feeling of the “clicking in” or kicking in of the juice, the charge, the amazing feeling. I am beginning to see that this is the kundalini being activated during sex play. Without the fingers inside and the heavy pressure on the clitoris, there was no such feeling. It didn’t happen. But then I sucked upward during this time and I didn’t realize what I was doing, I just did it. Why did I suck upward to create orgasm in my head? I felt orgasm in my head, not down below in the sex region? It has just occurred to me in the last few months, the memory of how I did the sucking up during sexual orgasmic play. Was this the blockage that was placed in human beings to prevent them from knowing their true nature? To prevent them from going up the spine to the head which would have caused them enlightened powers? It was placed at the sexual chakra, wasn’t it? I sense that. The chitrini is the main avenue to the brain.]
[Me still talking:) I just learned about the word “chitrini”. Is this the answer that I’ve been looking for? That Gopi Krishna has enunciated and carefully spelled out in his dissertations? And that I have so wondered about since it happened? Why did I have a “spontaneous” kundalini awakening where all the yogis are working to get it? And why did I have such a sweet and lovely transcendent OBE into the light, where others have horror stories of burnings, suffering and worse? Why me? I have wondered about it, and so did my sister. Is this the answer at long last? How did I know to do the sucking up? That was never taught to me. It was innate. Instinctive. Automatic. My body did it. Why did my body do that? Was this the clearing of the blockage so the main route was open for me to later have the kundalini awakening when Shirley guided me that day in meditation? Was there a higher being overlighting me? And was it because I cut ties with my family and was no longer entangled with family lineage? I suspect this is the chain of events that triggered kundalini to awaken in me. So this is the “AhHA!!” moment of putting two and two together and coming up with four. It connects. It is an answer. Can you please explain?]
(DK answering:) The pressure of lust that builds up in the male body is only because males are the “doer”, the active gender who is using kundalini. Females are not. They are more dormant in the female gender. You did not have a buildup of pressure even though your body had the same block in it as everyone else, but you were more inward focused, following your previous life patterns of being drawn upward. When a person is mentally focusing on the physical world, he is open to receiving the chaotic energies cast off by those around him. He is trying to make sense of it and the key word here is “trying”. He does not know about the benefits of meditation. He struggles with the world outside his door and works at it unceasingly, where you did not struggle so hard because you were more inwardly focused. You are an advanced soul, an advanced scout in the wild wood of this planet. You hold a treasury of wisdom inside you, in your body itself, in the spaces between the atoms and electrons, for you are who you are. You do not know it with your brain, since your brain is an organ within the body. But you, as the eternal consciousness that is growing through experience in the sentiency, have lived longer and gained more wisdom than many who are here with you. You now draw instinctively on this vast knowledge which is your father or parent consciousness, which is the creator which holds the cells together in the form of your body. You are now learning through your brain activity, your left brain, as you have rightly said. You have now activated that part of your brain that can add things up, like two and two equals four. You are using your left brain to become educated whereas before, you acted on impulses and intuition.
(Me:) Would others around me in this culture, if they learned about kundalini and about the disciplines, such as better diet, yoga postures, meditation and the like on a regular basis, would their bodies respond? Would the kundalini move through them faster?.Would this break the block for them at the second chakra, which would enable them to rise up the chitrini instead of detouring off to the left or right? Should there be an attempt to physically teach them how to do this with fingers and vibrators and such? For women especially? Maybe some shy men too would need this physical assistance in breaking up the blockages? Is this where Trisha is being guided? She wants to do this. She did this on a man at LG’s party. The man had a super orgasm and was so very happy, for he did not know how to have one. And she was very excited and proud of herself. And so was Ron?
(DK:) Talk this over with M, T, LG and T. Yes, you have put two and two together and made the correct connection. Each body is a densification of the knowledge and interpretations they have made in their form lives. They have formed conclusions and beliefs as an explanation for what they experienced. They are personally and individually created. You learn, you puzzle and you conclude. Lifetime after lifetime you build knowledge. Some of this knowledge is correct, others are not. You are learning about the sex block. Not everyone has prior understanding as you have or experience in this. Therefore, this information will not interest them. They are not ready to hear it or cannot link into its importance. So, your audience or contemporaries will be in the sexual field, especially that of women. You are intuitively drawn to soundboard with women but you want to work with men. You want to help them, assist them, heal them. There are many women who are drawn to this field, as T has done, and also LG. Other women will not understand. (End)
1/7/21 - Your body is a mechanism, it awaits your direction
(While doing the three-fold flame exercise in the heart, I received the following information.)
The three-fold flame is one flame that flares up as pink (love), gold (wisdom) and blue (will). Divine love is cultivated through meditation. Love begins with yourself and your own body. Find a routine that focuses love and relaxation onto your body parts. It soothes your body, mind and nerves to reduce stress and restore harmony, love, peace. Many people do not want to take the time for this, nor do they have any inclination to want to.
Divine wisdom is cultivated by reading words written by others. Learning, educating, edifying and adding to your physical brain knowledge. It will add to, or distract from, or correct or modify former understandings, as you have been doing, reading the John White book, and other books. If you only dwell on your own beliefs and knowledge, you will not expand. Then you recycle the same knowledge over and over.
Divine Will is cultivated by sticking to a regular routine on a daily basis. Do some practices every day. Build a routine and follow it every day without fail. This is what you have been doing. You are starting to succeed so that your body starts to remember and want to do it every day. Without a regular routine your body stays lazy and thinks it is doing the right thing for itself. The body operates on habit. It is sluggish, its cells are from the earth. It is not a high consciousness machine. It likes routine. It likes to know what is expected of it. If you change your habits and follow it every day, your body will remember and will change over a short period of time. You must use will power on yourself. If you feel lazy, it is your body that feels lazy, not you, but you let your mind follow suit. You interpret wrongly. You think it is you but it is your body. You are not your body. You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like it today, I will go to the computer instead. I am excited and want to write this down.”
But that means you have let your body take control over your commitment. You must force your body to do what you have decided to do, and not succumb to your body’s wants. This takes will power. It is a struggle at first. The body operates on habit, which is a feeling. But you are the consciousness of the body. You built the body, your higher self did. If you have decided to change yourself then you must use discipline and will power. Take your power back from your body. Know the difference between your body wanting to feel good, and your commitment to make a change. This does not mean you won’t enjoy the ‘feel good” feelings at times, but you will not let your body tell you what IT wants. You will teach it better manners. You will teach it what it feels like to be refined and more sensitive. It is the body who has the “feelings”. You are the abstract intelligence that uses the body as a vehicle, as an avatar. This is the reason for a daily routine – to work with your body and raise its consciousness level to better express your higher intelligence. Build new habits into your body and it will become more refined, stronger, healthier and feel better with itself. It will thank you by responding with a sense of freedom and lightness.
The body is a mechanism. I is a machine. Even though it is organic and a breathing, living machine and it has a consciousness, yet it is still exquisitely designed to function under the orders and control of a higher mind. That higher mind is you. We learn to use it from the outside in. The hands, feet, legs, mouth, eating, brushing teeth, putting it to sleep at night and washing it so it feels clean. This is what we learn as a child, how to take care of the body and use it properly. In past ages we did not learn how to care for the inner parts of the body, but that time is now changing. We are going through an evolutionary shift to higher consciousness. How the inner parts of the body work is done through yoga. Learning how they function is a three-part education. We study the machine to see how it functions, and we practice it through yoga postures, and we read scholarly reports and experiences of other people.
Up to now it has been left to the professionals and experts to know how your body works, how to maintain it, what to do when it goes wrong. But you have given them the power over your body. They do not know what you are feeling and aligning with, or misaligning with. This only you can tell from being inside the body. When something goes wrong with your heart or lungs or stomach, most people go to the doctor or another expert. But those who have chosen the inner path of their choice, which is natural and organic, have discovered better health and more intuitively well, happy and at peace. Yoga is an ancient science and covers many facets. It is an inner path that is starting to spread across the planet and bring changes to those who practice it. It is how people are taking their power back from outside authorities. There is untold wisdom contained in the human intellect, will and love. [the classic three-fold flame - love, wisdom & power]
Gopi Krishna advises a path of (1) healthy diet & journal/document (2) yoga postures & journal/document (3) meditate & journal/document. In other words make yourself an experimental subject and keep documenting. Consider it research. He advises a research institute but I’m saying, make yourself the research. Routine, regular discipline, apply control, conscious control, the evolutionary force for the future of mankind. This prevents psychopathy and psychosis. The evolutionary mechanism goes wrong when the body is not clean and not maintained in a healthy manner. It must be kept up on a regular basis with conscious application of certain habits. In the case of the wayward man who is ignorant, it means to become more disciplined.
1/21/21 - Kundalini is Mother-Father God implanted in you
I woke with instructions in my mind. I hear the words, “Kundalini is the earth force. Go down, connect with the earth, cool it down.” I got up at 6:30 and went to the med room to continue writing.]
In situations where heated passion or anger or wildness in any form threatens to overwhelm or boil over, slow down by going down into the earth. Connect with earth. Put yourself down there in the earth. Kundalini is the earth force. It is the cooling agent. Kundalini goes in both directions - up into the sky and down into the earth from its location at the base of the spine, the center of the body. You are in a bubble. You are circular. Kundalini is self-regulating. It will help you. The feminine side of you is the downward cooling side of you. It is the logical, reasoning, soothing side of you. It balances the heating up when you feel yourself heating up to boiling point, pushing for action, getting ready to explode. Understand the nature of kundalini. It goes down into the earth, it is of the earth. Will yourself down into the soil of the planet. (I did that once without thinking, and it cooled me off.) It will balance you. You are the offspring of this force which is not a force at all. It is pure spirit. It does not push, it does not move. It is your Father God in your body.
The Father becomes known as the Mother when you are in embodiment, in a physical body. Mother God creates your body and maintains your body while you are living in it. You are the master of the body. The body was made for you to live in. You are king, lord of the manor, the ruling god of the body. The kundalini is the Mother God maintaining your body while you live in it. Learn to call on her for help when you need it. She is your mother. She has the power to stabilize you, just as she has the power to agitate you with trembling fire, which is how kundalini is known. Very few know about the feminine balancing power of kundalini. This is new information. You are both feminine and masculine in your spiritual light body. Get rid of the terms “feminine and masculine”. It is too easy to attach to the gender that you live in. It is important that you adjust your thinking to realize, if you are a man, you have feminine tendencies in you that you can call upon. If you are a woman, you have masculine tendencies that you can call upon. The cooling, relaxing, soothing feminine nature is in men as well as women. And the hot, fiery action-packed masculine nature is in women as well. You have both natures in you but you have separated them into two distinct natures where they are coming from one holy nature within. One consciousness is who you are, but when you are in body your consciousness is split into two sides due to your DNA lineage from your ancestors.
Place yourself down in the ground, in the soil, in the planet. Kundalini is a cooling mechanism too. Kundalini is feminine. You have a feminine earthly nature too. All instructions and writings have been about how fiery and hot kundalini is when activated. That is because it was written by men, from a male perspective. Men were the teachers. He is bringing kundalini up its fiery side, the right side channel. In the spiritual anatomy left by the ancients, kundalini can rise up the right channel or the left channel, but rising is not a correct term. Kundalini does not rise. The seeker’s awareness attaches to the pure spirit of kundalini, and it is the seeker’s body that draws it up. The seeker’s body is hungry for this purity. It is an exciting wonderful connection to the seeker’s body. The body is the instrument and the tool. The body acts on its own without permission from the seeker’s conscious mind.
If the seeker’s body is preconditioned to operate habitually as masculine, his right channel is open and flowing upward. Then the kundalini, the pure life force will flow up that channel, on the right side, which is the masculine channel. If the seeker’s body is preconditioned to operate on the left channel, the feminine channel, it will flow more easily and relaxed. It will be a more comfortable sensation.
The genetic material of which your physical body is made, came from your ancestors. This is what operates your body automatically. You inherited certain tendencies and qualities, and you are confused, not knowing which tendencies you are to follow. The two sides of your nature, your tendencies known as feminine and masculine, oppose each other. The primal energy in your center, what is called the root chakra is designed to run upward through the main central channel inside the spine. This main channel is designed to flow the INTEGRATED energies of male and female combined, up the spine to the head. But your ancestors did not have this training. They were either feminine subservient or masculine controlling. The masculine controlling tendencies drew the primal energy up the right channel, while the feminine subservient tendencies drew the primal energy up the left channel. Now you are saddled and controlled by your DNA until you learn to use your WILL POWER and change the habits you inherited. The ancient teachers taught the men how to do this. You can take up the disciplines of the teachers and start to redirect the primal energy, which wants to go upward, or follow Nancy’s feminine example, she is eager to start sharing as a new feminine teaching. This is new knowledge I am giving you. The kundalini does not rise. It is pure spirit. But the genetics of your body that dictate your habits, movements and actions, take over when kundalini is connected with and activated.
Your ancestral DNA built your body and continues to operate in you until you consciously will yourself to change and develop different habits. This is done through planned disciplined programs left by the gurus and masters of bygone eras. The sense of rising heat, psychic pain, trembling and other negative experiences that seekers experience when kundalini activates, is the holy spirit being siphoned up the right channel by a masculine-flowing body suddenly connected into kundalini’s purity. The power is overwhelming for the body not prepared. On the other hand, the sense of a rising beautiful calm and bliss feeling, as my OBE experience [Nancy's OBE], is the holy spirit being siphoned up the left channel by a feminine-flowing body suddenly connected into kundalini’s purity.
Your body was formed out of ancestral genetics. It is your physical lineage, not your spiritual lineage. Your body was formed by your parents DNA, grandparents DNA, great grandparents DNA, great-great grandparents DNA, and so on back into history. You carry their unfinished thoughts and feelings within you. These have an impact in how you think, believe and feel. Also how you desire. If you are a man you have more of your masculine ancestors impacting you. If you are a woman, you have more of your feminine ancestors impacting you. You have reincarnated into many bodies and many cultures, some have been male bodies and some have been female bodies. You have tendencies of both male and female. The female tendencies are soothing, integrative, calming, nurturing and in touch with spiritual values. The male tendencies are focused outward, drawing input from other people and expressing outward to other people. Whether a physical person or an intellectual, males tend to compete, judge and measure oneself against others in the outer world. Males create a hierarchical structure, where females embrace the wholeness of nature which is an aspect of universal law and harmony.
You can be a woman with more masculine tendencies than feminine. Or you can be a man with more feminine tendencies than masculine. It all depends on the genetic material that your body is made of. You are an evolving soul using many different ancestral lineages. Muslin, Jew, Russian, Chinese, Mexican, German, English, Indian, Native American. Your genetics are subconscious. You are not aware of this and you don’t have control over this body’s genetics that you live in until you start practicing disciplines, applying your will power to certain exercises, like yoga, breath work, meditation, visualization. When you begin a mental discipline program, you start to take charge of your body’s automatic tendencies. You start to change the genetic material that makes you who you thought you were. You become more who you choose to be. You can’t affect this change with your mind alone. It has to be a combination of mental, physical, breathing and imagination. This is how you take charge of your body and begin to improve its abilities. You give it a boost of vitality. It is your will power that is taking charge. Your body is no longer in charge of you. You become the master instead of the body mastering you. Health, vitality and good feelings are the benefits of taking on a discipline program.
What is the kundalini and where is it located? It is pure lighter-than-air spirit in the shape of a round crystal ball located at the very center of your body at the tail bone on the etheric level. It cannot be seen or determined, but the ancient teachings tell us and I have seen it myself. That is why I can write about it. I have a personal relationship with it. The center of your body is half way between the bottoms of your feet and the crown of your head. Furthermore, your body is enclosed inside a very large bubble of lighter-than-air spirit, which we’ll get to at another time. This round crystal ball of lighter-than-air ethereal substance is the power generator of your body. It is called the kanda. Out of the kanda there are three channels that go up the spine to the head. One is feminine, one masculine, and the third is the integrated holy energy. As the soul brings its male and female tendencies (habits, actions, etc.) into balance and lives, thinks and feels the wholeness of the kanda flowing through him, the person becomes more saintly and loving. In the Vedic scriptures the feminine channel that runs up the left side of your body is called Ida. The masculine channel that runs up the right side is called Pingala. The integrated central channel is called Sushumna. These three words are important to remember.
(Spirit is talking to me, Nancy, now) This is the new knowledge which you are personally contributing. You have chosen to investigate the feminine which is your lineage. It comes from your mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc. The feminine line is carried forward through feminine bodies. The masculine is carried forward through masculine bodies. But YOU who currently reside in your body are a unique one-of-a-kind personality that is distinctly separate from your ancestors. You have the power to change your own DNA, the baggage that your lineage gave to you, dumped on you without your knowledge. But you chose to be here. You chose to integrate. You chose your parents. DNA is your history. The history you were born with as a body, but YOU are not your body. You entered it at birth and grew up following its automatic guidelines, its controlling habits and rules. You call them conscience but you are a unique personality and you can change your conscience. You are a soul who has lived in many bodies over the millennia. You were born into many cultures and into many situations, poor, rich and all in between and you have the memories within you.. In each body you lived within the culture and learned its ways, its religion, its conscience, its mass beliefs. And then you died and were born again in another location to different parents, in another part of the world, or perhaps on a different planet.
God does not know location, and does not follow the laws of man. God lives in his creations. When God enters a sentient form he becomes God the Mother, the feminine aspect to shape and mold the form and guide the form. The feminine channel called Ida is God the Mother accompanying and guiding the soul who lives in the body. The masculine channel called Pingala is God the Father accompanying and guiding the soul who lives in the body but it is YOU the soul that is in charge. Your choices, or lack thereof, are what creates your adventures. Are you a victim, following the path of others? Or are you asserting control, changing the course of your history? When you are seeking to act and control, you are being guided by God the Father. When you are seeking to slow down and nurture those around you, you are being guided by God the Mother. Wherever the soul decides to go next, it may call upon God, and God will answer and guide. This knowledge has been kept away from the masses. We didn’t know how much power we have for goodness, pleasure, happiness, creativity, progress. The choice of where to be born next is in the hands of the soul, you. Because it is the child exploring in an away mission, and wherever the child desires to go, so goes Father God and Mother God, because it is the child. The two aspects male and female with which the soul plays are his teachers. You, the resident soul of the body, did not know this. You are now learning this. (Spirit is talking to me and I am writing it out here.)
The situations of passion, anger, lust, rage, embitterment and the warrior or, on the other hand, the choices to be subservient to a master, comes from your DNA genetic material that formed your body. The momentum and instincts come from your ancestors. They did not know what you know today. They lived in a darker era. They were the products of their time. They did what they could. But YOU are an individual consciousness and you are accompanied by God the Father and God the Mother into each new embodiment. They will never let you go alone. You are always protected. They are the purity of heaven walking with you, and your home is where they are. At the center of your body there is a pure, lighter-than-air substance for you to draw upon for answers, solutions and clarity in times of confusion. The Mother God is your divine feminine side, your left side. Your father God is your divine masculine side, your right side. They are accompanying you through each embodiment. They are with you today, this hour, this minute. They are the holy spirit spoken of in Christiandom. It has been blocked from you by lack of knowledge and teachers.
And now the human species is growing and maturing by incoming reincarnating master souls living in the humans who are your neighbors and shop keepers. You are tempted, seduced, entrained into thinking and believing you are of no value, small, petty, stupid. Yet you have the power of the universe at your beck and call if you only knew. It was designed this way. The universe is you as super consciousness living inside of your body. Your ability to take control over any situation that comes your way is how you grow wise and knowledgeable. You manage your own evolution to higher planes and dimensions by studying yourself. The answer lies within. The Mother and Father are with you building you. The ancients teach postures, breath control, visualization techniques and meditation or prayer techniques. That is how one connects to the holy mother and the holy father within. You are in control of when, how, who, and what. You are the consciousness that you are here to explore by choice. You decide whether to access your hot, steamy, lusty, warrior side and act on it, or your gentle, loving, calming, feminine side. Tantra helps you to integrate both sides so that you can experience the love, bliss, ecstasy and rapture, periodically, as you wish.
2/25/21 - The Secret inner life of emotions - Part 1
(I was up late in the night trying to finish the newsletter, which I did today. I am asking DK to be my guide, mentor, friend, to work through my hands, fingers, body. I am open to his guidance and ask for it. I feel DK calling. This newsletter is important to get out. “The inner life of the emotions”. I felt DK very close, he was strong around me. He wanted me to send this.)
Not many people realize that the sun is an active portal to source. The light from the sun is actually love - divine love. It is an ancient secret being revealed in these days. You as a feminine being turn your consciousness from light to love, unconditional love, undiluted and uncorrupted. This is what connects you to others - not the light but love. You make the shift within you unconsciously. The shift is done within your own mind and consciousness. It is not the light that connects you to others as you have supposed. It is what you take from that light and own for yourself.
The light is knowledge universally distributed to everyone on the planet. You take from it what attracts you. That is what becomes love. You actively make the connection to love by yourself. The shift is done with your own mind and consciousness. You are the one who deciphers light and translates it into love. You are the one who manifests your ideas about love. You are the one who affects the change from light to love. Each person must translate the knowledge they receive in their own way. The language of light is the language of love when it is owned and embodied by the resident who lives there. Very few are doing this. Write about it. Write about this in words that can be understood. It must be delivered whole, in natural words, not diluted words. When you put it through your human filter, you dilute the wholeness into personal wisdom. You make it concrete, solid and real for you, as an individual. But it is uniquely yours. Others must do the same.
Mankind learns about love through the returning energy of painful karma. It is the law of the circle. That which goes out from man comes back to him in a continuous cycle, repeating itself until he applies the power of love and forgiveness to wipe out the karma of the past. He receives knowledge through the continuing flow of light from the sun, which is a quickening vitalizing force. Esoteric teachings put this quickening force into words to lead mankind into further understanding about the healing nature of love. The light of the sun is an evolutionary force as well as a quickening force, as can be seen in the forests and animals. But for man this knowledge must be consciously internalized and utilized before you can burn away the pain of returning karma.
Karma is composed of threads and residue from the past woven into the ancestral DNA. To clean that karma a man must take up the inner work on himself. It is the application of his consciousness that performs the magic. His consciousness is powerful when applied with concentration on love and forgiveness. Karma is contained in the lower emotions. Love melts the negative karma of the past by embracing it and not fearing it. This work requires effort. It requires time in solitary seclusion, away from the distractions of the outer world. By entering into calming periods for purposes of following certain techniques, such as reciting affirmations and visualizing positive mental pictures, a man can transform his life. By repeating 30, 60, 90, 120 or more repetitions of a simple affirmation while holding focus on a healthy mental picture, the subconscious is influenced in a peaceful manner. It is a gentle method of transformation. The man himself designs the affirmation and the visualization. He should not follow someone elses suggestions. It is his own higher consciousness that guides him for he himself is the only one connected to his spiritual guidance forces. He IS his own higher consciousness.
Love does not concern another person, as most people think of love. Love is not about interaction with a lover. Love from a human perspective is a conundrum. Two people can fall in love but love cannot be captured for long because love cannot be imprisoned. The two people falling in love can hold it in their captivity for awhile but it does not last, at least not in the initial intensity of the first coming together, because love is the vastness of eternity. It is all that is. Love can't be contained in a small enclosed area. It needs to flow. Love needs to be everywhere and connect with everything. The love that has been brought into the physical world by two people who fall into rapture together with each other, will burn itself out unless it is moved and expanded upon to include others, for that is the reason for its existence. If it does not move freely, naturally, spontaneously, the human who tries to hold it back by enclosing certain manmade boundaries around it, will suffer. He or she must let love flow freely or the vessel which tries to hold it stoppered like in a bottle, will wither and die. It must flow free.
Lovemaking, what we term when bodies come together physically, can be experienced in ways beyond engaging the lower frequencies and parts of the physical body. As we allow love to expand it rises further and higher to more rarefied levels, and we find ourselves expressing that fluid aliveness and stimulation with joy. It is so natural and so free between open-minded peoples that it brings inspiring new food for thought, new experience, new adventures, advancement, collaboration, sensations not previously known. If we curtail these expressions of aliveness that are naturally spontaneous, we die the slow death of boredom and stagnation and ultimately old age, disease and death. For it is the non-physical river of life that keeps the body alive.
Today the culture is exploring non-monogamy in various forms. This is good, but it is still tied to the lower frequencies which we call sexual expression. We focus on the lower parts of the body as if we must somehow find a secret contained there. As if it is the one and only purpose of our existence. While there is an attempt by some to break free of this limiting focus on sex and the physical, the universal law of love is one of unity and integration (integrity), not resistance. Mankind has been embroiled and stuck at the first two chakras for billions of years. Man longs to be free and rise higher on the evolutionary scale but it doesn't know how to do that. Mankind as a species is currently working through the process of understanding many things. It does not understand about love. It understands about sex but not about love. The sex expression has become such an important element for human beings that it has overshadowed all the other elements of its higher nature, of love, of courage, of enlightenment, intelligence, reverence for all life, of caring, kindness, purity, truth, peace, nobility, elegance and there is more. Much more. The soul has been impoverished and imprisoned by this extreme focus on the physical.
It perhaps has not been considered that meditation is a concentrated focus on love, but that is indeed what it is. Meditation or solitary contemplation is an act of self love. It does not concern the outer world or other people but in the long run it enriches one's connection with the world. Meditation is a generator of love by focusing on emotions. The inner life of emotions, even low, sad, troubled emotions, is a beginning relationship with the higher self. In the growing relationship with the higher self, one learns about love because the higher self is love, divine and eternal love. Through certain meditational practices one generates inner love, though in the earlier stages one may not call it that. The mind is obtuse at first, perhaps skeptical. But meditation is an inner journey. It is like turning around and looking in the opposite direction from what one is accustomed. The perspective is different. But it is like holding a magnifying glass over dry grass in the sun. It creates heat and then fire because the inner self is dry and malnourished and ready to be ignited.
One must do this for oneself. It is a decision to try it out. To look into it. Spiritual practices are all about love. It may seem selfish at first to corral yourself alone in a room without anyone else, but it changes how a person feels. It influences and enriches his life starting with his emotional life quickening certain locked in emotions and becoming sensitive to what they feel like.There are techniques that can be learned and followed. Techniques change through experimentation. It brings peace to the soul because the soul has been waiting for a long time to be recognized. If an inner technique does not feel good at the end of a session, then it's probably not being done correctly. The proof is in the pudding, they say. And the proof here is in the level of peace and sense of fulfillment when the session is done. The quality of love is felt as betterment, refinement, sense of purpose. There are many words to define it. A person may train many hours a day mentally and/or physically without accessing his emotions, and that's OK. There are different purposes for taking up a discipline. Maybe they are training for a sports event, or for a mathematical quiz. But mind and body training is only two-thirds of a three-part spiritual path. The third aspect is feelings and emotions.
When feelings and emotions are left out of the training, there is something missing that fulfills a human life. The three aspects of our normal life that we use every day is mind, body and emotions. These three are aligned through meditational practices. When mind, body and feelings are integrated and aligned together the triad is complete: love, wisdom and power as the masters keep reminding us. The three first chakras help us access love, wisdom and power through our emotions, mind and spirit. It is by joining mind and emotions that we cultivate our spiritual power the power to create change in our personal life. It is through the emotional aspect that love enters human affairs. Emotions register the flow of life as it moves through us. What moves the river of life through us? It is a mystery. We don't understand. Vitality picks up in us when we are happy and droops when we are sad. Emotions are the secret aspect to who we are. They tell us what is happening within us. We must learn to read our emotions.
Meditation techniques teach us about our emotions when we are turned inward without being distracted. It is our emotional life that is our river of life. It flows through every cell of our body and feeds us with the vitality to keep going, to stay interested and enthusiastic about life. Loving emotions boost our excitement and sadness depresses us. We lose interest. We are a mental race that has forgotten our emotional life. The courage is lacking to admit to our emotional state. The culture has firm rules about not expressing emotions but it is a requirement of the soul that we not only face them as they occur, but allow them and be honest about them to ourself alone, if to no one else. Emotions are the part that have been missing in an overwhelmingly intellectual race who has lost the ability to form roots to the ground to stabilize us and make us into real people.
A free and joyful emotional life, capable of spontaneous expression, is crucial to the science of transformation which brings freedom and abundance. The highest of all emotions is love. The lowest is fear, terror, agony. But we must not escape the low or run away from facing it. We MUST welcome the fear back into our life because embracing fear transforms it so that it no longer exists. Love is what works this magic. Love harmonizes all that is not love. Love is to be used on all levels mentally, emotionally and physically. For centuries philosophers have debated love intellectually with erudite sophistication, but unless a man is moved to tears it is wasted energy because it doesn't engage the human heart, soul, spirit. When it touches the heart it melts the coldness there and warms the soul and opens doors to higher places. The heart is mankind's version of the sun. Warm and comforting, it sends its healing rays unconditionally out to all within its circumference. The heart is a portal. To find a technique that opens the heart is to find a good exercise to practice daily. It is the key to subtleties that no outer authority can provide. It is self transformation. The desire to serve others, perhaps teach others, to be kind to others or counsel others is a side effect. It can be a temptation and a distraction. We must not be fooled. We are here to serve the love that is within us.
It alone is the answer to our search. It is an open portal and there is no end to how much we can bring in to raise and transform activities around us. We must remain firm to the idea that love leads us to source. Not source high in the sky beyond reach. No. Source of all happiness. Source of abundance. Source of answers, of healing, of health, of wealth, of beauty, of perfect relationships. Love is all there is. When a man commits to solitary practices, he fulfills the longings of the soul, of the heart, of the spirit. No outer authority, book or teacher or ascended master can provide this because we are on our own path of discovery. Everyone else is a friend, a brother, a sister along the way but we answer only to the heart of our higher self. Meditational practice is focus on becoming more conscious.
2/25/21 - Consciousness is the magic! (Part 2 of The secret inner life of emotions)
Consciousness is the magic. That means the mind. We use our minds every day without consciously directing it. The brain just “goes off” and wanders around the skull and latches onto whatever. Go to the bathroom and clean up, shower, etc., dress, go downstairs, pick up things, put away, get breakfast, turn on the computer – all of these things are automatic. The brain and body knows what to do. It’s called “habit”. It’s ingrained. These are not done with much consciousness. CONSCIOUS consciousness, that is. Now THAT is something else entirely. Conscious consciousness is when we focus our consciousness on a specific task. Like when I drop a glass on the floor and it breaks and shatters into a million pieces. Now I have to actually think. I have to use my wiles. I have to make a decision. I have to develop a strategy. The broom? My feet are bare? The spilled milk? Only when we are forced to think with specificity do we use our creative forces. Ordinarily we are on stand-by, doing automatic things.
Love is the power to break the stagnant forces of dormancy and non-movement. Love is not what we thought it was. Love is a laser beam of consciousness. I’m focusing. Love is a focus. Love is a concentration of light. Light is awareness. Light is focus. Light is acknowledgement. Light is knowing something. Love is using that light. Love is a decision. Love takes knowing something and focusing on action, doing something about it instead of sloughing it off to the side for some hypothetical “later”. Love is action with a specific direction. Love is owning responsibility. Love is acknowledging the feeling of needing to DO something. The urge is a feeling. It is a visceral feeling. Many of these urges to “do” something are ignored or set aside for later but they don’t go away. They get stuck. The river of life was trying to get something done and I ignored it and said “later”. So the river of energy got stuck. I refused to deal with it. I refused to acknowledge it. It’s now backed up in me. It’s going to add to the many other energies that tried to come through me and I wasn’t ready and didn’t do them or say the words or make a decision. I ignored the urge and said “I’m not ready” and let it slide on past. But I sent out the message to the universe loud and clear and the law of the circle heard me. “Later! I’ll do it later!” and so it will come back to me. I planted a seed for “later” and it will return later, for me to reassess and make a decision. Karma is made that way.
Stuck energies, failed responsibilities, unfinished business - these have built up in my body and subconscious mind. They weigh me down. To change oneself, one must use love to break the negative hold which causes anger, suffocation, depression and the like. The love devoted to oneself alone through spiritual practices generates comfort and peace. With more love directed to within oneself, one’s body, mind and feeling, one aligns and integrates and creates peace and comfort. When one focuses love on another without having a full tank within oneself, one is going into deficit. One is giving what one has naught to give. But when one focuses love inward on oneself, then the body generates and builds love within. It holds the feeling and emotions inside. It may feel low in spirit and depressed in mood, but with continuous focus on oneself, the higher principles start to activate. Love is truly a power that can be ignited by focusing. One might not think of it as worship, but that is what it is. With such concentration the feelings and emotions slowly start to elevate. Warmth, peace, goodness, joy, bliss and higher. It is like putting more wood onto the dying fire. Without this application of love to self, one feels depleted and needy. Then one must go to someone else to find love.
One of the difficulties people have is disorganized minds. That was a lesson for me in my early life. Before I understood the need for mental control, my mind was easily shattered by disruptions from other people. It was like a broken glass from a shattered mirror. I couldn't see the truth in myself. The spiritual path enhances both the mental and emotional life, bringing them into harmony. A spiritual practice is focus on something that needs correcting, and love is the power to do it. Most people don't understand how to use love or how to apply it. Applying love is a selfish operation. It is inwardly focused to heat it up, to raise it up to higher standards. Practice is required. An hour a day or as personally chosen. Love brings forth inner peace and melts negative cords that hold one back from feeling the love within. Love within is natural but negative threads of past life residue have been woven into the consciousness that are subconscious. One is not aware. It happens to everyone, and the only person who can sweep them away is himself. Nobody else can do it for him.
However there are invisible guides, masters, angelics and galactics who have evolved to higher planes that are watching and ready to assist upon asking. Love is the divine connection to source and all those who have evolved beyond us. There are layers and levels of beings who have evolved closer to source than we are. Heaven is watching. We each think we are alone but each of us has a team of coordinated guidance counselors watching over us. They too are connected to their own mentors above them. The process of ascension is assisted by tuning into and aligning with the love that is available above us on higher planes. This process goes on up the ladder through many layers and levels of consciousness, higher and higher, until the mind cannot conceive any further. It is lost to all sight. But it is not going up as out into space; it is going up in consciousness. There is no "space" to travel through. It is all a matter of consciousness rising to greater feelings of connection, warmth, love and joy, or falling to disconnection, lower levels of fear, pain and suffering. Love is the magic that helps us to raise our emotions. Fear is the negative shift that causes us to lose that happy estate.
By concentrating on loving practices no matter what they are, we are opening to our upline, to those higher in consciousness than we are. We receive information from them when we ask questions of them. The higher up we go in receiving knowledge however, the more we are required to apply it in our daily life. When they give us more rope, we are expected to climb it. If we don't, we become ungrounded. Too much knowledge in the head makes us unstable if we do not "ground" it into our outer life. The way we think, the words we use, the attitude of kindness we present to the world is the expression of the refinement we received during practice. We extend our love outward AND DOWNWARD into the physical life which is the lowest rung, the lowest density on the ladder of evolution. Head knowledge without grounding it into life makes us crazy. Technology is making us crazy unless we extend our loving emotion into it. Then it makes sense. The galactics have learned to do this consciously. They travel in lightships that respond to telepathic communication. That is our future too, if we allow and accept that our emotions - even our low emotions - are valuable and worthy of love, respect and reverence. It is the only way to raise them up, like raising a lost child who is trembling in fear with a long warm welcoming embrace.
Head knowledge needs to be brought down into the body and integrated with our emotional field which is on a lower, denser, vibrational level. By uniting the mental field of thought with the emotional field of visceral sensation is how we build integrity. Integrate/integrity. It is how we build truth, and courage, pride and self-esteem and happiness and freedom. It is the good red road, meaning noble, majestic, regal - head knowledge combined with heart-felt feelings while living a daily physical life of normalcy. I could bore you to death telling stories how I do this in tiny miniscule moments of my day. We have to embody our wisdom so it means something. So people can see it and so we can be examples. We do this by slowing down the pace of thinking, slowing it down, dropping it down into the thick soup of muscles, blood and organs. Integrating thought and feeling. Let the knowledge grow roots deep into the earth body and breathe new life into the body. There are two processes at work here. The life of the mind quickens the flesh, and the density of visceral tissue pacifies the jerky, disorganized mind. Fusion is the unifying principle. It brings a sense of harmony to both mind and body. It feeds the cells and tissues which we call the subconscious, which in turn influences how we behave and think.
Knowledge must descend to become embodied. We can facilitate this process of descension by spending time repeating positive affirmations while holding healthy positive pictures steady in the mind. The body does not discriminate between what is held in the mind as imagination, and what is actually occurring in physical reality. Studies have proven the theory, where half the subjects ate certain foods, and the other half only imagined eating the same food.
Getting back to the techniques of starting an inner practice. Only the man himself can decide how to go about designing a formula to begin a program. What picture to use in the visualization, what words to use, how long, how often, how to create an environment - it is all up to the person himself. My own guide has told me often to keep it simple, not to be too intellectual. Use simple words, not complicated, and do what feels right. What feels right IS right. Too much abstract knowledge cuts us off from our feelings of spontaneity.
A difficulty we all have today is there's so much new information surfacing, both internally and externally through news channels, that we are tempted beyond our own control to chase new knowledge. We are eager to know more. But curiosity kills the cat, they say, and it will certainly kill us unless we ground it by slowing down and incorporating it through inner work practices daily. Bring the mind to virtual stillness so it can become aimless and drift downward, settle downward into the body, into the heart, letting the heart open naturally. The heart is not the physical heart - the physical heart can't open - it's the etheric heart that opens. By bringing the mind to a virtual standstill, the etheric mind and etheric heart slowly merge together.
Our etheric double looks exactly like our physical body. It surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. Every organ has an etheric double, every heart, every brain, stomach, lungs, everything, right down to the cells of each organ has an etheric double. This etheric double receives the life force from source. This life force comes down through yet higher planes and feeds directly into the dense physical body. Upon death the etheric double is sometimes seen as a ghost near the dying person until it slowly fades and disappears.
Knowing about the etheric double makes more sense as we work to unite the mind and the heart. They are already unified on the etheric plane. There is no separation on the other planes between thought and feeling. Mind and heart are separated here in the physical world but not so on the higher planes. We've been educated to be mental beings and to keep emotional feelings at bay, carefully repressed, so that expressing spontaneous feelings of love and happiness and the spontaneous enthusiasm and freedom of youth, such as high emotions, are deemed sinful and destructive. (Part 3 of the secret inner life of emotions next.)
To reconnect the repressed inner life of our emotions with our abstract intellect, we repeat positively worded statements in our mind silently or out loud. At the same time we hold positive healthy beautiful pictures in our mind. Repetition and holding mental pictures as still as possible helps to integrate the message viscerally, organically. Repetition and holding mental pictures at the same time imprints these impressions into the dense mass of muscles, organs, blood and bone. Like pounding a nail into wood, it isn't done with just one mighty swoop. There is needed many swings of the hammer to break through the density. Mankind has become too abstract, too intellectual, too theoretical and too high and mighty for our own good. We have left our feelings and emotions to rot in the cellar like old potatoes. We must reverse the process, open the cellar door and let new winds blow through it. The feeling is wonderfully free. Freedom requires that we let our emotions express the truth of who we are.
2/25/21 - The body holds the love locked up inside! (Part 3 of the Secret inner life of emotions)
Mankind has been literally trapped in the belief that we are solids only, when in fact we are conscious beings of light with high intelligence and we exist everywhere. We've been in prison. We've been fooled. We are spiritual and interdimensional and just beginning to realize it. There is background knowledge, history held locked within us which we call "emotion". Many negative emotions have been repressed and held back when they SHOULD have been dealt with. These are the "demons" that are surfacing now. There is so much power in connecting with emotion that we need to go carefully here. The doors must be opened with tenderness and loving kindness. Love is the most important ingredient to consider and to call into play. By spending “down” time with ourselves, as in solitude and in peace, in what is termed meditation, this repressed power can seep out slowly, and in a lovely manner. This energy is light - suppressed light. Find the light within it. It is very peaceful to do it this way, and very lovely, very enlightening. It is purposeful. Meaningful. Significant. There is a reason why meditation has been encouraged and taught over the millennia.
During this quiet time, quite beyond our control, we adjust to the profundities that are within us. The power that can destroy or raise a planet to ascension is accessed by walking through the doorways of emotion. Innate wisdom is there, locked up, that we have accumulated in past lives. As we take time out in solitude, or while doing yoga or tai chi or similar movements, we access this power but in a gentle way. Not like going on a violent raging rant that erupts when hitting the boiling point. That is the purpose of using words of love in repetition, and holding pictures that represent health and beauty. By so doing we automatically come into alignment with higher consciousness and beings that are beyond this limited world watching and assisting. Ask a mental question and see if you don't get an answer maybe later in the day. Sometimes an answer comes immediately but just ask it and dismiss it. Don't sit waiting for it. Allow higher consciousness to find the opening in your mind. Reach up with the mind, ask the question, and stay open and "up" for as long as you're in meditational mode. We are asking for guidance when we reach up. Then we leave the practice and return to our normal world, we bring the light of that calmness back with us. Carry it with you. Be conscious of remaining open. Slide gently back into the mundane world of "I gotta do this and I gotta do that!"
This is how we sweep our inner terrain clean of past residues that become our karma. Residue of unfinished business that we didn't quite wrap up and be done with it. Karmic debris keeps popping up. It remains clinging in the form of ENERGY. Energy is neutral but what we add to it with our emotions - "it was such a bad experience" - that remains behind. We didn't forgive it and forget. We hung onto it as a memory. This is a residue, a memory, dust from a long time ago. It clings because we didn't have the training we are getting now. This is the age of awakening to karmic debt and how to clean it up. We are becoming aware.
On higher levels we have guides - beautiful beings from the angelic kingdom, celestial kingdom, ascended master kingdom and the galactic kingdom. They are all available to help us but we have to ask. We ask by acknowledging them. That's step number one. Then we dare to ask. We must drum up the courage to ask. So many of us don't think we are worthy. We have very low self-esteem. That's why we puff up our ego and get defensive when attacked. But those who are above us can see the whole terrain of planet earth and us. They see the light within us. They see when a light is in danger and they will be there in the twinkling of an eye if needed. If the call is made consciously or unconsciously, they come in an instant because they see us. That's why we need to become conscious of them. They can communicate with us when we are conscious of them and we call them by name. They are infinite in number but there are a handful of personal guides for each of us who maintain the watch 24/7.
When we are in body we are on the lowest rung of the spiritual ladder because we are tied to physical reality, a prison planet. Here we are kept distracted by dramatic events that are rattling our cages and keeping us off-balance. But it's all happening outside of us. The lesson is how to shut off the negative radiations that are constant 24/7, but remain open to light-filled, joy-inspired positive influences that are also constant 24/7. Our curiosity keeps us attaching to the negative. We think we can help if only we knew more, if only we knew how. This is an illusion. A form of bait and catch. Dangle the interesting stuff out there and see who we'll catch. Curiosity is what bogs us down the most. Those who have closed their minds to certain subjects are doing it out of wisdom. We can't afford to judge someone else. We don't know where they've been, what they've learned.
Feel the love. It is everywhere present. While we each must find our own path, the inner connection from higher guides is done through faith. Trust yourself, not them. If you don't know such guidance is there, then trust your own heart. If one does not have belief, then a man must test it and see for himself. It is a matter of experimentation. Test it and see. To become more efficient in receiving spiritual guidance, one must first join his mind to himself by turning attention inward and becoming peaceful. Stop the thoughts. Put on the brakes. This is a practical mind control. Find ways to stop the thoughts. On the etheric level the mind and body are interwoven together. It is not possible to separate them but mankind has been doing it for centuries. The male patriarchal system is the result.
Man (which includes women) has been training us to focus on the mind only, while teaching us to kill all contact with the body of love, emotion and subtle perception, wisdom, innate knowings, psychic connections with other worlds, animals, water, trees, elements. The multiple dimensions are felt through the body. Sexuality is a spiritual connection because it gives us powerful emotional releases and floods the body with bliss, ecstasy, rapture and enlightenment, at least when it is a loving mutual joining. But it wasn't allowed to be loving and mutual. The patriarchy saw to it that love was removed from the sex act by putting the male in charge over women who need to slow down to feel their emotions.
Thus mankind as a species has been interrupted in its evolutionary process. We've been programmed to not allow the emotions to express, which would connect us to love and the power of a moving conscious life force. We've been put into stasis. We recycle the past continuously, without pause to breathe the fresh air. We have emotions, no doubt about that or we wouldn't be alive. But repressing them causes angst. Angst causes friction. Friction causes arguments and divisions. And artificial egos, not real. We are pitted against one another. Gender against gender. Race against race. Culture against culture. We are recycling the division on every front including political. Where is the love? It has been put on hold. Thus the reason for taking one hour, two hours a day to focus on peace, love and light.
We shy away from intimacy and touch. This is where the feminine body is ahead of the game, but there is a feminine aspect in every person including men. The feminine aspect of men is in his body consciousness, as it is in a woman. That's why females are better at meditating and spiritual work, because their bodies are automatically designed to stay in contact with source, which is love, because love is the power of creation. Love and light holds the galaxies together. Light alone can't do it because light radiates. It radiates and goes out further and further until it finally begins to fade from existence. It takes love to capture the light and hold onto it, and to dwell on it, and embrace it and hold it dear to the heart in a bonding ritual. This is the feminine. Feminine is love. The body holds the love locked up inside the cells because the patriarchal mind control forbids love to be a free-flowing element within the human species. Humanity has been held back. We have been in stasis but we are now beginning to move out of stasis.
While women's bodies are designed to connect with source through their feelings and emotions, men's bodies are designed to connect with the exterior world through their minds. They have the ability to be practical in the physical dimensions. The left side of the brain is built for this purpose - to analyze, think, control and calculate, while the right side of the brain remains spacious and multidimensional. Men and women have both aspects built into their bodies. Both men and women are connected to source and are multidimensional, but women are better at it than men. And both men and women are connected to the exterior world and can be practical, but men are better at it than women. The difference is miniscule but depends on the soul inhabiting the body. The body was designed by the soul for its use in this life.
While genders are drawn to opposites for what they think is release and enjoyment, the overwhelming purpose is to help them balance their energy field. The man needs more feminine energy to maintain his health and harmony, for he is overly masculine. The woman needs more masculine energy in hers to keep her stable and at peace, for she is overly feminine. Romance is a natural way of coming together to provide balance and support for one another as they grow in wisdom and maturity. As they grow older and more at peace with themselves, they lose their youthful energy that once kept them bouncing promiscuously from flower to flower. But they have completed their mission, which was to unify the male and female aspects within themselves. They do not realize this of course. They follow the natural law of attraction. Nature is at its best in the selection process. It is the wisdom of the soul leading through the heart, through love, and it is good.
However, there is a more solitary way to maintain balance between the masculine and feminine energies without romantic or sexual relationships. It has been termed "celibate". It refers to a person who follows the inner spiritual path. This does not mean strictly without romance. The person has chosen, at least in some portion of his life, to focus on spiritual or esoteric studies which don't include sexual interactions. Spiritual practices are guided and may take different forms. This inner connection is made with love that goes beyond human love and may be a part of a couple's living arrangement for one or the other or both. One feels peaceful when one is alone without distractions, and prefers to be alone which the partner understands and agrees to. Each of us is a sovereign being and the challenge is to give one another permission. It is wise guidance to encourage solitary practices.
If someone has never committed to such solitary practices before, it can be challenging to a relationship. My late husband did not know why I needed to close the door on him at times, but he came to respect it over time. He learned by watching me. He said that he did not like to close his eyes and meditate because it was uncomfortable to him. All he saw was darkness. It dredged up terror for him.
2/25/21 - Celibacy & solitary esoteric techniques to restore balance (Part 4 of the Secret inner life of emotions)
For those who don’t have background on meditation, there are some pre-meditational practices to work on. Follow your own feelings but agree to feel them instead of run away from them. Inner sensations tell you things so it's important to stick with it for a little while and listen. Slowing down to listen to a terror feeling is actually an inner teacher. Hold still and let it speak. Don't run from it. The emotion of terror or fear is a release of a misqualified energy. It's a dark energy that is releasing. Inside of it or behind it is something lighter, something more loving, believe it or not. It's something to benefit from. Peace often comes from waiting out a passing fear thought. When it moves on you are freer than you were before.
Like, when you are doing it right there are guides watching you as you assimilate body and feelings and mind and align them together. When a higher connection is made there is a sensation that feels like bliss sometimes, or maybe a slight thrill, or as if you’ve linked up to something "right" and calmness spreads through you. It is peaceful and relaxing, as if you fit into your skin better. Your garment is not so tight. This melting inward sensation is the aligning of body, mind and emotions. Next comes a bleed-through of higher consciousness or awareness of elevated feelings. It is a sacred ritual.
What is happening in such a state, this one is aligning his inner bodies or his inner energy field, with love. He is actually, indeed, applying love to himself. Let this not go unnoticed. It is important to be aware that this is love. Divine love. And he is bringing it forth by his own method and application. He is the creator of his good work. There is no savior but himself. He is the inner lord of the mansion. He has no servants. He is doing it all himself. This is what the ascended masters teach. They assist and advise and they have enormous wisdom, but they cannot do it for us. They simply "lend" us their consciousness when we are open and receptive. We can feel them close. I can.
The chains that have been bred into our bodies through the ancestral blood line were imbedded into us at birth. Sometimes we are our own ancestors born again and we have memories. But they were bred into us through ignorance. Thus, it is through the in-lighting process of esoteric techniques that we begin to erase them and restore our inner emotional and mental life to harmony. The inner path is subtle and subjective. There are many techniques that can be used to launch the beginner in the process. Then the higher consciousness clicks in eventually and starts to instruct through elevated thoughts and feelings. Techniques are everywhere on the internet, but the advice is to select only one or two to start with or it becomes a maze of confusions.
Be aware that all knowledge is mental. It is intellectual and remains theory until practiced and put to the test. It is by consciously trying it out in real life that we embody it and learn from trial and error, and wisdom is gained. One doesn't have to remember every technique we practice. Everything we do becomes an essential part of who we are. It is all there as innate wisdom. When it is needed we find ourselves doing things we never thought possible. We didn't have to learn it because we already knew how to do it. I have become aware of a few past lives in which I trained along certain lines. For a while, whenever one surfaced I tried to recreate it again in this life and body, but it wasn't meant to be. A previous life is not meant to be repeated. I've been there and done that. The surfacing of such memories are the fulfilling of the circle. Just as negative karma returns to the one who initiated it, so does the beautiful moments return that we have forgotten. They are meant to be enjoyed, acknowledged, honored and loved back into oneself to become a greater whole.
Knowledge is light. The brain gets the knowledge and passes it on down to the body - or should. But often it doesn't. Our ego holds onto it. We feel puffed up with pride in our knowledge. The ego feels it has gained something greater than others, but where is the power? The power does not come until it has been owned and lived in the every day life. Walk the talk, don't just talk. Love is how we apply our knowledge. We are so afraid of our power that we hide from it. The power is the power of living the love. It comes forth from the love within. It expresses outward. It radiates outward without your consent once you agree to live the love within. Love doesn't come from someone else. It comes from spending time acknowledging yourself, holding yourself up to higher standards, speaking your truth, daring to become the power that you have been hiding and dimming down so you won't be seen.
Spending time alone in solitude is the practice of focusing inward and then upward. It's not enough to do yoga practices. One has to also open to the guides and spiritual counselors above you. Upward means acknowledging your mentors who are invisible. When we reach up to them by name or otherwise, they are reaching down at the same time. It is to the degree that we reach up that they reach down and lend us their insight. Higher principles, higher thoughts, higher truths, higher purity, higher courage, higher intellect, higher interests, higher faith, higher direction. We direct our attention with a sharper focus on something higher. Mentally saying repetitions of a positive worded phrase accompanied by a visualization - these are your basic, grounded tools to use to get started. This is putting self love into practice. Taking time out to do this. You are valuable. You are not to be wasted. Your life is precious. Spending time with yourself proves this to be true. To spend time with yourself disconnected from the world of gadgets and people, with a virtual "do not disturb sign" on the door. You are not listening to the world now. You are focusing 100% on yourself and upward.
The time I spend during these sessions are very fluid. I have found that I alternate between focusing on a pre-designed list of exercises and open freedom. I allow myself to become lost in quietness whenever it comes upon me. There are elevated sensations within the peace that cannot be captured in words. This is the most desired part of the exquisite inner life. Feelings of love and being worthy and having value and being precious. It seems that I must have an agenda of exercises to start me off. That's the directing force. The concentration force. And then sometimes I go so high in that space that I lose consciousness, and that's OK. I am in good hands and I am returned to consciousness at the appropriate time.
This is what melts the karma. It changes the DNA structure by sweeping it clean. It is the enlightenment process. The person himself is the directing force, MUST be the directing force. It is the intention to do good for oneself. You can feel a quickening when you make such an intention. No one else can do it for you. Many individuals enjoy these inner spaces but don't apply it to their way of life. We are meant to express our inner beauty, refinement and knowledge. Otherwise we remain in hiding. Power comes from living it. I've heard people wonder and complain about why the world hasn't changed or why their own lives haven't changed for the better. They expected it to. But it's not the world we are here to change, but ourself. Expectations need to be reduced in a slow, steady stream, to non-existence. Desirelessness is the fulfillment of life. When we can get rid of all desires, meaning that which entertains feelings of lack and impoverishment, when we can get rid of all that, then we will begin to enjoy the fulfillment of life. It is not up to me how this is going to happen. I don't worry about it. The responsibility is on me to continue to do the inner work and sweep away the rough edges and introduce some new techniques of love, caring and kindness.
Many spiritual people seek changes in the outer world when in fact it is the inner man that needs to change. The onus is on us. Aaah! Just realized that! The onus is ON US. Onus means "burden". Many people continue to seek more knowledge from books and teachers but what they are REALLY seeking is the power to change themselves and bring to them all that they desire. This is something one must work on for oneself. It is in the stopping of the search and the beginning of the effort to apply love in everything mundane and practical. It requires one or two hours a day, or how much one wishes to invest. This is the emotional part. One must deal with "But I don't want to!" It is the hard part. The body wants so many other things. It doesn't want to go into solitude. There are very few who are willing to shut the door on the world for an hour and disconnect from the devices of the matrix.
A man can have a hundred servants to do the manual work for him of cleaning and creating in the outer world, but only he can do the inner work of cleaning his karma and crafting a new life. To do this he must disengage from his servants, stop being "the boss" and become the servant. He must go alone into the wilderness of his own inner trash and debris which he calls his demons, and do the work. He doesn't realize this inner junk has power over him. He keeps them well hidden from himself. But there is an underbrush that he has swept aside as he has swept clean the narrow path he walks every day, and it is still there tagging along with him wherever he goes. This is what attracts the returning karma. It wants to come home to roost.
Now, if he chooses to take on the spiritual path, he must take time every day and sit alone with himself and apply the training of love and mercy to himself. If he feels impoverished on any level, then he must face the impoverished parts inside himself and clean them out for it is attracting flies. This is his unfinished business. The overgrown weeds that were irrelevant to him now become relevant. They are ash and residue which clings to him like dirt. They need cleaning out. He must begin to acknowledge them. He cannot just sweep them away, however. He must bond with them and forgive them.
St. Germain is the one who gave the violet flame technique to us from ascended master realms. The violet is the highest vibrational energy on the color spectrum. It has been given to mankind to use to facilitate change by removing negative energies. Using the violet flame every day is a wonderful technique to use. There is information to be found on the internet. Google "violet flame". It uses affirmations and picturing yourself standing in the middle of a huge bonfire the color of violet. The power of the violet flame is love and forgiveness. The result is freedom. Forgiveness is love in action and it brings about freedom for the soul. One of the negative threads that produce karmic backlash is a subconscious desire for revenge. Bitterness, hatred, refusal to forgive, calls back confrontations with people with similar behavior. The magic of love is that it forgives.
Being alone with oneself for an hour a day and forgiving oneself for ignoring the virtues of the high, high estate locked within - this is love. It is done by sitting alone and facing the debris - the overwhelming debris of negativity that may be present when one closes one's eyes. As my late husband used to say, he couldn't do it because all he saw was uncomfortable darkness. I didn't know what I know today or I would have guided him better. Darkness exists within many of us but to different degrees. It is this that comes up to be seen when one closes the eyes. Maybe a beginner on the spiritual path hasn't understood the process yet. There could be a moment of wanting to run away at first. Perhaps it is a horror that surfaces. I had one yesterday.
I started a hot water bath to take an Epsom salt soak, but discovered to my horror that there was scum all around the tub. I hadn’t noticed it before. We take showers. We don’t get down on hands and knees to feel the surface. I was horrified at what had built up, but because I wanted an Epsom salt soak, I had to deal with it. There was an issue why I needed the Epsom salt soak. So I tackled it with love. I know the principles. Karma comes home to roost in cycles. It was an opportunity to correct an ignorance. Apply love and scrub it away. It does no good to bitch and complain. It’s here now in front of me, getting in the way of what I want to do. Ignorance is no excuse in the vastness of the universal. We are here to correct ourselves. Everything operates with perfection as the template. In the human life stuff gets shuffled off to the side and forgotten, but karma returns it to us again and again, to try again later. It is merciful in that way. Not ready to deal with it now? No problem, it will come back. It comes back at a more appropriate time. When one is ready to deal with it. Trust in the laws of life. It is loving and kind. It teaches us to be kind to ourselves. Don't cry, it is saying to us, you are loved. You are cherished. We will wait for you to be ready. Love is a lesson in being kind to yourself, and learning that someone up there loves you. It's not necessary to face the music today. It can be done later. It will be back.
The application of love teaches us to be merciful and forgiving. And to encourage others to be merciful and forgiving. It is the solution to depression and loneliness. Extend loving kindness and support others who are depressed, and see the depressing lift from you. Lift them up with kindness and see if others lift you. It is a ministering job that we share together. It is the job of healing with kindness. Blend with the depression with loving kindness. Love is a quality that unifies. It reaches out with both arms to give a welcoming hug. It draws in the outsider, the criminal, the unbalanced, the lonely, the insane. It blends with it and lifts it up. The scum of unfinished business gets washed away in such actions.
Love applied as a technique - and there are many techniques - unlocks old energy that has turned negative and debilitating. Love sweeps through it and melts it. It is simply energy after all - energy that was negatively charged - and it bonded itself with the DNA of the body. Love melts negative energy but it has to be applied to oneself first. Many people don’t know that. Love is light and knowledge and most people try to "send" this light and knowledge to other people before they themselves have embodied it. Then they send their human stuff along with it. Most knowledge being passed around today on social media, internet, TV, webinars and such, is brain knowledge. It's good knowledge. Don't get me wrong. We love it. We can't get enough. We go "Ahhh, that's good. That's so good, I'm going to practice that!" But how many do? There are ten more techniques coming at us while we speak the words. Which one will we actually use? Which ones will cause us frustration because we know them but we don't have time to work with them?
It is best not to absorb so much knowledge. Applying love is a selection process. Out of the thousands of beautiful gifts laid out before you, which one will you concentrate on? Which one will you embody? Applying means taking it into your hand and opening the gift carefully and weighing it. It takes manual effort to select one gift out of hundreds in today's world of so much going on. It takes mental discipline to sit in silence and concentrate for an hour on bettering yourself. It's selfish, some say. And yet it is the spiritual path to betterment, refinement, balance and joy.
You can do this for someone else a million miles away if you focus your mind to a sharp enough focus. Holding a mental picture of the person and coupling it with positive thoughts and/or statements will do it. But the first step is to draw forth love within yourself. Love is a feeling. Sweep the inner landscape with feelings of love. It is a ritual that is done every time before prayer or meditation. Before connecting with the higher planes of consciousness. Negatives have built up from lifetimes in the past that we know nothing about, most of us. Ancestral acts that we would never condone today would horrify us if we had the details. These are threaded through our DNA, which attracts the substance of our body.
It is important to realize that you are the spirit and soul that resides in your body. You are not your body itself. You are the consciousness that flows inbetween the atoms and subatomic particles that compose your body. You are the consciousness that flows like a river of light and love through the spaces between the electrons and protons whizzing in orbit. You are the residing force that can change the course of your history. You are the one who can decide to connect with higher and lighter forces and, by so doing, apply love to the negative mine field of human existence.
7/22/21 - The science of personal radiation
(Me: Good morning Master DK! I come to you to ask you to overlight me with your consciousness. I was visited yesterday by friends who introduced me to Mother. I am listening to her on Vimeo digital. She is presenting colors and frequencies. My limited mind cannot accept it easily. It is not comfortable to my senses of sight and hearing, but something draws me to listen. Can you comment on this source?)
My dear lovely child! You are a delight. We have been working together for a long time, as measured in your realm. We have yet more to do. Will you come with me and venture a little further out, beyond what you are entrained into? (Me: Yes!!! OMG! Yes!! Please. I open my cells, electrons, meridians to what is heretofore unknown. I am ready to receive instruction. Please take me further.)
Now, you must listen carefully, with discernment. It is your ability to notice the subtle connections to wider, rarer fields of consciousness. (Yes. I am here listening, thank you.) Wonderful. There is a dull gray-bluish tint to your field, your aura. Can you lighten it? (I did.) Wonderful. Excellent. Now, let us expand that frequency. You have wanted to better understand frequency. Yes, vibration as well. Let us speak of frequency first. As you are listening to me, your “thrill” as you might say, diminishes because you are listening. You are on pause, listening. During this time that you are on pause you are not radiating [the thrill, goosebumps or chills]. (Ahhh, yin versus yang? Right?) Yes, when you are in listening mode, you think you are in feminine mode but that is not a correct assumption. It is simply being passive and open, allowing information to enter into your field. Your WHOLE field. You are not using your mind as a censoring device. You have dropped your filters, your veil, your screen, your curtain. You are receiving me. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is genderless. You are the consciousness of the Creator, a child of the Creator. You are learning lessons as you listen to my words and allow them to enter into your field simply as they present themselves on a moment-to-moment basis. You are the one who controls your opening and closing, your pause button and your action button. You can stop the listening at any time and push the action button. You are the one in charge. It is no more complicated than that. Do not think “feminine” vs. “masculine”. The radiation you just did several minutes ago was a test for you to see for yourself how to activate your power. When you are on pause, listening for example for Doug’s whereabouts, which you do often, you put yourself on pause. You are openly listening. You are not actively radiating your power outward. You are listening and receiving. Do you understand? (Yes, I think so, working at understanding.)
Then the next step for you to consider taking is to activate your power and radiate. Now, what is this radiation? Try it again please. (OK, I did. I radiated. Q: Does this influence Doug when I do this in his presence? Am I taking away his free will? Am I overcoming his free will and shutting him down? Please tell me. I’m excited!) No, you are not overcoming his free will. You are correcting him. There is light of the creator in him but he has been influenced by the outer world of others, the 3D field of lower, slower, limited vibration. Sometimes even overtly false information. These negate and dim the light in him. When you say, “I want to serve the light here on Earth” it is your mission, your job, to radiate light. When you radiate light, it is how you change your frequency. It is the “thrill” that you have discovered and have wondered what it is. This is the stepping up of the electrons of your four lower bodies – your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and unresolved past life energies. These are sped up when you radiate or step up your frequency. This radiation moves out to influence those around you. It is the light that you are radiating direct from your source. It is your decision to act and move yourself out of passive mode into radiation mode. The power of this action is your God creator power. When you are in pause you are not using your God power. You are listening. You are here in an earth body to use your God power. It is who you are. You have been brain-washed to think of yourself as a submissive feminine but men have been brain-washed too. It has been done to keep you, the human race, passive and disempowered. Feminine and masculine is a false teaching. Do not accept this concept. You are not a feminine being, neither are men masculine beings. You are whole consciousness beings capable of being human AND God consciousness at the same time. Your belief has been divided into two separate genders falsely so that you feel friction and cultivate arguments. This disempowers you so that you think of yourselves as weak and undervalued. Both genders feel disempowered and weak in the presence of the other gender.
You have made the blend, the integration, but you have been hesitating to use your God power, your source power. You do not radiate your power. It is because your human consciousness feels disempowered. It believes you cannot survive without Doug or a man to support you. This is an erroneous belief that you were implanted with. It is a lingering fear in you. This is the path of feminine submissiveness. It is the human side of you. Now, choose to activate your God powers. You think of these powers as masculine but they are not masculine. They are your powers. You yourself have this power within you. This is a radiation you feel as a “thrill”, as you say “goose bumps” or chills. When you initiate this power yourself, you raise your frequency. You pick up the speed of your electrons. Otherwise you hold your powers in a default condition, at a slow and steady vibration. Everyone has a default vibration which is the sum total of their consciousness at peace, on pause, in a state of receptivity. It is the state of their soul evolution to date. You are a quality of God, an attribute of God, a child of God. Your consciousness vibration is kept at a low frequency when you don’t radiate it, meaning when you don’t move it or activate it. Learning how to activate your frequency, tapping into your “thrill”, is unknown to the average person. It is a technique. You may teach it to those who are ready to receive it.
The vibration of consciousness can be experienced at a low frequency or raised to a powerfully quickened frequency. It doesn’t matter what the consciousness is. It could be positive or it could be a negative. Wherever the consciousness is, even that which is clogged with anger and violence, can be sped up to a loud noise or held down to a low level so that it goes unnoticed. One who is of a more pure and positive nature, who maintains compassion within his field, or gentleness, or freedom, or truth or – yes, love, mercy, forgiveness, tenderness - these can be held down to a slow low vibration by lack of understanding, lack of training or education.
The difference between frequency and vibration. A slow compassionate vibration in peaceful mode can be overridden by a negative vibration that has increased in frequency so that it is expressing louder. Even though the negative is a lower vibration, the peaceful vibration is overridden because the negative vibration has been quickened or sped up to a higher frequency. The person who has activated their negative vibration radiates that anger as chaos, while the peaceful person who tries to calm the person with a low vibration of peace doesn’t work. The default vibration of a soul doesn’t matter whether it is positive or negative if it is kept at a low speed if it is not radiating. It is when the person speeds up (activates) their electrons and starts radiating it that they increase their frequency. You know what an angry outburst looks like, but is it a negative outburst or a positive one? A person with a positive compassionate vibration confronting a negative situation can be just as loud as a negative one! A very loud positive confrontation can appear like an angry outburst to onlookers, if they are not fully apprised of the corrective action taking place.
The vibration is the default program of the soul. But it can be kept so quiet that no one notices it. It is only felt and seen when the person speeds up (radiates or activates) their power. That is the power that has been taken from you through divisive manipulations. You think you have no power to change things but you do. Very much. You have the power of the universe in you if you knew how to active it. The soul in you can hold centuries of blocked trauma which makes it insufferable and in great pain. When it lashes out it is releasing it. It must lash out because it is hurting him to hold it inside. Education of that soul would help him to understand. A soul with a positive-leaning momentum may think that it is helping situations by staying low and peaceful when in fact it is not helping but condoning the negative situation. A peaceful prayer does not help as much as confronting the angry person with a powerful light-filled person. Those who say nothing are condoning the continued action of the angry soul who has taken control.
A positive leaning person such as one who is maintaining peace at a low steady level in her home because she doesn’t understand this spiritual science, can be overridden by another person in the same household who has quickened his vibration to a faster-acting frequency. So that this other person who is more negatively leaning, who holds anger, for instance, or blocked energies from past lives and doesn’t know how to deal with them, shouts out and overrides the gentle person who is gently holding peaceful intentions. This other person who is clogged with debris, is cloaked and blocked, and does not understand why he is so angry. He must be purged of his blocked energies. He has a momentum of anger or rebellion built up in his body. Pockets of thick energy are lodged in his tissues from his past. Or it could be simply from disorganized DNA from his parents or ancestors. Without education this person with non-peaceful vibrations can speed up his electrons and start radiating angrily. In addition, the environment in which he lives may provide similar energies which add to those of his own. This boosts his own anger to an even higher power.
The peaceful person who doesn’t understand the science of radiation doesn’t have the ability to override such chaotic energies. It is not in their past training to do so. They will not override their peacefulness until they learn how to quicken their frequency. How to radiate, which is a spiritual skill that is learned. The peaceful person may attempt to neutralize or tone down the anger in the other by holding steadily to peace, and this may work, but it also makes her submissive to the angry person. She will feel submissive. This lesson is needed to be told about radiation. Until the peaceful person learns how to radiate or quicken the electrons, they are not very effective. This is what you are learning here. You are learning about the power of boosting your radiation, your action power, what you formerly called “masculine” power. It is not masculine, nor is it feminine. It is the God power in you. Until a person learns to do that you will remain over-ruled by those who are louder. Do you see? (Yes, I have been doing exactly that most of my life, trying to “will” peace or “pray” for peace to those I lived with, hoping I could change them, thinking it was feminine.)
Yes, you have. Now it is time for you to learn this very valuable lesson. Thank you for asking. You have received an upgrade with the help of the Mother which you viewed on the video today. You already knew how to activate the Power. You called it “the thrill” or “chill” but you did not understand what it was or how to apply it. (Is this the origin of yin and yang?) Yin and Yang are human terms, created by humans living in duality. The enlightened person who is truly enlightened, would not see it as two separate forces, or two separate functions called yin and yang or masculine and feminine. A truly enlightened person would recognize themselves as one consciousness, one God consciousness operating as needed in any given moment. You are God Source Creator who has been de-fanged of your power because of the mind-control that has been existing in the world for centuries. It has divided the oneness in two separated halves. You are one consciousness with the ability to go either way - into silence or into powerful action at any given moment, by choice. That is who you are. You have always been that. You are the Creator God who is never in form but exists in the no-form state. You are abstract intelligence moving through a flesh-and-blood body, a vehicle for purposes of affecting change. You are waking up to this fact. Intelligence is pure love and light which you have vowed to serve and protect, but you have been made submissive by the limited education which you were cultivated with. The form life has become too powerful with its physical senses taking full control. These override the simple voice of the Oneness that you are in reality. Meditation and prayer on a constant basis is the way to return to wholeness. (Am I OK doing what I’m doing during my morning sessions behind closed doors? By not following a printed out list of exercises?) You are beyond the programming stage. You are learning directly now from source. You do not need to have a list of exercises to follow and check off each day. (He is smiling, ready to laugh but holding it back to a smile!)
(Me: Thank you, Master DK! Love, love, love.)
12/10/21 - Receiving is the greatest lesson of all
Receiving is a truly blessed sacred gift. Once tapped into receiving, you receive the scepter, the power, the glory that you have kept at bay outside of you, walled off. Receiving is the greatest lesson of all. It is easy to push outward your wants and desires onto those around you. But to RECEIVE from those around you? That is the pearl of great price that has evaded those searching for this mystical quality. You see, YOU are the quality. You are the receiver. You yourself are the quality of receiving. You are the stillness. Your ability to receive has been denied by you. You closed it down. What do you think meditation is designed for? What does it mean to “go into the silence”? Becoming still and not moving is only the first step to the long-desired goal.
The holy chalice refers to emptying yourself so that you become hollow, void of desire, void of illusions, void of expectations. The search is over. You give up. You yield. You surrender. Do you know what this means? It means you connect into the oneness. You become the oneness, the eternal oneness, the sea into which ALL rivers must eventually flow. All individuals must in the end offer up their accumulated wisdom and knowledge to the allness and in return they are joined with the power of the allness. We call it “the Harvest”. The separated individual pushes himself outward, ever and always outward, over the mountains, down into crevices, joining with others in adventures building and creating and fighting together in form, but never receiving, never listening, always facing outward, forgetting the reality and the beauty of the inner life, the father of life, the mother of life, the ONLY life they have that fuels the adventures. We pay no attention to that which fuels and nourishes us by the minute, the hour, the day, weeks and years.
We are blessed with this holy Presence which inspires us but do we acknowledge it? It is the beginning of the turn-around to acknowledge the Holy Presence which is the eternal flame, the fountain of youth, health and strength that never goes out. It cannot be extinguished without terrible, awful works done over multiple lifetimes of embodiment. Even then, one is given one last chance to turn around and acknowledge the Presence within, before that light withdraws permanently. The turn-around from facing outward to facing inward and acknowledging one’s Holy God Self, the Presence, begins with listening. Stop and become still. While there is nothing to see at first because focus is dimmed, remain in the stop position and be alert. Ask. Ask a question and listen. Don’t expect anything. The practice of listening is being alert. What was that sound? What was that flicker? What was that fleeting thought? It’s gone now. Remain alert. Remain open. Remain receptive.
Imagine a funnel opening upward from the top of your head, opening up into the space above you. Picture the sun brilliantly shining overhead. You are coming through the sun. You are a ray of sunlight entering down through the funnel into the top of your head. Perhaps it is only a single ray or perhaps an avalanche of brilliant sparkles raining down on you and some of them are caught into your funnel that you have built. And the light flows down into the main trunk of your body, your spinal column, and goes down into the ground beneath your feet and on down to the crystal sun at the center of the Earth. Be open. Receive. Listen. Allow the power to enter into your blood stream, nerves, tissues, organs, revitalizing your body.
8/10/22 - The Dweller on the Threshold
[My dream was confusing, trying to understand something from the DK book I was reading. I couldn't decide where to focus my attention. There is a pull between the soul, my spirit, my eternal self and the earth, so I decided to ask DK when I woke up. This is what he told me in answer to my confusion:]
It’s the crown center to focus on. This is the Dweller on the Threshold of form. No, not above the crown, not in the soul chakra which is above. This is outside of form. To stay in form, you need to stay focused on the crown. It is a sphere of light at the crown. To enhance understanding of something going on in your local reality, your physicality, unite the crown with the center of your head, which is the head center. The head center precipitates in the pituitary gland. This is NOT the Ajna center. The Ajna center is projected out from the center of the head to the front of the forehead. It is used for “sending” or directing, like a laser beam. The head center is not the Ajna center. The head center is the combination of two centers in the head - the crown center and the third eye. Combine these two, unite them in frequency. To work with the physical world, use the brain plus the solar fire which is the Presence of God, the Dweller on the Threshold. This Dweller is the divine will to be in form. It is half way outside and halfway inside the skull. The soft spot on a baby is called the fontanelle.
8/18/22 - Your lower body seeks the light
[In the middle of the night I am wide awake, stimulated with ideas. I went downstairs to type out my thoughts. I asked DK, “Why do I feel cut in half?” It’s at the level of the diaphragm. I have been feeling this a long time now. I thought there was something wrong with me physically. First a thought comes: if you feel something wrong in you, turn that thought upside down. Ask “what is right in me?” So asked the question, what is right in me that this feeling is trying to tell me? His response:]
Your body is trying to show you that you are made of two substances – spiritual and of the earth. One is the old and incomplete yet, the other is eternal and forever. You are spirit living temporarily in a form body which imprisons you. You can feel the sensation in your lower body as deadening, dull, the tendency to die, the end of life energies, as you call it. But the upper part of your body is on fire, as you say, you are inspired, enthused, awake, aware and allowing for the best and the positive. You are pulling on the lower energies. Your body is showing you this.
There is love-light particles in your lower body, in your physical body, and there is love-light particles in your upper body, your spiritual body. You are trying to make sense of it. You are trying to “fix” your body. Don’t “fix” it. Celebrate it. Enjoy it. Be in love with all of your life. Let reality govern your every thought. It is the positive. Stay always in the positive and you will call your diamonds home. Your atoms, your atomic particles are full of love-light. You are home when you are in love-light. Yes, the sex is the problem. You have known this for many years and have tried to write about it, define it, explain it to yourself and to others. It is holding back your hugs. Define it and describe it.
The Treatise on White Magic will help you define it. It is an attraction to the earth body that is not complete yet. There is more “earth” in them than light. You are to move your consciousness of the light down into the earthy particles that are lonely and separated from the wholeness. The love-light in the physical body is seeking your love and your acceptance. It wants to move to higher ground. It is seeking love-light. It is attracted by the love-light in your upper realms. It wants MORE! Allow your love to encapsulate or go down – consciously go down - into the dense physical without losing your spiritual connection. Repeat that sentence. Allow your love to encapsulate into the physicality without losing its spirituality. Explain this.
8/23/22 - Stay ALIVE! Stay EXCITED!
[This was at the tail-end of other messages from DK but I thought it was just me rambling. His consciousness has blended so well with my consciousness that I have difficulty recognizing when he is talking. How could I have missed this beautiful wonderful reminder? Hmmm. I've been noticing lately the difference between excitement flow and simple energy flow, or lack thereof. There's a difference.]
Don’t hold back. Life with a capital L is the aliveness in you. Keep it loving. It will take you into rest periods. It’s not the staying physically busy or active. No. It is staying ALIVE. Let life flow. Let LIFE flow in you and through you, keeping you alive. The LIFE in you is the excitement that keeps you alive, the creativity in you, keeps you enthusiastic about living. When you are ALIVE you are excited to be alive, whether you are resting or moving or working or sitting and talking or reading, it is being ALIVE that is your fun. You want to stay excited and enthusiastic whether you’re lying still and relaxing or moving about. Find that LIFE in you . Notice when it is there, and when it is gone. Stay in the aliveness of life. Keep it active whether you are resting or moving. LIFE is LIFE, not dead or dull.
Impatience is the gremlin in the works. Don’t project ahead of yourself. Stay in the moment, stay in the center of the moment, the center of the spine vertically, or center of your heart horizontally. The downfall of man is feeling SO good, SO alive, SO real, that he jumps ahead of himself and gets impatient to get to – where? Where is he going? He is not “going” anywhere. That is the problem. He is leaving his aliveness when he projects away from himself, out in front of himself, or behind himself thru remembering the past. Aliveness is here in the moment of action,
He gets impatient, Impatience cuts the connection to the life force of aliveness. Don’t disconnect.
11/26/22 - An introduction to the etheric body
[This was first posted in my personal blog from my journal, until one day I re-read it and recognized it as a channeling from the Master DK. It often happened that way, being inspired and receiving excited words of inspiration and thinking it is my own personal consciousness. Later I realized it was DK speaking. I woke up with a dream still playing out. Trees that were dying because they lived too close to each other and couldn't expand their auric field, and one particular young man 16 years old, who was weakening from living too close to his family who were crowding him. He didn't have enough individual space in which to grow and didn't know what to do about it. And other jungle scenes showing trees unable to support the wild life which lived in them. I recognized the message was about the etheric body and that I needed to start writing about it, it's over-due This is that message.]
The etheric body is the understructure for the physical body. It is body of vitality which feeds physical power to the physical body. It is the substructure - or the infrastructure you could say - of the physical body. It supports, nurtures and feeds the muscles, nerves, bones, blood and organs of the physical body. When the physical body becomes weak, it's because the etheric body has become loosely connected to the physical. It is connected through the nervous system which is fed by the nadis, the currents of light from the meridian system of the etheric body. The etheric body is sometimes referred to as the soul in religious or spiritual terms, but it is not so easily defined since it is not an object like the physical body. So it doesn’t matter what name we call it, it is more important to become educated and understand its role in our life. And why it is important. Every physical body has an etheric body underlying it, or better put, OVERlying it for the enery is coming down into the physical, not up from underneath. It is the energy body, or the vitality body.
The etheric body is physical. It is made of physical atoms and electrons, but these particles are spaced further apart than in the physical. They are on higher, more rarified planes and therefore invisible to our eyesight. Except to sensitives, such as clairvoyants. Plus anyone might see the bluish glow surrounding a tree, plant or person in the growing darkness of evening hours if they are relaxed enough. The physical body is more solidly compacted together. The etheric body is the gathering space of forces composed of random atoms and subatomic particles that wander around in the atmosphere and attach to a person's auric field. Here they ripple their presence through the person as either a heightened thought or a chill of something foreign or negative. The etheric body is a space around the physical body into which settles floating energies from the atmosphere. They either settle there, up close to the body, or move on. This is the reason we need to become aware of the etheric body. It is an influence on our lives. It impacts us with whatever energies it has collected.
The ether ic body is also known as the etheric double. When the body dies, an exact replica of the person can be seen by sensitives for a short time time after death. The etheric double acts like a reservoir of bits and pieces of the planetary life that is constantly moving through the atmosphere. These energies pour into our auric fields under forces we are not aware of. There are many forces. Too many to identify. They are like clouds of subatomic matter that are loose and wandering around, and are attracted to someone with similar thoughts and feelings. they are simply part of the human collective worldwide, and through atmospheric currents they are present at all times. When they come into close proximity to us, they become either lodged in our auric field or they may be repelled by our awareness and move on. Our auric field on the outer perimeter attracts these energies and if we don't repel them, they move closer in to our physical level and then enter our nervous system. Hence, feelings "out of the blue" that descend on us and we don't know why. The etheric body, is loosely referred to as the aura. It is referred to as our soul. It influences our moods and what thoughts we think, what choices and decisions we make, how much vitality we have, for they can suck the life out of us and drain us without our knowing. If they are negative energies, they are parasitic in nature. They are hungry for the living life force because they are negative energies, meaning below the 50-50 balance line or neutral line.
It is worthwhile painting a picture of what a human body looks like to a celestial being or master. Our solid bodies are only a small part of who we are. The body itself is embedded inside a large sphere which, on the outer level is pure white light and love. It is not physical light, it is intelligence. The pure white light darkens by degree the closer it gets to the physical body at the center, which is the emanating source of the darkness. The soul who is inhabiting the human body is what the masters monitor. They know every living soul on the planet and where they are on the evolutionary path. The physical body is the solid at the center of the sphere of light, like the yolk inside an egg.
Running through the sphere of light, ever darkening toward the center, hair-thin lines of crystal pure white light weave like a spiders web, seeking to connect with the physical nerves, but there are obstructions. The pure light is available to feed into every cell in the body, except there are false beliefs in the way. The etheric body is a moving, heaving, fluctuating reservoir of forces surrounding the physical body. Composed of forces and influences from many sources. Some good, some bad, some indifferent. As a person thinks are these forces attracted into his life, thought and feeling. They are brought in by himself. He sucks them in, as if through a straw by his own thoughts and attention he holds with his feelings and moods. These then affect his psychology, the way he thinks, the way he feels, his vitality or lack thereof, his weakness, his musculature, organs, bones, hair, teeth. The etheric body is the infrastructure that supports his physical body and presence on Earth. His etheric body builds these forces into his physical body, to either vitalize it or wear it down because the majority do not know. This is a new-age science that has only barely begun to be revealed, studied and experimented with. Energy workers are starting to put it together but science is lagging behind. The physical body literally feeds off of this fluctuating, moving cloud of forces that surrounds him. He feeds on it through the day and through the night.
All through the physical body and stretching out into the sphere of darker light that surrounds him, are invisible threads of pure white light. This is the invisible network of nadis and meridians that run through the etheric body, that carry crystal pure white light, the crystalline light of perfection. The acupuncturists put needles into certain points on the body to open blockages and let the light flow through better. The darkened light that surrounds the human being is contaminated because he hasn't cleaned it up. Humanity is on the brink of discovering the process. Once pure, the sphere of white dazzling light of pure intelligence has been filled with wrong thoughts, wrong feelings, wrong assumptions and conclusions. These wrong assumptions have been carried over from lifetime to lifetime building a momentum of evil into the world from which we are in the midst of turning around. The new golden age is upon us and ascension techniques are everywhere available to those with eyes open and minds alert. Understandings need to be cleared up, but only the individual can do this for himself. Further information is needed to understand how this works.
NADI is a Sanskrit word from the ancient practices of the Eastern tradition. The nadis are microscopic threads of crystal pure light which link up and connect with our physical nervous system. The way to strengthen the physical body is to strengthen these connections to the etheric body. Expand awareness to include the spacious aura that surrounds the body. The body does not stop at the skin level. It is not just physical. It is bigger and extends further out beyond sight. The trick is to expand awareness by using imagination - mental powers. Imagine a more spacious field of light surrounding you like a radiation or a higher spectrum of light that you can't see. It is invisible. Image your brain stretching and growing lighter and brighter. It takes mental effort and imagination. It is within each person's ability to grow himself or herself lighter, brighter and larger beyond physical eyesight.
Visualize a light sphere interpenetrating the physical body and extending out around the body at a distance of two or three or even four feet beyond you. Visualize a particle, molecule or cell within the body with a sphere of radiating light around it, an etheric light. Each physical cell is a living thing - science tells us that - but science does not tell us about the ethers or the etheric double. Science is behind the times! The etheric body exists beyond what science can prove. It lives on and on and on, into higher and ever higher planes of life. The physical brain is a mere shell of what lies behind the brain and supports the brain. It is like looking at an ice cube and not realizing that it is melted water and, further, it is a condensation of other, finer material.
As you mentally picture this graphic picture, your brain is receiving the picture. YOU are the creator of the picture. YOU are the master of your body. YOU are the one who is educating your body by opening to the "more" that is above and beyond you. This is how we program our bodies with more information. The brain is expands and becomes more attuned to the new information. It absorbs this new information. New synapses are built, gaps are filled in, understanding takes place. "Ahhhh, I see!" Refinement takes place as the brain "gets it". We need to program our brain and help it to grow and widen its understanding. When the brain can comprehend the idea in abstract, soon the body will register symbiotic feelings. Connections between the invisible world and the physical world will take place as relaxing, endearing, softening feelings. We melt the two worlds together and our understanding expands. Relax and breathe! Enjoy the show. Enjoy the feelings of melting into harmony. The body is getting it too and enjoying the soothing, interrelationship. The crystalline light from higher planes of life is penetrating into the physical cells.
The more we practice visualizing, the more blending takes place between dimensions. The lines melt and dimensions become closer in harmony. From ancient days this process has been known as the Christ. The Christian religion assigned the word to one single gentleman 2000 years ago, but was known prior to that period. The word "christ" means crystal. Their are crystalline threads of pure light running through our etheric body, coming down from higher planes, and entering into our physical body. We can help it along by picturing the process and reading up on it. More info is becoming available.
There are other, not-so-nice forces also gathering in the etheric body. It is not all pure. We have built up mistakes and errors over the many lifetimes of living in different bodies. So now, in these so-called "end times", where the mass consciousness is shifting from dark to light, the technique being offered is to expand awareness to include the surrounding space - the auric field. And bad influences we nip in the bud before they take hold and settle down into us.
We receive forces from many sources. They are attracted either by affinity - the law of attraction - or by close proximity. Many clouds of energy are randomly passing by in loose, fluid state, the way chaos passes in a storm or a flood. There is chaos around. People are spewing restlessness, anxiety and confusion. Thoughts of fear and depression. What matters is to change the dark to a positive note before it settles in. Become aware. Scan the auric field. You can do it for a loved one if your partner(s) are not aware of this technique. Do it silently without speaking. Use the inner science of magic - imagination. Become attunded to the subjective world of perception and knowing. Become aware when a negative enters your field, your mind, so you notice it. Don't dismiss it. Rather transform it by replacing it with a swarm of loving thoughts. Sweep it away with love, or kindness, or whatever benevolent word you prefer to use. It's a mental vacuum cleaner. You will notice the difference soon enough.
Subatomic particles of energy are electrons, misguided, mismanaged electrons that are alive with life. They seek a home. Someone who will give them a resting place. They flow in currents. They are attracted to and pushed around by larger more potent forces. Some are good, some not so good, some downright negative. These are random particles seeking a home. They gather together when they find others like them. They are little conscious entities that have a life. They too want families to live with. If you like them, then give them a home and welcome them. But if you find them uncomfortable, then change them with a sweeping force of powerful love. More positive, agreeable thoughts, that make YOU feel better. So many people are unaware of how powerful positive feelings are. They are the measuring rod. Listen to your bodies feelings of goodness vs. bodily feelings of badness. Don't let badness coagulate and settle in your auric field, else it will enter into your physical body through the etheric body.
If you are not managing your thoughts in your mental body and giving them direction, if you are not discerning which ones you want and which ones you don’t want, these particles will accumulate in your field. When you become aware of them and you take charge over them, then you are helping yourself to stay strong. You are guarding your auric field against invasion by negative forces. It is entirely up to you WHICH kinds of influences you want to entertain in your etheric body, your infrastructure. That which supports you or that which weakens you. Again, you are receiving forces from beyond your control, so it is up to you to be responsible for keeping your etheric body clean and positive. Transform the thoughts you don't want, or they will become physical and emotional feelings you don't like. Your substructure is the infrastructure of your physical body. It is no different than the concrete foundation or steel girders of your house. Because the etheric body is invisible to eyesight, this has not been part of our schoolroom education. Traditional classroom education has been restricted to the old way of "believe only in what we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste."
The etheric body is the space around us that is held in place by our own unique and personal energy signature. Our permission allows them to settle, whether we are ignorant of the process or not. This energy field supports, feeds and maintains our concrete physical body and gives us vitality and power - or takes it away. It is the universal force that we draw on. It is time we understood what "universal force" is made of. It comes from everywhere. It is up to us to discern what "universal force" we allow to settle in our field, and which ones we want to expel. The negatives suck the life out of us and weakens our muscles, blood, organs, nerves and bones and gives us disease. The majority don't even know, let alone make corrections and follow exercises to strengthen it. It is the reason for yoga, meditation, self-improvement techniques, becoming more universally acceptedthan ever before. These are consciousness-building exercises to take the place of pharmaceuticals and drugs. Self-enlightenment recipes hold the power of change. It is inner work. As someone visualizes and becomes consciously aware of their etheric body, they start to notice things they never noticed before. The knowledge seeps in quietly, like a thought out of the blue sky. Like a sponge absorbs water. The forces start to talk to you. You become aware of the good ones and the bad ones. You become more knowledgeable about your energy field. You start to improve your energy and your vitality. Cultivate a belief in this by practicing it. Otherwise it is just abstract theory.
Become familiar with the forces that influence you, especially the forces that you don't like. Change them and substitute a BETTER force. Which ones are you allowing in because you're not paying attention? Start by paying attention. This morning after I did my usual preparation (shower, etc.) I sat down in my usual chair to begin my morning practice, and my chair spoke to me for the first time ever. It said "Good morning!" to me in a subjective kind of way. It was the first time I heard that. It told me I am sitting in my "thinking chair". In my thinking chair I start receiving voices in my awareness. More bleed-throughs. My awareness is so open now that I have almost too many to remember them all. I am now forced to switch them off and go into the silence. Otherwise I would become bogged down with too many ideas. All good ideas but I seek the place of peace where the voices stop coming. And the peace starts replacing them.
You become more discerning. Always there is more to become aware of. It never ends but YOU can stop it anytime you like. You are the authority over these forces. It is time to realize that. You become more conscious of other entities or energies coming in - both good and bad. It doesn't matter. You can take control over them and shift your mood. Maybe it’s a shift in physical feeling. Like for me today, after eating Chinese food I had an immediate abdominal reaction and spent the next hour back and forth to the bathroom. I forgot. I had this reaction before from Chinese food. It could have been a psychological reaction or an emotional reaction, but this was simply a physical body reaction.
Maybe forces enter your awareness like a strong dislike. It just strikes you distastefully. Or anger strikes out of the blue. Or hatred. Or fear. Fear is a biggie. Instead of wondering where it came from, don't analyze it. Change it. Love it. Send a wave of overwhelming love at it and wash it away. Maybe a warning strikes of danger, or suspicion or jealousy. Instead of wondering where it's coming from (and who to start watching out for) change it. Change it with love. Love is the balancing force for everything awkward, distasteful, uncomfortable and - yes - dangerous.
Love is all there is, as Marcus is constantly saying. Love is ALL there is. And the masters and celestials say it too. Over and over and over. It is what keeps the universe orderly. The planets are classrooms. We come into embodiment to learn more about love and how to apply it to situations we run into. Love is all there is. It's the greatest tool and technique ever made available. How to use it requires individual experimentation. Various energies are striking our auric fields all the time. They are all different, and some are truly dangerous. They can suck us in until we forget what we are here for. Humanity has not been aware of these insidious forces until very recently. The wars have been telling us, and the pandemic has been a blast in our faces. But we are starting to get it, aren't we? There are negative forces everywhere. The most dangerous ones are at first sweet and kind to tempt us. The technique for overcoming them is forgiveness, mercy, kindness and overwhelming love. This sweeps them away. Negativity does not like love and kindness!!!
Negative forces are even out there in space, as we are told. And they are inside of us too. When we hold onto sin, shame, dirty thoughts, angry thoughts, we are holding onto energies that do not belong with us. We have to sweep them away with loving kindness for ourselves and others. We have been told by the religions that we are sinners and should feel guilty, but it is untrue. Love is all there is! There is a sphere of dazzling pure white light all around us and which runs through us in tiny strands of living light. We live in a sea of eternally pure white light. We are a unique, one-of-a-kind child of pure white light and love. Light is information, love is what we do with that information. The piece of information that was missing in our training as young children was about the etheric body. The space that surrounds us is the gathering place of subatomic particles of light that are floating around aimlessly. Some good, some bad, some in between. They are fluid and fluctuating under various forces and sources. It doesn't matter what they are or where they come from, we must expand our consciousness to be aware of what is influencing us. What energies are striking our minds and feelings. And take charge of changing them on the spot. Change them into love and light. Strange forces surround you without your realizing it. Take control over these forces. YOU are the one in control. Or should be. If you are not in control of these forces, then you are susceptible to being continually influenced by outsiders controlling your thoughts and feelings. Don't be led. Be a leader of your own sphere of light that you carry around with you.
This is the battlefield to be aware of. Consider this before going tp a doctor to seek a prescription drug. Not to give up your prescription drugs but to become aware of your OWN powers alongside of the prescription drugs you may currently take. In the religions of the world the etheric body was referred to as the soul, a vague unknown term until recently. We are becoming wise to the vagaries of the religious past. You are the landowner of your physical body. It was given to you to take care of it. Again, you were never told about the etheric body being a collector of forces. Become a wise and good steward of the land of your body. You own this piece of land. Notice what is growing in it, or below out of sight, beneath the surface. You can improve on your own health and strengthen it, by nipping a growing negative force in the bud, before it has time to take root. Before a doctor pronounces a word that puts fear into you. Disease has become like religion, people believe in sickness. Can you imagine believing in sickness? It is time to put an end to belief in wrong thoughts. It is time to end the downward spiral. This is about becoming educated. Health is a science, not witchcraft. Techniques and classes are becoming more available by the day. Listen to them. Choose one that appeals to your sense of rightness and comfort. Try it out. It is YOU who are the final authority.
Learn some words to speak out loud. Affirmations. When you say a word out loud it changes the energy in your immediate sphere of influence. Try it out. The “I AM” affirmations are statements of a positive nature. They are called mantras and chants. Oming is a universal sound to use, or humming. Aum (OM) means “I AM”. It affirms I AM as a self-conscious being. It means simply I am what I am.
1/1/23 - The ancient agenda of the male: sex stops the flow of love
(During exercises I had a huge downflow of a revelation. I spent an hour writing it out and asking my higher self for confirmation. She responded. This is the I Am Presence, not DK, talking to me, but they are one and the same as far as I am concerned. I share this information openly since these revelations affect most of humanity. Putting pen to paper I am writing out my sudden revelation - asking, questioning - is it true?
(Dear I AM, Is it true that an orgasmic release is an abortion? That it kills and prevents the cosmic fire from flowing upward to complete its flow? An orgasm – a FORCED orgasm that is, as when I did it with the vibrator because I couldn’t have one without, was that an abortion? Did it indeed kill the flow in me that the loving had begun? Then I kept doing it all through my swinging career. I started with feeling the love by hugging and embracing the people. Then I felt the love flowing as I embraced people with the closeness of their bodies, but then as I interacted with men, I was encouraged by the men to use the vibrator and to have an orgasm. I forced the climax on myself. I kept aborting the love flowing through by having an orgasm?!?! Oh my! I am just now realizing. Is this true? Killing the flow of the fire of life and forcing it back down, to hunker back down, to retreat, to stop the flow, the eternal immortal fire of LIFE that should have been allowed to flow upward? I kept having the orgasm and forcing it OUT into the 2nd chakra and that ended the flow right then and there. Is that right? I am questioning the validity of that revelation. It stopped the loving flow from happening and going on up further and completing its flowing. But, and this is a big but, perhaps my soul directed that? To keep me, my outer body/personality focused on THIS world? To keep me local on the planet in the physical matrix, in the 3rd dimensional matrix? Is this why it happened? And why I kept saying over and over, “I’m tired of this? I don’t want to do this any more?“ I kept journaling that over and over. Oh my God!!! Please will you give me some words of advice and encouragement?”)
(My I Am Presence responds:) "My dear one! My lovely beautiful daughter! I have brought my two beautiful daughters together so they may support each other and carry on the work that is the work of the ages – the work of bringing love into the solid concrete world of form and matter. Both of you are ready to pick up where you left off, together now. Each of you are NOW ready. You have each had to find your own way back to Source – YOUR source. Not someone else’s source. You are your Father’s child. I am your Mother who guides you thru the thicket; the solid matter constructed by the zealous male. Yes! The zealous male is on fire with zeal. Look up that word. [means great energy and enthusiasm] It is an important word to keep in mind. Now you are noticing your hunched-over shoulders as you write my words, and the stress is mounting because you are holding your body stiff in a locked-down position. Give yourself a break. Go! Do your physical movements and let your source move through you. Let the waves come forth, as the grandmothers gave to Sharon [McErlane, Net of Light]. There must be a rhythm to the flowing and ebbing.
Ebbing is the resting time. Be at rest, and then allow the flow to come again. Rest and flow are natural cycles. Allow them. Recognize them. Become conscious of them. Use them constructively. And yes, you are correct. Exactly correct in your recognition that you yourself terminated the flow of love by using the vibrator to orgasm. You did it to reach the desired goal. It deadened the flow – dead-ended the flow – brought the flowing energy to a finish. And this over time caused your anger, your frustration to build up. The flow stopped and became blocked. It dammed up. Backed up. Became squashed. Electrons became squeezed together and uncomfortable. They came into pain. The electrons are alive with the fires of life and you stopped them from flowing. You KNEW the flow of love needed to keep flowing. You knew this and you knew it was real, but you bought into the agenda of the male, came under the pressure of the male. You allowed it. YOU were the problem. YOU allowed this to happen to you.
The ancient agenda of male works by focusing his attention on an outcome. He does not need or want the female around when he is working. He has forgotten to be in balance himself. He has become out of alignment and backed up with stress and tension himself. So he seeks the female for relief and release. Then he needs the female as a receiver for his stress and tension. It is by focus that the male is able to carry forth their plan to build concrete worlds. For love would not have allowed the concretization of matter into structured form. Love would have allowed the electrons of fire to keep moving and flowing, refreshing and staying light and liquid. It is an unbalanced world that you entered, to bring forth love. It was the Plan to enter the world of unbalanced concrete form and release it with love, by flowing love. It is the plan of all the souls who are born of love, to release the blocks that obstruct the flow. You have come to dismantle the concretization. You have done exceptionally well, my beloved sister friend. Use your sister friend Trisha to complete the flowing of love. You will know what to do. You are One. We are One, you and I." (End)
1/13/23 - Ancient light trapped in the body, Earth's kundalini
[Inspired by going into a clean room to lie down. No swirling energies from other people. I started breathing cleanliness thru the seven chakras. I realized that I get tired because of the dirt that sticks and clogs me. Draw on the ancient light in your body. Do not let the tiredness stop you. Don't stop at the door. Transcend the pain and the tiredness. Be bigger than the pain. Draw on the ancient light in Mother Earth's body, your own body, Mother Earth's kundalini.]
Yes, the planet has kundalini, it is the ancient light trapped – or is it stored? – within it. Ancient light is kundalini force. It is the holy spirit force, the ancient light embedded into the soil, clay, rocks, mountains, rivers, oceans. You are here to recognize it and WAKE IT UP! It is not dead. The light cannot die. It is eternal, immortal, infinite. Wake it up. Reclaim it. Claim it as YOURS! Make it yours. Be the new Earth. Be the new power. Build on the old. Others before you built on those before them, who built on those who came before they did. Now YOU add your light to those who have gone before you, adding your light, adding to light embedded into Earth’s soil of the past. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out but send it home again.
Now, here is the key, the crucial key that is often missed. You can only send the light home by connecting to it and lifting it. You are from home. Connect home with the Earth planet that is in you. Earth was built from light from home by a continuous flow of souls being born here from home. They left their light here, behind them, in their corpses as they decomposed. The light never goes out. The light of the electrons that built the bodies and sustained the bodies, that light never goes out. Do not let this light of your ancestors and predecessors go out. Connect into it, add to it, send it home by lifting it up, by consecrating it, by sanctifying it, by appreciating it and lifting it up and recognizing it as holy and divine. Lift it up to the great Father Creator of it all, the One Infinite Creator.
[Me: Is the creator light going down the outside of the body and the mother light coming up the inside of the inside? Or are they both going up and down through the central spine? If so, how is this possible? What do they do when they meet each other? How do they get around each other? What happens then?]
No! I am answered. Creator light from above and Mother light below don’t move at all. They are in stillness. It is your consciousness that is doing the movement. You are growing in awareness. You are becoming aware. You are sending the light home through your conscious awareness. All that you are reading in the John White book is enhancing your understanding. Your conscious awareness is doing the movement. You are moving your awareness up and down. Creator light and Mother light are always there, in silence, built into you.
2/1/23 - Law of harmony vs. laws of separation
Following the laws of harmony vs. following the laws of separation. The universe operates on the law of harmony or synthesis, whereas mankind has been operating on the law of separation. When you massage Annie [referring to my friend] you allow a blend to occur between her energy field or radiation, and yours. The normal human ego respects another person’s radiation and does not interfere with it. He or she stops short of blending with another, which allows the boundary to exist between them. The law of separation. There are hard edges between one person and another. It is called respecting free will. Look up Symbiosis. Symbiosis is the tilting of the law of gravity in favor of blending separate fields, whereas the law of gravity pulls toward the center of each, not allowing a blend to occur. So tilting the law of gravity is a way of blending and merging people’s individual fields. The flash event is when everyone will turn toward the law of harmony and away from the law of free will and separate boundaries.
2/16/23 - About sacrifice
(Dear Master DK, what should I do with this confusion? Should I give in to my giving nature and continue to sacrifice my own agenda to help X? Her energies at times feel angelic to me but then she has all these problems and I get the feeling she is creating her own mess. I resist her then. Is this right? Should I resist her or not resist her? Should I support her anyway? I am confused. DK responds:)
Sacrifice is only in the front end. The spiritual path unfolds out from there. You may find it a sacrifice of your personal pleasure, giving up your immediate comfort, but the personal sacrifice does not last forever. The rewards come sooner rather than later. Sacrifice is the momentary yielding of the hard shell of personal ego – that which has been artificially laid down on top of you shutting out your divine self. You have been on the road of recovery of that which is your highest good. You are nearing this that you seek. Tomorrow is your day of choice. You will know what to do when it is time to do it. Your friend needs assistance. Will you deny her? Of course not. It is your personal ego that is fighting back and resisting. It is feeling the pangs of sacrifice, not you! You do not sacrifice – you follow the creator’s instructions. Your creator is the one who desires to help her, not your artificial ego. Your ego is in competition with your friend's. Your personal artificial self is the one who feels sacrifice. The Creator does not. The creator flows with the needs of the moment and YOU have offered to be of service, have you not?
(Me: yes, I have accepted this as my mantra, so OK. It has been my ego that is rebelling and saying “Enough!” It is feeling the pangs and is resisting?)
Yes!! Know the difference between source and your own ego. Is it not love? Love does not resist, nor fear for what it imagines it will lose by sacrificing its petty pleasure and comfort.
(Me: OMG! You’re right! Thank you, Master DK, for straightening me out. I was getting all tied up in knots. Thank you. Is there anything more I should know?)
No, my child. You have received my message. You have done well to ask and not allow this knot to linger.
(Me: I am ashamed of myself.)
Do not hold that thought. You have corrected it. Let it go. Let it flow. The end.
2/21/23 - Kundalini as the pouch of infinity surrounding the coccyx
[In the night I was awakened at 3 am as if being called. I went across the hall into the meditation room and rubbed, stroked and tapped my body all over, then sat and wondered what to do next. I then connected with the stars and started receiving revelations.]
See how the infinity flows and grows from the root chakra, the kanda, the mother flame. There is a pouch of infinity surrounding the coccyx. Actually it’s just a piece of consciousness. It doesn’t have a shape or boundaries around it. It’s a piece of perfect, a piece of the Oneness. It is you, your own spirit spark, or spirit pouch. It is your eternal soul. At conception in your mother’s immortal womb, implanted by your father’s immortal seed, you as an immortal spirit spark came to Earth. It immediately attached to Mother Earth’s spirit spark of immortality at the center of the planet, and became one with her. Her father is the Sun. There is always a mother and a father in form life.
Mother Earth’s immortal spirit holds you to the form life so you can live, breathe and grow a form around your spirit spark. And so the cells start dividing and coagulating at conception, and start clinging together. They are under the guidance of an immaculate intelligence. You are a baby spirit spark in this particular form that is being built now. You are an immortal consciousness as a spirit spark, but your body is not. You are conscious intelligence building a body. You are here to build the perfect form, so perfect that you as an immortal consciousness can thoroughly enjoy it! Forms have the capacity of pleasure. Forms come in diverse shapes and sizes. The opportunity for creating and feeling good in a form living with other forms has yet to be explored and experienced to the maximum degree. This is because form life gives SO much pleasure that the spirit spark expands and expands through the process known as nirvana or samadhi (a total bliss-out), until it jumps out of the form and returns to the ocean of love and bliss from which it came. It is referred to as “home” by the beings in form.
Now let’s talk about the mechanics of the spirit spark and how it distributes through the form to keep it alive. The celestial infinite consciousness is now seeded on Mother Earth to grow this form. There is a main channel, the spine, which grows up from the tail bone where the infinity pouch is located. This spiritual pouch of infinity and immortality is called the kanda, or kundalini. From this location a solid channel is built that runs up to the head, and two solid legs grow down upon which it walks on feet on the earth. The spirit spark of immortality is located at the center of the form, the hub of the wheel so to speak. And it is a sphere. While solid earth cells build into the recognizable form of a human being, the spirit spark which is doing the building radiates outward all around, 360 degrees, like a light bulb radiates a room or a space around its location. This light is conscious. It is called an aura but most people do not see it with their physical eyes. It is a piece of the infinite sea of life out of which all forms blossom forth. All forms are seeded by the same piece of oneness or immortal perfection.
The sea of life grows together to higher spheres because of the wisdom each individual spirit spark is contributing in its journey through matter and finite form. All are seeded and drawing from the same sea of perfection. Now, once stabilized in form the process begins of circulating this life-giving intelligence through the channels that were prepared for it to flow through. The design is immaculate. It knows exactly how to flow through the human form, for it is both father and mother God flowing now through the little human embryo and baby. It builds the perfect baby human and gives it birth. If the mother and father were masters of form, the baby is perfect. But all form life is contaminated from former experiments of right and wrong action taken. The errors are inevitable in building the perfect form and these errors need to be corrected. So life is lived again and again to correct what was a mistake in the last life.
Meanwhile the forms come and go. They die and get buried in the earth. Science refers to errors in a person’s body as faults in the DNA. This comes from prior form life of the parents and also of the baby. All form life is seeded by an immortal spirit spark intelligence experiencing trials and errors as a form. The spirit spark does not have a form in its original state of consciousness. It is simply aware, conscious and intelligence without a form. It has no flaws yet whatsoever. It is a pure spirit spark that comes forth through birth to experience playing on the fields of the planet with other spirit sparks. The spirit spark matures in understanding through form life.
Planetary life, i.e.,form-building and form-enjoying, is an exciting project for creator. Creator is the immortal oneness, the everlasting one. It breaks off a piece of itself and creates little spirit sparks through intention and directing thought in its own way. It directs it downward to give it birth in matter. It slows it down by descending the vibration, so it coagulates and becomes clumped together the way water freezes into ice. However it is always a piece of perfection. It cannot lose its immaculate perfection, which has been called the immaculate conception. Immaculate conception does not refer to Jesus of Mother Mary, but of ALL human beings. All humans have an immaculate perfection in their beginning. They just cover over that immaculate blueprint with false information, or errors and mistakes, which must eventually be redeemed or corrected and “fixed” so the original perfection can radiate freely.
Now, safely born on a planet again in another new baby body, the spirit spark begins once more to familiarize itself with this new form. On planet earth we are human beings. On other planets the forms take on different shapes that do not necessarily look human, but may look somewhat humanoid. There are many different species being born and experimented with in the sea of eternal life out of which we ALL emerge, consciously, into form life. The baby form learns to move its hands and feet, mouth and voice, head and how to eat and how to reach and respond to sensations of touch, both the good touches and the not-so-good touches. Different energies that come within range. It can feel energies as if they are its own energies.
Now, look at how this little piece of perfect circulates through the body. It must circulate or it will not be able to breathe or pump blood or walk or talk or activate the vital organs that the form needs in order to be a living form. The geometric center of the human body is the tail bone called the coccyx. The spirit spark which is NOT FORM but consciousness, is located in that area of the coccyx, which is called the mother flame. It radiates up the spine located within the backbone, to the head activating the brain, and travels down over the forehead and front of the body activating the organs as it flows downward. It makes a side flowing trip out the arms to the hands and fingers, and back again to the heart, where it continues the downward flowing below the heart, through the stomach, intestines and reproductive organs, feeding them with life force. At the sacral area it divides and flows down the outside of the legs to the feet and back up the inside of the legs to the coccyx area again and repeats the circulation system of infinite energy up the spine to the head and back down the front.
Now, when it reaches the head it is joined by the downward flowing of the individualized father God, called the I AM That I Am. There are many names, so don’t get hung up on the name. It is the Father consciousness which has given a piece of itself to this new spirit spark, called the son or the first born. Son meaning also daughter. The flow of infinity is the life force of the human being as the human form grows and matures from babyhood to adulthood and old age. But old age is only a matter of not feeding the form properly. We do not have to go through old age if we know how to keep our infinity flowing naturally and spontaneously, without thinking. We don’t have to “think” about it, we merely need to become conscious that we are eternal immortal consciousness flowing through an otherwise blind, dumb, senseless robot of an earth body.
We, the spirit spark who lives in it and makes it move, breathe, walk and talk, are the life force. We do not know that yet. We are getting ready to expand into that knowledge and say, “Ahhhh, Ahhhh, so that’s what it’s all about.” And we will wake up to this knowledge of who we are. The desires that flow through us are the desires of the one infinite creator. We need to become conscious that we are one and the same consciousness that flows through ALL of our friends, families and strangers we meet on the street. We are ALL one consciousness. What makes us different and unique is our HUMANNESS. Our human form is the unique part of us. But underneath the form, behind the form, the consciousness that flows through us is one and the same consciousness as all of our friends and families. We are different because we have learned different skills and taken on different attitudes. We are different because we have spent lifetimes, over and over, many lifetimes, being human. Sometimes these lives were lived on other planets, not always on Earth, but humans live throughout the universe, along with other species that are not exactly like us.
So it is that we are here to learn how to maneuver and master these bodies that we find ourselves in. As you can imagine there are some pretty precise details that the spirit spark must learn and master in its day-to-day living. These details have already been designed by master intelligences far beyond us – those who have mastered their OWN bodies a long time ago – but we must learn them, study them and spend time flowing consciously through them to feel grown-up and sufficiently able to master our “coming and going” in our bodies. Ascended masters have already done that and they don’t have to repeat being born again. They ascended to a higher plane but they are “on call” to help us and guide us. They commune with us telepathically, on higher thought realms.
This is one of the functions that we mortals need to learn how to do, how to use our higher consciousness to communicate with other beings telepathically. We need to learn to trust it. To believe that it’s really happening. We must gain confidence in our mind-to-mind silent communication with others. Our intelligence is constantly flowing through our form and we are largely unaware. We are in the process of becoming more aware. We are becoming more intelligent. More sophisticated. More learned. And feeling more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. As we feel more at home in our bodies we feel more peaceful and more serene. We find ourselves making decisions better and with more clarity. It is not that we are smarter than the others around us, it is that we are becoming more awake, more aware, more conscious.
Other things we are becoming aware of if we meditate, all along the spine there are smaller channels branching off, called nerves. We have a complex nervous system called the tree of life. Infinity flows through these channels to activate and feed intelligence to the organs, the spleen, the liver, pancreas, the glands, kidneys, all the organs in the body need to receive the circulation of the life force, the intelligence that is actually US. We are the spirit that enlivens our body and keeps it alive with our attention, with our alertness, with our caring, with our directed thoughts. As we “think” about our bodies so our bodies quicken and become alive and thrive under our tutorship, our mentorship, our mastership, our caring. When we don’t know that we are the immortal life force flowing through our bodies, the bodies die from lack of attention. They grow old, weak, diseased, and chronically ill. There are ancient systems that are being rekindled today in broad public forums, teaching these methods of awareness and wakefulness.
We are being resurrected from a deep sleep of not knowing anything about this. We are being woke up. The immortal intelligence which is us is quite aware of itself, but we think we are “just the body”. We are not. We are so much more. We are the life of the body. We must now learn to navigate it from the INSIDE. Not go to the doctor to take pills. Continue taking pills but do start to learn how to maintain your body without the pills. We will be learning how to navigate the smaller channels and see where it goes. When it reaches there, when we are tuned inward and listening inward and feeling inward, we receive revelations in the form of visions and feelings of bliss. The feeling of the spirit moving through our organs and muscles and blood, is sooo soft, so sweet, so tender, so refined, so light and airy, and so loving that you could swoon and faint! It is so beautiful. It is called nirvana and samadhi in the ancient teachings of India.
And when it flows through the brain it enlightens the brain and the brain cells blossom like a thousand petaled lotus, a common phrase used in the Vedic scriptures. We will learn how to maneuver through these tiny channels and cells and go out through the arms and notice where the elbow bends, and where the wrist and fingers bend, and how the legs bend at the knees and the how the hips work, and the ankles and toes. We learn by FEEL that WE are the ones moving our muscles to cause the walking. We used to take our bodies for granted that it already knew how to operate, but it grew old and died without our understanding that it is US who keep the body alive. We are learning through lifetimes, many lifetimes of first-hand experience. Soon we come to the realization that we can manifest a body anytime we want to. We do not have to be “born” through another human being such as a mother.
The people living near us today have lived many times before, in different cultures, in different parts of the planet. And other planets too. They have all developed knowledge of how it works and are now better able to move it more skillfully and efficiently. But there is so much more to learn. And yet there are pleasure sensations that distract it from exploring further inward, alone, by oneself. It is more fun to go out to play with the neighbor kids and have fun dancing and exploring and learning the ways of the outer world. It leaves the inner exploration for later.
4/1/23 - Women talking to men
[Before sleep I am super alert, too high. I can't sleep, asking what to do about it. “Trees” I am told. “Roots”. Breathe through the feet.]
A full moon is growing. I can see it through the bathroom window. At 3 a.m. I am seeing in my mind a clear night sky and a ray of light coming down, entering, or trying to enter, the top of a human being but it can’t get through. The human is filled with gnarled knots and roots. The light is trying to pierce but it’s clogged. We’ve got to learn how to flow the light, how to push the light out into expression and manifestation. How? Let’s talk. The words start flowing.
Breathe in through the skull, breathe out through the feet. Push!!! The clogged bodies are suffering from being all gnarled up, twisted into knots. It is causing insanity, distress, turmoil, disease, death. Push the light through. Push it on through. The light. Flow it. Use the picture. Send the picture out to the people showing how the light comes down into the top of the head. Show the dweller on the threshold, half in and half out. Describe it. [I see and hear drums and rattles, chanting, oming, light language.] Don’t try to be sophisticated. Yell out loud. Primal scream. Massage, touch each outer, play with each other. Have a sex party Don’t be dainty about it!! Inhale through the skull, exhale through the feet. It’s the divine feminine coming down, trying to express through the body. It’s the women who need to express, to do something innocent, natural, what comes natural to them. Express the purity that is coming through, what is pure love spontaneously. Not for others, but for themselves! Dance, sing, make noise, put hands on, play, laugh, enjoy the sense of moving free, laugh have fun. It’s the divine trying, trying, trying so hard to be free in women’s lives but they’re all clogged up with male root systems. Like our drainfield was clogged and new pipes needed to be laid down. Let the waters flow free. Forget the men and their approval. We don’t need their approval.
There are two kundalini forces. One coming down, one coming up. The men in their role of building forms and structures out of wood, concrete and iron, condensed their life force by cutting down the downward flow of divinity. They cut off the holy kundalini from heaven. It’s how they created the form world and eventually were guided to cut off the love. Evil entered the world then. They coagulated and densified the atoms into a structured form. Men have forgotten how they did it, how they once received a downward heavenly graceful flow from the sun. It is the women who remember. It is in the women’s bodies and tissues that the memory is contained, the knowledge of this remains. Women are still connected to the divine flow coming down. They have to be the ones to bring the light back to the form. Bring the graceful loving giving happy life force back into outer manifestation.
All the stories about the holy, heavenly kundalini in scripture form are from the male perspective. The stories are stuck up there in the ethers, in the heavens and can’t get down into the physical bodies. Women don’t have to write it, we don’t know how to write it, but we know our own stories, we know what we feel and we know what we experience. We don’t use our minds to describe it, we use our feelings to describe our feelings. The men try to make the kundalini rise UP but they need to bring the kundalini DOWN. The only divinity they know is sexual orgasm. They discovered it by raising it up in certain practices, but they are missing the downward flow which is the feminine flow. If they had the feminine flow to tap into the downward-upward flow, they would find wonderful feelings. The women can do that for them with their sweet natural innocence and love, but men twist it.
Men don’t know about this. We need the men. I need him. I love his strong body, it is a male body and I love it near me touching me, but it is not HIM that gives me what I need. I need him to RECEIVE me, listen to me, be silent when I speak to him, to allow me a place in his space. He shuts me off and does not receive me. I want him to RECEIVE me, to open up his inner heart and soul to me and receive the innocence, the sweetness, the divinity that is in me, I want to share this with him and I want him to receive it so he feels it. But alas. He does not understand and he shuts me down. I need him to receive, to open to me, to hug me, to hold me and receive me but he does not. Sleeping alone, partially away from him, is causing me to clear my clogged root system. I am seeing clearer and receiving more downloads.
We need the men to hear us, to hold us, to embrace us heart and soul and hang on for dear life. Feminine love is the saving grace. Free-flowing love. Not all women are free-flowing love, but there are a few men who are free-flowing love. So it’s not a gender war. It’s up to the individual, where he or she is on the scale of awareness of wholeness. By and large women are the saviors of the downward direction of the planet. They (we) can halt the stuckness and make it move and flow. Stuckness causess coarseness, crudity and meanness. When the divine feminine is flowing again you will hear us and feel our warmth and our naturalness. You will receive the warmth and naturalness in your OWN body too. Open to receive the divine masculine within yourself. Allow us to be free and move in and out and around you, wrapping our love around you, our charm, our chanting, singing, laughter and happiness, so you may germinate and sprout the same in you.
We are sirens yes, and we are tempting you. Do not shut us off. We will spark your life with a livingness you have never felt before. Open your heart and mind and bodies and let us pull you out of the mud that sucks you down the rabbit hole. As I begin to drift off to sleep again, I see the pictures of women sharing their husbands with other women friends. They are free flowing. Back to sleep I continue to breathe in through the skull down through the spine down through the sacrum, legs, feet and earth to the center of the earth. Pushing it down into the earth. Inhale it down, exhale it up. AhHA! An old memory surfaces: "Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out but send it home again."
4/21/23 - A lecture by DK
(I've been experiencing dizziness, disorientation and off-and-on inner trembling lately. Today I was trembly after getting excited and googling the Bandas, so I lay on the table and immediately got a lecture from DK.)
You’ve been trying too hard, forcing, seeking, trying to find a way to calm yourself by looking in the wrong direction – outside yourself - when it is the divine power that you have already discovered. The divine is within you. The kundalini Mother flame is the divine sacred energy within you. THIS is the energy, the power that you are striving to bring into your body through outside, enforced activities. Rest! Stop! You’ve already got it. You have the knowledge. Relax into the knowledge. Hear what I am saying. Be still. Relax. Know that I Am God the Mother in you. Master this force IN THE BODY. Don’t go outside of the body. Don’t go too far inside either. Keep it in the neutral position in the body. Remember to cap the top of your head. Raise the root by heating up the root. Bring the bliss, the rapture, the nirvana, the samadhi into the body while you are IN a body!!! Master this. Later, when you leave the body you can go home again. This is what the ascendeds do! It is not enough to know these things but you have to stop doing things that waste energy in meaningless diversions like trancing out! Going into space more than staying in the body. It’s an equal balancing process. Not to focus so much on the body that you lose your ability to go out to space. And vice versa – not to go out to space so much that you lose your ability to stay in the body. It is 50/50 precisely in balance that gives you energy and clarity, precise clarity, reality clarity. You draw on infinite power and you USE the power for constructive purposes, i.e., benevolent purposes, proactive and being considerate of others. Actions that build and help.
4/25/23 - You are not a body but a sphere of light
[I wake up hearing words in my mind: “You are not a body but a sphere of light, of consciousness. You are inhabiting your body.” I picked up paper and pen and continued writing.]
You had time during embryo stage to become accustomed to it. You helped it, or saw it being built cell by cell, atom by atom, so you are aware of how your body looks and operates. You know its purpose intimately, and after your body – not YOU but your body was born, you had time in the new world of people and objects to learn how to use it, the body. You learned how to move the legs, the arms, the head, stomach, to eat, to make noise, to respond, to feel arms holding you. And slowly you identified with your body and became familiar with it. You did it before, with other bodies, many lifetimes past, but you conveniently forget that now, in your dedicated focus on THIS one.
So you are not your body. You are the conscious sphere of light and intelligence that moves your body and enjoys its sensations. There are seven layers of specific gifts that you have built into your sphere of light. If your culture doesn’t teach you about these qualities – love is one of them – then they remain in the background of your life as an attractive feature to you. You dream of love. Also truth is another natural quality in you but often the culture doesn’t value truth or high-light it. So it is in the background.
As I said, there are seven gifts that you are here to use and activate during your life. You are here to learn how. Just seven. These ae called the seven bodies. There are many names given to them, many experiences and many approaches. Names are important to learn, but how you apply these gifts and qualities and use them in your daily life is what matters the most. The application of your creative ability is put to the test. You are here in a body of form to learn how to USE these qualities every day. This is the hard part. You have to figure it out because these gifts are who you are. They are built into you. They ARE you. You ARE the gifts. You came here to gift them to the world of form life, and there are forces against you to stop you from manifesting who you are. So you get frustrated, but you have intelligence and stubbornness and patience and love and purity and truth and kindness and determination and wisdom from past life experiences. You have skills that you have acquired over these lives. You have logical, mathematical, scientific methods that you have proved to yourself that WORK for you. The innate sense of right and wrong is for you alone, because you have experienced it. You experience peace vs. pain, and comfort vs. discomfort. You have learned. You know this instinctively. When you learn to organize all seven of your gifts, your innate qualities together so they are all functioning well together, harmonized together, then you will feel free. Free to live your life the way you want to live it, happily and with comfort and pleasure and love. You have it all. You have all that you need to live here in harmony and peace with others. You are not missing anything or feeling lack anywhere, and you are fulfilling your desire to be here. Your will to live is strong in you. You are using your intelligence to figure out the best way to accomplish what you want to accomplish. You have been using your love and kindness to work well with others. You are using your purity, and your truth and your sense of peace and comfort. You are using, applying, manifesting all of your gifts and qualities together, when you reach that point of perfection, and then you are home FREE! The seventh gift is freedom in form. The seven chakras have been broken. They were veils and closed gates to you until you mastered them, one by one. You had to open them from inside, by applying your innate gift, the right gift to the right situation, in order to correct the wrongs of a certain scheme that had to play out in your life. You had to find the right approach to take. It had to be mastered before you could feel right about yourself being here. You had to feel free about yourself, and peaceful at the same time with that circumstance or situation. Once you felt right about it, then you were done with it. The situation changed and disappeared, or got better and more beautiful.
Learning to live whole and free in form life, especially on planet Earth, has been a hard school. But you had built-in tricks up your sleeve. You were not sent here without help. You are your father’s child. You have his qualities in you. It rings like a crystal clear bell striking inside you in purity. You know when you have the right solution. Your mother is with you all the way through the form life. She is the mother of form life. She is with your intelligence, holding your body together. Pain is telling you something. Peace and kindness are telling you something. Struggle is telling you something. This is your mother talking to you. Not this way! THIS way! Use your innate sensibilities within you and listen to your mother!
Kirlian photography has captured proof of the real you in the form of a glowing radiation around you. You are not your body. You are the space holding your body together. Your body requires atoms and electrons clinging together to form cells and molecules, organs and larger material that gives shape and function to your body. You are the intelligence holding your cells together. You have access to the seven gifts within your intelligence. When you sleep at night, you travel and meet others and learn and teach as appropriate.
The more refined you become in THIS body you currently inhabit, the better you harmonize your form life and the situations you live within, the more at peace you become and the less able you are to live in the backward culture of those who are not at your level of knowledge yet. Then it is that your inner gifts begin to be seen by others who have not yet mastered their own inner qualities. And you become a beloved light to the world around you. By sharing (showing or expressing) your gifts openly, freely, daringly, courageously, frankly, ,truthfully, the more you receive the vitality of youth and vigor. The power of life surges through you more. The urge and the drive grows to continue serving those around you. You do not want to leave you. Now you are fluctuating between wanting to leave, and wanting to stay here to serve. You are noticing a lessening of the desire to leave the form world, the sick feeling you call it. The more you express yourself the more you are fed with this vital force. God is here expressing. It is an open channel to the God realms, Source, Home, where you originated. It is exhilarating to bring heaven to earth into form! It is exciting! And more!
[End, I ran out of words. Finished.]
4/26/23 - Why the effort to rise above bodily comfort
[Me: I think I’m finally getting it, what it is I’m here to learn. I keep wanting to settle back into my dream world. That is what I think of as the divine feminine. I am totally divine feminine. Just before this incarnation the advisor in heaven showed me that I had not been holding up my end of things. In other words, I’ve been sitting back on my butt enjoying heaven. He was telling me I had to return to Earth and asked if I knew why. I said no and he showed me. I didn't know what I was here for but now I’ve got it. I have to learn how to rise above bodily comfort. I keep wanting to retire into relaxation mode, which is the passive feminine mode. I feel sure now that I am here to learn how to rise above it. It is a higher realm for me and difficult for me. I am to rise higher than comfort. I am asking DK now - Am I on the right track here? Rising above bodily comfort or discomfort? Is this what happens as I age, where the body wants to give up and give in? Feel the pain? Is this where I should assert my higher self?]
(DK answers:) Higher consciousness is larger, wider, vaster and covers more territory. Does this answer your question? (Me: It means to rise above being selfish, right?) Yes. It is including the larger whole into your range of consciousness. There are responses and benefits that you receive from doing the higher good. You have begun feeling them. The more you give effort, where you put yourself forth with effort, the more you receive back. To lie back on your laurels feels good, but at that point if you put forth more effort you will receive more back, instead of what you call the sickish feeling. (Me: When I stop to rest it sometimes feels like I’m going to die. I don’t like that feeling.) When you push yourself for the good of the whole, not for yourself but going beyond yourself – your intention is for the larger good – then you are inviting the larger response back to you. You will receive it. Not in the split moment when you are pushing yourself, but later you will receive the reward. There is a precise balance, which you have recently discovered. (Me: Am I imagining this conversation?) No, my dear. I am here speaking with you. You have asked and I have responded. (Me: Thank you for your ever-present presence! I love you. I thank you, dear Master DK!)
5/31/23 - The battleground is in the heart
[A series of questions brought the following responses from Master DK. The final question was, "It's really a matter of balance, isn't it? The balance between love, wisdom and power?" Please note: DK confirmed in later writings that the Christ is the religious name for the higher mental body of each person.]
(DK) Yes! The eternal flame of the Christhood is ever burning in the soul. The duality must continue to play out and bounce back and forth from one to the other until the balance is understood, consciously understood. Then there is peace in the heart of the soul. Do you understand that the heart is where the battle takes place? (No. I didn’t.) The heart is not pure until the One who owns the heart muscle makes it pure. The claim of purity must be made by the One who messed it up in the first place. THIS is the true battleground. It does not take place in the head. The head is but another organ that has accumulated energies of passing thoughts. Now it is time for another lesson.
Dear One, allow yourself to cry. You have been holding back. The power of purity awaits your innocence. Innocence is childlike, not puffed up with thoughts of knowledge. Knowledge does not “belong” to you. Knowledge belongs to Source. It is the life of eternal blessing. All knowledge is available to you by letting go of previous knowledge. Knowledge is not something to be proud of. Knowledge is like the breathing process. You can inhale only so much air into your lungs, and then you must exhale in order to make room for the next inhale. Breathing alone is a most advanced piece of wisdom to gain as conscious knowledge. Take a minute now to experience breathing. You have been led to notice the importance of breathing in the last two days. (Pause) Let the past rise up into the heart. The God self is there to receive it and lift it up higher to Home, to neutralize it and cleanse it, purify it (the past) of negative thinking.
(Me: Prior to this I was shown to put a platform of violet flame under my Earth star chakra to prevent wandering toxic substances from in-breathing or entering my field/body. I was told to stop trying to “reach” others thru the root system of light which I was excitedly trying to do until I become more knowledgeable and proficient.)
Instead, focus on building your pillar of light from the sun, down around you solid and firm and connect directly to the crystal heart of Mother Earth which is pure light, pure divine holy light. All else in the Earth’s body is contaminated. You don’t want to breathe that in until you are pure yourself and can sizzle the toxicity on contact.
(Me: OK, I understand. So I’m finally getting understanding of what the heart does and why it is so important. I didn’t know it before.)
Yes, you are now being shown the “next step” in the evolution of humans into God-men and women.
(Me: Question about teaching.)
Yes, you are ready to start teaching. These little books you are designing in your mind are ready for the publication, or as you are thinking, posting on your website. This is the way you have chosen to do it – in a mild manner, quiet, without a lot of noise. It is VERY wise. I recommend it. Yes.
(Me: Can I use you, DK, as the author, with me as a scribe?)
Yes, it is appropriate to do it that way.
(Me: Why do I have a buildup of contraction in my diaphragm, below my heart today?
(DK said something about taking on energies from other people but the words are missing here.) However, you will learn how to GIVE crystalline energies in the future without being vulnerable to receiving their lessor or lower vibrational energies back into you. The more proficient you become, more knowledgeable and aware, the more able to maintain an unyielding focus while giving the treatment, the more good you will do for those you work with. It will require practice and, as you have guessed, you have not been ready before now.
(Me: Should I first work with women? I mean, is there even “time” for me to work this out at my age of 84? I’m serious!! What do you suggest or counsel at this time?)
It is not yours to decide. Continue holding yourself steady and allow your Higher Self to make the decisions for you. You are doing well to let your spirit guide you, but you must allow your God Self to have more say in matters of everyday life. The Master El Morya has guided you well. Listen to him MORE! (Thank you DK!)
6/1/23 - The tailbone chakra is the unconscious life force
[This came thru as a realization during active hours. Researching for DK's book I missed it, thinking it was just my own ramblings. But on second and third scanning I caught it. I didn't know this! It is profound new nformation to me. Is it from DK or is it my own awakening consciousness? I am unsure, DK has been leading me so I will include it here. It is the type of information that he would give me.]
The tailbone is the unconscious life force. The Kanda. The heart is the conscious life force. The tailbone is unconscious, the heart is where the sub-consciousness expands to and resides. That’s why “the heart is the new base line” (motto of Anakosha). Before getting into the spiritual path, the unconscious life force rules the body and takes care of things. I tapped it when kundalini awakened. People live their whole lives and die without knowing about the life force and how to “raise” it from the tailbone to the heart. But when the soul is ready (bored with life as it is) and the ego is curious and starts reading, taking classes and following soul urges for more information, then the consciousness starts waking up in the heart. The heart is the center of consciousness. The tailbone is unconscious life force held in waiting mode, the heart is higher up on the dimensional level. When the unconscious life force raises up to the heart or reaches for it by thinking and studying from an unconscious state, it goes up the spine and opens portals (chakras) which are simply doorways and they allow entry into another dimension (if they dare to enter deeper in). Further up in the head, the brain is an organ that receives messages from the conscious heart when it starts waking up. . The heart then sends an impulse or message that the brain receives and responds by “thinking” about it and acting upon it.
The brain’s function is to sort it out in a practical way that it does, by thinking and choosing how to act. The brain is the physical organ or control center that clicks the “Go” switch and moves the body into action in its unique and peculiar way of acting. But the real control is the heart. The heart is the God Presence, the residing soul which feels emotion and gets stimulated or turned on to do something. The heart then quickens or increases its frequency. The heart is where the I AM Presence, or eternal everlasting Presence resides. The eternal I AM resides there in the heart. It is the real self that has lived before, but it’s not awake until the person becomes CONSCIOUS and aware. So it can’t send messages until the human personality decides to go there and wake itself up with thoughts or wonderings of a higher nature.
It’s not the physical heart that does this, but the etheric heart, the implantation of the God Presence which we call the etheric body, which glows around the physical heart. The I AM Presence and the Holy Christ Self resides in the heart as a seed pattern from the God parents, but the human personality is not aware until it is “quickened”. When it is quickened, when it is time, when it is ready, when it is bored with the outer life and needs something new to do, then something awakens in the heart. It is a passion or a need to know more. The perfect God pattern imprinted from the beginning is there waiting for the human ego to wake up. Then the heart quickens and activates and sends messages to the brain which, as a physical organ is designed to do just that, it starts its motor going on behalf of the immortal spirit, the I AM Presence, that resides there within the three-fold flame in the heart. It is not active until the human ego gets bored enough to go there and activate it. Even then the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self is not in motion. It is an everlasting stillness connection to Father-Mother God consciousness.
7/17/23 - The ascension tool that will help you the most
[This morning I felt to write. This turns out to be DK dictating. I didn’t realize it at the time.]
The ascension tool that will help you the most thru the day is peace and comfort. Focus on being comfortable. Find comfort in you. The sense of comfort is something that you can develop with some guidance in the form of words. Words are powerful transmitters of knowledge and energy. They can be used against you or for you to benefit you. Here we are giving some natural, persuasive positive advice that you can use in your daytime activities. It takes focus in the sense of concentration. Comfort begins by seeking out of comfort. Say you are ready to vacuum the floor. You get out the cleaner from the storage closet. You do this mechanically – just as you start typing mechanically. First before moving, find comfort in your mind. It is a frequency. It is a sense and a presence of comfort. You can feel it if you search for it.
You start out in the mechanical habit. It is a habit, a work, a habit of work and you get into work mode. It could be anything else that you do during your day, everyone has different tasks that they do. Any work task that is mechanical that you do, you’ve done it so many times before that it's no longer exciting and you are not enthusiastic. Stop! Stop everything and find the comfort frequency in your mind. Find a comfortable attitude and feeling in your mind. You may not know how to do this but it is a meditative state. Where your mind goes, there goes your energy, the real thing. Let your mind go to comfort. You are the director and controller of your energies. You may have to work at this awhile but success could come right away.
You are a master. You know. You have had prior life training. It could kick in within moments. I am pointing you inward to find a comfortable attitude or body pose, or feeling that feels comfortable to you. Can you feel it? Stop and consider being comfortable, even as you roll out the vacuum cleaner. Continue holding that thought of comfort as you plug the vacuum in. Hold it as best you can. This is practice. Your mind will try to speed up. It will try to take over and push you to forget comfort. Your ego has been in control for a long time in your outer world habits. Make it stop. Make it sit outside of your brain, on your left shoulder. Picture a little entity sitting on your left shoulder. You have ousted it from control. You are asserting your mastery over it. Feel comfortable inside of your head. Maintain an attitude of peace and comfort physically and mentally, as you do the task of pushing the vacuum around.
This practice in awareness is called being mindful. Consider yourself and your own sense of comfort. It is a pleasure zone. Comfort is peaceful and it is pleasurable. It is used as an interface between hard work which is forced work and often painful, and what is naturally comfortable and peaceful. Consider this an intervention. You are intervening in your ego’s control system. You are taking over with conscious mindfulness and deliberate intention to oust the “hard work” demon. Working hard is not required to live in a body on earth. Working softly is the way to move into happiness and pleasure, even as you perform your tasks throughout the day and fulfill your obligations to those around you. Move about with comfort and peace.
At first it may be difficult if you come from a hard-working family, but it is worth the effort. Even as you type this, your back is painful. You are trying too hard and getting ahead of yourself. When you get ahead of yourself, you leave your body behind. You abandon your body. You are no longer in charge of your body and your body does not have a resident soul inside of it then. Lead with your mind first, focused on peace and comfort. Your mind will not let you abandon your body. Use your mental intention to slow down. Find peace and comfort MENTALLY. It is available to you. Find it with your mind.
It is within you to access it. Do you want to access it? Focus on the comfort of your skin and muscles and your brain/mind, mentally. Be a wakeful practitioner of walking comfort and peace. See if you don’t enjoy benefits from this practice. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Remember? It is a work that must be ever intentional. Ongoing. Use your mind to start the process. Don’t give up your peace and comfort to someone else or something else that disturbs you and takes your focus away from your control. You control your emotional state with your mind. Never give up your power of mind to someone or something else. That’s when your emotions play havoc with your feelings.
7/26/23 - Message from Mother Kundalini
[“Dear Mother Kundalini: I ask your feedback, guidance. Is it possible to speed things up by focusing on my etheric body as I know it? I’m not sure what the etheric body is but I think it’s the emotional body PLUS input from the higher mental and spiritual bodies collecting in it from gravity. I’m coughing up a LOT of phlegm this morning. I suspect it is coming from the etheric level because I’m paying attention to the etheric. I have opened to the etheric level. Is that right? DK has said to speed up, but I would like to connect with you, Divine Mother. Dear Mother God I AM, what can you tell me today about my etheric body connection? Is this a valid focus for me? I feel it is. I question the validity of “yielding”. I already trust the Divine Nature in me to take care of me. Isn’t it going a step too far to continue holding the thought to “yield and surrender”? I feel I should not hold any thought at all because holding onto a thought prevents the flowing of love and light which is the life force. Is that right?]
Answer: Yes, my dear. You are correct. You need not focus on holding a thought. Let the thoughts go. You have been clearing old thoughts today, as you have noticed. They have been backing up in your etheric body and your deep breathing has loosened them so they can peel away and flow into your physical reality where you “cough” and send them away. Picture them going UP! Up the path of light above your head. Continue to build the path of light for the easy flowing of new light coming down into your body, and for the easy flowing up and OUT of your body of those used energies. You have done well to focus on creating a standard practice. It is in repetition that you build into form life what you intend and desire. Repeat your desires every day. You are doing well.
[Q: is it possible at my age to rebuild and resurrect this body?]
My dear child. You do not have a fixed body! You are playing with energies both large and small, vast and cosmic. You are bringing these energies into small concrete focus with your efforts, and then releasing them and letting them go. You have the knowledge. Now let that knowledge flow freely. Do not try to manipulate it. Your sense of spontaneity has served you well, but you are here to learn more about the finite creations and tools, and the science of loving through form. Not in form as a fixed immovable object. You are here to see the difference between flowing free and becoming fixed, which is becoming stagnant unto death. A fluid body that is open to life and other form lives around it is a happy body, and enjoys itself freely with the pleasures that form life can bring. However, this high result and purpose has been over-shadowed by lesser creatures who did not know. Now, you are here learning, growing, sharing your knowledge from the ground. Their ground. You are a teacher. You are telling your stories. You are leaving your love and your mark upon the ground where others can find it when they are ready. Your messages are NOT LOST! Dear one! Your voice is careful but it is there, out there, blended into the mix. You have done well. Do not fear the so-called “death” and dying. You are moving now, finally moving the hard shells of doors out of the way. Move on into the light that is waiting to enter your reality. Your body. Your pleasure zones, your comfort, your peace, your exalted enjoyment of freedom in form.
9/27/23 - Questions & Answers
(Me:) Dear Master DK, What should I do to stay grounded? Do the techniques?
(DK:) Yes, do the feet techniques. Go down into the earth. Ask the elementals to help you. They will give you support.
(Me:) What is a good technique for me to do right now?
(DK:) Tell Doug something about your predicament. He listens. He wants to understand and will help. Talk to him. Tell him what you are feeling. He is the only one you have available right now to interact with.
(Me:) Yesterday when I was prompted to give him a massage and I was greatly enlivened by doing that, and getting his feedback and loving response, I was quickened greatly. What is it that gives me vitality? Spiritual practice just lifts me up higher?! No offence. Not complaining. But I don’t know how to balance this lifting sensation. Vitality comes from the spiritual zone but the spiritual zone elevates me. What should I do?
(DK:) Do your floor exercises. Leave Doug to his TV and do your floor exercises. Don’t do spiritually focused exercises but physical exercises.
(Me:) OK. Got it. I will try that. Should I even re-read old journals? Maybe not.
(DK:) No, let the old journals alone for now.
(Me:) OK. Don’t read old journals. Dear Master DK, is what I’m experiencing more of a physical nutrition lack? My age in the physical is losing its ability to function.
(DK:) No, my dear. Do not consider the physical AT ALL. You are working on higher levels. The physical is a limitation and does indeed cause problems. They will continue to feed you more backup ideas to support that you are only a physical being when you know better. That you are a spiritual being residing in a physically limited and confined body. You have been working VERY WELL to transcend the old beliefs that have been planted in you. Do NOT revert back to those old beliefs! You know. You are a master. You are working on the ascension program and that system is going well. Do not be deceived by the mass hypnosis that is plaguing your reality. (Me:) Dear Master DK, thank you so much for being ever present to answer questions for me. I do appreciate your continual presence. I wonder – tomorrow should I take a day off from the sadhana? The routine that I have set up for myself? Is that making me unbalanced? Is that taking me too far into spiritual spaces?
(DK:) No, my dear. But I recommend that you be more relaxed about your sadhana practice. Be comfortable with yourself, and ground yourself in between the crown and the feet. Be in the physical body so that you can adjust and align the energies of your body INSIDE your body. Do not try to adjust them from outside your body. Work with them INSIDE. Use the third eye discipline. Bring the energy up from the heart to the third eye. You will find your vision correcting and your dizziness subsiding and coming into alignment. The book describes these processes but you do not have to make them into a religious fervor as the ancients prescribed. Be more relaxed. Be more comfortable.
(Me:) Do you think or suggest that I put out an invitation to do massage swaps? I don’t know if I should speak about ascension or not?
(DK:) How do you think? Where is your consciousness? Where do you want to focus your energies? Consider this before doing anything about it.
(Me:) Should I stop thinking about ascension so much?
(DK:) Maybe yes. Stop thinking about ascension, yes. Start thinking about the world you live in. I have left you many reminders.
(Me:) OK, thank you dear Master friend.
10/5/23 - Building an identity of light
During practice this morning, DK says: You’ve been coming at this from the human perspective, appealing to the mysterious God to give you what you “think” you don’t have. These lessons of using sacred words, visualizations and quiet meditation time, is meant to shift your perspective to higher dimensions. So you can build a consciousness of light, an identity of light, an identity of sacredness. You ARE the sacredness that you lost. It is not the mind that does this.
Mind is the direction-finder but your perspective, your sense of identity is not in your mind, it is in your conscious awareness of who you are. That is what is important here. Shift yourself to a higher view of yourself. Identify with a higher view of yourself. You ARE God incarnate. You are practicing the techniques that have come down from millennia from those who knew, bringing this knowledge to human beings, into your lower vibrating physical body.
Then I realized how unusual DK is. Everyone else is telling how to raise their thoughts and minds upward into the light, but he is telling ME how to bring the light DOWN into the body, as if I have already shifted. Bring it down to install and imprint it into the cells of my body. You are not home until you bring light and love down into your body where you are residing. Home is in the body, not out of body. This is contrary to all teachings or most teachings. Perhaps this is the next step. He is a tantra master, and tantra is about merging and mixing the spiritual with the material.
More inner communication from DK about the heart: There is a spark of life in the heart that beats the heart in rhythm with God’s heart. The light is the higher consciousness in man. It brings the heart in rhythm with God’s heart. The light is made flesh as we focus on it and apply the techniques that are taught us, and conveyed to us through words. The light is the potential in us. It helps us to become whole as we focus on the words and apply the techniques. There is a lower and a higher self. We are happier and calmer when we find ways to bring the higher and lower closer together. The techniques of the higher masters help us to do that. They teach us techniques. It is thru self realization that we become freer, happier, more fulfilled, calmer and more in harmony with our life. I see that prior to this breakthrough last night that I was still in the low-vibrations of mortal man and I shifted, somehow. I shifted at least momentarily to see – WOW! I am the light!
(Me: Dear Master Djwahl Khul. I am coming to you once again to ask whether I should go ahead and offer massage exchanges. It doesn’t feel right to me now, so I guess I shouldn’t. I would prefer to be clear-minded to send out a newsletter. I love, so love your writings. You have written so much. Would you care to respond at this point? If not, I will scan thru some of your old messages to find something new to share. My energies are out of alignment now, and YOUR messages are SO beautiful. They bring me back in alignment again. Do you have something to offer to me right now?
(DK:) My dear child, you are a dear one. I love you very much and would like to talk to you a bit about something that you should know. There is a challenge going on in the world right now. It is an upheaval challenge. It is not YOU that is causing you to doubt yourself, it is the world around you that is wobbling and going sideways. There is much consternation in the atmosphere. People are questioning and doubting and wondering. Do you want to have gatherings? I would say yes, have gatherings. I would say have SEXUAL discussions because sex is a grounding force. It can draw people out of their craziness. They will be interested. No, you don’t have to and should not put mats down or hold parties. First, discuss this with Doug and see if he will agree to this. He is in a very good mood. His spirit is strong and shining right now. You have been holding him up into his higher self. Good for you. You are a dear one to continue working with Doug. Let him have his place in the sun. Help him to be the man he wants to be and to reach the zenith that he desires. He is a good man, and he is an evolved man. He is here to assist in the ascension process too. He is holding his own on the practical, political, economic side of the equation. Now, dear one. Do you have a comment to give to me?
(Me:) Well, OK. I thank you for those answers. Yes, I would like to hold a sexual discussion. Perhaps I should send out the NL that I loved – absolutely LOVED – that you wrote. The one about love, sex and orgasms. It is a beautiful message and one that would appeal to swingers. I would like to use that one for a NL. Perhaps I should? Thank you for your feedback. I love talking to you. I will work on this NL. It is difficult when the energies are so crazy around here. But thank you for your feedback, and your comments, and telling me about the world affairs. I am very happy to have discovered more articles about the higher mental body being the Christ. Do you approve? I found this validated in the Master Kuthumi’s book. Thank you.
(DK:) Yes, dear one. The higher mental body is the holy Christ Self. It has always been thus. The church has taken over the teachings of the Christ and so we have continued to use that word in our teachings, but in reality, it IS the higher mental body, and it is also the causal body. Yes, you saw that too. Yes, it is real. It is true. It is right and good for you to use that in your note-taking. Use it as it feels right to you. It would help the modern man to understand it from those terms. Blessings to you my child. I send you my greatest hugs and empathies for your good work.
(Me:) Thank you dear friend and teacher, Master Djwhal Khul. I love you with all my heart.
10/21/23 - The body is not a thing to fix, it is constantly changing
The body is not a thing to fix or medicate, it’s a process that is constantly changing. There are cells within larger cells enfolded within larger cells, imbedded inside even larger cells. Your physical body is the heaviest and densest and most solid of seven bodies. You are a pure and holy spirit. Your waking consciousness is pure and your holy spirit is descending into heavier more clingy “matter” step by step.
The first descension from holy and pure spirit is the causal body. Seven gifts are given to you from the birth of your consciousness, and you retain them, absorb them into your causal body. Then you descend another step down into density. This is called the higher mental body, called the Christ body by the church. Each cell is surrounded by a higher mental body cell. This is still pure and holy but becoming more aware of density and physicality. Thus your higher mental body takes on an understanding, a perspective of the limitations you are descending into. And then you descend down another step into your lower mental body. And here is where you lose it. You lose the perspective that you are pure and holy and are plunged into the mix and matter of seething human thought and feeling. Your pure and holy consciousness is still there but is covered over with forgetfulness. It is ordained that you forget and each cell is encased round about in the practical body/mind or thought/mind pertaining to the physical reality world only.
You next take another downward step into MORE of density, where cells rub shoulders with other cells nearby, and you form and feel a sensuality between you which you could not feel before. This is the emotional feeling body and each cell is embedded inside the emotional body that prepares you for an intense emotional/pain/pleasure life of duality. And then you take another step down into density and here you gather ALL of your awarenesses together, all perspectives and experiences together into one lump storage compartment or reservoir of energy, called the etheric body referred to as the soul, and you feed it into your physical body. This is the final receiver of all your awareness to date. Your physical body receives all that you have learned, experienced, become consciously aware of in your journey downward into density, and outward in expression, in the physical reality world of manifestation.
So you are continuing to process every moment through every movement of your day. Will you repeat the past or move on to something new? Repeating the same cycle again and again is how you keep building more density and confusion into your physical reality. To break out of physical confusion you must try something new. You are nudged to try something new. Newness is freshness is aliveness is adventure and excitement. Try something new instead of repeating the same old cycle over and over. Allow your purity and innocence and holiness that you are in your original immaculate state to shine through the physical exterior of your skin and action, and come out into manifestation. The question to each person is, Will you be more authentic and real and true to yourself in your response and reactions to circumstances? Or will you fall back on yesterday’s belief system and recycle the same old stuff?
1/31/24 - Q & A: Dealing with anxiety
[Q: Dear Master Djwhal Khul, I ask your advice and counsel. I have so many anxious thoughts. I don’t know how to work with them.]
A: Integrate them, my dear.
[How? Please give me direction.]
A: Allow your mind to dawdle. It is breaking thru long-held systems and doesn’t know what to do. You are caught between your mind breaking up these old illusions and thought patterns, and your holy divinity, which you are. You know. But your old mental belief system is breaking up. The posting you did yesterday is apt for you. You said it well with your words. Again, I say, allow your mind to go thru its process. It is dying and fading. Allow it its processing. It is a living being. It WAS a living being for a time. Its time is over now. Allow it to pass peacefully. Love it. Tell it, “Thank you for serving me.” It is well to give gratitude to those who have served you. Their time with you was valuable. It helped you to have an experience that you could not have in the bliss state of divine consciousness and splendor. We are truly grateful for the time allotted to us who make the downward journey into physical sentience where we can enjoy the fruits that grow on trees of our own knowledge. You yourself are a tree in full bloom of knowledge from galactic worlds which you do not remember with your mind, but your tree of life grew firm and tall and strong thru sentient life of many planets, fathered and mothered by many suns. You have grown deep and wise and comfortable in your SELF, for you are a child of God, of Creator, and you are one of the wise ones. You are an elder. You have forgotten temporarily, but you are remembering. Ascension is a unique and individual process for you alone to go thru your OWN remembering process. Allow your mind, your own mental construct, your own personality for this world, this life, this journey, to fade now and you will remember why you chose to come.
[Q: I have wanted to host a gathering of other sentient beings, is that a product of my fading mind? I can’t decide if it is the REAL me or a figment of desire from the past. Can you tell me about this?]
A: You must discover this for yourself, my dear. It is your soul who is guiding you. It is neither left nor right, but the powerful togetherness of both, perhaps. Do you not also think that? To bring the desire built out of many past lives, and the forever divine nature of a kind and loving God to integrate these natures? These desires? The broken dreams of the past are fragments of attempts by a gracious, compassionate God. You who failed but who tried and could not make it to the manifestation stage - now perhaps you can! I believe you can, my dear. It is in your hands. It is in your will. It is in your heart. Be well, my dear. Be safe. Be kind and gentle with your fading mental body. Give it love of the eternal everlasting kind. It is a beautiful mind.
Go now and pick up the pieces that are shattering, with loving hands and fingers and hold them to your open heart and offer them to the universal mind - the Father-Mother God of all that is, infinitely creating from broken dreams. Expand on their previous attempts, raising them higher and higher. This is a world of magnificent creators, every one. I will end this now so you may prepare for your hospital procedure in peace. May God-Goddess bless you my lovely child. You are a dear to my heart and soul. I am with you always. I AM you and you ARE me. We ARE one. As all are one. (Thank you, dear, dear Master, I love you. Thank you.)
[Q: Another inspired thought – another question after the above faded away. How and why do energies back up in the legs and feet and head? Where does this energy come from?]
A: It is the life energy. As long as you are conscious you are aware of sensation. You feel your life energy moving thru the substance of your physical body. YOU are consciousness. YOU are aware. As long as you are awake you feel sensations but when you go to sleep you become unconscious. You are no longer aware of sensation. Your senses don’t register. When you are awake you need to move. Rest, periodically, yes, but you need to move. Imagine being restrained by some outside force, pinned down or tied up. You would become very uncomfortable. When an arm or leg goes to sleep when it has been pinned down, you have to move it to get the blood flowing again, and the life force moving.
[Q: But where does this life force come from?]
A: Where indeed? It comes from the first root chakra, the tail bone chakra, which is a male energy, being will power, strength, courage and determination to be here. It gathers force from the earth and sky and feeds it to the second chakra, which is a feminine chakra, a loving, nurturing, sensitive energy which seeks oneness with all. (End)
2/2/24 - Integrate spirit with physical sentience
[As I take the prescription pills today I realize that I have been resisting taking the pills. Now I am accepting them, allowing a blend between my physical needs and the Light in my mind which is non-physical. I hear DK leading me. He is speaking to me now.]
Blend and integrate the pure spirit IAM with the physical sentience. THIS is how you create. You are a creator as you learn how to hold focus, not just brush over it to ignore it. That is not enough. You must enter into that which you are focused upon because you are the light and you are the life force. You are the one who is regenerating and resurrecting the physical body and its many connections. Re-plugging the wires, the connections that had begun to dissolve and decay. Your body was dying. Now you are rejuvenating it thru these sacred “holding” focuses on the parts that call out to you. Listen to the parts that call to you, that are in pain or discomfort. As you make yourself available, you are giving your light and your life force to those parts. Hold the focus on those parts, as you are passing thru your body. At first you pass through rather speedily, not knowing how important you and your focused attention is. Over time with experience and practice you come to see and observe improvements in your vitality, your energy increases and also your interest in continuing to live in this reality, this sentient body, for it gives you pleasure. (Thank you DK).
Return to page 1 of DK's Online Book
Master Djwhal Khul speaking: When someone draws your power and focus from you, demanding your attention and you do not want to give it, they are sucking on your light because they are lacking in light. Love and light are synonymous. Light is masculine, love is feminine. They are one and the same. Those who suck on your power, drain you so you are fatigued beyond understanding and you don't know why.
Your movies call them vampires. They feed off your light and your love because they are the soul-less ones. They feed off others and do not give anything in return. They are not evil, they are idiots for they have given their power away and have nothing left. So they are now mindless creatures who are ignorant about how life works.
They do not know how to build up light and love in themselves. They gave their power away by depending upon others for their food source, their fuel source, when they should have built up their own supply. By giving up their power and becoming dependent on others they have become dark. Do not be like them. Do not give your light away. When you are fatigued in the presence of such a one, walk away. Find an excuse. Any excuse or simply get up and leave. Hang up the phone.
You have built up your own light for yourself. Do not give it away. Give them instruction instead on how to build their own light. Give them instruction only when you are ready. Wait until you are inspired with a thought on how to give them instruction. Meditate until you are clear. Meditate and build up your own light. Wait until you feel the stirring of brightness and excitement. Wait until your higher self inspires you. Then you will know how to give instruction to those who steal your power.
When you are centered you will be able to give the best instruction. They do not want to do the work themselves and would rather steal it from others, so you must be discerning. Use the appropriate method to turn their sucking back onto themselves. Do not be food for zombies. That is the greatest expression of love that you can give: to turn back the sucking onto themselves. Let them see what they are doing. Give them a lesson in how to build their own light and stop stealing it.
Light is endowed in every one who is walking, even the dark ones. Even the walking dead, as some like to call the ignorant and mindless ones. Because nothing can exist without the spark of creator within. Light is hidden in the dark and so it must be uncovered and activated. It may be denied and some minds may be wiped clean by sophisticated weapons. But there is a spark within that is a spark of creator. Blow on it.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun, do not let the light go out but send it home again. Blow on that light again and again until it bursts into flame and burns through the veil of darkness and confusion that clouds judgment and vision. Everything has light in it, even the stones and the waters and the trees. Darkness awaits the light but it has to be blown on from within. Self-focus, self recognition, self-appreciation, self-love, self-discernment and self-empowerment. Meditation and prayer is the road to spiritual recovery. Spending time alone with ones higher self, focusing on love and light and raising ones voice in prayer, song, praise, gratitude and love. It is through the use of sacred intention and sacred sounds that forms the sacred science of life.
Use the words "I Am Light" often for the words "I Am" whenever you speak those words, is the power of the light. It is the creator, in you. Love and light is awareness - clear, untainted awareness - uplifting, clean and bright. It is where all knowledge comes from and all inspiration. Blow on this spark of love and light within your heart and you are growing your own enlightenment. Meditate every day for 15 minutes and your higher self will infiltrate your awareness, through your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
This light and love melts away animosity and the desire for vengeance. It melts away the urge to do violence. Blow on light and love in your heart through meditation and prayer, as you would blow on a dying camp fire to bring it back into life. Fuel the flame in yourself with deep breathing and with sacred words. Give your attention to your SELF, not to those who would steal your attention. Your confusion will disappear. Answers will come surprisingly easy. It is a proven method. Your desire to live will push back the darkness and confusion like a solitary blade of grass pushes aside the concrete in the cement sidewalk.
Look! Look! Look! Pay attention to the ember that glows red in the darkness. Blow on it with all your force and breath. Use the words, "I am Light!" Spend 15 minutes doing this, saying the words over and over: "I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light, God consumes my darkness transmuting it into light!" The angels and the great beings of heaven will come to surround you when they hear you calling to the light. They come to support you and to give you strength.
Do not give your precious light, your focus and attention, to someone else unless you are strong and stable enough to support that person. Build up your power. Save yourself first. Your first duty every morning when you first get up is to give yourself 15 minutes of light. Maintain your own light so you may live to serve others and take your place in the grand design that is, at this very moment, weaving earth and heaven together through those who are supporting and maintaining the light.
You are here to hold the space right where you are. You hold your space by acknowledging and appreciating it. Raise your focus upward. Raise your attention upward. Raise your awareness upward to your higher self, your future, your brightness. Right now, as you are sitting here reading this.
Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out, but send it home again, meaning to your inner higher self which is your god-self, your goddess-self, your divinity. Higher and higher the flame grows as you pay attention to it. Imagine it as a brilliant blazing sun above you. It is soon ablaze within you on the ground and in you in your higher self, as you clear the debris from the channels that run through you. Do not let the light go out but build it up stronger and stronger until it is in full blaze. Then you can help your brother and sister to stop stealing the light from you.
9/24/19 - Empowerment: What is it?
Empowerment: What is it? You don’t want to empower your outer self. That has been empowered enough. Everyone has too big a personal ego which is full of its own mistakes and doubts. You’ve empowered THAT enough. No. Your empowerment - true empowerment, real empowerment, strong power comes from empowering your REAL self, your DIVINE self, your GOD self, which is really, really, really you, all the way through and through. You as a human being, not as a fake human being but a REAL human being direct from the heart of the Godhead. You are a beautiful extraordinary exquisite and perfect human being, called the crystal light being in form. Your real dreams, your real truth, your real will power, your real strength, your courage, your determination, your intelligence, your wisdom, your discernment, your ideas, your intuitions, your love, your true inner love for and with yourself, your belief in yourself, your strength and determination to believe in yourself, so strong you can say it out loud to others, your opinions, your opinions matter. Your thoughts on subject matters. It has been missing from the scene, Your purity and perfection uncompromised has been missing, not allowing someone else’s opinion to supersede and bury your opinion.
Hold to your opinion strong, not rigid or inflexible, but firmly with kindness, with heart, with love, with honesty, with sensitivity to others. You are not pushing because you don’t have to push when you are centered in your own ball park. This is your territory when you empower your REAL self. Be your REAL self in all ways, no matter what you are engaging in. You have seven qualities, all seven qualities are to be expressed through your living actions. This is how you empower yourself because these seven qualities are GOOD qualities, God qualities. Bring them forth into your life and action. You will be a queen, a noble or a king and a noble. These seven qualities are your empowerment. They are the seven chakras but they are not merely words, they are attributes, qualities, colors, tones, sounds. They are will power (blue), intelligence (gold), love (pink), purity (white), truth (green), peace (ruby), freedom (violet). And underneath these main categories comes other words that are subtle innuendos, describing the beautiful nature of human beings. BLUE: will power, strength, courage, determination. GOLD: enlightened intelligence, wisdom & discernment. PINK: unconditional love, reverence, adoration, devotion. WHITE: purity, perfection, the immaculate conception. GREEN: truth, science, healing. RUBY: peace, comfort, ministration. VIOLET: freedom, mercy, forgiveness, compassion. These are what empower you. These words were given by Master DK.
10/1/19 - Loving sex: the one act that can make spiritual progress
Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature. You don’t get to feel them until you accept them and allow them. These original ideas from higher source, are down in the inner layers of your body. Discernment is required however, for you are constantly picking up thoughts from the air around you which is teeming with a myriad human-related thoughts that are not pristine and pure, but heavy and clogged with negatives. But when you can discern a divine idea and allow yourself to receive this divine idea into your inner layers, you are giving the idea “body”. You are incorporating the idea bringing it more fully into manifestation. The idea or thought must be felt by your body to become manifested, because you, yourself, are a body that has been manifested by the creator. YOU are God/Goddess in sentient form. None of your body parts are solid or physical. All of you, your body, is composed of atoms and electrons swirling around the neutron and proton at the center of the atom. The atom is composed of these little particles of light. The space BETWEEM the particles is space which you own, temporarily, while you are incorporated or incarnated in this body of yours. You are incorporated - incarnated - in a body for the specific purpose of receiving the divine flow from source creator, your own higher self. There is a wish and suddenly a thought pops up wanting to be sentient. You, by understanding, are receiving the divine instructions from your own higher source to manifest this idea. But you can’t if you brush it off and ignore it. It is through your allowing it into you feeling nature that you manifest this wish of the creator. Feeling is how you connect with your neighbors and others. You cannot manifest alone all by yourself. You are not a solitary island in the middle of the ocean. Manifesting into form requires ideas from the divine to coalesce and clump together in order to create form and substance which, to you in your dimension, appears physical and solid.
You have created instruments to measure solidarity versus gases and liquids and now your dimension is expanding to measure and define the Light, which is in the descension process of forming matter. This lesson is to focus on your feeling nature. Your understanding is how you manifest in the “real” world, the world of the physical. The old control system of what you call the patriarchy, was control by outsiders, not you. They taught you not to pay attention to feelings. And those in male bodies became the guardians of control. They were trained and programmed by master mind controllers, to not allow feelings to enter this reality, this dimension on earth, which is herself a divine manifestation, not solid. They, the outsiders, took over the manifestation process millions of years ago. They are against love because love would make everything and everyone equal and happy, and they choose to be the powerful controllers over a race of slaves. That is their joy. They are the dark side, and they conquered this planet and have been preventing the full incorporation of the source idea trying to manifest into physical sentience.
They can do this with humans but they cannot stop sexuality from taking place, nor can they stop the orgasm from happening, for that is the only way to keep the human race reproducing. That is the one loophole which saves mankind, and this is how feeling may come in, and the connection to God/Goddess may happen through sexuality and lovemaking. But it’s complicated. Yes, this is how the God/Goddess connection can happen, but if mankind is ignorant of the FACT that love must be used during the sex act, then the spiritual progress will not be made. It is through feeling the LOVE that spiritual peace is found. The loophole exists only because mankind has allowed the love to NOT be present during the one act in all of human life, that can create spiritual progress. Human males FEEL through the sex act, even if it is only for a brief moment. That is why the women are becoming empowered. The women hold the solution to bringing forth more love, which men have seriously shut down in their focus. The dark controllers could not shut that down because that would have stopped - brought to an end - to the human race and they did not want that to happen. Instead, they wanted to control the sex. They created animosity between men and women. To reverse this sorry plight, we need more feelings. My mission is to educate and write about the feeling nature and how it works.
10/4/19 - This mechanistic world was created by killing love
[This channeling came from spirit, or my higher self, I believe. It is hard to know exactly WHO is doing the talking when the words start flowing. I directed the question to my I Am Presence, my question was, "Will you confirm the information that I have just received? That we light bearers are the holy innocents? And that the rest are all mechanical, without a life force? Is that what we are here for? To hold steady the good within? And that’s all?"]
Yes, my beloved. You have come to an alternate world of created material - created by not human will but mechanical will. All that the earth holds now is mechanistic and artificial. This is why angels have been sent, have volunteered to be born here into this mechanistic world, and why YOU have chosen the path you did. To learn the secret implant, the devious process that was put in place to hold the holy innocents to their world, the mechanical world, and their way of life, to serve their own selfish functions. They have been controlling mankind for eons, and womenkind, through the thwarting of love, through the killing of love.
You are bringing love into their world, their “holy” creation - for you are correct in that they see differently than you and what they have created is indeed sacrosanct to them, holy to them - and so they see you as the enemy. You who would kill them with your divine love, which melts all - everything - that is not divine and of the creator’s will to love all. You see, they see it differently. They have built a world of substance and material form which holds them to form. They have invested all of themselves into form, and they need those forms. They are parasites who grow dependent upon forms. They create many ingenious ways to manipulate forms (bodies) to do their bidding, but they do not have love, my dear, as you do. You are there to bring forth an education to the masses with your love. You see love as the divine connection and you have been studying it and learned that it is true. You found the missing key, the missing link in this materialistic world of fake and falsehood, of artificiality and separation.
I am here with you to guide you. I act as a guidance system, like a GPS. There are many holy innocents walking beside you who have been hooked into the material world and do not know what you know. You cannot tell them or reach them with words, for words are of the separationists’ side. They isolate and divide. The kindness that you show and the understanding that you embody is greater than words. As Marcus says, There is only love, and he wishes to share this love by putting his hands on the beautiful holy ones. There will come an opportunity for you to work alongside him, for you share the same lineage. I am here. I am you. I am your higher self. You are me. You are my lower self. We are one being and I am guiding you through your heart. You have discovered a hidden link in the mantra, “I face thy eternal sunrise and I receive thy mighty radiance into my life and actions.” There will come a time soon. Soon. When this link to light will open further and start to spread outward into the mechanical world.
(Me: question)
Yes. The women’s gathering movement. It is trying to find itself in the shadows of artificiality. It needs a living embodiment to serve as a star shining. You are that star. You have been carefully prepared. As you felt the need to post your pictures on display, I am guiding you. I am your light. I am your destiny. I am your purpose. I am your mission. As you have felt the potential of light and love in your physical body, in your sensation body, in your cells and tissues that were born of earth particles brought forth here from this dying planet, you are rejuvenating the planet earth. You and many others who are also on the same mission for me. I Am your Father. I AM your Mother. You have been trained. You know the truth. Yes, I do confirm for you what you saw, knew, this morning. It was another upgrade in your mission, for you have edged closer to the full consciousness and memory of the whole truth. Wisdom has been shielded, but you know how to gather the light now better than you did a few weeks ago. Your edging closer to your heart is the edging away from the artificial parts that you had been born into. You are ready, dear sister, to name the dates starting in January 2020. It is time. I am with you. I AM you. You ARE me. We are doing this together.
(Me: question) Yes, it should be only women first. Others will pick up the men’s gathering. (Thank you, I love you!)
12/14/19 - Hold to your center, feel the God within
[I started out writing to myself and DK stepped in in the middle to respond to my thoughts.]
(Me:) My personal mission is to hold the center on the feminine divine. In the upper realms there is no masculine or feminine. It is just divine. The higher you go, the more into oneness and less separation. It is all about identifying with this glory that is the Oneness within. There is no separation between me and the Oneness. I am the light. I am the glory. I am the peace and the perfection and the allness that ever lived in forms. I am to hold the center. DK told me to hold myself in the center of the light and I’ve been shuffling through the women, trying to find the ones who best resonate with me. Suddenly I heard him say, "That is fool-hearty", and he started speaking.
(DK:) There is no one who resonates with you because you are unique, one of a kind. It is your consciousness of yourself that is unique. You can never become the consciousness of another person, or another being, but you can click with their oneness. You recognize their oneness. Your uniqueness can click into their uniqueness and you can resonate with their oneness because you and they are one, part of the wholeness. But if you are seeking to resonate with someone who is trying to find themselves, as you are trying to find yourself, it is foolish. You will bog yourself down. It becomes personal. There are parts of them that you will NOT resonate with, and it will cause you to question yourself and them. This is a bog-down. Give up trying to find the perfect mate.
Women are no different than men, they just come in softer packages due to the issues you have had sublimating yourself to immature men in this darkened world. You are lifting yourself out of that mud that was clinging to you. You have separated from it. You are brushing yourself off. You are breathing free of it. But you are still aware that it is a mud-clinging creature. You are trying to find the divine in that mud-clinging creature and you keep trying. You keep questioning “Where is it?” You do not want to give up, but that is exactly what you must do - give up trying. Instead, focus on the glory of God that is within you and that is waiting for you to recognize it within you. Stop trying to resonate with faulty human beings and focus your virtuous thought upon God within. Feel the God within. You are the body resonating with the God within. You feel the I Am within and you are all powerful. But when you allow your thoughts to turn away from the God within and try to capture or figure out the other person, you lose that connection within. You are here to be a pillar of light. You have grounded yourself. You have built up a column of light by your actions, thoughts and intentions. You have spoken it out loud for others to hear. Do not be pulled separately.
Remember that you are building a column of light here and it is within you. Not outside you. It is within you as your consciousness. Be aware. Be alert. Be conscious of the light within you. You do not need to name me. You do not need to assign authorship to your articles. You do not need to assign your own name to the articles. Just present the message. You have done well to present the message. You are receiving feedback. Yes, the women yesterday provided you excellent, clear-eyed resonance to your seeking. They did well. Do not try to conform to them or judge them as better than you or lower than you. Do not even judge them as different than you. Recognize instead, the clarity that came to you through their eyes. It was an excellent connect. Excellent indeed. It was worthy of all of your attempts to find the divine feminine.
The divine feminine that you are seeking is in you. Do not look for it elsewhere. Do not try to teach it to others. The divine feminine is you holding the pillar of this knowledge within you. You are publicizing it now. You are radiating it now. You are letting others know. It is your mission. You wanted to do this. You struggled to arrive here. Now you are continuing to shine the light. You will receive further calls. You will receive those who recognize your light. There will be others. Hold the light. Do not let the light stray. The light is a beacon light, like a lighthouse beacon to lost ships at sea. It is the light that gives them a focus, a place to connect to, a thought to connect to. A feeling to connect to. It is a rightness that they seek. It is a resonance that they seek. The beings in this world tend to lose themselves, even lightworkers tend to go adrift and forget how to find the resonance.
When you are lost and there is a confusion confronting you, do this little trick: turn around slowly, as if you are a compass seeking north. Turn slowly through the thoughts that you pick up, the resonances that you pick up as you slowly turn. Turn and allow various thoughts strike you. Is this the way? Keep turning and feeling for the right way. You are a compass seeking the right direction. Walk towards the rightness feeling. There will be a thought attached to it. There is a direction here and a different way to approach or deal with the current situation. Perhaps it is merely to walk away. Perhaps it is to walk towards. Perhaps it is to shift slightly in one direction or another. Feel your way as you shift focus.
6/20/20 - Intimacy Training: Love is first in YOU!
[This came to me out of the blue while exercising and thinking about the intimacy gatherings I've been wanting to have. He starts responding as I continue exercising.]
“The thing to do is to have intimacy gatherings instead of swing parties. It is to prepare people in how to stay sovereign and free while being close with someone. People may think this is training for a sexual encounter but it is not. This is training in accessing love within yourself. Human beings look for love in all the wrong places. You have been looking for love in the bodies of other people. That’s not where the love comes from. Love is first in you. Then your love attracts a similar resonating love in someone near. Divine love recognizes itself in others. This is a training in how to stay centered inside your own body, focusing inside your central spinal column where your life force flows up and down, from earth to sky – the big flowing. Your life force is eternally flowing, except that on earth you are distracted. People calling you out, demanding your attention with their loud needs and requirements. It keeps you closed off and distracted from your stabilizing vital life force. That’s why you get tired. That’s why you get diseases. That’s why your body - not your mind but your body - deteriorates and eventually dies of exhaustion. It runs out of vital force. It is because you don’t keep yourself rejuvenated by focusing inside your central column of life within the big flowing.
There are two tendencies that you have in you that you need to keep in balance. (1) is to be active, productive, moving your muscles around and your mind engaged in planning, creating, inventing and contributing to your society. And (2) the tendency to rest and spend time being alone, withdrawn, passive, relaxed, resting so your body can rejuvenate. You need to be quiet, nap, meditate, relax. That’s when your active side and your resting side can fall back together again. Your male and your female sides, your twin flames that are ordinarily separated during action, comes back together again, and becomes whole again. The problem is that most people never completely rest, even when they sleep. Their inner tension is so great they never completely come back to wholeness. Picture seven of Nine on Star Trek who rejuvenates standing up. So we are going to learn how to rest and regenerate in a way that not only is social and brings joy because being together is fun, but it also activates love. Divine love of the universal kind, the healing kind, the loving, warming, nourishing kind. The kind that does not require you to go OUTSIDE and AWAY from the central column. Love is everywhere of this kind. It is not a personal love.
It starts with you breathing through your spinal column while in the close proximity to another person. The other person doesn’t have to be anyone special. It could be someone of the same gender, or opposite gender. It is not for sexual or romantic purposes, but for healing. It could be an older person or younger. It could be a relative or a stranger. It’s not to create sexual excitement or romance. Do not go there in that direction. Do not think that. It’s to enhance your connection to divine love, universal love, your access to love IN YOU. To access universal warmth, nourishment, faith, hope, feeling good, feeling happy, feeling whole, feeling complete. When two people access universal love together, they access universal love in a more powerful way. It is more beautiful. More fun. More complete. More fulfilling. More like heaven. But you are still in a physical body. You have more wonderful excitement. You have more vital force flowing through you. This helps the environment for you are all connected to one another in goodness, peace, truth, reverence, and health.
7/10/20 - Who are the dark intelligences?
Just as light forces have infiltrated every field of endeavor of this dark-infested planet, so have light souls infiltrated the sex field to bring healthy loving change to the human race who, unknowingly, have been led into a distorted program to be slaves to the elite cabalists who are human in appearance but are run by dark ET intelligence forces. How did this happen you ask?
The dark ETs are intelligences, not physical. They can manipulate physicals to do their bidding. It’s fun and games for them. They are the dark gods of the universe (little g) and the light gods of the universe (little g) are fighting for the freedom of the immature races who don’t know any better, using the big God’s laws of harmony, abundance, freedom, love and good will. The dark gods are the fallen angels spoken of in the scriptures. The light gods are the ascendeds and beings from far regions of space. We term them “galactics” who are also not physical, being high intelligences. There are many levels of physicality, many different forms in the universe. Physicality is a descending of vibration, a cohesion of closer-knitted atoms. Similar vibrating atoms are attracted to each other and gather into groups. Higher intelligences direct them with a mental blueprint, as such. The formation of physical organisms is divinely directed. It is a science built on divine understanding of cosmic laws of cohesion through attunement. It is done in harmony, through peaceful, natural attunement. There are countless levels of physicality. The light is intelligence coupled with balance between all the powers, and the greatest of these is love. The light intelligences is chasing down the dark intelligences because dark intel has rejected love and God’s laws requiring balance.
The dark intelligences use and abuse the immature physicals who don’t know any better. Earth is such an immature world. It was originally a garden of great beauty and refinement. It was etheric in the beginning but it was invaded by dark intelligence forces, without love or empathy. A long complex history evolved that requires much background information to understand what happened. The bottom line is God the Father-mother gives everyone a chance to redeem itself. We, the light intelligences, are infiltrated into the dark-infested planets by being born among them. Light souls are being born into dark cabal families on Earth. The light forces are you and me who are drawn to love mankind and womankind. We care for each other. We do not have an inclination to hurt people or torture or manipulate or kill people. We are among those who are being born here to cultivate and grow the human race, the human bodies, the human garden of paradise from within the physical environment.
The dark intelligences are aware that we are here and they attack whenever they can. Most of us are of higher vibration and cannot be damaged, unless we let our vibrations fall down into lower realities. Then we can be hurt. The dark intelligences are aware but they have been unable to stop the infiltration of light souls because the light souls are protected and surrounded by higher light forces. We are therefore more powerful than the dark-infested humans who have not yet learned how to align with the light. Instructions must be accepted. Instructions on the light are available, but they are not seen until a soul is ready to receive. Then such souls are drawn to discover light instructions, often called metaphysical instructions or mystery school instructions. The light is unified. All the powers of the universe are unified in orderly fashion. That is the nutshell of how to do it: use love and harmony.
Intelligence is everywhere. Intelligence is Father God. Love is Mother God. Intelligence can reject love and does. That makes it inferior to the light forces, except that free will is given to ALL life, which allows dark to exist. It is a choice to align with dark and negative forces such as greed and selfishness which does not have empathy for other life forms. Light has love and the dark does not. That makes the dark a cutting edge intelligence who can go against the laws of God but only to a certain extent. Like a rebellious teenager can join a gang of thieves and do violence, rape and murder until the system steps in and ends it. So does the greater cosmic law have greater forces on its side and is more powerful, love being the greatest power because it is the element that binds all life together. Love is the Mother force.
Love heals by not interfering but by giving free will choice to everyone. When it is time for a dark soul to return to Mother Father God, it is forgiven and embraced. The only punishment is the dark soul’s own facing of its own deeds, for it is responsible for everything it has ever done. Life is a playing out of free will and also a responsibility to own every act, thought and feeling it sent out. That is the great learning. Each spirit spark has free will to choose what it wants to do next, but the realization that it must pay for everything it does, has not dawned upon it yet. It must learn this through trial and error. It feels free to play out its fun life the way it wants to, but it is responsible for the damage it causes others. Whatever impact it has on others will return to him so he too experiences what he caused others. Good comes back as good, negative comes back as negative. Whatever his actions, thoughts and feelings caused to others returns back to the sender, and often many times over because on its return journey it picks up similar energies to build a greater mass. So when the backlash comes it often has a more powerful kick than the original act done, seemingly, in fun. The dark is on its way to realizing that.
The dark is dark because it rejects that concept. It does not believe it so it is limited in how far it can evolve. But it can cause mayhem in the lower stages of life and basically it can infest and takeover whole worlds which is what happened to Earth. That is why the light forces, the Galactic Federation and other federations of light, are here, to countermand the dark intelligences. The light must stay within the boundaries of cosmic law – the Star Trek’s Prime Directive – so it must work within certain parameters. The goal is to get rid of the dark-infested intelligences that have held humanity in lock-down to physical, without allowing the soul to gain access to love, light, truth, other dimensional powers, which humanity does have, but under programmed manipulation humanity does not know the powers it has locked up within its own muscles, tissues, blood and bones as a species.
Humanity is an amazing species but it has been held back. The light forces are here to help humanity get back on course of growing its amazing properties WITHIN each body into full-bloom physical expression, to bring about an actual garden of love, light, joy, pleasure and freedom of expression and creation. Today we TALK noble words like justice, truth, peace, love, freedom, wisdom, faith, purity, will, enlightenment, but we do not live them. When the dark intelligences who have been ruling the planet are removed, these qualities will no longer need to be spoken and written in poetry and scripture for they will be lived daily, hourly, moment by moment. The original garden of paradise will return as all who are different on the outside - skin color, language, culture and history – are honored, elevated, appreciated and held in high esteem. Where there will be no more a higher or lower people, or a better or worse people, or a left-leaning or right-leaning people. There will be freedom of expression to be WHO YOU ARE. There is acceptance by all, because all are recognized as a child of the Light and Love within. They have all chosen to live in alignment with that which is in their own heart and soul, which makes them equal to all life no matter WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE OR ACT LIKE!
8/6/20 - The twin flames of kundalini
[I woke hearing words that were so far away they were not words but an understanding before there were words. I understood that the old SSG project of couples swinging of years ago with my late husband was about to enter phase two. The expansion of the sex project which I have been chasing down trying to understand - this is for couples who have a relationship, not for singles who are on a different emotional and spiritual path. The understanding seeped in. I saw that the female current is the magnetic current – a stillness - and the male current is the electrifying current - a fire that burns. And then DK started explaining and I got up and wrote it down.]
The two currents are magnetism (stillness) and electrical (fire). Unite them through the sexual feeling and allow it to rise. Don’t use it for sex. Don’t let fire (male) tendency take over. This is the critical stage in the process. Let magnetism (stillness) be its equal. Equal. Equal. Equal. You don’t have to force it by trying. In fact, if you “try” you will stop the process. The magnetism (stillness) is the feminine current. This has been repressed and weakened and therefore disempowered in humankind. Never mind the why of it. That’s a distraction, another firey distraction leading you away from the truth. You are to strengthen the stillness side of you while at the SAME time feeling the firey side as sexual power building up. This is the ascending vitality that is what your body needs to refresh itself and awaken the cells and everywhere in your body.
If you spend it on sex the rest of your body doesn’t get refreshed and revitalized to stay youthful and healthy and energized. The vitality is used up for the sexual climax, which feels good to you and you go into a swoon or a nap and bliss out after you have an orgasm because your body didn’t get the vitality it was owed, that should have gone to IT to refresh it. That is what the sexual arousal represents. It is the heating up of the power required to remain youthful, spritely, alive, refreshed, reinvigorated, reborn, retained in a prime condition to continue life on earth. But instead sex uses it up, wastes it to give pleasure to the lower parts of the body, the sexual organs. The rest of the body goes to sleep or into a bliss nap. The energy was spent, wasted. It went back down into the ground instead up the central canal to the brain, to open the windows called chakras. A sexual climax bypasses the cells. Sometimes it goes up and out the top of the head to transcendent other-worldly experiences, for those who are advanced on a soul level. But the energy in this case shoots up the central canal like a rocket, too fast to open the chakras on the way. The chakras are by-passed and the body does not get the benefit of the aroused life force.
This is the new teaching which will supplement what you Nancy have been teaching or trying to teach, but without much success on infertile ground. They didn’t understand why there is a need to slow down and consider love. The men that is. They were racing to reach the climax both in themselves and in the women because that is all they knew that was good, right and decent. They didn’t understand. They did not have the knowledge which you are preparing to present. The women wished for the climax but secretly they wished for the man to be gentler and to merge more sensitively with her, and to wait for her to catch up with the firey thrusting that he was giving her. She wanted to feel it too but her tendency as a feminine body is to serve and support and nourish the man.
This is NOT the mentality of a slave but the trait of a goddess – to serve, assist, nurture and support. But the male does not understand. Neither does the female understand. It was not time for them. You have been like John the Baptist – a voice crying in the wilderness: “heed the one who comes.” [Pause.] The chakras need to be opened in order for this vitality to be disseminated, distributed throughout the body to revitalize the cells, organs and tissues. Sometimes you feel it as tingles, goose pimples as you call them. Sometimes as a thrill, or as a wave that swirls upward and creates dizziness. Sometimes you feel it like a lightning strike of creative energy and insight and you are awash with excitement. You can’t be held back when it strikes. You are on fire. Or you may feel it through a wave of love and wanting to be close, intimately close, to hold and be held by someone in stillness yet it is a strong forceful stillness – an urge for love. You Nancy feel that most of all. (End. Thank you Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. I called on them during the last pause and they added this after DK finished speaking.]
8/13/20 - There is a science to the Light
There is a science to the light, to interacting with the ultimate good, the ultimate love. There is a science to it, there is a way to align with it and invite it into your life. A science is a method of approach, a direction-finder. The way to find the higher way, the better way, the ultimate way, is through aligning with ALL-good, ALL-light, ALL-love, ALL one, however you wish to name it. Light is not a word. It is the highest and the best. Nothing less can attain to it. Now, this is where it is difficult. It is virtually impossible for the human mind as it exists today to imagine the highest and the best, due to the state that it is in right now. Because the human mind has errors in it, it has been distorted away from the ALL-GOOD. The ALL-good is perfection and it is innate. The best way to align with the ALL-good that is innate, is to nip ALL negative thoughts in the bud. The human mind does not know how to do this so let me explain.
If you want something very badly and each time you attempt to reach for it and you almost align with it but something obstructs you, you have an instantaneous reaction that is negative, maybe disgust, maybe anger. It is a knee-jerk, automatic reaction of a negative nature. This automatic negative reaction will consistently hold you back from aligning with the ALL-good that you seek. The negative resentment, anger or disgust is the fly in the ointment. You must get rid of it. It will keep you from achieving what you want. You must get rid of ALL negative reaction, which is rebellion and resistance to not getting your way. You must release not getting your way. That is ego. That is why people meditate and do inner work on themselves, often without understanding why they are doing it. It is to get rid of ego.
The techniques for doing this are myriad. They have been handed down from antiquity by enlightened masters. To cleanse the body-mind of knee-jerk negative reactions you must substitute ALL-light consciously. It takes a conscious decision to change direction and it takes repeating light-filled mantras, chants, affirmations, prayers, all of these things that require your conscious mind to change direction to the light. Otherwise your human mind will keep going in the same old manner, believing that you will be able to conquer it if you try long enough and hard enough. But it will never happen that way. You are created out of light. You have a light body. It is the background of who you are. It is your background intelligence. You have been overlaid with dark thoughts, beliefs and wrong understandings. The dark web carries hate, resentment and all things that are “not light”. You might think to ask for the removal of “not-light” but even that statement carries within it a recognition that all is not well with you.
The only way to move into the ALL-light is to find the stillness within, the ultimate acceptance of stillness, and stop actively resisting what you don’t want. Accept it. Accepting not the dark but the ALL-good, the ALL-light. Accept the ALL-light and be in peace. Everything is made of light and love. Believe it and accept it. Stop putting up blocks and resistance. This is tricky. Try to understand what I’m saying here. Accept the darkness as light and perfection by seeing past the surface into the background of Light from which it emanates. This takes practice. Practice in techniques that only your higher self can guide you to, for each person is a “construct” of false premises. Only your higher self can guide you out of these false constructs back to your original light body. Another person cannot guide you back to your origins because they don’t know the route you took to create who you are today. Only your higher self knows the route and knows how to guide you.
Then, that which you used to resist and kick against in one way or another, is gone now, because you Nancy have accepted the light in ALL things now. The little remaining resistance in you surfaced when the mask mandate came about. Your knowledge of light made you a progressive activist for the light which is on its way to manifesting on earth. Your desires for this light to manifest took over and you had another “desire”. A “desire” is a shadow construct. It is a movement out of alignment with light. It is your mind saying, “No, no, I can’t let this happen. I can do better. I must do better. I must fight this.” So you said to the mask mandate, “I will fight this. I will not obey.” This was a remnant of the old you. It was a knee-jerk reaction, a shadow of resistance still clinging to you in the dark webbing that shadows you. You subsequently saw the error in that resistance and you decided to align with the ALL-light, which you are finally achieving. To others it may seem as if you have lost the fight and surrendered to the authorities, but you have lost the fight and surrendered to the ALL-light. Not to outside authorities but to the one inside authority, the only authority there is in the end – the ALL-light.
Going with the science of light is what Jesus did, as is told in the scriptures. He had to overcome the shadow in himself too, he had to learn the path of non-resistance too. It is being non-resistant to the ALL-light. “Resist not the Light that is in you. Resist not evil. Resist not, period. Be at peace in all situations. Do not desire! Do not desire anything! If you have a desire you are resisting the ALL-light that is in you and in everyone. The faster you align with non-resistance, the faster you will achieve what you want because it is INSIDE OF YOU. It already exists. It is like – ummm – a simple analogy is when you are looking for your glasses and you go crazy searching for them, you need them, you desire them, and all the while they are on your head, pushed up past your eyesight. All is well, all is light, all is fulfilled. Your process is to practice believing that. It is the truth.
8/25/20 - The importance of building a personal physical identity
[I asked a question, Why do I have to put so much effort into being here in body? Why can’t I just go with the spacious flow that is so natural for me? Is it really important to have a personal physical identity? DK answers:]
“Of course you do! When you went into the light in 1976 you lost your personal physical identity and had to work at rejoining the earth reality. Bob helped you. Relationships, intimate relationships, help you to ground into earth reality. It is a necessary evil to stay in the earth reality, otherwise you lose it. You lose the connection to this reality, this dimension of life. Many people don’t want to connect with this reality, or can’t because they have not developed a method that is practical, in a uniform manner. You have to build your identity and your knowledge how to do it, up through the levels so your life here is coherent and a base is established to make it easier. Many people don’t do that. They don’t know how. Your education is lacking. Your work with intimacy through swinging and sex has given you a solid base because you had the grounding in the light first before beginning. Then you were able to take it to the next level (up the spine to higher levels) because you were able to FEEL what was not a right vibration for you, what was not a good fit for you. You were able to detect the difference, it was coherent to you, you were equipped to handle it. And the longer you stayed in duality, you continued to test the waters of the “other” vibrations around you that you were exposed to, and compare them with your own true comforting vibrations.”
(Me:) So every morning when I wake up I’m lying here trying to re-attach with THIS personal identity, THIS body and THIS timeline, otherwise I am a bit groggy and out of sorts, kind of lost with hardly no vitality. So THIS is what gives me vitality, right? By tuning into THIS body? That’s what I do in the morning lying here in bed trying to find some reason to move. Some connection?
“Yes! Vitality flows through your connection with this earth identity. This earth dimension is the dimension you are anchored into.”
[Later in the meditation room, the left brain and right brain are reaching out toward each other, breaking down the wall that divides and separates them into two halves. I see the lines reaching across borders. They are dark lines, or gray. There is no light shining, just lines flowing together, reaching towards each other and I am consciously aware that I’m doing it, I’m bringing them together. Also I see that it is not the way I imagined it. Left and right brain are not two separate tendencies, one masculine and the other feminine. No. It is not that. We humans did that. The brain was designed originally as a whole brain. The left brain has all of the functions of the right brain and vice versa, but they have been disabled and divided. But the right brain has all functions that the left brain has, and vice versa. They have been taken apart and divided up. Our distorted control system programming did that to us. We were trained to operate as enemies. Our ancestors were trained to think and act this way so the genetic material was passed on to us. The left brain is capable of receiving input from the celestial spheres just as much as the right brain is. And the right brain is just as capable of masculine acts that need to be done as the left brain – like abilities of rationalizing, organizing, assertiveness and competition.]
9/21/20 - The struggle between immortality and mortality
[I asked DK, I have so many awarenesses, so many tasks to do, they are backing up on me. How do I choose? He responded "What excites you? Choose IT!! I said, "Spiritual anatomy excites me, learning about it, how it becomes physical." DK continued to talk to me...]
Kundalini is God, is the eternal one. The Monad is your individual immaculate concept or pattern. It is the you as you were created by Source in the beginning of your life. A piece of that immaculate concept was sent to Earth to embed into the earth to anchor you here. Around that immaculate immortal seed which has been called kundalini are seven layers. When kundalini awakens dramatically as it did in you, or in an OBE or NDE, all seven layers are broken and the eternal God is set free in the solid body and immediately soars home to the infinite sea of light. Now it is up to you to bring it back down into the solid earth body and enclose it round about with understanding.
It is YOU – your conscious consciousness - that is now bringing the immaculate concept down into the solid enclosure of the body. You do this through love, by praising it, seducing it, welcoming it, caring for it to come down into this confinement of the lower dimension. It is your life, your immortal self. You do not know this at first. You struggle with your immortality and the sensation of being enclosed and confined inside a physical body. It is YOU – your consciousness – that must make this integration. It is YOU who must insist that your immortality and your mortal self walk side by side as friends in the same body. You are the soul, not yet the eternal spirit. You as soul must become refined, purified, cleared of doubt and confusion. You were given a glimpse of the father’s kingdom [referring to my OBE into the light] and now you are seeking it all the time but you are anchored into a finite body.
You experience frustration at not being able to move freely because you do not yet know how to be at peace with ALL things, ALL situations, ALL people, ALL that is disturbing. You are an immortal but don’t know it yet. Do the work of unifying everything that disturbs you, angers you, condemns you, hurts you. This does not come naturally to the physical animal but you are not physical nor are you an animal. You are an immortal who does not know it yet. You must work at being love and extending love into everything that comes up in front of your nose. You want the vastness of the all-that-is but you are mortal so what do you do? You work at unifying. You call to your higher self, your immortal self. You direct it into the disturbance or the confusion, whatever is troubling you. You send it, you beam it, you think it, you control the direction of your love. You, the immortal one, take charge of your mortal life! Relax into the immortal self in moments of silence to reconnect. Dream with it often during the day. Recognize its presence and stop what you are doing to allow it into your mind.
You are a solid on a physical work assignment with others who also are solid on work assignments, working with their immortal self too, most of whom do not know what you know. They know what THEY know but not what YOU know. Stick to your own story like glue. Create your own path to Home. There is no other can do it for you. You have germinated and blossomed the immaculate you, your eternal light body, which is an individual concept born out of the immortal eternal mind which ALL have been born out of. You cannot follow another’s path any more than they can follow yours because they have their own seed of immortality lying in wait for them to pierce the shell. But, since you came to help Earth grow to unity and peace, you are here to form kinships, relationships in solid form. That requires skill.
You have been educated over eons of lifetimes in how to work with other solids who are, like you, following their path to the stars, or trying to. And you have on-the-job training. You KNOW what does not work! You know! You are equipped. All you have needed in this life was confidence in your knowledge. You needed time and space to build confidence in what you know. You have done that. You are almost ready to throw away the hesitation and step boldly out on the world stage with the power of the immortal burning gently – not forcefully or vulgarly – gently but firmly through your physical presence, your solid physical body. You are ready. Know this. Be firm and steady in the knowledge you have accumulated and built up as treasure in heaven. Own this treasure. Be responsible for the eternal vastness that is in you. The eternal good in you. That is your God. God is goodness without flaws. Can you do that?
11/26/20 - The dark web vs. web of light
The dazzling river of life in its radiance flows into the body through the meridians, I call it the tree of life, not the artificial tree but the true golden tree, and it circulates through the body parts, absorbing and blending with the individual in his current understanding, and his current evolution of consciousness. The divine Ego blends with the human ego so there is always a progress going on, and an opportunity for the individual to receive more clarity, more understanding and more answers to his current situation. The divine is always circulating as a river of life. It is the understanding of the individual that allows the consciousness to go off into alternative routes that are not pure.
These alternative routes have been built into the earth’s atmosphere for thousands of years. It takes great effort of will, study, perseverance and tenacity to stick to a self-evolvement study course to learn the higher laws and practice the cleansing and purification ways taught by masters. No matter where on the scale of understanding, the river of golden radiance follows a specific path through the human anatomy, down around the central spinal column, igniting the centers from which radiate conduits of light into every cell and atom in the body, feeding the body with light. Why a person is not enlightened is due to the dark web which also circulates through the body. Both are formless rivers of light, but the dark web contains errors and distortions due to the eons of time human beings have reproduced and passed on erroneous thoughts and beliefs. It is built into the human consciousness.
Human and divine function hand in hand, with the divine maintaining and supporting the human as he grows through trial and error to learn the ways of betterment, thus evolving upward from the animal state. At a certain point in the man’s evolution there is a triggering event which causes the man to search out spiritual knowledge. Then it is that he begins to pray, meditate or seek a teacher of higher learning. There is always an opportunity for clarity and the receiving of answers and solutions, but until a man reaches that trigger point, he does not realize there is a god within him with answers, or angelics and spiritual guides surrounding him waiting for him to call, pray and ask for help. After this point is reached the man will take time to go within and do the inner practice on a daily basis. Practice inner disciplines on a daily basis because the atmosphere in which we live, home, community, world at large brought indoors by internet and television, is filled with distortions, divisions and disruptions.
Both the dark web and divinity are formed by consciousness. The good and the evil. Neither is made of physical material but the physical molds itself according to the direction of conscious thought. Like a river they cut through the body’s material making deeper and deeper patterns upon the physical, etheric and elemental cells of the body. The radiant flow of the divine, formed by father-mother God, is immortal, eternal and everlasting. It will never die and never deviate from its course while the artificial webbing constructed of man’s thoughts will not last. It is a river of ever-changing fluctuations, as the man is pummeled with pressures, doubts, new ideas, harassments, disturbances. It waivers constantly, throwing the thinker into confusion, unable to stay the course of any one thing.
What is taking place out beyond our skin harasses the thinker. As we blend with the quiet but constant flow of innocence within, however, we grow in wisdom, maturity and trust in the divine order that slowly, inevitably makes itself known to the thinker. Calmness invades our former doubts and we do not react so quickly to take sides. Our souls grow weary eventually, as they are designed to do, and take steps toward higher planes of consciousness. Souls evolve to higher planes of consciousness like animals evolve to human consciousness, which gives it self-awareness over the baser creature consciousness. And so do we evolve to become masters and saints, as the masters and saints evolve to become greater beings in the celestial scheme. Thus God himself evolves and learns from the experiences of the ant, the wolf, the human, for it is God that is experiencing through the forms.
11/27/20 - The golden tree of life, the dark web is not evil
[Knowledge is not a fickle thing, it just needs sorting. We call it processing. Continued information has come to me about the dark web. The dark web was first revealed to me five years ago but I couldn’t tell about it then. New knowledge comes only after I use what was previously given. I have to share it somehow. In my case it's done through writing. Everyone has a different way of expressing inner growth, which is new knowledge coming to them. But we must put it into action in a way that helps us. New knowledge comes in increments. This important supplement about the dark web came two days after publishing my last newsletter.]
The dark web is not evil. The dark web itself is not evil. It is who we are in our limited understanding about our Self. The Self is important. We are growing in consciousness. We are expanding and stretching our understanding about our place in the whole. We are maturing into a unique, one-of-a-kind individual through trial and error. Behind all our experimentations in this world with people and circumstance, there is a golden web of eternal life that is ours alone. I must say that. It is ours all to our Self alone. This particular tree of life is pure unadulterated LIGHT and it runs through you in a different way than it runs through me or someone else. The dark web has something to do with it. Let me try to explain.
The dark web that materializes in front of your tree of life is the shadow cast by your limitations. The dark web that materializes in front of me is the shadow cast by my limitations. A human being doesn’t identify yet with the divine light that runs through him, so alternative channels need to be created. This allows us time to grow into the light and love within. The dark web is our Self consciousness, as we are at the moment. We are growing into a fuller, more rounded, more complete Self consciousness through our experiences and lessons learned.
You are unique and one of a kind. You are the child growing up in the neighborhood, testing your Self against your peers and older folks. All the while in the background is your father-mother God flowing in purity and truth as a template to follow. You were conceived as a pure spirit spark before journeying down into physicality, always with your father-mother God supporting you. The tree of life runs through your body from beyond the physical. It is there constantly, flowing purity through you, so you can measure yourself against it. What is right, what is wrong. You are the child following the parents light, copying it as best you can. It is there to support you as you grow to maturity. It is your Father-Mother God, a golden tree of life that flows pure divinity through you. There are many smaller branches flowing out into the organs and tissues of your physical body. I’ve seen it. You are the physical child living off this light. When you were young you followed it innocently but as you grew older you could not sustain the innocence. It was not meant to be. It is supporting you while you grow into your own identity. That is the reason a supplemental web was made, to support your consciousness. You are your own true Self, maturing along your own personal pattern.
We are each the Self, the I that is growing up into a wise old soul. But during the growth process we can identify with only so much of that purity. We live in a world of opposites with diversity at every turn. Which way to go? We are here to learn our Self. There is no how-to manual because we are the creator of our Self. We are here to build a substantial body for our Self, for the I that is me is differentiated from all the other I’s and me’s. We try to follow the inner pattern that is our true and pure Self but we are limited here in the solid physical world of opposites. So we say, “I must do it my way.” And that is precisely the purpose. We are here to it my way. Not anyone else’s way.
I have seen this brilliant, dazzling tree of life. It’s more like a radiance in all its splendor laid out before me. It is beautiful to my inner vision. The main trunk of the tree comes down from above and goes down around the spine and into the earth. Smaller branches sprout off to either side, left and right and sprout smaller and smaller lines of light, so it becomes like a web of light. And the main trunk of the tree fountains out at the top of the head like a water fountain, like the tree is reaching upward and growing new branches up there. Against this dazzling light background I see the darker web in front, smaller and more concise. We are trying to align our Self against it with our daily actions. Are we doing it right? Or wrong? Does it feel warm? Or cold? The golden tree of light is our parentage, our divine lineage. We are supported by it as we grow in wisdom and learning. We feed off it. We compare ourselves to it. It sustains us. It is our Father and Mother. As we identify with it, it feels like love. It is warm and cozy and close and intimate. It feels like I’m home inside my skin.
Those moments are rare but they serve as reminders. The light becomes love when we do it right. That’s the answer to our befuddlement. Thats the sign from home. We think we are alone but the Father-Mother God is with us every step of the way. It is nourishing our physical organs, brain, nerves, bone every second of the day. Our heart beats because of it, our lungs breathe, our digestive system absorbs and eliminates, our brain registers higher thought because of it. Every part of our physical body is alive because of this golden tree of life. We are the Self temporarily living in it, training it to follow the patterns of light. We think we are the body, but we are the light. We don’t know that yet but we are getting closer to understanding. Meanwhile, how we think in our limited understanding creates the dark web of consciousness. We don’t know. We don’t understand. How could we, trapped inside a solid physical body? The only way out is to train it and educate it. This is Tantra training.
We know only our own mind. We think we are right in most everything we do, because we are the Self. But mind is nebulous. It is connected to all other minds and to all other dark webs. We absorb from and share with other dark webs 24/7. The big job is to isolate our OWN mind and build it into mastery and this can only be done by identifying with the inner gold, the purity of our Father-Mother God which flows in a distinct pattern within us, through the trunk of the tree and the meridians. Prayer, meditation and other reminder practices keep us in touch with our divinity that flows within. Thus we become an enlightened conscious mind that is unique and separate on one hand but One with all that is divine in others.
I didn’t see the golden tree of life until I was shown the dark web as if I needed to see the contrast. I was meant to see the dark web, but in order to actually see it I had to see the light behind it. Up until then it was only blind faith, blind knowing without proof. The dark web appeared in front of the golden tree but was somehow attached. I originally assumed the dark web was a parasite and interpreted it as something bad. Now I am being corrected. The dark is limited understanding of who I am. I operate from it. It is my conscious mind functioning in this world as it is today. In order to engage with everyone else, I have to limit myself, hone myself down, stay low to the ground because my visions take me aloft. I am a dweller of two worlds. I think there is a book of that title. Now I see that EVERYONE is like me. I am not alone here. I am a reflection of the real genuine article. the real me, which is behind me out of sight maintaining my physicality so I can walk and talk and be here. But there are distortions in my beliefs. I reflect the current trend but I see these are being corrected through revelation and vision. Revelation and vision are interspersed into human society like little flashes of insight. The human being is like the baby six months old trying to get up and walk. It stumbles and falls, and gets back up again. What makes it get back up again? Why do we keep trying?
The dark web is not evil. It is a gracious tool provided as support and maintenance. Pure evil is born from it by the rare few who fight against the inner guidance, but they have free will. We all do. The one who stubbornly fights against love and light, fights against his own inner nature which makes him mean, frustrated, cruel and vicious. He projects outward on everyone else what he refuses to accept for himself. At first it is a mistake that leads to evil, but continued trodding of the same path creates the darkness. He alone cuts himself off from the comfort, love and security that was his from the beginning. He alone cuts it off. He does it to himself.
We were created to become Self conscious and Self sovereign. We are gods in training. There is a point when we complete our integration with the golden tree of life that flows within us, and we move on to the next stage of life beyond human, which is an ascended master. We have come up through the levels of barely-conscious to semi-conscious to group-conscious to become individual conscious in our OWN right. Upon reaching human status we began developing our unique Selfhood. We stepped into the human culture. A different field of awareness was ours to explore that was quite different from the animal culture. Here we develop separation consciousness. We are distinct and separate from our fellow beings but we carry the wisdom of animal culture and all the cultures we have been through prior to now. Now today we have a golden light tree of life which sustains the human body and mind for practical reasons, to maintain the physical form and keep it upright and healthy so the Self can grow ever higher in conscious awareness.
11/28/20 - The creating of a unique individual
Our consciousness is evolving by following the divine intelligence within and eventually uniting with it. A man devolves by following the animal nature, which takes him backward and downward. The tree of life is purity and has been carefully designed to aid the human species. It flows along the human form and feeds the human anatomy composed of cells and atomic particles. We can feel when we are on the right or wrong path. It is subtle and increasingly more subtle, which demands a careful feeling process. We get feedback from the truth within but we must be open to the truth and not rely on neighbors for feedback. That's why we need to cultivate our higher emotions, and not allow lower emotions to stay in us. We have to be able to FEEL if we are going to be guided by the subtle tree of light within. Often we compromise our Self. It is common when we decide to sacrifice our way to work with another person. Other times we are stubborn and insist on my way or the highway. We are learning through these interactions. We get feedback.
Higher knowledge comes from two sources. First, from within the body as a peculiar and unusual sensation, and secondly, from higher mind in the form of revelation and vision. Both come from beyond the human experience and we must learn to detect it. These contribute to the awakening of our individuality. The more aware we are of our own inner spaces and higher spaces, the more we expand into those spaces. It helps us mature. We evolve ourselves. This makes us unique. We are a spark of purity who dared come down to dense levels to learn more about our Self and thus grow our Self into a master. We do this by incorporating new knowledge and making it real and a physical expression. When we choose to express goodness and kindness we are drawn closer to the tree of knowledge and life within us and we feel more sure of ourselves. We experience an expansion and elevated feelings. We need to become conscious of those good feelings for that is how we incorporate them and bring them into the body of Self. It is how we impress upon the physical vehicle more refinement and evolvement. This brings us closer to our Father-Mother God within, our parental lineage, the ideal within, which we sense only vaguely at first, but which grows in clarity over time and exposure. The soul is the unenlightened part of us, we are the soul. The spirit is our Father-Mother God to whom we are attracted and we reach for it.
As a soul becomes more enlightened, it senses goodness more easily in another, and more clearly in itself. We call them old souls. Old souls have lived many lives and gained much wisdom. Others who have only recently evolved up from the animal kingdom are rather innocent and wide-eyed. They are excited about human life and may be eager to become involved in human affairs, whereas older souls are more sedate and peaceful. They have learned to take life more slowly and enjoy it more deeply.
The web of dark which I implied would diminish and disappear as we become more enlightened, is not exactly true. The web of dark is our history. It sustains our memories and our past record of previous lives and wisdoms accrued. It cannot be deleted or erased, but it is transformed into colors and transparency. It becomes more glorious, more glowing, more transcendent. It better represents our true Self. This is our goal to become more pure to our Self in the ways we express, live and contribute to the world with others who may look to us for proper feedback.
We do not make the dark web go away, we transform it. Those who have previously ascended advanced themselves by weaving their human consciousness into their divine consciousness to become immortal. We too have gained treasures in our journeys through many lifetimes. They belong to us. We earned them but they are not here now. They are higher up, beyond our reach but they are there. We have garnered riches, meaning wisdom, beyond measure through the many incarnations in human, animal and lower dimensional life. But these riches remain in the heavens of our being. It is our job to open our hearts and minds and reach for them. Pull them down into the everyday life. Accept these riches to fulfill our everyday physical life here now today. We don't have to leave the earth plane to become fulfilled but instead bring heaven's abundance down here. This is the next step. This is how humans weave the light body into physicality. Its already happening. The rare few are becoming the more. The light is burning through the dark web of each individual and transforming it into colorful arrays of differing hues, one person at a time.
We have an ideal Self we'd like to be. Start imaging that ideal for 20, 30 seconds at a time. Thirty seconds is a long time to hold an image of perfection with the mind. It is how we do it. How we begin to weave the ideal we want to bring forth into our normal human existence. Our Father-Mother God provided us with an ideal, but we have been building our own individuality out of it. We have a lineage. We now are stepping into it. Our personal lineage of light will fit into us like a hand in a glove. It is our Self that we fit into as we become more humble and surrender our human to our divine. We sense the fit then. Humbleness is required to grow larger and more expansive. We become more tolerant instead of fighting and resisting. We allow everyone their space and their comfort zone. It is not our job to move them or bring them to more enlightenment. We are not here to change anyone or make them over into our image, but to change ourselves and make our selves over into the ideal that has been there from the beginning. The Father-Mother God/source/creator created a pattern for us to mold ourselves around. We were born with a unique intention and thus a unique inheritance is ours to grow into. We earn it by accepting it and not resisting the warmth within.
Each one of us was created at a moment of revelation and thus was born with a unique intention and design. The difference is in the divine pattern and how it flows through our consciousness. The pattern is not limited to the human body. It is in our conscious awareness of who we are. We are simply coloring in the bold outlines. We are weaving the story into the pages. We are making of our life a home in which we can live comfortably. We are each therefore unique. As we grow in respect for our own nature, so do we grow in respect of our brothers and sisters with whom we travel.
We are not going to lose our individuality. Quite the opposite. We are building our individuality. We do not lose our individuality as I once thought, by going into the light of ascension. I should have remembered because when I went into the light in 1976 I remember being myself and seeing into eternity and feeling a part of eternity but I was also myself. Even though my body and surroundings had disappeared, my mind was sharp as a tack. My journey since that day in 1976 has been one of trying to recreate the experience of that moment in physical form with other people. It was a desire and a search, but I have failed to recreate it. I realize now that I was not supposed to. That was not the intent. The whole purpose of a sole once-only experience is to learn about yourself and how extraordinary you are. How precious. How immaculate. How sovereign, whole and complete you are. The journey is not about other people, it's the journey of the soul, which is you, into your spiritual identity.
The golden tree of life that shimmers within each human being is all the same divinity. It is not different at first. What makes it different is you. You are what makes the tree of life in you different and unique because you are a unique consciousness. You mold your awareness around divinity and you add to it. The golden tree of life is pure and it is there for you to use as a template upon which to design your OWN life as a divine being. You are the immortal one creating the everlasting body that lives forever. You started as a pure and innocent spirit spark and you have been filling it in with substantial wisdom and knowledge ever since. But it is YOUR knowledge, not someone else's. The day will come when you will be complete and you will achieve your ascension. Then you will be free to stay here or leave or go elsewhere to enjoy new experiences. As an immortal being with an enlightened mind, you will be free to travel anywhere you wish, because you will have proved to yourself that you can live in love and harmony and not ever be separate from the divine again, ever.
1/6/21 - Female orgasms and sex
[I am on fire this morning and very excited as I write this down. I have just learned something. I woke from a dream and after doing a few sun visuals on the brain and spine I was shown the "chitrini" which is a hair-thin conduit going up the spine from the tailbone or root chakra to the mid-brain. This enlarged through inner vision to 4 inches, then 10 inches, then the whole body to include the nadis, then returned back to the chritrini at the center of the spine. I had not studied this chitrini but it is suddenly there, strong, lit up like the sun, hair-thin. And then the two lesser nerves, called ida and pingala, that spiral around the central chitrini in opposite directions. I haven’t quite figured these out yet, but one is active and the other passive. The male emerges from the left of the root chakra, goes up the chitrini and ends at the left brain, spiraling around the spine. The passive feminine emerges from the right of the root chakra and ends at my right brain, spiraling up around the chitrini in the opposite direction from the male. This creates a sudden interest. Why then is it said that the left is feminine and the right masculine? Dear DK, can you please explain? I know that the chitrini is the direct link from root to brain and that there are blockages down below that take the kundalini off to the left or right. Is this done at the second chakra near the reproductive organs, where the block forces it either right or left? Is that when the more dynamic active kundalini is stronger and takes over the passive kundalini? Forcing the pure passive kundalini to go off to the side? I imagine the pure kundalini then becomes diminished in the passive side and too strong on the active side, so the purity of kundalinii is no longer pure. It has been stolen and taken over by going up these paths.]
[Me asking:) So when I was “sucking” up in those days when I was playing with sex, when I was “sucking” in an upward way during my orgasms, while men stirred my G-spot with their fingers and I pressed the vibrator on the clitoris. I felt distinctly the G-spot and clitoris were joined as one organ, and I felt the beginning of the orgasm start to ignite. It was like putting two wires together in the car battery to start the engine. There was no mistaking that feeling of the “clicking in” or kicking in of the juice, the charge, the amazing feeling. I am beginning to see that this is the kundalini being activated during sex play. Without the fingers inside and the heavy pressure on the clitoris, there was no such feeling. It didn’t happen. But then I sucked upward during this time and I didn’t realize what I was doing, I just did it. Why did I suck upward to create orgasm in my head? I felt orgasm in my head, not down below in the sex region? It has just occurred to me in the last few months, the memory of how I did the sucking up during sexual orgasmic play. Was this the blockage that was placed in human beings to prevent them from knowing their true nature? To prevent them from going up the spine to the head which would have caused them enlightened powers? It was placed at the sexual chakra, wasn’t it? I sense that. The chitrini is the main avenue to the brain.]
[Me still talking:) I just learned about the word “chitrini”. Is this the answer that I’ve been looking for? That Gopi Krishna has enunciated and carefully spelled out in his dissertations? And that I have so wondered about since it happened? Why did I have a “spontaneous” kundalini awakening where all the yogis are working to get it? And why did I have such a sweet and lovely transcendent OBE into the light, where others have horror stories of burnings, suffering and worse? Why me? I have wondered about it, and so did my sister. Is this the answer at long last? How did I know to do the sucking up? That was never taught to me. It was innate. Instinctive. Automatic. My body did it. Why did my body do that? Was this the clearing of the blockage so the main route was open for me to later have the kundalini awakening when Shirley guided me that day in meditation? Was there a higher being overlighting me? And was it because I cut ties with my family and was no longer entangled with family lineage? I suspect this is the chain of events that triggered kundalini to awaken in me. So this is the “AhHA!!” moment of putting two and two together and coming up with four. It connects. It is an answer. Can you please explain?]
(DK answering:) The pressure of lust that builds up in the male body is only because males are the “doer”, the active gender who is using kundalini. Females are not. They are more dormant in the female gender. You did not have a buildup of pressure even though your body had the same block in it as everyone else, but you were more inward focused, following your previous life patterns of being drawn upward. When a person is mentally focusing on the physical world, he is open to receiving the chaotic energies cast off by those around him. He is trying to make sense of it and the key word here is “trying”. He does not know about the benefits of meditation. He struggles with the world outside his door and works at it unceasingly, where you did not struggle so hard because you were more inwardly focused. You are an advanced soul, an advanced scout in the wild wood of this planet. You hold a treasury of wisdom inside you, in your body itself, in the spaces between the atoms and electrons, for you are who you are. You do not know it with your brain, since your brain is an organ within the body. But you, as the eternal consciousness that is growing through experience in the sentiency, have lived longer and gained more wisdom than many who are here with you. You now draw instinctively on this vast knowledge which is your father or parent consciousness, which is the creator which holds the cells together in the form of your body. You are now learning through your brain activity, your left brain, as you have rightly said. You have now activated that part of your brain that can add things up, like two and two equals four. You are using your left brain to become educated whereas before, you acted on impulses and intuition.
(Me:) Would others around me in this culture, if they learned about kundalini and about the disciplines, such as better diet, yoga postures, meditation and the like on a regular basis, would their bodies respond? Would the kundalini move through them faster?.Would this break the block for them at the second chakra, which would enable them to rise up the chitrini instead of detouring off to the left or right? Should there be an attempt to physically teach them how to do this with fingers and vibrators and such? For women especially? Maybe some shy men too would need this physical assistance in breaking up the blockages? Is this where Trisha is being guided? She wants to do this. She did this on a man at LG’s party. The man had a super orgasm and was so very happy, for he did not know how to have one. And she was very excited and proud of herself. And so was Ron?
(DK:) Talk this over with M, T, LG and T. Yes, you have put two and two together and made the correct connection. Each body is a densification of the knowledge and interpretations they have made in their form lives. They have formed conclusions and beliefs as an explanation for what they experienced. They are personally and individually created. You learn, you puzzle and you conclude. Lifetime after lifetime you build knowledge. Some of this knowledge is correct, others are not. You are learning about the sex block. Not everyone has prior understanding as you have or experience in this. Therefore, this information will not interest them. They are not ready to hear it or cannot link into its importance. So, your audience or contemporaries will be in the sexual field, especially that of women. You are intuitively drawn to soundboard with women but you want to work with men. You want to help them, assist them, heal them. There are many women who are drawn to this field, as T has done, and also LG. Other women will not understand. (End)
1/7/21 - Your body is a mechanism, it awaits your direction
(While doing the three-fold flame exercise in the heart, I received the following information.)
The three-fold flame is one flame that flares up as pink (love), gold (wisdom) and blue (will). Divine love is cultivated through meditation. Love begins with yourself and your own body. Find a routine that focuses love and relaxation onto your body parts. It soothes your body, mind and nerves to reduce stress and restore harmony, love, peace. Many people do not want to take the time for this, nor do they have any inclination to want to.
Divine wisdom is cultivated by reading words written by others. Learning, educating, edifying and adding to your physical brain knowledge. It will add to, or distract from, or correct or modify former understandings, as you have been doing, reading the John White book, and other books. If you only dwell on your own beliefs and knowledge, you will not expand. Then you recycle the same knowledge over and over.
Divine Will is cultivated by sticking to a regular routine on a daily basis. Do some practices every day. Build a routine and follow it every day without fail. This is what you have been doing. You are starting to succeed so that your body starts to remember and want to do it every day. Without a regular routine your body stays lazy and thinks it is doing the right thing for itself. The body operates on habit. It is sluggish, its cells are from the earth. It is not a high consciousness machine. It likes routine. It likes to know what is expected of it. If you change your habits and follow it every day, your body will remember and will change over a short period of time. You must use will power on yourself. If you feel lazy, it is your body that feels lazy, not you, but you let your mind follow suit. You interpret wrongly. You think it is you but it is your body. You are not your body. You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like it today, I will go to the computer instead. I am excited and want to write this down.”
But that means you have let your body take control over your commitment. You must force your body to do what you have decided to do, and not succumb to your body’s wants. This takes will power. It is a struggle at first. The body operates on habit, which is a feeling. But you are the consciousness of the body. You built the body, your higher self did. If you have decided to change yourself then you must use discipline and will power. Take your power back from your body. Know the difference between your body wanting to feel good, and your commitment to make a change. This does not mean you won’t enjoy the ‘feel good” feelings at times, but you will not let your body tell you what IT wants. You will teach it better manners. You will teach it what it feels like to be refined and more sensitive. It is the body who has the “feelings”. You are the abstract intelligence that uses the body as a vehicle, as an avatar. This is the reason for a daily routine – to work with your body and raise its consciousness level to better express your higher intelligence. Build new habits into your body and it will become more refined, stronger, healthier and feel better with itself. It will thank you by responding with a sense of freedom and lightness.
The body is a mechanism. I is a machine. Even though it is organic and a breathing, living machine and it has a consciousness, yet it is still exquisitely designed to function under the orders and control of a higher mind. That higher mind is you. We learn to use it from the outside in. The hands, feet, legs, mouth, eating, brushing teeth, putting it to sleep at night and washing it so it feels clean. This is what we learn as a child, how to take care of the body and use it properly. In past ages we did not learn how to care for the inner parts of the body, but that time is now changing. We are going through an evolutionary shift to higher consciousness. How the inner parts of the body work is done through yoga. Learning how they function is a three-part education. We study the machine to see how it functions, and we practice it through yoga postures, and we read scholarly reports and experiences of other people.
Up to now it has been left to the professionals and experts to know how your body works, how to maintain it, what to do when it goes wrong. But you have given them the power over your body. They do not know what you are feeling and aligning with, or misaligning with. This only you can tell from being inside the body. When something goes wrong with your heart or lungs or stomach, most people go to the doctor or another expert. But those who have chosen the inner path of their choice, which is natural and organic, have discovered better health and more intuitively well, happy and at peace. Yoga is an ancient science and covers many facets. It is an inner path that is starting to spread across the planet and bring changes to those who practice it. It is how people are taking their power back from outside authorities. There is untold wisdom contained in the human intellect, will and love. [the classic three-fold flame - love, wisdom & power]
Gopi Krishna advises a path of (1) healthy diet & journal/document (2) yoga postures & journal/document (3) meditate & journal/document. In other words make yourself an experimental subject and keep documenting. Consider it research. He advises a research institute but I’m saying, make yourself the research. Routine, regular discipline, apply control, conscious control, the evolutionary force for the future of mankind. This prevents psychopathy and psychosis. The evolutionary mechanism goes wrong when the body is not clean and not maintained in a healthy manner. It must be kept up on a regular basis with conscious application of certain habits. In the case of the wayward man who is ignorant, it means to become more disciplined.
1/21/21 - Kundalini is Mother-Father God implanted in you
I woke with instructions in my mind. I hear the words, “Kundalini is the earth force. Go down, connect with the earth, cool it down.” I got up at 6:30 and went to the med room to continue writing.]
In situations where heated passion or anger or wildness in any form threatens to overwhelm or boil over, slow down by going down into the earth. Connect with earth. Put yourself down there in the earth. Kundalini is the earth force. It is the cooling agent. Kundalini goes in both directions - up into the sky and down into the earth from its location at the base of the spine, the center of the body. You are in a bubble. You are circular. Kundalini is self-regulating. It will help you. The feminine side of you is the downward cooling side of you. It is the logical, reasoning, soothing side of you. It balances the heating up when you feel yourself heating up to boiling point, pushing for action, getting ready to explode. Understand the nature of kundalini. It goes down into the earth, it is of the earth. Will yourself down into the soil of the planet. (I did that once without thinking, and it cooled me off.) It will balance you. You are the offspring of this force which is not a force at all. It is pure spirit. It does not push, it does not move. It is your Father God in your body.
The Father becomes known as the Mother when you are in embodiment, in a physical body. Mother God creates your body and maintains your body while you are living in it. You are the master of the body. The body was made for you to live in. You are king, lord of the manor, the ruling god of the body. The kundalini is the Mother God maintaining your body while you live in it. Learn to call on her for help when you need it. She is your mother. She has the power to stabilize you, just as she has the power to agitate you with trembling fire, which is how kundalini is known. Very few know about the feminine balancing power of kundalini. This is new information. You are both feminine and masculine in your spiritual light body. Get rid of the terms “feminine and masculine”. It is too easy to attach to the gender that you live in. It is important that you adjust your thinking to realize, if you are a man, you have feminine tendencies in you that you can call upon. If you are a woman, you have masculine tendencies that you can call upon. The cooling, relaxing, soothing feminine nature is in men as well as women. And the hot, fiery action-packed masculine nature is in women as well. You have both natures in you but you have separated them into two distinct natures where they are coming from one holy nature within. One consciousness is who you are, but when you are in body your consciousness is split into two sides due to your DNA lineage from your ancestors.
Place yourself down in the ground, in the soil, in the planet. Kundalini is a cooling mechanism too. Kundalini is feminine. You have a feminine earthly nature too. All instructions and writings have been about how fiery and hot kundalini is when activated. That is because it was written by men, from a male perspective. Men were the teachers. He is bringing kundalini up its fiery side, the right side channel. In the spiritual anatomy left by the ancients, kundalini can rise up the right channel or the left channel, but rising is not a correct term. Kundalini does not rise. The seeker’s awareness attaches to the pure spirit of kundalini, and it is the seeker’s body that draws it up. The seeker’s body is hungry for this purity. It is an exciting wonderful connection to the seeker’s body. The body is the instrument and the tool. The body acts on its own without permission from the seeker’s conscious mind.
If the seeker’s body is preconditioned to operate habitually as masculine, his right channel is open and flowing upward. Then the kundalini, the pure life force will flow up that channel, on the right side, which is the masculine channel. If the seeker’s body is preconditioned to operate on the left channel, the feminine channel, it will flow more easily and relaxed. It will be a more comfortable sensation.
The genetic material of which your physical body is made, came from your ancestors. This is what operates your body automatically. You inherited certain tendencies and qualities, and you are confused, not knowing which tendencies you are to follow. The two sides of your nature, your tendencies known as feminine and masculine, oppose each other. The primal energy in your center, what is called the root chakra is designed to run upward through the main central channel inside the spine. This main channel is designed to flow the INTEGRATED energies of male and female combined, up the spine to the head. But your ancestors did not have this training. They were either feminine subservient or masculine controlling. The masculine controlling tendencies drew the primal energy up the right channel, while the feminine subservient tendencies drew the primal energy up the left channel. Now you are saddled and controlled by your DNA until you learn to use your WILL POWER and change the habits you inherited. The ancient teachers taught the men how to do this. You can take up the disciplines of the teachers and start to redirect the primal energy, which wants to go upward, or follow Nancy’s feminine example, she is eager to start sharing as a new feminine teaching. This is new knowledge I am giving you. The kundalini does not rise. It is pure spirit. But the genetics of your body that dictate your habits, movements and actions, take over when kundalini is connected with and activated.
Your ancestral DNA built your body and continues to operate in you until you consciously will yourself to change and develop different habits. This is done through planned disciplined programs left by the gurus and masters of bygone eras. The sense of rising heat, psychic pain, trembling and other negative experiences that seekers experience when kundalini activates, is the holy spirit being siphoned up the right channel by a masculine-flowing body suddenly connected into kundalini’s purity. The power is overwhelming for the body not prepared. On the other hand, the sense of a rising beautiful calm and bliss feeling, as my OBE experience [Nancy's OBE], is the holy spirit being siphoned up the left channel by a feminine-flowing body suddenly connected into kundalini’s purity.
Your body was formed out of ancestral genetics. It is your physical lineage, not your spiritual lineage. Your body was formed by your parents DNA, grandparents DNA, great grandparents DNA, great-great grandparents DNA, and so on back into history. You carry their unfinished thoughts and feelings within you. These have an impact in how you think, believe and feel. Also how you desire. If you are a man you have more of your masculine ancestors impacting you. If you are a woman, you have more of your feminine ancestors impacting you. You have reincarnated into many bodies and many cultures, some have been male bodies and some have been female bodies. You have tendencies of both male and female. The female tendencies are soothing, integrative, calming, nurturing and in touch with spiritual values. The male tendencies are focused outward, drawing input from other people and expressing outward to other people. Whether a physical person or an intellectual, males tend to compete, judge and measure oneself against others in the outer world. Males create a hierarchical structure, where females embrace the wholeness of nature which is an aspect of universal law and harmony.
You can be a woman with more masculine tendencies than feminine. Or you can be a man with more feminine tendencies than masculine. It all depends on the genetic material that your body is made of. You are an evolving soul using many different ancestral lineages. Muslin, Jew, Russian, Chinese, Mexican, German, English, Indian, Native American. Your genetics are subconscious. You are not aware of this and you don’t have control over this body’s genetics that you live in until you start practicing disciplines, applying your will power to certain exercises, like yoga, breath work, meditation, visualization. When you begin a mental discipline program, you start to take charge of your body’s automatic tendencies. You start to change the genetic material that makes you who you thought you were. You become more who you choose to be. You can’t affect this change with your mind alone. It has to be a combination of mental, physical, breathing and imagination. This is how you take charge of your body and begin to improve its abilities. You give it a boost of vitality. It is your will power that is taking charge. Your body is no longer in charge of you. You become the master instead of the body mastering you. Health, vitality and good feelings are the benefits of taking on a discipline program.
What is the kundalini and where is it located? It is pure lighter-than-air spirit in the shape of a round crystal ball located at the very center of your body at the tail bone on the etheric level. It cannot be seen or determined, but the ancient teachings tell us and I have seen it myself. That is why I can write about it. I have a personal relationship with it. The center of your body is half way between the bottoms of your feet and the crown of your head. Furthermore, your body is enclosed inside a very large bubble of lighter-than-air spirit, which we’ll get to at another time. This round crystal ball of lighter-than-air ethereal substance is the power generator of your body. It is called the kanda. Out of the kanda there are three channels that go up the spine to the head. One is feminine, one masculine, and the third is the integrated holy energy. As the soul brings its male and female tendencies (habits, actions, etc.) into balance and lives, thinks and feels the wholeness of the kanda flowing through him, the person becomes more saintly and loving. In the Vedic scriptures the feminine channel that runs up the left side of your body is called Ida. The masculine channel that runs up the right side is called Pingala. The integrated central channel is called Sushumna. These three words are important to remember.
(Spirit is talking to me, Nancy, now) This is the new knowledge which you are personally contributing. You have chosen to investigate the feminine which is your lineage. It comes from your mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc. The feminine line is carried forward through feminine bodies. The masculine is carried forward through masculine bodies. But YOU who currently reside in your body are a unique one-of-a-kind personality that is distinctly separate from your ancestors. You have the power to change your own DNA, the baggage that your lineage gave to you, dumped on you without your knowledge. But you chose to be here. You chose to integrate. You chose your parents. DNA is your history. The history you were born with as a body, but YOU are not your body. You entered it at birth and grew up following its automatic guidelines, its controlling habits and rules. You call them conscience but you are a unique personality and you can change your conscience. You are a soul who has lived in many bodies over the millennia. You were born into many cultures and into many situations, poor, rich and all in between and you have the memories within you.. In each body you lived within the culture and learned its ways, its religion, its conscience, its mass beliefs. And then you died and were born again in another location to different parents, in another part of the world, or perhaps on a different planet.
God does not know location, and does not follow the laws of man. God lives in his creations. When God enters a sentient form he becomes God the Mother, the feminine aspect to shape and mold the form and guide the form. The feminine channel called Ida is God the Mother accompanying and guiding the soul who lives in the body. The masculine channel called Pingala is God the Father accompanying and guiding the soul who lives in the body but it is YOU the soul that is in charge. Your choices, or lack thereof, are what creates your adventures. Are you a victim, following the path of others? Or are you asserting control, changing the course of your history? When you are seeking to act and control, you are being guided by God the Father. When you are seeking to slow down and nurture those around you, you are being guided by God the Mother. Wherever the soul decides to go next, it may call upon God, and God will answer and guide. This knowledge has been kept away from the masses. We didn’t know how much power we have for goodness, pleasure, happiness, creativity, progress. The choice of where to be born next is in the hands of the soul, you. Because it is the child exploring in an away mission, and wherever the child desires to go, so goes Father God and Mother God, because it is the child. The two aspects male and female with which the soul plays are his teachers. You, the resident soul of the body, did not know this. You are now learning this. (Spirit is talking to me and I am writing it out here.)
The situations of passion, anger, lust, rage, embitterment and the warrior or, on the other hand, the choices to be subservient to a master, comes from your DNA genetic material that formed your body. The momentum and instincts come from your ancestors. They did not know what you know today. They lived in a darker era. They were the products of their time. They did what they could. But YOU are an individual consciousness and you are accompanied by God the Father and God the Mother into each new embodiment. They will never let you go alone. You are always protected. They are the purity of heaven walking with you, and your home is where they are. At the center of your body there is a pure, lighter-than-air substance for you to draw upon for answers, solutions and clarity in times of confusion. The Mother God is your divine feminine side, your left side. Your father God is your divine masculine side, your right side. They are accompanying you through each embodiment. They are with you today, this hour, this minute. They are the holy spirit spoken of in Christiandom. It has been blocked from you by lack of knowledge and teachers.
And now the human species is growing and maturing by incoming reincarnating master souls living in the humans who are your neighbors and shop keepers. You are tempted, seduced, entrained into thinking and believing you are of no value, small, petty, stupid. Yet you have the power of the universe at your beck and call if you only knew. It was designed this way. The universe is you as super consciousness living inside of your body. Your ability to take control over any situation that comes your way is how you grow wise and knowledgeable. You manage your own evolution to higher planes and dimensions by studying yourself. The answer lies within. The Mother and Father are with you building you. The ancients teach postures, breath control, visualization techniques and meditation or prayer techniques. That is how one connects to the holy mother and the holy father within. You are in control of when, how, who, and what. You are the consciousness that you are here to explore by choice. You decide whether to access your hot, steamy, lusty, warrior side and act on it, or your gentle, loving, calming, feminine side. Tantra helps you to integrate both sides so that you can experience the love, bliss, ecstasy and rapture, periodically, as you wish.
2/25/21 - The Secret inner life of emotions - Part 1
(I was up late in the night trying to finish the newsletter, which I did today. I am asking DK to be my guide, mentor, friend, to work through my hands, fingers, body. I am open to his guidance and ask for it. I feel DK calling. This newsletter is important to get out. “The inner life of the emotions”. I felt DK very close, he was strong around me. He wanted me to send this.)
Not many people realize that the sun is an active portal to source. The light from the sun is actually love - divine love. It is an ancient secret being revealed in these days. You as a feminine being turn your consciousness from light to love, unconditional love, undiluted and uncorrupted. This is what connects you to others - not the light but love. You make the shift within you unconsciously. The shift is done within your own mind and consciousness. It is not the light that connects you to others as you have supposed. It is what you take from that light and own for yourself.
The light is knowledge universally distributed to everyone on the planet. You take from it what attracts you. That is what becomes love. You actively make the connection to love by yourself. The shift is done with your own mind and consciousness. You are the one who deciphers light and translates it into love. You are the one who manifests your ideas about love. You are the one who affects the change from light to love. Each person must translate the knowledge they receive in their own way. The language of light is the language of love when it is owned and embodied by the resident who lives there. Very few are doing this. Write about it. Write about this in words that can be understood. It must be delivered whole, in natural words, not diluted words. When you put it through your human filter, you dilute the wholeness into personal wisdom. You make it concrete, solid and real for you, as an individual. But it is uniquely yours. Others must do the same.
Mankind learns about love through the returning energy of painful karma. It is the law of the circle. That which goes out from man comes back to him in a continuous cycle, repeating itself until he applies the power of love and forgiveness to wipe out the karma of the past. He receives knowledge through the continuing flow of light from the sun, which is a quickening vitalizing force. Esoteric teachings put this quickening force into words to lead mankind into further understanding about the healing nature of love. The light of the sun is an evolutionary force as well as a quickening force, as can be seen in the forests and animals. But for man this knowledge must be consciously internalized and utilized before you can burn away the pain of returning karma.
Karma is composed of threads and residue from the past woven into the ancestral DNA. To clean that karma a man must take up the inner work on himself. It is the application of his consciousness that performs the magic. His consciousness is powerful when applied with concentration on love and forgiveness. Karma is contained in the lower emotions. Love melts the negative karma of the past by embracing it and not fearing it. This work requires effort. It requires time in solitary seclusion, away from the distractions of the outer world. By entering into calming periods for purposes of following certain techniques, such as reciting affirmations and visualizing positive mental pictures, a man can transform his life. By repeating 30, 60, 90, 120 or more repetitions of a simple affirmation while holding focus on a healthy mental picture, the subconscious is influenced in a peaceful manner. It is a gentle method of transformation. The man himself designs the affirmation and the visualization. He should not follow someone elses suggestions. It is his own higher consciousness that guides him for he himself is the only one connected to his spiritual guidance forces. He IS his own higher consciousness.
Love does not concern another person, as most people think of love. Love is not about interaction with a lover. Love from a human perspective is a conundrum. Two people can fall in love but love cannot be captured for long because love cannot be imprisoned. The two people falling in love can hold it in their captivity for awhile but it does not last, at least not in the initial intensity of the first coming together, because love is the vastness of eternity. It is all that is. Love can't be contained in a small enclosed area. It needs to flow. Love needs to be everywhere and connect with everything. The love that has been brought into the physical world by two people who fall into rapture together with each other, will burn itself out unless it is moved and expanded upon to include others, for that is the reason for its existence. If it does not move freely, naturally, spontaneously, the human who tries to hold it back by enclosing certain manmade boundaries around it, will suffer. He or she must let love flow freely or the vessel which tries to hold it stoppered like in a bottle, will wither and die. It must flow free.
Lovemaking, what we term when bodies come together physically, can be experienced in ways beyond engaging the lower frequencies and parts of the physical body. As we allow love to expand it rises further and higher to more rarefied levels, and we find ourselves expressing that fluid aliveness and stimulation with joy. It is so natural and so free between open-minded peoples that it brings inspiring new food for thought, new experience, new adventures, advancement, collaboration, sensations not previously known. If we curtail these expressions of aliveness that are naturally spontaneous, we die the slow death of boredom and stagnation and ultimately old age, disease and death. For it is the non-physical river of life that keeps the body alive.
Today the culture is exploring non-monogamy in various forms. This is good, but it is still tied to the lower frequencies which we call sexual expression. We focus on the lower parts of the body as if we must somehow find a secret contained there. As if it is the one and only purpose of our existence. While there is an attempt by some to break free of this limiting focus on sex and the physical, the universal law of love is one of unity and integration (integrity), not resistance. Mankind has been embroiled and stuck at the first two chakras for billions of years. Man longs to be free and rise higher on the evolutionary scale but it doesn't know how to do that. Mankind as a species is currently working through the process of understanding many things. It does not understand about love. It understands about sex but not about love. The sex expression has become such an important element for human beings that it has overshadowed all the other elements of its higher nature, of love, of courage, of enlightenment, intelligence, reverence for all life, of caring, kindness, purity, truth, peace, nobility, elegance and there is more. Much more. The soul has been impoverished and imprisoned by this extreme focus on the physical.
It perhaps has not been considered that meditation is a concentrated focus on love, but that is indeed what it is. Meditation or solitary contemplation is an act of self love. It does not concern the outer world or other people but in the long run it enriches one's connection with the world. Meditation is a generator of love by focusing on emotions. The inner life of emotions, even low, sad, troubled emotions, is a beginning relationship with the higher self. In the growing relationship with the higher self, one learns about love because the higher self is love, divine and eternal love. Through certain meditational practices one generates inner love, though in the earlier stages one may not call it that. The mind is obtuse at first, perhaps skeptical. But meditation is an inner journey. It is like turning around and looking in the opposite direction from what one is accustomed. The perspective is different. But it is like holding a magnifying glass over dry grass in the sun. It creates heat and then fire because the inner self is dry and malnourished and ready to be ignited.
One must do this for oneself. It is a decision to try it out. To look into it. Spiritual practices are all about love. It may seem selfish at first to corral yourself alone in a room without anyone else, but it changes how a person feels. It influences and enriches his life starting with his emotional life quickening certain locked in emotions and becoming sensitive to what they feel like.There are techniques that can be learned and followed. Techniques change through experimentation. It brings peace to the soul because the soul has been waiting for a long time to be recognized. If an inner technique does not feel good at the end of a session, then it's probably not being done correctly. The proof is in the pudding, they say. And the proof here is in the level of peace and sense of fulfillment when the session is done. The quality of love is felt as betterment, refinement, sense of purpose. There are many words to define it. A person may train many hours a day mentally and/or physically without accessing his emotions, and that's OK. There are different purposes for taking up a discipline. Maybe they are training for a sports event, or for a mathematical quiz. But mind and body training is only two-thirds of a three-part spiritual path. The third aspect is feelings and emotions.
When feelings and emotions are left out of the training, there is something missing that fulfills a human life. The three aspects of our normal life that we use every day is mind, body and emotions. These three are aligned through meditational practices. When mind, body and feelings are integrated and aligned together the triad is complete: love, wisdom and power as the masters keep reminding us. The three first chakras help us access love, wisdom and power through our emotions, mind and spirit. It is by joining mind and emotions that we cultivate our spiritual power the power to create change in our personal life. It is through the emotional aspect that love enters human affairs. Emotions register the flow of life as it moves through us. What moves the river of life through us? It is a mystery. We don't understand. Vitality picks up in us when we are happy and droops when we are sad. Emotions are the secret aspect to who we are. They tell us what is happening within us. We must learn to read our emotions.
Meditation techniques teach us about our emotions when we are turned inward without being distracted. It is our emotional life that is our river of life. It flows through every cell of our body and feeds us with the vitality to keep going, to stay interested and enthusiastic about life. Loving emotions boost our excitement and sadness depresses us. We lose interest. We are a mental race that has forgotten our emotional life. The courage is lacking to admit to our emotional state. The culture has firm rules about not expressing emotions but it is a requirement of the soul that we not only face them as they occur, but allow them and be honest about them to ourself alone, if to no one else. Emotions are the part that have been missing in an overwhelmingly intellectual race who has lost the ability to form roots to the ground to stabilize us and make us into real people.
A free and joyful emotional life, capable of spontaneous expression, is crucial to the science of transformation which brings freedom and abundance. The highest of all emotions is love. The lowest is fear, terror, agony. But we must not escape the low or run away from facing it. We MUST welcome the fear back into our life because embracing fear transforms it so that it no longer exists. Love is what works this magic. Love harmonizes all that is not love. Love is to be used on all levels mentally, emotionally and physically. For centuries philosophers have debated love intellectually with erudite sophistication, but unless a man is moved to tears it is wasted energy because it doesn't engage the human heart, soul, spirit. When it touches the heart it melts the coldness there and warms the soul and opens doors to higher places. The heart is mankind's version of the sun. Warm and comforting, it sends its healing rays unconditionally out to all within its circumference. The heart is a portal. To find a technique that opens the heart is to find a good exercise to practice daily. It is the key to subtleties that no outer authority can provide. It is self transformation. The desire to serve others, perhaps teach others, to be kind to others or counsel others is a side effect. It can be a temptation and a distraction. We must not be fooled. We are here to serve the love that is within us.
It alone is the answer to our search. It is an open portal and there is no end to how much we can bring in to raise and transform activities around us. We must remain firm to the idea that love leads us to source. Not source high in the sky beyond reach. No. Source of all happiness. Source of abundance. Source of answers, of healing, of health, of wealth, of beauty, of perfect relationships. Love is all there is. When a man commits to solitary practices, he fulfills the longings of the soul, of the heart, of the spirit. No outer authority, book or teacher or ascended master can provide this because we are on our own path of discovery. Everyone else is a friend, a brother, a sister along the way but we answer only to the heart of our higher self. Meditational practice is focus on becoming more conscious.
2/25/21 - Consciousness is the magic! (Part 2 of The secret inner life of emotions)
Consciousness is the magic. That means the mind. We use our minds every day without consciously directing it. The brain just “goes off” and wanders around the skull and latches onto whatever. Go to the bathroom and clean up, shower, etc., dress, go downstairs, pick up things, put away, get breakfast, turn on the computer – all of these things are automatic. The brain and body knows what to do. It’s called “habit”. It’s ingrained. These are not done with much consciousness. CONSCIOUS consciousness, that is. Now THAT is something else entirely. Conscious consciousness is when we focus our consciousness on a specific task. Like when I drop a glass on the floor and it breaks and shatters into a million pieces. Now I have to actually think. I have to use my wiles. I have to make a decision. I have to develop a strategy. The broom? My feet are bare? The spilled milk? Only when we are forced to think with specificity do we use our creative forces. Ordinarily we are on stand-by, doing automatic things.
Love is the power to break the stagnant forces of dormancy and non-movement. Love is not what we thought it was. Love is a laser beam of consciousness. I’m focusing. Love is a focus. Love is a concentration of light. Light is awareness. Light is focus. Light is acknowledgement. Light is knowing something. Love is using that light. Love is a decision. Love takes knowing something and focusing on action, doing something about it instead of sloughing it off to the side for some hypothetical “later”. Love is action with a specific direction. Love is owning responsibility. Love is acknowledging the feeling of needing to DO something. The urge is a feeling. It is a visceral feeling. Many of these urges to “do” something are ignored or set aside for later but they don’t go away. They get stuck. The river of life was trying to get something done and I ignored it and said “later”. So the river of energy got stuck. I refused to deal with it. I refused to acknowledge it. It’s now backed up in me. It’s going to add to the many other energies that tried to come through me and I wasn’t ready and didn’t do them or say the words or make a decision. I ignored the urge and said “I’m not ready” and let it slide on past. But I sent out the message to the universe loud and clear and the law of the circle heard me. “Later! I’ll do it later!” and so it will come back to me. I planted a seed for “later” and it will return later, for me to reassess and make a decision. Karma is made that way.
Stuck energies, failed responsibilities, unfinished business - these have built up in my body and subconscious mind. They weigh me down. To change oneself, one must use love to break the negative hold which causes anger, suffocation, depression and the like. The love devoted to oneself alone through spiritual practices generates comfort and peace. With more love directed to within oneself, one’s body, mind and feeling, one aligns and integrates and creates peace and comfort. When one focuses love on another without having a full tank within oneself, one is going into deficit. One is giving what one has naught to give. But when one focuses love inward on oneself, then the body generates and builds love within. It holds the feeling and emotions inside. It may feel low in spirit and depressed in mood, but with continuous focus on oneself, the higher principles start to activate. Love is truly a power that can be ignited by focusing. One might not think of it as worship, but that is what it is. With such concentration the feelings and emotions slowly start to elevate. Warmth, peace, goodness, joy, bliss and higher. It is like putting more wood onto the dying fire. Without this application of love to self, one feels depleted and needy. Then one must go to someone else to find love.
One of the difficulties people have is disorganized minds. That was a lesson for me in my early life. Before I understood the need for mental control, my mind was easily shattered by disruptions from other people. It was like a broken glass from a shattered mirror. I couldn't see the truth in myself. The spiritual path enhances both the mental and emotional life, bringing them into harmony. A spiritual practice is focus on something that needs correcting, and love is the power to do it. Most people don't understand how to use love or how to apply it. Applying love is a selfish operation. It is inwardly focused to heat it up, to raise it up to higher standards. Practice is required. An hour a day or as personally chosen. Love brings forth inner peace and melts negative cords that hold one back from feeling the love within. Love within is natural but negative threads of past life residue have been woven into the consciousness that are subconscious. One is not aware. It happens to everyone, and the only person who can sweep them away is himself. Nobody else can do it for him.
However there are invisible guides, masters, angelics and galactics who have evolved to higher planes that are watching and ready to assist upon asking. Love is the divine connection to source and all those who have evolved beyond us. There are layers and levels of beings who have evolved closer to source than we are. Heaven is watching. We each think we are alone but each of us has a team of coordinated guidance counselors watching over us. They too are connected to their own mentors above them. The process of ascension is assisted by tuning into and aligning with the love that is available above us on higher planes. This process goes on up the ladder through many layers and levels of consciousness, higher and higher, until the mind cannot conceive any further. It is lost to all sight. But it is not going up as out into space; it is going up in consciousness. There is no "space" to travel through. It is all a matter of consciousness rising to greater feelings of connection, warmth, love and joy, or falling to disconnection, lower levels of fear, pain and suffering. Love is the magic that helps us to raise our emotions. Fear is the negative shift that causes us to lose that happy estate.
By concentrating on loving practices no matter what they are, we are opening to our upline, to those higher in consciousness than we are. We receive information from them when we ask questions of them. The higher up we go in receiving knowledge however, the more we are required to apply it in our daily life. When they give us more rope, we are expected to climb it. If we don't, we become ungrounded. Too much knowledge in the head makes us unstable if we do not "ground" it into our outer life. The way we think, the words we use, the attitude of kindness we present to the world is the expression of the refinement we received during practice. We extend our love outward AND DOWNWARD into the physical life which is the lowest rung, the lowest density on the ladder of evolution. Head knowledge without grounding it into life makes us crazy. Technology is making us crazy unless we extend our loving emotion into it. Then it makes sense. The galactics have learned to do this consciously. They travel in lightships that respond to telepathic communication. That is our future too, if we allow and accept that our emotions - even our low emotions - are valuable and worthy of love, respect and reverence. It is the only way to raise them up, like raising a lost child who is trembling in fear with a long warm welcoming embrace.
Head knowledge needs to be brought down into the body and integrated with our emotional field which is on a lower, denser, vibrational level. By uniting the mental field of thought with the emotional field of visceral sensation is how we build integrity. Integrate/integrity. It is how we build truth, and courage, pride and self-esteem and happiness and freedom. It is the good red road, meaning noble, majestic, regal - head knowledge combined with heart-felt feelings while living a daily physical life of normalcy. I could bore you to death telling stories how I do this in tiny miniscule moments of my day. We have to embody our wisdom so it means something. So people can see it and so we can be examples. We do this by slowing down the pace of thinking, slowing it down, dropping it down into the thick soup of muscles, blood and organs. Integrating thought and feeling. Let the knowledge grow roots deep into the earth body and breathe new life into the body. There are two processes at work here. The life of the mind quickens the flesh, and the density of visceral tissue pacifies the jerky, disorganized mind. Fusion is the unifying principle. It brings a sense of harmony to both mind and body. It feeds the cells and tissues which we call the subconscious, which in turn influences how we behave and think.
Knowledge must descend to become embodied. We can facilitate this process of descension by spending time repeating positive affirmations while holding healthy positive pictures steady in the mind. The body does not discriminate between what is held in the mind as imagination, and what is actually occurring in physical reality. Studies have proven the theory, where half the subjects ate certain foods, and the other half only imagined eating the same food.
Getting back to the techniques of starting an inner practice. Only the man himself can decide how to go about designing a formula to begin a program. What picture to use in the visualization, what words to use, how long, how often, how to create an environment - it is all up to the person himself. My own guide has told me often to keep it simple, not to be too intellectual. Use simple words, not complicated, and do what feels right. What feels right IS right. Too much abstract knowledge cuts us off from our feelings of spontaneity.
A difficulty we all have today is there's so much new information surfacing, both internally and externally through news channels, that we are tempted beyond our own control to chase new knowledge. We are eager to know more. But curiosity kills the cat, they say, and it will certainly kill us unless we ground it by slowing down and incorporating it through inner work practices daily. Bring the mind to virtual stillness so it can become aimless and drift downward, settle downward into the body, into the heart, letting the heart open naturally. The heart is not the physical heart - the physical heart can't open - it's the etheric heart that opens. By bringing the mind to a virtual standstill, the etheric mind and etheric heart slowly merge together.
Our etheric double looks exactly like our physical body. It surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. Every organ has an etheric double, every heart, every brain, stomach, lungs, everything, right down to the cells of each organ has an etheric double. This etheric double receives the life force from source. This life force comes down through yet higher planes and feeds directly into the dense physical body. Upon death the etheric double is sometimes seen as a ghost near the dying person until it slowly fades and disappears.
Knowing about the etheric double makes more sense as we work to unite the mind and the heart. They are already unified on the etheric plane. There is no separation on the other planes between thought and feeling. Mind and heart are separated here in the physical world but not so on the higher planes. We've been educated to be mental beings and to keep emotional feelings at bay, carefully repressed, so that expressing spontaneous feelings of love and happiness and the spontaneous enthusiasm and freedom of youth, such as high emotions, are deemed sinful and destructive. (Part 3 of the secret inner life of emotions next.)
To reconnect the repressed inner life of our emotions with our abstract intellect, we repeat positively worded statements in our mind silently or out loud. At the same time we hold positive healthy beautiful pictures in our mind. Repetition and holding mental pictures as still as possible helps to integrate the message viscerally, organically. Repetition and holding mental pictures at the same time imprints these impressions into the dense mass of muscles, organs, blood and bone. Like pounding a nail into wood, it isn't done with just one mighty swoop. There is needed many swings of the hammer to break through the density. Mankind has become too abstract, too intellectual, too theoretical and too high and mighty for our own good. We have left our feelings and emotions to rot in the cellar like old potatoes. We must reverse the process, open the cellar door and let new winds blow through it. The feeling is wonderfully free. Freedom requires that we let our emotions express the truth of who we are.
2/25/21 - The body holds the love locked up inside! (Part 3 of the Secret inner life of emotions)
Mankind has been literally trapped in the belief that we are solids only, when in fact we are conscious beings of light with high intelligence and we exist everywhere. We've been in prison. We've been fooled. We are spiritual and interdimensional and just beginning to realize it. There is background knowledge, history held locked within us which we call "emotion". Many negative emotions have been repressed and held back when they SHOULD have been dealt with. These are the "demons" that are surfacing now. There is so much power in connecting with emotion that we need to go carefully here. The doors must be opened with tenderness and loving kindness. Love is the most important ingredient to consider and to call into play. By spending “down” time with ourselves, as in solitude and in peace, in what is termed meditation, this repressed power can seep out slowly, and in a lovely manner. This energy is light - suppressed light. Find the light within it. It is very peaceful to do it this way, and very lovely, very enlightening. It is purposeful. Meaningful. Significant. There is a reason why meditation has been encouraged and taught over the millennia.
During this quiet time, quite beyond our control, we adjust to the profundities that are within us. The power that can destroy or raise a planet to ascension is accessed by walking through the doorways of emotion. Innate wisdom is there, locked up, that we have accumulated in past lives. As we take time out in solitude, or while doing yoga or tai chi or similar movements, we access this power but in a gentle way. Not like going on a violent raging rant that erupts when hitting the boiling point. That is the purpose of using words of love in repetition, and holding pictures that represent health and beauty. By so doing we automatically come into alignment with higher consciousness and beings that are beyond this limited world watching and assisting. Ask a mental question and see if you don't get an answer maybe later in the day. Sometimes an answer comes immediately but just ask it and dismiss it. Don't sit waiting for it. Allow higher consciousness to find the opening in your mind. Reach up with the mind, ask the question, and stay open and "up" for as long as you're in meditational mode. We are asking for guidance when we reach up. Then we leave the practice and return to our normal world, we bring the light of that calmness back with us. Carry it with you. Be conscious of remaining open. Slide gently back into the mundane world of "I gotta do this and I gotta do that!"
This is how we sweep our inner terrain clean of past residues that become our karma. Residue of unfinished business that we didn't quite wrap up and be done with it. Karmic debris keeps popping up. It remains clinging in the form of ENERGY. Energy is neutral but what we add to it with our emotions - "it was such a bad experience" - that remains behind. We didn't forgive it and forget. We hung onto it as a memory. This is a residue, a memory, dust from a long time ago. It clings because we didn't have the training we are getting now. This is the age of awakening to karmic debt and how to clean it up. We are becoming aware.
On higher levels we have guides - beautiful beings from the angelic kingdom, celestial kingdom, ascended master kingdom and the galactic kingdom. They are all available to help us but we have to ask. We ask by acknowledging them. That's step number one. Then we dare to ask. We must drum up the courage to ask. So many of us don't think we are worthy. We have very low self-esteem. That's why we puff up our ego and get defensive when attacked. But those who are above us can see the whole terrain of planet earth and us. They see the light within us. They see when a light is in danger and they will be there in the twinkling of an eye if needed. If the call is made consciously or unconsciously, they come in an instant because they see us. That's why we need to become conscious of them. They can communicate with us when we are conscious of them and we call them by name. They are infinite in number but there are a handful of personal guides for each of us who maintain the watch 24/7.
When we are in body we are on the lowest rung of the spiritual ladder because we are tied to physical reality, a prison planet. Here we are kept distracted by dramatic events that are rattling our cages and keeping us off-balance. But it's all happening outside of us. The lesson is how to shut off the negative radiations that are constant 24/7, but remain open to light-filled, joy-inspired positive influences that are also constant 24/7. Our curiosity keeps us attaching to the negative. We think we can help if only we knew more, if only we knew how. This is an illusion. A form of bait and catch. Dangle the interesting stuff out there and see who we'll catch. Curiosity is what bogs us down the most. Those who have closed their minds to certain subjects are doing it out of wisdom. We can't afford to judge someone else. We don't know where they've been, what they've learned.
Feel the love. It is everywhere present. While we each must find our own path, the inner connection from higher guides is done through faith. Trust yourself, not them. If you don't know such guidance is there, then trust your own heart. If one does not have belief, then a man must test it and see for himself. It is a matter of experimentation. Test it and see. To become more efficient in receiving spiritual guidance, one must first join his mind to himself by turning attention inward and becoming peaceful. Stop the thoughts. Put on the brakes. This is a practical mind control. Find ways to stop the thoughts. On the etheric level the mind and body are interwoven together. It is not possible to separate them but mankind has been doing it for centuries. The male patriarchal system is the result.
Man (which includes women) has been training us to focus on the mind only, while teaching us to kill all contact with the body of love, emotion and subtle perception, wisdom, innate knowings, psychic connections with other worlds, animals, water, trees, elements. The multiple dimensions are felt through the body. Sexuality is a spiritual connection because it gives us powerful emotional releases and floods the body with bliss, ecstasy, rapture and enlightenment, at least when it is a loving mutual joining. But it wasn't allowed to be loving and mutual. The patriarchy saw to it that love was removed from the sex act by putting the male in charge over women who need to slow down to feel their emotions.
Thus mankind as a species has been interrupted in its evolutionary process. We've been programmed to not allow the emotions to express, which would connect us to love and the power of a moving conscious life force. We've been put into stasis. We recycle the past continuously, without pause to breathe the fresh air. We have emotions, no doubt about that or we wouldn't be alive. But repressing them causes angst. Angst causes friction. Friction causes arguments and divisions. And artificial egos, not real. We are pitted against one another. Gender against gender. Race against race. Culture against culture. We are recycling the division on every front including political. Where is the love? It has been put on hold. Thus the reason for taking one hour, two hours a day to focus on peace, love and light.
We shy away from intimacy and touch. This is where the feminine body is ahead of the game, but there is a feminine aspect in every person including men. The feminine aspect of men is in his body consciousness, as it is in a woman. That's why females are better at meditating and spiritual work, because their bodies are automatically designed to stay in contact with source, which is love, because love is the power of creation. Love and light holds the galaxies together. Light alone can't do it because light radiates. It radiates and goes out further and further until it finally begins to fade from existence. It takes love to capture the light and hold onto it, and to dwell on it, and embrace it and hold it dear to the heart in a bonding ritual. This is the feminine. Feminine is love. The body holds the love locked up inside the cells because the patriarchal mind control forbids love to be a free-flowing element within the human species. Humanity has been held back. We have been in stasis but we are now beginning to move out of stasis.
While women's bodies are designed to connect with source through their feelings and emotions, men's bodies are designed to connect with the exterior world through their minds. They have the ability to be practical in the physical dimensions. The left side of the brain is built for this purpose - to analyze, think, control and calculate, while the right side of the brain remains spacious and multidimensional. Men and women have both aspects built into their bodies. Both men and women are connected to source and are multidimensional, but women are better at it than men. And both men and women are connected to the exterior world and can be practical, but men are better at it than women. The difference is miniscule but depends on the soul inhabiting the body. The body was designed by the soul for its use in this life.
While genders are drawn to opposites for what they think is release and enjoyment, the overwhelming purpose is to help them balance their energy field. The man needs more feminine energy to maintain his health and harmony, for he is overly masculine. The woman needs more masculine energy in hers to keep her stable and at peace, for she is overly feminine. Romance is a natural way of coming together to provide balance and support for one another as they grow in wisdom and maturity. As they grow older and more at peace with themselves, they lose their youthful energy that once kept them bouncing promiscuously from flower to flower. But they have completed their mission, which was to unify the male and female aspects within themselves. They do not realize this of course. They follow the natural law of attraction. Nature is at its best in the selection process. It is the wisdom of the soul leading through the heart, through love, and it is good.
However, there is a more solitary way to maintain balance between the masculine and feminine energies without romantic or sexual relationships. It has been termed "celibate". It refers to a person who follows the inner spiritual path. This does not mean strictly without romance. The person has chosen, at least in some portion of his life, to focus on spiritual or esoteric studies which don't include sexual interactions. Spiritual practices are guided and may take different forms. This inner connection is made with love that goes beyond human love and may be a part of a couple's living arrangement for one or the other or both. One feels peaceful when one is alone without distractions, and prefers to be alone which the partner understands and agrees to. Each of us is a sovereign being and the challenge is to give one another permission. It is wise guidance to encourage solitary practices.
If someone has never committed to such solitary practices before, it can be challenging to a relationship. My late husband did not know why I needed to close the door on him at times, but he came to respect it over time. He learned by watching me. He said that he did not like to close his eyes and meditate because it was uncomfortable to him. All he saw was darkness. It dredged up terror for him.
2/25/21 - Celibacy & solitary esoteric techniques to restore balance (Part 4 of the Secret inner life of emotions)
For those who don’t have background on meditation, there are some pre-meditational practices to work on. Follow your own feelings but agree to feel them instead of run away from them. Inner sensations tell you things so it's important to stick with it for a little while and listen. Slowing down to listen to a terror feeling is actually an inner teacher. Hold still and let it speak. Don't run from it. The emotion of terror or fear is a release of a misqualified energy. It's a dark energy that is releasing. Inside of it or behind it is something lighter, something more loving, believe it or not. It's something to benefit from. Peace often comes from waiting out a passing fear thought. When it moves on you are freer than you were before.
Like, when you are doing it right there are guides watching you as you assimilate body and feelings and mind and align them together. When a higher connection is made there is a sensation that feels like bliss sometimes, or maybe a slight thrill, or as if you’ve linked up to something "right" and calmness spreads through you. It is peaceful and relaxing, as if you fit into your skin better. Your garment is not so tight. This melting inward sensation is the aligning of body, mind and emotions. Next comes a bleed-through of higher consciousness or awareness of elevated feelings. It is a sacred ritual.
What is happening in such a state, this one is aligning his inner bodies or his inner energy field, with love. He is actually, indeed, applying love to himself. Let this not go unnoticed. It is important to be aware that this is love. Divine love. And he is bringing it forth by his own method and application. He is the creator of his good work. There is no savior but himself. He is the inner lord of the mansion. He has no servants. He is doing it all himself. This is what the ascended masters teach. They assist and advise and they have enormous wisdom, but they cannot do it for us. They simply "lend" us their consciousness when we are open and receptive. We can feel them close. I can.
The chains that have been bred into our bodies through the ancestral blood line were imbedded into us at birth. Sometimes we are our own ancestors born again and we have memories. But they were bred into us through ignorance. Thus, it is through the in-lighting process of esoteric techniques that we begin to erase them and restore our inner emotional and mental life to harmony. The inner path is subtle and subjective. There are many techniques that can be used to launch the beginner in the process. Then the higher consciousness clicks in eventually and starts to instruct through elevated thoughts and feelings. Techniques are everywhere on the internet, but the advice is to select only one or two to start with or it becomes a maze of confusions.
Be aware that all knowledge is mental. It is intellectual and remains theory until practiced and put to the test. It is by consciously trying it out in real life that we embody it and learn from trial and error, and wisdom is gained. One doesn't have to remember every technique we practice. Everything we do becomes an essential part of who we are. It is all there as innate wisdom. When it is needed we find ourselves doing things we never thought possible. We didn't have to learn it because we already knew how to do it. I have become aware of a few past lives in which I trained along certain lines. For a while, whenever one surfaced I tried to recreate it again in this life and body, but it wasn't meant to be. A previous life is not meant to be repeated. I've been there and done that. The surfacing of such memories are the fulfilling of the circle. Just as negative karma returns to the one who initiated it, so does the beautiful moments return that we have forgotten. They are meant to be enjoyed, acknowledged, honored and loved back into oneself to become a greater whole.
Knowledge is light. The brain gets the knowledge and passes it on down to the body - or should. But often it doesn't. Our ego holds onto it. We feel puffed up with pride in our knowledge. The ego feels it has gained something greater than others, but where is the power? The power does not come until it has been owned and lived in the every day life. Walk the talk, don't just talk. Love is how we apply our knowledge. We are so afraid of our power that we hide from it. The power is the power of living the love. It comes forth from the love within. It expresses outward. It radiates outward without your consent once you agree to live the love within. Love doesn't come from someone else. It comes from spending time acknowledging yourself, holding yourself up to higher standards, speaking your truth, daring to become the power that you have been hiding and dimming down so you won't be seen.
Spending time alone in solitude is the practice of focusing inward and then upward. It's not enough to do yoga practices. One has to also open to the guides and spiritual counselors above you. Upward means acknowledging your mentors who are invisible. When we reach up to them by name or otherwise, they are reaching down at the same time. It is to the degree that we reach up that they reach down and lend us their insight. Higher principles, higher thoughts, higher truths, higher purity, higher courage, higher intellect, higher interests, higher faith, higher direction. We direct our attention with a sharper focus on something higher. Mentally saying repetitions of a positive worded phrase accompanied by a visualization - these are your basic, grounded tools to use to get started. This is putting self love into practice. Taking time out to do this. You are valuable. You are not to be wasted. Your life is precious. Spending time with yourself proves this to be true. To spend time with yourself disconnected from the world of gadgets and people, with a virtual "do not disturb sign" on the door. You are not listening to the world now. You are focusing 100% on yourself and upward.
The time I spend during these sessions are very fluid. I have found that I alternate between focusing on a pre-designed list of exercises and open freedom. I allow myself to become lost in quietness whenever it comes upon me. There are elevated sensations within the peace that cannot be captured in words. This is the most desired part of the exquisite inner life. Feelings of love and being worthy and having value and being precious. It seems that I must have an agenda of exercises to start me off. That's the directing force. The concentration force. And then sometimes I go so high in that space that I lose consciousness, and that's OK. I am in good hands and I am returned to consciousness at the appropriate time.
This is what melts the karma. It changes the DNA structure by sweeping it clean. It is the enlightenment process. The person himself is the directing force, MUST be the directing force. It is the intention to do good for oneself. You can feel a quickening when you make such an intention. No one else can do it for you. Many individuals enjoy these inner spaces but don't apply it to their way of life. We are meant to express our inner beauty, refinement and knowledge. Otherwise we remain in hiding. Power comes from living it. I've heard people wonder and complain about why the world hasn't changed or why their own lives haven't changed for the better. They expected it to. But it's not the world we are here to change, but ourself. Expectations need to be reduced in a slow, steady stream, to non-existence. Desirelessness is the fulfillment of life. When we can get rid of all desires, meaning that which entertains feelings of lack and impoverishment, when we can get rid of all that, then we will begin to enjoy the fulfillment of life. It is not up to me how this is going to happen. I don't worry about it. The responsibility is on me to continue to do the inner work and sweep away the rough edges and introduce some new techniques of love, caring and kindness.
Many spiritual people seek changes in the outer world when in fact it is the inner man that needs to change. The onus is on us. Aaah! Just realized that! The onus is ON US. Onus means "burden". Many people continue to seek more knowledge from books and teachers but what they are REALLY seeking is the power to change themselves and bring to them all that they desire. This is something one must work on for oneself. It is in the stopping of the search and the beginning of the effort to apply love in everything mundane and practical. It requires one or two hours a day, or how much one wishes to invest. This is the emotional part. One must deal with "But I don't want to!" It is the hard part. The body wants so many other things. It doesn't want to go into solitude. There are very few who are willing to shut the door on the world for an hour and disconnect from the devices of the matrix.
A man can have a hundred servants to do the manual work for him of cleaning and creating in the outer world, but only he can do the inner work of cleaning his karma and crafting a new life. To do this he must disengage from his servants, stop being "the boss" and become the servant. He must go alone into the wilderness of his own inner trash and debris which he calls his demons, and do the work. He doesn't realize this inner junk has power over him. He keeps them well hidden from himself. But there is an underbrush that he has swept aside as he has swept clean the narrow path he walks every day, and it is still there tagging along with him wherever he goes. This is what attracts the returning karma. It wants to come home to roost.
Now, if he chooses to take on the spiritual path, he must take time every day and sit alone with himself and apply the training of love and mercy to himself. If he feels impoverished on any level, then he must face the impoverished parts inside himself and clean them out for it is attracting flies. This is his unfinished business. The overgrown weeds that were irrelevant to him now become relevant. They are ash and residue which clings to him like dirt. They need cleaning out. He must begin to acknowledge them. He cannot just sweep them away, however. He must bond with them and forgive them.
St. Germain is the one who gave the violet flame technique to us from ascended master realms. The violet is the highest vibrational energy on the color spectrum. It has been given to mankind to use to facilitate change by removing negative energies. Using the violet flame every day is a wonderful technique to use. There is information to be found on the internet. Google "violet flame". It uses affirmations and picturing yourself standing in the middle of a huge bonfire the color of violet. The power of the violet flame is love and forgiveness. The result is freedom. Forgiveness is love in action and it brings about freedom for the soul. One of the negative threads that produce karmic backlash is a subconscious desire for revenge. Bitterness, hatred, refusal to forgive, calls back confrontations with people with similar behavior. The magic of love is that it forgives.
Being alone with oneself for an hour a day and forgiving oneself for ignoring the virtues of the high, high estate locked within - this is love. It is done by sitting alone and facing the debris - the overwhelming debris of negativity that may be present when one closes one's eyes. As my late husband used to say, he couldn't do it because all he saw was uncomfortable darkness. I didn't know what I know today or I would have guided him better. Darkness exists within many of us but to different degrees. It is this that comes up to be seen when one closes the eyes. Maybe a beginner on the spiritual path hasn't understood the process yet. There could be a moment of wanting to run away at first. Perhaps it is a horror that surfaces. I had one yesterday.
I started a hot water bath to take an Epsom salt soak, but discovered to my horror that there was scum all around the tub. I hadn’t noticed it before. We take showers. We don’t get down on hands and knees to feel the surface. I was horrified at what had built up, but because I wanted an Epsom salt soak, I had to deal with it. There was an issue why I needed the Epsom salt soak. So I tackled it with love. I know the principles. Karma comes home to roost in cycles. It was an opportunity to correct an ignorance. Apply love and scrub it away. It does no good to bitch and complain. It’s here now in front of me, getting in the way of what I want to do. Ignorance is no excuse in the vastness of the universal. We are here to correct ourselves. Everything operates with perfection as the template. In the human life stuff gets shuffled off to the side and forgotten, but karma returns it to us again and again, to try again later. It is merciful in that way. Not ready to deal with it now? No problem, it will come back. It comes back at a more appropriate time. When one is ready to deal with it. Trust in the laws of life. It is loving and kind. It teaches us to be kind to ourselves. Don't cry, it is saying to us, you are loved. You are cherished. We will wait for you to be ready. Love is a lesson in being kind to yourself, and learning that someone up there loves you. It's not necessary to face the music today. It can be done later. It will be back.
The application of love teaches us to be merciful and forgiving. And to encourage others to be merciful and forgiving. It is the solution to depression and loneliness. Extend loving kindness and support others who are depressed, and see the depressing lift from you. Lift them up with kindness and see if others lift you. It is a ministering job that we share together. It is the job of healing with kindness. Blend with the depression with loving kindness. Love is a quality that unifies. It reaches out with both arms to give a welcoming hug. It draws in the outsider, the criminal, the unbalanced, the lonely, the insane. It blends with it and lifts it up. The scum of unfinished business gets washed away in such actions.
Love applied as a technique - and there are many techniques - unlocks old energy that has turned negative and debilitating. Love sweeps through it and melts it. It is simply energy after all - energy that was negatively charged - and it bonded itself with the DNA of the body. Love melts negative energy but it has to be applied to oneself first. Many people don’t know that. Love is light and knowledge and most people try to "send" this light and knowledge to other people before they themselves have embodied it. Then they send their human stuff along with it. Most knowledge being passed around today on social media, internet, TV, webinars and such, is brain knowledge. It's good knowledge. Don't get me wrong. We love it. We can't get enough. We go "Ahhh, that's good. That's so good, I'm going to practice that!" But how many do? There are ten more techniques coming at us while we speak the words. Which one will we actually use? Which ones will cause us frustration because we know them but we don't have time to work with them?
It is best not to absorb so much knowledge. Applying love is a selection process. Out of the thousands of beautiful gifts laid out before you, which one will you concentrate on? Which one will you embody? Applying means taking it into your hand and opening the gift carefully and weighing it. It takes manual effort to select one gift out of hundreds in today's world of so much going on. It takes mental discipline to sit in silence and concentrate for an hour on bettering yourself. It's selfish, some say. And yet it is the spiritual path to betterment, refinement, balance and joy.
You can do this for someone else a million miles away if you focus your mind to a sharp enough focus. Holding a mental picture of the person and coupling it with positive thoughts and/or statements will do it. But the first step is to draw forth love within yourself. Love is a feeling. Sweep the inner landscape with feelings of love. It is a ritual that is done every time before prayer or meditation. Before connecting with the higher planes of consciousness. Negatives have built up from lifetimes in the past that we know nothing about, most of us. Ancestral acts that we would never condone today would horrify us if we had the details. These are threaded through our DNA, which attracts the substance of our body.
It is important to realize that you are the spirit and soul that resides in your body. You are not your body itself. You are the consciousness that flows inbetween the atoms and subatomic particles that compose your body. You are the consciousness that flows like a river of light and love through the spaces between the electrons and protons whizzing in orbit. You are the residing force that can change the course of your history. You are the one who can decide to connect with higher and lighter forces and, by so doing, apply love to the negative mine field of human existence.
7/22/21 - The science of personal radiation
(Me: Good morning Master DK! I come to you to ask you to overlight me with your consciousness. I was visited yesterday by friends who introduced me to Mother. I am listening to her on Vimeo digital. She is presenting colors and frequencies. My limited mind cannot accept it easily. It is not comfortable to my senses of sight and hearing, but something draws me to listen. Can you comment on this source?)
My dear lovely child! You are a delight. We have been working together for a long time, as measured in your realm. We have yet more to do. Will you come with me and venture a little further out, beyond what you are entrained into? (Me: Yes!!! OMG! Yes!! Please. I open my cells, electrons, meridians to what is heretofore unknown. I am ready to receive instruction. Please take me further.)
Now, you must listen carefully, with discernment. It is your ability to notice the subtle connections to wider, rarer fields of consciousness. (Yes. I am here listening, thank you.) Wonderful. There is a dull gray-bluish tint to your field, your aura. Can you lighten it? (I did.) Wonderful. Excellent. Now, let us expand that frequency. You have wanted to better understand frequency. Yes, vibration as well. Let us speak of frequency first. As you are listening to me, your “thrill” as you might say, diminishes because you are listening. You are on pause, listening. During this time that you are on pause you are not radiating [the thrill, goosebumps or chills]. (Ahhh, yin versus yang? Right?) Yes, when you are in listening mode, you think you are in feminine mode but that is not a correct assumption. It is simply being passive and open, allowing information to enter into your field. Your WHOLE field. You are not using your mind as a censoring device. You have dropped your filters, your veil, your screen, your curtain. You are receiving me. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is genderless. You are the consciousness of the Creator, a child of the Creator. You are learning lessons as you listen to my words and allow them to enter into your field simply as they present themselves on a moment-to-moment basis. You are the one who controls your opening and closing, your pause button and your action button. You can stop the listening at any time and push the action button. You are the one in charge. It is no more complicated than that. Do not think “feminine” vs. “masculine”. The radiation you just did several minutes ago was a test for you to see for yourself how to activate your power. When you are on pause, listening for example for Doug’s whereabouts, which you do often, you put yourself on pause. You are openly listening. You are not actively radiating your power outward. You are listening and receiving. Do you understand? (Yes, I think so, working at understanding.)
Then the next step for you to consider taking is to activate your power and radiate. Now, what is this radiation? Try it again please. (OK, I did. I radiated. Q: Does this influence Doug when I do this in his presence? Am I taking away his free will? Am I overcoming his free will and shutting him down? Please tell me. I’m excited!) No, you are not overcoming his free will. You are correcting him. There is light of the creator in him but he has been influenced by the outer world of others, the 3D field of lower, slower, limited vibration. Sometimes even overtly false information. These negate and dim the light in him. When you say, “I want to serve the light here on Earth” it is your mission, your job, to radiate light. When you radiate light, it is how you change your frequency. It is the “thrill” that you have discovered and have wondered what it is. This is the stepping up of the electrons of your four lower bodies – your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and unresolved past life energies. These are sped up when you radiate or step up your frequency. This radiation moves out to influence those around you. It is the light that you are radiating direct from your source. It is your decision to act and move yourself out of passive mode into radiation mode. The power of this action is your God creator power. When you are in pause you are not using your God power. You are listening. You are here in an earth body to use your God power. It is who you are. You have been brain-washed to think of yourself as a submissive feminine but men have been brain-washed too. It has been done to keep you, the human race, passive and disempowered. Feminine and masculine is a false teaching. Do not accept this concept. You are not a feminine being, neither are men masculine beings. You are whole consciousness beings capable of being human AND God consciousness at the same time. Your belief has been divided into two separate genders falsely so that you feel friction and cultivate arguments. This disempowers you so that you think of yourselves as weak and undervalued. Both genders feel disempowered and weak in the presence of the other gender.
You have made the blend, the integration, but you have been hesitating to use your God power, your source power. You do not radiate your power. It is because your human consciousness feels disempowered. It believes you cannot survive without Doug or a man to support you. This is an erroneous belief that you were implanted with. It is a lingering fear in you. This is the path of feminine submissiveness. It is the human side of you. Now, choose to activate your God powers. You think of these powers as masculine but they are not masculine. They are your powers. You yourself have this power within you. This is a radiation you feel as a “thrill”, as you say “goose bumps” or chills. When you initiate this power yourself, you raise your frequency. You pick up the speed of your electrons. Otherwise you hold your powers in a default condition, at a slow and steady vibration. Everyone has a default vibration which is the sum total of their consciousness at peace, on pause, in a state of receptivity. It is the state of their soul evolution to date. You are a quality of God, an attribute of God, a child of God. Your consciousness vibration is kept at a low frequency when you don’t radiate it, meaning when you don’t move it or activate it. Learning how to activate your frequency, tapping into your “thrill”, is unknown to the average person. It is a technique. You may teach it to those who are ready to receive it.
The vibration of consciousness can be experienced at a low frequency or raised to a powerfully quickened frequency. It doesn’t matter what the consciousness is. It could be positive or it could be a negative. Wherever the consciousness is, even that which is clogged with anger and violence, can be sped up to a loud noise or held down to a low level so that it goes unnoticed. One who is of a more pure and positive nature, who maintains compassion within his field, or gentleness, or freedom, or truth or – yes, love, mercy, forgiveness, tenderness - these can be held down to a slow low vibration by lack of understanding, lack of training or education.
The difference between frequency and vibration. A slow compassionate vibration in peaceful mode can be overridden by a negative vibration that has increased in frequency so that it is expressing louder. Even though the negative is a lower vibration, the peaceful vibration is overridden because the negative vibration has been quickened or sped up to a higher frequency. The person who has activated their negative vibration radiates that anger as chaos, while the peaceful person who tries to calm the person with a low vibration of peace doesn’t work. The default vibration of a soul doesn’t matter whether it is positive or negative if it is kept at a low speed if it is not radiating. It is when the person speeds up (activates) their electrons and starts radiating it that they increase their frequency. You know what an angry outburst looks like, but is it a negative outburst or a positive one? A person with a positive compassionate vibration confronting a negative situation can be just as loud as a negative one! A very loud positive confrontation can appear like an angry outburst to onlookers, if they are not fully apprised of the corrective action taking place.
The vibration is the default program of the soul. But it can be kept so quiet that no one notices it. It is only felt and seen when the person speeds up (radiates or activates) their power. That is the power that has been taken from you through divisive manipulations. You think you have no power to change things but you do. Very much. You have the power of the universe in you if you knew how to active it. The soul in you can hold centuries of blocked trauma which makes it insufferable and in great pain. When it lashes out it is releasing it. It must lash out because it is hurting him to hold it inside. Education of that soul would help him to understand. A soul with a positive-leaning momentum may think that it is helping situations by staying low and peaceful when in fact it is not helping but condoning the negative situation. A peaceful prayer does not help as much as confronting the angry person with a powerful light-filled person. Those who say nothing are condoning the continued action of the angry soul who has taken control.
A positive leaning person such as one who is maintaining peace at a low steady level in her home because she doesn’t understand this spiritual science, can be overridden by another person in the same household who has quickened his vibration to a faster-acting frequency. So that this other person who is more negatively leaning, who holds anger, for instance, or blocked energies from past lives and doesn’t know how to deal with them, shouts out and overrides the gentle person who is gently holding peaceful intentions. This other person who is clogged with debris, is cloaked and blocked, and does not understand why he is so angry. He must be purged of his blocked energies. He has a momentum of anger or rebellion built up in his body. Pockets of thick energy are lodged in his tissues from his past. Or it could be simply from disorganized DNA from his parents or ancestors. Without education this person with non-peaceful vibrations can speed up his electrons and start radiating angrily. In addition, the environment in which he lives may provide similar energies which add to those of his own. This boosts his own anger to an even higher power.
The peaceful person who doesn’t understand the science of radiation doesn’t have the ability to override such chaotic energies. It is not in their past training to do so. They will not override their peacefulness until they learn how to quicken their frequency. How to radiate, which is a spiritual skill that is learned. The peaceful person may attempt to neutralize or tone down the anger in the other by holding steadily to peace, and this may work, but it also makes her submissive to the angry person. She will feel submissive. This lesson is needed to be told about radiation. Until the peaceful person learns how to radiate or quicken the electrons, they are not very effective. This is what you are learning here. You are learning about the power of boosting your radiation, your action power, what you formerly called “masculine” power. It is not masculine, nor is it feminine. It is the God power in you. Until a person learns to do that you will remain over-ruled by those who are louder. Do you see? (Yes, I have been doing exactly that most of my life, trying to “will” peace or “pray” for peace to those I lived with, hoping I could change them, thinking it was feminine.)
Yes, you have. Now it is time for you to learn this very valuable lesson. Thank you for asking. You have received an upgrade with the help of the Mother which you viewed on the video today. You already knew how to activate the Power. You called it “the thrill” or “chill” but you did not understand what it was or how to apply it. (Is this the origin of yin and yang?) Yin and Yang are human terms, created by humans living in duality. The enlightened person who is truly enlightened, would not see it as two separate forces, or two separate functions called yin and yang or masculine and feminine. A truly enlightened person would recognize themselves as one consciousness, one God consciousness operating as needed in any given moment. You are God Source Creator who has been de-fanged of your power because of the mind-control that has been existing in the world for centuries. It has divided the oneness in two separated halves. You are one consciousness with the ability to go either way - into silence or into powerful action at any given moment, by choice. That is who you are. You have always been that. You are the Creator God who is never in form but exists in the no-form state. You are abstract intelligence moving through a flesh-and-blood body, a vehicle for purposes of affecting change. You are waking up to this fact. Intelligence is pure love and light which you have vowed to serve and protect, but you have been made submissive by the limited education which you were cultivated with. The form life has become too powerful with its physical senses taking full control. These override the simple voice of the Oneness that you are in reality. Meditation and prayer on a constant basis is the way to return to wholeness. (Am I OK doing what I’m doing during my morning sessions behind closed doors? By not following a printed out list of exercises?) You are beyond the programming stage. You are learning directly now from source. You do not need to have a list of exercises to follow and check off each day. (He is smiling, ready to laugh but holding it back to a smile!)
(Me: Thank you, Master DK! Love, love, love.)
12/10/21 - Receiving is the greatest lesson of all
Receiving is a truly blessed sacred gift. Once tapped into receiving, you receive the scepter, the power, the glory that you have kept at bay outside of you, walled off. Receiving is the greatest lesson of all. It is easy to push outward your wants and desires onto those around you. But to RECEIVE from those around you? That is the pearl of great price that has evaded those searching for this mystical quality. You see, YOU are the quality. You are the receiver. You yourself are the quality of receiving. You are the stillness. Your ability to receive has been denied by you. You closed it down. What do you think meditation is designed for? What does it mean to “go into the silence”? Becoming still and not moving is only the first step to the long-desired goal.
The holy chalice refers to emptying yourself so that you become hollow, void of desire, void of illusions, void of expectations. The search is over. You give up. You yield. You surrender. Do you know what this means? It means you connect into the oneness. You become the oneness, the eternal oneness, the sea into which ALL rivers must eventually flow. All individuals must in the end offer up their accumulated wisdom and knowledge to the allness and in return they are joined with the power of the allness. We call it “the Harvest”. The separated individual pushes himself outward, ever and always outward, over the mountains, down into crevices, joining with others in adventures building and creating and fighting together in form, but never receiving, never listening, always facing outward, forgetting the reality and the beauty of the inner life, the father of life, the mother of life, the ONLY life they have that fuels the adventures. We pay no attention to that which fuels and nourishes us by the minute, the hour, the day, weeks and years.
We are blessed with this holy Presence which inspires us but do we acknowledge it? It is the beginning of the turn-around to acknowledge the Holy Presence which is the eternal flame, the fountain of youth, health and strength that never goes out. It cannot be extinguished without terrible, awful works done over multiple lifetimes of embodiment. Even then, one is given one last chance to turn around and acknowledge the Presence within, before that light withdraws permanently. The turn-around from facing outward to facing inward and acknowledging one’s Holy God Self, the Presence, begins with listening. Stop and become still. While there is nothing to see at first because focus is dimmed, remain in the stop position and be alert. Ask. Ask a question and listen. Don’t expect anything. The practice of listening is being alert. What was that sound? What was that flicker? What was that fleeting thought? It’s gone now. Remain alert. Remain open. Remain receptive.
Imagine a funnel opening upward from the top of your head, opening up into the space above you. Picture the sun brilliantly shining overhead. You are coming through the sun. You are a ray of sunlight entering down through the funnel into the top of your head. Perhaps it is only a single ray or perhaps an avalanche of brilliant sparkles raining down on you and some of them are caught into your funnel that you have built. And the light flows down into the main trunk of your body, your spinal column, and goes down into the ground beneath your feet and on down to the crystal sun at the center of the Earth. Be open. Receive. Listen. Allow the power to enter into your blood stream, nerves, tissues, organs, revitalizing your body.
8/10/22 - The Dweller on the Threshold
[My dream was confusing, trying to understand something from the DK book I was reading. I couldn't decide where to focus my attention. There is a pull between the soul, my spirit, my eternal self and the earth, so I decided to ask DK when I woke up. This is what he told me in answer to my confusion:]
It’s the crown center to focus on. This is the Dweller on the Threshold of form. No, not above the crown, not in the soul chakra which is above. This is outside of form. To stay in form, you need to stay focused on the crown. It is a sphere of light at the crown. To enhance understanding of something going on in your local reality, your physicality, unite the crown with the center of your head, which is the head center. The head center precipitates in the pituitary gland. This is NOT the Ajna center. The Ajna center is projected out from the center of the head to the front of the forehead. It is used for “sending” or directing, like a laser beam. The head center is not the Ajna center. The head center is the combination of two centers in the head - the crown center and the third eye. Combine these two, unite them in frequency. To work with the physical world, use the brain plus the solar fire which is the Presence of God, the Dweller on the Threshold. This Dweller is the divine will to be in form. It is half way outside and halfway inside the skull. The soft spot on a baby is called the fontanelle.
8/18/22 - Your lower body seeks the light
[In the middle of the night I am wide awake, stimulated with ideas. I went downstairs to type out my thoughts. I asked DK, “Why do I feel cut in half?” It’s at the level of the diaphragm. I have been feeling this a long time now. I thought there was something wrong with me physically. First a thought comes: if you feel something wrong in you, turn that thought upside down. Ask “what is right in me?” So asked the question, what is right in me that this feeling is trying to tell me? His response:]
Your body is trying to show you that you are made of two substances – spiritual and of the earth. One is the old and incomplete yet, the other is eternal and forever. You are spirit living temporarily in a form body which imprisons you. You can feel the sensation in your lower body as deadening, dull, the tendency to die, the end of life energies, as you call it. But the upper part of your body is on fire, as you say, you are inspired, enthused, awake, aware and allowing for the best and the positive. You are pulling on the lower energies. Your body is showing you this.
There is love-light particles in your lower body, in your physical body, and there is love-light particles in your upper body, your spiritual body. You are trying to make sense of it. You are trying to “fix” your body. Don’t “fix” it. Celebrate it. Enjoy it. Be in love with all of your life. Let reality govern your every thought. It is the positive. Stay always in the positive and you will call your diamonds home. Your atoms, your atomic particles are full of love-light. You are home when you are in love-light. Yes, the sex is the problem. You have known this for many years and have tried to write about it, define it, explain it to yourself and to others. It is holding back your hugs. Define it and describe it.
The Treatise on White Magic will help you define it. It is an attraction to the earth body that is not complete yet. There is more “earth” in them than light. You are to move your consciousness of the light down into the earthy particles that are lonely and separated from the wholeness. The love-light in the physical body is seeking your love and your acceptance. It wants to move to higher ground. It is seeking love-light. It is attracted by the love-light in your upper realms. It wants MORE! Allow your love to encapsulate or go down – consciously go down - into the dense physical without losing your spiritual connection. Repeat that sentence. Allow your love to encapsulate into the physicality without losing its spirituality. Explain this.
8/23/22 - Stay ALIVE! Stay EXCITED!
[This was at the tail-end of other messages from DK but I thought it was just me rambling. His consciousness has blended so well with my consciousness that I have difficulty recognizing when he is talking. How could I have missed this beautiful wonderful reminder? Hmmm. I've been noticing lately the difference between excitement flow and simple energy flow, or lack thereof. There's a difference.]
Don’t hold back. Life with a capital L is the aliveness in you. Keep it loving. It will take you into rest periods. It’s not the staying physically busy or active. No. It is staying ALIVE. Let life flow. Let LIFE flow in you and through you, keeping you alive. The LIFE in you is the excitement that keeps you alive, the creativity in you, keeps you enthusiastic about living. When you are ALIVE you are excited to be alive, whether you are resting or moving or working or sitting and talking or reading, it is being ALIVE that is your fun. You want to stay excited and enthusiastic whether you’re lying still and relaxing or moving about. Find that LIFE in you . Notice when it is there, and when it is gone. Stay in the aliveness of life. Keep it active whether you are resting or moving. LIFE is LIFE, not dead or dull.
Impatience is the gremlin in the works. Don’t project ahead of yourself. Stay in the moment, stay in the center of the moment, the center of the spine vertically, or center of your heart horizontally. The downfall of man is feeling SO good, SO alive, SO real, that he jumps ahead of himself and gets impatient to get to – where? Where is he going? He is not “going” anywhere. That is the problem. He is leaving his aliveness when he projects away from himself, out in front of himself, or behind himself thru remembering the past. Aliveness is here in the moment of action,
He gets impatient, Impatience cuts the connection to the life force of aliveness. Don’t disconnect.
11/26/22 - An introduction to the etheric body
[This was first posted in my personal blog from my journal, until one day I re-read it and recognized it as a channeling from the Master DK. It often happened that way, being inspired and receiving excited words of inspiration and thinking it is my own personal consciousness. Later I realized it was DK speaking. I woke up with a dream still playing out. Trees that were dying because they lived too close to each other and couldn't expand their auric field, and one particular young man 16 years old, who was weakening from living too close to his family who were crowding him. He didn't have enough individual space in which to grow and didn't know what to do about it. And other jungle scenes showing trees unable to support the wild life which lived in them. I recognized the message was about the etheric body and that I needed to start writing about it, it's over-due This is that message.]
The etheric body is the understructure for the physical body. It is body of vitality which feeds physical power to the physical body. It is the substructure - or the infrastructure you could say - of the physical body. It supports, nurtures and feeds the muscles, nerves, bones, blood and organs of the physical body. When the physical body becomes weak, it's because the etheric body has become loosely connected to the physical. It is connected through the nervous system which is fed by the nadis, the currents of light from the meridian system of the etheric body. The etheric body is sometimes referred to as the soul in religious or spiritual terms, but it is not so easily defined since it is not an object like the physical body. So it doesn’t matter what name we call it, it is more important to become educated and understand its role in our life. And why it is important. Every physical body has an etheric body underlying it, or better put, OVERlying it for the enery is coming down into the physical, not up from underneath. It is the energy body, or the vitality body.
The etheric body is physical. It is made of physical atoms and electrons, but these particles are spaced further apart than in the physical. They are on higher, more rarified planes and therefore invisible to our eyesight. Except to sensitives, such as clairvoyants. Plus anyone might see the bluish glow surrounding a tree, plant or person in the growing darkness of evening hours if they are relaxed enough. The physical body is more solidly compacted together. The etheric body is the gathering space of forces composed of random atoms and subatomic particles that wander around in the atmosphere and attach to a person's auric field. Here they ripple their presence through the person as either a heightened thought or a chill of something foreign or negative. The etheric body is a space around the physical body into which settles floating energies from the atmosphere. They either settle there, up close to the body, or move on. This is the reason we need to become aware of the etheric body. It is an influence on our lives. It impacts us with whatever energies it has collected.
The ether ic body is also known as the etheric double. When the body dies, an exact replica of the person can be seen by sensitives for a short time time after death. The etheric double acts like a reservoir of bits and pieces of the planetary life that is constantly moving through the atmosphere. These energies pour into our auric fields under forces we are not aware of. There are many forces. Too many to identify. They are like clouds of subatomic matter that are loose and wandering around, and are attracted to someone with similar thoughts and feelings. they are simply part of the human collective worldwide, and through atmospheric currents they are present at all times. When they come into close proximity to us, they become either lodged in our auric field or they may be repelled by our awareness and move on. Our auric field on the outer perimeter attracts these energies and if we don't repel them, they move closer in to our physical level and then enter our nervous system. Hence, feelings "out of the blue" that descend on us and we don't know why. The etheric body, is loosely referred to as the aura. It is referred to as our soul. It influences our moods and what thoughts we think, what choices and decisions we make, how much vitality we have, for they can suck the life out of us and drain us without our knowing. If they are negative energies, they are parasitic in nature. They are hungry for the living life force because they are negative energies, meaning below the 50-50 balance line or neutral line.
It is worthwhile painting a picture of what a human body looks like to a celestial being or master. Our solid bodies are only a small part of who we are. The body itself is embedded inside a large sphere which, on the outer level is pure white light and love. It is not physical light, it is intelligence. The pure white light darkens by degree the closer it gets to the physical body at the center, which is the emanating source of the darkness. The soul who is inhabiting the human body is what the masters monitor. They know every living soul on the planet and where they are on the evolutionary path. The physical body is the solid at the center of the sphere of light, like the yolk inside an egg.
Running through the sphere of light, ever darkening toward the center, hair-thin lines of crystal pure white light weave like a spiders web, seeking to connect with the physical nerves, but there are obstructions. The pure light is available to feed into every cell in the body, except there are false beliefs in the way. The etheric body is a moving, heaving, fluctuating reservoir of forces surrounding the physical body. Composed of forces and influences from many sources. Some good, some bad, some indifferent. As a person thinks are these forces attracted into his life, thought and feeling. They are brought in by himself. He sucks them in, as if through a straw by his own thoughts and attention he holds with his feelings and moods. These then affect his psychology, the way he thinks, the way he feels, his vitality or lack thereof, his weakness, his musculature, organs, bones, hair, teeth. The etheric body is the infrastructure that supports his physical body and presence on Earth. His etheric body builds these forces into his physical body, to either vitalize it or wear it down because the majority do not know. This is a new-age science that has only barely begun to be revealed, studied and experimented with. Energy workers are starting to put it together but science is lagging behind. The physical body literally feeds off of this fluctuating, moving cloud of forces that surrounds him. He feeds on it through the day and through the night.
All through the physical body and stretching out into the sphere of darker light that surrounds him, are invisible threads of pure white light. This is the invisible network of nadis and meridians that run through the etheric body, that carry crystal pure white light, the crystalline light of perfection. The acupuncturists put needles into certain points on the body to open blockages and let the light flow through better. The darkened light that surrounds the human being is contaminated because he hasn't cleaned it up. Humanity is on the brink of discovering the process. Once pure, the sphere of white dazzling light of pure intelligence has been filled with wrong thoughts, wrong feelings, wrong assumptions and conclusions. These wrong assumptions have been carried over from lifetime to lifetime building a momentum of evil into the world from which we are in the midst of turning around. The new golden age is upon us and ascension techniques are everywhere available to those with eyes open and minds alert. Understandings need to be cleared up, but only the individual can do this for himself. Further information is needed to understand how this works.
NADI is a Sanskrit word from the ancient practices of the Eastern tradition. The nadis are microscopic threads of crystal pure light which link up and connect with our physical nervous system. The way to strengthen the physical body is to strengthen these connections to the etheric body. Expand awareness to include the spacious aura that surrounds the body. The body does not stop at the skin level. It is not just physical. It is bigger and extends further out beyond sight. The trick is to expand awareness by using imagination - mental powers. Imagine a more spacious field of light surrounding you like a radiation or a higher spectrum of light that you can't see. It is invisible. Image your brain stretching and growing lighter and brighter. It takes mental effort and imagination. It is within each person's ability to grow himself or herself lighter, brighter and larger beyond physical eyesight.
Visualize a light sphere interpenetrating the physical body and extending out around the body at a distance of two or three or even four feet beyond you. Visualize a particle, molecule or cell within the body with a sphere of radiating light around it, an etheric light. Each physical cell is a living thing - science tells us that - but science does not tell us about the ethers or the etheric double. Science is behind the times! The etheric body exists beyond what science can prove. It lives on and on and on, into higher and ever higher planes of life. The physical brain is a mere shell of what lies behind the brain and supports the brain. It is like looking at an ice cube and not realizing that it is melted water and, further, it is a condensation of other, finer material.
As you mentally picture this graphic picture, your brain is receiving the picture. YOU are the creator of the picture. YOU are the master of your body. YOU are the one who is educating your body by opening to the "more" that is above and beyond you. This is how we program our bodies with more information. The brain is expands and becomes more attuned to the new information. It absorbs this new information. New synapses are built, gaps are filled in, understanding takes place. "Ahhhh, I see!" Refinement takes place as the brain "gets it". We need to program our brain and help it to grow and widen its understanding. When the brain can comprehend the idea in abstract, soon the body will register symbiotic feelings. Connections between the invisible world and the physical world will take place as relaxing, endearing, softening feelings. We melt the two worlds together and our understanding expands. Relax and breathe! Enjoy the show. Enjoy the feelings of melting into harmony. The body is getting it too and enjoying the soothing, interrelationship. The crystalline light from higher planes of life is penetrating into the physical cells.
The more we practice visualizing, the more blending takes place between dimensions. The lines melt and dimensions become closer in harmony. From ancient days this process has been known as the Christ. The Christian religion assigned the word to one single gentleman 2000 years ago, but was known prior to that period. The word "christ" means crystal. Their are crystalline threads of pure light running through our etheric body, coming down from higher planes, and entering into our physical body. We can help it along by picturing the process and reading up on it. More info is becoming available.
There are other, not-so-nice forces also gathering in the etheric body. It is not all pure. We have built up mistakes and errors over the many lifetimes of living in different bodies. So now, in these so-called "end times", where the mass consciousness is shifting from dark to light, the technique being offered is to expand awareness to include the surrounding space - the auric field. And bad influences we nip in the bud before they take hold and settle down into us.
We receive forces from many sources. They are attracted either by affinity - the law of attraction - or by close proximity. Many clouds of energy are randomly passing by in loose, fluid state, the way chaos passes in a storm or a flood. There is chaos around. People are spewing restlessness, anxiety and confusion. Thoughts of fear and depression. What matters is to change the dark to a positive note before it settles in. Become aware. Scan the auric field. You can do it for a loved one if your partner(s) are not aware of this technique. Do it silently without speaking. Use the inner science of magic - imagination. Become attunded to the subjective world of perception and knowing. Become aware when a negative enters your field, your mind, so you notice it. Don't dismiss it. Rather transform it by replacing it with a swarm of loving thoughts. Sweep it away with love, or kindness, or whatever benevolent word you prefer to use. It's a mental vacuum cleaner. You will notice the difference soon enough.
Subatomic particles of energy are electrons, misguided, mismanaged electrons that are alive with life. They seek a home. Someone who will give them a resting place. They flow in currents. They are attracted to and pushed around by larger more potent forces. Some are good, some not so good, some downright negative. These are random particles seeking a home. They gather together when they find others like them. They are little conscious entities that have a life. They too want families to live with. If you like them, then give them a home and welcome them. But if you find them uncomfortable, then change them with a sweeping force of powerful love. More positive, agreeable thoughts, that make YOU feel better. So many people are unaware of how powerful positive feelings are. They are the measuring rod. Listen to your bodies feelings of goodness vs. bodily feelings of badness. Don't let badness coagulate and settle in your auric field, else it will enter into your physical body through the etheric body.
If you are not managing your thoughts in your mental body and giving them direction, if you are not discerning which ones you want and which ones you don’t want, these particles will accumulate in your field. When you become aware of them and you take charge over them, then you are helping yourself to stay strong. You are guarding your auric field against invasion by negative forces. It is entirely up to you WHICH kinds of influences you want to entertain in your etheric body, your infrastructure. That which supports you or that which weakens you. Again, you are receiving forces from beyond your control, so it is up to you to be responsible for keeping your etheric body clean and positive. Transform the thoughts you don't want, or they will become physical and emotional feelings you don't like. Your substructure is the infrastructure of your physical body. It is no different than the concrete foundation or steel girders of your house. Because the etheric body is invisible to eyesight, this has not been part of our schoolroom education. Traditional classroom education has been restricted to the old way of "believe only in what we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste."
The etheric body is the space around us that is held in place by our own unique and personal energy signature. Our permission allows them to settle, whether we are ignorant of the process or not. This energy field supports, feeds and maintains our concrete physical body and gives us vitality and power - or takes it away. It is the universal force that we draw on. It is time we understood what "universal force" is made of. It comes from everywhere. It is up to us to discern what "universal force" we allow to settle in our field, and which ones we want to expel. The negatives suck the life out of us and weakens our muscles, blood, organs, nerves and bones and gives us disease. The majority don't even know, let alone make corrections and follow exercises to strengthen it. It is the reason for yoga, meditation, self-improvement techniques, becoming more universally acceptedthan ever before. These are consciousness-building exercises to take the place of pharmaceuticals and drugs. Self-enlightenment recipes hold the power of change. It is inner work. As someone visualizes and becomes consciously aware of their etheric body, they start to notice things they never noticed before. The knowledge seeps in quietly, like a thought out of the blue sky. Like a sponge absorbs water. The forces start to talk to you. You become aware of the good ones and the bad ones. You become more knowledgeable about your energy field. You start to improve your energy and your vitality. Cultivate a belief in this by practicing it. Otherwise it is just abstract theory.
Become familiar with the forces that influence you, especially the forces that you don't like. Change them and substitute a BETTER force. Which ones are you allowing in because you're not paying attention? Start by paying attention. This morning after I did my usual preparation (shower, etc.) I sat down in my usual chair to begin my morning practice, and my chair spoke to me for the first time ever. It said "Good morning!" to me in a subjective kind of way. It was the first time I heard that. It told me I am sitting in my "thinking chair". In my thinking chair I start receiving voices in my awareness. More bleed-throughs. My awareness is so open now that I have almost too many to remember them all. I am now forced to switch them off and go into the silence. Otherwise I would become bogged down with too many ideas. All good ideas but I seek the place of peace where the voices stop coming. And the peace starts replacing them.
You become more discerning. Always there is more to become aware of. It never ends but YOU can stop it anytime you like. You are the authority over these forces. It is time to realize that. You become more conscious of other entities or energies coming in - both good and bad. It doesn't matter. You can take control over them and shift your mood. Maybe it’s a shift in physical feeling. Like for me today, after eating Chinese food I had an immediate abdominal reaction and spent the next hour back and forth to the bathroom. I forgot. I had this reaction before from Chinese food. It could have been a psychological reaction or an emotional reaction, but this was simply a physical body reaction.
Maybe forces enter your awareness like a strong dislike. It just strikes you distastefully. Or anger strikes out of the blue. Or hatred. Or fear. Fear is a biggie. Instead of wondering where it came from, don't analyze it. Change it. Love it. Send a wave of overwhelming love at it and wash it away. Maybe a warning strikes of danger, or suspicion or jealousy. Instead of wondering where it's coming from (and who to start watching out for) change it. Change it with love. Love is the balancing force for everything awkward, distasteful, uncomfortable and - yes - dangerous.
Love is all there is, as Marcus is constantly saying. Love is ALL there is. And the masters and celestials say it too. Over and over and over. It is what keeps the universe orderly. The planets are classrooms. We come into embodiment to learn more about love and how to apply it to situations we run into. Love is all there is. It's the greatest tool and technique ever made available. How to use it requires individual experimentation. Various energies are striking our auric fields all the time. They are all different, and some are truly dangerous. They can suck us in until we forget what we are here for. Humanity has not been aware of these insidious forces until very recently. The wars have been telling us, and the pandemic has been a blast in our faces. But we are starting to get it, aren't we? There are negative forces everywhere. The most dangerous ones are at first sweet and kind to tempt us. The technique for overcoming them is forgiveness, mercy, kindness and overwhelming love. This sweeps them away. Negativity does not like love and kindness!!!
Negative forces are even out there in space, as we are told. And they are inside of us too. When we hold onto sin, shame, dirty thoughts, angry thoughts, we are holding onto energies that do not belong with us. We have to sweep them away with loving kindness for ourselves and others. We have been told by the religions that we are sinners and should feel guilty, but it is untrue. Love is all there is! There is a sphere of dazzling pure white light all around us and which runs through us in tiny strands of living light. We live in a sea of eternally pure white light. We are a unique, one-of-a-kind child of pure white light and love. Light is information, love is what we do with that information. The piece of information that was missing in our training as young children was about the etheric body. The space that surrounds us is the gathering place of subatomic particles of light that are floating around aimlessly. Some good, some bad, some in between. They are fluid and fluctuating under various forces and sources. It doesn't matter what they are or where they come from, we must expand our consciousness to be aware of what is influencing us. What energies are striking our minds and feelings. And take charge of changing them on the spot. Change them into love and light. Strange forces surround you without your realizing it. Take control over these forces. YOU are the one in control. Or should be. If you are not in control of these forces, then you are susceptible to being continually influenced by outsiders controlling your thoughts and feelings. Don't be led. Be a leader of your own sphere of light that you carry around with you.
This is the battlefield to be aware of. Consider this before going tp a doctor to seek a prescription drug. Not to give up your prescription drugs but to become aware of your OWN powers alongside of the prescription drugs you may currently take. In the religions of the world the etheric body was referred to as the soul, a vague unknown term until recently. We are becoming wise to the vagaries of the religious past. You are the landowner of your physical body. It was given to you to take care of it. Again, you were never told about the etheric body being a collector of forces. Become a wise and good steward of the land of your body. You own this piece of land. Notice what is growing in it, or below out of sight, beneath the surface. You can improve on your own health and strengthen it, by nipping a growing negative force in the bud, before it has time to take root. Before a doctor pronounces a word that puts fear into you. Disease has become like religion, people believe in sickness. Can you imagine believing in sickness? It is time to put an end to belief in wrong thoughts. It is time to end the downward spiral. This is about becoming educated. Health is a science, not witchcraft. Techniques and classes are becoming more available by the day. Listen to them. Choose one that appeals to your sense of rightness and comfort. Try it out. It is YOU who are the final authority.
Learn some words to speak out loud. Affirmations. When you say a word out loud it changes the energy in your immediate sphere of influence. Try it out. The “I AM” affirmations are statements of a positive nature. They are called mantras and chants. Oming is a universal sound to use, or humming. Aum (OM) means “I AM”. It affirms I AM as a self-conscious being. It means simply I am what I am.
1/1/23 - The ancient agenda of the male: sex stops the flow of love
(During exercises I had a huge downflow of a revelation. I spent an hour writing it out and asking my higher self for confirmation. She responded. This is the I Am Presence, not DK, talking to me, but they are one and the same as far as I am concerned. I share this information openly since these revelations affect most of humanity. Putting pen to paper I am writing out my sudden revelation - asking, questioning - is it true?
(Dear I AM, Is it true that an orgasmic release is an abortion? That it kills and prevents the cosmic fire from flowing upward to complete its flow? An orgasm – a FORCED orgasm that is, as when I did it with the vibrator because I couldn’t have one without, was that an abortion? Did it indeed kill the flow in me that the loving had begun? Then I kept doing it all through my swinging career. I started with feeling the love by hugging and embracing the people. Then I felt the love flowing as I embraced people with the closeness of their bodies, but then as I interacted with men, I was encouraged by the men to use the vibrator and to have an orgasm. I forced the climax on myself. I kept aborting the love flowing through by having an orgasm?!?! Oh my! I am just now realizing. Is this true? Killing the flow of the fire of life and forcing it back down, to hunker back down, to retreat, to stop the flow, the eternal immortal fire of LIFE that should have been allowed to flow upward? I kept having the orgasm and forcing it OUT into the 2nd chakra and that ended the flow right then and there. Is that right? I am questioning the validity of that revelation. It stopped the loving flow from happening and going on up further and completing its flowing. But, and this is a big but, perhaps my soul directed that? To keep me, my outer body/personality focused on THIS world? To keep me local on the planet in the physical matrix, in the 3rd dimensional matrix? Is this why it happened? And why I kept saying over and over, “I’m tired of this? I don’t want to do this any more?“ I kept journaling that over and over. Oh my God!!! Please will you give me some words of advice and encouragement?”)
(My I Am Presence responds:) "My dear one! My lovely beautiful daughter! I have brought my two beautiful daughters together so they may support each other and carry on the work that is the work of the ages – the work of bringing love into the solid concrete world of form and matter. Both of you are ready to pick up where you left off, together now. Each of you are NOW ready. You have each had to find your own way back to Source – YOUR source. Not someone else’s source. You are your Father’s child. I am your Mother who guides you thru the thicket; the solid matter constructed by the zealous male. Yes! The zealous male is on fire with zeal. Look up that word. [means great energy and enthusiasm] It is an important word to keep in mind. Now you are noticing your hunched-over shoulders as you write my words, and the stress is mounting because you are holding your body stiff in a locked-down position. Give yourself a break. Go! Do your physical movements and let your source move through you. Let the waves come forth, as the grandmothers gave to Sharon [McErlane, Net of Light]. There must be a rhythm to the flowing and ebbing.
Ebbing is the resting time. Be at rest, and then allow the flow to come again. Rest and flow are natural cycles. Allow them. Recognize them. Become conscious of them. Use them constructively. And yes, you are correct. Exactly correct in your recognition that you yourself terminated the flow of love by using the vibrator to orgasm. You did it to reach the desired goal. It deadened the flow – dead-ended the flow – brought the flowing energy to a finish. And this over time caused your anger, your frustration to build up. The flow stopped and became blocked. It dammed up. Backed up. Became squashed. Electrons became squeezed together and uncomfortable. They came into pain. The electrons are alive with the fires of life and you stopped them from flowing. You KNEW the flow of love needed to keep flowing. You knew this and you knew it was real, but you bought into the agenda of the male, came under the pressure of the male. You allowed it. YOU were the problem. YOU allowed this to happen to you.
The ancient agenda of male works by focusing his attention on an outcome. He does not need or want the female around when he is working. He has forgotten to be in balance himself. He has become out of alignment and backed up with stress and tension himself. So he seeks the female for relief and release. Then he needs the female as a receiver for his stress and tension. It is by focus that the male is able to carry forth their plan to build concrete worlds. For love would not have allowed the concretization of matter into structured form. Love would have allowed the electrons of fire to keep moving and flowing, refreshing and staying light and liquid. It is an unbalanced world that you entered, to bring forth love. It was the Plan to enter the world of unbalanced concrete form and release it with love, by flowing love. It is the plan of all the souls who are born of love, to release the blocks that obstruct the flow. You have come to dismantle the concretization. You have done exceptionally well, my beloved sister friend. Use your sister friend Trisha to complete the flowing of love. You will know what to do. You are One. We are One, you and I." (End)
1/13/23 - Ancient light trapped in the body, Earth's kundalini
[Inspired by going into a clean room to lie down. No swirling energies from other people. I started breathing cleanliness thru the seven chakras. I realized that I get tired because of the dirt that sticks and clogs me. Draw on the ancient light in your body. Do not let the tiredness stop you. Don't stop at the door. Transcend the pain and the tiredness. Be bigger than the pain. Draw on the ancient light in Mother Earth's body, your own body, Mother Earth's kundalini.]
Yes, the planet has kundalini, it is the ancient light trapped – or is it stored? – within it. Ancient light is kundalini force. It is the holy spirit force, the ancient light embedded into the soil, clay, rocks, mountains, rivers, oceans. You are here to recognize it and WAKE IT UP! It is not dead. The light cannot die. It is eternal, immortal, infinite. Wake it up. Reclaim it. Claim it as YOURS! Make it yours. Be the new Earth. Be the new power. Build on the old. Others before you built on those before them, who built on those who came before they did. Now YOU add your light to those who have gone before you, adding your light, adding to light embedded into Earth’s soil of the past. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out but send it home again.
Now, here is the key, the crucial key that is often missed. You can only send the light home by connecting to it and lifting it. You are from home. Connect home with the Earth planet that is in you. Earth was built from light from home by a continuous flow of souls being born here from home. They left their light here, behind them, in their corpses as they decomposed. The light never goes out. The light of the electrons that built the bodies and sustained the bodies, that light never goes out. Do not let this light of your ancestors and predecessors go out. Connect into it, add to it, send it home by lifting it up, by consecrating it, by sanctifying it, by appreciating it and lifting it up and recognizing it as holy and divine. Lift it up to the great Father Creator of it all, the One Infinite Creator.
[Me: Is the creator light going down the outside of the body and the mother light coming up the inside of the inside? Or are they both going up and down through the central spine? If so, how is this possible? What do they do when they meet each other? How do they get around each other? What happens then?]
No! I am answered. Creator light from above and Mother light below don’t move at all. They are in stillness. It is your consciousness that is doing the movement. You are growing in awareness. You are becoming aware. You are sending the light home through your conscious awareness. All that you are reading in the John White book is enhancing your understanding. Your conscious awareness is doing the movement. You are moving your awareness up and down. Creator light and Mother light are always there, in silence, built into you.
2/1/23 - Law of harmony vs. laws of separation
Following the laws of harmony vs. following the laws of separation. The universe operates on the law of harmony or synthesis, whereas mankind has been operating on the law of separation. When you massage Annie [referring to my friend] you allow a blend to occur between her energy field or radiation, and yours. The normal human ego respects another person’s radiation and does not interfere with it. He or she stops short of blending with another, which allows the boundary to exist between them. The law of separation. There are hard edges between one person and another. It is called respecting free will. Look up Symbiosis. Symbiosis is the tilting of the law of gravity in favor of blending separate fields, whereas the law of gravity pulls toward the center of each, not allowing a blend to occur. So tilting the law of gravity is a way of blending and merging people’s individual fields. The flash event is when everyone will turn toward the law of harmony and away from the law of free will and separate boundaries.
2/16/23 - About sacrifice
(Dear Master DK, what should I do with this confusion? Should I give in to my giving nature and continue to sacrifice my own agenda to help X? Her energies at times feel angelic to me but then she has all these problems and I get the feeling she is creating her own mess. I resist her then. Is this right? Should I resist her or not resist her? Should I support her anyway? I am confused. DK responds:)
Sacrifice is only in the front end. The spiritual path unfolds out from there. You may find it a sacrifice of your personal pleasure, giving up your immediate comfort, but the personal sacrifice does not last forever. The rewards come sooner rather than later. Sacrifice is the momentary yielding of the hard shell of personal ego – that which has been artificially laid down on top of you shutting out your divine self. You have been on the road of recovery of that which is your highest good. You are nearing this that you seek. Tomorrow is your day of choice. You will know what to do when it is time to do it. Your friend needs assistance. Will you deny her? Of course not. It is your personal ego that is fighting back and resisting. It is feeling the pangs of sacrifice, not you! You do not sacrifice – you follow the creator’s instructions. Your creator is the one who desires to help her, not your artificial ego. Your ego is in competition with your friend's. Your personal artificial self is the one who feels sacrifice. The Creator does not. The creator flows with the needs of the moment and YOU have offered to be of service, have you not?
(Me: yes, I have accepted this as my mantra, so OK. It has been my ego that is rebelling and saying “Enough!” It is feeling the pangs and is resisting?)
Yes!! Know the difference between source and your own ego. Is it not love? Love does not resist, nor fear for what it imagines it will lose by sacrificing its petty pleasure and comfort.
(Me: OMG! You’re right! Thank you, Master DK, for straightening me out. I was getting all tied up in knots. Thank you. Is there anything more I should know?)
No, my child. You have received my message. You have done well to ask and not allow this knot to linger.
(Me: I am ashamed of myself.)
Do not hold that thought. You have corrected it. Let it go. Let it flow. The end.
2/21/23 - Kundalini as the pouch of infinity surrounding the coccyx
[In the night I was awakened at 3 am as if being called. I went across the hall into the meditation room and rubbed, stroked and tapped my body all over, then sat and wondered what to do next. I then connected with the stars and started receiving revelations.]
See how the infinity flows and grows from the root chakra, the kanda, the mother flame. There is a pouch of infinity surrounding the coccyx. Actually it’s just a piece of consciousness. It doesn’t have a shape or boundaries around it. It’s a piece of perfect, a piece of the Oneness. It is you, your own spirit spark, or spirit pouch. It is your eternal soul. At conception in your mother’s immortal womb, implanted by your father’s immortal seed, you as an immortal spirit spark came to Earth. It immediately attached to Mother Earth’s spirit spark of immortality at the center of the planet, and became one with her. Her father is the Sun. There is always a mother and a father in form life.
Mother Earth’s immortal spirit holds you to the form life so you can live, breathe and grow a form around your spirit spark. And so the cells start dividing and coagulating at conception, and start clinging together. They are under the guidance of an immaculate intelligence. You are a baby spirit spark in this particular form that is being built now. You are an immortal consciousness as a spirit spark, but your body is not. You are conscious intelligence building a body. You are here to build the perfect form, so perfect that you as an immortal consciousness can thoroughly enjoy it! Forms have the capacity of pleasure. Forms come in diverse shapes and sizes. The opportunity for creating and feeling good in a form living with other forms has yet to be explored and experienced to the maximum degree. This is because form life gives SO much pleasure that the spirit spark expands and expands through the process known as nirvana or samadhi (a total bliss-out), until it jumps out of the form and returns to the ocean of love and bliss from which it came. It is referred to as “home” by the beings in form.
Now let’s talk about the mechanics of the spirit spark and how it distributes through the form to keep it alive. The celestial infinite consciousness is now seeded on Mother Earth to grow this form. There is a main channel, the spine, which grows up from the tail bone where the infinity pouch is located. This spiritual pouch of infinity and immortality is called the kanda, or kundalini. From this location a solid channel is built that runs up to the head, and two solid legs grow down upon which it walks on feet on the earth. The spirit spark of immortality is located at the center of the form, the hub of the wheel so to speak. And it is a sphere. While solid earth cells build into the recognizable form of a human being, the spirit spark which is doing the building radiates outward all around, 360 degrees, like a light bulb radiates a room or a space around its location. This light is conscious. It is called an aura but most people do not see it with their physical eyes. It is a piece of the infinite sea of life out of which all forms blossom forth. All forms are seeded by the same piece of oneness or immortal perfection.
The sea of life grows together to higher spheres because of the wisdom each individual spirit spark is contributing in its journey through matter and finite form. All are seeded and drawing from the same sea of perfection. Now, once stabilized in form the process begins of circulating this life-giving intelligence through the channels that were prepared for it to flow through. The design is immaculate. It knows exactly how to flow through the human form, for it is both father and mother God flowing now through the little human embryo and baby. It builds the perfect baby human and gives it birth. If the mother and father were masters of form, the baby is perfect. But all form life is contaminated from former experiments of right and wrong action taken. The errors are inevitable in building the perfect form and these errors need to be corrected. So life is lived again and again to correct what was a mistake in the last life.
Meanwhile the forms come and go. They die and get buried in the earth. Science refers to errors in a person’s body as faults in the DNA. This comes from prior form life of the parents and also of the baby. All form life is seeded by an immortal spirit spark intelligence experiencing trials and errors as a form. The spirit spark does not have a form in its original state of consciousness. It is simply aware, conscious and intelligence without a form. It has no flaws yet whatsoever. It is a pure spirit spark that comes forth through birth to experience playing on the fields of the planet with other spirit sparks. The spirit spark matures in understanding through form life.
Planetary life, i.e.,form-building and form-enjoying, is an exciting project for creator. Creator is the immortal oneness, the everlasting one. It breaks off a piece of itself and creates little spirit sparks through intention and directing thought in its own way. It directs it downward to give it birth in matter. It slows it down by descending the vibration, so it coagulates and becomes clumped together the way water freezes into ice. However it is always a piece of perfection. It cannot lose its immaculate perfection, which has been called the immaculate conception. Immaculate conception does not refer to Jesus of Mother Mary, but of ALL human beings. All humans have an immaculate perfection in their beginning. They just cover over that immaculate blueprint with false information, or errors and mistakes, which must eventually be redeemed or corrected and “fixed” so the original perfection can radiate freely.
Now, safely born on a planet again in another new baby body, the spirit spark begins once more to familiarize itself with this new form. On planet earth we are human beings. On other planets the forms take on different shapes that do not necessarily look human, but may look somewhat humanoid. There are many different species being born and experimented with in the sea of eternal life out of which we ALL emerge, consciously, into form life. The baby form learns to move its hands and feet, mouth and voice, head and how to eat and how to reach and respond to sensations of touch, both the good touches and the not-so-good touches. Different energies that come within range. It can feel energies as if they are its own energies.
Now, look at how this little piece of perfect circulates through the body. It must circulate or it will not be able to breathe or pump blood or walk or talk or activate the vital organs that the form needs in order to be a living form. The geometric center of the human body is the tail bone called the coccyx. The spirit spark which is NOT FORM but consciousness, is located in that area of the coccyx, which is called the mother flame. It radiates up the spine located within the backbone, to the head activating the brain, and travels down over the forehead and front of the body activating the organs as it flows downward. It makes a side flowing trip out the arms to the hands and fingers, and back again to the heart, where it continues the downward flowing below the heart, through the stomach, intestines and reproductive organs, feeding them with life force. At the sacral area it divides and flows down the outside of the legs to the feet and back up the inside of the legs to the coccyx area again and repeats the circulation system of infinite energy up the spine to the head and back down the front.
Now, when it reaches the head it is joined by the downward flowing of the individualized father God, called the I AM That I Am. There are many names, so don’t get hung up on the name. It is the Father consciousness which has given a piece of itself to this new spirit spark, called the son or the first born. Son meaning also daughter. The flow of infinity is the life force of the human being as the human form grows and matures from babyhood to adulthood and old age. But old age is only a matter of not feeding the form properly. We do not have to go through old age if we know how to keep our infinity flowing naturally and spontaneously, without thinking. We don’t have to “think” about it, we merely need to become conscious that we are eternal immortal consciousness flowing through an otherwise blind, dumb, senseless robot of an earth body.
We, the spirit spark who lives in it and makes it move, breathe, walk and talk, are the life force. We do not know that yet. We are getting ready to expand into that knowledge and say, “Ahhhh, Ahhhh, so that’s what it’s all about.” And we will wake up to this knowledge of who we are. The desires that flow through us are the desires of the one infinite creator. We need to become conscious that we are one and the same consciousness that flows through ALL of our friends, families and strangers we meet on the street. We are ALL one consciousness. What makes us different and unique is our HUMANNESS. Our human form is the unique part of us. But underneath the form, behind the form, the consciousness that flows through us is one and the same consciousness as all of our friends and families. We are different because we have learned different skills and taken on different attitudes. We are different because we have spent lifetimes, over and over, many lifetimes, being human. Sometimes these lives were lived on other planets, not always on Earth, but humans live throughout the universe, along with other species that are not exactly like us.
So it is that we are here to learn how to maneuver and master these bodies that we find ourselves in. As you can imagine there are some pretty precise details that the spirit spark must learn and master in its day-to-day living. These details have already been designed by master intelligences far beyond us – those who have mastered their OWN bodies a long time ago – but we must learn them, study them and spend time flowing consciously through them to feel grown-up and sufficiently able to master our “coming and going” in our bodies. Ascended masters have already done that and they don’t have to repeat being born again. They ascended to a higher plane but they are “on call” to help us and guide us. They commune with us telepathically, on higher thought realms.
This is one of the functions that we mortals need to learn how to do, how to use our higher consciousness to communicate with other beings telepathically. We need to learn to trust it. To believe that it’s really happening. We must gain confidence in our mind-to-mind silent communication with others. Our intelligence is constantly flowing through our form and we are largely unaware. We are in the process of becoming more aware. We are becoming more intelligent. More sophisticated. More learned. And feeling more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. As we feel more at home in our bodies we feel more peaceful and more serene. We find ourselves making decisions better and with more clarity. It is not that we are smarter than the others around us, it is that we are becoming more awake, more aware, more conscious.
Other things we are becoming aware of if we meditate, all along the spine there are smaller channels branching off, called nerves. We have a complex nervous system called the tree of life. Infinity flows through these channels to activate and feed intelligence to the organs, the spleen, the liver, pancreas, the glands, kidneys, all the organs in the body need to receive the circulation of the life force, the intelligence that is actually US. We are the spirit that enlivens our body and keeps it alive with our attention, with our alertness, with our caring, with our directed thoughts. As we “think” about our bodies so our bodies quicken and become alive and thrive under our tutorship, our mentorship, our mastership, our caring. When we don’t know that we are the immortal life force flowing through our bodies, the bodies die from lack of attention. They grow old, weak, diseased, and chronically ill. There are ancient systems that are being rekindled today in broad public forums, teaching these methods of awareness and wakefulness.
We are being resurrected from a deep sleep of not knowing anything about this. We are being woke up. The immortal intelligence which is us is quite aware of itself, but we think we are “just the body”. We are not. We are so much more. We are the life of the body. We must now learn to navigate it from the INSIDE. Not go to the doctor to take pills. Continue taking pills but do start to learn how to maintain your body without the pills. We will be learning how to navigate the smaller channels and see where it goes. When it reaches there, when we are tuned inward and listening inward and feeling inward, we receive revelations in the form of visions and feelings of bliss. The feeling of the spirit moving through our organs and muscles and blood, is sooo soft, so sweet, so tender, so refined, so light and airy, and so loving that you could swoon and faint! It is so beautiful. It is called nirvana and samadhi in the ancient teachings of India.
And when it flows through the brain it enlightens the brain and the brain cells blossom like a thousand petaled lotus, a common phrase used in the Vedic scriptures. We will learn how to maneuver through these tiny channels and cells and go out through the arms and notice where the elbow bends, and where the wrist and fingers bend, and how the legs bend at the knees and the how the hips work, and the ankles and toes. We learn by FEEL that WE are the ones moving our muscles to cause the walking. We used to take our bodies for granted that it already knew how to operate, but it grew old and died without our understanding that it is US who keep the body alive. We are learning through lifetimes, many lifetimes of first-hand experience. Soon we come to the realization that we can manifest a body anytime we want to. We do not have to be “born” through another human being such as a mother.
The people living near us today have lived many times before, in different cultures, in different parts of the planet. And other planets too. They have all developed knowledge of how it works and are now better able to move it more skillfully and efficiently. But there is so much more to learn. And yet there are pleasure sensations that distract it from exploring further inward, alone, by oneself. It is more fun to go out to play with the neighbor kids and have fun dancing and exploring and learning the ways of the outer world. It leaves the inner exploration for later.
4/1/23 - Women talking to men
[Before sleep I am super alert, too high. I can't sleep, asking what to do about it. “Trees” I am told. “Roots”. Breathe through the feet.]
A full moon is growing. I can see it through the bathroom window. At 3 a.m. I am seeing in my mind a clear night sky and a ray of light coming down, entering, or trying to enter, the top of a human being but it can’t get through. The human is filled with gnarled knots and roots. The light is trying to pierce but it’s clogged. We’ve got to learn how to flow the light, how to push the light out into expression and manifestation. How? Let’s talk. The words start flowing.
Breathe in through the skull, breathe out through the feet. Push!!! The clogged bodies are suffering from being all gnarled up, twisted into knots. It is causing insanity, distress, turmoil, disease, death. Push the light through. Push it on through. The light. Flow it. Use the picture. Send the picture out to the people showing how the light comes down into the top of the head. Show the dweller on the threshold, half in and half out. Describe it. [I see and hear drums and rattles, chanting, oming, light language.] Don’t try to be sophisticated. Yell out loud. Primal scream. Massage, touch each outer, play with each other. Have a sex party Don’t be dainty about it!! Inhale through the skull, exhale through the feet. It’s the divine feminine coming down, trying to express through the body. It’s the women who need to express, to do something innocent, natural, what comes natural to them. Express the purity that is coming through, what is pure love spontaneously. Not for others, but for themselves! Dance, sing, make noise, put hands on, play, laugh, enjoy the sense of moving free, laugh have fun. It’s the divine trying, trying, trying so hard to be free in women’s lives but they’re all clogged up with male root systems. Like our drainfield was clogged and new pipes needed to be laid down. Let the waters flow free. Forget the men and their approval. We don’t need their approval.
There are two kundalini forces. One coming down, one coming up. The men in their role of building forms and structures out of wood, concrete and iron, condensed their life force by cutting down the downward flow of divinity. They cut off the holy kundalini from heaven. It’s how they created the form world and eventually were guided to cut off the love. Evil entered the world then. They coagulated and densified the atoms into a structured form. Men have forgotten how they did it, how they once received a downward heavenly graceful flow from the sun. It is the women who remember. It is in the women’s bodies and tissues that the memory is contained, the knowledge of this remains. Women are still connected to the divine flow coming down. They have to be the ones to bring the light back to the form. Bring the graceful loving giving happy life force back into outer manifestation.
All the stories about the holy, heavenly kundalini in scripture form are from the male perspective. The stories are stuck up there in the ethers, in the heavens and can’t get down into the physical bodies. Women don’t have to write it, we don’t know how to write it, but we know our own stories, we know what we feel and we know what we experience. We don’t use our minds to describe it, we use our feelings to describe our feelings. The men try to make the kundalini rise UP but they need to bring the kundalini DOWN. The only divinity they know is sexual orgasm. They discovered it by raising it up in certain practices, but they are missing the downward flow which is the feminine flow. If they had the feminine flow to tap into the downward-upward flow, they would find wonderful feelings. The women can do that for them with their sweet natural innocence and love, but men twist it.
Men don’t know about this. We need the men. I need him. I love his strong body, it is a male body and I love it near me touching me, but it is not HIM that gives me what I need. I need him to RECEIVE me, listen to me, be silent when I speak to him, to allow me a place in his space. He shuts me off and does not receive me. I want him to RECEIVE me, to open up his inner heart and soul to me and receive the innocence, the sweetness, the divinity that is in me, I want to share this with him and I want him to receive it so he feels it. But alas. He does not understand and he shuts me down. I need him to receive, to open to me, to hug me, to hold me and receive me but he does not. Sleeping alone, partially away from him, is causing me to clear my clogged root system. I am seeing clearer and receiving more downloads.
We need the men to hear us, to hold us, to embrace us heart and soul and hang on for dear life. Feminine love is the saving grace. Free-flowing love. Not all women are free-flowing love, but there are a few men who are free-flowing love. So it’s not a gender war. It’s up to the individual, where he or she is on the scale of awareness of wholeness. By and large women are the saviors of the downward direction of the planet. They (we) can halt the stuckness and make it move and flow. Stuckness causess coarseness, crudity and meanness. When the divine feminine is flowing again you will hear us and feel our warmth and our naturalness. You will receive the warmth and naturalness in your OWN body too. Open to receive the divine masculine within yourself. Allow us to be free and move in and out and around you, wrapping our love around you, our charm, our chanting, singing, laughter and happiness, so you may germinate and sprout the same in you.
We are sirens yes, and we are tempting you. Do not shut us off. We will spark your life with a livingness you have never felt before. Open your heart and mind and bodies and let us pull you out of the mud that sucks you down the rabbit hole. As I begin to drift off to sleep again, I see the pictures of women sharing their husbands with other women friends. They are free flowing. Back to sleep I continue to breathe in through the skull down through the spine down through the sacrum, legs, feet and earth to the center of the earth. Pushing it down into the earth. Inhale it down, exhale it up. AhHA! An old memory surfaces: "Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Do not let the light go out but send it home again."
4/21/23 - A lecture by DK
(I've been experiencing dizziness, disorientation and off-and-on inner trembling lately. Today I was trembly after getting excited and googling the Bandas, so I lay on the table and immediately got a lecture from DK.)
You’ve been trying too hard, forcing, seeking, trying to find a way to calm yourself by looking in the wrong direction – outside yourself - when it is the divine power that you have already discovered. The divine is within you. The kundalini Mother flame is the divine sacred energy within you. THIS is the energy, the power that you are striving to bring into your body through outside, enforced activities. Rest! Stop! You’ve already got it. You have the knowledge. Relax into the knowledge. Hear what I am saying. Be still. Relax. Know that I Am God the Mother in you. Master this force IN THE BODY. Don’t go outside of the body. Don’t go too far inside either. Keep it in the neutral position in the body. Remember to cap the top of your head. Raise the root by heating up the root. Bring the bliss, the rapture, the nirvana, the samadhi into the body while you are IN a body!!! Master this. Later, when you leave the body you can go home again. This is what the ascendeds do! It is not enough to know these things but you have to stop doing things that waste energy in meaningless diversions like trancing out! Going into space more than staying in the body. It’s an equal balancing process. Not to focus so much on the body that you lose your ability to go out to space. And vice versa – not to go out to space so much that you lose your ability to stay in the body. It is 50/50 precisely in balance that gives you energy and clarity, precise clarity, reality clarity. You draw on infinite power and you USE the power for constructive purposes, i.e., benevolent purposes, proactive and being considerate of others. Actions that build and help.
4/25/23 - You are not a body but a sphere of light
[I wake up hearing words in my mind: “You are not a body but a sphere of light, of consciousness. You are inhabiting your body.” I picked up paper and pen and continued writing.]
You had time during embryo stage to become accustomed to it. You helped it, or saw it being built cell by cell, atom by atom, so you are aware of how your body looks and operates. You know its purpose intimately, and after your body – not YOU but your body was born, you had time in the new world of people and objects to learn how to use it, the body. You learned how to move the legs, the arms, the head, stomach, to eat, to make noise, to respond, to feel arms holding you. And slowly you identified with your body and became familiar with it. You did it before, with other bodies, many lifetimes past, but you conveniently forget that now, in your dedicated focus on THIS one.
So you are not your body. You are the conscious sphere of light and intelligence that moves your body and enjoys its sensations. There are seven layers of specific gifts that you have built into your sphere of light. If your culture doesn’t teach you about these qualities – love is one of them – then they remain in the background of your life as an attractive feature to you. You dream of love. Also truth is another natural quality in you but often the culture doesn’t value truth or high-light it. So it is in the background.
As I said, there are seven gifts that you are here to use and activate during your life. You are here to learn how. Just seven. These ae called the seven bodies. There are many names given to them, many experiences and many approaches. Names are important to learn, but how you apply these gifts and qualities and use them in your daily life is what matters the most. The application of your creative ability is put to the test. You are here in a body of form to learn how to USE these qualities every day. This is the hard part. You have to figure it out because these gifts are who you are. They are built into you. They ARE you. You ARE the gifts. You came here to gift them to the world of form life, and there are forces against you to stop you from manifesting who you are. So you get frustrated, but you have intelligence and stubbornness and patience and love and purity and truth and kindness and determination and wisdom from past life experiences. You have skills that you have acquired over these lives. You have logical, mathematical, scientific methods that you have proved to yourself that WORK for you. The innate sense of right and wrong is for you alone, because you have experienced it. You experience peace vs. pain, and comfort vs. discomfort. You have learned. You know this instinctively. When you learn to organize all seven of your gifts, your innate qualities together so they are all functioning well together, harmonized together, then you will feel free. Free to live your life the way you want to live it, happily and with comfort and pleasure and love. You have it all. You have all that you need to live here in harmony and peace with others. You are not missing anything or feeling lack anywhere, and you are fulfilling your desire to be here. Your will to live is strong in you. You are using your intelligence to figure out the best way to accomplish what you want to accomplish. You have been using your love and kindness to work well with others. You are using your purity, and your truth and your sense of peace and comfort. You are using, applying, manifesting all of your gifts and qualities together, when you reach that point of perfection, and then you are home FREE! The seventh gift is freedom in form. The seven chakras have been broken. They were veils and closed gates to you until you mastered them, one by one. You had to open them from inside, by applying your innate gift, the right gift to the right situation, in order to correct the wrongs of a certain scheme that had to play out in your life. You had to find the right approach to take. It had to be mastered before you could feel right about yourself being here. You had to feel free about yourself, and peaceful at the same time with that circumstance or situation. Once you felt right about it, then you were done with it. The situation changed and disappeared, or got better and more beautiful.
Learning to live whole and free in form life, especially on planet Earth, has been a hard school. But you had built-in tricks up your sleeve. You were not sent here without help. You are your father’s child. You have his qualities in you. It rings like a crystal clear bell striking inside you in purity. You know when you have the right solution. Your mother is with you all the way through the form life. She is the mother of form life. She is with your intelligence, holding your body together. Pain is telling you something. Peace and kindness are telling you something. Struggle is telling you something. This is your mother talking to you. Not this way! THIS way! Use your innate sensibilities within you and listen to your mother!
Kirlian photography has captured proof of the real you in the form of a glowing radiation around you. You are not your body. You are the space holding your body together. Your body requires atoms and electrons clinging together to form cells and molecules, organs and larger material that gives shape and function to your body. You are the intelligence holding your cells together. You have access to the seven gifts within your intelligence. When you sleep at night, you travel and meet others and learn and teach as appropriate.
The more refined you become in THIS body you currently inhabit, the better you harmonize your form life and the situations you live within, the more at peace you become and the less able you are to live in the backward culture of those who are not at your level of knowledge yet. Then it is that your inner gifts begin to be seen by others who have not yet mastered their own inner qualities. And you become a beloved light to the world around you. By sharing (showing or expressing) your gifts openly, freely, daringly, courageously, frankly, ,truthfully, the more you receive the vitality of youth and vigor. The power of life surges through you more. The urge and the drive grows to continue serving those around you. You do not want to leave you. Now you are fluctuating between wanting to leave, and wanting to stay here to serve. You are noticing a lessening of the desire to leave the form world, the sick feeling you call it. The more you express yourself the more you are fed with this vital force. God is here expressing. It is an open channel to the God realms, Source, Home, where you originated. It is exhilarating to bring heaven to earth into form! It is exciting! And more!
[End, I ran out of words. Finished.]
4/26/23 - Why the effort to rise above bodily comfort
[Me: I think I’m finally getting it, what it is I’m here to learn. I keep wanting to settle back into my dream world. That is what I think of as the divine feminine. I am totally divine feminine. Just before this incarnation the advisor in heaven showed me that I had not been holding up my end of things. In other words, I’ve been sitting back on my butt enjoying heaven. He was telling me I had to return to Earth and asked if I knew why. I said no and he showed me. I didn't know what I was here for but now I’ve got it. I have to learn how to rise above bodily comfort. I keep wanting to retire into relaxation mode, which is the passive feminine mode. I feel sure now that I am here to learn how to rise above it. It is a higher realm for me and difficult for me. I am to rise higher than comfort. I am asking DK now - Am I on the right track here? Rising above bodily comfort or discomfort? Is this what happens as I age, where the body wants to give up and give in? Feel the pain? Is this where I should assert my higher self?]
(DK answers:) Higher consciousness is larger, wider, vaster and covers more territory. Does this answer your question? (Me: It means to rise above being selfish, right?) Yes. It is including the larger whole into your range of consciousness. There are responses and benefits that you receive from doing the higher good. You have begun feeling them. The more you give effort, where you put yourself forth with effort, the more you receive back. To lie back on your laurels feels good, but at that point if you put forth more effort you will receive more back, instead of what you call the sickish feeling. (Me: When I stop to rest it sometimes feels like I’m going to die. I don’t like that feeling.) When you push yourself for the good of the whole, not for yourself but going beyond yourself – your intention is for the larger good – then you are inviting the larger response back to you. You will receive it. Not in the split moment when you are pushing yourself, but later you will receive the reward. There is a precise balance, which you have recently discovered. (Me: Am I imagining this conversation?) No, my dear. I am here speaking with you. You have asked and I have responded. (Me: Thank you for your ever-present presence! I love you. I thank you, dear Master DK!)
5/31/23 - The battleground is in the heart
[A series of questions brought the following responses from Master DK. The final question was, "It's really a matter of balance, isn't it? The balance between love, wisdom and power?" Please note: DK confirmed in later writings that the Christ is the religious name for the higher mental body of each person.]
(DK) Yes! The eternal flame of the Christhood is ever burning in the soul. The duality must continue to play out and bounce back and forth from one to the other until the balance is understood, consciously understood. Then there is peace in the heart of the soul. Do you understand that the heart is where the battle takes place? (No. I didn’t.) The heart is not pure until the One who owns the heart muscle makes it pure. The claim of purity must be made by the One who messed it up in the first place. THIS is the true battleground. It does not take place in the head. The head is but another organ that has accumulated energies of passing thoughts. Now it is time for another lesson.
Dear One, allow yourself to cry. You have been holding back. The power of purity awaits your innocence. Innocence is childlike, not puffed up with thoughts of knowledge. Knowledge does not “belong” to you. Knowledge belongs to Source. It is the life of eternal blessing. All knowledge is available to you by letting go of previous knowledge. Knowledge is not something to be proud of. Knowledge is like the breathing process. You can inhale only so much air into your lungs, and then you must exhale in order to make room for the next inhale. Breathing alone is a most advanced piece of wisdom to gain as conscious knowledge. Take a minute now to experience breathing. You have been led to notice the importance of breathing in the last two days. (Pause) Let the past rise up into the heart. The God self is there to receive it and lift it up higher to Home, to neutralize it and cleanse it, purify it (the past) of negative thinking.
(Me: Prior to this I was shown to put a platform of violet flame under my Earth star chakra to prevent wandering toxic substances from in-breathing or entering my field/body. I was told to stop trying to “reach” others thru the root system of light which I was excitedly trying to do until I become more knowledgeable and proficient.)
Instead, focus on building your pillar of light from the sun, down around you solid and firm and connect directly to the crystal heart of Mother Earth which is pure light, pure divine holy light. All else in the Earth’s body is contaminated. You don’t want to breathe that in until you are pure yourself and can sizzle the toxicity on contact.
(Me: OK, I understand. So I’m finally getting understanding of what the heart does and why it is so important. I didn’t know it before.)
Yes, you are now being shown the “next step” in the evolution of humans into God-men and women.
(Me: Question about teaching.)
Yes, you are ready to start teaching. These little books you are designing in your mind are ready for the publication, or as you are thinking, posting on your website. This is the way you have chosen to do it – in a mild manner, quiet, without a lot of noise. It is VERY wise. I recommend it. Yes.
(Me: Can I use you, DK, as the author, with me as a scribe?)
Yes, it is appropriate to do it that way.
(Me: Why do I have a buildup of contraction in my diaphragm, below my heart today?
(DK said something about taking on energies from other people but the words are missing here.) However, you will learn how to GIVE crystalline energies in the future without being vulnerable to receiving their lessor or lower vibrational energies back into you. The more proficient you become, more knowledgeable and aware, the more able to maintain an unyielding focus while giving the treatment, the more good you will do for those you work with. It will require practice and, as you have guessed, you have not been ready before now.
(Me: Should I first work with women? I mean, is there even “time” for me to work this out at my age of 84? I’m serious!! What do you suggest or counsel at this time?)
It is not yours to decide. Continue holding yourself steady and allow your Higher Self to make the decisions for you. You are doing well to let your spirit guide you, but you must allow your God Self to have more say in matters of everyday life. The Master El Morya has guided you well. Listen to him MORE! (Thank you DK!)
6/1/23 - The tailbone chakra is the unconscious life force
[This came thru as a realization during active hours. Researching for DK's book I missed it, thinking it was just my own ramblings. But on second and third scanning I caught it. I didn't know this! It is profound new nformation to me. Is it from DK or is it my own awakening consciousness? I am unsure, DK has been leading me so I will include it here. It is the type of information that he would give me.]
The tailbone is the unconscious life force. The Kanda. The heart is the conscious life force. The tailbone is unconscious, the heart is where the sub-consciousness expands to and resides. That’s why “the heart is the new base line” (motto of Anakosha). Before getting into the spiritual path, the unconscious life force rules the body and takes care of things. I tapped it when kundalini awakened. People live their whole lives and die without knowing about the life force and how to “raise” it from the tailbone to the heart. But when the soul is ready (bored with life as it is) and the ego is curious and starts reading, taking classes and following soul urges for more information, then the consciousness starts waking up in the heart. The heart is the center of consciousness. The tailbone is unconscious life force held in waiting mode, the heart is higher up on the dimensional level. When the unconscious life force raises up to the heart or reaches for it by thinking and studying from an unconscious state, it goes up the spine and opens portals (chakras) which are simply doorways and they allow entry into another dimension (if they dare to enter deeper in). Further up in the head, the brain is an organ that receives messages from the conscious heart when it starts waking up. . The heart then sends an impulse or message that the brain receives and responds by “thinking” about it and acting upon it.
The brain’s function is to sort it out in a practical way that it does, by thinking and choosing how to act. The brain is the physical organ or control center that clicks the “Go” switch and moves the body into action in its unique and peculiar way of acting. But the real control is the heart. The heart is the God Presence, the residing soul which feels emotion and gets stimulated or turned on to do something. The heart then quickens or increases its frequency. The heart is where the I AM Presence, or eternal everlasting Presence resides. The eternal I AM resides there in the heart. It is the real self that has lived before, but it’s not awake until the person becomes CONSCIOUS and aware. So it can’t send messages until the human personality decides to go there and wake itself up with thoughts or wonderings of a higher nature.
It’s not the physical heart that does this, but the etheric heart, the implantation of the God Presence which we call the etheric body, which glows around the physical heart. The I AM Presence and the Holy Christ Self resides in the heart as a seed pattern from the God parents, but the human personality is not aware until it is “quickened”. When it is quickened, when it is time, when it is ready, when it is bored with the outer life and needs something new to do, then something awakens in the heart. It is a passion or a need to know more. The perfect God pattern imprinted from the beginning is there waiting for the human ego to wake up. Then the heart quickens and activates and sends messages to the brain which, as a physical organ is designed to do just that, it starts its motor going on behalf of the immortal spirit, the I AM Presence, that resides there within the three-fold flame in the heart. It is not active until the human ego gets bored enough to go there and activate it. Even then the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self is not in motion. It is an everlasting stillness connection to Father-Mother God consciousness.
7/17/23 - The ascension tool that will help you the most
[This morning I felt to write. This turns out to be DK dictating. I didn’t realize it at the time.]
The ascension tool that will help you the most thru the day is peace and comfort. Focus on being comfortable. Find comfort in you. The sense of comfort is something that you can develop with some guidance in the form of words. Words are powerful transmitters of knowledge and energy. They can be used against you or for you to benefit you. Here we are giving some natural, persuasive positive advice that you can use in your daytime activities. It takes focus in the sense of concentration. Comfort begins by seeking out of comfort. Say you are ready to vacuum the floor. You get out the cleaner from the storage closet. You do this mechanically – just as you start typing mechanically. First before moving, find comfort in your mind. It is a frequency. It is a sense and a presence of comfort. You can feel it if you search for it.
You start out in the mechanical habit. It is a habit, a work, a habit of work and you get into work mode. It could be anything else that you do during your day, everyone has different tasks that they do. Any work task that is mechanical that you do, you’ve done it so many times before that it's no longer exciting and you are not enthusiastic. Stop! Stop everything and find the comfort frequency in your mind. Find a comfortable attitude and feeling in your mind. You may not know how to do this but it is a meditative state. Where your mind goes, there goes your energy, the real thing. Let your mind go to comfort. You are the director and controller of your energies. You may have to work at this awhile but success could come right away.
You are a master. You know. You have had prior life training. It could kick in within moments. I am pointing you inward to find a comfortable attitude or body pose, or feeling that feels comfortable to you. Can you feel it? Stop and consider being comfortable, even as you roll out the vacuum cleaner. Continue holding that thought of comfort as you plug the vacuum in. Hold it as best you can. This is practice. Your mind will try to speed up. It will try to take over and push you to forget comfort. Your ego has been in control for a long time in your outer world habits. Make it stop. Make it sit outside of your brain, on your left shoulder. Picture a little entity sitting on your left shoulder. You have ousted it from control. You are asserting your mastery over it. Feel comfortable inside of your head. Maintain an attitude of peace and comfort physically and mentally, as you do the task of pushing the vacuum around.
This practice in awareness is called being mindful. Consider yourself and your own sense of comfort. It is a pleasure zone. Comfort is peaceful and it is pleasurable. It is used as an interface between hard work which is forced work and often painful, and what is naturally comfortable and peaceful. Consider this an intervention. You are intervening in your ego’s control system. You are taking over with conscious mindfulness and deliberate intention to oust the “hard work” demon. Working hard is not required to live in a body on earth. Working softly is the way to move into happiness and pleasure, even as you perform your tasks throughout the day and fulfill your obligations to those around you. Move about with comfort and peace.
At first it may be difficult if you come from a hard-working family, but it is worth the effort. Even as you type this, your back is painful. You are trying too hard and getting ahead of yourself. When you get ahead of yourself, you leave your body behind. You abandon your body. You are no longer in charge of your body and your body does not have a resident soul inside of it then. Lead with your mind first, focused on peace and comfort. Your mind will not let you abandon your body. Use your mental intention to slow down. Find peace and comfort MENTALLY. It is available to you. Find it with your mind.
It is within you to access it. Do you want to access it? Focus on the comfort of your skin and muscles and your brain/mind, mentally. Be a wakeful practitioner of walking comfort and peace. See if you don’t enjoy benefits from this practice. Do not let the light go out, is the message from the sun. Remember? It is a work that must be ever intentional. Ongoing. Use your mind to start the process. Don’t give up your peace and comfort to someone else or something else that disturbs you and takes your focus away from your control. You control your emotional state with your mind. Never give up your power of mind to someone or something else. That’s when your emotions play havoc with your feelings.
7/26/23 - Message from Mother Kundalini
[“Dear Mother Kundalini: I ask your feedback, guidance. Is it possible to speed things up by focusing on my etheric body as I know it? I’m not sure what the etheric body is but I think it’s the emotional body PLUS input from the higher mental and spiritual bodies collecting in it from gravity. I’m coughing up a LOT of phlegm this morning. I suspect it is coming from the etheric level because I’m paying attention to the etheric. I have opened to the etheric level. Is that right? DK has said to speed up, but I would like to connect with you, Divine Mother. Dear Mother God I AM, what can you tell me today about my etheric body connection? Is this a valid focus for me? I feel it is. I question the validity of “yielding”. I already trust the Divine Nature in me to take care of me. Isn’t it going a step too far to continue holding the thought to “yield and surrender”? I feel I should not hold any thought at all because holding onto a thought prevents the flowing of love and light which is the life force. Is that right?]
Answer: Yes, my dear. You are correct. You need not focus on holding a thought. Let the thoughts go. You have been clearing old thoughts today, as you have noticed. They have been backing up in your etheric body and your deep breathing has loosened them so they can peel away and flow into your physical reality where you “cough” and send them away. Picture them going UP! Up the path of light above your head. Continue to build the path of light for the easy flowing of new light coming down into your body, and for the easy flowing up and OUT of your body of those used energies. You have done well to focus on creating a standard practice. It is in repetition that you build into form life what you intend and desire. Repeat your desires every day. You are doing well.
[Q: is it possible at my age to rebuild and resurrect this body?]
My dear child. You do not have a fixed body! You are playing with energies both large and small, vast and cosmic. You are bringing these energies into small concrete focus with your efforts, and then releasing them and letting them go. You have the knowledge. Now let that knowledge flow freely. Do not try to manipulate it. Your sense of spontaneity has served you well, but you are here to learn more about the finite creations and tools, and the science of loving through form. Not in form as a fixed immovable object. You are here to see the difference between flowing free and becoming fixed, which is becoming stagnant unto death. A fluid body that is open to life and other form lives around it is a happy body, and enjoys itself freely with the pleasures that form life can bring. However, this high result and purpose has been over-shadowed by lesser creatures who did not know. Now, you are here learning, growing, sharing your knowledge from the ground. Their ground. You are a teacher. You are telling your stories. You are leaving your love and your mark upon the ground where others can find it when they are ready. Your messages are NOT LOST! Dear one! Your voice is careful but it is there, out there, blended into the mix. You have done well. Do not fear the so-called “death” and dying. You are moving now, finally moving the hard shells of doors out of the way. Move on into the light that is waiting to enter your reality. Your body. Your pleasure zones, your comfort, your peace, your exalted enjoyment of freedom in form.
9/27/23 - Questions & Answers
(Me:) Dear Master DK, What should I do to stay grounded? Do the techniques?
(DK:) Yes, do the feet techniques. Go down into the earth. Ask the elementals to help you. They will give you support.
(Me:) What is a good technique for me to do right now?
(DK:) Tell Doug something about your predicament. He listens. He wants to understand and will help. Talk to him. Tell him what you are feeling. He is the only one you have available right now to interact with.
(Me:) Yesterday when I was prompted to give him a massage and I was greatly enlivened by doing that, and getting his feedback and loving response, I was quickened greatly. What is it that gives me vitality? Spiritual practice just lifts me up higher?! No offence. Not complaining. But I don’t know how to balance this lifting sensation. Vitality comes from the spiritual zone but the spiritual zone elevates me. What should I do?
(DK:) Do your floor exercises. Leave Doug to his TV and do your floor exercises. Don’t do spiritually focused exercises but physical exercises.
(Me:) OK. Got it. I will try that. Should I even re-read old journals? Maybe not.
(DK:) No, let the old journals alone for now.
(Me:) OK. Don’t read old journals. Dear Master DK, is what I’m experiencing more of a physical nutrition lack? My age in the physical is losing its ability to function.
(DK:) No, my dear. Do not consider the physical AT ALL. You are working on higher levels. The physical is a limitation and does indeed cause problems. They will continue to feed you more backup ideas to support that you are only a physical being when you know better. That you are a spiritual being residing in a physically limited and confined body. You have been working VERY WELL to transcend the old beliefs that have been planted in you. Do NOT revert back to those old beliefs! You know. You are a master. You are working on the ascension program and that system is going well. Do not be deceived by the mass hypnosis that is plaguing your reality. (Me:) Dear Master DK, thank you so much for being ever present to answer questions for me. I do appreciate your continual presence. I wonder – tomorrow should I take a day off from the sadhana? The routine that I have set up for myself? Is that making me unbalanced? Is that taking me too far into spiritual spaces?
(DK:) No, my dear. But I recommend that you be more relaxed about your sadhana practice. Be comfortable with yourself, and ground yourself in between the crown and the feet. Be in the physical body so that you can adjust and align the energies of your body INSIDE your body. Do not try to adjust them from outside your body. Work with them INSIDE. Use the third eye discipline. Bring the energy up from the heart to the third eye. You will find your vision correcting and your dizziness subsiding and coming into alignment. The book describes these processes but you do not have to make them into a religious fervor as the ancients prescribed. Be more relaxed. Be more comfortable.
(Me:) Do you think or suggest that I put out an invitation to do massage swaps? I don’t know if I should speak about ascension or not?
(DK:) How do you think? Where is your consciousness? Where do you want to focus your energies? Consider this before doing anything about it.
(Me:) Should I stop thinking about ascension so much?
(DK:) Maybe yes. Stop thinking about ascension, yes. Start thinking about the world you live in. I have left you many reminders.
(Me:) OK, thank you dear Master friend.
10/5/23 - Building an identity of light
During practice this morning, DK says: You’ve been coming at this from the human perspective, appealing to the mysterious God to give you what you “think” you don’t have. These lessons of using sacred words, visualizations and quiet meditation time, is meant to shift your perspective to higher dimensions. So you can build a consciousness of light, an identity of light, an identity of sacredness. You ARE the sacredness that you lost. It is not the mind that does this.
Mind is the direction-finder but your perspective, your sense of identity is not in your mind, it is in your conscious awareness of who you are. That is what is important here. Shift yourself to a higher view of yourself. Identify with a higher view of yourself. You ARE God incarnate. You are practicing the techniques that have come down from millennia from those who knew, bringing this knowledge to human beings, into your lower vibrating physical body.
Then I realized how unusual DK is. Everyone else is telling how to raise their thoughts and minds upward into the light, but he is telling ME how to bring the light DOWN into the body, as if I have already shifted. Bring it down to install and imprint it into the cells of my body. You are not home until you bring light and love down into your body where you are residing. Home is in the body, not out of body. This is contrary to all teachings or most teachings. Perhaps this is the next step. He is a tantra master, and tantra is about merging and mixing the spiritual with the material.
More inner communication from DK about the heart: There is a spark of life in the heart that beats the heart in rhythm with God’s heart. The light is the higher consciousness in man. It brings the heart in rhythm with God’s heart. The light is made flesh as we focus on it and apply the techniques that are taught us, and conveyed to us through words. The light is the potential in us. It helps us to become whole as we focus on the words and apply the techniques. There is a lower and a higher self. We are happier and calmer when we find ways to bring the higher and lower closer together. The techniques of the higher masters help us to do that. They teach us techniques. It is thru self realization that we become freer, happier, more fulfilled, calmer and more in harmony with our life. I see that prior to this breakthrough last night that I was still in the low-vibrations of mortal man and I shifted, somehow. I shifted at least momentarily to see – WOW! I am the light!
(Me: Dear Master Djwahl Khul. I am coming to you once again to ask whether I should go ahead and offer massage exchanges. It doesn’t feel right to me now, so I guess I shouldn’t. I would prefer to be clear-minded to send out a newsletter. I love, so love your writings. You have written so much. Would you care to respond at this point? If not, I will scan thru some of your old messages to find something new to share. My energies are out of alignment now, and YOUR messages are SO beautiful. They bring me back in alignment again. Do you have something to offer to me right now?
(DK:) My dear child, you are a dear one. I love you very much and would like to talk to you a bit about something that you should know. There is a challenge going on in the world right now. It is an upheaval challenge. It is not YOU that is causing you to doubt yourself, it is the world around you that is wobbling and going sideways. There is much consternation in the atmosphere. People are questioning and doubting and wondering. Do you want to have gatherings? I would say yes, have gatherings. I would say have SEXUAL discussions because sex is a grounding force. It can draw people out of their craziness. They will be interested. No, you don’t have to and should not put mats down or hold parties. First, discuss this with Doug and see if he will agree to this. He is in a very good mood. His spirit is strong and shining right now. You have been holding him up into his higher self. Good for you. You are a dear one to continue working with Doug. Let him have his place in the sun. Help him to be the man he wants to be and to reach the zenith that he desires. He is a good man, and he is an evolved man. He is here to assist in the ascension process too. He is holding his own on the practical, political, economic side of the equation. Now, dear one. Do you have a comment to give to me?
(Me:) Well, OK. I thank you for those answers. Yes, I would like to hold a sexual discussion. Perhaps I should send out the NL that I loved – absolutely LOVED – that you wrote. The one about love, sex and orgasms. It is a beautiful message and one that would appeal to swingers. I would like to use that one for a NL. Perhaps I should? Thank you for your feedback. I love talking to you. I will work on this NL. It is difficult when the energies are so crazy around here. But thank you for your feedback, and your comments, and telling me about the world affairs. I am very happy to have discovered more articles about the higher mental body being the Christ. Do you approve? I found this validated in the Master Kuthumi’s book. Thank you.
(DK:) Yes, dear one. The higher mental body is the holy Christ Self. It has always been thus. The church has taken over the teachings of the Christ and so we have continued to use that word in our teachings, but in reality, it IS the higher mental body, and it is also the causal body. Yes, you saw that too. Yes, it is real. It is true. It is right and good for you to use that in your note-taking. Use it as it feels right to you. It would help the modern man to understand it from those terms. Blessings to you my child. I send you my greatest hugs and empathies for your good work.
(Me:) Thank you dear friend and teacher, Master Djwhal Khul. I love you with all my heart.
10/21/23 - The body is not a thing to fix, it is constantly changing
The body is not a thing to fix or medicate, it’s a process that is constantly changing. There are cells within larger cells enfolded within larger cells, imbedded inside even larger cells. Your physical body is the heaviest and densest and most solid of seven bodies. You are a pure and holy spirit. Your waking consciousness is pure and your holy spirit is descending into heavier more clingy “matter” step by step.
The first descension from holy and pure spirit is the causal body. Seven gifts are given to you from the birth of your consciousness, and you retain them, absorb them into your causal body. Then you descend another step down into density. This is called the higher mental body, called the Christ body by the church. Each cell is surrounded by a higher mental body cell. This is still pure and holy but becoming more aware of density and physicality. Thus your higher mental body takes on an understanding, a perspective of the limitations you are descending into. And then you descend down another step into your lower mental body. And here is where you lose it. You lose the perspective that you are pure and holy and are plunged into the mix and matter of seething human thought and feeling. Your pure and holy consciousness is still there but is covered over with forgetfulness. It is ordained that you forget and each cell is encased round about in the practical body/mind or thought/mind pertaining to the physical reality world only.
You next take another downward step into MORE of density, where cells rub shoulders with other cells nearby, and you form and feel a sensuality between you which you could not feel before. This is the emotional feeling body and each cell is embedded inside the emotional body that prepares you for an intense emotional/pain/pleasure life of duality. And then you take another step down into density and here you gather ALL of your awarenesses together, all perspectives and experiences together into one lump storage compartment or reservoir of energy, called the etheric body referred to as the soul, and you feed it into your physical body. This is the final receiver of all your awareness to date. Your physical body receives all that you have learned, experienced, become consciously aware of in your journey downward into density, and outward in expression, in the physical reality world of manifestation.
So you are continuing to process every moment through every movement of your day. Will you repeat the past or move on to something new? Repeating the same cycle again and again is how you keep building more density and confusion into your physical reality. To break out of physical confusion you must try something new. You are nudged to try something new. Newness is freshness is aliveness is adventure and excitement. Try something new instead of repeating the same old cycle over and over. Allow your purity and innocence and holiness that you are in your original immaculate state to shine through the physical exterior of your skin and action, and come out into manifestation. The question to each person is, Will you be more authentic and real and true to yourself in your response and reactions to circumstances? Or will you fall back on yesterday’s belief system and recycle the same old stuff?
1/31/24 - Q & A: Dealing with anxiety
[Q: Dear Master Djwhal Khul, I ask your advice and counsel. I have so many anxious thoughts. I don’t know how to work with them.]
A: Integrate them, my dear.
[How? Please give me direction.]
A: Allow your mind to dawdle. It is breaking thru long-held systems and doesn’t know what to do. You are caught between your mind breaking up these old illusions and thought patterns, and your holy divinity, which you are. You know. But your old mental belief system is breaking up. The posting you did yesterday is apt for you. You said it well with your words. Again, I say, allow your mind to go thru its process. It is dying and fading. Allow it its processing. It is a living being. It WAS a living being for a time. Its time is over now. Allow it to pass peacefully. Love it. Tell it, “Thank you for serving me.” It is well to give gratitude to those who have served you. Their time with you was valuable. It helped you to have an experience that you could not have in the bliss state of divine consciousness and splendor. We are truly grateful for the time allotted to us who make the downward journey into physical sentience where we can enjoy the fruits that grow on trees of our own knowledge. You yourself are a tree in full bloom of knowledge from galactic worlds which you do not remember with your mind, but your tree of life grew firm and tall and strong thru sentient life of many planets, fathered and mothered by many suns. You have grown deep and wise and comfortable in your SELF, for you are a child of God, of Creator, and you are one of the wise ones. You are an elder. You have forgotten temporarily, but you are remembering. Ascension is a unique and individual process for you alone to go thru your OWN remembering process. Allow your mind, your own mental construct, your own personality for this world, this life, this journey, to fade now and you will remember why you chose to come.
[Q: I have wanted to host a gathering of other sentient beings, is that a product of my fading mind? I can’t decide if it is the REAL me or a figment of desire from the past. Can you tell me about this?]
A: You must discover this for yourself, my dear. It is your soul who is guiding you. It is neither left nor right, but the powerful togetherness of both, perhaps. Do you not also think that? To bring the desire built out of many past lives, and the forever divine nature of a kind and loving God to integrate these natures? These desires? The broken dreams of the past are fragments of attempts by a gracious, compassionate God. You who failed but who tried and could not make it to the manifestation stage - now perhaps you can! I believe you can, my dear. It is in your hands. It is in your will. It is in your heart. Be well, my dear. Be safe. Be kind and gentle with your fading mental body. Give it love of the eternal everlasting kind. It is a beautiful mind.
Go now and pick up the pieces that are shattering, with loving hands and fingers and hold them to your open heart and offer them to the universal mind - the Father-Mother God of all that is, infinitely creating from broken dreams. Expand on their previous attempts, raising them higher and higher. This is a world of magnificent creators, every one. I will end this now so you may prepare for your hospital procedure in peace. May God-Goddess bless you my lovely child. You are a dear to my heart and soul. I am with you always. I AM you and you ARE me. We ARE one. As all are one. (Thank you, dear, dear Master, I love you. Thank you.)
[Q: Another inspired thought – another question after the above faded away. How and why do energies back up in the legs and feet and head? Where does this energy come from?]
A: It is the life energy. As long as you are conscious you are aware of sensation. You feel your life energy moving thru the substance of your physical body. YOU are consciousness. YOU are aware. As long as you are awake you feel sensations but when you go to sleep you become unconscious. You are no longer aware of sensation. Your senses don’t register. When you are awake you need to move. Rest, periodically, yes, but you need to move. Imagine being restrained by some outside force, pinned down or tied up. You would become very uncomfortable. When an arm or leg goes to sleep when it has been pinned down, you have to move it to get the blood flowing again, and the life force moving.
[Q: But where does this life force come from?]
A: Where indeed? It comes from the first root chakra, the tail bone chakra, which is a male energy, being will power, strength, courage and determination to be here. It gathers force from the earth and sky and feeds it to the second chakra, which is a feminine chakra, a loving, nurturing, sensitive energy which seeks oneness with all. (End)
2/2/24 - Integrate spirit with physical sentience
[As I take the prescription pills today I realize that I have been resisting taking the pills. Now I am accepting them, allowing a blend between my physical needs and the Light in my mind which is non-physical. I hear DK leading me. He is speaking to me now.]
Blend and integrate the pure spirit IAM with the physical sentience. THIS is how you create. You are a creator as you learn how to hold focus, not just brush over it to ignore it. That is not enough. You must enter into that which you are focused upon because you are the light and you are the life force. You are the one who is regenerating and resurrecting the physical body and its many connections. Re-plugging the wires, the connections that had begun to dissolve and decay. Your body was dying. Now you are rejuvenating it thru these sacred “holding” focuses on the parts that call out to you. Listen to the parts that call to you, that are in pain or discomfort. As you make yourself available, you are giving your light and your life force to those parts. Hold the focus on those parts, as you are passing thru your body. At first you pass through rather speedily, not knowing how important you and your focused attention is. Over time with experience and practice you come to see and observe improvements in your vitality, your energy increases and also your interest in continuing to live in this reality, this sentient body, for it gives you pleasure. (Thank you DK).
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