Integrating sex and spirituality
Sexual Energy is the Primal Evolutionary Energy
Kundalini lives in every cell of your body. Kundalini is love buried in the earth. Kundalini is feminine softness, nurturing and healing on the earth plane. Kundalini is sweet and kind and adoring. It is elevating and peaceful and yet it is primal. Everyone thinks of love as etheric and spiritual. Very few understand that Mother Earth is a loving conscious being and she has a pulsating love in her soil, waters, mountains and plains for all living beings who live on and in her. Mother Earth IS love. She is our mother, we were made from her substance, and she has a mother's love for humanity. Just because we don't recognize her conscious livingness does not make that love any less.
Humans cannot take this huge love energy all at one time. We are infants living on her surface. Her love would wipe out everything that we think of as our Self. It would dissolve our ego. It would be like looking God face to face. It would cause complete destruction of all that is human in us - unless and until we expand our minds and hearts to appreciate her. Then we would be able to receive this great primal love. All resistance, manipulation, false beliefs, control, greed, pride, selfishness has to go first. Everything that limits love would be eradicated n an instant if kundalini were free to move through the body in all her glory. None would survive. However, the spiritual journey is exactly that: learning to let go of resistance, selfishness, pride, control, manipulation, greed and the dark motives we carry. As we expand past these attitudes and adopt more loving, caring, joyful attitudes of good will to all life, the primal energy in us begins to expand all by itself. Naturally.
Kundalini is the vital life force of the body - this body that we live in today that was conceived by our mother and father and born in flesh. We as an immortal conscious spirit evolve from body to body, picking up wisdom with each incarnation. But it is THIS body in the here and now that is the mother in this flesh body. The kundalini is the spark of the mother in our physical body cells. Our journey as immortal beings (we live forever) is to connect with the life force of this earth body and become one with it. This is heavy "mystery school teachings". Our flesh body is holy and we have got to make it so in our minds and attitudes, instead of continually putting it down and degrading it and abusing it.
We embody Mother God, a sacred being and the feminine aspect of Father God, the Creator. Kundalini is the love of Mother Earth in every living thing and every living cell. It is conscious. It keeps our body alive, healthy and active on the physical level. It drips its life-giving essence up the spine (on the etheric level) from the tailbone to the brain and then circulates it around the body through the meridians. The soul who occupies the body learns through experience how to manage this life that courses through it. There is a naturalness to it. It is wholesome. That which feels good, is good. That which feels bad, is bad (for the person). It is pure unadulterated and unconditional love. By learning how to be loving, kind and good and to use right thinking and right action, we bring forth more love, light and goodness into our life to produce joy, happiness, abundance and pleasure. We learn to open the door of infinite love gently. But we do learn. It is why we are here - to learn about love.
Again, if the door opens too fast, either by force or by accident, before one is prepared for the huge rush of kundalini (holy spirit), it would unbalance the body and mind. A crazed person, a fanatic, a religious zealot, are signs of imbalance of kundalini (holy spirit). It has been said that the spiritual path is strewn with dead limbs and dying bodies from releasing the God power too fast. One needs to work up to greater love and greater light. It is the reason for reincarnation from body to body, to gain mastery, wisdom, understanding. It must be done slowly in order to incorporate it firmly into the cells, blood and tissue of our body. The sexual lessons are major learning experiences for us in how to manage our love wisely. We learns to be more delicate and graceful through experience. We learn as we go. There is no owners manual. The weaving of our conscious understanding into our earth life is tricky. Too much love and we draw the wrong people. Too much kindness and we are in over our head. Too much control over another and we invite backlashes. But we learn and adjust our management capabilities as we go.
The carefully controlled human life is a mixture of beliefs, both good and bad. Kundalini melts through these beliefs, both good and bad, to leave us washed clean of all beliefs. We are left simply knowing. This can cause havoc on the psyche. In past ages one went into the monastic life to prepare for kundalini activation, which we know as divine love or the mystical union with God. Prayers, worship, adoration and service to others were ways to prepare the body and mind for the inpouring of greater love and awareness. However, today is a new era. There are people in every walk of life who are experiencing activation of divine love in them. It is happening world wide.
Kundalini was not always called kundalini. In the west today it is known as the Holy Spirit, though few recognize the similarity with Kundalini. Nor do many recognize the nature of it, what it really is, how it operates and that in fact it is universal intelligence, unlimited infinity planted in the center of a flesh body as an embryo god-seed for future germination. The divine plan is that when the right conditions are set through trial and error and experience, the human body begins to germinate. A human being prepares for this by cultivating an open mind, an open heart, non-resistance, non-judgment, and practicing peaceful, loving, joyful thoughts daily to others. Then the body eventually quickens, a term used in scriptures.
Kundalini activates and the evolutionary energy begins to move as the softest, gentlest, most beautiful rapture upward through the body, if a person is devoid of resistance. If a person has resistance in him or her, and the kundalini activates prematurely, there is a burning sensation, like an electrical burning. There are many websites on the internet where you can read about the problems and possible solutions to work through this type of experience. I have added a link to another page on further source materials for kundalini, below. It has been termed a feathered serpent because of its undulating movements up the spine but soft like a feather if conditions are right.
The quickening of divine love is done quietly but it is profound. One might think s/he is going crazy or being possessed by an evil spirit because the body starts "buzzing". It all depends on what condition the mind is how the experience is interpreted. "Quicken" is an old word meaning to activate. It is a germination, just like a seed goes through. The power of immortal life has broken open in the body and is now buzzing through the cells. It can cause complications if the body is full of toxins, or the mind holds impure thoughts. This is the ultimate reason for a celibate life or a life lived in purity. It is a process beyond the comprehension of the human mind. It is at all odds to what a person has been taught from birth and is familiar with. S/he has not been prepared unless of course s/he has been to school to learn these things.
Sex is an important part of this formula, which is why we feel so good when we "make love". We accumulate understanding through many lifetimes of this process. It is instinctive. Natural. We do not learn it from other people. We grow into our wisdom through a myriad situations, born into dozens of different cultures, and live lifetimes of both good and bad extremes. In each life, we have a steady drip of life force up the spine to the brain which circulates it throughout the body. We can increase the amount of life force dripping up the spine through daily meditation, yoga, prayer, and service out of love to others. The quickening of kundalini through teh body is a quickening of metabolism. One must learn to manage it the best way he can. Again, the internet is awash with practical suggestions. The active kundalini is of divine grace washing upwards through the body, but the human body is generally filled with not-so-graceful particles. The process of cleansing is now underway. One learns to work with it as a friend, to communicate with it through thought, to talk out loud with it asking questions. And to stop talking and thinking to simply listen, as with all relationships. One learns to go with its flow when it is flowing and to allow it to cease when it stops.
Resource material on kundalini
Humans cannot take this huge love energy all at one time. We are infants living on her surface. Her love would wipe out everything that we think of as our Self. It would dissolve our ego. It would be like looking God face to face. It would cause complete destruction of all that is human in us - unless and until we expand our minds and hearts to appreciate her. Then we would be able to receive this great primal love. All resistance, manipulation, false beliefs, control, greed, pride, selfishness has to go first. Everything that limits love would be eradicated n an instant if kundalini were free to move through the body in all her glory. None would survive. However, the spiritual journey is exactly that: learning to let go of resistance, selfishness, pride, control, manipulation, greed and the dark motives we carry. As we expand past these attitudes and adopt more loving, caring, joyful attitudes of good will to all life, the primal energy in us begins to expand all by itself. Naturally.
Kundalini is the vital life force of the body - this body that we live in today that was conceived by our mother and father and born in flesh. We as an immortal conscious spirit evolve from body to body, picking up wisdom with each incarnation. But it is THIS body in the here and now that is the mother in this flesh body. The kundalini is the spark of the mother in our physical body cells. Our journey as immortal beings (we live forever) is to connect with the life force of this earth body and become one with it. This is heavy "mystery school teachings". Our flesh body is holy and we have got to make it so in our minds and attitudes, instead of continually putting it down and degrading it and abusing it.
We embody Mother God, a sacred being and the feminine aspect of Father God, the Creator. Kundalini is the love of Mother Earth in every living thing and every living cell. It is conscious. It keeps our body alive, healthy and active on the physical level. It drips its life-giving essence up the spine (on the etheric level) from the tailbone to the brain and then circulates it around the body through the meridians. The soul who occupies the body learns through experience how to manage this life that courses through it. There is a naturalness to it. It is wholesome. That which feels good, is good. That which feels bad, is bad (for the person). It is pure unadulterated and unconditional love. By learning how to be loving, kind and good and to use right thinking and right action, we bring forth more love, light and goodness into our life to produce joy, happiness, abundance and pleasure. We learn to open the door of infinite love gently. But we do learn. It is why we are here - to learn about love.
Again, if the door opens too fast, either by force or by accident, before one is prepared for the huge rush of kundalini (holy spirit), it would unbalance the body and mind. A crazed person, a fanatic, a religious zealot, are signs of imbalance of kundalini (holy spirit). It has been said that the spiritual path is strewn with dead limbs and dying bodies from releasing the God power too fast. One needs to work up to greater love and greater light. It is the reason for reincarnation from body to body, to gain mastery, wisdom, understanding. It must be done slowly in order to incorporate it firmly into the cells, blood and tissue of our body. The sexual lessons are major learning experiences for us in how to manage our love wisely. We learns to be more delicate and graceful through experience. We learn as we go. There is no owners manual. The weaving of our conscious understanding into our earth life is tricky. Too much love and we draw the wrong people. Too much kindness and we are in over our head. Too much control over another and we invite backlashes. But we learn and adjust our management capabilities as we go.
The carefully controlled human life is a mixture of beliefs, both good and bad. Kundalini melts through these beliefs, both good and bad, to leave us washed clean of all beliefs. We are left simply knowing. This can cause havoc on the psyche. In past ages one went into the monastic life to prepare for kundalini activation, which we know as divine love or the mystical union with God. Prayers, worship, adoration and service to others were ways to prepare the body and mind for the inpouring of greater love and awareness. However, today is a new era. There are people in every walk of life who are experiencing activation of divine love in them. It is happening world wide.
Kundalini was not always called kundalini. In the west today it is known as the Holy Spirit, though few recognize the similarity with Kundalini. Nor do many recognize the nature of it, what it really is, how it operates and that in fact it is universal intelligence, unlimited infinity planted in the center of a flesh body as an embryo god-seed for future germination. The divine plan is that when the right conditions are set through trial and error and experience, the human body begins to germinate. A human being prepares for this by cultivating an open mind, an open heart, non-resistance, non-judgment, and practicing peaceful, loving, joyful thoughts daily to others. Then the body eventually quickens, a term used in scriptures.
Kundalini activates and the evolutionary energy begins to move as the softest, gentlest, most beautiful rapture upward through the body, if a person is devoid of resistance. If a person has resistance in him or her, and the kundalini activates prematurely, there is a burning sensation, like an electrical burning. There are many websites on the internet where you can read about the problems and possible solutions to work through this type of experience. I have added a link to another page on further source materials for kundalini, below. It has been termed a feathered serpent because of its undulating movements up the spine but soft like a feather if conditions are right.
The quickening of divine love is done quietly but it is profound. One might think s/he is going crazy or being possessed by an evil spirit because the body starts "buzzing". It all depends on what condition the mind is how the experience is interpreted. "Quicken" is an old word meaning to activate. It is a germination, just like a seed goes through. The power of immortal life has broken open in the body and is now buzzing through the cells. It can cause complications if the body is full of toxins, or the mind holds impure thoughts. This is the ultimate reason for a celibate life or a life lived in purity. It is a process beyond the comprehension of the human mind. It is at all odds to what a person has been taught from birth and is familiar with. S/he has not been prepared unless of course s/he has been to school to learn these things.
Sex is an important part of this formula, which is why we feel so good when we "make love". We accumulate understanding through many lifetimes of this process. It is instinctive. Natural. We do not learn it from other people. We grow into our wisdom through a myriad situations, born into dozens of different cultures, and live lifetimes of both good and bad extremes. In each life, we have a steady drip of life force up the spine to the brain which circulates it throughout the body. We can increase the amount of life force dripping up the spine through daily meditation, yoga, prayer, and service out of love to others. The quickening of kundalini through teh body is a quickening of metabolism. One must learn to manage it the best way he can. Again, the internet is awash with practical suggestions. The active kundalini is of divine grace washing upwards through the body, but the human body is generally filled with not-so-graceful particles. The process of cleansing is now underway. One learns to work with it as a friend, to communicate with it through thought, to talk out loud with it asking questions. And to stop talking and thinking to simply listen, as with all relationships. One learns to go with its flow when it is flowing and to allow it to cease when it stops.
Resource material on kundalini