Fifth Dimensional Love
What is Kundalini?
My partner David is undergoing an unusual spiritual transformation called “kundalini awakening“. Since kundalini awakened in me 40 years ago this month, I have had time to stabilize and ground it, but David has not. He is currently experiencing huge waves of love with a capital L. According to him, Love is everywhere present. “Love is all there is,“ he tells me. And he is having very unusual experiences to validate it. It is impossible to make sense of what is happening when kundalini has awakened in someone. It can be very difficult without a supportive person who understands. You just might want to put him or her (or self) into a rehab center or a mental institution. David cannot write about it easily, but he writes to me. So I asked his permission to post some of his private emails. I just posted one today into David‘s blog.
I would like to discuss kundalini awakening just a little bit more today because it is something that other people have gone through, and will go through in the future. We are hearing more about kundalini in this “new” age, and of course, many people have undertaken kundalini yoga practice. But what IS kundalini anyway? And why does it awaken? Why is it such a big deal?
Kundalini is an Indian word from the ancient Sanskrit language meaning “coiled spring“. This refers to the bioelectric energy or lifeforce of the body that is coiled up tight as a drum at the base of spine. It’s potent and it’s powerful in the unawakened state. So say the books which threaten with dire warnings not to awaken it prematurely. We don't have a word in English to mean exactly the same thing as “kundalini“ and in the west the process of kundalini awakening is largely unknown. But since I have a certain amount of personal experience plus knowledge from masters under direct instruction, I would like to talk about it because it is important as we enter this more enlightened age.
Kundalini awakening takes place on the etheric level, not in the physical body where doctors and scientists can see it or measure it and treat it. And therein lies the problem. We are a materially-oriented people. Most of us do not realize that we even have an etheric body superimposed over our physical body which creates an aura around us. Or that we have an emotional body superimposed over the etheric body. Or that we have a mental body superimposed over the emotional body, or a HIGHER mental body which functions as a spiritual body superimposed over that. And there are more “bodies” or levels of separate consciousness the higher we go. These separate layers of consciousness surround us, you and me.
These invisible levels of consciousness are also physical matter. They are composed of atoms and molecules just as our dense physical body is, but the molecules are spread further apart and are thus more refined and invisible to normal physical eyesight. We think of these other bodies as unseen forces, but they are actually a part of who we are. We use two of those levels all the time - our minds and emotions. The mental body and the emotional body are two separate levels of consciousness. But more on that later. We actually use even higher dimensions of ourselves too, but we have trained ourselves not to pay attention to such things as extrasensory perception, telepathy or clairvoyance.
The etheric body is the closest to our physical body. The etheric body feeds our cells with lifeforce, which comes down from higher planes through a network of etheric tubes called “tantra” in Sanskrit, meaning “web“. When kundalini awakens in the etheric body, this potent package of dynamite releases more life force than we’ve ever experienced before. It washes through us in such powerful quantities, like many tsnunami waves, that it upsets the entire being and we reel with unknowns. It comes in cycles. Our equilibrium goes crazy when it is cycling. It is like the germination of a seed in the ground, only it’s a seed inside a human being. It washes through the entire being, mind, body, emotions, and it feels like an electric burning or buzzing. The force of it depends on many factors, such as the health, youth and vigor of the host body vs. a malnourished depressed host body.. When kundalini is released in small amounts, it feels good, stimulating and energizing. But when it comes on in full force all of a sudden, with no warning beforehand, it is almost too powerful to handle, unless the person has prepared for it or is very healthy and clean of toxins.
The purpose of kundalini awakening in one fell swoop is because the person is ready for it. It wouldn’t happen otherwise. It is simply time for the evolutionary step. The kundalini is a purifying energy. Its purpose is to wipe clean all the toxins residing within, in mind, body and feelings. If the host body is healthy, young and vigorous, the person should have no problem handling it, although there are dramatic mood swings that are challenging. If the person is not spiritually prepared and not ready for an increase in life force, which can happen by accident from a fall, it can produce serious symptoms. With help, guidance and preparation, which all meditation and yoga practices are, the process can be a beautiful uplifting transition. Today, we are better prepared for kundalini awakening than we were 50 years ago, but still, many people do not understand what is happening which can cause mental or emotional problems.
The knowledge even today is hard to come by. Most people don’t know what’s happening and think they’ve gone mad. They may go to doctors who have no clue. Psychotherapy, medication or institutionalizing the person is often the only way out. I feel obligated, due to David’s experiences, to discuss kundalini awakening and give some basic information. Though not nearly enough can be said here, it is time to enlighten oneself and become familiar. Be prepared. David and I can help if asked.
A human being is like a seed. An acorn for example. The acorn contains the potential of a mighty oak tree, but it is only a tiny little thing to begin with. From where does the power come that turns it into a great oak? It is truly a mystery which we take for granted. Likewise, a human being is a relatively small creature to begin with, limited in understanding of his unique destiny and place in the universe. But inside on the etheric level, there is buried unlimited potential that we can‘t possibly know about. How can an acorn know it will become a mighty oak tree?
The kundalini energy is contained inside a protective etheric pouch called the “kanda“. Kanda means "beloved" in the Thai language. The kanda looks like and feels like the bud of a flower before it has opened. In it is contained a piece of the great unformed sea of consciousness, the creator of all that is. It has been separated by thought from its parent source and sent downward into density to give life to matter and form. From the little pouch life force drips UP the spine to the brain in living radiant color (I’ve seen it) and the body lives and breathes. The heart pumps, the stomach digests what it needs and eliminates the rest. It makes love and creates babies. And it has fun. it grows and creates and learns and matures, all from the life force contained in that little pouch at the base of the spine.
Lifetime after lifetime the person lives and dies and is born again, in the form of the etheric body, known as the soul, which never dies. It is immortal. Only the physical body dies and the etheric body continues on with life force containing the kanda, the unlimited potential for this soul. Eventually, after many lifetimes, after the gathering of much wisdom, knowledge and understanding, finally comes the day when the human journey ends and the spiritual journey begins. The kanda opens and the kundalini awakens. The lifeforce gently wafts its spiritual fragrance through the being, flooding it with ecstasy, love and light. But other things happen too, because it magnifies out of all proportion, the “not-self”, the negative beliefs and wounds, pains and hurts, as it seeks to burn them away. Kundalini is known as a sacred fire. It’s purpose is to wipe clean all that does not fit a spiritual life. Without loving help and pre-knowledge, a person can go crazy, thinking he/she is going nuts, mad or delusional. Mental institutions are crowded with aborted kundalini awakenings because there was no help. No understanding friend to assist with love and tenderness. It is heart-breaking to think about all those damaged people, so let‘s not go there..
The spiritual journey is another chapter in the book, for another time. There is a plan for every form created, and its destiny lies in merging the spiritual with the physical - allowing, welcoming, the spiritual energies into the form. As we learn to master troubling situations in our lives and resolve them in a way that creatively benefits the whole human race - in other words, does not harm others - we grow our spiritual skin. We begin the transformation process. The plan is not to die or to leave the Earth plane, but to remain in our physical body. We are not taken out. We do not die. We simply become more fulfilled. More beautiful, more whole, more loving, wiser and more discerning. Life becomes more abundant and richer, not just in money (although that is included) but in all ways. And we are now well equipped to manage it and help others.
When the kanda opens like a lotus blossom to release the abundance of bioelectric life force contained within it, it opens its petals upward to receive the other half of itself from above. Its unformed spiritual self, long separated, now descends downward and integrates with the form, now filled with love and light, in what is referred to as the mystical marriage in scriptural lore.
Every individual has a unique gift to give to the world which is its destiny to fill and complete. Most of us don’t know what our purpose is, but when the kanda opens and kundalini awakens the journey begins toward filling that destiny. This is a process little known by the human race. It may never have been talked about like this before.
The Christians have named this process “being born again" or the second birth. I doubt it has been defined quite like this before, but it is the same thing as kundalini awakening. While each culture has its own language and terminology to define it, the inner working of spirit is the same. It is universal and the language is the language of light. It is a quantum evolutionary step for a human being in the flesh - the germination of the God seed in the etheric body (called the soul) ready to fulfill its physical destiny on Earth. It is not much different from the germination of a vegetable seed which is also impregnated with the God seed. The difference is, a human being grows a new consciousness, instead of a new limb - a consciousness that can pierce the dimensions to the stars.
Posted 4/28/16