Integrating the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
9/21/16 I am having insights. Everyone talks about God, religion talks about God, the books I am reading talk about God (and Goddess). Everyone on the spiritual path talks about God but it turns everyone off because no one knows who God is. Insights are showing me that the real self is God. It is really all about the inner self. The divine immortal self who doesn't die. It is the real self within that is God/Goddess. The power of immortality, infinity, unbounded knowledge, intelligence, who is everywhere present. The inner self has been covered over by muck for lifetime after lifetime and we've lost track of who we really are.
As I re-read 30-year-old journals of a time when kundalini was fresh and innocent and powerfully flowing every day and every day, as I re-read them I am reunited with something. Something I missed. It is reminding me and it is moving me. I don't think I could take the next step without it. So this is carrying me into a new place, a new awareness, the next mission or role that I am to take. But first I have to go back and re-member what it is that I have forgotten. As I am posting these old journals, as I run across the meaningful ones, I ran across one that caused me to stop and say, Uh oh!
This journal included some heavy details about a swing party. It was a wonderful party. I remember it well. But I had a sudden shudder, a fear? A sense of guilt? Of shame? Of "I must hide this!" Do I want to post this one? Or should I pass on it? I do not want to edit these journals. I either post them as is or I don't post them at all.
So I asked my mentor, my wonderful guide who lives beyond physical sight ( who is available whenever I have a serious question - I don't bother him otherwise) and he answered me with a question of his own: "What do YOU feel about it? " He directed me back to my feelings. What do I feel? What do I really, really feel. Very appropriate for there was something there that I needed to address. It was heavy. It has been a heavy for many, many years.
I said, This particular journal includes some great insight and I would like to post it but it also has quite a lot of detail about the party the night before. What do I feel? I feel fear surrounding this lifestyle. This fear runs deep and includes shame and guilt and involves cultural taboos and family beliefs and thoughts of sin and the whole nine yards, if you will. I have hidden this lifestyle from those who didn't need to know, but every time I hide it from someone who "doesn't need to know", there is a crust that forms over that thought. It gets buried. The whole concept of sex, even between a married woman and husband, is filled with hot flashes of bad stuff, never mind the activities of sex with multiple others.
And yet I have experienced it as loving. I have been 30 to 40 years studying love as a human being, including physical love, emotional love, spiritual love, mental love. It has all been there within the practice of swinging. And yet there has always been an underlying energy of hiding, keeping it secret, don't tell. There has been an underlying repression about everything to do with sex. It's OK to talk about spiritual love, but not about physical love. These feelings came up for me. Am I ready to expose my participation in this? I feel I am at a crossing point. There is a crossing over where two paths intersect and it's an opportunity for a decision. A choice. Each path has an entirely different energy and momentum going for it which carries it strongly forward undiluted.
My movements and experiences over the last 30-40 years have been soaked and immersed in love. I have expanded in my capacity to not only love, but to discern and understand and master my abilities to love. Swing parties are about love too, because people are enlarged by their experiences, in one way or another. You can't help but learn from such close contact. So my feelings of keeping them hidden, versus talking openly about them, presents me with an opportunity to come out of the closet. Do I dare to post this journal? What is holding me back? This is an old energy. It is actually obsolete today. So it's just my own feelings that I have to deal with.
It is no longer appropriate for me to have these feelings of shame, guilt, fear of repercussions and whatever else is attached to them, any more. The love, beauty, grace and dignity that I have experienced is part of the new human who is poised and ready to own all of who he/she is. We are human and we are beautiful. We are graceful, we are honorable, we are caring, we are loving, and we share our love openly. It comes in all forms, shapes, ages, sizes. You name it, as long as it is love. There are all kinds of love. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. And love is not love if it is not shared. "Love isn't something that was put here to stay, Love isn't love 'til it's given away." I love that saying. Love is shared. Love is shared closely. Intimately, whether it be mental or emotional or spiritual or physical. There is no division in love, but there is choice. Free will choice.
So I feel I am on the cusp, on the brink, on the edge, on the very cutting edge of coming out of the closet. Two paths crossing each other, each with a momentum of their own. It's actually not that difficult. It's an easy choice. Nothing hard about it. I just had to put the two paths together so they can be consciously joined. Evolution is a conscious choice and so I choose to unite these two paths. Human love is expressed on different levels. It does not have to be expressed physically but it can be. It should never be forced or pressured, but rather enjoyed. There are those who choose to dabble at the sexual level, others choose not to. There is no judgment. Only choice.
Love is not just etheric, not just spiritual, not just a fantasy of the mind. It is also about feeling. Feelings have been put down. Fear, shame and guilt are feelings. Feelings have been repressed. Repressed feelings become negative with crusts and scabs forming over them. That's when they turn negative. Why hide our feelings so they become negative? That doesn't mean we tell everybody indiscriminately, but not to hide it because we hide it from OURSELVES. That's the danger - hiding it from ourselves. Then we forget we have put it there and it grows a crust over it. So, no, I must become aware when I am consciously hiding a feeling. Feelings are for expressing and letting flow out of us, for that is God/Goddess expressing. We are Gods/Goddesses trying to express the purity and innocence that we are, uncolored, untainted by feelings of "sin". We do this with grace, wisdom, intelligence, and with love. I want to share this beautiful party. It was a fantastic party, warm and loving and most of all it was a whole bunch of diverse people sharing and coming together and learning about each other and from each other. They learned about their own inner selves and they evolved from it. So, I am going to do do it. Yes. I am going to post the party on the Kundalini Journals page. Thank you, DK.
9/12/16 - Today I have posted a new page called “Kundalini Journals”. It is shown in the menu above. I have been asked to publish my inner life journals, which up to now have been private for me alone, as a way of confirming to others that they too have an inner life. There is an inner life within all of us. It is hidden from view among those who haven‘t started awakening to their spiritual self. Others, like me, maybe like you, have a rich inner life which is not known to others. And yet, even though we are all different on the outside, because of our experiences and adventures and the many lifetimes we’ve lived either on this planet or another one, we have the same spiritual template within.
The human template is the same all over the universe, the galactics say. It is called the Adam Kadmon, or the Christ, or the Buddha body. But it doesn’t matter what it’s called. There are many names for it. It is a spiritual blueprint for the human being and it is within us. We mold ourselves around it when we are embodied, and we hunger to touch it because it’s home to us. We are brothers and sisters of the same light. Our inner life is a journey back to that sacred blueprint, but we are veiled from knowing. We wander until we are guided, maybe one day the veil is pierced and light shines through. And then a gradual process takes place of unfolding excitement.
We do not know what our soul is up to until the light begins to shine through, and then we sense there is a higher mind to us and a higher emotional range that we can feel that is more noble than previously known. When the veil is pierced and the light shines around inside our consciousness, a new kind of journey begins. Mysterious pathways suddenly open. A new excitement dawns. We see beyond the horizon, or we think we do, and we are tantalized and drawn to it like butterflies to pretty flowers. This is the inner life.
The veil was pierced for me in 1976 when unexpectedly the force known as kundalini activated in me in a most dramatic way. (story here) It was then that I began a relationship with something larger than me. At first I thought it was another entity that had moved in and taken me over. It caused me concern at first, but over time I developed a relationship with it. Ever since that day in April 1976 I have been journaling my experiences. I wrote lengthy hand-written pages at first because I didn’t have a typewriter. Then a typewriter came into our possession, and much later, a computer.
I wrote about these experiences because I am tactile. I understand things when I write them down with pen and paper. Writing grounded the experience and fleshed out the nebulous flights into other realms and the interactions with invisible beings who I later learned were the guardians of the human race. At first, I couldn’t write, but as I continued to flash in and out of other realities, I had to write it down and assign words to it. Putting words to the mystery seemed to make it real. If left undefined it remained elusive and etheric. As I struggled to find words to describe these experiences, the mystery slowly became history. With each journey I was structuring a new reality for myself. An inner reality that I could not share with anyone else. But over time I had the notes to prove it had really happened, just in case I forgot it. It seemed important that I do this. And I put dates on them.
I am reminded that “In the beginning was the Word.” Assigning words to these strange and wonderful - and sometimes negative - experiences was a beginning. Even if only built of words, it was a structure that was real to me. My exterior world kept changing but this inner life of understanding has become more enlightened and more solid and more permanent. As if I have been molding and shaping this mysterious other dimension into or over this dimension. There is a merge happening. My inner life is getting ready to be shared openly with others. I know that other people have had their own inner experiences, for I have read them on the internet.
Looking back and reading the words I wrote so long ago helps me to see that I have been in the process of transition. Ascension they call it these days, because there is a higher order at work. My everyday world has been seeded with another more beautiful and harmonious world that is full of light and love, goodness and beauty. I have been integrating the two worlds. I have been building a new world structure right here on the ground where I live. Many others have been doing this too. They are seeding a new reality in the rich fabric of their inner life too. We are all transitioning. We are all seeding a new earth. Well, I guess there are a few who are not, who are refusing to allow the light and refinement in. But I think most of us have been doing this and are preparing for the ultimate shift into a better world. I have recently begun seeing this shift as the emergence of the divine feminine, not the human feminine but divine feminine. A higher form of feminine. A higher form of emotional feeling life. This includes the men. It is not just women who are birthing the divine feminine. Men are birthing the divine feminine too. Men have an emotional side, which is the feminine side, and so both men and women are bringing forth the rich inner life of feelings and higher emotions, like affection, caring, forgiveness, desire to serve and heal, and cultivating a certainsensitivity for all life everywhere.
There is a nourishing going on of inner feelings. What could be called an awakening and an allowing forth of feelings to be expressed and shown. Emotions are feminine and therefore it is called “feminine”, not masculine. Everything feminine has been blocked, put down, persecuted, condemned, over hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. It has been a masculine world of mind power and mind control, where displays of emotion were curtailed, suppressed, cut off and ridiculed, causing stress that led to all sorts of diseases and psychological problems. But that time is over.
The secret inner life of human beings is being set free due to the shift of planetary forces. Men as well as women are experiencing these shifts in emotions. Now it is time to understand what is happening to us. Why we feel the way we do. That is why I am being pressured to release my secret journals, and others are also being pressed to release theirs. Perhaps you are being pressured to reveal your own inner life. It is to share with others and to validate for others who are seeking a friend and a confirmation that they are not crazy or going insane because the outside world does not reflect what they are feeling. So we are sharing with each other for the good of the whole, for we are all one tribe, one family.
Harmony is returning to the planet, Instead of feeling ashamed of feeling happy when others are so sad and depressed, we are learning to be happy anyway. It is natural and comfortable to our inner nature to be joyful. It is unnatural to suppress that feeling. It is natural to be in love with life and to feel like singing and dancing - or crying if you are moved to cry. We were trained to suppress these emotions, but now it’s time to let them out. It’s time to show our real face and feelings to the world. It is time to be honest. It is time to communicate. It is time to share. The secret inner life is emerging into our conscious minds.
The inner life of feelings and emotions take place inside our bodies. Inside the cells and the spaces between the atoms and electrons. Our bodies are stretching and loosening. Our bodies are talking to us through feelings. Feelings for more freedom. Feelings to say something that has been held back out of “politeness” or “niceness“. Feelings to express a spontaneous hug and delight simply because you feel it. Feelings to share a happy experience instead of keeping it secret. This is not head consciousness talking. This is not from thoughts. The head doesn’t have feelings. It is down in the body that feelings are felt and move around. It’s body consciousness. There are feelings that have been locked up and suppressed in our bodies from the time we were little people. The issues are locked in the tissues because we were trained to not show certain parts of ourselves.
It is the goddess that has been curtailed. It is the feminine in us that lives in the body, in the space between the atoms and electrons of the cells of the organs, muscles, blood, nerves and bone. The feelings are held in the space between the atoms, frozen. Not moving. When feelings move, the body talks through moods, perceptions, feelings, emotions, psychic awareness, sensitivities. But when feelings are frozen in place, the body talks in the form of stress, tightness, aches, pains, contraction, disease, tension, anger, suffocation. This is not the brain talking, it is the body talking. The brain often misses the signals that the body gives. It is imperative that we learn to listen to our body and act on body signals to relieve the pressure and stress. As we allow ourself to join with the feelings of our body we become more “embodied”. We are not fully embodied when we remain in our heads all the time, thinking, analyzing, projecting, manipulating by thought alone. When we leave the body feelings out of the picture, we are operating on masculine power only. We are being asked to move down into the body to unlock those feelings and let them move through us in a natural way, instead of repressing them or holding them back. The divine feminine is pushing us to let our feelings move like a butterfly that emerges from its cocoon and flies away into the blue sky and sunshine.
We have been trained to repress our feelings so they remain locked underground, stuck in the mud of earth - our bodies. They plug us up. They keep us frigid and tight. We have to re-experience the same issues. We travel the same path over and over again because it isn‘t allowed to fly free, never to return. Emotions are like rivers. They are meant to flow. These unexpressed emotions are plugging us up and causing frustration. Resentment. Anger. Suffocation. Striking out at others. Rage. Violence. The feminine side of us is rising up in protest. A revolution is underway. The emotions have been blocked for so long it is growing reckless and careless. It just wants to be free. It just wants to be spontaneous. Our time is finally arriving to be free, happy and spontaneous. This is the new earth that is being built in the secret inner life of the people everywhere. There is a knowing within that has not been expressed yet, but it is coming. It will begin expressing very shortly. And then the world will turn upside down. Not in a bad way, but in a beautiful, rich, fulfilling way of abundance, caring, creativity and freedom everywhere. We are restructuring the new earth from the inside, through our rich inner life. As we begin to share our noble ideas and feelings with others, we will bring the new earth out into the open where we can each tie our piece of the puzzle into the bigger picture, pulling it all together into a new beginning. We are beginning to LISTEN. We are beginning to hear about the beautiful inner life of others who are telling their stories. We all are getting ready to launch.
When the divine feminine awakens, it moves you downward out of your head into your heart, into your stomach, into your sexuality, into your legs, into your feet, into the earth itself. It is a movement into matter. It is the bringing of love and attention into the matter body. It is a movement OUT of the theoretical, out of the intellectual, and INTO the sensations of the physical world. It is bringing the physical world alive. This creates in the body a feeling of being in love, of being alive, of being present in the here and now, of being at one when walking on the grass, being at one with the trees, the rivers, lakes and ocean, and being at one with the people and the pets and the birds and all of nature.
Everything becomes more beautiful when you are inside and feeling your own body come alive and quickened. You can identify with everything physical and this is the ultimate spiritual. It’s not leaving the body but coming into the body in the fullness of the moment and in the fullness of your own truth. Not hiding or repressing your truth. This is the goddess awakening - the divine feminine - and coming alive. Your emotions and feelings are waking up and presenting you with another world not made by human thought but made by the divine mother. Mother Earth has been hidden under wraps, dumbed down by mechanical man.
Mother Earth is a divine being and a living being, and we are her children. Our bodies came from Mother Earth and her spirit is embedded as a glowing seed inside of us. She is the parent source of our physical bodies. She gave us an earth force that is powerful beyond belief. It is cradled in the pelvic bowl near the tail bone. We are meant to touch this earth force with our feelings, consciously, and activate it so that it sizzles and sparks and springs into life and travels upward through our bodies to the top of our head, taking us out beyond the stars on a journey never to be forgotten. But we have to descend down into our bodies and unlock our feelings in order to get to it.
The shift, the ascension, is a conscious descent into the physical body from out of the cold, non-feeling theories of mind. The descent is loving, warm and peaceful when we leave the stop theorizing, projecting, imagining and reasoning mind, and simply descend into the silence of inner space. It is the opposite of most spiritual leaders teach, who lead you up, out and away from the body. When we attempt to escape our body and our life on earth, we suffer, because resistance creates suffering. The way of the divine feminine is to accept our life on earth, our world, our conditions, our bodies, with a loving embrace for love heals and harmonizes. This is very difficult to understand. The goddess teachings are the opposite to what is being taught today.
The way of the goddess is to embrace the lower and degraded parts of ourselves with love, sacredness, appreciation and gratitude, which are healing energies. Not push the degraded parts away or pretend they don’t exist. We appreciate and love not just the lower physical but our lower emotions, lower feelings and lower thoughts. By embracing the lower parts of ourselves - all parts - with the healing energy of love, we calm those lower parts and hug them back into our hearts. By so doing we welcome them and elevate them back where they should be: at home with us in our hearts. We were taught to hide what was sinful, bad or what others would call “bad”, but that has only increased the pain and suffering. It was a tactic used by a dark authority to keep us limited. As the goddess awakens within each of us, it teaches us to love our selves in every way, and to not be afraid to descend into the nether regions, for there we will find the lost parts of ourselves that have disabled us. As we find them and embrace them and accept them back into ourselves, we will become more empowered.
Welcome your negatives back into your life. No one needs to know. This is your own journey. It is a life review and a life regeneration. You have guides all about you ready to assist if you will ask. They are the mentors of our inner life. This is our new journey now - lowering our emotional love down, down, down deep into the depths of our beingness to rescue what has been degraded and put down. We are going to salvage the lost and lift them back up into the love light where they belong, for they are a part of the family, and we are hurting without understanding why.
We MUST feel love for ourselves. For ALL of ourselves. For every thought and feeling of wrong and shame, and bring it back into the fold of our wholeness. Our holiness. When we do this, we feel good with ourselves. The side of us that has been isolated and condemned to an underground prison must be raised. These are emotions and feelings that were created because we did not know what we were doing. The same process is going on in men as it is in women. I saw it in men this weekend, the stirring and releasing of emotions. As one man talked of deep and hurtful things, I just listened quietly and lifted the words and the accompanying pain up into the light with my love. And he was lighter afterward.
Men are no different than women. They have an emotional repression problem too. Men and women have the same divine template. We are alike. We are not separate creatures. We are human beings and we are all throwing off the unnatural yoke and welcoming in what is natural and comfortable. Wholesomeness is returning to naturalness again. We are setting things right. The divine feminine in us is setting things right as we allow our emotions to be felt. We don’t have to show our emotions to other people. We are to feel them quietly within ourselves. We are to pause and reflect once in a while. Periodically throughout the day and return to naturalness. Allow harmony to be restored in the quiet of the inner life. This removes stress and smooths out the fragmentation. Puts things back into balance.
Our mental life smooths out too. We all have a mental life. We have minds that reason and reach high into the stratosphere of intelligence. By moving into the body doesn’t mean we we reject the mind. Far from it. We need our minds. We just need to awaken the feelings so that we have both mental activity AND emotional feeling active in equal balance. We are not just mental beings alone and were never intended to be. Being mental beings alone is what caused all of our sick problems in the world. We need to free up our feelings.
Most spiritual people think the ascension or transition or shift is about leaving the body, but it's about entering the body and loving the body, not leaving it. It‘s about embodying the body fully and elevating it from within, from within the interior of the cells. It’s about fully expressing all that we can be as a human. We are to become wholly human, not just partly human. The ascension is about elevating the body by loving it so much that all the sin and shame and guilt and fear are gone. That is what ascension means - to clear the decks of all the dirt and the body, mind and feelings are clear and clean and divine again. We are not meant to vacate the body and leave it to return to dust. Ascension is about healing the separation that was caused by imbalance - by repressing one side of our nature and allowing the other side of our nature to become a raging bull in a china closet who has temper tantrums and rages at anything that stands in its way. When the emotional side of our nature comes online again, in both men and women, it will help balance the craziness of an uncapped, unbounded male power that has ruled this world for thousands of years and caused such terrible conditions - near to destruction of this world. We are very close to setting these higher virtues free in men and women everywhere, and when it does, it will begin the healing of the planet.
Ascension is about being open and free and loving all that we are, instead of pretending to “be good” and hiding “the bad”. We are what we are. We need to deal with it. We need to face it. We need to walk right into the sewers within us. We can’t escape what we are. We can only transform that which we feel is wrong by loving what is wrong. That takes a a might PAUSE. A pause to look inside and to feel. FEEL. Everything. Every last part, thought, feeling, emotion, past deed. Everything. Our bodies are sacred. We must clean house by loving all of it and bringing it all back into naturalness again. Sacredness. Wrong thoughts, negative thoughts, evil and sinful thoughts of shame and disgust, are transformed by love.
How do we do this? By spending 15 or 20 minutes once a day, better twice a day, and breathing love into every part of the body. Be creative. Devise a plan uniquely for your body. Apply love like an ointment, with your intention, to your liver, your kidneys, your spinal cord, your heart. By taking the silent inner time to appreciate your body, you put love and light into your body. You transform yourself that way. You can tell if you are successful by the degree of peace you feel when done. The human in you needs loving back to wholeness. You clear yourself that way. We have all been plugged up too long by fear, anger, guilt, self-loathing, hatred, and the like. The drama is over now. It's time to go home. Take time each day to bring your love down, down, down into the lower regions of thought, feeling and physical body.
There is a blueprint of the divine within every cell. Our goal is to reach into that blueprint with our feelings. The blueprint is contained in the DNA. We don’t do this with our mind, but with our feeling. We start with a thought, but the thought directs us to go down into feeling. We leave thought and go into feeling by stopping the mind from talking about it. We tough into the blueprint by becoming silent once the thought has directed our focus. The divine blueprint is activated by feeling the sacred within. It can be started by focusing on the word “love” or “peace” or “light” and repeating that word until it becomes monotonous and shifts into feeling at a certain place in the body.
The divine blueprint is untouched by the "bad" that we thought we were. As earthquakes, tidal waves, storms and fires ravage the outer world, our negative thoughts and emotions have ravaged our inner world. So we have to undo that damage by applying love, light and peace to those parts. The shortcut is to be natural. Be alert to when you feel unnatural. When you feel unnatural, stop what you’re doing, even if in the presence of someone. You don’t need to explain. Your first responsibility is to your sacred inner life. Feel your way back to the harmony. Return to your inner peace where you feel comfortable again, and act from there. We are all having to adapt and learn how to be in harmony with our own nature and stop following the path of friends, when they don‘t feel right. There is a purity and a certain sweetness - an innocence - that is within our bodies. We have all felt it at one time or another. It happens often after a good cry, when tears flow and flow and flow. Appreciate this as a cleansing time. Tears wash away the dirt. It’s like a shower. It is time to awaken to your secret inner life which will bring great peace and comfort. You might consider journaling your unusual experiences so you will remember them and begin building a history out of the mystery. In later years, you will see how important these experiences were to you..
8/23/16 - Last night I had a dream. I am in a group of some kind, the nature of which is vague, but I am in freedom and joy. I see myself laughing and joyous. I am lifting up off the ground dancing in delight, radiant and expressing exquisite freedom and joy. As I come to wakefulness, I am conscious of how important freedom is, and much it is entwined with joy. I remember now, that this is a quality that has been with me all through my swinging career. Swinging is a first step but it's only a beginning. There is so much further to go.
We must work constantly to free ourselves and become truly free, emotionally, mentally, physically and most importantly, spiritually. Only by becoming spiritually free do we feel the exquisite joy I felt in my dream. Freedom and joy go together. They are synonymous. It's not possible to have freedom without joy. And it's not possible to be in joy without freedom. I used to believe that about love and freedom. I believed freedom and love go hand in hand. The love of freedom is interchangeable with the freedom to love. But now I see that it is possible to be in love and NOT be free. And it is possible to be free and not have love in your life. So there is a slight shift in perspective now. Spiritual freedom is something that comes from within the self. The dream is a reminder that I have more work to do on myself, for what holds me from that ultimate, joyous freedom, has nothing to do%
6/30/16 - We are continuing to discuss energies that are usually invisible, because they are important underlying forces that guide us, and we can influence them if we know how and change the course of our lives. Every morning we wake up and do what we always have done in the past. Knowing about energies is not especially important because, well, it’s all too vague and mysterious. Life is hard enough as it is and we are wired strongly in a certain way enmeshed into our reality. The point of this article is to POINT to these inner forces that guide us.
There is an inner life and there is an outer life. The outer life is where we are enmeshed with other people, our work and our family, tasks and other things that we have put into motion that we must follow through with and that we learn from. However, there is an inner life. The inner life is a secret life. No one knows about it except us. It is soul-related or spirit-related. It is the real self and it goes with us after our body dies. We carry our inner life and all the conclusions and experiences that we gained during embodiment. We take that all with us. These are the jewels and precious gems that we gain through the hard physical life. The inner life is the more important life. Keeping our friend happy and afloat is not as important as keeping our self happy and afloat. The inner life is who we really are. There are choices every day in how we respond to situations. This is where we need to go within, to the heart, to listen to the wisdom of our calm and peaceful self within. The divine masculine or divine feminine within. There is the peace and the serenity, when we are alone with our higher self.
This is where the divine feminine and divine masculine comes into play. They are singular. They are one divinity, not two. Look at the difference between feminine and masculine and DIVINE feminine and DIVINE masculine. Anakosha has changed its logo from “integrating sex and spirituality” to “introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine”
The union of feminine and masculine brings us back to singular again. We are One divine being, not two. Source is both feminine and masculine containing both light and love as one being. We also are One divine being as offshoots or children of the One Source. But as humans we divide into two separate beings - into a man or a woman, and we as two separate genders we have adventures. We learn about love through our adventures. We learn that love conquers all division. There are many who haven't learned that yet, so the human game continues to go on so they can experience more and learn from their stressful situations. It is all about learning how to love. The learning part is the "light". Light is information. Dark is misinformation or disinformation. Light is open and sharing information.
The lesson is love. We are to learn methodologies in how to love ourselves first, which is no easy task considering how much we have been put down and degraded in our world of darkness. But when we learn how to love ourselves then love spills out to others around us. Love is a radiation. It cannot be held back. We try hard to hold it back, but when we discover the inner secret of opening our hearts and letting love spill out, it is difficult to hold it back.
As human beings we experience love best of all through sexual intercourse. During sex play we enjoy some loving union with our partner. But sex comes with some hard and difficult lessons. Sex is not always good and is not always right. It comes with psychological differences, and sometimes physical awkwardness. But when DIVINE feminine and DIVINE masculine is considered, then there is unity and harmony. Bringing the sacred into the sexual encounter brings about the ability to love unconditionally, without pressure to perform. This is the secret behind Tantra and Taoism that most people miss because the pictures are priceless and exciting. All is not perfect in the bedrooms of the world. Most people have awkward and challenging moments regarding sex. Sex is not easy. There is pressure from one or the other, tipping and tilting the scales to influence and affect the ability to perform easily, naturally, lovingly, and spontaneously, which would lead to a most beautiful and sacred encounter that Tantra keeps talking about.
It is natural to think that the word “feminine” refers to women, and the word “masculine” to men. And by tacking on the word “divine” in front of it, that just means the same thing, doesn't it? With a sacred slant to it? It is natural to assume this but that is not the case at all. You're about to hear a different spin on this.
I was not ready to write this article before today but I’ve come into some new awarenesses. My new awareness involves men and how they are hurting emotionally. There are men who are experiencing loss. There is a lot of confusion in men today. And some women are also experiencing this if they are more masculine than feminine. But most women are gaining in self-empowerment and confidence, those who are feminine. Women have an emotional side that men don't enjoy very much. Women have looked at men as the enemy, sometimes. As the needy, leery chaser of women, the one to watch out for, the one to deflect and the one to crack jokes about to girlfriends. But the divine feminine is reaching these women. They are changing. The whole world is changing. It is tipping. We are going through a massive shift in consciousness. The shift is changing the energies of the planet from too much masculine energy - where the mind is in control nearly 100% of the time - to the rise of femininity, which is heart wisdom, feeling and emotional appreciation. The rise of feminine power does not mean a fist raised in defiance. It is the power to express love, feelings and emotions of all kind, including pain, instead of burying them or denying them. The rise of feminine power is the right to love when love is called for, and the right to feel free to love, despite former man-made laws and contracts.
The rise of feminine power is breaking out all over. It is bursting the bonds of former structures, both physical and emotional. It is causing great confusion. The right to be tender and kind has been denied the human race through authoritarian rules, mostly church-oriented, and through trickle-down laws to schools, education, family, police, enforcement, prisons, etc. All is mental control which is known as masculine control. Feminine grace, love, light, beauty, honor, justice, compassion, forgiveness -- all has been ridiculed by male control which has turned us dark. With the rise of feminine power many structures will fold. Both men and women are feeling this change and don't quite know what to do with it or how to act. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it acceptable? Will I hurt myself? My family?
This is the reason for going back to the heart. The divine feminine and divine masculine brings one into heart-centered wisdom and freedom. In meditation, for those who practice meditation, they enter into the stillness of their divine self. It is very real. It is sacred. It is serene. It is transcendent. Everybody should practice meditation. Take a class. Learn. The empowering of the feminine is the ability to go into the heart and drink from that sacred fount of life. We each have a divine self that has been forgotten in the trauma and excitement of physical thrills. But we don't have to give up physicality and thrills. It is enough to know where to go for comfort and peace - and to learn the right choice.
This is what is happening within men in this current age. Women are not so confused for they have the feminine freedom rising. They are expressing it more. Heretofore we have all been submissive, both men and women, to the authorities in our life. No more. We are bursting the chains that have held us down and dis-empowered us mentally and emotionally. The feminine is rising in all of us and this means the DIVINE feminine, not the little feminine. This is bigger than the small ego. This shift is happening on a global scale. The little ego cannot understand it so the only way to go is trust the shift. Go with the flow of love. See the love blossoming all around. Trust it. This is why we are seeing peaceful protests. The people do not want to fight, but they are standing up in dignity and for love. Not bending to the whip any more. This is divine feminine rising.
Men are feeling it but it is confusing to them. They feel lost because the way they are accustomed to handling things don’t work any more. It is no longer a mental world but a heart world. A feeling world. A loving world. There may be news of horrible bombs being exploded and ISIS this and terrorist that, but stop listening to the news and you'll see love blossoming outdoors in the fields. The power structures are tumbling from inside, not with fanfare and fireworks and news announcements, but they are crumbling from within. The news media is the last power structure to fall. Don't pay any attention to what they are doing - promoting fear and acting out the last of the terror on the planet. Soon that too will be gone. We aren't there yet, but we are ALL moving in the direction of peace on the planet and love is coming out to be seen. The heart is taking the place of power by mind. Then sacred mind and sacred heart will work together. ARE working together right now.
It has always been mind control - mental, logic, practical, assertive, scientific - which has guided the masculine-oriented person up to now. Mostly men were raised inside that arena of mental control under a disciplined father figure. Abuse was common. That has been the matrix of the human culture we have been living in. Mental authority without feeling attached to it is cold and abusive. Now that this is changing, we are seeing eruptions of confusion. There’s nothing a person can do about it because it's bigger than us. We human beings are low man on the totem pole in understanding. The significance of this is gigantic, galactic - no, universal.
Men have been accustomed to being the final word in his family and circle of influence, but the children today are smarter, wiser and more heart-centered. The only way to go is to respond with heart-centered behavior. There are no controlling figureheads. Or there will not be when the shift is complete. No one person is in control. Every person is a sovereign being ruled by a self that flows from a higher source. We need to learn how to deal with our higher self. It is wiser than we are. The old small and petty system is dying. The new greater system is forgiving, fair, just and loving. Give it time. It is coming in now.
It is now becoming apparent to women that their ability to love is somehow more present and usable. They feel their power. It is kind of strange. Women are becoming conscious of it and trying it out. They are daring to stand up for what they feel. It's not a belief. It's a bodily sensation of being present in the "now". It's hard to deny and overlook. They are feeling this just a little bit. Perhaps timidly at first but it is growing on them. It is confusing to men. Why is she doing this? She has never done this before. It is because she is becoming aware of her power. She is starting to realize that she has given a lot of her power away and she is now experiencing what it feels like to be more present. It is strange to her too but she likes it. So as women are growing in power, at least their OWN lives, men are experiencing loss of purpose, loneliness, confusion, perhaps fear. What is happening?
Well, there is good news. Actually it is wonderful news! Because when women start feeling their feelings more fully and expressing their truth instead of buckling under to authority figures, they will become the leaders of a whole new way of life. Let the women lead from a sacred space of their feelings and heart. They know truth better in their heart, than men do in their minds. The heart is closest to the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Women will support their men better through love than through surrendering to the male needs which are usually less than heart-centered. We women have not done our men service by patronizing them. This of course is also true of women who are controlling authorities in their family to the point that their men buckle under to their rule of ego. When the true and sacred feminine rises in power, it means we each stand on our own convictions and beliefs peacefully, without force and without arguments. We are flexible, forgiving compassionate but most of all wise beyond our years. To reach divine justice, freedom, love and joy is the reason for the peace marches and non-violent protests. The people do not want to fight for dignity. They are standing for sovereign truth without fighting. Simply standing and loving. That is feminine power showing its face.
This is terribly confusing to those who are used to being in control. Men and women alike. They are the ones who are losing something and don’t know what is happening. Help them by loving them through this upsetting phase of their lives, those of you who are aware what love and nurturing is. It’s not about surrendering. It’s about standing firm in your own conviction and not being swayed by someone else’s opinion. It is about listening to your own heart. Even if you are the only person in the world who can hear your heart talking, listen to it. It is sacred and it is true. But we have to go within to hear it. We can’t find validation for our truth on the internet. Usually. Maybe a little here or there. But don't count on it. No one will validate you exactly as your heart can validate you. You don’t need the internt or social media or your friend to agree with you. Your friend has his or her own heart that is speaking to her or him.
For those who are feeling lonely, lost and bewildered due to the earth changes underway and massive waves of love sweeping the planet, the question is "What do I do now? Where do I go from here?" Join with the love and freedom and peace that is being made available to you inside of yourself. Feminine power is rising in the form of emotions and feelings within. They are taking precedence over mental self-discipline and self-control. This is where the little masculine and little feminine need to turn to the heart to find the divine and sacred. The little masculine and little feminine don’t have the power to hold it back. They will only get lost by trying to understand. The personality is the ego of the outer world; the sacred is the Ego of the inner world. The outer personality that thought it was in control and acted as if it were in control, is diminishing. It's only way to find peace is to go with the flow.
The powerful male lording it over the submissive female has been a game of cat and mouse, but the game is coming to an end. Now the higher self is coming to take charge. The divine and sacred self. It is the time to understand and to learn how it all works. And how to turn the reigns over to their own inner divine self. The DIVINE masculine and the DIVINE feminine. I am going to go into how this all works in the next blog/article. But for now, the point is being made that only the divine within is in control and it comes through an open heart - a heart that can surrender to the larger will. Only the heart has the power to assuage the feelings of confusion, hurt, pain, damage, disintegration, and bring healing.
It is through the open heart, the loving heart, that the power of serenity and peace can be felt. It’s not logical. It’s not practical. It’s not scientific. And it can’t be done mentally through the brain, as we think of mind. Both men and women are advised to open their hearts to the divine and sacred. It is done by going silent within and focusing on the heart. I found a picture to post here to help picture the heart, what it looks like with light shining through. In my meditations I try to imagine the sun shining in my heart. The same sun that shines in the sky at noontime. The sun shines so bright you can’t look at it with your naked eye, but I try to visualize that same brightness in my heart coming to me from a greater source than my own personality, and I trust it.
There is an inner life and there is an outer life. The outer life is where we are enmeshed with other people, our work and our family, tasks and other things that we have put into motion that we must follow through with and that we learn from. However, there is an inner life. The inner life is a secret life. No one knows about it except us. It is soul-related or spirit-related. It is the real self and it goes with us after our body dies. We carry our inner life and all the conclusions and experiences that we gained during embodiment. We take that all with us. These are the jewels and precious gems that we gain through the hard physical life. The inner life is the more important life. Keeping our friend happy and afloat is not as important as keeping our self happy and afloat. The inner life is who we really are. There are choices every day in how we respond to situations. This is where we need to go within, to the heart, to listen to the wisdom of our calm and peaceful self within. The divine masculine or divine feminine within. There is the peace and the serenity, when we are alone with our higher self.
This is where the divine feminine and divine masculine comes into play. They are singular. They are one divinity, not two. Look at the difference between feminine and masculine and DIVINE feminine and DIVINE masculine. Anakosha has changed its logo from “integrating sex and spirituality” to “introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine”
The union of feminine and masculine brings us back to singular again. We are One divine being, not two. Source is both feminine and masculine containing both light and love as one being. We also are One divine being as offshoots or children of the One Source. But as humans we divide into two separate beings - into a man or a woman, and we as two separate genders we have adventures. We learn about love through our adventures. We learn that love conquers all division. There are many who haven't learned that yet, so the human game continues to go on so they can experience more and learn from their stressful situations. It is all about learning how to love. The learning part is the "light". Light is information. Dark is misinformation or disinformation. Light is open and sharing information.
The lesson is love. We are to learn methodologies in how to love ourselves first, which is no easy task considering how much we have been put down and degraded in our world of darkness. But when we learn how to love ourselves then love spills out to others around us. Love is a radiation. It cannot be held back. We try hard to hold it back, but when we discover the inner secret of opening our hearts and letting love spill out, it is difficult to hold it back.
As human beings we experience love best of all through sexual intercourse. During sex play we enjoy some loving union with our partner. But sex comes with some hard and difficult lessons. Sex is not always good and is not always right. It comes with psychological differences, and sometimes physical awkwardness. But when DIVINE feminine and DIVINE masculine is considered, then there is unity and harmony. Bringing the sacred into the sexual encounter brings about the ability to love unconditionally, without pressure to perform. This is the secret behind Tantra and Taoism that most people miss because the pictures are priceless and exciting. All is not perfect in the bedrooms of the world. Most people have awkward and challenging moments regarding sex. Sex is not easy. There is pressure from one or the other, tipping and tilting the scales to influence and affect the ability to perform easily, naturally, lovingly, and spontaneously, which would lead to a most beautiful and sacred encounter that Tantra keeps talking about.
It is natural to think that the word “feminine” refers to women, and the word “masculine” to men. And by tacking on the word “divine” in front of it, that just means the same thing, doesn't it? With a sacred slant to it? It is natural to assume this but that is not the case at all. You're about to hear a different spin on this.
I was not ready to write this article before today but I’ve come into some new awarenesses. My new awareness involves men and how they are hurting emotionally. There are men who are experiencing loss. There is a lot of confusion in men today. And some women are also experiencing this if they are more masculine than feminine. But most women are gaining in self-empowerment and confidence, those who are feminine. Women have an emotional side that men don't enjoy very much. Women have looked at men as the enemy, sometimes. As the needy, leery chaser of women, the one to watch out for, the one to deflect and the one to crack jokes about to girlfriends. But the divine feminine is reaching these women. They are changing. The whole world is changing. It is tipping. We are going through a massive shift in consciousness. The shift is changing the energies of the planet from too much masculine energy - where the mind is in control nearly 100% of the time - to the rise of femininity, which is heart wisdom, feeling and emotional appreciation. The rise of feminine power does not mean a fist raised in defiance. It is the power to express love, feelings and emotions of all kind, including pain, instead of burying them or denying them. The rise of feminine power is the right to love when love is called for, and the right to feel free to love, despite former man-made laws and contracts.
The rise of feminine power is breaking out all over. It is bursting the bonds of former structures, both physical and emotional. It is causing great confusion. The right to be tender and kind has been denied the human race through authoritarian rules, mostly church-oriented, and through trickle-down laws to schools, education, family, police, enforcement, prisons, etc. All is mental control which is known as masculine control. Feminine grace, love, light, beauty, honor, justice, compassion, forgiveness -- all has been ridiculed by male control which has turned us dark. With the rise of feminine power many structures will fold. Both men and women are feeling this change and don't quite know what to do with it or how to act. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it acceptable? Will I hurt myself? My family?
This is the reason for going back to the heart. The divine feminine and divine masculine brings one into heart-centered wisdom and freedom. In meditation, for those who practice meditation, they enter into the stillness of their divine self. It is very real. It is sacred. It is serene. It is transcendent. Everybody should practice meditation. Take a class. Learn. The empowering of the feminine is the ability to go into the heart and drink from that sacred fount of life. We each have a divine self that has been forgotten in the trauma and excitement of physical thrills. But we don't have to give up physicality and thrills. It is enough to know where to go for comfort and peace - and to learn the right choice.
This is what is happening within men in this current age. Women are not so confused for they have the feminine freedom rising. They are expressing it more. Heretofore we have all been submissive, both men and women, to the authorities in our life. No more. We are bursting the chains that have held us down and dis-empowered us mentally and emotionally. The feminine is rising in all of us and this means the DIVINE feminine, not the little feminine. This is bigger than the small ego. This shift is happening on a global scale. The little ego cannot understand it so the only way to go is trust the shift. Go with the flow of love. See the love blossoming all around. Trust it. This is why we are seeing peaceful protests. The people do not want to fight, but they are standing up in dignity and for love. Not bending to the whip any more. This is divine feminine rising.
Men are feeling it but it is confusing to them. They feel lost because the way they are accustomed to handling things don’t work any more. It is no longer a mental world but a heart world. A feeling world. A loving world. There may be news of horrible bombs being exploded and ISIS this and terrorist that, but stop listening to the news and you'll see love blossoming outdoors in the fields. The power structures are tumbling from inside, not with fanfare and fireworks and news announcements, but they are crumbling from within. The news media is the last power structure to fall. Don't pay any attention to what they are doing - promoting fear and acting out the last of the terror on the planet. Soon that too will be gone. We aren't there yet, but we are ALL moving in the direction of peace on the planet and love is coming out to be seen. The heart is taking the place of power by mind. Then sacred mind and sacred heart will work together. ARE working together right now.
It has always been mind control - mental, logic, practical, assertive, scientific - which has guided the masculine-oriented person up to now. Mostly men were raised inside that arena of mental control under a disciplined father figure. Abuse was common. That has been the matrix of the human culture we have been living in. Mental authority without feeling attached to it is cold and abusive. Now that this is changing, we are seeing eruptions of confusion. There’s nothing a person can do about it because it's bigger than us. We human beings are low man on the totem pole in understanding. The significance of this is gigantic, galactic - no, universal.
Men have been accustomed to being the final word in his family and circle of influence, but the children today are smarter, wiser and more heart-centered. The only way to go is to respond with heart-centered behavior. There are no controlling figureheads. Or there will not be when the shift is complete. No one person is in control. Every person is a sovereign being ruled by a self that flows from a higher source. We need to learn how to deal with our higher self. It is wiser than we are. The old small and petty system is dying. The new greater system is forgiving, fair, just and loving. Give it time. It is coming in now.
It is now becoming apparent to women that their ability to love is somehow more present and usable. They feel their power. It is kind of strange. Women are becoming conscious of it and trying it out. They are daring to stand up for what they feel. It's not a belief. It's a bodily sensation of being present in the "now". It's hard to deny and overlook. They are feeling this just a little bit. Perhaps timidly at first but it is growing on them. It is confusing to men. Why is she doing this? She has never done this before. It is because she is becoming aware of her power. She is starting to realize that she has given a lot of her power away and she is now experiencing what it feels like to be more present. It is strange to her too but she likes it. So as women are growing in power, at least their OWN lives, men are experiencing loss of purpose, loneliness, confusion, perhaps fear. What is happening?
Well, there is good news. Actually it is wonderful news! Because when women start feeling their feelings more fully and expressing their truth instead of buckling under to authority figures, they will become the leaders of a whole new way of life. Let the women lead from a sacred space of their feelings and heart. They know truth better in their heart, than men do in their minds. The heart is closest to the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Women will support their men better through love than through surrendering to the male needs which are usually less than heart-centered. We women have not done our men service by patronizing them. This of course is also true of women who are controlling authorities in their family to the point that their men buckle under to their rule of ego. When the true and sacred feminine rises in power, it means we each stand on our own convictions and beliefs peacefully, without force and without arguments. We are flexible, forgiving compassionate but most of all wise beyond our years. To reach divine justice, freedom, love and joy is the reason for the peace marches and non-violent protests. The people do not want to fight for dignity. They are standing for sovereign truth without fighting. Simply standing and loving. That is feminine power showing its face.
This is terribly confusing to those who are used to being in control. Men and women alike. They are the ones who are losing something and don’t know what is happening. Help them by loving them through this upsetting phase of their lives, those of you who are aware what love and nurturing is. It’s not about surrendering. It’s about standing firm in your own conviction and not being swayed by someone else’s opinion. It is about listening to your own heart. Even if you are the only person in the world who can hear your heart talking, listen to it. It is sacred and it is true. But we have to go within to hear it. We can’t find validation for our truth on the internet. Usually. Maybe a little here or there. But don't count on it. No one will validate you exactly as your heart can validate you. You don’t need the internt or social media or your friend to agree with you. Your friend has his or her own heart that is speaking to her or him.
For those who are feeling lonely, lost and bewildered due to the earth changes underway and massive waves of love sweeping the planet, the question is "What do I do now? Where do I go from here?" Join with the love and freedom and peace that is being made available to you inside of yourself. Feminine power is rising in the form of emotions and feelings within. They are taking precedence over mental self-discipline and self-control. This is where the little masculine and little feminine need to turn to the heart to find the divine and sacred. The little masculine and little feminine don’t have the power to hold it back. They will only get lost by trying to understand. The personality is the ego of the outer world; the sacred is the Ego of the inner world. The outer personality that thought it was in control and acted as if it were in control, is diminishing. It's only way to find peace is to go with the flow.
The powerful male lording it over the submissive female has been a game of cat and mouse, but the game is coming to an end. Now the higher self is coming to take charge. The divine and sacred self. It is the time to understand and to learn how it all works. And how to turn the reigns over to their own inner divine self. The DIVINE masculine and the DIVINE feminine. I am going to go into how this all works in the next blog/article. But for now, the point is being made that only the divine within is in control and it comes through an open heart - a heart that can surrender to the larger will. Only the heart has the power to assuage the feelings of confusion, hurt, pain, damage, disintegration, and bring healing.
It is through the open heart, the loving heart, that the power of serenity and peace can be felt. It’s not logical. It’s not practical. It’s not scientific. And it can’t be done mentally through the brain, as we think of mind. Both men and women are advised to open their hearts to the divine and sacred. It is done by going silent within and focusing on the heart. I found a picture to post here to help picture the heart, what it looks like with light shining through. In my meditations I try to imagine the sun shining in my heart. The same sun that shines in the sky at noontime. The sun shines so bright you can’t look at it with your naked eye, but I try to visualize that same brightness in my heart coming to me from a greater source than my own personality, and I trust it.
6/16/16 - The divine feminine and divine masculine is a concept that is new to most of us. We have grown up believing that men and women are separate genders, separate bodies, showing either masculine or feminine tendencies, and we accentuate this division in everything we do. But - and here comes the divine part of it - in actuality we are both masculine and feminine. Bi-sexuals, gays, lesbians, transgenders are exhibiting some of this. And there are hermaphrodites, though rare, who are physically both genders.
Within our normal everyday we carry the potential of being aggressive or passive, depending on situations. We have flowing within us etheric circuitry for 50% male and 50% female energies we call the life force. The life force is Oneness with a capital O (out of which comes the orgasm). Prior to being born we were one force. When we are in spirit we do not have a gender. We have leanings but we don’t have a body to express through, so we are one in spirit. It is only in a body that we divide into male and female. We must have duality - male and female - in order to live in a world of matter and flesh and blood. It is how we create the wonderful objects we do, literature, music, buildings and more. We would not be able to build things if we were in Oneness all the time. We need the push and pull and therefore we need male and female bodies to push and pull against.
It takes two life forces - male and female - to manifest anything. It gives us great joy to do this. We are inspired by the experimentation and explorations between male and female. We enjoy making love. And we enjoy engaging in arguments to test our strength and our personal beliefs. We love the opportunity to defend ourselves, and to test how much control we have over someone else. We grow through this interplay between men and women. And between men and men. And woman to woman. Behind it all is the division of Oneness into two opposing views, which creates life on earth. It is also what creates horrible abuses, terrible suffering, horrendous pain and ongoing chronic disease.
By making the heart the new base line, we will be taking a step upward in consciousness. When we discover how to make bliss, which we will eventually, we will discover that these awkward and sometimes bad feelings between human beings can be dissolved. When the male and female life forces within us are merged in the heart, they become balanced and bliss is the result. Human understanding has no clue how to do this. It requires lifting the base line, from the dividing point where sex and genitals divide, upward to the heart where they merge again. When we are focusing through the heart, we are One and we feel blissful.
The divine feminine and divine masculine is a concept that is unfolding today because the planet is going through major cosmic realignments. The world is waking up around us and within us. It is not understood very well, but in days to come we are being led back to understanding that we are all connected. We have love, light and bliss within our bodies, minds and feelings. And when we learn how to stay in bliss just within our own bodies and minds, we immediately connect better with others. We become more in tune with the bliss sensation as we raise our consciousness closer to the heart, for that is the source of love in our bodies. As we refine our bodies and minds consciously - it is a conscious act which requires thought - we begin to glimpse the beauty that lies within us.
We were actually vast beautiful beings of love and light before we were born into this body. We forget it when we arrive here because we are born divided into male and female. We are "colored" male or female and raised as such. Plus we carry memories from former lives, memories that impact us with tendencies toward anger, alochol abuse, hatred of men or women, depression, the urge to kill, war, violence. Our planet - in comparison to other planets - has a very dark history.
But we also carry love and light within us. The human body has a template of perfection. A blueprint upon which we try to build our lives. This template flows throughout the body, ever second of the day. But we “color” it either male or female. Either passive or aggressive. We can reunite these male and female tendencies through conscious application. Meditation, yoga and many other forms of self-discipline helps us to balance our imbalances that cause stress. Sex is another way, but it‘s not a conscious self-discipline too and we fall back into our old ways. We don‘t learn very much from sex. We become enmeshed and entangled instead.
It is inner work, done alone, by oneself that improves the self. The feminine and masculine energies that are divided and unbalanced within us, have created terrible attitudes within us. We lean this way or that way. We dislike this and that. We want but can’t get “this” or “that”. The strain from wishing and not getting, for finding fault and judging others causes great confusion within our otherwise perfect bodies. Tantra, which I am studying, involves sexuality but there is a hidden meaning behind the various sex postures we see in books. The hidden meaning is overlooked by virtually everyone. It has to do with the heart - the nexus for spiritual evolution while in the body. Tantra doesn’t take us out into space. Tantra is grounded in the heart, the physical heart, which is the center point between the groin and the top of the head. Tantra teaches us about love.
When we focus attention on the heart, we bring the masculine and feminine energies (in us) together into a merge and we enjoy a beautiful sense of connection with ourselves. This oneness is what we enjoy when we are OUT of body, between lives. Oneness is being back in touch with the Creator. The Creator is embedded in the cells of the heart. This light is spiritual, not physical. Understanding the significance of the heart has not yet reached most of us. The heart can think. There are scientific studies going on (HeartMath) that validate this. There are more nerve endings in the heart than in the brain they say. The light in the heart can best be understood as a piece of immortality. We were each born with a piece of the Great Light - immortality - embedded in the heart. We were sent downward into density to take up residence in a human body, and promptly forgot where we came from.
This wonderful piece of immortality which is US - you and me - resides in this body and is conscious. And not only do we, as this wonderful piece of immortality, keep the body together, the heart beating, the blood circulating and all the organs and glands operating harmoniously, but we become lost in human affairs and have many adventures. So in actuality, we are both vast cosmic beings and very small and petty human beings. We are both the macrocosm and the microcosm at the same instant. And the most important organ to remember to go to, to remember, is the heart. In the heart we can connect with both our small petty human self AND our vast cosmic angelic self, and they merge and become one. We, in all our glory, are anchored in the heart.
All religious and spiritual texts refer to the heart. i.e., the sacred heart of Jesus and the sacred heart of Mary. When the heart beats out its rhythmic pulse, it sends divine information out into all parts of the body through the circulation system which triggers other responses, which is where the human being creates its own problems. If angry thoughts are held in the consciousness, then anger flows out to all parts of the body. If loving thoughts are held in the consciousness, then loving thoughts flow to the body. Whatever we hold in our thoughts flows everywhere in the body, to the glands, organs, muscles, cells, triggering chemicals and holding chemicals back. The body responds to thought. What we think, shows up in the body. Our feelings tell us. Do we want to feel good? Then we must learn to appreciate the heart a little bit better, and nourish the heart with some daily affirming statements. We will learn to use the heart as a microphone. Microphones enhance sound. Speak into the heart like a microphone and your immediate environment will pick it up and resonate with it.
We are built to evolve. We are built to refine ourselves. But it is a mental act. It doesn’t happen automatically. By failing to put conscious thought into the ethers, we fall into doing things mechanically, by rote, by automatic drive. We do not evolve that way. We become a part of the mass consciousness that moves through life in a flock or a herd. To find our way back to our own uniqueness and perfection, we need to think our way back. We need to direct thought to where we want to go, or where we want to rest. We each manifest our thoughts in a unique way. We are rather artistic. Sometimes they are rather fuzzy, with no sharp outlines. And sometimes they are exquisitely beautiful. It’s part of the training. We must take the time to direct our thoughts. Some think too much, others think too little. Find the balance by going into the heart. This will align us better to our inner template of perfection.
Giving recognition to the light in the heart is devotional and produces peace. It impacts those around you. It takes time, however. It takes fifteen minutes, 20, 60 minutes a day. It is a choice. There is no one-plan-fits all. But the nitty gritty of the reason for putting attention into the heart is because it maintains the balance between the masculine and feminine energies. When we leave the heart and return to our normal way of life, we pick up where we left off. There is no judgment, no blame. It is quite normal. This lengthy article on the heart is to shine a spotlight on how important it is. Know where to go to find bliss, happineness, peace and love. Life is a schoolroom. We’ve learned a lot about negatives. Now it is time to learn where to go to find love and peace.
I have been studying Tantra. On the surface Tantra appears to be mostly sexual, but sex is easy. There are more subtle informations between the lines of those ancient texts. It has to do with the interaction between male and female energies. It’s not just about interaction between bodies, but interaction between minds, and feelings, and choices and repressions and subconscious unresolved issues that have gathered into bundles of great backed-up heavinesses - emotional anguish caused by confusions and sufferings. Some people feel truly and utterly lost. It is not easy to release all of this through sex. Some of can be, yes. And Tantra teaches these ways, but they are mostly missed by Western sophistication and aculturation.
There is a naturalness to the human body. It is simple and not complex. It is pure and innocent. The cells that go to make up the muscles, organs and other tissues of the body are like innocent babies. They rely on instruction from the one who lives in it. Tantra teaches how to care for the body, mind and feelings. It teaches that the feminine energy is more important than the masculine energy because the feminine body is internally-focused. She feels what is happening inside and outside. She cares. She nurtures. She unifies. She brings peace. She harmonizes the fragments and picks up the pieces. She nurtures the environment while the man rattles around on the outside, building things without regard to harmony, or who he damages in his need to finish the race.
The woman is the embodiment of love. You can't force love, say Tantric texts, you can only cultivate it up through devotional endearments and loving acts. Tantra has rituals. There are pictures we might be deemed pornographic, but the texts contain the teachings. It all comes back to the heart. The spark of light within the heart is you. Your own consciousness. It is not in the brain and the mind does not know that you are hidden in the heart. The real you is totally obscured from view. But your heart maintains the balance between your aggressiveness and your passivity. Or better said, your active side and your resting side. The forces within you are cosmic, no different than the tide which goes in and out rhythmically, but we have become out of balance. The tide is either constantly washing in and never going out, or itis constantly receding and never returning. (to be continued tomorrow)
6/15/16 - The other day I introduced the heart as the new base line. I also have changed the Anakosha motto above from "integrating sexuality and spirituality" to "introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine". The feminine and masculine energies within your own body come into balance when you focus on your heart. They do not come into balance when we focus on the physical genitals.
When we focus attention on the heart, we connect with our God-self. The God-self is a quality. It is piece of what I call the great light that was sent downward into density (the body) to keep the heart beating and the blood circulating and all the organs and glands operating harmoniously. We fall out of harmony by not recognizing the perfection that is anchored in our own heart. The heart, or rather the spark of light within the heart, maintains balance between our male and female energies. These energies normally fall out of balance, depending on who we are as a personality and how we were raised. We are either aggressive or submissive in our nature. But when we focus on the heart during lovemaking we become balanced again. We must learn how to do this. It won't happen over night. But the reason for talking about it is to focus a light on the heart - and why.
When we focus on the heart while making love, we see our partner through the lens of love instead of as somebody outside and different, who is either doing something to us, or asking us to do something to them. And having to adjust to their demands or their lack of expertise. There are many awkward moments lovers experience in the throes of lovemaking. But when we focus on the heart, miracles happen. We experience the innate love within ourselves first, which radiates slowly outward to all parts of our body, warming it, activating it, connecting us. It is something like when the dawn begins and light spreads subtly at first, barely noticeable, warming the cold night sky. But it is activating life on earth as it steadily climbs higher in the sky and suddenly it is everywhere.
Making the heart the new base line, allows this radiation of love and life-giving warmth to spread equally, harmoniously, all around. And it manifests in physical sensations. We can take our bodies with us into the lightening and ascension process when we focus on the heart. Before, it was focusing on the physical, the form, the genitals, the time, the rushing through, the disharmony between lovers. But when we begin to draw attention to the heart, there is a quality that spreads like a sunrise through everything, unifying it all together into a oneness. That sunrise is love. We don’t have to give up the physical sex. We can take it all with us. But when we begin to focus on the qualities of the heart, everything expands and becomes wider, freer, more joyful, more blissful. It is time to start practicing with the heart visualizations.
6/12/16 - Today a change has been made in the Anakosha motto, above under the picture, which signifies an evolutionary change in direction. For a long time Anakosha's motto was "Integrating sexuality and spirituality - breaking the mechanical sex habit with love." The focus was on sex. As we learn and grow and expand our understanding of what love is, we invite you to join us in exploring the new base line - the heart. It is difficult to summarize in a few written words the tumultuous journey that has brought us to this realization. I will be posting more about this shortly, as soon as the whirling slows down and becomes stable. The heart is the new baseline, taking the place of the yoni and lingam (the genitals) which has been the be-all and end-all in our culture. The divine feminine and divine masculine are standing on the threshold, entwined in oneness like the beautiful symbol of the yin and yang. So get ready for the next phase of the journey - the sacred journey - which lies ahead!
5/17/16 - As I continue to research Tantra, I open more and more to the secrets of ancient truths that have been long forgotten. I have been shown a web of light that runs through us from head to toe. And right alongside it runs a web of dark, our shadow self.. It is called the human matrix. Both webs reside on the etheric plane, and both webs feed our bodies with thought and feeling. Only the web of light, however, feeds us with life. The dark feeds us with negative thoughts and feelings. The dark web mimics the light and copies it, but it doesn’t have the capacity for eternal life. It can’t create life. It can only take the life from the original web of light and use it and color it - embed it - with thoughts and feelings of its own design. The not-light is the web of the human matrix that has messed us all up.
The consciousness of good, justice and right action comes from the web of light, for it comes from that which gives birth to all things, including the dark web. The dark web is the creation of mankind’s selfish ways - ways that are the opposite of the good of the whole. The dark web is filled with error and mistakes, with negative beliefs, of power and control over others, and all the thoughts and subsequent feelings resulting from misinformation and manipulation. The dark web tries to take over. It mimics the web of light and feels it can do better. But it is always lesser than the light itself, and it cannot interact with the web of light so it runs alongside it and goes wherever the light goes, trying to usurp it and do it “one better”. One-upsmanship, the saying goes. Competition. The dark web is what prevents us from living a happy, free, abundant, fulfilling life. We are constantly at war within ourselves over which road to take. Which decision to make. What action would serve me best? Selfish interests usually always win out over the good of the whole, which is the web of light. The light works on the basis of what strengthens and supports the unity of the whole. What is good for the whole is good for the self, and better than putting the self first. Tantric and Taoist sacred texts call it “bringing harmony between yin and yang”. There is harmony between heaven and earth.
Modern scientists can’t see into the etheric realm, so they cannot support these concepts. Their equipment is built upon the belief in physical matter only. There is nothing else. What one believes is the reality for that particular person. If the scientist does not believe in the etheric plane, he or she wouldn’t spend time trying to find validating evidence for its existence. The etheric plane is the plane where ghosts are seen or felt. Ghosts are the etheric bodies of people who have died. They are held here by their strong attachment to the physical world and emotional bonds of attachment through the dark web. Some instruments have detected etheric fields, such as Kirlian photography which has photographed the aura around individuals. Clairvoyants, mystics, shamans and visionaries have always seen beyond physical matter to the etheric plane and beyond.
The word “web” in Sanskrit is “tantra”. So Tantra is the science of the web of light. Sacred sex teachings and mystical love rituals include mantras, meditation, and rituals of graceful and beautiful movements. These are based on the science of the web of light, the tantra of light, which is the light body that overlights us in everything we do while we are alive. We call it the etheric body. It lives on after death as a ghost until it releases itself from the earth and ascends to its natural home higher up. The etheric body is the generator of life for us while we live in a physical body.
Tantric and Taoist sacred texts show sexual postures, but there is more. Along with explicit sexual positions valuable teachings are quality are given. Symbols, intonations and mental thoughts and visualizations are taught to focus on while making love. It is what one does consciously with the mind that makes the difference between success and failure. Or which source of influence one draws from - the web of light or the web of dark.
Tantra teaches a positive path of integrating the yin and yang within ones own self, which is the first and primary goal of tantra. What one’s partner does is secondary. One does not have control over one’s partner. But if a man cultivates his own feminine energy, his female partner will also benefit from that for she will feel it. And if a woman cultivates her own masculine energy while making love, her male partner will benefit. If each of them is merging with their own yin and yang within, through thought, focus, toning and visualization, harmony is felt by both partners, as heaven and earth are united within self and with their love-partner.
Each posture has a specific purpose for opening etheric channels into the physical, allowing more love and light to flow, which is felt as bliss. We call it love. The making of love, or bliss, is not an accident that just happens by a miracle. Here in the west we are drawn together through chemistry, and we call it falling in love. It is quite natural. Through natural chemistry we form relationships and move in together. And then a little while later we fall out of chemistry as the hormonal juices have been spent. We say the honey moon is over. It is all done without our effort. It was all natural. We then find ourselves in a relationship without any sexual affinity and drift apart. What happened to the love? To the bliss? To the sex?
In the Tantric and Taoist tradition, the art and know-how of making of love is a conscious act that is practiced from the time of puberty. Girls and boys are taught the ways of love before they become adults. We, on the other hand, are taught to avoid sex because it is sinful and shamful. We are fed from the dark web, where sacred sex traditions are fed from the light. They are fortunate indeed who are born into a family who pass on the tradition of preparing their children in the benefits of lovemaking, for it produces a long and harmonious life that leads to spiritual enlightenment.
Because the man becomes passionate first, before the woman, and the woman starts out slow and cool, he is taught how to slow down down in order to rouse the woman fully and satisfy her. While much of the sacred texts revolve around teaching men how to satisfy the woman, the secondary teaching is how holding back his emission pumps up his vitality, health and vigor. The benefits of practicing Tantric lovemaking are for both partners.
We in the west see Tantra as a sexual technique, but it is a sexual teaching which requires practice. There are many subtle facets. They are not pages to skip over to get to the bottom line, for the bottom line is not simply a posture but the embodiment of passion built by two people step by step, using moans, tones, sounds, visualizations and other subtleties.
When the light body (which is spirit) flows correctly along certain channels in the physical body, it nourishes the physical body with the bliss we know as love. Meanwhile, the earth forces of the yin and yang, which are part and parcel of the kundalini - the potent sex force of the body at the base of the spine - must be connected to by spirit to be a successful lovemaking act. A man starts out at the base of the spine and is already hot with passion, while the woman starts out at the top and is cool. Both partners start out at opposite ends of the heat spectrum. In order to make this love-act successful the man must and coax her to descend down to meet him. Her rate of arousal tells him how he is doing. If a man rushes to his own selfish completion, he leaves the woman unfulfilled and irritated.
According to Tantric and Taoist teachings, a man must watch the woman’s arousal process and go as slow as is necessary to bring her gradually down to be fully engaged with her sexual juices, her kundalini. The sacred sex manuals refer to this as the art of lovemaking.
5/12/16 - Information continues to come to me from higher consciousness about tantra, both in the silence and through reading. It is amazing to me that in my journals of 30 years ago I wrote similar insights from personal experience to what I am studying today. For example, I wrote in Decmeber 1986 the following:
"In meditation today, I saw the rod that is “like unto a man, or a woman“. The power is given to the human into the pelvic region, the center, a glow, a tiny glow at the base of the rod, glowing brighter and brighter and brighter. And then another glow above in the head, and above the head, the spiritual nature of man and woman, the higher divine self, the monad. There has been a separation, this light of man. A piece has been sent downward into the dimensions of physical matter and encased and enclosed in, round about with matter and the higher self is trying quite desperately to reach the lower light - the mother light hidden within the soil of matter. Oh, how clearly I saw this! I have seen it over and over and over, each time with a new beauty and a new spaciousness. It is here now, this light, glowing here in the pelvis and it is up to each man, each woman, to fill in the vacuum and empty spaces in between the lower light and the higher. There is naturally confusion because we are fluctuating between the lower physical consciousness and the higher spiritual consciousness where we know all things and then we lose it and fall downward into the heavy dense condition again. Only to rise once more in moments of ecstasy and inspiration and in those heights we wonder why we were confused. The wild fluctuations are the polarities shifting, first below, then above, then below again. As I saw it, we look like a tube of light, a neon tube, hollow and empty in the middle, with the glows only on either end, first one end, then the other, always glowing on the ends but never in the middle?! It is in the middle that we must fill in. The middle is our daily life and actions, here and now. We have to blend the higher and the lower and make it all livable and available to us every day as we walk and talk with our neighbors and do our tasks." (End journal)
We had a most wonderful party last Saturday. There were 16 couples that gathered for the purpose of sexual love play. It was so beautiful, loving, smooth, very, very smooth, happy and social. Having dinner together and then joining in bedroom activities, people were revealing their innermost feelings and connecting with others with their innermost feelings. It was quite amazing. The sensation of love became physical, as people made love and later hugged in the kitchen and felt the bond that united them as One. In my studies of tantra, I am discovering that the truth of tantra - why it has continued to stay alive and real for all these centuries - is because it is the story of man's spiritual ascension to the stars, in triumph over his matter body. When the inner self connects with its other half, the male or the female, depending on which is dominant, they merge in oneness and ascend in the throes of orgasm and "touch the face of God". Even in the throes of passion with a lover seemingly in common sex, it is actually a private and sacred action going on within, in the deepest most eternal parts of the person where ecstasy and oneness can be felt. We learn, grow and master ourselves through our sexual play with others.
5/1/16 - Happy May Day! The idea of making love instead of having sex inspires me again this morning. We human beings are not the physical body we THINK we are. We are the consciousness that fills the space between the whirling atoms, electrons and molecules that make up our physical bodies. The atoms and molecules are brought together by us. WE are the creator of those atoms and molecules. WE bring them together from a higher level than we realize, and we hold them in place by our thoughts. The difference in how we feel depends on our consciousness, and the thoughts we think and hold onto.
As the non-physical CONSCIOUS awareness that fills the spaces between the whirling atoms, electrons and molecules that compose our body, we make all the difference in the world. We feel good and inspired, or we feel bad and rotten. It's hard to identify with this concept while we are busy living our life, but this is where the problem lies. It's a rat race because we don't realize that we have the power. We have all the power in the world to change the course of our destiny. But because we have been so busy living our material life, not focusing on the spiritual or inner life, we have not been able to draw on the powerful radiance of good that lives within our thoughts. Those who HAVE realized the truth of it are living happy and abundant lives. Not rich with money but rich with everything they need and want because they draw it forth with their thoughts.
By not understanding this we have not realized yet that we can BOG DOWN those same atoms and molecules by thinking low thoughts, when we could actually lighten ourselves up so we are inspired, healthy, peaceful, calm and free in our daily life, personally.
Low thoughts are thoughts of poverty, lack, hardship, anger, frustration, worry. Low thoughts fill the space between the atoms and molecules with negative awareness. We are intelligence, not physical matter. We only inhabit physical matter. When we intellectually hold onto low thoughts, it slows down the atoms and molecules. They become closed in. When they slow down they tend to stick together, like people crowded into a bus station. Imagine leaving a packed bus station and going out into a park with green grass, trees, sunshine and open air, and feeling the sudden release of stuffiness. It's freedom. You are instantly lighter, refreshed and inspired. The atoms and molecules spinning in our bodies are relieved. They pick up speed. The lungs breathe freer. The heart beats more calmly. Everything feels good again.
Crowded bus stations magnify the problem but it's not just thoughts of others that bother us and bog us down - it is our OWN thoughts that bog us down. We feel the effects of the stagnation and suffocation of our the atoms and molecules slowing down in our bodies, minds and feelings. We become depressed by holding onto negative thoughts. This induces negative feelings. I heard an NPR news interview yesterday of an author who wrote a book about chronic depression in his family history. Depression is passed on through genetics, but genetics can be changed by consciously willing it to change. Conscious thought is the waking-up process of the spiritual path, and taking the initiative to change the way we think. We are not a prisoner of our genes. We were given a body, but we are NOT our body. We are the consciousness that flows through our body the way electricity flows through a light bulb. We CAN change our thoughts, and our bodies, minds and feelings will change too, despite what science and the powers that be tell us. That is the spiritual path - becoming aware that we are spirit and not the body. Not the religious path but the spiritual path.
I am trying to point out the value of thinking positive thoughts as they relate to making love because making love and feeling love influences every part of life. Thinking inspiring thoughts, uplifting thoughts, thoughts of joy, of happiness, of gratitude, of appreciation, of love. Love contains all of the positive values we call noble. You can choose to hold onto any positive value you want, and love will be there too. That is the way to make love, rather than sex. Thinking loving thoughts opens up the atoms and molecules that are spinning in your physical body and spins them faster. It opens up the atoms and molecules that are spinning in your etheric body, too, your soul that carries eons of unresolved issues that need resolving. Positive thoughts of forgiveness, compassion, mercy, appreciation, all of these help spin off by centrifugal force, the ancient negatives that carry forward from life to life, unresolved.
You don't need to go over them with a fine-tooth comb to analyze them. You need only to spin them off and away by positive thinking. Feel lighter, brighter and more carefree. Have you ever noticed that all your problems disappear when you are having fun? It is only after the fun is over and you start to pick up the old thoughts again, that you come down off your high. It is instantaneous - thinking positive thoughts. We are each responsible for the quality of thoughts that we hold onto and spread out into the atmosphere so our neighbors feel them and take them home with them and bog their families down with your thoughts, too. Wouldn't it be better to spread around goodness and love and forgiveness and happiness? Because I am focusing on integrating sexuality and spiritualy, my focus is on connecting lovemaking in with the sex. This is how we make love rather than "have sex".
I maintain a website called Other planets in our solar system and galaxy are members of the Galactic Federation of Light who are now in our atmosphere in ships that are cloaked. We don't see them but they're there. You might be interested in checking this site out. I have been following this longer than I have been a swinger. Earth has been a hostile planet for a long time, but the hostility is coming to an end. The era is changing. It is LOVE that is being beamed to Earth now by higher, more advanced civilizations - the Galactic Federation of Light. On those planets the people are born in love and raised by loving parents in a culture of love. They do not have police, nor prisons, nor hospitals because everyone is happy. There are no diseases, no criminals and no lack. They are happy, free and abundantly supplied with all that they need.
We on Earth are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are a hostile planet. Whistleblowers are coming out on the internet. We are becoming aware there is an enlightenment going on. A purge of badness. When wrongs are purged from individuals, love will have a greater chance to be felt in all our systems. But we each, individually, have a responsibility to hold good thoughts, thoughts of love and forgiveness, to help raise the consciousness of the planet. As long as we keep holding onto " He's bad, the policy is bad, the country is in ruins," that kind of thinking, it only keeps the negatives in place. Change it. Be the change. Turn it over to love, peace and good will. We can do this in our lovemaking at home, in our bedroom, and enjoy the immediate benefits in our lives and relationships. And remember the children too. Make love by hugging them and telling them encouraging, supportive, uplifting statements every day. See them beam and smile and become the beautiful child blossoming under that frown.
4/29/16 - We have a swing party coming up next Saturday. It will be sexual. But today I want to explain why love is so important when it comes to sex. Why it is so important to MAKE LOVE instead of "have sex". Having sex is like serving a piece of meat or a dish on a platter. Here, would you like one? It is something outside of yourself, an object to look at, examine and make a choice over. "Um. Perhaps." It is something being offered to you. Do you want it, or not? Take it or leave it. It is concrete. A physical thing. Not really too much feeling involved, it's a mental decision that must be made. Unless of course you are horny. Then it's a different story. Then of course you want it. Or if you are newly in love and you can't wait to be in the presence of your beloved. Yes, that is love. But most sex is simply physical. Love is not.
I don't think there is any difference at all between women and men. Everybody wants love. It's just in how we approach it that is different. We are programmed differently. Most people approach is like a meal. You're not really hungry, but it's important to the other person so you accompany them in the meal. It's part of human life like sleeping, eating and drinking. It's essential to survival. But love is not essential to survival. Love is something more advanced than survivial level. Love is something that we evolve into as we mature spiritually, meaning we become aware of more than the physical aspects of sex. Women especially wish for the more. But men want it too. I know that. As we mature spiritually then love becomes more important and begins to weave in and out of the sexual encounter. Love changes sex.
Why is love so important when it comes to sex? I want to talk about it. It's because we are not physical. We think we are, but we breathe down into the physical from a higher plane, from our etheric body. The etheric body is the soul which wraps around us like a cocoon, or a field of glow, but it's not physical. When you die your body slumps over, but you, very much alive, float upward or sideways out of your body. You remain standing upright, surprised. You thought you died but you didn't. You're still alive.
OK. So now you are in your etheric body. You've been here before. You are beginning to remember. You are not your body. You are more. Etheric is another name for soul. Soul lives forever. You live forever because you are a spiritual body that has been enfolding your physical body all through its life, caring for it by wrapping loving arms around it and protecting it from harm, leading it away from danger and toward what is good. You are love first, last and always. You just didn't know it when you were in a physical body. You thought you were only physical.
So OK. Place yourself in your etheric body now and imagine. Just imagine stepping into the bigger you that is on a higher level than your finite physical concrete body. Pretend you feel loving if you don't feel it naturally. Pretend. Now look into your physical body and see if you are loving in your physical. The chances are you are not. From your etheric level - from a more expanded spiritual state looking down at your physical self - you can see that you are pretty narrow in your focus. Focusing on the physical world around you. You are holding back a lot of what you are feeling in your etheric body, which is wider and larger and freer and more loving.
OK. Now that we have established that you have an etheric body that is loving, what would you like to do differently after you return to your body? Be more loving, wouldn't you? In your relationships, wouldn't you want to express more love? Wouldn't it feel more free? More liberated? More spontaneous? More loving? We don't when we are in the physical because we have so much work to do. The number one enemey of love is busy-ness. We are all too busy. The time is short and there's so much to do. That's only because we have focused TOO MUCH on the physical world. We watch the clock. We run over all the jobs we have not done yet. We focus on the material world. We focus down, not up where there is more love.
The challenge is to make the effort to look up. Up is where love is. Love is in the sky where there are no obstacles in the way to focus on. Find the love in the sky, in the clouds, in the stars and moon at night. Find the love in your heart because love is an open portal when it is open. It can be a closed portal. A lot of people close their hearts which is why heart attacks are so prevalent. Close down the love and the heart responds with, "OK, you want to close down? I'll close down." Heart attack.
Bring the love you felt in your etheric body a moment ago, back into your body. Bring love down into your physical mind and hold it there. Slowly, slowly, as you hold the thought of love - think "love" - and hold it in your mind and it will slowly, slowly, descend down into your heart and open your heart. Your mind doesn't want to do that because you are busy thinking of some meeting you have to attend, or some labor you have to do, or the clock and you're running late. Your mind is your biggest enemy, so think "love" and hold onto "love" for dear life and hold it steady there in your mind. Hold it steady for one minute, two minutes, three minutes. Hold that thought and as you do, you bring it down out of the sky and into your physical consciousness.
You ARE the consciousness of your soul. You are not your body. You have never been your body. Never. You have always been the consciousness riding in your body, using your body as a tool and as an instrument. You use your hands, your feet, your mouth, every part of you, but you are not your body. You have never been your body. You are the consciousness riding through your body and either bogging it down with negatives, or raising it up with freedom and inspiration.
You can still perform all the jobs assigned you and you can still perform the roles you agreed to play, while bringing love into your thoughts and holding them there while you work. This is a walking meditation on love. This is how you bring love back into your sex life. Remember, you are love in your etheric body. You are always love in your consciousness, no matter what you are doing in the physical world.
The real you is your consciousness. You can change your consciousness simply by willing it so. Focus on a splinter in your finger and see how you can narrow your focus down to a finite point. Now focus on the sunset and see how you can expand your focus to the whole sky and its beautiful inspiring colors. Now focus on sex. How do you think you can you make your sexual relationship better?
When you focus on love longer than a minute or two you start to FEEL love because love is something you FEEL. It is not an object like a cookie or a glass of wine. It's a quality. Your mind thinks a loving thought but it never reaches the body cells where feeling is felt, unless you hold it still and hold it. Hold that thought. Make it real. Make it sensual. Spirituality is all about QUALITY. In order to make love, we need to focus on the warmth and kindness and caring that love brings to the human vessel. Everyone has a wellspring of love within them. It's what keeps your heart pumping. Love is anchored in the heart specifically, more so than in any other location in the body because the body needs to have the heart pumping to stay alive. Love is planted in the heart for a reason. As soon as the heart fails, the body dies. The wellspring of love is in the heart. The window to love and more vibrant life is in the heart. Focus on the heart and begin to feel around in that area. Think warm. Search your memory for something you remember that gave you a warm, kind, loving feeling. That's the love you want to bring forth. You can bring forth a quality by focusing on the memory of it. Find it and focus on it.
This quality of love - not the lower emotional passionate lust-filled attachment we think of as love but the higher form of love that contains forgiveness and real kindness, caring and heartfelt concern - this is what will raise the quality of a sexual relationship to be more exciting and more inspiring. It will turn your lesser sex into something entirely more wonderful and elevating. Blissful. Radiant. Glorious. It begins with taking the time to appreciate the one you are with. Appreciation expands the love within you and lifts it up above the narrow physical focus. Instead of thinking genitally and the need to give a sexual orgasm to your partner or to yourself think wider and more expansive. Wider, more expansive and allow that to slow you down. Forget the clock. You are blending. Find love in some distant past memory and latch onto that. Use that as a link to love here and now. I guarantee that your lovemaking will be better. Instead of wishing and hoping that love will happen, you will instead be MAKING love happen. Because what you think is what forms your reality.
I am posting something I received from David this morning. It is all about love. Check out David's blog today.
4/28/16 - My partner David is undergoing an unusual spiritual transformation called “kundalini awakening“. Since kundalini awakened in me 40 years ago this month, I have had time to stabilize and ground it, but David has not. He is currently experiencing huge waves of love with a capital L. According to him, Love is everywhere present. “Love is all there is,“ he tells me. And he is having very unusual experiences to validate it. It is impossible to make sense of what is happening when kundalini has awakened in someone. It can be very difficult without a supportive person who understands. You just might want to put him or her (or self) into a rehab center or a mental institution. David cannot write about it easily, but he writes to me. So I asked his permission to post some of his private emails. I just posted one today into David‘s blog.
I would like to discuss kundalini awakening just a little bit more today because it is something that other people have gone through, and will go through in the future. We are hearing more about kundalini in this “new” age, and of course, many people have undertaken kundalini yoga practice. But what IS kundalini anyway? And why does it awaken? Why is it such a big deal?
Kundalini is an Indian word from the ancient Sanskrit language meaning “coiled spring“. This refers to the bioelectric energy or lifeforce of the body that is coiled up tight as a drum at the base of spine. It’s potent and it’s powerful in the unawakened state. So say the books which threaten with dire warnings not to awaken it prematurely. We don't have a word in English to mean exactly the same thing as “kundalini“ and in the west the process of kundalini awakening is largely unknown. But since I have a certain amount of personal experience plus knowledge from masters under direct instruction, I would like to talk about it because it is important as we enter this more enlightened age.
Kundalini awakening takes place on the etheric level, not in the physical body where doctors and scientists can see it or measure it and treat it. And therein lies the problem. We are a materially-oriented people. Most of us do not realize that we even have an etheric body superimposed over our physical body which creates an aura around us. Or that we have an emotional body superimposed over the etheric body. Or that we have a mental body superimposed over the emotional body, or a HIGHER mental body which functions as a spiritual body superimposed over that. And there are more “bodies” or levels of separate consciousness the higher we go. These separate layers of consciousness surround us, you and me.
These invisible levels of consciousness are also physical matter. They are composed of atoms and molecules just as our dense physical body is, but the molecules are spread further apart and are thus more refined and invisible to normal physical eyesight. We think of these other bodies as unseen forces, but they are actually a part of who we are. We use two of those levels all the time - our minds and emotions. The mental body and the emotional body are two separate levels of consciousness. But more on that later. We actually use even higher dimensions of ourselves too, but we have trained ourselves not to pay attention to such things as extrasensory perception, telepathy or clairvoyance.
The etheric body is the closest to our physical body. The etheric body feeds our cells with lifeforce, which comes down from higher planes through a network of etheric tubes called “tantra” in Sanskrit, meaning “web“. When kundalini awakens in the etheric body, this potent package of dynamite releases more life force than we’ve ever experienced before. It washes through us in such powerful quantities, like many tsnunami waves, that it upsets the entire being and we reel with unknowns. It comes in cycles. Our equilibrium goes crazy when it is cycling. It is like the germination of a seed in the ground, only it’s a seed inside a human being. It washes through the entire being, mind, body, emotions, and it feels like an electric burning or buzzing. The force of it depends on many factors, such as the health, youth and vigor of the host body vs. a malnourished depressed host body.. When kundalini is released in small amounts, it feels good, stimulating and energizing. But when it comes on in full force all of a sudden, with no warning beforehand, it is almost too powerful to handle, unless the person has prepared for it or is very healthy and clean of toxins.
The purpose of kundalini awakening in one fell swoop is because the person is ready for it. It wouldn’t happen otherwise. It is simply time for the evolutionary step. The kundalini is a purifying energy. Its purpose is to wipe clean all the toxins residing within, in mind, body and feelings. If the host body is healthy, young and vigorous, the person should have no problem handling it, although there are dramatic mood swings that are challenging. If the person is not spiritually prepared and not ready for an increase in life force, which can happen by accident from a fall, it can produce serious symptoms. With help, guidance and preparation, which all meditation and yoga practices are, the process can be a beautiful uplifting transition. Today, we are better prepared for kundalini awakening than we were 50 years ago, but still, many people do not understand what is happening which can cause mental or emotional problems.
The knowledge even today is hard to come by. Most people don’t know what’s happening and think they’ve gone mad. They may go to doctors who have no clue. Psychotherapy, medication or institutionalizing the person is often the only way out. I feel obligated, due to David’s experiences, to discuss kundalini awakening and give some basic information. Though not nearly enough can be said here, it is time to enlighten oneself and become familiar. Be prepared. David and I can help if asked.
A human being is like a seed. An acorn for example. The acorn contains the potential of a mighty oak tree, but it is only a tiny little thing to begin with. From where does the power come that turns it into a great oak? It is truly a mystery which we take for granted. Likewise, a human being is a relatively small creature to begin with, limited in understanding of his unique destiny and place in the universe. But inside on the etheric level, there is buried unlimited potential that we can‘t possibly know about. How can an acorn know it will become a mighty oak tree?
The kundalini energy is contained inside a protective etheric pouch at the base of the spine called the “kanda“. Kanda means "beloved" in the Thai language. The kanda looks like and feels like the bud of a flower before it has opened. In it is contained a piece of the great unformed sea of consciousness, the creator of all that is. It has been separated by thought from its parent source and sent downward into density to give life to matter and form. From the little pouch life force drips UP the spine to the brain in living radiant color (I’ve seen it) and the body lives and breathes. The heart pumps, the stomach digests what it needs and eliminates the rest. It makes love and creates babies. And it has fun. it grows and creates and learns and matures, all from the life force contained in that little pouch at the base of the spine.
Lifetime after lifetime the person lives and dies and is born again, in the form of the etheric body, known as the soul, which never dies. It is immortal. Only the physical body dies and the etheric body continues on with life force containing the kanda, the unlimited potential for this soul. Eventually, after many lifetimes, after the gathering of much wisdom, knowledge and understanding, finally comes the day when the human journey ends and the spiritual journey begins. The kanda opens and the kundalini awakens. The lifeforce gently wafts its spiritual fragrance through the being, flooding it with ecstasy, love and light. But other things happen too, because it magnifies out of all proportion, the “not-self”, the negative beliefs and wounds, pains and hurts, as it seeks to burn them away. Kundalini is known as a sacred fire. It’s purpose is to wipe clean all that does not fit a spiritual life. Without loving help and pre-knowledge, a person can go crazy, thinking he/she is going nuts, mad or delusional. Mental institutions are crowded with aborted kundalini awakenings because there was no help. No understanding friend to assist with love and tenderness. It is heart-breaking to think about all those damaged people, so let‘s not go there..
The spiritual journey is another chapter in the book, for another time. There is a plan for every form created, and its destiny lies in merging the spiritual with the physical - allowing, welcoming, the spiritual energies into the form. As we learn to master troubling situations in our lives and resolve them in a way that creatively benefits the whole human race - in other words, does not harm others - we grow our spiritual skin. We begin the transformation process. The plan is not to die or to leave the Earth plane, but to remain in our physical body. We are not taken out. We do not die. We simply become more fulfilled. More beautiful, more whole, more loving, wiser and more discerning. Life becomes more abundant and richer, not just in money (although that is included) but in all ways. And we are now well equipped to manage it and help others.
When the kanda opens like a lotus blossom to release the abundance of bioelectric life force contained within it, it opens its petals upward to receive the other half of itself from above. Its unformed spiritual self, long separated, now descends downward and integrates with the form, now filled with love and light, in what is referred to as the mystical marriage in scriptural lore.
Every individual has a unique gift to give to the world which is its destiny to fill and complete. Most of us don’t know what our purpose is, but when the kanda opens and kundalini awakens the journey begins toward filling that destiny. This is a process little known by the human race. It may never have been talked about like this before.
The Christians have named this process “being born again" or the second birth. I doubt it has been defined quite like this before, but it is the same thing as kundalini awakening. While each culture has its own language and terminology to define it, the inner working of spirit is the same. It is universal and the language is the language of light. It is a quantum evolutionary step for a human being in the flesh - the germination of the God seed in the etheric body (called the soul) ready to fulfill its physical destiny on Earth. It is not much different from the germination of a vegetable seed which is also impregnated with the God seed. The difference is, a human being grows a new consciousness, instead of a new limb - a consciousness that can pierce the dimensions to the stars.
4/26/16 - While I am a sexual person hosting swing parties, massage is another story entirely. Here is a dictation received from spirit in 2006 relating to massage. Sex is an entirely different action from massage. I have been trying to form a group for group massage for years but everyone wants to turn it sexual. This is a good explanation about massage from a higher plane.
When you massage, whether it’s a friend or a stranger, it’s not personal. It’s loving and intimate and probably felt as sensual but it’s not personal as the Creator is not personal, is not a chooser of one over another. We are learning here, with our massage, unconditional love, meaning you don’t ask or expect anything back. You’re just the receiver. It is important to practice discipline over yourself because the irony is that you’re going to be turning them on without meaning to. The receiver is going to receive warm, nurturing, love feelings and they will want to touch you back. They will want more from you and may start to get a little gropey. It’s because they feel so good, free, loving and happy.
It’s important to not be pulled into that mode and stop your massage. You can’t do both easily. You can try but then you will be struggling with yourself. You can’t serve their physical needs and continue to serve your role of giving a good massage. It becomes very tempting on one hand (if you are attracted to the person) but on the other hand it may feel disgusting to you if you’re not attracted, and that will end the massage. The solution is to maintain a higher consciousness, above the physical and the personal. The one receiving the massage, don’t touch. Just feel. Just allow. Feel the warm nurturing love coming from this giver but don’t touch back. You will disturb him and distract him, and you wouldn’t want him to abort the massage, would you? After all, that’s how he has given you these nice feelings.
Instead, allow these feelings to grow and build and spread all through your body. Your beautiful chakra energy that was formerly held in a tight pattern, is being stimulated and it is expanding. It needs to go somewhere. Like when water boils in a pot, you need to take off the cover because the steam is expanding. The first chakra to start expanding is the root chakra (genitals). It could be likened to seven cups. The first cup is being stimulated and starts expanding to the next chakra above it, the naval. So suck it up. Image it flowing upward. Expand you consciousness. Relax. Breathe. Allow the arousal feeling to expand upward. When the sense of explosion gets to be too much, suck it up higher and allow the third chakra, the solar plexus, cup to be filled. This is done with visualization and imagination.
When you feel yourself becoming too pressurized (aroused) you find yourself wanting to reach out and touch someone and release (have an orgasm). Suck it up again. Expand the energy again. Breathe deeper. Allow the arousal feeling to go up to the heart. Keep on doing this for the throat, the third eye and finally reach the top of your head. Then when you are so full of erotic energy, and there’s no place else to go, allow the orgasm to take place and it will fill you. You ARE the energy locked in the chakra cups, locked into a holding pattern of rigidity, but now feeling free, loved and encouraged. So allow yourself to expand with these feelings. Go with these feelings, don’t abort the journey by allowing the orgasm to take place before the process has ended. Then you won’t reach the top of your head.
You’re feeling free and loving and wanted. But don’t touch back or you’ll abort the process. This is a very sacred experience. It is especially for you. Not for the giver. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit are all experiencing a “coming Home” feeling which is an inner journey. It’s a healing journey back to the whole again. Holistic. So bottom line, don’t get personal. Maintain the outer role of giver giving, and receiver receiving and finish the job. We are both getting something out of this. The giver is privy to watching the action, being involved, helping, receiving good feelings from it. Watch out for the tendency to jump in and make love or to focus on “make me cum”. This is not for genital satisfaction (root chakra) but for all of the chakras to fill up and feel involved. The cups runneth over.
4/21/16 - Over the years I have kept a profuse quantity of journal entries. I did this because I have had so many remarkable out-of-body experiences (as I used to refer to them) which caused me to search for answers. Why me? Among these pages after pages of copious entries, there are sprinkled some direct messages from spirit. "Direct from spirit" means they came through my FINGERS rather than my mind. They by-passed my conscious mind, and suddenly I was writing something I didn't recognize. This happened mostly through the pen which I was holding while writing on paper before the computer came onto the scene.
When spirit talks directly through my fingers I know because my consciousness SUBTLY shifts from the personal "me" to another sensation which is not me. I can't explain it very well. In the beginning when I first experienced "channeling" direct messages from spirit, I was shocked back into the small "me". Like, "Where did THAT come from?" Because I spent a lot of time in meditation, both in trance and what you would call simply normal meditation practice, this happened frequently. It took me a while to understand and adapt to it. I suspect many people have experienced this direct connection with their own Higher Self, maybe even in the middle of a work day when not writing or typing on a keyboard. A shift in consciousness can come anytime, and it is like the sun comes out from behind a cloud and shines clear, bright and lucid and words ring like a bell. It is hard to not notice it. And, yes. It DOES have something to do with sex, sensuality, love and our ability to expand physical lovemaking to greater and more beautiful heights. It actually has EVERYTHING to do with it.
This morning while looking for something, I ran across a direct message from spirit. It validates and supports the ancient tantras I am reading today. Is Tantra sexual? Or is it a solitary path one does alone? It depends on where your base line is. If it is from the old world of duality and opposites, it is sexual. If it is from the state of love and oneness, which is the NEW world we are moving into called the fifth dimension, it is either or both. There is no duality in 5D. There are no opposites to argue with, fight against, or control or resist or try to achieve. It is already yours. But there is more. There is always more. There is discussion, joy, love, exhileration, freedom - and sensual pleasure. In 5D we CAN experience love with another person. It's just in a whole new way that is more than what we can experience currently. It's a rapture experience. In the new world of 5D there is a continuation of individuality and learning. You are MORE you in 5D than you were in the old world of duality and opposites (and war and destruction). It is not an ending but the beginning of a better, higher, more exciting way of life. And we don't have to die to experience it. That's what the ancient tantras are discussing in allegory.
(Spirit talking): Bliss, ecstasy, rapture, these are all felt in the body. They are not spiritual. We cannot feel these ecstatic states of consciousness while in the spiritual because those states of consciousness are natural to us out of body, in the after world, where we live without confinement or limitation of our true nature, for that is indeed who we are in our original state. We belong to the sea of consciousness that is prime creator or God. When we are born into a physical body we are immediately constricted by the cultural belief patterns that are pressed upon us by those around us as do’s and don’ts. Plus they are in our cells, our blood, our DNA, passed down to us from our parents and ancestors. The ecstasy we previously knew before birth is out of reach which at the same time a flickering light of unconscious memory draws us towards it. Our life in a physical body begins as a rigid structure of normal human life. A false life, greatly reduced from our former glory, often moving like an automaton going with the flow of mass consciousness, disconnected from our source. And yet these states of consciousness exist within our physical body, within the spaces between the protons and electrons. The great work is the wakening and realization of this important fact, and the continued exploration of spiritual truths. As we focus on higher ground we slowly begin to pierce the veils of separation and experience the bliss and ecstasy of our former state. The orgasm is an important experience that reminds us of Home.
4/13/16 - The subject of sex seems to be a very important subject. As my late husband used to say, There is no more exciting subject in the world than sex. Everyone wants to talk about it. I have been on a field trip through sex, mainly through the swinging lifestyle, and I have kind of passed through it and come out on the other side. I have experienced much - the lows and the highs and beyond. The spiritual side seems to turn a lot of men off. Not the women so much, but since women reflect the opinions of the men in their lives, many women don't want to go there either. But I've got to say this out loud. This one thing.
While most people don't want to hear what I'm about to say, it's important to be aware of it. You can reject it if you want to and you can stamp your foot and have a temper tantrum and rail against it all you want to. And that's OK. You are OK right where you are, and I seriously mean that. You are on your OWN journey through life. You are learning and gathering experience through your steppings. You are gaining exactly what you need to learn.
What I am about to say is simply something that I have learned by being around too long and having been through all the ups, downs and beyonds for too long. So this is just something to consider - or not. Don't change your life over it. Don't change your habit patterns because of it, because changes have to come from inside of you. From a seed that has been agreed to it, that you digested and owned and cultivated and considered and allowed to take root. You can't make changes from the surface only. You can't make changes in your life on someone else's say-so. No one should take my say-so for fact. What I am about to say is only another viewpoint that is being tossed out into the world, alongside everyone else's viewpoint. As someone once said, Opinions are like noses - everyone has one.
This is what I want to say that I have been debating over for a while.
When you have sex with someone, you create what is called a "cord" to that person. It's an attachment. The cord is etheric in nature but it is a very real connection. And even though you don't intend that to happen, it does anyway. This is more information about our ethereal nature that we have missed out on in our education. We are constantly blending with the other people etherically, those we revolve around during our days. But sex is even more powerful than simply blending with people by talking with them.
Through this etheric corded connection all the person you have ever had sex with, now has the ability to access your vitality. Your spiritual power which is very real. Your spiritual power is the difference between being up and alert and down and depressed. It's the vital force in you. Sex can be beautiful when mutual love is involved, but sex without mutual love creates, let us say, situations. Or issues. If you have sex with a person that is demanding, controlling or abusive, that person has a direct access to your body and vital force and, through your attention, can suck on you and draw you to them. It is through attention they do this. So if you are involved in a situation that is draining you, stop giving it attention. Cut that cord immediately.
"Cords" are psychic or psychological connections. Because we are built to interact with each other, we need to know how etheric energy fields work. We have not been trained well in this. Anyone can attach to you, but if you are aware, they cannot. Sex is one of the most powerful tools a person has to "own" you. Don't go there if you feel it is the wrong thing to do. Let love be your guide. The sense and feeling of love within you. Most people don't know they are doing it. If they DID knew they would probably not do it because it's a two-way street. The sucking can be both ways and usually is. A relationship is a two-way street. Someone starts it, then the other responds and adds to it. If you know yourself and know what you want, you can avoid these attachments. Sex is very powerful. Both men and women create attachments on the etheric level, when they would prefer not to. We see this in ourselves and our friends all the time. Regrets. Wishing we hadn't done that. Neither gender has a monopoly on attachments. We all do it! But we can make better choices with a better understanding of our spiritual nature.
I stopped having sex at the swing parties that we host almost a year ago because sex with others became repulsive. I didn't understand. It was a crazy thing to do. I didn't know how to explain it to my friends. After all I had been hosting parties and being active for over 35 years. I couldn't explain, especially to my husband who wanted to continue with swinging. A man needs to be part of a couple to be invited to swing parties, whereas women are more accepted. So, as a man, he cannot be invited easily to parties if I am not willing to participate. So this was a major problem for me because I didn't want to take this away from my husband, but I couldn't continue having sex with others. Why? Why? Why? The question really bothered me. Why? I loved the people and I loved the hugging but please don't ask me to do that! I love the talking and the social and everything about swinging - and I approve it still to this day. I think it is a wonderful way to experience feelings that you would never be able to experience without engaging in sex. Sex cultivates and stimulates the vital force of the body - the kundalini - which is the power of the body.
But sex is only the first step in understanding the etheric or spiritual nature which is lives on after we die, and lives again in another body. This etheric or spiritual nature never dies! It is important to know about it! And sex is the first initiation on the long winding evolutionary journey through human life, which is designed to teach and learn so we can grow wiser and happier and more fulfilled. So what goes wrong in human lives? Why do so many relationships end up in trouble? With so much heart-ache?
I learned the next step on the long winding evolutionary road to the stars after I made the decision to stop engaging in sex with the many others in swinging. After I made the decision - and it was a hard decision - the next step came into view rather rapidly. My partner, David, come forward within days and introduced himself. Through him I have learned about love - not sexual love but spiritual love. It has brought me alive. I feel free again and excited about life. I learned from hindsight that it was the lack of love in swinging that was causing me to be repulsed and to close down.
It was love that was missing. I knew it on a theoretical level but I didn't know love on the physical level. My partner showed me about love without sex in a very practical, loving, delightful way. We talk and laugh and share everything except physical sex, because I've had enough of that. I don't want it any more.
I am learning that Tantra is all about the souls journey through physical form. It is not about sex. It is the next stage of evolution. We don't live in a physical universe. We live in a spiritual universe and we are constantly changing our reality because we can. Through our choices and our focus. We bring into our lives what we need and we reject what we don't need any more. And so the next step appears.
If we don't know what we need, then we stumble around trying this and that and bumping up against things and other people until we find out what we like and what we don't like. It firms up our resolve. Our adventures help us to be wiser in our selection process. I needed love, not sex. I wasn't getting love with my sexual encounters. Lots of fun, yes, but it was very superficial. It wasn't feeding me on a deeper level. I wasn't growing. I was declining. I was closing up. I was deteriorating. I was getting old. I was getting aches and pains.
People say it's natural to get aches and pains as you get older, but it's not. It's not natural at all. Our cells are replenished every day, as old ones die and new ones are born. We are created to be eternally young. It is the not-natural, the not-love that we grow old and tired. Motivational speakers say, Find something exciting to do to get inspired again. But we don't know that early in our lives, and we form "attachments". Cords that connect us "til death do us part". It is only later in life that we discover that we can cut cords and detach.
I would not take away your journey from you. You are precisely where you should be right now to become wiser and make the right choices. You are OK the way you are. But I am presenting another piece of the path you are following, perhaps a little bit further on. You are walking it alone. While you are here you have friends and family. Enjoy them. But the inner journey is solitary.
We are each one of us stepping up the evolutionary ladder into the unknown. We don't know our futures. We don't know where we are heading. We don't know what we don't know so we take steps blindly and only learn the why of it later. We are risk-takers. Or we should be. If you're sitting at home afraid to take the step you are being nudged to take, then you are missing out on your own empowerment. Your choice can be just as empowering to say "no" as well as "yes". The choice is in the firmness of the decision. It doesn't matter at all, what the subject matter is, whether to do "this" or to do "that". It is in taking responsibility for making a choice. That is the empowerment lesson. Life's evolutionary journey is a journey in unfolding the greater self. We stand alone on this. Our partners really don't have much to do with our decisions. We are on our own. This is the inner work we are here to do. We are here to evolve ourselves to higher planes of SELF awareness. Self as an immortal god-being. Because we have all this love and awareness available to be more fulfilled. We just need to the tools to know how to access more happiness, abundance, love and creativity.
It has been the study of Tantra that brings more insight. The common understanding is that Tantra is about two people learning how to make love better, but it is actually about one person alone and the journey of the soul in joining with its maker. Tantra is full of parables, allegories and coded names, words and places. For example, the lingam (penis) is called "thunderbolt" among other interesting words. And the yoni (vagina) is referred to as "palace" among other phrases. Each human being has both parts within them. A study of anatomy shows us that. The body is a changeable, temporary vehicle, like a car. After a few years, the car dies out, unless you take pristine care of it, and we go out and buy a new car, all shiny and properly functioning. But the old car can be maintained if there is knowledge in HOW to maintain it.
Tantra does not take us into spiritual realms and away from the material world, like other religions do. It brings us into fulfillment in the matter world. The teachings were laid down thousands of years ago but preserved in hiding until the masses were ready to hear it. The path of all other religions are aimed away from the physical world, while Tantra fills our lives full of delight and lusty, erotic love and creative thinking. Alert and alive and you can renew your body so it feels younger again.
The intention of this blog is about sex. Know who you are having sex with. When you have sex with someone you don't really want to have sex with, understand that in withdrawal it puts you into a weaker position which makes the other person stronger. If they get their way with you, they create an attachment to you. A cord. In thinking "it's just sex and nothing more", your ignorance makes you weak. You become available to them for sexual love which is a very powerful psychological tool we call "vampirism". It is a psychic sucking of vital force from another person. Many women are coerced into having sex with a man when she doesn't want it. Also I guess it's true that there are men who are coerced into having sex with someone when he doesn't want it.
But know that love changes the game. Become aware of love. If you look for love in an encounter, even a temporary encounter, as in a swinging encounter, if you slow it down and allow for love to enter you, you will change the game. The ratio of vitality changes. If the other person doesn't have all the control, if you take back some of the control, the formula changes. Bringing love into a sexual encounter changes the game. It is not "falling in love" as so many people think of love. It is simply being loving, kind, considerate, slow and real and authentic and caring and talking and connecting - and allowing a harmony to develop before getting sexual.
That changes the game. It gives a person equal power over the one who is trying to take charge and pushing the matter faster than the other wants it to be. Slow it down.
Everyone has the capacity to suck on your vital force and draw you into an attachment. But the larger love - the Love with a capital L - will prevent that kind of attachment from happening. You become the larger Lover. You take control over the lesser situation. If you take the time to create that loving feeling within yourself, that's all it takes. If you can do that, you do not need to ask the other person to find love in them. The chances are they would not know how to do that. You don't even have to talk or use the L word. Just slow down and bring forth tenderness and eye gazing. If you take the time to create love in yourself, to respect yourself and to center yourself by imagining love surrounding you and within you so you can actually FEEL love softly enfolding you, the other person will feel it too. Your encounter will be very different.
3/30/16 - Much has been taking place in David's and my working together in the field of what we now call Tantric Massage. It is actually much more than what people generally refer to asTantra. David and I have been breaking through ceilings and falling through openings in the ground, finding new depth and new heights, actually weaving new heights and depths together and understanding them. Enlarging our picture. While this sounds all vague and mysterious, we record them in emails to each other.
David and I correspond every day. Sometimes a private conversation conveys more than a carefully prepared article intended for publication. With this in mind, I want to share what David wrote to me this morning. It is only one example of an ongoing exchange. We are healers and I want to share this as way of explanation of what we do. I know the Tantric Massage offering is mysterious and nobody really knows what it is about. We didn't either when we began. But we have been finding out. We have been exploring. We found that it takes two people to talk something to the surface and discuss it. And we do that. But it occurred to me yesterday that the third person on the table forms a completion. A trinity. That person completes the equation. There is something magical in three people coming together for a common purpose. It begins with two people sound boarding. And if those two people flourish, then it leads to the next step. An idea is born and begins to take shape. After nine months, David wrote to me this morning in answer to something I wrote to him, which was in answer to something he wrote to me, etc.
"The dream. As I said, I dozed off in the chair, waiting for my next client. I saw a woman, on the table, being worked on by both of us. She was naked, but her physicality, her body was sort of transparent. I could see through her flesh and see her chakras, see her webs. You are right, there is a simply immense, very fine tracing net of love. Emanating from the chakras, but spreading everywhere. Reaching every single cell. I could see filaments, micro filaments reaching every single cell. But, actually, there was something else too. There is a column extending up the spine, which is MUCH bigger, much wider. But there are absolutely zillions of connections from this column that connect in all sorts of ways with the web. Everything is so fine that the connections can't really be discerned, there are too many and they are miniscule. But they are everywhere. There is more too. Both the column and the intricate web were dimmed. The web much more so than the column. The reason they are dimmed is because they are sheathed. I think, I'm not sure, that the sheath is the same for both column and web, but the reason that column appears less dimmed is that the light of the column is stronger, brighter. That plus it is bigger. The sheaths are dark. And they encase fully.
Now, here comes the really blissfully exciting part.
"As we were working on her, I could see the effect on these sheaths. The web and the column was sort of flickering as if the sheaths were being slowly erased. But, as the orgasms happened, it was like seeing a huge flash of light instantly traveling throughout the web and column. They briefly glowed so brightly that the sheath was over powered and the light shone through. And as the orgasms built, the flash of light was stronger and stronger. Brighter and brighter. And each time, the sheaths became more and more insubstantial. Allowing more light to shine and more easily flow. The light is, of course, Love. Love overpowering the dark. As the dream ended, the woman began to Ascend. And as she did, the column just lit up like a searchlight. Utterly flooding EVERYTHING. Literally, nothing could withstand the brightness. All shadows dispelled and reduced to nothingness. Utterly and entirely overpowered by Love. Love. Love. Love." (End of quote)
In summary of the above, I'd like to interject something we discovered. The orgasms David speaks of are mini-releases which begin to occur without touching the genitals. As she is bathed in unconditional love -- and we are open channels to unconditional love -- without any demands put upon her, no expectations, no "working" the genitals, clitoris or yoni, just a nice slow, gentle, whole body massage, her whole body relaxes and lets go of the stress that has built up over years. The love is within her. She is love. Everyone is built out of love. Love is the glue that holds physicality together. Without it we wouldn't exist. There is a structure of love built inside her. Tantra teaches this, but it is subtle. It often goes unnoticed. But this structure of love is covered by a dark substance from years of stress and trauma. As her body relaxes under our gentle massage, so does the dark sheaths surrounding the light body. Love and Light are synonymous. The love is automatically released. It is experienced as a release. It is a mini-orgasm. And more releases are felt as more stress buildup dissolves and more love is released. This occurs while we are simply lovingly massaging her.
For everyone reading this, I would like to add a summary. David and I had similar dreams when we first met. That is what brought us together. A dreamer who dreams alone, as I did alone and he did alone, with no one to share it with who listens and responds in kind, loses the dream. Chalk it up to hopeless. It will never happen. Here is the advice I would give to everyone. Develop a new kind of relationship in addition to your home relationship. I encourage you to partner with someone who will listen to you and to whom you will listen in return, with whom you can share your dreams and subsequent insights that will develop from the two of you working together. Built on it, and do not make it personal.
Anyone who is compatible with you mentally is a good beginning partner. Whether it lasts or not, is not important. Every journey begins with a single step. This is not a personal relationship, but one with a higher-vision. You do not have to break up your marriage or your relationship. If it is a relationship based on a dream of the heart and not a personal/sexual one, it will add to you. And it will add to your home relationship.
Currently we live in a 3D matrix of personalities overlayed with other personalities. It is confusing because it is personal, sexual and ownership-based. A 5D relationship is a transcendental relationship, not based on ownership, where you meet on a regular basis to soundboard and build concepts based on a higher dream. A heart-based dream. 5D relationships are built on an upward spiral of encouragement, appreciation, cooperation and support. There is room for disagreements, but they are not arguments. They become the nexus for the next talk. To bring the two perspectives together. This is the concept of building harmony and a better product or service in the end. What happens in most relationships is, two people fall into a sexual/personal relationship, and suddenly they are creating problems and becoming confused, rather than spiraling upward to higher and ever higher understanding.
3/23/16 - Today we have posted a change in the Tantric Massage page on this website. There has been a lot of discussion between my partner and me about our four-handed approach to massage. A bog-down kept popping up due to the fact that Tantric Massage for women requires a certain approach which is different from how we would approach a man. We had to work through this. We both feel more sensitivity for feminine needs than for masculine needs. We are both aware of the accumulated ancestral abuse of women by men over the centuries, and which today continues to manifest in people on both sides of the fence. My intuitive sense that a loving approach is the answer to healing abuse in all its latent forms, led David to contact me. He feels the same way. He has an unlimited reservoir of Love flowing through him with a capital L. He has a hidden underground spring that feeds him continually with an ongoing flow.
As we interacted over the last nine months, we have been led closer and closer towards Tantra. Tantra is a spiritual science that reveals how spiritual fire flows through the physical. It is based on knowledge that we don't have yet in our western world. At least not openly in the main stream. After discussing this from many angles and having a few clients along the way, David and I have learned some amazing things. The physical body is capable of touching the divine and sacred while rooting deeply into the earth and being earthy. We knew these things before because we each had experiences with the kundalini, but we didn't know that Tantra contained this knowledge in such a precise science.
Yesterday during our session together we talked and talked and finally came to a conclusion. We have decided - and it's a done deal - to offer Tantric Massage exclusively to women and not to men. We are removing men from the equation.
This may sound unfair to men and we do not mean to be. But we have now zeroed in on the basic problem that exists for women - and men by reflection - everywhere. Male appetites are distracting. They pull us down to the physical side with their sexual and logical needs. Women's needs are of a higher caliber and are more inclusive of the whole body, not just a small part of the body. Their need for love has been left sorely unfulfilled and their need for love so ridiculed and denied that it has been a centuries-long downward spiral for the large population of girls and women. Many end badly. Frigidity is a common complaint of husbands while the wife's request for "more love please" is left unheard or ignored.
With total respect for men, I know it is not their fault because they do not understand this feminine need. That is why David and I are going to focus on women only. The healing begins with women. Tantric Massage is a technique ideally suited to us. It presents a method that is based on balancing the energies of the body. We can use that. We can take a good hold of that and, between us, we can saturate the woman with BOTH male and female love, and nurture and nourish the body so it can feel its own worth again. And access its own power and be happy again and feel fulfilled. And while men may not understand what the devil I'm talking about, and he may resent the implications terribly, later when he calms down a bit and contemplates what is being said here, he will receive the benefit of it on a deep and long-lasting level. He too will become empowered into his own happiness and fulfillment as a reflection of his wife or girlfriend. Women hold the key to the transformation of the world because of their ability to love which has been lost, but soon will be found again.
While the science of Tantra provides a perfect balance between male and female forces within and also in the external world outside, the male force has been the stronger of the two for a long, long time. And it seems to be getting even more powerful. In this climate, women are having a difficult time manifesting their feminine power, which is gentle, supportive and nourishing. Their voices are not heard in the storm. It seems hopeless from the vantage point of the world as it exists today. Tantra provides an amazing source of information, if one undertakes it as a serious study as opposed to the ambiguous acceptance that it provides better sex.
We will be writing more about this as we go along. David is preparing a blog right now to post on David's Blog. David and I each see through different eyes, so he will have a different feel and express a different persona through his writings than I do. But we have joined forces in this project and are of one mind. We want to assist the women in finding and trusting her female qualities. Her qualities are not the same as his qualities. It is not competitive but complementary to men, if men will take a step back and recognize that. It is not a fist raised in defiance. It is a woman manifesting as a lovely goddess which has been denied expression for many lifetimes. A goddess is not a fairy tale character, she is love fulfilled, intelligent and personified.
3/15/16 - Since this is my own personal blog with nobody to oversee or censor me (smile) I want to share my own personal experiences with Tantra. Since David and I have been giving loving touch to clients and friends, we have unknowingly opened the door to a more profound and a much older wisdom than we realized. We have recently posted on this site that we are offering Tantric Massages, the two of us together, because we are heading in this direction. This does not make us masters of Tantra. Not by a long shot. We are applying what we are learning and feeling and validating for ourselves, and to each other, and to those we have sessions with. We are becoming immersed in this very balanced way of living.
Tantra is not about other people. It is about the Self. It is about our own body. The more one applies the knowledge gained from this ancient source, consciously, the more one understands him or herself. It does require applying it. It is not just head learning. Head learning stays in the head. Ancient wisdom is head and heart learning. It is learning about the body and the lines of force and currents of fire that weave through the body, either energizing us or depleting us. Or making us crazy.
The energies of the body require balancing and clearing. Intuition is a vague guiding light leading us in the right direction, but we need to move that energy down into the body through some means. And that means, according to Tantra teachings, is conscious breathing. Not unconscious breathing, which is automatic and mindless, but CONSCIOUS breathing. This is done through taking time out, as in meditation, to focus on a certain breathing technique. All learning remains a head trip until it is activated in the body itself. Moving it down is what is meant by "going into the heart". Or "be heart-centered." No changes are made until the energy is MOVED. Moving energy is what Tantra does.
We have no idea how vast and powerful the energy in our body is. It is not mystical. It is only mystical when it stays in the intellect. What we call the ivory tower of the skull. Mystical is something we lack physical validation for. We don't yet understand it. Mystical comes from the word "mysterious". Mysterious is not understanding. My personal experience with Tantra has been nothing short of amazing.
As I was saying yesterday, the first building block of Tantra is conscious breath. Conscious breathing means taking time out to focus on your breathing and direct it with thought. After being reminded that the masculine energy follows the right nostril pathway, yesterday I began periodically doing right nostril breathing. Sometimes I did only 10 right-nostril breaths, sometimes 20, sometimes 30, and I did 50 right-nostril breaths the night before. I closed the left nostril with my thumb and breathed for 30 times through my right. This morning I am so balanced that I woke up at 6 and sprang out of bed. I am stunned! This has not happened for 20 or 30 years. I am always lethargic and slow to get going in the morning. It takes me hours.
I am a senior citizen and like all senior citizens I've been experiencing a slowing down. When I was younger I was a late night person, going to bed after midnight, maybe 1 or 2 am or even later. but now I am going to bed earlier and still getting up slower and later. Aches and pains have sent me to various body work treatments, and different supplements (no medicines though). And I continue practicing various esoteric techniques which help a lot, but they are of a higher nature. I continued to slow down.
As David and I have been evolving techniques that are close to being Tantric, I decided to look directly into Tantra. I returned to some books on my shelf. I opened them. I re-learned something that I already knew but it didn't "click" long enough for me to practice it. I have more books on my shelf than I know what to do with but they are there to serve me when I am ready.
The light began to dawn. I began to realize that I am operating on too much feminine energy. I am overloaded with nurturing, loving, giving energy. This is only one side of a whole energy field. I have been supportive of other people to a fault. I had a total breakdown early in life because I gave away all my power away and nearly died. It was my tendency to give without replenishing. I didn't know. Well, actually, over the years I learned about the masculine and feminine energies and how they needed to be balanced, but it was knowledge in my head. In my ivory tower. I hadn't applied it. I didn't moved the energy down into my body through exercise and practice and discipline. So it remained ethereal.
So now I began realizing that maybe - just maybe - I needed to vitalize my masculine energy. Tantra's first building block is breath work. So I started two days ago doing conscious right-nostril breathing periodically throughout the day. I noticed a certain "pick-me-up" almost immediately. In fact, I was running around being active and engaged before I recognized what was happening to me. This morning is amazing to me. During sleep last night I learned something. I woke up awash with this information so that I jumped up and come downstairs to write about it before I forget.
We come from a super-intelligent, super-loving place, a place we call Home, where everyone is in harmony with everyone else and yet we are still individually learning and growing. The learning never stops, even in heaven. It is a beautiful place. But when we are born here on the Earth, we are born into a duality environment. It is not harmonious at all, unless we have a loving home and loving parents. In this world there is right and wrong, up and down, in and out, good and bad and evil, and we have to make decisions all the time. It is thus so in order to learn by trial and error the best way to produce the best results. If we do it wrong, we suffer. If we do it right, we are pleased. It all comes down to learning balance. The old advice, There is a time for action and a time for rest, a time for war and a time for peace. This reflects the cycles of balance. One balances out the other.
Little babies enter the world as beautiful little angels, perfect, sweet and innocent. They fairly glow with perfection. But then they begin to grow up in a world of duality. They are forced to make decisions and sometimes they are wrong decisions due to an in-born tendency which they cultivated in their last few lifetimes. When we arrive here in a perfect little body, the tendencies we cultivated from previous lives begin to manifest. Little signs here and there. Little prodigies show great skills in music, art, dance, sports. It all comes from previous lifetimes. It didn't just appear by magic.
We are what we were. What we have done in the past. Maybe we had lifetimes of aggressiveness and were warriors. Overly masculine. Maybe we were weak and submissive for many lifetimes, overly feminine. And we continue to travel that road in this life, which carries on and on and on, as it did for me until I was depleted at the age of 30. I had to make a change then to save myself, and have been on the personal growth path ever since.
So we come forth with tendencies that we think, "That's who I am. I'll never change." But we can change. Tantra is not the only school for change. Certainly not. But it happens to be a great school for change. Because we need some instruction or we continue to follow along the same path, unconsciously, without doing something about it and relying on the old saying, "I am who I am!"
I cultivated feminine side of me all my life. I tended to be nurturing, loving and supportive of everyone. I was "nice" to everyone. I would never think of saying something mean to someone, even if I thought it, but I seldom thought it. I was undoubtedly waaaaayyyy out of balance on the feminine side.
When David entered into my life and I decided I did not want to have a sexual relationship with him, and he supported me and continued to be my friend, I began changing. I began exerting my assertiveness. My masculine side. Sexual relationships are where we get all confused over who we are, because we can't help but take on the motives, intentions and tendencies of our lovers and life partners. We become like them and we forget who WE are. "I am what I am!" Or am I?
Tantra teaches how to be selective in the choice of sexual partners. It teaches this through, first, breath work, and then more. I have learned firsthand and right away that right nostril breathing has shifted me. Tantric practitioners will guide you in how to breathe when they work with you. It brings a rhythm to your body and integrates your light body with your physical body, or in other words mind, body and feelings become more whole and connected so you can feel feelings again. Feeling feelings is empowering. Actually, it is HEALING the feelings by doing breath work. Then you are in a nice loving balanced place to choose a life mate or a sexual partner to enjoy all those good feelings.
In Tantra they say that keeping your energies balanced keeps you youthful. I was growing old following my "old" way of being nurturing, supportive, loving, giving. Sometimes I would feel so depleted I would say to myself, "I wish I could have a break from life." Or "I wish this life would be over." But it doesn't work that way. We are supposed to learn how to maintain our energies. Our bodies need maintaining just like a machine does.
We can grow so out of balance and so weird in our thinking or depleted or mean or angry that we simply run away from everything and start over somewhere else. But our tendencies will go with us. We can't change the world around us but we CAN change! We can change the way we feel through conscious breathing, whether right nostril to gain more assertiveness and to fire up the get-up-and-go feeling, or left nostril breathing to cool, slow down, calm, be at peace. Periodically during the day, take time to close one nostril and breathe 20 or 30 times through the other.
Conscious breathing is the first building block in Tantra.
3/14/16 - Tantra teaches conscious circulation of energy. In the western way of engaging in sex where one of us performs on the other, and then the other reciprocates (hopefully), we often find ourselves doing what we do without consciously thinking about it. It becomes automatic. We become robotized. Machines.
To enhance lovemaking to a higher level, we must become conscious of what we are doing, and further, we must learn how to circulate the energies of bliss, rapture and love, with our minds. In the Tantric tradition, without circulating these wonderful life-giving energies, we do not receive the benefits for which our bodies were built. We are designed to experience rapture. Then, what are we waiting for? We are waiting for some instruction.
For these teachings we must go to the oldest civilization on the planet - the Chinese. The ancient oriental medical science sees and teaches the harmonious circulation of life energies through the human body. It is considered essential to health, which includes lovemaking. Our western-trained medical doctors and health practitioners are not trained in this ancient and advanced science. We cannot blame them for what they do not know, but we can begin to help ourselves.
The Chinese sees beyond the physical to the invisible fire that flows through pathways that criss-cross the body to reach the furthest extremities. These pathways are as thin as a spiders web. They weave round and round and intersect one another, like a spiders web. In fact, that was probably why they called this system "web" or "webbing" in their own language of the time. In Sanskrit, the word web is called "tantra".
The Chinese learned from their forefathers long ago that there are major vitality centers in the human body, from which the life force radiates out in all directions, weaving back and forth and connecting to all the other centers, like rivers of living water feeding the ports of call - the muscles, organs, tissues - with rejuvenating, refreshing, living life.
As written in "Sexual Secrets" by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger, a very valuable book in my library, "When the life-force becomes stagnated or blocked, disease occurs. It is the natural flow of energy that rejuvenates and renews both body and mind. We all experience energy 'lows' in our day-to-day lives and know that when we feel vital and 'energized' we can accomplish almost anything. Indeed, it is the maintenance of vital energy that is the determining factor between youth and age. Energy should be circulated throughout the body so that no part of it is starved of vitality."
How does one circulate vitality through the body? Through conscious thought and movement. Tai Chi is a natural dance-like movement that is now being taught as a science, but it was originally spontaneous. I can tell you a little bit about it and how to do it. Conscious thought can also be applied through massage to someone else. A lover perchance? Lovers can circulate and revitalize energy for each other and with each other, simultaneously, once they learn how. David and I are using this natural flow that is present in the body when we do our Tantric Healing sessions. We are learning. We are not masters, but the best teacher is the student who is studying, learning and applying the art being studied. That is us. We each have memories of doing Tantra in other lives.
One of the first building blocks in learning Tantra, if not the first, is conscious breathing. There are a lot of books on breathing, but taking time out to actually do conscious breathing is how you can move energy in your own body right now, today, this moment. It is simple. Too simple for most people to bother with. You can practice conscious breathing alone by yourself at home, and we can give you some basic techniques to practice, or you can practice it with your lover. Lovers can circulate vitality while consciously breathing in sync and thus prepare each other for lovemaking. But so often we are married to an opposite partner who is not interested in the same things we are. If you want to pursue the beautiful art and science of Tantra, you must find a way to do it without upsetting your relationship. You can't force it on someone who is not ready for it. But this is a paradigm changer, and you yourself can achieve amazing results if you FOCUS!
Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger who co-authored the book, "Sexual Secrets" added the phrase "The Alchemy of Ecstasy" to the title. They were westerners exploring Eastern mysticism. They translated what they learned and practiced into laymen's language for us. You can find this book on Amazon. I highly recommend it. But I should warn you - I've had it for 30 years and have never read it from cover to cover. It is too deep. Too much too soon. Not ready. But it is a book to pick up once in a while and look at the pictures. They are amazing. Each time you open to a page, any page, you will be inspired with the freshness and the wholesome and divine goodness that inner circulation of spiritual fire will do for you, your life and your lovemaking.
Let's go back to the first building block of Tantra - conscious breathing. When you close your left nostril with your thumb or forefinger, and breathe 10, 20, 30 times through your right nostril, inhaling and exhaling without changing nostrils, you are firing up your masculine vitality and pumping it through your body. Your masculine energy is your firey, get-up-and-go energy. It will quicken you and you will discover that, if you've been sluggish, it will help you to get up and move around without effort. It could happen without even realizing you are moving fluidly and lightly, whereas before you were feeling aches and pains. Try it.
If you are predominantly male anyway, always busy and energized to the point of being too busy and too active all the time and unable to stop, then your masculine energy has taken you over and running out of control. To balance your energies, according to the Tantric tradition, you would block off your RIGHT nostril and breathe 10, 20, 30 times through your left side. The left nostril activates and clears out the pathways for the feminine energies, gentle, calming and soft energy which is also in you but normally subdued (clogged). The Chinese say we should maintain a balance in our energy flows, yin and yang. Just remember today as you move around in your daily life - left nostril breathes out coolness, the right nostril breathes out hot. Left cool; right hot.
Tantra can be studied and practiced alone by yourself for better health, harmony and bliss. It is the natural way, studied by our forefathers. But, again. What makes it so attractive to us in America is that it can be used to enhance our sexuality. And indeed it can. But it requires study and conscious awareness. It's not a pill like Viagra or Cialis. It is possible for a man to experience natural erections, regardless of age, by practicing daily these exercises. Of course, it depends on how blocked and clogged and lazy a man is. A body has to be de-bugged or de-clogged. However you want to say it. And it does require self-discipline and practice. But the simple breathing-together exercises will certainly prove in small ways how effective this method is, if both partners are agreeable to practicing together.
America was founded on sexual repression, and we have been enjoying a sexual revolution over the past 50, 60, 70 years. Tantra comes along as a wonderful tool to learn the finer aspects of ecstasy, love and bliss that our bodies are capable of attaining. Simply by opening and unclogging the pathways that have caused so much stress and distress, pain and chronic disease. There is much we can learn from Chinese elders.
3/11/16 - Today David and I provided a Tantric Massage to a lady. We will not tell you about it because it is private. The reason for mentioning it is simply to let my readers know we are still on course. There has been so much happening to us, each of us individually, and together as a team. We have been traveling through layers of energies, dense energies that have been holding us back. One level and then a plateau, then another level and then a plateau, and then another level, and so on. It seems to be an ongoing journey, which is kind of crazy and unique since we are not a couple. We are collaborators brought together by a common love - massage.
What has been happening for us and to us validates a long-standing belief, which I have wanted to post here for those couples who are strictly monogamous who do not want to break up their marriages and yet they are feeling stifled. At least one of them is feeling stifled. Perhaps both are and they do not know what to do about it. They do not want swinging, they do not want to cheat, they do not know what to do or how to go about doing it. There are couples who, in their exploring open relationships or polyamory or swinging, have found someone who was exciting and they decided to break up their marriage to move in with their new lover.
What I have discovered is a a higher form of polyamory that does not require a breakup of marriage. It is simply having a meeting once a week and keeping it above the infatuation level. The infatuation level is what people call "falling in love". You do not have to fall in love. What you have to do is open your higher chakras which are more spiritual. You still have your lower chakras open too, where you can have sexual experiences, but when you have your higher chakras open and allow intelligence, discernment, divine love to be active in your personal relationships, you do not become "hooked", as in emotional involvement. What we call ownership or infatuation or falling in love which destroys marriages.
Opening the higher chakras is what Tantric Massage aims to accomplish. It may not always succeed, because it depends on the person receiving, if they are able to receive the healing love we are offering. That is what David and I have evolved to - assisting others in the opening of the higher chakras.
Everyone has their own package of history they lug around with them everywhere they go. There is a saying that if you think you are getting away from a problem by leaving your current situation, you are probably taking the problem with you. Problems are in-born. You make them yourself through trial and error. We all do. We solve those problems by airing them. It is no different than shaking out the rug to get rid of the dust. We all have problems that are deeply embedded, like dust in a carpet, which we don't know is there. We can only get rid of the dust by shaking it up and airing it out with someone you trust. A good friend of the same gender or perhaps a lover.
This good friend or lover is often found outside of the home. We encourage people to have trusted friends or lovers outside of the home which they meet with often. It is important to share information that you would not share with your spouse or live-in. Your live-in relationship works because you found ways to accommodate each other so each of you is comfortable with the arrangement. But this type of arrangement more often than not turns into a rut because of old belief patterns. Monogamy, for example. You are supposed to remain faithful and loyal to this one person for life, under the old laws of the land. It's not healthy. To get out of a rut you need some outside traction in the form of feedback, loving support and confidence that your feelings count. You don't have to keep them buried forever, which causes suffocation and stagnation and eventually an early death because there is no way out. It requires a change in belief systems. Beliefs are not forever. You don't have to separate or divorce your long-time relationship to have wonderful friends and lovers to help you gain liberation and beautiful, exciting, benefits on all four levels.
When you open your higher chakras you rise above the human chakras where emotional attachments happen for lack of fresh air flowing through you. There are four human chakras - the root chakra, the sacral or sex chakra, the naval chakra and the solar plexus chakra. These are bog-down areas. The three higher chakras above that are divine. Open the heart, throat and third eye and you start to feel liberated. The flow is coming up from the root chakra, reaching for the crown and the sky beyond. The science of Tantra delves into these things for anyone who is ready to receive this flow of instruction which comes from a hands-on experience.
3/4/16 - David has posted his own blog today. Check it out in the menu above. There is a dimension beyond the human level that is far and above anything we know as human love for one another. It is rarely available, simply because there have been no role models to lead us, no teachers to guide, no instructors to explain. The ancient Divine Tantra schools gave this millennia ago but the explanations have not been available until recently. Now that Tantra teachings are entering into the mainstream of Western culture, David comes along to speak of this - and hold - this resonance.
The human emotional/sexual relationship tends to come with complexities, such as possessiveness, compromises which bog people down and limit their actions, causing silent blame to build up in the mind, creating arguments that lead to negative outcomes. And then the soft and tender needs of the divine go further underground, remain unfulfilled. And of course guilt starts to pop up, then jealousies if we should stray over the line, and words spoken in anger, which lead to either closing down and shutting up, or lashing out and causing violence.
That's the human side of us. But we spiritual beings. In fact, we are MORE spiritual than we realize. There is a noble, elegant, virtuous and liberated consciousness within us that is very real, very precise, very accurate, very much present and wanting to express in human activities. It is there all the time but human beliefs get in the way. "I believe this." "I don't believe that." "I am afraid. I don't trust myself." False beliefs that we are small, insignificant, powerless to change, and we are stubborn in those beliefs. We absolutely refuse to think highly of ourselves and put ourselves down constantly. Or cover it over with a big ego.
The mind is not in harmony with feelings. Feelings are not in harmony with the way we physically live our lives. The subconscious contains past life irregularities that remain unresolved. Soul stuff. So the human body carries around with it a lot of limitations. If we were not limiting ourselves, divinity would flow freely and smoothly through everything in our lives, family, friends, work, recreation, lifting and lightening the load and everything we touch.
The fifth dimension is not "out there" somewhere beyond the sky. It is right here inside the body. All we have to do to get there is link up our spiritual nature - the ideal and beautiful nature - to our sexual nature - the low and limited. Both are right here inside the bodies we wear. The sexual vibration is a wrong term. It is not sex that we are striving for, but a vibration of perfection that has been lowered down into the physical body to anchor the spirit into this realm of matter and solidarity. Spirit needs an anchor to be able to reside here in this dense environment of matter, and it's a part of our own high consciousness that has been sent downward into matter. It's US that we have to link up to. The kundalini is a piece of the great light (US) that was sent before us to prepare a body here in the physical plane so we could inhabit it. It is anchored by necessity into the Mother Earth light to hold it here. This is done by sheer magnetism. Gravity. Our kundalini is "married" to the Earth. That is why it is called a female force. These are Tantric teachings.
It is this singular vibration that we call "sex" but which is really a vibration from our spiritual self that we keep struggling to find and connect to. There are many obstacles in the way. We just have to work through them. The teachings are coming. They are here. They are all around us in the atmosphere. We don't need to have a sexual "act" with someone in order to complete this connection or to make this link. It is a precise linking up. Picture a negative live wire and a positive live wire that is slowly coming together to start the car battery. Kaboom! It's done then.
Having a sexual act before this is done, is unwise. It's OK, sex is OK, sex is fun, sex is wonderful, and we all do it. So it is certainly part of our human nature and it does help us to become more balanced. But it's just not the perfect way. There is a divine plan for humanity. When we wait until after our yin and yang (female and male) energies are in sync, then when we pluck that delicious fruit the heavens open. This is what David is referring to when he speaks of Making Love with a capital M and a capital L.
3/1/16 - Today David and I have posted our new Tantric Massage offering on the Tantric Massage page here. We are planning to accept couples and women at first, because we want more feminine energy and we want the women to become empowered by their own sexuality. The dynamics may change in the future, as we are all evolving and growing and changing. Click on the Tantric Massage page and find out more about it!
2/24/16 - Many changes and shifts in direction have been taking place. My partner David and I have been exploring all of them. We seem to be moving inexorably toward Tantra. I have not wanted to label what I do as Tantra because I know that real Tantra, the original Tantra from the ancient past, is not sexual but involves cosmic love and cosmic connection with everything in the natural and apparently solid world. To call Tantra "sexual" is demeaning and limiting. But (I am emitting a big, long, accepting sigh) it seems to be what people want. And so I guess, since I know the infinite and intimate depth of the Tantric oneness process, I have told David that I would agree to label what we are doing "Tantra". Today I have added "Tantra" to the menu above, but we are still working out the format. Check back later.
2/4/16 I have just now happened upon an article that I think is so good that I am posting it here in my blog for readers of Anakosha. This article is from Mary Magdalene through Mercedes Mirkel, permission is granted if it is shown in full which, of course, I am doing. It is wonderful advice. Absolutely wonderful. This is what I have been experiencing through the support of my partner, David. How the masculine can support the feminine.
Mary Magdalene: How the Masculine can Support the Feminine
Received through Mercedes Mirkel
January 16, 2016
Question: How might the Masculine assist and support the Feminine?
Mary Magdalene: Thank you so much for this question.
There is much that the Masculine can do to assist the Feminine, and there is much that the Feminine can do to assist the Masculine. Both are greatly needed.
In answer to your question on what the Masculine can do, it begins with understanding the necessity, value, and importance of the Feminine. This is a healing process in your world because the Feminine has been greatly devalued. For this healing to occur, your world must come out of the place where so much has been confined to the mind, which is the Masculine. For some of you, this is easier. For some of you, this is harder. But most of you have received tremendous training and enculturation to live in and from your mind.
It is not that the mind is bad. Your minds are amazing. Your minds are so valuable. It is just that you are out of balance and need to come into balance with the Feminine. The Feminine is your feeling nature. The Feminine is your connection to your body, energy, sexuality, intuition, and love.
So the first step is to begin to value these aspects of the Feminine and to stop the insistence that only the mind is valuable. Not every individual is necessarily doing this, but in general, your culture does this and has trained you to do so.
For many this work will begin with loving the Feminine within yourself. It will begin with loving your own body and treating your body as a temple. It will begin with healing shame that you carry relative to your own body, which is a plague in your modern world. So many carry so much shame relative to their body.
Valuing the Feminine will happen through falling in love with your energy and your sexuality. It will happen through healing your relationship to any part of yourself that says your energy or sexuality is sinful, evil, dirty, or shameful in any way. You will get to know your energy and your sexuality, and become strong in that. That strength is needed for your spiritual development.
The healing of the Feminine will happen through coming to know your emotions and allowing your emotions. Specifically, you will allow your emotions to do the work they were meant to do of connecting you to God through the Feminine pathway. This, more than anything else, is the process that most are ignorant of today, and it is so needed. Most have instead learned that emotions are to be avoided. Many have learned that being spiritual means not having negative emotions, only to be happy all the time. This is unfortunate, for your emotions are as valuable to you as your mind and as necessary.
So the process for many will be to start to open to emotions and to learn this process, this pathway, of letting your emotions take you to God. Let your emotions do the work that is so needed and which they were meant to do.
All these ways will very likely be the beginning of opening up to the Feminine within yourself and loving this Feminine part of yourself. When that happens, you will be well prepared and in a natural orientation to honor and value the Feminine outside yourself, in all its forms. This will include honoring, championing, and protecting the Earth. It will include honoring and valuing the Feminine in others, in women or in whatever form the Feminine comes.
The Masculine, especially in its higher form, can support the Feminine through being present and offering presence to the Feminine. Often the tendency of the Masculine is to want to help the Feminine by solving problems. But this is not the highest form. It can be valuable, if that is requested, but it is not the highest form. The highest form is to offer your presence and holding, which is a kind of protection at the energetic level. The Masculine creates the container that the Feminine can open within. This is an energetic process.
So this is one of the ways that the Masculine can be a tremendous support for the Feminine. When you learn to do this you will see that it is a great joy. And you will receive the blessings and gifts of the Feminine.
Has this been helpful to you?
Questioner: Yes. Thank you very much for that profoundly simple, yet profoundly significant, answer.
Mary Magdalene: Your future before you is a tremendous uniting of the Masculine and Feminine. It is what I have always had with Yeshua. It is one of the greatest gifts to know this and to live in this. It is unmistakable. As you grow into it and come to know it, it will be your great joy to support one another in this. It is the most natural thing in the world, like the connection between the sun and the earth. You will naturally be drawn to this.
You can support this process of uniting by clearing the blocks you may have developed in relationship to this. That will set the stage for your opening to and receiving this tremendous gift and blessing.
©2016 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (
1/28/16 - We are inspired! This week David and I gave a loving touch massage to a wonderful, attractive, attentive and receptive couple who live here in the Naples area. If you have been following this blog, you know that it is our main mission in life to cultivate loving couples for massage-plus parties. The plus will come later, though, because our first massage session/meeting is an interview to learn more about the couple. David and I are completely selfless. We are very, very loving people and our goal is to find other loving, selfless people. We are looking for a certain attitude which is selfless, loving, giving, able to receive, open-hearted and uplifting. This describes a good many people, but unfortunately there are a many other people who do not fit that description. Who are either pushy and demanding, or defensive and turned off to any touching whatsoever. That is why we are interviewing couples for this wonderful new journey we are dreaming into view. Eventually, when we have found enough individuals who fit this criteria, we will have a massage party where massage is the main goal, but with an expanded social time added on for free spontaneous intermingling afterwards.
The couple we met this week were loving, warm and accepting and we were so pleased to make their acquaintance and get to know them. We are, as I said, quite enthusiastic looking forward, David and I. We do see a door opening here into more freedom and love. Love and freedom go hand in hand. There is so much more behind the door, waiting for humanity to enter. Both of us are visionaries and we see into the future.
This is just a short post to let my followers know that we have now seeded the dream in real time. A love club composed of Naples area couples and/or singles is on the way. Single women would be wonderful additions to this group, since it is feminine energy at work here and we want MORE feminine energy than male energy. But once there are single women, then we can invite single men in ratio to the women.
This is not a swing club. It is a love club. The entry requirement is not sex but an open heart. David and I look forward to meeting more open-hearted couples for a massage session. It is free. No cost. When we have interviewed enough couples that we can have at least five couples for a massage party, then we will have one. Go to the Massage page above and contact me, Diana, if you are interested. Fill out the privacy agreement. This is for privacy reasons. Tell a little about yourselves and send it to me. I'll get back to you.
1/11/16 - Greetings from the quiet of our home on this, the 11th day into the NEW YEAR 2016. A very Happy New Year to you! Well, I promised someone I would write in the blog today but I am starting out without a thought in mind. Let's see. What I can tell you? Oh, yes. I know. My husband and I hosted our last party on New Years Eve. We made a decision just ten minutes after our last guests departed New Years morning. The decision was a natural one but came upon us quite suddenly, like a bolt from out of the blue. No discussion. We both agreed at the same time. It was rather uncanny after hosting parties for 22 years. Actually for me it has been 35 years. The Florida Silver Foxes website, which is what we called our private parties for senior couples, has been taken down.
There is an old saying that when you outgrow your outfit and can no longer fit inside your boundaries, your reality is expanding. The lifestyle at one time was freedom from boundaries in the '70s and '80s and we had a lot of fun exploring in that arena for a lot of years, always with couples, expanding all the while and meeting lots and lots of people. But now it seems those boundaries are too tight. There are rules, after all, to swinging. And a code of etiquette that everyone must learn and adopt, in order to fit properly inside the accepted limits. But those lines are material focused. Focused on the physical only, without paying much attention to deeper emotional feelings and spiritual insights and fifth dimensional love which is timeless and endless. And new friends found outside the swinging circle who don't fit lifestyle rules have to be excluded. So the rules of swinging have become rather restricted, as our reality is expanding, and each of us is also expanding. There is always a higher truth beyond this one, and we grow into it at each our own pace. I had actually grown ahead of my husband years ago, but I stayed with it for him. Now he has expanded beyond it too, catching up with me.
On a subjective level, it feels like I am expanding far, far out. I was already feeling this during the last year or two at parties. Now I see that it is a feeling of releasing and letting go. You may feel this yourself in some area of your life where something doesn't hold your interest any more and you find yourself daydreaming beyond the current situation. You are not sure what you are looking for, only that your interest is declining. What do you do when that happens? It is an inner mystery - one of the heart - that holds you and draws you to something for a while, maybe a long time, and then suddenly it releases you and you feel boredom creeping in, perhaps it takes the form of feeling tired or old or some form of disease or depression. Whatever you want to call it, your higher self is giving you messages. Look inside and listen.
I knew I was tired of hosting parties and of the limitations of swinging, but I continued because it was my job. My mission. My contract. Now that it is over, I look back and see that it served me well, and now there is a harvesting going on. A gleaning of all that was good, the fruit of the labor and the play, of the times we've had in this unusual arena that is so unconventional to society, and there is a letting go of all that is not good. I am a richer person for swinging and having played and shared intimately with so many people and on all levels. I am being lifted up, like in a balloon. Expanding and lightening. Sort of like an air bubble once trapped at the bottom of a pond feels free to rise and rejoin the air.
It is not a negative but a powerful positive. I just don't know what to do with this website. Should I take it down? Should I leave it up? Should I continue blogging my innermost journey? Should I change the motto underneath the picture which defines it? Should I take "sex" out or leave it in? Maybe I can start to write some fun stories from my swinging days. Looking back down the trail from the top of the mountain, I see lots of scenes unfold before my eyes. Funny ones, serious ones, moving ones, sad ones, insightful ones, all very human experiences that anyone could have had. Maybe I will finally be able to write some of those stories. I couldn't before because I was too close to the ground and too involved. Too busy with the process.
The mechanics of sex continues to be a major problem for the whole human race. It's global. The mechanics conflict with love and the emotions, which is the bridge to the spiritual side of us. That which is more real and more diverse. The mechanics are concrete. The mechanics mesmerize us and draw our attention to the physical act - the only common thing we can share. Because the mental, emotional and spiritual part of us is too different. We don't like to deal with that in other people. "Just the sex, ma'am. That's all we want."
But there is an inner and outer approach to love, sex and intimacy. The fine line divides inner from outer lies in the one person alone, who is feeling it. Each person is walking through their own discovery process, their own discernment process, all the while following an ideal, a light, a perfection. We seek the other half of ourself. Therein lies the truth. It is within. Not out there some place or in some person. It is good to have someone to discuss deeper thoughts with. Or to NOT talk about deeper thoughts because they cause arguments. Maybe it's better to accept that it's not time yet. And wait for the right time.
It is funny how timing works. After making the decision to step out of swinging in June - meaning stop engaging in sex with the others, not to quite the parties but to personally withdraw from sex, not love but sex - it was only one month later that I was contacted by a man who has turned out to be a soul mate. Not a sexual partner but a spiritual mate. He has provided me with the necessary reflections that I have been missing. For the last six months I have been interacting on a whole new level and have been feeling wonderfully complete. Fulfilled, you might say. I continued along with my husband to host swing parties, but I told everyone including my husband that I did not want to have sex with anyone other than him any more. and I continued hosting parties, giving hugs and warm acceptance to everyone. I told everyone that I loved the feeling of cuddling up against warm human bodies naked if they could handle that with me without pressing for more. Many men were accepting of that, revealing that they too wanted more.
It has been six months and I find my perspective changing. My whole outlook on life has been liberated from the caverns of swinging. I have learned that my view of the world was colored by swinging. It was held locked into a sexual place - a "do" or "don't" place. And because of that I projected my view out on everyone. I thought it was pressure on me from the outside that kept me prisoner inside these walls, but I am finding that it was my own projections. The lenses through which I looked out at the world that colored it to my way of thinking. And it was me who changed that. No body else did. I took charge and said, "I don't want to do this any more" and stopped following what I THOUGHT was everyone else's pressure.
I didn't have to stop hosting the parties. I love the liberated connection with free-thinkers. It goes deeper than "vanilla" people. Now that I have removed myself from bed hopping, I have time to enjoy the expansion process that is available when people from common backgrounds get together. I found that I could be myself right there inside the four walls of swinging and be free. This was an amazing discovery: that I had the power to change right there inside the prison of my own making. It wasn't the other people that created the prison. It was me. I just didn't understand. I had projected it onto other people. I couldn't see my way clear. When I stopped having sex with the many others in the swinging scene, I began to see. Really see. And understand.
The reason I am blogging this is to let it go. I am fortunate to have a website into which I can pour my ideas and feelings and not be persecuted. Sharing secret and private information is the privilege of a liberated society - one that is not available to many people across the globe, either due to tradition or to enforceable laws that result in death. Being able to talk about your heart-felt knowings is how we expand ourselves. Sex has always been a secret subject and still is. But once you start talking about it, about the feelings you have as a result of sex, and the insights and perceptions that start coming, there is an immediate sense of freedom. It is a heady feeling. Exciting feeling. The cloaking device that covers us and dims us down, dumbs us down, is the confusion of untruths and coverups. The quickest way to make changes in your life is to tell the truth. At least start out telling what you THINK is your truth. It may change once you're said it out loud, but that's only the beginning of the flow from your own inner self. Keep going. Keep telling the truth as you know it and see how quickly your world and your reality changes.
The liberation device is telling all. If it's difficult to break away from a life that is boring and frustrating, try telling the truth. I'm here to tell you, it works. Your own truth. Not someone else's truth. Only your own feelings. Be careful here not to blame someone else. First, before doing anything outwardly that affects other people, make an inner decision quietly with yourself. Soundboard with yourself and see if it's time. You don't have to tell anyone else about it. We have all lived under a set of denials and untruths. It's part of the world we live in. So practice telling yourself your own truth. Quietly. Within yourself. Just you, yourself and your heart. Your heart knows what is truth and what is not. When you find something that lifts your mood, your spirit, you know your heart approves. Excitement is a sure sign that your heart wants it. That's how you begin. Re-create your world. You don't have to run away from what you have already built. That would create further adversity. Change from within. From within your own heart and within your own four walls. You can do it right here at home. Practice saying the truth to yourself. "I am thus and such and I want this and this and this."
After my decision - and one month of proving time - I now have a world view. A new sense of freedom. The heavens have been opening and raining down all sorts of insights. Clouds are moving out of the way. The sun is shining. My mind is free. I see things that are mind-boggling. I say, "Oh my God!" several times a week and slap my forehead at some new realization. I feel like someone has installed new software into me and it's downloading clear, more efficient programs that are click-clicking into place. Does this make sense?
So I don't know what I will do with this website from now on. I will feel my way day by day and keep you posted. Stepping back from having sex with the many others has cleared my head and put me back in touch with my real self. I totally support the swinging lifestyle. It is good. It is a very powerful path of discovery. However. swinging is a couples sport and it takes a man and a woman to join a club, unless you are one of the lucky ones who can find a couple to sponsor you and come in as a threesome. To the many men whose wives are not interested, and to the few women whose men are not interested I recommend taking some time to go alone and listen to your heart, not your mind which is so full of fantasies as a result of internet temptations. Follow your heart - your own personal truth - and see where it leads. You might be surprised at the sense of freedom you will feel from within yourself.
12/28/15 - On Christmas Day I joined a healing meditation for Mother Earth which inspired me deeply. I would like to share it with you. Earth energy, that which comes from the ground up through your feet, is actually bliss energy. Whenever you feel Earth energy pulsing through your body you feel it as blissfully sensual. Or perhaps it is better phrased “sensually blissful“ because you do feel it as a physical sensation.That‘s because Earth energy is feminine, and feminine energy is sensual. Male energy is not sensual. There is a difference. Earth energy is very different from masculine energy. Masculine energy is electric and comes down from the sun. It brings with it visions, ideas, concepts so pure and so large that they have to be transduced, or stepped down. Father energy or masculine energy is quite different from feminine energy or mother energy.
Earth energy is Mother energy. It comes up from below our feet. It is the feminine soul of Mother Earth and it is bliss energy. We have not been taught this information. It is very late in coming to the forefront of our awareness. This education is overdue. Mother Earth is a living soul and she is feminine. She is motherly. She is bigger than all of us and she provides for us in every way. We - our bodies but not our souls - are built from her minerals, atoms and molecules so that we could enter into them at birth and grow and learn and walk around on the ground here, and talk to each other in human languages.
When Earth energy floods through us - I mean floods us like a tsunami - we go into the daydream state, or we trance out, like we do after having an orgasm, for that is Earth energy flooding us during orgasm. When we are transported into the bliss state we lose all thought and ability to form thought. We drift in the arms of the goddess energy. Shakespeare called it the arms of Morpheus. It is mother love. Feminine love. Goddess love. It is a pure state, uncontaminated by vulgar human thought and feeling. It is a resting state between human and divine. It brings profound inner peace. It feels sensual because it is the half-way state of being out of body, but we are not out of body, we are drifitng. It is hauntingly familiar and enticing to be in this state. It brings memories of - what? Where? Hard to identify but it is safe. We are home here. It is love.
There is no thought in this state of consciousness. It is a resting place, and there is only love, grace, beauty and peace here. Qualities that have no borders or rules or walls or boundries. There is only an awareness of peace and being where you belong. Earth energy comes from Mother Earth‘s heart and soul. Not just the soil and minerals, but her living heart and soul. You were adopted by her when you entered your body. You became a living part of her body. She is a conscious feminine being who has a heart of gold, meaning she is selfless. She gives and gives and gives. She radiates this love every day and night. Even when human beings ravish her and rape her by cutting down her trees, soiling her waters with trash and poison, she continues to grow food becaues it is her feminine nature to give and give and give, without thought of self and without fighting back. That is what feminine energy does.
There was a world meditation yesterday for the healing of Mother Earth, which I took part in;. I was alone out in the pasture, and I felt this energy in the most profound way ever. It was the first time I experienced the earth energy. With all that mankind has done to the planet, Mother Earth continues to radiate a most beautiful energy. I saw it as pure radiant gold and it was loving. It brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. It is too much to bear in the typical hard body of humanity.
But Mother Earth is weakening her ability to hold onto humanity‘s smallness. She is expanding out beyond. She herself is going into trance, into the daydream state, and it is lifting her upward beyond her desire to keep “working” and keep on holding on and holding back. That is why we are also experiencing going into trance more often, going into the daydream state more often, and the wanting to make love more often. It is more natural and normal for us to do that. We are expanding, along with Mother Earth. Our souls are drifting upward to a more pure state of love. It is evolution working within us.
The purpose of the Mother Earth meditation is to stop and listen and breathe quietly, focusing on peace, serenity, and just being. Be still and listen to the breezes, the trees, the grass, the birds, the clouds, the waters under the earth and upon the earth. Just be still and listen. That is tuning into the feminine energy within ourselves. Then we are giving back to the Mother some feminine yin energy which she is hungry for because she gets so much male “busy” energy. Contaminated human energy, not pure, not refined, not elevated, not peaceful. She keeps giving pure, refined, loving, elevated and peaceful energies but she does not get it back. She is losing. She is losing strength. She is losing the will to keep going. That is why she is daydreaming and rising higher up and going back to spirit.
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Within our normal everyday we carry the potential of being aggressive or passive, depending on situations. We have flowing within us etheric circuitry for 50% male and 50% female energies we call the life force. The life force is Oneness with a capital O (out of which comes the orgasm). Prior to being born we were one force. When we are in spirit we do not have a gender. We have leanings but we don’t have a body to express through, so we are one in spirit. It is only in a body that we divide into male and female. We must have duality - male and female - in order to live in a world of matter and flesh and blood. It is how we create the wonderful objects we do, literature, music, buildings and more. We would not be able to build things if we were in Oneness all the time. We need the push and pull and therefore we need male and female bodies to push and pull against.
It takes two life forces - male and female - to manifest anything. It gives us great joy to do this. We are inspired by the experimentation and explorations between male and female. We enjoy making love. And we enjoy engaging in arguments to test our strength and our personal beliefs. We love the opportunity to defend ourselves, and to test how much control we have over someone else. We grow through this interplay between men and women. And between men and men. And woman to woman. Behind it all is the division of Oneness into two opposing views, which creates life on earth. It is also what creates horrible abuses, terrible suffering, horrendous pain and ongoing chronic disease.
By making the heart the new base line, we will be taking a step upward in consciousness. When we discover how to make bliss, which we will eventually, we will discover that these awkward and sometimes bad feelings between human beings can be dissolved. When the male and female life forces within us are merged in the heart, they become balanced and bliss is the result. Human understanding has no clue how to do this. It requires lifting the base line, from the dividing point where sex and genitals divide, upward to the heart where they merge again. When we are focusing through the heart, we are One and we feel blissful.
The divine feminine and divine masculine is a concept that is unfolding today because the planet is going through major cosmic realignments. The world is waking up around us and within us. It is not understood very well, but in days to come we are being led back to understanding that we are all connected. We have love, light and bliss within our bodies, minds and feelings. And when we learn how to stay in bliss just within our own bodies and minds, we immediately connect better with others. We become more in tune with the bliss sensation as we raise our consciousness closer to the heart, for that is the source of love in our bodies. As we refine our bodies and minds consciously - it is a conscious act which requires thought - we begin to glimpse the beauty that lies within us.
We were actually vast beautiful beings of love and light before we were born into this body. We forget it when we arrive here because we are born divided into male and female. We are "colored" male or female and raised as such. Plus we carry memories from former lives, memories that impact us with tendencies toward anger, alochol abuse, hatred of men or women, depression, the urge to kill, war, violence. Our planet - in comparison to other planets - has a very dark history.
But we also carry love and light within us. The human body has a template of perfection. A blueprint upon which we try to build our lives. This template flows throughout the body, ever second of the day. But we “color” it either male or female. Either passive or aggressive. We can reunite these male and female tendencies through conscious application. Meditation, yoga and many other forms of self-discipline helps us to balance our imbalances that cause stress. Sex is another way, but it‘s not a conscious self-discipline too and we fall back into our old ways. We don‘t learn very much from sex. We become enmeshed and entangled instead.
It is inner work, done alone, by oneself that improves the self. The feminine and masculine energies that are divided and unbalanced within us, have created terrible attitudes within us. We lean this way or that way. We dislike this and that. We want but can’t get “this” or “that”. The strain from wishing and not getting, for finding fault and judging others causes great confusion within our otherwise perfect bodies. Tantra, which I am studying, involves sexuality but there is a hidden meaning behind the various sex postures we see in books. The hidden meaning is overlooked by virtually everyone. It has to do with the heart - the nexus for spiritual evolution while in the body. Tantra doesn’t take us out into space. Tantra is grounded in the heart, the physical heart, which is the center point between the groin and the top of the head. Tantra teaches us about love.
When we focus attention on the heart, we bring the masculine and feminine energies (in us) together into a merge and we enjoy a beautiful sense of connection with ourselves. This oneness is what we enjoy when we are OUT of body, between lives. Oneness is being back in touch with the Creator. The Creator is embedded in the cells of the heart. This light is spiritual, not physical. Understanding the significance of the heart has not yet reached most of us. The heart can think. There are scientific studies going on (HeartMath) that validate this. There are more nerve endings in the heart than in the brain they say. The light in the heart can best be understood as a piece of immortality. We were each born with a piece of the Great Light - immortality - embedded in the heart. We were sent downward into density to take up residence in a human body, and promptly forgot where we came from.
This wonderful piece of immortality which is US - you and me - resides in this body and is conscious. And not only do we, as this wonderful piece of immortality, keep the body together, the heart beating, the blood circulating and all the organs and glands operating harmoniously, but we become lost in human affairs and have many adventures. So in actuality, we are both vast cosmic beings and very small and petty human beings. We are both the macrocosm and the microcosm at the same instant. And the most important organ to remember to go to, to remember, is the heart. In the heart we can connect with both our small petty human self AND our vast cosmic angelic self, and they merge and become one. We, in all our glory, are anchored in the heart.
All religious and spiritual texts refer to the heart. i.e., the sacred heart of Jesus and the sacred heart of Mary. When the heart beats out its rhythmic pulse, it sends divine information out into all parts of the body through the circulation system which triggers other responses, which is where the human being creates its own problems. If angry thoughts are held in the consciousness, then anger flows out to all parts of the body. If loving thoughts are held in the consciousness, then loving thoughts flow to the body. Whatever we hold in our thoughts flows everywhere in the body, to the glands, organs, muscles, cells, triggering chemicals and holding chemicals back. The body responds to thought. What we think, shows up in the body. Our feelings tell us. Do we want to feel good? Then we must learn to appreciate the heart a little bit better, and nourish the heart with some daily affirming statements. We will learn to use the heart as a microphone. Microphones enhance sound. Speak into the heart like a microphone and your immediate environment will pick it up and resonate with it.
We are built to evolve. We are built to refine ourselves. But it is a mental act. It doesn’t happen automatically. By failing to put conscious thought into the ethers, we fall into doing things mechanically, by rote, by automatic drive. We do not evolve that way. We become a part of the mass consciousness that moves through life in a flock or a herd. To find our way back to our own uniqueness and perfection, we need to think our way back. We need to direct thought to where we want to go, or where we want to rest. We each manifest our thoughts in a unique way. We are rather artistic. Sometimes they are rather fuzzy, with no sharp outlines. And sometimes they are exquisitely beautiful. It’s part of the training. We must take the time to direct our thoughts. Some think too much, others think too little. Find the balance by going into the heart. This will align us better to our inner template of perfection.
Giving recognition to the light in the heart is devotional and produces peace. It impacts those around you. It takes time, however. It takes fifteen minutes, 20, 60 minutes a day. It is a choice. There is no one-plan-fits all. But the nitty gritty of the reason for putting attention into the heart is because it maintains the balance between the masculine and feminine energies. When we leave the heart and return to our normal way of life, we pick up where we left off. There is no judgment, no blame. It is quite normal. This lengthy article on the heart is to shine a spotlight on how important it is. Know where to go to find bliss, happineness, peace and love. Life is a schoolroom. We’ve learned a lot about negatives. Now it is time to learn where to go to find love and peace.
I have been studying Tantra. On the surface Tantra appears to be mostly sexual, but sex is easy. There are more subtle informations between the lines of those ancient texts. It has to do with the interaction between male and female energies. It’s not just about interaction between bodies, but interaction between minds, and feelings, and choices and repressions and subconscious unresolved issues that have gathered into bundles of great backed-up heavinesses - emotional anguish caused by confusions and sufferings. Some people feel truly and utterly lost. It is not easy to release all of this through sex. Some of can be, yes. And Tantra teaches these ways, but they are mostly missed by Western sophistication and aculturation.
There is a naturalness to the human body. It is simple and not complex. It is pure and innocent. The cells that go to make up the muscles, organs and other tissues of the body are like innocent babies. They rely on instruction from the one who lives in it. Tantra teaches how to care for the body, mind and feelings. It teaches that the feminine energy is more important than the masculine energy because the feminine body is internally-focused. She feels what is happening inside and outside. She cares. She nurtures. She unifies. She brings peace. She harmonizes the fragments and picks up the pieces. She nurtures the environment while the man rattles around on the outside, building things without regard to harmony, or who he damages in his need to finish the race.
The woman is the embodiment of love. You can't force love, say Tantric texts, you can only cultivate it up through devotional endearments and loving acts. Tantra has rituals. There are pictures we might be deemed pornographic, but the texts contain the teachings. It all comes back to the heart. The spark of light within the heart is you. Your own consciousness. It is not in the brain and the mind does not know that you are hidden in the heart. The real you is totally obscured from view. But your heart maintains the balance between your aggressiveness and your passivity. Or better said, your active side and your resting side. The forces within you are cosmic, no different than the tide which goes in and out rhythmically, but we have become out of balance. The tide is either constantly washing in and never going out, or itis constantly receding and never returning. (to be continued tomorrow)
6/15/16 - The other day I introduced the heart as the new base line. I also have changed the Anakosha motto above from "integrating sexuality and spirituality" to "introducing the divine feminine and divine masculine". The feminine and masculine energies within your own body come into balance when you focus on your heart. They do not come into balance when we focus on the physical genitals.
When we focus attention on the heart, we connect with our God-self. The God-self is a quality. It is piece of what I call the great light that was sent downward into density (the body) to keep the heart beating and the blood circulating and all the organs and glands operating harmoniously. We fall out of harmony by not recognizing the perfection that is anchored in our own heart. The heart, or rather the spark of light within the heart, maintains balance between our male and female energies. These energies normally fall out of balance, depending on who we are as a personality and how we were raised. We are either aggressive or submissive in our nature. But when we focus on the heart during lovemaking we become balanced again. We must learn how to do this. It won't happen over night. But the reason for talking about it is to focus a light on the heart - and why.
When we focus on the heart while making love, we see our partner through the lens of love instead of as somebody outside and different, who is either doing something to us, or asking us to do something to them. And having to adjust to their demands or their lack of expertise. There are many awkward moments lovers experience in the throes of lovemaking. But when we focus on the heart, miracles happen. We experience the innate love within ourselves first, which radiates slowly outward to all parts of our body, warming it, activating it, connecting us. It is something like when the dawn begins and light spreads subtly at first, barely noticeable, warming the cold night sky. But it is activating life on earth as it steadily climbs higher in the sky and suddenly it is everywhere.
Making the heart the new base line, allows this radiation of love and life-giving warmth to spread equally, harmoniously, all around. And it manifests in physical sensations. We can take our bodies with us into the lightening and ascension process when we focus on the heart. Before, it was focusing on the physical, the form, the genitals, the time, the rushing through, the disharmony between lovers. But when we begin to draw attention to the heart, there is a quality that spreads like a sunrise through everything, unifying it all together into a oneness. That sunrise is love. We don’t have to give up the physical sex. We can take it all with us. But when we begin to focus on the qualities of the heart, everything expands and becomes wider, freer, more joyful, more blissful. It is time to start practicing with the heart visualizations.
6/12/16 - Today a change has been made in the Anakosha motto, above under the picture, which signifies an evolutionary change in direction. For a long time Anakosha's motto was "Integrating sexuality and spirituality - breaking the mechanical sex habit with love." The focus was on sex. As we learn and grow and expand our understanding of what love is, we invite you to join us in exploring the new base line - the heart. It is difficult to summarize in a few written words the tumultuous journey that has brought us to this realization. I will be posting more about this shortly, as soon as the whirling slows down and becomes stable. The heart is the new baseline, taking the place of the yoni and lingam (the genitals) which has been the be-all and end-all in our culture. The divine feminine and divine masculine are standing on the threshold, entwined in oneness like the beautiful symbol of the yin and yang. So get ready for the next phase of the journey - the sacred journey - which lies ahead!
5/17/16 - As I continue to research Tantra, I open more and more to the secrets of ancient truths that have been long forgotten. I have been shown a web of light that runs through us from head to toe. And right alongside it runs a web of dark, our shadow self.. It is called the human matrix. Both webs reside on the etheric plane, and both webs feed our bodies with thought and feeling. Only the web of light, however, feeds us with life. The dark feeds us with negative thoughts and feelings. The dark web mimics the light and copies it, but it doesn’t have the capacity for eternal life. It can’t create life. It can only take the life from the original web of light and use it and color it - embed it - with thoughts and feelings of its own design. The not-light is the web of the human matrix that has messed us all up.
The consciousness of good, justice and right action comes from the web of light, for it comes from that which gives birth to all things, including the dark web. The dark web is the creation of mankind’s selfish ways - ways that are the opposite of the good of the whole. The dark web is filled with error and mistakes, with negative beliefs, of power and control over others, and all the thoughts and subsequent feelings resulting from misinformation and manipulation. The dark web tries to take over. It mimics the web of light and feels it can do better. But it is always lesser than the light itself, and it cannot interact with the web of light so it runs alongside it and goes wherever the light goes, trying to usurp it and do it “one better”. One-upsmanship, the saying goes. Competition. The dark web is what prevents us from living a happy, free, abundant, fulfilling life. We are constantly at war within ourselves over which road to take. Which decision to make. What action would serve me best? Selfish interests usually always win out over the good of the whole, which is the web of light. The light works on the basis of what strengthens and supports the unity of the whole. What is good for the whole is good for the self, and better than putting the self first. Tantric and Taoist sacred texts call it “bringing harmony between yin and yang”. There is harmony between heaven and earth.
Modern scientists can’t see into the etheric realm, so they cannot support these concepts. Their equipment is built upon the belief in physical matter only. There is nothing else. What one believes is the reality for that particular person. If the scientist does not believe in the etheric plane, he or she wouldn’t spend time trying to find validating evidence for its existence. The etheric plane is the plane where ghosts are seen or felt. Ghosts are the etheric bodies of people who have died. They are held here by their strong attachment to the physical world and emotional bonds of attachment through the dark web. Some instruments have detected etheric fields, such as Kirlian photography which has photographed the aura around individuals. Clairvoyants, mystics, shamans and visionaries have always seen beyond physical matter to the etheric plane and beyond.
The word “web” in Sanskrit is “tantra”. So Tantra is the science of the web of light. Sacred sex teachings and mystical love rituals include mantras, meditation, and rituals of graceful and beautiful movements. These are based on the science of the web of light, the tantra of light, which is the light body that overlights us in everything we do while we are alive. We call it the etheric body. It lives on after death as a ghost until it releases itself from the earth and ascends to its natural home higher up. The etheric body is the generator of life for us while we live in a physical body.
Tantric and Taoist sacred texts show sexual postures, but there is more. Along with explicit sexual positions valuable teachings are quality are given. Symbols, intonations and mental thoughts and visualizations are taught to focus on while making love. It is what one does consciously with the mind that makes the difference between success and failure. Or which source of influence one draws from - the web of light or the web of dark.
Tantra teaches a positive path of integrating the yin and yang within ones own self, which is the first and primary goal of tantra. What one’s partner does is secondary. One does not have control over one’s partner. But if a man cultivates his own feminine energy, his female partner will also benefit from that for she will feel it. And if a woman cultivates her own masculine energy while making love, her male partner will benefit. If each of them is merging with their own yin and yang within, through thought, focus, toning and visualization, harmony is felt by both partners, as heaven and earth are united within self and with their love-partner.
Each posture has a specific purpose for opening etheric channels into the physical, allowing more love and light to flow, which is felt as bliss. We call it love. The making of love, or bliss, is not an accident that just happens by a miracle. Here in the west we are drawn together through chemistry, and we call it falling in love. It is quite natural. Through natural chemistry we form relationships and move in together. And then a little while later we fall out of chemistry as the hormonal juices have been spent. We say the honey moon is over. It is all done without our effort. It was all natural. We then find ourselves in a relationship without any sexual affinity and drift apart. What happened to the love? To the bliss? To the sex?
In the Tantric and Taoist tradition, the art and know-how of making of love is a conscious act that is practiced from the time of puberty. Girls and boys are taught the ways of love before they become adults. We, on the other hand, are taught to avoid sex because it is sinful and shamful. We are fed from the dark web, where sacred sex traditions are fed from the light. They are fortunate indeed who are born into a family who pass on the tradition of preparing their children in the benefits of lovemaking, for it produces a long and harmonious life that leads to spiritual enlightenment.
Because the man becomes passionate first, before the woman, and the woman starts out slow and cool, he is taught how to slow down down in order to rouse the woman fully and satisfy her. While much of the sacred texts revolve around teaching men how to satisfy the woman, the secondary teaching is how holding back his emission pumps up his vitality, health and vigor. The benefits of practicing Tantric lovemaking are for both partners.
We in the west see Tantra as a sexual technique, but it is a sexual teaching which requires practice. There are many subtle facets. They are not pages to skip over to get to the bottom line, for the bottom line is not simply a posture but the embodiment of passion built by two people step by step, using moans, tones, sounds, visualizations and other subtleties.
When the light body (which is spirit) flows correctly along certain channels in the physical body, it nourishes the physical body with the bliss we know as love. Meanwhile, the earth forces of the yin and yang, which are part and parcel of the kundalini - the potent sex force of the body at the base of the spine - must be connected to by spirit to be a successful lovemaking act. A man starts out at the base of the spine and is already hot with passion, while the woman starts out at the top and is cool. Both partners start out at opposite ends of the heat spectrum. In order to make this love-act successful the man must and coax her to descend down to meet him. Her rate of arousal tells him how he is doing. If a man rushes to his own selfish completion, he leaves the woman unfulfilled and irritated.
According to Tantric and Taoist teachings, a man must watch the woman’s arousal process and go as slow as is necessary to bring her gradually down to be fully engaged with her sexual juices, her kundalini. The sacred sex manuals refer to this as the art of lovemaking.
5/12/16 - Information continues to come to me from higher consciousness about tantra, both in the silence and through reading. It is amazing to me that in my journals of 30 years ago I wrote similar insights from personal experience to what I am studying today. For example, I wrote in Decmeber 1986 the following:
"In meditation today, I saw the rod that is “like unto a man, or a woman“. The power is given to the human into the pelvic region, the center, a glow, a tiny glow at the base of the rod, glowing brighter and brighter and brighter. And then another glow above in the head, and above the head, the spiritual nature of man and woman, the higher divine self, the monad. There has been a separation, this light of man. A piece has been sent downward into the dimensions of physical matter and encased and enclosed in, round about with matter and the higher self is trying quite desperately to reach the lower light - the mother light hidden within the soil of matter. Oh, how clearly I saw this! I have seen it over and over and over, each time with a new beauty and a new spaciousness. It is here now, this light, glowing here in the pelvis and it is up to each man, each woman, to fill in the vacuum and empty spaces in between the lower light and the higher. There is naturally confusion because we are fluctuating between the lower physical consciousness and the higher spiritual consciousness where we know all things and then we lose it and fall downward into the heavy dense condition again. Only to rise once more in moments of ecstasy and inspiration and in those heights we wonder why we were confused. The wild fluctuations are the polarities shifting, first below, then above, then below again. As I saw it, we look like a tube of light, a neon tube, hollow and empty in the middle, with the glows only on either end, first one end, then the other, always glowing on the ends but never in the middle?! It is in the middle that we must fill in. The middle is our daily life and actions, here and now. We have to blend the higher and the lower and make it all livable and available to us every day as we walk and talk with our neighbors and do our tasks." (End journal)
We had a most wonderful party last Saturday. There were 16 couples that gathered for the purpose of sexual love play. It was so beautiful, loving, smooth, very, very smooth, happy and social. Having dinner together and then joining in bedroom activities, people were revealing their innermost feelings and connecting with others with their innermost feelings. It was quite amazing. The sensation of love became physical, as people made love and later hugged in the kitchen and felt the bond that united them as One. In my studies of tantra, I am discovering that the truth of tantra - why it has continued to stay alive and real for all these centuries - is because it is the story of man's spiritual ascension to the stars, in triumph over his matter body. When the inner self connects with its other half, the male or the female, depending on which is dominant, they merge in oneness and ascend in the throes of orgasm and "touch the face of God". Even in the throes of passion with a lover seemingly in common sex, it is actually a private and sacred action going on within, in the deepest most eternal parts of the person where ecstasy and oneness can be felt. We learn, grow and master ourselves through our sexual play with others.
5/1/16 - Happy May Day! The idea of making love instead of having sex inspires me again this morning. We human beings are not the physical body we THINK we are. We are the consciousness that fills the space between the whirling atoms, electrons and molecules that make up our physical bodies. The atoms and molecules are brought together by us. WE are the creator of those atoms and molecules. WE bring them together from a higher level than we realize, and we hold them in place by our thoughts. The difference in how we feel depends on our consciousness, and the thoughts we think and hold onto.
As the non-physical CONSCIOUS awareness that fills the spaces between the whirling atoms, electrons and molecules that compose our body, we make all the difference in the world. We feel good and inspired, or we feel bad and rotten. It's hard to identify with this concept while we are busy living our life, but this is where the problem lies. It's a rat race because we don't realize that we have the power. We have all the power in the world to change the course of our destiny. But because we have been so busy living our material life, not focusing on the spiritual or inner life, we have not been able to draw on the powerful radiance of good that lives within our thoughts. Those who HAVE realized the truth of it are living happy and abundant lives. Not rich with money but rich with everything they need and want because they draw it forth with their thoughts.
By not understanding this we have not realized yet that we can BOG DOWN those same atoms and molecules by thinking low thoughts, when we could actually lighten ourselves up so we are inspired, healthy, peaceful, calm and free in our daily life, personally.
Low thoughts are thoughts of poverty, lack, hardship, anger, frustration, worry. Low thoughts fill the space between the atoms and molecules with negative awareness. We are intelligence, not physical matter. We only inhabit physical matter. When we intellectually hold onto low thoughts, it slows down the atoms and molecules. They become closed in. When they slow down they tend to stick together, like people crowded into a bus station. Imagine leaving a packed bus station and going out into a park with green grass, trees, sunshine and open air, and feeling the sudden release of stuffiness. It's freedom. You are instantly lighter, refreshed and inspired. The atoms and molecules spinning in our bodies are relieved. They pick up speed. The lungs breathe freer. The heart beats more calmly. Everything feels good again.
Crowded bus stations magnify the problem but it's not just thoughts of others that bother us and bog us down - it is our OWN thoughts that bog us down. We feel the effects of the stagnation and suffocation of our the atoms and molecules slowing down in our bodies, minds and feelings. We become depressed by holding onto negative thoughts. This induces negative feelings. I heard an NPR news interview yesterday of an author who wrote a book about chronic depression in his family history. Depression is passed on through genetics, but genetics can be changed by consciously willing it to change. Conscious thought is the waking-up process of the spiritual path, and taking the initiative to change the way we think. We are not a prisoner of our genes. We were given a body, but we are NOT our body. We are the consciousness that flows through our body the way electricity flows through a light bulb. We CAN change our thoughts, and our bodies, minds and feelings will change too, despite what science and the powers that be tell us. That is the spiritual path - becoming aware that we are spirit and not the body. Not the religious path but the spiritual path.
I am trying to point out the value of thinking positive thoughts as they relate to making love because making love and feeling love influences every part of life. Thinking inspiring thoughts, uplifting thoughts, thoughts of joy, of happiness, of gratitude, of appreciation, of love. Love contains all of the positive values we call noble. You can choose to hold onto any positive value you want, and love will be there too. That is the way to make love, rather than sex. Thinking loving thoughts opens up the atoms and molecules that are spinning in your physical body and spins them faster. It opens up the atoms and molecules that are spinning in your etheric body, too, your soul that carries eons of unresolved issues that need resolving. Positive thoughts of forgiveness, compassion, mercy, appreciation, all of these help spin off by centrifugal force, the ancient negatives that carry forward from life to life, unresolved.
You don't need to go over them with a fine-tooth comb to analyze them. You need only to spin them off and away by positive thinking. Feel lighter, brighter and more carefree. Have you ever noticed that all your problems disappear when you are having fun? It is only after the fun is over and you start to pick up the old thoughts again, that you come down off your high. It is instantaneous - thinking positive thoughts. We are each responsible for the quality of thoughts that we hold onto and spread out into the atmosphere so our neighbors feel them and take them home with them and bog their families down with your thoughts, too. Wouldn't it be better to spread around goodness and love and forgiveness and happiness? Because I am focusing on integrating sexuality and spiritualy, my focus is on connecting lovemaking in with the sex. This is how we make love rather than "have sex".
I maintain a website called Other planets in our solar system and galaxy are members of the Galactic Federation of Light who are now in our atmosphere in ships that are cloaked. We don't see them but they're there. You might be interested in checking this site out. I have been following this longer than I have been a swinger. Earth has been a hostile planet for a long time, but the hostility is coming to an end. The era is changing. It is LOVE that is being beamed to Earth now by higher, more advanced civilizations - the Galactic Federation of Light. On those planets the people are born in love and raised by loving parents in a culture of love. They do not have police, nor prisons, nor hospitals because everyone is happy. There are no diseases, no criminals and no lack. They are happy, free and abundantly supplied with all that they need.
We on Earth are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are a hostile planet. Whistleblowers are coming out on the internet. We are becoming aware there is an enlightenment going on. A purge of badness. When wrongs are purged from individuals, love will have a greater chance to be felt in all our systems. But we each, individually, have a responsibility to hold good thoughts, thoughts of love and forgiveness, to help raise the consciousness of the planet. As long as we keep holding onto " He's bad, the policy is bad, the country is in ruins," that kind of thinking, it only keeps the negatives in place. Change it. Be the change. Turn it over to love, peace and good will. We can do this in our lovemaking at home, in our bedroom, and enjoy the immediate benefits in our lives and relationships. And remember the children too. Make love by hugging them and telling them encouraging, supportive, uplifting statements every day. See them beam and smile and become the beautiful child blossoming under that frown.
4/29/16 - We have a swing party coming up next Saturday. It will be sexual. But today I want to explain why love is so important when it comes to sex. Why it is so important to MAKE LOVE instead of "have sex". Having sex is like serving a piece of meat or a dish on a platter. Here, would you like one? It is something outside of yourself, an object to look at, examine and make a choice over. "Um. Perhaps." It is something being offered to you. Do you want it, or not? Take it or leave it. It is concrete. A physical thing. Not really too much feeling involved, it's a mental decision that must be made. Unless of course you are horny. Then it's a different story. Then of course you want it. Or if you are newly in love and you can't wait to be in the presence of your beloved. Yes, that is love. But most sex is simply physical. Love is not.
I don't think there is any difference at all between women and men. Everybody wants love. It's just in how we approach it that is different. We are programmed differently. Most people approach is like a meal. You're not really hungry, but it's important to the other person so you accompany them in the meal. It's part of human life like sleeping, eating and drinking. It's essential to survival. But love is not essential to survival. Love is something more advanced than survivial level. Love is something that we evolve into as we mature spiritually, meaning we become aware of more than the physical aspects of sex. Women especially wish for the more. But men want it too. I know that. As we mature spiritually then love becomes more important and begins to weave in and out of the sexual encounter. Love changes sex.
Why is love so important when it comes to sex? I want to talk about it. It's because we are not physical. We think we are, but we breathe down into the physical from a higher plane, from our etheric body. The etheric body is the soul which wraps around us like a cocoon, or a field of glow, but it's not physical. When you die your body slumps over, but you, very much alive, float upward or sideways out of your body. You remain standing upright, surprised. You thought you died but you didn't. You're still alive.
OK. So now you are in your etheric body. You've been here before. You are beginning to remember. You are not your body. You are more. Etheric is another name for soul. Soul lives forever. You live forever because you are a spiritual body that has been enfolding your physical body all through its life, caring for it by wrapping loving arms around it and protecting it from harm, leading it away from danger and toward what is good. You are love first, last and always. You just didn't know it when you were in a physical body. You thought you were only physical.
So OK. Place yourself in your etheric body now and imagine. Just imagine stepping into the bigger you that is on a higher level than your finite physical concrete body. Pretend you feel loving if you don't feel it naturally. Pretend. Now look into your physical body and see if you are loving in your physical. The chances are you are not. From your etheric level - from a more expanded spiritual state looking down at your physical self - you can see that you are pretty narrow in your focus. Focusing on the physical world around you. You are holding back a lot of what you are feeling in your etheric body, which is wider and larger and freer and more loving.
OK. Now that we have established that you have an etheric body that is loving, what would you like to do differently after you return to your body? Be more loving, wouldn't you? In your relationships, wouldn't you want to express more love? Wouldn't it feel more free? More liberated? More spontaneous? More loving? We don't when we are in the physical because we have so much work to do. The number one enemey of love is busy-ness. We are all too busy. The time is short and there's so much to do. That's only because we have focused TOO MUCH on the physical world. We watch the clock. We run over all the jobs we have not done yet. We focus on the material world. We focus down, not up where there is more love.
The challenge is to make the effort to look up. Up is where love is. Love is in the sky where there are no obstacles in the way to focus on. Find the love in the sky, in the clouds, in the stars and moon at night. Find the love in your heart because love is an open portal when it is open. It can be a closed portal. A lot of people close their hearts which is why heart attacks are so prevalent. Close down the love and the heart responds with, "OK, you want to close down? I'll close down." Heart attack.
Bring the love you felt in your etheric body a moment ago, back into your body. Bring love down into your physical mind and hold it there. Slowly, slowly, as you hold the thought of love - think "love" - and hold it in your mind and it will slowly, slowly, descend down into your heart and open your heart. Your mind doesn't want to do that because you are busy thinking of some meeting you have to attend, or some labor you have to do, or the clock and you're running late. Your mind is your biggest enemy, so think "love" and hold onto "love" for dear life and hold it steady there in your mind. Hold it steady for one minute, two minutes, three minutes. Hold that thought and as you do, you bring it down out of the sky and into your physical consciousness.
You ARE the consciousness of your soul. You are not your body. You have never been your body. Never. You have always been the consciousness riding in your body, using your body as a tool and as an instrument. You use your hands, your feet, your mouth, every part of you, but you are not your body. You have never been your body. You are the consciousness riding through your body and either bogging it down with negatives, or raising it up with freedom and inspiration.
You can still perform all the jobs assigned you and you can still perform the roles you agreed to play, while bringing love into your thoughts and holding them there while you work. This is a walking meditation on love. This is how you bring love back into your sex life. Remember, you are love in your etheric body. You are always love in your consciousness, no matter what you are doing in the physical world.
The real you is your consciousness. You can change your consciousness simply by willing it so. Focus on a splinter in your finger and see how you can narrow your focus down to a finite point. Now focus on the sunset and see how you can expand your focus to the whole sky and its beautiful inspiring colors. Now focus on sex. How do you think you can you make your sexual relationship better?
When you focus on love longer than a minute or two you start to FEEL love because love is something you FEEL. It is not an object like a cookie or a glass of wine. It's a quality. Your mind thinks a loving thought but it never reaches the body cells where feeling is felt, unless you hold it still and hold it. Hold that thought. Make it real. Make it sensual. Spirituality is all about QUALITY. In order to make love, we need to focus on the warmth and kindness and caring that love brings to the human vessel. Everyone has a wellspring of love within them. It's what keeps your heart pumping. Love is anchored in the heart specifically, more so than in any other location in the body because the body needs to have the heart pumping to stay alive. Love is planted in the heart for a reason. As soon as the heart fails, the body dies. The wellspring of love is in the heart. The window to love and more vibrant life is in the heart. Focus on the heart and begin to feel around in that area. Think warm. Search your memory for something you remember that gave you a warm, kind, loving feeling. That's the love you want to bring forth. You can bring forth a quality by focusing on the memory of it. Find it and focus on it.
This quality of love - not the lower emotional passionate lust-filled attachment we think of as love but the higher form of love that contains forgiveness and real kindness, caring and heartfelt concern - this is what will raise the quality of a sexual relationship to be more exciting and more inspiring. It will turn your lesser sex into something entirely more wonderful and elevating. Blissful. Radiant. Glorious. It begins with taking the time to appreciate the one you are with. Appreciation expands the love within you and lifts it up above the narrow physical focus. Instead of thinking genitally and the need to give a sexual orgasm to your partner or to yourself think wider and more expansive. Wider, more expansive and allow that to slow you down. Forget the clock. You are blending. Find love in some distant past memory and latch onto that. Use that as a link to love here and now. I guarantee that your lovemaking will be better. Instead of wishing and hoping that love will happen, you will instead be MAKING love happen. Because what you think is what forms your reality.
I am posting something I received from David this morning. It is all about love. Check out David's blog today.
4/28/16 - My partner David is undergoing an unusual spiritual transformation called “kundalini awakening“. Since kundalini awakened in me 40 years ago this month, I have had time to stabilize and ground it, but David has not. He is currently experiencing huge waves of love with a capital L. According to him, Love is everywhere present. “Love is all there is,“ he tells me. And he is having very unusual experiences to validate it. It is impossible to make sense of what is happening when kundalini has awakened in someone. It can be very difficult without a supportive person who understands. You just might want to put him or her (or self) into a rehab center or a mental institution. David cannot write about it easily, but he writes to me. So I asked his permission to post some of his private emails. I just posted one today into David‘s blog.
I would like to discuss kundalini awakening just a little bit more today because it is something that other people have gone through, and will go through in the future. We are hearing more about kundalini in this “new” age, and of course, many people have undertaken kundalini yoga practice. But what IS kundalini anyway? And why does it awaken? Why is it such a big deal?
Kundalini is an Indian word from the ancient Sanskrit language meaning “coiled spring“. This refers to the bioelectric energy or lifeforce of the body that is coiled up tight as a drum at the base of spine. It’s potent and it’s powerful in the unawakened state. So say the books which threaten with dire warnings not to awaken it prematurely. We don't have a word in English to mean exactly the same thing as “kundalini“ and in the west the process of kundalini awakening is largely unknown. But since I have a certain amount of personal experience plus knowledge from masters under direct instruction, I would like to talk about it because it is important as we enter this more enlightened age.
Kundalini awakening takes place on the etheric level, not in the physical body where doctors and scientists can see it or measure it and treat it. And therein lies the problem. We are a materially-oriented people. Most of us do not realize that we even have an etheric body superimposed over our physical body which creates an aura around us. Or that we have an emotional body superimposed over the etheric body. Or that we have a mental body superimposed over the emotional body, or a HIGHER mental body which functions as a spiritual body superimposed over that. And there are more “bodies” or levels of separate consciousness the higher we go. These separate layers of consciousness surround us, you and me.
These invisible levels of consciousness are also physical matter. They are composed of atoms and molecules just as our dense physical body is, but the molecules are spread further apart and are thus more refined and invisible to normal physical eyesight. We think of these other bodies as unseen forces, but they are actually a part of who we are. We use two of those levels all the time - our minds and emotions. The mental body and the emotional body are two separate levels of consciousness. But more on that later. We actually use even higher dimensions of ourselves too, but we have trained ourselves not to pay attention to such things as extrasensory perception, telepathy or clairvoyance.
The etheric body is the closest to our physical body. The etheric body feeds our cells with lifeforce, which comes down from higher planes through a network of etheric tubes called “tantra” in Sanskrit, meaning “web“. When kundalini awakens in the etheric body, this potent package of dynamite releases more life force than we’ve ever experienced before. It washes through us in such powerful quantities, like many tsnunami waves, that it upsets the entire being and we reel with unknowns. It comes in cycles. Our equilibrium goes crazy when it is cycling. It is like the germination of a seed in the ground, only it’s a seed inside a human being. It washes through the entire being, mind, body, emotions, and it feels like an electric burning or buzzing. The force of it depends on many factors, such as the health, youth and vigor of the host body vs. a malnourished depressed host body.. When kundalini is released in small amounts, it feels good, stimulating and energizing. But when it comes on in full force all of a sudden, with no warning beforehand, it is almost too powerful to handle, unless the person has prepared for it or is very healthy and clean of toxins.
The purpose of kundalini awakening in one fell swoop is because the person is ready for it. It wouldn’t happen otherwise. It is simply time for the evolutionary step. The kundalini is a purifying energy. Its purpose is to wipe clean all the toxins residing within, in mind, body and feelings. If the host body is healthy, young and vigorous, the person should have no problem handling it, although there are dramatic mood swings that are challenging. If the person is not spiritually prepared and not ready for an increase in life force, which can happen by accident from a fall, it can produce serious symptoms. With help, guidance and preparation, which all meditation and yoga practices are, the process can be a beautiful uplifting transition. Today, we are better prepared for kundalini awakening than we were 50 years ago, but still, many people do not understand what is happening which can cause mental or emotional problems.
The knowledge even today is hard to come by. Most people don’t know what’s happening and think they’ve gone mad. They may go to doctors who have no clue. Psychotherapy, medication or institutionalizing the person is often the only way out. I feel obligated, due to David’s experiences, to discuss kundalini awakening and give some basic information. Though not nearly enough can be said here, it is time to enlighten oneself and become familiar. Be prepared. David and I can help if asked.
A human being is like a seed. An acorn for example. The acorn contains the potential of a mighty oak tree, but it is only a tiny little thing to begin with. From where does the power come that turns it into a great oak? It is truly a mystery which we take for granted. Likewise, a human being is a relatively small creature to begin with, limited in understanding of his unique destiny and place in the universe. But inside on the etheric level, there is buried unlimited potential that we can‘t possibly know about. How can an acorn know it will become a mighty oak tree?
The kundalini energy is contained inside a protective etheric pouch at the base of the spine called the “kanda“. Kanda means "beloved" in the Thai language. The kanda looks like and feels like the bud of a flower before it has opened. In it is contained a piece of the great unformed sea of consciousness, the creator of all that is. It has been separated by thought from its parent source and sent downward into density to give life to matter and form. From the little pouch life force drips UP the spine to the brain in living radiant color (I’ve seen it) and the body lives and breathes. The heart pumps, the stomach digests what it needs and eliminates the rest. It makes love and creates babies. And it has fun. it grows and creates and learns and matures, all from the life force contained in that little pouch at the base of the spine.
Lifetime after lifetime the person lives and dies and is born again, in the form of the etheric body, known as the soul, which never dies. It is immortal. Only the physical body dies and the etheric body continues on with life force containing the kanda, the unlimited potential for this soul. Eventually, after many lifetimes, after the gathering of much wisdom, knowledge and understanding, finally comes the day when the human journey ends and the spiritual journey begins. The kanda opens and the kundalini awakens. The lifeforce gently wafts its spiritual fragrance through the being, flooding it with ecstasy, love and light. But other things happen too, because it magnifies out of all proportion, the “not-self”, the negative beliefs and wounds, pains and hurts, as it seeks to burn them away. Kundalini is known as a sacred fire. It’s purpose is to wipe clean all that does not fit a spiritual life. Without loving help and pre-knowledge, a person can go crazy, thinking he/she is going nuts, mad or delusional. Mental institutions are crowded with aborted kundalini awakenings because there was no help. No understanding friend to assist with love and tenderness. It is heart-breaking to think about all those damaged people, so let‘s not go there..
The spiritual journey is another chapter in the book, for another time. There is a plan for every form created, and its destiny lies in merging the spiritual with the physical - allowing, welcoming, the spiritual energies into the form. As we learn to master troubling situations in our lives and resolve them in a way that creatively benefits the whole human race - in other words, does not harm others - we grow our spiritual skin. We begin the transformation process. The plan is not to die or to leave the Earth plane, but to remain in our physical body. We are not taken out. We do not die. We simply become more fulfilled. More beautiful, more whole, more loving, wiser and more discerning. Life becomes more abundant and richer, not just in money (although that is included) but in all ways. And we are now well equipped to manage it and help others.
When the kanda opens like a lotus blossom to release the abundance of bioelectric life force contained within it, it opens its petals upward to receive the other half of itself from above. Its unformed spiritual self, long separated, now descends downward and integrates with the form, now filled with love and light, in what is referred to as the mystical marriage in scriptural lore.
Every individual has a unique gift to give to the world which is its destiny to fill and complete. Most of us don’t know what our purpose is, but when the kanda opens and kundalini awakens the journey begins toward filling that destiny. This is a process little known by the human race. It may never have been talked about like this before.
The Christians have named this process “being born again" or the second birth. I doubt it has been defined quite like this before, but it is the same thing as kundalini awakening. While each culture has its own language and terminology to define it, the inner working of spirit is the same. It is universal and the language is the language of light. It is a quantum evolutionary step for a human being in the flesh - the germination of the God seed in the etheric body (called the soul) ready to fulfill its physical destiny on Earth. It is not much different from the germination of a vegetable seed which is also impregnated with the God seed. The difference is, a human being grows a new consciousness, instead of a new limb - a consciousness that can pierce the dimensions to the stars.
4/26/16 - While I am a sexual person hosting swing parties, massage is another story entirely. Here is a dictation received from spirit in 2006 relating to massage. Sex is an entirely different action from massage. I have been trying to form a group for group massage for years but everyone wants to turn it sexual. This is a good explanation about massage from a higher plane.
When you massage, whether it’s a friend or a stranger, it’s not personal. It’s loving and intimate and probably felt as sensual but it’s not personal as the Creator is not personal, is not a chooser of one over another. We are learning here, with our massage, unconditional love, meaning you don’t ask or expect anything back. You’re just the receiver. It is important to practice discipline over yourself because the irony is that you’re going to be turning them on without meaning to. The receiver is going to receive warm, nurturing, love feelings and they will want to touch you back. They will want more from you and may start to get a little gropey. It’s because they feel so good, free, loving and happy.
It’s important to not be pulled into that mode and stop your massage. You can’t do both easily. You can try but then you will be struggling with yourself. You can’t serve their physical needs and continue to serve your role of giving a good massage. It becomes very tempting on one hand (if you are attracted to the person) but on the other hand it may feel disgusting to you if you’re not attracted, and that will end the massage. The solution is to maintain a higher consciousness, above the physical and the personal. The one receiving the massage, don’t touch. Just feel. Just allow. Feel the warm nurturing love coming from this giver but don’t touch back. You will disturb him and distract him, and you wouldn’t want him to abort the massage, would you? After all, that’s how he has given you these nice feelings.
Instead, allow these feelings to grow and build and spread all through your body. Your beautiful chakra energy that was formerly held in a tight pattern, is being stimulated and it is expanding. It needs to go somewhere. Like when water boils in a pot, you need to take off the cover because the steam is expanding. The first chakra to start expanding is the root chakra (genitals). It could be likened to seven cups. The first cup is being stimulated and starts expanding to the next chakra above it, the naval. So suck it up. Image it flowing upward. Expand you consciousness. Relax. Breathe. Allow the arousal feeling to expand upward. When the sense of explosion gets to be too much, suck it up higher and allow the third chakra, the solar plexus, cup to be filled. This is done with visualization and imagination.
When you feel yourself becoming too pressurized (aroused) you find yourself wanting to reach out and touch someone and release (have an orgasm). Suck it up again. Expand the energy again. Breathe deeper. Allow the arousal feeling to go up to the heart. Keep on doing this for the throat, the third eye and finally reach the top of your head. Then when you are so full of erotic energy, and there’s no place else to go, allow the orgasm to take place and it will fill you. You ARE the energy locked in the chakra cups, locked into a holding pattern of rigidity, but now feeling free, loved and encouraged. So allow yourself to expand with these feelings. Go with these feelings, don’t abort the journey by allowing the orgasm to take place before the process has ended. Then you won’t reach the top of your head.
You’re feeling free and loving and wanted. But don’t touch back or you’ll abort the process. This is a very sacred experience. It is especially for you. Not for the giver. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit are all experiencing a “coming Home” feeling which is an inner journey. It’s a healing journey back to the whole again. Holistic. So bottom line, don’t get personal. Maintain the outer role of giver giving, and receiver receiving and finish the job. We are both getting something out of this. The giver is privy to watching the action, being involved, helping, receiving good feelings from it. Watch out for the tendency to jump in and make love or to focus on “make me cum”. This is not for genital satisfaction (root chakra) but for all of the chakras to fill up and feel involved. The cups runneth over.
4/21/16 - Over the years I have kept a profuse quantity of journal entries. I did this because I have had so many remarkable out-of-body experiences (as I used to refer to them) which caused me to search for answers. Why me? Among these pages after pages of copious entries, there are sprinkled some direct messages from spirit. "Direct from spirit" means they came through my FINGERS rather than my mind. They by-passed my conscious mind, and suddenly I was writing something I didn't recognize. This happened mostly through the pen which I was holding while writing on paper before the computer came onto the scene.
When spirit talks directly through my fingers I know because my consciousness SUBTLY shifts from the personal "me" to another sensation which is not me. I can't explain it very well. In the beginning when I first experienced "channeling" direct messages from spirit, I was shocked back into the small "me". Like, "Where did THAT come from?" Because I spent a lot of time in meditation, both in trance and what you would call simply normal meditation practice, this happened frequently. It took me a while to understand and adapt to it. I suspect many people have experienced this direct connection with their own Higher Self, maybe even in the middle of a work day when not writing or typing on a keyboard. A shift in consciousness can come anytime, and it is like the sun comes out from behind a cloud and shines clear, bright and lucid and words ring like a bell. It is hard to not notice it. And, yes. It DOES have something to do with sex, sensuality, love and our ability to expand physical lovemaking to greater and more beautiful heights. It actually has EVERYTHING to do with it.
This morning while looking for something, I ran across a direct message from spirit. It validates and supports the ancient tantras I am reading today. Is Tantra sexual? Or is it a solitary path one does alone? It depends on where your base line is. If it is from the old world of duality and opposites, it is sexual. If it is from the state of love and oneness, which is the NEW world we are moving into called the fifth dimension, it is either or both. There is no duality in 5D. There are no opposites to argue with, fight against, or control or resist or try to achieve. It is already yours. But there is more. There is always more. There is discussion, joy, love, exhileration, freedom - and sensual pleasure. In 5D we CAN experience love with another person. It's just in a whole new way that is more than what we can experience currently. It's a rapture experience. In the new world of 5D there is a continuation of individuality and learning. You are MORE you in 5D than you were in the old world of duality and opposites (and war and destruction). It is not an ending but the beginning of a better, higher, more exciting way of life. And we don't have to die to experience it. That's what the ancient tantras are discussing in allegory.
(Spirit talking): Bliss, ecstasy, rapture, these are all felt in the body. They are not spiritual. We cannot feel these ecstatic states of consciousness while in the spiritual because those states of consciousness are natural to us out of body, in the after world, where we live without confinement or limitation of our true nature, for that is indeed who we are in our original state. We belong to the sea of consciousness that is prime creator or God. When we are born into a physical body we are immediately constricted by the cultural belief patterns that are pressed upon us by those around us as do’s and don’ts. Plus they are in our cells, our blood, our DNA, passed down to us from our parents and ancestors. The ecstasy we previously knew before birth is out of reach which at the same time a flickering light of unconscious memory draws us towards it. Our life in a physical body begins as a rigid structure of normal human life. A false life, greatly reduced from our former glory, often moving like an automaton going with the flow of mass consciousness, disconnected from our source. And yet these states of consciousness exist within our physical body, within the spaces between the protons and electrons. The great work is the wakening and realization of this important fact, and the continued exploration of spiritual truths. As we focus on higher ground we slowly begin to pierce the veils of separation and experience the bliss and ecstasy of our former state. The orgasm is an important experience that reminds us of Home.
4/13/16 - The subject of sex seems to be a very important subject. As my late husband used to say, There is no more exciting subject in the world than sex. Everyone wants to talk about it. I have been on a field trip through sex, mainly through the swinging lifestyle, and I have kind of passed through it and come out on the other side. I have experienced much - the lows and the highs and beyond. The spiritual side seems to turn a lot of men off. Not the women so much, but since women reflect the opinions of the men in their lives, many women don't want to go there either. But I've got to say this out loud. This one thing.
While most people don't want to hear what I'm about to say, it's important to be aware of it. You can reject it if you want to and you can stamp your foot and have a temper tantrum and rail against it all you want to. And that's OK. You are OK right where you are, and I seriously mean that. You are on your OWN journey through life. You are learning and gathering experience through your steppings. You are gaining exactly what you need to learn.
What I am about to say is simply something that I have learned by being around too long and having been through all the ups, downs and beyonds for too long. So this is just something to consider - or not. Don't change your life over it. Don't change your habit patterns because of it, because changes have to come from inside of you. From a seed that has been agreed to it, that you digested and owned and cultivated and considered and allowed to take root. You can't make changes from the surface only. You can't make changes in your life on someone else's say-so. No one should take my say-so for fact. What I am about to say is only another viewpoint that is being tossed out into the world, alongside everyone else's viewpoint. As someone once said, Opinions are like noses - everyone has one.
This is what I want to say that I have been debating over for a while.
When you have sex with someone, you create what is called a "cord" to that person. It's an attachment. The cord is etheric in nature but it is a very real connection. And even though you don't intend that to happen, it does anyway. This is more information about our ethereal nature that we have missed out on in our education. We are constantly blending with the other people etherically, those we revolve around during our days. But sex is even more powerful than simply blending with people by talking with them.
Through this etheric corded connection all the person you have ever had sex with, now has the ability to access your vitality. Your spiritual power which is very real. Your spiritual power is the difference between being up and alert and down and depressed. It's the vital force in you. Sex can be beautiful when mutual love is involved, but sex without mutual love creates, let us say, situations. Or issues. If you have sex with a person that is demanding, controlling or abusive, that person has a direct access to your body and vital force and, through your attention, can suck on you and draw you to them. It is through attention they do this. So if you are involved in a situation that is draining you, stop giving it attention. Cut that cord immediately.
"Cords" are psychic or psychological connections. Because we are built to interact with each other, we need to know how etheric energy fields work. We have not been trained well in this. Anyone can attach to you, but if you are aware, they cannot. Sex is one of the most powerful tools a person has to "own" you. Don't go there if you feel it is the wrong thing to do. Let love be your guide. The sense and feeling of love within you. Most people don't know they are doing it. If they DID knew they would probably not do it because it's a two-way street. The sucking can be both ways and usually is. A relationship is a two-way street. Someone starts it, then the other responds and adds to it. If you know yourself and know what you want, you can avoid these attachments. Sex is very powerful. Both men and women create attachments on the etheric level, when they would prefer not to. We see this in ourselves and our friends all the time. Regrets. Wishing we hadn't done that. Neither gender has a monopoly on attachments. We all do it! But we can make better choices with a better understanding of our spiritual nature.
I stopped having sex at the swing parties that we host almost a year ago because sex with others became repulsive. I didn't understand. It was a crazy thing to do. I didn't know how to explain it to my friends. After all I had been hosting parties and being active for over 35 years. I couldn't explain, especially to my husband who wanted to continue with swinging. A man needs to be part of a couple to be invited to swing parties, whereas women are more accepted. So, as a man, he cannot be invited easily to parties if I am not willing to participate. So this was a major problem for me because I didn't want to take this away from my husband, but I couldn't continue having sex with others. Why? Why? Why? The question really bothered me. Why? I loved the people and I loved the hugging but please don't ask me to do that! I love the talking and the social and everything about swinging - and I approve it still to this day. I think it is a wonderful way to experience feelings that you would never be able to experience without engaging in sex. Sex cultivates and stimulates the vital force of the body - the kundalini - which is the power of the body.
But sex is only the first step in understanding the etheric or spiritual nature which is lives on after we die, and lives again in another body. This etheric or spiritual nature never dies! It is important to know about it! And sex is the first initiation on the long winding evolutionary journey through human life, which is designed to teach and learn so we can grow wiser and happier and more fulfilled. So what goes wrong in human lives? Why do so many relationships end up in trouble? With so much heart-ache?
I learned the next step on the long winding evolutionary road to the stars after I made the decision to stop engaging in sex with the many others in swinging. After I made the decision - and it was a hard decision - the next step came into view rather rapidly. My partner, David, come forward within days and introduced himself. Through him I have learned about love - not sexual love but spiritual love. It has brought me alive. I feel free again and excited about life. I learned from hindsight that it was the lack of love in swinging that was causing me to be repulsed and to close down.
It was love that was missing. I knew it on a theoretical level but I didn't know love on the physical level. My partner showed me about love without sex in a very practical, loving, delightful way. We talk and laugh and share everything except physical sex, because I've had enough of that. I don't want it any more.
I am learning that Tantra is all about the souls journey through physical form. It is not about sex. It is the next stage of evolution. We don't live in a physical universe. We live in a spiritual universe and we are constantly changing our reality because we can. Through our choices and our focus. We bring into our lives what we need and we reject what we don't need any more. And so the next step appears.
If we don't know what we need, then we stumble around trying this and that and bumping up against things and other people until we find out what we like and what we don't like. It firms up our resolve. Our adventures help us to be wiser in our selection process. I needed love, not sex. I wasn't getting love with my sexual encounters. Lots of fun, yes, but it was very superficial. It wasn't feeding me on a deeper level. I wasn't growing. I was declining. I was closing up. I was deteriorating. I was getting old. I was getting aches and pains.
People say it's natural to get aches and pains as you get older, but it's not. It's not natural at all. Our cells are replenished every day, as old ones die and new ones are born. We are created to be eternally young. It is the not-natural, the not-love that we grow old and tired. Motivational speakers say, Find something exciting to do to get inspired again. But we don't know that early in our lives, and we form "attachments". Cords that connect us "til death do us part". It is only later in life that we discover that we can cut cords and detach.
I would not take away your journey from you. You are precisely where you should be right now to become wiser and make the right choices. You are OK the way you are. But I am presenting another piece of the path you are following, perhaps a little bit further on. You are walking it alone. While you are here you have friends and family. Enjoy them. But the inner journey is solitary.
We are each one of us stepping up the evolutionary ladder into the unknown. We don't know our futures. We don't know where we are heading. We don't know what we don't know so we take steps blindly and only learn the why of it later. We are risk-takers. Or we should be. If you're sitting at home afraid to take the step you are being nudged to take, then you are missing out on your own empowerment. Your choice can be just as empowering to say "no" as well as "yes". The choice is in the firmness of the decision. It doesn't matter at all, what the subject matter is, whether to do "this" or to do "that". It is in taking responsibility for making a choice. That is the empowerment lesson. Life's evolutionary journey is a journey in unfolding the greater self. We stand alone on this. Our partners really don't have much to do with our decisions. We are on our own. This is the inner work we are here to do. We are here to evolve ourselves to higher planes of SELF awareness. Self as an immortal god-being. Because we have all this love and awareness available to be more fulfilled. We just need to the tools to know how to access more happiness, abundance, love and creativity.
It has been the study of Tantra that brings more insight. The common understanding is that Tantra is about two people learning how to make love better, but it is actually about one person alone and the journey of the soul in joining with its maker. Tantra is full of parables, allegories and coded names, words and places. For example, the lingam (penis) is called "thunderbolt" among other interesting words. And the yoni (vagina) is referred to as "palace" among other phrases. Each human being has both parts within them. A study of anatomy shows us that. The body is a changeable, temporary vehicle, like a car. After a few years, the car dies out, unless you take pristine care of it, and we go out and buy a new car, all shiny and properly functioning. But the old car can be maintained if there is knowledge in HOW to maintain it.
Tantra does not take us into spiritual realms and away from the material world, like other religions do. It brings us into fulfillment in the matter world. The teachings were laid down thousands of years ago but preserved in hiding until the masses were ready to hear it. The path of all other religions are aimed away from the physical world, while Tantra fills our lives full of delight and lusty, erotic love and creative thinking. Alert and alive and you can renew your body so it feels younger again.
The intention of this blog is about sex. Know who you are having sex with. When you have sex with someone you don't really want to have sex with, understand that in withdrawal it puts you into a weaker position which makes the other person stronger. If they get their way with you, they create an attachment to you. A cord. In thinking "it's just sex and nothing more", your ignorance makes you weak. You become available to them for sexual love which is a very powerful psychological tool we call "vampirism". It is a psychic sucking of vital force from another person. Many women are coerced into having sex with a man when she doesn't want it. Also I guess it's true that there are men who are coerced into having sex with someone when he doesn't want it.
But know that love changes the game. Become aware of love. If you look for love in an encounter, even a temporary encounter, as in a swinging encounter, if you slow it down and allow for love to enter you, you will change the game. The ratio of vitality changes. If the other person doesn't have all the control, if you take back some of the control, the formula changes. Bringing love into a sexual encounter changes the game. It is not "falling in love" as so many people think of love. It is simply being loving, kind, considerate, slow and real and authentic and caring and talking and connecting - and allowing a harmony to develop before getting sexual.
That changes the game. It gives a person equal power over the one who is trying to take charge and pushing the matter faster than the other wants it to be. Slow it down.
Everyone has the capacity to suck on your vital force and draw you into an attachment. But the larger love - the Love with a capital L - will prevent that kind of attachment from happening. You become the larger Lover. You take control over the lesser situation. If you take the time to create that loving feeling within yourself, that's all it takes. If you can do that, you do not need to ask the other person to find love in them. The chances are they would not know how to do that. You don't even have to talk or use the L word. Just slow down and bring forth tenderness and eye gazing. If you take the time to create love in yourself, to respect yourself and to center yourself by imagining love surrounding you and within you so you can actually FEEL love softly enfolding you, the other person will feel it too. Your encounter will be very different.
3/30/16 - Much has been taking place in David's and my working together in the field of what we now call Tantric Massage. It is actually much more than what people generally refer to asTantra. David and I have been breaking through ceilings and falling through openings in the ground, finding new depth and new heights, actually weaving new heights and depths together and understanding them. Enlarging our picture. While this sounds all vague and mysterious, we record them in emails to each other.
David and I correspond every day. Sometimes a private conversation conveys more than a carefully prepared article intended for publication. With this in mind, I want to share what David wrote to me this morning. It is only one example of an ongoing exchange. We are healers and I want to share this as way of explanation of what we do. I know the Tantric Massage offering is mysterious and nobody really knows what it is about. We didn't either when we began. But we have been finding out. We have been exploring. We found that it takes two people to talk something to the surface and discuss it. And we do that. But it occurred to me yesterday that the third person on the table forms a completion. A trinity. That person completes the equation. There is something magical in three people coming together for a common purpose. It begins with two people sound boarding. And if those two people flourish, then it leads to the next step. An idea is born and begins to take shape. After nine months, David wrote to me this morning in answer to something I wrote to him, which was in answer to something he wrote to me, etc.
"The dream. As I said, I dozed off in the chair, waiting for my next client. I saw a woman, on the table, being worked on by both of us. She was naked, but her physicality, her body was sort of transparent. I could see through her flesh and see her chakras, see her webs. You are right, there is a simply immense, very fine tracing net of love. Emanating from the chakras, but spreading everywhere. Reaching every single cell. I could see filaments, micro filaments reaching every single cell. But, actually, there was something else too. There is a column extending up the spine, which is MUCH bigger, much wider. But there are absolutely zillions of connections from this column that connect in all sorts of ways with the web. Everything is so fine that the connections can't really be discerned, there are too many and they are miniscule. But they are everywhere. There is more too. Both the column and the intricate web were dimmed. The web much more so than the column. The reason they are dimmed is because they are sheathed. I think, I'm not sure, that the sheath is the same for both column and web, but the reason that column appears less dimmed is that the light of the column is stronger, brighter. That plus it is bigger. The sheaths are dark. And they encase fully.
Now, here comes the really blissfully exciting part.
"As we were working on her, I could see the effect on these sheaths. The web and the column was sort of flickering as if the sheaths were being slowly erased. But, as the orgasms happened, it was like seeing a huge flash of light instantly traveling throughout the web and column. They briefly glowed so brightly that the sheath was over powered and the light shone through. And as the orgasms built, the flash of light was stronger and stronger. Brighter and brighter. And each time, the sheaths became more and more insubstantial. Allowing more light to shine and more easily flow. The light is, of course, Love. Love overpowering the dark. As the dream ended, the woman began to Ascend. And as she did, the column just lit up like a searchlight. Utterly flooding EVERYTHING. Literally, nothing could withstand the brightness. All shadows dispelled and reduced to nothingness. Utterly and entirely overpowered by Love. Love. Love. Love." (End of quote)
In summary of the above, I'd like to interject something we discovered. The orgasms David speaks of are mini-releases which begin to occur without touching the genitals. As she is bathed in unconditional love -- and we are open channels to unconditional love -- without any demands put upon her, no expectations, no "working" the genitals, clitoris or yoni, just a nice slow, gentle, whole body massage, her whole body relaxes and lets go of the stress that has built up over years. The love is within her. She is love. Everyone is built out of love. Love is the glue that holds physicality together. Without it we wouldn't exist. There is a structure of love built inside her. Tantra teaches this, but it is subtle. It often goes unnoticed. But this structure of love is covered by a dark substance from years of stress and trauma. As her body relaxes under our gentle massage, so does the dark sheaths surrounding the light body. Love and Light are synonymous. The love is automatically released. It is experienced as a release. It is a mini-orgasm. And more releases are felt as more stress buildup dissolves and more love is released. This occurs while we are simply lovingly massaging her.
For everyone reading this, I would like to add a summary. David and I had similar dreams when we first met. That is what brought us together. A dreamer who dreams alone, as I did alone and he did alone, with no one to share it with who listens and responds in kind, loses the dream. Chalk it up to hopeless. It will never happen. Here is the advice I would give to everyone. Develop a new kind of relationship in addition to your home relationship. I encourage you to partner with someone who will listen to you and to whom you will listen in return, with whom you can share your dreams and subsequent insights that will develop from the two of you working together. Built on it, and do not make it personal.
Anyone who is compatible with you mentally is a good beginning partner. Whether it lasts or not, is not important. Every journey begins with a single step. This is not a personal relationship, but one with a higher-vision. You do not have to break up your marriage or your relationship. If it is a relationship based on a dream of the heart and not a personal/sexual one, it will add to you. And it will add to your home relationship.
Currently we live in a 3D matrix of personalities overlayed with other personalities. It is confusing because it is personal, sexual and ownership-based. A 5D relationship is a transcendental relationship, not based on ownership, where you meet on a regular basis to soundboard and build concepts based on a higher dream. A heart-based dream. 5D relationships are built on an upward spiral of encouragement, appreciation, cooperation and support. There is room for disagreements, but they are not arguments. They become the nexus for the next talk. To bring the two perspectives together. This is the concept of building harmony and a better product or service in the end. What happens in most relationships is, two people fall into a sexual/personal relationship, and suddenly they are creating problems and becoming confused, rather than spiraling upward to higher and ever higher understanding.
3/23/16 - Today we have posted a change in the Tantric Massage page on this website. There has been a lot of discussion between my partner and me about our four-handed approach to massage. A bog-down kept popping up due to the fact that Tantric Massage for women requires a certain approach which is different from how we would approach a man. We had to work through this. We both feel more sensitivity for feminine needs than for masculine needs. We are both aware of the accumulated ancestral abuse of women by men over the centuries, and which today continues to manifest in people on both sides of the fence. My intuitive sense that a loving approach is the answer to healing abuse in all its latent forms, led David to contact me. He feels the same way. He has an unlimited reservoir of Love flowing through him with a capital L. He has a hidden underground spring that feeds him continually with an ongoing flow.
As we interacted over the last nine months, we have been led closer and closer towards Tantra. Tantra is a spiritual science that reveals how spiritual fire flows through the physical. It is based on knowledge that we don't have yet in our western world. At least not openly in the main stream. After discussing this from many angles and having a few clients along the way, David and I have learned some amazing things. The physical body is capable of touching the divine and sacred while rooting deeply into the earth and being earthy. We knew these things before because we each had experiences with the kundalini, but we didn't know that Tantra contained this knowledge in such a precise science.
Yesterday during our session together we talked and talked and finally came to a conclusion. We have decided - and it's a done deal - to offer Tantric Massage exclusively to women and not to men. We are removing men from the equation.
This may sound unfair to men and we do not mean to be. But we have now zeroed in on the basic problem that exists for women - and men by reflection - everywhere. Male appetites are distracting. They pull us down to the physical side with their sexual and logical needs. Women's needs are of a higher caliber and are more inclusive of the whole body, not just a small part of the body. Their need for love has been left sorely unfulfilled and their need for love so ridiculed and denied that it has been a centuries-long downward spiral for the large population of girls and women. Many end badly. Frigidity is a common complaint of husbands while the wife's request for "more love please" is left unheard or ignored.
With total respect for men, I know it is not their fault because they do not understand this feminine need. That is why David and I are going to focus on women only. The healing begins with women. Tantric Massage is a technique ideally suited to us. It presents a method that is based on balancing the energies of the body. We can use that. We can take a good hold of that and, between us, we can saturate the woman with BOTH male and female love, and nurture and nourish the body so it can feel its own worth again. And access its own power and be happy again and feel fulfilled. And while men may not understand what the devil I'm talking about, and he may resent the implications terribly, later when he calms down a bit and contemplates what is being said here, he will receive the benefit of it on a deep and long-lasting level. He too will become empowered into his own happiness and fulfillment as a reflection of his wife or girlfriend. Women hold the key to the transformation of the world because of their ability to love which has been lost, but soon will be found again.
While the science of Tantra provides a perfect balance between male and female forces within and also in the external world outside, the male force has been the stronger of the two for a long, long time. And it seems to be getting even more powerful. In this climate, women are having a difficult time manifesting their feminine power, which is gentle, supportive and nourishing. Their voices are not heard in the storm. It seems hopeless from the vantage point of the world as it exists today. Tantra provides an amazing source of information, if one undertakes it as a serious study as opposed to the ambiguous acceptance that it provides better sex.
We will be writing more about this as we go along. David is preparing a blog right now to post on David's Blog. David and I each see through different eyes, so he will have a different feel and express a different persona through his writings than I do. But we have joined forces in this project and are of one mind. We want to assist the women in finding and trusting her female qualities. Her qualities are not the same as his qualities. It is not competitive but complementary to men, if men will take a step back and recognize that. It is not a fist raised in defiance. It is a woman manifesting as a lovely goddess which has been denied expression for many lifetimes. A goddess is not a fairy tale character, she is love fulfilled, intelligent and personified.
3/15/16 - Since this is my own personal blog with nobody to oversee or censor me (smile) I want to share my own personal experiences with Tantra. Since David and I have been giving loving touch to clients and friends, we have unknowingly opened the door to a more profound and a much older wisdom than we realized. We have recently posted on this site that we are offering Tantric Massages, the two of us together, because we are heading in this direction. This does not make us masters of Tantra. Not by a long shot. We are applying what we are learning and feeling and validating for ourselves, and to each other, and to those we have sessions with. We are becoming immersed in this very balanced way of living.
Tantra is not about other people. It is about the Self. It is about our own body. The more one applies the knowledge gained from this ancient source, consciously, the more one understands him or herself. It does require applying it. It is not just head learning. Head learning stays in the head. Ancient wisdom is head and heart learning. It is learning about the body and the lines of force and currents of fire that weave through the body, either energizing us or depleting us. Or making us crazy.
The energies of the body require balancing and clearing. Intuition is a vague guiding light leading us in the right direction, but we need to move that energy down into the body through some means. And that means, according to Tantra teachings, is conscious breathing. Not unconscious breathing, which is automatic and mindless, but CONSCIOUS breathing. This is done through taking time out, as in meditation, to focus on a certain breathing technique. All learning remains a head trip until it is activated in the body itself. Moving it down is what is meant by "going into the heart". Or "be heart-centered." No changes are made until the energy is MOVED. Moving energy is what Tantra does.
We have no idea how vast and powerful the energy in our body is. It is not mystical. It is only mystical when it stays in the intellect. What we call the ivory tower of the skull. Mystical is something we lack physical validation for. We don't yet understand it. Mystical comes from the word "mysterious". Mysterious is not understanding. My personal experience with Tantra has been nothing short of amazing.
As I was saying yesterday, the first building block of Tantra is conscious breath. Conscious breathing means taking time out to focus on your breathing and direct it with thought. After being reminded that the masculine energy follows the right nostril pathway, yesterday I began periodically doing right nostril breathing. Sometimes I did only 10 right-nostril breaths, sometimes 20, sometimes 30, and I did 50 right-nostril breaths the night before. I closed the left nostril with my thumb and breathed for 30 times through my right. This morning I am so balanced that I woke up at 6 and sprang out of bed. I am stunned! This has not happened for 20 or 30 years. I am always lethargic and slow to get going in the morning. It takes me hours.
I am a senior citizen and like all senior citizens I've been experiencing a slowing down. When I was younger I was a late night person, going to bed after midnight, maybe 1 or 2 am or even later. but now I am going to bed earlier and still getting up slower and later. Aches and pains have sent me to various body work treatments, and different supplements (no medicines though). And I continue practicing various esoteric techniques which help a lot, but they are of a higher nature. I continued to slow down.
As David and I have been evolving techniques that are close to being Tantric, I decided to look directly into Tantra. I returned to some books on my shelf. I opened them. I re-learned something that I already knew but it didn't "click" long enough for me to practice it. I have more books on my shelf than I know what to do with but they are there to serve me when I am ready.
The light began to dawn. I began to realize that I am operating on too much feminine energy. I am overloaded with nurturing, loving, giving energy. This is only one side of a whole energy field. I have been supportive of other people to a fault. I had a total breakdown early in life because I gave away all my power away and nearly died. It was my tendency to give without replenishing. I didn't know. Well, actually, over the years I learned about the masculine and feminine energies and how they needed to be balanced, but it was knowledge in my head. In my ivory tower. I hadn't applied it. I didn't moved the energy down into my body through exercise and practice and discipline. So it remained ethereal.
So now I began realizing that maybe - just maybe - I needed to vitalize my masculine energy. Tantra's first building block is breath work. So I started two days ago doing conscious right-nostril breathing periodically throughout the day. I noticed a certain "pick-me-up" almost immediately. In fact, I was running around being active and engaged before I recognized what was happening to me. This morning is amazing to me. During sleep last night I learned something. I woke up awash with this information so that I jumped up and come downstairs to write about it before I forget.
We come from a super-intelligent, super-loving place, a place we call Home, where everyone is in harmony with everyone else and yet we are still individually learning and growing. The learning never stops, even in heaven. It is a beautiful place. But when we are born here on the Earth, we are born into a duality environment. It is not harmonious at all, unless we have a loving home and loving parents. In this world there is right and wrong, up and down, in and out, good and bad and evil, and we have to make decisions all the time. It is thus so in order to learn by trial and error the best way to produce the best results. If we do it wrong, we suffer. If we do it right, we are pleased. It all comes down to learning balance. The old advice, There is a time for action and a time for rest, a time for war and a time for peace. This reflects the cycles of balance. One balances out the other.
Little babies enter the world as beautiful little angels, perfect, sweet and innocent. They fairly glow with perfection. But then they begin to grow up in a world of duality. They are forced to make decisions and sometimes they are wrong decisions due to an in-born tendency which they cultivated in their last few lifetimes. When we arrive here in a perfect little body, the tendencies we cultivated from previous lives begin to manifest. Little signs here and there. Little prodigies show great skills in music, art, dance, sports. It all comes from previous lifetimes. It didn't just appear by magic.
We are what we were. What we have done in the past. Maybe we had lifetimes of aggressiveness and were warriors. Overly masculine. Maybe we were weak and submissive for many lifetimes, overly feminine. And we continue to travel that road in this life, which carries on and on and on, as it did for me until I was depleted at the age of 30. I had to make a change then to save myself, and have been on the personal growth path ever since.
So we come forth with tendencies that we think, "That's who I am. I'll never change." But we can change. Tantra is not the only school for change. Certainly not. But it happens to be a great school for change. Because we need some instruction or we continue to follow along the same path, unconsciously, without doing something about it and relying on the old saying, "I am who I am!"
I cultivated feminine side of me all my life. I tended to be nurturing, loving and supportive of everyone. I was "nice" to everyone. I would never think of saying something mean to someone, even if I thought it, but I seldom thought it. I was undoubtedly waaaaayyyy out of balance on the feminine side.
When David entered into my life and I decided I did not want to have a sexual relationship with him, and he supported me and continued to be my friend, I began changing. I began exerting my assertiveness. My masculine side. Sexual relationships are where we get all confused over who we are, because we can't help but take on the motives, intentions and tendencies of our lovers and life partners. We become like them and we forget who WE are. "I am what I am!" Or am I?
Tantra teaches how to be selective in the choice of sexual partners. It teaches this through, first, breath work, and then more. I have learned firsthand and right away that right nostril breathing has shifted me. Tantric practitioners will guide you in how to breathe when they work with you. It brings a rhythm to your body and integrates your light body with your physical body, or in other words mind, body and feelings become more whole and connected so you can feel feelings again. Feeling feelings is empowering. Actually, it is HEALING the feelings by doing breath work. Then you are in a nice loving balanced place to choose a life mate or a sexual partner to enjoy all those good feelings.
In Tantra they say that keeping your energies balanced keeps you youthful. I was growing old following my "old" way of being nurturing, supportive, loving, giving. Sometimes I would feel so depleted I would say to myself, "I wish I could have a break from life." Or "I wish this life would be over." But it doesn't work that way. We are supposed to learn how to maintain our energies. Our bodies need maintaining just like a machine does.
We can grow so out of balance and so weird in our thinking or depleted or mean or angry that we simply run away from everything and start over somewhere else. But our tendencies will go with us. We can't change the world around us but we CAN change! We can change the way we feel through conscious breathing, whether right nostril to gain more assertiveness and to fire up the get-up-and-go feeling, or left nostril breathing to cool, slow down, calm, be at peace. Periodically during the day, take time to close one nostril and breathe 20 or 30 times through the other.
Conscious breathing is the first building block in Tantra.
3/14/16 - Tantra teaches conscious circulation of energy. In the western way of engaging in sex where one of us performs on the other, and then the other reciprocates (hopefully), we often find ourselves doing what we do without consciously thinking about it. It becomes automatic. We become robotized. Machines.
To enhance lovemaking to a higher level, we must become conscious of what we are doing, and further, we must learn how to circulate the energies of bliss, rapture and love, with our minds. In the Tantric tradition, without circulating these wonderful life-giving energies, we do not receive the benefits for which our bodies were built. We are designed to experience rapture. Then, what are we waiting for? We are waiting for some instruction.
For these teachings we must go to the oldest civilization on the planet - the Chinese. The ancient oriental medical science sees and teaches the harmonious circulation of life energies through the human body. It is considered essential to health, which includes lovemaking. Our western-trained medical doctors and health practitioners are not trained in this ancient and advanced science. We cannot blame them for what they do not know, but we can begin to help ourselves.
The Chinese sees beyond the physical to the invisible fire that flows through pathways that criss-cross the body to reach the furthest extremities. These pathways are as thin as a spiders web. They weave round and round and intersect one another, like a spiders web. In fact, that was probably why they called this system "web" or "webbing" in their own language of the time. In Sanskrit, the word web is called "tantra".
The Chinese learned from their forefathers long ago that there are major vitality centers in the human body, from which the life force radiates out in all directions, weaving back and forth and connecting to all the other centers, like rivers of living water feeding the ports of call - the muscles, organs, tissues - with rejuvenating, refreshing, living life.
As written in "Sexual Secrets" by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger, a very valuable book in my library, "When the life-force becomes stagnated or blocked, disease occurs. It is the natural flow of energy that rejuvenates and renews both body and mind. We all experience energy 'lows' in our day-to-day lives and know that when we feel vital and 'energized' we can accomplish almost anything. Indeed, it is the maintenance of vital energy that is the determining factor between youth and age. Energy should be circulated throughout the body so that no part of it is starved of vitality."
How does one circulate vitality through the body? Through conscious thought and movement. Tai Chi is a natural dance-like movement that is now being taught as a science, but it was originally spontaneous. I can tell you a little bit about it and how to do it. Conscious thought can also be applied through massage to someone else. A lover perchance? Lovers can circulate and revitalize energy for each other and with each other, simultaneously, once they learn how. David and I are using this natural flow that is present in the body when we do our Tantric Healing sessions. We are learning. We are not masters, but the best teacher is the student who is studying, learning and applying the art being studied. That is us. We each have memories of doing Tantra in other lives.
One of the first building blocks in learning Tantra, if not the first, is conscious breathing. There are a lot of books on breathing, but taking time out to actually do conscious breathing is how you can move energy in your own body right now, today, this moment. It is simple. Too simple for most people to bother with. You can practice conscious breathing alone by yourself at home, and we can give you some basic techniques to practice, or you can practice it with your lover. Lovers can circulate vitality while consciously breathing in sync and thus prepare each other for lovemaking. But so often we are married to an opposite partner who is not interested in the same things we are. If you want to pursue the beautiful art and science of Tantra, you must find a way to do it without upsetting your relationship. You can't force it on someone who is not ready for it. But this is a paradigm changer, and you yourself can achieve amazing results if you FOCUS!
Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger who co-authored the book, "Sexual Secrets" added the phrase "The Alchemy of Ecstasy" to the title. They were westerners exploring Eastern mysticism. They translated what they learned and practiced into laymen's language for us. You can find this book on Amazon. I highly recommend it. But I should warn you - I've had it for 30 years and have never read it from cover to cover. It is too deep. Too much too soon. Not ready. But it is a book to pick up once in a while and look at the pictures. They are amazing. Each time you open to a page, any page, you will be inspired with the freshness and the wholesome and divine goodness that inner circulation of spiritual fire will do for you, your life and your lovemaking.
Let's go back to the first building block of Tantra - conscious breathing. When you close your left nostril with your thumb or forefinger, and breathe 10, 20, 30 times through your right nostril, inhaling and exhaling without changing nostrils, you are firing up your masculine vitality and pumping it through your body. Your masculine energy is your firey, get-up-and-go energy. It will quicken you and you will discover that, if you've been sluggish, it will help you to get up and move around without effort. It could happen without even realizing you are moving fluidly and lightly, whereas before you were feeling aches and pains. Try it.
If you are predominantly male anyway, always busy and energized to the point of being too busy and too active all the time and unable to stop, then your masculine energy has taken you over and running out of control. To balance your energies, according to the Tantric tradition, you would block off your RIGHT nostril and breathe 10, 20, 30 times through your left side. The left nostril activates and clears out the pathways for the feminine energies, gentle, calming and soft energy which is also in you but normally subdued (clogged). The Chinese say we should maintain a balance in our energy flows, yin and yang. Just remember today as you move around in your daily life - left nostril breathes out coolness, the right nostril breathes out hot. Left cool; right hot.
Tantra can be studied and practiced alone by yourself for better health, harmony and bliss. It is the natural way, studied by our forefathers. But, again. What makes it so attractive to us in America is that it can be used to enhance our sexuality. And indeed it can. But it requires study and conscious awareness. It's not a pill like Viagra or Cialis. It is possible for a man to experience natural erections, regardless of age, by practicing daily these exercises. Of course, it depends on how blocked and clogged and lazy a man is. A body has to be de-bugged or de-clogged. However you want to say it. And it does require self-discipline and practice. But the simple breathing-together exercises will certainly prove in small ways how effective this method is, if both partners are agreeable to practicing together.
America was founded on sexual repression, and we have been enjoying a sexual revolution over the past 50, 60, 70 years. Tantra comes along as a wonderful tool to learn the finer aspects of ecstasy, love and bliss that our bodies are capable of attaining. Simply by opening and unclogging the pathways that have caused so much stress and distress, pain and chronic disease. There is much we can learn from Chinese elders.
3/11/16 - Today David and I provided a Tantric Massage to a lady. We will not tell you about it because it is private. The reason for mentioning it is simply to let my readers know we are still on course. There has been so much happening to us, each of us individually, and together as a team. We have been traveling through layers of energies, dense energies that have been holding us back. One level and then a plateau, then another level and then a plateau, and then another level, and so on. It seems to be an ongoing journey, which is kind of crazy and unique since we are not a couple. We are collaborators brought together by a common love - massage.
What has been happening for us and to us validates a long-standing belief, which I have wanted to post here for those couples who are strictly monogamous who do not want to break up their marriages and yet they are feeling stifled. At least one of them is feeling stifled. Perhaps both are and they do not know what to do about it. They do not want swinging, they do not want to cheat, they do not know what to do or how to go about doing it. There are couples who, in their exploring open relationships or polyamory or swinging, have found someone who was exciting and they decided to break up their marriage to move in with their new lover.
What I have discovered is a a higher form of polyamory that does not require a breakup of marriage. It is simply having a meeting once a week and keeping it above the infatuation level. The infatuation level is what people call "falling in love". You do not have to fall in love. What you have to do is open your higher chakras which are more spiritual. You still have your lower chakras open too, where you can have sexual experiences, but when you have your higher chakras open and allow intelligence, discernment, divine love to be active in your personal relationships, you do not become "hooked", as in emotional involvement. What we call ownership or infatuation or falling in love which destroys marriages.
Opening the higher chakras is what Tantric Massage aims to accomplish. It may not always succeed, because it depends on the person receiving, if they are able to receive the healing love we are offering. That is what David and I have evolved to - assisting others in the opening of the higher chakras.
Everyone has their own package of history they lug around with them everywhere they go. There is a saying that if you think you are getting away from a problem by leaving your current situation, you are probably taking the problem with you. Problems are in-born. You make them yourself through trial and error. We all do. We solve those problems by airing them. It is no different than shaking out the rug to get rid of the dust. We all have problems that are deeply embedded, like dust in a carpet, which we don't know is there. We can only get rid of the dust by shaking it up and airing it out with someone you trust. A good friend of the same gender or perhaps a lover.
This good friend or lover is often found outside of the home. We encourage people to have trusted friends or lovers outside of the home which they meet with often. It is important to share information that you would not share with your spouse or live-in. Your live-in relationship works because you found ways to accommodate each other so each of you is comfortable with the arrangement. But this type of arrangement more often than not turns into a rut because of old belief patterns. Monogamy, for example. You are supposed to remain faithful and loyal to this one person for life, under the old laws of the land. It's not healthy. To get out of a rut you need some outside traction in the form of feedback, loving support and confidence that your feelings count. You don't have to keep them buried forever, which causes suffocation and stagnation and eventually an early death because there is no way out. It requires a change in belief systems. Beliefs are not forever. You don't have to separate or divorce your long-time relationship to have wonderful friends and lovers to help you gain liberation and beautiful, exciting, benefits on all four levels.
When you open your higher chakras you rise above the human chakras where emotional attachments happen for lack of fresh air flowing through you. There are four human chakras - the root chakra, the sacral or sex chakra, the naval chakra and the solar plexus chakra. These are bog-down areas. The three higher chakras above that are divine. Open the heart, throat and third eye and you start to feel liberated. The flow is coming up from the root chakra, reaching for the crown and the sky beyond. The science of Tantra delves into these things for anyone who is ready to receive this flow of instruction which comes from a hands-on experience.
3/4/16 - David has posted his own blog today. Check it out in the menu above. There is a dimension beyond the human level that is far and above anything we know as human love for one another. It is rarely available, simply because there have been no role models to lead us, no teachers to guide, no instructors to explain. The ancient Divine Tantra schools gave this millennia ago but the explanations have not been available until recently. Now that Tantra teachings are entering into the mainstream of Western culture, David comes along to speak of this - and hold - this resonance.
The human emotional/sexual relationship tends to come with complexities, such as possessiveness, compromises which bog people down and limit their actions, causing silent blame to build up in the mind, creating arguments that lead to negative outcomes. And then the soft and tender needs of the divine go further underground, remain unfulfilled. And of course guilt starts to pop up, then jealousies if we should stray over the line, and words spoken in anger, which lead to either closing down and shutting up, or lashing out and causing violence.
That's the human side of us. But we spiritual beings. In fact, we are MORE spiritual than we realize. There is a noble, elegant, virtuous and liberated consciousness within us that is very real, very precise, very accurate, very much present and wanting to express in human activities. It is there all the time but human beliefs get in the way. "I believe this." "I don't believe that." "I am afraid. I don't trust myself." False beliefs that we are small, insignificant, powerless to change, and we are stubborn in those beliefs. We absolutely refuse to think highly of ourselves and put ourselves down constantly. Or cover it over with a big ego.
The mind is not in harmony with feelings. Feelings are not in harmony with the way we physically live our lives. The subconscious contains past life irregularities that remain unresolved. Soul stuff. So the human body carries around with it a lot of limitations. If we were not limiting ourselves, divinity would flow freely and smoothly through everything in our lives, family, friends, work, recreation, lifting and lightening the load and everything we touch.
The fifth dimension is not "out there" somewhere beyond the sky. It is right here inside the body. All we have to do to get there is link up our spiritual nature - the ideal and beautiful nature - to our sexual nature - the low and limited. Both are right here inside the bodies we wear. The sexual vibration is a wrong term. It is not sex that we are striving for, but a vibration of perfection that has been lowered down into the physical body to anchor the spirit into this realm of matter and solidarity. Spirit needs an anchor to be able to reside here in this dense environment of matter, and it's a part of our own high consciousness that has been sent downward into matter. It's US that we have to link up to. The kundalini is a piece of the great light (US) that was sent before us to prepare a body here in the physical plane so we could inhabit it. It is anchored by necessity into the Mother Earth light to hold it here. This is done by sheer magnetism. Gravity. Our kundalini is "married" to the Earth. That is why it is called a female force. These are Tantric teachings.
It is this singular vibration that we call "sex" but which is really a vibration from our spiritual self that we keep struggling to find and connect to. There are many obstacles in the way. We just have to work through them. The teachings are coming. They are here. They are all around us in the atmosphere. We don't need to have a sexual "act" with someone in order to complete this connection or to make this link. It is a precise linking up. Picture a negative live wire and a positive live wire that is slowly coming together to start the car battery. Kaboom! It's done then.
Having a sexual act before this is done, is unwise. It's OK, sex is OK, sex is fun, sex is wonderful, and we all do it. So it is certainly part of our human nature and it does help us to become more balanced. But it's just not the perfect way. There is a divine plan for humanity. When we wait until after our yin and yang (female and male) energies are in sync, then when we pluck that delicious fruit the heavens open. This is what David is referring to when he speaks of Making Love with a capital M and a capital L.
3/1/16 - Today David and I have posted our new Tantric Massage offering on the Tantric Massage page here. We are planning to accept couples and women at first, because we want more feminine energy and we want the women to become empowered by their own sexuality. The dynamics may change in the future, as we are all evolving and growing and changing. Click on the Tantric Massage page and find out more about it!
2/24/16 - Many changes and shifts in direction have been taking place. My partner David and I have been exploring all of them. We seem to be moving inexorably toward Tantra. I have not wanted to label what I do as Tantra because I know that real Tantra, the original Tantra from the ancient past, is not sexual but involves cosmic love and cosmic connection with everything in the natural and apparently solid world. To call Tantra "sexual" is demeaning and limiting. But (I am emitting a big, long, accepting sigh) it seems to be what people want. And so I guess, since I know the infinite and intimate depth of the Tantric oneness process, I have told David that I would agree to label what we are doing "Tantra". Today I have added "Tantra" to the menu above, but we are still working out the format. Check back later.
2/4/16 I have just now happened upon an article that I think is so good that I am posting it here in my blog for readers of Anakosha. This article is from Mary Magdalene through Mercedes Mirkel, permission is granted if it is shown in full which, of course, I am doing. It is wonderful advice. Absolutely wonderful. This is what I have been experiencing through the support of my partner, David. How the masculine can support the feminine.
Mary Magdalene: How the Masculine can Support the Feminine
Received through Mercedes Mirkel
January 16, 2016
Question: How might the Masculine assist and support the Feminine?
Mary Magdalene: Thank you so much for this question.
There is much that the Masculine can do to assist the Feminine, and there is much that the Feminine can do to assist the Masculine. Both are greatly needed.
In answer to your question on what the Masculine can do, it begins with understanding the necessity, value, and importance of the Feminine. This is a healing process in your world because the Feminine has been greatly devalued. For this healing to occur, your world must come out of the place where so much has been confined to the mind, which is the Masculine. For some of you, this is easier. For some of you, this is harder. But most of you have received tremendous training and enculturation to live in and from your mind.
It is not that the mind is bad. Your minds are amazing. Your minds are so valuable. It is just that you are out of balance and need to come into balance with the Feminine. The Feminine is your feeling nature. The Feminine is your connection to your body, energy, sexuality, intuition, and love.
So the first step is to begin to value these aspects of the Feminine and to stop the insistence that only the mind is valuable. Not every individual is necessarily doing this, but in general, your culture does this and has trained you to do so.
For many this work will begin with loving the Feminine within yourself. It will begin with loving your own body and treating your body as a temple. It will begin with healing shame that you carry relative to your own body, which is a plague in your modern world. So many carry so much shame relative to their body.
Valuing the Feminine will happen through falling in love with your energy and your sexuality. It will happen through healing your relationship to any part of yourself that says your energy or sexuality is sinful, evil, dirty, or shameful in any way. You will get to know your energy and your sexuality, and become strong in that. That strength is needed for your spiritual development.
The healing of the Feminine will happen through coming to know your emotions and allowing your emotions. Specifically, you will allow your emotions to do the work they were meant to do of connecting you to God through the Feminine pathway. This, more than anything else, is the process that most are ignorant of today, and it is so needed. Most have instead learned that emotions are to be avoided. Many have learned that being spiritual means not having negative emotions, only to be happy all the time. This is unfortunate, for your emotions are as valuable to you as your mind and as necessary.
So the process for many will be to start to open to emotions and to learn this process, this pathway, of letting your emotions take you to God. Let your emotions do the work that is so needed and which they were meant to do.
All these ways will very likely be the beginning of opening up to the Feminine within yourself and loving this Feminine part of yourself. When that happens, you will be well prepared and in a natural orientation to honor and value the Feminine outside yourself, in all its forms. This will include honoring, championing, and protecting the Earth. It will include honoring and valuing the Feminine in others, in women or in whatever form the Feminine comes.
The Masculine, especially in its higher form, can support the Feminine through being present and offering presence to the Feminine. Often the tendency of the Masculine is to want to help the Feminine by solving problems. But this is not the highest form. It can be valuable, if that is requested, but it is not the highest form. The highest form is to offer your presence and holding, which is a kind of protection at the energetic level. The Masculine creates the container that the Feminine can open within. This is an energetic process.
So this is one of the ways that the Masculine can be a tremendous support for the Feminine. When you learn to do this you will see that it is a great joy. And you will receive the blessings and gifts of the Feminine.
Has this been helpful to you?
Questioner: Yes. Thank you very much for that profoundly simple, yet profoundly significant, answer.
Mary Magdalene: Your future before you is a tremendous uniting of the Masculine and Feminine. It is what I have always had with Yeshua. It is one of the greatest gifts to know this and to live in this. It is unmistakable. As you grow into it and come to know it, it will be your great joy to support one another in this. It is the most natural thing in the world, like the connection between the sun and the earth. You will naturally be drawn to this.
You can support this process of uniting by clearing the blocks you may have developed in relationship to this. That will set the stage for your opening to and receiving this tremendous gift and blessing.
©2016 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (
1/28/16 - We are inspired! This week David and I gave a loving touch massage to a wonderful, attractive, attentive and receptive couple who live here in the Naples area. If you have been following this blog, you know that it is our main mission in life to cultivate loving couples for massage-plus parties. The plus will come later, though, because our first massage session/meeting is an interview to learn more about the couple. David and I are completely selfless. We are very, very loving people and our goal is to find other loving, selfless people. We are looking for a certain attitude which is selfless, loving, giving, able to receive, open-hearted and uplifting. This describes a good many people, but unfortunately there are a many other people who do not fit that description. Who are either pushy and demanding, or defensive and turned off to any touching whatsoever. That is why we are interviewing couples for this wonderful new journey we are dreaming into view. Eventually, when we have found enough individuals who fit this criteria, we will have a massage party where massage is the main goal, but with an expanded social time added on for free spontaneous intermingling afterwards.
The couple we met this week were loving, warm and accepting and we were so pleased to make their acquaintance and get to know them. We are, as I said, quite enthusiastic looking forward, David and I. We do see a door opening here into more freedom and love. Love and freedom go hand in hand. There is so much more behind the door, waiting for humanity to enter. Both of us are visionaries and we see into the future.
This is just a short post to let my followers know that we have now seeded the dream in real time. A love club composed of Naples area couples and/or singles is on the way. Single women would be wonderful additions to this group, since it is feminine energy at work here and we want MORE feminine energy than male energy. But once there are single women, then we can invite single men in ratio to the women.
This is not a swing club. It is a love club. The entry requirement is not sex but an open heart. David and I look forward to meeting more open-hearted couples for a massage session. It is free. No cost. When we have interviewed enough couples that we can have at least five couples for a massage party, then we will have one. Go to the Massage page above and contact me, Diana, if you are interested. Fill out the privacy agreement. This is for privacy reasons. Tell a little about yourselves and send it to me. I'll get back to you.
1/11/16 - Greetings from the quiet of our home on this, the 11th day into the NEW YEAR 2016. A very Happy New Year to you! Well, I promised someone I would write in the blog today but I am starting out without a thought in mind. Let's see. What I can tell you? Oh, yes. I know. My husband and I hosted our last party on New Years Eve. We made a decision just ten minutes after our last guests departed New Years morning. The decision was a natural one but came upon us quite suddenly, like a bolt from out of the blue. No discussion. We both agreed at the same time. It was rather uncanny after hosting parties for 22 years. Actually for me it has been 35 years. The Florida Silver Foxes website, which is what we called our private parties for senior couples, has been taken down.
There is an old saying that when you outgrow your outfit and can no longer fit inside your boundaries, your reality is expanding. The lifestyle at one time was freedom from boundaries in the '70s and '80s and we had a lot of fun exploring in that arena for a lot of years, always with couples, expanding all the while and meeting lots and lots of people. But now it seems those boundaries are too tight. There are rules, after all, to swinging. And a code of etiquette that everyone must learn and adopt, in order to fit properly inside the accepted limits. But those lines are material focused. Focused on the physical only, without paying much attention to deeper emotional feelings and spiritual insights and fifth dimensional love which is timeless and endless. And new friends found outside the swinging circle who don't fit lifestyle rules have to be excluded. So the rules of swinging have become rather restricted, as our reality is expanding, and each of us is also expanding. There is always a higher truth beyond this one, and we grow into it at each our own pace. I had actually grown ahead of my husband years ago, but I stayed with it for him. Now he has expanded beyond it too, catching up with me.
On a subjective level, it feels like I am expanding far, far out. I was already feeling this during the last year or two at parties. Now I see that it is a feeling of releasing and letting go. You may feel this yourself in some area of your life where something doesn't hold your interest any more and you find yourself daydreaming beyond the current situation. You are not sure what you are looking for, only that your interest is declining. What do you do when that happens? It is an inner mystery - one of the heart - that holds you and draws you to something for a while, maybe a long time, and then suddenly it releases you and you feel boredom creeping in, perhaps it takes the form of feeling tired or old or some form of disease or depression. Whatever you want to call it, your higher self is giving you messages. Look inside and listen.
I knew I was tired of hosting parties and of the limitations of swinging, but I continued because it was my job. My mission. My contract. Now that it is over, I look back and see that it served me well, and now there is a harvesting going on. A gleaning of all that was good, the fruit of the labor and the play, of the times we've had in this unusual arena that is so unconventional to society, and there is a letting go of all that is not good. I am a richer person for swinging and having played and shared intimately with so many people and on all levels. I am being lifted up, like in a balloon. Expanding and lightening. Sort of like an air bubble once trapped at the bottom of a pond feels free to rise and rejoin the air.
It is not a negative but a powerful positive. I just don't know what to do with this website. Should I take it down? Should I leave it up? Should I continue blogging my innermost journey? Should I change the motto underneath the picture which defines it? Should I take "sex" out or leave it in? Maybe I can start to write some fun stories from my swinging days. Looking back down the trail from the top of the mountain, I see lots of scenes unfold before my eyes. Funny ones, serious ones, moving ones, sad ones, insightful ones, all very human experiences that anyone could have had. Maybe I will finally be able to write some of those stories. I couldn't before because I was too close to the ground and too involved. Too busy with the process.
The mechanics of sex continues to be a major problem for the whole human race. It's global. The mechanics conflict with love and the emotions, which is the bridge to the spiritual side of us. That which is more real and more diverse. The mechanics are concrete. The mechanics mesmerize us and draw our attention to the physical act - the only common thing we can share. Because the mental, emotional and spiritual part of us is too different. We don't like to deal with that in other people. "Just the sex, ma'am. That's all we want."
But there is an inner and outer approach to love, sex and intimacy. The fine line divides inner from outer lies in the one person alone, who is feeling it. Each person is walking through their own discovery process, their own discernment process, all the while following an ideal, a light, a perfection. We seek the other half of ourself. Therein lies the truth. It is within. Not out there some place or in some person. It is good to have someone to discuss deeper thoughts with. Or to NOT talk about deeper thoughts because they cause arguments. Maybe it's better to accept that it's not time yet. And wait for the right time.
It is funny how timing works. After making the decision to step out of swinging in June - meaning stop engaging in sex with the others, not to quite the parties but to personally withdraw from sex, not love but sex - it was only one month later that I was contacted by a man who has turned out to be a soul mate. Not a sexual partner but a spiritual mate. He has provided me with the necessary reflections that I have been missing. For the last six months I have been interacting on a whole new level and have been feeling wonderfully complete. Fulfilled, you might say. I continued along with my husband to host swing parties, but I told everyone including my husband that I did not want to have sex with anyone other than him any more. and I continued hosting parties, giving hugs and warm acceptance to everyone. I told everyone that I loved the feeling of cuddling up against warm human bodies naked if they could handle that with me without pressing for more. Many men were accepting of that, revealing that they too wanted more.
It has been six months and I find my perspective changing. My whole outlook on life has been liberated from the caverns of swinging. I have learned that my view of the world was colored by swinging. It was held locked into a sexual place - a "do" or "don't" place. And because of that I projected my view out on everyone. I thought it was pressure on me from the outside that kept me prisoner inside these walls, but I am finding that it was my own projections. The lenses through which I looked out at the world that colored it to my way of thinking. And it was me who changed that. No body else did. I took charge and said, "I don't want to do this any more" and stopped following what I THOUGHT was everyone else's pressure.
I didn't have to stop hosting the parties. I love the liberated connection with free-thinkers. It goes deeper than "vanilla" people. Now that I have removed myself from bed hopping, I have time to enjoy the expansion process that is available when people from common backgrounds get together. I found that I could be myself right there inside the four walls of swinging and be free. This was an amazing discovery: that I had the power to change right there inside the prison of my own making. It wasn't the other people that created the prison. It was me. I just didn't understand. I had projected it onto other people. I couldn't see my way clear. When I stopped having sex with the many others in the swinging scene, I began to see. Really see. And understand.
The reason I am blogging this is to let it go. I am fortunate to have a website into which I can pour my ideas and feelings and not be persecuted. Sharing secret and private information is the privilege of a liberated society - one that is not available to many people across the globe, either due to tradition or to enforceable laws that result in death. Being able to talk about your heart-felt knowings is how we expand ourselves. Sex has always been a secret subject and still is. But once you start talking about it, about the feelings you have as a result of sex, and the insights and perceptions that start coming, there is an immediate sense of freedom. It is a heady feeling. Exciting feeling. The cloaking device that covers us and dims us down, dumbs us down, is the confusion of untruths and coverups. The quickest way to make changes in your life is to tell the truth. At least start out telling what you THINK is your truth. It may change once you're said it out loud, but that's only the beginning of the flow from your own inner self. Keep going. Keep telling the truth as you know it and see how quickly your world and your reality changes.
The liberation device is telling all. If it's difficult to break away from a life that is boring and frustrating, try telling the truth. I'm here to tell you, it works. Your own truth. Not someone else's truth. Only your own feelings. Be careful here not to blame someone else. First, before doing anything outwardly that affects other people, make an inner decision quietly with yourself. Soundboard with yourself and see if it's time. You don't have to tell anyone else about it. We have all lived under a set of denials and untruths. It's part of the world we live in. So practice telling yourself your own truth. Quietly. Within yourself. Just you, yourself and your heart. Your heart knows what is truth and what is not. When you find something that lifts your mood, your spirit, you know your heart approves. Excitement is a sure sign that your heart wants it. That's how you begin. Re-create your world. You don't have to run away from what you have already built. That would create further adversity. Change from within. From within your own heart and within your own four walls. You can do it right here at home. Practice saying the truth to yourself. "I am thus and such and I want this and this and this."
After my decision - and one month of proving time - I now have a world view. A new sense of freedom. The heavens have been opening and raining down all sorts of insights. Clouds are moving out of the way. The sun is shining. My mind is free. I see things that are mind-boggling. I say, "Oh my God!" several times a week and slap my forehead at some new realization. I feel like someone has installed new software into me and it's downloading clear, more efficient programs that are click-clicking into place. Does this make sense?
So I don't know what I will do with this website from now on. I will feel my way day by day and keep you posted. Stepping back from having sex with the many others has cleared my head and put me back in touch with my real self. I totally support the swinging lifestyle. It is good. It is a very powerful path of discovery. However. swinging is a couples sport and it takes a man and a woman to join a club, unless you are one of the lucky ones who can find a couple to sponsor you and come in as a threesome. To the many men whose wives are not interested, and to the few women whose men are not interested I recommend taking some time to go alone and listen to your heart, not your mind which is so full of fantasies as a result of internet temptations. Follow your heart - your own personal truth - and see where it leads. You might be surprised at the sense of freedom you will feel from within yourself.
12/28/15 - On Christmas Day I joined a healing meditation for Mother Earth which inspired me deeply. I would like to share it with you. Earth energy, that which comes from the ground up through your feet, is actually bliss energy. Whenever you feel Earth energy pulsing through your body you feel it as blissfully sensual. Or perhaps it is better phrased “sensually blissful“ because you do feel it as a physical sensation.That‘s because Earth energy is feminine, and feminine energy is sensual. Male energy is not sensual. There is a difference. Earth energy is very different from masculine energy. Masculine energy is electric and comes down from the sun. It brings with it visions, ideas, concepts so pure and so large that they have to be transduced, or stepped down. Father energy or masculine energy is quite different from feminine energy or mother energy.
Earth energy is Mother energy. It comes up from below our feet. It is the feminine soul of Mother Earth and it is bliss energy. We have not been taught this information. It is very late in coming to the forefront of our awareness. This education is overdue. Mother Earth is a living soul and she is feminine. She is motherly. She is bigger than all of us and she provides for us in every way. We - our bodies but not our souls - are built from her minerals, atoms and molecules so that we could enter into them at birth and grow and learn and walk around on the ground here, and talk to each other in human languages.
When Earth energy floods through us - I mean floods us like a tsunami - we go into the daydream state, or we trance out, like we do after having an orgasm, for that is Earth energy flooding us during orgasm. When we are transported into the bliss state we lose all thought and ability to form thought. We drift in the arms of the goddess energy. Shakespeare called it the arms of Morpheus. It is mother love. Feminine love. Goddess love. It is a pure state, uncontaminated by vulgar human thought and feeling. It is a resting state between human and divine. It brings profound inner peace. It feels sensual because it is the half-way state of being out of body, but we are not out of body, we are drifitng. It is hauntingly familiar and enticing to be in this state. It brings memories of - what? Where? Hard to identify but it is safe. We are home here. It is love.
There is no thought in this state of consciousness. It is a resting place, and there is only love, grace, beauty and peace here. Qualities that have no borders or rules or walls or boundries. There is only an awareness of peace and being where you belong. Earth energy comes from Mother Earth‘s heart and soul. Not just the soil and minerals, but her living heart and soul. You were adopted by her when you entered your body. You became a living part of her body. She is a conscious feminine being who has a heart of gold, meaning she is selfless. She gives and gives and gives. She radiates this love every day and night. Even when human beings ravish her and rape her by cutting down her trees, soiling her waters with trash and poison, she continues to grow food becaues it is her feminine nature to give and give and give, without thought of self and without fighting back. That is what feminine energy does.
There was a world meditation yesterday for the healing of Mother Earth, which I took part in;. I was alone out in the pasture, and I felt this energy in the most profound way ever. It was the first time I experienced the earth energy. With all that mankind has done to the planet, Mother Earth continues to radiate a most beautiful energy. I saw it as pure radiant gold and it was loving. It brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. It is too much to bear in the typical hard body of humanity.
But Mother Earth is weakening her ability to hold onto humanity‘s smallness. She is expanding out beyond. She herself is going into trance, into the daydream state, and it is lifting her upward beyond her desire to keep “working” and keep on holding on and holding back. That is why we are also experiencing going into trance more often, going into the daydream state more often, and the wanting to make love more often. It is more natural and normal for us to do that. We are expanding, along with Mother Earth. Our souls are drifting upward to a more pure state of love. It is evolution working within us.
The purpose of the Mother Earth meditation is to stop and listen and breathe quietly, focusing on peace, serenity, and just being. Be still and listen to the breezes, the trees, the grass, the birds, the clouds, the waters under the earth and upon the earth. Just be still and listen. That is tuning into the feminine energy within ourselves. Then we are giving back to the Mother some feminine yin energy which she is hungry for because she gets so much male “busy” energy. Contaminated human energy, not pure, not refined, not elevated, not peaceful. She keeps giving pure, refined, loving, elevated and peaceful energies but she does not get it back. She is losing. She is losing strength. She is losing the will to keep going. That is why she is daydreaming and rising higher up and going back to spirit.
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