Integrating the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
Diana's Blog
Archives 9/28/19 to 2/17/20
Archives 9/28/19 to 2/17/20
(Much of 2020 is missing. Sorry!)
2/17/20 - Today I am once again posting on the GALACTIC page and on the GODDESS page, because it is getting too much for me to post on 3 separate websites. I will maintain the separate websites for awhile but because I am unifying, as compared to starting new projects (which I was for awhile), everything I wish to share with the public will go into Anakosha. I am Anakosha and it is getting tiresome to have to separate postings by subject matter so people can find them. Everything that is of interest to me will now be be united and posted here. It simplifies things for me to gather all my chicks and children into one whole website presence. I am Anakosha, known as Diana, and I wish you a pleasant day today.
1/20/20 - Well, hello again! It is a new year and over a month since I have blogged on Anakosha. However, I have been busy posting on the website and also on the Galactic Federation website, both of which can be accessed by clicking "Goddess" and "Galactic" on the menu. Also I have been sending newsletters under the GoddessSphere signature. Busy, busy, busy, going back and forth between 3D and 5D reality and trying to stay balanced. Time passes quickly in 3D but does not exist in 5D, so it is a challenge coming and going.
Today I created a new category on the ARTICLES page called "Ascended Master Djwal Khul Speaks". These are messages he has given me over the years. I thought I would be able to organize them, but time is passing too quickly so I've decided to post them as they make themselves known to me. In 5D you do things as they flow by your window - that is, if you can capture them on the fly-by. DK has been my guide for 44 years and they are priceless dictations of wisdom and instruction. I will post them as time permits.
I wish all a wonderful year in 2020. The world is about to change and unfold in quick succession. Stay centered in your own heart and mind no matter what happens. Be real. Be solid. Be at peace within your skin. Your first obligation is to keep yourself in the center of your universe. Everyone has to hold their own center. You are not responsible for them (except for the children who are not mature enough to make their own decisions.)
12/20/19 - After a good solid 10 hour sleep last night with no lingering dreams, an awareness started to dawn on me like a sunrise casting ah-HA! rays all around as I laid on the acupuncture mat. I urge everyone to get an acupuncture mat. It stimulates the meridians and helps back pain.* (See footnote*)
Over the last month I’ve been plugged into an extraterrestrial group called, which is akin to plugging into a galactic wall socket. Before this, I believed it. Now I feel it. On this website beings from outside our world speak through channels and give us wisdom. It’s not just information. There's a feeling of familiarity. There's a sense of finding something that had been forgotten. Like, “Yes! Of course, of course, I know.” So it’s plugging in to something I once knew but had somehow lost the thread and I've been wandering around looking for it. It's similar to when you're on the phone and suddenly lots of static comes in and you can't hear them any more. Then just as suddenly it clears up and you hear their voice strong and loud again.
The aliens talk about it as telepathic. They are becoming stronger in telepathic communication with us. Instead of appearing in physical form in front of us, which they attempted to do right after WWII showing their ships, but it didn’t work well, there was too much fear, their efforts to approach us stepped back. They didn't want to cause fear and panic. They have been studying us to see how best they could reach us in a smoother way. Abductions took place for a few decades by some of the off-world races in order to get human DNA to mix with their own to create hybrid children. This is standard practice throughout the universe, to mix genes to advance a race. But the abductions, even with amnesia, were causing negative reactions, so that was stopped. They were stumped. They didn’t know how to reach us without causing fear because Earth and its citizens have been so locked down against outside interference.
Then everything changed when they discovered that some humans were empaths. They didn’t realize. It was a profound discovery. They had been perceiving Earth humans as having disorganized minds and emotions that made us impossible to reason with. Thus channeling began through people who were meditators and empaths. They are connecting with us by telepathy. Mind-to-mind. The problem is, most of us have been taught that such things are ridiculous and not remotely possible. It's just so-much fantasy. So people are not pickinup up on higher-dimensional whisperings through their extra-sensory perceptions. The website mentioned above is a portal. It is now online at: The point for bringing this forward is to share how it fits into a very personal local matter. It dawned on me as I listened through earphones. As the awareness grew steadily brighter and saturated my entire understanding, I realized this is about couples' relationships.
We speak about our relationships sometimes while focusing on issues we have with each other. And yet, issues aside, there is something larger that holds us together inside the relationship. While the aliens are addressing this on a galactic scale, I am seeing the positives playing out personally in our individual relationships. I didn’t see it until this morning. What we have going for us inside our couples' relationships is the same thing the aliens are talking about - telepathic communication. They are talking about a species “collective”. Couples have a relationship "collective". The aliens speak of being part of a collective on their planet, and we don't understand collectives because we on Earth are not one. Not yet anyway. But we understand our own relationships. Those of us who are coupled anyway. Singles may not understand right now, but they have had relationships at one time or another.
The relationship is our collective of two. In swinging we have evolved to include more. Those who are engaged in intimate friendships have moved themselves into a collective. Inside our couple relationships we have built a trust and we have faith in each other. We know what each other is capable of, what motivations, what intentions, what weaknesses, what strengths. We may have disrespected it, we may have cheated or done things behind the other's back, but we knew when it was against the health of the relationship and we tried not to do it again. We who are couples live inside this larger agreement that we could call a collective because it is so much bigger than two individuals. In swinging it is not two individuals who participate, but the relationship itself that participates. And other couples can sense it when a couple is not in agreement with each other. In swinging, there is no confrontation between couples, but there is knowledge, intuitive knowledge, of what the others are thinking. These couples who align with each other grow their twosome collective into a moresome collective. And so do mature civilizations grow also into planetary collectives.
When two individuals fall in love, they join forces, not just bodies. They join minds and hearts and souls and life forces and belief systems and errors and mistakes and issues and everything. Everything that life has to offer is there and present in the relationship. It's a force to be recognized. A relationship is so much more than I understood last week. A nation is a collective, and this week it made a collective agreement to impeach President Trump. A huge sigh of relieve or a long, low moan and beating of breasts. That's what collectives do - they grow together through consensus. Issues are resolved. We as a nation are growing. I believe we are also growing as a planetary collective. We are moving towards consensus as a planet.
Because the aliens are reaching out to us and revealing big-brother wisdom and maturity, and trying to do it in a way that is soft and benevolent, not to cause fear - that's how they reach us. That's how anyone reaches anyone - through gentleness and wisdom so they don't cause fear. Then there is a growing of respect. Perhaps even reverence. When I watch the channel’s eyes and see his arms and hands moving to try to express, and hear the different tones and inflections of the voice, it's easy to recognize a presence that is different from the human who is allowing his body to be spoken through. There are over 2,000 videos posted on the Girk-Fit-Niir website. By watching, my understanding of universal love is expanding. Love works through inclusivity, not exclusivity. Exclusivity is not even mentioned because it's a dead end. Fighting one another does not work. They are pointing out how the wisdom and logic of including those who appear different at first. By including them it gives us more power as a larger whole, whereas excluding them by hating them or holding them in contempt or making intellectual arguments against them, is loss of power. It cuts one off from the whole. They say that the enemy is another you, another aspect of yourself, so why do you fight against yourself? Instead, you should be gathering the different aspects back into yourself to make you more complete.
We know these words from religious texts but we have been schooled away from that approach. We don’t live them because we were trained not to. Now, our neighboring brothers and sisters are reaching out to us to add their voices to our emerging consciousness as a planet. To help, not to conquer or control. They who are coming through Girk-Fit-Niier are a small alliance of 6 species, just a small part of a universal collective. They in turn are communicating with other collectives.
Because couples swinging is my rooted reality, where I evolved personally in understanding the power of inclusivity, I am sensitive to the issues that are often raised inside the couples collective. It takes two to form a relationship and close body contact is an important part of it. As they bond together physically, each one's personal inner net changes and modifies. When two, four, six, eight couples bond together physically, each individual grows to the degree they accept the others. We grow in freedom. Close body contact through swinging, also known as couples dating, is an evolutionary path. It takes us into other dimensions, beyond current "norms". Interdimensional experiences take place when there is a larger love, or a larger acceptance, a larger agreement. Without SOME form of love, there is a closing down, a competition, jealousy, fear, suffocation. There are many names. Love is the word that means “inclusive”. Love finds a way, including someone is a way enlarge and evolve. We enlarge to accept the other's thought patterns and emotions, which modifies one's own thought patterns and emotions. Everything becomes larger and more whole. I'm carefully avoiding spiritual words here, but the word "holy" simply means more whole, more wholey, instead of less whole.
Those in swinging are on one hand finding marriage to be a conundrum in the primitive sense of the word (too confining) and on the other hand it is more wholesome. To those on the spiritual path trying to become more open and free, if their spouses are not willing to go along with them and are holding them back, what do they do? Some older people are finding they need to separate from their partner of many years, in order to complete themselves before they die. The galactics are bringing us a reminder of universal love, not the restrictive one-on-one love where you feel you have to protect yourself against invaders. Communication. Communication. Communication.
If we as an individual can't get along with our mate on this little ol' planet of nations that can't get along, where does it all start? I can't help but think close loving body contact. It's a beginning. There are pockets of people gathering to include others up close. I really don't know if the aliens swing or not, but I bet some of them do. If the species are compatible. Watch Star Trek and the like. The question is raised and considered. With the myriad numbers of planets and star systems out there whose inhabitants are getting along with each other, it goes without saying that they have found the answers that they are qualified to pass on to us. Granted there a few races that refuse to get along with the others, but they are diminishing in number because more and more of them are joining together and relinquishing the belief in separation. The light forces, known as the benevolent ones, are of higher dimensions and higher standards. They are winning because they are joining forces and are more powerful intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and technologically.
This all makes so much sense to me, this joining of forces. It is practical. It is logical. And it feels good. It is joining everything together, no matter on what level one comes from. The effort creates harmony. The universe operates on harmony. Disharmony causes galactic wars. In 1987 there was a harmonic convergence which not many understood at the time. Understanding is growing about harmonics. Sound healing and Reiki is becoming popular and saving lives. The harmonic convergence was an intervention. Joining forces is spreading as a result, globally. It happening in couples' relationships. Swinging, couples dating, polyamory, all forms of alternative intimacies is being explored as a joining of forces. It works when two different individuals, or four or six, sit and talk honestly from the heart with each other, and really focus the light of their understanding on what is being said. Both listening and revealing honestly. So many people are avoiding “the talk“. The inner dawning is slow to rise and shed light, but it does rise if all involved are willing to stop and listen, not just talk but really listen. And not pretend to go along with it just to keep the peace. There is no peace if there is pretense.
A common problem is where one wants to have "the talk" but the other doesn't. Consider this: it is not a problem but an opportunity to try something different. A refusal or rejection is like a door that quietly opens up to give permission to go back and re-consider. What comes forward in the moment is a path to consider. Choices arise. We create by the seat of our pants. We choose as we go. We learn by mistakes. And if there is a brick wall in front, you walk around it to see how the view appears from over there. I saw a mimic recently work his way along a wall of air. He moved his hands up, down, left and right and he eventually found the end of the wall, and he turned the corner. He got past the wall. You never know what you'll find when you turn the corner. A new view always appears.
A choice is what we do when we are faced with a brick wall. There are many choices. You can back off and let the other win. You can argue and fight back. You can get in the car and drive for hours. Or go to bed and forget it. Or call a friend to talk to. Or you can go meditate and try to transcend it. There is no end of options. You can leave. What I do - I may appear to give in and let it go, but I am including what is uncomfortable, into my heart. I'm allowing it and respecting it. I am revering it as best I can. It is something the higher ones are teaching us to do. It works for me. It's only the ego that fights and feels it must win, but the heart is not an ego. So I feel more whole and actually feel more peaceful and expanded. It's almost a sensual feeling.
My late husband’s way of dealing with a brick wall (me) was to say, "we're not going to bed with an argument unresolved." He was the wiser of the two of us. He would wait me out. I would eventually fold and sit down to talk with him. He was bigger than me, and older by 14 years. As I listen to the extraterrestrials I realize they are bigger than me. They are waiting us out but they're sitting there waiting. They are reaching us through thought to help us in our understanding. How to overcome brick walls which cause separation and loneliness.
They don’t want to interfere with us but they want to share with us how THEY did it. They are acting like older brothers and sisters. Each species has their own collective, and they are constantly working with other collectives. They use mind-to-mind communication which we have yet to understand. Extrasensory field communication. They are in touch with their collective constantly. In the video sessions I am watching, it is a call-in show, and callers call in with questions to the aliens. Every once in a while after a question is asked, the person who is channeling will sometimes say, “One moment please, I will ask.” There is a pause and then the channel speaks again. The alien presence apparently reached a questionable point where he or she was unsure whether to speak on this line of thought. If the advice is no, then they say, “I cannot say at this time.” And if the advice is yes, they alien presence continues elaborate on the subject asked.
We have this kind of telepathic agreement in our couple relationships, and work relationships and gender relationships. There are relationships of all kinds that are networked into our lives that go far beyond what we are normally conscious of. It behooves us to be more conscious of this beautiful network upon when we rely and have faith it. Having faith in a relationship is a wonderful thing, and we don't want to abuse it by overstepping our boundaries of what is appropriate. By being more aware of this faith-based network that exists between us, we can expand on it with positives. We are all learning. When we feel not to say something out loud, then we don't. We are designed to be in communication with our larger collectives, of all sorts. There are many different ones. The aliens are teaching us about this harmony that exists among us. We are learning how to retain harmony. When we go against our innate feeling of harmony, otherwise known as conscience, we experience a “bad feeling”.
Couples don’t have to put it into words. They understand each other. They know each other. But if something new comes up and there is a question, maybe a feeling of separation, then that's the time to talk. Allowing a feeling of separation to remain, doesn't just "go away". Without noticing it, it's an energy and it would sink down into the body's muscles and tissues. infiltrate muscles and tissues. “The issues are stored in the tissues”, say the healers, and become blockages. It is healthier to clear the air. Sometimes a jealousy is not jealousy at alla, but rather a sense of separation and the worst is imagined. It could be simply a bold new thought coagulating in the unified field where harmony existed, and the other senses the separation. Telepathy at work. The larger network of harmony that keeps the parties informed has thrown off a ripple. Wives often suspect husbands of having an affair because she “just know”. Sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not. Female instincts are commonly used as a crutch when they're not reliable. Some men do the same, although often men don't pay attention to their inner feelings the way women do. Clear the air when in doubt. Bring the unified field up to par, up to current, to reposition the understanding.
The galactics are from all over the galaxy and some from beyond. They are here to assist us into the galactic neighborhood. They are not here to disturb our planetary collective, but to enrich it by adding light and understanding. To help us bring ourselves more into alignment and to a higher standard of inclusiveness to join the rest of the galaxy. They are all different species and so are we. Each a part of their own collective but they have matured in spiritual, moral, ethical levels to respect the other collectives. They form alliances. They arrange meetings. They have ambassadors they send to delegations, just as we have here on Earth but they are not fighting each other. Instead, they are working at how to join each other. They discuss whatever comes to the foreground to be discussed.
That is what I‘m doing with the women‘s gatherings. We are meeting to discuss whatever comes up. We do not know what will come up. It’s an alliance of females. The galactics do this in a mature, grow-up manner because they have greater understanding of the power of telepathy. Women use telepathy more than men do in our world. That’s why I am inclined to meet with women first. Later we can form an alliance with men and see whatever comes up that may be inclusive and respectful to enhance us all and bring us closer together. When the galactics meet together with their vast differences, they do it better than us. We can learn from them. Women are easier to connect with because of their underlying nature being affectionate, spontaneous, loving, unifying and nurturing.
Higher dimensions are higher in all those qualities. We don’t understand what dimensions mean because we don‘t understand what love means. The galactics of higher dimensions are expressing these qualities. Empaths and spiritual people are the ones listening and spreading the knowledge. Everyone has the capacity to be an empath. An empath is one who listens and allows new thought to enter and be considered. It allows differences in. The world is in chaos because people are fighting against others who are different. We can change and we are changing. More light is coming to us and we are receiving it. Galactic intervention has already been happening. There is growing evidence from scientists and others that they have always been here. And further that we are related. They are our extended family. Their genes are in us through our DNA. Hybridization has always been done, from race to race, since the beginning, I am learning.
The galactics, or so-called aliens, live outside of our physical reality but that is not a problem. That is fact. All races have their own physical reality on their planets. It is by consensus that a planetary civilization grows together, evolves and matures together because there is a force field to the planet. We are maturing enough to be aware of their presence. Some are eager, some afraid. But they are peeking in through our windows and waving at us and we are receiving them. This is so amazing to me. I am so excited. It is part of why I am inspired to anchor a women‘s group as a portal to that which is coming. Contact with aliens has been represented as a dark, scary thing. The military has been armed, trained and prepared with super-hero warriors and weapons ready to fight to protect our planet, even while ridiculing the idea there is such a thing to protect against. How strange that they should turn out to be like the lovable ET in the movie by Steven Spielberg. And that the beloved Yeshua and his mother was one of them.
12/4/19 - My evolutionary journey to higher levels of understanding continues. Spirituality and sexuality has always been the central theme of my entire adult life. However, from the spiritual love perspective, I found men were slowly but surely wearing me down to where I did not want to be. It was uncomfortable but I didn't know how to not be there if I were to be a loving, giving person. I was both in the lifestyle and a professionally licensed massage therapist working from the spiritual love perspective. But I found myself being reduced, when in contact with men's bodies, to the lowest level of skin contact. It was making me resentful and on the verge of becoming embittered. One day after an encounter where I hit rock bottom, I asked the Ascended Master Djwal Khul, who had been my spiritual advisor for over 40 years, "Please tell me what's wrong with me? I love massage, I love people, why do I hate it now?" And this is what he told me. This is Master DK speaking:
“When a man has his release in a sexual orgasm, he is expelling all the toxins and misqualified energies that he has allowed to build up within him. These impure energies which he himself creates, drop downward, pulled by gravity to the lower parts of his body. Uplifting happy thoughts and feelings gather around the upper body and head and bubble upward into the atmosphere above the head, but negative particles are dense, made heavier by impure thoughts, selfish motives, unkindness, anger, hatred and meanness. These fall earthward within the auric field of the individual, creating a heaviness that encircles him around. The desire to have sex is a desire to rid himself of unclean emotions and thoughts which he terms “stress”. He feels it as stress and as a suffocation because it really is preventing his own clean and pure life from shining forth and expressing freely in his life.
The desire to have a sexual blowout is a desire to get rid of this heaviness that has built up in his energy field and is now suffocating him. It is causing tension which causes erratic and moody behavior. It is like being in a straight jacket. Women experience this too, in subtly different ways. The life-long work is to learn what causes these mood swings. If a man or woman would learn to raise their thoughts to a happier, higher level and not permit negative thoughts or emotions to linger in them, they would enjoy a more pleasant and freely expressive life - one not driven by the constant need to have a sexual release to feel good again.
There is nothing wrong with sex but the intent and motive behind it. A sexual "need" is selfish, where a loving attraction to be with someone is not selfish but an expression of joy and wonder. In the latter case a sexual encounter would be relaxed and equally loving rather than darkly demanding. When sexual need is present, there is force behind it which is unnatural. When one has become more uplifting and happy in thought and feeling one feels free and no force is required to feel loving. No negative particles are involved that are pushing for release.
Human kind is here to learn to choose wisely the types of thoughts and feelings entertained. You are here to learn the cause and effect of negative vs. positive thought. You are the masters of your thoughts; choose wisely for you prepare your future by the thoughts you carry around with you today. Negative and depressing thoughts are best changed with forgiving yourself and appreciating even the bad thought. Love and appreciation is the transformative agent. Do not permit negative thoughts to build up and you will not build heavy dense layers that suffocate you.
Mankind is here to learn from mistakes, not be buried by the aftermath of mistakes. Be wise. Become enlightened to the laws of life and flow with them, not against them. Man is here to raise the energies that flow through him cleanly, like a fresh sparkling river of pure undiluted LIFE. Do not allow that pure undiluted life to become impure by negative thought whether it be a negative reaction or a negative experience.
There is a universal sense of “dirtiness” around sex and prostitution for this reason, though most people are unaware of the truth of it. Women who work in this field take these toxins into themselves in the process of giving the man the release they need. She is doing him a great service. Likewise the man who is performing the service for women. Or men for men and women for women. It does not matter who is performing the service, they are accepting the misqualified energies of the other. That is why you are resisting this behavior. Those who perform sexual services should learn how to cleanse themselves before and after so they may remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.
The introduction of Tantra is instruction in inner work. The Western version of Tantra is in error, with a sexual overcast to it. Tantra is a teaching in elevating thought. Practitioners are taught not to release their energies or physical semen (their dirty laundry) into a lover. Tantra is a beautiful purifying course of study that one may undertake alone without a partner. This inner work involves keeping one’s thoughts and feelings pure and uplifted. Even when a thought or a feeling enters, one learns how to be the master of those thoughts and feelings, and how to change them to kind, loving, intelligent and beautiful thoughts and feelings. In this way he elevates and inspires himself and all who come in contact with him (or her). Purity of body is also required, which one would automatically and naturally be impulsed to follow, if one's thoughts and feelings are inspired by higher and more elevated living. These are the trainings of Tantra. When done in advance, prior to love-making with another person, one has most loving and sweet encounters." (End of message)
11/12/19 - Thought for the day! Stay positive in your focus, even in the midst of challenges. A powerful period of change is upon us. There are so many changes happening at once, it's like a whirlwind. Staying positive puts you above the rocky changes so they don’t bother you so much. Joy is a lifting emotion, find ways to stay in joy. You won't notice the craziness so much. Transcend the changes and be like a bird flying over the terrain. Fly smoothly over the rocking of the earth by find something positive to think on, or do. It's your responsibility to stay sane and positive. Go up to the sun. Imagine connecting with the source of warmth, comfort, light and goodness. You are a creator. Create positive, create goodness, create joy, create vitality. Stay positive in your focus.
Listen to your spiritual guides and teachers. They speak to you by blending in with your own thoughts and thinking. You sometimes wonder, “Now where did THAT thought come from?” Say “Thank you!” to your spirit guides. They are blending with you. Your higher self and spirit guides are always trying to reach you to lift you up. They give you more positive thoughts than your own mind can give you, since your own mind has been programmed to the outer world of physicality, low vibration. Trust any new thoughts that come your way, even if they are out of your league. Trust them. There is a war in consciousness going on. A battle for where you put your focus. Lower forces try to attract your attention tramatic events that rock you, like bombings that cause you to fear, murders close to home, explosions, political dramas, even your own friends and family members spit out dramas and traumas. Don't close off, don't go into panic, don't go into fear and don't argue with them. Just go into positive mode. Stay positive in attitude, thought and feeling. Higher thoughts, higher feelings, higher attitudes. Raise your vibrations to higher frequency. Go up to the sun, give a prayer of thanksgiving, be in peace. Go to the top of a mountain in your imagination. Be above the rocking and rolling. When you do this you are a light worker and peace keeper.
11/4/19 - This message was given to me this morning without my asking for it. It surprised me. I started writing a note to myself but my hand kept on going for two whole pages, front and back. While I was writing I was aware that I am to send this out today. No holding it back, which I am prone to do. Do it today. And I am to send it to the men as well as the women. There is no duality, I am getting. No feminine and masculine in the divine nature within.
The human craziness we see in the world around us is not out there - it is in you. You fight against yourself. What has happened over many centuries is the imprinting of ugliness by bad controllers and dictators pushing humanity repeatedly into corners, and persecuting those who were not willing and obedient slaves. This created terrible marks on the genetics of those who experienced trauma. Our ancestors then passed their wounded genes on to their children who led still more damaged lives. Also buried in our DNA is rebellion. Our ancestors fought against the oppressors and went through many revolutions, wars and battles. So today we protest and express our frustration. Some express it by spewing hate words out into the already toxic atmosphere, while others attempt to apply reason. Still others retreat into the depths of despair and depression and others pick up guns and go on shooting sprees. It all adds more chaos to the world we live in but we were born into it, and we assume it is normal.
But it’s not. You carry a divine blueprint within you that is perfect, sane, loving and healthy. There are some who recognize this and take steps to raise themselves above the turmoil. They take up yoga, meditation, self-healing, and study ways to bring peace to their own world. These people are on the right track, focusing their attention on themselves, within, to get back in touch with the divinity. Increasing numbers are leaving religion in an attempt to find some semblance of a higher order outside of doctrine, but many still focus on what’s wrong with the world instead of what's wright. They do not realize they carry the wrongness within themselves.
The scars are still there from long-ago ancestors. You cannot be free from corruption when you carry corruption within you. The craziness is not OUT THERE, it’s inside you but it is not supposed to be there. Get rid of it. There are ways. Start the purification process today. Shift back to the center of your body, your heart, your soul, and find some peace.
I took a detour off to the side and started writing only to women, because I needed the feminine for validation. But as I get closer to the divine feminine within myself, I see that this is the same divinity in men, too. It makes no difference whether a man or a woman. I find myself oscillating back and forth in my understanding that men and women are not different. They are the same creature: human. It doesn’t matter if they have a penis or a vagina. They are divine in their inner nature.
Through the GoddessSphere newsletter I am amplifying the divine feminine because that's who I relate to right now. Women offer me comfort because men seem to obstruct me. But, be that as it may, I see that it is the outer human nature that is careening wildly off the page and hurting people, whereas the divine nature is buried down under and inside the human. The human nature has corrupted us but the divine is still there within. This is the message that came to me this morning.
The Seven Seals
You are a divine being born straight out of the heart of Father-Mother God - a divine and holy spark of the Creator. Pure. Sacred. Innocent. And conscious of yourself as an individual. You had no corruption in you. You were simply a consciousness, a spirit spark, conscious of love. As you grew in self awareness you found that others responded to you, so you began to develop an individuality, just like a human baby. And eventually you wanted to explore. You learned about physicality and creatures and worlds and galaxies. And you wanted to go there too. You wanted to descend down into the form world. But before you could do that you were told you had to attend seven schools. These schools would imprint you with essential qualities that you would need, for you will enter a world of many different forms and opposites, and you will need to remember who you are.
Each of the seven schools taught a specific quality. There were many teachers because each quality had many different aspects to it. You were shown the many differences in colors, feelings, tones and vibrations. You were exposed to all of the God qualities before incarnating into flesh. Your mentors were elders who had been through all of it before, and they taught you how to identify subtle situations while on Earth.
You stayed in one school for as long as it took for you to absorb the quality fully so you resonated with it. And when your teachers felt that you were ready to move on to the next school, you began your studies with the next quality. There were only seven schools but each one had so many facets to it - today we have many slightly different sounding words that resonate near the same quality as another, only a smidge apart - so each school was vast, like a university. Everyone who desired to explore the world of form, or third dimension where we are today, had to complete the seven schools. They are referred to as the seven rays of the creator.
The seven qualities are accessed through the seven chakras. For bible scholars, they refer to the seven churches, or the seven candles, or the seven seals. Each quality has a color and a tone, hence there are seven primary colors on Earth, and seven notes on the musical scale. Following are the seven qualities:
The first school imprinted you with will power, for you would need to be fully armed with a strong will to go the whole nine yards and not give up, no matter what situation you faced. The second school imprinted you with intelligence, for you had to be well armed with enlightened intelligence so you would not get pulled off the beaten track by outside forces and do something stupid. The third school imprinted you with love and reverence, for you had to have enough love in you and reverence for ALL life in the outer world that, no matter how dreary a situation, you would be able to melt it with that quality.
The fourth school imprinted you with purity for you would need to know what impurity is when you encountered a situation that did not have the right vibration of purity to you. . It has been called the immaculate concept and you carry within you. It is your saving grace and you need to know these things.
The fifth quality you were imprinted with was truth. You were saturated with God’s truth so that you would know the true truth when you encountered the not-truth in your Earth wanderings. Truth is an immaculate science which is contained within you on a soul level and it heals all disease and error.
The sixth school imprinted you with peace and comfort. You were swaddled and coddled and held inside the arms of peace and comfort so long that you would know whenever you came into contact with not-peace and not-comfort while on the Earth.
The seventh and final quality you were imprinted with was liberation. You were held within the vibrational resonance of freedom for so long that you were saturated with it and would recognize not-freedom whenever you encountered it.
Further, the essence of freedom was to be held in balance along with the other six qualities - will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth and peace. When you had completed attending all seven schools and were fully imprinted with the qualities of divinity you would need, you were then born into a human body. They told you that you would forget all of this when you arrived on Earth, but that you carry these divine vibrations within you, in your soul, and they would be there for you to use but you have to locate them after you arrive. They are your inner nature.
It doesn‘t matter if you are a man or a woman. Your inner nature is divine. Be aware of that. All imperfection that you today call "human" has been overlaid into your cells by human mistakes and errors. Remember that you are divine. Let your inner nature guide you. You have not been taught this. You need to know that you have that within you. You are a noble being from a pristine and high estate. Your soul is divine. You were created from the highest level of all, and you have angel qualities within you. You were born into a world of a myriad strange, foregin and alien differences, but you are armed with the highest and noblest. You are right to say, "I Am What I Am" and believe it. Feel it. It is you. Don’t let others pull you away from who you are. Guide your actions through the feelings of your highest, noblest and truest.
Is it your will and not someone else’s will that you are following?
Does it strike you as intelligent or stupid that you are doing?
Does this situation feel loving?
Does it feel pure and innocent?
Does it have the ring of truth?
Does it give you a sense of comfort and peace?
Does it give you a feeling of liberation?
I received the following youtube today, which validates all that has been said here. I’m including the link for you to listen to. It is by a man who works with small intimate groups around the world, guiding them lovingly back into their own inner truth.
11/1/19 - The Shadow in you. What you resist composes your shadow. What is something you fear? Name it and repeat it. We need to face the shadow energy in us for the shadow forms at the exact moment that a strong conscious position is staked out. The shadow consists of all the rejected elements of the conscious mind. When we identify ourselves with one end of the spectrum, the rejected end begins taking on a life of its own below the conscious level. In this secret place, whatever is not acknowledged has to be projected onto the outside world in order to be experienced, for the creator has rejected it. The power of the shadow is equal to the degree of insistence and brittleness of the position you take and maintain. Monstrous acts. We must face and integrate elements of the shadow into our lives.
This does not mean becoming a monster; it means acknowledging it. The activity that creates monsters is not integrating with the shadow and denying its existence in oneself. (i.e., Me? I would never do that!) Integration does not mean acting out, but genuine acknowledgement, admitting that one is capable of doing such a thing. Acknowledging the shadow in you, that which you are fighting against, acts as a psychic release valve relieving unconscious pressure so you are better able to hear the promptings of your higher self. Learn how to approach the shadow. Resistance is your barrier and block. What you resist composes your shadow.
Resistance is the process by which seeds of evil are sown and grown. When you acknowledge a shadow element in yourself, you feel a sigh. A deep intake of breath. It’s a sign that there was a release. In me, in you, is the full spectrum of human experience, good and bad. We want to acknowledge this. It doesn’t change our approval or disapproval of particular factors. It’s simply willingness to face facts. Allowing a fact is integration. The act of acknowledgement frees you to make better choices. The shadow is redeemed by continual process of honest self-evaluation. When you’re uncomfortable, pay attention and ask yourself, “What am I trying to avoid or repress or deny?” What is making me squirm?
Be your own therapist. It’s never a person or thing or act that makes you uncomfortable. It’s something you are trying to avoid seeing and dealing with. Stop and look objectively at yourself. Perhaps someone is coming up your walk right now, ready to knock on your door, and you are uncomfortable for some reason. The best solution to this experience is to say to yourself, “OK, I don’t have control over this so I shall embrace it.” Acknowledgement and embracing is always the best solution. Walk into the discomfort or the fear. It is powerful.
10/23/19 - My blogs are going into the Goddess page because I can't seem to write if men are in my mind. Once I get past the block that men are holding me back, I will resume posting here on Diana's blog. Meanwhile, check the Goddess page if you are interested.
9/28/19 - This morning I realized something. Instead of giving credit to a particular ascended master for the many dictations I have been getting over the years, I am supposed to OWN the wisdom for myself. Whatever I become aware of is MY intelligence in a process of recognition. I have been giving my power away thinking the words came from someone else. I did not recognize my own enlightenment process. (i.e., yesterday's NL) Today I see that God is not a "thing", God is a process. God is one's higher self blending with lower self. And there's a higher self beyond that, and another higher self and another and another, on into infinity. God is growing itself through the many parts. God is evolving. There is no end to God. There is only a process of unfolding. God is not a thing to chase down and discover. Rather, it's a process of recognition. God is the ascended masters, God is the galactics, God is our loved ones who died, God is the angelics, God is the tree, the vegetable, the animal, the insect, the stone, the air, the water. God is the many parts. God is everything. God is you. God is me. God is awareness, intelligence, wisdom. God is lighting up the world. God is your ex-wives and my ex-husbands. God is space. God is time. God is the sun, the moon, the planets, the extraterrestrials. Not different but the same. I am recognizing this. God is not separate. God is not a "thing". God cannot be owned, one becomes God through the process of elimination (of what is wrong). God is a process of becoming more aware of what is right, and therefore it is a process of becoming more connected. God is a process of evolving. God is the lesser, the dumber, the blinder, the more ignorant, the more dark, the more unenlightened, the more obstruction, the more resistance because God is the many parts. God is the evil evolving into good. The Buddhists don't use the word "God" because then it would become something outside of oneself, set apart, a separation, a difference. God is self. God is soul seeking its father and mother. Today I sense familiarity, I sense family. I'm moving closer. God is not separate and apart. I am not ready to say I am God and I am everywhere. But I am in process of becoming more aware than I was yesterday.
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